C-C7 j Ort Bord Keay See InAF Ge Oe ls Peet rf oe Os Ve @ Y eeeta Z Jt1~- lew om ge Rex tf oer i nadl A Vilthwn . 6CHY A es eee TH E D E S A TI R Sacred Writings OF THE ANCIENT PERSIAN PROPHETS; IN THE ORIGINAL TONGUES Together with THE ANCIENT PERSIAN VERSION AND COMMENTARY OF THE Fifth Sasan; CAREFULLY PUBLISHED BY MULLA FIRUZ BIN KAUS, WHO HAS SUBJOINED A COPIOUS GLOSSARY Of the Obsolete und Technical Persian Terms : ~ To WHICH I8 ADDED ‘Aw Enwertisuw TRANSLATION OF THE Desitir and Commentary. IN TWO VOLUMES. ——_—_———— VOL. I. ——— BOMBAY: PRINTED AT THE COURIER PRESS, BY J. F. DE JESUS: fa 1818. . Desatir, or Sacred Writings of the Ancient Persian Prophets, in the original tongue; together with the Ancient Persian Version and Commentary of the Fifth Sasang, carefully published by Mulla Firuz bin Kaus, who has subjoined a Glossary of the obsolete and technical Persian terms: to which is added an English translation of the Desatir and Commentary. In 2 vols. 8vo, half-bound. (Bombay, 40/- ne ot A OE yn pegnt nitouny ater nines * mm see gay rane Acre. woh) bys) wth), 5) Pao ,3 wo! 63 jeu tao Dt 92) 0 J Dyas 9 pal SA > Poms es) se Ps Garlids Vlas ply Ge litty ly ma gt J hm 8 5 dsays aJs, resp resp ‘ al se 33,5 Dalw ys Syl 93, dy, -d(O2 lws Old y, 28) q 2258 22 5/2 XS o 5 rs i ;? Sew 3 sas pema | cs c ox ¥3 92 ai5! 2333! oil 5 of 51,3 pisie bli. jw sede i o” - sf 10 rn 3 s, De A tt ps ps a 3 9 KG y Geis oO pe oe aes, ees ' 9 MAS (yt 5 93 oe Lia ot phe aldo pp pm a8 a a, 3 ys Fores Ine fs wt wg? Ps oe 2548 2st 5% A A Ma, | vee ey wad rey Vv ov al a4 jo oA ag ail, If 0 eT. ade le ite d53 35 re, cil, 595 ete 5855 PAA ao 23 ay au i al. lo 64 J gage ¢ 226" ae wb}, os 53 wh» 45 te 46 wy 98 gy y t8 ye 972 Urgleg! ey 6 Mall 1555 O92) 1 Ohne RB 5 5 yO sR T <8 Le pepe a alike sods B ony ae ew) malt g IG S gy @ 9 SS) 4 eg SI en & IAs cis *¥ PAS oem uses lett y pw bY; eS Ty ok the ph cas 61, 2) @ 5 aes ots) or eS DG BS Gul yib, Cie by (i WL & 5 Lee wie 55 pele cts, He gy Gul as. 6 pt cule BUS] yah 3) 6) S yosed yo oS OLS gal ba lai (utes, Sis ey cin O15 OSL kz pm ciel, 2S ey S Lil ahh iy ok hy apy S ibis, »5h og Whe, oth! sy, & a SE GS 5 T ppt Cound of TO Ly hake pie gy yy Ashes fy styate 5 le gy WI GI TD) pm tpt Ce nd GB 19) p55 I | cdelt, g@lbs 5 O sso Sb op rr, hip 5) pe Sw ety le pM Okey t Se @ sy5) © Ue ssder e251 etl O yey leisy Eg gbhe aly eo) uet? 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Pay) Hovyly F898 ae (PA REI HB pb 1 ps Gul ys yop gtda B parody C5 ty Com 2 wire lye 5 om y o> comida de & Rar ¢se.g% ool a) lol oom SS. loge E39 ye oh py iy) 32 29S 2 Ae ey giae Des MH edn, SET P ose re saa cease y HT! gles Lies j| Fy hese 5b Se ya! 992 ls} Gh QI GFN yp y KS Cm 595 9 VK go p09 IZ glis Deb ot py Pal, 22 gm 4 a Ss 2)! 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IS p25 Sle 555 5 ye 929% ASS: Sole ylys Page sl yindS, 1S MLB, Ni aye Jy oye glen i Ss oly yea lp ame asree J1AR ra Coad Sg Com yw ge yyy AS OE Cw yy 9955 gp2tsee omy ls Com be S) kSe OP Wy 19 > ML SLU, wh un 9 Mg le p51 5 Cw) Shy le oP un ga Yat 50 MiSs ase 1 FLAS Tae eS S grey hy y poled) 25 59h 09 Sess si 05 x0 9 BEL Gal y hile aly 9 baie le gaits, \ py) ASSs ook 52 pele wp ate Oe) eSB U Gay Sb S94 Ls 1 gt Ce Ne ge Bey Sg AE OS ahd Lam, Sd 45315 Commas Lik bye ML Ss) AS ote S48 Um nen 4953p RES Oy dy gt ME HGS Bande] OY dg HOG Spd dled b yl pS) Um, MEL ot Lo, bagi 55 Solis 315) 8 an pods sl can Sy LST) Bim Ss SONG Cb ey s @ 25 urs om Bae Wl, AES ott Sine aI ~- H4o wi KS oT cu pC ashy TAS RE ye eb ade PBB 2 8 gS Ca) aad ae et BEI sy, TOS 255 , 1s aes duis Lass 154 PS ie, bem Ny hisy! HELE MSS dy has ye Ma, 23? Likes S53, 3535 MG iss Caw Si dy 8 4 Ahn 944 (> yo um, Cow bg op! se okey =. 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Lei TOs dy 6 ye Pas 59% 5G GI Hii LSS 50 Vs p99 99 Cw ed hy dy wy WlaG ge Sets 5958 1595553 Se a obs du5 993 95S yg stay esd ya 8 Ss Um, Cm ys | Cras 3 Say AE ore yng y gE ont Ly 1 9S Sot @S a BR y ee 8, beg Oe le tp pe po yi am #49 53s se Bis VIE tps yesh eg Less, MB egt sory S92 2g ed 6 9 2 ge 2 gt 0 gs FS A WL coe pi gg 995 8 Nl pind gi AS je Sy eee 298 geile 0S Gail ey OS bee yer 9.9 yep ASN Oy TVs 5 Me grag gai at Oe) MRSS pb 995 ghee ty SS my D922 oxo Sy 59% Un ead ps Say Lege XS | 6 Os 393 3942) Une 392 ga lk ahah o 5s 5 A [yx XG Le y wh dewse Saleh ls glee lr ge cost ye git to 9g AS git 9B Fe gouP apt 93.93 AS gi I og 53 end 8 WS exe 5 8 grb Apo 9S Us St J 9S Por Fh wk 25Sb Sh yl pp Bh w AS ret 9955 pe hed Sa) AS rnd BL yar Cd glide et 298 oo y5y pind BGS apd 5 SB AS Sens 5 yin ay, 2S SEI] ray aspire] ise sa). y Ny Rhett to pps) ue, LS arial gyayt kas jSe> oe 5 2j5 RAL pegm 5) poo gay roy SE bya Gatuby D2 pe SSL ORNS oy el 8 32 9 ool) | Ae Bs | pms fy ayo) ately CASS yally oS er OS 2S 5S 551 515 53553 Gi bay cei hy sh com Ppa) aM WERE Len, we 8553 g Like aS ekis yay OS dy hago Gay ole Lt la gg let gb, PO Likes Co 54 fy Soe Ln Cy bg Se # Od, 2 Pats 5 GT, oSI sl, Ish gas ota bg Palhioly $ ae ao 2&3 | et Uy ete 5 54g GF ae amen OS phy ue pad ey WS ex pS5,) Om, 907 AASre j le oS ap oe ly J meas Cha 9 Ve |g yh gS Le Oho 9 ah to Js Oy yl > Sea gine pa Comes ches - The og pha aby T 8 OSU ey edad gd GTS, ISU Me aE wd Ja lg og Moen P yl Wel ae ys id lane fas by We dy] ow S, D553 yu, +S ds, b Lye sank ys yhl,, ssh or es= ws feel W Bl, wl gt des 35 135.3 gis Sh ss goytk Crmd GS s 5 se wos cals Mee Qlosaxy Sire) 835 pe g3 |, Ls Lighyins GET Ios, sLigé, at a ghee eee prea oles le! oly 5) uns sy Us cs Li giiaie DBS Cow] pe SSG Um, Cow pad og sles ry 33 ,S 8d ats ¥ damasdy Ae pis! y / | ep GI ISL Se 405 LD ys pS AI5¥ 4 . . ; . as J: Ped prem lel gSiieT y9 yiato day My andl £5 Spy p22 Y 8 NS aS 0 Ny Nowy 5 Ahn 9 6 SSSI B pS isity esis | 29°) Kop ls Ones $2 Marys S bg 43 Asst he $9 pre 2S KS 1555 HSN gets Mier glee ps by Very byaas gL ed os fo pd god lenge a5) al ya 5 295 91,3 Fi gia yy seh nZjOs Mbt 94, Sasha Sub P G sey subs a KS AE Mya bys gist Nity 235 pa [its 2 yh pS as Su bai ae yy I pisirtee Big ub5!9 ge * AS! plese Tie ig» Worm ne SS og Legdntn aS patio 5s Li aoe a Sa, Bio) pO sy 98 od LEK os bs pth ay at 2 DB op3.9y gt 25 Se a5 po pdam Li gtake . 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B= > wht wbho5! sol ¢ 55; V3 33 shes aS be, fe dd 48 Cand xe M2 SBS po > Bag 5 V8 ys hd y Com dame ye Bt bP EMS WAS at gh yy Ly Satay Se gh ten Hots OC we ules azat ats $235 BS oaeSi hed 1 oked ; Vs pean phan 5 ASG alte 2 re ia Lats 1 jetty ayy po a5551 ut 5} B Some ae BT, Oetyet ee RS el ely SPAS Oy, UB Qty S Sasol, 8550) Sint The OFF LSS ae aS s: (a pats a peg Ub oe Sy yes ws. roo | | Ha nh gli 9357 LBs Loge Solel ab gto gs Cals 93 pb ghz ley WH5 5,3 nh 9 i 7 " : wa Ut 9 By 2 9 tele, (By Gunss Lee! y LS wt 85! 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Daw ps ops Md: yep MN gta ye pL 5 LET 5! | Pre ete ey Soe et!s (1099) why. poles & Otay ie loa? i PS aes) pt oF, Gps cick p> (146) BS gee AS ohy Wut . \ Ra Avan as MAS N 5 pe BES yoy FS Se ash ries Re Ri tS.o'eeaesl o (141) ols’ Sg ot | ym tay o2 5) elas oe paw 5), £592 AEP E yp tS Se Fpe ye gots BAS. polos 55,55 yas. > Ks), Sy 93 le dee BS) thar 211 cates (14 PF) Gus abot) wae 3 asarcry le be ; w® js 22% Sop Shy te | pO 5s 99% Ge Gel i Myst pe BESS ne ches 8 Um Uy y oe MS Gis uly de) ylopy sds ohs A ys) Cas, ; MS yet lop cS clade py, cass on . 7 ’ r4§ _ lb gly Sle $5 SOS, pS legs Spl ae S (ree) Com 38 2 gh of GkS2 (5 gs gi) op ip eye") yas | pe 5 ces ae gals poate os Ls sles ogy 5 AAS Co 0S pate, QW Lee om, FOS o Ky 95! 9) Sos ASS pee OY) RSS YG | SORES ORY suze (104) Cound, og et eli wbr yess JO PSS py Dy OS 592 MSs Oetn 6 I L Ep Lat OT pps eey ts po pet urna - SMS yey, yh 98 a4 SS ¢ oy by lope pareetg S92 w ER thee 5 onde Yas; seta Jd, (10V ) gay fa cme 5 ihe ts se 2D 598 S35 ON oe 25 9 ty YE MOM chang OTA pts tpl Spee dims lige, om g » eeG> y 2, FOI, al Kad 5 ee > e° € Lod ). ow ya w) Misglye ey rms Wi gp My Cam Ica gy SBR 3 5 OS) GY OT AS BB Ley $945! iFos BS Be 9SBee oo OS Nye 9) ye ae wie 6 dpe y) le gis Low 82,515 ami saya og | Caamed BEE 5 5 5g 8 gals OSL ais led ys eS SX whore oy Ss KN 32 els oy ete o! gt ya dy Mp o .SS By a as an SS BOLT ph BIS po gr ogm (TO) MESO xf, pekinese 9) yk Pur pa, bow cs, CASS sy Lin gh4 2 HIZB Fyre xa LAST 1, y bere HG Litg cw 05 ESS, EEC Raptr ctg eee ee “ih PS eh Se wo 6 ets ey os Mwloa2x Lea, W,Jass 5 Ws Fy o7SI Bg h be ep Me Upp gb 5 9% Sl ute ak yep agi ses SS ys lane ee jrwlisadd (1e1) d92e4d hy 0512 BM 4g de pw aly Mol joo)» Lm dd, WaehsT ai tabi tps le CRS gg yo a Ss 58 C5. OG (Bg 9 20 ug? yg (10 PF) 03, ,SSie - BUI5 4,92 a) pflLyeylalyw poh stone dt at oh up sgie oligws Oye 5 os seie oy 5 7m td: Lak 13 pe NG 8 gp Le Lin Sib 5 pe RS Crand Dg poe boy ut Cow ats es) | CRS ASS 5 pt cot lw yg Om y od post 558 5385 3 he wld xe de ylistings ots 55) easy goo OSs Lede es SARC Ye PY OUI S PP ek Mobs pl, Lim Yds 9 Qe ewe dT CASS clyt 855 6 BAG 5) Er jhe tess ri eMocel gel gt Perot A Som ot, pphts Bs Gus Uisels 2 Lay beng bbs Lene les dé (1 A) Selub rye gindsl yep 5 wp lng Aid 03 Ss psd ae 10552555 ts 2 pl | aS el xls? else pr poliuhs (19) | deco! pies Shee co MS st 55> Se, Sr es? st pal Bap libel oats oud as 5 We at Loot gotta, ESS Lys yl) ,8e oS BS uN Sehev ois tapes 37 pi lyin, a nticans dy wtz Sa~ (10+) Sol ps) 6 ney Wy! 5 Ses ot gry vs gp te ip 9s BONG pools fe BNE g deg ayreh ale 55 pm cals oh yi Vase 615 Fase be souls pe re ao a Reg pl ag? euss) Oso Ling fy ¢ Fle BO sity pS 52g pas yk 5 GLO a) 5 Sumy fy? Gt AP Nye tS ep UI) Cwlinse CASS. g bw FLU gS pe tt Sam ( 10) 5 | git gan all 9 lh ggie 5555 5 cl oul 2 als 555! Ogle, alt gl dm lyase lees Be bya Fuss S24 43, Gal, p Urry bie yha2s 55 ¢ 92835) G55 AS umd S59 by po 51 glow sale (14) ail early) Slagle sth aa ig Jy Baten clea gaan ez S70) 055 Ho HBSrle [as Gh oe55 55 ply 29) Gls 15 gla 5 ga yt My SS NSS Lyall Bde fy, le 5 IES Wl oy aS Sud 5S al es Cbg ELS OI pe ted om (TV) ME go Wiss ed ese Soy sist y U MI Lesa ends g Le ache g2 2! 555 Sv phos Gs 7 rig (180) Se ype 85 Lm es Les ae Saree lngtehin gt! ag tng sas PMNs. yg MLE, Yo) A ss Lage De) 5 Mie Soret Sty» SI AS Les 215 8 Wd is ar, Mw Lid, S,o58 831, 4455, Ly pope tlelLits 2 els, 21S, she oes pbb ste 55 53 po yt! sam CPE) cms hd ght pS tlle s 251555 8) Sie 83,3, 4 glmdsode (ip) 5 pei, Meets ahil 5 8 F M03, 9, Sin (5 le L570 52 wh atin as of Mins 6 Sale ppt 5 Sod eal, Cree) Meo). a), a celle, Sie Mi behstehylar, tM Iba Ve Ip, mid hyn MO ys lS, Lee Bi ode Ss (1) BNI pp Gate S58 yp Mh Kew are HS riy Spy go pots (rH E) ey Sleubyy jth 53s (TMC) hb de oo Segue, Bo wo fo eS pt sh pte y AU a Saab ys 5 ahs E NEw yl; wy yan any be A 5 pe Take 5 po 55 5 9% Jteses I Fi > py) Najes (ie 4} hd sm les ye go Lids itl, g NLS ee ee (irv) Dw LES gas adig 5 gy p ai, ENS 19 500 Uo sgthd OG) OF asus Me FPA) Mb peal gts Bibs hte ge Ora gE atin SH 5 5 54 Ope yg Ld vi'tins s Uist sits phe pieglonaly | ha ge BS At ee gm ol its ott 29m C11) Cm l po Parca pb, £21 pd seed tats IL Ss pli cs, oflans wt 955 6s pCR Uh yty ails S riy ga 85! pw Bas Tore s BLS y 1a BW ele volts (rea) SSI ge 8 fy Sun gs lee 8 pSi5 yp MEE Gt bh GUI, aig sslitn 5 aa Suk, Sly pr tae (1c) Smeg 2 ptr) As O8 C3253 sh yom hs el BPs ple slo sls ga P ee Ve Farec lala Heels iops g be 5 CRS Ug Lite 51 st, Bt oe cl pe 5g he oy Sh Fe 5 ey PEs Ww! 5 2m 95 aoe! eS (1 1) NI) oF pha) opie Cy Btw g M59) g O55 93 35 Deed yh oly Ltn Rib BS 8 8 5 Sul eo yl, Sle 9 0855 So cry ® ops bey (rer) 2985S Soe wel reps gels sh Fol gygim ds 9 1ST 322m 20 (TEE) 33 Fis 8599 eS Uw) 55 Us > «9! ot ie Leds o Lead ot cap Js, ¢ 03 ,Yols S555 5 Leas $55 dy | Spt bom), Liaw pyslis , > ees (1h 0) djl J 558 Lig) 05 SS BLS BN yd pS Mal, J Lima woos os 3 ith singe SSBY NSN js *S S95 yey $k Dos > hse 2 C552), em (IP) gy Tee yp hays ppl wes) Tale 3 eared | Commi ah Fg Cbg OU N55 ope SBS SL Fd (tr ve) 3), La SST pallet yy Ska AB ig Ts pod Cansei pate ear 2 iy a SHS le, g 5 ppg Aims s 4 Sa Lee gt Lind hy yeas iy 2M Jo, slp 5), wll Soy ule (LRA) MIM aoe Xe ae y=) EE — Fhe Bas ys 55 [bere rb ys 5h, biw, yop Bey ls ep Kulyes (ir 6) spel Ciet) etl , Lady, Liv, J) Its BR jakstie $031, 525,25 5,148 exo t sles Lids soaded (ree) 358 pH LSI, MS, 37 mine a ggie fal ye Cbs Posen bas bss be SIG 815 bum, 2 My Shy Cas wh 354 2 ae aS CRS sol oe C55 plan Sh, im ott oe (TPE) eto 2 gh y bee bil 5 pliw Wye 6 Lt sete 52 a gl Ligas Wa Ls bas sh ys ol 2 ye Sytem yh pe AS BS UE ESL SIGS gs W190 yy | MS boop a See se ps yh XY page Sas da Cirt ) 8 ul, silos ‘ Bo 8 92 gt Palisa p La ygie Ba! 5, Ligm Yes SEY yy ye bag Oy tad 8125 sy ore 8 sy y 9 bgp pe AS pin Sans pL gn Dye ot Pre 25 > 38 ol 5e o SE Ty Ue oS LG p550 Gest oho So LHS aS Syme Bh5 we rele, gt ty S53" oo Vin gis 5 ym pag Wo wine | vs gence Liky 3 (tia) O05 (9 ew Sine 5 5 a UKs bye J Sp ssk st! GIy eds ® . dy gt S55 VON, 95 t Crosta le ydea BY SS pot Oe OSS oe oS pe Lye ON ie ot yy Sw dS G33, ot 13 Hos once cad 93 5S a) sey om by pope all sha aS ys le (119) Mikye yn by he yb Tm Saas 2 28 G ed gL YS p> Lo Uo MS de Lys ees Oy Ky aes F dune Sets de y 9 yyw! pes (118) Gad MSs ys PLAN Yt alos ga prcans S19 Fed wo dye SVE mh yp JE (DIF) Sb bees oe ¥ Fey WI ALS Dy yas ee Meeyhe yl, 39), Soy) i leaig See) EN put ekd gt hey! jaye 5) Lyd duis yates p25 5 2a, cul, OS pth 5 9 echt CILV) On, Me bpp ye Karts wile ere (852 ole Leys phage 51 tySa Sts ide pry ho J gl CdSe, 2 9,8 BSS, Un dS uagle as gi SS L231 haa & eI, P5335 LMS OS Ota rh. & eS es eons Peal ened Se Maa yenas So 391057 Gm, J 3), LySs, mee, BES gmaglan 35 os5 5)9.92 sp dtos gw sos ly Oba galy 8 gi Ny awl, Lets 4 fev GA yl gO No aes Gail yl de peste ag HESS) Late g Se, 0 9 178 GIP ly Ri OLN, MEIN ye 5 55% bre 59 Se Site las ep leel yak Gt, Usiig Boles Sek By os lty, 7 8S yeslow Sl 949 «ye 8 os eS ye Gh Is py, st ELS oe Pre ore rer Peri 1h Crip) sa pS B52? Groh oe! Rs ahs 225 jo Lytiae Lge p BI OF! 08 elt als fs xly,, eae BdS 5 29 5h 6), em Uns ws eoms, ss 949 eS, gs) Leas SS ug Ign Ls got p® , 3 RSF Seohy (11) Suds 83 5 eos (rit) 3983 BH 5) Fe ess % pe ¥ 5 dae 5 ep dy les ls het Lage 2 Y ays 154,33 io hae ska las Fost 12 98 Fes pet thaets at Tapeh, eeltuses out AS ad ated a yi ho eS GLE D942 ge Ga Sa Sule ae erses ay G9 ES O55 155 beg Ft 95 § PND a pele yrstied use MeN ebay! oles wip IN Le 2Soe OSS tie WI lh Bay Was cape (16a) SSL Lees he Ge (the) bs got ly te jl Bont otal ops ei wns, 535 Gd ele AS ben eS cha Like Moe Lite Bales yest Qahag bo Sat Jed een me CLL) Col pip a Del 5st poy ob LIA plots pes yom ahs eB z= 1g OB gab yd os els NSS | 52 Syotee te eee sy hsp yisfsaad, dnl, ae» wy hel s Othe aay Com I os gt lS bs tT? ) Big aleg Sl tim cel phy 89 EBS y ibe De] cite U gtpriicoen) 9 Lika 50d ly Sen Lie 2 yls svt lea yb oj2 bby, g 1 CASS s Lethe ly eb hg at a pe S55 b 8 p0 res oi Spo Sytesl ash, 295 Lib ¢ Lins Lin Wyte som (10d ) oles BAS oy oO prongs Lit 6 153 te et mS 98 2078 ULE TS Bg af pete sy ot pel $ Pgiop yet 43 pS) 0 OS, OS La CHV), Dm Ble 2420. heat olen aye Sy apd Gl gag hg let 9 TOS 5 yl hs aN 5/5 ge man pe 35 Sy S855 @ og FU ot Ls pou) 9S Gt Ty iy Lege CASS, 9 Leys eas (re A) ge aS apt yi Ca gay 9 g erie Vee Us od 5 ER on Bs ly hee gs See iit % 5 Ris yy Le Ks 9 t, etxF 2. woe “utes > pi 2G d3 LY ut h93 slog Sl set, Boos phen (tel) Gyo es 5) Messy Bie BS Moy S38) 01) 5 ad oMs as LA wy fe SORES OS) 55 1 OS oS yw pwr yd 3 sy ES YL YT 05, ain) 90 (tor) Comms 2S paw 13 By pep) LA ORS wines F Os > aL oO} y=)! se 2S Oy shat ( Tew) il Eds BS pe ott | Ley by Spgs y Leeds ty gyal ge bf” glass hoy | coh) Ey asian bw ke g ne piatd fsiw ye (ef } 8 Bese sys Ih eWG oh nelid Sas tu yh, ines g Xe body 52 6 dle Ad ( if » @) Crand 9 (3 Wy > X daw ob pA Bs Sralwssl, ow} glo Lops ne Pla sle Lk BIT pay ylinms ela pry gdize 5. $2 bel Be enna Boe hc Cris a Ba cond oS S) Sf 312 )525 1 Koyed | dined agatha Cinta Nam Uy & 5 Il le + ype y 8 gM y 8S SRE py ye Conta Sw AT Ope yg dS (9A) MY She S Say1,42 Poul ogas yf 23 pS dag VS yg JIN pays boy slo als py ems pom S535 $ 550, S452 1A dS os WZ! Woe Gb pSS 02S OLS we Ug hy js Ve8 eorulas (499) 598) 8 SS Ol ert dtr Sy 55 3 Siem JI oy oe 9 me GI £ re 28 ye SIO ge Oey SY) La pat ey bj A Cd pp JS US, 9 9p x Lil | A ound see GN) jab lee geyt oy SS gst spledg ge pits (tee) pe bdprpuby 6 9X lew BASS oh cs ots aS og ree pS Sy pw gd y te, LoS NS 9 eM pe DS ot pd ot oy, ab ye eee, Sealing sLthS ali, oy 93 le, LSS Lite a dE J a sliso2,) , ey -U pyle ois CBS akues $21, pSiw XY gi TLS, go wd Ls asi} MuSpw ye S Gut, Lendl ose Less p ere gh (40) Cond 8 dad y Oy yStine te als Dee shea a) gist dis ats f, Leta gas sho cwl Be Fw, eden oj Lk abcde, & etl yar Smt palm wb ai yatLe S YO (94) Goldy GI yw LF 2S 6 IM, oe oS Sib en ole 955 5 KSB eins, VLA Plat ot a5 2 et alslylo Vel gatea,t \ | ve} . e Weta pope sete ss ub O55 5 sd wos Se atte S552 “assaf, Pee cal go's 5Like 585 ai 1, b Caath & ates ols ota alg elagetye 3, 8/4 gia Ape gabe BOs ae) ait ci Ud a i Mgidis ld Von ke F pry jet bois, s Ott wn OSs |p Le ain y 9B p52 > 9 (91 } pte od agi aps) Wf) Mee ys dee pL 6, MAG pores pags ps oe gp Uxiwas 315 3 Fo sha g Lexi op 8 ) 3 pcan cr ge) 5 Neh Pel als ote po Ae (ar) D2) bY oS, dyn dy hp pw ge ol gy POSS Chany LS Vy LSS 5S EST aT 9l s Sw SS g Pee wl 8 shade, ler t Dpxidp Sl gh y Noh Apts of dad 8 Sp toe 8 ts Sel ews IES ia ekg pets ois Wns ddd | Ac ) wlty2 wily sore eek, £ dd Lito 6 LewS 255 EIST WIT chigs 1, LT b> wh ps8 5 Al Lal yp) se.r Vis ¢ be stipe (a4) 6 Dliws Wl Mas eg oe pz clin JU, pre CAV) Mss: Boasy ghey! at sul deo las 3 law pessrian 3) pdm a, La Solids 5 Ley wi som 4 Mlle 3 ps yl dds See g ple 54 ote pit clin > (AA) nek GLa ph pfs et Uk ake S85 a LEN ig ab gam 53 $ aite | ¢ Lidee ¢ Lob po Lia poe ney slLiakyas i Uls Caos LESS , yy sd Cae Cal Od (AF) Minlgs 9) 5 Who po phy) rae] me 49 - apts st sade 9 rs EPLAN chetpe (V9) ge Sur pr phy Wi! | wl pt MS oy Ling OY, Lids lage 5 SyS a) jes Noy le, oped, shes a Westy hm oh ph Bib 4 dniguit' p ISCHIA) dS CBD J 5 Lee I aD yl esl t 2b plLidsd old O54 — aids Ow y5 (AT) pli stys yf 3 > Sass Boy ty placks 3 S595 ety (ar ) eto pb ge) wh ISLS SU 355 ows, be plea ¢ ab ahs p LG; 9 Bday ew Gy Ldn} (.o Lt, whos,» ¢3° ¢ ule, grote IMS yer (A bh) dpdcty » Vv ote, pom 8 rome slim ely uss 5 ees? et . i poke a tg paw aly ts S atl et a Ny, 194 wT Ms V3 pa S gg LG Lew ys es Hy ge 5 WS Ja5y ph 23 gym paisley bs Bet od um ge ST, Toby > les rt ts ym : p22 kek wh Shas ost Ls pa ye N35 Wd g Mini Io aly Pe gssnel yp we oP MP a> Hh gS Me Ls Cat gs GRE gy 94 959 ake Vyws NM 5y LES pe I (V4) eX OK ¢!9349 59 pst rags 208, PMS ee 8, 086 O15 SB pre BU LS Go Ling os Lidig 3 gt Gietels sto et li stscu, 5] Lets om g AN Oe er eee (vv) Cd LY Sg pss, 1A, oligs pike Sexy (VA) ula ppl ® ylopep lewas ofS sas phy a le tes Uf a ot, 14v ’ 13) Lae 2 Saad yo (vr) SLegh Th yt aS 50 st des S55) > 2 2 ui jp S x55 Sy ts 5 ds Lind po 5 ey ds $5835 gs 155 bs Ou Lye me 5 NOI here Ca go Sy 3 Sdn d pga Shr g 55 tUS Bs558 Due df aged, (V & ) 325) a Sages VS som Tsoh pein soe y 23 44 5 SP) SS ek & t souk satis 5 oper pe so gdje Ix REI RSS ee Sets ews py de (Vv ) AS om UB eye J de5, poset; oo el py pte yD hag gl amy GOs 9 0 5 den fy Sune Oa g dda US 6 yy! y3 le gaat GG SI Cows y ty [Lo fs ds pund p> sd (V0) agi diy Mol 5 yy 194 dat le Sine ey Big Wt , Ye anne w SSis 5 It yes pw, L4 5, sts wis $5 tty ey Les 5 ay Hie sce pee w!s 59 Si Sy5 gesest lg Light OS | ihe 5 PONE ILS agi), 3 Lee tiny ay Ss Gass lesS yy 6, Ll Sy asta, 3 A295 32 %D5 Sey! p25 1g ee hee Toe y pat Ge) 8 8 nbs 5 Satiel sod lsly bys y tole POP Sipria wer sy cs2igthes do s 2S El 5,4 S Som Fie Las SO SS 7 55 pF Sd 5kw y Cow S kgs PLS af 51 51s, ot *Sm oot hon G15 15 5 why np eateapia FP 8 1S Koa ge 9 Palace Ise, oY | -, ust eda), Comms ig KL, tee ot 3s 5 w Jpryte s peat) CNIS Mews 5 andy gh Lot «3 $4o Hips S51 w xs LS S22 st 59s sa8 eh Wels y) y GALS, 1 Sos, US, IG), Sarl ory Wao at! ts stat ty nea yh’ gs wt a 2 pti thay 5 lo g0 9 saS Cow Ty hp std ol % Cow yp SSL SY 5S KES ahs 9 WN 54, Saas Sinaley Blige ot ylis ) yy be Lys wl ps Git Say wb dy dS ated bs urate S yas ae Pe ee ssse fs eoulps A tlm 59 ghd 5 > say Woy 315 952 athy La, Cs Vy Legany lea UF pb La SOS 9 gat fog es Lig’ 5 get Uy 52> 9 gh sg pS UD 9h 5 9 P 9 ox S > oy glare SMby g4 B 5s S95 95 59 sa}, a Mim5 1 By ghw > yD ppd oe © 9982 © sb MIS y 99) WD, D4 ly Rhys) gS o gin alea ghd pists rg byrne ee ot 8K "4 ; y4¢e DE Bs Bad By 5 es aps Lk Cod js BS gals mds) Cad py, or Lae Ah) os pS So Lim Uo hes Sa ie Fy Ay gS aS aI wie PE She os QIyiS, 8 pha Cust 5) ool gis pme Pps Pp 7) O6US grrlign Osh ys BA yhs2)e 7S prey, Iw ops a wy) S238 1 REIS hs He ty S59 y 2 eh yy lw be ch tye ts wi Last, gyet AS MEY g Ibe sy Ss, Lent J prlspgcressi, So S238 | WG 445 edesy a 3753) ete pe 5! Sn ASS Ta Lid 2 S5/, Moye dels Mere S95 S25 8s Ae phys 25 peli pts Poper es [KG WS, lanlely eels X35 sisal ules! Boeh sy yQliws 2138 552, 08eh, 2 ot 545 bas Bs Saf yay 37 gba ers ( 49 ) d4G gw 9, lazy “pd Oe olay pf 3) pd Uela9e ehiige Linge ees (Vie) Comal os leno ls Sayles SoGs WY oi beg a ane 2p pe de pas nih if yes Legyts Fy ott sy land lye ze yl 93 , gisls t DIPS EL fy HOA OLN pre he Cesd ) Lege a tS oss Miedo! 8d ylap 5! ea. gsr ged whos! s Y egistl pe gid je 93 598 ene Sed 5 99 Com) BR dw OHS oi les SAS oS p> SAS ge? goo Lyle ga enn ees og pihy 31 yo aS Cound 15305 ghd ip esis og Nim KS Cran) gt ye 5 age Cn cya By gin 9 cs img Cams pod Lenya Us SOUT, y Koy 3S; I 44¥ 25 gra lye Mears bolives (44) pleat ethan tyne» 99 pi bs UL 2 wy! 2 2S mw 7p 3 5) Gus aes ytatg ,o F gid 2,59 Comad S28 pi p95 8 WS Id grt OOS 033 pa 92 Meteor (4V) ys S pa at Bg tier oho Obs 2! pliner By Ie Be! pS pate ply 9h 29 M0 6 2 pte pat hs Gm bps ao 65 5g Lew gs OS Id x IPI es Arts wes Tw RES tad 5 Craig pat oe Cam § VSN SS sha oy Commas yee y D993 ady sy ind 5! Bud oo NBS ood Lent 4A ) wats kwd Leilions ISLS SUMS Cant MS oS ad slimy ey slime pit ge go Ke 4 esi lang F del, sy Wm DT old ze pe AB US oes y Sy KoSs Sy iy, aS US 1 Sl py psd Kt $4) es8t ott) ght 125 (4 She [y addy y Legian PLES g sro § 255) 2533 Ow y ew se MS WIG ‘ se SEW Oe ites D5 h yoy we uhy gloss, pad pb CRS sy 3 yy kw 9! Swi, art 3455 >See 2515 yh: my go ligid 5 3 pin pms 5 Ore) dap we > wy ss te a BD d2 pueo d 45> pasty \; 1s \gsimw \, M 3 4 x LMS Sis 33 eH pp usrransts 5 eG oe do 5 mS ts +S gt xp S53 Sie se gt we» v5 Coma y ty 2 RSS 5 Lo 9p Dhar g AE oye Day X29 Gd ga 5 Py ty lope Mas, sf, V pine J ya 3 Ms 5 03 (4°) 5 Limits ee «st? ut ly by eee o a2 Fa yd Oe £95 5S pe Lem me Spel on 5 5 pou le A 2 yg HS! F ghey Gis wt Chand Like Uma oF ste ips AES, Uwe Oe, Pade g I 1a° gS p90) 3 SiGe a atte gLite 8 ye a Me 35,8 3 Uys uatm atts! yah of 358 S13 yates Cd yy lop So gkw yd Py ORS Sz? Why ww LASS s Li tigt 4 Ct 50) ids 552 Sy25 Pe eer) C225 ye) pad gi ii ik eee ed Bia ys Np Se ORES Uy UF gy Pee lap line (4) s55'5 ya Ba. 93 iat po tes poe poe (4) OR 45 Ba 3 ord 322 1jd deb Ul Lwem Lyte s San 9 9 page, 61S Mg SL OF 513, 0 UB Mae | om} pti ay ty > ty etn 9 OS 5 5 pa Mes oe) = cw Sy oJ pp kw 5) Land Ee; J we 15 232 a Ul > ay LG (So OAS 63 Budiy ery oraeat ME ea 5» | J jag Sh oy suede Bm yes Ltd, doit, Dele he Ow yes 9 5 yt 50S 2 6 295 ol , Chang fad Lise iy Uses uy Sealy atid Rgds wy amd de te ohn y 99 95 ds 295358 $y 55 yz} 0S OY 55 f3u 3Ulsy tel 3h a5 MS ghpel Xe yh gS MAN gh Kb aS Cmte y id w 235 8 pS 985 pS up es OST aks lw ws pte! wis Diy Me pg Comb as Like | us faa) 595 pS apaErdy 5 DySl, Lge ad 35 5 ga5 S52 y 98 5S ppl s ool y ghm 5 my Cains ay 6) 82 5 eos 9.9 eg) SF ge 9S Sy) DS 5 Ey) o> phe Comsts y gtd V9 9 Dy ge 2y5 ) 3 gm P3993 FET) sew os 5 at en Pegi thy i e> (4p) SLI), wy 44 5 59 oy sd Be e258 ry ele ey Ol ots oF Purr pied Byte yeh gi Gary a> F 30% eh protean jaa wo! poets feels Yip git 2 6 Sy! > Spa Dy 7 OST gta Fs! 88 a by he oF py, Om! 3 stetw ls peed ila) Seam ey bs > kw 5 8 poem wy POET Oph Bo pm) gz Wy | 5 ohm 9 why ser, Si, oe, Shes poled Cd A oh gel 2 O43 5 eS oR ye 2g steaglpok | be tel lay J ovine MF Bye 7s 53 Leg 5 Ital oe Ue gy pt yy Sg Nj Lew 5 Lewd Gs) 9 3 CBS yp RS aang V8, 1g) KEY 9 5 OB, Dew Me) Cul lope ne (385 ple ad ty Ey bel Neaa len! po ose ort un! po 8 LEO ch ens grin Salo gl oses g Vloy5 obj si dio a wbx ob p TALS aleleG at uly lh ait gt Kw 5 uw Lo els sho y pes C41) os Jaf aa jAv go ol I jab 28 vo | eee Blows, Me ids Sard gs, Veldol oly f Oo ayliss je) a3) setae pLisslagy Ul 5s we 7 « e oo | & aan | Sex S zp ew a dew ats (°4) wiigh 3 | pu S pw ot) oe MS Slaw y SIS» pad iy ls pds gp sla XO dae, MSaw Coe NS ogy Qe # Le yg BLEAK 9 yy FL oY pany So 5 yy I pw G lita ZS py Kyles 2S yee teh ha SF Cd yon gd oy) GRAS yp wy byt gts piled sh, Maem y op oy Sel, em aga pLiail lw yglhst gl te Ly pile y Sat y VOY yagi Ltn DOs glo js whys Jy Cond 5 5 DAIS y stich s A Cd ogni yg to Gls REa Kh fb 5 3 cite)» Od, G shw J ged pa yl op sh NaS 5 Mt yy gh 3 Ow y 5 9) Wiki @ LSD |) 9m yay Pd Le ps, EL 9, SbF) ASU Shia xa peels t 5 lea sts ae Gok 553 oh, piyeltol) S051 ISU UyCe yg ety A wg) Ol ys, Lee IB LNs 8 pe pp soe 99759 3g oe CS aS NEI ge OS OS Dy 0S MSs le Clos, ol eS oh ws, J rs pleeek ( of) SIE JMS 56) SoS OU) 1S ya pbs pe ee BS, slLicign ol jl slams, sbsah yt Foot peek peepee (ov) Sb aw Lite em Spades pb BUG pls pe SRS YO) ple xs SS fp Kye Si plus 7 Dy, S145 aT PLS S55 yp MAST, os stat 3 (OA) 85 pay Cul 2 10S) by EY chaos Dies bnte® sy si Bo a, 6, gam po pL bp 96 * ypae pels plode en ¢ ajay php Lis lad eat, aw! fut d lo Sur ytat ls f Met og Lseeabt eS (f9) Spd SUSY \ esiatian ts oc J229 2925 Pit F 2 yf AS oly pate By alt B cP, shee 8 S35 (06) ask aise fy, sits SiMe re gg Le O93 pl gti Uamde en bett.oon Kooy Ween, «oS eg nla Mls al 6S) os Shae aftan Spe (Of ) Cot) MII MY! OC ng Noy 1 aSe pe ww F Wyo Soy, $ dea, dy 615,35 ste wy U9 s Bia os Mp eipit es (om )SogST . ° oF) SLs a8 else ae quails lef dot, al od Se ands! osths's as cal uly gf O55 5% esp bs Dy ey 5 Ma ge dye 8 55) yap te fe Ov My 6 | LS oy did aI Laid, ( 00 ) ryisg ea pag Vg ety a ct pS LY 5 9 yy ptt, BS 55 Um, pls PmOW SS ys 54, (F #) OS y oly Meera ety einem ert no 7 2 hee eta! Ba Spry yg 2 Gdw,, F Hess heb, yee wt 2 Ma sey Uy SS N55 Bs le ye je ate ge (FO) UI aI iy op SENSES 5 SII 9 GS LET yom SUM Ky robs Serbs lyri, fF pi (FY) Soke ges Se dygy Cy 5. 33% 92 UN Sop Sl IRN, 35 fp Leet 3) Sad 2 7SN, ghd Sum Leb yey, yee Yo Gl pp ah eS y Pale oy Skins J gt Ltd 95955 pe hog to (HV) xc Diy 383 yd ekw Nas 5 lege a yu 335550 (a) & | y lege SLA D4 Dy oy Lally ss jah GPs C996 75595 ot Her Go Lk oe y clay 153) 60 p25 ty 5 9 Nowls Sg, ghey potty Bd 5 Ni pe mse, Soles Ux 16 Sem Gh GUGe ahs owed incedl Ole Oi [as pene 5 59 p LOI pL Sey pI CdSe oy a Poe, 9m Fg 24552 954 Om 2 bs gt 5) chu fs dy Ving Cade oe OY 595 ight y CAT 3H 2 yy Lads des Donn LS O68 55 oh yd ol Uy eI a ele SOS 5 pI Sy bors haey loz, res CHS gh ylapy setsur, pp pig 5! phe Gate Ny iTV RSS 5 Ye 9 94 95 5 ato yt! Be Gepag ig 5 5 HOS 1 ASS Gy Uae y LHS 15 9 Gye BSS yidhy Vg Ladin | ame y Lene lt 5 rts)? 6) asF5 2 95 ais em ZI yin Gh, wbx php Cea Ng B va he 99 P rt Fg 2 jar a laias ( #1) Sy ae ln 9) tay lope do Pela di gl (Er) alae et alae Rare tet cH 05 sak Iago, las on § eS pe ES 5 a2 I5 PB WU e5) yA! F Keay l el CH) dey f pe oe bee) 55515 95 Tigh 92 y [iP Mey et es Oe a of paps lo Bis Nipacestes ones! iyi sus tastin| ae | wrote st 30g Ly WS 5S 5 CAS J phe ly wheelies ylee, O45 ,5 2558 Ape Seb Le pos ysl, cas w Her 9 Sk Spot x wise irsrbg Juicy s, J, Pres AD ps q b pietigll spit aga fre h BS) slay) 2p Lgl Sope, Sd to JobLis ghistiy 8 [age ly VSI Owe bee em we j A { ' My by 51S yay teh aly Spb Sys Sets iste) 2 2 olsuts pols pe % ola 59h oe wr Flere oly, ( Me )gla gary ts Pott 5 tg 6145 68 6 st 2 Oe Gye 5 Bie pg 9.) Ae Cnnl ey Ale 5 ae ee get ysis VY sass ot yelo (4 ) B99 Me yl Fle KS OY Qe if (HV 'y Sass gay wile Scie sanaiptiag oly at p88 5 shee law Vee fo SSO LR 2 Nw ts yo Hy Woe Coad yd Teg Lenya (HA) Cis G9 U FO 5 arle ues 1 ose sue cle, saat 2 AWS OF ry ee ® uty? (9) cng S dae gts Hay te ond gt ty PO oF ue G ake g gurliciye (yw Lid y> 94 pa f By gn Has Laren gt 13 jo ee (Fo) g Ot jae git PILE Cr a) gon pi S585 y Ler Y. greet 2 AS SY 8 52S ott mo! ake = 92 So 10 SS pe mg ps Qh F oP? a ner etaos (he) lusts pe ba a en! A oe int 9,9 359 9 Meese Se Men Sheeley e Crt) 93/33 , ° Boag eb Slay eles ys), | 2 CSI) pe ase wy Pet 22t gt! Ss \ . poe Gee tC re) MI MN Gs Uloys e ae tal5 cas Lisis F S59 be 5 53 ae LG pe gis peglaZ pe 21 pt em (rr) esd oy wae 8 OO IS 9 98 PP a2 2%s pL 30, Ams Gets) Les Os poy) op 3 5! pee 9 Sau Lesa BS ots ( et ) ae oun, Be boesla¥ alors ete boosh 5 me a} fv4 Plrditel G8 Be, Fs [oy pw 9 22 pon eb yee EPP ) Gm Tengen 5 oy ye 8 5 rn ipa DLS sp 6155/88 5 5 gm gp HII, gs S LS 3554] $5» yyw Pee wreySes ts Oy, 298) ody obs CP) ST deo gm 22 wize! Sas Gy hE 55 Fy loud as 55 (2 ef ES Lerey p LL pos pws ( He ) Notes slp phy lb eats f M08 gol (vd) laa pth tub pp less (He) Sh 225 od 980 | ow pwd Lae BN y HS) F ge Mw yeh id | 5 5, gins Oe ppl ln dae 9 fogs gist oa Tg 8 geben Uap gp lind (PV) poy awl, Uo lyst agi | 28 744 ut 95 oh GO 5, (HA) ulspplag 2551 TS els my Fer, Iie gles Jva 5 Peete ere fe PS OS 6 Ye & parte, © SV AS Syd Bo Ley, pw LI Swe (14) gy eyes ISS peel ges (1V ) Sm Sard ged ge Mal os Fo Ges bead eit ey tS a) Beds ol ts pe a GE — piss as ASL odes fet) SS 1 (ta) Re em lps Pe fled (6 6 20 US p Ki, 5 a3 6 2B” oy fis SO ede es IS 6 Las NS stig aS uw LS, Ga PL gs RP 5h eds 02 FSS QI; 2S pala ps a6 (5 DAS sy tee oI, 95 See ph 1 Pe )aleye 9 Sag CS, 5 yap Gans BEN, gins GAS See = Sern) 9 195,39 skew o> 550 ( FT) E ytete, grs 3 Jvv © BS leye es eats (V) CS ae MSs Oly gl yt a 4 wise wee zs eres ¢ a Ae ert lp aheahes PBley sey (A) Sule Gd Bota, lay - git anwhes eo UPB Bs god Sess pl Re Bs git oi 5 LS 5 Y Oe eae greed cat, Los (9) pdm Sa bgi ly t;3 gh ow (te) Me port Slog £teny Cue duiisty SLRS aD g a KP els erat pt 2 B dam paw BMT 3 5 B Dame pow Ger) cul pies Bouse uty Ss ES yf pSe Ly oof ah pSlmsee (1K) ody Nye ms late ¥ 23 52g ohn Lfow LY) act gillian al BS aS hen Sy rely 8 Syd 8 Voie oe 4 ge VUbu oy [54,15 atts eee el (1#) (19) ga BS 78 42S Cds a DSS 2 95 SI (v5 PO AAR RR SER ARR AERA HR RRR ARR i 1 CBS) 5 pdt cdaels ot Pulssu' Puls HS rely (1) 59 Sa ope y) ylojaee cred, 4522940 siphe Meags, ON poss Fol, © aks 0! SS PSSA bo dtdyd lL tb ds (1) os.) pote Los 0 Ob Uy ploy F298) Byles ge t plage 8 (Cr) S28! ay b ye raha ee fo 298 2A Po CF) 9z wb lin 1 4, 2855 G1 GY, lor cy ade BH 993 ght esi es ( 9) pe es stton ss / go F955 82), 8 gs pte HS tus tears sf ge Bol mee sets, howe stl! (4) 3? jve CPt) Ah ye ph Als sis eA 9 709 gamer 7b BS 5 Wind am LAS 08 ie Lge etary 3 83 2S) Lig md Qhy Io ge ye 958 g 9] 966 Bile Yo ebss sy 5s wee he Sw siles pl £97288 S19 p99 ys is P yt s Me FS DEUS, NSN ju prs put g Sales gee 5M 6 VFL AHL GS? nF wis ids (FV) Sa azcem Syl 51s BOL | Gis OSE ogre f yo De VS 5 SY 72 phi, op LS, oy ot OI Bag F do Eu 5 5B dim pw gh Ke 5 Ds (YA) OF he oh oe of of Ae ee ye eg ‘vee gry A 2G Pee gg Le pts pO 598 US) ad yee f phe MK Lent, od te 0 PSs Sake gi D0 Fy. 93 GUT, ght ge 1 tI, “plajegda bo ee as (Pt) oe My Lass col Lye os Cr) w! zur! glplae ee bess bs v5 tk PAS P Ps PHS EHD “se pets Ly te OS PP Seay (bm) pds Gy [2 a5 PY cee WI? go> wooed cleye 599 2am ery deb eH 6 pKa yet t ole Leen tyes gt PP at Fy) aed 2s Apt 5 gland 9 ght 6 yy Fels nem ett Sy aebd OT (bf) Ol pea PI GSbo lin (PO) esr sits Fics Wp a ssl ea le les gBle alt OU oF G bly, web sd le ta gia Me po Bm bem Ip ys 7 oe caps ade yy a 98198 yh ue 5! gE ute QU aS apnea Selig aah solo Se By Als Sy ot 8 pad 9 gt 25 $2* Lm Fd og pred ae gd la N95 Saige peso w fr ONY nS La ph 9 OS) 1 9 rit cy ent SS (tv) Fa IS osm 5 par pels wt elstg!— g hres & eo » ln ote LS ae 8 mad @ 2) Cra) ols a’ Die b Sy LSE 3 yp 9933 Om py gS gh Lad weno Bang gt ratte g Mgt (19) e255 ut spiders A igh Noe ie Loge? Oc Bd 198 Mads Min cs ap of ot La 5 ty ag poe yo (yy Ltr S| y 2S, Lim, 5 FDS gp ie pF 9 24S, 9 Wop yl yp SN Ir 09 A ivf eS 1 FD eed ep Type Me Le Sal 6S ype guts PES aeB 5 Ss Oey, gee a> ges 95 7 9S ie SS oF ey lj yy Ut we yg ee ej ales po Sou sy ete Ty eet 595 58 (ro) Sal pF 3p eS SBE wS 6 a ea all tae ae ud 3 Lem Keo sS ete ge pt gt Vy pie Lew JLkw 5 Sa eee 5 gy sim dy Lkw dy oop Mtr 5) PAO Say F Feo (14)> agate est Sahte 9 Ya ghw 59 alg ws pe 7 gle 2235986, poe Ws 3 Sissel perth Bos oS 5 9 ty et @ Wy oF Meaisae 3 Gs A ey) AV; hs 3 ge Be 558 lly heh fj lee, ao 4 fe ons gt) D3 lig 5559 gisele QlLiush - NAS BN 9 IS Qh 5495 1 AS Semi, del - a jv} Dit 9 AB ees! SLES (¥ ) ons até 5 COS (A) 33922527 arte WIG oles gee Sanpete uit 5 hee Ug 98 a1) 95 gm 35,30 amg ls wsstyrd Le mel (9) godt plain greats (te) Sedge pi dogs ge F pwd Migslien jugs jlaliiogs 9) Mmeneasal aaa Jay Ja ph pe gt 53 us $ sew bee SIs yom cade wlan & gS by 9 S245 95 PS mF SIV ew sls (11) eBoy 2 xt SG of Ctr) Sar 5 IP AS22f ges B exes! piosee es pee, all 5 >> et NZ ped gol 4 rope aT ew eek eth eb sqed: w preity ot 5p p33 51 WITS gue T ge ows 2 (IP) Gy) ghwS Cade oe ste Ty Ss om se By pty 9 al pee 55 ew selena , jve eloped |, det Pp lim Cr) Sola ub ye —_edaheneegtntge $ Bis ps ye PSL eal GF peas pao OS Le agit eb tan, Ap pein oAtol! $95 LE Gh A ad Livaeye (0) gia pratt (4) Sets ges Iai d sete 29 22? g* 2° P ote »} tot fraps penton 33 ae Pe ys, $ eis abe ew 2 a5 5 Baw 5 of UT) pes gt Sahar gts Sn SEB 5 9,5 CoS ers pm 93 ASS 90, 255 oke gisaloe lia s5 99 BA! 42 ye OS Se apt ease syn y ns oe gh o2F MoS by 5 pansies er aeemed lita urs Lew Ga, 9 ym ws wre whos Ae ge pm pe, 2) OSs BONS y= eT ae n oh z 33/5 Uh espe do4 5 bose Fas ze 5 up 2p , 44 yg BS claw 5 pw WS aE gy ote 3 prj, gmt ¢) > jy skys 9s ooh al ps i ig Law gi grin slss 935 1 ay Us ymntd 2) og piyty 93 5 Sony ree! s gHs,4 o's 99%) Kp lS bslaeg! ots ee eee & MLYREl HERS a PRE IIR IRE IR PRE IRE OR HIE IE HR IE HEIRS IER IE RE IR we 9 pamted » gihisd Cait 0 Ui Eat ie bys bei oles eet Ct) Say 9 Org ty Ba US Se cre, $92 j¥p V0 Og gs ON per ge U ol © MSE OT ye (Bas 0 Side gd mas (1) Om Dany kay Wiss 0 a8 sy aja ee BNA POLS \4a ; SY 5b 5p), dps 333 pw CPA) peasy Sy ppb aby Ph ohits ys dds, 8 Jas % 68 5 05 prime T pling d 3 gu a 6 05555 2 (29) ph Ms Blaplpddoe sks MSs bs F SUS Gel pre sysserylmeyt (he) atirr) pat sgm yl pe WI, SS 3 Hs pS 9 ebLiye yl ba elf Nl, 55 os 590 Pees setae 5 3° t. ose up Langa > Law ry as ( wr) itty ily, lee ape OS 9 = as» gja78s B35; glmss de eee aah iE Ren i edi Gap.) PLRIasls ST, FI Lye ist, Lae (rt) Ipb s J slid, po; lLiw oe yds the ( po Pak te. 215 5126 035 > Or (h4 ) lop La Ly B plo peons \Lw es dy 4 j4v ry 4S S 5418 pat Sy 0S, 2, 5M yblac dS § £555 .)1, e455, CRP) alate fetes ate 4 SGA,S 5 95 ota, y aa | let Lae at 3% Ae py lO 6S se WS, 205 5 Lim yl oS ad 5 jE pW ob, Las (pe ) Slligtstetst ois 92 $ wlaSy23s gly on je oly of slabes x rySs wl ss b5Ih gear 593 hale Us bang opts de 5 ¢ lie sli ess (HE) whale se F Os A, Ly Sg 5 eds ¢ 299 2% Py mys pag HBS (po) Ae 2 pt phon of rei Comes SS lalige sl poaiyl, Mp4 55 oS ph 955 pal ays ty Sa Spm goon py oF pm sew py 9s Tp tippy PD Tg gia >4o= (4 ) Ligs Lege 5 J pow Sako pe ‘py ) chon oo Langs Leas oo Fy 1 om oh t oh 92 6 ape apeMd @lat oly zog'ale s 58 26 4 erp BEB pe (1°) S80 N55) WA WL, | B pte IY Ma omS pay Soles 5 5 VS | ae E398 poem Uy PE ENG 5 BS 5 SS obey ee 1) pe od id a, gl CIV) eo pS aie) ge uy Caw SF gtd gs af & aha d, Cad yp 3 SS oLibgn yg Sy 53 Mee Luv! Sad SLIELLLS )is)5 (4A) O14085, 35 BS 55 Vy i Me NOG BF cea le 6 ed pre Oo ptlw s (14) Fp hoye os, wy yw) oh Sms liga, st satsehy) 2e> esile eis ASS by came) gst ceudies yy Lag CaaS Camas 233 3m SS 5 aly MOlyseed oS yKOY Se) Leia pay 2 Lew V4 5) 8 Sy Lye Se) cpt 285 ie teens plows 3 i & plas sheer hSS Lik g5 55 Lidge ees Ls Jo glsplLaG pli t plop U x Splines (el) IPs etter et ereFl ees! (4) srry er pot (Mais) ON 2 rsy°3 psp) Sp SM lg Bees asa gey! Sf (A) pews) pra looses Naty OS paw sSarwhi I OV, BB ew THD 5 6 > dhe; 5 Baty ol, 408g 93)53 08 Cadet vheamgs 2 peste a Sap a aie F llweasl is wtats >) 3 bye lees eae tie ) WS, s ate, E53 whip Gre, peg glow B goles hse Flos, Vous yl, ayo ss 5 (11) S$ ye8 yo o9y (1h) Phy do5 ees had pir elin yh Ie rst C ie) ohh oS oh 5 Naicdi g sau Leneys lo balay Ov, Ves t lps \ s4¢" HAR IR NEA RR AOR RR HR a A RM Pie Be y pis Odi xa Ni gH? wlss ele ulr~ Ss else (1) Atss Ns stay style e ely FB j'23 she signi penta y se botiys ames ot at ps 2 0 did SLUR MSA (1) co L«, prude sy 0 0 Ly Sete Bae) Bl 5 plits g pope Gout. lw ad (H) Sats yl Keay tole 323 Ny sypeee (Ff ul ra 9 yeep Sols preps ste s yyw, perce £ ea 1 ON ou ler Oe, ose (se 85282 ps By 2 lon el 5»: Meh glitey po Sous LH oY 5g ahs oy gies ca s ih NM h Pats Mele yl ys 19 U 5 OS aS pe handy 98 p02 et oN 5 77 et) Mm 5 6 ay jh pb EY gh £9) gme P Sj ap ens ( #0) isa oS Fe 8 iD) a5 (1 4) ree coe) ee eS poe Shy a 8 Gl, LE ws st oS op hh aS st prt ging cle polo sya wy etee lS 21836 ose h b5ly GOSS 959 lees pm y gtiam Os ate Bh od (* Vv) FA) esto gles at rlesols, shy Li g BSF g ple 457205 pms lg lene atts ap nh pag le, pO Mb Brg zs yly 218s cy hyarg a 89S 8 gat det ot Nh Lite 5 0 x Letiiats Ge Ee ee KSh Ss pad yet Fad fs yg ata ar py wo) phy Bey Chan 59 iy ee oS 615,51 13 ps peers) Sp glo p aS sl ag Bd LS Velo ee 8S il 5 lum Seay! say slg rales Gandy gts mde 8 OD 5 ony 9 MEAS. 6 30 Vy pe BC CRSES, ys Olly, Ties CaaS MeO 5p Gd, I 5, LW, ies 20,0 25S Ob prey ts pee 19 54/5 ots Ween | wrS Pus BP ro5 pie, 295 Kas NES? pot GSS obs 9 V9, b pe 5S yo 9 pe 5 Oy ghee r Ctr 9 yet GP godess Lda, pho Mb lah pleats 55 gS pw 93 wh ym, wa! taggers Mp eee ib le sts (eH ) 935 Ow Fy ete FOS gt ass go 6p S55 40 WPT ST 5 slits 25 Lime UI oh abo gn sis . if ge? 222829 bas op et ei LaF 9p OBA pods F lyin Isls Joly plane 8 gh Sy bs ISU SS Ts Sus yesh, ol sone. CHA.) Sk we doyle UI (Ip ls) og See ra) wie j229% ch rs poy gw Rw So Lew 2 lg M8 My ghd 355 6S) atte 3 6 5 Om, of 28 (fe) 5285 8 tp SP79 WN yt wade e 35a Wis 2 91 ola 745 ld ad ge ae 9 lai pom ga Vg (#1) Solel gushes pleted QL, dete OSD F 6S slp Sah das dryly’ ABS s geend 5 Lite pe (FF ) S555) de Ph Gad al rae ke Sa Vere est Dati z pad t gta hin) hy gSBne dy J, daring ms Lisigh, yyms 5° didkcsiity aden Dy cgaeS yO gS Oy ah y gh Lg Ud 51s Cm Sige }4e alysde ah lens sil ss yy Lids Le oS ( wr) Peay 5)» ero Sgt MAS 98 TB p25 3 j8 gr#s, os (rr ) Sy By SSIS P59 2b Sy IopPsoup pp pds, Le, pire De Ny sella; EI, em Jaz as ay Is wtresfs, Lata ( ne ) KD 5 ph pF vd asad wes 54 0rd se 99 ¥ Moly) 079 y9 2 eis Sieh Tass Gt ass. savasiy yey be Lage 18 yf RS Ly hand Ko eT Ol aby st OS Ge cep 29 57 y Les Lee ol pw shu, yb jee ols Cy Fy paw Ok 9 AR La oS (r° )wylsx Byes; lw Sas By Vy lay 5 PSF of cli Sym edz plas eNisys (4) pie ow SX ut 5! So Sag yah oS yw s FM 19d, oe ee Sh pd yam 9 COV) Syd Ts S pant t Lamy 5 ¥ jo4 oo 8 rg WG tl DS5 3 F Se, w 5s 53> B gwd alwalses Cre) gat j tated, C4) iO, rdw Nga (my BS yc yt oA to Sls ,s, Sy gal g5 5 Dy gd Mun OS whew Gy g SIEM G5 35 Sy sl Oe dy owl totale ps letel emotes (rv) ghiing® vB) dy rk ge Me eS yb By BME ge oalale g prliwet pers Gms (PA ) sip pou“ Fe Ip ewyh (4G) ps sytem a? iP ye Voor SMe, be (he ) lel, a ioc ale neo ga S Liss yo, Ld, 93 92 42g S92 O25) bl gtr 5 ST PIs 5 Sy apes (MT) wl gy pt oS oS ak Syst 9 une nm Te Linge bo 99 F 5 P AL I ee asa I sope gt, 3 yen Sag EP ag ahs te Geet 5 U C14) opis yl sear) F Leet Sas NysI (1v) geberebre Ful yg sl55lp Slyo> (tA) gts aid as g Qt 33554 ges 5b 5), Gy ele gy lat ye5 Lees, I sleds sy 2 gy yued yl) yd SS, (19) Slot, ty gts Mulind (po) ,1yo9 S25 tt pralsntPublew rr, bom (rr ) gi Sal, whet yO a Shas os, st t ¢ et YS) eas 9G) WF 1095 ( FY) Weal gledte ss lash 25st ¢ @ Mee 5 je Phy t Poses les (re ) paul yas, ery Sever permed (rt ) sets sora, tiple s cls clits plPurnaye ced w gy EES Sp By 5 mS oS 9 98 pau dL ~ r a Jev (0) pS Sess etn yy 1s Leto 6 aS 6 tty £5; 14) WI Sop att | g oy sxe is ste woul Led ab sig ot bee» ee neh OG ieee 1B Suse! Shs syn § tah Kya IL, om 94 S32 bp Lee ctor (Vv ) ag! A) Xai 55 (aslo yb SS, 5 ole B oso e>55 i} ¢ gil dw pb Oy Lt, pd an J, gol oes Soy pl (9) pins cist) Tae ea era! (te) wI9p yolk p Le & ¢ bape g Lin pw wt P ls SUIS F ols je sa cea) eps pleted l, ala ple ssplema@ (1) whe oa 5 abr, yay Cie) Ul so 5s Sing SF C5 Kis) & aa 3 gt) Ba gg st Ny F eH yD oS ryt ) LH * jy dwt Lae) yin 5 oe) Y ne 5 (re ) (tt) papel) He LU Ta co get Mie 5 gti a fom PDD IGR ARES ARE AREATR ADR ARR HRA ADR AR AEA RR HI OBE AGS DD 22th bjs unl pet ulrpy 9 else (1) Sys rg ts pie sl alone pelt, £5 29/4 pg) 0 Meee3 OM poss Vol, 0 iS OS ES BO Mm dD os Like OLS 25 ( r ) ON Liew y a f phy lasy 0b Las ple Rel Bal ypsg pla jpeg Lew yhe! p Lim 0 (PF ) SI Wh a et tap pee et (¥) wlpo skp by es® Ips ef a> Ker y's poe ps pis ¢ HH agi g23dt8 tM ret Velen s pelos Eastre 3 9 pole whslbsubt snot tynuseses% gghe omy 3 SS 5 5 GRASS WLS Ly), psy 4g foo ies iis, ih 1, 9 a5 he pe) gf OR os eee Hoa! ats'ys ahs as presi) Saw My etsd Mg auige yh sty Dy, S41 TT or B53 BST ISN aI 3 298 OY wars ANB TI Ody ob 955 5 Keay! (A9 ) slike 75 4s) 2 gee Atay 9 Sogtspy5I F ty gal salateaelas FS Dy 9553S 9 > eth y 2S od eHyocias csbebes ge id Qt et hurt Pel SS pylo tly sche ont ott D5 dn Fal 6 Le Gp yoy ay Gas oad wo es ites Sy gtmae 3 3/65 dans 3 3 MD Joi o Lys Ss, sais ul yon ne * ay) cass th, #159 3h ye NS s SS - SP oe tls $ ow bw P —_ Vez oy! sli ue cade Sg ; ane £874 ym yee mend (am) Sak, ghos pS el CAE) ulsaursl ep t Matec pi Pse85 ,) 8 yeas y sie Soh Shr s (AO) NG See UAT st, as, oy AY) Molds SNS cyte g Ls old feo 5 pbs eo, Isle Tee VLG lo yg, Is Ibs of ygeseas z MF kk) oS Pre ee eas CAV) ees es Ci was gels pliae glisl Ure) 8 wl as gQlidi les 25 ls3 eS lege pS 3 go bes pet Mes ade! ( vi ) o/s peleh eet ysl nt 275, Lbs yy Lis VFL ely Lal yl II 5 yl 4 Shes oh eee. sha e soe 5%, Caw sy 19725) Le Ligw 5 WI 39 42d 09S . © fom - eee t 2 Lee UG pasa wisp oy? tits dpe eed i lige an o& VY Lge poy AS Coan 5 Ny lem eT g nyt OW Vas y Lee 351 25 gh Connd Lemyarsere y > AD gh 9 Com ag ley Io aed wy H423 0 P pi pa> wl rhs Cw Se spt yd. pb stcis sy yw I 5 ali Lis 05 Jats Lin Lge I } wt Mylo M3 soppy lyst Sa yl M8] 57 95 wise @ ErS 92>) ¢ Uwe I da li of yet tol 35 sada Sea lye ' 5,1 Sails s ve Cras VES (y Usa pany Modan sLidigi 5S de G gti ee) > ott ot yy be ML, Foe by Lew G5 po a FE pa 2 Y5 V5 p Gig itn s5,, ot] ako I jay 0 U agen of jor lings (V4) godmy tte ts FB ode) Che ePlgtacel res, % gly, plo lyy gi a Lye ee Sd Lt Le (vv ) jlo, Lett, g 9) ply Lids o ly Lida S po gl, Liang! ae (VA ) Camb fe SI clige 5 5! phar J ds cs guns WI by bye Ve LS yw oy Laie ad fy I ( V9) dwlids Lia T), OF FOS Ow LRAT 9 gs Sas Biel ge lsh tL Le ity | LS a BLE Ue (Ae) Sal gil as S92 pd alsa lg! A hed paylade 5 eel at .ulr * SSIs, Ld SIL yea Apbisisgess G9), sey ishy EY 5 2 nits JOC AT) SURG y LAS Bohs 5, ot yy um, a ts) oa ba pla ban Las wag les ( av ) Swi gli glsz2g, Et 3} fo} Limbs Lido Mati DY EU 8 5 SL ngs by aleats | po ede ey Gr popek F do 153 DIS lin aS fo ub S 9st phe d yd Qed, ISLE Mpegs, ool , ls paslet (ve ) tS3 fy 4 (VI) Min D ysl sl oehl asad By lou gS aSas tah 5 sof yal g oti al) 98 days oF gab aD [han gy Lead ed MEU Bo 5 plas, Laos [Slime (VP) dy Cwal $515 ylidaledie 9,49 ds g ottet ole al¥gaial phar plied oh saye, ( vat ) tty 8 SV MS legs Bore 135 0S gS SV ay ded, 5 MaytnSa aS Ow y lites i Pasylin, g dep do ot pha (V2) O21 98 ghey & SG ENGST, Yoe Seb ele As 0b 731 a (dal, ad gf om) 5 —_ MBG SB og OG OS Lmtd S gL d ode 5 pov mL als al) su 8, XS BSS, 992 Cw, 39295 9 9 pS AS Sg py Va lan Sg ayy Cowl ot WERE STS SITY oo sy cnl, Oy SUT, p OT gt SREY YI AGO Yad Cand ad, 1,9 I, 05 Baty a2 syle ay Usans 20 9 gt UGS, arly Fad, Fas ps Cas kee |p LEG Ss 19 5b LE ah SEY 5 995 955 9 50S 35 yds ppm daly arannsd 5} 518555 py KOLB, 95, Ld 0( WV ) 8, los SxSolg ey Eset SN 2B UN ee 5! (HA) geet ory J sous $992 B15 (NY oe) By 18 9, 5 05, * i Pagar tes a a and jhe shelters , i) , ph et (4m) 6G LSB pe Sy phd 5 Cond, Bet plase Mote e! et) Tyap lig 8 (448) Soy Sig 10S py Cow Verge gid U 8 Oy ee, San g 8; Ua slerel JLinsbiis (Lies ty er Sar 2S oh 061, LE Lge yada ol Pyar Paral )5 al gies d, oe, aly C40) Camb Sap ph gS Oath 5 ost 95 pp 55 hen, B24 jag My 99 5 ess Lie ol ¢ eee Aas, oles emg yes Lealgs Leet pap oT othe: Bye a 8 agp Chal VS oe UR ag hy 2 JOR, Ty oe le > 3 Ls paw ahaa (44) Crmnad cohaad 29h, el th sdm, g 3 pg d Ley 0 d b/s Lene gto Wh 9G 2 Lah 533) yes gy Ley gg Aida 25S, gp Cas 5 Oh yg, BY I, 5, 3.92 my gOS) dgp Cody Vim $y 5 d0 31, 35 5G Is Yon 5d J (va wo bya by ads (3 #39 Gsyh))31, 8 Peja gasel N98 o LE 6S wy SSionn oS lyre 5 laloe yd wear so 55y subs IS WIS te Gus lL ced 5S NS gil oF a gSbis I peo ty Ce! wat eS pt 5 2d pum, FOOT 51 Bs yt Mag TSS ST ak a, RY '85g2 ty ea yal Spits 3) pe le je psd bw 95 mg Vee aS, gins fy Xe] t= (049 Joao SN ythele gy Bag ete aX SR, sad, ge t ai ata al we Ty Bsr ly JL ( us) Cw} aaa a pret gt (AL) Sal gint yl gia Awad S A> ied sl DOG 3 f XS (oh Lt 2 5 8 =. * - Pa es 7 wrsis: rox Here g yRarlise, s! ¢ Va “ . - Bh ya Hy Ba gt pp we Sy ey 9 Fs hunt Cm \ iffy eb 5 #2 5g dy 3S chub y blo ¢ Nala plsp B28) image, y Kou sls oh Ny Lin hops hnd Ub SH OS 95 Ub Lenny ab) dy (OV) din Lith SNM SS 5 BS Kash 23 95, t JjLs, git 5a le go! ( oA ) os? dns 5 cht pot 802 5S 5 59 5S fe oS Sr lilenpusl t (Laligle gy Ghd AD 5 V9) 1d oh Com) Gy Lege paw) paw oop DAS ty YS gL Soy Aah 5 Vail, 59 Oe Degl I dpi gt S51 aS bogs ayo 5 Foy la gays 5 die we gd Lege 6 BF 5 2 yo Catal 68 po ae OU ys hay A gp EAS S.9 gab Cm gy), Leder yy Sp 5 js 9.5 gut tg Sp 9 haw By ji US gt 1 Sim gg iy Lega) 9 Mage AU gd > ust, gs Bh 6 Wee» phe Upmyt ybts, ¢ ele, Ne 2 yy Kms 2 itt 81 5 ohn ee sprrhsrplsl, 255%, oP G53 a9 Fy he | BN 99599 Lede) Subs jel > pS gpm Wi ggSishy ele gah NHS How ig eaghi yp al 15 ba, Cad VS FS GG Comig ba Lig My gy OL LEYS ye PRS Ni Hand) 9 Lady 3 Com Yom Tome Hy egstanty 5 eB gh 8558 hs LB GS Coad Lets el ge ood ert gk 9 SS) Si pay po gS pa, Un, Cow ie 5 Coane Sy 9 Bab yy wy She yy 905 Lew LS Ny aS Um ay WI BSS 1 oy | 5a MS, OS GIS op oth y ISL Fouls w! 92 Rep Spee a> aS LS 9) pULS genke LBA gt 2 0 9B 33 9 74 B59, fry, 8 LEGS g5 gs aS yes M9 pp Cw ae 89, ISS SS cn meetin a hele a de tale TORE Sk BLE BP (e4 ) D5 dred utes May aN; ged ar 5 85 35 ct a DY LR Ya Oa py kn of pw Spi en: 93 hay 9 Cums s tage Cue oT pk jp) Ber Welager sy A Sl lesly ls pp 7I ey 1) OTT; les ig oliw (or) 5 yoas gDiN any nn Og Take, 8 9B tel, 253 p23 9) gl pete) 3) LIS oy Uso 5 5 13 y Lk ooh tp lope emesorss, ( om) Gul Pit oele read ( of ) Sloss dua inp ab 05S; ga last eu Latha ghee gS F gi 3 antl gles Maelo ltee ctl ja98 oer eee Pgy5 oi) g85 5S wade oc: b pdiyaio pes t sy ee ES okey AF IFN py VO Dati 6) yStty ong | pase if 1s, fet gists, ALAS Gah Seeelaliaaie D299 935.9 E yma My ot Law yh p SI Com eww G 9 ON 7 Rh Ss) Spe 951) Sh ap ppt OSI, g Sm NVA y TMT fra) eth aT 5 mer! Vie Byres S955 Ny blows pleas pie syrstjbee stl, pLtibs 519 (#0) tH29 Hy bal PL se low woe os B Vy eyes Js yy why ie , Lato 33s (4) 1, Lo peat oe Mid (FV ) p55 5 Sy a es le z (A) olrpar Se pe Bplay jonas on ps Ui amy Mwy FET poe 2 Uy, tye BSN; yp (Le pin sols (fa) 14s sy, 5/5 Cw Les ylae & Baa yout ¢ phieh | Meee (06) 92, Ulodo pulp piles Sate, ons ted ¢ etiw 83 9 eS ja Sw Sr gles le Stas of oly ySdsy05! eras My Led si oy al py Gu RESTS 1S eoibenngiyn COT) 2558 pete hls Cumin ly ge OS yy pg Spel pag, alae ed el zai I Luis rey a! Aleta ¢ Solis, i 5G, by, po a, “ste (ry) 235 15 pt Ss og pepe Sant yy #22298 PE vd pA uy "255 sy LE 9,79 sxx) D2 [oo 92 B pees Use AS) OY 54 M 3 552 G 35> gu pad 23 359 gh 13 Km Lt ( rv ) 44 3 Ae PA ) tae yloanas Sa) jm ate So $ alos zy 2,858 SITU gs ems isola Prats anys gt ae y jo oy as (19 ) g2 be yiaS,o Big) pO Commssis 1, LE) 43 0d 1s ad , we S35 Bape $2998 MN g35 w!2 eal eas (Fe ) tal ot (FT) Ah, 32 yew lela eee ep Oat angio (CP) yl Pao oS $y inte 2 5.9 9D o rpm Se F pyprwd oy iw My ew) Mig’ 3 yam sym (FE) ity plo SSy BG 4 ivr 95590359, 59de, Lite (He) Swl pas BN 3) 95 Gy slr By Vl Oy Raw 8 Xie Lea pa C3!) yey G5) yh pd ( Pr) Sad sxsps 5, o5 MPa (PR) Cmlgt nts Owl gstigs Un Sg a ath ge hijasjle ces Sip i SU GS 6 SIS pos Cds S CuI ysis ARDY 3 5S 9 oo 9 5 ee); pee FN py yh gr ee Senay at yep ide ah 8195 Fig 1s Binds larg ye 5 MELy Mi jbo pas Sb diem, 2539 Tt, 93 tel ps eg Lene Ly Sy Com HS 5 5p jaa coho pet WSS ARS BO gad Legge y Ca) git 92 UL 53 (re) spyet gp ues B> pbs Oe oy so U ygs gba pea 2 GTS LS FS pie) ew 9S ) palm D 10g B jLatw'p! hades! de slot ow (rt ) De tits is) ig x / Ta Mal aser see Shy pF stiel F lai y dug US, Kis elakio ( 19 ) GS a2 0S 5 ite Cake F plids plisse ( te) sew (CFP) toy a els $ sbsésa,sbes,( vt ) t guel (re) By he % sinks sine ow gg bey ese ( r# ) + a al on : 7 CSiottyis (0) tos Thor onT poe ‘pty oGatyle F lin Sg Lenzi a CA gia J, Mee alts (4) gals + pines » eye gale pesdyt (rv) dss tod, Xl F555, Sys xl yah a Cu lgt yur ype NaS Tol sliwsles, 98 99 FNS Buh d lene pity oalind J ( ™ ) ot em ee oF pea 8 (19) Said any gawd de ut ea spe g ¢ eas ols 98 ornate Kad Zany crn y yy My & BB pple Fy 4g ° ifve ay (tt) er Puts Bb yo ye Se Lis aad g Tiles ee pt atts, pig lat 95 93 cds (te) Sales SF 8S, ye ASS BS tel gt 3p gt eta Js agra 85 8 CF 90" cle Byes (1 ) 1 pt gt shat 35 93 Whey whee uss wis F gt srt LS, oF SMILE ye wy Va 23 of oe Kee WEA IU SOT Oe ets 8 ploding eles (1) eo Lilp Lod gil 95S FT, MB slits FAS Blige ye | sp aS, p53 awl elas Spe (10) goles’ pie es he SB Lh Tt ld eae pte gt elope ym yeh re MHS (14) Qlork protest yeesl (iV) Ylsypee ile 25S Phos yShist Glia yrlxsey, SEIS BB oe Bod (1A) ot nigh oe % 2 19 CV) ciel N See ye ys git! 13 Aye | iby fs ,y1u2 mt go) ask Smad opi ut Lagat PEFR EMP riper ced dey 8 Sp ge Like nud 4 3303 co hal ig t gts gt Bia git '8 fe ¢2y52 (A) are aloes ch ep (9) gt Suse ut ae ciety sti Kf Cod iy lt 5 turd ge F wen) Pet Beet eit) ema! Le) Sandan ation im agin Sg £5 eth et 357 om eth esl, 93 Oy ol, ea Ng 3 gated yas git ga beead g $5 lor gel eg Is ae of a emmy etl pes he oe pss et ae ga lyn HPs jure hee pS pe Ms gheless VO 9 je joy 9 opin fora lee lw RB 3 33 po gkont pt WY Bayete gag le Ree 59 445!) ye wis § ppt gt hm 95 pp Rebs ¥ i459 gt 3% 3* et) Pu S929 Wika el ge We, is pha. A ARERR IRR HR ARR IRR I HR RR Subp past Cb ae ot py uvljs ri fe ahr peSerelyae. (4) Cb 5g es phe Greg) Io pm erg Li, Fy 929% plylOdteses, OMe rtU ol ge aikes of ped | ba po MS GLAS MES (1) om LW, frig Biss OM LES, aol 5818 Yrs opt sae st 4 NE OP ) SI, wd yee 9p re8F 9p By ea pot (1) lz ut 3 id g eto a keen 1505 BS 5b pees ee yee! | EE eee ole steed ery! (0) Syl hoy Metall shy (4) Spey Lome hel og paghay 93 Fy (WS 49 Bry $ p25 95h ye ee tgs gis Lot boyd lo | Wy iv _ Hhot Plt Lin spos Th ISLA S195 By SS oy Seoul tw el 3 of pip des £3 Waly s yiedy cle ss Mela et RI a ys 3) wibas 8%), ole Su his, ley, y seh XS Peliebs es (oF) Ohl ale ee! glee yori Pests (00) gtr ables (oryeot, sae, oes sly F aT asteed (COV) & Bee he V5! Fg (= Lem ayes estas 515 at lien sts t pe ler yy stl clang Iles ee EEF FF bn le my (BV) asyely Aare s abtye Uy ate gn Us (fA) piles i! I Non ps g teh Gyo S593) et ye ew tel, hf ahyst eye ys els pe Pk cow | eal SoS kang ay OU Glaze A wh tyr 3h ad eel poly dela og 2 ( a) 5! oon Ete velo Sara oll pol satya Sioa g ety Gy dis, WS 5555 X51 55) (Oe) ss lPs pts Mena sot lim yikes, og Gi I 5s wy Wie 58 ue 5 Np OS, $ gel yh 15 5 ajo p ASS wh bees! polis (01) cdrsm yl Toxin gy Spey lawl, PS iaaet $ st lprigs sels pA Ks (OF) iy gil yg Littl Lg | 69/3 yar pM 2555735 $2)3535 5 Hae ob Bes yp ig 73 S393) pluses 555 ( Of ) ob, us EP2MS yeh, g el Paisi ls Sys e : {Mo CASS Sy 93 fa's it leary les Lm Sy MC) ores ur% ee Ss Ssgsis rps 3 y Vag bgp OS, ot olin” J pines p dise oS pi ae pay oy Lave pho | pels lose (Pr) wy be 13.52 8 p¢4 Pls pod ¢ 6 thal 5 nip t due boplpeb pee BMS Od, adds 2340 pin gO lay gee Pode pee pps dy sey ( 9 Comsts Sy 7 os adr 555 oo t,e 8 % glt, 8 G ch) Bout C4) le Nm ite ps oS pm ok py 9 gh pw ihn py 5 J wi Ppt wes el Sl, 3 Yu hh eyed (TO) Leek el Voy 92 dS y IS g2 5 pg2 ( #4 ) 5S j3oU 2 eyo! Sy oS, pr lel jet bss lelerebrbeb teh 54 physe pS, 5@ Oust Oust 4 REPORT Ae phe ea hesetase ta (Pe) ep oeds wy ke Bem) ate 5 g MG J ve § whips, BEN pws ysl > oS 59 plo ( we ) MSI WF SASS L on te Uhl ess as LES (py) Aot Kiy y [gat oh | os o US eblsn 8 F we le die ts 5 See I yt pad poet Ow (PV ) Cwls au F Sos aL ule, gs 5 os Ly BES ow g 9 S352 5 gr) $ Cel pores Gel dy, 7s exe y) ASS Gal) 3s, ep Mas ( aA yas Reebeeat 215 Cis testy) 56 ¢ 1555 pls > ( 9) oS kar 5 haz Lin ae gd GI pha MeN Lem Why cape sme WSIS, “(#.) Matgh gla pt Se pas vais ola ays peepeas Bats 5053 23 t, oS da, (B05) La a orga SiS Sah ys 84 Ode) jeep las ve Latte (1) oS ute, Misys soos 99 pS 5 ye 3S) SSS BBS, poy St 5 a pe oyel > yt Lb G58 ( Pv ) ) oN ad aight sapiee BF Sybw 3S) yl aI P art etry A BIG Wen he oa MBN G9 Has 9 OTS le Leto er JS pw b gO 2B es 72 90 Als (ra loos GU s its rela gill eo pens, $ JLms, O85 ae 9 558 BW | ow Se dis (FF) ip % yo oe, Ub, Ons Leia WET cued tle sles pee Ce) Ions ce ssl dts Pus Sy jz Caw gt s Lid, 3 7 OM plea teeta ® Sassen ten tge (Ft) STS py Ny pV y Neely ge (PP) Sataty 62 LF oo (rr) oasis) Io gelylabess g ad g sliw 5 ata 553355 (394°) PRCT ICR OMENS Bylo nd OY b9l je daly wl eyes S', wes sudln Sys wap el ys UTS ple (re ) yr hSen y E35! ued | cs? MAE Ky HE SHG spr glimye glad Ub et Bee) ot leg (FT) gS yligey 9 od VS das ; jIP MAE go2)'s Sy 93 Cw peg liens 2 of oh gra BS gow Geol LS gee a! (PE) Met Me oye Galas y ) CUS, oY He 9! Sy 255 3 oyh od 93 $ 9519 70 #5595 9 wig ay: oh Passi (rr ) Mls) alas ste e COTM) pes slelog slur yi ¢ ae ) Foy), etal ates sits | oe 28 Lew 3 | “ a BOP Bi at oi Dera! tQeal) 95 asa hy ad r 34 : re . eat Feds ST UST R yagslin 5 Wi 1 Lam Fr Fs . eed eben 8(1P) 08 tothe eT tay ays eens eee oii w Stee wil ee pb ae 35 i gt Sey 5} Coad 1 a 8 9 pao us K pled es pw 2 BE gd 5 Sr, “3B Pare, Vs wot as yas gees! (IB) gS eB Col) be, s git SS Hoar Lede S yah glAt og LN gd p25 55 (tf) a yh eS 5 pap Chain Midis 5 Se ee z cv achaelealaa ty b be pw o Ms pw ( to ) wis Ss lutiy yh Lite 2 BH (14) osu olS Sip g glee CHK 555 BIS ye g so, Lenses Lead ty bow Vat gy em WIS wm (AS (CV) Oe 82S bys s lat y Ga Set lose dt, ta g ols lin pgm ata 3 at qalye (1A) gQhslhns slo ght ogi Bly wleselAs as a alysalys, nz Vy emp lat prsht ye phyriy prays (0) poe) g gail ibe Ids dee gy! 8 DBS, 74 15 9 ge pp MF My ae) gs BTS, gS Com & pla j4 bord 5 ( 4) aisha! Hy 53 eg Law cine pUsl ots p8e,Us8 (V) Ybpily Ly GIF ONZE ES ety gh os Fel LT PSP ae —S 6 eo 2 (1d). yp RO SAL Dy Lina pitt 5 fits) Bde de GN ww. g hiss wb soersle gles (9) poasl, 5 aacks see 5 Bp rsa ¢ Whe Ss olsp spalseB prsJot ( (+) Glhes fy Ylsp Bt orig Prjtg Ne 2384 fp OF) FB st gts Minas. © yghm 0.5 954 BS py SERS s , Cts J satape basse les osdys 15haset eX > =s ft @ | ps3 Wyse lager e > OR pm a { ¢ jr4 ie AR ABR I HR AEA ABS AER 8 28 BR SAR IR ABR ARR SRR ARIS PR UH) re@ 5 prs as VY 398 7 elgs rl HF Wl2 p03 rele ( 1 ) Bie degl yl an cet, Fina g1gh O Ng ogi, Od poy oly, o Mie OF 56 pbs 1 IMF 4 GLAS 15 25 ( ) ods Lowy pads sy 0 ob Lax, ee AE amet yWpey gli: & plaplys nays CP) ahs tb gel Paes 23 sxe tS stn i ot (CF) gla bly soot ch Rha gl ales ably poly bald og : ' Pane. i gi! aw} avis» tt | Ls 96) 9, U3 3s gt @ BeipryH22*), ( rr) ole eles ?