alt H ms&tm u H ■' gprfrt PRIN Collection Bi- section mber CETON, N. J. of Puritan Literature. s 1 ftated about FAITH, g « — - /- ( — §* By Thomas tSMoore, Senior. if* 41 ■ ' — ' — §» mi Rom.l 'y.^.lVhatfoiver things were written a[ore-tttne,were writ- if** jjlj ten for our learning , that tve through patience and comfort of ' j|j .4S the Scriptures, may have hope. §g* LONDON, . SC* iC^a jg Printed by James CottrtL I 6 5 <*. ' g> #!? f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f f n ff ff ff *. Tofifch as believe, the Tejlimony of CHKIST. OD having given to all men ****« an object ot Faith, and com- m*t i*.i*. manded it to be made known {&^ by the Scriptures, & preach- *>zl*i* ed to all N ations for the obe- dience of Faith , and chat be- lieving it, which is begot thereby, and clofech therewith, fo as to reft thereon for that pro* mifed, being therefore by him called Faith } and to fech Believers, Faith imputed tor Righteoufnefs : So as it is verily true , By Heb f Faith we come and approach to God.hy Faith '».i7,ii. a&v rr r ci* l c • 'i_ *°. 43.^3.3 8, we receive remulionot fins , by ^a?th we are &.^li*l juftified and approved of God, by Faith we 3fd.i^& receive thevertues of the Sacrifice and '4lood .*-li-R*»-1** of Chrift, by Faith we are fanciftied and con- * Cor- »*• J>4. formed to the minde of Chrift, by Faith wei/^Vio/c ftand and are faved ; by Faith we rt cave the Teftimony of Chrift j and loco tie to have thatTeftimony , and therein the holy Spirit teftifying, and Chrift ..teftified of ; and t}ie A 2 Father Father that is in Chrift^dwelling in our heart S*.iiZ!ti$ti^ : *° as by Faith we are the Sons of Rom.iA7.Gai. God ; and in all trials and temptations % bv i.i 3.1/0/? $.4, , 4 . r . ** * y Faith we live; yea, fay Faith we have the vi- Sory over the flefli, the world and the devi] ; and by Faith may be enabled to do worthily in our generations, and be conftant in all fer- vices of love,enduring through all fufferings, till we die in the Faith , and fo in the Refur- re&ion (hall receive the kingdom : for we a re » kept by the power of God through Faith un- to ialvation : I therefore am perfwaded, it is fri^°'3"8 our beftfervice and fruit of love5toedifie one fpbr±i»u another in this moft holy Faith ; yea, and to contend for it alfo againft theoppofersof it ; and know this Faith to be one, and that therq is but one Faith, that is Faith indeed , though in time pad I have conceited divers kindes of Faith : and now lately meeting with a Que- stion dated, in which are aflerted two kindes of Faith,each true and real in its kinde,by M. John Owen^ in his Book entituled 5 The Do* Brine of the Saints perfeverance, I was mov'd in my heart to confider the fame, and to an-> fwer fomeExpreflionsof his; yet leaving the handling of the Controverfie to thofe more fit, to whom it may appertain 5 acknowledg- ing in-* all for Truth in his Book, that is fo md in the Teftimony of Chrift, andftands Wij&\ the Rule propofed by himfclf alibjand rcfufc che rtft.accorduig to his owncounfel & dire&ion: wherein 1 have endeavored by plainTeftimo- ny and fjyings of Scripture, to fet forth the true Faith in the objeft of it,andGrace of be- lieving,with its efficacies,and fo to encourage men to believe, and believers to perfeverie, I defire the plain Teftimony of Scripture may be believed* and fo far as any of us are by the Spirit therein,brought to acknowledg Chrift, and defire the exaltation of his Name, and winning in of others thereto,and encreafe and growth of grace in believers , let us keep this unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace, that fo, in all our other differing apprehenfions and expreffions, we may fo contend for what the Scripture faith , that whatever abfurdity thereby , we feem to caft upon any c xpreflions of one another , it may be without judging or defpifing of one another $ taking oppofed expreflions^ asconfequencesof mifconcepti- onin the fancy, and not fruits of the princi- ple of grace in fiich as acknowledge Jefus the Lord } nor judging them gracelefs,or having no principle of grace, becauie of fuch an ex- prcflion ( pf effion ; that fo we may do all things in cha rity, feeking the edification of one another : and fo I hope, if any be otherwife minded, God will reveal the fame to them $ onely whereto we have attained, let us walk by the fame rule of Faith and Love, and believe what Scripture teftifieth , and not be waved from that, the Scriptures being able to make us wife unto falvation, through Faith that is in jefus Chrift. And fo committing my felf and labour to the Lord's gracious good pleafure, and to Believers to be tried , and received or refufed , as they are found to be agreeing or difagreeing with the plain fayings of the Te- ftimony of Chrift, I reft iW»/#/#jr.O&.i»; A well- wilier of all that love the Lord Jefus Chrift 3 Thomas Moore. The The Contents of the Treatife in feven Part*. PART 1/ . An Introduftion to the Tcftimony of Chrift; Chap. i. r A 'Direction to decern Truth from Error* pig, it jf\ Chap, 2. Evidences of the Truth, and'plainxefi of the Tefiimony » /£ Chap. 3. Of the enmity of Fleflj and Satan, and their way of oppopng, p. Chap. 4. An AJfay to remove the Objections ofthofe that pretend Sprit and lustration : Where, what meant by Chrilt, what by Scri- pture, what by Letter, and what b y Spirit. 1 j . Chap. 5. An Anfwer tofuch as fee\ to trouble by words. 2 o. Chap. 6. Anfwer to fuch as pretend Scripture to trouble with, 2 6m Chap. 7. A Conelufony with the eenfent of a learned man, 3 2 . Chap. 8. An A fay to dirett the weak, to finde the Tefiimony ofChrifi in the plain fayings thereof 34. Chap. 0* Of the Creation of Mankinde in thefirfl Adam. 41. Chap. 1 o. Of the fall and mifery of him and Mankinde* 44; Chap., 1 1. Of the immutability of god notwithftanding. 49; Chap. 1 2. Of the remedilefnefi in Mankinde fallen to help himfelf, and the wonderfulncfiof help in another, $ 5 . Chap. 1 y Ofthefimilitndes and diffimilitudes between thefirfi,nQW old) and the new Creation* 60; PART II. A declaratioB of the tcftimony of Chrift in the branches of itl Chap. 1. Of the. Tefiimony ofChrifi, who, what a one, and whence] &7* The The firft Branch. Chap. 2. Of the Oblation ofChrifi. 7 ?; Hup.?. What that was, which was offered up in Sacrifice. 7 5 . Chap. 4. Who it was that offered np this Sacrifice. 7 6. Chap. 5. 7* wJEw# fo oj^jW this Sacrifice, 8 5 . Chap. 6. Tor whom and in whofe behalf he offered tt. 8 6. Chap. 7. For what Chrifl offered this Sacrifice for men, viz. To mal>e pitrga' tion of fins pafltTo provide that he might have power and autho- rity, ana wherewith to provide for following fins, that he might in his feafon raife and judge all men , and have an inheritance for his, &C. 94. Chap. 8. To and for what end he therefore offered this facrifice* no. Chap. 9. An Antidote againfi fome urfound Sxpreffions. 116. Chap. 1 o. Some Inflrtsft ions from the Gofpel-Tefpimon] concerning the Obla- tion tfChrifi. 124, Chap. 1 r. The life Mtnifiers of the Gojfel are to mafy of this Dotirine in mi* niftring. 130. The fecond Branch* Chap. 1 2. Of the Mediation and Inter ceffiori of £ %rifi m general: 136. Chap. 1 2. Of his Mediation and Inter ceffian more fecial. 1 43 . Chap.14. Of the excellency and prevalency of Chrifl his mediationfiCC, 1 49, Chap. 15. Anfwer to fome a/perfons cast on profeffors of this Trttth. 154, The third Branch. Chap.16. Of the comtng again of Chrift, and the manner thereof i 1 77. Chap 17. Of the ends of the coming again of ^jTih V*z« r° ra'fe *foj"fi>fi* overthrow overthrow all worldly powers^ To reftore all things. And. To take to him hit great power and raign. x 5^ Chap. 1 8. Of the things conftderable about the Kingdom of Chrifi, viz. The place of his Kingdom , The place of his Throne , The extent of the Dominion j The manner of the Kingdom, Theprojperityand beauty of it) and The duration. 165. Chap. 1 p. Of the Time of his coming again. 1 74 Chap. 20. ' Application of this Branch oftheTtfiimonyyin cautions again fi [edu- cersy ani Admonition tofome Brethen, and Exhortation to all Believers* xg- Chap. 2 1 # TheConclufionjnfumming up the whole Tefiimony^whh the efficacy PART III. A Declaration of thcfeveral Revelations of Chrift. Chap. 1. The firfi Revelation of Chrifi in Paradifc , with the evidences Teachers and their furniture. 2 e 1 Chap. 2. Thefecond Revelation of Chrifi was to Abraham, &c, % x 0# Chap. 3. The third Revelation of Chrifl was in Mofes time, and the chofen OWiniflcrsfor it, and their. Furniture. 215. Chap. 4. Ihe fourth Revelation of Chrifi and his Kingdom in David's time. Chap. ?. The fifth Revelation of Chrifi , and the things of Chrifi to and bv thefoUowingTrophets. 227. .. Chap. 6. Thefixth Revelation of Chrifl , of his ferfon and perfonal cominf m theflefhy in John Baptift'i time. 2 3 it & Zefomttw of the dead. 56% ■•» Chap. p. Of Eternal Judgement. 572; Chap. 1 o. Of the Operations of the Spirit^begetting and fating to thofe Trin~ cipks , as inlightened, tafl, &C. 585. Chap. 11. Of falling away, who the/ areywith the danger ; and the Reafon of the danger y to be fit before Believers for warning, 5 p 2 . Chap.i2# A Vindication of the Truth of the Faith in Heb. 6. and as men- tioned in the operations of the Spirit. 60 o. Chap. 1 3. An Anfwer offome Reafons and Arguments againfl it. 606* Chap. 1 4. The (lating of the Queftionfor thefecond kinde ofFaithjfet forth in ffftr concernments ; for which is only anfwer tofome unjufiifia&ley and to his expreffionsytith confejfion of all that is true therein. 6 1 p . Chap. 1 5. The fir ft Concernment* 6i 1 . Chap. 1 6. The fecond Concernment. 629. Chap, 1 7. The fecond faying in the fame. £3 8. Chap. 18. The third faying in the fame. 648. Chap, 1 p. The third concernment. 652. Chap. 2©, The fecond part of the fame. 66 1 ; Chap. 21*. The fourth and lafi concernment. 66%. Chap. 22. Of fome terms ufed. I 6jS. Chap. 23. TheConclnfion^fhewmgim one faith that is faith indeed. 6%6 Some i>, £ » Some places of Scripture fo quoted, as tending notonelyfor Proof, but alfo to fomc Explication, or removing of mis- application, Genejfi txodu$ Detttcrim. Tfalm -> % Samuel i Cbron. a Sat ifaiab Jeremiah Hefea Matthew Matthew &tart( Matthew ch. verf. page i. i£. 4^4i. 3. r,7. 45)4*. .3. 15. 2Ol,fc>106. 9. 8,17. 473>474- 111,111, 339>475> 476, *fl 480. 331>333>334. 5. *>3>4;5. 48iWa 4*4' 16. a*3. 4i7. 40. 738. 3*8,3*9. 6?. 18. 449>45o. 8$. 19,10, 22jj *«a . 18,33. 3'5>38*. 119. 160.126,127. 12$. 1,1. 5»9j^53i« 26. 11. 601,602. 7. 10,17. 1213>ii4j*M> 17.9^5.^48^487. 10.10,11. 536. 8. 20. 1, to 8. 29,11, 129. II'. \\ ^490>^49*. 2. 21. 484^485. 10.20,21. 152,153. 31.33334-494)4953 5 10, 1 0514. 33. 13. 43*. 11. 3,4. 152,153. 4- *. 387. 7. 19. 401.. 7. 17.639,^641. 11.10,11.235. 1443145314^ 12.31,31.^ 3.. 28,>9. > 12. IO. J 12.33.^39,^^41. *i.ij7.»4*. ch.v erf. page 23.8,93^0-35^97. 16.17. 281, t§ 283. 1. 7. M43M5. 1.12,16,17. 133,134. 1. 17.5913^503. 1. 19. 138,1393134- 3. I4>i7. 3393$40> 5- *5- 344- 6. 51. 434)435. 8.303*1. 348,349. 10. 4. 401,402. 1*. 35)40-345. 13.1. 5M3)54. 16.7,8.132. • I7.ai3«)i3- 19*3 t$ 194. *4fts 8. 30)3<.i8. 13.48.45^3^45^. 17. 16,31. 88,89. Kormns 3.15,16. 93. 5. n>i8. 80,81. 8.1)1,334- 505,^507, S. 11.634,635. 8.18,30.354,^372. 8.3i.77)49i. 9- 1>9* tOM9.and 48r. 9. ". 37^)^773^311. ^ 3513353. 9. 18.346,347. 11.18.377,^379. 1 Cwwf/?. 1. 13-443- 3. 12.600. n.283. l8,foi86. z'Cmrith. 3.6.16,^20. n.413. Galatlans Spbeftans 9,10.537. ii. 17. 8. 14. ao.137. , 1,12. 221, & 263, te 173. 1.11. Epbefians FbilippiW I Thelfalo. i Timothy z Timothy titm Hebrews ch* ve?l* page i. if. W,$i6. i. 19. 636,637. 2.1,2,3. 62 1,^624. 2. 10. 646,647. 4-4- 3°7>^ 3l3- 7>i3. *74>to*79- 10,11. 250. 13* 649. 10.633. 1$. 148. 5,6. 9^,373i38. 2.3,19. 38i>/tf J98. x. 20,21. 600,601. 1. 1,1. 197*62 6,6*7. *.ii,n>i3- "99. 1.14. 75>'0 lt5« 3.4j7.j98. 2.6,9,14.9*. 4. 6. 40M09. 5.12. 117,128, f. i,io. u6,andU7> to 599. 8. 6. 498j499« 7. *5- 144^0148. 9. x8. 1395^141. I3.596.53i. famei t Peter 2 Peter cb< verf*45>646# I. 360. 3.4. 451345*. 5. t.and-%- 22.19. J 449,45©. II. 1,4. 290,291, 14. 13-439- 16.15. 23. 19. 10. 23,24. 21. 1,2. 1^5. In the feventh Parr, ChApter ti» Rom.$A. 2 C0T.5.»I. fl>/.no. Chapter it* Zph.3,w>l9* Jude Kevelat, &&4&&^ *Wtt* To« 9*99*9* 99999** I ■ $*£?&£l &3fefefe& £?Mdk$£ 2V/* ^v bepUafed with your pen in readings to mend the ERRATA'S thus: PAge 24. line 16. iorto, read'0/l 1.2*. add to /*, in. p.33.1.9. to found, read found. p.38.1.23.for were, read we. p.49.1.21. add of. p.82.130. bloc out ib^w. p.8j.l.ult. rend be judged, p.91. 1,3 $^ormoutb, read man, p.i 10.I.14. for w^read is making* p*in.l.i8. for we4#,read means, p.112. l.lafl,for nor would, read n>9.tounbumane,ve2id humane, p.418. 1.2. £oib*tb, read/0. p.i»l.l.n. read hoTmefi. p.442.1.34. for i///*%, read invifible. p.4?o.l.i.bloc out »0f. p.48o.l.24.blot out glorious. p.j29.1.1aft, for who, read we. p. rfjttf.l. i3.for£/?fe. 2. read £/>fc.i. p«$43. 1.33. read l/flk.*.1*. p«647.1«5. f<>r /fl** read forth. My mi/lake which becaufe my writings have been long out of my handy I could not mendy and caufed by former readings of the name of that reverend learned Doftor ,may be thtumendjQorMr.Ovttxx. j oh read Votior Owen ; and none take occafion from my mistake not to give any fuch Titles ef honour as is by providence and for attainments due to them. iY> W«TTfr* r Yir nYtfW rnXJa tuVji WKm "wrta TkTm m v— m v— «~ v— An Explicite DECLARATION oftheTeftimony of CHRIST, ac- cording to the plain fayings of the GOSPEL. PART I. Chap. i. A Direction to difcern truth from Error. g5<*.8.2o. To the Law , and to the Tefiimo" t$y : if they Jpeal^ not according to this Word) it's because there9s no morning (or Light) in them. Now God hath ac- a ifa^t.i^^: cording to his Promife , given forth & 49. 6. with his Son for a Covenant to the People, luk- MM** and a Light to the Gentiles * , and fo j^'3;47, for a Law £, and for a Witnefs or Te- CJfa[ 33'. *" ftimony c ; yea, the Scripture witnef- 1 John 4.9,10; fethof Chrift, and cJW*/^ and all the Prophets wrote and/^»3«x*- fpakc of himd : and He is the Brightnefs of the Father's ii'l'*9*0* C Glory, 3**M4' z aA Direction !t nib. i. 3. Glory, and the exprefs Image of his Perlbn *, in whofe Face, col. 1.15. ' the Knowledge of the Glory of God fhineth/ : he received f 2 Cor. 4.6. the Word of the Gofpel, in which both Law and Teftimony is froth thfe Father ; arid in him are hid all the Treasures of gD«tf.i8.i8. Wifdbmand imderftaridiftg g : and he fpakc the Words 1 Tz'coU f ' the Fathet S*ve him to fpfcak A , and his Record is true 1 : hioh.i- 14.&7. aric* he ^Pa^e ^ excellent things , and the opening of his i6.cAi.4iMo. Mouth Was right things ; his Mouth Ipake Truth,and wicked- iJobnS.14. nefs is an abomination to his Lips ; all the words of his Mouth in Righteoufnefs , nothing wreathed (or froward) or k ?rov. 8. 6,7, perverfe in them ; they are all plain to him that underftand- M. eth, and Right to them that finde Knowledge^. And this Word and Gofpel which he received and preached , he gave unto his Apoftles and firft Witrifeffes, and gave them the Holy 1 fobn 15. 16. Spirit, which gave them to understand, and receive the fame /. j & 17. *, 8. By which Spirit they had the Meaning and Myftery in them, m John 14 16 **° reve*lcd c° never was to any in any *g£s before w. & l6>1 3 ,14,15*. And fo he put, and bound, and iealed the Law and Teftimony coi.i.26,17. in his DiCciples n , a? in fome meafure he ftill doth in them n 1 fal 8. 1 6. that believe 0 : and this Word, Gofpel and Teftimony , did 0 i°7o!m 28 c^e AP°^es Prcach as they had received of the Lord , accor- coi.1.16. ' ding to the Revelation of the Myftery p, andthis with great yRom<6.i^i6 plainnefs of Words, and evidence and demonftration of Spi- 1 cor. n.23. rit and power q. And this they alio writ, and left uponRe- * ror'' * 4 corc^ m fuc^ plainnefs, that they intended nothing, but what r Pfcii?3.!*a. we *n tj e^r Writings, read r ; and in reading,may underftand icor. 1.V3, their Knowledge in the Myftery of Chriftj : whence Chrift, s Epbcf. 3.3,4. that by his Spirit fet them on this work , as he did the Pro- phets before, and by that Holy Spirit guided them in writing, faith, Have not I written to thee excellent things in Counfels andKnowledge,that t might make thee know the certainty of the Words of Truth, that thoii migbtft anfwer the Words of t T :-ov., Truth to them that fend ttato thee t ? And fo it is affirmed, ai . That that which Was (and is fo) Written , is upright , Words of Truth, acceptable Words , and Words of delight , to re- ceive and declare the Minde of God in, and fo fit alio for the UFrc'/^*& 17. phets £, which Prophets fpake and writ as they were moved l>*> by the Holy Ghoft c : whence , what the Spirit forefa w and ° lf-%?*? preached , the Scripture that was written by his Inspiration, a Gcn'i 2.3. is faid to forefee and preach d : And what the Scripture faith, with Gal. 3.?, the Holy Ghoft is faid to fay e. And we fhall finde many fay- **• ings in the Scriptures , both of LMofes , and the following e ?}[aL9?' 7' Prophets,teftifying of Jefus Chrift, his coming,and fufferings, m ev'*'7' and refurre&ion, and glory ; fetting him forth to be the great Prophet, High Prieft, and King, and God's Salvation to the end of the Earth ; and , that whoever believeth in him fhali not be afhamed ; calling men to look to him , and be faved. And this is the main thing to which the Scripture teftifieth;all other parts and portions of Scripture, betides this plain Teftimony , being fubfervient, and having their tendencie to this , even to lead men to the Knowledge and Acknowledge- ment of this Teftimony ,' and fo of Chrift teftified therein f. Cf0hns.$}, \ And fo, The Genealogies from Adam to Abrahxtng, and from A- g qch. *.i,$*; braham to 73 avid, and from David to Chrift h, are to demon- & 1 1. io> i*. ftrate of whom Cbrift came according to theilefh , and that l*i3« he is very Man of the Seed cf a Woman , &c. And alfo, h ^m.x,h, the Love, Truth, and Faithfulnefs of God in performing his L}^e 3 13,31; Promife/. i ^#.13.3^33! The end of the Law given to, and by M* ft s , was to be a Gal.*.*. School-Mafter to Chrift \? and for Righteaufnefs to have it k Gd in Chrift I: the one part of the Law, that of ten Word?, was { R*m\\l*^ to dffcover fa and^fenterice to death , that men might die to C 2 themfelves, Evidences of the Truth mK5W 5>19>10. themiVives,raagnifie Grace, and be quickened byChrift,' and c^ij.cH.xo.liveto him m. The other part, that of Types and Figures, in Gal.%. 19,10. Tempie,Akai,Propiiiatory,Prie(^ Sacrifices, Wafhings, &c. *JVo , ^ To htPzz *°d Shadow out the Truth, that was to be found in 9.zi9.&7,i9.jvuh that was to come #* And (0 many Metaphors and Parables had the like end, which whatever the outfide and face of the Letter was , yet their import was in their end,which was to witnefs of,& lead M to Chrift 0 ; in minding of whom, the meaning of all is feen ; p ?rov. 3. 9. anc* ^° r^e things , and fenfe in fayings , plain p. But when a Cfr.s.ijjStfj Chrift the Truth came , he,by compleating that done in his 17. Body, and fending forth the Holy Ghoit, opened the way in- ^hhnl'\V' t0 the Holid* ?>revcalcd the Fathcr r- And God hath now \nJb. 1.1. fpoken to us by his Son j, who hath filled his firft Wkneis with the Holy Ghoft,and To with Knowledge of the Myftery of his will in all Wii'dom and fpiritual Prudence, and fenc 1 Acl. 1. Epbef. them forth t : and they have certified ; and in their TelHmo- 1.3,8,9. ' ny, the Holy Ghoft hath teftifiedof Cbrift # : and this Tefti- u /*#.*. 31. mony of Chriit have they preached and recorded , not in a 1 P^.i.n. paDie to be Allegorized ; but the very Truth concerning Je- w i Pet, 1. 1 j, &s Chrift himfelf w\ not in dark and parabolical Words, nor i£,i7,i8. ' in the Wifdom of man, nor with Rhetorical flouridiei ; but with fimplicity and great plainnefs of fpeech x , without any the Teftimony , to which we are to refort for Knowledge of Truth, is the Teftimony of Chrift ; and as it is of deep and profound Myfteries, fo it is true, verily true, and plain, with- out any deceit or equivocation , as is evident. To it there- fore go, &c. CHAP. 2. Eviienca eftbe Truth And PUinnefs cfthis Ttfiimonf. •Hat the Teftimony of Chrift in all the fayings thereof is true, is evident, firft,iri that it came forth from Almighty God and^Plainnefs of this Tejlimonj. 5 God , and is the declaration of his minde, who is the ondy true God,the God of Truth, even Truch it felf *, whence it is a John 17. 3. called the GofpeL of God b. l J«l™ *■ 20- Secondly,In that ic teftifieth and ietteth forth Jefus Chrift, ^RmKuf who is the Truth c , in whom Mercy and Truth are met d:.t r°*jt lt\t\y and in that he became, hath done, doth, and will do, Truth p.*, is, and is fulfilled ^ ; and he alfo fends forth the Holy Spirit, c/^'»14. *. that witnefleth Truth, and leads into all Truth/, whence al- £ l^n'1^ io this Gofpei is called the Gofpel of Chrift. u>, j J^tf^! Thirdly, in that ic was infpired and witneffedby the Holy $Xi.t&*j itv. Truth, and Trier of all things m; it being true in Chrift, and 1 Dcut. 1 x. 31. of Chrift, and from him to men , and for men, whether men mt^hll Y*i be'*ev^ lt or n0r *• Anc* as ll is true *fl anc* °f c^ri^ 3nd to and for men ; fo it is true in Believers alfo, fo as chey ctilcern, 46. i tbtfX\6, and experiment, and teftifie the Truth thereof 0 : and iothis 1 2.2 nw.2.13. Gofpel is moft rightly called the Word of Truth p ; yea, the f/U'28 Trulh?' 20,27.' 2' * Fifthly, the Teftimony of Chrift (which is in the Gofpel) zJob*.$Job.} is the Spirit of Prophecie r : it is the Original , the Spring, Jobn^S' Teacher, and Guide to all right underftaing of Truth , and *$l C\* 6?' *°r fpea^inS Truth to Men,in Charity, and to Edification, and qzcer.\i. Exhortation, and Comfort s 5 yea, this Teftimony of J efus be- r t^ lieved, is verily, s 1 cor.i4.ij3. 1 , Both the Opener of Truth , and of the Underftanding t, £«M.M>i5>tociifcern Truth, as pointed out both in the end ot the Law, tjohiirt 46. andin Types , Parables, and dark Sayings ; and alfo, as fee Ptev.x.sJ. & forth in Prophecies ; in which, attending to this Teftimony, i.2,7, & 8.9. minding and believing it , it will make all Wifdom YSayings fob. 1. 18. & plain) and open the meaning and rightnefs of thtm t. 1 7^.2.20,27. 2- Ic ^at^ its meaning in it felf, and the fame is in its Dif- u Prov. 8.6,7, covery, according to the plain import of its Sayingsiit abhors 8.^26.24,2*. all Equivocations, diffembling, and pretending any Love or w 1 John 5. 6, good-will, more then really is ». *;*%£!*' *• Ic hach Evi^ences «* Demonftrations of Wifdom, *ii.»i. ' Power , and Goodnefs , and Motives unmatchable, to draw to the Belief of its Teftimony w. 4» ^ and Tlainnefs ef this Teftimonj. J 4, It is the Inftrument and Medium , by which the Holy Gholt convinceth of (in, unbelief, and error x , and X7^-T WiP the convinced in to Believe and love the Truth/, and lead- 5"5Sf/i?^S'i eth Believers into all Truth z, : and he that believeth this 1 John $.19. Teftimony, believeth the Truth ; and it b«ing in them , and 2/0^16.13,14 they living according to ir, they are of the Tr uih **, and in the ? 1 39]n ?,! *• Truth £, and the Truth is in them c ; and fuch as teach it^are % VjjK*'^ Miniikrs of the Truth d ; and fuch as acknowledge , profefs c ? Jolui.%. and obey it, do acknowledge, profefs and obey the Truth e; & *~4- and fuch as turn from it, turn from the Truth/; and fuch as 3 J'hn 3- ^ oppofe , deny, and refill it , do oppofe,deny and reSlt the ? ^m.'H'i^ TtUth g. cHtb.lo.26. So that we are well dire£ed for knowing of Truth, to the 1 p*?.x.a». Law and to the Teftimony, in which Truth is, and all the fay- */<£* 3 /•&■$- ings thereof are true ; yca,all the layings in Scripture, as they * TvXzji* wknefs of this Teftimony, and are opened by this Teftimony, a ri/^.3.8. and agree in one with this, are true ; and not only true, but they are alio exceeding plain, as may be feen in that forefaid. 1 . In that God and Chrift have affirmed thefe fayings to be not onely true, but alfo plain and right k h pytVm %€ 2. Inthatheaffirmeth theend for which he hath written 1/0.4$ jg.' them, to be, that we might know the certainty of the words EccUf. 1 z.i o. Of Truth. iPr^.»*.2ojM. 3. In that our Saviour directeth and commandeth for i^t. 5,4. knowing and finding Truth , to fearch the Scriptures ^, to JSpta/*?^ mindc what is written , and how we read in the Law and j^f;1**4, Teftimony /, and to apply the Ear to his Knowledge, and To i£^,'/05^. the Heart to the Words of the Wife, that have written by his fa §".20#* Spirit m. m Prov.%i.i7:„ 4. In that our Saviour promifeth blelTednefs to fuch as be- J8^o. lieve on him as the Scripture hath faid n , avouching all that n j^n y 33# keep not his fayfrigs ( that do not Believe, Love and hold to , his dyings) to be no Lovers of him % * JQh i4,ag. 5. In the Profeflion of tbofe inipired with the Holy Ghoft, in the knowledge of the things of Chriityhat they fpake them in the wifdom and words which the Spirit gave them to fpeak o\ and this fincerely, without craft,in allplainnefsp,and ° ■>*& *-4» not with a veil over their face. m J £*'*'* 2 '!£ 6. In the confeflion of thofe that have believed this Tefti- v %^.\7'^ mony, ' ' 8 Evidences of the Truths &c. a pfat.u9.160, mony,that his Word is true, very pure 7, and bringeth Lighr, 140, 130. ' and giveth Undemanding to the (imple. zcdcf.iuo. 7 .The Title put on this Tellimony ; as,The Word of Truth, r col 1 <• r^e Scripture <£ Truth r. vaa.'io.ii. &• The Commendation and Approbation of fuch as are di- ligent in fearching the Scripture , to fee what is Truth , and s Jr^.17.11. take heed to the Word of Prophecic, as to a Light x. 1 Fa.1.19. Now if the layings of the Gofpel in the TeftJmony of Chrift have not the feme they naturally and plainly import ; where then is the Truth of God and Chriil his Affirmation , or the fitnefs in his words for his ends, to give the certainty of the Knowledge of Truth?or what Profit in following his direction in fearching the Scripture ? or where is the Truth of this Pro- mife,or of the Prophets and Apoftlcs Protcftation , or of the Title of the Gofpel ? or why are any commended for fearch- ing it ? If it have not the fence it importeth in its own faying?, who then fhall tell us the fenfe > what Man , what Aportle, what Angel , or what Spirit , when we are warned to hear none, that fpeak other or befide that by thefe before already preached and written, who have profeffed alio before God, That they did not lye in the things they writ : and God hath Gal. 1.6,9 **> born Teftimony of them ? So that their layings in this Tefti- ao. H^.2.4. mony, are true and plain, and have the fenfe they plainly im- port 5 and what the Prophets and Apoftleshave fpokeand writ of this Teftimony,God hath fpoken by them ; and if we believe God to be true, and love him , then will we believe and love his layings : and fo to the Law and to the Teftimo- ny, for the difcerning of every Whifper, Spirit, Doctrine, O- pinion and Saying ; and if they fpeak not according to that Word , there is no Morning- Light in them : wherefore let God be true,and juftifie him in his fayings; and let every man, whifper,Do6trine or Spirit, that fpeaketh not according to his j'S^ii'io ky*nS*> be. to us a ly ar; knowing his Words are true, upright and plain,though the wifdom of the flefh be enmity to them; whole oppofitions I will endeavour to remove. CHAP, I '■ » ""'■■ '" ' '" ' ' CHAP, i Of the Enmity of Flcfi and Satan t d Him. He carnal Minde,or Wifdom of the Flefh, is Enmity a- gainft God a ; fo that the natural Man having no other a ^m% 8 y. but the Wifdom of Men, the Wifdom of this World, though never fo learned, wife 8c prudent, doth not approve or receive the things of the Spirit, or his layings , but accounts them Foolifhneis k And among the reft, in this one thing , hath hlfdr Ial8jl^ this Enmity appeared, in that it accounts light of the fayings 20.^2*5,^41 of the Spi'it of God in the Scripture, and of that Knowledge given in the plain Teftimony thereof c ; and pretends in its cjer. 8.9. flefhly Minde, to a farther and better knowing d,by which it d Job n. xi, prefumes to underiland,and to amend, & contradict the plain "• tf^2"18- Sayings of God ; and to frame fayings, better, truer, and fafer for Men to believe and receive e. In which, thinking to be e Job 4. 17,1 8, wife, they become moft foolifh, and their Wifdonl and i9.Jp.40. *,8. their Knowledge perverteth them/*, or elfe fuch filth zx\dlJa^°'1^1^ blafphemy would never come out of their Mouths, much lefs {¥"!.' fit \'Gt have been fet forth by their Pens, as to fay, That the Scri- pture contains not all things neceffary to Salvation ; That it is full of Obfcurity, a killing Letter , a dumb Judge , inky Divinity, a Nofe of Wax, that may be bended any way; That every Heretick proves hisHere(ie by Scripture ; and , That the Scripture is fitted to the time , and variably underftood: fo that the fenfe thereof is one while this,another while that, according as the Church is pleafed to change her Judgement in determining the fenfe ; and, That the Gofpel was written, not to rule our Faith, but to be ruled by it : and fo though a Point of Paith be affirmed never fo plainly inScriprure , ye: it is but fubjudice, and doubtful, without a higher Determi- nation ; though herein be Difference among them, who fnall give that Determination: fome fay, The Pope ; fomefay, A. Council ; fomefay, The Pope and the Council, both con- fenting 5 fome fay , A Synod or Convocation of learned and D holy io Of the Enmity of Flefh holy Men ; fome fay , This gathered Aflembly or Congrega- tion • fome. That ; and fome fay, Humane Reafon in a Logi- . cal Difcourlc ; and feme lay , The infallible Spirit in this or that Man. And thus do they draw Men from God and his Word, rejeSing that as of none effeft , occafioning divifions- and contentions without number: and fo, in multiplying Se£ts , not onely feducements from the Faith, but wars and mines are like to follow. And Satan that takes advantage from the Flefh to rule in the Hearts of Unbelievers, is alwayes at hand, fubtrl, and di- ligent tofet forward this evil bufinefr; and he will abufe Rea- fon, & ufe fubtil and provoking Motives ; yea, and bring Scri- pture Sentences, with fome word iubtilly left out ; and alfo, vent Spirations with boldnefs, though falfe : yea, pretend to move to confidence in God , (though out of his way) and to help one to a better condition ; yea, he attempted this where 3/^.4.3.9. he had no advantage^: how much more will he doit where £^4.i3ii. he hath the advantage of corrupt Flefh to work upon? yea,to keep his pcfleflion by fome unclean luft, or to ditfurb the pro- ceedings of Truth • he can transform himfelf into an Angel . of Light, and confefs Jefus to be the Holy One of God /?,and 24. &zii?' pretend to help Believers in Chrift to abetter condition * ; i % 'cor. 11. 