C&omas Proton, Dalfceitfc* < #1^4 C} L/ I Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/principallacts03chur THE PRINCIPALL ACTS Of The G E N E R ALL ASSEMBLY, CoNVEENED Ai* EDINBURGH, Upon the laft VV ednesday of May, the zp. of that Moneth, in the year \6 4.4.. m EDINBURGH, ^Printed {jEvan Tyler, Printer to the l\ings rnojl Excellent <*5M[ajejlie->. Anno Dom. 1 6 4. 4.. ag. i. THE GENER ALL ASSEMBLY i At Edinburgh, 16^. • Die fovis penult. Mail. SelT. 1 1. Tide Letter from the ^Presbyterie with the conveened at Edinburgh in May i 644. The humble Petition of the dijtrejjed Chrijlians in the North of Ireland. Humbly fhtweth, Jgg gg s g^g ^Hat whereas y6ur former enlarged bounty , and our prefent overflowing ftraits would require a gratefull acknowledgement of the one , and a ferious reprefentation of the other : Our cafe is fuch , as neither can be expected at our hands, f£$5£3Ml being ftricken with aftonifhment,and full of th« Furie of the Lord. We are thefe indeed who have feen affliction by the rod of his wrath : So that it were more fit, we had a Cot- tage in the WildernefTe amongft the O wles to mourn out our im- bittered Spirits , then that by word or writ we mould compeer* before any of his People : Although you cannot be wearied in wel-doing , yet we fhall no way think it ftrange, if now you fhall give over any more care of us •, Seeing the Lord hath teftificd againfl: us, and the Almighty hath afflicted us. Your judgement is with the Lord , and your reward is with God , not onely fof your two years vifiting and watering a barren vineyard , but alfo for your zeale and care to have your Reformation fpred amongft other oppreft and borne-down Churches , whereof you have fiven an ample and famous teftimony in fending hither that lefled League and Covenant which wee much defired and longed for , as by our Petitions to the Church and State of out Native Kingdome is knowne unto you $ which hath had a wish- ed and gracious fuccefle by the favour and blefling of God , ac- companying the pains of thefe to whom the tendering thereof was intrufted by you. And We conceiving a chief part of our mi- ferie to confift in our want of opportunitie to joyne our fclves with the People of God in the forefaid League - y Efteemingour felves rejected of God and unfit to be joyned in any comfortable fellowfhip in the Gofpel with them , when the (aid League and Covenant was prefented to the Regiments 5 Wee made bold to lay hold upon the opportunity ( though afflicted abjects ) and cheerfully and unanimoufly joyned our fclves thereunto ; That if wee perifh in our mifery , wee may die a Covenanted People* and, if our miserable life be prolonged , we may hnde flicker and A 1 rcfrelb- q. The Cj-etierallzAlfernblyy 164-4-* refrefhment under the fliadow thereof in our fierie trials 4 confi- dently expecting from the Lord by our neerer conjunction -With you than of before , an accomplifhment of what is agreed into the Covenant , which ye bountifully exprefled before we were one with you , to your never-dying-commendation. Weare nothing fhaken in our minds with the odious afperfions of fedition, cOrri= bination againft the King,and overthrow ofMunicipal Laws,&c» ( wherewith our Covenant is branded ) nor with the threats of thefe who mould be comfortable to us in our troubles : But are the more encouraged to beleeve that God ihall raife up the Ta* bernacle of David that is fallen , and repair the breaches thereof t For > fince we Covenanted with God , and united our felves to- gether , our dying Spirits have revived , and we ring like thefe who have come forth from their Graves, for God hath had mer- cy on Jacob: In teftimony whereof he hath opened the bowels of the Churches of Holland, who were ftrangers to us, and yet dear Brethren , and tender Sympathizers with our afflictions and forrows , who , when thefe who were left of the Sword were irt danger to dye by famine , did plentifully relieve us in our ftraits, notonely by comfortable encouragements to walk humbly with God y and wait for him who hides his face from the houfe of Jacob for a feafon 5 but alfo by their rich fupply in Victuals and others necefTar for our relief and comfort , which we humbly de* fire our Lord to repay feven-fold in their bofome , andbecoml your Supplicants to joyne with us in a gratefull acknowledge^ ment of their Angular favours : And upon the heels of thefe fa-* vours you have continued your uriparalelled companions in keep* ing your forces and