FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY -•73/ I — u& 7 h r. SEP 131935^ P S AIl.S O F D A IMITATED IS THE LANGUAGE OF THE NEW-TESTAMENT, AND APPLIED TO THE CHRISTIAN STATE as>d WORSHIP* OOC Z SOOOOOOOO By ISAAC WATTS, d. d. czocczccczzccz: 3000 CORRECTED, AND ACCOMMODATED TO THE USE OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST IN AMERICA. Lu&e xxiv. 44. AH things muft be fulfilled, icb -cjere written in— — tbt Psalms , con- cerning ?ne. Heb xi 32 David. Samveu and the pro- phets Ver. 40 — Thai theyy without us Jhauld not be made perf eft. Brookfield ■ Ma ss a chusetts, Printed by E MERRIAM 5c Co. Sold ey them IN Brookfield, and by the principal book-sellers i-n the New-England States. Ofabtr 1802. T A B L E Tvfind out any PSALM> by thefir/l Line of it. PAGE. ALL ve who love the Lord, rejoice 386 Almighty Ruler of the fkies iS Amidft thy wrath, remember love 75 Among tti' adtmbties of the great x$% Among the princes earthly Gods 159 And will the God of grace 154 Are all the foes of Sion fools 105 Are frnners now fo fer.felefs grown a 7 Arife my gracious God $% Awake, ye faints, topraife your King 357 BEHOLD -the lofty fky 3S Behold the love, the gen'rous love 69 Behold the morning Am 39 Behold the fure Foundation ftone azi Behold thy waiting fefvant L^rd 331 BJefs, O my foul, the living God 190 3Ieft are the fons of peace 254 Bltft are tne fouls who hear and know 16* B'eft are the undenTd in heart 224 Bleft is the man forever bleft 60 Bleft is the man whofe bow e is move Sc Bleft is the man who (buns the place % Bleft "15 the nation, where the Lord 6i GH rLDR LN in years and knowledge yotmg<>5 Come, Children learn to fear the Lord 67 Come iet our voices join to raife i*,8 Columbia praife thy mighty God a;S Come found his praife abroad 177 Confider ail my lbrrows, Lord 234 DhVW rejoie'd in God, his ftrenetu 44 Deep in our hearts let us record 130 ARLY, my God, without delay 1 13 Exalt the Lord our God 184 AR as thy name is known 9I Father, I blefsthy gentle hand 337 Father, I fag thy wstnd'rous grace J2, E F TABLE. page. Firm and unmov'd are they ■ 24- Firm was ray health, my day was bright 57 Fools in their hearts believe and lay 26 For ever bieffed be the Lord a }I For ever fhall my Ton? record 160 From age to age exalt his name 203 From all who dwell below the fk'es 219 From deep di&refs and troubled thoughts 25 t CN 1VE thanks to God ; he reigns above 2c 1 T Give thanks to God. invoke his name 198 Give thanks to God mod high 2^9 Give thanks to God the fov-rehm Lord Give to the Lord immortal praife £g] Give to tbeLord, ye for.s of fame 5$ God in his rot thiy temple lays 1^9 God h the refuge of hi? faints 88 God my fi/.po iter a nd m y hope 1 3 7 God of e'troa: love 201 Gcd of my childhood and my youth 13 j God of my life , look gently down God of my mercy and my praife 507 God will arife in all his mi^ht j 24 Good i? the Lor<^ the heav'aly king rao GreSt Gdd attend while Zion I >< 4. Great God. how oft did ifrdprove 148 Great G e my humble claim 115 I, the heav'ns well order'd frame 40 Great God, whole univufal iway j;4 at is the Lord, exalted higjb 256 ( 3 rea t i s th c L or i ; his w o rk s of mig ht 210 Great is the Lord cur God 90 Great Shepherd of thine Ijrael 149 Hi D not the Lord, may I'&el fay 244 Happy is he who fears the Lord 213 Hippy the city, where their fons 27" Happy the man to whom his God 00 Happy tbe'man whofe cautious feet 45 Vlear me, O God, nor hide thy face 187 what the Lord in vifion f-dd %&% fielp, Lord, for men of virtue £ui a3 TABLE. face. He reigns : the Lord the Saviour reigns 180 He who has made his refuge God 169 High in the heav ns, eternal God 69 How awful is thy chaiVning rod 145 Ho-.v did my heart rejoice to hear 24 s How fall: their guiit and forrowrife 2 9 How long, O Lord, fhall I complain |$4 How long wilt thou conceal thy face iS How pleafint. how divinely fair ' 153 How pleafant 'tis to fee 25 $ How pJeas'dand blefs'd was I 24* How fhali tne young fecure their hearts ft&6 JEHOVAH reigns : he dwells in light 1 73 JtfuS) our Lord, afcend thy throne ac? y^/ttifh all reign, where-e'er the fun 135 if God fticceed not, all the coft *4? If God to build the houfe deny 24$ I lift my foul to C od 5 r I'll blefs the Lord from day to day 66 Y\\ praife my Maker with my breath a; 6 I'll fpeak the honors of my King 8^ I love the Lord : he heard my cries ai& In all my vaft concerns with thee a66 In anger, Lord, rebuke me not 13 In God's own houfe, pronounce his praife 187 In Judah God of old was known 14* Into tky hand, O God of truth 5 7 Joy to the world the Lord is come jfcSj I fet the Lord before my face 3 1 I9 there ambition in my heart 35 r It is the Lord our Saviour's hand 189 Judge me- O Lord, and prove my ways S3 Judges who rule the world by laws 110 Juft are thy ways and true thy word 35 I waited paticn t for the Lord 78 I will extol thee, Lord on high 56 LET all the earth their voices raife 180 Let all the heathen writers jain %%9 Let children hear the mighty deeds 146 Let ev'ry creature join 284 A * TABLE. pace* Let tv'ry top.gue thy goodnefs fpeak 274 Let finners take their courie 10 1 Let Sion in her King rejeice 88 Let Zion and her fons rejoice 189 Long as 1 live, I'll blels thy name 273 Lord, haft thou caft New-England eft' in Lord, lam thine: but thou wilt prove 3s Lord, I can fufTer thy rebukes 13 Lord, 1 am viie, eonceiv'd in lin 102 Lord, I efteem thyjudgments right 228 Lord, if thine eyes furvey our fault3 167 Lord, if thou doft not foon appear 22 Lord, I have made thy word my choice 230 Lord, in the morning thou fhait '.ear iz Lord, f wiil biefs thee ail my days 64 Lord, I would fpread my fore diftrefs 104. Lord, of the worlds above 156 Lord, thou haft call'd thy grace to ml *©6 O God of grace and rightebufi 10 O God of mercy, hear my call 105 O happy rr: a TABLE. PAGF# O happy nation, where the Lord 64 O how 1 love thy holy law 2 * O Lord, how many art thy foes xo O Lord, our heavenly King j- O Lord our Lord, how wond'rous great i 6 Our States, O Lord, with (bugs of praife 4* O that the Lord would guide my ways %\ 2. O that thy ftatutes ev'ry hour A* O thou who hear' ft when Tinners cry lo"^ O thou whofe grace and juftice reign 243 O thou whofe juftice reigns on high 108 Our God, our help in ages paft j66 Out of the deeps of longdiitrefs aso O what a ftiff rebeli'ous houfe X46 PR VISE w^itsin Sion,'Lord for thee 119 Praife ye the Lord, exalt his. name 356 Praife ye the Lord : my heart mail jein % 75 Praife ye the Lord : 'tis good to raife 277 Preferve me, Lord, ia time of need *9 REJOICE, ye righteous, in the Lord 61 Remember, Lord, our mortal ftate 264 Return, O God of love, return 168 SALVATION is forever nigh ^58 Save me, O God, the fwelling floods 126 Save me, O Lord, from ev'ry foe 30 See what a living ftone 11% Shew pity, Lord, O Lord ! forgive 101 Shine, mighty God, on all the iand 1x3 Sing, all ye nations, to the Lord 121 Sing to the Lord aloud 151 Sing to the Lord Jehovah's name 17/ Sing to the Lord with joyful voice 185 Sing to the Lord, ye diftant lands 179 Songs of immortal praife belong 310 Soon as I heard my Father fay 55 Sure there's a righteous God 138 Sweet is the mem'ry of thy grace S74 Sweet is the work, my God, my King 172, TE\CH me the meafure of my days 77 Th' Almighty reigns exalted high; 1 81 TABLE. page. That rr.^n is b^ft who ftanch in awe 211 Thee :.e Lord's e Sov'fi 194 ruramor.s 9" • b'eft The T ink This is 222 Thou art Thou Go Thro::. Thr ;f. Lord jx% dds . work is vain Tnus the eterr. ke - h and fca Thy mercies 8 O Lord Thy name .-yLord Thy works of glory, mighty Lt rains Hand T ABLE. page;. To God I cry'd with motirnfiil voice 143 To God 1 made my forrows known afr) To God the great, theeverbleft 200 To heav'n 1 lift my waiting eyes 440 To tlee before the dawning light 225 To our almighty Maker, God 18"* To thee, Moll Hoiy, and Moft High * 14 r To thine almighty arm we owe 37 • 'Twas for thy fake, eternal God 130 'Twas fram thy hard, my God, I came 265 'Twas in the watches of the night 114 : VVIN man on foolifli pleafures bent 20.3 Unfhaken as the iacred hit! 244 Up from my youth, may .JfrVfay 240. Up to the hills 1 lift mine eyes 239 Upward i lift: mine eyes 24J WE Mefi the Lord, the J*ft and good 225 We love thee, Lord, and we adore 36 What fha)I I render to my God 2i3 When Chrift to judgment doth defcend 95 When God is nigh my faith is ftrong 30 When God provok'd with dating crimes f 06 Wht n God rtfior'd our captive ftate 246 When God reveal'd his gracious name 246 When 1/rei freed from PharaohU hand 215 "When I rel {ins, the Lord reproves 147 When I with p leafing wonder ftand . 267 When man grows bo d in fin 71 When overwhelm'd with grief %t% When pain and angimh feize rre, Lord 237 When the great judge, fupreme and juft 20 Where mall the man be found 52 Where fhali we go to fetk and find 23 z While men grow bold in wicked ways 70 ■ While I keep ftlence and conceal 6r Who fhailrdcendthy heav'nly place 28 WhQ fhail inhabit in thf hilt 27 Who will arife and plezd my right 276 Why did the Jews, proclaim their rage 7 Why did the nations join to -lay 7 T A B L E. pag*. Why do the proud infu!t the poor 93 Why do the wealthy wicked boaft 73 Why doth the Lord Hand off fe far ai Why doth the man of riches grow 91 Why has my God my foul forfook 44 Why fhould I vex my fou! and fret 7^* Will God forever caft us cfT I ify With all my pow'rs of heart and tongue 46* "W^th earneft longings of the mind £2, With my whole heart I'll raife my fong 19 Writh my whole heart I've fought thy face 334 With rev'rence let the faints appear 161 With fongs and honors founding loud 379 Would you behold the works of God 504 YE holy fouls in God rejoice 63 Ye ifland8 of the Northern fea 182 Ye nations round the earth, r joice 185 Ye fervantsofth* Almighty King 314 Ye ions of men, a fetbler?xe 171 Ye fons of .ride, who hate the juft 93 Ye who delight toferyethe Lord 2.13 Ye who obey th' immortal King ass Ye trite* of Adam, join 280 Yet (faith the L ord) if- Davitf tract i(>- THE S A L M S OF D A V 1 T>, rATED IN" t£e LANGUAGE OF THI .vr. PSALM I. Common metre. Icked* BLEST is \ ho fhuns the place - love to meet ; their wicked ways, e fc offers feat : 3 in the ftat e Lord plac'd his ckief delight ; By day he read*, cr bears the word, And meditates by oighL [3 He like a piant, of gen'ions kind, Bv li ; itU Safe rromtfce ftorms and blading wicd, Enjoys a peaceful ftate. 4 Gieen as the leaf, and ever fair Shah his proleiiion thine ; c fruits ofhohnefs appear Like clutters on ihe vine. $ Not fothe impious and unjuft ; WKat vain deiignt they form ! • Their opes ave blown away, iijke d^ Or f Aajf, before ifc* g^5g»„ B 4 PSALM L 6 Sinners in judgment lball not (land Anong the fons of grace, Whim Chrift, the Judge, at his tight hand Appoints his faints a pi ace. 7 His eye beholds the path they tread j^ His heart approves it weft ; But crooked way: of finners, lead JDown to the gates of hell. PSA L vM I. Short metre* *Tfap faint hcppy—Tke jinntr mijr. THE man m ever- bieft- Who fn una the finner'a w; Among their councils never ftandfc, i\or takes the icorner's place : a Who makes the law of God His ftudy 2nd delight, AmidG: the labors of the day, And watches of the night. 3 He, like a tree ihall thrive, With waters near the root ; Frefh as the leaf his name fiiall live ; i£ig works are heav'aly fruit, 4 But the ungodly race Can i:o,fuch bleffiegs find ; Their hopes will fty like empty chaff Be-orc the driving wind. 5 How will they bear to ft and- Before that Judgment fest, Where all the faints, at Chrift's right hnc£ la full aflkmbly meet ! ■ 6 He knows, an he approv.s T e way ious ko ; But linnt: ? arid their wcikSjWiUnaeet- A dr4*4iul ovcrthrowc H PSALM T. II. PSALM I. Long metre. -tZL-esn tf-e RJgbUous end H Y the man, whofc cautious feet hates fe< bene atheifts mett3 ears to talk as fc niters do. ght ei of the Lord, A wakcrul hours of night, I o'er the word* ana, eft beams ■ '. ■ i :> bapds C| :n. &nd their ooinrjfejs croft ; e rhetcmpcft-flics ; n a. d '-oft, Whenth lafl: trump :he fkies* : k to fl^nd In ju ce : Theci ^.nd* L ace. 6 i: Straight is the - ay cij faints have trod > IWdfi But you *•• >adj An d dow B P S A L JM II. Short mc+rc, Tranfkted according to the Divine pattern. Cbrii's djfagi rjfingi inttrceediyg end reign ing iTVyf Lor.r 1YA O f h £ sl\ ' -. , and earth and fes s ; Thy j ord, And < y decrees. 6 PSALM IL 2 The things fo long fore 1 old B. I^r/Ware.fufiii'd, When J<-ivs and Gentiles join to ilajSf Jefus thitoe holy child. ] 3 Why aid the G^/. Arid ,7i?ptf w^n one accord, J3end ail their councils to deftroy Th' annointed of the Lord ? 4 Rulers and kings agree To form a vain e'efkn ; Againft the Lord their pow'rs unite., Againft his Chritl they join0 5 The Lord derides their rage, , And w'ih fupport his throne, The Lord who rais d him from the dsaJ tfatu own'd him for his Son. P A U S E* 6 Nov he's afcended high, And afks to rule the earth, The merit of his blood he pleads, And plea-is his htav'niy birt\u 7 He pfks, and Godbeftows Alir^t- inheritance ; Far as the wor)d;s remoteft ends* His kingdom (hall advance. 8 The nations that rebel, Maft feel his iron rod ; He'w vindicate "hofe honors well, Which he rccciv'd from God. £9 Be wife ye rulers, now, A nd vorfhip at his throne ; With tremoling jby, ye people, bow Fo Gads exalted Son, P S A I M a fct ftiei ce.] P S A L I . cs, I r r - Tht r y rebel *vho v 5 Pe wife ye rulers cr the r: Obey a'- Anil I For b, yc die : Who flp hit 5 ^ce r PSIIM II. Lons mitre. WHY did tl irraecr The Ronuas. ftrotisend B* 8 PSALM II. Agaiiafl; the Lord thelv pow'rs engage, Hi Hear annointed to deftroy. % '< Cottfe let us break hb bands, they fay* This man ihali never give us laws," Aiid thus :hey e rft his yok- away Ananaii d rhe Monarch totht ciofs. g UikGjJ, vvho hia$ in g.ory reigns, Lui : s .t their pride, their rage controuls j He' i vrxt'/eir hearts with inward pains, m thunder to their fouls, will maintain the King I made Mr hid; My tjaud fhaii bring him from the dead, he ih'tfl (land your Sov'reign ftill." Is His wond'rous riling from the earth Makes hfs rterna: Godhead known ; The Lor ! declares h s heav niy birth, " This day have I 'begot my Son. 6 •< Afcend, mvSon, to my right hand, There thou malt aik, and Til beftow T:i :• utmpil bounds of Heathen lands, To -thee the Northern ifles fhall bow."'] 7 But nations, "hat reflft his grace, 'Shaii faU beneath his iron ftroke ; His rod fhall crum his foes with eafe, As potter's earthen work is broke. Pa use. 8 Now ye who fit on earthly thrones, Be reiie. and ferve the Lord, the Lamb £ Now at h*s feet fubmit your crowns, Rejoice aai tremble at his name. * $ With humbie love addrefs the Son$ "Lett he grow angry, and ye die ; PSALM III. K!3 wffth mail burn to worlds ankno It ye provoke his jealoufy. i- Hisftorms (hall d.-ive you quick to I He is a God, and ys but duft ; Happy the fouls that know him well, And make his grace their only trail:. PSALM III. Common metre. DouhU and fear, I : cr, God cur defers fromjui ar.J Satan* MY God, how many are my fears ! How fall my iocs incrcaft Conipiring my eternal death, Th:y break my prefent peace. 