FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Sect!.. (oV (Ft Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library THE Hififg^uw' SACEED HYMNS DESIGNED FOB PUBLIC AND PRIVATE WORSHIP. COM PILED BY JOHN PEARSON, Jr. m Unto Thee will I slug with the harp, 0 thou Holy One of Israel.' BOSTON: AMERICAN MILLENNIAL ASSOCIATION, 74 Kneeland Street. INDEX OF SUBJECTS. HTltS L TI1E ATTRIBUTE3 OF GOD, 1—60 EXISTENCE, 1 — 3 Unity, 4 — a Eternity, 6—8 Immutability, 9 — 11 Knowledge, 12 — 13 Wisdom, 14 — 16 Goodness, IT — 23 Power, 24 — 27 Omnipresence, 25 Truth and Faithfulness, 29 — 32 Justice, 33—37 Holiness, 38—39 Love, 40 — U Condescension, 45 — 50 Sovereignty, 51 — 60 H. GOD'S ATTRIBUTES ASSOCIATED, 61—63 m. GOD INCOMPREHENSIBLE, 69—70 IV. CREATOR, 71—76 V. GOD ALL IN ALL, 77—111 VL PRAISE TO GOD, 112—141 VII. PUBLIC WORSHIP, 142—174 mi. THE SABBATH 175—199 IX. THE SCRIPTURES, 200—231 X. MESSIAH, 232—290 Advent and Nattytty, 232 — 246 Mission and Life, 247 — 261 Sufferings and Death, 262 — 277 Resurrection and AscEsaios, 278—290 XL MESSIAH'S OFFICES, 291—330 Redeemer, 291—297 High Priest, 293— 312 Advocate 313—316 Mediator, 317—313 Saviour, 319—324 King, 325 — 323 Judge, 329—330 IV INDEX OF SUBJECTS. HYMN XII. PRAISE TO MESSIAH, 331—353 XIII. HOLY SPIRIT, 354—376 XIV. REGENERATION, 377—379 XV. GRACE DIVINE 380—397 XVI. INVITATION, EXPOSTULATION, AND WARN- - ING, 398—436 XVII PENITENTIAL, 437—461 XVIII. CHRISTIAN EXPERIENCE AND PRACTICE, . 462—745 Love, 402 — 472 Joy, 473—480 Faith, 481— 5u9 Gentleness and Meekness, 510 — 514 Gratitude, 515—519 Hope, 520—521 Prayer, 522 — 549 Consecration, 550 — 580 Assurance and Confidence, 581 — 595 Watchfulness, 596 — 599 Temptations, 600 — 601 Patience and Resignation, 602 — 627 Warfare, 628—646 Zeal, 647— 65C Unfaithfulness Deprecated, 651 — 659 Aspiration, 660 — 714 Anticipation, 715—736 Expectation, 737 — 745 XIX. SAINTS AND SINNERS CONTRASTED, .... 746—753 XX. THE CHURCH, 754—860 Dedication, 765—771 Ordination, 772 — 788 Baftism, 789—806 Ar mission, 807 — 812 Lord's Supper, 813—843 Fellowship, 844 — 860 XXI FAMILY WORSHIP, 861—892 Morning, 861—870 Evening, 871—884 Morning and Evening, 886 — 892 XXII. MARINE, 893—907 XXIII. THE YEAR 908—920 Beginning, 908—911 Seasons, 912—918 Close, 919—920 XXIV. THANKSGIVING 921—933 XXV FAST, 934—945 XXVI. SHORTNESS OF TIME, ... 946—961 XXVII. BREVITY AND FRAILTY OF LIFE 962— 954 V LN'DEX OF SUBJECTS. HYM!» XXVIII. DEATH, 957—973 XXIX. RESURRECTION, 974—984 XXX. MESSIAH'S TRIUMPH AND REIGN, . . . 985—1063 Nigh, 1000—1022 Signs, 1023—1028 Advent, 1029—1058 Reign, 1059—1063 XXXI. PRAYER AND CONFERENCE, ...... 1064 -1162 XXXII. DOXOLOGIE3. TI HYMNS. I. THE ATTRIBUTES OF GOD. His Existence. 1. C. M. 1 THERE 'S not a star whose twinkling ligbl Illumes the distant earth, And cheers the solemn gloom of night But goodness gave it birth. 2 There 's not a cloud whose dews distil Upon the parching clod, And clothe with verdure vale and hill, That is not sent by God. 3 There 's not a place in earth's vast round, In ocean's deep, or air, Where skill and wisdom are not found ; For God is everywhere. 4 Around, beneath, below, above, Wherever space extends, There God displays his boundless love, And power with goodness blends. COD S ATTRIBUTES. 2. L. M. 1 THERE is a God — all nature speaks, Through earth, and air, and sea, and skiea; See, from the clouds his glory breaks, When earliest beams of morning: rise. 2 The rising sun, serenely bright, Throughout the world's extended frame Inscribes in characters of lig/ 1 His mighty Maker's glorious name. 3 Ye curious minds, who roam abroad, And trace creation's wonders o'er. Confess the footsteps of your God ; Bow down before *Mna, and adore 3. L. M. 1 THE spacious firmaaaent on high, With all the blue, ethereal sky, And spangled heavens, a shining frame. Their great Original proclaim. 2 Th' unwearied sun, from day to day, Does his Creator's power display ; And publishes, to every land, The work of an Almighty hand. 3 Soon as the evening shades prevail, The moon takes up the wondrous talo. And nightly, to the listening earth, Repeats the story of her birth ; 4 Whilst all the stars that round her burn, And all the planets, in their turn, Confirm the tidings as they roll, And spread the truth from pole to polft. 5 What though in solemn silence all Move round this dark, terrestrial ball ; What though no real vofoe nor sound Amid their radiant orbs be found : 2 GOD S ATTRIBUTES 6 In reason's ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious voice ; Forever singing, as they shine, " The hand that made us is divine." His Unity. 4. L. M. 1 ETERNAL God, Almighty Cause Of earth, and sea, and worlds unknown ! All things are subject to thy laws ; All things depend on thee alone. 2 Thy glorious being singly stands, Of all within itself possessed ; Controlled by none are thy commands ; Thou from thyself alone art blessed. 3 To thee alone ourselves we owe ; Let heaven and earth due homage pay ; All other gods we disavow, Deny their claims, renounce their sway. 4 Spread thy great name through heathen lands Their idol deities dethi me ; Reduce the world to thy commands, And reign, as thou art God alone. 1 THE God who reigns alone O'er earth, and sea, and sky, Let man with praises own, And sound his honors high 2 Him all in heaven above, Him all on earth below, Th* exhaustless Source of love, The great Creator know. 3 GOD S ATTRIBUTE. 3 He formed the living flame, He gave the reasoning mind ; Then only He may claim The worship of mankind. His Eternity. 6. c. M. 1 RISE, rise, my sonl, and leave the ground ; Stretch all thy thoughts abroad , And raise up every tuneful sound, To praise th' eternal God ! 2 Long ere the lofty skies were spread, Jehovah filled his throne ; Or Adam formed, or angels made, Jehovah lived alone. 3 His boundless years can ne'er decrease, But still maintain their prime ; Eternity 's his dwelling-place, And ever is his time. 4 While like a tide our minutes flow, The present and the past, He fills his own immortal NOW, And sees our ages waste. 5 The sea and sky must perish too, And vast destruction come ; The creatures — look, how old they grow, And wait their fiery doom ! G Well, let the sea shrink all away, And flame melt down the skies ; My God si i all live an endless day, When old creation dies. 7. CM. 1 GREAT God ! how infinite art thou ! What worthless worms are we t 4 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. Let the whole race of creatures bow, And pay their praise to thee. 2 Thy throne eternal ages stood, Ere seas or stars were made : Thou art the ever-living God Were all the nations dead. 3 Nature and time quite naked lie To thine immense survey, From the formation of the sky, To the great burning day. 4 Eternity with all its years Stands present in thy view ; To thee there 's nothing old appears — Great God ! there :s nothing new. 5 Our lives through various scenes are drawn, And vexed with trifling cares ; While thine eternal thoughts move on Thine undisturbed affairs. 8. L.M. 1 ERE mountains reared their forms sublime, Or the fair earth in order stood, Before the birth of ancient time, From everlasting thou art God. 2 A thousand ages, in their flight, "With thee are as a fleeting day ; Past, present, future, to thy sight At once their various scenes display. 3 But our brief life 's a shadowy dream, A passing thought, that soon is o'er, That fades with morning's earliest beam And fills the musing mind no more. 4 To us, 0 Lord, the wisdom give So every precious hour to spend, GOD S ATTRIBUTES. That we. at length, with thee may live, Where life and bliss shall never end His Immutability 9. C. M. 1 THROUGH endless years thou art the same, 0 thou eternal God ! Each future age shall know thy name. And tell thy works abroad. 2 The strong foundations of the earth Of old by thee were laid ; By thee the beauteous arch of heaven With matchless skill was made. 3 Soon shall this goodly frame of things, Created by thy hand, Be, like a vesture, laid aside, And changed at thy command. 4 But thy perfections, all divine, Eternal as thy days, Through everlasting ages shine With undiminished rays. 10. 7s. 1 CAST thy burden on the Lord ; Only lean upon his word ; Thou wilt soon have cause to bless His eternal faithfulness. 2 Human counsels come to naught ; That shall stand which God hath wrought ; His compassion, love, and power, Are the same for evermore. 3 Heaven and earth may pass away ; God's free grace shall not decay ; He hath promised to fulfil All the pleasure of his will. 6 god's attributes. 4 Jesus, Guardian of thy flock, Be thyself our constant rock ; Make us, by thy powerful hand, Long as Zion's mountain stand. 