WHMMHHMPP^paVWM 8957 X907 HISTORY =OF THE: Presbyterian Church INIOWA ••• JL OO t ••• .,,1900,.. •«- ,.i^>»Y » ^tficiro^ JOSEPH WELTON HUBBARD. D. D. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN IOWA 1837-1900 HISTORY Prepared by Committee of Synod of Iowa y JOSEPH W. HUBBARD. D. D. CHAIRMAN ...^^ APR 7 1994 JONES ca WELLS THE SUPERIOR PRESS CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA 1 A* 9 A* J* 7 ^ ^0^^ '^i^ \ ^*>Hns ^^lm^r:.<^' y INTRODUCTION It is customary when a new book is born into the world for its " Next Friend " to indulge in a few words ex- planatory — an effort to excuse if he cannot justify its appearance. This is my present task. This book had its being on this wise: Just on his way to the hospital in August, 1901, the author was notified by our beloved and now lamented Dr. McClintock that he was chairman of a committee of ten to report to the coming Synod on a matter of Presbyterian History. Lying on his back, bedewing his pillow with tears while our martyr McKinley was dying, the chairman penciled a report which was unanimously approved by the committee, presented to Synod, and adopted. By it a committee consisting of the Stated Clerk and a minister and elder from each Presbytery were to secure and utilize the material for our work in the state from the earliest time till 1900. The theory was that the Stated Clerks would jump at the chance of pouring their well selected materials into the hands of the chairman, who would send out a book full of information and edification. Rev. J. W. Hubbard was made chairman. Scores of geniuses have invented tlje perpetual motion — in each instance faultless in every respect but one, it would not go. Such was our machine-made history. One Stated Clerk, Brother Nicholas of Iowa, sent me valuable material. Two others sent me interesting items. Weary of trying to make "bricks without straw," we turned to the General Assembly Minutes of 1837 to 1900 for light. All material facts were before us. Then came a vision of hard work. What plan should we adopt best to serve the church? To have selected a hundred of our best churches and most successful ministers might have insured a readable book. The story of the 200 churches dead, and of their worn out pastors would not have been cheerful reading. We determined to tell briefly the story of all. We found enrolled, between 1837 and 1900, 750 churches and 1200 ministers. The 750 churches had shrunk to 416 by 1900. The 334 were not all dead. Many had changed names. The Cumberland flock has already been folded with ours. All interested parties are hoping and expecting the United Presbyterians to be with us soon. It seems wonderful that 682,799 of our 2,200,000 should be reckoned as church members. This is explained by the fact that the Catholic and some other churches count all their baptized children. We have about one-fifteenth of the entire membership in our church, and presumably about one hundred and fifty-five thousand in our con- gregations. We fear that in distribution of space some brethren may feel themselves not fairly dealt with. In a book covering so wide a range with 750 churches and 1200 ministers space is precious. Yet some may feel surprised to see how small they look in so large a crowd. It does seem strange for one of the masters to settle down and hold a church 20, 30, 40, years, and fill only a few lines, while another sheds light on half a dozen states and a half score of churches, and fills a half page. But remember, dear Brother in thy feathered nest, thou hast had thy good things in this life. Let the wandering stars shine. A few words about our task. It was a sin of ignorance that took us into it. Early words of encourage- ment led us on. Then it became a labor of love. Apparent indifference discouraged and delayed the work. We never received a hundred subscriptions. Ill health at one time led us to get the pleilge of a valued frieml to take up the work if it fell from our hands. Finally we determined to publish even if we had to bear one-half the expense ourselves. We ought to pay for our luxuries. We trust that among our 377 ministers, 1468 elders, and 45426 members there there ma.y be found interest enough, and means enough, to take a considerable portion of an edition of 800. You will believe me when I say that this book has cost four thousand hours of labor. Not infrequently, with aid of the gray head and nunble fingers across the study table, have twenty hours of labor been crowded into a day. It is a family secret that the gray head and nimble fingers have made the work possible. Possibly, some may find that we have omitted their well-earned titles. If so, we beg pardon. Will try to do better in the next edition. With varying names we have wrestled hard now and then to keep some man from becoming two. How many times we liave condensed two into one we cannot tell. Dates will get mixed: figures will sometimes lie. In looking back, we find that we commenced our task with two qualifications: 1. leisure. 2. Love for the church and the men whose story we were to recount. Thanks to the friends who have waited so patiently. We trust they will find the work a convenient book of reference, long after the hand that wrote has lost its cunning. Had we known at the outset the seriousness of the task offered the Synod would have been looking elsewhere for its History. But the pleasures of walking and talking with two generations of Christian workers, entering into their sorrows and their joys, their defeats and their victories, of seeing our church grow from the handful to the -44,000; and then the hope of enabling the church that is and the church that is to be to see more clearly the things we saw — these have paid for the years of strenuous labor. And could I have known years ago what a privilege this was to be, and had I been permitted to choose the final labor in which I should serve the church for which I began pulpit service on my 29th birthday, I would have asked the privilege of writing The History of the Presbyterian Church in Iowa, and subscribing its Introduction. Yours for the Cause, Mount Vernon, Iowa, May 11, 1907. JOSEPH WELTON HUBBARD- THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN IOWA Part I. Its Founding, its Presbyteries and Synods. In our early geographies "The Great American Desert" was as real as "The Sahara." If memory serves aright, that desert commeneed between the great rivers and reached well out toward the Rocky Mountains. It is a fact at least, that the impression of early settlers was that a con- siderable strip along the Mississippi was fertile and that beyond that the land was worthless. This is the desert that doth blossom as the rose. Iowa, the multi-voweled, the Red Man's home and his legacy, is the land of our story. This Geographical Jewel, three hundred miles by two hundred miles in extent, set between the two great rivers, its western border nearly midway between Portland, Maine, and Portland, Orgeon, was the hunting ground of the savage till the coming of a sturdier race. Our God had kept the land for the "sifted seed" that should develop into a Na- tion of power and freedom, and a Church of intelligence and spiritual power. In 177G a new-born Xation astonished the world. Three millions of freemen stood before the world, at the close of a long and bitter struggle, as a Nation with a right to be. But, with independence achieved, their prospects were not liright. Small in numbers, nationally and personally bank- rupt, geographically with narrow boundai-ies, what could be expected? Canada, lately wrested by the Mother Country from France, shut us in on the north; Spain, the great Discoverer and Colonizer, bounded us on the south and west; the French, by right of discovery and occupancy, held the entire upper Mississippi Valley, the wonders of which were to astound the centuries. Those little states had before them the question that has troubled many in our day — the question of expansion. It became a burning question, a necessitj' and a duty. Our Church, whose birth as a completed organization bears the same date as the completed nation, had forced upon it the duty of expansion. And Nation and Church have moved forward in the discharge of the duty. Both have expanded HISTORY The Spaniard faded out from Florida. Napoleon had bought the Lower Mississippi region from Spain. In good time the Mississippi Valley was bought from Napoleon at a ridiculously small price. It was a good bargain for Ijoth parties. The territory was everj'thing to us. The money was worth more than the land to the Meteor of Sovereigns, the Majestic Prisoner of St. Helena. Later on, "That man of blood and iron, Marcus Whit- man," saved for us our own Oregon, at a time when a United States Senator pul jlicly declared, " I would not give a pinch of snuff for all that lies beyond the Rocky Mountains." He evidently placed a high value on his snuff. . Then came our trouble with Mexico; and, by a liberal purchase, we completed our broad belt to the Pacific. Later we bought Alaska for about the price of a season's catch of salmon — not to speak of seals and gold. And so we made a field for Sheldon Jackson and his lieutenants to plant the gospel of civilization and of Christianity under the midnight sun. Our Church has worthily kept pace with the Country; and gospel privileges have traveled with the hardy pioneers. In 1837 our General Assembly, after years of strife, not creditable to either party, " excluded " a considerable part of the Church, and inaugurated the lamentable breach which took thirtj'-three years to heal. For a generation the unbrotherly struggle between brethren of the same name and faith went on. It is at the outset of this bitter struggle that our history begins. Settlers from the older states, seeking broader farms, had moved westward, and brought the Church with them. Iowa was especially favored in the character of its pioneers. Dubuque had been a French Post, and the Roman Catholic Church was there, of coiu'se. As a rule, people seeking new homes follow isothermal lines. So our early settlers came from New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio, with a sprinkling from Virginia and Kentucky. And through these states had flowed the tides from abroad. Either directly or in- directly the Scotch and the Irish had come. Among them not a few of those who had the misfortune to be born out of their native country, and were, therefore, called Scotch- Irish. That mixture leavened the early population. The Presbyterian Chmch for them was a necessity. In 1S34 it was first made lawful for white men to settle in our terri- tory. The lilierty was eagerly used; and by hundreds the pioneers began to stake their claims and build their cabins. They naturally first entered along our southern border. PRESBYTERIES AND SYNODS 3 The story of the peripatetic life of our state is worthy of note. In 1803 it was not in the United States, but was a French possession. At the Louisiana Purchase, 180-3, it became a part of the Indiana Territory. In 1804 it was in Iowa Territory. In 1812 it was in Missouri Territory. In 1834 it was in Michigan Territory. In 1836-8 it was in Wisconsin Territory. In 1838 it icas Iowa Territory. In 1846 it became a state. Story of the Old School, 1837-70 THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH In response to petition, the Presbyterian Church of West Point was organized June 24, 1837, by Revs. Samuel Wilson and Launcelot G. Bell, representatives of the Pres- bytery of Schuyler, Illinois, lying across the river. Of the eleven who were organized into the church we have the names of but ten: Alexander H. Walker, Isabella Walker, Ambrose Stone, William Patterson, Eleanor Patterson, David Walker, Nancy Walker, Cyrus Poage, Mary Poage, Malinda Taylor. The elders chosen were Alexander H. Walker, Cyrus Poage and William Patterson. This Church was followed by Round Prairie (Kossuth), with thirteen members, August 14, 1839, and Mount Pleasant in 1840, with six members. By the fall of 1840 Burlington, Fort Madison, Davenport, Iowa Citj', Spring Creek and Rocking- ham had been added to the roll, making nine. THE FIRST PRESBYTERY— IOWA In tlie fall of 1840 these nine churches were set off from Schuyler Presbytery, and the Presbytery of Iowa was formed. The Presbytery met as directed, at Blooniington (iluscatinc) and organized, November 6, 1840. Roll: I.. Ct. Bell, who ])rcailied the opening sermon; Michael Hummer, first Moderator; John .Mark Fulton, Enoch Mead. Received by Cerlificale: John Stuckcr and Salmon Cowles. Churches enrolled, nine, a.s before named. HISTORY THE FIRST SYNOD -IOWA 111 IS.JI to pave the way for a new Synod the Synod of Illinois divided the Presbytery, making three: Iowa, Cedar, Des Moines. In 1852 the General Assembly created The Synod of Iowa. This Synod met and organized at Muscatine, October 14, 1852, Father Bell, Moderator. Roll of Synod. Presbytery of Iowa. Ministers: Salmon Cowles, J. C. Sharon, Thos. H. Dinsmo're, Joshua Phelps, Joseph Rogers, 0. J. King. Absent: F. B. Dinsniore. Elders: Hamilton Brown, Win. McClure, Thomas Cherry, David Walker, Wm. Patterson, L. Cook, J. E. Law. Presbytery of Cedar. Ministers: Charles Cummins, D.D.. John Hudson, Silas H. Hazard, Geo. D. Porter, James Gallatin, Jas. S. FuUerton, J. D. Mason, J. B. Hadden, J. G. Wilson, Justus T. Umsted, Wm. C. Mason. Absent: J. L. Lyon. Elders: B. B. Hutton, Thompson Bell, J. S. Horton, M.D., S. V. Rii)pey. Presbytery of Des Moines. Ministers: L. G. Bell, Daniel Hider, S. C. McCunc, R. S. Dinsniore, R. McGuigan, George M. Swan, W. J. Frazer. Elder: J. Beattie. 1S55. The Presbytery of Dubuque was formed from the nor- thern half of Cedar. The Presbytery of Minnesota (later St. Paul) was attached to Synod of Iowa. [In our history we omit the records and statistics of all the outside Presbyteries.] 1856. The Presbytery of Council Bluffs was formed of tlie western half of Des Moines. 1857. The Assembly divided the Synod. Iowa was left with Presbyteries of Cedar, Dubuque, St. Paul and Sioux City. lou'd Southern Synod consisted of the Presbyteries of Iowa, Des Moines, Council Bluffs. 1858. The Presbytery of Nel)raska (later Oniaiia) was added to Sj'iiod of Iowa South. ] 859. The Presbytery of Iowa was divided l)y the creation of the Presbytery of Fairfield. The Presbyteries remained PRESBYTERIES AND SYNODS till the rcuniun in 1870: Iowa, Fairfield, Des Moines, Mis- souri River, and Colorado. 1860. The Presbyter)^ of St. Paul was absorbed by the new Synod of St. Paul. The I'reshytery of Toledo was oriianized. Six years later its name was changed to \'inton. 1865. The Presbytery of Sioux City became Fort Dodge. 1867. The Presbyter\- of Frankville was organized. So at the reunion of 1S7(), the Synod North consisted of these Presby- teries: Cedar, Dubuque, Fort Dodge, Frankville, Vintf)n. Story of the New School, 1838-70 \\'ith the zeal born of the troublous times, the New School were little behind the Old. They worked largely under a Union Board, along with the Congregationalists. That American Home Missionary Society had proved a source of irritation before the division of the Church, and sometimes troubled its best friends in the New School fold. 1838. Fort Madison Clnu'cli was organized by Rev. Jas. A Clark in the employ of the A. H. M. Society. November 25, 1 838, a chvu'ch was organized in Burling- ton. In 1S43 it passed into the Congregational fold, and enjoyed the life kSng ministration of Dr. William Salter. 1840. The Church of Yellow Springs was organized Septend)er 12, In' Rev. J. A. Carnahan. 1840-41. The Churches of Keosauqua, Troy, I51o(}niington. (.Mus- catine) were organized. 1842. Toolsboro Church was organized by Rev. Wm. Rankin. FIRST PRESBYTERY April 12, 1842, met at Yellow Springs (now Kossuth) a number tif Jlinisters and Elders in sympathy with the New School party, and organized the Presbytery of Des HISTORY Moines. The next year they were connected ^with the Synod of Illinois. At the organization^there were present: Ministers: W. W. Woods, Wm. C. Rankin, Chas. R. Fisk, James A. Clark. Elders: A. C. H. White, Samuel Fullen- vveider, Samuel Lucas^ Rev. A. L. Rankin was received from the Presbytery of Cincinnati. 1852. Preparatory to the creation of a Synod, the Synod of Illinois divided the Presbytery of Des Moines, making the Presbyteries of Des Moines, Iowa City and Keokuk. 1853. FIRST SYNOD The General Assembly having created the Synod of Iowa, it was duly organized at Yellow Springs (Kossuth) September 1, 1853. Sermon by Rev. W. W. Woods. ROLL. Presbytehy of Des Moines. Ministers: Thompson Bird, John C. Ewing, Asa Martin. Absent: Jas. H. Shields. Presbytery of Iowa City. Ministers: W. W. Woods, Samuel Storrs Howe, Willistou Jones, John Summers, Jolin D. Strong. Presbytery' of Keokuk. Ministers: S. K. Sneed. Wm. H. Williams, Gamaliel C. Beanian, James M. Phillips, Edmund D. Holt. Absent: Glen Wood, Moses G. Cass. Elder: Thomas Blair from Church of Yellow Springs. 1855-59. The Presbytery of Dubucjue was organized in 1855, Cedar Valley in 1857. In 1859 Chariton was constituted from the Western territory of Keokuk. The Presbytery of Kansas appears for the single year, 1S59. 1865. The Presbytery of Cedar Rapids was formed; and that of Cedar Vallej' was merged into that tif Dubucpie. 1867. The Presbytery of Omaha was organized, consisting of Churches bordering along the Missouri River, and extending indefinitely westward. 1870. At the reunion the Presbyteries of Synod were Cedar Rapids, Chariton, Des Moines, Dubuque, Iowa City, Keo- kuk, and Omaha. PRESBYTERIES AND SYNODS Re reunion 1870. From the two Old School and the one New School Synods were formed the tw(j Synods — Iowa North and Iowa South. The dividing line is the south line of the counties of Clinton, Jones, Greene, Carroll, Crawford, Monona. IOWA NORTH. The Synod was organized at Cedar Rapids, July 5, 1870. The field was divided into four Presbyteries: Cedar Rapids, Dubuque, Fort Dodge and Waterloo, easily located from the names of their principal cities. IOWA SOUTH. This was organized at Des Moines July 13. 1S70. The Presbyteries were Iowa, Iowa Cit}', Des Moines and Mis- souri River. 1872-4. The I'resbytery of Missouri River was so ilivitled as to form three: Council Bluffs, Omaha and Nebraska. The last two in 1874 were set off to the Synod of Nebraska. Period STATE WIDE SYNOD In 1881 the General Assembly adopted the idea of Synods boimded by state lines, the act to take effect January 2, 1882. The new Synod was organized at Des Moines, October 19, 1882, Rev. Samuel Storrs Howe as Convener. Rev. A. S. Marshall was chosen Moderator, Rev. D. S. Tap- pan, Stated Clerk, and Rev. H. G. Rice, Permanent Clerk. The Presbyteries remained as before: Cedar Rapids, Council Bluffs, Des Moines, Dubuque, Fort Dodge, Iowa, Iowa City and Waterloo. The Synod wsus made a delegate bodj'. Ratio of rep- resentation, a minister and elder for every four niiuLsters. Ratio changed later to one for every si.\. In 1890 the Presbytery of Sioux City was set off from Fort Dodge; and in 1891 the Presbytery of Corning was set off from Council Bluffs. The Synodical Map in Souvenir shows the boundaries of Presbyteries. For the years 1903-4 we had the honor of carrying the Presbytery of Porto Rico on our roll; an honor given us in recognition of the valuable service rendered by our own Dr. J. Milton Greene, in the establishment of our work in Porto Rico. HISTORY Part II. Story of the Pioneers This naturally follows the story of Presbyteries and Synods. Fully and fitly told it should be of thrilling inter- est. Scores of noble lives were ]3ut into the early work of our Church, many of which would make an excellent chap- ter, and some of which would make a noble volume. It was our hope to secure worthy tributes for these from a number of the Fathers who are still with us; and we had liberal promises from several. But we find that when it comes to sitting down in cold Ijlood (and that cooled by age) to tell the story of earh* days and vanished companions, the spirit may Ije willing, but the flesh is weak. Time and strength fail. Especially did we look to our Synotlical Mis- sionaries for help. Our unc|Uenchable Dr. Alexander K. Baird tcjok full notes from the Old Assembly Minutes, and was ready to put R his characteristic contribution into shape when he was called on to go to the mountains anil enter a winter's campaign for the Master. Dr. T. S. Bailey has, with painful yet loving labor, paid his tribute to a large number of the men he knew. Dr. W. J. Harsha, several years ago, gave us "The Story ()f Iowa" so well told as to furnish information for volumes, and inspir- ation for every reader. Dr. F. A. Shearer, in his autobi- ography, gives valuable light. Dr. J. M. McElroy, in his late tribute to "The Men of the Past," has done good service for us all. For our use Dr. George D. Stewart has contrib- uted his "Reminiscences of Iowa." As the story is typical of what scores of others, if living, might have furnished, and for the sake of his tributes to the fathers anil brethren, we insert it here: eminiscences of I owa By REV. GEORGE D. STEWART, D. D., of Fort Madison. Iowa Of my fifty-five years of ministerial life, forty-five have years, chu'ing which I was pastor f)f the First Presbyterian been spent in Iowa, with the deduction of six and one-half Church of Omaha, Nebraska; a part of that time, was in con- PIONEERS nectioii with the Presbyter}- of Council Bluffs, Sj'iiod of Iowa. In the spring of 1S59, whilst pastor of the First Presby- terian Church of Bath, New York, my health failed, and I resigned my charge and returned to my home near Phila- delphia, to recruit. On the 22d of October, 1859, I left Philadelphia for Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, where former parishioners of mine at Bath, the Whiting family, well known in the ainials of Mt. Pleasant, were residing. My first Sunday, I preached in the Mt. Pleasant Church, which was a large new brick structure, the best Presljyterian Church building, I remember, at that time in Iowa. Rev. Timothy Stearns, a former pastor, was still residing there, and he and the pastor. Rev. Mr. McClelland, gave me a cor- dial welcome to the West. The next Svuiday I preached for the Winfield Church. They had no church building, and service was held Sunday morning at a school house, across the creek, about three miles from the town. The next Sunday I was advised to spend at We.st Point, the first organized Presbyterian Chvu-ch in Iowa. My friends equipped me with a ponj' and saddle bags, and in this itinerant st3'le I entered West Point, which, with other points, was to be the scene of my labors for the next four and one-half years, fording the Skunk River on my way thither. Tliere wa.s no church building. There had been one at an earlier date, but it became uiLsafe and was taken down. The people worshiped in a brick building, erected for a court house, and which, on the removal of the county seat to Fort Madison, had been given to the Presbyterians of the Synod of Iowa (0. S.), for a college, which, after a struggle of a few years, was now defunct. Our first service was held on a ^\eek-day night. A few tallow candles served to make the darkness visible, but the prospect did not seem very cheer- ing. The next Sunday I preached at West Point to a good congregation; and in the afternoon to a few people in the Sharon Church, nine miles distant, situated where La Crew now is. The building stood then alone on the prairie, a few scattering farm houses only in sight. After spending about a month in traveling and preaching, at the invitation of the West Pt)int and Sharon Churches, I returned to West Point and made it my home and center of my mission circuit. I returned to West Point about the close of December and engaged to preach six months to these churches, expecting to return East in the spring. Besides preaching in the morn- ing at West Point, I had sent an appointment for the after- 10 HISTORY noon at Pilot Grove, ten miles northwest, where there were a few Presbyterians to be cared for. Sunday was January 1, 1S60, and when I naounted my horse after dinner to ride these ten miles over the prairie, the thermometer registered twelve degrees below zero. I found a goodly little bunch of people assembled, several of them Quakers, among whom I found lasting friends ; and I ministered to them and to the Presbyterian families for four and one-half years, once a month. After my removal to Burlington I was called back there, riding fortj' miles on horse back, to hold a conmiunion service, and seven yoimg men were received into communion. Among these were the Rev. Dr. Adam W. Ringland, his two lirothers and two uncles. We had received a number into the chur(;h previously. After I had preached my first Sun- day at West Point, my arrangement required that I should hold service the next Sunday in Sharon congregation. It had been decided that it was inexpedient to trj' to meet in the church building, which was so far east from the bulk of the people. The first appointment was made for the Wil- kinson school house, about a mile north of where Sharon church now stands. I continued services there till the fol- lowing summer. The school house soon became too strait for our congregation, and when the fine weather came the women and children occupied the inside of the school house and the men placed b(.iards outside for seats and occupied them. It was soon seen that we must have a more projier meeting place. The first thing was to buy suitable ground for a church and biu'ial ground. After much canvassing on the subject of a location, the corner of the township line road, which ran north by the Wilkinson school house, was deemed most central; and Dr. Todd, a Kentuckian, who owned a large farm, including the southwest corner of this intersection, very kindly sold us four acres of that corner for $100.00, and thither, during the summer, the Sharon church building was removed, two and three-fourths miles from where La Crew now is. It was a very considerable task, which was done voluntarily by the congregation, and two (if the elders, William Robertson and James B. Pease, superintended the work. We had now a church and church yard for burial, and there Sharon church and cemetery re- main, the church replaced by a new one and the cemetery enlarged and beautified at the great expense of $85,000, by the generosity of the Seeley family, who were brought into the church during my labors there. They endowed the cemetery with a large and valuable farm, and erected on it suitable and attractive buildings and appliances, and water PIONEERS 11 power for the irrigation of the cemetery. They surrounded the cenieterj' witli an iron fence, \\ith a Now Hanipsiiiro granite foundation. This cemetery contains the precious dust of the first generation of Sharon church people, tlie early settlers of that prairie. Quite a number of our people lived in the vicinity of Primrose, a small village four and one-half miles southeast of Sharon church. There we held service in the M. E. church on the same day as the Sharon ap])ointinent, at three o'clock. Samuel Davis, a venerable and excellent ekler of the Sharon church, resided there, and in his house the minister always found a warm welcome. Many were added to the chm-ch there in due time, and a church was organized and a church building erected afterwards. While living at Fort Madison, I oHiciated at the dedication of the bthlding. The third ap- pointment that day was at Dover, six miles east of Prim- rose. In short days and bad roads it kept the preaclier moving pretty lively to fill these aiipointmcnts on time. But he usuallj' was able to do this bj* econom}- of time and a good horse. The school house was generally full to the extreme limit when the minister arrived there at nightfall. The Bounells, Dickeys, Hoovers, Walkers and Linns were early members of the church, and in due time others cam^e in. To return to West Point, one Sunday morning early in January, LSGO, the minister was unusually lonely and dis- couraged. He felt that if any good was done the Lord must do it, and in that spirit he preached the " Confession of Jesus Christ." An interest seemed to awaken at once. Several remained after service to speak to the miuLster of their duty and desire; and extra services for that week were appointed. In all, twenty-two or tvicnty-three pei-soas were added to the church at that time, among them Mr. Adolph Salmon, born a Hebrew in Hamburg, German}', afterwards Treasurer and President of the Board of Trustees of the churcii, a great help and comfort to the pastor, with his wife, who was reared in the Lutheran Church. He died during my resi- dence there, calmly and hopefully in the Christian faith. In addition there were other men and women received who became a great help to the church. The congregations were large, both from town and country, and were enthusiastic, and it was demanded that we should build a church. The congregation had long owned an inside lot, and the adjoin- ing corner lot also was secured. The pastor obtained an acceptable plan, and during 1861 and 1862 the present bu il 12 HISTORY ing was erected. By the liberality of the people it was paid for on completion, without even asking a collection on the day of dedication. It is still in good condition and is one of the best country church buildings in Iowa. The people have since secured a handsome and commodious manse and paid for it also. Once a month the minister preached at Franklin, a town six miles distant, at three p. m., in a stone church erected and given for the use of the people by John Berger, an elder of the Evangelical St. Peter's Church. Even hymn books were provided by him. He had the happiness after- wards of seeing two of his sons active and successful ministers of the gospel. On the 4th day of March, 1861, the day of President Lincoln's inauguration, a series of services began at Sharon church. The Rev. J. B. McBride, then of Bentons- port, now of Princeton, Iowa, assisted me very efficiently and acceptably. From the first a deep interest was awak- ened and there were many com'ersions, especially of adults. At the close of the meeting thirty-three united with the church. Sixteen of these were men. There were sixteen adult ba])tisms. The work was very striking and encourag- ing and laid the foundation for tlie extensive growth of a vigorous country congregation. The four and one-half years spent in itinerant work in the northwest part of Lee County had been very happy years. The people had welcomed the minister very cor- dially and had cheered on his work. They became warm personal friends of the pastor's and continued such during life, and he has since, from time to time, been called to per- form the last sad duty for many of them as they were laid to rest. But the work of riding so many mUes over the prairie to six different appointments, and many occasional appointments, and the long distance necessary in pastoral visitations, in all sorts of weather and all kinds of roads, had been a severe one. And the Lord seemed to open the way to a proper change and an equally important work. The field had widened so that two ministers or more have occu- pied the same field ever since. So after these years, we sep- arated in friendship and with mutual regrets, and with warm regards which continue to this day in children and children's children. In the spring of 1864, I was called to supply the First Presbyterian Church, of Burlington, Iowa, and deemed it my duty to accept this call. The church had passed through a somewhat chequered and not very successful history, with very brief pastorates. It had been divided once, and a PIONEERS 13 church built for the new congregation, which after a time had been sold to the Roman Catholics. On account of differences of opinion about the Civil War, the church was now much distracted, and some long-time and honored members had gone elsewhere. It seemed very desirable to build up our church in this growing and important city. It was with this feeling that I entered upon the work there, determined to preach only the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to take no part in any divisive measures. The Lord blessed the work, and we were soon called upon to enlarge the church building. A spirit of harmony took the place of division. The salary was increased from $800.00 to $1500.00 a year. In the pastor's first year at Burlington, on the 4th day of Octolier, 1864, he was married at Fort Madison, Iowa, by the Rev. R. H. Kennard, to Miss Emily Stewart Walker, eldest daughter of Dr. J. C. Walker, an elder of the church of Fort Madison, who, with liLs wife, Mrs. Martha Stewart Walker, were charter members of the church in Fort Madison in 1838, and devoted adherents all life long. Two children were born here, our only son, George B. Stewart, and our eldest daughter, Helen Walker Stewart, who died in her sixth year at Omaha. The parting with the church at Burlington was a sore trial. We had bought our cottage and set up our home there. We gained a large circle of devoted friends. Many have passed away in the faith, and many remain to this day, who have ever been, with their children, a joy and comfort in our lives, most highly prized by ourselves and by our children. The pastor established an afternoon service, once in two weeks, at a union church building at Spring Creek, six miles from Burlington. A large congregation gathered there from the surrounding country, and the church, which had been in abeyance for some years, was resuscitated. Two elders were elected, and a number of members were added. After six and a half years of happy and successful work, I was called to be pastor of the Fu-st Presbyterian Church of Omaha, Nebraska. That church had just passed through a time of great trial. Two-thirds of the membership had gone out under the former pastor and formed a new inde- pendent church. Only fifty members were left intheFinst church. They had a handsome new church building, but with a debt of $10,000.00 pressing on it. The few churches in Nebraska were attached to the Presbytery of Council 14 HISTORY Bluffs, Iowa. Miiiiy of the leading men in the Synod deemed it my duty to accept the unanimous call of this im- perilled church. Dr. Cyrus Dickson, an honored secretary of our board of home missions, was of this opinion. So, in obedience to the voice of duty, as it seemed, I accepted this call. I have never ceased to wonder at the c(nu-age which led me to undertake this work. To add to the difficulties, the panic of 1873 came on, and then the grasshopi^er scourge; and a consequence of this scourge was a famine in a large part of the state. The people of the eastern and central state.? freely responded to the published needs of the starving people. At one time during the winter forty thousand rations were issued regu- larh' every day from Omaha, under the supervision of a lieutenant of the U. S. army, with the aid of a corps of as- sistants. People left their hoinesteads and went back to the East. The city of Omaha was too poor to light its street lamps. But in 1877 the dark clouds passed away and prosperity returned to the state and city. After striving for .'^ix and a half years as pastor, and having seen the mem- laership trebled, I had the pleasure of seeing a great religious interest awakened in the winter of 1876, during union serv- ices. The $10,000.00 debt was carried and so the church was saved. The cirexunstances of the city of Omaha, as a frontier town, made pastoral and charitable work among the very IJoor and destitute more necessary than in any other place I have ever known. Mrs. Stewart and myself gave much of our time, energj', interest and means to this work. But one of our great rewards was the large number of valued and life- long friends we gained, through whose friendship the lines of our life had been widened and many joys added, which we would not willingly have gone without, even if their cultivation involved much self-denial and privation. In the autumn of 1873 I was sent as a commissioner from the Presbytery of Omaha to the Synod of Iowa, at Iowa City, to ask the Synod to divide the Presbytery of Omaha into three Presbyteries, and to concur in asking the General Assembly, at its next meeting, to form these into the Synod of Nebraska. These requests were granted; and in the autumn of 1874 the first Synod of Nebraska met at Omaha. I was elected chairman of the committee on mis- .sions, and acted in that capacity until I left the Synod, dur- ing the formative period of oiy churches. In a meeting at Omaha of the superintendents of missions, the committees PIONEERS 15 of missions of the Synod of Iowa, and of the congregational association of Nebraska, formed the league of comity- in Home Missions, under which both bodies subsei[uentlj' acted in the formation of their churches in Nebraska. In the sjiring of 1877 I received and accepted a unani- movis call to be Pastor of the Union rrcsbyterian Church at Fort Madison, Iowa, in the region where 1 had previously spent eleven years in ministerial work. In April, 1877, I removed with my family to Fort Madison, where in due time I was installed Pastor, a relatiimshiii which c(nitimicd with unbroken harmony luitil it ceased Jamuiry 1st, 1904. The congregation, in town and country, grew and increased, until it was felt we nuist arise and l)uild. Poor and rich liberally responded in subscriptions; and voluntary gifts, large and small, came in from here and elsewhere, \mtil it seemed safe to begin. Some were afraid that a large and onerous debt would be incurred, as had been done once be- fore in the building of their church. That debt had long pressed heavily, until at the \uiiou of the old and new sciiool churches in 1858, when the Union Church of Fort Madison was formed, and payment of this debt was assumed by Dr. J. C. Walker and paid by hijuself. So now the jiastor, in faith that the amount necessarj- to complete the church with- out debt would be raised, and in order to put this obstacle of fear of debt out of the way, assumed the responsibility of finishing the church without debt, out of his own narrow means, if necessary, provided the congregation agreed to give him the clujice of the architect and the plan. This was done in a congregational meeting and a building com- mittee appointed, of which the i)astor was chairnum. Tlie pastor secured a plan from Mr. L. B. \'alk, a dis- tinguished church architect of New York City, who was afterwards the architect of the First Presbyterian Church of Purlington. The ]jlan was unanimously adopted by the congregation and authority given to the committee to build. The coinerstone was laid in .Iimc, 1884, the Rev. Dr. Mc- C^lintock and others assisting the ])astor. The church was finished antl dedicated by Sejiteniber 1st, ISSo, the pastor conducting service, assisted by other of his brethren. A large sum remained to 1)6 raised to clear the church from del)t. Hut the (uuigregation responded nobly and the whole sum was raised and the church dedicated free from debt. Five thousand dollars wa.s gi\en by two trustees. The ladies afterwards paid $2()()0.00 for a jiipe organ. All were happy. The congregation was satisfied with their beautiful modern church, with its many handsome memorial windows, 16 HISTORY ■ndth^its conveniences for the Sunday school and the other uses of the church, and happy that it was theirs, free from debt, and that all had been done so ha^moniousl3^ The work of the church went on with a new impetus. The Sun- day school and prayer meeting increased greatly. The ladies assumed the cost of carrying on the music of the church. Seasons of religious interest arose, from time to time, in which many were added to the church, forty at one time, and lesser numbers at others. As the long time elders passed away, others were raised up, and the pastor always had a wise and excellent body of advisers and helpers. The pastor labored on until he entered his eightieth year, and then the Presbytery, at his request, dissolved the pastoral relation and placed his name on the honorably retired list. This pastorate was not alone of the congregation of the Union Church, but of the city of Fort Madison and of the surrounding country, on both sides of the Mississippi River, where much pastoral work was done. The pastor per- formed more than three hundred and fifty marriage cere- monies and attended more than a thousand funerals, with \'isitations of the sick. As his services were desired, he freely gave them in all surroundings and circumstances. On the last Sunday of his pastorate, twenty, several of them among the business men of the city with their wives, with some of the young jjeople, entered into the communion of the church. In April, 1904, a new pastor. Rev. Harry C. Rogers, a young and active minister, was unanimouslj' called and soon entered upon his work, with great acceptance. To add to the brightness of the outlook, a lady of the congregation, long an active and devoted worker in many ways, gave a suitable and valuable manse ready for the use of the pastor and his family. As we look back on the old and homely church, small membership, since more than doubled, the beautiful modern church and organ, the large and interested congregation, the fine Sabliath school and the throng of young people in the Endeavor Society, the gifts of the church to benevolence and the gifts of the Ladies' Mission- ary Society, and think of the many who ha-\'e died full of hope and cheer, and the aged, who are still living, who look forward with confidence to the glorious salvation of the Lord, we lift up our anthem of joy and cry aloud, "What hath God wrought?" yJ)()^^ PIONEERS 17 HOthers might have told the story of greater sacrifices and smaller returns. But all would have told the story of a thorny pathway, with satisfaction and joy at the end. Yet, as our purpose is to tell in brief the story of thir- teen hundred ministers, and seven hundred and fifty churches we must draw sparingly on our wealth of material. The majority, with all their zeal and success, or patient, unrequited toil, will have but the few lines of facts and fig- ures — a pittance of a tribute worthily earned. In speaking of these pioneers we bear in mind that they were assisted and followed by men of the same Apostolic zeal and cour- age. The material for self-sacrifice and martyrdom still dwells in the Church. And here, after promising a chapter on "The Pioneers," and after having it well under way, we are constrained to abandon the plan, and treat our entire list of ministers in alphabetical order. We regret the brevity enforced by the size and plan of our book. The early and later pioneers will have all possible consideration; and our endeavor will be to treat all with fairness. No one can be afforded much space; and many may grieve to see how small they look in so large a crowd. We hope, however, that all may comfort themselves with the thought that to be numbered with so noble an army, and to have shared in so glorious a work, is worth all the hardships they have endured. a So, reserving ^the personal tributes of Harsha and Stewart and McElroy and Bailey for their proper subjects, we close this chapter with the "Heart to Heart Letter" of Dr. Bailey: A Heart to Heart Letter I am asked for a heart to heart communication for our Iowa Presbyterian History. There arises before me in imagination a grand and noble company of ministers, elders and laymen all over our beautiful state, who have made our growth and prosperity as a church possible by their constant, coasistent, and united efforts, each standing in his place steadfastly, making our ranks strong and our progress sure. I cannot enumerate these faithful ministers and must not 18 HISTORY discriminate where, almost without exception, they were all so good and true. During my sixteen years of service as Synodical Super- intendent of Home Missions, I came into close touch with these men and women (for the wives of our Home Mission- aries are full sharers in the trials and triumphs of the grand work to which their husbands consecrate themselves), in the midst of the battle for Truth and Righteousness. I am persuaded that no state or country has now or has had a more ^miformly earnest, faithful and self-sacrificing set of missionary workers than Iowa. True, there are some men who were at pivotal, strategic points in the development of the work, who by reason of their location and spirit played a larger part than (jthers who were just as true on more quiet fields. In the earliest times there were Bells, Beamans, Mc- Elroys, Speeses, Masons, Phelpses, Wellses, Dodds, Dodders, McCombs, Dinsmores, Joneses, Rices, Craigs, Marshalls, etc., who lifted the blue banner of our church along the borders and at strategic points in the interior. So there were Carrolls Campbells, Bairds, Osmonds, Robinsons, Hugheses, Rus- tons, Clelands, Averys, Burkhalters, McRaes, McClintocks, McAfees, etc., to take up the well-begun work and push it forward with a zeal becoming consecrated men that they all were. So about my time I found a fine company of younger men like Evans, Luccock, Stophlet, Greene, Knox, Coyles, Berger and a host of othei's of noble spirit and power. These men made my work easy and my burdens light in ways without number, God knows, though the world may never realize, how fully such men as these held up the hands of the Synodical Missionary and made our church strong. To name them all in detaU and tell of their virtues and graces would impose on me as impossible a task as that which confronted the author of the Epistle to the Hebrews when in the eleventh chapter he attempts to recount the triumphs of faith. I dare not undertake it. Let it suffice for the present to thank God for their lives, and work and pray that those who come after may emulate their zeal and spirit of faithfulness. T. S. Bailey. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS • 19 Part III. Our Educational Institutions Our pioneers illustrated very soon their zeal for education, higher education, Christian education. Several of our early ministers established schools, out of which came a part of their support; and the semi-wilderness began to blos- som with academies, seminaries and colleges. Several of these were useful, and some famoius for their day; but the estab- lishment of our state school system soon removed their necessity and deprived them of support. The story of those struggles would make an interesting chapter; but we must limit ourselves to existing institutions. The earliest efforts were made in the south-eastern part of the state; but the rival interests waited long to find si center where success was possible, in Parsons College. Meanwhile determined and self-sacrificing effort in the northeast section centered in Hopkinton, and produced Lenox College,the first incorporated in the state. We treat the colleges in the order of their age. Lenox College, Hopkinton As early as 1854, the late Henry A. Carter cherished In March, 1856, a building committee was appointed to the hope of establishing a college at Hopkinton. His ob- proceed to the erection of the college buOding. Thus the first ject was to provide the facilities of higher christian education Presbyterian College in Iowa was located in Hopkinton, without the inconvenience and expense of sending to eastern Delaware County, in the northeastern section of the state, colleges. Tliis object was approved by many others and among a noble and sturdy class of Scotch Irish, there finally resulted the organization of a Joint Stock Company to erect a building to be used for educational In June, 1856, the name of Bowen Collegiate Institute purposes. The date of the formation of the Joint Stock was adopted in honor of C. T. Bowen of Chicago, who was a Company is not recorded but it met later on September 6, liberal contributor to the building fund, and in the fol- 1855. lowing month the institution was incorporated. 20 HISTORY In September, 1856, the members of the first Board of Trustees were elected, and in October of the same year the first articles of incorporation were recorded. According to these Articles of Incorporation the institution was entitled from the begining to all the rights and privileges of a col- lege. The names of the members of the first Board of Trustees were: Henry A. Carter, President; W. P. Cun- ningham, Secretary; Leroy Jackson, Treasurer; James Kil- patrick, H. R. Jackson, Asa C. Bowen, Edmund Davis, I. Ijittlefield, Christian Meyers, W. A. Roberts, William Robinson, William Holt, Jacob Dieffenderfer, William Morrison, J. B. Whittaker and Jerome Davis. In the autumn of 1856, the foundation of the center of the Main Building was laid and the roof put on in 1857. This was a two story brick structure forty by sixty containing eight rooms built in the center of a four acre plot of ground donated by Mr. H. A. Carter. The campus is now ornamented witli many beautiful maples and stately oaks anil elms, mostly planted by the students in those early days. They, the men and women of today, whose children have been and are in college, on their return for a visit often point with delight to some special tree as a memento of those famous "tree planting days." The people were conservative but determined. Times were hard. The peo])le were poor; and for the lack of money great difficutly was experienced in finishing the work so well begun. For many months the building stood in an unfinished condition. In the meantime, H. A. Carter, Leroy Jackson, and James Kilpatrick contributed quite a sum of money from their private funds toward the com- pletion. Finally in the fall of 1858 the work of building was resumed. A touching incident of these early days ought to be related: Mr. H. A. Carter, who always was a leader, and gave definiteness to the whole plan, had hauled brick to a lot adjoining the campus with which to erect a resi- dence for his own use. Mrs. Carter -was rejoicing as the brick was being hauled for her new home to think that she was soon to leave her home built of logs and spend her last happy days in a home built of brick. The college building had reached the second story, and for lack of funds stood unfinished. Mr. and Mrs. Carter realized the situation, and they in self sacrifice and tears gave the brick intended for their new home. These brick finished the second story of the structure, and Mrs. Carter died in the old log house. An oil painting of this historic log house was painted from memory by Mrs. Jane N. Young of Minneapolis, a daughter, after she was seventy years of age, and presented to the college. Finally, by means of a public entertainment and festival, sufficientmoney was raised to prejjare the inside of the building for occupation; and on September 1, 1859, the first term of the Institute began "with about forty scholars". At last victory crowned the efforts of those noble men and women. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 21 Their hopes were realized. As the rural schools in those early days were inefficient and the high school of the present day was unknown the attendance at the institute from the beginning was very good, and increased rapitUy. From the records we learn that during the first four terms 196 different students were enrolled. "The largest number of students in any single term before the Civil War was 120." The control of the in.stitution was tentlered the Old School Presbyterian Synod of Iowa, north, in 1860, and that body the following year took a limited supervision. In 1863 two of the the principal stock-holders, H. A. Carter and Leroy Jackson, obtained a sheriff's deed for the prop- erty of the corporation, after the trustees concluded that they were unable to meet their obligations that were con- tracted in building. These two men presented the entire college property to the Synod. A deed was signed Feb- ruary 9, 1864, Ijy Henry A. Carter and Mary Carter con- veying the same to the Synod with the condition that in case the property shoukl not be usetl for educational pur- poses it was to revert to the town of Hopkinton. At the time the property was transferred to the Synod in 1864 the name was changed from Bowen Collegiate Institute to Lenox Collegiate Institute in honor of James Lenox of New York City, a liberal contributor to, the en- dowment fund. The first president of the institution was the Rev. Jerome Allen, Ph. D., of sacred memory, who occupied the chair from 1859 to 1863, and for two years additional acted as financial agent and teacher of the Natural Sciences and English Literature. Dr. Allen was one of the foremost educators of his day. He became Dean of the Department of Pedagogy in the University of the City of New York and filled the place from 1889 to the time of his death in Brook- lyn, May 26, 1894. Next came the soldier-President, the Rev. J. W. Mc- Kean, A. M., 1863-1864. One morning a recruiting officer attended chapel service, and after a strong and noble appeal by president McKean for the j'oung men to obey the call of President Lincoln to enlist in the army of the Uuion, he in- formed the students that a recruiting officer was present and all who wished to enlist should arise. All arose and en- listed but one, and he was too young. The Faculty and girl students were in tears, and President McKean closed the tender scene by saying, "Well boys, if all of you are going, I am going, too." President McKean resigned May 6, 1864, and entered the army as captain of a company in which all but two of the students enlisted. The work of the institute was suspended till the fall term. July 9, 1864, Captain McKean died in the army at Memphis, Tenn. A fine monument on the college campus commemorates his name, and the names of others who gave their lives for the preservation of the Union. This monument at a cost of over $1500, was dedicated November 17, 1865, which makes it the oldest monument in Iowa, and probably in the entire United States erected in honor of the soldiers of 22 HISTORY the Civil War. "In all, ninety-two students of this school enlisted during the war, a larger proportion than from any other school in this state." For a brief period, from July 8, 1864, to the close of the Fall term of the same year, the Rev. James D. Mason was President. During the remaining portion of that year till the Spring Term of 1866 Dr. Jerome Allen acted as President though the Rev. Mr. Mason did not formally resign till October 1865. Mr. Mason was a genial gentleman prominently identified with Presbyterianism in Iowa. He died in Davenport, Iowa, January 8, 1890, at the age of seventy-seven. In September, 1866, the Rev. Samuel Hodge, D. D., who for one year had been professor of Languages, was chosen President. He filled the office with becoming dig- nity and increasing power till 1882. December 5, 1870, a committe was appointed to take the necessary steps to incorporate as a college having the right to confer degrees, etc., but the articles of incorpora- tion were not filed for record till October 11, 1873. "As found stated in these the object of the corporation is to maintain an institution of learning for the education of both sexes ; the grade of which is to be at least high enough to prepare the one for the Sophomore class in the best col- leges in the United States; and the other for the second year of the best Ladies' Seminary in the country. But the school may be raised to 'any higher grade whatever.' In accor- dance with this provision its grade has from time to time been made higher. It shall always be 'under Christian in- fluence and control'. It shall have power 'to confer any and all college degrees, to grant diplomas and certificates. "In 1875, the original building was enlarged by a wing fifty-five by thirty feet. This additional room was made neces- sary by the increased attendance of students, the number for one term reaching 200. This convenient improve- ment in the size of the building is due, for the most part, to the liberality of the citizens of Hopkinton and vicinity." Dr. Hodge died in West Union, Iowa, January 4, 1891. In 1882, the Trustees departed from the prevailing custom and elected as president, a layman, in the person of James A. Ritchey, Ph. D. He was an experienced ed- ucator, and for six years labored with marked success. In 1883, the curriculum of the college was revised and greatly extended and provided for three regular courses of study as well as for many electives. Thus the institution was made equal to the best average college in the state. This year the Helen Finley bequest of $5,000 was made as an addition to the permanent funds. During this year also occured the death of Mr. H. A. Carter who was the first President of the Board of Trustees and a life-long friend and generous supporter of the college. In 1884, the Articles of Incorporation were so amended as to change the name from Lenox Collegiate Institute to Lenox College. EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 23 In 1884, the quarter Centennial of the "college was cel- ebrated. An unusually large number of people were present. The Old Students' Association organized in 1883, made its first public appearance, effected this general re- union, and contributed much to the social and literary in- terest of the occasion. Dr. Ritchey now lives in Oil City, Pa. During the summer of 18S8 the Board of Trustees chose the Rev. Alexander G. Wilson, D. D., as President. He brought not only dignity but also capability acquired by a long training in professional and presidential positions in Parson's College and Lake Forest University. In 1889, the foundation of Clarke Hall, a girl's dormitory, was laid and in the fall of 1890 the building was ready for use. Clarke Hall was erected by the combined efforts of the Boaril of Trustees, former students and alumni. The largest share of the money used in the erection of the building was left by Charles Clarke, a former student who wished to do some- thing for the college where he had received his training. Dr. Wilson's distinguished gifts, his noble christian character, and executive powers combined to make him a model President, and it was a great loss when in 1894, he resigned to accept a jjrofessorship in the recently established Theo- logical Seminary in Omaha, where he remained until his death May 4, 1904. In the Spring of 1894, the Rev. Hugh Robinson, A. M., a son of Lenox College and a brilliant preacher was chosen President. He remained for two years in that office. During the presidency of Rev. Mr. Robinson considerable field work was done, and resulted in increased enrollment. At the Commencement of 1895, the friends who gathered on the campus to enjoy the exercises of the day contributed $2500 toward the erection of a new building to be used for the library, gymnasium and literary society halls. James McKean,M. D., '80, of Chenung Mai, Laos, a Presbyterian Foreign Missionary, has the honor of making the first gift, which was $100. Operations on the new building were suspended at the close of the summer of 1S95. In the spring of 1S96, the Rev. Mr. Robinson resigned to take charge of a church. Next came Andrew G. Wilson, A. M., who was chosen President in the spring of 1896. He too is an alumnus, of '80, and in 1884 laegan to teach Natural Science in Lenox College. His wide scholarship and quiet yet forceful man- ner qualified him for the position he held till the spring of 1902. In 1897, though the times were hard the people of Hopkinton and vicinity loyally responded with $5,000 for jjermanent endowment. It was during President Wil- son's time that the new building used for library and gym- nasium was completed. Due to the generous gift of Judge F. B. Doolittle of Delhi, Iowa, the building was named Doolittle Memorial Hall in honor of his son, F. B. Doolittle, of sacred memory. In 1901, Mr. Wilson resigned but re- mained at his ]3ost of duty till the close of the winter term 1901-2. 24 HISTORY In February 1902, Rev. Francis William Grossman, D. D. accepted the presidency. During his incumbency con- siderable progress was made in many directions. As to material improvements: a steam plant was installed in Clarke hall and another in the Main Building which has a capacity sufficient for four times the present necessity, new Christian Association Rooms were provided; the chapel, music rooms, stairways and halls, laboratories, literary soci- ety halls, and Clarke Hall have been completely remodeled at a cost of about $10,000; the library has had an addition of 2,300 new bound volumes, 350 volumes of standard mag- azines. A conditional offer of .|2,5,000 from Mr. Andrew Carnegie toward a permanent endowment has been secured ; several thousands of dollars of cash from generous men of means have been received by the treasurer, besides $5,000 cash from Dr. Finley's estate. Notable progress in the curriculum has also been made. The courses have been revised and greatly extended, and there has been -a decided increase in the requirements both for admission and graduation. Additions were made to the faculty, and the salaries of most of the professors increased — in one instance doubled. A higher standard of scholarship has been the result. In December, 1904, Lenox College was admitted to the College Section of the Iowa State Teachers' Association and the following year into the Presbyterian College Union of the Middle West. In recent years there has been .a general for- ward movement in the institution that has been encourag- ing. The writer resigned July 1, 1906, to take effect August 31,1906. The Rev. E. E ident. He will Reed, commence D. D., has been chosen Pres- his work Septemper 1, 1906. F. W. Grossman, President of Lenox College. See Picture Gallery pp. 73, 96. Coe College, Cedar Rapids Coe College is located in the beautiful city of Cedar Rapids. The city is an important railroad center, easily accessible from every direction. It has prosperous industries and large commercial interests. It is distinguished for its churches, schools, libraries and benevolent institutions, and is an ideal location for a college. Coe College furnishes a wonderful example of God's use of a small gift to accomplish great ends. In 1853 Rev. Wil- EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS 25 liston Jones, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Cedar Rapids, seeing the great need for the training of young men and women for the great mission field in the midst of which he was working, secured from Daniel Coe of Green County, New York, $1,500 to be used for educational purposes in the West. This money was entrusted to a Board of Trustees which had been organized two years previously. A tract of eighty acres of land adjacent to Cedar Rapids was pur- chased. As in process of time the village became a city, this land increased in value greatly. Today a small frac- tion of it, still held by the college as campus and building lots, is alone worth more than a hundred times the original gift. For many years after the date of Daniel Coe's gift prom- inent citizens of Cedar_ Rapids watched the growth of this foundation with jealous care, giving their best efforts in thought, and time and money to the fostering of Christian education. Among these pioneers may be mentioned Judge Greene, Dr. Ely, and Thomas M. Sinclair, all of whom have passed awaj', leaving a rich heritage to their successors. Such men as Senator Allison, Secretary Wilson, Hon. S. L. Dows, Mr. J. C. Broeksmit, Captain J. S. Alexander, Mr. W. S. Cooper and others have rendered conspicuous services as Trustees. It is interesting to note that several of the trustees who are now carrying the heat and burden of the day in connec- tion with Coe College, represent in various ways these pio- neer families. Mr. C. B. Soutter, President of the Board, and Mr. Robert Sinclair, son of that high-souled Christian, T. M. Sinclair, actively represent that family, whose bene- factions and support have meant so much. Mr. George B. Douglas, Chairman of the Finance Committee, whose safe, yet broad-minded financial policy is much appreciated, repre- sents another pioneer family. Mr. J. S. Ely, Secretary of the Board; Mr. C. G. Greene, and Colonel W. G. Dows, have received the mantle of active service for the college from worthy fathers. Last, but by no means least, the Vice- President of the Board, Rev. Dr. E. R. Burklialter, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Cedar Rapids, repre- sents that line of Godly men who have ministered in the liis- toric church, which is, in a sense, the mother of Coe College. He also may be taken as representative of that larger group of ministers whose labors have been given freely to the build- ing up of this Christian institution. In 1881 Rev. Stephen Phelps, D.D., was called from his pastorate to organize a faculty and a course of studj' preparatory to the opening of a full college. In September of that year the college opened with a good attendance, and was successful from the start. Dr. Phelps and his faculty did good foundation work. He resigned in 1886, and was succeeded by Dr. Marshall, who was President until his death, in 1896. Dr. McCormick came to the presidency in 1897 aad resigned in 1904. Dr. William Wilberforce Smith, the present incumbent in the office, entered upon his duties in September of 1905. 26 , HISTORY During this quarter of a century of college history there has been a gradual advance along all lines. A growing body of Alumni, an increasing constituency, friends of influence and financial means whose interest has been awakened, and growth in material equipment have been the controlling elements in this advance. The college opened with a single building half the size of the present main college building. There are today upon the campus five buildings: The main college building, Williston Hall for j'oung ladies, Marshall Hall for the acad- emj', an athletic field house, and a gymnasium. The various departments are well equipped. There are thirteen departments, as follows: Economics and Sociol- ogy, Botany and Geology, Greek, History, Chemistry, Modern Language, Education, Latin, Philosophj' and Psy- chology, Zoology, Mathematics and Physics, Bible, English. Music and Elocution are also provided for. The faculty numbers tliirty-one, inclu "cm o •§1 j2 ■a :5§ -3(1. O M .■2=H _,E «o o ffl o » 1847 1841 1845 1642 1838 1846 1846 1845 1842 1840 1843 1842 1848 1839 1850 1840 1842 1850 1840 1842 1846 1842 1840 1842 1845 1845 1841 1840 1840 1842 1840 1842 1842 1850 1849 1845 1843 1843 1837 1842 1847 S. S. 1 yr. v3 Cedar Creek (?) 7 8 19 10 37 15 8 18 70 9 1 8 4 8 1 4 Berlin By Hummer v. 8 yr. Big Grove 2 58 49 2 9 15 7 3 13 Cedar Creek Bv Hummer, Figures with Andrew Center or Charleston Bv Cowles. Drops out, 48 14 8 57 2 101 14 29 13 75 20 14 10 36 12 112 17 16 14 33 22 15 42 13 10 38 46 28 18 10 20 15 51 16 89 26 By Hummer (?) S. S., 3 ys.. v. 6 Hummer, Oldland.. Mead, Rea, Mason S. S. 1 vr.. V. 7 Bell, P., 7 ys., v. 1 yr., S. S. 1 3 14 4 45 4 ' 6 12 5 55 37 21 5 20 18 29 Edinburg Fairfield 50 25 5 Clark. Bell. v. 7 ys John Hudson S. S., P. 0. W. Liberty.. . Stocker, Hummer, Hazard V. all the years 3 1 22 14 ' 4 ' 1 8 8 16 2 10 55 3 High Prairie 23 14 16 4 150 18 Le Claire By Hummer, v. 6 ys., FuUerton S. S. 1 yr., vacant 8 ys 12 1 1 6 10 11 3 43 2 2 17 36 59 13 16 6 2 11 25 Lowell (West Union) Marion, Feb. 5 By Stocker v. till 5, FuUerton S. S. 2 ys. Cummins, P. 4yrs., v. v. Dinsmore 2 ys. Oct . Stocker, Pratt, Hudson 1 19 10 3 25 50 50 2 4 1 17 6 2 7 9 1 11 Pratt S. S., 2 ys. V. 4 ys Red Oak Grove Stocker (''), E. Mead (?) 6 1 35 17 18 15 12 5 57 22 47 18 13 2 1 1 3 5 17 20 14 7 8 5 9 6 12 7 Enoch Mead Hummer, Leonard By L. G. Bell, Sharon, P., 6 ys Leonard (?), Gallatin (?), v. 5 ys V. till '47 25 7 16 3 7 Round Prairie Shiloh and Union 2 Union (see Shiloh) Unity V V By L. G. Bell. S. S. unknown S. S. 2 vs., V. 2 ys. Drops out 2 4 12 4 20 24 24 19 12 55 66 1 1 1 Virginia Grove 4 Wapello By L. G. Bell. Dinsmore 7 48 26 51 2 6 23 40 3 29 20 7 4 20 50 50 West Point Cowles, FuUerton to '44 (See Lowell) 5 West Union Zion April By Cowles v. all the time 2 9 42 HISTORY SYNOD OF IOWA— Old School— Perio d 1851 -'60 NAME DATE SERVICE -13 w ■o - < ■si ■5 = < ¥ i B s " 9 0- XS .Sfo 11 it a!i. a. ^ is 5« Aiamakee (Ger.) Albia ISott 1852 1857 1847 1857 1858 1853 1859 1853 1860 1842 1851 1852 1856 1846 1838 1855 1858 1846 1856 1860 1853 1858 1857 1852 1856 1859 1858 1SS7 1858 1857 1851 1840 1848 1859 1851 1855 1852 1859 1851 12 98 17 26 11 24 56 6 18 15 126 73 35 7 30 99 45 15 22 60 58 16 21 34 8 43 12 6 26 22 29 90 145 20 15 160 135 33 30 28 61 89 8 54 60 18 21 8 7 65 6 22 1 7 41 3975 80 V 1 y.. s s. 9 y 6 2 5 30 2 6 43 13 22 32 5 5 IS 90 45 10 9 14 93 14 1 32 53 3 10 6 34 5 26 1 1 1 6 13 ■9 25 30 5 75 SO 28 2 26 69 20 1 23 56 17 3 12 2050 131 3175 7958 10 1,50 50 ■26 43 S. s. 2 v., p. 2 V V 1 y. p. 2 y 16 71 16 23 18 28 V 5 y s s 3 y ... S s Bethel V4yss3. 6 50 5 3 3 2 8 8 7 S s PSyv2y. 61 18 1 4 18 45 11 2 7 20 3 6 2 14 6 3 22 9 1 "i 4 7 1 "5 91 31 2 60 50 114 48 159 54 44 37 35 22 27 26 39 18 2 4492 1330 400 109 314 7666 6950 70 315 3865 110 175 410 578 350 143 43 216 34 "62 440 87 "272 3 2 14 Blue Grass V. 3 y..p. 3, s. s. 1 With High Prairie, s. s V. 2 y., s.s. 2 V. 5 v., p. 3. s. s. 2 V. 4 v., 5 p., s.s. 1 S s 4 y out '59 '60 17 45 11 5 32 ' '3 3 17 3 7 3 'Hi 75 30 60 40 50 "46 26 265 28 7 10 136 10 144 20 2 7 112 3 70 ' "i 9 78 8 2 9 21 1 1 3 11 6 7 42 18 1 32 11 2 14 Burlington 2nd, V. 5 y., s.s. 2 V. 2 y., p. 2 y. Cedar Rapids 2nd 36 32 29 Center V. 2, s.s. 1 S s 6 5 7 IS 11 3 4 Centralia V. 1 y., p. 3 5 V 3 y s s 2 y Clarksville S. s Clax'ton City V '58-9 • out in '60 S s 9 4 4 65 59 20 4 54 54 10 15 23 7 52 205 42 3 218 142 1 2 ■ '2 4 5 4 1 10 2 "i 8 4 20 30 43 23 8 70 154 25 3 1 3 6 113 396 5500 2335 15040 7973 88 15247 4120 165 187 253 ""3 500 24 704 116 'soos 51 6 Vlv ss2y ' '75 50 175 30 '256 77 2 V. 1 y., s.s. 3 V6y ss2p2. 16 510 5 7 573 106 11 3 6 9 548 7 10 286 7 202 22 102 22 10 146 26 5 1 2 P. 10 y 122 V. 3 y.. s.s. 3, p. 4 DeWitt 1417 132 93 33 15 75 11 P ... Dutch Creek V. 5 y., s.s. 4 S s 5 EHdyville V. 4. 6 s.s 2 26 STATISTICS— OLD SCHOOL 1851-'60 43' NAME DATE SERVICE ■50 <: < Whole No. Adult Baptism Infant Baptism c v.S xs Si Educa- tion. Pub. & S.S.Wk. Relief Fund Freed- mcn Aid for College* General Assent. 1S4S 1857 1842 1860 1859 1858 1860 1857 1839 1854 1857 1859 1859 1859 1857 1850 1855 1855 18.59 1857 1854 1840 1842 1855 1854 1860 1858 1850 1859 1851 1860 1841 1855 1857 1842 1857 1857 1853 1842 1860 1 8 94 ' 45 164 25 33 238 2 8 61 Epworth and Centralia.. V. 1, s.s. 3 V. 1, p. 9 With Cedar Valley 2 31 25 122 30 150 20 279 775 3892 8 639 184 42 30 199 Fairview (seeCed. Val.). Farmersburg V 19 26 23 16 118 21 33 10 7 V. 2, s.s. 1 6 2 1 64 'is 3 1 20 23 21 42 5 23 14 7 1 2 1 13 "2 4 5 3 15 6 7 36 5 2 5 52 3 S s 40 150 ' '60 16 16 6 13 3 2979 2760 700 677 300 10 19 160 V 3 s s 7 ■ union in '60 50 77 12 46 51 23 6 "7 5 8 7 V. 5, s.s. 2 S s S s 14 15 61 S s . S. s. 1, V. 1 P. E. 1. V.2 4 7 15 19 6 1 28 25 51 3 5 10 127 15 25 83 12 36 46 66 45 26 20 149 47 40 132 23 8 60 12 40 2 "i 2 2 ' i 10 12 4 9 "5 4 19 8 18 25 7 12 48 23 21 45 io 29 30 ■ 'm 65 15 40 12 14 20 15 5 5 1 11 12 33 3 5 11 52 10 30 55 2 3 13 145 665 1596 4355 83 645 270 14200 631 1248 2870 "60 "22 "168 95 15 88 12 15 25 4 S. s. 4, p. 1 P E 2v tj 3v 3 10 Independence Independence (Ger.)... • S. s. 1. V. 1 P E 4 y no report 2 S. s. 3. V. 6 V. 2. s.s. 2, P. E. 2, p. 4 V. 5, s.s. 5 V. 2, s.s. 4 V. 1. s.s. 1, p. 5 S s 7 63 29 15 65 80 ■ 25 75 20 "45 118 14 26 23 3 2 45 103 3 5 13 3 51 12 17 Kirkville '65 3 5 S. s. 2, V. 1 S. s. 2, p. 5 S s 3 28 1 17 9 81 11 55 147 2289 "126 LeClaire 31 LeRoy S s 3 V 1 D 6 9 7 70 22 32 16 5 18 17 3400 117 V. 1. s.s. 5, p. 4 26 7 44 12 3 4 2 13 30 79 54 36 20 10 14 13 24 94 33 3 '3 55 12 4 30 67 12 ■ "2 13 17 3 2 3 5 4 23 3 2980 40 725 35 26 65 '"26 S. s Lowell (West Union) . . . Lycurgus (Ger.)- McGregor's Landing V. 7, s.s. 3 S. s 3 4 10 2 3 1 V. 2, s.s. 2, P. E. 4 V. 1. s.s. 4. P. 5 S. s 13 59 2 7 14 54 30 100 66 78 20 31 43 19 13 5 43 10 23 34 1 2395 3140 26 35 5 Martinsburg 44 HISTORY NAME DATE SERVICE < ■SSi o d 1" £ £5 B a 5-2 bS CO u Hi- 4.-0 *.:: c BSU. is s8 £ be 11 1855 1852 1859 1857 1859 1840 1857 1842 1855 1856 1856 1858 1859 1857 1857 1859 1845 1854 1856 1860 1860 1858 1856 1859 1852 1856 1855 1841 1857 1856 1856 1857 1840 1857 1857 1852 1852 1860 1842 1856 V. l,p. 4 V. 1, s.s. 8 (With Montezuma: see) s.s. 1 S. s. 1, p. 3 V. 2 16 12 3 19 32 49 7 17 87 32 10 40 11 177 10 158 29 35 64 68 11 35 15 16 75 50 12 11 8 16 30 7 6 47 60 22 14 24 12 44 121 72 16 86 39 28 19 16 3 3 1 2 25 15 5 11 35 50 29 67 37 44 ll 18 9 3 11 12 6 15 1 1210 1470 285 180 70 12 32 5 2 2 S s 3. p. 7 91 5 101 15 12 19 10 159 6 152 1 38 40 43 19 1 23 "2 3 2 46 5 82 10 18 16 8 100 225 23 50 40 50 121 1 253 29 11 10 15 96 388 25 9 34 10 84 1 425 18 5 68 59 2 120 2 10 3 8 15827 50 37584 1135 490 2590 690 148 ■ '674 49 82 25 V. 2, s.s. 2 S s. 2, p. 8 61 11 80 14 V. 2, s.s. 1, p. 3 S. s. 5 V 7 Oakland V. 2. s.s. 1 V 3 5 16 3 122 39 13 1 14 3 12 6 3 1 ' '3 81 25 5 4 JS 70 ' '56 50 40 12 4 2 3 2 2 1 42 29 4 300 2150 45 6053 1825 217 "36 ' 124 19 V 1 s s. 1 V. l.s.s. 1 V. 2, s.s. 1, P. E. 7 V. 2., p. 5 S. s. 3 S s 1 81 22 7 1 73 15 10 15 21 6 30 11 10 "'s 5 2 11 Pilot Grove S. s 8 6 20 Pleasant Point V. 1 y., s.s. 2 V. 3 y.. 1 s.s.. p. 3 V 2 y 2 3 12 8 ' '24 5 16 "3 2 1 8 50 574 Pleasant Valley Postville V 3 y s s 1* out Prairie V. 3 y., s.s. 2 y 40 7 17 4 22 2 35 20 20 38 19 "64 30 '"4 6 3 22 9 50 45 19 15 5 16 8 9 4 511 1009 160 110 675 30 25 ""2 S. s. 3 y., 3. P 3 y Red Oak Grove V. 3 y., s.s. 1 V. 2 y., P. E. 2 (?); with Salem V 4 y. ' out .... 1 11 1 12 69 18 2 37 14 3 8 ' 'i 8 14 30 25 "is 1 13 2 4 Rock Creek 1 Rossville V. 2 y., p. 2 V. 1 y.. s.s. 1, p. 8 V. 2. s.s. 2 13 4 13 33 8 "so 60 29 33 12 5 52 11 6 33 7 9 24 4 1 26 14 1 5 416 2585 650 2 203 9 22 6 S. s. 9 V. 2, s.s. 7 S s '5 43 4 4 17 .... 40 "si 40 59 21 54 4 59 20 14 2 1550 1600 135 Sherrill's Mound Shiloh V. 3. s.s. 4, p. 3 V. l.s.s. 4 21 7 117 59 Sidney STATISTICS— OLD SCHOOL 1851-'60 45 NAME DATE SERVICE ■go < < V b Adult Baptism Infant Baptism xi c "S II 5-3 Is W Church Erect. Relief Fund ■0 bo Ik. ft/ 11 -a o< u II 1855 1858 1854 1840 1860 1855 1859 1851 1858 1842 1854 1859 1860 1850 1854 1856 1857 1843 1855 1843 1857 1858 1860 1848 1837 1860 1860 1863 1858 1847 V 1 s s S 25 5 3 27 28 14 4 9 21 43 131 38 29 15 4 9 56 50 86 7 1 22 12 9 60 50 7 7 4 5 6 14 2 5 910 2075 100 336 S s Solon (Gower's Ferry). . V. 2, P. E. 5 Out 4 y.. V. 5, s.s. 1 S s 21 'io 2 2 '34 2 35 25 20 30 75 84 V. 1, s.s. 5 V. l.s.s. 1 V. 2, s.s. 6, P.E. 2 With Rock Creek 31 7 19 16 12 70 12 10 98 5 "53 5 8 3 50 1072 380 2766 ■"eo Toledo V. 3, s.s. 5, p. 2 V. 6, s.s. 1 V 2 13 2 11 16 5 2 69 67 16 28 27 14 25 48 107 8 2 "i 9 1 13 6 2 2 85 25 2 60 27 3 3 4 12 361 150 13 4 4520 2101 25 4 ' "3 36 Troy Twelve Mile 3 38 19 2 25 85 50 V. l,p.9 V 2 s s 3, p. 2 100 31 65 11 '2 2 V 3 11 V 1 ss l,p. 8 30 94 2 10 18 111 49 11 10 3 24 4 60 34 20 18 123 78 12 10 36 40 11 14 43 6 5 40 12 40 51 11 5 114 3 28 3 33 5 34 1854 95 16 316 Waukon (Ger 1 S s V. 1, s.s. 3 V 4 Of Keokuk, v. 3, ss.. 3, p. 4 V. 2, s.s. 1, p. 7 S s 41 55 1 8 6 57 43 1 123 35 302 57 2 147 66 294 13 4 15 27 22 10270 910 50 1645 53 White Breast S s V 2 V s s 3 V 9 21 1 4 5 10 2 ' '46 24 3 30 10 6 11 2 470 467 Winterset S s 3 Zion V. 3 : drops out 46 HISTORY SYNOD OF IOWA— Old School— Period 1861-70 NAME Aiton Agricola Albia Algona Anamosa Andrew (with Far. Cr.) . Aplington Barclay Batavia (Locust Grove). Bedford Bellevue Bentonsport Bethel (and Greely Gr.) Bethel Bethel Bethel Big Creek Big Grove Birmingham Blairstown Bloomfield Blue Grass Blue Grass (Ger.) Bonaparte Bremer Valley Brighton Buckeye (Ger.) Buffalo (Ger.) Burlington Burlington (Ger.) Byron Center Canton Carroll Cascade Cedar Rapids 2 Cedar Valley (Central Centralia Chariton Chequest W !- Q 1861 1857 1852 1857 1869 1847 1870 1857 18.57 1860 1858 1853 1869 1864 1868 1865 1866 1860 1842 1865 1864 1851 1864 1869 1856 1846 1862 1863 1838 1866 1868 1858 1869 1846 1856 1860 1867 1858 1857 1842 SERVICE V. 6, s.s. 4 Indianapolis(?). V. 1, s.s. 7. p. 2. P. 10; J. M. Batchelder V. 1, s.s. 9 . 3 V. 1 s.s. 1. V. 2, s.s. 5, P. E. S. s V. 3. s.s. 2; drops out '66 L. G. tUl ■67; v. 2, s.s. 7, p. 1. V. 4, s.s. 6. V. 1, s.s. 3, p. 6. V. 3, s.s. 4, p. 3. V. 2. V. 2, s.s. 5. P. 3; J. W. Dickey... S. s. 6. Jas. Anderson. V. 2, s.s. 1, p. 2 V. 3, S.S., p. 6 P. 10 V. 2, s.s. 4 S. s. 5. p. 2 V. 2, s.s. 7, p. 1. V. 2, s.s. 3. P. 2; H. R. Lewis. V. 3, s.s. 7 V. 9, s.s. 1. S. S-; John Amdt P. 4 ; L. Kliebenstein .... S. s., G. D. Stewart, 7 y. V. l.s.s. 4 V. 1, p. 2. V. 5, s.s. S. V. 1, s.s. 1. V. 3; drops out V. 1, p. 9 V. 2, s.s.; John Hudson V. 1, s.s. 2. p. 1 Peosta (?). V. '61; drops out. . V. 2. s.s. 5, p. 3 Keosauqua to '66; v. 2. s.s. 8.. 22 13 6 3 47 70 5 15 18 2 5 7 1 34 8 50 10 8 4 106 ■ao 57 r * i-c to £0. c ^ 51 30 117 18 22 68 22 17 56 22 40 56 18 30 54 14 19 99 141 39 53 36 15 21 15 22 30 35 176 23 25 17 13 22 120 31 22 21 87 59 10 38 t/iS 50 60 150 75 25 130 20 40 100 75 80 100 SO 20 2i4 100 35 f .2 a n 0.2 MS .».i §" ^t II ii.cn 0< 6 33 53 113 75 3 35 13 208 32 17 18 126 16 14 6 16 9 196 34 25 9 2 25 60 107 20 9 43 389 64 113 12 5 4 1049 4 2 17 3 47 1 56 6 19 95 5 1 44 10 44 14 37 3 4 10 3 13 55 72 6 10 22 19 24 26 2 14 18 16 134 125 10 5 1 61 7 11 67 31 22 13 10 15 21 23 171 23 5 45 3 15 28 23 36 39;i0 869 5524 1082 275 2608 125 150 2581 1150 3818 3098 4 17 11 12 43 43 14 83 4 7 2 1327 2200 295 1898 6459 4746 853 3753 2188 85 400 136 266 450 265 16671 592 400 235 44 1 7 9912 675 1806 58 13 7223 1165 STATISTICS— OLD SCHOOL 1861-'70 47 NAME DATE SERVICE ■Sw 1 ° 1^ ■o a < o 6 1" i ■O a B 0-2 £0. a A 4 a as c a Mo 5 s to W 6.0) — C Oitt. CO oc T5 0< Congre- gation. 1 03 if S5 1S64 1856 1859 1865 1857 1870 1861 1870 1858 1857 1851 1840 1868 1864 1848 1859 1869 1867 1851 1855 1869 1859 1866 1851 1868 1857 1868 1842 1860 1867 1859 1858 1860 1857 1839 1867 1854 1865 1857 1859 V. 1; Adam Craig, s.s. 5 V. 1, s.s. 6, p. 3 S s. 10 y o 64 17 "25 "66 24 "ii 14 25 5 91 36 10 39 14 29 19 83 189 67 190 20 60 118 19 19 7 174 180 15 20 35 51 24 47 25 126 50 23 19 30 14 44 151 10 64 32 50 16 2 127 36 4 15 9 44 20 2 "4 29 25 1 19 75 50 "25 61 13 3 13 10 46 48 20 "'4 3 28 7 2 "'4 14 9 1 3 9 9 47 29 4 35 1 5174 2880 65 815 172 1199 168 80 "25 "is V. 2, s.s. 4 V. 4, s.s. 6 S. s Corinth (Orford?) V. 2, s.s. 4, p. 4 S. s 14 1 11 30 4 6 S s 5, p. 5 39 118 33 90 3 42 66 34 129 28 184 6 42 110 4 13 3 124 83 15 12 41 1 20 2 8 11 26 117 36 89 2 22 21 4 40 200 50 175 "so 200 15 374 142 419 4 28 211 20 7 11 483 198 524 4 14 243 4 7 345 6 836 1 56 81 5 89 8 220 1 3 65 11 117 37 444 1 5 136 36 174 25 60 2 37 57 1631 24122 3548 21553 100 3285 10449 136 110 78 1231 164 1394 "'ss 850 " "5 Council Bluffs S. s. 4. p. 6 V. 2, s.s. 1, p. 7 S McAnderson, p 196 5 73 1 3 88 "12 V. 2, s.s. 1 S. s. 7 V. 3, s.s. 2, p. 5 DeWitt Dexter V 1. s.s. 1 6 2 S s 4 79 54 V. 2, s.s. 1, p. 7 P. A. Van Vliet, p. 10 y 13 73 113 150 100 584 137 485 128 368 75 146 13 91 44 52 19 18 82 26 19471 . 6555 4044 81 Dubuque (Ger.) Dutch Church V 1 s.s. 1 Dyersville (Ger.) East Friesland (Ger) . . V. 9, s.s. 1 'ie 1 8 1 3 4 12 3 3 62 2 58 24 "25 60 ' SO 'ioo 100 3 16 20 19 48 10 59 55 5 3 6 20 4 68 "35 58 2 6 6 1 133 2 30 42 1 • 6 5 "22 30 1150 670 2895 3115 476 6668 1405 210 "■35 5 58 "443 145 7 13 2 48 13 38 19 8 5 33 26 28 12 111 29 15 4 13 7 23 2 2 V. 1, s.s. 4, p. 5 V. 1, s.s. 2 S. s. 8, p. 2 V. l.s.s. 2 V. 1, p. 9 V. 2. s.s. 8 V. 3, s.s. 1 V 7 ■ drops out '68 2 8 11 19 6 39 18 Eldora 29 4 Fairfax 21 8 30 75 24 15 ■ 6 Farley V. 4, with Andrew '66 6 1 1 40 10 6 2 3 2 220 50 V 4 s.s 1 p 1 ; drops out '67 V. 6, s.s. 4'. :.... V. 1, s.s. 7, p. 2 18 57 28 42 3 12 6 52 75 200 87 166 45 193 4 274 4 132 18 94 31 70 1725 9625 549 185 Fort Madison Union 43 15 V. 3, s.s. l.p. 6 V. 3, s.s. 3 V. 1, s.s. 9 V. 5. s.s. 5 44 1 15 18 6 37 24 23 11 ■ '6 10 32 4 29 23 50 45 40 40 82 18 23 32 123 11 17 35 49 7 5 55 4 3 67 5 7 69 20 48 2765 150 1513 1248 142 35 21 60 47 4 Glenwood 48 HISTORY NAME < Q SERVICE ■O'J < V ¥ E 'Ha -urn £ 0. ^ to «iS a ".2 0.2 Kb It u8 11 li &.2 (A li Grove HiU (Ger.) 1867 1865 1859 1S57 1855 1855 1859 1857 1854 1840 1867 1866 1848 1842 1855 1854 1870 1860 1866 1869 1868 1850 1867 1859 1869 1869 1867 1867 1855 1851 1860 1841 1869 1857 1861 1857 1863 1867 1853 1842 V. 3, s.s. 1 S. s. 6 3 27 "47 18 60 8 34 65 87 31 ' '4 ' '7 20 7 2 12 1 6 15 36 12 45 35 "80 90 110 50 10 40 2 21 39 116 11 5 20 "22 95 165 6 4 3 46 71 205 4 4 37 31 3472 119 V. 1. s.s. 2, p. 7 S. s. 6, p. 4 1 61 62 14 16 50 72 2 16 21 28 25 25 85 8 6 3 19 57 3 2417 10713 16371 1161 34 358 410 27 6 Independence (Ger.)-.- ■ Only reports 8. 9, 0. s.s. 2 V. 3. s.s. 5. p. 2 S. s. 2. p. 8; S. M. Osmond 50 126 10 24 107 93 149 36 11 73 127 266 42 41 245 14 37 1 14 12 18 65 4 6 115 87 250 70 85 200 56 347 5 23 506 79 358 3 9 865 20 1590 ' .3 1549 10 107 'lie 42 298 2 12 150 28 101 45 71 10 12 96 5725 28689 380 1950 23029 54 856 63 65 1401 40 Jefferson (new) V. 2. p. 2 S. s. 5 S. s. 2. P., W. G. Craig, D.D Keokuk (Westminster) . Keosauqua, till '66 l^irkvillp 118 V3ss3p4 16 92 77 21 34 21 2 2 3 '9 6 13 14 26 25 20 3 32 99 227 18 16 is 2 20 5 5 11 6 21 19 21 28 31 15 42 184 300 40 59 21 18 29 22 8 31 9 9 29 50 42 30 61 18 1 17 14 2 9 6 80 2 21 12 6 40 80 200 40 105 60 20 128 25 45 38 5 31 95 14 76 11 38 14 240 11 406 9 11 39 919 7623 800 2122 4185 213 51 1374 25 32 46 P P H Jacob, 10 y 44 15 Round Prairie & Yellow Spr. till '70 . S s D V. Smock, 10 33 38 5 14 16 11 9 44 13 11 6 4 P 2 ' J J. Weiss S. s. 1. p. 2 V. 6, p. 4.... V. 2. s.s. 2 V. 5, s.s. 5 V. l.s.s. 1 V 2 .... 1 3 15 Le Claire "3 4 5 1 4 "is 21 6 2 14 7 2 3 12 2 2 2 6 10 4 4 575 372 179 260 9 3 5 2 Lettsviile (Ononwa).. . . 4 4 8 4 V. 3, s.s. 1 V. 2, p. 2 V. 1; D. V. Smock, s.s. 9 V. l.s.s. 3, p. 6 V. 2. s.s, 2, p. 6 V. 1, s.s. 9 P E H R Lewis 1 3 1 15 5 2 2 2 8 18 7 32 16 1 147 795 1127 2608 1110 4173 230 "■53 29 131 205 308 11 27 17 9 41 1 34 20 98 50 80 20 21 41 54 45 75 7 13 47 32 33 129 4 3 6 7 37 66 2 25 15 47 38 2 17 18 24 55 4 13 10 4 34 16 7 16 3 With Summit. 1, 2. 3. s.s. 5, p. 5 10 1 42 7 6 "45 23 4 50 16 10 55 13 9 122 "2 '23 7 5 70 6 5 64 SO "88 30 1.37 30 8 51 4 8 235 24 "82 5 6 352 72 "65 70 1 384 37 2 25 ■ '49 15 "23 15 2 80 20 2 6 860 34 3471 525 90 9251 68 8 7 ""9 296 Lycurgus (Ger.) AfcGregor (Ger.) 38 8 P 4 V 6" Moses Noerr p Marion A. S'. Marshall, p. 10. . .' 61 39 30 83 STATISTICS— OLD SCHOOL 1861-70 49 NAMB DATE SERVICE < o b B 3S 1 B S. 0. s Ii I's 1 a. U! 15 10 2 30 8 Conway 22 18 72 HISTORY NAME DATE SERVICE T3 x' Added or Cer. Whole No. Baptism S £ ft s's .1.0 ll ^1 (MCI) 5w S2 <8 is H Congre- gation Miscel- laneous 1884 1880 1870 1858 1857 1890 1851 1876 1852 1871 1870 1886 1840 1876 1886 1879 1886 1864 1878 1874 1872 1849 1878 1879 1884 1889 1889 1890 1869 1889 1875 1851 1857 1890 1855 1859 1875 1890 1870 S. s. 7 V. 2, out 57 18 1 46 1 180 20 26 115 3 39 13 119 20 303 20 50 170 11 40 66 92 303 56 8 7 40 51 13 42 54 434 188 74 177 31 100 9 65 22 17 112 562 40 30 24 99 20 28 29 3 84 46 14 6 5 16 8 5 4855 100 Corinth 3 106 25 278 P. 9, V. 1 P. 2, s.s. 1, V. 7 P. 8, V. 2 S. s. 1 105 3 132 49 1 41 'io 39 32 1 44 'i? 38 2 150 60 341 80 60 180 1152 27 2707 17 120 177 25 1704 10 993 '2i7 96 176 7 848 ■ '21 26 35 4 326 3 25 11 95 4 684 5 38 63 175 6 597 77 7 199 6430 '347 13606 665 35477 1150 1850 17313 105 2214 V 68 S21I "io 520 1 Cory don Council Bluffs 1 Council Bluffs 2 V. 3, s.s. 7 P. 6, s.s. 3, V. 1 S. s. 2. V. 8 Out 38 92 56 49 6 49 24 22 56 46 85 16 Croton V. 2, s.s. 8 S. s. 1, p. 4 V 2 p 8 42 97 49 34 1 ■ '33 24 IS 13 43 138 120 63 126 38 71 2 71 1 11 46 351 14 50 9 116 10 13 17 47 141 35 2 ' 27 14 2 12 39 308 lOS 19 87 6 26 7 35 3 17 28 148 26 21 1 48 10 13 20 43 27 19 1 18 49 48 2 100 97 352 80 25 122 138 2206 101 6 117 85 1566 54 1 31 21 647 4 2 47 37 80 43 28 364 3 1 124 46 711 47 34 25 191 1 - 31 18 228 32 56 281 44 4 4313 3237 32539 3425 170 87 23 1391 250 (Coliege Avenue) V. 1, s.s. 9 S. s. 2, p. 2, V. 1 S. s. 3, V. 2 ; S. s. 5 S. s. 6, V. 4 S. s. 8, V. 2 V. 7, s.s. 3 P. 1, V. 1, s.s. 8 J. B. Stewart 7. S. E. Wishard 2 S. s. 3, W. M. Bartholomew 7 S. s. 9, V. 1 S. s. 4, p. 3 S. s. 2 S.S.2 P. E Davton 16 12 7 8 5 40 54 27 71 20 25 27 1 1 14 113 8 69 1 6 13 4 5 is 39 30 16 28 4 9 '12 3 29 104 '74 22 30 72 70 22 115 91 336 155 200 250 65 159 72 80 45 30 130 700 200 100 25 128 57 75 24 54 49 10 125 2901 902 109 404 13 37 5 368 2 19 1045 4146 165 16 256 "55 8 41 33 1 36 3043 712 61 284 5 17 5 280 1 13 1012 3143 'sio 21 251 9 30 5 13 6 2 4 2 13 29 19 5 4 9 2 14 419 152 14 48 3 3 6 7 13 40 15 11 60 348 154 36 61 3 9 ,56 2 8 121 495 5 127 26 78 i924 3131 2161 795 7198 56376 19128 3387 7650 2585 2865 5875 4397 1300 862 16139 46116 "ioi 70 "i63 2174 1106 308 194 "eo ■'376 10 ■ '443 4787 Derby 14 288 59 1 69 32 167 115 11 46 37 777 1490 31 222 16 351 38 3 28 11 149 64 "i? Des Moines Central Des Moines East Des Moines South Des Moines, Westm'r. . . Des Moines. Sixth 2 5 3 Des Moines, Highland Park P. 6, S.S. 3. V. 1 S. s 33 1 2 453 496 416 17 34 50 ' "2 168 386 5 96 3 28 61 1 13 488 467 56 31 9 S. s. 6, V. 1 P. 8, V. 2 9 464 396 2 613 254 1 412 115 P. 9, V. 1 P. E Dubuque 3 Dubuque (Ger.) Dyersville (Ger.) P . E Kudobe 179 37 39 230 9 38 145 5 39 91 2 30 10869 856 9181 614 25 221 ■■■56 V. 6, p. 4 P. 4, V. 1, s.s. 5 P. 1 Earlv P. 2, s.s. 7, V. 1 10 18 15 20 2 37 STATISTICS— 1881-'00 73 NAME DATE SERVICE < ■cu < o d 1! - a 4 c II CD u •gcr '— c 11.*= 11 5^ .S c S5 East Cedar 1887 1866 1877 1876 1851 1875 1868 1871 1871 1879 1873 1877 1883 1881 1885 1857 1879 1882 1875 1868 1842 1871 1860 1867 1887 1857 1839 1854 1858 1872 1857 1870 1890 1882 1889 1859 1870 1873 1S73 V, 1, p. 1, s.s 2 15 49 6 43 142 16 5 6 12 20 22 5 7 13 78 10 14 20 19 49 54 14 21 349 18 33 45 50 214 175 21 17 10 100 70 15 7 15 8 119 113 27 7 b 258 So ISO 51 140 30 139 649 3 35 s 453 V 13 116 2.524 12347 14 216 J. Van D. 6, H. S. 4 V. with 1 6 starred 56 45 11 East Orange S. s. 4, V. 5, out S. s. 1, V. 3. out 5 3 4 1 12 6 63 EddvviUe Eden From ■81-'83, starred Eldora S. s. 4, V. 6 S.s. 9, V. 1 V. 2, s.s. 8 S. s. 7, V. 3 S. s. 1, V. 3, drops out P. 9, V. 1 V. l,s.s. 7 S. s. 9. V. 1 S. s. 5, V. 1 S. s. 4. V. 3, out S. s. 8. V. 2 S. s. 6. V. 2, p. 1 S. s. 5, V. 5 S. s. 2, V 1, out 11 1 3 6 "64 2 24 4 16 41 15 6 15 18 2 3 1 60 18 23 8 6 32 44 2 1 6 69 15 39 13 35 6 4 16 3 16 10 7 11 5 30 11 6 6 3 69 12 22 11 15 39 18 8 8 304 10 33 31 17 208 196 29 8 7 85 45 2300 346 691 1683 225 9221 580 2682 1.35 1350 3039 3856 321 960 27385 265 2140 2665 5542 46158 33545 1591 178 300 9445 5909 120 34 1375 "2.5 66 "is 60 150 60 50 859 17 60 56 79 280 50 30 ■347 157 6 2 Elm Grove 4 28 7 "s 27 15 1 '23 21 8 10 28 3 18 25 149 30 30 21 50 81 70 31 2 301 18 32 2 16 192 38 4 2 619 13 134 47 81 972 612 96 1 12 3 1 Ely 519 25 14 93 2 2 58 125 40 27 113 5 ■■'2 4 28 7 2 105 4 10 141 Emmanuel (Ger.) Emmett Co., (Scotch).. 7 150 54 3 6 23 6 3 1 15 5 7 21 11 1 3 20 3 1 3 Essex Fairbanks Fairfax 1 60 1 3 10 16 66 43 5 3 40 7 1 37 28 51 80 3 20 267 28 55 40 1.50 210 287 25 40 Fairfield P. 10, T. D. Ewing, D.D., 5, J. F. Ma- gill, D.D., 5 155 2 10 46 24 142 104 S 190 3 7 14 34 80 104 3 2118 42 100 30 40 1753 704 193 4 17 15 13 138 238 6 103 136 92 163 3 17 7 14 665 14 3 2333 10 5 2 41 714 113 3 S. s. 2, V. 3, out S. s. 7, p. 3 ~. S. s. 7, V. 2 S. s. 2. P. E. 2 P. 8, V. I, s.s. 1 G. D. Stewart, D.D., p. 10 S. s. 7, V. 3 V. 10 15 3 16 245 89 6 26 15 23 259 68 7 21 10 34 323 180 12 Farley Fort Dodge . Fort Madison, Union... Fulton Galcsburg V 6 out ....|.... V. 3, s.s. 7 P. 8, s.s. 2 S. s 89 53 6 31 49 9 39 21 1 34 33 2 120 75 8 209 138 128 166 15 25 11 29 134 51 85 43 16 21 34 3 Gaza Gifford 1 S. s. 2 V. 8, out 10 15 7 1 48 2 2 3 Glidden S. s. 8. P. E. 1, V. I P. 7, V. 1, s.s. 2 P. 1. s.s, 5. V. 4 93 118 26 62 53 2 56 56 15 26 39 4 166 158 20 88 347 23 31 204 4 15 52 1 22 37 27 118 16 79 5 87 24 93 64 107 16 5912 7212 .^41 746 68 43 Grand Junction Grand River 74 HISTORY NAME DATE SERVICE |5 < . 1 i « p. .J3 S.2 Is ■§■2 M Am ■go OM 1 tn 1878 1881 1873 1875 1883 1880 1870 1870 1871 1865 1890 1870 1880 1882 1857 1878 1878 1872 1872 1855 1877 1882 1875 1874 1881 1855 1859 1854 1884 1840 1884 1890 1889 1855 1867 1866 1876 1848 1855 1855 S. s. 2, V. 8 V 9 out '"5 34 50 59 66 99 33 35 4 2 "2 18 82 19 68 63 55 41 8 8 6 . .. ' i 9 22 7 29 53 20 15 13 12 39 16 45 97 73 102 151 37 58 25 10 17 45 16 35 14 77 12 11 142 90 12 60 114 28 223 75 165 24 215 5 18 24 63 160 77 71 490 130 134 1 22 18 31 26 32 5 13 2 10 78 125 100 125 164 117 160 50 V. 3, s.s. 6, p. 1 S. s. 5, p. 4, V. 1 S. s. 7, V. 1 S s 3 p 6 V. 1 44 56 111 219 571 54 248 19 242 90 176 711 22 138 3 2 4 47 38 64 10 227 15 "69 27 87 4 16 11 7 50 56 227 25 43 10 7 3 95 54 102 10 63 2 "4.5 18 126 1 24 1 2 4 49 68 88 "9 27 84 23 71 92 12 52 30 3210 7977 1643 8746 11043 6175 7490 288 765 32 68 73 325 1173 Grundy Center Guthrie Center J. W. H. 2. W. B. 5, D. W. M. 3 S. s. 5, p. 1, V. 4 P. 9, V. 1 S. s. 1 2200 37 3540 "125 ... 36 '17 60 65 5 33 5 13 '"9 "'3 7 14 2 38 P. 6, V. 1, s.s. 3 Jas. R. Brown, s.s. 1 S. s. 8, V. 2 S. s. 3. V. 7 B Vander Las, p. 10 69 2 9 7 45 1 7 96 101 13 14 12 "io ■"i 45 31 2I 126 13 67 15 102 15 95 ' "9 1 24 57 35 8 158 37 16 21 1 5 2 1 "3 49 3 i47 4 5 11 « 50 40 123 "12 145 140 41 20 299 2 14 482 78 33 141 430 56 1478 264 599 17 1218 57 25 32 43 31 19 8 46 13 58 6 15 113 41 4868 453 8249 75 150 6849 3127 158 2439 12476 919 21414 5896 15081 497 25659 101 48 589 5 6 291 134 "isi 11 516 218 2709 6 1407 Hickory Grove Holland 394 1 1 480 25 1 22 267 21 1723 198 664 11 924 511 1 1 47 1 1 "34 '185 230 466 2 151 37 "16 "2 "26 '244 18 54 302 1 1 78 12 1 3 220 23 530 194 157 89 1 39 1 S. s. 3, V. 7 S. s. 2, V. 8 S. s. 9, V. 1 P. 9. V. 1 20 36 27 54 Humbolt County 1 '225 8 292 38 108 4 221 1 1 27 '368 13 71 28 1083 V. 4, s.s. 3, p. 3 S. s. 2, p. 8 S. s. 6, V. 4 P. 9, s.s. 1 P. 9, s.s. 1 J M Findley, A. J. Berger 17 52 19 72 60 117 10 79 "io 14 32 98 66 62 198 110 99 10 11 7 45 1 48 4 31 25 32 10 35 40 38 2? 35 197 28 200 72 150 43 175 ' 65 76 233 ' '67 1 70 36 79 16 220 63 169 14 263 Independence First Independence (Ger.)..- . Inwood (Pennington) . . S. s. 5, V. 2 Drs Folsom 8, Barrett 2 6! 6 153 426 S. s. 1, V. 4 S. s. 1 S. s. 2 S. s. 10 2 4 20 53 31 '76 43 41 1 '25 23 19 117 88 35 17 35 40 36 166 60 100 814 100 117 3 'i37 424 185 92 4701 281 64 100 759 7559 19116 7657 4939 53032 5849 3932 "367 398 65 246 5312 400 5 235 432 100 191 3528 259 61 6 34 27 11 50 1385 23 11 4 65 53 26 36 774 61 14 3 83 178 56 54 495 83 53 24 86 14 32 320 43 29 46 67 28 112 878 48 25 25 71 18 31 350 17 6 12 157 10 203 1210 28 13 P. 7, s.s. 3 S. s. 6, V. 2, p. 2 J. B. 4, V. 1, P. H. D. 5 P. 9, V. 1 V. 2. p, 8 P. 4. s.s. 5, V. 1 Camrar (Polen's Grove . Keokuk, Westminster. . Xeota Kirkville STATISTICS— 1 SS 1 -'90 75 NAME DATE SERVICE |5 3i ¥ = ■.= S, 0. -.1 I'l •§.2 ■St. •J 4. ■0 - a'i ;s ■St 3§ ■3 6 c 3 0. ■T3 ffl E *> 2 0-- 'j: B ■0 - P u u tu 11 0^ If Si Nolo 1886 1870 1883 1858 1883 1882 1881 1885 1861 1871 1879 1859 1845 1890 1854 1889 1871 1886 1877 1861 1881 1862 1875 1882 1875 1877 1860 1873 1856 1870 1873 1882 1889 1870 1880 1871 1876 1856 1889 1879 S S. 4, V. 1 21 1 29 16 2 60 23 8 7 32 "3 24 13 10 47 82 11 1 20 4 46 83 23 17 26 19 12 80 54 20 19 77 20 90 149 10 269 106 83 53 43 152 4 5 33 48 65 28 68 65 68 25 34 34 32 32 10 52 20 23 16 9 1 7 2 '24 7 3 1 12 3 '19 27 1 20 31 3 ii 50 75 50 25 40 60 100 ' '36 80 12 10 50 84 2 101 38 14 40 222 7 6 27 65 1 ' "5 11 2 2 "is 2 5 8 22 31 3 5 25 1 1 8 11 10 33 1 30 26 6 22 79 1 96 122 1 267 22 951 21 13 410 859 817 1930 25 2 30 15 V. 4, s.s. 4 P. 7, s.s. 2, V. 1 Oakland 16 4 Oak- RiHpf O'Brien Co. (Scotch).. . Odebolt S. s. 6, p. 3 S. s. 4. p. 2, V. 4 S. s. 3, V. 2 V. 4, s.s. 6 50 25 15 9 288 4 8 "24 37 13 59 3 1 31 15 21 2 61 99 4 12 12 11 47 8 15 171 2 3275 4260 1590 557 8364 1501 5 52 140 Olivet 7 56 "45 S. s. 9, V. 1 Osceola 42 62 23 14 117 6 24 39 19 4 20 '67 27 27 3 100 134 50 208 256 85 75 63 179 209 211 284 ' "2 7 63 64 11 23 9555 24809 23 37790 1267 5172 1446 3493 8 366 'i846 ■■3 21 J M Baugh p 10 ys 6 S s B. E. S. Ely, D.D., p S s 2 268 11 85 65 41 134 120 16 18 31 2096 780 551 103 7 34 ' "5 2600 202 88 550 Oxford P. 4, s.s. 4, V. 2 S. s. 3, V. 2 S. s. 5, V. 5 Disbanded 'S3' ... 104 8 65 70 6 44 32 1 3 59 13 29 43 4 8 25 1 21 3 Pella Pella (Holland) Came from Dutch Ref. P. 5, s S s V 7 out .s. 4. 92 27 45 133 140 48 315 10 19 10 5 97 7491 338 Perry S.s. 3, P. E. 1. V. 5 S. s. 3, p. 1, V. 6 P. 6. s.s. 3. V. 1 S. s. 4. V. 6 S. s. 9. V. 1 T D Calwell o 10 11 63 33 3 44 66 57 51 11 7 11 3 "65 6 12 1 31 14 26 1 19 5 13 16 14 27 13 5 5 14 1 11 2 4 15 10 12 37 33 39 5 5 6 3 '29 3 5 8 9 16 11 20 5 19 2 2 4 4 10 19 10 4 133 50 70 ' '48 75 125 90 78 40 25 45 19 50 "60 23 41 161 33 29 34 101 20 21 2 60 9 21 68 49 5 24 11 243 2 4 48 "29 8 5 23 67 15 53 38 54 26 12 3 30 28 16 9 32 1503 1809 5339 4.50 2262 1819 3393 2136 437 760 1899 2350 420 2831 645 315 140 847 3 471 '"26 130 156 110 '143 67 '355 6 17 8 55 11 44 10 49 4 41 Pine Creek PisRah 23 36 9 13 1 4 40 1 4 2 11 9 33 2 13 20 17 11 19 93 5 3 10 32 3 37 "2 ' "5 Pleasant Hill S. s. 9, V. 1 S. s. 6. V. 4 S. s. 7, V. 2 S. s. 2 S. s. 8, V. 2 S. s. 8. V. 2 S. s. 7, V. 3 V. 2, s.s. 8 V. 9. s.s. 1 S 2 W T Bartle Pleasant Valley Plover Plymouth 41 30 10 15 89 31 11 24 25 10 Plymouth County Point Pleasant 3 10 5 13 17 2 6 12 4 25 83 8 113 Prairie View S. s. 1. H. P. Wilson 78 HISTORY Primrose Princeton Promise City Providence Ramsay (Ger ') Randolph Redding Red Oak Red Oak Grove Richland Center (Ger.) Ridgedale Rippey Rock Creek Rockwell Citv RoKe. First Rolfe. second Rossville Rowley Rowley (Ger.) Russell Sac City Saint Andrews Saint Charles Saint Peter's (Evangel. Salem Salina Sanborn Schaller Scotch Grove Scott..-. Scranton Seymour Sharon Sharon Shelby Shellsburg Shenandoah Sherrill's Mound Shiloh Shunam SERVICE 187U 18.55 1871 1879 1879 1880 1879 1870 1841 1874 1889 1873 1856 1883 1873 1881 1869 1874 1890 1869 1872 1885 1861 1861 1857 1851 1882 1887 1852 1871 1878 1874 1885 1852 1880 1857 1872 1860 1842 1870 S. s. 10 S. s. 8. V. 2' S. s. 7, v. 3 S. s. 8, p. 2 P. 3, v. 3, s.s. 4.... S. s. 2, V. 5, p. 3... S. s. 1, V. 9.. P. 4, s.s. 4, V. 2 S. s. 8. V. 2 F. W. B. 8 and B. T. B. 2. S. s. 2. S. s. 8, V. 2.. V. 6, s.s. 4 S. s. 5, V, 1, p. 2 V. 2, out S. s. 9, V. 1.. S. s. 1, V. 9.. V. 3, s.s. 7. S. s. 1. P. 2, s.s. 6, V. 2 S. s. 9. V. 1 S. s. 2. V. 2 and out. S. s. 5, V. 5 P. 9, V. 1 S. s. 5, V. 2, p. 3. S. s. 6, V. 4 S. s. 9. S. s. 2, V. 1, p. 1. S. s. 10, J. L. W. 5 S. s.-lO, Geo. B. Smith. P. 2, s.s. 3, V. and out. . P. 2. s.s. 4, V. 4 S. s. 5, V. 1 S. s. 10 P. 4, s.s. 4, S. s. 8, V. 2, V. 2. P. 5, s.s. 3, V. 2. P. 5, s.s. 5 V. 10; in '81, 6 members.. S. S. 8, V 2 24 6 51 57 17 20 28 26 24 4 39 23 107 77 22 82 17 60 11 7 21 25 2 52 38 13 4 24 6 40 IS 3 10 12 46 4 8 51 12 159 5 o o 25 60 32 15 33 54 11 12.'1 47 60 50 24 32 45 28 23 18 30 23 105 80 7 15 81 86 18 35 36 57 34 8 30 29 125 76 4S 135 55 2 89 3 a ^ B <*- 4^ - 4^ ti.'^ es — c V m C< 5^ Miscel- laneous ll Ackley 1S6S 1876 1897 1857 1801 1852 18/0 1896 1871 1884 1860 1881 1847 1870 1S78 1895 1900 1893 1882 1893 1S58 1885 1869 1889 1879 1871 1896 1888 1880 1890 1860 1858 1853 1894 1900 1871 1868 1864 1898 1860 George Earhart, 9 p.. . . 128 35 5 26 81 127 76 70 35 61 35 8 12 63 52 28 9 27 43 87 16 53 24 33 13 10 5 18 211 80 10 47 130 242 54 96 65 91 40 20 36 58 5 20 24 40 70 43 51 50 197 35 176 80 20 5 lis 5 377 55 31 24 39 71 127 55 66 43 32 1 11 39 63 43 31 10 27 14 5 7 27 3 40 14 21 4 18 40 69 15 2 18 11 ■ '2 29 30 214 102 60 86 150 140 71 162 35 184 38 30 34 135 30 60 1684 97 9 273 236 825 19 DO 288 492 200 91 38 225 loss 2;-i2 454 257 110 21 9 1 29 17 104 34 128 87 12 8 15 34 28 39 112 9.S 2S6 17 1 26 45 107 1 2 25 26 15 7 4 20 417 1 1 9 25 41 217 6 '191 101 164 50 3 34 170 203 48 36 57 49 42 20 22 40 2 13 34394 6351 290 6435 12264 15838 2951 4907 3616 8860 4489 1186 2000 6462 577 35 "if 110 163 83 40 48 117 88 35 248 89 81 "i 10 "45 "'i 28 19 P. 3. s.s. 7 F. Chamberlain, s.s 233 9 307 216 613 7 30 128 268 173 39 9 133 1 85 1 6 23 92 13 1 16 22 8 ■ "2 33 Adel s. s. 3, p. 7 :. E. B. Linn, p. 10 Albia S. s. 2. V. 5. p. 3 P. 2, s.s. 3 S. s. 9, V. 1 S. s. 4. p. 6 V. 1, s.s. 5. p. 4 V. 1, s.s. 9 P. 1, V. 1, s.s. 8 V. 3, s.s. 7 V. 3 7 24 74 S3 4 2 59 "2i 105 48 3 2 50 Alta 59 11 68 112 18 6 2 169 Anderson (Westminster Arcadia (German) S. s. 3. p. 3 V. 1 24 1 40 23 7 31 16 10 7 11 1824 78 S. s. 5, p. 3 S. s. 3, p. 7 V. 3, s.s. 6, p. 4 S. s. 4, p. 4. V. 2 S. s. 4, p. 6, U. G. Evans S. s. 3 p. 7 43 78 32 •-8 51 152 75 86 100 11 6 83 4 31 23 19 7 120 3 155 22 1 10 46 1 135 19 7 5 35 2 53 19 5 2 16 49 1 11 22 46 31 47 53 3 1 28 isi 19 10 5 3 30 25 15 2 17 52 U 4 22 11 31 10 10 9 75 '46 27 1 "i 14 25 14 11 1 55 103 60 68 66 245 76 390 136 46 51 334 19 354 80 59 15 50 70 120 50 58 50 57 75 88 118 131 451 47 837 lis 34 80 219 2 1104 80 58 32 5 60 221 199 8 12 16 57 78 42 92 394 10 865 161 'iis 158 2 866 47 12 11 ■52 164 72 8 3 20 13 7 12 85 'iei 606 2 "46 39 58 "74 66 227 13 306 63 17 17 56 2 33 53 15 "75 4 270 45 3 23 16 5 9 71 1 116 3 3 35 4 15 20 38 1 141 2 2 56 83 3 4 47 11 71 3 5 "67 15 53 24 48 32 194 23 122 44 18 11 133 3 250 43 30 10 3 60 107 67 10 20 542 5408 3825 4465 2506 18438 2385 26971 7265 1160 1577 11919 50 28542 6443 940 556 200 2875 18088 4773 2468 1860 1 106 79 568 131 494 41 Armstrong (Ples't Val.) Ashton (German) S. s. 10... S. s. 7 p. 3 . 214 70 1 10 387 57 10 V. 3, s.s. 1. p. 6 S. s. 5 10 50 23 23 64 25 P. 6, s.s. 4 S. s. 2, p. 8 V. 1. s.s. 8 p. 1 V. 6. s.s. 4 V. 1, s.s. 3. p. 3 234 59 15 40 4 63 71 37 14 19 168 6 2 "io 17 7 28 165 41 11 33 6 7 36 80 2 39 569 9 7 119 15 3 127 7 2 266 3 990 26 72 20 Bethel V. 1, s.s. 4, p. 5 V. 2, p. 4, s.s. 4 V. 1, s s. 9. 29 357 10 2 1 14 28 14 2 11 16 22 2 1 11 26 8 2 3 112 92 116 30 12 is 2 3 "2 Bethel (West Union). . . Bethel P. 3 Bier Grove S. s. 10 26 7 4 2 82 HISTORY NAME DATE SERVICE < Whole No Adult baptism 4 ..Q w: Kg .Sfo .D en Is 5« 5 = •6 - Aid for Colleges General Assem. Congre- gation > IT. H 1842 1876 1865 1864 18.51 1869 1872 18.56 1878 1838 1892 1884 1882 1900 1869 1882 1894 1874 1855 1850 18.-^6 1888 1890 1894 1860 1861 1856 1872 1852 1857 1895 1842 1871 1899 1884 1863 1856 1859 1883 1900 V. 3, p. 4. s.s. 3 61 .5 86 28 10 61 211 91 50 168 57 104 34 7 19 46 ' '24 133 50 7 209 50 47 84 12 109 81 25 75 404 108 45 417 35 115 26 1 37 10 2 35 77 35 23 61 23 74 11 26 1 ■7 78 23 14 85 24 27 76 37 163 70 53 58 560 97 75 225 76 133 343 10 1185 260 33 43 1947 174 47 5616 61 174 190 'gie 202 14 26 630 302 17 4225 34 115 30 '47 48 ■ -j 54 38 1 373 8 18 250 254 41 11 13 278 54 23 767 37 22 92 it 34 39 9o 2 123 89 21 72 412 111 28 440 50 97 5534 100 10402 5326 1025 2512 31947 9930 1175 39561 3600 7887 26 13 147 77 255 68 19 25 ■ 47 14 ' '53 S. s 8. p. 2 V. 1. s.s. 9. J. W. Sta-k. 7 V. 2. s.s. 8 P. 1. V. 2. s.s. 7 P. 6. V. 1 s.s. 4 F Benson Ph D 10 68 35 ' is 632 38 15 315 13 45 112 53 1 10 137 90 24 238 10 26 548 49 78 16 9 139 61 '33s 6 29 9 182 31 39 406 7 19 Brooklyn ., V. l,p. 9 J. C. McC. 5; T- R. S., 5 P. 6, V. 1, s.s. 1, Dissolved S. s. 5. p. 3, V. 2 70 2542 25 51 268 3 Burlington First Burlineton, Hope Calliope (Union Co.)..-. W. A. Pinkerton, s.s S. s. 6, V. 1. p. 3 S. s. 4, p. 6 S. s. 4. p. 2 S. s. 6, p. 4 P. 10 4 173 80 77 43 133 126 154 184 123 87 5 38 45 10 212 153 16 23 201 13 136 95 235 115 74 52 102 64 15 27 102 190 235 44 48 93 4 14 26 1 98 85 23 2 102 12 42 38 145 36 69 56 210 101 60 73 184 430 447 176 217 113 10 30 70 32 300 252 30 53 290 25 86 148 337 113 101 22 1 117 50 16 43 64 50 70 45 21 47 4 19 17 iis 75 4 16 79 4 65 63 127 53 23 3 52 22 12 25 30 68 59 74 228 25 6 10 28 46 18 25 9 4 72 8 26 31 54 14 37 65 125 110 40 100 148 412 424 461 165 254 46 75 89 20 200 361 84 40 460 52 200 108 223 73 160 4 976 204 99 172 667 10659 4223 795 165 414 3 109 222 ~36 348 1235 13 59 1778 4 271 623 2137 426 263 8 472 171 36 99 629 8421 3251 609 79 360 1 119 189 21 298 1014 14 15 1618 2 213 473 1720 442 165 1060 14840 7996 505 5128 21267 75301 34706 17800 4S43 12658 376 2670 3806 2050 33001 14230 6165 1746 19509 1200 7708 10111 21958 6733 6902 145 27 12 13 47 954 619 7 11 23 ■ "s 22 100 79 67 1 7 52 110 227 28 53 115 1040 648 141 36 325 3 47 31 12 73 108 16 8 141 84 50 10 11 59 616 191 15 14 9 74 26 33 10 52 939 282 45 14 24 93 17 10 14 43 355 607 48 13 32 104 10 20 10 32 272 411 25 7 30 230 91 2 50 151 413 414 141 146 63 8 38 52 42 136 175 6 56 317 2 123 117 465 83 56 305 442 '46 778 2138 3352 630 240 643 33 '6 5 '451 315 ■56 21 Casey Cedar Rapids, First. . . . Cedar Rapids Second.. Cedar Rapids. Third... . Cedar Rap.. 4th (Boh.) Cedar Rap.. Cen. Park.. E. R. Burkhalter, D.D J K. F.. D. S. McC. G. N. M.. S. W. S., W. H. C, C. G. S V Hlavatv p 10 R. A. Van der L., E. L. M S.s.S. V.2 V 3 s s. 7 Cedar Valley Center Junction Centerville 14 25 22 67 57 7 16 92 2 22 51 289 71 29 6 17 14 118 60 1 4 60 11 11 20 60 113 2 5 435 6 11 29 79 46 7 2 588 soi 17 166 429 273 5 3 47 110 138 332 640 654 118 "io 8 15 18 'iio '6 5 43 28 10 S. s. 8. V. 1. p. 1 V. 2, s.s. 1, P. E. 7 Atwood, 5; Ormond, 4 S. s. 3. p. 2 V. 2. s.s. 8 P. 7, s.s. 2, y. 1 W. McLeod. s.s V. 2, s.s. 5, p. 3 N. H. D., G. M. C, J. K. H T. C. Smith, p. 10 Charter Oak 19 46 233 72 5 89 106 468 129 53 21 42 344 38 11 19 61 460 70 15 76 36 283 29 57 S. s. 7, p. 3 S. s. 5. p. 5 Cleghom (Liberty) Cleveland STATISTICS— 1891-1900 83 NAME DATE SERVICE <: 5 25 125 115 65 219 60 193 122 7 204 233 200 612 1294 286 1 45 83 44 92 4 146 34 1 213 135 108 123 1 263 74 8 44 46 49 98 1 143 320 1 34 38 55 65 1 152 55 1 63 47 48 61 1 438 97 6 23 38 39 99 1 260 122 15 91 97 58 171 4 163 125 3841 11403 11431 3685 18744 400 26063 11963 10 5 470 169 186 2 no 20 12 29 Greenfield 88 61 8 4 Grundy Center Guthrie Center Hagerty V 1 s.s. 1, p. 8 P. 9, V. 1 51 95 20 30 630 387 29 122 1871 V. 2, s.s. 4, p. 4 39 16 43 20 3 55 164 72 25 22 21 23 12 13 62 5651 685 5 1899 1900 1865 1890 1882 1880 1896 1857 1892 1900 1878 1872 1872 1855 1892 1897 1877 1892 1875 1900 1874 1881 1855 1859 1854 1SS4 1840 S. s. A. H. Fraser 9 19 13 12 23 75 13 32 8 25 13 41 39 124 87 37 25 17 18 70 12 9 242 29 24 71 13 85 15 156 28 392 66 310 81 325 2 2 2 1485 300 S. s Hartford David CraiR, 10 21 27 87 78 5 23 24 9 8 42 51 "s 15 6 40 16 4 4 17 35 57 213 182 50 37 20 11 32 245 326 14 58 47 11 15 158 190 13 8 12 19 16 100 82 23 33 15 Hartley V. 1, s.s. 9 S. s 6, p. 4 S. s. 6, V. 2. .p. 2 S. s. 4. V. 1 V. .S.s.s. 7 S. s. 8 ' 66 '"2 4 5 83 118 4 57 4 3 8 49 3 5 10 "8 44 2 6 3 1 "34 3 10 2 4 58 50 2 3 4 3192 8019 4820 3231 1904 1200 Hawarden (Calliope) . . . 723 114 ' "45 176 42 4 2 Hedrick Hills Sidinc Holland (German) Home Prairie B. Vander Las. 9. v. 1 V. 1, drops out 28 4 72 90 617 635 1197 99 615 169 138 174 64 8290 1150 47 3 179 31 10 69 12 49 "57 2 14 19 1 31 15 84 1 75 "9 11 9 22 38 46 '95 44 9 15 135 36 46 74 13 ■ 80 11 1222 36 9 209 30 185 5 1685 8 3 39 32 118 3 29 13 2 158 "6 2 62 11 3 "2 2 1 33 1 182 "e 19 1 502 32 2 99 7 20 5 210 11 6 115 8 55 183 11622 4609 460 7150 135 6287 100 14089 V. 1, s.s. 1, p. 8 P. 2. s.s. 5 S. s. 4 S. s. 1, Dries Mouw. p. 9 C. DeHaai, s.s P. 4. V. 2. s.s. 4 V 219 22 211 Howell (Holland) 6 18 "53 ' 'is 5 15 P. 6. s.s. 4 V. 91. out in 92. 109 44 39 120 770 701 73 85 72 87 79 75 155 29 22 Independence First P. Riale 4, Fahs 6, p 230 34 200 91 95 120 13 117 19 209 105 9 93 35 37 58 47 76 26 30 379 25 188 K4 I08 4376 399 1363 374 1965 3459 191 1052 190 1715 4S6 188 149 26 246 680 28 115 45 197 322 62 321 58 250 229 26 124 24 225 324 17 133 18 1779 432 18 225 112 168 351 72 205 60 309 ■ioiei 5213 17891 11056 31680 2563 146 1044 " 65 P. 10 Tndianola P. 9, V. 1. 3 pastors . Inwood Iowa City P. 1. ss. 9 E. N. Barrett. D.D.. 10 105 1667 34 86 HISTORY NAME DATE SERVICE •c - < 5 1^ ■a c niel Orpaniz^d IQOO 28 60 7 S. s. 9. V. 1 G. S. Fracker. S.s. 4 V. 2. s.s. 6, p. 2 P. 5. P. E. 2. V. 1, s.s. 2 S. s. 1, V. 9 S s. 10 167 16 6 53 23 35 24 16 31 50 36 13 15 5 17 5 2 4 181 47 21 87 24 61 35 20 22 25 83 3 '22 7 20 11 10 11 55 2 2 24 7 12 8 9 11 281 65 30 80 36 30 50 16 55 213 46 27 491 21 83 55 39 4 140 23 13 515 10 25 128 19 24 8 2 40 28 193 ■'26 134 18 75 85 115 12 35 10 5 79 4 34 12 3 35 30 17 14 17 44 I 25 39 4 107 15 23 91 29 74 52 46 10 10877 935 1030 5795 222 2769 1642 2354 740 312 8 661 44 51 57 6 6 1 2 29 410 117 37 "3 Pleasant Grove P. 1, s.s. 5, V. 4 S. s. 7, V. 3 S s 3 V 3 dissolved PIpa<;ant Hill Pleasant Valley Plover . . . 1895 1889 1870 1880 1897 1871 1876 1856 1894 1893 1889 1870 1855 1871 1879 1879 1880 1879 1870 1841 1874 S. s. 4, V. 2 S. s.vJO 5 47 28 50 14 2 93 16 13 36 38 19 69 25 5 45 30 10 30 16 6 22 5 42 8 27 25 36 2 29 2 17 32 33 10 40 57 36 17 14 70 23 18 35 46 40 80 37 16 90 50 3 24 22 8 8 1 29 4 8 19 26 17 38 12 1 2 12 14 34 4 9 11 4 28 18 9 13 18 10 26 2 9 53 13 25 80 68 78 60 34 100 31 16 70 50 43 128 25 36 60 75 4 62 69 35 4 9 238 SO 64 90 38 29 380 42 27 151 221 3 38 33 19 2 1 110 41 22 64 10 21 156 29 29 90 142 10 14 10 ""8 23 17 10 3 16 34 6 6 32 55 6 52 39 29 16 11 55 9 21 66 32 29 91 14 5 25 65 2 34 30 7 1 "i-i 12 ' "5 31 6 47 10 6 1 1 16 10 2 12 2 7 11 7 1 55 71 7 57 36 37 6 16 63 20 15 31 51 53 89 34 20 61 49 525 3929 2081 2626 636 210 5898 1096 481 3169 3303 1355 10 4 12 6 8 Plymouth Plvmouth Countv Pocahontas Pt. Pleasant (German).. Ponieroy V. l,s.s. 9 S. s. 9. p. 1 V. l.s.s. 3 S. s. 3, V. 7 S.s. 4, p. 5. V. 1 S. s. 5, V. 5 V. 3. s.s. 4 V. 1, s.s. 3, p. 4, V. 1 S s 10 4 16 7 3 10 61 6 56 IS 13 61 25 1 87 73 167 12 "is 13 7 "9 3 8 46 3 "24 99 70 "9 9 1 9 56 2 3 9 26 Prairieburg Prairie Chapel Prairie Star Princeton P. 1, V. 2, s.s. 7 S. s. 2, V. 1, p. 7 V. l.s.s. 9 S. s. 10 4862 2033 1076 4570 4186 138 14 "i98 207 5 2 1 Ramsay (German) Randolph Redding Red Oak S. s. 2, p. 8 V 2. s.s. 5. p. 3 S. s. 1. p. 9 S. s. 9. V. 1 B T. Balcar. p. 10 138 12 27 88 6 3 210 33 69 59 2 1 29 4 67 200 40 30 816 206 18 649 126 9 57 "75 195 80 16 65 6 48 74 2 58 99 20 19 61 "ii 167 43 71 19319 4249 3860 656 235 122 14 12 10 Red Oak Grove Richland Center (Ger.). 90 HISTORY DATE SERVICE Ridgedale Rippey ■ • • ■ •• Rock Creek (German) . . . Rockwell City Rodman Rolfe Second RossviUe Rowley First Rowlev (Germ) Russell Sac City Saint Charles St Peter's (Evang.)(Ger.) Salem Salina Sanborn - . • Saratoga (Ref'd Bohe.)- Scballer Scotch Grove Scott - • • Seymour Sharon Sharon Sharpsburg Shelby Sheilsburg Shenandoah Sherrill (Mound) Shiloh Shimer Shunam Sibley (German) Sidney Sigourney Sioux City First Sioux City Second Sioux City Third Sioux City Fourth Sioux Co. (German) Spirit Lake 1S89 1873 1856 1883 1894 1869 1874 1890 1869 1872 1861 1861 1857 1851 1882 1893 1887 1852 1871 1874 1885 1832 1896 1880 1857 1872 1860 1812 1897 1870 1895 1856 1855 1858 1889 1891 1892 1S89 1871 V. 1, s.s. 9. V. 5. s.s. 5. V. 1. s.s. 9. s. 2, p. 8. S. S. S. V. 3. s.s. S. s. 9. p. 1.... S. s. 10 S s 4, V. 1, p. 3, s.s. Appears '91-2 only P. 3. V. 1, s.s. 3. drops out. V. 1, p. 9. S. s. 1, V. 9 S. s. 10, ministers 4 V. 4, s.s. 1, p. 3 V. 1. s.s. 2. p. 7 H. R.. J. M. B., T. W H. P. 1, s.s. 9 V. 1. s.s. S. s. 10 P. 1. V. 2. s.s. 7 P. 1. s.s. 3, V. 1 J. H. Carpenter o, A. Aston 5 . S. s. 8, V. 2 P. 10 V. 1, F. G. Lemme 9 V. 1, drops out V. 1. V. 2 s.s 8 S. s. 5 P. 6, V. 1. s.s. 3 S. s. 4, V. 1, p. 5 H. D. J. 5. J. C. McC. o H. Hostetler. C. Williams . P. 9, Evans. Shedd S. s. 6, p. 3 V. 2, p. 1, s.s. 6, drops out. S. s. 9. o. 1 < S < o B.U) : oW ~i\ boo cel- eous C'Z o< (fl iiS 26 79 47 81 58 122 98 51 12 101 187 20 57 17 71 16 64 30 18 70 24 23 32 163 43 114 43 92 17 24 56 57 207 114 208 48 38 173 1 11 4 89 8 85 7 21 'ii 107 19 32 7 43 16 44 13 22 20 3 15 5 59 36 124 2 o 6 2 49 52 323 146 108 59 14 69 31 53 70 106 45 128 78 62 18 171 238 6 40 94 23 88 61 89 54 38 50 24 70 52 201 81 207 65 2 ... 70 26 45 6 119 93 433 135 171 54 13 157 14 2 12 31 20 112 73 69 29 94 16 70 136 149 80 'iS 5 72' lOO; 37 90i 798 83! 