if) if) N |! 5> /"tv 1 44 ' ,WS‘7 74 * \n 13 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2019 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library https://archive.org/details/inscriptionsfromOOthom Inscriptions from the cemetery of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at WESTFIELD in NEW JERSEY from the Year 174 0 t0 the Year 1899 Copied from the Old Tombstones in the Year 1899 by GEORGE W. THOMAS Member of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society WITH ILLUSTRATIONS FROM THE RAHWAY CEMETERY San Francisco, California, U. S. A. THE PIONEER PRESS 1923 b&> 3 Inscriptions from the cemetery of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH at WESTFIELD in NEW JERSEY from the Year 174-° t0 the Year l8 Inscriptions fro?n Westjield y New Jersey The following list includes all the names on the tombstones in the Cemetery of the First Presbyterian Church, Westfield, still standing in the summer of 1899, when the inscriptions were copied by George W. Thomas, Cranford, New Jersey. The verses on the tombstones have been omitted from this list. The numbers on the accompanying diagram indicate the locations of the graves. The names from the old stones in Westfield Cemetery have not before been printed. A AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 10 Agatz, Ernst H. (German inscription). Oct. 19, 1856 78 , * 116 Acker, Isaac. Jan. 16, 1809 22 a # 117 Acker, Rebecca, daughter of Isaac and Abigail . . July 3, 1810 1 8 141 Acker, Rebecca, wife of Deacon Joseph. June 3, 1808 67 # # 142 Acker, Deacon Joseph. Aug. 22, 1804 70 # , 143 Acker, Joseph, son of Joseph and Rebecca. Nov. 10, 1800 17 # , 144 Acker, Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca Sept. 23, 1776 8 # a 145 Acker, Rachel, daughter of Joseph and Rebecca. Sept. 20, 1776 10 # # 146 Acker, Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Sarah. . . . Mar. 11, 1796 4 6 147 Acker, Sarah, wife of Jonathan. Feb. 22, 1802 32 a # 148 Acker, Joseph, son of Jonathan and Anna. Feb. 19, 1807 s # 5 5 158 Acker, John. Aug. 1, 1797 35 * , 159 Acker, Elizabeth, wife of John. Feb. 18, 1788 24 • • 670 Acker, Hannah Squier, wife of William. July 4, 1868 76 • • 676 Acker, Anne, widow of Jonathan who d. 1807; daughter of Caleb and Susannah Maxwell. . . . Apr. 11, 1841 72 1 4 873 Acker, Robert. Sept. 21, 1776 51 • • • • 690 B Baker, Deacon William. Dec. 30, 1833 74 691 Baker, Jemima, wife of William. Aug. 18, 1818 54 , , 692 Baker, NancyW.,daughterofWilliamandJemima Nov. 27, 1805 14 • . 693 Baker, Jeremiah, son of William and Jemima.. . May 25, 1818 24 . • 694 Baker, Jacob (Ruling Elder of his church). Aug. 26, 1837 40 • • 695 Baker, Anna Maria, wife of Jacob. Nov. 1, 1881 75 2 15 704 Ball, Isaac, son of Ezekial and Abigail. Feb. 1779 , , 3 # # 704 Ball, David Watkins, son of Ezekial and Abigail July 1, 1780 . . 6 # # 706 Baker, David. Feb. 4, 1796 47 , . 708 Baker, Deacon Henry. Apr. 1, 1885 87 6 13 709 Baker, Mary Ann S. Radley, his wife. Feb. 12, 1885 84 5 7 710 Baker, Jacob, their son. Mar. 17, 1812 • • 1 19 [3] NO. 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 760 761 767 768 769 814 6 25 25 25 103 103 103 158 158 158 158 175 11 12 13 56 62 101 218 219 220 221 222 258 259 260 352 353 372 373 AGE NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. Baker, James Huntley, their son. Sept. 25, 1834 • • 1 17 Baker, Hedges, son of Henry and Phebe. July 14, 1788 14 • • • • Baker, Daniel, son of Daniel and Margaret. Sept. 2, 1788 1 # • • • Baker, Daniel. July 10, 1814 61 # , , . Baker, Margaret, widow of David. Aug. 23, 1836 76 1 9 Baker, Hedges. Apr. 5, 1831 38 7 23 Baker, Charlotte W., widow of Hedges. June 28, 1873 78 3 27 Baker, Jacob, son of Daniel and Hannah. Dec. 28, 1789 2 3 . , Burlock, Mary, wife of Thomas, widow of Charles Gilman. Feb. 4, 1825 73 Baker, Nathaniel. Mar. 13, 1799 52 # # Baker, Sarah, daughter of Nathaniel and Rachel May 19, 1786 14 • a Baker, Joshua, son of Nathaniel and Rachel. .. . Oct. 17, 1801 8 • *. Baker, Clark, son of Henry and Phoebe. Oct. 13, 1801 6 # . Briggs, Mary Clark, wife of Gilbert C., daughter of Caleb M. and Mary R. Littell. Mar. 30, 1881 51 6 2 Baker, Matilda F. Losey, wife of Cortland R.. . Aug. 27, 1882 56 . # • . Baker, Caroline, wife of Cortland R., daughter of Jacob and Elenor Van Pelt. Jan. 24, 1850 27 3 13 Baker, Cortland R. Dec. 3, 1866 45 , # , . Baker, Jane R. Thompson, widow of William, Jr. Apr. 7, 1867 76 11 4 Baker, William, Jr. Nov. 25, 1831 , a • • Baker, Nancy W. July 6, 1872 60 4 18 Bindenberger, Philip. July 27, 1857 55 • • • • Bindenberger, Margaret, his widow. Jan. 18, 1881 73 • • • • Bindenberger, Elizabeth. Jan. 31, 1881 52 • • . • Bindenberger, Karolina M., daughter of Eliza- beth. Apr. 18, 1867 14 10 3 Bindenberger, Kunkel Henry A., son of Albert and Margaretha. Aug. 18, 1865 4 11 12 Bindenberger, Josephine, wife of Henry. Aug. 1, 1879 43 8 28 Bowen, Keziah, widow of Daniel. Feb. 5, 1848 48 . . # , Bowen, Julia A, child of Benj. and Elizabeth. . . Sept. 9, 1856 • . 9 4 Bowen, John Davis, child of Benjamin and Eliza- beth. Jan. 18, 1846 1 10 18 Badgley, Samuel. May 10, 1868 74 7 10 Badgley, Abigail, wife of Anthony. May 1, 1822 52 Briant, Daniel. Mar. 29, 1813 36 Briant, Mary, daughter of John and Abigail. .. . Oct. 8, 1773 12 Briant, Andrew. Nov. 1750 35 Brooks, Jacob. Oct. 16, 1747 26 Brooks, Philip. Oct. 15, 1747 72 Brooks, Mary, wife of Philip. June 13, 1761 86 Badgley, Anthony. June 30, 1803 70 Badgley, James. Mar. 17, 1810 50 Badgley, Aaron, son of Anthony and Anna. Jan. 11, 1761 4 Baker, Elizabeth, wife of Jesse C. Sept. 30, 1840 47 Baker, Jesse C. Sept. 14, 1832 42 # # Baker, Phebe, daughter of James R. and Cath- arine H. Jan. 5, 1861 10 9 27 Baker, Elizabeth Cebra, daughter of Elizabeth Ann and William T. Aug. 11, 1812 1 4 12 [4] NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YK. AGE MO. D. 374 Baker, James Rose, son of Henry and Hannah.. Sept. 13, 1820 13 . . 375 Baker, Henry. Aug. 4, 1848 63 • • 376 Baker, Hannah, wife of Henry. Oct. 9, 1861 75 • # 406 Beagle, Patience, wife of John. Apr. 25, 1810 21 . . 447 Burrows, Eliza B., daughter of H. and M. Feb. 3, 1829 1 10 Burrows, Rachel, daughter of H. and M. Jan. 3, 1841 5 4 527 Beagle, Huldah, daughter of Jacob and Hannah . Mar. 2, 1802 3 1 9 628 Baker, Phebe, formerly wife of Henry Baker; wife of William Pierson. Aug. 9, 1813 83 629 Baker, Henry. May 13, 1780 52 . . 630 Baker, Temperance, daughter of Henry and Phebe Feb. 28, 1774 7 . . 631 Baker, Nathaniel. Jan. 17, 1786 69 . . 632 Baker (“Bacor”) Abigail, wife of Nathaniel. . . . Oct. 30, 1775 54 , . 633 Baker, Nathaniel, son of Nathaniel and Abigail. Nov. 9, 1741 2 634 Baker, Moses, son of Nathaniel and Abigail. . . . Oct. 10, 1758 5 , . 635 Baker, Mary, wife of Nathaniel. May 13, 1785 55 640 Baker, Margaret, daughter of Jacob and Anna Maria. June 24, 1832 3 1 8 641 Baker, William. Mar. 1, 1862 30 6 25 668 Baker, Keziah, wife of Jonathan. Sept. 20, 1808 40 . . • • 669 Baker, Jonathan. Mar. 19, 1824 80 . . . . 686 Briant, Mary, daughter of Andrew and Sarah . . . Apr. 19, 1828 29 5 12 687 Briant, Sarah F., wife of Andrew. Feb. 2, 1850 70 3 13 688 Briant, Andrew, son of John and Abigail. Feb. 13, 1844 74 • . 19 689 Briant, John. Oct. 6, 1821 61 . . . . 52 C Cole, Simeon. Jan. 16, 1823 33 53 Cole, Hannah, daughter of Simeon and Phebe. . . Sept. 9, 1820 6 10 4 57 Clark, John R. June 19, 1865 69 8 10 60 Clark, Abigail, daughter of John R. and Phebe Apr. 7, 1843 18 7 . . 80 Crane, Phebe W., wife of Ezra. Sept. 4, 1820 45 6 11 81 Collins, Sarah. June 18, 1868 101 3 . . 82 Collins, Hugh. Feb. 22, 1865 60 10 20 87 Cory, Susannah, daughter of Benjamin and Susannah. Mar. 9, 1809 2 3 7 88 Cory, Eliza, wife of Samuel. Aug. 15, 1828 34 • . . . 89 Cory, Abigail, wife of Benjamin, Jr. Apr. 5, 1807 27 8 1 90 Cory, Benjamin, Jr. Sept. 9, 1856 53 4 14 102 Clark, Jonas. Mar. 21, 1816 51 • . 103 Clark, Abraham, son of Jonas and Phebe. Aug. 13, 1810 1 2 6 104 Clark, John, son of Jonas and Phebe. Oct. E 1804 4 4 5 105 Clark, Benjamin, son of David and Sarah. Oct. IE 1799 31 • . . . 