11. L M. 1 ALL-POWERFUL, self-existent God, Who all creation dost sustain ! Thou wast, and art, and art to come, And everlasting is thy reign. 2 Fixed and eternal as thy days, Each glorious attribute divine, Through ages infinite, shall still "With undiminished lustre shine. 3 Fountain of being ! Source of good ! Immutable dost thou remain ; Nor can the shadow of a change Obscure the glories of thy reign. 4 Nature her order may reverse, Revolving seasons cease their round ; Nor spring appear with blooming pride, Nor autumn be with plenty crowned. 5 Earth may with all her power dissolve, If such the great Creator's will ; But thou forever art the same ; " I am " is thy memorial still His Knowledge. 12. C. M. 1 THE eye of God is everywhere, To watch the sinner's ways ; He sees who join in humble prayer, And who in solemn praise. god's attributes. 2 One glance of thine, eternal Lord, Can pierce and search us through ; Nor heaven, nor earth, nor hell afford A shelter from thy view. 3 The universe, in every part, At once before thee lies ; And every thought of every heart Is open to thine eyes. 13. L. M. 1 LORD, thou hast searched and seen me through Thine eye commands, with piercing view My rising and my resting hours, My heart and flesh, with all their powers. 2 My thoughts, before they are my own, Are to my God distinctly known ; He knows the words I mean to speak Ere from my opening lips they break. 3 "Within thy circling power I stand ; On every side I find thy hand ; Awake, asleep, at home, abroad, I am surrounded still with God. 4 0 may these thoughts possess my breast, Where'er I rove, where'er I rest ! Nor let my weaker passions dare Consent to sin, for God is there. His Wisdom. 14. L. M. 1 HAPPY the man that finds the grace, The blessing of God's chosen race ; The wisdom coming from above, The faith that sweetly works by lovo 2 Wisdom divine ! who tells the price Of wisdom's costly merchandise? god's attributes. Wisdom to silver we prefer, And gold is dross compared to her. 3 Her hands are filled with length of days, True riches and immortal praise ; 'Riches of Christ on all bestowed, And honor that descends from God. 4 Happy the man who wisdom gains ; Thrice happy who his guest retains, He owns, and shall forever own, "Wisdom, and Christ, and heaven, are one 15. S. M. 1 THOU, the eternal Lord, Art high above our thought ; And worthy to be feared, adored, By all thy hands have wrought ; None can with thee compare ; Thy glory fills the sky ; And all created beings are As nothing in thine eye. 2 Of thine unbounded power To thee- the praise we give ; Omnipotently great, and more Than heart can ere conceive : Whene'er thou wilt proceed, Thy work can none withstand, Or frustrate thy determined deed, Or stay th' Almighty's hand. 3 Thou, Lord, art wise alone ; Thy counsel doth excel ; Most wonderful thy works we own, Thy ways unsearchable. Who knows the mystery, The judgments can explain, Of Him whose eyes in darkness see, And search the heart of man ? 9 god's attributes. 16. C. M. 1 SONGS of immortal praise belong To my Almighty God ; He has my heart, and he my tongue, To spread his name abroad. 2 How great the works his hand hath wrought How glorious in our sight ! Good men in every age have sought His wonders with delight. 3 How most exact is nature's frame ! How wise the Eternal Mind ! His counsels never change the scheme That his first thoughts designed. 4 When he redeemed his chosen sons, He fixed his covenant sure ; The orders that his lips pronounce To endless years endure. 5 Nature and time, and earth and skies, Thy heavenly skill proclaim ; What shall we do to make us wise, But learn to read thy name ? G To fear thy power, to trust thy grace, Is our divinest skill ; And he 's the wisest of our race That best obeys thy will. His Goodness. 17. C. M. 1 THY goodness, Lord, our souls confess; Thy goodness we adore ; — A spring whose blessings never fail ; A sea without a shore. 10 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. 2 San, moon, and stars, thy love declare In every golden ray ; Love draws the curtains of the night, And love brings back the day. 3 Thy bounty every season crowns With all the bliss it yields ; With joyful clusters loads the vines, With strengthening grain the fields. 4 But chiefly thy compassion, Lord, Is in the Gospel seen ; There, like a sun, thy mercy shines, Without a cloud between. 5 There pardon, peace, and holy joy, Through Jesus' name are given ; He on the cross was lifted high, That we might reign in heaven. 18. C. M. 1 GREAT Ruler of all nature's frame, We own thy power divine ; We hear thy breath in every storm, For all the winds are thine. 2 Wide as they sweep their sounding wa*. They work thy sovereign will ; And, awed by thy majestic voice, Confusion shall be still 3 Thy mercy tempers every blast To them that seek thy face, And mingles with the tempest's roar The whispers of thy grace. 4 Those gentle whispers let me hear, Till all the tumult cease ; And gales of Paradise shall lull My weary soul to peace. GOD S ATTRIBUTES. 19. c. M. 1 GOOD is the Lord, the heavenly King, Who makes the earth his care, Visits the pastures every spring, And bids the grass appear. 2 The clouds, like rivers, raised on high, Pour out, at his command, Their watery blessings from the sky, To cheer the thirsty land. 3 The softened ridges of the field Permit the corn to spring ; The valleys rich provision yield, And cheerful laborers sing. 4 The little hills, on every side, Rejoice at falling showers ; The meadows, dressed in all their pride, Perfume the air with flowers. 5 The barren clods, refreshed with rain, Promise a joyful crop ; The parching grounds look green again, And raise the reaper's hope. 6 The various months thy goodness crcwns; How bounteous are thy ways ! The bleating flocks, spread o'er the downs, And shepherds shout thy praise. 20. cm. 1 YE humble souls, approach your God With songs of sacred praise ; For he is good, supremely good, And kind are all his ways. 2 All nature owns his guardian care : In him we live and move ; 12 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. But nobler benefits declare The wonders of his love. 3 He gave his Son, his only Son, To ransom rebel worms ; 'T is here he makes his goodness known In its diviner forms. 4 To this dear refuge, Lord, we come, 'T is here our hope relies ; — A safe defence, a peaceful home, When storms of trouble rise. 21. C. M. 1 LET every tongue thy goodness speak, Thou sovereign Lord of all ; Thy strengthening hands uphold the weal And raise the poor that fall. 2 When sorrows bow the spirit down, When virtue lies distressed Beneath the proud oppressor's frown, Thou giv'st the mourner rest. 3 Thou know'st the pains thy servants fee) Thou hear'st thy children's cry ; And their best wishes to fulfil, Thy grace is ever nigh. 4 Thy mercy never shall remove From men of heart sincere : Thou sav'st the souls whose humble lova Is joined with holy fear. 5 My lips shall dwell upon thy praise, And spread thy fame abroad ; Let all the sons of Adam raise The honors of their God 13 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. 22. o. m. 1 SWEET is the memory of thy grace, My God, my heavenly King ; Let age to age thy righteousness In songs of glory sing. 2 God reigns on high, but ne'er confines His goodness to the skies ; Through all the earth his bounty shines, And every want supplies. 3 How kind are thy compassions, Lord ! How slow thine anger moves ! But soon he sen'ds his pard'ning word To cheer the souls he loves. 4 Sweet is the memory of thy grace, My God, my heavenly King ; Let age to age thy righteousness In songs of glory sing. 23. L. M. 1 BLESS, 0 my soul, the living God ; Call home thy thoughts that rove abroad ; Let all the powers within me join In work and worship so divine. 2 Bless, 0 my soul, the God of grace ; His favors claim thy highest praise ; Why should the wonders he hath wrought Be lost in silence and forgot ? 3 'T is he, my soul, that sent his Son To die for crimes which thou hast done ; He owns the ransom, and forgives The hourly follies of our lives. 4 The vices of the mind he heals, A.nd cures the pains that nature feels, 14 GOD 'S ATTRIBUTE^. Redeems the soul from death, and saves Our wasting life from threatening graves 5 Our youth, decayed, his power repairs ; His mercy crowns our growing years ; He satisfies our mouth with good, And nils our hopes with heavenly food. 6 He sees the oppressor and oppressed, And often gives the sufferers r But will his justice more display In the last great rewarding day. His Power. 24. c. m. 1 THE Lord our God is clothed with might ; The winds obey his will ; He speaks, and in his heavenly height The rolling sun stands still. 