now vve. BSI70 .H84 s.t i^ to* ^^ ^^ Has ^^olagir^j ^ ^^. '♦. PRINCETON, N. J ^. Division !S--r..?Tr:....' Section . v^ How We Got Our American Standard Bible THE PERFECT BIBLE ISSUED BY THE OLDEST BIBLE PUBLISH- ING FIRM IN THE BIBLE PUBLISHERS FOR 50 YEARS 37-41 EAST 18th STREET, NEW YORK " We believe the American Standard Bible is the product of the highest scholar- ship, and further, we believe that it more nearly brings the message of God to his children than any other of the great ver- sions. We are glad to note its increasing use. Three years ago this Association approved of this American Standard Re- vision, and we again commend it, and earnestly urge its use in our schools." ^Adopted by the Sunday School Edit- orial Association at its Annual Meeting, June 8th, 1906. (Signed) C. R. Blackall, Sec'y. * The above resolution was unanimously adopted bv the Sunday School Editorial Association composed of the Sunday School Editors and Lesson Writers of the United States and Canada at their Annual Meeting of all the denominations, June 8th, 1906. Since the year 1816, the American Bible Society has published only the King James Version of the Scriptures, but re- cognizing the merits of the work of the American Committee, and to meet the de- mands, of Churches and Sunday Schools, the Society has recently had its charter amended so as to enable it to publish the American Standard Bible. The Society therefore arranged with the publishers, Messrs. Thomas Nelson & Sons, and are issuing an edition, bound in cloth only, specially for church and Sunday School use. This endorsement of the American Standard Bible by the American Bible Society emphasizes the great merits of this work, and is in harmony with all the other great religious authorities. THE STORY jHE Bible is composed of sixty-six (66) different books written by about forty (40) men selected and inspired by God. These inspired men first wrote the Old Testament scriptures in Hebrew and the New Testament scriptures in Greek, and our English Bible of to-day consists of a series of translations and revisions from the Hebrew, Syriac, Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon languages, beginning at the tenth century. It is estimated that there are in existence at the present time nearly 4,000 manuscripts in whole or in part of the Bible. All of the older and more complete sacred manuscripts have become available for study only within recent years; among these a single leaf con- taining a portion of Matthew's Gospel was unearthed in 1895. This is believed to be a full century older than the most ancient Greek New Testament manuscripts in existence. It was not until 1384 that the first complete Bible was translated into Enghsh by John Wycliffe. A hundred years later this was followed by a translation and revision made by WilHam Tyndale, which was the first printed Bible, all previous editions having been in manuscript only. Tyndale 's Bible was followed by the Great Bible; this was followed by Matthew's Bible, which was almost wholly copied from Tyndale 's. StilJ another Bible largely based on Tyndale 's was issued called Taverner's Bible. Other translations and revisions following in the next few centuries were the Great Bible of Cranmer, The Greneva Bible which is some- times called the Breeches Bible, and others. This brings us down to the time of the translation and revision of the Bible which is called the King James Version, which was completed in 1611, after seven years devout study by the most prominent scholars of that time. The King James revision was the first translation into what may properly be called the English Language. It is now nearly 300 years since the King James Bible was revised and translated into its present form, since which time the most authentic and accurate manuscripts of the Bible have been discovered, the Alexandrian in 1628, Sinaitic manuscripts in 1859, which contains the New Testament entire and the greater partof theOld Testament. These and a mass of other and later discoveries, including many ancient manuscripts and inscriptions, together with the fact that Philologists have acquired a much more accurate understand- ing of the ancient languages gave rise to comparisons which completely changed the meaning of a large number of passages in the King James Bible; besides this, the gradual transformation and change of the English language in the course of 300 years made a re-translation all the more imperative, as in the lapse of time the significance of many words have been completely altered, while others have become obsolete and ob- Since the translation and revision of the King James Bible upwards of forty English Dictionaries have been issued. For