enabling them, together with the Other For* ces , for avenging the cruell murders , and effufion of Chriftiart blood in this Land , notwithftanding of your owne multiplied difficulties. The Lord hath begun to delight into us ^ and in £ day of falvation hath helped us ( So happy are the people who are in Covenant with God. ) We are thefe ( indeed ) who may juftly be burnt up for our unfruitfulnefTe in the dayes of our plen- ty, and ftubborneiTe in the dayes of our affliction , which hath brought us fo low , that where we once enjoyed a bleffed plenty, we muft now beg of the crumbs that fall from your Table : Wee cannot dhTemble , but fo farre as we can dif cern our owne hearts* wc would preferre the joyfull found of the Gofpel to Our much wifhed Peace and precious lives : But it may be difcerned , yout Confultations of before have been guided by the Spirit of the Lord-, in that when wee twice in our forward hsiftingdefi res begged the prefent looting and planting of fome Minifiers amongft us , you judged it more convenient to fupply us by turnes , as forefeeing that our Captivity was likely to endure t Our hopes are fo far revived, that we truft to fee the day when he (hall take the Cup of trembling out of our hands,and put it in the hands of them that afflicted us. And Tbeljenerdll Ajjembly 9 164.4.. 5 And therefore , if you account us fellow-partners of the Pur- chafed Inheritance , Yet again fuffer our neceflitie to plead with you, that as it hath been by the Committee of Bils already advi- fed, that a competent number of Minifters may be gifted to us by your Commiflion when they fhall fee the Calling cleared,the fame may be granted as a teftimony of your confidence , and ex- pectation of our delivery ; And in the meane time fome others may be fent by turnes to keep in the dying lives of above twenty foure defolate Congregations , who are in danger to perifh for want of Vifion : And although we do profeffe, we count not our felves worthy of fuch favours , yet as we have refolved to dye with the cry of hope in our mouthes to the Lords Throne; So in obedience of the ufe of the means by him appointed , we ftretch out our hearts and our hands to you for help , and have fent out Brother William CMackenna Merchant at Belfa.fi , to attend what anfwer it fhall pleafe the Lord by you to returne unto Your difireffed Brethren and Supplicants. Subscribed by very many Bands* — . ^funii 164.4.. Antemeridiem. Seff. V» ABfor theprefent Entrie of the new ereBed Presbyterie at Biggar. iHe which day anent the Supplication fubfcribed ' and given in to the Generall Affembly by the Minifters & ruling Elders of the Kirks of Biggar ^ SkirlingtBrochtonfilencfuhome^Kelbocho^Culter^La* myngtoun^Symontoun^Covingtoun,£luothqucn > Wel* ^Xfioun^nd Dolphingtoun^making mention,Thatthe Generall Aflembly at Edinburgh in Auguft 1643. years , by their Act of the date of the twelfth day of the 'famine moneth and year, did upon good grounds , and after tryall and hearing of all -Parties to the full, erect a Presbyterie feat at Biggar , to confift of the Kirks above- written •, And granted to their Presbyterie full power of jurifdiction and exerceing Difcipline,with all other Li- berties and Priviledges belonging to any other Presbyterie-, but fufpended the entrie and pofleflion of this new erected Presbyte- rie,duringthe pleafure of the Aflembly : And therefore defiling the laid Genqjrall Aflembly to ordaineand appoint the entrie and pofTeifionoftheforefaid Presbyterie at Biggar , now prefently*, And 6 Tloe Cjenera1lAj]embly> KJ4.4. And to Declare, that it is their pleafure , that the entrie and f>of- feflion thereof fliall be no ionger fufpended , as the Supplication proports. Which Supplication being read in audience of the Ge a nerall Aflembly , and thereafter the CommifTioners from the Presbyteries of Lanerk and Peebles, and all others having entrefle" to oppofe the defire Forefaid being publickly called, and the faids CommifTioners For Peebles and Z)ucensberry , Willi:.m Earle of DaU'otific, Archbald Lord Angus, James Vicount of Dudhope, John Lord Mainland, David Lord Elcho, John Lord Balmerinoch, James Lord Cowper, Sir Patrick Hcpburne ofWaughtoua,S'it Arch- baldJohnflounotWarifloun, Sir David Hume of Weddtrburne, Sir Alexander Areskine of Dun,W\K William Cockburne of Langtoun, Sir Thomas Ruthven of Frieland, Sir James Arnot of l : crnic,$\x Walter M iddal l of that Ilk, Sir Lodovick Hovfloun of that Ilk, Sir William Carmichael Fiar of that