2 Rebel, ye waves, and o'er the land With threat' ning aspect roar ! The Lord uplifts his awful hand, And chains you to the shore. 3 Howl, winds of night ! your force combine; Without his high behest Ye shall not, in the mountain pine, Disturb the sparrow's nest. 4 His voice sublime is heard afar ; In distant peals it dies ; He yokes the whirlwinds to his car, And sweeps the howling skies. 5 Ye nations, bend — in reverence bend; Ye inonarchs, wait his nod, And bid the choral song ascend To celebrate our God. 15 GOD'S ATTRIBUTES. 25. C. M. 1 LONG as I live I '11 bless thy name, My King, my God above ; My work and joy shall be the same In the bright world of love. 2 Great is the Lord ; his power unknown , And let his praise be great : I '11 sing the honors of thy throne, Thy works of grace repeat. 3 Thy grace shall dwell upon my tongue, And, while my lips rejoice, The men who hear my sacred song Shall join their cheerful voice. 4 Fathers to sons shall teach thy name, And children learn thy ways ; All time to come thy truth proclaim, And nations sound thy praise. 5 Thy glorious deeds of ancient date Shall through the world be known ; Thine arm of power, thy heavenly state With public splendor shown. 6 The world is managed by thy hands ; Thy saints are ruled by love ; And thine eternal kingdom stands, Though rocks and hills remove. 26. L. M. 1 GIVE to the Lord, ye sons of fame, Give to the Lord renown and power : Ascribe due honors to his name, And his eternal might adore. 2 The Lord proclaims his power aloud Through every ocean, every land ; 1G god's attribute0 His voice divides the watery cloud, And lkrhtnimrs blaze at his command. 3 The Lord sits sovereign on the flood ; O'er earth he reigns forever king ; But makes his church his blest abode. Where we his awful glories sing. 4 In gentler language, there the Lord The counsel of his grace imparts ; Amid the raging storm, his word Speaks peace and comfort to our hearts 27. L. M. 61. 1 YE holy souls, in God rejoice ; Your Maker's praise becomes your voice. t is your theme, your songs be new Sing of his name, his word, his wajs, His works of nature, and of grace •, How wise and holy, just and true. 2 Justice and truth he ever loves, And the whole earth his goodness proves , His word the heavenly arches spread : How wide they shine from north to south ! And by the spirit of his mouth Were all the starry armies made. 3 He gathers the wide flowing seas (Those watery treasures know their place) In the vast storehouse of the deep. He spake, and gave all nature birth ; And fires and seas, and heavens and earth, His everlasting orders keep ! 4 Let mortals tremble, and adore A God of such resistless power • Nor dare indulge their teeble rage. Vain are their thoughts and weak their hands But his eternal counsel stands, And rules the world from a»;e to asje. 2 17 GOD'S ATTRIBUTES. His Omnipresence. 28. L. M. 1 ALL those who seek a throne of grace, May find one in every place ; To those who love a life of prayer Our God is present everywhere. 2 The shady grove, and burning plain, The blooming field, and swelling main. Alike are sweet in secret prayer, For God is present everywhere. 3 In pining sickness, or in health, In poverty or growing wealth, The humble soul delights in prayer, For God is present everywhere. 4 When Zion mourns, and comforts fail, And all her foes do scoff and rail, 'T is then a time for secret prayer, For God is present everywhere. 5 When some backslide, and others fall, And few are found who strive at all, The faithful find, in secret prayer, That God is present everywhere. 6 0 then, my soul, in every strait, To the Almighty come and wait ; Who sees, and every sigh doth hear, And he will answer all true prayer. His Truth and Faithfulness 29. c. m. 1 THINE oath and promise, mighty God, Recorded in thy word, Become our hope's foundation broad. And surety afford. IS GOD S ATTRIBUTES. 2 Like Abraham, the friend of God, Thy faithfulness we prove ; We tread in paths the fathers trod, Blest with thy light and love. 3 Largely our consolation flows, While we expect the day That ends our griefs, and pains, and woes, And drives our fears away. 4 Let floods of mighty vengeance roll, And compass earth around ; Let thunder sound from pole to pole, And earthquakes vast astound ; 5 Let nature all convulse and shake, And angry nations rage ; Thy name our hiding-place we make ; To save thou dost eng 30. H M. 1 THE promises I sing, Which sovereign love hath spoke ; Nor will th' eternal King His words of grace revoke : They stand secure Not Z ion's hill And steadfast still ; Abides so sure. 2 The mountains melt away When once the Judge appears, And sun and moon decay. That measure mortal years ; But still the same, The promise shines In radiant lines, Through all the flame 3 Their harmony shall sound Through my attentive ears, AVhen thunders cleave the ground, And dissipate the spheres : 'Midst all the shock I stand serene, Of that dread scene Thy word my rock. 19 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. 31. c. M 1 THE truth of God shall still endure, And firm his promise stand ; Believing souls may rest secure In his almighty hand, 2 Should earth and hell their forces join. He would contemn their rage, And render fruitless their design Against his heritage. 3 The rainbow round about his throne Proclaims his faithfulness ; He will his purposes perform, His promises of grace. 4 The hills and mountains melt away ; But he is still the same : Let saints to him their homage pay, And magnify his name. 32. L. M. 1 HOW oft have sin and Satan strove To rend my soul from thee, my God . But everlasting is thy love, And Jesus seals it with his blood. 2 The oath and promise of the Lord Join to confirm the wond'rous grace ; Eternal power performs the word, And fills all heaven with endless praise. 3 Amidst temptations sharp and long, My soul to this dear refuge flies ; Hope is my anchor, firm and strong, While tempests blow, and billows rise. 4 The Gospel bears my spirit up ; A faithful and unchanging God Lays the foundation for my hope, In oaths, and promises, and blood. 20 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. His Justice. 33. l. M. 1 ON God my steadfast hopes rely ; Why do my foes insulting cry, " Fly like a tinrrous, trembling dove, And seek the mountain's lonesome grove "? 2 Behold the wicked aim their darts Against the men of upright hearts ! ]f government be overthrown, "Who then the injured cause will own ? 3 The Lord, enthroned above the sky, On suff'ring virtue casts his eye ; Though he afflicts his saints, to prove Their patience, and to try their love , 4 Yet lawless hands and hearts impure His frowns vindictive will endure ; His lightning wings its rapid way, His thunder fills them with dismay. 5 Where truth and justice hold their place, God will reveal his gracious face ; Delighted in the upright mind His own reflected beams to find. 34. L. M. 1 THE Lord is judge — before his throne All nations shall his justice own ; 0 may my soul be found sincere, And stand approved with courage there J 2 The Lord, in righteousness arrayed, Surveys the world his hands have made ; Pierces the heart, and tries the reins, And judgment from on high ordains. 3 My God, my Shield ! around me place The shelter of the Saviour's grace : 21 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. Then, when thine arm the just shall save, My life shall triumph o'er the grave. 35. L. M. 1 HIGH in the heavens, eternal God, Thy goodness in full glory shines ; Thy truth shall break through every cloud That veils and darkens thy designs. 2 Forever firm thy justice stands, As mountains their foundations keep ; Wise are the wonders of thy hands ; Thy judgments are a mighty deep. 3 Thy providence is kind and large ; Both man and beast thy bounty share ; The whole creation is thy charge, But saints are thy peculiar care. 4 My God ! how excellent thy grace, Whence all our hope and comfort springs The sons of Adam in distress Fly to the shadow of thy wings. 36. L M. 1 IF high or low our station be, Of noble or ignoble name, By uncorrupt integrity, Thy blessing, Lord, we humbly claim. 2 The upright man no want shall fear ; Thy providence shall be his trust ; Thou wilt provide his portion here, Thou friend and guardian of the just, 3 May wo, with most sincere delight, To all the test of duty pay ; Tender of every social right, Obedient to thy righteous sway. GOD S ATTRIBUTES. 4 Such virtue thou wilt not forget, In that blest world, where virtue shares A fit reward — though not of debt, But what thy boundless grace prepares. 