2. The lying tempter would p :rfmde Tiere's no relief in heav'n ; And all my iwelling fins appear Too bi* to be forgiv'n. 3 But thou my glory and my ftrength, Suit on the tempter tread,. ShaU Andraife my drooping head. f4 I cry 'd and from his holy hill He bow'd a thVuing ear ; I cail'd my Father and my God, And kefubdu'dmy fear. 5 He medfo^t Cumbers on mine eyea, In fpite of all my foes ; I 'woke, and wonder'd at the grace Wiiieh guarded my repofe.] 6 What though the hofts of death and heU Adi arm'd againft me food ! -rors no more (hall tfiake my fcuT ; refuge is my God. i'c ? 5 A I m m. IV, 7 £ rire, O Lord- fulfil thy grace Wh;'e I thy glory ring : My God has broke the ferpent's teeth, An , left his fling. 8 S thration to the Lord belongs ; t'l - aim alone can &ve : Bk flings attend the peop'e here, And reach be, ^rave, PSAL M III. Long metre. A Mornlv.g Fjalm. OLORD, how many arc m\ Foc3 In this weak 0,i- d blocwJJ My peace the v d But my defence o Though I fhou d wal ore. 4 But God fufiain'd n 'light Sataati o God be!< i lie rafc'd my head to fee the li* ht. And make his praife my morning fong. PSALM IV. Long metre. Hearing ifprajer — wr, God our porrian^ axd Ci.r[fl our i GOD of grace and righteoufnefs, Heara attends -hro I complain \ Thou hair, enlarg'd me i Boiv down a gracious ear again • o PS A L M ** fmen, in vain ye try To turning glory in^fhame: How long will i "f> , 4nd dare reproach my Saviour sname . * Know that the Lord divides his laints From all th be (Ices ; He hears the cry of penitents %yj For tie clear Take of Chnft, who ay ■_, 4 When our obedient hands have done A thoufend works of righteoufneis, We put our trait in God alone, And glory in his pafd&iing grace, x Let the unthinking many fay, Who will be.low f -me earthly good f But, Lord, thy light and love re pray : Our i c tin? heavily rood. 6 Then (hall nay cheerful powers rejoice, At grace and favor fo divine ; Nor will I change my happy choice •For all their corn, and ah their wine. -PSALM IV. Common metre. An evening Pfslm. LORD, thcu wilt hc-ar me, when I pray : I am forever thine : I fear before thee ah the Nor would I dare to fin. a ,\nd while I reft my weary head, Prom cares aid busynef«free* 7Tis fweet converting on my bed With my own heart and Thee. 5 I pay this ev'ning, Sacrifice : And when mv work is done, Great God, my faith aad hope relies pon my grace ale Sri PSA L M V. 4 Thus, v/ith my thoughts compcs'd to ptftcej I'll give mine eyea to Deep ; Thy hand m fafety keeps my days, And will my flumbtra keep- PSALM V. For the Lara s day morning, IORD, in tlveniormng ihou fruit hear -* My voice afce'fl$ing high ; To Thee w»'l I dired: my pray'r, To thee lift up mine eye. * Up to the bibs, v here Chrift is gone, To p'.ead for ad hi* faints, Presenting at His Father's throne Our fongs and our complaints 3 Thou art a God, before whofe fi-ht, The wicked (bail not {land ; Sinners fhall nc*cr be thy deUgz t, Nor dwell at thy ii:ht band. 4 But to thy houfe will I refaxtj To visit thy mercie* there ; I will frequent thy holy court, And worfliio \\\ tny fear. 5 O may thy Spirit guide my feet, In w a ys of righteoufnefs ! Make ev'rypatn of duty ftrait, And pUin before my face. Pause. 6 My watchful enemies combine To tempt my feet al They flatter with . bafedelidrn, To make my foul their prey. Lord, cruih :he ferpent into dttft, And all his plots dt£roy ; * P S A L M V. nercy trull, For ever Cbout for joy. $ The m en « ho love and fear thy name* . uc their hope sfuli The rri ghty God will cotnpafs then Withfevorasafhieldj PSALM VI. Cotomoo metre. Qjfnplami /.; jic'irief.—zr. IN anger, Lord, reb ot ; Withdraw the di wrm ; TsTor let thy fury .7 row fo hot, Againit a feeble worm, a My foul bows down with heavy cares ; My fteih with pain opprefs'd ; My couch is witnefeto my tears ; My tears fa bid my . j Sorrow and pain wear out my days % I wafte the night with cries, Counting the minute* as they pais, 'Till the How morning rile ; men ted more I n'd with . How long my Gcd how long. before. hand afford relief ? 5 He hear* when duft and afnes fpeak £ He p .; groans ; Ke fives us for his mercy's lake, And heals our broken bones. 6 The virtue of his fov'rei^n word lleitores our thin ting breath ; But M'-nt graves pra;fe not the Lord> Nor is he known in death. PSALM VI. Long metres Temptations in ficknefs ever come. LORD 1 can naffer thy rebukes When thou with kinjisefa doft chaftife* 14 PSALM VII. But thy fierce wrath I. cannot bear ! O tet it not againft me rife 1 a Pity my langniihing* tftate, And tale the forrowj which I feel ; The wounds thy heavy hards hath made, O let thy gentler touches heai ! 3 See how J pafs my weary days In Mghs and groans ; and when 'tis night, My bed is water'd with my tears ; My griet con fumes and dims nry fight. 4. Look how the pov'rs of nature mourn ? How long, Almighty Goc how long t When iha'l thine hour of grace return ? When fnall I make thy grace my fang ? 5 I feel my ficfh fo neir the grave. My thoughts are tempted to defpair ; But graves can neve r praife the Lord, "for all is duft and fiience there. 6 Depart ye tempters, from my foul ; And all despairing thought-j depart ; My God. who sears rny hurrrbie moan, Wiil eafe my pain and cheer my heart. PSALM YIL Common metre. God's car: of bis ptople^andpimifijmeni efptrjesitfert MY truft is in my heav'niy Friend, My hope in thee, my God ; Rife and my blefied life defend ' From thofe who feek my bloody a With In tblence and fury, they My fou- nr pieces tear, As hungry^ions rend the prey When no deliv,rerrs near. 3 If I have e'er provok'd them firfi- ©r once abuf d ray foe. PSALiI VIS, Then rid my life to duft, An lay m\ae hcnorlo w. 4 If there 1 id'n mc, r thy piercing e dare apnea I to ihee5 e, rnv God, Ji~: up thy hand, deand power ccntroul ; Aw^ke te> judgment . .and Deliv'rajce ior vcy P a v 3 E. 6 Letfinnei I rage aott* e Go To vindicate tfieji , 7 He know :it ; fcia Ik 113 he tens o: :: B For ftefhc:r miVce digged a pit, But t>ere ihrmfeives afe cafe ? dn:a%es iil ?hc-r iiiifr-icf light On [aft. o Tb?t cruel perfecting rrce * Mu^ieti hist rd ; ;oul, ?.nd orai'e the graze the Lord. PSALM Vill. S3acrt iretre. Sovereignty cr.d Gocdnefs ; and ma:. , minion over the creatures. OLCPvD,ou: h ng, Thy name is all dvine ; Thy g'orirs round the eifth arc fpread^ And o'er the heav'gj U,ey ihine^ 16 PSALM VUL % When to thy work i ra;f y w; nd'rins i &fid in Ugh % Adorn the 4&tkioz&c fLiei ; ^3 When £ furvc-7 the fterpj And >ii- their 0\i.e?c »cf?er,fi lories of thy Son y cloud ; throne, cli him G< ftyi 'r-eid to cealh ; founced high, I • r ' 15 great ne ! tc lio:c caiih P S A L m vfti; 'PSALM VLI. ParfpbrdJeX. - .Fir/? /ar/. Long r K/ Hofana of r .1 ; or. infants praifinjg I ALMIGHTY P. u'cr of the fkies, o' the wide earth thy name isfprcad; An *&hine eternal f lories i ' O'e&xli the feeav'nathy harrdi hare made* s To 'ice? of the young, A monument *f honor raife ; And babes, with ed tongue, Declare the wonders of thy praife. 3 Thy pow'raJ Underage. To bring proud rebels to the ground ; To ftUI trie bold bla rage, Anda-l their policies confound. 4 Children anvdft thy temple throng To fee their great Redcemet'a face ; fon of David is I And youri, Ho annas fill the place. 5 The frowning fcribes anl angry pricfU In vain their impious cavils bring ; Revenge fits filent in their brr While Jt^uijh babes proclaim their king, P S A L M \TM. Pzrnptrzfed. Second par ttre. lift Lords cf the old and the neib' crcati LORD n made at, firfl, Addm, t. . he duk.i That thou Qjpuld'ti fet him and his race, But ju;> below afrangei's place ! nature lb* ike him Lord of all be! P S A I. M IX. :f bead and bird fubiTiit, And lay the fifh es *t his c 3 But O ! ' To crcwn the tecor.d Ad;>»iz ftale ; r.rr fhall ihy Son aciorn ; I he born ! below his anpe s made > among the dead, To five h ruln'd worid from fin ; th power divine ! e world to coiae re'eem'd from all ts which attend lie fall, iade and gkn'ous ill all Saviour's feet. PSALM IX. Brftpari. th arc mercy from th 'feat. WITH my wu*e heai IV: ■ I'll prOC^. T Sov'ni^n Judce or right ar.d wrong rlt put my tots to frame. o. I'll Sng thy or d grace : God prepares hi To judge the world mrighteoufoefej i d make hir e known. 3 Then fhail the lord a refuge prove For blithe pcorcpprdVc ; ve tVe people gt l^ love, Ard give the weary reft, 4 The men who know thy name will truft, • Id thy abundant grace ; Pc ■;■ tl 013 baft ne'er forfook ^he juft, TV ho humbly feck i by face. 5 ?:ag praii i igbteoua Lord, Who dwells on iVcVj hi:l V.' bo tx« cir eo bis threatning word, AUd race fulfil. C z av P 5 A L TX/ .. and j aft, I yv The hu t, Sha:. a He from the dn D In Sio, -th, 5 His f Into thepitttn And finnei 4 Th; A e When The mar. P * v s E. r The wicked ■-:':.; Thy wia thee, or i e Agalnfl: th 6 Though f lints A.nd »rai1 " Thdr Nor fhaU [7 Rtfe great R at, T© judge and Owe h Let nations tren And man p 8 Thv thunder .3, j put their' And tiicy but fsebl PSALM X. u PSALM X. Common metre. Prqyers beard* and faints fated : or^prid^ atle* jfrriy and cpprejfion punifhed. For-ilm; *ay. TTJHYdoth the L fffofar? W And why conceal his ic>ce9 WFhen great calamities appear, And times of deep diftref! ? % L^rd. fhall the wicke-5 ftiH der : Thv fuftce and thy pow'r ? Shah they a rvai eadsin pride, And fti.l thy faints devour ? 3 They p-it thy judgements from their fight, Ani t,f,en infult the poor ; Thev bond "n their exalted height, That they (hall fill no more. 4 A-ife. O God, lift np thine hand ; Attend our humb'e cry ; "No enerr « \ ft> ft md When God afcends on high. Pa us e. 5 Why do the men of malice rage, And Ay, wiih foo!i(h p,; *Th? God effcav'n Me the jiift ; (hall cor They are but earth and duft. *» PSALM* XT. xn. F S A L M XL Long metre, God Urire J I - tfrd hates the vurckcd. MY refill is the Cod of love ! do my foes in fult arid cry, Fh9 liks a timorous trembling doi'e% jc ids or mountain* fiy ? a IFgovernroient be ail d.ftroy'd, (That firm foundation of our peace) . ft;ee void, Where fti; teoiisfeek redref* J av'n has fv.'d h;s throne ; H's e ; below : To ima'i mort - jre known : His eye-lids fearch oi hrdugh. 4 It he aflftfts hk faints fofar, T^ prove their -ov; "acri What rcrv the bold 1 Ibngfeari His very foul abhors t; /On impious-^ {"ball rain Te m pc ft s o f hri rfj ft _ I d esr: h , Such as I e Or&rfj;;;, with h:s : rngry br^th. 6 The righteous Lord loves rig h'coiis fouls, "Whofe thoughts and acVons are fincere, And with a gracious eyebchoMs The men who his own image \» r. PSALM XiL Lotigmeffi, Tr.c [ ;ir>ts7 fy'ety c?:d ' opt in f.u! t'rvs: or; Jim tftht tongti* firtplaintd ef, viz. bla?pbem* fvijhcod, &c. LORi'Jf: ' Virtue aiid ay ; - faithful mar. ere WiHIcarcebefouhd^if u a The whole dlfcourfft srhfn r rigkbourjj meet, U &\id with trifles iOQft 2*d Y?.is ; PSALM XII. fane; 3 Bu The Cr. 4 ?>*/" C?T> Oar to none: Where is : by P Or a- 5 TheXord, wi And i; Wiu ri Nor fl : fev'n time .- 7 Thy Grace (ball, in the :ur, D • Ti ; Thou en harcpo On q . m. PSAL-M XIS. Common metre* Gom?iz: yit of a general corrup tion if m -TYELP, Fail; JljL tnd! Tnefons >jiV: And treacheric 3 abc a T hey break, * ;:art; With fair decchfij] lips they fpeak, And with a ds l 3 If we i HowU their fury ftii m PMlM XJIL cry, 4 feoffer! appear n tv*iy fioCi Ana oca "d in v^in. ? A 0 S £ , c Lord, v.- K »ws bold, - faith is hardly to be u -. i . cod. 4> I? rot fhy cbai fot - I H Egn ? A prbmlft fo j^Y&s, faith the toi d bow Willi life, And make Gpprc (foi e n< t ; rife, And . Vie." $ Th rn tiirustry'd, Xhethcn \, win thy trutli cpnfick, Shall Rnd the prei&ife fure. A L M XII r. Long ine ?'/rgot, .■-:-. 3: not ? mourn r ?s 3* wi: - | 5 Hoi F ' 3 L M( Xi:i. £ j -e4re. Hjfixx.} ! 3 H :buF Wi Thy 5 S?e : trie? us aits ! : ~es, A . Be th v M? ion in fofcty ki ."d Ind. ep, I ** PSALM XIV. 5 How will the tempter bcaft aloud Jf I become his pre y I « Behojdthe tons of heii grow oroud At thy fo long delay ! 6 But they mail lies at thy rebuke, Arc! fatan hide his head : He knows the terrors of thy look, i And hears thy voice, with dread, 7 Thou wiitdifphy that fovVeign grac Where all my topes have huiig ; I Giall employ mi aife, And vieTry ihail be fang. P S \LX XIV. Firjpart. Comma:: J5/ nature all men are jiuntn » I^OOLS in their heart believe and fay "That a. 1 religion's vain ; There fa no G^-: it on U^9 Or minds th' affairs of men/' a From thou^to fo dreadcul ^nd pro ! Corrupt difecurie procc ecs ; - . And in their impious hands are found Abominable d< % T\ com his ceieitial throne, v\! down on things below, To fin 'I the man who fought his jrace, Or d L~e know. 4 By/fia'tu one aftray ; Their practice all the fame : Th rc!«none iyhofears his Maker's hand 5 T&ere's rioije . jis-natne* 5 TtHr tongues are us\* to fp;a^ deceit 3 Then Hinders never cev How fwifi to mifchief are their feet I Nsrkaovy the paf.hs of -pea.#. oot) In all ou. Norc: Fruit, te the ground. PSALM XIV . ; ors. ARE ffi grown, >ur | And nc iy throne, Nor fear thine a i 'Great God ! appear to their furprife, Reveal th .- n^me ! e thy wrath defpife, une. 3 Doft ong the jufc I And ' ri e, . Tnat m ruft s Great Gcd ! confound the 4 O that tl Tonnifh our«fiftrefs ! I bring his children I ome:' Our fon^s fhali never ce; PS .\L M XV re. Character c f Zion \ ora WHO (hall inhabit in O God of holin admit to d So neat his throne of grace ? 3 The man who walks in pious An Who trufls his Maker's prom::. .-iniands : I Who fpeaks the m reader* with his tongue ; psa'i to xv. Will not promote an ill report, Nor do his neighbor wrong : 4 Wh Though all the |ocd v hicfe I can do, Carf ne'er deferve thy grace. a Yet, if my God prolong my breathy The fain,*" s may profit by 't ; ' P S A L M XVI. 31 The faints theg he earth, Let ffc ihc ; God is known. ;iavid provides my c am 1 plea. But more rejoice in hope. 5 God is n y i ht : Re gi . ."» And gentle hints by ni i My ibiilwouTd ail her th- ■ To hi-3 al!-f e : more, While fuc igh. PSALM XVI. Second part. Can Tksds end ri •* T SET the L ace, A .0 ; u My he^rt and tongue tfceir Joys ex*: t in hope. a " I * Whefe iou s departed are ; " Nor quit my body to the gra^ve, To fee cjormpti 3 " Thou wilt reves " And raife me ** Thy court,- immor ivej " Thy prefeaa .." — [(4 Thus, in •^•> name of Ci^i^tLv Lorsi, TLefceiy D^vid fang D 4 3Z PSALM XVIL Av£ prcvidence fulfils the word Of his prophetic tc- 5 Jcfus, whom evVy faint adores, j Was crucify 'd and fhin ; Behold the tomb its prey reftorec ! Behold, he lives again ! 6 When Pnali my feet arife and fland On keav'ns eternal hills ? e fits the Son at God's right hand, And there the Father fmil P S A L'M XVIL Short metre. 'on of faints and , kopt srndd i A RIoE, my gracious God, e the wicked flee ; ifre but thy ; rod To :o thee. His .-o!d the : Of my forgiving G An" '^ufnefsj Wafh'd in my Saviour's blood. !e the hew heav- en I awake from death, Dreft in -he likenefsof thy Son, And draw immortal breath ! PSALM XYII. XV1IL 5? PSAL . Long :r E Lroje en men of fpit€ : 3 thine. a Their hope and portion He below ; *Tis all the happiiKis they know; And leave th . :ng their htirs. 