| same hr). «& weil; ls 3% G $9 Poles IF IS AUR Fel Lup jae PF Oem $295 2 228 P23 oe cl Mes sstsoeeels (PT) 21 S,5485 w ej spines Pep seer lees pS PAF ep Bes yrs SP iP si Mele EC Tt eeet else Pose elt ey stobes( Ps ) rt eh 2S ys ‘ pot eaes at FESS $F vlelerely LP. G2 ry 05% pple apt Sade OL tees td Syl l sing Oper lida l gs de a) 5 home t sch wey le (F9 )cwd Sg y pd Comes 0 Xe rd t 258i MI QW LSS yiahs Lys AP pales! My YL oy Js pS 2 59553 iw led 3) pte Ss ph ahs gt Nya p29, lata (hs ) lags gst °F 359 O55) eH aba ty lege © CY Le os Spm ikon yy 9 eG 8D pe Gi py 9 aS pm hen Big AeA CPI) me ods, Ny het eng Biz 08 Os py jos yo Lt Lema a5 53 745 > 9! Ci) Sy amd 53a 2 28 Ka f 5h pad Sg keh lem 55! (irr ) BAI y B53 S3 05 5 55a as | Sahio aA5 Bye tng > 5 39 Sy i ee 5 pt Lem 2S pew 3 pe Os padre zs pS gly Lyn, ls), ae 2929 ir SCP) Spe eS s So Asgti usu» Sg V9 3 ¢ ¢'555 9 S555 ey s¢jP Mow sLasilysit ( rh) bos a5 Lis F Ww gr bsgs, Sp LAS SL ee ww pha has hye al gh g Lego Jy 5 | ab ais is | leat It pa eap ps Sat cael, ( Pe) cw I SS ide, (Bae ( Po ) ert, (JL), Ss ate hy S55 J pg fase g Ae ES whl ley az oS, is, 72 oy (As ( PY JS ys ds God) oy Gyae Pests. g wets otess5L., Once BSN aS 9S ey 9 52 Ogg Sp AL, ty lag oy ste ( Py ) Com 10 MiSaa 5 0 pad giz le Ly I8h aS oS, LenS gw 9) Lewd] wd ye AS py Sr 98 9 0 ee yw ae Aya GIs op ig) Ley, po OF, LSA (Pa) osoly! {ve SiR © gh sNcheg ste Figo (1h ) sys ery 8 ee og 9 js alan Spades une Set ghost > Solas sume ele 7S ed OA 5 Lym Sag pee po St gt ee yns PENS 658 og Bey BF Com 5 2S, 5 | oe 3194) ger! ( Jo) Caw!) ho Sos age ey, rg & sews, 85,5085, 85! oo 2 gy LH gS (11) Soke | Odi IBS Cote 24h), (Iv ) spsphtaiz los & Ley 5 aI 597 (SA) 5 lem) Oden F Lindi, oe $9) OSS 5 ym Yat 0955 4S) IIB, Last, ys peta (Pe) Cy laa gtet f jad) 5 25 publ 8 Comms pp Fo Cw l ys, Sdwels 5 GY et SIMI (PIP Ssrs slp st Poy Joe ad aL Ss log, Fy LS y Lew sei s soe eS oj ty sa tree wily if, U4: Vs et | ga8ee po! pte one Libs he yds, ©dy jE kel ys, Ld el g pktsetyas ( & ) polo 5 As wile 53) prey W590) 535 % Ds | AS ye |) ghee 3 Typo) boar a ottggobt (1) aus SED! ph Skesinsss (v') 3, 0,8 she Coady he ST, op tyee gLite 5B pat pad al pest cg pL Up elapsed (0) BEI gS serateepts (4 Le Pl l5e8 Yiroz sul ee Sh so 22,4 % gil ew 2 ¢ S25 pled shot ling leywet (rey plas s gta 312s Typ C5 Sg | e Ley lw (II) 55 +2 omic ns 145 9b peo oS pat sO grads a F ik altel i ce Od SI wily F355 O85 ys oMeasln 5 (iP), Pe s irr EE EE Su Yh fee tty 1D 1 HOR BAR PRR IGRI IRE IIR IBS GR RIDE KER OR IIR HS HR Se % : RE SE hit gb pave 9 NO Gis de VV 2% pwrbis bie ol As else Ct) Cay 9 MS oy hes) Wis paraelty $2290 pp) ONgIgs, ON pose oly o Misa of Ss sBbad 1096 » Gta ood ( 1) Odi law, poy Vas Late lol By 5 Mal yr; ass S 8S pee) Ba yb ye sap a Fjstut OF) wil ts yl ii . 8H lots Foye I) Melos 5 2 3 t OV pte yin 5 gxln oi! mew gas (19) emai erghyl ey byte oS Unt uses Me po gems fi eal eh OS we ets F bo aat 1395 Sees F pj 399F fa¥ ye 6, 1ShH peta, ( oe ) Fb 58 este ¥, B51 EwMUN TUS ied oe Rasy gee gOS uy) of ML ATH BOS 5h y 5p S AS15591 598 SSP RIP gree | Salwe piPgors 02! Sey 8 Uy eee 5 5 Caw) ie yo SMart nal Soins Sans wp at o 8a ha dy Sa ne te) Oe But! goed 4 dikes Oey gf LET gy yi 5) RSE OS SI) Sgn 1 My Se, EN al et OA ere) OF styh gy Ugh Py | Boe Bo ons) jos 2 lamas pTSez, Bs Sf ie | | wl towl pattsses (9) wish ele la, yay glam) ue 1 S195 5 F alos yy ol dds pp ean a of land oT pst Dyas Coke (re) Bs Muh © 5 SS 5530 Od 5 ss t | By Lary Na ene 9 oF 9 Ly rey! ol pl teh S53 s deta ory’, | lat Lobe anh ge ee $ ws, leig at s5 30 (04) Sha Sf Ltet pt lew ot pS ope plws (Mv) yl, ele MS es 8 So way 3 teeth leh ae gh lye V8 ae wg) Cy lope pl 8 Me els Gai Siecle gle yt > 2h SS a 25 hails Sloe ere nts td et tg iB G ele atl yet (114 ) wt Fy hue Sb Me sys, Bowley aur vigiscsaP lsh), Se lew ap “fe ‘ | eo a Ke $5 99292 OM Ut yy oral olde gy dnp i. Fe Spt Camats © 5 Sa dd, Ly LS! 5 9 © 429 Was} Bes (Fy Pao poe Olas ae a Spots 1! po rl pao » 9 SS p97 78 oh Breede PH sl yte alse S F glen ty Es eg ce Vp ton pg ca ba Spam pin py og] pow git why tS 92555 Myr gu VL lad og lay (Pa ) WPS» Saye db Li ese oye od Oh * Baty Sd s B else Ye 9d ot 9) P15 2 Oo MIRE J dg fids po5, 8H ylos B85 55 9 Meg Mey) jE (fle ) Pow ONa!, ( ee) Bo yy | ds 5 35 13 09 gkm prs Os; F ui lene EU 8 ya S yal ego lt fit } LOL BOIS py gkang aly Io py ee, oe GL © ey uae Sy Led gm ig PI ybo Ts ilo 5) TU rf ur Tyla, | 114 Bly 5 Bs, ot oye Pye, ( he) gl pisays 9%, E53 53} eg Lees BF PS pol Puls 555 ch) ) isd, is 6 31,074, Sem pas . Se Sskw,o Leg, o Lis x got Jf CV Hind 5S iy 9 S992 02s Soe OS 1D, G1 ag ISS SUR po SF 8t 08 2955 GLa ss (Pr ) A sIss aw ly oe ph, MAST ool GIS wish aesjs0s (PP) cuss ah oS ogee PII I 9S 25 5 GSB ff Qe Lew gh page s1 8 ge ING) ySIjISzozs dim be taste g pip or Lad ( hr ) 5 \ py ind By 9 Nya By ( ho )252%2> wf) got Og) 98 aS ON yl pe | wher F ol spit SG iS 50 393 elie a 36 ae bee CPT) of tpg) Ol. ess RIE Hy 1 T 97g ge Ors Pema lal {yA er ae | 3 Sy gid, OS, 4 ¢ 29299 ts D399 p97 Bs Syg5 Asis (TP Dag o sy slaw O55 5390 Mey OM; 6 3, OM Suds H 555 Dy eng SIONS yy 920, 4 ( te) Aye SOO MSO, bs g wm Py ris ds (fo) Bel 5 SL SEO in, S10 WIS Sui ghey) E On, 145 algun erlang SEBS Bes (11) Sass 1S ys om Bales (ty ) eles oie Jyh ey, g 3338 FS p95 FPS AOMs py NEB ml oat, gs Sidon Sad BAB BNL E2998 (TO), UE KS 9 Lrg dep aise 4 eriysor ME seep 3 er hPa (9) Wh Saad yy che POSES je lasy F jithy ; Son gi gas ys ‘fin Y ¢ . ¢ pl#j55 -le;s plea less C Sze fa lesag ley (IP Dinas byes tao dist SS Ff OOS pelo did lags (I) pS oe TCS Ra HO MEBs) Ws Bost ( re paleoaye t (4) a lossy G ops Ses pts il oF Sant Lex ods + eb js pas Cel sa aboesis eye PuobMlys (IY ) 55 cyt Cun 55 gala pw Pea (Ja ) Ag ss olen si, ae partguatts (19) deyatep gl cee ON pe (he) ast study lys OMG IF OV gals Com Iya gst 5 5 axis S ¢ oak sla 5 lies Mee ie ONE Ve Peaes® (1) ) ers we gat > 8 phi eases eel eae li hd g Sty yy SS 9 O40 5 Ny oi p2 Sy 51008 5 58 wet pled Crt) gates Go Seu! / i pid, Uday @ ots (ey a9 Ly $y soe oly plate Bo plopeplawad ( PF ) S513 wy bryee rola eso ape ga CF) Yloe Senet oes ta BF Ot eve US ode if etn ghee a2 975 patty 93 @ LGM | 5, ale Low yg! gett Bop liyeplimsd (0) antelope Teale gtosg teil; pest (4) Wap oc? ) Pre pAl, 29229 Ry gp Gots wMlsajgxzls t pV se edt ste, on stig Fete ashy lteeegs (4) Yt ae'( 4) stem mer gt ® > gh ST 3 O53 KS oe HSH OLY S Spin t et ln 3 lo 3 ge BE 8B ody ( 4° ) Prlit s yes Si seleye( JI Jess, Len Sy got Line aber yd ls, 55x tole, Lig ay fio! By Soha S98 op ba FS Combe payin, ole ee pay 92 ARS PRS PERE 1% ORR HAE BGK HGR IER HEP HR BOR KOE HERR IDR HO IRD gdt* puts sunk sje yy 19g Beret zoe aC I) gM sats Pre styh Rwy ¢ pRoA OME, gt, ON py gGoly oMOI YS Ga, Pid, od pg Upto (1) 0 le 5I5 5 \ tte seeVipg es AIT,'3 WT cas, 527 Sas SEM oY BS 1 Sper ; ONS aby 5 Ry Sg SU 5 SE 2 ghee gy hE 5 5 yt 9 Wives plbesrowost sheets fb esa ewes put ( he dos sys Mes BIR My pepe labny Ped syste fs 9 OME gy 5k YAS 5 9, 2m Sg ty, Why CLA Eby lees ( Pe) Myre st oly Obs ie Mb eas G5), (, les t Nilea sl bys po sehionp SS, poli (Py) ws eA we pre Bl pay Sy eB Hl pol, line Sng ssh ym Mp holm g Xe IL ys (Fv Y> eat ule cepted” Sie as, nate Sal eal ste selina sy, Sala, 96 55 fed, Fei oP 97 SV BNE CS pm hy oe! ce of Ve 239 U's, 922.95 fF 15 eA ae oan RAE F139, 9 Myr els yn bef soya yon ee Seas Ute yy 5 elas oS pe lys 5 0 yaks 8 7 gine aT OS Ye ge 6) jw tle yl je 08 Us sai! pe pd Sate (hr ) aiec'e ght Fen B ea tis og Leh) 9 ih ot me LypLte Sain at Nyy Sib leh yt, pln Neat 9 5 we! legs) come ty bla gts gre! pete h itor Suh Pill oo13 <8 yey hs be G 5 dgh 0 5 Eh a5 phy ES ry F lsIPlosy lol Srk, (plas PM Mele HPAES CPP) ote shoes ajo gt elk ycelid, Layee t Pa Sw 9 Sp 9/584 I BI GEL 5, y OaIoobey 9p oPG 9 pbx Lt, so Mbaty yy 09S 4 ote (ys (2% Jt? : “wy we Nays Bape, 6 RPE 5 e853 2 oe alle lian Mea Boasts, » ( Po) Sod Sine 1S 05 Ss, ses ‘ok, N5 Bata, Fete pe patel po: f° eerie go tie (11) ee athe ls Son LOE 95 Sams Rep Ueda Ad 5, Es PR ct 95 ASQ dS pd) 555) Ol gene $ oles Opes, co bes ( Ty ) wis, PA) S| Meme (my Sg Optes Sapp! z oS) Spa 5 g pp leh So o 53 eres wpe sya YrPremye ops (FY J Xe gS 9p OMS ae Mey IMA Aes Fe ,k bes, wl B99 2'tylraij Weapons, Led (Ps) log a2 Min dD Dig lca gp Ou Ssk wa ) Sms OMI LA ot Ys ys Aes ? Ji} 95,9¢5235 0055) 96 ( Fo Job Se pele sts ss tBomted (44) eo ptivd, : desy i} CuiS 5 aby ICS Pei PAN: US oot Le fs 554 9 2194 9 19d tte) GAS s Bw, los, Hot uf yp % 5! aE meV YI Ns Valyl, LBs (fa) Comey wy 'Rojds (19) onsite t 48, gg edad © dade gl gtd p94 1,5 glughtatry 9 ,,? gS mS FS line LS cml zeeyt ( re ) yolyaee (Pd) EpmSadrrxtsSypss Shp t rl sys ga ers S oe Wat Gt cw bg Hoe 81585 de BI aS nls | Set Kw g Saladis $1) sys pt lng y Say lage ( rr) date |, 0 aa! 9 (PP) mA cas lpia oles dio 50 d,s F ge y eng gd um ims 4 ery ley bie ews, Mog Spelt yet MaaF apne s ye Ss gt Sg So gim a Bt ys yt ota es he plas ona, liw ss ploh, os 5) ys AX ere! ( ¢ Josmsees MY 5 5 2g ONS 4 S35 2s a FR EVI B pha gral ys peels ee od ¢ 'ee'yt-( be ) Pls 28 CopsBizg SI; 5 Sp Gh ott eS OMEN pe lp Fr of pase Lt ( 15 ) £2 2% per ( Jr) 258 ON IX soMy SI wey Sw gs iat ONO Ft Bbw sls Prilosec’ (ir ) Sh, Kelp s PPR t hs eres glyis pSo6ls oane OBIS Ba Soy r9t oF Cm a dy 5 1543 payee er eles Sarl (if ) Sets ess, 87! HS 29 t c'esSeleys gs dlop fe4 ahs sate ls pres PoSej xl ibs onl ep Ney 8 YO 5 Ss daily gb ge spe tas (ON Mag RN Nyt bs pels) 10 59 gslegite Syl OS VOT RLS cote an Sg Com, £4 ) O52 Vee 7! 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Odi lat ple g sl ul as Lady ply gle ps maa ( P) Satay byes fi tes gilnlids Se Lit spl t) pty i aouel oS po eka DBISSL 5 S81, by ue 3 ONG Ley 39 0 NaS: 43 0 pins ie LS Sie j+é@ WY wy gl et be ey Yi], LW OL, | Sle, TP) Ont et le atte ol, MS, EI) 9 re IP) elas oles lite Pel tsps abate 53S pe 5 65 9 5 Gt ee yok ot IST yigs eosin Lebel t 55 Sa Nymt eyes (1 ) sa 520 A | Sybase mol, gy ben Sy Oi Ug Le gin elit go ses p 970041315 8 Te ye, t Be Ge Ge Re Ee oe Show Wa os pate 5 I jof Ss st ep Mage! dil Sl pe 9S eee ols 10K y Sab pred Fouts vl i aie poets 52 > cate 9 Od ps pw Ohno js ney Ree ES ste y Vg hbo 5 Lee dh SLE Sy Pa O28 9 5) CS phew MLE 5 2S Galagl pas OSS 2 995s ot oe 1959 G89 A) dW Bb shsy le BOW elegy ay Bit 3 te Cat 92 NISC, ML ol; NGL! 3 LS 3 OY € bjs Od CEs , pg Sim lt sy lad gayag 5h | Bl oy 5 Wom! 4, Seed 515 guy WJlite u MElaxLy fl os, Nyol, Pg | dealt, PIS DEY Pg Me RIF 25 hd 5 I Dot om Lege 2 Yoel sly yrs able Pets Soult oF oY yttes lw aga U Oly ya sh Guay, oS pol Ay 8 5 Rory ? 2 fom pe ESS YTS br heel ye dum ly Oi by gt 2 oF ayy 9 1S oaeg eym ghee 394 Ailists cole ao 35g ge eS), sliny Ye J oly legs Wow Iae whee lye slags 315 (Bayap gl goby we yy) s Sus ylsy os Sas U3. wighs MN Sedan ) OSs op UI GLY gia SI, 99 Sew Fo > phe MIN, Lyi, dike | oy Se! 1 olait /3 a, Yuhinbe g 5, jeg Wis gh awl, ,-g> $5553 Sei ge yn ph DoS 2 Wylde ls 5h Ke» Leia Say he leg | F393 6 Ue pam 59) Lge p92 Sd ned 5 gt 2 Uns gis 55 eat age cp ee oF 5h Lt aioe C1 it phen gg Eee OB Sd eet oy | Lea ecb pret Vy yal — JoF ‘5 ESTE 2. 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Re Sa IM, TT SST Owls dee a oo bw ol ( 04) payed aS dy 1, oF path tebe Les Sets Leads cle Sebens (t+) Otcy hoe tenes Mire 29, de ls O25 henty e)s pho eS GL oss Mg aig seb es Less yo t Caw las oS Me py Leys ace Cos, YL oh aS og Sol y Unig ty Ovi Wy 5 (3 Be 3S Cw y Lge 5 58 certs a Mr 5 > Cow d Nis 10 ME g 2 pr) py) AS peso last 557; ial yp sae’ ge Soke 3 gb Sm > JS amy 9g 1S gee gs Sor Se g RSET sy 95535 4 pw 0 KES 5 VS pw I, he yw yy 9 SS Ct 599 4 rely 2 an eb ly Sm as? py Cha 9 9 sy itty 9g Ve 3 (ESAS Cantino nd bey WB yp ey aa | LRN cof paw gai leet oly 20 < i J as ¢ x ; yr 37 2° aps Pe 6 yt soe dn eae | 3: Awe 2 2 a SPear but SH pep (eM) otye ad. pee ’ 7. oe a6 ay b " ar “ Pe Bh "tm styGp yest el» @ } eee aed Beater Pre oe re a! te ~ as ' P ; cctent ote! (ef ) ys aes 49 t shi hiyes plimad ( ffv ) cw s5sa59 AR ee he 208s (fa) slat yh ae pee Ch i 9 5) YORU. f. cares aaa | wy 533 0d tj aliie ted (9) glans gel 292 gia] t C2 an eS 2 parts Sy O53 bof 9 phen Li gr Og 9 5 hy Ag OY matte s Cor) casas ts) gKaghe a ail gets ys + sj hay Se: bo La £5 Es Fl yse oH y2s95g MLN, Las, Hore |) phy po 23 yd LRT ote y (04) aS Camas | Ry 5 of Mb Bo] a YM Tbe, Hy 9 OX 92 5 sy BEES 0 p05 6 92 y SG, ( or ) Santee 035% 9 FU oy | Mh se W ists ory 904, 9 TON, F Mya p> rapes peo PAS hy Melo Sol ae Gumi ta wl he Ga wy RG ps (loli (Sw len dy rt pyleplobsel sLey ysl ,, ee re ee en ate OT 98 oo tyr st ,2> w BLS yD, yl, Is, (fo) ght yp pe plslzloarston blag + Ys BS 9 OAR ns O12) 996 G2 rnd suIRS saul lo sulesels Yate pa Yale ge cos! ps obo! 9 24155 6 a At 155 gale B pai a, Mapes ele sues YleSpopse F slips Yer blabla psols ps set, | Foyle ghee OM Sy seal S ylinb cpl oye, (1 ) os, Se, Lay ta aT het heal aha wy WO gy MELO le Chg ay 1 lee, yt a wy as gle Bees gebay ged ( ra ): xhess t $29 67 Spee ppt a al po oy LE Ere 9 SNP yo PS release p Se bodes pd ls ( wen Fe WIr YP ype NE se Boole a pees et Nyy Shey CF) ) oes 52 yes Ge} Let Ete y' ce pity Att onl te ieee 2 Saw hres wh 15s, Sly ew Se) wreiglon sl, 2 aula st logitys ox BI sho) 48 as Can | Caasth 9 pat ip Reats pe eee Cr J dy, lousy, st C) sue Bo gets 5 ches ig piel eae Lago 5) yo Vw y nk aa Py wee hye pe boasts! eyes CFE 9 CV ia he we Le ape She sty Oi g “4 ae Re banm S78 ty 1955 rey UD squny 9 Bs eae p51 Se PSUS SH Yop 4 By Mpalye see sts (PP) oe Sy yly! gio) Fy MLS BS eM 8 pres bk 38 Coe ByN9 el prem dom! None CPM) jae GES, SENG ss (Me) Js. Wy sbebyes IN LYS F wd igen, 54 g) Ae of 23 al owl le us 5 Cra" Cruel heat yd) ley as pe et Bog pS ploey pS! gms @N 55) 35 Ss Ulan # Suloas, t ia Soh gw yh Oa S (Py) Sand Ae oe Suh g aU SES Bally MES, tds (PA) 825 dy oI Bila Sta U 5 a OF 2 AS im Pest hy yy deeF Cu | cael i ots NO Ny QS gd; Com lg typ Cont gi Nye t v5 Se FEM yy gigi del 551 Cm sog. ds f a Yat bal By Som | pat (Py ) Leene ya Mi PAs hry Mes Lye ae a Hi lind ging sty) pce SE 31 om balan’ Liga WI 1) 5 | Oy Lew las Liga tS OG Co NTE oS poled y 03) OS ge me eel (fa ) sop yartye lens s foe CFF ) 299228 27 53.0 tugls 899 2) elo dine otal ieee og pita Liste g GAO y Cad ayy ied » GRE 9 ply Cans plat ( Me ) der Ors los ey lks Srl ghpe a5 jaw sm 9 Nyy (Rie ad WY (ans f ol pe al Coed jt Um, BS 55 9 gp 98 eles gy Mee |) i ss 9 fate Heo Fy Igy Sw gS Ow de Lig J yp! €)> wb p5em (1%) N 5 Sp gl oy ja aes spe (PP ) glos oj l pee ld + af (tp pte bes sl y'bop oS U's, sells sa) Led Yo? 6 ui [else passes hy $ OS |S dt Lan f pe ate ET eC ED © le 1s glee OM, ps B Sw a ylang es Masaya whos EE ome TS Ys Cake say , ably wep MMB ore 8 (IM) Se Sularethye Hu; wis, F Soe FB ANS B yb Ve gud 5 pm Sway gy (he) Stel Spey ele ly 5 pug I glymsa lA BFE Ms fp ge ASO Ms Smee) ads ely was et Sy MAI Ms oly 6 lA cet pays 95 90 Me ge Coe p 9S, 9S Eel Aus | al, giley 7 Po5! 23 Meee ¢ Mth g> peo ABO OS I, ne GE ae ecst a ee ay ths € 15 V selegs whl sesgll, Oe gy), DS 2D aw | o | hagl aS ay Sis ji) pep pox 3! ( I4 sg) py 5 Cometd tm, 52 2a F Col Nae rel pe let yb) Age 3S (Iv ) Cray 5 ce 5 cy sy Cas aS og 5 ty SRE SB ee Voted) pol 96 76 ONG ghaes 5) 9 Hyp 5k 5) SIT oom, Us 0a5} 58 FEMI YMC Oba (14) oS po OL CUS U whoye Beds see poet Ty oye ( 19) & 76 5S op ley) ES LAR, | WISE eh W520 8 be ae ple b1 88 ew) 2033p bo 3 o@ Nolo blm ue, F chaos he) Beas sehaesi bye | 9 any gg Vek pay de gmt igh as po Ig Cs 2255 Oy FO; ging et 5 Ib whl 33 2 Fl Rs p55 ( rio) sliics.s 3g duty TPL Mle Ales! he Yee 4° (a) Leg If Lil oath jag Ls ase elt ylyshs yi pbey ple5 yy e'yprttzeg® ( 8 ) wlrpes yy GSs5 0 Mas, ON IMAGE Thy Msysuh yNMobls & oF papSict € Se) Y Sx sh at oli Liens Oy wler5o¢ (51 ) gime ain yo! RAG cols (ir) Oss pro, bspel ¢ 0 5,0 M055) F OS Ss 8 5s yh b p85 I gt (IP ) wlsy, Weonz«, ons Fs ex}, Sg! NS ps ul Ny 6! Bes old lang gd (1h Yas Lins y 1S, CaS SIR lyre ey 2oa Ly Mes gh Sw 5 aS ag b's Wao wat 1a j<5, glah as gyn d Teele tery) (12) cats, Semis OS peach gt 3 gS 76 hay hs of fea Ny a) ‘ oe) eh Yslor.$ ze ULE: ¢ (eB ps dog y Oot 3 904 43 ti aS 53) dy dy Sy Ve waytt poy? gy tes lates Yb sjoe ste v4 (, Shs Yor y IGS, ly abt s alan Se 23, eds loads Spl (0 ) BAK S Qld S54, © LS, 3 x 2 ps alg ieent ss Oath eee peje IP YAS) ° chee | pet) Sie gt pe Gag cd ML, LISS pS So pas ye prey lt slag ys 6 See (0%) Gees 35 pB yy e735 25 pH 9 oo ( e ) las Cy laye0 gt Bayll, Joa bi slsx Wb) AG 61 me hong He 9 lalj de py ore Sy 9 yy aioe py ty (EBS Ly aS YY Le gy gt ds 35! () SS pd, y tape ay be y'o$ HIS; es oF oar be gt a a ee Re PRR GRIPE IRR IDA IODIDE RIGA PTD DAIRY IER IRR IR GR BADR wy ew by gn, Cami as iF » get qurbisu-l eye ol 3 erelz se (1) zed sets gies Sule pe ctelt Fy 5298 pigho Xe) os; OM 2 SV OS OMS Ol ss fit , OME slays ag x (+) sxsw, erties: Pehl 2 tate ta ban) whey pen 8 (1M) S850 2 yl pt See Ley PJs 2s (%) glos UL eo pL ¢ els jt > wy 2! em J sag 6 Ls 2 ty hawt rae t sts ae Eas As Shay CNS ap! ele ¢ yp gem po fy te pee ero! M5 peste olace ( vv } ons; pal oJ $ dy Lewd, yo! 2 i 3 oae P ylewk ss p< e > fe prety i) Lew by NEI F393 re Sane oa 605) gfe 3 Gli ( va ) 35 lim oO Sy fy My 4s a gw | athe e Newt) s Wy ee ae s# ; ’ 205 5 cstt | of ahaa) oo pp ohn Ane Aas ee 3124153 ext e229 € v4 y gy ME pv Cw PB Sy 56); Sb 5 GL pote by ts Ae YS 5 bow SF 1S 1 Oe Fe pty by ott (109 (17 hase at fap OTe eee Peseta t ss wr Juels BMH ew lB ed Go GO do y ort oer % oS Khe Ov sles Aaa chat as pe en ope! pages ys nh 8 pre I 5 ett $53 ls, Ub lye G pe S595 5 hing SOLS y xh 1, SS O55. Otay MEL S prey N51 Sy ey Sad 2 deh ar gr laut tobplossbs shai gt ojeps tue ( vi" ) go! pbs), SL od elo seus Gola G ees Seg "esa et Fx, et te gs MEE GL > 9 yy + BS) Ido phe lyre) Aa) ot eS plypxt (v0 Do Sops a Nyberg ts pRB 208 Ke 532 ou ent whiz ely 2¥a3y a sts Le Uo ely - 59 9 Me oy Sy 0 5S Spa the el ySe,.e t Wel a ied Clear s'est eS ' 2 My AA ay * i) yh s oy als em a dt gts iy ie Ose s 0 digs peed US ( wT) gid gle dy le 3 “3 ay wh SIL se ges bles Boy Lin Le KS wm oy | ami oT OMe (Ya) Se oH, WV Pow) mS om esr is eg ye os 258 Cr 9 yth Aah, 59 5 Cw ds line (1) LESS 2B, ht ry lege iy Lene SO 9 6 FO due Le (1G) © pe 59% gS Aes ye 2% 5 Lew WG a ISS 5 Cove) Spe Ves gle, who, fo, bl age Sree 3s de yw ad AY jryei ly ut Lydd yey! az ps [IG ps5 SP tsF t 2p, 3 cle eet 0 Vi) Se ol otto ee £ OMG 58 Cy Lm mm ere lo il 5 OR Wl ot pt oh Pty 9 $24 235975) tl ote el, Fd 6g 16 tes Spams ( vr ) ooite, ott tr ses go pel cL tn ae SIA 9 ( vi ) caw) Oo 54m FS of 5), ak et a4 Kip apeptss,: CAP ) 2h 5. aS RP O50 85! 5308 55995 9585 995 pty AS tet mh, Pombo 5 lets Gobo F Pes sk 9, IM, NGS!» SSH b st oe, bs 2S 2 pSs EME 4s Ki Key ign l i 5 (117) Sat 5985! 05 srl por S 5! ep 5G po f ak gatas ge 9 3 ome 2 ret whos you IPses ls bs ee Ply Per Boyt FI ey! ( Te) 9 So 5 fe Ls ees ates ot 2s Js eSsleyst tote! (44 ) ee 9 yt 2 © Damion 3 iy) Lat lange (lena ee Sees 3) pH 57 awd Coad LG Leta Fs] Oe 2 95 = CIMA MAG, OKs © es gS 9 03 pie} Made des oF po yt | pm ae yy ples ote lite, ( tv) Legs, ayy A» Bape Beh Ss gad ab" 6 265 5 ud ELL A Aw 3 pe ds | gl z pin ke ad MEN, pe dy 6s fete Apso l Slee) yee LI pL, Ke (41) piga ew pp OBL ss Sa tp ace ON 9 FAS Ses 6, YW rn Ton og Lad ae ‘ wg Fy ps Ts LSS lime 6 Sy p Ldig Dig Fee. cy | phe OS ES 965 5 im 3 19? 6:0 Cet ea ESN 575 fe eh plo al t 9 ONS pF$S AS SAS Me SS 210d ;5 5 DpAm eS Gaps . Gols 0 dus WS uJ 0 iad 93 yyy) BNI , OME MuSS 4 0 089 4 jy 5 Coal pS pine Sine fom Ey By Com BT, pp ST 51 Sy y jt YU dehy 0g 55S (1! ) piace so Gs MI L Osteg, 9555 8 wis p62 Sug CS S558 OF 0S | 55 5 95 U 4 “i Ba oSup Jes iy 0 nou ol 9 gat tee QO gat dat ghitigl» oO X60), By Ct Eom, g OU lis lpn tae 0p gy gy (EES IKE pd og aR, BS ( oA ) Cw Sate 10d 2 53 LG 0 My F Lins 04) Gagk gen, y Speloy eee Lene pS bP Fusing aS cil les js Wd, STP SMS 5 bee Solis YL ba, Jy pda al yo Lime aly fai eds Je SHEE Ls gs eh SEs Van jlo ty ley SHUG erbslb f Bons s £3 gS ot 3 Spr sorb Labs be 25 853y Ket, pai ke eT ae rie eo” PAU SHEE JS Gas ay WLS, 3 a a by plastid OuS uk oe yay Leawal (4° ) ae ly a” re Son WG Lis ole 513 eb os) sal hn agg 8 Si Gila y a! ‘ oo 4. . Le («4 ) Swit 5919 yee BS 5 2 agp fis mae) KG Os 2j72¢ Mie) 3 eed ae ee O*) “ aft fs = 2 =f oD 25 » = 9 Ef) PP PF wr) Os or M2 4 arse oe oo ut By wy aw Leyte 5 wat ssa 5 Sigindlae 3) Oded Fwy gays tle y rs) oY D2 | panes BS at (Oo 4) TG 5575 eS ort; lede Cobs feo a . fas e tne 3) hws daly S jy ery he3 oe) aw 97 2S , ) ‘Kw 9g 2d sip 2 95 94,88 9 921 /S Sa 8 Si \eiai | ¥ Spree & p> Ide 6 yoy? $33 ah yc g)) Shs ale a Nae A tyla pred 2S Us an . e a te 7 ind Une MW Ly Mh y Cw gy 9 ote 2999) WI WIS EY OY oj Medi iy rae 9 bar Gyrd; aP gS gyi eggs lee psi Soon); Sas shy rahi s gS sis SS os LS & FFE SAS 0 elt 90 es PASH,» yee yes fp Ee oo mts ars yes Gly (iodo say Shaves byes led, o Lies ght F Tulse hoe mest (tr) wig sae Linh; Od ATC cP ) teas wip Os psp t BS La Ls yl Li oS oe Sd Se (CoM) Aimee thssy ih “DX2> $ CS: Eg pw 2d | Lea gat py! Pie epee (00 ) SOs 5) sou Sl le ys pln By Lite 508 S dew pe MP 5 Ts LE ys uso ; aly Lie py 9 Se, Geo > S punks |) te py 9 O pS Adal pre we 38 325 dy by 2 Cow! WS Una ps 25 2 1 Dos od las Af 0s wlteendis | aye | lpm hey 9 & pL (079) wldel ately © fr 5 5 Lids) atsnel Ui, gt abate gt 5 yp aeel e ge are th tg J 5 ies Liha GE ro) WEDD OP DE et) A ot DY ot 3155 6 CC) ee nt Lt pg 5G, VON MESS y pe VS es Of St, F YSol A Mts hse hie! Ros 550 oe pie TEC GS Se oy pa ody 5 FON S gt gl ghaal ty) et es 15 pe Ott py Ste 3 55 oy 4 ig ob 9 ] YEeBSs, sla sslos gl Ligs Le | gay sp 2 eh Late gy ogo) € eo ) ty! pga 2 Langa 9 -S pati 95° 1 > od Ly obs gays NEG gpl (0 ) a leghs ‘ Ae (PP) ISL os Ssyeatis Solis, gy 2 OY ate ays 94, 22 t (223 Psu tl psa e MejPom at (1% ) Gombe sa Uems, Cred sre ydteslppsss0 ce * gob Cunt 5) g ca? gleAloe la, pL 6 7 ce% |) aed SS ey Yan EI 34 4S ylog pt aes pe yw Spay Oy gh SS pm gt Ser Rrelasees nde iP NS © ay 8 O da ails 5b SO) pay pe Sh, O MES? WS aye PP So yimws WMO 25 SSS OL 1.4 saa wtass Cry’) Pree Xt 15559 Sy rags 4 OL yl Sess ook Lay plidy, SOMES ylisslas YL 555 yl ely s( (fa ) BI Wx , ONS 535 ONL, 2 wl pe» pigs a= why 8, 9850, of SlpAy5 Lag e8 wl pe yee ht Bow lae ORI, oo (py J CTU, 0 05s SHES it! ap O59 gSOUD, Bad gle Th 9 cy hy Oj2s Pw Op sl 55 Qld 0 SSS yGIousl agi (PY )Saly BUSY Mole obeys ube sje So Lew yy sds, w ps OMS 5 SS Yea ylascelpn hw py (Pa) as dlege pg h leg CJ Legsht) 5) ae Ty ds We Lyte nes CU) ee em No Lita as yi Reishi! » homed mee i Come Oa Ss B Qleys s WL yd des ( PS >) pial pais Sigs 5 ( *) C) iss. wy Kom ig toy op 3ym (iim yes Bg Lak, es je @ Len ety bOI Velaro] 5, 520 fr5'g Kh OMyL ON soy BFy oly ye CTP) yee va Db fe ye EUs whe OMS IY,» 0005) gig SoS glint os Sere yh, cui a | SA OME LY Cw), F 5 0 XY LG ode gte8}, oy oy Abo; Us Couto, was IP USTs oe ee seh! wbrabeSrbes ul eyes see (he ) ey wios5 4) S53 FIs CI pS Swi ys mg ok prelat orgind Ful Fee KEG (hy ) 1 Las Ba NjLed 2, poste (PT) 1a M93 wl Saye belags yes! aces (rr ) AS rex 5 PCa ate eee (Pr) uliS 5s 2 ites Sea Me) yb Os 2 Fost ott Boe gy! RP ee ef PF 9 Ws ONS Son gsi 5 CAS os); , Lema Ys je vv gt as Bom Puss ps (\v) Glow, os vles( 14) 2B 0 Mie yt sus, 5 oa hed 3 (19) fer gti ys Sorte eas, gt ful pe jas (re) Blin y gal Ss £5551 pe fone eps ( rl ) pi, -aeai ss, , t El, of shoes CPt) ye Sop g flop yn 3 Bye (ph ) seot ey F LS wh 9/5 2 YS 4b Sy s c) Sot gn (Cre )SOyss 8 obs P5295 2S Cho) US gees iss ge ys lS 6 Ki 3 VS yb), 9 t P5855 4,9 sete tye, gp (TY) penis Paup Elss (tv) foes: HY bl soe colt (18 ) Plone te Nays $259 ,92% (194) pS pms Sap F Of =a v4 cy Ls Lhe Spt (oa ) bs loser ( 9) 5.9) md oS yg Da yy ed GI t trie es 6 8, 5k ey 8 yo Peta! Sang y le Gams i ra PEs ging ates | yO ot 93 wisi sl Asters! (1+) Seale pes as) pm mh pe ost 9? 3 See yt geal sys Ds pred ae ala | pm iter py Ceaned 9 Cy le S jaw pion eliza, t foods ples (ip) 3 9959 € P Is, (IP) Spo fix Pals > olents (IM) Bp pl s Sie Poms pss PFs fo Mising, z ps) >> PrByllsps (ip ) SL,,, pis,,, (19) Sys GMb Ossie SS ps t Bly gai yr 9 Fm yy gt Lewy & IS, 9 S15 93 9 Porm, gery Flax jlon, ( 14) ‘e3 Ve . 2 & «ye eisy uly so) a 294 yey a SI ae OS MEO Fb > ye Me Siw Le I cs lee gE) Cod Ty Oe oe OS Sy ge yea GI 9 ch Ma Bas yy WN Lp eS Sul Bl oe 0} Xaistose'gy (fs, Upc Se ty ee 5 a 9S 6 ps KO p 5) Sul Vf ue 2 5 oa 9) pO Ove (yy Lie 2S hw 5 C5 pS wee shai se 2 592 OS 5 Ss cS pty Winn w se ub > 52545 sprsberbes el (0) det Ibe led. esis), jo Legato ata et eee pire Rw 9 a Ltn 13 payin, 829 gp OY SI 5 Gj ale to es ae VS (1) ts le u= ON; 159, OMB ARI PLY oe ag 5 \ 596%: et cVepr orl ps ( v) vf FRE AER AD ARE AR ABR ADR IRR ARR YD PRR PAR APD FAS IDR IRR ARR IRR IRR ’ pee plssuleetob es etlooe (1) Cb Ss die Ula pe ee lt, F 5 22> j3p Te dids ci, oN ws U oS, 0 MwoI 5 Madd POMS o sLLE SS (PF) cotln, i aineechaee me pled: gy sel Bubp 2 2 ph © Nige go Bal 25 ( a ) pSrtsayh pe ON; pel sys, 9 MOS AS LY By gt poe b : PRM pet ghee sj Lewy Lew Tg Day Lene pg lig) gO yah pL I) ge ow oe Ov) se ltyat Sudo tae oy 9 gl Se alii C295) 9 gl tt ee oS 2 5 guy! pomer PF gb gh 61, FE BF ree yte jes ale ls ottls welt Gy yh Lge 55 5 l um e partey ee (44) Sw y esas 93 yh O55 Bg he Ms Sil gsaalSip bn gre yates ill AS gle og petty og Lo Le ott “uzluse t MEN ly lap Siler otal fe speity wie) 0-9 phon gt Huy Dt © DEES I yy 5} my AE Saat gt LS pipet ES ee ott 5 bo yt ye ot ols de de de de og lew sl owl Ny giapaile ply v? hts tego 5S 4 gail LS ie Sh Bs 3.) FS gM 5,5 « EDR cee '9 ( 4) ) fae OM > pixie 323 Les poy pena (AP) gihasls iia |, gtd 15 Cid t dk yRS Po Moats, Ltele aes, be peo ps8 ON; 475 ail or g55) 97! Eli ST gap be pA tie pe Sy abe (ar) eb aS, > Bombe, ide rn Tots f#o9 PAGG NUM SA TT hie cos 5 ROG pees tl jes (Af ) de le p gue} (Ao ) SAAS Losi 5 sl ys55 5 Vays eMlstgle' pu Berle pige clans es tya Sm tS 5 zi din bad SMe Bb ot ( ay) gate . . t . - & ~ . 7 . — Nha gh gi Me BT, Gest yan 5 ASIF # vf ayer lesa eas] s gets | Hany ec oats 9 SB BA ily Ab gine y { gitu eed, PEMD NR, VM Lp ole pikes, play yf2 9) VTS 9 yee oat gh Se nagils gills Sata tee loty Vy gate! gi tad Oy) oy ite wires Fy ed Sout! dy ues Geel tN pee hs cl Sy y ae Sag el yt oa peey 5 9c ig, eS pa memigg oa tad bs all OT gop tg Caw phn gees | ty WS ilo 5 iS Bind a got ph gin ype nV van) ga ass sathe gh Le Se as t aL Pee ool’ ace P EE meee ame ( ¥4 ) cphwd Se ve Dd, ete ly os sy ptm sgl wy St oF 5 yp SS ge sep GEL) 1 Oe wy eet ZF OL pam paz Anil gy y Gd sS O8 or os sss po, IN fs MT yy 2-5 apy OP Mhs cw HY eft ty erp baa b ’ D5 9 pSee Oya Se Sey tp eS 5 pie Serbia pte ligtete?. #)224y>2* oS p52 GA Mile bah Se ty beade lr ns WU, gin Se tie yp the fA! (vp) get onl alg Usa'gh, pled Lens a t alla gay Vg Latah « gh Gur dig tails gio 1, PS lay es! gly 92 g Hells PSA Ga yt Qs ake (v7 ) Ge’ , ( vs ). gia! wT > yy 5 Us a0) | Se cs a ee 149 SP tls Pulize SR 9S OU nee cae ps wo hey aa lg MG I, jae U age be U Giolla 24 BOE Ss aS Sow! oy) gly O13 be i Sap WL ps Sap fe! VC chin a hd AS ON gt pS Lew 5 Sn gd I GS | eS Sow gf aS Cow 2 hh pate tens el Tope ae ye Forg ls los geile sy lop ale ply wy 3 pa by gin pow Vg yy OS | yaty A ak) 9 6 Xt 59 cea Laeet labouigey asain, Ushth fg) ase Slow 3 Yhap Sul y ote B58 ols ae Cae! opt phe, ¢ 99 8G pty tte fy? oy (vi) Mbyte ile oe PG OF ET yy Ss gph Lt gts 3 phan yr giana 7 ohn ¥ ug 1 cries J; s \ Ys MU se; sy ¥ DY) shetty St gs Dead i op xc gt Ht wb sas WN jpebens O85 Aba srs) as yi? U byl lye AS abil laa gl Pa Sines ging 4 2 1 ; oft. ow b y9 9 aan 1s eM NATE nthe te dels yl 51 eigenen 50 3) Be tote 2) a bb Oy Lge g las phe M4) 5525, BS ow) Lies Sy, wy *Bylya wy, es gta ( ve ) $8s8 yor fe S09) NS glXtusu Ft aad an chk 4g gsi y | gin» Uf oe ok Bota) JOS Nw By LAS ain 9s Jos ae U GS g Sol gin 3 y | Comte yo 6 Is SS 33 33 TOs pbendtl iggte JF bi a5 394 ps woe AS Rygha | pg SEI ete pw ae 5 Cp pe oy Vp5S 5 cml, Sys pits ka om | pa eel Shop : og i’ 4 99 apt ‘apd tp Cow) Lue yp Lge lly yy! op ee ae ode) alt acasli ys le Me yep gos Be 18g Mea 5 Leyte yl AF 9 Va lay aa Ci) 5 ty Com S rats @ U La Mee Gs Jy 3 31 Bs, 3 gS amps h lp g Mit gtn00 5g Pel sia cs & oad 72 64 yr -S wo os 0; 5 et Yan pan Sarah tls alates eihSe Sty 5 9 pp 9 ES Le yy SD agd Lting Cow! gh Sy IB O55 yor OH (98 0555 6 UI j2) See ob y le uals ah st [23 kjans gi naar aa ela Lig MII gt p19 Se 5 | Cosh pe C8 Gay agin Dang gihowr yam gion Dre gen nen (149 Qa iia ge grind 3 yy cee | tn lrg SN 5 g HLA Swed Say Sayles pal ON 55 Cn Od 5 he 44 gly akan gE y1G g ated ot ghee 3119 A ot ako pg JY Sw jaro ( iP ) Hain SS Sand pP ges) Salys fead je aR yas TOS EET on pel ee) Mi py oj Khaw ghy + uy 2X gh, rod liga ph 7! i> aise leg). phy my Cw 3) © din pa} Lake La me og bs pa pee pt 2 U A, ( 4") [NH = = . . a > Nie o gsztysple&t ¥ Pe Md ca phim Li tiwa Ly git | (40) 5 G3 oo; 1 prs) a ( 4) Cond oy ay oS ot |S tte I; iiwils pikes Sag Pres Mas sass mt ieg pr ape (ty) hess ini ls (Sa) es Og rs gs plas & ce, 5S dui pga 3 Pi La Akl Le ett) Le tI La agp Wy Cow La 5g Cg sO Cn) Liu S 5 a 2 lw S|! * e a oe ~ - . cele ys! 59 ek pal Pp pow! aw 5] de Lin 2 pom (04) ghee ak ai i neh Shull ole aaoe ae! dd, e py pel Tha pl Sh: O 6a A hy wy) t Lis 3 Gs 3 (2¥ } pssbisgiws EH as oy EPs ging 2 ds oy Lite g 1 Og posubley # Lape ylciin} se ( om epat pike 4 ( 09) wd wilds 1) lon ayig 08 sft oes af Asp aes | ngs ete} sluldyt ¢ ee phn Sy9 NI SL Sins 1 0.9/5 ah zSs IN st a1y1 wit 89) SE esas (4+) cag bay ol roti! P9 1yls JU etal os Seam th 893s YB ae n(A) Jowtyols Pe a laugh te i O Neri | a sy £9, Gat (ir) 40 urs dae (Cae ) Gm odds, ) 5 Od op Gul gee (SS NS 521 te elm ot Bl et t S292) 5 at P) OT Ae toes | pe See? Ret chance pT Oa, ae pgs Cul 3) by Le cometh yy Litas t uae USI 5 5! Dy gle y ys EI ly (Eb, 9) Lai Cuts acs prune Bey! wisowsee ( OF ) cml e (ail Pg Lata s ys OX pe aye ys tay uo 3} wd YyyLst (eM) Shona, aetae ae, A 1 RE) he 98 site's utst soe slay Wins) F (of ) MLN jes Coury! 5 | tou, Lew of va Vi WF spspul Frys, t ep Sha py (sss Sa ‘ ‘ a ; { ; ApS ON) ap, O83)! 3 OM N12 yeh lay es ¢ hts 3) (aig B 60 ) ONS 54 pe . se ne a * oe ee yer oe s aS - = 3 wy? J by ent SS 3 985 oe ae Rm 4 eaaiatd ~ 4 O15 G95 Coad p5 dg © py cit 15 Oe go (ie. YORCis PSPC AST ass pala eaae 5774 ots pS LSS F gy), be (4) MLS, WT, ploy Coma gy Seley. VMSA 5 c8? Pte scot 5 a Burgi BSI ge! { es Ibs hes ols y 2s3 Sg d2 5 2 eats a> pO 2S oii gs oS 3! etsy 5 Cum g | ot 2 py Nb sys os) Vilage! (hv ) ome@ew i ais, spas x) ot 8 4 9S ° > gh és 5 abo Amon $ Um 5 eget (pn) Cound Sie Ghia yas s pF pS hs oS Ss SLTyp 8 (79) MEG Ls LS OS St ike Sao PP, ! Pr’ —_ . o ; 4 fs wom: © ss Pry 7 n t 9 RR Egy Ltt s pw Soh |S) 1s ual a) uF E52 0 de FS AMS Os g TELL ( oe S26 3, ot pele 9 oe) eS dy, Js ( I ) XL 3 er Isis, gi Marys ee Soe ele Syzbe, F else Se sel ale SEI Ops p SU Nee bal 1s Miles 2 Fad WISE iS 5 ee sp* 1, E15. Foy, £68159 Fol, ol; 107 aisle GRE ops > SS): ws 5 B85 ¢ a S52 - | ‘ - a .% of : a pon ues 5s ty ee EP 5 on toy rs 2. “ Va * f= eS J aitsds ts) soll, peel Kid, I, eb ute, tes wy CPT) Sak B52 pS ou Lg gO My 5 pS hw Sw s SS rey 7 Posy Pi 29398 oles S993 UV pee esp sys ty ee bese eke peg etd Ng "8 No Samy gly OG sy! 1g1y2 90 16 BSS ps wlapes sp u GS ( Py ) dite, Nolele 8 yj 9 Re cy Lateys PO t s,i BF kw 3 | Whew aie, 85 ee 5 aS gh sane syueesile, ¢ 39¢ wld! (Pa) wl, Kiwe 5 R) Od: 91 gabdal yl gt 5) yy lors pal pw tg 2 Cw ya uly! ( 4 ) DELS 403 gpg Cama! © 742 ost wt tig! yo9 stat eles Sy LAS t 95, Ghee gts 0 dam y Le Aggy es oe gd ge OY, | eet & Ye yn bens GUE +) ie sI LNs gh VU ety 91a bs) uw Lg 3 KS te Lt yoy 5, cats z 6 oS yy Cor, Lite So Like 5 yb ee yp Lita 8 2a et Url yhol (sels gels y Same Es pS Fw lor, (Pf ) culpa py Had y Some Ey ya EG OZISI es o5 oS ws 2) 9 Se 4 lon, S pin y (,LSh) J je ps ose 5,f 2.) 4S Bede wP rss, gy s PKL lan, wi ody S43 23, A, () SOS b> UP 509 uel» pir ws) gi 252 wy 9b Oy ot Fy, 5 $ eB Lew 5 g¥e2 cw pS yb Sows s PLP yess Cskon 95 loys és 7 J, Sad ab gobs yEN 7 hin, Lead | aS ly on a V3 hw 95 yyy Lewd Oe, Ny ppp Oy gists F * wr 3 + U7? 04 978 a On85 5» S92 0 Mes 9571 . SSB ots ‘Se Uh g2 ph got aN fe sy Sit y , 0d 3 Godoy, F Glings g Li lags (Pe JG e295 pt 09S 9 at 9 ie wy Fp ee pret le Min py og 8 Zh yl be 3 2S] 5 GS 9 gs y 9 poe es GY Gs pie eds dike pI yy ry edie OF 5) Leg) gd ras) Gee pig! 08 gh cage gt Se Van oe: Oe age ee ch ba,gahtamenrnte atti ages ey hs paws Siler Be 8 2 J pu Hoey eee bes SLA VOR gy Gy likws mat y 4 10 Xt Re ae phy SPS Syst es, Leabe x (Pr). Post eh ole us ye Fateh la 5 a 3b TS py J pow wl wL F in nals bout eo! Pl ably! ps ue ys MA; Siw ML, oA wy ee 53 eS ot 2 ed OS Ge! wy! 5135s lah lue use oe (01) Ie pull z gS Combes Fae Coys Up $ Stel gts! de sy be peo goo aa, ( PY ) X21, Qe S50p op pF yb wai Bo Mw po f 9 Lite Le 9p Ko ) 28s oy wl, In os Bag se aha! yd op. le 272 PGs img Sm ls $ AU 35 Ele yh y Sesh, le Veh la Cng KE bg Cong. 5 OS y2 AS gt nny Comms tomy els sp laity gins, 5HT 1, ee oy les retin Ui lage gH bye (18) Gas Ly I wR sel yh Ear F3? A yee 5 | : w'F een 9 2 ar “3 a> E52 2 lees as 78, 4 A am 5 Fay tw ak aS 5 5 3° BPN be She St SQL OU 5 > SS sy ohms E595 ’ év pet Orban (FY ) deta 4 Sop 20 gal oo! AG pre pho ronan mts Lisle aoe bee ( rr ) p VR oN sls SNL 0 L655; 5p! ge Hse yo PY oe oy) bon Pele leet ma hrtp cle ps poe Sts lee plot, teh FN wor alylably a plpl gest t pet Ny Se bs 8 gS Lee ICIS Spprd (FP ) 05 a2! pips ie ty | Sed, pl ae $ gia a Ng lw 8 9 6 ey as ty Pee % paris lek ly ch Me Bs pS ephdy 2p Eg tye eh, he tom Satt o (Pe dex go Gin Se Sys gt csi Lew T KS #5 upd les Cy LS Nay gly | mana aS oe Sp pila Sel Tie bee Shelby pers (re ) ablaotyy Bs ste, pleats poe acl esey ee a3 te SB Sw py (JS 9 2 BENDS yg) (Ov Lege OLS) |, hye 61d bey ll sa Soni!) dy 9999S Poy ley' jes M5, 8 Se 1S 9 be S21 3 p20 hy) hy 5 pe St) 990,01 jm 5 S2tyohs les oe st Jy gle, tpg amy peu iniynd ats; Riychai gga, ae. 0 21351 OS SSEI Ln bly se Ol oes put phew 1 Whigs Gad ya Gl, pet Quy 7 2 oy § ind ab SE, hg WLS 1 0B by a oy FS mS ye ASS yy pe pry pl ytos 325 eo 2 wy o> 5) tee os puss ths mM Lak gS mw, wily yfls 5b.) Soya! MA 2 Cty >, woe SS IG) jae Sl om ts 20 | > Mts wr ON i 986s ap emo Opty fs on GES pa jd MIN gh sg pts) 55) 3 sy pg a! o6 anne eg NS glaie W) yadan eo uno sie ite afbum 9S Pad ya US pines EB 2p OG ys 228 (44) plates ce ope U5 US paytey 08 jam Or seer th $ Mb ate sc lege, ohio sd y ms $y WT wat of Mle OSs" y hn Spy Lite pte ostiie 5) ge ite yp ts hlgllatlla Magn Soytes sp PLN) sy pip agg Lgl uals Se ee yea ih sys el pt os (19) skool bl ep shit g Soe Ged s5), cletoeh | claw ge Lite y peo 2 ELLOS, Lge ae Led ey (re ) Mes eet lige y Gl ot po uti DVT WS RES, gyudon LB 3g 5 S72) lee war F rgardel, je ook U, JLizlgs elitiyg oS Ja (p15, 3/5 ded pled 3 ad Lew 15 Ove of Ligh nt NN) 9s Wee BI pp hoes) tes SSahp ee eis bait of Syzs gs UG! pals pide Selle bee ple, yw WBA rp pep leon Sy teyy tol pm 3) 4S obs ch (ih) Map eld psieyl ales mls aes ila B Lend posal yee b pols we Al eeSy's Arf tery US 2 MP2 i bog tre Mor, phe (1) 98 MEY 61S glo eS YR Nn ls g ble Sy3) eA sos of pp Gs dts, sf ha eSisrcgbhe (te) Let olsp Mule Seis PAas ft x's 0 Merye§ 21g Kole meaty ee pee yo Un, (34) ONS zle IN lesezs, opp tt uss er 9 See spp ls (hoover (9) ond Jias ojos glo 6 15295 nj ly, Ud ph pbb ps 5 Sy 393 965 Op way % etsy gobs ders teu s pr3S a spl p a ahers Od pe gly Lede pew) Cott o> ones (19) why iw Lg et tsp y Sune y fos Dyes gh oh ghd yt yt tw (11 ) low, Dey oet oS yer cee pe y IHS fe GF DS oy al BAS gy lore ts ely Cee gy FMS al, SI OMS A Vo lal, eS oie] 92S sib Wi JF PS dhe OF pt yw Koy Legis pee 953 yO Le bread Ol ge & WWE Ws} pla hed way gS GI Olay gery s Nyt 2g leg lai IW) 0 Md ony 51057955 ESL ¢ (SS po yl somes Spm yy ety V5! » _ ha) Tae oP HP el Pler ot - Fe LPT LOS >, PE oy 933g ig ogee Sh, 75 gluons ? 3 yt gt MS A ys Ny 6! pam Sulbpube Sky rssljt bls elplas Eve tte FAs FS 5 Ty Ss Them (9 Shee days a SS W453 5, Mi lwayg ary pele Sys lejews Sy Ny pln 5 32% (3%) pa ,y eel ,s2 5, 43 pha pha 33 $ x sit) % wp ws? py ge pa aS | \, (v) a cs ee p= Ih F rt p5 EF yoS tb) rine prs sSu3; pe: ele es St pas y GL yw pes (4 ) Cow yg (Sg gw KS LZ) Use ging ODE jay Xe Us > gly ON pars le 1, LR, ce ml a Oe a Ps Orel Lis, Liiw ON, pe vy Bo7's3 > LS 1S t o Aw 0 | FR KR IPD BEA GR IDR ERODE PD ABR SR HBR ADR ERR ARI RAAT HBR Sot g Lio tM ole He ores ee ot pg des sta es lylop merge Li, By 29 ye 1, | ONG i, ON pgs OF OMS) SS Lad 0 MS J ‘A pt ae ee 3-( FD oes (hi Wty 0.083 Lsty 901 g £52 IP yh pt7 a 85 pease pe & CP) - 335, why rej Zl eB) bus odw pe ty iets Bp nb y lame (pf) Fo Sasi 0S Fped gpI be Sy pte eye On| eae Le Ee ay 5! Oe Dy gee 15! ami 53,96 1 Oot ual yn ENoy Musee gts wh asl wile! Osd (199) 2 yar bases! obey Lee! a Baie srs rps Vases e's ce! pra! BP Yess oly mls, Ln 55 a) ayes V pee y LARS oI AH 6) LAS VSS plsliywlas o% FS ees gt* 32 rsp whos ee es Mae bn g rls + Be( tye ) MSG FES GF opt rp pots 4 gos Mwy pS oe ery lomo Zz FPS eho el plum g Leni mol piso wher g) He Se bes pd oly MESON; §) gy | ates oe J yee 2S LS], sb boty PS GIB ge 8) 29 WIP oi 927 93,0 gts cohen a5 pw ply 0539 S007 715 el MEU go 21 Ze GS BEER SPM os pital | pda ca ny plas XU s,81Se yp cea ek trata Sa 15) cond Ley RHYL TSS Bee asta p While hag, elyss Lau, UIs Mi ako I Ge pS ny 29 pS phe ge a SS | aid 9 (tad ew 75 Be os pang Ny s | Cow le ppt ds 3 > Base cls yey Beek! os ( j4v ) MAL ote I Say SLScs Sy bya) LHe urs Sol yh Dy Sg So py aks 3S aC | hop LS, CRS ploy ating PB gel Aes pe pw jo > t ( [4A ) Cm) ree? SOs pw le oop Gelyse lh F gyi dy, we 2 PFE OM 2 dn & gabe yl ayl ; - fas ® “ ) . ~~ Dy hic Oda beg Me prere s cr hs 9 O27 log Com a Soy Sig tots Gmie sb Mp, asd wor & d& 1s, 55s / akin 03 om by BE Comer yy! ta eye ep lepdiyul et GCP) ase ONS y YL t Ot (eke yo 2 OS se Uo Bea Gs Hem fSdd yoy | 05 La Cid 1S, pages (UIP) dpa P ois AI, Oo re iw jn3 t MI Ls y gw 93 5 da ZU, Lido ) VG Lew 3 : ov Sow tw 2g On pew assy 0 Like Ck po jong ls pe! glimpse (11M) PP $ as he WIS Np soe? Pighs eas g Whim ts ep Bplesy WI Seok ors yt eal Oi(1 4 8) Ons ke hoy 85 ed ag 5 Bb ary? eM Fo 2 29 8 Ms be Lis, 2 a9 elye'y! C454) MNT pS oF Lew ls 69 Ulam eal Jiggy eyo) shlong sate pte 8 ous he Uy py g las \ WF ut three dae se Me apoults 8 2229 a ee: f> Bru; i, s29 4) Ning Se ( \4e j ty )9 5 pe 9 pSBd OK, SBS gO Na time us US, 4s, casa 5 Iebs o Se psot,s WS oni ip Sa | dim 3 hs pws te) & styles ye alos yo) 98 SLB Sy bss og 2 wee 9D Oot Ur Mt eS 5 oy Sp Fas ot se Be Qed Lh Gutta, DE Al pedis SRG pees o~ 292557) iy > Am ghrs dy gS ges r cst ¥ phy ws Koys rsp iol, 2b (111) 4 prety a bo 12% yy a3 ye ot 24 ory ASU! pi cael a bat asa oN pe! 513 a8 oF 2 as Asp tao hay 35 5 Sas yl; Bs oie plead pe BH MT b> Poss HS ak Woe sae plow Nhat pele oly! yt uf Saale oy SE Wo AYP) Sees a ani bs Wylew Qha Gey 2h owe Li, IOS eS eg NS Vy lose loin § lor iy wy Np 8 pes OY UG pS lwo lime TES (foe) o2 wide OS pt um F dpm) > oS 5 by 9g 13 dace Myatyly GMb, ple yp opel pe, OS) 5 urls! ng plapey tere (104 ) Mm) gt eS Pegs Vaytapa esp B09 4 Sy ft (ev) eas paises eo 991 Ae a os,Solig! $ mos Lagons js, 1, PSB ts (104) od Grete oy, Ly Sesu! est Mgt s old o Fy KS ses eesifolee UR (109 Pere, sh sos 2 @ 2.) |! Aw 235 Xe Lin of een Lye FO nee pigstos pasitazazs ? Shae poe pe Mah yIN pao Kom O> f Hae Hy ds Lie! oa; | O45 Lyd bond gS gad pS j (ie) ap chee S78 wrty p Se $ Dude fet ¢ be peripd@ 3 Of y 95 MS gs Cow 5 | Ups ew acs boc gal ; ' / ‘ 5 SUS pny, Mul (Jeff) ade pe aloe eh et gts ospo Povdl glass Ths ssrhh py lap SMa 5 ans Tah paiaaciete shy ext, , 7s" 3 eye boot gos gleeles Ms i TU oly ye wlsy we IOBS pot 35s oS Gilak actiy dd) ba) oe pose ot lel wly! pei te lol yse vetoed Ly MIS fg Gd | Gadiyts ipl Boys S72) Os pp pee S53 5 WS ots ofl> wl Yoyo os jw eS et, US,» ght oman sy lata catia» Shaay pi Pb ye ly Ope ta SSS Ligiss 5 a Legg le ig! aM iad W929 8 ya She yd eile MLS ye ss Fv J( her) 93S gil ay le eye SMS boy Se P A TE gfe ste 96 el p28 7'o J UPN 2 RS See fe on phe | pS abe, Bey Si 0p pole lates 15 6 ag} 203 Sp oe gf Ost Line tee IU) 2 pee fl des Syl ns potty psgz INS Ca Salo BESS yh pr AS is 5a SLB spp a ht, jee) jf 95 50 (Jos) MS 25! pes Seog l, Japs cabal fis pujeyiaes Pape SL ce MS poses LE, Leb oel 8 ae limba 1 Sb! 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Jl gsp xu! aSLiists, ,axy{JaSol, bz, aii) . MEWS IS ee Mle Ss pulse ofl a MEL Ss Js Gs os 233 est Ft a Sp& yi j7 Pol, He > pS ys $y 098 S Ss 05S pines MOG yy Lids | aaa wt! EX)' 55 1, Sail y MPS TTL Lay spa ploes ( jr) MeL Ts pets are! les & 956 o53 Leake 5 se Oy glaze ta 95 oo ( Ifo ) ya yy Lege Sy 3) 4 cae Cam Ny £35 O59 So Oy ogd lity dy IN, SF CIP I) MSI gs 23) yl 55g 0 WS ws yet Motes BOT st ip > pL pahe aS Okt 5 om v5.05 Joy (se gts F Se lob pli DRS Many oy Let Fh hyde Mo? y >wlsye oh tah, wiyrt bse gos PB a> (1 ie) weg He OG 33 ae 9421, Ghee g oye gts Sap t 2 Kya YO gly ely 95 08 ee gt Sy ty ase Sy Sots NES ES aN 6 +p ry SHE Mya (11) yp a% opts Fast a Sy CSS, iS © $5969 sm SL ye) gel, SF Miss) gta brad pt g ght OOS sb cyte! 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ONIN ey, XE 0 MS 0 ps Oy gel pe Sy idl a OG Lite iS vi] SS s Py ya orp yea ty geo Surjys & OW aiken 9 9371 Ng LT 5 Gig MES 5 ag WJ 09 » 2 gh sped ay ee 8 CY) cmp as 4 Ss wt jo fe CaS lop eS ous wot oS B37 Pi 8 N92 Se Spe Ol gsI) G LET SS Be og bre Mes Cie) wlasl scale sya wap Mies alr eel, S sligsd y ules PPM) ox Oe Commas 9 Fy Sa if Cow ithe 5 os get t , bw; wr y~ 1 ds p35 5705 le oe ay Uy OF pS Fas yew y plots pry, Ly 99% eto] oy Bess i; soot C1Fv ) sh Sz ysryzh JW ot Fp sO? a ee of yeep, AS cu Fp 9 Cam NET ost y gi le 2 co yey y Ea By Com NN yer tye gig 2y ae NOI St See Ube > clen! (PP 4) gl ek Ma tab de ( PPV) Ota tty 2 gba? ss o t gral sb; Jish je ey llsale 4 '7)) t Np Wr Ge ls pS 02! oe eS, ei fp AS tS GEN ES ws? gt >3 os 5 yk Ni wl ies Myla cm ys WS plom p, Wl Or eSA 5 29) 9) 55 ot Ny 5 spare cle > clojeym gts ( iPr) poy et) 3 ois gop t degen I a 22> ote mye pp SB oH Nye lay fee 8 Lier Ny pF GS yp at Coats gle ae Beene ' Saws oa ry ae ca eb alet phos poe Fy Ss ih, 2 OS (PP) o fay Vs,2 of s QL pay sos t dal al Ge Lig S05 te gm aS XI Os A wo E 5 ; t _ : ore O Ae 3g Mw LS ot 645 -S ets t N35 wld pws | es vg (Spe pa 72 5 Mai ly ues ue | » SS yaw Fb 839 PON ST Lc aatas 9 42 ge b > eo gst AS Caan gc FOSS coon TS pam he ws 5 Sy Likws, gb Ae yt Ap et Lin gid pos ps2 los Sse yl et eS iS Nw Sy aS , p> Cy es XY 45> Vy Sanat Maw, 3 pat v ae 0» 4 5 wr fs ye Vs5 sygile tely 39 oO 5, rr wy Les (1M) gi bays ate eo 8 Bit eH ate whey gt Sel play ele pe, G57 58a 3 Go aa yous SEs ee Sta, ns asl aba pg | Flake 108 (ire) Ke ’ gs Wy! % tte why spe pS ys oS ati ys Sayobs pyle gin, plitade tS (SO) oF bet als pest pol tlapy Se = cP ott SMS a Kei, MY Ley pape FF gat leks xs BES af Sell ae 7 53 oh ot Soy, ON heh is oto (IM) sa pul ios 9 (Ss kB pe TS te Ss GiB gb) Lem iy wrest pl, ISbLe sis, shy lslyl & * GY bss ( PRY) ES bp ph md us! > Le Sey i | N ts af “1 j , ot F Carel a2 e ‘, iz gana / OR ond J rast wy! +R - ky / » wh yt phe! delat gS. y eosl platy Eph cottt plat) 5 0 a Suni 19 by of aL SZ ty bap Byh ig OU LYS MEL Gy Z5 dpe a8 wie t > 39 Son ONL ENS 2 5 WF fp) eye gles ums Mis a8 oy? 52 M 9% 5, wy ae 3) e358 Eve oh p27 o} 55 plage» ps5 ZB ylhape 7 Eleas ree prkla GIs (3 { A) AT Nos Maj de Sao LIS, suse oie wirya pee 4 ule ths Sap ped gens s U5 C119) w sagt babe otters tre Fol Basal oil pla zed V5 0 (4s. wedge Paula ef pele 4 ye ete ae Wow t ( Iry ) OS 4 Yl g3 CRE ST Coad gud 29) suk} Bos, lad by fy gO ebape ole la ed oe wer park CUT ) Ny Uslylaay tps rr BARS eyo ote Shy Vo! ay f Suet, as © 3S N My oly chet s wy) darlin Uf Ermettst FEU, 5 re Seeh p80 Sted > HPS ot MY Seg PRO. oe wd» pplos Sy aul, w ,, 1, 555 GS Me 2 3 2 Dy Fee by A 8 M4 Lee ener 23, Fale SEAN ps pool pod N78 ZV 8B, ys pol Zl gy Vie IT pp ee, ROR s5°c8. wpe elena ( II1) op2 peek Qi Jae ety pen h SLOG Slate def ont b pel, @ dX) és? ot 42 $ dw | adhe Lo (itv ) oe 2 3) Sp tes OD) pled 5 oh (7 we pda els 5 5 oF yet ety le t? aii 6s (G9), pracy eo Meta NE) sy £€%75 pee Stat Cushy 5 ah) Jo 24S y2 olf oe % Py a 1 al GS lois! 7959 OF gh olaa by Sawin hy Oa (1 Jp ) dep liss Sooo ob je 53 5 Oe Ny 9 Now lined 5 sbi pw aby aoe ¢ Lag ot, ot 4 Oe ot tH gt em EN ryt o pH! ott oo Ge 9 pra N plead sesdes gm olwestol yom aC VIP ) 923 & oe tee Se pS pil ee od ghar Meaty 8 Apt jot ee LE) Sel | So yt s o@ LAE OM on? 5 Bowl uly jute Ov Ue yy SES ily ang 4 Ow) 0 LLG 5 fy katy dat Lay plait, UA ifs te ep athe af 2 ee Bele Be ore ok pio ( JI) Sod pI a5 B 29h ab 5 Ly sles gues aS eS ld eee toa Sos, 1 Wey? whe wot pt eat eg a Hs ley be gk Sho (1 Jo) a5% me fo MS, Lidl yf ©) \—w a Lat OO Am re ; ES uae ole 2 AS FIZ TY perro, Sig sak ON >! OL og yO Lm hensds py g pamst 9 Ly he ASS EE bb 3559 bon, af, 889 ly cae | Sesh FUE GES) 8 SZ LST ets OLE haat) water By 6 Ey egty a3 (194) 2 dae g paw S52 0 lee Bs Lajge ye Bids LS te tel Tal tt eos 62 ate Joh ty Wk ated (199) NV Py bs Ww sLeiath yma wy eS pSysp 5 Gypsy ple ele! AD OLE yas o (oS Bowl, be playa St Bey a. BEE SY5 1 (gO Ld SSG Ly TT gel pe Gd (110) MeL ZL ls ps ree © le tee oa yy uw, ox dard a ay PSLE1, Limmwernes ( 1S) ). oydtbee a Lin pF gt 1S py a> ee wel) ay yes rs ty by 28 5S Pty eld rod pet oI T (1 oP) ess eppj tls Gua F mi gad, Lu (ie )xebo Lue Ls, WS» Leute Sin 51,8 # Fo sy Byf BU 6B ehgta Ss aye? sf Feo ) Sms Splints Lis Com Pebs Ss ews obs ba pee ob & a (S29 799 % MEE at, Soe ine Ee ce CH Snes ISG) pS, all bo Sig (yo4 ) Sea pest Jw Se S78 gh ee pests Tob pled & dm] ap lols, lapel ¢ LK! Sin 1 Sy 0) Lite pga Sims 'jg of Od evel 5b a0 PF al cal aL ) Swat er FEI LT, 5% thw, BUI alte p agthuatd aS 0, Likw am aie Oy [2 eg lity ems pws ‘Pa Bae oy byte 93h GU Ty 5 Oya te gle M5 pe, (494) Sn Sp! haw OS, eo i) KAS, oral Pam, Dae eS She ak Ce AN BIN sel os gt U ays dp Led ping eI OS gl go oy seh pls Gym BVT LS ( 00) DS 96 3) ghey s 75 5 pes 39 G 5g ots Pp em Gow J wy Mord cng ylopig ly Bata] soda), 0396 Wie Mas gh oa o5 8 y (SBbres ails Wh FB BEL, ating O51 cog Ss FOR5 23 CS pe yl Ss WE pl adsy agi Jon] 1g 0 Oke Sot ae ES ele (bed) Seto Pr 4F Taps a. Pay teat otiniy | 2 p47? a 52 2 9 3 sh AT Oey» pl, 9S et gs ftw NEB ps eles rs (ter) oysh Sel be HEB rule wre tiv) eas Ky . Bue Diy Sp} sj 74 pes bat Sy Sia ( Tey dul po VV 9 uty pplU dyy3, gE, Sus 578 ps Dye Lite 1) y Lteygl By Lite ( 94) >96 esl 23 Ue Vass Oy D widen QS CW O85 ,8 Sls SoS wll, ody Valo g pod She NS hs) sy 17S sytus Se A p22) Selous at etl apes 9 0 Aaesty Qe 2) Saas ooo Lew Ld 203 WN 55 Jy he os Mo) SS ONS 9S AS gy 2S 0 AY 15 Sadie VM cammadig y > 829 ot 9 po aS, Jala yb he SBS ony OLS yg Com g Ses he ot FS gs vine 5 ut pp Cigy OT gio SS Sul LET Yb dd e759 ot eos 9 Stee J ry Shey Gat y ONG ST, Oy ghee Lj gm aed Legs 191 Gy (yp smd azar SOS yg cw yy pnd ZF 9 gh UT 0 ype Oh, UW og t wT. y Sad uty B SS geo) ToL tay et) Se byee OT Yas stl Sagile, GL t HP oP) CLS Gl 8 ad lay) Ky 1p Leal yn PAV AN, Suse 1 51 ber S11 ly wir ws ye Mad MS Sins Sy gana Pp) cu CAP) SplLeu bey paar bow 5 001 e337 96 BR yds Pep eps Fg ae A Be orl ae (4°) oe ype Dig of vend aS og LS ys Fg or kh pF by oy si bs i gt oS on VI x agile © dum Satoeg) se at yas Bae U1, Bday lee S O21) LS ya Ow) SS pt oe Wap AS O8SS wl 8 pis yemigsisef, (94) Sb OIL AS Bebl uy Bore pe La uy | BF eT ips Me? pre PSs a eset Abo fe we taby! pity MoS 98), 980 Gerd ap (49 J debs deh bal dry les dm, oad Fy labtoaT glimoylem pl pt Sit ,¥ cht a othe Sb Bayh 90 Un stp Coe pom Ab any 2 wy S93 p LS gw AD 59 V9 cot ph 5S IS 2 Lp er gd fet why Com 395 eghan ge.) 5.9) BE gh peal sae P | 2 pai os ey? j ey a ow Lets 5s pas som w 72 Od lew (4° ) Co gad gp 9 yy Lee 65 ym Geel eeg gee yo Aion Boake Ae gtr ains oud 6S 1g a wi pe CRS ob 3 Oy pH Chay oe ) dy polge 5! Ly dg aie geal Suga ipa SFIS pS oe F Mee phi I, pV J as aa Liyas sim S yeti y dy pie Jaz, ( 4P ) Nike d I bsp 2 WW gm diKiie ylegt, F Og al? leh eoszlileys, zis 8 ST yey 38 0 y35 Prertle dot YY a wrt a fess wo! RS, Ceedza, he ues Ok zoel Spa ge 555 > ge hy a3 (44) dab pse SUBS bb wo oad 2s - Cpaile Taaahl Paes, ae anil? rrass Meerkat; 05 Uta gs t >3yt, a, gee Si IS te od ( Av )roty | SE gi) x0 fe dap, yp teed pe JEG DS, wes, alee tet Ts 28] OD pF Fon Sy Mee pt ym, vl sae Pyar! sep % xs PP hg OO Soe Toe Slee tat ow OT, pals, Yj SH » Ma, Jas y ahi Bs 0 Litas yim, Pe ere ee Fg 2 FOS) oe (a4) Bee ee ee A eres 83 6 fuees Bets} ots SY sy us, FAs ba he +i? 3 rr 2 Me aS ile lom NOs SIS 9S pe 2G gy Bat) MES ae G 1 9 5 5S ye sy peur bye! os Vr Lakes (ar) ob d= wr gs er al Ui tS v les ol ghee | a pals ely Igo 3 yap ood Mae oe zd cw Weg od gan cs Igo Lad eles Nga dl 7S apt > | Asa’ 9 5 Ve g 9 OS oly oo c& + ace 3 sade, Wot 43598 war con pboesye | aha 5 a ie Te gy GE Lg pall dae oe Crs gi T Sy pestle a es deve tot tgs fe g 25 sybe obialwi OS pad Sys COS jaw niga yall oMtuls Setys oho pf wlyee pots ployee gris! gs 5 as (r0 ) Pry 1 ry | Zi ii ut Pola giga 22a gh ® oF) go w2 gt rzyta vr SN hey hp BOE ated Ts og | Som ya Op gto fa, Mee 4 & Tyo WS SSW NS ol pray MER SI Los G yerSs Cos SG Ya (ny ) hy gst Bay pS Bs aS ESI s pe la! II & give BY Vig, IT So se a galy ye oS WU OL ot As lh) ety boys FPS Eh pp Ld = Da Sey oy fhe GH SIS Sy YT ies gp beptee ts ate aay oy ¢ OF 2, ect SIU oS loans oe Mb G STH, gyplld eles leselty (ap) sms 5 Mas; Ab 5S FGI 5 225 pe BI) pawl igs. CAP) SN ge, 3 oul fe a3 press “slay ye gsiity? tse php een SLES LL | OG eB whos Moet Gee pp 8 y W221 58 ug (USGIG F ayy LAW ge ges bas ¥f (vr) QI, LBS lo der Eh, bong RSs glade es some Fla Shee ee 5 3 a hy gb Gy mye! Ks Vs ( v4). Blah bel, Yas poe) osyek yi ye ope JIB ies yb MEST gla plLek % Sl yrbs cg | jw vn Wy Gi OF Cn 9 MRS 5 olay y hyd ut stots Mee» wet 33/2 ee gy 259 eS Lm Jp Fly 2 OG ae Om ah G Lie ete oo beh, pL GOS Ur pt ( 4+ ) oH yah Gals Shosg ) 5 by sy ae Lis ult Home ee A ty ae Ve UL Oe oe ve ry oo o J. ores © des o MSS 9p pg aes ASS 35 AS, igi f ap opae $y Lead! 0 piig 2 5 jw onthe | if LR 9 OY Msubyesw? ry F SI ISG yy 3435 pm dp fe OX bp fe , Jigs ee lad UN; $ NS pain I 2 ¥% : 2 a . ‘ sae wer a Palsy NS, tel, el aG Gs aie ps ES. Ses e ly ot heels le 3, ty wt eas 3 yt e LX; Pre ih ge 3 Sree Pa 6? XA Shs 5b Sw a Spee 2D ASD amy 2 ee og SI 2 Me pAdlse (do 2S ols, a Kelp s SIG bees 5 Sb ps 3S ODT ples yd Whips bie yg Lei | J el SY SF Spt age ow y ag Siok DEX; a $ 21 saat el ye ogiey 23 y - poh MLA ve ) Sm Net ge 3pe gle G tess I + ; oo!