I «T FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Sc£> ; Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/essayforcomposinOOharl Written by the Right Hon. Edward Harley, one of the Auditors of the Im- prest, alderman of the City of London, and brother to the well known Robert, Earl of Oxford, Lord High Treasurer in Queen Anne's reign, whose memory Pope has " eubalmed in never dying verse." A XT N E S S AY For Compofing a HARMONY Between the PSALMS, And other PARTS of the SCRIPTURE; But efpecially The New Teftament. WHEREIN The Supplicatory and Prophetick Part of this Sacred BOOK, are difpofed under proper Heads. Search the Scriptures, for in them ye think ye have eternal Life, and they are they which tefiify of me, John V. 19. LONDON: Printed in the Year MDCCXXIV. ■ \\\ .,cv J^ I THE INTRODUCTION. H E Chriftian Church has in all Ages, with great Reafon, appointed the Pfalms to be conftantly read in its Publick Service : There being no Book in the Holy Scriptures, where- fuch high Raptures of Devotion, tranfmit- Mankind the moft awful and fublime Ideas of the Supreme Being, and the Immenfity of his Goodnefs in the Redemption of the World by the Meffiah. The Learned Dr. Hammond, in his Preface to the Paraphrafe on the Pfalms, fays, " That the Fathers A 2 " of in ting are to Introd uctio N. C( of the Church allure us, that in the firft Ages of u Chriftianity, Pfalmody was the conftant Attendant, u fometimes of their Meals, generally of their Bufi- " nefs, in the Shop and in the Field \ that they learnt " the whole Book by Heart, and their whole Age con- " tinued finging or faying Pfalms. There is nothing certainly doth more prepare the Mind for the higheft Felicities, than the Contempla- tion and Love of the Supreme Being ; for Infinite Goodnefs, Omnipotence and Omnifcience, do dilate, awe, and chear the Spirits, while they are fixed upon them ; the Ideas of which, together with their Effects, as conveyed to the Mind in this facred Book, are the beft Help to Divine Contemplation, as will appear in the few Inftances following : Viz. When the Royal Prophet contemplates the Al- mighty Power of the Creator, it is thus expreiled. Pf viii. i. 0 Lord, how excellent is thy Name in all the Earth ! thou haft Jet thy Glory above the Hea- vens. Pf cit. 25, 26. And thou, Lordy in the Beginning haft, laid the Foundation of the Earth, and the Hea- vens are the JVork of thine Hands ; they Jhall perijh, but thou remaineft. Pf. xc. 2. Before the Mountains were brought forth, or ever thou hadft formed the Earth and the World \ even from everlafting to everlafting, thou art God When he fi ngs of the Mercy of the Lord, and would Introduction. would make known his Faithfulnefs to all Genera- tions, in how lofty a Manner does the Pfalmift ex- prefs it? Pf lxxxix. 2, $, 6. I have [aid, Mercy (hall be built up for ever, and thy Faithfulnefs Jhalt thou efta- blijh in the very Heavens ; and the Heavens Jhall praife thy Wonders, 0 Lord, and thy Faithfulnefs in the Con- gregation of the Saints ; for who is he in the Heavens that can be compared unto the Lord? Who among the Sons of the Mighty can be likened unto the Lord ? With what Thankfulnefs and Joy does he acknow- ledge the Divine Goodnefs ? Pf cm. Blefs the Lord, 0 my Soul, and all that is within me blefs his holy Name ; who forgiveth all thine Iniquities, who healeth all thy Difeafesi who re- deemeth thy Life from Deftruftion. When he contemplates the Condefcenfion of God to Mankind, with what Solemnity doth he reflect upon it? Pf viii. When I confider thy Heavens, the Work of thy Lingers, the Moon and the Stars, which thou haft ordained • what is Man, that thou art mindful of him ? Or the Son of Man, that thou vi file ft him ? When he exprefles the Senfe of his Guilt, and im- plores Pardon, with what Humility doth he proftrate himfelf ? Pf. li. Have Mercy upon me, 0 God, according to thy Loving Kindnefs, according to the Multitude of thy ten- der Introduction. der Mercies, blot out my TranfgreJJions ; wafh me through- ly from mine Iniquity, and cleanfe me from my Sin ; for I acknowledge my Tranfgreffion, and my Sin is ever before me ; behold I was Jhapen in Iniquity \ and in Sin did my Mother conceive me. When he exprefles his Hope in God, with what Confidence is it fix'd ? Pfal. xl vi. God is our Refuge and Strength, a very prefent Help in Trouble ; therefore will we not fear, thol* the Earth be removed, and though the Mountains be car- ried into the midjl of the Sea, for the Lord of Hofts is with us, the God of Jacob is our Refuge. When the Pfalmift implores the Divine Favour, with what Elegancy doth he exprefs the Vehemence of his Defires? Pf. xlii. As the Hart panteth after thelVater-brooks, fo panteth my Soul after thee, 0 God. My Soul thirfteth for God, for the living God. Early will I feek thee, my Soul thirfteth for thee, my Flefhlongeth after thee , to fee thy Power and thy Glory. When he fpeaks of the Kingdom of the Meffiah, how fublime are the Representations of his Grandeur and Magnificence ? Pf cxlv. / will extol thee, 0 God my King, and will blefs thy Name for ever and ever. All thy Works fhall praife thee, 0 Lord, and thy Saints (hall blefs thee; they fhall fpeak of the Glory of thy Kingdom, and talk of Introduction. of thy Power ; to make known to the Sons of Men his mighty j4fls, and the glorious Majejiy of his Kingdom. Thy Kingdom is an everlafting Kingdom, and thy Domi- nion endureth throughout all Generations. If the brighteft Ideas, and fublimeft Exprefllons of the moft celebrated Poets be compared with thefe, they will appear to be flat and mean: Thefe are Thoughts too elevated for any thing lefs than an in- fpired Heart to conceive. As the Pfalms contain Matters of a very different Nature, fome Parts being Prophecies, and others Sup- plications, I have attempted to feparate the one from the other; and I think they may for the moft Part be difpofed under the following Heads. As they give a Reprefentation of the BlefTed- nefs of the Righteous, and the very different State the Ungodly are in, as in the firft, and many other Pfalms. As they are exprefs Prophecies of the Mefjiah, de- fcribing his Pafllon, Death, Refurre6lion and Afcen- fion. The great Oppofition that was to be to his King- dom by the Princes of the Earth, and the cruel Suffe- rings that his Subje6ta fhould undergo for many Ages, but that he fliould rule his Enemies with a Rod of Iron, and dajh them in Pieces like a Potter's J^eJJely as in the fecond Pfalm. The Truth of which is ful- Introduction. Iy verified by the Hiftory of all Ages, and to this VJalm St. Peter exprefsly refers. And the Grandeur, Magnificence and Univerfality of his Kingdom, which was to diftufe the Know- ledge of the only true God throughout the World ; and thereby introduce fuch a State of Righteoufnefs and Peace, as fhould free Mankind from that Op- preflion and Cruelty, under which the World hath fo long groaned, and which are referred to by the Evangelifts and Apoftles, as alfo by Ifaiah, Daniel, and other Prophets, as in Vfalms xlv, lxviii, lxxii, lxxxix, xcn, xcm, xcvi, xcvn, xcix, and ex. As they have an exprefs Reference to the State of the Jews, under their feveral Captivities, and their laft great Difperfion, under which they have lain now above Sixteen Hundred Years, and from which they are to be reftored, as is foretold by Mofes, and other Prophets, and to which feveral of the PJalms allude. As they are Hymns of Praife, wherein the Majefty, Glory, Power and Mercy of the Deity are celebra- ted, wherein devout Minds may have a Foretafte of Celeftial Joys. But the greateft Part of the VJalms are Supplica- tions, and contain a Syftem of the moft exalted De- votion, that ever Mankind was WefTed with, calcu- lated for the various Diftreffes, Afflictions and Temp- tations, with which renewed Souls are to confliifc. Our Introduction. Our Saviour commands the Jews, that they fhould fearch the Scriptures, for in them (fays he) you think you have eternal Life ; for they are they which tefiify of me: And therefore we find, that both our Saviour and the Apoftles, in very many Inllances, ufe the very Expreflions in the Tfalms, and in many Places refer to them. So that the Holy Scripture muft be the beft Com- ment upon it felf, as the Comparifon of one Place with another doth moft fully illuftrate it. I have therefore, according to the beft of my mean Capacity, attempted to fix the Harmony between the Vfalms, and other Parts of the Holy Scriptures, but efpecially between them and the New Teftament. Thefe Prayers are compofed out of the Words of the Vfalms, and are difpofed in one Column, with References to the other; and the fame Method is fol- low'd as to other Parts of the Vfalms. As no humane Underftanding can compofe fuch Expreflions, as we find in the Pfalms, to prefent our humble Addrefles to the Almighty, fo nothing can be a higher Encouragement to our Confidence and Hope, than to have at the fame time in View the Pro- mifes of the Gofpel, which are adapted to all the Di- ftrefles and Affli6tions both of Soul and Body. But how exalted foever the Expreflions may be which we make ufe of in our Addreffes to Heaven, there is ftill fomething more required to make them ' a fuccefsful : Introduction. fuccefsful; and therefore all Prayer that isfincere, or can be made effectual, muft fpring from the Con- fcioufnefs of our Guilt and Mifery, and a due Senfe of our own Inability to confer upon our feives, the Things that are neceffary for our Welfare in this World, and our Felicity in the next ; and muft be aflifted with the Influence of the Holy Spirit, which maketh Interceffion for the Saints; according to the Will of God. For he that worfhips not in Spirit and in Truth, is no true Worlhipper : And he that is not confcious of his Offences againft the Almighty, can never, with any Fervour or Devotion, implore the Mercy of God. The Immenfity of the Divine Goodnefs has very little or no Influence upon the Mind, till it feels its Guilt, and fees its Danger : Stupidity and Hardnefs of Heart is the fatal Difeafe, that has fiezed upon all Man- kind ; and 'till this is removed, the Redemption pur- chafed by the facred Blood of J ejus ^ is very little valued ; and neither the Juftice nor Mercy of the Almighty can make any great Impreflion upon the Mind. In Order therefore that every pious Soul may may make the true Ufe of this facred Book, let it be confider'd ; That as all the Works of Nature, all the Magnificence of the Creation are difplay'd in it, to raife the hi^heft Ideas of the Supreme Being; fo all the Weakncfs of human Nature are like wife fully re- 3 prefented Introduction. prefented, and mod paflionately bewailed ; that the Divine Mercy, in the Redemption of the World by the MeJJiah, may be magnified above all the Glories of the Creation, the Heighth, the Depth, the. Breadth and Length of which furpafTes all Knowledge. The Contemplation whereof fo affected the great Genius of the Lord Bacon, that in his Confeflion of Faith, he hath this wond'rous Expreflion. " I believe that God is fo holy, pure and jealous, 1 as it is impoflible for him to be pleafed in any Crea- c ture, though the Work of his own Hands : So that ■ neither Angel, Man, nor World, could ftand, or ' or can ftand one Moment in his Eyes, without be- ' holding the fame, in the Face of a Mediator: And ' therefore, that before him, with whom all things 1 are prefent, the Lamb of God was flain before all • Worlds. Which is the great Myftery. and per- ' fe£t Centre of all God's Ways with his Creatures, 1 and unto which, all his other Works and Won- ■ ders do but ferve and refer. It is a fad Truth, that the Generality of thofe that call themfelvesChriftians, are very little affe6ted either with the Promifes or Terrors that are revealed from Heaven , and in very different Ways endeavour to fi- lence and ftupify their Confciences. Some fatisfy themfelves only with their Attendance on the Prayers of the Church, afTuming a Form of Godlinefs, with- out that Power which fhould influence their Thoughts a 2 and Introductio N. and A&ions: Others fecure themfelves againft all Self-refle£Hon, by the Bufinefs, Cares or Pleafures of this Life, and very many by plunging themfelves into the moft enormous Vices. There is too much Reafon to think that this is the reigning Impiety of the prefent Age, which has brought Men to throw off all Regard to the very Re- ligion they pretend to profefs, and which has funk the Practice of all moral Virtues into the low Ebb wherein it now is. How weak all thefe Attempts are to ftifle Con- fcience, there needs no other Proof than the Death of many profelled Infidels ; who finding the Refle- xions of their guilty Minds too ftrong for all their Vice and Infidelity, are at laft forced into the dernier Refort of becoming their own Executioners ; fome in a filent Way by Opium and Poifon, others by more violent Ways-. And were there an exa6t Account taken of thefe Executioners, there is Reafon to think, that there have been more Self-murders within thefe laft thirty Years (fince Infidelity is become fo fafhion- able) than were in many Ages before. While Men continue in their Infidelity, it is not to be thought that any Book of Devotion can be en- tertained with the leaft Regard: But whenever it lhall pleafe Divine Mercy to awaken any of them from this fatal Phrenzy, they may find fuch Reprefentations in the Book of Pfalms and the Gofpel, of the Divine Mercy, Introductio N. Mercy, as may give them Hope of Pardon. Of this, there is a fan>pus Tnftance in the Cafe of the Earl of RochefieTj whofe Wit and Parts were much fuperiour to any of the modern Infidels, and whofe Repentance was as remarkable as his Vice and Pro- phanenefs had been before. Befides thefe, there are another Sort of Men, who have entertained fuch elated Opinions of the Self- fufliciency of their own Reafon, and think themfelves fo rich in the Plenitude of their own Underftanding, that they need no fuperior Influence, and therefore entertain Notions of a Devotion moft agreeable to their fanfied Self-fufliciency. It's to be own'd, that from the Labours of thefe Men, have fprung many elegant Trails of Mora- lity. But alas! thefe are like Trometheus's Attempt to form a human Body, which after he had fafhioned with great Skill, he found all his Labour in vain, fince he ftill wanted a Flame from Heaven to ani- mate it. It is much to be lamented, that Men under Pre- tence of decrying Enthuliafm, have in a Manner funk all the Dependence upon the Influences of the Divine Spirit, and have hereby fapped Chriftianity of its vital Powers, and reduced it below the Platonick Phi- lofophy. The Lord Chief Juftice Hale, who was the moft excellent Man that ever the Profeflion of the Law was honoured Introd uction. honoured with, bewailed this fometime before his Death, and foretold the fad Confequences it has pro- duced. There may be one farther Reafon added for a Comparifon betwixt the Vjalms and the Epiftles of St. Paul, that the Difpenfations towards the Royal Prophet and the Apoftle, are very much alike : They both were appointed to their high Offices by God himfelf ; the one by an immediate Command, the o- ther by a miraculous Vifion from Heaven. The Royal Prophet exprefTes the Raptures of Joy and Delight that his Soul often felt in the Contemplation of the Divine Glory and Goodnefs : The great Apoftle in an Ecftafy, being wrapped up to the third Heavens, heard Words, and felt Joys that were ineffable. And as there is a Parallel between them in their Enjoyments of thefe fublime Delights, fo is there alfo in their Complaints and Afflictions. The Royal Pfalmift cries out, that his Strength failed him becaufe of 'his Iniquity, that the Enemies of his Soul were too flrong for him, that his Soul was caji down within him, and become deflate. The Apoftle complains of the Remainders of Sin, whereby when he would do Good, Evil was prefent\ and therefore breaks out into this Exclamation, Oh! wretched Man that I am! who Jhall deliver me from the Body of this Death ? He feels the Bufferings of Satan, and earneftly prays to be delivered from them ; complains that he was often caji down, though not Introduction. not forfaken. Both thefe infpired Perfons agree in their Reprefentations, that Many are the Afflictions of the Righteous, but the Lord deliver eth them out of all. That the fevereft and moft hazardous of thefe, are thofe that are internal, arifing from the Conflicts with Sin, the Allurements of this World, and the Powers of Darknefs. How Believers are to be fupported under thefe Tryals, is fully expreffed in the Book of Vfalms, and the many rich and precious Promifes that are contained in the Gofpel, which are both the Anchor and Rock of immortal Souls, in their Paffage through this tempeftuous World, to the Regions of Celeftial Peace and Joy. Every thing that is called Great in this World, is furrounded with many Difficulties. To what Dan- gers and Pains have Men expofed themfelves in all Ages, in the Acquifition of Power and Riches? And can we think that the Crown Immortal is to be ob- tained without contending with fome Difficulties ? As throughout the whole Scripture, the Happinefs of Eternal Life, which is promifed and prepared for the Godly, is fully reprefentcd ; fo alfo are the Ter- rors and inexpreflible Torments of the Wicked plainly defcribed. And therefore the Apoftle exhorts all to lay a fide every Weight, and the Sin that doth mojl eajily befet us ; to run with Vatience the Race that is fet before us, to fight the good Fight of Faith, to lay hold Intro. ductio N. hold on eternal Life For though we are to contend with many Difficulties, yet are we allured of an Al- mighty Afliftance, and thofe ftrong Confolations that are promifed to thofe that fly for Refuge to the Hope fet before them, and the Promifes in the Gofpel. I am fenfible there may be many Imperfe&ions in this EfTay ; and that the fixing the Analogy between the Pfalms and other Parts of the Scripture may not be thought exa6l, according to the ftrict Rules of Criti- cifm, nor is it intended fo to be ; but as the Scrip- ture is, in all Cafes, the bell Comment on it felf, and the prefent Age hath received fo great Benefit from the Labour of the Lord Bilhop of Chefiery in his Chriftian Infiitutes, taken from the very Words of Scripture, it is to be hoped that fome Perfon of greater Capacity and Leifure, may be hereby induced to im- prove what is here only attempted. THE THE CONTENTS. mmmmmmmt®mm®mm!m®mm®mmimmmm&&m®®®® Prayers compofed out of the Psalms. MOrning Prayer Page i An Evening Prayer 4 A Prayer for the Pardon of Sin, and for Sanctifying Grace 6 A Prayer in the Time of any Internal or external Affliction 8 A ConfeJJion of Sin, and Prayer for Mercy 1 1 A Prayer for the Light of God's Countenance iy A ConfeJJion of Sin, and Supplication for M-ercy 1 9 A Prayer for the Profperity of the Church , with a ConfeJJion of God's Goodnefs to it 21 A Prayer in the Time of great Affliction and Temptation 2 6 A Prayer in the Time of old Age, or Sicknefs 29 A Prayer in the Time of Trouble and Affliction, with earnefi Supplication to be refiored to the Divine Favour 3 3 A Prayer for Mercy, and Protection, in the Time of any public k or pri- vate Calamity 36 A Prayer in Extremity of Trouble , or bodily Infirmity, with a Profef- fion of Confidence in the Mercy of God 3 9 A Prayer for the Knowledge of God's Law , and for Grace to prac- tife it 43 A ProfeJJion of Love for God's Law , and of Confidence in its Pro- mijes 49 b A Prater The CONTENTS. A Prayer for Deliverance from Trouble , and for quickening Grace to keep God's Law j2 A Prayer for the Pardon of Sin, and for fanBifying Grace J4 An Evening Prayer for a due and awful Senfe of God's Omnipre fence 56 A Morning Prayer for the Blejflng of God, and the Protections of Di- vine Providence 59 The different State of the Righteous and the Ungodly, as alfo the Vanity and the Uncertainty of Human Life, as they are reprefented in the Pfalms, compared with other Parts of the Scripture. The Blejffednefs of the Righteous 67 A Reprefentat'ion of the Mifery of the Ungodly 7 j The Vanity and Uncertainty of humane Life 8 z Prophecies relating to the Birth, Pajfion, Death, RefurreBion and Af- cenfion of the Meffiah 01 Prophecies of the great Oppofition that was to be to the Mefliah and his Kingdom 9 6 A Defcription of the Apoflafy of the Church , and the Rife and Progrefs of Antichrift 99 A Defcription of the Glory, Magnificence, and Univerfality of the Mef- fiah'.? Kingdom 104 Concerning the Reflitution of the Jews 113 A Reprefentat'ion of the final Judgment 117 Psalms The CONTENTS. m H Psalms 0/" Praise. TMN I. 123 HYMN 11 iiy HYMN III 116 HYMN IV. 128 HTM NY. 129 HYMN VI. /«*/ HYMN MM. 131 //rA/A^VIII. 132 H TMN IX.' 133 HYMN X. 134 H TMN XI. 13 j HYMN XU. 137 #rMNXIII 139 HYMN XIV. 140 HTMN XV. 142 HYMN XVI. 143 HYMN XVII. 145 HYMN XVIII. 146 HYMN XIX. 147 HYMN XX. 148 HYMN XXI. 149 HYMN XXII. 130 HYMN XXIII. ici HYMN XXIV. ij3 HYMN XXV. ij4 Divine The CONTENTS. cfe'^C^o^Lj^^cjb'Jb^C'fe C&d&(fot%>'^C!&(AJ> 0'bc^Cfec^Cfedb! not Pf. XVI. PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. 3 not unto thee, but to the Saints, in whom is all my Delight, (ti) Thou (/;) Mat.vx. 21. For where your Trca- , ~ c • t~1^.-; fure is» th"c will your Hearts be alio, art the Portion 0! mine lnneii- J tance, therefore will 1 blefs thee, OLord, who haft given me Coun- Tel: My Reins alio inftrud me in . _ . c r /\ r t 1 (*) Heb. xi. 17. For he endured, as Tee- the Night Seafon; (/) for I have ing him who is invifible. x Cor. v. 7. For fet thee, O Lord, always before we walk by Faith, aud not by Sight. me, and I (hall not be moved. ^ jofm xvii I3 That thcy might Therefore (k) my Heart is glad, have my Joy fulfilled in themfelv-cs. _, W . . i Z. Z (I) Heb. in. 4. Hold fad the Confi- and my Glory rejoiceth, my Hein dence and the rej0icing of the Hope alfo {hall (7J reft in Hope: (m) For firm unto the End. . 1 c 1 • (w) Hebu- i4» 15"- Forafmuch then as thou wilt not leave my boul in tjje children are Partakers of Flefh znd Hell, but wilt (hew me the Path Blood> he alfo himfelf likewife cook . r . of the fame; that through L. a th ight .of Life ,• for in thy Preience isFul- deflroyhim that had the Power or Death, nefs of Toy, and at thy right Hand fhat is, the Devil; and deliver them who ' . r r through Fear of Death, were all their are (n) Plealures for evermore. Life-time fubjecT: to Bondage. Therefore will I praife Thee, O (*) Ifa.xn.z^- God is my Salvation, 1 I will truft and not be afraid, for the Lord Lord, for thy (0) Righteoufnefs : JEHOVAH is my Strength and my I will fine Praifes unto thy Name, £>ng, he alfo is become my Salvation. • n , * ' Therefore with Joy mall he draw Waters O thou Molt: High. put of the Wells of Salvation. x Cor. 11. 9. Eye hath not feen, nor Ear heard, neither have enter'd into the Heart of Man, the Things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Rev. xxi. 6. I am Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End: I will give unto him that is athirft, of the Fountain of the Water of Life freely. Rev. xxii. 17. And the Spirit and the Bride fay, Come. And let him that hear- eth fay, Come : And let him that is athirfl come : And whofoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely. (0) Gal. 11. xi. I do not fruflrate the Grace of God: For if Righteoufnefs come by the Law, then Chrift is dead in vain. B 2 J; n 4 PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. An Evening Prayer. Pf. IV. EAR me, O God of my (p) Righteoufnefs, have Mercy upon me, and hear my Prayer. Enlarge (q) me from my DiftrefTes, for thou, O Lord, art a Shield for me, my Glo- Ff. in. ry, and the Lifter up of my Head -y therefore I will not be afraid, tho' Ten Thoufand mould rife up a- £f. iv. gainft me: I will lay me down and fleep, for thou, O Lord, wilt 2XII1. fuftain me. For thou, O Lord, art (r) my Shepherd, therefore I (hall not want. Pf. xxin. O Lord, reftore my Soul, and lead me in the Paths of Righte- oufnefs, for thy Name's fake; for tho5 I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death, yet will I fear no Evil", for thou art -with me, thy Rod and thy Staff comfort me. Thou prepared a Table be- fore me in the Pretence of my Enemies; furely Goodnefsand Mer- cy mall follow me ail the Days of (/) Rom. in. ii, %%. The Righteoufnefs of God is manifefted, being witne'fTed by the Law and the Prophets, even the Righ- teoufnefs of God, which is by Faith ofje- fus Cbrifl, unto all them that believe. Jer. xxin. 6. This is the Name whereby he lhall be called, THE LORT> OVR RIGHTEOVSNESS. (q) I/a. lxi. i and Luke iv. 18. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me becaufe he hath anointed me to preach the Gofpel to the Poor; he hath lent me to heal the broken hearted, to preach Deliverance to the Captives, and recovering of Sight to the Blind; to fet at Liberty them that are bruifed. (r) Job. x. 27, z8, 29. My Sheep hear my Voice, and I know them, and they follow me, and I give unto them eternal Life, and they lhall never periih, neither fhall any pluck them out of my Hand. My Father which gave them me is greater than all, and none is able to pluck them out of my Father's Hand. Ifal. xl. 11. He lhall feed his Flock like a Shepherd; he fhall gather the Lambs with his Arm, and carry them in his Bo- fom, and gently lead thofc that arc with young. Job x. 14. I am the good Shepherd, and give my Life for the Sheep. my PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. 5 my Life, that I may dwell in thy (s) Houfe, O Lord, for ever. O) J*B:*vr.%. In my Father's Houfc ._ , r ^ are many Manfions; if it were not fo, I Ante, O Lord, lave me, 'm and make our Abode with him. 7 r (t) Act. iv. 1 1. Neither is there Sal va- cr'iflce(«) of Righteoufnefs, and will tion in any other. t* a : *.u~~ a T ™A. Att. v. 31. Him hath God exalted put my Truft in thee, O Lord. wkh hjs rjght Hand? to be a Prjnce and Pf. iv. For when others fay (x) Who will a Saviour, for to give Repentance unto 1 r* \^ r\ t J i'C Ifrael, and Forsivenefs of Sins. {hew us any Oood? O Lord, lift (//) Heb x * ^ ^ ^ ^ ^.^ thou up the Light of thy Coun- and Offering thou wouldeft not, but a Bo- r 1 • 11 dy haft thou prepared me: In burnt Of- tenance upon me j for this will put feringS and Sacrifices for Sin, thou haft had more Gladnefs into my Heart than no Pieafurc : Then faid I, Lo I come, to , - t T r r r> • u t Ml do thy Will, O God. Above, when he all the Increafe of Riches: 1 will faid, Sacrifice and Offering, and burnt Of- therefore lay me down (}<) in Peace ferings, and Offering for Sin thou wouldeft r i_ T j j not, neither haft Pleafure therein, (which and ileep, for thou, Lord, only, arc ofFered by theLaW:) Then faid he, makeft me to dwell in Safety. Lo, I come to do thy Will, O God : He taketh away the Firft, that he may efta- Bliih the Second ; By the which WTill we are fan&ified through the Offering of the Body of Jefus once for all. (x) Matt. vi. 2,1. For where your Treafurc is, there will your Heart be alfo. 33. Seek ye firft the Kingdom of God, and his Righteoufnefs, and all thefe Things - mall be added unto you. (jv) Ifa*- x*YI- 3- Thou wilt keep him in perfeft Peace, whofe Mind is ftaid on thee, becaufe he trufteth.in thee, 4 Prayer 6 PR AY E R S compofed out of the Psalm s. *© A Prayer for the Pardon of Sin, and for Sancti- fying Grace. HHi LORD, rebuke me not in thine Anger, neither {a) chaften me in thy hot Difpleafure: Have.Mercy upon me, O Lord, for I am weak, and my Soul is alfo fore vexed -y but thou , O Lord, how long? Return, O Lord, deliver my Soul $ O fave me for thy Mercies fake; for in Death (£) there is no Remembrance of thee, or in the Grave who mall give thee Thanks? I am weary of my Groaning, all the Night make I my lied to fwim : (c) But thou, OLord, wilt hear the Voice of my Weep- ing, thou wilt hear my Supplica tions , and receive my Prayer. pf. xxv. Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my Soul ; O my God, I truft in thee, let me not be afhamed, let not mine Enemies triumph over me: Shew me thy Ways, O Lord, lead me in (a) Heb. xii. 6. For whom the Lord loveth he chafteneth, and icourgeth eve- ry Son whom he receiveth. Rev. in. 19. As many as I love I re- buke and chaften; be zealous therefore and repent. (b) 1 Cor. 1. 9. But we had the Sen- tence of Death in our felves, that we fhould not truft in our felves, but in God which raifeth the Dead. (c) Heb. iv. 14, 15-, 16. Seeing then that we have a great High Prieft, that is patted into the Heavens, Jefus the Son of God, let us hold faft our Profeflion ; for we have not an High Prieft which cannot be touched with the feeling of our Infirmities, but was in all Points tempt- ed like as we are, yet without Sin. Let us therefore come boldly unto the Throne of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy, and find Grace to help in time of Need. thy PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. 7 thy Truth and teach me, for thou art the God of my Salvation. ,,s lr. . ,, tl^i^mvoIm,,,^ 1 (a) ljat. xl. 31. 1 ncy tint wait upon [d) On thee do I wait all the the Lord (hall renew their Strength, they T-. 1 a c t \\ \ ihall mount up with Wines as Eaelcs, Day long, therefore I will love they flu|1 rJand not bes weary, banj thee, (e) O Lord, my Strength, they Ihall walk and not faint. rr-i n 1 r * r (*) Heb. vi. 17, 18, 19,20. Wherein Thou art my Rock, my Fortefs Go^ wiUing mo7re abundantly t0 flicw and my Deliverer, my God, my unto the Heirs of Promife the Immuta- / r\ a l. 1 / \ t n bility of his Counfel, confirmed it by an if) Strength, in whom (g) I will QJ. that by two immutabIc Thfngs> truft. I will call upon thee, O in which it was impofTible for God to ._ , . j^.n r , lie, we might have a (Irons; Confolatioi^ Lord, in my Diftrefs, even when who have&fTed for Remge* to lay hold the Sorrows of Death and Hell upon the Hope fet before us; which r v r \ -1 Hope we have as an Anchor of the Soul compals me about, for thou wilt both fure and ftedfaftj and which enter. hear the Voice of my Cry. Ex- eth inro that within the Veil, whithet . . the Forerunner is for us entered, even tend to me thy tender Mercies, J^j- made an High Prieft for ever. and thy loving Kindnefs. (/) &**• XLI- IO- Be not difmayed, for , . fX I am rhy God: I will ftrengthen thee, O remember not the (b) Sins of yea, I will uphold thee with the right my Youth, nor my Tranfgreflions : H^d ?£ my Righteoufnefs. ; . J & ' (g)Heb. xi. 6. He that cometh to God, according to thy Mercy look upon mutt believe that he is, and that he is a Re- me, for thy Goodnefs fake, O Lord : warder of them that diligently feek him. ' ' [h) Heb. viii. n. For I will he merciful for thou wilt teach Sinners in the to their Unrighteoufnefs, and their Sins, Way, and the (!) Meek wilt thou and th£' Ini iave your Souls. Lord, wilt extend thy Mercy and Matth. v. 5. BlelTed are the Meek, for Truth to them that keep thy Co- ^h^flftf the Erarch- r 7 ^^ Matt. xi. 28, 29. Come unto me, all venant and thy Teftimonies. ye that labour and are heavy laden, and For thy Name's fake, O Lord, \ wiU giIc yo? ?4 Lea™ of me' for ■ j , ^'«) am meek ancj jowjy in Heart, and ye pardon mine (k) Iniquities, for they ftall find Reft for your Souls. , . (k) 1 John 1. 8, 9. If we fay rhat we have no Sin, we deceive our felves, and the Truth is not in us. If we confefs our Sins, he is faithful and jufl to forgive us our Sins, and to cleanfe us from all Unrighteoufnefs! are 8 PR AY ERS compofed out of the Psalm s. are great. The Troubles of mine Heart are enlarged, (/) O bring thou me out of my DiftrefTes, look upon my Affliction and forgive all my Sin. Mine (m) Eyes are ever towards thee; O Lord, turn thou unto me and have Mercy upon me. Pf. xxvi. O keep my Soul and deliver me, let me not be (n) amamed; for I put my Truft in thee, O Lord, and will (o) publifh with the Voice of Thankfgiving thy lov- ing Kindnefs which is ever before me, I will declare all thy wondrous Works. (/) John xvi. 33. In the World ye fhall have Tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the World. (m) Heb. xn. x, 3, 4. Looking unto Jeftts, the Author and Finifher of our Faith ; who for the Joy that was fet be- fore him, endured the Crofs, defpifing the Shame, and is fet down at the right Hand of the Throne of God. For confider him that endured fuch Contradiction of Sinners againfl himfelf, left ye be weari- ed and faint in your Minds. in) Rom. ix. 33. And whofoever be- lieveth on him fhall not be afharned. (0) Mark v. 19. Jefus faith unto him, Go home to thy Friends, and tell them how great Things the Lord hath done for thee, and hath had Companion on thee. A Fr dyer in the Time of any internal or external Affli&ion- Pf kxvif. vcr. 1 . vcr. z. J||NTO thee will I (p) cry, O Lord, my Rock ; O be not filcnt to me, hear the Voice of my Supplications, when I lift up my Hands unto thy holy Ora- Pf. xxvii. cje, 1 lear, O Lord, when I cry with vcr. 7. (/>) Luke xi. 10, 13. For every one that asketh receiveth, and he that ieekcth findeth, and to him that knocketh it fhall be opened. If Fathers know how to give good Gifts unto their Children, how much more fhall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him ? my PRAYERS COmpofcd out of the Psalms. 51 ver. 11. my Voice • have Mercy upon me ver. p. 7. and anfvver me: (q) Hide not thy Face from me, for when thou faidft, Seek ye my Face, my Heart faid, Thy Face, O Lord, will I feek. Put not thy Servant away in An- ger, for thou art my Help: (r) Leave me not, nor forfake me, O ver. 10. God of my Salvation. When my Father and my Mother forfake me, then,OLord,takemeup. (*) Teach ( 5 ) me thy Way , O Lord , and lead me in a plain Path, becaufe of mine Enemies. (/) Deliver me not over unto the Will of mine Ad- verfaries j for thou art my Light and my Salvation, («) whom there- fore (hall I fear? the Lord is the Strength of my Life, of whom mail ver. 3. I be afraid? For though an Hoft mould encamp againft me, my Heart (hall not fear, ver. 4. O Lord, this one Thing I de- foe, (#) that I may dwell in thy Houfe all the Days of my Life, to behold (y) the Glory of the Lord, and to adore thee in thy (z) Tem- pi*, xxx. ple. for thou haft redeemed my ver. 3. (q) Heb. x. 19. Having therefore BoM- nefs ro enter into the Holicft by the Blood of Jejlis, by a new and living Way which he hath conlccrated for us through the Veil, that is to fay, his Fleih, let us draw near, with a true Heart, in full AfTurance of Faith, having our Hearts fprinkled from an evil Conlcicnce. For he that comcth to God mult be- lieve that he is, and that he is a reward- er of them that diligently feek him. (r) Heb. xm. 5". For he hath faid, I will never leave thee nor forfake thee. ver. 12. Pf. XXVII. ver. 1. (s ) John xiv. 6. I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life; no Man cometh un- to the Father but by me. (t) 1 Cor.x. 13, 14. But God is faith- ful who will not liifFer you to be tempted above what you are able, but will with the Temptation alfo make a Way to cfcape, that ye may be able to bear ir. (a) Matt. x. 28. Fear not them which kill the Body, but are not able to kill the Soul ; but rather fear him which is able to deftroy both Soul and Body in Hell. Rev. xxi. 7, 8. He that overcometh iliall inherit all things: But the fearful and unbelieving iliall have their part in the Lake which burnetii with Fire and Brimftone. (x) Rev. in. 12. Him that overcometh will I make a Pillar in the Temple of my God. (jv) Rev. xxu. 3, 4. And his Servants Iliall Icrve him, and they Iliall fee his Face. (z) 1 Cor. in. 16. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? (*) This is the ftme Petition which Mofcs put up, Exod. xxxiri. 13. faying, Shew me thy Way, that is, thy Pre- fence or Glory, ver. 14, 18, 10. which will lead us to Canaan; the fame with the Son of God, who calls himfelf the Way, John xiv. 6. John xviii. 6. C Soul, Repentance. ver. 10. ver. f . ver. 7. (b) 1. Cor. iv. 17. For our light Af- fliction, which is but for a Moment, work- eth for us a far more exceeding and eter- 10 PRAYERS compofed out of the V sal ms. Soul, and (a) haft kept me that I M x Tet in. 9. The Lord is not flack n ,1 fc 1 . tt 11 -c concerning his Promife, but is long fuf- ver. p. fhould not go down to Hell: For fering to usward, not willing that any what Profit is there in my Blood, mouId Perim> but that all fhould come to when I go down into the Pit? Can the Duft praife Thee, Ihall it declare thy Truth? Hear, O Lord, and have Mercy upon me; *L™' L°rd> be thou my Helper,, for thy Anger endureth but a (b) Moment. In thy Favour is Life: Lord, by thy Favour thou haft made my nal Weight of Glory. Mountain to ftand ftrong, but when thou hideft thy Face, I am ver. 8. troubled. Thou haft turned for me my Mourning into Dancing; thou haft put off my Sackcloth and girded me with Gladnefs: Therefore will I cry unto Thee, O Lord, and fing and give Thanks at the (-\.) Remembrance of thy (c) Holinefs. J$ **?• L *f> l6: Bui aLs he wWcb v J nath called you is holy, So be ye holy in all manner of Conversion , becauie it is written, Be ye holy for I am holy. ver. 4. (;) The Margin reads /• tm Memorial; as ifa. xxvi 8. The Befire of our Soul is to thy Name, and to the the Remem- brance, or Memorial, of thee. For Jehovah or Lord is the Name and Memorial of God, Exod in. ic. Pfalm or i 3. Hof. xii. 6. And the.Righteous are faid to give Thanks to his Holy Name, Pfalm cvi. 47. That is to God as cunifcltcd and known in the Name ^eh&wA, A Confejfion P R AYERS compofed out of the Psalms, ii Pf. XXXI. ver. i. A Confejfion of Sin, and Prayer for Mercy. LORD, in thee do I put (d) my Truft, let me ne- ver be alhamed, deliver {d) Hcb. nr. 14. For we are made Par- takers of Chrift, if we hold the Beginning of our Confidence deadfall unto the End. (e) Tit. in. 5-. Not by Works of Righ- teoufnefs, which we have done, but by his Mercy he laved us. if) John xiv. 13. If ye fliall ask any thing in my Name, I will do it, that the ver. p. ver. 2. me in (e) thy Righteoufnefs : Bow (/) down thine Ear to me, and de- ver. 3. liver me fpeedily, for thou art my Fattier may be glorified in the Son. Rock and my Fortrefs ,• therefore W John™ 13. If ye abide in me, and 1 my words abide in you, ye mail ask what for thy (g) Name's fake lead me, y0U will, and it fliall be done unto you. and puide me W Luke xxm. 46. And when Jefus had P * cried with a loud Voice, he faid, Father, ver. f. Into thy Hands (Jo) I commit my into thy Hands I commend my Spirit. Spirit, for thou haft (i) redeemed ^ VIL *?■ And 1 they boned Stephen r ' * ' calling upon God, and laying, Lord jejus me, O Lord, God of Truth. Have receive my Spirit. \jr ~ ,..,~« ~,„ r\ t ~,.J r~- t „«-. (i) ^o7s v. 31. And him hath God ex- Mercy upon me, O Lord, tor 1 am . W . , ,. ? . . y , ,. , J r J > alted with his own right Hand, to be a in Trouble,- mine Eye is conlumed Prince and a Saviour to give Repentance . 1 ^ • r c i ^ j t>Qi and RemilTion of Sins. with Grief, yea my Soul and my Bel- {k) Rom m i8 For J know ^ fa ly: For my Life is fpent with Grief, me (that is, in my Flelh) dwelleth no i \r vv c- u- n\ good thins: For to will is prelent with and my Years with Sighing ; (k) my ^ bat fow w perform ^ whjch & Strength faileth me becaufe of mine good I find not. n\ t • ■ ~ j / \ d (/) i&M». vii. 24, 25". O wretched Man (l) Iniquities j and my (») Bones ^ ^ am> who ^ >diver me from the are confumed. I will acknowledge Body of this Death? (m) Rom viii. 3 3 . I thank God, thro' Chrift Jefus our Lord, for there is no Condemnation to them that are in Chrift Jefus. 1 Job. 1. 8. If we fay that we have no Sin, we deceive our felves, and the Truth is not in us. C i my ver. 10. 12 PRAYERS compofed out of the Ps alms. my Sin unto thee, and mine Ini- quities will I not hide: I will con- fefs my Tranfgreflions unto thee, O Lord, for thou wilt forgive the / \ t • c c- {n)iJohn ii. i. If any Man fin, we have (n) Iniquity of my Sins. an Advocate with the Father, Jefus ClJfi Make thy (o) Face to ihine upon the Righteous, and he is the Propitiation i r r 1 ti k f°r our Sins, thy Servant ,• fave me for thy Mer- {o) % Cor m l8 But we aII wjth op£n ver. 17. cies fa^e : Let me not be afhamed, Face, beholding as in a Glafs, the Glory ~ T 1 r t 1 11 i of the Lord, are changed into the fame O Lord, for I have called upon image, from Glory to Glory, even as by thee. Thou art my (>) hiding Place, the Spirit of the Lord. . n . ~ '"■ c rr (/) u?/. in. 3 . For we are dead, and our thou (halt preferve me rrom 1 rou- Life is hid with Chrifi in God. ble, thou (halt compafs me with Pf. XXXI. ver. 16. Pf. xxxir ver. 7. Pf. XXXI. ver. 1 p. ver. zo. Songs of Deliverance. For O how great is thy Goodnels, which (q) thou haft laid up for them that fear thee! Which thou haft wrought for them that trail: in thee, before the Sons of Men ! (; ) Thou wilt (f ) (q) Ifa. lxiv. 4. and 1 Cor. 11. o. Eye hath notfeen, nor Ear heard, neither hath it entered into the Heart of Man to con- ceive what God has prepared for them that wait for him. (r) 1 *Pet. in. 12, 13. The Eyes of the Pf. IX. ver. 2 . Pf. XXXII ver. 6. hide them in the Secret of thy Pre- Lord are over the Righteous, and his Ears r r t -rk • i r > *■ 1 are open unto their Prayers ; but the Face fence from the Pride of Man 5 thou of th^ Lord is againft tJhem that do eviJ. malt keep them fecretly in a Pavi- And who is he, that will harm you, if 1. r , / \ n -r r-c* Ve be Followers of that which is good? lion from the (s) Strife of Tongues. (s) Jam m 6 The Tongue is | Fire> When I faid in mine Haftc, I am (/) a Wor^ of Iniquity, it defileth the whole r. . r. . ;.. _ . Body, and fetteth on Fire the Courle of cut off from before thine Eyes, thou Nature, and it is fet on Fire of Hell. heardeft the Voice of my Supplicati- M * Cor. iv. 8, 9 We are troubled on , . . . , \ r every Side, yet not diftrcned ; we are per- on,wnen I cried unto thee; therefore piexcd, but not in defpair; perfected, will I rejoice in thee, O Lord, and hnut not forfaken- caft down, but not de- r n itroyed. ling Prailes unto the Moir High. ' ; This was fulfilled in the Pofrerity of David; for when AtlyiUah had cut off all the Scod Royn-1, ns flie thought, amily w:rs preferred in thePcrfon Of JoaJk\ who was hid fix Years in the Houfe of God, z Kings 11. \,\y 3. By PRAYERS cotnpofed out of the Psalms. 13 ver. 8. vcr. 20. ver. 2.1 By thy (u) Word were all the Heavens made, and all the Hoft of them by the Breath of thy Mouth : Therefore let all the Earth fear thee, O Lord, let all the Inhabitants of vcr. 18. the World ftandin awe of thee- for thine Eye is upon them that fear ver. ip. thee, and hope in thy Mercy , to deliver their Souls from Death. My Soul , wait (x) thou on the Lord, for he is my Help and my Shield. My Heart mall rejoice (y) in him, and in his holy Name will I ver. 22. truft : O Lord, let thy Mercy be up- on me, according as I hope (z) in thee : For thy Mercy, O Lord, is in the Heavens, (a) and thy Faithful- nefs reacheth unto the (f) Clouds. Thy Righteoufnefsis like the great Mountains, thy Judgments are a great Deep : Thou (b) preferveft Pf. xxxiv. Man anc[ Bead j (c) thou, OLord, re- ver. 22. deemed the Souls of thy Servants, and none that truft in thee (hall be ver. p. defolate. Therefore will I fear thee, O Lord, for there is no Want to ver. 10. them that fear thee :The Lions fhall Pf. XXXVI ver. f. ver. 6. {u)Joh?i 1. i. Jn the Beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God; all things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. Heb. 1. 10. For thou, Lord, in the Be- ginning hall laid the Foundations of the Earth, and the Heavens are the Work of thine Hand. Col. 1.15,16,117. Who is the Image of the invifiblc God, the Fird-born of every Creature that are in Heaven and that arc in Earth, vifible and invifiblc, whether they be Thrones or Dominions, or Prin- cipalities or Powers: All things were cre- ated by him and for him, and he is before all things, and by him all things confifl. (x) Ifa. xl. 31. They that wait upon the Lord, fhall renew their Strength; they mall run and not be weary, and they mall walk and not faint. O0 John xvi. 22. And your Heart mall rejoice, and your Joy no Man taketh from you. (z) Heb. vi, 19, 20. Which Hope we have as an Anchor of the Soul, both fure and lleadfall, and which entereth into that within the Veil; whither the Forerunner is for us entered, even Jefus, made au High- Pried for ever. (a) Matth. xxiv. 3$. Heaven and Earth fhall pals away, but my Word mall not pals away. (b) Col. 1. 17. And by him all things con fid. (c) Col. 1. 13, 14* Who hath delivered us from Darknefs, and tran dated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son, in whom we have Redemption through his Bloody even the Forgivenefs of Sins. (t) This probably alludes to the Covenant made with Noah, the Birds and the Beafls, that they fl-.ould pciifn no more with the Waters of a Flood ; of which Covenant the Bow in the Clouds is a Token, Gen. ix. 9,10^11, 11 , fill] er ver. i' ver. 7. 14 PRAYERS compofed out of the Vs alms] fuffer Hunger, but they that leek thee, O Lord, (d) (hall want no ( neither do they l?: good thing; for thou heareft them reap> nor gath^r into Barns> ycc you> that cry unto thee, and faveft them heavenly Father feedeth them: Are ye c 11 t .. rr-> 1 1 t- 1 • not much better than they ? out of all their Troubles : For thine J (e) Angels, O Lord, (i) encamp r M **eb 1. 14. And of the Angels he * ' fo ' ' VT/ r laith, Are they not all miniltring Spirits, round about them that fear thee, fent forth to minifter to them who mall and thou delivered them. There- be the Heirs of Salvation ? fore will I blefs thee, O Lord, at all times; my Soul fhall make her ?. Boaft, in thee, O Lord. I will magni- r. 4. fy thy glorious Name; for thouhaft heard me and delivered me from Pf. xxxiii. all my Fears: My Heart mall re- ver.2ijzz.jcuce in thee, and Iw'dltruft in thy Holy Name. 0 Lord, let thyMer- (/) Heb. in. 6. Hold faft the Confi- cy be upon me, according as I (f) denf and the Rejoicing of Hope firm un- / . , t0 the End- Ver. 14. For we are made hope tn thee. Partakers of Chrifi, if we hold the Begin- ning of our Confidence ftedfaft unto the End. ver. 1. ver. z. ver. ver. ft) Thus the Mountain -was full o/Horfes and Chariots of Fire round about ELifoi, z Kings vi. 1 7. to preferve him from the Army of the Syrians, that compared the City about, ver. 14, 18. A Prayer PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. 15 A Prayer for the Light of God's Countenance. for God, for the living God j my Tears are my Meat Day and S the (V) Hart panteth af- U) 7{**m 37, 38,39- Jefis flood ve>/ ' and cried, laying, If any Man thirft, let ter the Water-Brooks, fo Rim come unco me and drink: He that panteth my Soul after believeth on me, as the Scripture hath iaid, f ; out of his Belly mail flow Rivers of hv- thee, O God. My Soul thirtieth hag Water. (But this (pake he of the Spi- rit, which they that believe on him mould receive.)""" (h) Rev. xxi. 6. I am Alpha and Omega, NiMit while they fay, where is the Beginning and the End: I will give un- b ' J to him that is athirft of the Fountain of thy God? O God, thou art my the Water of Life freely, Rev.xxn. 17. God, early will I feek thee; my F «* <>-in. 18. But we all with open > J ' J race, beholding, as in a Glals, the Glory Soul thirfteth for thee, my Flefh of the Lord, are changed into the fame 1 \ c a • J..., ~„A fU\ Image, from Glory to Glory, even as by longeth for thee in a diy and (h) the fpirit of the Lyord. thirfty Land where no Water is, that z Cor. iv. 6. For God, who command- T r , _ j 1 g-,\ ed the Light to mine out of Darknefs, I may fee thy Power and thy Glo- hath mined in our Hearts t0 give the ry, (i) fo as I have feen thee in the Li§ht of thc Knowledge of the Glory of . /n r . . God in the Face of J e fits Chrift. San&uary. (*)Becaule thy loving Mat. xi.27. And no Man knoweth the Kindnefs is better than Life, my Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any * Man the Father, lave thc Son, and he to Lips (hall praife thee. whomfoever the Son will reveal him. {k) Thil. til 8, 9. I count all things but Lofs for the Excellency of the Knowledge of 'Chrift Jefus my Lord, and do count them but Dung that I may win Chrift, and be found in him ; not having mine own Righteoufnefs, which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Chrift , the Righteoufnefs which is of God by Faith ; that I may know him, and the Power of his Reliirrection, and the Fellowfhip of his Sufferings, being made conformable unto his Death, if by any Means I might attain un*o rhe Rcfurreclion of the Dead; not as though I had already attained, H-hcr were already perfect, but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which alfo I am apprehended of Chrift Jefis. \ 8 Why i6 PR AY E R S compofed out of the? sat, u I Why art thou then (/) caft down, c CO * Cor iv 9, 10. Perfecuted, but not ; r • foriaken ; caft down, but not deftroyed ; O my Soul; why art thou difquiet- always bearing about in the Body, the ed within me? Hope (m) thou in dying of the Lord Jefus, that the Life r v y of Jefus might be made manifeft in our God, for I (hall yet praife him, for Body. the Help of his Countenance s fot J&^&3t™ HbZZt thou, O Lord, wilt command thy and ftedfaft, and which enterethinto that , . ■ rr. 1 r ^ a t\„xt <-'tmf> within the Veil, whither the Fore-runner loving Kmdaefs in the Day time, fa for u$ enteredj cyea yefus made an and in the Night thy Songs (lull be High-Prieft for ever. with me, and my Prayer Hull be unto the God of my Life. I will fay unto God my Rock, why hail: thou (n) forgotten me? (n)John\i. 37. And him thatcometh / , r /• 1 t0 me> I will in no wife caft out. Why go I mourning becaule ot the Opprcifion of the Enemy, which is as a Sword in my Bones, while they , ,T7. 1 n 1 (0) Rev. xiv. ii. Here is the Patience fay daily to me, Where is thy Ood ? of the SaintS; here are they that keep HowW long, O Lord, wilt thou the Commandments of God, and the r tt 1 -\t- Faith of Jefns. forget me, for ever < How long wilt yames L 3 Knowing that the try ing of vc vn, thou hide thy Face from me? How your Faith worketh Patience. / n, /1 1 , 1 r- ft- (/0 Johnyy. 5. He that abideth in me, (/?) long lhall I take Counlel in my andlinhim,thefamebringeth forth much Soul having Sorrow in my Heart Fruit> for without me ye can do nothing. , n , r Cor. in. 5. Not that we are fufficient daily ? How long lhall mine Enemy 0f our fejveSj t0 think any thing as of our be exalted over me? Confider and feJves> but a11 our Sufficiency is of God, who hath given unto us his Holy Spirit. hear me, O Lord my God, (q) r 1S (3ocj tnat worketh in us, both to will Sleep of Death ; (r) left mine Ene- and to do of his good Pleafure. (q) John viii. 12. I am the Light of the World, he that followeth me mall not walkinDarknefs,butfhall have the Light of Life. (r) 1 cPet. v. 7, 8, 9. Be fober, be vigilant, for your Adverfary the Devil goeth about like a roaring Lion, fceking whom he may devour, whom refill: ftedfaft in the Faith. 1 Tet 1. 6. Wherein we greatly rejoice, tho' now for a Seafon (if need be) ye are in Heavincfs, through manifold Temptations for the Trial of your Faith. mics LXI. PRAYERS compofcdout of the Psalms. 17 mies fay, I have prevailed againft him, and thofe that trouble me re- joice when I am moved j but I have trufted in thy Mercy (s) my Heart (s) Thil. in. 3- For We who worfliip n .. . . . , c , • God in the Spirit, rejoice in Chrifi Jefusy fhall rejoice in thy Salvation. amJ haye no Confidcncc in thc i icfh. I will fing unto the Lord, be- caufe he hath dealt bountifully with me: My Soul follows hard after thee, thy right Hand upholdeth me. Hear, O God, my Cry, attend unto my Prayer; from the Ends of the Earth will I cry unto thee when mineHeartis overwhelmed. Olead M M*. »*8 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and! will me to the (V) Rock that is higher give you Reft. than I. (u) My Soul, wait thou only (*) Heb *■ 35,3^,37,38. Call: not a- w / » J way therefore your Confidence, which lxi. unon God, for my Expectation is hath great Recompence of Reward. For r l- u i , .•.^d^l ^,r Ye nave lieed of Patience, that after ye from him; he only is my Rock, my >aye dom, (he Wj|1 rf ^ ye ^ Salvation and Defence. In thee, receive the Promife: For yet a little while, _ • , . c , . 1^1 and he that fhall come will come, and will OGod, is my Salvation andGIory: nottarry Now the Juft fhall live by Faith; The 6c)Rock of my (y)Strength and but if any Man draw back, my Soul fhall . . . . r ... have no Pleafure in him. my Refuge is in God; therefore will (^ Matt. xvi. 18. Upon this Rock will I truft in thee at all times, and pour I build my Church 1 i Cor. x. 4. And that Rock wasCbrzff. out my Soul before thee. I Will (j,) Jfa. XLI. io. Fear thou not, for I remember thee upon my Bed, and *» with thee ; be not difmayed, for I am 1 J thy God: I will Itrengthen thee, yea, I meditate upon thee in the Night will help thee, yea, I will uphold thee with PC xvi. Watches: For in thy Prefence is the right Hand of my Righteoufnefs ; (&) Rev. xxi. o. I will give unto him Fullnefs of Joy, and at thy right that is athirfl of the Fountain of thc Wa- HandPleafurcs for evermore. There- ^^^17'. Let him that is athirfl, ver. if. fore fhall my Soul be (z) fatisfied come, and whofoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely. Jfa. xxv. 6. And in this Mountain mall the Lord of Hods make unto all People a a Feaft of fat things, a Feafl of Wines on the Lees, of fat things full of Marrow, of Wines on the Lees, well refined. D as ver. 4. Pf. LVII ver 17 ver. ver. p. ver, jo. ver. 11. (a) 1 Tim. vi. 15", i<5. Who is the blef- fed and only Potentate, the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords ; to whom be Honour and Power everlafting. Amen. 18 PRAYERS compofed out of the. V sal us as with Marrow and Fatnefs , and my Mouth fhall praife thee with joyful Lips. Thus will (a) I blefs thee while I live, I will life up my Hands in thy Name. _, TT . r * r\- r*'~ '1 w,r Rev. v. 13. Blelfius, and Honour, and My Heart IS fixed, O God, my Glory, and Power, be unto him that ficteth Heart is fixed, I will fing and upon the Throne, and onto the Lamb for .- n .r ** t /^1 ever and ever. 8. give Praife : Awake up my Glory, I my felf will awake early. I will praife thee, OLord, among the People, I will fing unto thee among the Nations $ for thy Mercy reach- eth unto the Heavens, and thy w^lv.8>I0>He (Cftr//?) afcended Truth unto the Clouds. Be thou up far above all Heavens, that he might (b) exalted, OGod, above the Hea- ^jh^0. God hath highly exalted vens and thy Glory above all the him , and given him a Name which is a- bove every Name, that at the Name of £,artn. Jefu* eve^y Knee ihouid bow, of things in Heaven and things in Earth. A Con- PRAYERS compofed out of tie Psalms, i? Pf. LI. ver. i. ver. 2. ver. 3, ver. 4. A Confejfion of Sin , and Supplication for Mercy. AVE (c) Mercy upon me, (c) John in. 16, 17. For God fo loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whofoever believeth in him O God, according to thy mould not pcriih, but have everlafling , . jr. j r ~ j Life: for God lent not his Son into the loving j^indnefs; acord- Wor|d ro condemn the World> but that inp- to the Multitude of thy tender the World through him might be faved. r~ r r (d) Rev. 1. 5". Who loved us, and wafh- Traafgrel- vcr. Mercies blot out my fions: (d) Wafh me throughly from mine Iniquities, and (e) clean fe me from my Sin: For I (f) acknowledge my Tranfgref- fions, and my Sin is ever before me. cd us from our Sins in his own Blood. (e) 1 John 11. 1, z. If any Man fin, we have"an Advocate with the Father, Je- fus Chrifl the Righteous, and he is the Propitiation for our Sins. (/) I John 1. 8, 9. If we confels our Sins, he is faithful and jufr, to forgive us our Sins, and to cleanfe us from all Un- v«/ r>_ J / (^) Rom. in. 23. For all have finned, God, have I finned, and done e- and come fhort of the Glory of God. (h) Rom. in. 4 Let God be true, but vil in thy Sight • that thou mightefl be (h) juftified when thou fpeakeft, and be clear when thou judged. ver. f. Behold, I was fhapen (/) in Iniqui- ty, and in Sin did my Mother con- ver. 6. ceive me. Thou defirefl Truth in the inward Part, and in the hidden every Man a Liar, and ver. 26. To de- clare, I fay, at this Time his Righteouf- nefs ; that he might be juft, and the Jufti- fier of him which believeth in Jeftts. (i) Rom. v. 12, 14, 15". As by one Man Sin entered into the World, and Death by Sin, even fo Death patted upon all Men, for that all have finned. (k) Heb. 1. 3. Who being the Brightnefs of his Glory, and the exprefs Image of Part thou (halt make me to know his Perfon, and upholding all things by . . . r the Word of his Power, when he had by Wlfdom. (k) Purge me With. Hyf- himfelf purged our Sins, fat down on fop, and I mall be clean; (/) wafh the right Hand of the Majcfly on High. (/) Heb. ix. 13, 14. For if the Blood of Bulls and Goats fanclifleth, to the purifying of the Fleih; how much more lhall the Blood of Chri/l, who through the eternal Spirit offered himfelf without Spot to God, purge your Conference from dead Works to ferve the living God ? D z me, ver. ii. ver. ii. 20 PR AY ERS compofed out of the Psalm s. me, and I fliall be whiter (n) than .W ■ *f • vir- «4- 7h,ere haye wafhfd v ' ■ their Robes, and made them white in the ver. 8. Snow. Make me to hear Joy and Blood of the Lamb. Gladnefs, that the Bones which . ^A i-i 8- Though your Sins be as Scar- ' let, they lhall be as white as Snow; tho ver. p. thou haft broken may rejoice. Hide they be red, like Crimfon, they mail be as (o) thy Face from my Sins, and blot °r°\' lj r s -ru- • i r> \ ' J j ( a put within you; and I will takeaway the Spirit from me. Reftore unto me >_ony HearcJ0Ut of vourF]cfll) and\ wiII the Joy of thy Salvation , and up- give you an Heart of Flem, and I will put 111 -.ii /±\ c c • ■ mY Spirit within you, and caufe you to hold me with thy (J) free Spirit. w£k & my Statut(fSj and ye flialJ k £p my O Lord, open thou my Lips and Judgments, and do them A, 1 n „ /1 r ^ ^ Heb. xix. 16. For this Caufe he is the my Mouth lhall (hew forth thy Mediator of the New Covenant. ver. if. Praife. For thou defireft not Sacii- (q) John vn. 38, jp. Jefus Hood and - /N , 1 1. 1 a. -n cryed, fay ins, If any Alan thirft, let him ver. 16. fice, (s) thou delighteit not in Burnt- come unro ^e and drink He that be_ Offerings. The Sacrifices of God are Iicveth on rae> ™ the Scripture hath faid, b 111 out of his Belly mall flow Rivers of livino- a broken Spirit: A broken and a Water; but this fpake he of the Spirit rcr. 17. contrite Heart y O God , thou wilt which they that believe on him mould re- * ceive. not defpife. 0) 1 Thef.v. 19. Quench not the Spirit. Luke xi. 13. If Fathers know how to j c lr 7 Y°u ; and ye mall be WitneiTes unto me, fence of the God of IJraeL ^ fa j}rufalem, and in all jude^ and ver. 11. Thou, O Lord, (p) gaveft the in Samaria, and unto the uttermoft Part TTT , , 1 r> of the Earth. Word, and great was the Compa- Rom x ^ How fhall they preach, ex- ver. 12. ny of thofe that publifhed it: Kings cept they be fent ? Mr ia r a • j- j n itru-AM 0?) Rev- v. 11. And I beheld, and I «r. i4- of Arm.es did fly apace. When ^ the Vojce of many Aage,s' round the Almighty fcattered them for about the Throne, and the Beads and - , . c - c 7 rne Elders ; and the Number of them was her, lhe was white as Snow in dal- ten thoufand times ten thoufand, andthou- ver. 17. mon% The Chariots of God are frnds of thoufands. . r , , (r) Eph. iv. 8. Wherefore he faith, (q) twenty thoufand, even thou- when he afcended up on high, he led fands of Angels • the Lord is m his Captivity captive, and gave Gifts unto 0 o- • • 1 1 1 Men. ver. 11. And he gave fome Apo- ver- 1& Church, asinto, in the holy files, and fome Prophets, and iome Evan- Place. Thou haft (r) afcended on gehfts, and lome Pallors and Teachers. . . (j) Gal. 1. 23. He which perfecuted us High, thou halt led Captivity cap- in timcs p^ now prCacheth the Faith live thou haft received Gircs for which once he deftroyed. r 1 / \ n 1 n. 1 Tim. 1. 12,13. He counted me faithful, Men, yea, even for the {s) Rebelli- pattip% mc int0 thcMiniftryjWho was be_ ver. 19. ous that the Lord God may dwell fore a Blafphemer, and a Periecutor, and among them. BlelTed be the Lord • J"r. _' . . , who daily loadcth US with his Be- in Mercy, for his great Love wherewith r 1 r* i ~r ™,.. Q-.1rrot;^r. be loved us, even when we were dead nefirs the God or our salvation. . , ' : , . , . , iicnia, li.u ^ m Sms, hath quickened us together with He that is our God, is the God of Chrift, (by Grace yc arc laved.) _ . . 1 n^A +ull ^,-A (a) 2 7^/* I- 7> 8. When the Lord Je- $1 virion • and unto God tne Lout r K L ,, ,v '. , , u •y. 3a^aLluu j y?/j- mall be revealed from Heaven, 111 belono- the (V) Iffues from Death, flaming Fire, taking Vengeance on them , -, . . » , v ,1 ¥J 1 that know not God, and that obev not But God (hall [u] wound the Head thc Golpcl of our Lord ycjhs Chr}jL of ver. 20. ver. n ver. z5. P R A Y ERS compofedout of the Psalms. 25 of his Enemies, and the hairy Scalp of fuch an one, as goeth on (till in his Wickednefs. ver. 24. Blefs ye God in the Congrega- tions. We have feen thy Goings, O God, even the Goings of my God , my King in the Sanctuary. ver. 18. For thou, O God, haft command- j ^1 c* . ~-U (»\ A-f#>nrrtVipn (x) Thil. iv. 13 . For lean do all things ed thy Strength j (*) ttrcngthen , t^> ^^ ft£ngtheniDg mc 8 O Lord, that which thou haft % Cor. m. 5. Not that we are fufricient i . of our felves, to think any thing as of our wrought in us. felves> but our Suffidency is of God. ver. 33. Sing unto God, ye Kingdoms of the Earth, O Ting Praifes unto the Lord ; to him that rideth upon the Heaven of Heavens, which were of old, Lo, he doth fend out his Voice, and that a ( • ing, in the which all that are in the Graves ver. 34. Voice. Afcribe ye Strength unto mall hear his Voice, and mall come forth. God, his Excellency is over Jfraely and his (*) Strength is in the Clouds, ver. 3f. O God, thou art terrible, out of thy Holy Places, who alone giveft Strength and (.) Powerto thy Pco- cgjfitffrfjtf £ ££ pie. BlefTed be our God, for ever- with Power from on High, more. Amen. (*) God's Strength in the Clouds is the Schechinali, which is called his Strength and Glory, Pfalm lxxviii. 61". which compare with Pfalm lxxxix. 17. this Schechinah was in Chrifl, who is therefore called the Power of God, 1 Cor. 1.A4. As the Holy Ghoft alio is the Power of the Higheft E A Prayer 26 PR AY E R S compofed out of the Psalms. A Prayer in the Time of great dffli&ion and Temp- tation. pr. lxix. ver. i. ver. z. ver. 3. ver. 4. ver. j*. ver. 6. AV E me, O God, for the (a) Rev xn , $ The Serpen[ caft ^ (a) Waters are come in of his Month Water as a Flood after the c 1 t r 1 • Woman, that he might caufe her to be unto my Soul • fink in carried away of the ¥%od (b) Rom.vu. z}, 24. But I fee another Law in my Members, warring againft the Law of my Mind, and bringing me into Captivity to the Law of Sin, which is in my Members: O wretched Man that I deep Mire, where there is no (land- ing, I am come into deep Waters, where the Floods overflow me. I am {b) weary of my crying, my am, who fhafl deliver me from the Body Throat is dried, mine Eyes fail of this Death ? (c) z Cor. v. 4 For we that are in this while (c) I wait for my God, they Tabernacle do groan, being burdened: that would dcftroy me are mighty. N°r for lhf we w°uld ije uncloathed, ' ° ' but cloathed upon, that Mortality might O God, thou knowefl my Fool- be fwallowed up of Life. •ru r ~ J ~,,T c:«^ «^0 «^«- U;A Rom. vni. 13. Even we our felves iinneis, and my bins are not nid ... C\ c .u > J groan within our felves, waiting for the from thee. Let not them who wait Adoption, to wit, the Redemption of our on thee, OLord God of Hofts, be ^ Mark vm ,8 whofocvcr fojj be (d) amamed for my fake; let not afiiamed of me, and of my Words, of him alio lhall the Son of Man be alhamed. Rom. 1. 16. I am not afhamed of the Gofpel of Chrift, for it is the Power of God unto Salvation. Heb. xiii. 5, 6. For he hath faid, I will never leave thee nor forfake thee, fo that we may boldly fay, The Lord is my Helper, and I will not fear what Man fhall do unto me. z Cor. xn 9. My Grace is iufficient for thee, for my Strength is made perfect in Weakncfs. (\) As Troubles are compared to Waters Pfalm ixxxyik. itf, 17 fo alfo is Iniquity Job xv. 16. xxxiv. 7. thofe ver. 7- ver. 9- ver. ii. © ver. ver. 14. PRAYERS Compofcd out of the Psalms. 27 thofe that feek thee be confounded (e)'-L Cor. xir. 10. Therefore I take c C~\,a C\ C^A nf mv Salva- Pleafure in Infirmities, in Reproaches, in for my fake, O God o. my baiva pcrlccutionSiinDmrc(rcsfor[w/.slakc> tion. Becaufe for thy lake 1 nave for wneni am weak, then am I ftrong. fuffered (e) Reproach, Shame hath (/) John ii. 17 And his Dclciplcsre- 1UFiLlcu v / c ' membred that it was written, The Zeal covered my Face : For the (/) Zeal of tjimc Houfe hath eaten me up. r 1 • u C~ U*+U pntPn me iin (0 Matt. v. ii, 12.. Blcfled are ye, of thine Houfe hath eaten me up, ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ pcrfe^te and the (g) Reproaches of them you, and mail fay all manner of Evil that reproached thee, are fallen up- on me j they that are in High Places fpeak againftme, and I am become the Song of the Drunkards. But as for me, my (b) Prayer is . -—"-"> & &' --- j- unto thee OLord, in an \t) accep- quells be made known unto God. , ^ ] . \ \\ At\ (i) 2. Cor. vi. i. I have heard thee in a table Time: O God, in the Mu.ti- Time accepredj and in the Day of SaIva_ tude of thy Mercy hear me, in the tion have I fuccoured thee: Behold now r . _ . . 1 ,• 1 is the accepted Time; behold now is the Truth of thy Salvation ; deliver me Day of Sa£ation> out of the Mire, and let me not fink ; gainft you falfly for my lake : Rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your Re- ward in Heaven. (h) Jam. v. 16. The efTe&ual fervent Prayer of a righteous Man, availeth much. "Phil. iv. 6, 7. Be careful for nothing, but in every thing by Prayer, and Suppli- cation, with Thankigiving, let your Re- ver. if. let me be delivered from them that hate me, and out of the deep Wa- ters. Let not the Water-Flood o- {k) Mat. xrv. 30, 31. When he faw the Wind boiftrous, he was afraid ; and begin- verflow me, neither let the Deep ning to fink, he cried, laying, Lord fave me; and immediately j^/z/j ftretched forth ver. ver. 16. his Hand and caught him, and faid unto him, O thou of little Faith, wherefore didll thou doubt? (/) John xi. z (m) hear me that we 'have in him, that if we ask any thing according to his Will, he heareth us. Heb x. 35", 36. Call not away your Confidence, which hath great Recompence of Reward, for ye have need of Patience, that after ye have done the Will of God, yc might receive the Promifc. E 2 fpeedily. ver. iS. ver. i p. ver. zo. ver. 2p. ver. 30. ver. 32,. ver. 33. Pf. LXX. ver. 1. ver. 2. ver. 4. Pf. LX1X ver. 34. Pf. LXX. ver. f. 28 PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. fpeedily j draw near unto my Soul, and redeem it, deliver me from mine Enemies. Thou haft known my Reproach, and my Shame, and my Difhonour,- mine Adverfaries are all before thee: Reproach hath broken my Heart, and I am full of Heavinefs. I looked for fome to take (p) Pity, and there was none -y and for Comforters, but I found none. I am poor and (q) forrow- ful, let thy (r) Salvation, O God, fet me up on High. I will praife the Name of God with a Song, I will magnifie him with Thankfgiving : The (s) Hum- ble (hall fee this and be glad, and their Hearts fhall live that feek God. For the Lord heareth the (t) Poor, and defpifeth not his Prifoners, Make Hade, O Lord, to help and deliver me : Let them be confound- ed that feek after my Soul; let all thofe that feek thee rejoice -y and let fuch as love thy Salvation fay continually, Let God be mag- nified. Let the Heaven and Earth praife thee, theSeas and every thing that moveth therein. I am (7/) poor M Mat- v- 3- BlefTed are the Poor fn , , i t t n ^ SPlnr> for thcirs is the Kingdom 0f Hea- and needy, make Halteunto me, O Yen. God, (/) John xvi. 33. Thefe things I have fpoken unto you, that in me ye might have Peace. In the World ye fhall have Tribulation : But be of good cheer, I have overcome the World. (q) Mat. v. 4. BlefTed are they that mourn, for they fhall be comforted. John xvi. 20. Ye fhall weep and lamenr, but the World fhall rejoice, and ye fhall be forrovvful, but your Sorrow iliall be turned into Joy. (r) Rev. xii. 10. Now is come Salva- tion, and Strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the Power of his Chrifi. 0) James iv. <5, 10. God refifteth the Proud, but giveth Grace unto the Hum- ble. Humble your felves in the Sight of the Lord, and he fhall lift you up. (t) I fa. lvii. 15-. Thus faith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth Eternity, I dwell in the high and holy Place,, and with him that is of a contrite and hum- ble Spirit, to revive the Spirit of the hum- ble, and to revive the Heart of the con- trite ones. PRAYERS compofed out of theVsALMs. 