3 What (Inners value, I k i i ': mine 5 Iflia: ec, And ream, an empty (how ?go, fubftantiai an<2 tin cere : -ike and fin ■ I ; Andflcfh and f: acred pjeafure oi 6 My 7 Till the laft prife, PSALM XYIH. ffirfi part.Jj Drlii'er incrfrom rrcomc, THEE * illTlovc, ;p ! /.h, My rock, my I . ce ; *uft, n thence. ith and the terrors of the p )d ro Had me witl \clej ' H PSAL M XVIIL While floods of h i^h temptatiods rofe> Afc&ma ie my fiBufeg feui aftai -•'es of hell, W hend.: ows there, h no$e, bBt thofe who fed, can While J was bunyrd to de:_ 4 Tn my diftrefs, I call'd my God, :n mine) He bow'd his ear r.o my complaint ; Thtv*. did hit grace appear divine. fpeed he flew to my r ^ls ona cherub's wing he r Awful and ..lone Thefaci of my de'iv'rtr, Cod. 6 Temptations Med at his rebuke, (The y , breath ;) Hr fc: i from on high, And drew me -rem the deeps of death.] 7 Great were my fears my foes were gr* Much was their ftrcngth and more their I ButChrift,my Lord, is conqii'ror fti In all the w^rs v\ Inch devils wa 5 My foog forever mall record, That terrible, t1 Arid give the gjory to the I. Due to his mercy ai PSALM XVIIL Second part. Leng mcjr Sincerity proved and 1 twarded. LORD, thou haft feen my foul fmcere, ft made thj . :.. appear; j mine eves F let thy laws, And thou baft own>d rr > ri^ htecraa cauic, a Since I kavc le rn'd thy holy ways, I've wa&'d uprl. tfcy fcce ; PSALM XVIII. f)r, if rav feet did e'er depart, ever with a broken heart. at fore temptations broke my reft ? What wars • in rny breait . . ♦hrougk thy grace which reignb wituin, r fin which clofc befet€ me RiH, _ igainft my will ; r'reignpowr oy it that it rife no more ? m impartial | Lord Deals out to mortals their reward, . tad, A G 6 TVejuft and pure fr Thou art mole pure, rr.crejun tnanthey ; God hath an arm of • too. PSALM XVIIJ art* Long metre, v word, J Great Rock of my fecure abode ; Lord I ur God ? 2 'Tis he fl-> Giv:r _ld. ^ He V ace my Father gi / 4 Bcf 1 wil. 0STor tremble at their mighty rage, meet reproach, and bear the flu ji $f PSALM XVIIL 5 To DayfdzvA his rova< feed, T\y fc ewT &_a:i extend ; Thy iotc o faint! in Cmh' th>ir HeaJj K. cuvs r;U a liaiit, nor in end. P 3 1 L M XVI IX Frfi p.irt Com. metre. ViEtsr-y andtr'iumpjb ever i, *\X '-'e5Lo-d, arid -*-e adore,- V V i bine arm reveai'd ; T ii tb:t ' , oiKheav'nly tow'Vj O if bulwark ailti qui flik aV/w fly' to our ettir.a^ Rock, find a fure defence : His holy name our lips in v. And draw ialvatton thence. 3 When God, our Leader fhincs in arms, Wi.r.t mortal heart car. bear The thunder oi his loud akrms, Tne i:;;ht7ning of hh fpear ? 4 He ride:? upon the ringed wind, eis, in arr.-ty, In millions wait, to know his mind, Andfwiftas flames obey. 5 Hefpe ' ' is fierce rebuke Wh ok ai ."may'd ; K;" v )ices his frown, h is angry look 6 He forms our ^en'rals for the fields iieir dreadful iki;1, tii em hteawfu] fworn to wield. And makes their hearts of fteel. |f He arms our captains for the fight, Tio f . : (He imi^ht, £u<: C/rnj k"e\Y him not.) PSALM XVIII. zf •ft has theL 2, For cs' fake ; PSALM u Com, n 77# covqucrrcrs TO thxe ab Thy terrors, Lo- An^ 2 ;Tis by thine aid our troops prevv And break cmt< Or bu . n their b a fcafc The ar tow'rs. 3 Ho W liave we r o u ~ h th e i?£ U f And :Id ; But the; : found ! 4 ^r t» Th: . d : a rock fo g zh9 .alas our God ? ;'-; of If r' el zvtr lives ; oame be ever c 'Th And gives his people reft. 5 On didp v n ; heir feed* i treats thtra as 3* PSALM XIX PSALM XIX. FlrJ part. Short n The Lsok of nature and /crtpture. For a Lord's-day morning BEHOLD the lofty iky iker Govi, i) hi3 ftarry wsrks on Proclaim his ponr'r abroad. a Tie darl&efs and the V, Stii keep their courfe the fame ; Whise niiht to fvn ; Theyfhe* ers of his hand; Anc 4 Am )ice 1 He he his word ; We are i iatu re's voice To -d. I His ft At ut e sand ccmrr. . Arc He ruts his g Where our fa.vation 6 Mia laws are juS and pure ; Hist :t deceit; His pr omi fes f< >re vtr fure> Aadhisrew-i ,.t. [7 Not honey to thr tafte Affords fo much de^i 3£or gold, which has the camacc pait, So much a $ While of thv works I iin~. Thy • or/ to pvoctaim, Accept thepraife, my God, my I£;. £.; my Redecmcr'&name^ FSAt ft! xiX* if £ S A L M XIX. Secindpart. frort aactreJ God's word mojt exctlLnt ; or, faic.riij GvatC'fuhiefs. For a Lor ^-<:ia\ morning. BEHOLD t c morning fun B« Miis his gimi ;U8 way ! b ai! J:c nations run$ An i lire and light convey. & Hut where tne ^cfp< 1 comes, It fprea's diviner ig'ht : It calls dead £ v ers from their tombfy And gives the b ind tl eir fi^ht. 3 How perfeA :s ' hy word ! A 1 J all hv jud. ment juft ; For eve nifc, LoxA /.nd me l 4 My gracious God. how plain An t • 'n i O m y I r.evci r. ad in % B^u n\ d the path to uav'n I Pause. 5 I hear thy word wit 1 we, Send ihy ;o d Sp rit ft oni above Toguidt me, itit 1 ftray. 6 O wfcycan ever find The errors of hi* ways; o?d p efumptuoui mini' I * ou d no; d ire I . mf^ftla- # Wa vry fin ; Fu .^ /■ : y lecre I f ufts, And c tasik this ofmirirj W ha . \ cfcv d .ny ui u hts> $ Wh\e with my hear! andtohg^ Afpu*si thy praUv dCiuad, 40 PSALM Xim Ac-^pt the wouhip anH the foag, My Saviour ,md my GdJ. PSALM XIX. Lwig metr** The fooks of nature and fcriptnre comf*redtr~i the glor-j ar.djuccels oj the^opeL THE heaVns declare thy glory, Lord I In ev'ry Earthy wffdorri ihiriea : But, when our eyes bcho'd thy word) We read thy name in fail crimes. % The rolling fun, the changing light. And Bights, ±nd day?., thy powV confefs £- Buc the bieft volume thou, hail writ Reveals thy uiiice and thy grace. ^ Sun, moon ^nd ftars convey thy praife Round the whofe earth$and nev.r iiaiicU- So, when the truth began its race, It toueh'd it glanced, on ev'ry laud. 4 Nor mail thy'fpreadins* gof'pel reft 'Till through the world thytiiith has ran; ' fill Chrift has all tlie nations h\ ft Which ilethe light5 or Feci the i sp. * Great Sun of righte«ufeefs, a Blefs^ttc dark world wit \\htavVJ/ light; Thy gofpe) makes the (impie wile ; Thy laws arepure^ thy. judgment right* , 6 Thy nc wc view, In fou?g rt Lord, clean fe m y (in s n ■ • - w, And make thy word my guide to iieav'n. G PSALM XIX. Particular metre. The books a j nature and Scripture* HEAT Gad i the heav'ns well order'd fr& Dcc-^res the .glories of Lhy came ? P S \ I M XFX. 4t f?onpear to night, )f r • n I D fun : ' Mce : I -. roomdreftf i f thee**, i aaakjft the earth rejoice. 4 Where e\r he i b*ams abroad, ker God, / y praife ; lit ih'jm ; xa'rli .re'sJnei, - But fairer is thy book of P a -u % i; j I love the vol urr its of thr word ♦ Wiiat I dfoflf T ) fouls beuigfa ifl i e* ! T*y p ec- r s giv'rie my dotrbtiul ^ray; JThv feai rny f- et to ft ray ; Thy nromne icads my fa*d to reft. 6 From tfc \t, The perfect nii< sot hfe-I d^aw ; 1 .- i . v*& delight ; 3&Jor boiey ixtit9 ^oi grold, rci p^§* A?p«ar* fa plcafcug to tkc fig&t. *» * S A L M X20 f Thy threat'nings wake ra< flumb'riHg- And warn m \vh re my clang r 'its ! Bat 'testhy b!eff« ! *ofpelLo'd, Which makes my guilty confcience clean % tfbnvcrtsmy fjul.fubdues my fin. And give* a free, but large reward ! S Who knows the errors of his thoughts ? My God torsive my f cret friu ts And from prefumpt'ous fin? reftrain ; Accept my poor attempts of praite, Th.-tl have lc-dthy book of grace, Ana book of natuie, not in vain. PSALM XX. Long metre Prayer end hope ofrlclory. For a day of priytY in time of war. NOW may the God of pow'r acd grae£ At tern' his people's humble cry \ Je own hears when I rV/ pt ays. An ? brings de^v'raree from on high. a The n-ime of Jacob's God defends 33 ttirthm (hit.ds, or brazen walls 3 H , fom his fanctuary fends Su< cour and (tren^th, when Zion calko, 3 Well he rerm mbers all our fi/hs ; His uve exceeds our heft defcrta ; His love accepts the faciifice Of humble groan sand broken hearts* 4 In his falvation is our lope, And in the name of Ifr*e?i God, Our troops in^l lift their banners up, ^Our navits lpre;,d their fl igs abroad. 5 Some truft in korfes train/id for war, And. fome of chn riots make their boafts ; Cur iurtft txp. Rations are Fro;7i thee, the Lord of heav'nly hods. P S L L M XX?, 4* xny the m thy name d- : ^ ith florae. Or quit the field with iiwir*efa fTl^ht.j >w favc us. Lord, from fhvift fear/ ire IS a ^V.i&Z, PSALM XXI. Common metre* Amerkc: the c-^.rc of hewn. OUR Sfcfcres, O ' fongs of praife 1 in thy i\ ; ■ life Toheay'n their ch^e 4 Thy Cure d.-V <\ftd His fprcadthj aur fuccefj Xnymtjd ate. £ Then le « on God ?.•■■ K For Hit mercy trbtcl is throne, ftkaii ail our wants iup?:y. 4 But, righteous Loi born fast Snail fed thy dr* d; JTiiy Vengeful arm fha I £nd out thofc Who hate thy ail.! command. ]t Wh- n thoH aj, ; ft them deft engage* T\y iuft. bii . drea fui do jm iik.«r a fiery oven'a ra^e, Their hopes, a»d them, coofame. .4 Thus, Lord, rhy wond'roUs pow'rdedacc A?id thu* exact thy ra-*s ; J ngs of p ra i f . prepare f®r"tkeiealmightv same. 44 1* 5 A L M XXI. XX!I PSALM XXL Longr Ctorifl exalted to the kingdom. DA.yfI>Jtj od his iliength K\ \\ to h t'irr/it by fpecial grace \ But, On i ap;x- rs at 1< ngth, Fu'H s t .e triumph an ( tfce praifc 2 How great is the M ffiahV j. y In the foiyauon of th> hand ! Lord, th^u hafi rais'dhis kingdom high, A id eiv'n ht wo. id td his command. 3 Thy gOodnefs '.rants vvhat e'er he wi!!* Wot :»oth the tall requeit withhold, B Ifi vs oHov- pr- vent him ftib, Ana crowns of glory, not of gold. 4 Honor *.n. rrpjefty ''ivine. Aroatod hisfecred temple.; fhinc ; B!tft ith th. f tvor of thy face. And length of ever lading days. 5 Thine ' and fhall find out all his foes; And, asaJicry oven glows With rng:r>>: heat, and living coals, So ma'1 thy wrat& devour their fouis. PSALM XXII. Frfipari, The tijfersngs end death of Cbn/i, WHYh -s my 6od mv foul foriook, Nor wil'ia fcnfe afford ? (Thus Da i id on<-e in anguiih fpoke, And thus our dyine Lord } a Tnoug *> *. is thy chief delight, to dwell - n1 ong thy pra'fijj$ faints ; vYet thou can'ft hear a groan as well 1 And pity our compUints. £ Our Fathers tru^ed in t^ y name^ £$d great ddiv'raoce found j PSALM XXIL 45 "d of men, z by, An • ora : Jfl - *;*? ;r /r.T?/ wj G ^d, they cry, 5 But thou art he who form'd my flefb? By thrhe aUnfghty word: And ftnqe I I 'he breaft M. hope is in the L 6 WhV will m^ Father hide his foe* d rhreat'nin r round, la the ';ar e s, Aid not a helper found ? Pause. 7 Behold thy Dariing, left among Tbecruel a v.! the proud 1 As buds of J3 y&a;?, fierce and fir ong, /»nd iions. roaring loud. 3 F-oir earth and heil my forrows meet, To mu tiply the iYnart ; They naii my hands they pierce my feet, And try to vex ,ny heart. 9 Y;t, if thy iovVeLn handset loofe The ra^e of earth and eh, Why will my luav'nly Father bruifc Ttu Shpn he-ovesfo well f io My God,if pcfti jle itbe, Wi hold this bitter cup ; But I rtfi rn my r.'iil to thee, And drink the forrows up, ii &[y ~eart difToves with pangs unknown ; In groans I wafte my breath : Thy heavy band hath brought me dowa Low as the duft cf death. 4* PSA T M 30CBL 12 Father, I give my (pint vp, And truf!" it in rky h Mr dyira* fl-fn flttlLreft in * ope, And rife at thy command. PSALM XXn. SwnJfiMtt. CbrjfTs fujfgririgs en d k 1 1* j i&m . 6 C VT O W from the rcari"$r U .n s rags* IN < ' O Ior^3 /»r«fe# /# &>» / *£ iW leave thy darhng to »ng -ge « The fvur'rj »/ hill atone. a Thasdid the fiifPring Saviour pray, Witi mighty crie3 and tears : God 1 • cfui day, Andchas'd 5 Great was the vjet'ry of his ceatk, His throne ex i r And ail the kindreds , o w , kl hi m try b a ' e • ^ ** 3 This is the n -end iend; « ifG-^d the bkfled ( , . M Why doth he tnii to help h m now & 4 Barbarowa people j ffsl How they ftand round nts : Like lions .:apin-- to d voiir W^itn G xi has 'eft him in iheirpov ?r. 5 Tnty wound his head, his hands, his feetj Pi 1 ftrcaras of blood ea:h 01 her mctt ; By .ot his garments thev dii And mock the pangs in which he dy'd. 6 But God hi*6 F. ther heard his cry ; JfUiV i from the dead, he reigns on high ; The nations And humble finners taftt his grace. PSALM XX1IL Long metre. God our Shfphtrd. MY Shepherd is the Irving Lord, Now (ha-l my wants be well fupply'd 1 His providence and hoy word Jtfecome my faiety and my guide % In paflures where fa. vat 1011 grows, Me makes me fee i, he makes me reft : Tiiere living water gently f4 >ws, An ? ailt e food" divinely bltft. 3 Mywand'rin* feet his way&mifta&cJ But, hercftcres my foul to peace \ 4t ? * \L U XXIff. /,ni leads me, for V;is mr e:e* fake, 4 Thon hi wa k tb a*y va^e, re. u my flay ; e fUps ; Tir - . ■ ' ay. 6 rji e f > • s of earth, ai : h«H G - d Lfs, and rep r /hie. [; Ko v J my head ing, fhed Lik- § S • rd Attend! atyi ; ord, STo fc . :, and fiog his praife.J PSALM XXIil. Common meirc> orierd m*l fupDly my need ; liovah is* fifi name ; In p- " i he make* me fe^d, Betide the living ft ream. f, He brings my wrand'ring fpirit back* When ! forfaVe his v. A n - leac'a me, for kls me rcy *s fake, Jn patha of truth and grace. 5 When T IfraUe throuzh the fhades of d^alfe* Thy ptefeqee is my flay ; A word of thy fupportia; breatil ■•rives all i*y feariAvray. PSA L M xx: ^ 4: Thy hand my foc% fprcad ; My cup with b:. flings oveJuil crwa my ( :ays^ || PSALM XXIV; Nor from thy boufe wid I remove, Nor ceafe to fptak thy pvaife. rp P S A L M XXIV. Common metre'* Duelling with God. he Lo'.d's, Adqrnt r u ace ; He rn i s 'd its ai t b e fl ood s, And built it on t. t teas. 7, Bu who, among the fons of men, . May vi fit thin abode f H. who has h inda !rom mif hicf clean, Wii »fe heart is runt witft God. 3 Ti ib 5? the man m^y rif and take 1 he bfcffiq s of hisgiace ; Thi. is helot of thofe. who fee k Tne God of J ?cob'j ace. 4 Now, let your foul's immortal pow'rS ( To meet the Lord prepare ; Ijfl up their everiarnn,; doors, The King of glory's 5 The Kin* of glory ! \es of my G d ! 3 Then- lb all I ofrVr mv requefb, And fee ih] I 1 t s of love, And there enquire thy will, 4 Wh.r troubles rii>. and ftrotms appear* * TheiicThay hi! bide > y S A L M XXVH. XXIX & Ocd has a ftrons pivi!ion; wh^re H makea my fou: abide, >w fha-.l ray head b. lifted high Abore my foes iroinid ; : And fong i >f joy aa i v..ct ?ry a thy temple found. PSALM XXVIT. Second pa#t Prayer and Hope. SOON as T heard my Father lay, Ye cbi drcnfdek my grace, ]M Mrtrcply'd with: ut deTay, 9 * father* xj 2, L°t 3 ce be h;d from me, Nor f bill away : God of m 7 life, I fly to thee, In a diftreffing day, 3 Should friends and kindred near and it Leave me to want or die, My God wou-d m^ke my life bis care, And all my nee J fir,_ 4 My fainting flefh h wh grief^ Had rot my fou relief, Nor was my iiope tieceiv'd. 5 Wait on the Lord, ye trembling faints, An d k eep y ou r e 9 1 r>* ^ i e ;i p ; j He'-l J fpirit when it faints And far exceed your hope. P S A L M XXIX. Long metre. Storm and Thunder. GIVE to the Lord- ye fon.9 of fame, Give to the L nandpow'r; . due honors to his name, And his eternal might adore. . 4< PSALM XXX. s The Lpi d proclaims bt$ pow'r ate O" -!t- the ocean and the land ; H s v ic divides the wat'ry c > A:i . nd. 5'H.- • >eft hail an ;' wind, Lay t e w de tort-' b ; • ■•ind, Lcap.fct the tc 4 To Lebanon v'i- tun And to i th • ft T e moufj j^eatthe no*fej Thevailfei defirtega 5 Th; Lord fiti f( vy'reign on the fbod j The ] . ng ; Bu 'e, Where wehisawfiu gloi e . 6 in V >ord Speak;, peace and ceui ^ e to our rr PSAI Sicknjffshe > brrdzvrtmovsd* I WILT, extol th^e-l %, • A- ihy cc fly ' Who but a Go five From t-hi 4 irk borders of the grave ? ft Siflg feotheL its ofb;s, And tell how lar^e 1 Let fttl vour powers i blefsi "Wiii ( you record his ho'i . 