106 Clark, Benjamin, son of Jonas and Phebe. Dec. 1, 1800 7 3 20 107 Cory, Joseph. July 13, 1802 45 108 Cory, Margaret, wife of Joseph. Nov. 14, 1797 37 109 Cory, Jonathan, son of Joseph and Margaret. . . May 9, 1789 9 110 Cory, Levi, son of Joseph and Margaret. May 20, 1789 7 122 Cole, David, son of Isaac and Rachel. July 2, 1819 20 123 Cole, Isaac. May 12, 1802 27 [5] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 163 Cole, Hannah T., wife of Simeon. Sept. 3, 1828 38 4 205 Clark, Robert. Apr. 28, 1807 29 206 Clark, Ichabod. Jan. 21, 1846 87 272 Craig, Andrew. July 14, 1763 68 273 Craig, James. Mar. 12, 1763 36 274 Craig, Sarah, wife of James. Mar. 21, 1759 29 276 Craig, Lydia, wife of Andrew. Sept. 17, 1758 68 298 Cory, John. Aug. 8, 1768 64 299 Cory, Martha, wife of John. Sept. 24, 1777 70 316 Cory, Jonathan. June 30, 1793 61 317 Cory, Martha, wife of Jonathan. Apr. 13, 1798 60 318 Cory, Sarah, daughter of Jonathan and Martha. Mar. 11, 1770 6 319 Clark, Rebecca, daughter of Daniel and Rebecca Oct. 12, 1754 21 325 Clark, Betsy, wife of John Marsh Clark. Jan. 20, 1802 28 7 13 341 Crane, Christopher. Feb. 6, 1760 45 342 Crane, Lydia, widow of Christopher. Mar. 31, 1760 47 345 Crane, Joanna, daughter of Noah and Anna... . Aug. 12, 1774 2 4 350 Crane, Moses. Aug. 10, 1753 31 383 Clark, Winans. Aug. 25, 1841 45 1 1 384 Clark, Sally, wife of Winans. May 29, 1838 40 17 388 Clark, Abraham. Dec. 11, 1814 44 # • 389 Clark, Elizabeth, wife of Abraham. June 25, 1830 58 • • 391 Cory, Andrew. Mar. 26, 1807 32 • • 410 Cole, Phebe, wife of Simeon. Aug. 11, 1820 31 6 14 Cole, Mary, their daughter. Aug. 12, 1820 1 2 5 420 Connet, Sarah. Apr. 15, 1842 59 • • • . 421 Connet, Edward. Oct. 27, 1801 55 # • • . 422 Connet, Margaret, wife of Edward. Jan. 6, 1835 74 • « • * 423 Connet, Anna, daughter of Edward and Mar- garet. July 20, 1809 10 • • • • 424 Clark, Betsy Ross, widow of Joshua and wife of Capt. Sanford Hicks. Oct. 26, 1853 72 • • • • 434 Coriell, Ellen Albert, daughter of Israel and Anna Feb. 12, 1837 19 4 19 435 Coriell, infant son of Israel and Anna. Apr. 25, 1835 436 Coriell, Ireane, daughter of Israel and Anna. . . . Sept. 3, 1816 3 5 27 441 Coriell, Anna, wife of Isreal R. Feb. 28, 1828 35 # # # # 486 Clark, Sarah D., wife of Joseph M. Oct. 30, 1840 31 • . • # 548 Connet, Esther, daughter of Matthew and Lydia Apr. 27, 1813 9 • • • ♦ 549 Connet, Mary, wife of Frazee. Apr. 22, 1846 74 2 8 550 Connet, Frazee. Sept. 26, 1832 63 6 12 551 Connet, Esther, wife of Benjamin. July 16, 1802 66 552 Connet, Benjamin. Nov. 24, 1807 78 553 Connet, Benjamin, son of Benjamin and Esther. Aug. 30, 1787 21 565 Clark, Hetty. Mar. 8, 1823 31 566 Clark, John B. Apr. 15, 1804 39 567 Clark, Rebekah, wife of John B. Jan. 29, 1816 50 568 Clark, Jesse. Dec. 24, 1815 76 569 Clark, Charity, wife of Jesse. Nov. 20, 1811 67 570 Clark, Sally, daughter of Edward and Phebe. . . Apr. 16, 1801 17 6 571 Clark, Sarah, daughter of Jesse and Charity... . Aug. 17, 1779 3 9 22 572 C lark, Abraham, son of Jesse and Charity. Dec. 4, 1766 # # 10 573 Clark, Sarah, daughter of Jesse and Charity... . July 28, 1773 • • 2 • • [6] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 574 Cook, Samuel C. May 7, 1793 14 3 575 Clark, Edward [Major in Revolutionary War] . . Apr. 12, 1803 41 576 Clark, Phebe, wife of Edward. June 29, 1855 95 577 Crane, Joanna, wife of Col. Jacob. Feb. 9, 1779 32 578 Crane, Sarah, daughter of Jacob and Joanna. . . Dec. 27, 1776 1 579 Crane, Sabra C., daughter of Jacob and Hannah Apr. 13, 1789 2 6 580 Crane, Hannah, wife of Col. Jacob. Feb. 3, 1794 39 581 Crane, Jonathan, Esq. Jan. 6, 1766 60 582 Crane, Mary, widow of Jonathan, Esq. Apr. 26, 1766 61 583 Crane, Mary, widow of Jonathan, Esq. Mar. 18, 1779 74 587 Crane, John. Sept. 12, 1807 84 589 Crane, Huldah, wife of John. Dec. 27, 1773 51 589 Crane, Hannah, wife of John. Mar. 21, 1803 67 590 Crane, Abigail, wife of John. Aug. 3, 1807 71 591 Clark, William, Jr. May 21, 1758 47 592 Clark, Rachel, daughter of William and Sarah. . Sept. 16, 1741 18 593 Clark, Sarah, wife of William. Oct. 10, 1749 59 594 Clark, Deborah, wife of W illiam. Aug. 29, 1758 68 595 Clark, Azariah. June 19, 1825 70 596 Clark, Capt. Charles. Feb. 14, 1785 59 597 Clark, Mary, wife of Capt. Charles. Dec. 10, 1817 84 600 Crane, John. Sept. 11, 1763 62 601 Crane, Anna, wife of John. Mar. 14, 1759 59 602 Crane, A. C. 1759 # # 603 Crane, Rev John. Sept. 16, 1753 37 639 Craig, James. Apr. 6, 1790 44 696 Cavalier, Charles H., Co. E 30th Reg’t. N. Y Vols. Feb. 28, 1863 21 1 23 700 Cory, Ruth, wife of Joseph, widow of Aaron Woodruff. Nov. 28, 1818 68 • • 10 718 Clark, Mary A., wife of William. July 15, 1859 44 8 • • 719 Clark, Job, son of William and Sarah. Feb. 6, 1798 2 • • 17 720 Clark, William, son of John and Phebe. Nov. 14, 1789 1 • . • • 721 Clark, William, a soldier of the Revolution. Sept. 28, 1853 97 3 11 722 Sarah, wife of William. Dec. 11, 1841 78 11 7 723 Clark, Jabes, son of William and Sarah. Sept. 14, 1823 21 • • . • 724 Clark, Caroline, daughter of Andrew H. and Rebecca. Aug. 1, 1815 1 5 12 725 Clark, Hanson Cox, son of William and Margaret Mar. 21, 1857 29 . . • • 726 Clark, Sarah Hetfield, daughter of William and Margaret. Sept. 11, 1856 27 • • • • 727 Clark, Emily Scudder, daughter of William Jr. and Margaret. Feb. 24, 1831 1 • • • . 728 Clark, Stewart F. Randolph, son of William Jr. and Margaret. Aug. 24, 1824 • • • • 21 729 Clark, Margaret F., wife of William Jr. Nov. 29, 1831 33 • • . • 730 Clark, W illiam. June 9, 1869 80 4 9 732 Crane, John. May 14, 1837 81 10 27 733 Crane, Phebe, wife of John. July 9, 1818 58 . • • • 734 Crane, Phebe, daughter of John G. and Sarah. . Mar. 24, 1812 • • 5 18 735 Crane, John G. Mar. 9, 1814 31 • . • • 736 Crane, Sarah Pierson, wife of John Grant. Aug. 27, 1873 86 • • • • [7] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 737 Crane, Stephen. Mar. 28, 1837 63 • . 738 Crane, David, son of Henry and Elizabeth. June 22, 1837 21 7 747 Clark, Simeon, son of John and Phebe. Oct. 8, 1796 1 8 792 Crane, John De Hart, son of Daniel and Anna.. Sept. 3, 1801 3 8 793 Crane, David. May 28, 1804 29 • a 795 Clark, David. Apr. 3, 1779 59 . . 796 Clark, David Jr. May 2, 1777 27 . # 797 798 Clark, David, son of David and Hannah. Clark, Matthias, only son of Matthias and Feb. 13, 1787 10 • • Charity. July 18, 1782 • • 11 27 799 Clark, Charity, wife of Matthias. July 2, 1817 62 10 • • 800 Clark, Matthias, a Revolutionary Army Officer. June 7, 1808 54 2 29 812 Connet, Isaac, son of Gardiner and Elizabeth.. . Nov. 17, 1762 8 • • 815 Clark, Charles. Sept. 8, 1821 68 . . 816 Clark, Anna, wife of Charles. Apr. 23, 1787 31 • . 829 Crane, David. Oct. 26, 1807 30 , • 830 Cory, Abner, son of David and Jemima. Apr. 20, 1757 • . 9 831 Cory, Berley, son of David and Jemima. Sept. 1776 . . 8 842 Crane, Amos. Feb. 19, 1817 77 10 26 843 844 Crane, Benjamin. Crane, Jacob Thompson, son of David and Mar. 7, 1827 89 • • • • Hannah. Mar. 12, 1836 2 6 25 845 Crane, Benjamin. May 23, 1844 82 5 24 846 Crane, Sarah, wife of Benjamin. Jan. 5, 1847 78 8 20 860 Conklin, Sarah, wife of David. Mar. 3, 1778 50 , . • • 882 Conkling, David. June 20, 1792 41 • • . • 886 Clark, Susannah, wife of John. Dec. 20, 1778 70 • • • • 887 Clark, John. Oct. 25, 1799 81 • . • • 2 Crane, William. May 29, 1871 58 1 8 2 Crane, Keziah, wife of W illiam. Jan. 27, 1877 60 2 9 2 Crane, William Grant, their son. Sept. 20, 1851 4 10 13 2 Crane, Lutitia Miller, their daughter. Feb. 20, 1851 , , 5 13 6 Clark, Mary Ross, widow of Caleb Maxwell Littell Apr. 29, 1863 65 5 7 23 Cory, Susannah Denman, wife of Benjamin. Oct. 15, 1854 81 10 24 Cory Benjamin. Apr 11, 1851 81 7 7 30 Connet, Lydia A. Jan. 25, 1849 78 30 Connet, Matthew. Mar. 7, 1848 83 37 72 Cory, Abigail, widow of George W. Pierson. Clark,-, son and daughter of Aaron Jan. 15, 1891 69 3 21 72 Clark, C. D., Co. 1, 2d N. J. Inf. 37 Clark, father and mother of Aaron. 83 Cory, Charity, b. Sept 22, 1792. Apr 25, 1880 83 Cory, William, b. Feb. 16, 1784. Aug. 2, 1866 112 Connet, Abigail, widow of Theophilus Pierson . . Dec. 2, 1876 76 9 8 124 Clark, John. Sept. 1, 1853 75 124 124 Clark, Mary, wife of John. Clark, Jane Halsey, daughter of John C. and Mar. 3, 1855 73 Mary T. Aug. 28, 1871 68 10 13 204 Cory, Jonathan, b. 1812. 1881 • • • • • • 204 Cory, Catherine C., b. 1817. 1890 • • • • • • 204 Cory, Emily M. Nov. 3, 1860 14 10 • • 204 Cory, John C. Nov. 7, 1860 17 9 25 [8] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 204 Cory, Amos P., b. 1841. 1875 204 Cory, John C., b. 1843. 1860 204 Cory, Emily M., b. 1846. 1860 204 Cory, David B., b. 1849. 1883 204 Cory, Benj., b. 1851. 1851 206 Clark, John M. Mar. 3, 1867 76 9 6 206 Clark, Maria, widow of John M. June 20, 1875 81 2 17 18 Crane, Mary H. Baker, widow of Benj. F. . . . Apr. 7, 1856 34 5 23 18 Crane, Benj. F. Nov. 16, 1846 30 5 2 18 Crane, Mary Marshall, wife of William. Apr. 2, 1864 75 7 7 18 Crane, Benj. F., son of Benj. F. and Mary H.. Aug. 2, 1866 24 1 7 46 D Dunham, John. Nov. 26, 1840 78 1 19 47 Dunham, Phebe. Spet. 7, 1839 71 7 24 121 Drew, Elizabeth, wife of George. Jan 18, 1773 37 # # 151 Davis, Rachel, daughter of John and Phebe. . . . Oct. 7, 1802 , , 7 8 152 Davis, Sarah, daughter of John and Phebe. Oct. 11, 1803 , . 