29 God, thou art my Helper and De- liverer: O Lord make no (x) tar- rying. (x) Luke xviii. 7, 8. Shall not God a- venge his own Elect, which cry Day and Night unto him , though he bear long with them? 1 tell you, that he will a- venge them fpcedily. ver. i, vcr. 3 ver. 4. A Prayer in the time of old Age, or Sickncfs. N thee, O Lord, do I put my Truft, let me never be put to Confufion : Deliver me in thy Righteoufnefs, caufe me to efcape; incline thine Ear unto me, and fave me. Be thou my ftrong (y) Habitation, whereunto I may continually relbrt. Thou haft given Commandment to fave me, for thou art my Rock and my For- trefs. Deliver me, O my God, out of the Hands of the Wicked, out of the Hand of the unrighteous and cruel ver. f. One. (2) For thou art my Hope, 00 Afisxvn.iZ. In him we live and move, and have our Being. O) Heb. x. 35-, 38. Caft not away there* rfV-r J /*■ J -.1. T- n. k~j*"v. A.^),^o. cannot away tnere* O Lord God, thou art my Truit fore your Confidence, which hath great ver- 6- from my Youth : By thee have I Rccompence of Reward. For the Juft 1 * mall live by Faith, been holden up from the Womb; thou art he that took me out of my ■cr. 7 30 PR AY ERS compofed out of the Psalms. my Mother's Bowels : I am as a {a) Heb. vi. 18, 19, 20. That by two Wonder unto many, (#) but thou immutable things, in which it was impotfi- v«.8. art my ftrong Refuge. Let my ble for God to i,e, we might have a ftrong "'/ ikj fo & ; Coniolation, who have fled for Refuge, Mouth be filled with thy Praife, to lay hold upon the Hope fet before us, ^ , . t « . TT 11 .1 ar\,„r which Hope we have as an Anchor of and with thine Honour all the Day. the SouJ> ^ fure and ftedfaft> and which ver. 9. Caft me not off in the Time of entereth into that within the Veil, whi- /7v , , A r r\ 1 ther the Forerunner is for us entered, even {b) old Age, forfaKe me not when yefus madc an High Prieft for ever my Strength faileth. W Va- XLVI- 4 And even to your old v . , , . Ase I am he, and even to hoar Hairs will Pf.xxxix. Lord, make me to know mine j carry Y have made and willbea^ Ver' 4' End, and the Meafure of my Days, even I will carry and will deliver you. . . . • . ' Heb. xin. 5. For he hath laid, I will ne- what it is, that I may know how Ver leave thee nor forfake thee. ver. fl (c) frail I am. Behold, thou haft Mat xxvm .20 Lo, I am with vou al- v ' 1111 way, even unto the end of the World, made my Days as an Hand breadth, (c) 2 Cor. v. 4 For we that are in this and mine Age is as nothing before Tabernacle do groan, being burdened, not 0 D for that we would be uncloathed, but thee : Verily , every Man , at his cloathed upon, that Mortality might be beft Eftate, is altogether Vanity. fw^,™ed up °wl\ .1 l ' & ; Phil in. 21. Who ihall change our vile ver. 6. Surely every Man walketh in a vain Body that it may be faihioned like unto /*\d / ;vi u ., ^,^Dma„ bis glorious Body, according to th t work- (*)Shew, (d) heheapeth up Riches, ing|hereby he g able eve° t0 Jubdue ali and knoweth not who fhall gather things unto himfelf. , A , r j 1 -i Cor xv. 54. When this corruptible ver. 7. them : And now, Lord, what wait ftall have put on Incorruptioilj a J rhis ver. 8. I for? My Hope is in thee: Deli- mortal mail have put on Immortality, r „ ry*- r er tnen ma^ be brought to pals the Saying ver me from all my 1 ranfgreflions, that is written, Death isf wallowed up in and make me not the Reproach of Vi^y- . ~, r . ' (a) Luke xii. 20. Thou Fool, this Night ver. p. the Foohih : I was dumb, I opened (hall thy Soul be required of thee, and then whole ihall all thofe things be. Mat. xvi. ^6. What fhall it profit a Man to gain the whole World, and lofe his own Soul? Or what ihall a Man give in exchange for his Soul? 1 Tim.vt. 10. For the Love of Money is the Root of all Evil, which while fome coveted after, have erred from the Faith, and pierced themfelves through with many Sorrows. (*N In a va'in Shew, in the Margin In an linage, the fame probahlv with /Ae lrra\e or Shadowof Death ,16 Pfalmxtlll. 4. V.cHgh lvj.dk through the Valley of the Sha'.ow, or Image of Death. See Rom. Vli. 14. not PRAYERS compofed out of the P SALMS. 31 10 not my Mouth, becaufe thou didffc it. Remove away thy Stroke from me; I am confumed by the Blow {g) % Qor iy ^ i? Though our ouf. ir- of thine Hand. When thou with ward Man perifli, yet the inward Man is ■r, 1 , \ n / \ n. a* c renewed Day by Day. Our Ii*iht Afflidti- Rebukes doft (e) correcl: Man for ^ ^ > ^ fo/aMomenbtj workcth Iniquity, thou makeft his Beauty for us a far more exceeding and eternal e ... , , , r Weight of Glory, while we look not at to confume away like a Moth j lure- thc things which are fceUj which are tcm_ Iy every Man is Vanity. poral, but at the things which are not _ _ ~ T , j leen, which are eternal. Hear my Prayer, O Lord, and , Cor xv ^ ^ 5? Q Death> whcre give Ear unto my Cry, hold not is thy Sting ? O Grave, where is thy Vifto- ry? The Sting of Death is Sin, and the Strength of Sin is the Law: But Thanks be to God, which giveth us the Victory through our Lord J ejus Chriji. (f) Heb. xi. 13, 14. Thele all died in the Faith, not having received the Pro- mifes, but having leen them afar otT, and 11. M' thy Peace at my Tears ,• for I am (f) a Stranger with thee, and a So- journer, as all my Fathers were. O fpare me, that I may recover Strength, before I go hence, and be were perfwaded°of them, and embraced them, and confefled that they were Stran- gers and Pilgrims on the Earth ; for they that lay fuch things, declare plainly that they leek a Country, ver. 16. that is, a heavenly. no more. O God, be not far from me; O my God, make hafte for my Help • ver. 14. I will hope continually, and will yet praife thee more and more, ver. if. My Mouth mall fhew forth thy (g) E?h. in. 16*, 17. That he would Righteoulners, and thy Salvation grant you according to the Riches of his all the Day j for I know not the ?{°U\ to be ^gricrad with Mightf ; * \ m by his Spirit in the inner Man, that Chriji ^6. Numbers thereof. I will go in the may dwell in your Hearts by Faith, that M Strength of the Lord God- ye™y be rooted and grounded in Love ^6' & ' (a) Thil. in 8, 9. And I count all I will make mention of thy Righ- things but Lofs, for the Excellency of re n\ c t_- tne Knowledge of Chrifi Jefusmv Lord - tt oufnefs , (h) even of thine only : for whom , j?ave lilfrc/e/4 ££ rfdi things, and do count them but Dung, that I may win Chriji, and be found in him, not having mine own Righteoufnefs, which is of the Law, but that which is through the Faith of Chriji, the Righteoufnefs which is of God by Faith. OGod, 32 PR AY E R S compofed out of the Psalms. \er. 1 8. ver. ip. ver. 20. vcr. 17. o God, thou haft taught me from my Youth, and hitherto have I de- clared thy wondrous Works : Now alfo when I am old and gray head- ed, O God, forfake me not. Thy Righteoufnefs , O God, is very high, who haft done great things: Lord, who is like unto thee? Thou, which haft (hewn me great and fore (/) Trouble, wilt quicken me again, and (halt bring me up again out of the Depths of the Earth. Thou wilt (k) comfort me on every fide,- my Tongue therefore fhall talk of thy Righ- teoufnefs all the Day long: My Lips mail greatly rejoice when I (/) fing unto thee, and my Soul which thou haft redeemed. I will alfo praife thee with the Pfaltery, even thy Truth, O my God, unto thee will I fing with the Harp, O rfiou Holy One oUfrael ver. 21. ver. 24. ver. 25. vcr. 22" (*') 1 Tim. 11. 11, 12. It is a faithful Saying, For if we be dead with him, we fhall alfo live with him ; if we lufFer, we fhall alfo reign with him. Col. in. 2, 3. Ye are dead, and your Life is hid with Chrift in God: When Chrift, who is our Life fhall appear, then fhall ye alfo appear with him in Glory. (k) John xiv. 16. I will pray the Father, and he fhall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever. 2 Cor. 1. 5". For as the Sufferings of Chrift abound in us, fo our Confolation alfo aboundeth by Chrift. (/) Rev. v. 9. And they fung a new Song, faying, Thou art worthy to take the Book, and to open the Seals thereof; for thou waft flain, and haft redeemed us to God by thy Blood, cut of every Kin- dred, and Tongue, and People, and Nation, A Prayer PRAYERS compofcd out of the Psalms. 33 A Prayer in the time of Trouble and Affliction, with earneft Supplicati- ons to le reftored to the Divine Favour. ver. 2. ver. 5. ?f Lxxvn. ^■■t-^ Cryed unto God* with my ver. i- ' T Jft ,r . r> j m m V oice, even unto God MPs; •xziAg ^^ with my Voice, and he gave Ear unto me. In the Day of (m) my Trouble I fought the Lord, my Sore ran in the Night, and ceafed not; my Soul refufed to be comforted: I remembred God and was troubled j I complained, and ver. 4. my Spirit was overwhelmed. Thou holdeft mine Eyes waking, I am fo ver. 6. troubled, that I cannot fpeak: I cal- led to Remembrance my former (*) Songs in the Night -} I commune with mine own Heart, and my Spi- ver- 7- rit made diligent Search. Wilt (m) Heb. n. 18. For in that he himfelf hath iufrered, being tempted, he is able to fuccour them that are tempted. Heb. xii. 6. For whom the Lord lov- eth he chafteneth, and fcourgeth every Son whom he receiveth. 1 Tet. 1. 6. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a Seafon, if need be, ye are in Heavinefs, through manifold Temp- tations. (*) The Night is the time of Deliverance, and confidently of Singing; concerning which, fee Exod. xii, 10,41. jiffs xvi. 15, z6, o-c. F thou ver. 8. vcr. p. 34. PPvAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. thou, O Lord, (n) call: me off for c- ver ? and wilt thou be favourable no more? Is thy Mercy (o) clean gone M Heb ?' J.***'.1* Seeing that we ; ; w ./•/••! a ^rCat HlSn_1 ne^» t}iat IS parted Doth thy Promiic fail into the Heavens, Jefns the Son of God; (») i7 for ™ ' ' have not an High-Pneft, which cannot forgotten to be gracious ? Haft thou be touched with the feeling of our In- . n 1 j \* firmities, but was in all Points tempted in Anger (hut up thy tender Mer- like as we arC) yet without Sin: £ « cies ? But I faid, this is minelnfirmi- therefore come boldly unto the Throne T .,. / y , 1 in 1 of Grace, that we may obtain Mercy, and ty • I will (p) remember the Works find Grace to help in time of neej; of the Lord, furely I will remem- (/) Heb. xn. 1. Seeing we alfo are en- . t Trr 1 r 11 t n compaffed with fo great a Cloud of Wit- her thy Wonders of old j L will nelTes, let us lay afide every Weight, and meditate alfo of all thy Works, the Sin which doth fo eafily befet us, and 1 let us run with Patience the Race that is and talk of thy Doings. Thy Way, fee before us. OGod, is in the Sanctuary: Who , C&*/. x. 3 x. Call to Remembrance the ' ; former Days, in which after ye were il- is fo great a God as our God? luminated, ye endured a great Fight of O Lord of Hofts, how amiable Affli who is fet °» the right Hand of 1 / ^ r C /*i +U ■ a • .j the Throne of the Majefty in the Hea- ilic (rjFace of (*J thine Anointed: yens. For PRAYERS compofcd out of the Psalms. 35 vcr. ii. For the Lord - a m Sim and a (;) ^f/v *. But unto you that ; w my Name ihall the Sun of Rightcoufnei* Shield j the Lord will (f) give Grace anic with Healing in his Wings. o« 4 n\ j ~~~ \ *-W,r^rr hmI I Jo/j/ixw. i, x. Let n r< t your Heart be and Glory, and no good tiling win •/ , > . j /' o b troubled, ye believe in God, believe alio he withhold from them that walk jn me: In my Father's Houfc arc many • 1 I Manfions; if it were not lb, I would have r o ; • told you ; I go to prepare a Place for you, »f. lxxxv. Thou, OLord, wilt forgive the that where I am, there ye may be alfb. ver. i. - - . - . _ , j •« (0 7o^»« xvii. 22. The Glory which Inquity of thy People, and wilt co- thou gavcft rae> 1 hayc giycn t|]cm vcr. 4. ver (ft) all their Sins. Turn me, O 0) i John ir. i, i. ff any Man fin, wc -, , r , . j /• have an Advocate with the Father, y but dlivered him up for us ... , all, how fhall he not with him alfo free- thy People, and to thy Saints, that ]y give us all things> they may not turn again to Folly. 00 Rom. x. 6, 7, 8. Say not in thine 1 J t i • / \ Heart , Who fliall afcend into Heaven, ver. 9. Thy Salvation, OLord, is (yjnear (that iSj t0 Dring chrift from above) or, ver I0 to them that fear thee • for Mer- who ihall defcend into the Deep, (that is, ver- I0- to bring up Chrift from the Dead.) But cy and (z) Truth have met to- what faith it? the Word is nigh thee, even gether, Rishteoufnefs and Peace in thy Mouth, and in thy Heart ; that o 7 ° is, the Word or Faitn which we preach. yer l3 have killed each other. Righte- (*) q>hil. iV. 6, 7. Be careful for no- oufnefs lliall go before him , and £ing, but in every thing by Prayer and D r \_- Supplication, w7ith Tnanklgiving, let your mail guide me in the Way of his Requefts be made known unto God: And PfLxxxiv Steps. O Lord of Hods, bleffed ?e/ea,ceof ?°1 and faint in your Minds : For whom the Lord ders to the Dead? Shall the Dead loveth he chafteneth, and fcourgeth every (p) rife and praife thee? Shall thy So? *%°? he #eiv^h¥ , Kr\ r (P) J°'m xi. 2.5*, 2.6- I am the Refur- lovingKindnefs be declared in the re&ion and the Life, he that beiieveth in Grave or fhv Fiirhfnlnpfc in Dc- me' tho,,&h hc xvere dead' >'et flla11 he urave, or tny Kaitrirulneis in uc ^ and whoibcvcr livethj and believeth ver. it. ftrudtion ? Shall thy Wonders be in me, mail never die. known in the Dark, and thyRigh- teoufnefs in the Land of Forget- ver. 15. fulnefs? But unto thee have I cried, O Lord, and in the Morning (hall ver. 14. my Prayer prevent thee. Lord, why cafteft thou off my Soul ? Why hided thou thy Face from me ? I vcr. if. am afflicted and ready to die, from my Youth up, while I fuffer thy ver. 16. Terrors I am diftra&ed; thy fierce Wrath goeth over me, thy Ter- rors have cut me off. Pf. en. Hear my Prayer, O Lord, and let my cry come unto thee. Hide not thy Face from me in the Day (q) when I am in trouble : Incline (?) a Cor. vi. 2. I have heard thee in jj. ■'•'*. .a time accepted, and in the Day of Sal- ■thine Ear unto me: In the Day vation ]uv(T j lllccoured thee: Behold, when I call, anfwer me fpeedily. now is the accepted Time; behold, now t, „ r , ... is the Day of Salvation. • 5- ror my Bones are conlumed like vc:- 4- Smoak, my Heart is imitten and withered vcr. 1. ver. z. PRAYERS compofcd out of the Psalms. 41 withered like Grafs, Co that I forget ver. f. to eat my Bread, by Reafon of the Voice of my Groaning, my Bones ver. 8. cleave to my Skin. Mine Enemies reproach me all the Day, and they ver. 11. ver. 12.. that are mad againfl me have fworn (r) againft me. My Days are like a Shadow that declineth, and I am withered (s) like Grafs j but thou, O Lord, fhalt endure for ever, and (r) Afts xxiii. 14. We have bound our felves under a great Curie, chat we will eat nothing till we have llain 'Parti. (s) 1 Pet. 1.24, 15- All FleihisasGrafs, and all he Glory of Man as the Flower of Grafs: The Grafs withereth, and the thy Remembrance unto all Gene- Flower thereof falleth away; but the Word of the Lord endureth for ever, rations. Thou, O Lord, art merciful and gracious, flow to Anger, and of great Mercy,- who wilt not alway chide, neither keep thine Anger for ever. For as the Heaven is high above {t) Rom. vm. 31 He that fpared not the Earth, fo great is thy Mercy *%?£?&*? £?3ft?,£ ver. 12. toward them that fear thee. As freely give us all things. c~~ „„ *u en. •« c *u \\t n. l John in. i. Behold what manner of far as the Eaft is from the Weft, tov/the Father hath beftowed upon us> fo far wilt thou remove our Tranf- tna* we mould be called the Sons of Pf. cm. ver. 8. ver. p. ver. ii. ver. 15. greflions from us; for as a Father God. LuJkexi.13. If ye then being evil, know pitieth his (t) Children, fo the how to give good Gifts unto your Chil- ....... . r . . dren, how much more fhall your heaven- Lord pitieth them that fear him : \y Father give the Holy Spirit to them ver. 14. por he knoweth our Frame, he re- that ask him? , . . „ I fa. xlix. 1 5. Can a Woman forget her members that we are but Duit. fucking Child, that fhe mould not have As for Man (u) his Days are as Companion on the Son of her Womb? r . r Yea, they may forget, yet I will not for- Grafs, as a Flower of the Field iohe get thee flourifheth; the Wind paiTeth over it . W J"»"™- x4 For what is your Life? 1 it is even a Vapour that appeareth for a and it is gone, and the Place there- little time, and then vanilheth away. G of ver. if. ver. 16. 42 PRAYERS compofcd out of the V s a i. m i ver. 17. of {hall know it no more. But thy Mercy, O Lord, is from ever- lafting upon them that fear thee, and thy Righteoufnefs upon Chil- vcr. 18. dren's Children, to fuch as keep (x) thy Covenant, and to thofe that remember thy Command- vcr. 1. ments, to do them. Blefs the Lord, O my Soul, let all that is within vcr. 2. me blefs his holy Name. Blefs the Lord, Omy Soul, and forget not all his Benefits ; who for- giveth (y) all thine Iniquities, and healeth all thy Difeafes: Who re- deemed! thy Life from Deftru&i- on, and crowneth thee with lov- ing Kindnefs and tender Mercies. ver i5. (2) O blefs the Lord all his Works, in all Places of his Dominion : Blefs the Lord, O my Soul, ver. 3, ver. 4» (x) Ifa. lv. 3. And I will make an c- verlafting Covenant with you, even the fure Mercies oi^David. Heb. vin. 6. Now hath he obtained a more excellent Miniftry, by how much alio he is the Mediator of a better Cove- nant, which was cftabliihed upon better Promifes. (y) Heb. vm. 10, 11, ii. This is the Covenant that I will make with the Houie of I/rael, after thofe Days, faith the Lord ; I will put my Laws into their Mind, and write them in their Hearts, and I will be to them a God, and they mall be to me a People ; for I will be merciful to their Unrighteoufnefs, and their Sins, and their Iniquities will I remember no more. (z) Rev. 1. 5. Unto him that loved us and warned us from our Sins in his own Blood: Unto him be Glory and Domi- nion for ever and ever, Amen. Rev. v. 13. And every Creature which is in Heaven, and on the Earth, and un- der the Earth, and fuch as are in the Sea, and all that are in them, heard I, faying, Blefiing and Honour, and Glory and Pow- er be unto- him that fir teth upon the Throne5 and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. A Pray er P R AY ERS compofcd out of the Psalm*, 43 A Prayer for the Know- ledge of Gods Law, and for Grace to pract/fe it. ver. 6, ver. 7. 10, That my (a) Ways were directed, O Lord, to keep thy Statutes -t then fhould I not be afliamed , when I have re- fpecl: to all thy Commandments. I will praife thee with Uprightnefs of Heart, when I mall have learn- ed [b) thy righteous Judgments. I ver. 8. will keep thy Statutes, O forfake me not utterly. O Lord, with my whole (c) Heart have I fought thee, let me not wander from thy Com- mandments. Thy Word have I (d) hid in mine Heart, that I might not fin againfl ver. ii. thee: BleiTed art thou, O Lord, ver. 14. teach me thy Statutes. I have re- joiced (e) in the Way of thy Tefti- monies, more than in all Riches. I will meditate in thy Precepts, I ver. if. J (a) I/a. xxx. 21. Thine Ears fhall hear a Word behind thee, faying, This is the Way, walk ye in ir, when ye turn to the right Hand, and when ye turn to the left. ver. 11 ver. l6- will delight (/) my (elf in thy Sta- (b) Jam. i. 5-, 6. If any of you lack Wifdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it fhall be given him: But let him ask in Faith, nothing wavering. (c) Heb. x. zz. Let us draw near with a true Heart, in full AiTurance of Faith, having our Hearts fprinkled from an evil Confcience. Matt. xv. 8, 9. This People draweth nigh unto me with their Mouth, — but their Heart is far from me. But in vain do they worlTiip me, teaching for Do- ctrines the Commandments of Men. (d) Lukevm.15. But that on the good Ground are they, which in an honefr. and good Heart, having heard the Word, keep it, and bring forth Fruit with Patience. (e) Thil. in. 1. Finally, my Brethren, rejoice in the Lord. (/*) John xvii. 13. Thele things I fpeak in the World, that they might have my Joy fulfilled in therafelves. G 1 tures. ver. 21 ver. 20. 44. PRAYERS compofcd out of the P &a l m ll tutes, I will not M forget thy (y) 7«iiftrt», 13,14, xy. Be ycDo^ 7 r 11 l crs °^ r Word, and not Hearers only, ver. 17. Word. Deal bountifu.ly With thy deceiving your felves; for if any be a Servant, that I may live, and keep Hearer of the Word, and not a Doer, he J is like a Man beholding his natural Face thy Word. in a Glafs; for he beholdeth himfelf, and vpr ,o Open thou mine (h) Eyes that goeth h.sway, andftraitvvayheforgetteth ver. 10. r , what manner 01 Man he was: Vox who- I may behold wondrous Things fa looketh into the perfect Law of Liber- fc r-U.rT ™, T -,m o f't\ Qfnn.TPr ty and continueth therein, he being not a ver. ip. out of thy Law. I am a (/J Strangei ^rgerfulHearer> but aDocroftheVord, on the Earth, hide not thy Com- this Man mall be blelTed in his Deed. j c ~*~ r,,. .l0„ „„_ (7?) Z,»^£ xxiv. 45:, a.6. Then opened he mandments from me, for rhey are ^eir WrfUndiog, £at they n^ght un. my Delight and my Councilors, derftand the Scriptures, and faid unto them, _,„ ,,° , 1/- t //\T Thus it is written, and thus it behoved My Soul breaketh for the (k) Long- ChriJi tQ fufferj and t0 rjfe from the Dead ing that it hath unto thy Judg- the third Day, &c. , ^ c John viii. iz. I am the Light of the ver. 22. ments at all times. Remove trom WorUf he that followeth me, mall not me (I) Reproach and Contempt, walk in Darknefs, but ihall have the Light 1 1 1 t« a.* ■ of Life, for I have kept thy Teltimonies. (i)Heb. ix. 13, 14, 1* Thefe all died „. ,, Mv Soul cleaveth unto the Duft, in Faith, not having received the Promifes, T' >' ' ,. but having feen them afar off, and were (m) quicken thou me according perfuaded of them, and embraced them, to thv Word, Make me to un- and confelTed that they were Strangers 1 and Pilgrims on the Earth; for they that derftand the Way of thy Precepts, fay fuch thingSj declare plainly that they fo (hall I talk of thy wondrous feek a Country, that is an heavenly : Wherefore God is not alhamed to be cal- Works. led their God, for he hath prepared for w.rf. My Soul mclteth for Heavinefs, ft<™a£ity. „ nI , , . , . , var* i0- ; (^ Mat v 6# BleiTed are they which (n) ftrengthen thou me according ^0 hunger and third after Righteoufnefs, vcr*«. to thy Word. I have (luck unto thy for they ihall be fiUcd. wr" **■' 7 (/) Mat. v. ir. Bleiled are ye when Men Ihall revile you, and perfecute you, and mall fay all manner of evil againft you falfely for my fake ; rejoice and be exceeding glad, for great is your Reward in Hea- ven. (tn) Eph. 11. 4, 5. God who is rich in Mercy, for his great Love wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in Sins, hath quickened us, together with ChriJi. (By Grace ye are faved.) (») Eph. vi. 10. Be ftrong in the Lord, and in the Power of his Might. Thil iv. 13. I can do all things through ChriJi J ejus ftrengthening me. Tefti- ver. ver. 27. PRAYERS compofed out of the Ps a i m s. 45 vcr. 31. vcr. 35. ver. 54. vcr. 3f. vcr. 35. ver. 37. ver. 38. ver. 40. ver. 41. ver. 41. ver. 43 ver. 44. ver. 47. ver. 48. Teftimonies, O Lord, put me not to Shame. I will (?) run the Way of thy Comandments, when thou fhalt enlarge my Heart. Teach me, O Lord, the Way of thy Statutes • give (p) me Un- demanding, and I mall keep thy Law, yea, I mail obferve it with my (q) whole Heart, for therein do I delight. Incline my Heart to thy Teflimonies, and not to Covetouf- nefs. Turn away mine Eyes from be- holding (r) Vanity, and quicken thou me in thy Way. 'StabliiTi thy Word unto thy Servant, who is de- voted to thy Fear. I have (s) long- ed after thy Precepts, O quicken thou me in thy Righteoufnefs. -Let thy Mercies come alfo unto me, O Lord, even thy Salvation, for I trull in thy Word. Take net the (/) Word of Truth utter- ly out of my Mouth, for therein have I hoped : So mail I keep thy Laws («) continually, for ever and ever. I will delight my felf in thy Commandments, which I have loved ; ray Hands alfo will I lift up unto thy (x) Command- ed)//^, xn. 1. Lcr us lay afide evey Weight, and the Sin which doth fb caflly belct us, and let us run with Patience the Race that is let before us. 1 Cor. ix. 24. Know yc not that they which run in a Race run all, but one re- ceivcth the Prize? io run, that yc may ob- tain. (/) l John v. i0- The Son of God is come, and hath given us an Undcrfta tid- ing, that we may know him that is true. (q) Th'il. 11. ix. It is God that work- cth in us, both to will and to do of his good Pleafure. Mat. xxvir. 37. Thou (halt love the Lord thy God with all thy Heart. Rom. xiii. 10. Love is the fulfilling of the Law. (r) 1 Tet. 1. 18. Forafmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corrrp- tible Things, as Silver and Gold, from your vain Converfation, received by Tra- dition from your Fathers. (j-) Mat. v. 6. BlefTed are they which do hunger and third after Righteoufnefs-,- for they fhall be filled. (t) Mat. iv. 4. Man fhall not live by Bread alone, but by every Word that pro-' ceedeth out of the Mouth of God. (u) John xv. 7. If ye abide in me, and my Words abide in you, ye fhall ask what you will, and it fhall be done unto you. (x) Mat. v. 19. Whofoever fhall do and teach them, the fame fhall be called Great in the Kingdom of Heaven. ments 4^ PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. ments, and will meditate in thy 00 Rom- ym- *4- For wc are faved by Hope, statutes. jjefrm VI I0 Which Hope we have as ven 49. o remember the Word unto thy an Anchor of the Soul, both fure and fted- i i i l n. feft> an(l which entereth into that within bervant, upon which thou halt thc Veil, whither the Forerunner is for ver. ro. ma(Je me M to hope. This is my us entered, even Jefus, made an High- r c • • aoi-a- c u Prieft for ever. Comfort in mine Annexion, tor thy ver. fi. Word hath quickened me. The Proud have had me greatly in De- rifion, yet have I not declined from ver. fz. thy Law. I remember thy Judg- ments of old, O Lord, and have vcr- H- (z) comforted my felf. Horror hath O) John xiv. 16. And I will pray the i « 4i i r r^L Father, and he (hall give you another Corn- taken hold upon me, becaufe of the forterj that he m^ abide with you for ver. 5-4. Wicked that forfake thy Law. But ever. t . . c Mat. v. 4. BleiTed are they that mourn, thy Statutes have been my Songs for they mx be comforted. ver, ff . in the Houfe of my {a) Pilgrimage. ^ Heb XL I3 Thefe all — confefTed I have remembered thy Name . O *at they were Strangers and Pilgrims on ; the Earth, ver. S7- Lord, in the Night, for thou art ver. j-S, my Portion ; I entreat thy Favour with my whole Heart, be merciful unto me according to thy Word. ver. fp. J have thought on my Ways, and . /i\ 1 -/ 1 {b)Luke xv. 17, 18. When he came to have (b) turned my Feet unto thy himfelf, — hefaid, — I will, arifeand go ver. 60. Teftimonies. I will make (c) hafte, to my Father. .. . w (0 A8s xxii. 16. Why tarried thou? and not delay to keep thy Com- arife, and be baptized, and wafh away thy ver. 61. mandments. At (d) Midnight I Sins, calling on the Name of the Lord. K J &, (d) Mat.xxv. 6. At Midnight there will fife to give Thanks unto tnee, was a Cry made, Behold the Bridegroom becaufeof thy righteous Judgments. ST^V? ^ °ut co mcei *£?■ ver- 7- ; b J i-> Then all thole Virgins arole, CSfc. ver. 54. The Earth, O Lord, is full of thy See alfo Adts. xn.6, — 18. Mercy, teach me thy Statutes. Be- fore PRAYERS eompofed out of the Psalms. 47 vcr. 6-j. ver. 71. ver. -jf ver. 7<5. ver. 77. vcr. 81. ver. 82. ver. 83. ver. 8f. ver. 86. ver. 88. ver. 8p. ver. po. ver. pi, fore I was afflicted I went aftray, but now have I kept thy Word. It is good for me that I have been af- fhded, (e) for now have I kept thy Statutes. I know, OLord, that thy Judg- ments are right, and that thou in (/) Faithfulness haft affli&ed me. Let, I pray thee, thy merciful Kind- nefs befor (g) my Comfort, accord- ing to thy Word. Let thy tender Mercies come unto me, that I may (h) live j for thy Law is my Delight. My Soul (/) fainteth for thy Sal- vation, but I hope in thy Word. Mine Eyes fail for thy Word, fay- ing, When wilt thou comfort me? For I am become (k) like a Bottle in the Smoak, yet do I not forget thy Statutes. The Proud have dig- ged Pits for me, help thou me, O Lord : Quicken thou me after thy loving Kindnefs, fo fhall I keep the Teftimony of thy Mouth. For e- ver, O Lord, thy (/) Word is fet- tled in Heaven. Thy Faithfulnefs is unto all Generations j thou haft (m) eftablifhed the Earth, and it a- bideth; they continue this Day ac- cording to thine Ordinances, for 0) Heb. xu. 11. Now no Chartering for theprefent feemeth robe joyous, but grievous; neverthelefs afterward it yield- ed! rhc peaceable Fruit of Righteoufhcfs unto them which are exercifed thereby. 1 cPet. 1.6. Wherein ye greatly rejoice, tho' now for a Seaion, (if need be) ye are inHeavinefs, through manifold Temp- tations. if) Rev. in. 19. As many as I , lave, 1 rebuke and chaften. :(^) z -Cor. 1. 5. As the Sufferings of Cbrift abound in US; fo our Cohfolatiori alio aboundeth by Chrifi. ' (h)i Cor. 1. 9, 10. God which raifeth the Dead, delivered us from fo great a Death, and doth deliver ; in whom we truft that he will yet deliver. (/) Thil. 1. 23. I am in a ftrait betwixt two, having a Defire to depart, and to be with Chrift, which is far better. {k) John xi. 2.5-, 2.6. He that believeth in me, tho' he were dead, yet ihall he live; and whofoever liveth and believeth in me ihall never die. Col. 111. 3,4. Ye are dead, and your Life is hid with Chrift in God; when Cbrift who is our Life fhall appear, then mall ye alfo appear with him in Glory. (/) Mat. in. 24, 3 5*. Heaven and Earth fhall pafs away, but my Word fhall nor pafs away. O) Heb. 1. 3. And upholding all things by the Word of his Power. all ver. pi. ver. P3. ver. p4- ver. pf . ver. ptf. 48 PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalm s. all are thy Servants. Unlefsthy Law had been my Delight, I mould have perifhed in my Affliction. I will M never forget thy Precepts, for 0) Gal.xi. 9. And let us not be weary v ' iin • 1 j in well-doing, for in due Seafon we fhall with them thou halt quickened me. reap) if we faint not I am thine, fave me, for I have fought thy Precepts. (o) Ecckf f % Vanity of VanitieSj al] The Wicked have fought to de- is Vanity. n. u T „ -ii rnnfi^pf fU Thil. in. 8. 1 count all things but Lofs, flroy me, but I will conhder thy for ^ Excdlency of the KlfowIedge of Teftimonies. I have feen an End Chrifl Jefus my Lord, for whom I "have r 11 / \ ™ ca.' U,,* *\yxr <^r»m fuffered the Lofs of all things, and do of all (o) Perfection, but thy Com- count them ^ Dung ^ | may win mandment is exceeding broad. C6ri/?. /*/V which is Idolatry. . , l -r M I Cor. 11. 9. Eye hath not feen, nor (t) Word is a Lamp unto my Feet, Ear heard, neither have entered into the I06 and a Light unto my Path. I have Heart of Man, the things which God hath D r . prepared for them that love him. fworn, and I will (*/) perform it, that (^) Jobm.1,4. In the Beginning was ver I will keep thy righteous Judg- ments. the Word, and the Word was with Gcd, and the Word was God: In him was Life, and the Life was the Light of Men. Col. 1. 13. Who hath delivered us from the Power of Darknefs, and hath tranflated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son. {u) 1 Cor. xv. 58. Be ye ftcdfaft, unmovable, always abounding in the Work of the Lord, for as much as ye know that your Labour is not in vain in the Lord. x Tet. 11. ii. It had been better for them not to have known the Way of Righ- teoufnefs, than after they have known it, to turn from the holy Commandment delivered unto them. H I am 50 PRAYERS compofed out of tie Psalms, vcr. 107. I am afflicted very much, quick- en me, O Lord, according to thy ver. 108. Word. Accept, I befeech thee, the free- will Offerings of my (x) Mouth, (x) Heb. xm. 15-. By him — let us of and teach me thy Judges. My **■ £*££« *£***"> ver. iop. (^ Soul is continually in my Hand, if) l Cor 1. 9. But we had the Sentence vet do I not forget thv Law I of ?eath in ?"r felv«, that we ihould not yet ao 1 not rorget tny Law. 1 truft in our felves, but in God which raif- ver. 113. hate (z) vain Thoughts, but thy eth the Dead. T iw do I Iovp • V^ clr- x- P 4' * For tho' we Walk Law do 1 love. m rhe Flefli, we do not war after the Flefh, ver. 114. Thou art my hiding Place and for the Weapons of our Warfare are not cr • u T 1 • 1 xtt j carnal bac mi8htY through God, to the v Shield.. T finnp in f hv Word. milling A^^rZc ajJTjFV, . ,' «.l,c ver ver ci • 1 1 t 1 • 1 xtt j carnal bnc m,ghty through God, to the my Shield 5 I hope in thy Word, pulling down of ftrong Holds, catling Uphold me according to thy Word, d°wn Imaginations and every high Thing • "<*• ,r T .. 1,1 fhat exalteth IC &lf, againft the Know- that I may live, and let me not be ledge of God, and bringing into Capti- -.117 (a) amamed of my Hope. Hold ^ every Thought to the Obedience of thou me up, and I fhall be fafe, and (a) Rom. v. 5-. Hope maketh not a- I will have refped to thy Statutes. S^if^ the *f ve/*Go,d is med r ; abroad in our Hearts, by the Holy Ghoft 120 My Flefn (J?) trembleth for fear of which is given unto us. thee, andl am afraid of thy Jndg- S$JJ fefeK^fe .125. men ts. Mine Eyes fail for thy Sal- ir is God which worketh in us both to will / \ j r u tt7 j r l and to do, of his good Pleafure. vation, .(c) and fortheWord of thy {c) t Tef L ^Who ^ ^ hy ^ (d) Righteoufnefs. Deal with thy Power of God, through Faith unto Sal- ' r. v 1 x* 1 vation. Servant according to thy Mercy, and {d) Gal v> fm We through the Spirit . teach me thy Statutes : Thy Tefti- J?ait f°r the Hope of Righteoufnefs by ...... Faith. ver. 124. vcr. up monies are wonderful, therefore ver. 131. doth my Soul keep them. Look thou upon me, and be merciful unto me. ,<* ~ i * TT t t r* A 1 r I n (,f) >^ xjv- 2I« He that loveth me as thou uleit to do unto thole that mall be loved of my Father, and I will ver.rn. Mlovethy Name. Order my Steps y^ him' and Wili maoifeft my feIf "> in thy Word, and let not any Inicjui- if) Rom- vr. 14. For Sin /hall not have 1 - / r\ r\ • Dominion over you, for ve are not nn ty have (/) Dominion over me. der the Law, bu( under Grace Deliver P R AY E R S compofed out of the Psalms. 