1 ^ri liflH 00 O GO .00 tH- rflEOLOGICAL SSS Prir_cct.cn, X.. J. ^ Pti in c cn -a w < O- • b TJ w Ca*c,. h W — rw-. O. PQ EH 2-' FRONTISPIECE. Christiana and her children. THE CHILD'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS. PART SECOND. CHRISTIANA AND HER CHILDREN. PHILADELPHIA: PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLICATION. No. 821 Chestnut Street. Filtered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1MB, J.v JAMES DUNLAP, Trean.. in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Kastern District of Pennsylvania. S. D. Wybth, Stereotypes PREFACE. This little book, Christiana and her Children, has been prepared as a companion volnme to ' ' The Child's Pilgrim's Progress, Part First." A mother leading her children through a sinful world up towards Mount Zion presents a picture of touching interest. Our great lim- ner here shows it to us in hallow- ed light reflected from the word of God. Christiana's companion Mercy, aiding and comforting her — and, vi "unspotted from the world," walking by her side along the Way of Salvation, is most beauti- ful in conception. As wo gaze upon her thus, — in robes of white, treading the world beneath her feet, her face turned heavenward, — an angel visitant Beems, un- wares, to steal upon our sight, and fix a dwelling place within our hearts. s. d. w. CHRISTIANA AND HER CHILDREN. COUKTEOUS COMPANIONS, To tell my dream some time since, of Christian the Pilgrim, and of his dangerous journey to- wards the Celestial country, was pleasant to me, and I trust profit- able to you. I told you then also concerning his wife and children, and how unwilling they were to go with him on pilgrimage ; so that he was forced to go without them. Now it hath so happened, that I have been much hindered and (7) 8 CHRISTIANA AND kept back from my wonted travels, and could not, till now, make far- ther inquiry after those he left behind. But, having had some concerns that way of late, I went down again thitherwards, and taking up my lodging in a wood about a mile off the place, as as I slept, I dreamed again. And in my dream, behold, an aged gentleman came by where I lay ; and methought I got up and went with him. So, as we walked, our talk happened to be about Christian and his travels. Sir, said I, what town is that there below, that lieth on the left hand of our way ' Then said Mr. Sagacity, for that was his name, It is the city of HER CHILDREN. y Destruction, a populous place, but possessed with a very ill-con- ditioned and idle sort of people. I thought that was that city, quoth I : I went once through that town ; and know something about it. Pray, sir, did you ever hear what happened to a man some time ago of this town, whose name was Christian, that went on a pilgrimage up towards the higher regions ? Sag. Hear of him ! Aye, and I also heard of all he met with on his journey. Besides, I must tell you, our country rings of him ; there are but few but have got the records of his pilgrimage. For though when here he was fool in every man's mouth, yet now he 10 CHRISTIANA AND is gone, he is highly commended. ; Tis said he lives bravely where he is : yea, many of them that are resolved never to run his hazards, have their mouths water at his gains. They may, quoth I, well think, that he livrth well where he is j fol he now lives at, and in the Fountain of life. But, pray what talk have the people about him ? Sag. Talk! the people talk strangely about him: some say he now walks in white ; that he has a ehain of gold about his neok ; that he has a crown of gold, set with pearls, upon his head : others say. that the shining ones, who sometimes showed themselves to him in Ms journey, are become HER CHILDREN. 11 his companions. Besides, that the King of the place where he is has bestowed upon him a very rich and pleasant dwelling, and that He every day eateth and drinketh and walketh and talketh. with him. I am glad on't ; quoth I : I am glad for the poor man's sake, for that now he has rest from his labor. I also am glad that these things are noised abroad, for it may work a good effect on some left behind. But pray, sir, while it is fresh in my mind, do you hear any thing of his wife and children ? Sag. Who ? Christiana and her gens ? They are like to do as well as Christian did himself ; for though at first they would not be 12 CHRISTIANA AND persuaded by tears or entreaties of Christian, yet on second thoughts they have packed up, and are gone after him. Better and better, quoth I : hut what, wife and children, and all P Sag. It is true : I was upon the spot at the time and know the the whole affair. And as we are going some considerable way to- gether, I will give an account of the matter. This Christiana — for that was her name from the day that she with her children hetook them- selves to a pilgrim's lift — after her husband was gone over the river, and she could hear of him no more, I egan to he in disl ress. First she had lost her husband : HER CHILDREN. 13 this, therefore, did cost her many a tear. But this was not all ; for upon this came into her mind, by swarms, all her unkind, and un- godly treatment of her dear friend. She was, moreover, much broken with recalling to remembrance his tears, and self-bemoanings, and how she did harden her heart against his entreaties to go with him ; yea, there was not any thing that Christian either said, or did, while that heavy burden did hang on his back, but it returned like a flash of lightning, and rent her heart in sunder ; especially that bitter outcry of his, " What shall I do to be saved ?" did ring in her ears most dolefully. Then said she to her children, 14 CHRISTIANA AND " Sons, we are all undone. I Lave Binned away your father, and he is gone: he would have had us with him, hut I Mould not g<> myself : I also have hindered you of life." With that the hoys fell into tears, and cried out to u r <> after their father. "Oh," said Chris- tian;!. •' that it had been but our lot to go with him ; then had it fared well with us heyond what it is like to do now." Then they all wept again, and cried out, in sorrow of heart The next night Christiana hail a dream ; and behold, she saw as if a broad parchment was opened in which were recorded the sins of her life ; and her guilt as HER CHILDREN. 15 she thought, looked very black upon her. Then she cried out aloud in her sleep, "Lord, have mercy upon me a sinner ! ' ' and the little children heard her. After this she thought she saw two very ill-looking ones standing by her bedside, and saying, ' ' What shall we do to this wo- man, for she cries out for mercy, waking and sleeping ? if she be suf- fered to go on as she begins, we shall lose her as we have lost her husband. Wherefore we must, by one way or other, seek to take her off from the thoughts of what shall be hereafter, else all the world cannot help but she will be- come a pilgrim." Now she awoke trembling, but 16 CHRISTIANA AND after ;i while she fell asleep again. And then she thought she saw Christian, her husband, in a place of Miss with a harp in his hand, standing before One that sat on a throne with a rainbow about his head. She saw also, as if he bowed his head with his face to the pared work that was under his Prince's feet, savin.:. "I heartily thank my Lord and King for bringing me into this place." Then shouted a company of them that stood round about, and harped with their harps ; but no man living could tell what they said but Christian and his com- panions. Next morning, when she was up, had prayed to God, andtalk.nl HER CHILDREN. 17 with, her children a while, one knocked hard at the door ; to whom she spoke out, saying, " If thou coniest in God's name, come in. So he said, ''Amen;" and opened the door, and saluted her with, "Peace he to this house." Which when he had done, he said, " Christiana, knowest thou wherefore I am come ?" Then she hlushed and trembled ; also her heart began to wax warm with desires to know from whence he came, and what was his errand to her. So he said unto her, ' ' My name is Secret ; I dwell with those that are on high. It is talked of where I dwell as if thou hadst a desire 18 CHRISTIANA AND to go thither : also there is a re- port that thou art aware of the evil thou hast formerly done to thy husband, in hardening of thy heart against his way, and in keeping of these babes in their ignorance. Christiana, the Merci- ful One hath sent me to tell thee, that he is a God ready to forgive, and that he taketh dettgtyt to multiply the pardon of offences. He also would have thee to know, that he inviteth thee to come into his presence, to liis table, and that he will feed thee with the fat of his honse, and with the heritage of Jacob thy father. "There is Christian, thy hus- band that was. irith legions more, his companions, ever beholding HER CHILDREN. 19 The Letter. HER CHILDREN. 21 that face that doth minister life to beholders, and they will all be glad when they shall hear the sound of thy feet step oyer thy Father's threshold." Christiana at this was greatly abashed in herself, and bowed her head to the ground. This visitor proceeded, and said, "Christiana, here is also a letter for thee, which I have brought from thy husband's King." So she took it, and opened it, but it smelt after the manner of the best perfume. Also it was written in letters of gold. The contents of the letter were these, That the King would have her to do as did Christian her husband ; for that was the way to come to 22 CHRISTIANA AND his city, and to dwell in his pre- sence with joy for ever. At this the good woman was quite overcome ; so she cried out to her visitor, " Sir, will you carry me and my children with you, that ire also may go and worship the King .'"' Then said the visitor, "Christiana, the bitter is before the sweet. Thou must pass through troubles, as did he that went before thee, to enter this Celestial city. Wherefore I advise thee to do as did Christian thy hus- band, (to to the Wicket-gate yon- der, over the plain, for that stands at the head of the way, up which thou must go ; and I wish thee all good speed. Also I advise that thou IIER CHILDREN. 