14 223, 577 61 31 45 101 I 44 1171 643 265 1174 25 138 38 126 50 96 84 60 75 50 40 35 117 50 220 32 75 910 31 157 31 351 299 204 65 53 42 41 497 50 923 107 5 22 56 11 619 207 85 45 26 108 103 472 3765 1681 766 290 252 lis 88 100 .53 1 60 293 395 2 261 39 3 514 849 44 780 14 225 23 469 281 144 29 25 25 37 343 43 759 154 5 41 35 26 44 56 "5 57 486 565 80 2381 566 196 47 26 215 87 10 151 31 24 23 72, 46 9 132 7 179 12 39 51 166 06 4 41 69 11 116 2 24 64 326 62 3 2 56 125 3 134 10 72 5 60 65 101 16 18 55 58 63 55 268, 50 3 158 1 26 11 74 31 67 9 4 18 163 83 5 56 19 26 11 7 141 39 261 76 50 32 41 49 6 3 1 106 13 1212 31 30 14 7 24 40 4 2 100 81 123 1 24 4 16 66 33 61 44 30 82 151 2 173 2 45 236 59 12, ' '44 3 66 25 17 7 7 48 9 212 25 153 15 133 22 27 6 125 46 52 52 17 15 11 39 16 40 123 80 9 364 107 43 24 13, 45 41| 52 49 96 28 121 3 41 22 121 180 51 96 23 48 34 75 67 45 36 24 103 44 125 64 167 77 2610 2234 5606 10220 1195 11077 6103 2960 690 9590 23786 20 69 6 139 84 577 157 106 37 12 198 2585 5962 785 8579 1301 9461 6350 5046 2879 1641 4643 2053 11785 3927 13626 5393 1600 1774 2449 10786 9021 62474 15791 8725 5015 4080 136.52 230 45 110 125 16 194 115 3 4 43 2946 10 181 243 64 46 230 58 62 17 6 40 31 85 32 2707 371 145 40 727 123 7592 42 30 15 450 13 1 8 22 33 'i3 12 '28 46 8 21 8 2 "4 18 39 12 25 10 14 14 STATISTICS— 1 89 1 - 1 900 91 NAME W !- Q SERVICE < o (Lt It 1 so. ■a rt £ £0. CflS Home Mis,>ion Foreign Mission Educa- tion '4 Is OK Relief Freed- men 1 -^ ei ii 0^ Congre- gation > « c CO M 1840 1861 1870 1858 P W V s. 1, s.s. 4, V. 5 . J. B.. A. D., H. R., J. M. W.. 1, p. 9 S.4, V. 2. Trans. Congregational 9 96 71 33 '27 42 9 14 133 125 27 1 46 39 18 a 26 5 16 100 140 49 64i 35 2 43 65 7 52 48 17 2 55 74 14 2 33 58 2 6 23 218 2 20 13 41 115 15 1221 9979 13938 650 52 118 462 "is 13 240 597 29 187 649 9 State Center Steamboat Rock 1871 185.5 1859 1887 1867 1S51 1899 1858 1880 18« 1877 1875 1890 1897 18.50 1898 1860 1895 1875 s. s. s. s. ^ s. V s. V V s. V s. p. V. s. s. 2, McAllister, s.s. 8 s., Neal A. McAulay 234 13 23 1 22 83 14 25 65 36 31 4 93 11 12 25 29 37 102 229 2 11 ' 'is 62 7 61 16 19 4 6 20 1 1 9 14 39 12 253 41 47 12 35 189 21 69 110 90 26 45 67 8 40 30 80 56 96 85 3 3 1 4 33 1 10 17 23 13 29 'i2 6 9 19 21 83 13 5 2 6 38 '17 30 15 21 27 41 ' '2 11 21 11 50 323 38 60 40 48 190 50 127 79 50 57 60 59 50 25 71 88 80 118 848 87 115 6 46 903 74 76 28 21 4 75 38 130 1 41 275 3 160 107 14 56 4 115 69 37 16 35 18 35 129 16 17 3259 24 12 170 56 66 14856 3650 3094 50 2590 16469 1250 9518 6739 2444 2215 4675 6815 275 435 2116 7700 1662 7016 61 213 72 6 3 s. 9, V. 1 Tama Irwin Smith. D.D., p. 10 8. s.s. 1, V. 1 s. 2 I. Smith, D.D., p. 10 1,P.9 1, s.s. 9 s 10. . . 31 22 105 30 84 5 67 121 11 26 64 60 13 89 22 128 17 113 31 211 1 75 98 102 35 40 74 4 13 5 91 24 128 111 155 4 1018 1051 366 sis 947l 807 49 76 6 26 2 32 35 88 6 30 38 21 54 217 11 14 25 66 44 128 4 22 182 46 10 207 8 175 138 209 30 56 13 4 "35 Troy 174 49 89 355 128 50 54 345 Union (German) Union (Twp ) 1, s.s. 9 Union Township s. 2, V, 2 3 s s 7 .... 25 14 308 53 328 3 10 121 18 326 "3 35 ■ '4.5 16 11 80 55 113 16 7 215 2 71 1 3 11 3 125 11 60 171 19 43 "so 3 Unity. s. 1, p. 2 8 34 4 67 2 36 3 S7 Unity. 2, p 3, s s 1 . Vail s. 7, P. E. 3 Viele Villisca 1872 185.S 1889 1890 1897 1891 187S 1843 184,3 1855 1876 1870 1857 1858 1899 p. E. p. s. s. p. p. p. V. Di s. s. V. V. V. 10 124 248 47 43 21 115 24 107 175 269 37 17 118 102 153 16 41 23 36 22 74 231 208 8 5 14 1,50 481 89 61 17 71 68 121 405 382 32 28 160 7 17 67 123 21 25 3 22 23 66 87 112 14 13 33 64 12 10 2 4 17 13 32 73 10 8 132 150 268 92 65 60 116 106 90 190 536 74 30 120 596 2425 251 68 7 1,54 207 269 1785 4061 53 47 470 1097 3757 69 14 8 97 113 290 1515 2914 14 '363 129 215 24 3 25 72 45 66 200 2 5 393 123 303 73 13 35 93 64 61 628 1827 28 113 228 19 14 89 236 23 8 83 210 19 1 88 48 37 8 2 20 10 24 79 292 2 192 457 66 26 10 63 89 132 369 285 36 27 179 2 1 21924 30371 3251 3733 415 5642 8482 14452 36584 35125 2753 1520 11010 361 1070 38 10 ■i26 8 H. Avery 9, S. S. Hilscher. . . 2, s.s. 8 Volpa Walker . . s. 9, P. E. 1 s. 3. V. 1 1, s.s. 9 6. s.s. 3. V. 1 7. V. 1, s.s. 2. 1, Ely 3, Stark 6 Wall Lake Walnut 27 30 46 58 174 16 67 34 47 345 317 4 56 10 48 180 479 2 160 19 221 256 1452 244 ' '468 3 4 50 95 154 5 Wapello . Purmort 8, Callen 1 s 10 . . Watkins s. 9, V. 1 2. p. 8 Waukon (Zalmona) .... 65 431 221 150 94 Wellsburc 1. S.S. 1 12 4 3 4,5 625 92 HISTORY NAME DATR SERVICE 5§ ■So < o 4J o d Adult Baptism Baptism S. S. Memb. c II B C Mo X'K II g . 3 «J Relief Fund Freed- mcn Aid for Colleges = 1 iJ in 4J C 5" J. * .2*2 a. West Bend .... 1884 1878 1895 1870 1857 1858 1881 1888 1837 P. 4, V 1 s.s. 5 G. H H. 2 Furniss 8 112 77 37 27 38 55 19 49 115 121 34 63 4 125 55 23 17 66 30 40 4 65 140 134 70 189 109 306 70 210 11 321 45 79 5 36 2 28 21 140 22 122 27 52 5 63 2 46 9 44 "82 9 11 30 11 295 88 87 21 63 7751 8355 1246 5335 39 676 5 48 16 18 2 5 West Center S. s. 6 West Friesland 0. T Langfit 8. R. B. 2 75 64 44 10 150 887 879 39 210 70 88 154 41 124 11148 5 Westminster (W. Co.).. West Point S. s. 6. p. 4 P. 4, V. 2, s.s. 4 57 37 14 35 40 108 36 13 7 31 66 206 107 358 29 254 1 51 37 73 2 42 2 68 4 45 21 22 33 113 5091 5564 13 52 "23 1881 1859 1877 1862 1876 1883 1899 1888 1861 1857 1858 1871 1858 1884 1869 1894 1900 P. E. 5, V. 1, s.s. 4 S. s. 1. V. 9 L Huendlin'' 10 36 3 66 "23 1 2 18 26 54 36 17 64 63 88 61 38 19 58 5 13 40 10 73 20 67 195 36 52 143 195 301 100 122 63 181 42 36 6 3 "6 64 ig 35 107 83 75 51 22 58 20 34 lie '14 55 11 23 30 60 35 14 39 22 51 22 165 45 70 25 94 125 40 77 170 195 127 154 85 60 105 94 60 77 21 125 20 157 361 11 139 776 495 2716 374 1016 239 386 97 6 37 3 388 14 63 323 4 42 741 409 2455 701 905 144 265 92 1 lis 2 13 58 9 18 42 2 64 110 7 1 1 7 59 9 88 9 63 105 8 75 145 183 257 86 124 75 152 16 8477 646 7940 1398 9430 14055 243 4668 10740 12388 23240 6689 10781 3195 8788 2024 100 78 ■ "15 31 86 325 ' 'ies 700 66 631 421 300 46 679 58 "50 ■ ■ '4 13 23 60 "87 1 9 4 Wheatland (German)... White Oak 137 3 43 64 49 4 12 44 106 10 24 143 1 21 V. 5. s.s. 5 V. 3, s.s. 6. p. 1 T. C. MoFarland, p. 10 35 138 1 35 98 185 146 129 102 60 125 33 23 158, 10 V 1, s.s. 1 P. 2. V. 1. s.s. 7 N. A McAuley p. 10 Wilson's Grove Wilton 6 144 44 145 13 58 7 78 52 14 167 143 197 91 77 52 127 24 28 148 52 169 59 68 19 39 38 14 142 52 230 24 112 27 19 13 8 6 159 142 Winfield. .. V. l.p. 9 Herring 4. Ely. D.D., 6 S. s. 8, V. 2 G. R.C. A. W. McC, A. P. C... S. s. 10 43 537 90 111 19 52 9 43 220 19 57 25 37 77 Winterset Wyoming Zion P. 2, s.s. 8 S. s. 6 Chas. E. Schaible Znar PART V ...SYNOD OF IOWA... Historical Sketch of All the Churches 1837 to 1900 Explanatory 1. All titles omitted. 6. G. Picture Gallery. 2. Ap. Appears. 7. Or. Organized. 3. Dates Century figures omitted. 8. S. S. Stated Supply. 4. Dis. Dissolved or Disappears. 9. P. Em. Pastor Emeritus. 5. M. Members. 10. V. Vacant. Historical Sketch of All the Churches ACKLEY. Org. Oct. 21, 67. by G. H. Chatterton, Presbyterian Mis- sionary. First Elder, Daniel Courier. Buildings: First in 69. cost $3,900; second in 94, cost .$15,600. Mr. Chatterton till 69. B. Mills 69-71. George Earhart 72-99. Hugh McNinch Sept. 99—. ADAIR. Ap. 76. M. 22. 76-7 V. 78 \V. R, Smith. 79-,Sl Wm. M. Graham. 82 C. H. Bruce. 83 V. 84-5, W. G. Kephart. 86-7, V. 88, Jas. S. Caruthers. 89, W. J. Frazer. 90-91, S.S. 92, T. J. Hedges. 93-5, O. P. Galloway. 96-7, D. D. Buchan- an. 98, J. F. Fetterolf. 99-1900, J..F. Cowling. ADAZA. Org. Sept. 25, 96. 97-8, F. J. Chamberlain. 1900, V. ADEL. (N. S.) Ap. in 57. M. 9. 57, V. 58-66, Asa Johnson. 67, Wm. Campbell. 68-9, S.S. 70, V. 71-6, George Pierson. 77-88, R. J. Hughes. 89, A. S. Elliott. 90, V. 91-2, T- L. Johnston. 93-99, Chas. Dunlap. 1900, V. AFTON. Ap. in 61. M. 14. 61-5, V. 66, S.S. 67, S. A. McEl- hinney. 68, V. 69-70, S.S. 71-4, R. Boag. 75, V. 76-9, R. H. Cunningham. 80, V. 81, J. B. Welty. 82, V. 83, S.S. 84, A. M. Darley. 85, V. 86, W. E. Hamilton. 87-9, N. M. Clute. 90, C. C. Hoffmeister. 91, S.S. 92-5, F. L. GofT. 96-7, J. T. Reagan. 98-1900, S. T. Davis. AGRICOLA. (Indianapolis.) Ap. in 63. M. 26. 63, J. Green. 64, S. Johnson. 65, V. 66-7, S.S, 68-70, H. W. Forbes. 71, Out of the Minutes. Was Indianapolis from 57 to 62.. AINSWORTH. Ap. in 60. M. 13. 60, Wm. Porterfield, 62-3, V. 6 4, drops out. ALAMAKEE. (German.) Ap. only in 56. M. 12. V. ALBIA. Org. Sept. 15, 51. M. 12. First Elders, David Wills, John Young. 52, S.S. 53, V. 54. W. P. Harsha. 55. V. 56-78, J. M. Batchelder. 79-81, E. L. Williams. 82-4, S. OUeren- shaw. 85-6, V. 87, T. F. Boyd, 88, V. 89-1900, E. B. Linn. ALBION. Ap. in 70. V. M. 8. 71-3, John Summers. 74, Isaiah Reid. 75, V. 76, W. R. Smith. 77-80, D. Chapman. 81-87, Andrew Herron. 88, W. T. Gibson. 89, S.S. 90, V. 91-2, P. Read. 93-7, V. 98-1900, A. McMillian. ALGONA. Org. in 56, bv Samuel T. Wells, S. M. Church costing .14,100. Dec. 19, '98. 57-67, D. S. McComb. 68, V. 69-70. SS.. 71,-3, J. M. McDonald. 74-78, out of minutes. 80, S.S. 81, out. 96 HISTORY. ALGONA. Org. Sept. 29, 95. M. 18. 95-7, J. W. Innes. 98, D. D. Buchanan. 99,-1900, S. Ollerenshaw. G. p. 108. ALLERTON. Ap. in 71. M. 8. 71-5, V. 76-8, D. R. Hindman. 79, V. 80-1, S. T. McClure. 82, S.S. 83-5, G. H. Putnam. 86, V. 87-8, E. M. Snook. 89, V. 90-1 F. Orr. 92-3, J. W. Stark. 94-6, W. E. Caldwell. 97, V. 98, C. L. McLeod. 99, L. Colyn. 1900, S.S. ALTA. Ap. in 84, M. 17. 84-6, R. Presslv. 87. T. B. Greenlee. 88 J H. Clark. 89, J. A. McAlmon, 90-1, Nathan Feather. 92-4, G. H. Fracker. 9.5-8, C. E. Fisk. 99-1900, W. B. Greenshields. ANAMOSA. Org. Sept. 25, 68. M. 9. Church buildings: On Straw- berry hill , Dedicated Nov. 16, 78. Cost $1800. Burned Oct. 1901. New Church built in town dedicated May 3. 1903. 70, Bloomfield Wall. 71, S.S. 72-3. J. N. Wilson. 74-5, V. 76 Daniel Russell. 77-8, V. 79-86, D. Russell. 87, V. 88, Wm. Gay. 89-91, A. W. McConnell. 92-6, D. Street. 97, S.S. 98, V. 99,-1900, W. J. Bollman. G. p. 86. ANDERSON. Org. Nov. 11, 84, as Westminster. Held this name till 91. 85-6, H. B. Dye. 87-91, R. C, Hughes. 92, V. F. M. Weeks. 94-5. Wm. E. Hall. 96-7, Evan M. Landis. 98, A. F. Tully. 99, D. H. Rohrabaugh. 1900, D. S. Honsaker. ANDREW. Ap. in 47, with Cedar Creek. 48-51, V. 52-3, S.S. 54-8, T. B. Hadden. 59-60, S.S. 61-2, P. E.. 63, Moses Noerr. 64, V. 65, S.S. 66-8, J. S. Dickev, 69, V. 70-4, J. Gilmore. 75-7, V. 78-80, T. C. McFarland. 81-2, V. 83-4, S.S. 85, V. 86, I. D. Barnard. 87, V. 88, C. R. Bimback. 89-94, S.S. 95, D. A. K Preston. 96, V. 97-8, Jas. Dudycha. 99, V. 1900, R. Pughe. APLINGTON. Ap. in 70. M. 22. 70-3, S.S. 74, V. 7.5-8, No report. 79-80, J, W. Van Eman. 81-8, V. 89-90, C. H. Gravenstein. 91, W. A. McMunn. 92, S.S. 93-4, V. 95, Wilson Asdale. 96, V. 97,-1900, L. M. Beebe. ARCADIA. Ap. in 78, M. 17. 78, E. A. Elfeld. 79, V. 80, John Sam- mis. 81-3, Elfeld, 84-5, V. 86-9, H. Hostetler. 90-5, V. Drops out. ARCADIA. (German.) Ap. in 95. M. 14. on examination. 95-8, F. Heilert. 99, L. Huendling. 1900, J. F. Jungeblut. AREDALE. Org. Oct. 11, 99. M, 23. 1900, V. ARLINGTON. Org. Jan. 22, 93. 93, F. W. Grossman, 94-8, S.S. 99- 1900, Phny S. Smith. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 97 ARMSTRONG. Pleasanti Valley re-Org. as Armstrong, Aug. 1. 92. Church dedicated Oct. 15, 93. 91-3, D. Williams. 94-5, A. A. Randall. 96,|;C. E. Bixler. 97-9, J. M. Wilson. 1900, J. R. Vance. ASHTON. Ap. in 83. M. 13. 83, S.S. 84, S. B. McClelland. 85, V. 86-90, Geo. H. Fracker. 91-3, V. Dis. Sept. 11, 1895. ASHTON. (German.) Org. Apr. 12, 93. M. 14. ' 94-9, Lucas Abels. 1900, S.S. ATALISSA. Org. in 58. M. 22. 58, S.S. 59, V. 60-1, LaFavette Dudley. 62, J. H. Scott. 63, S. S. Howe. 64-5, S. J. Mills. 66, V. 67-9, S.S. 70, V. 71-3, J. Pentzer. 74-5, A. M. Tanner. 76, V. 77, J.W. VanEman. 78-9, E. C. Haskell, 80-2, J. L. Martvn. 83-4. N. W. Thornton. 85-90, O. T. Langfitt. 91-3, S.S. 94, R. Edgar. 9.5-7, W. D. Malcom. 98, V. 99, A. N. Smith. 1900, V. ATKINS. Org. May 14, 84. M. 30. 85, I. D. Barnard. 86, S.S. 87-90, P. Read. 91-3, S.S. 94, L. R. Smith. 95,-1900, U. G. Evans. ATLANTIC. Org. Oct. 10, 69. M. 5. Its churches have cost, first, $2500, second, $4500. 69, H. H. Kellogg. 71-3. M. Hughes. 74-6, W. G. Kephart. 77-86, John Herron. 87-92, H. B. Thayer, 93-5, A. H. Frazer, 96-1900. E. E. Reed. AUBURN. Org. Apr. 22, 88. M. 6. 88-9, S. W. Stophlet. 90-4 S.S. 95-7, A. J. Harmon. 98-9, S.S. 1900, H. C. Weiland. AUDUBON. Org. Apr. 14, 79. M. 7. Members:— E. C. Brown, A. A. Campbell, Louise F. Campbell, Maggie Ross, Evan Davis, Robert Henderson, Mrs. Janet, Griffin, Elders: E. C. Brown and A. A. Campbell. Buildings: First Cost $2300, new cost $11,000. 79,-82 E. B. Cousins. 83. V. 84, D. A. Blose. 85-6, V. 87-96, Edward Dickinson. 97, J. A. Cahill. 98-1900, J. F. Hinkhouse. G. p. 86. AVOCA. Ap. in 71. M. 11. 71-2, M. Hughes. 73, V. 74-6, A. Herron. 77, V. 78-9. G. M. Lodge. 80. S.S. 81-2, Joel Kennedy. S3. F. X. Miron. 84, V. 85, J. A. Bartlett. 86-8, V. 89-90, C. M. Whetzel. 91, V. 92, F. L. Hayden. 93 V. 94, S.S. 95, E. M. Landis. 96. V. 97-S, R. E. Blackman. 99-1900, A. H. Frazer. AYRSHIRE. Org. Sept. 12, 95 96, W. T. Frazer. 97, Jos. Mapson. 98-9, Jas. F. Berry. 1900. J. R.' Godfrey. BANCROFT. Org. Sept. 15, 87. M.;i4. 88-9, V. 90-2, Daniel Williams. 93, V. 94-8, D. Williams. 99, V. Dis. Sept. 13, 99. 98 HISTORY. BARCLAY. (Jesup.) Ap. in.57. .57-9. J. D. Caldivell. 60, Alex. Caldwell. 61-3, V. 64-5, J. D. Pering. 66, as Jesup. BATAVIA. (Locust Grove till '67.) Ap as Locust Grove from 57 to 67. 57-64, James Cald- well 65. S. C. McCune. 67. S.S. 68. John A. Calhoun. 69, V. 70-83. J. M. McElroy. 84-88, V. Dis. Apr. 12, 88. BATTLE CREEK. Org in 80. M. 39. 81, J. C. Gilkerson. 82, V. 83-5, G. F Leclere. 86, V, 87-90, A. C. Keeler, 91-6. A. H. Campbell. 97-8, E. C. Haskell. 99, S.S. 1900. W. H. McEwen. Org. Apr. 18. 90, BAYARD. M. 22. 91, S.S. 92, V. 93, Drops out. Org, 61. M. 24 S. A. McElhinnev. 84, R. A. McKinlev. 93-6, T. A. H. Wyiie. BEDFORD. 62-3, Wm. M. Strvker. 64-7, V. 68-9. 70-75. A. Fitz Randolph. 76-7, V. 78- 85-90, A. L. Sarchet. 91-2. T. G. Pearce. 97-1900. E. N. Ware. G. p. 87. BELLEVUE. Ap. in 58. M. 12. Members: John B. Booth, Harriet Booth, Ellen Booth, Mary A Booth, Harriet Booth, John Ellis, Susan A Miller. 58. Alexander Jack. 58-64, John P. Conkey. 6.5-6 Moses Noerr. 67-71, Charles Axtell, 72-7, John Gilmore. 78, V. 79-80, T. C. McFarland. 81-2. V. 83-5. S.S. 86, I. D. Barnard. 87-, V. 88, C. R. Bimbach. 89-90, V. 91-2. W. R. Williams. 93, V. 94-5, D. A. K Preston. 96, V. 97-8, J. K. Hall. 99— Chas. Memmott. Org. in 59. M. 11. BELMOND. 60-62, Benjamin F. Stuart. Drops out. BELOIT. 82, V. 83. S.S. Ap. in 79. M. 10. SO, W. S. Peterson. 84, S. B. McClelland. 85, V. Dis. BENTON. Ap. in 51. 51, Williston Jones. 52, S.S. 53-60, John Summers. 61-5, V. 66-7. John Summers. 69-70, V. Drops out. BENTONSPORT. Org. Mar. 12, 53. Elders: Jas. A. Brown, Robert A. Dickson, George Green. M. 17. 53-4, V. 55. W. R. Harsha. 56, V. 57-8, T. E. Woods. 59-60. V. 61-2, J. B. McBride. 63- 4. A. J. Comp"ton. 65-6, V. 67-8, H. R. Lewis. 69. V. 70-1, W. M. Reed. 72-3. V. 74, S.S. 7.5-7. H. K. Hennigh. 78-80, Jas. Welch. 81-4. V. 85, J. Welch. 86, V. 87. S.S. 88-96, V. 97-1900, S.S. out. Ap. in 41. 41-48, V. BERLIN. 49, G. S. Rea(?). 61-4, V, Drops SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 99 BERTRAM. Org. in 70. M. 10. Supplied with occasional services from Mt. Vernon. Soon Dis. Building sold to M. E. Church. BETHANY. (Ft. Dodge Presbytery.) Org. May, 10, 99. M. 29. 1900, J. H. McArthur. M. 39. BETHANY. (Corning Presbytery.) Org. Dec. 6, 93. 94-0, S.S. 97-9, E. A. Enders. 1900, V. BETHEL. (C. R.) Ap. in 53. M. 8. 53, S.S. 54, D. S. McComb. 55, V. 56, D. S. McComb. 57-62, V. Re-Org. in 71 (?) M. 5. and 26=31. 72, S.S. 73, V. 74-81, John Rice. 82-4, V. 85-8, Henry Cullen. 89-91, Alex. Scott. 92, ]. A. Hahn. 93, V. 94-8, Philip Palmer, 99-1900, J. R. McQuown. BETHEL. (Dubuque, P. O. West Union.) Org. June 19, 67. M. 19. 6S,-76 I. W. Dickey. 76, V. 77, Daniel Russell. 77-86, W. O. Ruston. 86, V. 87-9. J. F. Hinkhouse. 90-92, Samuel Hodge. 92, V. 93-4, W. L. Lewis. 95, J. Dyk. 96, V. 97-8, S. H. Noel. 99, M. E. Todd. New Building $7000. BETHEL. (F. D.) Org. Nov. 12, 62. M. 10. 6,5-70, James Anderson. 71-4, W. L. Lyons. 7.5-9, V. 80, S.S. See Livermore. BETHEL. (I. C.) Ap. in 64. M. 17. P. O. Washington. 65, S.S. 66, John G. Condit. 67-8, S.S. 69, V. "70-1, S.S. 72-4, V. 75-6, lohn Hudson. 77-80, V. 81-2, J. Eggert. 83, V. 84-6 J. B. McBride. 87, V. 88-92, S.S. 9.3-4, A. A. Pratt. 95 V 96-7, S.S. 98-9. J. A. Hahn. 1900, Roland Williams. BETHLEHEM. (Stella P. O.) Org. Jan. 23, 98. M. 48. 98-1900, Bernhard Bracker. BIG CREEK. Org. by Luther Dodd and John S. Dunning in 65, or 66. M. 9. Occasional services were' held in the Big Creek school house till Sept. 23. 72. Ds. and 21 members dismissed to the La Porte Church. BIG GROVE. Ap. in 45. M. 5. In 62 begins over M. 15. 62, V 63 H. W. Forbes. 64-8, J. S. Dunning. 69-70, J. W. Hanna' 71* S.S. 72, Daniel L. Hughes. 73," V. 74, S. N. King. 75-7! D. L. Hughes. 78-80, S. W. LaGrange. 81-2, A. C. Brown 8.3-5. J. S. Dickev. 86-7, S. S. 88-90, A. G. Martyn 91, S. S. 92-3, M. M. Travis. 94, E. C. Haskell. 95, S. S. 96-8 R. S. Weinland. 99-1900, Alex. Corkey. Later merged with Garrison. BIRMINGHAM Org. Mav 7, 53. M. 45. bv L. G. Bell and S. C. McCune. 53-8, D. V. Smock: 59, Jas. C. Sharon. 64. C. B. Magill till his death in the fall. 64-76, George P. Bergen, till his death April 11, 1876. 77-9. John H. Moore till his death in 1880 80-1, J. G. Condit. 82-3, Theodore Bracken. 84-6. W. L Boyd. 87-91, J. M. Wiggins. 91-2. H. B. Knight. 92-5, T. C. McNary. 95-8, J. W. Bollman. 99-1900, A. G. C. Brown 100 HISTORY. BLAIRSBURG. Org. in 76. M. 22. 76-80, S.S. 81, J. W. VanEman. 82, probably absorbed by Willi ms. Re-Org. (?) Nov. 15, 90. 91, L. M. Beebe. 92, S.S. April 19, 93, Dis. BLAIRSTOWN. Ap. in 65. M. 14. 66-7, S.S. 68, V. 69-71, S.S. 72-5, G. M. Lodge. 76, V. 77-9, S.S. 80-87, Wm. R. Adams. 88, V. 89-97, Jas. B. Butter. 98-9, Geo. Ainslie. 1900, R. H. P. Miles. BLANCHARD. Ap. in 80, M. 18. 80-1, Jas. M. Morrison. Drops out 82. BLOOMFIELD. (N. S.) Ap. in 5.3. 53-6, Asa Martin. 57, V. 58-60, S.S. 61, V. Drops out. BLOOMFIELD. (O. S.) Ap. in 64. No figures given. '64-8, J. C. Sharon. 69-70, Ruel Dodd. 71, V. 72, S.S. 73, J. W. Stark. 74, S.S. 75-7, A. Axline. 78-80, S.S. 81, H. Cullen. 82, S.S. 83-4, J. M. Wright. 85-6, V. 87, J. S. Carruthers. 88, V. 89, S.S. 90, V. 91-2, S.S. 93, V. 94-1900, J. W. Stark. BLOOMINGTON. (Became Muscatine.) Org. in Oct. ,42, by John Stocker. 42-5, J. Stocker. 46-7, F. A. Pratt. 48-9, J. P. Hudson. In 50, appears as Muscatine. The Presbytery of Iowa was organized here. Nov. 6, 40. BLOOMINGTON. (N. S.) Org. in 43. M. 22. Minutes pub. once in 3 years. Does not appear again. BLUE GRASS. Org. in 52, by J. D. Mason, M. 9. 52, Enoch Mead. 53-6, V. 57-61, J. M.Jones. 62, S.S. 63, V. 64-6, J. D. Mason. 68, V. 69-70, S. S. 71, D. Clark. 72, V. 73, A. M. Tanner. 74-5, T. H. Hench. 76-8, V. 79, S.S. 80-2, E. C. Haskell. 83-6, V. 87, J. W. Knott. 88, V. 89-90, S.S. 91, D. S. Brown. 92, V. 93-6, S. S. 97-9, B. C. Swank. 1900, V. BLUE GRASS. (German.) Ap. in 64. M. 19. 64-6, L. Kliebenstein. 67-8, V. Drops out. BONAPARTE. (Earlier.) Org. July 1, 42. 43,-4 V. M. 18. 43. Drops out. BONAPARTE. (Later). Ap. in 69. M. 19. 69-73, H. R. Lewis. 74-5, H. K. Hennigh. 76-86, Jas. Welch. 87-90, H. C. Baldridge. 91, L. M. Scroggs. 92, V. 93-4, P. Read. 95, S.S. 96-9, W. H. Scofield. 1900, V. BOONE. (N. S.) Ap. in 66. M. 9. 66-7, S.S. 72-8, J. Cook. 79-81, J. A. Donahey. 82-5, H. N. Payne. 86-93, G. C. Lamb. 94, V. 95-8, S. W. Smith. 99-00, W. Y. Brown. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 101 BOONSBORO. Ap. in 57. M. 7. 58, S.S. 59, V. Last appearance. BRANCH. Ap. only in 52, John Hudson S.S. BREMER VALLEY. Ap. in 57. M, 9. 57-8, V. 59, S.S. 60-5, J. D. Cald- well. 66, S.S. 67, V. 68, S.S. 69-75, V. Last appears. BRIGHTON. Ap. in 51. 51-3, Robert S. Dinsmore. 54-56, V. 57, G. M. Swan. 58-9, V. 60, S.S. 61-5, V. 66-77, V. Drops out. Apparently successor of Walnut Creek, which runs from 45 to 50, with R. S. Dinsmore as pastor. Probably again it was overshadowed and partially absorbed by a U. P. Church of the same place. BRIGHTON. (New.) Org. July 17, 1904. M. 20. Mostly from former U. P. Church. Reports forty-one meinbers in 1905. Elders: Wm. McClelland and N. W. Lyon. BROOKLYN. (N. S.) Org. in 56. M. 14. 56, Robert Colston. 57, V. 58, S.S. 59, V. 60-66, A. D. Chaoman. 67, S.S. 68-9, W. Ballantyne. 70-1, E. C. Haskell. 72, V. 73,-5, A. W" Haines. 76. V. 77-9, A. S. Leonard. 80, S.S. 81, T. H. Candor. 82-4, W. A. Hendrickson, 8.5-6-, T. N. Buchanan. 87, -00, Enoch Benson. G. p. 48. BROOKS. Ap. in 78, M. 26. 78-98, Rossiter C. Rowley. 99, V. 1900, J. K. Driver. BRUSH RUN. Ap. in 55. M. 10. 56-7, V. Dis. BUCKEYE. (German.) Ap. in 62. M. 23. 62-69. John Arndt. Drops out. BUFFALO. (German.) Ap. in 63. 63-6, L. Kliebenstein. Drops out. BURLINGTON. Ap. in 40. 41-2, John M. Fulton. 43-8, V. 49-51, J. G. Shinn. 52-3, V. 54, S. S. 5.5-7, J. Harrison, 58-9, V. 60-1, J. H. Clark. 62, S.S. 63, W. E. Westervelt. 64- 70, Geo. D. Stewart. 71-95, J. C. McClintock. 96-06, John R. Sutherland. G. p. 81. BURLINGTON. (N. S.) Ap. only in 43. V. M. 40. Org. in 38 by James A. Clark BURLINGTON. (Hope.) Org. Oct. 22, 91. M. 25. 92-3, E. W. McCluskey. 94, V. 95-8, Jonah Smith. 99, A. M. Work. Dis. Apr. 11, 1900. BURLINGTON. (German.) Org. May 29, 65. 66, V. 67-70, SS.. M. 23. Drops from roll. 102 HISTORY. BURLINGTON. SECOND. CALVARY. (Dalmanutha.) Ap. in 5.5. C. P. Jennings. 56-8, T. M. Oviatt. Dis. Ap. in 73. M. 18. 74-5. J. C. Hanna. Died with 12 members at last. BURT. Org. in 83.. M. 6. 84-7, R. A. Paden. 88-9, V. 90-1, CALVARY. (F. D.) Daniel Williams^ 92. S.S 93-4. V. 95, W. H. Kelley. 96-8, Org. Oct. 26. 99. M. 46. 1900. Wm. A. Pinkerton. W. B. Greenshields. 99. H. M. Pressley. 1900. K. J. McAulay. CAMANCHE. BUTLER CENTER. .,.,,„ „ ^ Ap. in 59. M. 12. 59-71. Geo. D. Young. 72, J. W. „. ■,• P- '" P- T ,■ ^2.- 'I'PE. 72, \. 73-4. W. R. Smith. Hanna. (?) 73-81. V. Dis. The tornado of June. 60, ruined 75, V. 76-83. John Gourley. 84-6, V. Dis. Oct. 5. 87. prospects of town and church. BUTLER COUNTY. (German.) CAMP CREEK. Ap.in75. M. 18. 75. S.S. 76-7. V. 78, Dis. ^p -^ 75 ^ ^^^ „-.^3 j ^ Schaible. 84-7, V. BYRON CENTER. 7 members. Dis. M. 2t''- dIs.^^- ^■-^- ^^-^' ^- ^^' ^'^'- 70, V. 71, S.S. CANTON and OZARK. Ap. in 58. 58-63. J. L. Wilson. 64-5. J. B. Vawter. 66-7, CALDWELL. (Dubuque.) V. Last appearance. Ap, in 77. M. 11. 77. J. D. Caldwell. 78. V. M. 9. rAPMFT 79-80, E. H. Sayre. 81-2, S.S. 83, V. Dis. Apr. 6, 84. v^akjuis,!.. Ap. in 65. M. 19. 65-8, S.S. 69, V. 15 members. CALEDONIA. Drops out. Ap. in 79. M. 14. 79-81, H. P. Wilson. 82-6, V. 87, Dis. CARROLL. CALLIOPE. (Hawarden.) P^- ^"S- 28 70. L. McCurdy first Elder. In May, 77, received part of congregational members. Two church Ap.in82. M.9. 83-90, J. C. Gilkerson. M. 85. Changed buildings; first burned. Cost of two $10,000. 70, S.S. 71-2, to Hawarden. V, 73. S.S. 74-5. J. M. Phillips. 76, V. 77, S.S. 78, A. E. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 103 Smith. 79-82, T. S. Bailey. 83. S.S. 84-8, E. B. Linn. 89-94, G. P. Folsom. 95, V. 96,8, A. F. Ernst. 99-00, J. E. Groen- dyke. CARSON. Ap. in 82. In 84, large additions made, 113 members. 82, F. X. Miron, 83, V. 16 members. 84-7, O. A. Elliott. 88, V. 89-90. W. V. Chapin. 91-2. A. S. Elliott. 93, S.S. 94-7, T. S. Hawley. 98-00, S. Ollinger. CASCADE. (First.) Org. Oct. 46, by S. Cowles. 47-.')2, V. 53-4, J. Gallatin. 55, 19 members. 56. M. Harmon. 57-63, V. Drops out. CASCADE. (New.) 97-8, L. O. Sutherland. Org. Nov. 29, 94. 9,5-6, S.S 99-00, S.S. CASEY. Ap. in 74. M. 5. 74-5, J. C. Hanna. 76-7, V. 78, W. R. Smith. 78-82, A. H. Campbell. 83, V. 84-5, W. G. Kephart. 86-7, V. 88, J. S. Caruthers. 89, W. J. Frazer. 90-1, S.S. 92, T. J. Hedges. 93, S.S. 94-8, J. H. Kerr. 99-00, D. D. Buchanan. Ap. in 46. M. 12 pearance. CEDAR CREEK. . In 50, F. A. Pratt, is S.S. Last ap- CEDAR FALLS. (N. S.) Ap. in 55. 55-60, J. M. Phillips. 61-2, Wm. Porterfield. 63-4, C. Waterburv. 65, V. 66, Albert True. 67. P. E. 68. Daniel Russell. 69, V. 70, S.S. 71-2, A. R. Olney. 73-7, A. B. Goodale. 78-80, John Woods. 81-3, W. E. Mack, 84-9, Edw. Warren. 90-2. T. C. Potter. 93-5, S. Hall Young. 96-9, S. Callen. 1900, R. R. Marquis. Org. CEDAR RAPIDS FIRST. (N. S.) July 9, 47. M. 7. 47-50, Bennett Roberts served the chulrch in connection with Marion. 50-56. Williston Jones. 57-8, Lafayette Dudley, 59, V. 60-63, I. W. Atherton. 64-75, James Knox, 76, V. 76-1906, E. R. Burkhalter, G. p. 94. CEDAR RAPIDS, SECOND. (O. S.) WESTMINSTER. Org. May, 27, 55. M. 20. Ruling Elder J. T. Walker. Services in Daniels' Hall. In 56 John P. Conkey was ordained Elder. 56-9, R. H. Morrow. .59, J. A. Reed. 59-60, V. B. McBride. 6.5-8, S. W. w-ho died in spring o£ 69. Cockins. 75-8. Thaddeus V. 8.5-95. J. K. Fowler. N. Makely. Mr. M. was 1902. The splendid new m 1905; and the name was 61-2, D. H. Mitchell. 6.3-4, J. Miller. 68. John Frothingham (?) 69-71, A. N. Keigwin. 72-4. ]. M McRae. 78-84, John Hood. 85, 96-9. D. S. McCaslin. 1900-01, G. followed by U. Franklin Smiley, in house of worship was dedicated changed to Westminster. G. p. 94. (Hope Chapel) CEDAR RAPIDS, THIRD (Sinclair Memorial) This church had its beginning in a Mission Sunday School work near the packing house, and had the valuable service and 104 HISTORY. pecuniary support of Mr. T. M. Sinclaii. Preaching services were added to the Sunday School work by Prof. Condit, of Coe College and Dr. Burkhalter. Hope Chapel was built by Mr. Sinclair. It was splendidly equipped for the work. Rev. E. B. Miner, as Church Mission- ary was put in charge of the work, and served from 84 to 87. Third Church. Org. Oct. 14, 87. M. 111. 87-9, A. K. Bates. 90, S.S. 91-4, S. W. Smith. 95-8, W. H. Clatworthy. 99-04, C. G. Sterling. The new and beautijul church, the gift of Mrs. Sinclair, was dedicated March 29, 1903, and the name was changed to Sinclair Memorial. G. P. 95. CEDAR RAPIDS FOURTH. (Bohemian.) Org. Mar. 10, 89, as Bo. Ref. by F. Kun, of B. R. Ch. of Ely. He ministered occasionally till the coming of a pastor in 90. Church received bv C. R.'Pres. and enrolled Apr. 22, 90. M. 100. 90-06, V. Hlavaty. CEDAR RAPIDS, CENTRAL PARK. Org. May 4, 93. M. 38. 93-8, R. A. Van derLas. 98-00, E. L. McCartney. 1900, Wm. M. Evans. Original building repeatedly enlarged. New and beautiful home in 1904, G. p. 94. CEDAR RAPIDS, LITTLE MUDDY. An early preaching place. G. p. 72. CEDAR RAPIDS, OLIVET. Org. May 16, 1905. G. p. 18, 95. Ap. in 59. A. Porter. 77 J. L. Martvn. 89-90, V. 91-3, CEDAR VALLEY. (I C.) M. 20. 59-68, John Hudson. J.W. VanEman. 78-9, E. C. 83-4, N. W. Thornton. 85-8 69-70, V. 71-76, Haskell. 80-2, , O. T. Langfitt. S.S. 94, R. Edgar. 95, S.S. 96,-7^W. D. Mal- com. 98, V. 99-00 A. N. Smith. CEDAR VALLEY. (W.) in 61. 61-3. James Harrison. 64-6, V. 67, C. 68, V. 69-70, Jas. Agnew. 71, S. Phelps. 72, L. Amlong. 75, S.S. 76-7, V. 78-80, A. S 83, G. W. Hayes. 84-5, V. 86. A. Taylor, H. Purmort. 91, S.S. 92-4, S. E. Koons. 95-7, E. Koons. 99-00 Ap. Marvin. 73-4, J. 81-2, V C. " " S. s. V. Foster. 87-90, V. 98, S.S. CEDARVILLE. (N. S.) Ap. in 68, M. 16. 68-70, S.S. Drops out. CENTER. Org. Oct. 45, by S. Cowles. M. 14. J. S. Fullerton. 50, V. 51-3, O. J. King, with 16 members. Drops out. 46-7, S.S. 48-9, 54, S.S. 55-6, V. CENTER JUNCTION. Center Point. Ap. in 56. 56-70, G. W. E. Leonard. 71-7, V. 78, S.S. 79-82, D. Russell. 8.3-5, J. L. Wilson. 86-8. Wm. Gay. 88-91, A. W. McConnell. 92-4, H. Robinson. 95-8. J. M. Bolton. 99- V. 1900, T. W. Hine. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 106 CENTERTOWN. (German.) Org. May 28, 71. m 22. 72-4, G. Morey. 75, S.S.76, A. H. Hager. 77, M. C. Buettel. 78. T- Conzett. 79-80, G. Moery. 81-3, V. 84-6, A. C. Stark. 87-00, H. Stauss. CENTERVILLE. Attorney Chas. Howell org. S.S. before 48. Church org. Oct. 49. 49-53, J. H. Shields. 54-8, M. Smith. 59, V. 60-8, John Fisher. 69. V. 70, J. C. Clvde. 71-2, G. W. Jenks. 73, V. 74-5, E. L. Dodder. 76, J. S! Reed. 77-80, L. M. Balden. 81-5, W. W. Thorpe. 86-7, S.S. 88, V. 89-91, G. H. Putnam. 92-3, V. 94-7, S. W. Pollock. 98-00, C. G. Miller. CENTRALIA. Ap. in 58. 58-9, S.S. 60, S. T. Wells. 61, V. Drops out. CHARITON. Org. July 5, 56, by I.M. Batchelder (?). M. 14. 57, V. 58-60, J. Anderson. 61, V. 62, S.S. 63-6, W. C. Hollyday. 67, V. 68-70, D. S. Tappan. 71-83, J. S. Reed. 84, V. 85-6, C. S. McElhinney. 87, J. H. Aughey. 88-95, W. C. Atwood. 96, V. 97-00, A. C. Ormond CHARLESTON. Ap. in 52. 52, O. J. King. 53, V. 54, S.S. 55, V. 56- 7, H. Newell. Dis. CHARTER OAK. Org. Oct. 8, 95. M. 10. 96-8, S.S. 99, L. C. McEwen. 1900, J. M. Linn. CHEQUEST. (Keosauqua till 66.) Org. as Keosauqua April, 42. Chequest in 66. 66-7, O. J. King. 68, V. 69, S.S. 70, V. 71, G. Van Eman. 72, O. J. King. 73, S.S. 74, V. 75-6, S.S. 77-80, Wm. Young. 81, Tas. Welch. 82-3, J. G. Condit. 84, V. 85, Wm. Young. 86-7, V. 88, S.S. 89, V. 90 S.S. 91, V. 92, S.S. 93, V. 94-5, Wm. Graham. 96-7, S.S. 98-9, P. S. Smith. 1900, S.S. CHEROKEE. Ap. in 71, M. 18. 71-3, A. M. Darley. 74, V. 75-8, W. T. McAdam. 79, S.S. 80-4, Geo. Knox. 85, V. 86-92, J. MacAllister. 93-4, J. E. Stentz. 9.5-6, W. H. Kearns. 97-00. O. S. Thompson. CHESTER. Ap. in 64, M. 5 and 5. 65-8, Adam Craig, 69, V. 70, Drops out. CHESTER. (D) Org. Oct. 4, 98. M. 10. 99-00, Wm. E. McLeod. CHURDAN. Ap.in84. M. 14. 84, V. 85, W. A. Smith. 86, V. 87-9, W. A. McMinn. 90-1, Jas. Stickel. 92, V. 93, J. C. Mavne. 94, J. M. Smith. 95, V. 96-8, A. L. Berry. 99, J. C. Gilkerson. 1900, W. Gardner. G. p. 85. CINCINNATI. (C. B.) Ap. in71. M. 18. 71, V. 72, R. Burgess. ' 73-7, V. 78, Drops out. 106 HISTORY. CINCINNATI. (D. M.) Ap. in 74. M. 11. 74, O. J. King. 75, V. 76, Drops out. Ap. 64-6, C. 75, V. 85, Wm 93, V. CLARENCE. in 61, as Onion Grove. 61. S.S. W. Treadwell, 67-8, A. K. Baird. 76-9, T. H. Candor. 80-3, N. H. . Gay. 86, V. 87-8, T. G. Pearce. 94-8, G. M. Cummings. 99-00, J. CLARINDA. (Onion Grove.) 62-3, S. J. Mills. 69-74, Treadwell. Downing. 84, V. 89-92, Downing. K. Hall. Org. .\ug. 25, 55, by L. G. Bell. M. 7 Mrs McLean, a charter member lived to see the 50th anniversary. 56, D. A. Mur- dock. 57-9, V. 60-3, W. M. Strvker. 64, S.S. 65, H. H. Whit e. 66. S.S. 67-8, J. W.Clark. 69,' V. 70-9, R. R. Westcott. 80-6. J. H. Malcom. 87-00, T. C. Smith. In 61 the first building cost S1800. In 81 the second cost $9000. G. p. 72. CLARKSVILLE, (N. S.) Ap. in 57, with M. 20. 57, D. Blakely. CLARKSVILLE. (O. S.) 58, V. Drops out Ap. in 59, M. 16 on certificate. 59, ]. Smalley. 60-4, R. Merrill. 65-82, Geo Graham. 83-4, E. H'. Sayre, 85-96, Geo. Graham. 97-9, J. T. Wyllie. 1900, C. H. Ticknor. CLAYTON CITY. Ap. only in 58-9, V. with 6 members. CLEGHORN. (F. D. Liberty) Ap. in 83, as Liberty. Name changed Sept. 13, 93. K. Caswell. 95-7, R.'Horne. 98-00, J. C. Linton. 93-4, CLEREMONT. S.S, Ap. in 60. 71-5, J. W M. 11. Dickey. 60-7, C. R. 76-88, V. French. ;9, Dis. 68-9, V. 70, CLINTON. (N. S.) Ap. in 57. M.lSbycer. 57, V. 58, A. W. Piatt. 59-61, G. D. A. Hebard. 62, S.S. 6.3-4, V. 65, S.S. 66, O. D. W. White. 67, T. B. Morse. 68-81, T- G. Cowden. 82-4, S. H. Weller. 85-91, J. D. Burrell. 92-7, F. M. Carson. 98-00, J. K. Fowler. Org. 80. 25, 87, bis. M. 12 on ex. COIN. 81, S. M. Kier. 82-6, V. .\pril COLD WATER. 65-6, S.S. 68, R. Merrill. 69-70. V. Prac- Org. June 63 tically extinct when reorganized into Greene, May 19, 72 COLFAX. (N. S. ) Ap. in 68. M. 12. 68, V. 69, S.S. 70, A. Thompson. 71-4, V. 75-6, Jas. Agnew. 77, V. 78, G. H. Ham- mer. 79, V. 80-4, F. A. Shearer. 85, V. 86-9, S. N. Vail. 90-1, C. R. Hunt. 92-5, Wm. E. Knight. 96, S.S. 97, D. W McMillan. 98, V. 99-00, H. Quickenden. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 107 COLLEGE SPRINGS. Ap. in 71. Hawk. 80-3. J M. M. 45. 71-6. Morrison S. M. Kier. 77-8. V. 79, 84-5. V. 86, Dis. J.C. Ap. in 57. M. 12 on cer. Carrothers. 61, V. 62-3, J James Gordon. 67, V. 68-9 J. D. Jones. 72-80. V. 81 Hubbard. 89-96, V. M. 15. COLUMBIA. (D. M.) 57-S, P. H. Jacob. 59-60, J. A. Carrothers. 64-5, V. W. C. Hollvdav. 70, S.S. 2. S.S. 83-6. v. 87-8. J. A. 66, 71, W. Dis. April. 22, 96. COLUMBIA. (W) Ap. in 74. M. 10. 76. S.S. 79, James Stickel. Other- wise vacant. Drops out in 80. COLUMBIAN. Org. July 23, 93. M, 18 and 10. 28. 94-5. S.S. 96. V. 97-00, S.S: COLUMBUS, (I. O. S.) Ap. in 42. M. 11. 44-6, S.S. Vacant till 50. Drops out. COLUMBUS CENTRAL. (Junction) Org. May, 16 69, by H.M. Corbett and J. Baay. M. 11. 70, W, F. Kean. 71-2. A. W. Haines. 73. A. M. Heizer. 74-5 E.C.Haskell. 76. A. W. Haines. 77, H. Bishop. 78-9, D. T. Campbell. 80, J. S. Dickev. 81-8, T. E. Eggert. 89-91, C. S. McElhinnev. 92-4. \V. R. Williams. 95-7, A. B. Cooper. 98, V. 99-00, M. Drew. G. p. 34. CONCORD. (N. S.) Ap. in 70. M.S. 70-1, S.S. 72-6, V. CONG CENTER. Drops out. Org. Dec. 23. 94. 9.5-6, f. C. Wiggins. 97-8, G. W. Mc Kenney. 99, J. McLandress. 1900, J. C. Orth. G. p. 43, 109. CONRAD. Ap. in 81. M. 19. 81-2. V. 83-5, Wm. I. Doole. 86-7. N.C.Green. 88. V. 89, Jas. Stickel. 90-1, G. A. Blain, 92-3, S.S. 94. W. Asdale. 95-6. G. F. Burton. 97-8, J. M. Smith. 99-00, A. G. Bailey. CONWAY. Ap. in 78. M. 17. 78, W. T. Bartle. 79-80, R. A. Mc- Kinlev. 81-3. V. 10 M. 84, Dissolved. 85 or 6 Restored. 86-7, 36. M. W. T. Bartle. 88-9. F. Harris. 90. V. 91. J. F. Hinkhouse. 92. N. D. Bristol. 93. S.S. 94-6, E. A. Enders. 97-8, S. Light. 99. C. L. McLeod. 1900, V. COON RAPIDS. Org. in 83. M. 19. 84. C. E. Laughlin. 8.5-7. I. N. Crittenden. 88. A. S. Elliot. 89. W. S. Rea. 90-1, W. Weaver 92. S.S. 93. W. S. Smith. 94. V. 95-6. A. M. Tanner. 97-8. A. W. McConnell. 1900, Wm Gardner. 70, 80, st- Jas. CORINTH. in 61. 61-2. L. Dodd. 63-7, B. Benn. 68-9, V. May have gone for decade under name of Columbia. Stickel. 82, Drops out. 108 HISTORY. CORNING. Ap. in 70. M. 19. 70, S.S. 71-2, V. 73-6, C. F. Janes. 77, V. 78-83, F. O. Ballard. 84-6. S. M. Johnson. 87, V. 88-9, W S. Barnes. 90-97, T. D. Ewing. 98, V. 99, S.S. 1900, M. V. Higbee. CORYDON. Ap. in 58, V. M. 17. 59-82, J. P. Brengle. 83-7, V. 88, E. M. Snook. 89, V. 90, M. W. Simpson. 91-00, V., four members. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Org. winter of 56-7. M. 15. 57-9, John Hancock. 60, V. 61, Wm. McCandlish. 62-6, J. H. Clark. 67-81, T. H. Cleland. 82-3, V. 84-6, A. K. Bates. 87-96, S. Phelps. 97-00, Wm. 8. Barnes. G. 81, p. 105. COUNCIL BLUFFS. (Second.) Org. 89. M. 20. bv certificate. 90, F. W. Grossman. 91, V. 92-3, S. Alexander, 94, C. N. Armstrong. 95, A. L. Sarchet. 96, V. 97-00, Alexander Litherland. COUNCIL HILL. Ap. in 65, M. 21. 65, S. Newbury. 66-9, V. Drops out. CRAWFORDSVILLE. Org. Oct. 50. M. 8. 51-2, V. 53, R. S. Dinsmore. 54, S.S. 55-8, V. 59-60, A, W, Haines. 61, V. 62-6, F. A. Shearer. 67, V. 68-71, A. W. Haines. 72-3, V. 74-7, E. C. Haskell. 78, V. 79-80, G. W. Hays. 81-2, V. 83-4, P. S. Van Nest. 85-6, A. W. Haines. 87, V. 88-91, S.S. 92. V. 93-4, S.S. 95-9, K. J. McAulay. 1900, V. Missionary, C. W. McCleary, son of elder J. H. McCleary. Rev. S. D. McFadden, son of an- otherElder, have gone out from this church. G. p. 21. CRESTON. Org. in 75. by J. M. Batchelder(?) M. 12. 76, S.S. 77, V. 78-81, C. H. DeLong 82-5, J. B, Welty. 86-7, W. E. Hamilton. 88,92 W. H. Snyder. 93, V. 94-5, W. Miller. 96, V. 97, C. A. Berger. 98-00, C. E. Schaible. Cost of Church about 810,000. Ap. in 52. S.S. 79-83, V. CROTON. M. 17 52-72, G. C. 84-5, S.S. 86-95, V. DAKOTA. Beaman. 73-7, V. 78, Dis. April 5, 96. Ap.in71. V. M. 15. 72-3, W. L. Lyons. 74, S.S. 75-7 V. 80, S.S. 81, V. In 82 Humboldt County church appears with Dakota as P. O. and Dakota drops out. DALLAS CENTER. Ap. in 70. M. 20. 70-1, V. 72-3, W. M. Reed. 74, V. 75, W. H. Goodison. 76, V. 77-8, J. M. Smith. 79, V. 80, J.M.Smith. 81, V, 82-3, A. S. Peck. 84, Alex Scott. 85, V. 86-92. E. A. Walker. 93, M. Noerr. 94-6, L. M. Beebe. 97-8, J. H, Marshall. 99-00, G. D. Gurley. DANA. OrgAug 16, 85. M. 24. 85-7, G. N. Luccock. 88-91, W. M. Evans. 92-4, S. B. McClelland. 95, A. G. Martyn. 96, V. 97-8, W. H. Ilsley. 99, V. 1900, Jas. Vallier. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 109 DAVENPORT, FIRST. Org. May 5, 39. M. 10 39-11, M. Hummer. 42-6, Samuel Cleland. 47-8, G. S. Rea. 49, V. 50-9, T. D. Mason. 60-9, S. McAnderson. 70-2, J. B. Stewart. 73- 80, C. D. Nott. 81-4, N. M, Clute. 85, V. 86-95. J. B. Little. 96, V. 97-00, J. B. Donaldson. Last building cost nearly $100,000. Supports a foreign Missionary and sustains two chapels. G. p. 28, 98, 110. DAVENPORT, NEWCOMB MEMORIAL. Ap. V. in 74. Ministered to by J. D. Mason two years or more. Name changed. DAVENPORT, COLLEGE AVENUE. Ap. in 76. M. 30. 77, W. S. Mesmer. 78-80, J. W. Cole- man. 81, V. 82, R. Edgar. Disbanded to form the Second Church. DAVENPORT, SECOND. Ap. in 83. M. 20. 83-90, Robert Edgar. 91-4, Wm. H. Kearns. 95-6. W. R. Williams. 97-8, John McArthur. 99, V. 1900, D. W. Wylie. Org. April 96. (?) 1900 V. DAVIS CITY. W. A. Scott. 98, S.S. 99, L. Colyn DAVIS COUNTY. Ap. in 46, V. M. 20. Only appearance. DAYTON. Ap. in 79. M. 7. 79-80, E. H. Savre. 81-2, S.S. 83-5, V. 86-7, J. D. Caldwell. 88, V. 89-92, R. A. Paden. 93- 4, V. 95-6, Jas Stickel. Dis. April 20, 97. M. 72, S.S. Drops out. t DECATUR CITY. 69, V. 70, S.S. 71, A. A. Mathes. DECATUR CITY. (N. S.) Ap. in 57. M. 15. 57-62, B. O. Springer. No later re- port. Mr Springer remained in Decatur City, Died in 81 aged 76 DEDHAM. Org. March 14, 86. M. 12. 86-7, L N. Crittenden. 88. A. S. Elliott 89, W. S. Rae. 90-1, W. Weaver, 92, S.S. 93, W. S. Smith. 94, V. 95-6, A. M. Tanner. 97-8, A. W. Mc- Connell. 99-00, C. L. McLeod. DEEP RIVER. Ap. in 64. M. 23. 64-8, R. B. Farrar. 69, S.S. 70-72, W. J. Young 73, V. 74-6, C. P. Spinning. 77, W. R. Smith. 78-9. E. A. Walker. 80. V. 81. J. B. Butter. 82-3, V. 84-5. M. M. Cooper. 86-7. V. 88-92, A. W. Haines. 93-4. C. W. Courtright. 95, V. 96-7, J. A. Hahn. 98-00. B. C. Swank. DEER CREEK, (German.) Ap. in 76. M. 30. 76, Jacob Leisvelt. 77-9, V. red. 80. dropped. Star- 110 HISTORY. DELMAR. Ap. in 78. M. 12. 78-81, G. J. E. Richards. 82-4, Wm. Gay. 85-6, V. 87-8, S.S. 89, D. D. Kidd. 90-2, S. S. 93, V. 94, S.S. 95, V. 96, L. S. Mogel. 97-8, S.S. 99, V. 1900, S.S. Church and Manse cost $3,000. DENISON. Ap in 72. V. M. 22. 73-4, W. H. McCusky. 75, H. Carroll. 76, V. 77, W. J. Moffat. 78-9, Wm. A. Ward. 80, V. 81, T. C. Potter. 82, V. 83, S.S. 84, H. McMeekin. 85-7, W. G. Banker. 88-90, E. Hamilton. 91-5, N. Clark. 96-00, A. G. Martyn. DEPEW. Org. Nov. 6, 95. M. 12, 96-8, Nathan Feather. 99, A. N. Crowe. 1900, J. C. B. Peck. DERBY. Ap. in 74. M. 14. 74, S.S. 75, W. C. Hollyday. 76. M. Edgar. 77-9. V. 80, C. M. Allen. 81-3, V. 86, J. P. Brengle. 87, S. S. 88, E. J. Nugent. 89, A. M' Heizer. 90, V. 91, Brengle. 92-5, J. M Wiggins, 96-9, J. G. Russell. 1900, A. J. Irwin. DES MOINES, BETHANY. Org. Jan. 89. M. 27. 89, S. W. Pollock. 90-1, A. M Heizer. 92, I. White. 93, M, E. Barakat. 94, V. 95, P Read. 96, S.S. 97, A. W. Haines. 98. S.S. Dis. April, 19 99. G. p. 67. DES MOINES, CENTRAL. (N. S.) Org. June 4, 48. 48-65, T. Bird. 66, W. W. Wetmore. 67-71, T.O. Rice. 72, V. 73-5, M. L. P. Hill. Nov. 15, 75. united wtih the first Church. 81-7, J. B. Stewart. 88-9, S. E. Wishard. 90-93, H. A. Johnston. 94-00. A. B. Marshall. G. p. 72, 66. DES MOINES, FIRST. (O. S. Original First) Org. June 4, 48, bv S. Cowles. 48-50, Occasional S.S. 51, G. W. Swan. 52-4, J. M. Lippincott. 55, V. 56, S.S. 57-60, R. T. Drake. 61, O. Clark. 62-3, V. 64-5. D. L. Hughes. 66. V. 67-71, A. A. Dinsmore. 72-8, W. J. Gill. 79, S. H. Thompson. 80, V. 81-7, J. B. Stewart. (See Des Moines Central. The United Church appears as Church of Des Moines till 88 when it appears as the Central) G. p. 81. DES MOINES, CLIFTON HEIGHTS. South Des Moines till 91. 92-5, H. M. Robertson. 96, T. H. Carpenter. 97-8, H. S. Condit. 99-00, A. W. McConnell. "G. p. 67. DES MOINES, EAST. (Now First.) Ap. in 78. M. 100. 78-80, W. W. Thorpe. 81-3. W. J. Young. 84-94, W. M. Bartholomew. 95, F. N. Riale. 96-9, W. C. Atwood. 1900, I. W. Dav. Church reported as Des Moines 1st in 1905. G. p. 68. DES MOINES, SOUTH. Ap, in 79. M. 36. 81-2, A. Scott. 83, V. 84-5, S.S. 86-91, S. Ollerenshaw. Becomes Clifton Heights. G. p. 67. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. Ill V. Org , 94-9, W DES MOINES, HIGHLAND PARK. April 13, 90. M. 9. 90-91, S. W. M. Grafton. 1900, D. "W. DES Pollock. McMillan. G. p. 92-3, 68. MOINES, SIXTH. Org. Mar. 25, 89. M. 37. 89-95, W. J. Young. 96, V_ 97, C. K. Hoyt. 98-9, C .H. Baldwin. 1900, C. L. Reynolds. First building in 89, cost $15,000. Burned to the ground in 94. Rebuilt in 95, at cost of $17,000. G. p. 68. DES MOINES, WESTMINSTER. Org. Mar. 23, 84. M. 50. 84-87, W. J. Young. M. 110. 88-91, G. N. Luccock. 92, Wm. Miller. 93, AV. Gardner. 94, V. 95, Hugh Jack. 96, V. 97-8, S. R. Bovd. 99-00, H. Jack. G. p. 67. DE SOTO (N. S.) 69, S.S. 70, V. 71-2, Wm. Campbell. Ap. in 69. M.5 73, V. 74-6, John Sylvanus 77-80, V. Drops out. DE WITT. Ap. in 59. Occasional supplies from 59-64. Drops from roll. Membership absorbed by the Congregational and U. P. Churches. DEXTER. Ap. in 69. M. 8. 70-1, B. O. Junkin. 72-3, V. 74-5, S.S. 76, W. S. Frackleton. 77, V. 78-82, T. N. Buchanan. 83-4, S. S.85, V. 86-8, F. A. Shearer. 89, F. M. Elliot. 90-3, Geo Ainslie. 94-6, J. S. Roddy. 97-8, H. Jack. 99, V. 1900, J. A. McKav. DIAGONAL. See Goshen, original of this church. Ap. as Diagonal, April 18, 90. 90-1, S.S. 92. V. 93, W. E. Hall. 94-5, E. A. Enders. 96, A. B. Byram. 97-8, S.S. 99-00, A. S. Wight. DOWS. Org. Sept. 14, 84. M.- 10. 85-6, J. Riale. 87. S. S. 88, L. M. Bcebe. 89, S.S. 90, V. 91, W. A. McMinn. 92, Wm. Gay. 93, S.S. 94-7, G. M. Tourtellot. 98-00, J. E. Cummincrs. Ap. in 67. M. DRAKEVILLE. 67-8, S.S. Drops out. DUBUQUE, FIRST. (0. S.^ Org. July 14, 50. M. 20. 52, V. with 40 members. 53, A. H. Kerr. 54-9. J. Phelps. 60-4, A. A. E. Taylor. 65, V. 66, C. Axtell. 67-8, W. A. Ferguson. 69, J. A. Reed. 70, Geo. Bavliss. 71-4, W. R. Marshall. 75-6, A. W. Ringland. 77- 82,' J. P. Conkev. 83, A. J. Schla^er, 84, F. F. Barrett. 85, V. 86-03. W. O. Ruston. Dec. 31, merged with Second to form Westminster. Church buildings 3. Second cost 83600, the third $12,000. G. p. 81. DUBUQUE SECOND. (N. S.) Org. Aug. 26, 56. by S. G. Spees. 56, V. 57-62, J. H. Trowbridge. 63-6, H. B. Holmes. 67-70, S. G. Spees. 71, S.S. 72-.5, L. A. Ostrander. 76. V. 77-87. D. 1. Burrell. 88, V. ,89-93. II. E. Mott. 94-8, E. W. Brown. 99, V. 1900, O. D. Odell. 112 HISTORY. out. DUBUQUE THIRD. Org. Tan. 26, 90. M. 40. 90-1. G. W. Smith. 92-3, M E. Todd. 94-6, S. H. Noel. 97-9, A. Doremus. 1900, Jas. Woods. G. p. 18. DUBUQUE. (German.) Org. Christmas, 47, by P. Fleury, of Ger. Ref. Church, of Switzerland. 48-70, A. Van Vliet. 71, V. 72-6, J. Conzett. 77, S.S. 78-93, E. Kudobe. 94, V. 9.5-8, E. Schuette. 99, S.S. 1900, F. Urbach. G. p. 58. DUBUQUE, WEST. Ap. in 71. M. 20. 71, G. M. Life. 72-3, V, Drops DUTCH CHURCH. Ap. in 69. M. 1.5. 69-70, John Arends. Dis. DUTCH CREEK. Org. Oct., 51. M. 24. 52-5, D. Heider. 56-63, V. Drops DYERSVILLE. (N. S.) Ap. only in 57. M. 5. Starred. DYERSVILLE. (German.) Ap in 59. M. 29. 59-61, J. Conzett. 62-70, V. 71-2, K Smits. 73, V, 74-6, L. Triest. 77, V. 78, Conzett. 79- 80, G. Moery. 81-5, V. 86-00, H. Stauss. out. DYSART . Ap. in 75. M. 16. 75-6, V. 77-9, D. L. Hughes. 80, V. 81-2, A. C. Brown. 83, V. 84-6, F. H. Hays. 87-9, C. M. Howe. 90, S.S. 91, J. Riale. 92, C. E. Fisk. 93, V. 94-5, S. Callen, 96, V. 97-00, W. L. Vincent. EARLHAM. Ap. in 70. M. 12. 70. V. 71-2, Wm. Campbell. 73, V. 74-7, J. Sylvanus. 78-82, T. N. Buchanan. 83-4, S.S. 85. V. 86-9, F. A. Shearer. 90-3, Geo. Ainslie. 94-6, T- S. Roddv. 97, Wm. McClung. 98, V. 99, D. W. McMillan. 1900, 'Wm. Best. EARLY. Org. June, 88. M. 20. 90, E. J. Lindsey. 91, W. C. Paden. 92, V. 93-4, S.S. 95-7, C. J. McConnell. 98, S.S 99-00. J. P. Linn. Org. Ap. 10 W. M. Robinson. EAST CEDAR. (Larrabee.) 87. M. 29. 87-S. T. J. Gray. 89-90, 91, the church becomes Larrabee. EAST FRIESLAND. (German.) Ap. in 66. M. 12. 66, V. 67-9, J. Arends. 71-86, J. S. Van der Las. 87-00, H. Schmitt. G. p. 59. Ap. in 77. M. §1-2, V. Drops out. EAST ORANGE. 16. 77-8, V. 79-80, B. H. Idsingei. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 113 EBENEZER. (German.) Ap. in 76. M. 13. 76-8, L. Kliebenstein. 79, S.S. 80-2, V. 83-6, H. Schmitt. S7-9, V. Dis. Apr. 9, 90. EBENEZER. Org. Oct. 5. 90. M. 16. 97-00, John Wynia. EDDYVILLE. Org. Apr. 28. .50. M. 17. 51-2, S.S. 56-7, J. M. Batch- elder. 58, V. 59-61, W. C. Hollyday. 62-7, A. W. Haines. 68, A. A. Mathes. 69, V. 70, S^S. 71, J. S. Reed. 72, J. Cook. 73-9, V. 80, S.S. 82-4, V. Drops out. EDEN. Ap. in 75. M. 12. 75, S.S. 76-83, V. Drops out. EDINBURG. Ap. in 43. M. 18. 43, V. 44, S.S. 4.5-9, V. 50, F. A. Pratt. Drops out. ELDORA. Org. July 27. 67. M. 16. 69-70, R. Boag. 71, V. 72-9, C. M. Howe. 80, V. 81. S.S. 82, T. Hickling. 83-5, V. 86, D. L. Hughes. 87-8, V. 89, S.S. 90, V. 91, S.S. 92- 3, W. A. McMinn. 94-5, V. 96-7, H. G. Fonken. 98, V. 99-00, C. R. Hunt. ELDRIDGE. Ap. as Long Grove from 61 to 71. 71-3, J. D. Mason. 74-6, H. Bishop. 77-9, C. P. Spinning. 80-4, N. Williams. 85, J. Creath. 86. V. 87-9, S. Benson. 90-4, F. I. Moffatt. 95-6, V. 97-8, S.S. 99, V. 1900, J. Johnson. ELKHORN. Ap. in 73. M. 12. 73, M. Hughes. 74-6, W. G. Kephart. 77, V. Drops out. ELLIOTT CREEK. Org. May 7, 93. M. 8. 93-5, N. Feather. 96-8, J. B. Vance. 99-00, D. W. White. ELM GROVE. Ap. in 72. M. 14. 72-3, V. 74-5, J. Wilson. 76-82, V. 83. W. R. Stewart. 84-93, W. B. Phelps. 94, S.S. Dis. Apr. 17, 95. EL WOOD. Ap. in 79. M. 17. 79-81, G. J. E. Richards. 82-4, Wm. Gay. 85-7, V. 88, S.S. 89, D. D. Kidd. 90-2, S.S. 93 V. 94, S.S. 95, V. 96, L. S. Mogel. 97-00, V. ELY. Ap. in 74. M. 10. 74-7, V. 78-81, S. N. King. 82-5, V. Dis. 86. EMELINE. (Hickory Grove 78-92.) Ap. in 78. M. 23. 78, S.S. 79-80, V. 81-2, J. L. Wilson. 83-7, V. 88, S.S. 89-92. V. 93, S.S. 94, V. 95. S.S. 96-9, V. 1900, Richard Pughe. 114 HISTORY. Ap. in 77. Cassatt. 88, V. C. E. McCane. Ensign. EMERSON. M 1.5 77-S2, (. R. Brown. 8.3-7, D. W. 89-91, f. W. Cathcart. 92, V. 93, S.S. 94, 9,5 S.S. 96-7, S. T. Davis. 98-00, C. F. Ap. in 83 ling. 1900, E. EMANUEL. (German.) M. 18. S3, S.S. 84, V. K. Russman. EMMETT COUNTY FIRST. 85-99, L. Huend- R Ap. in 81. A. Paden. M 14 81, S.S. 82-3, G. N. Luccock. 84-5. 86 S S. 87, V. 88-9, D. Williams. 90, S.S- 91V 92 S'.S. 93, D. Williams. 94, M. T. Ranier. 95, V. 96-8, N.' Feather. 99, A. M. Crowe. 1900, J. C. B. Peck. EMMETT COUNTY SCOTCH. Ap. in 85. M. 23. 85, R. 88-9, D. Williams. 90. S.S. 91 A. Paden. 86, S.S. 87, V. V. Dis. Apr. 28, 92. ENGLISH. (See Newburn.) EPWORTH. ■ Ap in 57, with Center. 57, V. 58-9, S.S. 60, S. T. Wells. 61-'' I P Conkey. 6.3-8, W. P. Carson. 69-70. H. N. Potter. 71 SS 72-5, T. S. Bailey. 76, V. 77-80, I. Fisher. 81, V.' 82-5, C. E. Schaible. 86-7, V. 19 M. Drops out. ESSEX. Ap. in 79. M. 22. 79, J. R. Brown. 80. V. 81-2, J. L. Jones. 83-4, E. Middleton. 85, V. 86, S.S. 87, V. 88- 90^ S.S. 91-2, V. 93, A. M. Barrett. 94-5, S.S. 96, J. T. Wyllie. 97-9, E. A. Enders. 1900, S. Wiley. ESTHERVILLE. Ap. in 82. M. 11. 82-3. G. N. Luccock. 84. V. 85, T- H. Carpenter. 86, S.S. 87, V. 88-9, D. Williams. 90-3", S. W. Steele. 94, V. 95-00, W. M. Evans. FAIRBANKS. Ap. in 63. M. 23. 63, J. D. Caldwell. Dropped from roll till 75. 75,-85, J. D. Caldwell. 86-93, V. Apr. 19, 93, Dis. Ap. 68. 68-9, V. V. 75, S. S. 76-7, V. Dropped from roll. FAIRFAX. 70, S.S. 71, G. M. 78-82, S. N. King. Lodge. 72-4, 83, V. M. 21. FAIRFIELD. V. .44-50, L. Org. Ap, 42. 42, S.S. 43, V. .44-50, L. G. Bell. 51, V. 52-64, S. C. McCune. 65-7, W. Mavnard. 68. V. 69-78, Carson Reed. 79, S.S. 80, V. 81-5, T. D. Ewing. 86-00, J. F. Magill. G. p. 72, 87. FAIRVIEW. (Cedar and I. C.) Ap. .59. 59, V. 60-1, J. Hudson. 62-3, V. 64-8, J. Osmond. 69-72, C. P. Spinning. 73-4, S.S. 75, V. 76-8, A. Porter. 79-80, A. M. Heizer. 81-5, G. B. Smith. 86, S. S. 87-9, J. R. Cheeseman. 90-1, G. H. Hemmingway. 92-00, G. H. Furniss. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 115 FAIRVIEW. (C. B.) Ap. ill 71. M. 10. 71-2, A. F. Randolph. 73-4, N. V. Morrow. 75, A. F. Randolph. 76, V. 77-8, W. T. Bartle. 79-80, R. A. McKinley. 81-2, V. 83-4, S.S. 85, V. M. 18. Dropped from roll. FAIRVIEW. (F. D. Becomes Manilla.) Org. Feb. 21, 86. M. 16. 86-7, A. W. Thompson. See. Manilla. FARLEY. Org. Oct. 22. 66. M. 23. 67, S. Jewett. 68-70, V. 71-5, T. S. Bailey. 76, V. 77-80, J. Fisher. 81, V. 82-5, C. E. Schaible. 86, V. 87-8, S.S. 89, V. 90-1, S.S. 92, W. L.Vincent. 93, V. 94-6, F. G. Moore. 97, S.S. 98, L. S. Mochel. 99-00, L. Mclntvre. Church cost $2,900. Manse J1800. FARMERSBURG. Ap. 59. M. 19. 59-67, V. Drops out. FARMER'S CREEK. Ap. 58. M. 17. 58, V. 59, S.S. 60-2, V. 63, S.S 64, V. 65, S.S. 66-72, Joined with Andrew. 73-4, Jn. Gilmore. 75-7, V. 78-9, S.S. Merged in Fulton (?) or name changed. FLOYD. (N. S.) Ap. 70. M. 16. 70, S.S. 71, C. S. Marvin. 72-3, V. 74-6, G. T. Everest. Drops out. FONDA. Org. June 20, 86. M. 16. 87-00, R. E. Flicldnger. FORRESTON. Ap. 60. 60-1, V. 62, S.S. 63, J. D. Pering. 64-6, V. FORT DODGE. Ap. 57. M. 5. 57-60, E. L. Dodder. 61-6, V. 67, S.S. 68-72, J. M. Phillips. 73, S.S. 74, L. C. Littell. 75, V. 76-8, L. C. Gray. 79. V. 80-4, R. F. Coyle. 85, V. 86-9, E. B. Newcomb. 90, L. Y. Havs. 91, S.S. 92, S. M. Campbell. 93-9, J. M. Greene. 1900, Phil. C. Baird. G. p. 81. FORT MADISON. (O. S. Union in '60.) Org. March 38. by Com. of Presby. of Schuyler. Di- vision occurred the same year. The pastor, J. A. Clark and part of the members went o\-er to the N. S. Assembly, taking pres- tige and property if any, with them. The Old School party met in the Court House, supplied occasionally by L. G. Bell, Salmon Cowles and others, till 48. 49, J. D. Mason. 50, V. 51-2. O. I. King. 53-5, V. 56, R. S. McComb. 57-60, C. P. Taylor. FORT MADISON. (N. S.) In 38, the year of organization, J. A. Clark and some mem- bers cast their lot with the New School Assembly, constitut- ing a New School church, reporting to New School Assembly till 60. 43, J. A. Clark. 46, V. 49, J. A. Clark. 50, W. H. Williams. 51, S.S. 52, V. 53. S.S. 54, M. G. Cass. 55-9, V. 60, Union with the O. S. Church. FORT MADISON UNION. The two churches came together in 60 under the ministry of Rev. C. P. Taylor and took the new name. 60-3, C. P. Tay- 116 HISTORY. lor. 64-6, R. H. Kinnaird. 67. V, 68-71, W. B. Noble. 72-6 J. G. Patterson. 77-1903, Geo. D. Stewart. 1904, H. C. Rogers. See G. p. 45. 56, Ap. S. S. 46. M. Howe. FRANKLIN. (N. S.) 9. 46, S.S. 49-54, V. 55, R. Colston. FRANKLIN CENTER. Ap. 67. M. 10. 67, V. Last appearance. FRANKVILLE. Ap..54. M. 14. 54, V. 56, J. Adams. 57. V. 58, S. S. 59-62, V. 63, S.S. 64-69, J. W. Crawford. 70-1, V. 72-3, T- C. Hanna. 74. V. 75, G. R. Bird. 76-7, V. 78-82, W. M. Robinson. 83, V. 84, S.S. 85-6, V. 87-8, W. Russell. 89, S.S. 90-6, Wm. S. McCuskey. 97-8, J. S. Phillips. 99, S.S. 1900, A. J. Gregg. FREMONT. Org. Oct. 18, 97. 98-9, S.S. 1900, J. L. Gage. FULTON. (C. R.) Ap. 65. M. 33. Probably including membership of Farmer's Creek. 65-6, J. D. Mason. 67-9, V. 70, S.S. M. 32. No report for 10 years. 80, V. 81-94, V. 95, S.S. 96-7, V. M. 7. 98, Dis. FULTON. (I. C.) Ap. 71. M. 12. 71-3, T. H. Hench. 74-7, V. Out. FREDERICKSBURG. Ap. 63. 63-4, S.S. 65, V. Drops from Roll. GALESBURG. (Probably White Breast till '71.) Ap. in 72. M. 12. Starred. 72-4, V. 75, G. W. Settle- meyer. 76-8, V. Drops out. GARDEN GROVE. Ap. in 58. 58-60, J. P. Brengle. 61, V. 62-70, J. P. Brengle. 71-4, S.S. 75-7, R. Hahn. 78-81, V. 82, G. Ainslie. 83-4, V. 85-94, R. Beer. 95-6, S.S. 97-8, H. Quick- enden. 99-00, J. Q. Hall. GARRISON. Org. May 28, 76, M. 18. 77, D. L. Hughes, 78-80, S. W. LaGrange. 81-2, A. C. Brown. 83-5, J. S. Dickey. 86, T. G. Pearce. 87, J. L. Countermine. 88-90, A. G. Martyn. 91, U. G. Evans. 92-3, M. M. Travis. 94-5, E. C. Haskell. 96-8, R. S. Weinland. 99-00, A. Corkey. Building $3,000. Manse $1,500. Rebuilt church 1906. Org. June, 89. Dis. Apr." 19, 94. M. GAZA. 15. 90-1, J. A McAlmon. 92-3, V. GERMANIA FIRST. Org. Oct. 31, 93. C. Kruze. M. 9. 94-5, J. N. Evards. 96-00, A. GIDEON. Ap. only in 53. M. 25. V. May have assumed another name. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 117 GIFFORD. Ap. only in 82. SS. M. 7. GILBERTSVILLE. Ap. only in 74. M. 10. V. GILMORE CITY. Org. Oct. 88. M. 2.5. Keeler. 92-3, J. M. Smith. R. Vance. 97, V. 98, F. Wm. A. Pinkerton. 89-90, G. H. Duty. 91, A. C. 94, V. 95, O. F. Wisner. 96, J. Corbett. 99, J. Mapson. 1900, GLENWOOD. Ap. in 59. M. 12. 59-63, D. L. Hughes. 64-6, No re- port. 67, re-Org. M. 14. 67, W. B. Noble. 68-9, V. 70, S.S. 71-88, V. Dis. in 89. GLIDDEN. Ap. Aug. 70. M. 17. 70, W. R. Smith. 71-2, V. 73, J. M. Phillips. 74, V. 75-6, T. A. Shaver. 77-8, J. S. Dun- ning. 79, V. 80, T. H. Sammis. 81, W. S. Peterson. 82. E. A. McLaurv. 83, D. Jones. 84,-6 P. Reed. 87-90, W. A. McMinn. 91, J. L. Countermine. 92, A. K. Baird. 93. A. Davis. 94-5, J. A. Cahill. 96-9, F. T. Tower. 1900, K. Brown. GOSHEN. (Becomes Diagonal.) Ap. 78. M. 17. 78-Sl, H.P.Wilson. 82-9, V. Name changed to Diagonal. 90. S.S. GRAETTINGER. (F. D.) Org. Jan. 3, 1900. M. 9. V. GRAND JUNCTION. Ap. 71. 71-2, V. 73-5, J. M. Phillips. 76, V. 77-8, T. A. Shaver. 79-82, W. G. Hillman. 83, V. 84-7. G. N. Luccock. 88-91, W. M. Evans. 92-4, S. B. McClelland. 95, A. G. Martyn. 96, V. 97-9, W. H. Ilsley. 1900. Jas. Vallier. GRAND RIVER. Ap. 73. M. 35. 7.3-4, V. 75-7, C. L. M. Des Islets. 78-82, V. 83, S.S. 84, J. P. Brengle. 85, S. Johnson. 86, V. 87, S.S. 88, M. W. Simpson. 89, V. 90-1, M. E. Barakat. 92, V. 93. S.S. 94, V. 9.5-6, S.S. 97-8, J. G. Aikman(?). 99-00, V. GRAND VIEW. 78. A. M. Heizer Ap. 78. M. 36 Campbell.^ 82-6, V. 87, S.S 9, V. 80-1, D. T. 94, V. Dis. Sept. 19, 94. GRAVITY. Org. Jan. 23, 93. 93, W. E. Hall. 94-5, S.S. 96-7, W. D. Hart. 98, W. A. Pinkerton. 99, S.S. 1900, V. GREENE. Org. in 63 as Cold Water. Re-org. as Greene, Mav. 19, 72. 73, S.S. 74-8, G.Graham. 79, V. 80, J. Gaston. '81-2, V. 83-6. T. F. Curtis. 87. V. 88-9, N. C. Green. 90. C. H. Wisner. 91, J. R. McGlade. 92, U. G. Schell. 93-5, J. M. 118 HISTORY. Smith. 96, J. S. Phillips. 97, P. S. Davies. 98-00, S. D. McFadden.. "Building and improvements $6,500. Manse $1000 GREENFIELD. Ap. in 75. M. .37. 75-6, C. Merwin. 77, A. H. Campbell. 78, V. 79-81, W. T. Bartle. 82-6, C. H. DeLong. 87, V. 88, S.S. 89-90, K. T- Duncan. 91-2, J. W. Knott. 93, S.S. 94-00, J. Young. GRIMES. Ap. in 83. M. 20. 83-4, S.S. 85, V. 86-92, E. A. Walker. 93, V. 94, S.S. 9.5-6, A. W. Haines. 97-00, W. A. Scott. G. p. 84. GRISWOLD. Ap. in 80. M. 19. 80-2. R. H. Cunningham. 83-8, T. K. Hunter. 89, V. 90, F. Harris. 91, W. V. Chapin. 92-5, E. E. Reed. 96-9, A. L. Sarchct. 1900, F. H. Grace. GROVE. Ap. in 61. M. 7. 61-4, V. Dmiis out. GROVE HILL, (German, T).) Ap. in 67. M. 24. 67, S.S. 68-70, V. M. 18. Drops out. GROVELAND. Org. May 97. M. 22 98-00, John Young. GRUNDY CENTER. Ap.in70. M. 17. 