5 1 ver. 154. Deliver me from mine Oppreflbrs, ver. i$f. fo will I keep thy Precepts. Make (^ j0^H xrv. 13. if a Man love mc, (V) thy Face to fhine upon thy Ser- h**il[ keeP ray Words, and my Father ve>/ ; 1 c will love him, and we will come unto him, vant, and teach me thy Statutes. aud make our Ab0de with him. ver. 17,6. (h) Rivers of Waters run down mine . (h) John xvi. xo. Ye fliall weep and , r 1 1 lament, but the World mail rejoice ; and Eyes, becaule Men keep not thy ye man be forrowful, but your Sorrow Law. I am (/) fmall and defpifed, ihall be turned into Joy. w . Mat. v. 4. BleiTed are they that mourn, yet do I not forget thy Precepts. for tney ihall be comforted. Thy (k) Righteoufnefs is an ever- W ito.v. 3- BleiTed are the Poor in . n & rr ,. T Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven, laiting Righteoulnels, and thy Law r Cor. iv. 10, 13. We are defpifed,— I4? is the Truth. (/) Trouble and An- we are made as the Filth of the World, ■ *' _ , , 111 and are the offscouring of all things unto guifh have taken hold upon me, this Day. yet thy Commandments are my 0) Tit. in. 5. Not by Works of Righ- , . — , ~ . , r r c \ teoufneis which we have done, but ac- Delight. The Righteoulnels or thy cording to his Mercy he faved us. Teftimoniesiseverlaftinz : Give me „ (0 3oht\ ™i. 33. In me ye mall have j t a. in- Peace, in the World ye mall have Tribu- (m) Undemanding, and I IhaU live. Jation; but be of good cheer, I have over? come the World. (m) James 1. 5. If any of you lack Wifdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all Men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it mall be given him. ver. 141 ver. 141. ver vee. 144. H t A Prayer ! $2 PRAYERS cowpofed out of the V s a l M S. ver. ver. i ver A Prayer for Deliverance from Trouble, and for quickening Grace to keep God's Law. Cryed with my whole Heart; hear me, OLord, andfave me, and I mall keep thy 147. Teftimonies. I prevented the dawn- 00 Luke so j* £ 7, ®c. And he faid *' x r \ 1 j unt0 tnem> Which of you fhall have a ing of the Morning, (n) and cryed, Friend, and fhall go unto him at Midnight, 48. I hope in thy Word. Mine Eyes and fay unto him, Friend, lend me three T r /• r l Loaves, for a Friend of mine in his Jour- prevent the Night Watches, that ney is come to me, and I have nothing L might meditate in thy Word, to fet before him: And he from within » / mall aniwer, and fay, Trouble me not, . 149. Hear my Voice according to thy the Door is now fhut, and my Children lovingKindncfs: O Lord, quicken a'e wi*mc in Bed, I cannot rife and give me according to thy Judgments, not rife and give him, becaufe he is his t- 1 / \ ,, a r ~..A ~„A Friend; yet becaufe of his Importunity, «/»r in For thou art (0) near, O Lord, ana , n v j • u- « 1 ?! v«. iyi a wi luwu ai r/ ' ' he will rue and give him as many as he all thy Commandments are Truth, needeth: And I lay unto you, Ask, and ^ r\ • xccixi.- „ „ j it fhall be given unto you; feek, and ye nr.m. Confider mine AtfMions and ^n find . lnock, an/it man be opened deliver me, for I do not forget thy unto you. ver. 13. Ifye then, being Evil, _ -.11 /-> r iji- know how to give good Gifts unto your vcr. if A- Law. Plead my Caufe, and deli- Childrerij how mucfi more lhall your hea- ver me ; (p) quicken me according venly Father give the Holy Spirit to them V/V^ b that ask him. (0) 1 Cor. m. 16. Know ye not that ye are the Temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. Mat. xxvm zo. I am with you alway, even to the End of the World. (/) Rom. viii. 11. He that railed up thrift from the Dead, fhail alio quicken your mortal Bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you. 1 to PRAYERS compofed out of the V ver. if<5. ver. if 7. ver. 1 5*8. ver. ifp. ver. i(5i. ver. 163. ver. 164. ver i6f. ver. 166. ver. 167, ver. 168, ver. 169. ver. 170, ver. 171. ver. 173. ver. 174 to thy Word. Great are thy ten- der Mercies, O Lord, quicken me according to thy Judgments. Many are my (q) PeiTecutors and Enemies, yet do I not decline from thy Te- ftimonics. I beheld the Tranfgref- fors, and was (r) grieved, becaufe they kept not thy Word. Confider how I love thy Precepts j (s) quick- me, O Lord, according to thy lov- ing Kindnefs. I rejoice at thy Word, as one that findeth (t) great Spoil. I hate, and abhor Lies, but thy Law do I love. (u) Seven Times a Day do I'praife thee, becaufe of thy righteous Judg- ments. Great (x) Peace have they that love thy Law, and nothing mall offend them. Lord, I have ( ° L°rd' and lofty One, that inhabiteth Eternity, wilt (n) perfect that which concern- whofe Name is Holy, I dwell in the high i t'l * * i-x t j aQd h°ly Place, with him alfo that is of eth me: Thy Mercy, O Lord en- a contrite ana humble Spirit, to revive dureth for ever, (o) forfake not the the sPirit of the Humble, and to revive . r ,. the Heart of the contrite ones. Works' or thine own Hands. («)J*««iv.6.Godrefifteth the Proud, but giveth Grace unto the Humble. (») Thil. i. 6. Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good Work in you, will perform it until the Day of Jefus Chriji. (o) John vi. 3 7. All that the Father giveth me, fhall come to me, and him that cometh to me, I will in no wife call out. An i $6 PRAYERS compofed out of the P s a l m s. An Evening Prayer for a due and awful Senfe of God's Omniprefence. ORD, I cry unto thee, make hafte unto me, give Ear unto my Voice when ver. 2. I cry unto thee. Let my Prayer befet forth before thee as Incenfe, and the lifting up of my Hands as ver. 3. the Evening Sacrifice. Set a Watch, (p) O Lord, before my Mouth, and ver. 4. keep the Door of my Lips. Incline not my Heart to any evil thing, to practife wicked Works with Men that work Iniquity, and let me not eat of their Dainties. Pf.cxxxix. For thou, O Lord, haft fearch- ver. i. ed (q) me, and known me. Thou (r) knoweft my down-fitting and my up-rifing, thou underflandefl: ver. 3. my Thoughts afar off. Thou com- pared my Path, and my lying down , and art acquainted with vcr. 4. ail my Ways. For there is not a (?) Mat. xxvi. 41. Watch and pray, that ye enter not into Temptation. Rev. in. 2. Be watchful, and ftrengthen the things which remain. (9) Rev. 11. 23. And all the Churches mail know that I am he which fearcheth the Reins and Hearts, and I will give un- to every one of you according to your Works. (r) Heb. iv. 13. Neither is there any Creature that is not manifeit in his Sight, but all things are naked and opened unto the Eyes of him with whom we have to do. Word P R AY ERS compofedout of the Psalms. 57 > \ • t« . u* 1~ ni nrA CO Afa/. xii. 36, 37. Every idle Word (s) in my Tongue, but lo, OLord, ^Mea ^ /p^7 they gaI, give ac. vcr. f. thou knoweft it altogether. Thou count thereof in the Day of Judgment; 1 n 1 r l u- J ^«J k^£-»r*» for by thy Words thou ihalt be juftificd, haft befet me behind and before, ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ and laid thine Hand upon me. Such demned. __ t , 1 f |/-,.mo (*) 7*r. xxm. 23, X4. Am I a God at vcr. d. Knowledge is too wonderful for me; Ha\^/{aith theLordjand not a God afar it is high, I cannot attain unto it. off? Can any hidehimfelf in fecret Places, ___,., / \ n 11 t r u tnat I fliall not lee him? faith the Lord. ver. 7. Whither (/) (hall I go from thy Do QOt T fiU Hcaven and Earch ? laith the Spirit? or whither mall I fly from Lord. f n r ttt r 1 • (u) Job. xxii. n. Is not God in the ver. 8. thy Pretence? If I alcend up into Heighth Df Heaven? and behold, the (u) Heaven, thou art there ; if I Heighth of the Stars, how high they are, v, - , . /xtt1iii,i and he walketh in the Circuit of Hea- make my Bed in (x) Hell, behold, ven. vcr. p. there does thy Juftice appear : If I JA XL- *7» «,- All Nations before him 7 i are as nothing, and they are counted to take the Wings of theMorning, and him lefs than nothing, and Vanity: It is dwell in the Uttermoft Parts of the heJthaut futeth upon the Circle of the Earth, and the Inhabitants thereof are as Gral- ver. 10. Sea; even there mall thy Hand lead hoppers. me, and thy right Hand mail hold • W %XnVIi' Hf Is nak^d bef°re ' J ° him, and Deitruction hath no Covering. ver. n. me : If I fay, furely the (y) Darknefs (jy) "Dan. 11. 22. He revealeth the deep mall cover me, even the Night a?d£c,ct ?inB*J hue kTnTeJh T,ha. isi£ 7 o the Darknels, and the Light dwelleth with mail be light about me; for the him. vcr. iz. Darknefs hideth not from thee, but ?T™ 7- ^ gi°°d GifTd CVCrJ ' u perfect Gift is from above, and comcth the Night fhineth as the Day; the down from the Father of Lights, with t^ i r j l t • i Ti whom is no Variablenefs, neither Shadow Darknels and the Light are both of chanaine alike to thee. I Tim. vi. 15-, 16. Who is the blefied ■n i. t_ n rr rr 1 -n • anc^ on^Y Potentate, the King of Kings For thou haft pollened my Reins, and Lord of Lords, who only hath Im- ver. 13. and haft covered me in my Mo- mortality, dwelling in the Light which no « , TTT , Man can approach unto, whom no Man vcr. 14. thersWomb. _ hath feen, nor can fee. I will praife thee, fori (2) am fear- (f) AcBs x™ 2/> *7' l8> Anl Jf h * v ' made of one Blood all Nations of Men fully for to dwell on all the Face of the Earth, and hath determined the times before ap- pointed, and the Bounds of their Habitations, that they mould feek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him and find him, tho' he be not fat from every one of us, for in him we live and move and have our Being. I Rom. 1. ^cr. IJ. \er. i 58 PRAYERS compofed 'out of the P sal ms. and wonderfully made. Marvel- *«*• ?• l8> '?• j >* "• For the Wrath anu w^jjwvi* ; of God is revealed from Heaven, againfl: lous are thy Works, O Lord, which all Ungodlinefs and Unrighteoufneis of ver. if. my Soul knoweth right well. My Men who hold the Truth , in Unrighte- va X) ,I,J 1 • 1 r U ouinefs: Becauie that which is known of Subftance was not hid trom tnee, God js manifeft in theni5 for God hath when Iwas made in fecret, and cu- fhewed it unto them; for the invifible t t a D things of him, from the Creation of the rioufly wrought in the loweit Farts World? are dearly feen, being underftood ver i5 of the Earth. Thine Eyes did fee by the things that are made even his e- c ~ ternal Power and Godhead, io that they my Subftance, being yet unperrect, are withouc Excufe. and in thy Book all my Members (*)//*■ "™- 9 With my Soul have I a u J / defired thee in the Night, yea, with my were written j which in Continu- Spirit within me, will I fcek thee early: c (U\^*A wV.pn ijQ vpf For wnen tny Judgments are in the Earth, ance were fafluoned, when as yet thc j^^ 0*thc WorId wm ,c^ there was none of them. Righteoufnefs. How precious are thy Thoughts r f)7^e. 14, 15. And Enoch prophe- now prcciuua j & £e^ laying, The Lord cometh with ten unto me O God? How great is thoufands of his Saints to execute Judg- the Sum of them? If 1 mould count ™nt uP°n •"• and t0 ™nvin<* «" £* me ouiii ui un^ii tjiat are ungodly among them, of all their them they are more in Number ungodly Deeds, which they have ungod- than theSand; whenlawake, lam ly committed, andof all the,rhardSpeech- tiid.ii lh^. ^aii^, es wjllcj1 ungodly Sinners have fpoken a- (a) (till with thee. gainfl: him. ver 10 Sorely thou wilt (b) Hay the (0 * Tf " 7, «■ A^ delivered juft \er. 19. Jultl; v / * £,ot, vexed with the filthy Converfation Wicked, O God, for they fpeak of the Wicked; for that righteous Man a^i „.:~k„;!1,T ~„A fU;ne» dwelling among them, in feeing; and hear- thee wickedly, and tnine . », , . » , ' . & -o ; r ing, vexed his righteous Soul from Day to Enemies take thy Name in vain : Day with their unlawful Deeds. ver. z.. Therefore am I (c) grieved with W1^1110''? •ForthcSpiritfarch. xnciciuii, am ^ ; 5 eth all things, yea, the deep things of God. thofe that rife up againfl: thee. Now we have received not the Spirit of „ t_//\ r\ r~l ~„A the World, but the Spirit which is of God, Search (d) me, O God, and that we ffiight kn0[v the thjngs that are know my Heart; try me, and freely given to us of God. 1 John xiv. 2-6. But the Comforter, which Kn0W is the Holy Ghoft, whom the Father will fend in my Name, he (hall teach you all things, and bring all things to your Remembrance, whatfoever I have faid unto you. John xvi. 7- For if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, 1 will fend him unto you ; and he fhall reprove the World of Sin, of Righte* ouinefs, and of Judgment. 1 Rom. viii. ver. zo. PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. 59 vcr. 24. know my Thoughts, and fee if / there be any wicked Way within me, and lead me in the Way e- verlafting. Rom. viii. 13, 14, 15. For if yc live after the Flefh, yc fhall die; but if ye, through the Spirit do mortifle the Deeds of the Body, yc fhall live ; for as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God. For ye have not re- ceived the Spirit of Bondage again to ye have received the Spirit of Adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father. Luke xi 13 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good Gifts unto your Chil- dren, how much more (hall your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him? Pf. CXLIII. ver. 1. ver. 1. A Morning Prayer for the Bleffing of God, and the Protections of Divine Providence. IE A R my Prayer, O Lord, 0) Tit. m. 4> S- But after that theKind- ; ; .. nefs and Love of God our Saviour toward give Ear to my Supphca- Man appeared, not by Works of Righte- tions : in thy Faithful nefs oumefs which we have done, but accord- ' ; ing to his Mercy he laved us, by the wain- anfwer me, and in (e) thy Righte- ingof Regeneration, and renewing of the nnfnefs Enter not into judgment Ho}l G^0^- ouineis. culci uu jo ^ Rom m 19 2Qj XIj xz Now we for in thy Sight know that what things foever the Law with thy Servant fhall no Man living be (/) jufbified. When faith, it faith to them who are under the Law, that every Mouth may be (topped, and all the World may become guilty be- fore God: Therefore by the Deeds of the Law, there fhall no Flelri be juftified in his Sight; for by the Law is the Knowledge of Sin; but now the Righteoufnefs of God without the Law is manifefted, being wit- neiTed by the Law and the Prophets, even the Righteoufnefs of God, which is by Faith of Jefus Chriji, unto all and upon all them that believe ; for all have ftnned, and come Ihort of the Glory of God, being juftified freely by his Grace, through the Redemption that is in Jefus Chriji, whom God hath let forth to be a Propitiation through Faith in his Blood, to declare his Righteoufnefs for the Remifiion of Sins I % that ver. 4- 60 PRAYERS compofed out of the Psalms. When my Spirit is overwhelm- &«*& ^J^^^f^ ver. f. ed (g) within me, and my Heart within me is defolate, I will remem- ver. 6. fier of him which believeth in Jefus. 1 Tim. 11. 5, 6. For there is one God, and one Mediator berween God and Men, ber the Days of old, I will medi- the Man Chrift Jefus, who gave himfelf tate on all thy Works, I will mufe a ^™£r£' We have fuch an Hjgh_ on the Work of thine Hands ; I Prieft who is fet on the right Hand of n 1 r 1 u A, „n*n thee- the Throne of the Majefty in the Hea- itretch forth my Hands unto tnee , ^^ ^ Mediator of a better Covenantj my Soul (h) thirfteth after thee as which was eftablifhed upon better Promifes. , . n t 1 tj o fr^erli (?) R°m v- 6> "■ For wnen we werc ver. 7. a thirlty Land. Hear me lpecui yet'without strength, in due 1 \mt Chrift lv O Lord my Spirit faileth : died for the Ungodly ; that as Sin hath ' r 1 (l reigned unto Death, even fo might Grace Hide not thy Face from me, leit rdgQ throu h Righteoufnefs unto eternal I be like unto them that go down Life, by Jefus Chrift our Lord. Gal. 11. 19, 10. For I through the Law am dead to the Law, that I might live unto God: I am crucified with Chrift% neverthelefs I live, yet not I, but Chrift liveth in me; and the Life which I now live in the Flefh, I live by the Faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himlelf for me. f.CXLlI. ver. 1. ver. 2.. into the Pit. I will cry unto thee, O Lord, with my Voice j with my Voice unto thee, O Lord, do I make my Supplication. I pour out my Com- 1 • r r 4.1,00 1 fl->™/prl hefore W Mat.Y.6 Bleffed are they which plaint before thee, 1 {hewed before ^>t ^ thfrft after Ri ht£oufnefS) vcr. 3. thee my Trouble: When my Spi- for they fhall be filled ver. f . vcr. 6. John vii. 37. Jefus flood and cried, faying, If any Man third, let him come unto me and drink, for he that believeth on me, as the Scripture hath faid, out of his Belly fhall flow Rivers of living Wa- ter; but this fpake he of the Spirit which they that believe on him fhould receive. ver. 7. rit was overwhelmed within me, then thou kneweft my Path. I cry unto thee, O Lord; thou art my Refuge and my Portion in the Land of the Living. Attend un- to my Cry, for I am brought very low: Deliver me from my Perfecutors, for they are flronger than I. Bring my Soul out of (f) Prifon, that I may praife thy Preach Deliverance to the Captives and w 5 ; r J recovering of Sight to the blind, to fet at Name. Liberty them that are bruifed. Caufe (/*) Luke iv. 18. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, becaufe he hath anointed me to preach the Gofpel to the Poor ; he hath fent me to heal the broken hearted, to vcr. p. ver. 10. ver. ii (k) Mat. v. 8. BlefTed are the pure in Heart, for they mall ice God. ver. 11. PRAYERS compofed out of ^Psalms. 61 Pf. cxLiti. Caufe me, O Lord, to hear ver. 8. thy loving Kindnefs in the Morn- ing, for in thee do I truft. Caufe me to know the Way wherein I mould walk, for I lift up my Soul unto thee. Deliver me, O Lord, from mine Enemies, I fly unto thee to hide me. Teach me to do thy Will, for thou art my God : Thy Spirit is good, (k) lead me in- to the Land of Uprightnefs : Quick- en me, O Lord, for thy Name's fake, and for thy Righteoufnefs fake bring my Soul out of Trou- ble; and (/) deftroy all them that afflict my Soul, for I am thy Ser- vant. PCcxliv. Lord, (m) what is Man, that thou takeft Knowledge of him? or the Son of Man, that thou makeft account of him? Man is like to (n) Vanity, his Days are as a Shadow that paffeth away. Bow (o) thine Heavens, O Lord, and come down; fend thine Hand from above, and deliver me from the Hands of the Wick- ed, whofe Mouth fpeaketh Vani- ty, and their right Hand is full of FaMhood. ver. 4. ver. f. ver. 7. ver. 8. (/) 1 John in. 8. For this purpofe the Son of God was manifefted, that he might deftroy the Works of the Devil. (*») Job vii. 17. 18. What is Man, that thou moulded magnifle him? and that thou moulded fet thy Heart upon him? and that thou mouldlt vifit him every Morning, and try him every Moment? Heb. 11. 6. What is Man, that thou art mindful of him ? or the Son of Man, that thou vifiteit him? z Chron. vi. 18. But will God in very Deed dwell with Men on the Earth ? Be- hold Heaven and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain thee. {n) James ;v. 14. For what is your Life ? It is even a Vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vaniiheth away. (0) 2. Cor. vi. 16. I will dwell in them, and walk in them, and I will he their God, and they fhall be my People. Youth 1 62 PRAYERS compofed out of the P s a l m s. ver. ii. O Lord, by thy BlefTing let our Sons be as Plants grown up in their •-• ^ D i_ u C/) Luke xii. 2.4. Confider the Ravens, Youth; and our Daughters be forthey neither fow nor reap, which nei- ver 1%, as Corner-Stones. That our Gra- ther have Storehoufe nor Barn, and God ^ j. feedeth them, now much more are ye naries may be full, (p) affording better than the Fowls ? all necelTary Stores: That our Mat. vi 31, 3*, 3 3 • Therefore take ; ^ no thought, laying, what mall we eat? vcr. 14. Sheep may be fruitful, and our Ox- 0r what mall we drjnk? or wherewithal en ftrong to labour: That there ftall we be cloathed ? For your heavenly o w iaL^ * Father knoweth you have need of all be no breaking in, nor going out, thefe things: But leek ye firft the King- , . . . c .m dom of God, and his Righteoufnefs, and nor no complaining in our Streets. aU thefe things fhd, be *dded umo you ver. if. HappyisthePeoplethatisinfucha Heb.wu. 5. Let your Convention be _ r . . , „ , , r without Covetoufnefs, and be content with Cafe,- yea, happy is the People whole fuch things asye havCj for he hath faidj God is the Lord. Therefore will I I will never leave thee, nor forfake thee. r c 1 ~^ j 1 Tet. v. 7. Calling all your Care upon ling a new Song unto thee, O God, himj for he careth for you who art my Salvation, my Good- (?) Ifa- xi* 16,19, 30, 3 1. Lift up your . _^ .. ... n Eyes on high, and behold who hath cre- nels, and my Deliverer, my Shield, ated thefe rhings? rhat bringeth out their in whom Iwill truft for evermore. Hoft by Number; he calleth them all by _r 1 T n /• \ i-r t- Names, by the Greatnefs of his Might, ve^T' AQ W UP my yCS for that he is ftronS in Power> not one unto thee, O Lord, from whom a- faiIfth ,He g'^f1 Power ^° r,he Faint» and to them that have no Might he in- ver. 1. lone Cometh my Salvation ; for creafeth Strength. Even the Youths mall my Help is in thee, O Lord, who £*# and ^ *** anud the y°™g Men 1 L 7 lliall utterly fall ; but they that wait upon haft made Heaven and Earth; he the Lord, mall renew their Strength, they •11 ~fc r rr„~ ~,,r t?~~«. *~ U^ ~ mail mount up with Wings as Eagles, they ver. ?. will not lurrer my root to be mov- n ,, /„f. „,nA&„ .°, ' n ? , v<-'* >• ; mail run, and not be weary, and they inall ver. 4. ed j (f) he that keepeth me will walk and not faint. n ~u»- t^V,^,, rS t ^..4 rt-* (r) r John v- *4< If- ^"d tnis is the vcr, r. not flumber. Thou, O Loid, art Co\^de/ce that w* ^ve in him, that if ver. 7. my Keeper, my (5) Shade on my we ask my thing according to his Will he . 1 1 T j «.l -i r hearethub a, i if \vc knu v that he hear right Hand, thou wilt preferve me USj whatfocvc. t jk? we know that we have the Petitions that we defired of him. (s) T/a. xxxii. t. He mail be as an hiding Place from the Wind, and a Covert from the Tcmpcfi: ; as Rivers of Water in a dry Place, as the Shadow of a great Rock in a weary Land. from P R AY E R S COmpofed Ollt of the Psalms. 63 ver. 8. from all evil ,• thou wilt preferve my Soul, and wilt (/) prefer ve my going out and my coming in, from this time forth and for ever- more. Therefore will I (u) praife thee, 0 Lord, with my whole Heart, 1 will fhew forth ail thy wondrous Works : I will fing Praifes unto thee, O my God, while I have my Being. Rev. xxii. xo. He which teftifieth thefe men. Even fo, Come Lord Jefus. (t) Acls xvii. 28. — For in him we live and move, and have our Being. Mat. x. 30. But the very Hairs of your Head are all numbred. 0) 1 Tim. 1. 17. Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invifible, the only wile God, be Honour and Glory for ever and ever. Amen. Rev. iv. 1 1 . Thou art worthy , O Lord, to receive Glory and Honour and Power, for thou haft created all things, and for thy Pleafure they are and were created. Rev. v. ix. Worthy is the Lamb that was flain, to receive Power and Riches, and Wifdom and Strength, and Honour and Glory and BlefTing. things, faith, Surely I come quickly. A* jro* Rom. xv. 4. For whatfoever things were written afore time^ were writ- ten for our Learnings that we through Patience and Comfort of the Scrip- tures might have Hope. i Pet. 1. 3, 4. According as his divine Power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto Life and Godlinefs, through the Knowledge of him that hath called us to Glory and Virtue. Whereby are given unto us ex- ceeding great and precious Promifes • that by thefe you might be Partakers of the Divine Nature ', having efcaped the Corruption that is in the World through Lufl% 1 THE DIFFERENT STATES O F T H E Righteous and the Ungodlt, As alio the Vanity and Uncertainty O F HUMAN LIFE As they are reprefented in the PSALMS; Compared with other Parts of the Scripture. K THE DIFFERENT STATE O F T H E Righteous and the Ungodly, bV Pfalm i. ver. i. ver. 2. The Bleffednefs of the Righ- teous. LESSED (a) is the Man that waiketh not in the Councel of the Ungodly, nor (land- eth in the Way of Sinners, nor fit- teth in the Seat of the Scornful. But his (J?) Delight is in the Law of the Lord, and in his Law doth he (c) meditate Day and Night, (a) Mat. v. 8. BlefTed are the pure in Heart, for they mall fee God. (b) Thil. in. 8. I count all things but Lois for the Excellency of the Knowledge oiChrift Jefus my Lord. (c) I/a. xxvi. 9. With my Soul have I defired thee in the Night, yea with my Spirit within me, will I feek thee early. K 2 And ver. 3 Pf. m. ver. 8. Pf. IV. ver. 7. 68 The Bleffednefs of the Righteous. And he (hall be like a (d) Tree . W 7**» *V; *. 1 ^ jST^ >Te ^ v ' the Branches ; he thatabidethin me, and I planted by the Rivers of Water, jn him, the fame bringeth forth much that bringeth forth his Fruit in his Fruit: For without me ye can do nothing. Seafon, his Leaf alfo {hall not wi- ther, and whatfoever he doth fhall (e) profper. Pf. v. ver. 11. ver. 2,1 (e) 1 Tim. iv. 8. But Godlinefs is pro- r r * fitable unto all things, having Pr Salvation (/) belongethunto the the £ife tnat novv iSj ancj of tn: omife of at which Lord: Thy Blcffing is upon thy - ---• ^ ^ ^ ^ V ^ Pf. IX. ver. p. ver. 10. People. Thou haft put Gladnefs in my Heart, more than in the time that their (g) Corn and their Wine in- creafed. Let all thofe that put their truft in thee (h) rejoice, let them ever fhout for Joy, becaufe thou defend- eft them; let them alfo that love thy Name be joyful in thee. Thou, Lord, wilt blefs the Righ- teous -, with thy Favour wilt thou compafs him as with a Shield. The Lord alfo will be a (/) Re- fuge for the oppreffed, a Refuge in times of Trouble. Name Jefus, for he fhall fave his People from their Sins. (g) Mat. 6. 33. Seek ye firit the King- dom of God, and his Righteoufnefs, and all thefe things fhall be added unto you. (h) Jolm xvii. 13. And thefe things I fpeak in the World, that they might have my Joy fulfilled in themfelves. Jolm xvi. xi. And your Heart mall re- joice, and your Joy no Man taketh from you. Pf. x. ver. 17. (/) Trov. xviii 10. The Name of the Lord is a ftrong Tower, the Righteous runneth into it, and is fafe. (k) I fa. xxvi. 3. Thou wilt keep him in perfect Peace, whofe Mind is flayed on thee, becaufe he trufteth in thee. Web. xiii. 5. Let your Converfation be And they that know thy Name without Covetoufnefs , and be content .,, * • fL\ . n - .u c with fuch things as ye have; for he hath Will put their (k) truft in thee, for faidj , wiU ^ ^ye thee nor forfeke thou, Lord, haft not forfaken them thee. *W fppl the* W John XIV- *3> 14- An «"&*Y ^ fee God . ' , ..... (a) 1 Tet. 1. 15. Ye were not redeemed Who mall afcend into the Hill with corruptible things, as Silver and Gold, of the Lord? and who (hall (land from your vain Converfation, received by Tradition from your Fathers, in his holy Place? (£)#^.vi.i4,i6,i7,i8.Surelybleflmg, He that hath clean Hands and * will blefs thee, and multiplying, 1 will multiply thee. For Men verily 1 wear by a (2) pure Heart, who hath not lift the Greater, wherein God willing more 1 • c \ . 1 V\TAni*.*T nnr rHrnrn abundantly to fhew unto the Heirs of up his Soul to (a) Vanity , nor lworn promife £ ImmutabiHty of his Counfel> deceitfully. confirmed it by an Oath ; that by two TT n 11 • 1 m Dl«rr:«^ immutable things, in which it was impof- He (hall receive the {b) BleiTing fiblc for God »Q ^ we m-ght ha P a from the Lord, and Righteoufnefs ftrong Confolation, who have fled for Re- f . . c . . fuge to lay hold upon the Hope fet before from the Gcd ot his Salvation. us . which Hope we have as an Anchor This is the Generation of them of the Soul. ,, r , ,. , r \ j\ (r) 7/2;. lv. 67. Seek ye the Lord while that (c) leek him, that leek thy he may be found) call ye upon him while Face O Jacob, ne is near: Let r^e Wicked forfake his \ J \ ., . Way, and the unrighteous Man his Pf xxv. Tne (") Meek WlU he SUlde m Thoughts: And let him return unto the *«• * Tudgment, and the Meek will he Lo^ and he will have Mercy upon him, J o ' and to our God, for he will abundantly teach his Way. pardon. Heb. xi. 6. He that cometh to God, niuft believe that he is, and that he is a Rewardcr of them that diligently feek him. (d) Mat. v. 5. Blefled are the Meek, for they fhall inherit the Earth. All ver. 5*. ver. 6. I The Blejfednefs /?/^Righteous. 71 vcr. 10. All the Paths of the Lord are Mercy and Truth unto fuch as keep his (q) Covenant and his Teftimo- (g) i "Pet, in. 10. And who is he that . will harm you, if ye be Followers of that nies. which is good ? v„ IA The Secret of the Lord is with . W Heb. viil 6, 8, 10. He is the Me- , r i i mi diator °f a better Covenant, which was them that fear him, and he Will eftablifhed upon better Promifes: Behold mew them his (b) Covenant. \h™ l wiU ™ff a*** tv ' ii Covenant with the Houle of Ifrael and Pf. xxvn. In the time of (/) Trouble, he the Houfe of Judah : I will put my Laws Ver> f§ mall hide them in his Pavilion ,• in ££° J* MJf>*n* ^ thcrarin,the,.r ' Hearts; and I will be to them a God, and the Secret of his Tabernacle (hall they mail be to me a People. lie hide them he mall fet them ud , W John XVI- 33- In the World ye mail lie nide tliem, ne mail let tnem up have Tribulation, but be ye of good cheer, upon a Rock. I have overcome the World. nr ~t T i -it • r t John xvi. ix. And ye now therefore Pf. xxix. The Lord will give Strength un- fo^OWj but , wiU fe/you again? and to his People, the Lord will blefs your Heart iliall rejoice, and your Joy na < . _ . . « /,\ -n Man taketh from you. his People with (A) Peace. (^ j0jm XIV# %7% Peace j ieave with Pf. xxxi. How great is his (1) Goodnefs, y°u> my Peace l give unto you> not as the ver. ip. 1111111 r World giveth, give I unto you. Let not which he hath laid up for them y0Ur Heart be troubled, neither let it be that fear him; which he hath afraJ,(17 ^ hph. i. x. Grace be unto you, and Peace wrought for them that trait in him, from God our Father, and from the Lord before the Sons of Men. JefusCbrifi. (/) i Lor. ii. 9. Eye hath not lecn, nor He mail keep them in the Ear heard, neither have entered into the Secret of his Prefence from the Heartof Man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Pride (m) of Man, he (hall keep , \ \, ' 0 r „ , ilx V. J ' r ym) Mat. x. 18,29,30. Fear not them them fecretly from the Strife of which kill the Body, but are not able to ,-p kill the Soul; but rather fear him which 1 ongues. is able tQ deftroy both Soui and Body in Pf.xxxm. The (n) Eye of the Lord is up- Hell. Are not two Sparrows fold for a ver« x8« * 1 r 1 • 1 Farthins? and one of them mail not fall on them that rear him, upon them t0 the Qround without your Father But that hope in his Mercy. the very Hairs of your Head are all nnm- r bred. (n) 1 Tet. m. ix. The Eyes of the Lord are over theRighteous, and his Ears are open unto their Prayers. 3 To vcr. 20. ver. ip. Pf. XXXIV. ver. p. ver. 10. Pf. xxxiv, ver. 7. ver. if. ver. 17. ver. 18. ver. 19. ver. 22. Pf. xxxvi. ver. f. 72 The Blejfednefs of the R 1 g h t e o u s. To deliver their Soul from Death, and to keep them alive in (0) Famine. (0) Mat. vi. 25-, ^6. Take no thought _,. . , , for your Life, what ye fhall eat, or what There is no Want to them that ye fllall drink; nor yet for your Bodyj fear him: for though the young what you fhall put on: Is not the Life . . 1 r rr 1 more r^an Meat, and the Body thanRai- Lions do lack and lufrer hunger, ment? Behold the Fowls of the Air, for they that feek the Lord fhall want they fow not, neither do they reap, nor 1 11. gather into Barns, yet your heavenly Fa- no good thing. ther feedeth them; are ye not much bet- The (p) Angel of the Lord en- ter than they? K[ ' ° (/) Heb. 1. 14. Are they not all mini- campeth round about them that ftring Spirits, lent forth to minifter for fear him, and he delivereth them. them who fliali be Heir6 of Salvation. The Eyes of the Lord are upon the Righteous, and his Ears are o- pen unto their Cry. And the Lord heareth and de- livereth them out of all their Trou- bles. The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken Heart, and faveth fuch as be of a (q) contrite Spirit. (^ Ifim LVII t$m Thus faith the high Many are the Affli&ions of the and lofty One, that inhabiteth Eternity, _ . , , t T 111. whole Name is Holy, I dwell in the high Righteous, but the Lord deliver- ^d holy Place, with him alfbthatisof eth him out of them all. a contrite and humble Spirit, to revive the . 1 1 r 1 Spirit of the Humble, and to revive the The Lord redeemeth the Soul Heart of the contrite Ones. of his Servants, and none of them 7ames IV- 6> IO God refifteth the that truftin him fhall bedefolate. His Mercy is in the Heavens, and his Faithfulnefs reacheth unto the Clouds. How excellent is thy loving Kindnefs, O God; therefore the Proud, but giveth Grace unto the Hum- ble. Humble your lelves in the Sight of the Lord, and he fhall lift you up. Children ver. vcr. i. The Blcffedncfs of the Righteou s. 73 Children of Men put their truft (r)Johnxiy H Whofocver drinkcth f of the Water that I fhall give him, fhall under the Shadow of thy Wings. nevcr third; but the Water that I fhall 8 They fhall be abundantly fatis- f* him, fliall be in him a Well of Water * It/- iprmging up into evcrlalhng Life. fled with the Fatnefs of thy Houie, Johnwi. z'r, i8, 29. Jejus flood and i u i\ u -,«lL tiipVn rln'nlr " cried, laying, If any Man thirfl, let him and thou lnalt make tnem uikik > j & j . » auia tLi^w come unto me, and drink: He that bc- of the (r) River of thy Pleafures. lieveth on me, (as the Scripture hath faid) ' . » 1 -it * • Out of his Belly (hall flow Rivers of liv- ver. 9. For Wlth thee 1S tllC Fountain ing Water: But this fpakc he of the Spi- of Life and in thy Light fliall they rit which they that believe on him fhouid ' ' receive. lee Light. j^ev XXIL ^ And the Spirit and the PC.xli. BlefTed are they that (s) confi- Bride fay, Come, and let him that hear- ver 1. 1 t j 11 A r eth, fay, Come, and let him that is athi: ft der the Poor ; the Lord will deli- comCj and whofoever wiij ieC him tafce 0f ver them in the time of Trouble. the Water of Life freely. -■,,,/- } (J) Mat. xxv- 34> 35Y4°- Come ye The Lord will prelerve them, Biefl-ed of my Fatherj inherit the King. and keep them alive, and they fliall dom prepared for you from the Founda- r \ . tion of the World ; for I was an huugred, beblefTed upontheEarth, and thou and ye gave me Meatj T vvas tnirfty and Wilt not deliver them into the Will 7e gave me Drink, I was a Stranger, and wiiL likjl ^ ye took me ^ nake^ ancj ye cioathed of thine Enemies. me, &c. In as much as ye have done it un- The Lord will ftrensthen them ro °ne of,the Ie*ft of thefe my Brethren, ver. 5. 