23 put this letter in thy bosom, that thou read therein to thyself and to thy children until you have got it by heart : for it is one of the songs which thou must sing while thou art in this house of thy pilgrim- age. Also this thou must deliver in at the further gate." Now I saw in my dream, that this old gentleman, as he told me the story, did himself seem to be greatly affected therewith. He moreover proceeded and said, So Christiana called her sons together and told them all that was upon her mind, and of the desire that was in her heart. " Come, my children, " said she, ' c let us pack up, and be gone to the gate that leads to the Celestial 24 CHRISTIANA AND Country, that we may join your fotker, ami his companions in that blessed land " Then did her children burst out into tears, for joy that the heart <>t 'their mother was so inclined. Bo their visitor bid thorn farewell ; and they began to prepare to set out upon their journey. But while they were thus en- gaged, two women that wre Christiana's neighbors knooked at her door. To whom she s.iM, " If you come in God's name, come in." At this the women were stunned, for this kind of language used not to drop from the lips of Chris- tiana. V<-t they came in : and found her preparing to be gone. HER CHILDREN. 25 So they began, and said. " Neighbor, pray what is your meaning by this?" Christiana answered, and said to the eldest, whose name was Mrs. Timorous, ' ' I am preparing for a j ourney. ' ' This Timorous was daughter to him that met Christian upon the hill of Difficulty, and would have him go back, for fear of the lions. Tim. " For what journey, I pray you? Chr. " Even to go after my good husband. ' ' And with that she fell a weeping. Then Mrs. Timorous began to persuade Christiana against her journey, and told her of all sorts of danger that would befall her 26 CHRISTIANA AND and her children if she went. But it was to no purpose- Then Timorous reviled her, and said to her fellow, "Come, neighbor Mercy, let us leave her, since she scorns our counsel and company." But Mercy was at a stand, and that for a twofold reason ; — 1. Her yearnings over Chris- tiana. So she said within herself, If my neighbor needs be gone, I will go a little way with her. 2. Her yearnings over her own soul ; for what Christiana had said had taken some hold upon her mind. Wherefore she Mid within herself again, I will yet have more talk with Christians ; and if I find truth and life in what HER CHILDREN. 27 she shall say, I shall also go with her. Wherefore Mercy "began thus to reply to her neighbor Timorous : " Neighbor, I did indeed come with you to see Christiana this morning ; and, since she is taking her last farewell of the country, I think to walk this sunshiny morning a little with her to help her on her way, ' ' But she told her not of her second reason, hut kept it to her- self. So Mrs. Timorous returned angry to her house, and Christiana be- took herself to her journey. But when Timorous was got home, she sends for some of her neighbors, to wit, Mrs. Bat's-Eyes ZO CHBISTIAVA AND Mrs. Inconsiderate, Mrs. Light- mind, and Mrs. Know-Nothing. So when they were come to her house, sin- falls to telling of the story of Christiana, and of her intended journey. These woman then said many unkind and unlovely things about Christiana and her resolve : — hut Such is the habit of the dwellers in the town of Destruction, when any of their number leave them and start on pilgrimage. By this time Christiana and her children were gotten on their way, and M rev went along: so as they went Christiana said, '/Mercy, I take tins as an unexpected favor, that thou shouldest accompany me a little in the way.'' HER CHILDREN. 29 Then said young Mercy, for she was but young, "If 1 thought it would be to purpose to go with you, I would never go near the town any more." '• Well, Mercy," said Christiana, "cast in thy lot with me. The King, who hath sent for me and my children, is one that delighteth in mercy. If thou wilt, I will hire thee, yet we will have all things in common ; only go along with me. Mer. " But how shall I he cer- tain I shall be entertained ? Had I this hope from one that can tell, I would go, being helped by Him that can help, though the way was never so tedious." Chr. "I will tell thee what 30 CHRISTIANA AND thou shalt do : go with me to the Wicket- gate, and if there thou shalt not meet with encourage- ment, I will be content that thou again return. Mer. "Then will I go thither, and will take what shall follow. The Lord grant that the King of heaven shall hare his heart upon me . ' ' Tlon was Christiana glad, not only that she had a companion, hut that she had prevailed with this poor maid to fall ill love with her own salvation. So they went on together, and Mercy began to weep. Then said Christiana, "Wherefore weepeth my sister 30?" 31 "Alas," said she, "who can but lament, that thinks of the sad condition my relations are in, that remain in our sinful town ? They have no instructor, nor any to tell them what is to come." Chr. "Pity becomes pilgrims; and thou dost weep for thy friends as good Christian did for me. I hope, Mercy, that these tears of thine will not be lost." Then said Mercy, " Let the most blessed be my guide, If it be his blessed will, Unto his gate, into his fold, Up to his holy hill. And let him never suffer mo To swerve, or turn aside From his free grace and holy ways. Whatc'er shall me botide. 32 CHBISTIANA AND And let him gather them of mine That I have left behind ; Lord, make them pruy they may he thiue With all their heart ami mind." Now my old friend proceeded, and said, When Christiana and her sons came to tho Slough of ad, thoy made a stand. But Mercy said, " Come let us venture ; only let us be wary." Then they looked well to their steps, and made a shift to get staggering over. Yet Christiana had like to have been in, and th;it nnt onoe <>r twice. Now they had no sooner got over, but they thought they beard words that said unto them, "Blessed is she that belie Yeth: HER CHILDREN. 33 for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the Lord." Then they went on again ; and Mercy said to Christiana, " Had I as good ground to hope for a loving reception at the wick- et-gate as you, I think no Slough of Despond would discourage me." " Well, " said the other, "you know your trouble, and I know mine, and, good friend, we shall all have enough evil before we come to our journey's end." And now Mr. Sagacity left me to dream out my dream by myself. Wherefore, methought I saw Christiana and Mercy, and the boys, go all of them up to the 34 CHRISTIANA AND gate. And Christiana, being the eldest, began to knock, and knock, and knocked again. But Instead of any that answered, a great dog came barking upon them; and this made the women and children afraid; nor durst they for a while to knock any more, for fear the mastiff should fly upon them. Now, therefore, they were greatly troubled, and knew not what to do. At last they re- solved to knock again, and knocked more vehemently than at first. Then said the keeper of the gate, "Who is there?" So the dog Left Off to bark, and he opened unto them. HER CHILDREN. 35 Then Christiana made low obeisance, and said, "Let not our Lord be offended with his hand-maidens, for that we have knocked at his princely gate." Then said the keeper, • • Whence come ye ? And what is it that you would have?" Christiana answered, " We are come from whence Christian did come, and upon the same errand. And I, my Lord, am Christiana, once the wife of Chris- tian, that now is gotten above." W T ith that the keeper of the gate did marvel, saying, ' ' What, is she now become a pilgrim, that but a while ago ab- horred that life ?" 35 CHRISTIANA AND Then she bowed her head, and I. "Yea; and so are these my sweet babes also," Thm he took her by the hand and led her in, and said also. " Sufferthe little children tooome unto me; n and with that tie shut to the gate. This done, he called to a trum- peterthat was above, over the gate to entertain Christiana with shou- ting, and the sound of trumpet, fur joy. So in- obeyed, and soun- ded, and tilled the air with his melodious notes. Now all this while pOOT Mercy did stand without, trembling. Hut when Christiana had got admit- . herself and her bora, then HER CUILDKEX. 37 she began to make intercession for Mercy. And she said, "My Lord, I have a companion that stands without. She is much dejected for she comes as she thinks, without sending for, whereas I was sent for by my hus- band's King to come." Now Mercy began to be very impatient, and she knocked at the gate so loud that she made Chris- tiana start. Then said the keeper of the gate, "Who is there?" And Christiana said, "It is my friend." So he opened the gate and look- ed out, but Mercy was fallen down without in a swoon. 38 CHRISTIANA AND Then he took her by the hand, and said, " Damsel, I hid thee arise. Fear not, hut stand upon thy feet, and tell me wherefore thou art come." Mer. "lam come for that unto which I was never invited, as my friend Christiana was. Wherefore I fear I presume with her . If the n i is grace and forgiveness of sins to spare, I beseech thy poor hand- maid may he a partaker thereof." Then he took her again by the hand, and led her gently in, and said, " I pray for all them that believe on me, by what means so- ever they come unto me." Then said he to those that stood by, " Fetch something and give it HER CHILDREN. 39 to Mercy to smell, thereby to stay her faintings;" so they fetched her a bundle of myrrh, and a while after she was revived. And now were Christiana and her boys, and Mercy, received of the Lord at the head of the way, and spoken kindly unto by him. Ho also took them up to the top of the gate, and showed them by what deed they were saved ; and told them that that sight they would have again as they went along in the way, to their comfort. So he left them a while in a summer parlor below, where they entered into some talk by them- selves ; and thus Christiana began, 1 • how glad am I that we are got in hither ! ' ' 40 CURISTIANA AND Mi r. " So you w.dl may ; but I of all, have cause to leap Got joy." They then told each other of the fears they bad of being turned away from the gate before it was opened to them ; and also how alarmed they were at the barking uf the dog. Then Mercy - id she would ask the good Keeper the next time he rami' down why he kept siu-h a cur in his yard. "Do so," said the children, "and persuade hhn to hang him ; for we are afraid he will bite us wheu we go ben So at last he came down to them again, and Bleroy fall to the ground on her face before him, and wor- shipped. HER CHILDREN. 