Ilk, Matter George Douglas of Bonjcdburgh, Mailer George Winrame of Libbcrtoun '- Laird of Brcdic, Sir John Smith, James Dcnmfloun, Matter Robert Barclay, John Rutherfitrd, Wtlliam G lendunmng , John Sempill, John Kenedy, and Matter B 2 Alexander io The (jenerall zAffembly, 1 6^* Alexander Douglas Elders: And alfo Matters, D^^/W Dalgleijh^Afa drew Bennet^fahn Moncreijf, Alexander Carfe ,1 homos Wilkiejfames Guthrie ,Henry Levingjloun^David Drummond zx. Creiff^fahn Hay at Renfrew jfohn Strang^Richard Inglis ^William Falconer, ^fohn Pater* fon^Gilbert Ro(fe y RichardMaitland,GeorgeCumming,W/HiamCawpbd Minifters, And William Earlc or Glancatrne^ William Eaile otLon* thian , J-ames Lord Murray of Gask , fahn Lord Ycfier , Robert Frederick Lyon of Brigtoun , zfamcs Cfrlacdcwell of Garthland, David Beton ot Creich, Sir fames Stuart Sheriff of Buit y Sir fahn Weemes of Bogie , Matter William Sandilands Tutor of Torphichin, Archbald Sydferfe , Laurence Henderfon 5 J-ames Stuart \ Thomas Paterfon, and Alexander tfaffray Elders now added by this Aflembly, to meet at Edinburgh upon the fifth day of this inftant moneth of June , and upon the laft Wednefday of Auguftnextj the laft Wednefday of November next, and upon the laft Wed- nefday of February next^and upon any other day, or in any other place they ftial think meet: Giving and granting untothem,or any fifteen of them, there being twelve Minifters prefent , full powef and commifsion to profecute the faid work of unitie in Religion, and uniformitie of Kirk government in all his Majefties Domini- ons, and to do and performe all things particularly or generally contained in the faid Commifsion of the preceding A flembly,- or in an hCt of the faid Aflembly upon the faid 19. day of Au- guft, intituled, A Reference to the Commission anent the Persons di» Jignedto repair to the Kmgdome of England^ and to treat and deter- mine therin 3 & in all other matters referred unto them by this A£ fembly , ficlikc,and as freely, as if all thefe were herein exprefled, and as the perfons nominal in the faidformer Commifsion might have done by vertue of the faid A& and former Commifsion at any time by-gone, and with as ample power as any Commifsion of former Generall AfTemblies hath had,or been in ufe of before, they being alwayes comptable and cenfurable for their whole proceedings hereintill by the next Generall Aflembly. r R s e notation of the Commifsion granted to the ^Perfons appointed to repair to the fQngdome #/~ England. JHe Generall Aflembly , finding that the great Work of unity in Religion , and uniformity of Kirk-government in all his Majefties Domini- ons is not yet perfe&ed,Do therefore renew the Commifsion granted for that effect by the pre- ceding Aflembly , unto the Perfons appointed to repair to the Kingdome of England upon the ip.day of Auguft 1643. in the laft Sefsion thereof, Giving and granting to the Per- fons The (jenerall (tAffimbly ? 1644. u Tons therein mentioned,the fame power,to do all ahd every thing particularly or generally contained in the faid Commifsion , in the fame manner, and as fully, as if the fame were herein expref- fed, and as they might have done at any time by-gone by vertue of the former Commifsion. The Ajfemblies an/werto the Tresbjterie yp'ith the Armle. Reverend and loving Brethren in the L OR £> 3 i5dJ^Q)E received yours of the 17. and 20. of May , and ^ttt^| were much refrefhed wirh the knowledge you gave Sr-X* u nt °u s therein , ofyourfenfe of our condition here, &M£%@1 a nd of the Lords dealing with your felves there in your (traits and difficulties : We rejoyce exceedingly to fee you makefuchableffedufeoftheLordsdelayes , for your further Humiliation and Dependence upon him : That Sanctuary, your Enemies, and the Enemies of your GOD hath taken, (hall not fave them : You have found by experience in your marches and maintenance > that events are not ordered by the proportions of men , but by the Providence and purpofe of G O D. There is a time for every purpofe under Heaven , and the Cup of the Amo- rites muft be rilled : Which being now full of every abominati- on, yea of the blood of the Saints , the cry whereof cannot but be heard in Heaven , and anfwered on Earth , prefageth no lefle to us,than that the Lords time of his deliverance of his own , and deftrudtion of his Enemies draweth near. We are not unfenfible of your prefent eftate, and by the Lords grace fliall be careful!, both here and with our Congregations at home, to make all