111Cij 5 ye have done it unto me. upon the Bed of (t) Languishing, (t) 1 Cor. iv. 16, 17. Though ourout- and will make all their Beds in ward Man pcriih, yet the inward Man is auu win i «i renewed Day by Day. For our light Af- their Sicknefs. fli&ion, which is but for a Moment, work- r^ t l • r> ~c ~~ „« A Cf,.««rr«-t-. /, etri for us a far more exceeding and eter- Pf.XLVI. GodistheirRefugeandStiength,a nalWeight ofGlory. * ver. 1. very prefentHelp in time of trouble. (») Heb. xm. 6. The Lord is my Help- _,. r 1 1 / \ r er, and I will not fear what Man iliall do ver. 1. Therefore theT do not M fcar> unto me. though the Earth be removed, and Heb. vi. 19. Which Hope we have as &. - - . , an Anchor of the Soul , both fure and though the Mountains be carried ffedfaft, and which entereth into that with- into the midft of the Sea. ™ the JdL ,.«,,% , . (x)John xi. 25,16. lam the Refurredti- God Will (x) redeem their Soul on and the Life, he that believeth in me, ir? from the Power of the Grave, for tho' he were dead, yet fliall he live; and f n ,, . ' wholoever Iiveth, and believeth in me, he lnall receive them. majl uever die. L To Pf. XLIX. ver Pf. l; ver. 2$, Pf. LV. ver. 22. Pf. LVI. ver. J. ver. 13. 74 The Blejfednefs of the Righteous, To him that ordereth his Con- - (j>) /* *Uoe> Vip ' (z) Mat. xi. 28, 29. Come unto me, all Lord, and he (hall fuftain thee, he ^^ ^^ ^^ heavy ^^ ^ {hall never fufTer the Righteous to 1 will give you Reft. Take my Yoke . 1 upon you, and learn of me, for I am be moved. meek and lowly in Heart, and ye lhall What time they are afraid, in God find Reft unto your Souls. they put their Truft, and will not fear what Fleih can do unto them. For God that delivereth their Souls from Death, will deliver their Feet from (a) falling , that they (a) % Cor. rv. 8. 9. Perfecuted, but not may walk before God in the Light *>rfakefl i caft dow^ but not deftroyed. of the living. A Repre- The Mifery of the U n g o d l y. 75 pr. i. ver. 4. ver. f. ver. <5. Pf. v. ver. 0 ver. 10. A Reprefentation of the Mifery of the Ungodly. . ,. ... (£) A/^. 11,. n. Whofe Fan is in his HE {b) Ungodly are like Handj and he will throughly purge his the Chaff that the Wind Floor, and gather his Wheat into the Gar- ner, but he will burn up the ChafF with unquenchable Fire. (c) Mat. xxv. 41. Thenfhall he fay un- to them on his left Hand, Depart from {land in the Judgment. me ye curfed, into everlafting Fire pre- For the Way of the Ungodly pared for the Devil and his Angels. And thefe fhall go into everlafting Punifhment, driveth away. Therefore (c) they mail not mail perifh. There is no Faithfulnefs in their Mouth, and their inward Part is but the Righteous into Life eternal. i Thef. 1. 7, 8, 9, 10. The Lord Jefus mail be revealed from Heaven, with his mighty Angels, in flaming Fire, taking verv Wickednefs : their (d) Throat Vengeance on them that know not God, ; J, r . . and that obey not the Gofpel of our Lord is an open Sepulchre, Fallity is in JefusChrift-y who fhall be punifhed with their Tongues everlafting Deftrudion from the Prefence ° ' • of the Lord, and from the Glory of his Godwill (e) deftroy them, and Power, when he mail come to be glorified let them fall by their own Coun- «? his Saints, and to be admired in all 1 J them that believe. lels : Mark ix. 44. Where their Worm dieth not, and the Fire is not quenched. {d) Rom. in. ix, 13. They are all gone out of the Way, they are together become unprofitable, there is none that doth good, no not one : Their Throat is an open Se- pulchre ; with their Tongues they have ufed Deceit; the Poylbu of Afps is under their Lips; whofe Mouth is full of Curftng and Bitternefs : Deftruction and Mifery is in their Ways, and the Way of Peace have they not known ; there is no Fear of God before their Eyes. (e) 1 Tet. vl. 3 , 9, &c. Whofe Judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their Damnation flumbereth not. The Lord knoweth how to deliver the Godly out of Temptations, and to referve the Unjuft unto the Day of Judgment to be punifhed : But chiefly them that walk after the Flefh in the Luft of Uncleannefs, and defpife Government : Prefuroptuous are they, felf-willed ; they are not afraid to fpcak evil L z of The Mifery of the Ungodly. P. VII. ver. ii. ver. 11. ver. 15. vex. 14. ver 16. 16 fels: They mall be can: out in the of Dignities. Thefe are natural brute , , , . 1 r 1 • rr- r m Beatts, made to betaken and deftroy ed, Multitude of their Tranfgreflions, fpeak evil of the things that they ur/der_ ftand not, and mail utterly perifh in their own Corruption; and fhall receive the Re- ward of Unrighteoufnefs, as they that count it Pleafure to riot in the Day time, fporting themfelves with their own de- ceivings; having Eyes full of Adultery, that cannot ceale from Sin ; beguiling un- Pf. IX. ver. f. ver. 1 5. ver. 17. Pf. x. ver. 2. ver. 3 for they have rebelled againftGod. God is (/) angry with the Wick- ed every Day. And if he turns not, he will whet his Sword. . « liable Souls : An Heart they have exer He ordaincth his Arrows againit. cifed with covctous prices ; curfedChil the PeiTecutOl'S. ^rcn : Which have forlaken the right , 1 • 1 t • • 1 Way. Thele are Wells without Water, Who travail with Iniquity, who clouds that are carried wich a xempeft, conceive Mifchief and bring forth c° whom the Mift of Darknefs is relerved 0 for ever. Falfhood. (/) % Tet. 111. 7, 9, The Heavens and the Their Mifchief (hall return upon E*rth which *re now> ^eukcPc in ^ore, 1 relerved unto Fire, againit the Day of Judg- their own Head, and their violent ment and perdition of ungodly Men. The Dealing {hall come down upon their ^ord is not flack concerning his Promiie, 0 L (as lome Men count Slackneis ) but is long- own Pate. iuffering to us-ward, not willing that any God fhall deftroy the Wicked, £ouId Perifll> buc that a11 ihould come to ' Repentance, and put out their Name for ever. The Wicked are fnared in the Work of their own Hands. The Wicked fhall be turned in- to Hell, and all the Nations that forget God. The Wicked in their Pride do perfecute the Poor. And boaft themfelves of their Heart's Defire, and blefs the Co- vetous, whom the Lord abhorreth. 2 The/. 11. 8. Whom the Lord mall con- fume with the Spirit of his Mouth, and fhall deftroy with the Brightnefs of his Coming. I/a. xxx. 33. Tophet is ordained of old, he hath made it deep and large; the Pile thereof is Fire and much Wood, the Breath of the Lord, like a Stream of Biim- ftone, dorh kindle it J tide xiv. 15. The Lord cometh with ten thoufands of his Saints, to execute Judgment upon all, and to convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly Deeds, which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard Speeches, which ungodly Sinners have ipoken a- gainft him. Rev. xiii. 10. He that loadeth into Captivity fhall go into Captivity; he that kill- eth with the Sword, mult be killed with the Sword. Here is the Patience and the Faiih of the Saints. Through o ver. 4. ver. f. ver. 6. ver. 7. ver. 11 ver. 14. ver. if. ver. 1 5. Pf. XI. ver. f. The Mifery of the Ungodl y. Thro5 the Pride of their Coun- tenance, they will not feek after God, God is not in all their Thoughts. Their Ways are always grievous, the Judgments of God are far a- bove, out of their Sight. They fay in their Hearts, they fhall not be (g) moved, and that they fhall never be in Adverfity. 17 (g) Rev. xvin. 5. Her Sins have reach- ed unto Heaven, and God hath remem- bered her Iniquities, ver. 7, 8. For fhe Their Mouth is full of Curfing, faithJ,",hcr Hear,r' ! fit a-Q-ueen' and ara d' no Widow, and Deceit, and Fraud,- under their Tongue is Mifchief and Vanity. They fay in their Hearts, God her hath forgotten, he hideth his Face, he will never fee. But God beholdeth (h) Mifchief and Spite, to requite it with his mall fee no Sorrow. Therefore iTiall her Plagues come in one Day, Death and Mourning and Famine; for ftrong is the Lord God who judgcth {h) 1 Tet. in. ix. The Eyes of the Lord are over the Righteous, and his Ears are open to their Prayers: But the Hand : The Poor committeth him- Face of the Lord is againft them that do felf to God, who is a Helper of the evi ' Fatherlefs. He will break the Arm of the wicked and the evil Man. For the Lord is King for ever and ever, and the Heathen mail perifh out of the Land. {i) Luke XXI 3 ^ Take heed t0 The Lord trieth the Righteous, Your felvcs> left at anY time y°ur Hearts ... ... 1 , De overcharged, with Surfeiting and Drunk- but the wicked, and him that lov- ennefs, and Cares of this Life, and ib that eth violence his Soul hateh. Day cor- uPon >"ou unawares. For as ■ . 111/1 a Snare iliall it come on all them that Upon the (*) Wicked he fhall dwell on the Face of the whole Earth. rain 78 The Mifery of the Ungodly. rain Snares, Fire and Brimftone, and an horrible Temped,- this fhall be the Portion of their Cup. yer. 7. ^or tne righteous Lord loveth Righteoufnefs , his Countenance doth behold the Upright. Pf. xiv. The p00j fa^ m kjs Heart, there ver. 1. ' is no God ,• they are corrupt, they do abominable Works. ver. z. They neither will underftand, nor feek God. v«.3. They (*) are altogether become W See before Jk*in.ii,«r. filthy. ver. 4. The Workers of Iniquity have no Knowledge, who eat up God's People as they eat Bread, and call not upon the Lord. But God is in the Generation of the Righteous. Pf. xvr. Their Sorrows mall be multipli- ver- 4- ed, that haften after another God. Pf. xxi. The Hand of God (hall find out ver* * all his Enemies. He mail make them as a fiery O- ven, in the Time of his Anger, the Lord fhall fwallow them up in his Wrath, and the Fire fhall de- vour them. Their Seed fhall be deftroyed from the Earth, God yer* f • ver. p. ver. 10. The Mifery of the Ungodly, 79 Tf. xxvmi- Godwill give them according to ver. 4. o o their Deeds, and according to the Wickednefs of their Endeavours, he will render to them their Deferts. ver. f. Becaufe they regard not the Works of the Lord, nor the Ope- ration of his Hands, he fhall deftroy them, and not build them up. Pf. xxxi. xhe lying Lips (hall be put to ver. 10. 1 • 1 . Silence, which fpeak grievous things proudly and contemptuoufly againft the Righteous. Pf. xxxn. Many Sorrows fhall be to the Wicked: But he that trufteth in the Lord, Mercy fhall compafs him about. Pf. xxxiv. The Face of the Lord is againft them that do evil, to cut off the Remembrance of them from the Earth, ver. 2i. Evil fhall flay the Wicked, and they that hate the Righteous fhall be defolate. Pf. xxxv. They mail be as Chaff before ver* f ' the Wind. ver. 6. Their Way fhall be dark and flippery, and the Angel of the Lord fhall perfecute them. (/) . Tea S ers, and Women Sing : of the Sons of Men, as nmfica and I forts. So I v leafed, more ti in Jem/SUem ; alio my mained with me. A ^tfcever m ^s defired, I kept not from them; I withheld not my Heart from For my Hear: rejoiced in all n >nr, and Eh \ :. ; my Portion cf all m hour. T>: that my Hands had " Labour that I had laboured to dc, and be- hold all was Vani: itionof and there was no Prone ondc Gen. xLv-i. 9. The Days :' : Years of my I ; are a;-, h and thirty years: Few and evil ha Days of the : us of my Life been, a rding to the : I .- M 1 8 + The Vanity and Uncertainty ver. \\. Pf. XLIX. vcr. i. ver. z. vcr. 3. O fpare me, that I may recover have not attained unto the Lu;3 of the . , c , , , Years of the Life of my Fathers in their Strength, before I go hence and be no more. Hear this, all ye People ,• give ear, all ye Inhabitants of the Earth. Heb. xi. 13. Thefe all died in Faith, not having received the Promifes, but having feen them afar off, and were per- fuaded of them, and embraced them, and confelTed that they were Strangers and Both low and high, rich and Pilgrims on the Earth. For they that fay Door together mcn tninSs' declare plainly that they feek " , , S*M 1 ' n 11 r 1 r iTT-r a Couutrey. Wherefore God is not a- My Mouth (hall fpeak of Wil- lhamed t0J be called thcir God> for he dom, and the Meditation of my hath prepared for them a City. Heart mall be of Underftanding. ver. .4. ver. <5. I will incline mine Ear to a Pa- rable, I will open my dark Saying on the Harp. (d) Luke xvi.iQ,Gfc. There was a cer- tain rich Man, which was cloathed in Purple and fine Linen , and fared fump- tuoufly every Day. And there was a cer- They that truft in their Wealth, rain Beggar named Lazarus, which was ver. 7. and boaft themfelves in the Mul- titude of their Riches ,• None of them can by any Means, (d) redeem his Brother, nor give to God aRanfom for him vcr. 8 laid at his Gate full cf Sores ; and de- firing to be fed with the Crumbs which fell from the rich Man's Table: More- over the Dogs came and licked his Sores. And it came to pafs that the Beggar died, and was carried by the Angels into Abra- hams Bofom: The rich Man alfo died, and was buried ; and in Hell he lift up For the Redemption of their his Eyes, being in Torments, and feeth ' Soul is precious, and it ceafetll for Abraham afar' oft; and Lazarus in his * ' Bolom. And he cried, and laid, Father A- ever. braham, Have Mercy on me, and fend Lazarus that he may dip the rip of his Finger in Water, and cool my Tongue, for I am tormented in this Flame But Abra- ham faid, Son remember, that thou in thy Life time receivedft thy good things, and likewife Lazarus evil things: But now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And bcfi.ics all this, between us and you there is a great Gulph fixed, fo that they which would pais from hence to you, cannot ; neither can they pais to us, that would come from thence. Then he faid, I pray thee therefore, Father, that thou wouldit fend him to my Father's Houfe; for I have five Brethren, that he may teftific unto them, left they alio come into this Place of Torment. Abraham faith unto him, They have Mofcs and the Prophets ; let them hear them. And he faid, nay, father Abraham, but if one went unto them from the Dead they will repent: And he laid unto him, If they hear not Mofes and the Prophets, neither will they be pcrfuaded though one role from the Dead. That vcr. 10. ver. ii ver. iz. (^Human Life. 85 That he mould ftill (e) Jive for W Heh ™^l- '« £ appointed unto >C1, y- w Men once to die, but after this the Judg- ever, and not fee Corruption. raent. For he feeth that wife Men die, likewife the (/) Fool and the brut- (/) Eccles. 11. 18, 19. I luted all my .n r .n . . , . Labour which I hid taken under the Sun, llh Perion penlh, and leave their becaulc I fhould leave it unto the Man Wealth to others. r^at ^a^ ke atLCr mc- -^nc* xv'10 ^now~ " 1 . 1 cth whether he ihall be a wile Man or a Their inwara Thought is, that Fooi ? their Houfes (hall continue for ever, and their dwelling Places to all Ge- nerations ; they call their Lands after their own Names. Neverthelefs , a Man being in Honour, abideth not; he is like the Beads that perifh. ver. 13. This their Way is their Folly, yet their Poderity approve their Sayings. (g)iTet MS. Ye know that ye were ver. 14. Like Sheep they are laid in their no; redeemed uich corruptible things as . - . r . Silver and Gold, from your vain Conver- Grave, Death ihall feed on them, fation, received by Tradition from your and the Upright (hall have Domini- Farners- 1 Cor. xv. 41, 43. So alio is the Rcfur- on over them in the Morning, and region from the Dead ; it is fown in Cor- their Beauty (hall confume in the juption, ft israrfed in Incorruptian; it is J iown in Dilhonour, it is railed inGiory; Grave from their Dwelling. it is fown in Wcaknefs, it is railed in ver. if. But God will M redeem my Soul V°7f ; rk is. lb,T ? nacural Body' [t is ^s\ J l . railed a fpintual Body. from the Power oi the Grave, for (h) James v. 1, x, 3. Go to now, ye he ftial 1 receive me. rich Men, weep and howl for your Mile- nes that are come upon you ; your Ricn- ver. 16. Be not thou afraid when one is cs are corrupted, and your Garments are j //\ • \ t i/^i r Moth-eaten ; your Gold and Silver is can- made % rich, when the Glory of ker?d) and thJe Ruft of thcm n,all be a his BToufe is increafed. Witnefs againft you, and mall eat your _ . t ... . - Flefh as it were Fire ; ye have heaped vcr. 17. For when he dieth^he mall Treafure together for the lad Days. carry ver. 18. ver. i p. ver. 20. Pf xc. ver. i. ver. a. ver. 3, ver,. 4. 8 £ 77:>£ r^///>/ and Uncertainty carry (i) nothing; away : His Glo- Cg r ri^ £ ?> 8> 9, 10. We brought ; ;/ & / ,. nothing into this World, and it is cerrain ry lhall not defcend after him. we can carry nothing out; and having Though whilft he lived, heblef- Food and Raiment, Jet us be therewith . o ' content. But they that will be rich, fall fed his Soul: And Men will praile into Temptation, and a Snare, and in- thefe, When thou doft well to thy r.° many foolifh and hurtful Lufb, which ' J drown Men in Deftruction and Perdition : felf. For the Love of Money is the Root of He ma!! £0 to the Generation of a,J £/3i **** while iome Men covcr- t> ed after, they have erred from the Faith, his Fathers 3 they mall never fee and pierced themfelves through with ma- j ■ 1 ny Sorrows. !S ' Job, 1. 21. Job fatd. Naked came I out Man that is in Honour, and un- of my Mother's Womb, and naked mall j n , . . «.i 1 r> „n„ I return thither: The Lord save, and derftandeth not, is like the Beaib the Lord hath rakcn *wa£ ^^ ^ *J that perifli. Narae of the Lord. T 1 i t au J 1 ^r/p/ v. 13, 14, 15-. There is a fore Lord, thou halt been our dwel- Evij whicn 7 have fccn undcr rhe S| ling (k) Place in all Generations. namely, Riches kept for the Owners ° V 1 //Nat • thereof, to their hurt: But thofe Riches Before the (/J Mountains were periih by evil travel; and he begetterh a brought forth, or ever thou hadft sAon» and thJre,is nothing in his Hand. b 7 t As he came forth of his Mother's Womb, formed the Earth and the World : naked mall he return to go as he came, Even from everlaftine to everlaft- an,d j?1*11 rake no'-hinS 6f his, Labourv 0 which he may carry away in his Hand. i-ng thou art God. And this alio is a fore Evil , that in all Thou turned Man to Deftru- ItrV^TT % 'M,' ^ F,'' in3 what Front hath he that hath laboured dxion, and lay eft, Return ye Chil- for the Wind? Jr*n of TVfpn ^ Z Chr0n' VL t8" WiH God in veT dien or Mem. Dced dwelj wkh Mcn on the Eanh ? fi£ For (m) a thoufand Years in thy hold Heaven, and the Heaven of Heavens ~. , , n. i 1 cannot contain thee. Sight, are but as yefterday, when it x Cor VI l6 Yc are the Tcmp|c of the Jiving God, as God hath laid, I will dwell in them and walk in them, and I will be their God, and they mail be my People. (I) Neb. 1. 10. Thou, Lord, in the Beginning had: laid the Foundation of the Earth, Vavons are the Works of thine Hands. Jfa. vl. 12. Who hath meafured the Waters in the Hollow of his Hand, and meted the .--leaven with the Span, and comprehended the Dull of the Earth in aMeafure,. a:i d me Mountains in Scales, and the Hills in a Balance? (m) i Tet: in. 8. Be not ignoraut of this one thing, that one Day is with the Lord as a thousand Years, and a thoufand Years as one Day. * is o/Human Life. 87 is pad, and as a Watch in the Night. ver. f. Thou carried them away as with a Flood , they are afleep , in the Morning they are like Grafs which groweth up. ver. 6. In the Morning it flourifheth, and groweth up, in the Evening it is cut down and withereth. ver. 7. For we are confumed by thine Anger, and by thy Wrath are we troubled. er. 8. Thou haft fet our Iniquities be- fore thee, our fecret Sins in the Light of thy Countenance. For all our \n) Days are pad a- (*) Ecckf.vi. 1%. Who knoweth what , TTT , ,Tr r , is 2ood for Man in rhis Life, all the Days way in thy Wrath: We fpend our of his vain LifCj which he ,pendeth as' a Years as a Tale that is told. Shadow? for who can tell a Man, what _,. _ r ,i\ xr ^a^ b£ after him under the Sun? The Days or our (fj Years are threefcore Years and ten, and if by reafon of Strength they be four- (I) S^Ld. C. J. Hales's Origination of Mankind, wherein he Mates the feveral Periods of human Life. Page 170. " Touching the Decays of the Age of Man's Life, we do indeed learn from the facred Scripture, (for no human " Hiftory reacheth fo high) that the Lives of the Ancients were very long, efpecially before, and for fome time " after the Flood; and this the Divine Wifdom, Providence andGoodnefs ordered for mod excellent Ends,name- " ly, the peopling of the new World, and that without any other Means than his own Will, or at lead by Means un- " known to us: In Arphaxad the Son of Shem, the great Age of the Ancients was cut to halves, namely to 440 Years; «' and in his Grandchild Peleg, it was again cut to halves, for he lived but 241 Years ; and it is alfo true, that after- " wards gradually to the Days of Mofes, the Lives of Men became (hotter and fliorter, till they fixed in that com- " mon Period of the Life of Man, of 70 or 80 Years : And although it be true that the Hiftories of former times " give us fome Account of longer Lives of Men, as the Lives of Mofes, Aaron, Phimhas, and fome others, and " thofe mentioned by Pliny, Lib. vn. cap. 48. and fome in our own Experience : Yet Mofes himfelf Mates the or- ""dinary Standard of the Life of Man to be 7c, or at moM, 80 Years, Pfalm xc. 10. 2 Sam. xix. 32, 3 J. And " this we Anall find true upon the Confideration of the Chronological Account of the Years of the ancient Patri- " archs and Kings that fucceeded Mofes: As likewife of the time that .the ifraelites lived in the Wildernefs, all which " that were twenty Years old, and upwards, at the coming into the Wildernefs, when the Spies were fent into " Canaan, which was frortly after their coming thither; all thefe, I fay, except Jojhua and Caleb, died within the " 40 Years Peregrination in the Wildernefs: And at this Stay, the ordinary Age of Men hath been for thefe 4000 «' Years, abating thofe Cafualties, either of Difeafes, or other Accidents that have flioitened the ordinary compleat «' Ages of Mens Life. fcore m ver. 9. ver. 10. ver. ii ver. 13, vcr. 14, 88 The Vanity and Uncertainty fcore Years, yet is their Strength Labour and Sorrow,- for it is foon cut off, and we fly away. Who knoweth the Power of thine Anger? even according to thy Fear, fo is thy Wrath. ver. 12. So teach us to number our Days, that we may apply our Hearts un- to Wifdcm. Pf. cm. Ljke as a Father pitieth his Chil- dren j fo the Lord pitieth them that fear him. For he knoweth our Frame; he remembreth that we are but Duuft. ver. jf. As for Man, his (0) Days are as (0) James iv. 13, 14. Go to now, ye Grafs: AsaFlower of the Field, fo t?/Zl° ?¥?■ 10 7"°*' we T"'g0 » into lucti a City, and continue there a he flourifheth. Year, and buy and fell, and get Gain; For the Wind mATel-h nvrr fr ^hereas' Ye kn°wnot vvhatfliall beon the ver.itf. for tne Wlncl pallets over it, Morrow; For what is your Life ? It is e- r.nd it is gone, and the Place there- ven a Vapour that appeareth for a little c n 11 1 •* Time, and then vanifneth away. or mall know it no more. y But the Mercy of the Lord is from everlafting to everlafting, up- on them that fear him, and his Righteoufnefsunto Children's Chil- dren. To fuch as keep his Covenant and to thofe that remember his Commandments to do them. ver. 17. ver. i' PROP HECI ES I N T H E PSALMS Relating to the MESSIAH; Compared with other Parts of the HOLY SCRIPTURE, Luke xxiv. 27 y 44. And beginning at Mofes and all the Prophets ; he expounded unto them in all the Scriptures , the things concerning himfelf And he faid unto them, Thefe are the Words which 1 fpake unto you, while I was yet with you, that all things muft be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Mofes, and in the Prophets, and in the Pfalms, concerning me. N r .?rwTvif! PROPHECIES Relating to the Birth, Passion, Death, Resur- rection, and Ascension O F T H E MESSIAH Pf. XXII. ver. i. vcr. z. Y (a) God, my God, (aJMatt.xvni.46. MyGod,my God, 1 u cl l c r\ why haft thou forfaken me? why haft thou forfak- fb) Mark XIV ^ ^ ^ They en me ? Why art thou came to a Place which was named Geth- fo for from helping me, femane: And he faith to his Difciples, fit r ° ye here while I mall pray. And he laith and from the Words of my roar- urJto them, my Soul is exceeding forrow- ine> O my God, I (b) cry in the ful> u«to Death: and he went forward &* ; n a liCtle' and fel1 on tne Ground> and Day prayed, that if it were poflible, the Hour might pafs from him. Luke xxii. 44. And being in an Agony, he prayed more earncflly : And his Sweat was as it were great drops of Blood, falling down to the Ground. N i 1 Heb. v. $2 Prophecies relating to the Messiah. ver. Daytime, but thou heareiV tk ™- v. 7. WhointheDaysofhis Fle/h N . . , when he had offered up Prayers and Sup- and 111 the (cj Night Sealon and am piicatjons> witn ftrong Crying and Tear?, not filent. But thou art Holy, O «"t0 nini #« was able to fave him from Death, and was heard in hat he feared, &c. thou that inhabited the Praiies of fcj j0jm XVIIT. l:jHdas then having vcr.4. #?irf Our Fathers trufted in thee: received a Band of Men and Officers from J the Chief Prielts and Phaniees, cometh They trufted, and thou didft deli- thither with Lanthorns and Torches and ver 6. ver them. But I am a (d) Reproach v^rSJU „ Q „n _ Tf, a • ^ l y r f And thLey ^f Paf" r . ,__ , . j.j/v 1 led by reviled him, wagging their Heads, out of die Womb $ thou didit make ffjMat. xxvn. 43. He trufted in God; me hope when I was upon my Mo- lcc him ^eliver him n°w if he will have ' L him, ther's Breads. (g) Mat. it. i, xt 9. When Jefus was _ I2 They gaped upon me with their bo™ ™ Bethlehem oijudea, ^behold there **•*}• J ir> r r came wife Men from the Eaft to JVrff/S- Mouths, as a ravening and roaring /em, faying, where is he that is born King of the Jews ? for we have feen his Star in the EalT, and are come to worfhip him. And lo, the Star which they law in the Eaft, went before them till ir came and ftood over where the young Child was. ver. 1 1 . And when they were come into the Houfe, they faw the young Child with Mary his Mother, and fell down and worshipped him. Lnkew. 8, 9, 10, n, 12, 13. And there were in the fame Country Shepherds abid- ing in the Field, keeping Watch over their Flocks by Night; andlo, the Angel of the Lord came upon them , and the Glory of the Lord ihone round about them ; and the Angel laid unto rhem, Behold, I bring you good Tidings of great Joy, which ihall be to all People: For unto you is born this Day, in the City of 1)avid, a Sa- viour, which is Chrifl the Lord: And this fhallbea Sign unto you, Ye (hall find the Babe wrapped in Swaddling Clothes, lying in a Manger. And fuddenly there was with the Angel a Multitude of the heavenly Hoft praifing.God, and laying, Glory to God in roe Highefl:, and on Earth Peace,. Good Will towards Men. Lion ver Prophecies relating to the Messiah. 93 . I4. Lion. I am (h) poured out like Wa- V)JA LIIf- 4> 5\ Surely he hath bom T v /r our Oners, and carried our Sorrows: let ter, and all my Bones are out of wc did cftcem him flrickcn, i mitten of Joint; my Heart is like Wax, it is G^ ™d # J ' cd for our Tranigrefiions, he was bruifcd melted in the midft of my Bowels. fbr our Iniquities'. The Chaflifement of ver. if. My Strength is dried up like a ™. Pc*cc was upon him, and with his ; * b r Stripes we are healed. Potffierd, and my (/) Tongue cleav- (*) John xix. 28. After this, Jef They parted my &ar_ Hand, I mall not be moved. There- ™eurs among!! them, and upon my Vef- r TT -it v ^,1 rure did they cafT Lots. fore my Heart is glad, and my Glo- (*) Mat. xxvn. 57, 58, &c. When the ry rejoiceth, my Flefh alio mail Even was come> there came a ricn MaQ n . TT r 1 of Arimathea, named Jofefib, who alio ver. 10. reit in Hope,- for thou wilt not hiWelf wasJ^'sDifciple. He went to in) leave my Soul in Hell, neither ¥0*?'*™* be^ed tlf?l\ °Pefur v ' J " 1 hen Pilate commanded the Body to be Wilt be delivered, and when Jofeph had taken the Body, he wrapped it in a clean linen Cloth, and laid it in his own new Tomb, which he had hewn oat in the Rock. Attsn. 29. Men and Brethren, let me freely fpeak unto you of the Patriarch Ttav'tf, that he is both dead and buried, and his Sepulchre is with us unto this Day : Therefore be- ing a Prophet, and knowing that God had fworn with an Oath to him, that of the Fruit of his Loins,, according to the Flefh, he would raife upC/jrtJ? to fit on hisThrone : He feeing this before, fpake oftheRefurredtion ofChrift, that his Soul was not left in Heij, neither his Flefh did fee Corruption. This Jefus hath God raifed up, whereof we all are WitnefTes. ver. 3 3 • Therefore being by the right Handjof God exalted, and having re- ceived ver. iz 5 4 Prophecies relating to t he M e « s i a h. wilt thou fuffer thy Holy One to ^^^ggSZL** fee Corruption. Thou wilt mew ye now fee and hear. me the Path of Life : In thy Pre- fence isFullnefs of Joy, at thy right Hand there are Pleafures for ever- {q) ^ xxvm lg> ^ And»came more. an^ lpa^e unt0 them, faying, All Power is pr i n / \ r j j tt' l given unto me in Heaven and in Earth; W& Til0U W alcendedon High, Go ve therefore, and teach all Nations, thou haft led Captivity captive, baptizing them in the Name of the Fa- d _ . -».r r •», ther and of the Son, and of the Holy thou haft received Gifts for Men ; Ghoft vea for the Rebellious alfo, that ■ Markxyi.19. So then, after the Lord J ' had fpoken unto them, he was received the Lord God might dwell among up jnto Heaven, and fat on the right them Hand of God. Eph.w. 8. Heafcended on High, he led Pf.xxw, (p) Lift up your Heads, O ye Captivity captive,andgaveGiftsui:ito Men. ver. 7. ' ; ,, ■.<-. Thil. 11.9, 10. Wherefore God alio hath Gates, and be ye lift up, ye ever- fcghiyerifeaWn* and given him a Name lafting Doors , and the King of which is above every Name, that at the ft _, /1 11 • iT7t • ^1 • Name of Jefi/s, every Knee fhould bow, ver. 8. Glory (hall come in. Who is this of things ^ £eaveil) aJndrhings in Earth? King of Glory ? The Lord, Strong and things under the Earth. . \ ,. . 1 T j >/• 1 ^ • (p) Aftsi. q9 iq, 11. And when he and Mighty, the Lord Mighty in fca/fpoken thcfc ThingS) while they bc. ver. p. Battle. Lift up your Heads, O ye held, he was taken up, and a Cloud rc- . ~ , ceived him out of their Sight; and while Gates, even lift them up, ye ever- they ,ookcd ftca(jfoftly xoward Heaven, Lifting Doors, and the King of Glo- as he went up, behold two Mai flood ,, . ,T7, . 1 • tt- by them in white Apparel; which alio ver. 10. ry (hall come in. Who is tins King jaid, yc Men of Galilee, why ; ftaud ye of Glory? The Lord of Hofts, he gazing "P int0 Heaven? This iamc Jejus J r . which is taken up from you into Heaven, is tile King or Glory. flmlt io come in like Manner, as ye have feen him go into Heaven. Mat. xxiv. 30. And they mall fee the Son of Man, coming in the Clouds of Heaven, with Power andgreat Glory. Hill' ' III I Note, Not only an AngclickHoft are commanded from Heaven ro proclaim the Nativity of ( ur Saviour, but' the Magi from the Eafk are led by a miraculous Star to adore him ; and for the j r;uter Lullrc and Glory of his Kingdom, the Devils themfelves are obliged to recognize his lover, choir Oracles (which had {o long deluded the World) becoming filent ; of which Mr 7. Mead gwa the following Account out of Eufcbius and Porphyry. « The Prophecies relating to the Mess i ah. $5 M The beginning of this ftrange and wonderful Change, was about the Birth and Incarnation " oiChrift our Saviour, at which Time the Gods of the Gentiles grew fpeechlefsin their Ora- " cles: Or if at any time they anfwered, it was to teftify the nearnefs of that time, wherein M they were to be caft: out. It is reported of Augujlus, who confulted the Oracle of Apollo, u who fhould reign after him, received this Anfwer: TovcTe Sopov ar^oA(T«v, >t, oLUlw exZdn 'iKt&S. Aoittov »7T&1 iriym QM fiwfAUV ^{It^oov. The Meaning whereof is this : u The Hebrew Child, which rules the blef- " fed Gods, bids me leave this Houfe, and *c prefently pack to Hell. From henceforth ** depart thou with Silence from our Altars. " Whereupon it is faid that Augujlus reared an Altar in the Capitol, with this Infcription . ARA PR IMOGEN IT I DEI. " The Altar of the Firft-begotten of God. " Porphyry, though an Enemy of Christians, reports three farewel Oracles of Apollo. The firft whereof is this: Uv Z«uy, i$i rt vuw, k, iosif)) w piytxhi Ztvl u u (C St In Englifh thus: *' O Wo is me ! Lament , ye Tripods, for Apollo is gone, he is gone, for the burning Light of Heaven, that Jupiter which was, is, and fhall be, O mighty Jupiter/ he com- pels me. Ah, wo is me ! The brightefl Glo- ry of my Oracles is gone from me. u And to the Prieft which laft confulted him, his Demand being, IFhichwas the true Religion? He anfwered in this Manner: Mjj oQtAtf xsvfJ.et.iov fxi jt, vranv coum i$to% bvslwi W£07FcA«v, iJt* @twrt@» 'A(JLy.ere cut to the Heart, and took Counfel to flay them. John xvi. Prophecies relating to the Messiah. 97 jfeailnrt the Lord , and igSiM his .3^* XVI- 2> 4- They (hall put ycu cut ^ 11 of the Synagogues ; yea, thcrimecometii, vcr. 3. Anointed. Let us break their Bonds thatwhofbever killeth you, will think that nfunder, and Call away their Cords ,hc doTth G°d Service. But thefe Things J J have I told you, that when the time ihall vcr. 4. from us. Hethatfltteth intheHea- come, ye may remember that I told you vens fhall laueli,the Lord iliall have of t_h,em; See AdAs x.x- ^ ..... pp ' Mark xiii. 13. And ye ihall be hated them in Derifion. Then iliall he of all Men, for my Name's fake. ver *"• fU~~f t _v :, hvw.^K „„ j Luke xxi. 5-, 6. And as fome fpake of lpcak untotnen in lis Wrath, and , ~ , I r ., A c . /,, • * R the Temple, he laid, As for thcic things ver. 6. vex them in his fore Difpleafure. Yet which ye behold, the Days will come in , rr Tr. 11 which there fhall not be left one Stone up- have I fet my king upon my holy onailoriKr,thatfllall not be thrown down. ver. 7. Hill of Sion. I will declare the De- w. 10. Then faid he unto them, Nation , . c . . ihall rife againft Nation, and Kingdom a- cree; the Lord hath laid unto me, gainft Kingdom, ver. 12. And they fhall Thou (b) art my Son, this Day have I lay their Hands on you, andperfecuteyou, . c . delivering you up to the Synagogues, and ver. 8. begotten thee. Ask or me, and I into prjfons, being brought before Kings (hall give thee the (c) Heathen for and Rulers for my Name's fake. ver. 20. 0 And when ye iliall fee Jerufalem compaf- thine fed with Armies, then know that the De- flation thereof is nigh. ver. 24. And they fhall fall by the Edge of the Sword, and fhall be led away captive into all Nati- ons, and Jerufalem fhall be trodden down of the Gentiles^ until the Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Mat. xxiv. 15". When ye therefore iliall fee the Abomination of Defolation fpoken of by 'Daniel the Prophet ftand in the holy Place, then let them which be in Judaa flee into the Mountains. T>an. 11. 