tihravy of the ^theological ^tminavy PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY The Estate of Harold McAfee Robinson, D.D. BV 4847 .H6 1879 Houghton, Louise Seymour, 1838-1920. The Sabbath month THE Sabbath Month: DEVOTIONAL THOUGHTS FOR YOTjnsro- nynoTHiEi^s. BY LOUISE SEYMOUE HOUGHTON. PHILADELPHIA: PEESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBLTCATIOX, No. 1634: CHESTNUT STREET. Eutered according to Act of Congress, in the year IST'J, by THE TRUSTEES OF THE TRESBYTERIAN l?OARD OF PUBLICATION, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Wasliiiigton. Wkstc-ott a Thomsov, Stereotypers and J'Jlniroti/jters, I'hiiiidd. PREFACE. The weeks of retirement which are ap- lioiiited to those who have just become mothers are, to many, a period of irksome restraint, where hours of pain aUernate with hours of weariness and of anxious " thought-taking '' about duties from which God's providence has sechided them. The writer, a joyful mother of many children, has been graciously led to find in this period a time in which the soul, defrauded of her rights by many jealous cares, has here enjoyed her Sabbaths. In this wilder- ness the Lord has spoken comfortably unto her ; in it her heart has sung as in the days of her youth ; and from it she has come up leaning upon her Beloved with renewed strength for the duties of daily life. 4 PREFACE. Tliis tliouglit she offers as a cup of cold water, in the name of Christ, to any expect- ant mother whose spirit faints at the prospect of the wearisome nights and days of darkness which are appointed her. Tlie ark of the covenant of the Lord goes before you, beloved, to "search out a resting-place." "In the wil- derness he will plead with you face to face. His presence will make the outgoings of the morning and of the evening to rejoice." So shall these weary weeks prove to you "a time of refreshing," a blessed "Sabbath of rest to the Lord." "Like a pearl left on the shore When the ocean's rage is o'er, So, from out tlie storm and strife Almost ovcrwlielming life, My dear waif, a little form, Fragile, tender, soft and warm, In my happy arms found rest, Nestled to my loving breast. "Oft :ind (ift upon my hed lias my heart looked up, :uid said, 'Oh, my (Jo