}s ¢ On {fe pal je Se 2 pes > . SS ™ 19 why! Ste Sphere | yai bey f 9008 fhe Von 5g lot shds Zi year ay ple 9 Mae gh MG yl, Lema, yi p GBT (VT) ot b gl OS pee SU 0 par 9 8 ey aye BE KE 08 oly BABE eb ge APRS 1 eS ols ju os Hype lelesd $ SY dete Uy ol AOS i ane eae gti pt Sty Dg wy ly g Lael ode J Sha4 | Ly bel oli 55, SPS o Hg din, agit Bulg oe C5 Le dig Lost J pw Cvh) wis {s, bask, bork, Laie $ IN lem Gispcher SVS LS iy taitey Las e(V Orb pan ye Ty 28 5 nee y bes Peel oe oie Ip p ae whe sNynds skiers KE oe Sot ly gt KG LYS Sy isghe pleyelene pLAS J, rls ss okt yay {a ySs es SL, SySahlar st : wrt Be rlz ¢ Kies Ful ge Sk) r&b * PSm Eo A Sh BEE gs AIR (vi) Xb gt b ples cul HS, IS oyles phespliss pissy glue, plats AGEL sy laed, oS y OMG, 2 WEY Lad apf Met Bs liad Riptire dh, is W ep acet gt Fy Ns op Ges OE 5 S10 gow] phil Syed ee GS pa NAG olLitjs lols 5 Seg Ss 5 t MI wei yle } pls gel, x cd SM lyly se eS UMS Kis Ss pars ws whys oon ON SsINs st Vpn, eS, gitlaleen set ge 51, URS pt 9 MEE L 5 oe RS JF Ni o oge yeu! ihpes ots ‘ ij el poh alee oee/5¥s —s = et *¥ BBE 9 545 SS On Uy 288 9 We Ge eo AU ioe Sya!a% uta Bere mee, (Se aed ae gx lol: oS ots lath ls ling. apo sd sly sales ca US ee So agli, SLR (ve) ably Bala's 35h MIS Doig a pled byw ad Salole BY ow ds ,y angie hee eyed ee 2p bao Ks pu lets QL zs erptol ly ssseb oss fsa et els gt Lk gd Gy OSI * OE mee hg IOS gle olin SU tints —LS, ie Des LH US pe lop ply £3 58 S's ae) Ot 2344) talige Gaye yh Tes 15 ah eal 5 By2se solo synss sh Mey 90535 9 Fy oes bay past yep ap z] dts Ilgatinny At zie seaeiaee SG Hel Oe) tee eg ot _ it eh eMel gis ctr ubps GH 59 Gy pases I plaP HENS he! (14) oe Br Sy HX EI Lee MS yb F pty Wh PS ole cay) ah ye, russ lege e? gprle] gilay. ae she uly, 907 gy S32 ye ee gl Go Sys a sh gob rl wyIs Les apt Kays Satse) fg messy bss Fao be ply 1 ylxetys ta bee Cele Comes gh eT eee iy gy) MDs Nip, Se See (19) abs Eula os ine 5 glos Jeeh?n 9 genre ytters sees 0 att ly pe eB So pm Ae po ley IOs neiaaghd het p Sey 2 el, Boll gees) gp Sond gS By yy MET 1 9s) ASE FSO Le (eta ale oh ye WA WLEN SIS Ke nD ptt if) ee, git 38 BIE eebs Wee B gals (40 ) ohys ory Ny 9m oat ants 5 0h 97) 2553 Litas, xe > Flog! get geome E ely Beals ID) pa) lye ae ge spe a pated goth p Bess gre! slaty Set phy patolem,s gree 9 ag loahej ds loely3 o Ge ols Forget, wre 25,1 Sel pb pas Mpg gles wa tps pF hy Ota s Aly sts 95 95 58 Sins Dey 0h) owl, 350 pS gl fist, plyals dele glues prise SEV pts (tv ) meh pie pte Us WIE 2; 96 6 Si yc Veaies etiam a gels yS 9 lt 545 yoleteaye Mist per ux ss PSUs t ad, rebys pers or Pos SE oad Jy) ob Koha y Te Oe bp pt plete By Hs ole Ly, PIERRE get Visul Rol oy Ly F eb, abby y'01 7 pooh alee 5 155 Ad gly te pe BS abs Hlth yey gp let's gi Bs, Sag pete FSS otys (IP) xl ys PID rte ljyuhsy B ys esd ss ee (1) ey peri OS 1s Sais IP ws NSE pls py otyal dele de se Ses lms 2b eby PSs PFT a eet 5 Te Ky OS ont Sa Ss t 1, amps whey cole 5 He Sw l wl es sy ty - dy SS Isls e uxel sss 29h VS Oy 5Sh wits Ace ( Wf} XL o 29755 517) otyothey Sprit ¢B FO poletye 8 po Ld ys eae 22h gt Pep ytsftigs 43 sy pleeegp al bee A oe om ed gree Cod ; $ wad? suo ielais bi aeek ps Cig w+ Con S gs 9S y Legis ct 49° heey ry wlaies wld ott ut, Wo, a p25h 5% Prtong egal, ey ( on) w 4h? p Soke ledsree » 2292 eum F 4G)! seatecrabgkty Sy pWSerle (04 Dip dice 2 ed gam cael Came Vy l9S eo F plu P sialic Mol ny NBT om ler5 59 5 09555, yor Comey 9 s0y, J atie 2 iste s6 95 4429 29 {hel Br st acelion oly ply lpia Pan Sea ( Me) orl yS 2 Lj 91 bos elim 59 35 WS 52g dansg gS | i Pe SEI SUE (44) Cod OS gy oot aw ys SY do? 29979 1) 395 8 plums 3 je Me B15 2G pe ola ze iy Bwous (or Vol Bly Bey ds pls wy oh Jews Od Io ARG 3 FOS gen HSS Ty A ge OBS poo pS ypads EY, Lids Le yg LA gts Ur Ltde pS ass pipiens tyler SU jaw y bts $ Seely st utes Mipl plas , wy ® » Ses sss Ss bok ws, el bso pie Se tos pla moked sulAes oes Nl pp las spLigy wLige, BME 5) Fon F1P 0 Me eg pe pes ( 0) paso er(ee ) Saad Yipiaestd atte TV zy | ay5re c bP rd Srey gipls, wlorazs wh pe > cle rt wae Cow pla 2 95s gs cies ¢ ide Ghee et Reema te 2 (04) oN ,S5 e¥ ole a lia wy IK) yop! 22%, whe Mae eam ahem OM jay bv. rt, : if eden (fo) yl pssole s yl Une ~ Nous te st dayet lee el el)T ulltp sels wey s (4) whee Oby ley gil spr ele! %e Cu ods Say erm Chuly F a! ot pss s peste sl os yeles ies (rv) ety leh 5 fia) moo Sy limanestol se po55,9$ oot use Pplmwe plete pleats elats pl ailes ahh 3 gs oe ere ee $ Cond ad) 5 hysts ISN (9) pV gers of CBS aL oaniregtelyalaegssk (e+ Jel yes Wyss Pa wine} lewis last F pss, 33 pai vay abies Wee plBIY (of) SEs cul F GF 6b 5555 2B psd Ss yds gS pts pols wigs Fede? 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Eats bis gs wlsys ghost Soe pe gl i epee OS Lewy Wkly a Mb LIT y Liege G ogi te 5 Bas |G Lando ply Limiss Vy bed 5 Ob ty (18) q EST Ss ayy 9 Lens B yam lot ui oe Ow 5 Fa) cag siasils (34 ) Lino fg ceatubars Preis yey a peg sts & sip] OL 39 Wrong 9 (Iv ) gi 3 by b oudig alg] Same Se os whee ars $ slasWay 3 C14 ads cb gy grt 5357 yew 0 4 0 we G dt gp empl gpl alds pi,/ ality rf 3s pH sub 93 My ales Mia OM otyiest 2 gh phere j98- A oF % sighs Bo gi sjah get oh MS lat pes pom ah fhe Set a ry ies uss plate by yang (Lit Wisty 0 Xb Ui On af Sig ajg bo Mag Sz Ws Lig) 95 Com) 95 Aa Be dy BIST p a5 pits 5-ho delet tang ENS ghapnrin Linge (IP) Syste SE Dele py Und bes patel Sp yw 3b sf a bgtiging gb — Ge Sst g razr ee lG pi Bg ee ped pw NGS 9S Comat P96 2 tins 2h se 02 p68 pl aS oj hemi ger ol Welds Sow 3 Gaon st Ft shins ¢ af p Raia bole Cw | gees 9 pd emg pg MSs p ae Cow gS yl gcd pge deol y pad bor bay Dee Pee a AAR eee cet “Lomas Lino t eo (IP) Uys wt ee § {3s fv WSs Wot gstas > hess} tious} ay of Se oN a! pat dred po Gute, ¢ thes ST Of UBS 5 Cm oa Kg yg! ails 5 i bls Sig WS ($85 oF LLB Gy WG 0 dG Ts HTL, ond oF Siw Sh eg GEL (yO ain ga, aS 8 Od be Rig ity Sta IIS yap B Gul soy dy lapo py WG bans) gS bah dy b35) Yi, ah 53, Foe Sel} soT a7 git ad, XS olibas, (9) cu! SSUES WL Sore ll gay $97 yo SorSeni ld pg 9 rs 5 ( je) loose jiliy ois SLs She CI) oleg to BIZSNS, ot alates 2 ge Sum 2 Us che bw Are ps OF ps Wt UW ly » SUIet, clay £2 Ss D joe MeN eg UKs Fe pad 3 tes Me gg 3.9 9 LS glee r ae r Baa, js Sig pO gd Say! UDF 3 yw ) pm pods 3° 56 od oF a9 Fp al Ue ee pls he Sui? Soni 5 Wyte 0 p55 U Comes diy pom tts” 14) ght W's 72 pSs x J PP ol thy dS Buse (1) egsb teste ge meses Bi! by Cay bibs 2 93's > 43 pes > Les iy eT es ph EAN les 7 Pp Ae PPAR Le suis gle plas T a g sTobog til eae house wes ys wae GAS (anlar ts sis UT ey ui lel s yrs uke Kn op rleles by 9, eso Pras loos UIs USS os, ESTING gle, (0 ) See)., w 229 wees 2 ee ps as 9 PRR IRR 188 SBR si woe Bite se Har Bie Hee Har sh aon sian shan wie sian gene Hy Te as poet pO Um Legs Um le jo po W'S p08 eel god (1) Cat 59 US 98 9 the gly 1 S52 a7 ead Uy Bo psa olgt 88a o Alp ete 1) aan fad po dt pel at ags ER. 0 AL ley ponent Om sys pale F prot! Bul peg (7) wp dje¢ We FG, 9 SUS (HY) Sota ter a & Spb ee) SS fey Cull Boga al pS 9 je p (oll ip plea oh 5m Cea AG Lig Coad J 3 yf 933 oleae 68 sw chlo hI olitttio rs ghise (0) to Spb, Ff te GB Coun pas I ol DLS xe CK aa bs oP) ge AH a py enw Ly ae eo (F BLEW OS ae Sid 5 GOK 205 UM) xP AH ae G Metye Ot de G Ws Ge xa ste gh0 Om 205 9 ps5 On aa G OMS 5 Com te F 2» Mike a0 Gai, Sanna yy bow bw Co ae G 5, py lal Coe ae G ce: © 2 er s4ylaef es yplems os Lead J yes 9,5 hee on ol »& : a : Pe a Ga - ou hess wien sides we et = eS ene oy te fe * tie » aie #, ba aE et ay ore a Fe a so pie tary’ : > noc + . oy re , , a 3 os. Bia : a! . 3 us F: 4 ’ ; a Kia Oe Pe) mA . 2 why tied ee aA : f ‘ , ‘ ‘ ‘ ' a i - ' ; ‘ 3 if ‘ ee he a Ys . : x A ey Lil. Ry eos ee eA quae aie, oie. Uda nee “4 Bia Ax ue Bot Conte ee we ee Ua : yo ide 5 ate (es THE DESATIR Sacred TAritings OF THE "ANCIENT PERSIAN PROPHETS; IN THE ORIGINAL TONGUE} Together with THE ANCIENT PERSIAN VERSION AND COMMENTARY OF THE Fifth Sasan; CAREFULLY PUBLISHED BY va MULLA FIRUZ BIN KAUS, WHO HAS SUBJOINED A COPIOUS . GLOSSARY oO the Obsolete and Technical Persian Terms : To WHICH IS ADDED 'Anw Enewisnw TRANSLATION OF THE Desatir and Commentary. IN TWO VOLUMES. TIRE VOL. IL. a ite BOMBAY: PRINTED AT THE COURIER PRESS, BY J. F. DE JESUS: : “eTatsona Wer? athe Tea Neu co iy Monee nit AO war a $ De AG @ ‘ a Ghiw wd» yor = ¢ Ein ABeredaty A. east: AV Veh SATA eat : Se ote MM Pete” bo etn aoa ee a ae Babe te Fe Oe al Ts anet BAYNE pk tye ae a SEA, aquarr aoe Wii TWTRAD 2 ink CP Ae ee ae f: Be tay erat 18 sce: ‘have f * Ua eee 6 are , So: 4 e7moUT? saw owe - ‘ ee ee Ae OND Be a i eaten othe — ah Sata Rae “a Ce ee hee eile 6 Saree one. aT gciaowe ma Pe Dy ; r | 1 " ‘ he oe aye en ar ogre) ‘3 ban wij Bee AKG IF OWT 4G - “ \ : 4 emer * : Ce ve «Came OR ane 1 as ta " , a — Oe ae . a ely eee OH fou at va ® oR ran 6 Mires ' w 7 * ’ |" sd % - 4 : ‘w » ‘ ‘ os 42 ’ . a Ti. , lowe o , ‘ ’ y a , “ay . hae? t Md . 4 & . , - . Mf * ~" ty . + he s v * - - . » . : : r t ) p rt oe . , ’ ‘ wa ¥ f whe? . . . hed Mi Ae sped, 1 < ¥ af ee 3 re, A > r 1 Fa TO BRIGADIER GENERAL Sir JOHN MALCOLM, K.C.B, KE. S. LATE MINISTER PLENIPOTENTIARY TO THE COURT OF PERSIA, Sc. &c. &c: Sir, Tue uniform kindness and atten- tion with which you have honored me for so many years, and the grate- ful memory of the zeal with which, _on sO many occasions, you have pro- moted my interest and views, would of iY DEDICATION. of themselves have pointed ont your name as that with which I should be most proud to adorn my volumes, were not the same distinction called for by your unrivalled knowledge of the history and manners of the Fast, which has been displayed for the benefit of your country, and, let me add, no less of ours too, both in your admirable writings, and in your nu- merous successful embassies and ne- gociations. Your romantic bravery, and_ successful daring inthe late brilliant campaign, if faithfully re- corded, might seem to make history - encroach on the province of poetry. The generous praise of the noble and illustrious person who guides our Eastern DEDICATION. Ww Eastern Empire, is but ananticipation of the voice of impartial posterity. That you may long live to enjoy the honors which you have gained in arts and in arms, and to diffuse the ge- nerous feelings which have led you to glory, is the ardent prayer of Your very humble and faithful Servant, MULLA FIRUZ BIN KAUS: Bombay, 2d May 1818. ‘each hatring “iro 6 i ee Belin . 2D ad? nasiitih ‘oy bar i 1% aa ae 1g Cg Rt gi) ie ee “Upy, bot ays sch jinidie reat Boe | win te Yo) err ehg saab stslod a = 1 vad S ~ me hw x Pes ais ohn Bee te a et a “bas ade ase, isa, . NS gt, Ae . Ue se Ane Bo ae ha ee ir srg tm LY \ ie : af ae Se Se SOE Ln oe <" road ¢ . . w * Say F i} ’ gs tay ; a 2 y CMP Ase cn uete) JE eee a . a le # i r he i yl aie) a . , we : dpe : “ A MS: a es y) Gn ; \ / Ke. ; yp \ 4 4 _ ' a ra | ' . ; i é i ; ! » « 4 , / ‘ 4 ? i ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ a ’ ; i - Y ‘ , <* _ , ‘ é ry ~ ee - t ' r 5 . ‘ 4 ~ _ _ HE following pages contain one of the most singular works that bas eyer appeared in the east. The Desatir professess to bea collection of the writings of the different Persian Prophets, who flourished fromthe time of Mahabad to the time of the fifth Sasan, being fifteen in number; of whom Zerdusht, or Zoreaster was the thirteenth and the fifth Sasan ‘the last. The fifth Sasan lived in the time of Khusro Parvez, whe wag contemporary withthe Emperor Heraclips, and died only nine years be- fore the destruction of the ancient Persian monarchy, The writings of these fifteen prophets are ina tongue of which no other vestige appears to rémain, and which would have been unintelligible without the assistance ‘of the ancient Persian translation. It is quite a different language from the Zend, the Pehlevi, and the Devi, the most celebrated of the dialects of ancient Persia. The old Persian translation was made by the fifth Sasan, who hasaddeda commentary, in which some difficulties of the origina, text areexpounded. The commentary displays very subtle and refined metaphysics. This work, though known to haveexistéd as Tate as ‘the reign of Shah Jehan, had eluded the search of the curious in oriental history and an- tiquities in latertimes, ‘The ntient?onof the European world was first directed toit by Sir William Jones, a man of whom England is justly proud, and whose profound knowledge of Persian history and literatures entitles all his remarks on thése subjects to the highest attention. Thac_ accomplished writer, in his Sixth Anniversary Discourse delivered before the Asiatick Society ‘* On the Persians,” after explaininghis own pecu- liar qualifications for the task which he had undertaken of unfolding the antiquities of Persia, continues; ‘* And since I haye maturely considered ** the questions which I mean to discuss, you will not, 1 am persuaded ** suspect ii PREFACE. ' * sispect my-testimony, or think that T go too far when Eassure you, the, — & | will ascert nothing positively which “I am not able satisfactorily te .. ** demonstrate” He then remarks, that it had long seemed to him up> accoun(ably strange, that although Egypt, Yemen, the Chinese, and kndi® had their monarchs in very early times * yet Persia, the most delightful* S* the most compact, the most desirable country of them all, should have remained for somany ages ‘unsettled aud disunited. A fortunate dis- covery,” headds, ‘¢ for which I was firstindebted to Mir Mubcmmed Husain, one of the most intelligent Muselmans ip India, has at one dis~ sipated the cloud, andcasta gleam of light onthe primeval history of Iran, and of the human race, of which 1 had leng despaired, and which could hardly have dawned from any other quarter, «* The rare and interesting tract on twelve different religions, entitled *¢ the Dabistan, and g¢omposed by a Muhamm edan traveller, anative of “« Cashmir, named Mohsan, but distinguished by the assumed surname of Fanior perishable, begins, with the wonderfully curious chapter on the religion of Hushagg, which was long a:iterior to that of Zera~ tusht, but had continued to be secretly professed by many learned, Persians, even to the avthor’s time ; and several of the most eminent of them, dissenting in many points fromthe Gabrs, and persecuted by the ruling powers of their country, had retire dto India, where they com> piled a number of books, now extremely scarce, which Mohsun had perused, and with the writers of which, or with many of them, he had contracted an intimate friendship, From. them he learned, that @ powerfal monarchy had been established for ages in Iran before the ac. cession of Cayumersythatit waséalled the Mababadian dynasty for® _ reason which will soon be mentioned ; and that many princes, of whom seven oreight are only named in the Dabistan, and among them Ma/- bulor Maha Beli, had raised theirempire tothe zenith of huwan glory. If wecan rely on this Swuthority, which to me appears unexceplionable, the Iranian monarchy must have been the oldest inthe*® world,” Afier some new and valuable remarks on the ancient 1 f spguages - and characters of Iran, Sir William Jones proceeds to characteris erise the yeligion of the Desatir and Dabistan in the following word ; s; which will form the best introduction to these volumes, ; “ The primeval religion of Tian, if we rely on the puthiriitendhite ** ced by Molsan Kani, was that which Newton ‘calls the oldest (and * Asiat:; Ress Vols. UJ. pp. 48-49. Octayo Edition, ti ' : f “ ig . ‘ * * PREFACE. 2. ws it may be justly calledithe noblest) ofall religions: * A firm belief * that one supreme God made she world by his power, and continually * governed it by bis providence; a pions fear, love and adoration o. * him; adue reverence for parents and aged persons; a fraternal affec * tion forthe whale human species, and a compassionate tenderness even * for the brute creations’ A system of devotion so pure and sublim® * could hardly among mortals, be of long duration: and weleara from the Dabistan that the popular worship of the Iranians under Hushang, * wis purely Sasian; a word of which I cannot offer any certain ety~ ** mology, but which has been deduced by grammarians from Saba, ad ** host, and particularly the host of heaven, or the celestial bodies, in * the adoratioa of which the Sabian ritual is believed to bave consisted- “ Thereisadescription, in the learged work just mentioned, of the se~ * vernl Persian temples dedicated to the sun and planets, of the image® ** adored in them, and of the magnificent processions to them on pre- ** scribed festivals; one of which is probably represented by sculpture «¢ inthe ruined city of Jemshid. But the planetary worship in Persia ** seems only part of a far more complicated religion, which we now ** Gna in the Indian provinces; for Mohsan assures us that, io the opi- *€ nion of the best inf»rmed Persians, who professed the faith of Hush- * ang, distinguished from that of Zeratusht, the first monarch of Trans * aud of the whole earth, was Mababad (a word apparently Sanscrit ), *« who divided the people into four orders, the religious, the military, & the commercial, and the servile, to which he assigned names unques- * tiopably the same in their origin with those aow applied to the four ** primary classes of the Hindus. They added, that he received from the «* Creator, and promulgated among wien, a sqcred book in a heavenly ** languoge, to which the Muselman author givesthe Arabic title of De. “ satir, or regulations, but the origival name of which he has not men, « tioned ; and that fourteen Mahabads had appeured, or would appear, ‘ jn human shapes for the goveroment of this world. Now when we «+ know that the Hindus believe in fourteen Menus, or celestial persons “ ages with similar functions, the first of whom left a book of regyla. * tions or divine ordinances, which they hold equaito the Veda, and * «he language of which they believe to bethat of the Gods, we can hardly doubt that the first corruption of the purest and oldest religion «s was the system of Indian theology invented by the Brahman, and * prevalent io these territories, where the book of Mahabad, or Mens, * is at this moment the standard of all religious and moral duties. The * accession of Cayumers tu the throne of Persia, in the eighth or ninth «$ century before Christ, seems to have been accompanied bya a able Iv PREFACE, ‘6c ‘ac “ ec os Aa) « ® onthe lustre of which they fixed theireyes;,they humbled themselves’ ‘ able révolution both in government and religion's he was most p a bably of a different race from the Mahabadians who preceded him, and began perhaps the new system of national faith which Hushang, ‘ whose names it bears, completed; but the reformation was partial, for, while they rejected the complex polytheism of their predecese sors, they retained the laws of Mahabad, with & superstitious venee ration for the sun, the planets, and fires thus Fesembling the Hindu sects called Sauras and Sagnicas, thesecond of which is very nume* rous at Benaras, where many agnihotras are contifually blazing» and where the Sagnicas. when they enter on their sacerdotal office kindle, with two pieces of the hard wood Semi, a fire which they keep lighted through their lives for their nuptial ceremony, the per= formance of solemn sacrifices, the obsequies Of departed ancestors, and their own funeral. pile. This remarkable rite was continued by Zeratusht, ‘who reformed the old religion by the addition of genii, or angels, presiding over months and days, of new ceremonies in the ve- neration shewn to fire, ofa new work which he pretended to have received trom heaver, and above all by establishing the actual adora- tion ofone supreme Being. He was born, according to Mohsan,,i in the district of Rai; and it was he (not as Ammiaouws asserts, his pro. tector Gushtasp) who travelled into India, that he might receive information from the Brahmans in theology and ethics, It is barely, possible that Pythagoras knew him in the capital of Irak; buat th® Grecian sagé must then have been far advanced in years; and we have no certain evidence of an intercourse between the two pbiloso- phers, .The reformed religion of Persia continued in force till that country was subdued by the Muselmans; and, without studying the Zend, we have ample information Concerning it in the modern Per- sian writings‘of several who professed it. Bahman always named Ze>. ratusht withreverence; but he was intrutha pure theist, and stFong- ly disclaimed any adération of the fire or other elements; he denied that the doctrine of two coeval principles, supremely good and su- premely bad, formed any part of bis faith; and he often repeated with emphasis tlie verses of Firdausi on the prostration of Cyrus and’ bis paternal grandfather before the blazing altar; * Think not that they were adorers of fire; for that element was only an exalted object a whole week before God} and, if thy understanding be ever so little exerted, thou must acknowledge thy dependence on the Being sl- * premely pure,’ Ln a story of Sadi, gear the close of bis beautiful ** Bustan>. = ————- rye ‘PREFACE: v 7 ~ a” Dah! a Bustanj comcerning the idol of Somanath, or Mahadeva, he con- *s founds the religion of the. Hindus with that of the Gabrs, calling the - cae Moghs (which inight be justified by & passuge in } & the esnavi) buteven readers of the Zend and Pazend ; Now, whe- “ “ther this confysion proceeded frém real or pretended ignorance I “ * cannot decide, but amas well convinced that the doctrines of the Zend * were distinct from those of the Veda, as Iam that tle religion of the Brahmans, with whom we copverse every day, prevailed in Persia, Z before the accession of Cayumers, whom the Parsis, from respéct to his memory, consider asthe first of men, although they believe in an * gniversal deluge before his teign>” i ~ With the religion of the old Persians their philosophy (or as much * as we know of it) was intimately connected; for they were assida- “© aus observers | of the luminaries, which they adored, and established, pat actording to Molisan, who confirms in some degree the fragments of * Berosus, a number of artificial cycles wi thdistinct names, which seem ** to indicatea knowledge of the period in which the equinoxes appear _ © to revolve. They are said also to have known the most wonderful a powers of nature, and thence to have acquired the fame of Magicians, * and + enchanters &c.” ‘After a few observations on the mystica) theology, the monuments of sculpture, and the sciences and arts of the ancient Persians, ‘the learned author concludes, ‘* Thus has it been proved by clear evidence and plain , “* reasoning, thata powerful monarchy was gp rblished in Iran long be- ** forethe Assyrian ot Pishdadi government ; 3 that it was in trutha Hind ** monarchy, though if any chuseto call it Cusean, Casdean, or Scythian ** we shall not entérinto adebate on mere names; that it subsisted many centuries, and that its history has been engrafted on that of the Hindus ‘* who founded the monarchies of Ayodhya and Indraprestha; that the “© anguage of the first Persian empire was the mother of the Sanscrit, “s and consequently of the Zendand Parsi, as wellas ofthe Greek, Latin, “* and Gbthic, that the language of the Assyrians was the parent of the * Chaldaic andt Pahlivi.”’ Itis not surprizing that the deliberate judgment ofso enlightened an engnirer as Sir William Jones, and the important cooclusions to which the disquisitions founded on the facts contained in the Desatir evidently led, should have excited a very strong desire to discover aad bring to light 2 + Asiat. Res; Vol, If pp. 58—62, c . t Ibid p. 64. 5 et Foiume VI PREFACE, ° volume so precious to history. This wish has been often and strongly expressed by the persons who were best qualified to appreciate ‘the value of sucha work, But the testimony contained in the Discourse of the Most Noble the Marquis of Hastings at she public visitation of (be College At of Fort William on the 15th July 1816, is that which is most highly gra-" tifying to the Editor, not only as being thé opinion of a nobleman prom | foundly conversant with the history and spirit of the Efst, bat as-con- taining a flattering compliment to the Editor himself ; * Among the ‘* literary notices of this year,” says the Governor General, ‘** there is ** one, which, a}though not edited under the immediate auspices of €* this Institution, qreven of this Government, is, nevertheless so great a “* literary curiosity, that Ieannot refrain from bringing it forward, by ‘* public mention, on this occasion. I allude to that interestiig work, “© the Desatir, which had for some time been lost to the literary world, un- ** til acopy was almost accidentally recovered by the learned Chief “* Priest of the Parsee religion at Bombay. A translation into English & ** aglossary of the obsolete words has been prepared under the superin- *° tendence of the Moolla, and in this state the work is now inthe press “* atthat presidency. The Desatir, which purports to b€ a collection of ‘* the works of the elder Persian prophets, will be peculiarly an object of “* curiosity with the learned of Europe, as well as of this country, forit is “* unquestionably the only relique which exists of the literature of that “© period of Persian history, which is familiar to us from its connection ** with the history of Gregce.” Where a work comes before the public with such high pretentions, itis but reasonable to expect that some account shon)d be given, oot only of the mention which has been made of it by the writers of past ages, but of the way in which the copy from which it isnow printed was originally found. The Desatir is known to have existed for many years and has frequéntly been referred to by Persian writers, though as it was regarded as the Sacred Volume ofa particular sect, it seems to have been guarded with that jealous care, and that uncommunicative spirit that have partienlarly distinguished the religious sects of the Hast, Wecan only fairly expect the‘efore, that the contents should he known to the followers of the sect. It is accordingly quoted by Behram Ferhad, the author of the Sharistani Char Chemen, who flourished in the reign of Akbar, and dicd about A, D. 1624. in the reign of the Emperor Jehangir. This author, who ap~ pears to have beena native of Shiraz, though outwardly a Musselman, was really a Parsi, or rather a disciple ef Azer-Kejwan, a philoso- » — phical / PREFACE. Vit phical ascetic, who founded anew sect on the foundation of the an. éient Parsi tenets. The Desatir was known to Hakim-ibni-Khalif-ur- Tebrizi Mubatimed Wusain, the alithor of the Burhani Katia, the best dictionary extant of the Persian language, who lived in the: age of Shah Jehan ; and at that time the credit of the Desatir must have beenhigh, since he often quotes the commentary as bisauthority for words inthe old Persian, The author of the Dabistan, who seemsto have flourished 4p the reigns of Jehangir and Shah Jehan, frequently mentions the Desa- tir, and indeed adopts it for his guide in the account which he gives of the religious dynasties of Mahabad and bis suctessors. Astothe copy from which the present edition was printed, it is care. folly taken from that in the possession of the Editor, Mulla Firuz, being iheonly manuscript of the work kaown to exist. It was purchased at Isfahan by his father about forty five years ago, from one Agha Muhammed Taher, a bookseller, who, understanding that the Lditor’s father was an Indian Parsi, brought it to him for sale, induced hy the words Kitab i Gabri (a Gabr Book ) which were written onthe cover. Kaus, the father of Firnz, had been sent by the Parsis of Indiato travel in Persia for the purpose of making some enquiries regarding the rem- nant of the Parsis in that country ; and particularly in search of materials that might enable him to settle the dispates which prevailed among the “‘Parsis of india concerning their computation of time; the difference of acomplete month baving taken placein their modes of reckoning, dur- ing the longinterruption of intercourse between the Parsisof India and those of Persia; a circumstance whichhad produced aschism at Surat; some following the Kalendar of the Parsis of Kerman, others that which had been inuse for some ceaturies among the Parsis of India, This harmless schism still continues. Sagar years ago this work attracted the notice of the Honorable J.- nathan Duncan, the late Governor of Bombay, a gentlemat whose friendship the Editor bad the happiness of enjoying for a long period, He had devoted much of hisnttentionto the manners and institutions of the East, and was equally distinguished for the zeal with which he him- self prosecuted these enquiries, and for the liberality with which he patronised those who did. Mr. Duncan was struck with the character of the work, and after various enquiries regarding its anthenticity, of which he satisfied himself, resolved tosteal some hours from public busi- nessto devote to the task of translating the Desatic; n laborin whith at various periods during the cBurse of nearly fire years, hg was assisted by the Editor, In ory PREFACE. In the year 1811, Mr. Duncan was advised to leave Bombay, in oom sequence of his declining health. | Still faithful to his resolution of con- pleting the translation of the Desatir, which he had resolyed to present to his Majesty as the most valuable tribute thathe could offer him on his return from the East, he gained the Editor’s consent to accompany him to the Isle of France that he might assist in the translation which wasnuw considerably advanced: but the deathof Mr. Duncan, before he could — embark, deprived the Editor of one of hismost valued friends, and put anend to this plan, which had occupied some of his latest thoughts, when nearly one half of the work was finished. The part which he translated has, itisunderstood, been sent to England with bis other pa. pers. It isto be regretted that Mr. Duncan did not Jive to complete a work for which he was every way ‘so well qualified, Soon after thisevent, when General Sir John Malcolm was collecting materials for his History of Persia, the accounts which he had heard regarding the Desatir, and the high opinion ofits value entertained by Sir William Jones, produced some enquiries which terminated in his ex- pressing to the Editor his decided judgment that it should be given tothe public in the original, that its pretensions and merits, such as they were, might meet with a more complete and fair investigation than it was pos- sible for them to receive while the work remained in manuscript ; aud in = deed, as far as has yet appeared, shut upinasingle copy, For the favourahletermsin which the Editor and his plans are men- é ioned by Sir John Malcolm in various parts of his admirable History of Persia, the Editor returns that gentleman his most grateful thanks. The opinion of the historian of Persia, which had so much weight with the Editor, and was likely to have so much with the public, led to the present publication. The text ofthe Desatir is how printed entire, a long with its Persian translation and commentary, under the care webu Editor, who has laboured with unwearied zeal to leave nothiog undone on his part, that could render the work complete. Tothe original work he has added aglossary of such ancient and teclinical words as occur in ¥ cold Persian translation, and to those who make the language or an- tiquities of Persia theic study, this glossary, the frnit of many years" observation, may not be esteemed the least valuable part of the volumes. The whole he commits to the judgment of the learned, \ ‘Wo the Right Honorable the Governor in Council of Bomhay his most grateful thanks are due for the liberal patronage they have afforded to this Publication, Not - PREFACE. 1X Nor can he conclude this Preface without retarning his acknowledg- mentsto Mr. Erskine for the valuable assistance received from him in many instances during the progress of this undertaking. ~ With these observations the Editor delivers to the public a work which or maoy years has been his favorite study. Unless his partiality for it misleads him, he trusts that it will be received as a valuable additionto the historical and literary annals of the East. The few years of his life thatmay yet remain to him he intends to devote to the completion of an Epic poem on the Conquest of India by the British,* on which he has for many years been employed, and which he hasnearly brought toa close, Tfhisname isto be known to future ages and to be enrolled among the small number of poets whose works bave survived the touch of time, he fondly hopes that it may be conveyed to posterity by the same work which records the unrivalled triumphs of British valor; and that, by the fortunate association, his fame may perish only with the memory of British glory. Bonsay, 20 May 1815. * The George-nameh, c > oe uh sae ianaipe DN nie Vigan’ } F fe ‘ " a? i" " ‘ . ' : t 4 é 4 y wie oy a a i 4 . } Y, ¥ ~ , - 4. ¢ \ ,, een : *, ‘ a 5 « ‘ { ’ ‘ ‘ ' hy ' ’ ¥ rs ‘ “i ~ ¥ a : ’ ‘hat % ad iy d ‘ '‘ Lnetlg cts Ae . ry a A A ‘ bi . f 4 / J } ri 4 a bt we. ey +3 Bevan’ aa Sa ay pr. * ‘ b, - ‘ é wise ‘ * ar sf «..) j y ; , . "i, VA bat aa (" ‘ ’ ad eh: hs he w Mv *< * ye ies a ’ Pe ee ‘ v “3 al eer xy" ~ in : bis “ane % sae ory de" Soe ys i Me 16s fa Deyn tpi, “OS ? : ¢ cig ems! FT BO ty \ , Mies .! 0b & Shek a 2 a ; ee eet - pete ana Y, x ‘ j ‘: vive ie ee on Nagle R beet 1 he od ; ; . a . ; V 1, Spies 7 y i fF te Ya ‘ : - : ‘ z aa ? ‘ ; . i ; Te. * ‘ “a 5 » \ d . » O35 SUBSCRIBERS ' TO THE DESATIR —_———s —_——_. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE REGENT, . TWO COPIES. THE MOST NOBLE THE MARQUES OF HASTINGS, K. G. GOVERNOR GENERAL OF INDIA, SIX COPIEs. | | THE GOVERNMENT OF BOMBAY, ONE HUNDRED COPIES. & g o e) Anstruther, Sir A. Recorder|Bax, John, Esq. ensiilai ciahe of Bombay. = .. 5j/Bell, Alexander, Esq. Mem- . Ashburner, ‘Luke, Eaq. .. . 1] ber of Council. E. on Apear, Mr. Arratodh, ... ... 1|Barnes, Venerable the pd Ardaseer Framjee, ... 1 deacon, 218 Adam, Wm. Esq. Chief Sec. Briggs, Captain John, fs to Govt. Bengal. ... . 2)Brown, George, Esq. din Anderson, G. W. Esq. Kaira. 1|Babington, Stephen, Esq.... 2 Ardaseer Dhunjee Shah, ... 1/Bruce, Capt. William, ... 1 Agnew Major, .. «1 Baird, P. C. Esq. at Alves Lieutenant, ... . 1]Boyce, Mr. William, ae | Anderson, Rt. Esq. Deputy Bellino, Mr. Charles, ... ... 1 Regr. Sudder Adawlut, |Bhicajee Merjee, ... 1 Madras... .. «. «.. 1]/Berzcoorjee Nanabhoy, i 1 Pan) P ‘ n $ : 3 B. = _F. Be . ° e ; 2 iS) Byramjee Coraait Bennir-' |Fell, John, Esq... .. ‘4. 3 4 JO; «ve. PATE | oy | Ford, Major John, oe Barnard,, T. Ean volt Poys Fraser, Lieut. Col. Thomas © Burnett, Andrew, Esq, ... «.. Augustus, Madras. ©... ... 1 ‘Bingham, Chas. Esq. Poona. 1)Fitzgerald, Captain 8th Re- C., giment, Calcutta. Forbes, . Theodore, Esq. 2 1 Calcutta, the Lord Bishop of 3 Faria, Sir Roger, De ... ... 1 Cole, the Hon’ble A. H. Re- | peer oozshah Dhunjeeshah,... 2 sident at Mysore, es | e Carr, the Reverend J. S. ... 1 i a Collett, Captain J. H. 1 Griffith, Colonel John, ... ... 1 Close, Captain R. Resident Goodwin, Rich. Thos. Esq. 2 at Scindiah’s Court. ... 2)}Graham, Lieutenant J. W.... t Cleiland, Major, > «+ 1/Grindlay, Ms Be S72 E Campbell Major, —, «. 1/Grant, Lieut. G. (Marine.)... 1 Cursetjee Cowasjee, ... ... 1/Gregory, Geo. "Esq. Judge ‘Cursettjee Manockjee, ... ... 5) & crim. Judge at Guatoere 1 Campbell, Robert, Capt. ... : ee Corsellis, George, Esq. . : ct Caldwell, Lieut. H. 2d Bat. "| Hare, Major General, Com- 25 Native Infantry. ... ... 1 manding in Mysore. ... ... 1 ‘Chastenay, Mr. ... _ j{Henderson, James, Esq. Sec. Colquhoun, Gideon Esq. Re- | to Government. ... ... .. wee sident at Bussora. ... ... 1 Harvey, Captain, ren I Carnac, Captain J. R. Resi- |Hollis, Lieutenant, ———, 1 ‘dent at Barodra. ... .s. 2| Henshaw, Mr. S. W. H. ... 1 Huches, Lieut. John Tes! = . D. Hislop, Lieut, Gen. Sir Thos. Doyle, Lieut. Col. Calcutta. 3) Bt. Commander in Chief Dun, Lieut. C.D. M. N. IT. 1) Madras. ... ~.. Spay Dossabhay Jamsettjee, ... ... 1|/Hockley, W. B. Esq. EM ow, | E. "‘\Herdis, Capt. ist Bat. 19th Elphinston, the Hon. Mount- en ¥ e- Bigg Dep. yen : stuart, &e. &e. &e. mercial Resident; at Salem. 2 Erskine, Wm. Esq. Bombay 3 Harriott, Maj. John, Be Nie Elphinston, John, Esq. nt B Elphinstone, C. Keith, Mr. 1 “Aine oreo % 3 Edmond, Captain J. 16th Re- 7 giment Madras N. I. 1 Heerjee Nowrajeny” as saane Elliot, G.C. Esq. ... 1 J. Ellis, C. Esq. iy Ne Ma- Jordon, Mr. Paul, ... at gistrate, Mangalore. ... ... ; Jarden, Maj. J. s. 5th Rest. 1 Eduljee Cursettjee, a” ep ppones, W. Aaa alle Jamsettjee Bomanjee, ... .. ak x. 7 Kennedy, Captain, Vans. ®... Kempt, Mr. R. ey Keys, Captain Charles, Sih Keate, Thomas, M. Esq. ' Kennedy, Richard M. D. Esq. Kennedy, Col. M. Keath, J. M. Esq. Dep. Com- mercial Resident at Salem. Kaikhosroe Sorabjee, .. +. L. Library of the Literary So- ciety of Bombay, =. + Lithgow, ‘Colonel James, --. Low, Lieut. John, a Law, C. Esq. Post MasterGen. Loureiro Mr. Henrique Jos. Limjee Bhicajee, M. Malcolm, Brigadier Generai Sir John, K. C. B. K. b. S. and L. L. D. | Maleolm, David, Esq. - Macbride, John David, D. C. L. Professor of Arabic in the University of Oxford. Macklin, Hugh George, Esq. Advocate Gen. Bombay. ... Michie, Lieut. Jonathan, Morris, John Esq. +. 5 Morison, John Esq. ... ‘McMurdo, Capt. J. Resident at Anjar. os —Meliraith, Mr... eo McDonald, Lieut.O. .. Menro, James Esq. Register Zillah Court at Dharrum- pooram Coimbalore, Ma- dras. «-. Macan, T. Ean. Calcutta. . Martin, R. Esq. Calcutta. . MeVeigh Mr. Schoolmasier, Merwanjee } Nowroozjee Ma- nockjee, --. Es Mahummed Ulle Khan, “ae Copies. _. ]|Pruen, Capt. John, nel) eo N. Nepean, the Right Hon’ble Sir Evan, Bart. ef Bombay. ...~ Newbolt, the Howble Sir John Kt. Chief Justice of Ma- GPGGs a cicruceoS) dentutice ‘dees Nightingall, Geneial, Lieut. Sir Miles K. C. B. Com- Newnham, William Esq. ve cretary to Govt. Bombay. Newnham, Thomas Esq. wee ;'O Oliver, Wm. Esq. Register Court of Sudder Adami Madras. \/Oakes, T. A. ES. “Collector rm and Magistrate at Guntoor. Osborne, Lieut. Col. H. P. Pottinger, Lieut. A. wo 1{Prinsep, H: Esq.- ... - Patrickson, Capt. W. E. Cal. Pelly, John fi, Esq. Fort Vie- Assistant to the Polleathy at 2 Massuiipatam, ante Copies. Governor | manderin Chief, Bombay. 2 dras Civil Establishment. 1 1\Newnham, Henry Esq. Ben- > -1 eal Establishment... 1 1) Noton, Benjamia Esq. 1 Napier, Capt. ind - Nicol, Licut. Col. a1 one 1 «de ph rm 2 1 Se ly) Se ee | j|¥ereira, Mr. Joseph Antonio, 1 _.. g|Pestonjee Cowasjee, 1 R. Rich, Claudius Jones, Esq. Bcident at Bagdad, iD . 1/Reid, J. R. Esq. aa i - 2)/Romer, John Esq. Judge & nd Magistrate, Surat. roe | i|Russell, Lieut. Colonel, Ais Robertson T. W. Esa. Head wh 4 . on . 8 ol = 7. 2 S| 3 - Robinson, the Revd. Thomas, |Taylor, Doctor John, oe Poona...’ +. + 1lTowsey, Capt. Edward, ... 4 Ruttonjee Bomanjee, -» 1/Thompson, Capt. 17th Dra- S. GOONS. rete tee ee Shotton, William Esq.- ... 1 bed Smith, Lionel, Brigadier Ge- Warden, Francis, Esq. Chief neral, Postal?! = ng Secretary to the Govern- Stewart, John) Esq. .,. ... 5| ment of Bombay. .. .. 2 » Stewart, Captain John, - 1]Wedderburn, John, Esq. Ac- Stephenson, R. E. Esq. ....1} countant General. ... ... 1 Steuart, Robert, Esq. +. 1]Wade, the Revd. N. 1 Swinton, George Esq. Sec, Willock, Capt. Henry, Char- to Government Bengal. ... 2) gé d’affaires at the Court Sawers, J. Esq, ... «. «. 2| of Teheran, | Sealy, Major H, W. ... ‘a Wilkins, William, Esq. oe \ Stannus, Captain, ... 1|Woodhouse, Ollyett, Esq. ... 2 Sutherland, James Esq. third Woodhouse, Mr. Richard, ... 2 Judge of the Provincial |Williams, Monier Capt. Sur - Court, of Circuit and ap- veyor Generel, 2... ‘«, 2 peal, at Surat, ... .% ... 1|/Williams, J. Esq. die rome pee Syyed Mohummed Ullee Waters, G. Esq. Register to Yezdey, ... .. « o 1| Judge and Magistrate at T. Mangalore. incl.” steel Torin, Richard, Esq. Aye | _Y. Tod, Captain ————-,,__... 1) Young, Lieutenant Colonel, ; ‘lovey, Captain » oe 1] Calcutta. 2. see one ove BD In England Subscribers to the number of Fifty have been acquired by the Editor’s friends. eee ove one ere ate ‘Additional SUBSCRIBERS to the DESATIR: received since the foregoing list was printed, i = 1S) WN. B. Edmonstone, Esq. 7 moo ” 2 "The Ven’ble Archdeacon Seton, ane aie x He ~ -G, Dowdeswell, Esq. ous eve <0 : 1 > +f M. Ricketts, Esq. ane oe oe tee 1 W.B. Bayley, Esy. ons : ove 1 Capt. Thomas Reebuck, “a an . me | Lieut. Col. P. Bradshaw, de nm ove 1 James Calder, Esq. ” av ave ave ate 2 [THE BOOK OF THE a PROPHET, THE GREAT ABAD. ] eel Be L xr us take refuge with Mezdan from evil thoughts which mislead and afflict us, 2. Inthe name of Shemta, the Bounti- ful, the Beneficent, the Kind, the Just ! 3. In the name of Lareng! . 4. The origin of Mezdam’s being none can know. Except Himself, who can com- prehend it ? . 5. Existence and unity and identity are inseparable properties of His original sub- stance, and are not adventitious to Him. Commentary. Whence it is clear that although your substance is not adequate to the discoyering of things till you are affected by the quality of know- ledge; while as soon as you are.so affected, such dis- covery becomes practicable ;.yet that the same is not the case with God, (Yezdan) as He knows every thing by his own substance without the intervention of qualities. @ This title is not in the original andis added to make the first Bock uniform with the others. Ali the titles of the” Books have been added by the Persian translator or by some transcriber; as the names givenin them .to the various prophets are those of the translation, not of the original. [Note of the Trangator.1 2 THE BOOK OF THE 6. He is without. beginning, or end, or associate, or foe, or like unto him, or friend, or father, or mother, or wife, or child, or place, or position, or body, or any thing material, or colour, or smell. 7. He is Living, and Wise, and Power- ful, and Independent and Just: and his knowledge extends overall that is heard, or seen or that exists. gs. And (all) existence is visible to his knowledge at once, without time; and fram Him nothing is hid, , Commentary. The perfection of his knowledge consists in this, that it has no dependence ontime: and it appertains to his greatness that nothing appears as past, present or future ; the whole progress of time and length of duration, with the events which, succeed-. ing each other im successive portions, mark its divie sions, are visible to God at one moment: not as in our knowledge which we receive by broken portions ; some of events that are past, some of such as are now yisible, and others of such as are to come. 9. He doth notevil & abideth not with the *eyil-inclined. Whatever He hath done is good, ~ * Perszaw Nore, He wishes not for evil, and is nat an evil-wisher, 10. In the name of Lareng ! 11, The Simple Being, without hope of return, ‘ * PROPHET, THEGREAT ABAD. _—_ 8 return, of his own beneficence and love of good, first of all, created a substance free and unconfined, unmixed, immaterial, not subject to time, without body or aught materia], or dependence on body, or mat- ter, or quality, named Bebnam, whose title is the chief of Angels, Commentary. Hail to the Bountiful God! the Bestower of good, the Benevolent, the Just, the Friend of Bounty: who without the supplication of petitioner, or the prayer of one fo ask; or the eatreaty of entreater galled forth Being! ‘To His grace, there isno bound! Know Himas the One worthy of praise! 12. He *is wholly excellence, and good- ness altogether. By him (God) created the substance offAmsham; withtMAnistar the Governor of Souls, & 7Tanistar the Govern- or of bodies, Q Persian Nores. *Behndm called the first (Khirid or) Intelligence and the first (Khish or) Reason. tAmsham. The second Intelligence and Angel. { Manistér Rewambud. Manistar is the name of the Seul (or Spirit) who guards the highest heaven, and who is stiled Rewdmbid, or chief of Souls. + Ténistay Tenimbid. The body ofthe highest heaven is called Tanistar ; and egies bud, or chief of Bodies, is his title, 13. And by *Amsham (he created) +¥am- shim and }Ferarjam and +Samazham. Persrzy - 4 .- & THE BOOK OF THE Pensran Nores. *By the Angel Amshéghe who is _ the second (Khirid or) Intelligence. + Famsham is the name of the heaven immediately below the highest. } Ferdrjdm, the name of the Soul of that heeecens + Sdmdazhém the Body of the heaven. 14. In this manner by each Intelligence he created another Intelligence, and a Soul, and a Body, till he completed the system of the Heavens. 15. As for example *Perens3, &+Latinsa, ‘and }Armensa. Persran Norrs. *Ferensd, the Intelligence of the sphere of Ketwdn (Saturn). + Ldtinsa its Soul. _ £ Armensd its Body. 16. And Anjumdad and Nejmazad and *Sh id arad: Persian Nore. And the Intelligence of the ‘sphere ° of Hormuzd (Jupiter) is Anjumddd, its Soul Nijmé- add, its Body Shiddrdd. : 7. And Behmenzad, and Fershad and Rizbadwad : , Porstan Nore. These are the Intelligences the Soul, and the Body of the sphere of Behrém (Mars a 18. And Shadariam, and Shadayim and Nishadirsam. Persian Nore. The Intelligence, Soul and Body of the sphere of the Sun. 19. se tee * il PROPHET, THE GREAT ABAD. § 10. And Nirwan and Tirwan and Riz- wan: Persran Nore. The Intelligence, Soul and Body of the heaven of Nahid ( Venus ). 20. And Irlis and Firlas and W arlds: Perstax Nore. The Intelligence, Soul and Body of the Sphere of Tir (Mercury). 21. And Fernish and Wernish and Ar- dish he did create. Persran Nore. The Intelligence, Soul and Body of the Sphere of the Moon. 22. Of their excellencies and number little is said ; seeing that the Angels are in- numerable. 23. The heavy-moving “starsare many, and each has an Intelligence, a Soul and a Body. 24. And in like manner every distinct division of the heavens and planets, hath its Intelligences and Souls. 25. The number of the Intelligences, and Souls, and Stars, and Heayens, Mezdam knows. 26. In the name of ‘Lareng ! @ The heavy-movine stars are the fixed stars, in contra. @isiinction to the plan: is which have been befure enumera- ted. Transl; 6 A name of God, meaning the Being free from qualities. Tans, 27, @ © .<:¢ HE BOOK OF THEIICAT ess bey The-whole Spheres are round, and are - pure, and never die. - :olw 28. Neither are they light or heavy, cold | or hot, moist or dry. © 29. They have neither growth had acy, désire nor aversion. a 80. They do not possess the susceptibi= lity” of assuming or putting off an aspect: of being broken or joined, ‘Commentary. They cannot be torn or sewn, brow. ken or mended, rent or united. 31. They are ever revolving in their or-. bits; and their revolution is self-directed + since they are living and susceptible of knowledge. 32. And in that “Mansion there is. no death, nor birth, nor assuming, nor putting aside a form. 33. The inferior (terrestrial) world He made subject to the superior (ur celestial) world. - ~ 34. Inthe name of Lareng! r 35. Intelligence is not dependent on Body, but the Soul receives its perfection from id mane » ; . Heaven is the abode of Angels, the. ihe. il and the place of Spheres. > @ In the Heavens. Trans. 37. — =~ ora PROPHET, TUE GREAT ABAD. 7 Y an Whosoever approaches thes Angels, sees the substance of the Lord of the World; #PRersrax Nore. Who are the Intelligences and Souls of the spheres. __ 38. The rapture thence arising no trans- port of the lower world can equal: the tongue cannot express, nor the ear hear, _ mor the eye see such ecstacy. 29. In the Heavens there is pleasure ach as none but those who enjoy it-can con- cetve.*. Py 40. The lowest degree of (enjoyment in) heaven is such as is telt by the poorest of * men whenhe receivesa gift equal ‘to this whole lower world. / 41. Moreover the pleasures that arise ia it, from the beauty of wives, and hand- maids, and slaves, from eating and drinking, from dress, and fine carpets and commodi-— ous seats is such as cannot be comprehend- ed in this lower world. 42. To the Celestials the bounty of the Most. High Mezdam hath vouchsafed a bo- dy which admitteth not of separation, which doth not wax old, and is susceptible nei- ther of pain nor defilement. 43. In the name of Lareng! a | > - 44, 3 THE BOOK OF THE *\ 44, Ferntsh* is the repository of the i ine fluences of the upper Spheres ; ? *Prrstan Nort. The Intelligence of the Sphere of the Moon. 9 CommMeNTARY. ‘Fern‘ish, who is the Intel'i igence of the Sphere of thé Moon, showercth down on the simple elements, the forms, accidents, and qualities which he hath ccllected by his own powers through the medium the revolu‘ions of tie spheres, and the conjunctions of the planets, end the aspects of the stars. 45. Seeing this, place is under the Intel-« ligence of the Sphere of the Moon. - 46. Varntsh *is the fashioner of forms. ‘ *Perstan Nore. The Soul of the’ sphere of the Moon. 47. Below thesphere of the Moon was made the place of elements. 48. Over the Fire, the Air, the Water and the Earth were placed four Angels: 4g. Anirab, and Hirab, and Semirab and Zehirab. 50. Whatever things are compounded of the elements are either impermanent or permanent. Commentary. What retaineth its form, is perma- nent; what doth not is impermanent. 51. The impermanent are fog, and snow, and rain, and thunder, and cloud, and light-. d such like. ning ands a PROPHET, »THEGREAT ABAD. 9 52. Over each of these t there is ag asda Angel. 53. The Guardians of the fog, and snow, and rain, and thunder, and clouds, and lights ning, are Milram, Silram, Nilram, Mehtas, Behtam and Nisham, and so of the others. 54. And of, the permanent compounded substances the first is the Mineral. . 55. Of it there are many species, as the ruby, and the sapphire and such like. 56. And these have Guardians, sue as Beherzim and Neherzam. Persran Nore. Bekersdm is the protector of the ruby ; Neherzdm of the sapphire. * §7: The next is the Vegetable, of which too there are many species, as the cypress and the plane, whose Guardians are 100. Inthe name of Lareng! The Superior Beings and the Inferior Beings are the gift ofthe Giver: they can- not be separated from Him: they have been, are, and shall be. Commentary. Seeing that the Bountiful iakes not back what He gives; for that is the property of the avaricious and rude man. 101. The world, like aradiation, is not and cannot be separated from’ the. sun of the substance of the mighty God. 102. The lower world is subject to the sway of the upper world. 103. In the beginning of it’s revolution the sovereignty over this lower world is committed to one of the slow-moving stars. 104. Which governeth italone for the space of a thousand years ; 105. And for other thousands of years each of the heayy-moving stars, and swift- moving stars becometh it’s partner, each for one thousand years. i06. Last of all the moon becometh its associate. an * Commentary. Fora thousand ycars, like all the reat, 107. 20 THE BOOK OF BHE aig ~ 107. After that, the first associate gill get the sovereignty. ' : Commentary. So that we may cail ‘the star wiih first supported the regal authority, the first king: and that star which in the second thousand years, was it’s partner, the second king: because, after the lapse of the regal reign of the first king, this second became king. Yor it is said thatat the termination of the rule of the first king, the first partner, who was grigi- nally the partner of the first. king, becomes king. | * 108. The second king goeth through the same round as the first King; and the otlers arein like manner his associates, 109. Last of all the first *king is for a- thousand years the partner of the second king. *Prrstan Nore. The period of whose reign is now past and gone. 110. Then the period of the reign i ‘the second king is also past. 111. And understand that the same is the course as to all the others. Commentary. For every one of the fixed stars and planeis becomes king, and. is each ruler by itself for one thousand years, and for other thousands along with _ partners. /112. When the Moon hath been king, and all have been associates along with it, and it’s reign toois over, one Grand Period is accomplished. 113. PROPHET, THE GREAT ABAD. 9} 113. After which the Sovereignty again returneth to the first king, and in this way there is an eternal succession. Commentary. The beginning of the Period being from the first king, and it’s conclusion with the moon. 114. And in the beginning of the Grand Period, a new order of things commenceth in the lower world. 115. And, not indeed the very forms, and knowledge, and events of the Grand Pe- riod that hath elapsed, but others precisely similar to them will again be produced. Commentary. He says that, in the beginning of the Grand Period, combinations of the elements com- mence, and figures are produced that, in appearance, and in their acts, deeds and speech are similar to the figures, knowledge and deeds of the past Giand Revo. Jution: not that the very same figures are produced ; since the bringing back of what is past in not fitting : for were it desirable to bring such back, why were they broken and destroyed? The Grand Artificer does no- thing of which He repents Him. 116. And every Grand Period that cometh resembleth from beginning to end the Grand Period that is past. 117. O my chosen Abad! in the begin- ning of this Grand Period thou, with thy- bedmate, didst survive; and none other was left: now Mankind proceed from thee. ComMENTARY. : -. THE-BOOK.OF THE |» Commentary. Itisto be observed thatat the con« clusion of a Grand Period, only two persons are left in the worlds one manand one woman: all the rest. of mankind perish: And hence mankind derive their ori- gin from the woman and man who suryive, and from whose joins numbers issue in the new Grand Period. Hence He says to Abad, The origin of mankind is from thee, and all proceed from thy root, and thou art the father of them all. 118. In the name of Lareng! Commentary. He addresses the blessed Abad ; 119. The most blest of men are suchas are obedient to and followers of thee. 120. The dearest to Mezdam is he who acteth according to thy injunctions 121, Whom thou expellest, him Mez-~ dam expelleth. 