take the fame to heart. As for our condition here remembred with fuch pious affe&ion by you , we doubt not but ye have heard what the Lord hath done for us-, thefe happy beginnings of the Lords fcatteringour unnaturall Enemies in the North , gives us confidence of his affiftance in the midft: of diffi- culties againft thefe that affault us in the South : It is nothing with the Lord to help whether with many , or with them that have no power. The fecurity of this Nation indeed is great , it is our part to blow the Trumpet to give warning to the People , and to rouze them from that feaifull condition which threatneth [o much de- fertion. And tothisendwehaveinjoynedafolemnc Faft , the caufes whereof being more particularly cohfkiered by our Com mifftoners here,will no queftion be fent unto you,that if the Lord pleafe, you may joyne with us there in that Adion. Wee have fet down an order to be kept hereafter, for fending Minilters iz ( The(jenerall^Ajfembly > \6^* . MiniftersuntotheArmie, which the Clerk will fend herewith unto you. Now the Lord our G O D , in whofe Name his peo* pie go forth againft his Enemies,help and alTift them , and covet! their heads in the Day of Battel! 3 and be their Refuge > andi>le(T£ your travels and endeavours t for the good of their fouls and his own glory. Edinburgh, 3 . June Subscribed in name of the Generall 1644. Cdjfemb I j by the Moderator* 4. fune \6/\.\> Seff. VIL The Letter from the Qommifsioners at London to the (je*» nerall aAJJembly* Right Honourable > Reverend, and Belovedin the Lo R i) , IT was the earned defire of our hearts to have come ttffa to you at this time > and to have brought with us th@ defireable fruits of our weighty imploymenrs and la- bours, to our common rejoycing in the mids of fo ma* ny troubles both here and there : but our Lordinhiswifedomg hath not judged it fitting, that this mould be the time of our joy* full harveft^and-efbfinging our fheaves , to be matter of FacrificS tohimfelf jandofflioutingtous* Both Nations as yet doebufi go forth weeping and bearing their precious feed-, yet are we con* fident through Jesus Christ, thatasitisa feed-timejifthe Labourers (although other men before us have laboured, and ws are entred into their labours ) prove faithfull unto the end , th6 harveft dial 1 come in due time,and in great plenty. The common Directory for publick Worfhipirtthe Kirks of the three Kingdomes is fo begun ( which we did make known to the Commiffioners of the Generall Aflembly) that we could not think upon any particular Directory for our own Kirk, and yet fo not fo far perfected, that wee could prefent any part thereof uri^ to your view : for although wee have exhibited unto the Grand Committee(which is compofed of fome ofthe Members of both Houfes,and ofthe AfTembly , with our felves ) the materials of the publick Prayers ofthe Kirk , the method of Preaching * and the order of adminiftration of both Sacraments,and have the Ca* techifme in hand \ yet are they not throughly examined by the Committee,noratall by the AfTembly o. Parliament, which we cannot impute to any neglect or unwillingnefle, but to the muld- plioity and weight of their affairs 3 by which they are fore preited, and above their powers The The Cj encr all Aflembly y \6^ t 13 The Directory for Ordination of Minifters ( which upon the extreme exigence of this Kirk was much prefled by the Parlia- ment) is agreed upon by the Committee and Aflembly,and fome dayes paft is prefented to both Houfes , but hath nor yet paired their Vote. The Aflembly hath been long in debate about the Officers and Government of the Kirk ( concerning which, we of- fered the two Papers which wee drew up , according to the pra- ctice of our own, and other Reformed Kirks, and fo neere as we could conceive, to the minde of the Generall Aflembly , and di(j fend to the Commifsioners of the Generall Aflembly ) and hath patTed many votes about the one & the other,but hath notbroght their thoughts to fuch ripenefle and perfection, that they could think upon the publifhing of them , or prefenting them to your {ight,nor is it in their power to do fo, without warrant of Parlia- ment. Your wifedome will confider that they are not a Generall AlTembly, but fome felect Perfons, called by Authority to give their advice in matters of Religion,thatthey walk in a way which hath not been troden by this Nation before this time, that many things feeme new unto them, and cannot obtain their aflent, till they lee them clearly