37. c. m. 1 WHEN the great Judge supreme and just Shall once inquire fur bluod, The humble souls that mourn in dust Shall nnd a faithful God. 2 He from the dreadful gates of death Does his own children raise ; In Zion's gates with cheerful breath They sing their Father's praise. 3 His fues shall fall with heedless feet Into the pit they made ; And sinners perish in the net That their own hands have spread. 4 Thus by thy judgments, mighty God, Are thy deep counsels known, "When men of mischief are destroyed In snares that were their own. His Holiness. 38. c. m. 1 HOLY and reverend is the name Of our eternal King : Thrice holy Lord, the angels cry ; Thrice holy, let us sing. 2 Heaven's brightest lamps, with him compared How mean they look, and dim ' The fairest angels have their spots AVhen once compared with him. 3 Holy is he in all his works, Amd truth is his delight ; 23 ° GOD S ATTRIBUTES. But sinners and their wicked ways Shall perish from his sight. 4 The deepest reverence of the mind, Pay, 0 my soul, to God ! Lift with thy hands a holy heart To his sublime abode. 5 With sacred awe pronounce his name, Whom words nor thoughts can reach ; A broken heart shall please him more Than the best forms of speech. 6 Thou holy God, preserve my eoul From all pollution free ! The pure in heart are thy delight. And they thy face shall see. 39. L. M. 1 HOLY as thou, 0 Lord, is none ; Thy holiness is all thine own ; A drop of that unbounded sea Is ours, — a drop derived from thee. 2 And when thy purity we share, Thine only glory we declare ; And, humbled into nothing, own, Holy and pure is God alone. 3 Sole, self-existing God and Lord, By all thy heavenly hosts adored, Let all on earth bow down to thee, And own thy peerless majesty ; 1 Thy power unparalleled confess, Established on the Rock of peace ; The Rock that never shall remove, — The Rock of pure, almighty love 24 GOD'S ATTRIBUTES. His Love. 40. H.M. 1 0 FOR a shout of joy Loud as the theme we sing ! To this divine employ Your hearts and voices bring ; Sound, sound, through all the earth abroad, The love, th' eternal love of God ! 2 Unnumbered myriads stand Of seraphs bright and fair, Or bow at his right hand, And pay their homage there , But strive in vain, with loudest chord, To sound the wond'rous love of God. 3 Yet sinners, saved by grace, In songs of lower key, In every age and place, Have sung the mystery ; Have told, in strains of sweet accord, The love, the sovereign love of God. 4 Though earth and hell assail, And doubts and fears arise, The weakest shall prevail, And grasp the heavenly prize ; And through an endless age record The love, the unchanging love of God. 5 0 for a shout of joy Loud as the theme we sing ? To this divine employ Your hearts and voices bring ; Sound, sound, through all the earth abroad, The love, th5 eternal love of God! 25 G0D7S ATTRIBUTES. 41. S. M. 1 RAISE your triumphant songs To an immortal tune ; Let the wide earth resound the deeds Celestial grace has done. 2 Sing how Eternal Love Its chief Beloved chose, And bid him raise our wretched race From their abyss of woes. 3 'T was mercy filled the throne, And wrath stood silent by, When Christ was sent with pardons down To rebels doomed to die. 4 Now, sinners, dry your tears, Let hopeless sorrow cease ; Bow to the sceptre of his love, And take the offered peace. 42. c. m, 1 COME, happy souls, approach your God With new melodious songs ; Come, render to almighty grace The tribute of your tongues. 2 So strange, so boundless was the love That pitied dying men, The Father sent his only Son To give them life again. 3 Thy hands, dear Jesus, were not armed With a revenging rod ; No hard commission to perform The vengeance of a God. 4 But all was mercy, all was mild, And wrath forsook the throne, When Christ on the kind errand came, And brought salvation down. 26 god's attributes. 5 Here, sinners, you may heal your wounds, And wipe your sorrows dry ; Trust in the mighty Saviour's name, Arid you shall never die. 6 See, dearest Lord, our willing souls Accept thine offered grace ; We bless the great Redeemer's love, And give the Father praise. 43. L. M. 1 GREAT God of wonders, all thy ways Are worthy of thyself — divine ; But the bright glories of thy grace Beyond thine other wonders shine. Who is a pardoning God like thee ? Or who has grace so rich and free? 2 Such deep transgressions to forgive, Such guilty daring worms to spare, — This is thy grand prerogative, And in this honor none shall share. Is there a pardoning God like thee? « Or is there grace so rich and free? t. Pardon, from an offended God ! Pardon, for sins of deepest dye . Pardon, bestowed through Jesus' Mood! Pardon, that brings the rebel nigh. Where is the pardoning God like thee? Or where the grace so rich and free I % 0, may this glorious, matchless love — This godlike miracle of grace — Teach mortal tongues, like those above, To raise this song of lofty praise ! Who is a pardoning God like thee? Or who has grace so rich and free ? 27 OOD S ATTRIBUTES. 44. L. M. 1 THE Lord, how wondrous are his ways I How firm his truth, how large his grace He takes his inercy for his throne, And thence he makes his glories known. 2 Not half so high his power hath spread The starry heavens above our head, As his rich love exceeds our praise, Exceeds the highest hopes we raise. 3 How slowly doth his wrath arise ! On swifter wings salvation flies ; And, if he lets his anger burn, How soon his frowns to pity turn ! 4 Amidst his wrath compassion shines ; His strokes are lighter than our sins ■ And while his rod corrects his saints His ear indulges their complaints. His Condescension. 45. s. m. 1 O LORD, our heavenly King, Thy name is all divine ; Thy glories round the earth are spread, And o'er t>he heavens they shine. 2 When to thy works on high I raise my wondering eyes, And see the moon, complete in light, Adorn the darksome skies, — 3 When T survey the stars, And all their shining forms, — Lord, what is man, that worthless thing. Akin to dust and worms0 28 GOD'S ATTRIBUTES. 4 Lord, what is worthless man, That thou shouldst love him so ? Next to thine angels is he placed, And lord of all below. 5 How rich thy bounties are, And wondrous are thy ways . Of dust and worms thy power can frame A monument of praise. 46. C. II. 1 WHEX the Eternal bows the skies, To visit earthly things, With scorn divine he turns his eyes From towers of haughty kings. 2 He bids his awful chariot roll Far downward from the skies, To visit every humble soul, With pleasure in his eyes. 3 Why should the Lord, that reigns above. Disdain so lofty kings ? Say, Lord, and why such looks of love Upon such worthless things ? 4 Mortals, be dumb ; what creature dares Dispute his awful will '? Ask no account of his affairs, But tremble, and be still. 5 J \ist like his nature is his grace, All sovereign and all free ; Great God, how searchless are thy ways. How deep thy judgments be ! 47. L. M. 1 THY favors, Lord, surprise our souls ; Will the Eternal dwell with us ? 29 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. What canst thou find beneath the poles To tempt thy chariot downward thus ? 2 Still might he fill his starry throne, And please his ears with Gabriel's songs But heavenly Majesty comes down, And bows to hearken to our tongues ! 3 Great God ! what poor returns we pay For love so infinite as thine ! Words are but air, and tongues but clay, But thy compassion 's all divine. 48. c. m. 1 ETERNAL Power, Almighty God, Who can approach thy throne ? Accessless light is thine abode, To angel eyes unknown. 2 Before the radiance of thine eye The heavens no longer shine ; And all the glories of the sky Are but the shade of thine. 3 Great God, and wilt thou condescend To cast a look below ; To this vile world thy notice bend ; These seats of sin and woe ? 4 But, 0 ! to show thy smiling face, To bring thy glories near ! Amazing and transporting grace, To dwell with mortals here ! 5 How strange, how awful is thy lovo S With trembling we adore ; Not all tlr exalted minds above Its wonders can explore. 6 While golden harps and angel tonguet Resound immortal lays, 30 GOD'S ATTRIBUTES. Great God, permit our humble songs To rise, and mean thy praise. 49. L. M. J YE servants of th' Almighty King, In every age his praises sing ; Where'er the sun shall rise or set. The nations shall his praise repeal. 2 Above the earth, beyond the sky, Stands his high throne of majesty ; Nor time, nor place, his power restrain, Nor bound his universal reign. 3 Which of the sons of Adam dare, Or angels, with their God compare ? His glories, how divinely bright, Who dwells in uncreated light ! 4 Behold his love ! he stoops to view What the bright hosts of angels do : And condescends yet more to know The mean affairs of men below. 