3,1 4 and he can teach his Minifters to do the fame and much more, to maintain fome falfe Do&rine , or keep the hold of a falfe Spirit , to rent the Union , and difturb the Faith and Fellowfhip of the Saints, and yet be counted of that Num- ber : and for this end, to make Confeffion of the Truth,and give an Honourable Tellimony to the Servants of the Truth, and yet vaunt of fome higher things to lead men to k. Thus f7?i3. ^-^/bufie is SataR,rulingin the Wifdom of the Flefh 5 whence,the i$Iii.ic«7.ii Wifdom of the Fleify and fo all carnal Men, are full of oppo- 13,14,15.18. iitions againft the plain Teftimony of Scripture , yea , fome*- times fome , in feme meafure gracious, are yet by Satan and his Inftruments , and the remaining Flefh in them, in fome meafure tainted : fo , as from many Men we have many Ob- jections againft the plain fayings of the Gofpel, and the plain appearing fenfe imported by them. And notwithftanding all faid in the Scriptures quoted in the firft and fecond Chapter^ yet will they neither give that Glory to GocJthem{elves,to believe and Satan to Him. u believe him on his word; nor fuffer thofe that do,to be at reft, but feek to trouble and unfettle them many waves ; and the wayes by which they endeavour to trouble Believers, are e- fpecially three : firft, by Spirit,or pretence of Infpiration, and fpeaking from an infallible Spirit. Secondly , by Word,in Queries , or iubtil Reafonings , and Philoiophical Difputes. Thirdly , by pretence of Scripture, alleadging it with feme addition, or diminution , orwreLira* of all which , we 117^,4.1. cot. are forewarned to beware /. I ftuil endeavour to remove the *>8.*i btj.%.*. rnoft ufuai Obje&ions, which each of them do make* CHAP. 4. ^nJffaj to remove the objections of thofe that pretmd Spirit , come clothed with Pretence of Infpiration and Zeal. YOti have nothing but Letter * what you read in other (Jfyfens /-\u;eo. Writings 5 but I have the Sprit , the infallible Spirit : Cod ' * -f hath injpired this to mey and it is God within fne , thatjpea{eth by me\ and that I jpeal^isthe true Senfe and Minde of God ; your Senfe imported by the Letter is carnal^ andflefhlj^ and of Man^and fo not the true Senfe. 1. Your boafting difcovers your unfoundn eft 5 for he that Anfw. Jpeaketh of himfelfifeeketh his own glory a ; and, not he that com- ntendeth himfelf bm he whom God commendeth is approved b. f ^° ?J{ J x \ 2. Your bearing wicnefs of your felf , makes you like the Heathen Idols r, and your w itnefs not true d; and corning in c ifa.444. your own Name, pretending the Name of Chrift, as if you d Jok$ 31,3** were Chritl, declares you to be a falfe Apoftle or Pio- 3 . For the true Chrift, full of, and led by the Holy Ghoft, 7 i%.Mat.t+j gave every Anfwer to the Tempter, with, Thus it is written f ; 1 4- and direfted all his Hearers to fearch the Scriptures : and the f ^•4'M*4* true Apoftles , though filled with the Holy Ghoft , yet did fflagnifie the Scriptures fore-written, and proved, and made D 2 known il ObjeBiom of tbofe that pretend Spirit known all their Do&rine by them, according to the. Com- gGtf/.i.V*- mandofGodjj. And that Spirit , or that Man pretending Rem.16. 1^16. Spirit, which heareth not (fubmitteth not to believe, obey, ^#.17.1,3. & and be determined by) the Do&rine and Saying of the Pro- "i \\\ l6' Ph€cs and APclHes> k not of God h. h iJoh-4.6. Wherefore that Spirit that fpeaks of himielf,is not of God; i Pet. s.x. for the Holy Spirit never fpeaketh of himielf , but he witnef- feth of Chrift , and fheweth and teacheth the things of him $ and that in bringing to remembrance the Sayings of Chrift by himfeif or his Spirit in the Prophets that were written,and he had before taught his Apcftles , that they might witnefs i /#ft.itf.i 3 .& them to us, and we believe through their word *'. i4.atf.14.x4. And thofe that by Faith do know , That the world was 25»^414»^»madeby"Godt.>and that it is prefer ved and upheld by God k Heb!ii7n°. through Chrift / ; and that the Scripture was given by Infpi- tPfal.3 5.3 xol. ration of God m ; and Chrift fent forth, and to have done all I-I7. things according to the Scripture n ; they know alio, That hAHf* I'16' what the Scr*PIure fa"b,the Holy Ghoft faith the fame 0 5 find &$.i4*&*ii w^at tne ^°^ Ghoft hath once faid and teftified as true in x8.kmm.i3x33 Chrift, he never altereth that Teftimony , but brcatheth in it oG and fate down on his right Hand ; and in that now gio- ri&ed Body remaineth in Heaven a great High Prieft,appeanng before God ever-living to intercede for us. This is The Chrift our Saviour , not to e6me to take ftefh, nor faGomiflg$ ncr -P& inus : he hath done that already he wis'toxfo in his own Body for us, and can die nomore, but is alive for evermore, kraneafurably filled with Spirit to fend forth to us. The right knowing of him, is the original and right way of- knowing air things ;: and right knowing and vvorltipping offG6dc,is in the Cohfeffion of him, thus to be already come in ehefkfh ; and1 * ?ohn 4- ?• - that' Spirit that denieth this is-ths Spirit of AntkhriM ; mi he that denieth that This Jefus is The Chriit,hei3 AncichrW, x /«&•*•">» 3« and denieth the Father' and th&SOn. And whoever believeth in This- Jefas, receiveth of his Spi- rit, which imprimeth his Word, and frameth hr, Mind'e inkii Heart,enriching him with his ConfoUVions-; and -\"o by-Word* coLlij^i? and Spirit, and Riches of Grace,(andnot in bodily presence) isChrirtin Believers ; and in ib being in them, he is to them the Hope of Glory. But whoever believeth not in this Ch'riil without tbem? and receiveth not the Efficacies and -Frame* wfchifi, teem the excellency of the knowledge of,and Belief in'hirrvwkhour, k> as he that is without in bodily pcefence, is within by ipirhual preience ; but come to undervalue him as without chem, and magnifte fomethirv: within themr All that within, is but meer delufion, which the enfuing Difcourfe will further (hew : ib. that the voice of this Objection being fo firange^the (heep wiU not hear it, 2. And i^ Objections of thofe that pretend Spirit i. And as for the Scripture, we mean not by Scripture, Ink and Paper, nor Letter? of A,B,C,#r. nor Syllables and parti- cular Words, nor Writing, or Printing, or a Book bound up in Leaves,or rolled inParchment;But that we mean by Scripture, is net thewriting,but the thing written;not barely thewords, but the thing founded forth and imported to us in the words. And fo *he Almighty God , that is Eternal , without Begin- ning, before all Things, and without End, Omnipotent, Om- nifdent, Infinite , and Immutable, the Creator of all things ; and his onely Son , that was in the Beginning, and from Eter- nity with him , by whom he made ail things , and whom he fent forth made of a Woman,and fo Man, the eflential Word ; and the Holy Ghoft proceeding from the Father and the Son, the infallible Spirit that witnefleth the Mindeof God : This one God,Three in One,and this Minde made known to Men, *he Manifestation and making it known , is the Inftrumental Word of God, whether infpired, fpoken or written. And of thi> God and his Minde it is , as fo made known , that we mean; and when it is once by his Command and Inipirati- on, written , and put on record for us , to make known his Pw\ia.2o;2i Minde to us, as now it is, then is all this called Scripture ; and :fo when God had once by his Spirit preached theGofpelto (^Abraham , this being after written by Mofes, is fince called Scripture. Now it was not Mofes his Writing that did fore- fee and preach, nor the Book, or Letters, or Words written therein : but the Spirit in that Teftimonv did fore-ieeand preach ; which being Written, and left on Record , is there- G/1/.3. 8. forc cai|ec| Scripture. And when the Holy Ghoft had in and by David laid to the People ,, To day if you will hear my voice, VCal < 7 harden vet your hearts j This being once written, and left on /*>•<• Record for Generations following , the Holy Ghoft is faid where-ever that Scripture is given, (till to fay it. And to thole Heb. 3. 7. to whom no probability that that particular Word was infpi- red into every of them, which was lb given to Ifrael and Jo- (hua , Dem.x 3 .6,8. yet it beins after written and left upon Record for his peoples ule , it's faid to them many Generati- ng. 13. j. ons after, He hath faid, Ivpillnever leave thee, norjorfake thee : yea, that which God fpake to Mofes in the Bufh, our Saviour, E.mi 3.5. }c being written, faid to the corrupt and erroneous Sadduces, Have removed. 15 Have not you read that which was fpoken b) ui-e j t^e worj £ftttrf.0 fignifie the Law of Works , Circumci- fion teeing that outward Covenant, in which, all that came to be of zAbraham 's Family , were obliged to wait on God in uie of all Ordinances given : though Circumcision was before Gal. 3.4. jtfofes,zrd fo nor of Mofes ; yet when God gave the Law to Mofes^xsA by Mofes to the PeopIe,then Circumcifion did ft ill oblige all the circumcifed , to obferve all the Ordinances given them by Mofes, called the Law : and none ftut the cir- cumcifed removed. ty cumcifed had Liberty to have Fellowfoip with them in the sxod. i*.4s. ufe or thofe Ordinances : whence all that people , which did Ephef.*.ii,ni fo worftup God, were called, The Circumcifion ; and all the Rm.n.*.Epb. outward Duties , in that outward Worihip and Ceremony, J-"^6/;*; » together in one, called, Circumcifion. And this outward Circumcifion is plainly faid to be that of the Letter, and op- pofed to that of the Spirit; whence alfo, it is oppofed to ^-"M* ■Faith in Chrift, according to the Gofpel ; which Grace given and received,freeth us from the Bondage of that Ixw^hat we Rm> *• *» mayferve in newnefi 'of Spirit, and not in the oldnefs of the Letter: ^m% $#l. In which fenfe,the Gofpel , that is, the Law of the Spirit , is oppofed to this Law of Works , called, The Law of Sin and Death. And it is before /hewn, That this Law was given to difcover Sin, and fentence to death , that Men might be dft* f 'u ven to Chrift ; and fo its End was to Life, but to Life in a kil- ling way ; Death by this Law, and Life in Chrift, for whom it fitted, and to whom it led. Now confider, That as the Apoftle faith not , Theletter of the New Teftament,whofe very outward Sound is of Life ; but,7%* Letter : fo it was not a dead Letter that killed, or could kill : it was not Words , writ, read, fpoken or heard only ; but the Things imported therein , underftood and ***• %>*f>1 *> minded, that did difcover to them their Dtrty,and move them £ &** '* *• to fet on the Performance : yet when they did this to get PhU^.i^l Righteoufnefs,and be Righteous in, they went wrong , and f$bn 5.45. their Works were but dead Works , their conceited Life thereby a Deceit, and they ftill Dead, though trufting in the Letter, or thofe Duties doing, ftill fwerving from the end for which the Law or Letter was given; & this was Confidence in the Flefh : For God's end in giving that Letter or Law, was ^ai % i%9 not to make them Righteous by it,but to difcover fin,and fen- tence them to death , that fo they might be enlivened by Chrift: inrefpeftof which gracious end of God, and the Tendency of the Letter or Law thereto, it is affirmed R t in the Miniftration , To have been glorious, and alfo profita- tcgr.^kmi ble,if foobferved ; for fo it miniftred fin in difcovery of it, 1.1?. and death in the fentence ; and fo killeth , that in that way they might be brought to Life, not by it, but by Chrift typed out in one part of this Law; and fo, and to this end,the Letter E kil- killeth, yet this killing and death that fitteth for life in Chrift* was noteffe£led by a dead Letter, or by Words, or Sound heard only , but by fome gracious operation of God there- in, minding them of, and opening their Underftandings to difcero their finfulnefs, and fubmitting their Hearts to fay A- men to the Curie, and helping them in Obfervance of the Rites, to look to Chrift to come $ that fo, having no hope in their own Observances, being in that reipeft dead alio, they faw the end of the Law to lead them to Chrift : And this was the right ufe of the Letter , and the Work of God , by, and with the Letter , in this killing way to fit them for Life. But this Medium and Way of killing to prepare for Life, God was not minded always to ufe : but as it was given 450 yeers after GaL$A6,\7, the Covenant made with ^Abraham, to whom the Seed, and 3 *> *o3* 5. Bleffmg in that Seed was promifed* fo it was to continue but till Chrift that Seed came : fo that this Law miniftred by Mo- fes9 appears all the way in every place i peaking of this bufinefs, and in this very 2 £ot% 3. to be meant by Letter : for that Law in Miniftration of it , was the Miniftration of fin and of death, or condemnation for fin to death ; and that to fo gracious an end, as is laid : whence faid to be glorious , and yet to be done away. 2. By '.Spirit , is not here meant fimply and onely afu- pernatural fhine and infufion of Divine Power and Spirit into the Hearts of Men, creating a new and living Spirit, even the Epiftle , or Mihde of Chrift in the Heart , a living Principle, fpringing up in living and quickening Efficacies : by Spirit is not meant this only, but the Gofpel, through which this was conveyed; for they by whom this Epiftle was miniftred, in refpeft whereof, they were Minifters of the Spirit , and their Miniftration, of Life : That which they did Minifter, was the Mm. 12. 20. Epiftle of Chrift, even the Gofpel, as come forth and witnef- jtohn 14.17,1 8. fed by the Holy Ghoft fince his Afcenfion ; in Miniftration efcjfrarf,i7f whereof, Chrift, according to his Promife , isprefentwkh them by his Spirit ; and his Work it is in their Miniftration, to fend forth of his Spirit : fo as the Min lft ration of the E- • piftle of Chrift , the Words of Chrift , which are Spirit and Life, is their Work; but the Supernatural Shine , Infufion ind Writing the Minde of Chrift in the Heart , is the very Work removed. ip Work of the Holy Ghoft from Chrift himfelf, though in their Miniftration, and in, with, and through the Gofpel minift red by them ; which diftin&ion is here given us by the Apoftle himfelf in this iCor.^ .2,3. & in divers other places p. So that piat.);fcr,?f by the Spirit is here meant the Gofpel,yet the Gofpel in a pe- Gai.s.t.Eph.^ culiar fenfe : for Mofes preached the Gofpel alfo,even the fame *«•**#.» «.". Gofpel, although not in the fame Manner, and Spirit alfo went forth in the Miniftration of the Gofpel,as delivered by Mofes: q Rom.10.6,7, but they to whom it was fo preached , were ftill under the 8.^.3. *a,af Law , and had the Law to convince them of fin , and the Law to lead them in Obfervances to look to Chrift : fo that the Gofpel was alfo preached with and under the Law or Letter, which was the firft , and now Old Teftament : But now that Chrift is come, and Truth fulfilled in him r , that life of the xJob.i.i^i69 Law enjoyned to the Jews, is taken away, and in the Gofpel 17318.' preaching , Life is preached with Freedom s in a Word of s * cm. 3.1 1. ; Grace; in, and with which believed, the Spirit operateth, ^'*,2°' both to convince of Sin,and to lead into Chrift,and fo into all Truth t , and write the Minde of Chrift in the Heart. And z^ft u'7>17 this is the New Teftament of which the Apoftles were Mi- ,10* nifters ; and according to which , with Freedom and Ful* nefs they preached the Gofpel and Teftimony of Chrift. And fo of this Teftimony of Chrift , was *>* 3- phecie , and this Teftimony of Chrift is of him , and that y *?m: ul6' which abideth for ever; and this Miniftration of it, to abide Ijohn^ till his own perfonal coming again, and fo is a more glorious Rev. 19. so, Miniftration than that of Mofes 9 which is done away; that having alio a veil^but this delivered without veil : and this to be meant by Spirit, is feen in the whole Chap, of this 2 Cor.%. And this Teftimony of Chift is one and the fame, whether writ , printed , read , preached or heard ; and fo not Let* ter7b\xtGofpel} miniftring, not Sin and Death, but Wor&ivenep E 2 and zj$hn 6. 3*. ?nd Lifc>whether Men believe and receive it or not a. And it ^#.x3-37ii8. is akinde of Blafphemy to call this Gofpel Letter, much more to call it a killing Letter ; the Gofpel in Mofes Miniftration, was not fo called, but, The Law ; much lefs may it now be fo called : it is a Word of Life ; and they that refufe it, refufe Life; and the refufal brings death : though only Believers receive and meet with the fpiritual Power, and living Effica- b *rW.i.M>.9cs tncrc°f b i (o that quite contrary to the end of the Ob- i.Tbtf^Mh K&ion , we are led by this place tomagnifie the Gofpel and Tettimony of Chrift,for the Truth,Livingnefs, Excellency and Plainnefs thereof. And thus much to take away that by which thefe moft dan- gerous troublers of Believers, endeavour to withdraw then* from believing the plain import of the plain fayings of Chriit va Scripture, CHAP* 5- An A (fay to remove the Stumbling- blocks laid in the wd) bf them that feek to trouble them by Wordy that is, by plead* ing the Judgement and Traditions of Fore- fit hers , or bf Fhilofophj and vain Reafonings , or by fubtil and Rhe- torical Queries and Ferfwafionsfo dra* them from belief ofGoffel-fajings. Qbjeft, X I fr\*r ftthersfhe Holy and learned Men , and chief Teachers. vJ in the Churchy have thus under flood and interpreted ; theft have been their!) oBrines andTraditions , which they have una- nimoufly taught 5 and the moft zealous and confcienciousfor many Generations, have fo held and obferved : will you be fo profane f turn afide therefrom ; fo proud, to think. you know more and better than all thefe ; fo Jtngular fiom all §ther Men in jour Opinion and Way ? hpow you not it will be an Offence to our learned Men and Teachers , and lay a blemifh on them and our. Fore-fathers , as if they were miftaken, and did crre ? We removed. 21 We have a plain Anfwer to all this in the Do&rine of Chrift, tAnfw, that all Do&rines, Sayings, Interpretations, Gloffes, Sences, Traditions, that are not found in the Law and Teftimony ; that have but the Do&rine and Tradition of Men to warrant them,how many & learned, and how ancient foever they be ; yet they muft not be taken, becaufe their Words and Senfe,to be therefore right , but muft be re&ified and brought to the plain fayings of Truth ; and all not fo re&ified,muft be reje&ed: And thus did our Saviour redifie the commonly received ienfe of the Law , and reje&ed the falfe Gloffes a : *Mat.% 2i,ti, and fo he hath like wife taught us, Tnat it is in vain , and S9^>9- makes the Word and Sayings of God of none effe&, to teach, and believe, and worflhip God , with, and by the Doftrines, Traditions, and Opinions of Men , that are not in the Say- ings of God, and fo not of hirn,but of men; how many,iearn- ed, holy, or ancient foever they appear bv bifa.191^ And he hath likewite taught us , That every Plant which Mat* M«».9- our Heavenly Father hath not planted , muft be plucked up ; M****1** and God's own Sayings Believers are to juftifie , whoever be thereby found a Iyer , letting fuch lyers alone , not being troubled with fear of offending them, becaufe they be bUnde leaders of the blinde c. cmau<> .13,14. Thejews of old were commended for obferving theplain^1119*7^^ Words and Sayings of the Law, though many right holy Men 3'4' for divers Generations before , had not done fo exa&ly ac- cording to the plain faying of the Law af; yea, the Priefts and J HthA.xwu Scribes of the Jews in Herod 's time , when they anfwered a ' 7* Queftion with a plain faying of Scripture , erred not in the Anfwer given t % . fo vi&orious is the Truth in its own fay- e Mitt- *• **** ings. Nor is it Pride , or finfal Singularity , or j uft caufe of Of- fence to any, to believe the Sayings of God to be true, whoever be reproved as a Iyer thereby ; but rather true Hu- mility, inlaying afide our own Wifdom,and defire of Repute with humane Rabbies ; and it is Obedience to God in juftify- inghim in his Sayings,which are never rightly underftood but in believing them/: f© that he that believeth the plain fayings > J ^ ig f in the Teftimony of Chrift, to be true, will not hearken to, of '10.K^[3 ,£*■ be waved by this Obje&ion. It > 11 StumblingMoc1{s Objeft *• & ** not ^» ?**> *** foffible, yea, Againfk Reason , That Mofes fbould fpeak^of fo low a bufinej?, as the Creation of this Vifble World) with vifble Heaven , Earth , *«d Creatures ; y6Vt%6.4 .^Counfel given us, not to anfwer, but depart jp yet becauie 14.7.7/^.3^.11 many 'devife Allegories, to make them true in an Allegori- cal Senie, thereby to colour their Atheifm and Unbelief, and pretend a Fancy of higher things , though they are vain Fan- Prov.16. 5. cics and Dreams ; we may give an Anfwer befide plain Deni- al, which yet were enough : And fo it's anfwered , That however Types , and Shadows, and Parables might be Alle- gorized to an Agreement in a fpiritual fenfe , with the fub- ftU.17. x?eu ftance of Truth (hadowed and typed, yet the Truth it felf is 1 i6.&%.\yiy no Type or Shadow , no Fable, nor can there be any higher 1 sjude 1%. %tfmt{s . f0> as jt acjtnits not of Allegorizing : and fuch as fancy Allegories , toftiew fomething more high and fpiritual, their Allegories are vain Dreams, Fancies, meer Winde and Vanity. As for others not fo far departed from the Faith, that yet not believing the extent of God's own Sayings about his removed. 22 his own Works of Creation, Redemption, and Extention of means , that men might partake of Redemption, &c. who, to colour their Unbelief, bring in Forrain Senfes, and limit- ing Interpretations , as if the words of a Man , concerning the work of a Man ; and not the Words of God, concerning the Works of God : and fo where he frith, Allmen, every man, they glofs it , Some of all forts ; if he fay , The worlds and The whole worldythcy will glofs k>The world of the Elect. Whereas, in a faying that is of God and his works, if general and large, and no faying of his contradi&ing it at any time, there can be no limitation: let not mortalMan prefume to be wifer than his Maker. But our Saviour's Anfwer may ferve for all thefe, who tells us , That Unbelief and Ignorance of the Scripture and of thePower of God, is the caufe of all fuch Errors £,and difa- g Mat. i%. *9t bles to give any right Interpretation Allegorical or Logical. &^ Ton have the Scripture but in a Tranflation, and have notfufiici- QL-an ent Words to import the full fenfe of many Words in your Language, which the Hebrew and Greedy the Original in which the Scriptures were writ, do import ; therefore the fnyings are not plain to yon that under (land not the original Tongues. This is a meer gull to deceive the ignorant , that their Anfwer. - Rabbies might be Lords of their Faith : for againft this Ob- jection we may finde in the Scripture it ielf,many things,*//^. 1 . That all words are not in every fentence to be taken ac» cording to the full extent of the Etymologie of the word : as, where it is faid,Our Saviour will come, as a Thief h ; as is not meant in the full, and in every refpeft as a Thief ; for Chrift ^Rcv. u% t %. will not come unjuftly , to take that is none of his, &c. but i onely fuddenly , Sec J. So the word Not in fome fentences i"^^.?4.44. fignifieth , not at alW ; in other fentences it fignifieth , not fob Exod. zo.t $, much, not fo primely \; and in fome fentences it (igniheth, »** l7«3**M.*S; enely, but moreover m; and divers other words whofe import \Tclu\ i7 is not alwayes according to the full extent of the word, i^I5.' nor alwayes in one fenfe >3 but the fenfe imported, is that m John- it i^ which the fentence in which it is ufed, carrieth forth , and fo ™'lth M« «*. by the whole fentence may be known, 2. Not Hebrew and Greek words, but the Teftimony of Rev J$ I0> Jems, is the Spirit of Prophecie. and lb the true Original and , j^. x 20'4 Medium for the right undemanding of all fpiritualand hea- venly 24 StumblingMock* venly things,and the true import of til the fayings of the Go- fpel, as is forefhewn, chap.i. 3. That now God hath fan&ified all Tongues to declare his Truth, and make known his Minde in, and to be praifed and prayed unto in »; & they might as well write (as they did n AEt.% i &%■ preach)to every Nation in their own Tongue,when they writ lJal *°™'Stl*' to theChurches,for ought any can fay to the contrary:though when their writings were collected , they might by the great Clerks be put forth in the Greek Tongue onely, yet in divers Copies ; and the Hebrew was tranflated into Greek before ; and we thank God both for Translations, and the variety of them ; knowing the Truth of God to be one and the fame, and of the fame Authority , and to be received in the fame manner; as it appeareth in every Tranflation,in every Tongue and Language, as it was to thofe Ml.i. and to %omans^ &c. 4. That the Light of Truth,and Import to God's Minde to us in his iayings,is the faying or ientence it felf,and not often in the Etymology of every particular word;nor doth the Spirit of Light, & force to enter the heart ,lie in the force of the Ety- mology,and copious and various fenfe of fuch and fuch a word, of fo many Syllables,in fuch and fuch aTongue,(as fome would perfwade of fome words , and therefore left them untranfli- ted ) but in the Knowledge and Belief of the Teftimony of Chritt. And therefore , when words are ufed, which are of common and known iignification, and alter not, but let forth the fenfe as pertaining to the things of Chrift in Tranflation or Explication ; it is all one and the fame , being the import of his fayings , which believed, the Light of his Spirit will go forth therein. And ib,without amazing the people with fome Grange fenfe about the Etymology and fignification of the word in the pure Hebrew or Greek , have thofe that were infallibly led by the Holy Spirit done , ( as the indubious Learned do know.) That^^.2.24. in Afor.iQ.5. ^&r^io. 8. Ephef. 5 31. 1 Cor. 6. 16. That Pfal. 40. 6. ixaHeb. 10. 5. That Prov. 3. 34. in James^.S. That Trov. 1 1 . 3 1 . in 1 "Pet. 4.18. That Ifa. 1 1 . 1 o. in Rom. 1 5. 12. That 7/k. 42.4. in Mat. 12.21. are all rendered as they were in t^e Tranflation then known and ufed among the people, without mention of any ether iignification in the pure Hebrew. And thefe removed. 15 thefe are thofe we are to follow : fo that this Obje&ion ap- pears carnal and of no force, to fach as know this. 'The fourth Objettion is by Queries and Rhetorical Perfwajl- Objeflfc, 4, ons* when a faying is fo full and plain * that it cannot be denied in its import * but that it isfofaid* and that it's true fach a thing is ; yet then* to darken that import and things that it may not be known what it is> The Cbjettors put forth Query upon Query y and on the fame Rhetorically perfwade or diffwade* I might inftance : as if the faying be plain , ThatChrift died for all Men: then Query y Did hefo intentionally ? why then are not allfaved ? If the faying be plain , That Jefus Chrift ■ is the Mediator between God and Men , and maketh Intergejfionfr Trarfgreffcrs ; Then it's que- ried , In what forty or manner* or intent f If the faying be plain* That Jefus Chrift is the true Light that lightneth every Man that cometh into the World ; Then it's queried , In what meafure* how far , into what degree* by whom* and by what means* Sec ? And many fuch Queries ; which * when ufed with Rhetorickto with- draw from the Belief of the plain import of the faying * they are meer wr anglings with the Text it felf^ and might be anfwered with this* Job 3 3. 1 1* 1 3. That God is greater than man : why doft thou drive againft him? for he giveth not account of any of his matters. And we are not to dispute with him about his fay- ings, but to believe them true and right* whoever deny them. And yet for anfwer to this and the former Objections , it Avfw. is deer : 1 . The Apoftles fhunned and ufed not fuch wifdom of / -■ Words, and excellency of Speech , or Wifdom of the Wife, \0°& ijil^ Difputers, and Prudent of this world , or enticing words of 5,13. Man's wifdom. 2. They have alio warned us to take heed , led: any man ipoil us through Philofophy and vain deceit, after the Tradi- ft/. 