warranted by the Word of G O D ^ That matters of the Government of the Kirk have been much contro- verted here, and the prejudices againlt Presbyteriall Govern- ment are many and great •, That the two extremes of Prelacieand Independencie,which latter is the generall claime of all Sects and Sectaries , have prevailed molt in this Kirk , andnootherthing known by the multitude but the one or the other •, That fuch as look toward the Government of the Reformed Kirks , finde a mighty party within and without oppofing them $ And that Re- formation and Uniformitie mult therefore be a work fo full of difficulty, that the hand of the mod high GOD, which is now begun to be Itretched out in this Land, mult bring it to pafle. There was alfo prefented to the Aflembly , a ne w Paraphrafe of the Pfalmesin Englifli Meeter,which was well liked of , and commended by fome of the Members of the Aflembly 5 But be- caufe we conceived that one Pfalme Book in all the three King- domes was a point of Uniformity much to bedelired , we took the boldnes ( although we had no fuch exprefle and particular Commiflion) to oppofe the prefent allowing thereof , till the Kirk of Scotland fhould be acquainted with it •, and therefore have we now fent an eflay thereof in fome Pfalmes. We have al- fo fent another Specimen In Prinr, done by fome Minifters of the City. Your wifedome hes to confider , whether it be meet to examine them by your Commifsioners there ,that their judge- ments be fent up unto the Aflembly here,both about the generall of Uniformity in this point,and about the particular way of etfe- ctingit, whether by either of thefe two ,"orby any other Pata- phraie , or by changing fome exprefsions in the Books now i^, The (jfenerall \Ajfembly i \6/\.^ now in ufe , which is aymed at by the firft of thefe two. As we cannot but admire the good hand of G O D in the great things done here already, particularly •, That the Covenant ( the foundation of the whole Work) is taken, Prelacie and the whole train thereof,extirpated • The Service- Book in many places foi> faken, plain and powerfull preaching fet up ; Many Colledges in Cambridge provided with fuch Minift ers,as are molt zealous of the beft Reformation^ Altars rembved-,TheCommunion infome plai- ces given at the Table with fittihg-,The great Organs at Pauls & of Peters in IVeflminftcr taken down •, Images and many other Monu- ments of Idolacry defaced andaboliftied \ The Chappel- royal at Whitehal purged and reformed-,& all by Authority in a quiet man* ner at noon day, without tumult : So have we from fo notable ex- periencejoyned with the promifes of the Word, fuffkient ground ofconfidence,that GOD will perfect this Work againft all op- pofition , and of encouragement for us all to be faithfull in the Work of G O D, which is carried on by his mighty Hand, that no man can oppofe it, but he muff be feen fighting againft GOD* It is unto us no fmall matter of comfort,that we have heard of no Minifter of the Gofpel ( except fuch as the Kirk hath rejected ) joynihg with the Malignants there, in their ungodly and unnatu- rail afflicting of that Kinsdome, while they are endeavouring the relief of the afflicted in this Kingdome • and we pray and hope, that they may carefully keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, and walk worthy both of their holy calling, and of the great Work , which the Lord is working by his own weak fer- vants in Kirk and Policy. Be pleafed to receive a Letter from the Aflemblyj unto which you will return fuch an anfwer as fhal feem good unto your wife- dome, and withall ( which is our humble defire ) fomc word of your thankf ull acknowledgement of the refped and favours done by them unto us. We have at all occafions fince our coming hither , acquainted the Commifsion with our proceedings, and by the help of God, mall be induftrious in obeying your directions and theirs, during our abode here, which through the power andblefsingof God, bringing the a ft airs of his own Church to a peaceable and bleffed fuccefte, wee wifh may be for a fhort time, and unto which your? fervent prayers through Chrift may be very effectuall , which therefore is the humble and earneft defire of Worcefler houfe^ Tour affectionate fellow-labouring And fellovt* London ',May 20. feeling Brethren in the Work of the Lord, 1 644. * V* • 1 j Alex.Hcnderfon. S dm. Rutherford, jo.Maitiana. Kobm £ ^ Qm ^ GilL ^ ki /j ^ i "TT The Letter from the Synod of Divines in theK^trk^of England y to