5 From dust and cottages obscure His grace exalts the humble poor ; Gives them the honor of his sons, And fits them for their heavenly throne* 50. c. m. 1 0 LORD, our King, how excellent Thy name on earth is known ! Thy glory in the firmament How wonderfully shown ! 2 When I behold the heavens on high. The work of thy right hand ; The moon and stars amid the sky. Thy lights in every land ; — 31 GOD'S ATTRIBUTES. 3 Lord, what is man, or all his race, Who dwells so far below, That thou shouldst visit him with grace, And love his nature so ? 4 0 Lord, how excellent thy name ! How manifold thy ways ! Let time thy saving truth proclaim, Eternity thy praise. Sovereignty of God. 51. C. M. 1 KEEP silence, all created things. And wait your Maker's nod ; My soul stands trembling while she sings The honors of her God. 2 Life, death, and hell, and worlds unknowr Hang on his firm decree ; He sits on no precarious throne, Nor borrows leave to be. 8 Before his throne a volume lies, With all the fates of men ; With every angel's form and size, Drawn by the eternal pen. 4 His providence unfolds the book, And makes his counsels shine ; Each opening leaf, and every stroke, Fulfils some deep design. 5 Here, he exalts neglected worms To sceptres and a crown ; And there, the following page he turn*, And casts the monarch down. 0 My God, I would not long to see My fate, with curious eyes ; What gloomy lines are writ for me, Or what bright scenes may rise COD S ATTRIBUTES. 7 In thy fair book of life and grace, 0, may I find my name, Recorded in some humble place. Beneath my Lord, the Lamb ! 52. L.M. 61. 1 ATTEXD, my soul, the voice divine, And mark what beaming glories shine Around thy condescending God ! To us — to us he still proclaims His awful, his endearing names ; Attend and sound them all abroad. 2 " Jehovah, I, the sovereign Lord, The mighty God, by heaven adored, Down to the earth my footsteps bend ; My heart the tender est pity knows, Goodness, full-streaming, wide o'erflowe, Amd grace and truth shall never end. 3 " My patience long can crimes endure, My pardoning love is ever sure, When penitential sorrow mourns ; To millions, through unnumbered years, New hope and new delight it bears ; Yet wrath against the sinner burns.'' 4 Make haste, my soul, the vision meet, AD prostrate at thy Sovereign's feet. And drink the tuneful accents in ; Speak on, my Lord, repeat the voice, Diftuse these heart^expanding joys, Till heaven repeat the rapturous scene. 53. c. m. 1 WITH reverence let the saints appear, And bow before the Lord ; His high commands with reverence hear, And tremble at his word. 3 33 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. 2 How terrible thy glories be ! How bright thine armies shine ! Where is the power that vies with thee ? Or truth, compared with thine? 3 The northern pole, and southern, rest On thy supporting hand ; Darkness and day, from east to west, Move round at thy command. 4 Thy words the raging winds control, And rule the boisterous deep ; Thou mak'st the sleeping billows roll, The rolling billows sleep. 5 Justice and judgment are thy throne, Yet wondrous is thy grace ; While truth and mercy, joined in one, Invite us near thy face. 54. L. M. 1 KINGDOMS and thrones to Gcd belong ; Crown him, ye nations, in your song ; His wondrous name and power rehearse ; His honors shall enrich your verse. 2 He rides, and thunders, through the sky ; His name, Jehovah, sounds on high ; Sing to his name, ye sons of grace ; Ye saints, rejoice before his face. 3 He breaks the captives' heavy chain, And prisoners see the light again ; But rebels, who dispute his will, Shall dwell in chains and darkness still. 4 Proclaim him King, pronounce him blest He 's your defence, your joy, your rest ; When terrors rise, and nations faint, God is the strength of every saint. 34 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. 55. c. m. 1 THE Lord descended from above, And bowed the heavens most high, And underneath his feet he cast The darkness of the sky. 2 On cherubim and seraphim Full royally he rode, And on the wings of mighty winds Came flying all abroad. 3 He sat serene upon the floods, Their fury to restrain ; And he, as sovereign Lord and King, For evermore shall reign. 56. p. m. 1 THE Lord of glory reigns, he reigns on high ; [lis robes of state are strength and majesty , This wide creation rose at his command, Built by his word, and 'stablished by his hand ; Long stood his throne, ere Le bagan creation, And his own Godhead is the firm foundation. 2 God is the eternal King ; thy foes in vain Raise their rebellion, to confound thy reign ; In vain the storms, in vain the floods arise, And roar, and toss their waves against the skies ; Foaming at heaven, they rage with wild eommotioTi . But heaven's hi^h arches scorn the swelling oce;n3 \ Ye tempests, rage no more : ye floods, be still ■ And the mad wurld obedient to his will ; Built on his truth, his church must ever stani . Firm are his promises, and strong his hand ; See his own sons, when they appear before bun Bow at his footstool, and with fear adore him 35 GOD S ATTRIBUTES. 57. L. M. 1 JEHOVAH reigns ! he dwells in light, Girded with majesty and might ; The world, created by his hands, Still on its first foundation stands. 2 But ere this spacious world was made, ' Or had its first foundation laid. Thy throne eternal ages stood, Thyself the ever-living God. 3 Like floods the angry nations riee, And aim their rage against the skies. In vain their rage they aim po high ! At thy rebuke the billows die. 4 Forever shall thy throne endure Thy promise stands forever sure ; And everlasting holiness Becomes the dwellings of thy grace. 58. S. M. 1 GIVE to the winds thy fears ; Hope, and be undismayed ; God hears thy sighs and counts thy tears ; God shall lift up thy head ; Through waves, and clouds, and stoims, He gently clears thy way ; Wait thou his time, so shall this night Soon end in joyous day. 2 Still heavy is thy heart ? Still sink thy spirits down ? Cast oft' the weight — let fear depart, And every care be gone. What though thou rulest not ? Yet heaven, and earth, and hell, Proclaim, — God sitteth on the throne, And ruleth all things well. 36 h god's attributes. 3 Leave to his sovereign sway To choose and to command , 80 shalt thou, wondering, own his way^ How wise, how strong his hand ! Far, far above thy thought His counsel shall appear, When fully he the work hath wrought That caused thy needless fear. 59. H. M. 1 THE Lord Jehovah reigns ; His throne is built on high ; The garments he assumes Are light and majesty. His glories shine [ No mortal eye With beams so bright, j Can bear the sight, 2 The thunders of his hand Keep the wide world in awe ; His wrath and justice stand To guard hi.* holy law ; And wnere his love j His truth confirms Resolves to bless | And seals the gratra. 3 Through all his ancient works Surprising wisdom shines, Confounds the powers of hell, And breaks their base designs. Strong is his arm, I His great decrees, And shall fulfil | His sovereign will. 4 And can this mighty King Of glory condescend ? And will he write his name, " My Father and my Friend? '* I love his name, I Join all my powers, I love his word ; | And praise the Lord 37 GOD 8 ATTRIBUTES ASSOCIATED. 60. L. M. 1 THE Lord ! how absolute he reigns ! Let every angel bend the knee ; Sing of his love in heavenly strains, And speak how fierce his terrors be. 2 High on a throne his glories dwell, An awful throne of shining bliss : Fly through the world, 0 sun, and tell How dark thy beams compared to his ! 3 Awake, ye tempests, and his fame In sounds of dreadful praise declare ; And the sweet whisper of his name Fill every gentler breeze of air. 4 Let clouds, and winds, and waves, agree To join their praise with blazing fire ; Let the firm earth and rolling sea In this eternal song conspire. II. GOD'S ATTRIBUTES ASSOCIATED 61. L. M. 1 JEHOVAH reigns ; his throne is high ; His robes are light and majesty ; His glory shines with beams so bright, No mortal can sustain the sight. 2 His terrors keep the world in awe ; His justice guards his holy law ; His love reveals a smiling face ; His truth and promise seal the grace. 3 Through all his works his wisdom shines, And baffles Satan's deep designs ; His power is sovereign to fulfil The noblest counsels of his will. 38 god's attributes associated. 