70-5, C. R. French. 76-7, D. W. James. 78-82, I. W. Hanna. 83-7, Wm. Bryant. 88-93, D. .W Mc Lane. "94, V. 95, W. J. Palm. 96-00, W. H. Jordan. GRUNDY COUNTY, FIRST. Ap. in 76. ■Vl. 35. 76-7, Jno. Arends. Drops out. GRUNDY COUNTY, (German.) Ap. in 7'2. 72-5, Jacob Brinkema. 75-99, B. Vander- Las. 1900, V. GUTHRIE CENTER. Ap. in 76. M. 9. 76-9, V. 80, S.S. 81-2, A. H. Camp- bell. 83, C. H. Bruce. 84, V. 85, S.S. 86,- H. B. Thayer. 87-8, V. 89, R. |. Hughes. 90, V. 91-4, A. L. Sarchet. 95, V. 96-00, C. M. "Whetnel. GUTHRIE, (N. 8.) Org. in 69. M. 12. 70-75, II. H. Kellogg. 76, V. 77-9, A. H. Campbell, 80, W. T. Bartle. 81, Becomes Menlo. HALFA. Org. Oct. 30, 01. M 20. Developed from S.S. G. p. 108. HAMBURG. Ap. in 71. M. 16. 71, G. G. Ferguson. 72. V. 73, R. L. McCune. 74-5, T- W. Clark. 76, S.S. 77, A. H. Campbell. 78-9, A. C. Allen. " 80, S.S. 81-2, J. A. Gerhard. 83-6, M. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 119 Noerr. 87. V. 88-90. A. H. Campbell. 91, V. 92-3, D. C. Smith. 94-5, S.S. 96-8, A. E. Riser. 99, V. 1900, E. A. Enders. HAMILTON COUNTY. Ap. in 75. M. 16. 75-6, V. Last appearance. HANCOCK. Org. May 1,98. 99-00, A. H. Frazer. HARDIN TOWNSHIP. Ap. in 93. 93. V. 94, S.S. 95-7, J. Riale. 98-00, A. Litherland. HARLAN. Ap. in 72. M. 7. 72-5, V. HARRIS. Org. Oct. 27, 99. M. 4. 1900, J. C. Mapson. HARRIS GROVE. Ap. in 69. 69-70, R. Burgess. 71, V. 72-3, T. K. Hedges. 74, V. 75, T. K. Hedges. Drops out. HARTFORD. Ap. in 65. M. 24. 65, S.S. 66-7, Wm. McCandlish. 68, S. Johnson. 69-00, David Craig. HARTLEY. Org. June 89. M. 10. 90, A. Ilerron. 91-2, S.S. 93, C. Williams. 94, O. H. Carmichael. 95, R. N. Toms. 96, V. 97, J. C. Linton. 98, A. G. Bailey. 99-00, S.S. HAWARDEN. (See Calliope) Ap. as Calliope in 82. 83-90, J. C. Gilkerson. M. in 90, 85. As Hawarden in 91. ). C. Gilkerson. 92, G. A. Hutchinson. 93-7, Heber Gill. 98, Albert Fowler. 99-00, Wm. Wallace. See G. p. 84. HAWLEYVILLE. Ap. in 62. M. 12. 62-3, W. M. Stryker. 64-5, V. Drops out. HAZEL DELL. (C. B.) Ap. in 71. M. 12. 71, V. 72-3. T. K. Hedges. 74, V. 75-6, Hedges. 77, S. G. Fisher. 78-80, T. K. Hedges. 81-3, V. Dis. Apr. 21, 84. Ap. 72-3, V. HAZEL DELL, (D. M.) M. 10. Drops out. HAZLETON. (Pleasant Prairie till 80.) Ap. as H. in ,S0. SO-86. J. D. Caldwell. 87, V. 88-90, Daniel Russell. 91, V. 92-3, S. H. Noel. 94-7, E. G. Beyer. 98, V. 99-00, D. W. Cassatt. Ch. burned Dec. 28, 05. New. ded. March 18, 06. $4,300. HEBRON. Ap. 59. 59-60, V. 70-1. Jacob Pentzer. 72, E. L. Dod- der. 73-6, V. Last appearance. HEBRON. (German.) Ap. in 59. 60, F. Breuchert. 61-4, V. Last appearance. 120 HISTORY. HEDRICK. Org. May 7, 95. 96, S.S. 97-9, J. E. Foster. 1900, V. J' 'V' J' -.. n. 48. ^«^P- 2. 91. S.S. 77, J. Van Eman. 78-9, V. 80-1, Wm. Youn.?. 82-3. " 84, J. G. Condit, 85, Wm. Young. 86-91, V. Dis. See G. p. 48 Ap. in 82. M. 1 HENDERSON. 82, J. R. Brown. Dis. Apr. 21, 84. HERMON. Ap. in 56. M. 12. 56-7, V. 60-6, J. Pentzer. 67, S.S. 68, V. 69, S.S. 70-1, D. Clark. 72, V. 73. A. M. Tanner, 74, V. 75-9, N. Williams. 80-3, E. C. Haskell. 84, V. 85. S.S. 86-7, J. W. Knott. 88, V. 89-91, D. S. Brown. 92, V. V. 87, S.S. 88-9, V. 90-1,' M. E. Barakatr?). ''92,''v. 93, 93-5, S.S. 96-7, B. C. Swank. 98, V. 99. S.S. 1900, V. S.S. Dis. HOPE. (German.) Org. May 25, 92. 93-5, A. C. Kruze. 96, S.S. .97-8, L. Figge. 99, E. B. Gramcko. 1900, S.S. HOPEVILLE. Ap. in 75. M. 9. 7.5-8, V. 79, W. C. Hollyday. 80-6 HIGHLAND. (S. C). Org. Sep. 30, 92. M. 18. 93-4, F. D. McRea. 95, S.S. 96-00, E. E. Hastings. HIGH PRAIRIE. Org. Apr. 50. 50-2, J. Hudson. 53-8, J. G. Wilson. Becomes Ononwa. HICKORY GROVE. (Becomes Emeline.) HILL'S SIDING. Org. Oct. 1, 99. 1900, S.S. HOME PRAIRIE. HOPEWELL. Ap. in 72. M. 16. 72-4, A. FitzRandolph. 7-5-7, V. Drops out. HOPKINTON. Ap. in55. M. 9. 56-9, M. Harmon. 60-6, J. Allen. 67-8, S.S. 69-76, Samuel Hodge. 77, S.S. 78-9, T. M. Stevenson. 80, S.S. 81-4, H. Gill. 85-6, V. 87-9, A. Scott. 90-2, J. M. Smith. 93, V. 94, C. E. Pisk. 95-00, D. C. Mackintosh. See G. p. 85. HOPRIG. Org. June 2, 96. M. 15. 97-8, N. Feather. 99, A. N Ap. in72. M.25. 72, O. J. King. 73, S.S. 74, V. 75-6, Crowe. 1900, J. C. B. Peck. See G. p. 83. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 121 HOSPER. Ap. in 77. 77-S, V. 79-80, B. H. Idsinger. 81, V, 82-6, 1. Liesveld. 87-91, K. B. Weiland. 92-00, Dries Mouw Church cost $1200. See G. p. 83 HOWELL. (Holland.) Ap. in 92. 92-.3, C. DeHaai. Dis. in 94. HOWELL. (Holland.) Rec. Nov. IS, 9.") from Classis of 111. Rc{. Ch. of America. 96-OG. C. DeHaai. HUMBOLDT COUNTY. Continuation of Dakota, in 82. 82-4, V. Apr. 8.5, Dis. HUMESTON. 75, R. Ilahn. 70, S.S. 77-81, V. Beer. . 87. S.S. 88-90, M. W. Sinip- 92-5, J. M. Wiggins. 96, V. 97-8, Ap. in 75. M. 15. 82, S.S. 83-5, V. 86. R son. 91, T- P. Brengle. J. G. Aikman. 99, V. 1900, S.S. HUNTINGTON. Org. March 6, 1900. M. !.">. 1900, V. IDA GROVE. Org. Aug. 31, 73. 74. V. 75-6, no report. 77, V. 78-87, A. E. Smith. 88-90, J. T. Charlton. 91-6. T. N, Buchanan. 97, J. B. Cameron. 98-00, G. M. Tourtellot. See G. p. 43. ILLINOIS GROVE. Ap. in 59. M. 20. 59, S.S. 60, V. IMOGENE. Drops from roll. Ap. 81. M. 29. 81-2, J. L.Jones. 83, V. 84, S.S. 85-7, V. 88-90, J. B. Taylor. 91, B. W. Coe. Dis. Ap. 18. 92. INDEPENDENCE. Org. Dec. 54, by Joshua Phelps. M. 16. 55, V. 56, T.G.Carver. 57-70, J. M. Boggs. 71-80, W. B. Phelps. 81-6, T H. Ritchey. 87-8, E. N. Barrett. 89-94, F. N. Riale. 95— "D. W. Fahs. See G. p. 87. INDEPENDENCE. (German.) Org. June 7, 58. 59, F. C. Swartz. 60-1, V. 62, S.S. 68, V. 69-83, J. G. Schaible. 84-5, H. C. Schlueter. 86, A. J. Schlager. 87-94, E. Schuette. 95-1900, E. C. Wolters. INDIANAPOLIS. (Becomes Agricola, 63.) Ap. in 57. 57-63, James Green. Ap. in 56. INDIAN CREEK. (N. S.) M. 20. 56, V. 57, B. F. Stuart. Drops out. INDIANOLA. Ap. in 54. M. 12. 54, S.S. 55-7, V. 58, J. Anderson. 59, S.S. 60-3, V. 64-5, S.S, 66, Wm. McCandlish. 67-79 S Johnson. 80-3. T. M. Findlav. 84-93, A. J. Berger. 94-7 C.G.Miller. 98, V. 99-00, |. T. Hopkins. See G. p. 86. 122 HISTORY. INDIANOLA. (N. S.) Ap. in61, M. lo. Gl-S, V. Drops out. INWOOD. (Pennington till 89.) Ap. in 84. M. 11. 84, S. B. McClelland. S. S. 87, V. 88-90, G. H. Fracker. 91-3, S.S. Robinson. 96-9, J. M. Linn. 1900, S.S. 85, V. 86, 94-,5, W. M. IOWA CENTER. N. 8.) Ap. in 58. M. 1ft. 5S-9, S.S. GO. V. 61-2, M. Robinson. 64-6, I. Reid. 67-8, S.S. 69-72, I. Reid. 73-6, V. 77-8, H. W. Forbes. 79-82, V. Drops out. IOWA CITY. (O. S.) One of the original churches of the organization of the Synodin40. 41, J. Stocker 42-7, M. Hummer. 48, V. 49-51, S. H. Hazard. 52, V. 53-4, J. Crozier. 55-8, F. A. Shearer. 59, V. 60-1, O. O. McClean. 62, S.S. 63-78, S. M. Osmond. 79, V. 80. W. R. Henderson. 81-S, G. P. Fulsom. 89-00, E. N. Barrett. See G. p. 81. IOWA CITY. (N. S.) Ap. in 43. 43-49, W. W. Woods. 50-1 , S. S. Howe. 52-4, J. D. Strong. 55, V. 56-61, P. S. Van Nest. 62-6, G. D. A. Hebard. He left 16 members. The Congregational Church received the benefit. 67-9, V. with 16 M. Drops out. Ap. in 57. Drops out. IOWA FALLS. (N. S.) M. 12. 57-64, Wini,ston Jones. 6.5-72, V. IRETON. Org. June 14, 85. M. 15. 86, S.S. 87-91, V. Dis. Sept. lb, 91. IRVINGTON. Org. Oct. 8, 89. M. 18. 90-1, W. E. Caldwell. 92, S.S. 93-4, V. 95, S.S. 96, A. Martin. 97, J. W. Innes. 98, D. Buchanan. 99-00, S. Ollernshaw. JACKSONVILLE. Org, May, 28, 88. M. 12. 89-90, D. M. Stuart. 91, S.S. 92, V. 93, S.S. 94, R. L. Adams. 95-9, S.S. 1900, V. JANESVILLE. (N. S.) Ap. in 55, M. 20. 55-6, S.S. 57, V. 58, J. Harrison 59-60, V. 61-2, S.S, 63, J. Glass. 64-6, V. 67, G. S. Chat- terton. 68, ]. Agnew. 69, V. 70, S. Phelps. 71-4, A. R. Olney. 77-9, W. W. Whipple. 80-6, C. M. Moore. 87, R. J. Jones. 88-97, G. R. Israel. 98, R. Tweed. 99. V. 1900, Geo. Earhart. Ap. in 70 S.S. 74, V. 75-6, J. Sylvanus JEFFERSON. (D. M.) M. 18. 70, V. 71-2, Wm. Campbell. 73, 77-9, V. Last appearance. JEFFERSON. (D.) Ap. in 59. M. 5. Last appearance. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 123 JEFFERSON. (F. D.) Ap. in 67. M. 13. 67-8, V. 69-75. 1. S. Dunning. 76, V. 77-8. Wm. G. Hillman. 79-80, V. Sl-7, H. G Rice. 8S-9, A. C. Kaye. 1900, A. L. Sarchet. JESUP. (Formerly Barclay.) Ap. in 66. M. 13. 66-9, J. D. Caldwell. 70, J. M. Bugys. 71-3, V. 74, S.S. 75, A. Caldwell. 76, V. 77, C." R. Freiich. 78-81, I. D. Caldwell. 82, S.S. 83-5, lohn .McAllister. 86, V. 87, C. McLean. 88, V. 89-90, F. Bylesbv. 91-2, D. Russell. 93-00, W. H. Ensign. KAMRAR. (German, Polen's Grove.) Ap. as K. in S3. 83-4, Jacob Brinkema. 85, V. 86-91, P. H. Dickman. 92, V. 93-9, H. A. Van Gricthuyscn. 1900, V. KEOKUK. (N. S.) Ap. in 46. M. 13. 46, D. Jones. 49-50, G. Wood. 51, W. H. Williams. 52, V. 53-5. S." K. Sneed. 56-7, V. 58. S.S. 59, J. Aspinwall. 60, V. 61-2, I. E. Carev. 63-5, E. ]. Gillett. 66-9, I. N. Crittenden. 70, United with Westminster." KEOKUK, WESTMINSTER. Org. Oct. 48. No record till 52. Ap. 52. V. 5.3-8, |. T. Umsted. .59, S.S. 60, V. 61, S.S. 62-SI, W G. Craig. 82-7, T. H. Cleland. 88, V. 89-95, J. B. Worrall. 96-00. E. B. Newcomb. KEOKUK, SECOND. Org. Ap. 17, 93. M. 22. 93-00, AVm. S. Shiels. Org. at Paris to Tallyrand June Keota in 72 Cost $4,100. 71-5. David A. Danskin. C. R. Hunt. S. Crozier. KEOTA. Wash Co., May 5, 55. as Liberty. 5(>, and to. Keota in 72. Name changed to Building in 74, enlarged and remodeled in 99. Manse, 92, .12,000. Grouped with LaFavette. Smock. 76. V. 77. G. Huvser. 78, 82-3. V. 84-90, J. K. .Uexander. 91, 94, S.S. 9.5-8, R. Bradley. 99. V. Moved V. 79-81, V. 92-3, 1900. W. KEOSAUQUA.(Chequest.) Org. 42. M. 17. 42-50, V. 51-2. S.S. G. M. Swan. 5S, A. W. Haines. 59-60, V. O. J. King. 65, Becomes Chequest. 53-5, V. 61, S.S. 56-7, 62-5, Ap. 43. KEOSAUQUA. (N. S.) M. 12. .\. L. Rankin. Drops out. Org. Sep. 26, 99. KINGSTON. M. 13. 1900. Johnston McGaughy. KIRKVILLE. Ap. 54. M. 12. 54-5, V. 56-7. [. M. McElroy. 58, V. 59-62, W. C. Hollvdav. 63-6, A. W. Haines. 67, V. 68, A. A. Mathes. 69-70, V. 71, D.Brown. 72-7, J. A. Calhoun. 78-9, I. M. McElroy. 80, J. P. Schell. 81-2, S.S. 83-4, J. M. Mc- Elroy. 85, V. 86-7. S.S. 88-91, E. E. Reed. 92-3, V. 94-5, S.S. 96-8, R. F. Chambers. 99, V. 1900, A. G. Alexander. KNOX. (Keokuk Go's.) Ap. 60. M. 20. Wm. Porterfield. 61-3, V. 124 HISTORY KNOX. (C. B.) Ap. 78. 78-9, G. M. Lodge. 80, T. K. Hedges. 81. V. 82-3. F. X. Miron. 84, V. 85, J. A. Bartlett. 86-8, V. 89, C. M. Whetzel. 90, S.S. 91-4, V. M. 3. Dis. May 13, 95. KNOXVILLE. Ap. 54. M. 12. 54, S.S. 55, V. .56-73, P. H. Jacob. 74-5, W. S. Frackelton. 76-9, E. L. Dodder. 80-2, J. H. Marsh- all. 83-88, J. W. Hubbard. 89, V. 90-2, G, W. Baxter. 93, V. 94-6, H. R. Schemerhorn. 97-00, Wm. E. Sloane. See G. p. 6. Ap. 55. M. 9. KAKOMA. 5.5-6, D. Blakelv. KOSSUTH. (Round Prairie till 70.) Ap. 70. M. 300. 70-79, A. Scott. 80, V. 81-2, J. L. Sex- ton. 83-6, A. S. Leonard. 87, V. 88-92, E. B. Miner. 93-4, G. W. McKenney. 95, S.S. 96-00, J. McGaughey. See G. p. 72. Ap. 74. M. 7. LACONA. 75, M. 5. Drops out. LADORA. Ap. 71. 71. S.S. 72-3, E. C. Haskell. 74-6. V. 77, John Branch. 78-9. V. 80-5, E. A. Walker. 86, M. M. Cooper. 87, V. 88-92, A. W. Haines. 93, S.S. 94, W. B. Phelps. 95, V. 96-9, S.S. 1900, V. LAFAYETTE. (O. S.) Ap. 60. M. 23. 61-75, D. V. Smock. 76, V. 77, G. Huvser. 78, V. 79-81. A. Danskin. 82-3, V. 84-90, ]. K. Alexander. 91. V. 92-3, C. R. Hunt. 94. S.S. 9.5-8, R. Bradley. 99, V. 1900, W. S. Crozier. Church building $1800. LAFAYETTE. (N. S.) 56-62, Jas Gordon. Drops out. LA GRANGE. 10. 58, John Anderson. (?) 59, S.S. LAKE CITY. Ap, 81. M. 15. 81-2, S.S. 83-93, S. W. Stophlet. 201. 94-9, S. W. Steele. 1900, Jas. H. McArthur. V. Ap. 56. M. 9. Ap. 5S. M. Drops out. 60, M. Ap. 93. 9S-9, Jas. 93, S.S. Vallier. LAKE PARK. 94-6, M. T. Ranier. 1900, J. C. Mapson. LANSING. 97, J. C. Mapson. Ap. 66. M. 24. 66-79, ]. Frothingham. 80-1. C. E. Schaible. 82, S.S. S3-4, J. Gaston. 85-91, A. L. Hutchinson. 92, C. Bristol. 93-00, J. R. McGlade. LANSING. (German.) Ap. 69. 69-70, |. [. Weiss. 71, V. 72-5, F. H. W. Bruechert. 76, V. 77-9^ L. . Abels. 80-3, T- Leirer. 84, V. 85-90. Henrv Schmitt. 91-2, V. 93. S.S. 94-(3, F. Urbach. 97- 00, H. DeBeer. See G. p. 59. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 125 Ap. 01. LA PORTE CITY. 61-'2, Jas. Harrison. (N. S.) LA PORTE CITY. (O. S.) Org. Nov. 4, 07. M. 9. 0.8-71, f. A. Hoyt. 72, V. 73-.5, D. S. Morgan, 76-8, J. A. Donahov. 79-80, W. R. Stewart. 81, S. Ollerenshaw. 82, V. 83, G. W. Hays. 84, W. R. Stewart. 85, V. 86-7, A. Taylor. 88, V. 89-00, S. E. Koons. Co.st of churth building and improvements, $10,000. See G. p. 31. LARRABEE. (Originally East Cedar.) Org. Apr. 10. 87. M. 29. as East Cedar. Larrabee in 91. 91-3, W. M. Robinson. 94-5, S.S. 96-7. J. S. Slagle. 98-00. O. S. Thompson. LAUREL. Ap. 83. M. 10. S3-4, S.S. 85-0, C. E. McLean. 87-9. J. P. Brengle. 90, J. P. Baker. 91-2, V. 93, R. L. Adams, 94-5, D. Brown. 90, S.S. 97-00, L. Colyn. Org. Aug. 1, 90. Apr. 11, 95. Dis. LAURENS. M. 10. 91-3, M. T. Rainier. LEBANON. 94, V. Org. 72. M. 22. 72, O. J. King. 73, S.S. 74, V, 75, S.S. 76-81, Wm. Young. 82-4, J. G. Condit. S.5-7, Wm. Young. 88, S.S. 89-91, V. 92, S.S. 93-5, Wm. Gra- nam. 96-8, P. S. Smith. 99, S.S. 1900, J. A. Hahn. LE CLAIRE. Ap. in 41 as Berlin; as L. C. in 49. M. 15. 49-50. S.S. 51, V. 52, W. C. Mann. 53, V. 54-5, H. Hutchin- son. 56-8, S.S. 59-60, 1. Ekin. 61-4, V. 65-8, J. B. Mc- Bride. 69-73, V. 74-7, R. L. Adams. 78-9, V. 80, J. P. Calh.mn. 81, G. W. Hays. 82-3, V. 84, W. C, Barclay, 85, S.S. 80-7, B. Mills. '88, J. B. McBride. 89, C. S. Bain. 90, S.S. 91-3, J. E. Cummings. 94-7, S. D. McFadden. 98, V. 99-00, W. M. Campbell. Org. July 20, 91. LEEDS. LEIGHTON. Ap. 75. 75-6, Jn. Fisher. 77, S. M. Kier. 78, V. 79, A. A. Mathes. 80, S.S. 81, V. 82-3, J. T. Bliss. 84-5, V. 86, S. C. McCune. 87-9, S.S. 90-2, R. L. Adams. 93 V. M. 25. LE MARS. Org. Mav 31, 85. M. 32. 86-90, D. W. Fahs. M. 180. 91, V, 92-4," D. W. Fahs. 95, V. 96-00, A. J. McGogney LENOX. Ap. 74. M. 10. 74-7. N. V. Morrow. 78, V. 79, E. B. Cousins. 80-3, A. B. DeLong. 84, V. 85, C. E. Laughlin. Drowned in Platte River, June 28, 85. 86, S.S. 87, E. S McClure. 88, F. Harris. 89, V. 90-7, J. F. Hinkhouse . 98, S. Alexander. 99, V. 1900, S.S. LEON. (N. S.) Ap. 57. M. 14. 57, V. 58. S.S. Drops from roll. 126 HISTORY. LEON. (O. S.) Org. June 2. 66. M. l.'j. l.v Com. of D. M. Presb., W. C. Hollvdav. 67, R. f. Burtt. 08-9, V. 70-2, A. A. Mathes. 73-4,' F.' Rea. 75-7, C. L. M. Des Islets. 78-9, V. 80-3, S. Johnson. 84. V. 8.5-7, W. C. Cort. 88-91, M. Noerr. 92. S. Ollerenshaw. 93, S.S. 94-8, G. D. Gurley. 99-00, W. H. Ilsley. LE ROY. (D. M.) Ap. 83. M. 6. 8.3-7, S.S. 88-94, R. Beer. 9,5-6, S.S. 97-8, H. Quickenden. 99-00, J. Q. Hall. LE ROY. (D) Ap. 59. M. 12. 59, S.S. 60-1, L. R. Lockwood. 62, V. 63, S.S. 64, J. D. Caldwell. (?) 6,5-6, V. 67, S.S. 68, Jacob Schwartz. 69-74, V. Last appearance. LE ROY. (W) . Ap. 71. 71-4, V. LETTSVILLE. (Ononwa till '69.) Ap. as L. 69. M. 28. 69, V. 70, \V. F. Kean. (?) 71-6, V. Last appearance. LEWIS. Ap. 69. M 9. 69-73, V. Last appearance. LIBERTY. (D.M.) Ap. 67. M. 12. 67, S.S. 68-70, V. 71, S.S. 72-3, V. M. 20. Last appearance. LIBERTY. (D.) Ap. 67, as L. with P. O. Winthrop. M. 14. 67, V. 68-9, S. M. Kier. 70, V. 71. Alevah Day. 72 becames Winthrop. LIBERTY. (F. Keota.) Ap. 56. M. 31. 56-9, T. H. Dinsmore. 60-1. V. 62-71, D. V. Smock. 72, becomes Keota. LIBERTY. (F. D. Cleghorn.) Ap. 83. M. 16. 83, W. E. Caldwell. 84-5, M. E. Todd. 86-9, W. E. Caldwell. 90, J. W. Knott. 91, S.S. 92, W, Gra- ham. Sept., 93, becomes Cleghorn, LIBERTYVILLE. Org. Aug. 9, 50, by L. G. Bell. M. 11. 51-3, Bell. 54, V. 55-66, Jas. Caldwell. 67, G. P. Bergen. 68, J. A. Calhoun. 69, Bergen. 70-1, I. G. Condit. 72-5, Bergen. 76, V. 77-9, I. H. Moore. SO-l! J. M. McElroy. 82, V. 83-4, S.S. 85-6, "W. L. Boyd. 87, S.S. 88-90, J. M. Wiggins. 91, V. 92, S.S. 9.3-4, T. C. McNary. 9.5-8, W. J. Bollman. 99, S.S. 1900, V. Progressed from plain building seated with slabs to $3000, brick, and later $2600 and manse $1500. LIME SPRINGS. Ap. 60. 60-!, V. 62-70, Adam Craig. 71-4, Jacob Baay. 75-6, V. 77-9, W. H. Brocksome. 80, V. 81, E. H. Sayre. 82-3, V. 84-6, W. Russell. 87-8, V. 89, W. H, McCuskey. 90, V. 91, S.S. 92, J. R. McGlade. 93, S.S. 94-5, J. 6. Hodges. 96, V. 97, M. McLeod. 98, V, 99-00, W. E. MeLeod. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 127 LINCOLN TOWNSHIP. Org. Oct. 13, 99. M. 10. 1900, S.S. LINDEN. Ap. 58. 58-9, J. S. FuUerton. 60, V. Last appearance. Members absorbed by Linn Grove and Springville. LINEVILLE. Ap. in 75. M. 9. 75, V. 76-8. J. P. Brengle. 79-80, D. R. Hindman. 81, V. 82, S.S. 83-5, G. H. Putnam. S6, V. 87, E. M. Snook. 88-9, V. 90, F. Orr. 91, S.S. 92-3, J. W. Stark. 94-6, W. E. CaldwelL 97, V. 9S, C. L. McLeod. 99, S.S. 1900, V. LINN GROVE. Org. by M. Hummer, Dec. 2, 40. M. 14. In 41, it appears as one of the 12 churches of Iowa and fourth in membership. 41, Hummer a fourth of his time. 41-2, John Stocker, divid- ing time with Marion. 42-7, Salmon Cowles, dividing time with Scotch Grove. 48-9, Occasional services. 50-9, J. S. Fuller- ton, dividing time in part with Marion. 60, V. 61-7, E. L Dodder, dividing time with Mt. Vernon. 68, S.S. 69, V. 70- i, H K. Hennigh. 72-3, V. 74-7, ]. L. Wilson. 78-9, T A. Shaver. 80, V. 81-5, Wm. M. Porter. S6-7, J. L. Mprtyn. 88-95, J. R. McQuown. 96, V. 97-99, J. W. Hubbard. 1900, G. M. Cummings. G. p. 72. LISBON. Ap. 55. Org. E. of Lisbon. Some of members from Linn Grove. 55, S.S. 56, V. 57, A. S. Thorn. 58-60, R. Boag. 61, Moved to Mt. Vernon. Changed name. LITTLE CEDAR, Ap. in 69. M. 11. 69-72, H. R. Lewis. 73, V. 74, G. Van Eman. 75, V. Last appearance. LITTLE ROCK. (Union 62-70.) Ap. in 71. 71-2, G. C. Beaman. 73-5, V. Drops out. LIVERMORE. (Bethel.) Org. as Bethel, Nov. 12, 70. See Bethel, F. D. 81-3, L. C. Grav. .S4. II. S. Dickev. 85-8, A. S. Zimmerman. 89, V. 90-3, W. E. Caldwell. 94-G, J. W. Waite. 97, M. T. Ran- ier. 98, S.S. 99-00, A, L. Berry. LLEWELLYN. Ap. in in 58. M. 9. 58-60, V. Last appearance. LOCUST GROVE. (Batavia from 67.) Org. Ap. 57. 57-64, J. Caldwell. 65, S. C. McCune. 66, V. See Batavia. LOGAN. Ap. 66. M. 8. 66-70, S.S. 71, V. 72-5, T. K. Hedges, 76-80, J. B. Welty. 81, V. 82-4, G. R. Carroll. 85, V. 86-7. H. C. Gillingham. 88-90, O. A. Elhott. 91, V. 92-4, J. Riale. 9.5-6, V. 97-8, J. E. Groendyke. 99-00, J. N. Currens. LOHRVILLE. Ap. in 83. M. 7. 83-4, S. W. Stophlet. 85, W. A. Smith. 86, V. 87, S.S. 88, C. E. McCane. 89, V. 90-1, J. Stickel. 92-3, V. 94-5, R. S. Weinland. 96, J. E. Cum- mings. 97-9, F. J. Chamberlain. 1900, V. 128 HISTORY. LONE ROCK. Org. June 14, 97. M. 9. 98, D. Williams. 99, V. 1900, K. J. McAulay. LONE STAR. Org. June 5. 92. M. 19. 93-6, E. Dickinson. 97, S.S. 98-00, J. T. Reagan. G. p. 82. LONG GROVE. (Becomes Eldridge.) Ap. in 61. with Summit. 61-2, ]. D. Mason. 63-6, H. A.Barclay. 67-8, R. L. Adams. 69-70, C. R. Van Eman. 71, J. D. Mason. 72, Ap. as Eldridge. LOWDEN. (N. S.) Ap. in 68. M. 6. 68, S.S. 69-70, V. Last appearance. LOWELL. (At first West Union.) Ap. as West Union in 42. 42, S.S. 43-50, V. 51-2, S.S. 53-4, V. 55, S.S. 56-9, V. with 10 members. 60, V. Last appearance. LUCAS. Ap. in 72. M. 10. 72-5, W. C. Hollyday. 76-9, V. 80-1, S.S. 82-5, V. 86, J. P. Brengle. 87-9, A. M. Heizer. 90, V. 91, D. M. Stewart. 92, V. 93-5, S.S. 96-9, J. G. Russell. 1900, A. J. Irwin. LUVERNE. Org. Feb. 7, 92. 93, W. E. Caldwell. 94, J. W. Waite. 95-6, A. Martin. 97, J. W. Carlstrom. 98, S.S. 99-00, A. L. Berry. LYCURGUS. (German.) Ap. in 57. 57, Wm. Buehren. 58-64, S.S. 65-70, V. Last appearance. LYON COUNTY. (German.) Org. June, 6, 87. M. 8. 8S-1900, Henry Wortman. G. p. 59. LYONS. (N. S.) Org. in 56. M. 26. 56-61, Daniel Clark. 62, V. 63-7, H. L. Stanley. 6S, A. N. Keigwin. 70-1, T. Lawrence. 72-3, V. 74-8, E' R. Mills. 79-82, C. M. Lombard. 83-5, S. T. McClure. 86-91, M. E. Todd. 92-4. A. R. Bickenbach. 95, V. 96-7, J. R. Kaye. 98, V. 99, S.S. 1900, E. E. Mathes. G. p. 15. MACEDONIA. Org. Dec. 96. 97, T. S. Hawley. 98-00, S. Olinger. McKEE'S GROVE. Ap. in 72. M. 10. 72-5, V. Last appearance. McGregor. (German.) Ap. in 63. 63-70, Wm. Buehren. 71, 1. J. Weiss, 72-4, W. H. Behle. 7.5-8, G. Moerv. 79, S.S. 80-3, J. Lierer. 84, V. 85-90, H. Schmitt. 91-2, V. 93. S.S. 94-6 F. Urbach. 97-00, H. DeBeer. MCGREGOR'S LANDING. Ap. in 57. M. 13. 57-9, V. Drops out. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 129 MALAKA. Ap. in 67. M. 21. 67. D. Craig. 68-70, V. and out. MADISON AVENUE. Ap. in 48. M. 10. 48, S.S. 49-50, V. Drops out. MALCOLM. (N. S.) Ap. in 64. 64-8, A. D. Chapman. 69-73, R. Court. 74, V. 75-6, I. Stickel. 77-80. A. G. Martvn. 81-4, T. C. Mc- Farland. 85, V. 86-8, G. B. Smith. 89, S.S. 90-1, R. T. Press- ley. 92, S.S. 93-6, J. L. Gage. 97-9, R. W. Taylor. 1900, P. E. MALVERN Ap. in 72. M. 7. 72, V. 73-4, C. Marvin. 75, S.S. 76-8, J. R. Brown. 79, V. 80, W. J. Wilson. 81-2, R. M. Coulter. 83-5, S. L. McAfee. 86-90, W. V. [effries. 91-2. D. B. Fleming. 93-00. E. W. Brown. G. p. 85. MANCHESTER. (N. S.) Org. Aug. 29, 69. M. 19. 70, D. Russell. 75, D. Steet. 76, A. Dav. 77, V. 78-9, W. S. Prvse. 80-2, Jas. Frothing- ham. 83-4. L. H. Mitchell. 8.5-7, W. M. Evans. 88-9, O. lones. 90-2. ]. B. Kave. 93, V. 94-5, S. S. Hilschcr. 96, V. 97-9, C. R. Hamilton. 1900, C. A. Highfield. Building in 80, $5,000. G. p. 15. MANILLA. (Fairview.) Org. as Fairview Feb. 21, 86. 86,-7, A. W. Thompson. 88, S.S. 89-90, W. C. Paden. 91-2, S.S. 93-4, M. E. Krotzer. 95-6, J. R. Jones. 97-8, J. H. Carpenter. 99-00, R. Tweed. MANNING. Ap. 83. M. 15. 83, S.S. 84, C. E. Laughlin. 8.5-8, A. W. Thompson. 89-90, W. C. Paden. 91, V. 92, S.S. 93-4. M. E. Krotzer. 9.5-9, Z. W. Steele. 1900, C. L. McLeod. MAPLE HILL. Ap. 95. M. 25. 95. A. A. Randall. 96-8, \. Feather. 99, A. N. Crowe. 1900, J. C. B. Peck. MAPLETON. Ap. 82. M. 18. 82. I. C. Gilkerson. 83. G. F. Leclere. 84, S.S. 8.5-99, V. 4 M. Starred. 1900, A. Martin with 26 members. MAQUOKETA. Ap. 53. 53. I. B. Hadden. 54, V. 55, I. Gallatin. .56-8, J. H. Potter. .59. V. 60-4, M. Noerr. —67-8, V. Drops out. Church sold under mi>rtgage. MARCUS. Ap. 82. M. 14. 82, S.S. 83, W. E. Caldwell. 84-5. M. E. Todd. 86. S.S. 87, T. J. Gray. 88-9, V. Last ap- pearance. MARENGO. (N. S.) Ap. in 55. 55, Joseph Lowrey. 56-7, V. 58. S.S. 59, A. Lemon. 60, V. 61, A. Lemon, 62. V. 63, S.S. 64-5 W. K. Boggs. 66-70. F. L. Arnold. 71-5, ]. Wilson. 76. V. 77-8. D. McDermid. 79, V. 80-3. W. R. Stewart. 84- 94, W. B. Phelps. 95, V. 96-8, A. A. Randall. 99-00, O. T. Langfitt. 130 HISTORY. Ap. in 08. M. 2 75, out. MARIETTA. (N. S.) 68-73, J. Summers. 74, I. Reid. MARION. Org. Feb. 5. 42. 42-9, Occasional services in connection with Cedar Rapids First, and Linn Grove. 50-4, J. S. Ful- lerton. 55, V. 56-96, A. S. Marshall. 96-8, A. S. Frazer. 99-00, W. H. Reynolds. Church building cost $25,000. MARION. (N. S.) Ap. in 43. M. 40. 43, V. 46, J. M. Boal. 49, B. S. Roberts. Drops out. MARIPOSA. Ap. in 80. M. 22. 80-1, A. A. Mathes. 82, J. Osmond. 83-4, A. A. Mathes. 85, S.S. 86, C. E. McLean. 87, S.S. 88-9, J. P. Brengle. 90, J. P. Baker. 91-2, V. 93, R. L. Adams. 94-5, D. Brown. 96, V. 97-8, L. Colyn. 99-00, V. Org. Ap,. 29, 97. MARKHAM. M. 37. 98, S.S. MARNE. 99-00, W. E. Fisher. Ap. in 83. M. 25. 83-6, R. E. Flickinger. 87, T. A. Shaver. 88-91, S.S. 92, V. 93, S.S. 94, B. C. Swank. 95, S.S. 96-8, J. N. Currens. 99, S.S. 1900. S. Alexander. MARSHALLTOWN. (Marshall till 64.) Ap. in 58. M. 17. 58-62, S.S. Probably Jas. Gordon. S.S. 64-5, L. H. Loss. 66-7, H. H. Kellogg. 68, J. 63, Cooke. 69-72, A. B. Goodale. 73-6, W. W. Thorpe. 77, S.S. 78-80, J. N. Carmichael. 81-4, A. R. Day. 85, S.S. 86-7, F. F. Barrett. 88-93, Wm. Bryant. 94-6, T- Edmonson, 97-00 F. W. Russell. MARTINSBURG. Ap. in 60. M. 33. 60-4, S.S. 65-6, A. A. Mathes. 67- 71, V. 72, D, Brown. 73, T. H. Hench. 74, V. 75-6, J. P. Chambers. 77-80, G. B. Smith. 81-4, V. 85-8, D. T. Campbell. 89, V. 90, D. B. Fleming. 91-2, C. Reed. 93, J. Welch. 94-5, S.S. 96-9, T- E. Foster. 1900, V. MARTINSBURG. Ap. in 70. 70-3, H. Frankfurth. Pastor F. had also church in Ottumwa (Evangelical.) 74-7, V. Drops out. Ap. in 73. M. 10. 86, V. Drops out. MARYSVILLE. 73-4, V. 75, W. H. McCuskey. 76- H. V. MASONVILLE. (N. S.) Ap. in 70. M. 7. 70-2, A. Day. Drops out. MAYNARD. Ap. in 78. M. 7. 78-9, C. R. French. 80, V. 81-4, W. Jennings. 85-8, V 89, R. A. Paden. 94-5, S.S. 96-00, S. Conybeare. 90, S.S. 91-3, Ap. in 59. 63-73, V. 6 M. Drops out. MAYSVILLE. (N. S.) M. 23. 59-60, V. 61-2, G. R. Carroll. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 131 MECHANICSVILLE. Org. Nov. 55. M. 24. 56, G. D. Porter. 57, A. S. Thorn. 58-67, R. Boag. 68-71, J. W. Knott. 72-4, E. R. Brown. 75, V. 76-7, W. A. Ward. 78-81, E. P. Wells. 82-3, V. 84-6, N. H. Downing. 87, V. 88, J. H. Cooper. 89-96, J. W. Hubbard. 97-00, W. A. Sears. 1901-4, C. J. W. Triera. 05, A. P. Cooper. 1906, New Church cost $10,400. Old church G. p. 42. MEDIAPOLIS. Ap. in 80. M. 85. From Kossuth church. 80, V. 81, S.S. 82-4. A. G. Martyn. 85, S.S. 86, A. Scott. 87, V. 88-9, G. Ainshe. 90, V. 91-6, J. H. Marshall. 97-00, P. D. Gardner. G. p. 84. MEDORA. Ap. in 74. M. 20, 74, C. R. Van Eman. 75, V. 76-7, W. H. Goodison. 78, V. 79-80, W. H. McCuskey. 81, S.S. 82, McCuskev. 83-6, V. 87, S.S. 88, A. M. Heizer. 89-91, D. M. Stuart. 92-3, V. 94, R. L. Adams. 95, J. C. Gilkerson. 96, V. 97-9, S.S. 1900, V. MENLO. (See Guthrie.) Org. June 20, 69, as Guthrie. M. 7. 81, W. T. Bartle. 82-4, C. H. Bruce. 85, N. D. Graves. 86, V. 87, F. M. Elliott. 88-9, 1. N. Crittenden. 90-1, E. M. Snook. 92-4, P. S. Davies. 95-6, M.E. Barakat. 97-00, L. E Keith. Buildings $11,000, and Manse $2,500. MEMORIAL. (Near Franklin.) Org. May. 10, 1900. MERIDEN. Ap. in 82. M. 23. 82-3, S.S. 84-5, M. E. Todd. 86, S.S. 87-8, T. G. Gray. 89, V. 90. J. W. Knott. 91, S.S. 92, W. Graham. 93-4. A. K. Caswell. 95, S.S. 96-7, J. F. Slagle. 98-00, J. C. Linton. MERRILL. Org. Apr. 1, 90. M. 16. 90, D. W. Fahs. 91, S.S. 92-3. W. A. Smith. 94-9, V. Drops out. MIDDLETOWN. Org. Apr. 52. M. 25. 52, V. 53, S.S. 54-64, R. Mc- Guigan. 65-6, V. 67-71, E. L. Belden. 72-3, V. 74-5, R. H. Cunningham. 76-8, W. I. Bollman. 79-80. T. L. Sexton. 81-2, E. H. Sawers. 83, "V. 84-6, E. C. Haskell. 87-9, V. 90-1, D. McEwan. 92-5, W. H. Schofield. 96, V. 97, A. G. C. Brown. 98-9, J. A. Markham. 1900, W. H. Schofield. MILLERSBURG. (N. S.) Ap. in 57. M. 13. 57-9, V. 60, S.S. Last appearance. MILLERSBURG. (O. S.) Ap. in 59. M. 10. 59, S.S. 60-2, B. Benn. 63-4, H. W. Forbes. 65, V. Drops out. MILO. Ap. in 64. M. 8. 64. S.S. 65-71, V. Drops out. 132 HISTORY. MILO. Org. Feb. 24, 91. x\I. 45. 91-2, ]. E. Stewart. 93-5, J. C. Gilkerson. 97-02, J. M. Wiggins. 03, H. C. Condit. Church and manse cost $4500. MILTON. Org. March. 15, 96. M. 33. Higbee. 1900, T. E. Sherman. 96, S.S. 97, V. 98-9, M. V. Ap. 70. M. Goodison. 76, V. 82-4, A. S. Peck. 91-2, V. 93-7, C MINBURN. (N. S.) 7. 70-1, V. 72-3, S.S. 74, V. 75, W. H. 77-8. J. M. Smith. 79, V. 80, S.S. 81, V. S5, V. 86-8, S.S. 89, V. 90. J. P. Brengle. Dunlap. 98-9, S.S. 1900, V. MISSOURI VALLEY. L. 13. Little, 69, M, R. 9. A. Barclay. 75, V. Vail. 85,' V. 86-7, S. T. Davis. 93-00, Present one .$12,000. Preparatory work. From July 67 V)y G. Burgess and R Castle, until org. of church Feb 69-70, Wm. Pelan. 71-2, V. 73-4, H. 76, S.S. 79, V. SO-1, S.S. 82-4, S. N N. Chestnut. 88-91. P. S. Davies. 92, W. H. Snvder. Two church buildings. Manse $2,1.50. MOINGONA. (N. S. ) Ap. 68. M. 15. 68, S.S. 69-70, E. L. Dodder. 71-2 J. Cook. 73, V. 74, S.S. 75, M. E. Grant. 76, S.S. 77-SO, G. W. Lloyd. 81-2, V. 83, Lloyd. 84, V. 85, W. H. Beach. 86, W. A. Smith. 87-93. V. Drops out. Ap. in 79. MONROE CENTER. M. 30. 79-80, S.S. Drops out. Ap. in 68 Messmer. 53 M. MONTANA. (N. S.) M. IS. 68-9, A. .M. Heizer. Drops out. 70. V. 71, W. S. 85, S.S. 86-7, 92-9, D Street. MONTEZUMA. Aj). in 57. 57-9, T. |. Tavlor. 60-1. B. Benn. 62, V. 63-8. R. B. Farrar. 69-70, S.S. '71-3, V. 74-6. C. P. Spinning. 77-81, R. B. Herron. 82, V. 83-4, T. N. Buchanan. 85, V. 86, S.S. 87-8, N. H. Downing. 89, V. " 90, J. H. Rose. 91, V. 92-4, C. S. McElhinnev. 95, V. 96-7. W. F. McLaughlin. 98, V. 99-00. W. L. Clark. MONTICELLO. Ap. in 83. M. 28. 83-4, D. Russell. G. F. LeClere. 88-9, S.S. 90, V. 91, S.S. 1900. J. W. Innes. See G. p. 85. MONTOUR. 74, V. Drops out. MONTROSE. (N. S.) G. C. Beaman. 53-5, E. D. Holt. 56, A. Van Stavoren. 61-3, S.S. 64-6, S.S. 69. C. R. French. 70, S.S. 73-5, G. C. Beaman. 76, V. 77-81 84, V. 85, S.S. 86-9, C. M. Lombard. W. P. Nelson. 96, V. 97, J. A. Mark- Wm. E. Fisher. .Vji. in 74. M. 16. Ap. in 49. 49-5: V. 57, S.S. 58-60, A. Thompson. 67-8, 71-2, S. R. Bellville. I. T. Bliss. 82-3, S.S. 90-4, H. R. Peairs. 95 ham. 98, S.S. 99-00, MORNING STAR. Org. Ap. 84. M. 30. all on ex. 84, S.S. 85, A. L. Sar- chet. 86, Wm. T. Bartle. 87, V. 88, Sarchet. 89, F. Har- ris. 90-1, S.S. 92, V. 93-7, S.S. 98-9, E. N. Ware. 1900, V. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 133 MORNING SUN. Org. by L. G. Bell, Mav 28, 49, as Virginia Grove. Becomes Unity till 70. 70-7, D. T. Campbell. 78, S.S. 79, A. W. Cohoes. 80-6, J. E. Kearns. 87-9. M. M. Cooper. 90, V. 91-9, J. K. Alexander. 1900, S. H. Parvin. MORRISON. Ap. 79. 79-81. J. W. Hanna. 82. M. M. Cooper. 83-7, Wm. Bryant. 88, D. W. McLane. 89-91, Wm Gay. 92, V. 93, L. Mclntvre. 94-5, \V. H. Jordan. 96, V. 97-00. II. B. Dye. MOULTON. Ap. in 70. 70-1, Wm. Kendrick. 72-3, V. 74, O. J. Young. 75-7, V. 78-9, R. Hahn. 80. V. 81-4, M. H. Dysart. 85, V. 80, A. M. Heizer. 87, V. 88. W. Anderson. 89, P. Heiligman. 90-1, V. 92-8, S.S. 99, A. Murray. 1900, V. MOUNT AYR. Ap. in 70. M. 33. 70-3, S. A. McElhinny. 74. V. 75, S.S. 76-81, H. P. Wilson. 82-3, V. 84-9, E. P. Wood. 90-3, V. 94-5. I. G. Aikman. 96-7, S. Alexander. 98, V. 99-00, A. S. Wight. MOUNT GIDEON. Ap. in 54. M. 20. 54-6, J. H. Shields. 57, V. 58, S.S. 59-61, V. 62-3, Wm. Kendrick. Last appearance. MOUNT HOPE. Org. Aug. 15, 58, by Joseph Adams and Chas. Fisk. M. 11. 59-70, V. 71, S.S. 72, D. A. Wallace. 73, V. 74-7, G. W. Leonard. 78-9, V. 80-2, W. M. Robinson. 83-6, V. 87-8, W. Russell. 89. S.S. 90-6, W. S. McCusky. 97-00, J. S. Crousaz. In early days grouped with Rossville. Later with Frankville, when the service cost the ministers 60 miles of travel every two weeks. G. p. 43. MOUNT PLEASANT. (Iowa.) Org. Ap. 25. 40. M. 6. 41, E. Mead. 42-4. V. 45, C. P. Curnmins. 46-7. V. 48, Mead. 49-52. F. B. Dinsmore. 53-5. Bloomlield Wall. 56-8, T. Stearns. 59-61. A. C. Mc- Clelland. 62, S.S. 63, J. W. Larrimore. 64. S.S. 65. V. 66-70, I. C. McClintock. 71-89. D. S. Tappan. 90, V. 91-00, W. P. Nicholas. G. p. 72 MOUNT PLEASANT. (German.) Ap.in65. M. 21. 65, F. H. W. Breuchert. 66, V. 67- 74, Fred Schmidt. 7.5-7. W. H. Behle. 78-9. M. C. Buettel. 80, V. 81-2, H. T. Smidt. 8.3-6. H. Schmitt. 87, V. 88- 93. J. W. Evards. 94-9, V. Dis. Ap. 11, 1900. MOUNT PLEASANT. (S. C.) Org. Sept. 3. 91. Mil. 92-3. L. Beebe. 94. L. Mclntyre 95-7, R. Home. 98-00. J. B. Cameron. MOUNT UNION. Org. in 67. 69-72. 1. B. McBride. 7.3-4. V. 7.")-,S0. R. L. Adams. 81, A. M. "Heizer. 82, V. 83-4. Adams. 85, Tohn Creath. 86, V. 87, B. Mills. 88, Adams. 89. C. S. "Bain. 90-1, S.S. 92-3. J. E. Cummings. 94, S.S. 95, S. D. McFadden. 96, F. I. Moflatt. 97-8, S.S. 99-00, V. 134 HISTORY. Alex Boyd. 56, 60-1, moved to Thence to school Dodder. 68, V. J. W. Hanna. MOUNT VERNON. (O. S.) Org. Nov. 54, a mile east of Lisbon, by moved into Lisbon using old U. B. Church. Mt. Vernon occupying theCovenanter church, house, thence to store room. 61-7, E. L. 69-70, G. M. Lodge. 71, S.S. 72, V. 73-6 77, V. 78-83, J. H. Cooper. 84, A. K. Baird. 85, V. 86-7, Baird. 88, V. 89-90, Baird. 91-3, E. S. Brownlee. 94, V. 95-06, A. K. Knox. G. pp. 17 and 29 for churches. MOUNT VERNON. (N. S.) Ap. in 57. 57, E. F. Fisk. 58. V. 59-60, Wm. Fithian. 61-70, V. Erected a church, never finished, now used as a dwelling. Members found home in the sister church. MOUNT VERNON. (D. M.^ Ap. in 76. M. 11. 76-7, V. 78-9, W. C. HoUyday. 80-2, V. Drops out. MOUNT VERNON. (D.) Ap. in 58. M. 8. 59-60, John Snialley. 61-4, V. Drops out. MOUNT ZION. (I.) Ap. in 64 as Summit with Mt. Z. P. O. Name changed in 85. ■ 8.5-6, H. K. Hennigh. 87-91, V. 92, S.S. 93, P. Reed. 94, S.S. 95-6, V. 97, S.S. 99— C. S. McElhinney. MUSCATINE. Ap. in 50. as Muscatine, but org. Oct. 42 by John Stocker as Bloomington. See Bloomington. 50-2, j. I. Umsted. 53, C. Cummins. 54-6, S. 1. Baird. 57, S.S. 58-64, E. L. Belden. 65-74, fohn Armstrong. 75, S.S. 76-7. F. P. Dal- rymple, 78-83, J. H. Barnard. 84-99, S. H. Parvin. 1900, J.N. Elliot. MUSCATINE ISLAND. (N. S.) Ap. in 57 57-63, Moses G. Cass. 64, V. 6.5-6, M. G. Cass. 67, V. Last appearance. MUSCATINE. (German.) Ap. in 5ft. M. 25. 56, V. 57, S.S. ,58-61, Jacob Kolb. 62. S.S. 63-6, Fred Schmidt. 67, V. 68, S.S. 69, 72-Lud- wig Figge. 7.3-90, I-Claas Smits. 90, V. Transferred April 15', 90, to Ref. Ch. of America. NEMAHA. Org. Nov. 10, 99. M. 8 and 8. 1900. J. P. Linn. NEOLA. Ap. in SO. M. 10. 80-1, G. M. Lodge. 82, V. 83-6, T. R. Lewis. 87-8, C. M. Whetzel. 89, R. Christison. 90-2 V. 93, C. H. Bandy. 94, V. 9.5-6, H. S. Condit. 97, S.S. 98-9, F. H. Grace. 1900, S.S. NEVADA. (N. S.) Ap. in ,58. M. 7 and 8. 58-9, B. F. Stuart. 60, V. 61-2, Moses Robinson. 64-73. Isaiah Reed. 74, Alvin Ostrom. 75-7, I .Reed. 78, D. B. Gordon. 79, V. 80-3, E. R. Mills. 84, V. 85, S. B. Neilson. 86-8, V. 89-92, Campbell Coyle. 93, S.S. 94, V. 95, J. Milne. 96, W.J. Palm. 97, V. 98-00, J, W. Innes. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 135 HEWBERN. (First Church of English.) Org. Aug. 28. 69, bv W. C. Hollvdav. M. 14. 69-72, Hollvday. 73-8, V. 79, /. Osmond. 80-1, C. M. Allen. 82-5, V. 86, C. S. McElhinnev. 87. J. H. Aughey. 88-92, W. C. Atwood. 93, L. M. Scrbsigs. 94, Atwood. 95, S.S. 96, V. 97-9, R. Beer. 1900, V. NEW CENTER. 71-2, S.S. 73-6. V. 77, W. R. Smith. , V. 81. J. B. Butter. 82-3, V. 84, Ap. in 71. M. 13. 78-9, E. A. Walker. 80 M. M. Cooper. 8.5. Dis. NEWHALL, CENTRAL. Ap. in 67. V. M. 14. 68-73, Alex. Caldwell(?). 74-6, V. 77-80, A. Caldwell. 81, S.S. 82-4. W. R. Adams. 85-6, V. 87, Joel Kennedv. 88-90. Philander Reed. 91-2, S.S. 93, W. H. Jordan. 94. V. 9.5-00, U. G. Evans. NEW HARTFORD. Ap. in 70. M. 9. 70-3, S.S. 74, V. M. 24. Drops out. NEW LONDON. Org. Feb. 16, 56. 56, T. M. Oviatt. 57-63, J. B. McBride. 64, R. McGuigan. 65-8, V. 69-71, E. S. Belden. 72-5, V. 76-80, T. L. Sexton. 81-3, Carson. Reed. 84, V. 85-8, D. S. Tappan. 89-91, V. 92, S.S. 93-8. Orr Lawson. 99, V. 1900 .Paul Heiligman. NEW SHARON. Ap. in 76. M. 40. 76, S.S. 77, V. 78-9, A. A. Mathes. 80-1, S. C. McCune. 82-5, J. Osmond. 86, S. N. Vail. 87-9, S.S. 90-2. R. L. Adams. 93, V. 94-6, D. Brown. 97-9, J. L. Gage. 1900, W. E. Ruston. NEWTON. N. S. Ap. in 56. M. 15. 56, S.S. 58, V. —64, Comfort I. Slack. 65-8, V. Drops out. NEWTON. (O. S.) Ap. 56. M. 30. 56. J. M. Jones. 57-60, V. 61, J. Steele. 62-3, V. 64-7, T. S. Vail. 68, V. 69-70, A, Mc Farland. 71, S.S. 72. V. 73-4, J. Agnew. 75, S.S. 76, J. Nesbit Wil- son. 77. V. 78. E. L. Williams. 79-80. I. T. Whittemore. 81, V. 82. R. R. Westcott. 83, V. 84-93. D. Brown. 94, V. 95-7, E. J. Rice. 98, V. 99-00, R. L. Chambers. NEW VIRGINIA. Ap. only in 74-5, V. M. 7. NISHNABOTNA. Ap. in 74. M. 8. ex. 74-5, S.S. 76, V. 77, Sanford G. Fisher. Drops out. NODAWAY. Ap. 80. M. 7 and 8. 80-98, R. C. Rowley. 99, V. 1900, J. K. Driver. NOLO. Ap. 86. M. 13. 86-7, J. W. Knott. 88, V. 89-91,, David S. Brown. 92, V. 93-7, S.S. 98, V. 99, S.S. 1900, V. NORTH FAIRFIELD. Ap. in 69-70 only. M. 20. 69-70, S.S. 136 HISTORY. NORTH RIVER. (N. S.) Ap, in 68. M. 11. 68, J. C. Ewing. 69-70, S.S. Vl-."?, V. 74-6. John Sylvanus. 77-88, V. M. 19. Drops out. NORTHWOOD. (N. S.) Ap. in 70. M. 9. 70, S.S. 71-3, G. T. Everest. 74-.5, G. H. Chatterton. 76, V. 77-8, E. H. Sayre. 79, T. A. Mills. 80, V. Sl-2. D. Blakely. 83-6, V. Oct. .5, 87. Dis. NORWICH. Ap. in 83. M. 10. 84, V. M. 24. 85-6, O. H. Barnard. 87, T. J. Milford. 88-9, V. 90-2, A. B. DeLonsj. 93. V. 94-6, S.S. 97-00, J. V. Findlay. OAKLAND. Org. Oct. 57. M. 43. 58, V. .59, S.S. 60. O. H. Miller. 61, V. 62-6, D. T. Campbell. 67-9, J. Baay. 70-1, V. 72, J. R. Brown. 73, S.S. 74, V. 75, S.S. 76, V. 77, A. M. Heizer. 78, S.S. 79, A. W. Cohoes. 80-6, J. E. Kearns. 87- 9, M. M. Cooper. 90, V. 91-5, 1, H. Condit. 96, V. 97-9, S.S. 1900, V. OAKLAND. (N. S.) Ap. in 61. M. 8. 61-3, S.S. 64, V. Drops out. OAK RIDGE. Ap. in 85. M. 12. G. F. LcClere. Dis. Sep. 16, 85. OAKVILLE. (I.) Org. May. 22, 97. M. IS. 98-9. S.S 1900, J. E. Foster. M. 88. OBRIEN COUNTY. (Scotch. PaulHna.) Org. Jan. 82, at home of Alex. Scott 4 m. from site of Paullina. M. 34. 82, J. M. McComb. 83-9 W. E. Cald- well. 90, J. A. McAlmon. 91-00, Andrew Herron. Became Paullina in 96. ODEBOLT. Ap. in 81. M. 60. 81, S. N. Vail. 82, V 83-4. W. O. Thompson. 85, V. 86. S.S. 87, J. N. Elliot. 88, V. 89, H. H. McMasters. 90. V. 91-4, F. D. McRea. 95, S.S. 96-00, E. E. Hastings. OELWEIN. Ap. in 86. M. 9. 87. V. M, 15. 88-90, Daniel Russell. 91, V. 92-3, S. H. Noel. 94, V. 95, W. W. Lewis. 96-00, S. Conybeare. OLIVET. (D. M. N. S. ) Aj). in 61. M. 38. 61-5, Asa Martin. 66-7. V. 68, A. T. Wood. 69-76, |. Fisher. 77, S. M. Kier. 78, V. 79, A. A. Mathes. 80, S."S. 81, V. 82, S.S. 83, J. T. Bliss. 84-6, V. 87-9, S.S. 90-2, R. L. Adams. 93-4, V. 95-9, S.S. 1900, V. OLIVET. (C. R.) Org. bv Com. May 15, 1904, Cedar Rapids. West side. 1904, C. F. Ensign. G. pp. 18, 95. ONAWA. Ap. in 69. 69-70, W. Pelan. 72-5, V. Drops out. ONONWA. (High Prairie in 50.) Ap. in 58 58-67, J. G. Wilson. 68-S.S. Becomes Letts- ville in 69. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 137 ONE HUNDRED AND TWO. Ap. in 59. V. M. 16 60. \V. M. Stryker. Dis. ONSLOW. Ap. in 72. M. 11. 72-.5, A. Iv. Baird. 76, S.S. 77. V. 78-81, A. B. Goodale. S2. V. 8.3-8, H. Callen. 89-91, A. Scott. 92, J. A. Hahn. 93. V. 94-8, P. Palmer. 99-00. J. R McQuown. ORFORD. Ap. in 71. M. 16. 71. Sylvaniis Jewett. 72-3, W. S. Mesmer. Dis. ORIENT. Ap. in 79. M. 31. 79, W. T. Bartle. 80-1, V. 82. C. H. DeLong. 83, A. H. Campbell. M. 20. Dis. in 84. OSAGE. Apin57. M. 11. .57, S.S. 58-9, V. Dis. OSCEOLA. Ap. in 59. .M. 14. 59, S.S. 60-3, V. 64, S.S. 65, VV. Reed. 66, W. C. Hollvday. 67, R. J. Burtt. 68, V. 69-74, I. Osmond. 75-6, ]. S. Reed. 77-9, T. Harrison. SO-92, Chas Dunlap. 93-5, S.S. 96-7, D. H. R.ihrab.-iui;h. 98, V. 99 J. G. Aikman. 1900 V. OSKALOOSA. Org. in 45, bv S Cowles. 45-7, V. 48-9, F. A. Pratt. 50, V. 51. D. S. McComb. .52-3. G, M. Swan. 54. V. 5.5-8, Irwin Carson. 59, W. M. Strvker. 60. V. 61, Carson. 62-6, S. Johnson. 67. V. 68-9. D. H. Mitchell. 70-3, S. C. McCune. 74-8. H. S. Snoderass. 79-98, J. M. Baugh. 99-00. S. W. Smith. OSKALOOSA. (N. S.) Ap. in, 53. M. 13. 53-5. V. .56-60, C. H. DeLong. 61, S.S. 62-3. V. Last appearance. OTISVILLE. (N. S. Becomes Union D.) .Ap. in 63. M. 17. 63, S.S. 64-5. Jas. Gordan. 66-7, V. Drops out. OTTERVILLE. Org. May 19, 89. 90-1, J. D. Caldwell. 92, J. T. Wyllie. 93-8. E. G. Beyer. 99, D. W. Cassatt. 1900, V. G. p. 108. OTTOSEN. (F. D.) Org. Aug. 10, 98. M 20 99, L C Gray. 1900, Joel C. Lininger. OTTUMWA FIRST. Ap. in 54. M. 23. 54-5. V. 56-68, J. M. McElroy. 69- 80, H. B. Knight. 81-94, B. E. S. Ely. 9.5-00, F. W. Hinitt, G. p. 75. OTTUMWA, EAST END. Org. Mav 2, ,SS. M. 116. 89-91. ]. .M. McElroy. 92-6, A. McMillan. 97. V. 9S-00. D. A. Murray. G. p. 74. OTTUMWA, WEST END. Org. as Mission of First Church in 92. Supplied by D. W. McMillan in 95. Org. as Ch. Dec. 2. 95. 96, Thos W. Russell, 138 HISTORY. out. till his death Sept. 96. 97, D. A. Murray. 98, V. 99, S.S. 1900, V. G. p. 75. OTTUMWA, EVANGELICAL. Ap. in 70. M. 13. 70-3, H. Frankfurth. 74-7, V. Drops OWASSA. Ap. in 92. M. 17. 92-3, W. A. McMinn. 94, V. 9,5, S.S. 96, V. 97, H. G. Fonken. 98, V. 99-00, C. R. Hunt. OXFORD. (City N. S.) Ap. in 62. M. 26. 62, S.S. 63-4, G. R. Carroll. 65, V. Drops out. OXFORD. (I. C.) Ap. in 71. M. 19. 71-3, -A. M, Heizer. 74-83, D. Brown. 84-5, W. J. Hughes. 86, V. 87, Jesse Lee. 88, G. F. LeClere. 89, V. 90-1, A. McMillan. 92-3, S.S. 94-8, J. F. Winnard. 99, R. L. McWherter. 1900, A. N. Smith. OZARK. Ap. in 56. M. 12. 56-7, S.S. 58, J. L. Wilson (?). 59, S.S. Reported with Canton only. PANORA. (D. M.) Ap. in 57. M. 11. 57-9, F.' Harmon. 60, W. M. Kain, 61-8, V. Drops out. PANORA. (C. B.) Org. July 12, 85. M. 43. 86, H. B. Thayer. 87, F. M. Elliot. 88, V. 89, S. W. Pollock. 90, V. 91, S.S. 92-3 V. 94-9, J. W. Day. 1900, L. C. McEwen. PARALTA. Org. Sept. 97. 98, H. Robinson. 99-00, J. M. Wilson. G. p. 108. PARKER'S GROVE. (D.) Ap. in 71. M. 22. Grove Hill Ap. 67-70, V. and drops out. Buckeye and York ap. 69, John Arn dt, Minister. Drops out in 70. Presumably absorbed by Parker's Grove. 71-5, John Arndt. 76, V. Last appearance. PARKHURST. Ap. in 45. V. and never again. PATON. Ap. in 77. M. 12. 77-80, Luther Dodd. 81, D. B. Eells. 82-4, V. 85, W. H. Beach. 86, W. A. Smith. 87-8, V. 89-90, W. T. Dixon. 91, V. 92, S.S. 93, V. 94, S.S. 95-6, V. 97-9, A. Martin. 1900, L. C. Gray. PAULLINA. Org. as O'Brien Co. Scotch, Jan. 82. May 82, services transferred to new R. R. town. Name changed to Paullina in 96. See O. B. Co. Scotch. PELLA. Ap. in 61. M. 15. Org. by Mr. Batchelder, as his daughter believes. 61-8, V. Drops out. PELLA. (N. S.) Ap. in 70. 70-76, John Fisher. 77-82, V. Dis. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 139 PELLA, (Holland.) Brought over by the pastor, (. I. Fles. froin Dutch Ref. Classis. M. 100 in 81. Ser. 81-2", I. I. Fles. 83, V. 84-5, P. G. C. Vor Thoren. 86-7, Abiaham De Vink. 88-90, S.S. . 91-2, J. S. Crousaz. 93, V. 94, Harm Douwstra. Trans- ferred to Classis of Iowa, R. Ch. of A. Nov. 20, 94. PENIEL. Org. in 1900. M. 33 and 12. 1900, by. P. of Monticello. G. p. 109. PENNINGTON. Becomes Inwood in 89. See Inwood. PEOSTA. An. in 62. M. 27. 62, S.S. 63-8, W. P. Carson. 69-70, H. N. Potter. 71, S.S. 72-3, T. S. Bailey. 74, G. Moerv. 75, S.S. 76. V. 77, S.S. 78-80, lohn Fisher. 81-2, V. 83-4, C. E. Schaible. 8.5-7, V. Dis. Feb. 12, 89. PERLEE. Ap. in 75, M. 12. 75-6, B. Wall. 77, V. 78, S.S. 79, V. 80-1, J. G. Condit. 82-7, V. Dis. Ap. 12, 88. PERRY. Ap. in 83. M. 17. 83, A. Scott. 84-5. V. 86, F. M. Elliot. 87-9, V. 90, J. S. Phillips. 91-2, A. G. Martyn. 93, G. H. Sharpley. 94, S. H. King. 95, D. A. Murray. 96, V. 97-00, David Brown. PILGRIM. Org. June 1, 96. M. 45. 97-00, Geo. H. Fracker. G. p.-83. PILOT GROVE. (C. B.) Ap. in 75. M. 11. 75, S.S. 76, V. 77, T. K. Hedges. 78, S.S. 79, W. G. Kephart. 80. R. H. Cunningham. 81, V. 82-3, S.S. 84, V. 85, G. M. Caldwell. 86-90, V. 91, S.S. 92-3, V. 94-8, S.S. 99-00, P. S. Smith. PILOT GROVE. (I.) Org. Oct. 58. 60-4, G. D. Stewart. 65, B. Wall. 66-7, V. 68, S.S. 69, V. 70. S.S. 71, V. 72-6, Jas. Welch. 77, V. Last appearance. PINE CREEK. (Winthrop, Liberty.) Ap. in 67, as Liberty. 72-6, as Winthrop. Ser. 77, C. R. French. 78, S.S. 79-82, J. McAlhster. 8.3-4, W. M. Robinson. 85, C. Smith. 86, V. 87-92, J. T. Wyllie. 93, V. 94-5, J. A. Hahn. 96-8, D. W. Cassatt. 99-00. E. L. Combs. G. p. 83. PISGAH. (K. N. S.) Ap. in 54. M. 16. 54, V. 55, J. D. Strong. .56-7, V. 58-60, Robert Colston. Drops out. PISGAH. (C. V. N. S.) Ap. in 58. M. 16. 58-60, V. Drops out. PISGAH. (D.) Ap. in 60. M. 8. 60-8, R. Merrill. 69-70, V. 71, C. Ostrom. 72-4, W. R. Smith. 75-83, J. Gourley. 84-8, V. 89, C. H. Gravenstein. 90-5, V. 96, Gourley. 97-00, V. 140 HISTORY. PLATTE CENTER. '■• lOrsj. Oct. 7. 71, as Union City. Name ohangefl in 75. 72. V. 73. N. V. Mororw. 74, R. Bnag. 75. R. M; Cunning- ham. 76. V. 77-8. W. T. Bartle. 79. V. 80-2, A. B. De- Long. 83, A. H. Campbell 84, V. 8.5, C. E. Lavighlin. 86. S.S. 87, E. S. McClure. 88-90. Bartle. 91-2, S.S. 93-4. DeLong. 95, S.S. 96, A. B. Bvram. 97-S, S.S. 99-00. W. B. Shirey. 1900, C. A. Marshall.' Church cost $2,600. Manse, «],100. PLEASANT GROVE. (D.) Org. June 4. 53. bv Jas. Fullertnn. M. 9. 54-5, V. 56. S.S. 57, V. 58-91. I.'D, Caldwell. 92. I. T. Wyllie. 93-4, E. G. Beyer. 95, D. Russell. 96, C. F." Ensign. 97. F. C. MeKean. 98, Caldwell. 99. F, C. McCracken. ^ 1900, V. PLEASANT GROVE. KEOKUK. (N. S.) Ap. in 52. M. 12. 52-8, G. C. Beaman. (?) Dis. PLEASANT HILL. (C. R. Shiloh till 71.) Org. Tune, 60, bv I. S. FuUerton. 61-9, A. Caldwell. 71, S.S. 72-4, V. 75-6, D. McDermid. 77-9, A. Caldwell. 80, V. 81. S. T. McClure. 82-4. A. M. Tanner. 85. I. D. Bar- nard. 86, S.S. 87. P. Read. 88. J. L. Martyn. 89-90, A. G. Martvn. 91-2. J. S. Dunning. 93-5. L. R. Smith. 96, V. 97, J. M. Smith. 9S-9. Geo IVIcKcnney. 1900. E. C. Haskell. From this church live young men have gone out to the ministry. Y. G. Barnell. J E. Youel, Clarence Weyer, Robert Counter- mine, Charles Countermine, G, p. 37. PLEASANT HILL. (C. B.) Org. Ap. 19. 94. M. 26. 94. I. Riale. 9.5-6. V. 97, I.E. Groendyke. 98, S.S. 99. V. Dis. in 1900. PLEASANT PLAIN. (N. S.) Ap. in 60. M. 10. The only appearance. PLEASANT PLAIN. Ap. in 73. M. 25. 73-7. B. Wall. 78, S.S. 79, V. 80-2, A. W. Haines. 83-4, E. ]. Nugent. 85. V. 86, S.S. 87, V. 88, S.S. 89-92, V. Dis. 'May 11. 93. PLEASANT POINT. Org. lulv, 57, bv I. M. Boggs. M. 10. 58, V. 59-60, A. Caldwell. 61-3. V. 64. J. D. Pering. 65-70, V. In 70 organization was abondoned. and several members were re- ceived by the La Porte Church. PLEASANT ^RAIRIE. (N. S. Hazelton in 80.) Ap. in .54. M. 12. 54. V. 55, S.S. 56-66, G. VV. E. Leonard. 67, V. 68-9, M. Doolittle. 70, V. 72-9, J. D. Caldwell. Becomes Hazelton. PLEASANT RIDGE. A]), in 69. M. 13. 69. V. 70, S.S. 71-6, S. M. Kier. 78. S.S. 79, Wm. G. Kephart. Dis. PLEASANT VALLEY. (Armstrong in 92.) Org. Dec. 12. SI. M. 13. 82, G. N. Luccock. 8.3-7, R. A. Paden. 88-9, V. 90-1. D. Williams. SKETCH OF THE CHURCHES. 141 PLEASANT VALLEY. Ap. in 59. II. 11. 59-62, V. Last appearance. PLEASANT VALLEY. (F. D.) Org. Jan. 6. 95. M. 10. 95-8, Daniel Williams. 99-00, V. PLOVER. Org. Oct. 88. M. 34. 89, G. H. Duty. 90, A. A. Pratt. 91-3, M. T. Ranier. 94, J. A. Caliill. 95, W. N. Gillis. 90-7, W. J. Frazer. 98-9. J. F. lU-rrj-. 1900, Z. \V. Steele. PLYMOUTH. (D. M.) Ap. in 70. M. 24. 70, V. 71-2, J. S. Jones. 73-4, V. 75-8, W. H. McCusky. 79-80, S..S. 81, V. 82-3, I. T. Bliss. 84, V. 85-8, J. W. Hubbard. 89, V. 90-2, G. "W. Baxter. 93, V. 94-6, H. R. Schermerhorn. 97-00, W. K. Sloane. PLYMOUTH COUNTY. Ap. in 73. M. 15. 73-5, C. M. Allen. 76-7, C. W. L. Ross. 78, V. 79-81, D. W. James. 82, W. A. Pollock. 83, V. 84, R. Moreton. 85, V. 86-90, D. W. Fahs. 91-2, S.S. 93, W. A. Smith. 94-7, S.S. 98-9, A. Z. McGogney. 1900, E. B. Gramcko. POCAHONTAS. Org. Feb. 19, 97. 97, -V. G. Bailev. 9.S, Roderick Corbett. 99, Jn. Mapson. 1900, Z. W. Steele. POINT PLEASANT. Org. Feb. 6, 00, by W. Jones. M. 14. The only survi\'or. Miss Sarah J. Howell, nc^w Mrs Boyd, is an acti\'e member in the Kldora church. 60-2, W. Jones. 63, S.S. 64-6, V. 67, C, Carriel. 68-9, V. 70, S.S. 71. V. 72-9, C. M. Howe. 80, V. 81-2, S.S. 83, V. 84-7, D. Blakely. 88, V. 89, S.S. 90, V. 91-2, S.S. 93, W. A. McMinn. 94, V. 95, S.S. 90-00, V. Grouped with Eldora. POLEN'S GROVE. (Kamrar from 82.) Ap. in 70. -M. 28. 76-S4, J. Brinkema. 85, V. 86-91, P. H. Dicknian. 92, V. 93-9, H. A. Van Griethuysen. 1900, V. POMEROY. Ap. in 76. M. 10. 76-S, C. M. Allen. 79, S.S. 80-1, V. 82, S.S. 83, S. B. McClelland. 84-8, S. C. Head. 89, V. 90, r.W. Knott. 91-2, S.S. 93, T- M. Smith. 94, W. L. Baker. 95. O. F. Wisner. 96-9, J. R. Vance. 1900, V. POSTVILLE. Ap, in 52. M. 16. 52. D. W. Lyon(?). 53-7, V. Drops out. PRAIRIE A]>. in 56. M. 17. 56-7. V. 58-9, S.S. 60-2, V. 63-7. I. B. Vawter. 68-75, M. Harmon. 76, S. S. 77, V. 78, S. S. 79, W. L. Lyons. 80-7, V. 88, S.S. 89-90, V. 91, S.S. 92, H. G. Fonken. '9.3-4, V. 95, Philo Gorten. 96-8, V. 99-00, S.S. PRAIRIEBURG. Or-;. Oct. 10, 93. M. 22. 94, Z. T. Blakelv. 95, V. 96, S.S. 97-8, V. 99-00, S. S. PRAIRIE CHAPEL. Gry. |une 19. 92. 93-7. I. F. Hinkhouse. 98, S. Alexander. 99. V. ' 1900, S.S. Ch. cx C, T. S. Can., Prin. T. S., 91. Ord., June 15, 91, Pres. Chester. Ser. Penn., 111., and Ind. Musca- tine, la., 1900. G. p. 51, 107. G. pp. 51, 107. Elliott, Orrin A., Ph. D. B. Pa, Aug. 8, 42. W. and J. C. , 66. W. T. S., 70. Lie, 69. Ord., Oct., 72, Pres. Clarion. Ser. Penn., and 111. till 82. Carson, la., 8.3-7. Logan, 88-90. Neb., and Cal. Long Beach, Cal. Elliott, Samuel W., Ph.D. B. Lafayette, Ind., W. and J. C, 67. W. T. S., 70. Lie, 70. Ord., 71, Pres., Des Moines. Ser. Woodburn, la., 71-4. Ken., Ohio., Ind. Res., Lafayette, Ind. Ely, Ben-Ezra Stiles, D.D B. Phil. Del. Col. Ten years Atty. at Law. Lie and Ord., Pres. Sacramento, May 61. Ser. Cal. and III, till 80. Ottumwa, 81-94. Winterset, 95-1900. H. R., Des Moines. G. p. 25. Ely, Ben-Ezra Stiles, Jr., D.D. B. Sacramento, Cal., Jan. 20, 56. Williams Col., Mo., McC. T. S., 83. Ord., 83, Pres. Logansport. Ser. Ind., till 85. Washington, 85-93. Rock- ford, 111., 94-. Enders, E. Allen. B. Dauphin Co., Pa., Om. T. S.. 94. Lie, 93. Ord., May 6, 94, Corning, Pres. Ser. Conway, Diagonal, Sharpsburg', 94-6. Essex and Bethany, 97-9. Ham- burg, 1900. Miss, to India, 1903-. Mainpurie, Ind. G. p. 102. Engelke, Frederick W. Dubuque. Lie in 98. Ser. Neb., and Waukon, la., 1906. G. p. 51. Ensign, Charles F. B. Apr. 11, 73, Farley, la. Lenox C. Moody Inst. Omaha Theol. Sem. Ord., Mav 2, 99, Pres. Corning. Ser. 'Emerson, 98-1900. Two years at 'Eagle, Alaska. P. 188 HISTORY. Olivet Ch., Cedar Rapids, la. Married July 9, 95, Anna Mary Rutt, of Holyoke, Mass. Grad. Northfield. A useful helper in home fields and under the midnight sun. G. p. 19. Ensign, William H. Son of Elder S. H. Ensign, a charter member and elder of the Farley church. B. Oct. 29, 64. Lenox C., 89. McC. T. S., 92. Ser. Volga and Rossville, 90-3. Jesup, 93-1902. Manchester, la., 1906. G, p. 19. Ernst, Albert F., Ph.D. B. Farmingdale, 111., July 20, 64. Carthage, Col., M. A., 96. McC. T. S., 92. Ord., 92, Pres. Niobrara. Ser. Neb., till 95. Carroll, 9.5-8. Macomb, 111., Evans, Ulysses G. B. Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 6, 63. McAllister Col., Minn., 89. McC. T. S., 92. Lie, 93. Ord., 94, Pres. Cedar Rapids. Ser. Grimes and Ridgedale. 93-4, Atkins and Newhall, 9.5-1900. Derby. la. Evans, William M., D.D. B. So. Salem, O., Jan. 7, 56. Son of Marcus W. and Sarah J. McClung Evans. Wooster U., 79, A. B. W. T. S.,82. Lie, 81. Ord.. 82, Pres., Wooster. Ser. Coggon, 82-4. Manchester, 84-S. Grand lunct., and Dana, 88-92. Sioux Citv, 3rd, 92-4. Esthervilfe, 94-1900. Central Park, Cedar Rapids, till 1906. Prof. Bible History, Coe College, C. Rapids, la. M. A. and D. D., Wooster Univ. Married Anna Laura West, Oct. 9. 83. Daughters Hazel, Lulu West, Willa McClung. G. pp. 39-107. Everds, John W. B. in Gremanv, Tulv 7, 58. Dubuque Col., 84. Prin. T. S., 87. Lie, 86.' Ord., 87, Pres. Iowa. Ser. Mt. Pleasant Ger., 87-93. Ramsay Ger. and Germania, 94-5. 111., and Texas. Meriden, la., 1906. Everest, George T. Ap. in N. Y. in 70. Northwood. la., 71-3. Floyd, 71-6. In 111., 77- D. Oct. 4, 1901. Age 91. Ewing, Alexander. Prin. T. S., 31. Labor in 111., As member Pres. Schuyler helped organize Round Prairie. D. Aug. 10, 48. Ewing, John C. (N. S.) Ap. in 49. Troy and Shunam, 49-54. Winterset, 55-63. Pres. Miss., 65. North River, 68. D. Dec. 14. 68. Age 65. G. p. 70. Ewing, Thomas Davis, D.D. B. Indiana Co., Pa., Dec. 28, 32. Worked his way through College. Washington C, A. M., 60. W. T. S., 64. D.D., Wash. C, SO. Ord. May 10, 64, Pres. Saltsburg. Ser. Kittanning Ch., Pa., 64-8. Pres. Pars. Cob, SO-9. Pastor Fairfield Church at same time. Corning Acad- emy, 90-. Pastor of Corning Church, 90-7. Married Anna Graham, June 5, 67. Of the five children, Mrs. Paul W. McCHn- tock, of Hainan, China, is one. Mrs. E. having died in 84, Dr. E. in 87 was united in marriage to Miss Anna B. Rogers. Again bereaved. Miss Ruth E. Van Kirk became his companion and helper till his death. July 31, 1905. G. p. 76, 111. Fahs, David W., D.D. B Germantown, Pa., March 18, 50. Wab. Col. Slud. McC. T. S., 80. Lie, 79. Ord., 80, Pres. Ottawa. Ser. Sandwich, 111., 80-5. LeMars, 85-94. Inde- pendence, 94-1906. G. p. 10. Fairley, Alexander. B. in Ireland. Royal Col., Belfast, B. A., 44. Assem. C. T. S., 48. Lie, 48. Ord., Assoc. Pres., 51. Ser. In 111. till 57. Wilhamsburg, 58. Scott, 60-2 Washington, D. C, Clerk. H. R. D. June 1, 1903. Aged 79 Farrar, Robert B. Ap. Brush Run, Pa., 62. Monte- zuma, 63-8. Deep River, part of time. West Va. D. Beaver Creek, Minn., Jan. 14, 88. BIOGRAPHICAL. 189 Feather, Nathan. Rec. from LaCrosse Bap. Assoc, Apr. 2.5. 90. Ser. Alta, 90-1. Wnodbury Co., and Elliott Creek, 92-,5. Em. Co., 1, Map. Hill, Depew, Hoprig, 96-8. Minn., S. Dak. Res. Wessington, S. D. Fellows. Linus H. Pres. Catskill, 60-5. C. Rapids, Pres., 66. W. C, Vinton, 66-73. H. R. 74. D. Sep., 2, 81. age 91. Ferguson, Samuel R., D.D. B. in Ulster, Ireland, 18.58. Came through Canada to the better country in 77, and settled in Manchester, N. H., Took two years' course for Christian workers in Springfield, Mass. Came to Iowa in 86, as an Am. S. S. Miss. In 88, transferred to Minnesota. Ord. as P. at large, and S. S. Miss., Oct. 12, 92. Rec. by Pres. Cedar Rapids, Apr., 93, as superintendent of S. S. Miss., for Synod of Iowa. All know his work. He and his fellow workers are all at it, and always at it. Coe College has conferred upon him the degree of D. D. He claims, (appropriately as a son of Erin) as his Alma Mater, Knocks College. He is pushing his Post Graduate work. G. pp. 53, 109. Ferguson, William A., D.D. B. Mt. Jackson, Pa., in 38. Jef. Col,, 02. W. T. S., and Prin. T. S., 64-5. Ord., 65, Pres. Nassau. Ser. in New York. 65-7. Dubuque 1st, 67-8. N. J., Pa., Ohio. Wilmington, Ohio, 1905. Fetterolf, John Franklin. B. Mich. Park C, 93, McC. T. S., 96. Lie. and Ord.. 90, Pres. Platte. Ser. Mo., 96. Adair, 98. 111. Assumption, 111. Figge, Ludwig. B. Germany. Dub. T. S., 67. Lie, 67. Ord., 67, Pres. Cedar Rapids. Ser. Muscatine Ger., 67-72. Wis. and Dak. till 96. Hope Ger. and Sibley, 97-8. 99, H. R. Sioux Falls, S. D. Findlay, Joseph V. B. O. Wo. U., 89. McC. T. S., 92. Ord., Pres. Wooster, 92. Ser. Neb., 91-6. Yorktown, la., 89-1900. G. p.51. Findley, Thomas M. B. Mahoning, Pa., 47. Men. Col., 111.. 