2 # # 153 Davis, Hiram Washington, son of John and Phebe. June 15, 1814 7 4 , # 14 Davis, Porlina, daughter of John and Phebe. . . . Oct. 26, 1818 13 8 7 160 Disbrow, Miss Jane. June 2, 1867 71 188 Dunham, Mary, daughter of David and Nancy, Aug. 30, 1803 3 , , 189 Dunham, John, son of David and Freelove. Nov. 23, 1796 20 191 Dunham, Joseph. Dec. 27, 1776 40 # # 192 Dunham, Hannah, wife of Joseph. Nov. 20, 1781 43 # # 193 Dunham, Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Mary Nov. 29, 1790 . , 6 , # 194 Dunham, Wm. E., son of David and Elizabeth. . Oct. 26, 1843 1 6 28 195 Dunham, Phebe Ann, daughter of Moses, wife of Jonah M. Ludlow. June 3, 1834 24 • . , . 197 Dunham, Enoch. Jan. 2, 1848 34 7 21 198 Dunham, Sarah Baker, wife of Moses. Oct. 7, 1852 65 199 Dunham, Moses, son of Joseph. Apr. 25, 1862 75 229 Demoney, Phebe, daughter of Henry and Hannah Aug. 27, 1779 • • 13 17 230 Demoney, Mary, wife of Henry, Jr. July 26, 1773 31 231 Demoney, Hannah, wife of Henry, and their In- fant. Oct. 8, 1781 33 240 Demoney, John, son of Henry and Phebe. Mar. 26, 1777 19 241 Demoney, Henry. Dec. 11, 1777 66 242 Demoney, Phebe, wife of Henry. July 14, 1777 60 261 Dolbeer, Susanna, wife of Cutter. Aug. 24, 1826 28 517 Dunham, John. Nov. 12, 1811 79 518 Dunham, Keziah, wife of John. Mar. 17, 1809 72 598 Deane, Rebecca, wife of La Chevalier. May 1, 1803 75 616 Denman, Mary, wife of John. Mar. 27, 1762 61 617 Denman, John. Mar. 1, 1775 74 625 Davis, John. Feb. 23, 1768 62 626 Davis, Susannah, widow of John. Apr. 4, 1769 55 637 Davis, John 3rd. Jan. 10, 1777 22 705 Davis, Josiah Arro-Smith. Apr. 20, 1790 23 [9] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 751 Downer, Samuel. Oct. 22, 1824 101 7 22 752 Downer, Hannah, wife of Samuel. Sept. 28, 1804 71 • • • • 770 Downer, David R., Minister Carmine St. Ch., New York. Nov. 28, 1841 33 3 26 771 Downer, Sarah, daughter of Samuel and Sarah. . Sept. 24, 1822 26 • . • • 772 Downer, David R., son of Samuel and Sarah. . . Apr. 14, 1808 1 8 • • 773 Downer, Abba, daughter of Samuel and Sarah. . Dec. 20, 1803 . . 6 14 774 Downer, Mary, daughter of Samuel and Sarah. . Nov. 2, 1802 6 • • 9 775 Downer, Aaron, son of Samuel and Sarah. Sept. 17, 1810 5 • • • . 776 Downer, Sarah, wife of Samuel. July 28, 1820 49 • • • • 777 Downer, Samuel. May 29, 1846 86 • • 5 778 Downer, Hannah, wife of Dr. Corra Osborn. . . Mar. 13, 1863 72 2 12 790 Denman, Charlotte, daughter of Andrew and Susannah. Feb. 8, 1817 21 11 26 791 Denman, Susannah, wife of Andrew. Apr. 1, 1814 56 • . , . 821 Dickerson, Mrs. Nancy. May 11, 1840 75 • • • . 832 Denman, Christopher. Oct. 21, 1808 67 • • • • 833 Denman, Abigail, wife of Christopher. June 20, 1803 59 • • • • 834 Denman, Rebecca M., wife of John. Jan. 4, 1812 31 10 5 835 Denman, Abraham Hendricks, son of John and Locky. Nov. 30, 1830 2 6 836 Davis, Jacob (ruling elder 58 years). Feb. 22, 1853 85 • • 17 837 Davis, Mary, wife of Deacon Jacob Davis. Oct. 31, 1825 61 # . # . 838 Davis, Jacob, son of Jacob and Mary. May 22, 1817 23 6 22 859 Davis, John, Jr. Mar. 2, 1760 29 # # 875 De Camp, Rebekah, daughter of Moses and Sarah Mar. 23, 1789 4 876 De Camp, Walter. May 24, 1802 37 a . • . 23 Denman, Susannah, wife of Benj. Cory. Oct. 15, 1854 81 10 24 54 Downer, Alfred Sayre, b. Feb. 21, 1837. Sept. 20, 1893 54 Downer, Eliza Sayre, wife of Rev. David R. July 9, 1886 70 6 3 57 Downer, Rev. Edwin. May 31, 1868 69 5 57 Downer, Harriet, widow of Rev. Edwin, dau. of Dr. B. B. Newkirk. Apr. 12, 1891 83 1 22 57 Downer, Newkirk, Rev. Happuch, of Mt. Hope, N. Y. Oct. 4, 1861 77 1 • • 153 Dunham, 4 children of Jeremiah and Josephine ♦ • E 3 Evans, Henry. Mar. 7, 1883 54 461 Enders, Phebe, wife of Wm. and daughter of Aaron and Jemima Hetfield. Mar. 11, 1822 23 507 Elmer, Nancy, daughter of Dr. Philemon and Catherine. Oct. 19, 1826 38 508 Elmer, Catherine, wife of Dr. Philemon. Apr. 8, 1824 63 509 Elmer, Caroline, daughter of Dr. Philemon and Catherine. Sept. 21, 1826 26 510 Elmer, David Stewart C., son of Dr. Philemon and Catherine. Sept. 28, 1826 22 521 Elmer, Dr. Philemon. May 16, 1827 77 1 11 4 1 [10] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 522 Elmer, Mary, wife of Dr. Philemon and only child of Ephraim and Phebe Marsh. Oct. 27, 1778 22 6 27 523 Elmer, Julia, daughter of Dr. Philemon and Catherine. Apr. 2 - y 1820 22 # , 681 Elmer, (“Elmore”) Elizabeth, wife of Dr. Phile. July 8, 1834 76 • * • • 59 F Foster, Henrietta A., wife of Wm. M. Oct. 3, 1852 20 68 Frazee, Catherine (Hays), relict of Jotham Frazee Mar. 16, 1851 74 7 5 83 Foster, Marcus, son of John and Rhoda. Sept. 13, 1820 , , 6 3 181 Frazy, Phebe, wife of Benj. Oct. 28, 1836 88 209 Frazee, Jonas. Oct. 6, 1777 36 262 Frazee, Hannah, wife of Matthias. Oct. 19, 1832 68 263 Frazee, Matthias. Oct. 21, 1833 72 307 Frazee, Moses, b. 1764. 1850 307 Frazee, Mary L. Terry, wife of Moses, b. 1767 . 1847 . . 308 Frazee, John W., son of Moses and Mary. Oct. 27, 1806 19 11 323 Frazee, Garshom. Oct. y 1791 56 408 Freeman, Hannah, wife of Samuel, daughter of John and Sarah Ross. June 23, 1796 # # 472 Freeman, Isaac. Mar. 8, 1777 61 560 Freeman, Elizabeth, wife of Aaron M. June 6, 1838 64 8 10 584 Frazee, Esther, wife of John. June 18, 1793 26 619 Frazee, Isaac, Jr. May 4, 1777 50 24 620 Frazee, Isaac, son of Isaac and Rachel. Mar. 30, 1780 # . 2 621 Frazee, Susannah, daughter of Isaac and Rachel, Feb. 16, 1782 6 8 624 Frazee, Susannah, wife of Isaac, Jr. Aug. 24, 1768 32 638 Frazee, Samuel, son of Jonas and Betsey. Nov. 29, 1776 5 677 Frazee, Rachel, wife of Levi, daughter of Caleb and Susannah Maxwell. Oct. 23, 1837 65 11 12 682 Frazee, Samuel. Sept. 5, 1826 61 6 683 Frazee, Lintese. Nov. 13, 1856 89 ' 2 # # 684 Frazee, Sarah, wife of Francis Pease. Apr. 25, 1889 80 6 3 685 Frazee, Simeon.. May 29, 1867 69 6 , , 707 Fraser, Augustus, son of Rev. Alexander G. and Frances M. Jan. 22, 1826 2 6 3 16 French, William, son of Jacob and Lydia. Sept. 28, 1849 • • 2 6 16 French, Isaac Wilber, son of Jacob and Lydia. . Sept. 28, 1856 2 10 18 17 French, Mary L., wife of Isaac. Mar. 6, 1879 82 11 21 17 French, Isaac. May 7, 1872 85 4 18 17 French, Mary D., their daughter, wife of Benj. Woodruff, Jr. Aug. 16, 1847 24 7 17 17 French, their infant, and Benj. Woodruff, Jr.. . . Aug. 31, 1847 24 • • 19 66 Foster, John W. Apr. 26, 1852 77 . • . • 66 Foster, Eliza M., wife of John. Dec. 10, 1857 62 • • • • G 364 Gurnee, Caroline, wife of Reuben. . . . . Nov. 15, 1848 30 24 564 Garthwaite, Jacob. . . . . Mar. 8, 1828 54 . . [11] NO. 761 878 205 1 1 2 48 49 65 66 67 68 69 94 130 161 162 169 223 224 225 226 227 228 232 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 254 255 AGE NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. Gilman, Mary, former wife of Charles; wife of Thomas Burlock. Feb. 4, 1825 73 • • • • Gilman (Gillman), Charles. Sept. 2, 1813 66 • • • • Grant, Cyrus. June 15, 1866 70 4 * * H Howard, John. Aug. —, 1880 67 Howard, Jane. Aug. 15, 1883 68 • • • • Howard, John James. Dec. 2, 1863 . . 11 8 Hudspeth, Cameron R., son of Robert and Delian Nov. 19, 1841 2 11 21 Hudspeth, John M., son of Robert & Delian. . . Nov. 7, 1841 5 9 25 Hays, Eliphalet M., son of Wm. and Catherine, Oct. 25, 1835 27 • • • • Hays, Joseph M. Aug. 15, 1867 48 5 28 Hays, William. Nov. 11 1833 24 • . • • Hays, Catherine, relict of Jotham Frazee. Mar. 16, 1851 74 7 5 Hays, William. Aug. 17, 1827 64 • . • • High, Mary (widow of Ezra Miller), daughter of John. Mar. 11, 1859 73 7 . . Hamilton, Francis M. Mar. 15, 1858 22 4 0 Hanes, Joseph. Sept. 3, 1763 23 • ♦ Hinds, Samuel. July 27, 1772 70 • • Hale, Nancy. Apr. 2, 1811 21 • • High, John. Oct. 3, 1779 62 • • High, Deborah, wife of John. Mar. 13, 1790 69 • • High, Linus. May 29, 1810 28 • • High, John, son of John and Rachel. Apr. 15, 1792 1 4 • • High, Rachel, wife of John. Nov. 23, 1827 70 • • High, John. Sept. 10, 1836 77 • • Hatfield, Martha, wife of William. Mar. 21, 1810 21 • . Hatfield, Martha, their daughter. Feb. 21, 1810 • • • • Hatfield, Elizabeth, daughter of Moses and Hannah. June 29, 1860 65 . , Hatfield, Jonathan, son of Moses and Hannah. . Jan. 15, 1779 • • 1 17 Hatfield, Wm , son of Moses and Hannah. Aug. 12, 1778 6 # • Hatfield, Moses. Oct. 16, 1809 59 # • Hatfield, Rachel, daughter of Moses and Hannah May 6, 1849 61 1 11 Hatfield, Mary, daughter of Moses and Hannah . June 6, 1860 78 • . Hannah, wife of Moses. Mar. 30, 1835 72 1 4 Hetfield, Matthias. Dec. 7, 1800 75 . . Hetfield, Mary, wife of Matthias. June 15, 1783 60 • • Hetfield, Jonathan, son of Matthias and Mary. . June 25, 1778 20 • • Hetfield, Phebe, daughter of Matthias and Mary Mar. 22,1773 18 • • Hetfield, Abigail, daughter of Zopher and Mary, wife of Nathan Marsh. Sept. 15, 1816 18 3 15 Hetfield, Ezra D. Feb. 28, 1890 93 4 12 Hetfield, Sarah S. Meeker, wife of Ezra D. Aug. 19, 1876 78 1 1 Hetfield, Harriet C., daughter of Ezra D. and Sarah S . July 31, 1847 24 7 23 Hetfield, Sarah, wife of Daniel. Oct. 2, 1844 84 4 12 Hetfield, Daniel. Aug. 12, 1843 87 4 2 Hetfield, Mary, daughter of Daniel and Sarah. . Mar. 13, 1788 2 11 16 Hetfield, Susannah, daughter of Zopher and Mary Oct. 27, 1791 1 • • • • [12] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 329 Hetfield, Deacon Andrew. Jan. 19, 1824 84 # # 330 Hetfield, Mary, wife of Deacon Andrew. July 6, 1794 60 . # 369 Halsey, Joseph. Dec. 13, 1810 35 . . . , 413 Hand, Rachel, daughter of Ellis and Mary. May 12, 1812 11 8 28 414 Hand, Mary, wife of Ellis. June 11, 1803 32 . . 