3 His ?mret bir a moment fta Hi** love ' Though prkf and t ->?^y> The mornirg fla> rei ps ai ; Hsalt F\ was my health, my d; Fondly 1 faid wit ?art, ** Plea/urea i But I forgot thine arm was fir J ace b to My h Td. 3 I cry'd aloud to thee, my God ! ** Wl *s Deep in dare " Thy truth , oi here] " ?arme, O God ofgrace ! I faid, 11 • And bring me from am-: cad ; ' Th y word rebuk'd the pain? I fell I forms ofwj/fi . praifes now ; I throw my iacc: "-h oil the grc me round, ; tongue, the glory of my frame, of thy name ; earth andheav'D, lckccfe keal'd and (ins iorgiv'n ! PSALM XXXI. Ftrftpar:>\ ttb% INTO thine hand, O God of truth, limit ; , Thou haft redeemM my foul from death; And fav'd me from the pit. |8 PSALM XXXI. Wh'le forrow, pain, and ua confpirM To takeaway my life. 3 My time is in thine band, I cry'c. Though I draw near the dufl ; Thou art the refuse when. I <,ide> The Go^I in whom I trutfc. 4 O make thy reconciled face Upon thy fervantihine. Avid lave me, for thy mercy s For I 'me nil rely th Paus:. _ [5*Twasmrnyha3:e . Md9 I mttfl d::f{>ciir and t J am hut 6ffbsfbre thine eyes ? Eui thou haft heard my cry.] 6 Thy good How vvond'i ous is t To thofe wlu fear thy My And trufl thyprotjn *j O jv* the Lord, all yt his faints, Ana ung his praifea iQiicf ; He'll lencT his ear. to your complaints, And recompense the p: PSALM XXXI. ±-c:?dpart. Dei. reproachy M)T'heart rejoices in ■ . My God: my ftelp, my Truft; Thou haft preitrv' •'-• aihame, Mi n c honor fro m the » rt My life is fpent • T ^4t " My years confurrr1 -> " My ftren .aredry d, c< /Lndibrrow wattes my bqaea.? - Arr enemies, my name * W., a iaeie proverb grow^i to my nd|l _ame 4 Slander ai fi -"e St: I tothc thror.c . d5 Aild (p 5 How great detr The rrxe brou- And made tkeis 6 T: !£&£<• Shaft thy p^viiii Guard them from infamy and itf And crulh the foiw of pii 7 Within thy fecrec prefence, Lord> Let me fi II; No fenced I barr'd Seen . . fo ssreiL PSALM XXSrCI. Short mc tre. OBLI they Divinely b*eft,to w] Imputes theii paft, p their hca :e ; . r faichiir.cere. 3 While I concealed my r- ffeit the feff ring Till I confefsMmy & Aal ready pardon found. $ rsALM xxxil 4 Let firmers learn to pray ; Let faints keep near the throne ; C\ir help in times of deep diix Is found in God alone I PSALM XXXII. Common metre. Tree pardon andjincere ; or, confetti* and forgbvenefs. Hh.¥?Y the man to wfeoraliis God i :S b^od, ":: his garments cl a Happy? beyond txpreffioo he, Whoifi d;:u« are ton ' ! A»d from the gii iky bon< ... is foul eniarg'dL 3 His fpirit hates deceit andlies ; His words are all fincere ; He guards his heart, he guards his eye* lis confeience c : hflc I my inward guilt fupprefr, quiet couid I fi Thy v. v.y breaft* And racVd my tortu 5 Thtn. I confefs'd m & though^ Mv fecret. fins revcai'd ; Thy pard'ning grace forgrave my faults, Thy jove my pardon ftai'd. 6 This fhalJ invi' /Jike a raging Sbod, Temptatii :ay Is a forgiving God. PSAL L. Metre. ■ naiicn and Bieft, Whole g d by his Gcd ; ? S A L M XXX3I XXXUt U Whofe fins i i ow, are cobfc&*4j Lord \ :, PS My it* fed! a I :\ rd, And 3 or J, Thy 5 For M? at ; Whci cm ev'rv P S A l : •. r>?idPro\, REJOICE ] Th • - o ; to PSALM XXXIIL /iimc, his ways, his word* How holy?j uft and: . ercy and his right eoufnefs Let htaVn and earth prod crks of nature and of grace Reveal his wond'rous name, 3 His wifdom and almighty wcid ■ *niv arches fpread j lie Lord r fhiaing hofts were made, -ide the liquid waters To their appointed deep ; The Sowing uas their limits know, And their own ixation keep, 5 Ye tenants of the fpaciousearvb. With fear before hurt ftahd i pake, a-.d nature took And refts on his command. 6 He foorns the angry -nations* ^a§c* And breaks the :ns ; H i s conn let ftan < i e v'ry 2gjt* And ia full glory fhu ? S A L 11 XXXIIL Second pzrt*£s5t Creatures vain, and God , BLEST is the nation where tht Hath" fix'd his glorious th:. reveals hi s heav I And cajts their tribes bis own a His eye with in finite fnrvey, ' Does the whole worM : n?d us ail, of equal c And knows our feeble mould. ■TS are not re-fcuM, by the 0f armies, from ttw PS A L M XXX] b$ ■:-sd nor courage of a h I the boid rider i 4 Yaw *s beafUor men* To he Sut h A ftrt ; God is :. nd Cod their tnrft, When plague* • d ; — His v. Among ten :e rejoice, And bids us ft For we hive made t: * ckoice, Andtruft ... lione- ? S A L M XJtXlri. As the 113th I Work} qf creation and YE holy foulr, in God rejoice, r maker's praif; becomes ycur voiiG Great is your theme, your fongs be new : S^g of his name, his word, hi? v.- ays, His works of nature and of grace, How wife and holy. ju£ an^ true ! •j- Jufticeand trvtib he ever loves, And the whole earth,his goodnefs pr©ve3 ; His word the heav'nly arches ipr:ad ; How wide they mine from north to ibuth l by the fpirit of his mc ve ail theftarry armies made. ersthe wide flowing fea 3, Thofe wat'ry treasures know their place In the vaft ftore-houfe of the deep ; • ana gave ail nature birtb, » And fires. av'n and ew ^ep. H V SALM XXXML XZXIV. 4 Let mortals tremble and adore A God of fuch reiiftlels pow'r ; Nor dare indulge tneir feeble rage; Vain are your thoughts, and weak your hand** But, his eternal counfel ft an els, And rules the world, from age to age, P S A L M XXXIIL Second part. Creatures vain, and God ali-fujficient. OH \PPY nation, where the Lord Reveals the treafure of his word, And builds his Church, his earthly throne ! His eye the heathen world furveys, He form'd their hearts, he knows their ways* Bui God their maker is unknown. 5 Let kings rely upon their hoft, And of his ftrength the champion boaft^ In vain they boaft, in vain rely ; In vain we truft the brutal force, Or fpe-^d, or courage of a boffe, To guard his rider cr to fly. 3 The eye of thy companion, Lord, Doth more fecure defence afford, When death or dangers threat 'ning ftand a Thy watchful eye preserves the juft, Who make thy name their fear and truft, When wars or famine wafte the land. 4 In ficknefs or the bloody field, Thou ourphyfician, thou our fhield, Send us falvation from thy throne a We wait to fee thy goodnefs mine ; Let us rejoice in help divine, For all our hope is God alone. PSALM XXX IF. FirJlpart.Longmetrt, God's care of the faints ; sr deliverance by prayer* LORD, I will blefs thee ad my days, Thy praife fhali dwell upon my tongue * PSALM XXXIT. ks Mr foul fhall glc Wink -'• hear the long. a Comei magnify the Lord with me, Come. &s name ; I fought the Eternal God* and he Has not expos'd my hope to ihame. ^ I told him all my fecret grief, My fecret groan ITS ; He gave myjnward pains relief, And calm'd the tumult of my fears. 4 To him the poor lift up their eyes Their faces feel the heav'niy mine ; A of mercy from the ikies Fili5 them with light and joy divine. 5 His holy angels pitch their tents Around the men who fcrve the Lord : O fear and love him, all ye faints, Tafte of his grace, and truft his word ! 6 The wild young Lions, pinch'd with pa« And hunger, roar through all th* w#od : But none fhall leek the Lord in vain, Kor want fupplies of real good. PSALM XXXIV. Second part. Long metre. Religiaus education ; cr, tnfiruBiont ct piety, CHiLDREN in years and knowledge young, Year parents' hope, your parents' joy. Attend the counfelsof my tongue, Let pious thoughts your minds employ. a If you defire a length of days, And peace to crown your mortal Hate Retrain your feet from impious « Your lips^from (lander and deceit. 3 The eyes of God regard his faints, £iis ears are open to their cries ; U PSALM XXXltf. 5 his fro rang face againfl; The ions of violence and lies. 4 To humble fouls and broken heart s, Gog d are ail his ways! Ye humble fouls who ufe to pray. Come, help my lips to praiie. » Sing to the honor of his name, How a poor firmer cvy'd \ Ijjcfr v | j e e :•: poVd to fhame. Nor was his fair deayM. % When threading fonows round me Hoot!s Arid Like the ioud billows of a flood, Redoubling all my wots L 4 I ":e";d the Lord my fore drftreftf With heavy groans and tears ? Be- gave my fhirpeit torments caftj And iiiene'd all my fe arfc Pause. r5 O firmer* came arid tafte his love, Come, Xhxyx his plea&nt ways, £ndlet your r?:r erper'ence prove Thj fwc&ngfs cfhis grace. 4 He bids his angels pitch their ttetii Atound where his chiWrefl dwell* PSALM XXXiV. What ills their heav'nly care prevents, No-earthly tongue can tell.] f7 O love the Lord, ye faints of his! His eye regards the jiift ; How richly bleft their portion is* Who make the Lord their truft I 8 Younglions pinch'd with hunger roar, Andfamifh in the wood ; But God fupplies his holy poor, With ev'ry needful good.] PSALM XXXIV. Second part Com. metre. Exportation to peace and holinefs. COME, children, learn to fear the Lord. And that your days be long, Let not afaife or fpiteful word Be found upon your tongue. s^X part from mifchief, pra&ife love, iPurfue the works of peace : So ihail the Lord your ways approve, And let your fouls at cafe. 3 His eyes awake to guard thejuft, His ears attend their cry : When broken fpirits dwell m duft, The God of grace is nigh. 4 What though the forrows here they tafte Are fharp and tedious too. The Lord, who faves them all at laftj Is their fupporter now ! 5 Evil fhall finite the wicked dead ; But God fecures his own ; Prevents the mifchief when they Ride, Or heals the broken bone. 6 When defolation, like a flood, . O'er the proud finner roils, 0 z g* PSALM XXXV. Saints find a refuge in their God, For lie redeems their fouls. PSALM XXXV. Firj! part. Com. met*.. Praysr and faith of perf seated faints ; or ^ Imfre* cations mixt with charity '. NOW plead my c^ufe, Almighty God, With ail the fons of ftrife : And 6ght agamftthe men ofbiojj, Who fight againft my life. ', % Draw out the fjpear andftop their way, Lift thine avenging rod ; But, to my foul in mercy, fay, lam thy Saviour God. 3 They plant their mares to catoh my iee£, And nets of miibhiet fpread ;• Plunge the dcftro.yers in the pit Which their own hands have made. 4 Let fogs and darknefs hide their way, And flipp'ry he their ground : Thy wrath mall make their lives a prey, And all their ra?e confound. 5 They fly like chaff before the wind, Before thine an^ry breath ; The angel of th^Lord behind, Purfues them down to death. 6 Trey love the road which leads to hell i Then let the rebels die, Wfrofe malice is implacable Againft the Lord molt high, 7 But j if thou baft a chdfcii few Among that impious race, Divide them from tke bloody crew, By tkyfurprifing grace. 2 Then -ill 1 raife my tucefukvotee To make thy wonders known ; PSALM XXX? XXXPl. 69 In tl ^*y 9 PSALM A. Com, met. Love to en . .er$> BEHOLD J Hark, how his foi To his ^E: % Wheo they are fick, his ?:vl comz And fecm* to feel the foi The i'pirit of tfee^olpel rci And m< I 3 Kov? d : d rs co n r! 0" e A? for a , And, : While for , 4 They groan'd and Yet fill! he And clou L _-i t The righteous Lord retui 5 O glorious type of helftr'nly - Thrfs Chrift the Lord app< ;;:ays, And pit: ei art ! 6 He, the true Am'4 Jjfc* •; rj K Bleft andbelov'd of God, To fave us, rebels dead in fin, Paid his own deareft blood. PSA L -M XXXFL Long in -re. ff"A? perfe3ionj and providence of God ; «r cl previa- 1 HIGH in the he; T*y gOO*ieSS in full £-ory; ikines ftg PSALM XXXVL Thy teuth fhall break through ev'ry cloucj Whi^h veils and darkens thy dsfigns. & For ever firm thy juftice ftands, As mountains their foundations keep y Wife arc the wonders cf thy hands, Tay judgements are a mighty deep. 3 Thy providence is kind and large, Both man and beaft thy bounty fhar€ 5 The whole creation is thy charge, But, faints are thy peculiar care. 4 My God ! how excellent thy grace, Whence all our hope or comfort fpringf \ The fons of Adam, in diftrefs, 3Fiy to the ihadow of thy .vings . $ From the provifion of thy houf« We fliali be fed with fvteet repafc ; There mercy, like a river flows, And brings falvation to our ta#e. 6 Life, like a fountain, rich and free, Springs from the prefence of the Lord 9 And in thy light our fouls ihall fee 1 The glories promised in thy word. PSALM &XXVL Com. metre. jPraSical Athehm expofed ; or, the Being and Attributes of God ajferted. WHILE men ^rowbold in wicked ways And yet a God they own, 2vly h?art wit&in me often fays, 1 Their thoughts belie: e tiers' s none, 2 Their thoughts and ways at once declare* (Wkat e 'er their lips profefs) Coo hath no wrath for fhem to fear, Nov will they feek his grace. 8 What Grange feK- flattery blinds their eyes I * luttkere's a lifting hour PSALM XXX 7X ithfore fiirp terrors of thy po juftiae mail maintain its throne, fountains melt a Thy judgement! aft a vvcrld unknown, A deep unfathom'd fea. 5 Above thefc heaven's crested rounds, Thy mercies, Lord, extend ; >w bounds - ;re time and nature end. :y to man thy ^oo^.nefs brings, .■^obs the beaft ; Th^ fc to reft. jre-ftreams run low, Pcry >w, ires high, 1 . decay, And fc up our e day, .PSALM. XXXFJ. Short metre. r; of Co4: : in ii.i, My heart cues, Nofemr - res, ■ hilje coneeard ; dream ; -z reveal'd, i >fe his hate . heart is faife and foul, I fair : w 9» psalm xxxvn. Wifdom isbaniuVd from his foul, And leaves no goodnefs there, 4 He plots upon his bed, New mifcbiefsto fulfil, He fets his heart, and hand, and h*ad, To practice all that's ill. 5 But there's a dreadful God, Though men renounce his fear j His juftice, hid behind the clouJ, Shall one great day appear, 6 His truth tranfcends the Iky, In heaven his mercies dwell ; Deep as the fea his judgments lie* His anger burns to hoi. *j How excel ent his love, Vv hence a t •/ fprings 1 O never let my foul n. move Ffrbna hi rigs. PSALM XXXFIL Firfl pari. ITbe cure of envy* fretful r>.e/s and unbelief ; or> tht Rewards of the rtgjfrteous and the vuieked ; er1 the vjtfid'j hatred and the Saint's patience. "|T7"HY ft ould I vex my foul- and fret VV To fee the wicked rife I Or envy finriers waxing great By violence and lies ? ■a As flow'ry grafs cut down at nooa, Before fhe ev'ning fades, So fhall their glories variifh foon, In everlafcing fhades. 3 Then let me make the Lord my truft* And practiie ail that's good : So fhai! I dwell among the juft, And he'll provide me food. £ I to my God my ways commit, And cheerful wait his will ; PSALM XXXFB. rhyhand which guides my doubtful feet, Shali my c:e fires fulfil. I Mine innocence (halt thou difplay, And make thy judgments known, Fair as the light of dawning day, And glorious as the noon. ■ The meek, atlaft,'the earth pofTels And are the heirs of heav'n : [rue riches with abundant peace, To humble fouls are ^iv'n P A U S E. Re [I in the LosU, arid ' raf z Nor let your aagcr rife, ^nough Providence fhouldlong delay To punifh haughty vice. Let fin ners join to break your peace, plot, and rage, and foam ; rhe Lord derides them ; for he ie:s Their day of vengeance come They have drawn out the?i threatening fwGid* ?o flay the men wb Lord, And bring ous low. Sod fhall break their bows, and burn Their perfecmi; hail their own fwords againft t'icm turns And pain ihiprife their hearts. PSALM XXXVlt. S~ccnd part harity to the poor ; or. Religion in (words er spi to Hide, My fo?s rejoice t j fee't ; Ti; ./ their pleafrt'-eand their pnd- When the] my feet. 9 > iTl! gulitta thee, >X.A grieve for a!