74. Prin. T. S., 79. Ord., Pres. Des Moines, 80. Ser. Indianola, 80-3. S. Dak., 83-5. Minn. 1905, Pres. Miss., Minn. Fisher, John. (N.S.) Ser. Centerville, 60-8. OHvet, 69-76. Farley, Epworth, Peosta, 77-80. Agt. 81-2. S. S., Belle- vue, 83-4. D. Nov. 16, 85. Aged 70. Fisher, William Edward. B. Madrid, N. Y., Dec. 18, 72. Normal Grad., 95. McC. T. S., 98. Ord., Pres. Iowa, Sep. 23, 98. Ser. Montrose and Markham, 98-1905. Fisk, Charles Ezra., Ph. D. B. Vincennes, Ind., 63. Lenox Col., B. A., 84. M. A., 87. McC. T. S., 8.5-6. Prin. T. S., 88. Ord., 88, Pres. Rock River. Ser. Maryland, 88-90. Spirit Lake, 90-1. Dysart, 91-3. Hopkinton, 93-4. Alta, 95-8. Lee, Mediaeval I'list. Buena Vista C, Trustee. In Ind., and 111. Viola, 111., 1900. Fitch, John Ashley. B. Sheldon, Vt,, in 61. Pars. Col. 86. McC. T. S. 89. Ord., 89. Pres. C. Bluffs. Ser.: Bedford, la., 89. F. Missionary, 1900. Weihsien, China. 1905, Shan- tung, China. G. p. 79. Fithian, William. (N. S.) Ap. Mt. Vernon, la., 58-60. Oskaloosa, 61. From 62 to 66, Quincy, 111. Drops from As- sembly minutes. Fitz-Randolph, Allen. Ap., 58, Mt. Vernon. 70-5, Bed- ford, Pairview, Otherwise in Ind. or Neb. D. Bonlder, Col., May 15, 01. Age 70. 190 HISTORY. Flanagan, William S. Licentiate 94-7, Garden Grove, P. O. Drops from minutes. Fleming, David B. B. Dallas, Va., July 22, 40. W. and T. C, 68. W. T. S., 68-71. Ord., Pres.; Missouri River, Sep. 3, 72. Ser. 111., and Neb. Unity, la., 84-8. Martins- burg. Newton and Spring Valley, Malvern, 89-92. Ran- dolph, 93. D. Tabor, la., March 28, 74. Fles, John I. The .Hollander who located his imported parishioners and made Pella. Withdrew from Ref. Ch., and built a church of his own, making the Holland Pres. Ch. of Pella, in 81. D. 82 or 3. Appearing in our minutes in 81 and 82 only. Flickinger, Robert Elliott. B. Port Roval. Pa., 46. W. and J. C, 75. Prin. T. S., 78. Ord. Pres. Chester, 79. Ser. in Pa. till 82. Walnut and Marne, 82-6. Fonda, 86-1900. Author many minor works; Pioneer History of Pocahontas County. S. C, Pres., Ft. Dodge. Mod. Synod of Iowa. 1906 Sup. and Tea., Valliant, I. T. G. p., 20. Folsom, George P., D.D. B. Buffalo, N. Y., 26. Williams Col., B. A., 47. D.D., 81. Tea., 47-8. Aub. T. S., 52. Ord. Pres. Genesee, 53. Ser. Attica, N. Y., 52-9. Geneseo, 59-69. 69-71, Sec. of Church Erection. Baraboo. Wis., 72-8. Iowa City, 80-8. Carroll, 88-95. Mt. Clemens, Mich., 97—. D. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 12, 1904. Fonken, Hiram G. B. in Germany. Dub, Col. and Sem. 92. McC. T. S., 93. Lie. and Ord., Pres. Dub., 92. Ser. Prairie, 92. Neb., 94. Williams, 95. Eldora, 96-7. Kansas. Res. Argentine, Kan. Forbes, Hugh W. B. Wayne Co., O., Dec. 10, 21. Wash. C, 47. W. T. S., 53. Lie.', 53. Ord., 61, Pres. Toledo. Ser. W. Irving, 61. Millersburg, 63-5. Blairstown, 66. Agricola, 68-70. St. Charles, 71-2. Rock Creek, 74. Iowa Center, 77-8. H. R. in 80. D. Fonda, June 4, 96. Foster, Alexander S. B. Pa., 37. Jef. Col., 57-60. W. T. S., 62-3. Lie, 63. Ord., 67, Pres. Saltsburg, Ser. 111., Minn., Neb. Steamboat Rock, 77. Cedar Valley, 78-80. Sac City, 81-2. Dak. Res. Oregon City, Ore. Foster, James E. B. Brownstown, 111., May 28, 62. Blkb. U., Ph.B., 89. McC. T. S., 92. Lie. and Ord., 92, Pres. Chicago. Ser. Org. Onward Ch., Chicago, 92-5. Mai tins- burg and Hedrick, 96-9. Oakville, 1900. Res. Orleans, III. Fowler, Alfred. Rec. from Dak. Conf., M. E., Nov. 8, 97. Ser. Hawarden, 98. Williams, 99. Kansas. Res. Decatur. Ind. Fowler, John K., D.D. B. Covington, N. Y., Sep. 22, 48. Un. R.. 70. Un. Sem., 74. Ord. Nov. 10. 74, Pres. Rochester. Ser. Caledonia, N. Y., 74-7. Rockford. 111., 78-84. El Paso, Tex., 84-5. C. Rapids 2nd, 85-95. Los Angeles, Cent., 95-8. Clinton, la., 99 — Res, La Crosse, Wis. G. p., 36. Fracker, George H. B. Zanesville, Ohio, in 53. Wo. Un., 78-81. Tea. W. T. S. Sl-2. Union, 82-3. Prin., 84. Lie, 80. Ord., 86, Pres. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Ashton and Iiiwood, 85-90. Vail, 91. Storm Lake, 92-4. Prof., 92— Pilgrim Ch., 97 — Storm Lake, 1906. Frackleton, William S. B. Glasgow, Scot., Apr. 19, 45. U. M., Chic. T. S. Ord. Evan. Pres. Colorado, May, 14, 72. BIOGRAPHICAL. 191 Bozeman, Mon., 72-3. Knoxxalle, la., 74-5. Dexter, 76. N. Jersey, Ireland. New South Wales, 8.5 — Frankfurth, Henry. Aj). in 70. S.S. Ottumwa, Evan- felical. 71-3, Martinsburg. 76-8, H. M., Ottumwa. 81, 'almyra Pres., Mo. D. March 2, 91. Age 84. Fraser, Alexander H. B. Bridgeville, N. S. Piclon Acad, N. S. Aub. T. S., 90. Ord., 90, Pres. Syracuse. Ser. in N. Y., 89-92. Atlantic, la., 92-,5. Marion, la., 95-8. Avoca, 99- 1900. Res. Kearney, Neb. Fraser, William J. B. New Brunswick. Ord., 86, Pres. Niobrara. Ser. H. M., in Neb.. 86-8. Adair and Casey, 89. Dak., 90. Plover and Ayrshire, 96-7. H. R. Des Moines, 1906. Freeman, Charles E. B. Galesville, Wis., 60. G. C. W., 87. Ord., Nov. 11, 90, Pres. Chippewa. Ser. Bayfield, Wis., 90-1. Spirit Lake, la., 91-5, Wenona, 111., 96. 1905, Galveston, Tex. French, Charles R. B. Plainfield, Ct., Nov. 1, 18. Ober- C, 40. Ord., Beluit Conven., 44. Ser. 111., 44-52. Wis., 52-7. Cleremont, la., 58-67. Montrose, 68-9. Grundy. 70-5. Hopkinton, 76. Jesup, 77. Independence, 78-80. H. R. D. Jan. 29, 83. Age 64. Frothingham, Harold J., D.D. B. Spencer Acad., Ind. Ter. Lenox, C. Hamilton C, 80. B. A., LL.B., 81. M. A., 84. Auburn T. S., 84. Lie, 84. Ord., 84, Pres. Schuyler. Ser. Spirit Lake, 96-9. Delta, Colo., 1900. Frothingham, James. B. Sep. 21, 34. Johnstown, N. Y. Un. Col., 53. Princeton, 57. Ord., 57. Pre's. Albany. Ser. Miss, to Choctaws, 57-9. In N. Y. and Minn, till 65. Lansing, la., 65-79. Manchester, 80-2. In Morrison, 111,, Waukegan, Chicago, 1906. Frothingham, John. B. Johnstown, N. Y., Sep. 9, 27. Engineer. Prin. T. S., 58 (2). Ord., Ev. Pres. Chippewa, Oct., 27, 60. Galesville, Wis., 60-9. P. E. C. Rapids 2nd Ch., 69. D. Mar. 26, 69. FuUerton, James S. B. Chillicothe, O., July 4. 19. One of three brothers in the ministry. Miami U. W. T. S., 45-6. Lie, 45. Ord., 46, Pres. Iowa. Ser. West Point and Center, 46-9. Linn Grove. 50-59. Marion. .50-5. Infirm. D. May 13, 74. Patient in his infirmities, cheerful and loving, he fell asleep among the people he longest served, beloved by all. G. p. 69. Fulton, C. Edgar. B. in Penn. Pars. Col., 92. McC. T. S.. 95. Lie, 95. Ord., 95, Pres. Dubuque. Ser. Lime Springs, 95-6. 111., Minn. Res. Mora, Minn. Fulton, John Mark. A useful, self-sacrificing pioneer, serving at Burlington, 41. AVest Point, 42-3. and in Missouri. D. in Missouri in 51 or 2. Furniss, George. B. in England. Wsl. Sch. Eng. Prin T. S. Student Eng,, 78. Lie, 75. Ord., 82. Wes. M. Con. Kan. Ser. In Kan. till 88. In Pres. Fargo, 88. Ser. Hun- ter, N. D., 88-91. West Liberty, Fairview, Scott, 91 — Gage, John L. B. Ross Co., Ohio, Apr, 17. 42. M. C. O., 64. Prin. T. S. (2). McC. T. S., (1) 67. Lie, 66. Ord.. 67, Pres. Winona. Ser Minn., Ohio, Colo., Wis., till 92. Mal- com, 93-5. Ne\y Sharon, 96-9. Fremont, 1900. Res. Fair- 192 HISTORY. field. Married Marv, daughter of Rev. Wm. T. Boynton, Franklin, O. A son' .William B., P. Highland Park Ch., Des Moines, 1906. G. p. 24. Gallatin, James. B. in Pa. J. C, 42. W. T. S.. 44. Lie, 46. Ord., 47., Pres. Iowa. Ser. Spring Creek, 47-9. Scotch Grove, Cascade, Maquoketa, 52-6. D. May 1, 56. Galloway, Oliver P., Ph.D. S.S. Adair, 9.3-5. Har- rodsburg, Ky., 96. D. Bowling Green, Ky., Dec. 3, 96. Age 54. Ganfield, William A. B. Cascade, la., Sep. 3, 73. Cornell C, 98. McC. T. S., 1901. Lie, 1900, Pres. C. Rapids. Ord. 1901, Pres. Winnebago. P. Green Bay, 1901-4. Prof. Wauke- sha, 1905. Gardner, Paul D. B. Phil., Aug. 13, 69. W. and T. Col.. 92. W. T. S., 95. Lie. 94. Ord., 95, Shenango. Ser. Pa., 9.5-7. Mediapolis, 98-1900. D. March 26, 1901. Gardner, William. B. Fayetteville, N. Y., Amh. Col., B. A. M. A., 87. Lie, 86. Ord., 88, Pres. Winchester. Ser. Fulton, 111., 89-90. Minn., 92. Des Moines, Westminister, 92-4. Hanover, 111. Rippey, la, 99. Churdan, 1900. Gass, John R. B. Jeff. Co. Tenn. Gr. and Tus. Col., Tenn., 81. Lane Sem. McC. T. S. Lie. 84. Ord. 84, Pres Holston. Ser. in Tenn. 2 years. Sigourney, 86-90. Mis- souri and New Mexico. Syn. Miss. Albuquerque, 1906. Mar. Elsie Brinton Lowe, niece of Rev. Samuel G. Hair. Two sons 12 and 5 years of age. G. p. 12. Gaston, Joseph. McC. T. S., 82. Lie. 81. Ser. Lan- sing. 83-4. 111., Col., N. Y. Editor New York. Gates, William F. B. Louisville, Ky., Apr, 25, 61. Cornell C, la., A. B., 83. McC. T. S., 93. Ord., Ft. Dodge Pres. Miss, to Gautemala, 93-1902. Nyack, N. Y. Gay, William. Ser. in III., till 81. Delmar, la., 81-4. Clarence, 84-5. Cent. June, 85-8. Morrison, 88-91. Dows, 91-2. Ore. 92— D. H. R., Dallas, Ore., March 9, 190). Age 82. George, David J. Sweetland, 98. What Cheer, 99. Dropped from roll, May 22, 99. I. C. Pres. Gerhard, James A. B. Penn. F. and M. C, Pa., B. A., 71. U. T. S., 74. Lie, 74. Ord., 78, Pres. Kearney. Ser. Neb., till 81. Hamburg, 81-3. Mo. and Kan. St. Louis. Gibson, John. (N. S.) B. Vt., 30, U. C, 53. U. T. S., 54-5. Or. Ap. 24, 59, Pres. I. C. Ser. Galena, III. Wheat- land, 59. W. C, Washington, 60-8. D. Ryegate, Vt., March 8, 68. Gibson, William T. B. Countv Down. Ireland, 40. Bel- fast Col. W. T. S., 71. Lie, 71." Ord., 72, Pres. St. Clairs- ville. Ser. Ohio, Neb., Dakota. Albion, la., 88. Red Oak Grove, 91. Rts., W. Liberty, 92. Mercer, Pa. Gilkerson, John C. B. Saltsburg, Sep. 12, 53. U. P. C. Pa., 77. Prin. T. S., 80. Ord., 81, Ft. Dodge. Ser. Battle Creek, 80-2. CalUope, 83-91. Seward, Neb., 92. Milo, 93-5. Missouri, 96-98. Churdan, 99. D. Oct. 19, 99. A practical, active, earnest man. Pure minded and spiritual. Not a great preacher, but an excellent pastor, and a tireless worker. T. S. B. Gill, Heber. Miami Un., B. A., 65. Lie, 69. Ord., Feb. .10, 70, Pres., Madison. Ser. Ohio, Ind., Vir-, till^79. BIOGRAPHICAL. 193 Hopkinton Ch. and Lenox Col.. 79-85. 111. till 92. Hawarden, 93-7. Wall Lake, 98— Marcus, la. Gill, William J. Native of Ireland. Min. Pres. Ch. in England. Ser. Des Moines 1st, 72-8. Baltimore, Md., 7 years. Trinity Brooklyn, 2 years. Orange. N. J. D. Mar. 14, 87. Age .58. Gillette, Erastus J. M.D., D.D. B. May 13, 1800, Caze- novia, N. Y. Auburn Sem., 29. A. M., Ham. Col., 42. D.D., U-. Rochester, 58. Ord. May 26, 29, Pres. Genesee. Ser. in W. N. Y. till 49. Ag. A. and F. Ch. U, 49-55. Pres. Yellow Springs College. Kossuth. la., 55-62. Keokuk, 62-5. Pres. Med. Col., Keokuk, 66-77. Pres. Pars. Col., 79. H. R. D, Council Bluffs, Nov. 7, 82. Gillespie, Samuel L. B. in Ohio. W. and J. C, 68. Prin. T. S.,71. Ord.. 71. Chillicothc. F. M., Africa, 71-4. H. Miss., Utah, Wyoming, 74-96. 96-8, P. at L. Fairfield. Res. Dayton, Ohio. Gillingham, Henry, C. B. May 24, 57. Prin. T. S., 84. Ord., Nov. 12, 84. Pres. Winnebago. Ser. Westfield, Wis., 84-5. Logan, 85-7. Oakdale and Modesto, Cal., 87-91. De- posed Oct., 93. Pres. Stockton. Gillis, Walter N. Ser. Plover, 94-7. Res. Botineau. N. D. Gilmore, John. B. in Pa. Wash C, M. A., 65. W. T. S., 65. Lie. 64. Ord., 66, Pres. Washington. Ser. W. Va. and Ohio till 69. Andrew and Farmer's Creek, 69-71. Bellevue, 72-77. 111., Neb. Liberty, Neb. Gist, William W., D.D. B. Hocking Co., O., Feb. 25. 49. U. S. Army, 64-5. O. U., 72. U. T. S., 75-6. Ord. Pres. Cleveland, Jan. 27, 81. Ser. Tea. Ohio till 81. Prof. Coc Col., 81-6. Ser. Cong. Churches. Godfrey, John R. B. Lima C, Wis., 70. M. C. W., 92. Ord., Pres., AVinnebago. 98. Ser. Oxford, Wis., 98-9. Ayr- shire, la., 99 — Res. Stewartsdale, N. D. Glass, John. Ser. Janesville, 63-4. Scott, 65-6. Tools- born, 70-1. 111. and Mich, till 76. Last appearance. Goff, Francis L. B. Mich., 60. Stu. Maryville, Tenn. Lane Sem., 89-90. Ord., 85, Ser. Tenn., 111., Ohio, Alton, Iowa., 92-5. Moberly, Mo., 96 — Good, David N. B. in Tenn. Wash. Col., Tenn., 89. McC. T. S., 2 years. Ord., 94. Pres.. Council Bluffs. Pres. S. S. Miss., la. .'Tenn. and N. C. Red Oak Grove, la., 92-3. Res. Chillicothe, Mo. Goodale, Alvin B., M. D. B. Pottsdam, N. Y., Amherst C, 58. N. Y. Med. C. 60. Un. T. S.. 60. Ord.. F. Miss.. Third Pres., New York. Ser.: Miss, to Turkey, 60-5. Pres. Parsons Col.. 68-70. Marshalltown, 70-4. Cedar Falls, 7.5-80. Wyoming, 80-5. Trenton, Mo., 8,5-8. Baldwin, Kan., 88-93. Pomona, Cal., 1906. D. Jan. 9, 1907. Goodesson, William H. McC. T. S., 66-7. Ser. in Ind., and Ohio., till 74. Minburn, 74-5. Woodburn, 75-7. Ohio and Missouri. Gordon, David B. McC T. S.. 65-6. Ser. Toledo, 76. Colfax. 77. Nevada. 78. W. C, 79. Ag. 81-4. In trans., 85-6. Dropped from roll, June 12, 88, having joined the Bap. church. 194 HISTORY. Gordon, James. (N. S.) Ser. La Fayette, .56-62. Point Pleasant. 63. Otisville, 64. Union. 6.5. ' Columbia, 66-7. H. R. D. Apr. 1, 92. Age 84. Tecumseh, Kan. Gourley, John. B. Ballymenagh, Ireland. Private Tutors. H. Hanna. Belfast, and A. Inglis. Manchester. Ord. Pres Waterloo. Ser. Pisgah and Butler Center. 76-8.3. W. C Bristnw. 8.5-94. Aredale (Pisgah), 95-6. 97-1900, Aredale. Gorton, Philo. Ser. Prairie. 95. Dis. to Cong, Assoc, of Mitchell, Apr.. 96. Grace, Fred H. B. Logansport, Ind. S. W., Kan. C 95. Omaha T. S., 98. Lie. 92, Pres. Emporia. Ser. In Kan. till 95. Vail, 96-7. Walnut. 98-9. Griswold. 1900. Wichi- ta. Kan.. 1905. Grafton, Walter M. Ph, D. B. Glasgow, O. Wo. U., B. A., 88. U. T. S., 91, Ord.. Jan. 24, '91. Pres. Nassau. Ser. Whitestone, L. Isl. 91-3. Highland Park. Des Moines, 93-9. Dell. Rapids, Dak.. 1905. Graham, George. B. Mt. Vernon. O. Jef. Col.. B. A.. .55. Wn. T. S.. 57. Lie. 57. Ord.. 58. Pres. Bucyrus. Ser. Bucyrus. Sandusky. Wyandot. Ohio., 57-60. Clarksville. la., 64-80. Clarksville, 84-96. H. R. 97. D. at Clarksville, la., Oct. 2. 1900. A.ge 74. Graham, Malbone. B. Bellevue, la.. Jan. 16, 67. Prin. Un,, B A . 89. Prin. T. S.. 94. Ord.. 94, Pres. Dubuque. Miss, to Colombia, S. A. Ser. Bogota. 94-1900. Baran- quilla. 1905. G. p. 102. Graham, Thomas J. B. Madison, Ind., Julv 10, 76. Han. Col., 96. A. B., Prin. T. S.. 99. Ser. Indian Ter., 99-1900. Bethel Ch., Mt. Union, 1900. Graham, William. B. Ont.. Can. Tor. U. Ont. McC. T. S.. 88. Lie, Pres. Cavuga. Ord.. 88. Pres. Chicago. Ser. In Or.. 88-9. Kan. till 91. Cleghorn, 91-2. Kirkville, 92-3. Troy, Lebanon, Chequest, 93-5. S. Dak.. 9.5-7. Lone Star, 1900 Graham, William M. Appears. W. C. Cass Center, 77. 78, P. Adair and Whitnevville. 79-81. W. C. Atlantic, 82-6. D. Sep.. .30 86. Age" 52. Gramcko, Ernest B. Ser. Siblev and Hope. Ger., 99. Plymouth, Co.. 1900. Denver Colo., 1905., Grandy, William. In Pres. Monroe, 82. Ser. Sioux City. 82-4. D. Sioux City, Jan. 4. 85. Age 42. "One of the Lord's own saints. A man of single minded earnestness and implicit faith. Strong in the pulpit, and a faithful pastor. His faith was of the Abrahamic type. Just before he breathed his last, lying with an orange in his hand, he said to a caller, T am as certain I shall soon see Jesus as I am that I hold this orange in my hand,' " T. S. B. Grant, Martin E. B. Henderson, N. Y., [unc 27, 43. Hamilton College. B. A., 70. Ord., 75, Pres. Ft. "Dodge. Ser. Moingona, 73-5. Plessis, N. Y., 76-7. Cape Vincent, 77. D. Mar. 8. 92. Plessis, N. Y. Gravenstein, Christian H. B. in Holland. Dub. Col., and T. S., 87. Lie. Pres. Dubuque. Ord., Pres. Kearney. Ser. Gothenburg, Neb., 2 years. Aplington, la.. 89-90. Union and Rock Creek, (Ger.) 91-6. Rock Rapids. 97-190.5. Gray, Calvin. (N. S.) Appears in N. S. Pres. Genesee, in 43. Later in 111. Comes to Ft. Dodge, 77. W. C, H. R. till his death. D. Ft. Dodge, March 20, 79. BIOGRAPHICAL. 195 Gray, Lyman Calvin. B. Wales, N. Y., Oct. 26, 43. Knox Col., 71. Ord., Oct. 12. 75, Pres. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Ft. Dodge. 75-S. Rolfe, Sl-3. W. C, Ft. D., 84-97. Ev. at Ottosen, 98-9. Paton, 1900. Res. Edina, Mo. Gray, Thomas Jefierson. B. in Ohio. Wo. U., B. A.. 83. W. T. S., 86. Lie. 8.5. Ord., Sep., 86. Pres. Ft. Dodge. Lar- rabee and Meriden, la., 86-8. S. Dak., Ohio. Green, James. Ser. Sigourney, 56. Indianapolis, (Agri- ■ola,) 57-63. D. 63 or 64. Green, Nathaniel C. B. Topsham, Me. Ord., Oct. 4, 76. Ser. in Minn., Ind., 111., In Iowa., Conrad, 86-7. Greene, 88-9. Sumner, 111., 1905. Greene, J. Milton., D.D. B. Smithtown, Long Island, Aug. 11. 42. Prin. Un., B. A., 65. M. A., 68. Lake Forest. U., D.D., 86. Un. T. S., 68. Lie, 68, Pres. Brooklyn, and Ord. Ser. Brooklyn, N. Y., 68-73. New Brighton, 73-81. My. Mexico, 81-92. Ft. Dod.ge, la., 93-9. Syn. My. Porto Rico, 1900. Havana, Cuba. 1906. G. p. 102. Greenlee, Thomas B. Ph.D. B. Frederickstown, Ohio, Dec. 31, 55. Wo. U., B. A.. 79. M. A., W. T. S., 82. Lie. Ord., Apr. 25. 82, Pres. Shenango. Ser. Penn., and Minn. Ilta, la., 86-7. Kan., 111., Neb. North Platte, Neb., Greenshields, William B. Lie. Ord., Pres. Duluth. Ser. Minn, till 94. Burt, 9.5-8. Alta, 99-1900. D. Phil, Apr. 26, 04. Age 55. Gregg, Andrew J. B. Saltsburg, Pa., Sep. 10, 55. W. Res., Col., Ohio. W. T. S., 85. Lie, 84. Ord., 85, Pres., Kittanning. Ser. In Pa., 85-99. Frankville and Ross- ville, 1900-02. Atkins, 04 — Groendyke, John E. B. CrawfordSville, Ind.. Mar. 11, 67. Wab C B A , 91. McC. T. S., 94. Ord., 94, Bloomington Pres. CooksviUe, 111., 94-6. Logan, 96-8. Carroll, 98-1900 Creston. 05. Grossman, Francis W., D.D. B. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 22, 58 German parentage. Center C, Danville, 85. Danville, T S, and McC. T. S., 89. Lie, 87. Ord.. Oct 87, Pres. Louisville Ser. Ind.. and Kv., 87-8. C. Miss.,' Dallas. Tex. Villisca, 90-3. P. at L.. Corning Pres., 3 years. Trip abroad and P at L., Winona Pres., until 1901. Pres. Lenox Col., 1902-6. Married Miss Nell Lucas, Louisville, Ky., July 21, 87. Children: One son and one daughter. G. p. 96. Gujer, J. Henry. Ser. Kilbourn, Wis., 78-9. Union Ger., 80-1. D. Jan. 25, 82. Aged 43. Gurley, George D. B. Armstrong, Co., Pa. F. and M. C, Pa 7'' Ref T S , Lancaster, Pa, 76. Ord., Sep., 76, Classis Ref' Ch Ser' Ref. Chs. in Penn., N. C, 111., and Tipton, la., until 93. Ree by Pres. D. M., Sep., 93. Ser.: Leon, 94-8. Dallas Center, 99-1905. New Sharon, 1906. Hadden, Joseph B. B. in S. C, July 25, 04. Univ. Nash 34 P T S., 38. Ord.. Ev., Feb., 41, Pres. Muh- lenburg Ser Ky., 39-52. Maquoketa, 52-3. Andrew and F. C, 54-8. D. July 11, 58. Hager, August Herman. Lie in Dubuque, 75. Ser. Centertown, 76. Chicago. Mass. in 83. Hahn, John A. B. in Germany. Ger. Ev. Sem., Mo. Lane T S 76. Ord. June, SO, Pres. Solomon. Ser. Kan., Neb till ' 90. Atkins, 91. Onslow and Bethel, 92. Pine 196 HISTORY. Creek, 94-5. Deep River, 96-7. Bethel, 98-9. Lebanon, Troy and Chequest, 1900. H. R., Lake Mills, Wis., 1906. Hahn, Reuben. B. in Ohio, June 4, 18. Lie. in 43. Ord., 46, U. B, Rec. in 59. By. Pres. Ser. In Ohio till 74. Gar- den Grove and Humeston, 75-7. Moulton and Unionville, 78-9. Kan., Oklahoma. H. R., La Harpe, Kan., 1906. Haines, Alfred W. B. Pa., Nov. 28, 32. Jef. C, 50. W.T.S,, 57. Lie, 57. Ord., 58, Pres. Iowa. Ser. Keosauqua, 58. Eddyville, and Kirkv., 62-7. Crawfordsville, 68-71. Brooklyn, 73-5. Salina, and Plesaant Plain, 78-82. Crawfords- ville, 85-7. Ladora, and Deep River. 88-92. Ridgedale, and Grimes, 9.5-6. Des M,, Bethany, 97. H. R., San Diego, Cal. Hair, Samuel G. B. Wash. Co., Pa. Nov. 9, 28. Mt. U., Col. W. T. S., and McC. T. S., 61. Ord., Oct. 68. Pres. Rock River. Sigourney, 71-6. Chicago. D. in Florida, June 10, 89. Aged 60. Hall, John Knox. B. Ontario, Can., 58. Macal. Col., A. B. 90. McC. T. S. 96. Ord., Apr. 22, 96., Pres. C. Rapids. Ser. Miss. Brazil, 90-4. Org. Chs. in Brazil. Evan. C. Rapids. 96. Bellevue, 97-8. Clarence, 99—. Miss, in Porto Rico. Trinidad, Col., 1906. Hall, John Q. B. Norwalk, Ohio, June, 37. Amh. Col., 59. B. A., 61. M. A. U. T. S., 62. Ord., 63, Pres. Franklin. Ser. Wis., and Ind., till 94. Russell, 94-8. Garden Grove and Leroy, 99-1900. Redlands, Cal. Hall, William E. B. Mass. Lie, 91. Ord., Apr. 23, 92. Pres. Palmyra. Ser. Gravity and Diagonal, 93. Randolph and Anderson, 94-5. Ind., and Ohio. Rockledge, Fla., 1906. Hamilton, Charles R. B. Lebanon, Ind., June 18, 72. Han. Col., B. A,, M. A., 97. McC. T. S.. 96. Lie, 95. Ord., June 18, 97. Pres., Dub. Ser. Manchester, 97-9. Buffalo, N. Y., 1900—. Hamilton, Eugene, Ph.D. B. and educated in London, Eng. Lie, 87. Ord., Oct., 88, Pres. F. D. Ser. Deni- son, 87-90. Dak. and Ind. Ter. Hamilton, William E., D.D. Came from Rawlins, Wyom- ing. Ser. Afton, 86. Creston, 87. Ky., 88. Penn. H. R. D. Oct. 17, 96. Age 74. Hammer, George H. From Pres. Lehigh, 77. Ser. 78. D. March 8, 79. Age 50. Colfax Hancock, John. B. in England. McC. T. S., 49. Ser. Ky., 51-6. Council Bluffs. 56-9. Mo., N. Y., and New Jer- sey. H. R., D. Barnstable, Eng., Apr. 29, 92. Age 73. Hanna, James W. B. Wayne Co., Ohio, Jan. 4, 27. Jef. Col., 51. W. T. S., 55. Lie, 53. Ord., 54 Ser. Ohio and Ind., till 68. Big Grove, 69-70. Prin. Lyons Col., Inst. 71. Camanche, 72. Mt. Vernon, 73-6. Grundy Center, 78-82. Armourdale, Kan. Labored in various fields as health permitted. His publications: Celestial Dynamics; Revised Astronomy; Baptism and the Christian Church. Married May 11, 54 , Miss Joanna M. Smith. D. Emporia, Kan., March 16, 92. G. p. 8. Hanna, John C. From Normal, 111., in 69. Ser.: Ross- ville and Frankville, 70-3. Calvary and Casey, 74-5. 111., Kan. D. Normal, 111., Feb. 13, 87. Age 72. BIOGRAPHICAL. 197 Hardy, Galen M. Rec. in 90, from Wes. M. Conf. Ser. Unity, 91-3. Utah, 94. D. March 20, 99. Age 69. Harmon, Andrew J. B. in Tenn. Maryville C.,89. Lane T. S.,92. Lie. and Ord., Mav27. 92, Pres. Union. Ser. Tina, Mo., 92-4. Wall Lake and Auburn, 95-7. Dak., and Ohio. Russellville, Ohio. 1906. Harmon, Fisk. (N. S.) B. Bennington, Vt., Feb. 12, 13. Un. Sem., 45-9. Ord. July 9, 50. in Cong. Ch. Ser. N. Y., Mass., Wis., till 56. Panora, 56-9. Swede Point, 60-5. W. C, 66-85. Vt. and Mass. till 98. Harmon, Merritt. First Ch., Geneseo, N. Y., in the 20s. In Mich., 54. Ser. Hopkinton and Cascade 55-59. Ag. S. S., Union till 63. W. C, 64-7. Prairie, 68-75. 76-92, Retired at Hopkinton. D. Apr. 7, 92. Aged 95. G. p. 69. Harris, Frederick. Rec. Apr. 20, 88, from Des Moines M. E. Conf. Ser. Lenox and Conway, 88. Morning Sun, 89. Griswold, 90. Drops out of Minutes. Harrison, James, D.D. (N. S.) B. Orange, N. J. Oct. 29, 02. Prin. T. S., 29. Ord. May 24, 33, Pres. Miami. Ser. in Ohio till 55. janesville, la., 57-8. Waterloo, Cedar Valley, La Porte, 59-63. W. C. Waterloo 64-77. H. R. D. May 29, 77. Harrison, James. Evan, in Chicago, 76. Ser. Osceola, 77-9. W. C, Dis. to Cong. Assoc, 87. Harrison, Jeptha, D.D. B. Orange, N. J., Dec, 1795. Col. N. J., 20. P. T. S., 21-3. Ord., Ev., Apr. 10, 31. Ser. S. C, Ky., Tenn., Ala., Mich., till 55. Burlington, la., 55-7. Goes to Mo., 58. D. Oct. 30, 63. Harsha, William Justin, D.D. B. Hanover, 111., Apr. 20, 53. Col. N. J., 74. Ord. 13, 76. Pres. Springfield, 111. P. Second Ch., Omaha, 77—. First Ch., Omaha, 87-91. P. 2nd Harlem Collegiate Ref. Ch., New York, 1891. Wrote "The Story of Iowa," a book of thrilling narratives, which we think entitles him to mention among the heroes and martyrs he com- memorated. Harshe, Wm. P. Wash. Col. W. T. S., 42-3. Lie. 43. Ord., 46, Pres. Redstone. Ser. Elsewhere till 53. In Iowa, Albia, 54. Bentonsport, 55. W. C, 56. W. C, St. Louis, 68. Drops out of minutes. Hart, William D. Local Evangelist. Red Oak, 94. Lie, Gravity, 95-7. In Corning Pres., 98. Last appearance. Haskell, Edwin Charles. B. Madison, Ind. Wab. Col., B. A., 57. M. A., S7. Lane T. S., 60. Lie, 60. Ord., Dec. 20, 60. Pres. Crawfordsville. Ser. Ind. and Wis., till 70. Brooklyn, 70-1. Ladora, and Vic, 72-3. Crawfordsville, 73-8. Atalissa, and Cedar Valley, 78-9. Hermon, Blue Grass, Walcott, 80-4. Middletown and Spring Creek, 84-5. Stroms- burg, Neb., 86-90. Broken Bow, 90. "Sigourney, 91-2. Nio- Ijrara, Neb., 93. Garrison and Big Grove, 94. Whatj Cheer, 9.5-7. Battle Creek, 97-9. Shellsburg and Pleasent Hill, 1900-4 Plover, 1905-6. Hastings, Edward E., D.D. B. Carroll, la., Sep. 25, 71. Coe Col., Ph.B., 93. McC. T. 'S., 96. Lie, 96. Ord., June 19, 96, Pres. Sioux Citv. Ser. Odebolt, 96-1900. Grundy Center, 1906. G. p. 107. Hawk, Jacob J. B. Penn., Oct. 13, 36. Williams Col., 69. W. T. S.,71. Lie, 71. Ord., 73, Pres. Huron. Ser. Ohio, 198 HISTORY. Missouri, till 77. College Springs, 78-9. Pa., in 1906. Neb. Wilkinshurg, Hawley, Theodore S. B. Carthage, 111., 5.5. Carth. Col. Stu. McC. T. S. and Omaha. Ord., May 13, 95, Pres. C. Bluffs. Ser. Carson and Sharon. 94-7. Omaha, Neb. Trinidad, Col. Hayden, Frank L., D.D. B. Palmyra, Minn. Stu. Milton Wis. Theol. privately. Ordained May 4, 92, C. Bluffs, Pres. Ser. Marne and Neola, 90-1. Avoca, 92-3. Logan. Utah. 93. N. Yakima, Wash. Hayenga, Lubertus H. B. Ger., Sep. 27. 57. Du. C. B. A. 83. D. T. S.,86. Lie., 85. Ord., Ap. 21, 86, Pres., Dubuque. Ser. Union and Rock Creek. 86-9. Goes to Minn. George, la., 1906. Hayes, Hervey H. D. D. (N. S.) B. Granby. Ct., May 3. 1796. Un. C, 23. Prin. T. S., 24-6. Ord., Ev. Cong., 27. Chap. U. S. Navy. 27-33. Tea.. 33-43. Ser., Rock Island, 111., 53-8. Bentonsport, 58-62. Yellow Springs, 63.-5. D. July 20, 67. Hays, Frank Harper. D.D. B. Clay Co.. Ind., July 30, 33. Un. T. S., 82. Lie. 82. Ord.. Oct. 5, 82, Pres. Omaha. Ser. Omaha, 82-3. Dvsart, 83-6. Indiana, Dak. Grand Forks, N. D., 1906. Hays, George W. B. Macomb, 111., June 8, 37. McDon. Col., B. A., 56. M. A. 59. Prin. T. S"., 1 yr. McC. T. S. 61. Lie, 60. Ord. May, 10, 64, Pres. Chicago. Ser. 111., Ohio, Kan., till 74. Winfield Iowa.. 74-8. Crawfordsville, 79-80. Princeton. 81. LaPorte City, 82-3, Susp., 84. Rest., 85. Petulama, Cal., 1906. Hays, Loyal Young. McC. T. S., 68. Ser. 111., Wis., Cal., Ind., Penn.. to 89. Principal Ft. Dodge, 89-91. Pres. Storm Lake C, 92. D. May. 16, 92. Age 54. Hazard, Silas H. Iowa City. 49- D. in 52 or 3. Head, Simeon C. From Pres. Mattoon, 81. Ser. Vail. 82-3. Pomeroy and Rolfe, 84-8. Wash Ter. D. Feb. 15, 89. Age 53. Hebard, George D. A. B. Brookfield, Vt., Sep. 6, 31. Dart. Col., 54. U. T. S.. 57. Ord. Sep. 22, .58. Pres. Iowa City. Ser. Chnton, la., 57-61. Iowa City, N. S. Pres., 62-6. Transferred his church mostly to Congregational church, which he seryed till his death, Sep. 14, 70. Hedges, Thomas J. Lie. and Ord., 91, Pres. Steuben. Ser, Adair, 91-2. Idaho., N, Y. Nampa, Id., 1906. Hedges, Thornton K. Pres. St. Louis in 70. Ser. Logan, Harris Grove, Hazel Dell. Pilot Grove, 71-80. D. Apr. 7, 81. Age 61. Heider, Daniel T. Ser. S. S., 44. Missionary, 45-51. Dutch Creek, 52-5. W. C. Infirm, 56-65. Sigourney. 66-7. Heilert, Frederick. B. Bay, Mo. Dub. Col. Prin. T. S., 94. Lie, 92. Ord. Dec. 11, 94. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Ar- cadia, Ger., 94-S. Kan., Milwaukee, Wis. 1906. Heizer, Alex M. B. Frankfort, Ohio, Oct. 9. 38. Yellow Springs, Col., 61. Ord., June, 64. Pres. Keokuk. Ser. Winterset, 65-7. Montana, 68-9. Solon, Unity, Oxford, 70-3. Wapello, and Toolsboro, 74-8. Fairview, and West Branch, 79-80. Moulton, 85-6. Lucas and Medora, 87-9. Des Moines, Bethany, 91. D Feb. 2, 92. G. p. 71. BIOGRAPHICAL. 199 Hemingway, George H., D.D. Ser. Maplcton, Dak., 89. AVcst 90-2. Tipton, 93. Mo., 94. Punn 1906. Rcc. 89, by Pres. Fargo. Branch, Fairxiew, Scott, , 9(> — . Bloom.sbursf, Pa., Hench, Thos. H., D.D. B. Center, Pa , .-Vpr. .5, 40. Prin. U., B. A., 61. M. A., 64. Han. Col., D.D., 94. Prin., T. S., 66. Lie, 66. Ord. Dec, 71, Pres. Iowa City. Walcott, Blue Grass, 71-4. Rock Island, 111., 7.5. Ohio, Ind., Ohio. Georgetown, Ohio., 1906. Henderson, Ogden A. Marietta, Col., 6.5. Auburn, Sem,, 70. Ord., Pres. Cayu'^a, 72. Ser. N. Y., 111., till 74. Iowa City, W. C. 7.i-.S. Susp., 80. Pres. Iowa City. Henderson, William Rossman, D.D. B. New Castle, Ind., Oct., 1,3, 4.5. Prin. Un., 67. Cen. Col., Kv., D.D., 91. Stu. Prin. T. S. and .McC. T. S., Ord., Apr. 13, 76, Pres. Ottawa. Ser,, 111. and Ky., till 79. Iowa City, 79-80. Ky., Mo., Neb., Dis. to Southern Church. Hendrickson, William A. B. Bullcr Co., Ohio. Lane Sem., .59. Lie, 56. Ord., 57, Ser. Brooklyn la., 82-4. Indiana. Indianapolis, Ind., 1906. Hennigh, Henry K. From Pres. of Muncie. Ser. Linn Grove, 70-1. Shellsbur,E; and Pleasant Hill. 73. Bonaparte and Bentonsport, 74-7.' 111., 78—. H. R Bonaparte, 83-92. D. Apr. 10, 92. Age 73. Herring, Hubert C, D.D. B. Lowville, Wis., Oct. 30, .59. Prin. T. S., 87. Lie, 87. Ord., Sep. 20, 87, Pres. Sioux City. Ser, Sioux City 2nd, 87-9. Winterset, 90-4. Chicago, Hyde Park, 9,5-8, To Cong, Ch., Omaha. Neb. Herron, Andrew. B. Harrison Co., Ohio, Aug. 30, 49. W. and I. Col, B. A, 69. M. A. 72. Prin. T. S., 72. Lie, 71. Ord., Oct., 73, Pres. C. Bluflfs. Ser. Neb., 72-3. Avoca and Walnut, 73-7. Wilton and Su.gar Creek, 77-8. Albion. 79-87. Sanborn, 88-91. Paullina, 92-1900. Walnut. la., 1901-2. Elliott Creek, 1903 — . D. Jan. 26, 1905. G. p. 71. Herron, John. B. Harrison, Co., Ohio, July 19, 51. W and J. C, B. S., 69. Prin. t. S., 76. Lie, 76. Ord., Nov. 8, 76. Pres. Lake Sup. Ser. Ontonagon, Mich., 76. Atlantic, la., 77-86. Mo., Kan., Cal., Ohio. Org. Audubon and Marne Chs. Akron, O., 1906. G. p. 23. Herron, Robert B. Han C, Ind.. B. A.. .56. Dan. T. S., 61. Stud, in Prin. T. S., Lie, 61. Ord., 62, Pres., Chilicothe. Ser. Ohio and Ind. Chap. U. S. Army, 6.3-4. Montezuma, 77-81. Kan. H. R. D. Apr. 1, 99. Age 67. Hetrick, Andrew J. B. Penn., fulv 5, 37. Prin. Un.. B. A., 60. M. A., 63. U. T. S., 64. Lie.; 64. Ord., Sep. 14, 65. Conn. Cong, Counc, Ser. Villisca, 88-90. Res. .Norwich, Ct. Hickling, Thomas. B. England. 45. W. T. S., 80. Lie, 78. Ord., 82, Pres., Waterloo. Eldora, la.. 82. Dak., Tex. Hickman, Stephen, C. C. B. Newton, la., Jan. 25, 66. Pars. Col 96. McC. T. S. 99. Ser. Neb., Idaho. Meridian, Idaho, 1906. Higbee, Melvin W. 95. McC. T. S., 98. Milton, 98-9. Corning, B. Wapello, la., July 11, 69, Par. C. Ord., June, 98, Pres. Corning. Ser. 1900. Address, Omaha, Neb.. 1906, 200 HISTORY. Highfield, Charles A. B. Bridgeport, 111., Dec. 5, 63. Blackb. U.,88. McC. T. S.,90. Ord., Apr., 90. Pres., Ottawa, Ser. 111. till 99. Manchester, 1900. Res., Hamburg, la., 1906. Hill, Matthew L. P., D.D. B. E. Bloomfield, N. Y., March 11, 34. Willianre C, 58. Stu. Aub., 1 year. Prin. T. S., 2 years. Ord., Sep. 19, 61. Pres. Albany. Ser. New York, Florida. Des Moines, 72-5. Evan. N. Y., Minn. H. R., D. Nov. 22, 1904. Hillman, William G. In Pres. North River, 76. Ser. Jefferson la., 77-8. Scranton and Grand Junction, 79-82. Rippey, also 81-2. D. Jefferson, la., Oct. 27, 82. Age 49. Hilscher, Solomon S., D.D. B. Lincoln, 111., Dec. 24, 62; of Penn. German parentage. Lincoln College, 111., 86. Lake For. U., Post Grad. Work. Teacher 6 years. Admitted to the Bar in 89. McC. T. S., 94. Ord., May 22, 94, Pres, Du- buque. Ser. as student preacher. Brown's Valley, Minn., and Delano and Maple Plain, Minn. Churches, Manchester, 94-6. Sandwich, 111., 96-1900. Vinton, la., 1900-6. Mar- ried Ida Hermina Bunse. A son and little daughter bless the home. G. p. 97. Hindman, David R. B. Pa. Theol. under Jas. Darrah, West Ely, Mo. Lie, 68. Ord., 70. Pres. North Mo. Ser. in Mo. till 75. Seymour, Allerton, Prom. City, 76-9. Lineville, 80-1. Kan. Parkville, Mo., 1906. Hine, Thomas W. B. Elder's Ridge, Pa. W. and I. Col., 91. Lie, 93. Ord. Jidy 10, 94, Pres. Kittanning. Ser.: Pittsb., 94—. Scotch Grove, la., 1900-1. Pa., 1902—. To- ronto, O., 1906. Hinitt, Frederick W., Ph.D., D.D. B. Kidderminster, Eng. Williams Col. Mo. B. A., 89. Wo. Uni., Ph.D., 96. McC. T. S., 96. Lie, 94, Pres. Upper Mo. Ord., Apr. 18, 95. Pres. Kansas City. Ser. Warrensburg, Mo., 92-5. Ottumwa, la., 95-1900. Pres. Pars. Col., 1900-4. 1904, Cent. Un. Ky., Danville, Ky. Hinkhouse, John F., D.D. B. Cedar Co., la., March 13, 59. German parentage. Pars. Col., 83. McC. T. S., 86. Lie, Ap. 14, 86. Ord., Oct. 20, 86. Pres. Dubuque. Ser. as Stu., Monticello, 85. Instrumental in building first church. West Union, 86-9. Lenox, 89-97. Conway, and Sharpsburg, and Prairie Chapel, in part. Org. Prairie Chapel, Conway, built church. Lenox grew from 92 to 192 m. Audubon 97-1904. New Ch., $12,000. Membership increased from 111 to 315. S. C, Pres. Corning and Council Bluffs. Com. to Assembly from each. Mod. of Synod, 1902. Sioux City, Second, 1905. Ree degree of D.D., from Parsons, 1906. Was married to Amy Junkin, Sep. 2, 86. Five Children: Laura, Elmer Dodd, Paul McClure, Fred Junkin, and Gertrude. As chairman of Synodical Com., made the Iowa Souvenir for the Assembly of 1906, which is made part of this history. G. p. 106 and 53. Hlavaty, Vaclav. B. in Bohemia. Kolin Gymn., 85. Stud., Edinburg C. Scot. Evan. Theol. Facultat Vienna, Aus., 90. Lie Ref. Ch. in Bohemia. Ord. 91, Pres, Cedar Rapids. Ser. Fourth Church (Bohemian), Cedar Rapids, 91-1906. Hodge, Samuel, D.D. B. Tenn., June 7, 29. Wash. C, Tenn., 50. Prin., T. S., S3. Ord., Pres. Montgomery, 54. Ser., Va., and Tenn., till 64. In la., Milo, 65-6. ' Hopkinton, 67-76. Pres. Lenox, 71-82. Rockford, 111., 83-5. Lake Forest, 86-9. BIOGRAPHICAL. 201 Bethel of W. Un., 90-1. D. Jan. 4, 92. "A devoted Christian, in character and work. A clear, strong scholar, and fine edu- cator. Also a good preacher." T. S. Bailey. Hodges, John G. B in England. Oberlin Col. and Sem. Lie, 85. Ord., 86, Cong. Council. Ser. Lime Springs, 93-5. Mo. and Dak., 96-8. Lebanon, la., 99. Canada. Dishamel, Can., 1906. Hofifmeister, Charles C. B. Tenn., Sep. 6, 58. King's C, 84. Stud. Col. T. S. Va. Prin. T. S., 87. Ord., Nov. 11, 86. Pres. Red River. Ser. Axtel, Kan., 87-90. Afton, 90'1. Kan., Minn. Hollyday, Wilson C. Pres. Sidney, Ohio. Ser.: West Point. Tea., 55-8. Eddvville, and Kirkville, .59-61. Chariton, 63-7. Columbia and Whitebreast, 68-70. Newbern, 71-2. Lucas, 73-5. Chariton, Res. 76-8. Mt. Vernon and Hope- ville Chs., 79. Greenfield, Ohio. H. R. D. May 13, 89. Age 79. Holmes, Henry B. (N. S.) Ser.: Belvidere, 111., 62. Dubuque Second, 63-6. Dist. Sec, 67-8. 111., and Mo., till his death. D. July 11, 85. Age 71. Holt, Edmund D., (N. S.) B. Vt. Sep. 20, 18. Am. C, 46. U. T. S., 49. Ord., 50, Pres. Galena. Ser. Rock Island, 111., 49-52. Montrose, 53-5. Minn. W. C. 56. D. June 11, 65. Honsaker, David S. Rec. from Pres. Topeka, 1900. Ord., May 15, 1900, Pres. Corning. Ser. Randolph and Ander- son, 1900. Afton, la., 1906 . Hood, John, D.D. Grad. State U., Ind., 62. In military Ser. Civil War. Ord., June 16, 70, Pres. Kaskaskia. Ser. Sparta, 111., 70 — . Cedar Rapids Second, 78-84. Agt. and Supt., Cedar Rapids, 85-88. Galesburg, 111., 89-97. D. in Texas, Jan. 29, 1905. Age 64. Hopkins, John T. B. Hillsboro, Ohio, May 2, 56. Pars. C, M. A., 81. McC. T. S., 84. Lie, 84. Ord., 85, Pres. Kearney. Ser. 111., Neb., Cal., Colo., till 97. Indianola, 98- 1900. Res., Fullerton. Cal. Home, Robert. B. in Canada, Sep. 30, 60. Col. N. J. 2 years. McC. T. S., 91. Ord., 92, Pres. Rock River. Ser. 111., till 94. Cleghorn and Mt. Pleasant, 94-7. Utica, Minn., 1906. Horton, Eugene S. B. in Ind., United with C. P. Ch., at age of 14. Taught school ten yeag. Admitted to the bar. Cum. Pres. Sem'. Grad., 1901. Ser. in C. P. Churches till 1904. Auburn, 1905-6. G. p. 7. Hostetler, Harvey. B. Somerset, Pa., Feb. 13, 57. Un. of Iowa., B. A., 81. U. T. S., of N. Y., 84. Lie, May, 84, Waterloo Pres. Ord., Oct., 84. Pres. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Vail, 84-90. Sioux City Second, 90-97. Pres Buena Vista Col., 97-1900. Council Bluffs, Second, 1900—. G. p.p 12, 88, 107. Howe, Charles Marion. B. Girard, Pa., Mar. 21, 42. U. of Iowa, 67. Aub. Sem. 2 years, McC. 1 year. Ord., Nov. 17,71. Pres. Waterloo. Ser. Eldora and Point Pleasant, 72-9. Janes- ville, 80-6. Dysart, 87-9. New Mex., 90-93. Pasadena, Cal., 94-6. D. Mch. 2, 97. Age 55. "A cultured gentleman of the Old School. A good preacher, a pains-taking, patient, pastor. Sweet and spiritual in his motives. A very precise man in his methods." T, S. Bailey. 202 HISTORY. Howe, Samuel Storrs. B, Shoreham, Vt.. June 20, 08 M. C, 29. And. Sem. (1) Ord. Pres. Chemung, May 6, 41. Sen New York State, 38-49. Iowa City. la., 49-51. Sec. 52-3. S. S. Franklin. 56. Scott, 59. Prof. I. C, 61. Scott and Atalissa, 63. Pres. Miss., 67-8. Ed. Temp. Journalist. "Literary Advertiser," "Annals of Iowa," Mostly, W. C. H R., 81-8 Mem. G. Assembly, 81. Convener of Synod of Iowa, 81. D. Oct., 24, 88. Hoyt, James A. Lie, Pres. Waterloo, 68. Ser. Laporte City, 69-71. Disappears. Hubbard, Joseph Welton, D. D. B. Geneseo, N. Y., May 11, 27. Hamilton C, 50, A. B. 53, A. M. Harvard U. L. L. B., 52. Lawver, New York, 2 years. Buena Vista and Lenox, D. D., 1906. Un. T. Sem., '54-5. Prin. T. S., 5,5-7. Grad. Lie, Pr. N. York., 56. Ord, Pres. West Jersey, Aug. 5. 57. Ser. Sec. Ch., BridgBton, N. J., 57-65. Cape May, N.J. 65-7. LeRov, N. Y., 67-9. Dayton, N. J., 70-5. President N. Illinois Col., 75-7. Cong. Ch., Dewitt, la., 77-9. Wilton and Sugar Creek, 79-83. Knoxville, 8.3-9. Mechanicsville, 89-96. Linn Grove, 96-99. H. R. Mount Vernon. la.. Stated Clerk. Pres. W. Jersey. Genesee, and Cedar Rapids. Mem. Gen. Assemblies. 61, 75, 95. Author of "History of the Presby- terian Church in Iowa, from 1837 to 1900." Pub. 1907. Was thrice married: To Olive S. Carrier, 1850, Rebecca B. Mc Bride, 1858. Laura B. Smith, 1888. Survivors of seven chil- dren: Joseph D., Prin. Univ. 81, Lawyer in Chicago: Louis M. European Schools 4 years, and Franz Liszt, President South Carolina College of Music, Greenville. S. C. G. pp. 17, 88. Hudson, John. B. Lexington. Ky.. 1800. T. U., 1818. Pr. T. S., 21. Ord. , Pres. West Lexington, 24. Ser Ky., O.. Tenn., till 47. Muscatine. la., 47-9. High Prairie and Branch, 49-52. W. Lilierty, 53. Sugar Creek, and Wap- sinonock, 54-5. Sugar Creek, 55-8. Cedar Valley. 58-68. Fairview, 59-61. Unity, 60-1. D., Keota, May 25, 91. G. p. 71. Huendling, Leubke, D. D. B. Germany. Dub. Sch., 76. McC. T. S., 79. Lie, Pres. Dubuque. Ord., Ft. Dodge. Ser Wheatland. Ger.. Breda, 79-81. Inst. Dub. T. S., 81-3. Wheatland. Ger.. and Emman, Ger., Breda, la., 84-92. W. Ger. and Em., 93-9. 1900, W, G. only. Breda. la., 1906. Hughes, Daniel. L. D. D. B. Cold Spring, N. J., 20. Jef Col. B. A., 40. W. and J. C, D. D., 90. Prin. T. S., 43. Lie., Pres. West Jersey. Ord., Pres. Huntingdon. Ser. Pa. till 57. Glenwood, la., 57-64. Des Moines, 64-6. Tipton and York, 66-9. R. R. Miss., 69-70. Yankee Grove, 70-4. Big Grove, 70-77. Dysart, 76-9. Tranquility. 79-85. Salem. 82-5. Eldora, 86. ' Petersburg, Pa., 87-91. H. R., D. Lake Charies, La., Feb. 20, 1902. Hughes, Richard Cecil. B. :Springdale, O. Nov. 10, 61, W. U. O., 84. Prin, T. S., Grad. Ord., Pres. Council Bluffs, May 87. Ser. Sidney, 87-91. 92-6, Prof. Tabor C. Pres., 91-6. Dis. to Assoc, of Cong. Chs.. 97. Hughes, Robert J. Lie, D M.. Pres., 77. Ser. Adel and Waukee, 77-88. Guthrie Center. 89. D.Nov. 11,89. Age 44. Hughes, Melancthon. B O. Sep. 19. 43. Mi. U., 64. Prin. Sem., 67. Ord., Ev. June 21, 68. Pres. Mo. River. Ser Neb. and Utah. 67-70. Atlantic and Avoca, 70-3. D. Santa Fe, N. M.. Nov. 18, 73. Hughes, William Jr. B. Wales. Wab. C. B. A., 78. M. A., 82. Lane T S., 87. Lie, 80. Ord., 81. Pres. S. Dak. Ser S. Dak., Wise, la. Oxford. 84-5. Baker City, Or.. 1900. BIOGRAPHICAL. 203 Hummer, Michael. Ind. C. Ind. Prin. T. S.. 30 (1). Ord.. July 18. 34, Pres. CrawfordsviUe. Sen Ind. and 111. till 39. Davenport 1st, 40. Round Prairie, 41. Iowa City, 42-7. Washington. 48. Kan., Mo. Business. While in service he was active and self-sacrificing. A financial difference with Iowa City Ch. he tried to settle by capturing the bell. We let the Poet Laureate of the day tell the story; and we assure the reader that it contains quite as much truth as poetry. HUMMER'S BELL. In the Presbyterian church, pretty high up in the steeple. Hung a loud-sounding bell, to call together all the people. That bell was held in high esteem by all who knew its sound; It rang so loud it could be heard for many miles around. The mini.ster who labored there did not exactly suit; The people thought they'd let him slide, but he was rather cute. He did not get his salary for which they had agreed; And he was bound to have it — and he knew he could succeed. For he had formed a plan which to Margrave he did tell; He would ascend that steeple and let down that handsome bell. So he mounted a long ladder, and climbed through the steeple door. And soon the bell came rushing down, and landed on the floor. Then followed fast his trouble, for the ladder was taken away, And he was up in the steeple, and there he had to stay. And there he preached a sermon — far louder than before; Some said he threatened vengeance, and others said he'swore! For Vanfieet had sent a wagon, and the bell was loaded in; And the driver never reckoned he'd committed any sin. He took the bell to a rapid stream, and sank it very deep. And there for months the bell remained while Hummer was left to weep. In due time the bell was resurrected by a man who had turned Mormon; and was carried to Salt Lake City, where it did service on the prix'ate school house of the Mormon prophet. The failure to get satisfaction left the church in silence, but filled the preacher with noisy wrath. Years later he said: "That bell, that bell! I yet shall ring that bell through heaven, earth, and hell." You see he was himself something of a poet. Leaving I. C. he was S. S. at Washington in 1848. finally de- posed for a complication of errors, and died in Wyandotte, Kan. in 79. Moral: Settle up with the minister. Hunt, Charles R. Ph. D. Ap. in 90. Ser. Colfax. 90-1. Keota, 93. Pa., 94-8. Eldora, Owassa, Cedar Vallev, 99-00. Burke ville, Ky., 190.5. Hunter, Thomas K. D. D. B. Ashland, O. Vermi'l Inst., SO. Dan\ille T. S., 83. Lie, 82. Ord.. 83, C. Bluffs. Ser. Griswold. 83-8. Villisca. 96-00. Omaha, Neb., 1905. Hutchison, Hugh. Has LeClaire and Princeton. .54-.5. D. member of Cedar Presb.. .5.5 or .56. Hutchison, Arthur L. D. D. B Pa. Studied Theol. privately. Lie, and Ord. 83. by Synod Luth. Ch. Rec, by Pres. Chicago 84. Ser. Lansing, 84-91. Ore., Wash. Tacoma. Hutchinson, John C. Ph. D. B. O. Miam. Un.. .56. Mon. T. S., 61. Lie, 61. Ord.. 63, U. P. Pres. Monmouth. Prof. Mon. Col., .59-90. Acting Pres. for a time. Rec, bv Pr. Sioux City. 91. Ser. Prof. Buena Vista Col., 91-3. and 9.5-9. Larrabee,'93-5. Address Monmouth 111., 1906. 204 HISTORY. Hutchison, George A. Mar. C. 62. Prin. T. S., 62-3. Ord., ? Ser. 111,67-9. West Point, 69-70 Ind., Wis., Neb., Kan., Colo. San Bernardino, Cal., 1904. Idsinga, Bernardus H. B. Elburg, Netherlands. Lie, 71. Ref. Ch. Netherlands. Ord., Cong. Council of Winnebago, 74. P. Holland Cong. Ch.. Alto. Wis., 74-8. Rec. Ft. Dodge Pres. 78. Ser. Hospers and East Orange 78-80. Wis. 81-1906. Ilsley, William Henry. B. Montg. Co., 111. Blackb. U. B. A., 73. M. A.. .S2. Stud. Theol. Blk. U. 111. Lie, Pres. Alton. 73. Ord. Pres. Platte, 73. Ser. St. Joseph, Mo., 73-4. Hopkins, Mo., 74-80. Carlvle. 111., 80-3. Elgin, 111., 83-6. Macon, 111., 86-94. Agt. Coe College. 94-6. Grand Junction, and Dana, 96-8. Leon, 99-03. Wyoming, la., 1903—7. vSoldier in U. S. Army. 61-4. His regiment, Ninth 111. Inf., represented in 110 battles or skirmishes. Innes, John W. D. D. B. Brookdale, Ontario. Mon. Col. 111. B. A. McC. T. S., 92-4. Prin. T, S., 94-5. Lie, 95, Pres. Cedar Rapids. Ord.. 96, Pres. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Algona, 96-7 Nevada, 97-9. Monticello, 1900-1907. G. p. 51. Israel, George R. Rec. from Pres. Ser. Janesville, 89-97. Dis. to Pres. Ref. Ch. Brooklyn, 1905. Newark, Oct. II, 88. Newark. In Dvitch Jack, Hugh, D. D. B. Portglenone, Ire. Stud. Royal U. Ire. Auburn T. S., 93. Lie, and Ord. Pres. Geneva, 92. Ser. Neveda, 92-3. Westminster Ch. Des Moines, 94-6. Dexter, 96-8. Des Moines Westminster, 99-1903. Peoria, 111., 1904-7. G. p. 25. Jackson, Sheldon, D. D., LL. D. B. Minaville, N. Y., 1834. Un. Col., 55. A. B., and D. D., 97. Han. C. D. D., 74. Rich. C. O., LL. D., 97. Prin. T. S., 58. Lie, 57. Ord., 58, Pres. Albany. Mv. to Choctaws, 58-9. H. M., La Crescent, Minn.. 59-64. Rochester., Minn., 64-9. Sup. H. Miss., West Territories, 69-70. Sup. Wyo., Col., N. M., Ariz., Utah, Mont., 70-82. U. S., Gen. Agt. Education in Alaska, 85-1907, Mod. G. Assembly, 97. Swept over Iowa, and established several churches, but did not stop long enough to be enrolled in our S)'nod. G. p. 104. Jacob, Prosper Hubbard. B. Berkshire Co. Mass. Oct. 30, 08. F. C, 43. W. T. S., 44-6. Lie, 46. Ord., 46, Pres. Redstone. Ser. McKeesport, Pa., 46-51. Coshocton, O., 51-5. Knoxville, I., 55-73. Dallas Center, 73-4. Infirm. H. R. at Knoxville till death D. Sept. 14, 86. Chaplain with Iowa Volunteers during the Civil war. G. p. 6. James, David W. M. D. Ord. April. 24, 70, Pres. Winona, Ser. Steaml)oat Rock. Grundy Center, 76. Greene, 78. Ply- mouth, LeMars, 79-86. Oregon City, Ore., 1906. Janes, Justus L. (N. S.) Wvoming, 69-70 W. C, 71-2. Age 64. From Grand River Pres. Ser. D. at Floyd, la., Oct. 4, 72. Jeffries, Winfield Vance. B. O. Wo. Un. 82. A. M., 85. Boston U. Div. Sch.. 85. Ord., Pres. C. Bluffs in 86. Ser. Malvern, la., 86-91. El Paso, 111., 1900. Morrison, 111., 1906. Jenkins, Daniel E. Ph. D. B. Flintshire, Wales. 1866. U. Melbourne, Aus. A. B., 89. M. A., 91. Melbourne T. S, BIOGRAPHICAL. 205 88-9. Prin. T. S., 91. Ord. Pres. Chester, 91. Ser. P., New London, Pa., 91-96. Pres. and Prof. Philos. Parsons Col., la., 96-1901. Prof. Omaha T. S., 1901-7. Omaha, Neb. Jenkins, Hermon, D., D. D. B. Columbus, O., 42. Hamilton, Col. N. Y., B. A., 64. Beloit Col. Wis., D. D., 81. Stud, Auburn T. S., 64-5. Un. T. S., N. Y., 67. Stud, abroad, 67-8. Lie, 66, Pres. New York. Ord., 68, Pres, Chicago. Ser. P. Cent. Ch. Joliet 68-73. Freeport, 111., 73-89. Sioux City 1st, 89-95. Kansas City, 2nd, 95-1900. Riverside, Chi- cago, 1901-7. Jenks, George M. From Pres. Galena and Belvidere. Ser. Centerville, la., 71-2. D. Aug. 26, 72. Jennings, C. P. (N. S.) From Pres. Cincinnati, Bur- lington 2nd, 55. W. C, 56. Ind., 111., Ind., Shelbyville, 69, Last appearance. Jennings, William H. Licentiate Des Moines Pres., in 71. Ser. Maynard, Sl-4. Kan, Dak., 85, 190G. Jewett, Sylvanus. B. O., 09. H. C, 37. W. T. S. 37-9. Prin. T. S., 39-40. Ord. Pres. Chillicothe. Ser. O., 111., O. till 66. Tea. Farlev, S. S. Epworth, 66-7. Tea., 68-9. Rock Creek, 71. D. Jan 12, 72.. Johnson, Asa. B. South Deerfield, Mass. Feb. 13, 1802. Union C. N. Y., 27. Ord., 30. Gen. Cong. Consociation. Ser. Mo., O., Ind., N. Y., till 57. Adel, la., and neighboring chs., 57-67. H.R. D. Marshall, Mich., Aug. 15, 91. Johnson, Jerry. Lie, 98. Pres. Dubuque. Ord. Apr. 18, 99, Dubuque. Summit, 1900. St. Louis, Mo., 1906. Johnson, Samuel M. B. Ind. Pars. Col., 81. McC. T. S., 84. Lie, 83. Ord. 84, Pres. Council Bluffs. Ser. Corning, 84-7. Org. Corning Acad, in 85. Denver, Chicago. Charlotte, N. C, 1900. Johnson, Silas. B. Greene Co. Pa., Dec, 31, 21. Martins- burg Acad. W. T. S,, 46-9. Lie, 48. Ord. Oct. 2, 49, Pres. Marion. Ser. Mt. Gilead, Bucyrus. Worthington, O. till 61. Oskaloosa, la., 62-7. Indianola, 67-79. Leon 79-84. H. R D. Ap. 18, 87. G. p. 71. Johnston, Howard Agnew. Ph. D., D. D. B. Green Co. O., U. of Cine O., B. A., 82. Wo. U. O. Ph. D., 89. Pars. C. la., D. D., 94. Lane T. S., 85. Lie, 84. Ord., 85, Pres. Cincinnati. Ser. Cincinnati, O. 7th, 84-90. Central, Des Moines, 90-3. Chic. 41st St., 93-8. Madison Av., N. Y., 99- 1906. Mod. Synod of Iowa, 93. Lecturer in India. Johnston, John L. B. Oskaloosa, la., Hillsdale C. Mich., B. A., 84. McC. T. S., 88. Ord., Pres. Duluth, 88. Ser. Ava, 111., 88-91. Adel, 91-2. In Mich, till 1900. Dis. to Cumb. Presb. Johnstone, William W. B. Edgington, 111. Aug. 4, 66. Lake. F. U., B. A., 88. M. A.. 92. McC. T. S.. 91. Lie, 90. Ord., 91, Pres. Rock River. Ser. Geneseo, 111.., 91-4. Tipton, la., 94-9. River Forest, 111., 99-1906. 63. Jones, Daniel. (N. S.) At Keokuk, 46. Mich., 54. Ind., 206 HISTORY. Jones, John D. From Prt's. Utica. 71. Ser. Columbia and Plymouth, 71-2. Intrans,. 73. H. R. D. 76. Pella, la. Jones, John L. B. Wales Mayl, 29. Aub. Sem., 60. Ord.N Oct. 8, 61. Ser. New York, 61-73. Villisca, 74-9. Essex and Imogene, 81-2. Cazenovia, N. Y. D. June 12, 9.5. Jones, John M. B. Pa. lune 3, 21. Wash. C, 51. W. T. S., .55. Lie, 55. Ord., .5'7, Pres. Cedar. Ser. Walcott and Blue Grass, 57-61. In Pa, 62. H. R. D. Sep. 16, 97. Jones, John Rees. B. in England. Park C. B. A., 90. M. A., 95. Om. T. S., 95. Ord., 95, Pres. Omaha. Ser. Manilla, 9.5-6. S. D., Cal. Last appears. Redding, Cal. 1903. Jones, Owen. B. in Wales. Univ. London, B. A., 72. M. A., 79. Ord., 77, Svn. N. Wales. Ser. In Wales, 7.5-87. O., 87-8. Manchester, la., 88-9. P. Welch. Oakland, Cal., Seattle, Wash., 1906. Jones, Robert J. B. Albany, N. Y. Wms. Col., B. A., 69. Newburg T. S., 72. Lie, 71. Ord., 74. Pres. Albany. Ser. In N. Y. and 111. till 86. Janesville, 87. Now Gaines, Mich. Jones, Williston. (N. S.) Appears in 50. Ser. Cedar Rapids, 1st, 50-6. Iowa Falls, 57-64. D. Nov. 27, 65. Age 51. Mem. Pres. of St. Louis at his death. "He was wont to scour the Cedar Valley with his mules, wearing out a span or two every year. Was ne\'er satisfied if he did not see sinners converted all the time. He went straight from a protracted meeting to his Savior, with these words on his lips: "Mav they all be converted" — Samuel Storrs Howe. For what he did for Cedar Rapids and Coe College see the story of Coe College. Jordan, William H. D. D. B, Vinton, Mar. IS, 66. Coe. C, 91. McC. T. S., 94. B. D. Lie, 93. Ord. June 19, 94. Pres. Waterloo. Ser. Morrison, 94-6. Grundy Center, 96-1901. Carroll, 1902.-6 G. pp. 46, 51. Junkin, Benjamin O. B. Pa.. 26. Jef. C, 55. W. T. S., 58. Lie, 57. Ord., 60, Pres. Clarion. Ser. O., Pa., till 69. Dexter, la., 70-1. Penn. and Cal. H. R. Los Angeles, Cal. D. Oct, 11, 99. Kadletz, Adolph. B. Austria. Omaha T. S., 96. Lie, 95. Ord., 96, Pres. Omaha. Ser. Ref. Bohem., Saratoga, 97. Minn., N. Dak. Res. Westhope, N, D. Kain, William M. (N. S.) B. O. Ord., .59. N. S. Pres. Des Moines. Ser: H. Miss, in Iowa, Missouri. Pa., and Ohio for 25 years. Ser. in la. Panora, 59-60. Union^'ille, 61-2. Ash- tabula, O., 1906. Kalohn, Augustus. B. in Prus. Dub. Sem., 89. Lie, 88. Ord., Ap. 17, 89, Pres. Dubuque. Ser. Ramsay (Ger- niania), 88-90. So. Dak. Bay, Mo., 1906. Kaye, A. Cato. B. Manchester, Eng. Owen's C. Vic. Un. Ord., 82, Ontario Cong. Asso. Ser. N. Y. and Mich. till 87. Jefferson, la., 88-99. Dis. to Cong. Assoc, 1900. Kaye, James R. Ph. D., LL. D., B. Woodstock, Ont. Bloomington, U. Ph. B., S3. P. G. Wis. U. Lawrence U. Ph. D., 94. Chic. T. S., 85-6. Ord. Nov. 15, 87. 111. C, Asso. Cong. Church. Ser. in 111. and Wis. till 94. Lyons, la.., 95-7. Prof. Greek, N. 111. C. W. C, 98. Traveled in Holy Land. In 111., 99-1900. BIOGRAPHICAL. 207 Kaye, John B. B. Lancashire, Eng. Cong. Institute Eng., 68. Ord., Oct, 14, 68. Ser. Cong, churches in Eng. to 83. in Mich., 83-9. Manchester. la., 89-93. In Mich, 93-06. Kean, William F. B. Westmoreland Co. Pa. Sep. 9, 15. Jef. C. 49. W. T. S., 48. Lie. Pres. Blairsville. Ord., Oct. 49. Pres. Allegheny. Ser. In Pa. till 64. Dom., Miss. Col. City and Ononwa, la., 69-70. Pa., 73-82. D. Oct. 23. 86. Kearns, Carl E. B. Linn County, la. May 13, 76. Coe Col. 99. McC. T. S., 1902. Ord. Pres. Cedar Rapids, Apr. 16, 1902. Miss, to Korea. Ser. Sven Chyun. Ko., 1902.-7 Bap. over 1000 converts in 1906. G' p. 8. Kearns, J. Edmund. B. Lewiston, Pa. Dec. 4, 35. Jef. Co., 62. Ord. Pres. Huntingdon, 66. Ser. In Pa till "79. Morning Sun, la., 79-86. Ind., Kan., 86— D. Dec. 16, 94. Kearns, William H. D. D. B. [uniata. Pa. Pars. Col. A. B., 88. McC. T. S, 91. Lie, 90. "Ord., Ap., 91, Pres. I. City. Ser. Dav. 2nd. 91-4. Cherokee, 94-7. Jerseyville,Ill., 97. Beatrice, Neb., 1906. Keeler, August Caesar. Ord. Sep. 9. 78. M. E., Conf. of Iowa. Rec. Sept. 22, 86. Ser. Battle Creek, 87-90. Rolfe and Gilmore City, 91-3. Norton, Kan, 94. H. R. D. Aug. 3, 1902. Age 53. Keeley, Horace C. B. Pa. Mar. 3, 60. W. R. U., 84. U. T. S., 84-7. Ord. Pres. Kan. City, Nov. 16, 87. Ser. Osceola, Mo., 87-90. Storm Lake, la. 90-2. Ind. till 95. Millville, N. Y., 95-6. Keigwin, Albert N., D. D. B. Ind. Feb. 20, 40. Han. Col., D. D., 96. Prin. T. S., and Danv. T. S. Lie, 65. Ord., 67. Pres. Rock River. Ser. Fulton, 111., 66-8. Lyons, la., 68-9 Cedar Rapids, Sec, 69-71. Philadelphia, 72-8. Wilmington, Del., 78— P. Em. of Wilmington, Del. New York City, 1906. Army experience: Cap. Co. D., 26th Kv. V. I. and A. A. Gen. U. S. Army. 61-3. Keith, Lewis E. B. Martin.sto\vn. Pa. W. and ]. C, 86. W. T. S., 89. Ord. Oct. 20, 89. Pres. Butler. Ser. In W. Virg. and O .till 96. Menlo, la., 96-1900. Ohio. 1906. Kelley, William H. B. Mass. Wms. C, 80. Aub. T. S.. 84. Ord. A]ir. 30,84. Pres. Columbia. Ser. in N. Y. till 94. Burt, la., 94-5. New York, 96, What Cheer, 1906 — Kellogg, Hiram Huntington, D. D. (N. S.) B. Clinton. N. Y. Feb. 26. 1803. Hamilton. C, 22. Aub. T. S. 26. Ord. Pres. Oneida, 27. Ser. Founder and Prin. of Female Sem. CHnton N. Y., 33-9, and 47-61. First Pres, Knox Col. 111. 39-45. Marshalltown, la., 66-7. Org. Churches. Helped the weak, Ser. Guthrie and Dexter. 70-5. D. Mt. Forest, 111.. Jan. 1, 81. Had 6 sons and 5 daughters. One dau.. Miss. Am. "I3d. One son, H. H. Jr., in ministry. Kellogg, Hiram H. Jr. B. Galesburg, III. 23, 42. During College period was in the 86th 111. Vol. Hamilton College 66. Aub. T. S. 69. Ord. July 14.69. Ser. In Iowa organizing and serving churches, 69-71. Returned to N. Y. Vernon Center. 1906. Kendrick, William. (N. S.) B. Ky., 24. Occi, Col. U. T. S., 5S-9. Ord , 57, Cong. Ser. H. Miss., Ky., 59-60. 208 HISTORY. Montrose, la., 61. Leon and Decatur, 62-3. Sharon, 64-5. Am. B. S., in Iowa, 66-8. Moulton, 68-72. In Mo., Kan., I. Ter., and Kan., till 93. D. Wichita, Kan., June 4, 93. Kennedy, Joel. B. St. Anns, Can., 16, W. R. C. 49. Ord., Pres. of Niagara, .54. Ser. Middleport, ,52-4. Niagara City, 55-7. Chs. in Mich. 60-7. Mo, till 80. In Iowa. Avoca, 81-2. Shellsburg. 