the reasons above stated, it was deemed necessary that a new translation and revision of the Bible be made. This was begun in England in 1870, and in the United States in 1872. The Ameri- can Committee was divided into two compan- ies, one for the Old Testament and another for the New Testament. These committees were composed of the foremost scholars of America, representing all the great religious de- nominations as well as the universities and colleges of the United States, and their work was finished in 1901, thus covering a period of nearly thirty years of consecutive labor and study in the preparation of the American Standard Bible. The American Standard Bible is a new translation* of the Bible in the light of twenti- eth century scholarship and knowledge, using the marvelous and priceless manuscripts and other material which have been discovered in the last 300 years. It represents fifteen years of study, con- sideration and preparation by a company of the most eminent Biblical scholars of all the Evangelical denominations of Great Britain and America, and fifteen years of additional devout study and prayerful con- sideration by the American Committee who continued their organization after the English company disbanded. The American Stand- ard Bible therefore is the product of thirty * Edited by the American Revision Committee with its attestation on the back of the title page and published by Thomas Nelson & Sons. years continuous, careful study by the emi- nent American scholars representing the great Universities, Theological Seminaries and Evangelical demominations of America. It was a labor of love, reverently under- taken by these scholariy ministers and teach- ers, for the good of humanity and the glory of God. Their time and the results of their long experience were freely given without pay or compensation. The American Standard Bible was pre- pared because in the older versions there are admitted inaccuracies in translation, obscuri- ties due to words and phrases which are no longer in common use and many errors in the ancient text followed by the old translators. All these inharmonies have been found to cause serious misunderstandings and to hide from the devout seeker the real, true and clear meaning of the passage. Words have changed their significance in the course of years and many words in the older versions give a wrong impression to the reader of to- day. All the great nations have had new translations of their Bible during compara- tively recent years and in no language has this been so necessary as in the English, be- cause the changes in it have been so numerous and the growth so great. The revisers who prepared the King James Bible completed their workinaboutseven years. The American Committee was nearly thirty years in preparing the American Standard Version of the Bible — thus giving nearly five times the length of time to their work. It is the work of the best American scholarship, 6 focussed upon every word and phrase. ^ It has the advantage of all the accumulated wisdom and scholarship of the world since the publication of the King James Version in 1611. In addition to all these added re- sources, are the authentic and valuable manu- scripts which have been discovered since that time. Bible study has made marvelous progress and the revelations of modern arch- •ology throw a new light of interpretation, enabling scholars of the present day to reach the real meaning of the sacred writers with an accuracy never before possible in the history of the world. The American Standard Bible is the most accurate in translation, the most thorough in method, simplest in expression, and gives a clearer conception of the thought, than any other translation yet produced. The American Standard Bible is iix paragraph form, which is the form of the original manuscripts, and preserves the sequence, strength and spirit of the real Bible, as no other translation has ever done. Its accuracy, clearness and simplicity make it eminently the people's Bible. Every stumbling-block to the perfect understanding of the Word has been removed, so far as lay within the power of the wisest Chris tiar scholarship. The translation into dignified but living English of the present day removes the difficulty from many of the passages that have been puzzling and misleading to thou- sands. It does not require a scholar to in- terpret this Bible, though it required many scholars to produce it. The unqualified approval of the leading ministers of all denominations, presidents of colleges, theological seminaries, of Bible training schools, the leading critical journals, the great religious papers of the world, pro- fessors, and scholars, attest