424 Hicks, Betsey Ross, widow of Joshua Clark. . . . Oct. 26, 1853 72 , # . # 429 Hetfield, Mary, wife of Matthias. Mar. 14, 1791 58 . , , , 448 Hetfield, Ann Maria, daughter of Zopher and Sarah. Oct. 10, 1833 1 6 27 449 Hetfield, Marry Ann, daughter of Levi and Ann . Oct. 16, 1833 5 7 450 Hetfield, Mary, wife of Zopher. Mar. 21, 1835 71 451 Hetfield, Zopher. Aug. 27, 1837 77 452 Hetfield, Sarah, wife of Andrew, widow of Benj. Williams. Sept. 23, 1825 74 458 Hetfield, Aaron. May 8, 1820 58 459 Hetfield, Sally, daughter of Aaron and Jemima.. Nov. 10, 1801 5 460 Hetfield, Samuel L., son of Aaron and Jemima.. Aug. 31, 1821 17 461 Hetfield, Phebe, daughter of Aaron and Jemima, and wife of Wm. Enders. Mar. 11, 1822 23 462 Hetfield, Matthias. Mar. 11, 1827 75 9 463 Hetfield, Mary Eliza, wife of Aaron. Apr. 22, 1833 21 492 Hamilton, John. Feb 14, 1820 72 3 539 Hendricks, Lydia, wife of Isaac. Dec 27, 1784 64 540 Hendricks, Isaac. Feb. 10, 1788 70 541 Hendricks, Sarah, daughter of Isaac and Sarah.. Nov. 17, 1776 5 554 Hubbell, Esther, wife of Rev. Nathaniel. Apr. 30, 1750 46 680 Hand, Elizabeth, b. May 22, 1790. June 6, 1869 . • 703 Hawkins, Mary Ann, wife of Michael S. Aug. 11, 1864 40 813 High, James F., son of John and Sarah. Sept. 2, 1826 1 5 864 Hatfield, Hannah, widow of Matthias (Clark) June 6, 1805 70 5 Hatfield, Edw. H. June 12, 1849 38 5 Hatfield, Catherine M. Glennon. Dec. 9, 1863 44 1 21 5 Hatfield, Edw. W., their son. Aug. 9, 1849 2 14 5 Hatfield, Mary Caroline, b. Aug. 7, 1844. May 7, 1866 . • • • 6 Howe, Irene Littell, daughter Albert G. and Anna E., granddaughter of C. M. Littell. . . Nov. 22, 1857 1 3 24 8 Hetfield, Catherine, wife of Zopher. Mar. 1, 1870 82 11 24 8 Hetfield, Zopher, b. Feb. 13, 1784. Jan. 26, 1866 . . • • • • 43 Hetfield, Elizabeth, wife of Jonathan. May 6, 1866 77 7 9 43 Hetfield, Jonathan. Jan. 11, 1849 66 1 11 48 Haines, James H., son of Moses and Nancy. . . . Mar. 9, 1848 21 • • . • 68 Hetfield, Phebe Rogers, widow of Isaac. Aug. 13, 1877 87 9 4 68 Hetfield, Isaac. Aug. 22, 1860 74 11 22 69 Hetfield, Aaron. Dec. 31, 1885 63 10 29 69 Hetfield, Susan L., daughter Aaron and Ann.. . . Sept. 8, 1851 • • 1 9 328 J Jewell, Isaac. Feb. 24, 1759 54 614 Jennings, Zebulon, Jr. Oct. 16, 1776 40 •. • • 615 Jennings, Hezekiah. Aug. 30, 1773 68 6 • • 618 Jennings, Sarah, wife of Zabulon, Sr. Mar. 31, 1770 59 • • • • [13] AGE NO. NAME K DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 126 Kerl, James J. July 24, 1800 38 . . .. 535 Keyt, Dan’l Jisup, son of James and Elizabeth, Sept. 12, 1776 12 . . . . 536 Keyt, James. June 10, 1800 68 . . . . 537 Keyt, Elizabeth, wife of James. Feb. 29, 1824 91 .. .. 158 Kunkel, Henry A., son of Albert and Margaretha Aug. 18, 1865 4 11 12 14 L Ludlow, Abigail, widow of Ebenezer; sister of Gershom and John Littell. July 7, 1854 83 3 22 16 Littell, Phebe, b. Aug. 20, 1771 . Nov. 30, 1855 84 17 Littell, Gershom. Aug 19, 1848 76 112 Ludlum, Ezekiel. May 30, 1835 45 113 Ludlum, John. Jan 8, 1836 70 114 Ludlum, Mary, wife of John. Feb. 13, 1816 45 118 Ludlum, Abigail, dau. Ezekiel and Mary. Apr. 19, 1816 1 3 15 119 Lum, Nancy, daughter of Amos and Fanny. . . . Sept. 26, 1826 6 10 120 Lum, Mary, daughter of Amos and Fanny. Sept. 24, 1826 10 3 164 Littell, Moses. Sept. 8, 1828 55 • . 182 Littell, John. Apr. 1, 1781 35 . • 183 Littell, Sarah (Hezekiah Pack), daughter of Gershom and Phebe. Jan. 14, 1811 22 184 Littell, Henry, son of John and Phebe. Apr. 10, 1777 • . 1 185 Littell, Eliza, daughter of Moses and Elizabeth, Feb. 6, 1808 1 4 186 Littell, John, son of Gershom and Phebe. Jan. 26, 1825 22 # # 187 Littell, Carmon F., son of Gershom and Phebe . Sept. 23, 1822 18 , . 190 Littell, Sarah, wife of David. July 20, 1774 40 # , 195 Ludlow, Phebe Ann (Joseph M.), daughter of Moses Dunham. June 3, 1834 24 196 Ludlow, Jane C. (Joseph M.), daughter of Abner and Sarah Maxwell. Apr. 27, 1844 40 211 Littell, Moses. Oct. 9, 1773 34 212 Littell, Benjamin. Apr. 14, 1760 54 , # 275 Little, Susannah. June —, 1753 35 354 Ludlum, Jacob. Feb. 7, 1838 77 . . 355 Ludlum, Margaret, wife of Jacob. June 22, 1854 87 5 23 356 Ludlow, Wm. W., son of Jacob and Anna. Apr. 25, 1857 3 8 28 377 Ludlow, Margaret P., daughter of Jacob and Anna Oct. 23, 1840 11 2 6 358 Ludlow, Anna Clark, wife of Jacob. June 14, 1863 62 11 28 359 Ludlow, Jacob. Dec. 4, 1850 58 # # 10 360 Lee, Prudence, wife of Moses. June 26, 1826 29 . # # . 361 Lee, Elizabeth B., wife of Philip Miller. Mar. 16, 1886 64 6 7 362 Lee, Mary. Jan. 1, 1889 69 a . • a 363 Leonard, Nathan, b. Aug. 1 1817. July 28, 1845 . # , , . • 368 Ludlow, Sarah, wife of John (see 891-2-3). Nov. 14, 1821 23 # . 2 394 Littell, Isaac Wm. May 22, 1837 29 7 , . 395 Littell, Jonas Frazee, brother of Lliakim. Sept. 24, 1855 70 4 27 396 Littell, Susan, wife of Jonas Frazee. Aug. 21, 1856 70 3 19 397 Littell, Wm. H., son of Jonas F. and Susan. Oct. 11, 1830 14 4 29 [14] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 398 Littell, Elias H., son of Jonas F. and Susan. July 10, 1809 , # 11 13 398 Littell, Moses T., son of Jonas F. and Susan. . . . Oct. 16, 1813 9 16 411 Lambert, Moses. Oct. 11, 1803 23 412 Lambert, Sarah, daughter of James and Hannah, Mar. 12, 1790 4 10 415 Littell, Capt. Isaac. Feb. 25, 1825 60 # # # . 416 Littell, Hannah, relict of Capt. Isaac. Feb. 16, 1834 67 417 Littell, Sarah K., daughter of Capt. Isaac and Hannah. Sept. 18, 1801 . . 3 28 418 Littell, Susannah, daughter of Capt. Isaac and Hannah. July 3, 1806 . . 10 3 419 Littell, Betty, daughter of Capt. Isaac and Han- nah. Mar. 18, 1799 1 6 5 428 Lamb, John D. Dec. 23, 1784 55 , . , . 484 Lee, Catherine C. July 18, 1884 69 8 6 511 Littell, Isaac. Jan. 23, 1778 43 , . . , 512 Littell, Jemima, wife of Isaac. Apr. 15, 1777 47 . . . . 562 Ludlum, Martha. Nov. 3, 1814 64 2 18 636 Ludlum, Sarah, wife of Cornelius. Sept. 13, 1762 45 # . . . 663 Locey, Hannah. Jan. 28, 1850 51 • . . . 664 Locey, Sarah, wife of John. Nov. 17, 1852 76 . . 665 Locey, John. Dec. 21, 1829 66 . . . . 666 Locey, Sarah P. Dec. 31, 1875 74 9 19 667 Locey, Benjamin. Aug. 25, 1876 72 10 7 676 Littell, Anne, widow of Anthony (who died in 1798), eldest daughter of Caleb and Susannah Maxwell. Apr. 11, 1841 72 1 4 753 Ludlow, Lewis. Dec. 6, 1807 27 • . 754 Ludlow, Keziah, wife of Benj. Sept. 24, 1864 78 6 755 Ludlow. Benjamin. Jan. 6, 1804 37 . . 756 Ludlow, Phillip. Apr. 4, 1835 44 4 9 757 Ludlow, Dr. Isaac. Mar. 28, 1815 31 • • 758 Ludlow, Sarah, wife of Matthias. July 20, 1819 72 759 Ludlow, Melancthon H. Sept. 4, 1833 32 779 Lambert, John, son of John and Elizabeth. Oct. 12, 1759 8 780 Lambert, Jesse, son of John and Elizabeth. Oct. 13, 1759 13 . . 781 Lambert, fohn. Nov. 26, 1772 56 • . 782 Lambert, Elizabeth, wife of John. Mar. 27, 1760 43 • • 794 Laing, Mary Edgar, daughter of Wm. and Sally, Oct. 22, 1805 2 • • 825 Lambert, Freelove, daughter of Simon and Free- love. June 26, 1873 46 826 Lambert, James. Apr. 2, 1842 86 8 18 827 Lambert, Hannah, wife of James. Mar. 31, 1850 90 5 15 828 Lambert, Julia J., wife of Daniel S. Scudder. . . . Nov. 17, 1853 21 5 19 839 Ludlum, Margaret, wife of Wm. Aug. 24, 1785 34 3 • • 840 Ludlum, Elizabeth, daughter of William and Margaret. Aug. —, 1820 55 • • 874 Lambert, Elizabeth, widow of James. Nov. 6, 1783 76 • • 877 Ludlum, Rachel, wife of Noah. Apr. 3, 1787 22 .. 883 Ludlum, Conklen, son of Jacob and Mary. Sept. 8, 1782 3 25 884 Ludlum, Conklen, son of Jacob and Mary. Aug. 7, 1776 1 7 885 Ludlum, Henry, son of Jacob and Mary. Dec. 27, 1783 6 • • 891 Ludlow, Sarah T., daughter of John and Sarah, May 8, 1822 • • 6 10 [15] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 892 Ludlow, John. May 29, 1880 81 • • 29 893 Ludlow, Mary, wife of John. Aug. 9, 1876 68 9 29 6 Littell, Caleb Maxwell. May 28, 1848 56 • • • • 6 Littell, Mary Ross Clark, his wife. Apr. 29, 1863 65 5 7 6 Littell, Mary Clark, their dau. (Gilbert C. Briggs) Mar. 30, 1881 51 6 2 6 Littell, Irene Howe, their granddaughter, dau. of Albert G. and Ann E. Howe. Nov. 22, 1857 1 3 24 25 Losey, Matilda F., widow of Cortland R. Baker, Aug. 27, 1882 56 • • • • 47 Littell, Julia R., dau. of Freeman M. and Char- lotte C. Sept. 4, 1848 21 • • . . 