88. Ev., 88-92. Ann Arbor, Mich.,' H. R. D. July 23, 1902. Age 86. Kerr, Joseph. (N. S.) B. N. J., Feb. 4, 05. J. Col., 30. W. T. S., 33. Lie, 33. Ord., 33, Pres, Ohio. Ser. In Ohio, till 54. Round Prairie, 54-6. Col., 57-79. H. R., 80-3. D. Chicago, Apr. 11, 91. Kidd, David D. Reed, by Pres. C. Rapids, Apr. 24, 89 from Cong. Assoc, in Minn. Ser. Delmar and Elwood, 89. Florida, in 90. Dropped from roll of Pres., S. Florida, in 1902, Kenyon, Fergus L. B. Scotia ,N. Y., Dec. 4, 33. Col. N. J.. 59. Ord., Pres. Newark, Aug. 2, 64. Ser. Newark and East Orange. N. [., 61-6. Elyria, O., 67-70. Mo., 70-8. Cong. Ch. Iowa City, 70-85. Prin.'Ft. Dodge, 86-91. Laying foundation for Buena Vista Col. Albion, 111., 92. Cong. Ch. Kephart, William G. (N. S.) Ap. at Yellow Springs (Kossuth), 67. Ser. Y. Springs, 67. Cheyenne, Wyo., 70. Atlantic, la., 73-6. W. C, 3 years. Pilot Grove, 80. W. C, 81. Tea., 82. Casey and Adair, 83-5. Atlantic, Evan., 86-7. H. R. D. May 29, 94. Age 77. Kier, Samuel M. Ap. 68. Ser. Liberty, 68-9. Col. Springs, 71-6. Leighton and Olivet, 77. Neb., 78. D. Dec. 24, 88. Age 63. King, Obadiah J. B. Pa., Nov. 25, 22. Wash. Col., 43. W. T. S., 49. Lie, 49. Ord., 49, Ser. In Ohio and Pa., till 50. In Iowa., Ft. Madison and Charleston, 50-2. Acting Prof., Des Moines Col. Keosauqua, 62-7. W. C, 68-9. Prospect, and Chequest, 70-2. Moulton, 74. To Kansas in 75. H. R. D. Jan. 4, 92. Kerr, Aaron H. B. Wash. Co., Pa., Ap.. 1, 19. Jef. Col., 43. W. T. S., 46. Lie, 46. Ord., Apr., 47, Pr. Lake. Ser. Ind. till 51. Dubuque, 51-6. Prof. Alexander Col. In Minn., and N. Dak. D. Feb. 28, 90. Chap. 9th Minn. Vol., 62-5. Kerr, J. Horner. B. Pa., Apr. 3, 47. Laf. Col., B. A., 68. W. T. S., 72. Lie, 71. Ord., May 1, 73, Pres. Carlisle. Ser. Pa., and N. Dak. Casey, la., 94-8. W. C, N. Chicago, 98— King, Samuel Henry. B. Ft. Wayne, Ind., Apr. 28, 61. Bl. Un., 84. McC. T. S., 2 years. Ord., May 31, 87, Pres. Red River. Minn, till 91. Alaska, 91-4. Perry, 94. Sey- mour and Promise City. 95-9. Supt., Des Moines, 1900. South Bend, Ind., 1906. King, Solomon N. Ap. in 74. Ser.: Big Grove, 74. Fairfax^tand Ely, 78-82. Neb. for a time. D. at Vinton, May 9,^92. Age 59. BIOGRAPHICAL. 209 Kinnaird, R. H. Danville Soiniiiary, in 62. Lie. in 64, Pre.s. iif Iowa(?) Ser. Ft. Madison, Union, 65-6. Kentucky in 67. Kirk, James. B. in Ireland, Nov. 22, : Tea. t)r(i.. |uno 2, 58. Pres Cedar. Ser. Prairie. 5,S-6'l. Penn. D. Jan. .30, 95. Prin. T. S., -14. Vinton and Sand Kiser, Aaron Elsworth. B. Wilton, la., Dec. 1, 65. P. Col., 92. Prin. T. S., McC. T. S., Ord., 95, Pres. Corninu;. Ser. Hamburg, 9.5-S. State Center, 99-1904. Malvern. 1905. G. p. 88. Kliebenstein, Ludwig. B. in Gerni;inv. Oiili. .Sem,, 61 Lie, 61. Ord., SeiJ., 27 61, Pres, Diiliut|ue. Ser.: liulTalo, German, 61-4. St. Peters E\:in., 65-S4. West Friesland, .S5- 1905. II. R. Dubuque. 1906. Knell, Henry. Lie. in 71. Ser.: Waukon, in Duhuciue, 7.S, D. Sep. 30, 78. Age Xi. -7. Prof. Knight, Hervey B., D.D. B. New Castle, Ohio, |uly 20, 41. W. and J. Col., 64. W. T. S., 67. Lie, 66. Or"d.,'Ai)r. 14, 68, Pres. Iowa. Ser.: West Point, 67-9. Ottumwa, 69- 80. A-,'1. Fairlield, and Fin. Sec, 81-4. Prof. 85. Prof., 87- 93. See. Chicaa:o, 94-7. Ohio, 98. Fairfield, 99-1900. Tea. Pendleton, Ore., 1906. Georgetown, Col., 88-91. Colfax, la., 91-6. ington, Ky.. in 1906. Mo. and Kv. Lex- Knott, John W. B. Ind., March 26, 36. O. Wes. U. Tea. McC. T. S., 67. Ord., Oct. 67, Pres. Cedar. Ser.: Mechanicsville, 67-71. Wis. and 111., 71-84. Hcrmon, la., 8.5-8. In Mo.. 89. Pomerov, 89-90. Greenfield, 91-2. Neb., Mo., 111. lola. 111., 1906. Knox, Andrew King. B. Lime Stone, W. Va., Dec. 24, GO. W. and (., M. A., 88. Allegheny, Sem. (U. P.) and U. T. S. Ord., lune 13, 88, Pres. of Wheeling, (U. P.) Ser., E. Liverpool (U, P.), Ohio, 88-94. Mount' Vernon, la., 94-1906. Per. Clerk., Commissioner to General Assembly, from Pres. Cedar Ra])ids. ■ D. Oct. 29, 1906. Earnest, laborous, self-sacrific- ing, he battled four years with a deadly disease. On the morning of Oct. 28 he preached from the text, "Having done all to stand." He left the church at noon a dying man, and entered into the glorious rest at 2 o'clock of the coming night. How better could the good soldier of Jesus Christ triumph over death? Mr. K. was married June 14, 1886, to Estella Ault, who with the one son, William, are left to mourn their loss. G. p. 29. Knox, George, D.D. B. Newry, Pa., Feb. 7, 52. Prin. U., 76. McC. T. S . .SO. Ord.. Mav 15, 80, Pres. Ft. Dodge. Ser.: Clierokee, 80-4. Sioux City, '8.5-9. Monticello, Ind., 89-94. Indianapolis, 94-(). Vincennes, 96-1900. Lafayette, Ind., 1906. Mod. Svnod of Iowa. 87. G. ji. 26. Knight, William E. B. in Kentucky, 62. Center dil , K., 84. Lane T. S., 87. Lie, 87. Ord., 88, Pres. Denver. Ser. Knox, James. B. June 5, 1807. Carlisle, Pa. Dick- inson Col., 24. Un. Sem. Va. Prin. Sem., 27-3. Ord., Nov. 210 HISTORY. 21, 32. Ser. New Castle, Del., 32-4. Norwich, Ct., 36-9. Washington Second, D. C, 43. N. Y., 10th, 46-52. Tea. Sturgis, Mich., 53-9. Hillsdale, 60-1. Cedar Rapids 1st, 64-75. D. Delphos, Ohio, Oct. 10, 75. Married, Jan. 25, 60, to Miss A. F. Whitcford, who with a daughter survives. Cedar Rapids, la. G. p. 3. Kolb, Jacob. B. Germany. Stu. Alexandria C. Dubuque la., T. S. Lie. and Ord., 56, Pres. Dubuque. Ser., Waukon, 56-7. Muscatine, 57-61. Union and Rock Creek, la., 75-8. In Wis., Minn., Wis., 111., Kan. St. Paul, Minn., 1900-6. Koons, E. Wade. Son of Rev. S. E. Coe Col., 1900. Aub. T. S., Ord., Miss. Pyeng Yang, Korea, 1904-6. G. p. 102. Koons, S. Edwin. B. Starkey, N. Y., Starkey Sem. B. A., 76. Aub. T. S., 79. Lie, 78, Pres. Chemung. Ord., Oct. 5, SO, Pres. Syracuse. Ser. Ludlowville, N. Y., 79-80. Hannibal, N. Y., 80-88. La Porte City, la, 88-1903. Bronson, la., 1906. G. p. 31. Kramer, George. Lie, 98. Ord., Apr. Waterloo. Ser. Rock Creek, Ger., 1900-2. 18, 99, Pres. Kamrar, 04-6. Kroesche, August C. B. in Germany. North. 111. Normal. B. S., 93. Dub. T. S., 94. Ord., Apr. 19, 94, Pres. Freeport, Ser. Mt. Pleasant Ger., 94. Prof. Sci. and Math., Dull. Sem., 95. Muscoda, R. F. D., Wis., 1906. Kroesche, Fred. H. B. in Germany, Oct., 61. Dub. C. and Sem., 94. Lie, 93. Ord., Ap. 24, 94, Pres. Freeport. Ser. Bay, Mo., 94-7. Rock Creek, and Union, 97-1900. Shannon, 111., 1906. Krotzer, Marcus E. B. Rimersburg. Pa. Park C, Mo., 90-94. McC. T. S., 93. Lie, Apr. 13, 92: Ord., June 13, 93, Pres. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Manilla and Manning, 93-4. Delmar, 94-5. Mo., 96. 111., 1900. Kruse, Aiken C. B. Forreston. 111. Dub. Col., and Sem., 93. Ord., Apr., 93, Pres. Sioux City. Ser. Sibley, 92-6. Ram- say and Germania, 96-1900. Hastings, Neb., 1906. 58. Ser. 93-1905. Kudobe, Ernst. Licentiate. Lancaster, Wis. Wis., 58-77. Dubuque, Ger., 78-92. Stitzer, Wis H. R. Dubuque, 1906. Kuhn, Albert. Lie Pres. Dubuque, 98-9. St. Louis, Mo., 1900. Prof. Dubuque, 1905-6. La Grange, Samuel W. B. Franklin, Ind. Han. Col., 74. Dan. Sem., 77. Ord. Pres. Cedar Rapids. May, 78. Ser. Garrison and Big Grove, 77-9. 111., 80-2. Kan., 82-3. Minn., 83-1900. Lamb, Ellis W. Lie and Ord., as Evangelist, Pres. Cedar Cedar Rapids, June 25, 72. D. Marion, Apr., 27, 73. Age 28. Lamb, George C. B. Ind., 48. Wab. C, 68-71. Yale Som., 73. Lie, 74, Chic. Cong. Assoc. Ser. Ind., 73-4. 111., 74-6. Denver, 79-81. Marshalltown, 82-5. Boone, 86-93. Ida., Mich., Wis., Indiana. Connersville, Ind., 1906. Landis, Evan M. B. Pa. Prin. Un., 83-86. T. S., 86. Ord., May, 86, Pres. New Brunswick. Ser.. Colo., Kan., Mich., till 94. Avoca, 94-6. Randolph and Anderson, 96-7. Indian^Ter. Parowan, Utah, 1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 211 Langfitt, Obadiah T. B. March 11, 52. Fairview, W. Va. W. and Jef. Col., 79. W. T. S., 82. Lie, Apr., 81, Pres. Washington. Ord., Pres., Ft. Dodge, July 5, 82. Ser. San- born, 82-3. vStorm Lake, 83-4. West Liberty, 84-99. Maren- go, 99-1903. Married, Jan. 1.5, 85 to Ella V. King. One son, horn June 29, 87. Pipestone, Minn., 1903-6. Larimore, James W. Bladensburg. Md., 01-2. A., 03-5. Chicago, 111. 95. Age 00. B. O., Prin. T. S., 50. Ord.— Ser. Mt. Plea.sant, 02-3. Chaplain U. S. Ed. Tea. Prof., OG-87. D. May 30, Laughlin, Calvin E. B. O., Jef. Co., O., Sep. 17, 54. W. and J. C, 79. W.T. S.,82. Lie, 81. Ord., Pres. Ft. Dodge, Oct. 10, 83. Ser. Randolph, 82-3. Manning, 83-4. Len- ox and Platte Center, 85. D. Manning, la., June 28, 85. Ags 32. Drowned Platte river. Lawson, Orr, D.D. B. Lawsonham, Pa. Jef. C, 50-04. D.D., 78. W. T. S., 59. Ord., 59, Pres. Clarion. Ser. W. V 59-01. Pa., 01-80. S. Dak., 80-88. New London, la., 92-8 Evan. W. Liberty, 99-1900. LeClere, George F. B. Oswego, Co., N. Y., Oct., 11 45 Lenox C, W. T. S, 74-5. Ord., 75, Pres. Wisconsin River Ser. Wis., Dak., 74-80. Battle Creek. la., 84-5. Monticello, 86-7. Oxford and Union, 88. In Texas, 89—. Evang. Chili- cothe, Tex., 1900. I*m Lee, Jesse. Ap. Evang., Brighton, Mich., 80. Oxford and Union, 87. vScott, SS. Florida, 89-91. D. Jan. 2, 92. A-^e 62. J . . Lee, J. Ross. Licentiate, 89. Ord. Pres. Ft. Dodge, May 10, 90. Ser. Rockwell City, 90-2. D. Ida Grove, Feb. 14, 93. Aged 34. Leirer, John. Ap. Licentiate, OS. Ser.: Galena, 111., 70. Sherrill's Mound, 72-5. In Minn., 77-9. Lansing, Ger., 81-3. Sherrill's Mound, 83-8. H. R. Dubuque, 90 — . D. Dubuque, [an. 24, 90. Age 05. Lemme, Ferdinand G. Lie. Pres. Dubuiiue, Ser. Sherrill's Mound, 80-99. Dis. to Germ. 1900. Lemon, Alexander,. (N. S.) Ap., W. C, 00. D. Ripon, Wis., Nov. 15, 08. Apr. Ref. 22, 85. Classis, 58-60. Marengo, S.S. Age 55. Leonard, Aaron Lewis. B. Wash. Co., Pa., July 3. 12. Wash, C, 30. Sem., 39. Lie, Pres Columbus, 39. Ord., Pres. Des Moines, 41. Ser. Kossuth-41-6. Col. City and Craw- fordsville, 48-52. Home Miss., Iowa, 52-6. Cong. Chs., N. J., and elsewhere, 57. G. p. 71. Leonard, Albert S. Ph. D. Ap. Licentiate, 77. Ser. Brooklyn, 77-9. Kossuth, 83-6. Jacksonville, 111., 1900. Leonard, George E. W. (N. S.) Ap. Licentiate, 55. Ser. Pleasant Prairie, 50-00. Also Center Point, 60-6. Residence, Cedar Rapids, 07-74. Some supply work. D. May 23, 74. Age 46. Leonard, George W. B. Mich., Feb. 21, 40. Stud. Aub. N. Y. Aub. Sem., 71-4. Ord., Oct., 74, Dubuque, Pres. Ser. .Mount Hope and Union City, 74-7. Springville, Ut., 77. D. Nov. 26. 85. 212 HISTORY. Leonard, Josiah. (N. S.) B. in N. Y., Apr. 1.5, 16. Un. Col., .37. U. T., S. 40. Ord.. Oct., 40, Ser. Mexicoville, Oswego, Delhi. Maiden, N. Y., 40-56. Fulton, 111., 56-71. Garden Plain, 111., Albany, 111. Res., Clinton, la., 72-80. D. Feb. 22, 80. Father of Elder J. R. Leonard, of CHnton. Retainin.s; his connection with Rock River Presbytery, in spirit one with us, always ready to give free and willing service to our pastors and churches. Beloved by all. Leonard, William Barr. B. Kossuth, la., Feb. 7, 69. Pars. Col., 90-9.3. .\KC. T. S., 93. Ord., 93, Pres. Iowa. Ser. In Neb., and Okla. T. Beaver, Okla. T. Lewis, Hezekiah R. B. N. Y., Oct. 21, 21. Ashland, Acad. 1 year. Stinl. in ]irivate. Ord., March, 49, Cum. Pres. Ser. in'Cumb. Chs., till 54. Pres., Sprinigfield, .54. Ser. Chs till 60. Chap, in Army 4 years. In la., Bentonsport, 66-8. Bona- parte, 69-73. Kan., 74—. H. R., Wamcgo, Ks., 1906. Lewis, Thomas R. B. Pa., Sep. 19. 56. W. C, 79. W. T. S., 82. Lie. ,S1. Ord. Apr. 83, Pres. Council Bluffs. Ser. Shelby and Neola, S2-7. Kan.. 11 years. Evans C, Pa., 06. Liesveld, Jacob. B. Holland. Stud, under Rev. John Bantlcy. Lie, in 5."). Ord. by Germ. Pres. Ser. Wis., and 111., till 75. Malvern, 75-6. Ramsay, 76-81. Hospers, 82-6. If. R., S7. D. Hickman, Neb., July 7, 1903. Age 81. Life, George M. W. C, Va, 59. Un. Scm,, Va. Prin. T. S., 61. City Miss., Dub. Tea. W. C. till 84. Demitted Ministry, October, 8, 84. Light, Samuel. B. Ohio., Jan. 31, 57. Pars. C. SO. M. A. McC. T. S., 92. Ord., 92, Pres. D. M. Ser. Walseka, 111., 92-6. Conwav, and Sharpsburg, 96-8. Pender, Neb., 99-1900. Stuart, Neb., 1906. Lindsey, Edwin J. B. Carlisle, Pa., Sep. 18, 58. Dick. C, Pa., B. A., 85. U. T. S., 89. Lie, Pres. Carlisle. Ord.. Oct. 3, 89, Pres. Sioux City. Ser. Schaller and Early, 89-90. Miss, to Ind., Poplar, Mont., 90-1906. Lininger, Joel C. B. Greenville, Pa. Williams Col., Pa., 91. McC. T. S., 95. Ord., 95, Pres. Rock River. Ser. Hamlet, 111.. 94—. West Bend, Rodman, Ottosen, 99-1903. Chicago. 1906. Linn, Enoch B. B. Pi(iua. O. Knox C, 111., SO, 83. McC. T. S., 83. Lie, May 10, 82. Ord., Apr., 11, S3, Pres. Freeport. Ser. Carroll, 83-8. Albia, 89-1900. Des Moines, la., 1905. Linn, James Patterson. B. 70. W. and J. C, 95. Sem.— 10, 98, Pres. Washington, Ser. Ireton, la., 1905. G. p. 107. Shippensburg, Pa., Feb. 24, —and McC. 98. Ord., May EarU- and Nemaha, 99-1902. Linn, John M. B. Perry Co., Pa., Feb. 26, 42. W. and 1. C, 63, 67. Pr. T. S., 67. Tea. Hebrew, Prin., 67-8. Ord. Pros. Rock River, Ser.: Pa., and 111., till 93. President Buena Vista C, 93-5. Inwood, 96-9. Charter Oak., Colfax, Panora, Casey. 1900-5. BIOGRAPHICAL. 213 Linton, John C. B. Ireland, Mayo C, SO. Belfast C. S8 Prin. T. S., 89. Ord.. Prcs. Pembina, S9. Ser. N. Dak., and S. Dak., till 95. Hartley, 90-7. Cle'.,'horn, 98-1900. Flandreau, S. D., 1905. Lippincott, J. M. from 56. Lie. S.S.Ft. Des Moines. 54. Drops out Litherland, Alexander. B. Frendsville, 111. F. Sem., 80. Om. T.S.,97. Lie., 93. Ord., Pres. C. Bluffs, Sep. 23, 97. Ser. Neb., and Kan., till 95. C. Blufls, Second, and Hardin, Tp., 97-1900. Coeur D'Alene, Ida., 1905. Littell, Levi C. B. N. J, Amherst Ord., 69, Pres. Fort Wayne. Ser. Ind.. Dodge, 72-4. In 111., and Ind., till 1905. 49- W. T. S., 67. and 111., till 72. Fort W. C, Rushville, 111. Little, George L. (N. S.) Ap. in Council Bluffs, as Prof. 68-70. Ser. Newton, 71. Omaha, Neb., 72-83. D. Jan. 25, S3. Aged 54. Little, Joseph, B., D. D. B. Oxford, Ohio. Amherst B. A., 60. Pars. Col., D.D., 88. Lane Sem.. 63. Ord. Pres. Madison. Ser. My., N. Ohio. 63-9. Mankato, Minn., 69- 81. Adrian, Mich., 81-5. Davenport, 86-96. Shenandoah, 96-1900. Middlebury Ct., 1905. • Lloyd, George W. B. London, England,. Jan. 11, 21. Stud. pri\atelv. Ord.. Dec. 1, 57, Pres. Rockawav. Ser. N. J., Mich.,' Wis., till 75. Moingona, 7.5-83. N. Jersey. Branchville, N. J., 1905. D. Sep. 28, 1906. Lodge, George M. B. Pa., [une 11. 32. llan. C, 66. .\IcC. '1". S., 6S. Lie. (i7. Ord., Nov., 68, Pres. Bureau. Ser.: 111.. 6S-9 Mt. Vernon, 69-71. Blairstown, 71-5. 111., 76. Walnut 77-80. Shelby and Neola, 80-1. Bethel, 92-4. Wvoming. 94. Neb. Long Beach, Cal., 1906. Lombard, Charles M. B. Aub. T. S., 78. Ord. .March, Lyons, 79-S2. Red Oak, 82. 93. Spencer, Ind., 93 — . N. Y., Dec, 44. 80. Pres. Cedar Kossuth, 82-3. Union C. Rapids. Montrose, 65. Ser. 83- Loss, Lewis, H. (N shalllown, 64-5. D. July S.) From 111., 10, 65. Age 64. 63. Ser. Mar- Lowry, Joseph, (N. S) 54. Marenyo, 55-6. 11. Miss., Olin. 79-90.' W. C. D. Jan. 5 Lie. in 54. Ser. Toolsboro, 57—. Dubuque, 62-4. W. C. 91. Age 77. Luccock, George N. D.D. B. Kimbolton, Ohio, March 31. 57. Wo. U., 7.S. W.T. S., si. Lie, 80. Ord. Apr.. SI, Pres. Wooster. Ser. My. in Iowa. Emmett Co 1st, Pleasant Valley, Esthcrville and S])irit Lake, 81-4. Grand Juncti(m, S4-9. Rippey, 85-6. Dana, 86. Des Moines, Westminster, S7-91 Bloomington, Ind.. 92-4. Metropolitan Ch., Washing- ton D. C, 94-1902. Oak Park. Ill, 190.3-7. G. p. 32. Lummis, William D. F. A].. Fulton, 111. Prof. 73-5. Pres. Rock River Paton, la. Pres. Ft Dodge,u76-9. W. C. Susp. in 80. 214 HISTORY. Lyman, Frederick I. Bellevue C , 93. Om. T.S., 96. Ord. Apr. 2S, 96. Pvva. Council Bluffs. Ser. Woodbine. 96, with acceptance. Miss, to Petchaburce. Siam, 90-97. D. Julv 15, 97. Acre 30. Lyons, Walter L. B. in Ohio, Apr. 20. Tef. Col., 4S. W. T. S.,52. Lie, 54. Ord., 56. Pres. Cedar. Ser. Vinton 56-7. Winterset, 58-9. Pres, D. Miss, 6.5-78. Prairie, Farmer's Creek, Zion, 78-80. Renwick, Waterloo, and other points, SO-7. H. R., 91. D. Cincinnati, Ohio., Dec. 25, 1901. 'Minister of the Old School Type. Soinewhat slow, but al- ways faithful in spirit, and quite useful." T. S. Bailey. McAdam, William T., D.D. Ap. Colorado, in 74. Ser. Cherokee, 75-8. W. C. Cherokee, 79-80. Chap. Fts. Niobrara and Omaha, 81-9. H. R., Mt. Pleasant. D. Feb. 19, 93. Age 69. McAfee, Samuel L., D.D. B. Emerson, Mo., May 13, 41. P. C. Mo., 69. Aub. T. S., McC. T. S., 71. Lie, 69. Ord., 71, Pres. Mo. River. Ser.: Red Oak, 71-82. Malven,, S3-5. Principal Corning, 86-9. Parkville, Mo.. 89-1906. MacAllister, John, D.D. B. in Greenock, Scotland, Nov. 4, 42. McC. T. S., 79. Lie, 78. Ord., 79, Pres. Dubuque. Ser. Pine Creek., 81-2. Jesup. 83-5. Cherokee, 86-91. Mich., 92. Storm Lake, la., 93-1900. Acting Pres. Buena Vista C, 1 year. Mo. Valley, 1900-1906. Serv. efficient in manses and in union of Pres and Cong. Chs. of Storm Lake, and growth of the College. Married April 17, 79, Miss Isabella Hamilton. Five children: Mrs. I. C. Tabor, Indejjendence; vSarah, (deceased); Nellie, Maud and Donald. Mod. Synod of Iowa, 1906. G. p. 51. McAlmon, John A. B. County Armagh. Ireland, 1842. Knox C. Inst., B. A., 72, Toronto Univ. ' Prin. T. S., 75 Lie. Pres. New Brunswick, Ord., 75, Pres. Grey. Ser.. Canada till 87. S. Dak., 87-8. Alia, 89. Paullina, 89-91. Clifton, Corning and Vermillion, Kan, 92-1900. Volga, S. Dak., 1900. McArthur, John H. Rec. by Pres. Mankato in 95. Ser. Lu\crne, Minn., 95-6. Davenport Second, 97-8. Lake City, 1900-02. Hanover. Ind. 1903. McAulay, Kenneth J. B. St. Ann's, Nova Scotia. Pars. C, 92-5. McC. T. S., 95. Ord., 95, Pres. Iowa City. Ser. Crawfordsville, 95-9. Burt and Lone Rock, 1900. Springville, Iowa, 1906. Ill health. McAulay, Neal A., D.D. B. Englishtown, N. S., March 24, 54. McC. T. S., 86. Ord., 86, Pres. Iowa. City. Ser. Wilton and Sugar Creek, 86-1907. Stated Clerk Pres. Iowa City. Mod. Synod of Iowa, 1904. G. p. 88. McBride, James B. B. Bellefonte, Pa., 20. Tea. in Virg. Jef. C, 41-6. Wash. C, Tenn., M. A., 49. Un. T. S., Vir., 44. Lie, 44. Ord., 47, Pres. Orange. Ser. N. C, 44-7. Tenn., 48-55. New London, 57-60. Bentonsport, 61-2. C. Rapids, Second, 6.3-4. Princeton and LeClaire, 64-72. 111., 72-6. Princeton, 77-83. Bethel, S3-4. Ainsworth, Princeton, Wheat- BIOGRAPHICAL. 215 land, b)' turns, 85-93. Princeton, la. G. p. 37. Evang. 93-9. H. R. 1900-1906, McCalla, Albert, Ph.D. B. Bloominsiton, Ind., 46. Monm. C, 07-70. Ph.D., 85. Stu. McC. T. S., 67-9. Union, 70, Lie. 69. Ord., 70, Pres. Chicago. Scr. 111., N. Y., Kan., 69-75. Prof. Nat. Sc, Pars. Col., 75-86. Prof. Math, and Astr.. Lake Forest, 86-S. Chs. in Cal., till 93. Business, Chic, 93-1906. McCampbell, Charles T., B. Ind. Lie, 91. Ord., 93, Pres., Wash. Citv. Ser. : II. Miss. Ind.. 89-90. Bethel and Atalissa, 90-1. My. Am. S. S. U., Muscatine, 92-3. S.S. M., Pres. Board, 93-1900. Evan. Fairfield, 1905-6. McCandlish, William. B. Scotland, Sep., 12, 10. lef. C, 34. W. T. S., 3(i. Lie, 37. Ord., June, 39, Pres, Woosler. Ser. VVooster, O., 39-49. In 111., 49-57. Council Bluffs, 61-2. Neb. 1 year. Hartford, 66-7. Sigourney, 68. Ag., Bib. Soc, Omaha. D. Aug. 4, 84. Omaha. McCartney, Ernest L. B. Ohio, July 15, 70. Gen., C, ().,S9. \V. T. S., 89-90. U. T. S., 90-1" W. T. S., 91-2. Ord., Mav 3, 92, Pros. Pillsburg. Ser. Edgwood Park, 92-6. VW. Edinlnirg, 96-7. For. Travel, 97. Cedar Rapids, Central Park, 99-1900. Bridgewater, Pa., 1901. McCaslin, David S., D.D. B. Oskaloosa, 53. Han. Col., 75.-83. D.D. 93. U. T. S., 78. Lie, 78. Ord., 78, Pres. Muncie. Ser. Muncie, Ind., 78-83. Pullman, 111., 83-5. Huron. S. D., 8.5-90. Bethlehem, Minneapolis, 90-6. Bozeman, Mont., 96. C. Rapids, Second, 97-8. Ev., 99-1900. Hoopes- ton. 111.. 1900-7. McCaslin, W. Rollin. B. Salem, Or. Han. C, Ind., 93. McC. T. S., 96. Ord., 96, Pres. Bloomington. Ser. Rankin. 111., 9.5-7. Post Grad., U. Ch., 97. Rolfe, la., 99-1901. Tip- ton, 1904-6. McClean, Oliver O., D.D. B. Gettysburg, Pa., 16. W. C, Pa., 37. Gettysburg, M. A., and D. D., 69. Tea., 37-40. Theol. privatelv with Dr. R. S. Grier. Lie, 43. Ord., 44, Pres. Carlisle.' Ser. Pa., 44-59. Iowa City, 59-61. Lewistown, Pa., 62-84. Ev., 84. II. R. D. 1900. McCleary, Charles W. B. Crawfordsvillc, la., 67. Pars. C, 92. Prin. T. S., 95. Ord., 95, Pres. Iowa City. F. Miss. Africa, 9.5-05. D. 1904, at Elat, W. Af. G. p. 78. McClelland, A. Craig. B. Pa., Dec. 5. 15. J. C. 39. W. T. S., 45. Lie, 45. Ord., 47. Ser. Peru, Ind., 47-.58. Mt. Pleasant, 58-61. Pa., 61-9. Sec. Freedmen. Com., 60-80. D. Apr., 19, 80. McCane, Charles E. B. 52. Wo. Ser. Rockwell, 87-8. Kan., 88-92. posed, Apr. 18, 94. Pres. Corning. Un. McC. T. S. Emerson, 92-4. 87. McClelland, Adam, Ph.D., D.D. B. Belfast, Scotland, 33. De- School for blind. Hellast. Uni., City of New York. M. A., Ph. D., D.D. Un. T. S., 54-0. Pres., N. Y., Inst for Blind, 21G HISTORY. 5.5-S. Lie. .5(i. Ord., .58, Assoc. Ref.. Prcs., N. Y., Ref. Ch., Bronkl^^n. (became Pres. 59), Prof. Bib. and Ec. Hist., Dubuque Sem, .S.3-1905. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1900. McClelland, Samuel B. B. Pa., 50. Wo. U., O., B. A., 79. M. A., S2. W. T. S., 82. Lie. 81. Ord., 82, Pres. Wooster. Ser. Pomeroy, 82-3. Ashton, 83-4. Nob. and Minn., till 92. Grand Tunc, 92-4. Ida., and Mont., till 1905. Onslow, 1906. McClintock, John Calvin, D.D. B. near Carmichaels, Pa.. 43. VV. Col., B. A., 02. M. A., 65. Monmouth C, D.D., 88 W. T. S., 65. Lie, 65. Ord., 65, Pres. Iowa. Ser. Mt. Pleasant, 6.5-71. Burlington, 71-96. Sioux Citv, 96-1903. D. May 25, 1903. Married Oct. 4, 65, Miss Mary E. McKean. Stated Clerk, Synod of Iowa, 90-1903. Trustee Parsons Col. Buena Vista C. Director Omaha T. S. His son, Paul W.. Miss. Hainan. Wise in council, able as a preacher, personally Livable. G. p. 36, 106. McClintock, Paul W. B. Mt. Pleasant 89. McC. T. S., 92. Ord., 92, Pres. Iowa ary. Hoi How, Hainan. China, 92-1907. Ewing, daughter of Dr. T. D. Ewing, Sept la, 69. Pars. C, Foreign Mission- Married Rebecca 92. G. p. 79. McClung, John S. B. 111. 111. C, 64, B. A. McC T S . 67. Lie, 66. Ord., 67, Pres. Bureau. Ser. In. 111. and Mo. until 75. Sidney. 76-7. Kan. Wichita, 1906. McClung, William. B. Tenn. Marvvillc C, 92. McC. T. S., 96, Lie ,ind Ord., 97, Prcs. Des Moines. Ser. Earl- ham, 96-S. Cliii-ago, 'I'enn. Philadelphi;i. 1906. McClure, Edwin S. McC. T. S., 86. Ser. Lenox, 86-7. Red Oak, 87-9. Neb., 111. Drops from Assembly roll. McClure, Marcus P. Licentiate Iowa Pres., 98. B. Norlhficld, la. Pars. Col., 93. McC. T. S., 98. Ord., Oct., 98, Pres. Madison. Ser. Wis., 98-1905. Council Bluffs, 1906 G. p.. 20. McClure, Samuel T. B. Ind., 36. Han. C. 62. W. T. S.. 65. Lie, 65. Ord., 68, Pres. Neosho. Ser. Kan.. 65-78. Allerton, SO-l. Lyons, 83-5. Evan., 86-7. Topeka, Kans., 1906. McClure, William G. B. Ohio, 60. Pars. C, 83. McC. T. S., 86. Ord., 86, Pres. Iowa. F. Miss., Siam, 86. Petcha- buree, Siam. 1906. G. p. 79. McClusky, Edward W. B. Ohio. Wo 92. Lie, 91. Ord., 92. Pres. Iowa. Ser. 92-4. Geneseo, 111. St. Louis, 1906. Un. McC. T. S., Burlington, Hope McComb, David S. Ap. Oskaloosa. 51-3. Bethel and Greelv. 54-6. Algona, 57-67. Unity (Ft. D.) 68-72. Fern Valley, W. C., till 81. H. R., Rodman. D. June 12, 88. "An old-fashioned, faithful minister and missionary; always ready to make any sacrifice for the good of the cause. Preached and visited Sal)baths and week-days, whenever he had oppor- sunity." T. S. Bailey. McComb, James M. B. Oskaloosa, Jan. 9, 53. W. and T- C. 77. W. T. S., 81. Lie, 80. Ord., 81, Prcs., Kittanning. ,Ser. Sanborn and Paullina. 81-2. Miss., Lodiana. 82-1900. Chs. in Or., Ariz., Tex., Neb. Litchfield, Neb., 1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 217 McComb, Robert C. McC. T. S., 38. Ser. London, O., 53. Crawfordsville, 55. Ft. Madison, 5(). D. in 56. McConnell, Alexander W., D.D. B. Ohio. Frank. C, O., 83, 80. Lane T. S., S6. Lie, 85. Ord., 80, Pres. Ebenezer. Ser. Falmouth, Kv.. 80-9. Anamosa, 89-92. Wyoming, 92-3. West Bend and Rodman. 93-6. Coon Rapids, and Ded- ham. 97-S. Dos Moines, Clifton Heights, 99-1900. G. p., 54, 88. McConnell, Clarence J. B. Wis., Han. C, 92. McC. T. S., 95. Ord., 95, Pres. Sioux City. Ser. Schaller and Earlv, 95-8. Mich. Wis. Sujicrior Wis., 1906. McCormick, Samuel B., D,D., LL.D. B Irwin, Pa., 58. W. and ]. C, B. A., 80. M. A., 83. D.D., 97. Tea., 80-2. Law Stud., 80-2. Prac, 82-7. W. T. S., 90. Lie, 89. Ord., 90, Pres. Allegheny. Ser. Allee;hcny, 90-4. Omaha 1st, 94-7. Pres. Coe College, 97-1904. "Chan. Un., Pittsburg, Pa., 1904-7. G. p. 39. McCoy, John N. B. Pa., 49. Marietta C, 75. W. T. S., 79. Lie. 77. Ord., 80, Pres. Iowa. Sor. West Point, Sharon, Primro.so, 80-4. 111., Ohio, Pa. Marion Center, Pa. 1906. McCoy, William. Pars. Col. Local Evan., 99, Fairfield. F. Miss., Krugcrsdorf, Africa. 1906. G. p. 79. McCuistian, W. A. B. Served Yellow Springs Church in 50. D. before the N. S. AsscniMv of 51. McCune, Samuel C. B. Cumb. Co., Pa., Sep. 18. 14. J. C, 35. Stud Theol., Hano\er, Ind.. Ser.: Canton, 111., 41-51. Fairfield, 51-65. McVeyton, Pa., 66-9. Oskaloosa, 69-73. Canton, 111., 73-9. Osk., 79-82. LaRose, 111.. 82-4. Oska- loosa, 85-7. W. C. H. R., 90. D. Jan. 31, 92. Ever ready to serve the brethren and the churches. "I think of him as the iTiost eloquent and powerful preacher among our 150 'Men of the i)ast.' " J. M. McElroy. G. p. 71. McCune, R. Lewis. B. Pa., Nov. 26, 26. M. C, 48. W. T. S, 55. P. T. S., 56. Lie, 55. Ord.. Oct. ,56, Pres. East Alabama. Ser. Ala., 111., Pa., N. Y., till 72. Ham- burg, 72-3. Pa. D. Ajir. 3, 95. McCuskey, William H. B. W. Va., Jan. 31, 41. Stud. W. Alex., Pa, McC. T. S., 72. Lie, 7i. Ord., 75. Pres. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Missionary, 73-4. Plvmouth antl Mary- ville, 75-8. St. Charles, Madora, 79-82. In'Dak. till 87. Lime Spring, 88-9. Frankville, 90-6. Volga, 97-1903. Hopkin- ton, i906. McDermid, Duncan. First Ap., Shellsburg and Pleasant Hill. 75. Marengo, 77-8. Elm Grove, 79-80. In April. 81, withdrew from ministry and membership of the Presbyterian Church, to escape charges in Presb. of Iowa City. Sought ad- mission to Episcojial ministry, but was gently dissuaded by the Bisho]! of Iowa. McDonald, John McC. B. Pa., in .36. W. Alex. Acad.. 62. McC. T. S., 66. Lie, 65. Ord., GO, Pres. Winnebago. Ser. In Wis. ,66-9. Algona, 69-73. 111., Neb., Kan. Lincoln Nol)., 191)5. 218 HISTORY. McDonald, William H. P. B. Nova vScotia. Man. C, 4 years. San Fran. T. S., 9.5. Lie, 94. Ord., 9.5, Pres. Sacra- mento. Ser. Cal. till 99. Spirit Lake, 1900. Winterset, 1902. Cal. McElhinney, Samuel A. B. Pa., Oct. 1.5, 28. Col. N. J., 53. P. T. S., .57. May's Landins?, N. J., ,57-60. Tea., 60-4. Ord. Ev., Sep. 23, 66, Pres. Mo. River. Afton, 65-7. Bedford, 68-9. Mt. Ayr, 70-3. D. Jan. 29, 74. G. p. 71. McElhinny, Christian S., Ph.D. B. Fairfield, la. Pars. C, B. A.. SO. M. A., 83. Ph. D., 94. McC. T. S., 84. Ord. 85, Pr. Des Moines. Ser.: Chariton, 85-6. Seymovir, 87. Col. June, S9-91. Montezuma, 92-5. Mt. Zion, and Bentons- port till, 1906. G. p. 51. McElroy, James C. B. Ohio, Oct. 18, 31. Han. C, Ind. Tea. 9 years. Stud. TheoK, privately. W. T. S., 67. Lie, 67. Ord., OS, Pres. Fairfield. Ser. Troy, 68-70. Martins- burg, 70-1. Kan. till 1905. Topeka, 1906. McElroy,- John M., D.D. B. Greenfield, Ohio., Jan. 21, 30. Jef. C.,51. W. and Jef., D.D., 81. Tea., 51-2. Theol. private- ly, 52-3. Prin., T. S., 53-5. Lie, 55. Ord., Dec. 6, .55, Pres. Des Moines. Ser.: Ottumwa, 55-69. Kirkville, 5.5-7. Ba- tavia, 70-83. Kirkville, 78-83. G. p. 70. East End Chapel, and Church, Ottumwa. 85-91. Afflicted with total deafness, retired from active work. H. R., at Otltumwa, 93-1906. In earlier ministry had charge for 5 years of Ottumwa Sem. Co. Supt. of Schools, 2 years. Author, "History Jef- ferson College Class of 1851." "Abby Byram and her Father, Indian Captives." "The Scotch-Irish McRlroys in America." "The Men of the Past," Married Sep. U, 55, Miss Agnes Greer. Four of their five children still living; a son in Chicago; Abby, Secretary Y. W. Chn. Assoc, Portland, Ore.; Mary, same work N. Y. City, and now in Bombay; Jennie, wife of Dr. E. R., Beard, Liberty, Ind. In a sketch from the Doctor, he pays tender tribute to the earlier brethren who awaited him in the work, such as Carson, Hughes, McCune. Jacob, Johnson, Sharon, Smock, Shearer, Swan, and Father Bell, and to the later such as Batchelder, Caldwell, Drake, Haines, Mitchell, Morrow, Potter, Taylor, Wilson. McEwan, David. B. Greenock. Scot. Bathgate Acad., 3 years. McC, T. S., 90. Lie, 89. Ord., Pres. Iowa, 90. Ser. Middletown, 90-1. Winfield, 92-5. Tranquilit}' and Salem, 96-7. Winfield 98-1905. McEwen, Leland C. Lie, 98, Ord,, Mav 10, 99, Pres. Sioux City. Ser, Charter Oak. 99. Panora, 1900-02. Neb., 1906, McEwen, William H. Ree as Licentiate from Omaha Pres.. 1900. Ord., May 23. 1900, Pres. Sioux City. Ser. Battle Creek, 1900-03. Rolfe, 1904-6. McFaddan, Samuel D. B. Crawfordsville, la,, July 7, 69, Pars. Col., 91. W. T. S., 2 years. McC. T. S., 95, Lie, 94, Ord., May 8, 95, Pres, Iowa City. Ser. Princeton and Le Claire, 94-8. Greene, 98-1904. Des Moines, Westminster, 1905-6. Son of James and Martha A,. McFadden, of Crawfords- ville. Married Mary R, Eldridge, of Davenport, July 14, 97. G. p. 54. McFarland, Allen. B, N, Y., Apr. 23, 23. Un. C, 49. P. T. S,, 51. Ord,, Apr, 27. 53, Pres., Rochester City. Ser. N. y., Ind., 111., till 62. Chaplain 63-5. Newton, 69-70. 111. D. Apr. 3, 83. BIOGRAPHICAL. 219 McFarland, Thomas C. B. 111., Oct. 8, 50. McKendree C, B. A., 72. M. A., 75. Heidclbcra:, and Strassbura;. Gcr., 72-3. McC. T. S., 7n(i Center, 99. Mich. Lapeer, M. 1905. McLane, Daniel W. B. Ind. Co. Pa., June 22, 37. Son of Wm. and |ennic McLane. Westminster Col. Pa., 62. U. P. T. S., Allegheny. Lie, 65. Ord., Oct. 16, 66. Ser. In U. P. Ch. 111.. Pa., la., till 87. Grundy Center, 88-94. Other churches occasionally till laid aside by ill health. Vinton, la., 1905. McLaughlin, William F. B. Ireland. Griswold C. la. Stu. U. P. A. T. S., Pa., 81. Lie, 80. Ord. July, 80, Pres. Cedar Rapids. Ser. Garner, 80-2. Elsewhere mostly in O. till 95. Montezuma, 95-7. Cal. D. Dec 1 , 1901, Los Angeles, Cal. Aged 61. McLaury, Edward A. B. New York. Laf. C. M. A., 78. Un. T. S., 79-80. McC. T. S., 81. Ord. Nov., 81, Pres. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Glidden. 81-3, In Pa. and N. J. — D. Jan. 2 95. McLean, George Edwin, Ph. D., LL. D. B. Rockville, Conn. Wms. C. B. A., 71. M. A., 74. LL. D., 95. Leipzig. Ph. D., 83. Yale Div. Sch. B. D., 74. Ord. Pres. Columbia. Ser: New Lebanon, N. Y.. 74-7. Trov. N. Y., 77-81. Leipzig and Berlin, 81-3. Prof. University, Minn., 84-95. Chanc. U. of Neb., 9.5-9. Pres. la. State Un. 1900 — McLeod, Charles L. B. Pr. Edw. Island. Queen's C. Can,, 93. McC, T, S,, 96. Ord. Pres. Central Dak. Ser. S. Dak. till 97. Allerton and Lineville, 97-8. Conway 99. Manning, 1900. New Cambria, Mo., 1905. McLeod, Murdoch. B. McC. T. S., 95. Ord., 95. 95-6. Lime Springs, 96-7. G. p. 54-5. Renfrew;, N. S. Lak. F. U., 92. Pres, Winona Ser: Austin, Minn Min., 98-1904, Dcs M., 1905-7. McLeod, William E. B, Winslow, Que., Can. Stu. Man. U. McC. T. S., 96. Ord. Feb., 97, Pres. Chicago. Ser. Chic, 97. Lime Springs, 99-1901. Estherville, 1902-5. McMaster, Henry H. B. Pa. Wm. C, 73. U. P. A. T. S.. 76, Lie, 73. Ord. Dec. 74. Ser: In Pa., 75-87. Odebolt 87-8 Ind., O., Pa., Donora, Pa., 1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 221 McMeekin, Henry. icsville, 82-3. Denison Canada. Came from Canada. 84, Hastings, Neb. Ser: Mcchan- Rcturned to McMillan, Andrew. B. Tiffin, O. W. C. , f>2. U. P. T. S., 68. Lie, 67. Ord. ]unc, 69, Pres. Monmouth (U. P.1. Ser. U. P., 111. and la., 69-87. Rec. Pres. Iowa, 89. Ser. Oxford, 89-91. Ottumvva E. End 91-7. Albion, 98-1902. Grimes, 1903. D. Lyons, Jan. 2. 1905. Age 71. McMillan, D. Wallace. B. Washington, la. Feb. 9, 69. U. of la., 93. MrC. T. S., 96. Ord. July 29, 96, Pres. Des Moines. Ser. Colfax,. 96-9. Earlham, 99-1900. Waukee, 1901-2. Lyons, 1903— Son of Rev. Andrew McMillan. McMinn, William A. B Ind. Park. C, 89. McCor. S., 87. Ord., 87, Pres. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Glidden and Churdan, 87-90. Dows and Aplington, 91-2. Eldora, Steamboat Rock, Owasa, 92-3. Ind. Ter. and Mo. Hillslxiro, Mo. McNinch, Hugh. B. Grovcland, Pa. June 9, 6(5. Danv. Acad, Bloomsb. State Normal, Lawrenccville, N. f. Prin. U., 91. Pr. T. S. and Omaha T. S. Omaha, 94." Lie. Pres. Omaha. Ord. Pres. Corning, 94. Ser. Red Oak, 94-9. Acklcv. 1900-0. G. pp. .'jl. 88. McQuesten, Rockwood, Ph. D. B. Plymouth, N. H. Col. C. N, Y. U. T. S., N. Y. Ord., 66, Pres. Nassau. Ser. Le Sueur, Minn. Waterloo. 78-0. Minneapolis, 80, Ra\'cns- wood, N. Y., 1903. McQuown, James R. B. Indian.i Co., Pa., Feb. 22, 50. Waynesb., C. Pa. W. T. S., 78-81. Lie. June, 71, Pres. Allegheny, (Cumberland). Ser. Slate Lick and Pleasant Unity, 77-80. Pres. Chs. Mulvane, El Paso, 80-84. Clear Water, 80-8. Linn Grove, la, 88-96. Caldwell, Kan. 96-9. Onslow and Bethel, la., 99-1902. Rudolph, O., 1903. Phillipsburg. Kas. 1904-6. Married, June 27, 72, Miss Elizabeth A. Evans. Eleven children, of whom four sons and six daughters are living. McRae, Farquhar D., Ph. D. Park. C, 87. Un. T. S., 90. Lie, 90. Ord., 90, Pres. Sioux City. Ser. Odebolt, 90-4. In 111. and Minn. Blue Earth, Minn, 1906. McRae, Thaddeus. From Pennsylvania. Ser. C. Rapids 2nd, 75-7. In trans, 78-80, doing valuable work in various places. H. R., 82. D. Dec. 14. 82. Age 52. McWherter, Reuben L. O. Ord. Pres. Athens. Ser. 99-1900. Tolono, 111. 1906. B. O. N. Normal U. Lebanon, in 111. till 98. Oxford and Union, Magill, Charles B. B. Wellsville, O. Oct. 3, 40. M. U., OS. W. T. S., 61. Ord. May. 13, 64, Pres. Fairfield. Ser. Birmingham, 01-4. Christian Com. work., 60. D. Aug. 27, 64. Magill, George Paul. B. Lewiston, 111. Nov. 20, 07. Pars, C, 90 .McC. T. S., 93. Ord. Pres. Iowa. May, 93. Ser. Cabery, 111.. 93-6. Minn. 96-1906. Son of John Fidton Magill, D. D., Introduced here on his liirthright. Magill, John Fulton, D. D. B. Cross Roads, Pa. W. C. 59. D. D. W. T. S. Lie, 61. Ord.. 62, Pres. Peoria. Ser. Lewiston, 111. 62-83. Washington, Pa., 8.3-0. Fair- field, la. Ch. and Prof, in Par. Col., 80-1902. D, St. Charles, Mo. Feb. 13, 1902. Age 66. 222 HISTORY. Makeley, George N. B. Schoharrie Co. N. Y. Lie. 84. Ord 8fi, Pres. Monmouth. Ser. Landcliflfe. Pa.. 88-93 Brooklyn. N. Y., 93-G. A. P. Ref. Ch., Brooklyn, 96-9. Cedar Rapids, 2nd, 1900-1. St. Paul, 1902-6. Malcolm, James H. D. D. B. New Athens, O. Frank C O 76 Pars. Col. D. D., 93. Danville, T. S. Ky. Lie, 79. Ord., SO, Pres. C. Bluffs. Ser. Clarinda, 80-87. Scotch Ch Chic, 87-93. Hannibal, Mo., Franklin, Ind., 1900. Malcom, "William D. B. E. Tenn. Maryville C, 92. McC. T. S.. 9.'). Lie, 94. Ord., June 19, 9.5, Pres. Iowa City. Atalissa, 9.5-7. 111., 98-1900. Lexington, Ind., 1906. Mapson, Joseph C. Ap. as Licentiate, 97. Ser. Lake Park and Ayrshire, 97. Gilmore City, 99. Lake Park, 1900. Paton, 1901.' Minn., 1902-.5, Brewster, Minn. Markham, Joseph A. B. BerHn, Ont. Ad. C. O., 89. Lie, N8. Ord. Ap., 11, S9. Pres. Cleveland. Ser. Sioux City (now 3rd Ch.) Supt. Relig. and Charitable work. O.. 91-6 Montrose, la, .97. Middletown, 98-9. Dropped from roll, 1900. Marquis, RoUin R. D. D. B. Murray, Ind. Dec. 28, 53. Wo. Un., 80. W. T. S., S3. Lie, 82. Ord., June 12, 83, Pres. Cleveland. Ser. In O., Kan., Mo., and 111., till 99. Cedar Falls, 1900-2. Wintenset, 1903-6. Marriages: To Clara J. McCor- mick. May 8, S3. To Irene Shumaker, of Mo. Feb. IS, 96. Children: Rollin Howard. Leone Irene and Dean Wilson, G. 24, 51. Marshall, Albert B. D. D. B. Bryan, Pa. Prin. Un., 71. Wo. Un. O., D. D. Prin. T. S., 74. Lie, 73. Ord., 74, Pres. Kittanning. Ser. Morris, 111.. 7.5-8. New Lisbon. O., 79-87. East Liverpool. C, 87-94. Central Ch. Des Moines, 94-1902. Minneapolis, Minn., 1902-7. Marshall, Alexanders, D.D. B. Armstrong Co. Pa, Ap. 29, 29. Wash. C, 53. Prin. T. S., 53-4. W. T. S., 54-5. Lie June, 55. Ord. Ap. 27, 57, Pres. Cedar. Ser, Port Washington, 55-6. Marion, la., 56-96. Mar. Dec. 3, 55, Miss Mary R. Christie. One son, two daughters. D. Marion, la. Feb. 3, 96. Age 67. G. p. 71. Marshall, Clarence A. B. Oct. 30, 74. Lane Sem., 98. Ser. Coleridge, Neb. 98-1900. Gravity and Sharpsburg, la., 1900— Kent, la. 1905. Marshall, Joseph H. B. Cincinnati, O. Miam. Un. O.. 53. Dan. T. S.. 55. Lie 55. Ord., T"iie. 58, Pres. Rock River. Ser. In 111. till 79. In Iowa, Knoxville. 80-2, Burling- ton and Kingman, Kan. Wvthe. 111. Medinpolis, 91-6. Dallas Center, 97-8. Kan., 99-1900. II. R., 1900. Lincoln, Neb. Marshall, William Rice, D. D. B. O., Aug 18, 31. M. C, 56. W. T. S. 56 Prin. T. S., 57-9. Lie 59. Ord. Tune 20, 59, Pres. Baltimore. Ser. Maryland, 59-65. .Ohio, 65-71. Duburjue 1st, la., 71-4. D. Dub. Dec. 26, 74. "Strong, earnest, warm hearted, christian and minister. An unusually wise and safe counsellor. A popular preacher, and decidedly missionary in spirit" T. S. Bailey. BIOGRAPHICAL. 223 Martin, Alfred. B. London. Enp;. Ripley Col. Thool at Liverpool and London. Licentiate. 95. Ser. Luvcrne, 95-6. Paton, 97-9. Mapleton, 1900. Dubuque Third. 190G. G. p. 32 Martin, Asa. (N. S.) Ap. Bloomlield, 53-1). 57-60. Olivet, 61-5. D. Nov. 9, 65. West Grove, Martyn, Ashbel Green. D. D. B. Lixonia, Ind. Wab. C, 68. McC. T. S., 71. Lie, May 2. Pros. Vinton. Ord. June 12, 72, Pres. Iowa City. Ser. Wilton Jet. Malconi, Meiiiapolis, Shelbyville. Ky. Perry, Denison. In the latter place he welcomed nearly 300 members to the church. Moderator of Synod of Iowa, South, in 79. Stated Clerk, Pres. Iowa City, 77-82. Commis. to Gen. Assemblies 77, 81, 1900. Has given much time to revivalistic work. Instrumental in building several churches and manses, chief of which the church at Denison, costing S12,000. The son of Rev John L, Martyn D. D., and in a long line of Presbyterian Ancestry, ministers and missionaries, G. p. 5. Martyn, John Lyle, D. D. B. at Cyntliiana, Ky, June 12, 12. Hanover C. 1st Class 34. "Theological Sem. of Indiana" Ser. Corydon, Franklin, Vincennes, Crawfords\ ille. Ind. In la., Toledo, Atalissa, Tama, Oxford, Linn Gro\-e, Farley. Scoresof neighboringchurches received the blessing of hisservices. Always welcome to the church or the family circle. A preacher of unusual power and clearness. Could recall in memory his polished and pungent discovirses, and deliver them with pe- culiar unction. His beloved companion was taken and left him to walk alone for years. He died at Oxford, May 3, 92. Two sons and a dau.ghter survive him. Dr. J. Lyle of Grinnell, Rev. Ashbel, G. D. D. and Mrs. Lizzie M. Robinson. G. p. 5. Marvin, Charles S. (N. S.) B. Walton, N. Y., Jan. 28. 28. Del. Lit. Inst. And. Sem. and Aub. T. S., 56. Lie, 55. Ord., 56, Pres. Delaware. Ser In N. Y. till 66. Cedar Valley, 67. Neb. and Kan. II. R. 90. Died Marshall, Minn. Dec. 16, 99. Mason, James D. B. Pa. Nov. 15, 12, Wash. C, .38. U T. S, 41. Lie., 41. Ord., 43. Pros. Blairsville. Ser. Pa. 43-8. Ft. Mad. and R. Prairie, 4S-9. Davenport, 50-9. Summit and Long Grove, 60-3. Blue Grass, Walcotl, Fulton, 63-6. Dom. Miss., 67-70. Summit and Eldredge, 71-3. Dav. 2nd, 74-6. Red Oak Grove, 77-84. H. R. 88. D. Jan. 8. 90. G. p. 71. Mason, William C. B. Pa. 19. Wash C, 45. W. T. S., 48. Lie, 49. Ord., 52, Pres. Cedar Rapids. Ser. LcClaire, 52, and other churches in the state. Then Fulton, 111. Bro- ther of James D. D. Galesburg, Dec. 13, 71. Mathers, Archibald A. B. Tenn. Jan. 14, 12. W. C. Tenn. 33. P. T. S., lyr. Un. Sem. Va., 36-8. Ord. Apr., 6, 39, Pres. llolslon. Ser. In Tenn. and Mo., 38-64. Sigourney and Martinsburg, 65-6. Kirkville and Eddyville, 68-9. Leon, 70-2. 111. and Kan., 72-7. Olivet , New Sharon, 79. Mariposa, 80-83. Mo. 86-7. Villisca, 88. 111. Tex., Mo. D. Independ- ence, Mo. Nov. 17, 91. Mathes, Alvan R. B. E. Tenn, [ulv, 4. 39. Han. C, 64. McC. T. S., 67. Lie. 66. Ord., July 67, Pres. Cedar Ser: Wilton, 67-72. Shawneetown, Farmington, Canton, Knoxvilie, 111., 72-1906. Son of Rev' Archibald A. Mathes. G. p. 38. 224 HISTORY. Mathes, Ebene er E. B. E. 87. McC. T. S., 90. Ser. H. Miss. 1900-02. Artesia, N. M., 1906. Tunn., 63. Gr. and Tus. C, in Indian Tcr., 90-9. Lyons, Matthews, Robert J. L. B. Ind., 32. Han. C. B. A., McC. T. S. Onl., 1)0, Pres. New Albany. Ser. In 111., Mich., Wis., till 99. Wapello, 1900 to 02. Vev'ay, Ind., 1906. Mattox, Elmer L. B. Winlerset, la. Mar. 3, 69 Pars. C, 90. McC. T. S., 93. Lie, 92. Ord., 93, Pres. Des Moines, Miss, to China. Hangchow, China, 1906. G. p. 78. Maxwell, John S. Licentiate, Ev. Des Moines, 91-5. Maynard, Hubbard H. Ph. D. From the United Breth- ren church. Had been in church and College work, Galesburg, Wis. Financial Sec, 95-6. Cedar Rajjids, W. C, 96-7. HI. 98-1900. Field Sec. Coe C, Cedar Rapids, la. 1906. G. p. 39. Maynard, Washington. From Pres. of Columbus. Ser. Fairfield 05-S. Assumption, 111., 69-70. D. Feb. 14, 90. Age 71. Mayne, John Calvin. Lane T. S., 91. Ord.. Sep. in la. 2 year.s. O. and Ind. B. Dayton, O. Feb. 6, 64. Olb. U. 24, 91', Pres. Sioux City. H. Miss. , 94-.S. D. Nov 25, 1901. Age 37. Mead, Enoch. B Greenwich, Conn. Sept. 2, 09. Yale C. 30. Ser. Cong. Chs. Vt., and Conn, till 37. Rockingham, 38- 43. Davenport, 44-6. H. Miss. res. Dav. from 51. Out of A. Min., 51-71. Probably serving Cong. Chs. H. Miss, work, 71-S7. W. C, Davenport, 88-92. D.Dec. 6, 92. G. p. 71. Melrose, John C. B. Littleton, la. May 12, 59. Lenox C. la , 87. McC. T. S., 90. Ord., Pres., Dubuque, Ap. 16, 90. Miss Kiung Chow, China, 90-4. Hainan, 94-S. D. Hainan Sep. 16, 97. Age 37. Memmott, Charles. B. Ei cent Range T. S., Eng. Ord. Ser: New Cambria, Mo., 92-6. vue, la., 99-1906. ^dand. Victoria U .Eng. Cres- |unc 13, 93, Pres. Palymra. Ash Grove. Mo., 96-8. Belle- Merrill, Richard. ' B. 13. W. Steuben ville? Ser. In O. till 58. 60-9. W. C. 70. H. R. D. Dec. T. S., 51. Ord., 52, Pres. Clarksville and Pisgah, la., 4, 75. Age, 62. Merwin, Charles. B. Brookfield, Ct. Oct. 1, 10. Un. N. Y. City. yVub, T. S., 40. Ord., 42, Pres. Geneva, N. Y. Ser. in N. Y., 41-9. Miss., 52-3. N. Y., 54-5. C 55-08. N. Y., 08-70. O., 70-1. Unionville, la., 71-2. Malvern, 72-5. Greenfield, 75-0. Riverside, 77. Malvern, 81-6. H. R. D. Dec, 24. 91. Age 72. Messmer, William S. xVp. in 71 at Boone, Pr. Waterloo Ser. Tama and Orford, 72-3. Toledo, 74. Col. Avenue, Davenport, 77. Disajipcar, 78. Middlemas, Jasper. .\p. in 60, Davenport, W. C. Ser. Allen's Grove, 62-5. H. R. Allen's Grove, 75— D. Brooklyn Jan. 17, 81, aged 81. Middleton, Edwin. B. England. Ham. Coll. N. Y., 77. U. T. S., 80. Ord. May 80, Pr. BulTalo. Ser.; Essex, la. 82-5. 111. 91. W. C, 1900. BIOGRAPHICAL. 22fi Miles, R. H. P. Ap. Ch. Miss. Lyndhursl. N. [., 97. Ravonswddcl, L. I., 97. Ord. Pr. Jursuv City Oct. 23, 92. Rec. by Cedar Rapids Pr. Ap. 18, 1900. Ser. Blairstown. la. 1901-2. Deposed Nov. 2.5, 1902. Charge, Collusion, to allow a divorce and marry his affinity. Miller, Clarence G. Ph. D. B. Pa. Wo. U., 86. McC. T. S., 89 Ord. Oc. 30, 89. Pres. Duluth. Ser. In Minn, till 93. Indianola. 93-7. Centerville, 98-1900. Bluffton, Ind. 1905. Miller, Hugh. B. Ontario Can. U. C. Ont. 8.5. Prin. T. S., 90. Ord. Pr. St. Cloud. Camden, N. Y., 91-2. Grimes, la., 92. Spring Grove, Minn., 93. Pennsylvania, 9.5 — 190.5. Miller, Obadiah, H. B. Pa. W. and J. C, 43. W. T. S., 4(5. Ord. June 27, 47. Ser. In Pa. till .58. Wapello and Oakland, la., .58-60. Ret. to Pa. D. Mt. Airy, Pa. Dec. 29, 93 Miller, Samuel W. D. D. Ap. 6.5. P. Cedar Rapids, la., 6.5-7. Wooster, O., 68. Pasadena, Cal., 1905. Miller, William. B. Ontario, Pr. T. S., 84. Ord. Pr. N. Brunswick 89. Westminster, Des. M.. 91-3. Des Moines, 98-1905. Milne, James. McC. T. S., 94. Petoskey. Ser. Nevada, la., 95-6. aged 29. Can. Toronto U., 81. :. Ser. Minn, and 111. till Creslon. 9.3-6. W. C. On D. . Ap. 11, Cal. Mar. 94. 24, Pr. 96, Mills, Benjamin. D. D. Ap. S. S. Sidnev, 71-3. In trans. Shelbyville, HI., 74. Princeton and LeCIa'irc, 86-7. Mead Center, Kan., 88— D. Mar. 16, 95, aged 78. Mills, Eugene R.. B. Chaumont, N. Y. Wab. C. Ind., 70. U. T. S., 73. Ord. Nov. 6, 73. Pr. Cedar Rapids. Ser. Lyons, 73-9. Nevada. 79-83. In Cal., 83-99. Soldier, Wounded at Gettysliurg [ulv 1, 63. A good soldier of Jesus Christ. D. Glendale, Cal A])ril 2,5, 99, aged 58. » Mills, Samuel J. (N. S.) Ap. as Licentiate Wheatland. Ser. Wheatland and Clarence, 62-3. West Liljerty, 64-5. Agent Iowa City, 66-7. Nevada, 68. W. C. and H. R., Nevada, 71-82. D. Mar. 23, 82. aged 69. Mills, Thornton A. Ph. D. B. Ind. Wo. U.. 78. McC. T. S., 79. Ord. 77, Cong. Council. Ser. N. Y., Minn., Iowa. Northwood, la. 79. San Jose, Cal. 1905. Miner, Edmund B. B. Oswego Co. N. Y., 29. Ham. Col., 59. Aub. T. S. Ord. Pr. Columbus, 63 Ser. Wis., Mich., New York, 111., till 82. Ch. Miss. Cedar Rapids, la., 84-6. Hope Chapel, (soon to be Cedar Rapids Third and later Sin- clair Memorial.) 87. Kossuth, 88-92. Camp Point, 111., 93. Springfield, 111., 1900. Camp Point, 111, 1907. G. p. 3. Miron, Francis Zavier. B. Can. West. Birmingham C. W. T. S., 72. Ord. Pr. Nebraska City, Mar. 28. 74. Ser. Neb. till 81. Sheandoah. 82-3. Carson, 83-4. Avoca, 84. Fowler, Ind,. 84— En. N. Washington, O. 1905. Mitchell, David H. B Jersey City, N. J. Mar. 16, 32. Prin. U.., 57. P. T. S., 60. Ord. Pr. Cedar Rapids. Nov. 21, 60. Ser. Cedar Rapids, 60-2. Chap. Army, 62-5. Kirk- wood, Mo., 60-7. Oskaloosa, 67-70. Colo., 74-8. Burlington, 79-81. Ill,— Chicago, 1905 226 HISTORY. Mitchell, James M. Ap. W. C. at Anamosa, la., 81-6. D. Ap. 3, 87. a-ed 74. Mitchell, William L. B. Tenn. July 11, 28. f. C, 54 P. T. S., 57. Urd. Pr. Hillsboro, Dec. 22, 59. Ser. 111. till 64. In la. served Burlington, 57-9. D. Hijlsboro, 111. Feb. 23, 64. Mochel, Levi Schade. B. Tulpehocken, Pa. Apr. 26, 60. Col. N. J., 92. Prin. T. S., 94. Ord. Oct. 8, 95. Pr. Cedar Rapids. Ser. Delmar, 95-7. Farley, 98-99. Chehallis. AVash. 99-1900. Toledo, Wash., 1901-4. Summerville, Or. 1905-6. Moery, Godfrey. B. Switzerland. Dub. T. S., la., 63. Ord. 64, Pr. Dubuque. Ser. Tea. Lana;. Dub. Sem., 62-4. In Wis., 64-70. Centralia, Peosta, McGregor, 71-8. Prof. Dub., 78-81. Ackley Ger., 81-4. Prof. Dub., 85-91. D. July 22, 1904, aged 63. Moery, John F. Licentiate Dubuque, 9S-9. Ser. 1900-5, Fosterburg, 111 Moffatt, Francis I. B. New Castle, Pa. Sep. S, 35. W. C, Pa., 57. W. T. S., 60. Ord. Nov. 63. Pr. Mahoning. Ser. Ev. Colrain and other chs., 60-66. Pres. Beaver, 66. In 111., 66-82. Red Oak Grove, la., 82—7 MechanicsviUe, 88. Summit, la., 89-96. Ev. 96— Davenport, 97-1905. Montman, John F. B. Hudson, Wis. Wab. C, 86. McC. T. S., 89. Ord. Pr. Cedar Rapids, Oc. 8. 89. Monticello and Scotch Grove, 89-90. In Minn., N. D., Minn., 96-8. D. Marshall, Minn. Oc. 4, 9S, aged 34. Moore, Fernando G. B. Dyersvillc, O. Mar. C. O., 88. McC. T. S., 91. Lie, 92. Ord., 92, Pr. Lima. Ser. Waverly, 0.,91-3. Farley, 93-6. Kans., 96. 1902, Topeka, Kans. Moore, George R. (N. S.) B. N. H., 19. Stud, with Albert Barnes, Joel Parker and others. Ord. 48, Pr. Phila- delphia. Ser. in Pa., Org. 1st Ch. Clinton, la., 56. Tea, at Lyons several years. Evan, in 111. D. Jan. 12, 1904. H. R. Roxborough, Pa. Moore, John H. B. in Ky., Ap. 15, 23. C. C. Ky., 49. New Alb. and Pr. T. S. Ord., 55. Pr. Potosi. Ser. Mo. and Neb. till 76. Birmingham and Libertyville, 77-80. D. at B. May S, 80. Moreton, Reynolds. Ord. Ap. 26, 84. Ser. Plymouth County, 84. LcMars, 85. Chicago, 86-8. Drops from roll. Morgan, David Starrett. B. Vt., 35. Un. C, 60. U. T. S., 66. Ord. Cong. Ser. Mass., 67-9. Wise, 69-72. LaPorte C, 72-5. Invalid, 76-9. D. Jan. 10, 79. Morrison, James Mc. C. B. Coleraine, Pa. Del, C. M A., 58. Prin. T. S., 61. Ord. 76. Pr. Platte. Ser. P and Tea. Pa. till 68. Mo. till 76. Shenandoah, 77-80. Col. Spr. and Blanchard, 80-4. In Or., 85. Albany, Or., 1906. Morrow, Nicholas V. B. Pa.,. 30. J. C, 56. W. T. S., 59. Ord. Nov., 60. Pr. Findley. Ser. O., 60-70. Troy, 71-3. Lenox, 74-8. W. C. D. Sharpsburg, la. Feb. 10, 87. Morrow, Richard H. B. Pa. Jan. 13, 23. J. C. Alleg. Sem. P. T. S., 54. Ord. Ap. 14, 56. Pres. Cedar. Ser. C. R. 2nd, 56-8. W. C, 59. D. June 10, 59, aged 36. Morse, Jonathan. B. Vt. Ob. C. Aub. T. S., 65. Ord. Pr. Cayuga. Ser. Morrow, N. Y., Clinton, la. Lyons tea., 66-8. Ret. to N. Y. Artist Utica, N. Y. D. Mar. 27, 99. aged 64. BIOGRAPHICAL. 227 Moses, John Campbell. B. Ticonderoga, N. Y. Feb. 2.5, 24. Aub. T. S., .52. Ord. Pr. Geneva, Mar. 1.5, .5.3. Ser. in N. Y., Dundee, Lenox, Fowlerville, Dundee, till 70. Cedar Rapids Pres., 78. Res. Clinton. In business. Bookstore, ,S0-97. D. Mar. 10, 97. Mott, Henry Elliott, D. D. B. Brockijort. N. Y. Oc. 17, .52. P. U. 74. Un. T. Sem. 7.S. Lie. 77. Ord. Oc. 78, Pr. Lansintj. Ser. In Mich., Maine and Mass. Con. Chs. mostly till 88.^ Dubuque 2nd, 88-94. Buffalo, N. Y. 94.— Eliza'- beth, N. J. 190G. Mouw, Dries. Ap. Wise. SO-S. Sioux County 2nd Ger. S9-91. Ilospers, 92-1906. Mundhenke, William R. B. 111. Oc. 31, ,54. Dub. C. 7G. Danv. T. S. 79. Lie. 78. Ord. Oc. 79. Pr. Chicago. Ser. Wheeling, 111. 79-82. Prof. Theol. Dub. Sem. 82-4. In Wis., 111., Wis. 1004 dis. to Refd. Church. Murdock, D. A. Ap. in .56, S. S. Clarinda. .57, F. Miss. Kan. Ter. 58. Doniphan, Kan. Dissappers. Murray, Alexander. B. in Scotland, 40. McC. T. S. 93. Lie. 90. Ord. 93. Pr. Duluth. Ser. Groups of Churches, Mich., Mont., Ind., Neb. till 98. Moulton, la. 99 Los Ange- les, 1906. Murray, David A., D. D. B. Montgomery Co., N. Y. March 23, 61. Monm. Col. 85. Prin. 86. Univ. 87. Pr. T. S. 88. Lie. 87. Ord. July 3, 88. Tea. Japan 88-93. Chi- cago 93-4. Perry, la. 94-5. Ottumwa, E. End Ch. 97-1902. Japan 1906. G. p. 103. Myers, John W. B. O, Frank. Col. O. 93. Lane Sem. 93. Lie. 92. Ord. 95, Pr. St. Clairvillo. Ser. Paton 93-5. Ohio— Canal Fulton, 1906. Neilson, Samuel B. B. Pa. Aug. 19, 53. Laf. C. Pa. 76. Un. T. S. 79. Ord. Oc. 79, Pr. Omaha. Ser. Waterloo, Neb. 79-84. Neveda, la. 85. Nev. Ind. Glenwood, la. 1906. Newbury, Samuel (N. S.) From Prest of Cleveland 54. Prof. Dub. 5.5-6. W. C. 3 vrs. Agt. 3 yrs. S. S. Council Hill, 65. D. Mar. 22, 68, aged 65. '~ Newcomb, Ezra B. D. D. B. Indianapolis, Ind. Dec. IS, 52. U. Minn. 70-3. Atly. at Law, 76-82. D. D. Pars. Col. 97. MeC. T. S. 80. Lie. 86. Ord. 86, Pr. Ft. Dodge. ,Ser. Ft. Dodge 80-9. La Porte, Ind. 89-90. Keokuk 96-1906. G. p. 107. Newell, Huey. B. Pa. Mar. 24, 11. Jef. C. 45. W. T. S. 40. Lie. 48. Ord. 49, Pr. Clarion. Ser. Pa. 49-56. Sharon and Charleston, 56-8. H. R. Pa. D. Nov. 23, 92. Nicholas, Worden Pope. B. Louisville, Ky. Nov. 26, 64. C C Ky S3. McC. T. S. 86. Or. Ap. 23, 87. Pr. Ebenezer. Ser. Ky. and Ind. 87-90. Mt. Pleasant, 91-1906. Stated Clerk Prest. of Iowa. G. p. 88. ■i Noble, William B., D. D. B. Pa. Ap. 13, 41. Jef. C. 63. W. T. S. ()6. Lie. 65. Ord. 86, Pr. Huntigdon. Ser. Glen- wood, 66-7. *.Ft. Madison, 67-71. 111., Pa., Cal. Los An- geles, Cal. 1906. 228 HISTORY. Noel, Samuel H. B. Ens;. T"ne 29, 61. Educated in England. McC. T. S. Ord. May'll, 90, Pr. ChicaEtn. Ser. Oeiwein, 91-3. Dub. 3rd 94-6. Bethel, 97-8. Ser. 111. 87-91 W. C. Dub' and Dav. Dropped from roll. Noerr, Moses. B. Philadelphia, Auc;. 17, ,33. Amh. C. 5.-,. Tea. Mo. and 111., 55-6. Pr. T. 8.^59. Lie. 59. Ord. June 19, 60, Pr. Dubuque. Ser. Maquoketa and Andrew, 60-4. Bellevue, 64-6, In 111., Arlington, Beulah and Coal Valley. Paxton, Milan, Oilman. Decatur, Mich., Hamburs; 83-7. Leon 87-91. Dallas Center, 92-3. Sidney, 93-6. Cal, 96-1903. 11. R. Married Mrs. Cornelia M. Barrows in 96, who died Jan. 21, 99. Res. Kansas City, Kan. Ogilvie, David M. Ord. June 28, 88, Cong. Council. Rec. liy. C. R. Pr. Sep. 24, 1901. Ser. Clarence, 1901-6. G. p. 33. Olinger, Stanton. B. Kan. Dec. 27, 67. U. Kan. 95. McC. T. S. 96-7. Omaha Sem. Ord. May 26, 98, Pres. Council Bluffs. Ser. Carson, Sharon, 98-1901. Great Bend, Kan. 1906. Ollerenshaw, Samuel. E. Manchester, Eng. Privately tutored. And. T. S. 72. Lie. 72. Ord. Ap. 2, 73, Cong. Council, St. Paul. Ser. in Minn.. 111., Mo., till 80. La Porte City 81,— Albia 82-5. Dcs Moines South, 8.5-92. Leon, 92-3. 111. till 99. Algona and Irvington 99 — Nott, Charles D., D. D. B. New York Sop. 12, 33. Un. C. N. B. T. S. N. J. 59. Ord. Chassis of Albany. Ser. Ref. D. Ch. Mohawk, N. Y. In Kan. City, St. Louis, Mo., Davenport, la. 73-80. Washington, N. J. New York City. H. R. D. Morris Heights, N. Y. May 18, 1904. Nugent, Edward J. B. O. Theol. privately. Ord. Oc. 1, 69, Pr. Foster, (Cuniberland). Ser. Cumb. Chs. 111., Iowa, till 77. Pres. Iowa 78. Ser. Ev. Martinsburg and Craw- frirdsville, 81-2. Pleasant Plain and Salina, 82-5. Seymour and Promise City 85-6. Russell and Derbe 86-8. 'Kan., Ark., 1900 — 6. Mammoth Springs. Odell, Owen D. Came from Newtown, Pa. in 99. Ord. Sep. 20, 99, Pr. Dubuque. Ser. Dub. 2nd 99-1901. Indian- apolis, Ind. 1902 — Olney, Alphonso R., D. D. (N. S.) B. New York, Nov. 20, 42. Un. Col. 67. U. T. S. 69. Ord. Sep. 26, 69, Pr Dubu. Ser. Colesliurg 59-60. W, Ap. 29, 70. Mass. Feb. 24, 07. Aub. C. 61-2. D. Slaceyville. Parsons, Dwight L., LL. B. B. Alabama, May. 13, 57. Un. C. .S4. A. M. LL. B. McC. T. S. 91. Un. Sem. 2 y. Lie. 91. Ord. May 91, Pr. Chicago. Ser. 111. and Wis., 91-4. State Center, 95-8. Scottsvillc, N.Y. 99-1900. 230 HISTORY. Parvin, Samuel H. B. in Napoleon, Ind. Knox C. 111. 71. Lane T. S. 74. Lie. 73. Ord. May 74, Pr. Schuyler. Ser. In 111. 74-84. Muscatine, 84-99. Morning- Sun, 19()6-03 Perry, Okla. 1904— G. p. 10. Patterson, James G., D.D. B. Pa. Mar. 31, 43. W. and ]. C. 65. D. D. 87. AV. T. S. (iS. Ord. Oc. 68. Pr. So. Minii. Ser. H. Miss. Minn, and la. 68-71. Fort Madison, 71-6. O., Md. Pa., N. Y. 77-1906. Ev. New York. Payne, Henry N., D.D B. N. Y. Ham. C. N. Y. 68. D.D. 91. Lane T. S.. 71. Ord. Oc. 71, Pr. St. Paul. Ser. Minn., N. Y. till 81. Boone 81-.5. Charlotte, N. C. Sec. 86. Atlanta. Ga. Field Sec. Miss, for Freedmen, 8.5-97. Pres. Mary Holmes Sem. West Point, Miss. 98-1903. D. before May, 1904. Commanded regiment of colored troops in Civil War. Peairs, Henry R., B. O. Jcf. C. .56. W. T. S. .59. Ord. 59, Pr. Zanesville. Ser. Va., O., 111., till 90. la. fr.jin Pres. Schuyler, Ap. 8, 90. Montrose, la. 90-4. Norm.-d, 111. 95. D. Dec. 22, 95. Aged 70. Pearce, Thomas Ser. Clarence, .87-9. Ligonier, Ind.. 1900- G., D.D. Ord. 77. Pres. Wihnebag.). Bedford. 91-2. Farmingdale, 111. 93. Wavoland. Ind,, 1900. Peck, Alexander S. B. N. Y., 35. Han. C. Ind. 67. Chic. T. S. Lie. Pr. Mo. River. Ord. (une 70, Pr. Chicago. Ser. in 111. till 80. Dallas Center and Minburn, 80-4. Dak. 85.— Ill heatlth. W. C. Armour, S. D., 1900—. Peck, Joseph C. B. Local Evangelist. Lie. Sep. 13. 99. Ser. Maple Hill, Emmett Co. 1st. Hoprig, Depew, Mount Hope (Church P. O.) 1905. Pelan, William. B. England. Ord. Conf. M. E. Ch. Eng. Ser. Connersvillc, Ind. 48-68. Missouri Valley, 68-78. ,Wells, Minn. 78-88. Chaplain Union Army. Spokane, Wasli. 1900 — . Pentzer, Jacob. B. Bedford Co. Pa. May 28. ISOS. ]. Col. 37. W. T. S. 39. Ord. 42, Pr. Miami. Ser. Bcllbrook. 0. 42-5. Tea. 46-60. Hermon, la. 60-3. Wilton, 6.3-6. Occa- ssional sup])ly for years. H. R. 77-84. D., Wilton June. May 12, 84. Aged 76. Married (1) Miss Emma Meek. (2) Miss Martha Coon. The latter with several daughters and sons sur- vive him. G. p. 5. Phelps, Joshua, D.D. B. Westford, N. Y. Nov. 16, 12. Un. C. 36. P. T. S. 39. Ord. Ev. Pr. Philadelphia, Oc. 11, 40. Ser. Florida 40-5. 