F-46.III m m ^ FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY r/n SectlsTJ / V7 // A^^/ C^^^^J^u/U 'it^ S-0 J^c/i i /Ici/i^ a I hi. S: l-yvL^£ ^Imlimm^mpUt: AKD SPIRITUAL SONGS, tOBDAlLT SUNO AT CAMP, PEATER, AND SOCIAL MEETINGS, AND EEVIVALS OV RELIGION. DESIGNED FOR ALL DENOMNATIONS. COMPILED BY JOSEPH BEVER. •*And they Bung as it were a new song before throne."— Bev. "Let the inhabitants of the Rock sing."— Isa. DAYTON, 0. Q estab: lEN IN C 1858. tBINTED AT THE PEINTINQ ESTABLISHMENT OV THE VSTtn BBETHBEN IN CHRIST. PREFACE The compiler of the Christian Songstee hafi but few apologies to offer in presenting it to a generous public. Many of the pieces found in foiiner colleo- tions of this kind, are known to have fallen into general disuse, and something new is looked and sought for. Hence, it appears nec- essary, in order to meet the expectation and demand of this progressive age, to furnish from time to time something new, in this department, and yet pure and elevated in spirituality and devotional aspirations. This volume claims to contain many pieces that have never before been published in book- form ; while, at the same time, it contains many old ones, selected from various authors ; ir PREFACE. thus bringing these valuable hymns and spirifc- ual songs together, and forming them into a book for convenience. It is not pretended that all the pieces found in this "work, are written in the best poetical style. But it is, however, confidently believed* that none are contained in it, that have not real merit, and their admirers. The compiler would, therefore, submit this new collection of Hymns and spiritual Songs to the public, believing that it will meet with favorable reception by all those who have the cause of God at heart. J. BEVER. Melmore, March, 1858. CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. P. M. 12,8,12,8,11,11,11. The Pure Testimony. THE pure testimony put forth in the Spirit, Outs like a sharp two-edged sword ; And hypocrites now are most sorely tc»- mented. Because they're conderan'd by the word. The pure testimony discovers the dross. While wicked professors make light of the cross, And Babylon trembles for fear of her loss. 2 Is not the time come for the church to be gather 'd Into the one Spirit of God ; Baptiz'd by one Spirit into the one body, Pai-taking Christ's flesh and his blood ; 5 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. They di-ink in one Spirit, whicli makes them all see. They're one in Christ Jesus, wherever they be. The Jew and the Gentile, the bond and the free. Then blow ye the trmnpet in pure testi- mony, And let the world hear it again; 0, come ye from Babylon, Egypt, and So- dom, And make your way over the plain ; Come wash all your robes in the blood of the Lamb, And walk in the Spirit as Jesus has done. In the pure testimony you will overcome. The world will not persecute those who are like them. But hold them the same as their own ; The pure testimony cries out separation. Which calls you your lives to lay down. Come out from their spirit and practices too — The track of your Savior keep full in you? view, The pure testimony will cut its way through. A battle is coming between the two king- doms — The armies ai*e gathering around ; CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 7 The pure testimony and vile persecution, Will come to close battle ere long. Then gird on your ai-mor, ye saints of the Lord, And he will direct you by his living Vord — The pure testimony "will cut like a sword 6 The great prince of darkness is mustering his forces, To make you his pris'ners again-— By slander, reproaches, and vile persecu- tion. That you in his cause may remain ; But shun his temptations wherever they lay. And fear not his servants whatever they say. The pure testimony will give you the day. 2 P. M. 7,7,7,7,7,7. Desire to Imitate the Pious. DANIEL'S wisdom may I know, Stephen's faith and spirit show John's divine communion feel, Moses' meekness, Joshua's zeal ; Run like the unwearied Paul, Win the day and conquer all. S Mary's love may I possess, Lydla's tender heartedness ; 8 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER Peter's ardent spirit feel, James' faith by works reveal Like young Timothy, may I Every sinful passion fly. 3 Job's submission may I show, David's true devotion' know ; Samuel's call, 0, may I hear ! Lazarus' happy portion share ; Let Isaiah's hallowed fire All my new born soul inspire. 4 Mine be Jacob's wrestling prayer^ Gideon's valiant steadfast care ; Joseph's purity impart, Isaac's meditating heart ; Abra'm's friendship may I prove, Faithful to the God I love. 5 Most of all, may I pursue That example Jesus drew ; By my life and conduct show. How he liv'd and walk'd below — Day by day, through grace restor'd. Imitate my blessed Lord. B '. M. 9, 6, 9, 6, 8, 8, 8, 6. Mercy's Ffee. Y faith I view my Savior dying, On the tree, on the tree. CHRISTIAN SONQSTEK, 9 To every nation he is crying. Look to me, look to rae. He bids the guilty now draw near. Repent, believe, dismiss your feara Hark ! hark ! what precious words I hear, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 2 Did Christ when I was sin pursuing, Pity me, pity me ? And did he snatch mv soul from ruin. Can it be, can it be ? O, yes, he did salvation bring. He is my Prophet, Priest and King, And now my happy soul can sing, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 3 Jesus, the mighty God hath spoken. Peace to me, peace to me. Now all my chains of sin are broken, I am free, I am free. Soon as I on his name believ'd. The Holy Spirit I received ; And Christ from death my soul retrie?*^ Mercy's free, mercy's free. 4 Jesus my weary soul refreshes, Mercy's free, mercy's free. And every moment Christ is precious. Unto me, unto me. Kone can describe the bliss I prove. While through this wilderness I rove. 40 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. All may enjoy Uie Savior's love, Mercy's free, mercy's free, 5 This precious truth ye sinners hear it, Mercy's free, mercy's free. Te ministers of God declare it, Mercy's free, mercy's free. Visit the heathen's dark abode. Proclaim to all the love of God, And spread the glorious news abroad, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 6 Long as I live, I'll still be crying, Mercy's free, mercy's free, And this shall be my theme when dying, Mercy's free, mercy's free. And when the vale of death I've past. When lodged above the stormy blast, I'll sing while endless ages last, Mercy's free, mercy's free. 4 p. M. 12, 12, 12, 12. The Millenium. THE time is soon coming by the Prophets foretold. When Zion in purity the world shall be- hold ; When Jesus' pure testimony will gain the day. Denominations' selfishness will vanish away. CHRISTIAN SONGSTEB. H S It "will then be discovered who for Jesua will be, And who are in Babylon the saints then will see; The time of division then will fully be known. Between the pure kingdom, and defil'd Bab- ylon. 3 Led on by the Comforter, what sweets will be found. What peace and what harmony in love will abound, Losing time, things for Jesus, will be count- ed all joy, And helping each other, a delightful em- ploy. 4 What beauty will the churches then put on in his sight. Being govern'd by Jesus Christ, who always does right. No spots on her countenance, in that glori- ous day, Unnecessary ceremonies vanish away. 5 The watchmen will then lift up their voices as one, East, west, north and south, to and fro, they will rup lU CHEISTIAN SONGSTER. In the Spirit's pure testimony preach up the cross. The mysteries of Babylon will suffer the loss. 6 But, ! what a storm of persecution will rage. For the cause of old Babylon too many en- gage ; For beholding their losses, and beginning to sink, The^ hope to obstruct the light from shin- ing I think. 