2.. s, tion of Men, after the Rudiments of the world, and not after Chrift ; which obferved, will be an Antidote againft all thefe grofs and fubtil troublers of Believers, CHAP. *6 ObjeBlons anfwered. CHAP. 6. An /fffaj t$ remove the objections of thofe that pretend Scrim pturs , feck to trcuble Believers from belhving the plain ftyings $f the Gofpel, withfomthin%, as if it were in the Lttters, Epijlles or Writings of the Apofttes> Sec. IN this I mud not be large, and fliall therefore omit thole, that to evade Scriptures , fpeaking of the extent of the Death of Chrilt for all , alleadge Scripture fpeaking of his Miniftration, and of fome Efficacies of his Grace in Believers, and of their Prhiledges ; and to gain-fay the All and Every in the fayings, and of the works of God , alleadge Scripture, u(ing the word All and Every in rhe fayings, and of the works of Men, &c. which all that are wife may obferve as imperti- nent : and I (hall onely anfwer two Obje&ions againlirhe plain import of Scripture-fay ings in the Teftimony of Chrift, pretended to be by Scripture ; and leave the reft to the fol- lowing Difcourfe. ■ i # Chrift himfelf [pake many things to the people in V arables ; there- fore many of the fay ings of the Gofpelare hard to be under flood* and have not the fenfe the words feem to import. flle]ohn is very dark^and obfcure^and that was f nee the Afcenfion of Chrift : I anfwer, Our Unbelief makes many things therein more dark to us than otherwife they would be : and yet the Tetti- mony of Chritt,and the fayings thereof,that are needful to be known and believed oc all that would have Eternal Life, are very plain there alfo, and have their own plain import , as in other places, none denying : and that in which fo much cb- fcurity appears to us , is , in Vffions, and Prophecies of his providential dealing with his Church, and with the Enemies of his Church, and fo of things to come pafs, before, and till his own coming again : of which, in Underftanding and Be- lief of the Tefiimony of Chrift , and Acquaintance with the Scripture , we may underftand as much as is needful for us : And in the encreafe of that Knowledge, and as things draw nigh to be fulfilled, know more tfill j whence there is Blef- £ng to be met with in reading and hearing that Book , and rcv.i.$. keeping the things written therein.. But our Difcourfe being of the plain fayings of the Gofpel and Tettimony cf Chrift, by which all the other fayings in the Scripture are to be un- derstood ; and therefore thofe fayings not obfeure , and fo thefe Obje&ions of no force againtt it. Peter faith. That in PaulVEpj 'files {which were written after Obje£, 2. Chrift his Afcenfion ) are fame things hard to ' be understood, F 2 which 28 Objections anfaered. j*fi wer. which they th*i are unlearned and unflable, wrest , at they do alfo the other Scriptures, to their own deftruftion. Therefore many of the fayings of Chrifi in tlie Gcfpel Are hard and obfcure. The Truth of Peter's layings, 2 /V/.3.1 6. gives no colour for this objecting inference : For Peter, t. He fairh not , That any fayings in Paul 's Epiftles are hard to be underftood ; or, That the manner of his Writing is hard to be underftood : but fome things in thole fayings are hard to be undertlcod. Now this is clearly and com- monly known , that a faying may be plain and clearly under- ftood , and yet fomething in that faying above our know- ledge, and not eafily underftood : as , before it was known to the Eunuch , That Chrift was come in the flelh , and that Jefus was the Chrift ; he , in reading Ifa. 53.7. underftood what the faying was , and believed it true : but there was one thing hard in it to him ; and that was, of whom the-Pro- phet fpake ; without knowledge of which , he counted him- ielf not to underftand j and in knowledge of that one thing, all the reft was clear and ufeful to him, eAtt. 8. 30, 34, 3 5, And now that i? cleared to us, and i'o all fayings : yet ftill in fayings known , even fome thing known therein to be , if it be of a thing to come , may be" hard to be underftood what , it is h. 2. He faich not, That all Paul's Epiftles^or any one of his Epiftles or his fayings, or all the things in his fayings , or in i 1 Pet. 3. 3,11, any of them; butonely feme things, fome certain things in k'flV*" 8 t^em » & this^-^vith a limitation alio to thefe things,that is,the e> it. i6 17. ' tn^nSs c^ which Peter had been fcrefpeaking in this Chapter, i Rom.%A9i2i. about the fecond coming of Chrift , the Diflblution, and Re- 1 ffl/.K^dM5- ftaurationof ail things, the new Heaven, and the new Earth, *Cfr»5.-uo-.G4 and God's Patience in waiting fo long for Men's Repentance, &4*fphilt. Def°re ^e bring all this to pais i ; of which things, Paul fpake 3o.ii#^.:cjto the Hebrews^: and often in his other Epiftles /. And 11. co\\.io.& fo he l peaks not of the beginning of the Gofpei of Chrift, or tTbefoj$. of things here to be enjoyed, but of thofe things hoped for : Ixf^o anc* or"'trlein he faith not, The man, or all things : bm^Scme iTflJ^iiJ/if! thiKgs are hard to be underflood : which firms our Bdief cf the .a.ii,ci"4. faying:, and ferves to humble us , and quicken up our atten- s. 7^.1,1 5 . don , that in Believing, we with patience may waii for that time hi J oh- i. 2; 3 Objections an/wered. 29 rime in which we fhall know clearly , iJohv$,2. And the more we minde theTeftimony, the more v\e (hall know now; which we could not, if the fayings were dsrk: but they are a Light , and fo affirmed by Teter to be , 2 <7V. 1 ; 3 . He iaich not , That thofe laying*, or that the hardnefs of lbme things in thofe flyings, did lead or caufe any to erre, much leis that they erred in believing them true according to their plain import ; for had they fo done , and waited on Chiift in that TefUmony to teach them , they had not erred, but in due feafon fhoulcj have nnderftood^ even thofe thing?, as much as was needful and uieful for them to know m* But m j , 8 thofe hard things beyond their conception , they not liking t j^'i^o %* the plain import of the layings in which they were , and fo 28. ?nv.i 9. * not believing it to , having their own Devices and Opi- ons, which they defire to maintain, to which the plain impo:t of thofe fayings werecrofs , they did therefore wreftthem, by mixing, mangling, adding to, and diminifhingfrom, feign- ing abfurdiries in the fayings, and rafting confequences, If fo andfo,thenfoandfo; and to make all right , frame Gloffes, and Allegories, to fuit them to their own Defires and Opini- ons, and fo hurt themfelves and erred ; the Myftery being o- pened to them , for the obedience of Faith, to be believed and fo known, and not for their Reafoning , Querying , and Allegorizing,by which they have turned from the Faith, and lb from the Truth to Fables ; and fo allegorized the fecond coming of Chri(t,the firft Refurre&ion, that is , of the Ju(t5 the new Heaven, and the new Earth, and the raigning of the Saints , and the Peace of all Creatures then ; and after this, to Allegorize the very Perfonal Body of Chritt , his Death, Relurrection , Afcenfion , and fitting at the right Hand of God ; turning all into a Fancy of a thing or frame and Spirit, within them, which they prefer and magnifie : and to fuch as hearken to them , and yet look for a bodily Refur- rec-lion, they fay ,There is no fuch Refurretfion of the Dead », To fuch as begin to liften to , and magnifie their Allegory, ll XC^^ they fay , The Day of the Lord is at hand 0. To fnch as be- lieve their Attainments, they fay, The Refurre&ion is with 0lTb*' them paft already : and fo overthrow the Faith of lbme o- * chers- > P i rim. ».i 8. others •> as themfelvcs have departed from it p. And to all this wickednefs are they turned , not by the layings of the Goipel,or the hardnefs of the things difcovered therein , but by their own Defires ro maintain lome evil Opinion,for which they have no plain faying of Scripture,but are fainto uie their ^ wit to wrell them. 4. He faith not , That all Men, or Gracious Men 9 or un- feigned Believers , that are weak, do thus wrert the Scri- ,pture : but them that do thus, he marks them out by three Characters : 1. They are unlearned, 2. They arena* fttib/e. 3. They wrefi a!fo the other Scriptures. Minde theie Marks. I. They are Unlearned: that is, not fpiritualiy enlightned, they have nothearkned to , and believed the TeiHmony of theGoipel , and fo have not learned the Knowledge of the Truth as it is in Jefus. This is the Learning he fpeaks of, which is the Beginning of Wifdom, through the Belief of the Teftimoay of j efus Chrift , to have the Faith of God , and 7 , 6 Love of Saints in the Heart q. He fpeaketh not in relpeft cf 1 'cor.z .'9*5. Humane Learning, in skill in Tongues, and Arts, and the Li- pwm.?,7« & beral Sciences , and of the Learning of this World > Peter 9i°« himfelf not being furniflied with this Learning?- • yea, fuch r^''112,5' Learning as this, is counted by God and his Servants Foolifh- sic^i.i9,x8. nels, to difcern and finde out the things of Chrilt s : yea, the &i. i,^s,i4- more of fuch Learning any Man hath , if the former be want- ing, the fitter and abler he is to W7reft, Glofs, and Allegorize Scriptnre-Sayings : So that the want of this Learning is not blamed; yea, rnoftly fuch as are wanting in this, are the belt learned, if Believers, in the Knowledge *Peter fpeaks p/ s ? Mat °^ u ^° l^at c'nek ^rre^ers are unlearned, that is, believe^ai.t* ' not the plain layings of the Teftimony of Cnri;}, and fo have 10. a 1. not laid a£de their flefhly Pride and Wifdom , to credit the 1 ffM,26,>7. dyings of God; and fo have not received into their Hearts the Knowledge of the Truth , and therein the Love of the Truth to fave them u : and fo have not the Faith , Fear, and u a rbif. *.ioj Love of God in their Hearts ; and 10 unlearned* 12. 2 rw.3 7. II# 77^ are finable: they do not abide, nor are yet fetlcd and refolved to abide, in the Belief and Acknowledgement , of the Truth , as i; hath been evidenced to them in the plain fay- Objections anfaered. 3 1 ftyings of the Gofpel,which fometime they were almoft per - fwaded to imbraceandprofefs w ; ibmetime perfwaded to „ imbrace, John 2.24. and 8.3 1,3 2, ibmetime per fvv acted with vv Acknowledgement of Giace to profefs alio a;: but through di- x Gal. 4.1$. vers Lulls, a delire to be approved of, and hold in with con- trary Teachers , as with the Teachers of the jT ruth, are in- clining to hear ifiticing words , and fo ready to be turned a- fide with every winde of Do&rine^. And fo they are now y r.pb.4.14. inclining this way, anon that ; now on, now off : luch unfta- Co1'1 -8- blc ones they arc*. «r«..3.7. III. Theya/fo wrefi the other Scriptures to their owndefirnUi • on : they take not the plain fayings of the Gofpel ,as the true and plain Demonftrations of God's Minde , nor his fpcaking by his Spirit in his ApohHes, as it is indeed the Word of God, verily true, and without Doubtfulnefs orEquivocationjWhich if they did , it would verily work favingly and effectually in them, %*m.i.\6. <*, and fave them from erring b\ yea, teairfo/Axj. venfuch as knew not Chriit , yet erred not in (landing to a b icor.i 5.1,4. plain faying of Scripture c. But theie taking God's fayings in cM tz ihe Scripture, as the fayings of a Man, (if not as a Barbarian) Ci that may have fome uncertainty or equivocation in them , or at beft fpoken by a Conje&ural Judgement, and according to the outward appearance of things, they do therefore wrefi: them ; and fo they can wrert the word World , to mean, The Elett one// 5 8c the {zyix\o,That Chrifi is the Saviour of the World^ to be, The Saviour of his EleVr onely ; and, His pur chafing bf his r -an feme given , and fanftifying by his blood, to be, A feemii fo to do: and his calling fuch as have denied hicn,, fach as weee bought by him, a teeming to be bought ; andby like reafopj their denying him, and departure from the Faith , a iteming to deny or depart : crii they dofcotthi?, then they canti: the whole Gofpel into Allegories. Thele are the Men, and this is their way , fet forth by the A pottle, to warn urfrom them. So that Peter is m this place fo far from import"- hardnefs or obfeurity in the plain fayings of Cntift in the G Ipel, that in moving us to Humility, and to beware of Pride, and Flefhly Wifdotr, and fo cf (loth, fecurity , and conceited fnirteli , he by mentioning fome things to be hard to be* un- driiood^ doth liir up our attention to she fayings cf the <3o- 1% Objections anfaered. fpel , and er.courageth us to look and wait for farther Know- ledge. And that wc may not ttumble at any thine appearing hard , but know it in due time, he inftru&s and exhorts us to believe ftedfaftly, and flick clofe to theTcftimony of Chrift, that we may not be drawn afide there-from by any fuch as thefe unlearned and unliable ones, or their ways of wrefting Scripture 5 but to grew in Grace , and in the Knowledge of di?ct,i.i6>i7, our Saviour Jefus Chrift d. if^.».i;3- ^nj thus much in anfwer to the Adverfaries of the Truth and Plainnefs of the Import of the Sayings of the Gofpel in the Teftimony of Chrift, CHAP. 7. A Conch ftm of all afore faid, with the K*Affeni of a learned tMan, Andmjfubmtfsion thireto. B Y all laid from the firft Chapter till now, it appears to be the only true and fafe way for difcerning and knowing Truth, and avoiding Falfhood and Error, to refort to the Law and the Teftimocy, and to believe thefayings thereof ; and count what it fayth and importeth true and good; and whatfo- ever or by whomibever uttered, that is not according thereto, let that be counted a lye and deceit, that we may jultifie God in his Sayings : whoever reprove us fork. Confcnters in this Truth , thofe that read much know I have many 5 but I (ball here inftance no more but that learned and mighty edeemed Mr. John Owen ; who , in the Book I p read over, faith, £>0#^/*/} it were better for O&eHj to captivate q %, t^r under (landings to the Obedience ofFaitb , than to invent di- ' ' ftinttions and evafons , to efcape the power offo many plain Texts of Scripture^ and thofe literally and properly , and not figuratively and metaphorically exprejfing the Trmh contained in them : which though it may be done fomctime, yet # it not in a conftant Uniform Tenure * ' notions of the mofi intelligent Man, if they anftver not this rule, it ' l ^' is , because there is no Truth in them. And in his Epiftle in a Book by him forewritten , he counfels , To honoured and Chrifi in his own Language*, or elfe be for ever ft lent ; and that all our inventions, be they never fijp Undent ( another adds, rational too) in our eyes,yet to him they are abomination. How well hath Mr. Owen faid, and counfelled others in all this \ Oh that he had walked in this counfel , by tb-fe Rules himfelf Ibut if he hath done otherwife in his Controverfies,yct h is good in all that he faith according to Truth , to do as he faith, though not as he hath done in fome of his Writings. It may be thefc fayings were put in, to counfel and cautionate his Reader , that he takes not all he readeth upon truft ; and that he would have others, and will hereafter himfelf follow this Rule : and therefore , though he would not grant like Chriftian Requefts of mine , but went befide all ttiefe Rules in dealing with a Treatife of mine ; yet in Love and Obedi- ence to the Truth, I will grant and yield to all this , and en- deavour to follow this Rule to the ucmoft of the Ability given me ; and fo defire , that every Saying or Writing of mine, now, or heretofore written,(and fo of others likewife) may be tried by the Teflimony of Chrift , and the plain Say- ings thereof ; and all that agreeth not thereto , I confefs and renounce as a lye and deceit : and fo I would have others to do. Let the Scriptures try, and judge us ail ; but let not a- ny of us be the Triers and Judgers of the Scriptures, but G the ^ *Bir0wn to the weafyft tefinde the the Searchers,Believers and Obfervers of the fames for which I fuppofe the Declaration already given, and Rule contented in, is good ; yet I will add a word or two futed to the capa- city of fuch as are of the tneaneft Underftanding among Be- r , lievers. CHAP. 8. An Affaj V dlreft the weakefi to finde the Teflimony of Cbrifi in the Sayings thereof 9 to be plain , and n have ihiir own plain Import $ that (tub as know their cwn Tongue , and the end and ufe of words therein , mayalfo difvern the Stnfe andlmfort of the f lain Sayings ofChrifl intheGofpeL IF any defae to underftand clearly the plain Import of the Sayings of Cbrift , and fo the true fenfe of a Saying in the Gofpel ; There are feme Rules very good, and fafe, and ufe- ful for fome Men, as to take that fenfe which will agree with the Analogy of Faith , and with the Ten Commandments, and with that Doctrine and Ground of all right Praying, cal- led, The Lord's Prayer ; and which moft abafeth the Nature of fallen Man , and exalteth the Grace of God ; which furely is good ; nor can there be any right fenfe,if it agree not with theie Rules, as Scripture lay es them forth : yet is there great difference among even the Learned and Godly in the amderttanding of thefe Rules,and Application of them; much difference between fome about the Analogy of Faith,and be- tween fome about the end and ufe of the Law , and about the meaning of divers Petitions ; yea, and alfo what tends tothe abating of raan,and magnifying of Grace ; fo that certainty to all will not be found in their ufe of thefe Rules , feeing even the Rules alfo muft be underftood , according to the plain Sayings of the Gofpel of Chyift : and fo the Rulefcrc-given and, tepimony oflhrijl in thefayings thereof. 35 andconfentedin, isbeft ; yet coming to the Scripture to know the Minde of God, that the Weak may difcern the plain appearing fenfe ; Obfeive thefe Dire&ions. Firft, Beware of thofe evils that will certainly hinder one from meeting with the right and comfortable understanding of the Minds of God in Scripture : and For that caufc, take heed, 1. That we keep no Idol in our Hearts, allow of no evil Lult, or Confidence, ort*urpofe,orDefireof Praifeof Men, left as a puniftvner.t, we be left to falfe conceits a. a E^kM***- 1. That we lean not to our Underftandings , or think Numb.1t.nyi9 by our Wit and Learning to judge what God ss Minde is ; 7°^ f .44. but become Fools in our felves > that we may be wife in be- IievingGod*. ^Twicr' 3. That we make no Man nor Men oft Earth our Rabbie, *^ f^'1 %ft fo as we take our Faith about the Truth of any Do£fcrine,or Senfe of Scripture-Sayings on truft from him , or fo as not to receive any without his approbation c» c MAL Xj8j^ 4. That we be not over-bufie in rafting Queries about t0, the Truch and Righteoufnefs of the Sayings of Chrift , left that lead us toftumbling, as it did thofe, John 6. 30,52, Secondly , Read the Scripture, as the Declaration of the God of Truth, which he by the Spirit of Truth hath caufed to be written for our learning,and in which he fpeaketh to us d. d Rm^ ^ 4. And therein , firft and chiefly minde what he hath teftified h at. »* jtl of his Creation of the World for Mankinde; and of Man-H^.3 j.&ih kinde , righteous in one publick Man ; and of the Difobedi- *• ence and Fall of Mankinde into fin and death, in, and through one publick Man ; and of the Redemption wrought for Man- kinde , in, and by another publick Man ; and of the fulnefs that is in the fecond publick Man, to make known the Minde and Love of God , and to fend forth Spirit to convince Men, and bring them into believe ; and of the Remiflion of fins, and Eternal Life for Believers, and the juft Condemnation of fuch as difobey and refufe to believe ; and of the Reiurre&i- on of the juft and unjuft, and the appearing of all before the Judgement-Seat of Chrift ; and his fentence of the Juft into Everlafting Bieflednefs , and of the unjuft to gverlafting G i Tor- Torment ; and how all thefe Sayings are plain, being written to that end, that we may know the certainty of the words of Truthjand that we might apply our Hearts to his Knowledge, e Trcv. »». 17* and put our truft in the Lord e. And if thefe Sayings fhould **• not hold forth their own Sence,no man could tell us what the Sence is : let not our Mindes be waving in this, but give God the Honour of his Truth and Love in Ipeaking thefe things fo plainly to us, as they admit not of any Limitation , Glof- fing, or Allegory. Thefe be the firft things to be known,and molt needful to be firft known , and all other Sayings known by their agreeing in Sence with thefe : therefore read them, as God's Declaration of his Minde to 05, that we may know it* Thirdly , as God hath been pleafed to condefcend fo low to us , as to make known his Minde to us, in words under- standable to , and ufed among Men ; and in fuch manner as is ufable among Mtn for importing their Sence : .fo let us ob~ ferve and minde about them , that which is obfervable of Men about the Import of words to know their fenfc : as to fay : i. The Country or People where fuch words are ufed., knowing that many things are expreffed by divers words in divers Countries, and underwood by the ufe of the exprefli- on in that Country where it is ufed; and that in-fome one Country, one and the fame word is diver fly ufed,and the Senfe it beareth, known by the fentence in which it is ufed : Now the Country whence the Gofpel came being Zio»y and accor* ding to the Spirit's breathing, writ in the Scriptures , we arc to minde how and in what fence words arc ufed there , and fo to understand them according to the fentence in which they . are ufed. 2. Byandof whomaSpeech is , whether Governour or S.tfbje& , wife or fimple, true, faithful and knowing, or igno- rant and unfaithful ; and accordingly we value the Extent, Truth, Worth , and Goodnefs of their Sayings , cr put Limits and make Doubts thereof : lb in the Scriptures, being related the Sayings of God by his Spirit, and the Sayings cf Men, both of faithful and unfaithful Men ; we may understand thofe fayings accordingly , for their Extent , Worth, Truth, or for their fcantnefc, weaknefs, &c, 3 • The tejlimony of Chrijl in the fayings thereof, yj 3. The perfons and things treated of, whether the chief Magiftrate of a Commonwealth, or inferiour Magiftrates, or Fathers, or Matters ; and fo whether of a Kingdom , Com- monwealth, Corporation, Aflbciation, or Family ; and fo un- derhand the words All ,. Ever /, Head, Body, or Hand, ruling or fubje&ion accordingly : lo may we obferve in reading the Scriptures , of vvhom and whac we read , where we read of two Adams) or two publick Men ; the firft, a living foul ; the fecond, a quickning Spirit : the firft fallen , and of the Earth earthy ; the fecond alive for evermore , the Lord frcm Hea- ven, heavenly : the firft having all his Generation in his loyns, naturally to come forth of him ; the fecond taking the Na- ture of the firft, andfpiritualizingit , to have his Generation out of the firft Man's Children, by bringing them in to him in a fpiritual manner. And fo we read of Men , as they are of the Race of the firft Adam , and of fome Men as born of Water& the Spirit, andbecome of the Generation of the fe- cond and fpiritual Man. And ib we read of the Works of God and of Men about both, and of things futable to the one, and his Generation ; and of things futable to the other, and his Generation. And fo when we read the layings ofthefirft Man and his natural Race , and of things pertaining to them ; whether All, Every, or Head, Body, Eye, Hand, Foot; or of Wifdom , Power , Works of Righteoufnefs j or of Lands, Waters , Trees, Mountains, we may underftand it in a fenfc futable to the natural Man and his Race, whether it be plain or metaphorical : But if the fayings be of the fecond Man, that is the fpiritual Man, and his fpiritual kcd9 and of thines peculiar to him and them, we may underftand it fpiritually in> a fenfe fuiting to Chriftand the things of Chrift, whether it be Temple, Houfe, Body,Eye, Hand, Foot, Fire, Water, Trees, Wifdbm,Strength, or righteous Doing; yet ft ill according 10 the Import of the Letter fpeaking .of Tuch things , comparing natural things with natural,and fpiritual things with fpiritual - and in fayings relating to both natural and fpiritual Men, to underftand them in both fenfes y according to their Rela- tion. 4. The Bufinefs in and about which the faying is, whether- Monarchicaljagitatedby Imperial BdiSt; or National,agicated 1 38 T>ireBwtt to the weafyfi tafindetbe by a Parliament or State j or whether the Bufinefs of a Pro* vince or Country , agitated by Judges , Juftices and Jurors s or a Corporation- Bufinefs , agitated by Major , Aldermen, Counfcllor: or a Family* Bufinefs , agitated by a F ather, Ma- tter, or Steward's direction : or Pergonal Bu^nefs , between rwoor three : and then the words, Rule, Houfe, Order, Law, All, Bvery, Many, crEleft, are eafily underfioodof a larger or lefs extent, or more general, or more fpecial in the Import of the Senfe : fo in Scripture we may obferve the Bufinefs of which the Sayings are, whether of God, andof CbriO, and his Works ; and therein , whether of hi^ Works in general, as of Creation of all things , and of Mankinc'e ; or his Redemption of Mankinde, or his Prefervation of them , and Extention of Mercies and Means to them , to call ihem to Repentance : or whether of more fpecial Mercies and Means, extended to one Nation more than to another ; or>of peci*- liar Graces extended to his new-born People : and fa, whe^r ther of his Works of Salvation for Men , or in Men ; or 0f his Redemption, and Purchafing of Men of God, and calling them to God ; or of his redeeming and purchafing feme Men from among Men unto God , and fo fan&ifying andchuGng them to be his peculiar People : and accordingly we may un* derftand the words All, Every, Many, Us, were; to be of more general or more fpecial ex:enr, though the word World be never ufed to exprefs the Elecl onely :, but if the Bufinefs about which the Sayings are, be of Men ^ though as his In- ftruments , the Senfe according to the Bufinefs may be more large or ft rait, but not fo large nor fo peculiar as in the Works of God and Chrift onely, 5. The manner of fpeakmg and propounding, whether it be by Propofitions of Generals or Specials,and whether it be for believing onely, or for example alfo ; and whether it be Generator Particular, and Applicative ; and accordingly we underftand the Sayings more or lefs largely: fo in the Gofpel-Sayinss , obferving whether they be Propofuion^ of Truth, that Men might believe, or of Example for Men t< fol* low ; or Propofitions General to Men , or Special to Belie- vers, or Particular and Applicative Sayings, wemayknow the Senfe to be more General and Large , or more Special, and ieflimmy of Chrifl in ^p and Limited to fome Special accordingly. 6. The end and fcope of a Speech or Saying,whether it be to fee forth a Perfon or a Bufineis : and if of a Peribn,whether it be to fet forth who he is, or what he is, or whence he is, or where he is ; or if his Bu(inefs,w nether what he hath done, or what he doth , or what he will do , and for whom ; and that whether in General or Special , and for what end. And accordingly we understand the extent of the Senfe: and lb inGoifpel-Sayings we may underhand in minding the end and fcope of them , whether to let forth the Perfon of Chrift or hjs Buhnefs, or the Perfons of Men and their Bufinefs , or the Perfons of Believers and their Bufinefs : and if the Per- fon of Chrift , then whether to (hew who he is , or what a one he is , or whence he is , or where he is ; and if of his Bufinefs , then whether to fliew what he hath done , and for whom, and for what end; or what he doth , or what he will do , and whether in General for All, or in Special for Believers, &c. accordingly the Senfe imported General or Peculiar. . 7. How Words more hardly underftood in fome Sayings, are explained and (hewn to be meant and intended by them that ufethem,in other of their Sayings ; and how taken and underftood by them that are acquainted and converfant with the ufers of thofe Sayings ; and to , though the fame- Wcrd hath divers meanings , one in one Saying, and another in another Saying ; in one Saying properdin another figurative ; yet by this Observation , it is eafily underftood by the Sen- tence in which it is. And the like we may obferve about Words in Scripture Sayings, that have fome obfamt y , and one meaning in one Saying , and another meaning in another Saying ; yet in like Sayings , the meaning of thofe words is explicated by the Spirit that ipake them, and hath been un- derftood and recorded by the Holy Prophets and Apoftles9 and may be underftood by all that believe their writing?, in comparing one place with another ; fo that we compare like Sayings,or Sayings of like things together ; as, if the Sayings be of God & of his Works of Creation,Redemption,cK~« and by God faid ; fee the fenfe of the Word, as given and explica- ted in like Sayings 5 and compare not God with Men,to make the 40 T>ire8iw to the weafyft tofinde the, &c. the Senfe of a Word ufed by Men,and in Sayings & Bufineflcs of Men,to be the Limit of the Senfe and Force in fach Words ijpoken by God,and of his Work?. And thefe things obferved, the Import of Sayings in Scripture y will not be fo obfeure as many pretend. And for thefe things , though I might, yet I have not quoted Scriptures, but leive' that to befeenin the following Difcourfe. I know fuch as pride themfelvcs in their Learning and skill in Tongues, Sciences, and Arts , will pufh at thefe fimple Obfervations; but they need not*for they are not intended for them,though even they will run into Ab- furditiesif they neglc& and go contrary to them: but they are writ for fuch as are unskilful in that Learning, that fuch as have the ufeof Undemanding, may confider that which they read in Scripture ; and I luppofe it will after appear , yea, and inlbme Scripture-Commands and Appeals, to be even there (Rom.jA. icor. dire&ed unto. For prefent fee/, 9 7,8. eHi.»3*. Fourthly, The plainnefs of the Gofpel-Teftimony of Chrift, a- 14. 1 9^°* will yet farther appear, if we minde in comparing Scriptures, tcer.