the (jenerall and double the beneht by bellowing it in a more feafonable time ' unto us. We have not been a little refreshed with your Letters fent un- to us and the Commiflioners of the preceding Aflembly , and with thefe from the Reverend Synod of Divines , the anfwer whereof you will be pleafed to prefent unto them : By all which, and more particularly by a full Relation from the Lord Warijloun afaithfull witneflfe and a fellow-labourer with 'you there, we fee and acknowledge that by the Lords blefTmg, die Progrefle of the Work is already more than we can overtake in the courfe of our thankfulnefle, that your labours are very great, your pains uncef- fant, your thoughts of heart many , that ye endure the heat of the day ; but being confident of your patient continuance in wel-do- ing , and that your labours (hall not be in vaine in the Lord , wee have renewed your Commiflion , and returned the Lord Wari- fioun unto you,according to your defire , that ye mayprofecute that great Work which the Lord hath bleflTed fo farre in your hands. When the Ordination and entry of Minifters fnall be confor- mable to the Ordinance of God, there is to be expected a richer blelling (hall be powred out from above , both of furniture and affiftance upon themfelves, and of fuccefle upon their labours-, for which end as our earned defire is, that the Directory for it may beeftablimed •, fo doe we exceedingly long to fee the common Directory for worfliip perfected , which, may prove an happy meane of that wiflied for Uniformity in the Kirks of the three Kingdomes , (hall ( we truft ) direct by all Rocks ot offence and occafions of Humbling , and (hall remove all thefe corruptions where- it 1 he (jenerall \Affembly > 164.^. wherewith the Lords facrifice and fervice hath been defiled* That point concerning a change of the Paraphrafe of the Pfalmes in Meeter , we have referred to the Commiffioners here, whofe power and Commifsion granted by the preceding Aflem* bly, we have renewed and continued. That there be difficulties concerning Kirk- Government 3 wee think it not ftiange for thefe reafons you lay out before us •, yet becaufe the minds of men are ftill in fufpenfe upon the fuccefle of the determination of that Reverend Affembly on the one hand, and upon the I uccefle of the Warre on the other •, which doth not a little faint their hearts and feeble their hands 5 both you and we muftbeinftantwith God and man for a finall determination of all thefe debates , and a happy and fpeedy conclufion of this great affaire , fo much concerning his own glory and the good of his Kirk. Now the Lord lead you in all truth , and give you understanding in all things. « Subfcribed in name oft hi Edinburgh 4. June Generalli_siflemhlybj 1644. the (Moderator* The zAjfemblies Letter to the IQrfy in the Netherlands. Eratres in Domino plurimum colendi, •Udt anno fuperiore Ecclefiarum Zelandicamm MmU 1 ne, mjjf in fubfdium fatrum noflrorum Hibernenfium collccta per Ecclefias fa- cta ad ipfos mature deport at a fit : \_Agnofcimm piorum in iifdem Ec - clef is Belgicis tarn cxpromptam voluntatem cjr liber alitatem : agnof cimm tantum benefcium non in ipfos magisfratres nofros, quam in il- lorum perfona in nofmetipfos e(fe collatum : Vofque ( fratres Rcvcren- di) obnixc rogatos volummjit quern ad. wodum nos adomnem grati ani- mi (ignific ationem prompti femper erimm , it a qua vobis potifsimum ratione commodum videbitur 3 iliuflrifsimis & potentijsimis Ordinibm vofro nomine gratias agatis : populo autem Chrifliano cur* vefr* corn- miff o tnm public e univcrfo, turn privatim fingulis ', ut eccafo tulerit^de- monflrctisquam honorific^ dc ipfis fentiamm , ej* quantifaciamus tarn exirniam bencvolcnliam & charitatem , qua in Ecclejiarum Hibemi- carum confolatione vifecra noflra refocillaverunt. J^u* autem veflr* fuerint partes, fratres charifsimi, quam pio fludio & labore, quam afsi- dtu diligentia tanta charitatis femen in fegetem & maturam tandem mejjem provexeritis, cum nos libentes agnofcimns , turn res ipfa lo- quitur, & fuctm opimm abund'e tettatur. Jnprimis autem { quod caput ejl ) tant& grati* authorem ejr largitorcm nos una cum I < J) clepis 2A. *Ihe GcncrallaJi\jembly > 164.4.. clefds Hibemkis laudamus & celebramus: compr -ec antes ut in vos mi' verfos, in F.cclcfias a Domino vo'ois commijjas jn illuflrifstmos Belgii veftri Or dines Spir/tumfuum copiofe effundat , M qutmadmodum m Hep. veslra adverfus hofiem potenttfswmm defendenda, and to the great