7 But truth cuts its way, and love will melt down all foes, The pure word of God will conquer all who oppose ; ! church { The church stands in purity, in peace, and in love, In sight of her enemies she rises abova 8 Let all who would wish to see millennium begin, Come out and be separate from sinners ana sin ; As soon as the churches are redeemed frozD all sin. The day of millcnium will surely begin. CHBISTIAN 80NGSTKE. 13 5 L. M. WHEN Christ the Lord "vras here below. About the work he came to do ; Before he left his little band, He gave to them his great command. 2 Though fishing Peter leads the way, And nothing caught till break of day ; To give them food thus Jesus stands. And says to Peter feed my lambs. 9 Thomas -was of a doubtful mind. Yet Jesus leaves him not behind ; Thomas, he says, " behold my hands 1 " And Simon Peter "feed my lambs." 4 Peter once did deny his Lord, By not attending to his word ; I et Jesus knew how frail was man, And says to Peter " feed my lambs." 5 Oh, little children do not fear, "While Christ your Savior is so near ; Poor doubting souls are in his hands, And precious food for all the lambs. 8 The richest feast is yet above. In the enjoyment of his love ; Then run to Christ with all your might. And I will try to keep in sight. 14' CHRTSTIAV SONGSTEE. 7 l^ow here's my heart and here's my hand To meet, you in that heavenly land ; My hand again I give to thee. Hoping thy face in heaven to see. CHora'S. And oh, how good it is for us to be blest, And d\vell where lovely Jesus is. ^'> CM. The Pilgrim Band. WE'RE marching to the promis'd land, A land nil fair and bright ; Come join our happy pilgrim band. And seek the plains of light. CHORUS. Oh, wlio will go along with me, To the new Jerusalem ? There congregations ne'ef break up, And Sabbath's never end. 2 The deep Red Sea already cross'd, Safe on its baiiks we stood. And saw our foes, old Pharaoh's host, Plung'd in the angry flood. 3 The Savior feeds his little flock. His grace is richly given — The living water from the rock, And daily bread from heaven. CHHISTIAN SONGSTER. 15 4 To Canaan's land L.e points the "way And guides our feet aright ; A cloudy pillar leads by day, A fiery one by night. 5 " Come with us we will do thee good,'* Here is our heart and hand. To meet you over Jordan's flood. And share the promis'd land. 6 There in that land no tears are shed, Nor sighs escape the heart ; To joy's full fountain all ai'e led. And there they never part. 7 CM. nie Prodigal. YE erring souls that wildly roam. From heaven and bliss estray. Your Father's voice invites you home. He makes a feast to-day. CHORUS. Oh ! I'll not die hei-e with want severe, ■ And starve in foreign lands; In my Father's house are rich supplies, And bounteous ai-e his hands. 2 And thou art bidden, weary one. With wants and woes oppressed^ And every far-off wand'ring son, May be a welcome guest. lis CHEISTIjLN sonqstee. 3 Return thou prodigal, return. Thy Father bids thee come. He doth thy needless absence mourn. Thou erring child, come home. 4 Come, for the feast already waits. The fatlings all are slain ; Go seek with haste his palace-gates, Nor shalt thou seek in vain 8 p. M. 4, lis. The Reck that is Higher than I. FIRST PART. IN seasons of grief to my God I'll repair. When my heart is overwhelmed with sorrow and care. From the ends of the earth unto thee will I cry, Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Higher than I, higher than I. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. fi When Satan, my foe, comes in like a flood. To drive my poor soul from the fountain of good, I'll pray to the Savior who kindly did die. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. Higher than I, higher than I. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I. CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 17 3 And when I have ended my pilgrimage here. In Jesus' pure righteousness let me appear. In the s-wellings of Jordan on thee I'll rely And look to the rock that is higher than I, Higher than I, higher than I. And look to the rock that is higher than I. 4 And when the last tnimpet shall sound through the skies. "When the dead from the dust of the earth shall arise, "With millions I'll join, far above yonder sky. To praise the dear rock that is higher than I. 9 p. M. 4,11s. " The Rock that is Higher than J.** SECOND PART. ¥ HEIST my soul is distress'd and my comforts are flown. To my Savior I'll go and my sorrows make known ; In secret devotion to him will I cry. Lead me to "the rock that is higher than I.** 2 Though my friends may forsake me, and foes all unite, To hedge up my pathway and fears to ex- cite : 2 IB CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. On the strenffth of Jehovali III firmly rely, Still screen'd by "the rock that is higher than I." S Should sickness o'ertake me and pain be severe, And none be about me my spirit to cheer, I'll hang on my Savior until I shall die. Sustained by "the rock that is higher than I." 4 And when I have finished my labor and care, Bright angels my soul on their pinions shall bear. To my home in the kingdom of gloiy OD high. To dwell by "the rock that is higher than I.' 10 C. M. The Penitent's Prayer. JESUS, now I come to thee, My wanderings to deplore ; Wilt thou not set my spirit free 1 Mj fallen soul renew ? CHOKUS. I weep, I mourn, T pray, 0, Jesus, now forgive. CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 19 2 My sins are more than I can bear, speak them all forgiven ; My soul away from earth I tear. To seek a place in heaven. 3 Pity, Lord, my helpless grief, My soul's deep anguish see. And gjrant me now that sweet relief, Which none can give but thee. A Did 'st thou not die that I might liye— Might live thy love to know ? Oh, let me now thy love receive, And in thy favor grow. I weep, I mourn, I pray, 0, Jesus, now forgive. L. M. 11 I LOVE my Lord, I love his laws, I love religion's blessed cause ; I love his faithful children too, I love his gracious will to do. 2 I love this narrow happy way, I love to watch, I love to pray, I love the crown I love the cross, I love the gold without the droaa. 20 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 3 I love to shout, I love to sing, I love to praise my heavenly King I love my Lord, I know I do, I love the souls that he loves too. 4 I love his saints that are below, I love the precious sinner too ; I love those who have gone before, I love my Jesus, more and more. 5 Then, O my soul, arise and sing, Behold thy Savior, Friend and King ! "With pleasing smiles he now looks down. And cries, " Press on, and take the crown • 12 P. M. The best Friend. THERE is a Friend above all others. Oh, how he loves ! His is Love beyond a brother's. Oh, how he loves ! Earthly friends may fail and leave us. This day kind, the next deceive uS; But this friend will never leave us. Oh, how he loves ! 