+.i* the Diftin&ions mentioned therein , of the manifold ends of the Death of Chrift ; one to make Propitiation for fins , one to confirm the New Teftament, and one to ftiew Love tnd O- bedience to his Father, and Love to and Care of his Sheep in witnefs-bearing to the Truth, and therein to give us an Exam- ple: and likewife minde the different extent,in regard of thefe ends ; and obferving alio the Tenfe and Perfon, and change of Tenfe and Perfon ufed in Scripture-Sayings. Thefe four Rules obferved, I hope the Sayings of the Go- fpel in theTeftimony of Chrift, will appear plain to all that defire and pray to God for Undemanding. And yet to make all the more ufeful to underftand the Teftimony of Chrift; Be- fore I fet on the difcovery of that , I will add a few Words more about God *s Creation of the firft publick Man , and that Man's Fall and Mifery } for remedy whereof, the fecond publick Man came. CHAP, V CHAP. 9. of the Creation ofCMankfade in the ft [I Adam, i.TN the beginning God created and made the Heaven, and AEarth,and Sea, and a world of Creatures in each of them; and all to (hew forth his Glory , Love , and Bounty, for the benefit and commodity of Mankinde ; and all before he made the firft Man. And fo it appeared, the firft Man had no hand or counfei in the Creation of any of them j all being made and furnifhed for him, before he was in being a. a Gen. 1.1,2$, 2. He created and made Man of the Duft of the Earth, and & 2#5'7 : vfaL breathed in him the breath of Life, andfo made him a living z^&l\\iy Soul; yea, a Natural Man, Male and Female, fit for multipli- cation in a Natural way ; yea, a publick Man, fo as all Man- kinde were in him created^and in refpe& of fpecies or kind, all in him as he was b. b GenX%7>i 8fl 3. He made this firft publick Man, (andfo all Mankinde in &*• 18,23,7. refpeft of kinde in him) in his own Image or Likeneis c : net l fr^M^r* God, but Man d ; nor equal with God , for that was the pe- J^». lla^Iy! culiar Priviledge of the Word, the Son of God, that was with a £^.28.2 J, God, and God e: But Man of the Duft, and therein a little 9.1/4.3 i.£.Gf» lower than the Angels f ; yet truely in a meafure in the Like- Il6> & 2?- nefs and Image of God : which appears in Scripture to be , c*™ l'*^ I. For Uprightnefs in Holinefs andRighteoufnels ; foas his 1.1,2,3.' Heart was naturally inclined to love God with all his Minde,fpM 8.*. Heart, Soul and Strength5 and his Neighbour as himfelf • and1 Gm-1- *7< all his Powers apted freely to walk out therein,without com- e^z 7' lgg'h pulfion of any out wa r d Law. fc {T^'coi 3 Ho. II. Lordfrup and Dominion over all the Creatures below ii Gcn.i. 28. " made for him, in the Earth, and Sea, and Air. Tfai.s. 6,7,%. III. A Capacity of Immortality , and living in his Happi- n %J„ nefs for ever ; fo , as if he acknowledged his Supreme Lerd, P m gt ^g, & liking and continuing in the Condition and Honour he was ^.ivo./te, put in , forbearing the eating of the Fruit of one Tree 5 he 5.1 *. &6%*%% (hould not die, but live , and enjoy his Happinefs for ever : » H other- ^z Of the Creation otherwife, he might become as theBeafts that perifh. 4. He furnifhed this firft publick Man ( and fo all Man- kinde in him) with fufficient furniture, that he might abide in his happy Eftate : I Ecdcf 7.29. I. With an inward and natural Principle and Inclination to £//fc.4.*4. love God, and his Neighbour ; and Aptitude and Strength in all his Faculties and Powers of Soul and Body , to walk out therein ; io, as there was in him no occafion o£ftumbling,or gi M.1.10. anything to withdraw or move him to turn afide^, norany thing besides God, that he needed to defire or fear, to move hG^.1.31. without him h. llGe».i.*M9, II, With an outward furniture of Creatures in Heaven, 30. P/k.104.13 Earth and Sea, fhewing forth the Glory , Love and Bounty V'l6i&itn °^h*s Creator ; a^ at ms Service, and fitted for all Accommo- $39. 9-v fail0n ^ fol t^e well. being of his Life, to walk cheerfully be- fore God. III Gw. 2.8,9, HI- With an eafie and pleafant fervice,inaplace of de- 10,1* ,16,19, 22. light and pleafure , where alfo he had the freedom and'op- dM.28.c^3.8.p0rtunj|ty 0f meeting with, and enjoying intercourfe and communion with God. IV Gen. 1.19. m W. With an inward Liberty of will, and power to ufe it, & 2. 16,17. in chuling or refufing,that fo his Obedience might be volunta- ry ; and outward Liberty given him , freely to eat of every Tree in the Garden, but onely one ; of which one, he had the advantage, by the forbearance of it,to teflifie his thankfulnefs to his Creator , and his delight in him, and well-pleafednefs with his will and works ; which without this, had been want- ing to him. v rc i6 V. With InftruSion of the Nature of that forbidden Tree, rciM. ,1 'ancjwhat tne event and danger would be, if" he did eat there- of. So that in all this , the grear, free and undeferved Love of God to Mankinde,doth fo appear,as may lead to Admiration, iff' l)lb& ° whatis Man/that was made of the duft) that thou foouldft \7%rfaii°4 & be fo mindeful of him, and fet thy Heart on him, and fo love 144.5. andblefs him/. Qbjecl. If it be replied , But God might have made thi* fir ft Adam foy and fitch , as he might have been in an abfolme neceffitjoj living for ever in immortality^ and fo in an abfolute imfoJfibil:ty of falling or changing; T-6 of ManMndeS. 4,5 ' To this I might return A nfwer, Shall he that coniendeth with s/fnfwer. the Almighty ', wftrutt him ? he that reproveth God, let him anfwer ,~. 4tk. But I will endeavour to fatishe. .' I. If God had made Man in himfelf immutable, and fo in an abfolute impoflibility of changing , he had not made him a holy Man onely, but God alfo j for that is his peculiar, to be in and of himfelf immutable * Mai.?, .6. Jam.i.i 7. II. God at firft, and in the beginning of his way,exalted his Son that was with him, the fame God : fo that it is his pecu* liar wich the Father, to be in and of himfelf immutable /: \ Prov.B.iw nor can any Creature partake of that immutability and^,I,I/,1,3-c^ bkfled immortality , but as they have it derivatively from Zlja.\o.l\ himw. iPe/.i, 1, 24, UI.God willed to make Man a little inferior to theAngels », t ?. (as the fecond Man was for a little while M8-*' gels were not fo made , that in and of themfelves they were ° Heb*z-7* in an utter incapacity and impoflibility of changing or falling into death ; yea, many of them did fo fall p : and thofe that Vltpet 2 4 are now eftablifhed,that they cannot fall , had that eftabiifti- judC6.job\. ment and impoffiblity of falling , derived to them from the 1 8,19. Word , that is , the Son of God, whom God had exalted a- bove all ; in Acknowledgement of whom, and well pleafed-* nefs with his Exaltation and Dominion, they were through him Heft, and fo his holy Angels^, (as moft propabkq Heb.i.^u, die firft man in continuance, might in the fame Ac- 7> 13^4.^ Ac- knowledgement have been by the fame Word , without his 8.**,*s. Job taking fleflh. and dying. ) And fuch as now believe on him \\\"l'T3^' (hall be in the Refurre&ionof thejuft, in which they (hall be Mat[uJo. equal to the Holy Angels r. And had the firft Man been made in and of himfelf,in fuch an immutability, he had been made r Lu& 10>6> fuperior to the Angels : but he was made a little inferior pr( g to the Angels , though fuperior to all other Creatures , and preferred before the Angels, in Lordfhip over the Works of God's hands : and his Liberty and furniture for abiding, is fore (hewn. So that the Love of God to Mankinde, had its firft appear- ance in and through this firft publick Man , in the Creation and furniture, andblefling of him ; and what God did to him, he did to all Mankinde in him, for all Mankinde were in him : / Hz and 44 Of the Fall and fo while he abode in his innocency , alike righteous in him , and alike beloved in him, in their fpecies as Men ; fo, as none ye^ in or by himfinners ; and fo none hated, none reprobated : for all were in him , as Men , and in no other Man, neither was there any other Man in being , nor in pur- pofe as Man before him ; he was the natural Man , the firft Man in purpoie and being as Man , and there was no other Man before or with him,for Men,or any Men, as Men, to be beheld, considered, beloved or chofen in. The Lord Chrift, as Man, is the fecond Man, the laft Adam , the fpiritual Man, in whom is no Man or Men, but fuch as were firft in the firft and natural Man , have their being in him, and come forth from him, and firft bare his Image ; and after , in a fu- /i-Ctf, xjf.45, pernatural way are fpiritually brought into the fecond and ** fpiritual Mati,that they may bear his Image. So that all Man- kinde are to be firft confidered as they have their firft being in the firft publick Man , which at firft was bleffed and hap* CHAP. id. Of the fall and mi/try of the firft Man, and all MAnkind^? in h$m$ and [o through him. PSal. 49. 1 2 . CMan in honour abtdeth net, be is U\e. the beafts thatperijb, Rom. 5. 12. By one man fin entred into the world*, and death by fin9 and fo death faffed on all men, for that (cr in whom) allhave finned. Scripture declares how this came to paf", viz,, i Jade e.iPct. J* The Devil or Prince of the fallen Angels, who afpiring M. /*fc.8.44# to be higher, left their own place , and were caft down , he envying the happinefs of Man , as he abode not in the Truth himfelf ; fo he thought by Lyes to withdraw Man from ir, and bring him into the fame Perdition with himfelf: he madeufeof the Serpent, the moft fubtil of all the Beafts cf the Field which the Lord God made , and by him as his In- ftrumem of Man. 45 .flrurnenc ( as he now doth by the molt excellent uci&naifie J wits , and feeming holy ones ) pretending lo 1 e and good to the Woman, as to help her and her husband to a moxe glori- ous eflate , and greater likenefs to God than that God made them in ; So tempting Man to his own afpiring fin, he begins with questioning her about the minde of God in his layings : HathGod in faying iaid,or becaufehc k\d{fe{hall not ext of every Gm ^ ^ tree iny &c ? Did he io fay and intend indeed, That ye fhould % fa. it' 3^ not eat at all of that tree?may not there be fome other meaning 1.3, 14 ,15. in his faying ? fo to draw her from heeding and believing the word or faying of God , according to the plain Import of the fame : and fo amufing her thoughts about the fenfe, and then perfwade her to a quite contrary fenfe, (a trick he hath learn 'd feducers to ufe) whence alfo he is called, The great Dragon, That old Serpent, The Devil and Satan, which dcceiveth the whole wodd)Rev.i 2.9. & 20.2. 2. Man, that was fo loved and bleffed of God , andfo a- bundantly furnifhed with good things,and bleffedly advanced by him, having fo plain a word, that in minding and believing it , he might both have known that other voice to be from a lying Tempter, and have put him to flight: yet , by ponder- G**-**T-&3* ing the [1 range voice , anckparleying with the Tempter , he 2n\\^/m'n"' neglefted the heeding and believing the plain Import of ther word given him j andfo hearkned to, and believed the voice of the Tempter and Seducer : and being fo withdrawn, he was indeed , and did then look upon the appearing Excellency of the Tree ; and in looking , proceeded to de(ire ir , for the conceited knowledge and wifdom pretended to be gotten by it ; and from defire proceeded to take of it, and fo handled its and from handling fell to eating of ic, contrary to the exprefs Charge of his Creator. This is the firftfm,and the beginning of the finning of man. 3 . Man flayed not here, but did proceed in adding to, and compleatingthis fin to the height ; and that by hiding them- lelves from the prefence of the Lord a , and by intimately a Gm blaming his Creator, as not having furnifned him to come in- **" to his prefence , leaving him naked b ; and by excufing and b Genltoi • hiding his. fin , when called to account , the man putting hProv and to thofe that were to come of him by propagation, 1.19. Rom. 5. 12. in whole place he flood , and with whom he was betrufted; and alto to the Creatures given pure and good into his Do- minion to rule : a great fin, Luke 1 6. 1 2. and herein, mur- ther and overthrow, both of himfelf and all his natural po- fterity, both of Soul and Body, in dying to die 5 a great mur- lGc».i.i7.Kowtnero^manyinanhigh decree /: a grievous fin, .Mjiwb.i 5, 3 1. i.ii,x 8. \C&r. and excream vanity and folly, in affaying to hide himfelf and 1 f.u>n. his fin from God, to avoid his judgement m : a grievous fin, mGt„>3.3}io3 job ^u ^^ p^ ^ ^ Tofliew how every Precept in ten words was herein gone contrary to , and finned againft , and all defireable good in the rule of Prayer given us; as glori- fying God, being under his Regiment , doing his will, reft- ingonhim, &c. was in this tranfgreffioncaftafide , were an eafie bufineis: and yet this offence fo great and manifold,doth flill ofM* an. 4.7 ft HI appear to be more heynousandfinful, if we minde the circumllances in it ; as agamft how great, glorious and boun- tiful a God, that had made him in his Image , furnifhed him with a world of Creatures , exalted him to fuch a Lordfhip, placed him in a Paradife , and vouchsafed intcrcoude with him. This fin was by him in this Paradife committed , and againft what, and how manifold Obligations of Authority, Love, Benefits, Inftru&ions, and forewarning given , all ob- liging to Love and Obedience ; this (in was committed by him rhat enjoyed the good of them all. And againft what wel- fare of himfelf , and all his Natural Pofterity to come of him, it was committed. And againii what Knowledge and inward Natural Principle of Righteoufnefs ; and with what delibera- tion and freedom of will , when he was no way neceflitated thereto, he committed this fin : and alfo how he committed this fin by the motion of the Devil in the Serpent, in fayings queftioning the Truth of, and contrary to the plain faying cf God , and all for a dreaming conceit, to get a fhado w, when he had the fubftance of good , which he let go for it ; and fo for very vanity it ieif : fo that we may with marvelling , fay, Oh how vile and abominable the fin of Man ! how contrary to the nature and will of God! how tempting and provok- ing his Majefty I how unworthy and unbefecming fuch a Man as Adam ! £. Having thus viewed Man's demeanor and fin in his fall and firft offence , let us minc'e alfo the mifery that befel him and all Mankinde in and through him , by this one fo great and manifold offence ; and that the Spirit: faith plainly was the entrance of fin , and death by fin , Rom. 5. 12, 1 Si & 6. 23. 1 Cor. 15. 21,2a. The very yielding to com- - mit this fin, brought forth fruk unto death , as is evident: For, I. In drinking in , and obeying the poyfonful word and 1 6^.3.1,13, temptation of the Serpent, the NaturaiDifpofition and Incli- EccUf. 7.15?. nation of Man was poyfoned and pollutedwkb that Hellifh &> and Serpentine Venome ; and io Man became emptied and 1 Gripped of his Uprightnefs , and fo of his Comfortable Knowledge of God , and love of God, and his inward Natu- ral Principle of Righteoufnefs ; and filled with a Difpofition and 21. / H Of the Fall n Gni.$. Hcb, a. 14. and inclination averfe to God, and all things pleafing to him, and bent and prone to all things difpleafing to him; and fo be- came an Enemy to God. II. It brought Weaknefs, Pain, and Mortality on the Bo- dy ;and Grief, Shame and Fear of wrath and death on the Soul of Man n. III. It caft man under the commanding and condemning Power of the Law of Works, To love the Lord his God with all his Hearr, Soul, Minde and Strength ; and, his Neighbour as himfelf ; and,to walk in and bring forth the Fruits of that Love: he was not under the Power of any fuch outward Law, to direely:ommand,move,and lead him before; for the Law of God was before in his Heart : it was his Natural Inclination Kom.i.\$. &3. an<^ io ro love and walk in it : but this by his Fall 1 9.&1.1 i,i 8. was loft and gone out of his Heart: yet notwithftandingGod Gtf/,44' loll no paa of his Authority ; hisGoodnefs forefhewn to Man , did ftill as much oblige Man to this Love and walking in it as before ; and fo the Law without , took hold of Man, and had its efficacy in him, to command , and fo to excufe or accufe ; but afforded him no help or power of doing it ; yet juftly condemned for every Tranfgreffion or (hort coming of it , and that to death : and this befell all Mankindein the firll publick Man. IV.tfMB.8.20. IV. It qccafioned mifery and vanity on all the Creatures r^.i8.i63z4 made for the fervice and commodity of Man, and put under his Dominion, and turned that which was for his welfare, in- to a fnare ; fo,as all turned to be a vexation and curfe to him, to fill him with horror and madnefs, to his Torment, Ruine, and Deitru&ion. V. According to the Law of Arms, and the right of aVi- &orer5 Satan had gotten the Dominion of Mankinde ; and fo 2i3i5. °' VMankindeinthefirft publick Man, fell under thepowerand flavery of the wicked one , the Devil , that thus overthrew Man ," and got the power of Death to terrifie Man withal, 2^.12.0. 2^ir.n.3. 1 John 5.19. H^.2.14. VI "om i T2 V*# c ^rcw man * anc* a^ man^^ncJe m that publick man, ib. &6.\\. * unavoidably under the guilt and D minion of fin and Death, Gal.$>io.DMl even all that firft mentioned Death, (Jen. 2.17. and ib into 17,25. fubje&ion to the Sentence, Condemnation, ar,d Curfe of that \ Law Ecclef.\.lil PM75-3- 21,24,31. Of Man. \y Law of WorkSjUndcr which he was fallen,and to be judged by the Almighty, according to that Law , to fuffer the irmoft of the Curfe it did fentence unto for all the breaches of it. Lo, fuch the Fall and Mifery of Man , fuch the foulnefs and fruit of this firft and Original fin, and fuch the ftate of the firft Man in his fall, and of all Mankinde in him ; and t his without difference of any of them that Naturally were in him, and^ j, lR come forth from him; neither ever did, doth, or can any Man i? &6.i$m by Nature or Naturally come forth from him in any better. i£V#i $.4*. ftate , but in coming Naturally forth from him, to bear his I- mage : fo , that we may by this fee a little of the fin and mi- fery Mankinde at firft fell into. He that was once righteous, now unrighteous ; he that was once in favour and well- pleafednefs with God , now under guilt and difpleafure ; he that was happy, now miferable : yet God the fame , and Man changed and fallen into mifery in refpeft of himfelf and all Creatures,without Remedy to help : of which a word or two to prepare for following Bufinefs. CHAP. ji. Of the ImmutabilitpfGod^ nrtwithftanding the mmtlitj fallen Angels, and Mankinde. NOtwithftanding all this Evil of Man, his enmity againft God , and mifery in himfelf, and io his woful change; yet was not there, in or by it any change in God, nor any al- teration, or failing of his minde or purpofe : he from Eterni- ty was , and now is , and to Eternity will be the fame for e- ver a , without change or fhadow of change ; the Father o(SEXOj % i4. Lights, yea, Goodnefs and Light it felf,and there is no Dark- Rev.i 4;8. & nelsinhim. He is Love : and as for fury and wrath working llA7- &l6-l» out to the hatred , deftru&ion , and torment of any of hi? f £/ ^ ^,*7) Creatures, it hath not its firft rife from the Being and Nature \j'Qhh It \'% & of God 5 tyit from fuch Tranfgreffions againft his Goodnefs 4.8. I by 50 Ofyod s Immutability. by his Creatures, as ftands crofs to his Wifdom , Love, and Goodnefs: fo, as even from thence , becaufeof fuch Tran£- greffion, hatred and wrath floweth from him , as a Fruit of bpftf/n8 & ^*s ^00cmeis v andLove to his glorious Goodnefs and well- '09.4^5. l&*9. beloved-Son, as a jutf: Reward of fuch Contemners thereof b ; 36. prov. 8.ii, fo that fury is not in him c : but the Fall and Deftru&ion of 23.pfa.1i9.6t. Tranfgreflbrs is of themfelves, deferved and procured by f'^-I0>i0* themfelves^. And in all this, God isof onemindeand a Hofl *'6i9. changeth not : he at firft made all things good, and fo Angels Jer. 148.^ and Men righteous , and fuch as he loved ; and fo he approv- cGen.i.iiJob eth as good , and rejoyceth in all his own Works e. And fo 5V^(^i>8^av^n»ma^c not one^y Mankinde, but the Angels before, 4'31' ' 5* holy and well-qualified , he did approve their Effence which he made , and the holy Qualifications he endued them with, and the Place, or Habitation, or Degree he put them in ; and fo loved them, their Effence, their Perfons, their Qualifica- tions, and in love fo placed them , ( as he did Mankinde whom he made Righteous, &c.) And that he lovedrhe An- gels (as he did Mankinde) before they fell, is evident by the Spirits Teftimony, That God is righteous, and fo both loveth fpp/.i4^.8. the Righteous/, and Rightcoufnefs gy and knoweth (that is, & Pf*kMl*Z* owneth and approveth) hisown Works /?,and upholdeth the n^fiV.17. Righteous h an^ preierveth the way of the Saints ^, and kProv.z.%. bleffcth the Righteous, and will not fuffer them to be re- Pfai.1.6. moved /: and in all :his,God is the fame for cver,immurable, ipfd.^i. without change , or fhadowof change inhimfelf, or in his minde, to fuch approved and beloved ones. Whence alio it is evident, That Gcd did not hrlt forfake the Angels, nor did withhold or withdraw from them any part of that Wifdom, Holinels,and Strength wherewuh he had indued them and by which they might have abode in that righteous & happy eftate he made and put them in; and fo have continued righteous and holy ftill; and in acknowledging their fupreme Lord, m 7^4 7,18. nave been eftabliflied for everw: But thofe of the Angels j& 3tf.7.P/£-34 that did fall, they did voluntarily afpire to a higher degree of 15.^37^8: Dignity, and Equality with their fupreme Lord ; and lb did Tiov. . 8.a*.3^- fc<\ 0f themfelvcs forfake God , and fo finned and ceafed to w//^^.i4.^.beKighreousandSaints. they kept n0ttteirfirftEftate(«)r njudltt Principality) buv left their own Habitation n> and fo by their Tranfc Of (jf eel's Immutability V ■ 51 Tranfgreffion, provoked the Love of God to wrath, whofe Love is fuch , as it abh'orreth and hateth wickednefs ; and (o by their finning tteey made themfelves inch, that in their Per- fons, Qualifications, and Wayes, they became the Objed of God's hatred and wrath : ib that the change was in them., not in God 5 who^becaufe they To finned, and finned of them- felves without any other Tempter , and finned not all in one publick Representative, but every one in their own Per- fons freely againft (q. great Light and Goodnefs ;) he hath therefore forfaken them , and caft them down to Hell , and refer ved them in Chains of Darknefs to the Judgement of the great Day , to be then tormented in that Everlafting Fire, prepared for them , and fuch as by them are led to fuch-like p^rfonal Tranfgreffion *. And yet in ail this is there ' no ojude & iPet. change in God: he, in his Love, is the fame ftill, though thefe M*tt*-**4* finning Angels be fallen out of his Love under wrath and 7^*i0-*0> hatred ; yea, it would rather have implied a change in God, if he had continued his Love on fuch prefumptuous Tranf- greflbrs. And this alfo is written, to admonifh and warn men, yea, even Believers, That none tempt the Lord by pre- fumptuous finning, crying peace to themfelves, from the Love, Mercy and Goodnefs of God fore-teftified to them , and the immutability of God in his Love and purpofes ; which, though true , yet that argues not the immutability of all that <" are in any fcrc loved of him ; fo, as though they fin prefump* tuoufly , his immutability engages him to love fuch notwith- ftanding fo,as thofe perfons once loved,cannot by any mifde- meanor fall from being under that Love , and become under hatred : we are warned to take heed of fuch thoughts ; for it hath with fome , and may with others fo fall out, and yet no alteration in God, for he hath fhewn his mind to be even fo p. p tPa.i.i^. And as for the Soveraignty of God,it is one and the fame,and Ju&l%js.dcuu ever agreeing with his Wifdom, Holinefs,Truth,jufiice, Love 2* l8'!* 2°# and Purpofe : fo that change,by prefumptuous finning of Per- fons, from being under Love, to be under Hatred, argues no change in God. And this is clear in the cafe of the fallen Angels; that I fay nothing of Mankinde changed from being under well-pleafednefs to be under wr#h atxi difpleafure : though companions were yet toward them, who finned all in 1 2 one, / one, and by the fubtiity of a Tempter ; yet the change ia Man great,in God none at all : which (hews the vanity of the Pleas and Inferences of fome, about, and from the immutabi- lity of God in his minde and purpofes. Pag.X 3, p2# i • That laying of Mr. Owen's, That if God can by his power and Spirit keep them whom he doth not forfake in a flate and, condition of not for faking htms he doth for fake them before they for fake him , is not fit for Argument to build Do&rinc on, or confirm with ; for it is neither true, nor Scripture-like, but is plainly derogatory to God , and his Truth and Goodnels, and far from acknowledging that depth of the Wifdom and Knowledge of God,fow.i i . 3 3. and rather tendeth to lead to fancy, a deprh of ibme openly appearing refpeft of Perfonr, and caufelefs indignation, cruelty, and unrighteoufnefs,to be, though no man can yet fee how,Righteoufnefs ; which I hope Mr. Owen will not allow : nor will he fay,His faying is meant of the fallen A ngelsjyet Gods proceeding with themovercurneth the truth of his faying: fo as it can be no ground,or proof for him or others to ground any Opinion on,or prove it by. None in their right mind will fay,The fallen Angels tranfgreffed not without caufe, God forfock them firft ; and fo free them from that number, Pfal, 25.3. that tranfgrefs without caufe : as if God did firft foriake them, before they forfook him 5 and fo lay the beginning of the blame upon the Almighty , whereas is was firft & wholly in themfelves , who were the firft finners, and finned from the beginning , and fo fin ftiil : Chrilt faith «ot, Becaufe there was no Truth in them before the fall ; 170b. 3.8* fob. DUC> becaufe he abode vet in the Truth , ( and fo fince the fall) 1,44. J there is no Trttth in him : which reproves this forefaid faying. 2, Another faying by this alio appears untrue, though ufed by many, namely, That whom Cod loves once, he loves for ever : if it had been, What God loves once, orfuchasGod loves once, he loves ever, it would have flood ; for God loves Righteoufnefs , and fo the Righteous , and fo Believers and Saints for ever. But to fay, Whom, or whit Perfons ; all and Every of them whom God loves once, he loves for ever, is boe true ; and the furmife of it is grounded on a falfe con- ceit,^ if the unchr iblenefs of God, did either depend on, or at leaft amie&neceflkate theunchangablerrcfs"of theftate and \ OfCjod j Immutability. 53 and condition of all fuch as are once or at any time beloved of God ; which, by the llory of the fallen Angels , appears to be falfe ; and Mr. Owen in part, if not whol]y,diiclaimeth Page 3 3» thisconceic ; yet the confequence not onely hsretainuh, but many other : Iomega vouching it for Scripture in their lay- ings, and fome in their Books and writing , citing John 1 3 . 1 . But he that will read that Text , may fee , that that faying, j0im 5 , u or any like it , or a word or fy liable importing fuch a ienfe, cannot be there found ; for it is cleer in the words , fuued alio with other places of Scriptures , That the words there in John 1 3.1 • do ipeak of Jefus Chrift, not onely, nor chief- ly as he was God $ but alio , and more dire$ly as he was Man q : who not onely as God, but alfo, and rather as a Pro- a^fat.i^t. phet,fpakeas he had received of the Father r , and that alfo tJohmt'.i<*. of his fufFerings and departure cut of this world / , which s Jotm 16. *8. could not be meant of his Divine Spirit and Prefcnce t. And t Mau 28. 20, this alfo is obfervable , That he {pake not in this place of himfelf onely, as the Sacrificer and Peace-maker ; but alfo and more direftly , as he was a Minilier of the Goipel , and Peace-Preacher u : in whofe Miniftration,declaring the Peace u Hcki.i sph. made in and by him, God was in him and by him reconciling *.i£.* 7. the World to himfelf w .• and the perfons loved,there fpoken vV \C?;W*P of,were not all that God had from the beginning loved ; or, \ [ '*/*" that he doth now lo/e ; but onely thofe that were not onely his own, but even then in the World; yea, his own as then given him of the Father in the Gofpel-Call, and after the Call chofen by him, to be his Apoftle*, MciTengers, and Ministers x , to whom he gave the Words the Farher gave x u » 6 him, that they might be in his place and (lead after his bodi- j$n ^.70.* ly departure, to carry on hisMiniftration , and befeech Men to be reconciled to God/. And the Love fpoken of in this a- * g placets his Love as a Shepherd and a faithful One , ufing all lo.jfak^fe holy means , to keep, and preferve,and hillruit them in the Vwv.%%^ Name of the Father, that none of them might be loft, but be fitted for their prefent , and after abiding , and fervice ; for which caufe he gave them both inftru&ion and example*,.* 7. foh.t $.a,ig, yea, it isexprefs here, that Judas was among them a ; and '& i7.n*ia,i$, though he was not one of them , that in receiving his Words f p^**1*- was deanfed i, Jior that faid truely , (though rightly) and fo jj'^\\^1 a not \ / 54- ®f Q0^ s Immutability. not in both refpe£ts well and from his Heart , in cilliop him c,Val\i. httd and Matter f, and fo not happy in doing the things a retf. *4>l7. counfelled by Chritt d , and fo no Lover of Chntt e ; yet he c tfsr/:*. /#feii was onc of Chritt's chofen Apottles/, one whom Chrift loved f i i% 16. anc* Praved f°r> and did good to ; yea ', continued his admo- gp/a/. 109.4'rf. nitions with loving words tohim to the endjr : but he diffetn- lifa 22. 48. bled with his Milter , being Adverfary to him for his Love* Mat.t6.59. and refufinghis warnings and counfel?, rewarded him evil for good, and fo, and there-through, became a Son of perdition ; h 7 hn 17 ii anc* lo '° * h*m'fe^ > ^ls ^n being finiflied , it brought forth f/5/. 1094,5. death f, and he was then no more loved, nor prayed for 5 ac- i/dw.i.15. cording to that which is faid of fuch Rebellious ones, At their wtckfdrtefi is in Gtlgal,for there I bated them for the veicked- ne^ of their doings : I will drive them om of mine houfej will love k Uor. 9.1 5. *kem n° w°re k. It is cieer here,they were once in his Houfe, and loved ; yet nowbecaufe of fo great wi^ckednefs, no more loved And fo Judas was once loved, and prayed for , and means ufed towards him, unto the end , till he grew to that height of wickednefs in rewarding evil for good, that againft all warnings he perfifted to finifh his Tranfgreflion ; and then was he hated, and caft out of his Office, and no more loved ; but another to be put into his Office /. Even as the fallen ij^tft'tllt] Angels were once holy and loved : but after their wilful a 5/ *."' 