SCc'0oc'^oc'00:?© I’BIOJ. £ I LO 1 G4'Mt^(NiOO lO lO © oi -r »o © CO © 0^ © 'n* iO C4fiXr— rrCOCO’^QO-/-'»^ ^^C;C:JCtQC^C^XC:^^Q^a:Q§ClQX -3 I-I C4 CO f lA • m;e§s - •£:=:o5’ — c3 .3'33>>'‘*5iC ^ • • • • •3^0rt«c3«^ea>?0-^‘^00C>0 - ofi> v.^i: tj)c cC c = rt a: bto rt rt C3 5 [-< ir, fiS<»iCL2;xx n^s: not from the whole number reported as belonging to the schools. AHMEDNUGGUR STATION. URATHEE MISSION REPORT. •SJBqnivt 1 S 1 ?> (UBpstmu^qn^ t' CO CO Cl fh 2 puv sooqqifi j OCO^COCOfhCO lO COCICOCO'^CICI r-1 239 1 GO X 9) X Cl to in to *6unojqQj({ pH CO p-i CO CM *SM9f ■»l-'!0 1 CO «N X C»Hf9iaiXC0O5O5-H Cl mox tOpH-C CO CO HI IH C£> CO *o CO loior-tot^co'-ioo'^ 1 78 -o CM ^ ■'f to CO CM Tf O X <© 1 £• pH CM f-H pH pH p-i O CO GO CO o f-* ^ o Cl QO “S d “* -5 j= « ^-2 0 -^ - « e - - 0 'S « Q rt fc, O , • d CO lo ?o 6 S 5 6 !z; P — o ° SiO"® Jqooqo g n t 4 biJ 49 7 50 MURATHEE MISSION REPORT. The following system of school regohniona, as recently adopted by the Mis- Sion, will show the attainments and studies of each class in the boys’ schools, as given in the preceding Schedule, and the manner of paying Teachers. First Class. The studies of this chass are the Balbodh simple letters, writing the figures, committing to memory the Lord’s Prayer Second Class. The studies of this class are the Barakhurdya, that is the combination of the consonants and vowels, the first lessons in Arithmetic, and committing the first half of the Ten Commandments. Third Class. The studies of this class are the combinations of consonants, the continuation of the first lessons in Arithmetic, and the remainder of the Ten Commandments. Fourth Class. The studies pursued in this class are simple reading, the Mord Alphabet, Addition and Subtraction, and committing the first half of the Catechism. Fifth Class. In this Class the studies are, more difficult reading in books of the Balbodh and Mord character. Division and Multiplication, and the remainder of the Catechism. Sixth Class. The studies of this class are reading. Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, and Scripture lessons, as the Superintendant may direct. The studies of the inferior classes, are those required for admission into the next superior class. The teachers are allowed to receive pay at the following rate — One anna for each scholar in the first class, two annas for each scholar in the second class, and so on, increasing one anna in each succeeding class- Teachers are not to receive pay for scholars remaining in the first, second, and third classes more than two months each; nor for those remaining in the fourth and fifth classes more than three months each. Females. mukathee mission report •»UBtJ8Ul(0 I OOIHOOOOOOOO -suepanimBiin ) ©ooooooooino |ct *SaS83M9f r«oooooooc •sjBtinn[ ooc^oo©?©-^;©©© 6^ 00 CO •soaqjBJnm COCO M ^ ^ 1-^ ^ o tp •sjBuog 1 aD©OCOC^OO d 1-1 © © •SJ9 •P^OH S JO *oa 1 — o © 00 © o O © O pH © *sa*Bi •oqog JO jaquinjj '^l^ 3 B S I - S ^SgBoooogS© ^ rt S rtQQClQ =*§Q ca^gp 3 Scq O ^ CO ffi ca © w e _ 4 > © C 9 _ ago© I S § « ® “ c = .2 o R "2 a n _ 0 - S o ^QQiiPSJ^io “ S. Readers.” In this manner those children are designated which have learnt the Lord’s prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Catechism, and which are engaged in reading the Scriptures. i. t t> “ E. Readers.” This includes those who are reading in elementary books, and have not finished committing the Lord s Prayer, Ten Commandments, &c. I I « ’•t t % 4 •• * 9 V. m i • 7 “ ■- ■ >vr-