2 Blessed Jesus ! would 'st thou know him ? , Oh, how he loves ! Give thyself e'en this day to him, Oh, how he loves ! CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. SQ Is it sm that pains and grieves thee. Unbelief and trials seize thee ? Jesus can from all release thee, Oh, how he loves ! 3 All thy sins shall be forgiven, Oh, how he loves ! Backward all thy foes be driven. Oh, how he loves ! Best of blessings he '11 provide thee, Nought but good shall e'er betide thee, Safe to glory he will guide thee. Oh, how he loves ! 4 Pause, my soul, adore and wonder. Oh, how he loves ! Nought can cleave this love asunder. Oh, how he loves ! Neither trials nor temptation, Doubt, nor fear, nor tribulation, . Can bereave us of salvation. Oh, how he loves I 13 L. M. Inviting Sinners. CHORUS. OTURN, sinners, turn. May the Lord help you turn O turn, sinners, turn. Why will you die ? 22 CHRISTIAN 80NGSTEE. Why wanderest thou so far from home T The vilest of the vile may come ; The tempter whispers, *' Yet delay/* Resist his wiles and come to-day. 2 To-dav thy homeward pathway trace ; Long hast thou liv 'd in folly's ways ; Thy toils have only brought thee woes, 0, tarry not — the door may close. 3 Come feast on joys divinely pure. Come and eternal life secure ; Submit to Christ, and you shall know What a dear Savior can bestow. 4 Lord, at thy feet I prostrate fall, I fain would find in thee my all ; To thee I look and humbly cry, " O save a wretch condemn'd to die." 14 p. M. 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7. Parting Friends. WHEN" shall we all meet again ? When shall we all meet again ? Oft shall glowing hope expire ; 6h, shall wearied love retire ; Oft shall death and sorrow reign, Ere we all shall meet again. CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 23^ 2 Though in distant lands we sigh, Parch'd beneath the burning sky ; Though the deep between us rolls. Friendship shall unite our souls, And in heaven's wide domain. There shall we all meet again. ^ 3 When our bumish'd locks are gray, Thin'd by many a toil-spent d^y ; When around this youthful pine. Moss shall creep and ivy twine ; Long may this lov'd bower remain, Here may we all meet again. 4 When the dreams of life are fled. When its wasted lamps are dead ; When in cold oblivion's shade, Beauty, wealth, and fame are laid ; Where immortal spirits reign. There may "vre all meet agail. 15 p. M. 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7. Mourning Souls. POOR mourning souls in deep distress. Making sad lamentation, Find themselves lost in wickedness. And under condemnation ; jjj^ While thunderbolts from Sinai's mount. Do sound with loudest teiTor, And they as naught in God's account. Are drown'd in grief and sorrow. S4 CHBISTIAN SONGSTER. 2 But who is he that looketh forth, Sweet as the blooming morning ; Fair as the moon, clear as the sun, 'Tis Jesus Christ adorning ; Jesus can clothe my naked soul, Jesus for me hath died ; And now I can with pleasure sing, Mj wants are all supplied. i-O Jacob's Ladder. AS Jacob once travePd, was wearied by day, And at night on a stone for a pillow he lay, He saw in a vision a ladder so high. Its foot was .on earth and its top in the sky. CHOEUS. Hallelujjfti to Jesus, who died on the tree, To raise up this ladder of mercy for me I Press upward, press upward, the prize is in view, A crown of bright glory is waiting for you. 2 This heavenly ladder is -strong and well made, It has lasted for ages, and is not decayed ; - The feeblest may venture, by faith to go up, And the angels will guard them from bottom to top. CHRISTIAN SONGSTEB. 25 8 Lo ! upward and downward they constant- ly go, Extending a hand to the toilers below ; And when a new convert sets out for tte skies. Their shouts to the top of the ladder arise. 4 ** Another, another," they sing in their love, **Is seeking his home aid^his treasure above ; " And angels in glory, responding, cry — " come," And welcome each penitent sinner up home. 5 This ladder is Jesus the glorious God-man, Whose blood freely streaming from Calvary ran; By his great atonement to heaven we rise. And sing in the mansions prepar'd in the skies. 6 Upon it our father's have gone home to God, Have finish'd their journey, and gain'd their abode ; And we are ascending and soon will be there. To join in their songs, and their heaven to share. 26 CHRISTIAN SONGSTKE. 17 P. M. 4 11^ pray. Where I've chosen to pray. 2 Sweet bow*r where the vine and the poplar were spread. And wove with their branches, a roof o'ef my head ; How oft have I knelt on the evergreen there. And ponr'd out my soul to my Savior in prayer. To my Savior in prayer. S How sweet were the zephyrs perfum'd with the pine, The ivy, the olive, the wild eglantine I Yet sweeter, oh sweeter, superlative were The joys that I tasted in answer to prayer, In answer to prayer. CHEI&TIAN SONGSTER. 27 4 'Twas under the covert of that blessed grove. That Jesus was pleased my guilt to remove ; Presenting himself as the only true way Of life and salvation, and taught me to pray, And taught me to pray. 6 The early shrill notes of the lov'd nightin* gale, That dwelt in my bower, I observed as my bell. To call me to duty ; and birds TT.\N SONGSTER. that eacli from a is Lord maj receive tlie glad "^ord. "Well and faithfully done ! Enter into my joj, -lad set do^wn on my throne." 118 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 8, 8, 6. WiU you Go ? ¥E 'RE trav 'ling home to heaven above ! "Will you go ? will you go ? To sing the Savior's dying love ! Will you go ? will you go ? Our sun will then no more go down ; Our morn no more will be withdrawn, Our days of mourning past and gone 1 Will you go ? will you go ? 2 We 're going to reap the great reward. Will you go ? will you go ? Which Christ m heav 'n for us prepar'd ; Will you go ? will you go ? A rich supply of milk and wine, And everlasting jovs divine. And robes that will the sun outshine ! Will you go ? will you go ? 3 We 're going to strike the golden lyre ! Will you go ? will you go ? And shout in strains of heavenly fire ! Will you go ? will you go ? CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 165 We '11 sing of Gods redeeming grace, And see our Savior face to face. And evermore we '11 shout his praise 1 "Will you go ? will you go ? 4 We 're going to walk in plains of "light I Will you go ? will you go ? Where perfect day excludes the night 1 Will you go ? will you go ? And crowns of ^loiy we shall wear, And palms of vict 'ly ever bear, And all the joys of heaven share 1 Will you go ? will you go ? 5 The way to heaven is free for all I Will you go ? will you go ? For Jew and Gentile, great and small I Will you go ? will you go ? Come, now resolve — give Christ your heart, From every evil to depart, And now for gloiy make a start I could I hear some sinner say I I will go, I will go : 1 '11 start this moment, clear the way ! Let me go, let me go ! My young companions fare you well ; I will not go with you to hell ! I mean with Christ in heaven to dwell 1 •Let me go, let me go ! 16S CITRISTIAN SONGSTER. 