44,45". And in the Days of thefe Kings fhall the God of Heaven fet up a Kingdom, which fhall never be deftroyed : And the Kingdom fhall not be left to other People, but it fhall break in Pieces, and confume all thefe Kingdoms, and it fhall Hand for ever. Forafmuch as thoufaweft that the Stone was cut out of the Moun- tain without Hands, and that it brake in Pieces the Iron, the Brafs, the Clay, the Sil- ver, and the Gold ; the great God hath made known to the King what fhall come to pafs hereafter. (b) Heb. 1. 5", 6. For unto which of the Angels faid he at any time, Thou art my Son, this Day have I begotten thee? And again, when he bringeth in the firft Be- gotten into the World, he faith, and let all the Angels of God worihip him. (c) Mark. xiii. 9, 10. They ihall deliver you up to Councils, and in the Synagogue? ye fhall be beaten, and ye fhall be brought before Rulers and Kings for my fake for aTeflimony againft them. And the Gofpel muft firft be publifhed among all Nations. Luke 11. 32. A Light to lighten the G entiles ^ and the Glory of thy Veoplc Ifrael. Afts xiii. 46, 47. It was neceifary that the Word of God, iliould firft have been fpoken to you ; but feeing ye put it from you , and judge your felvcs unworthy of O everlaftinii ver. p. ver. 10. ver. ii. ver. ii. Pf. XXII. ver. zy. ver. 28. Pf. LXXII. ver. 11. 9 8 Prophecies relating thine Inheritance and the utter- moil Parts of the Earth for thy PofTeflion. Thou fhalt break them with a Rod of Iron, thon malt (d) dam them in Pieces like a Potter's Vef- fel. Be wife now therefore, O ye Kings j be inftru&ed, ye Judges of the Earth. Serve the Lord with Fear, and rejoice with trembling. Kifs the Son, left he be angry, and ye perifli from the Way, when his Wrath is kindled but a little : Bleffed are all they that put their Truft in him. All the Ends of the World mall remember and turn unto the Lord : And all the Kindreds of the Na- tions mall worfhip before thee. For the Kingdom is the Lord's, and he is the Governour among the Nations. Yea, (e) all Kings (hall fail down before him, all Nations mall ferve him. to the Messiah. everlafting Life, lo, we turn to the Gen- tiles: For fo hath the Lord commanded us, faying, I have fet thee to be a Light of the Gentiles, that thou fhouldft be for Salvation unto the ends of the Earth. I/a. xlix. 6. I will alfo give thee for a Light to the Gentiles, that thou mayeft be my Salvation unto the ends of the Earth. {d) Rev. 11. z-j. And he fhall rule them with a Rod of Iron ; as the VefTels of a Potter, they fhall be broken to Shivers. (e) I/a. xlix. 7. Kings fhall fee and a- rife, Princes alfo mall worihip, becauie of the Lord that is faithful, and the holy One of IJrael, and he fhall chufe thee. ver. z$. And Kings ihall be thy nurilng Fathers, and their Queens thy nurfing Mo- thers. The Truth of thefe Prophecies have been verified in the great Opposition that was made to the Chriftian Religion in the Difperfion of the Apoflles by the Jews, and afterwards by the Gen- tiles in the ten Perfecutions under the Pagan Emperors, wherein the Chriftians fliewed a di- vine Fortitude much fuperior to that of iht Romans. The other Part of thefe Prophecies were accompliihed in the Deftruction of Jerufakm by Titus, the Difperfion of the whole Nation of the Jews by the Emperor Adrian, the digging up the Foundations of the Temple, by Julian, whereby was fulfilled the Saying of our Saviour, That not one Stone fhould be left upon another. The Truth of this is verified by Ammianus MarcelUnus, and other Hiftorians. 3 As The Apoftacy of the Church. 99 As thus the People of the Jews were deftroyed by the Romans, Co the Roman Empire was darned and broke in Pieces by the Innundation of the Northern Nations, and was totally extin- guilhed under Auguflulus in the Year 476. Upon the Ruins whereof in the Weftern Parts, arofe the Papal Empire, and ten Kingdoms. m Pf. LV. ver. 1. ver. 2. ver. 3. A Defcription of the Apo- ftacy of the Church, and the Rife and Progrefs of Antichrift. (/) \Tim. iv. 1, fSc. The Spirit fpeak- I V E ear to my Prayer, O eth exprefsly that in the latter Times , ,-, 1 11-j „i fome mail depart from the Faith, giving God, and hide not thy heed to feducing Spirits, and Dodriles of (elf from my Supplicati- Devils, fpeaking Lies in Hypocrifie, hav- . , , ins their Confcience feared with a hot on; attend unto me, and hear me. Ir£n? forbiddingto marry, and command- I mourn in my Complaint and ing to abftain from Meats. 2 Tim. in. 1, z, 3 j Sfc. This know alfo, that in the laft Days, perillous Times mall come, for Men mall be Lovers of their own felves, Covetous, Boafters, Proud, becaule of the Oppreflion Blafphemers, Unthankful, Unholy, Gfc. of the Wicked: For they (/) cad Defpifers of thofe that are good, High- . . minded, Lovers of Plealures more than Iniquity Lovers of God, having a Form of God- linefs, but denying the Power thereof. 1. Tet. 11. 1,2, 3,&c. There were falfe Prophets alfo among the People, even as there mall be falfe Teachers among you, who privily mail bring in damnable Here- fies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themfelves fwift De- duction: And many lhall follow their pernicious Ways, by reafon of whom, the Way of Truth mall be evil fpoken of. And through Covetoufnefs, ihall they with feigned Words make Merchandize of you. An Heart have they exercifed with covetous O z Practices, make a Noife. Becaufe of the Voice of the E- nemy ver. 6. ver. 7. ver. 8. ver. p. ver. 11. ver. iz. ver. 15. ver. 14. IOO 77?£ Apoflacy of the Church. Iniquity upon me, and in Wrath Pradices, which have forfaken the right « , Way,and are gone aftray. Thefe are Wells tliey hate me. without Water, Clouds that are carried And I faid, O that I had Wings with a Tempeft, to whom the Mift of Darknefs is referved for ever : For when (g) like a Dove, for then would I they fpeak great fwelling Words of Va- fly away, and be at reft. »>*** ihe3f allu[e thr°u§h rhe L^ °f ■ J tneMeJh, through much Wantonneis, thole Lo, then would I wander far off, that were clean efcaped from them who and remain in the Wildernefs. |?Tf in Er.«>r; while they promife them Liberty, themlelves are the Servants of I would haften my Efcape from Corruption. thc(A)windyStormandTCmpcft. ^^n^^rf.JS-'SS I have feen (/) Violence and that /he might fly into the Wiidemels, « .r . t ^. into her Place. Strife in the City. Wickednefs is inthemidft there- of, Deceit and Guile depart not from her Streets. For it was not an Enemy that reproached me ; then I could have born it; neither was it he that hated me that did maenifie him- {h) Ver. 15% 16. And the Serpent caft out of his mouth Water as a Flood after the Woman; that he might caufe her to be carried away of the Flood. Aud the Earth helped the Woman, and — opened her Mouth, and fwallowed up the Flood which theDragoncaftoutofhisMouth. (/) Rev. xi. 2, 3, &c. The Holy City mall they tread under foot forty and two Months, and I will give Power unto my two WitnefTes, and they mall prophecy thrcefcore r\r - iY a thoufand two hundred and . ielf againit me, then I would have Days, cloathed in Sackcloth. And when hid my felf from him : But it was thou, a Man, mine Equal, my Guide, and mine Ac- quaintance. We took (e) fweet Counfcl to- gether, and walked into the Heme of God in Company. they fhall have finimed their Teftimony, the Beaft that afcendeth out of the bot- tomlefs Pit, mail make War againftthem, and mall overcome them, and kill them ; and their dead Bodies (hall lie in the Street of the great City, which fpirirually is called Sodom and Egypt, where alio our Lord was crucified. (e) 1 Thef. n. 1, 2, l£c. We befcech you, Brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jefus Chri/f, that ye be not foon lhaken Violence in Mind, as that the Day of Chrift is at Hand ; Let no Man deceive you, by any Mean^j for that Day fhall not come, except there come a falling away firfl:, and that Man of Sin be revealed, the Son of Perdition; Who oppofeth and cxaltcth himfclf above all that is called God, or that is worfliipped, fb that he as God, fittcth in the Tempi- of God, fhewing himfelf that he is God ; for the Myftery of Iniquity doth already ver. The Apoflacy of the Church. jo* Pf lxxhi. Violence covereth them as a d"**JT work; only he who now Ictteth 6 will Ice, until he be taken out of the Way; • ' Garment. and then mall that Wicked be revealed. Their Eyes ftand out with Fat- whom the Lord mail confume with the ver. 7. J 1 tt Spirit of hisMouth, and mall deftroy with nefs, they have more than Heart the Brightncfs of his coming, becaufc they |] -ru received not the Love of the Truth that they might be laved. And for this Caufe They are (/) corrupt and fpeak God mall fend them a llrong Dclufion, Wickedly, concerning Oppreffion, that they fliould believe a Lie ; y . (0 Rev- XVIL 3> &c- And ' *aw a Wb- they fpeak lohily. man fit upon a fcarlet coloured Beaft, full They fet their (m) Mouth againft of Names of Blafphemy, having fovea ver- 9- ] \ ' D Heads and ten Horns, ver. 4. And the the Woman was arrayed in Purple and Scar- let colour, and decked with Gold and pre- cious Stone, and Pearls, ver. 5. And upon her Forehead was a Name written, Mystery, Babylonthe Great, the Mother of Harlots and Abo- minations of the Earth. And I law the Woman drunken with the Blood of the Saints, and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jefus. And when I law her, I worr* dered with great Admiration. And the Angel laid unto me, Wherefore didlt thou marvel? I will tell thee the Myftery of the Woman, and of the Bead that carrieth her, which hath the feven Heads and ten Horns. Thefeven Heads are feven Moun- tains on which the Woman lltteth; and the ten Horns are ten Kings, which have received no Kingdom as yet, but receive Power as Kings one Hour with the Beaft ; thefe have one Mind, and mall give their Power and Strength unto the Beaft. Thele mall make War with the Lamb, and the Lamb mall overcome them, for he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, and they that are with him are called, and choferr, and faithful. And he faith unto me, the Waters which thou faweft, where the Whore fitteth, are Peoples and Multitudes, and Nations and Tongues. And the ten Horns which thou faweft upon the Beafl, thefe fha!l hate the Whore and fliall make her de- folate and naked, and fliall eat her Flcfli, and burn her with Fire, for God hath put in their Hearts to fulfill his Will, and to agree, and give their Kingdom unto the Beafl;, until the Words of God ilia!! be fulfilled. And the Woman which thou faweft is that great City, which reigneth over the Kings of the Earth. (m) Rev. xiii. 5. There was given unto him (the Beaft) a Mouth fpeaking great Things and Blafphemies; and. he opened hisMouth in Blafphemy againft God, tu blafpheme his Name, and his Tabernacle, and them that dwell therein. i 'Pet. in. 3, &c. There fhall come in the laft Days Scoffers, walking after their own Lulls, and faying, Where is the Promife of his coming? For fince the Fathers' feltafteep, all things continue as they were from the beginning, of the Creation. 1 John 11. 18. Little Children, it is the laft time, and as ye have heard that Anti- chrift fliall come. ver. 18. They went out from us, but they were not of us. Jude 17, i8j Remember ye the Words which were fpoken before of the Apoftles of our Lord Jefus Cbrifl, that they told you there mould be Mockers in the laft Times, who fliould walk after their own Ungodly Lufts, Thefe.be they who feparate them- feives, fenluai, having not the Spirit. 3 I fa. lvi. vcr. ii' ver. 12. 1 02 Tht Apoflacy of the C h u r c h. i tt a A -U^ Tnnmip Ifo- wi I0- His Watchmen are blind, the Heavens: And their longue ^ ^ ignoranr> they are dumbDogs, walketh through the Earth. they cannot bark; deeping, lying down, i i r u J~*U HnA loving to (lumber ; yea, they are greedy And they lay, how doth uoa Dogsf which can n/verhaveenough, and know ? is there Knowledge in the they are Shepherds that cannot under- ' (laud, they all leek to their own Way, Molt High ? every 0ne for his Gain, from his Quar- Thefe are the Ungodly which ter profper in the World, they increafe in Riches, ver 1 6. When I thought to know this, it was too painful for me. 0) Rn- xiy.- 9- The third Angel fol- 1 . i / \ c a- i lowed them , faying with a loud Voice, ver. 17. Until I went into the \n) banctu- If auy Maff worlhip the Beaft and his arv of God, then underftood I their Image, and receive his Mark in his Fore- J ' head, or in his Hand, the lame (hall be End. tormented with Fire and Brimftone. „„ ,8 Surely thou dift fet them in flip- *"£ ™ '7- The Dragon was wroth yer. 10. ""tw 7 with the Woman, and went to make War pery Places, thou cafteft them down wjtn the Remnant of her Seed , which r\ n. ja: keep the Commandments of God, and into Deftruaiion. ..:■-.* have the Teflimony of Jefus Chrijt. Pf.x The Wicked in his Pride doth Rev.xm. 10. He that leadeth into Cap- «■« ■ perleche the Poor, let them be ffiS#ESffiklU*J taken in the Devices that they have the Sword. Here is the Patience and the i Faith of the Saints, imagined. cDan VIII Jh H Then 1 heard one For the Wicked boafteth of his Saint fpeaking, How long (liall be the _ r ,,| ff v i ,-y Vifion concerning the daily Sacrifice, and Heart's Dehre, and blefleth the Co- the Tranfgre^on of Defolation , to -give vetous whom the Lord abhor- both the Sanctuary and the Hod to be trodden under Foot ? And he faid unto me, reth. Unto two rhoufand and three hundred The Wicked, through the Pride D,ays> then lha11 thc Sanr. • ■ f r-^J.UrT above thy Fellows, hated Iniquity • therefore God, thy ' God hath (r) anointed (f) thee with (r) Acls x. 38. God anointed Jefus of ~.* r^i 1 r l .1 r- 1 Nazareth, with the Holy Ghofl: and with the Oil of Gladnefs above thy Fcl- Power * '4UUWKfl lows. Thou art fairer than the Chil- dren of Men 5 Grace is poured into thy (s) Lips, therefore God hath blelTed thee for ever. Gird thy Sword upon thy Thigh, O mod Mighty,- with thy (^Glo- ry (*) and thy Majefty. 0) John vii. 46. Never Man fpakc like this Man. (/) Heb. 1. 3. Who being the Brightness of his Glory, and the exprels Image of his Perfon, and upholding all things by the Word of his Power, when he had by himfelf purged our Sins, fat down on the right Hand of the Majefty on High. (f) Mefliah in Hebrew fignifieth the Anointed. (») The Glory ot the Majeity of Chiifi is exprefled by the Name written on his Thigh, King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Rev. xix. i<5. And Pfcv. ver. 4. Pf. LXVIII. ver. 4. vcr. f. Yer. 17. The Glory of the MelliahV Kingdom. ict And in thy (u) Majesty ride profperoufly , becaufe of Truth and Meekness, and Righteous- ness: And thy right Hand fhall teach thee terrible things. Sing unto God, fing Praifesunto his Name: Extol him that rideth upon the (x) Heavens by his Name J AH, and rejoice before him. A (y) Father of the Fatherlefs, and a (z) Judge of the Widows, is God in his holy Habitation. The (a) Chariots of God are twenty thoufand, even thoufands is among (a) I/a. ix. 6, 7. For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the Go- vernment mall he upon his Shoulders, and his Name fhall be called Wonperful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, rHE E- VERLAST1NG FATHER , THE PRINCE OF Peace; of the Incrcaie of his Go- vernment and Peace there ihall be no end, upon the Throne of cDavid and upon his Kingdom, to order it, and to eftablifli it with Judgment and with Ju- flice, from henceforth, even for ever. Rev. xix 11. Behold a white Horfc, and he that fax. upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Righteoui: nefs he doth judge and make War. (x) Mat. xxvi. 64. Hereafter (ball yc fee the Son of Man fitting on the right the coming; 111 of Angels : The Lord them as in Sinai , Place. in Hand of Power, and Clouds of Heaven. (y) I/a. xl. 11, &c. He fhall feed his Flock like a Shepherd: He fhall gather the Lambs with his Arm, and carry them the holy m n*s Bofom, and fhall gently lead thole that are with young. It is he that hath meafured the Waters in the Hollow of his Hand, and meted out Heaven with a Span, and comprehended the Duft of the Earth in a Meafnrc, and weighed the Mountains in Scales, and the Hills in a Balance; all Nations before him areas nothing, and they are counted to him lels than Nothing and Vanity. It is he that fnteth upon the Circle of the Earth, and the Inhabitants thereof arc as Graf- hoppers, and ftretcheth out the Heavens as a Curtain, and fpreadeth them put as a Tent to dwell in. (z) Mat. xxv. 31. When the Son of Man fhall come in his Glory and all the Holy Angels with him, then fhall he fit upon the Throne of his Glory, &c. (a) T)an. vn. 9, 10,13,14. I beheld, till the Thrones were call down, and the Ancient of Days did fit, whofe Garment was white as Snow, and the Hair of his Head like the pure Wool : His Throne was like the fiery Flame, and his Wheels as burning Fire. A fiery Stream ifiued, and came forth from before him; thoufand thoufands min.ibed unto him, and ten thoufand times ten thoufand flood before him: And behold one like the Son of Man came with the Clouds of Heaven, and came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him near before him. And there was given him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom ; that all People, Nations, and Languages ihould ierve him. His Dominion is an everlafling Dominion, and his Kingdom that which fliatl not be deftroyed. P Thou io6 The Glory of the Meffiah'^ Kingdom. ver. 18. Thou haft (b) afcended on high, thou haft led Captivity captive, thou haft received Gifts for Men; yea, for the Rebellk us alfo, that the Lord God might dwell among them, rer. 20. He that is our God, is the God of Salvation ■ and unto God the Lord belong the (c) IfTues from Death, ver. 32. Sing unto God ye Kingdoms of the Earth : O (d) fing Praifes unto the Lord. ver. 33. To him that rideth upon the Heaven of Heavens , which were of old. ver. 34. Afcribe ye Strength unto God : His Excellency is over Ifrael, and his Strength is in the Clouds. (b) Eph.w. 8, 10. Wherefore he faith, when he alcended up on High, he led Cap- tivity captive, and gave Gifts unto Men. He that defcended is the fame alfo that afcended up far above all Heavens, that he might fill all things. (c) Col. 1. 12, 13, 14, 15. Giving Thanks unto the Father, which hath made us meet to be Partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light; who hath delivered us from the Power of Darknefs, and hath tranflated us into the Kingdom of his dear Son; in whom we have Redemp- tion through his Blood, even theForgive- nefs of Sins. Who is the Image of the Invisible God, the Firft-born of every Creature. For by him were all thiugs cre- ated that are in Heaven, and that are in Earth, vifible and invifible, whether they be Thrones, or Dominions, or Prin- cipalities, or Powers; all things were creat- ed by him, and for him; and he is before all things, and by him all Things con- fift. ( cven f°r ever ancl ever- Then I before him: All (g) Nations lhall would know the Truth of the fourth Bead ferve him. which was diverle from all the others. t- u /u 11 j r ^u xt i ver. z3- Thus he laid, the fourth Beafl For he fhall deliver the Needy, fta|1 be the fourth KiBgdom up0Q Eanh> when he crieth : The Poor alio, and which fliall be diverfe from all Kingdoms, , . i ii it 1 a,1d frail devour the whole Earth, and him that hath no Helper. ihaI1 tread it down and break it -n pjeces ver 14 ^e ma^ ft) re^eem tneh Soul ver. 14. And the ten Horns, out of this 4* Kingdom are ten Kings that fliall arife; and another fliall rife after them, and he fliall be diverfe from the firft. ver. z$. And he fliall fpeak great Wordsagainft the Most High, and lhall wear out the Saints of the Most High, and think to change Times and Laws. ver. 26. But they fliall take away his Dominion, to confume and to deftroy it unto the end. ver. 27. And thc King- dom and Dominion, and the Greatnefs of the Kingdom under the whole Heaven ihall be given to the People of the Saints of the Most High, whofe Kingdom is an Everlasting Kingdom, and all Dominions fliall ferve and obey him. (g) Mai 1. 11. For from the rifingof the Sun. even unto the goingdown of the fame, my Name fhall be great among the Gentiles, and in every Place Incenfe fhall be of- fered unto my Name, and a pure Offering: For my Name fliall be great among the Heathen, faith the Lord of FIosts. (h) Rev. xii. 10, 11. Now is come Salvation and Strength, and the Kingdom of our God, and the Power of his Chrijl : For the Accuferof our Brethren is cart down, which accufedthem before our God Day and Night, and they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the Word of their Teftimony, and they loved not their Lives unto the Death. (*) The great Monarchies and Tyrannies of the Woild are by the Prophets defenbed by the Hieroglyphic^ of favage Beads. P i from ver. 11. ver. if. ver. 17. ver. 1 S. ver. ip. Pf.LXXXIX. ver. 27. ver. 28 ver. 29. 108 The Glory of tie Meffiah\? Kingdom. from Deceit- and precious fhali their Blood be in his Sight. Prayer alfo fhall be made to him continually; and daily fhall he be praifed. His Name (hall endure for ever, His Name fhall be continued as long as the Sun; and Men fhafl be blef- fed in him : All Nations fhall call him BlefTed. And bleffcd be his glorious Name for ever, and let the whole Earth be filled with his Glory I will make him my Firft-born higher than the Kings of the Earth. My Mercy will I keep for him for evermore, and my (/) Cove- nant fhall ftand faftwirh him. His Seed alfo will I make to en- (/) Heb.viw. 1. We have fuch an High- Prielt, who is fet on the right Hand of the Throne of the Majefty in the Heavens. Heb. ix. 15". Who is the Mediator of Pf. xcvi. vei. 1. ver. 1. ver. 3. dure for ever,- and his Throne as the New Teftament, that by Means of . f Death, for the Redemption of the Tranf- the Days or Heaven greflions, they which are called might O ling unto the Lord a new receive the Proraile of etcrual Inhep:- tance. * Song ,- fing unto the Lord all the Earth. Sing unto the Lord, blefs his Name- fhew forth his Salvation from Day to Day. Declare his Glory among the Heathen, his Wonders among all W Mat- XXIV r4- Thi Or, as in St. Mat. xii. about him, Righteousness and **;\ la his Narac mall the Gentiles truft. Judgment are the Habitation or his Throne. ver. 6, The Heavens declare his Righ- teoufnefs, and all the People fee 0) Lnke *"• 6- A11 FIem fliaJl ree *nc x x . . n. Salvation of God. Ifa. xl. 5-. The Glory \°) ilis ^lory. of the Lord mall be revealed, and allFlcfli ver. 7. Confounded (p) be-all they that fhaI1 ^ee ic together. r T tin (/) 7«". x. 11. The (*) Gods that have ierve graven Images , that boait not made the Heavens and the Earth, e- themfclves of Idols : Worfhip him, ven they flla11 Periih from the Earth> and ,,x .* n , x from under thefe Heavens. W ail Yc Oods- (q) Heb. 1. 6. When hebringeth m the ver. 8. Zion heard, and was glad, and faft begotten into the World, he iai'h, And . . r/ \ «v j 7 letallthe Angels of God worfhip him. tlv: Daughters or (r) jWtf£ rejoiced, (r) Luke xix. 37. The whole Mulri- becaufe of thy Judgments. tude of the Diiciples began to rejoice and ,. ' 1,1 p'liie God, with a loud Voice, for all the ver. P. For thou, Lord, art high above mighty Works that they had feen. all the tar h: Thou art exalted far above a" Gods. (*- ti is v^as FuWl^d : y T'cncn- ffie heathen Oracles before our Sariqu> Nativity Sec . quo'.M b'au.re in i'rfjr y;- -' ( Great no The Glory of the MefliahV Kingdom. Pf. cxlv. Great is the Lord, and greatly ver" 3' to be praifed j and his Greatnefs is unfearchable. ver. 4. One Generation fliall praife thy Works to another, and fliall declare thy mighty Acts. ver. f. I will fpeak of the (s) Glorious CO Rev. 1. 5,6. Who is the Prince of r j r the Kings of the Earth, who loved us and Honour of thy Majesty, and ot waflied us from our Sins in his own Blood; thy wondrous Works. and hath made us Kings and Priefts unto 1 God and his Father: To him be Domini- ver. 6. And Men mall fpeak of the on and Glory for ever and ever. Amen. Might of thy terrible Ads : And I will declare thy Greatnefs. ver. 10. All thy Works fliall praife thee, O Lord ; and thy Saints {hall blefs thee. ver.' 11. They fliall fpeak of the (/) Glo- 0) Rev. vn. 9, &c. After this I be- r , Tr- 1 11 r held, and lo, a great Multitude, which no ry of thy Kingdom } and talk of Man could nu^ber> of all Nations? and thy PowfeR. Kindreds, and People, and Tongues, flood V— * .»/ v * , before the Throne, and before the Lamb, ver. m. To make (u) known to the Sons cloathed with white Robes, and Palms in of Men, his mighty Adfcsj and the their Hands; and cried with a loud Voice, faying, Salvation to our God, which glorious Majesty of his Kingdom. fltteth upon the Throne, and unto the ver. iy Thy (x) Kingdom is aneverlaft- J-AMB- And all the Angels flood round a- J v y m bout the Throne, and fell before the mg Throne on their Faces, and worihipped God, faying, Amen: Blessing and Glory, and Wisdom, and Thanksgiving, and Honour, and Power, and Might be unto our God for ever and ever. Amen. (u) z Tet. 1. 16. We have not followed cunningly devifed Fables, when we made known unto you the Power and Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were Eye- witnefles of his Majesty. (x) Rev. xi. 1 5*, &c. And the feventh Angel founded, and there were great Voices in Heaven, faying, The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ, and he mall reign for ever and ever. And the four and twenry Elders fell upon their Faces, and worfhipped God, laying, We give thee Thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and waft, and art to come, becaufe thou haft taken to thee thy great Power, and haft reigned. Rev. xv. The Glory of the MeffiahV Kingdom. in Pf. CXLVI. ver. 10. ing Kingdom . and thy Dominion &*]>•■ ** 3, 4- And they fung the Song ° tii i ° Mofcsi the Servant of the Lord , and endureth throughout all Genera- the Song of the Lamb, faying, Great and «.: „ marvellous are thy Works, Lord God tions. The (y) Lord {hall reign for ever, even thy God, O Zion, un- Almighty ; juft and true are thy Ways, thou King of Saints. Who fhall not fear thee, O Lord, and glorifie thy Name ? for thou only art Holy : For all Nations fhall to all Generations. Praife ye the come and worihip before thee, for thy , Judgments are made manifeft. ■Lord. Luke i. 30, &c. And the Ansel faid unto her, Thou fhalt bring forth a Son, and (halt call his Name JESVS. He fhall be great, and fhall be called the Son of the Higheft, and the Lord God fhall give unto him the Throne of his Father cDavid, and he mall reign over the Houfeof Jacob for ever, andof his Kingdom there fhall be no end. (jy) Cant. VI. 10, and win. 5". Who isfhe that looketh forth as the Morning, fair as the Moon, clear as the Sun, and terrible as an Army with Banners, that cometh up from the Wildernefs, leaning upon her Beloved. It is evident from the Hiftory of all Ages, that the World has never been in fuch a State ei- ther of Righteousness or Peace as is above defcribed j Oppreffion and Violence, Wars and Bloodfhed, make the greateft Part of the Hiftory of all preceding Times: That thisfhould be the Srate of the World for many Ages, is foretold by the Prophets, the Evangelifts, and the Apo- ftlcs. If the Revolutions in the four great Empires of the World, have exactly come to pnfs, accord- ing to the Prophecies and Viiions of Daniel and Si. John, there isfurely the higheft Rcafon to believe and hope, that fuch a State of Righteousness and Peace as is fo often foretold, ihall come before the Consummation of all Things-, and for which we are taught by our Saviour daily 10 pray, Thy Kingdom come j thy Will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven. Concerning Concerning the RESTITUTION OF THE JEWS. Have indufhioufly avoided comparing the many Prophe- cies in the Pfalms with other Parts of the Scripture that Teem to have an immediate Relation to the Difperfion of the Jews, and their Reftitution ,• being unacquainted with the Jewifh Learning, and the Hebrew Tongue. The learned Frenchman Dr. Allix, in his Preface and Argument up- on the Pfalms, explains many of them to be exprefs Prophecies of the long Difperfion of the Jews, and their Reftitution to the divineFavour. The accurate Mr.^. Mede fuppofes the miraculous Converfion of St. Paul to be a Type of the Reftitution of the Jews, for which he has giv- en feveral Reafons, in his V. Book, ch. n.p. 891 : In this Opinion he feems to be confirmed by the following Relation, ch. iv. p.yGy. u As to your Objection, (of the Manner of thtjews Converfion) " how fuch a Vilion could be maniferled to the Jews difperfed in fe- CL " veral 1 1 4. The Reftitution of the Jews. veral Parts of the World ; I could anfwer, that a Vifion or Appa- rition in Heaven, may be feen to the greateft Part of the World at the fame Time (as Stars and Comets are:) How elfe mall the Ap- pearing of our Saviour in the Clouds of Heaven, at his coming to Judgment, be feen at once to fo many Nations of the World ? But here is one Thing more confiderable from the miraculous Converfion of St. Paul, upon Suppofal that that of the Jews may be like it; vizi That though many were prefent with St. Paul at that Time, yet none faw the Apparition of Chrifi, nor heard him fpeak, but Paul alone, for whofe fake he appeared. The reft faw indeed a ftrange Light, and heard the Voice oiPaul replying and anfwering, but they heard not the Voice, nor faw any that fpake unto him; which therefore made them aftonifhed. Compare Acls ix. 7. (where great Earthquake, inch as was not fince Coals of Fire. Men were upon the Earth, fo mighty an \r u r tL'„ A-.^v.-o ^nrl Earthquake and fo sreat, and every Ifland ver. I4. Yea, he fent out his Arrows and ^ ^ ^ th *Mountains ^ ^ fcattered them, he (hot out Ligh- found. tenings and difcomfited them. t M Rev. xi. i*. The Kingdoms of this & r . World are become the Kingdoms of our if. Then the Chanels ot Waters Lord, and of his C£ri/?, and'he mall reign were feen, and the («) Foundations for ever and ever. ' 3 i i j-r j CP) °fV' xx- rI» I2" ^- And "awa of the round World wereditcovered, greac white Throne, and him that fat on at thy Rebuke , O Lord , at the (*> from whofe Face the Earth and the ] J Heaven iled away, and there was found Blaft of the Breath of thy Noftrils. no Place for them. And I faw the dead Fear before him, all the Earth j jfa!| and 8reat ftan .d befo,re Go\ anf| thf ' Books were opened , and another Book fay among the Heathen, that the was opened, which is the Book of Life, T i / \ • t] and tne dead were judged out of thefe Lord [o) reignetn. Things which were written in the Books, He fhall (p) judge the People according to their Works; and the Sea n gave up the dead, which were in it, and righteouily. Death and Hell delivered up the dead Let the Heavens (q) rejoice and which were in them, and they were judg- . . . , i u c ed every Man according to their Works, jet the Earth be glad, let the bea and Death and Hell were caft into the (r) roar and the fulnefs thereof. Lake of Fire, this is the fecond Death; * / -ill ■ r \ j 11 and whofoever was not found written in ver. ii. Let the Field be joyful and all the Book of .Lifc was Caft into the Lake that is therein, then mail all the of Fire. rnr-. c i \\r ^ ~ «: „«, U,f^.-« 2, Cor '. v. io. We mult allappear be- Trees of the Wood re oice beioie r , T , 0 - c r>vn i aiclo ui ti.xc *» v^v,^ j ^orc t^e jU(jgment scat of Cf.njr, that the Lord. every one may receive the Things done in his Body, according to that which he hath done, whether it be good or bad. Atts. xvii. 31. He hath appointed a Day, in the which he will judge the World in Righteoulhefs, by that Man whom he hath ordained, whereof he hath given Aflurancc unto all Men, in that he hath railed him from the dead. (a) Rev. xvin. ^o. Rejoice over her, thou Heaven, and ye holy Apoftles and Prophets, for God hath avenged you on her. ChaP. xix. i. I heard a great Voice of much People in Heaven, faying, AJlclujah; Salvation, and Glory, and Honour, and Power unto the Lord our God. (r) Ver. vi. 7. I heard as it were the Voice of many Waters, faying, Allelujah; for the Lord God omnipotent rcigneth: Let us be glad, and rejoice, and give Ho- nour to him. For pf xcvi. ver. y. ver. 10. ver. 1 1. ver. j 5. Pf. L. ver. 16. ver. 17. ver. 18. ver. 19. ver. 2.0. ver. 21 The Reprcfcntation of the Final Judgment. 121 For he cometh to judge the Earth, he fliall judge the World with (s) Righteoufnefs, and the People with his Truth. Unto the Wicked, God faith, What haft thou to do, (t) to declare my Statutes, or that thou fhouldft take my Covenant in thy Mouth? Seeing thou («) hated Indructi- on thee. (s) Rev. xix. x. ous are his Judgments For true and rightc- (/) Matth. xxv. 31, 32, gff. When the Son of Man ihall come in his Glory, and all the holy Angels with him, then ihall he fit upon the Throne of his Glo- ry. And before him fliall be gathered all Nations: And he fliall feparate them, one and caded my Words behind from another, as a Shepherd divideth his Sheep from his Goats. And he fliall fet the Sheep on his right Hand , but the When thou faweft a Thief, thou Goats on the left. Then fliall the King fay unto them on his right Hand ; Come ye bleiTed of my Father, inherit the King- dom prepared for you from the Foundati- on of the World ; for I was an hungred and ye gave me Meat, I was thrifty and ye gave me Drink, naked and ye cloath- ed me; I was fick and ye vifited me, I was in Piifon and ye came unto me : In as much as ye have done it unto one of the lead of thefe my Brethren, ye have done it unto me. Then fliall he fay unto them on the left Hand, Depart from me ye curled in- I kept [x) Silence; thou thoughtcd to everlafting Fire, prepared for the Devil it 1. fci r 1 and his Ansels; for I was an hungred and that I was altogether fuch a one as ye gave m|n<; Meat> , was tl)frfty and thy felf, but I will reprove thee, ye gave me no Drink, I was a Stranger and ye took me not in, naked and ye c'oathed me not, fick. and in Prilbn and ye vifited me not ; for inafmuch as ye did it not to one of the lcaft of thefe, ye did it not to me: And thefe fhall go into everlafting Punifliment, but the Righteous into Life eternal. Matt. vn. xz. Many will fay unto me in that Day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophefied in thy Name? And then will I profefs unto them, I never knew you: Depart from me, ye that work Iniquity. (u) John in. zo. Every one that doth Evil, hateth the Light. (x) z Tet. 111. 