41 So he said unto her, ' ' Peace be to thee ; stand up. ' ' But she continued upon her face, and said, " 'Righteous art thou, Lord, when I plead with thee ; yet let me talk with thee of thy judgments.' Wherefore dost thou keep so cruel a dog in thy yard, at the sight of which, women and children are ready to fly from thy gate for fear ?" He answered and said, ' ' That dog has another owner ; and is kept in another man' s ground. My pilgrims hear only his barking ; he belongs to the castle there at a distance, and has frightened many a pilgrim. Indeed, he tbat owneth him doth keep him to prevent pil- grims from coming to me. Some- 42 CHRISTIANA AND times he has hroken out, and worried some that I love. I ; but I also give my pilgrim- timely kelp, so that they are not delivered to his power. But, my purchased one, the beggars that u r o from door to door, will rather than lose a supposed alias, run the hazard of a dog ; and shall a dog any from coming to me .' I deliver them from the lions, and my dar- ling from the power of the dog." Then said Men v. "I confess my ignorance; I spoke what I understood not ; I acknowledge that thou doest all things well." Then Christiana began to talk of their journey, and to inquire after the way. So he fed them, and HER CHILDREN. 43 washed their feet, and set them in the way, according as he had dealt with her husband before. So I saw in my dream, that they walked on their way, and had the weather very comfortable to them. Now there was on the other side of the wall that fenced in the way, a garden, that belonged to him who owned the dog. And some of the fruit-trees shot their branches over the wall. Christiana's boys, as boys are apt to do, being pleased with the fruit thereon, did pluck of them, and began to eat. Their mother did also chide them for so doing, but still the boys went on. " Well, " said she, " my sons, you transgress, for that fruit is 44 CaiUSTIANA AND none of ours;" bat she did not know that it belonged to the en- emy. I'll warrant yoo, if ihfl had. she would have been ready to die for tear. But that passed, and they went on their way. Now, hy that they were gone ahout two bow-shots from the place that led them into the way, they espied two very ill-favored onrs coming down apaoe to meet fch< in. With that, Christiana and Mercy coveted themselves with their veils, and so kept on their journey: the children also went on he tore ; so that at last they met together. Then these two ill-favored ones made as though they would embrace Christiana and Mercy. HER CHILDREN. 45 They, filled with fear, shrieked out, Murder! Murder! The chil- dren also stood by cryiug. Now they being not far from the gate their cry was heard : wherefore some of the house came out, and knowing that it was Christiana's voice, made haste to their relief. Then did the ruf- fians make their escape over the wall into the garden ; so the dog became their protector. This Re- liever then came up to the wo- men, and asked them how they did. So, after a few more words, he raid as followeth : "I marvelled much, when you were entertained at the gate, that you petitioned not the Lord for a conductor." 46 CHRISTIANA AND "Alas," Bald Christiana, M we were so taken with our present blessing, that dangers to come were forgotten by us. Shall we go back again to my Lord, and confess our folly, and ask one ?" "Togo back again, you need not, for in every one of my Lord's lodg- ings, there is sufficient to furnish pilgrims against all attempts whatsoever. But, as I said, 'lb- will be inquired of by them, to do it for them.' " When he had thus said, he went back to his place, and the pilgrims went on their way. Then said Mercy, " What a sudden blankishere ! I thought we had been past all danger." HER CHILDREN. 47 "Thy innocency, my sister," said Christiana to Mercy, "may excuse thee ; hut my fault is so much the greater, for that I saw this danger before I came. I am much to be blamed." Then she told Mercy of her dream of the two ill-favored ones and said it should have taught her to take heed, and have pro- vided when provision might have been had. Thus as they talked away a little more time, they drew near to the house of the Interpreter ; and when they came to the door, they heard, as they thought, Christiana mentioned by name ; therefore they stood still for a while. At last Christiana knocked. Then 40 CHRISTIANA A>T< there oame to the door a yoimg damsel, who .1- k. •. i. " With whom would you s^eak in this j. lac- .'" Christiana ansv, " We understand this is a privi- Leged place for pilgrims, and we are such : wherefore we pray that wo may be partakers of tliat for which we are come; the day, as thou st'.-st. is very far spent, and we art- loath to-night to go any fur- ther." I )am. " Pray, what may I call your nam*-, that I may tell it to my Lord within ?" " My name is Christiana : I was the wiic of that pilgrim that soma Tears ago did travel this way. and these he his four children. This HER CHILDREN. 49 maiden also is my companion, and is going on pilgrimage too." Then Innocent, for that was her name, ran in, and said to those within, " Can you think who is at the door ? There is Christiana and her children, and her companion, all waiting for entertainment here." Then they leaped for joy, and went and told their master. So he came to the door, and looking upon her, he said, "Art thou Christiana? whom Christian the good man left behind him when he betook himself to a pilgrim's life ?" Chr. "lam that woman that was so hard-hearted and these are 4 50 CHRISTIANA AND his four children ; but now I also am come," Inter. " But why standest thou thus at the door ? Come in, thou daughter of Abraham. Come, children, come in ; come, maiden, come in." So he took them all into the house. Then were they bidden to sit down and rest. They of th»' house all smiled for joy that Christiana was become a pilgrim. They looked well pleased upon the boys, and took them kindly by the hand and also behaved lovingly to Mercy. After a while, because supper was not ready, the Interpreter took them into his Significant HER CHILDREN. 51 The man with a muck-rake. HER CHILDREN. 53 Rooms, and showed them what Christian, Christiana's husband had seen some time before. This done, and after those things had been somewhat digest- ed, the Interpreter takes them again into a room where was a man that could look no way but down- wards, with a muck-rake in his hand. There stood also one over his head with a celestial crown in his hand, and proffered him that crown for his muck-rake ; but the man did neither look up nor re- gard, but raked to himself the straws, the small sticks, and dust of the floor. Then said Christiana, "I per- suade myself that I know some- what the meaning of this ; for 54 CHRISTIANA AND this la the figure of B man of tins world : la it not, goo I "Thou hast said right," said he : "and his muck-rake doth show his carnal mind. Straws and sticks and dnst, with most, are the greal things looked aft With that Christiana and Mercy wept, and Bald, " It is. alas, too ti . Th«> interpreter then showed them Into the very besl room in the house and ba le them Lo >k round and sec if they could And any thing profitable (here. Then they looked round and round ; for there was nothing to d but ;i very greal Bpider on the wall, and that they over- looked. HER CHILDREN. 55 Then said Mercy, " Sir, I see nothing ;" but Christiana held her peace. "But," said the Interpreter, "look again." She therefore looked again, and said, " Here is not any thing but an ugly spider, who hangs by the hands upon the wall." Then again said he, "Is there but one spider in all this spacious room?" Then the water stood in Chris- tiana's eyes, for she was quick of apprehension ; and she said, ' ' Yea Lord, there are more here than one ; yea, and spiders whose venom is far more destructive than that which is in her. ' ' 56 CHRISTIANA AND The Interpreter then looked pleasantly on her. and said, "Thou hast said the truth." This made Mercy to blush, and the boys to cover their facet ; for they all began now to understand the riddle. Then said the Interpreter again, " 'The spider taketh hold with her 1 lands,' as you Bee, ' and is in kings 1 palaces.' And wherefore 18 this recorded, but to show you that how full of the venom of sin tOOYer you be, yet you may, by the hand of faith, lay hold Of and dwell in the beat room that belongs to the King's house above ?" He took thfin then into another room where were a ben and ohiok- ena, and bid them observe a while. HER CHILDREN. 57 So one of the chickens went to the trough to drink, and every time she drank she lifted up her head and her eyes towards heaven. 1 ' See, ' ' said he, ' ' what this little chick doth, and learn of her to acknowledge whence your mer- cies come hy receiving them with looking up." Then said Christiana, ' ' Pray, sir, let us see some more." So he led them into the slaugh- ter-house, where was a butcher killing a sheep ; and behold, the sheep was quiet, and took her death patiently. Then said the Interpreter, " You must learn of this sheep to suffer, and to put up with wrongs without murmurings and 58 CHRISTIANA AND complaints. Behold how quietly she takes her death, and without objecting, she Buffereth her skin to be pulled over her cars. Your King doth call you his sheep." After this he led them into his garden, where was a great variety of flowers ; and he said, 11 Do you see all these ?" So Christiana said, " Yes." Then said he again, " Behold, the llowers are diverse in stature, in quality, and color, and smell, and virtue ; and some are better than others ; rIbo, where the gardener hath set them there they stand, and quarrel not one with another." Again, he led them into his field which he had sown with HER CHILDREN. 59 wheat and corn : but when they beheld, the tops of all were cut off, and only the straw remained. He said again, "This ground was dunged and ploughed and sown, but what shall we do with the crop ?" Then said Christiana, " Burn some, and make muck of the rest." Then said the Interpreter again, ' ' Fruit, you see, is that thing you look for ; beware that in this you condemn not yourselves." Then, as they were coming in from abroad, they espied a little robin with a great spider in his mouth. So the Interpreter said, " Look here." 60 CHRISTIANA AM» So they looked, and Meroy won- dered, but Christiana Mid, "What a disparagement is it to such a pretty Little bird as the robin-redbreast ; 1 thoughl they lived upon crumbs of bread, or upon other inch harmless mat* ter : [ like him worse than I did." The Interpreter replied, '• This robin is an emblem, very like some professors ; to sight they are, as h»> is, pretty of note, oolor, and carriage. Bnt Like him they catch and gobble up spiders, change their his Prince, for bringing him thither. Now, while she was telling these things, my heart burned within me. And I thought, If this be true, I will leave my Esther and my mother, and the land <>f my nativity, and will go, if I may, along with Christiana. So I asked her further of the troth of these things, and came with her with a heavy heart for that so many of my relations wore left behind. And I will go, if I may. With Christiana, onto her hushand and his King.' 1 HER CHILDREN. 