119 6, 5, 6, 5. The Resurrection. THE last lovely morning, All blooming and fair. Is fast on-ward fleeting. And soon will appear. CHOEUS. While the mighty, mighty, mighty trump Sounds, come, oome away ; let us be ready to meet tlie glad day. 2 And when the bright morning In splendor shall come, Our teai-s will cease flowing, Our S01T0W8 be gone. While the mighty, &c. 3 The bridegroom from gloiy To earth shall decend ; Ten thousand bright angels Around him attend. While the mighty, We should at once begin. 176 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 2 He says he loves to see, A broken liearted one ; He loves that sinners, such as we. Should mourn for what "we 've done. 3 'Tis not enough to say, "We 're sorry, and repent, Yet still go on from day to day. Just as we always went. 4 Repentance, is to leave The sins we lov 'd before, And show that we in earnest grieve, By doing so no more. 5 Lord make us thus sincere, To watch as well as pray ; However small, however dear, Take all our sins away. 6 And since the Savior came, To make us turn from sin, "With holy grief and humble shame, We would at once begin. 128 C. M. The Christian Pilgrim and Old Apolyon COME all ye mourning pilgrims dear, "VV''ho 're bound for Canaan's land. Take courage and fight valiantly. Stand fast with sword in hand. CHRISTIAN SO::^GSTEK, Our Captain he has gone before, Our Father's only Son ; Then pilgrims dear, do not fear. But let us follow on. 2 Through a dark howling wilderness. To Canaan's peaceful shore ; A land of pits, and snares, and death ; Where chilling winds do roar ; But Jesus will go through with us. And guard us by the way ; Though enemies examine us. He'll tell us what to say. APOLYON. 3 Good morning, brother traveler, Pray tell to me your name ; And whither you are traveling to ; Likewise from whence you came. PILGRIM. My name it is bold pilgrim, To Canaan I am bound ; I am from the howling wilderness. And the enchanted ground. APOLTON. 4 Pray what is that upon your head, That shines so cle^r and bright ? Likewise the coveri-jg of your breast So dazzling to my sight ? 12 . 1 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. "'.rhat kind of shoes are those you ■w^ear, On Tvhich you boldly stand ? Likewise the shining instrument, You hold in your right hand ? 5 With glOiiDus hope upon my head, And on my breast a shield. With this bright sword I vae^n to fight. Until I win the field. My feet axe shod with gospel peaos. On which I boldly stand ; I mean to fight until I die. To gain fair Canaan's land. APOLYON. 6 You 'd better stay with me young man, And give your journey o 'er ; Your Captain now is out of sight. His face you '11 see no more. My name is old Apolyon, This land belongs to me ; And for your arms, and pilgrim's dress, 1 11 give it all to thee. 7 " Oh no ! " replies the pilgrim bold^ " Your offer I disdain ; A glittering crown of righteousness, I shortlv shall obtain ; CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 179 If I continue faithful to My blessed Lord's command, I shall be heir -with him above, Of Canaan's fruitful land." 8 The pleasant fields of Canaan, How beauteous to behold ! The valleys clad in living green, The mountains ting'd with gold ! The ti'ees of life with heavenly fruit. Behold how rich they stand ! Blow gentle gales, and bear my soul Away to Canaan's land. 129 p. M. OTHOU in whose presence my soul takes delight, _ On whom in affliction I call ; My comfort hj day, and my song in the night, My hope, my salvation, my all. Where dost thou at noontide resort with thy sheep, To feed on the pastures of love ; For -why in the valley of death should I weep. Or alone in the wilderness rove ? 150 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER, 2 why should I -wander an alien from tie^ And cry in the desert for bread ? My foes will rejoice when my sorrows they see, And smile at the tears I have shed. Ye daughters of Zion, declare, have you seen The star that on Israel shone ? Say, if in your tents my beloved has been, Or where with his flocks he has gone ? 3 This is my beloved, his form is divine. His vestments §hed odors around ; The locks on his head are as grapes on the vine, When autumn with plenty is crown 'd. The roses of sharon, the lilies that grow. In the vales on the banks of the streams. On his cheeks in the beauty of excellence glow, And his eyes are as quivers of beams. 4 His voice as the sound of the dulcimer sweet. Is heard through the shadows of death ; The cedars of Lebanon bow at his feet. And the air is perfum 'd with his breath. His lips as a fountain of righteousness flow That waters the garden of grace ; From whifch their salvation the Gentilc-J shall know. And bask in the smiles of his face.- CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 181 5 Love sits in his eye-lids and scatters delight. Through all the bright mansions on high ; Their faces the cherubims vail in his sight. And tremble with fullness of joy. Fe looks, and ten thousands of angels rejoice, And myriads -wait for his word ; He speaks, and eternity, fill'd with his voice. Re-echoes the praise of her Lord. 130 P.M. 7,6,7,6,7,6,7,6. THERE is a holy city, A happy world above. Beyond the staiTy regions. Built by the God of love ; An everlasting temple. And saints array 'd in white. They serve the great Redeemer, And dwell with him in light. It is no world of trouble, The God of peace is there. He wipes away their sorrows. And banishes their care ; Their joys are still increasmg. Their songs are ever new. They praise th' eternal Father, The Son and Spirit too. 182 CHBISTIAiJ SONGSTER. 3 The meanest child in glory, Out-shines the radiant sun, But who can speak the splendor. Of that eternal throne. Where Jesus sits exalted, In God-like majesty ? The elders fall before him. The angels bend the knee. 4 Is this the man of sorrows, Who stood at Pilate's bar. Condemn 'd by haughty Herod, And by his men of war ? He seems a mighty conqu 'ror. Who spoil 'd the powers below, And ransom 'd many captives, From everlasting woe. 5 The hosts of sin around him, Proclaim his works of gimce , The patriarchs and prophets. And all the godly race ; Who speak of iiery trials, And tortures on their way ; They came from tribulation. To everlasting day. 6 Now with a holy transport, They tell their suff ^rings o 'er. Their tears and their temptations, And all the pains they bore ; 131 CHRLSTIAX SONGSTER 183 Thej turn and bow to Jesus, Who gain 'd their liberty ; Amid the fiercest dangers, Our lives are hid in thee. And what shall be our journey, How long we '11 stay below. Or what shall be our ti-ials. Are not for us to know ; In eveiy day of trouble, "We '11 raise our thoughts on high ; And think of the bright temple, And crowns above the sky. P. M. SAW ye my Savior ? Saw ye my Savior ? Saw ye my Savior and God ? Oh ! he died on Calvary, To atone for you and me. And to purchase our pardon with blood He was extended ! He was extended ! Shamefully nail 'd to the tree, Oh I he bowed his head and died I Thus my Lord was crucified. To atone for a world that was lost. 184 CHRISTIAX SOXGJ?TER. 3 Jesus hung bleeding ! Jesus hung bleeding ! Three dreadful hours in pain ; Oh ! the sun refus 'd to shine. When his majesty divine, Was derided, insulted, and slain. 