47 Littell, Freeman M. Mar. 9, 1841 40 • • • • 47 Littell, Charlotte C., his widow. Sept. 23, 1871 68 • • • • 50 Littell, Deborah, wife of John T. Mar. 7, 1852 72 6 19 50 Littell, John T. Mar. 23, 1852 77 3 24 161 Lilly, William. Dec. 10, 1852 55 4 • • 872 Ludlum, Hannah, wife of John. Feb. 3, 1793 50 • * • • 26 M Mooney, James, son of James and Rachel. Nov. 12, 1841 16 5 6 37 Miller, Samuel. Apr. 6, 1871 80 • • 38 Miller, Jemima Pangborn, wife of Samuel. Mar. 4, 1864 69 • • 40 Miller, Samuel Terry, son of Sarn’l and Jemima P. Nov. 21, 1834 1 9 41 Miller, Aaron W. Mar. 8, 1860 33 • • 42 Miller, Samuel Marsh, son of Aaron W. and Mary C. 42 Miller, James Henry, son of Aaron W. and Mary C. 70 Mooney, Charlotte, widow of Nicholas. 71 Mooney, Nicholas. 72 Mooney, Rachel, widow of James. 73 Mooney, James, Jr. 74 Mooney, Maria, daughter of Nicholas and Char¬ lotte. 75 Mooney, Sally, daughter of Nicholas and Char¬ lotte. 93 Miller, Rebecca Fenton, daughter of Ezra and Mary. 94 Miller, Mary, widow of Ezra; daughter John High 95 Miller, Ezra. 96 Miller, Rebecca, daughter of Ezra and Mary. . . 98 Marsh, Deborah, widow of Thomas. 100 Marsh, Thomas. Ill Miller, Susanna. 127 Meeker, David Keyt, son of Daniel and Hannah, 127 Meeker, Betsy, daughter of Daniel and Hannah, 128 Miller, Sabra, daughter of John and Hannah. . . 132 Miller, Sabra, wife of Ephraim. 133 Miller, Anne, daughter of Ephraim and Sabra. . 134 Myrick, Elizabeth Jane, daughter of James and Rebecca. Apr. 14, 1853 3 6 Apr. 18, 1863 . . 3 Feb. 1, 1853 84 9 17 Jan. 25, 1834 68 Mar. 15, 1857 64 May 18, 1825 33 Sept. 26, 1822 19 June 16, 1810 20 Jan. 30, 1893 65 Mar. 11, 1859 73 Oct. 26, 1838 61 May 28, 1824 20 July 11, 1814 72 Dec. 16, 1801 66 Feb. 12, 1852 74 Oct. 11, 1818 3 Oct. 19, 1818 1 Sept. 3, 1793 Aug. 20, 1779 23 Oct. 14,1779 Sept. 14, 1831 .. 5 26 22 3 6 2 3 [16] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 135 Myrick, Azelia. Sept. 29, 1842 7 2 20 136 Myrick, Rebecca, wife of James. Oct. 23, 1843 38 11 # , 136 Myrick, Azelia. June 20, 1844 , . 8 6 137 Myrick, James. Nov. 20, 1860 62 7 7 165 Marsh, Elizabeth, wife of William. Oct. 25, 1826 34 2 # . 166 Marsh, Lydia, daughter of Moses and Jennet. . . July 10, 1759 . # 2 8 167 Marsh, Jennet, wife of Moses. Oct. 4, 1762 28 # # # # 196 Maxwell, Jane C., daughter of Abner and Sarah; wife of Joseph M. Ludlow. Apr. 27, 1844 40 247 Marsh, Abigail, wife of Nathan, daughter of Zopher and Mary Hetfield. Sept. 15, 1816 18 3 15 249 Meeker, Sarah S., wife of Ezra D. Hetfield. Aug. 19, 1876 78 1 1 256 Mitchell, Abigail, daughter of John. Oct. 29, 1758 5 271 Mills, John. July 20, 1759 49 296 Mills, Hannah, wife of Samuel. Aug. 24, 1808 46 301 Marsh, Joshua. Feb. 7, 1760 38 302 Marsh, Sarah, wife of Joshua. Sept. 21, 1776 52 303 Marsh, Joshua. Sept. 25, 1781 33 346 Miller, Noah, son of William and Hannah. 1730 . , 1 14 347 Miller, Mary, wife of William. Dec. 30, 1784 53 348 Miller, William. Feb. 3, 1782 84 349 Miller, Hannah, wife of William. Oct. 17, 1753 54 351 Marsh, William. June 5, 1755 36 361 Miller, Philip, b. July 31, 1818. Dec. 21, 1872 • . 361 Miller, Elizabeth B. Lee, his wife, b. Sept. 9, 1821 Mar. 16, 1886 « . 379 Marsh, Silas, son of Charles and Abby. Oct. 1, 1830 7 8 16 380 Marsh, Martha Maria, wife of Talmadge, adopted daughter of John M. and Maria Clark. Dec. 7, 1845 23 381 Miller, John R. Mar. 30, 1821 50 382 Miller, Abby, wife of John R. Dec. 7, 1857 85 2 5 437 Miller, John. Dec. 23, 1805 75 438 Miller, Phebe, wife of John. July 8, 1801 67 439 Miller, Elizabeth, wife of Abner. Jan. 21, 1807 38 440 Miller, Abner. Dec. 14, 1841 77 455 Mooney, John. Oct. 21, 1787 35 456 Mooney, Elizabeth, wife of John. Aug. 3, 1797 45 464 Marsh, Abraham. May 26, 1780 28 474 Miller, Samuel, 3rd. Apr. 29, 1777 30 475 Miller, Nathan, son of Samuel and Elizabeth. . . June 11, 1772 4 476 Miller, William, 3rd. Apr. 8, 1780 37 477 Miller, Martha, daughter of Clark and Sarah .. . Apr. 11, 1845 54 2 6 478 Miller, Sally, wife of Clark. May 10, 1844 76 479 Miller, Clark. May 30, 1843 86 480 Miller, Martha, wife of Clark. Oct. 9, 1789 31 481 Miller, Parkis, son of Clark and Martha. Oct. 16, 1787 3 8 482 Miller, Charles, son of Clark and Sally. July 10, 1825 27 483 Miller, Isaac. May 24, 1845 72 499 Meeker John. Mar. 23, 1768 37 501 Marsh, Jonathan. July 27, 1779 83 502 Marsh, Mary, wife of Jonathan. Dec. 9, 1805 98 514 Meeker, Joseph 0. June 25, 1861 92 5 24 515 Meeker, Phebe, wife of Joseph 0. Mar. 2, 1860 81 5 13 [ 17 ] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 519 Marsh, Ephraim. Apr. 23, 1750 49 . • • • 522 Marsh, Mary, only child of Ephraim and Phebe, and wife of Dr. Philemon Elmer. Oct. 27, 1778 22 6 27 524 Marsh, Ephraim. May 5, 1803 70 • • 525 Marsh, Phebe, wife of Ephraim. Spet. 18, 1806 70 • • 531 Miller, Hannah, daughter of Noah and Elizabeth Aug. 17, 1774 14 9 532 Miller, Noah. Nov. 2, 1802 37 2 23 533 Miller, Noah. Apr. 1, 1772 37 7 534 Miller, Brooks, son of Noah and Elizabeth. Spet. 10, 1764 1 11 543 Meeker, Phebe, wife of Lewis M., daughter of Amos Scudder. Oct. 10, 1846 22 657 Miller, Sarah, wife of Abner. Aug. 3, 1818 50 658 Miller, Abner. Sept. 18, 1822 58 659 Marsh, Charles. Mar. 31, 1833 77 660 Marsh, Abbe, wife of Charles. Sept. ■4, 1821 61 661 Marsh, Ezekiel. Dec. 12, 1821 44 662 Marsh, Elizabeth, wife of Ezekiel. Dec. 27, 1824 40 676 Maxwell, Anne, eldest daughter of Caleb and Susannah [she married (1) 1789 to Anthony Littell, d. 1798; she married (2) Jonathan Acken, d. 1807; she married (3) Wm. Sayre, d. 1828]. Apr. 11, 1841 72 1 4 677 Maxwell, Rachel, daughter of Caleb and Susan- nah, wife of Levi Frazee. Oct. 23, 1837 65 11 12 678 Maxwell, Deacon Caleb. Nov. 20, 1821 73 9 6 679 Maxwell, Susanna, wife of Deacon Caleb. June 9, 1822 72 4 14 739 Miller, Sarah, wife of Abraham. Jan. 18, 1833 65 740 Miller, Abraham. Dec. 9, 1832 69 805 Mills, Moses. May 7, 1818 44 # . 806 Martin, Mary P., widow of Benj. L. Stites. Mar. 26, 1874 85 . . 841 Marsh, Ephraim. Feb. 1, 1801 29 a # 851 McMannis, Moses. Mar. 3, 1849 88 8 852 McMannis, Sarah, wife of Moses. July 29, 1837 71 • , 869 Marsh, Noah, Esq. May 26, 1783 41 • . 5 McGlennon, Catherine, wife of Edw. H. Hatfield. Dec. 9, 1863 44 1 21 7 Miller, Elizabeth, wife of John. Sept. 8, 1848 56 6 7 24 Marsh, Eli. May 15, 1860 67 11 4 24 Marsh, Elizabeth Mooney, wife of Eli. Dec. 18, 1867 70 4 25 26 Miller, Orben. Oct. 30, 1834 14 1 18 26 Miller, Hannah, wife of Abner. Apr. —, 1865 73 8 # # 26 Miller, Abner. Feb. 4, 1881 92 2 # . 27 Marsh, Sarah Cole, wife of Linus B. Oct. 29, 1890 79 1 18 27 Marsh, Ann Connet, wife of Linus B. May 4, 1855 35 6 15 49 Marsh, William. Nov. 5, 1850 65 1 11 49 Marsh, Philetta M. Oct. 7, 1848 24 7 20 63 Meeker, John. Feb. 14, 1883 60 10 3 63 Meeker, Electa, daughter of John and Margaret S. Apr. 19, 1847 • • 1 4 110 Miller, John. Dec. 13, 1853 49 1 13 110 Miller, David. Nov. 2, 1855 75 11 13 110 Miller, Hannah, widow of David. June 16, 1859 74 8 27 111 Marsh, Geo. M. Aug. June 13, 1857 5, 1881 35 138 McVicar, Donald, native of Glasgow, Scotland. . 83 2 8 [ 18 ] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO D. 138 McVicar, Marion Marshall, his wife, native of Glasgow, Scotland. Nov. 10, 1883 80 11 12 138 McVicar, Alfred. Dec. 3, 1852 16 8 14 138 McVicar, James. Oct. 28, 1855 27 138 McVicar, Jane Hamilton, daughter of Donald and Marion. Oct. 29, 1862 28 9 8 142 Moffett, William. Aug. 9, 1886 82 7 8 142 Moffett, Levina Wilson, his wife. Dec. 16, 1881 74 10 1 147 McVicar, Martha Washington, wife of Wm. S.. . Apr 3, 1862 36 6 23 147 McVicar, Lafey, their son. Oct. 21, 1854 7 17 148 Marsh, Charles. Apr. 15, 1859 70 10 13 148 Marsh, Abby. July 23, 1856 65 11 — Miller, Sarah, wife of Melv. Aug. 11, 1777 34 • . . . 131 N Noaks, Marget, daughter of William and Anna, May 3, 1777 25 295 Norris, Martha, wife of Samuel. Feb. 3, 1754 25 57 Newkirk, Keven Happuch (Dr. B. B.), Hope, N. Y. of Mt. Oct. 4, 1861 77 1 57 Newkirk, Harriet, daughter of Dr. B. B., Rev. Edwin Downer. wife of Apr 12, 1891 83 1 22 132 Nelson, Joshua. Mar. 4, 1865 73 9 12 132 Nelson, Elizabeth. Mar. 17, 1860 68 10 17 145 Nelson, John. Oct. 19, 1872 : 5 10 19 778 O Osborn, Hannah Downer, wife of Dr. Corra Osborn. Mar. 13, 1863 72 2 12 811 Osborn, Harriet (John W.), daughter of Benj. L. and Mary A. Stites. Aug. 17, 1845 34 .. . . 