9. The Lord is long-fufTering to us-ward, not willing that any fliould perifli, but that all fliould come to Repentance. R and confentedd with him, and had been Partaker with Adulterers. Thou gived thy Mouth to evil, and thy Tongue frameth Deceit. Thou fitted and fpeaked again d thy Brother, thou ilandered thine own Mother's Son. Thefethings had thou done, and vcr. 11, ver. i$ 122 A 'Representation of the Final Judgment and fet them in order before thine (y) Eyes. (jy) i Cor. in. 13. Every Man's Work Now confider this, ye that for- J^^ manifeft' for the Da^ Jha11 get God, left I tear you in Pieces, and there be none to deliver. Whofo (2) ofTereth Praife, glo- (&) Heb. xm. 15-. By him therefore • r ' 1 1 , 1 • .t , 1 Jet us offer the Sacrifice of Praife to nfieth me; and to him that- order- God continually, that is, the Fruit of eth his Converfation aright, will I LiPs> giving Thanks to his Name. fhew the Salvation of God. our PSALMS PS ALMS O F PRAISE. Pf vnr. ver. i. ver. z. ver. HYMN I. Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy Name in all the Earth,- who haft fet thy Glory above the Heavens! Out of the Mouth of Babes and Sucklings haft thou or- dained Strength, becaufe of thine Enemies, that thou might- eft ft; 11 the Enemy and the Avenger. When I confider the Heavens, the Work of thy Fingers, the Moon and the Stars which thou haft ordained ; R i What 124 Psalms of Praise. ver. 4. What is Man, that thou art mindful of him? and the Son of Man than thou vifiteft him? ver. p. o Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy Name in all the Earth! Pf. ix. I will praife thee, O Lord, with my whole Heart, I will fhew forth ver. 1. aji tny marvellous Works, ver. 2. I wiH be glad and rejoice in thee,- I will fing Praife to thy Name O thou Mod High. ver. 3. When mine Enemies are turned back, they fhall fall and peridi at thy Prefence. But the Lord fhall endure for ever; he hath prepared his Throne for Judgment. And he fhall judge the World in Righteoufnefs, he fhall minifter Judgment to the People in Uprightnefs. The Heavens declare the Glory of God, and the Firmament /hew- eth his handy Work. Day unto Day uttereth Speech, and Night unto Night lhcweth Knowledge. Give unto the Lord, O ye Mighty, give unto the Lord Glory and Strength. Give unto the Lord the Glory due to his Name; worfhip the Lord in the Beauty of Holinefs. The Voice of the Lord is upon the Waters ,• the Glory of God thundereth, the Lord is upon many Waters. The Voice of the Lord is powerful; the Voice of the Lord is full of Majefty. The Lord fitteth upon the Floods ; yea, the Lord fitteth King for ever. The Lord will give Strength unto his People* the Lord will blefs his People with Peace. ver. 7- ver. 8. Pf. XIX. ver. 1. ver. 2. Pf.XXIX. ver. 1. ver. 2. ver. 3- ver 4- ver. 10. ver. 11. HYMN Psalm s of Praise, 125 QOQQQQQOQSOQG'OQQQQQQQQQQQOQQQGQQQQOQGOQQQDQQOGQQ HYMN II. Pf. xxx. T Will extol thee, O Lord, for thou hail: lifted me up, and haft not ver.i; made my Foes to rejoyce over me. ver. 4. Sing unto the Lord, O ye Saints of his, and give Thanks at the Re- membrance of his Holinefs. ver f. For his Anger endureth but a Moment j in his Favour is life: Weep- ing may endure for a Night, but Joy cometh in the Morning, ver. 11. To the End that my Glory may fing Praife to thee, and not be fi- lent: O Lord my God, I will give Thanks unto thee for ever. Pf.xxxi. O how great is thy Goodnefs, which thou haft laid up for them that ver. 1. fear tnee . which thou haft wrought for them that truft in thee, before the Sons of Men ? Pf. xxxiii. Rejoyce in the Lord, O ye Righteous; for Praife is comely for ver. 1. tlie Upright. ver.z. Praife the Lord with Harp : Sing unto him with the Pfaltery, and an Inftrument of ten Strings, ver. 3. Sing unto him a new Song, play ikilfully with a loud Noife. ver. 6. By the Word of the Lord were the Heavens made; and all the Hoft of them by the Breath of his Mouth, ver. 8. Let all the Earth fear the Lord : Let all the Inhabitants of the World ftand in awe of him. For he fpake, and it was done: He commanded and it ftood faft. The Lord bringeth the Counfel of the Heathen to nought: He maketh the Devices of the People of none ErTecL Our Soul waiteth for the Lord ; he is our Help and our Shield. For our Heart fhall rejoyce in him, becaufe we have trufted in his holy Name. I will blefs the Lord at all times -y his Praife mall continually be in my Mouth, ver. 2. My Soul fhall make her Boaft in the Lord ; the Humble fhall hear thereof and be glad. 3 O mag- ver 9- ver. 10. ver. 20. ver. 21. Pf. XXXIV. ver . 1. 126 Psalms flf Praise. ver. 3. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his Name together, ver. 4. I fought the Lord and he heard me, and delivered me from all my Fears, ver. 8. O tade and fee that the Lord is good: BlefTed is the Man that trud- eth in him. ver. p. O fear the Lord, ye his Saints,- for there is no want to them that fear him. Pf. xxxv. Andmy Soul (hall bejoyful in the Lord: It fhallrejoyce in his Salvation, ver. 9. All my Bones (hall fay, Lord, who is like unto thee, which de- ver.io. livered the Poor from him that is too ftrong for him, yea the Poor and the Needy from him that fpoileth him? ver. 28. And my Tongue ihall fpeak of thy Righteoufnefs, and of thy Praife, all the Day long. m\ HYMN III. Pf.xxxvr. ^ 1 'HY Mercy, O Lord, is in the Heavens; and thy. Faithfulnefs Jl reacheth unto the Clouds. Thy Righteoufnefs is like the great Mountains, thy Judgments are a great Deep: O Lord thou preferveft Man and Bead, ver. 7. How excellent is thy loving Kindnefs, O God? Therefore the Chil- dren of Men put their Truft under the Shadow of thy Wings. ver.8. They ihall be abundantly fatisfied with the Fatnefs of thy Houfe: And thou (halt make them drink of the River of thy Pleafures. ver. p. por wjt|1 t[lee js tjle pouatajn 0f Ljfe : in thy Ligfit ihall we fee Light. Pf. xi.v. Thy Throne, O God, is for ever and ever; the Scepter of thy ver. 6. Kjngcjom is a right Scepter. ver. 7. Thou loved Righteoulnefs, and hated Wickednefs: Therefore God thy God hath anointed thee with the Oyl of Gladnefs above thy Fellows. Pf.xLvi. Qod is our Refuge and Strength, a very prefent Help in Trouble. ver! I.' Therefore will we not fear, though the Earth be removed, and though the Mountains be carried into the midd of the Sea. ver. n. The Lord of Hods is with us, the God of Jacob is our Refuge. Selah. O clap ver. i ver. i ver. f ver. 6 ver. 7 Psalms of Praise. 127 Pf.xLvn. o clap your Hands, all ye People, fhout unto God with the Voice of Triumph. For the Lord Mod: High is terrible; he is a great King over all the Earth. God is gone up with a Shout, the Lord with the Sound of a Trumpet. Sing Praifes to God, fing Praifes : Sing Praifes unto our King, fing Praifes. For God is the King of all the Earth , fing ye Praifes with Under- (landing. vcr. 8. God reigneth over the Heathen : God fitteth upon the Throne of his Holinefs. Pf.xLvin. Great is the Lord , and greatly to be praifed in the City of our God, '• in the Mountain of his Holinefs. ver 9 ^e have thought of thy loving Kindnefs, O God, in the midft of thy Temple, ver. 14. F°r this God is our God for ever and ever; he will be our Guide even unto Death. Pf. lvii.7. My ^eart is fixed, O God, my Heart is fixed: I will fing and give Praife. ver. 8. Awake up my Glory, awake Pfaltery and Harp: I my felf will awake early, ver. p. I will praife thee, O Lord, among the People: I will fing unto thee among the Nations, ver. 10. For thy Mercy is great unto the Heavens, and thy Truth unto the Clouds, ver. 11. Be thou exalted, O God, above the Heavens: Let thy Glory be above all the Earth. ■ Pf. lix. 16. But I will fing of thy Power; yea, I will fing aloud of thy Mercy in the Morning: For thou haft been my Defence and Refuge in the Day of my Trouble, ver. 17. Unto thee, O my Strength, will I fing: For God is my Defence, and the God of my Mercy. H Y M N 128 Psalms of P RAISE. HYMN IV. Pf. lxiii. i . /^\ God, thou art my God, early will I feek thee: My Soul thirfl- \ 8. O Lord God of Hoft, who is a ftrong Lord like unto thee, or to thy Faithfulnefs round about thee? ver p> Thou ruleft the Raging of the Sea: When the Waves thereof a rife,- thou ftilleft them. ver. n. The Heavens are thine, the Earth alfo is thine: As for the World and the Fulnefs thereof, thou haft founded them, ver. 15. Thou haft a mighty Arm $ ftrong is thy Hand, and high is thy Right Hand, ver. 14. Juftice and Judgment are the Habitation of thy Throne, Mercy and Truth (hall go before thy Face. ver. if. Blefled is the People that know the joyful Sound : They mail walk, O Lord, in the Light of thy Countenance, ver. i<5. In thy Name fhall they rejoice all the Day, and in thy RighteouP nefs fhall they be exalted. For Psalms of Praise. 133 vcr ,_ For thou art the Glory of their Strength; and in thy Favour our Horn fhall be exalted. ver. 18. For the Lord is our Defence, and the Holy One of Jfrael is our King. ver. ip. Then thou fpakeft in Villon to the Holy One, and faidft, I havelaid Help upon one that is mighty, I have exalted one chofen out of the People. ver. 20. I have found David my Servant: With my holy Oyl have I anoint- ed him. ver. ii. With whom my Hand fhall be eftablifhed , mine Arm alfo fhall flrengthen him. ver. j-2. Bluffed be the Lord for evermore. Amen and Amen. £,&>■&&,&,&,&&, ^^^^lb^^«€;^ife^-^Kf:^tf)^l^ct;,f5:iiJtife^^* ^^^* *i^* ^^z* %^^ ^i^y* ^^y ^^* ^i^* ^j^* 'z^/* ^^^ *^>^ ^^" yjy ^^^ *^r* *r^f'' -^ 4<^" ^c^t* ^jSi3' HYMN XVI. Pf.cxii.i. V "JRaife ye the Lord. BlefTed is the Man that feareth the Lord, JL that delighteth greatly in his Commandments. ver. 1. His Seed fhail be mighty upon Earth; the Generation of the Up- right (hall be bleffed. ver. 3. Wealth and Riches mall be in his Houfe, and his Righteoufnefs endureth for ever. ver. 4. Unto the Upright there arifeth Light fn the Darknefs; he is gra- cious, and full of Companion, and righteous. ver. 6. Surely he (hall not be moved for ever ; the Righteous mail be in everlafting Remembrance. 144- Psalms tff* Praise. Pf. cxii. 7. He {hall not be afraid of evil Tidings ; his Heart is fixed, trufting in the Lord. ver<8 His Heart is eftablifhed, he mail not be afraid, until he fee his De- fire upon his Enemies, p;. cxiii. 1. Praife ye the Lord. Praife, O ye Servants of the Lord, praife the Name of the Lord. Bleffed be the Name of the Lord, from this Time forth, and for evermore. From the Rifing of the Sun, unto the .Going down of the fame, the Lord's Name is to be praifed. The Lord is high above all Nations, and his Glory above the Heavens. Who is like unto the Lord our God, who dwelleth on high ? Who humbleth himfelf to behold the Things that are in Heaven, and in the Earth > He raifeth up the Poor out of the Dud, and lifteth the Needy out of the Dunghil: Si That he may fet him with Princes, even with the Princes of his People. Pf.cxvii.i. O praife the Lord, all ye Nations, praife him all ye People. vcr.i. For hi* nierciful Kindnefs is great towards us, and the Truth of the Lord endureth for ever : Praife ye the Lord. ver. 2. ver. 5. ver. 4. ver. f. ver.cT. ver. 7. ver. HYMN Psalms of Praise.^ 14.5 HYMN XVII. Pf.cxviii. f^\ Give Thanks unto the Lord, for he is good,- becaufe his Mer- i- \^f cy endureth for ever, ver. 2. Let Ifrael now fay, that his Mercy endureth for ever. ver 4 Let them now that fear the Lord, fay, that his Mercy endureth for ever, ver. 5-. I called upon the Lord in Diftrefs; the Lord anfwered me, and fet me in a large Place, ver. 14. The Lord is my Strength and Song, and is become my Salva- tion, ver. if. The Voice of Rejoicing and Salvation is in the Tabernacles of the Righteous,- the right Hand of the Lord doth valiantly, ver. 16. The right Hand of the Lord is exalted,- the right Hand of the Lord doth valiantly, ver. 17. I (hall not die, but live, and declare the Works of the Lord, ver. 18. The Lord hath chaftened me fore, but he hath not given me over unto Death, ver. zi. I will praife thee, for thou haft heard me, and art become my Salvation, ver. 22. The Stone which the Builders refufed, is become the head Stone of the Corner, ver. 23. This is the Lord's doing, it is marvellous in our Eyes. ver. 24. This is the Day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it. ver. if. Save now, I befeech thee, O Lord : O Lord, I befeech thee, fend now Profperity. ver. z6. Blelfed be he that cometh in the Name of the Lord ; we have bleffed you out of the Houfe of the Lord, ver. 27. God is the Lord, which hath mewed us Light; bind the Sacrifice with Cords, even unto the Horns of the Altar. U Thou 146 Psalms of V raise. pf.cxviii. Thou art my God, and I will praife thee; thou art my God, I will ver. zc exalt thee. ver. ip. o give Thanks unto the Lord, for he is good ; for his Mercy en- dureth for ever. SKW^SWK^W^KS^K^^K^^WS^K^^^-fs^s HYMN XVIII. Pf.cxxiv. 1. TTF it had not been the Lord who was on our Side, now may Jfrael 1 %•• ver. 2. If it had not been the Lord who was on our Side, when Men rofe up againft us : ver. 3. Then they had fwallowed us up quick ; when their Wrath was kin- dled againft us. ver. 4. Then the Waters had overwhelmed us, the Stream had gone over our Soul. ver. f. Then the proud Waters had gone over our Soul. ver. 6. BlefTed be the Lord, who hath not given us as a Prey to their Teeth. ver. 7. Our Soul is efcaped as a Bird out of the Snare of the Fowlers,- the Snare is broken and we are efcaped. ver. 8. Our Help is in the Name of the Lord, who made Heaven and Earth. Pf. cxxxiv. Behold, blefs ye the Lord, all ye Servants of the Lord, which by '■ Night ftand in the Houfe of the Lord. ver. 2. Lift up your Hands in the Sanctuary ,• and blefs the Lord. ver. 3. The Lord that made Heaven and Earth, blefs thee out of Zion. HYMN Psalms 0jf PrAise. 147 wtt.sH«rei» HYMN XIX. Pf.cxxx^.i. "T^Raife ye the Lord, praife ye the Name of the Lord; praife him, I O ye Servants of the Lord, ver. 2. Ye that ftand in the Houfe of the Lord, in the Courts of the Houfe of our God. ver. 3. Praife ye the Lord, for the Lord is good j fing Praifes unto his Name, for it is pleafant. ver.j-. For I know that the Lord is great, and that our Lord is above all Gods, ver. 6. Whatsoever the Lord pleafed, that did he in Heaven and in Earth, in the Seas, and all deep Places, ver. 13. Thy Name, O Lord, endureth for ever j and thy Memorial, O Lord, throughout all Generations, ver. 14. For the Lord will judge his People, and he will repent himfelf con- cerning his Servants, ver. if. The Idols of the Heathen are Silver and Gold, the Work of Mens Hands, ver. ip. Blefs tte Lor^ 0 Houfe of jfrael . blefs the Lord^ p Houfe of Aaron. U 2 HYMN 148 Psalms of Praise. HYMN XX. Pf. cxxxvi. f*\ Give Thanks unto the Lord, for he is good 5 for his Mercy en- *: \^s dureth for ever, ver. 2. O give Thanks unto the God of Gods j for his Mercy endureth for ever, ver. 5. O Give Thanks to the Lord of Lords ; for his Mercy endureth for ever, ver. 4. *p0 kjm w^0 ajone ^qj-Jj great Wonders $ for his Mercy endureth for ever. ver* f ' To him that by Wifdom made the Heavens $ for his Mercy endu- reth for ever. ver. 6. -pQ k'm that ftretched out the Earth above the Waters j for his Mer- cy endureth for ever. ver. 7. 'po njm tnat mac]e great Lights •> for his Mercy endureth for ever. ver. 8. The Sun to rule by Day ; for his Mercy endureth for ever. ver. p. The Moon and Stars to rule by Night; for his Mercy endureth for ever. ver. 16. To him which led his People through the Wildernefs ,• for his Mer- cy endureth for ever. ver. 24. And hath redeemed us from our Enemies,- for his Mercy endureth for ever. ver. if. Who giveth Food to all Flefh,- for his Mercy endureth for ever. ver. 25. O give Thanks unto the God of Heaven $ for his Mercy enduretk for ever. HYMN Psalms of Praise. 149 HYMN XXI. Pfalm T Will praife thee with my whole Heart, before the Gods will I fmg cxxxviii. i.JL praife unto thee, ver. z. I wiH worfhip towards thy holy Temple, and praife thy Name, for thy loving Kindnefs, and for thy Truth ; for thou haft magnified thy Word above all thy Name, ver. 3. In the Day when I cried, thou anfweredft me; and ftrengthenedft me with Strength in my Soul, ver. 4. All the Kings of the Earth fhall praife thee, O Lord, when they hear the Words of thy Mouth, ver. f. Yea, they fhall fing in the Ways of the Lord; for great is the Glo- ry of the Lord, ver. 6. Though the Lord be high, yet hath he Refpecl: unto the Lowly; but the Proud he knoweth afar off. ver. 7. Though I walk in the midft of Trouble, thou wilt revive me; thou {halt ftretch forth thine Hand againft the Wrath of mine Enemies, and thy right Hand fhall fave me. ver. 8. The Lord will perfed that which concerneth me; thy Mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever; forfake not the Works of thine own Hands. HYMN 150 Psalms of Praise. vv'Jv'I&'J&t^CfoCfeCfcd^ HYMN XXII. Pf.cxliv. i.*]D Leffed De tne Lord my Strength, which teacheth. my Hands to JJ war, and my Fingers to fight, ver. 2. My Goodnefs and my Fortrefs, my high Tower and my Deliverer, my Shield, and he in whom I truft; who fubdueth my People un- der me. ver. 3. Lord, what is Man, that thou takefl Knowledge of him? Or the Son of Man, that thou makeft Account of him? ver. p. I will fing a new Song unto thee, O God; upon a Pfaltery, and an Inftrument often Strings will I fing Praifes unto thee. Pf. cxlv. 1. I will extol thee my God, O King, and I will blefs thy Name for ever and ever. ver. 1. Every Day will I blefs thee, and I will praife thy Name for ever and ever. ver , Great is the Lord, and greatly to bepraifed; and his Greatnefs is unfearchable. ver. 4. One Generation {hall praife thy Works to another, and mall declare thy mighty Acts, ver. f. I will fpeak of the glorious Honour of thyMajefly, and of thy won- drous Works. ver. 6. And Men mall fpeak of the Might of thy terrible Acts; and I will declare thy Greatnefs. ver. 7. They mail abundantly utter the Memory of thy great Goodnefs, and fhall fing of thy Righteoufnefs. ver. 8. The Lord is gracious, and full of Companion; flow to Anger, and of great Mercy. ver. p. The Lord is good to all; and his tender Mercies are over all his Works, All ver. 10. vcr. ii. ver. 12. ver. 15. ver. 14. ver. if. ver. 16. ver. 17. ver. 18. ver. 1 p. ver. 20. ver. 21. Psalms of Praise. 151 All thy Works fhall praife thee, O Lord, and thy Saints fhall blefs thee. They fhall fpeak of the Glory of thy Kingdom, and talk of thy Power. To make known to the Sons of Men, his mighty Acts, and the glorious Majefty of his Kingdom. Thy Kingdom is an everlafring Kingdom, and thy Dominion en- dureth throughout all Generations. The Lord upholdeth all that fall, and raifeth up all thofe that be bowed down. The Eyes of all wait upon thee, and thou giveft them their Meat in due Seafon. Thou opened thine Hand, and fatisfieft the Defiie of every living Thing. The Lord is righteous in all his Ways, and holy in all his Works. The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to ail that call upon him in Truth. He will fulfil the Defire of them that fear him, he alfo will hear their Cry, and will fave them. The Lord preferveth all them that love him ,• but all the Wicked will he deftroy. My Mouth fhall fpeak the Praife of the Lord -, and let all Flefh blefs his holy Name for ever and ever. 3 H Y M N 152 Psalms of Praise. HYMN XXIII. Ffcxlvi. i. " "^Haife ye the Lord. Praife the Lord, O my Soul! ver. z. Jl While I live, will I praife the Lord : I will ling Praifes unto my God, while I have my Being. vcr. 3. Put not your Trull in Princes, nor the Son of Man, in whom there is no Help, vcr. 4. His Breath goeth forth, he returneth to his Earth • in that very Day his Thoughts perifh. ver. j.. Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his Help, whofeHope is in the Lord his God. ver. 6. Which made Heaven and Earth, the Sea, and all that therein is; which keepeth Truth for ever. ver. 7. Which executeth Judgment for the oppreiTed, which giveth Food to the Hungry j the Lord loofeth the Prifoners. vcr. 8. The Lord openeth the Eyes of the Blind • the Lord raifeth them that are bowed down ; the Lord loveth the Righteous, ver. 9. The Lord preferveth the Strangers, he relieveth the Fatherlefs and Widow; but the Way of the Wicked he turneth upfide down, ver. 10. The Lord mail reign for ever, even thy God, O Z,iony unto all Generations. Praife ye the Lord. Pf.cxlvii.i. Praife ye the Lord, for it is good to ling Praifes unto our God ; for it is pleafant, and Praife is comely, ver. 2. The Lord doth build up Jerufalem • he gathereth together the Outcafl of lfrael. ver. 3. He healeth the broken in Heart, and bindeth up their Wounds. vcr. 4. He telleth the Number of the Stars ; he calleth them all by their Names, vcr. r . Great is our Lord, and of great Power ; his Under (landing is in- finite. ver. 6. The Lord lifteth up the Meek 5 he cafteth the Wicked down to the Ground. Sing Psalms of Praise. 153 ver. 7. Sing unto the Lord with Thankfgiving,- fing Praife upon the Harp unto our God : ver. 8. Who covereth the Heaven with Clouds ; who preparethRain for the Earthy who maketh Grafs to grow upon the Mountains, ver. p. He giveth to the Bead his Food, and to the young Ravens which cry. ver. 10. He delighteth not in theStrength of the Horfe; he taketh not Plea- fure in the Legs of a Man. ver. 11. The Lord taketh Pleafure in them that fear him, in thofe that hope in his Mercy, ver. u. Praife the Lord, Ojerufakm: Praife thy God, O Zion> HYMN XXIV. Pf.cxlviH. T^Raife ye the Lord. Praife ye the Lord from the Heavens: Praife '• \^ him in the Heights. ver. z. Praife ye him, all his Angels ; praife ye him, ail his Hofls. ver. 3. Praife ye him, Sun and Moon,- praife him, all ye Stars of Light. ver. 4. Praife him, ye Heavens of Heavens, and ye Waters that be above the Heavens. ver. f . Let them praife the Name of the Lord -> for he commanded, and they were created. ver. 6. He hath alfo eftablifhed them for ever and ever -t he hath made a Decree which fhall not pafs. ver. 7. Praife the Lord from the Earth, ye Dragons and all Deeps. ver. 8. Fire and Hail, Snow and Vapour, ftormy Wind fulfilling his Word. ver. 9. Mountains and all Hills, fruitful Trees and all Cedars. ver. 10. Beafts and all Cattle, creeping Things, and flying Fowl. ver. 11. Kings of the Earth, and all People -} Princes, and all Judges of the Earth. ver. 11. Both young Men and Maidens, old Men and Children. ver. 13. Let them praife the Name of the Lord,- for his Name alone is ex- cellent, his Glory is above the Earth and Heaven, X He 154- Psalms tff Praise. Pf.cxlviii. He alfo exaltetli the Horn of his People, the Praife of all his Saints, vei' I4' even of the Children of Ifrael^ a People near unto him. Praife ye the Lord. Pf.cxlix.i. Praife ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new Song, and his Praife in the Congregation of Saints, ver. 2. Let Ifrael rejoice in him that made him; let the Children of Zion be joyful in their King. ver. 3. Let them praife his Name in the Dance; let them fing Praifes unto him with the Timbrel and Harp. ver. 4. For the Lord taketh Pleafure in his People ; he will beautify the Meek with Salvation, ver.r. Let the Saints be joyful in Glory; let them fing aloud upon their Beds. ver. 6. Let the high Praifes of God be in their Mouth, and a two-edged Sword in their Hand. ver. 7. To execute Vengeance upon the Heathen, and Punifhments upon the People, ver. 8. To bind their Kings with Chains, and their Nobles with Fetters of Iron ; ver. p. To execute upon them the Judgment written ; this Honour have all the Saints. Praife ye the Lord. HYMN XXV. Ff. cl. 1. ""^Raife ye the Lord. Praife God in his Sanctuary ; praife him in the Firmament of his Power. ver. z. Praife him for his mighty Ads ; praife him according to his excel- lent Greatnefs. ver. 3. Praife him with the Sound of the Trumpet; praife him with Pfalte- ry and Hirp. ver- 4- Praife him with the Timbrel and Dance ; praife him with ftringed Inftruments, and Organs. <5 Praife ver. f • ver. 6. Psalms 0jf Praise. 155 Praife him upon the loud Cymbals,- praife him upon the high found- ing Cymbals. Let every Thing that hath Breath, praife the Lord. Praife ye the Lord. Rev.iv.8. And they Reft not Day and Night, faying, Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and is to come. ver. 11. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive Glory and Honour, and Pow- er ; for thou haft created all Things, and for thy Pleafure they are, and were created. Rev. v. 12. Worthy is the Lamb that was flain, to receive Power, and Riches, and Wifdom, and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Blefling. Rev.xix.i. I heard a great Voice of much Petfple in Heaven, faying, Alle- lujah; Salvation, and Glory, and Honour, and Power unto the Lord our God. Glory be to the Father ', and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghofl. As it was in the Beginning, is now, and ever /hall be 5 World with* out End, Amen* X2 DIVINE DIVINE HYMNS B Y SEVERAL HANDS: Many of which are fet to a CONSORT of MUSIC K, v DIVINE YMNS. M>M}M^^^^^my'^m>^^Mi^m>^^^^^^j^§%^^Mimi^^^^^^Mt^^^^^ PSALM I. By Sir J. Den ham. i. ! ULefs'd is the Man, who never treads Thofe Paths where evil Counfel leads ^ In Sin's deep Ways nor {landing fait, Nor on high Seats with Scorners plac'd, 2. But makes God's Law his whole Delight, His Meditation Day and Night. 3. As Trees, when fet in even Ranks, Where living Streams enrich their Banks5 Their 160 Divine H YMNS, Their Branches fwell'd with quick'ning Juice, In Seafon joyful Fruits produce; No Blafts the Bud or Leaf impair ; So all his Actions profp'rous are. 4, Thus fares not the ungodly Man ; As Chaff from Corn the Wind does fan, j. Sinners, when Judgment is at hand, Amongft the Righteous mail not ftand. 6. The jufl Man's Ways to God are known, The Wicked perifh in their own. *&**!&+*&+ <■■&« ««&* «»&»* «.«&■« «.«&■« « ■«&>*> *£~A4*$>'* *!&+ *!&* »&+ *&* «!■&» <^j> PSLAM VIII. OLord, thy Excellence is known Throughout the Earth's Extent; Thou fitt'fl upon thy glorious Throne, Above the Firmament.* 2. Babes newly born, who draw the Bread, With Strength thy Pow'r proclaim ; So thou the Rebel haft fupprefs'd, And doft th' Avenger tame. 3. When to thy glorious Works on high, I raife my humble Thought; The Sun, the Moon, the fpangled Sky, All by thy Finger wrought ; 4. Alas? Divine Hymns. 161 4. Alas! what's Man, I then reflect, Or thofe who from him fpringj That God mould vifit, or refpedt, Or love Co low a Thing? c. Next Angels, in his glorious State ; A Crown adorns his Brow : 6. All Things which elfe thou didft create, To his Subjection bow. 7, 8 . Their Wealth for Tribute, as his own, Air, Earth, and Sea prefent. o. O Lord, thy Excellence is known Beyond the World's Extent. Firft Part of PSALM XVIII. 1. /~\ God, my Strength and Fortitude, \^jr Of Force I rauft love thee : Thou art my Caftle and Defence In my Neceflity. 2. My God, my Rock, in whom I truft, The Worker of my Wealth : My Refuge, Buckler, and my Shield, The Horn of all my Health. 3. When I fing Laud unto the Lord, Moft worthy to be ferv'd: Then from my Foes I am right fure That I fhall be preferv'd. 1 '4. The \62 Divine H ymns. 4. The Pangs of Death did compafs me, And bound me every where; The flowing Waves of Wickednefs Did put me in great Fear. J* The fly and fubtle Snares of Hell Were round about me fet : And for my Life there was prepar'd, A deadly trapping Net. 6. I thus befet with Pain and Grief, Did pray to God for Grace: And he forthwith heard my Complaint Out of his holy Place. 7. Such is his Pow'r, that in his Wrath He made the Earth to quake; Yea, the Foundation of the Mount Of Bafan for to fhake. 8. And from his Noftrils went a Smoke, When kindled was his Ire ; And from his Mouth went burning Coals Of hot confuming Fire. 9* The Lord defcended from above, And bow'd the Heav'ns mod high; And underneath his Feet he caft The Darknefs of the Sky. 10. On Cherubs and on Cherubims Full royally he rode ; And on the Wings of mighty Winds Come flying all abroad. Part Divine Hymns. i6% Part of P S A L M XIX. Paraphrased by Mr. Addison. I. TH E fpacious Firmament on high, With all the blue etherial Sky, And fpangled Heav'ns, a mining Frame, Their great Original Proclaim. Th' unwearied Sun, from Day to Day, Does his Creator's Pow'r difplay, And publifhes to ev'ry Land The Work of an Almighty Hand. II. Soon as the Ev'ning Shades prevail, The Moon takes up the wondrous Tale, And nightly to the liftning Earth Repeats the Story of her Birth : Whilft all the Stars that round her burn, And all the Planets, in their Turn, Confirm the Tidings as they rowl, And fpread the Truth from Pole to Pole. III. What though, in fblemn Silence, all Move round the dark terreftrial Ball ? What tho5 nor real Voice nor Sound Amid their radiant Orbs be found ? In Reafon's Ear they all rejoice, And utter forth a glorious Voice, For ever finging as they fhine, " The Hand that made us is Divine". Yi PSALM l$4 Divine Hymns. mm ^m^mmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmm^mmmmmm PSALM XXIIL A Pastoral Hymn. The Words by Mr, Addison. I. THE Lord my Pafture mall prepare, And feed me with a Shepherd's Care; His Prefence mall my Wants fupply, And guard me with a watchful Eye , My Noon- day Walks he fhall attend, And all my Midnight Hours defend. II. When in the fultry Glebe I faint. Or on the thirfty Mountain pant, To fertile Vales and dewy Meads, My weary wandring Steps he leads,- Where peaceful Rivers, foft and flow, Amid the verdant Landskip flow. III. Though in the Paths of Death I tread, With gloomy Horrors over-fpread; My fteadfaft Heart mail fear no 111, For thou, O Lord, art with me (till: Thy friendly Crook mall give me Aid, And guide me through the dreadful Shade. Though Divine Hymns. 165 IV. v Though in a bare and rugged Way, Through devious lonely Wilds I ftray^ Thy Bounty mail my Pains beguile, The barren Wildernefs fliall fmile, With fudden Greens and Herbage crown'd, And Streams fhall murmur all around. PSALM XLVII. By Sir J. Denham 1. /^\ Clap your Hands with one Accord! \^J Praife with melodious Notes the Lord! 2. With Terror he the World commands: 3. He only gives us Victory, Under our Feet the Nations lye, And Ifrael fhall divide their Lands. 4. Jacob he loves, and will advance, And fet out his Inheritance- j. Afcending, he in Triumph fits: With Trumpets to our King rejoice, 6. With Underflanding raife your Voice 5 7. To his Commands the World fubmits. 8. Exalted on his facred Throne, He o'er the Heathen reigns alone : o. And now the People's Leaders yield, With thofe of Abram'% God to join ; Whofe Glory rais'd on high, does fhine, And guards the World as with a Shield. PSALM 166 Divine H YMNS. PSALM LXXIL By Sir John Den ham. i. T ORD, let the King thy Judgments fhare, __, And to his Son thy Wifdom give; 2. That under his judicious Care, The People happily may live. 3. Then from the Mountains Peace {hall flow, And Plenty from the Hills below. 4. The Low don't his Protection want, With Judgment he the Poor fecures: 5. God, their OpprefTors fhall fupplant, Thy Fear, as Sun and Moon endures. 6. He, as the Dew on Grafs diftils, As Rain the Earth with Riches fills. 7. The Righteous mall abound in Peace, Until the Moon her Motion ends; 8. His large Dominions fhall increafe, As far as Sea or Land extends: 9. In him the Wildernefs fhall truft, And all his Foes fhall lick the Dufl. 10. Sheba and Seba, with the King Of th' Iflands, and Arabian Shore ; 11. All Princes fhall their Prefents bring, And the whole World this Prince adore : ii. To the diftrefs'd his Aid appears, And when the wretched cry, he hears. 13. The Divine Hymns. 167 13. The Needy he not only loves, But fhews to them his faving Light; 14. From Fraud and Force he them removes, Their Blood is precious in his Sight: 1 j. To him who fhall for ever live, Their Gold fhall the Sabeans give. He firfr, our fervent Pray'rs fhall hear, And then our everlafting Praife: 1 6. The Mountains Corn and Trees fhali bear, Such as proud L'ibanm does raife. And his lov'd City he mall blefs With ever-flourifhing Increale. 17. His bleiTed Name fhall Time outlive, His Glory fhall outfhine the Sun ,- 18. Then Ifrdl Praife to him fhall give, For all the Wonders he has done. And all Mankind his Fame rehearfe,. Whole Glory fills the Univerfe. PSALM LXXXIX, By the fame, 1. |/Rom Age to Age I will record j£ The Truth and Mercy of the Lord ; 2. His Faithfulnefs as firmly fiands, As Heaven, eftablifh'd by his Hands. 3. A Cov'nant he with David made, And to his Chofen, fwearing, faid ,• 4. Thy OrT-fpring fhall be blefs'd, thy Throne Shall ftand for ever, like my own. * Angf i£8 Divine Hymns. j. Angels thy heavenly Wonders mow,- Thy Saints declare thy Works below. 6. Celeftial Pow'rs thy Subjects are, Then what can Earth to thee compare ? 7. With Rev'rence all his Saints appear, And round him (land with awful Fear ,• 8. The Lord of Hofts with Strength abounds, And Faithful nefs his Throne fiirrounds. 0. Thy Breath with Rage the Sea does fill, And at thy Word the Storms are ftill: 10. Thy Voice, like Death, has Rahab broke, Thy Foes lie fcatter'd by thy Stroke. 11. Thy Bounty Heav'n and Earth did found, From whence with Fulnefs they abound : i*. The North and South thy Hand did frame, Tabor and Hermon praife thy Name: 13* Thy mighty Arm in Strength excels, And Valour in thy right hand dwells. Part II. 14- Thy Throne is fix'd on Judgment's Bate, And Mercy Hands before thy Face: 1 j. Thrice happy they, thy Voice who hear, And by thy Law their Courfes (leer ! 16. Exalted in thy Righteoufnefs, They to thy Name their Pray'r addrefs; 17. Their Strength is by thy Glory born, Thy Favour (hall exalt their Horn. We Divine Hymns. 169 18. We fafe in thy Protection dwell, Thou Holy One of Ifrael. io. 'Twas God, who in a Vifion faid, I on the Mighty Help have laid. 20. David my Servant firft I chofe, His Head my facred Oil o'erflows. 21. Firmly (imported by my Hand, His Strength (hall conquer and command. 22. His Enemies mall ne'er prevail • The Sons of Wickednefs mall fail, 23. Cafl: down before his Face; and all Who hate him, by my Plagues fhall fall. 24. Mercy and Faithfulnefs his Ways Shall point, my Name his Horn mail raife. 2 J. He o'er the Sea fhall ftretch his Hand, And mighty Rivers fhall command. 26. Me for his Father he fhall own, His faving Rock ; for he's my Son, 27. The Firft-born of my heav'nly Race ,• Above all Empires is his Place. 