THE BENSON LIBRARY OF HYMNOLOGY Endowed by the Reverend Louis Fitzgerald Benson, d.d. LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY I PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library (•>/( r/s/ B O O IC OF PSALMODY: CONTAINING CH ANTlNG-rUNES FOR., Venite Exultemus, )r Jubilate Deo, TeDeum Laudamus, ^J Magnificat, Benedicite, r 1 Nunc Dimittis, Benedictus, J^ Cantate Domino, A N D T H E .RE^ADING-PSALMS, with eighteen ANTHEMS, And Variety of Psalm-Tunes in Four Parts. By J A M E s Green. M l I II I II I I II ' I I < Angels and We, affifted by this Art, May fing together tho' we dwell apart. Waller, LONDON: Printed by A. Pearson, over-againll Wr{ght\ Coffee-Houfe in Alder fgate- 5//-^^/, for the Author; And Sold by A. Bettesworth, and C. Hitch, at the Red-Liony in Pater-Nojler-Ro^v ; and by the Book-fellers of Hulls Lincoln, Ga'vijborough, and Lm'//5'. M.jDCC.XXXVIII. ¥ Have endeavoured ia the following Dire&ions -*• to lay every Thing plainly before the Learner thac is necellary, and nothing elfe, and in fuch Order as Ihould be Voferved in Teaching. And for the better Encouragement of the Learner, I have fet the Mi only in two Places, viz. in JB and £ ; for when the Ml is fo o[i^\\ iliiited by ¥iats and Shcirp^ it is a great Difadvantage ia Learning. gjuft !?Ub«Q)eD, Price i'/. 5J. (Beautifully printed in One large Volume^ Folio) TH E Hiftory of the Incarnation, Life, Do6trine, and Miracles ; the Death, Refurredlon, and Afcenfion, of Our BlelTed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. In Seven Books. Illuftrated with Notes ; and interfperfed with DiiTertations, Theological, Hiftorical, Geographical, and Critical. • " -. 1^0 nvhkh are added ^ ^, The Lives, Actions, antl Sufferings of the Tw elve Apostles* Alfo of 5f. P A u L, I I St, Luke, and St, Mark, J | iS/. Barn ab as. Together with a CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE, From the Beginning of the Reign of H e r o d the Great, to the End of the Apoftolic Age. The Whole colleded from the Books of the New Teftament, the moft judicious Commentators, the befl: Ec- clefiaftical Hiftorians^- and otlier Eminent Writers. Adorned with Thirty- three Copper-Flates, reprcfentlng the mofi: remarkable Hifrorical Pailages; ai»d two very ufeful Maps, in which are delineated all the Travels of Our Saviour and his Apoftles. By a Divine of. tj^e Church of England. Printed for A r T H u r B e t t e s w o r t h and Charles Hitch^ at the Red-Lion in Pater-nofter-Rovj. ^•/. i-u. >-v irv N«;^ v;// n«/< n«v ^vv N«/y s^y s^, vy// N-/< ^^y ^y, ^r^ ^''i s-y^-y. r-'if-Wi f^i ^:'!\ ^% ^%^^'i^^'i^^'i ne I N T' R O D 11 C T I O N. THE GAMUT, or i-cale of MUSICK. ' ^•V Q <\j i^ -..„. *....^.. — ::s . c " ^•^•■~ X-m — =- -r. &- A - J-' i Ta O Scl La Fa Sol La Mi Fa Sol La Fa Sol. L___ / 1 ■ »>, ""E^ -0^ fj jj^ La Fa^^ Sol La Mi Fa Sol La Fa Sol La. P # -.- S:^ C— ^^— ^^ ttj -t-1- ;^;- r^ j^^ ^ t-i "^ ^5 ■~^.^^;;^~~Ui^ , ___ Fa ■ ^'i La Fa Sol La Mi Fa Sol la Fa. -I'^^Ar -B. -' rs' .^._. T,-r ,?s t^- .^^n. -II,. J., „« "^ .■ T>> ., cr CQ — nr- — 6r- A jL> ^- Fa Sol La Mi Fa Sol La Fa Sol La Mi. TH E firft Thing to be done in order to the r^ignc un- derftanding of Pfahmdyy is, to get the Cuffs or Keys (which are feven \\\ Number ; viz., .A^^B^ C, D^ £, F\G) perfedly by heart upwards and downwards, as they ftand i^ the Gamut (or Scale of Mufick,) ^ :^% •In the next Place, theie three Ch?lra£lers which are in the 'Scale, viz. '& — Z — :s ^i^^^ be nnderftood : Which are the 11:11:44 ^ Three figaal Cliffs. ^The firft of which is called the F Cliff, A 2 and The INTRODUCTION. and is defigned to dired to the Pitch of the Eajfus, The fecond is the C Clif: This direds to the Pitch oi the Tenor and Con- tra Tenor But when it is placed upon any other Line, ftill that Line is C, and the Lines and Spaces above and below have the Kejs fhifted according to it ; as it may be feen in the Third L^ne for the better Conveniency of the higher Notes, and by this means D is loft at the bottom Line, and G comes in at the Top. The third is the G Cliff, this direds to the Pitch of the 'frehle. As for the Key, or Ground of a Tune, that depends upon the concluding "Note of the Bajfus , and there are only two, and are called Natural Keys ; viz. C faut, and Are, becaufe they alone of the feven, can render any Tune Flat or Sharp, without placing the Charaderat the Beginning of a Tune, and by con- fidering the Station of the laft Note, you may underftand whe- ther they be Flat or Sharp, with refped to the third above j for if it be a LelTer, the Key is Flat ; if Greater, then Sharp, Example^ The Greater Third, The Lejfer 7hird. :9=iE5: ^E^=iE=\ Sharp Key, La Sol Fa. Flat Key, Fa Mi La. The Thirds are called Greater or Lefler, according to the Number of Semitones contained In them ; a Greater conlifts of Four, and a Lefler of Three. The Places of Semitones, or Half- Notes in every Odave (or Eight Notes) Afcending or Defcending, may be known by, the following Rule, viz,. In every OBave, Example. Two Half-Notes we have ', ^czri-ii'-riiirz :i,z:gi::DZ-?ii: Both rifmg to Fa, ei:Qz:e~:c=::§z.„:;z:=:i::zzi: From M/ and from Z./?. "" '^~ La Mi Fa Sol La Fa Sol La. There Is another Charader which is called either Flat or Sharp* •the Flat is marked thus, (&) and when it is placed at the be- ginning of a Tune, alters both the Name and Sound of every Note upon that Line or Space where it (lands, except contra- didcd by another Flat cr Sharp ; it alters the Sound by making it half a Note lower than, it would be founded without it. When T/?e INTRODUCTION. When it Is fet before fome particular Note in the Tune," it |akerb theSound, by making the Sound of it half a Note lower, and i> called Fa The Sharp is marked thus, {t) which when plac'd before any fir,gle Note within a Tune, alters not the Nvime, but only the Sound ; for fuch a Note is fung half a Note higher than its Place direds without it. Bur when it is plac*d at the beginning of a Tune, it alters both the Name and the Sound h turning Fa to M', and half a Note higher, unlefs contradided by Flats. The Effects of Flats and Sharp, as to the Sound, may be remembred by thefe two Lines. Under each Flat a Half-Note lies, And o'er the Sharf the Half do^h. rife. The Names of the Notes are next to be learned, and in order to that. Mi the Mafter-Note, is to be found by the fol- lowing Rules. Whene'er no Flat your B does grace, Then Mi ftands in its Line and Space. Example. Mi Mi Mi Mi Q m ill Mi But when a Flat is found in JB, That Note is Fa and E is Mi. Example. Mi Mi Mi Mi i:==-^f m im ii5?^ E^zz={ 5-Qrt «-===} pzz:~\ Mi ., Having by thefe Rules found the MaflevNotey the reft are eafily known by this Rule, Above your A//, twice Fa^ SgI^ La, And under Mr, twice Lay Soly Fa, And then comes M*, in either way. So that Miy Fa, Sol, La, are all the Names that the Notes have (now in ule) with refped to Tune, but their different Names with refped to Time, is as follows. lime, f^ The TNTRODUCTIOR ^tme^ in Order to which the Diftindion, Meafure and Pro- portion of Motes are to be obferv'd. As to the Diftindion, they have different Charaders and*difi:erent Names with rela- tion to '^ime ', for Inflance, This Chara(3:er ;-- is a SemUpyeve, this .^a Mimni this h a Crotchet, this ^ a. Quaver, this ^ a ***!"' /" ^*^ I7- Semiquaver. As to their Meafure, that is according to the Time that is mark'd in the beginning of every Tune. If the Mark of Common-Tme be fet before a Tune, thus ^ every Semihreve is to be founded as long as one may diftinftly count, or leifurely read One, Two, Three, Four. This being the true Meafure oi a Semihreve^ the Proportion which the refl bear to it, is feen by this Scheme following. Q c^^ 'nr' ^-w^ ^^^^r^ 5 T P f jht below. j cr i; in the Pfalm-Tunes are fet down what Diflance the Contra and Treble do pitch from the Tmr^ except when it is worded from the Baffus, Ct 3 CHANTING-TUNES FOR Venite Exultemus^ Te Deum^ ^enedicite^ Jubilate Deo^ Magnificat^ Nunc Dimittis. Ventte Exuhemus. /^ Come let us fingunto the Ld. &c. ^rength of our Salvation, Amen^ n-T-izi.