that for them, as well as for the general public, the Amer- ican Standard Bible is the most perfect English Bible in existence. This approval has been won by the American Standard Bible in less than a brief five years. Hun- dreds of colleges and seminaries through- out the country use it in their regular chapel services and as a text book in Bible study. In fact, there is not an important college that has not indorsed it by word or use. Thousands of clergymen of all denominations give this edition the first place in their studies, in the pulpit, and in the pew, and in countless homes of the nation it is taking its place as the Bible of the household. , THEREFORE Every American lover of the grand old Book of Books should recommend and buy the American Standard Bible because it is the best version of the World's Best Book. They should recommend and buy it because it represents the best thought and study of the best equipped Bible scholars of the age. They should buy it because it represents the concrete scholarship of the past two thousand years. They should buy it because a larger number of competent scholars were engaged on the American Standard Bible than on any former translation. They should have it because these translators spent a much longer time than was ever given to any trans- lation in any language. They should study it because these translators had the use of the latest and best manuscripts, unknown to former revisers. They should buy it because the unanimous verdict of the best scholarship and of the common people of the world, after five years of examination and use, is, that this is the best translation ever made into any language. In the selection of general Hterature, the thoughtful reader exercises great care as to authorship, authenticity, beauty of style and other hterary quahties. Should we not exercise even greater discrimination and care in a matter of such vital importance as the selection of our Bible ? FINALLY All living language is progressive and this applies to the language of the Bible, as well as to all literature. Upwards of forty English Dictionaries have appeared since King James Bible saw the light in 1611, each marking a step farther ahead in the transformation of the Enghsh language. A Bible is demanded which reproduces as closely as possible the very thought and sense of the ancient writers, clothed in modern form, intelhgible to all, and free from the errors of previous translators. These requirements are fulfilled in the American Standard Bible, which corrects some 2,000 inaccuracies, obsolete phrases and misinterpretations that are found in the Eng- lish Revised Version. What Authorities Say The unanimous verdict of the best Chris- tian Scholarship and of the common people of the world, after five years use and ex- amination, is, that the American Standard Bible is the best translation ever made in any language. READ WHAT THEY SAY Rev. G. Cam - BELL Morgan, D. D., says: " I certainly value it, and am using that edition con- stantly. It is by far and away the best translation that we have had." Wm. R. Moody, of Northfield, Mass. says : "The American Standard Bible is some- thing every Christian worker should have." John R. Mo it, General Secretary of World's Student Christian Federation, 'N.Y. C. says: "I find it most stimulating and helpful to turn to the use of this version, having used other veisicns all the rest of my life." Rev. J. Wilbur Chapman, D. D., Corresponding See retary. The Gene- ral Assembly's Com- mittee on Evange- listic Work, Winona Lake, Ind., says: "The translation of this edition is more accurate than that of any other. I have myself been very slow to adopt the use of the American Standard Bible, but it will be my pleasure from this time on to emphasize the use of your special edition," Prof. Ira M. Price, Ph.D. LL. D., University of Chicago, in The S u n day Schod, Times, says: "The most per- fect Enghsh Bible in existence. It embodies in itself the greatest num- ber of good quali- ties, and is the best representative of the ripest scholar- ship at the close of the nineteenth and the be- ginning of the twentieth century." Rev. Henry W. Warren, D. D.. BwhopM.E.Church, says: "I use this version exclusively in my study and in quo- tations for the press. Consider it very de- cidedly preferable to the King James Version." Rev. J. W. McGarvey, President College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky., says: "We use it both in chapel and all of our classes. Immensely preferable to King James Version. It is folly to use the Authorized Version any longer anywhere. It avoids many false renderings of the Authorized Version and many false readings of the Greek from which the Authorized Version was trans- lated, and it is truer to modern EngUsh than the English Revision." Rev. J. S. Stahr, D.D., LL.D., President of Franklin and. Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa., says: " I prefer the American Sfandard Bible as gix'ing a better translation of the original Greek, and I feel that it ought to be generally introduced." Rev. C.R.Black- ALL, D.D., Editor of Periodicals, Am- erican Baptist Pub- lication Society, Philadelphia , Pa . , says: "I earnestly wish that it might be adopted as stand- ard in every Church and Sunday School the world over." Rev. H. a. Butts, D.D., LL. D., President of Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J., says: " It represents the best of American scholar- ship and as such may fitly have a place among our people and in our institutions of learning." J. H. Garrison, Editor of The Christian Evang- elist, St. Louis, Mo., says: "I not only use, but I recommend it constantly through our paper as the best version of the Bible in English now in existence." Rev. J. T. Mc- Farland, D.D., Editor, S. S. Litera- ture for the M. E. Church, says : "We use, through the courtesy of Thomas Nelson & Sons, the text of the American Standard Version in our Sunday School Journal and Bible Student's Magazine and in ourannual vohmie, The Illustrative Notes. We do this because, in the first place. We consider this to be the most accurate translation of the Bible, which is the first essential 'to the student, and because also It is the simplest and clearest in its lang- uage, and so the most easily understood by the average person. While of inestimable value to the scholar, it is also preeminently the version of the Scriptures for the common people." Rev. J. T. McFarland. D.D. Rev. J. G. Merrill, D.D., President Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn., says: "I am glad to say that I own a copy of the American Standard Bible and that I use it constantly and the chief reason why I prefer i t to the King James Version is that I regard it as containing the Word of God more fully than King James or any other version that I know of." '4 W I L B E R T W. White, President of Bible Teachers^ Training School, New York, says: "We use exclu- sively the American Standard Bible in our School. We do this because we be- lieve that it isthebest English version of theBible published.'* Rev. H. a. Buchtel, D.D., LL.D., Presi- dent University of Denver, Denver, Col., says: " I use the American Standard Bible quite all the time. Our professor of the English Bible uses the American Standard in his class work " _^ Charles Gall- audet Trumbull, says: "It is not a new Bible. It is the same old Bible that our fathers and fore- fathers read and treasured. But the American Version brings the messages and truths and eter- nal promises of that Bible closer home to us than ever before." Charles Gallaudet Trumbull Elditor S. S. Times »5 Rev.A.W. Pitzer, D.D.,LL.D., Wash- ington, D, C, says: "The merits of the American Ver- sion are so many and manifest that I cannot undertake to mention them in detail; my won- der is that any scholar should hesi- tate for a moment to give this the preference over any English translation that has been made. The Washington City Bible Society, of which I am president, has cordially indorsed this version.'* W. G. Ballantine, International Y. M. C. A. Training School, Springfield, Mass., says: "In this School we regard the American Version of the Bible as preferable to all others. Those who still cling to the old King James Version voluntarily deprive themselves of all that Christian scholarship has gained in exact knowledge of the Bible during the last three hundred years." J. P. Sheraton, Principal Wycliffe College, Toronto, Canada, says: "It more nearly fulfills the conditions that i^ust be reahzed in an ideal English Version, than any other translation in existence." Rev. William F. McDowell, D.D., Bishop M .E. Church, says: "When the Re- vised Version of the Bible waspubhshed about twenty years ago, careful students were disappc* ited that the suggestions of the American re- visers had not been adopted and made a part of the text. Now after twenty years, I believe there is general satisfaction that an American Standard Version of the Bible has been published. I do not hesitate to say that I regard it as altogether the most satisfactory version of the scriptures in existence." R. S. MacAr- THUR, D.D., Cal- vary Baptist Church, New York City, says: "The best edi- tion of the Bible ever given to Eng- lish readers. I wish it were in use in all our homes and churches. I use it exclusively in my pulpit." Dr.W.W. Moore, of Union Theologi- cal Seminary, -^says: "We do