'afpiring and leaving their place, caftdovvn, hated, and no more loved. Yet in all this, God is one , and of one mindc, immutable ; and the change is in and upon the fallen Angels, and fuch as are become like them. So that this Text , John 1 3 .1 . is mightily wrefted and abufed, to be pretended to fay, Whom God loves once, he loves for evsr ; no word in the Text faying it : and God's dealing with the fallen Angels, and with others, proclaims the falihood of that faying. But of the fallen and reprobate Angels , I may leave eff to (peak farther , feeing there was found no remedy for them, no Ranfome , no Saviour , n?ne to take their Nature and Caufe in Hand,& fo no Gofpel to be preached to or by them ; no Prayers to be put forth for them, no Commands to them to repent and believe the Gofpel ; but Chnft,and Gofpel,and Prayers, and all a°ainft them: but of Mankiode fallen, there is is yet fome better thing to fay of them all , after we have eonfidered the depth of his mifery in refpeft of the defperate- nefs and remedijefnefs of it in refpcft of Mankinde fallen, and all other Creatures. CHAP. 12. Of the remedilefhefs in Man f alien te help himfdf \ snd what an incwetivable and wonderful buftnefs it i$lh*t mOkefp him , if God di fewer and give *U MAnkinde fallen,as is before fnewn,into fo great fin, un* fulnefs, and mifery, and under the powerful ientence andcurfe of the Law , and under the difpleafure of the Al- mighty, and become an Enemy to him ; the door, way, and paflage for God to extend and give forth the fruits of his Love and Mercy to Men ; and fo for Men to return* and come into favour with God again, was fhut and become im* paflible,yea, it was beyond the reach 3r understanding cf Men or Angels, to open,yea, or finde cut the way how fuch a door and paflage might be opened again for Mankinde : For , ti The holy and righteous Law under which Man was fal- r>eut 17.1^ , len, itill required Obedience to the utmoft of all theRighre- Gai.$.io. ous AfFecVions and Services it obliged to , or elfe to fctfei the curfe,for the leaft (horn coming of itsRequirings; which p,?/ 4Q "^ neither *AAam , nor any of his Natural Race , was able Mat.^'7^ * to^anfwer in doing, nor in fuffering to overcome : and this Law muft not be aboiiftied, but fulfilled to every Iota of it. 2. The Truth of God thatiaidy In the dav thou eateft of qC71 2 ,tl7tKm). that (forbidden) Tree , in dying thou (halt die ; and the ju- ^.23. ' fticeof God that had ordered the curled Death, as the wages of fin, muft be fulfilled and fatisfied, and will admit of no for- givenefs or peace till this Death and Curfe be executed, and therein juftice fatisfied, and Truth fulfilled; Audit Jfdam or his Natural Race fufferir, they perifti in it, and can no, / more, _ T/.z/, u. more get out of it again , to come into any new terms of & 6$. 10. Grace: lb that lefs will not ferve than fuch a fuffering in which Mercy and Truth may meet, Truth be fulfilled and fpring out of the Earth ; and io Death overcome. 3. Death,Curfe, and the Devil that had gotten the Vifto- 4f4t.T2.a9~ ry over Man , and held him Captive , as a flave in bondage H%Y.']lil1 to fin, and under the fear of Death, will keep their hold and power over Man , till for fin he perifh in this firft denounced and deferved Death, unlefs by a ftronger power they be ovcr- come,fubdued and captived ; which JfoUw,and all his Natural Race were not able to do. 4. The Wound of Guilt and Curfe made by fin in the fall, will not be healed, the breach will not be made up, peace for Mankinde with God will not be made , fo as a door and paf- fagemay be opened for God, according to Truth and Juftice, to be propitious to Man,and to extend the Fruits of his Love and mercy to him , and for Mankinde to efcape perifliing in the firft Death , and to come in to God for favour again, un- lefs a fin»offering or propitiatory Sacrifice of fufficient value and worth , to appeafe the wrath deferved , and fatisfie the juftice offended, and purchafe a releafe of all Mankinde from the fentence of the Law into the difpofe of the Offerer , be made : which fallen Mankinde could never have found our, nor could all the Creatures made for the ufe of Mankinde, a pf*U9.7,8. have been fit or fufficient for fuch a Sacrifice a ; into fuch a & 50. 8,13! " depth of mifery and helplefnefs was Mankinde fallen, and fo Mic. 6.6,7. far neceflirated to perifh. Hib.- 0.1,4. And yet is not this all the mifery andneceiTuy cf per idl- ing, that Markinde fell into by the fall of the firft Man ; but there is more rnifchief & evil 11 ill into which Mankinde is fal- len, that requireth more for his help and recoverv, than hath in this forefaid in this Chapter been fpoken : for though God fliouldbe fo gracious , as in Love to Mankinde to finde cue and give fuch a Ranfome, a propitiatory Sacrifice, as in which in reipeft of the firft Tranfgreffion, & all that neceffarily flows from ir, Truth is fulfilled, Juftice fatisfied, Law anfwered, the Dfiril in his firft work overthrown , and Death fo overcome, that all (hall be raifed out of it; the Enmity, that in the tefpefts beforefaid was in the way between God and Man, {lain, V A under the Fall • j J (lain ; and all that was contrary to Mar:, taken cut of the way, and Mankinde releaied from periling under the firll fen- ^tence,into the difpofe of the Ranicmer : and fo Peace being made,the dooropened,through which Love and Mercies flow from God to Mankinde,by which Men might come in through the fame door into favour and fellowship with God again : furely , for God that was fo highly offended by Man , to do all this for Man, muft needs be come fled > unconceiveable and infinitely great, and free-love to Mankinde, defervingand fit- ly moving the return in Repentance, Faith , Love and Obe- dience , in which Men mi^ht receive and enjoy fuch favour and fellowship with him. But yet for all this, there is fuch an evil difpofition and en>- mity againtt the minde of God within Man , in the heart of Man,diffu(ing it felf throughout all the powers of a Man, and ruling the Man , that without Something by all this done fof Man without him , there be ft ill farther lbmething fuper natu- ral done in him: Man of himfelf, though all this be told him , neither can nor will come in to God again at this door he hath opened : for , as may be feen in that laid in Chap, 10. i. The Heart and Natural Diipofuion and Inclination in EccUfa.i?: Man, was fo poyfoned, with drinking in the fuggettions of Sa- Rom.s.s.coiu tan, and fo filled with high conceits of his knowledge of21- J*m.i£* good and evil, that it is filled with an averfnefs and enmity a- ^au i2; 29" gainft God,fet on fire of Hell,or the poyfon of the hellifh tem- \ j^^l", ptation firft received from Satan in the heart ; and it muft be a power Wronger than the power in Man cr Devil , that can matter and overcome this diipofition. 2. Satan , though in Chains of Darknefs,yet according to Lu, g#|i lPH theLimits permitted him foratime, goeth about with all j.g.' %c§r.+±, his malice and fubtilty to keep Men out from the know- iJoh.$.i^ ledge of the great love and gracious minde of God mani- fested in theRanfome and Sacrifice found out and given, that he may fo keep them from Repentance and Faith ; and fo from receiving the Love of the Truth to be faved, and fo from coming into favour and fellowship with God again: c$l.t.i4M,i£. and there needs that power that hath overcome , and will K o- overcome him, to help againft this evil, that we may come in to God. And if God havfe done this for Mankinde alfo , fo as he i/ii.4».» ,8. & hath exalted the Sacrificer , and filled him with immeafurea- tf J ^2,3 John biz fulnefs of Spirit to fend forth to enlighten every one that cfrivJ**' comes int0 lhe World, and let him forth a Light and Salvati- * on; yea, making him a Prince and Saviour, togiveRepen- » cm 5.19,20. tance and Forgivenefs of fins -> fo , as Divine Light and ^ft.i6.w. Power is extended by him in the means, making known /<*fc.*.44a45- an i5»Satan with his manifold Temptation?, taking advantage both ««'i9 from the Fle{handthe Worlcl> t0 &ften his Temptations on them, they may be overtaken many times, and in many things to offend ; and if not helped and healed , fins againft Grace are fo heynous , they will lead to depart from God, and caft into danger of perifhing in a fecond Death. Which,that we may be preferved frcm, it is needful, That there be vercue and value enough in the Blood (hed, and Sa- \ cn« \ under the FaU. 5j> crifice offered , and fulnefs of provision in the Sacrificer and Offerer, that by vertue of his Bioodonce fhed, and Sacrifice L^'*'*'^ once offered/ he in continual mediation for us , may freely l ^ i*'*Il%. forgive and take away our following evils, and To preferve our &\oAojk,i+ peace with God, and fend forth following grace and fupplies &i * *4- tfob. of Spirit to recover and heal us, and to cauie us to abide and *-7,?* &x££i grow in grace , and fo preferve us from every evil work unto x y^V^J : his heavenly Kingdom,without which we are liable to mifcar- ry : but if this be afforded us, with both the former,then have we a perfect Saviour, a perfeft Salvation, and (hall be perfect- ly recovered. And now though Mankinde had highly of- fended God, and ftirred up wrath and difpleafure, and incur- red Death and Curfe to be juftly executed on them, being al- fo Enemies to God : yet here is better news for them , than for the fallen Angels; namely,That God5though angry with, and hating their finfulneis ; yea , fo, as he could have no de- light or well-pleafednefs in them, nor extend loving kindnefs to them, in that condition they were in : yet he did not upon Man's fall , turn Enemy to Mankinde 5 but loved Mankinde lSm% i4,i4c ftill ; fo far, that in his love and wifdom, his bowels of com* paflion yearning on Mankinde , he found out a Ranfome and mean of Recovery for Mankinde, that for all this Tranfgreffi- on they might not be banifhedfrom him , but might have a way of coming in again to him , and this in his Son Jefus Chrift our Lord ; by whom, by vertue of what he hath done , received and doeth , the old Creation is preferved Pfajte-Rohi for a time , and means and mercies extended to Men in that u*- time, that Men might repent and come in to him, and a new 1 c0r.15.4f. Creation compleat in him, that all that come in to him, may aft^i.i7&tfc become new Creatures , and have by him a new Creation *'•*■ compleated for them. And of the diffimilitudes & fimilitudes between this fecond and new creation,and that fir ft creation, a word or two , before I come plainly to fet forth what the Tellimony of Chrift is. K2 CHAP* 6o Of the dif similitudes andfimilitudes CHAP. 13. Of tbt difsimilltudes and fimilitudesbctmtntbe [eccndor nw CrtatM;, and the fir ft and now old Creation. Firft, The Diflimilitudes between the two Creations , are thefe: 1 • In the firft now old Creation, the firft Man, the publick Col 1.1 < \6 i7, ^an> was mac*e ^al* °^ a^ tne Creatures made for him ; fo, as 18. k^.3!i4!notmngwas made by or through him : but in the fecond & *j. ?. K$w* and new Creation, the fecond publick Man is firft made, and **-3.*» then all things in the new Creation, by and through him, as well as for him. 2. In the firft Creation, the firft publick Man was made of the Duft, and God breathed into him the Breath of Life, and Man became a living Soul ; and being made Male and Fe- male, was fitted for multiplication of perfonal beings of his own kinde in a natural way, and was in his perfe&ion at the Luk 2* 58 ^r^' on C^e very day he was made. But in thenewCreati- Mat.i .ijt&c. on> the fecond and iaft publick Man was in a fupernatural Ito.1.3. mat. way made of the feed of Adam , Noah, Abraham^ Jfaac, Ja- cobfDavidficc. of a Womanf. Virgin ; he being Male only, and 3? «. Gal. 4. 4. f0 fitted with Spirit, to bring in fpkitually to himfelf, being a jom .14. Maninunionof Perfonwitb,andibtheSonof God. Yetwas a Luke 2 40 not r^e ^an thrift in his perfeftion at the firft a , he was firft hHeb.i.iQ.& abafed, and made perfect through fuff erings A>and after fen ice 5 8,9. and fufferings perfected c ; and fo, as Man, he was firft made cM:.i3.3*.e^ that which before he was not , nor as he was the Word and *4»*M*>*7. $on ofGod,could ever Naturally, or in a Natural way have been : but he , who was not Naturally Flefh and Man ,. but, God,the Son of God, in a fupernatural way, had a Body given him, and fo was made Flefli of the Seed of David, according ifi b 10 < id: to tr*e F^c^> a very Man d ; he being holy and finlefs in our 1314. Rm*>y Nature, could not naturally have been fubjeel: to the infirmi- ira^M.' ties of Hunger, Thirft , Wearinefs,Sadnefs, Pam% and Mor- tality be Ween the fir ft andfecond Creation . &\ tality ; but this was freely for our fakes made fo : and fo in the likenefs of finful Fle/h , though altogether finlefs e : he had e mb.i.ij. & the holy Law in his heartland was free, even the Son of God, 4!5- Rtf/w.8/3. and could not Naturally have been a Servant,under the Law, l^} 4* tinder which Mankinde was fallen ; but he was made Jc, that being under the fame bond with us , our debt might be charged on, and required of him/.- he being without (in,could f> , R not Naturally have been fin oracurfe; but for us was made 3. \$\%tii.i™' fo£ : and he being made all this, and accepting it all, and fo 8. performing all in our Nature , dying for our fins, the Truth of g ***•*•«• God is fulfilled, according to that GenAA 7. and the juftice of GaL 3* l 3' God is fatisfied, according to that Dettt.iy. 26 h. and Mercy h Gd jo and Truth are met , and Righteoufnefs and Peace have killed D:ut*%im%$! each other i ; yet if Chrift be not rilen again , we can have no i PfiU, 85,1 o. fuch Forgivenefsand Juftification,as to come into favour with Principalities and Powers m ; fo as Truth is fprung out of the m Hek.%.'i+ Earth #. Then heafcended in that very body which died,and Col. 2. ny^, was raifed again , and by the Eternal Spirit offered himfelf *r™\ '1'9* a fpotlefs Sacrifice to God ; and with the Venue of his own " ^ ' 85' iX' Blood, entred the holy of holies,andfo made peace, and ob- tained Eternal Redemption 0. And God alfo for this hath 0 Ag.m x 9il0i exalted him/?; and taken up his wdl-pleafednefs in him, u. inh 8.3,4/ and fee him on his right hand q , and releafed and given over e^,i 2.& all Mankinde to him for his difpofe , and made him Lord cf 9'l]^\KO \ r allr,andHead of the Church s , and filled him with the im* a^M^. meafurablefulnefs of the Holy Ghoft , to preach the Gofpel, u\b.%\\'.&\o. and call (inners , and open the eyes of the blinde, &c. to «. draw Men to himfelf, that believing on him they might be his lRo^J^'9jf&' Church, and he fo confer his own Priviledges on them t\ and J'/4'* * ■ lQi that he may raife all Men from the tirft death , that he died s cqU\ .i 8,19. for them, and bring them before him to be judged by him ac- t j(a.^u^& cording to the Gofpel, Rom. 2. i<5. and 14. o, 12. 2 Cor. 6l'zX^-/f^0 And thus alfo hath God teftified of him, and fet him forth Si, tbe Propitiation for the fins of the whole World u , for Men u 1 Jdn *• »■ to receive Rerhiflion of fins through Faith in his Blood*. and 61 Of the dif similitudes andftmilitudes w Rom mi ^"d fo to bring them in to God w. ^ And thus is he perfeft ^.10.43, '^ in himfelf , thelecondand lali publick Man , theLordfrcm 16. 18. Heaven, the fpiritual Man, the quickning Spirit, in whom the Nature of Man is retfored, and married to the Divine Nature intheperfonoftheSonof God ; in which is rich Provifion of pardon, peace,wifdom,righteouineis,holinefs, redemption, and eternal life ; all to be enjoyed in coming in by his call to x 1 car* 15. 44, believe on him „\:and fuch a one is the Man Chrift,God~Man, 4^46,47. God with us, in our Nature for us 7, glorified withtheFa- jf*x.i».i,4 ther's own (elf* as the publick Man, with the Glory he had oui'iq?'* with the Father fccforc the World wa?, which for a while he i.»8. ?cor.\'.iQ. l^i.'?• keep fin out of the World ; which yet he did not.^ But in ^,7.PM*** the new Creation , the fecond Mm had a great, painful and mighty work to do , to undergo abaiement in fhame and dif- fering, to offer an invaluable Sacrifice , to take away fin, ap- peafe wrath , make an Atonement, overcome Death and the Devil, to purchafe an Inheritance , and receive Spirit in the Man, to fend forth even to the rebellious,that the Lord might dwell among them, &c. which alfo he hath faithfully and ful- ly done. 5. In the firft Creation, the Heaven and the Earth was Gcn.1.1. pfal. made of no pre-exifting matter or being, onely the Word of 33^- & 75-3. the Lord gave the very being thereto : but in thenewCrea-**^-3-*~7,ig* tion , it is of the old Heaven and Earth diffolved , melted, i^ojuX^ and overturned, and then made new, new created to as good ag*i.£ and better eftate than at the fiift. 6\ The old Creation was finifhed in fix dayes , each day Gcn.i.&M,\ confifting of evening and morning, confiding of twenty four Exod. 20.11. hours,and the Reft & Sabbath of theLord on the feventh day. ifc*,i9. But the new Creation is longer before it be finifhed and "^'^^IV brought forth m its full perfection to open view, it's likely as «, ' many thoufands of yeers as the firft was of dayes, it being the whole time of thefupportation and decaying of the old. And fuch Difiimilitudes is (hewn in Scripture to be between the firft and now old Creation, and the fecond and new Cre- ation, Sc* Secondly, Yet notwithstanding there is alfo a true refem- blance in many fimilitudes between them, and that not only in this 5 i . That they both are the work of one and the fame God : but alfo in this ; f i . That as the firft was made by the Word and Spirit of fj**,"5i,;^ *he L°rd breathed forth by the Father through the Word,thac *i3;4,c*/' *5»tnc Son : even *° was *ne iccond and new Creation alfo be- 16-15. gun, and (nail be finifhed. 2. That as in the firft * the Heavenly and Earthy Matter Gcn.i.i,t6. was fcft macje an(j frame^ before any other particular Crea- tures ; and they after by the command and word of the Lord, formed and made in and out of them ; even fo the fecond and new Creation, (in the counfels and purpofe of God, and aftual confent and Agreement of the Word, the Son of God, and now alfo in a& by the Word made Flefh ) the original and firft being, and that which gives being to all , and in and out of which , and through which all particulars are formed and made new, was firft prepared , made and formed in the Man Chrift ; in whom , the Reftauration being made, God and Man united in one Perfon , through whom the Holy Spi- rit proceedeth from the Father ; and fo by the word and command of the Lord , the particulars in their order are formed and made new : and fo Jefus Chrift the Son of God, and the Son of- Man , even he himfelf is called the beginning of the Creation of God a , the firft- born of every Creature £, b cTiY4" the ^-kegotten, & firft-born from the dead c ; before Ahra- c Rcvi^'coh lJam was,he is d : the Root of David e, the Alpha and Omega^ 1. 18. the beginning and the end/; yea, hethatworketh with the d 7^7.8.^.58. Father , and whatfoever the Father doth, he doththefame, crcv.ii.j6. j0jm 5.10.22,26,27. he is the beginning, and by him are all f***lA thing'. 3 . That as in the firft Creation, in refpe& of particulars/to Gai.1.3. /o'whe formed, God firft commanded and formed the Light for 1.4,5. iccrj. his Creatures : even fo in the new Creation , in brining in 6r particulars, the firft thing commanded to come forth,is Light ; and this, (Lining in the Face of Chrift, into the Heart of thofe he makes new Creatures, 4. That between the fir fl and fecond Creation, 6$ 4. That as in the firft Creation , the firft publick Man was Gcnl z?t&4% firtt made a perfect Man, fit for multiplication, and his feed i,z.cH.3-K«** and pofterity after, to come forth of him , one after one, by 5 • *?. i cer.iU degrees , and all in his likenefs , fuch as he was when they *3, come forth of him : even fo in the new Creation, the fecond publick Mm is firft made perfect , and his Seed in a Spiritual way and fupernaturally to be after brought in to him, and that aifo one after another, by degrees hy and all by h Rom. 16.7. degrees framed into the likenefs of Chriti into whom they are ^*-4>>47. brought j, Eph .2.1 b. I i nem.1.17. 5. That as in the firft Creation, the Man and Woman fell 1^.15.48. and loft the benefit of all, by questioning and letting go the lC^^-l7* Word of the Lord, in hearing and pondering the voice of the Gen-^.i 6. Serpent ; and fo in believing the fame, locked on and beheld the forbidden Fruit, and dt(\itd it ; and fo took and eat of ir, even fo in the new Creation , Men and Women are drawn in tbChritt, and participation of the benefit thereof , by letting7 go and turning from the delufions of Satan , in hearing and minding the voice of Chrilt in the Go (pel , and fo believing the lame , that they behold him as difcovered therein, and fo defire him, and accept and feed on him ^. k ^ta.$.z6:& 6. In the firft Creation , the deed and offence of the firit **f*.y>m$b. Man, and condemnation of him for it, did reach to all Min-^^j^'^ kiude , and was the effence and condemnation of all in him, &6.%^ ^e\ as the publick Man, and that fo verily and efficaciously, that in 57- coming forth Naturally from him , they (hould verily partake of the lame, and bear his likenefs; though yet none of the foos of Men, could in their own individual perfens, fo partake of and feel the fame , until, and but as, and when in a Natural way, they come to have their peribnal beings of him, and (o come forth from him : even fo in the new Creation-, the d^ad and righteoufnefs of the fecond Man ; and his justification, as he was the publick Man,did reach unto allMen^and was fo far, & in that fenfe on them all to jufiification of life from the firft iemence, and efcape out of the firft death in & through him as the fecond publick Man: and though all (hall oneday be freed '&*'1-*&?t' from that firtt lenience , and raiied out of that firft death by %XilVmtl him,to acknowledge him^Lord to the glory of Godjyet do or i.io3u.Gai.$. can none of the fons of Men,in their own individual perfons, ^2?. L par- f 66 Of the difsimi fancies &fimilitudes, &c. partake of or enjoy the benefit of that freedom^ightecufneiV, and jultification , but as they arc brought in to believe that done by h'm ; nor of Eternal Life, but as they are in thai be- lieving fpiritually united unto him ; and lb in iuch a being in him, are made new Creatures. In which refpe&s , as there is fach kmilitude between the firft and fecond Creation, and the firft and iecond Man , and interefts of their feeds in them , and what they receive from Rom. 5-M. tfam . f0 ^ faft j4dam was AType cr figure of the fecencf, that was to come : *nd fo we may fay of the natural Tree of Life ; and fo of divers things in the firft Creation, there was fomething typical in them ; the Truth whereof, m a fuper- abounding manner is in Chrift,whence he is called Adam^nd The Tree of Life , The green Olive-Tree , The Tree by the Rivers of Waters.The true Vine, The Fountain of living Wa- Nc&.ie.i. £V.ters,The Doer, The Way, The Rock, The Foundation, &c. a.17. Rom.i6. not, that there were or are no fuch things naturally in being,as 15,26. ijoh.% . appertaining to the old Creation : but,becaufe the Tru:h, Ex* cellency, and Life.,fhadowed out by all thefe things, is found in Chrift, and enjoyed in enjoying him in the new Creation : and we know there is more in the Truth , than any fhadow s could type out , and the Gofpel hath now more cleerly re- vealed the fame. And I hope thefe things confidered, that are writ from the beginning of this firft part of this Treatife till now , and underftood and believed, as far as they are plainly affirmed in the Scripture here and there, in many places writ- ten,and in this writing colie&ed,and on the Margent quoted; the Savings of the Gofpel in the Teftimony of Chrift, will ap* pear plain, bearing forth their own import and fenfe : and the Teftimony of Chrift being known,ali Truth being included in k, and flowing from it, we fhall by that be led into all Truth, and fo far as is for us meet and profitable,cnderftand what we read in the Scriptures , fo far as to difcern Truth from Error in all Do&rines and Sayings brought unto us. I fhall there- fore proceed in the next part, according to the Scripture , af- ftyingto declare the Teftimony of Chrift. : 6; An Explicite Declaration of the Tefti^ monyofChrift, (pc. PART II. CHAP. i. pf Of theTefiimmj ef Christ. HeTeftimony of Chrift is that Tcftimony,and Witnefs, and Doctrine of Chrift, i. Which God the Father hath by his g » ^i%? Holy Spirit immediately firft given of Chrift, l8- aB.^\z\ as the promifed Seed , and he in whom all 14* 1^.1.70. Nations fhall be blefled ; & after mediately * Jif 24,25,26,27,44,45,46,47,48. jfcA.i 5.15,27. & 1 7.6,7,8. Mt.i.%. Job. 14.16. & 3- Which theHoly Ghoft did wicnefs to, and in and by i$.2$. eHrf.7- the Apoftles and firft Witne(fes,wich the cleer opening and 15. Aft. 5.31. revelation of the Myftery formerly hidden , ti.i Guilt had c- f^rimf.'o. Pened lhe holy of holies> offered thc acceptable Sacrifice, ' and fate down on the right Hand of God , and fending forth the Holy Ghoft, and by the Gofpel in hisTeftimony opening the door to immortality and eternal life. 4. Which alfo the Apoftles and firft Witneflfes have by the li-'^Koml. ^ameHoly Spirir teftified , witneffed, preached, written and >5,dM5.i5,i 5. recorded according to the revelation of the Myftery , Ephef. 3. 3,4. Phil. 3.1. whence the whole Scripture is laid to teftifie of Chrift , .John 5. 30. of which more is faid , Part 1. Chap. i,& 2. And this Teflimony, VVitnefs and Record , is called the Record and VVitnefs of God, and of Chrift, and of theS'pi- ftjbkf. 6,7,8, rir f\ and it is alfo called the Teftimony , Record, VVitnefs 9r°'{?b:s'5,3' ancJ Word of the Apoftles and firft VVitnefTes of Chrift, be- 1 °^&\RJV4 cauk l^cy ^are *r ^orc^ anc* ^c *c uPon lQCOrdg.' and becaufe »7i«.i.8. : ^ is of Cnriit , by Chrift, and according to the appointment g 1 rhef, i.ic. of Chrift , by his Apoftles opening the things of Chrift, it is cal[ec} the Do&rine of Chrift k ; and in every reipeft it is ^Kcvil * 10 one £n<^ C^e ^anle 5 ^e Teftimony of Jefus Chrift / .• and in this Teftiraony fo clcerly come forth , i? Jefus Chrift plainly fet forth who he is, what a one he is, whence he is, what he became, what he hath done and is become; what he doth,and for whom; what he will do for fome, and who they be ; and what he will do againft others, and who they be ; how the good to be enjoyed, and the peril to be avoided : and all this is full and plain in the Teftimony, 1 . Who he is ; and that is not ttAdam^ Seth, Enoch , and fo none of the Prophets before JohnBaptift; nor was John ^;r//?the:Chri(t,.noi:anyof the Apoftles or VV:tneffe< that followed Of the Teflirnony of Clm/i. 69 followed £:nor is it the Churdvr any Society of Men,t hough ,.;/;,, $m&j§\ iiich as do indeed bear his Name, though they be of hi? my- i.ip«.i.ii,a'. ftical Body (as refembled by a King, wtiofe Body is the Com- *£$;*•}< monweaLh ; or a General , whole Body is the Army ; or a Major, whole Body is the Corporation : yet are not the Commons the King or chkf Migiiirate, nor is the Army the General, nor the Corporation the Major) and ib,thosgh Mat.i^s.uoy. theHead and Body be one , y et the Body is not the Head; s-6- co!.t.,&. fo the Church is not the Head , the Husband, the Lord, the W;**h?* King of Saints s the Chriit ; but the perfon of Chritt is all that, and none but he : fo, that the Church, though one with cV.i.i^i.i^ Chri(l,is not the Chriftjnor is u any inward Frame,or (piricual 27. iA/.ij.j, Light or Dilpofition in the Heart of the Believer: though this ^Wpg^ being right , as flowing from him, and effe&ed in fuch as are 4%y/ believing on him, is even the Spirit of Chrift, by which he is in them, and dwelleth in them; yet is not this the Chritt, the perfon of Chriil : But Jefus, that very Jefus> and no other bn: he , that was MVA &J &c born of a Virgin efpoufed to one Jrfeph a Carpenter, and born /^.V^jJ&cl? in the time of C afar lAugufttu , when Herod wis King of lu- deay and in Betblemy in an Inn, and Stable in that Inn, and circumcifed the eighth day , and his name called Jefus ; who was carried into Egypt , and returned again to Na^reth in Galilee , and there lived a time , and after was baptized of John'm lor dan , and then went about preaching the Gofpel, and working Miracles , called Difciples and chofe Apoftles, fuff^red,and was crucified under P&ntittA Pilate, died, was bu- ried, and rofe again in the fame Body, and appeared often to hhsDifciplesj whof«w, and heard , and felt him, and re- ceived commandments from him , and then be blefled them, ^7. \%&i^ and afcended up to Heaven in that Body of his, and fate down **■ on the right hand of GodT and fent down the Holy Ghoft to M,t l6 * his Witnefles, and remaineth in the Heavens till the time of*jfafe.&y; the rellitution of all things ; this is that jefus, and this Jefus is the Chrifcand ail that the four EvangeliUs writ,was to cer- l*4-m« J^n- tifie us of this,that we might be:ieve, that Jefus is the Chrift, »®-3?- j/U7;2- the Son of God ; and that h believing , we might have life ^4 fi^Y/fcc.' through his Name. And fothe Apoltles preached, trfat he is &\7ti^.\joK. the Chrift, and proved by the Scripture , that this very Jefus 5>j. Job.i.u,^, . whom 70 Of the Tejlimony of Chrijl. whom they preached>is the Chrill : he that believeth,that this Jeius is the Chrih\is bocn of God ; and he that denieth it,is a iyer5&Antichrift,i/^?j.2.2 2. More of this isfhewn,jwM.c6.i. foUAa.Kom.9. 2. What a one he is, is alfo in the Tefi imony fhcwn,name- yrit.5M.HLb. iy? tnat he is God, the great God, God over ali,bUffedforc-w /o/;.V'i* 5* 7' eVCr 5 that he *S M2n ' a trl'C anC* Very Man*-^ thc Sce(* °f .jf^.53* ^i,.^ Davids &c. that he is the Son of God , the onely proper and Luk-i jv / and Power: and yet, John 14- • as ne ^g mar)> t0 fViflfer ancj 0flper Sacrifice , the Father was greater than he j and having effered the Sacrifice, he is ex- iprt 3 zt #Ht,j,# alted above all Principality and Power, and fet down on s.i.coi.i.9. 