4 And will this glorious Lord descend To be my Father and my Friend ? Then let my songs with angeis join ; Heaven is secure, if God be mine. 62. H. M. 1 GIVE thanks to God most high, The universal Lord, The sovereign King of kings, And be his name adored ! Thy mercy, Lord, I And ever sure Shall still endure ; | Abides thy word. 2 How mighty is his hand ! AVhat wonders hath he done ! He formed the earth and seas, And spread the heavens alone : His power and grace I And let his name Are still the same ; | Have endless praise, 3 He sent his only Son To save us from our woe ; From Satan, sin, and death, And every hurtful foe : Hi3 power and grace I And let his name Are still the same ; | Have endless praise. 63. c. m. 1 FAITHFUL, 0 Lord*, thy mercies are ; A rock that cannot move ; A thousand promises declare Thy constancy of love. 2 Thou waitest to be gracious still ; Thou dost with sinners boar, That, saved, we may thy goodness feel. And all thy grace declare. 3 J GOD S ATTRIBUTES ASSOCIATED. 3 Its streams the whole creation reach, So plenteous is the store ; Enough for all, enough for each, Enough for evermore. 4 Throughout the universe it reigns ; It stands forever sure ; And while thy truth, 0 God, remains, Thy goodness shall endure. 64. L. M. 1 INFINITE grace ! and can it be That heaven's Supreme should stoop so Ion A wretch to visit, vile, like me ; One who has been his bitterest foe ? 2 Can holiness and wisdom join With truth, with justice, and with grace To make eternal blessings mine, And sin, with all its guilt, efface? 3 0 love, beyond conception great, That formed the vast stupendous plan, Where all divine perfections meet, To reconcile rebellious man ! 4 There wisdom shines in fullest blaze, And justice all her rights maintains : Astonished angels stoop to gaze, While mercy o'er the guilty reigns 5 With grateful songs, then, let our souls Surround our gracious Father's throne ; And all between the distant poles His truth and mercy ever own. 65. c. m. 1 GREAT is the Lord ; his works of might Demand our noblest songs ; Let his assembled saints unite Their harmony of tongues. 40 god's attributes associated 2 Great is the niercy of the Lord ; He gives his children food ; And, ever mindful of his word, He makes his promise good. 3 His Son, the great Redeemer, came To seal his covenant sure , Holy and reverend is his name ; His ways are just and pure. 4 Great is the Lord ; — his works of might Demand our noblest songs ; O.iet th' assembled saints unite Their harmony of tongues ! 66. L. M. 1 HIGH in the heavens, eternal God, Thy goodness in full glory shines ; Thy truth shall break through every cloud That veils thy just and wise designs. 2 Forever firm thy justice stands, As mountains their foundations keep; Wise are the wonders of thy hands ; Thy judgments are a mighty deep. 3 0 God, how excellent thy grace, Whence all our hope and comfort spring ! The sons of Adam, in distress, Fly to the shadow of thy wing. 4 In the provisions of thy house We still shall find a sweet repast } There mercy, like a river, flows, And brings salvation to our taste. 5 Life, like a fountain, rich and free, Springs from the presence of my Lord ■ And in thy light our souls shall see The glories promised in thy word. 41 GOD S ATTRIBUTES ASSOCIATED. 67. L. M. 1 THE Lord, the God of glory, reigns, In robes of majesty arrayed ; His rule Omnipotence sustains, And guides the worlds his hands have made 2 Ere rolling worlds began to move, Or ere the heavens were spread abroad, Thine awful throne was fixed above : From everlasting thou art God. 3 The swelling floods tumultuous rise ; Aloud tiie angry tempests roar, Lift their proud billows to the skies, And foam, and lash the trembling shore. 4 The Lord, the mighty God, on high, Controls the fiercely raging seas ; He speaks — the noise and tempest fly, The waves sink down in gentle peace. 5 Thy sovereign laws are ever sure ; Eternal holiness is thine ; And, Lord, thy people shall be pure, And in thy blest resemblance shine. 68. c. m. 1 IN all my vast concerns with thee, In vain my soul would try To shun thy presence, Lord, or flee The notice of thine eye. 2 Thy all-surrounding sight surveys Sly rising and my rest ; My public walks, my private ways, And secrets of my breast. 3 My thoughts lie open to the Lord, Before they 're formed within ; And ere my lips pronounce the word, lie knows the sense I mean. 42 GOD xXCQUPKKHKN'SIBLE 4 0 woudrous knowledge, deep and high \ Where can a creature hide ? Within thy circling arms I lie, Beset on every side. 5 So let thy grace surround me still, And like a bulwark prove, To guard my soul from every ill, Secured by sovereign love. III. GOD INCOMPREHENSIBLE. 69. c. m. . SHA^L foolish, weak, short-sighted majt Beyond the angels go ; The great Almighty God explain, Or to perfection know ? 2 His attributes divinely soar Above the creature's sight, And prostrate seraphim adore The glorious Infinite. 3 The brightness of his glory leaves Description far below ; Nor man's nor angel's heart conceives How deep his mercies flow. 4 His grace is most unsearchable, And dazzles all above ; They gaze, but cannot count or tell The treasures of his love. 70. cm. 1 HAIL, Father, whose creating call Unnumbered worlds attend ; Jehovah, comprehending all, Whom none can comprehend . 43 2 In light unsearchable enthroned ; Whom angels dimly see ; The fountain of the Godhead owned, And foremost of the Three : 3 Supreme and all-sufficient God ! When nature shall expire ; The world, created by thy nod, Shall perish by thy fire. 4 Thy name, Jehovah, be adored By creatures without end ; Whom none but thy essential Word And Spirit comprehend. IV. CREATOR. 71. L. M. 6 1. 1 OUR God is good, and he is great ; Around his throne the angels wait ; He made the sun, with beams so bright, He made the moon which shines by night. The glittering skies, that look so fair, With every star that sparkles there. 2 The mountains and the rocks he made, And all the hills in order laid ; He poured the water in the seas , He made the grass, the herbs, the trees The valleys and the fields so fair, And every flower that blossoms there. 3 The lion and the tiger bold, The sheep and cattle of the fold, The little birds that sweetly sing, The insect with its beauteous wing, The fishes, — all we see that 's fair Or good, — ho made, and placed them there 44 CREATOR 72. c. m. 1 HAIL, great Creator, wise and good ! To thee our songs we raise ; Nature, through all her various scenes, Invites us to thy praise. 2 At morning, noon, and evening mild, Fresh wonders strike our view ; And, while we gaze, our hearts exult With transports ever new. 3 Thy glory beams in every star Which gilds the gloom of night And decks the smiling face of morn With rays of cheerful light. 4 The lofty hill, the humble lawn, With countless beauties shine ; The silent grove, the awful shade, Proclaim thy power divine. 5 And while, in all thy wondrous ways, Thy varied love we see, 0, may our hearts, great God, be led Through all thy works to thee ! 73. cm. 1 ETERNAL Wisdom ! t^ee we praise ; Thee the creation sings ; With thy loved name, rocks, hills, and seas, And heaven's high palace rings. 2 How wide thy hand hath spread the sky ! How glorious to behold ! Tinged with a blue of heavenly dye, And starred with sparkling gold. 3 Thy glories blaze all nat-" e round, And strike the gazing ht, 45 CREATOR. Through skies, and seas, and solid ground With terror and delight. 4 Infinite strength, and equal skill, Shine through the worlds abroad ; Our souls with vast amazement fill, And speak the builder — God. 5 But, still, the wonders of thy grace Our softer passions move ; Pity divine, in Jesus' face, We see, adore, and love. 74. L.M. 61. 1 THY glory, Lord, the heavens declare ; The firmament displays thy skill ; The changing clouds, the viewless air, Tempest and calm, thy word fulfil ; Day unto day doth utter speech, And night to night thy knowledge teach. 2 Though voice nor sound inform the ear, Well known the language of their song. When, one by one, the stars appear, Led by the silent moon along ; Till round the earth, from all the sky Thy beauty beams on every eye. 3 Waked by tfey touch, the morning sun Comes like a bridegroom from his bower, And, like a giant, glad to run His bright career with speed and power ; Thy flaming messenger, to dart Life through the depth of nature's heart. 4 While these transporting visions shine Along the path of Providence, Glory eternal, joy divine, Thy wor i reveals, transcending sense ; 46 My soul thy goodness longs to see, Thy love to man, thy love to me. 75. C. M. 1 LET heaven arise, let earth appear ! Proclaimed tlv Eternal Lord ; The heaven arose, the earth appeared, At his creating word. 2 But formless was the earth, and void, Dark, sluggish, and confused , Till o'er the mass the Spirit moved, And quickening power diffused. 3 Then spake the Lord Omnipotent The mandate, " Be there light !" Light darted forth in vivid rays, And scattered ancient night. 