-^---*.- O come let us fing unto the Ld. ^c. firength of our Salvation, Amen. This Chanting-Tune, or thofe in Page 127, or 131, or any other of the fame kind, may fuit the whole Book of i?f^^m^.P/^/;«j, due regard be- ing had to the Points {i. e.) by obferving to proceed upon the fame Key that the Note ftands upon before isfc. be the Verfe long or fhort, 'till one come ^ thefe Notes that are before the Points in the middle, and end of the Verfe, [2] CHJNriNG^rUNES. Te 'Deum Laudamus. We praife thee, O God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord, .^:::f.. Cantus, i:^i:£:~: i-3 All the earth doth wor--fhip thee : the Fa-ther e-ver— lall ing. TenoY, S- — ?- To thee all An-gels cry aloud : the Heav'ns and all thePow'rs there-i ill the Pow'rs there To the Cheru-bin and Se— ra— phin : coii-ti-nu-al— ly do cry, ^^ Holy CHJNTING-TUNES. Continued. • [3] fl Ho — ly. Ho — ly, Ho ly : Lord God of : Sab — bath. :-£:i.i: Heav'n and Earth are full of the Ma — je — fty : of thy glo^ — ry. n^m .-:r— ^^ 1 The glorious company of^ &c. prai- •fe thee. &&S:gp[t&^te^t^^:R? gS=-h- ^^i^'*^ The goodly fellowfliip, (^c. prai 4:1::}; -fe thee. S-b- b^i^,M» fc.**^^ B 2. Ths [4] C H A N'T I N C^iU N E S: Continued. X. :!11:3 ^:s The noble army of Martyrs prai fe thee. The holy Church throughout, &c. do«-,^ acknowledge thee. i.k:-:3::±D; The Fa___ther of an in— fi-nite Ma— je— — — fty ; Thine ho— nou— ra-*— ble, true and on_«-ly Son ; C H A Nri NG-TU N E S. [5] Continued, Al — fo the Ho— ly Ghoft the com -for ter. Thou arc the King of Glo~ry, O- Chrift. a: Thou art the e-ver-»laft«ing Son of the Fa , ther. Q— tt jyhen thou tookeft upon thee, &c iii the Vir--gins Womb. When [ 6 ] C H J NT I NG-TU N E S.. Continued. Heav'n to all Be-lie-vers. Car'^^^^^^lq-qid :::&}i|:=::J] When thou hadft overcome, &c. P3:3;£e:£ Thou fitteft at the right-hand of God, in the glory of the Fa-ther. We believe that thou flialt come to ' be our Judge ; tt~rr-zzri:=i;;:— : -FF-Nrf m We therefore pray thee. Sec, iiiiPiiii with thy precious blood. fes^^Ei zuzt Make c ii A Ni I N G.. :c:i:d: e-4-e- -D:}:3pf a:i-S3ii::z^^^^ Al U^lu^jah^Al le-^lu--jah. ;//; ;//: ://; :d: ©- ggiiiiliiii iiiiiiiteSigis Al^Je iH—jah^Al^U Ju jah. :lh :lh :IU n:5l:r:|ra:|:z:|:i:l;r:|^:rr|-Jt4a ~: :c: -:b:b or -: rig IgE^a^^ .•//.• ://: A! fi -In jah, iiilplplSlliigiiii .•//; ://: ^/ le. /// jah. ANTHEM ■J NT HE MS; [23] ANTHEM II. ^akeit out of the S^th Pialm. ISiliigiii^iliipii O how a — mi— able arc thy dwellings thou Lord of Hofts, how a. , mi— able are thy dwellings thou is, :r::^ Iplillpllpiliil Lor- -d of hoftsj ray foul hath a defire and longing to ^ -,- J t J IZ — t _ — *o*P \t-^ 1 enter in- to the Courts of the Lord, my heart and my flelh re- ipti. );jfc*:=SEp=-— ^.-.^t^^^U P- joy- [ 24 3 ANTHEMS, Continued. 'joy- ■b- — ^-F— -ce ia the living r— ;o/5 fei-'li 1:?::=: £:z |':l: ~:^z:Ez:£=E:l± = t:^ God, Blefled are they that dwell in thy houfe, they will be always God, Blefled are they that dwell in thy houfe, they will be always i t- fe — ing thee, for one day in ■i-ir~iliii-iz" •.iIl:^n--.V_.i .-d-32Z—ii-a._i-Z" i~:-_Zl prai. thy courts is bet— ter than a thoufand ; I had rather be a door 'J NT HE M S, Continued* C2J] iplppiiiliiipiip keeper in the houle of my God, than to dwell in the tents of fe5:EStC:it"Er:ifiidC=p:E["E^^^ un— god — -li^nefs, for the Lord God it a light and defence. the Ltord will give grace and wor— (hip, and no good thing fliall he iliJliiippiliillipl^ with— hold from them that li., , ve a god— ly life. a CHORUS. 126 2 J NTHE MS.] Continued. C H RU S. O Lord God of hofts^ blefied is the man that puts his truit in thect ■b » jiiipiiliitililiii O Lord God of hoRsj blefTed is the man that .puts his trufi in thee. y-^ --_:p.:^--:i,:i:«:::-.»-4-&-'F-¥--E-:S^E:t-^-: — ! !i^-:i:z :» BlelTed is the man that puts his trufi in thee. A- i --t--^--n-- Blelfcd is the man that puts his truft in thee, A~ 'men. ifiiiilpiiiiliiiiii Sin^ 'J NT HE MS. C 27] ANTHEM III. Taken cut of the g6ih Pialm; Singjfing un — to the Lord, fing, fing un — to the Lord, and ::g:|:uz:Ez tz:E t#?z|:i:p^ Sing, fing un — to the Lord, fing, fing un — to the Lord, and :?EiEl?E':^Eyi!: praife his name ; fing un — to the Lord, fing un— to the Lord, and |z-tFE"Etz?z «.-.,•._.«.- 1^-4-9- ^— >--^--p— 1-9— "q ■ ».— p- z:t; zQzi:i:z:, ZDZ praife his name; fing un— to the Lord, fing un— to the Lord, and [28 1 'ANTHEMS. Continued. praife his name, be tell—ing of his fal — 'va_.tion, be praife his name, be tell— ing of his fal va — tion, be — J Ji Ji J J — tell ing of his fal vation from day to day. *EEiE«.:G tell — ing of his fal — va— tion from day to day, ippppiplp-pl ^■r^: 'J NT H E MS. Continued, C2p3 Tfelle and B/i/r, iilplliiitliii De — clare his Honour, de_clare his Honour, his honour, his p3 :Mi=i^=~4-^-*-f — F-h:|^:**§: — :_:f: — :_:i:i:-.:^:-,t'i-t- Honour un— to the heathens, and his wonders, his wonders, his won- ders un— to the people, and his wonders, his iipiiiip; UZIUZ] won- •ders un — to the people. Sing unto, 6^c. (as before.) !E -^'^ »' mm Iz:dz Tr9^. 1 30 1 'J NT H E M & Continued. TrelU and Bafs, p:i:ez:s:i:D: For the Lord, the Lord is great, for the Lord, the Lord is great, he D t — !:rt: :::D: 1— --t#=Pi:Eggp cannot, cannot wprch.ily be praifed, be praifed, he is more to be feared than all Gods, he is more to be feared than al! Gods, is piflpiipill more to b« fear-ed than all Gods. Sing unto the Lord, (as before.) :=t:=t:Ei:: •--•--"-"Tr-"*'" :uz C HO RVS^ 'ANTHEMS. Continued. C 31 3 cno RV s. I 1 ^ \ U '^^l&ImM'if^^f^^ Allelujah, iJl: //: Alklujah, Allelujah, :ll: :lh :Jl: Alleltfjah^ Al—le — lu-jah, Al—^'le ■ In jah. f^ A N' irj C 34 J ANTHEMS. ANTHEM IV. takenoutoftheii^tbVhlm. iiiilliililiiiiil} They that put their truft in the Lord, fliall be even as mount Si-on They th^t put their truft in the Lord, fliall be even as mount Si-on 3~§"t^'^z"trt tz ezE4'3" }'^Z£' "rzEZizEl tzt"^ which may not be remov-ed, but fiandeth fail, but fiandeth faft for :zi: which may not be removed, but flandeth faft, but fiandeth faft for Eiipp|_||s5||;iiiiliit fX?£i ANTHEMS. Continued. C33 3 ever, but ftandeth faft for ever. The hiils iland about Je-ru-fa-lem, ipigiiiiiiiililii ever, but flandeth faft for ever. The hiils ftand about Je rufalem. ■h\-\ — y-- |:i:td:±|tff:^:t:^zfcti:.fct even fo, even fb ftandeth the Lord round about his people, fror ttrzr: illiippsiiiiiiia ven fo, even fo ftandeth t even fo, even fo ftandeth the Lord round about his people, from iipp thif. C34 1 J NT H E M S. Continued. this time forth, from this time forth, for e — ver-more. 8:--^^: :iEz: i^.p. ^ this time forth, from this time forth, for e — ver^more, for :s: =fe|Et V^ for e fiS^sis^ i=| - —ver more. .ver, for e ver, for ver ANTHEMS; Continued. C 35] piiiiii^iiiiiiiiii .ver more, from this time forth for e— -ver more. -ti.zz~\zQz:-s:izQ:: ti \ t * e ver more, from this time forth for e— ver more- e ver more. Treble to Magnificat. . My foul doth magni, ,. ,.^fy the Lord, and my ^*^ §;$E$E»E izk.-.\zoz\ Ipiric hath re joy— cej in God my Sa — vi our. zy.:i-^i^,\ -t-^^ Z'.xuv'^.i.fz'^''^''*-*-''^'^ — "^ For he hath re — gard— ed the lowlinefs, of his hand Maiden. For behold from henceforth, all generations flial] call ms bitilcd, i'^ r^ F 2 A >> [ 3^ 3 ANTHEMS. ANTHEM V. ^aken out of the lo^d Pfalm, ~?a^ax_P-,.«^- |— . Praife the Lord, O my foulj and all Praife the Lord, O my foul, and all _ :s: Praife the Lord, O my foul, and all that is within me praife his ho-ly name, Praife the Lord, O my foul. 3p;--[^-r-|'F"^>P-Vt-B"t} :pzzzr:i: that is within me praife his ho— ly name. Praife the Lord, O my foul. igzpzq:.: ^ii :g::z|i:| and 'ANTHEMS, Continued. C373 #?3rE;|f: bf=if:Itg-1 and forget not all his be— .ne— fits, who for-giv— eth all thy (Ins, and forget not all his be— ne— fits, who for-giv— eth all thy Gns, and healeth all thy in— —fir mi—ties. A ^-4 3-r— i ^~g:-40 '-^>l men: And healeth all thy in—fir— mi— ties. ^— - •men» 3za AN- C 3^ 3 'JNTHEMSi ANTHEM VI. Taken out of the ^gth Pfalm. m=^ au-.