'the ri°btHandof God; Angels, Powers and Authorities made fubjeft to him, and the fulnefs of the Godhead dwells ad 1 tub it inhim bodily ; fo, as all compleatnefs is in him , he is the Brkhtnefs of the Glory of God, and the exprefs Image of Heb ? ifa a 2 ^ Peribn , the Tmage of the invifible God , he is one wkh cm. 5.10. f^°d ) God is in him , as is laid , He is God ; he is one with M3nkinde, the Nature of Man is inhim, as is faid, He is Man; a fir, able, loving and wonderful perfect Saviour, Beamy and Glory ,Comely and ExceIlent,White and Ruddy, the Standard-Bearer, andchiefettcf ten thoufand, the Savi- our of fmners, whofeWork and Office is< to favefmners, the Of the Testimony of Chritt. ji theLover of theRighteous, whole Offi.e is to nreferve xrim.v;i%.vJ** the Righteous ; fuch a one he is, even the Chrift , tne'Kiog u.-jjuvma- of Saints, the.King of Kings, iheLordof Hofts and Ruler, H«*.f> *&•%• the Great High Prieft, that orders ihe whole ^p^ip.^'^fv^^l' God, by whom Men may approach to God , theHigli Prielt ^.i^\^i6.& over the Houfe of God, (he great Prophet, that revealeth the 5.2.6-7.15. & Tather, and teacheth the things of God : in a word, he is full 4.1*. of Spirit, full of love and companion, knowing all things, and able to do all things ; fuch a one he is. 3. Whence he is , and that is even from Heaven. It was the infinite Wifdcm ar?d Goodnefs of God that found tSnm, 14. 14. out this Rani'om : it was the infinite Pity and Love of God ^J^'I0^' to Mankinde, that moved him to h- of God, glorified with God's ownfelf: he came forth from f6*7'f- & the Father, and ctme into the world 5 again he left the world, ' -^ '% ■** £ and went to the Father , and now there in his glorified bo- Jtft 14.17.Ktw. by remaineth in the Heavens , and from thence by his Spirit, * 4. lfa.q 5.1a. beholding & difcerning all things,he fends forth of the beams of his light and goodnefs , ( and io the Father through him) in Teftimonies of his goodnefs , in mercies and means to draw Men to Repentance, and looking to him , that they may be iavedbyhim : and lb Right eoufnefs flows down from Hea- ven /.-but efpecialiy,andmcre abundantly in theMiniflration of . ^ theGofpel; in which God fendeth and giveth his Son to open m ^ * ^ the eyes of the blinde, and turn them, &c. m. and is giving to & ze.\ 8. men the bread of life to feed on »«8cjeius Chriit in that Mini- ajok ^3*. ftration is coming down fpiritually from Heaven, the bread of God, the bread of life, giving life, that Men may feed on him and live : and Jefus °7ob**7Xh Chrift is the Lord from Heaven heavenly q\ and fo Jefus Ch rill \jm^%lr% by his Spirit , the wifdom of God in its Teachings and faving q 1 C&M*wi Operations, doth not firft afcend or fpring from within out of the wifdom, heart and frame in Men : the wifdom that fo doth afcend, is earthy, fenfual,devilifh ; but this wifdom is above, and defcendcth from above , and fo is pure, &c r. and en- r jm^ x y.l7J treth into the heart,andfo fpringeth up into futable fruits j fo 1 1 . - ' that yi Of the Temmonj of ClmH. that Chriit. and Falch in Chriit, and the things ofChrift, are from above , from the iirace , favour and free-gift of God, even as his next pcrional coming w ili be of Gcds fending sAfl^.io. him from Heaven s. 4. For what remains to be faid,^/*, what he became,whac he hath done, what he is become , what he doth, and for whom ; arid what he will do fcr fome5and who they be; and wTiat he will do againft other?, and who they be : this being the Stroj*& of this following Dii'courfe in this part of this Treatite 5 ana that in which5if in all faid , that is herefaid, Who he is , what a one he is , and whence he is, be remem- bred, the whole Teilimony of Chrift is cemprehended:I (hail therefore fpeak of thefe things more largely and explicateiy, confidering them in three diftinc} Branches,as I finde them fee forth in the Teftirriony of Chriftin the Scripture : thefirft, concerning his firft coming; and thereir,hisabafement , and exaltation, and facrifice offered : the fecond , concerning his leaving of the world, in refpeit of bodily prefence, and fitting at the rkht Hand of Gcd , and there mediating : the third, concerning his coming again to reign and judge. And thefe three I fhail treat of under thefe three terms, that is to fay, Of his Oblation or Sacrifice; and, Of his Mediation and Interceflion ; and , Of his perfonal coming again in Glory. Thefe three alfo,each in the Teftimony of it including other; his Oblation including his Mediation, as the next end of ir, and his coming again in Glory, as the ultimate end of it ; his i Mediation and Interceffion in the Teftimony of it, including his Oblation, as that by vertue whereof hemediateth and in- tercedeth ; and , his coming again, as that for which his Me- diation hath its tendency ro prepare Men : and his perfonal coming again in Glory, is affirmed to be for the very caufe of his fuffaings and facrifice , and that in which the fulnefs and perfe&ion of his Oblation and M.diation,in the fruits there- of, fhsll cleerly ana fully appear *, whence they all agree in one,and are fpoke of, ibtntime together, and fomtime diftind- ly, and fomtime morefpecial of one, and i'ometime morefpe- cial of another j as will after appear : and fo I {halt fpeak of each diftinftly. The Of the Oblation ofChrift. 75 Thefirft Braochof cheTcftimony of Chrlft. CHAP. 2, Of theObUtlonofChrlfl. BY the Oblation of Chrift,I mean that offering up of him* {elf a Sacrifice to God, to make fatisfaftion and propiti- ation for the fins of Men : and I am perfwaded Mr, Ovnn and the refidue of fuch learned Men , do mean the fame by the Oblation of Chrift. And whatever any other may pretend to mean, yet that is the thing under confederation , while that word Oblation isufed in this bufinefs ; otherwise, this word Oblation may be ufed for other offerings and other facrifices, as well as the word Ranfom is ufed , fomtime for ranfoming by price, fometime for ranfoming by ftrong hand, fomtime for procuring an intereft in the ranfomed , fomtime for freeing the ranfomed out of trouble,$ alfo the wordRedemption fomtime is ufed for redemption of a Friend by purchafe, fom- time for redemption out of the hands of an Enemy by (Irong hand,fomtime of the redeemed purchafed or redeemed from o- ther things by a price given to themfelves; fomtime the word is ufed for redeeming Men of God , fomtime for redeeming out of others unto God : fo that the confounding thefe terms, and ufing them one for another, as all one in every fentence where they are ufed , fignifying one and the fame manner of thing, is that by which the unwary are deceived y and itrife about words occafioned , while the thing itfelf is not ftood to. I therefore have here expreft my meaning, and fo do ac- cept of,and ufe this phrafe here,7fe Oblation of *C/>r//?;meaning thereby, His offering up himfelf a facrifice to God , to make fatif faction ani propitiation for the fins of Men. i » That Jefus Chrift , the Man Chrift, that is Emmanuel God with as, did offer up himfelf, and fo is the Prieft,/W.7. 27,*8. M 2,That 74 &f the Oblation ofChritt. 2. That the whole humane Nature in the Body of the Man Chrift, was that which he offered; and ib3 that himfelf in that Body is the Sacrifice which he offered , Heb. iof $-10. 3. That it was by the Power of the Divine Nature , and foby the Eternal Spirit, by which he was upheld in fuffering, and overcameDeath^nd offered up himfelf a fpotlefs Sacrifice, Hcb, Qi 14. anc* *"° a^° ^e *s l^e Altar,that upheld,fan£Ufied ar>d dignified the gift and offering; and all this,that jefus Chrift is the Prieft, the Sacrifice , and the Altar : the Babylonifh Darknefs is fo removed , that (unlefs in fome Allegorical Dreamers) I know no difference in this , but that there is an union of Spirit a- mong us in this, which I wifh that we may keep in the bond of peace : and the Lord fo encreafe our union more. There- fore parting thefe things over , I (hall obferve about the Ob- lation of Chrift , thefe four things as found in Scripture, namely, 1 . What it was that was offered up in Sacrifice. 2. Who it was that offered up this Sacrifice. 3. To whom this Sacrifice was by him offered. 4. For whom , and in whofe behalf this Sacrifice was of- fered. 5. For what this Sacrifice was offered for Men. 6. To , and for what end he therefore offered this Sacri- fice. And all thefe are clearly pointed out to us by the Apoftle fpeaking of it, T/f.2.14 Who gave himfelf for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity , and pur if e unto himfelf a peculiar peo<* ple^ealous of good works. Therefore I (hall confider the points, as plainly affirmed in this Text , compared with and ex- plicated by other places, fpeaking plainly of the very fame things. CHAP. . What Chrift offered up in Sacrifice] Jf CHAP. 5. 1 i What that t»*s which wa$ offer td uf in Sacrifice. IT is cleer and exprefs in this Tit, 2. 14. he gave himfclf • foitsfaid, /W.7.27, he offered up himfelf a 5 andfoit isa Hey 9 s^ called the Sacrifice of himfelf £ ; and, the offering of the Bo- b Hebt ^ dy of Jefus Chrift once for all c. So this Body, this humane c Heb. 10.10. Nature of Chrft , the Body which was given him to that end, and which he fo willingly took into union of perfon with himfelf d ; that was it he gave and offered up a Sacrifice. He d #^,10.5,7. from Eternity was the natural Son of God, and fo in the form of God,equal with the Father,glorified with his own felf,one and the fame God ; and was not then before time naturally Man , nor according to the work of God in the firft Creation naturally could be fo. It wis the work and beginning of a new Creation ; in which , in refpeffr of the Nature of Man taken into union with himfelf, he became for a time not only inferior to the Father, but alfo to the Angels ; yea , in fome fenfeto the Rulers, and rich among Men e: and he came cprfl/# ll6t forth, not in a natural way , but was made that which natu- ifa.$ 3.2^ , ' rally he was not, and fo he was made flefh, made of a woman of the Seed of "David , made under the Law, made fubjeft to our infirmities,as is forefhewn. And this Body of Jefus was perfectly holy,and finlefs,and had its firft,& hath its continual being in union with the Son of God ; and fo by the Grace of perfonal union is one and the fame Son ; and fo Emmanuel^ God with us, in our Nature, and for us ; the humane Nature in him difiinft, though never divided from the Divine : fo that this humane Nature or Body of Chrift , is not only fin- lefs,juft,holy ; but alfo exceeding precious , and beyond all our valuation for excellency and worthinefs ; yet in this his perfonal body , was he under the Law for us , and brought before the Judgement-Seat for us , and condemned, and put f Rm- 8.3. to death in the flefti for fins committed by us inthefleftifj* «£•*«**•<*« M2 he3'3. j6 Who it was that offered. he himfelf bare our fins in his own Body to (or on) the Tree, g i Vet.iA4.& being put to death in the flefti g ; and by death he overcame 3-'8. deathvand him that had the power of death h , and (o rofc a- H^'**,4; gain juft , and for our juftificatxon, in the fame Body that di- 5 1 ar.j$.3,4. e(j ^and by the Eternal Spirit^afcended in that Body, by ( or with the venue of ) his own blood, into Heaven, and offered that fpodefs Body of his ( which had latisfied for our fins by death , and overcome death , and rifen juft ) a Sacrifice to k Hcb.9.i%,i4. God kl and God hath accepted him , and taken up his well- &io. y- 10,14. pleafednefs and dwelling in him, and glorified him in the hu- mane Nature alfo, with the glory that he had in perfon with him before the world was, and hath born Teftimony of him. And this the Oblation , Gift , Ranfcm, Sacrifice offered by Jefus Chrift the fecond publick Man , a matchlefs and invalu- able Sacrifice , which excluded all other Sacrifice?, and all o- ther Frames , or Dyings , or Rifings in us ^ and all other works of Righteoufnefs from being it , or any part of it 1 this Body of Chrift that was crucified for us, it, and it alone, is the Sacrifice which in his Oblation he offered to God for us. CHAP. 4. 2. who it rvasihit offered up this Sacrifice. •His is here alfo in 7/*.2,i4.plainly exprefs'd to be our Sz* viour J efus Chrift, who gave himfelf for us ; plainly, it was Jefus Chrift, he himfelf, that did freely give himfelf: Peter alfo fpeaking of the fufferings of Chrift , and having ex- prefly named Jefus Chrift that fuffered for us, faith of him, aij.fM.Mji4. who his own [elf bare our fins in his own body a .• and our SaviJ our Chrift faith of himfelf, / lay down my life, that I might take it again ; no man taketh it from me*, but Hay it down of myfelf; I have power to lay it down^ and I have power to take it again : This- 'bJqb,io,\73\$, commandment have I received of my Father b, , And fo it 's often* Who it was that offered. 77 often plainly and exprefly laid, he gave himfelf for our of- fences , Chrift hath loved us , and given himfelf for us ; he gave himfelf a ranfome, &c. he offered up himfelf, &c. c. cGal.i.4, Eph. If it be replied, That God the Father ^he gave bis only begotten *'1' ' Tm'2e' Son , he made his Soul an offering for [in , he [pared not his onn Sony bm delivered him tip for us ail d ; d Job. 3 6. lfa. I anfwer, This is ho contradiction or unlaying of any thing *3 l °- &v»x* forefaid ; but rather, anillutfration an J confirmation of the '*" approvednefs,goodnefs and excellency of that his giving him- felf a Sacrifice ; not only in that no other Man did , and that he himfelf did it by the Divine will and authority of the Fa- ther ; inrefpeft of which will and appointment , the Father did; and in refpeft of a&ing and fulfilling that will, he him- felf did : but more alio in this refpeft, that the Father and he J°7hXo •;??• are one, in refpeft of Divine Eflence ; and in refpe£r of both ^ - -:* 7* Natures in the perfon of the Son , the Father and the Son j^ < ■ ^ ^ are both one in love to Mankinde , and lb both one in will iosIYsiisV$, ' and defign ; fo, as alio they work together : lb, that the Son can do nothing of himfelf, but what he feeth the Father do ; and what things foever the Father doth , thole alio doth the Son likewife ; and alfo in that the Father fitted him with a Body for this buiinefs , and appointed and fent him forth to doit : and even fo he willingly accepted the appointmenr, h^. 10.5,7,8, and took the Body , and came to do, and did it ; and fo, 9^10,12. with free and ready will,and onenefs of will with the Father, he did offer up himfelf in that body of his, once for all ; fo, that the faying, He gave and offered up himfelf,is not contra- dicted by faying the Father gave him ; but receiveth confir- mation and iilufiration of the goodnefs and excellency of this his gift and giving ; yea , it opens tons the right under* j^ g A%m & > /landing of it: he came and did it, not barely of himfelf, but 1/^.5.6. in union of will and approbation of the whole three in one God : the Father fent him, he came, and the Holy Ghoft wit- nelTed of him ; the Father fent him forth made of a woman of ed. 4. 4. the Seed of David, and the Holy Ghoit fan&ified that Seed in the wombe of the Virgin , and framed him a Body thereof, m\c 1. 3?- uniting it in the very framing,to the perfon of the Son of God; and fo it was not the Father, nor the Holy Ghoft , but the John 1. 1* Son, that is, the. Word was made fle(h,of the Seed of David*, ftwMtf- yec ^'8 Who it was that offered. yet the Father by the Spirit made it fo : and the Son accept- ing willingly to receive this humaneNature into union of per- ion with himfelf, and to be thus abafed,he is truly faid to have Vbll 2. 7,8. made himfelf of no reputation , and took upon him the form of a Servant, and humbled himfelf ; fo it was not the Father joh.ioMy 1 8 or the Holy Ghoft that did die , but the Son in the humane i?rt.3.:8, Nature or Body which hetook,helayed down his life for us, being put to death in the flefh ; neither was it the Father or /oKio.i8. tfpb. the Holy Ghoft that rofe from the dead, but the Son ; and ycc 4-s^°- the Son in that BDdyof his,the Father by the Holy Ghoft did raile him ; yet was it he in that very Body that died>that rofe from the dead : even fo it was not the Father nor the Holy Ghoft that offered the Sacrifice , but Jefus Chrift himfelf in Hcb.9.1 4. p/<*. onenefs of will with the Father, and by or through the power 110 l- f^1-1** of the Holy Ghoft , he did offer up himfelf, his own Body Hcb.i.$. & 10. a Sacrjfice without fpot to God 7 even the Father, who hath accepted him, 'and fet him on his right hand ; and fo alfo , as having finifhed and compleated his oblation , and being ac- cepted,he fate down on the right hand of the Majefty on high: fo that there is no exclufion or denial of the works of the Fa- ther or Holy Ghoft, about the provifion, preparation, offering and acceptance of this Oblation , in laying Chrift himfelf of- fered it , but onely the affirmation of the a£t and freenefs of Jefus Chrift himfelf in fo offering ; and that he himfelf hath done it , yea, compleatly done it, and once for all ; fo, as it (hall no more be fo done by himfelf, nor remains for any o- ther to cffer him in any fort to God a Sacrifice for (ins , nor to add anything tocompleat that offering, it being com pleated by himfelf already once for all : and as Man, he him- felf alone,and by himfelf, though for others, did offer this Sa- crifice ; fo , as there was no Creature, either Man or Angel, that did , or in refpeft of real a&ing , can, in any fenfe of offering , be faid to have offered the fame with him , or to be any par: of the offering offered by him : but he was both that offering and offerer , and no other Man in or with him, no, not in that fenfe of which it is faid , Levi alfo , who re- hJj.7 9>\o. ccived Tythes, paidTythesin Abraham ; for he was yet in the ioyns of his Father, when LMelchiz,edec met him : fo, as L?vi) though not in per ion , yet in fpecie ; though not with Who it Was that offered. yc> with his cwn hands , yet by, and in, and with his Father, in whofe loyns he was, and from whom he naturally proceeded, he did fo , and in chat manner alio , pay Ty thes in Abraham ; but fo can none be faid to have offered this offering and Sa- crifice, by, in, and with ChriS ; for Jefiis Chrill had none in his Loyns to come forth oi him , as Abraham had , or as A- dam had : fuch a conceit would be very carnal , grefs and er- ronioiK. Chrirt took the Nature of the fir It Adam , and i'o of aij Mankinde that were in the firft Adam *s Loyns , that in that Nature, having fuffered and overcome Death, and be- ing filled with the Holy Ghotf , he might be, and fo is, a fpi— ritual man, to quicken and draw in of the Sons of the natural Man to himfelf, and fo make them his (piritual Seed that were not before fo, by uniting and conforming them to himfelf, by vertue of his Sacrifice offered, without which they could never have been his feed : fo, that there was none in Chrift to die, and rife, and offer Sacrifice in him , in fuch a fenfe as Levi paidTythes in '.- > *> ?• Dcr ? even Many , though there be yet mole to come forth from him. Yet Who it Vpm that offered. 8 £ Yet now though there be a fimiiitude here in refpe6i of the number of perfons, and the verity of imputation and ^'f.18. efficacy, between the diibbedience of the firft publick Man, and the obedience and righteoufnefs of the fecond publick Wrf.**, Man, yet there is ibme diffimilitude , the firft being but a figure of the fecond, and Chrilt the Trath exceeding all that figures could (hew forth : and fo, for jeius Chrilt, the fecond publick Man, as he was a new gift of God , and given to be the Saviour of the world ; fo he alfo as freely came forth, and was made Man under the Law, and as freely died and offered up himfelf a Sacrifice to God for Mankinde, (the whole kinde without difference , and fo for all Men) to make an Atone- ment for their fins they are fallen into ; and this he alone, he himfelf did freely, not being engaged to them by vertue of any of them being in him, or he any way fo obliged to them, as it fhould deferve or engage him to take their Nature, and offer Sacrifice for them ; or, that by vertue of being any ways in him , they fhould be fo intererted in his Death , Sacrifice, and Righteoufnefs , that it fhould in any fort be theirs ; yea , or counted theirs, and they interested in it, before, by vertue of the compleating of it, in and by himfelf alone, he be interefted in them, and fo by Grace bring them in to have intereft in him. And I hope it will be granted by all that believe in Chirft, and I am fure it is in Scripture affirmed, That by vertue of his Oblation once offered, God hath releafed and given over all Men to him to be difpofed by him , and hath releafed over to him the fentence of the ftrft judgement and'Death, by and ac- ?oh* *• %1> ac- cording to the Law,as Mankinde at firft fell under ic ; fo, as ?° j^'m? God will never fo judge them by that Law, nor caufe them to 5. i/^'.j.ii/ perifh f or ever in that Death ; but hath given them over unto the difpofe of jefus Chri(t,and given him to be their Lord and Judge, and hath given him power over all flefh, and given for Mankinde eternal Life in Chrift, in whom, in the Nature of Man it is put ; and he hath exalted him, and filled him with Spirit to make it known and difpence it in his way • and though it was free and undeferved Grace to give him for Man- kinde, and freenefs of Grace to unite the Body given him, in union of perfqn with the Son of God •> yet all this given him N by 8l Who it was that offered. by vertue of his death, lufferings and facrifice, may, in refpe& of himfelf, be laid to be merited and deferred, and fo called the wages of that one Righteoulnefs of his,inhis Oblation kr.*3.'ix,i». offered by himfelf: whence it is laid , Even , therefore 1 will PhU,i. i o5x 1 1 divide him a portion , &C. and therefore God hath highly exalted him^Scc. yea, as rightly thus called in refpeft of himlelf only, as Death is called the wages of fininrefpeft of the firft ^rfwand his posterity : but now in refpec~t of Mankinde, forwhombecff-redtheOblation,or any of them, it cannot be faid fo , that their receiving mercies through this Ob- lation, or any of the benefit of ic,that either it, or the benefit of it,intereft in it,or life through it, is merited or defer ved by them , or the wages of any righteous affe&ions or works of their?, or any wayes due to them, and defending upon them by venue of any fore-being in Chrift preceding his Obla- tion ; but only it comes to Men by the freenefs of the Grace of God, that freely gave Chritt- for them ; and the freenefs of the fame Grace in Chritt, that freely gave himfelf for them ; and God's gracious acceptance of the gift and facrifice of Chrift for them , and fo imputing it to them , gracioufly ac- cepting it for them ; and them, for and through it, as if they had died , and rifen , and offered the facrifice ; and as any in his difcovery of this great Grace are found believing in Chrift, freely giving to them eternal Life through Chrift and R$m. £.*3. & ^or n*s k^e : an^ (° & *s k*l f The gfi °f 9°^ is eter"al Lifey 5.1 $. ' Gie faith not, unto Chrift, but) through Jefu4 Chrift our Lord: and ib %otnt 5.1 5 . Much more the grace of God , (which com- prehends his love in the gift of Chrift,and the whole prepa- ration made in him for Men, before any gift through it, is ex- tended) and the gift by grace , (and explicating it, have) by one » Man, Jefm Chrift, hath abounded to many , ( that is, in reipec~t of releaiefromperifliingin the firft Judgement, and mercies jV,\i.4>S59. extended) unto all men, w/.i8. and in refpeft of the abun- /j^;.5.*7« dance of Grace and eternal Life to all thofe that in believing receive the fame, verf.ij. fo that all the whole offering of the Oblation by Chrift , and the benefit procured for Men thereby,is by the freeGrace of Chrift,and freely done by him, and not by debt or fore-engagement unto any : there was none in him, for him by vercue thereof to be engaged to , or in To whom the Sacrifice was offered. 83 in fuch afenfe joyned with bim to die,fuff-r and «flfer with him ; but he,he only,he himfelf,offered this Oblation and Sa- Heb.7.*7- &9. crificc here treated of. Oh infinite,and unfpeakable free and *4, &l0**** gracious goodriefs ! who would entertain any Do&rine that (liould gain-fay or darken this ? CHAP. 5. 3. To whom It was that he offered this obkikn or $ fa erijice. TO whom Jefus Chrift gave himfelf, is, though not expref- fed plainly, yet cleerly and ftrongly intimated in Tit. 2, 1 4. in that it is not in this place faid, to us* but/or m ; and * to whom fhould it be offered for us,but to him again!* whom we had finned , even God that gave him forth to that end ? whence it's alfo called , the grace ofCjodficc. verfi 1 . a like ftrong intimation we have, iT/w.2.4, 5,6. That gave, himfelf a Ranfom for all Men,to God,that would have all faved,& there- fore found out the Ranfom, by vertue whereof, with God to whom he offered it , he mediateth for men. But this is feen cleerly in both the former Points,& alfo exprefly affirmed,E/?£. 5.2. Chrift alfo hath loved as^ an^ given himfelf for us, an offering and afacrifice toGodforafweet-fmeiling favour. C^r'fi > w^& through the eternal Spirit , offered himfelf without fbot to(fod^ Heb.p.14. Andfoit is laid of Jefus, That he knowing all 7«M.i£; & things knew,that he was come from God,and went to God ; l6' 28, and that he came forth from the Father into the world , and left the world , and departed out of the world unto the Fa- ther ; yea, all the former typical Priefts did offer their Sacri- fices to God ; though they were on Earth , and offered on #**• ?• zf,n. m Earth , yet it was to God in the Heavens,: and to whom %SJ^ &9 9' ftiouid our great High-Prieft offer up his Sacrifice, when he entred into Heaven, but to God in the Heavens ? But I iup- pofe, this i? not only cleer and evident, but alfo adnowleged H*k.\tif.&y by all that belteve in Jefu5 Cbrilt , both that he offered his »>; N a Ob- 84 7e whom the Sacrifice was offered. Oblarion and Sacrifice to God , and alio that he was faithful in all his bufmefs : but that I note this for, is, that it may be rninded,That jefus Chrift in the bufmefs of his Oblation and Sacrifice offering, he had to deal with God , and with none but with God ; and though for fallen Mankinde , yet not with them, but with God for them. True it is, in his after- Mediation , ( of which is after to be fpoken ) as he hath to deal for Men , fo alfo both with God and with Men : but in his Oblation and Sacrifice-offering , though it was for Men, yet he did not in that deal with Men, but with God for them : true, in the fitting and preparing his Body , which he took to offer, he did deal with the Nature ( though not with the Perfons) of Mankinde , in that he took flefh of the Seed of a Woman, that was of the Seed of David, of *Abraham^ of sAdam, and had thereof his Body framed, which he took in- to union of pcrfon whh himfelf ; fo , that the Man Chrift is God- Man , the Son of God. And this alfo is true, That walking on the Earth in that Body, in his Miniftration of the Gofpel, and mercies, and miracles extended, he dealt with Men to do them good ; yea, as there were feveral ends in his death, one to make propitiation for fins , one to confirm the Teftament of precious promifes , and one to bear witnefs of the Truth he had taught, and therein (hew his love and faith- £ulnefs,as a Miniiler and true and faithful Shepherd , his lcve and faithfulnefs to his Hearers , which were his fhcep : and as in refpe& of the firtt End , not the Scribes and Pharilees, but God laid on him the iniquity of us all , anddelivered him ro death for our fins ; and in refpec~t of the fecond End, he willingly gave up the Ghoft and died* as for our fins, fo to confirm the New Teftament in his Blood : io , in refpeS of the third End, the Priefi s, Scribes asd Pharilees envying and hating him for his Gofpel preaching, did crucifie him and put *Vn 6fG$d's mm c0 deatn5 which alfo he willingly under- went, to witnefs fcc-vacc c i. tne Truth as he had taught, as hath been more largely (hewn Difc tbout the in other Treatifes * : and fo in his dying , as it was for wit- •pYLCioM blood nets-bearing to the Truth he had, it wa» a part < f his 4>fcbri(l,ch.3, Miuitiration , in which he had to deal whh Men : hut his rfwftrim aba ement under the Law, and fohis fuffering* and death, as tetits$.$i. it was for propitiation-making , i and fo in offering his who Ob . To whom the Sacrifice was offered. 85 Oblation and Sacrifice, he did not deal with Men , or offer to Men, but for Men he offered the Oblation and Sacrifice to God onlyj which I infitt on to this end, That we may look for and judge of the efficacie and prevailing vertue and power of this Oblation, Sacrifice, and Ranibm given by Chrilt ; firfl, in the offering it to God , and therein in the prevalency it hath with God, in Gods acceptance of it, and giving into his hands all that for the receit whereof he offered it , that the Nature of Man be in him exalted, and received into union with God^ and filled with the Holy Ghoft , and inverted with the inheri- tance, and Lordflhip and power to fave and judge ; and that all Mankinde be rejeafed into his dilpoie, &c. in which the pre- valency of his offering to God is to be feen , and ib the ef- fedtualnefs of it , judged according to the prevalency it hath with God, to whom the Sacrifice was offered , and not firft to be judged or looked on, as effe£rual only, as it hath its ef- ficacy in Men, and prevaileth with them 5 no, not to be (ccn that way at all, before iome making of it known, in feme ap- plication of the venues of it,to Men; after which application, it will in due time be feen alfo in its' efficacioufnefs in &: upon them alio, both in the receivers in drawing them in to Chrihy and in comforting, purifying and quickning them , and giving them boldnefs of accefs to God, and hope of Glory , and all upon the account of him that firft engaged his Heart to ap- proach to God in their Nature for them. And indeed there was not any ether but he , either fit or able to have dealt with God for Men : none of the fallen Race of Mankinde, rich or poor, one cr other, could by any means redeem his Brother, or give to God a Ranfom for him • for the Redemption of their Souls is precious, err. vea, all JsJ^'J*^ the Sacrifices offered by former and typical High-Priefts and Priefts, could not do this with God ; this could none do, but he, that is both God and Man in one Peribn,and through his approach to God , all that believe, receive the liberty of ap- proach to God, and partake oi Life, ^llt ^ere *s ne^tner expreflion nor intimation to lead 9. 