not think it too much to say that this is the best version of the Scriptures that has ever been made. The American Re- vision is by far the most exact and faithful translation, and also the most accurately and beautifully printed Bible that has yet appeared." Rev. R. a. Laps- ley, Editor of Sun- day School Litera- ture for the Pres- byterian Church (South), says: " We place the Text of the Sabbath School lesson in the American Standard Version at the begin- ning of our special lesson treatment in the Earliest Worker; and I take pleasure in testifying to its value as retaining, to a large extent, the unrivaled Hterary charm of the Authorized Version." iS Rev. O. W. Powers, D. D., Pres. American Christian Conven- tion, says : " The American Standard Bible will be the authoritatiTe translation for gen- erations. This fact alone is a sufficient reason for its im- mediate adoption, especially for teach- ing purposes. It is not fair to the children in our Sunday Schools to impose upon them the double burden of becoming familiar with two versions. To cUng to the common version is but to prolong the period of confusion. Besides, it is well to avoid the puzzle of obsolete words, and the embarrassment of uncouth and offensive ex- pressions which we would not allow to another book intended for common use. While teach- ing the children the Bible, let us give it to them in the best possible form." Rev. George U. Wenner, President of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of New York and New Jersey, says: " The American Standard Bible has re- moved many stumbling blocks from the way of a ready comprehension of the meaning of the Scriptures. It is to be commended to all who desire a clearer knowledge of the Word." 19 Unsolicited Endorse- ment and Testimo- nial from the Great Oriental Biblical Scholar, Rev. Jacob Chamberlain, M. D., D, D., LL. D., Coonoor, India, says: " After reading the testimonials from Occidental Bible scholars, it has occurred to me that you might like to know how the Ameri- can Standard Bible strikes one who looks at it from the standpoint of an Oriental Bible translator and reviser. "In our work in the re- translation of the Bible into the Telugu language, we were in contact with the work of the English and American Committees as the revision was going on. I was elected a corresponding member of the Committee in 1877, and given access to their findings and confidentially used them in advance in our work in Telugu. I also met members of the Enghsh companies and confidentially talked over matters with them in London. "Having been engaged for more than twenty years as Chairman of The Telugu Bible Revision Committee, in the re-transla- tion of the Bible from the Originals into one of the-Principal Languages of India, and hav- ing at times had open before me on my table TRANSLATIONS OF THE BiBLE IN ELEVEN LANGUAGES to note the peculiar turn of an idea in particular passages, and having watch- ed with intense interest the work of the Eng- lish and American Revisers from the first, and now having used the Completed Work of the final American Revision Committee since its first issue in 1901, I am free to say that I regard the American Standard Bible as the most accurate and vivid rendering of the Hebrew and Greek Originals of any version yet issued IN ANY LANGUAGE. "For the last five years it has been of the utmost use to me in my daily work in prepar- ing a New Oriental Bible Dictionary from an Oriental standpoint for Oriental people, for often its new turn of thought or expression, more hke the Oriental Originals, has been very suggestive of explanations for an Orien- tal people. **It« is to my mind incomparably the best* English Version yet» issued for all true seekers after the Real Revealed Thoughts of God.** The Bible Study Secretaries of the Inter- national Committee of Young Men's Christian Associations on February 25th, 1907, recom- mended the American Standard Bible for use in Association Bible Classes. IN COLLEGES AND SEMINARIES Among the Colleges, Theological Seminaries, Bible Training Schools, etc., etc., using the Ameri- can Standard Version, are the following: Adelphi College, Brooklyn, N. Y. Albany College, Albany, Ore. Albright College, Myerstown, Pa. Alma College, Alma, Mich. Amer. University of Harriman, Harriman, Tenn. Arkansas College, Batesville, Ark. Auburn Theological Seminary, Auburn, N. Y. Baker University, Baldwin. Kan. Baldwin University, Berea, Ohio. Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Beamsville Bible School, Beamsville, Ont. Belle vue College, Belle vue, J\eb. Beloit College, Beloit, Wis. Berkeley Bible Seminary, Berkeley, Cal. Bible Teachers' Training School, New York. Blackburn College, Carlinville, 111. Boston University, Boston, Mass. Butler College, Indianapolis, Ind. California College, Oakland, Cal. Carson and Newman College, Jefferson City, Tenn. Central University, Pella, Iowa. Central Wesleyan College, Warrenton, Mo, Chicago Training School, Chicago, 111. Christian Biblical Institute, Stanford ville, N. Y. Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Colgate University, Hamilton, N. Y. College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky. Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Col. Columbia University, New York, N. Y. Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Cotner University, Bethany, Neb. Dakota University, Mitchell, S. D. Delaware College, Newark, Del. DePauw University, Greencastle, Ind.] Doane College, Crete, Neb. Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa. Drew Theological Seminary, Madison, N. J. Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. Eureka College, Eureka, 111. Findlay College, Findlay, Ohia. French American College, Springfield, Mass. Furraan University, Greenville, S. C. Garrett Biblical Institute, Evanston, 111. German Wallace College and Nast Theological Seminary, #Berea, Onio. Girls' Latin School, Baltimore, Md. Guilford College, Guilford, N. C. Hamilton College, Chnton, N. Y. Heidelberg University, Tiflfin, Ohio. Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich. Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio. Hope College, Holland, Mich. Howard University, Washington, D. C. International Y. M. C. A. Training School, Spring- field, Mass. Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa. Kentucky University, Lexington, Ky. Lebanon Valley College, Annville, Pa. Macalester College, St. Paul, Minn. Maryland College for Women, Luther ville, Md. McCormick Theological Seminary, Chicago, 111. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. Missouri Valley College, Marshall, Mo. Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Mass. Nebraska Wesleyan University, University Place, Neb. Northwestern College, Naper ville, III. Northwestern University, Evanston, 111. Oberlin College, Oberhn, Ohio. Oberlin Theological Seminary, Oberlin, Ohio. Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kan. ' Otterbein University, Westerville, Ohio. Parsons' College, Fairfield, Iowa. Penn College, Oskaloosa, Iowa. Potter Bible College, Bowling Green, Ky. Presbyterian Theological Seminary of Kentucky Louisville, Ky. Providence University, Oak Hill, Ohio. Rad cliff College, Cambridge, ISIass. Rochester Theological Seminary, Rochester. N. Y. Rutgers College, New Brunswick, N. J. Scarritt Bible and Training School, Kansas City, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pa. 13 Talladega College, Talladega, Ala. Texas Christian University, Waco, Texas. Theological Seminary of the Presbyterian Church, Princeton, N. J. Theological Seminary of the Refonned Church in America, New Brunswick, N. J. Trinity University, Waxahachie, Texas. Union Biblical Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. Union Theological Seminary, Richmond, Va. University of Alabama, University, Ala. University of California, Berkeley, Cal. University of Chicago, Chicago, lU. University of Denver, Denver, Col. University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Cal. University of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio. Upper Iowa University, Fayette, Iowa. U. S. MiUtary Academy, West Point-, N. Y. U. S. Naval Academy, Ajqjcrap'olis;, Md. *" ,".. sVassar College, Poughkefepfeie, N. Y. Washington and Jeff Aeon CoUfege, Washington, Pa; Washington and Lee University, Lexington/ Va. Wellesley College, WelleMeyv Mass. Wesleyan Theological CoU^e, Mo9treal; Canada. Western Bible and Literals College, Odessa^ Mo. Western Maryland C611e|^' •WestitfinSt<^r,*Md. Western Theological Seminary,; Allegheny, Pa. Western University of Pennsylvania, Allegheny, Pa. Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa. Whitman College, Walla Walla, Wash. Woman's College of Baltimore, Baltimore, Md. Yale University, New Haven, Conn. Yankton College, Yankton, S. D. It is a noble work, destined to become the accept- ed Bible of the majority of the Anglo-Saxon race; and we are tempted to wish that it might be adopted as the one final revised version of the English- speaking world. The present volume, it is believed, will on the one hand bring a plain reader more closely into contact with the exact thought of the sacred writers than any version now current in Christen- dom, and on the other hand prove especially serviceable to students of the Word. — London Quarterly Review. 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