*- ■^E-- tP-fi Hear my pray'r, O Lord, hear my pray'r, O Lord, :S:E::E:: t:tttt:~=ill^^^"^ :r:r^^> .».^ — D: Hear my pray'r, O Lord, hear my pray'r, O Lord, t::!:=1=:D :o::4 r_3-3-l_:Q_:|_-:?;_ ' B- iiiii and with thine ear confider my calling, hold not a:o iipippp and with thine ear, confider my calling, hold not thy peace at m —^ittKF^' 4-_.x_ ». 4 AA^ thy peace at my tears, hold not thy peace at my tears, for I am izzi:: . y tears, hold not thy peace at my tears, for I am a ftranger 'ANTHEMS, Continued. C 39 ] l^-r — T- a ftranger with thee, and a fojourner, as all my a firanger with thee, and a fojourner, as all ray Fa — I P J.p^p^p-I-U-t-l — ... ^ ^^ J?L J - J J- - - J - •» O fpare me a little while, a little, little Fa— *— thers were. O fpare me a little while, a little, little ■--MU. .thers were. O fpare me a little while, a little, little win, C4o3 'ANTHEMS. Continued; pii^i^iii^gpLiisii while, that I may re— -co— ver my firength, that I may re-,c(>ver my J while, that I may re co— ver my flrengch^ that I may re-co — ver my tariff ■ " ^ " ~^~ firengthj before I go hence and be ppfpilP no more feen. i:ze-^*e- 9 I^FhPf^l-0^ -fc£IEIff4Z_ *" ] u~iIl!ZIIZ^ZIIIZt tltltl -II— IE iiiilipl? ftrength, before I go hence and be no ±E:|arj:§:j jjK more feen. :dz ANTHEM J! NT H E M S. t 41 3 ANTHEM VIL rakenGiit of the 24th Pfalm. —P-t^sr—'-BA-^—wr: diq:I:r -e-d- 5±:£{:i.:?=!:i=fcf::fetlEz^rf.|f Life up your heai^s, O ye gates, and be ye life up ye r§z|:i::^:!r^=!zP * "" :_:^::.|4__::_tJ-t::-p:l -^ e-ver-laft ing doorSj and the King, the K:ng of Glo— ry come in. Treble alore. Who is the King, the K:ng of Glo vy • g$z:^=^-t=-?Ei^-{:^:i--ii--j3'^: who is the Kinc, the Kiri — (.T [ 42 3 ANTHEM S. Continued. it is the Lord, it is the Lord, the Lord, flrong and migh-ty. it is the Lord, it is the Lord, the Lord, ftrong and mighty, c:z:2:i:i:!2=zcz"' ^ — ipiiippiipEiipiiili even the Lord, even the Lord, firon g and mighty, ftron even the Lord, even the Lord, (Iron . g and mighty, ftron— — r H---^ "--^-ly t>^'-*-^' ^-^ .p.__ 1~» .Li .m —1-+- -— iL-^- w..»-« g o,.,(4 mighty, mi§hty mighty, mighty, mighty in battle. "J -0 -A — g and mighty p-"d=::J=:ij:5j::^=d^:ri"— l=:=sr.iz:;{rzi;^ of .ANTHEMS. Continued. C43 3 mighty, mighty. ^-tj- 5F--""'* mighty, mighty. mighty, mighty, mighty, "mighty, migh- s:c::*z«t::~ ■^-g ^ •ty, mighty r^—^-M-^zz^fZZK: i:i:Q Fl-^:jjzEiE=^=z:f^^^ mighty, mjgh ty in bat- tie, B:=:[tzli-fE|||F^:trp:g:|l:^i:b=:f ===!:£=[: " E] mighty, migh, ty in bat— tie. Life up your heads, O ye gates — I- ^ E^; :£: And be ye life up, ye c-vcrlalling doors, and the King, the King =£-iiiliiiiiitliiii '"iJ'^iiS G 2 of C44l ANTHEMS. Continued. of Glory fha i§|li?=il?r^-^'^ 11, flia ■ — 11 come in. o* Treble alone. ^zrdr Jriz:3:b£ 'iBz^ izSz Jid~H-: -3.- ^ '-^■i-n-* -jq; Who is the King, the King of Glo — -ry? who is the King, the Ki CHORUS. -ng of Glory I pfiiiiippppillplii |i:; Even the Lord, even the Lord of ho..s^ he the E — ven the Lord, even the Lord of hofts, he is the Kin; ANTHEM S. Continued. t 4J ] ~fe— iiiiiiiiiii King of Glo— -ry? Al^Iu^Ie-jah, Al~le~-hfjah^ Al^le^Ju^ %. iiiEliilifif7frpp|pifr:g ' King of Glo ry? Al—le^lu—jah, Al^k^lnjah, Al-h^lu^ jtzw:. ^b r&- *&;Er£|;^r?^= g'»=yr3r:?a.j:^rS5=p^,: =^=mtl^i =—=:.-•=- ^ -jah, Al- ^..{zazlfi!::-: .//f jah. f.hzi—t~::z£Bl^ :_zp::i:: zt:i t: -F-3^-jr|-Q-nm^ zz: ..q-.|H;;:~._ — ^: Behold [4^3 J NT HE M S. ANTHEM VIII. ■Taken out of the 2d Chapter of St. Luks. 'Tenor & B/tJfus, rT-&-B- :- V -r- r,- - h tr- ■ - t~r- t— f— R— ^ — f H-hrf-r ■ -Sr^T^^i^p ^^::feSt±r:Er-E=:Er:lE-:ti:E|S^t Be—iio-J, be»-«ho!d I bring you glad tidings of great joy, ■^^-— T-^' tV*- p—'f ----= i/^-"-| -|^- Berioldj be-- doid I briiii' ^o'i 2irtd tidincjs oi srca -t joy, Behold. rc--ho*d I bring yo\: gla — a tidings of great joy^ glad tidings, gk — ; »• f . ?.xjt- -d tidings of great joy, H-:zz:prc:htzt,p ^^cpi fe.-t,b-lirc-4rlrr:p:i:i:{ glad tidings, ola- .^ ^ -; ; " ^ tidings of gi'cat joy — i ^ j^^v-4-^ — '^**- tJ^i- bi<.V-4 "^ — ^^*W-l 4 — t + glad tidings, gb ^z*r;fE:frt glad tidings, _• d ti-dings of great joy, glad ti dings of great joy, ANTHEMS. Continued. t 47] •i— .-H all "Which fliall be to all people, to all, all, all, all, ' all people. :e:{ ~ f j.#rtiiii:s!: E=0:E::|r:«y:ErEl:fe5ttKbtrE=t::; Which fiiall be to all people, to ail, all, all. all people. \ For unto t-. ., chis day is born, a Sav'our^ which is Chrifl thg Lord. ' izd;:5:-J5:;i-^ 'eE >'-l g--F~-> — h1— !i--» For unto t:. .■ tliis day is born, a .Sav'our which is Chrill the Lord g^d 11:3^ ±:ifl dzra*^— --1-'-= E-.&=.~:|;:^:-1--;:t-:!t ^ Fbr [4^1 ANTHEM Si, Continued. BaJf:fS ahne. For unto =^:!r.c:£trfrrj:z-t:t:t---r^:g rhis day is born, a Sav'our which is Chri ft the Lord. a: n. ft- Behold I bring you glad ti 'dings of gj-ea;-,— ^-*-«^ t joy Bthold |l;Sii|j:|| -P-=r*-ar4 ^-l--'-pbH felfriifetlp: .S-L-je-->— 4.!— -- ri4rFz:S:=:i:|:^i:^=o:£:i:^=:p:!:i:i:^r?:i:pi^ g^4-.-^r:[:t:t:::|rt:l:i::::^z:pt:'p:^zB!lf Which lliall be to all people, which fhall be to all, all, all, all people. "Which fliall be to all people, which fhall be to ail, all, all, all people. 'J NT H E MS. Continued. C49 3 T. |3f:^:£;£:£z?r:=:b:it^£:E:E=fr^:I:j:z:prt: Glory be to God on high, Glo— ry be to God,' to God on hHi> 3'|'[fc,^zt:=^ze:=: =: ::=:: :i=— .:— 5:1=;==:— :|:zi::r:=::| n-_-y sr-f-^f pilpljteii e .♦Glory be to God on higbj Glo— ry be toGod^to God on high ^:^:i:z^=:fc — ■ Iz^ZH' — ^f'DZ^^ " 1 1^ and on earthy peace, peace, peace, peace, good v/ili to. — v/ards men. and on earth, peace, peace, peace, peace, good will to--wards men ^±±ztztE::ps:—~z\zD=::-zlzf=z~:--p±-rJc &z-kz^ztc:d-p-z=::iiz\z^z=:£^^^ 1 50 1 ANTHEMS. Continued. __js: _ J J 1 ] pi1iiiii?lpppip ZQZ Al-U^lU']ah, ://; :ll: :U: -g-j-f- , ^ Al'-h--lU']ah, ill: ^^i^^m^m^'^m :U: ^- — —1 — —i— — iSH^Ef: r.":--.l::Jdn -ft— ^-*"^-^- i i 9- -4MP. Al le lu 'jah z?E;ii§i \ZW- ^gt: — t:j:| — jLi:: : :ll: :ll: A ! le /;/ jah. A N- 'ANTHEMS. t SI 3 ANTHEM IX. Taken out of the i^jtb PHilm. |?:S:ji|!E|=f:j:F:^|;-$|EE±||:E:E O praife the Lord, O praife the Lord, O praife the Lord, 6-2 i" IZiZliZi -i— «•- > l> O praife the Lord, O praife t O praife the Lord, O praife the Lord, O praife the Lord, nz±z,:tzzwrAZ for it is a good thhig to fing prai — fes, to fing ^"TiLiiziiiZi::: r:». — 1^.: — : : — :w for it is a good thing to fing prai — fes, to fing &z"FFzrF^~R: ^g^— gz:f=:t:IfC::*t=:Fz:E.|:±^ praife?, to fing prai— fes uii to our God. Te:7cv ^T B.^fus. —ft. — r— - * -P-S-— 4 -~— ±fz:^z:-±:§--^l tS. X praifes, to fing praiCs uu to our God, ve.i^ a joy H 2 fal i 52 3 ANTHEMS. Continued, -ful and pleafant. -U! — ^ .ittt' kaS'L.-! Hit{:^:-:pp^t|E|±z^-t:l:p -\ 1 k — i _-p--i.: u_& i — I — joy ful and pleafanr, a joyful and pleafant thin^ :;^r-i=:E:! a joy.. . „_.fal and plea-fanr, a joyful and pleafant thing joy, a joy — ■fui. :E:^|:_rfzt-|:E=:trE;|:trt=t:l:~:---E::; 4-4_p-_eL ©--2LA ^s gp. H 4 -t *-* — -t \t'&. — ^ — El — Ez'E:'"!^! i; C"Bt it is to be thank— ful. The Lord doth build up Je rufalem, it is to be thankful. The Lord doth build up Je — ru-faleui. and ANTHEMS, C S3. 1 Continued. r=::^=:]z:^zzi»::^zJz|:=lz:;|:i:r:r=;i:^ri|::|-:q:;| and gather to gether the out caft, the out caft of If.p»-s-.ra— el. and gather to gether the out caft, the out caft of If ra— el. Tenor alone* He heal eth thofe, he heal eth thofe that are bro— ken in heart. |z^^z^Z£Z^f|:^=^^ .2:9— p— "E'tz'si — z _""!j"Z'i'"*~3 — ^~~-~'W-~'- Z£tzEz33 ^|tz3z:?:|:?z:?z3zPp': ■ and giveth medicine, and giveth medicine to heal, to heal n~^ — ^±1E^^^ ::Ez; bz: iz:p: :: E^::^z£^::t: l^ I k r their I 54 3 NT H E M Si Continued. gs?ii=iiy==y;^|fe|ilii their ficknef?. .g unto the ■S-ff: Szf:.^=:i:=:Q:|==:=:i:=:E|zEP^^ their ficknefs, O fin^ ^. -g unto the O fing un—to the Lord, fing un-to the =:-=-r:^ gA:iz::^rz:^zz:t:f:z:?"z=:r::|:dzziz:f:=i:=zf: Lord, ling prai— fes, fing prai Lord, fing praifes, v^ 4M^ Lord, fing prai fes, ^ fi'^g 'J NT H E M S. Cjs} Continued ■^-.ft.