4 Darkness prevailed ! Darkness prevailed ! Darkness prevail 'd o 'er the land ; Oh ! the solid rocks -were rent, Thr*ugh creation's vast extent, When the Jews crucified the God-man. 5 When it was finish 'd. When it was finish 'd, And the atonement was made, He was taken by the great. And embalm 'd in spices sweet. And was in a new sepulchre laid. 6 Hail, mighty Savior ! Hail, mighty Savior ! Prince and the author of peace ; Oh ! he burst the bands of death, And triumphant through the earth, He ascended to mansions of bliss 7 JSTow interceding ! Now interceding ! CHRISTIAN SOXGSTER. 185 Pleading that sinners might live ; Crying, Father, I have died ! Oh, behold my hands and side. To redeem them — I pray thee forgive. I will forgive them , I will forgive them, If they '11 repent and believe ; Let them now return to me, And be reconcil 'd to thee. And salvation they all shall receive. 132 p. M. 8, 7, 8, 7. SAVIOR visit thy plantation. Grant us, Lord, a gracious rain ; All will come to desolation, Lest thou visit us ao-ain. OHORUS. Lord, revive us, Lord, revive us. Lord, revive thy work in me ; Lord, revive us, 0, revive us, All our help must come from thee. 2 Keep no longer at a distance, Shine upon us from on high ; Lest, for want of tlune assistance, Every plant should droop and die. 186 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 3 Surely, once thy garden flourish 'd, Eveiy plant look 'd gay and ^reen ; Then thy word our spirits nourish 'd Happy seasons we have seen. 4 But the drought has since succeeded, And a sad decline we see ; Lord, thy help is greatly needed — i-elp can only come from thee. 5 Where are those we counted leaders, Fill'd with zeal, and love, and truth ? Old professors, tall as cedars. Bright examples for our youth. 6 Some, in whom we once delighted, "We shall meet no more below ; Some, alas ! we fear are blighted, Scarce a single leaf they show. 7 Younger plants— the sight how pleasant Cover 'a thick with blossoms stood ; But cause us grief at present, Frosts have nipp 'd them in the bud. 8 Dearest Savior, hasten hither, Thou canst make the bloom again ; Eermit them not to wither, et not all our hopes be vain CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. IS"* 9 Let mutual love be fervant. Make us prevalent in prayers ; Let each one esteem 'd thy servant, Shun the world's bewitching snares. 10 Break the tempter's fatal power, Turn the stony heart to flesh ; And begin from tiiis good hour, To revive thy work afresh. 133 P. M. 8, 8, 8, 8, 7. . COME saints and sinners hear me tell The wonders of Immanuel, Who sav'd me from a burn in s' hell, And brought my soul with him to dwell. And gave me heavpnly union. 2 When Jesus saw me from on high. Beheld my soul in ruin lie ; He look 'd on me with pitying eye. And said to me as lie pa>s 'd by, " With. God you have no union." 3 Then I began to weep and cry ; I look 'd this way and that to tiy ; It grieved me sore that I must die ; I strove salvation for to buy; But still I had no union. 188 CHRISTIAN SONGSTEE. 4 But •when I liated all my sin, My dear Redeemer took me in And Tvilh his blood he wash 'd me CxCan ; And, Oh ! wli^t seasons I have seen. Since first I felt this union. r> I prais'd the Lord both night and day, I went from house to house to pray, And if I met one on the way, I always found something to say, About this heavenly unio^;!. 6 I now with saints can join to sing, And mount on faith's triumphant wing, And make the heavenly arches ring, With loud hosannas to our King, Who brought our souls to union, 7 Oh come, backsliders, come away, xVnd mind to do as well as say, And leai-n to watch as well as pray. And bear your cross from day to day. And then you '11 feel this union. 8 We S0071 shall leave all things below. And quit these climes of pain and woe. And then to glory we will go, Vf'^here we shall see, and hear, and know, And feel a perfect union. CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 189 134 P. M. 7, 6, 1, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6. COME all ye weary travelers, Come let us join and sing, The everlasting praises, Of Jesus Christ our King ; "We 've had a tedious journey, And tiresome it is true ; But see ho^v many dangers The Lord has brought us through. 2 At first when Jesus found us. He call 'd us unto him ; And pointed out the dangers, Of falling into sin ; The -world, the flesh, and satan, Will prove a fatal snare. Unless we do reject them. By faith and humble prayer. 3 But by our disobedience, "With sorrow we confess, "We 've had too long to wander In a dark wilderness ; "Where we might soon have fainted. On that enchanted ground, But now and then a cluster • Of pleasant grapes we found. 190 CHRISTIAN SONXSTER. 4 The pleasant fruits of Canaan, Give life, and joy, and peace ; Revive our drooping spirits, And faith and love increase. Confess your Lord and Master, And run at his command ; And hasten on your journey, Up to the promis 'd land. 5 In faith, and hope, and patience, We now ai*e going on The pleasant -^ay to Canaan, Where Jesus Christ is gone ; In peace and consolation We 're going to rejoice. And Jesus and his people, Forever be our choice. 135 p. M. The Wondrous Love of God. WHAT wondrous love is this, ray soul, my soul ! Y\'hat wondrous love is this, my soul ! What wondrous love is this. That cans 'd the Lord of bliss, To send his precious peace To my soul, to my soul, ^n To send his precious peace to my soulT CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. l9l 2 When I was sinking down In despair, in despair ; When I was sinking down in despair, When I was sinking down. Beneath God's righteous frown, Christ laid aside bis crown. For my soul, for my soul, Christ laid aside his crown for my soul. 3 Ye friends of Zion's King, Join his praise, join his praise. Ye friends of Zion's King, join his praise, Ye friends of Zion's King, With hearts and voices sing. And strike each trumpet string, In his praise, in his praise, And strike each trumpet string in his praise. 4 To God and to the Lamb, I will sing, I will sing. To God and to the Lamb I will sing. To God and to the Lamb, Who is the great I Am I While millions join the theme, I will sing, I will sing. While millions join the theme, I will sing. 5 And when from death I 'm free, (^ '11 sing on, I '11 sing on, And when from death I 'm free, I '11 sing on, 192 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. And when from death I 'm free, I '11 sing and joyful be, And through all eternity, I '11 sing on, I '11 sing on, And throngh all eternity I '11 sing on. 136 p. M. I'm a Pilgrim. I'M a pilgrim, and I'm a stranger ; I can tarry, I can tairy but a night ; Do not detain me, for I am going, Vrhere living fountains are ever flowing. CHORUS. I 'tn a pilgrim, and I 'm a stranger ; I can taiTy, I can tarry but a night. 2 There's the city, to which I journey. My Redeemer, my Redeemer is its light ; There's no more sorrow, nor any sighing, Nor any tears there, nor any dying. I 'ra a pilgrim, and I 'm a stranger ; I can tarry, I can tarry but a night. 