16. 1 ci. '4. 9. us to inch an underftanding of Us here. *Coy.$.j-iPct. The word lis is found in luch-like bufinels as this , to be 4.i7.»7«& *.»*• ufe(j applicatively in Profefiion or ConfeiTion, grounded en a f 9>l0t large and lure Foundation, and including in its faying two man- iCO For whom it was offered. $7 ' manner of People, or forts of Men : the one fort fuch,whom it concerneth, and yet they underftand it not, and lb neither believe it nor confefs it : the other fort iuch as do underftand, believe and confefs the Truth and Goodnefs of that aflerted, that others alio might believe ; and this (in Redemption) ap- plied to fallen Mankinde, hath alio uvit an oppoficion in re- fpeil of finfulnefs to righteoufnefs : and To he did not offer the Oblation for himfelf or for the Holy Angels,but for us fin- ners and ur juft ; and fomtime in refpe£l of the nature , fpe- cies or kinde , in which fallen Men are oppofed to fallen An- gels, whole nature and caufe he took not on him, but the na- ture and caufe of Man ; and fo gave himielf for us Men , and not for the Angels : fomtime the word is ufed wiih a fpeciai reference to Mankinde above other Creatures ; fo, as the life in him, is the light of Men. And in confeffion of Truth, the word Us, We and Otsr, is frequently ufed in Scripture as com- prehending all Men , yet teftifying the Faith of theConfei- fors, fo Pfal. 1 00.3. It is he that hath made us , and. not we our pr . [elves. This true of all Men of all the Lands and Nations in , {%'pfauf*.&] all the ends of the Earth; and that a good Ground to move 9. Rom. 15.10*11 them all to come in to believe in him , rejoyce in him , fear and ferve him , that fo they might become the fheep of his paflure;yet the fpeciai benefit, and theTeftimony of Faith, is enjoyed & breathed forth by the believing ConfefTcr :the like Mal.z.i o. Hath not one God created m ? This true of all Men, and the Confeflion grounded on that very Truth , That he is theCreator of all the ends of the Earth, and hath made all /A-48.i8,4tf. Nations of Men of one Blood ; yet the force of the reproof 17-2(*' and exhortation is found only in the believing; Confeffors of the fame : fo 2 Pet, 3.0. The Lord is long- fuffer 'txg to w~vjardy not tviUing that any (hould perifh, &C. where it is evident, verf 3. with Rev. 2.2 1. that Us includes as yet the very feoffors, and iuch as yet were not come to the knowledge of the Truth, exprefs verf. 9. and grounded on that Truth b : and hv[al%\ &%.%,&, that the word#* is ufed in the fame fenfe , andfignifieth all Me«, in Tit. 2.14. He qave himfelf for us, us men ; and Be- liever confefs it , is evident and manifested divers wayes by the Scriptures; namely , 1 • In the place it felf, in the beginning of the Profeffion or Con* o& tor mom it was offered. Tit.iMtiiMSQrfc&^verfii. The Grace of God faving to all Men, or 14. ' bringing falvation to all Men, hath appeared, &c. and giving the Ground both of its appearing and teachings ; He ren- ders it thus;##0 gave him fc if for us: and having made no diffe- rence, whatcan&r belefs than all Men, .though the believing Confeffors are they that receive and enjoy the benefit of its teachings ? And this wiJl yet farther appear, 2. By comparing with it other places of Scripture fpeaking 'Aft 17 16 27 c*" ^e things to the fame end, Aft. 7.24*31. where having ' ' affirmed , that God made all Nations of Men of one Blood, &c. and alfo (hewn his gracious end towards them all in their feveral Generations and Habitations, that they (hould feek the Lord, &c. in removing the Objection of im- poflibility, and s flfording encouragement, he faith, Though he be not fay from everyone of tu : where it's evident , That Us is us Men ; yea , in fuch a i'enfe as is true from the beginning ; us Men9cxery one in their Generations ; Us, every one now living in our Generations ; #.f,every of us following in all the Generations of Men on Earth : where alio we may note, That this Apoftle, like the refidueof the Apoftles, (as did the Prophets of oid)when fpeaking of the love and goodnefs Gtn*T>ty.& of God to Mankinde , either in the firft Creation , wherein 1.27. ecc ej.7- ^|an wa$ macje jn innocency , and faid to be flefh and bone ; he fpeaks of it , as that which pertained to all Mankinde in 2 c$r. 1550. the firft Man , before the fall ; and what he fpeaks of the love and goodnefs of God extended through a Redeemer & Medi- Hcb. 2.14. acor to Mankinde fallen (that by the fall became flefh and blood , weak and mortal ( which weaknefs and mortality the iecond publick Man for a time partook of, that through Death he might deftroy him that had the power of Death) and fo what goodnefs God extends to this fallen Mankinde, in miking them of,and from the firft fallen man (whole Nature and weaknefs the iecond man took) making them of the lame Pfal 7*-3- col. Blood, of the fame Nature and kinde, and preferring and ex- i.i7.P/«.33.^ tending mercies to them , ( as it is through the iecond man, that is, the Redeemer ; fo) it is all to one and the lame graci- ous end, in the firft place, that they might feek, and hnde him, and fear him : fo the Apoftle fpeaks of this as appertaining to all men: and fo in relation to men, both jUnbelievers and Be- For whom it was offered. Sp Believers, he faith, Every one of us: and then proceedeth in ^^ti7.17jlgi giving fome evident and undeniable demonftrations thereof, laying , For in him (or by, or through him) we live, and move> Joh.\.i3h*< or have our &*;*£, as veri.zj. yea, takes advantage from the power and vi&ory of this Truth , caufing one of their own Poets in his way to confefs it , faying , For we alfo are his off-fpring ; and however this Light hath formerly (hined in 7^#1>4^5j?# Darknefs,and the Darknefs comprehended it not, yet God Aft.i 4,17 . * being patient , and forbearing till he brought forth the Light more cleerly ; yet bringing forth the Light morecleerly, he ^#.17.30,31. doth now admonifh Men,all men,all Men every where,to re- pentrfo that that totmzxJEvery one of w,and We,hz (hews it to mean, allMen* and all Men every where ; and then gives this as the ground of the verity and equity of that admonition, and a motive to receive it , Becaufe he hath appointed a day^ in the which he will judge the world in righteotifnefi ^ by that man whom he hath appointed , (or ordained, namely, by vertue of Rm tl,9lQ)l} his Death and Sacrifice for them, to that rule, difpofeand Ja, ' judgement of them) whereof he hath given affurance to allmen^ (or offered Faittyn giving a fure object for Faith, and medi- um to bring to Faith*, a witnefs of the Truth to move to, and facilitate Faith to all Men ) in that he hath raifed him from the dead. So that all the way here about thefe things , the words Usj and We9 and all men are cf like extent , and in the largett: fenie thar can be appliable to Men in their feveral Ge- nerations from the beginning of the World to the end there- of : and if I (hruld add to this,thofe places in which he faith, That Christ died for ally tufted death for every Man , and gave himfelf aranfomfor all , and is the propitiation for the fins cf the whole world ; and compare them with other places , where fpeakingof the fame things , he faith \ He died for m ; gave himfelf for us ; died for our fins :, it would eafily appear, That where there is no diftinguifhing word in the fentence , to limit, ThitJll,Every, the World ; and, UsyOuryWe, are of like extent, and indifferently ufed the one for the other: but occafion to ufe thefe places follows ; only T fhall note here lbme gracious efficacy , appearing in this manner of ufing the words Us , Our and We , by the Apoftles and un- feigned Believers. s. It po For vjhom it was offered. Lu\.\%.u.ifa. *• It thews andkeeps them humble and low in their own *i.U Ti/.j.j.Cycsj fo, as they are far from the pride of thofe that fay, I K$m. 7.14^4- am not as other Men , (land aloof from me, I am holier iTimulyili^ than thou : but knowing they were as ill as any, and have ': } 'the corrupt dilpofition frill in them troubling them , they judge of themielves (till as Men, Men fubjeft to like paiTions with others; yea, as the chief of (inner >, in refpeft of them- ielves. And fo in relation to Men, fpeaking of God's love to Mankind:, can readily, without making divifion, fay, Us> We^ 0#r, including themfelves with all Men. 2. They have found , and do finde fuch fatisfying peace, %m. $.6,2. refreshing, and well-pleafednefs in Chrilt , as the Saviour of ljoJr^!$M>l^c World, and propitiation for the fins of the whole World, vas he died for the ungodly, and gave himfelf a ranfom for all; that they prize not , nor take up their reft or glorying in any of their own excellencies , in which they appear better than others ; but have their whole rejoycing and well-pleafednefs in Chrilt ; yea, even glad that the fame is in him for others to receive , which themielves have received : and fo fpeaking of him as the Saviour of the World (and fo of his Death, Resur- rection, Ranfom, &c.) to others, they can fay without iepara- rion making , in that refpe6t,from fuch as do net yet believe, for *#, for cur^&c. 4fc4.15.Jt0*. 3. Yea, this Grace received, engageth them as debtersro iwjL4ji$jitf. others , yea, to all Men, they having and being Stewards of 2. co, .$.14,1$, that Wcrd and Grtce, which appertains to them that yet be- 1 8^P,te' Heve not,to be declared to them that they might believe ; and this Grace enBameth them with love and defires , that they might know and believe, and fo receive tbe fame : and there- fore are ready to declare ; and in declaration of the Gofpel to them, to couple together with themielves, in fetting forth what drift hath done fc r all Men 5 and fo to fay , #/, 0#r, We : fo gracioufly , and in fuch heavenly manner have the A- poftles in confeflion of the Truth of thar which is true for all Men, ufed the word #/, Our, We : fo 7W/in his firll preach- 2 C07.I2.2. ing to the C or ivthi ah s, who at that time when he firhVpreached to them , were carried about unto dumb idols, according as *frj6 9,lO;ii« chcy were led ; facrificed to, and had fellowship with Devils ; and fo were Idolaters > many of them Fornicators , Adul- terers, r. eerers , Effeminate , Abufers of themlelves with Mankfode, Thieves, Covetous, Drunkards, Reviiers, Extortioners ; yet ic«r.j. & 10, to thefe , in preaching Chrift the propitiation for the fins of *i. the World, he coupled himfeif together with them , in (hew- ing for whom Chriit hath done this, faying , I delivered unto i£Vmj .$, y oh fir ft of all) that which I alfo received^ how that Chrft dtedfor our finsy according to the Scripture ; he wo* made fin for m : ac- a *,ir* cording to that, he was delivered for our offence s> and raifedfor Rom.+ 2 <$ . burjiiftfication : ftill declaring the choife benefit received and enjoyed by thofe that in believing dii receive him: but af- xcot.t.mco?* ferting the Truth thereof in Chrift for others, that they 5.*3. might believe : in which fenfe, Us comprehends all Men ; and fo appears to mean all men, Ttt.r.i 1 ,1 4. and yet farther ap- pears , 3. By minding and confideringfome particulars, requisite to, and included in the Oblation and Sacrifice of Chrift, that it might be fit for us , and all minded to us , in faying, He gave himfeif for us y Tit.2.14. as his being made fleCh, andfo Heyt %% t^ttf having a Body ,withouc which he could not have been a fit Sa- 1^.3.38. Aft* crifice for us : and in thi: he took the Nature of Mankbde,of 17.*** Abraham, of **Ad my of all Mt-n : in this no difference. If ar • w >uid put a difference in his coming of the Jews , and Rom- !7«5. & to them ; ;r L an "w ted , That was to con^rm the promifes *5'8V made to th?Gentile?, And look to the beginning, and w. flial! finde , hie came not only of Jacobs Ifaac, Abraham^ j\ut.i.j. the Fathers of all and every of the jews 5 but of N»*h9 La- mecfrs McthnfaUh) Enoch* J«red> iMtUM, rainan% Enos^ Seth, ffi S ' *4> 3 7* the f arhers of all and every both Jew and Gentile , and of Adam the Father of all Men : and fo hath the Nature of Man, which is common to every Man alike , created in the firft Adam alike : alio being in the Nature of Mankinde , he was made under the Law> under which Mankinde was fallen, (that fo the fins that Law fo charged with , might be charged G^-4-4- Rem* on him) to redeem them that were under the Law , and that *&T\.lz*Gah is exprefly all the World , arid every mouth, all men : and 3.21. % Cor.1 » being under the Law , he diedfor our fins , and that is ex- i^i^icKwr. preflyfaidtobeforallmen ; yea, even all thofe that maft'1**"11* appear before his Judgement-feat : yea, he was fet in his O 2 pub- pi tor whom it was offered. publick place , and glorified in Man's Nature to be a publick Man, to do that wonderful bufinefs ; yet, to vffcitit, made a little lower than the Angels (in being Man mortal; all to this end, That by the Grace of God he might talk death Hcb, 2. 6,7 m> for every : which can be no lefs nor ether, than every of that Nature ; in taking which , he was for a while made lower than the Angels, and that is every Man : and being rifen for our juftification, he offered up himfelf a Sacrifice to God, and fo gave himfelf a compleat Ranfom to God. And this is exprefs to be for all Men, where it is affirmed, God our Savi- our will have all Men to be faved, &c. (and this given as the i rim. 2.4,5/, ground and proof of his will ) For there is one God , and one 70 ^Mediator between God and Men (indefinitely and univerfal- ly Men ; yea , here is God and Men, and no Man excepted but one, who is Emmanuel , and the Mediator between God and Men, even) the Man Jeftts Chrift) who gave himself a ran- /J^w/ir*//, (this is that by vertue whereof he mediateth , and Heb. $*!$, io was fir ft given for thofe for whom he mediateth , his me- diation being by the vertue of his fuffering and Sacrifice , or Ranfom offered ; and fo mediating between God and Men,e- videnceth him to have given himfelf a Ranfom for Men : buc how many ?) even all Men. And of this the Apoftle was or- dained a Preacher , and profeflcth in this alfo to fpeak the Truth in Chrift , and not to lye ; and in teaching this , to teach in Truth and Verity. And what can be faidmore,or more plainly, or with greater earneftnefs and aflHeration, to fhew , That Chrift: died and gave himfelf a Ranfom for all Men? And yet , to remove all (tumbles and doubts, and make ic moftcleer, That he gave himfelf for all Men, we have one word more. 4. To confider the Qualification and Character given 115 of thofe Men for whom Chrift died, and gave himfelf a Ran- fom to God : and thh is exprefs , That they were, and were fo viewed, even un^oo'ly,unjuft,finners,and enemies to God: and this is intimated here , in Tit. 2.14. He gave himfelf form: it is not faid,for our defires, o. requefts, or deferts ; no, we were fallen Tinners, without flrength, enemies,in cap- tivity For whom it was offered. 93 tivity to fin , death , Satan ; which is intimated in the next words, That he might redeem us^ &c. but in other places it is fully and plainly exprert, yea, affirmed, This is a faithful trim. i.ij. faying , That Jefus Chrifi came into the world to fave fir. Hers; and,' tn due time C^rift died for the ungodly ; again , Chrifi alfo fcom.%.6.\?ctt hath fuffered for fins, the jufi for the wjufi: yea, the Believers 3. '8. have not been afhamed to own themfelves in this number alio : of whom, faith Paul^ I am the chief: And while we were yet ^om, 5. g. fmners, Chrifi died for us. And^aH have finncd>and come (hort of the gloyy of God,bemgjufiified freely by his gyace, through the re- demption that is in Chrifi 'jefus, whom God hath (fere- ordained, or) fetforth^to be a propitiation, (ex en for the fins of the whole */*&**•*» World) through faith in his blood , (and that in his fecting him forth) to declare his righteoufnefi for the remiffion ( or paffing o- ver) of (ins that are pafi, through the forbearance of God : yea , to declare at this time (now Chnft is fo manifelied) his righteeuf- ne$, that he mtght be juft , (yea, fo known to be in all his mer- p/"*« ^#- fier of him that belteveth in Jefus. And all this given as the r3«39 Jto.4.$. Ground,Detnonftration and Proof of the Truth of that fore- atfirmed,namcly, That the righteoufnefi of Cfod, without the law is manfefted , being witneffed by the haw and the Prophets , even the righteoufnefi of God, which is (now manifefted,and)/>/ jW; 5^/i**^ of Jefus Chrifi (the cieer Do&rine of theGofpel ; in which, ' he, as the Object of Faith , is fet forth to be received in be- lieving) unto all, ( that is, as true for them, and tendered to them) and upon all that believe : for there is no difference. Till Men believe and receive it, or obftinately reje& it , it is alike for all , and to be preached and tendered unto ail ; and to this end, that they might receive it in believing : here no dif- fence : and in believing it is upon Bslievers , they all and every one receive it and have it , and even fo in believing they have it : there is no difference ir» this neither , for all have finned, &c'. which brines fully to that undemanding of thewotd#.f,7i>,2.i4. to fignifie, us men, us finners , andfo all Men : and fo thofe for whom Chrift gave himfelf an Ob- lation, and Sacrifice, and Ranfom to God. are mankinde, all mtn)ande,jidam and all his Race, even all men : and when the ytf -l vr wvai Ksnrisi ojferea it. the Oblation of Chrift, as offered to God for men , is only fpoke of, whether it be in terms of Death or Ranfom, thcv for whom he died and gave himfclf , are fet forth in thofe ^1 t nerd terms, CWen, tllCMen, Sinner s,Unju(t,Unrodly£c. iuch phrafes , in fo fpeaking of his Death and Ranfom f ti to fay, He died for his Eleft, or for Believers, or for his Church \ or iuch as were appointed to believe on him , are not in the Scripture, nor Scripture-like ; but the devices of men, think- ing to be wife . and fo in an unbelievingnefs, conceive har-fh- neft, abfurditics, errors, and danger in the terms of the Ho- ly Ghoft • and prefuming to be wifer than their Maker,and to direct the Holy Spirit what terms to breath in , finde him out thofe forefaid terms, as more true and fafe terms to deliver his mmde in : but it's plain , and enough faid in a former miverfal'ay o/Treatife, yet unfhaken by all the attempts againft it ; which God's (reegrace alfoare anfwered by a learned and godly Brother, befidethe u xankmde. Anfwer fore-given ; in all which it appears, That Chrift is fee forth in the Scripture to have died for all, and given himfelf a Ranfom for all men. CHAP. 7. 5 . Fof what Chrifl offered this Sacrifice for us Men. •His is in general intimated, 7/M.i i,i 2,14. but exprefs in other places,That it was for our fins : not to purchafe Gal.i.i$.p[al. any Liberty for (inning, nor for love of our fins, for he loveth 45-7. righteoufnefs, and hateth fin and wickednef> ; but, becanfe he loved us, and fawus neceflitatedto fuffer for our fins , and fo in a perilling condition, and remedilefs diltrefs by reafon of our fins,therefore he came, and gave himfelf in our ltead,to fuffer for our fins, the curfc that was due to us, and (o to make an Atonement and efcape for us : which is here cleerly inti- mated, in faying, He gave himfelf for us (or, in our ftead, to work redemption for us, and purchafe for us) and that alfo to this For what Chrijl offered it. 95 this gracious end, That he might redeem us from all iniquity; which is a farther bufinefs,to be fpoken in the next Point and Chapter : but of the former , that done and obtained by him for that end : and lb far, for what he gave himfelf ; which is not only intimated here, but in other places fully and plain- GaL\^\c»f\\f. lyexprefs'd, as, that He gave himfelf for our (ins, He died 3- iPtf.j.i-8. for our (ins, &c. Hath fufferedfor our fins, He was manifetied '/•M*- HiJ. to take away our (ins , And after he had made one Sacrifice [°,l& ^ 3* for fins for ever , he fate down on the right Hand of God : Gal.$ m. hcK forfo it is , We have all finned, and come fhort of the Glory 9.f*>a?. vfal- of God ; and in this no difference : And the wages of fin 40.6,7,8 &w. is death , and fo we all fall Abort of thofe righteous affections 7>8«^**>7- and fervices , which the Law of Ten Words require, and fo defer ve to fuffer the Curfe: and fo without (he d ding of blood, and fuffering Death and Curfe , there could be no remiflion of any of our fins 5 and that mult be better blood than that of Bullocks and Goats, or our own perfonal Blood ; and yet k mult be the blood of a man, yet a juft and perfeft man, and one that is more than a man,even God-Man ; therefore God was pleafed to fend forth his own Son in man's Nature , and to lay on him the iniquity of us all : And he was delivered rd 6 for our offences , and fo he his own felf bare our fins in his KomJ.W.*Pct. own Body on the Tree, and by Death overcame Death; i^.Heb.%^ and fo in and by himfelf made purgation of, or for our fins ; &*$• <^s>i«, and by the Eternal Spirit offered up himfelf for us a fpotlefs l*fll°'l2>H* Sacrifice to God, and obtained Eternal Redemption, and fate E[' ' down on the right Hand of God : and thus hath he given himfelf for our fins, and made the Atonement for us. Now in this general Anfwer, there are five particulars included , as that for which he gave himfelf a Sacrifice to God, and which by that Offering he hath obtained of God for that work ihat is fully done. 1. To fatisfie for, and takeout of the way thofe fins into which mankinde was fallen, and which, through the corrup- tion of his Nature, he was neceflitated to commit, againft the Law under which he was fallen ; and fo to redeem mankinde from the Curfe of the Law ; and alfo to overcome that death into which mankinde was fallen , and the Devii that had the power of it: or which, is brought forth to terrific men with if, man .* r 96 For what Chritt offered it. man being weakned thereby , and it being due to be exe- - cuted on mankinde, that fo mankinde might not perifh in it, but be railed out of it ; and thefe are the fins which were feen to be in Adam and all his natural Race, as fo coming forth from him, and bearing his Image, and this the Death in which mankinde fhould have perifhed ; and fo was mankinde beheld before Chrirt his undertaking for him : and thefe fins and this death, Chrift undertook ( not to be an exempt er of ifa M> 4>*>$> mcn wholly ^rom feeling any part of either, but) to be a Re- 7. 1 Pet. 1.14. deemer of men from both thefe : and fo thefe fins inafpe- -pfal. 40. 63 7, ciai manner were laid upon him ; and in refped of the pe- 11 ' nalty to be fuffered and fatisfa&ion to be made , they were counted his fins , and he bare them in a fpecial manner, and %C0Y.i.zuG4l. confeffed them as his own fins , and did, as under the fame 3.13. ' bond with us, fuffer the full punifhment due to us for them ; in which refpe& he is faid to have been made fin for us , and to have been made a Curfe for us : and fo vertuous his if*.$hhGal.$. Blood and Sacrifice, and fo effe&ual with the Father , that ** • by this one Oblation,as offered to God,this our great wound Mj$.$r&io *s Sealed , and he hath redeemed us from the Curfe of the 11.^.2.14,15! Law : and fo in and by himfelf, as in and by the publick man,, our fins are purged, the Law fausfied, all that was in the way contrary to us, is taken out of the way, and that for ever, and cleath overcome : fo,that though men be conceived and born in fin, and come forth with Natures polluted , yet there is re- demption wrought ; and though through ignorance and un- belief, the confeiences of men may charge them for thefe fins by this Law, and fo they may be terrified for thefe fins by this Law , and with the fears of the Curfe in this Death, while they live this natural Life, and know not Chrift , yet God will not fo go to Law with them, to judge them by this Law, by which Chrift was judged for them ; nor fhall they perifh in thisfirft Death,whicn Chrift hath fuffered for them; Kom. 3. M>*5. but be railed out of it. And this fuch as do know , and be- ^5%U;I ' lieveinjefus according to the revelation of the Gofpel, do know and confefs,asis cleerin that Tetfimony. 2. To make fuch an abundant and overflowing propitiati- on, by the dignity, excellency and vertue of hisBlooJand Sacrifice, that he by vertue thereof might have power and an For what Chrljl offered it. p 7 authority to take away from , and extend forgivenefs to men for thole following fins, which through their weaknefs, and Satan's new attempts , they may be found to commit againrt that new and gracious Obligation , under which they now are to him, and to God for the gift of him ; and lb againii that Light, and thofe means and ipiritiial motions extended to them, while he continueth his patience towards them , and is by Spirit fo driving with them. Thefe being the fins, that 7*6.1.4,^9,10, will fatten on coniciencc indeed , and bring reproofs , and *9. Heb.t.i?. condemnation , and corre&ion from God , of which dayly &7.*>7- pardon and juftification is needful to be fought and received through the fprinkling of his Blood : and thefe are called, The jins of the people ; and, The (Ins if the world. Bur, becaufe ibme not well catechized in the word of the beginning of Chrift, may count this ftrange ; I will therefore alfo fhew where I finde it in Scripture plainly : firft then, I hnde it in the Types ; in which, though much ditfimilitude, yet ever fo much fitnels of fimilitude , that we may know the Truth, though but darkly typed, to be yet verily fulfilled, and cleer- ly appearing in Jefus Chrift : and foto inttruft us into the knowledge of Chrift,theApoftle produceth thofe types,as/W. 4,6c 5 . Tor every High-Priest taken from amang mentis ordained Heb. 4. 1 ?, & for mcn}in things pertaining to God \t hat he may ofir bet h gifts and ?. 1,1,3 »4. fieri fees for fin. Who can have compaffion or. them that are out of tle way^ for that he him fe If alfo Is compaffed with hfirmity: and irerr < $ -, % by reafon hereof \ he ought , as for j he people , fo alfo for himfelfy 9 ,xo. ' • 9 to offer for fins. And no man taketh this honour to himfelf, but he that is called of Cjod , as $y4aren was : fo alfo Qyr*fl'> &c» *s follows , And fo into thefecond Tabernacle went the High-Prieft Heb. 9.7 8 1 2, a 7o»e, once every jeer, not without bloody which he offered for him- 13^4. felfj ardfor the errors of the people ; the holy Ghofi thus fignifjing, &c. But molt plainly,//**. 7. 17. ipeaking of Chrift, feith, IV.11 needed not daily , as thofe High-Priefis , to offer upfacr?ficey fir fl for his own fin , and then for the peoples : for thi< did he oncey whe n he offered up himfe if. Minde the words , That which they daily or often did, this (not a part only, bur this ) he did once, and at one time , namely, when he off: red up himfelf : and confider what this teacheth us. The diflimilkudes are fo evident between the typical High-Pric(ts,and our High-Prieft, P that p5 tor what Lbrijt offered it. that I need but only mention them : thofeof the Tribe of Levi, ours of the Tribe of Judah : thole after the Law of a carnal Commandment , ours after the power of endlels Life : thofe after the Order of sAaron, and without an Oath ; ours after the Order of {^telchiz>edcc , and with an Oath : thofe had in themfelves inherency of fin, and perfonal fins, needing a Sacrifice for themielves ; ours holy,finleis, had no fin either perfonal or inherent, needing any Sacrifice for himtelf : thole, by realbn of death, had Succeflbrs; ours liveth and remaineth. aHigh-Prieft forever : their Priefthood and Law was change- able ; our Prieft and his Law abideth for ever : their Sacri- fices and Purifications did but fanftifie and pnrifie the flefh, and made nothing perfect , no, not the comers thereto, though , and therefore often iterated ; but the Sacrifice of- fered, and Purification made at once by our High-Priefi, was perfect , and makes all comers to it perfeft , purifying the Hearts and Confcience of them. Thefe , and fuch-like difli- militudes are let forth to us in this Epifile to the Hebrews^ and other places ; by all which , Chrift is (hewn to excel all that figured and typed him : and fo, in the fulfilling of Truth in every fimilitude, in which the types did figure him, he not only anfwereth , but excelleth in the fulnefs of Truth : and fo in thefe cf the Priells, he was truly Man, yea, an inno- cent and perfect Man ; and though in a fupematural way, yet of the Race of Mankinde : and he was immediately called to this Office by God , and he hath had experience of humane weakneffes , forrowsand temptations ; and he laid afide hi? Glory he had with the Father before the World was , till in the Garments of meannefs and innocency, he had made the Atonement , and then was clothed with his former Glory a- gain ; he once in the end of the World hath made the Atone- ment with his own Blood ; and by vertue of his own Blood , hath entred into the Heavens , and obtained E- ternal Redemption. Thefe, and fuch-like anfwering of fi- militude s, fo, as to have the Truth fulfilled in Chritf, are ge- nerally known and confeffed among Believers therefore I for- bear to enlarge , either for explication or farther proof about them. But for this, That this holy? harmlefs, undefiled and finlefs one Fer what Chrijl offered it. 9 y one ftiould have fins , that in any true fenfe fhouid be called his own ; and alfo , that there ftiould be fins of another fort, called the fins and errors of the people,that he in one offering up himfelf in Sacrifice (hould offer for both, I fear this is not fo generally known and confeffed among Believers ; and yet the Apoltle intimates it ftrongly , Heb.i.i 7. with 5. 