- fing prai— — fes un to our —0; God. u_>lZ_-ICZIII fes, fing prai fes un — to our 9 God. s _zz r zczrgz n: ling prai_- — fes un to our God. ~\Q s:-^-. :D=:rzii:: :Mi:==~"~z* ■±±-Az±: ^-trtzt-i:. dizHz^r-. m Allelujah, :11; .•//; gjs: Allelujahy ;//; ;//; ;//; ■^'z33 zz ?:^ zr — zz FE' ti t-- Se=.t-H-0- :ZEZE Qf Iff A N' [ 5^ ] ANTHEMS. ANTHEM X. Taken out of the 6Stb Pfalm. '1*" — i '^*E' — * :rj;: :~i;i£X3:i±:H;f ipsrs:: :t:f::ttE:&: ::pr:c;: Si O fing un— to God, O fing im--to God, fing praifes, ling g:3:p:|--p-p=:|:-zp[^p::& |. } :2 :s: O ' ling uii— to Godj O (ing uit— to God, fing praifes^ fing ;£z:t:£^if£-El:Ei?::i:i::E:J:=!z:i!d=:s: iz3:|::aE:EE|Sl5 -:;-3-Stt- 1 praifes un to his name, magnifie him, magnifis him and praife him, ] 6 r:.:dl:q:±:^::^::JrH ::m:± praifes un — to his name, msgnifie him, magniiie him and praife him. s— a. .j-a j'j j:\ .JX- '■ {- 1 ^"t'"[i:but'hb£;l and re — joy — - f'Efetr -_jt-fS.?:!Ee-3t: and re joy. ANTHEMS. Continued. C 57 3 liiilliiaii i:i , ,„ ce be fore him, e— ven God in his ho — ly ha— bi ta-tlon. rA be i.forchim, e— ven God in his ho — ly ha—bi — ta-tion. Bitffus alone; cc::: ^-—1— #r*-t— F-'r^n^.t — " p-f — c "~'~"» -^r* '"~T"n*ii r'sar The earth flioo. ■k s-.^p-— Who is the God of If— ra — el ? at the prefence of God. Who is the God of If— ra— el ? at the prefence of God. Who is the God of If— ra — el ? g |:::|:rp-.r|fcpt:j^:^£:£=:g-j:g::E::p jz|zA :: C 58 3 ^A NT H E M S. Continued. Tenor alone. Kings with their Ar — mies did fl. =:kp=E-^Er.?::tp:=gi^,i:: ?r^ ee and were dif— comiit — ed, Kings with their Armies p-f_^-l«p — did flee and were dif— com — iic — ed. Bajfus alone* Then were they as white, as white, as white, as white, as white, as white as fnow in Sal — mon. O fing prai— fes, O fing prai — fes un — to the Lord, H-iiir^—s: H=:i Eitz iieiiziq: :3£:X3 O fing prai — fes, O fing prai fes un— .to the Lord, Sz?zi:3s— iditiiizpiiiK ^^^^^- 4 —5 S -J- _._J '_. -_. ANTHEMS, Continued. C59 3 O fing prai — fes, im to the Lord, O fing prai — fes un to the Lord. i^ i_P:i_^:::..fe__^:_:p_i — „ :; 1:: Bajfus a J one |p^:;feE~|HEp Who fit — eth in the Heavens, o- — •— ,. ver all from the be— gin-ning. B-i'-pP->t ;«. „ -'f a:|:-fc:zt:t-tl:r Lo ! he doth fend out his voice, O ^ yea, and chat a mighty voice. Lo b:f±?:?|:?zrz:F-::5-=- :bE:zi:izirzii:zzi Lo ! he doth fend ou: his voice, [ ^o] ANTHEMS. Continued. B — H:r=:i=::;:=i::=:|:r=:— p:z:z:|zzi^ yea, and that a might ty voice Lo ! he doth fend out his voice. g:=:--:z=:=::-:~^=i£:j-p:-prp:==i|=|-r- yea, and that a migh — ty voice. -.-h-^^ ^5::rf^- F-f^-T !^ f-^-^-. Lo ! he doth fend out bis voice, yea, and that a migh — ty voice. to ! he doth fend out his voice, yea, and that a mighty voice. —I 4 - «— — V — ^-t Lo! he doth fend out his voice, yea, and that a migh — ty voice. liiiiiiiiiiiiiippilli Lo ! he dorli fend out his voice, yea, and thac a migh — ty voice. 'A NT H E M S: Continued. C 6i ] Pi=: O God, won — der — ful art thou m thy ho ly O God, won — der — ful art thou in thy ho — ly ,_l_fiL_^_a- — -. pla — ces, A __ . \ m ~[^ f— — T -e- ztp^=^;:|:fe|:x_r -t-t I-t£^j— jlL^— rrrz= pla— -ces, A — •men. -4 4lr'- -fc ^■ Thou C ^2 1 ANTHEMS. ANTHEM XI. Taken out of the 6^th Pfalm. Tenof alone, _ »-J— _Ji X^ — Thou, O God, art prai— fed ia Sl Bajfus ahr^e, ■on. -fe^- Tiiou_, O God, art prai — fed in Si on. Contra, alone. Thou, O God, art prai fed in Si— on. Treble alone. Thou, O God, art prai — fed in Si on, Tenor alone. ia: tJ-qzii un — to thee fhall the vow be perform-»ed in Je — ru — fa-lem. ®— 9^ un — to thee fhall the vow be perform — ed in Je — ru — fa-lem. un— to thee fhall the vow be perform— ed in Je — ru fa-lem. ^-^,4-fr- '^anthems: C^3] Continued. :s: iippiiliilPi^Plpi Thou that hearetli the prayV, unto thee fliall all fiefli come, unto thee ippiillipilfliiiil Thou that Heareth the pray'r, unto thee fhall all fielh come, unto thee 2-^_»._ ^"^ w "^ ^ ^ . _ "J, Ihall all flelh come. Thou crown eft the year with thy goodnefs, fhall all flelh come. Thou crown eft the year with thy goodnefs, • --*|-t— *r~*rar-ae — T~r li — H -^ — ;§- :fe:i;|::l:aq -^a— — *i t*"'^©"^? — f ~[ — Yl~W — "^ — ■ [;^*^t^#'-[ t-l \l — 1/ ■ H:":z~~:^j:?:iz:Q ::^:::i:pr and thy C!ou i=:^rf :i|: :;$ il-:-:!!: pz: :::!: ds drop farnefs. g-zs: in^dda-'f "-"a"3'i~^^^ — d ^ and thy Clou — — ds crop f.itnefs aad thy Clou- 'ds dro.T f'U'.itf^. t64 3 Tenor alone. "^anthems: Continued. They fliall drop up-on the dwellings of the wil-dernefs, Baffus alone. :4_:__:_: and the little hills, and the little hills, and the lit-tle hills ihall re-joice on ev' — ry fide, CHORUS. The folJs fhall be full of iheep, and the valleys Ihall fland fo fj: ffi. — 9 — «._.». I E._. at _-Q... p^^.^- p.c.\ — p-_u.i ..p.i_«.-J f rz^zz^z |:| |:z|.|::!z|z|r|gi:rfzK::E:41 The folds fiiall be full of fheep, and the valleys fnall fland fo :jz::iz:p:i:f:tfczzttz:ct:izd:iz3z; KgzpzpzEpzl- thick :r:iz5— |L: 'J NT HE MS. Continued. t 6J 3 -,j|. — jg — ^. e-V^~\ thick with corn thick with corn, that they fliajl laugh and flng. thick with corn, that they fliall laugh and fing: zuz -U" SzfzSlziSK^ z3"|zZ""ZZl lll'^ ^men. f'hiz^^ -men. s; ii«ai. «ip ,^ K O be 166% 'J NT HE Ids. ANTHEM XII. Taken out of the looth Pfalm. Te»tr &> Baffut. p£sc: O be joyful, O be joyful, joy _ful. iiili||iiiii=P| Centra 6» Treble. ?iiiiippi;i||liip O bejoyful, O be joyful, joy ful in God all ye L. lfz~zz:z:pz:\:zz~zzz\f~z^pf^p^^ Te?2or & Bfljfus, ---P--p--- ----- f ykit!-t;^E j------^- — :*--— t--^ O be joy. —ful in God all ye Lands, TrehU 69 Bajfits O be joyful, joyful, joy— ful, joy ful, g|||l|ipij;||;g||§:||g| O be ANTHEMS. C ^7 3 Continued. O be joy__ful, joy— ful, joyful, joy-ful in God all ye iitn(?f, i:rEJ:k^:U&iB£i£^:Ef-P:pr|[:r^:EIrEr:E:::i O be joy — - ■■■■ — — fal in God all ye lands, O be joy — _— ^ — —ful in God all ye lands, O be joy— -ful, joy — ful joy — ful, joy— ful in God all ye landi. , Tenor 6* Baffus. O be joy — ■ . ful, joy ful, joy ' ■_— . ful in God all ye lands, t:.\-w.z 1-A.aL ftiva c ^s J J NT H E M Si Continued. • Bajfas ahtiel -P" I! WM^E^^^^^^^^^i^^^^SS^': m fervetiie Lord with glad- — : — — : — ^ -— - Tenor alone. El S— -«« , '-■H'i-^~l^:sr7f^{^~s-9^~z^iit ■1-^ '• ~* 4~""4-^^- ferve the Lord with glad' Baffus ahn i — nefs. and come, and come, and come, and come before his prefencc with a iiiiE?fet$!g; ^Zl-lZZiAE^t fon. i-U.- — ——-&•: be ye fure that the Lord lie is God, it is hej it is he -p-r^-f:-«:i litftw: be ye fure that the Lord ,he is God, it is he, it is he -. — 3._,». — ■L^^ .^.! f-r"^""'*" thac J NTH EM Si t^si I . . that .hath made us and not we our felves, •;. ■ that hath ntade us and not we our felves, Treble and Bafs, we are his people and the flieep, and the Iheep of his paf— ture. tP-W.— "•""' •-■-§••———••—'■" -fc??""^" ■■'•Ir"'t"r" f-^r— p«— t*"T"" — "^ Tenor &" Bajfns, O go your way in-to his gates with th^nkf— ^ — '^ — gi ving.^ =FFQ= and £70 1 ANTHEMS. Continued. Treble ahne. and in— to his cour CoTJtra Tert&Yy Bajfus, ts with praife. iiMliiil Se thankful un— .to him, :be thankful un— to him and fpcak good r^:i:=:^=:-:i:Er: __:|i_:^_:pt:l--:|i-:p_.t{:i:_:t_:[:-' Be thankful un— to him, ^be thankful un — to him and fpeak good For the Lord is gracious and his mer — cy Hz:£:i: of his Name. of his Name. For the Lord is gracious and his mer— cy "JNTffEMS: Continued. ini and his mer-cy is e— ver— lafting, and his truth en— dur and his mer-cy is e— ver— laft-ing, and his truth en— dur— —.e^h from ge— ne— ra— tion, to gc— ne— ra—tion. I — eth from ge—ne-ra — tion, to ge — ne— ra — tion, pipiiliiiiiilliiiii AN- ^7^1 ANTHEMS. ANTHEM XIII. Taken cut of the 106th Pfalm; O give thanks Un-to the Lord, O give thanks un_-td the Lord, ::s:z^=iz: :z:t:t:trfet:-l::rf z&E^z. Ogive thanks un — to the lord, give thanks lin — to the L6rd» for he is gra^ — ci--ous and his mcr-cy en — dur-eth for e _« EfEEEEEJ H:^!r:rJ±|fcpzt:t:zf^^ for he is gra-ci-ous, and his mercy en-dur-eth for e ^ tr ' ^ \nd ANTHEMS, Continued. tnl ^t^^'^i^Mtik^&M^^^^i •ver. and his mercy ea — dureth for e — ver. C lEf £■ |t€®::t 1 ■ tjE'&zgzi^izCzEiSzEt tzE " fiwr^''Y^z: ^_E<:--:r4:pfcp-E.