3 There the glory is ever shining ; Oh, my longing heart, my longing heart is there : Here in this vain world, so lone and dreary, I long have wander 'd forlorn and weary. I 'm a pilgrim, and I 'm a stranger ^ I can tarry, I can taiTy but a night. CHRISTIAN SONGSTER l93 4 Father mother, sister, and brother, If you will not journey with me, I must go, For if a vain hope, you still will cherish, I cannot linger, and with you perish. I *ra a pilgrim, and I 'm a stranger ; I can taiTy, I can tarry but a night. 5 Farewell neighbors, with tears I 've warn 'd you ; • I must leave you, I must leave you and be gone ; With this your portion, your heart's desire, Why will you perish in endless fire ? I 'm a pilgrim, and I 'm a stranger ; I can tarry, I can tany but a night. 6 Farewell dreary earth, by sin so blighted. In immortal beauty, thou shalt be renew 'd ; For he who form'd thee, will soon restore thee. And then thy dread cur^e shall neyer more be. I 'm a pilgrim, and I 'm a stranger ; I can tarry, I can tany but a night 137 P. M. 9, 9, 12, 9. " What a Mercy I " WHAT a mercy, a mercy is this ! What a mercy a mercy is this 1 What a mercy is this ! what a heaven of bliss 1 If the Savior is found in my heart. 13 194 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 2 Yf hat will, Oh, \rliat will become of me t What -will, Oh, what will become of me t What will become of me, if death approaches me, And the Savior 's not found in my heartl 3 'Tis awful, 'tis awful to relate, 'Tis awful, 'tis awful to relate, 'Tis awful to relate, if death 'should be my fate. And the Savior 's not found in my heart 4 But welcome ! welcome death to me I But welcome ! welcome death to me ! But welcome death to me, if Christ should set me free. And the Savior be found in my heart. 5 Then adieu, friends, adieu to you all, Then adieu, friends, adieu to you all. Then adieu to you all, my dear Savior doth call, And has promis 'd to dwell in my heart 6 Adieu to afflictions and pain. Adieu to afflictions and pain. Adieu to all pain, for dying is my gain. If the Savior is found in my heart. CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 195 t How reviving and cheering to my mind. How reviving and cheering to my mind. How cheering to my mind, and the friends I leave behind. If the Savior is found in my heart. 8 But we hope, we hope soon to meet. But we hope, we hope soon to meet. But we hope soon to meet, and worship at his feet, And ne 'er more from the Savior depart 138 p. M. 5, 5, 9. Air. — 'Midst Sorrow and Care. The True Friend. 9"]V/riDST sorrow and care, JjJL There is one that is near. And ever delights to relieve us. 2 'Tis Jesus our friend. On whom we depend. For life and all its rich blessings. 3 When trouble assails, His love never fails, He meets us with sweet consolation, 4 His bounties are free. He hears every plea. And welcomes the cry of the needy. 19€ CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 5 Blest mansion above, Prepar 'd by his love, And waiting at last to receive us. 6 My Savioi- and friend, On whom I depend, Mj heart shall forever adore thee. 139 p. M. 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7. Am. — Abba. The Annunciation. HARK ! what mean those holy voices. Sweetly sounding through the skies ? Lo ! th' angelic host rejoices. Heavenly hallelujahs rise. Hear them tell the wond 'rous story, Hear them chant in hymns of joy, " Glory in the highest glory ! Glory be to God most high." 2 Peace on earth, good will from heaven. Reaching far as man is found ; " Souls redeem d and sins forgiven," Loud our golden harps shall sound. Christ is born the great anointed ; Heaven and earth his praises sing ; Oh receive whom God appointed, For your Prophet, Priest, and King CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 197 3 Haste, ye mortals to adore him, Leavn his name and taste his joy ; Till in heav 'n ye sing before him, Glory be to God on high. Haste, ye mortals, to adore him ; Learn his name and taste his joy ; Till in heav 'n ye sing before him. Glory be to God most high ! 140 p. M. 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7, 6. Drooping Souls Encouraged. DROOPING souls no longer grieve, Heaven is propitious, If on Christ you do believe, Yoa will find him precious ; Jesus now is passing by, Calls the mourners to him ; ^ He has died for you and me, ! look up and view him. 2 From his hands, his feet, his side. Flow's the healing fountain ; See the swelling cleansing tide Boundless as the ocean ; See the living waters move, For the sick and dying ; Now resolve to gain his love. Or to perish trying. 198 CHRISTIAN SOXCSTER, 3 Gospel grace is always free. Drooping souk to gladden ; Jesus says, " Come unto me, "Weary, heav^ laden," Though your sms like mountains high. Rise and reach to heaven ; Yet if you on him rely. All shall be forgiven. 4 Now methinks I hear one say, I will go and prove him ; If he takes my sins away. Surely I will love him. Tes, I see the Father smile. Smiling moves my burden ; All is grace for I am vile, Yet he seals my pardon. 5 Streams of mercy freely flow. Surely now I feel it ; Half has never yet been told, ! could I reveal it ! Jesus' blood has heal 'd luy wound, ! the woud 'rous Florj ! I was lost, but now I 'ra found. Glory, glory, grory I 6 Glory to my Savior's name. Saints are bound to love him ; Mourners you may do the same. Only come and prove him :;nRisTiAH soxusisx. 199 Hasten to tlie Savior's blood, Feel it and declare it ; that I could sing so loud. All the -world might hear it. 7 If no greater joys were known, In the heavenly regions, 1 would try to travel on, In this pure religion. Heaven's here and heaven's there, Glory's here and yonder ! Brightest seraphs join with me. To adore and wonder. 141 6, 6, 9, 6, 6, 6, 6, 9. HOW precious is the name ! Brethren sing, brethren sing. How precious is the name ! brethren sing. How precious is the name ! Of Christ our paschal Lamb, Who bore our guilt and shame, On the tree, on the tree. Who bore our guilt and shame, on the tree. I 've given all for Christ, He 's my all, he 's my all ; I Ve given all for Christ, he 's my all. 200 cnRISTIAN SONGSTER. I 've given all for Christ, And my spirit cannot rest, Unless "he 's in my breast. Reigning there, reigning there, Unless he 's in my iDreast, reigning there. 3 His easy yote I 'U bear, With delight, Tvith delight, His ea^y yoke I '11 bear, with delight His easy yoke I '11 bear. And his cross I -will not fear ; His name I will revere, Evermore, evermore. His name I will revere, evermore. 4 And when we all get home, We will sing, we will sing ; And when we all get home, we will sing And when we all get home. Around our Father's throne. And millions join the theme, We '11 sing on, we '11 sing on. And millions join the theme, we '11 sing on, 142 c. M. Something New. SII^CE man by sin has lost his God, He seeks creation through ; And vainly hopes for solid bliss. In trying something new. CHKISTIAN SONGSTER. 201 2 The new possess 'd like fading flowers, Soon looses its gay hue ; The bubble now no longer takes. The soul wants something new. 3 could we call all Europe ours. With India and Peru ; The mind would feel an aching void. And still want something new. 4 But when we feel a Savior's love. All good in him we view ; The soul forsakes its vain delights. In Christ finds all things new. 5 The joys the dear Redeemer brings. Will bear a strict review ; Nor need we ever change again. For Christ is always new 143 P. M. Here is no Rest. HERE o'er the earth, as a stranger I rdam, Here is no rest — here is no rest ; Here as a pilgrim, I wandered alone, Yet I am blest — I am blest ; For I look forward to that glorious day ; When sin and sorrow will vanish away ; My lieart doth leap when I hear Jesus say, There, there is rest — there is rest. 202 CHRISTIAN SOXGSTEE. 