111., 45-51. Burlington, la., 52-3. Dubuque, 53-9. Beloit, Wis. 59-61. Cal., 61-89. D.D. C. C. K. D. Santa Barbara, Cal., Jan. 4, 89. Aged 76. Phelps, Stephen, D.D. B. Lewiston, 111. Feb. 6, 39. [ef. C. Pa. 59. D.D. 81. W. T. S. 62. Ord. 03, Pr. Missouri River. Ser. Sioux City, 62-4. Waterloo, 64-9. Janesville, 69-70. Cedar Valley, 70-1. Vinton, 71-81. President Coe College, 81-7. Council Bluffs, 87-90. Prof. Homiletics, Pastoral The- ology and Church Government, Omaha T. S. 96-1902. P. Essex, 1903-4. Bellevue, Neb. 1905-7. G. pp. 70, 97. Phelps, Willis B. B. Syracuse, N. Y. July 6, 36. Prin, Un. 60. P. T. S. 64. Ord. Oct. 64, Pr. Winnebago. Ser. Kil- BIOGRAPHICAL. 231 bourn City, Wis. 64-70. Independence, la. 70-80. Peniel and Millcrsburg, 111. ,81-4. Marengo, 84-9.'5. Sigourney, 95-1901. H. R. on account health, 1902 Independence Author "Lost and Found" or "The Abduction and Recovery of Rav Elliott." G. p. 10. Phillips, James M. (N. S.) Ap as teacher in .5.3. Ser. Yellow Springs, 54. Cedar Falls, 55-C>0. W. C. 61-2. Des Moines .3d, 65-7. Fort Dodge 68-72. Grand Junction, Rip]iev, Carroll, 73-5. Dis. to New York in 70. Ap. Waverly, N. Y. .S'o. Sherman, Pa. later. D., H. R. Waltham, Mass. Jan. .3, 94. Aged 74. "One of the old type of frontier missionaries, full of enthusiasm and of the spirit. Ready for anything to advance the cause of Christ and save men." T. S. Bailey. Phillips, Jonathan S. B. Pa. May 30. 64. O. N. U. 86. W. T. K. 89. Ord. Aug. 21, 89, Pr. Duluth. Ser. Minn. 89-90. Perry, la. 90. Ohio, 92. Topeka 95. Greene 96. Frankville and Rossville, 97-8. Minn. 99— . Wheaton, Minn. 1906. D. Sept. 10, 1906. Pierson, George From Pres. San Jo.se. Ser. Adel and Waukee, 71-5. In Kan and Texas. D. Henrietta, Tex. Feb. 1, 95. Aged 69. Pillmeier, Louis. B. 111. Dub. C. and Sem, McC. T. S. 98. Ord. 98, Pr. Iowa. Ser. St. Peter's Ch. Franklin, la. 9.5- 7. McComb, 111. 1900—. Piatt, Adams W. B. Ct. 1790. Un. C. 1817. Miss, in O. and Ind. 20-3. Ord. Pr. St. Lawrence, Jan. 20. 24. Ser. Rutland, N. Y. 24-9. W. Galway, 29-3.3". West Fayette, 34-6. Hector, .36-48. S. S. Clinton, la. 58. D. May 2, 59. Pollock, Samuel Wiley. B. MifHin Co. Pa. W. and J. C. Des Moines Col. of Law. San Francisco T. S. Ord. Ap. 83, Pr. Santa Clara. Ser. Grand Junction, 82-4. Wilton, June. 84-6. Ev. of Ft. Dodge, 86-8. Bethany and Highland Park, Des Moines, 88-92. Ev. Pres. of Cedar Rapids and DuT)uquc, 92-3. Centerville, 9.3-7. Hollister, Cal. 1900. D. |an. 16, 1905, aged 55, at Hollister, Cal. Pollock, William A. B. O. 25. Frank. C. 58. Assoc. Ref. Sem. Ord. Pr. St. Louis, (U. P.), 58. Ser. 111., Ind., Iowa, U, P. Ch. till 79. Plym. Co. 80-2. Agt. Bib. Soc. Kearney, Neb. 1906. Porter, Alexander. B. Ireland, Ap. 16, 09. Pr. T.S. 33-35. Ord. Ev. No\-. 23. 36, Pr. Wilmington. Ser. Miss. Pa. and N. I. Va. and Mich, till 65 West Liberty, 6.5-73. Fairview, 7.3-8. Res. Iowa City. H. R. 90. D. Dec's, 93. Porter, George D. B. Pa. Mar. 1, 05. W. U. P. W. T. S. 30-2. Lie. 32. Ord. Nov,. 33, Pr. Huntingdon. Ser. In Pa. till 50. Tipton, 51-9. Mechanicsville part of time. Blairs- town 66-7. D. Dec. 17, 07. Pinkerton, William A. B. Clarinda, la. 61. Amity C. 89. Ref. Pr. T. S., A. Pa. Ord., Pr. of Vermont. Ser. Vt. till 07. Pr. Boston 91. la., (jra\ity, Prairie Star, Platte Center, 98. Vail, 99. Gilmore City, 1900. Sumner, 1906. Porter, William M. B. Pa. Ian 18, 49. Mon. C. 76. P. T. S. 2 vs. Mc. T. S. 79. Lie. 78. Ord. Oct. 20, 80, Pr. Cedar Rajiids. Ser. Oneida. 111. 79-80. Linn Grove, 80-5. Alamosa, Col. 80-7. Blackhawk 87-91. Nelson, Neb. 91-1905. 232 HISTORY. Porterfield, William (N. S.) Ap. in 00. Scr. Knox and Ainsworth (50. Cedar Falls, ril-2. W. C. till (i7. I)ro]>i.ed from roll. Potter, Cyrus K. B. Pa. W. C. Pa. 50. Assoc. Refd. T. S. 54. Lie. 54. Ord. Pr. 111. Scr. 111.. O.. till 00. Stuart. la. 77-1003. H. R. Potter, Henry N. B. Pa. Jef. C. 62. W. T. S. 65. Lie. 65. Ord. 07. Pr. Miami. Ser. O. and Pa. till OS. Epworth and Peosta (SO- 70. Darlin.Erton, Pa. 70. — Potter, James H., D.D. B. Pa. Oc. 3, 28. Jef. C. W. T. S. 55. Lie. 55. Ord., Doc. 13, 55, Pr. Dubuque. Scr. Ma- quoketa, 55-S. O., Maryland, Wis., till 69. Wintcrset, 70-S3. Eustis, Fl. 84—. D. Ap. 11, 1903. Pub. "Across the Conti- nent and Back." Tract "Plain Man." S. C. 12 ya. Pr. S. Florida. G. p. 9. Potter, T. Chalmers, 16, 54. Han. C. 74. P. Brooklyn. Ser. Denison Recdville, N. J. 87-90. 1900-06. D.D. B. Dunlapsville, Ind., Sejit. Un. 79 P. T. S. 80. Ord. SO, Pr. and Vail 80-1. Ill health ys. Cedar Falls 90-3. Glasgow, Del. Pratt, Abram A. B. Canada. Queen's Col. Can. B. A. M. A. Me. T. S. 86. Lie. 89. Ord. Fort Dodge, May 89. Ser. 111. 8.5-6. Woodl.urv Co. Chs. S7-8. West Bend and Plover, 88-91. Bethel 93-4'. Red Oak Grove, 95-8. What Cheer, 99-1902. Nauvoo, 111. 1900. Pratt, F. Augustus. B. Ct. Yale C. 40. Hart. T. S. 44. Lie. and Ord. Ser. Knoxville, 111. 43. Muscatine 45-7. Oskaloosa, 48-9. Cedar Creek and Edinburg, 50. Virg., Dak., Minn, D. Mapleton, Minn. June 5, 1900. " Aged 83. Pressley, Harvey M. B. 111. Mim. C. 70. Xenia T. S. 78. Lie. 77. Ord. Aug. 0, 78, Pr. S. 111. Ser. 111., Kan., Minn., Dak., Ala., till 98. Burt, la., 99. Minneapolis, 1900. Pressley, Robert T. 111. in S3. Scr. Alta, S4-0. Storm Lake, 87-9. Malcom, 90-1. P. O. Keokuk, 92-3. D. Ap. 12, 90. A.ged 47, Hersman, 111. Preston, D. A. Kearns. B. Pa. Mar. 26, 04. U. Pa. 91. MeC. T. S. 94. Ord. Oc. 2, 94, Pr. Cedar Rapids. Ser. Belle- vue, 94-6. 111. Ind. O. Ripley, O. 1906. Price, Cyrus A., M. D. B. O. Ottcrbein, O. 78. Bellevue Hi.sp. M. D. SO. Un. T. S. 89. Lie. 88. Ord. Oct. 4. 89, Pr. Fl. Dodge. Ser. Storm Lake 89-90. In Ind. Albion, Ind. 1900. Pryse, John. Ap. 57, in trans. Hardin Citv P. O. S. S. 58. Eldora, 59. O. 62. St. Louis W. C. 70-3. ' Last known of him. Pryse, William S., D.D. B. O, Wab, C. Ind. 71. Un. T. S. 72-3. Lane 75. Ord. Oct. 21, 75, Pr. St. Paul. Ser. Minn. Manchester, la. 78-9. Ind. 111. Neb. Steeleville, 111. 1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 233 Pughe, Richard. B. Wales. Bronkfield C. Wis. McC. T. S. 94. Lie. SS. Ord. Sej.. 94, Pr. Madison. Ser. Wis. til. 99. Andrew and linioline, 1900-OL Oxford 02-3. LeClairel 4-5. Vail 1906. Ranier, Martin T. B.Mich. A,i,'r. C. Mith. Lie. 82. Ord •S3, Cong. Assoc. Ser. Conj;. till 90. Plover, and Laurens. 90-3. Lake Park 9-4.5. Livermore 97. Ev. 9.S— .1906 Traer Burlingame, Kan., 1907. Purmort, Charles 47. Wo. U. 7.5. Un River. Ser. O. 111., Missionary, 98-1907. H., D.D. B. Campville, Can. Mar. 22, T. S. 78. Ord. Mav. 0, 79. Pr. Roek Dak. till 87. Waterloo, 87-98. Synod Des Moines, la. G. pp. .53, 107. Randall, MeC. T. S. Maple Hill 111. 1900. Amos A. B. Rockford. Ord. 93, Pr. Ft. Dodi 93-.5. Marengo, 90-8. Ill McAllister C. Minn, e. Ser. Armstrong and Cal. 111. Princeville, Putnam, Glenn H. B. Danville, Ky. C. C. K. 79. Me.T. S. 1 yr. U. T. S. SO-1. P. T. S. Sl-i Ord. Oct. 17, 82, Pr. Des Moines. Ser. Lincvillc and Allerton, 82-.5. Trenton, Mo. 8.5-8. Centerville, 88-92, Became Unitarian from 92. Quickenden, Henry. B. Eng. Pars. C. 93. Me. T. S. 96. Lie. 96. Ord. Aug. 96. Pr. Des Moines. Ser. Garden Grove and LeRoy, 96-8. Colfax. 99-1901. Lewistown, Mont. 1902—. Randolph, Allen Fitz. B. O. Wavn C. .56. Lie. 57. Ord. 5S, Cunil). Pr. Waliash. Ser. Cumb' Chs. in Ind., till 64. Ser. LaGrange, Ind. 65-9. Bedford, la. 69-76. Neb. and Col. 111. health. H. R. D. May 15. 1901, Boulder, Col. Rankin, William C. Ap. 40-2. Yellow Springs, 40-2, Fort Madison, 78-82. D. Farmington, la. March 7, 89. Aged 93. Educated Maryv. C. Tenn. Three brothers, John. Alexander, Robert, Pres. Minn. A son, John V., P. Warsaw, 111 Stated Clerk and Historian Schuyler Pres. G. p. 71. Rabenburg, Toenjes. Ap. Licentiate Waterloo Pres. 96. Ser. Holland 99. Tilonka. 1900. Dis. bv. Ft. Dodge to Canada. Dec. 17, 1900. Ratz, Jacob. B. Germany. Dub. C. 92. D. T. S. 95. Lie. 94. Pr. Dubuque. Ord. 94, Pr. S. Dakota. Ser. Emery S. D. 94-5. Mt. Hope. Mo. 1905. Rae, Wesley S. Received from United Presbytery of Man.stield, Apr. 24, 89, by Pres of Cedar Rapids. Dis. same date to Pres. of Ft. Dod.ge. Ser. Coon Rapids and Dedham 89. Returned to Haysvillc, O. without dis. Name dropped from roll in 95. Rea, Frederick. Ap. 73-4 S. S. Leon, cr later. Nothing earlier Rea, George S. .\p. S. S. Davenport, 47-8. W. C. La Claire 56. 234 HISTORY. Read, Philander. B. Pa. May. 4, 30. Amherst Col. Mass 59. Aub T. S. i\2. Ord. Cong;. Council. Soldier and Chap- lain U. S. 63-5. ScT. bv turns, in Mo. and Kan. 69-84. In la., Center Point, 67. Glidden 84-6. Atkins 86-90. Ev. 90-5. O'Leary 95-8. H. R. 98. D. Mar. 9, 1904. Aged 74. Reed, James Stuart. B. Tarentum, Pa., July 24, 37. J. C. 62. W. T. S. 62-5. Ord. Seji. 65, Pr. St. Ptiul. Ser. Hudson, Wis. 65-9. Eddyville. 69-71. Chariton, 71-84. Neosho Falls, Kan. 84-5. Chanute, Kan., 85-93. Alamosa, Col., 93-5. D. Alamosa, Col. Mar. 24, 95. Reagan, John T. B. Tenn. 50. Maryv. C. 80. Dan. T. S. S3. Ord. 92, Pr. Kingston. Ser. Tenn. till 92. Ken. 92-5. Afton, la. 96-7. Lone Star, 98-1900. Lohrville, 1901-3. Earl Park, Ind. 1904-6. Rederus, Anco. B. Holland. Central U. la. 80. Chica- go T. S. 84. Or. 87, Cong. Council. Ser. Woodbury Co. 91-2. In Wis. 9.3-1902. Morrison, la. 1903-6. Reed, Carson. B. Pa. Jan. 16, 34. Jcf. C. 62. W. T. S. 02-5. Ord. Nov. 7. 65, Pr. Peoria. Ser. Canton, 111. 6.5-8. Fairfield, la. 68-78. New London, SO-4. Martinsburg, Mo. 84-92. D. Fairfield, May 7, 92. Aged 58. Reed, Elmer E., D.D. B. Fairfield, la., 62. Pars. C. 84. Mc. T. S. 84-5. Farmer, 8.5-6. Prin. T. S. 86-7. McC. T. S. 88. Ord. Pr. Iowa, 88. Ser. Kirkvillc, 88-91. Griswold, 92-5. Atlantic, 96-1900. President Buena Vista C. 1901-6. Lenox C. 1906. Hopkinton, la. G. p. 112. Reed, James A.. D.D. B. Pa. May 22, 30. J. C. 56. W. T. S. 56-0. Ord. Oct. 60, Pr. Wooster. Ser. S. S. Cedar Rap- ids, Iowa. Wooster, O., (iO-S. S. S. in Minn, and Washington, D. C. Springfield, 111. 70. D. Chicago, Feb. 7, 90. Aged 60. Reed, William M. B. 1813. Ap. at Osceola, S.S. in 65 Dallas Center, 72-3. Fl(.ira, 111. 74. D. H. R. Schell City, Mo. March 29, 99. Aged 85. Reibert, August. B. Breslau, Ger. Dub. T. S. 81. Lie. SO. Ord. 81, Pr. Butler. Ser. Franklin Center, la. 8.5-8. Wis. Mo. Drake, Mo. 1906. • Reid, George B. B. Ireland. Oberlin C. 82. Mc. T. S. S6. Ord. 89, Pr. Council Bluffs. Ser. Chequest 87-8. Wal- nut, 89-90. S. Dak. (ill 1900. D. Ap. 26, 1900. Aged 52. H, R. Leola, S. D. Reid, Isaiah. B. Ind. Ap. 15, 36. Yellow Springs, C. 61. Aul>urn Sem. 64. Ord. Pr. Keokuk, June 14, 64. Ser. Nevada, 64-73. Albion and Marietta, 74 Nevada, 75-7. Withdrew from Pres. 80. Org. Indejiendcnt Pres. Church. Renskers, John. Ser. Waukon and Lycurgus, Ger. 50-04. Mich. 65-8. Disappears. Reynolds, Charles Lee. B. O 74. W. and T. C. Mc. T. S. Ord. Oct. 10, 99. Pr. Des. Moines. Ser. "Des Moines Gth, 99-1905. Lexington, FCy. 1906. G. p. 54. BIOGRAPHICAL. 235 Reynolds, Walter Hunter. D.D. B. Cincinnati. O.. 01. Son Of Rev. A. J. Ruvnolds. llu^uunul dcscunt. Wo. U. SO. McC. T. S. 89. D. D. Coe C. I'JO."). Ser. River Forest, 111. 89-90. Assist. P. 3d Ch. Chic. 90-9. Marion, 99-1902. Cas- tellar St. Ch. Omaha, Neb. 1902—7. Riale, Frank N. Ph.D. B. Tipton, la. .59. Son of Rev. Joshua Riale. Wo. U. SI. W. T. S. SO. Ord. 87, Pr. Omaha. Ser. Independence, 88-94. First Ch. Des Moines 94-0. Pul]jil Supply Cedar Rapids, 1st, 90. In Cleveland, 98-1904. Chica- go Heights, 111. 1905—. G. P. 10. Riale, Joshua. B. Doyle.stown, Pa. Stud. F. and M. C. Pa. Theol. under E. Penn. Classis Ref. Ch, Lie. 50. Ord. 50, Classis Mercersbura:. Ser. Ref. Chs. Pa. and la. 50-75. Presb. Omaha, 75. Ser. ^ In Neb. 75-84. Williams, la. 84-0. Blair, Neb. 87-90. Dysart, 90-1. Logan, 92-4 Hardin Township 9.5-7. H. R. 98—. Omaha 190(3, G. \i. 10. Rice, Edwin J. B. 111. 49. Wab. C. 73. Lane Sem, 70. Lie. 75. Ord. 70, Pr. Schuyler. Ser. 111., 70-90. Paton, la 90. 111. 91-4. Newton, la. '94-7. 111. Cuba, Mo. 1900. Rice, Harris G. B. Pa. 53. Princ. Un. 70. Un. T. S. SO. Lie. SO. Ord. SO, Pr. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Jefferson, la. 80-7. O., Ind. 88-1900. Monticello, Ind. 1900. Rice, John. B. Paisley, Scotland, 22. Glasgow U. 39- 41. Andcrsonian U. Scot., B. A. 42. ReL Pr. T. S. Paisley. Ord. 57. Pres. Saltsburg. Ser. In Pa. .56-73. Scotch Grove, Bethel, Onslow, Wayne, la. 74-81. H. R. Scotch Grove, la. 09-1900. Rice, Thomas, O. (N. S.) Ap. P. E. Des Moines Central 07-71. Russell, 72 W. C. 73. S. S. 74. Went East. P. Cong. Ch. Plymouth, Mass. Richards, George J. E. B. Hector, N. Y., 49. Ad. C. O. 72. Tutor. 72-.S. Prin. T. S. 73-5. U. T. S. 70. Ord. 76, Wisconsin River. Ser. Richland Center, Wis. 70-7. Delniar, and Elwood, 77-81. In O., 81-91. Greenville, 111. 91—. Mt. Carmel, 111. S. C. Synod of 111. 1900. G. p. 32. Ringland, Adam W., D.D. B. Pa. Cent. C. Ken., 72. McC. T. S., 75. Lie, 75. Ord. 75, Pres. Dubucjue. Ser. Dubuque 1st, 75-0. 111., Minn., tJhio. Oak Park, 111., 1900. Ringold, John A. B. Holland. Stud. Dub. T. S.,4yrs. McC. T. S., 7S.' Lie. 77. Ord. 78, Pres. Wisconsin River. Ser. Wis. till 1901, Arcadia Ger., 1902-6. Ritchey, John H., D.D B. Ohio, 40. W. and J., 05. W. T. S., OS. Lie. 07. Ord. 09, Pres. Winnebago. Ser. Wis., Mich.', 111., 08-80. lnde]iendence. 80-6, Wis. D. Apr. 12, 1902. "An unusually bright man intellectually. Earnest, and warm hearted. A strong and true preacher. .X sym])a- thetie and faitliful ])astor. .\ fine man socially." — T. S. Bailey. G. p. 10. Roberts, Bennett. (N. S.) Ap. Yellow Springs, 46. S. S. Marion, 49, S.S. Roberts, W. L. For three months Pres. of Lenox C Never enrolled in Presby. 236 HISTORY. Robertson, Henry M., D.D. B. Huntinsjton, L. Isl. U. C,. 4-_'. Otb. U.. D.D , 70. Prin. T. S., 48. ' Lie. 47, Ord. 49, Prus. Wisconsin. Scr. Wis., Ohio, till 83. Wintersut, 83-9. Dcs Moines Central, 90. D. M. Clifton Heisjhts, 91-5. Fair Haven, Wash., 96. H. R., Des M., 97— D Mav, 19 99 G. p. 16. Robinson, Hugh. B. 63. Cascade, la. Len. C, la., 88. McC. T. S., 91. Ord. Pres. Cedar Rapid.s, June 3, 91. Ser. Scotch Grove, 91-4. Pres. Lenox C, 94-6. Sprinsjville, 96-9. Madison, S. Dak., 1000-1906. Robinson, Moses. (N. S.) B. Burlington, Vt., Ap. 26 1.5. M. C, 39. U. T. S., 42. Ord., June 22, 43. Ser.: Ind., Ohio, Vt., till 54. Iowa Citv, .55, Waterloo, 56-7. Steam- hoat Rock, 58-65. (.N'evada, 01-2.) D. Sep. 2, 65. Robinson, Nelson C. (.N. S.) B .Bennington, Vt., Jan. 10,18. W.TS, 4:^-4 Lie, 45. Ord. 46, Pres. Scioto. Ser. Ohio and N. V., till 53. H. Mi.ss. 5.3-4. Vinton 1st, 5.5-71. Svnod. Miss. W. la. and Neb., 72-6. D. May 14. 70. at Neb City. G. p 97. Robinson, William M. B. Gibson, Pa., Oct. 1, .\ub. Sem., 59. Ord. June 22, 59, Pres. Cortland. Ser. In Ne\ York, tdl 64. Chap.. 64-5. In N. Y., till 75. Frankville and Mount Hope, 78-82. Pine Creek, 83-4. Zion, 8.5-8. Larrabee, 89-93. Inwood, 94-5. Salem, Or., 96-1906. Roddy, Joseph Stockton. B. Pa. Prin. Un., 91. Pr. T. S., 94. Ord. June 28. 94, Pres. Des Moines. Ser Dexler and Earlham, 94-6. Harrisburg, Pa., 96-1906. Roelse, Jacob. B. Ostburg, Wis. Hastings, C. Neb. Dub. T. S. Lie. Pres. F^t. Dodge. Ord., Pres. Chippewa. Ser. In Neb. Hastings, Neb., 1906. Rogers, Harry C. P. Fort Madison. 1904-7. G. p. 45. Rogers, Joseph. B. England, June 11, 15. C. N f . 4.'i. P. T. S., 48. Ord., Jan. 1, 51, Pres. Iowa. Ser. Round Prai- rie, 51-3. In Pa., Va.. N. J., D. Aug. 20. 63. Rohrabaugh, Daniel H. B. Ind., Jan. 30, 58. Wit. C, 88. U. T. S., 91. Lu-. 91. Ord., Oct., 91, Pres. Duluth. Ser. Minn, till 9.5. Osceola. 96-8. Randolph and Anderson. 99. In N. Y., till 190(). Neillville, Wis., 1906. Rose, John H. B. (). Ob. C. and Sem, 89. Ord. Ap., 89, Pres. Cleveland. Ser Montezuma, 90. 111. till 1905. Neva- da, Iowa, 1906. Rosenau, John W. B. Wis. Dub. Col.. 82. Dub. Sem.. 85. Lie. 84. Ord. Ap., 85. Pres. Madison. Ser. in 111. till 88. St. Peters, Evan., 88-94. In Mo. Emery, S. D., 1900. Ross J. Marion, D.D. B. 111., Nov. 4, 65. Blk. U., 86. McC. T. S., 89. Ord. 89. Ser. 111., Mo., till 1901. Shenan- doah. la., 1902-6. Mod. Syn. of 111. 99. G. p.,107. Rowley, Rossiter C. B. N. Y., Jul. 18, 18. Asb. U., Ind. Ord. Ian. 15, 38, in M. E. Ch. Rec'd bv Presb. 62. Ser. Ger. Evang., 62-7. (Jrg. Brooks and Nodaway Chs., 77-98. 11. R,. Corning, 1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 237 Russel, James G. B. 111. III. C, SS, Mc. T. S., 91, Ord 91, Pr. La Crosse. Ser.. Wis. and 111., 91-6. Dorbv and Lucas, 96-9. Neb. Beaver City, Neb. Russell, Daniel, D.D. B. N. Y. Frank. Ac. Ham. Coll. M.A., o9. Cne C. D.D.. 90. Stu. Auburn Sem. Lie. 49. Ord. 50. Ser. In N. Y. till 68. Cedar Falls, 68-70. Manchester, 70-6. Bethel 77. Anamosa and Center Junction, 78-87. Oelwein and Ilazelton, 89-90. Jesup. 91-2. H. R., Manchester. D. Mar. 29, 1902. Age 78. "Scholarly, digni- fied man and minister. True to his convictions, and diligent in his plans." T. S. Bailey. Russell, Francis W., D.D. B. in N. Y. 90. McC. T. S., 94. Ord. 9.3, Pres. Neb. bury, Neb., 94-7. Marshalltown, 97-1902. G. p. 11. 65. U. of Neb., City. Ser. Fair- St. Louis, 1906. Russell, Thomas W. B. Scotland, 62. Aberdeen Un. Lawver. Mc. T. S. 96. Lie, 95. Ser.' Ottumwa., W. End, May'l7, 96, till his death. Sept. 17, 96. Russell, Watson. B. Pa. Stud. Laf. Col. Theology, privately. Lie. 53. Ord., Pr. Redstone. Ser. Pa., W. Va. O. Lime Springs, 84-6. Frankville, and Mt. Hope, 87-8. 111. 89. D. in Wis. June 2, 98. Age 80. Russman, Eilt K. B. Germany. Dub. C, 92. Sem 95. Lie, 94. Ord., 95, Pres. Waterloo. Ser. Wis., Minn., till 99. Emmanuel Ger Ch., 1900-06. Ruston, William E. B. [une 9. 72, Osage, la. Lake For- est C, 94. Mc. T. S,, 97. Lie. and Ord., Pr. Freeport, Mav 97. Ser. Wilson's Grove. 97-9. New Sharon, 99-1902. Far- ley, 1902-06. Coggon, 1907. G. p. 51. Ruston, William O., D.D. B. New York Cilv, Dec. fi. 52 Columbia C, N. Y , 72. Un. T. S. 75. Lie. 75.' Ord. Oc. 5, 75, Pr. Morris and Orange. Ser. Fairmont, N. J., 75-7. Bethel, West Union, la. 77-86. Dubuque 1st, 86-1903. Prof. Sac. Lang, and Lit., Dubuque Sem. 1903. Made President 1904. Married Oct. 5, 76. Mary Wood Crater. Two children. Silas Otis, Died in infancy: John Albert, Died Aug. 1, 1901, Aged 22 ys. D.D. from Lenox, 86. Stated Clerk Dubuciue Pres. since 82. State Clerk, Synod of Iowa. President Board of Directors of Dubuque, Col. and Sem. Mem. Board of McC. T. S. Mem. Board of Aid for Colleges. G. pp. 50, 88. Sammis, John H. B. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 6, 46. Lane and McC. T. S. 79. Ord, 80, Pr. Fort Dodge. Ser.: Glidden, 79-80. Ind., Mich., Minn. Sullivan, Ind., 1906. Sarchet, Albert L., Ph.D. Ap. in 111. 83-4. Keithsburg. 111., 84. Bedford, 85-90. Guthrie Center, 91-4. Council Bluffs 2nd, 95. Griswold, 96-9. Jefferson, 1900-1906. Sawers, Edward H. McC. T. S. 79. Ser. 111. 78-80. dletown, 80-2. Chicago, Scotch., London, Can., 1906. Mid- Sayre, Edward H. B. N. Y., Nov. 21, 38. Am. C. .58. Prin. T. S. 62. Lie. 61. Ord. July 15, 62, Pr. Long Island. Ser.: Miss, in India, 63-9. In N. Y.. Minn, to 76. North wood 76-8. Wilson's Grove, 79-80. Lime Springs, 81-2. 238 HISTORY. Clarksville, 83-4. 190G. In 111. West Point, 94-6. Gcrins?, Neb., 98- Hudson. Ser. Pastorate and teachinj; 62-77. Ref. Ch. Pella 77-82. Sup. Spencer Acad., I. f 84-90. McAlister, I. T. 90-4. Knoxville, 94-7. Hartshorn, I. T. 1906. Schaedel, Jacob. B. Germany. Dubuque C. and Bern. 74. Lie. 74. Ord., 74, Pres. Winona. Scr. Minn., Neb., Mo., till 99. Ashton, (Ger.) 1900-1. Sibley 1902. Schaible, Charles E. B. Wis., Sep. 3, 50. Dub! C. and Sem. Lie. 73. Ord. 74, Pr. Dubuque. Ser. Washington, Mo., 74-80. Lansing First, 80-1. Farley, 81-.5. 111. 85-93. Agt. for Dubuque Se'm. 93-7. Creston. 98-1900. Burlingame, Kan., 1906. Schaible, John G. B. Germany. Col. and Sem. of Morav- ian Ch., in Germany. Miss, to Dutch Guinea, S. Am., 49 There joined Pres. Ch. Ord. 56, Pr. St. Louis. Ger. Chs. in Mo. till 64. Galena, 111. 64-8. Independence 68-83. Omaha 83-92. D. June 14, 98. Aged 78. Schell, James P. B. West Liberty, la., Jan. 29, 45. la. State Un. 70. Un. T. S., 73. Ord. Ap. 73", Pr. Iowa City. Ser. Miss, on frontier, 20 ys. in Utah. Scott, la. 74-8. Minn., N. Dak., Idaho. Warren, Minn. 1906. Schell, Ulysses Grant, D.D. B. Ind. Parsons C, 89. McC. T. S., 92. Lie. 91. Ord. June, 92, Pr. Waterloo. Se . Greene 92. Mo. Union Star, Mo., 1906. Schmitt, Henry, Jr. B. Germany. Dub. C. 82. Sem. 85. Schemerhorn, Harvey R. B Schodak, N. Y. Rutgers Col. Lie, 84. Ord., 85, Pr. Wisconsin. Ser. Lansing and Mc- N. J., M. A. 66. New. T. S. 62. Lie. 62. Ord. 02, Classis of Gregor, 85-90. Forreston, 111. 90-1906. Schiller, William. B., Moravia, Feb. 72. Kolin. Gym. Bohemia, 91. U. T. Sem. 94. Lie. 94. Ord. 95, Pres. New York. Ser Cleburne, Kan. and stations, 95-7. Saratoga, Ref. Bo. 98-1900. Hopkins, Minn. D. Feb. 21, 1904. Schlager, Adelbert J., D.D. B. N. Y. June 28, 46. Ham. C. 09. U. T. S. 72. Ord. Nov. 20, 72, Pr. Lackawanna. Ser. Pa., 72-6. Prof. Dubuque 78-88. Binghampton, N. Y. 89- 1906. Schlueter, Herman C. Ap. in Mo. S3. Ser.: Independ- ence, Ger. 84-5. N. J., Pa. Out of Minutes. Schmidt, Frederick. From Presb. of Danv. 62. Ser. Muscatine, Ger. 62-6. Mount Pleasant and Burlin.gton, 67- 70. Mt. Pleasant 71-4. Kan. 75-82. Ramsay 83-4. D. March 29, 85. Aged 53. Schmitt, Henry. B. Prussia., Sept. 10, 48. Dub. C. and Sem. 71. Lie. 73. Ord. 74, Pr. Wis. River. Ser. Kilborn City, Wis, 73-81. Mt. Pleasant, Ger., 81-6. E. Friesland, 86-1906. D. Ap. 2, 1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 239 Schuette, Ernst, D.D. B. Hanover, Ger. Ahlfeld. C. Ger. Dub. Sum. 72. Ord. 72. Pr. Winona. Ser. Minn. and 111., 72-8. Waiikon, 79-83. 111. 83-6. Independence, 86-94. Dubuque Ger. 94-8. Beloit,Wis, 99. D. Ap. 6, 1904. Aged 54. Schwartz, Jacob. McC. T. S., 53. Lie. 56. Ser... Rock Creek, 56. Wis. and 111. 56-65. Le Roy and Wilson's Gro\e 65-9. H. R. D. Sept. 23, 79. Scofield, William H. B. Ind. May 18, 59. Wab. C. 85. U. T. S. 88. Ord. Mav 17, 88, Pr. Newark. Ser. In N. J and 111, till 91. Middletown, 92-5. Bonaparte, 96-9. Middle- town, 1900—. Hansen, Neb. 1906. Scott, Alexander, D.D. B. Richmond, O., Jan. 16, 26. Jef. C. 46. Un. T. S. Va. Lie. 49. Ord. June 18, 51, Pr. Richland. Ser. Missionary and Tea. 49-50. In C, 50-69. Kossuth, 70-80. S. Des Moines, 80-83. Perry, 83. Dallas Center, 84. Russell, 85. Mediapolis, 86. Hopkinton, 87-8. Ons- low, 89-91. O. West Salem. Congress, 95-1906. Scott, Joseph H. (N. S.) Comes from O. Ser. West Liberty, 59-62. Niles, O., Metropolis, 111., 63-70. D. Feb. 23, 79. Aged 53. Scott, William A., B. Lisbon, O. N. E. O. Normal, 93. Wn. T. S. 96. Lie. 95. Ord. 97, Pr. Des Moines. Ser. Grimes and Ridgedale, 97-1902. Larrabee, 03. Aneta, N. D., 1906. Scroggs, Luther M. B. Greenfield, Mo. Park C. 89. P. G. Center C. Ky. 9.5-6. McC. T. S. 91. Ord. May 20, 91. Ser. Bonajjarte, 91. Russell, 92-3. P. and Prin, Collegiate Inst. Mt. V. Ky. 96—. Tamaroa, 111. 1906. Sears, William A. B. Bristol, O. Feb. 21. 62. Scio. C, O SS. McC. T. S. 95. Lie. 95. Ord. 95, Pr. Red River. Ser. Moorehead, Minn., 95-6. Mechanicsville, 97-1901. Will- iams, 1902-5. West Rush Creek, O. 1906. Semple, William. B. Ireland. National Sch. Ireland. W Wis. Conf. M. E. Ch. 4 yrs. Ord. 75. M. E. Conf. Ser. M. E. Chs. Wis. 75-7. Union Township, 90-95. Missouri Chs. Teaching and farming. Eldorado 1900. Drops out. Sentz, James E. B. Charleston W. Va. Feb. 19. 67. R. C 86 U. T. S. 89. Ord. June 6, 89. Pr, Jersey City. Ser. N. J. and N. Y., 89-93. Cherokee, la., 93-4. Mo., Cal., O. Cincinnati, 1906. Settlemeyer, George M. B. Pa. Wit. C. and Sem. 58. Lie. 58, Ev. Luth. Wit. Synod. Ord. May, 60. Syn. Central Pa Ser. in Pa. till 65. Lutheran Chs. Rec. bv Pr. Des Moines, 75. Ser.: Galesburg, la, 75. W. C. 76-1900. Out of Minutes. Sexton, Thomas L., D.D. B. O. March 29, 39. W. and J C 69. U. T. S. 72. Lie. 70. Ord. May 9, 72, Pr. Troy. Ser. 111., N. Y. till 75. New London, 75-80. Kossuth, 80- 2 Neb. from 82. Seward, Neb. 82-6. Synodical Miss., 86-1906. Lincoln, Neb. 240 HISTORY. Sharon, James C. B. Pa., 1S06. Jef. C. 30. Prin. T. S. Tea. State Deaf Asvlum, Columbus, O. 1 yr. Ser. O. 6 yr. Union and Shiloh 42-9. Prof. West Point, 50-3. Mo. 54-7. Birmingham. 58-63. Troy and Bloomfield, 64-S. D. June 28, 6S. Came from near ZanesviUe, O. with his three-horse wagon, his wife and little ones, camping out by the way. Bringing bedding and library. In Civil War, Chaplain of Fifth Iowa Cavalry. Had full share of the trials and the seed planting. "I think of him as a wide and influential Presbyter and a cor- dial friend." J. M. McElroy. G. p. 69. Sheeley, Virgil G. B. O.. Sept. 13, 37. Miami Un. 63. W. T. S. 66. Lie. 65. Ord. Ap. 66, Pr. Dubuque. Ser. Waverly, 66-9, Red Oak, 69-70. Returns to the east. Cleve- land, Ohio, 1906. Sherman, Thomas E. B. Belknap, la. Adrian Col. Mich. Auburn T. S. 90. Lie. 89. Ord. June 90, Pr. St. Law- rence. Ser. Brownsville, N. Y. 90-3. Grace Ch. Rochester, N. Y. 93-7. Lewiston, Ida. 98-1900. Milton, la, 1900-01. Ottumwa, W. E. 1901-3. LeRoy, Minn. Sharpley, George H. Rec. Ap. 19, 93, from Classis of 111. Ref. Ch. of America. P. E. Perry, 93. D. May 17, 93. Aged 54. Shields, James H. (N. S.) Ap. 43, Spencer, Ind. Ser. Ind. 43-9. Union, la. 51-3. Centerville, 52-3. Mt. Gideon, 54-6. Shaver, Thomas A. B. O. W. & J. C. 68. W. T. S. 68-9. Ord. 74, Pr. Ft. Dodt;e. Ser. Glidden, 74-5. Grand June. 76-7. Linn Grove, 78-9. Dak. 80-3. Marne, 85-88. O. till 96. Chadburn, N. C. 1906. Shiels, William S. B. Irel. Mav 6, 58. Lake Forest C 85. McC. T. S. 88. Lie. 87. Ord. 88. Pr. Iowa. Ser. West Point 88-93. Keokuk, 93-1901. N. Dak. Antler, N. D. 1906. Shearer, Frederick A., D.D. B. Franklin Co. Pa. Jan. 1, 12. J. C. 36. W. T. S. 36.7. Lie. 39. Or. June 9, 40. Pr. Richland. Ser. O. 40-54. Iowa City, 54-9. Mo. 60-1. Wash- ington, Crawfordsville, 63-8. Aledo, 111., 69-73. West Liber- ty, 7.5-9. Colfax, 80-5. Earlham, 86-9. Mavnard, 90. Col- fax, ©1. H. R. 91. Moved to Aledo, 111. 95. D. Oc. 15, 1905. G. p. 71. Shedd, Francis H. B. Mt. Gilead, O Oc. 10, 62. Mari- ietta C. 89. Lane T. S. 92. Lie. 91. Ord. May 92, Pr. White- water. Ser. Ind., 91-5. Sioux City 3d, 9.5-1900. St. Paul, Minn. 1900-2. Sioux City 3d. 1903-4. Princeton, Ind. 1906. Shinn, James G. B. Phil. Pa. Ap. 13, 22. Un. Pa. 44. Pr. T. S. 47. Ord. Nov. 48, Pr. Iowa. Ser. Burlinglon, 48-51. Phil. Pa. 53-61. Chaplain 61-5. Principal, Phil. Tea, in N. J. Atlantic City. Tea. D. Oc. 26. 1903. Shirey, William B. B. Ind. Han. C. 93. Mc. T. S. 96. Lie. 95. Or. Julv, 96. Pr, Chippewa. Ser. Ind. & Wis. 92-6. Prairie Star and Platte Center. 97-1900. Eaton, O. 1906. Shoemaker, John E. B. Pa. Aug. 23, 68. Pars. C. 90. Mc. T. S. 93. Pr. Iowa. Ser. Miss to China. Ningpo, China, 1905. G. p. 79. BIOGRAPHICAL. 241 Simpson, Martin W., D.D. B. O Frank. C. 84.. Lane T. S. 87. Lie. SO. Ord. 87. Pr. Dos Muincs. Ser. Humeston, 87-90. Manchester, O. 190(3. Smith, Alexander E. B, Bloomfield, O. W. C. 63. W. S. GG. Or. Pr. Richland, 67. Ser. Sioux City, 66-70. N. Y. 70-8. Ida Grove, 78-88. W. C. Ida-Grove 89-I90G. Slack, Comfort I. B. Mexico, N. Y Aus;. 12, 3.5 Ham. C. 60. Aub. T. S. 63. Ord. 63. Pr. Dus Moines. Ser. Newton, 63-4. D. at N. Feb. 24. 65. Smith, Ambrose C, D.D B. Pa. Aiit;. 21, 41. J. C. Pa. 61. Lake For. U. and C.C. Ky. D.D. P. T. S. 64. Or. Cen. Pr. Philadelphia. Ser. Galena, 111. till 90. President Pars. C. 90-96. Janesville, Wis. 97-1900. Negaunee, Mich. 1906. Slagle, Jacob F. B. O. Wo. U. 90. Mc. T. S. 96. Or. |unc 96. i'r, Si(jux City. Ser. Mcridcn, and Larrabce, 96-7. 0., Wis. Milwaukee, Wis. 1906. Sloane, William E. Ph.D. B. Pa. Sep. 18, 63. W. and J. C. 90, W. T. S. 93. Lie. 92. Ord. 93. Pr. Sleubenville. Ser. Ohio, till 97. Knoxville, 97-1900. Storm Lake 1901-3. Des Moines, 1903-.5. Austin, Minn. 1907. Smalley, John. B. N. J. Sep. 18, 13. Laf. C. 39. Prin. T. S. 42, Ord. Nov. 12, 44, Pr. Northumberland. Ser. Pa. 43-58. Waverly, 58-66. H, R. D. Aug. 30, 79. Smidt, Helmer T. Licentiate in Duliurjue 74. Ser. Wis. till 78. Wauki.in, 78. 111. till 81. Mount Pleasant (German) 81-2. Galena, 111., 83-9. Smiley, Foster A. B. Maine, Ap.4, 71. Drurv Col. Mo. 98. Mc. T. S. 1900. Ord. Ap. 17, 1901, Pr. Ft. Dodsje. Ser. West Bend, 1901-2. Blairstown, 1902-6. G. p. 33. Smith, AthertonN. B Elvria, O. Lane T. S. 92. Lie. 91. Ord. 92, Pr. Zancsville. Ser. 0., 92-3. Mich., 93-8. Atalissa, 98. Cedar Falls, 99. Oxford and Union, 1900-1. Spokane, Wash. 1906. Smith, David C. B. Kirkville, Mo. Moravian C. Pa. 78. M. T. S. 80. Ord. 83, Morav. Ch. Rec. Pr. Platte, 86. Ser. Currie, Minn. S2-3. Brooklyn, 83-6. Craig, Mo. 86-91. Hamburg. la. 91-93. Neb. Kan. Russell, Kan. 1906. Smith, George B. B. Pa. W. and [. C. ON. W. T. S. Lie. 70, Pr. Blairsville. Ser. Seward, .Neb., 71-6. Martins- burg, 76-80. Seott, Fairview and W. Branch, SO-o. Malcolm, 85-9. Scott, 89. Brooklvn, 90-4 Hardin, 111. 9S Alpha, Minn, 1906. Smith, George W. Ph. D. B. New York. Roch. Un 80. Danv. Sem.. Auburn, Lane. Ord. June 11. 88. Pr. Water- loo. Ser. Ekiora, Steamboat Rock, 88-90. Dubuque 3rd, 90- 1. 111. 92. Rock River Prcs. D. Oct. 7, 1903. Aged 45. 242 HISTORY. Smith, J. Irwin, D.D. B. Mercer Co Pa. Mar. 31. 27. Jef. C. 51. W. T. S. 54. Lie. 53. Ord. Aus?. 17, 54. Pr. Erie. Ser. Mich. 53-65. Syn. Miss. vSt. Paul. 65-6. LaCrosse, Wis. 66-80. Galesville, Wis. Prof, and President, Sl-S. Toledo and Tama, 89-1901. Summit 1902-5. H. R. Cedar Rapids, 1906. Avithor: "Take Heed what ye Hear," "Right Dedication of Children." Smith, J. Malcom. B. Canada. Gram. Sch. Scotland, Can. Cong. Theol. Inst. Toronto. 62. Ord. Ap. 4, 63. Cong. Council. Ser. Cong. Chs. in Can. la. Mich, and Minn. In Pres. Chs. Minn, till 93. In Iowa., Gilmore City and Pom- eroy, 93. Churdan. 94. Walnut 95-6. Conrad, 97-8. W. C. Grand Rapids, Mich. 1906. Smith, L. Richmond. B. Mo. 51. Park C. 87. Mc. T. S. 90. Lie. 89. Ord. Ap. 90, Pr. Frceport. Ser. H. Miss Work in Washington, 90-2. Shellsburg and Pleasant Hill, 92-5. Kan. Neb. Humljoldt, Neb. 1906. Smith, Matthew. Ap. in 54 at Centerville. Ser. C. 54-9. Shunem 50." S. M. 59. D. at Centerville. 59. Smith, Pliny S. In Neb. 95. vSer. Troy, Lebanon, Che- i|Ucst, 96, Milton, 97-S. Arlington, Pilot Grove, 99-1901. Tenn., Mo., N. Dak. Wishck, N. D. 1906. Smith, James M., D.D. B. Pa. Nov. 29, 49. W. and J. C. 73. W. T. S. 76. Lie. 75. Or. June 19, 77. Pr. Des Moines. Ser. Dallas Center and Minburn, 76-9. Pittsb. Pa. 79-80. Missouri Valley, 80. Sonora, Cal. 1906. Smith, Scott W. Ord. Ap. 10, 87, Des Moines Conf. of Evangelical Association. Received by Presb. of Cedar Rapids, Aprir28. 1891. Ser. C. Rapids, 3d. 91-4. Boone, 95-8. Oska- loosa, 99-1900. Adel, 1902-3. Sinclair Mem. of Cedar Rapids. 1901-6. G. p. 60. Smith, John M. B. Pa. March 6. 31. J. C. 56. W. T. S. 59. Lie. .58. Or. Ap. 28, 60, Pr. Washington. Ser. W. Va., Pa., Mo., Wis. till 89. Hopkinton, 89-92. Greene, 93-5. Shellsburg ami Pleasant Hill, 96-7. H. R. 99. D. Dec. 12, 1905 in Pa. Smith, Thomas Corwin, D.D. B, Amelia, O. Un. Christian C. Ind. 66. D.D. 91. U. C. C. 3 vrs. Prin. T. S. 83. Lie. Ajir. 83. Ord. Oc. 10, 83. Pr. Council Bluffs. Ser Shenan- doah, 83-7. Clarinda, 87-92. Col. 1903. Springvillc, Utah, 1906.. Smith Jonah. B. N. Y. Aug. 7, 53. Syracuse U. Mc. T. Sem. Lie. 92. Ord. June 15, 93, Pr. Vincennes. Ser. Burlington, Hope Ch. 94-8. W. C. and demitted the ministry 1904. Smith, William Alexander. Ap. 11. Miss. Ilannaford, Dak. 84. Ser. Churdan, Lohrville, 85, Paton, Moingona 86. Nevada, 88. Ponca Neb., 89. Plymouth County, 92-3. Neb. Mo. Col. Fort Collins, Colo. 1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 243 Smith, William D. B. Vt. Sep. 3. .5.5. Mid. C. Vt. 78. U. T. S. 81. Lie. 81. Cong. Ord. Oc. 28, 8.5. Pr. Waterloo Sor. State Center, 84-7. 111. Watseka, 1907. . . Sneed, Samuel K. (N. S.) Ap. New Albany, Ind. 52. fSer. Keokuk, la. .53-5. Agent, 56-7. Out of minutes. D. Kirkwood, Mo., Aug. 30, 76, aged 78. Smith Wilham R. Ap. Glidden, 70-1. Pisgali, 72-4. Butler Center, Dee]) Ri\er, Adair, Casey, 75-9. Kan. appearance. [a. 70. Eldora. and Nel Ser. Glidden, Snodgrass, Horace S. B. Mansfield, O., 39. W. C, Pa. RcK-k Creek, 65. W. T. S. Pa. 68. Ord. 68, Pr. Columbus. Ser. Lan- '. till S3. Last caster, O. 68-71. Oskaloosa, 73-8. Sigourncy, 78-81. Stockton, Cal. 82—. Monterey, Cal. 1906. Smith, Winfield Scott. B. Vincennes. Ind. Han. C. Ind. 88. Me. T. S. 92. Lie. 92. Ord. 93. Pr. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Dedham and Coon Rapids, 92-4. Villi.sea, 94-5. Utah, Idaho, Oakland, Or. 1906. Smits, Evert. B. Netherlands. Hope C. Mich. 75. Mc. T. S. 82. Lie. 81. Or. 82, Pr. Waterloo. Ser. Ill, 81-2. Tama City and Toledo, 82-4. Neb. till 94. Mich. 96. Alden.Minn., 1906. Snook, Ernest McCune, Ph.D. B. Fairfield, la., July 1, 59. Pars. Col. SI. W. T. S., 82-3. Mc. T. S., 8.3-5. Lie. 84. Ord. 86, Pr. S. Dak. Ser. Dell Rapids, Dak., 86-7. AUerton and Lineville, 87-8. Corydon and Menlo, 89-91. 111. 92-7. Middletown, la. 1902-4. Tonkawa, Okla. 1904—. Middle- town, la. 1907. Snook, J. Eugene. B. Mt. Clemens, Mich. Normal U. O. 94. McC. T. S., 97. Ord. 97. Pr. Lima. Ser. Woodbine, la. 97-8. Silver Cbff, Col., 99-1900. Pagsanhan, Phil. Is. 1900. Smits, Klaas. B. S. lioll.ind. Ord. 70, Pr. Dul)iiciue. Ser. Dj'ersville, 20 years. Muscatine 17 years. Ger. Chs. Zecland, Mich. 1906. Snyder, William H. B. Pa. 42. Un. Col. 68. Un. Sem., 71. Ord. 73, Pr. Topeka. Sor. Kan., Col. 73-87. Creston,lIa. 87-92. Missouri Valley, 93-1900. South Haven, Mich. 1906. Smock, David V. McC. T. S. 43. Ser. Hopewell and Shiloh, Ind. BirminL'ham, la. 54-7. Sigourney, 5S-61. Lilierly, 62- 71. Lafayette and Keota, 71-5. ' VV. C. D. at Keota, Dec. 31, 78. Aged 70. Spees, S. Granby, D.D (N. S.) B. Greenville, N. Y. March 6, 11. Un. C. 33. Prince. Sem., 34-5. Ord. May 13, 38, Third Pres. New York. Ser. N. Y., 111., Wis., O.. 39-64. Dubuque, 2nd, 67-71. D., Greenville, N. Y. Feb. 28, 72. 244 HISTORY. Spencer, David B. B. Minn. Obcrlin C, 78. And. T. S.. SI. Lie. NO. Ord. 82. Cong. Conference. Presb. of Lake Superior, 94. Ser. S. S, Des Moines P. O. 99-1901, River Falls, Wis. 1906. Stark, Jacob H. B. Germanv, Mav 11. 48. Dub. Sem. Tea. Prin. T. S. 76. Ord. Oc. 2, 7(1, Pr. Dubuque. Ser. Sherrill's Mound, 77-83. Waukon, 84-93. Deposed Nov. 1, 93. Spinning, Charles P. B. Oxford. O. Univ. Virg. Stud. McC. T. S. Lie. r,S. Ord. 60, Pr. Mattoon. Ser. 111., Ind., .58-68. Fairview and Solon, 69-73. Montezuma and Deep River, 73-6. Summitt and Eldridgc, 76-9. 111., Kan. Ill Health, 89. H. R. Los Gatos, Cal., 1906. Springer, Benjamin O. (N. S.) Ap. in Ohio, 49. Sir Ohio till 56. Decatur City, Iowa, 56-62. W. C. D. July 17, 81, aged 76. Stanley, Hannibal L, (N. S.) Ap. fanes\illc, Mich. 60. Ser. Lyons, (i.3-7. vSecretary. 68-9. Wheatland, 71-.S. Lake Forest, 111. 79— death, July 12, 83. Aged 58. Stark, James Worthington. B, Colchester, Ct. Mar. 4, 33. Un. Mich. 58. Un. Sem. 61. Lie. 61. Ord. 62. Pr. Wabash. Ser. 111., Wis., New Mcx., Col. 61-91. .Ainsworth, 71. Bloomfield 72-3. Allerton and Lineville, 92-3. Bloom- ticld 94-1903. Los Angeles, Cal. — 1906. Stauss, Hartmann. B. Germanv. Lie. 72. Ord. 74, Pr. Osage. Ser.' 11 Ccntertown and Dyorsville, 87-1900. Dub. C. and Sem. 65, ., Mo., Oregon, till 86. Lamont 1901-6. Stauss, John D. Licentiate Dubuque Presb. 99-1900. Ser. Winona. Minn. Athens, Wis. 1906. Stearns, Timothy. From Presli. Columbus, 55. Ser. Mt Pleasant, 55-8. W. C. 2 vs. Tea. 61. D. in 61 or 62. Stark, Albert Charles. B. Germany. Dub. Sem. McC. T. S. 80. Ser. Wis. 80-84. Centertown, 84-7. Neb. Mad- ison, Wis. 1906. Stark, Harry R. Ph.D. B. O. Sep. 4, 64. Adrian C. 88. Me. T. S. Lie. 90. Ord. May 7, 92, Pr. Chicago. Ser. May- wood, 111. 92-4. Washington, la. 94-1901. Frankfort, Ind., 1902-6. Steele, John. B. Pa. Dec. 11, 12. J. C. 42. W. T. S. 45. Lie. 46. Ord. Ap. 8, 49, Pr. Lake. Ser. O., Ind., 111. till 59. Newton, la. 59-61. Chap. 13th Iowa Vol. 61-2. D. Sep. 10, 62. Steele, Samuel Wilson. B. Cincinnati, O. Pars. C. 86. Lane Sem. 88. Ord. 89, Pr. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Estherville, 89- 94. Lake City, 94-9. Avon, N. Y., 1900-1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 245 ' Steele, Zadok W. Local Ev, Mannini;, 95-9. Plovur and Pocahontas, 1900-02. Oakvillc 1904-5. Gravity, 1906. Steffens, Nicholas M., D.D. B. Germany. Gym. of Einden. Ref. Ch. Theo!. Sem., Netherlands. Lie. and Ord. Aug. 31, 64. Pres. Hanover. Ser. Germany, 111., Mich., till 84. Prof. Theo. Wn. T. S. 84-95. Prof, theol. Dubuque, 96-8. March 25, 99. dismissed to Ref. Classis of Iowa. West Point and Sharon. la., 59-64 Burlinuton, 61-70. Oin.a- ha, Neb., 70-7. Union Ch. Ft. Madison, 77-190:5. II. R 1904, Fort Madison. See "Pioneers." G. p. 70. Stewart, John B., D.D. B. Pa., May 7, 25. Wash. C. 4S. W. T. S., 51. Lie. 51. Ord. 54, Pr. Woostcr. Ser. O. 54-70. Davenport, 70-2. Milwaukee, Wis. 72-Sl. Dos Moines Central, Sl-7. Cal. 88—. D. July 22, 94, Los Ant;eles. Sterling, Charles G., Ph.D. B. Dec. 29, 59, Madison, Wis. Un. Wis. 80. McC. T. S. 86. Lie. and Ord. Sep. 29, 86, Pr. M.-idison. Ser. My. to Sioux Ind., 86-91. Lowe Ay. Ch., Omaha, 91-5. Inst, in Hob. Omaha Sem. 91-3. Prof. O. T. Lit. and Ex. 93-6. Prof. Greek, Univ. Wis. 96-9. Cedar Rap- ids 3d Church. 99-1904. Prof. Indianapohs, Ind. 1904-6. Married, Oct. 6, 86, Miss Lulu May Fisher, of Madison, Wis. DauLjhter, Adelaide. Son. John Gordon. Stevenson, Thomas M., D.D. B. O., Feb. 19, 28. Mu C. 51. Stud. Mc. T. S. 60-1. Lie. 61. Ord. 62, Pr. Zanesville. Ser. in O. till 78. Hopkinton, 78-81. O., till his death Jan. 29, 98. Chap. 78th O. V. I., 62-5. Stewart, David H., D.D. B. W. Va. 55. W. and ]. C. 79. W. T. S.. 82. Lie. 82. Ord, 82, Pr. Des Moines. S"er. Sey- mour and Promise 82-4. Kan. till 1906. Stewart, John E. B. O. Mon. Col. SO. U. P. T. S. S3. Lie. 82. Ord. 83, U. P. Pby. Cedar Rapids. vSer. Garner (U. P.) 83-5. Pine Brush, N. Y. (U. P.) 86-90. Milo, 91-2. Des Moines, Highland Park, 92-3. Or., Washinsjtnn, Wooster, O., 1905. Stewart, William R. From Synod of Pacific. 79. Ser. La Porte, 79. Marengo 80-3. La Porte City 84. Williams- burg. 8.5-8. Clarion 89-90. Dis. Ap. 14, 91, to Dub. Assoc. Cong. Chs. Stickel, James. B. O. 34. Stud. Mi. U. Lane T. S 70. Lie. 68. Ord. 71, Pr. Athens. Ser. O., 111. 70-74. MaUom, 74-6. Toledo, Salem. Rock Creek. 76-82. Sac City. 82-8. Ccmrad. 88-9. Lohrville, Chnrdan, S9-91. Ev. and II. Miss. 91-1 Wilson's Grove, 9.5-7. Kan. 11. R. Toledo. la. 1906 Stewart, George D., D.D B. Pa. Dec. 30. 25. Laf. C. 45. Han. C. D.D. 73. Prin. T. S. 49. Lie. 48, Ord 50, Pr. Steuben. Ser. Conquest, N. Y. 49-51. Bath, N. Y. 51-9. Stocker, John. B. N. 11. Nov 29. l.SOO M. C 30. P. T S. 31-3. Ord. E\-. Sep. 18, 33, Pr. Long Isl. Ser. N. V., Ind 33-7. Bloomington, (Muscatine) 39-48. D. Mar. 17, 48. 246 HISTORY Stophlet, Samuel W., D.D. B. Fredericksburg, O. Sep. 15, 54. Wo. U. IS. W. T. S. 82. Lie. 81. Ord. 82, Pr. Wooster. Ser. H. Miss, Iowa. Lake City and Rockwell City, 82-93. Meanwhile, orfjanized these churches: Rockwell City, Churdan, Lohrville, Auburn and Wall Lake. Org. and Served Park Mem Evansville, Ind. 93-6. Winfield, Kan. 96-1906. Street, David. B. Salem, O., Feb. 2.3, 38. Parents, of Society of Friends. Haverford C. Pa. Married, Sep. 29, 59, Farmer, several years. Merchant, Cleveland, O. Y. M. C. A. work. Lie. by Cong. Assoc, 70. Lender care of Presb. of Cleveland pursued studies. W. T. S. 72-3. Ord. Sept. 73. Pr. Winneba.go. Ser. Waupaca, Wis. 73-4. Manchester, 74- 5. Juneau and Horicon, Wis. 75-6. Ft. Howard, 76-8. Falls City, Neb. 78-81. O. 79-91. Monticello and Anamosa. Iowa, 91-99. 0„ Ind. 1900-1906. Waterloo, Ind. 1906. A son, Alfred E., Miss in China.. G. P. 16. Stuart, Benjamin, F. Creek 57, Nevada, 58-9. Drops from minutes. (N. S.) Ap. Ir Belmond, 60- 49-52. Agent, Incfian 64-73. Stuart, David M. Rec. from Free Will Bap. Ch. July 3. 88, bv Pres, of Dcs Moines. Ser. Rus.seU, Madora, [ackson- ville, Lucas, 88-91. Cal. 92-1906. Tropico, Cal. 190(). Summers, John. (N. S.) Ap. Benton, 53-60, and 66-7. Marietta and State Center 68-73. D. Oct. 8, 73, Aged 65. Sutherland, John R., D.D. B. Ontario, Can. Nov. 7, 46. Knox C. Aub. Scm. 71-2. McC. T. S. 72-4. Ord. 74, Pr. Indianapolis. Ser. Indianapolis, Ind. 74-5. Grand Haven, Mich. 75-80. Jacksonville, 111., 80-5. Rockford, 85-9. Pitts- burg, Pa., 89-9"5. Burlington, la. 95-1906. Strong, John D. (N. S.) B. N. J. Jan. 26, 21. Wms. C. 48. Aub. T. S. 51. Ser. Fort Madison, 51. Iowa City, 52-4. Pisgah, 55, Oakland, Cal. 56. D. Lowvillc, Wis. May 14, 59. Struthers, Allen B. B. Monmouth, 111. Mon. C. 64. Xenia T. S. 67. Lie. 66. Ord. 68, U. P. Ser. Brookville, Pa. (U.P) 68-71. Miss, in the West. Shenandoah and Tarkio 73. Nob., 74. O. 76. Gallon, O. 1906. Stryker, William M. From Logansport Pres. Ser. Tea. Des Moines, 58. Oskaloosa, 59. Clarinda, 60-3. Mo. from 64. D. Feb. 85, Fort Wayne, Ind. Aged 65. Sutherland, Lindsey 0. B. Pa. May 22, 62. Normal C. 83. W. T. S. 91. Lie. 90. Ord. May, 91. Pr, Pittsburg. Miss. Ft. Dodge and Sioux City, 91-2. Cascade, 96-8. Scotch Grove, 99. Sumner, 1900. Mt. Hope, Hartford. Florida, 1901-6. Sorrento, Fla. Sviran, George M. Ap. Des Moines, 1st, 51. Oskaloosa, 52-3. S. S. 54-5. Res. Oska, Troy 56. Brighton, Rich- woods and Keosauqua, 57. W. C. 58 — . H. R. D. Shade Gap, Pa., Sep. 27, 77. Aged 57 "A faithful worker, with a powerful voice. Resembled Paul in two respects; was a bach- elor, and w-as sometimes 'minded to .go afoot.' He traveled from house to house as a Home Miss." J. M. McElroy. He left a small legacy to the Synod bf Iowa. G. p. 69. BIOGRAPHICAL. 247 Swank, Bishop C. B. O. Omaha Sem. 94. Lie. 91. Ord. 92, Pres. Solomon. Ser. Woodbine. 93. Marno, 9-4-5. S. S. Miss., Pres. Council Bluffs, 9.5. Hermon, Nolo, Blue Orass, 96-7. Deep River, 98-1901. Albion, 19n3-(). Sweeney, James D. Lie. Sioux Citv 1901. Ser. Vail and Emerson, to 190")! Pres. 1900. Ord. Sylvanus, John Calvin. B. Wales, 37, Mar. C, O. 07. Aub. T. S. 73. Ser. Earlham 74-7. Tex. 7.S-SI. D. Oresion, April 11, 90. Aged 01. Tail, Wilson, W. Rcc. from Pres. 13,98. Ser. Rockwell City, 98-1901 . 1 1900. of Blooniinj,'ton, Aji. 11. till 190.5. ' Odeliolt, Mav 0, .58, Pr. Louisville. Ser. Portland, Ky., .57-9. Dubuque 1st' 59-05. Georgetown, D. C, 65-9. Mt. Auburn. Cine, 69-73. President of Wooster Un., 7.3-S3. Dean Post Grad. Dep. Wooster U., 83-7. Ed. Mid. Continent, St. Louis 88-91. Columbus. O., Westminster Ch. 92-99. Author, Letters and Editorials in Independent, N. Y. Observer, Ev'angelist, Interior. Wooster Un. D.D. in 72. L.L.D. 83. D. April 23, 1903. "Strong intellectually, broad minded, po])ular preacher. Had wide grasp on educational and Missionary work of Church. Took special interest in neighboring small churches, and often visited and preached to them. Popular among Ihe soldiers during the war. For them he wrote and cir- culated many sermons and tracts." T. S. Bailey. As a Seminary classmate, I heartily subscribe to Dr. Bailey's tribute. J. W. Hubbard. Tanner, Austin M. Ord. Ap. 04, Pr. Columbia. Ser. Springville, 71-2. Blue Grass, 73. West Libertv and Alalissa, 74-5. 111. 70-9. Shellsburg and Pleasant Ilil'l, 81-4. Ken. and Neb. 8.5-94. Coon Rapids and Dedham, 9.5-0. Vail, 97-8. Cascade, 99-1902. Malcom, 190.3-6. Taylor, Augustus. B. Columbus, O. Aji. 20, 29. Han. C, .58. W. T. S., 01. Lie. 00. Ord. Nov. 12. 02. Pr. Sidney. Ser. Ohio and Ind. 01-84. La Porte and Cedar Valley, 8.5-7. 111. and Ohio. D. Oct. 19, 97. • Tappan, David S., D.D., LL.D. B. Steubenville, O.. Ap. 45. Miam. U. 04. Lenox C. D.D. 87. W. T. S. 67. Lie. 66. Ord. Ap. 68. Pres. Des Moines. Ser. Mount Pleasant, 71-90. Portsmouth, O. 90 — . ville, O. 1900. Stated Clerk Synod Iowa, "History Synod of Iowa." 87. G. p. 11. Chariton, 07-71. Oxford. Circle- 82-90. Author, Taylor, Archibald Springfield, O. Aug. 27, Alexander Edward, D.D 34. Col. N. J. 54. P. T. , LL.D. B. S. 57. Ord. 36. Fort Kan Taylor, Chauncey P. B. O. Dec. 2, IS. U. O. .36. Tutor P. T. S. 40. Ord Ev. 40. Pr. Columbus. Ser. O. 4.5-56. Madison 50-63. Chap. , till his death March 6. 5 U. S. A. 0.3-0. O. Taylor, John B. B. Pa. Jan. 1. 52. Laf. C. 77. Un. T. S. 80. Ord. SO Pr. New York. Ser. Dak. till 88. Randolph. Imogene, 8.S-90. Walnut 91-2. 111., Cal. Santa Paula, 1900. 248 HISTORY. Taylor, Robert W. B. Pa. Oc. .5, 06. Pars. C. 93. McC. T. S. 96. Lie. 96. Onl. July, 96, Pr. Iowa Citv. Ser. Mal- com, 96-9. Crawfordsville, 1901. Pocahontas, 1902-4. Teka- mah. Neb. 1906. G. p. 24. of three General Assemblies. Trustee, Blackburn Un, Pres- ident of Iowa State S. S. Conven. Erlilor Iowa S. S. Helper. Delegate to World's S. S. Conventions, London, and Jerusalem. Has wife and two grown up children. G. p. 13. Taylor, Thomas J. W. T. S. ■).'■). Lie. r^r,. Orel, zuma, 56-9. Winterset. Jan. IS. 6.5. Winterset. B. Pa. Sep. 23, 28. Wash. C. 52. Kv. Nov. ,56, Pr. Cedar. Ser. Monte- .59-63. Chap. Iowa Vol., 62. D. Thompson, Samuel H., D.D., LL.D. B. Ireland. Mav 24, ■12. Un. Glas, 02. Pr, T. S. 62-4, Ord. Pres. Clo'gher, Ireland, 65. Ser. in Ireland, 6.5-9., In Pa., N. Y., (69-79), Des Moines, 79-80. Md., Minn., Pa. Red Bank, N. J., 1906. Thayer, Henry B., D.D. Came from Prcsb. of Kalani.-izoo. Ser, Guthrie Center and Panora, 86. Atlantic, 87-92. O. till his death Nov. 1, 94, at Camden. Aged 73. Thompson, Aaron. Ap. at Montro.se, 64-6. 111. 07-9. Colfax. 70-1. 111. 73, H, R. 91. D. Keokuk. Dec. 19, 92 .\ged 81. Thompson, Alexander, W. Rec. from Cong. Assoc, of Council Bluffs, by Ft. Dodge Pr., Ap, 24, 85, Ser. Manning and Fairview, 85-8. Dis. to Pres. Los Angeles. Thompson, Eberle W. Licentiate 00-7. at Sharon. 00-8. RushviUe, Ind. 71. Bloomingburg, O. 1906. Thompson, Oliver S., D.D. B Ind. Han. C. and West- minster, C. Lie. and Ord. Pres. St. Louis, 72, Ser. Mo., 111.,, Ind., till 97. Cherok.-e. 97-1900. Paullina 1901-06. Member Thompson, Thomas. B. Scotland, Sep. 24, 59. K. C. Can. 84. Pr. T. S. 87. Ord. Sep. 21, 87, Pr. Ft. Dodge. Ser- vice. Denison, 87. N. J. Scotland, Long Island, 99. Thompson, William 0., D.D., LL.D. B O. Nov. 5, 55. Mus. C, 78, W, T, S., 82. Lie. 81. Ord. Julv, 82, Pr. Ft. Dodge. Ser. (Jdebolt, 82-5. Col., 8.5-91. Pres. Miami Un. 91—. Columbus 1906. Thorne, Alexander S. B. Pa. Oc. 31, 25. Ad. C. O. 52. W. T. S. 55. Lie. 55. Ord. 57, Pr. Butler. Ser. Meehanics- ville, 57. H. Miss, to Indians, Kan. and Neb. Chs. in O., Md., Pa., Mo. Preaching, teaching, publishing. D. Forest City, S, Dak. Nov. 24, 1900. Thornton, Norbury W. B. 111. Nov. 20, 52. Mon. C. 70. Pr. T. S. 79. Lie. 79. Ord. Sep. 79. Pr. Iowa City. Ser. West Liberty, 79-85. Prin. Genesee Col. Inst. 111. 85-97. Millers- burg, 111. 1900-1900. BIOGRAPHICAL. 249 Thorpe, Wallace W. B. Ilamiltdu C. 'iS. Aub Scm.. Ser. Chap. U. S. Vol. 61-2. 04-8. Waterloo. la. 70-3. AfoiiK'S, 77-80. Centerville, Wappinser's Falls, N. Y. 97. Skencateles. N. Y. Jan. 17, 33 Gl. Ord. Feb. 04, Cong. Assoc. Prin. and Pastor, Athens. Tenn. Marshalltown, 73-6. E. Des 80-5. Wellington, Kan 85-9. Maine, N. Y., 1906. Ticknor, Charles H., Ph.D. Onl |an. 27. 88, Cong. A.sso. Kala. Mich. Ser. Waitsburs;, Wash. 9.'5-7. Wis. 97-9. Clarksville 1900-1. Assumption, 111. 1900. Tourtellot, George M. B Wyomin.g, la. March 17, 67. Lenox C. .S8. Mc. T. S. 93. Lie. 93. Ord. Mav 22, 94, Pr. Waterloo. Ser. Dows, 93-7. Ida Grove, 98-1900. Albia. 1901-2. Greenfield, 1903-4. Ironwood, Mich, 1906. Tower, Frederick J. B. 111., May 29, 70. Park C. 93. Mc. T. S. 90. Ord. A]i. 10, 90, Pr. Fort Dodge. Ser. Glidden, 96-9. Carthage, 111. 99-190.5. Tinkham, Perry A. Ord. .Sep. 29, S3, by Bap. Assoc. Syracuse, N. Y. Ser. Neb. 90. Ser. Le Claire and Princeton, 1900-3. Onslow, 1903-.5. Lenox, 1906. G. p. 26. Todd, James D. B Mina, N. Y. Beloit C, Wis. Lie. 58. Ord. Jan. 1, 00. A. II. Miss. Soc. Ser. Wis. ami Minn., 59-77. In Minn, and Kan. 79-95. Org. many churches. State Center S9-90. W. C. Fairfield, 90-1900. Albert Lea. Minn. 1900-1900. Townsend, R. Cameron. B. Pa. Park C. Aub T S. 85. Lie. 85. Ord. Sep. 30, 85. Pr. Alton. Ser. Raymond, 111. S5-6. Staunton, 111. 85-8. Tipton, 8,8-92. Maryviile, Mo. Stillwater. O. T. Dunlaii. 111. Alio. 111. Dunlap. 111. Oswego Cartersville. 111. 1900, G. p. 30. Tracht, Frederick S. B. Ord. Ap. 3, 97, Pr. Du1jui|ue. Ashton, la. 1902-6. Mo. Dub. Sem. 97. Lie. 9G. Ser. Elsworth, Minn., 98-1900. Todd, Milton E. B. Shreye, O. Wo. U., O. 81. W. T. S. 2 yrs. Pr. T. S. 84. Lie. 83. Ord. May 28, 84. Pr. Fort Dodge. Ser. Meriden, Marcus, Lilicrty. 2 yrs. Lyons, 5 yrs. Dubuque 3d, 92-3. Monticello, 111.. 93-7. Bethel, ' 111. Henry, 111. 1906. G. p. 23. Travis, M. Moore. B. Ohio, Oct. 22. 27. Jef. C. 56. W. T. S. 59. Lie. 58. Ord. |une 2, 64. Pr. Zanesville. Ser. O., 111., Arizona, Neb., till 9"l. Garrison, la.. 91-3. Chenoa, 111., 94-5. W. C. H. R. 97. D. Oc. 27, 1901. Toms, Richard N. Ap. Calif. 94. Hartley, la. 95. N. J. 96. N. Y. 1900. Kan. 1901. Charter Oak, la. 1902. Deposed Sep. 23, 1903. by Sioux City Presb. Treadwell, Charles W. land and Clarence 1-9. C. July 4, 88. Aged 72. (N. S ) In N. Y. 4.3-63. Wheat- 70-4 Wheatland, 75 till his death. 2r,o HISTORY. Triest, Lesco. B. Germany, June 5, 44. Ot. U. 68. W. T. S. 71. Lie. 71. Ord. March 24, 71, Pr. Memphis. Ser. Mem- phis. 71-2. Prof. Dubuque, 73-6. Also S. S. Dyersville. New Orleans, Ger. 77-8. D. Oct. 16. 78. Vail, Solomon Nelson. Han. C. Ind. 75. Mc. T. S., 77. Ser. Franklin Grove. 111., 77-8. Ashton, 111. 77-80. Odebolt, 80-1. Missouri Valley, 82-.5. Colfax, 80-8. Hopkinsville, Ky. 90-8. Louisville, Ky., 1900-1905. Trowbridge, James H. (N. S.) B. N. Y. May 27, 20. Middleburv C. 47. U. T. S. 47-9. Yale T. S. 49-50. Ord. Nov. 50, Pr. Brooklyn. Ser. N. Y. and Mich. 50-0. Dubuque 2nd, 56-62. Chicago, 111. 03-5. Sec. and Editorial work. Died. Riverside, 111. Jan. 11, 87. True, Albert. (N. S.') B. N. Y. Oct. 30, 39. Wms. C. 62. Aub. T. S. 05. Ord. 65. Ser. Cedar Falls, 65-6. El- bridgc, N. Y. D. Oct. IS. 71. Atjed 32. Tully, Andrew F. Rec. Randol]jh and Anderson 98. from Canada Sept. S, 97. Ser. Col. and Gal. Collon. Cal. 1900, Tweed, Robert. Came from Minn. 98. Ser. [ancsville 98. Manilla, 99-1900. Kan., Or. Merrill, Or. 1906." Umsted, Justus T., D.D. B. Pa. Jan. 22, 20. P. T. S. 48. Ord. Oct. 15, 50, Pr. Iowa. Ser. Muscatine, 50-2. Keokuk, 53-8. Ala., Del., Pa. H. R. Coatsville, Pa. D. March 27, 96. Urbach, Ferdinand Dub. T. S. 93. Lie. 93. Ord. Ap. 19, 93, Pr. Dubuque. Ser. Lansinj; (Ger.) and MeGre-.'or (("Tcr.) 9.3-0. Leip.sic U. Stu. 96—. Prof. Dubuque (Ger.) 99-1900. Vail, Thomas, S. From Pres. 64-7. West Jersey, 111. 08-70. H. R. 27, 92. Aged SO. Schuyler Ser, Newton, D. Beatrice, Neb., Dec. Vallier, James. Rec'd as Candidate. May 4, 98. Ser. Lake Park, 98-9. Grand Junction and Dana, 1900. Wood- bine, 1901. Whitehall. 111. 1900. Vance, James B. B. O. Stud. Ad. U. Mc. T. S. 94. Lie. 93. Ord. .May 15, 90, Pr. Sioux City. Ser. Westminster and Elliott Creek 9.5-0. 111., Cal., Santa Cruz, Cal. 1900. Vance, John R. B. New Castle, Pa. Nov, 1, 00. Prin. U. 87. P. T. S. 95. Ser. Pomerov, 9.5-9. Gilmore 95-6. Armstrong, 1900-1. Unity, 1902. Columbus, Junction 1903-7. By. his school house services he laid the foundation for the Haifa Church. Of re\ olutionary stock. His grandfather, Col. Robert Vance, from his own estate, furnished food, clothing and pa}' for the renowned Buektail Company of Virginia. G. p. 34. Vance, Shelby F., D.D. B. Oneida, 111., Lake Forest U. 85. Pr. T. S.. 88-90. McC. T. S. 00-1. Lie. 90. Ord. Mav 12, 91. Pr. Neosho. Ser. Girard. Kan, 91-3. Prof, of Greek Pars. C. 9.5-1900. Wooster. O.. 1901. Cincinnati. O. 1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 2.51 Van der Las, Berend. Private Study lor ministry. Ser. (jcr. and Hc)11;in,'e. Coe C. 1901. Prin. and McC. T. S. 1904. Lie. and Ord. Pr. C. Rapids. 1904. Ser. Delmar. 1903-5 Randolph. Neb. 1906. Waters, C. O., M.D. Licentiate Colport-age 62-6. Agent in Chicago, For years stated clerk Pres. Chicago, of The Presbyterian. Philadelphia. .Muscatine 60. Sup. of 86 — . Never ordained. Brilliant correspondent Weaver, Willis. B. Pa. 46. Stud. Ad. C. O. W. T. S. Princeton 74. Ord. 74, Pr. Mahoning. F. Miss. Bogota Colom, S. A. 71-81. Ind. Ter., Mo. 81-9. Panora, 89-90. ' Coon Rap- ids and Dedham, 90-2. Mo. Tarkio, Mo. 1906. Weeks, Frank M. B. O. Julv S, 87. Ord. Cong. 87. Ser. Neb. 92. Anderson 93. Sigourney 94. 3. 60. Wit. C. 83. U. T. 89-90. Afton 91. Sidney Omaha 9.5-1906. Weiland, Klaas B. Rcc. Pres. Ser. Hosi>er. 87-91 2nd, 93-4. H. R. 95-190G. from Classis of Iowa by Ft. Dodge Rock Rai>ids. 92. ' Sioux Co. Le Mars. Weiss, J. J. Licentiate 69. Ser. Lansing Ger. 69-70. McGresjor 71. Newark, O. 72. Welch, James, D.D. B. O. Miami U. 57. Xenia T. S. 60. Lie. .59. Ord 60 U P. Pr. O. Scr. U. P. Chs. 60-0. Pres. Chs. O. Mo. 66-70. West Point 70-6. Bonaparte, 76-86. with neighboring churches much of the time. Troy and Shunem, " 86-91. Martinsburg. 92-4. Natoma, Kan.' 1906. Weller, Samuel H., D.D. B. Dayton. O. Sep. 9. 33. Wit. C. 58. McC. T. S. 61. Lie. 61. Ord. 62. Pr. Chicago. Ser. 111. and Neb. till 81. Clinton. 82-4. Pres. Kan. City, Ladies' Col. 84-7. Occ. C. Cal. 87-91. D. Apr. 3. 1903. Wells, Ashbel S. (N. S.) B. Vermont. Dec. 3, 1798. Ham. C. 24 Aub. T. S. 26-8. Ord. Lan. 23. 28, Pr. Ulica. Ser. In.l., Mich., 28-44. A. B. C. F. M. Work, 44-.50. Home Miss. Work, 111., and Iowa, till 68. Res. FairtielU. la.- till S3. No later record. 254 HISTORY. Wells, Edward P. B. Ct. 34. Wms. C. 64. Un. T. S. 66. Ord. 66. Pr. Chicago. Ser. Cong. Chs. Maine and Mass. 66-8. Central Pres. Ch. Denver, 68-75. Chirago 41st, St. 75-8. Mechanicsville, 78-82. Denver, 23d Ave. Ch. 82-7. Laid the foundations of most of these churches. Later served as Sec- retary and Trustee of College and other interests, in Chicago and Pittsburg. H. R. Pittsburg. 1906. Wells, Samuel T. B Mass. Aug. 0. 09. Un. C. 39. Pr. Sem. 42. Ord. 43.. Ser. Am. Tract Soc. Agt. 42-55. D. Miss. 55-60. Agt Bd. Pub. Cal. 61-72. Chs. Cal. 70-81. H. R. D. Ventura, Cal. May 29, 97. "A large man physically, mentally and spiritually. Energetic, warm hearted. A real missionary. Always planning, praying and working."' T. S. Bailey. Welty, Jacob B., D.D. B. Pa. Ref. Pr. Th. S. Ord. 72. Classis Ref. Ch. Ser. Missiouri Valley, 76-8. Logan and Woodbine, 79-80. Villisca, 81. Creston, 82-5. Kan., Mo. Kansas City, Mo. 1900. West, Albert M. D.D., M.D. B. Pittsburg, 59. Wn. U. 82. W. T. S. 85. Lie. 85. Ord. 87, Pr. Council Bluffs. Ser. Adair and Casey, 86-7. S. Dak. 87-8. Spirit Lake, 88-9. Abroad, 90-2. Pa. 92-3. Coggoii, 95-1901. Chicago, 1906. Westcott, Robert R. B. Cedarville, N. J. June 14, 37. Col. N. T. 63. P. T. S. 66. Ord. June 4, 67. Pr. Dane. Ser. N. J., Wis. 65-9. Clarinda, 69-79. Newton, 82. Ill health. H. R. Clarinda 85 — . D. Jan. 11, 97. Married Miss Frances E. Beatty, May 10, 66. Of five children three with his wife survive him. Edward B., Mrs. S. C. Black, and Florence. "His was a burning and shining light ; not dazzling by its brilliance but guiding by its steadiness." Synod's tribute. G. p. 38. Knowing him through school. Col., and Sem. 1 endorse. J. W. H . Westervelt, William E. B. Paterson, N. J., 29. Stud, privately. Pr. T. S. 57. Lie. 57. Ord. 58., Pr. Newton. Ser. Ct., N. f. till 61. Burlington, 61-4. Army Chaplain, 64. N. J., N. Y.,"Dcl., Pa., N. H. till 1900. D. March 10, 1900. Wetmore, William W. B. Whitesboro, N. Y. 42. Ham. C. 61. Aub. T. S. 64. Lie. 63. Ord. 64. Pr. Washtenaw. .Ser. N. Y. and Mich till 65. Des Moines Central, 05-6. 