122. Thou art the chief of Mankind. + ‘ 423. Thy follewers shall many years be sovereigns in the world. 124. Know that the world shall never enjoy such happiness asin the time of the princes of thy religion. . 125. As long as Mankind do not commit exceeding evil, thy religion, which is the mercy of Mezdam, shall not lose it’s rulers. 126. The extirpation of thy religion from among Princes is oneof the torments of Hel] upon Mankind. | 127. PROPHET, THH-GREAT ABAD. 23 127.) In the name of Lareng! .. “wWommestary. He now gives some information’ re~ garding the Sects that are to arise; 728. A Band willappear who are know- -ers and doers of good, mortifying the senses. (Tipasbiid). | Commentary. Tipas means self-denial in the way of God and his worship, in respect fo abstinence in eating, drinking and sleep. “And one who exercises stich abstinence is called a Tipdsbud and Hirtdsp. i129. And this Bind are in a blessed road. 130. And there is a different Band who know and do good, without practising au- sterities, and who investigate the real ma- ture of things by the guidance of reason, and live as Sirddsp. Perrstan Nore. The Sirdisp are such as seek goo@ without mortifying their bodies in devotion. — Commentary. The Sirdasp is that searcher, after God, wha seeks Him without (subjecting himself to) abstinence in food or sleep, and without (affecting) se- litary:seclusion ; who attempts to explain hidden things by the guidance of the understanding ; and who does not deem it lawful to hurt, any thing haying life. The two classes that have been mentioned are distinguished as the enlightened and the baa ‘tram : 131. A Band pext succeed, who know good, and practise evil, vexing harmless creatures, " ComMEenTARY? © > . 4 24 THE BOOK OF THE ComMENTARY. The distinctive mark of this band is that they love knowledge end ingenuity: and yet vex harmless animals, and stain their mouths with the blood of unoffending creatures, and fill their bellies with them. 132. There is a Band that mingle toge- ther seruzram, and niruram and jirazram. Commentary. What first shines on the heart in worshipping Yezdan is callid Seruzrém: and evidence that is agreeable to the understanding, and the wards consonant to reason are called Nirarém: while the re- mark which is absurd and not founded ori reason is called Jurazram: and by these the Sp are distinguished. 133. One Band say that except the sub- stance of God there is nothing immaterial. Commentary. The distinguishing mark of this class is that they hold that all the angels are bodies and ma- terial; but that the essence of God is free and inde- pendent. 134. There is another class that say that Mezdam is matter. Commentary. And these materialists infer that God lias ahuman form and such like. 4 135. And some hold that Mezdam isa Temperament. Commentary. Which isa power peculiar fo body. 136. One class deem themselves pro- phets, in spite of their molesting harmless creatures. 137. PROPHET, TNE GREAT ABAD. 95 137, Without kindness to harmless ani+ mals and self-mortification, none can arriye at the angels, 138. Such abide beneath the sphere of the moon, and by virtue of their little selfs mortification, following their own fancies, liken what they seeto other things, and thus come to act wrong. Commentary, He says that one class esteem them®* selves prophets and messengers of God. But as with- out mortifying the body, throwing off bad dispositions and accumulating good works, the chief of which is humanity to harmless animals, it is impossible to ascend the spheres and reach the stars and angels ; and as this class have not followed such a course, hence, from the deficiency of their mortification and from their not having endured suflicievt suffering, they see some light below the sphere of the moon : and their soul not have ing gained ihe ascendency over the imagination, they fashion what things they observe according to the crea- tions of their own imagination: thus suiting their knowledge to the system of their fancies: and they do not discover the real nature of what they see, but follow- ing the image which (beir fancy has conceived fall from truth into destruction, and draw down their followers into perdition. 139. One class observing that men are miserable, confine themselyes merely to not killing them. 140. For there isa class that deems the killing of a man praiseworthy. ComMMENTARY, = - THE BOOK OF THB. -« Commentary. By this he marks out a class, who, in order to appease the Mighty and Angels, kil] meg with the sword, and put themselves to death, suppose ing that God will be gratified. 141. Some founders of Sects say, M y ree ligion shall never be destroyed. Commentary. Hehere points ata class who say to their disciples, Our religion passes not away; do not desert it. 442. And wars will arise among them. Commentary. He indicates that conflicts wil] a:ise in the religions of these founders of Sects, and innova- tors in religion, and that they will fall out together ; and that where there are many Sects in one religion, and where many shoots proceed from one root, cach branch deems the other bad. 143. There is a class of men that have a little knowledge, but are not doers of good ; and one of such as do some good, but have not much knowledge of good. Commentary. fe here marks a class who are fol+ lowers of the wise, but do not profit by their precepts; and another similar class who deem theiselves pure, and have a little of good works, but yet are not wise, 144. And there shall be so many Sects and Princes that volumes shall be filled with them. 145. O Abad! Thou chosen of Mezdan! Except the Fersendaj (the dbddian faith) there PROPRET, THE GREAT ABAD. a7 there is no road to find the Self-Existent. By this road every one of the class of Huris- tars, and Noristars, and Suristars and Ruzis- tars shall gain heaven, and find a station ac- cording to his works. Commentary. Fersendaj is the name of the Res figion of Meh-Abad. ( or the Great Abad )—In Pelilevi the Huristars are called dthurndn—They are the Mox beds and Hirbeds whose duty is to guard the faith, to confirm the knowledge and precepts of religion, and to, establish justice : The Nuristars in Peblevi are named Rebtishtaraa, and aze the Princes and Warriors who are called to grandeur, and superiority, and command, and worldly sway. The Suristais in, Peblevi are de, nominated Washieryishan, and are devoted to every kind of business and employment: The Ruzistars are, in Pelilevi stiled Hotukhshan and are artizans and hus bindmen, And you cannot find any man not inclue ded in these classes, 146. In the name of Lareng ! Every one who laboureth in explaining theFersendaj, shall gain a high place in hea- ven, 147. Be confidently assured that the Fer- sendij is true. Commentary. lie says to Mankind,—Know ye all confidently, and be well assured, that the religion, of the blessed Abad, ( on whose soul and on whose followers be blessings unnumbered of the Wi-e, ) is the straight and true road. _ Let him who has any under: standing? 28 THE BOOK OF THE — standing, and is in donbt, observe how far this hale lowed religion is superiorto all other Sects, and that no other cuurse possesses such purity and sweetness, If he desires unfailingly to see and know what has been revealed, it may be done in two ways; Lither let him become a Hirtésp and by suffering pain discover the real nature of things with the mind’s eye ; or let him become a Sitdasp and comprehend the real nature of things by evidence. 148. In the name of Lareng! Commentany. He addresses the human races 149. Stand indread of guilt, and deem the smallest offence great: for a slight aile ment becometh a dreadful disease. ComMENTARY. JT orthe disorder that at first is slight, is cured if managed according to the prescription of the physician: butiftreatcd lighty, or ifno physician be consulted, it speedily encreases and comes to such a height as to pass the power of remedy: Now the ade vice of prophets, Desttirs or Mobeds, resembles that of the Physician. Ifa man be grieved for his offences and cleave unto purity, and make choice of repentance, he escapes from his disorder: but if he does not, then he reaches a place where his misery becomes everlasts ing. 150. Be not without hope of His mercy, Commentary. He says, Avoid evil in it’s begin. hing, and whatever you may have done unwittingly, throw it off and répent of it. And be not without hope from the mercy of God; for He is kind and merciful, He afflicts not his servant from wrath. He resem. bles — PROPHET, THE GREAT ABAD. 2 bles the teacher, who when the scholar atlends not to learning, chastens him with a rod for his good. ; 151. When each of the Sharistars com- pleteth it’s revolution or entereth it’s Man- sion, celebrate it as a Festival. 152. Regard the Ascetic and the Sage as your-friend, and obey their injunctions. 153. At the birth of achild read the - *Desitir, and give something in the road of . *Mezdam. *Persran Note. The Book of God. 154. Acorpse you may place ina vase of aqua-fortis, or consign it to the fire, or to the earth. Commentary. The usage of the Fersendajians re- garding the dead was this: After the Soul had left the body, they washed it in pure water, and dressed it in _ clean and perfumed vestments: they then put it into a vase of aqua-fortis, and when the body was dissoly- ed, carried the liquid toa place far from the city and poured it out: or else they burned it in fire, after at- tiring it as has been said; or they made a dome, and formed a deep pit within it, which they built and whitened with stone, brick and mortar; and, on its edges, niches were constructed and platforms erected, on which the dead were deposited : or they buried a vase in the earth, and enclosed the corpse in it; buried it in a coffin in the ground; And in the estima a In ‘the road of Mezdam: that is for God’s sake, in chae tion 30 - THE BOOK FO THE tion of the Fersendajians, the most eligible of all these was the vase of aqua-fortis. 155._After any one hath died, read the Desitir, and give something to the wor- shippers of God, that the soul of the depart- ed may attain beatitude. | 156, To Mezdam there is nothing more pleasing than charity. , 157. Make atonement for the offence which you may have committed. 158. Do good; and grant assistance to those of the same faith ( hem-fersenj ). 159. Take from the thief the double of what he hath stolen; and after beating him with a rod, throw him for some time into prison. . 160. But if he will not amend, let him be led round the city, and let him be em- ployed in bearing heavy burdens. Commentary. According to the religion of the Princes of the Fersendaj faith, if a person be taker a second time in theft, he is led with disgrace about the city, which operation they call Rukaz: after which, as a punishment, they beat him with a slick, place fetters on his feet, and make him carry brick and mud for repairing houses, and keep him always disagreeably employed in such labours. 161. PROPU ET, THLE GREAT ABAD. 31 161. One guilty of adultery is to be pus nished by being beaten with rods and led about the city ; and. if: still he be not re- strained, make him an eunuch: a married woman must be imprisoned. CommentARY. He says, if a married woman, has been beaten with rods, and led about the town for lying with another man, and yet again lie with a man, she must be put into perpetu: al confinement. 162. After performing the worship of Mezdam, worship the Planets, and kindle lights unto them. 163. Make figures of all the planets, and deem them proper objects to turn to in - worship : 164. One class of men here below false- ly deem themselves happier than those as bove. Consort not with such. _ 165. Earthlings cannot be equal to Ce- kestials ; ; 166. ‘The Soul of man is however celes- tial; and hence, when by piety and wor- ship, it hath been separated from the in- ferior body, it may nevertheless become like unto them. Commentary. He says, that though the Soul be celestial and though if it be wise and act well, it be- ‘comes like the celestials after it departs from the body , yst ‘ 82 THE BOOK OF THE yet that it does not become better and happier thar they. Hence we perceivethat it cannot, while below, attain equality with the Celestials; and that those who make pretences to any superiority are deceivers and false teachers. 167. O Abid! That is the word of Mez- dam which an Angel bringeth on thy heart. 168. Or what thou hearest from Mezdam when thou leavest the body (nemiddz) along with the Chief of Angels. Coumentary. Nemiden isto leave the earthly bo- dy, and again return toit: and also means to attain to a knowledge of the truth of things (or Inspiration ), He says, The speech of God is not breath and does not possess sound: And that is Inspiration which descends on the heart through the intervention of an Angel, or that is learned of God when you have left the body. ‘And this inspiration after yourejointhe body you com- mit to words and deliver forth by the breath of speech. 169. Thouhast seen me and heard my words ; convey these my words to all my servants below. Commentary. Since the Celestials and Supernals are all obedierit, and such as are near Yezdan have no need of an earthly prophet. 170, After thee Jyafram will revive .thy religion, and will be a mighty prophet. Commentary. Hence He declares to the blessed Abad, As this holy Religion in consequence of the wickedness of men will be corrupted and fall, Jyafrim, ove of thy race, will revive thy religion, and diffuse it anew among men: and he is a mighty Prophet, THE BOOK OF THE PROPHET JYAFRAM. q Lor us take refuge with Mezdam from evil thoughts which mislead and afflict us. 2. In the name of Shamta, the Bountiful, the Beneficent, the Loving, the Just. 3. In the name of Hermehr, the bestow- er of daily food on all living, the protec- tor of the good. 4. Praise be unto the Self-Existent who first created the “free world, and next the world of bodies. 5. Look and behold! O Jyafram son of Abadirad, how at the command of the Most High God (Mezdam), the *Lord of - Bodies, enclosing all bodies within his cir- cuit, ever revolveth ; ’ *Prrstan Nore. Called Ten:stidér, Ten-bud, Ten &nten, Tenten, Tehemten, being the Great Sphere. ® a The free world is composed of the Angels, Souls and Intelligences, who are free from the incumbrance of body. 6 All these names belong tothe Ninth or Highest Hea- ven: they signify chief of bodies, leader of bodies, body-ofs bodies, bedy of-bedy, the incomparable body, 5, SL THE BOOK OF THE 6, And carrieth the other spheres along. with him from East to. West ; 7. Although the revolution of the spheres. below the Great Sphere, is, by the decree of the Creator, from West to East. 8. Andinthe sky among the slow-re- volving stars ; g. As the Ram, the Bull, the Fwo-forms, the Crab, the Lion, the Bunch of corn, the Balance, the Scorpion, the Bow, the Goat, the Water-bucket, the Fish, 1 10. And in like manner, in the lower heavens are the moving stars, i1. Sindshir, Berhesti, Belram, Heramid, Benid, Kaleng, Famshid ; 12. And these are my chosen servants, who never have been and never shall be dis- obedient. CommentTARny. He says that the spheres, in spite of their magnitude and vicinity tg God, are not exempt- ed from his orders; and ftom time without beginning when they were created, even unto the end of eternity, never have disobeyed and never shall disobey. The first time that 1 was called to the world above, the heavens and stars said unto me, ** O Sasan! we have bound up our Joins in the service of Yezdan, and never withdrosy from it, because He is worthy of praise: and we are filled with astonishment how mankind can wan- der so wide fiom the commands of God!” 13. ¥ PROPHET JYAFRAM. 3S 13. Next the fire,. ‘and air, and water, and earth ; Commentary. He says, after the sphere, the four elements were created. 14, And from the mixture of these the Mineral, the Vegetable and Animal. ComMENTARY. Gad made and created. 15. All are actively employed by the. art of the Most High. 16. Inthe name of the Beneficent, the Bestower of daily food on all living, the Pro- tector of such as do well. 17. Ihave said’ that 1 first of all chose Abad, and after him I sent thirteen prophets in succession, all called Abad. 18. By these fourteen prophets the world © enjoyed prosperity. Commentary. When you add Abad to the thir- teen prophets whe succeeded him, they make fourleen. And the faith of them all was similar to that of the Mebabad, and they were followers of Mehibad, and thus made kingdoms flourishing. Praise be on Abdd and on these Abids ! , 19. After them. the kings, their lieute- nants, preserved the world in happiness. : 20. Whena hundred zdd of years had . €17, The seme would require this to be “I say aie thee.” passed 86 THE BOOK OF THE passed under their sway, Abadarad, resign ing the sovereignty, devoted himself exclu= sively to the worship of Mezdam. CommeENTARY: It is to be observed that the follows ers of the Fersendaj Religion call.d a thousand time a thousand years a Ferd, and athousand Ferds a Werd, and a thousand Werds a Werd, and a thousand Merds a Jdd, and three thousand Jads a Wéd, and two thou- sand Wads a dd; so that, following this compu- tation, the kingdom remained with the Dynasty of Abadians fora hundred Sdd of years. When this number of years was elapsed, Abadarad, the last Prince of the Abadiahs, having found mankind bent on evil, resigned the government, and went into retirement: and so effectually did he escape the observation of men, that no one knows where he went. In consequence of his abdication the world fell into confusion, and the works of the preceding kings were destroyed. Then ihe good men’ went to Jyafram, the son of Abadarad, who wasa recluse like his father, and who, from his fondness for retirement, always lived remote from Mati= kind, and incessantly occupied with the worship of the Deity, and required him to assume the sovereignty, which however he declined, until the illustrious Book game down to him ; 21. In the name of the Beneficent, ‘the Bestower of daily. food on all living, the Rewarder of such as act well. | 22, O Jyfram, son of Ab&dardd, sice thy father hath resigned the royal power, do thou PROPHET JYAFRAM. 57 thou now assume the Government, and adorn the Fersendij Religion. 23. I have chosen thee for the work of prophecy, and have graced the Fersendaj by ee. 24. And lo! make the words of Heaven which I have sent unto thee, a portion of the *Desiatir. *Perstan Nore. Which isthe Book of the blessed Mehibdd. 25. And keep well the way of Ferzibid, for it isthe religion of God; and this faith shall never be lost from among the Mez- démians. 26. Whoever is the friend of God ( Nish- dai ), shall walk in this road. 27. Inthe name of the Beneficent, the _ Bestower of daily food to all living, the Rewarder of those who act well. 28. The Necessarily-Existent ! CommeNTARY. Whose Being is necessary; the Un- doubiedly-existing, Ever-during, Eternally-stable, Im- muiab!e-of-necessit y, without beginning orend, existing without the attributes of first or last, who has been, iss — and shall be, and to whose everlastingness and elernity there is no beginning, nor commencement, nor end, nor limit, nor bound. 29. Light of Lights! CoMMEANTARY. ; \ 58 THE BOOK OF THE. ‘Commentary. Splendor of Sptendors, brightness o¢ brightnesses, corruscation of corruscations, shining of shinings, blaze of blazes, illumination of iliuminations ¢, | the being ‘from whose light the abode of lights has derivedits light, and from whom the abode of splendors has received the splendor of existence, and except front whose brightness the abode of brightness has no bright= ness, and from whom the city of corruseations receives its power of corruscation, from whora shining shines, and without whom blazing does not blaze, from ‘the glory of whose essence proceeds the illumination of illuminations. : all eT 30. Among the adored worthy of ado- ration ! heen ered And among the worshipped most. worthy of Worship. Let those who are supplicated by _ the great for their grandeur supplicate him with their whole grandeur ; and most filting it is that the lauded should laud him, and the mighty render unto him prayer and praise. 1h 31. Lord of Lords! Commentary. King of Kings, Emperor of Em- perors, Ky of Kys, Dara of Daras, Judge of Judges; Chief of Chicfs, Greatest of the Great! The abode of Lordliness is his servant! the residence of Kings is his worshipper, the city of Royalty is proud to obey dim). Princes place their hopes in his Gate, Daras look for protection from his grace; his glory is the Judge a Judges ! : . 32. The Exalted! Commentary. High oyer the Lofiy ! Snblime over ‘ m~ ‘ the PROPHET JYAFRAM. 3g the Great ! The Bestower of exaltation on the abode of exaltation, and the E]gval er of the residenee-of elev ae tion, the Raiser of the cuy of suo limity, who gives grandeur to the city: of grandeur. 33. Of wonderful Praise] Commentary. Grand worship and ‘mighty thanks-" giving; the praise of the ptuce of: praise of citizens, the object of praver to the place Of prayer in the nar~ row lane, the subject of worship'to’ those who dwell ‘ 7 in worship in the habitation of thanksgiving. ° 34. Of supreme Splendor! “ Commentary. And striking light, and unlimited brightness, and strong blazing, and resplendent shining, mighty manifestation, and magnificent clearness, and wonderful brightness, and boundless glory; sceing that the splendor of the splendor-bestowers, the brightness of the givers of brightness, the light of the enlighteners and thé blaze of the emblaz oners, and the flashing of the flashers, and the manifestatien‘of the fit Ratt and the glory of the glorifiers, and the illumination of the illuminators, and the visibility of the displayeys proceed from Him, ) 35. Of splendid Biiphinetes Commentary. And shining light, strong glare, ex, ceeding. splendor, and great jNumination: for the splen- dor of the abode of splendor proceeds from Him, and the squrce of shining shines from Him; the city of illu- mination. He illuminates ; Le gives light to the foun. - tain of light, and brightness to the city of brightness ; the land of: glory He glorifies; the place of aplcndons is splendid from His ref ulgent essenpe: i _- - 40 THE BOOK OF THE 86. Of mighty Mightiness ! Commentary. And vast vastness, and great great. ness, and lofty loftiness, and high highness, and exalt. ed exaltation, and sublime sublimily, and awful awlul- ness; so that the mighty are mean, and the vast little, and the lofty depressed, and the exalted humble, and the high low, the grand groyelling, and the sublime lowly, and the great small, and the tall short, and the broad narrow, and the deep is as a ford unto Him. 37. Of entire Perfection ! Commentary. And unlimited excellence, and come . plete righteousness: for He bestows perfection on the ' perfect, and. Righteousness on the right. 38. Of unbounded Bounty! “~ Commenrary. And the never-failing Giver, the perfectly Generous: for, from His board no created thing is without its portion, or was or shall be. 39. Of wide-diffused Goodness! Commentary. And extensive excellence, and long worth, and broad beneficence, and profound gladness: whose goodness reaches to all places, whose worth ex- tends every where, and whose excellence spreads from ihe one limit of existence {o the other. 40. Of glorified Light! Commentary. Of exquisite splendor, strong brights ness, grand blazing, and glorious effulgence. Him you roust adore; for illumination of heart fulls on the illu- ' minated from Him only, Al. Of infinite Greatness! CommENTARY. “And entire mightiness: His won- derfuloess, PROPHET JYAFRAM. at etfulness, is undoubted before all, and His grandeur acknowledged by all ; His grandeur is necessarily con« fessed by all Beings within the limits of creation, aie 42. Of conspicuous Effulgenee! . ‘Commentary. Manifest light, conspicuous brights ness, and blazing eflulgence; for every thing is seen by His light, and is produced from His splendor, avd from His brightness receives being, and takes existence from His intense blaze, and becomes yisible from His effulgence. 43. Of intense Mightiness! ‘CommeENTARY. And grand exaltation, and sublime sublimity, and enduring greatness; since Chiefs, and Rulers, and the Exalted, and the Great, and the Migh- ty, and those who lift high the head, dare not disobey Him, and cannot withdraw their heads (from obedience unlo Him). 44. The Bestower of what is suitable. Commentary. And the gift of agreeable sensations to the soul and body ; for knowledge, and the gift of what is suited te cherish the body, proceed from His excellerice; since the greatness of flis bounty cannot be . expressed. 45. Of extensive Empire. CoumentTary. And wide dominion; for there is no limit to His creation, and no bounds to what He has made. 46. Of resplendent Goodness ! Commentary. And manifest excellence, and evi- dent benevolence; for whatever is seen with the eyes, or / ea THE BOOK OF TAE or observed by the mind, or understood by the judgment is a ray of His goodness: and His goodness has no bounds, and is without limits. 47. The-blessed Giver ! Commentary. And the happy and glorious essence ; for blessedness, and goouness, and bounty, except of Him, are none. 1 48. Of high Purity { ,» Commentary. And surpassing werth, and pure greatness, and whose glorious aboie ( *Ayabadt ) is free from impurity: forthe dust of uncleanness falls not on the hem of his garment, nor on the mighty that are nigh unto him, even the Empyrealists. (Ayanistani). 49. The Lord of Brightness ! Commentary. Which is shed abroad: and the Lord of the seat of Lordship, which is the place of an- gels, and ihe city of Angels, and is not hid t:om the pes netrating. 56. The universal Creator ! Commentary. The Maker of all things that be. The power of creation is inherent in His essence, and svybatever is created is suitable to the Creator ; and what ever is produced, its production is right. 51. First of the First! Commentary. The beginning of beginning which had no first, the beginning of which beginning cannot be found ; and of eternal duration witheut end. 52. The Creator of Essence ! \ * 48,.These terms Kyabadi and Kyanastani are applied to thase above the Ninth or Kmpyrean fleaven. ComMBNTARY, a‘ O32 2A 29% PROPHET JYAFRAM. £3 ng ow ‘Commentary. The Maker of that whichmakes every thing what it is; the producer of essence; the former of that destinctive essence which makes a thing what it is. 53. The Exhibiter of Identity! ~Somuentaxy. And person] ty, and being, and self and existei:ce; and He isthe Cieator of all identi- ties ; and none other but He. _ 64, Providence of Providences ! Commentary. And Lord of Lords, Guardian of Guardians, end Protect or of Protectors. 55. Wonder of Wonders! Commentary. The causer of wonder to the won- Gerfnl, the Creator of the place of wonders: and, of alJ wouders, the most wonderful is His essence. 56. The Creator of Grace! . Commentary. “Most graceful of the graceful; the Creator of purity, purest of the pure, the pure Creator of purity ; the Creator of praise and the object of al! praise. 57. God of Intelligences! Coumextary. Lord of Understandings, Creator of Intelligences, and Maker ot Intellects. 58. Lord of Souls! Commentary. Who is the Master Creator of them. 59. The Independent of the Andigpeng dent! Commentary. The free of the frees; who made the - {ndependent independent, and on the free bestowed free- dom. 60. 44 THE BOOK OF THE ‘60. God of the upper Spheres! Commentary. Heis Keeper of the high heavens; and Lord of the sublime spheres. 61. Lord of the lower Elements! Commentary. And supporter ofthe four*ssences, 62. Lord of the yet unconnected Eles ments ! Commentary. Ruler of the four essenéts while yet detached: the unconnected elements he connected to be ng, and separated the four essences from non-exiss tence. 63. Lord of the connected Elements. ComMENTARY. Master of the four elements when yningled. Heis Lord of the united elements, and the Uniter, and Bestower of Cohesion, and the Mingler of them. And the four elements cannot be mixed toe gether but by his power. 64. In the name of Hermehr, the Bestows er of subsistence on all living, the Pros tector of the Good. 65. Excellence, Worthiness, Beneficence, Goodness. Persian Nore. Hamesteni, rameésteni, shamesteni, samestent. These words all signify Good. 66. Must be comprehended! must ‘be comprehended! must be comprehended! Must be comprehended ! 67. Godhead, Unity, Perfection, Attri- butes ! 638 * PROPHET JYAFRAM. AS 68. Must be comprehended ! Must be’ comprehended ! Must be comprehended ! Mast be comprehended ! Commentary. He says, that it is to be remarked that God-exists, and is One. And his Unity is not with- jn computation ; it is beyond computation. Ard he possesses all excellencies in perfection. His names are many, as, according to one, ninety nine, and accord- ing to another, a hundred: and in like manner they are said to bea thousand, and a thousand and one names: some of them have already occurred in yari- ous parts of the Book of Meh&bid. But even this greatest number is imperfect, for they are not contained in number. Name, which they also call rad, is either a name of substance, or a name of property, or, as they call it, of quality. Besides these there are three classes ot names currently bestowed on Him. For in imposing names on objects regard is had either to the predication of the existence of a negation, which they call the sub- stantial name (nan e gouher)as Pure: or it depends on the predication of some existing property, which can he fully conceived of itself, which isthe name of qua- lity (nam e ferozeb) as Living: or it is derived from something existing, the meaning of which depends on something besides itself, which they call the active name (nam e kirdar) as forexample Creator. 69. Life, Knowledge, Desire, Power, must be comprehended. Conmentary. He is living’ and His life is not de- pendent on soul, or life, or body. He is self-living; and all other living things aredependent on him. ‘I'he knowledge 4p (THE BOOK OF THE knowledge of Yezdin is such that he never way Ne- Scient: and it is free from all doubts. There is no single “particle in existence ‘which He does not know. He knows the very grains of the sand and this knowledge He bas had from all eternity. ..The volition of God is such that, whatever has been created is .in consequence _of His volition. If the inhabitants of the world wish- ed to annibilate a single hair from the world, or to add one,, they cannot without bis volition. And the power of God is such that whatever He wishes tomake He can make, except One like Himself. 70. The Word of God, the Book of God, the Angel of God, the Prophet of God, must be comprehended ! | Commentary. The word. of God is not: from eine throat, nor the palate, nor the tongue. It is ‘a will and expression without any of these. For at the command of God, the chief. of Angels, Bebmen, sprung into existence ; and with that. pen ( Behmen ), by the hand of His. omnipotence, He wrote the world, And there are two. books of Yezddns «The name of the first is Do-Giti, ‘I wo- Worlds, and it they call the Great Book ; or in the.language of Heaven, Ferz-Desa- tir, or the Great Desatir,, which is the Great Volume of ¥ezdin, _ And the other Book is called Desiittr, the doctrines of which Mehabad, and. the other ‘prophets from Mehabad down tome have reyealed. . And itisa doctrine which blazes: ‘on the heart, not a breath of the voice. But this breath of the voice is its mould, for the purpose of impressing the hearing of if, And in the heavenly tongue this is called Derick Desftir, the Little Desatir, as Dsingmhe Little Book of God. Now rthe Aw PROPHET) J¥AFRAM. ag the greatest of His Prophets i is the understanding, for it is the message-bearer of Yezdan, and the mediuin of communicalion between God and created beings, an was raised up in order to bring in all existences whether free or dependent, above or below, and is the nourisher ofall. And this, 1 the language of the Desatir, is the Ferz Ferjishwer, the mighty Prophet, or according to ‘the Deri Parsi the Mehin Pyghamber ( or Great Pro- phet). And the second prophet is Man ; and he has been raised up in order to bring in those below. =~ 71. Oldness and Newness, Stability, In- stability, must be comprehended ! Commentary. By oldness He understands Intelli- gence, Soul and Heaven, for they are old, and there is no beginning of their manisfestation+ and tlie last is the dwelling-place of angels, and of such as are near unto God. And that is new which is. made and unmade of the elements below the sphere of the moon, and is again united and disunited: the essence of the elements however is old: And in the Jower word the soul alone is stable, for every thing else undergoes change. And the world above ‘isvitself stable and firm, and our dwell- ing is there. And whatever is formed from an union with the elements is unstable, for we are come here asto a market.¢ 72. The World, its Inhabitants, the Free, the Dependent, must be comprehended ! 73. Intelligence, Soul, Heaven, Stars, must be comprehended ! @ To acquire what may be useful and then depart. A 74, 45 - THE BOOK OF THE - 74. Fire, Air, Water, Earth, must be comprehended ! 75. The nature of the Elements, their principle, their form, and *Meteors, must be comprehended ! | *Perrsian Nore. Such as rain, clouds, and so forth which are between heaven and earth. 76. Mineral, Vegetable, Animal, Hu- mankind, must be comprehended ! 77. Good, Evil, Justice, Tyranny, must be comprehended ! | CommenTARY. And comprehend that whatever is the work of God is good, and that all the evil which you commit procceds trom yourself. And distinguish good as being good, and bad as bad. And reduce not the opulent man to poverty, and hold it good for him, and deem this evil tobe good. And do not con- sider such evil deeds as good. And understand jus- tice, which is the business of the Most Just, and accuse Him not of tyranny : for thus the servant brings injury on his own soul. And know that to kill harmless animals is tyranny, and call it not justice. 7g. Reward, Punishment, Heaven, Hell, anust be comprehended ! 79. Merit, Crime, Love, Anger, must be comprehended ! go. The Prophet, the Prophet’s Succes= sor, the Enquirer, the Wise, 81. PROPHET JYAFRAM. a9 81. Must be comprehended! Must be comprehended! Must be comprehended! Must be comprehended ! Must be comprte- hended! 82. In the name of Hermehr, the Provi- der of daily food toall living, the Protector of the good. 83. In time past when Mankind did evil, Abidarad disappeared from among them ; 84. And in consequence of his with- drawing they endured sufferings ; 85. Until I settled thee in his room. $6. Now do thou adorn the *Fersendaj by the fFersendaj. *Persian Norzs. The followers of the Ferscndéj Religion. +The Religion of Mehdbéd. 87. Omy prophet! the sovereignty, to- gether with the glory of adorning religion, shall remain many years among thy children. 88. When this religion is dissipated, My prophet Shaikiliv shall afterwards arise: Commentany. He here informs Jyafram, the ser- vant of Yezd&n, that after the destruction of this high- ly-praised religion, Shaikiliv will arise, and again re- veal to Mankind this blessed-religion, and strengthen the house of Xezdén, THE BOOK _ 3 oF SHET SHAIKIETY. 1. hes ET us take refuge with Mezd4n from evilthoughts, which mislead and af- ~ flict us! | | 2. In the name of Shamta, the Bountiful, the Beneficent, the Loving, the Just. — 3. In the name of Hermehr, the Provi- der of sustenance, the Protector. A. O Shaikiliv, son of Jyalad! After the glory of the Jys had extended to one aspar of years, mankind became depraved ; Jyalad departed from among them. we ite Commentary. It is to be remarked that the first ofthe Jys is Jyafram, whom God ‘made the ornament and glory of the Fersendéj; and that the last of thig blessed race was Jydlid, who. retired from the world in consequence of the depravity of mankind. The followers of the Fersendaj religion call a hundred thousand Sd/ém, and a hundred Salams, Sundr, and a hundred Simars, Aspar. The family of the Jys protect. ed the religion, and exercised the sovereignty for one aspar of years. 5. Now, thee have I chosen, and sent thee on the work of prophecy: Glorify Me in manner following ; 6 SHET SHAIKILIV. | 5} 6. In the name of Hermelbr, the Des- tower of sustenance, the Protector. z. Thou art exalted, O our Lord ! _ 8. From Thee is. praise, and to Thee ig : : . Thou. art necessarily -existent, and oe is nought self-existent but T hee. 10. ‘Thou art, worthy of the adoration of adorers, and none is worthy of the worship of cage but Thee! ai. 1. Thous rt One, excelling i in unk 12. And of mighty praise: : 13. And Thy light exceeding powerful and brilliant ; 14. And Thy-e grandeur passing great ;" 15. Thy perfection is perfect 5 16. And Thy bounty nee 17. And Thy goodness most expansive, 78. And Thy splendor very glorious, 19. And Thy dignity extreme, 20. And Thy effulgence most bright 1..And Thy mightiness very powerful, 2. And Thy generosity most cheering | 23. And Thy world-of-body ( fenistan) very capacious. t Pserusxn Nore. Thy-world of, forms, the city of bodics, ke - THE BOOK OF . bodies, the place of created things, very spacious and Tong and broad and desp. 24. Thy goodness most shining, 25. Thy substance most excellent, 26. Thy world of Intelligences very pure, > oT ; . 27. Thy world of Souls very glorious ! 28. Thouart Mighty! 29. The Creator of All! Perstax Nore. Without materials or time (diman- rkish ) Commentary. It is to be observed that Time ( di- n.) is a portion of the revolution of the Great Hea- and the relation of one fleeting aad unfixed ng and unfixed subject; as nts and fresh oc- ING ven, subject with another fleeti for example, the relation of new eve curences in the world, with the revolution of the Hea- vens and the motion of the spheres. And in the super- nal language they call it Zirwdn. 30. First of the Foremost, and Beginner of Beginners. 31. Bestower of bein 32. The Manifester of all thats. » Persian Nore. The Creator of all its, the Pro- I theres, and the Enlightener of the place-of- g on all essences ; ducer of al that. 33. Cause of Causes, 34, Preserver of Preseryers, ? 35. SHET SHAIKILIV. 53 35. Creator of Wonders, and of whatever is most wonderful among wonders! _ 36. Maker of the Pure, and of whatever is purest of the Pure! 37. Worthy of the worship of Intelli- gences, who are the makers of substances, free from locality, and place and position. .38. For they are Lights free from all af- fections, 39. And they ‘have attained Sdliclty ii proximity (to,God. ) 40. O Worthy of the adoration of Souls unconfined by existing in place! 41. Although they shed illumination on bodies ! 42. Director of Bodies! 43. Yet not so as to be united or mingled with them; 44. Who takest an interest in the World of Intelligences ! 45. From Thee is their beginning, and towards Thee is their termination ! 46. Worthy of the worship of all the in- fluence -shedding Bodies of the Spheres, which are far removed from dissolution, and from assuming or laying aside their forms; 47. 54 THE BOOK OF 47. ‘And Worthy of the worship of the Splendors which enlighten and are exalted 48. And Worthy of the worship of all the Elements, whether pure and unmixed, or impure and mixed ! 49 Thouart Pure, O Wortby to be prais- ed! O Author of Life! O Bestower of — Being! O Thou who recallest from evil togood! O Thou of spotless purity! O Guardian of the Angels of the Greater Spheres! O Light of Lights! O Lord of Eternity and of the revolutions of Time! Commentary. Eternity (Bubash ) the relation of stable with unstable, as the relation of the Heavens with Intelligences: And revolutions of Time (Roukesh) the relation of unstable with stable, as the relation of the revolutions with the spheres. 50. From Thee is Eternity without be- ginning: And to Thee Eternity without end! 51. Thou art the Causer of All, and of every thing, whether having the attribute of substance, or unsubstantial, whether quantity or unity, the maker or the made. 52. Thou art the accomplishment of Desires! 53. SHET SHAIKILIV. 55 °53. Thou hast immersed the pure sub- stances in the oceans of Thy effulgences. .54. The eyes of purity saw Thee by the ebre of Thy substance. 55. Dark and astounded is he who hath seen Thee by the efforts of the Intellect ! Commentary. He says, that he is dark and con- founded who would see God as He is, by the light of the understanding: seeing that the understanding, however sublime, cannot discovet Himas Heis: And this proceeds not from the weakness or imperfection of the understanding, but from the greatness, the exalted- ness and dignity of the essence of the Governor of the World. 56. By Thy perfection, Thou art exalted above all that is visible through Thy re- splendence. | Commentary. He says, Through Thy excellence and perfection Thou abidest higher than eye cun see by means of the effulgence of Thy essence and Thy resplendent being. - Insomuch that nothing can approach or ‘be united unto Thee; and nothing can be detached from Thee ! : ComMENTARY. He says, the discriminative nature of God is the essence of His substance, and is not exter- nal to or separable from Him. For, His self-existencé is the essence of His substance: inasmuch as nothing “can in any respect be joined or united, or conceived as joined 56 _ THE BOOK OF joined or united to Him.. Things therefore rebel teats istence and being in this sort: they have an absolute dependence and cling firmly on the being of God, and there isa light reflected on them fronrthe most Just, the Bestower of Existence; but not so that being is to be understood as aquality essentially inherent in or united with them. 58. Thou hast become hidden ond the very brightaess and extreme brilliance, ang excessive light of Thy splendor. 59. And among the most resplendent’and powerful and glorious of Thy servants who are free from inferior bodies and matter, there is none Thy enemy, or rival, or dis- obedient, or cast down or annihilated } 6o. Mankind cannot extel or duly praise, ‘in any respect suitably to their excellence, ’ even the meanest of them who stand in the lowest degree. . 61. Then how can they worthily extol Him who swallowed them up in the efful- gence of His Majesty which is very glori- ous, and melted them in the shining of His Greatness which ig very vast ? 62. His worshippers are dejected from their inability to attain the height of His Majesty. 63. That man is a peryerter of truth who. — SHETSHAIKILIV. a7 who imagineth that likeness, or quantity, or locality, or body, or any accident among accidents, or any property among proper- ties can be predicated of Thee ; 64. Save from necessity, or as a form of speech, or for the purpose of intimation. 65. Thou art Exalted and Excellent ! 66. Thou, O God! art such, that, save Thee, there is none other worthy to be lauded. Light of Lights! Highly to be extolled! Remover of Evils ! 67. The pure Substances are moved by affection towards Thee ! 68. The Lofty who are invested -with being, are subject to Thy power! 69. The pure Souls repose their hope in Thee. 70. Thou art exalted, and art that which hath no limits, and can be bounded by no- thing. 71. I pray unto Thee shower down upon me Thy blazing light ! 72. And speak unto me words that may teach me the knowledge of Thy secrets which are admirable ; 73. And aid me by light, and vivify me by @ 3 THE BOOK OF by light, and guard me by light, and unite meuntolight! ~ 28 _ 74. Lask of Thee, O Wo orthy of adora= tion ! and long to behold Thee, and to des< cend into the ocean of Thy Mightiness. 75. Succour, O Thou who art worthy to be adored ! the band of light; and purify their inner parts, and mine: and cleanse them and me to everlasting of everlasting t “6. In the name of Hermehr, the Pro- vider of sustenance, the Protector. 77. OShaikiliv! when thy religion fal- ~ leth, Yasan the prophet of mites will re- vive if. 78. Every prophet whom [I send, goeth forth to stablish religion, not to root it up. 79. Thy religion is the religion of the Great Abad (Ferzabad ), and other prophets shall succeed in that religion, till they make it pure. so And this religion I never will root up; and well-doers shall reach me through this religion for ever and eyer.- - ih HOOF ANT 49 : THE SOOK . fe’ bg : oF : fi . “SHET THE PROPHET YASAN. . 1. Leer us take refuge with Mezdan from evil thoughts which mislead and dis» tress us! 2. Inthe name of Shemta, the Bountiful, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Just. 8. In the name of the Merciful God { Dai). 4, Bre O Yasin! ! son of Shai Mehbil, when one simdrsdr had elapsed under the dominion of the Shais, thy father saw the wickedness of mankind, and went out from among men. Commentary. Because these prophets could not with patience look upon wickedness, and were offend- ed at evil-doing. _ 5. Now have I chosen thee for prophecy: Arise! Enlighten the religion of the Great Abad ( Perzabid) and praise Me in this wise ; 6. In the name of the Merciful God (Dai.) 7. O Worthy to be worshipped of me and 60 THE BOOK OF and of all that have being, whether those *below or those fabove. *Pensran Notes. Which are discoverable by. the Jive senses. +Which are intellectual and not discoverable by tha SENSES» 8. O Bestower of Souls and of Intellis gences ! g. O Creator of the essence of ‘supports and stays ! 10. O Necessarily-Existent ! 11. O Thou who showerest down benee fits ! : 12. O Thou who formest the heart and Soul! nk hy 13. O Fashioner of forms and shadows! 14. O Light of Lights! Mover of what- ever revolveth ! 15. Thou art the First! For there is no priority prior to Thee! 16. Thou art the Last! For there is no posteriority posterior to Thee! ' 17. The Angels labour in vain to attain the comprehension of Thy grandeur! ig. Mankind are baffled in attempting to | a Literally, Columns and roots. The substratum that ie supposed to sustain qualities, f under- ~ supr THE PROPHET YASAN. 6} undérstand the perfection of Thy sub- stance ! 19. O Worthy to be lauded! Deliver us from the bonds of tefrestrial matter ! 20. Rescue us from the fetters of dark and evil matter! 21. Diffuse over our Souls the effulgence of Thy splendors ! 25. Shower down on our Souls the glad- ness of Thy signs! 23. Intelligence isa drop from among the drops of the ocean of Thy place-of-souls. 24. The Soul is a flame from among the flames of the fite of Thy residence-of- sovereignty. 25. Thy substance is a heaving substance whence boils forth the substance of souls, without place, without downness, not con- nected, not separated ; 26. Which is free from defects, and ties, and imperfections. 27. Exceeding Great is the Necessari- ly-Existent-One, insomuch that the eyes cannot discover Him, nor the thoughts con- ceive Him! 28. Thine are Grandeur and Praise ! 29. 62 , THE BOOK OF 3 _ 2g. And with Thee are vishisaldina ‘and ~ _ bestowing; and to Thee belong liberality and stableness, | 30. Exceedingly Great is Mezdam: for in His hands are the Souls of all things; a towards Him do they return, . In the name of the Merciful God (Dai). re 32. Mezdam is not asubstance, aaalci is not unsubstantial; and is more exalted than aught thou canst conceive. , 33. And nothing resembleth Hina pil He is like unto no thing. , 34. He is One; not one that can haa num- bered. 35. He hath no like; and> igsemenal ex- -jsteth like unto Him. 36. He liveth, not by a soul, and ile, and body. He liveth of Himself, 37. He is All-wise without reflection ; and ignorance hath no influence oyer His knowledge. | ” 38. Heis Lord of His wishes: whate- ver He hath desired He hath done: and will do whatever He listeth. ) 39. He is All-Powerful! Whatever He willeth SHET PHE PROPHET YASAN. 63 willeth He can do; and is staid in nothing excépt in creating one like Himself. 40. His excellencies are manifold, and @annot be numbered. ‘ > 41. He created unnumbered angels: of these the First is Bahman: for all Intel- ligences and created things are under ‘his hand. | Perstan Nore. The First Intelligence. 42. Next Manistar who is very Mighty and the Leader of all Souls. Persian Nore. The Soul of the Highest Sphere. . 43. Next Teu-bid, and he is the Chief of all Bodies, / Commentary. And Ten-bid is the name of the uppermost sphere. 44. Spirits, Bodies, and what is bodily, substances, and things. unsubstantial, are all created by Him and his blessing is on them; 45. In an especial manner upon Saturn, and Jupiter, and Mars, and the Sun, and Ve- nus, and Mercury, and the Moon; and on the Great Abad, and the Abddians, and on thee O Yasan! who art now ghosen from a- mong Mankind; and thy followers shall assuredly be saved. AG, 64 THE BOOK OF 46. And those who are saved remain in in heaven for everlasting ; the eau in dire- ful? hell. 47. In the name of the Merciful Goa (Dai). 48. Purity is of two kinds, real and for- mal. ’ 49. The Real consisteth in not binding the heart to evil ; and in eradicating all wicked passions. Commentary. As, for example, in expelling anger and lust from the heart. 50..And the Formal in cleansing away what appears evil to the view. CommentTaRY. Such as uncleannesses, and things unseemly to the sight. 51. And this last purification is bo ed by the water of Yefter. Commentary. Yefter is water which has its na- tural colour, smell and taste; which has no bad smell: And if there be none such, rose-water and so forth are pure; nay these last are peculiarly pure. 52. And the water of Kurd is that which. is suitable toa body. Commentary. They call Kurd-water, that which a Persian marginal Note in the original. As punishment is not eternal, tae does not say everlasting Hell, but calls it dircful. c'canses Suer tie PROPHET YASAN. 88 cleanses bodies, and is suitable to them: thus a river ts suitable to an elephant; and for a man as much ds cah cover him frdm Bead to fost; ahd fora hair, tle smallest quantity. 53. Wash thy body, or thy face, hands and feet i in water. - 84. If thou canst not, imagine that thou dost, | ComMENTARY. Imagine with thyself, I haye wash- ed my body, or head, hands and feet. 55. Then come before the Shesh-kakh and pray. . Commentary. The Shesh- kakh are the staré and the fire which yield light. 86. After praying to Mezdam direct thy prayers to the Shesh-Kakh, that they may convey thy ] prayers to Mezdam. 57. If during prayer a devout man stand before the others} and the rest stand behind; "tis well. 58. If thou canst not effect this, conceive it. | — Commentaty. Imagine that thou hast been so say= jng thy prayers. 59, Besides this, whenever thou seest 2 Shesh-kakh, bend in prayer; 60. And every day pray four times, or thrice, or twice, oronce atleast, “without fail. COMMENTARY. 66 _»{-'. THE BOOK OF ad ii ay It is to be remarked that there fers kinds of prayer. One of these is the Fetes zemiar or Great Prayer, which is in this wise. A per= son stands before any thing that burns, folds his arms before him, bends his head down to his nayel and, again raises himself: he next once more bends down his head, lays one band upon if, and removes that hand ; lays his other haiid on his head, and then raising up his head, joins his to hands, placing the fingers against _ each other, the two thumbs excepted, which he keeps - disengaged. He next places his two thumbs on his eyes, extending the extremities of his fingers as far as they can reach over the crown of his head, and bends down his head to his breast: He then raises up his head, and afterwards lies down on’ the ground, placing his hands and knees on the ground in such a way, that his forehead reaches the earth; after which he places first one side of his face, and then the other side of his faceon the ground. Next he stretches himself out, and lies like a log, as if asleep, while his breast and belly, as well as his thighs, rest on the ground, Ins arms straight . out, and the palms of his hands flat on the earth: he. first lays his forehead, then one cheek and next the other cheekon the ground: after which he sits-on his two feet, and then with his feet crossed under him. Next he sits crouching on his feet, clenches his two fists, and places his head on them. He now rises, and opening both his hands, raises them up. ‘This prayer, with all the ceremonies which I have enumerated, must be directed to none but Yezdin. By taking away or diminishing some of them, it becomes - proper for the Shesh-kakh. In this prayer a passage or verse of the Desatir should be recited, © When the prayer to Yezdan s we SHET THE PROPHET YASAN. . “6? is finished, it is right, in honour ef the Shesh- kakh, to place the head on the ground a second time, to lay the forehead on the earth, to recite the praises of the Shesh- kakh, as they are contained in the Desftir, and ‘to en- treat it to convey to Ye2dan the prayers offered to hint. And, if the prayers be offered before Fire, let the wor shipper say, O Creator of Ader (Fire)! . convey my prayersto Yezdan; seeing that Fire has no soul ;and ~ gnothe'same way if before Water. And the most lauds able mode of prayer is for a wise and good man to ré- cite these prayers first, while the crowd stand behind and repeat them after him ; and if they cannot do this, let them imagine that they have done so. And whenever you see any thing that gives light, whether by day or night, incline your head, And every day say your prayers four times, or three times or twice. ‘The first time is from dawn tiJl sunrise: the second is mid-day: the third, at the time of the setting of the world-enlight- ening sun: the fourth is midnight. And if you cannot effect this, you must at least prey, once unfailingly when the sun rises. 