8 P Pierson, Rebecca, wife of W illiam. Aug. 28, 1854 73 2 12 9 Pierson, William. May 22, 1847 60 • • . • 15 Peeny, Abigail. May 7, 1848 51 1 25 Price, Caroline, daughter of Jeremiah C. and Sarah A. Sept. 2, 1845 1 3 19 39 Pierson, Mary Parkhurst, wife of Geo. W. Mar. 4, 1841 23 • • • • 45 Pierson, Capt. John. May 16, 1849 64 • • 50 Perego, William. Aug. 10, 1858 85 • ■ 24 51 Perego, Mary, wife of William. July 10, 1827 48 9 16 61 Price, Jemima, wife of Jacob. Oct. 6, 1811 20 84 Prirp Innas . Nov. 1, 1807 23 # # 85 Price, Rice. Sept. 30, 1820 66 • - 86 Price, Phebe, wife of Rice. May 31, 1851 87 • • 15 Pack, Abigail, wife of Hesikiah. Nov. 21, 1821 31 10 [ 19 ] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 140 Parmele, William. Feb. 8, 1782 20 • • • # 183 Pack, Sarah (Hezekiah), daughter of Gershom and Phebe Littell. Jan. 14, 1811 22 • • 253 Pierson, William, son of David and Eliza. Jan 16, 1764 • • 14 277 Price, Ebenezer. July 6, 1745 37 • • 343 Price, Mary. 1756 • • • • 344 Price, Tabitha, wife of Ebenezer. Mar 6, 1756 32 • • 370 Py, Dorothea, wife of Henry. Jan. 21, 1817 21 10 • • 371 Pierson, Geo. W., son of Squire and Abby. Dec. 8, 1840 • . 10 23 385 Parsels, Patty, wife of Stephen. Oct. 4, 1810 41 3 27 385 Parsels, Stephen. Mar. 15, 1828 61 6 468 Perrine, John, son of Daniel and Sabra. Jan. 13, 1773 2 . • 469 Perrine, Sabra, wife of Daniel. May 1, 1790 40 . , 470 Perrine, Daniel. Jan. 9, 1801 57 • . 485 Pierson, Edwin D., son of Sylvanus and Nancy Mar. 6, 1830 3 11 487 Pierson, Silvanus. Nov. 27, 1849 69 7 488 Pierson, Nancy, wife of Silvanus. July 10, 1842 54 489 Pierson, Annar, wife of William. Nov. 16, 1812 59 490 Pierson, Sarah, daughter of William and Annar, Oct. 5, 1777 2 491 Pierson, William. Dec. 25, 1835 88 503 Pierson, Silvanus. Oct. 21, 1826 72 504 Pierson, Mary, wife of Silvanus. Mar. 27, 1842 81 505 Pierson, Elizabeth, wife of William. Aug. 6, 1783 64 506 Pierson, William. Oct. 3, 1801 80 528 Pierson, Phebe (William), formerly wife of Henry Baker. Aug. 9, 1813 83 684 Pease, Sarah Frazee, wife of Francis. Apr. 25, 1889 80 6 3 731 Pierson, Sarah, wife of John Grant Crane. Aug. 27, 1873 86 748 Pierson, David. Nov. 24, 1801 49 749 Pierson, Margaret, wife of David. Aug. 6, 1799 43 750 Pierson, Benj., son of David and Margaret. Apr. 30, 1793 5 847 Pangborn, William. June 29, 1878 26 848 Pangborn, Isaac (Pangbum). May 29, 1809 36 849 Pangborn, Abigail, wife of Jeremiah. Feb. 15, 1784 44 850 Pangborn, Lewis (Pangbum). July 24, 1800 31 37 Pierson, Moses. Dec. 30, 1857 81 2 15 37 Pierson, Elizabeth, wife of Moses. Apr. 28, 1862 78 10 23 37 Pierson, George W. May 9, 1888 75 2 7 37 Pierson, Abigail Cory, wife of Geo. W. Jan. 15, 1891 69 3 21 38 Pierson, William M. Apr. 30, 1895 86 8 18 38 Pierson, Mary, wife of William M. July 23, 1892 78 1 26 38 Pierson, Mary E. Hartop, their daughter. Oct. 26, 1892 53 11 19 38 Pierson, their 5 children. , # 39 Pierson, Adaline, daughter of John and Emma, 11 23 39 Pierson, David M. Aug. 27, 1868 53 . , # # 39 Pierson, Harriet, wife of David M. 1844 21 m , 40 Pierson, Amanda Maria, wife of Charles. Mar. 2, 1859 36 44 Post, William. June 15, 1847 80 1 , . 44 Post, Ann, his widow. June 12, 1861 86 4 27 112 Pierson, Abigail Connet, widow of Theophilus. . Dec. 2, 1876 76 9 9 112 Pierson, Nancy, wife of Theophilus. Apr. 1, 1821 25 • • • • 112 Pierson, Fanny, wife of Theophilus. Apr. 4, 1841 46 • • • • [20J AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 112 Pierson, Jonas, son of Fanny and Theophilus. . . Aug. 14, 1827 1 3 112 Pierson, Eliza, daughter of Fanny and Theophilus Dec. 28, 1835 5 4 13 112 Pierson, Theophilus. May 2, 1853 61 # # 21 Pierson, Phebe Jane, wife of Silas D. [and infant], Feb. 21, 1869 36 9 26 0 309 Quimby, Dr. Joseph. . . . . Mar. 26, 1835 65 324 Quimby, Sally, wife of Dr. Joseph. . . . . Apr. 18, 1803 25 43 R Radley, David. June 14, 1882 70 44 Radley, Hannah, daughter David and Elizabeth, June 12, 1846 # . 8 22 54 Radley, Cortland, son of John and Phebe. Nov. 18, 1821 23 55 Radley, Susan, daughter of Benj. and Hannah. . Oct. 5, 1826 11 1 10 63 Ryerson, Abigail, wife of Daniel. Apr. 2, 1819 65 . . # # 64 Ryerson, Daniel. June 27, 1827 78 . . , , 91 Ryno, Ephraim. June 15, 1800 55 . . . , 92 Ross, Charles, son of Daniel and Phebe. Apr. 13, 1801 9 124 Ross, Elizabeth. Sept. 14, 1847 86 125 Ross, Joanna. June 28, 1852 66 , # # # 214 Roll, Brooks. Jan. 19, 1833 69 11 10 215 Roll, Phebe Ross (Brooks). Mar. 14, 1832 63 11 8 216 Roll, Boltas (murdered). Feb. 22, 1831 61 , , # . 217 Roll, Sarah, daughter of Brooks and Phebe. . . . Oct. 14, 1794 . . 2 13 306 Ross, Keziah, daughter of David and Hannah. . Jan. 13, 1767 8 . . . , 310 Ross, Hannah, wife of John. Aug. 12, 1753 38 • • • • 311 Ross, John. Apr. 7, 1798 82 . . . . 312 Ross, Hannah, wife of James. Feb. 27, 1778 22 • • • • 313 Ross, James, Esq. Oct. 12, 1826 74 11 3 314 Ross, Sarah, wife of James. Jan. 28, 1842 91 2 19 315 Ross, James T., b. Mar. 17, 1785. Jan. 9, 1827 326 Ross, James, son of Gideon and Cornelia. July 21, 1839 7 1 4 327 Ross, Gideon, b. Jan. 7, 1794. Dec. 22, 1861 • • • • • • 377 Ross, Sarah, wife of John. Oct. 24, 1850 60 3 13 378 Ross, John. May 12, 1844 57 8 4 407 Ross, John, Jr. Aug. 27, 1800 63 • • 1 408 Ross, Hannah, daughter of John and Sarah, wife of Sam’l Freeman. June 23, 1796 33 • • • • 409 Ross, Joanna, daughter of John and Sarah, wife of Charles Tucker. May 24, 1790 29 • • • • 424 Ross, Betsy (Clark), wife of Capt. Sanford Hicks Oct. 25, 1853 72 • • • • 425 Ross, Ichabod. June 25, 1850 66 • • •. 426 Ross, Phebe, wife of Ichabod. Sept. 8, 1882 95 . • 12 427 Ross, Elizabeth, daughter of Ichabod and Phebe, Sept. 9, 1847 33 • • • • 430 Ross, Mary T., daughter of Ichabod and Phebe, Aug. 30, 1795 16 • • • • 431 Ross, John. Nov, 18, 1802 30 • • • • 432 Ross, Ichabod. Jan. 24, 1810 62 • • • • 433 Ross, Betsey, wife of Ichabod. Apr. 28, 1825 63 • • • • [ 21 ] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 516 Rutan, Rachel. Mar. 20, 1858 55 6 17 526 Ross, Martha, wife of fames. Sept. 12, 1812 20 • • • • 538 Ross, Anna, widow of John. Nov. 23, 1851 81 1 555 Roberson, Samuel. Jan. 9, 1778 56 556 Roberson, Hannah, wife of Samuel. July 12, 1803 78 585 Robinson, John. Apr. 11, 1740 49 586 Robinson, Mary, wife of John. Apr. —,1763 72 627 Ross, Elizabeth, wife of Ichabod. Oct. 2, 1778 28 709 Rudjey, Mary Ann S., wife of Deacon Henry Baker. Feb. 12, 1885 84 5 7 853 Ross, David. Sept. 22, 1824 78 4 • • 854 Ross, Anna, wife of David. Oct. 5, 1822 73 11 • • 855 Ross, David, Jr. Aug. 24, 1818 44 • . • • 856 Ross, Ezekiel. July 25, 1815 30 • . • • 857 Ross, Sarah, daughter of Ezekiel and Rachel. . . Jan. 29, 1815 • • 3 4 868 Ross, Abner, son of David and Mary. Mar. 7, 1783 10 • • • • 870 Ross, Lewis, son of Ezekiel and Ruth. Apr. 8, 1789 2 11 . . 871 Ross, David. Sept. 9, 1795 74 . . • • 872 Ross, Hannah, wife of David . Jan. 31, 1791 67 • . • . 4 Radford, Nathaniel . Sept. 1 , 1851 65 . • . • 4 Radford, Eliza, his wife . July 15, 1851 37 « . • . 4 Radford, Geo. S., their son, wounded in Battle of Fredericksburg, May 4, 1863 . May 31, 1863 19 . • . . 4 Radford, Hannah, daughter of Nathaniel and Eliza . Sept. 14, 1851 « • 4 • • 4 Radford, Mary Eliza, daughter of Nathaniel and Eliza . Aug. 20, 1851 5 . . . • 4 Radford, Amelia, daughter of Nathaniel and Eliza . Aug. 23, 1851 2 • . • . 13 Radford, Sarah E. R., wife of William . Oct. 27, 1845 28 9 7 13 Radford, three children of William and Sarah E. 13 Radford, William . Jan. 18, 1870 56 # * 25 55 Rockwell, James Burnet, son of Darwin F. and Lucilla . Feb. 2, 1843 9 7 • . 55 Rockwell, Darwin Foot . May 31, 1849 41 8 3 55 Rockwell, Lucilla S., his widow . Nov. 16, 1878 67 5 25 60 Roff, Ferman, son of Azur L. and Julia A., Private Co. C, 2d N. Y Fire Zouaves; shot. . Oct. 6, 1861 22 3 25 60 Roff, Azur L., son of Azur L. and Julia A . Aug 28, 1855 • • 6 20 60 Roff, Mary J., daughter of Azur L. and Julia A., June 21, 1861 • • 10 99 Radley, Hannah, widow of Benj . Feb. 9, 1882 88 7 99 Radley, Benjamin . Nov. 10, 1874 83 • • 99 Radley, Phebe . Mar. 22, 1856 83 . • 99 Radley, John . Aug. 12, 1854 86 . • 4 Seckler, Konrad. S July 29, 1864 64 5 Swain, Noah. Oct. 4, 1849 64 129 Smith, Eliakim. Apr. 11, 1785 66 168 Smith, Abigail, daughter of Eliakim and Easter, Oct. 22, 1771 5 [ 22 ] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 200 Sweny, Ben Smith, son of Matthew and Ruth. . Apr. 30, 1763 1 201 Swenay, Rachel, daughter of Matthew and Ruth, Spet. 19, 1763 4 . . 202 Swenay, Margaret, daughter of Matthew and Ruth. Sept. 6, 1763 7 203 Swenay, Ruth, wife of Matthew. Mar. 8, 1765 35 207 Stewart, Rachel. 