111., Mich., N. Y., till 90.. Business Ann Arbor, Mich. 92- 1906. Whetzel, Charles M. Ord. Cong. Assoc. Chicago, June S, 82. Ser. Tex. till 86. Neola, 87-8. Avoca, 89-91. O. 92-5. Guthrie Center, 96-1901. Appleton City, Mo. till 1905. Ana- mosa 1906. Whipple, William W. A]j. Pr. Schuyler, 74. Janesville, 75-9. Camp Point, 111. 80. H. R. D. Sep. 26, 89, Aged 70. Yonkers, N. Y. White, DeWitt. B. O., Nov. 4, 65. State Un.W V. 91. Prin. T. S., 94. Post Grad. W. T. S. Lie. 73. Ord. 98, Pr. Ft. Dodge . Ser. West Bend, 96-7. Westminster and El- liott Creek, 97-1902. Anamosa, 1903-6. Princeton 1906-7. BIOGRAPHICAL. 255 White, Henry H. B. Pa. ]une 9, 35. Wn. C. Pa. 60. P 1'. S. 03. Old. Ev. Ap. 9, 65, Pr. C. Bluffs. Ser Clarinda, 65. Sidnuy, 60-S. D. Sep. 24, 70. White, Isaac. Ap. Mux. 91. Dcs Moinus, Bethany, 92. Cal., 111., Cal, White, Johnson D. B. Salina, Pa. Mar. 6, 52. W. and J. C. 70. W. T. S. 79. Lie. 79. Ord. 79, Pr. Iowa City. Sur. Washington, 79-84. D. N. Mcx. ]unc 1, 84. White, Orin D. W. (N. S.) From Pros. Galena and Bel. Ser. Clinton, 05-6. Prof. Fulton, 111. 67. Clinton, W. C. 70. Susp. 77-80 Deposed 81. Whiteford, Matthew M. B. Scotland, Mar. 11, 40. Wab. Col. 67. Stud. Pr. T. S. 75-7. Ord. 77, Pr, Munde. Ser. Ind., 111., O., Cal., 111. till 90. Sioux City, Fourth 96-7. S. D. Salem S. D. 1906. Whittemore, Isaac T. B. Conn. fuly Un. N. Y. 52, Aub. T. S. 54. Ord. "Oct. Ser. N. Y., 111., 54-79. Newton, la, 79-81. Cal. D. Feb. 20, 1904. 12, 24. Colgate 56, Pr. Chicago. H. R. Passadena, Wiggins, James C. B. Pa., Nov. 7, 59. McC. and P. T. S. 88. Ord. Ser. Tea. Mont. Walker, Rowley, and Cono Center. 94-0. Kan. 1900. D. Mar. 28, 1900. Wiggins, John M., Ph. D. B. Pa. Wn. C, Pa. 79. Mc. T. S. 87. Lie. 80. Or. Nov. 3, 87. Pr. Iowa. Ser. Liberty- ville and Birmingham, 87-91. Humeston and Derby, 91-6. Milo, 96-1902. New Sharon, 1903-5. Adair 1906. G. p. 50. Wight, Ambrose S. B. Chicago, March 26, 46. Chic. High Sch. Williams Col. 67-8. Thcol. under Rev. Abel Woods, St. Joseph, Mich. Lie. 81. Ord. June 12, 83, Counc. Cong. Chs. Ser. Cong. Chs. Mich. 83-6. Pr. Chs. Mich, and 111. 87-98. Mount Avr and Diagonal, 99-1902. Garrison, 1902-3. Lohr- ville, 1904-0. Mar. Oc. 20, 70, Elizabeth T. Benson. Three sons and a daughter. Aug. 19, 91, Martha P. Fenimore. G. p. 22. Wiley, Samuel. B. Ireland. 04. Coe C. 97. Om. Sem. and MeC. T. S. 1900. Lie. 99. Ord. June 14, 1900, Pr. Corn- ing. Ser. Essex, 1900-1901. Osceola, 1902-3. Lenox 1904. [oplin. Mo. 1900. Williams, Charles A. (N. S.) From Pr. of Ottawa. Ser. Tea. Keokuk, 00-2. Army Chap. 63-5. Rock Island, 111. H. R. Geneva, Wis. 80. Williams, Charles. B. Milan, O. Apr. 18, 67. Nat. Nor- mal O. B. A. Un. T. S., 92. Lie. 91. Ord. Sep. 92, Pr. Sioux City. Ser. Sanborn and Hartley, 92-7. Sioux City Second, 98-1903. D. Sep. 6, 1903. A faithful and useful min- ister. Treas. of the Synodical Home Miss. Fund, following Dr. McClintock for a few months. 256 HISTORY. Williams, Daniel. B Wis Dec. 11, 51. U. Minn., 78. Prin. T. S. 81. Ord. Oct. 12. 81, Pr. Red River. Ser. N. Dak. 81-6. Sanborn, la. 86-7. Esthervillc, 87-9. Burt. Bancroft and Armslron.s;, 89-92. Seneca and Missions in Kos- suth Co. 92-8. Librarian Storm Lake 99-1906. Married Oct. 10, 83, to Miss Eliza Flora Hodgkin. Both have appeared as authors. Mr. W. was Commissioner to the Assembly of 76. Williams, Edgar L., D.D. B. O. Nov. 7, 48. Mc. T. S. 73-5. Lhiion. 76. Ord. [une 7, 76. Pr. Logansport. Ser. Indianola, 76-7. Newton" 77-8. Albia 78-82. 'Neb. and 111., 83. Peoria. 111. 1906. Williams, Nathaniel. From Presb. Mattoon, in 74. Ser. Hermon 75-9. Summit and Eldridge, 80-4. Kan. till death Oct. 9, 86 Aged 70, Williams, William, H. B. Argyle, N. Y. Nov. 18, 1803. Dick Col. Pa. 23. Prin. T. S. 26. Ord. Dec. 9, 28. Ser. N. Y., Ala., 111., 28-48. Prin. Female Sem. Keokuk, 49-56. Miss. Presb. 58-64. 111. N. C. D. Dec. 21, 76. Hendcrson- ville, N. C. "Rode the length and breadth of Iowa on horse- back, with overcoat and umbrella tied behind his saddle. Tastes, those of a teacher. Preaching adapted to the young." "Slorv of Iowa." Harsha. Williams, William Roland. B. North Wales, Feb. 21, 62. U. of Omaha, 89. .Mc. T. S. 92. Ord. 96. Western Synod of Welch Ch. Ser Welch Chs. 85-89. Neb. 90—. Col. Junc- tion, 92-5. Davenport Second, 9.5-6. Neb. till 1900. B'ethel 1900. Thorntown, Ind. 1906. Willson, Joseph G. Ap. Fort Madison. W. C. 77-85. Consul to Jerusalem, Syria. 79-82. D. Jan. 24, 86. Aged 74. Wilson, Alexander G. D.D. B. Clarion Co. Pa., Feb. 17, 36. Parents, Allan and Jane Gibson Wilson. One of ten children in a thorou,ghly Christian home. Jef. C. 56. D. D. from W. and J. C. Si. Mc. T. S. 65. Lie. 64. Ord. June 15, 65, Pr. Blooniington. Ser. Churches, 111., Wis., Neb., till 94. Educational. Prof. Pars. Col., 75-8. Lake Forest Un., 78-81. and 83-8. Pres Lenox Col., 88-94. Prof. Om. T. S. 94 till his death. May 4, 1904. "A pure minded, earnest and strong teacher and preacher. Christlike in all his ways." T. S. Bailey. His widow, with two davighters, resides in New York City. Two of the three sons are Missionaries in India. The day pre- ceding his death the graduating class called on him for his patri- archal lilessing; on the day of his departure he signed their diplomas; and while the graduating exercises were being held he passed into the glory of his Lord. Thousands of pupils revere his memory, and a far wider circle hold him in highest esteem as the Christlike gentleman, teacher and jjreacher. G. p. 71. Wilson, Hugh Porter. B. O. Aug. 26, 39, Col. N. J. 71. P. T, S. Alcg. Scm. Ord., Ap. 24. 73, Pr., Mohoning. Ser. O., 73-6. Mount Air, 76-81. with several other churches. Kan. Okla. D. Oct. 13, 95. Wilson, James G. B. Pa. Jan. 3, 1806. All. C. 29. W. T. S. 31. Lie , 33. Ord. Oct. 12, 36, Pr. Erie. Ser. O. 36-50. West Point, 51-2. IIi,gh Prairie, Ononwa, Letlsville, all one 53- 69. W. C, 71-2, Lettsville. D. Ap. 29, 73. Aged 67, BIOGRAPHICAL. 207 Wilson, James L. B. Pa. Jan. 20, 24. J. C, 51. W. T. S., 54. Lie. 53. Ord. Jan. 3. 55. Pr. Crawfordsville. Ser. Ind. 54-6. Scotch Grove, 56-73. Linn Grove and Sprinn\'ille, 74-7. Hopkinton, 78. Scotch Grove, 79-80. Hopkintonr81-2. Center Junction, 83-5. Eustis, Flor. 86—. D. Nov. 25, 90. "An old-fashioned, conservative, self-sacrificing minister, and missionary." T. S. Bailey. G. p. 30. Wilson, James Martyn. 85. W. T. S. 94. Lie. 94. Rossville, 96. Armstrong, 1900. Ashland Or. 1905-6. B. Pa. Sep. 9, 66. Normal Sch. Urd. Oct. 95. Pr. Dubuque. Ser. 97-9. Springville, and Paralta, Tea. and Law Stud. 85-91. Wilson, John. Mar. C, O. W. T. S. 63. Lie. 62. Ord. 66, Pr. Bloomington. Ser. 111. 67-70. Marengo, 71-5. Elm Grove, part of time. Georgetown, Col. 76. D. Central Citv. Col. Oct. 25, 97. Aged 69. Wilson, John Nesbit. B. O. Oc. 22, 4L Ad. C. 66. W. T. S. 69. Ord. 70, Pr. New Lisbon. Ser. Anamosa, 71-3. Agt. Len. Col., 73-5. Newton, 75-7. O. Cleveland, 1906. Wilson, Joseph M.. M.D. B. O. Miami U. 62. Mc. T. S. 67. Ord. .\p. 68. Pr. Saline. Ser. Neb. till 86. Oxford, 86. Red Oak Grove, 87. Neb. Physician, 1906. Wilson, Joseph Rogers, D.D. B. Pa. 47. W. and J. C, 67. W. T. S., 70. Lie. 69. Ord. Ap. 72., Pr. Erie. Ser. Pa., till 79. Prof. Greek Pars. C. 79-89. Prin. Portland, Or. Acad. 89-1906. Wilson, Miles C. B. Pa. July 12. 29. J. C. 55. P. T. S., 60. Lie. 60. Ser. Tea. 62-4. and 67-8. Pa. Chs. Pa. 64-5. and 67. Sioux City, 68. Sidney, 69-70. Drowned at Sidncv. |unc l.">. 70. Wilson, Samuel. Member Pres. Schuyler, 37. P. Mon- n.outh. llelpt'd organize our first church. West Point. 37. Worthv of mention for his work's sake. Wilson, William J. B. Pa. Nov. 13, 44. Wm. C. Pa. 73. W.T. S. 76. Lie. 75. Ord. June, 76, Pres. Kittanning. Ser. Midway, Pa. 76-9. Malvern, 79-80. Ret. to Pa. Indiana, Pa., 1906. Winnard, James F. B. Greelev, la. 69. Lenox C. 89. McC. T. S. 93. Lie. May 92. Ord'. Sep. 93, Pr. Iowa City. Service. Oxford and Union 94-8. Hamilton, 111. 99-1904. Winter Haven, Fla. 1905-6. Tampa, Fla. 1907. Wishard, Samuel E., D.D. B. Glenn's Valley, Ind. 25. Wab. C. 5.S. Lane T. S. Lie. 55. Ord. 57, Pr. Schuyler. Ser. Ill, Mich. Ind. Ky. till 87. Des Moines Central 87-90. Sup. Miss., Utah till 1906. Autlior " Bible Against Polygamy." Corresp. Herald and Presb. many years. Com. to Assembly six times. Del. Pan Presb. Council Glasgow, 96. Address, Los Angeles, Cal. 1907. Wisner, Oscar, D.D. B. Wilton June. la. 58. Wo. U. 81. W. T. S. and P T. S. 85. Lie. 83. Ord. 85, Pr. Wooster. 258 HISTORY. F. M. Canton, 85-94. Pomeroy and Gilmore City, la. 9.'5-8. Macao China, 99-190(1. Wisner, William, D.D. B. Warrick, N. Y. Ap. 18, 1782. Lawyer 180.5 — . Theolosjy with Rev. Simeon R. Jones. Ser. Athens, Pa. 11-15. Ithaca, N .Y. 16-31. and 38-49. Ro- chester 31-5. St. Louis, Mo. 36-7. Moderator of the New School Assembly 1840. His son, William C. Wisner Mod. (N. S.) AssemVjly 1855. Joined Presbytery of Cedar Rapids in 1870. D. Jan'7, 71. in Cedar Rapids, aged 88. The first Assem- bly Moderator to cast his lot with us. With preasure do I re- cord the name which was a household word in my early vears. J. W. H. Wood, Alanson T. (N. S.) B. N. Y. Oc. 25, 16. Mission Inst. Quincy, 111. 44. Aub. T. S. 48. Ord. 50, Pr. Maumee. Ser. O., N. Y., 111., 50-66. Auburn, Olivet, la, 67-9. Neb. 70-8. H.R.Omaha. D. March 11, 94, aged 78. Wood, Edward Payson. B. Amsterdam, N. Y., Aug. 9, 32. C. N. J. 56. P. T. S. 60. Lie. 61. Tea. Lawrence ville, N. J. 60-5. 111. health Princeton, N. J. 68-83. Ord. Sep. 27, S3, Pr. Council Bluffs. Ser. Moimt Ayr, 83-90. D. May 4. 90. Wood, Glenn. (N. S.) Ap. S. S. 51-60. New York City, Agt., 61-2. Forest, 111. Jan. 25, 93. Aged 75. Keokuk, 49-50. Agent, Chicago, 63. D. Lake Wissner, Charles H., Ph.D. A candidate from England. Hanover Presb. (Southern) in 90. Lie. Ord. May 21, 90. Pr. Waterloo. Ser. Greene,, 91. Dis. to Pres. Monmouth. Philadelphia. Chicago 92-99. Witte, Elias J. B. 111. 65. Emporia C. Mc. T. S. 97. Ord. 97, Pr. New Albany. Ser. Ind. Minn. Sioux City 4th, May to Sept. 1900. Name dropped from roll. Wolfe, Austin D. B. Montclair, N. J. Jan. 4, 61. U. C, N. Y. 87. U. T. S. Ord. June 12, 90, Pr. Waterloo. Ser. Stale Center, 90-4. Seward, Neb. 94-6. Park College, Aug. 1901-6. Librarian and Registrar. Wolters, Edward C. B. Waukon, la. Dub. T. S. 95. Ord. Ap. 17, 95, Pr. Dubuque. Ser. Independence, (Gor.) 9.5-1905. Rowley and Otterville, in part. Dubuque (Ger.) 1906. Woodruff, Jeremiah. B. Litchfield'. Ct. 1800. Aub. T. S., 31. Ord. 32, Cong. Assoc. Ser. N. Y. 32-66. Rossville, la. 67-8. D. July 25, 68. Woods, H. Wyman. Rec. Ap. 15, 85 by Iowa City Pr. from Pres. Neosho. Ser. Sigournev, 85. O. — . D. Shelby, O. Aug. 13, 88. Aged 70. Woods, James Greer. B. Philadelpiha, June 24, 66. L. C. McC. T. S. 92. Ord. Mav 31, 92, Pr. Philadelphia. Ser. Mi.ss. Mex. 92-6. Gen. Sec. Mc. T. S. 98-9. Dubuque 3d 1900-1. Porto Rico 1902-6. Woods, John, D.D. B. Ohio, June 19, 38. Mi. U. 60. Pr. T. S. 03. Ord. Sep. 25, 61, Pres. Oxford. Chap. 3.5th O., 61-2. Ser. O.. Ind., Cal., Mich., 64-1906. Cedar Falls, 78. New Carhsle, O. 1906. BIOGRAPHICAL. 259 Woods, John E. B. Pa., May 29, 31. J. C. .'53. W. T. S. 65. Lie. 5(i. Ord. 57, Pr. Fairfield. Ser. Bentonsport, 57-9. O.— D. Aug. 25, 62. Wylie, Dwight W. B. O. Julv 16, 76. U. W. O. 96. Mc. T. S. 99. Ord. 99, Pr. Iowa Citv. Ser. Davenport, 2d 99- 1901. Iowa Cily 1902-6. Woods, William W. (N.S.) Miss, in hid.. 111., Iowa. Sur. Iowa City. 43-53. \V. C. and Agent. 54-(J2. P. M. 63. Chap. 64. D, 64 or 65. "Always with apostolic consecration seeking a field on the extreme frontier." Story of Iowa. Wylie, Thomas A. H. B., O. Nov. 5, 54. Son of Rev. Preslon II. Wvlic. Gen. Col. O., 75. Ref. Pr. T. S. Aleg. 79. Lie. 79. Urd. Dec. 7, 82. Ser. Ref. Ch. \Vashina;ton, Iowa 82-92. Rec. Pr. Corning, Nov, 16, 92. Ser. Bedford, 92—. D. July 11, 90, Work, Abel M., Ph. D. B. Ind. Sept. 13, 51. Wab. C. 76. Lane Sem. 7S. Lie. 7S. Ord. Oct, 16, 78. Pr. Logansport. Ser. Ind., S. Dak., Col., till 98. Burhni^ton, Hope, 99. S. Dak. Watertown, S. D. 1906. Worrall, John B., D.D. B.Oxford. O. fiine 14, 52. Cent. C. Ky. 73. W. T. S. 76. Lie. 75. Ord. Nov. "lO. 76. Pr. Louisville Ser. Ky., 0., 111., till 89. Keokuk, 89-95. Ev. Danville, Kv. Kan. City, Ks. 1906. Wortman, Henry, D.D. B. 111. Blk. Univ. Lie. 84. Ord. S4. Pr. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Ramsay, 85-7. Lyon Co. Gor.. 88-1900. George, 1901-6. Wright, Joseph M. U,, O. 72. Auh. T. S. Bloomfield, 82-5, Kan. D.D. B. Va. Nov. 11, 44, Nat. Norm. 82. Lie. 81. Ord. 82, Pr. Iowa. Ser. III.. 111. 3,-j)c/iIl;, 111 I M i. Wyllie, James T. B. Nov. Scotia Nov. 2S. 54. Son of U. P. M. of Scotland laboring as Miss, in Nov. Sco. Park Col. 86. Me. T. S. 87. Lie. 86. Ord. May 3, 87, Dub. Pr. Ser. Pine Creek and Rowley 87-93. Org. Chs. of Walker, Littleton and Otteiville 91-2, Coggon, 93-4. Shenandoah and Essex. 95-6. Clarksville and Unity 96-9. AVilliams, 1900-01. Springville. 1901-3. Winthrop. 190.5-0. Wife, daughter and son. G. ]>. 30. Wynia, John. B. Holland. Private Studv under pastors Orange City. Lie. Sep. 10, 96, Pr. Sioux City.' Ord. 98. Ser Ebenczer (Hoi.) 97-1900. D. Nov. 3. 1900. Aged 48. Yoth, John F. (N. S.) A]). Rieeville, 68. Ser. Rice- ville, 6S-9. P. O. Waterloo, 70. Prussia 71-3, Los Angeles, .1900-1906. Young, George D. (N.S.) B. Del. Julv 9. 04. Col. N. J 34. P. T. S. 37. Ord. Ap. 11, 37, Pr. Wilmington. Ser. Md. 260 HISTORY. O., 111., till 58. Camanche 58-72. W. C. at Lyons, 72-80. D. Jan. 16. 80. churches. Lebanon 86-7. Nov. 9, 94, at Troy. Trov P. O. S. S. 90-1. H. R. D. Young, John. B. Scotland. Un. Glasgow, 91. Mc. T. S. 93. Lie. 93. Ord. Oct. 93, Pr. Council Bluffs. Ser. Green- field, 93-1906. Groveland also part of the time. Young, Leon D. B. Kan. High. U. 97. Mc. T. S. 1900. Ord. 1900, Pr. New Albany. Ser. Ind. 1900-1. Washing- ton 1902-0. G. p. 33. Young, Samuel Hall, D.D. B. Butler, Pa. Sept, 12. 47. Wn. Un. 75. W. T. S. 78. Lie. 75. Ord. May 5, 78, Pr. West Virginia. Ser. H. Miss. Ft. Wrangel, Alaska, 78-88. Cedar Falls, 9.3-5. Wooster, O. 9.5-6. Dawson City. Teller, Alas. 1906. Young, William. B. Pa. March 2, 22. Wash.C. 48. W. T. S. 51. Ord. Sep. 15, 55, Pr. Bellefontaine. Ser. O., 52-69. Deep River, 69-72. Troy 73-84. Several neighboring Young, William Jasper, D.D. B. Iowa. Soldier in Civil War. Ten months prisoner, Tcx. Worked his way through Col. and Sem.. Iowa St. Un. 74. Mc. T. S. 77. Ord. Ap. 77, Pr. Logansport. Ser. My. in Neb. 2 ys. Des Moines East 81-3. Began Des Moines, Westminster, 83-7. Established and left free of debt. Members about 150. House free of debt. Began Des Moines Six'h, and left it self supporting, in its own house free of debt. 88-96. Ballston (suburb of Washington, D. C.) 98-1906. G. p. 25. Zimmerman, Andrew 8. B. 111. Carthage Co. 80. U. T. S. 84. Lie. 84. Ord. Aj>. 85, Pr. Ft. Dodge. Ser. Livermore, 84-88. 111., Mich,—. Bay City, Mich. Ii)u6. Zorbaugh, Charles L., D.D. B. Kossuth, Iowa. Parsons College, 87. Mr. T. S. 94. Lie. Mav 11, 93. Pr. Iowa. Ser. Carroll, P. O. 93-4. Ord. Pr. Cleveland, Nov. 5, 94. Org Church Windermere, East Cleveland, 94-5. P. 96-1907. INDEX TO PICTURE GALLERY INDEX TO PICTURE GALLERY Adams Rev. William R 22 Algona Church 108 Anamosa Church 86 Auditorium, Des Moines 52 Audubon Church 86 Au£;hey, Rev. John H 9 Avery, Rev. E. H., D.D 97 Avery, Mrs. E. H 99 Bailey, Rev. A. G 31 Bailev, Rev. T. S., D.D 106 Baird, Rev, A. K., D.D 71 Baird, Rev. Phil. C 107 Bandv, Rev. C. H. and Wife 79 Barnell, Elder, A. G 37 Barrett, Rev. E. N., D.D 10 Barrett, Mrs. E. N 99 Batchelder, Rev. I. M 71 Beaman, Rev. G. C 69 Bedford Church 87 .Bell, Rev. L. G 69 Benton, Elder C'. A. (Treas.) 107 Beyer, Rev. E. G 41 Bickenbach, Rev. A. R 22 Bird, Rev. Thompson 52 Black, Elder, C. W 53 Boggs, Rev. J. M 10, 69 Boyd, Elder J, M 38 Boyd, Mrs. S. J. Supt 38 Boynton, Mrs. J. E 99 Breda Church, Ger 58 Brengle, Rev. J. P 70 Brooklyn Church, 48 Brown, Rev. A, C, D.D 46 Brown, Rev. C. C 38 Brown, Rev. D. and family 38 Brown, Elder D. B 54, 55 Brown, Rev. E. W 50, 88 Brown, Elder I. C, M.D 35 Bruce, Rev. G. B. and Wife 78 Bryant, Rev. G. W 46 Bryant, Rev. WilHam, D. D 16 Buena Vista College 89, 112 Burkhalter, Rev. E. R., D.D., LL.D... 39, 94 Burlington Church 81 Burreli, Rev. D. f., D.D 10 Caldwell, Rev. W". E . 7 Callen, Rev. Samuel, D.D 51 Cameron, Elder W. T 51 Carnine, Rev. J.N 20 Carpenter, Rev. J. H., D.D 13 Castle Grove Church 109 Cedar Rapids Churches 94-5 Cedar Rapids, First 94 Cedar Rapids, (Second) Westminster 94 Cedar Rapids (Third) Sine. Mem 95 Cedar Rapids (Fourth) Bohemian 58, 94 Cedar Rapids, Central Park 95 Cedar Rapids, OHvet 18, 95 Cedar Rapids, Sine. Mem. Miss 95 Cedar Rapids, Little Muddv '49 72 Chestnut, Elleanor, M.D. .'. 103 Chestnut, Rev. T. M 69 Churches from S. S. Missions 108-9 Churches and Presbyteries, List of . . .64 Churdan Church 85 Clarinda, Church 72 Cleland. Rev. T. H., D.D 104 Coe, Elder B. F. . . : 35 Coe College 92-93 Coleman, "Mrs. C. W 100 Columbus June. Church 34 Columljus June. Session 34 Committee on Arrangements 54 Committee on Hospitality 55 Condit, Rev. H. S 26 Condit, Rev. R. A., D.D 3 Cono Center Church 43, 109 Cooley, Rev. L, C 14 Cooper, Rev. A. P. and Fam 42 Cooper, Rev. J. H 42 Corning Academy Ill Council BlutTs Church 81, 105 Countermine, Rev. J. W 51, 88 Country Churches 82-3 County Seat Churches 86-7 Cowden, Rev. J. G 13 Cowles, Rev. Salmon 69 Cowling, Rev. J. F 7 Craig, Rev. Willis G., D.D 70 264 HISTORY Crawfordsville Church 21 Cummings, Elder G. H 27 Cummings, Rev. G. M 27 Cummings, Rev. J. E 27 Curreiis, F. H., Pres. Corning Acade- my Ill Davenport First Church 98, 110 Davenport First, Windows 28 Dav, Rev. J W., D.D 51, 54, 107 Dean, J. R 56 Dean's House, Des Moines 52 Des Moines in 1844 65 Des Moines churches 66-8 Des Moines First, in '56 81 Des Moines Central 66,72 Des Moines East, (First) 68 Des Moines Sixth 68 Des Moines, Bethany 67 Des Moines, Clifton Heights 67 Des Moines, Highland Park 68 Des Moines, Westminster 67 Dinsmore, Rev F. B 70 Dinsmore, Rev. J. M 70 Dinsmore Rev. T. H 70 Dodd, Rev. Luther 71 Dodd, Rev. W. C, D.D 79 Dodder, Rev. E. L 71 Donaldson, Rev. J. B.. D.D. . . . 106, 107 Dubuque First in '58 81 Dubuque Third 18 Dubuque Gernian 58 Dubuque Theological Seminary 80 Dubuque Theological Seminary, Group57 Dudley, C. A. of Com 54, 56 Dungan, Hon. W. S. (Elder) 36 East Friesland (German) 59 Earhart, Rev. G., D.D 50 Elliott, Rev. J. C 104 Elliott, Rev. J. N 51, 107 Elv, Ben Ezra Stiles, Sr., D. D 25 ElV, Mrs. I. F 98 Eriders. Rev. and Mrs. E. A 102 Engelke, Rev. F. W 51 Engstrom, Mrs. J. P 100 Ensign, Rev. C. F. and Wife 19 Ensign, Mrs. C. F 100 Ensign, Elder S. H. and Wife 19 Ensign, Rev. W. H. and Wife 19 Estherville Church 87 Evans, Rev. Wm. M., D.D 39, 107 Ewing, Rev. J. C 70 Ewing, Rev. T. D.. D.D 76, 111 Fahs, Rev. D. W., D.D. 10 Fairfield Church 72, 87 Ferguson, Rev. S. R., D.D 53, 109 Finance Committee 56 Findlay, Rev. J. V 51 Fisher, Mrs. Lillian 103 Fitch, Rev. J. A 79 Flickinger, Rev. R. E 20 Floyd Monument 105 Foreign Missionaries 102-3 Foreign Missionaries, Pars. Coll 78-9 Foreign Speaking Churches 58-9 Fort Dodge Church, '56 81 Fort Dodge Missionary Society 44 Fort Madison Churches 45 Fort Madison Session 45 Foster, Elder T .D 53 Fowler, Rev. J. K., D.D 36 Fullerton, Rev. James 69 Gage, Rev. J. L 24 Gage, Rev. W. B 54 Gass, Rev. John R 12 General Assembly 2 Graham, Elder F 51 Graham, Rev. M 102 Greene, Rev. J. M., D.D 102 Grimes, Church 84 Grossman, Rev. F. W 96 Haas, H. A. of Com 55 Hale, W. W. of Com 56 Haifa Church 109 Hanna, Rev. and Mrs. J. W 8 Harmon, Rev. Merritt 69 Harnagle, George of Com 55 Harrison, W. B. of Com 54, 107 Hastings, Rev. E. E., D.D 107 Hawarden Church 84 Hedrick Church 48 Heizer, Rev. A. M 71 Herron, Rev. A 71 Herron, Rev. John 23 Hilscher, Rev. S. S., D.D 97 Hinkhouse, Rev. J. F., D.D 53, 106 Hinkhouse, Mrs. J. F 4 Hodge, Mrs. Elsie Sinclair 103 Hopkinton Church 85 Hoprig Church 83 INDEX 265 Hornish. Miss Martha 100 Horton, Rev. E. S 7 Hosmer, Elder J. A 54, 56 Hostetler, Rev. Harvev 12, 88, 107 Hovey, Elder H. W...'. 51 Hubl)ard, Rev. T- W : 88 Hubbard, Rev. J. W., D.D. and Wife. 17 Hubbard, Mrs. R. M 6 Hudson, Rev. John 71 Hyland, Elder'E. 51 Ida Grove Church 43 Independence Church 87 Independence, Pastor's Group 10 Indianola Church 86 Innes, Rev. J. W., D.D 51 Innes, Mrs. J. W 101 Iowa Board Home Missions 107 Iowa Delegation, 1905 51 Iowa City Church 81 Iowa Foreign Missionaries. 78, 79, 102-3 Iowa Presbyterian 60 Iowa Churcli Map 64 Jack, Rev. Hugh, D.D 25 Jackson, Rev. Sheldon, D.D 104 Jacob, Re\-. Prosper H 6 Jewett, Miss Mary 103 Johns, T. E. of Com 55 Johnson, J. B. of Com 54, 55 Johnson, Rev. Silas 71 Jordan, Rev. W H 46, 51 Kearns, Rev. C. E. and Wife 8 King, Mrs. O. E 100 Kiser, Rev. A. E 88 Knox, Rex. A. K. and Wife 29 Knox, Rev. Geo., D.D 26 Kniix. Rev. James 3 Knoxville Cnurch 6 Koons, Rev. E. W. and Wife 102 Koons, Rev. S. E . .31 Kossuth Church 72 Krunil.Hjltz, Elder Wm 41 Lansing, German Churcli 59 La Pone City Church 31 Latta, Elder L. H 51 Lawson, Mrs. Urr 101 LeMars, Church 87 Lenox CoUgee 73, 96 Leonard, Rev. A. L 71 Leonard, Miss Eliza. M. D.. 79 Linn Grove Church 72 Linn, Rev. ]. P 107 Little Mudd'y Church 72 Lone Star Church 82 Lockwood, B. A. of Com 55 Luccock, Rev. G. N., D.D 32 Lyon County German Church 59 Lyons Church 15 Lyon, Elder N. W 41 Lvtton Church 109 MacAllister, Rev. John, D.D 51 .Mac.Mlister, Mrs. John 100 McArlhur, F. H. of Com 56 McAulav, Rev. N. A., D.D 88 McBride, Rev. J. B 37 McCleary , Rev. C. W. and Wife 78 McClelland, Elder Wm 41 McClintock. Rev. J. C. D.D 36, 106 McClintock. Mrs. J. C 101 McClintock, Rev. P. W. and Wife.. . .79 McClure, Rev. M. P 20 McClure, Rev. W. G 79 McConnell,-Rev. A. W., D.D 54, 88 McCormick, Rev. S. B., D.D., LL.D. 39 McCoy, Rev. William 79 McCune, Rev. S. C 71 McElhinny, Rev. C. S., Ph. D 51 McElhinney, Rev. S. A 71 McElrov. Rev. J. M., D.D 70 McFadden, Rev. S. D 54 McGaughey , Rev. J 9 Mclntvre, 'Elder R. A., and Wife 4 McKes. R. J. of Com 56 McKinioy. Rev. R. A., D.D 7 McLeod, Rev. M., D.D 54, 55 .McNinch, Rev. Hugh 51,88 Malvern Church 85 Manchester Church 15 Maps of Synod 64 .Marquis, Rev. R. R., D.D 24, 51 Maniuis, Elder R. W., of Com 54, 56 Marshall, Rev. A. S., D.D 71 Martin, Rev. Alfred 32 Martyn, Rev. A. G 5 Martyn, Rev. J. L 5 Mason, Rev. J. D 71 Mathes, Rev. A. R 38 Mattox, Rev. E. L. and Wife 78 Maynard, Rev. H. H., Ph.D 39 Mead, Rev. Enoch 71 266 HISTORY Mechanicsville Church 42 MediapoHs Church 84 Melrose. Mrs. T- C 103 Miller, Mrs. E'. H 78 Miner, Rev. E. B 3 Montgomery, Elder J. K ." ■'il Monticello Church 85 Moore, Rev. S. F. and Wife 103 Moulton Missionary Society 44 Mount Hope Church ; 43 Mount Pleasant Church 72 Mount Vernon Church 20 Mount Vernon Church, Old 17 Murray, Rev. D. A. and Wife 103 Muscjrave, Elder E. C 56 Nemaha Church 109 Newcomb, Rev. E. B., D.D 107' Nicholas, Rev. W. P 88 Nicol. Rev. J. H 102 Nivelinsr, Mrs. Marion 102 O'Brien, Capt. A. R 108 Officers. Women's Fort^ijjn Miss. Soc.lOl 0.a;den, Elder R .' .51 Ogelvee, Rev. W. G .51 Ogilvie. Rev. D. M 3:i- Old West Point Bible 47 Oliver, Mrs. J. S 99 Omaha Theological Seminary 61-3 Osmond, Rev. [onathan and Wife.... 40 Osmond, Rev. S. M., D.D 40 Otterville Church 108 Oltumwa Churches 74-5 Paralta Church 108 Parsons College 7(i-7 Parsons, Rev." W. E., D.D 70 Parvin, Rev. S. H 10 Patterson, Rev. J. C 37 Peiitzer. Rev. Jacob 5 Phelps, Rev. S'ephen, D.D 70.97 Phelps, Rev. W. B 10 Pilgrim Church 83 Pine Creek Church 83 Pioneer Churches 72, 81 Pioneer Ministers 09, 71 Pleasant Hill Church 37 Potter, Rev. J. H., D.D 9 Prairie Chajiel 82 Pratt, Miss M. E 103 Presbv eri'-s and Churches 04 Pressloy. Elder J. N 51 Princeton Cliurcn 37 Prospect Hill 104 Purmort. Rev. C. H . D D 53. 107 Rankin, Rev. W.C 71 Raslev. Elder, E 35 Raslev. Elder, P. and Wife 35 Rath', Rev. C. E 102 Rath. John, Board Home Missions. . .107 Reed, Rev. E. E., D.D 112 Reynolds, Rev. C. L 54 Riale, Rev. F. N., Ph. D 10 Riale, Re\-. Joshua 10 Richards, Rev. G. 1. E 32 Richardson, Rev. R. C 78 Ridgedale, Church 82 Riley, Mrs. F. M 99 Risser, C. E. of Com 5'i Risser. Mrs. C. E 101 Ritchie, Rev. J. H 10 Roberts, Rev. W. H., D.D., LL.D.51.54 Robertson, Rev. H. M., D.D 16 Robinson, t. D. of Com 56 Robinson, Rev. N. C 97 Rogers, Rev. H. C 45 Ross, Elder A. B 51 Ross, Rev. J. M., D.D 107 Rowley Churches 14 Rowley, Mrs. D. W, C 99 Russell, Rev. F. W., D.D 11 Ruston, Rev. W. E 51 Ruston, Rev. W. O., D.D .50, 88 Sanborn, Elder M. J. of Com 56 Salina Church 41 Saratoga Cliurch (Bohemian) 59 Scotch Grove Church S3 Scott, Mrs. Alexander 98 Shannon, Elder D 51 Sharon Church 83 Sharon, Rev. J. C 69 Shearer, Rev. F, A., D.D 71 Shoemaker. Re\-. J. E. and Wife 79 Siblev, S. H. of Com 54, 55 Sioux City Churches 90-1, 105 Smiley, Rev. F. A 33 Smith, Rev. R. C 78 Smith, Rev. S. W 60 Smith, W. W., LL.D 93 Snook, Miss Velma L 79 Spence, George, of Com 51 INDEX 267 Stated Clerks of Presbyteries 88 Stewart, Rev. G. D., D.D 70 Stookey, S. W., LL.D 39 Stout Church 109 Street, Rev. David 16 Stuart, Reese, of Com 55 Sugar Creek Church 82 Sutherland, Elder, J 30 Synod Committee on Assembly 53 Swan, Rev. G. M 69 Tappan. Rev. D. S., D.D., LL.D 11 Taylor, Rev. Hugh, D.D 102 Taylor, Rev. R. \V 24 Thompson, Rev. O. S., D.D ■. . .13 Tinkham, Rev. P. A 26 Todd, Rev, M. E 23 Toledo, Church 86 Townsend, Rev. R. C 30 Tranquility, Church 82 Unity Church 108 Unity Church 109 Vance, A. M. of Com 56 Vance, Rev. J. R 34 Van Hook, Mrs. L. C 103 Van VHet, Rev. A 80 Village Churches, 84, 85 Vincent, Rev. W. L 30 Vinton, Church 72, 97 Walker, Rev. E. A 10 Walker, Rev. Roy and Wife 78 Walker Church 43 Wallace, Rev. T. D., D.D 7 Washington Church 86 Waterloo Church 106 Weinland, Rev. R. S 23 Wells, Mrs. A. L 99 Westcott, Rev. R. R 38 West Point Bible 47 West Point Church 81 Whisenand, J. D 56 White. Elder James 51 Whiting, H. C, M. D 103 Wiggins, Rev. J. M., Ph. D 50 Wight, Rev. A. S 22 WiUiams, Church 84 Williams, Mrs. Daniel 101 Wilson, Rev. A. G., D.D 71 Wilson, Hon. James 82 Wilson, Rev. J. L 30 Wilton Church 85 Woman's Missionary Societies. .. .98-101 Woodbine, Church 84 WylHe, Rev. J. T., and Family 30 Wynn, Elder. G. W 50 Young, Mrs. J. F 98 Young, Rev. L. D 33 Young, Rev. W. J., D.D 25 ®ur picture (3allerv Zhc riDen anb Monten of the past, Zhc nDen anb Momen of ^oba>2. ^be Cburcbes ®lb atib Bew. flDissionav^ Morl^evs. ONE HUNDKEU AND EIGHTIETH GENERAI, A.SSKMB1,Y, AT DES MOINES, MAY, lyo6 REV.-E. B. MIXER REV. JA.MES KNOX REV. R. A. CONDIT, D. D. MRS. J. F. HINKHOUSE MRS. R. A. McINTYRE REV. R. A. McINTYRE REV. A. G. MARTYN REV. JOHN I,. MARTYN REV. JACOB PENTZER MRS. REBECCA M HUBBARD KN'OXVlI,I,K CHURCH REV. PROSPER H. JACOB REV. W. E. CALDWEI,!, REV. J. H. COWLING M w^ m^k N ^^ W^:^'^{ IP X "^:'^ ..^ 1 ^«iifl REV. T. D. \V.\I,I..VCi;, D. 1). KEY. R. A. MCKINLEY. PH. D., D. D. REV. E. S. HORTON REV. KARL, KBARNS AND WIFE REV. J. W. HANNA MRS. J. W. HANNA REV. J. McGATGHEY REV. JOHN H. AUGHAY REV. J. H. POTTER.JD. D. REV. E. A. WAtKKR REV. D.J. BIIRREI,!.. D. D REV. DAVID S. TAPPAN RBV. F. W. Kl .^Sb:i.L, D. D. 11 RBV. J. R. GASS KEV. HARVEY HOSTETI,HR 12 REV. O, S. THOMPSON, D. D. REV. J. H. CARPENTER, D.D. REV. J. G. COWDEN 13 a » c r c n o o r -J a: « O K r, X o J- M 14 '■yf!^.: Wmj^ If s« » P^*;'*' '■^; "0M>. LWU Hl-K I I-'IRST ClUKCH, MANCHESTER NEW CHURCH AT LYONS, 1906 15 REV. \VM. BRYANT, D. D REV. DAVID STREET 16 REV. AND MRS. J. W. HUBIi.^RD Chairman Committee on History HOME OK REV. J. W. HUBBARD, Mt. VERNON The First Presbyterian Church Re-formed Into Dwellings 17 OmVET CHURCH AND.MAXSK, CEDAR RAPIDS THIRD PRESIiYTKKlAN CHUKCII. DUBUtjUE 18 S U. KNSIGN AND WIFE RKV. W. H. ENSIGN AND WIFE 19 REV. R. E. F1.ICKINGER THE OI.D CHURCH AT CRAWFORUSVII.LE CRAWFORDSVILI.E CHLRlH 21 REV. AMBROSE S. WIGHT REV. W. R. ADAMS REV. A. R. BICKKNISACH 22 KKV. K. S WKINI.ANI) REV. M. K. TODD KKV JOHN HERRON 23 REV. K. W. TAYLOR ^ ■ H T' 1 ^ ^aiiy 1 ^ . *,!^Hi REV. JOHN L. GAGE REV. R. R. MARQUIS, D. D. 24 REV. W. J. YOUNC;, D. D. REV. HUGH JACK, D. D. REV. B. E. S. EI.Y, D. D. 25 KKV P A. riNKHAM REV. GEORGB KNOX, D. D. KKV. H. S CONDIT 26 i IK 4 ^H Tl 3} -x^.f J A ^JL.«-* ^ r /Ok : ■ < ... 1 1^ ft _a Ki ^Krv. ^ ^^^v* ^^^^^ ^^^r <^^^^^_ ^^^B «^^^^^^^^k Ri;V J. K. CUMMINGS AND Daughter Charlotte Elder G. H CUMMINGS KKV G M. Cl'M.M Ni.s 27 WEST WINDOW MEMORIAI. WINDOWS IN FIRST CHURCH AT DAVENPORT EAST WINDOW 28 THE MOUNT VERNON CHURCH REV. A. K. KNOX MRS. A. K. KNOX Elder John SITHERUAND Scotch Grovk REV. J. T. WYI.I.IE AND FAMII^Y REV W. I,. VINCENT 30 KEV. R. C. TOWNSEND LA PORTK CITY CHIRCH REV. S K. KOONS RKV. A. G. BAII.EY 31 RHV. ALFRED MARTIN REV. GEO. J. K. RICHARDS REV. G, N. LUCCOCK, D. D. 32 Rl'.V. U. \V. OGILVIE REV. F. A. SMII,EY 33 REV. JOHN R. VANCE A. J . Schmoker. J. A. Hanft. Jos. B. Reaney. Rev. J. R. Vance. W. S. Huston. COLUMBUS JUNCTION CHURCH 34 I. C. BROWN, M. D. Ai,i, OF coi,rMBi;s JUNCTION. Elder P. KAbLEV AND WIl'E EDWIN RASI,EY 35 REV, J. C. MlCLINTOCK, D.D. HON. WARREN S. DUNGAN Elder of Chariton Church. Ex-Lieutenant Governor of Iowa. REV. J. K. FO\VI.ER, D. D. 36 THE PRINCETON CHURCI REV. JAMES I!. McBRIDE RKV. ALVAN R MATHES REV. Chas. C. brown miss NORA 1. BROWN MRS. DAVID BROWN REV. DAVID BROWN REV, ROBERT R. WESTCOTT MRS S. J. BOYD OF ELDORA CHURCH 38 REV. E. R. BUKKHAL,TER, D.D , l,I,.D. REV, S. B. McCOR.MlCK, D. D , 1,1.. D. REV. H. H. MAVN.ARD. PH. D. REV. Wm. M. KV.\NS, D. D. STEPHEN W. S IDOKEV, 1.1,. D. 39 REV. S. M OSMOND, D. D. RKV. JONATHAN OSMOND AND WIFE ON FIFTIETH ANNIVERSAKV REV. JONATHAN OSMOND 40 THH SALINA CHVKCH REV. E. G. BEYER WM. MCCLELLAND Clerk ot Session. Bkighton WM. KRUMHOLTZ Clerk of Session, Salina Elder N. W. LVON 41 REV. AND MRS. A. P. COOI'ER AN'U SON LESLIE OLD CHURCH AT MKCHANICSVILLE Replaced in 1906 by a Handsome New Building. REV. J. H. COOPER 42 / ^ 1 i M Wt^ • ^^m aS5I 1j«£!!!1 Hua i^H "'^M CONO CFNTER CHURCH IDA GROVE CHURCH MT. HOPE CHURCH 43 OFHICEKS FORT DODGE MISSIO-NARY SoCIKTY I. Mrs. P. D. Keim. 2. Mrs. McMullen, 3. Mrs. A. J. Mosher. 4. Mrs. Mary Gunther. 5. Mrs. Robert ratlersoti. Mrs. Dora Turner. S. Mrs. R. W. Crawford. 6, Miss Maria Wells, p|n||.-#,^v MOUI.l'OX MISSIONARY SOCIKTY Mrs. Hamilton. 2. Mrs. Buck. 3. Mrs. Wilson. 5. Mrs. Howie Wahl. 6. Mrs. Spurgeon. 7 Mrs. Hough. Mr.s. Matlick. 10. Mrs. Samuels. 11. Mrs. Berry. 14. Mrs. Bovard. 15. Mrs. Pierson. 13. Mrs. Shelton. 4. Mrs. Wood. S. Mrs. Smith. 12. Mrs. Wynn. 16, Miss Siiigley. 44 ^ r^ FORT MADISON CHURCH KORT MADISON SESSION I. Rev. Harry Clayton Rogers, Pastor. 2. Alexander Laird 3. I.. H. Latta 4. James Pease, (Deceased). 5. Robert C. Williams. 6. James Dickie. 7. Samuel J. Mason. S. T. T. Kitch. 9- Samuel A. I,ansten 45 REV. W. H JORDAN ^I^H^P^j^^J^H^^, .jS.i-^-j OFFICERS OF SYNOD. SO JIKX WHO WERE INSTRUMENTAl, IN SEOUKIXG THE ASSEAUibY 1X>R iOWA. 1. Uev. .1. V. riiidlay, Yorktown; 2. George Speuce, Rolfe; 3. W. T. Cameron, Onsknv; 4. Frnnk r.r:iliam. Clarksville; o. H. (lepeiulencc; B. Uev. W, (.;. U;;ulvee, MeUiapoUs; 7. Rev. C. S. MoKlhinny. Pb. D., Fairfield; S. Uev. W.il. .i.nilau, Carroll: 9. A. i^kee; in. ,1. K. Montgomery, Wi'st rnion; 11. .1. N. I'rcsslcv. (Jrimes: 12. Uev. Iluyli McNiucli. Ackley ; lo. Daniel SUiiiinon. Kent liav. K. II., lie.-j Moines; 15. James White, Lake City; 16. Rev. W. H. Roberts, D. D.; 17. Uev. Samuel Callen, D. D., Waterl.' Elliott, Muscatine; 19. Uev. .Ino. MacAllister, D. D., Missouri Valley; 20. E. 0. Ilyland. Casey; 21. Uev. ,1. Willard Counterm 2'. L. H. Latia, Ft. Madison; 23. Uev. F. W. Eugeike, Waukon; 24. Uev. U. U. Marnuis. D. D., Wluterset: i'.. Uev. J. \\. liaies. li. 2t;. Kev. W. E. Uuston, Farley. Others who were not present when this picture was taken are: J. B. Johnson. Des Monies; I'rnf. Cedar Rapids; Jas. Wilson, Hedrick; C. F. Thompson, Sioux City; Gilbert McDowell. Traer; Rev. G. 1. Long, i heiokee; Kev. Chas vue; \V. s. Huston. Columbus Junction; Rev. B. E. S. Ely, Sr., D. D., Des Moines; Rev. II. H. Maynard. I'lul. n . r.-.lar Itapuls; u man, D. D., Ilopklnion, and Rev. J. F. Hlnkhouse, Sioux City. W. Hovey. In- B. Ross, Cher- ; 14. Uev. J. W. o; IS. Rev. J. \ ine, Sioux City; II.. .Mouiiccllo; S- W. Stookey, .Mcmnioll. Uelle- ■v. K. W. Gross- Si .„ '^- *- ^,, HOUSE OF JOHN S. DEAN. Where first religious service was hftid in Des Moines. REV. THOMPSON HIKD. First I'rcsli.vteriaii minister In Des Moini'S. Pastor of CeiitrnI Church 1847-1864. 52 !i:V. (". II. PT'RMORT, D. D., Di's Moines. REV. J. F. HINKIIOT'SE, Sioux City. SYXOP'S COMMITTEE OX GENERAL .ASSEMBLY. Ki;V S R FICROTTOX. Cc-cl.ir l;:i|!iils. C. W. BLACK. Malveru. T. D. FOSTER, Ottumwa. 53 ■ ^■■■p<>' m ^P4^ S«3' Xf/ Jk Bl '- m Hgj^:- ^A,^*^ gOMMITTe^ ARRANdEMENTS 2. .1. l:. Johu.-...!]. ?,. n.'v. S. Ii. M,F:iil,Uni 7. Uev. A. W. Mcfonnel), D.U. S. K, VV. Marquis. 11. J. A. Hosmer. 12. S. U. Sibley. t. Will H. Rnherts, D.D.. LL.D. ^. I>. K. Krown. 6. ReT. C. L. Reynolds 1. Kfv. .7. W. Day, D.D., Chairman. 9. C. A. Dudley. 10. W. B. Harrison. 13. Uev. Murdocli McLeod. 14. Rev. W. B. Gage. 54 4. Rev. n. A. Leaty. 5. B. A. Lockwood. 1. Rev. Murdoch McLetd, Cbaiimaii. C. II. A. Haas. 3. J. B. Jobuson. 2. Reece Stuart, Secretary, lu. D. B. Brown. 9. T. E. Jobns. 7. George Ilaruagle. 8. S. U. Sibley. 55 2. .1. R. .Tolmson. 7. J. It. ^\'hisel]all(l. 11. K. W. XIniquis. FINANCE COMSmTEE. .1 W. W. Ilijle. •S. l<\ 11. MfAl-tliiir. 12. C E. Kisser. Secretary .4. J. U. Dean. 1. C A. Dudley, CLaii'man. 13. R. J. McKee. .-,. I., n. R.il.inson. 9. A. M. Vance. H. K. ('. .Musjii-avc n. S. II. Sil.lcy. 1(1. Jl. .1. Saiilmin. 15. .1. A. Ilusui.T. 56 f jBpr^ f V-4r "i; ji ^ ^'IBB H■S:.'^ • ^^ h f ^ % 0^ Professor's House. GROUP OF PROFESSORS AND STUDENTS. DUBUQUE GEKItfAX THEOLOGICAL SEftUNARY. 57 wmmt HEATUATJO GERMAN, BRCOA. FOREIGN SPEAIiING CHURCHES. i>8 I'OIIKIGX SPE.\K1XG CHURCHES. S9 Onlj^ Presbyterian Paper in Iowa J2^ Tlic Jocoa Pl^eSBYTSRiai} Officially Endorsed by the Synod j;^ Officiti! Paper cF Synod cf iof/id, JULY. 1905 THE IOWA COMMISSIONERS Whose Work Secured the General Assembly for 1906 REV. SCOTT W. SMITH Editor CHARLES c^M, JONES Business Manager Kcv ;. V. Plddlfy. Ui^oool I'rj ■ CUliL '^e Subscription is 50 cts. per Year >l \V Uw<., tmli}T.idrn(i Ktv C S SicniMur.r, Fu(5(ld. Kti. W. II JuXlsn, CmtoI). Hcni } K Monlfiimay. WfU L'siau. J N IVt—'* r..i.i.r. Mm Hu^b M. -■ tl, Sluitnuii. K.I I Vmv ), W. 111}'. Im Uu-Kc*. J.t»r.U'bi(r. UktCily. Uc\ W. H. Kubrct*. t> II . Kiv S.iuiirlCiUti' i> !■ ! V\. ■ Kti J. N Jilli"'.t. Mur^.i'.. Rc' Jolm U,,M!wtr. |> I), M K, is«eing built at Omaha. Theological Schools wisely planted are an essential provision for the growth of the church. Any good school will always attract students from a distance, but the catalogues always show that tiie region inmiediatel}' tributary furnishes the largest percentage ot students, and it is there its influence is most felt. A professional school of any sort attracts men to the profession for which the school provides training. The presence of a Seminary in this region becomes a jjrdvidential means for turning the attention of young men in the neighboring colleges and schools to the claims of the ministry. This truth is illustrated in that the larger per cent, of the students of Omaha is drawn from neighboring colleges. In this connection it should also be realized that more than a dozen Presbyterian colleges have grown up in the last generation nearer to Omaha than to any other Seminary of our Church. Omaha Seminar)-, though the youngest, is by no means least in the work it is actually doing. Its graduates are filling positions not only in the middle west, but also in the the far west, and in Foreign Mission fields. The Seminary is now beyond the e.xperimental stage. It has struck its roots deeply, its trunk is growing more sturdy, its branches are spreading in all directions and its fruit is being gathered far and near. The Seminary has an excellent site of five acres in a choi;e portion of ( )niaha, known as Kountze Place. I'\)ur years ago it erected an attractive building at a cost of $45,000. It is thoroughly modern and possessed of all appli- ances and conveniences which render it adapted to the needs. Since the recent gift of $50,000 from John H. Converse to endow the chair of "Homiletics and Pastoral Theology" the total property of the Seminary amounts to $150,000, all acquired in the last six years. The Seminary has completed fifteen years of its work, and is without debt. While the endowment is not sufficient to provide an income equal to current expense, the Seminary is encouraged to hope for better things. There is much to be accomplished before it shall be sufficiently endowed, but its friends believe it will become an even greater power for the cause of Presbyterianism and for the furtherance of the wider interests of the Kingdom. 63 CHURCHES IN THE SYNOD OF IOWA Cedar Itapids Presbytery. 1. Blaii-stoivu; 2. ^Vatkins; S. Atkins; 4. NewLiall: 5. I'leasaiiL Ilill; u. Shellsbarg: 7. Vinton; 8. Garrisou; 9. Cedar Uapids, Olivet; 10. Cedar lt;ipids, First; 11. Cedar Rai)id.s, Westminster; 12. Cedar Rapids. Sinclair .Memorial Mission; 13. Cedar Haiiids, Bohemian; 14. Cedar Rapids. Central I'ark; 15. Marion; IB. Springville; 17. Paralta; 18. Linn Grove; 19. Mt. Ver- non; 20. Mechaniesville; 21. Clarence; 22. Wlieatlaud; 23. Clinton; 24. Ly- ons; 25. Delmar; 26. I'eniel; 27. liellevue; 28. Andrew; 29. liineline; 30. Wyoming; ijl. Onslow; 32. Center Junction; 33. BetUel; 34. Scotch Grove; 35. Richl nd Center; 36. Monticello; 37. Anamosa. Corning Presbytery. 1. Diagonal: 2. Mt. Ayr; 3. Afton; 4. Creston; 5. Platte Center; 6. Len- ox; 7. SUarpsliurg: S. Conway; 9. Bedford; 10. Prairie Star; 11. Morning Star; 12. Cornina; 13. Brnoks: 14. Nodaway: ir,. Villisca; 16. Clarinrta; li. Yorktown; 18. Norwich; 19. Shenandoah; 20. Essex; 21. Hamburg; 22. Sid- ney: 23. .\nderson: 24. Randolph: ::5. Rt-d Oak; 26. Emerson; 27. .Ualvern; 28. Pilot (;iove; 29. Zoar; 30. Arlington; 31. Gravity; 32. Bethany; 33. Piairie Chapel; 34. West Center. Council Bluffs Presbytery. 1. Grlswold: 2. Gieentield; 3. Menlo; 4. Guthrie Center; 5. Casey; G. Adair; 7. Atlantic; S. Audubon; 9. Marue; 10. Walnut: 11. Avoca; 12. Shelby: 13. Hancock: 14. Carson: 15. Sharon; 16. Council Bluffs. First; 17. Neola: 18. Missouri Valley; 19. Logan; 20. Woodbine; 21. Groveland; 22. Council Bluffs, Second; 23. Lorah; 2C Columbian; 25. Hardin Township; 26. Lone Star; 27. Bentley: 2S. Grange Hall; 29. California Junction. Des Moines Presbytery. 1. White Oak; 2. Fremont; 3. Oskaloosa: 4. New Sharon; 5. Howell. Holland; 6. Olivet; 7. Plymouth: 8. Knoxvillc; 9. Newton; 10. Mariposa; II. Laurel: 12, Colfax; 13. Rldgedale; 14. Grimes; 15. Perry; 16. Minburu; 17. Dallas Center; IS. Waukec; 19. Adel; 20. Dexter: 21. Earlham; 22. Des Moines, Central; 23. Des Moine.-i. Westminster: :4 Des Moines. First; 2. De.i .Moines. Clifton Heights; 26. Des Moines. Sixth: 27. Des Moines. Hope; 28. Hartford: 29. Indianola: 30. Wiuterset; 31. Medora: 32. English; 33. -laeksoDville: 34. Osceola; 35. Lucas: 36. Cleveland: 37. Chariton: 38. Rus- sell: 39. Albia: 40. Dnionville; 41. Moulton: 42. Centerville; 43. Seymour: 44. Promise; City 45. Corydon; 46. Allerton ; 47. Llneville; 48. Deriiy: 49. LeRoy; 50. Garden Grove; 51. Leon; 52. Milo; 53. Des Moines, Highland Park; 54. Humeston; 55. Panora. Dubuque Presbytery. 1. Zion: 2. Hopkinton; 3. Prairie; 4. Dubuque, Westminster; 5. Du- bui|ue. Tnird; 6. Dubu(|ue, German: 7. Sherrill: 8. Cenfertown- '9. Farley: 10. Dyersvllle: 11. Manchester; 12. Pine Creek: 13. Rowley: 14.' Walker: 15. Cono Center; 16. Independence. First; 17. Independence" Ger- man; IS. Jesup: 19. Pleasant Grove: 20. Hazelton; 21. Oelwein; 22. Mav- nard; 23. Wilson's Grove: 24. Bethel, West Union: 25. Rossville; i«. Frankvllle: 27. Zaimona: 28. Lansing. First; 29. Lansing, German; 30. Hope; .31. Lime Springs: 32. Chester; 33. McGregor, German; 34. Otterville; 35. Reformed Bohemian; 36. Cascade; 37. Bethlehem; 38. Volga; 39 Unity 40. Pralrieborg. 64 Foit Dodge Presbytery. 1. Immanuel German; 2. Wheatland, German; 3. Arcadia, German; I. Manning; 5. Coon Rapids; 6. Carroll; 7. Glidden; 8. Churdan; 9. Jeffer- son; 10. Paton; 11. Dana; 12. Grand Junction; 13. Boone; 14. Fort Dodiie; 15. LohrviUe; 16. Rockwell City; 17. Like City; 18. Pomeroy; 19. Fonda; 20. Plover; 21. Rolfe; 22. Gilmore City; 2J. Livermore; 34. West Bend; i5. Spirit Lake; 26. Estherville: 27 Emmet County, First; 28. Maple Hill; 29. Haifa; 30. Ringsted; 31. Hoprig; 32. Depew; 33. Lone Rock; 34. Beth- any: 35. Algona; 36. Ottosen: 3i. Undnnin: >i>>. l-iurt; 39. Armstrong; 4o. Elm Grove; 41. Lytton; 42. Callender; 43. Calvary: 44. Irvington; 45. Wal- lingford; 46. Germania; 47. Pocahontas: 4S. Lake Park; 49. Harris; 50. Huntington; 51. Dolliver; 52. Titonka; 53. Varina; 54. Luverue. Iowa Presbytery. 1. Keokuk, Westminster; 2. Montrose: 3. Ft. Madison; 4. West Point; 5. Memorial: 6. Primrose; 7. Markham; 8. Sharon; 9. Bonaparte: 10. Ben- tonsport; 11. Mt. Zion; 12. Dover; 13. Lebanon; 14. Chequest; 16. Troy; 16. Birmingham: 17. Shunem; 18. Bloomtield; 19. Milton; 20. Ottumwa ; I'Mrst; 21. Ottumwa. Bast End; 22. Kirksville; 23. Martinsburg; 24. Lib- ertyville; 23. Fairfield; 26. Ottumwa, West End; 27. Salina; 28. Iledn.k: 29. i\it. Pleasant; 30. New London: 31. Middletowu; 32. Oakville; 33. Bur- lington, First; 34. Kossuth; 35. Mediapolis; 36. Morning Sun; 37. Oakland; 38. Wapello; 39. Keokuk, Second; 40. Winfleld; 41. Cedar; 42. Wilson; 43. Kingston. Iowa City Presbytery. 1. Washington; 2. Bethel; 3. Crawfordsville; 4. Columbus Central; ; 5. Muscatine; 6. Hermon; 7. Nolo; 8. Blue Grass: 9. Davenport. First; 10. Davenport, Second; 11. LeClaire; 12. Princeton: 13. Eldridge; 14. Sum- mit; 15. Mt. Union; 16. Wilton: 17. Sugar Creek; 18. Atalissa: 19. West Liberty: 20. West Branch: 21. Cedar Valley; 22. Scott; 23. Tipton; 24. Red Oak Grove; 25. Fairview: 26. Iowa City; 27. Unity; 28. Oxford: 29. Union: 30. Shinier; 31. Williamsburg; 32. Marengo; 33. La Dora; 34. Brooklyn: 35. Malcom; 36. Montezuma; 37. Deep River; 38, What Cheer; 39. Slgour- ney; 40, Keota; 41. Lafayette; 42. Hills; 43. Ilaskins; 44. Brighton. Sioux City Pi-esbytcry. 1. .Mapleton; 2. Denison; 3. Charter Oak; 4. Manilla; 5. Vail; 6. Au- burn; 7. Sac Citv; 8. Sulphur Springs: 9. Lakeside, Storm Lake; 10. Alta; 11. Schaller: 12. Odebolt; 13. Ida Grove; 14. Battle Creek: 15. Lawton; 16. BroiLSon: 17. Sioux City, First; IS. Sioux Citv. Second: 19. Sioux City. Third: 20. Sionx City, Olivet; 21. Sioux City, Morningslde; 22. Plymouth; 33. Ireton: 24. Hawarden; 25. LeMars; 26. Union Township: 27. Larrabee; 28. Cieghorn; 29. Meriden; 30. Cherokee; 31. Paullina:32. Hospers, Holland; 33. Inwood: 34. Lyon County, German; 35. Zion. German: 36. Ashton; 37. Sanborn; E8. Mt. Pleasant; 39. Zoar. German: 40. Hope. German: 41. Early; 42. Sibley, German; 43. Ulmer; 44. Wall Lake; 45. Nemaha; 46. Pil- grim; 47. Hartley; 48. Plessis; 49. Hull; 50. Matlock, German. Waterloo Presbytery. 1. Union German; 2. Greene: 3. Clarksville: 4. Janesville; .'i. Pisgah: 6. Aplington; 7. East Friesland, German: 8. West Friesland, German: 9. Ackley: 10. Dows; 11. Williams; 12, Kamrar. German; 13. Point Pleas- ant; 14. Eldora; 15. Holland, German: 16. Grundv Center: 17. Morrison; IS. Cedar Falls: 19. Waterloo; 20. Cedar Valley: '21. LaPorte City: 22. Dysart; 23. Tranquility; 24. Salem; 25. Conrad: 26. Albion; 27. Nevada; 28. State Center; 29. Marshalltowu; 30. Toledo: 31. Tama: 32 Unity; 33. Mason City; 34. Eden. German; 35. Stout; 36. Aredale; 37. Grundy Center, Ger- unin; 38. Wellsburg; 39. Owassa; 40. Westminster, Waterloo. OF '^■k'%\ REVISED BY *^ ^ REV. C.H.PURMORT JAN I906. K«j u Westnilnsier. DES MOIXES CHURCHES. Bethany. Clifton Heights. o p «fi Westniiiisier. DES MOINES CHURCHES. Bethany. Clifton Heights. IliKlilaiHl l';u-li. First. DES MOINES CHURCHES. fvl ( ■ R (^ i T T J . M, aOGG I B s B ■ rz. J- C. Smarc>n G. M. S'.V A N Figures indicate dates of ministry In Iowa. SOME PIONEER AIIMSTERS. £9 Opn. n. Stewart. ISCl-TO, 1S77. .1. M. McKlroy. ISoil.- W. G. Craig. 1863.- Stcphen I'hPlps. 1S63-1904. .T. C. Kwiiig. ls4;i-(». F. li. Dinsmnrn, lS49-r,3. Figures inilicate dates of ministry In Iowa. T. II. Tlinsnioro, 1.S50-.W. .7. JI. ninsmme, isr.4-r,l. SOME IMOXKKi: SllNISl'KHS .T. P, T'.rOTiKlP. 1S.S7-97. SO>IE PIOX^EER MINISTERS. SOMK FIONEEK CHURCHKS. 72 73 First Building Used, 18S4. Sernnil I'.uiUlinf; Used. 1SS5. OITLMWA CHUKCHES. East End, Bnllt 1901. High Point Chapel. 1904. Ki\-('i- \'ii'\v Mission. 1905. 74 riRST lU'ii.niNr!. 75 -r'Ol^^- PAKSONS COLI.EGE. FAIRFIFXI). FOUNDED 1875. I'.fv. W. E. Pnrsoiis, D.D.. riesident 1904.— FOSTER SCIENCE IIAT.L. i;i>\ . I . I). Ewiiig. D.D., PrcBldent lSSa-lSS9. LIBRARY. 1i N I s IK PI SK .r ''"/^ ^r<^^D FAIKFIKLD HALL. Academy. r^ ."?« Old Building. Burned 1902. PARSONS COIiliEGE, FAIRFIELD. FOIXDED 1875 BALLARD HALL. Girls' Dormitory. 77 Kev. E. L. M.Tttox. Hangchow, China. Mrs. E. L. Mattox, Hangchow, China. Mrs. Koy Wullcer, Bogota, Colombia. Kev. Roy Wallier, liogota, Colombia. Mrs. I.'. \V. .MrClL'ar.v, Rev. C. W. McCleary, Elat, Africa. Elat, Africa. Mrs. E. H. Miller, Seoul, Korea. Rev. R. C. Richardson, Rev. R. C. Smith, Mrs. G. i;. liruce. Mlraj, India. Fategarh, India. Yeung Kong, China. FOREIGN MISSIONARIES EIDUCATKD AT PARSONS COLLEGE. Rev. G. B. Bruce, Yenng Kong, China, RfV. W. C. Dodd, D. D., Keu Tung, Burmab. Rgt. C. TT. Tianrl.v. Fatehgai'li, India. Mrs. r. H. Pand.v. Fatehgavb. India. Rev. W. O. McOliire, relcbabnree, Siaiu. Rev. .T. E. ShOPmakcr, Niugpo, (_'bina. Mrs. .T. E. Slioemaljer, Ningpo, China. Rev. Wni. McCoy, Krugersdorf, Africa. Miss Eliza Leonard, M. D., Rev. V. W. McClIntoek, Peliin, China. Hainan, China. Mr.s. P. W. M.'fliiiiook. Hainan, China. Miss Velma L. Snook, Pyeng Yang, Korea. FOUlilGN MISSIONAUIES EDUCATISD AT PARSONS COLLEGE. 19 Rev. J. A. Fitch, Weibslen, China. DUBUQUE GERMAN THEOLOOICAL SEMINARY. »' 1. Hurliagton. (i. Council Bluffs, 1860. SOME PIOXKKi: t IIUUCHES. 2. Des Moines Fii-st, 1S5G. 4. West Point, 1861. 7. Dubuque First, 1868. 3. Sioux City, 1869. 5. Iowa City, 1845. 8. Ft. Dodge, 1856. 81 2 I'l-nlrle Cli;i|..,l, ijurnin^- I'l ^-iiyi.f.v. 4. Lone Star, Couucil Blull's I'lesli.vtei-y. COUXTKY CHURCHES. 5. Tranquility. Waterloo Presb.Ttery. HON. JAMES WILSON, Secretarv of Agriculture, long connected with Tranquility Clinrch. 3. Sugar Creek, Iowa City I'resliytery. a. lUdgedale, Des Moines Presbytery. 3. Ilopiij;, Ft. Dodge Presbytery. COUNTRY CHURCHES. 1. Sbaroii, Iowa Presbytery. 4. Pilgrim, Sioux City Presbytery. 2. Scotch Grove, Cedar RapMs Presliyter.v. 5. Pine Creeli, Dubuque Presbytery. 8S 1. Williams, Waterloo Presbytery. 4. Woodbine, Council Bluffs Presbytery. \ ILIjAGI; CHl'UCIIES. 2. Grimes, Des Moines Presbytery. 3. Mediapolis, Iowa Presbytery. 5. Hawarden, Sioux City Presbytery. Churdan. Ft. Dodge Presbytery. Moiiticollo, Cedar Rapids Pro.^hytiMy. Si I. W;ishin;.'ton. lowii f'ilv Trosliytcrv. I. Aiiiliilii.n, !■ cil I'.lul'fs I'l'csliytery, ( I >i N 1^ sr; \ i < lit K( iii:s. 2. Aiiuiiiusa, I'edar Uaplds I'resbytery, Z. Ilidiancila, Dcs Moiui's 1 'irsliy (ci 5. Toledo, Waterloo I'lesliyleiy. 86 1. KslluTvillo. Ft. n.nlge ri-osliytery. 3. Knlrlifld. Iowa I'resbytery. COUNTY SK.\T CIIUHCllKS. 4. Independence, Dubuque Presbytery. 2. Bedford, Corning Presbytery. 5. I^oMars, Sioux Pity Presl)ytery. 37 STATED CLERKS OF PKESBYTEKIES. 1. Rev. N. A. McAuIay, D. D., Iowa City; 2. Rev J. \V. Counteiniiiie. Sioux City; 3. Rev. Harvey Ilostetier, Council Bluffs; 4, Rev. J. W. Ituli- laid, 1 edar Kaplds; 5. Rev. \V, I-. Niehola.s, Iowa; 6. Rev. A. E. Kisei-, Corning; 7. Rev. ilugli MiXincli, \Vaterii)o; S. Rev. A. W. McConiiell, D.D., Des Moines; 9. Rev. E. W. Brown, Ft. iJodge; 10. Rev. W. U. Ruston, D. D., Dubuciue. MAIN BUILDING. MUSIC HALL. Winter Sport at Bnena Vista. BTJENA VISTA COLLEGE, Sl'ORM LAKE. FOUNDED 1891. 99 MOliX CITY CHURCHES. 90 SIOUX crrr churches. 91 MAIN BUILDING. GYMNASIUM. _ j m l l i ^ Hrinu JJLJ I ' I Campus View. COE COLLEGE, CEDAR KAPIDS. INCORPORATED 1881. 92 WIT.I.IAM WILBEEFORiE SMITH. 1. 1., n.. I'l-esii'.eiit. 1905—. MARSHALL HALL. Academy. Y. M. C. A. lAIilNiri'. CLASS SCENE. .^^^^.[r^^ The roots of this ColleKf vuii back to the days of Lev. Williston Jones, 1S4!). Mr. Cariiefxie Vft-eiitly promised tlie seliool .+-;.'). (Kill lor a .SeiHiice Hall on eonditioii that a like a 111 o ii ii t is raised for addition- al endowment. COE COLLEGE, CEDAR RAPIDS. INCORPORATED 1881. 93 WILLISTON HALL. Misvii.ii iif Cciilrnl r:irl;. Ceutinl raik. ( ;;nA!! uapidk tinuciiKs. i iist. Kev. K. R. r.ui-klialter, D. D., Taslcr of First Cliurcli siuru 1S7U. Westminster. (•Iiapel. .94 CEDAR RAPIDS CHURCHES. « Rov. F. W. Grossman. D. D., President, 1902—. CLARKE HALL. THE MON'UMENT. I'hM'cteil in honor oJ: President Key. .7 M. McKean and 94 students who enlisted in the Ijnion nrniy of tlie Civil war. LENOX COIiIyEGE, IIOPKTNTON. IXCORPORATED 1856. 96 View of CampDS. OLD CHURCH. 1857 REV. E H AVERY, D.O., FIRST CHURCH OF Vinton. 1877 'Sei - 1899. ■MOHaBlk REV. S, S. HILSCHER. D D 1899- 97 r DAVENPOKT CHUUCH, Wbere Society Was Organized. 2. MUS. J. F. YOUNG, SecretaiT 1875-S9. 1. MRS. .1. F. ELY, I'resirent ly',5-:.S. 3. MUS. ALB.K. M'OTT, Sccrelar.r lS7."i-:t2. PIONEER OFFICEKS OF SYNODICAL WOMAN'S MISSION Alt Y SOCIETY. The Woman's Sytiodical Soc'iety nf Missions was oreaiiizrd at Davonport. Ort<>l>ir 22. 1H75. Prior tn tliat ilatc. tlie various womeu's societies liad j;iveu ilie Hoard iif tl]H N..rtli-West -4.S!ii,01. (Siiii'e tliat ilate tiny liavc contrilnitcd tn tills Hourd .S2ljn..5!)4.».5 or a total of S2Ur>.4:i:).!ii;. In Oitcdici', 1K>S4. at Cedar Kapids tlie Synod ical Hoim- Missionary Sceiety was or^ranized. Tlie women of tliis slate had given to this caiiS' prior to tliat date $2,9(j8.80. Since then tliey have given $135,0t!2. 10. In addition they have given Free.duieii $;j5,fj(jl.77.' They iiave also been given credit for "Boxes" vahied at $17,000 a total of Sl«7,72:i87. ')& .SOME PIONEER OFFICERS OF WOMAN'S SYNODICAL MISSIONARY SOCIETY. 1. Mrs E. H. Avon-. I-i-esideut F. M. Society, 1S90-1S9S. 2. Mrs. F. M. Riley, Secretary H. M. Society, 1S9S-1902 3._ Mrs. D. W. r. Ko>yley Pres- ident F. M. Society, 1SS0-1S90; Secretary F. M. Society, 1892-1898. 4. Mrs. E. N. Barret. President H. M. Society, lS84-190u. 5 Mrs. .7. B. BoJ'iton. Sec- retary H. M. Society, 1SS2-1894. 6. Mrs. A. L. Wells, Secretary F. M. Society, lS9S-19n2. 7. Mrs. J. S. Oliver. President F. -M. Society, lSiS-18«0. 99 ti 1 \ ^^ ^^^1 ^^ZA fl JUf^T' X > * X 2 ' "™"' ". r^Tr /M ""fflBHIi p^ oFin i;i:s ui' woman's syn()uicai> .sociktv oi' iiomk missions. 2. MRS, .1. P. ENGSTROM, 1. MRS. C. W. COLEMAN, 3. MRS, ,K)HN MacALLlSTER, ,.,„,, Secretary of Literature, President. S.^^S'^E.^ P,' X°""if J^'iP'^ ^ ^'"'''• 4, MISS MARTHA HORNISH, 5. MRS. O. E^KING, b. MRS, C, F, B^rSlGI^ Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary. Vice-President, MKS. HAXIEL WILLIAMS, Secretary of Literature. MRS. .1. r. .M.(L1N|-(ICK, rri'siiieiit. OFFICEnS OF WOMAN'S SYNODICAL SOCIETY OF FOREIGN MISSIONS. MRS. ORR LAT\'S()N. Vioe President. MRS. J. W. INNBS, Secretary nnd Treasurer. MRS. C. E. RISSER, Secretary Y. P. Work. ml 1. Hev, Fj. a. Enders, Malnpurie, India. 2. Mis. E. A. Enders, Malnpurie, India. 3. Mrs. Marlon NivUng-Madeley, Japan. 6. Rev. Hugh Taylor, D. D., Lakawn, Laos. A GROUP OF IOWA FOREIGN MISSiONARlBlS. 7. Rev. Malbone Graham, Colombia, S. A. b. Key. J. Milton Greene, D. I'., ll;ivini:i, ( uba. 4. Rev. B. W. Koons, Pyeng Yang, Korea. 5. Mrs. E. W. Koons, Pyeng Yang. Korea, 9. Rev. C. E. Rath, Tacloban, P. I. 10. Rev. J. H. Nlcol, Tripoli, Syria. '».? Kov. S. F. Mnnre. Seoul, Korea. Mrs. S. F. Mcinro, Seoul, Knrt'a. Mrs. I.illi:in Fislur, Mrs. Lnrpttn C. T.nn Ilfink. Cairci. .T;i|iaii. Talniz.I'ersui. Mrs. D. A. Murray. Rc-v. D. A. Murray. D. D., V;ini;i;^uchi. J:ip-iu. Vrtni.ijiuobi. J.ipan. Miss M:iry Jewett, Talu'iz.l'ersia. Miss ^[.^^v K Pratt, Miss Eleanor Chosnut, M. D., Mrs. Elsie Sinclair-lIo(lj;e. >rrs. .T. ('. Melrose, Auibala liiUia. Martyr ot Lieu Cliuu, China. Martyr of I'aoting Fii. rbuia. Hainan, riiina. SOJLE IOWA FOKEIGX MI.S.SIOXAIUKS. II. c. Wliiiini:, .M. 1)., rycni; Vans. Korea. li>3 "Tliu I'resliytery of Missouri liivtT iix-t at Si'uix <'ity April 29, 1SG9. During the afterno. Rev. J. B. Donahlsoii. D.D.. 14. Rev. J. W. Day, D.D. lo. Rev. W. O. Ruston, D.D. Synodical Superintendent. Chairman. 107 CAPT. A. U. O'BRIEN. Presbyterial S. S. Missioii.Try. UNITY, NEAR WINTHROP. I'AUALTA. ALGONA. CllUIUlIi:S DKVKLOPKl) BY SINDAV SCIIOOl, MISSIONS. OTTEItVILLE. M MMAK\ ()!• THIRTKEN YEARS OF SAP.P.ATM SCHOOL WORK— S:ilib;itli Schnols oiii.iiiizpd. 5(il: Teachers. 2,058; ScUolars, 20.404; Pro- fessed lOnversions in ijici-ti!i!.'s held liy Missiniuiries. 4.427; Number who iiiiiled with the Presbyterian Cliurch. ;i.li;o; Nnniber of Presbvtoriiin LBurehes that licveldiii^d fr,,ni tlie work, 46; Yalnc of iir,,i)erty owned by iliose organizations, $SU,liOU. 108 2. STOUT. 5 NEMAHA. G. UNITY. 4. LVTTON. cmuCHKS DEVKLOPED BY SUNDAY SCHOOL. IVnSSIO .VS. 1. Kev. S. R. Ferguson, Superintendent of Iowa Sunday School Missions for Thirteen Years. 3. CASTLE GROVE. 7. IIAI.KA. S. CONO CENTER. 83 Foi-mer Places of Worship. Present Temple. EVOLtTTION OF THE D/VVENPOKT CIIUKCH. HO 3. MAIN BUILDING. CORNING ACADK.MV. 4. PRESIDENT'S HOUSE. 1. REV. T. D. EWING, D.D., President, 1SS9-1905. 2. F. U. CURRENS. A. U., Piesident, 19U5-. 5. GIRLS' DORMITORY. Ill KEY. E. E. REED, D.D., President, 1900- WIXNERS OP BRADFOItn I'lUZE DEBATE CUP. ORCHESTKA, LADIES' HALL. PP.ESIDENT'S HOUSE. BUKNA VISTA COIiljEGE, STORM I.AKK. 1X>UNDEI> 1891. in ^1 » '^ .AJ!