* my fvn : • urn, how weak my graces be, And beg fuppor divine. I® My God, forgive my follies part * nd be forever nigh : O Lord of my falvation hafte, Before thy fervant die . PSALM XXXIX. Tirf.parL W at cbf une's cv.t tke tongue ; Gr, Prtcden:: zeai. THUS In folv'ct before the Lord, • Now wi.l I watch ixiy tongue, " Left 1 let flip one finnif word. <• Or do my neighbour wrong." a And if I'm e'er conftrain'd to flay With men. of £vefi profane, F»l fct a d >U'j!e guard, that day, JMorUt my talk be vain* PSA L M XXXIX. 77 3 I'll fcarce aiiow my :ips to fpeak ma thoughts J feel, Left (coffers ihouid th " occaiion take To mock my hoiy zeal. 4 Yet if foaae proper hour appear, But let the iooiiiig finners hear Tnat I can fpeak for C P S A L >i XXXIX. &cond part. *£ht vanity qfMin,aj mortal, TE **CH me the meafure of my days, Tqou M •: '■:. erf my frame ; 1 would furvey life's iun | And learn ho w frail \ am . % A ("pan 4s all which we can bo ad, An inch or two of time : Man is but vanity, and duft, In ail his floV/'r and prime. 3 See ! the vain race of mortals move Like-madows o'er the plain ; They rage and ftrive, deiire and love, But all their noife is vain ! s 4 Some wa.k in honor's gaudy fhow ; Som* dig for golden are ; sy to'u for heirs they kaownot who, Andilrai^ht are feen ao; more. 5 What could I wlih or wait for, then, □ creatures earth and duft I They make our exr x -in, And ditappoint our truit. 6 Now I rorbid my c LJ My fond, deirres recall ; I give my up, And make inyGodmy 'AH, 9 WSXJTM XXXIX. XL. PSALM XXXIX. TLirdpart. Sick-bed dzrcticn; or, Fleadir.g without repining* GOD of my lift I look gently down, Behold the pains I feel ; jut, I am dumb, lx fore thy throne, Nor dare difpute thy will. a Difeafes are thy fenrants, Lord, They come at thy command : Til not attempt a rmnm'ring word Agaiirft thy eitaft'mBg hand. 3 Yet may I plead with rrumble cries, Remove thy fharp rebukes ; My fcrength confutnes. my fpirit dies, Through thy repeated ftrokes. 4 Crufh'd, as the moth, beneath thy hant^ We moulder to the duft ; Our feeble pow'rs can ne'er withstand* And all our beauty 's loft. [5 This mortal life decays apace : How foon the bubble's broke i Adam, and ail his num'rous race, Are vanity ani fmcke.] 6 I'm but a fojourner below, As all my fathers were ; M?y 1 be well prepar'd to go, When I the fummons hear J * But, if my life be fpar'd a-while, Before my laft remove, Thy praife (hull be my bus'nefs ftiil, A^i Til declare thy love. PSALM X£. Tirfipart. Com. m? Afitng of ' deliver ancs from grtci djfittfs* I WAITED patient for the Lord, Ke bow'dto hear my cry ; P S A. L M XI?. 7*> :■: me refting on his word, 2 11- ra d pit, Wh^rt mo r3 And. from my bonds rricate'd my feeL 3 Finn on mac'e me ftand, And taught my clieemil tongue To praife the wo lo a new . >ng. 4 Fi! iprea&'his work; of grace TRc . : : " And fiancrs learn to make my Gci-l Their only hop£ and I 5 How many aie thy thoiights of Ic ! n at ! -enot wo Their numbers to re] 11 afflicted, poor, and And My God be b And beat 3 me on his heart. PSALM XL. Second pari. Com. metre. The ;. c wdji c/"ChriiL ■^MUS faith the Lord, " Yvm work is vain3 - ".Give your burnt cfPiiius o'er ; In dying gcat?', and bullocks fi.iin M My ibui delights no mere." # Then rpake the Saviour, " Lo I I'm here, ' "My God, to do thy wi:l ; " Whate'er thy (acred books declare *, Thy fetvant ihall fulfil. 3 " Thy Lwr«8 ever in my fight* u I keep i my heart ; II a 2 ?s PSALM XL. c< Mine ears are cpen'd with delight, " To what thy lips impart." 4 And;, fee ! thebleft Redeemer come3 I The Eternal Son appears ! ^nd, aMh7 appointed time, afiumes The body God prepares. * 5 Much Ke reveal'd his Father's grace, And much His truth he fhew'd, fiTi/-" preach'd the way of righteoufnafs, Wnere great afltmblies flood. 6 His Father's honor touxh'd his hearty He pity'd linner' s cries, AmJ to fulfil a favienr's part, I Was made a fecrifice . Pause. ^ No blood of hcaftson altars fhed, Coird warn the conference clean ; 33ut the rich facnfice he paid Atones for all our fin ! 2 Then was the great fakation fpreadj, And farm's kingdom fhook : Thus, by the woman's promis'd feed, The ferpent's head was broke. PSAL M XL. Long metre. Chrift our fccrifioe. THE wonders, Lord, thy love has wrought, Exceed ear praife, furmount our thought ; Should 3 attempt the long detail, *My ipeech Would faint, my numbers fail, c No blocd of beafts on altars fpilt Can the fouls of men from guiH ; But, thou haft fet before our eyes, An all-fufficient Sacrifice. 3 Lo ! thine Eternal Son appear?, To thy demands he bows his ears ; PSALM XLI. S! a body, well prepar'd, And well performs the work fo hard. 4 u Behold I co-".': (the Saviour cries, " With love and duty in his eyes) •« I come, to bear the heavy load 11 Of fin?, and db thy will, my God. 5 * 'Tis written in t^y great decree, *< 'Tis in thy book foretold of me, " I Muil fulfil the Saviour's part, €i And lo i thy law is in my heart. 6 " I'll magnify thy holy law, 4i And rebels to obtd'ence draw * When en my crofs I'm lifted h'gh, " Or, ©n my throne above the (ky. ♦ 7 « The Spirit flttU defcer.d and mow *' What thou haft doneand what I do ; ?* The wond'ring world fhail learn thy grace, « Thy vifdom and thy righteoumtfs.-' PSALM XLT. Long metre. Charity to the poor ; or, Pity to the opiHed* BLEST is the man whole bowel5 move, And melt vvirh pity to the poor ; Whofe foul, by fympathizing love, Feels what hts fellow-faints endure. ft His heart contrives for their relief. More gocd than his own hands can do ; He, in the time off en'ral grief, Shall find tl e Lord has bowels, too. 3 His foul mall live fecure on earth, With feci eiblefTmgs on hi? head) When drought, and penitence and death. Around him multiply their dead. 4 Or, if he languifh on his couefo, God will pronounce his fins fargiv'n 5 Tfa PSA L ty XLTL Will fave him with a healing touch, Or take his vailing foul to heav'n. PSALM XLIL Firjl pari. Defertlon and hope ; or, Complainf ofabfencefrQn: public ye- a At yes behold in pureft gold ; \\y drefs s Qicfa. ? He forms her beavtiet * o ; He calls and feats her near his throae y Fair - et heart forget The idols 4 So : R ing the rr 1c th - »ce$ Lei r*d, For I ^ Lord. 5 O happs h< ife To I And : In ) Each, like a pnnci, in gktff reign f 6 Let endkfs nor hi< ad 1 Ltt cv'ei g fpread 1 g3 PSALM XL VI. While we, wild etreerfui fongs approve The coa'efc'riiiioas of his . PSALM XL VI. FirftjK'ri. Thf Church's jafdy and triumph) among national defoiation GOD is the refuge of his faints, When ftorms of (harp <}iftrefs invade! E'er we can offer our complaints, Behold cim pre. fen t with Lis aid ! i Let mountains from their feats be huri'3 ttawn to the dzep, and bury'd there ; Convulfions make the foiid world, Our taith ihall never yield to rear. 3 Loud may the troubled ocean roar, In facred peace our fouls abide ; Wiiile ev'ry nation, eVfy fhore Tremble and dread the f .veiling tide. 3 There is aftream vvhofe gentle flow Supplies the cry 6f our God : Lifc,love and joy, fttfl gliding through, And wat'ring our divine abode. 5 That facred ftmm, .thine Holy Word, There all our raging fear controuls ; Sweet peace thy promlfes afford, And give new ftrength to fainting fouls. 6 Stan enjoys her M3narch*s love, Secure agairift a threat'ora* hour ; Nor can her firm foundations move, Built on His truth, and arm'd with pow'r. P S A L M XVfUSecand Part. God fights for bl\ Church. LET S:on in her Kin^ rejoice, Though tyrants rage, and kingdoms rife" PSALM XLYII. .;ce. z The I kfrj Anu yt'c".i»'3 ( :d ; wrought, 3 From fea to iea through all the fhores, He pa t ^re ; 081 or. hi.:; cr roars, jrld tope 4 He breaks the bow, be cuts tht fpear ; fith hcav'r. y f-.nx : i ye earth, and bear Ite found and gio:} of hia name ! ' 5 "Ec I at i am God, ;;alud o'tr ; ic I win bz known add fear\J abroad ; 44 But fti ♦ . :. . m :. u dfc" 6 O Lord o rlo.V. Ahri Jity Km? ! Whiie we io eeartl j :_, Cur t^ith ihali fit fecure, and ik.g Defiance to the gates or h o P S A L M XLVIL Common metre. 5 end reigni FOR a fhout of frcredjoy To God, f ' n Kin? ! Letev'ry land its tongues employ', 3 hymns of triumph ling. a Jefus, our God, afcends on tri H& hLdv'nly guards around, Atte •! htm, rifing through the iky. With trumpets' joy.ul found. i '.'■ angels flout and praife their Kip.g* Ltt mortals learn their (trains ; m PSALM XLVfJL Let all the earth bis honors fing ; O'er ail the ^arth he reigns. '4 Rehearfe his praife with awe profound^ Let knowledge iead the fang; Kor mock him, with a foiemfl found Up am a thoughtlefs tong 5 In I\rel ftood (lis ancient throne ; He lov'd that choien r?ce : But now he calls the world his own, And heathens taite his grace. 6 Thefc ranfom'd SraUsare all the Lord's, Here Mr ham's God is known, jVhiJc pow'rs and prir.ces, fnields and f words, Suumit be to re his throne. PSALM XLVI1I. Firjl part. The Church is the honor and fafety of a nation* GRE VT i? the L>rd our God, And :et fetfi praife be great ; Ke makes his church; s his abode, His moft delightful ieat. 4 Thefe :emp:e3 of his grace, How beautiful they ft and ! The honors of our native place ; The bulwarks of our land. 3 In Sien. God is known A pcfejfc in diftre& ; jHow bright has his falvation fhone Through ail her palaces : 4 When kin^s a.^ainfc her join'd, And faw rhe Lord wa» toe- e3 In wild confufion ot the mind/ They fled with haity fear. £ When navies, tall and prortd ' Attempt to fpei: our peace* P S A L M XLYIII. He ftn^s his tempeft roaring iou 6 Oft have our fathers told ; Cur eyes have often II iheep h:. 7 In ev'ry new diftrefs irfc repair, V. V ce> PSALM XLVI1I. fi order* The pp .ne, 2 W .rid OnS/Wjchc: Pre c I hi rn t soft h y hand, 3 Let Grangers walk around The _ , Conipafg and view thine holy ground, And mark the building well. 4 The orders of thy houfe. The worlhip i irt, The cheerful I | >kUui vows, And make a fair re-port. tcent and how wife ! : Ho^v glor'ous to be;. odthe pomp which charms the c Andri;es adora'd with gold. I % 9» PSALM XLIX. 6 The Cod we worship now Wiil guide us till we die* Will be our Gov! while here below* And our's above the iky, PSALM XLIX. Fir fi part. Pride and death ; cr, The -vanity of lift and rkbes, WHY doth the man of riches grow To infolence and pride, To fee his Wealth and honors flow With ev'ry rifiivr tick ? [2WI1V doth he treat the poor with fcorn, Made of the feif-iame c^ay, And boaft, as though his fie ill were born Of better duft than they Ij 3 Not all hi? tre-afnre cm procure His foul a Ciort r°preve> Redeem from death one entity hour, Or make his brother live. [< Life is a bleffing can't be foM ; T;:e random is too hi Ji ; Juitice will ne'er be brib'd with gold, That man may never die.] 5 Fe fees the brutifh and the wife, The timorous and the brave Q^it *veir pumrTi m% clote their eyes, An ' hafttnto the grave. 6 Yet 'tis his inward thought anlpnde, c- My hcuie fha:i ever fiztvl : 4i And that my name may long afrde, '« I'll give it to my lai d." - Vain are his thoughts, his hopes are loft, Kow foon his mem'ry cies ! Hh name is Written in pie daft Where his own carcafe lies/ P 5 A L M XLTX. P A U 5 E. Appr ' fay, And \-n. n ^oid of whdom and of grace, If honor raift -hern li ;ie a bcaf", - race, And Vike a beaft they c [is L epi Deathbeds upon ihc •Till the lait trumps Lhcirfletp In terror and deip . PSALM XLTX . irt Com . mctiCi Dt rre&irit, YE fons of pride, And n the poor, When death has brought voh down to daft, Y o ixr k^ 0 cq p fhall rife qo more. s The hit great £?*■ ee the fcene ? WIv 1 peat ? "When fhaU ttejufi rtrfve O'er a.l > ho feorn^d them here ? 3 God frill • receive When fep 'rate from the ffe 1 ilrKl break the prifon of the grave To raife my bone? airtfh. 4 Reavm rsmyever me, The inheritance is t Le menoji a me, PSALM XLIX. Lomj metre. 9 bji^ncrs* dent b* and the ramts* rtfurreSiqp* WHY do the proud in fir t I An ] : large eftitea they have ? I f S A L M % I u Will lthe m 6i -. " Wit:., 3 •- cs to do, * rd b ° T ;uft and true, &' « <^oi!?d you : my fight, <; E e? to Light,; ierve who p Loxd^ tfcc you fall beneath his fword, There** P S A L M L. i-ong metre. ; cxpofei* Th's Churches warns; Let h I amd tear, \\ ' o place their hopes in ;ias and forms, Eli: - -^e. »-Vw J ' ! d ire rein arfe his name With lips of raifehood anil dec it ; Amend or broths An. ad flatter V lute. 3 Theywatch to do thei - r& wrong, Yet d ire to feck their backer s iace ; They take his qpfr'naBtoii il.;ir tongue, But break his law:,, abufe hh grace. 4 To I-kav'n they li une'eas? h lufc dtftfV wkh bx:„ . P S L. By day their mouths d avrBear to Ooi They , puifarof d xr ! 6 O cl: And lets their crimes Before their ej-etjj Plis wrath f b Aid node! PSALM L. THE Lord, the; fort! Eaji to /? ding oedejes fprc Thrc*: more fhall atheifts rr.ockhis long delay i His vengear Tempeftand fire attend him down the n, earth, and he1! dra To heat fei?-juf>ice. and the finner's doom ; f I ■ Bring them, ye angels, from their diftantlar 3 Behold !mv covjnaot frauds forever good, JSeai'd by th' Eternal Sacrifice, es';the£r ■:. aid the ancient worfhfpj c eVno didir ny fav'ritesandnrj rones" eir A Imiehty Saviour and their C r*am their Judge : ye heav1 hroad My juft Eternal Sentence* and declare finnti s dread to3 9* . PSALM L' Smner^ in Zion> tremble and retire ? I doom the pa. :n--ed hypocrite to live f 5 Not tor the want of j.oata or bullocks firn- Dj 1 condemn thee : bulls and goats arc v$u& Without the (lames of love : in vain the uore O'bru al oft'rings which were mine, before s Mine are the tamer beafta an i -av age brc^d, &ock$, herds and faeldi, and forefts, where riiey feed 6 If I were hungry, wou- .! I \fk thee Fooi ? When did i this ft or drink thy bullock'., i. iOO&? Can I be flatttrVi with thy tinging hoars * Thy fo'.ema chatt'rin.'s and a ita*tic vo to £ A:e my eyes charm d:hy ^eftment? ta!*ehol& ■^Glaring [n gems a/)d gay in woven gold f 7. Unthinking wrefch ! how could'it thou h'OJK*o A God, a fpirit> with filth toyi as th< Whife witfrmy grace and iiatu'eson thytjsu:u« Thou iov'ft decxit. and doit thy brother wrongs In vain to pious forms thy zea S Thieve* and adult 'iters are cay chofou fricruLi* g Srlentl waited with long- fufPrjag love i Biit didftthou hope that I fliou d ne'er repw*r« And cHeriin fucli an imp'ous thought wit! That God the nghteous; would .indulge I Behold my termors now ; rcj ..; iiader ye faint s^ he comes for jour falvation* 4 " Behold mv covenant ftands forever good, . 'd b/th* Eternal Sic; met in blood J u And figrVd with all their names -7 iht Creek, the Jew, " Who paid the ancient worflrp, or the new, re's no diflinclion here ; join all your voice** Andraf: your heads, yi falntsy for beaxfh rejoiles. 