1768 208 Stewart, Elizabeth, wife of William. May 26, 1790 40 297 Stuart, Phebe, wife of William. July 23, 1770 29 304 Scudder, John. Jan. 15, 1738 63 305 Scudder, Sarah, wife of Richard. Mar. 17, 1750 44 390 Sayres, Mary, wife of Aaron. Jan. 5, 1805 18 3 2 392 Scudder, John. Oct. 4, 1814 75 393 Scudder, Chloe, wife of John, Jr. Sept. 28, 1810 32 403 Sayres, Matthias. Apr. 12, 1792 45 404 Sayres, Patience, wife of Matthias. Mar 2, 1811 58 405 Sayres, Thompson, son of Matthias and Patience Jan. 22, 1782 . . 14 11 442 Scudder, John, son of John and Nancy. Oct. 20, 1799 3 443 Scudder, Sarah Davis, daughter of John and Nancy. Oct. 15, 1797 5 444 Scudder, Sarah A. . .. July 24, 1897 94 6 445 Scudder, John. Apr. 4, 1848 81 446 Scudder, Nancy, wife of John. July 9, 1846 78 500 Squier, Ogden M., son of John and Mary M. . . . Oct. 8, 1838 16 5 513 Squire, Mary M., wife of John. Oct. 3, 1879 82 8 14 528 Sayre, Rachel, wife of Benjamin. July 23, 1767 23 529 Sayre, Rachel, daughter of Benj and Sarah.... Feb. 6, 1782 10 542 Scudder, John, b. Jan. 3, 1788. Jan. 18, 1865 77 15 543 Scudder, Phebe, daughter Amos, wife of Lewis M. Meeker. Oct. 10, 1846 22 544 Scudder, Amos, b. Feb. 14, 1779 . June 13, 1856 77 4 545 Scudder, Phebe, wife of Amos. July 31, 1838 57 546 Scudder, Theodore. Nov. 20, 1837 32 547 Scudder, Benjamin. Nov. 20, 1798 43 557 Scudder, Capt. John. Feb. 26, 1777 76 558 Scudder, Jane, wife of John. Apr. —,1731 25 559 Scudder, Sarah, widow of John. Nov. 6, 1784 73 561 Scudder, Ephraim. Dec. 12, 1788 45 563 Scudder, Joanna, wife of Ephraim. June 17, 1815 39 608 Scudder, John, Esq. Oct. 9, 1791 52 623 Scudder, Sarah, wife of John. Dec. 10, 1771 27 670 Squier, Elannah, wife of Wm. Acken. July 4, 1868 76 671 Squier, Caleb... Feb. 8, 1833 28 672 Squier, John. Oct. 17, 1817 57 2 22 673 Squier, Rachel, wife of John. Nov. 10, 1818 50 4 8 674 Squier, Mary, daughter of John and Rachel. . . Aug. 26, 1816 17 10 26 675 Squier, Phebe Ann, daughter of John and Harriet June 8, 1834 6 4 ♦ * 676 Sayre, Anne, wife of William (who d. 1828); eldest daughter of Caleb and Susannah Max¬ well [widow of Anthony Littell and of Wm. Sayre]. Apr. 11, 1841 72 1 4 731 Shaw, Capt. John. Feb. 12, 1813 82 • • • • 763 Scott, Sarah, wife of Joseph. Jan. 11, 1838 38 • • • • [ 23 ] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 806 Stites, Mary P. Martin, wife of Benj. L. Mar. 26, 1874 85 807 Stites, Benjamin L. Oct. 26, 1873 90 808 Stites, Augustus, son of Benj. L. and Mary A. . May 3, 1863 41 809 Stites, Mary, daughter of Benj. L. and Mary A, Aug. 13, 1837 13 810 Stites, Sarah M. Dec. 22, 1843 22 811 Stites, Harriet, daughter of Benj. L. and Mary A., wife of John W. Stites. Aug. 17, 1845 34 828 Scudder, Julia J. Lambert, wife of Daniel S. . . . Nov. 17, 1853 21 5 9 858 Scudder, Rachel, wife of Ephraim. Mar. 21, 1819 31 861 Squier, Rachel, wife of Thomas. Dec. 31, 1753 53 862 Squier, Thomas. Feb. 14, 1778 77 4 863 Squier, Rebekah, daughter of John and Hannah Sept. 27, 1791 10 865 Squier, Hannah, daughter of John and Hannah Aug. 8, 1784 10 2 866 Squier, Eleazer. Sept. 21, 1784 44 867 Squier, Rachel, daughter of Eleazer and Rachel Mar. 24, 1780 • . 4 12 Squier, Phebe Webb, wife of John. Oct. 22, 1846 21 10 12 Squier, John, Jr. Dec. 29, 1858 39 12 Squier, Little Maggie. 2 2 12 Squier, James W. Sept. 21, 1864 18 53 Sayre, Henry H. Feb. 4, 1878 56 11 3 53 Sayre, Edwin D. Jan. 8, 1857 36 • • 53 Sayre, John, b. Southampton, L. 1. Nov. 26, 1852 81 5 13 53 Sayre, Elizabeth, wife of John. Aug 29, 1874 85 7 29 106 Scudder, William. Sept. 6, 1886 87 • . • . 106 Scudder, Mary, wife of William. May 12, 1873 68 11 6 106 Scudder, Daniel S. July 8, 1889 60 • • • • 106 Scudder, Anna M., daughter of Daniel S. and Mary C. Oct. 22, 1866 • • 11 11 123 Scudder, Abraham C. July 29, 1853 76 • • • . 123 Scudder, Joanna, widow of Abraham C. Jan. 19, 1870 91 • • . . 123 Scudder, Cornelia W. Pierson, their daughter. . Dec. 17, 1869 68 • • • • 123 Scudder, Amanda, their daughter. Mar. 12, 1879 67 11 29 31 T Tiger, Georgianna, only daughter of Jesse and Eliza. Mar. 4, 1865 7 5 210 Terry, Mary, wife of Thomas. Jan. 21 , 1768 16 • . 278 Tucker, Samuel, son of Isaac and Joanna. Sept. 8, 1775 2 • . 307 Terry, Mary L., wife of Moses Frazee. 1847 80 • . 320 Terry, Susanna, daughter of Thomas and Sus- anna. Sept. 9, 1830 55 • • 321 Terry, John, son of Thomas and Susanna. June 25, 1781 7 • • 322 Terry, Susanna, wife of Thomas. Sept. 8, 1778 24 • • 399 Tucker, Sarah, wife of Ephraim. May 6, 1781 36 • • 400 Tucker, Sebra Clark, daughter of Ephraim and Sarah. Nov. 2 , 1781 # . 6 11 401 Tucker, David, son of Ephraim and Rhoda. . . . Oct. 5 , 1784 1 3 • . 402 Tucker, Sam’l Miller, son of Ephraim and Sarah, May 12 , 1781 • • • • 22 409 Tucker, Joanna, wife of Charles, daughter of John and Sarah Ross. May 24, 1790 29 • • • • [ 24 ] NAME NO. 493 494 494 495 496 497 498 741 742 743 744 745 746 803 804 818 819 820 822 823 824 879 880 881 31 31 31 31 41 41 41 41 103 144 AGE Townley, Almira H., daughter of Edward and Anna. Townley, Gertrude T., daughter of Edward and Anna. Townley, Gertrude T., daughter of William and Joanna. Townley, David H., son of Edward and Anna. . Townley, William. Townley, Edward. Townley, Anna, wife of Edward. Terry, Thomas. Terry, Catherine, wife of Thomas. Terry, Abigail, wife of Thomas. Terry, Nancy, wife of Thomas. Terry, William, son of Thomas and Nancy. Terry, William. Townley, Harriet Elizabeth, daughter of David D. and Elizabeth. Townley, Melancthon, son of David D. and Elizabeth. Tucker, Sarah, wife of Gideon. Tucker, Clarissa, wife of Moses. Townley, Rebecca Ann, daughter of David D. and Elizabeth. Townley, Susan Frances, daughter of David D. and Elizabeth. Townley, Elizabeth, wife of David D. Townley, David D. Tucker, Jacob. Tucker, Phebe, daughter of Moses and Sarah. . Tucker, Sarah, wife of Moses. Terry, Thomas. Terry, Hannah, widow of Thomas. Frazee, M.. Terry, D. A., Co. I, 3rd N. J. Infantry. Townley, Joanna, wife of William M. Townley, William M. Townley, Martha C., widow of Wm. M. Townley, Alexander N., son of Wm. M. and Martha C. Thompson, Jane R., widow of Wm. Baker, Jr. . Trembly, Hannah. DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. July 4, 1841 4 9 27 Feb. 6, 1842 3 • • 27 Mar. 4, 1843 26 July 16, 1843 23 3 • , Dec. 20, 1848 23 10 • • Nov. 4, 1849 54 10 , , July 5, 1850 54 4 • • Apr. 24, 1832 86 • • • • Jan. 10, 1811 51 . • . . May 1, 1788 26 . . . . Mar. 30, 1786 29 • • • • Nov. 3, 1783 1 . . . • Jan. 4, 1802 85 June 24, 1858 29 Dec. 4, 1857 40 Nov. 10, 1802 25 1 15 June 21, 1841 52 • • Dec. 14, 1855 30 • • Aug. 25, 1840 5 8 18 Nov. 7, 1853 56 . . • • Dec. 31, 1856 63 • • • • June 29, 1783 17 . . . • Oct. 23, 1777 3 • • 23 June 28, 1814 67 1 • • Oct. 15, 1846 62 6 7 Feb. 25, 1879 88 0 27 Sept. 23, 1852 27 5 26 Sept. 10, 1846 30 . , • • Feb. 2, 1885 69 • • 9 Jan. 7, 1889 73 2 7 Jan. 17, 1861 10 8 , , Apr. 3, 1867 76 11 • • Jan. 20, 1862 69 • • 4 V 530 Vreeland, Martha, wife of James. Get. 31, 1/50 25 Van Pelt, Caroline, daughter of Jacob and Elenor, wife of Cortland R. Baker. Jan. 24, 1850 [ 25 ] 19 . . 27 3 13 AGE NO. NAME w DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 18 Williams, Ann, native of Wales. July 1, 1849 28 19 Williams, Abraham S. Oct. 22, 1840 1 7 22 19 Williams, Henry M. June 9, 1841 . . 10 16 20 Williams, Harriet C. Scudder, wife of William. . Mar. 9, 1845 38 5 26 21 Williams, W illiam. Aug. 30, 1878 77 • • 22 Woodruff, Lewis. July 23, 1853 66 • • 23 Woodruff Robert. July 14, 1844 86 • • 24 Woodruff, Euphemia, wife of Robert. Jan. 13, 1842 80 • • 27 Woodruff, Mary A., wife of Noah. July 6, 1860 39 • . 28 Woodruff, Noah, son of Noah. May 29, 1851 43 1 1 29 Woodruff, Gertrude Ann, wife of Noah, Jr. Oct. 15, 1841 28 • . • . 30 Woodruff, Matilda. Oct. 20, 1841 . . 15 • • 30 Woodruff, Charles M., only son. Oct. 31, 1841 6 10 18 31 Woodruff, James Ostram, son of Noah and Mary Ann. July 4, 1844 1 5 32 Woodruff, Alonzo B., son of Noah and Mary Ann, Mar. 23, 1854 3 4 . • 32 Woodruff, George A., son of Noah and Mary Ann, Apr. 24, 1855 9 7 2 33 Woodruff, Emma,F. daughter of Noah and Mary Ann. Aug. 22, 1855 7 8 13 58 Woodruff, William M. July 16, 1852 27 5 10 76 Woodruff, Noah. Sept. 16, 1851 78 • • • • 77 Woodruff, Mary, wife of Noah. Sept. 21, 1833 59 • • • • 78 Woodruff, Samuel Miller. July 31, 1824 25 • # • • 79 Woodruff, Aaron. Oct. 1, 1826 23 • , 155 Woodruff, Mary L. Davis, wife of David M . . . Apr. 21, 1882 69 3 16 156 Woodruff, David M. June 25, 1883 75 9 1 157 Williams, Wesley V., Sergt. Co. K, 143 N. Y. Vol. Mar. 29, 1887 42 • . • • 170 Wright, Hannah, wife of Ezekiel. Nov. 5, 1807 41 . . • • 213 Woodruff, Mary, wife of Aaron. Mar. 3, 1842 24 2 29 213 Woodruff, David James, their son. Apr. 25, 1842 . . 