61. Reverence the four Elements, yet do not therefore lay thyself under constraint. Commentary. Observe that he says, Whenever you see fire, water, or the pleasant earth you must incline your head, and in like manner as fo genile and strong winds: and defile not the earth; yet, nevertheless do not putyourselfunder unnecessary constraint. Thus, although fire is the great illuminator, you may kindle it under your kettle, and, when you have company, you may light a candle from it, and carry it before you in a dark night. In like manner, in cases of necessify, you may extin- guish 68 THE BOOK OF guish it, but it miust be with water; and ds long a you can, you must let it burn firewood, thorns, such - dry sticks as are dried naturally, and so forth. The second Element is Water: you must net defile the bank ofa running stream, not pour out water i in bad placest Yet it is necessary. to wash the body with it, and to ease youtself iri it, during long voyages made by water. And as to the air, there are many smells that spoil it, and such should not be produced; yet, where they are inevitable, they are not to be kept near at handy but to be removed toa distance, to that side towards which the wind blows. And the Earth must not be de- filed or dittied ; yet a place must of necessity be allow- ed for the purpose of tlirowing out into it, the excree tions that proceed from both sides. ; 62: In the name of the Merciful God! 63. O Yasan! I say unto thee, the cor- ruption of thy religion Gilshah will remove ; 64. And he will wax so great that He shall be called the Father of mankind, and shall become a mighty prophet. , 69 THE BOOK oF SHET THE PROPHET GILSHAH. —— —_— R. Ler us take refuge with Mezdin from evil thoughts which mislead and distress us! 2. In the name of Shamtai, the Boun- tifal, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Just} 3. Inthe *name of the +Lofty One, the tGiver, the §Just, the ||Lord. *Peastan Nores. Inthe name, sign, knowledge, ‘and comprehension of things; and the memory and perception of the senses. tGreat, Lofty, of exalted sovereignty, and pomp. $The Bestower, the Liberal, the Bountiful, the Giver. §The Just who deals out to each accor ding to his words, conversation and knowledge, and talk, speech and wisdom: and, according to his deeds and acts, and do- ings good or bad, right or wrong, praiseworthy or blameable, gives unto each retribution, and retaliation ‘and seulement. |The Lord, Master, Guardian; the Mighty, the High, the Head and ‘Chief. 4. O Ferzinsar! son of Yasanajam: when ninety and-nine salam of years had passed under the sway of the Yasanians, mankind became evil-doers, and Yasdnajam with- drew from among them, 5. re THE BOOK OF SHET 5, And now mankind are without any head and in disorder; and have hecome like ravenous, beasts, as at the end of the pe- riod of the reign of Shaemekhbul, and Jya- lad, and Abadarad. Commentary. They say that in consequence of © the retreat of these princes, the affairs of mankind went into confusion, and men fel! on each other liké demons, the strong slaying the weak, till they lost the very sem- blance of men and became wild beasts ; when Jy afram, Shaikiliv aud Yasin were sent of God as prophets. “And at the period of the abdication of the lieutenant of the great prophet, that is Yasindjam, the affairs of tlie race of man, in like manner, went into similar disorder. They overturned the beneficial regulations of ancient kings, and abandoned the ways of men to such a degree, that they wandered over thie hills and wilds like beasts, while the towns, houses and. streets. were converted in'o a waste; until Ferzinsaér, the son, of -Y4sanajam, whom they call Gilshah and Giomert, was seit by the benevolent and merciful Ruler of the world, on the work of prophecy ; and that blessed prophet inclived men to justice, so thit the father educa ed the son, and taught him the road in which to go, and religion and virtue. He trained mankind “In such institutions, taught them thé nurture of hu-- mauily, and. reclaimed them from their Savage state, ~ whence it was that they held him to be the Father of Mankind. Fhe band that did not come into the riglit roid aud the true religion, were called Div (demons) in consequence of their barbaious life, and the slayer of Sidmek was one of them, ~ 6. THE PROPBET GILSHAH. val * 6. Thee have I selected for prophecy. Revive the Religion of the prophet of pro- phets the Great Abad. 7. And worship Herfesrdm (Saturn) in ‘this sort, that he may lend thee his aid. g. In the name of the Lofty One, the Gi- ‘ver, the Just, the Lord! * | g. Thine is purity, and to Thee is praise! 10. O Mighty, Wise, Strong, and Pow- _ erful! | 11. Obedi&nt unto thy Creator! me > Revolving in the love of a most pure passion, 13. In the revolutions of thy Sphere, - which is free from the affections of divi- sion, of assuming a new shape, of put- ting off a shape, or of taking a straight course. 14.°Thou art the Prince of the Higher Sphere, lofty and dignified! 15. Who sittest aloft in dignity ! 16. Profound of thought! the receptacle of reflection! Lofty of purpose. 17. Lord of Unity and of steady action ! ..*In the original, the same Persian notes are repeated here, and at verse 33 as at verse 3. Itis theuglt uunecessa- ry to repeal themiayat, PD we 1S 72 THE BOOK OF SHET 18. And of profound thoughts, and of thultitudinous works! 19. And of large bounty ! 20. Thine are Sovereignty and Pomp! - 21. He who created thee, and is the Creator of All, is Mighty 1 22. And gave thee refulgence, and en+ lightened All! | 23. And sent forth upon thee a portion of his awful light ! 24. And next, according tahis will, as: — signed thee a course which is everlasting ! 25. And placed thee high in the lofty eminence of the seventh Heaven! 26. I pray of thee O Father! Lord! that thou ask by the splendor of thy Soul, : 27. from thy Father and Lord, thy Prime Cause, and Lover, 28. the Intelligince that glorified thee with light, 29. and of all the free and blazing lights that possess intelligence, _ 30. that they would ask of chase Father and Lord, the Intelligence of all Intelli- gences, the first created Intelligence, 31. the most approved wish that can be asked of the Being, most worthy of all Beings Le ” a i ° THE PROPHET GILSHAH. 7% Gi Beings to be a ored, the one worthy of the worship of mankind, the Stablisher of All; 32. to make me ope of those EBs: proach the band of His Lights, and the se- ‘erets of His Essence: and to pour light « on. the band of Light and Splendor: and to “magnify them, and to purify them and us; while the worid endureth and to all eternity ; so let it be! 33. In the name of the *Lofty, the Giver, the Just, the: Lord! e 34. O Ferzinsar! thou art the prophet whom three sons obey. Persjan Nore. The Mineral, Vegetable and Anis mal Kingdoms. . And the four mothers are Jair, thy sway. Persian Nore. The Four Elements. 36. Siimer thy son and My friend have T selected for prophecy, that a prophet too may be subject to thee. | 37. After thee Harshad the son of +Sia- mer is my prophet to support thy religion. *The same explanations are given here as in Verse 3. and are therefore not repeated. Transl. tI the Persian Hoshéng the son of Siamek, *h THE BOOK OF SHET THE PROPHET SIAMEK: 1. Lert us take refuge with Mezd’m agairist evil imaginations, that mislead and distress us. 2. In the name of Shemiai, the Bounti- ful,-the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Just ! 3. In the name of Mezdam! "4. OSidmer, son of *Ferzinsar, thou art a prophet nigh unto Me! Extol +Ferzin- ram in this wise; | | *Prrstan Nores. Sidmek the son of Gilshak. tFerzinrdm, Hurmazd (Jupiter). 5. In the name of Mezdam! 6. Thine is purity; and praise be thine; 7. And from thee, on the pure Souls; 8. O very Mighty and Excellent! the Ferzinram of the Spherés ; 9. Of high dignity ! the Father and Lord of Felicity ! | : i0. The Medium of Blessings ! 11. The Great Soul! the Merciful Father and Lord! SHET THE PROPHET SIAMEK. —75 12, The Great, the Bountiful, the Con- Spicuous and Blest! 13. The mighty of passing mightiness ! 14. Who Spreadest refulgence wide abroad! 15. Lord of Knowledge, and Patience, and Justice, and Excellencies ; 16. And the Author of good disposi- tions: | 17. And of the excellencies of disposi- tions: oe 18. Of mighty capacity: the redresser of wrongs : 19. Devoted to thy Creator: 20. Revolving in the love of Intelli- gence ; 21. Inthe circle of a Sphere that refuseth to admit of the affections of disunion, or of ~ assuming a new form, or of putting it off, orof moving ina straight line. | 22. Great is thy Creator! the Creator of All! 23. The Illuminater of thee, the En- lightener of All, 24. And thy Succourer, and thy Blesser, and thy Moyer, who is very Great, 25. - me os a: ~ 16 A THE BOOK OF SHEE ' 95. elevated thee, of the affection of His exceeding love, . aie | 26. from thy place, fot thy happiness. 27. Thy revolution is profitable, shower- ing down blessings, excellencies and felici- ties. 28. He assigned thee a lofty. phir fives in the Sixth g pieres y 29g. Of thee I ask happiness in | both, abodes: 30. And I ask of thee, O Father and Sunitt of Felicity! thou who rainest down Je and goodness ; 31. That thou wouldst ask of thy Fa- ther and Lord, the Author of thy a thy Beloved ; 32. Who is the Giver of Light, the free Intelligence, Most Excellent ; ; 33. And of all unembodied Intelligences that are nigh (unto Him), free from the stain of matter and its bonds; 34. That they would ask a wish suitable, 35. to the eternal world, which is free from mutability, ‘3 36.. from their Father and Lord, “dad their Author, the first-created, the Intelligence of All; CoMMENTARY. - cal THE PROPHET SIAMEK. 7 Commentary. The Intelligence of Intelligences, the Intelligence of all Intelligence. 37. That he would be pleased to ask in this wise from the Being most worthy to be adored of him, and most worthy to be adored by the Beings worthy of adoration, worthy to be adored by Mankind: 38. Light of Lights, who shewest the profitable religion to all that move ; 39. Lord of brightest glory, and of most overpowering light ; 40. Of most exalted praise; Creator of All! 41. Bestower of Life, Self-Existent, great is His magnificence ! _ 42. That He may make me one of those near unto Him; and one of the Band of His Lights, and of those who are admitted into His Secrets : 43. And remoye from me all evils, both of soul and body ; | 44. And grant me the effulgence of glory from the band of light and brightness ; 45 And bless them and us, and purify them and us; ; 46. World without end. 47. In the name of Mezdim! i 8 THE BOOK OF SHET OSidmer! Iwill call thee aloft,and make thee My companion: the lower world i is not thy place. 48. Many times, daily, thou escapest from the body, and comest near unto Me. Commentary. For as Siamek’s body, from excess of meditation and mortification in the worship of God; bad become like a vest unto him, when he was seized with a desire to visit the angels and Yezdan, he forsook the body many times a day, and ‘repaired to the place of his wishes ; and atthe command of God agaia returned back to his bedy. -~ SED\WAKHSHUR HOSHENG. 8] 23. Insomuch that thy revolutions, which are ever performed rejoicing, are put in motion by Him! 24. He gave thee an abiding place in the fifth heaven ! | 25. L ask of thee that thou break in pieces the enemies of the Lord of Truth; 26. And that thou ask of thy Father and Lord, thy Creator, the object of thy love, who is the overpowering Light; 27. And of all the powerful and near Lights which are free Intelligences, 7 28. That they ask of their Father and Lord and their Creator, who isthe First created, and the Universal Intelligence, 29. A wish suited to Intelligences who are tree from change, 30. That he would ask of the One wor- thy of his praise and of the praise of All: of Him worthy of the worship of worlds, the Lord of Being, the Stablisher of All; 31. That he would make me one of those who approach near unto Him, and of the Band of His Lights, and of the Company of those who are admitted into the secrets of His essence ! 32. Let him glorify the Band of Light and s THE BOOK OF SHE and Refalgence, and bless: ‘them, and puri- fy them and us; 33. While the Universe endareth for ever, so be it ! wae 34. In the name. of Mezdam' ‘the Author of Knowledge ! : 35. After fe Tekhmiired shall be a. prophet ; 36. AndI will never remove the gift Be Pa bag from among thy children: . But, to everlasting, will raise up aan from thy race, 38. And to whomsoever I shew the way unto Me, A brpe him by this Religion. s THE BOOK : or SHET THE PROPHET TAHMURAS. 1. Ler us seek refuge with Mezdam from evil imaginations which mislead and harass, 2. In the name of Shemta! the Bounti- ful! the Beneficent! the Merciful! the Just ! | 3. Inthe name of the Almighty Mez- dam ! 4, O My Prophet Tekhmiured son of *Hurshad! Do thou nfake strong the Reli- gion of the Great Abad. 5. The Sun is thy supporter: him have I commanded to aid thee! Do thou there- fore pray unto him in this wise; 6. In the name of the Almighty Mez- dam! 7 7. Thou rejoicest in the living Intelli- gence, the Everlasting of Lights! 8. Most resplendent of Beings, and am< plest of Stars! *Tabmuras, son of Hosheng, Pers. 8} THE BOOX OF SHET 9. Praise be on thee: and the grace of Mezdam, and His blessing ! 10. O Thou Most Mighty Diffuser of Light, Ever-revolying, Most Blest, who derivest thy splendor from thy *Creator! *Prrstan Nore. Who created thee without sub- stance cr time. 11. Revolving in the abundant love of the greatness of thy Creator, 12. In the circle of thy sphére, which is without rent, which neither assumeth a new shape nor putteth of an old one, nor taketh a straight course. 13. Thou O Sua! art powerful in thy blaze, glorious if thy lustre, the burster of darkness ; . 14. Head of the World! King of the Stars! : 15. Mightiest of Beings above! 16. Maker of the day, according to the commands of the Most High! 17. Protector of the great lights that have bodies ! 18. May the Supreme “Behrad enlarge thy bright and glorious body! 19. O Intelligent and Wise! - Wide- aYezdan, Pers. , . spreading, < THE PROPHET TAHMURAS. 8% spreading; - gréatest of the pure Wardens of the brilliant Lights! = © 0. Lieutenant of the Light of Lights i - a world of Bodies! © 21. Thy light most of all da deodirdihath the light of His Majesty! “Commentary. That is, the Majesty of God, the expression referring to His attribute of Light of Lights. -* 22. Thou art a symbol of His greatness ; 23. Asample from: among the samples _ of His lustre ; _ 24. Thou art asa proof of Him upon His servants ; 25. Of Him* who hath bestowed on thee thy light over bodies when thou illu- Mminatest them ; 26. And ot Him who blesseth thee. 27. By the power of +Feryar thou hast ' become blest: pAaN IN out thy lght -on the’Stars: 28. And thou takest not Sond them the garment of splendor and light: 29. Mighty is He who traced out thy form, and kindled thy lustre: * There seems to be some error in the 25th and 26th evVerses. I read as ff ilie ra. were taken aay, and take the An kas as words of serleFation, .) + Yezdan, Pers. . 30. 86 _ ‘THE BOOK OF sHET 30. Who maketh thee revolve in the Jove of H's Majesty ! 31. Who gave thee astationin the fom tin heaven ; 32. And maketh thee abide in the midst of perfect order. 33. ask of thee, O Father and Lord of Grandeur, 34. Lord of Heat, Author of the powers of the Senses ; 35. Cause of whatever is produced anew, and Creator of the Seasons; 36. To ask through the api of thy active soul which beameth with glory ; 37. From thy Creator, and the object of thy Love, 38. The Origin of thy motion, Him whose shadow and talisman thou art ; 39. And from all the majestic and glori- ous Lights which are free Intelligences ; 40. That they may ask a wish suited to the eternal world, which is pure, tree from novelty and change, 41. Of their Father and Lord, their Crea- tor, 42, The nearest Light, the most glorious of THE PROPHET TAHMURAS. a7 of created Beings, the universal Intelli- gence, mightiest of created Beings, and First ; 7 43. That he would ask, in this sort, of the Being worthy to be praised of him ; and worthy to be worshipped of those who are themselves worthy to receive worsbip} 44. The Final Limit of causes, the Lord that giveth union to Worlds ; 45. The Limit and Stablisher of All! 46, Light of Lights ! Worthy of the a- doration of every Intelligence, Soul and Bady, whether celestiai or material, come pounded or simple: 47. Mast Perfect in combining ; 48, The only Mezdiram,* Self-existent, whose sovereignty is Majestic! 49. That he would illuminate my Soul with pure lights, adurable knowledge, and lofty excellence : 50. And make me one of those nigh unto Him, who are filled with His love ; 51. And guard me from all miseries whether of soul or body ; 52: And give unto me glory, as unto the Band of Light and Brightness ; * Yezdan, Pere 53. - ‘8 © THE BOOK OF SHET™ » 83. And bless and ‘sanctify them: and ‘us “for ever. Amen | ( Teraj..) sc9q Commentary. Terdjisa word used when one praises - another or wishes him some blessing, and implies a desire or hope of its being granted: And when one’s ; “well- being is prayed for, the petition is accompanied by ae that es ‘54, In the name of the pepo Mez- ” am ! > b 55. After thee, Jermshar* is s My pro- phet ; —o me 56. Him have I chosen for ( the establish- ment of) Arts, tab 57. And I will shew him the adevincbit of the World. ‘beomaeg 4 “4 4G 7‘ _» * Jemshid, Perse 4 ios : Tere gped : tr ‘ " ; e. * i an y iv *, J x $e | “+ 2650. a9 THE BOOK OF ‘SHET THE PROPHET JEMSHID: ——— i. Ler us take refuge with Mezdam from evil thoughts that mislead and dis~ tress us! 2. In the name of Shemt4 the Bountiful ! the Beneficent! the Merciful! the Just! 3. In the name of the Art-creating Mez- dam! | 4. OJermshar, son of *Tehmiured, The have I chosen; Stablish thou the religion of the Great Abad : 5. Thou art an exceeding great prophet ; 6. And I have taught thee all manner of Arts, and adorned the world by them: 7. My light ison thy countenance: Commentary. The light which I have given is on thy face, that whoever sees it may know that it pro- ceeds from Me, and may discover the light. of My unity. 8. And do thou speak precisely accord- ing to My words. g. My word is on thy tongue: * Jemsbid son of Tabmuraa, ComMENTARY, ~ ‘ oC THE BOOK OF SHET | Commentary. Since [am the Creator of Speech, “and thou hast no woid but mine: 10. Me thou seest, Me thou hearest,, Me thou smellest, Me thou tastest, Me thou touchest. _ Commentary. For in every thing, and: in every action thou hast Me with thee: and. findest My light in every thing and in every place: and perccivest the grandeur of the Unity of My Being by all its shadows: and comprehendest all the splendor of My) existence, and hearest My word from all in every thing, since all” are in search of Me: and smellest Me in.eyery thing, and hast tasted the flavour of My know ledge, and” art nigh unlo Me. 80 11. What thou sayest that I say: and thy acts are My acts. it L 3¥¢ 12. And I speak. by: thy’ tense and thou speakest to Me; 13. Though Mortals below imagine that thou speakest to them. Commentary. ‘Thou art so devoted to Me that thou attendest to none else. pesetanll 14. Adore Ferchenpiramass _ that thou: mayst receive help from her: 495 15. Le tthe prayer . have sent. Thus’ oo edo an” | 6. Inthe name of the art-creating Mez- - ! : * Nabid, Pers, the planet Venus, 17. ata her oe | elias rhe PROPHET JEMSHip. 1 wee: he eis, arity : “and on Thee be the chr 4 blessing of the Lod! ess O- mighty .and. admirable Lady! Mistress of agowleveet and many of ‘ie- tion! — 19. Ferchengiram of the Sphere een gam.) 20. Happy Defuser of Light ! © 216 Dignitied and Resplendent ! 22. Essence of Splendor! 223. Resplendent Beloved!) _ 24. All-delighting and Pure! 25. Ornament of Joy, Friendship “and Goodness ! . 26. Obedient to thy Crestor, S'a7.°Revolving in the Love of thy Beloy- éd, °° 28. Who is pure and independent ! 99. In the revolution of his sphere free from disjunction, and change of form and .from a straight course! “9°30. High? elevated is thy “Creater, iy Stablisher, He who mightily impelleth a in thy spherical course, . Of his great affection and love: 32. Who by his love retained thee in thy’ cgurse, thyself being impotent, “4 Com: 92 § THE BOOK OF SHET Coumentany. By the expression impotent he dees not intimate that the sphere has not a voluntary and ‘ self-directed motion: He only means that the motion of the sphere is 2 dance caused bythe pure radiance and bright light which proceed from it. Each spheré deiives its original stock of light from its Guardian; from each communication of radiance the Heaven re- ceives the power of motion: and from each motion acquires the capacity of anew radiation, by meafis of which effulgence it moves. 33. He hath assigned thee thy place in the third Sphere. » 34. Lask of- thee, O Most Blest ina the two *abodes! 35. That thou ask of ee Father and Lord, of the Cause of thy being, the free ee . That he would ask of his Father ad Bo the Cause of his being, the Best of created beings, the Universal Intelligence, 37. A wish suited to the Eternal World, 38. ( Which is) pure from alteration or ‘aes . That he would ask of the Prting? of Ant the Self-existent, 40. The Most worthy to be adored hy the worthy to be adored, the Stablisher of All, *In Heaven or earth, 41. THE PROPHET JEMSHID. 93 41. The Essence of Essences, 42. That He would illuminate my Soul, and smooth my difficulties, 43. That He would draw me near unto Him, ; 44. That He would enlighten the Band of light and splendor, 45. And bless them and us, and purify them and us, 46. For ever, and to everlasting of ever- lasting. 47. In the name of the Art-creating ‘Mezdim ! 48. Thou wilt be asked, By what dost thou ‘know God. (Mezdim), 49. Say, By what descendeth on the heart. Commentary. Since that is knowledge that flows on the heart of the wise from Yezdan. 50. For, could that be. proved false, Souls would be utterly helpless. ~ Commentary. For worldlings can never nati in falsifying that, however much they may attempt it: that knowledge is truth, and from it aro innumeras ble miracles. . There is in thy soul a certain .know- lige which, if thou display it to mankind, they BL TUE BOOK OF SHET they will'tremble like a branch agitated by a strong wind: 52. Whoever knoweth it wate his ‘prayer is accepted; 53. If thou be asked, Have you seen Mezdim ? Te 54, Sav, How should I know a God ( Merkhad ) whom I never saw ? 55. I would not enjoin the worship of a God whom I could not shew. Commentary. He says, O Jemshid! I cannot know God till | behold him. For a blind man, even though well informed, coes not in truth know colours as they really are, though on speaking he calls them black, white, red and yellow, and knows of what colour eve y thing is, since he has heard and recollects. Still hows ever he does not realiy know what yellow is, or what redis. So that were God to restore to him his sight, and before he had been taught to distinguish colours, were he tobe shewn sky-blue, and told, this is black, he could not be sure whether they toid him truth or falsehood. In like manner it is evident that a man must necessarily be ignorant of the properties of him whom he has not seen: and hence, until a prophet has seen the essence of the One-who-has-no-properties, he never ean explain its nature to men, or command them to worship. And aftcr he has seen it, nobody will lend their belief, until he gives proof of the fact by shewing ft to others. Jt is therefore indispensable for a prophet that he be able to conduct others in the way, that they too THE PROPHET JEMSHID. a too may perceive that substance, and be released from doubt; Now asect in the reign of that friend of Yer- din, the Emperor Parviz, the son of the Emperor Flurmazid, the equal in dignily to Yezd&n, held what has been sail to be incorrect: whereupon | directed them ‘to submit to certain austerities in the way of God: and a‘ of them being separated from their bodies, be- held Y ezd4n and those who surround him, after which they returned back into the bedy. 56. The Wise hold the existence of created things asa proot of the being of Mezdim : Commentary. And by means of created existence know the'Creator. 57. And thou, by the light of the Cre- ator, seest and shewest what is created. 58. I created the world an [ndividual. Commentary. For the whole woild is an Indivi- dual: Its Body which is composed of all bodies, is called the Universe (Tehim); Its Soul consists of all Souls and is called the City-of-Souls (Rewangird) ; And its Intelligence is composed of all Intelligences and is called the City-of-Understanding (Uoshgird). This is the Great Man. When you have coniemplat- ed this World so wonderful, still it is but a single one of His worshippers. If you open the eye of your heart you will perceive that the heaven is the skin of this great'Individual ; Kywan (Saturn) the spleen, Bar. jish (Jupiter) the liver, Behram (Mars) the gall, the Sun the heart, Nahid (Venus) the stomach, Tir (Mer- 'euwry) the brain, the Moon the lungs, the fixed Stars aid ~ 96 _ ‘PHE BOOK OF SET and the Mansions of the Planets the veins and nerves, the fire the warmth of his motion in the way of God, the air his breath, the water his sweat, the earth the place on which he steps as he walks, the lightning his - Jaugh, the thunder his voice, the. rain bis tears, and “organised bodies the worms in his belly: while his Soul is composed of the Souls above and below, and his IniteHigence of the Intelligences above and below. Man therefore should not rest satisfied with being a belly-worm ; but ought to strive to become a Soul. /The substance of what has been explained is contained in the HanejtGr, which is a portion of the Desatir writ- ten in the Limrani tongue, and which f have followed sin this exposition ; 59. The world is an idea of ‘the Self- existent, . Non-ezistence is the mirror. of exis- tence. 61. Without the light of the Self-exis- tent, Nothing is. 62. His light extendeth over All, and conferreth being on all existences, . 63. The choicest of all effalgences is the ‘shining of knowledge on men of under- standing. 64. Byasingle flash of the Creator (Ji- nal), both werlds became visible. Coumentary. The one of which is immaterial and not iufime; the other the material world. Botti de- nve - THE PROPHES' JEMSHID. o7 rive their being from the splendor of the Sun of the Essence of the Most eust. 65. The multiplicity of worlds, invisible and visible, is unity in respect to the Unity of God ( Hilad ), for nothing else bath be- ing. | 66. The Perfect seeth unity in multipli- city, and multiplicity in unity. Commentany. One Sect conceal the Really-Exis- tent in the works of the Creation; do not perceive the Really-Existent, but observe the Creation; deem the created to be separate from the Really-Lxistent, and rec- kon the Really-Existent different from the creafion: and this class are called Ferjind-Shai which means “ of jnferior place”. ‘Ihe second isthe Sect that see the Really-Existent, but not the Creation; and this class is suicidal: they are called Semrdd which means United (Girdwen:l ). ‘The chief class see the Really-Existent, and observe the Creation through Him, and mark God in whatever exists: those who are of this class du not believe that to discover unity in mulliplicity, and mul- tiplicity in unity is any obstruction to a knowledge of . Yealunity: the name of this blessed class is Semréd Semriid which means United-in-Unity (Gerdwend- Gerdwend ). 67. O Jermshar*! thou seest God (Fer- “khad) in his servant, and the servant in’God : 68. With thee unity does not obstruct multiplicity nor multiplicity anity: * Jems\id, Pers. <> 99. 98 THE BOOK OF SHET 69. Say unto mankind, Look not upon the Selt-Existent with this eye: ask for another eye. 1, CoMMFNTARY. T hat is, the eye of the lea’. 70. How shouid they not see Him whe ‘5 is God? (Ferkhid). 71, That person is born blind who saith that He cannot be seen... 72. He is blind from the womb who ’ cannot perceive the Self-cxistent in this splendor which is His. .73. They have a cataract. on their eye who cannot see Him. . f _ 74th The Perfect Man reacheth God (Hi- Jabram) as the line of the circle returneth to the point whence it began; 75. So hast thou returned unto Me ; 76. And. bringest-in whomsoever thou listest : ; The roads tending to God (Semisds) are more in number than the ies of created beings, 78, How can he, who knoweth not him- self, know the Lord? 79. True Self-knowledge is knowledge of God (Semash’s). 80. THB PROPHET JEMSHID, 99 80. Mankind comprehend according to their knowledge, and thou speakest ac- cording to thy knowledge. Speak thou therefore according to their knowledge, that they may understand. $1. Mezdam is hid by excess of light. 82. The World is a Man, and Man isa World: Commentary, For they term (he World the Great Man ( Meh-merd ), and the Vast Man ( Mehin Mer- dum), and the Vast World; and Man they call the Microcosm or Little World (Kelita Jehan), because — he is a type of it, and becau e there is found in Mana sample of whatever exists in the Great World. And able men have written books to poitt out the reseme blances between these two worlds; as for example, that the body is the sky ; the seven members the seven planets; the twelve passages the ten and two Mine sions; the four secretions the four elements, and so forth, as ingenious men have explained them. I too have written a cclebrated book on this subject under ~ the name of Do Giti (the tvo Worlds), full of admir- able wisdom which | have derived from the most exe alied Intelligence; and in the eminent Book of the fa- mous prophet, the King of Kings, Jemshid, there is a - great deal concerning the Unity, which only distin- guished Ascetics (Hertasp) can comprehend, And on the subject of this transcendent knowledye I have al-o composed a great volume called Pertiestin (the Mins sion of Light), which [ have adornd by evidences deduced from peason, and by texts from the Desdtir and . Avesia, 106: THE BOOK OF SHET Avesta, so that tle Sou) of every man may derive plea- sure from +t. And it is one of the Books of the Secrets of the Great God. 83. In the name of Mezdam, the Creator _of Arts! 84. Now Mankind have become evil doers, and have taken the road of ravenous beasts ; 85. And know not thy worth ; -86. And comprehend not the meaning of tby words, and moreover insult thee; 87. And have forgotten the blessings thou didst ask for them: . 88. Now I will take thee away fromthe midst of them, and it is fitting that they remain under the hand of Dizakh* the Tasi. Commentary. That is of Deh-ak who was of the race of Taz the son of Siamek. He paid assiduous worship (o Yezdan and the stars, on which account Yezdan granted him his wishes. During his reign he annoyed harmless animals, One of his chief crimes was his putting to death his own father, and Jemshid and Atebin. Finally, as he became an evil-doer, God cast him down from his state, and senthim to Fell. 8g. I will bring thee near unto Myself, and do thon abide ever with Me; * Deh-ak, Pers. Taz ie the supposed father cf the Tazis or Arabs. He is betcer known ae Dehak. - go. THE PROPHET JEMSHID; 10} go. Thou art not well whilst far remov- ed from Me. a 1. I have mine eye ion the road “to avatch when thou. comest nigh unto Me. .92-,And as a punishment upon Mankind, for that they heard not thy words, the shall endure much calamity. After Bins I will send Ferisdum* on the work of pror phecy ; ; 93. That he may revive thy religion, »-#Feridun, Pers., THE BOOK OF SHET THE PROPHET FERIDUN. ve i E T ua take refuge with Mezdim from evil thoughts which mislead and dis- tress us ! ae 2. In the name of Shemta, the Bounti- ful, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the J ust ¢ 3. In the name of Mezdam the Helper! 4. O Perisdim son of Atebir,* I have taken pity on Mankind and on harmless ani- mals, and have chosen thee, who art my friend, for prophecy: and have made the world obedient unto thee. 5. Revive the religion of the Great Abad (FerzAbid ). 6. Charms such as, till now, no one hath known,f have I taught thee. 3 7. Worship Temiram} that he may be thy alder in knowledge. g. Lo! I have sent for thee, the form of his praise. * In the Persian, Feridun the son of Atebine + Many of hia charms are said to be siili known, t Temidin ia Tir ( Mercury ). THE PROPHET PERIDUN, 103 9. In the name of Mezdim the Helper! 10. Thine is purity, and on thee is the blessing of Mezdam. 11.0 Mighty ! Good ! Wise! 32. Father and Lord! exalted Temiram of the Sphere? - 13. Intelligent ! Active! Sagacious! Ins ventive! True! 14. Sage of the Heavens! 15. Sage among the Mighty! 16. Sage of Worlds! 17. Lord of Wonders ! 18. Communicator of Secrets and Won- ders! 19. Treasurer of abstruse knowledge ! 20. Conductor to learning ! 21. Aider of the huge stars, according to their temperaments ! 22. Wha rainest down quickness of comprehension, ard knowledge, and an 4c- quaintance with the essence of things # - 23, Obedient unto thy Creator, 24. In the revolution of thy Sphere, which is free from susceptibility of disjunction, or of assuming or laying aside its form: or of deviating intoa straight course ; 25. ™~ al oa . 7 - . : ‘ { qx ° THE BOOK OF Sher’? ‘2B, In-the love of thy-holy Beloved ! 9 * 26. High isthy Creator; thy Illuminator, the Imparter of hidden Secrets, . id 27. Who: ’poureth down the light that @uideth thee to. eternity: aos oe 28. Who hath assigned thee'a plein the Second Heaven. . = 3 29. O Ever-ready to guide! SEA 30. I ask of thee that thou ask of thy: Fa- ther and Lord, and thy Creator and Be- loved, who is an Intelligence, : 31. And of the disembodied Intelligences, -which are the Lights elevated above inferior principles, | _ 32. That they» would ask'a wish suited to the Intellectual World which is’ free rom change ; 33. And of their Father‘and Lord, their {Origin, most worthy to be praised of al] ‘created Beings, the Universal Intelligence ; 34. That he would ask in this sort of the Universal Creator, the Stablisher of all Be- ‘ings and Essences, worthy of the nearer ‘of worlds, the Causer of Causes; * 35. That he would exalt my Soul, nd bring me*near unto Him ; Se 30. : THE PROPHET FERIDUN: 105 36. And speak ‘unto me, and turn aside ‘from me the evil of this abode and of that abode; ~ 37. And illuminate the band of Light and Splendor, and bless them and us, and puri- fy them for ever and ever. So be it. 38. ln the name of Mezdam the Helper! 39. O Perisdim*! Prophets never mis- Jead : 40. Their words and deeds are from the command of Mezdam ; 41. Whosoever speaketh evil of Jerm- shar,f bring bim to a proper sense ; 42, Jermshar is my companion. Commentary. The evi] band revile Jemshid the prophet, the King of Kings. Buing this band to a pro« per sense, that they may not designate as Bad, that mighty prophet who is now my companion, and re- jeased ftom the body and from bodily affections. In- struct with your tongue and your hand him who does notatiend to yon, For prophets never err, since he who is chosen of Yezdain never deviales into tbe evi} faith. It is related that Jemshid (who is me:cy altos gether) having withdrawn from the society of mankind, and being soon after stript of his (earthly) clothing by the hands -of Bewer-asp, Deh-ak ordered his sere vants to revile Jem, and ascribe to him wicked speeches and actions, thereby (o-establish false religions. Yez- * Feridan, Pers. + Jemehid, Pers, dén 46 - THE BOOK OFSSHET ¢ dan therefore commands them to desist from this evil talk, and says to his prophet Feridan, the highly gift- “ed, that he must restrain men from it. He farther informs the prophet and King of Anes gs eer of @xalted nature; . bak. 43. Now, thy sons: shall become: rebelli- ous, and shall find retribution atlast#) | 44. And they:shall not attain’ the object | -of their wishes: I will speedily give it to Miruzad ;* : bre] »¢ COMMENTARY. He informs, the. prophet} Tir and Selm will become refractory and meet with suitable retribution: they will aim at the sovereignty of the kingdom of ‘Iran, but unsuccessfully + that mae I wall bestow on Menuchelir ! 45. And after thee Miruzad© shall be a | prophet ;' 46: Atid thou art one of ‘the sale Prophets. I have shewn thee hidden se- crets ; and I have given thy, race mihereast cy over the world. o! r 47, Ihave’ made thee prophet and “king ‘over the whole world, ; 48. Thy posterity I have raised, to So- vereignty. pres nt Commentary. For the Piophias the King of Kings of the age, divided. the world, into. three’ parts, and gave them to his sons, and the» Sovereignty continued in their race. ke ae *©* Menuchehs, Peres “9° “* : A: te 107 ug «9 rer j THE BOOK OF SHET ae PROPHET MENUCHEBR. + ew =e -_—_——_ 1. L E T us take refuge with Mezdim from evil imaginations. which mislead and ‘harass us! ‘2. In the name of Shemta, the Benefi: cent! the Bountiful ! the Merciful ! the Just ! 3. In the name ‘of the Only Mezdam! ! 4. O Miruzad son of *Yershad, I have exalted thee over Simar and +Tistil; and now have I chosen thee for prophecy and sovereignty! Adore thou the Moon. 5. In the name of the One Mezdam! 6. Thine be praise; and on thee be the blessing of Herjem.{ 7. OVery Mighty! Learned! Wise and Good Moon (Fershem) of the Sphere! best ‘Thou art the one whom they worship amongst us, O Moon! * Menuchehr son of Irej. Pers. + Selm and Tur, Pers. Ire} was the supposed a ancestor of the Iranis, Tur ef the Turanis. >». 3. Yezdan, Pers. « ; 108 THE BOOK OF SHET g. Minister of the Sun and his Vices gerent! Pestower of colours! 10. Who ridest on the Sphere! The friend of the very mighty Celestials ! 11. Key of the Heavens which readily obey ! 12. Guardian of the Element of Water! ! 13. Lord of Moistures, whether as to the assuming or putting off of figure! 14. Obedient to tvy Creator! 15. Revolving in the circle of thy Sphere which is unaffected by LARPS Up Bee or inju- ry! 16. In the love of thy beloved Intelli- gence! 17. Glorious is thy Creator and Exalter! 18. Who raineth down the lights that conter on thee the state of eternity ! 19. Who hath given thee rest.in the first Heaven ! r Commentary. He says the first Heaven, meaning the Klemental Heaven; because of His goodness he would intimate to his terrestrial servants, that they © should reckon from below upwards. 20. O Ever ready to aid! l ask of thee a benefit ; ; 21. That thou wouldst ask of thy Father and . ai td THE PROPHET MENUCHEHR. . 1ag and Lord, thy Creator, who is an Intelli- gence and thy Beloved; 22. And of all the active Intelligences, which are lights free and independent of the affections of matter; , 23. That thev would ask a wish suited to the world that is free from accident and change ; 24. And (that they would ask) of the the Origin of their Being, the first-created Existence, the nearest Light, the Univer- "sal Intelligence, ‘25. That he would ask of the One wor- thy of his adoration, and worthy -to be _adored of such as are worthy of adoration! of Him who is worthy of the adoration of Worlds! - 26. The adorner bf the nests of Being! _ 27. The Former of the Entities of the whole of them! | 28. Lord of Bountiesand Splendor! The Necessarily Existent ! 29. That He would purify me by the affusion of hjs pure light ; es." 30. That He would purify ,me and bring -me near unte him; 31. 10 THE BOOK OF SHET 31. And glorify me far away from all calamities whether of Soul or Body ; 32. And glorify the band of light and splendor, 33. And purify them and us; and bless them and us ; 34. Forever and ever. So be it. 35. In the name of the One Mezdam! 36. After thee will come a prophet Ky- laserv* by name, who will fill all with a+ mazement at hisfreedom from worldly affec- tions; And he will be the companion of Mezdam. 2m * Ky Khusrou, Pers: — 1] THE BOOK . OF SHET THE PROPHET KY-KHUSROU. fe Let us take refuge with Mezdim from evil imaginations that mislead and dis- tress us! _2. Inthe name of Shemt4, the Bounti- ful, the Beneficent, the Merciful, the Just! 3. In the name of Mezdam the Creator of the free (disembodied spirit). 4. O my Prophet! Kailaserv son of Hir- taush,* thou art high exalted near Me! 5. Thy heart is never separated from Me for the twinkling of an eye. 6. Thy Soul is an angel, and the son of _an angel: andso I have given thee a great and exalted angel, named Intelligence. Commentary. When He Says, thou art an angel and the son of an angel, two things may be observed: the one that as, in truth, Intelligence is the first father, he tells Ky Khusrou, thou art the son of that Mighty Angel: and the other that ‘in saying, thou art the son of an angi, He calis Siawesh an angel from his excel- lence; For the Soul when it separates from the Jower * The Persian has, “ Ky Kbusroa son of Siawakhsh.” bod, - le TIE BOOK OF SHET — body and returns back to its own native place, becomes like an angel, and assumes the rank of an angel. 7. Finally I will place thee near Bas along with Ferhtishbdd. * 8. Thou art not absent from before Me for one twinkling of an-eye. g. Iam never out of thy heart ; 10. And I am contained in no thing, but in thy heart, and in a heart like thy heart. Commentary. For I am contained in the heart that is on like thy heart. . And Iam nearer unto thee than thou art unto thyself. 12. O My friend! Do thou make iste the religion of the Great Abad, who is the greatest of prophets and that religion which is My own religion. | 13. For they can find no tia road towards Me except by this religion. 14. | have given thee such support and protection in the lower world, that a re- turn of thanksgiving is indispensable upon "*nee . For I have hestamied on thee celesti- al ge have given thee a Minister like Destar, and a warrior like Rustal. t * Behman, Pers t D.s du and Kustom, Pers. 16, “, ~ - 3 . ; ; 4 5 - TIE PROPHET KY-KHUSROU, 118 16. And digiified thee with such dis. tinction, that, in spite of all thy power, thou didst keep far away from women, nor didst ever mingle with them; but day and night didst bind thy heart to Me. os den tens. Observe tha', by the expression, * Kept tir away from women,” tle does not mean, thou didst not talk with women; He means, didst vot enjoy women in the way in whe! men converse and have eornexi n with women, Ky Khusrou had in his Golden Seragtio four ladies of sarpass ng beanty, #]i of whom aiso spent thir lives as Virgius: so that that blessed Prince lefi the world a Hirsd: now a Hirsasi Is one tiat never has-had connexon with women. His. ascelioigm is celebrated, 17. In the name of Mezdam, the Cre:tor of *unembocied Beings ! 8. Thou didst ask, Who are the lower si Tell me. 19. The sentient principles of all bodies that act aright, are lower angels Commentany. For the powers that see, hear, smell, faste, touck and such like are all terrestri: 1 ange!s, whi, - by the command of Yezdan, are the serv ants of tlhe Soul, Whe 4 isthe Monarch o° the Ki! ingtlom of the Body. 20. And I have taught thee all know- * Hersh? !. Pers Azal. This terion ie apo d either to aes ceties wily escape fitur the bydy by meditation and ab. straction 5 ur to pure Spits. ledges: 14 THE BOOK OF SHET ledges: thy knowledge is a ray of My knowledge, and thy action a sample of My action. : 21. In the name of Mezdam, the Creator of unembodied Beings !_ 22. I have made thee victorious over thine enemies; and have bestowed on thee whatever of external and internal excellence was useful. 23. Now thou art not satisfied with com- ing unto me from time to time, and longest to abide continually nigh unto me. 24. I too am not satisfied with thy ab- sence: 25. Although thou art with Me, and I with thee, still thou desirest, and I desire, that thou shouldst be still more intimately with Me; 26. Resign the Lower World to *Tinasp ; for the glory of Mezdam is upon him. Commentary. When the faculties of intelligence, sight, and taste chusea mean, and when justice has ~ neither excess nor deficiency,t it is called the glory of Yezdin; and, without this glory of God, no man is worthy of royalty. ; * Lohrasp, Pers. + This relates to the doctrine of all virtue lying fo the midst between two Extremes. 27. THE PROPHET KY-KHUSROU. 115 ' 27. And Tinasp shall have a worthy son, in whose time the Mighty Prophet Herttish* shall come. 28. And his Book is Enigmatical and Unenigmnatical. * Zirtasht, Pers. 1:6 ; fi ena *, THE BOOK A ey : oF | oe | A $ SHET THE PROPHET ZIRTUSHT. 1-9 ‘ , E T us seek refuge with Mezdim from evil imaginations which mislead and distress us !. ; . , 2. Inv the name of Shemta, the Bounti- ful, the Beneficent, the Mercirul,-the Just ! 3. Inthe name of Mezdam! 4. O Herigshad son or #Heresfetmad, I have selected thee for prophecy : : 5. And have communicated to thee My Word in three ways; 6. One in’ dfeams, and that is the eta . The second in dozing, and that is a a AsiaSt ; g. he third in waking when thou hast separated from the body, and passed with an angeLabove the heavens ; ‘Thy soul reacheth Me. 10. Allthe sp-ech which I have bestow- ed on thee is of two kinds; * és tos! teens f [sfentima: ’ Pers. + Vakrarname!, Vers: By k ot Decams: ¢ Pokerzakh, Pes. iil. THE PROPHET ZIRTUSAT. nv. . 1%, The Enigmatical and the Unenigma- tical; Cause thou the enigmatical and un- enigimatical to be alike. 12. Do no work but according to the Desatir. | ~ 13. Ihave unfolded to thee the secrets of being altogether. 14. Now thou knowest the past, the pre- sent and the future : _ 15. Unto whomsoever I grant the gift of prophecy while waking, to him do I deliver the religion of the Great Abad. 16. This religion is My Beloved. 17. Whosoever is separate from it, it pro- ceedeth from his not discovering the meaning of My word. 18. The meaning of My word can be found only while waking. 19. Say unto Vishtad* from Me, O King of Kings! How many things have I given thee, that thou mightest be received of all Mankind ! 20. First, A prophet like fHertarash, My $riend and acquaintance ; * Gishtasp, P. + Zerturbt, ?. 21. 118 THE BOOK OF SHET ~ 21. Next, A son like Sepehnad,* who is a Sage Mobed andaGeneral; = =? _ 22. Again, A Ministerlike Iemisidf who knoweth the Secrets of all the Spheres. - 23. And moreover a kingdom like: Hirtef for thine abode ; . 24. And in consequence of this dignity all Princes have become thy vassals, 25. In the name of Mezdam! 26. Now, OMy Friend! thou hast come near unto Me, and I have made thee near unto Me. Ask whatever thou listest, that I may answer. Ot 27. In the name of Mezdim! tg 28. Thou hast asked, O Mighty Lord+ How didst thou create the world? I 29. Know, O My Friend! that the es- ~ sence of the Self-existent 1s one, and with- out what or how. 30. Being is like light; and hght ~ cometh visible. Jf 31. His greatness belongeth to His per- fections; Intelligence, and Soul, and rac 3 are created. ® Isfend ar, P. 4 Jemaayy Pe b ict, 2. THE PROPHET ZIRTUSHT. 116 $2. AsI Rave said in’the Book of the Great Abad. “33. When the Sphere began to revolve by the light of Mezdim, four elements and three children were produced. 34. And these three children are depen- dent onthe four mothers; they on the Spheré, it on the Soul, it on Intelligence, and it on Mezdim. 35. Whatever is on earth is the resem~ blance and shadow of something that is in the Sphere. 36. While that resplendent thing* re- maineth in good condition, ‘it is well also with its shadow. 37. When that resplendent object re- moveth far from its shadow, life removeth to a distance. 38 Again, that light is the shadow o something more resplendent than itself; 3g. And so on upto Me, who am the Light of Lights. 40. Look (therefore) to Mezdim who causeth the shadow to fall, )41. In the name of Mezdim ! * The prototype that is in the Sphere. 190 THE BOOK OF SHET 42, Nowa Wise Man, named Tianar* _ will.come from Nurakhf in order to con- sult. thee concerning the real nature of things. 43. I will tell thee what he oakitles and do thou answer (his questions) before he putteth them. Sh Commentary. It is said that when the fame of the excellence of the nature of Zerifisht had spread all over the world, and when Isfendiaér went round the world, erected fire-temples, and raised domes over the fires ; the wise menof Yunan selected a Sage named ‘Tftianish, who at that time had the superiority in acquirements over them all, to go to Iran and to en- quire of Zertusht concerning the real nature of things. If he was puzzled and unable to answer, he could be no prophet; but if he returned an answer, he was a speaker of truth. When the Yundni Sage arrived at Balkh, Gushtasp appointed a proper day, on which the Mobeds of every country should assemble; and a golden chair was placed for the Yunani Sage, Then the beloved of Yezdan, the prophet Zertusht advanced . into the midst ofthe assembly: The Yunani Sage on seeing that chief said, “ This form and this gait can- ~« net lie, and nought but truth can proceed from ~ *¢ them.’” He then asked the day of the prophet’s nativity. The prophet of God told it. He said, ** On _ * sucha day, and under such a fortunate stara deceiy- ‘¢ er cannot be born.”’ He next enquired into bis diet * TutiAnush, #&. + Yundo, P. that is Greece and THE PROPAET ZiRTUSHT. 21 arid mode of life. The prophet of God explained the whole. The Sage said, ‘* This mode of life cannot ** suit an impostor.”” The prophet of Yezdén then said to him; ‘* 1 have answered you the questions which you have put to me; now, retain in your * mind what the famed Yunani Sages directed you to ** enquire of Zertusht and disclose it not; but listen *¢ and hear what they ask ; for God hath informed me * of it, and hath sent his word unto me to unfold it.” The Sage said, ‘* Speak.’’ ‘Thereupon the prophet Zertusht ordered his scholar to repeat the following texts ; 44. The friend of acuteness will say unto thee, The Nurakh *Sages ask, What use is there fora prophet in this world ? 45. A prophet is necessary on this ac- count, that men are connected with each o- ther in the concerns of life; r 46. Therefore rules and laws are indis- pensable, that all may act in concert ; 47. That there may be. no injustice in giving or taking, or partnership ; but that the order of the world mayendure. —_- 48. And it is necessary that these rules should all proceed from Mezdiam, that all men may obey them. 49. For this high task a prophet must be Faised up. * Yuvan P, ‘ : Se. . 122 THE BOOK OF SHET , 50. He will ask thee, Hew can we makoele that a prophet is really called to his office des . By bis knowing that which others do. ap ee bbe 52 And by_ his giving you information regarding | your own heart ; "> oniggteedD 53. And by his not being puzzled byany question that is asked. se 54. And (by this) that another cannot do what he doeth. Commentary. For, when he is asked for miracles, he performs them, avd no other can. 55. And they* have discovered: that a Mighty King, a searcher of high knowledge, will arise, and will love them exceedingly : they will ask of thee, Who is he? "6 * Prrsstan Nore. The Yundni Sages. “Commenta ry. Mention the nane and marks of him whom this band of sages have discovered by their Knoww- ledee, their cood-deeds and perspicacity of heart. - 56. That King will be the son of a King oe the race of Vishtad? the King of Kings; ~ When the Hijrasisf shall do evil, and is eicie king, Mezdam shall convey, him,” though a Hirasi, to Tuapal.§ 1 Ste + Gushiasp Pers. + Iranis Pers. Poy Rint Pers i.e. Greece, The nome of Rfim was chiefly peplied tothe Asiatic dominions of tue lower Greek ee —" TNL PROPHET ZIRUSHT. 193 5-58. And that Kiog shall,become a very virtuons, accompiisbed and wise King; and ‘atialt” in the “end, give his Book to the lirdsis ; . 