65 Inter. " Thy setting out is good ; thou art as Ruth, who for the love she bare Naomi and the Lord her God, left father and mother, the land of her nativity, and her people. ' The Lord recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the Lord God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.' " Now supper was ended, and preparation made for bed ; Chris- tiana and Mercy were laid singly alone, and the boys by them- selves. Now when Mercy was in bed, she could not sleep for joy, for now her doubts of missing at last were removed further from her than ever they were before. So 66 CHRISTIANA AND she lay blessing and praising God, who had such favor for her. In the morning they arose with the sun, and prepared themselves for their departure ; but the In- terpreter would have them tarry a while; "For," said he, "you must go orderly from hence." Then said he to the damsel Innocence, "Take them and lead them into the garden to the bath and there wash them and make them clean from the soil which they have gathered by travelling." Then Innocent took them into the garden, and brought them to the bath of Sanctification. Then they went in and washed ; and came out of that bath not only sweet and clean but also enliven- HER CHILDREN. 67 Bath of Sanctification. HER CHILDREN'. t>\) ed and strengthened. So when they came in they looked fairer a deal than when they went out to the washing. Then the Interpreter took them and looked upon them, and said unto them, ' ' Fair as the moon. ' ' So he called for a seal and when it was brought, set his mark upon them, that they might be known in the places whither they were yet to go. This seal also added to their beauty, and made their coun- tenances more like those of angels. Then said he to Innocence, ' ' Go into the vestry, and fetch out garments for these people." So she went and fetched out white raiment, and laid it down before him: so he commanded 70 CHRI8TIANA AND them to put it on : it was fine liiii-ii, \vhit<- and clean. When the women were thus adorned, they Beemed to be a ter- ror one to the other ; for that they could not B06 that glory each one had in herself, which they could see in each other. Now therefore they began to esteem each other better than themselves. The chil- dren also stood amazed, to Bee Into what fashion they were brought. The Interpreter then called for a man-servant of his, one Great- Heart, and bade him take a sword and helmet, and shield ; and, "Take these my daughters, ' ' said he, "conduct them to the house called Beautiful, at which place they will rest next." HER CHILDREN. 71 So he took his weapons, and went before them ; and the Inter- preter said, God-speed. The fami- ly also sent them away with many a good wish. Thus they started again on their way, sometimes singing as they went. So they went on until they came to the place where Christian's burden fell off his back. Here then they made a pause ; here also they blessed God. "Now," said Christiana, " it comes to my mind that it was said to us at the gate, that we should have pardon by word and by deed. What the promise is, of that I know something ; but what it is to have pardon by deed, or in the way that it was obtained, 72 CHRISTIANA AND Mr. Great-Heart, I suppose you know ; wherefore if you please, let us hear your discourse thereon. Then did Mr Great-heart open lovingly to them the glorious doctrine of justification by Christ, so that tln-ir hearts were stirred within them, with increased lore to Him who had bought them with Ins precious blood. Christiana at last broke out : — "True, methinka it makes my heart bleed to think that He should bleed for me. Oh, thou loving One ; Oh, thou blessed One ! Thou deservest to have me : thou hast bought me. Thou deservest to have me all : thou hast paid for me ten thousand times more than I am worth. HER CHILDREN. 73 Oh, Mercy, that thy father and mother were here ; yea, and Mrs. Timorous and Madam Wanton too. Surely, surely, their hearts would he affected ; nor could they refuse to "become pilgrims." Now I saw in my dream, that they went on until they came to the place where Simple, Sloth and Presumption, lay asleep, when Christiana went by, and behold, they were hanged up in irons a little way off on the other side, for a caution to other had men. Then they went on till they came to the foot of the hill Difficulty ; here Mr. Great-Heart took occa- sion to tell them what happened there when Christian went hy. So he had them first to the spring. 74 CI1RISTIANA AND Next he showed them the two by ways at the foot of the hill, where Formality and Bypoorisy lost themselves. And, Bald ho, these are dangerous paths, and although, you Bee, these ways are since stopped up with chains, posts, and a ditch, yet there are those that will choose to adven- ture here, rather than take the pains to go up this hill. Then they Bet forward, and be- gan to go up the hill. But before they got to the top, Christiana be- gan to pant, ami said, "I dare. say this is a breathing hill ; no marvel if they that low tin ir Base more than their souls choose to themselves a smoother way." Then said Mercy, ' ' I must sit HER CHILDREN. 75 down : ' ' also the least of the chil- dren began to cry. "Come, come," said Great- heart, ' ' sit not down here ; for a little above is the Prince's arbor." Then he took the little boy by the hand, and led him up thereto. "When they were come to the arbor, they were very willing to sit down. Then said Mercy, "How sweet is rest to them that labor ; and how good is the Prince of pilgrims to provide such resting-places for them I" Then said Mr. Great-Heart to the little ones, "Come, my pretty boys, how do you do ? What think you now of going on pilgrimage ?" 76 CHRISTIANA AND "Sir," sai'l the least, "I was almost beat out of heart ; bat I thank you for Lending me ;i hand at my need. And I remember now what my mother hath t<>M me, namely, thai the way to hea- ven is ai a ladder, and the way to hell is as down a hill. Hut I had rather go up the ladder to life, than down the hill to death." Then said Mercy, '• I'.ut the proverb is, 'To go down tlie hill is easy.' " But James said, for that was his name, "The day is coming wlieii, in my opinion, going down the hill will he the hardest of all."' " 'Tis a good boy," said his master; "thou hast given her a right answer. - ' HER CHILDREN. 77 Then Mercy smiled, but the little boy did blush. " Come," said Christiana, "will you eat a bit while you sit here to rest ? for I have a piece of pome- granate which Mr. Interpreter put into my hand when I came out of his door ; he give me also a piece of honey-comb, and a bottle of wine." Then she gave to them, and they did eat, both Mercy and the boys. And said Christiana to Mr. Great-Heart, " Sir, will you do as we do ?" But he answered, " You are go- ing on pilgrimage, and presently I shall return; much good may what you have do you : at home I eat the same every day." 78 CHRISTIANA AffD Now when they had eaten and drank, and talk. -a a little longer, their guide said to them, "The day wears away; if you think good, let us prepare to he going." So they got up to go, and the little hoys went before ; but Christiana forgot her bottle, so she sent her little boy back to fetch it. Then said Mercy, 11 1 think this is a losing plMM : here Christian lost his roll, and here Christiana her bottle. Sir, what is the cause of this?" So their guide made answer, "The cause is sleep, or forget- fulness. Pilgrims should watch, under their greatest enjoyments : but for want of doing so, often- HER CHILDREN. 79 times their rejoicing ends in tears, and their sunshine in a cloud." When they come to the place where Mistrust and Timorous met Christian, to persuade him to go hack for fear of the lions, they saw a stage erected, with verses written thereon, and underneath the verses the inscription : — " This stage was huilt to punish those upon, who, through timorousness or mistrust, shall be afraid to go further on pilgrimage. Also, on this stage both Mistrust and Timor- ous were burned through the tongue with a hot iron, for en- deavoring to hinder Christian on his journey." Then said Mercy, "This is much like to the say- 80 ( HKISTIANA AND ing of the Beloved, ' What shall be given onto thee, or what shall be don.- onto thee, thou false tongaef Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper.' " Bo they wen! on till they oame within Bighl of the lioi Now Mr. Ghreat-Hearl was a Strong man. BO he was n<>t afraid of a lion. Ihit yel when they were oome to where the lions were, the boys, that went before, were now glail^rinis hither, where, by my Lords oosninandment, they HER CHILDREN. 87 must lodge. I had been here some time ago, had I not been opposed by the giant that did use to back the lions But I, after a long and tedious combat, have cut him off, and have brought the pilgrims hither in safety." Por. ' ' Will you not go in, and stay till morning ? Great. "No, I will return to my Lord to-night." Chr. "0, sir, I know not how to be willing you should leave us in our pilgrimage : you have been so faithful and so loving to us, you have fought so stoutly for us, you have been so hearty in counselling of us, that I shall never forget your favor towards us." 88 CHRISTIANA AND Then said Mercy, '•0 that we might hare thy cMiipaiiy to our journey's end. lluw can such poor women as ire hold out in a way BO full of trou- bles as this way is, without a friend and defender .''' Thou said James, the youngest of the boys, '• Pray, Bir, be persuaded to go with us. and help us, beoaUSe we are so weak, and the way is so ous." Grr it. "I am at my Lord's com- mandment ; if he shall allot me to be your guide quite through, I will willingly wait upon yen. Bui here yon foiled at ftrsi ; for when be bid me oome thus for with you, then you should have HER CHILDREN". 