28. With him my Cov'nant fhall ftand fad, My Mercy fhall for ever lafl. 20. His Seed for ever fhall endure, His Throne as Heav'n it felf fecure. PSALM i7o Divine H YMNS. •<&c&cfccfecfecfedfccfe<&^^ PSALM XCII. By the fame. i. " "■""''IS good, our Thanks to God to bring, And Praifes to his Name to ling. 2. His Love the Morning (hall recite, His Faithfulnefs the fearful Night. 3- All Arts which Mufick can invent, Harp, Pfaltery, ten-firing' d Inftrument, His folemn Praifes fhall refound,- 4- Whofe Works with Joy my Head have crown'd, j. How great the Works which God has wrought! And how profound his fecret Thought ! 6. Fools to this Kowledge can't afcend, Nor Brutifh Man this comprehend. 7. When Sin like Grafs grows ftrong and high, 'Tis certain then the Harveft's nigh. 8. God ever fits on high, and all 0. His wicked Foes difperft fhall fall. to. Anointed with frefh Oil, my Horn Is ftrong, like that o'th' Unicorn. xi. My Foes mail fall before my Eyes, My Ear fhall hear their dying Cries, 12. The Divine Hymns. 171 12. The Righteous like a Palm are grown, Like Cedars fpread on Lebanon ; 13. Whom God in his own Courts does plant, 14. They neither Fruit nor Bloflbms want. 1 j. Thus is our God for ever juft, Firm as a Rock, when him we trufr. PSALM XCVL By the fame. 1. "\^7"E who from Earth, your Mother, fpring, j[ New Songs to your Creator fing ! 2. His high Salvation, Day to Day, His Name and Honour mail difplay. 3. His Wonders to the People mow! His Glory let the Heathen know! 4. The Lord is great, and greatly prais'd, His Pow'r above all Gods is rais'd. 5. Thefe but from Men their Being take ; Our God did Man and Angels make. 6. Pow'r, Honour, Majefty divine, In his pure San&uary mine. 7- Thro' all the Earth let ev'ry Tribe Glory and Strength to God afcribe ! 8« His Honour and his Wonders fing, And to his Courts their OfPrings bring ! Z z 13. In 172 Divine H YMNS. o. In pure and beauteous Holineis, Let all the World his Fear exprefs. 10. May to the Heathen this be known, That the Almighty reigns alone. Nor fhall the Earth's Foundations move, Till they his righteous Judgments prove, ii. Then Heav'n and Earth fhall boh rejoice And th' Ocean join its roaring Voice. 12. Then ev'ry Fruit mall joyful be, Fruits or* the Field, and of the Tree. 13. His Judgments to all Nations come, Who from his Mouth receive their Doom. srF psalm XCVII. By the fame, 1. r" ~**HE Lord does reign, let Earth advance His Praife, let all the Iflands dance ! 2. A cloudy Mantle h+aa him furrounds : With Righteoufoefs and Light divine, His Throne and high Pavilion fhine, ■>, Fore-running Fire his Foes confounds. 4, His Lightnings to the World gave Light, Earth law, and trembled at the Sight : c Hills melt like Wax, like Snow they thaw. When God's bright Prefence guilds the Air, 6\ The Skies his Righteoufnefs declare ,- And all the Earth his Glory faw. 7. Con- Divine Hymns. 173 7. Confounded may they be who call On Idols, or before them fall • All Gods on Earth before him bow. 8. Judah rejoic'd when God was heard, And Sion leap'd when he appear'd, For they his righteous Judgments know. 9. Above the Earth are his Abodes, Rais'd above all created Gods. 10. Who love his Name, all Sins reject,- Their Souls in Glory fhall appear, And he their Lives and Fortunes here, Shall from the wicked Hand protect. 11. His Light is for the Righteous fown, Gladnefs the upright Heart (hall crown. Bring your Thank-Offerings to the Lord, 12. Your Joy in chearful Songs exprefs, His everlafling Holinefs, Still in your Memory record. ®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®®t^®®m®®m® PSALM CIV. By the fame. 1. "Tk ^Y Soul, thy great Creator praife, 1_YX When cloath'd in his ecleftial Rays: He in full Majefty appears, And like a Robe his Glory wears. 2. The Skies are for his Curtains fpread, 3. Th} unfarhom'd Deep he makes his Bed,- The Clouds are his triumphant Chair, The Winds his fleeing Courfers are. 6 4. Ancrels 17+ Divine Hymns. 4. Angels, whom his own Breach infpires, His Minifters, are flaming Fires, j. The Earth's Foundations by his Hand Are pois'd, and mall for ever ftand. 6. Cloath'd, and invefled with the Flood, Which once above the Mountains flood; 7. But frighted by his Thunder, fled, Confin'd to it's appointed Bed. 8. And now thofe proud impetuous Waves, Ev'n from themlelves receive their Graves ; p. Nor uncontroll'd can pafs their Bound, But in their Chanels walk their Round. 10. Yet them fome fecret Veins convey To Hills, from whence through Vales they ftray. 11. Tame Heifers there their Thirft allay, And for the Stream wild AfTes bray. m. From pleafant Trees, which (hade the Brink, The wing'd Muficians 'light to drink. ART II. 13. jf^* OD from his cloudy Cittern pours, \JT On the parch'd Earth enriching Show'rs: 14. His Dew defcending on the Hills, Both Man and Bead with Plenty fills. 1 j. To chear our Hearts he gives us Wine, And Oil to make our Faces mine: To make us ftrong he gives us Bread, 160 The Trees with pregnant Juice are fed. 17. To Divine Hymns. 175 17. To Birds tall Cedars Shelter yield, Where their high Marriage-Beds they build : 18. The Stork on Firrs, on Mountains dwells The Goat, there Coneys make their Cells. 1 p. He fets the Sun his double Race, And gives the Moon her changing Face: 20. And when thick Darknefs veils the Day, Wild Beafts the Forefl range for Prey. 21. Lions their Young then lead abroad, And roaring, ask their Meat from God: 22. But when the Morning Sun does rife, The favage Beaft to Covert flies. 23. Then Man to his Day-Labour goes, And in the Ev'ning takes Repofe. 24. How ftrange thy Works ! how great thy Skill ! Both which the Earth with Riches fill. 2 j. They fill the vafl unfathom'd Deep, Numberlefs things there fwim and creep: Still wandring in the Paths below, 16. Whilft Ships the fwelling Surface ploWo 'Tis there the vaft Leviathan, His Paftime takes, in fpite of Man, Pa r t 17 6 Divine Hymns. Part III. 27- A LL thefe with Expectation ftand, £\. Attending thy mod lib'ral Hand; 28. From which they all receive fuch Food, both to thee and them feems good. 20. But when thy Face is hid, they mourn; And dying, to their Duft return. 30. Thy Spirit, the difpeopled Earth, Fills with a new created Birth. ji, God's Glory (hall for ever laft, With his own Joy his Works are grac'd : 32. The Earth ftands trembling at thy Stroke, And at thy Touch the Mountains fmoke. 33. Thy Praifes mall my Breath employ, Till it expire in endlefs Joy. 34. My Meditations will prove fweet, If they thy kind Acceptance meet. 3 j. Then mall confuming Sinners fade To Duft, from whence they firft were made. But I mail to my Lord and King, Eternal Hallelujahs ling. PSALM Divike Hymns. 177 @@®@©@@®@;©®@®@©®®;@®®®@©@@®©®.@®@@®@® H' PSALM CXXIV. AD not the Lord (may Ifrael fay) Been pleas'd to interpofe ,• 2. Had he not then efpous'd our Caufe When Men againft us rofe • 3 A) 5 .Their Wrath had fwallow'd us alive, And rag'd without Controul,- Their Spite and Pride's united Floods Had quite o'erwhelm'd our Soul. 6. But prais'd be our eternal Lord, Who refcu'd us that Day, Nor to their favage Jaws gave up Our threaren'd Lives a Prey. 7> Our Soul is like a Bird efcap'd From out the Fowler's Net; The Snare is broke, their Hopes are croft, And Ve at Freedom fet. 8. Secure is his Almighty Name, Our Confidence remains, Who as he made both Heav'n and Earth, Of both fole Monarch reigns. Aa PSALM 178 Divine H YMNS. mmB®®m®mmm mmm^mmmmmmm^mim m®wm®im,m&®®® PSALM CXXXIX. By Sir J. Den ham. i ORD, thou my Ways haft fearcht and known, L' My Rifing up, my Sitting down ; 3. To thee are my Conceptions brought, E'er they are fornVd into a Thought. 4. My idle Words thou doft condemn, Before my Lips have fafhion'd them j j. On ev'ry Part thy Hand's impos'd ; Behind, before, has me inclos'd. 6. Such Knowledge is for me too high ,• 7. From thee O whither mail I fly? 8. If up to Heav'n, thou there doft dwell; And if my Bed I lay in Hell, I fhou'd not fcape thy piercing Eye. 9. If on the Morning's Wings I fly, Or th' Ocean's untrac'd Paths fhou'd tread, 10. With thy Right Hand I fhou'd be led. 11. If I my Head in Night involve, Thy Light the Darknefs wou'd difTolve; 11. Ev'n Day and Night are but one Name, For both to thee appear the fame. Nor Divine Hymns. 179 13. Nor Reins nor Heart cou'd thee efcape, Thou in the Womb my Form didft fhape ; 14. So marvelloufly I was made, E'en of my felf I (land afraid. For this, my Soul, which knows fo well Thy wondrous Works, thy Praife (hall tell IJ* My Subftance was by thee furvey'd, When it was firft in fecret made. 16. Thy Hand did free, with curious Art, From Imperfection every Part; And ev'ry Member, which had yet No being, in thy Book was writ. At laft, to (hew whofe Hand it was, GOD ftampt HIS Image on the Mafs. 17. O how thy Thoughts my Soul delight! The Summ of them is infinite. When I to number them wou'd try, I find they all Accounts outvy ; 18. I fooner might the Sands explore, That lie upon the Ocean's Shore : Yet they my early Thoughts employ. 1 p. Lord, thou the Wicked wilt deftroy,- 20. Such as blafpheme, and third for Blood, And thofe whofe Counfels thine withftood. 21. I hated to the laft Degree 22. All thofe, O God, who hated thee. 23. Search all my Thoughts, and if they ftray 24. From thee, be thou their Guide and Way. Aa 2 PSALM 180 Divine H ymns. 5,'A /,A 5»? ?/A */ii\ /iA //A y/A '■>/'£ wA ?/ A >/A v/A WA ?/A ?/A y/A WA V'A ?,A hA 5>»s */A wA '/A '/A ?,A wA h'A '/A wA wA WA hAv/A viA ?iA hA y/A ?/A yJA WA fas h'A PSALM CXLV. By the fame. i. f~\ Lord, my God, my Songs to thee V»>/ Shall, like thy felf, immortal be ! 2. For ever I'll thy Praife exprefs, And ev'ry Day thy Name will blefs. 3. Great is the Lord, his Praife no Bounds Confine, no Line his Greatnefs founds. 4. That Generation which fucceeds, Shall learn from this thy mighty Deeds. j. The Honour of thy Majefty 6. I'll fing, how wonderful ! how high ! 7. The Meafures of thy Grace who know? 8. Thy Mercy's (wift, thy Anger flow. 9. O'er all, God's Guardian Mercy (lands, His Bounty falls from equal Hands : 10. His wondrous Pow'r his Works proclaim, For which the Saints (hall blefs his Name. A RT II. 11. /^OD's Majefty, his Pow'r, the State 12. \JJf Of his Dominion, Saints relate ; So large, fb Jading, fb renown'd, 13. As neither Place nor Time mail bound. 14. Thy Divine Hymns. 181 14. Thy Hand fupports the drooping Head: Has rais'd the Low, the Hungry fed. ij. The whole Creation, Men and Beafts, 16. Attending thee, thy Bounty feafts. 17. Juftice and Truth thy Ways fecure, And, like thy feif, thy Works are pure. 18. To them that pray, the Lord is near, To all who pray, and are ilncere. io. Their Suits he grants, their Wants fupplies, And faves them when he hears their Cries. 20. All this the righteous Man enjoys, But the ungodly, God deftroys. 21. My Lips his Praifes lliall proclaim, And all who live mall biefs his Name. QOQQ05QOQ30QQQQQQQQQQQOQQOQQOQQOQQOQQOQQOQQOQQOQ PSALM CXLVIII. Paraphrased by an unknown Hand, TO God, in one united Sound, Infpir'd, let ev'ry ^eing rife, Beyond Creation's utmoft Bound, Above the Concave of the Skies. Begin, ye facred Thrones above, Ye Seraphs, ftrike your golden Lyres ; Ye Sons of Harmony and Love, Blefs and exalt him in your Choirs. 6 Far 182 Divine Hymns. Far as thou dart'fl a quickning Ray, Divulge, O Sun, his endlefs Fame,- He fill'd thy flaming Orb with Day, His Acts in Gratitude proclaim. Thou Moon, howe'er unfix' d thy Courfe, To him thy conftant Tribute bring: He to thy Glories gave the Source,- To him with pious Duty fing. Ye gay Attendants of the Night,1 From Sphere to Sphere the Accents roll ; Ye planetary Globes of Light, Refound his Deeds from Pole to Pole. Ye fplendid Heavens, ye Vaults on high, With Rapture fieze the darling Theme; Ye Floods that glide above the Sky, Bear down his Praife in ev'ry Stream. Let the bright Realms of lading Blifs, Extol him through the vaft: Expanfe : By him, from Chaos' dark Abyfs, The various Elements advance. He fpoke, Confufion heard the Word, In her capacious Gulphs obfcure ,- Strait fprang up Worlds in fweet Accord, Fix'd, and commanded to endure. Let Clouds in Rain their Part difclole, Let Winds with all their Blafts adore; Ye Meteors blaze, drop down ye Snows, Ye Ligtnings play, and Thunders roar. Next, Divine Hymns. 183 Next, let the Choiriflers of Air, The propagated Hymn afTume; His Hands protect 'em with his Care, To him they owe the various Plume. While thus his Wonders fpread around, Let the Seas add their watry Noife; Ye Whales, alarm the dark Profound, Ye finny Nations, take a Voice. Let Ocean roufe the peaceful Deep, Loud bell'wing through his large Domain : Ye Surges break your idle Sleep, Ye Shores, reverberate the Strain. And mail mute Animals that fwim, Nor thou, O Earth, his Worth declare ? O! pay thy juft Devoirs to him ; He made thy pond'rous Ball cohere. Ye Dragons, tune your noifome Breath, From dreadful Hhlings, into Joy : Ye fcaly Minifters of Death, In Song your forky Tongues employ. Let Beads their favage Lowing give, From him they draw their fpringing Food : Let Wolves in Emulation ftrive, With the dread Monfters of the Wood. Let Mountains with their Cedars bow, Ye proflrate Vallies, higher rife: Let Oaks bend down in Rev'rence low, Ye Shrubs, mount upward to the Skies. 6 Ye 184 Divine Hymns, Ye fev'ral People of this Frame, Howe'er diftinguifh'd or disjoin'd, Confpire to celebrate his Name, And laud the Maker of Mankind. To him let Kings their Homage pay,- Their Pow'r, compar'd with his, is none : Ye Monarchs great in earthly Sway, Bend low, as Subjects, at his Throne. With the chafte Virgins tender Voice, Appear, O Youth, in Bloom of Age; In feebler Plaudits to rejoice, Let Years and Infancy engage. To praife th' Eternal, the Divine, Far, far be impious Difcord hurl'd ; Let all his Works in Confort join, And with the gen'ral Chorus fill the World. A HYMN. The Words by Mr. Addison. I. WHEN rifing from the Bed of Death, O'erwhelm'd with Guilt and Fear, I fee my Maker Face to Face, O how fliall I appear! If Divine Hymns. 18? II. If yet, while Pardon may be found, And Mercy may be fought, My Heart with inward Horror fhrinks, And trembles at the Thought. III. When thou, O Lord, (halt ftand difclos'd, In Majefty fevere, And fit in Judgment on my Soul, O how mail I appear ! IV. But thou haft told the troubled Mind, Who does her Sins lament, The timely Tribute of her Tears, Shall endlefs Woe prevent. Then fee the Sorrow of my Heart, E'er yet it be too late; And hear my Saviour's dying Groans, To give thofe Sorrows Weight. Thofe Sorrows, To give thofe Sorrows Weight. For never (hall my Soul deipair Her Pardon to procure, Who knows thine only Son has dy'd, To make her Pardon fure : Her Pardon, To make her Pardon fure. B b The i86 Divine H YMNS. The ECSTASY. i. I Leave Mortality, and Things below ; I have no Time in Complements to wade, Farewell to all ye in Hafte, For I am call'd to go; A Whirlwind bears up my dull Feet, Th' officious Clouds beneath them meet: And lo! I mount, and lo! How fmall the biggeft Part of Earth's proud Tittle mow! II. Where iTiall I find the noble Britifh Land? Lo, I at laft a northern Speck efpy, Which in the Sea does lie, And feems a Grain o'th' Sand! For this will any fin, or bleed? Of civil Wars is this the Meed ? And is it this, alas, which we (Oh Irony of Words !) do call Great Brttany / III. I pafs by th' arched Magazins, which hold Th5 eternal Stores of Froft and Rain and Snow 5 Dry and fecure I go, Nor fhake with Fear, or Cold. Without Affright or Wonder I meet Clouds charg'd with Thunder, And Lightnings in my Way Like harmlefs lambent Fires about my Temples play. IV. Now 6 Divine Hymns. 187 IV. Now into5 a gentle Sea of rolling Flame I'm plung'd, and ftill mount higher there, As Flames mount up through Air : So perfect yet fo tame, So great, fo pure, fo bright a Fire Was that unfortunate Defire, My faithful Breaft did cover, Then, when I was of late a wretched mortal Lover. V. •Through fev'ral Orbs which one fair Planet bear, Where I behold diftin&ly as I pafs The Hints of Galileo's Glafs, I toucht at laft the fpangled Sphere. Here all th5 extended Sky Is but one Galaxy, 'Tis all fo bright and gay, And the joint Eyes of Night make up a perfect; Day. VI. Where am I now? Angels and God is here; An unexhaufted Ocean of Delight Swallows my Senfes quite, And drowns all what, or how, or where. Not Paul, who firfl did thither pafs And this great World's Columbus was, The tyrannous Pleafiire cou'd exprefs, Oh 'tis too much for Man! But let it ne're be lefs. B b t VII. The 188 Divine H YMNS. VII. Tf~e mighty' Elijah mounted fo on high, That fecond Man, who leapt the Ditch, where all The reft of Mankind fall, And went not downwards to the Sky, With much of Pomp and Show (As conqu'ring Kings in Triumph go) Did he to Heav'n approach, And wondrous was his Way, and wondrous was his Coach. VIII. 'Twas gawdy all, and rich in ev'ry Part, Of ElTences, of Gems, and Spirit of Gold Was it's fubftantial Mold,- Drawn forth by Chymick Angel's Art. Here with Moon-beams 'twas fiiver'd bright, The double Gilt with the Sun's Light, And myftick Shapes cut round in it, Figures that did tranfeend a vulgar Angel's Wit. IX. The Horfes were of temper'd Lightning made, Of all that in Heav'n's beauteous Paftures fed, The nobleft, fprightful'ft Breed, And flaming Mains their Necks array'd. They all were (hod with Diamond, Not iuch as here are found, But fuch light folid ones as mine On the tranfparent Rocks o'th' Heaven cryftalline. X. Thus Divine Hymns. 189 x. Thus mounted the great Prophet to the Skies ; Aftonimt Men who oft had feen Stars fall Or that which fo they call, Wondred from hence to fee one rife. The fbft Clouds melted him away, The Snow and Frofts which in it lay Awhile the facred Footfteps bore, The Wheels andHorfes Hoofs hifs'd as they paft them ore. XI. He pall: the Moon, and Planets, and did fright All the Worlds there which at this Meteor gaz'd, And their Aftrologers amaz'd With th' unexampled Sight. But where he ftopt will ne'er be known, Till phoenix Nature aged grown To' a better Being do afpire And mount her felf, like him, t' Eternity in Fire, On 190 Divine Hymns. On Exodus III. 14. I AM THAT I AM. An ODE. By Mr. Prior. I. MAN! Foolifh Man! Scarce know'ft thou how thy felf began; Scarce haft thou Thought enough to prove thou art • Yet fteel'd with ftudy'd Boldnefs, thou dar'ft try To fend thy doubting Reafon's dazled Eye Through the myfterious Gulph of vail Immenfity. Much thou canft there difcern, much thence impart. Vain Wretch! fupprefs thy knowing Pride; Mortify thy learned Luft: Vain are thy Thoughts, while thou thy felf art Duft. II. Let Wit her Sails, her Oars let Wifdom lend; The Helm let politick Experience guide: Yet ceafe to hope thy {hortliv'd Bark (hall ride Down fpreading Fate's unnavigable Tide. What, tho5 ftill it farther tend? Still 'tis farther from its End ,• And, in the Bofom of that boundlefs Sea, Still finds its Error lengthen with its Way. III. With Divine Hymns. 191 III. With daring Pride and infblent Delight Your Doubts refolv'd you boaft, your Labours crown'd; And, "ETPHKA your God, forfooth is found Incomprehenfible and infinite. But is he therefore found? Vain Searcher! no: Let your imperfect Definition (how, That nothing you, the weak Definer, know. IV. Say, why fhou'd the collected Main It felf within it felf contain ? Why to its Caverns fhou'd it fometimes creep, And with delighted Silence fleep On the lov'd Bofom of its Parent Deep ? Why fhou'd it's num'rous Waters flay In comely Difcipline, and fair Array, 'Till Winds and Tides exert their high Command? Then prompt and ready to obey, Why do the rifing Surges fpread Their op'ning Ranks o'er Earth's fubmiffive Head, Marching thro' different Paths to different Lands ? V. Why does the conftant Sun With meafur'd Steps his radiant Journeys run ? Why does he order the diurnal Hours To leave Earth's other Part, and rife in ours ? Why does he wake the correfpondent Moon, And fill her willing Lamp with liquid Light, Commanding her with delegated Pow'rs To beautify the World, and blefs the Night? Why does each animated Star Love the juft Limits of its proper Sphere ? Why 192 Divine Hymn^. Why does each confenting Sign With prudent Harmony combine In turns to move, and fubfequent appear, To gird the Globe, and regulate the Year ? VI. Man does with dang'rous Curiofity Thefe unfathom'd Wonders try : With fanfy'd'Rules and arbitrary Laws Matter and Motion he reftrains -} And ftudy'd Lines and fi&ious Circles draws : Then with imagin'd Sovereignty Lord of his new hypothesis he reigns. He reigns: How long? till fome Ururper rife; And he too, mighty thoughtfull, mighty wile, Studies new Lines, and other Circles feigns. From this laft Toil again what Knowledge flows? Juft as much, perhaps as mows, That all his PredecefTor's Rules Were empty Cant, all J a r g o n of the Schools y That he on t'others Ruin rears his Throne,- And fhows his Friend's Miftake, and thence confirms his own. VII. On Earth, in Air, amidft the Seas and Skies, Mountainous Heaps of Wonders rife,- Whofe tow'ring Strength will ne'er fubmit To Reafon's Batteries, or the Mines of Wit : Yet ftill enquiring, ftill miftaking Man, Each Hour repuls'd, each Hour dares onward prefs; And levelling at GOD his wandring Guefs, (That feeble Engine of his reafoning War, Which guides his Doubts, and combates his Deipair) Laws Divine Hymns. 153 Laws to his Maker the learn'd Wretch can give : Can bound that Nature, and prefcribe that Will, Whofe pregnant Word did either Ocean fill : Can tell us whence all beings are, and how they move and live. Thro5 either Ocean, foolifh Man! That pregnant Word fent forth again, Might to a World extend each Atom there; For ev'ry Drop call forth a Sea, a Heav'n for ev'ry Star. VIII. Let cunning Earth her fruitful WTonders hide, And only lift thy ftagg'ring Reafon up To trembling Calvary's aftonifh'd Top; Then mock thy Knowledge and confound thy Pride,, Explaining how Perfection fuffer'd Pain, Almighty languifh'd, and Eternal dy'd: How by her patient Victor Death was flain ; And Earth prophan'd, yet blefs'd with Deicide. Then down with all thy boafted Volumes, down ; Only referve the facred one: Low, reverently low, Make thy ftubborn Knowledge bow; Weep out thy Reafon's, and thy Body's Eyes : Deject thy felf, that thou may'it rife; To look to Heaven, be blind to all below. IX. Then Faith, for Reafon's glimm'ring Light, (hall give Her immortal Perfpective; And Grace's Prefence Nature's Lofs retrieve. Then thy enliven'd Soul fhall fee, That all the Volumes of Philofophy, With all their Comments, never cou'd invent So politick an Instrument, To reach the Heav'n of Heav'ns, the high Abode, Where Moses places his myflerious God, C c As J 94 Divine Hymns. As was that Ladder which old Jacob rear'd, When Light divine had human Darknefs clear'd; And his enlarg'd Ideas found the Road, Which Faith had dictated, and Angels trod. CHARITY. AParaphrafe on the XIIIth Chapter of the fir ft Epiftle to the Corinthians. By the fame, DID Tweeter Sounds adorn my flowing Tongue Than ever Man pronounc'd, or Angel fung; Had I all Knowledge, human and divine, That Thought can reach, or Science can define ; And had I Pow'r to give that Knowledge Birth, In all the Speeches of the babling Earth : Did Shadrach's Zeal my glowing Bread infpire, To weary Tortures, and rejoice in Fire; Or had I Faith like that which Jfrael faw, When Mofes gave them Miracles and Law.: Yet, gracious Charity, indulgent Gueft, Were not thy Pow'r exerted in my Bread; Thofe Speeches would fend up unheeded Pray'r, That Scorn of Life would be but wild Defpair: A Timbal's Sound were better than my Voice; My Faith were Form, my Eloquence were Noife. Charity, decent, modeft, eafy, kind, Softens the high, and rears the abject Mind; Knows with juft Reins and gentle Hand to guide, Betwixt vile Shame and arbitrary Pride. Not 6 Divine Hymns. 195 Not fbon provok'd, me eafily forgives ,• And much me fuffers, as me much believes. Soft Peace me brings where-ever me arrives : She builds our Quiet, as me forms our Lives -y Lays the rough Paths of peevrfh Nature even,- And opens in each Heart a little Heaven. Each other Gift, which God on Man bellows, It's proper Bounds and due Reflection knows ; To one fixt Purpofe dedicates it's Pow'r -, And finiming it's Act, exifts no more. Thus, in Obedience to what Heav'n decrees, Knowledge mall fail, and Prophecy mall ceafe: But lading Charity's more ample Sway, Nor bound by Time, nor fubjeci. to Decay, In happy Triumph mall for ever live, And endlels Good difTufe, and endlefs Praife receive. As thro5 the ArtihYs intervening Glafs, Our Eye obferves the diftant Planets pafs,- A little we difcover, but allow, That more remains unfeen than Art can mow: So whilft our Mind it's Knowledge wou'd improve, (It's feeble Eye intent on Things above) High as we may, we lift our Reafon up, By Faith directed, and confirm'd by Hope: Yet are we able only to furvey Dawnings of Beams and Promifes of Day. Heav'n's fuller Effluence mocks our dazl'd Sight, Too great it's Swiftn efs, and too ftrong it's Light, But foon the mediate Clouds mall be difpell'd: The Sun mall foon be Face to Face beheld, In all his Robes, with all his Glory on, Seated fublime on his meridian Throne, Then conftant Faith, and holy Hope mall dye, One loft in Certainty and one in Joy: Whilft thou, more happy Pow'r, fair Charity, Triumphant Sifter, greateft of the three, Cc 2 Thy i$6 Divine Hymns. Thy Office, and thy Nature dill the fame, LafHng thy Lamp, and unconfunrd thy Flame, Shalt dill furvive Shall (land before the Hod of Heav'n confeft, For ever blefling, and for ever bieir. Christ's Paffion. By Mr. Cowley. E I. Nough, my Mufe, of earthly Things, And Infpirations but of Wind, Take up thy Lute, and to it bind Loud and everlafting Strings,* And on 'em play, and to 'em fing, The happy mournful Stories, The lamentable Glories, Of the great crucified King. Mountainous Heap of Wonders! Which do'fl rife Till Earth thou joyneft with the Skies! Too Large at Bottom, and at Top too high, To be half feen by mortal Eye. How fliall I grafp this boundlefs Thing! What fliall I play? What fliall I fing? Ill fing the mighty Riddle of myfterious Love, Which neither wretched Men below, nor bleffed Spirits above, With all their Comments can explain,- How all the whole World's Life to die did not difdain. II. Ill Divine Hymns. 157 II. Fil fing the fearchlefs Depths of the Companion divine, The Depths unfathom'd yet By Reafon's Plurnet, and the Line of Wit: Too light the Plummet, and too fhort the Line : How the eternal Father did beftow His0own eternal Son as Ranfome for his Foe. I'll iing aloud, that all the World may hear, The Triumph of the buried Conquerer: How Hell was by it's Pris'ner captive led, And the great Slayer, Death, (lain by the Dead. IIL Methinks I hear of murthered Men the Voice., Mixt with the Murderers confufed Noife, Sound from the Top of Calvary -, My greedy Eyes fly up the Hill, and fee Who 'tis hangs there the Midmofr. of the three ; O how unlike the others he? Look how he bends his gentle Head with Bleflings from the Tree f His gracious Hands ne'er ftretch'd but to do good, Are nailed to the infamous Wood: And finful Man does fondly bind The Arms which he extends t'embrace all humane Kind, IV. Unhappy Man, canfl thou (land by, and fee All this as patient as he? Since he thy Sins does bear, Make thou his Sufferings thine own3 And weep, and figh, and groan, And beat thy Bread, and tear Thy Garments and thy Hair • And let thy Grief, and let thy Love Through all thy bleeding Bowels move. Do'ft i$8 D IVINE H YMNS. Do'ft thou not fee thy Prince in Purple clad all o'er, Not Purple brought from the Sidon'ian Shore, But made at Home with richer Gore? Do'ft thou not fee the Roles, which adorn The thorny Garland by him worn ? Do'ft thou not fee the livid Traces Of the fharp Scourges rude Embraces? If yet thou feeleft not the Smart Of Thorns and Scourges in thy Heart; If that be yet not crucify'd, Look on his Hands, look on his Feet, look on his Side. V. Open, oh ! open wide the Fountains of thine Eyes, And let 'em call Their Stock of Moifture forth, where'er it lies, For this will ask it all. 'Twould all alas! too little be. Though thy fait Tears come from a Sea. Canft thou deny him this, when he Has op'ned all his vital Springs for thee? Take Heed ; for by his Side's myfterious Flood May well be underftood, That he will ftill require fome Waters to his Blood. ft/ A Tran- Divine Hymns. 199 yU^W^jLT.WJVLT.WJV.T.W^wlT.W^JlTtW^tTtW-J'i A Translation of a HYMN Compofed in Latin By John Fiats Earl of Mirandula and Concordia, Who flouriflied about the Year 1480, ALmighty God, whofe Majefty alone We do adore, three Perfons, three in * one, Whom only Angels in that heav'nly Choir With humble Rever'nce worfhip and admire : ThJ Almighty Breath, did all Things caufe to be, And by thy Pow'r, prefer v'ft them as we fee. Th' Earth thy Word, the Heavens obey thy Hand,. Thunder and Lightning, wait on thy Command. Spare us, O Lord! and warn us clean we pray, Let not thy juft Difpleafure us deftroy. For if our Sins with Juftice thou fhould'ft weigh, Or, our Mifdeeds in Judgment juft repay- What living Frame, were able to fuftain, Thy juft Difpleafure, in eternal Pain ? No,' not that f Fabrick formed by thy Hand, And made perpetual by thy own Command. To ev'ry Man the firft Man Guilt convey'd, And ev'ry one the fame in Ads bewray'd. * In one God. f Soul and Body of Man. But D ; v I ■ e H YM N S. re, C0I1'. ich le. unt, count; :.. :' l OlJ . : ■ . J not upon our G Be (pilt: • ice claim, rcn name: 'J T . t . . . : ':• - - :e: it Lc reftrain, rr in vain: "JW, • a us below, from our Fall doil raiie, n, we : tO fa .to fa Tc rod from hi1. : do fend loft i amend, e : for to derive.) : . : prize do defpife : -ive, : I am faf to in flair. that i . . Divine Hymns. £01 Vouchfafe that we may Satan's Yoke lay by, And, hating Sin, become his Enemy $ O Lord, vouchfafe that we the Flefh refill:, And always in thy Love and Grace perfift; That when this mortal Courfe we mall have done, And then our Souls before thy Judgment come; Be Lord, to us beyond a Father kind, But let not our Deferts a Judge thee find. A HYMN on Gratitude. By Mr. Addison. I. WHEN all thy Mercies, O my God, My rifing Soul furveys,- Tranfported with the View, I'm loft In Wonder, Love, and Praife: O how mall Words with equal Warmth The Gratitude declare, That glows within my ravifh'd Heart! But thou canft read it there. II. Thy Providence my Life iuftain'd, And all my Wants redreft, When in the filent Womb I lay, And hung upon the Breaft. To all my weak Complaints and Cries Thy Mercy lent an Ear, E're yet my feeble Thoughts had learnt To form themfelves in Pray'r. D d d III. Un« 202 DlVIKE H YMNS, III. Unnumber'd Comforts to my Soul Thy tender Care beftow'd, Before my Infant Heart conceiv'd From whom thofe Comforts flow'd. When in the flipp'ry Paths of Youth With heedlefs fteps I ran, Thine Arm unfeen convey'd me fafe, And led me up to Man. IV. Thro' hidden Dangers, Toyls and Deaths, It gently clear'd my Way, And thro' the pleafing Snares of Vice, More to be fear'd than they. When worn with Sicknefs oft haft thou With Health renew'd my Face, And when in Sins and Sorrows funk, Reviv'd my Soul with Grace. V. Thy bounteous Hand with worldly Blifs Has made my Cup run o'er, And in a kind and faithful Friend Has doubled all my Store. Ten thoufand thoufand precious Gifts My daily Thanks employ, Nor is the leaft a chearful Heart, That taftes thofe Gifts with Joy. VI. Through ev'ry Period of my Life Thy Goodnefs 111 pnrfae, And after Death, in diftant Worlds The glorious Theme renew. When IJivine Hymns^ When Nature fails, and Day and Night Divide thy Works no more, My ever grateful Heart, O Lord, Thy Mercy fhall adore. VII. Through all Eternity to thee A joyful Song I'll raife, For ohf Eternity's too fhort To utter all thy Praife. 2C2 f I N I &_ ■ ^£g^%S8^@^^^^^%%%S@^%%%%%%®ffiSSS^^^S@^Sffl^SgEgSS \l ERRATA. IN the Introduction, page to. line 19. for Executioners, read Execntiens. In the Book, p. 2. 1. 23. r. tried, p. 4. for P/Jfc 23. r. Pf. xxiu. 1. iox Pf. 23. r. v. 3. p. 68. Pf. v. for II. r. 12. p. 70. 1. 8. dele art. p. 75. 1. 13.' for Palfttyts.in, r. they flatter with, p. 88. I. 14. for Duuft r. Dufi. p. 92. 1. 2. tor J am, r. and am. p. 94. Pf. lxviii. tor f, 8. r. 18. p. 95. 1. 20. for brightefi , r. bright, p. 96. 1. 7. Pf. ii. for -vain things, r. a vain thing, p. 97. 1.2. for Bonds, r. Bands, p. 105 for Pf. cv. 4. r xlv. 4. p. 108. 1. I r. Deceipt and Violence, p. 123. 1. penult, r. thy Heavens, p. 124. 1. 22 for the Glory of God, r. the God of Glory, p. 125. for Pf. xxxi. 1. r. xxxi. 19. p. 129. 1. 8. dele the. p. 131. iotPf. lxxxvi.8. r. Pf. lxxxi. 2. p. 136. 1. 5. for excellent, r. exalted, p. 139. 1. ulr. r. praife ye the. p. 140. 1. ult. for -wondrous, r. wonderful. p. 141.]. 10. iox in, x. out of. 1. 17. dele trie ]ii\-theyj In the References, p. 4. for gently, x. fli all, gently, p. -].(f) Ifa. xlL. 10. after, flrengthen thee, add, yea I will help thee. p. 9. (t) 1. Cor. x. 13. dele 14. p. 11. (g) iox John xv. 13. r. John xv. 7. (I) dele 25. (m) for Rom. viii. 33. r. Rom. vii. 25. and viii. 1. p. 13. (u) Col. i. 16. add, for by him were all Things created, (c) Col. i. 13. for from Darknefs, r. from the Power of Darknefs. p. 18. (b) Eph. iv. 10 dele 8 Phil. ii. tor 10. r. 9,10. p. 19. (/ 1. John i. 8. 9. dele %.(i) Rom. v. 12. dele 14, 1 j. p. 20. (/>) for .H*£. xix. 16 r. ixij. p. 22. (b) Rev. v. 13. dele 14. p. 23. (0 for John xviii. 13. x.John xvii. 13. p. 26. (c) for Rom viii. 13. r. Rom. viii. 23. p. 27. [h) Phil. iv. 6. dele 7. p. 25. (x) for Row. viii. 22. r. viii. 32. p. 36. {b) John xvi.24. dele 23. p. 37. (1) Rev. v. 13. dele 14. p. 38. (/) 2 Pet. v. dele 7. p. 39. (u) for Job vi 24. r. vi. 4. p 44. (1) tor Heb. ix. r. if*6. xi. p. 45. (&) for />/>i/. ii. 12. r. ii. 13. for Matthew xxvii. 37. r. Mark xii 30. p 47. (I) Matth. xxiv. 3S. dele 3. p. 54. (X> -^i. x. for 2$. 27. r. 35. 37. (g) for Ifa. Ixiv. r. Ixiv. 4. p. 55. Matth xxiv. for 15. r. 35. p. 69. Phil, for ii. r. iii. p. 70. Ifa. Iv. for 67. r. 6, 7. p. 71. 1 Pet. iii. for 10. r. 13. John xvi. after therefore, add, Aa-w, p. 7}. John for xiv. r. iv. ^o^». vii. for 27, 28, 29. r. 37, 38, 39. Rev. xxii. 17. dele of. Heb. xiii. 15. dele 6. p. 75. Matth. for ii. r. iii. p. 86. 1. 10. dele Men. p. ior. iTheJf. ii. ir. dele, (a) Rev. xiii. 16. for therein, x. in Heaven. Ifa. lvi. ir. r. they are all. p. 103. Rev. xviii. for 17. r. 7. John v. 29. for /Ao/e, r. they. p. 118. fA; Hab. iii. 5. for *», r. and. p. 119. 1 TheJJ. iv. 17. after, /# mtit lhfUrd> add, 10 ffo Air. p. 120. #>) R«v. xx. 12. for ^e/i r. thoft. w »'