5 " Here, (faith the Lord)ye angeis, fpreadtheir thrones, « And near me feat my fav'rites and my fons : «• Come my redeemed, pof&fs the joy prepared, " E'er time be^an ; 'tis your divine reward When Chrift returns s wake ei'ry cheerfi.l pcffion% Andfhcui, ye Jain's- he comes fir your jairujiton* P a v s e the fu ft. 6 i: T am the Saviour. I thf ! Imighty God ; " I am the Jud^Ci ye heav'ns proclaim abroad " Myjuft Eternal S%' itence. and declare ** Thofcawfiiltruthsywhich Simcr* dread to hear. K zoo P S A L M t. When God appears* all nature Jl) all adcre him ; While firmer s tremble^ faints rejoice before him. 7 " Stand forth, thou bol<*l blafphemer, and 61 I Tow feel my wrath, nor c#ll my threat'ninga vain ; <{ Thou hypocrite, once dreft in faints' attire, £* I doom the painted hypocrite to fire. Judgment proceeds! bill trem bLshke&i? n rejoices! JLjft up your heads * ye faints, with cheerful voices* 8 •' Not for the want of goats, or bullocks flain' " Do I. condemn thee ; bulls and goats are vain* ** Without the flamei of love ; in v ain- the ftore <{ Of brutal oiFriags which were, mine before i Earth is the Lord's aU nature /hall ad we him : V/hile/nners tremble Quints rejoice before him, 9 V If I were hungry, vvou dl afk thee food ? '•Whencfid I thirft,or drink thy bullock's- biood^ 45 Mire are the tamer beaftc and favage breed, * Ci F Jocks, herd s^and Acids., and forreftjs where they Sfll is the -Lord's* he rules the wide creation ; feed, Gives /inner St -vengeance ; and the faints falvation. io u Can I be flatter d with thy cringing bows, *J Thy fotemn djiatt'ringsand fantaftic vows ?. " Are my eyes charm'd thy veftmeuts to behold *^ Glaring in gems, and ga> in woven gold I Gods the fudge of hearts : no fair difguies Car: fete en the gmlty , when his vengeance rifesc P a u s the fecond, ix " Unthinking wretch! how cou!d'ft tho'i hope to pleafe «J A God, a Spirit, with fuch toys as theft I *- rns, f.e cem\ ■ - PSALM LI. F:?y? part. Long metre. A pemteni pi. adir? ft r pardon. SHEW pity. Lord ! O Lord ! forgive, Let a rer^nnne 1 ebel live ; I ee ? not a linner truA in ';. crimes are gre?.t, but ca'at furpafs :ow'r and &iory ol thy gn PSALM LT. Great God ! thy nature bath no bound I So let thy jiard'tiihg grace be found. 3 O ivaflb my foul from t\'ry in ! And make my guilty eonfeieace e'ean ; Here, on my heart, my burden lies ; And paft offences pain my eyes. 4 My l»ps, with fharr.e my fins confefs Ajainft thy law agamfl t&y grtce ; Lord mould thv judgment grow fever e, I am corLdem'fi, but thou art e'ear. 5 Should fuJd^B venp4r:nceHfe?ze my breathj pronounce theejuft in death : d, it my foul v e.c fent to bell? Thy righteous ^w approves it well. 6 Yet, faye a trfcmbHna (inner , Lord, V/hof hope, fttti r.-v'rmj roun i thy word* Vv .u d Light on fame fwret promife there, Some lure fupport again ft despair P 3 A L M LI. Ssccvdpart. Long metre Original and octu.lfir. confejfed. LORD. I am vile5, ccRC-:Vd in fin, A 4, born unholy and unclear* •.■•■■ ..uiity fall S his race and taints us 3ll. 1 n -•$ we draw our infant breath, of fin prow up for oe< th ; demaiiSs a perfect heart ; part, [3 Crcrt God ! create my iTeart anew, And form" my fphir. pure -md true 5 O r if.- betimes, to fpy &9 and my remedy.] 4 Be' old ! I -all before thy face.; My only rsfuge is thy grace P S A L M LI. No outward fbi nae clean ! hyfop-brai ricftj Nor runnins-b flood, nor Cc Can warn the difma] R one ffideflt to atone ; . make me v aw ! No Jevnfb type? coald cieanfe me fo. Nor ficih, nor foul, hath reft or cafe ; Lord, let me r c£, And make my broken bones rej PSALM LT. Third f^rt. Long metre. T^ hc'clJBder rtjiored ; <:;-. OTrlOU ! who bcar'ft when fill Though ail my crimes before thee . BehoVi them not, with angry j But blot Dok. 2- C: iatufg pure And * fo r m m v for. 1 j n ; Let thy G %x depart, Is o: pre fence from my h eai t . 3 I cannot live witl :\\U Cai> out and banifh'd fit hij Thine holy joys, my :re ; And guaul me, that I fall no n iThc ■■ ' '.it.. Lord, His help and c I afford : And :et a wretch come near thy Thrcne To plead the merits of thy 5 5 A broken heart, my God, my K:n?2 Is all the fachiice I brin- ; ire* PSAL M LT The God of Grace will ne'er difpife A broken he.irt for facri rice. 6 My feu1 lies humbled in the duft, And owns thv dreadftfl fentence juft : 3LookdowtH OLord wit a pityina; eye, And iave the foul condem'd to die. 1 Then will I teac!; the world thy ways; Sinners mail learn thy Ibv'reign grace ; I'll lead them to my Saviour's blood, And they mail praiie a pard'ning God. £ O ra ly thy love infpire my tongue ! Saltation ihall be al> my fong ; I : m y p o w ' r s ib ai i j » i r , t o blefs Tne Lord my fherigtfa aid Righttoufnefs. , PUL M LT. Ftrjlpnri. Com. metre. Original and a-lurJ fin confefftd andpafdonetL IORD, I would fpread my fore diftreft ^ And euilt before thjr'e eves ; Agairitt thy laws, againft thy grace ilowhich my crimes arife. mid'jt thou condemn my foul to heH, And cruffi my fkfn to curs Heav'n wotfld approve thy vengeance well* A nd earth mult own it juft. 3 I from the (lock of Adam came. Unhoiy and unclean ; AH my original is fhame, And all my nature- fin. 4 Born in a world of gjkiili, I drew Contagion with my breath, Ar«d as my days advane'd, I grew Ajufter prey for death. 5 Clean fe roe, O Lord ; and cheer my foul With thy forgiving: love 1 tQ make my broken fpirit whole, And. bid my pains remote. PS A L M LI. Lni. 105 t thy Spirit quite dcpait, Nor drive me from thy face ; ^Create an^w my "irt, fiJl it with thy grace. " T -^ake thy me-cy known before the fo" uilt they load, And fill my thoughts with inward ftrife To fh ake my hope in God. 3 With inward pain my heart-firings found j I groan with ev>ry breach ; Horro: and fear htfet me round ; Among the (hades of death, 4 O were 1 like a featherd dove ! }\nd innocence had wings ; I'd' fly an:' make a long remove Fro>m all thefe reft d to death ; fhip of my God J'itfpend my daily breath. - adore fs his throne VVhen morning bring* the light 5 I feek h 1 3 b! : fli a p r v 'r y n oon , An 9 )\V3 at night. I Thou '*ilt regard my cries, Omy Eternal God! f fh, in furpilfe, Beneath thine angry rod. a, BecauK U at eafe, •ngesfeel, itber Ccar nor truft thy Nam*3 *>£ PSALM LV. 5 Btll I; with all my care?, ean upon the Lord : I'll call my burdens on his arm, And reft upon his Word. 6 His arm fhall well fuftaL: The children of his love ; The ground on which their fafety fla: No earthly pow'r can move. PSALM LVI. Delh eravcefrcm opprejjion and falftkcod ; crf. * God' j care of his people, in atijwer t$ faith azd \ prayer, £ fecuve, Wni e >Jd aodgreataefs bn be your hand*: i Hive yc .forget, or never knew, Tint God wihjudjre the Judges too ? High in the heav ns his juftice • tigns ; Yet. yon invade the rights of G And fend your bold decrees abroad, To bind the confeience in your chains. ^ \ poifou'd arrow is four tongue, The arrow fharp, the poffon ftrong, A >d death attends where e'er it w'ouedi £ Yom hear bo counfelfi cries or tears : go the di*af sd Aer flops hi r eirs A^aioft the pow'r o': charming founds. 4 Break out their teeth, Eternal God, ^fbofe teeth of lions, dy'd in bond ; 4nd cruih the ferpants in the duft : As empty duff, when whirlwinds rife, -re the /weepings temped Mies, So let- their hopes ajtd narjass be lofk PSALM LX. ix¥v 5 Th* Almighty thunders rrom the Iky 1 Their grandeur melts, their titles die : As hiils of mow dlflolve and run, Or Snails which perifh in their flime ! Qrbirchs which come before ihsir time. Vain births, that neve) fee the fun i 6 Thus (hall the vengeance of the Lord Safety and joy to faints atfrrd ; And all, who hear, mall join and fay "Sure there's a God who rules on high ; "A God who hears his children cry, "And will their fufP rings well repay." PSALM LX. Common metre. On a day of humiliation far di -appointments in WaQ LORD, hail thou cafl New England qH Matt we forever mourn ? Wilt thou indulge immortal wrath ? Shall mercy ne'er return ? 7, The terror of one fro^n of thine \ Melts all oar ftrengtfa atv: Like men who to:ter, drunk with wine* We trembiefk difmay - 3 N&y $nghnd (hikes benr atb thy ftrokCj And die:. .id; O heal th. m ball broke, Reftoie &t trn. . d. 4 Lift up a banner in the field, For thofe ftko fear thy name : Save thy b :h thy fnieid, And pa1: our foes to frame. 5 Go with our armies "o the fight. Like aconfedaa e God : la vain, confed'rate powers unite A^ainjft thy lifted rod. L m* PSAL M LXI. LXIL 6 Our troops (hall gain a wide renown, By thine afii lling hand ; 'Tis God who, treads the mighty down, And makes the feeble ftand. P S A L M LXI. Short metre. Safety in God* WHEN overwhe'm'd with gritf3 My heart within me dies, HeJpIefe, and far f rem all relief* To heav'n I lift my eyes. i O lead me to the Rork That's high above my head \ And make the covert of thy wings My {helter and my made* j Within thy pretence, Lord, For ever ;'il abide ; Thou art the Tower of my defence The refuge where I hide. n 4 Thou giveft me the lot, Of thofe who fear thy name ; If end d's life be their reward, I lhall pofiefs the fame. PSALM LXIL Long metre. 7fo irujl it* the creatures ; or Faith m Dhin{ Gract and Power. MY (pint ?ooks to God alone ; My only refuge is hi* 'Krone ; Ir ail raj fears, in ah fr y fn a: Is, My foul on uis falvation waits. i Trufthim ye taints in aii your ways,. £:uir out your hearts befbK his face : "When helpers fail and foes invade^ Ged is our aii-lufl§cient ai& PSALM LXIII. Falfe .ire the. men of high degree, for fort are vanity ; >aid in a balance, both appear: Ight as a puff of emptfy air. Make not increaUng gpld your traft. tfor fet your heart on glitt'ring duft ; >Vhy will you gr^fp the fleeting fmoke, VJttd not believe what G okre ? Once has His awful voice rieda; 'd, Dnce and again my cars have hea d, ; \li pow'r is his eternal due ; ♦ IT. muft be fear'd and truficd too." 6 Forfofneign pow'r reigns not alone, * iGrace is a partner of the throne : Tny grace and jofticc, mighty Lord, Sha.i well divide our iafc reward. PSALM LXIII. Hrjpart. Com. ir The morning of a Lord's day* EARLY, my GoJ, without delay, * harte to leek, thy face : My thirfcy fpirit taints away, Without ihy cheering grace. a So pilgrims, on the fcordung fand, Beneath a burning fey, L xig for a cooling ftream at hand, And they muft crink or die. 3 I've fcen thy glsry asd thy row'r, Throu-h ail thy temple (nine ; My God, rtpjat that heav'nly hour, That virion fo divine, 4 Not all the blcflings of a feaft - Can pkafe my ibui ib well, As when ihy licher grace I tafle^ 1 in tr*y prcfence dwell. xi*. PSALM Lxrri, 5 Not life itfelf- with ail her joys, Can my beft paflions move, Or raife lo high my cheerful voice A& thy forgiving love. 6 Thus, 'till nylaft e-xpinng diy, I'}\ bleft my God and King, Thus wH I iif my ban Is to pray, And tune my lips to fing. PSALM LXTJI. Second part. Com. metre* Midnight thoughts recdllefied ?ripWA^ih the watches of the night A J thought aaon thy pow> ; I kept thy lovely facr in light Amic\ft the darkeft hour . St My fldh lay reftrag on my bed, My foul arofe on high ; My God I my Life I my Hope 1 1 faid, Bring thy al-vatioi nigh. 3 My spirit labors up thine hill, And climbs the heav'nly road : But thy right hmd upholds me ftill* While I purfue my God. 4 Thy mercy ftrjjt ches oV r my head The fhadow ok thy vings : 2Aj heart rejoices in th:ne a;d, My tongue awakes, and lings, 5 But the dcftroyers of my peace Shall fret and rage in vain : £The tempter {ball forever ceafc, And ad my fins be (lain. £ Thy fword lhall give my foes to death % And lend them down to dwell In the dark caverns of the earth. Or to the depths of hell. [PSALM LXIII. ;*; PSALM LXIII. Long metre. ng after Gjd ; or, The Love cj God better than Lifd. GRE \T God i indulge ray r umb!e claim ; Thou art my Hep-- my Joy, my Reft ; The g:ories which comprfe thy name Stand ail engagM to make me bleft. a Thou Great and Good, thou Juft and Wife, Thou art my Father and my God ; And I am thine, by facn d ties ; Thy ion, thy itrvant, bought with blood i i With heart, and eyes, and lifted hands, For thee I iong, to thee I to As travellers, in thitfty lands, Pant for the cooling water-brook. 4 With early feet I love t' appear A mdng thy faints, and fcek thy face ; Oft have I Veen thy glory there, And felt the pow'r of ibv'reign grce. 5 Not fiuits, nor wines which tempi our U Nor all the joys our fenfes know, Could make me fa divinely bleft, O*' raife my cheerful pamon foJ 6 My fife ifcfcif, without thy love, No tafte-of pleafure could afford ; ?T would but a tirefome burden prove, VI I were ban ifh'd from the Lord. 7 Amidft the wakeful hours of right, When bufy cares afflicl my head, One thought of thee gives new delight, And adds refreihment to my bed. 8 I'll lift my hands, I'll raife my voice While I have breath to pray cr p raife ; Thisjwork mall make my heart rejoice, And fpend the remnant of my day*, 5ti£> PSALM LXIH. PSALM LXIIL Short metre. Seeking Gcd. MY God, permit my tongue, This joy, to call thee mine * Aiid let my early cries prevail To tafte thy love divine. % My thirfty fainting foul :v rcy does implore : 3ST- I ravelkrgj in defert iands, Caa pan* f©r water more. 3 Within thy churches. Lord, I long to find roy place, Thy pqw'i dnd g.ory to behold, Anr" feel thy quick' ning grace, 4 For, life, without thy love, No mliih can afford ; !No joy cm be compared with this, T 3 fei ve and pkafe the Lord. 5 To thee T'l lift my hands, And piaifc thee, while I nve ; Not all th: dainties of a feaft Such food or pieafure give. 6 In wakefu: hours of night I call try God to mind ; I tiink how wifj thy counfels are» And all thy dealings kind . » Sineeihou hafi; been my help, To thee my fpirit flies, And on thy watchful providence M7 cheerful hope relies. 8 Thefhauowof thy wings My foul in fafety keeps ! | follow where my Father leads* And he fupports my fteps, PSALM LTV. it; PSALM LXV. Firft part. Long metre. P: o;:r pr. iyer and praife. THE praif? of Sson waits for Us Mv God ; *ne$ thy houfe ; There (hall thy faints tny glory fee. And there perform their public v » O thou ! whofe mercy bends the Ikies, To fave* when humble tinners pray, All lands to thee (hall lift their eyes, And illandsof toe Northern fea. 3 Againft iny will my fins prevail, But grace fhali pur^e away their ; The blood of Carat will never fail To waih my garments white again. 4 Bltft is the man whom thou fhalt choofc* And give him kind aocefs to thee : Give bitn a place within thine houfe, To tafte thy love, divinely free. Pause. 5 Lef fcabHftzx when Sion prays ; B bel prepare for long idfifli When Sion s God himfelf arrays In terrour and. in rightcoufnefs 6 With dreadful elory God fulfils What h;s aftli^od faints requeit ; - And with Almighty wrath reveals His love, to give his churches reft. T Then flhaH the Socking nations rwi To Sion9* bill and own their Lord ; The rifing and the letting fun Shall fee the Saviour's name ador'd. PS ALM LXV. Second -part. Long metre. Divine Protudence, in air. earth and fea ; cr9 The md Grace. HE God of our falvation hears The groans of Sum mixk'd with tears ; T nS PSALM LXV. Yet when he comos, with kind dciign«, Through all the wayihls terror mines, a Oil him the race of man depends, Far as tne earth's remoteft ends, When; the Creator's name ;s known By Nature's feebie light a:or.e. 3 Sailers, who travel o'er the fi«od, Addrefs their frighted fouls to l When tempeits rage-, and billows roar, At dreadful diftance from the ihore. $ He bids thenoiiy temceft csafe, He oalms the raging crowd to peace, ien a tumultuous nation raves, Wild as the wind, and loud as waves. 5 Whole kingdoms, iliakea ly the ftcrm, He fettles, in a peaceful form ; Mountains, eftabliih'd by his hand, iFirm on their old foundations ftand. 