89 begged me of him to have gone quite through with you, and he would have granted jour request. However, at present I must with- draw ; and so, good Christiana, Mercy, and my brave children, adieu." Then the porter, Mr. Watchful, asked Christiana of her country, and of her kindred. And when she had told him who she was, and, pointing to Mercy said, "This also is one of my townswomen and these children are the chil- dren of Christian my husband ;"— he rang his bell, and there came to the door one of the damsels, whose name was Humble-Mind ; and to her the porter said, "Go tell it within, that Chris- 90 CnRISTIAXA UTD tiana. the wife of Christian, and her ohildren, are conm hither <>n pilgrimage." She went in. therefore, and told it. Hut ( >. what noise for glad- ness waa there within when the damsel < 1 i * 1 l>ut drop thai out of her month. So they came witli haste to the porter, for Christiana Btood at the door. Then Borne of the most grare said nnfo her, •■ i !ome in. Christiana, oome in, thou wife of that good man: oome in, thon blessed woman, come In, with all that are with thee." Bo they wenl in. Now they were led Into room, where they were bidden to sit down; so they sat down, and HER CHILDREN. 91 the chief of the house were called to see and welcome them. Now, becatise it was somewhat late, and the pilgrims were weary, they desired, as soon as might he, to go to rest. Nay, said those of the family, refresh yourselves first with a morsel of meat. So when they had supped, and ended their prayer with a psalm, they desired they might go to to rest. "But let us," said Christiana, " if we may be so bold as to choose, be in that chamber that was my husband's" when he was here;" so they led them up thither, and they all lay in a room. When they were at rest, Christiana and Mercy entered into discourse. Chr. "Little did I think once, 92 CHRISTIANA AND when my husband went on pil- grimage, that I should ever have followed him." Mi r. "And you as little thought of Lying in his bed, and in his chamber to rest, as you do now." < l,r. •• And much less did I 0T6I think of BOeing Ins face with comfort, and of worshipping the Lord and King with him; and yet now I believe I shall." Mer. " Hark, don't you hear a noise ?" Chr. "Yes, it is, as I believe, a noise of music, for joy that we arc here." .1A r. * ( Wondeful ! Bfusie in the house, mosio in the heart, and mUSic also in 1 i«-:i v.i i. for joy that we are here." Thus they talked HER CHILDREN*. 93 a while, and then "betook them- selves to sleep. So in the morning when they were awake, Christiana said to Mercy, " What was the matter, that you did laugh in your sleep to- night ? I suppose you were in a dream ?" Mer. "Sol was and a sweet dream it was ; hut are you sure I laughed ?" Chr. "Yes, you laughed hearti- ly ; but prithee, Mercy, tell me thy dream." Mer. "I was dreaming that I sat all alone in a solitary place, and was bemoaning the hard- ness of my heart. Now I had not sat there long but methought 94 CHRISTIANA AND many were gathering about me to see me, and to hear wh;it it was that I said. So they hearkened, and 1 went on bemoaning th<- liar.l- uess of my heart. At this. BOine of them Laughed a1 me, Bomeoall- ed me fool, and Bome began to thrust me about. With that me- thought I Looked ap and saw one coming with wings towards me. So he came directly to m.-, and said, Mercy, what aileth thee? Now when hie had heard me make my complaint, he said, Peace be to thee; In- also wined my eyes with his handk.'ivhi.-t'. and clad me in silver and gold. He put a chain about my neck, and ear- rings in mv cars, and a beantifnl crown upon my head. Thou he HER CHILDREN. 95 took me by the hand, and said, Mercy, come after me. So he went up, and I followed till we came to a golden gate. Then he knocked and when they within had opened the man went in, and I followed him up to a throne, upon which one sat ; and he said to me, Wel- come, daughter. The place look- ed bright and twinkling, like the stars, or rather like the sun, and I thought that I saw your hus- band there ; so I awoke from my dream. But did I laugh ?" Chr. "Laugh! aye, and well you might, to see yourself so well. ' ' Mer. " Well, I am glad of my dream ; for I hope ere long to see it fulfilled, to the making me laugh again." 96 CHRISTIANA AND Chr. " I think it is now lii <_rli time to rise and to know w hat we must do." Mtr. " Pray, if they invite n< tO stay a while, let n- v. lllingly accept of the proffer. I am the more willing to staj ■ while hew to grow better acquainted with these maids : methinks Prudence Fifty, and Charity, have very comely and sober rountenai Chr. " We shall 160 what thev Will do." So when they were apand ready, they eame down, and they asked on.- anotli.-r of their rest, and if it was comfortable or not. " Very good, '" sail Iferoy : " it was one of the best night's lodg- ings that ever I had in my life." HEK CHILDREN. 97 Then said Prudence and Piety, ' ' If you will be persuaded to stay here a while, you shall have what the house will afford. ' ' • ' Aye, and that with very good will, ' ' said Charity. So they consented, and stayed there about a month or more, and became very profitable one to another. And because Prudence would see how Christiana had brought up her children, she asked leave of her to catechize them. So she gave her free con- sent. Then she began with the youngest, whose name was James. The little fellow answered her questions so well that Prudence was much pleased, and com- mended Christiana for thus bring- 7 98 CHRISTIANA AND big him up. She then eatechlaed Joseph and Samuel, and ended with Matthew who was the eldest. After praising the hoys she told them, still to hearken to their mother for she could teaoh them more, and to their great profit. Now the pilgrims had been at this place a week, when Mercy had a visitor that pretended some good-will unto her, and his name was Mr. Brisk ; a man of some breeding, one that professed re- ligion, but thai stuck v.rv i lose to the world. So he came once or twice, or more, to Mercy, and offered love unto her. Now Mercy vraa of a (air oountenanoe, and therefore more alluring. Her mind also was to be always HER CHILDREN. 99 Prudence catechizing the children. HER CHILDREN - . 101 busying of herself in doing ; for when she had nothing to do for herself, she would he making hose and garments for others, and would bestow them upon those that had need. And Mr. Brisk not knowing where or how she disposed of what she made, seem- ed to be greatly taken, for that he found her never idle. I will warrant her a good housewife, quoth he to himself. Mercy then revealed the busi- ness to the maidens that were of the house, and inquired of them concerning him, for they did know him better than she. So they told her that he was a very busy young man, and one who pretended to religion, but was, as 102 CHRISTIANA AND they feared, a stranger to the power of that which is gOOcL " Nay then," said Iferoy," I will look no more on him ; for I jur- pose never to have a clog to my soul." Prudence then replied, that there needed no matter of great discouragement to he giv. m to him ; her continuing so as she had he- gun to do for the poor would quickly cool his oonrage. So the next time he comes he funis her at her old work, making things for the poor. Then said he, 11 What always at it?" '■ Fes,*' said she, "either for myself <>r others." "And what canst thou earn a day ?" said he. HER CHILDREN. 103 " I do these things" said, she, " that I may be rich in good works laying up in store for myself a good foundation against the time to come, that I may lay hold on eternal life." " Why, prithee, what doest thou with them ?" said he. " Clothe the naked," said she. With that his countenance fell. So he forbore to come at her again. And when he was asked the reason why, he said, " That Mercy was a pretty lass but troubledwith strange notions. ' ' Now Matthew, the eldest son of Christiana, fell sick, and his sickness was sore upon him for he was much pained in his bowels. 104 CHRISTIANA AND There dwelt also not far from thence one Mr. Skill, u ancient and well approved physician. So Christiana desired it, and they sent for him, and he came. When he had entered the room, and had a little observed the boy, h>- (-on- eluded that he was sick of the gripes. Then he said to his mother, " What diet has Matthew of late fed upon ?" 11 Diet?" said Christiana, "no- thing but what ifl wholesome." The physician answered, "This boy has been tampering with BOmething that lies in his stomach undigested. And I tell you he must be purged, or else he will die." HER CHILDREN' 105 Then said Samuel, "Mother, what was that which my brother did gather and eat as soon as we were come from the gate that is at the head of this way? You know there was an orchard on the left hand, and some of the trees hung over the wall, and my bro- ther did pluck and eat." 11 True, my child," said Chris- tiana, "he did take thereof, naugh- ty boy as he was. I chid him, and yet he would eat thereof." "I knew he had eaten some- thing that was not wholesome, and that food is the fruit of Beel- zebub's orchard. J do marvel that none did warn you of it ; many have died thereof." Then Christiana began to cry ; 106 CHRISTIANA AND and she said, "Oh, naughty boy ! and Oh, careless mother ! what shall I do for my son?" Skill. " Come, do not be dejee- ted ; the boy may do well again, but he must purge and vomit.'' Chris. " Pray, sir, try the ut- most of your skill with him, what- ever it costs. Skill. " Nay, I hope I shall be reasonable." So he made him a purge, but it was too weak : it was made of the blood of a goat, the ashes of a heifer, and some of the juice of hyssop. When Mr. Skill had Been that that purge was too weak he made one to the purpose. It wbb made sx came hear them ; and they make the woods and groves and solitary places desirable to he in." By this time Piety was come again. So she said to Christiana, "Look here, I hare brought thee a Boheme of those things thou hast seen at our house, upon which thou mayesl look and oall them again to remembrance." Now they began to go down the hill into the valley of Humiliation. It was Bteep and tin- way slippery, but they were very careful ; so HER CHILDREN. 119 they got down pretty well. When they were down Piety said to Christiana, " This is the place where Chris- tian, your husband, met with the foul fiend Apollyon, and where they had that dreadful fight. But be of good courage ; as long as you have here Mr. Great- Heart to be your guide and conductor, we hope you will fare better." So when these two had com- mitted the pilgrims unto the con- duct of their guide, he went for- ward, and they went after. Now Mr. Great-Heart as they went along discoursed to them especially of the valley of Hu- miliation and why it was that Christian was here so sore put to 120 CUR1STIANA AXI» it : localise of his slips before he came hither. He said also much in favor of this valley: — " Behold how green it Is ; also how beautiful with lilies." Now as they were ^r < ► i 1 1 <^ ; 1 1 < > 1 1 l^ and talking, tbey espied a boy 1 1 i 1 1 lt hi< father's sh.'