2 Here, fierce temptations, beset me around ; Here is no rest — here is no rest. Here I am griev 'd, -while mj foes me sur- round, Yet I am blest — I am blest : Let men revile me, and scoff at my name ; Laugh at my weeping, endeavor to shame ; I will go forward, for this is my theme — There, there is rest — there is rest. 3 Here are afl9.ictions, and trials severe, Here is no rest — here is no rest ; Here I must part, with the friends I hold dear. Yet I am blest — I am blest. Sweet is the promise, I read in his word ; Blessed are they who have died in the Lord; They will be call 'd to receive their reward ; There, there is rest — there is rest. 4 This world of cares is a wilderness state ; Here is no rest — here is no rest ; Here I must bear from the world all its hate; Yet I am blest — I am blest. Soon shall I be from the wicked rcleas 'd ; Soon shall the weary forever be blest ; Soon I shall lean upon Jesus' breast ; There, there is rest — there is rest. CHBISTIAN SONGSTEE. 203 144 p. M. 12, 9, 12, 9. Missionaries to the Heathens. THEY have gone to the land -where the patriarchs rest, Wnere the bones of the prophets are laid, Where the chosen of Israel the promise pos- sess 'd. And Jehovah his wonders display 'd. 2 To the land where the Savior of sinners once trod ; "Where he labor 'd, and languish 'd, and bled; Where he triumph 'd o 'er death, and aseend- ' ed to God, As he captive captivity led. 3 They go to the land where the heathens nov dwell, Impell 'd by the love of their Lord ; His love to proclaim. His mercy to tell. As reveal 'd in his excellent word. 4 Thy blessings go with them ; 0, be thou their shield, From the shafts of the fowler thajt fly ; 0, Savior of sinners, thine arm be reveal 'd In mercy, and might, from on high. 204 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 45 C. M. Imitating Wrestling Jacob. AS Jacob did in days of old, So will my soul do now ; Wrestle, and to my Savior hold, Nor will I let him go. 2 Like Jacob, I am weak and faint. And overwhelm 'd with woe ; Lord, hear, aiad pity my complaint, For I'll not let thee go. 3 I come encoiirag 'd by thy word, That mercy thou wilt show ; Unless thou bless me, dearest Lord, I will not let thee go. 4 I come to ask forgiveness free^ Though I have been thy foe ; Unless thou grant it. Lord, to me, I will not let thee go. 5 I come to open all my wants. My sorrow and ray woe ; Unless thy healing grace abounds, I will not let thee sro. CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 205 6 I come, thy promises to plead, Where love and mercy flow ; Unless thou bless me. Lord, indeed, I will not let thee go. 7 I come to give thee this vile heart. Which sin has mangled so ; CTnless salvation thou impart, I will not let thee go. . 8 I come to ask for all thy love, And all thou canst bestow ; Cnless the blessings. Lord, I prove, I will not let thee go. 9 Thus will I wrestle while I live, A pilgrim here below ; And when in gloiy I arrive, I will not let thee go. 146 L. M. The Highway of Holiness. A HIGHWAY hath the Lord made known. Through Jesus Christ his own dear Son, "I am," saith he, "the truth the way," All other paths lead you astray. 20G CHRISTIAN S0XG6TEK. 2 If in this road yon -wisli to be, " Take up your cross and follow me ; Deny yourself of ev "ry lust, And" in me truly put your trust. 3 The way is difficult and straight, Narrow the road to heaven's gate ; And if you hope to enter in, You must be separate from sin. 4 No stranger shall proceed therein, No lovers of the world and sin ; Nothing unholy or unclean, Shall in this holy way be seen. 5 No vulture's eye nor beasts of prey, Hath seen this happy narrow way ; No lion's whelp hath trod the road. That leads the pilgrim home to God. 6 It was cast up for the redeem 'd, And for all the way-faring men, Then let us strive to watch and pray. And walk in Christ the living way. 147 P. M. 11, II, 11,11. Giving the Parting Hand. FAREWELL, my dear brethren, the i is at hand, That we mu>^t be parted from this s band, CHRISTIAN SO-XGSTER. 207 Our several engagements now call us away, ' Our parting is needful, and we must obev. 2 Farewell, my dear brethren, farewell for awhile, We '11 soon meet again, if kind Providence smile ; But when we are parted, and scatter 'd abroad, "We'll pray for each other, and wrestle with 3 Farewell, faithful soldiers, you'll soon be discharg 'd ; The war will be ended, your treasure en- enlarg 'd ; With shouting and singing, tho' Jordan may roar. We'll enter fair Canaan, and stand on tibe shore. 4 Farewell, ye young converts, who 're listed for war. Sore trials await you, but Jesus is near ; Altho' you must travel the dark wilder- ness. Tour Captain's before you, he '11 lead you to peace. 23S CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 5 Fare-well, seeking mourners, with sad broken heart, 0, hasten to Jesus, and choose the good part; He's full of compassion, and mighty to save. His arms are extended, your souls to receive. 6 Fare-well, faithful Christians, fare-well all around. Perhaps we '11 not meet till the last trump shall sound. To meet you in glory, I give you my hand. Our Savior to praise in that heavenly land. 148 P.M. 10,10,11,11. The Lord will Provide. THOUGH troubles assail, and dangers affright. Though friends should all fail, and foes all unite. Yet one thing secures us, -whatever betide. The promise assures us — the Lord -will pro- vide. 2 The birds -without barn or storehouse, are fed. From them let us learn to trust for our bread ; His saints -what is fitting shall ne'er be denied. So Long as 'tis -written, the Lord -will pro- vide. CHRISTIAN EOXGSTEPw 209 3 When satan appears to stop up our path, And fills us with fears, we triumph by faith; He cannot take from us, ( though oft he has tried,) The heart-cheering promise — the Lord "will provide. 4 He tells us we 're weak — our hope is in vain ; The good that we seek we ne'er shall obtain: But when such suggestions our graces have tried. This answers all questions — the Lord will provide. 5 Hfo strength of our own, or goodness we claim ; Our trust is all thrown on Jesus' name ; In this our strong tower for safety "we hide ; ^ The Lord is our power — ^the Lord will pro- vide. 6 When life sinks apace, and death heaves in view. The word of his grace shall comfort us through ; . Not fearing or doubting, with Christ on our side, "We hope to die shouting — the Lord will pro* ride. 14 210 CHRISTIAN SONGSTEE. 149 P. M. or 4 lines 7s. The Divine Melchisedek. RING of Salem, bless my soul ! Make a wounded sinner whole ; King of righteousness and peace. Let not thy sweet visit cease ! 2 Come ! refresh this soul of mine, With thy sacred bread and wine I All thy love to me unfold, Half of which cannot be told. 3 Hail ! Melchisedek divine ! Thou great High Priest shall be mine All my powers before thee fall. Take not tithe, but take them aU. 150 8, 7, 8, 7, 8, 7. Am. — Siberia. O'ER the gloomy hills of darkness, Look my soul, be still and gaze ; See the promises advancing To a glorious day of grace ! Blessed jubilee, blessed jubilee 1 Let the glorious morning dawn I CHRISTIAN so:;gster. 