-?:J — l_t}:-:tt~pl^:|:~ -ver. and e — -ver, and his mercy en dureth for e — ver. for e_— .ver and e ver. =:r^ff?E^=3i|ippjs|= :z-|-tt=|-|:':rE and his mercy en — dureth for e- ver. — ■»■■ g_i|„^-«.«_»- _._ z-tfez"tz~£zfc7tz"Ez"pz&iz?zir'^'2:z^ e -■p _.&.:! and dongh — ce ^ouf ]y, &z =::: t=:p:!: t: :: zhtz zz: fA'sh =:fc::tzgii::P::: :z "zt — ■ . . . righ — te ouf— ly. and do- Blef— fed, blef-fed, blef-fed be the Lord God of If—ra-el, S"E "— «r^^' -^ziz^zz I .zr~zzl:ii*:gi"j|.z.fiz^! ::i&zgz^Zg.|:g:i:: BleiTed be the Lord God of If — ra--cl. n-mf-p^- Blef— fed, btef-fed, blef-fed be the Lord God of If ra— cl. ;:§:gr:t:l=-z:£;td:=^:l::-— -p:zi p.-.^zfz£:t:=:.:: L? from tyO ANTHEM S. . Continued. from e verhfting, and world without end, andworld without if S&Ksiill IllElEtSfEiili from e- — ,verlafting, and world without cndjand world without plippl!|ii:|t(i|lliir=i= end, and let all the people fay, ^— men, I ^ — ^ 2 ^^^--E^ 'fES!^^ ||Ii'---z^ S:z::^zz|^i:z^zt}!:^z5:zg:zi:l end, and let all the people fay, A men* I *- — » 2 BlelTcd .y- NT HEMS. % 11 1 ANTHEM XIV. Taken out of the 12 8/1. Pfalm. - ^ ■■^_ 1_ ._. . ,. . . . \ g^t3E^=i iilpiilliSii I Blcfled are all they, blefled are all they that fear the Lord, and i:feJ:qrd=:3:J3:3 -0 z*9— -fe- Blefled are ail they, blelTed are all they that fear the Lord, ---i-3:l-9-^-»-4-e-n— d: _e-4-4-f:-f- [~a~ S^ri -I-U wa- Ik in his ways. and iipp #B and wa Ik in his ways, and walk. C7Sl Continued, wal k, walk in his ways : For thou flialt SH^fe wal k, walk in his ways; For thou fhalt -e- 1 1 eat the la bouf of thine hands, thou Ihalt ±~n-y=sz±S:.— E=i::g:i= m. eat the la hour of thine hands, thou flialt eat A 'JNTflEMS: Continued. inr eat the la— bour of thine hands, O well is thee. eat the la — bour of thine hands, O well is thee. and t — p — v*^ O well is thee. -i5— :^- hap- O well is thee,and hap— — — ^ — py flialt py fliakthou be, O weU c: 8P; 3J 'S NT II EM Si Cbiuinued. ' O well is .thee,, iiiiiiiiife O well is thee, and O well is thee, and hap py fhalt thou be, and : iiip{ thou be. O well is thee, and -^- O well is thee. 11=11 hap py (halt thou be, and hap- -py happy, happy, happy fhalt thou be, and happy, I'^^ppy, hap-*— O well is thee, and happy, happy, happy, happy ANT HE M S. Continued. tsi 3 happy ilialt thou be, hap—py fliah thou be. illiiiii^ t^mi^ nz k-i- •_ py fhalt thou be, hap — py Ihalt thou be. ^M ! ANTHEM XV. Taken out of the %ift Pililm. sing we mer-ri--ly un to God our ftrength, ■«- f-3 — Sing we raer — ri— ly un, .to God our ftrength, make a -flt-t-ff.«a.4 — I a. h-^, — L> — P- ma^^e C8r ] "A NT H E M SI Continued. make a chear- ful noife, un — totheGodof Ja— cob, — ».- chear — ful noi- ■fe un -to the God of Ja — cob. P=| |{|igg|{|5Ej|!||||:Eppz make a chear ^ — ful noife. unto the God of Ja— cob. Take the pfalm, bring hitherthe tabret and unto the God of Ja— cob. Take the pfalm,bring hither the tabret and Take 'J N T HE M S. Continued. C83] iiiiiiiiiiiii Take the pfalm, bring hi— ther the tabret and IV — ry harp with the kite. ^_rii^„_». 1?. ft.„a Take the pfalm, bring hi-ther the ta— bret and |||p^;||j|EE5|E= mer — ry harp with the lute, '»sii. mer — ry harp, and mer-ry harp with the lute- ^M t—tiz^--^-. and mer — ry harp with iht lute. — — .t mer— ry harp, and mer- — ry harp with the li;te. BloK-, E£:lE5=3El}i3l Blow up the Tnim- Blow I HI J NT H E M S. Continued. Blow up tbe Trumpet, the Trumpetj the Trum, pet. S^~E:S:E~fES=i==:i Up the Trumpet, the Trum. —9 P-- pet, the Trum— —pet. :_i_. tz .pet. the Trumpet, the Trura in the new Moon, even in the time appointed, and iip-on our ^ ~2_ in tbe new Moon, e—vcn in the time ap-pointed, and up— on our - ^::J:3E:ir-::llrrztigibp-t^3t|3p3:^[:~- z:| fo.emii ANTHEMS, Continued. tsjj piiilllgitiiiiji folemn feaft,, , . ,day : For this was made a ftatute in If— ra — el. I ;izzzzz]Ezz~l:!r:lf tztztz tr't | P:z5:ziz^zt|:gz| lliipilppifliilpiiil fo — lemn feaft day : For this was made a ftatute in If— ra— -el. fPPiif^^^^^^^ for this was made a ftatute in If ra — el, and a law of the God of «8u-«.— •.—.».-< for this was made a flatute in If-ra — el, and a law of the God of l-^'- ^=:hz H- b^i — iS6J 'ANTHEMS, Continued^ -43 liiipiiillii^ Ja— -cob, and a law of the God of Ja—- ?ob. Glory be to God _:||iigNili^!ilip|ii Ja cobj and a law of the God of Ja-cob. Glo — ry be to God on ^igh, ■ a^.-p- Glory be to **-^-:£z:s:r- lElEteEifegEfe^^EfeSE and on earth peace, good will towards men, fe ' I , „ I a T ~ " ^ - .j».e._f-E u._.,Lr _] on ^ig^> do — ^y ^^ ^o and on earth peace, good will towards men. God, 'ANTHEMS, Continued. t 87 3 God, glo — ry be to God, to God on' hig^j F — i — ^ God, glo_.ry be to God, to God on high. ElZltziEriz —-[¥-41- *":-z--:5:z:i:z:C£Zi:r.|=i-:T:z?l Jl_ JL_ ^ il A Jl and on earth" peace^ peace, good will to«— 'ward men, \ £~z:p: "^w {""P ~\ T~~'jf TTh" f^ I'gi^"' :""Z"'z^zzi: and on earth peace, peace, . good will, to — ward men, C88 3 J N T H B M S. Continued. M-^h^lu-]ahi 'M: :lh Al—h la jahy risgp^iijsriEiiiife Al — Je^lu—jah, :ll: :U: Al-^le h jahy -■3— «■ h piippppiiljiiliii=i= ;//; ;//; Al-^Je-i — -lu — - jah. iidNTHEMS. i 85^] Anthem XVI. taken out of the i^th Pfaim. How long wilt thou forget me, O Lord, for ever,how long wilt thou hide thy face,how long wilt thou hide thy face from raCjhowlong fliall I feefc ligii^:iliSiliiiil # *' P H co^nfel CPO ] '^ANTHEMS, Continued. coun-fel in my foul, and be fo vexed, and be fo vex— ed. and be fo vexed, ^o vex — ed in my heart, how long fhall mine iipi|li|iiipiiippi e-ne-mies triumph over me. Con-fi-der and hear me, O Lord, my ^ ■22r:i:;£:D: ilpipiiiliiggil t q33[:Q!^ ::ri 33:}:si:i::3:|:i:z®:=:p|:t^^ 'A NT HE MS. Continued. C 91 ] God, lighten mine eyes that I Ileep not in deaths leaft mine enemies fay iiilpppil|ll|iitlf=p|*fpi;: I have prevailed againfl him/or if I be cafi downjif I be cali down. !E:S!!S:§iEeII' th6y that trouble me will rejoice, they that trouble me will rejoice : Hiipiiiiiiippiii irtifei illi e..,..».-^i_«. -.s— 1 ■"i N 2 But CpO J N T H E M Si Continued. But my truft is in thy roer — cy, but my truft is in thy :i:z:cz:z:l=si::£zcz: : But my truft is in thy mer — cy, but piy truft is in thy ._ ^3-^5-'G-|-H~-'^-H I H- :i3z:« P-— B— 0- zdz: mercy, and my heart is joy- — ful, H: "p_g:: ;:j^ie-.:e_1-_q ■— g-t-^ — -gf- — B-^|-^^p-P-t-"f^ mercy, ^itd my heart is joy- mercy, and my and my heart is joy—, ^-— - 13 ANTHEMS. Concinueii. C 93 1 ^-—n- IS joy- i *^ — <«.*«r: ful, joyful. ■gi "" t-T'p! SD"-" ■ r" fulj is joy ful, joyful, fe-: Etr'-^- heart is joy — 7M ^^jl2 — f Zj •ful, joy- 33^^=-^-^- fqr:^,_, 1-1-^^*1 m —ful. IS joy- :f!r:f:?::a:[:3:3i=:33«:W:^3*i=D-lt ?- ;:f^r-i- joyful, joy- ■ful in thy fal va — tion. I Fk- =z:i:J?M:q%3::r:dzJz:-ritd:::3±~z .ful, joy. zl ful ill thy fal va — '■ — tion • ' 1 \ -* — -•— t ■«— d ■••♦ *-r, iul, joy — ful, joy— ful, joy_.ful in chy fal ya— — tion. I will tHl 'ANTHEMS, Continued. iJiirltr: I will fing of the Lord, be— caufe he hath dealt To I will fing of the Lord, be — caufe he hath dealt fo # ?24-3_gt 54-3* — t 1 loving--ly with me, yea, I will praife the name of the Lord, g:-: ' ^ :i-_Z'.r-|:iZi:z^:|:zzz:c:tzt:}:5:^^ loving—ly with me, yea, I will praife the name of the Lord, th| '^anthems; Continued. C p? 3 the name of the Lord moft high — eft li^|iipj|=g'ii=; the name of the Lord ^moft high — eft, ANTHEM XVII. "Takenout of the i sid FMm. £13= =Dr::i#i:zji:z: A— rife, O Lord, we pray thee, and come in — to the n:j:s:Qzt>= _ , ._crrgr r^rl ft.,— 1 -frEtpi:jL}5::i; :f d;h§4:*:t-:|5=:E:: zE=::Ez I .f_4— t-|-|-f-tE-E..4 A — rife, O Lord, we pray thee, and come in — to the Ark [ 9S 1 ANTHEMS, Continued. Ark of thy ftrength, let thine ears be rea— dy, be rea »dy Ark of thy Hrength, \tt thineears be rea — ^dy, be rea dy R— — -TT-P" E?E!