.-p. The boy was in very mean olothea, but of a fresh and well-lav. nv. I oonntenanoe ; and aa be sat ly himself he sun-. " Bark," said Mr. Oreat-Heart, "to what the shepherd's boy saitli." So they hearkened, and he said, " Hi- that is down, needs fear no fall ; Be that ll low, no pride : Hi> that la humble, ever shall Have God to b« Lin guide. HER CHILDREN. 121 Shepherd boy in the Valley of Hu- miliation. HER CHILDREN. 123 I am content with what I have, Little be it or much ; And, Lord, contentment still I crave, Because thou savest such. Fullness to such a burden is, That go on pilgrimage ; Here little, and hereafter bliss, Is best from age to age." Then said the guide, 1 ' Do you hear him ? I will dare to say this boy lives a merrier life, and wears more of that herb called heart' s-ease in his bosom, than he that is clad in silk and velvet," As they went on, Samuel said to Mr. Great-Heart, " Sir, I perceive this valley is very large ; can you tell where- abouts was the fight that my father had with Apollyon ?" 124 C1IKISTIANA AND Great. " Yes, at a plan' yonder before us, in a narrow pas-;:-. •. just beyond Forgetful (Jrccii. And indeed that place la the most dangerous place in all these parts. This is the plaoe also where others hare been hard put to it. Bat l persuade myself thai to this day there remains there some monument to testify that such a a battle was fought." Then said Mercy, " I think I am as well in this valley as 1 have l □ anywhere <-ls.' in all our journey : the plaoe in. 'thinks, suits with my Bpilit. I luv.' to l"' where there Is no rat- tling with coaches, aor rambling with wheels. M. thinks, here one may, without molestation, think HER CHILDREN. 125 wliat lie is, whence he came, what he has done, and to what the King has called him." " 'Tis true, " said their guide; " I have often gone through this valley and never was better than when here. I have also been a conductor to several pilgrims, and they have confessed the same." Now they were come to the place where the aforementioned battle was fought. Then said the guide to Christiana, her children, and Mercy, ' • This is the place ; on this ground Christian stood, and up there came Apollyon against nini. And lo, as I thought, yon- der stands a monument, on which is engraven this battle, and Chris- 126 (1IK1STIANA AND tian's victory, to his faine through- out So they Btopped a while to look upon it and read the aooount written thereon. When they had passed by tins place, they came upon the bor- ders of the Shadow of Death. But these women :m" farther. Then they went on again, and tli.-ir conductor wenl before them, till they oame to a plaoe where gj a pit the whole breadth of the way ; and before theyoonld be prepared to go over that, a great mist and a darkness fell upon them, bo that they oonld not Bee. Then said the pilgrim-. "Alas, what DOW shall W6 do?" But theii gnide made answer, " Pear aol : stand still, and Bee what an end will be put to this also;" bo they stayed there, be- cause their path was marred. They thru also thought that they did hear more evidently the HER CHILDREN. 131 In the Valley of the Shadow of Death. HER CHILDREN. 133 noise and rushing of the enemies ; the fire also and smoke of the pit was much easier to be discerned. Then Baid Christiana to Mercy, " Now I see what my poor hus- band went through. I have heard much of this place, but I never was here before ; none can tell what the valley of the Shadow of Death means until they come into it themselves. The heart knoweth its own bitterness ; and a stranger intermeddleth not with its joy. To be here is a fearful thing." Then said Mr. Great-Heart, " Come, let us pray for light to Him that can lighten our dark- ness, and that can rebuke not only these, but all the Satans in hell." 134 CHRISTIANA AND So they oried and prayed, and Gk>d sent li^ r ht and deliverance. Y.t they were not gol through the ralley. Bo they went on >tiil. through Loathsome ways, to their great annoyance. Then said Mercy to Christiana, "It is imt mi pleasant being here as at the gat.\ or at the in- terpreter's, or at the house where we lay last." "0 but," said one of the boj -. " it is aot so bad to go through here, aa it is to abide h< . and for aught i know, one reason irhy we musl go this iray tii the house prepared for us is, that our home might be mad.' the sweeter to »>." '• Well said, Samuel," quoth HER CHILDREN. 135 the guide ; ' ' thou hast now spoke like a man." "Why, if ever I get out here again," said the boy, "I think I shall prize light and good way better than I ever did in all my life." Then said the guide, " We shall be out by-and-by." So they looked to their feet, and went on ; but they were troubled mmh with the snares. Now, when they were come among the snares, they espied a man cast into the ditch on the left hand, with his flesh all rent and torn. Then said the guide, "That is one Heedless, that was going this way : he has lain there a great while. There was 136 omtmumA and one Take-Heed with him when h<> was taken and slain, but caped their hands." Now they drew towards the and of this uav ■ end just there where Christian had seen the oare when he went by, <>ut thenoe eame forth Maul, a giant. This Maul did use to siM.il young pilgrims with Bophistry; and he called Qreat* Hear! by name, and said unto him, " How many times have you heenforhiddentodo 1 1i»-s. • things?" Then said Mr. Great-Heart, " What things f" •• What things I" quoth. the giant; "you know what things: hut I will put an end to your trade" " But pray," said Mr. Cr.at- Heart, " before we fall to it, let us HER CHILDREN. 137 understand wherefore we must fight." Now the women and children stood trembling, and knew not what to do. Then did the giant further abuse Mr. Great Heart and his Master ; at last he came at him with his club. So they fell to it, and at the first blow the giant struck Mr. Great-Heart down upon one of his knees. With that the women and children cried out. But Mr. Great-Heart recovering himself, gave the giant a wound in his arm. Thus they fought for an hour, and the breath came out of the giant's nostrils as heat out of a boiling caldron. Then they sat down ; but Mr. Great-Heart betook himself to 138 CHRISTIANA AND prayer. Also the woman and ohildren shoulders. At this the women and children rejoiced, and Mr. Ghreat-Heart alao praised God for their deliverance. Tiny then amongst them ted 8 I'illar, and fastened the giant's head therein, and wrote under it. in letters that p gen might read, anaooonntof the fight and victory. HER CHILDREN. 139 Mr. Great-IIeart and tho Pilgrims. HER CHILDREN. 141 Now I saw that they went on to the ascent from whence Christian had the first sight of Faithful ; here they sat down and rested. They also did eat and drink, and rejoiced. They then fell into discourse ahout the fight and of the wonder- ful love of God in preserving them and bringing them thus far on their way. After which they got up and went forward. Now a little before them stood an oak ; and under it, they found an old pilgrim fast asleep. They knew he was a pilgrim by his clothes, and his staff, and his girdle. So Mr. Great-Heart, awaked him, and said, ' ' My name is Great-Heart : I 142 CHRISTIANA AM) am the guide of these pilgrims tli.it ;uv going to tin- Celestial country. Pray Let me crai • name, and tin* name of tin- place you came from." •• My Dame," Bald he " I cannot tell you, but I came from the town of Stupidity : it li<-th about four degrees beyond the city of De- struction." Great. "Oh, are you that coun- tryman ' Thru I deem I have half a guess of you ; your name is Old Honesty, is it not?" So the old gentleman blushed, and said, " Not honesty in the ab- stract, hut Honest is my name; and I wish that my nature may agree to what I am called." Then the old gentleman sal uted HER CHILDREN. 143 all the pilgrims, and asked them their names, and how they had fared since they set out on their pilgrimage. But you can scarcely think how the old gentleman was taken when Christiana told him who she was. He skipped, he smiled, he Messed her and the children with a thou- sand good wishes. Then they told him of Mercy, and how she had left her town and her kindred to come along with Christiana. At that the old hon- est man said, " Mercy is thy name : hy mercy shalt thou be sustained and car- ried through all difficulties that shall assault thee in thy way, till thou shalt look the Fountain of 144 CHRISTIANA AND mercy in the face with com- fort." All this while tht> guide, Mr. Great-Heart, was very well pleased aii'l Bmiled upon his companions. Now, as they walked along to- gether, the guide asked the old gentleman If he did not know one Mr. Fearing, thai rain.' on pil- grimage out of his parts. So their talk for some time was about this true but faint-hearted pilgrim and his troublesome pil- grimage. Mr. Great-Heart draw- ing Lessons therefrom of profit for those who were under his rare, and were now listening to his words. Now I saw thai they still went on in their talk. For after Mr. HER CHILDREN. 145 Great-Heart had made an end with Mr. Fearing, Mr. Honest began to tell them of another, Mr. Self-will, a very different sort of a man in- deed. As they were thus talking on their way, there came one running to meet them, and said, ' ' Gentleman, and you of the weaker sort, if you love life, shift for yourselves, for the robbers are before you." Then said Mr. Great-Heart, " They are the three that set upon Little-Faith heretofore. We are ready for them : " so they went on their way. Now they looked at every turn- ing for the villains ; but they came not up to the pilgrims. 10 14('» CHRISTIANA AND Christiana then wished for an inn to refresh herself and hex ohildren, because they were weary. Then Bald Mr. Honest, "There Ifl one a little bef where a very honorable disciple, one (Sains, dwells." So they all concluded to turn in thither. When they came to the door they went in, not knocking, tot- folks usenot to knock at the door of an inn. Then they asked if they might li<- there that night. Gaitu. " res, gentlemenj if you be trne men ; for my house is for none hut pilgrims." Then were Christiana, Mercy, and the boys glad, that the inn- keeper was a lover of pilgrims. HER CHILDREN. 