211 2 Let the dark bcnigLted pagan, Let the rude Ijarbarian, see That divine and glorious conquesf. Once obtained on Calvary : Let the gospel, let the gospel Loud resound, from pole to pole. 3 Kingdoms wide, that sit in darkness. Grant them. Lord, the glorious light ! New from eastern coast to western. May the morning chase the night ; Let redemption, let redemption. Freely purchas'd, win the day. 4 Flyabroad thou mighty gospel. Win and conquer, never cease ! May the lasting, wide dominions Multiply, and still increase : Sway thy sceptre, sway thy sceptre. Savior, all the world around. 151 P. M. 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8, 10, 8. The Happy Children. WHAT happy children who follow Jesus, Into the house of pray 'r and praise, And join in union, while love increases, Resolv 'd this way to spend our days. 212 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. Altho' we 're hated by tlie world and Satan, The flesh, and such as love not God ; Yet happy moments and joyful seasons, We ofttimes find on Canaan's road. 2 Since we 'ye been waiting on blessed Jesns, We found some strength come from above. Our hearts have burn 'd with holy rapture. We long to dwell with Christ above. Then let us hold fast what is given, And tnist in God for time to come ; Sure we shall find our way to heaven. So farewell, brethren, we 're going home. 3 And as we go, let us praise our Jesus, And pray for those who spurn his grace ; Lest they should lose love's richest treasure And ne 'er enjoy his smiling face. Now here 's my heart and my best wishes. In token of my Christian love; In hopes with you to praise my Jesus, So farewell, brethren, we '11 meet above- 152 c. M. OUR souls by love together knit. Cemented, joined in one ; One hope, one heart, one mind, one Yoicct^ 'Tis heav'n on earth begun. CHRISTIAN SO-VGSTER. 213 Our hearts did bum while Jesus spake, And glow 'd with sacred fire ; He stopp 'd and talk 'd, and fed and blest. And ml 'd th' enlarg 'd desire. CHORUS. A Savior Ipt creation sin^ ; A Savior let all heaven ring : He *s God with us, we feel him ours, His fullness in our souls he pours ; 'Tis almost done, 'tis almost o 'er, We 're joining those who 're gone before ■. We soon shall meet to part no more ; We soon shall meet to part no more ; 2 The little cloud increases fast, _ The heavens are big with rain ; We haste to catch the teeming show *r. And all its moisture drain. A rill, a stream, a torrent flows. Yet pour the mighty flood ; ! sweep the nations, shake the earth, Till all proclaim thee God. .? And when thou mak 'st thy jewels up, And sett 'st thy starry crown ; Then all thy sparkling gems shall shine. Proclaim 'd by thee alone. May we a little band of love, Be sinners sav 'd by grace ; From glory into glory claang 'd, Behold thee face to face. 214 CHRISTIAN SOXGSTER. 153 lOs, lis, & 12s. The Voice of Triumph. LIFT your glad voices in triumpli on High, For Jesus Lath risen, and man shall not die ; Vain were the terrors that gather 'd around him, And short the dominions of death and the grave ; He burst from the fetters of darkness that bound him, Resplendent in gloiy, to live and to save : Loud was the chorus of angels on high, The Savior hath risen, and man shall not die. 2 Glory to God, in full anthems of joy ; The being he gave us death cannot destroy : Sad were the life we may part with to- morrow, If tears were our biiiihright, and, death were our end ; / ^ But Jesus hatli cheered the dark valley of SOITOW, And bade us, immortal, to heaven ascend : Lifr. then your voices in triumph on high, Foi" Jesus hath lisen, and man shall not die CHRISTIAN SO.VGSTEa. 21S 154 p. M. 8, 6, 8, 6, 8, 8, 6, 6. THE road that many travel in, Is not the road for me ; It leads to everlasting pain, In it I would not be. But there's a road that leads to God, It's mark 'd by Christ's most precious blood, The passage here is free ; that 's the road for me. 2 The pearls that worldlings covet so. Are not the pearls for me ; Their beauty fades as quickly too, As sun-shine on the sea. But there 's a pearl sought by the wise. It's call 'd the pearl of greatest price. Though few its value see : that's the pearl for me. 3 The hope that sinners cherish here. Is not the hope for me ; Most surely will they perish there, Unless from sin they flee. But there 's a hope that 's fix 'd in God, It leads the soul to keep his word. And sinful pleasures flee : that 's the hope for me. 216 » CHEISTIAN SONGSTER. 4 The crown that decks the monarch's brov Is not the crown for me ; It dazzles but a moment now. Its brightness soon will flee. But there 's a crown prepar 'd above, For those who walk in humble love. Forever bright will be. that 's the crown for me. 155 Death and Resurrection of Christ CHRIST was born in Bethlehem, Christ was born in Bethlehem, Christ was born in Bethlehem, And in a manger laid : But he rose, he rose, yes, he ro'jC And went to heaven in a cloud- 2 His life was our example. His life was our example, His life was onr example. His death our only hope : For he rose, he rose, yes, he ros cease thy strife. And let me languish into life ! Hark ! they whi-^per, angels say, "Sister spirit, come away ! Sister spirit come away ! 2 "What is this absorbs me quite. Steals my senses, shuts my sight. Drowns my spirit, draws my breath ? Tell me, my soul, can this be death ? The world recedes, it disappears ; Heav 'n opens on my eyes ! My ears with sounds seraphic ring I Lend your wings ! I mount, I fly, 0, grave ! where is thy victory ? 0, death ! where is thy sting ? CHORUSES^ L. M. ODON 'T you want to go ! don't you want to go ? Ye need not one be left behind ; Don 't you want to go. ? don 't you want to go ? don't you want to go? The Lord hath bidden all mankind, Don 't you want to go ? HYMN. Come sinn-ers to the gospel feast, &c. C. M. OTHAT 'LL be joyful, joyful, joyful, that'll be joyful to meet to part no more* To meet to part no more. On Canaan' s happy shore ; There we shall meet, at Jesus' feet. Shall meet to part no more. HYMN. On Jordan's stormy bank I stand, &c, 271 272 CHRISTIAN SONGSTER. 7s, & 6s. WE 'LL go home in the morning, We '11 go home in the morning, About the break of day. We '11 go home in the morning, We '11 go home in the morning. We '11 go home in the morning About the break of da^r. We '11 go home in the morniilg, We '11 go home in the morning, About the break of day. HYMN. when shall I see Jesus, s over Jordan, Y.^e '11 pass over Jordan, And never return again. 2 "We '11 take our helmet, STVord and shield. Sword and shield, sword and shield ; We '11 take our helmet, sword and shield. And boldly march into the field, And never return again. We '11 pass over Jordan, We '11 pass over Jordan, We '11 pass over Jordan, And never return again. 3 We 'U take our mothers by the hand, Ac. 4 We '11 take our brethren by the hand, &c. 5 We '11 take our sisters by the hand, (fee. 6 We '11 take our neighbors by the hand, &c. 7 We '11 take our children by the hand, s for sinners ; He died for me, and died for you. And he died on the cross for sinners. HTMN. Jesus my all to heaven is gone,