|EgE| towards the pray'r of thy chil— dren, and ac~cept, O towards the pray'r of thy chil — dren, 2:nd ac — cept, O lord ANTHEMS, Continued. t97 3 Lord, we befeech thee, P—9-^^-i of this our bounden du -ty. Lord, we befeech thee, of this our bounden du-ty, and becaufe ho-linefs •H- V fandi— fie this with thy ^tm rti.(_.^-^l_iuuui- — mes thine houfe for e — ver, fandifie this with thy ; thine houfe for e — ver, fandifie this with thy gracjou: [98 ] ANTHEMS. Continued. gracious prefence, and grant, O Lord,that here and elfe were thy prailemay ipppiipii;iipplp|l gracious prefence, and grant^ O Lord, that here and elfewere thy praife may S5|=EEi3^Eg3E=tE fgljiiii|#e :a #e- be clo ■thed with righteoufnefs. be clo thed with righ— teoufnefs, and thy faints re-^ joy-* ANTHEMS. Continued. t59] P^ T ^ — —IT 4 -w [-XT- "i r=:r!-~E|:r:|?:-#ii.' Aiklttjahi "? j t^t-T ^ -~^^^tt cp-zpq:= j._ ,„,.-. :[:=[= -PU ^to-^ ——joy ce, re — )oy p. ^^zz^tmtm.t^i. -ce in thy fal— va — tion. Al-le-hqui, : 9- 1 r::|E£ -ffi Allelujah, ;//, ;//; ://; ^/-/e /« jah. fz^^E^l:^P|*£||:f:}:«*^ igiiiiii|M|i!i||iii Alklujahy :ll: :lh :ll: Al U lu^jah iif: ;=i :d: :E!EEcE t( pl|ic:!rf=f-fel:D:i: AN- C TOO 3 ANTHEMS. ANTHEM XVIII. ^Takenout of the ^yth Pfalm. O clap your hand? clap your hands . Wi O clap your hands^ O clap your hands to ge — ther all ye people, EElKE^^^EEEHE ~M.^-: h:i- c:3:i:: -» — ppi O fing unto Godj O -Pf^^. o fins unto God with the voice of ~e ?-- ^.-SL- ti&zpzEz Et iizF;ii:B:z'bnEiz"Z"Z"zz:g^ tef^SE^E, fing unto God with the voice, with the voice, the voice of melody, with the voice, the voice, the voi -ce of :!=£— Ez|iz=:zr~ with the voice of ■J NT HE M S. Continued. E ipi ] p=yiilip|ipipi^:||p;| For the Lord is high and to be fear'd. me— lo — dy. For the Lord is high and to be fear'd For the Lord is high and to be fear'd I he is the great For the Lord is high and to be fear'd ; He is the great King, he Kinc E 102 ] ANTHEMS^ •Continued. Qi=:E:;;:ft:i:5:ri lip :t King, he is the great King upon all the earth. c. a:E|E|Ell||:E|S:l! IS the great King up- on all the earth, upon a- liiiilisifiliipiiii;! He is the great King upon all the earth, upon a ■ upon a — 11 the earth. God is gone up with a merry. ■ —11 the earth. . — .11, up — on all the earth. i : y f-P-«^ mer-ry noife, a mer_-ryj mer ry noife. M ^^ JL_^ \ZjSZZ And the Lord with the found of the and J NT H E M S. Continued. C 103] and the Lord with the found of the trurn— - SQlttZEZftlll. if ~itlt |. II Z.lK.t'.fL'llKZl'.K.'J p ! ZSZIEliltHill?^ trumpetjthe trum pet, P:i:^i:5:iii5:=t=:i z^-,z^±tU-Jti^ —pet, the trum- =lt:j=h:|gEEFE! W.:i-l.- '^§L.M....y.^.L.._^ ■pet, the trum -pet. i^pet, the trum- -pet. m' :~5i: O fing prai fes un_to our God, O {?ng bI: 'EtiE ttppccirpz iiifl ,z:tt titt* K'J-S. EZ O fing prai— -fes, fing prai — fes un- to our God, fLiL--ZAZEt:: _-.|».! O fing prai — fes un. . .to our God, O fing piaifeS] C 104 1 ANTHEMS, Continued. iplp^lfipiiiiiii praiTes, fing praifes un — to our King, O fing prai — fes un :£i^z:_:; :p^:i:i:_:t:|:^^_~_ f:_ if- ♦— O fing praifes un to our King, O firig prai— fes un* ^^fM^ praifes, fing, &c. I— pfiiii^iiif 1 _«.::::£: i:ieu:_j zEi: : i:::£ E^i|zP=:rp:r: ::zE:z: :|lfi^ —to our God_, O fing prailes un to our King, lli^:||ljii|ii||^lg||ll|g —to our God, O fing praifes un.-«_to our King, P S A L hi- ) C 105 3 P ^ A L M - T U N E S, For the Old and New VERSION. " PSALM I. Crowle Tune. Tvehle &> Contra. _ Comra t,th. Treble ilh, d:l=ozs ^ #?rt:i=bh:E:t:?H ;?:EEEI mm Thfe man is bleft that hath not lent, to wicked men his ear : ^^2 f }l3=^|i^PlEpE! |-^^f i|li-'|P=N-~l: Tenor & Bajfus. Bajfus Vnifon. The man is ble/1 that hath not lent, to wicked men his ear K2: :Bfz~zilz|ziZ"zt:z:t|:g:|:--5ZplipZplz--zl| illliiliiiiiiiliiipEiiii Nor led his life as fin — ners do, nor fat in fcorner's chair '^ ^|it'?z-^|z^4l^l -zf::::: lE||Ei|:|j:~N^^=^^=!^?lb «zp:l:-szpt:?z~:i:g"Z":liz4| 5:l-?z§]" ^zzq± Nor led his life as fin-ners do, nor fat in fcorner's chair. PSALM II, [ io6 3 T S J L M'TU N E S. PSALM II. Camlridge Tune. Trehle & Contra^ Contra '^th, Ttehle Sa&- ^^'PA^ZI^'Y^G- ^---B-9» Why did the Gentiles tumults raife ? what rage was in their brain I shie Qp Contra, Bajfus llnlfon. i.5.:::l-5-"-t !}:2:g: :z-^:|:-=:^: :d= :qz: .an; Why did the Gentiles tumults raife ? what rage was in their brain? :zz2i:Q=:n:nQ=Q:iz :o,izc.-zz-..-._,- sgiiii iQn: hing that is but vain? Why do the people flill con-trive, a thing that is but vain? I i ."■■ r^ fJIi •*Z'-rZPZ^"' "5* ~( ' r" Z" g||:j|||||i|j|j|E|ji^^^^ Why do the people ftill con 'trive, a thing that is but vain ? iiliiil-illiiiilPil^ 2 The kings and rulers of the earth, confpire and are all bent, Agaiiift the Lord and Chrill his Son, whom he among us fent ; 3 Shall we be bound to them, fay they, let all their bonds be broke; And of their doctrine ^ni their law, let us rejeift the yoke. "PSALM tli ■PSALM-TUNES. [107] PSALM VI. 'TreUe&''Ci.A( zpz t 0=11 z Give glory to his holy Name, and honour him alone : Give worlhip to his Majefty, within his holy Throne. 3 His voice doch rule the waters all, as he himfeif doth pleafe : He doth ' re jare the thunder-cI^DSj and governs all the feas. ~ ' ■ ~ ' PSALM XXX. "P S a4 L M-T U N E S. [115 ] PSALM XXX. IT "Irehle &> Contra, Contra ^^th. Treble %ih. All laud and praife with heart and voice, O Lord, I give to thee : |.^:i:::eE Temr Qp Bajfus, Bajfus ^th. All laud and praife with heart and voice, O Lord, I give to thee : ' " razJ.:ta:)i: :a: ::rd;:t3:::|t:[::}:art: Who didft not make my foes re-joyce, but haft ex--alc — ed me. Who didft not make my foes re- Joyce, but haft ex-alt — ed me. l:d:i'J?.z: iiliiliiiiiiil^ii 2 O Lord, my God, to thee I cry'd, in all my pain and grief :^ Thou gav'ft an Ear, and didft provide, to eafe me with relict. 3 Thou Lord haft brought my foul from hell, and thou the fame didft fave : From them that in the pit do dwell, and keep'ft me from the grave, Q.2 PSALM XXXIir. [ ii6 ] T S J L M-T U N E S. F S A I. M XXXIIL Eckin^o^i Tmt. £fi o£[bfe2©us itt -tike lofJ €& — ]di^Q^ it h .-s ^eeailj "Cgilitg Timor B" M/rffu-u B^^f .8/iu iiill;^i^lip^liiiiiilill^l i 'Tbat -uprigi^^t: juer. with Jt-haakful -voice, :lliQu.Ig, ;praiie ye the :Lord mio^ -higl^, ^. 'Sing 5o thjs -Lor^, a 'fcvni" gi<:^; -new^ wit-h. courage give hiin Contra. ::d: h)y lute, my harpand firing l:z|— =r:ir:ir:ir~r,:lz:zr:t~:irt.:J:p:|Ff|:E:t:fci~r|: iilE A — wake, my joy, a — wake, I fay, my liite, my harp and firing : — --■ — I — -. !j_|Ij_JI1— J Ji — 1 — _J-4L0 -I!-?- -J-Jv— -4-' — 111 be — fore the day, will rife, re-joice and fing. ici5 — iSliiliiliilii iigaSiiiigiiiiii and I my felf, before the day, will rife, re--joice and fing. II Among the people I will tell, the oooclnefs of my God : And fhcw his praife, that doth excel, in heathen lands abroad. 1 1 fJis mercy doth extend as Far, ar, the hcav'ns all are high : His truth as high as any flar, that fli^necJi in the f^ky. TSJLM'TUNES. C up 3 PSALM LXVI. Treble & Contra, Contra ^th, Tvehle 8th J Ye men on earth in God re-joice, tv-ith praife fet forth his Name illiil|ii|iiiiliifif Tenor S^ S.rfiis, Bajfus 8th, Blliilillpiiiilii'^^^ Ye men on earth in God re-joice, with praife fet forth his Name .-^,..., •— — "*-'3B-i- r— t - *-i-— -a~ "T H^-tt-^ t "-j-— |— -Htbt— — ^z:±i^:f±0± :3::3: Is :d:i: kvc Extol his mightwith heart & voice, give glo- ry ^to^the fame. ki: ji±i:: liS? iidri:: lij; 1: j:|:EF jp ::p:E|[te Extol his might with heart £.' voice, give glo-ry to the fame. ii^teter^ijlillili^iiiilll^ 2 How wonderful, O Lord, fay ye, in all thy works thou art ? Thy foes for fear, Ihall feek to thee, full fore againit their heart. 3 All men that dwell the earth thro out, fhall praife the Name of God 2 Thslaud whereof the world about^ is fhevv'd and fet abroad. ^^- PSALM LXXXL I iza- 3 T S J LM-TUNE S. Treile^ Contra. , ^ P S A L M LXXXL Tr^57^ r2,f^, Centra Mj^from- B.tjf^u ":g:f:a=P:lEi^dz' Eif^ Se light, an-d gladj. in God> rej.Qisej who" is om fipength and ftay : Tenoy^ ^ B^Jfuf, '-r '& i- -A Q^. 