147 Then said Mr. Great-Heart, " Good Gaius, what hast thou for supper?" "It is late," said Gaius, " so we cannot conveniently go out to seek food ; hut to such as we have you shall he welcome," Great. "We will be content with what thou hast ; thou art never destitute of that which is convenient." Then he went down and spoke to the cook, whose name was Taste-that-which-is-good, to get ready supper for so many pil- grims. This done, he comes up again, saying, "Good friends, you are wel- come and while supper is making ready, let us entertain one another 148 I IIKISTIANA AND with fottio pood discourse they all Bald "Content." Then Gaius was told who Chris- tian* and her children, and Mercy were ; — and he had words of kind welcome for them all. He then told them many things of Christian's ancestors, whose names were on record, and <>;' their valiant doings. He advised Christiana about her boys, and told her to take Mercy into a nearer relation to her. "If she will " said he, "let her be given as wife to Matthew thy elded SOIL." So in process of time they were married : but more of that here- after. Now the cook sent up to signify that supper. was almost ready, and HER CHILDREN. 149 sent one to lay the cloth, and the trenchers, and to set the salt and bread in order. So supper came up. Then were they fnll of thankful joy, and sat at the table a long time talking. And in their con- versation were mingled many thoughts of wisdom culled from the word of God. At last Samuel whispered to Christiana, his mother, "Mother, this is a very good man's house: let us stay here a while, and let my brother Mat- thew be married here to Mercy, ' ' The which Gaius their host over- hearing, said, ' ' With a very good will, my child." So they stayed there more than a lfiO CHRISTIANA AND month, and Mercy was given to Matthew to wife. While they stayed hen, Mercy, as her custom was, made coats and garments f<>r the poor, by whioh Bhe brought a very good report upon the pilgrims. But to return to our story. After supper the la«ls desired ■ bed, for they were weary. Hut the elder ones sat up all nighl : for they could not tell how to part. After much talk of their Lord, themselves, and their jour- ney, they spoke of the ezperienoe of other pilgrims. Thus they sat talking till break of day. Now when the family were op, Christiana bid her son James that >uld read a chapter; so he 1IER CHILDREN. 151 read the 53d of Isaiah. When he had finished thej had some plea- sant talk thereupon, such as pil- grims delight in ; after which Gai- us said, " Now that you are here, and Mr. Great-Heart is good at his weapons, after we have refreshed ourselves, we will walk into the fields, to see if we can do any good. About a mile from hence there is one Slay-good, a giant, that doth much harm ; and I know where- about his haunt is." So they consented and went ; Mr. Great- Heart with his sword, helmet, and shield ; and the rest with spears and staves. When they came to the place, they found the giant with one Feeble-mind in his hand, whom 152 UIKIsTIA.NA AND his servants had brought in. Now the giant was rifling him, with a purpose after that to piok his bones. So BOOn us he saw Mr. Heart and Mr. Honest vent before, Christiana and her children next, and Mr. Feehle- HER CHILDREN. 159 mind came behind, with Mr. Ready-to-halt on his crutches. Thus they went on, their guide and they talking of things profit- able, until they came to the place where Evangelist met Christian and Faithful, and told them what should befall them at Vanity Fair. This brought to their minds what was there suffered by them, and how they were sustained in their severe trials. Now they came within sight, of the town of Vanity. So they con- sulted with one another how they should pass through it ; and some said one thing and some another. At last Mr. Great-Heart said, " I have often been a conductor of pilgrims through this town. 160 CHRISTIANA AND Now, I am acquainted with one Mr. Mnaaon, ;i native of Cyprus, an obi disoiple, at whose bouse we may lodge. If you think good, wo will turn in there." At this they all Baid, " Content" Now it was evening by the time they got to the outside of the town; but Mr. Great-Heart knew the way to the old man's house. So thither they came; and he called at the door, and the old man within knew his tongue as soon as ever he heard it ; so he opened the door, and they all came in. Then said Mnason their host, " How far have ye come to- day?" So they said, HER CHILDREN-. 161 " From the house of Gams our friend." 11 1 promise you," said he, "you have gone a good stretch. You may well be weary; sit down." So they sat down. " I also," said Mr. Mnason, " do bid you welcome ; and whatever you want, do but say, and we will do what we can to get it for you." So he led them to their re- spective lodging-places, and also showed them a very fair dining- room, where when they were seat- el, Mr. Honest asked his landlord if there was any store of good people in the town. Mnas. " We have but a few,com- pared with the other side." 11 162 CIIKISTIAXA AND Hon. " But shall we not see some of them ?" Thru Mr. Ifnason stamped with his foot, and his daughter Orate earn.- ap. So he Baid unto her, " Qraoe, go yon, tell my h Mr. Contrite, Mr. II> »] v- ma n , Mr. 1 aints, Mr. Dare-not-lie, and Mr. Penitent, that I have friendi at my honse who bave a mind this evening to B06 them." So Gtraoe went to oall them, and after salutation made, they all sat down togethei at the table. They had much pleasant talk together, and were rejoioed to find Christiana, wife of Christian, the famous pilgrim, and her children with her, on their way to Mount Zion. HER. CHILDREN. 163 Here the pilgrims heard of the present state of the town ; that persecution was not so hot at Vanity Fair as formerly ; and that, indeed, in some parts of it, for the town is very large, religion is counted honorable. Mr. Great-Heart also related what had befallen his company since they started on pilgrimage, and how they had gradually uni- ted themselves under his guid- ance. Thus they sat talking and spend- ing the time until supper was set upon the table, unto which they went and refreshed their weary bodies : and then they went to rest. Now they stayed in the Fair a 164 I lir.ISTIANA AND great while, at the house of Mr. Mnason, who in process of time gave his daughter Ghraee tinto S.i m u- 1. Christiana's son, to wife, and his daughter Martha to Joseph. The pilgrim trr.-w acquainted with many of the pood people of the town, and did them what service they could, and Meroj, as she was wont, lahored much for the poor. "While they stayed here, there came a monster out of the wood, and slew many of the town. It would also carry away children, and teach them to suck its whelps. Now Mr. Great-Heart, with those who came to visit the pilgrim! at HER CHILDREN. 165 Mr. Mnason's house, entered into a covenant to go and engage this beast, if perhaps they might de- liver the people from. him. So they went forth with their weapons, to meet him. At first he was very rampant, and looked up- on them with disdain ; but they so belabored him, that they made him make a retreat : so they came home again to Mr. Mnason's house. This therefore, made Mr. Great- Heart and his fellows of great fame, and so on this account it was that the pilgrims got not much hurt here. Well, the time grew on that the pilgrims must go on their way, therefore they got ready. 166 CHRISTIANA AND So Mr. Great -Heart went before ; the women and children, | for the family had increased during their stay in the town J being weakly, were forced to g<> as they could ; thufl Mr. Ready-to-halt an l Mr. Feeble-mind bad more to sym- pathise With their condition So on they came to the place where Faithful was put to death. There they made a stand, and thanked Him thai had enabled him to bear his cross so well. They went on therefore, after this, a good way farther, talking of Christianand Faithful, and bow Hopeful joined himself to Chris- tian after that Faithful was .lend. Now they were come to the hill Lucre where the silver mine was, HER CHILDREN. 167 which took Demas off from his pilgrimage, and into which, as some think, By-ends fell ; so they considered that. But when they were come to the old monument, to wit. to the pillar of salt, that stood also within view of Sodom and its sulphurous lake, they marvelled, as did Christian before, that men should be so blinded as to turn aside here. I saw now, that they went on till they came to the river that was on this side of the Delectable Mountains ; where the meadows are green all the year long, and where also they might lie down safely. By this river in the meadows, there were cotes and folds for ] 68 CHRISTIANA AND sheep, i house built for the nourishing and bringing up of lambs, the b&bei of those women thai go on pilgrimage. Also then was here one that was intrusted with them. Now, to tin- ears of this man Christiana admonished her four daughters to commit their little ones, that by these waten they mighl be housed, harbored, suc- cored, and nourished. Then they went on to Bjr-path meadow, to the Btile over which Christian went with hia fellow Hopeful, when they were taken by Qianl Despair, Here they sat down, and consulted what was best to be done. After muoh talking, and beoauM HER CHILDREN. 169 Mr. Great-Heart advised it, they resolved as they were strong to go and fight Giant Despair and de- stroy him if they could. So they left the women in the road with Mr. Feeble-mind, and Mr. Ready-to-halt, to be their guard until they came back. Then Mr. Great-Heart, old Hon- est, and the four young men, went up to Doubting Castle. When they came to the castle gate they knocked with unusual noise. At that the old giant comes down with Diffidence his wife. Then said lie, " Who is it that is come to molest Giant Despair ?" Mr. Great-Heart replied, "It is I, Great-Heart, one of the 170 I HKI.-TIANA AND King's oondnoton <>f pilgrims j and I demand thai thou open thy gates for my entrance : prepare thyself also to fight, for I am oome to take away thy head, and to demolish Doubting ( laatle." Now Qianl Despair thought no man oould overcome him. Bo he harnessed himself, and irenl ont. Be had aoap of steel, a breastplate of fire, and iron shoes, with a great club in his hand. Then these six men made ap to him, and besel him before and be- hind: also when Diffidence the giantess came ap to help him, old Mr. Bonesl onl her down at one blow. Thru they fought for then I and Qianl I >.>p;ti r was brought HER CHILDREN. 171 Giant Despair Blain. HER CHILDREN. 