4 The glorious firmament he spread To part the earth and sky ; And fixed the upper elements Within their spheres on high. 5 He bade the seas together flow ; They left the solid land ; And herbs, and plants, and fruitful tree*, Sprung forth at his command. 76. s. m. 1 ALMIGHTY Maker, God, How wondrous is thy name ! Thy glories, how diffused abroad, Through all creation's frame ! 2 Nature, in every dress, Her humble homage pays ; And does, a thousand ways, express Her undissembled praise. 47 GOl> ALL IN ALL. 3 My soul would rise and sing Her great Creator, too ; Fain would my tongue adore my King, And pay the homage due. 4 Let joy and worship spend The remnant of my days. And oft to God my soul ascend, In grateful songs of praise. V. GOD ALL IN ALL. 77. cm. 1 ON God we build our sure defence ; In God our hopes repose ; His hand protects our varying life, And guards us from our foes. 2 Our minds shall be serene and calm, Like Siloa's peaceful flood, Whose soft and silver streams refresh The city of our God. 78. cm. 1 BEING of beings, God of love, To thee our hearts we raise ; Thy all-sustaining power we prove, And gladly sing thy praise. 2 Thine, Avholly thine, we pant to be ; Our sacrifice receive. Made, and preserved, and savecl by thoe To thee ourselves we give. 3 Heavenward our every wish aspires, For all thy mercy's store ; The sole return thy love requires, Is that we ask for more. 48 GOD ALL LN A.LL. 4 For more we ask ; we open then Our hearts t' embrace thy will ; Turn, and revive us, Lord, again ; With all thy fulness fill. 5 Come, Holy Ghost, the Saviour's love Shed in our hearts abroad ; So shall we ever live, and move, And be, with Christ in God. 79. s. m. 1 THE Lord my Shepherd is, I shall be well supplied ; Since he is mine, and I am his, What can I want beside? 2 He leads me to the place Where heavenly pasture grows ; Where living waters gently pass, And full salvation flows. 3 If e'er I go astray, He doth my soul reclaim, And guides me, in his own right way, For his most holy name. 4 While he affords his aid, I cannot yield to fear ; Tho' I should walk thro' death's dark shad* My Shepherd ?s with me there. 5 In sight of all my foes, Thou dost my table spread ; My cup with blessings overdo we, And joy exalts my head. 6 The bounties of thy love Shall crown mv future davg ; 4 * 49 GOD ALL LN ALL. Nor from thy house will I remove, Nor cease to speak thy praise. 80. L. M. 1 MY shepherd is the living Lord ; Now shall my wants be well supplied ; His providence and holy word Become my safety and my guide. 2 In pastures where salvation grows, He makes me feed, he makes me rest ; There living water gently flows, And all the food 's divinely blest. 3 My wandering feet his ways mistake ; But he restores my soul to peace, And leads me, for his mercy's sake, In the fair paths of righteousness 81. us. THE Lord is my shepherd, no want shall I know I feed in green pastures, safe folded to rest ; He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, Restores me when wandering, redeems whey oppressed. 2 Thro' th' valley and shadow of death tho' I stray Since thou art my Guardian no evil I fear ; Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay ; No harm can befall with my Comforter near. 3 In th' midst of affliction my table is spread ; With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o'er With oil and perfume thou anomtest my head ; 0, what shall I ask of thy providence more ' 50 GOD ALL IN ALL 82. L. M. 61. 1 THE Lord m y pasture shall prep &re, And feed me with a shepherd's care ; His presence shall my wants supply, And guard me with a watchful eye ; My noonday walks he shall attend, And all my midnight hours defend. 2 When in the sultry glebe I faint, Or on the thirsty mountain pant, To fertile vales and dewy meads My weary wandering steps he leads, Where peaceful rivers, soft and slow, Amid the verdant landscape flow. Though in a bare and rugged -^ - way, Through devious, lonely wilds 1 stray-, His presence shall my pains beguile ; The barren wilderness shall smile, With lively greens and herbage crowned, And streams shall murmur all around. Though in the paths of death I tread, With gloomy horrors overspread, My steadfast heart shall fear no ill, For thou, 0 Lord, art with me still ; Thy friendly rod shall give me aid, And guide me through the dismal shade. 83. c. m. MY Shepherd will supply my need ; Jehovah is his name ; In pastures fresh he makes me feed, Beside the living stream. i He brings my wandering spirit back, When I forsake his ways, And leads me, for his mercy's sake, In paths of truth and grace. 51 GOD ALL IN ALL. 3 If I walk through the shades of death, Thy presence is my stay ; Thy power and thy supporting grace Drive all my fears away. 4 Thy hand, in sight of all my foes, Doth still my table spread ; My cup with blessings overflows, Thine oil anoints my head. 5 The sure provisions of my God Attend me all my days ; O, may thy house be my abode, And all my works be praise ! 84. C. M. 1 0 LORD ! I would delight in thee, And on thy care depend ; To thee in every trouble flee, My best and only friend. 2 When all created streams are dried, Thy fulness is the same ; May I with this be satisfied, And glory in thy name. 3 No good in creatures can be found But may be found in thee ; I must have all things, and abound, If God be Gqd to me. 85. 12s & lis ' I THE Lord is our shepherd, our guardian and guide Whatever we want he will kindly provide ; To the sheep of his pasture his mercies abound ; Li is care and protection his flock will surround. 52 GOD ALL IN ALL. 2 The Lord ia our shepherd ; what then shall we fear ? What danger can frighten us while he is near ? Mor when the time calls us to walk through the vaie Of the shadow of death, shall our hearts ever fail. 3 Though afraid of ourselves to pursue the dark way, Thy rod and thy staff be our comfort and stay ; For we know by thy guidance, when once it is pa*-«t, To a fountain of life it will bring us at last. 1 The Lord is become our salvation and song : His blessings have followed us all our life long ; His name will we praise while we have any breath Be cheerful in life, and be happy in death. 86. c. m. 1 TO heaven I lift my waiting eyes ; There all my hopes are laid ; The Lord, who built the earth and skies, Is my perpetual aid. 2 Their steadfast feet shall never fall, Whom he designs to keep : His ear attends the softest call, His eyes can never sleep. 3 He will sustain our weakest powers With his almighty arm ; And watch our most unguarded hours Against surprising harm. 4 Ye saints, rejoice, and rest secure ; Thy keeper is the Lord ; His wakeful eyes employ his power For thine eternal guard. 5 He guards thy soul, he keeps thy breath, Where thickest dangers come ; Go and return, secure from death, Till God shall call thee heme. GOD ALL IN ALL. 87. cm. 1 MY God, my portion, and my love, My everlasting all ; I Ve none but thee in heaven above, Or on this earthly ball. 2 How vain a toy is glittering wealth, If once compared to thee ! Or what 's my safety, or my health Or all my friends to me ? 3 Were I possessor of the earth, And called the stars my own ; Without thy graoes, and thyself, I were a wretch undone. 4 Let others stretch their arms like seas, And grasp in all the shore ; Grant me the visits of thy grace, And I desire no more. 88. c. m. 1 NO change of time shall ever shock My trust, 0 Lord, in thee ; For thou hast always been my rock, A sure defence to me. 2 Thou our deliv'rer art, 0 God ; Our trust is in thy power ; Thou art our shield from foes abroad, % Our safeguard and our tower. 3 To thee will we address our prayer, To whom all praise we owe ; 0, may we, by thy watchful care, Be saved from every foe ! 54 GOD ALL IN ALL. 4 Then let Jehovah be adored, On whom our hopes depend ; For who, except the mighty Lord, His people can defend? 89. L. M. 1 GOD is the refuge of his saints, When storms of sharp distress invade ; Ere we can offer our complaints, Behold him present with his aid. 2 Let mountains from their seats be hurled Down to the deep, and buried there ; Convulsions shake the solid world, Our faith shall never yield to fear. 3 There is a stream, whose gentle flow Supplies the city of our God ; Life, love, and joy still gliding through, And cheering our divine abode. 4 That sacred stream, thine holy word, That all our raging fear controls ; Sweet peace thy promises afford, And give new strength to fainting souls. 90. L. M. 1 WHEN thickly beat the storms of life, And heavy is the chastening rod, The soul, beyond the waves of strife, Views the eternal Rock — her God. 2 What hope dispels the spirit's gloom, When sinking 'neath affliction's shock! Faith, through the vista of the tomb, Points to the everlasting Hock. 3 la there a man who cannot see That joy and grief are from above ? 