6 4 257 Willis, Mary, daughter of Thomas and Hannah, May 22, 1758 4 264 Woodruff, Abigail, wife of Deacon Samuel. Sept. 11, 1748 35 265 Woodruff, Deacon John. Sept. 24, 1768 63 266 Woodruff, Deacon Samuel. Aug. 30, 1754 43 267 Woodruff, Mary, wife of Isaac. Dec. 15, 1760 43 268 Woodruff, Abner, son of David and Sarah. Mar. 6, 1766 . . 2 269 Woodruff, Sabrah, wife of David. Aug. 23, 1785 38 270 Woodruff, Mary, wife of Daniel. Oct. 28, 1781 29 279 Woodruff, Hannah, wife of Noah. May 5, 1776 29 280 Woodruff, Noah. Aug. 17, 1773 33 281 Woodruff, Deborah, wife of Noah. Sept. 11, 1771 25 282 Woodruff, Lydia, daughter of Noah and Deborah Feb. 2, 1771 3 283 Woodruff, Jonathan, Jr. June 11, 1759 27 284 Woodruff, Jonathan. July 15, 1777 70 11 15 285 Woodruff, Jennet, wife of Jonathan. Apr. 18, 1750 42 286 Woodruff, Prudence, widow of Jonathan. Oct. 31, 1781 72 287 Woodruff, Mary, wife of Thomas. Jan. 22, 1753 38 288 Woodruff, Thomas. Apr. 2, 1804 81 289 Woodruff, Rebecca, widow of Thomas. July 23, 1818 85 290 Woodruff, Joseph. Feb. 2, 1741 64 [ 26 ] AGE NO. NAME DATE OF DEATH YR. MO. D. 291 Woodruff, Hannah, wife of Joseph. Aug. 14, 1742 52 292 Woodruff, Betsee, daughter of Benj. and Jane. . May 1, 1754 . m 8 4 293 Woodruff, Mary, wife of Hezekiah. July 21, 1772 43 294 Woodruff, Hezekiah. Oct. 22, 1776 51 300 Woodruff, Jonathan, son of Jonathan and Phebe Apr. 2, 1757 . . 4 17 365 Williams, Isaac. Aug. 12, 1816 26 366 Williams, Margaret, wife of Ebenezer. Nov. 16, 1851 71 367 Williams, Ebenezer. Jan. 28, 1817 59 387 Woodruff, Mary, wife of Benj. Oct. 18, 1810 23 452 Williams, Sarah, widow of Benj., wife of Andrew Hetfield. Sept. 23, 1825 74 453 Williams, Benjamin. June 9, 1793 45 454 Williams, Abraham, son of Benj. and Sarah. . . . Aug. 4, 1782 1 465 Willis, Thomas. Mar. 24, 1787 77 466 Willis, Hannah, wife of Thomas. July 8, 1777 66 467 Willis, James. Feb. 3, 1824 82 471 Willis, Polly, wife of Daniel. May 2, 1805 37 4 9 520 Woodruff, Anna, wife of Capt. Thomas. Apr. 16, 1762 61 599 Woodruff, Dr. Samuel. Apr. 2, 1795 35 604 Woodruff, Mary, wife of Rev. Benj. Mar. 6, 1762 27 605 Woodruff, William Bryant. Mar. 23, 1764 . . 15 606 607 “B. W., 1765”. Woodruff, Mary, daughter of Rev. Benj. Sept. 14, 1782 23 609 Williams, John, son of Samuel and Mary. Jan. 22, 1747 2 610 Williams, Ezekiel. May 2, 1847 81 611 Williams, Miles. Oct. 27, 1747 50 612 Williams, John. Apr. 11, 1782 59 613 Williams, Rachel, wife of John. Feb. 19, 1794 63 697 Woodruff, Samuel, son of Aaron and Ruth. May 16, 1793 1 698 Woodruff, Aaron. Feb. 27, 1793 47 699 Woodruff, John Terry, son of Aaron and Ruth. . Oct. 21, 1793 7 700 Woodruff, Ruth, widow of Aaron; wife of Joseph Cory. Nov. 28, 1818 68 10 701 Woodruff, Jonathan .. Mar. 26, 1862 91 3 21 702 Woodruff, Sarah, wife of Jonathan. Feb. 13, 1854 78 • • 762 Williams, Elizabeth, wife of Solomon. Mar. 27, 1812 46 7 3 764 Williams, Ephraim. Mar. 13, 1808 35 • • 765 Williams, Phebe, widow of Ephraim. June 1, 1850 72 7 22 766 Williams, Lavina, daughter of Ephraim. July 8, 1837 31 6 29 783 Williams, John. Mar. 3, 1844 46 6 12 784 Williams, Anna, wife of Squier. Dec. 16, 1840 76 3 10 785 Williams, Squier. Sept. 11, 1825 64 11 7 786 Williams, Oliver, son of Squier and Anna. June 1, 1798 9 3 • • 787 Williams, Phebe. Nov. 29, 1848 60 8 26 788 Williams, Phebe, daughter of Squier and Anna. . Jan. 5, 1785 • • 1 1 789 Williams, Jonathan, son of Henry and Elizabeth, Mar. 11, 1788 2 • • • • 802 Williams, Mary, relict of Smith. Apr. 28, 1844 42 • • • • 801 Woodruff, Joseph, son of Aaron & Polly. Sept. 3, 1807 • • 7 17 817 Williams, Anna, wife of Nathaniel. Dec. 20, 1797 18 • • • • 10 Woodruff, Wm. S. July 14, 1870 54 4 19 3 Woodruff, Hiram W. D. Aug. 27, 1855 22 1 2 473 Yamans, Deacon Samuel. June 25, 1774 51 • • • • [ 27 ] m*r -■* ■ “ a,-' V.' ««»»* • •• » >■» «„»*♦•♦ * ■ ••■■'ttflw*-- x } \\ . .. XI ' v a AV»” sA >ry«P R . •. • l 1 In Memory of In memory of i Mrabum Clark £y who died : SepH5‘M794 m Ihe 69 l *y«ar of his as5e o J • Sarah Clark S H Jrfl Mick of Abraham Clark jK ri died June 2“ 1804 ., skf^-Tgla the 77 th Year of h4Js S - • f( . - X lIK ll Capt <* ibraiiam Clark * . * umm W&i iim Sifv The Rahway Cemetery At the time of the Revolutionary War the Borough of Elizabeth, in Essex County, included Westfield and Rahway. It was not until 1794 that Westfield was set off from Elizabeth. On the old post road run¬ ning from Elizabethtown to Rahway, then in Essex County, was the home farm of Abraham Clark, New Jersey's indomitable representa¬ tive in the Continental Congress, and a Signer of the Declaration of Independence. In the old part of Rahway Cemetery, on St. George's Avenue, facing east, stand the headstones marking the graves of Abraham Clark and Sarah, his wife-facing the highway where the tide of traffic between New York and Philadelphia whirls by unceasingly, day after day. Lately the headstones have been straightened to permit of a granite base being placed under them. Through more than a century and a quarter of winter snows and summer suns the old red sandstone monuments have stood, their quaint inscriptions still quite legible. About nine feet east of the Signer's headstone stands, in good con¬ dition, the ancient headstone over the grave of his father, fudge Thomas Clark, who died September n, 1763. In the same row, southward, following a vacant space where doubtless stood other monuments long since crumbled ayid fallen, are the headstones of “Cavalier, ye son of Abraham and Sarah Clark, junrs," and of Captain Abraham Clark, the Signer's uncle, “who departed this life Sept. 26th, 1765, in the 63rdyear of his age." South of the old cedar tree, in the same row with the headstones of Abraham and Sarah, stands the monument of their son, inscribed: “In memory of Capt. Thomas Clark who died May the 13th, 1789, in the 37th year of his age." Thus a national interest attaches to this old graveyard of the First Presbyterian Church of Rahway. Located on the bank of the Rahway River, it has been in existence since 174 1 ■ Many of the patriots of the Revolutionary period are buried there. {“Rahway Cemetery In¬ scriptions," by George W. Thomas.) In the newer part of the ceme¬ tery, about two hundred feet southwesterly from the grave of Abraham Clark, stands a monument erected to his memory in the year 184.8, by the citizens of Rahway and vicinity. It is a plain obelisk, twenty-two feet high, as shown in the accompanying illustration. When Abraham Clark died, in 1794, he left surviving him his widow, Sarah, who remained in possession of the home farm until her death ten years later; four younger children; and his eldest son, Aaron Clark. As captain of a company of Essex County Militia, Aaron Clark had served throughout the period of the Revolutionary War, and subsequently as a rifleman on the Pennsylvania frontier. [ 29 ] The Signer s second son, Thomas Clark, was a Captain of Artil¬ lery in the Continental Army, and served immediately under General Washington in the Battles of Trenton and Princeton. On his head¬ stone in the Rahway Cemetery, adjoining the Signer s grave, is carved the date of his death. (From “Abraham Clark: Signer of the Dec¬ laration of Independence." Published by the Pioneer Press, San Francisco, 1923.) The home farm of Abraham Clark, the Signer, where he was born and lived and died; where his patriot sons, Aaron Clark and Thomas Clark, wm’ born and passed their youth—this site is now incorpor¬ ated within the limits of the Borough of Roselle. There, on the east side of the old Wheatsheaf Tavern Road, at the intersection of the present Chestnut Street and Ninth Avenue, the Sons of the Amer¬ ican Revolution have erected a monument—a massive granite boulder—as a further tribute to the memory of New Jersey's dis¬ tinguished representative, Abraham Clark. Questions of Life I am: how little more I know! Whence came I? Whither do I go? A centered self, which feels and is; A cry between the silences; A shadow-birth of clouds at strife With sunshine on the hills of life; A shaft from Nature's quiver cast Into the Future from the Past; Between the cradle and the shroud, A meteor's flight from cloud to cloud. —John Greenleaf Whittier. [ 30 ] IN REMEMBRANCE OF ABRAHAM CLARK 1726-1794 A SIGNER OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE FROM NEW JERSEY HE LIVED ON THIS SITE DURING THE FORMATIVE PERIOD OF THE REPUBLIC ERECTED BY THE NEW JERSEY SOCIETY SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION SEPTEMBER 15, 1919 IN GRATEFUL RECOGNITION OF HIS STATESMANSHIP AND PATRIOTISM ON THE 125th ANNIVERSARY OF HIS PASSING INTO THE LARGER LIFE [ 31 ] Edition limited to ^35 copies , of which this is No - [ 32 ] Price One Dollar Princeton leologica 1 1012 01202 e Seminary Libraries 28