173 down to the ground ; but Great- Heart was his death, for he left him not till he had severed his head from his shoulders. Then they fell to demolishing Doubting Castle, and were seven days in destroying of it. In it they found one Mr Despon- dency, a pilgrim, almost starved to death, and his daughter Much- afraid. These two they saved alive. Many dead bodies lay here and there in the castle-yard, and the dungeon was full of dead men's bones. So they took the head of the giant, and returned to their com- panions bringing along with them Mr. Despondency and his daugh- ter. Now, when Feeble-mind and 174 CUBISTLANA AND Ready-to-hall saw tliat it was the head of Qianl Despair indeed, they with the rest, were very jocund and merry. As for Mr. Despondency, hewai for feeding, for h<> was almost i. So Christiana gaye him of her bottle, and then pn him Bomething to eat ; and in a Little time he began t<» be revived* Now Mr, Great-Heart took the head of GKant Despair, and Bet it upon a pole by the highway-side, orer against the pillar that chris- tian erected for a oantion to pil- grims to take heed of cut. Ting into his grounds. Then they went forward, and went "ii till they came to the De- lectable Mountains. HER CHILDREN. 175 Now the shepherds seeing so great a train follow Mr. Great- Heart, for with him they were well acquainted, said unto him, "Good sir, you have got a goodly company here. You are welcome to us ; for we have food for the feehle, as well as for the strong." So they led them to the palace door, and then said unto them, "Come in, Mr. Feehle-mind; come in, Mr. Ready-to-halt ; come in, Mr. Despondency, and Mrs. Much-afraid his daughter ;" — and to the others also welcome was again given. So the feehle and weak went in, and Mr. Great-Heart and the rest did follow, and they made them a 176 CURISTIA5A AWD feast of tilings that were pleasant and nourishing; after which they went to n-st. When morning was come, and they had refreshed themselves, the Bhepherdi took them out into tin- fields, and showed them first what they had shown to Christian. Then they led them to some new places. The first was Mount Marvel, where they saw a man at B distance that tumbled the hills about with words. The shepherds told them, "That man was the son of one Mr. Qreat-graee, and he is set there to teach pilgrims how to believe down, or to tum- ble out of their ways, by faith, difficulties they should meet with, below." HER CHILDREN. 177 Then they led them to Mount Innocence. Here they saw a man in white ; and two men, Prejudice and Ill-will, continually casting dirt upon him. But the dirt would fall off again. Then said the shepherds, "This is Godly-man, and his garment is to show the innocency of his life. You see the dirt will not stick upon his clothes, so it shall be with him that liveth in- nocently in the world. ' ' Then they took them to Mount Charity, where was a man with a bundle of cloth before him, out of which he cut garments for the poor ; yet his bundle was never the less. "This is," said they, "to show 12 178 CHRISTIANA AND that he who h:is a heart 1 of his labor to the poor, shall never want the means. " They then Led them where they saw one Fool, and one Want-wit, washing an Ethiopian, bnt the more they washed the blacker he was. So they told them, " Thus it is with the vil.- per- son ; to get such a one a i name, shall in conclusion tend but to make him more abomina- ble." Then Bald Meroy to Christiana, "Mother, I would, if it might be, see the hole in the hill, called the By-way to hell." So her mo- ther broke her mind to the shep- herds. HER CHILDREN'. 179 Then they went to the door, and bid Mercy hearken a while. So she hearkened, and heard great lamentations, with cursing and groaning. Then there was as if the very earth groaned and quaked for fear, so she looked white, and came trembling away. When the shepherds had shown them all these things, they took them back to the palace, and there entertained them. Now Mercy longed for a look- ing-glass that she saw there. This glass was one of a thousand. It would present a man, one way, with his own features ; and turn it but another way, and it would show one the very face and simili- tude of the Prince of pilgrims. 180 ClIUISTIANA AND Some have said they have seen the very erown of thorns upoD Hifl head by looking in that also the holes in hii handa, his feet, and his side. Christiana therefore irent to tlie Bhepherds, and said, "There is one "t' say daughters that doth long for something .she hath seen in this house." Then said one of them, whose name was Experience, '•Call her, call her ; she shall assuredly have what we can help her to." So they called her, and said, "Here j, irhat is it that thou wouhlst have .'" Then she blnshed, and said, ** The great glass that hangs in EBB CIIILDKEN. 181 the dining-room. So it was given her. Then she bowed her head, and gave thanks. They also gave to the others such things as they desired. About Christiana's neck they put a brace- let, and also about the necks of her four daughters. They put ear- rings in their ears, and jewels on their foreheads. When they were minded to go hence, the shepherds bade them go in peace, and they went on their way, grateful, and often singing as they travelled on. They quickly came to the place where Christian met with Turn- away, and soon after to the place where Little-Faith was rubbed. 182 CHRISTIANA AND B man with li is sword drawn, and his face all covered with blood. Then said Mr. lir.-i.t-II.-art, " Who art thou?" The man made an-w<'i\ saving, " 1 am one Yaliant-for-truth. I am a pilgrim, and am going to the Celestial City. As 1 was in my way, three men did beset me, named Wild-head, inoonsiderate, and Pragmatio. So we fell to it, lor three hours. They have left upon me some marks of their valor, and have oarried with them BOme of mine. They are but just now gone." Then .-aid the guide, •■ Why did you not ery for sue- HER CIIILDEEX. 183 Valiant. " So I did to my King, who could hear me, and afford in- visible help." Then after further talk, Mr. Great- Heart said, " Thou hast done well ; thou hast resisted unto blood. Abide by us, come in, and go with us ; for we are thy companions." Then they washed his wounds, and gave him of what they had, to refresh him : and so they went on together. Now, as they went on, Mr. Great-Heart, for the pilgrims' pro- fit, questioned with him about manv things. By this time they were got to the Enchanted Ground. This place was all grown over with 184 CHRISTIANA AKD brien ami thorns, excepting where i enchanted arbor, in which if a man sleeps, it If a question some say, whether ewer he shall rise or wake again In this world. Over this forest, therefore, they went. Mi. Ghreat-Hearl went be- fore; and Mr. Valiant-tor-truth came behind, being rear-guard ; each man with his sword drawn in his hand. Also they cheered np one another as well as they could Now they had not gone far, but a great mi forward; only they prayed their guide to strike a light. Bo they vrent by the help of that the i.-r-t <>f the way. Now when they were almost at the end, they .-aw, u they thought, ;i man apon his kneea, Bpeaking earnestly to One that HER CHILDREN". 187 was above. When he had done, he got up, and began to run to- wards the Celestial City. Then Mr. Great-Heart called after him, saying, "Soho, friend, let us have vour company, if you are going to the Celestial City." So he stopped, and as soon as Mr. Honest saw him. he said, "I know this man. His name is Standfast, a right good pilgrim." As they came up Standfast said to old Honest, "Ho, father Honest, are you there ? Right glad am I, to find you on this road." "And as glad am I," said the other; " I saw you on your knees." Then Mr. Standfast blushed. 188 CIIKISTIANA AMi After further talk, Btandfast told them that as he was coming along and musing, there was on* in vry pleasant attire, hut old, who presented herself to him and sorely tempted him. Her name was Madam Bubble. She made offers again and again, and though repulsed still followed him. 11 Then," said he, " 1 1-tookme, as you saw, to my knees, and prayed to Him that had said he would help. Bo, just ss you came up, she went her way." So their talk fell upon Madam Buhhle and tin- mis.lii-N whioh Bhe has brought about in the world. Mr. Gtreal Heart depleted her in her true colors, and at his discourse there was among the HER CHILDREN. 189 pilgrims a mixture of joy aud trembling. After this, I beheld until they were come into the land of Beu- lah. Here they betook themselves a while to rest. But a little while soon refreshed them ; for the bells did so ring, and the trumpets so sound, that they could not sleep, yet they received as much re- freshing as if they had slept ever so soundly. In this place the children would go into the King's gardens, and gather nosegays for the pilgrims, and bring them to them. Here also grew camphire, with spike- nard and all sweet spices. With these the pilgrims' chambers were perfumed. 190 fllKISTIANA AMi Now a post same from the Ce- lestial City to Christiana, bidding her within ten daja to cross the s.» she Bent for Mr. Gtreat- Hearl and told him about it. Then Bhe oalled for her children . l u ' l gave them her blessing, and bequeathed to the poor the little. she had. Bhe also sent for Mr. Valiant-for-truth, Mr. Honest, and the other companions of her pil- grimage, and gave them parting words of Bweel oonnsel. Now the day came that she must be gone. So the road was full of people. But behold all the banks beyond the river were full of horses come don a from above t<> go with her to the City gate. So she went over. JIER CHILDREN. 191 A while after a post came for old Mr. Honest. His last words were, "Grace reigns!" So lie left the world. After this Mr. Valiant-for-truth was summoned. So he passed over, and all the trumpets sound- ed for him on the other side. Then a note came for Mr. Ready- to-halt, and he went over. His last words were "Welcome life." After this Mr. Feehlemind had tidings to go. So he entered the river, and his last words were, " Hold out, faith and patience !" When many days had passed, Mr. Despondency was sent for ; and his daughter when she heard the message, said she would go with him. So they went down 192 * URISTIANA, I I into tin- water together, Eli words irere, " Farewell, night ; \v.'l( ome day I" I i is daughter wenl through the river singing, but none understood n hat she said. Then was Mr. Stand-fast sent for, so he went down into the water praising his Lord and King, until he ceased to be seen of them who Btood bj him. As fox Christiana's ohildren, with tii-ir wives and ohildren, I did not Btaj till they wenl over. Should it be my lot to as that way again, l may give those that desire it an aooount of what there am silent about : meantime 1 bid my re ad er Fakkwell. TUB END. Date Due ■ 3E 2b'5;« -** 1 ' • • 1