appearance of the ruine and overthrow of their eftate: Which • I Which may be the cafe of Noblemen and Gentlemens children, as wel as of thefe of other eft ates & degrees within the Kingdom. Wherefore if the Aflembly think it expedient,it would be decla- red that all fuch promifes be made null and of none effect, efpeci- ally where the maker of the promife is Minor, and not willing to obfervethe famine , becaufe his Parents will not confent, but op- pofe and contradict , threatning to make him lofe not onely his favour but both blefsing and birth-right. This Ordinance flial not onely be very expedient for many good civill caufes , but is very confonant and agreeable to the Word of God , and will be very comfortable to many Godly Parents,who otherwife may be dis- appointed of their pious intentions, and have the. comfort they expected, turned to an heavy and grievous crofle. The Generall ^Ajfembly thinks it convenient at this time , to delay any determination in I he matter above-written un- til/ the next x^A^emhiy , That in the meane time every Presbyterie may take the fame to their ferious consideration, Aiid report their judgements to the K^Jjjcmbly, AB concerning difjenting voices in "Tref- bjteries and Synods. S^He Aflembly thinks it neceflar , if any Member of t£M$MM£k Presbyteries or Synods (hall finde in matters de- §« pending before them , that the Moderator fhall re- w^-^ft f" re t0 P llt an y tnm g °* Importance to voices ; Or «K^^2S& if they findc any thing carried by plurality of voi- ces to any determination which they conceive to be contrary to the Word of God.the Acts of Affembly,or to the received order of this Kirk , Th at in either of thefe cafes they urge their diflent to be marked in theRegifter-, And if that be refu- fed , that they proteft as they would delireto be free of common cenfure with the reft : And the Aflembly declares the diflenters to be cen fumble , if their diflentfhull be found other wife nor they conceived. All concermngthe ElcUwn of a Moderator in Trovinciall Affemblies. ^g[d|He Generall Aflembly underftanding that fome Pro- JL vinciall Affemblies in choofing their Moderator , tye .^,^| themfelves to thefe Perfons who have been before SSK2#f named and deflgned in particular Presbyteries, which is againfl: the libertie of the Provinciall Aflembly rTherefore dif- charges Presbyteries to make any fuch nomination hereafter-, And 28 TheCfenerallAjjembly, 1644* And ordain Provincials in their firft meeting,to eled their Mode* rator,and to make their own Lift for that effect without any fuch pra»limitation. ABfor peeping of the Fajl by the Congrega* tionsin the Tovone where the Afjembly holds. ggHe Afletnbly fudge it moft neceffar & comely, feeing '"T ftg the firft day of the meeting of Generall Affemblies, 1 g|[ is by the laudable practice of this Kirk a day of Fa» fting and Humiliation , for craving the Lords blef- fing to that Meeting $ That not onely the Members of the AfTembly,but that all the Congregations alfo of the Town where the Aftembly holds bee foexercifed c -: And thatpublick worfhip be in all the Kirks thereof that day for that effect. T s He Generall K^ipmbly appoint i the meeting of the next x^Af* fembly , to be upon the loft Thurfday of May, in theyeer I $45 . INDEX Of the ABs of the Afjembly holaen at Edinburgh, 1644. not printed. \Leftion ofMajier James Bonar ^Moderator. SefT. I. Continuation of the decifion in the quefiion concerning thi Commifsionfrom CmW^untill the appellation be difcuf fed. lb. Appointment of Committees for Bilts,Reports, &c. SefT.II. Ca Letter from the Presbytery at the Armie concerning fending tMi* nifers unto them, lb. A Letttrfrem the Presbyterie in Ireland, lb* TheAffemblics thankful refentment of the E.Louthitxisfufferings.lb. The deflre of the Convention of E fates , to quicken the proceedings of the A(fembly,and the Affemblies refolution thereinto. SefT. III. Reference to the Commijsion to be appointed by the AJJ'embly, for pref eft- ting Overtures ^yi tissue, to the Parliament. lb. Renovation of the Ail of the preceding Ajfembly* for planting the new Colledgi INDEX; Collcdgcoj S. Andrews. lb. Rif. tf/Denmures Bill. Ref. o/'Aytouns Bill. Committee to cor.fukr fome Overtures concerning Univerfities and Schooles. SeiT.IV. Com?nifsion granted to M.WiWnm Cockburn , M. Hugh Mackale for thefrfl 3 Monetbs beginning the 1 .of Aug. next •, to M. George Dick^and M.John Dick the next 5. Monet hs -, and to M.John Le- \\ng(io^n^and M. Thomas \Ny\kfor