13 Be liglit, and gUd", in^ Codj repiccy wlio is o^r ftrengtb sn-d Aay : ililEErtfellii^^^^^^^^ Be joy-fuly Jltid life ap yoiir voice, :i> Jacob's God a!— way. a— ii — ^-iD2g:t~: -^ _ -ej_ _ Be joyfulj and life up your voice, to Jacob's God al — way, —-t-l-^-Pt-- f~^ — P— I — -it — 1-~ — t-P — I — lti«-^ 2 Prepare your inflruments moft meet, fome Joyful pfalm to fing : Sifike up wiih harp, and lute fo fweet, on ev'ry pleafant iHrmg, 3 Blow as it were in the nev/ moon, with trumpets of the befi ; ' As it is ufid to be done, ut any folcmn feaiU PSALM XCil, TP'S A L M-TU N E S. [ 121 ] PSALM XCII. Cranficl^ Tune. I Treble Qp Contra^ Contra <^fhi Treble M, - t 1 It is a thing both good and meet, to pfciife the highcH Lord : Tenor Qp Bajffus. B^Jfus Vnifon. It is a thing l^oth good ani" Sfe|z^:!:^=^:t:3i::p:|:g:-d: It IS a thing l^oth good and meet, to praife the higheft Lord : i;::Jz:±:::d ft«r- aiiiSii ■6 And to thy Name, O thou^moft high, to flng with one accord l:fi?g:|:pEp:: :PE:|:f :Pr:i: :ii}:§rd:|:d=ii:ix3:iilf::- to flng with one accord. :§:: |5i: :SE^:j:Pzi:&-||ffl And to thy Name, O thou, moft high, to (ing with one accord :i?-r ti^di:E-i;f&;d:j;e:jjg.^ ..U— e-J:|:a:nirf :d: -r- ^^VK 2 To fhew the kindnefs of the Lord, before the day be light ; And to declare his truth abroad, when it doth draw to night,. 3 LTpon ten-firinged inftrument, on lute, and l>arp fo fweet : V/il]j all the minh you can invent, of inftruments moft meet R PSALM XCV. C 12*3 Treble &> Contra. T S J L M'TU N E S. PSALM XCV. Centra -jth, Treble Sth. O come, let us lift up our voice, and fing un — to the Lord : |:^-|lE^E@:j:-iEi:':pE:0:|=EJji;JE§E|;j:!EP:P^^ Tenor Qp Bajfus. B/rJfus Vnifon, iligiiiliiliiifili P come, let us life up our voice, and fing un— to the Lord : % :Bjetp:g}r-zg l.-:z=-:l=z 2-! H-- :d; :a: ■uz\ -nz ::t -=:h: ::zz^: -d: :q=q; .piSiiliSiiiilill In him our rock of health rejoice, let us with one ac-cord. ^-^■tp=^-lilg In him our rock of health re — joice, let us with one ac-cord. 'MQ-^&mn iiiiiilii 2 Yea, let us come before his face, to give him thanks and praife : In fingicg pfalms unto his grace, let us be glad always, 3 For why ? the Lord he is no doubt, a great^and mighty God : A King above all 2ods ihro'out, in all the world abroad, ■ PSALM XCVin T S Bajfus. 2': Bajfus Umfon» iSpilppMtilii O fing ye now un — to the Lord, %^ For he hath wrought thro*out the world, his won — ders great and firdng.- ^ For he hath wrought thro'out the world, his won-ders great and ftrong. 2 With his right-hand full worthily, he doth his foes devour : And gets himfelf the vidory, with his own arm and pow*r, 3 The Lord doth make the people know, his faving health and might : And alfo doth his iufiice fliow, in all the heathen fight. R 2 ^ 1? S A L M a 124 J T S A L M-TU N E S. PSALM C. TrfhU &> Contra: Contra 3 J, Trehle Sth, TenoY & Bajfur, Baffus Viufori' All people that on earth do dwell, fing to the Ld, withchsarful voice: i=:d-fe^_ 'U at Him ferve with fear,his praife forth tell, come_ye before him and rejoice. Him ferve withfcafjhis praife forth tell, come ye before him and rejoice. :^-t.4 :^:::a::=: _... M 2 The Lord, ye know, is God indeed, without our aid he did us make : We are his flock, he doth us feed, and for hisfheep he doth us take. 3 O enter then hi?? gates with praife, approach with joy his courts unto : Praife laud, and bl&fs his name always, for it is fecmJy fo to do. " . ^ ^ " PS AX M cm. PSALM-TUNES. C "J ]S PSALM cm. Ferry Tune, Trehle QP Contra, Contra ^th^ Trehle 8/^, =a:|=D-:; My foul give laud un- My foul give laud un — to the Lord, my fpi — rit do the fame : 4 4--» 4 *— — Tenor QP Bajfus, l:bi=3:l;dE t^::::Q iE^:i?l Bajfus an Zth, -e- -fe-: My foul give laud un — to the Lord, my fpi— rit do the fame : >4* ^^ T—'ni r"^ T 7T-~~^ r- • :rz:r:::;:rza: *— ~— * — * my Ipi— rit do J ] 1 - ^_ And all t!ie fecrets of my heart, praife ye his ho — ly Name, g: ^- '2 ■fe-i :?:i :^i:: ::iz3:i:BEg:}z§zi nl2 ■e-tmi-^ And all the fecrets of my heart, praife ye his ho — ly Name. isiiliii:!ilii|iiiii|ti Praife thou the Lordj mv foul, who hath to thee been very kind : And fufFer not his benefits, to ilip out of thy mind. That gave thee pardon for thy faults, and thee reiior'd again : From all thy weak and frail difeafe, and heal'd thee of thy pain. PSALM CIV? I lie ] T S J L M-'T U N E s: Trehle &> Centra, PSALM CIV. Trelle I'ithj Contra iTfh , from Baffm . -^'^2. 4 8 :r=:^:lrar:^:t-r:i^:i: DT ^" "i-^-^Li-i-e- :=3 ±2 My foul praife the Lord, fpeak good of his name, O Lord our great God, ■Mi- — I 1— — — — -i-— — F — n — ji — I— 1 — It Tenor & Bajfus, B^^Jfus $th My foul praife the Lord, fpeak good of his name, O Lord our great God, How doft thou appear ! So pafllng in glory, that great is thy fame :t: -e- How doft thou appear I So pafling in gb-ry, that great is thy fame : -fe:^- ;:d:: — -t — — ri—ct — t Continued. T S A L M'TU NE S. C 127 J Continued. Honour and Ma— je— fty in thee ihine moft clear. Honour and Ma — je — fiy in thee ihine moft clear. B E N E D I C T U S. St. Luke I 6S, pE:~-==?:ir#i:r:r~E:E^ BlefTed be the Ld, God of Ifraelj^Cr. redeemed his people. A mtnerj. =::fetzt&cj I&c ^=i .-9- :§zii:?"'^t mL.m. BlefTed be the Ld.Godof Ifrael, &c, redeemed his people. A men* PSALM CXIX. i t28 ] T S J L M'TU N E S. PSALM CXIX. ^llborp Tune. Ver. 9, 10, ir. ComposM in Four Parts, by the Authors Son at Eleven Years of Age, Trehh ©* Contra. Cofitra ^ihy Treble Sf^> 1:^1- By what means may a young man beft, his life learn to a— mend ? Bajfus TJnifori, :oz: • — B— By what means may a young man beft, his life learn to a — mend? If that he mark and keep thy word, and therein his time fpend. [:=iD:t-2- If that he mark and keep thy word, and therein his time fpend. 9P.— *f •^F=& mmm&^m=t. __i_ju. 10 Unfeignedly I have thee fought, and thus feeking abide, O never fu fie r me, O Lord, from thy commands to Aide. I J "Within my heart and fecret thoughts, thy word I have hid Aill : That I might not at any time, offend thy holy wilh PSALM CXXII. Contra & Treble T S gA L M.T U N E S. [ 125? PSALM CXXir. ^ French Tune. Contra '^th, Trshle Efh: P^i I did in heart re-joice, to hear the peoples voice, in of-fer— P-| — Tenor & Bajfus. :_2:i;:;:art:i"rg.|;a: Bajfus TJnlfofj, ffi|ii|:||||:||| I did in heart rejoice, to hear the peoples voice, in offer — — 'Jjz: •s- :a :li:i-ta=i:}:iz?:*- J' it qzp; 1-3 >=iireJ:'y":irDrS1:d=Vra-|feta=-izi ing fo willing — ly : For let us up, fay they, and in the 3:z:zzp±?=|:lzaztT. p: :z§=&; ::^t:D:pGzH:i:l::.r; :;:jz| ing fo willing — ly : For let us up, fay they, and in the .ij:=:trp~r.i ffi-:fl-31-E-M---l|4l-2-^-|"^-~-|--=|rq-trar^^ w Continued, C 130 3 9SALM 'TUNES. Continued. Lord's houfe pray : Thus fpake the folk wich a mi— _ty. _D_^ Oi;|_2Z. .tn^z .__ ^4 ~-p- $3 ~ -_zf |{i?z Lord's houfe pray: Thus ipake the folk with a— —mi — ty. — -Q-^a- zoz zd4az||e-i^^ Cantate Domino. Pfahn xcviii. O fing unto the Ld. a new fong, &c. done marvellous things, ^ — men. -^•i.->9-E.-K s:f;fEp:^fE^EEE=P^^ :rfc':&c :>zf zpzt zE: &ci Ez -© E3- O fing unto the Ld. a new fong, &:c. done mcrvellous things. A — wenm * PSALM CXXXII. PSALM-TUNES. [ 131 ] PSALM CXXXIL Tf$lle & Contra. Contra $tlfTrelIe Sth, :?j|izd;|#i=jj||j:?J ?A2:d;:::__ §5 — U- Remember David*s troubles Lord, how un--co thee he fwore : g:5 :9:^Q=gl:?- J:!:^^!: JE^zi i~. i 3 |B-. . - B TetJor &P Bajfus. g:3 :z:J:=z-:t:§zs:| DZail—zllz f^:^ --B-^^-f~ ZQZ B/rj7*«j Vnifon, ■Hiii Remember David's troubles Lord, how un— -to thee he fwore i^ :fcj:zz^:j:^zg:§z^:^ :zzC:l:azE::t:5r3:l=aztlzp:l:Dzil:t:~:p::z:::z:J ilEiiilS§iilliil -G- And vowM a vow to Jacob's God, to keep for e — ver — more. m -*Z?Z9-1?Z| e-^- =5; - § p-p :cg. g teg ilililliiliiiiiiiiii And vowM a vow to Jacob's God, to keep for e — ver — -more. 2 I will not come within my houfe. nor climb up to my bed : ^ Nor let my temples take their reft, nor eyes within my head, 3 'Till I have found out for the Lord, a place to fit thereon : An hoiife for Jacob's God to be, an habitation, S a PSALM CXXXIV- C 13a ] T S J L M'T U N E S. PSALM CXXXIY. TrehhSP^CitHra. Contra i^th, Treble SfiR E5=^= pi I? U_^H U j 1_ :a:z Be— hold and have re — gard, ye fervants of the Lord : gE^EE;p"^-^ 9- Be — hold and have re — gard, ye fervants of the Lord : -B- 'Z-W:"-^'' :m: ^-.