4 i '/ '■ '- *■-: : /,^ * t?3>* V- • ^ J " y. 3. i% > 7 /ia? w >^ r /" Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/actforpfastOOasso ^ A-4C4. JButmi^^anSBi Map ACT FOR A PUBLIC FAST, BY THE ASSOCIATE SYNOD OF ORIGINAL SECEDERS, Edinburgh, October 12. 1827- The Synod, from the multiplicity and importance of v other matters demanding their immediate attention, find that they cannot, at this Meeting, overtake the drawing up of a particular statement of the causes for Fasting ; but, considering that there is an obvious and urgent call to engage in this exercise, they judge it to be their duty to appoint that a Day of Humiliation be ob- served in the several congregations under their inspec- tion, for the following reasons, which Ministers will en- large upon as to them may seem proper. Iniquity, of all kinds, greatly abounds. Errors, ever- sive of the leading doctrines of the Gospel, and of the most pernicious tendency, are very extensively diffused. Latitudinarian principles and practices are exceedingly prevalent ; and, it is to be lamented, are countenanced and indulged in, by those who formerly were arrayed under a banner for truth and purity of communion ; while a stedfast and consistent profession of the faith once delivered to the saints is rarely exemplified. The corruptions in the civil constitution, in reference to re- ligion, and in the profession and administrations of the National Churches in our land, which have long been matter of complaint, and condemned in former papers of the Secession, still remain. The obligation of our National Covenants, upon all ranks, is very generally denied, and the renovation of them is entirely laid aside, 4 their enjoying a more plentiful and regular dispensation of the gospel; that the several members of the body, deeply penetrated with a sense of the straits in which we are involved from the want of preachers, and our con- sequent incapacity to answer the numerous urgent ap- plications for a more liberal supply of sermon, may be directed and excited to abound in prayer privately and socially, that the Lord of the Harvest would send forth more labourers into his harvest ; that he would incline the hearts of those who have been prosecuting their stu- dies with a view to the ministry, willingly to offer them- selves to serve him in this work ; that he would be very gracious to his servant, and bless his labours, who is em- ployed in superintending the studies of those who are looking forward to this service, and bestow upon them the gifts and graces which are necessary to fit them for future usefulness, and £ut it into the hearts of others to addict themselves to these studies ; that he would sym- pathize with the aged ministers of the body, and, if it be his pleasure, restore those who are laid aside from public usefulness by bodily distress or infirmity; that he would assist the Synod in the steps they are taking for reviving the work of covenanting, and for bringing about a more extensive union among the friends of the Reformation cause in this country ; and that he would bless that body of ministers and people in the United States of America, who are appearing in behalf of this interest : In fine, let prayer be made, that all classes among us may be impressed with a sense of their obliga- tions to God for his kindness and providence, in any ap- pearances of a revival to trade and commerce, and in the favourable harvest which he has been pleased to grant us, and that we may be more entirely devoted to his fear and glory. Wherefore, the Synod appoint that Wednesday, the 5th day of December next, be observed, in the several congregations under their inspection, as a day of Humi- liation and Fasting, and that this Act be read from the pulpit on the Sabbath preceding. Extracted by Peter M c Derment, Synod CZfe m < : kz*. it^J^W**&jt 4^M^ ^.i^V^K ^> v.\ *.i