55 GOD ALL IN ALL. O, let him humbly bend the knee, And own his Father's chastening love. 91. L. M. 1 0 LORD, thy mercy, my sure hope, The highest orb of heaven transcends ; Thy sacred truth's unmeasured scope Beyond the spreading skies extends. 2 Thy justice, like the hills, remains ; How deep, great God, thy judgments are ! Thy providence the world sustains ; The whole creation is thy care. 3 "With thee the springs of life remain ; Thy presence is eternal day ; 0, let thy saints thy favor gain ! To upright hearts thy truth display. 92. c. m. 1 HOW firm the saint's foundation stands' His hopes can ne'er remove, Sustained by God's almighty hand, And sheltered in his love. 2 God is the treasure of his soul, A source of sacred joy, Which no afflictions can control, Nor death itself destroy. 3 Lord, may we feel thy cheering beams, And taste thy saints' repose ; We will not mourn the perished streams While such a fountain flows. 56 GOD ALL IX ALL. 93. c. m. 1 GOD, my supporter and my hcpe, My help forever near ; Thine arm of mercy held me up, When sinking in despair. 2 Thy counsels, Lord, shall guide my feet Through this dark wilderness ; Thine hand conduct me near thy seat, To dwell before thy face. 3 "What if the springs of life were broke. And flesh and heart should faint, God is my soul's eternal rock, The strength of every saint. 4 Behold, the sinners that remove Far from thy presence, die ; Not all the idol gods they love Can save them when they cry. 5 But to draw near to thee, my God, Shall be my sweet employ ; My tongue shall sound thy works abroad And tell the world my joy. 94. c. m. 1 JEHOVAH lives, and be his name By every heart adored ; From age to age he is the same, The only God and Lord. 2 He is our rock when troubles rise, And storms and tempests lower; He rides triumphant on the skies. And saves us by his power. 57 GOD ALL IN ALL. 3 Salvation to the Lord belongs ; We give Jehovah praise ; Lift up our hearts, and holy songs To our deliverer raise. 4 lie saves from danger, death, and hell, From fear, distress, and harm ; Makes every soul in safety dwell ; For mighty is his arm. 95. o. m. 1 SINCE all the varying scenes of time God's watchful eye surveys, 0, who so wise to choose our lot, Or to appoint our ways ! 2 Good when he gives, — supremely good. Nor less when he denies ; E'en crosses, from his sovereign hand Are blessings in disguise. 3 Why should we doubt a Father's love, So constant and so kind ? To his unerring, gracious will Be every wish resigned. 4 In thy fair book of life divine, My God, inscribe my name ; There let it fill some humble place Beneath my Lord, the Lamb. 96. c. m. ] DEAR Refuge of my weary soul, On thee, when sorrows rise, On thee, when waves of trouble roll, My fainting hope relies. 58 GOD ALL IN ALL. 2 To thee I tell each rising grief, For thou alone canst heal ; Thy word can bring a sweet relief For every pain I feel 3 But, 0, when gloomy doubts prevail, I fear to call thee mine ; The springs of comfort seem to fail, And all my hopes decline ! 4 Yet, gracious God, where shall I flee ? Thou art my only trust ; And still my soul would cleave to thee, Though prostrate in the dust. 97. cm. 1 WE sing the mighty power of God, That made the mountains rise, That spread the flowing seas abroad, And built the lofty skies.* 2 We sing the wisdom that ordained The sun to rule the day ; The moon shines full at his command, And all the stars obey. 3 We sing the goodness of the Lord, Who fills the earth with food ; He formed the creatures by his word, And then pronounced them good. 4 Lord, how thy wonders are displayed Where'er we turn the eye, If we survey the ground we tread, Or gaze upon the sky ! 98. c. m. 1 OUR hiding-place, our refuge-tower, And shield, art thou, 0 Lord ! 59 GOD ALL IN ALL. We firmly anchor all our hopes On thy unerring word. 2 According to thy gracious word, From danger set us free ; Nor make us of those hopes ashamed That we repose on thee. 3 On us, devoted to thy fear, Lord, make thy face to shine ; Thy statutes both to know and keep Our hearts with zeal incline. 4 Our hiding-place, our refuge-tower, And shield, art thou, 0 Lord ! We firmly anchor all our hopes On thy unerring word. 99. u. m. 1 COME, let us join fb praise the Lord, And raise our thoughts above ; Let every heart and voice accord To sing that God is love. 2 This precious truth his word declares, And all his mercies prove ; While Christ, the atoning Lamb, appears. To show that God is love. 3 Behold his loving-kindness waits For those who from him rove, And calls of mercy reach their hearts, To teach them God is love. 4 0, may we all, while here below, This best of blessings prove ; Till warmer hearts, in brighter worlds, Shall shout that God is love ! 60 GOD ALL IN ALL. 100. C. M, 1 GREAT God, thy penetrating eye Pervades my inmost powers ; With awe profound my wondering sou^ Falls prostrate and adores. 2 To be encompassed round with God, The holy and the just ; Armed with omnipotence to save, Or crumble me to dust : 3 0, how tremendous is the thought ' Deep may it be impressed ; And may thy Spirit firmly grave This truth within my breast. 101. 0. 1L 1 FOREVER blesse'd be the Lord, My Saviour and my shield ; He sends his Spirit, with his word. To arm me for the field. 2 When sin and hell their force unict,. He makes my soul his care, Instructs m^ to the heavenly fight, And guards me through elm war. 3 A Friend, a Helper so divine Doth my weak courage raise; He makes the glorious victory mine, And his shall be the praise 102. /3. 1 THEY who on the Lord rely, Safely dwell, though danger 's nigh ; "Wide his shelt'ring wings are spread O'er each faithful servant's head. 61 GOD ALL IN ALL. 2 Vain temptation's wily snare ■ Christians are Jehovah's care; Harmless flies the shaft by day, Or in darkness wings its way. 3 When they wake, or when th-ey sleep, Angel guards their vigils keep ; Death and danger may be near ; Faith and love have naught to fear 103. s. m. 1 WHEN, overwhelmed with grief, My heart within me dies, Helpless, and far from all relief, To heaven I lift mine eyes. 2 0, lead me to the Rock That 's high above my head, And make the covert of thy wings My shelter and my shade. 3 Within thy presence, Lord. Forever I '11 abide ; Thou art the tower of my defence, The refuge where I hide. 4 Thou givest me the lot Of those that fear thy name ; If endless life be their reward, I shall possess the same. 104. c. m. 1 WHY, 0 my soul, 0, why depressed, And whence thine anxious fears? Let former favors fix thy trust. And check thy rising tears. 62 GOD ALL IN ALL. 2 Affliction is a stormy deep, Where wave succeeds to wave ; Though o'er iny head the billows roll, 1 know the Lord can save. 3 On him I trust and build my hope, Nor murmur at his rod ; In vain the waves of trouble roll, While he is still my God. 105. C. M. 1 0 GOD, our help in ages past, Our hope for time to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home ! 2 Beneath the shadow of thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure ; Sufficient is thine arm alone, And our defence is sure. 3 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting thou art God, To endless years the same. 4 Thy word commands our flesh to dust : i(" Return, ye sons of men ; " All nations rose from earth at first, And turn to earth again. 5 0 God, our help in ages past, Our hope for time to come ! Be thou our guard while troubles last, And our eternal home ! 106. L. M. 1 IN God let all his saints rejoice, With thankful hearts and cheerful voice % 63 GOD ALL IX ALL. Thus saith bis word, so kind, so true : I, even 1, will comfort you. 2 Sweet words ! 0, let us bless his name, And joyful all his praise proclaim ! These words shall foes and fears subrfuo : I, even I, will comfort you. 3 Do sore afflictions on you rest, And pungent sorrows fill your breast ? Look to this word, 'twill bear you through I, even I, will comfort you. 4 If death in gloomy form appear, And overwhelm your souls with fear, Let this sweet word your faith renew : I, even I, will comfort you. 5 And when each happy soul attains That blissful state where glory reigns, This song shall all his powers employ : God is my comfort and my joy. 107. c. m 1 THE Lord of glory is my light, And my salvation, too ; God is my strength, nor will I fear What all my foes can do. 2 One blessing, Lord, my heart desires ; 0, grant me mine abode Among the churches of thy saints, The temples of my God ! 3 There shall I offer my requests, And see thy glory still ; Shall hear thy messages of love. And learn thy holy will. 64 G