69. That they may insert, it in the Desa- tir. | . Commentary. By this-he distinetly indicates the Mins: Sekander, who was the son of the King of Kings Darab, “the son of the King of Kings Behman, exalted as ie pink TateHigence : : ‘When the iranis were guilty of criminal nets, one of which wes the revolt ef the two _Peesens whoslew King Darab, King Sekander revered them, on, ihe. l)Anis. Finally, by the command af Yez- vg and with consent of the Mobeds, he made his book a portion of the Desatir. “Phat Rook is the inspired wolume which the p ophet of God Zerlusht asked of ‘Ged that heshowdd send dewn as lis book for the pur= pose of advice; that when the time of Sekandet shouldianjwe, the Destirs might exhibit if, and he he- Jng gratified with it, become more attached to the faith of the Pare.) “Yezdan, approving of the request of his prophet, sent downa part of his word im the form _ofian Advice to Sekander: and the King placed if, ‘sealed with the seals of the Destdrs, in t e ‘Treasury. “When Sckander gained the ascentlency in Tian, Peri- dukht Roushenek* and the Destiirs delivered that yolumetinto his hands. fe heard if read, applauded the seligion(of Abad, ( on which be bles ings), praised , * Peridukht means, Daughter of the Favries, or fairy- dang ter; so Penzideh fairy .bild, whenoe Parysatiss Keu- sheack, ioe Title s,lendor, whenee Rexaca Stie was the daudbier of Derab and wife of Sckander. y i the 194 THE BOOK OF SHET - the greatness of Zertusht and the truth of that Religion, and commanded the Mobeds that they should make that book a portion of the Desatir. That Sacred volume is known under the name of Sekander, as it was for bis instruction that it was revealed to Zertushi; and tHe beginning of it is, ** In the name of the Giver of Know - 6 ledge Mezdam.” 60. And whenthat King cometh to Hi. yas,* he will cause the Books of the His " yasis to be translated into the Nurakhif tongue. / ri 61. Hence the Sect of Internal Ilfumis mation will arise among the Nurakhis, as well as that of Reason. : te Commentary. The Sect of Gishespians of Iran and-Yunin is a medium between the |Numinated and the Rationalist. When Sekander came to Iran, he found that the Gishespians of lran were the better and }wiser; aud he found that they had sueh power that, whew they pleased, they left the body, which they treat- edas a garment. And besides them be saw another elagss of men in Trin, who, by means of reason’ and me- ditasion (nirnid), discovered'the real nature of things as they actually exist; avd there was ‘no such class of men iv Yunan » Having collected all their books he translated them imo the Yunani and Rami tongues, He then gave his Prime Minister ¢ Destar )-and Teach- © Praun Pers. , Yunani, Pers: : t Phat iv wiser & better than the Guehespians of Yunam THE PROPHET ZIRTUSHT. 125 er® the title of the chief Mobed and Sage, and made bim the Head ofthe Nirniadis. From this time for- ward the Sect of Rationalists prevailed among the Yunanis and Rumis. ; 62. When the Nurakhi heareth these words from thee whom I have sent, he wil! enter into thy Faith, and become a worshipper of Mezdam. Commentary. When the Yunani Sage heard all these words, he entered into the Faith, and studied knowledge and wisdom under the beloved of God, Zer- tusht the propliet: and the king of kings Gishtasp bestowed on him the Office of Chief of the Hirbeds of Yunan, and of the Mobeds of that country. ‘The ac- complished man having returned back to Yunan brought over the inhabitants to the religion of that blessed prophet. 63. In the name of Mezdam. 64. O prophet and friend! Hertish son of Heresfetmad! When Senkerakas} arriv- ed, he wasturned into the right road by one fershem of the Navisshat and return- + ed back into Azend.§ Commentary. Chengerengacheh was a Sage re- nowned for his acuteness and wisdom, and the Mobeds (wise-men) of the earth gloried in being his scholars, * The Arabs and Persians imagine that Aristotle was - Alexauder’s Prime Minisier. + Chengerengachh. Pers. £ By one Nisk (or Seciion) of the Awesta Pers. 5 Hind. Pers. Whea 196° THE BOOK OF:SHET . When he heard of the greatness of. the prophet of. Yezdan, Zertusht the son of Isfenteman, he came to. Iran with the intention of overturning the Good Re- ligion. When he reached Balkh, before he had drops” ped a single word from his tongue, and before he had asked a single question, the prophet of Yezdan, Zer- tusht, said into him, Commit not to your tongue what you have in your heart, but keep it secret. He then” addressed a Sage who washis disciple, saying, Read to him one section (Nisk) of the Awesta. In this bles- sed section of the Awesta were found the questions of Chengerengacheh with the answers, which He (God) himself had communicated to the prophet; forewarn- ing him, that such a person, of such a name would come ; (hat his first question would be this, and that. the answer was to be so. . When Chengerengacheh saw, this miracle, he was converted to the Good Faith, and. returning tothe land of Hind remained steady | in this blessed religion. May Yezdan the Bountiful grant to us and our friends this best of Faiths! 65. Nowa Brahman named Biras* will come from Azend very wise, insomuch that there are few such persons on earth! 66. He, in his heart, intendeth to ask of © thee, first, Why is not Mezdam the im- mediate maker of all things having being ? 67. Say thou unto him ; Mezdam is the | Maker of all things; and used the me- dium of no instrument in bestowing exis- * Bias Pers undoubtedly the celebrated Vias or V) asa. tence THE PROPHET ZIRTUSHT. 197 tence on the Chief of Angels; but in regard to all other existences he made use ofan instrument, Commentary. The First Intellizence received be- ing from the Bestower of Being without the intervention of any instrument; while all other beings received exis- tence by the intervention of instruments and media. 68. And this intervention of being, de- gree after degree, doth not proceed from any inability in Mezdam to create (direct- ly). | | 69. The cause of it is that one class of existences hath not the capacity of receiving existence but through a medium ; “70. And some classes not without the intervention of media,. and others classes not without many media. Commentary. He says, that in truth, all things in the realm of being have been created of Yezddn; butin such wise, that, in the bestowing ofexistence on some _ created beings, He used no instrument or med um, and there He operates immediately ; while in others He made use of an-instrumentand amedium. But the use ofan instrument or medium through different degrees does not proceed from any defect or incapacity in making or creating on the part of Yezdin; but arises solely from the nature of some created things which have not the capacity of receiving existence except througha medium ; while others have not the power of assaming Quix eamieota 128. THE BOOK OF SHET existence but through several media; and many Lave not the capacity of receiving creation except through many media: just as the bat, in order to receive the light of the excellent sun, requires the intervention of the ligbt of the venerable moon: and this does not arise from the sun’s not having the power of showering down illamination & light, but from this, that the bat has not the power and capacity of enduring the powerful light of the resplendent sun without some medium. I enquired of the Highest Angel, and Greatest Cherub and the General of the Angels, Why did Yezdan en- trust all things to your Majesty; and in like manner through your Majesty (o others; and in like manner . through these to others again? He answered, O Fifth ofthe Séséns! It does not become the rank of Majesty and the grandeur of Sovereignty that the Monarch in person should manage business directly, and enter into trifling details. Jt is fitting that he should chuse one of his servants who is adorned with extraordinary skill and eminent sagacity, and in possession of high talents, and entrust him with the affairs of sovereignty and the exercises of beneficence towards the subjects, . that he may manage affairs according to the instruc- tions of the king; that he superintend all concerns of importance, and consign the rest to be managed by Deputies, allotting to each his respective department : and that these Deputies should, for the better dispatch of business, appoint other agents, till all the business shall be disposed of and terminated according to the wish and orders of the King. Now all this happy dis« posal and arrangement proceeds from the king by the hands of his agents and officers, whether effected without any medium or by means of a medium, This being THE PROPHET ZIRTUSHT. 199 being understood, know farther, that Yez lan is cere: tainty ofexceeding might, and of indepenstent gran- deur, aud power and glo y: and that of the exisiences which are dependevt and created, a d which require ee ig without them: selves tov their b ing ani pere clion, ‘there are many dezrees, differing botir ay to multitude and fewness, goodness & pb dness : that theree . fore it is not becommg that the Necessari y Existent should concern Limself personally wich ail wie .e degrees 2 it is better that ' e should create one Being oi the highest ~ excellence, and deliver over to him the keys a tie Migazines of bis Sovereignty ; and that in ].ke monet this Being svould appoint agents directly or remotely for t! ose de_rees on degrees th t have been mentioned : and tha! tee last should act in te same manner. As for exanple, the celestial angels, aud the stars that bee Jong to the superior worl!, the ferrestrivl angels, nd material natures, mineral forms, and the soul and energy of vegetables, and of an mals, ard of men, that are all of the lower world, have each an overseer appointed and guardians for maintaining the real sovereignty, in order that all may be conducted agreeably to God, and be ‘obedient unto Him. Now all this is arranged by the: Self-Existent. in the best possible manner; a: d since: ‘the substance is better than the accident that is de- pendent on it; and as independent substances having no place and no concern with material esences, are more éxcellsat and beiter than such essences as are dependent on place and matter; so Yezdause-ected me, and J in like manner exeited ny energies: and tere restrial prophets,in confownity with this Constilution, established the Office of Royalty and the Visiership, and the Ollice of General, and Nobility and so forth, 71. » 430 ss BOOK OF SHET . 91. Again he willenquire, Why is the fire below the firmament, and the air be- low the fire, and the water below the air, and the earth below the water? 72. Say thou, The heaven ever revolyeth and its revolutions produce heat ; + 73. Hence the fire is placed below’ the firmament ; because- if any thing but fite “were there, it would be consumed by the heat resulting from the revolutions of the firmament. 74. Next cometh air which is a thin, yielding body; for, were it thick Ba un- yielding, animals could not breathe, nor move backward and forward in it.. © © 75. The water he created next and plac- ed it on a level with the earth; since were the earth full of water, not only below but above, as it is of air, animals would be: un- able to breathe; and eating, and sleeping and sitting could have no existence. ComMENTARY. Since all would be listwias 76. He in the last place produced the earth and stablished it, and bestowed a par- ticular constitution on every animal and vegetable, and mineral, and assigned to each an office. ’ T7,. THE PROPHET ZIRTUSHT 431 ..27. In the name of Mezdan. 78. He will next ask the bistory of the submission of the Animals to Gilshadeng* _and of their conversation with men. -Then say unto him; .- 79. Mezdam selected Gilshadeng & made the animals subject unto him; 80. So that that prince divided them all into seven classes ; 81. First, Grazing Animals, and he gave the sovereignty of them to the horse called +Ferjeng. 82. Secondly, Ravenous Aainithle: and the _ sovereignty over them he bestowed on the ‘lion called the Bold. 83. Thirdly, Birds, and he gave the rule over this class to the Zadrus ( Semurgh Pers.) called the Sage. 84. Fourthly, Birds of prey, and the rule _ over this class he gave to the Eagle, stiled the Mighty. 85. Fifthly, Water Animals, and the command over them he entrusted to the _ crocodile denominated the Powerful. ® Gilshah, Pers. t The Persian has Rakhsh, a white and red, biack or white, or, in general, any horse. s 86. 132 ‘THE BOOK OF SHET— 86. Sixthly, Crawling Animals, and the chiefship of them he bestowed on ys drae | gon named the Strong. _ 87. Seventhly, Insects, and the authority over them he cunterred on the bee, called the Swect. 88. From these seven mere who were subject to Gilshadeng, seven Sages having come to the king of kings, solicited redress from the tyranny of Mankind. 89. First of all, the wise camel-said, O prophet of Mezdam! In what contists the superiority of mankind over us, to entitle them, in this manner, to exercise tyranny over us? 90. Let them speak that we may hear; and let them hear what we have to say. g1. A Sage, Huresteh* by name, lift up his voice; There are many proofs of man’s superiority over them; one of these is Speech, a faculty which they do not pos- sess.. 92. The camel] answered, As for speech, if the object of speech be to make the hears er understand, animals too possess speech. @ Klojesteb, Pers, 93. THE PROPHET ZinTUSHY. 133 93. And an account of the speech of ani- mals is contained in the Book of Gilishnae and *Siimer. Enquire, for they too undere étand it. 94. Haristeh said, The speech of man is plain. and intelligible, and what camels speak i is hidden. 95. The catne! replied, Animals too pos- $ess an intelligible tongue: because thou dost not understand it, dost thou imagine that it is unintelligible? 96. Ignorant that thou art! Thy defici- ency ariseth from that very circumstance which thou deemest thy excellence. 97- Thou sayest that the speech of anis mals is unintelligible, and that the excel- lence of man’s is that it is intelligib'e; whereas the hearer receiveth the sdme be- nefit from both; and both possess the same quality: 98. Now if any one speak even much in an unintelligible tongue, be is not under- stood. while he is ‘comprehended it he speak jn an intelligible one. gg: And as there is no necessity for men to speak the language of animals; so there * Gilatub aud § &insk. is 134 THE BOOK OF SHET _. isno necessity for animals to talk the lan- guage of men. i - 100, And seest thou not how the speech of the inhabitant of the West giveth asound not to be understood by the inhabitant on the East; and in_ like manner that of the native of the East to the native of the West? 101. One who doth not understand the speech of another is not therefore justified in calling it an unintelligible language. _ 102. Hiaristeh said, You have been or- dained for’our service. diet ~ 103..The camel answered, And you also have beén ordained to bring us water, and grain, and grass. | . 104. Haristeh said nothing in answer, _ Commentary. His articulating tongue was confined within his lips from necessity. 105. Then the sage ant* came forward and said unto Gilshadeng, O prophet of Mezdam ! King of animals and of mankind! I wish ta be informed wherein consisteth the surpassing excellence of man above animals. * Persran Nore. The envoy of the Bee Shérin ( the Sweet). kg 106. A sage, Shasar by name, hastily an- ‘3 a swered, THE PROPHET ZIRTUSHT. 135 swered, One proof of the decided supe- riority of man over them is the excellence of his shape and his upright deportment.. 107, The wise ant replied, The intelli- gent do not pride themseives on shape, and yet we are all.on.a level in regard to the combinations of the members of our body. , 108. And even you, when you would praise any beautiful Person describe her as being stag-eyed, as having the gait of a par- tridge, or a peacock’s waist ; whence it may e understood that the superiority is ours. Commentary. For when men wish to praise, they compare a thing with something that is of a higher kind and superior to it, marking some similitude be- tween it and the form and figure of that more elevated nature. When mankind therefore compare themselves with animals, it is evident thatit must be because ani- mals are better than they. ~~ 309. ‘To this Shasar returned no answer. 110. Next the knowing fox, taking up the speech said, What superiority in arts doth man possess? 111. The wise Jewanshir answered, The superiority of man consisteth in the good dress, and agreeable food and drink which they formerly -had, and at the present time in their covering their obscene parts. y 17 Com- 156 THE BOOK OF SHET “Commentary. Itis tobe remarked that formerly is used here because in the tine of the venerable Gil- shah, mankind did not use good clothing or ‘ond, and the term formerly ieters to the time of Shet Y 4sande jam,* and the time prior to that; while the time downe wards from that is denominated the present time, which includes the period when the nitural piaits were cos vered: for Gilshah and bis dis: iples,’of the leaves of trees and the skins of dead animals and of ravenous beasts made a covering for the obscene parts; and in his time, there was no other cov ering but these. 112. The wise fox said, In former times your clothes were of wool, and hair, and skins of animals, and still are so. 113. And your sweetest food is from the vomit of the bee ;' 114. And aniinals do not ‘reqhire any ad vering for theic natural parts ; ‘tor all that re= quireth to be covered, is covered naturally ; - 115. And, if it be not, Mezdaui baib net’ directed them: . Coumentany. ‘Lv cover ‘tim. 116. Jewnshir replied, It ill becomiet® you to join in this controversy; you whe cruelly tear each other to pieces. * Gilsbeh was the eon of YadndAm in whose time man- kind febunto wickedvess ana doorder. GHisieh m sane measure reformed their sttustion, but sit they were much Isao ciViliocd than they bud Ween in tide preewding ages 117. 4-20) * . ah A THE PROPHET ZIRTUSAT. 13? 11%. The fox rejoined, we have learnt this practice from you, for Jilmis slew Tilmis. Commentary. It mast be known that Shet Gilshak had in his family two sons named Jilmis and Tilmis, and two daughters Akimar and Hakisar. ‘To ‘Tilmis, he gave to wife Akimar who was of an elegant form, besides being good and agreeable; and Hakisar, who was notso beautiful, be married to Jilmis. Jilmis was instigated by love, and. passion inflamed by envy, to slay Tilmis his brother, by dashing a huge stone on his head. while he was asleep, whence, by the curse of Gilshah and his owa misdeeds, he was cast into *he:l. Inallusion tothis, the fex gives Jew4nsher to understand scorn- fally, and by way of reproach, that it was from mane kind that animals learned murder, and vice, and sub- jection to lust, and indulgence in anger. 118. Moreover, ravenous animals live on flesh; but why do ye fall out with each o= ther? | CommenTary. He says, beasts of prey naturally feed on flesh, and hence they devise the death of anis mals; but since mén do not necessarily live on flesh, why do they kill even each other? 119. And whereas you became evil-do- ers, the Hirtasp, retiring far fram you, dwelt with us in hill and waste; “* This story of Jilmis and Tilmis bears a strong resem. blance to Cain and Abel ia scripture, as wellas to Ha el and Kabil in the Koran, 120, 138 THE BOOK OF SHET 120. And we are his servants. 121. Jew4nshir returned no answer. 122. Next the sagacious spider coming: forward said, Wherein consisteth the su pe- rior excellence of man! ? Tell us that we may - know it. 123. The sage, Simrash by name, said, Men understand talismans, and charms, and magic arts, and such like, while animals do not. 124 The spider answered, Animals ex- ceed men in these respects; knowest thou not that crawling things and insects build triangular and square houses, without wood or brick. 125. Behold my work, how, without loom, I weave fine cloth. 126. Simrash replied, Man can write and express his thoughts on paper, which ani- mals cannot. 127. The spider said, Animals do not transfer the secrets of Mezdam from a living: heart to a lifeless body. é 128. Simrash hung dewn his head from. shame. 129. The wise torteise next advancing said, THE PROPHET ZIRTUSUT 139 taid,. What proof i is there of the yaparie ority of man? 130. The sage, named Shatish- herta said, Kings. and ministers, and generals, and physicians, and astronomers afford proofs’ of man’s superiority. 131. The tortoise said, Animals too pos- sess the classes [that you have mentioned. 132, Observe the sovereignty of the bee and of the ant in their kind: 133, And attend to the visiership of the aa ae 134. And recollect the generalship of the elephant ; ies 135. And learn medicine from the dog, who healeth wounds, by licking them with his tongue ; 136. And the cock is an astronomer, who knoweth right well ihe time of the day and night. 137. On hearing these observ ations Sha- lish- herta remained silent. * 138, Next the sage peacock, sailing in, said; What proof is there of man’s superior dignity ? _.1389. The wise visier, Vizlir by name, said, 140 ' THE BOOK OF SHET - said, Mankind. possess the faculty of judge ment and discrimination. -140..The sage peacock answered, If dur- ing.the darkness of a single night, a hundred sheep. have. young, each knoweth its own lamb; and in like manner each lamb, knoweth (its mother ). 7 ip Commentary. And turns to its mother,; .and this, kind of instinct mankind do not possess, 141. The wise Vizlar said, Men are Kare: 142. The sage peacock answered, They are not bolder than the lion. : Commentary. For when warriors would ptaise themselves, thty compare themselves to the lion. 143. Vizlur had nothing to reply. 144. Next the wise Haima advancing said, Where is the Sage who will afford ine a proof of man’s superiority ? 145. The sage named Mezdam-hertaien- deh, answered, One superiority of man con- sisteth in knowledge, as by means of it he ascendeth from a low to an exalted station, 146. The wise Huma said, If you pride, yourselves on this, animals too possess it ; since by it they distinguish the flower from the thorn. 147. The sage Mezdam-hertaiendeh re- plied, THE PROPHET ZIRTUSHT. Ww plied; Knowledge bas a root and branch. ¥ou-have gotthe branches ; but the root of knowledge. consisteth in the sayings of the prophets, which belong toman alones .-148..The wise Huma said, This. benefit we too possess, aad each tribe hath different customs ; : ' “149. And i in ‘like manner as among you prophets reveal their prophecies, among us there are seers one of whom is the bées* d-besis? ms 150. The sage Mezdam- hertiaiendeh said,- The heart of man attaineth self possession, and effeeteth an union with the soul, and by means of knowledge is elevated to the glo- rious nature of the angels. & 151., _ The wise het answered, We ani- mals likewise become tame. -y52.° The sage Mezdam-hertaiendeh re-’ plied; Yes, It is true. Yet your perfec- tion consisteth i in attaining only a single one of the qualities of man; while man’s ‘per-— fection consisteth in attaining the nature of disembodied spirits. ‘Commentary. That is of Intelligences and Souls. “183. The wise Huma said ; Te, yet in spite Ke THE BOOK OF SHET spite of this, in his patting to death of ani¢ mals and in similar acts, he resembleth the beasts of prey, and not the angels; for Pr are not guilty of such deeds.) 14 ‘Commentary. He speaks of the slaying and subs jecting of animals, and the giving of pain and troubleto: animals, of which men have made a trade; though such. is not the conduct of angels, but the practice and nature of savage beasts. Men, therefore, approximate to the class of ravenous animals rather than of angels, whatever’ claims they may assertto tha! high distinction. = 9) | 154. The sage Mezdam-hertaiendeh said,. It is right to kill ravenous animals, just as it is to open a sick man’s. veins. : Commentary. For the whole world is one ine and the killing of an animal like ‘that i in question, is. like diminishing the blood in the body ; ; And as diseases. would prevail if this blood were left in the body, so if the blood of ravenous beasts were not shed, they would afflict many animals, all of which are parts of this huge animal; and hence it is laudable to shed their bload, for the comfort of this body. J 155. The prophet of the world then said, We deem it sinful to kill harmless anis mals, and no man bath authority to commit _ this wicked act. pg Gr 156. Were all ravenous “animals to enter intoa compact not to kill harmless animals, we +f PROPHET ZIRTUSAT. Lis We would abstain from slaying them, and hold them dear as ourselves. _ 157. Upon this the wolf made a treaty with the ram, and the lion became the friend of the stag; 158. And no tyranny was left in the world, 159. Till Desh-bireh* broke the treaty. ComMeNnTARY. And began to kill animals. 160. In consequence of this his misdeed, nobody observed the treaty, except the harmless animals. 161. This is the dialogue that passed concerning the grand Secret. Commentany. The abject of this fable is to recom- mend self-knowledge and self-controul ; man having . the ascendency over other animals only by speech, in- genuity, knowledge and suitable conduct. 162. When you have expounded this matter to him, he will become of the. true faith, and be converted to your religion. Commentary. At is said (hat when Bids, the Hindi, came to Balkh, Gushtasp sent for Zertusht, and in- formed the prophet of Yezdan of that wise man’s com- ing. The prophet said, May Yezdan turn it to good ! The Emperor then commanded that the Sages and Mo- beds should be summoned from all countries. When * Debak Pers. : they M4 ~ THE BOOK OF SHET > ~ they. were, all assembled, Zertusht came from his plage of Worship ; an Bias, also haying joined the assem said to the prophet of “Yezdan ; O Zertusht, ‘the in bitants- of the: work, moved by the answers A cw pounding of Secrets given to Chengerengacheh, are dev sirous to adopt thy religion. I have heard, moreoyers of many, of thy miracles, J ama Hindi man, and, i in my own country, of unequalled knowled lige. Ihave im my mind several secrets, swith I have never eritruste to my tongue, because some say that the Ahermans (devils) might give information of them to the ido- Jators of the Aherman faith: so no eat hath beard them, except that of my heart. If, in the presence of this assembly, you tell me, one after another, what those secrets are that remain on my mind, J will be convert- edto your faith, Shet Zertusht said, Oo Bias, Yezdan communicated to me your secrets, before your arrival, He then mentioned the whole in detail from beginning to end: When Bids heard, and asked the meaning “of the words, and had them explained* to him, he Tes. turned thanks to Yezdan and united himself to the Beh- : din, after which he returned back to Hind... 163. In the name of Mezdam! !O Zir- tusht! my prophet! After thee shall Sim-- kendeshf appear, and afterwards the First Sisin, the prophet, shall come and ‘make. thy Book known by a translation. , . 9- * Since they were spoken in a . Persian language which he did not gnderstand. — * Sckander. - es 4 ~~" 164. a7. So THE PROPHET ZIRTUSHT. 45 164. And no one but he shall know the meaning of my words. Commentary. Hence it was that Shet Sasan made an interpretation of the Book of Shet Zertusht agreea- bly to its sense. - 146 _ BOOK OF INSTRUCTIONS FOR SEKANDER. 1. L E T us take refuge with Mezdim from evil thoughts which mislead and dis- tress us. 2. In the name of Shamta, the Bountiful, the Beneficent, the Kind, the Just ! Commentary. This is the Book of Advice for Se« kander which Yezdan sent down at the desire of his prophet Zertusht, as has been already related. 3. In the name of Mezdam, the Giver of Wisdom ! 4. O Simkendesh son of *Nishal! Mez- dam hath exalted thee to royalty and em- pire. Do thou, of thy exalted wisdom, bes- tow splendor on the religion of the Great Abad, who is the greatest of prophets. 5. And because the affairs of the +Hirasis went, in many respects, ill, I carried thee away into {Nasid. ® Sekander son of Darab. Pers. + Irdnis Pers. " ¥ Rom. Pers, Com- INSTRUCTIONS &c. 47 Commentary. By this he means, Thy descent is from the king of Iran: when the Irdnis became ev.1- doers, | removed thee away from that race, for their punishment. / s 6. Place not a stranger over }Hirds for it is thy house. , 7. If thy army inflict any suffering on the good people of Hiras, make atonement and satisfy them; else shall J ask an ac- count of thee. 8. In the name of Mezdim the Giver of Wisdom ! Q. Mezdim shewed kindness unto man, in that he created him of the second rank of angels. Commentany. The angels of the second rank are souls, while the angels of the first rank are Intelligences. 10. And deputed along with him an An- gel of the first class, Intelligence by name. 11, And bestowed on him§ instruments of the lower world, together with certain of the inferior angels ; 12. Of which angels one is in the liver, and is called Temperament: another Life, 3 Tran. Pers. § i. €. Senses and corporeal faculties. and las INSTRUCTIONS &c: and his abode is in the heart ; and anotheri is Soul; who dwelleth in the brain. . 13. And he bestowed servants on them. 14. Now life is affected by two eyils,, Lust and Anger. Restrain them within the proper mean. 15. Till Man can attain this self coueanull he cannot become a celestial. 16. And soon a prophet will come, vir- tuous and wise, Sasan by name. “249 THE BOOK OF SHET SASAN THE FIRST. — 1. L ET us take refuge with Mezdim from evil imaginations which misltad aad afflict us! } 2. In the nathe of Shemta; the Bounti- ful, the Beneficent, the Merciful; the Just! 3. Let us ask assistance from Mezdim, the self-Existent, the Uncompounded, the Artificer of qualities! Commentary. Ina trance, I beheld my sage and respected ancestor who said, For the better interpretas ‘tion of the Book which Yezdin hath sent unto me, do thou make use of some intelligent words, even though they may be such as occur in the translation of the ree spected Desatir. I have therefore inserted, after the translation, such illustrations and proofs as seemed to ‘be conformable to reason. On that account we cite the expressions used by the King, the Most Just and First *Legislator, the Instructor of the legislating prophets, the adorner of knowledge, Hosheng, in the Jawedan- Khirid,+ in the exposition of the words which the Sun spoke to that exalted Being. 4. The Necessarily-existent is the Creator of the conditionally-existent. #* Kuosrov Beshddd va Peshddd. Pers. + Eternal Lutelligences CoMMENTARY. 150 THE BOOK OF Commentary. The explanation is this, Whatever is conceivable is either necessari]y-existent, or conditi- onally existent, or necessarily non-existent. For if we regard only the nature of things, abstractly, undoubtedly whatever does not possess the possibility of nou-ex- istence is necessarily-existent; and what has not the capacity of existence, is necessarily non-existent, as for example, the union of two opposites ; while, what en- joys the capacity of either, is conditionally-existent. Now this conditional existence (or existing in possibi- lity), which they cal] Nawerfertésh, of necessity re- quires some Giver of Being, who is denominated the Creator of the supposed possible thing. For, if it pos- sessed an equal tendency to existence and (o non-e€x- sistence, without any difference whatever, it is plain, at a single glance, and without any necessity for reasoning, that in that case it must require some power to give it existence, and this power is its Maker; And on the other hand supposing that this tendency were not equal, still it cannot possess necessary existence or what is called Girwer ; for, if it did, then it could not be cons tingent (as was supposed). And again supposing that its tendency were stronger to existence than to nen-ex- istence, but still without reaching the degree of neces- Sary-existence ; in that case, this superior tendency can- not co-exist with contingent being : for if this possibility of existence joined to this superior tendency, ils sup- posed property, did not incline to non-existence, it must be necessarily-existent, and not contingent. If on the other hand it possessed a superior tendency te nou-ex- istence, this tendency, though imperfect, must of ne- cessity prevail, while the inferior tendency towards existence wo. JJ beof no avail ; And this a moment’s ree flection, _ SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 15} flection, without the necessity of any argument, evidently shews cannot be the case, and is impossible. Hence it is plain that what is potential or contingent, in every ease requires amaker and former, who, until he has being, cannot confer being on any thing else. ' This introductory proof being established, it may next be remarked, that no manner of doubt or uncertainty arises, regarding the existence of contingent existences, such as events and compound substances. And as to those contingent existences which have for their maker a neécessarily-existent being, there is in like manner no difficulty. But as to those of which the maker is contin- gently existent, lie too must have a maker; who likewise, if he be not necessarily-existent, must havea Maker. The chain of creation therefore either reaches to the necessa- rily-Existent, whichis what I wish to establish, or we must reasonin acircle. And we reason ina circle when we make two contingent existences the makers of each other, which isimpossible ; seeing that the maker must - undoubtedly exist previously to the thing made; And hence, if two contingent existences reciprocally made each other, it would inevitably follow that both must be prior to each other respectively, and that each ranked before the other; which the slighest exercise of the un- derstanding shews to be a manifest impossibility. And if it be supposed ihat the chain of contingent existences is unlimited, each contingent being having a maker, and it again a maker, without end, thisis impossible: for then it would follow, as an inevitable consequence, that a number which is the evens of the chain, should be at once even and odd; while at the same time it is necessary that the number in question should ai once 4 be 152 THE BOOK OF be susceptible of being halved, and not admit of being halved, which cannot be. + The exposition is as follows. If the unlimited chain exists in the way that has been mentioned, it is meces« sary that thé contingent existence, which is the begin- ning of that chain, stand in the first degree, and its maker in the second degree; and in this way every one of the units of the chain will bave its fixed degree ; as for example the third and fourth; and some of these units of the chain are in the class of odds, as the first, third, fifth, and seventh, and some in the class of evens, as the second, fourth, sixth and eighth: and it cannot happen that two units of the evens or two units of the odds, be side by side of é¢ach other; for every odd is inevitably succeeded by an even, and every even by an odd; as the first by the second, and the third by the fourth. In proportion therefore as there is an even, there must also be an odd, and the converse. The number of the units of the odds, will, therefore, be equal to the number of the units of the evens ; and, hence, the number of the units of the odds will be the half of the tétal of the chain. The number of the units of the chain must, therefore, be even, since it has a perfect half. , After this explanation let us suppose that it is neces- sarily uneven, since when one unit is taken from the chain, it is shorter by one than the first chain. But this too being composed of the units of the evens and the units of the odds must be even; And this chain being even, it follows that the first chain must be odd ; seeing that its half cannot be equal tothe halt of the first chain; and, at the same time it eannot be less. For were itless, it would be less by one, whence it would necessarily SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 153 necessarily follow that the second chain would be two ‘nits less than the first, whereas only one unit was omitted: and hence the first chain would at once be even and odd, as, at the same time, having and not having a perfect half. This impossibility unavoidably accompanies the suppositionfof the unlimited length of thechain, Hence it is necessary that it terminate at & maker, who shall himself have no maker, and He is the Necessarily-Existent, which it was my object td prove. _ Again Sed-wakhshur,* in the Jawed@a Khirid says ; Suppose the chain to be unlimited, if from the begini- ning of this chain we take, forexample, ten units, then the one chain would be left shorter than the o» ther by ten: and if we compare and apply this chain to the other, so that the first link of the oné chain should be applied to the first link of the other, and the second to the second, and so forth, it cannot be con- ceived that there should always be found a link of the first chain corresponding to one of the second ; else it would necessarily follow that the chain whith was whole would be equal to the chain that was not whole, which the slightest reflection shews to be impossible. The lesser chain therefore must terminate somewhere, aid the excess of the longer chain must in like mannet teack a termination, which ( on the given hypothesis ) would be absurd. And farther the teach*r of the ptophits lays it dowa in the Jawedan Khirid, that all and every contin- gent existence, which has received being, without ex- cépting one Single contingent existence, does really ex- * Sed wakh-bur, which signif s “hundred prophets” is s vame of Husheng. He is goun after culled © the t acher of the prophets.” ist. 154 » THE BOOK OF | ist 5 ; because the whole, and ‘entire and complete parts of it have being; andit isa contingent exists ence because it is composed of contingent existences: Now it is clear that it must have a maker and former} and that maker is either the whole body of contingent existences, or a part of it, or something external to it. The first is impossible, for itwould necéssarily follow that that whole existed previous to itself. And the ses cond too is impossible, for the maker of the whole’ must _be the maker of every individual part. If therefore a part were the maker and creator of the whole, whe part must be the creator of itself, which is impossible. The third supposition agrees with my notion, because the Being which is exclusive of the whole must necessarily be The Self-Exisient. There are a thousand similar proofs in the Jawedan Khirid cantrived by the know ledgesadorned prophets, whereof five hundred relate to the false reasoning of the circle and five hundred to the fallacy of the chain. Moreover, Sed-wakhshar in the Great Book of Jawedan Khirid, remarks in explana tion of the wards of Shet Khirshid* who says; / 5. There are not two Self-Existents. Commentary, For, ifthere were two Necessarily-Ex- istent beings each possessing the essential qualities of the other, then their sense of diversity, in respect to each other, must be owing tothe intervention of something external to their natures; hence they woukl be depen- deut on something external, so far as regards their idene tity and consciousness of diversity. But we have seen that every thing dependent belongs to the class of cons lingent existences, > “pe v - er , ; a The Sun. It de. SHET SASA T THE FIRST. 155 ‘ Ww des Soume ii‘ * feisak o remarked inthe same volume, that if there were | many Self-Existents, they must necessarily, as a direct consequence of this multiplicity, be coati- gent existences, ‘as has ‘been proved, No: v every contingent being requires a maker; and the ‘maker of this multiplicity cannot be of thesameessence as theyare. For, it lias been shewn thatthe maker of every contingent existence musi of necessity be something different from it, must precede it in point of existence, and cannot be a portion of it; for the maker of the whole must of course be the maker of the supposed part, Nor can this maker be any thing external; for then the case would neces- sarily come under that ef the circle, or of the chain, and so has already been proved to be impossible. And, in the same way, fiom the multiplicity in number of the Necessary-Existents, it would unavoidably follow, that there was a contingeat being wieiput amaker, which is impossible. : ‘And again it is written in the respected Volume the Jawedan Khirid, that if there be two Necessarily- Ex~ istents, it is necessary that each af them should ba Omnipotent over all possible existences, for defect of power is nota quality ofthe Godhead. Hence, as ofien as the one desires one thing, and the other desires the contrary, if it be supposed that the wish of both is effect. ed, then two apposites are reconciled ; and if the wish of neither is effected, then it*follows that two opposite ' wishes are both frustrated: and if the wish of one be superior, the other must be inferior in power, and want of paw er cannot appertitin to Golhead. Many similar Teasoujngs are in that Llessed Volume. TAAzZ “« Ie 186 = ang, BOOK. pe it is farther said in that saont got coe Books, in explanation of the words of the world-eulighteing Sun; 6. Ahertdshet* is not subject to Novelties: Commentary. For the Self- Exisient is not the ae bode ef novelty or new things, since every new thing or novelty that arisés is conditionally -exisiént; and every thing that is conditionally existent depends on the Maker or fashiéner ; but the Necessaily- Existent is not conditionully-existent, or dependent, ands therefore, never was new or fresh produced. Were it possi! le for liim to have a new quality, that quality must have an originator ; and that independent originator and powers ful maker must be the necessary essence, which is the First and Oldest. And whatever is, in its essence, ine dependent, and free, and O:nnipotent, must also possess the qualities of F irstand Oldest; and it cannot be that any thing, but itself, should be the cause of newness and freshness to any aalie? that belongs to it: for other- wise it would evidently follow that the Necessarily - Existent would be subject to something else, and de- pendent on it, and derive some of His perfections from another ; but as the qualities df Yezdan the Supreme are perfect qualities, this ig a supposition that is inadmis- sible, Tie Necéssarily-Existent therefore is not subject to noyellies or innovations. And Sed- Wakhshur in the Jawedin Khirid, inex- planation of the wards of the gloriously fulgent ik saith ; 7. Oherndshram+ is ancompounded, * Yezdan Pers, , 4 Xez an Pere. Com man TARY. SHET SASAN THE FIRST. "457 Commentary, He says that whatever is, is either compound or simple. Whatever substance can be di- vided or broken into parts: may be ptonounced, com- pound 3 and. if it cannot be divided or made into parts, it may be recognised as simple. Now, that the Neces- sarily-Existent is simple, there are many proofs. In the first place, every compound is dependent on its parts ; and again, its being is posterior in tme: torthat ofits parts, as reason requires that there must be parts, before the compound can exist.. But whatever has these two properties is dependent. Hence the Necessarily- Existent isnot compounded. The second.proof is, that if He were composed of | parts, His. parts must be either necessarily existent or contingently existent. As to the first supposition, it is impossible that thereshould be a multiplicity of Neces- sarily-Existents. On the secoud supposition, every such part must have no application to the Necessarily- Existent Being, seeing that the Original. Creator first existed of Himselfand after wards bestowed being on o- ther existences, But if the Necessarily-Lxistent were the maker of His own parts, it would necessarily follow that He existed betore His parts, whereas the parts must precede the compound, Wliich can exist only throngh the Necessarily- -Existent : seeing that whatever is con- tingently- eile, must derive its being from something necessarily-existent. And hence, if this Maker were any thing but the N jecessarily. Existent, the Necessarily- Existent must exist before His parts by two degrees, which is impossible. _ He eur therefore ybe coin- pound. 230.30 9 .2gebd © And in the same way that it pens that He is not eum ppound, it may be shewa,that He is. not corporeal ; for 158 | ~ | THE BOOK-OF for every thing having a body is susceptible of division in length, breadth and depih, and may be divided into parts, as halves, three parts, of four or so forth; and ‘whatever lias parts isdependent. Hence the Necessarily- Existent cannot be body ; since it is plain that were the holy Yezdan body, He might be divided into’parts, the union of all which parts would be the cause of His be- ing. But every thing having been created by Him, if you suppose that such parts do not exist, you necessarily come tothe conclusion that He too does not‘exist, and sq tle would be contingen'ly and not se ase! ex- istent. But as fie ines no body so neither has He place’ nog position. » Fer whatever is’ in place or position is either. body, or a part of body, ora quality of body ; and body and the parts of body are liable to division; whereas the Self- Existent is not subject to divisibility, nor suscepti- ble of being broken into parts. And as to the qualities of body, they depend on body for their being, and are eubservient to it. And whatever is subservient to another is contingent. ‘he Selt-Existent therefore is not body nor corporeal, and He has no place nor posi- tian. Hence too it fullows that the Necessarily-Existent is not an accident, which they call Tawer. For accident inheres in body, and if you suppose body: not to exist, accident too ceases to exist; and as He is not body, so He evidently i is not accident ( /awer ), which i is de dent on boty. And farther, accident or quality i is ag existence which is the Sretitbate ‘of something else as blackness, whiteness, taste, smell, and the like; and whatever has these qualities is contingent ; whence i it “ he understood that tle Necessarilt y-Existent is not seen SHET SASAN THE FIRST. er) seen with the eye that is in the head; for what 18 Vivi- ble to the bodily eye must be in position ; since what- ever is visible must be opposite to, or what may be termedopposite to the seer »- and whatever is so s}(uated must have position. But it has been satisfactorily proved that the Self- Existent has no Position, so that He cannot be visible {o the eye of the body, but only to the mind’s eye. When Ihave lett the clemeutary body, passed the world of bodies, and taken my station above the circle ofcontingent* existenc:s, | have seen the Light of lights which is not body, nor corporeal, nor quality, shine on ‘me without place or position: and that glory is such that its properties cannot be expressed by tongue; nor can ear hear, nor this eye see them. Aud I tanght the souls of such as are travellers on this road to separate from the body. And I myself attained that. happy state, through the faith of my forefathers, ‘The teacher of prophets, in the Jawedin Khirid, when explaining the words of the Sun, the bestower ‘a pleasure, says ; 8. Being is an essential property of “the Most Just. Commentany. He says that the Necessarily-Ex. istent is a self-existent. essence. And all beings that enjoy existence may be considered as of three cltmak Oue of these classes is that of the being that is derived from another being, and which owes ils existence to something external to iiself, such as dependent exist- ences, A second is the being which is a quality of matter, and yetis produced out of it. The third is that Being which is scli-exisient, and which cannot be com- * That is abuve the Nin h Heaven.’ - prehended. 