6 Behold, his en£gns fvveep the fky, New comets blaze, and lightnings fly ; The Heathen lands, with fad iurpriic, From the bright horrors turn their eyes . ; At his command the morning ray Smiles in the tail and lead: the day ; He guides the fun's declining w the tops QilVtJlern hills. 8 Seafona and times obey Lis voice ; The evening and the morn rejoice To fee the earth made lb it wfth ihow'rs, Laden with fruit and dreft with flow'rs. 9 ?Tis from his watry ftores on high He gives the thirfly ground fuppiy ; He walks upon the clouds, and thence Doth his enriching drops diipenfe. io The defart grows a fruitful field, ' Abundant fruit the vallies yield \ PSALM LXV. H9 The vallie* fhoutwith cheerful voice, 1 ^nd neighboring niHs repeal their joys. ii The paftures fmi green array, Tocre,»ainb* and larger ca:tic play; The larger c s -imb. Each in his fpezks Thy Name. 12 <\ : thy pow'r divine ; O'er ev'ry heid tl y gloiics (hint ; , appear ; Great God ! thy goodnefs crowns the year. PSALM LXV. firjparti Common metre. A prajer-behring God, and the Gentiles, cjhed* PRAISE .raits in Siom Lrrd, for thse, There fha.i our vows be paid : Thou baft an ear when finners pray, A'ii fleih ffiiall leek thine aid. % Lord, our iniquities prevail ; but parti 'nin* grace is thine, And thou wilt grant us power and fldll To conquer ev'ry (in. 3 BiefVd are the men whom thou malt choofe To bring them near thy face, Give them a dwelling in thine houfe To feaft upon thy grace. 4 In anfw'ring what thy church re quefts, Thy truth and terror intne, And works of dreadful righteoufnefs Fulfil thy kind dtfign. 5 Thus fhal! the wond'nng- nations fee The Lord is good and juft ; Andeiftant iflan^s fly to thee, And make Thy Name their truft. 6 They dread thy glittering tokens, Lord, When figns in heav'n appear j 1*0 PSALM LXV. But they fhall learn thy holy word, And love, as well a* fear . PSALM LXV. Second part. Com. metre. The Prftidtnc: cfGod, in air dearth andjea \ or, The bl'jfing of rain. 'HPIS by thy ftrengtht^e mountains (land, X God of eternal pow'r ! The fea grows calm at thy command, And temp:fts ceafe to roar. i The morning light and ev'ning-fhade Succeffive comforts bring ; Thy plent'ous fruits make harveft glad, Thy flow'rs adorn trie fpring. 3 Seafons and times and moons and hours, Heav'n. earth and air are thine ; When plouds diftii their fruitful ihow'rs, The Aulhor ;s Divine. 4 Thofe wandering ciderns in the Iky, Bornt by the winds around, With vt'rytrea^ure^ well fupply The furrows of the ground. 5 The thirfty riuees drink their fill, And ranks of corn aopcar : Thy wayg abound withbieiTings fliil ; Thy ^oodnds crowns fug ytar. P S A L M LXV. Third part. Com. metre. The Bi effing of the Spring ; or> God gizef rain. A Pfaim for the hufbmd-nan. GOOD is the Lord, the heav'nly lung, Who n\ak?s the earth his care ; Y ifits the paftui es cv ry fpring, And bids the grafs 2ppear. a Tae clouds, like rivers, rais'd on high, Pour out at thy command^ PSALM hX\ i;T Their rat'iy Heffiqgs from the iky, To cheer the thirfty land. 3 The^o&enM ridges of the field Permit the edrn. to fpring ; The valiie.-. rich proviiion yield, And the poor laborers (jflg. 4 The little hills, on ev'ry fide v Rejoice at tailing (how'rs ; • Trie meadow?, drell in ati their pridd ume the air with Bow/rs. 5 The barren clods refreuYd with rain, Promife a joyful crop ; The parched grounds look green again And raiie the reaper's hop:. 6 The various months thy goodnefscrowr.s \ How bount'ousare thy ways ! The bleating flocks fpread o'er the downs, An J fhepherds ihout thy praife. PAS L M LXVI. Firjlpart. Com. metre. governing Bsvuer and gosdnefs ; or our Crac* tried by Afflictions . SINOa1! ye nation, to the Lord, Sing, with a joyful noife; With melody of found, recoid His honors, and you1- joys. i Say to the pow'r which fhaies the Iky i; How terrible art thou ! u Sinners before thy piefence fly, " Or, at thy feet they. bow/' [3 Come' Tee the wotders of our God; How glo'ous are his wj In Mofes' hand he puis the rod, Aajidtavcsthe flighted feas, 122 PSALM LXVI. 4 He made the ebbing channel dry -While I'r'el pafs'd .thee flood ; Th'jre did the Church b- -An their joy* And triumph in their God.) 5 H3 rules by his refiftlefs might : What rebel mortals riaie Provoke th7 Eternal to the fight. And that dreadful war ! 6 O B el* our God, and never ceafe ! Ye faints, fu fit his praiie ; Me keeps our life, maintains our peace, And guides our doubtful ways, 7 Lord, thou ha it prov'd cur fufFring fouls, To make our g racer (bine ; So filler beiirsthe burning coals, The mettle to refine. 8 T'^ouuh wat'ry deeps and fiery way*, We march at thy command, Led to polTefs the promis'ci place, By thine unerring hand. PSALM LXVL Second part. Prrl'e to God for hearing prayer* NOW fhali my folemn vcwsbe paid To that Almighty Pow'r Wich heard the long requeues I made In my diftrefsrm hour* % My lips and cheerful heart prepare To make his mercies known ; Come, ye who fear my God, and hear The wonders he has done. 3 When on my head huge forrows fell* I fought his heav'rdy aid : He iav'd my funking foui from hdl> And death's eternal fhade, PSA £M LXYI7, ^ 4 If fin lay cov<. M i. my heart, !epray*rexnpic y'c mj tcnguef Tbe Lord had fbewn me no regard, Nor i his pr?.: 5 But God (bis narr.e be ever blefl) Has fet my tp r'v tree ; Nor turo'd from bin requeilj Nor tum'd his heart from me, PSALM LXVU. Cornmen metre. &ke Nation7* pfbfpertty* ana the C, :,rcl *s rrttrtaftf SfE, mighty G With . race ; Repeal thy powYthn And (hew thy': ^ *z Amidft. our States, exalted high, Do thou our id, And, Ifkc a v ire* Surrour,, i 3 When fhail thy p?me. from more to fhfc Sound ail the earth obroad ; Anddiftant nations know arid leve Their Sa\iour and their Q 4 Sing to the Led ye refcu'd States, Sing ioud ce ? While thankful tongues exalt nispraife, And grtatfuihi 'ce. 5 Ke, the Great Lord, the Sov "reign Judg^ Whc fitsesthron'd above, Wifely commands the words he made In jud ice ?.nd in Icve, 4 Earth fhail obey her Maker's will, And yield a full increafe : Got God wilier wb this cho en climc> With fruitfulneis anc peace. 1X4 P S X I^M LX\ 7 God, the Redctmer^RaLters round His choictft nvors here, While thecreat:or.'oUtrnoit bound Shall fe?j a .tore, and fear. PSALM LXYITI. Fir/} Part, Long met* T/kr Vengeance and Compjjtonof God, GOD wittarift in alt his might, Ar.d put the troops of bH e r i d e ers through the Iky ^ His name, Jehovah, founds on high i Sing tu lis name, ye ions of zrace ; .'oice befcre his 4 The widow as a the fatberlefs F y *o his aid in iruro dlftrcfs : In him the poor and n~e1pk£j rind A Judge. mor> iuil ; a Father, kind. 5 Hi breaks . -a beayy chain* fee :h- light again ; lifpute bis .rre-.lin chains and darknef3 flill. Pause. 6 Kingdoms and thrones to God bdlong ; ationf, in your fong ; BKs w irae and po.^'rs rehearfe ; His honors fhali enrich your verle . 'y Hi aeav'ns with loud ajarm3; How terrible is God, inarms ! PSALM facVBL i Ifrf! ;irc his mercies known, • his peculiar throne. Proclaim him King, pronounce him bleft ! [«'s your Defence, your Joy, your Rcit; terrors rife, and nations faint, led io the ttrength of cv'ry faint. SAL MLXVI1I. Second part, Long metre, hiifl's j'l/cenfion, and the gift of the Spirit. r ORD when thou didft afcend on high, thoufand angels fiii'dthe fky : - env'nly guards arcund thte wait, ■ ariots to attend thy (Ute. | Not Shiai s mountain could appear lore gior'ous when the Lord w 1 there ; i e pron ou n c d h i 6 drca d fi i 1 ;a w, Lndftruckthe tribes with*aw«« 1 How bright the triumph none can tell, Vhen the nebell'ous pow'rs of h< unci iou's had captive made) Vere all in chains like captives led. ! It Rais'd, by his Father to the throne, lie fent the promis d Spirit down CVith gifts and grace for rebel men. That God sai*ht d well on tai th again . / ^ALM LXVJII. Thirdpart. Long metre. Jraife for Temporal hlejfirgs ; or, Commsn and Sp i ri i ii ( i i m t ■ r si es IT 7^ blefs the Lord, the juft and good, VV Who fiiis our hearts with joy and food - pours his bleflings from the fkies, Vnd loads our days with rich fupplies. •■ He fefids the fun his circuit round To cheer the fiuits to war *^he ground ; rrf PSALM LXIX, He bids the clouds with pient* us rain Rrtfrdh the thirfty eai 3 Tis to his care ve owe our breath, And;Jl our near efca^es from death r Safety and health to :ig ; He heals the Weak aa ie itrong. 4 He makes the ' amt arid firmer prove The com ii i -n buffing ve; But the wide difif'n nee which remains, is endiefs joys, or endiefs pains. 5 The Lord, who bnifd the ferpent's head, On all the ferpent's fe ad : Thcftubbprn Finner'i hbjpc confound, And fmite him with a lifting wound. 6 But his right-hand bisfaintsra.*)! raife, 2: rem the- deep earth oi deeper feas, And bring; them to his C arts above ; There malt they tafte his fpecal love. PSALM LXIX. Firjl Part. Com. Metre The fujftrings ourfalyafioH, SAVE me O God the'J in i floods •' Break in upon m; few *< I fink, and furrows ead " Like mighty v/ar.ers roll. £ " I cry 'ciil all my voice he gone ; ; Salvation in my name ; u Fori have borne their heavy load fc* Of forrow, pain, and ftrame. 7 u Grief life a garment cloth 'd me round, " And fackcloth was my drtf*, *- While I procurV for naked fouls " A robe of righteoumefs. 8 M Among my brethren, and the J«v;, c; I, like arranger flood, ** And bore their vile reproach, to bring ** Tj 1 near to God. j camr, fn (infill mortals' (lead, " To do my Father's will ; u Yet, when f deans' d my Father's houfc, 41 T JisM my zeal, ic "My failing: and my holy eroans u Were made the drunkard's long, u But God from his celeSial throne *• Heard my complaining tongue. 11 " Hefavni me from the dreadful deep) ""Noi let my fom\ be drpwn'd ; ■* He rais'd and fix'd my licking feet ** On we i U ila biiih *d ground. j% i: Twasin a moft accepted hour " My pray 'r arofe on high, * And for my lake, my God (liali her.: < it Tae dying firyiers ery. ■ ■ M 5 PS'ALM LXIX- PSAL M LXIX. Second fart. Com. indue* "The. Pafifoti mid exalt nt'ton of Chrift. Nletourlips with holy fear pica lire ling The Sufr*: .: High Prieft. The farrows of our T 2 He finks in flo uHftrefs ; How Sigh the praters life ! While r.o hie heavenly Firth^rt ear He fends perpetual cries ! 3 "Hear me O Lord and fave thy Son, " Nor hide,thy fhihitjg face ; C6 Why mould thy faV*r% look Uke erne " Foriaken of thy grace ? 4 "With rage they perfecute the maw " W,. y wound, " Whi:e for a filer flee . pour "My ire upon the ground, 5 " They tread nary honor to the duft, " Arid iaugji wfeen } complain ; « Th ffi .rp • • ;ders add *< Fr h to my pain. 6 " A say reproach to thee ; « T -me ; « Re v ceding heart, <• Ltidli ay name. 7 " I k>W 6 • " pit r but ia vain ; « I d or comfort round, wn, ^A p^id for fo- 5 O, for his fake, oar gu lit forgive, Arid let the mourning tinner live ! Lord will hear us in his name, Nor {hall our hope be turn'd to ;hame. E S AL M OLIX. %*^ jfcr*. Loaj metre- Chrin's sufferings and z»aL >TPWAS for thy fake, Eternal God, JL Thy Son fuftain'd that heavy ioad Of bafe reproach, and fore difgrace, And ihrime dehTd His {acred face. % The J vju his brethren and his kin, Aba /a Jie MAS who check'd their iin ; While he fu Theyliate mm but without a caufe. |l My F . -oj otjA AfUctftk PS A.L M LXXL itf Tx;en, featuring all their gold and brafs, He fcourg'd I he merchants from the place.] (4 Zeal for the temple of bis God Conntm'd his life cxpos'd his blood ; Reproaches At Thy Giory *hrown, He feit arid moura'd them as bis own ] 5 His friends forfook hbfol'Vr rs JBedl, While foes and arms fun f They curfe him with iflan ague, The Judge, uuj nil n .wrong, (> His life they load with hateful lies, And charge his lips wi -h blasphemies ; Thty nail him to the fhameful tre ; There hung the man who dy'dfor me I 7 W etc-es. with hearts as hard as (tones/ Infuit his piety and groans ; Gall was the food they gave- him there, AndmockVi His thirft with \inegar.] g Bat- God beheld and from his throne M^rks out the men who hate his Son : T&€ han 4 which-rais'd him from the dead, "Shall pour the vengence on their head. "PSA LM LXXL Firjl part. Com. metre.* The aged faint's refl?8ion and hape* MY God, My everlafting hope, I live upon thy truth : Thine hands have held my childhood up, And ftrengthen'd Q.U my youth . © Myflefh was fafhion'd by thy pow'r, With ait thefe limbs of mine ; And from my mother's painful hour, I've been entirely thine. 3 Still has my life new wonders feers Repeated ev'ry ye ar $ P S A L M LX: Id ! my d fliame, And drown'd them m his blood; 7 Awake, awake, my time iV; povv'rs : th:s delijrhtftil I'il entertain the darkeft h< Nor think the fealon Long ] PSALM LXXI. Third part e com rr. *Tke aged Ckriftian* sprayer >md 'org ; cr, O/d og: Death r- GOD of my childhood youth, Thou guide of all toy days, I have declar'd thy heav'nly truth* And told thy wond'reus w a Wiktl; my hcary hairs; And art ? Who (hall fuit..: Jng years, If God, my ll r p . rt f 3 Let me thy poV* proclaim Toth. fiirviymg age, Ard lea^e a favor of thy i When 1 fb.d.q'iit the . 4 The land of fi=er?ce, and • >f ieatb, Attends my next ren c O may thefe poor remains of breath Teach the wide word try love 1 Pause. 5 Thy righteoufnefs is deep and high Unfearchabie thy d Thy glory fpreads beyond the &y» And all mypraife e«ci 6 Oft have I ht ;.rd thy threat'nings roafj And oft endur'd the erief ; But when thy hand has^refs'd roc fore* Thy grace was my r< I 1 56 PSALM LXXIII. PSALM LXXIII. Firftparu Com. metre. AfilBed$ai its h vtpp^^and pro;pero usS'mners sw; ed* NOW Frn convine'd the Lord is kind To men of heart fincere ; Yet once my foolim thoughts re pin'd, And bo/cLr'd on dtfpair. 2- I griev'd to f e the wicked thrive, And (poke with angry breath ; €i How pleafant and profane they live! aHow peaceful is their death ! 3 " With wc:l fed ficfh, and haughty eyes* " They lay their fears to deep ; ** Againft theheav'n* their flanders rife ; u While faints in ft'ence, weep. 4 " In vain I lift my hands to pray, " And cleanfe my heart in vain ; u For i am chaften'd ail the day, 46 The night renews my pain*" 5 Yet, while my tongue indulg'd complaints* J felt my heart reprove ; €C Sure I fbali thus offend thy faints^ " And grieve the men I love." 6 But ftiil T found my doubts too hard ; The conflict too fevere ; 'Till 1 rctir'd to fearch thy word. And learn the fecret there. 7 There, as in fome prophetic glafs, Ifaw the fin»er?s feet* High mounted on a fiipp'ry place, Above a fkiy pit. 3 I heard the wretch profanely boaftj, 'Till, at thy frown, he fell ; His honors in a dream were loft, And hejiwoke in hell. 9 Lord what an envious fool I was I Hew tike a ttxoughtlsfe beaft ! PSAL M LXXIII. X37 promis'd grace, U think the wicked bk 10 Yet I was kept from fell Uoheld by pew*! unkn \rn : That blcffed hand which broke the foare, Shall guide me to thy throve. PSALM LXXIII. Second part. Com, metre. God- our port ton here and hereafter* GOD. my Supporter and my hope. My hetp forever near, Tnine arm of mercy held me up When finking in defpair 2 T y counfels, Lord, (hall guide my feet Throueh this dark wilderness ! aid conduct me near thy feat, To dwell before thy face. 3 Were I in heav'n, without my God, 'TwoHld be no joy to □ And earth is my abcr^e, I Ior?g for none but thee. 4 What if the fprings of life were broke. And fleih and heart ihculd faint I God is my foul's Eternal Rock, Tre ftrtngth of ev'ry faint. 