-^J-J 5 — 'p-P'f-^- — — 4^--lrh-t- :d mm Which in his houfe by night do watchjpraife him with one ac — cord. "i life — _Q.l Which in his Iioufc by night do watch, praife him with one ac — cord. 2 Life up your hands on high, unto his holy place : And give the Lord his praifes due, his benefics embrace. 3 For why ? the Lord our God, who heav'n and earth did frame ; Doth Sion blefs, imd wilJ preferve, for evermcre the fame. PSALM CXXXV«; ;T S A L M'TU NE S. I 133 ] PSALM GXXXV. Knottingley Tune. Trelk & Contra. Contra ph, TrelU 2tK le Lord, praift i^-& O praife the Lord, praife ye his Name, praifehim with one accord: Tenor Qp Baffus. Bajfus Sih, O praife the Lord, praife ye his Name, praife him with one ac--cord : '~m-2: - — *- !-' :zza: O praife him ft ill, all ye that be, the fervants of the Lord. - e — ( :a: -G- © tiiD: tifPFPi- |;^:9:t:r-::^.f:-=::l:t:r:ri:|~;J :5l:l:iE:ll?E3; ~e- :a: :gb:bri^g|4 4>v^ O praife him ftill, all ye that be, the fervants of the Lord. H—- : 4 B— :=z±[:9:z±=:||:gl:3=g:H ---H- ■ -n-H- R-r-F ■« * A-^ 2 O praife him ye that fiand and he, in the houfe of the Lord : Ye of his court and of his houle, praife him with one accord. 3 Praife ye the Lord> for it is good, (Tng praifes to his Name ; It is a eooi and pi' afant thing, always to do the fame. ' PSALM CXXXVI, C 134 3 T S A L M-TU N E S. PSALM CXXXVI. Treble & Contra. Contra ^th, Treble ^ih. For his mercy en- Tenor & BaJJus^ BaJfas^Sth. Praife ye the Lord, for he is good, for his jnercy en — dureth for e-vef. Give prailc un — to the God of gods, for his, &c. — dureth for e-ver. Give praife un— to the God of gods, for his, &c. Continued. PSALM-TUNES, C X3S ] Continued. -rr^-^l- Z. XA liiiliilii Give praife unto the Lord of lords, for his, 8cc. who on — ly doth great :fc:iZ3=:i^! — — f 4 Give praife un-to the Lord of lords, for his, &c wmMmm ^^^ wondrous works, for his, 8cc. For his, &c. who by his wifdom made the heav'ns .5~ZI_ Continued. C 13^ 3 "P S A L M^TU N E Si. Continued' for hisy Sic, who on the wa — ters ftretch'd the earth. for hisj Sec, — P™ ar-f — if-;^- fe — e— :az:-:zz::\ for his. Sec, ::1-.a:jl>. L_aA_ :fp; :C?zzE=::z: for his. Sic. who made great lights to fliine a— broad. ^- g: h-^-' _ _ lEf^ Continued TSeALM-TUNES. Continued. , C1373 f-zzz.z\—\lztz\t-p-:\ PilEd aiiEP'-tid! -a. [ for his, &c. The fun to rule the light-fome day. ll^lllljl *p: E-t-fP -B- for his, &c. The fun to rule the light-fome day, S-fe- ZQZQ-h2z2:§Q::i: for his mercy en — du reth for e— ver. .fqr his mer-cy eti — du — rcth for e — ver. jj^zuzzzzzz:: T- t s A L M cxxxvir; [ 138 ] P ^^ ^i L M'TU N E S. . PSALM CXXXVIII. Womhwell Tune.- Treble F^ Contra, Contra ph, Trehk %th, -— . ^ 1 t"~1 — ' \ H \ f---^ -i — \ \ 44 \~ s\'^ i — I — it if Thee will I praife with my whole heart, my Lord, my God al-way : p. ft -Pth^'H — Ft-^ — -f-t — Tt I— H-f^ — "r-ftrt: —'II Thcc will I praife with my whole heart, my Lord, my God al-way : Ev'n in the prefence of the gods, I will advance thy praife, Pv'n in the prefence of the gods, I will advance thy praife. iilS:!il|ii:ji|||ijii-Ki i Towards thy holy temple T, will look, and v/orfiiip thee : And praifcd in my thankful r^uch, thy holy name ihall be. 5 Iv/n for t!r/, loving kindacf> lake, and for thy truth withal : For ttiou thy Hams hisrit by thy v/ord, advanced over all. PSALM CXLVHI. PSALM-TUNES. [159] PSALM CXLVIII. Treble & Contra. Treble i ^th^ Contra loth^ from Bajfus^ piipiiiiiii^ !ziSfDi;r:?: Give laud un — to the Lord, from heav'n that is fo high : :t:E"|:r:E:lzfczH:|rz=Il±=:t~t-tt=f::b- -:: g p ]____ J r^ 1 f> i„'C - „ =te::-3J-"-!i Give laud un ^to the Lord, from heav'n that is fo high : P4--^'^--»P-^e — fj ^ h- [— [--i — -■ Praife him in deed and word, above the fiar-ry sky. And al fo ye," 51zgi£rF:J ^--^: P-9 E°:lllE^=^l: ^j:igfi|EpE££|E!Elj Praife him in deed and word, above the flarry sky. And al-ib ye. 3:ip-^iC.|:pz:3|za.i|::1i:^=P*l:~z~-|:=:|tz^zt^ Continued [ i4o] T S J L M^TU N E S. Continued, His an— gels all, ar-mies roy— al, praife joy— ful— -ly. -« 1 1. _ ,.X 1. 1 1|«««— ..««» pi '^^=iiigrH sM l!is aii—gels all, ar — mies roy-al, praife joy — ful— ly. "TreUe to Te Deum Laudamus. We praife thee, O God, we acknowledge thee to be the Lord : All the earth doth worlhip thee : the Father e — ver-laft — ing. fe- The g-lorious company of^ &c. prai — fe thee. •535 '333 ^^ - The goodly fcUowlhip^ &c. Illlii prai- fe thee, Jrj HYMN t MI ] An HYMN for Good-Friday. EptvortJo Tune. Oi-^ to the i;,5th Pfalm, 2d Metre. Trehle B' Contra, Contra i^th, Treble Zth* ::a: -e- Dear Saviour, oh ! what ails this heart ? fure 'tis of flone, it cannot fniart: :?:5i:^i:t:-ze;ttDr Qrctirr •e— o- zHr-errpeie Tenor & Bajffus. ;:j:_|£:e|°zgjQrDi.§:t Bajfus Vnifon, Dear I r-5^' iiiiifptiiy Dear Sav'oufj oh ! what ails this heart? fure 'tis of flone, it cannot fmart: ^^!:g:^raj:§z{:j;D:l|:d;[Er^:j=2=b:i:r:zzi:D:j 'rp::^: — n-t, Nor yet re- lent the death of thee, whofe death a-Ione could ranfom me. |Ep:}:!E|j:!Ep|:?E3;!:j{Epi|~EEit»Ep|ppl:?:jjj Nor yet re — lent the death of thee, whofe death a— lone cou'd ranfom me. zn^lz-i — -t: — :1: — Eji-illf-P — 34 1 — \'^'\ Can I behold thy pains ^o greiit, thy dying fighs, thy bloody fweat ? Thy bade with whips,and fcourgcs rornjthy facred temples crown'd with thorn.' Thy hands and feet nail'd to the wood, and all thy body drown'd in blood t Canll thou pour forrh fuch flreams for me, and I not drop one tear for thee? ^ C AN O N C 142 3 u^ C A N O N Four ht One, Set ly the Author of this Book. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho — ly Glo ry be to theFatherjand to the Son, and Glo ry be to the Fathefjand to tlie So — Glo — -ry be to the Fa — Gholl. As it was in the be — ginning, as it was in the be — gin — ■zzxiz-^^ i:£irE-l-rDr:i^l :r::_^: to the Ho ly Ghoft. As it was in the be — gin — ning, as it aEEsiiiiep=i 4=^ s:p:-|rp=££=l:ez-i;z:: — n, and to the ho ly Ghoft. As it was in the be— gin — ►ther, and to the Son, and to the Ho \^ Ghcil. As it was — nin^ psalm-tunes: C 143 3 Continued. — ning,and is now,and is now, and e — ver fliall be, world without end. — ».-».|-r5— U.4-^. QZIZE was in the be-ginning, andisnowjand is now and e — ver fhall be — ning, as it was in the be-gin-ning, and is now, and is now, and e — ver -£_£: '±^b:-tt:l zttzztztElEB^ ■\-'- mmsf t in the be — ginning, as it was in. the be-gin-ing, and is now,and is _^__ _ _(A) (B) A men, A- (A) (B) n-n-z\ I — h- B\ :fc & Q^-*.-,- [0:; I'^ip :;-QZ B-i& world without end , A men^ Amm ,men^ A- •men. £ . , i fn all be world without end, A menf A -B-#— - (A) ::ivD d.i:g:!:t:j:p=:p: :d: (A) iiiii noW; and e-^ver Ihall be world without end. A-m^n, A- -men. A ABLE To Find Anf Chant, Anthem, or Pfalm-Tune in this BOOK. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 lo II 12 13 14 ^5 16 17 18 Chanting. ^^/Z^- ExuhemUSk 1e Deum Benedicite Jubilate Deo Magnificat Nunc Dimittis Anthems. Behold the Lord how amiable Sing, Jing unto the Lord They that put their 'Treble to Magnifi-at Praife the Lord Hear my Prayer Lift up your Heads Behold, behold L bring Praife the Lord Sing unto God Thou God be joyful ginje thanks Bleffed are all they Sing we merrily How long ivilt thou Arife, O Lord O clap your Hands Pfahn-Times. Croii^Ie y I Cambridge. 2 ■41 ^ 8 Page I 2 10 13 16 20 Pfalm-Tunes Pialm 21 23 27 32 35 36 38 41 4^ 51 5<5 62 66 72 77 81 8^ 9^ 100 loj 106 107 108 St. Jameses Beverly Windfor Eckington IVorkfop CranfiM Ferry BenediElus Althorp French Cantate Domino Knottingky JVombwel ;< 9 23 24 ( 2p 30 35 ^ 34 57 66 81 ^2 95 100 to3 104 115? 122 133 134 135 156 138 ^148 Treble to Te Deum Good Friday Hymn 125 A Canon four in one Page