900. ss Tent THeErBooK oF, Le -prehended. An instance of these three classes of being Blight; for some: bodies are resplen!. nt from a light ‘which proceeds from something external to them, and which Tight: they receive, from something: else 5 as the Hleminatiow ofthe earth fromthe Sun: and some shine by alight that is different from their essence, and yet is inseparable from their essence, as the light.of the vene- rable Sun: and» the third is the shining and, blazing Light, which is Light of its own essence, not tr thing else; and.of this last mentioned Light) the, Neces- sarily- Existent ts an, example, The, proof, of this last assertion is, that, if. the being. of the, ‘Necessarily Hxisient proceeded from anything: but his own essence, it would be a quality > und quality is a property of that in which < qualities inhere, and is dependent on it : and _whatsoeversis depetident on another, is, contingenily existent;and every contingent being must have a cause. | Hence’ if the being elithei Nenadeisiky Saidhnd proceeded from any thing but‘His own essence, He must havea cause ? and He cannot be the cause of His own being ; for ihat%is, impossible, as isevident without the necessity of any arguinent er reasoning; since it would imply that the existence of the Necessarily- Existent was prior io Himself. © And as His being is not a quality’ of His ‘essence, so neithér can it be a portion ‘of it: for it ‘has been clearly demonstrated that the Necessarily-Existent has no parts. His being therefore is self-existent, as His essence is pure being; and His essence is: suit He it cannot be conceived as not existing. Moreover, the being, which is not essential, suf gests &'¥uppo-itiearer Binity ; and were His being sti Yezdin would be @ ~ compounded Being, and what is compound is contin- gently existent, And in the same way, were being é superadded ‘ : SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 16) superadded to His essence, it would consequently be subject to accidents ; and were it subject (o accidents, it must follow thet this being, having a dependence, must be dependent on something else, and connected with it by some cause. Hence it must necessarily have acauser. But if this cause were his essential soul, it» weuld, of course, follow that the cause of his existence was previous to hisbeing; since the cause of the ex~ istence of any thing must necessarily precede its being made. ‘The being of the Necessarily-Existent theres fore, must be His essential soul. And the prophet, in the Jawedan Khirid, in expla» nation of the words of the Vicegerent of Yezdaa over bodies* has said ; g. Qualities are essentially inherent in Mezdam. Commentary. He says that the qualities of the Necessarily-Existent are essentially inherent in His pure essence ; what, in dependent existences, proceeds out of essence and quality, in necessary-existences being found intheiressence. For, it He had qualities supers added, and not essentially inherent, it is clear that whatever is not essentially existent must be an addition of something else ; and were the essence of the Most Just invested with qualities that are perfect in spite of their being superadded, then, as whatever has not its perfection from being essentially inherent, is subject to imperfectionand defect; and as imperfection cannot exist in a pure essence, it must follow that perfect qualities are essentially inherent in a pure essence ; just as the knower is in (he soul of knowledge, not know- _* i. ¢. The Sun, ledge 162 ‘JHE BOOK OF Jedge superadded to his essence. “And it is ‘cleat that whatever is not essénti Illy inherent inthe Necessarily- Existent: is dependently existent. If the qualities of ‘Yezdin, therefore, were not essentially existent in His essence, they would be dependently existent; and thence: Yezdan’s perfections would proceed from “what as dependently existent :) but whatever owes its perfec- tion to any thing but itsel’ is dependently not neces- ‘sarily existent; a supposition which is inadmissible.” ~) And moreover Sed-wakhsh‘r in (he Book of Jawedan Khirid, in the explanation “of the words of the refulgent Sun ever-worthiy-to-be lauded, has said ; pas “10. Mezdam knoweth by perfect. means, ComMENTaRy. He says that the Necessarily- -Ex- istent is perfectly Oinniscient of His own essence. F He is free from matter and its affections ; and whatever is free from matter possesses knowledge, since matter and what is material are the impediments of knowledge: : And. the Divine Hssence is acquainted, in a perfect degree, with the particles that change, and with such as are unchanging, & that in a transcendent degree, since i¢. knows their causes thoroughly and with the most perfect knowledge. But it is indispensable that he who knows causes with periect knowledge, should know what is necessary in them, by means of his own essence ; for it is not fitting that he should know particles from their changes; otherwise he would leirn from them at one time that they exist, and at another time he would discover from them that they do not exist. Each in- dividual, therefore, would be seen by him under a dif- ferent aspectasit had existence or non-existence, and the one of these {wo aspects does not consist with the-a- ther whence it would follow that the Necessarily- Existent ee SHET SASAN THE Fixsr. “Ys i #dolory ged) vtiun » : Hex “Existent- must have His essence changed according as one form or another was pres noted ; which is not fitting, since He is not subject io imperlection but knows. pars ticles in a perfect way. And Sed-wakhshur writes ‘much on this subject. Sehander,. during his reign, translated into Yunani this Great Book, and afterwards other Books: and [ have here given an exiract from it han! watchfulness, and fasting and meditation on Yezdan, let him see Yezdin, and those who are nigh unto the “hl ecThe, Lord. is the Creator of the First Intelligence, the Maker of the Soul: the Adornér of the superior bodies, the Pro- ducer of the elements, the Mingler of the four elements. eat _ Commentary, The prophet Tahmuras, the binder of evil-disposed souls, in the book of Berin Ferheng (i. e. superlative knowledge ), says, in explanation of the following words of the key of the heaven* 3 who said unto him ; Lal ; j 12..The Necessarily-Existent is one, without multiplicity. ic. e. The Moor. ComMMENTARY, tee, THEBOOKOF Commentary. For it isunity that excludes mutti- plicity from His essence or qualities; since number if its essence is necessarily manifold and comp6-ed, and thence bears on it amark of dependence. Now depene dence is an essential property of dependent-existence, and of imperfection in quality. And did He possess the quality of multiplicity, it would inevitably icliow that the same thing was at once the Creator and the created, the Maker and the made; for He is the Creator and Maker of all things, and must, therefore, be the Creator _ and Maker of His own qualities. Buta being possessed of qualities cannot at once be the recipient and author of its own qualities: for the same thing cannot at once be the giver and receiver of being. A Creator indeed, from the very circumstance of his beinga Creator, must ne- cessarily have made something: but it does not neces« sarily follow because a thing is made, that there was any necessily for its being made; and it is impossible that the same thing should be necessary and not neces- sary to anothe* thing. And farther the prophet, the remover of eyil-disposed demons, says, that one thing only can proceed from real unity: seeing that if two things proceeded from it, the place of origin of each of these two must necessarily be different. For the place of origin of the one must be different from the _ place of origin of the other; hence, of these two places “of origin, one must be separate from it: and ittoo must have a cause, and if we direct our attention to this cause, we shall find that it necessarily leads us either to the circle or the chain. And it will not do forany one to say, that if this proof were sound, it would necessarily * The sence in the preceding eentence is far frem being Gintinct, - follow . =. SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 65 follow that not even one thing conld proceed from real unity: for that if any thing could proceed out of unity, it must of course proceed from some place of origin, and as the place of origin is related both to the maker and made, as being between them, it too must have acause, and that then the case must necessarily belong either to that of the circle or the chain, .We answer that by the term place of origin, we do not understand a real place of origin, but only that by the intervention of which there is a connexion between the cause and the effect, aud which relation is neither, made nor fashioned, not that we mean to affirm that there is any actually existing place of origin, And the prophet, the binder of demons, has added much.on this sabject, which it is.unnecessary to introduce here. | : And farther in the Book of Beri erheng (transcen- dent knowledge ) it is said, in the explanation of the words of the reverend Moon, thar, 13. The First Intelligence was created, Commentary, He says, having proved that the pure Yezdan is perfect unity, and that only one thing ‘ean proceed from perfect unily, that thing must of ne- cessity be the First Intelligence; since it cannot bea body, for body is compound, and the ‘Creator must be the maker of each of ils individual Parts, since other. wise ‘he certainly could not be the maker and perfect fashioner of the whole: and hence if the First-created and First-made were compound, the Maker must be the maker of each part, and thus a multiplicity of things would necessarily proceed from perfect unity. Nor can the First-created possess any ofthe parts of body : for no one part isindependent, or stable in itself without . some “766% THE BOOK OF some Other; and no dependent existence is capable of ‘creating and making, The First-created, too, must have a maker and plaice of creation, that the chain of connexion may reach to the Necessarily-Existent, as otherwise the chaim must assuredly rise upward. And the First-ereated must be such that no dependent ex- istence* precede him; hence also the First-created cane not be a soul, seeing that even soul is notstabl , but is dependent and affected by matter in its action. Hence it is plain that Intelligence, first ofall, reccived depen- dent being, but is not body, for any part of body, not dependent on body, nor material, and in its being and aclion is not dependent 'on body, or what is material ; and the wise look for nothing more than this in Intel- ligence. And on this head the prophet, the restrainer of demons, has many observations: after'which he ree marks that the moon said ; 14. And this Intelligence createth one Intelligence, one Soul, and one Body: and the other Intelligences do the same. Commentary. It must be understood that the First. Intelligence was created by the Author of Being, and that blessed angel was distinguished by three aspects, First as having a spiritual existence ; next a necessary existence from something different fram himself; and lastly from ifs essence havinga contingent existence. And by means of his spiritual being, which is altogether excellent, he created the second Intelligence who, in his essence and qualities, is free from imperfection and defect, and impropriety, and dependence on matter: and by means of his necessary existence from something external fo himself, that existence being glorious and dignified SHEL SASAN THE FIRST. 167 dignifedin regard to ils essential existence and neces- sary being, and defective in respect to its existing by something ont of itself, he created the soul of the Uppermost Sphere, who is exalted in respect to the in- dependence of his essence on matter, though defective in regard to tbe depenience of his perfections on matter: and by means of his contingent essence, which is the original seat of the lower dependent qualities, and ~ the cause of the lower and imperfect relations, he ex- tricated the body of the sphere of spheres, which, both as to its essence and qualities is dependent on matter. And, in like manner, from every Intelligence another Intelligence and Soul, and Celestial Body proceeded, by means of the existence of the three aspects that have been mentioned, and according to the form that has been explained ; and so on (ill we arrive at the Intelli- gence of the heaven of* e'ements; and to this lasta special power was assigned, derived from the motion and course of the heavens, and the conjunction of the stars, and the aspect of thejstars; and he showers down forms, and ideas, and accidents, and qualities, on the simple elements. And the demon-binding+ prophet has much on this subject. And the demon-binding prophet farther says, the Moon said unto me; 15. Each class hath its guardian angel. Commentary. In explanation of this it is written, that thatis called Light which is visible of itself, and can also make other things visiole; and the Guardian of Guardians is called the Lightof Lights ; and all other independent and free Beings among Intelligences and * The Sphere of the Moon. +. Tahmuras, Souls 168 9 THE BOOK OF Souls.are held to be “Light; since they are visible of their own essence, and are known to their own soul by . their talent of clearsightedness, and they can become the cause of being to all things; But it is not so with bodily faculties whether visible or hidden, which thougly dhe causes of other things being percetved are not the causes of being known to themselves ; i and though the discoverers of perceptions, which are the means of the discovery of (terrestrial things, they are not the mani- festers or illuminators of their own sonls. And no faculty can‘ be the cause of the knowledge of its own soul. As, for example: Nothing is discovered by the unassisted faculty of sight; and no one says that any thing is gained by mere sight: but whenever the rays’ of light falling upon a mirror are reflected and affect the eye, the sight is affected ; for the mere organ ofthe eye is not the seer; the seer is a power which must reside in the organ of the eye,and which power is invisible. : And he farther says, in the same book, that every de- scription of class or genus, whether celestial orelemental, compounded ‘or uncompounded, must haye some ~ Guardian from the seat of light. For there first of all showers: down’ and shines on the Protectors and Guardians, from the Lights ‘that are above them, a re- splendent shower of light, which to them is. altogether contingent; And these lights have different relalions. ‘Hence arise innumerable relations among material bodies, as zo things connected with body, which bear relation to those lights and guardians. sae “And in that Holy Book he farther says, that bodies are the shadows of independent lights, and that ‘the shadow is dependent on the light, And that hence it happens SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 169 happens, in consequence of the imperfection in the con- nexioi of light with bodies, that they cannot discover their own essence; but enlighten what is without them, But permanence is the mark of independent existence ; for knowledge and all other qualities attend its subs stance, but never can be found in bodies. And _ farther the Demon-binding prophet says in the tame book ; the sphere-tented Moon said ufito me; _ 16. Intelligences are without beginning. Commentany. He next says; that no Intelligences are of recent existence, or new made or new created. For new-created and new-formed existences must ne- ceasarily, assume a form and lay aside a form; and the assuming and feaving offa form can only have place in a compound that has two parts, or that possesses a quality made up of two qualities, and which can éxist only in a body having parts ; a proposition that depends on the truth that the same thing cannot, at the same time, Be botli the fashioner and creator, and the created. And every new or new-formed existence must have its material’ principle (mayeh ) previous to it, and must: be subsequent to its principle; whereas Intalligences have no matetial substance. And farther the prophet, the binder-of-demons, in that Mighty Book says, that Intelligences are ever to be extolled and lauded for their completeness and per- section ‘and for ‘such qualities of perfection connected wit dependent existence as they possess. For it has heen proved in its place that the new-making or crea- tidn—of'a thing reqniresa material principle (mayel ), such a miiy admit the: possibility of its new existence in voit renee of the revulution of the circle of eter- ae. Uta w ve! nity® 170 - “THE BOOK OF nity. “But this can have reference only to temporal exe istence. Now Intelligences, in consequence of their in= dependence, are free from the affections of time: for what js called temporal can exist only in time, which td a portion of the revolation of the highest sphere: whereas the being of Intelligences is not connected with time; and to ascribe existence jn time to the First In- telligence would lead to reasoning ina circle; ‘because’ iu this point of view, time would he dependent qn the Sphere, while the being of the sphere is dependent on the being of the First Intelligence. And the flemon- binding prophet has many proofs to the save purpose, t The prophet who adorns the worl, Jemshid, has. 2 book called Ferdszin-urwend ( the Supernal Essence’). Ip that mighty volume he says, Shet Behram said ute, me ; 1, DGuouad 17. The Sphere hath an active soul. Commentary. ‘I he science-adorned prophet. next. says, that the spheres possess an independent soul which mi akes them acquainted with the universe ; ; for, they possess the quality of revolving in a voluntary orbit = and whatever enjoys that quality must havea soul that. comprehends the Universe. For jt is fo be tie that if the rev olution of thie spheres be pot vo}yntan must necessarily either be involuntary, ( " natural (maneshi); and it can be neither, For hep revolve i ina spherical Course ; and whatever apyes.in. agplicrical orbit for ever, must tend toa ject and again desert ite N ow were their motion natural, it would necessarily follow that the s saiye thing Was al ouce sought and shunned by nature ; and it is unnecessary to, waste words in exposing the absurdity of such AP? ppsitiva, A gain, that the heavens do not move by any ins v oluntary SHET SASAN THE FIRST. i “voluntary (shampuri) motion js plain from this, that involuntary motion. is the motion of a thing con itsnatural tendency ; whence, as it was proved th heavens are not guided by any natural instinet or naturhl Geherainelae pre tn ROA eid hile aa eae it cannot be that the motion of all the spheres should be invotuntary ; fur the Se ee voluntary action can have place in bodies only by means of a body whose soil i greater ‘and stronger than that of the smaller body : and there is no body whose soul is larger or more” powerful than the soul of the sphere of *spheres. Hence it follows that the rotion of the heaven of hea- vens is not involuntary. And, as it cannot be that oie portion of the Universal. spheres should have an inde- pendent ‘soul, and one portion not; it follows, that the resolution of the Universal Heavens must he volun Riesh tele « And since tle mation of the on is yoluntary, it. ‘that they” must “have actjs Seal which or itis should be a a soil an object of press wena desired ; that the agent, actuated by this motive, object and desire, may undertake the voluntary action. ‘Aditi aN bidainAt” Be supplied i72 #¢ _ THE BOOK OF rahe for whatever is discovered by means of the bodily féeuls ties is partial; and whenever any cause that. operates. itt the being of a thing i is partial or local, which neces¢ sarily supposes liability to change and alteration, that thing must necessarily be subject to change or tevolu- tion... If, theretore; the final motive of the action of the souls of the heavens in their voluntary actions which. produce motions, were things discovered by bodily fa- culties; then, ofa certainty, the course of the heavens could not, censistently with sach a supposition, be. everlasting or uniform, so as not to be subject to be af- fected by any change or alteration. Hence these mo- tions must haye been produced by an unlimited kniow- ledge that comprehends unlimited objects. And, ifwhat is understood reside in the undertanding’; then, as the. occupation of place necessarily supposés, in the nature’ of the occupier, @ proportion corresponding to the place oécupied, it cannot be rightly applied, to matters or things that are, in their nature, unlimited. The heavens, tow, besides having souls that compre-_ hend the universe, the relation of whielr souls to the: spheres, corresponds with that of the active soul toman, likewise possess bodily faculties called Bandérs; and these Bandérs themselves, by means of imagination and conception, become the original seat) of the a motions exhibited by the heavens; for u ledge is not fitted to.be the origin, of pantisl.ond dimits: ed motions : since the affection of universal knowledge:, is equal t towards all its portions; and hence it is requi-: site, err: partial and local motions exist, that they. should be derived from and supported by partial.and. local knowledge, which can be received only by bodi- ly organs: and these faculties in the heavens eovapy the SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 173 the place which in men is held by conception. And these faculties exist ‘in every particle of the heavens, since a simple body is not composed of parts differing from each other in their nature. If, therefore, any one fi y existed in one part of the heavens differ ‘nt from ati in any other, there would, of course, be variety without any cause of variety. These powers or faculties therefore are spread over all the particles of the heavens. And the virtue-adorned-prophet says, inthe Ferdain- urwend, Shet Behraws said unto me; 18. The human soul is independent, in- : divisible, without begianing or end. Commentary. He next says, the respected and ac- tive soul is an independent and simple substance, pos- sessing the property of besfowing motion; it is called man, and talked of as / and thou. ‘That angel has a connexion with body, the connexion of watching over or thinking for it, but without penetrating the body or be'ng mixed with it. Hence we say that, to one who atfends tothe unders(anding, the clearest of all things is his-own existence and realily: and the dreamer in sleep, the drunken man during intoxication, he who is awake during: his waking, the sober man while in a state of sobriety, may be ignorant of any thing else, but cannot be ignorant of or unacquainted with his own existence. _ Hence we need no proof or evidence of one’s own existence. For the property of a proof is that it be a middle term by which the enquirer may arrive at what he secks, and the mover reach that to- wards which he moves. But ita proof were given of one’s own existence, tie proot would be a middle term ‘or “@ 174 THE BOOK OF or medium between a single individual, and self would merely come to self, self always be placed by self. Hence it is improper and absurd io attempt a proof af the existence of one’s self. 4 ; Since then you know with anerriug certainty that you are yourself, we may ventare (o affirm that the Soul is a substance not an accident. For we all know that whatever possesses being, except only the holy Yeadan, is either substance or accident. And wherever abe- ing deperids on any thing different from itself, that other is necessaily in itself independent of it. As for example, the form of the throue is dependent on the ex- istence of the gold ; fur if the gold had no existence the forin of the gol coult have hone. Such existence, is called subservieut and depend-ut, and in the celestial tongue luwer (or accident). And wete it not as has beew explained, it would be independent, and self- stable in ifs own being, without dependence or reliance on any thing else that confers firmness, such as go'd as has already been explained, and which last they call snistance, or in the celestial tongue fordher. These matters baving thus been explained in detail, itis plain that ¢ /awer or ) accident is a property super. induced ov or received from something different fronx itself, and which last mentioned thing ust be inde- pendent and stable of itself, ta order that it may be the recipient and support of that accident ( or tawer ). The substance, man, is the recipient of perception and reason : and figures and notions are drawn upen it, and again erazed ut of it; a propei ty which does not be- Jong to accident (or fawer). “The soul therefore can- not be an accident; and not being an accident, it must necesssiurily be a sulsiance, Again SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 175 Agvin it may be affirmed t! at the soul is not body ; for the body is always compused of parts, and may be divided imo very small and minute portions, and that to such a degree that, even whea it can no longer be divided or cut by a kuite, or sword or the like, yet rea- son tells us that it is still divisile. For, if Uiree mi- note parts he placed beside each otlier, and if the part which is in the middle prevent the two parts which are on the two sides from meeting fogetiver and being in contact with each offer, his middle piece must evident. ly have two sides, one towards the piece on the right side, and the other in contact with the piece on the left side; and each of these two bodics on the sides has also two sides, the side touching the middle piece and the side on the opposite direction: and whatever lias two sides, and is susceptible of being applied to any thing else, is divisible. But rf the piece in the middle offered no resistance, so that the two side pieces were to meet, then noting could intervene; and from the meeting of these two, there would ensue a conjunction and a connexion ; whereas amutual penetration of two bodies is an impossibility ; seeing that. sine one thing enly can exist at once in one plaice, Lis inpossible that two things sheuld exist at one time inthe same place. For, i is just as if, when one was sitting in a place, another were to come and sit down on the same Spot, yet so us not to incommede the fint or press hin, and fa sucl® sont thit the two should have room enough, just in the same way as th: one had, at the same limie that the place bad not been at a!l encreased in fength, brendth, depth or capacity, which is absnid. | Hence every compound pody must be suscepible of division, aud every thong wateisl, which is born or supported by 16 | THEBOOK OF | 4 by body, is in like manner subject to division: since the division of place implies the divisibility of nity in the place and occupies the space. We may next affirm, that the distinctive essence of unily is indivisible, and has no divisions, parts or por- tions. For to conceive it as divided into parts would be mere fancy and imagination, not reason: and what doesnot admit of division can have no place in what admits ef division, and cannot be contained in it. For wherever a thing is divisible and admits of being divid- ed, as time and space, you may of course conceive it a$ being divided or sepata'ed. But no intellectual notion is susceptible of division, or separation. Whence it is plain that the soul is simple and not material. For the soul is the seat of the essence of unity, and that essence of unily resides in it: and if unity were a body, or be- longed to body, then, upon any division of body or what belongs to body, the simple essence would als0> of necessity , be divided ; since that which resides in the portion that is separated, must, in truth, reside. in that fragment, not in the total; and, whenever any thing resides in the whole, that which resides in each part is distinct from that which resides in any other part; whence would necessarily ensue the division of that which resides in place. And hence it is clear that the soul must be simple. yore In the next place we assert that the active sonl is an~ cient, not newly ereated or produced: because every new production or creation must haye its material prin= ciple previous to it: now were not the, soul.ancienty it would be material and corporal, not independent) and free. But the evidences and proofs of its “a _ and freedom, are manitest, ; We we SHET SASAN THE FIRST. Thad ‘We next say that the soul isstable, and, on the des struction of the bady, does nat suffer similar decay, but remains efernal. For whatever decays must, before its decay, possess a susceptiblity of decay; and this sus- Ceptivility must reside somewhere. But it cannot ex, ist in the essence of the thing whigh* decays; since the possibility of decay must exist after its destruction; and it is clear that the thing itself does pot remain after its destruction: henee if the soul cease to exist, it neces- sarily follows, that the place in which the possibility of decay resides, must be something different from the soul, and yet gat thing must be the essence of the soul, in order that the possibility of the destruction of the souk may be permanent in it ; because it is incgnsistent with Feason, that a thing, different f£ omanother thing, should be the permahent sea! of the possibility of decay of that other thing. |t would therefore inevitably follow trom this reasoning, that the soul was a compound and mates rial subsiange; but sufficient proofs of the indepene dence of the soul on matter have already been given; it must therefore be eternal. Ang the Soul is permanent of ite own nature, and active by means of ils organst ; for it knows itself, and this selfzkngwiedge it never can receive through its organs, for then they would be the medium between it and its essence ; but, whatever observes by means of organs, can comprehend neither itself nor ite or- gans, as the sight does not see thesight, and soforth. Moreover the soul even discovers errors in the bodily senses, and separates their truch from tliir errors. ‘’ i nee ean em ow ent + Literally, Tools. Hence 4 4 a - “BBR #008 Sante Hence it i shaken cant i soul ie “aan acqu Sanat ee a ours i not belong t Epos is n ie ived by the bodily se S dikebvi ae body a and "what belon anc soul i is neither r body : nor P compere mo hich the soul a acts by. its i inst ents plaid, asi it perceives byl its faculties, and excites 5 tion by ae Fveing, sinews ‘and the like. i 3 rel § i aD ty gent: _ And. | the oh lent- -adorned prophet says, Shet ete rid _unto Me 5 tne iis a iow tb vcoulaniaraicth from one side , another. ‘Those whoare in all respects free see the Lord: those who are lower a in the Heavens : ‘and those who are ‘still | ow go from one elemental body to another. sel Commentary. The talent-adorned prophet next’ says, that pleasure consists in enjoying agreeable sensa~' tions ; and pain, in feeling disagreeable sensations. Now? feeling in ils essence is one of the qualities of soul ; and: hence, the soul, after its separation from body ymay,still be susceptible of pain or pleasure. Though. the body: and its faculties. are necessary for the perception of t various different objects, of sense, and are the which the soul comprehends the universeyand are ift-» dispensable as instruments, yet, they-are.not perm whereas intellectual pleasure and, pain are more persy tae GBA ECHR Aig: the dissolution of the, body. * hye ocky %.. seeingegthabalcelingsdgel ways aed oalech in proportion to the stability of the. sige. 80 epiebele Suspee ad 0 idetak + Some words here are unintelligible. derey? oe¥ aid slot faculty; ® calf 7 SHET SASAN DHE FIRST. 179 of the. ismore stable than te bl ses: :_ hence it ings mut be more! per-— se communicated by the body: because fda es know only, what i is external and le, | whereas Une intellectual powers are exerted ins aa “And ir perceptions are more perfect too; an the perceptions of sense ; because intellectual pec- eeptions have. teference to independent existences, aS universals, intelligences and Yezdaén; while the pers eptions derived . from the bodily senses are such as x ae lights and smells ;_and it is plain that, of the wo eer such ds are ingenndeet are the more ex- ted. ; wit bene -establi hed ‘that the thing perceived, the act of perception and the percipient are all most excellent sot perceptions, it follows that intellectual e ure must be more perfect than bodily pleasure, and that bodily pleasure i is not to be compared to it, . For what afinity have ideas received through the senses with independent existences, and especially with the Self-Existent? That class, therefore, which: is mighty among the mighty, and fortunate among the fortunate, those who have reached the limits of perfection in act and speech, certainly aitain the world of lights; and lower than them is the fortunafe band who having indeed” escaped from the restraint of the elements, yet have not attained the opén’expanse of space free from place, of the ‘Independent, but reach, all of them, the particular hea- ven to which they have gained an affinity : and all find pleasure i in the excellent forms and delightful qualities that exist in the soul of the spheres. And such as bave not escaped | ‘from the Sando Sa pe constitution, but who at the same time have a “surpassing goodness, Ye: } : ge 380 THEBOOK OF © go from body ta body in a state of progressive im- provement, till they reach the state of release. And this progression they call ferhengsar. Such as have been wicked enter into the bodies of speechless animals according to their various dispositions: and this they call nengsér. And some enter into vegetables, and this is tengsérz and sometimes also they aie enclosed in mi- nerals, and this is called sak and sengsdr. And these are the several degrees of bell. And the knowledge-a- dorned prophet hath spoken much on this subject. On this head I have not written one of a thousand of the words of that exalted being. , There is a Book of the chosen of the incomparable. Ized, the venerab'e prophet and king of kings, Feris. din, which is called the HGncristép ; in which he says, l crept out of the lower body, and ascended into, the Heavens ; and in descending, made some enquiries of - Tir (Mercury), who gave answers my questions. One of them is the following, 20. The heavens have neither rent nor seam. Commentary. The very mighty oné says, there are different quarters of the heavens, as it is said that such: an one moves to such an *airt: and that towards which he moves cannot be the soul of a non-existence, since non-enlity cannot be the subject of indication. ‘This being established, it may be added that this thing called airt, cannot be a purely intellectual notion, since * | have adopted this Seo'ch word, the use of which has been sanctioned by the authority of an eminent writer, in order to aveid the circumlocution that would otherwise be necessary, the Kughols language having uo single corres pouding term. rans. nothing eee et SHET SASAN THE FIRST: 181 fothing purely intellectual can be susceptible of sensi- ble indication; and no motion can be directed towards a merely intellectual existence, Whatever, therefore, is subject to indication, and such that motion may be directed towards it, must be possessed of some quality. But any thing from which airt is indicated, and in the Girection of which it is seen, and whence it is specially foted, cannot be susceptible of separation. For, as the being in motion moves over the nearest particle of airt he must necessarily do one of two things; He must either move from an airt or to an airt: from which al- ternative it necessarily follows that one particle of airt must be the totality of airt, which is impossible, And fm like manner were il divisible or separable, motion might be directed towards no-airt: that, is towards no- thing, which is impossible. r In the next place (he* Lord ( Khawend ) of the Spheres must necessarily be a perfect and circular body, since the fixing the position of every thing depends oa him: and it is necessary that he should regulate the centre, not that the centre should regulate him, on ac- count of the succession of eternal revolutions on one point. | It is necessary too that, he be not compounded of different bodies, seeing that then he would be liable to composition and oiaian. And the Lord of, the Spheres cannot be divisible, since were he liable to di- vision he must inevitably be affected by two motions, one towards being, and ene towards non-entity, and tivo ( opposite iene! J motions are impossible. Know, too, that heat isa power which aspires to ascend from the centre: that cold isa power which * Khawend, The Ninth Heay:n or Tehemten. : from 182 THE BOOK OF from above strives to approach the centre: that heavi- ness rules over cold, and lightness rules: over heat : and — that the Lord does not move from above downward, nor from below ‘upward, whence he is not necessarily either heavy or light, hot or cold: that the motion of the Lord of the Spheres is round the centre, and his aspect is circular : for he is not compounded of different bodies, as of parts, that he should have an up and down. Know farther that whatever is liable to encrease ne« cessarily requires food: and whatever requires food must be liable to assume and lose its form: ; and hasa susceptiblity of division or junction. But the Lord is not liable to encrease, and has no need of food, and be- ing free from the necessity of taking nourishment, he is not liable to the assumption or Joss of form. And the Yezdanis call the Lord of the Spheres Tehemten*. And the Almighty Just One has not create ed him of the elements: He has conferred being on that blessed essence from another substance which they call the fifth element: and no change or injury can affect him to all eternily : and he is the obedient servant of Yezdan, never having in any instance disobeyed, from the time without beginning when he was created. The blessing of God be upon him! The prophet of the incomparable Ized, Feridan, in the Book called Huneristant, has many proofs on the ‘subject which I have touched. The benevolent prophet Manucheher in the. Book ’ called the Danishsar (or Essence of knowledge) says, Berjish} said unto me, * Tchemter, The immense body, + The Treasury of Knowledge. } The guardian ange) of the planet Jupiter. 2). SHET SASAN THE FIRST, - “188. 21, The apniiie, however mingled, are either permanent or impermanent. Commentary. Ivis tobe observed-that there are four elements, the positively light, hot and dry, which is fire; the comparatively light, warm and moist, Which is air; the comparatively heavy, cold:and moist, which is water; and the positively ‘heavy, cold and dry, which isearth. The water is of the shape of a ball, the half of which being broken is filled with water; so that the water and earth together compose ope ball. And as the elements penetrate into and affect each other, a sort of middle nature is produced which is called constitu- tion or temperament. Ifa body that is united with a temperament has the probability of subsisting for a protracted time, and. of retaining its compound sub- stance, it is called permanent or pervect; if not, then imperfect or impermanent. And among the imperfect compounds are the middle existences called Niwar-e- Niwar (meteors of the air): for air mixed with water is mist; and fire mixed with earth, smoke, and such like. And there can be no temperament so purely equalized that the elements in it should be exactly equal in quantity and mode. And in proportion as temper- ament more nearly approaches equalify, the soul be- stowed on it by the originator of being is more perfect. ‘Lhe objects of all others the most, remote from equali- ty of temperament are minerals; then vegetables; af- ter them, moving thingsand mankind. And, in the view of the intelligent, these three children participate in the active soul of the Universe. As to the four ele . ments, the illustrious prophet, in the adinirable volume called Danishsar ( or the essence of knowledge ), gives = many 184 THE BOOK OF many proofs and illustrations, and offers many observae tions on their creation, composition and decomposition; which we abstain from repeating, as our intention i8 that every one should not be able to peruse the specu: lations (bisatir), which I have written on the Desitr; and this translation should first of all be read by every Yezdani, that he may comprehend a little of the Most Just and of His Creation. 22. Let us ask help of Meadim, the self- existent original Essence, the Uncompound= ed, the Creator of qualities! 23. O Ferdinas, son of *Derwentas ! 24. I have chosen thy service; 25. And, on thy account, have overlook- ed the crimes of the Hirasis. 20. Certainly I will. raise up my. fone ed one, | gut Pernsran Nore. The King of siscey Aes 27. from out of you, that he may assume the government. — 28. And be ye rulers. over. the ai tants of the earth; | 29. And let'the sovereignty nee remain’ among you. 30. Now I have made thee a very wise. prophet; 31. And thy con shall see that exalted personage: * Azersaednv, sonof [4rab, Pers. (SHET SASAN TNE FIRST. 185 32. And, for thy sake, the kingdom shall enjoy prosperity ; 33. And thou art the prophet of the world; ; 34. AndI have sent thee to all mankind; 35. And thy race shall publish thy faith in Hiras* and elsewhere ; 36. For they are thy vice-gerents ; 37. And all of them shall be good and pious, 38. Make thy heart joyful, for I have granted thy desire. Commentary. It is to be remarked that when Se- kander conquered Iran, Sasan the son of tarab relired before his father’s brother; and went to Hind; where he exercised the worship of Yezdan in a cavern. Yezdan Jooked upon=that exalted personage with favor, and se- lected him for prophecy, and said: For thy sake have I forgiven thesins of the lranis, of which the greatest was the murder of Darab. And now I will raise up one of thy relatives of the Kyani race, a man upright in word and deed, that he may assume the government of the kingdom, and so you may be delivered. from those kings that are on every hand,’ and may escape from subjec- ‘tion, and the chiefs of the world submit to your sway asin former times, and the sovereignty remain long among you. Thy son will see that kingdom-grasping monarch, and make the country-of-cities populous through thy excellence. Thou art the prophet of the * Trin. Pers. earth, 196 THE BOOK OF earth, and thee have | sent for the deliverance of the earth. Thy sons will spreid abroad over Iran and other regions the faith acceptable to Yezdau, which is thine : and they will be perfect, known of Yezdan, wor- kers of miracles, and masters of reasoning and argu Tent. dson named fdepdigep: who is oi io second Azersasin, and resembled his respected father in know- Jedge and practice. He, by the directions of the ilhus. trious prophet, the mighty Azersasan, went to Kabul- istfan. For the prophet of Yezcanhad said unto him, Find out Ardeshir, of ihe race of Behman, and deliver unto him my Book. Ardeshir ruled all jrao in the time of that personage, and, in a dream, saw the mighty ¢ he £4 4n, who informed him of the state and condition of * the second S& an. Animated by the hopes so inspired, the King of 114n went to Kabulisian, and after athou-— sand entrealies, having succeeded in bringing that bless-: ed being to the prosperous residence of Istakhar, he constructed an immense* monastery, adorned with the figures of the stars, and having fire-temples on different sides, and assigned that glorious personage a habitation there. And from that time downwards that collection of religious houses depended on the decendants of that mighty prophet; and by means of the followers of the successor of the reverend prophet, have the kings of the habitable woild become subject to Ardeshir, the king of kings. 39. Let us ask aid from Mezdam, the self- existing Essence, uncompounded, the Ar- tibcer of qualities! * Sengeristan. Con— over SHET SASAN TSE FIRST. 187 Commenranys Phrough his Essence. 40. Stablish the faith of Ferzibid Commentary. Lhe expression which is eve y where wsed by Yezdan, stablish the faith of the Greatt A- BAI”, does not mean that the religion was formed by Aba’. ‘To me itis clear that it may be denominated the fith pleasing-to-Yez'dn, since the faith which leads to Him must be pleasing to Yezdan. This faith acceptanle to Yez an was revealed to Abad by the grest. Yezid, and in this faith did all the prophets come; and the doctrines of Abad are not only pleasing to Yezdas, but belong to Yezdan. And Yezlaa ne- ver overturns this faith; fora change of orders pros ceeds from the orderer having repenied of his first or- ders, whereas perfect knowledge can give no order of which it can repent. And it cannot be alledged that a different knowledge is requisile for different times, see- ing that good knowledge and action are commendable at all times; and nothing is desirable but what is right. Now no righter faith than thiy can be given, as is evie dent to the fair enquirer and sedulous investigator : and Yezdan has given mankind a faith to which they may resort at all seasons. Wien a Yezdani is asked, What is the faith ? he must answer, The faith accept- able to Yezdan, or, | am a Yezdani. Bul, in circum. stances in which there is risk, the conce.lment aud hiding of his taith is necessary, 4}. And now let me inform thee what things wil! befall mankind : 42, And do thou inforin thy children + Fer bad, Mclabad and Boozoog4bad all mean, the Grea: Abad, that i838 TIlE BOOK OF that they thay warn themselves and the good, of these dreadful calamities; _ ; 43. And may shun these distresses ; 44. Many men will arise and from them Hiras hath nothing to dread. Commentary. Forsome established a code of Laws among the *Shidyars, and sought preeminence among that class. Thereafter there was a Man who called them all unto him and said, I am the son of Yezdau, At length they slew him, and thereafter his religion was published: And, at the present day, the Riimis are of his faith. t 45. And a man will come, who will lead’ astray, and falsely call himself a prophet } 46. And will not save his life from thy men. Commentary. He here means Mani the painter, who came into Iran in the time of the king of kings, the emperor of emperors, the slayer of the Tazis ( A= rabs), Ardeshir of the race of Shapur. He had a book in which were innumerable figures, such as, a figure having a man’s body and elephant’s head, and so forth. And he said, these are celestial angels; and he gave permission to slay harmless animals, and deemed it in- dispensable to abstain from women. ‘The emperor Sha= ~ pir was the disciple of the second Shet SasAn, and had learned his knowledge from that Sage. He enquired of Mani, What reason can you have for killing harm Jess animals and for abstinence from Women? Mani * The Jchadi, or Yehddi, or Jews. What follows alludes to Christ. rans answered, SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 189 answered, [n order that animals may be removed away, and their pure souls escape from their impure bodies and return again to their own proper abode; and that can be effected only by their being killed. “And ab- stinence from women is to be observed, that the present race may not be preserved, and that souls may not pass from their own residence into this defiled abode. King Shapur replied, How can (the souls of all) animals es- cape by means of this hunting and sliughtfer, since a pertion of animals having life are produced without copulation, as mosquitoes from the leaves of reeds and such like: and in the same manner others, such as flies, are produced in their season. How can these be removed away aiid destroyed? The fire, the air, the water, the earth cannot be removed away : and how can such souls»as are united with vegetables and minerals be separated from them ? You enjoin too to keep far from women. W hiat does it avail to keep away from womens if desire does not forsake the heart? But those souls of _ which you have spoken, when they return info the bodies of men and act well, are f and rise into hea- ven: and if the race of man ‘call to what bestower of freedom can they be allied? As the conversation drew out into length, Shapur said ; Which of the two is preferable, desolation or -populousness ? Mani answered, The solitude of bodies is the popu- Jousness of souls. ShApur said, Tell me then; Would the slaying of thee be a source of populousness or deso- lation? He answered, It would be the desolation of my body, and the populousness* of my soul. ‘The king of kings: said, According to thy words will I act by thee. Ne was then diiven from the fortunate assembly, and continue to exist, * i.e. Meaus of felicity. Pa: the 390 . THE BOOK OF ~— the men of the city with stones, and bricks, and staves, and fists slew him, and tore his body and limbs to pieces. ‘ 47. And again another misleader will come and teach, that women and property should be enjoyed in common. CommenTary. By this he means Mazdak, who ae rose in the time of the king of kings, Ghobad, and was the founder of a new sect. He taught, It is most un- just that one should not assi»t another of the same faith : and itis improper that one believer should be possessed of effects, while his fellow believer is without property. lt is necessary, therefore, that those who are of the same faith should divide their wealth equally with each other. Nor is it seemly that one man shculd have a wife with a beautiful countenance and elegant shape, while another's is ugly. It isindispensably requisite therefore that every such person should communicate his handsome wife, for atime, to the other, and take that other’s hard-favomred wife in return. And needy ~ men who come from ities of other kings, for at that time there was no beggar in the country of lran, clang to his doctrines: and such as were the slaves of lust attached themselves to him. Nushirwan was displeased atthis innovation, for he had been the disciple of the venerable S4san. And some Mobeds from among the disciples of the respected Sé4n hada conference with Mazdak, till they convicted him of falshood and error in all his tenets and innovations. ‘The following isa . specimen. ef the conference. Nushirw4n himself said untohim, Lf you give him who has borne the toil the same hire with him who has not toiled, is it oppression ? Ile SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 191 He answered, Yea. Nushirwan said, How then can you give the property collected by the labour of one person to another who hath had no trouble about it? Hethen asked Mazdak; ifaman comes and labours a piece of ground, and waters it, and sows seed, shall that ground belong to him orto the person who ha s endured no toil in dressing the ground? He answered, ‘I’o the labourer. Nushirwan said, Why do you give the wife of one man to anether, and thus mix seed? He then said to Mazdak, If one man slay another, what ought to bethe retribution on the slayer. Mazdak replied, It would not be well (o slay him ; tor though the slayer does evil, we should not. Nushirwao said, If we do not kill him, he may kill ten more. Is it best that one or ten should be slain? He then said into him, O wicked man! ‘The sect which thou hast formed is destructive of the sovereignty and government, as well as of all or- der and obedience, since it would destroy all distinc- tions among men, would cover with darkness all rela- tions of descent and extraction, and lead men to prey upon each other like wild beasis. As the king of kings, Ghobad, had made an agreeinent with Nushirwan, the imperial prince, to deliver up Mazdak to him, ifhe refuted him in argument; the king of kings now accordingly gaye him up to the young imperial prince to bring him (o his end. 48. And for thy sake I will remove these calamities far away, 49. Untilthese Hirterasis* become evil- “doers, . 50. And revolt from their kings. * Irinis. Pass ; CoMMENTARY. 192, OS THE, BOOK: OF Ta Commentary. In these words He gives theprophet: an ‘assurance, For thy sake will ] remove the calamity, of subjection from the Iragis, and, will give them a good; king, and exalt the royal religion. Yet they will de-. sert the road. And the ‘wanderings of the Iranis are, evident, for they often revolted from their kings and passed the fire-pencil over the eyes of Hurmazd, and committed similar acts. . And they will embroil the reyes fess’ son together. Commentary. This points to the fact that Behram Chobin struck money in the name of Khosrou Parvez, and thereby excited the jealoussy of the king of kings , (i. e. Hurmazd ). 52. And slay the kings of kings, my. Parvez. , Commentary. At the unhappy period in question, — the Irdnis at the instigation of Ferrukh-zad, that Ahriman in -human shape, revolted from the king of kings, and having placed on the Kyanian throne, Ghaibad the som of the king of kings, separated the soul of the lord of the world, the friend of Yezdan, from his body. 53. And they will not hear the words of thy children who are my tongue. Commentary. For whatever thy sons say, they speak with my tongue. And during these wicked trans- actions of the Iranis, the respected father of the'en- diter of this book, the fourth Azer S4sAn, sent epistles . to them to the fortunate abode, but they heeded them © not. And at the period of the revolt, he addressed an epistle to Beliram Chobin, charging him not to attack the a. 4 vw Aca ” % SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 498 "the race of Kltosron, but. he did not attefid to him, Oh two dccasions, once before the expedition of Par- vez, and again after his return from ROm with the army, did he write letters to Behram, who would not ‘bey them, and returned for answer to the latter of the epistles ; ** What the lieutenant of the prophet says tis true. | know it: but the lust and anibition of reigning impel me onward,” W héreupon the reverend S2-an, having his resentment kindled, replied; “* Thou never ‘wilt be satisfied with sovereignty until thou fleest 106 wards ‘Femidiu*t which thou wilt never reach, aud until thou fallest under a Termudian dagger.” And when they dragged Parvez from the throne and gave the diadem to +Shiruyeh, my respected tather as well as the writer of this book sent them epistles. - They answered ; ** Tliese ment are taking the part of their re- Jations, aud we Well know that nobody wishes harm to his friends. Besides, the world has been harassed by you. One Bebmani dynasty came and filled the throne; and in the room of the prophets came another, the Jiewlenants of the prophets, arid thus divided the sword and the government, between them.” Upon this my respected father called together the grandees of Pars, aud the family of Sa4n who were in Istakhr. And that mighty Yeddani prophet addressed them and said, * Behold the signs of evil days are come. There is now no longer any right conrse of action, nerany self de- yotion left among the Irdnis.” * Turap, 4 ; Shirugehy the same aa Mhipbodien Kubad mentioned i in the Commentary on verse 52. $ That is, sie weiter and his father. o ; 3 54. apt ) 20) (THE BOOKVOF® > * : 54. While they are so™ engaged, there “shall arise. aiman’ among: “the “wTewarjis, ibe Pt hg 66. By y¥ ‘whose followers, thediadem, and the, throne, and. the government, ,and,ythe — shall.alh be overthrown; *) © ah ~'56: And'the mighty’ ‘shall be abject oe ph ve And ‘instead lof ad. idols -templ c, = OF of the fire-temple of the. house of Abad, shall ‘be seep a place}. toward: iw Ei awe on eee but! Ape of i its s images. wods digg ; wy =H 25% bi VOI 6 i CduwenTARY. ‘the house hat is, 6 in ‘the sandy desert of the , Hamawass, built t iv ‘in which | were ‘the i images | of the stars tha r Ha oa a Bays, ‘Shall become the place towards w meh Peamm Ar ‘directed, and the | images sl ‘shall | be removed fi rom it, "1 ais! 58. And aro and is brackish, WAEEE A) yoy “59 And.,afterwards» they» cls tha vabiee Gre-temples‘of'{Madir, and’ whatever is pi v them, ahd Yenfad and asi) Saat itl, nh és io vita dims 60. “And eae Lawgiver,, shall bevan elo- .quent.man and bis words involved; >)” a 61. very: brie indy tant them to'a pide, ie Me-33 id ane ra of "Taxis. Pers, They are the Arabs. (Ft This prophecy of the origin aad progress er danieiny of theisbleb pandcof the clavacter off the ® i 1s certatuly sufficiently distinc ty wre Ra ane t Madain, Pers. 450% git bow vate ors ‘ud ; § Tas aod Balk, x. 62. SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 305 62. And that religion is a sea that is tempestuous on every side, 63. So as to drown its own ship. 64. Afterwards park shall fall out with each other, ~© &: © 65. And the wise men of Hirtds and others shall-come in unto them, 66. And there shall remain of that faith enly such a proportion as there is of salt in flour. Commenrany. He means that the Iranis seeing nothing left for it, shall, as well as others, adopt the religion of the ‘lazis, and shall raise up sects, sa that among these sects, there shal] be left of that faith only accoriling tothe vulgar expression, in the proportion of salt to flour, as he sufficiently explains. 67. In the sects that shall rise up, thou shaltefind nothing of that religion but the name. 68. Afterwards, the Demuds* shall come and wrest the ascendency from them ; 69. And thou shalt see these sects exhibit the fire-temple jn the Taklisif religion. 