5 Behold ! the finners w&o remove Far from thy prefence die ; Xotali the idol gods they love, Can fave them, when they cry. 6 But, to draw sear te thee, my God, Shall be my fweet employ ; My tongue (hall found thy works abroad, And tell the world my joy. PSALM LXXIIL Long metre. The prof jerity cffinr.ers curjed. LORD, what a thoughtlefs wretch was I To mourn and murmur, and repine, ;*£S PSALM LXXHI. To fee the wicked, p'ac'd on high, In pride, and robes of honor fnine ! a Bat Oh ! their end, their dreadful end 5 Thy fancluary taught me fo : On flipp'ry rocks I fee them ftand, And fciery billows roil below ! 3 Now. let thern boaft how tall they rife 2 I'll neyer envy them again : There they may ftand with haughty eyes, - 'Till they plunge deep in endjtefs pain. 4 Their fency'd joys haw faft they flee ! Juit like a dream when maa awakes \ Their fon£3 of f )ittil harmony Are but a preface to tneir plagues, 5 Now I eiVm thcif mirth and uine Too dear to purchafe with my bipod ; Lord, 'tis enough that Hum art mine, My life, my portion, and my God ! PSALM LXXIII. Short, metre The myjlery of Prcvidevce unfolded* SURE there's a righteous God, Kor is religion vain ; Though men of vies mav boaft aloud, And msn of grace complain. » I faw the wicked rife, And felt my heart repine, While haughty fools with fcornful eyes In robes of honor ihire. (3 Pamper d with wanton cafe Their [iefh looks full and fair ; Their wealth rolls in, like flowing fcas, And grows without their care, l 4 Free from the plagues and pains Which pious fouls endure, Through all their life bppreffion reigns^ And racks the humble poor. PSALM LXXIV, 239 5 Their imp'otis tongues blafpheme it everiaftinqr Go. ; Their milace blafts the good man's name id fpreads its lies abroad. 6 But I, with Mowing tears, Indulged my doubi3 *orif§ ; *' Is there a God who fees or hears M The thing* below the ikies :"J 7 The tumults of my thoughts Held me in hard fufpcnfe, *Tiil to thy houfe my feet * ere brought To learn thy juftice thence. 8 Thy word, with light and pow'r Di J my miftakes amend ; I view'd the (inner's life before, Bu: here I learnt their end. 9 On what a flipp'ry fteep The thoughilefs wretches go ! And Oh ! that dreadful firy deep Which waits thtir fall below ! io Lord, at thy feet I bow, My thoughts no more repine ; I call my God my portion now, And all my pow'rs are thine, PSALM LXXIV. TbvChurch.pltadiag witbGod tender fcreperjt:. WILL God forever caft us off? His wrath forever fmoke Againfl the people of his love His little chofea flock ? i TVmk of the tribes fo dearly bought Wi'h their Redeemer's blood ; •• let thy Zion be forgot, Where once thy glory flood. 3 Lift up thy feet and march >n h-aile3 &loud our ruin calls : N -I4# PS A L M .LXXFv\ Sec what; a wide and fearf&l wafte Is made within thy walls! 4 Where once thy churches pray'd and fang Tli) foes profanely roar ; Over thy ga tcs their Cff%ris hang, Sad tokens of their pow'r. 5 How are the feats of worfhip breke ! I hey tear thy buildings down ; And he who deals the heav'eft ftroke, Procures the chief renown. 6 With fiamcs they threaten to deftrerj Thy children in their neft ; Comejet us burn at once f they cry^ The temple and the prkft. ,7 And ftihto heighten our diftrefs, Thy pre fence is withdrawn ; Thy wonted fig»s of pow'r and grace, Thy p©w'r and grace dffl gone. 3 No prophet fpeaks to calm our woes* But all the Seers mcurn ; There's not a foul among us knows The time -of thy return. P A u s E.^ 9 How long, Eternal God, how long, Shall men of pride blafpheme ? Shall faints be made their endiefs fong, And bear immortal fha-me. ro Canil thou forever fif and hear Thiar: holy name profan'S ? . And ftftlthy j alowfy forbear, And ftiil withhold thine hand ? fell What ftran?e d ^liv'rance haft thou fhow& In ages long before ? &nd, now, no other God we own ; No other Cx*d adore, PSALM LXXV. . i4; uvidethe raging fez, is might, makethy trii i'rous way, And then fecure their flight. not the world of nature thine? The darknefs and the day? Didft not thou bid the morning {bine, And mark the fun his way ? Hath not thy povv'r form'd ev'ry coa£, And fet the earth its bounds, With dimmer's Leataiift winter's froaft, Ih th&ir perpetual rounds,? 15 Aj>d mall the Tons sf earth and duft That Sacred Pow'r biai'phtme ? Will not thy hand whioh form'd .hem fufi, Avenge thy tnjttr'd name ? 16 Think on the cov'nanr thou haft rnad^t And ail thy wori s of love ; Nor fet the birds of prey invade, Aod v.k Jiy mou.nny d -zj Our foes would triumph i._ cur blood? And rrukeourhop- &eirjeft$ Plead l bine o-%n canfe, Aimighty God, And give thy children reft. PSALM LXX Power and government -/ram God a.. ^Applied co the piorlous revcrtution in America^ . Jah 4th, IT 76. rT^ thee, Moft Holy, and Moft. High, X To thee we brin? our thankful praife 9Wiy works declare thy hand, isnigh^ Thy works of wonder arid of grace. ft America was dootn'd a (lave, Hgr frame diftolv'd, her fears were grea Wnen G his Cou*ciI;gave» .cuiarsef the : P S.AIM LXXVi. Thy pow'r receWd their own, .; c by wholefbroe laws ; rt ad oppt\ Aprs do-vn, ' tfie n g h t e ou s c aufe . firmed fink their pri'e* '• fcor.nful h-ad ; - 1 -■■ >u Ms aiide, to hi ch ( j od hath made* rvtr come by chance, ruls p-omit'in b'iow ; the - i bn< a; vance, n Uo 1 s another low. kN ) Vti! halt eh?, loci the >haficru i pretence to rcy 1 birth o'nl r'- i tyrant's i'rone ; G a Soyreisrn of the earth, b ufu'be**s " ith hi: frown. {7 HIc hat d holds out the dreadful cup Of vent \tve, mix'd vvi.h various plagues, jkr>J makes the Clicked drink tHem up, W. 'u . oit and taite the bitter dregs. 8 Now mall the Lord exalt thejuft, And. while he tramples on the proud, And lays thtir glory in the duft, Our lis* fliall fihg his \ raife aioud.] PSALM LXXVI. I'rael fd^ed- and' the Affyrians* de!h%oye-d ; or9 GoiPs 'vengeance agmnft his enemies presets from bis Church, IN Jiidah God of old was known ; His name in Ijr'el £reat ; Sn Stf/^wftoodhishoiy throne, And %lon was hiS'feat. fz Among the pr^ifes of his faints, His dwelling there he cfiife ; There he receiv'd then juft complain gahrfi their haughty foss. P S A L M LXX ,5 TronrZ/e« went Ins dreadful word And oroke the threatening lpear, The Bow, the arrows and the (word, And crufti'd th Ajjyr'an war.; ■ What are t ■ e earths wide kingdoms alfe But mighty bill? of prey ? Tae hill on which Jehovah dwells Is glorious more than they. 5 *Twas, Zioris kin£ who ftopp'd the bfceat-h Of captains and their bands : The men ofnitghktiept faRindsath, And nc^er found tfK ir hands. 6 Kt thy rebuke. O fcco&'fGo^ Both horle and c tar 'at fell : vWiio knows the ter/oj s of thy rod f Thy vengeance who can ted ? 7 What pow'r can frand before thy fight When once thy wrath appi ai Ta. n hesy!fl (nines round u j b dieadful light 5 While earth lies iliii -and fears. -3 Wis en God- in his own fovVei^rn way 8, Comes down to fave th oppreiv. The wr.nh ot man fljall work his praifs, And he'll reftrain the re ft. [9 Vow to the Lord, 2nd tribute brings Ye princes, fear his frown : His terror makes th.e prou-deft king, And cues an army down. - .-£• The thunder of his fharp rebuke Our haughty foes (hall feel : For a i hath, not forfook, BatdwetisinZ^iftilK] PULM LXX VII. Virftpari. Melancholy ay exiting, and Hope ''rev ailing. rTHO GOD i cry d with mounful voice $ I fought his gracious ear, JU4 PSALM LXXVIL In the fad day, when troubles role, a fiti'd the night wither. : were mj cays, and dark m refiis'd relief; I Uvdfignt on Goi: . and wife, ba: aoughts men. ief. 3 S . oppreft, Mv Goc, tny wt de my reft., Ai-d kept liiine eyes a\*. a k 4 r ! 5 grew ''j Hi I.tou ib dkhtc; Trun I r ithi. n j .. w, \ri cak* thy judgments o'er. 5 J c&H'd oack andancier. When 1 beheld My lpim learch d to* U crtt crimes Which might hy grace. 6 I ca.l'd thy mercies to my mind lieh i cj jwy' before : And .viii the Loid no moie be kind ? His Uce appear no more f 7 Wiii he fo/evcr call me offf His prom f ever rafi ? Has He forgot his tender love I Shaii anger ftij] prevail ? I forbid this hopekfs thought, TLis dark d; fp iiring frame* Rememb'ring what thy hand hath wrought^ Thy hand is ftlfl the fame. 9 I'll think again of all my ways; d t*lk thy wonders o'er ; wonders of recovVing grace, I ill con d Le'p no more, io Grace dwells with juitice on the throce* And men who love thy word PSALM LXXVII. 24i Have in thy fan&uary known The counfels of the Lord. PSALM LXXVIII. Stcor.dpart. Cwnfort derive d from chefcnt proi-idences ; cr\ Ifrad deliiered from Egypt, end brcugbi u CanUL n S* [TOW awful is thy chaft'ning rod \%y ^ LJL (May thy own children fay) « The great; the wife, the dreadful God, " Bow holy is his way !" % PII meditate his works of old : The king who reigns above, * I'll hear his ancient wonders told, And learn to truft his love. 3 Long did the houfe cf Jofirpb lie With Egypt's yoke oppteft ; Long he deiay'd to hear their cry, Nor gave his people reft . 4 The fens of good old Jaecb feem'd Abandon'd to their foes ; Euthis Almighty Arm redeemed •The nation which he shofe. 5 JfieU his people and his fheep, Muit follow where he calls ; He bade them venture through the dce£y And-made the waves their wails. 6 The waters faw thee, Mighty God ! The waters faw thee come ! Backward they fled, and frighted flood, To make thine armies room. 7 Strange was thy journey through the fea 5 Th> footfteps Lord, unknown 1 / Terrors attend the wondrous way rings thy mercy dewn, x*5 PSALM LXXVlir. [§ Thy voice, with terror in the found, ' Through cloads and darknefs broke 5 AH heav'n in lighCning fhone around, And earth with thunder (hook, 9 Thine arrows through the fky were hurFd }- How glor'ous is the Lord ! Sttrprife anc trembling leiz/d the world, And humbled faints arior d. 10 lit gtive them water from the reck ; And fafe, by Mojes7 hand Through a dry deiart led his fiock Home to the promis'd land.] p S A L M LXXVIL Firft psrf Com. met Providences nf God recorded ; or. Piofit edoc&flen /Children* LET chi' ircn hear the mighty deeds Which God perrorm'd of old; Wuich i*i our younger years we favr, And whicJ* oar fdtners to*d. 2 He bids us make h:s glories known. His works of powY and grace : And we'll convey his wonders down Through ev'ryrifing race. 3 Our lips fhaii tell tfrem to our fo .. And they again to their's. That venerations yet unborn May teach them to their heirs. 4 Thus fhall they learn, in God alone T^eir hope fecureiy Hands, That they may ne'er forget his works But pra&ife his commands. PSALM L XXV III. Seeovdpart. Com.rnetr ifrael's rebellion and punijkm*nts ; or, ffoji 1 fits of God7 s peop Iti o WHAT a if rebellious hWe Was yocopj. aiKur.u Psalm lxx vni. 147 jfilfe to their own mod folemn vows, And to their Maker's £race. « They broke the covenant of his love, AH'idi'i his laws defpiie ; Forgot the works he wrought to prove His pow'r be tore their eyes 3 They law the planus on Egypt light From his revenging hand : What dreadful tokens oi his ml. Spread e'er the ilubborn land ! 4 They faw him cleave the mighty fczj 4nd march M in faiety thrc With wat'ry walls to suard their way, 'Till they had 'icap'd the foe. j A wond'rous pillar mark 'd the road, Gompof'd or ihade and light ; By day it provM a fhelt'ring cloud, A leading 6re by night, 6 He from the rock their thirft fuppHM The gaining waters fell ; And ran in rivers by their fide, A conftant miracle I 7 Yet they provok'd the Lord Moil Hi^h, And dar'd alftruft his hand; Can he with bread our .be/l fupply, A>n:dll this it art land ? 8 The Lord with indignation heard, And caus'd his wrath to flame \ His terrors ever (land orepar'd To vindicate His Name., PSALM LXXVill, Third Part. Com. metre, Tbepuni/kment of luxury and intemperance ; Qr Qbaftifement and Salvatioa WHEN I'ret tins, the Lord reproves, Aai fius their hearts withdreai, O i*T PSALM LXXVIIL Yet, he forgives the men he loves, And fends themheav'nly bread. a He fed them with a lib'ral hand, And made his treafures known ; He gave the midnight-clouds command To pour provifion down. 3 The manna, like a morning fhow'r. Lay thick around their it et ; The corn of heav'n, fo light, fo pure, As* though 'twere angels, meat. 4 But they, in murm?ring language, faid, " Manna is all our feaft ; "We loath this light this airy bread ; « We mwft have fieih to ta'fte," ^Ycjhall havefiefh to pie a' e your Iii/l," The Lord, in wrath reply'd ;. And fentthem quails like fand or duft> Heap' d up from iide to fide. 6 He gave therr.all their own defire ; Aad greedy as they fcd9 His vengeance burni with fecret fire, And fmote the rebels dead. jr When fome where fiain the reft returner And fought the Lord with tears : Under the rod they fear'd and mourn 9d3 But foon fbYgot their fears. S Oft he chaftis'd and ftill forgave,. 'Till by his gracious hand, The nation herefolv'd to fave, = PoflefTd the promif 'd land* $ S A L M LXXVULFourtb FartLon% metw,- Baekjlidlng andforgi- enejs : or. Sin pmijh&d, ar.d Saints Jai The Fine* yprd of God <:v'ijtdd. GREAT Sepherd of thine I/rae! .; Who did'tt between the cherubsdwell And led the tribes thy chofen fhe.ep* •through the defert and ihecc. ij« PSALM LXXX. i Thy Church is in the defart row : Shine from on high and guide us through | Turn us to thee thy love re ft ore, We fhall be fav'd and figh no more ! . 3 Great Gcd ! whom heav'nly hofts obey* How long mall we lament and pray ! And wait, in vain thy kind return ! How long ihall thy fierce anger burn ? 4 Inftead of wine and ciiearful bread, 'Thy faints with their own tears are fed I Turn us to thee, Thy Love reftore ; We Ihall be fav'd and figh no more ! Pause I« 5 Haft thou not planted with thine hand& A icvely -vine in Heathen lands ? Bid not thy pow'r defend it round And heavn'ly dews enrich the ground? 6 How did the fprcadinj: branches fhoet ; A:.d blefs the nations with the fruit i But now dear Lord look down and fee ¥k&t mourning* -vine that lo-vely tree 1 7 Why is its beauty thus defae'd ? Why halt thou laid her fences wade i Strangers and foes againft her join ; And ev'ry beaft devours the vine . 3 Return Almighty God return ; Ifor let the bleeding -vineyard mourn ; ^Turn us to thee ; thy love reftore ; We fball be fav'd and Ggh no more ! P A U S E II. o Lord when this vine in C&naan grew* Thou waft its ftrength and glory too ! AttackM, in vain by all its foes, *Tiil the fair branch of promise rofa. P S A L M LA",OT. aRAHCH, or^ain'd of eld to fhoct irom D^vius flock, from Jack's re H'mfch ^ «?©£# ri»*J and We Tae kiitr branch^ s c f the tree., ii 'Tis thy own son ! a* d Hs abroad, Ana i'il fupply tV-cmweii ; " But, if von will retail yeur C « If XrV/vvi.i rebel. 4" Til leave them, faith the Lord "To their own rafts a pre.y, ¥ And let them run the dang*rous roa 14 ' Tis their own chofen way, 5 " Yet, Oh ! that ali 44 Would hearken to aay voice ! " Soon I would cafe their ifore cbmpl 4; A^d bid their hearts rtioiv: Da ?5* PSALM LXXXll, LXXXUjm * " While I deftroy'd their foes, " I'd richly feed my flock, f1 And they fhould tafte the ftrcam which flews •* From their Eternal Rock." PSALM -LXXXll. (God th$ Supreme Governor ; orMagifiratcs