the Lift -$.Monethsjo repair tothc North of Ireland , hearing the fame power granted to the Per- fons appointed for that imploymcnt by the preceding Afjembly. lb. Renovation of the Commission for fending Expectants to Ireland . lb. Recom.of Sir John Weenies ofRogkhifBitl. lb. Commifsion for vifitation ^/Orkney, Zetland, Caithnes,Sutherland andKoik, to CMafters William Falconer, and Murdo Mac- kenzie, and Alexander Brodie of that Ilk. \^i c~t for M. George HAyhuxtouns going to the Army. lb. Report of the Lords of Exchequer their promife concerning payment of fome of the arrcers of the annul tie of 500. lib. lb. Aci and Reference concerning Af. James Wood. lb. Reference to the Commifsion of this Affembly concerning the Papers prefentedby my Lord Wariftoun , which were directed to the Corn- mi fs toners of the preceding Ajfembly . Se ff. V . Kef to the Commifsion for planting the NewColledge 0/Aberdene.Ib. Tranjportation of CM .George Leflie to the Kirk of Lellie. lb. A& concerning the planting of the Kirk of Syres. lb. Refofthe Counteffe 0/Kinnowles Bill to the Commifsion. lb. Alt concerning A/. Andrew Murray CMimftcrat Ebdie. lb. Aft and Ref. concerning the planting of the Kirk 0/Lamingcoun. lb. Ref.tothe Commifsion of the ^Afjembly concerning Overtures for U- nivcrfities andSchcoles^Scc. Sell. VI. Ref. to the faid Commifsion for planting the Kirk of Aberdene.Ib. Jndid ion of aFafl. lb. Renovation of the appointment of the preceding Ajfembly for framing a Directory for Worflnp , and for try all of Synods , Presbyteries , and Kirks. lb. Act for the Clerks fubferibing the deliverance of the Committee of Bits for charity to the difire(Jed people of Ireland . lb. Ref. td the Commifsion for considering the formes and draughts of Commtfsionsfor vifitation of Univerftties. lb. Act recalling two Acts of the Commifsion for viftation of the Univer- Jity of'S. Andrews, lb. Recom.to the Commifsion concerning confirmation of CMiniflers Books in their wives Teflaments . lb. Recom.to the faid Commifsion concerning Witches and Charmers . lb. ; Refofthe Overtures of the Synod of Murray to the faid Commifs. lb. I Recom.of V. Adam Stuart. lb. RemvM- INDEX. Renovation of the Act concerning James Murray. SefT.uIt. Continuation of the Commission of the preceding Affembly appointed to ft at Air. lb. Act concerning c/W.Robert Peirfon Minifier in Orkney, lb. Recom.ofthe Lord Gasks Bill. lb. Act concerning the Kirks of Aberchirdour ^sfEnnerkethenne.Ib. Ref.ofM.Altx. Petries Letter to the Commifsion of AJfembly. lb. Act concerning therepofition of M.John Muxwdfometime Cfrliniftcr at Glafgow, iv/>^4/? Ordinance for his fubfcribing a particular De- claration of the unlawfulnefje ofEpifcopacy. lb. Ref. of my Lord Seatons Bill to the Commifsion of AJfembly. lb. Letter from the Presbyterie at the Army, witha Reference to the Com- mifsion concerning the rejlraint of ' ttanftorting Women to the Ar* my. lb. Ref.totheCommifsiou of AJfembly concerniug the Letters from the Commifsioners at London, &c. and concerning the Paraphrafe of the Pfalmes in Meeter. lb. Ref of my Lord Yefters Bill to thefaid Commifsion. lb. Act concerning M. Alexander Trotter. lb. Ref. 0/Margaret Thorntons Bill to the Commifsion of AJfembly. lb. Remit.tothePresb.of Achterardour , concerning the matter of M» William Cook. lb. Tran (plantation ofM. William Rait taBrechen. lb. Ordinance for the Minifier s of the Presbytery of Peebles their acknow- ledgement of their difobedience to the Alls both of the Generall and Provincial! (^JJcmblies, in admitting M. John Hay, upon their knees before the Provincial! of Louthian ; And approba-- tionofthedijfenters •, with M. John Hayes Declaration , and the Ajfembties Ordinance for his fubferibing a particular Declaration concerning the unlawful nejfe of Epifcopdcie. lb. Ref. concerning the Kirk 0/Tefmahago to their Provinci all. lb. Ratification oj the Contract betwixt James Maxwel 0/Tnnerweeke, and M John M9LCghk)Concermng augmentation of the Minifier s provifion at Dirletoun , and of the Acts of Presbytery and Synod thereanent. lb. Ref. from the Presb. ofH&ti\n%toxm,andthe AJfemblies Anfwers. lb. Act for Presb. of Erfiltouns furnijhing of Mtmflers to tbeMaflerof Cranftouns Regiment 7 and for fending forth prefently M. Thomas 1 Donaldfon. lb. Act for the Presb. of 'Dalkeith fending a CMiniHer toV&. Nidries Regiment. lb. Ref. to the Commifsion of AJfembly of the defires and Overtures of . Caitnes.lb. FINIS. L , ■ A3. /< ^ rv 21 #-, K *f m