70. And their mouth shall be the chime ney of the fire-temple. d ; * These Demuds, Pers. Tenud*n, are certsivly the Tartare who have already been frequently referred to. Ei Ta.i, Pers. 71 196»; THE BOOK OF. a. And it shall come to pass, oat that time, that they shail talk of Mezdam anti ) Berdim ; ote ix 72. But they, shall worship earth ;f 73. And day by day shall hostility ens crease among them. | Bn? -. 74. Then shall ye benefit by it; 75. And surely if there remainethassingle moment of the Grand Revolution; will» raise up one of thy people; ‘i 76. And will restore to thee thy tolled and honour ; : 77. And nevermore will I take” away prophecy and pre-eminence from among thy. s children. | Pest 78. And I will cause the §Hezumbs to flee from dread of you, as the mouse and — cat do into holes and hiding places from the» paws of the rat and of the lion. oh 79. And after thee ly will send the fifth © Sasan to prophecy. 4 80. Let us seek help from Mezdam, “the » pure Essence, the Unie geo tea the Cre>. ator of all properties ! Dee ee t Yezdan and Abriman. Pers, . : The meaning «f this khak-periati, is not cleat; unless. it Eh: to the sensuality and worldly mindedness ifthe Mu- selnans, § Lezis, Pers, 81 wy” SHET SASAN THE FIRST. 197 8 1. Mezdam hath chosen thee for pro- phecy ;. _ $2. And thou art one of the great pro- phets ; *g3. Ihave sent thee (who like all the former prophets art the Lord of a Book) unto all the iobabitants of the lower world. 84. Iavite all to the faith of the great Abad. 85. Every one that doth not come, shall be an inbabitant of hell. 86. Thou didst pray, O Lord of the World ! Confer the royalty on my seed! 87. I will raise up Herdevir,* and select him for sovereignty. 88. Let us ask help of Mezdam, the Pure of essence, the Uncompounded, the Creator of qualities! : 89. Every one whose soul maketh choice of equity, when he throweth of the body, shall arrive at me. Commentaty. Be if observed, that the angel-soul- ed, intelligent bodied prophet, Ky Khosrou, the son of Siavish, in the book Serdshi-kerdar (ange]-practice) says, The respectable #Nalid said unco me go. In every thing a medium is best. * Ard-shir, Pers + Tue plauct Venus. ComMMENTARY. 198. _ THE BOOKOF 4) Coumentanr. itis says, When, the | force f the derstanding is excessive, it draws towards. artifice and is ca.led cunning ; if deficient or little, it becomes fol-- ly or stupidity ; while the middle state) which is the commendable one, is good sense or wisdom. In like® / manner the strength of desire in its excess draws, to passion, and is called lust; in its deficiency, it is iigis dity; while the medium is abstinence, chastity, modesty. And if the influence of courage be excessive, men get’ the habit of flying out on all occasions, and, are called guarelsome and fray-seekers; if it be in defect, they are denominated cowards; while those in the, middle between the two are brave or spiriled. | Every soul i In which is found this glory of Ized, that is, justice, acts according to what is just and right, and when it leaves the body. goes to join the angels and is united to Gow. And the angel-minded prophet has many similar ob- servations. 91. Let us seek help from Mezdan, the Pure of essence, the Uncompounded, the ~ Creator of qualities. g2. All that I have told thee will, in its appointed time, come to pass, in the face of mankind. 93. After thee, the fifth Sasan is my pro- phet. - — ee LAT TO ROSH An 199 safhoore bos THE BOOK OF THE RESPECTED S4SAN THE FIFTH. 1: 7 E T us take refuge with Mezdam from evil thoughts which mislead and afflict! 2. In the name of Shamta, the Benefi- Pret the Liberal, the Gracious, the Just! _ Inthe name of Mezdam ! _ 4. O Ardenas* the fifth * * * * * *s 5. Now have I chosen thee for ae heey! : 6. And thou art my friend; bide not the right road. 7. And the right road is the road of the Great Abid.+ ' 8. Blest is his religion. ~ g. There is no one who seeketh Me, and findeth Me not ; 10. And there is no one who doth hoot know of My existence ; Commentary. Or who believes that I do not exist. 11. All know Me according to the capa- city of their understanding ; * Pers. Sisan, The latter part of this verse is unintelli- | gible. + Pers. Buzurgabad; also called Ferzabad and Mehabad, ali of which have the same m antug. 12. 200 THE BOOK OF THE 12. Something they say, and something they imagine; 13. And think iat right which they be- lieve. 14. And this ¢ error proceedeth pos things : i 15. The one ignorance, the other ambi- tion. 4 16. Now shew unto mankind thy right road. Commentary. He says, O Sasan the fifth, there is no one who loves me and seeks me that does not find me ' according tohis wishes. Allseek me, and find me in proportion to their capacity ; and there is no sect which says that I do not exist. ‘They all deem what they profess to be sound and true; but they do not judge aright. ‘The reason of this is twofold. One, and the chief, is ignorance, which, from defect of knowledge, deems that to be right which is wrong. ‘The other is ambition which inclines them to make men follow them, causing them to affect preeminence and to take a lead ; and as they possess no direct means to gain such as- cendency, they are obliged, in the first place, by deceit, by afflicting harmless animals, and by foolish doctrines, to corrupt a sect, after which they direct it. 17. In the name of Mezdam! 18. Thou hast beheld the wicked Hiras- is who have slain* Herjiwar. * Pers Parvéz. aE ee RESPECTED SASAN THE FIRST. 201 19. Him. whom I exalted have they cast down. 20. But they shall not obtain that for which they have perpetrated this wicked deed. 21. Andin place of benefit, I will send them wretchedness. 22. I deemed them happy in the love of their princes. 23. ¢ * ’ > + . 24. Lo! they shall meet with retribu~ tion from the {Tasis. _..25. They shall reap the harvest. of their misdeeds from men dressed in §green, and . Men. dressed in black ; . 26. And the avengers are a greedy band; ., 27.. Who quarrel with each other, and _ are evil-doers, and. do not what their great ~ one hath spoken ; | 28. And who kill their chief. men for gain: + This 23d verse has no Persian translation and tome is unintelligible. 2 Pes Tris. § The men in green are the Syede or deerendants of Ma- homed, The allusion to'men in bisck is still kept ov anihng the fire worshippers of Persia, who called ihe Musuimans, Stak jameh, clad in blaek. 29. he ane Book OF THEN "29. ‘Their piety i is to slay harmless. ani- mals; their prayers to copulate. dosh 30. And Nimkar§ too Sens arm over- powering. 31. When their religion shall have Jast- ed a thousand years, it shall be such, in con- sequence of divisions, that, were their Le- gislator to seé it, he would not know it again. ' 32. And thou shalt see the Hirtasis such that no one shall bear a wise 5 ei. oy them. : nn Be If F428 ‘speak truttt ey ce Hs ‘sed; eine 34. Instead of sensible VA fll they" are ‘answered with weapons of war." > 33. From the wickedness of igi did “Gt arise that such an “Angel- tempered {king was taken from the Hirtasis. 1° “7° * * 36. O Sasan ! evils ‘await ‘thee: °° 37. Thou art My prophet. niet 38. If mankind follow thee not, 1 for hem is it evil, not ‘for thee. ty! pil Commentary. Vor the honour of Srp dues Rot aris, ‘trom al! yet ob: ving him and Yaising him to § » *Tamue in, aleeady” tapaned as Tsar, or ‘the couctey beyond the Oxus, Se i Klosrou Perve. the RESPECTED SASAN THE FIRST. 203 the sovereignty : and it is not My wish that you should by all be deemed worthy of exaltation, and considered as announcing the truth. 39. The good will cone into thy path; 40. And the gift of prophecy shall al- ways remain among thy seed. 41. Lay not affliction to heart, for Mez- dam will give it an end, 42. And, in the end, the oppressors shall flee from your Avenger, as the mouse trom hole to hole. ~ Conumentary. At the time when Yezdan sent this, his humble adorer, to Merv in the time of Paryéz, my respected father received tlris revelation from the world above, and the grandees and the king of kings also saw itin a dream, and, coming in a body, atiached themselves to my sect. And the Most Just elevated me aloft so many times, titat | cannot reckon them; and these elevations are still continued. And J beheld the place-of-bodies like a drop in the ocean of souls ; ~and I saw the place-of-souls like a drop in the place~ of-intelligences, and the place of intelligences like a drop in the ocean of the Divine Essence. 6S ras —— OO End of the Desdiir. mec : in Roo’ it | ; ae bes Sok iat pt. el oil ea he eer 2 bas W383 ny a | star ‘ist troesnggs roe ‘tees Sify ois ne saws if rag oe vn silt Bt is wR AS weg Weta ; a came rh ; 4 “> 4 “ Dx. c ids ¥ 7? ye i Seman, ag es: : pete oint? >: we aah oy ‘. o el paviet ‘eh wemat dvit it oe RY 3 Ae, . a me way a aw 4 naprel fxn ee ata, or e : ay ' “pial aggith hay - seg OY Nags emer beh ee Dehod: 2"p septa Soe . - begins sea Syaeie Siti ie Wn ea eS Ri os ahty boelhs a Dane Pe byte Photog t ae Pouaieye> Hany 3 a4 : Sortie sae pale as 90 ie 330 bit: mane % ea 8 onl § Sie 3h 1 Qoih es odii «1 Lo a aaa iar Me! Sly a Ck Oe ad, il otha ‘ j “ + hg 2 ae - \ 1 i hen oe * % ~é « f * 7 Cease, Fanta, sau | 4 pea sev te mainte * aoe e \ t ; + fj Mt i ' » Se gl ‘aes AGA Sed ; , ke bog te re ‘ 47? el 7 ; pare % ‘ ry ; | hdl oy a \ tan t aie at 3 rs . G _ a ’ on gt "7 t+ Fas rad * = ek bay's GPs 4) po > ae pina: Apt se bey ant edisped oe) te Se pat rit lin ein 6 i Hea eodihtanes ory RAs Paes ™ ple ited ghaani ote x : : f Puerhtlted PC oe 7% | 4 ty 9 Sided ae i: 3 3 ae ape * fad) ies or, . te " re far toa oF 5 ae "4 z ‘ i ‘ a "£ = > Ae; i z be 2? ; Ay 7 ’ ’ ; ~ «9 @ = f - we ts " S +, ae . f a3 . aoe . a) ae .. ae eae we aba) ek er. a ke mM 4 is 4 by. sae es by ny é Viet eb FEI = \d " i ¥ “3 Pe one) eT a, i As ¥ é MEA" |: er < e i #3, Sen iy a . < ee “+ Je ~* Lal x: treat é if \ A | : er wf vs Is $2 3 SBI ps yl p59 S55 i, su, | ( My2 ) Cond S dries Gon, ( at LAX ) eabs et gla as Dy gS4 1, 2 axe ae oy ee ee ae ( Sin’) pKa, oud » Lab rds (grey ) ei Gs sre, 5,,55,b W52s? ( *> 52 ) wr 6 omy a 81) s het yo Bs was C¥zse ) Sw ye ple 0S 8B tee cit 592 Ie poke 5 Yerdss Rs gieyy 55 90 CS pm Sager ly 598 eh CF Lal, Cowl ands eS bw can DLS 2 Fx gey ae Co Dat FOB pm Ae (wd 4o8) Me rts ye) GAS Js! Jie ¢,\Ss5 ge tydlsh Jie 5 yy dS Jd ings wt? J ny 90 oy? a 5 puns Sy) gids ( seo ) (3%) vats Ges® (eat) adh paca, (deat ) Smd ale pate grill, aS She 6S, pally 2 hoi Saline Gelb Sy pb poy Sy Syncs 2 Gat pe So! phe (Lew pt) Masel, Gig 852 S955 53 ae25h plo mal), Seo jf Cm la gene tai ity wide Sys > jealig DDS 9 yy AH 2 Sake Fone B55 7? ( ess2) XG SP eek ee Yt pate, Joe. 5 L ( a ly ) wy Mrs yb > SIG KL Cee) pate size (rel) ots yess pings OIG oily 55 Sy ge y ME OL 5 5 2 (35%) & KGS Pevjsse CPR) SK pelsp C gelsia) aL. | v4 js gly aml, Si Bs Sye S5h city (Uy yu D eghey | Leyes pe Sng A Ri Capac as a Oe 9M ” dligd oli e553 Why S53 us 505 gait oud » Loge aa 93 pple cad 5 a lax 5 Sg CMe GN, 5 yy CRS BERG Daigay Ie tachi Serge gt) seeps OI) 3 Lest weg: Spee Lua D pee Sul Selaypa ts tate, 2 Ops Wwuis OBS 9 UD dy Sa ypsya) aks Loin 55 3 yand 2 pgm gia Brey digs gibt Sy aayl, 0355.95, 157, Gel 55 5 Ma Leys lass Bins 5 9 pe els FCs y gel glegeU sh pr M25 a> Wire ( dei 96) ge? 9 a LBL 3g) eh 5 oie | OL T Cag iS Cale T iad) Cowl yd pity Mey Gees | ht poke (Coats 9d ) SS Sane 2 Ley Os wa Sead AE TY pl age yS (Comb ated) at Caddy 5 igs pa ch a 5,1 LS ean 1 Shey (gee) claps yiap (ne ) peg Sa) dy (S959) 5 FU ge St oF Boas 8) y dil oe 5 as Cod ove , ty AG gah alge) 3 yo pS Bis bape Oe Gy yap eee og) p LEYS 0S wo grse OL Lenin 9a BSN ge gh simile yl aloe U dina ged ds Se Ge gle l slats jes Iyb5) SIS SIs pb 2S rin gS55) rol, ( 453,50) | ahaa: ( 5 Lk) 9) DSL Argle gl jo! og) Lead Ligist 5 Xin551, Dz pp 9 Dz 9-0 5) ghey SIL Big De Cow Lime y Crd 5 My lS Lime aS OI See (pla bya ) meby Qyee, ilo vv Sts vy Lege anges FAB nS as Ly Cin BE ge, gl Id ane 05 SS pe ,So 94 Oy! 45 WG; wa? 9 emg Cele gees OF are ge Bs 2 S2y*5 wine ( Lie ) O55 Lil s Sid ter? ( yliatae) lis sen paagtasdg ade! ph ow i: aoe pS, gts Wh Ars 2S OB ey Gayle ( sliiwlae ) asi tiny Cin Vg sgte pity J 55 ely ( RSS yo ) ENG, 35! gite (pe) > sha dyes da! eat aya git Ss) city (5 Fpyt ) se sees wey git 2° wf « oils 5 55 1) tl ins dem le datas s é) ie = ¢ ghee y edsreS ya ¢- gox* ) ¢ 28 ws ey cn) Je ay , oS Jf. Lae C5. Is ‘v4 Wish sf pe OEP) SH Aes Sia V cals eS asa rahi seagate MOT y yet od pB GUI, BBless 3 943 > 9% 9 Fate fe PAG oy OE per yo ey 193, Sli je > pte Wa ¥ Bol, Catad dled yg Sy2-dS woe gee ¢o HBR ope 5 Gey ae ane S99 IF BL5 ae pe peor Daene Me GLI em Say Stal a yf og jet pe tga J gyn Maa w lke SUPA Sey passa yg st, Met aD Mend ha etd soe gb Like nea oy ae ly bS yn gag bya 952 IS yl Spa! Ho a 525 IS ous (wre ) pat Ay loLuys aye at} ra Lal gi, ) Sas nsf REP De at, AIS FII ( Ligito| ple ye) gl Fae ee pte SY ms omy Cowsad ypira J gie | a vo wr ere gs 55) ents Cre) 5S 9 92 8 Sum p62 poiglis ¢ Rtas ete gy Sy lop glen! (45 (8) 992 pages pods 2S Sole glo pbs BEDE Ly yn he ju5 By Coe 9 5 gies pe Sey 59g (yates) Seles y fies wits aay AS dye ge (akad) dom sales gin dis] ae yiiine, M253; 2905 ( gid) Cul pao ys Daag lst) S gat y3 3 ye 9e SS Mag), Gay dye, (592 At hunt ) Cn 13.9 9a g53 92 92 Cal hy dg Coal SIS 5 C8 dys O pins o, nse ( plasicae ) ol Ils yla jy ase Cul cillen stgig Smt, 59 2 yom 9.995 cht gtinw sym 5) Ole (gale) X46 51,595 she, 58sGmr, 93 gm teh REI A NEY ge fo yt) pt HS Som gitye SoS ite wri Se rls JS gig 2S Ayo y lege 35 bd if $C attiee) Mb uNlee Sh way Sie Wg 2551 BEAST (yoy at js) sald ly oid, ( yes) Sie yS jl) Byes SUSY, Led Ne Be gh HS el it git 39 Balt tee eh aSghin (ight Ja alr grkte 5 ESS ¢ gleociint, BE yo I ise (5 sis} ) 2), Ses ysl Cran deg Ses ly ENG C9 pm aS Canna ge eS HS es yg Vabal go Sad ela ly CS one (a1 ,0) WN os js 9 SGT diets 2 Us ete Bais (91h 2 ) Sab 5 Cini O82] py 542 (er GD) ape Meals ( gino ais To) ayaght B29 5225 wl p28), 22H Lind 1 cit, a ws le) C55 +) Me SB 53 p05 MD Lime SetS ( ypbtolaw a) Cole ,one wiaetye zoihe! 5) oe 2S Com Seis Nob ST yhe 5 wat ~ Ye vey oe aw & bsu Cie gat 38 ge 1 swe ‘ Strat ty) Wehe ia private y 7843,) a i, + REPS A v - i - ” * Same 2 ( ,s%s5 ) SETA? 1 ai tates ‘ . whe + ° * . ° = - i (2% 59485) 198 Sse, 3 pak SOE - ows @ ere Coess) > Ai (sta ste idm 2148 a! eis 9 SiS Alsen, 2 yb a ? a Se, Ise gyal Inanat, ya gs { aan 2 £51 9 94 W339 F Te Ee a Mi iM va whys Cae Y22) Si Salat aca J aS ides ae ( gz) > 2 tte oso Fe | Ct Lh ah be git O* wis? Cun we yea r Cbe) iy Teg WS chs Cages 08 Gis) ih fay a 35% AVlbs, aah, OR 7 SC Cal ae uy ¥ lad pee ef Sap gb ag je SL SI 9 gy yl pis ae ew) ja et, Me a ays ALU AE OU yo wise 2985 A nt I ese (es 3) BSS 2 OKI, SL SG pt 2S 9 gine Syke OS jg SNe 5 oS She UTS pacer “(pds ) ee ee ae wy ¥s Cy sgl Oy tI 507, aS LG es! Shee Be II (ese) Owl Sas, ee Rrusee (J) yr cmlews (ooh) Sel yo spy) xe OSL oy ARTI, cil DeEI Ms yp Siol 40 5S ye 955) ye 5978 Bt oe 5 aa to ee SC ody ar) hs oy gith Set As gis Cul ye SL ty Ny Nag p25 Bg WS ngs oS UH 98 yg Mw ge e® © Lk Y e'Be! y 94 4s Di die, ol, S Si 5 (> vf by ln ge) alan) Lie Hg OU 5 94, yb Arad glial, Gale sben wis (gb-p) 42 ote (By) Solis, tay gle (oll ele) ques ss Ligand! waeblag palms pom 55! peng dae re wis yt Soles (det) ale, Ges Jobst (oe pi ) ate wl, bi, 7S) gine (lersd esd ) Oa 93 pi, coe ie eho oc ly ples, sy Lah Cuigim Say Lice ello» bi. why) war Cap ) Sebi pole aol oe s a gF p55) gi sd 35 80 959 8 cit sae » ax wt AS Ce dg nl ym sth asi rat a Toe ame ed pp OFF olnye le oF, ones EC pyaew yay (phys pth) Sed 2 OFS ep 2 Nye gst yee Ma gd SI J gine 393 5 dim, 9 pyar » litt SS 9 6S 95 y 5 ay? Coad oF Sy Din I! pagal yO 93 (* 1 eye?) ve DE wR BSB ge gine 055 51 552 Gsm Milne, Se, ag jar Ii se (6 pw 53) Bolacd, meslnrd siete (19555) Yo Fes ogee (355) Sel ei pl prs LF glee b acl le -wW ASIN! gt Cul W Cuonl o OF by Lede S Sole iG, J) pity ( 53) Ar gt tS SPB yjo7 (22) BEINN po Cass LE 2 gs gly OE, TST 08, 5K yallis , C3 ro ysse nite , OS Lid. 2 Yday Siosdyt wey ( VJ istsbe™@ ) jet ba 2 yt 8 Se Sp Se bp OY SS), SIS Ls) ( ue ) B psbg thy the 5 GMS g mee 95 5 yee Oud ggt | Chang y 93 be ( okigs ) g sie ple 1, Ld Eb es) 2S Mes oli Cpisy@) G55 555, 5 Ne SI Oe ey jo (Ls) Gui sl 44 eile » oil, 55! 59051 5 eub4 5 Sy ae io wy 2 ENF 5) Oxy pilin I 2 5) TS Cod | So Lis Lat (357) dpi St phe S29 SU yas 5) he oy gets ety (5555) CS 535555 clini) pws ty | ew ott (40153) Din 95 py Lean es 5 Laks Sy bey wings Jy} gts com a yn ings So] gity (yes) iyi se Vga Sa) pds (yt 598 Jody bers alge J dita, tLeegws tinh ob 51 go Ue ay Sou Mwads yy Rasy yl ges gts, ¢ clays Mays 1) 3p) 9 ype me WS yikes oF aye ( wy) 5 km y 9 ) 2 sy yor C859) Me le QUT 59,5 gira phe yy beje gh U5 511 y ght AS eT aiid UES 5H Soh wer ( wloyg ai Peat 3, pe aly eh 53 i thea Crm y icy Cast yy g gibi’: sles ESG, at ei (#359 ) Sy yy Lenganag Pe as of 4A Snes yf by Sy yes ded Syl ey ( xis ) (tod) > Biel wage gUjoSs dag (45 ) Aailadla Len lbend reed): BleAbertayt sasha BS ds Nyy ig Nye BS FS gyda SS By oats OMS wise Cort?) a5) os (a SLi we) 2 Statin y Ms She gta 8 Las ya *es3 Dhead y2 Lh asi | od Ds pitas pods EE 51 be I ea I utes AD ge OS ghu Atco, MAS yo 3 0 aa 23,55 panne 235 ret Slee Ah ej So5 le O58 deke, Mee CSL oy wr Pidse wity: Se Suk gry is deel woe pam wt Sa! (Nps) ad pe wre teats CoS 05 EER 19 gyi ph By yy 955, 'SSl Sond ly pd ites enkin 59 72 (peeks) y Lene Z Lary © 92: Caamsd 5 90 Vy 22 8S OR, 9 ime y Cam gianen xa qv + gle (jLeumde) Coy ERS eT liye Bw inienaicpbneiin: 2% BES nyo 2,5 yuo sits wide Ae - Neal, pw lis . 25 orm Ja Iams OdE5 Ws ds Soyo Asa vasss j bP 8 ple, Sy Voz 2t fess 515 dmg wd SS Le '2y, Lily at ES eld oy S (abs ) uted Likes lin ds) jah ( ort (ae) eaten eocue st x aiueyli Sot gily O38 ASS aed 5 HS, 25 Oh oy pale dy Spay By ate GH (5 (SBS) Ob psa pia) aad Srend 9 Sy 90d Ny 955) pike (ty (SE) She wold ites 9 O5's yy aq) JET g pe Olin y & y pa od te tam uga pt (geevi) Smnd 75 War GS ON, iS, LY ge (yey) ej al, bl ly MSS See (sey dps) oes 44 syudlet (5G ) Cuts ses ging QU SS aha gin (gh OU) polite, ae IS #5 sy 9 ALB ging aT 78 ae ghgis vor», iy gityy aly | pb ay had pb needs Le ying sel wr Sothys (ye) roel piagdys re ne hiss pe heey Meae'g BEN tn, git 844 He ities (51851 gies) sutpds' gy (absh) stliai Shy Line Psy! ae eS (yl) dyes Gow PD pK gy Comey GI REY Gym Ss) ods (Lui ) o 5 gr5 Ps spend VST 5 S pidicn pp 6S Brn Ghent yh 5 MENS tal fa tse dads yal badd poy ( ee Ls ) grey Cue) rye! Lis y Ley REESE, pay pene, 6 Ob Lads 65 Sa cmnad gins Jf pre b Ad, Ish ose (ple, tetas ) _" Ie 24/03 Jas ba lew GOS bese, (2S V) top dlerats RECs a (ol gaa ) Ra 5 2 yt fom VOI Scie, ( po SS) Om Legs dime Syst SIR: ay) gsihz DS My hand he Liaise Com S os feng 2a ge 9 hy) Sho, wp Th 6 SAS ap eSB) OIE Uy cis ore gists ly Sib U3 Xb) ay Caw! 23 game 7 S Livan yi ft FU MSL NaS 1S pI oS Coane dead 55500) SiS 2S Com Dyas pet Late yy une gr gt Fs 8955 Jha dhs Scie pe 5) ad Sie JS pp 3 93.92 5) IRF AS Chany Spm g pa) Lint by ty gt gts Bi BT yap MN gt dB el ST y Sl pad Blog ss oie 6G (gy eG ) Mil dlls a ee ae ee (24) Slyis whet tet oF ae deal Ge ( U5 56 ) ie glee Cees bst ly odble agony Sco S15 tay pile Sd nee ging? (gl U) 04 9) pale Darel gir Aye (ght aku ley) Comicoya Bie ML pide yy! BSS hud y dye, agit yin THs tI (yb) ghar bara Sud sali) aye Mets aes (gly bel) Baill , dfs gay (ado, UP saaghlasls B42 SH}, SAT 6G pd Spes role obs 0 (8 yg PSLeels yt bs Sh yep Cuter oLRels wise (3I,0 ) Jol bs AUB (row, ) ( pad pals) «ads poe BLS Gli in ols 14 By 3G Wes Gael yo 0 Like Oy SBI Se hs Mae pig 65 95594 y5 952 ( 958 ) Das Nye wo 5 pd SS pe C3 Yegity (CgSIIU) Rhee (et otibs Shs C3y: yee Mbt OLY Vey e 1 CULV dee (yids tslee) yond, Lads BSS yoke logan 5 age gil | ans) sits Chad 5 ( pSele ) SS Bas hj es be ol oss thn 5 5 phe bey 555 BN SN 5) 1Sa5S omy CS ws (Cur) WEY, bre! by, oo89 5 ips AGS Je ete aS Uy 9 92 95.5 9 deme esitee Wy OY Polen BSH Ss oe (oS) adh SRS OS Js paws ( 6) poe ) F739 pues pars los Bde MS y yoy (sie) Guloteg gill, PT TS} wie a2 55) GIN, IIS Nae S (54558) & ) a> 5 ( pesiiu) eo lCib Jo, Jas, lis? C365) a Lead pp by gis I ale 555 pith SUIT ONS J yaad fy bg 8G 3G2 D2 obeys ( yews) Jatin (Cg Fosd ed FS Yay FN 5 SSF gt Coomd Lane P 236 » 1 93 ye x AN oom | 3! J}, Liss “ *% Sam) poles die «tian ss ( pov% ghee ) NAG y Lege 99 pf aS 950 de its ( yee tte ) de 9S Pp ASly5o5 BAB ( eeu ) ( gil 5 ja xe & gta ) wens 2y (62; tee ) SLT Se plays do Ky Litine , Mods yb le 9 Ny SGGT 5353 gy LaF ake gay tee Cow te padi DE Vg Sae yew Ve QIN Wad, Vw) UR ISVS gm ya gd Lertis oI, Ssligts ene sills grows Crag) Lue , Lig) pe igs pale aS Xs) one wt ey He 8594 pales Ge 510) gine Galt lee g 51392 ge HS yO lyse agl bs Geese sd, ) & Cammubasr Uy Yeniac ps vfs ih ald in Nash & eM Sgt pti Sy lids ileal & OSS ams Ses Wrgtyears busy, ( goby ) os: ete Coit ) Enh es Cie). ae aie Ny MB 5 ch ley GS) 5 Qpcam deel os le pata od 55 git Gund Mp ghe ih gt Se}, 18 Sas Ta yl ahagh glo 3a pry! ites Darl e le utas uit ess dy! Ppt Sah pate Ke Hp ligt Foy ye Glo gies. lie glighio 3, 0450, ans aces) lag Gla (250) Sm P RAE OF) attigs Com yy uid] gine OLS charge Cert gp yl Meo jenna antag pate, gilal gb a5 deel 54) pa (alae) Cow cy pid T eid pS ima.g Gn leat gehts wo henel 9 5.) g aillecty aT ats Big ls} pur (cm ee) glasoslalhs gen (ylatyee) Cmlerre flake Me sg ig be 9 gS, ly Nyala Sst gasie ( apete ) Seboaleal tel 4 - glesSCHLITINS yOLd dee 9S SLU OG GRE (Leh) ous Sathya w acts pews eh (650) ) WII OG ib Dis FS Saym sj ek, Sad, re (go) ) ail ,= wy pe aScemd S52 pee ghs sl ebssSerep eis 8 pr Polistes as bel {a} ) rai rScdya Bde! jad Sie yinys 5 I gt Shs my ORY vf ye OHS Tosca lio spSla slitsl ( yhsye) Gu! ibe hy 5s A Se ye gh (SI) ets Sled 5 2 gg om Wyo de Ge ds ly cigs y Xp Lne DNS 1 Nya ede DUS yy | Sy Le SS rye gy SLikw 3 pigas 55 ley Lite ole! WS, ol Ns pat gs sles (ya yme) Gell ply I ae nine Gm ps J53 gi ( ¢ shee ) He SN, aya es y ged lis rut, by (Fe) obrdol elm eye je 04 ertNSe 98 oy 5 2 Sag (22S) ail, (Weis) PITT aa, 5088, gt (59 ) de 5 5 hs ys Odd 6 UU pay 2S 73 cates ogre ke 45 dh SI, pm po sgt 3 est gt ke KEI 35 pe yt p29 May SS 8 VB 9 gine ya jo g Mma thes fogs (OSI) te oy (agile Tish) wd I Jy Like ace Oty 98 3 Ugh T Sams aan pe TS) cya lw] Surah ay p> SWI, S,l eit, ( J ) Si cgita © Legs ele Sy cael Ds oF am) ites yan dtr 5 Gye y git gp2t ets che SLi wie (S48) sa | jad ails Jhes ps ad oie (UL) FF eeok eeButyy? a0 143 28s 9) 188) 0 aia dg SS pI Noe 5s 5 yh PEL AS Ory O31.) Diy gH, Vda gS gh ly U ye Sa Comd 19 da a” - Sys ( yfletins Lad) SL Jas, an 31 Bal apm 535 3 55) pad (gn) Siw any! Capt) 9898 GUS gh A nS SB leg Gud ty yy gts Maw ity My SS), 8S I oo Ke ls 5 ye Coby uy! 3 Maly AS gio g ISo bape 35) po (LU) yield, Ls a) Be (5S) 19572 (5527) OK S8 was a, or! 2 caw! Gultel yy! ye aS whe RB Uy Sa) Ts Uw Lede | 2S 25 55 xy ( L435) ONS yity aS Cr Bye wiR9 Wy 54g ( 43) Serruys e (e5) bese blie Be glass 3b 5 0 3) yam AS 5 90 Cal yam yy |g Xing SEY gg Lenin 5232 RB MLS 05 a Slaw cai Loy ws yr AG NG p55) ody (he pS) Les, Sous i 8 (ars) yt @yv (485555) Crane Ns Ell aye 95555 i553) pa 32 PA bye Mast, A es pe ( ws) ) sina | S929 tet GBB sm>l, city i Ope gil Ns Predi gt 5 IE dgi alee, 595.9 S53) puoky ( += ) wr Leash by pws OLR; pL, My Se rhe py 2 ae C5 ae Cand 5 lye BY sy 5 I5) eds (17S) gi ws > Spsadds o pha Mle gS ses y 9 yo A aja sb Ss Soto: ( ahs) med yS, Canine SS gl pte 5 ota 8 eh etm cael ging bye Shan, ests 9 Com gS g3 | Cape lt asi | ata oe Sie 5 be Man, ity? ZS wt ey MU pyre Se crwols gisz (ye >) San polis 39S S59 0 95 a eorsyoits iS fe Nah (ot le gi Hes LSS) Jui, ( - hie sas ) opi Soa Dog Lindy Comes 4 Ba) ed (ey) GS tepetey Ty abs J fat deh ab) aja denone, pe ae te ET Ot pes Dolo dee gk S58 os geal abana (5 yt) ) alli nic si ig ede i eye, Wot pis ( raise 5 ) sy Le eS 9 (omy os SY Sy bow Kae yt 5 y= 4 iT, ry es whee 155) ahs ( 35) Bg sRimes cS t* pw WS DEN Bes HF pe 03 gop Meso ty S ng penis - a jaa OAS 5) O92 C3 0 SdS5 yd Sel as pe Sa pity (5 9 /Sh95,,9,6 ) Saal Exe Ny Mee ee sy 9 He AS pa gt 18 yo 0S Min Wes ho 1, Sa bol, Scud Ty ats tye SLs Bl eds POL. VERS Sse, GoB) Sheol (90555, ) I &°6 manatee deuiat (oS) stort Enstey wise (8eSs 295) dege5eS (old) wn iSYekr Seles ams es} ss gS 5 og CAC, Sa; Vien tinsige geil (eas Simos, US Oa Ny s WES 2S ae Cele 5 pine 935 I ow, 2951595) tore yt ¢ Use Samslagne (3%) os3 (#6) si2s5 53 ot es RS MW eye (4 “¥ ) uy Meslasyls,Sssut sel pews Li apa 5 4 MSly 5 Odea J le ac inl aha Latictags a5) yw: ( el, ) pV dyadh Gwtd le Big aIsSyehe (ada yl Sd) pies 5 ely (22g) Mh ol pate SO5 Lida JS gins wl ate | 9b pi tyes Manel, sis sleye ha gS op Lend cot Rr oS yee 5 We May BAe ME Ly Laty ( Spe 5 ) mH BS of Cry ete a5! 5) or , teh 9j2 pA Saw p95 Lew eg Late oe LBS 3S pe appar tal ge uiegt (ye) SaSy D295 55', olaigd 9 Th) | Lhe Cd ob Ledolen Liat Send 1S Mls KasA, Sopa glle ( oT ye) giles lil a Cl giz ague a3 yop Moya ge sae Ip POs rs SOV 5 S90} 85 pS Ky 4S auc gpl ab gure ISS; bol lys ctl ppd S gw OK Mee cis gles re (yi biwibS) s Sor worse (LS) Srpode, hes, Bede dsiaity (uid ) adh g bas, gig wary 3s) Sree, +6 ¢, be WI) WD 548 wipsrt Jah git (MES) ed dey ors pings ia y wore! wh gtr OF 1 de 5 Gd tae leo KL Sy y CAS) BY teh AS nt Seen le nid, wie (28S) gor sl ps hth le 23 055 / ) ef gt pry (Kei) eye ey Sos os (aie ) (Sy. Gk set C82 oP whwod Sede ( 5S ) Sytigee be tytn) poles sh Os ly Je lb aS Cwihs ES Say Ny, obs ut S yo Sette “(Cy hel). Oe G5 Dlagty gba dledr (eS) Osos MES 95 jog 58 25 RES ay My gS Sh Su ES Rye j3 (urbe p 8S ) ¢)2 Gla ap, dla DY ite bg poly gu pits Cow) athe Ile WS - PAS) M1, # 952 yy! J pam JBN yo sagt ole Cam SHES site eget y BOS YS s ONG ei 5 D4) ead pestiy 5 gic Coeb O35 She aly ib Aly Ge 10d ol paaf aha So ine (yheeru= ) sa)! polaiey Covad Nyon Tg egtesg a9 AT AGN ie ty Sra led ied Bi (gil ojanel ese) Cumbgal pa) Outi ate ge ekeh lS OSI p gre ee LBL; I, pees Ht Rh a ah hy 55 Sayan wets: Cone rae De 9S ge Lrd bobs 15] asi J LN apitine aids Pike g 82 of GETS b pbs S81 ag glares 5h ou Ls we ee Lie Je b5 sol 6 MRSS py) SR Rls yee s M2 eS bs ( 45 ) eet yr ey EUG (a Ssase) wis se atk del? EPs (ofS) Sl, #218 Sy, ES EU Sad, ied Cu Vine ( phos SRS ) ahs lin 645 jo 947 aids) Wi Liws hails 2 CP tet SRS J te gp] speeds, Loo oye wise (ek) Cold ) Sol Q5oS55, 1c, Gierinx) eS UG e? P95; N 725 I Cml gs yp GCS. ee wr pts Ssled (iT) MSR ps ly ye oJ wit 5 aet (ye) Cubs yadin ge C5 Lee, (3 bos Vg gym 55 Cea lite uy! 9 yids yards inp, Ny ge pe polin 5) 892698 po Lge) ae ate 5 ee ey! agany aS Yo bet Sead, ge 5 ad Lady SMS jap) (USS) Con) pl le 13 lange 5! DH yw OS 285 ES Do 425 adh, 05) 4S Cw yd pins saline og) Le Crass J Me oS ps), r Lye es; ms C59 55) FOS a Meats oe SL It ys 9 94559 355 FMP DSD> cas a5 03 ut Mx ,o eS, ( gh) MIS Masi 5, 5 SE: 1S bs 58, S51 ey ( S46 w wuts ( gy, ¢ Veh ) y gies sgihe abatty 5 MATa ns 4 dV pET a he 25 Vy Oy SED, ye Lad b glx sit gE Re cyst ums 3 ey 1S Cred | gard le pe HEI y Crane Deke Sper zig unl, aS Cambs yso = Pach De Me ataalarany Capel) Sates 2 sate s yr (yh) i ¢ 93 0 a9 90 Yee (ae) PA (ues) set yy rmestas! (95 ¥) ods ly Cuts. ( XS ) eats dyed, isl, OY wade bie dds LSS! city (yl) pair ash (AIS) Gut ny! by ike Sg, aL gh OARS OS NI GOL 0g MHI Ha gti BBG O48 90g 99.92 y | g Ley iad Lye dye) nie 9 gry Bers2 GIs) ct Gndiee 97 5 on) ( Susie ) wi lebyiny JU sl, oS Sal pe (3,5) datz d,) Me x 3433 jhe 538) Sd DT ye wl oi gan Ss iif Somlssple ( 92S) BONS Ol 555 (OES (895458 5) ih opr p bs Ma opie co my TCS, pre wwhs eors Miles e As ex $5 La, eS me zr "4 9 Sab 3.5) yan + po RS Chand | Sydine @ yghe [Pane iss gilgGh S Lepghinn y gi vane & Liles 2 455 et No yy? 0 Or Bt Sse Cita ss, Laat 9 919 9 3 phe OS sad 9 85 Detans $52. Nyr 5 39 SSn0 ps 8 Cum Sg cow nce Sze pit gn Ble (2 has ) ae je yids? wo le dsb, J, ' cit, (hee) law 55 23 Lise ody ) gis (a, ) wy As gS ‘inal spe s dc ( +Sn 3) OSS 955 939 5 Sy 7 IE OQ ORS ( 898 ) So pul aS GwlPLy 5 cits cam etc pans eo ye Ba ee Ss eS sol, aS ENG) haw Sle, IOZLS (gees pwd ) | Dirge bij Seos,, (Lad) Jos, Murs (of) & ey FOSLE Sy Nye (oh) Feta ls glean! slated oe Sale? (48) wr Shubin gh OSs, nts Jilieds ( p53) OD gg yled 3G dy 0855 grmlusye dulite aS 85> cin sad sb gids gi Us EMP Wis (Fee F) Sel Se peor Sow SSyf pi Le dg Vit tala a 5 Clue, LD lay Pree (Leaks 5 ) wal, eles ele ( So 3 wr Sob busy ray det; Pht C8; 9 glad y Sa) gas Sirmis 32, Lge ge Jat p Mew ley Oh sn Pe Se By 9s MS fs ba 3 se opm Sy ys OS) Saye Oy po We 9S S ~ ws! WFP 9422 Idk 2 LS, yes tps ols 2 yaks gs bord! Dy 9 MS by yl ae Sy 298 Se i) git AS ogy phage Co) cians Gal I pt a Gie J WM bey py ld MS oe ky ad Saye; | 1a an : pet lw Sy gyiee 5 baad Gl, jbaws gee ots #! gh (fw Bp) ei PSys Bt ed SOF 8 pF MF Sie 6G (ss) wo Heese: Js ( wl? ) ose Ss ¥s fs") lin Juss Jie ¢ jlikyp pst ede (19855 ) #3 rye I tay pO ( 5953 ) BORED Sd 9 pathe IR OME 5 S55 ( wsbeg 5s 3) ams sy $25 9 Way cams Dt ey (52? ) Mal, ay) Vy ite xe glam Mews . ( pS ty Pa soe | py 3 Sis phy Cio gp Wy 5 wis Big Ma, : dS 15) 95s WS gn) TOS dy win 85 5 Cio 4, Cro JS paz (8.55) SNA (5255 ) ia ly 5 lea, 14555593 Rye Co%sa) ( Es) asl sadeo (Ba Sie 1 5 ib yan Yrs ay 99 62 4 ( um (227) sia gta bye oS SCS Y nee (wy 2S yl) als, Stal ( SG ISSs 8 Sagi Nyy Sar NY 5s y SIG) Ts Sas 13 opts Se O5 ek, phys SFr NGS 5s WEE, Sy Qy Sic, be, ASW 94,5 whe IO Hogs ys ( gi Xm ) 33 /$3 Jols Dy V guds Coa y ont aS page, Con KL TGA! Yee a) 5s) wls pe goslys Pee ds dES , pabane abi yf pj Dabs inp, 9 Hain 3 dts J Oped ut? 6 gs dye poles pS Lim oj Jani55 EPG, 5 1 Daly Spd TOV EU dy Sula] ae GBC (sLe5) SEN pon Va pads Ost uss | J phe, AR Me Cilla JUN cit, (8S 5) Suerte pw J,ihie (Iwas, Gps ) wet, pts OS 3 gh ge BOS YS, (3 Sh ath 5 ) (SBP) caspeswlasys (evs) ww! a Lipa (HIP) ob fs esse, SCS Yeas @ a D5 lds 5 CS 9 slo ( 40,3 ) a5 b= Us rhe ( 928) gts dows ete ut pea Sac xe) 4! Bye AS Gul ils ping, J.) oily wt (29258 ) Mais. Se (155) ght deadly Cond | ghee Judd! wi lay> glad ute raj h GH gitet i Bee ljo 55) git (be 55 8) (ast ea8 ) com slebigiter sla 5 Se eee 37 ptt 2 tt yeS als Bobi Sy wt! s Sam pages ity pote 3s Sp uite (518555) Seals ts dle pdh gil om vty get ysis O8 Bish) yous sah ely sd ste ta SF bo ta Ubitis.g > 9 sts Pangaea Ne wore B55 gb's wit gta? MH 12d ge oe Soh ete (s5yh) cle Lal Oud pat yg ages C8 Cols gtak) 028 0 Ata? ite , wars (ata?) ml ee pe geil, amet : ids ~ (267513) Com Nts ger, Sak Sa x11) hy whPseS= (uh5!)*) CaaS W3 | aS og gle oS le pbs wake pllemedte say 5 yim (5555 52515) by & (55 3 ) Sede HLS LAI 5 I Cy Ll git lew ois oie (9953) Oke, as,t, DS ybop hho ps OSL) 5 gi ye ml A aad Jo salah 2 AU aye 3, nig gh cod tga gy tee Pah pS Lew a5) din 2 95 5 (y g8 pS) epee wser ( gb#oe,Z ) £2 9 5 6 55 ps g ples C9 53 25 pte) Uw y Bape 233 ye ¢ Maw bo) Os 5 Coyle 1) Mss yrrdy, Ms 5), cia Sow Diz 9 SS psy Lew aa gn I, OL hud Fa Dm Wo ostec3 Liss sleclssjere (9923) Legh 15 pds Ma Sv pote og 5) ee Lingil 5! sitet (9483) Di al pS Su 59 G * ry Ely BIA ace Leg 9 Cilla) 9} pn (x4) (allot) CLs) glee ls! 0, amie seis Se 3 pul (gO NE) ghee BB oye ol CN aN po BE 5 BOS G8 gins O15 oi CY oid captors cyte Vis Sayre Comey at le (ptt) HW tery 5a yt Cpe) ahs oS Mel oye get pe SS WG ey! Dab te lyst y ud She Coal alias , Cathe te 50) pasty sy cei ae ( sls ) cia'y gaa ‘ada CS CA gp dig gS 25) a polsg aly yla, lume (ane ) WIG fe hie GOT as gil 9G lm ( Se 2) sy (35) eater eo eee het gins LO (li) gS pss 71 ban a Catchy Camas fe 5 699 Lae D gigs a3 93 iS YF a aly (este) SF pew ales 09 (peep) vas wt 7g (Ska, w 9S sha yb asd Sve Jo) eds ph (or) yr Sods, Sel, 5 nga analy 553 ed ( s,s ) gies ys LSI! pole (RSS ) ah Soy de oy 5 OS, 53 ost 83 gt BOLUS) presi, roe’ gity J 0d! gS poh gsgt (Sa oget ) wl Om ot asst ytd te MEN ud Jel can a B ine CS (gS yamet) bly hoII5S5 1G), ne ee Sen crete hy a oh Cd ed ghar ss Com) 2 Os US 5 Ging: SIU py 3 Gs SS My SS 2 MUI, US WL ty" yF BRS gtr 5 9S Ne Pete) o'er ese (6 4) git, J.) abd glite’s a ygdecy oc? sSales (py) Come) pois s sles, aa at 5 PLE s tay (aay ) Cad ge 8g leo de pl aye Seliile ( y twain ) ii, S565 as, why 2 —Aasy ds cette oS Coma leny ty Oho Dare pow y 9 Ly ( pits.) oie cole sot F025 Cody a0 Conny » gS be (cabyahin ) ety s pagtin DG Ny gkow Lana (5 Lemnliow ) OATS get lec a dels Sy sty 2 ak\)y guy ys de) cena ers fA PRES CD Re 43 6d pe S led arhc 243 gio 3 3 aS 5B Us ye She 518, SAG) Sy CaS 0d pS dw 2 CFyhae 31, SGA 1, dite ait, las dad, C5 Lrs Cian ge BBD po VS Ip og SASS ad iN, A Ps TS 5 GL Ma UW, Bd g40 sits Uw Bs) 9 854g Sais, 3), 25,3 crs lies NUS 52 C55 g slaty 4 Lennart; wy eel grea ys gt eee gg pz ASS pg TOG TS pibesys 5 KG OS io dm 5 3595 93 y US 2S, tad Bot yy Lam sab ly an ue hy Oty Ly SLR OTs 55 50 poke a2 Ps B9 pe omy B yy) Oy 4 Com! WIC 8 gle, Se or les Geol fs ge, POY cA J pe 5 Sy alin Neo Me [pilin I G din, OG! go Bogie» Atty Lin, aif Us, tle 1, cin 2990/3 gMy etsy ges Ml a Lo seme eo 5! G Zab SSS, et! the gens 5S Ming He fas bv C3!) bebe se 3 Kk 5 Ve Lede, Lgitiyu ts FM! (my dunt gg +) Ss) dite Daly Sy Sie aT py ats She ui ) ( $9; S gis ) a5 2 Me (asliiaaiadl Caste LS Gg da ty Si (3 Lisl, SL ys! Lowes Nines 93 C9, hare (yc) ls ¢ Wy J 392 pets om is? st guhe a5 | (sd) pe ) Shins s pbs (3 5y«.) eda! eds Saad 53 6G by ML Jas s obs Fida joie somes do stale fit lida! 25 Sage § sate ba Vet 3 igen as gh Serene Sei ly gis LAS I, J glee Cle 53s wey erg seg! Cai 33 MU ME Lege Mecha! pV ans Uasige evel 5 | Ss SBiute ss vesusre (gt) (as pS Laws C9 Lew IPI Cpa y ais wan DY Ae Syntayy Oy Chany y KOK, ¥ Hyd Jini, Lal Diptite gglem gil yo yess ym sacs Oa | uae Lbs HONS yg Nyy by gliwd! gy) Styl, She Lys aS el aly Males oye ys) pee Oe ey sihace (Galop) pblye 5) coms 55 Sd (pyle ye’) 3 Sh aSrwS pity Miz y Sh), BS pS JO dah sity Ce ose) a ls O92 ah, Lega) Cais ad, ast Js Sher VERIO 2S Cams 5g) hans 5d 53 gid pod pee, aS FI) ty ge ) ap Flew dis 5 Gel , he pe gy bt aS ys, Lhe, Gila, SiS Sy YS 8 yh; BIS oN VAG Sy NSS ae yw pS) yg (SSas 3 4 a We Cady pu Jy elle as! abd yids) pads Lio 5 eas a) tiv! (wt yt peg) oS pg lb 5 Fad pw Sn 05 QIN Fe yo ISTH (GLEN pew) Diy 51 ADs oy a! | dibie 6, 9 By lege | Se pends wpitye Mo a akon oy 552 (42 By tem) pate % Liew Aamo’ 591 ehons Seas ais tate. ( gts Lt). gate (pb aj late) Dy Leaking ep Lenianals i gy ntindy Linke co stue) wlanig! gee Sure SE, Iie (Lin te) pokes yea an5) ity gunn ( ge lowzyin ). Gm) re sto05 ti puredt OTe) aad KB pS 9 ogh'F 5 D5) ert (b= S505 py 3 je Spm S Lid le Lite AG Soy Cam She ieee Bhs cae or 9215 Sige cre Sap Comes sp Wy D443 I Lege Cho ts) nile by ctl gy, 5 amd Ny byw Sy ho) Oy sae 788 5 72 AR PD” wee 53 oF la> Dy pee ci Lind SS gue 5 I soe) 5 e2! Jay DT po BL Sy pe ile Se (dS Se) SHI Be peel Ce tsi ple) wy Tg aed Lends Cia eye SIE pal y ggh BD pice p=? Soe Legs paaie SF Com > dol Daly oly pais Bove ot 99 MEU 85 | AS KES 5 6 FS p02 Sen B59 29S IS pape eel aly SP 5p Sade CaS WS ds apo BS ye Gh Spy egy Some! 5 Uh Gillan Visas y gu) 2 OS ge Saw ST LN Cds Vike 5 om G5 a2 At Saw tary 5 CHL LBs ew By mos I Sol, 5 Abe MG, yw 5) AS ye ISI, Sle OS ty 23 | WS ils Lids ( #550 Se) ay S 65 S51 pads (Ses ) nl 5 200 544 5.9/2 S05 a 518 gts ete (gel tes), Heil, Moly eyo oS (sles) wh popes Sal cigs dee (C555) yal ok Ky Va LS, BLE 95 ald etye SEUSS Bye WT, 98 gy Lh aS Se Sa hs SS Dy WSS ; oe 7) Ke 3) 342 rs, ake Li,s ( 657 ) ' + gta (T=) ols es sak (Gs) JON 7 Mo ty MLS Stay OH, cw yg Cen any Dp Lys DBF aS po tats ogi Lem Oy, tad | cw LS 9 Fs lr O ner ilimdl S 5 ges) pins a ‘ yy ‘ws S ype, SLES Sy 5)5 GLY Sy gear gil pe 1. fa . er? eo 0 ApS lw sgl 5, F ITS Beste eo x af 7 ty? Slaw JS Cool; glume ab 5 yb rt y55 My Sa ; Lids : ‘ he 7 <2 het! Seer 4% BF ay es 0 Crud | cine LS NOS Nw yy As rr — BS Ss yrae gw USS a, a2 ads gb ENS eb oe (w's35) ood ped) 93 0051, 2 05 tees » (9355) bloke (sye5) Sail gine dot D Qa ls Sah 99 8) tS Soke S ins tats yg 0 yt aS DMA A) OO gms SX, 2 os 55! Jules ine Bae yet (hy) Sad ayia 5 0 92 pf Uke i pd Cmts, fogs ( oie los, ) KE", dens af (9 Me Ss Kyser gly) gt OU lym (>, ) bees t € cals) * yl SUR WI af ans! ter age d, LE CS 3! ( ;!asls,,;) - ples ete! Sel jl 08 Y kes te y5 5 (se Spats ) Mhz Se pe cot pty g Cob Saye cd US ga Cs; ) aS US pote g sib , 2S aid 5 USS city | dase uke (22825) Gybs Seas gge 5s! poe: a | etlamy elgily Pree cep i bins 53 ite ge! OS 9 S89 15 5 9 CSI! ols Faint, os Sele ( gs, ,) Ss} - Py abe ae (ws) Oily Oey bes adind y Cerys ty) Gt ssw tpodd> ( pe, ) eel 32 dS 2S genie ars (so, ) gent prs dss ‘ oe day Liston rc ae 553% yr5 DMIs yt p (05) His 5, che (015) Se Aaeeeget ( ue temwks ) £48 s Sa Cho pits C3 yy DEV, yd HS MG 5 (HS yim HIG ON; wy pre Sis ols gies Iau s (F gel Bubs ) (ot Gg bs ) SG plata Mito J leet I yrs lew FG Oe Se 88 Be SI Lagls Ri eee ey MAR Tey? 9 535 ity (85,5 ) sys oils oat . , 4 . Wr dm Sel, eos J) “ety ( dels ) RYE) aie 3 yaks { o's5) da My og KG Ss) a WS Sree Ate Seeks, 5 yi ( 2's 5) oe (pri, ) Mui (Yu, ) PE (2S lon) DBI oe ley oy eam © ge elle, MEY TIE IAS Gla 4% gu VS iS 5 lan ( wets, ) ads |S ats ( edt WSs, ) SBT SIG pa ( , Lk 55) ) Cam) Salen pa) py ad At Ss pixn ca 5 gis55,3 ed: Las 4b ¢ phe xe sb ith: Vanco ye * dis'gd 0S Hare 5 ET eld wma) 9D i.) es Ad & 25 9S Bly by Less pd piee atts 5 gl gt oc 2 ty? (3%) 44 9 90% ( ux Letts, ) rq S38 Cwls5o) di + oli ¢ = ent Sola Jeo! 5 5 6 dsm y peitys (tons): ¥/85 5 opel Ob lye Ma dS NS eps Je ine 291, sas Cy) pS mms Geol, ( glo, ) (Cm, ) S252 ote 5 5) 495) pO LS Cilee dS | eds lat 986 ye Ue B cowl 315) Coal es Slut wks ere eid S,1e% (seu, ) Ol adly- ES Mra (oe, ) Sato Tg Giant Let ys yp itng uly Leyes Cs pe y 1 ody D5 Lin pLinee ss Soke Ty tou! , Codie y aw Oe gt Nei Sas dsl eb ( » ie eae ) a Ky gu gd Craw Nand ois wits 0 rs Liss 4 BNE ak gd 45 lov a aad la yt singh, Vad ty by LE, dye Coy ge lees did 559 ity: oS Coa lad ity: e855 251 AS Se Ope punta 5 Ss J thy (ui, ) wr sill ( M923) Sop yslibe 9384 5227 yaa) 92991) 22 8 COMED pyre ibe yy 9 Cw I wy gpg Led CF MS) aera yy Osi Uny oy Ql Td tne pans BLS Tithe cal ya by Spy allsd Lavy ghee y ggie5 xray & heel olk fe eb siet (ps) oI Bs yl MSs ow BOSE. (VMs, ) C3tey are uit Lhe o laels Sy Lise ot yl, aa) | aed S15 55 be ax hs ws ped Ras O54 50 ( S52 cmt, ) oy Gs a MEG, anil s dy, (ha, el) od TT P0592 (s2%55) mS Asst, poke J) 5, (Sls, ) gy, d gu! gale Sas clits dds Ssled: (is,) Omsic, peso ished (as, ) CLS! sLet,, o (28 555) OF yes gilts 5 Se, ging: ght aay rv w392 Cul ) Cems oki, reales oS je S55 pak Co Veg iS OS pm Ves oe yh 5 9 Cm lghy pitas of (Saoo) why pI diel, ome (GS) whos5 (%)5)) 9529555 9m gt pt AS LU 6 gam wt sem sae BS a8 wos (J5,) sJik, whos (4%) Diy 9B oS, oy Lk S NG 2 hts Sele ay ity AS 6 3 pe 65S, tty ob (FT 8, ) MB aly ine SL, gids de UE ya Goo! ST) sy pe Sleds Cow SF lad p Uns y ee Cl, Esushi) Cm le seue sity eo, CG STs Ba Ky SN cgnS noe) og ly png ett es Slo city pe HEI Soe 1) 55 eee EES J os, Cl gi (slisa) pis! 63 hoe ee Maids lye} ( y29 ) by Kj Cindy p LS, - : v4 EsPsSpg Babel eds (ety?) ws Syl (am 0) sols (259859) pits ys - hz 0S IS SS peg pligi s my, ili s 95 pads Ke (4852) WS og VY Xie 45 eo LS pe ols yey (92); ) gids ys Se ics 551 os Bs Isla: (%5,,) sunt, less, bys (ules) Syste (S555) 919 fry YO me (wPliwa) shia s Soe» sgiie gin, dy, prises ( pplino ) sail a, sarids Bde ls pp So Leyes Cod) I, 5 (sims) pm gene ity ib gS 55 py ( ahuto ) nice (Legimn s ) 99,65 6 ghee Gal gay ags) iy Cam) (admtests > yt OS (po) xine ae Es oh G5 S55 pay (js803) W gare 99 atmo { t>) ig ad p92 355 Ky oS Gadss a5, last gly Fo ISVS pum, Gag od ey oligo 5S polis dd 35» (ge dhny its) sls l pines dd RS ola Ge, , af ( sayes ints) cy LA Bis ie ahs NG WL ( gain SURES sls) Gealle dsl y5 Cs Lae wegthe, 83 Ld, Calle je i pes fy galiee elms igh Sy lyaos dal sods Lee aikye y Lue U Spas | ple $3990 3 693) (5 Caamed aS ade 5! 55 Kay C5 95 gery Com J ur) F Sle, Iudimas gd ( Sas ley, of cele, whyuw sane eo ligisd B Ilsa lasts, lS 4S J Lice divs 3 vs lids Fags 55! B x25 CaaS py abl 2 y ple cde Jaw (, Lwiiil ) ae ( pa38.) gal dty pep cies eid G5 Links So puting Sale Lids (yy kw pp sii La) ape 5 ( glar1,3) oy beyiielenl aan ue pos wath we! ys ptt gle ity Cw 5, dues re wide (eB) pts yy tele ola ptys spat 6b OBL hl d She, ) 545 | Sv ds Ze ity ( oid ) pthc ( phiaeiigie 2 Oath vy Vi Cau ips ) ( »xwlys ) ai WBS gay el Uo any ies get Sy. hs so%s phil, y= ) aad g 6 31S a law wri yS sly), Mad ity ( pedtrats owls CTL gt (bl gttige yy Cu J ysciys ) ph ew 35! pitty pte gO, 8 ps ( 2 Lye } ole, Crab, Chess gye yay (ge) she gs (et) ysl 8b Ce ge y jays ( o&*) Dig gS Copand gt 01 05 I Lesa bg OF gy 9 Ca 3 Sasioy & Mam pg gto! gghty Cow) pment IS CaS hs 5909 FST OENIN, pee ( IUsta ) shy ety 4913) € lpia dl dee! ‘ers us) Ctyla) abeatesta Si ote! sea) nies in, fo - ek a5 p> es ) Bakes oad, (gig) 2 Sales © ( alimee ) CHa Cael Ctimres sony gut ie Tae CSG de Leki Lis, o Lied daly apd sil T yy eM Cuaye (od able ) BSI 5 Cw SS 5 gl laa C3 te (45 le) Caan Nggan MEF 6 ay 9) jad co premlygings gecteatsille (5205 ) daly ogi fh SO Legalla tae ( 5, le) Dish yoke ( a, re) Vrs 5 ale Ssh juke ( Sign yes) My Cillne pa Fpy y 9 a5 Cw Sadie Ss (a he aS y byw yb easy pe Ole ye a die (34s ) oe ptr slr sles ey | uxt yew) Bes Js) Se ( cphmstiio 7%.) ua ae a Saligde. (sat), JS Sie, Cree ae aoa gatas) Sie v8 91 9) 8m (4075) Uraptgll sslidiat, belt Ssle gins (yywat Joy! Tames © rr aS 50 ( «> ) Guay eccars Hy eo pt eae oe ( =,4= ) (NY Senden oT 2 SS oll bg Li age ys Lad, | obs Coast ¢ Miho qa Lie aS 6 98 po AT i Lie ab Ft WR ) roo 7 so pays atale , skin (roads ) (gSisS>) ol js gle bs (x oke, ake, dla pha CRS ( ale SG oh) gue Citi , SAS Digs ope Ton T uo le any Voie 1 kals 1 aS het Cowl yy) 5) XSL gre J, | gets (e>) wae Cpe) Swils, cla gies GA Ry wy eer Sa! gies’ ( aloe) Wyo, at 8 reek ging ks ( Glas ) Sar bT serenee,) Cd, Fa Com) et a (5 take!) sb diem ( ap hi Ke ) pe pass y | B00 5 ym (woh atte) payer odd ite Sadie grt, 15pm (gin! ys cae) Sayre rh fm (ghia iste). ableabls (u-# we>) Soy stdiss, 5s! Sane ola Blew 53 (ayer) CRINGE S a5 Jy bey Am S50 5 p35, 25 39% pe ghee p45 Lew Sy Lat Jy guna oy Bayi Se hess pts 5 it Lew nga y Mls pg Sopot Dale yy od 93g hi yo agi Lits ahs Gam SOU Sh yy le ne Cam te Li 5 I gtd y Jam 8 5 obey y Yeat Vom Ma oie pratt ee yt yy? 9 BLS 5 Casas o Laide cam Lite pit uals dine #5 9a | Cxelste ) oe abe ok & lel a iho Nines gt AS any, TBMES wry dye Gilt (aby le) wy Spelie (5, ) Gal a ya S yar citye (gy ) ayy byolic 5 iy Ut re (ee stie adel wa [5 1hee anit ee 9 Le Haile Sie gpa lL D al gine 2 oye deolin ictal oo 511 isis ya Civasls Saat o ise prleepid stem (6552) gisia damyi Th 4,1 Soul LS 5 pod U ULES ge Jie Syeda Johor be XBL | LB Nenad pets HER gt A ILS i ad Je iy ln)» be Sy dim pups odsl ee (te) lesolole OS SE pada raildsl et ( slp) oplwes Cea) Lois. (ume) does pH, Casey Lagi Cad Leng 5 Can le engin Dads Qadig lo 6 (gin Sas! pate) Sol noel po pS othe itees | (tly gta) Ah by B Se ate Ss pd 5 > snake ait aepny 29 ate SUS) 5145 yet ie Am wibynm eg) 5a) Sys SW) 9 amas a uz] oy lBa | a! Ps 14) SSH pd ie Sq dy) Sad PAS imag) 5 a “(Alors ay, 5 Ube “ aa ond ty BBD, fy! (US! Be nak’ Cas Bale 3 (; lus) “Sasa beg gus | Coa tel, Spd Nya pty, j Lead Ot EB SBT aes es colts cin Ss, os (3,2 ylos ) 2) seas 855 eer Luss eB ys 955 skis 590 Se yet My SS SS a5 Cais ste ( ye y citys ery 9 S55 9 Sle ay, 25) 3V pe on ay ) a (ylse=) —_ jy hth Line O55} 93> wld BeOS 5 55." “(us jSyaes) pes Questo ye i (syste y egies cies abuds ee to ( oo EAS Gs gts: ru shy? J, es: be | thw t dw ) bs Juin 55 gh Lake he mM, ——L . - ? BS. ( catty itd ) (eg 5 _ Sibyl 5.2 ghee pil tees Un! 98 4 aly ae MORO Shots Sag Scand I agstin LSS » Who yy My gl, Lind Cins Fo i at BN y SBE aS yo 2 ay ols Psp te EIST glasee) onal fag poets; 1h: ty (50.8) 93,3) ws - 2) we? u127) oy a ie (813) es. 5 isa det Reis) ry! ay! PX ws 583) oat | (8) a) (eK! Lys) Ww bed? op Pele goa re . tv ets OS 6 pm ga! (Least) sels S38a_ C4389 Sits Bs bite ute (5515) BAS Ys, le (8550) oS 5 SS ae | Co Had B50 aKa EN ike Gite Bad yy 9 (ati) lh 6555) ite als eters er eo city (a lh.3) e593 ad gp La carta a tla S es eylatSei ys yoni abbey Syl BES ude» deal oly pads ( ns ) cahens Lil we 555! ety (cif) sot rrsler, (, jaees) Dhy gS Cap agin | agony Le a dy BS Cam aga J (¢%sy5 ) Sh PL ats whys iS 3 ews l ey ( La ) sk, 53 biel a Jaa gun (giLG) aU 64) 06 peace Js B que (j8Lmgr) Senn (io os) ait yal yc She daa ee te guna ai J (is ) hs gia uw gute (S399, ) 8 dal ps8 8.5 obi ings s srbsl CuStoy ) oT > unas Beas barbs ey Pees tds (155) Lyalajey (arn) tome (Sloane, Ll jb) tats oes ( Nyse} Rina yw gam gy By Ld S 3 pty 9 he ( vu, ) Medes atts (8, ) { Ae 541) Boal pd Se ging s Ys Se ( =) (mag) Pres abn es Cow Mayans sl ja aS na pa Jy Be Syd 2 ss ptes GF git? 33 ls 5) gly G33 (OG) Be LMG He Gul woe IPE) Fp 25 FM d 92 ly 5) 3 ae pH rzx2 oy (35:5) elspa tas *, tale (55) ML pedbos sl pw SHG (25) (22450) Vsdee (U8) apres CG pire SS (FE) Cn gp 82 Nea Sale yuk cit, ; As Chosen) we (ude) wlps & Se pi Sethe, ewer tels! Al opto Ey 5 po tls 72 72s PEs, aia (fon) 9 TS Dep, as MR Nyy bg d! 3 gids ( 54 My ) yp NSw 753 sa rol lifes PS > Sig y oll Cw yg.) ces either UH el pe ( Fj) ¥dae errs? ( wrdss. ) = Biopsy pest Rey? pliws | Jel or aS sda! p3 iste of 595 (rola) MU ys Syaturs ces ( 2s5, ) i ( Comet uw, ) v2 Suds gash es poy Gus nt ales ( gis ps Uk gi ) 329 sey? tm S 5 2)35 rol, aren g(t le Cm (stl Ny Sang S om) gm ( gisj3 deb gi ) Sy (31%, ) 1 iia Al (ong ROS, SLiat 5 Site * why by Mag! slal gta bs (si, ) Slistse@y 44 Pedra dhl ghday Add agi! (XXL) yh pay? 2433 i Ud, city (o% ) 29,5 we ose (ed) oS oes seis Cran) g0 Jy ha SS ya Qinys y 8 OUSS 45,8 55, E25, ) ML Gyo Bags ( gee s'j2 dy ) ptye gS SB, gelads pli, SIG, I40 (lim 2p.) 9,3 dig 9 955 ATR, Vy 9 giisee LB, 5 93 CUNT; Ip Leb, vids, selady, Lan g le ( $53, ) pi wo oa phe ert, ylim iw & jdm DSL go pais, pS ( sale), ) eT Ane (5 boye ) Leds joy s thom gt (eu, ) uke po) Keane (Rope) hed pays ghey) ( Xndin p, ) ma wks 3 ( Gp ) 5S wd (oly) eC jea yt sly a ee pds ats Cute ) ale yD gm oF gad ps grt S 9S 4p + Yio, f Seas il, Quits 99 tise lt 9H J fats doh 5 8 98 A} gael HOed yg” ginny cand orl #2 ge dao y, qu Ij oo Add yop OD, Catal) jbehal —& ane 0 Sa | € tet) 234, al anos Coe pre (51) gress lal gty cdg lelys GEIL fet gids oes «OR, cab a hUkeee (55556) GHG vas (54) a OR Slope (ebs85h) opal ps Serpe ty SL rt A Mts Sand ytlnen etd (ot) Ee Com} png ORG Ae days C3 Vink € wh y) S p> voliiats eB EAL) abl yo Sf cre Sey wy Vit hg 5 ite A Aye J ity? Cer el) ne Sf Serehee (ls ¢l) day Kea carb, 3 | 2 gh LASS gle ymesae ( come Vy ) dm ly iF (op AL) MEL hn Salo ot gins gil pals editete Celie) phone Sds utr vee WI (yee ) Sadaay 2 Vegi boy 5S abs $y Vlargge Us ce pe Sel (ple) sal pms D929 gil Salo ls posi ol, » LS 9 p4,@ a ares, 2 85 SI obese C elise ) er 23e wl @usee Cobar) Sal de 68 O85 une) spe ens He ( mat es 0053) US) city ( ¢ Sez) cep 0 Jite Diz pS I) Sis 5 oe Sas yee y Lew Ga Soles Mom Mel pSsSstee (a be) DyB Ia Sat ieee GUI! meer (Le ) (ke) Maths Ph LICS e, (y! Ly ) (J hee) Un gits J she yg s O55, Lie sa] 5 lagil Cy lge sy We ereeds (usyae ) IRs die 2) by BUTS eM GLH eS Me 89515051 60s b dake yy (lay) gl nee, sl («py ) Sabet ay Wis ey ae tre Sia en penal a game y C3 sine Q tabs) KEL wd dRie _ poke (gts) eyases colhe (ada S tome J ub SUL Peasy es) Cot SS inp bs, Ish as Last gar, CODE ot Oe ( st, ) = SAI BI, gh Gs sgt SSS ede (oe ) Sins el Gob) Us jae g bn Coe SPuy SS rssh, Cyt ae ee U5 ayashe 93 aS SUG anlake unl C8 5 Jy iy wos (Mex) ya Re (ylsw ) seh ( 30.7) dig My Rye ( “aay ) ad S31 ina y 2 omy 9 2 ( 952) Su has sya ‘ps (yiktare) 928s woysely (Gury) Sw) SB ine SHIN fla gt Byt) Sys ter Ca2sutye ) > g Abas ke 6 (ime y) ee au 55) Sob ABS Ab aye SIGs 5G aS, Sy! pads il el nada oll ool DETTE Smt lays J yds le, eS yZ,ylagle (372) SAM SPP Wes WIS ur (CC ymby ) (89231) MS pb gyre ps (See) ys Ss 228s sys jb (Shey) Seep ote cat ne (ie) sera (ulster ) SF gS Sslilespslislep Pan 13, R* & lag! ele ( skid 55 we ys ) MW '4s Khoo) els asst sta ls pibmrigln oh OS S41 pide fs) Dia 92 UH) ay Q EAT Samy iS 4 Candid Mes po 951 C2 iS os OS, ails REST LL 5 9 ye Pls 225s yrsSa Sues, (lh) (wr2k ) Sey Plastics (sah) Bee (inh ahs OS 65 pe SY Line git obs wo fe vUiS>, Cm) 35> 53) aes 5 Gal Cranes ie Lhe y's 5 gloue 9pm 9) I Saye ead aRing fy WFP so 925 Cds yds: G yw Ss ( seb) ge (filter) eSsresmen (per) dd iget pit lake pay lap peeing prt soss alo 15) ym sot Leet (edz los, ) Sud pe picde se Cie los 1 EMS ea, 5 Cid in Mad, Ss Lie; ! gilts Cand Lpenpll tp Lalo gt! s Lad 8 5) Sans Somge p dye 399g MO la AS Ge) Nee ty (gg edely) etal gine (sKoale) Miley Mt ya ns af Syos 53,73! 9 pa (15354) diwd Ts 6 35% Ay gh yf oily Cgod934) Sous yrs MEWS sNogiee CH SSY) uttl; egal} Srey PSHE (pBzb) MS uke g by Phas 6 spe gta Gs lose, U gine eb) DEN awd 5 oS OZ wLG os) 5! © eet ys Gooey Ge) at) LT |} Cie anes - (yy kb) Con! Srna a sgn 5 Lusey!; 2 aa gis (45)) SU gis ests oS Se 8 yng SIE paby C west) Cay (gts}) 2 28 citys A259 Wa yt ( ‘esas! ) ty tiny BOS Hb ( iy 'Ria 8) ok ye (xo!) Sheed s05 Boe ( ytarst) Shae (PS gl) 5) gts pL Ue ust Ui 6, J, Netty Oh, ga S AB ys 2 RS ya! ity Sy pny ian iy $0 Fb shay tr ey 5.9 72 gy BSL: ( hes) | yh S ja pligel 5 te Gade, J) al (opty ty Kas 3 goles y Ip Sy 9985 MEI ps ad 32 MI, sities oly See ly od Sy oy egle pen S25 59) SCE Se hes phatase ds Sa Faw g gies 5351 55) pmSas (istol,) caw! oy dl Tel p> s Cay gh poita Fy phone ( oJ 3)al ). (sse9h ) Caste g OF SUAS > paedy (33 uo & ) 4 ab) oy BOY (753!) w dads s,m Seb see (4) eos pt poe rns aikes pp Cad | Sida poe y gay ( peo!) ba Sieh (est) Arsloimesuser Cree!) "a dah alien) nary siete heatenal hd sted S53 poh; eke ss Gels onto s gue te wee y I wy Eat a pes tS (SBI, gt) Ce Le ge Bote, 5 se 6 i yo pS J, ) city ( w! 31) Mas Cie 9 My Sy LES 4 5 5 Ge! 31 pats 8755S bo AS ey 24 Wyse (sR!) ete Boel gle ops el, saup IE, gplto gS SSS Lem OSs gy Litany Bay Coat U1 gh sya de bel hel yy de BI Sea od Lge 5 gD gine 335) 2S Cond A) | Comal y Ci! Com Js} pice ( ees) ) Disa 8 91 gee pits MS 5 MTs iG . . 1S Shiga ble! S, 1855 ahh, (pate) shy ¢ j (Aid J) Comet ve ors Maye mas tm oe Bote Py git SS obs e335) yah Gs »£31) Coates bal gaa Cont S Lanans pS pa re ohh ctee 3326 ol, wie ( tims 1/31) Hy soho g 5 iy Sriky gine (5 51) Sates! Slealy OD) ( SII) goleglle wed RS ae IS pad OU ps Js} giz, (3! pr wls (sl) MS Mas yy no As shagl oe 2% (ye!) ne SS tag 65 waddle sly ef ye 8S gs) lees ps i®y2 ($905) pod ots! 3 My era paaky ( 35 54, dos b> c (a5 1) pe dyes (s3ses31) Siku, St ge Lite yt, Sola! ew ONL) gfbe Celie sa 2 alana (4 Pysn i ds J ) pita as Crue, lias Cm Iris sites op) Ss ; . ’ rane 5 lag de lie aS Sam sitet (uote tt) Sats log (so Handa t ) M's yards vaste Oe ot gigs (tt ) ele be (aby it) Sasi so bot ules dow Bie Seo), Ss duas ( sao it ) yasidids Cia 9 We eee dhol fe datinw yl (eontt) whens esul em slogee (obet) Prats atone greg Wei bsds) ety (1 KY ( wim t ) Crm) Chan Sp SOS Upc ( She4,) eeu ( etet)) Teele #5 IMs ds Joke, 05. ( zo} ) am po lig 55 (Hh 1) pha zen emus (i222!) (9,1) Sid» Nisings 8S 5 Mah Sys y aipaby. eB AG J.) city (Linke t) 5) tbe Sb Jie. gPE O25 sto Ns, gids) ez ( 555!) rials oe 2h ls Po git bu jay (995!) ov ty las aS aR (esti) eels Gel oda ae ar aw EIT) ys ead, sy oe) ted ap 049551, GSI Bal B84 QI Sea S iy) 50d 9/5 danas & Baap s LS I Tons st rok Coa tds ya Spa ( #855 IT) Cunigns esl 585 1g Chae my FOS wy (OR ip) Beds ey US, gdh, 5 S95)! ¢ oe Tt y shies oS Is kb 2b See tO (Meath og ads Oa 5) arses pn (#8 54T ) MS bye al ab oS ‘ Kiki 9B VOUS ( gS yobs y Yet) gy Mea wal b Jae cen pp OS ( aietie ph) Cael a Ly py Posie Pry i Lazany Sy BAS So WH oe Fy aS a Cowead 93 43S Lege yh, om | Sarnbe s 2) je iy o5)FGIG2 65 AB), O99 Nein y 5 OMY Sips be ai) pe gy AT OY CERES ity (Zea tt) sgt 5) Ve P Po iin ny Sk 5 a eS ght ud al Bae pF BSF Cy rinaetl!) otras ge T paseluss2 (5211) dey polis wo54 $1 Ste iynaissta ponte (b> e301) 98h iy SSIS (LB 5 535, aS, Les pI, al Sun JLRS pine pies ENG pw (pti) befalls Ay jos (81511) Sane (sti) 5 pa Jy iS bata ity s BL, Glai, Maly adsl os BSS WI og gi 5 MMS BS SST 5H, gus Cul eMNY AE SEE IE Sy (ylaystt) ask OS) 5 Sosa ging ( mii) Sule pos ys Soa SR yssye pS (atsiyghet) (ee olen tt) Mes blss ole ols oylhal st wire (pest) Soe, 65 WTSI! 3 M2 eS Sage O55 oy ee J TN garelis ls , 4 + 3) yg iis Liss, dU Uaaty 3 js he amr: “ ** wu, op hate HS lt 5 ¥ pl deste be gy Kany (411) ieaign ae 55 S50, 22530) gihyt 9 242 5 | so Late 5 Sah Sax 8s Sel) jag dy ite aS, ane ginys (255) Sk pal sb Slat Gj Lake 5 teks, itl sb em lglit, 12 fs Mon 9p yikes ohh pists hy ys (2,35) OF lied Cae 9 5 I ity 9 use Comm py 9 Bs Soe Thy gel 65 CCS V5 5 tee Neel pal (411) CoP ptr Lema SN ty aREKS Se sy op wt Kuso ( gail) Sits ls, am be que ais Cant!) , 1855 5 Untill Le Yisitxt 99 Oe By dy G at one bis w 5 wy a3 6 a3 5 : : = J5a a) ws y — aw =X. 2% e. ran sau fie dn as Js Jou 9 Liaw 3 sae GBB yh oa ¥ wos 5 TWH, Kn is 777 GS 5 Ow gh : uals S uset oS ® is Las Bhs o LSS eo BS And s Re Sd 5 20 ti 3? hm fae 4 VA BOY fie 9 glib a yee 5 5)5 Koh 5 5 lew = uo IY ° if Hea Vv 16 [o rv pV Ip KV Ip KV * eI ” *4 IP or Po oY If ey 4 OA FM, 5 S's a \ge! “ if uP 4 Re oor } " rat . a te La ? i es . ® , é 4 ’ “ a e,* " . . s s * ? 7 A ' Vo 5 ip - 4 ad = ay ‘il , “Y 5 ed = ‘ AA , a sy i u ie ae L a ‘ = ae ** Tus" nIo- ‘ = Pa Pai . ' yl » rae ia a > , ‘ . . . 4 + ‘ , . A - co % a ” - ‘ F Pe —- » Ad a ; 2 A 4 \ 1%» —— 8 7 5 fs i a ba, | Sy es i Relay aa ta Oi g ri 4 Yas 7 wd Meek, ll de cas