1,2,3. and 9. 7, 8, p. as is forementioned,in that he affirms fuch fit- nefs for fuch caufes to be in Priefts ; and alio, that their oft- offering , was a fignification that the way into the holieft was not yet made manifeft while the firft Tabernacle flood , yea, • and alio that the things done by the High-Prieft in offering for himfelf, and the errors of the people , &c. were figures for the time prefent, and patterns of the things in the Hea- vens ; and fo thefe offerings alfo did ferve to the example ucb^.git^& andfhadowof heavenly things, and not only intimates, but 8.3,4,5.^^5. alio plainly affirms, this to be found in Chrifts offering, Heb. l**' Bcb'7' 27. having before mentioned the Priefts daily offeringup } Sacrifices firft for his own fins , and then for the peoples, he exprefly faith, This he did once ; and proveth, that he needed not to do it daily or again ? being he is fuch a holy one, &c* and because he did this once , when he offered up himfelf ; fo that he did give himfelf a Sacrifice both for fome fins called his own, and alio to take away fins of another fort, called the fins or errors of the people : and yet Secondly, This will more cleerly appear, if we minde what fins were counted and called his,and in what fenfe they were fo, and focal led ; and then , what fins are after the Obla- tion offered , or confidered as offered , called the peoples fins, for him by vcrtueof his Oblation to be taken aw ay: both may in Scripture be found, 1 . If we confider , How by the offence of the firft Man, fin entred into the World, and Death by fin, and how there- by fin raw over all Mankinde , and fo all Mankinde fell under the fentence and power of the Law , and fo under the guilt ro^sm^^I and power of death ; and fo , as they came forth naturally from s/fdam, they come forth finners under the Law , liable to fin againft it,and be condemned by it: but now other fins than this firft, a,ndthofe which flowed neceffarily from the o- riginal corruption of Nature hereby, and fo againft the Law P 2 as iod For what Cbritt offered it. as Man was fallen under it, and other death than the firft Death and Curie, which this Law,as Man was fallen under it, did lentence to , were none through the fall of the hr(t pub- lick Man fallen under : and thefe were the fins, and all the fins ofMankinde in view, before the pre-confideracion of the Death and Sacrifice of Chrift. G . Now Jefus Chart imerpofing and undertaking for Man- kinde, did take the nature of Mmkinde fallen in its weakneis, i?et i.%A.Pf*. anc' Dccamc r"or Mm 9 under the Law and Obligation under 4«.u/ which Man was fallen ; and this by the agreement be- tween the Father and him,and (o the whole debt was charged icori'iiGaL on ^'m ' lo> as ^le *n n^s own ^oc^y ^are our ^ns to l^e ^ree ; j.13* " ' * and by reafon of this charge and imputation , being fo legal by the Law, he confefs'd and called them his (ins , and was for them judged and condemned , and made a curfe,by dying and fufrering the curfe for us ; which he accepted, and having died and overcome death, rifen ju(*,and offered himfelf an ac- ceptable Sacrifice to God for us, he hath, in that one Oblati- on, redeemed us from (it is not yet faid,all danger of any, or all manner of Curfe, but) the Curie of the Law, and made tf*?1S< the Atonement and Reconciliation ; that in this fenfeit is Jure, with bisftripes we are fo healed, that thefe fins fo im- puted to Chrift , and by him fo fuffered for, are purged away, and can no mote be charged on him , nor fhall they be any more again ; r inflated on be fo imputed to them, as for them or any of them , to be judged or condemned for them, by and according to this Obligation and Law under which Chriit was made, and by which he wis judged for them. And thus in a full, and proper, and direft fenfe, it is Btw, 1 .3 . faid , When he Ltd by himfelf purged our fins, he fate down on the £/>lMt!5»tf)i7< fight h^nd of the Mafefty on high ; -having abohfbed in his (lefh9 the enmity j the l$w of commandments m ordinances , for to make in himfelf of twain, one new man : fo making peace through the blood of his crofo and that he might reconcile both unto God in one Co' I, 20 body by the crofi,havingfuin the enmity thereby,or in himfelf; And came and preached peace : fo the Father's will is , having made peace through the blood of his crofs , by him to reconcile- &c. A- Cel 1.14. glin,it*S faid of him, Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances^ that wm againfi w, which wm contrary to wy and out of the For what ChriH offered it. roi way, nailing it to his crofs. And fo rhere is no more fins to be imputed toChrift, or counted upon his fcore; he hath done all of them away, by one Sacrifice, and made the peace , and ctu'ed it to be preached, that Men might believe it, and in be- * cw.,$ i?/9, lieving be reconciled in their hearts to God , and fo peace 2°>21- Rom.u cff-i*ed in them. "' 2. If we alfoconfider of a Reconciliation, and fo of a purg- ing away of fins , that by vertue of this , compleated in and Hd.i. 17 jEfb. byhimfelfwichGod, he, as the High-Prieit, after and by ^^27. Hcb. vertue of the Sacrifice offered, Atonement and Purgation once made in the holy of holies, is ft ill continually making ft r the people : Then we fhall alio finde, that there are fins of a- nother Nature, and againft another Obligation then that Men fell under in and through the firft Adam , even fnch as the Law under which Mankinde was fallen,did not charge up- on Chrilt directly : and they in the committing are every Mm 's own fins than doth them , as fins againft Mercy and Grace, extended through a Mediator , who by vertue of the Peace he by his Blood and Sacrifice hath made , extendeth /V 1 45 ,?>%, light and means towards them, as nor minding thelijzht 9>iOj-:i .p,0v. that fhineth forth from the Life that is in him , not owning yc/f.^[ him in all the prefervauon he giveth, nor believing or re- RomS.^. 7fcr. ceiving him by all the choice means he uleth : and fo not ^i^i.'juh 13. turning at bis reproofs, nor hearkning to his Call and Voice ; lo>! *• Job 1. but hardning their hearts againft the fame , and fo refiifing ^°;1 1^9-H^» to be made clean , walk on according the lufts and wayes of &1'7.'' their own hearts : and all thefe, and all of thk Nature , are called, The fins of the world ; and , The fins of the people ; and, The errors of the people. And J efus Chriit did on the forefight of what through Man's weaknefs and vatan's malice, would be found in Men, make provifion for Propitiation , Reconci- liation, and Pardon in refpe£t of thofe fins alfo , in that one Oblation and Sacrifice of his , his Blood and Suffering*, be- ing theBbod and Sufferings not only of an inno.entand juft Man,but of that Mm that was the Son of God : in which ,4/7.10.28. fenfe,his ; Blood is called, The blood ocCjod ; and, WsU}mgJoh*%.\6A downhis Ufe. And fo lefu> Chrift offering himielf by the E- 5 M- ternal Spirit a Sacrifice to God , theDi he Nature did fo fan&ifie and dignifuj this Sacrifice, that it is of infinite value To* For what Chrijl offered it. and vertue, for taking away all fin? : and fa, though in his in- tcrpofing he did not take thofe fins upon him, as his , which before his undertaking,were neither in being,nor in a pofli'oi- lity of being, fo to iatisfie for and discharge , as that they fhould never be imputed to thofe for whom he fuffered, nor they condemned for them , as he did for the former forts of fins ; yet he did fo far bear them , and offered himfelf in Sa- crifice to God for them , as he might have full power to for- give rhem,and fo iuch fulnefs of vertue in his Blood,and Obla- tion and Propitiation made thereby,as to propitiate andfpeak Peace in its fprinkling, being made known to Men in the ev V- Jim*^^8 of the Fruits thereof: and for this buhncfs , here- &9.11.' maineth a continual Mediator between God and Men, and an High-Prieit, ever living to intercede for all that come to God by him : and in this work, we have to confider , that it is done minitterially and fpiritually to Men ; in the former, fcr taking away the former fins , and making Peace , as he he had to deal with God for Men , fo he did it by his mate- rial Blood fbedding, and his material Body railed and of- fered in Sacrifice to God : But now, as he is a fpiritual Man, in dealing with Men , he doth this bufinefs fpiritually, in Mi- niftration of the Gofpel, making known the vertue of his Blood and Sacrifice , and by his Spirit fo fprinkling it on the Hearts of Men, to vvafli and reconcile them to God thereby, and loin a daily taking away thefe following fins, and renew- ing, &c. and this was alio figured in the continual bearing of the fins of the people by the typical High-Priefts and mcovm cf&y- ^deft) as nat ^ Deen ti^wn at large in another Treatife , and farim deceits, by their Purifications by fprinkling , as hath been fbewn at p.26, 17,28. large in another Treatife. And this hath Jeius Chriil by his Hcf- ?• Oblation alio procured to do : himfelf in Perfon one while 23;ft did minifier the Word of Reconciliation ; but now he hath pft-c;o:iA blood or . - , . . . , . __ ' - . . . . . cbrj(iyc^.?.ih left that to his Servants ; and the extention of Spirit therein is 2i,23. his own work ftill : and fuitable to all this, he faid,77* Son of a Cor. 5.18,193 man hath power on earth to forgive fins. And fo the Apoftles 2?>2i* , 1 in their TeHimony , and the Holy Ghoft in the fame,witnefs, - 24 .1 hat yod hath exalted him to give repentance And remjjion oj ^#.5.31,32. y7«/,&c. In which refpef* , by vertue of his Oblation once \Tm, 2.4,5^. offered, he fo minitfring is called, 7he ^Mediator between God and For what Chrijl offered it. 105 and Man, for fuch an end ; and, The Lamb of God, ( not only j0\)X IOjli3 that hath taken away the fins of Mankinde, as fallen in Ay 29. <^w,but) that ta^eth (that is, in this prefenc tim?, in a conti- nual afl Hill doing) away the fin (or fins) of the world , even Men in worldly feliowfhip, &c. and even Believers alio are laid to come to the Blood of lprinking, that ( not only hath h^. 12.24. fpoken, but ) fpeaketh, &c. and he that believeth in Chrilt according to Gofpel-Tefiimony , knoweth both , Thu all mb%&j± fins in view and confideration , preceding Chrilt his under- taking,are fo taken away by his Oblation to God, that he hath no more charge in Conscience for them : and alio that there is iuch vertue in that Blood and Sacrifice of his, that being believed and received, as he makes it known , it will take a- way in fuch fprinkiing,all following fins, and purge the Con- ference from dead works to fervc the living God : whence he isfaid to be fet forth a Fountain, even for Believers to wafii f/ £-}-*af!? at, and they directed to daily wafhing in approaching i9^Ji%^] ' to God by him: and he is faid to have given himfelf for xJ9hA.7l9.Eph. them, to do this bufinefs of wafhing them with Word and f*5**V7- Water, till he have made them fpotlefs ; and in this refpect' alio, of the provifion made in his Sufferings and Sacrifice for taking away thefe following evils of thofe redeemed from the Curie of the Law, and bought by him , it is faid , All we ifa 53«<>.?,u, (even we that are healed with his (tripes ) Uhefheep have gone *•• aft ray , we have turned every one to his own way , and the Lord hath made the iniquity of mall to meet on him , &c. and fo he is a perfect Saviour, and a Giver of Salvation to fuch as believe on him, as is demonfimed and affirmed, where the Apo- Hc&.2.iv>. file having fpoken of his being made perfect through fuf- ferings , after mentions his Burthen and Sufferings in the flefh, his tears, prayers, fupports and obedience in all ; and then faith , ( as in another place ) And beingmade ptrfetty he phil.%.7,11. became the Author of eternal falvation unto all them that they Hek.$.%^:p him. Now it*s known , he was made perfect as a Savi- our in his Oblation-offering, and the Father *s acceptance of it, and exalting and filling him , and then he be- came the Author of eternal Salvation ; which alio cleerly implies fome true Salvation , which proves not to all the faved Eternal,' and yet none without Blood : but this eternal Safe" io-}. For what Christ offered it. Salvation he gives unto all them that obey him, that is, be- lieve* on him ; he faith nor,to all he died for, nor to all whom by venue of his Death and Ranfom , he hath redeemed from the Curie of the Law, and foboughr into his difpofe,that they (lull not periih for ever in the firlt Death ; nor to all that he ufeth-m^ans , and fends forth Spiiit to , and lb calicth them that they might believe and have eternal Life , and fo not be hurt of the iecond Death : but to all them that obey him, that is, hear, and believe in his Name ; which is according to the tenor of the Law, by which Chrilt will judge all M-n »: ^•^•^^.•fo that all the way, both from the Types , and the Truth af- 16.16. 'firmed in Chrirt, anfwering what was typed , it appeareth, That Jefus Chrilt offered himfelf a Sacrifice- to God for fins of two forts ; theftrlt , fuch as were notagainlt himfelf as Mediator , but againd God as Creator , which he took on him fo to difcharge , that the debt became wholly his, and he hath fully discharged the lam ; , and made full riddance of it before God , and will in his time remove it from all Men, though many will cot now believe it ; the iecond fort of fins, fuch as are alio againlt him, as Mediator , many of which he taketh away : and as he hath received power, fo he pfetfa means that M^non the account of his goodnefs, might be- lieve on him ; and lb, not only fee their Freedom from thole fins which are paffed , but have thele prei^nt removed from them alio, and fo be Eternally faved ; and yet Chrilt ss taking away the firft fort of fins , and provifion to take away the iecond fore alio, doth Rill farther ap- pear, Thirdly , if we confider the difference our Saviour maketh of fins ; ibme greater, and more hey nous and fearful than o- Af*Mj..3,,3?.xhers, and yet but one fort excluded forgivenefs , Verily, Mm. 3. 5 8,zf. £ faitn ne) j fay Hnt0 y0ii 1 All fins (hall fa forgivm unto the [on s La\. \x, 10. ^ms„^ (loe, he putteth in no condition here at all) and blaf- fhemies wherewith foever they Jhill bUfpheme- ; but he that JbaU blafpheme againft the Holy Ghofij bath never forgivenefs : but is in danger of eternal condemnation* And, whosoever fbeaketh a word againfl the Son of ma*ij it jhallbe forgiven him : (loe, here no condition neither") but who foever -Jpe aketh agair.ft the Holy ^jhoflyf itjha.ll never be forgiven himy neither in this world , nor in the For what ChriU offered it. 105 the world to come. Now what can finning , fpeaking againft, and biafphemy againft: the Holy Ghoft be , but fome fuch manner and degree of finning , as in which the Sacrifice of- fered, and the Offerer , of which the Holy Ghoft hath born, andbeareath witnefs,is in fuch degree contemned, as the fin cannot be forgiven , without dishonour and wrong to the Sa- crifice and Sacrificer ; and (o fuch a finning, as for pardon of which the Sacrifice was not offered?for there can be no fin or biafphemy againft either Father, or Son, or Holy Spirir,as they are one God,which is not again!* them all, and every of them in one,asmuchcfrended as either, perfonally confidered.-and fo all fin and biafphemy Mankindefeil into , through the fall of the firft Man , and that neceflariiy fpfing from Nature fo corrupted, while no fufficient remedy to avoid it, is afforded, they are directly fins and blaiphemies againft God, as a Cre- ator , and fo againft the goodnefs manifefted in the Creati- on, and againft the Law under which Mankinde was fallen: and io, though we according to appearance , may call thefe fins againft the Father, as indeed they are, yet they are fins againft the Son and Holy Spirit likewife • by whom , as one and the fame God , the Creation was effected : but thefe fins were fo fatisfied for, and done away by Chrift in his Oblation offered , which God hath fo accepted, that he hath remitted all over to Chrift ; and if not now, (as to Believers it doth) yet in the World to come it fhall appear, they (hall not be judged and condemned for fins in this manner commit- ted. But now jefus Chrift having undertaken, and offered fuch a Sacrifice to God , as in which he hath purged from before him all thefe, and obtained power to make this Grace known to draw Men to him , and to forgive all other following fins found in Men in this his ftrife, which indeed are (as before fhswn) fins againft the Mediator, here by himfelf called, The Son of Man : yet thefe finnings againlt him are in a higher degree than the former againft the Father , who in love gave and lent forth , and teftified of his Son the Saviour of the World; and againft the Holy Spirit of Grace in his nies of him, and Operations from and with him : but they are more appearingly and directly againft the Mediator that Q^ took io6 F°r wbat thrift offered it. took our Nature, and died for our fins , and offered himfelf a Sacrifice to God for us, and now excendeth means and Spi- rit to m , to turn us to himfelf ; yet of thefe fins againft him- felt, heiaich, All thefe (ball be forgiven unto men ; as Be- lievers do begin to experiment in this World, and Hull fully in the World to come : yea , unlefs fome higher degree chan yet mentioned , in finning in a higher manner, Men (hall not be cad into a fecond Death at the end of the World to M& coms : an^ what this high degree of finning is, is alio ex- ^,'3,29.30. prefs'd, tobeafpeakingagainft, and blafpheming the Holy 2^.11,9,10. Ghoft in that evidence he gives of Chrift> and the power and goodnefs of God in and through him ; and ^0 it is a wil- ling perfifting in contempt and refulal of this Grace in the Mediator, when evidenced by the Holy Ghoft: ; andib rifing up in oppolkion againft his Teftimony and ftrife, till he hath finifhed his Teftimony and ftrife with them : for till then, the Mediator is mediating for them wi:h God , and ftriving with them by his good Spirit ; lb, as in all their fin- rings againft him , chough they grieve and fin againft the Ho- ly Spirit, yet there is forgivenefs with him , and fo hope, while he by his Spirit in means is ftriving with them ; yea, if that be all the dayes of a Man's Life : though to all it will not befo. But when a Man hath wilfully defpited this Holy Spirit after Light , and i'o long and often , that he is wholly taken away , and the Man given up to Satan, and fo become of the Serpentine (qq6. ; then is there no more forgivenefs after, becaufe there is no other Sacrifice for him, and this he hath utterly renounced : and this fin is found in fuch, ac- cording to the means, and light in the means, with which the Holy Spirit had been testifying to them , and ftriving with- them , as may be feen by comparing the Scriptures in the T'iov. 1.44-31. Margent : in which fin , according to the light and power ex- Jer.6.16^0. tended to Men in the means lets or more , is the moft high uLh^q1j,>35 degree againft the Father,in contemning and ill requiting his K 9' love and graciouinefs, and treading under foot his Son whom he hath fcnt , and been giving to them • and the higheft de- gree of finning againft the Mediator , the Man Chrift , in counting as common and prophane, that precious Bloodand facrifrce of his with which they were bought > and fo given "into For what Chrijl offered it. 107 Into his difpofe to (hew favour to, and fome in fome meafurc fan£tified : and the higheti: degree of finning againlt the Ho- ly Spirit in his gracious tenders of Grace to them. And it is moft properly called, The fin agairti the Holy Ghoflj becaufe the goodnefs of God in the firft Creation was manifefted without a Mediator to Man in innocency , and fo no need of this fanftifying work while Man was naturally holy : and the Goodneis of God in the Redemption wrought for Men , though manifested in works of mercy through a Me- diator , yet Men fo blinde and weak, that they come not in thereby through the Mediator unto God, therefore God out of his abundant Grace,(iretcheth forth his Hand, by fend- ing through Chritt the Mediator , and in his Name the Holy Spirit, in the means he ufeth, to enlighten the Mindes , and move at the Hearts of Men,that they might fee, & believe,'and fo turn i and, after fome of their rcfithngs,reneweth ms ^r^c with more light and power ; yea , if they yeild not , then with fome reproofs and chaftifements. And if, after ail this, they (in againft light , and willingly perfift defpiting, till they have wholly debited the love of the Father difcovered by the Spirit in the Blood of Chriit , and the Blood and Sa- crifice of Chrift , by which Peace was made for them , and by , and with which the Spirit hath been working on them y and herein defpited all the Light, and Reproof, and gracious Allurements, and Bands of Love, by the Holy Spirit ftreamed on them, to bring them in to God ; and fo perfifting till given, &> up : this proves a third fort and degree of finning for which 6,6, there is no facrifice ; yea, which contemneth the frcrifice, in which is help for all fins of both the former forts ; yea, for all, bur this catling it off. Fourthly, and laftly , Thefe forementioned two forts of fins fo offered for by Jefus Chriit , as is faid , appears by the Scripture-Declaration , how , and in what manner, and for what mannerof fins and finning, God doth reprove, charge, and condemn Men, either to CorreSion, Judgements orE- ternal Condemnation ; which fince CkziA undertaking , and his OMation confidered , we (hall ne- er fincle to be for fins fimply a - fallen in <*Adam , nor yet fimply for their natu- ral and necefluattfd weakness and fwervings , having rio re- Q^ 2 medy 1 08 For what ChriH offered it. med/ afforded them to help ; much lefs becaufeChri(idied not for them, or ufed no fufficiency of mean toward them, by which they might have received help ; yea, the man- ner of God's proceeding with Men, wicnefleth, ThatChritt died for them , and hath difcharged the firif debt for them, and ufed means in good will, and for good to them : whence Oceu c. *.- he faith, LMy Spirit {hall not alwayes flrive with th:m. And fo proceedeth in charging with Sin , Reproof and Condtm- - Tyov. 1. 14-31. nation; Vecaufe I have c ailed, and ye ref ufed ; I have ftretched &9-* iplfaux* out my hand, and none regarded ; ye wmld none of my counfel,ye 15.^5.4-8. defy i fed all my reproof ; ye refufe to hearken, ye harden your 6. 16- 20 \t t hearts, &C. / would, and ye would not. And this is the condem- Hl7.loh.}AQ.^at'otl ? th** H^ *s come i*1*0 the world , and men love darknefi rather than light. Which is another manner of Charge and Condemnation, and for another manner of finning, put- - ting under another manner of guilt , than as Men fell in &4dam. And thefe are every way dire&ly Men's own (ins, for which there is cleaning and pardon to be received in and through Chrirt , till the Grace of -his Oblation tell ified by the Holy Spirit be wholly defpited : but thefe things are (hewn before, and will be more in the after -Difconrfe ; only I have been thus large*, to fhew,that Chrift offered his Oblati^ on, both to take away the fins Mankinde was fallen into,and to procure authority and fitnefs to take away the following e- vils found in Men, by offering it to God • and for the making that known, and taking away the following evils , by appli- cation of the vertue of his Oblation to Men ; of which, in his Interceflion. And yet farther , to fhew for what he gave himfelf for us : it was , 3. That by this Sacrifice fo offered, he might become the Lord of of all Men, and Saviour of the World , that fo he may rightfully difpofe of them , and ufe fuch means to make known his Death and Sacrifice . and the Ends and Vertues of the fame to them , as he ( being one with his Father in his will and defign ) pleafeth : and fo to reprove and com- Ko-n 14.9-1*. f°rc' or aV)a*~e and cxa^c 9 accordingly as he pleafeth : and T/rf.i.^7,8j9. thh is exprefs ; For to this end he died , avd rofe, and revived, that he might be the Lord both of the dead a,/d the livingj&Q. an- iCtfM*. fwerable to the promife made to him by the Father on that ac- For what CbriH offered it. iop account : and fo it is faid, He died for all, that they which Lved ( each in their feveral ages ) fhonld not henceforth (from the rmking this known to them,though before they did) live unto themfelveS) but unto him that died for them7 and rofe again : (lilit- ablc to that, Rom. 14.7^8.) and that on this Ground, becaufe * '•?' they are not their own, but are bought with a price. Hence the grcatnefs and grievoufnefs of the fin of Apoftates, is thus ip«.ltl< Hl[,t fet out , They deny the Lord that bought them : and fo alio 8.6. by this Sacrifice offered, he obtained a more excellent Mini^ Oration. And for all this , Jefus Chrift gave himfelf a Sacrifice to God r and hath on his very offering obtained the fame ; as alfo , 4. That he might in his feafon, and at and after his next appearing raife the Dead, and draw all Men to him , before z^* ^"^Jf*** his Judgement-feat, and judge them by his Law, according to ^o^ix.h* the means heufeth towards them ; and abfove and blefs , or $i'.Rmt%Ai.& condemn and curfe, according to their living to , or rebelli- J4-9.n. iTiwa, on againii him. And this may every one read plainly,accord- ^^M-s-PM. ingaswasprophefied, and is now plainly teftified. 2'9jIO,n' 5. That he might have an incorruptible inheritance, to be- ftow on, and poflefs with, all thofe, that in the day of Grace, J^ 4*i**Epb* believe on him, and live to him, as is exprefs. And becaufe Jefus Chrift by his offering 'himfelf hath at once obtained all this, and is inverted with all his Power, Authority and Priviledges ; and this being that, both for which he gave himfelf , and which obtained , he is a perfefl Saviour ; and in making known of which , he profecuteth his End for efficacies on Men , I have therefore mention- ed them firrt , and fo will proceed to the next and laft Par- ticular, CHAP. no To what End Christ CHAP. 8. 6. To ami for what end he therefore offered this Sacrifice. T 'He gracious End of Chrift, in giving himfelf for us , and fo offering himfelf a Sacrifice to God for all beforefaid, is fully and plainly exprefs in Tit. 1.1 4. That he might redeem nsfirom all iniqnity^ and pari fie unto h mfelf a peculiar people^ zea- lous of good works. The words are plain, and worthy minding, both what he faith not , and what he doth lay : firft minde, he doch not fay , He gave himfelf for m , and hath redeemed us from alliniqtiity ; as if both thefe were, either both one work, or done in one and the fame time together : no, not fo j but, * Cor.$.n. He gave himfelf for my that he might redeem^ dec. like that, He was made fin for *#, that we might be made therighteoufnefiof (jod in him. He faith neither, That he was made (inform : nor, That we are or were in that aft made the riqhteoufnefi of God in him: but, That we might be^ &c. and expreffeih it cleerly , to be, not one work or aft done at once , but two : and the firft done, that by that the other might be done. Again, note, That he faith not, He gave himfelf for »/, and did redeem us from all iniquity ; as if , though cwo works, yec both done in his Oblation, or that one offering of his to God: But, He gave himfelf for us , that he mighty &c. as if in more words, it fhould be faid, He gayd himielf for us , that upon and after that Oblation and Offering perfectly made , he, by vertue thereof, in making it known, and fo applying , might lPft.3.13. redeem us from all iniquity : like that faid , For Chrttt alfo hath oxce fuffered for fins , the juft for the unjuft , that he might bring us to God. Which plainly appears , another work fol- lowing the firft , and to be done by the firft ; yea , fo , as that without the firft, firft done, the other could not have been done ; and the fir ft therefore done, that the other might be done by it, in the Difcoyery and Applica- tion of it. Again, I offered this Sacrifice. Ht* Again , he doth not fay , He gave himfelf for us , and will certainly and, infallibly redeem us from all iniquity, &c.bx\t,He gave himfelf for us, that he might redeem us&c. that is,that by verc.ue of hi* Oblation once offered , he might be fitted and im- powered to doit ; and fo do umo us, that whereby we might be indeed redeemed : all which fttneis a»d power , as is (hewn, he hath fully obtained ; and in which doing, he is faithful, and neither hath, is, nor will be wanting. And fo, though the word might , when any thing is faid to be done, that by it another thing may be done, when h is ipoke of God or Chrift his doing, in, to, and by himfelf, it implies certainty and infallibility ,in refpeft of the propounded effect; but when it is i'poken of the doing of God and Chrift, in and to fallen Men, that another thingmight be done thereby, it doth not alwayes imply certainty and infallibility , of that one, and the fame effeft propounded as the End, to be found and ac- complished in every of thofe fallen Men ; but hopefulnefs andfumciency of Mean, that (hall verily effect it, if they wil- lingly refift not. And fo enough done , that all might enjoy thebleffed effe&, though many by their own folly and wil- fulnefs, deprive themfelves thereof: as we may fee in the like ufeof the word mighty in the works of God : /(faith the Levit.t6.tfi Lord ) brought Ifrael out of the Land of Egypt in the fight of the Heathenjhat I might be their God file. And this explicated thus by the Prophet ; * Thus faith the Lord qod , In the day when I E^ 10' *>>*> chofe Ifrael^and lifted up my hand nnto the feed of the houfe of Ja- ^ Q% cob , and made my [elf hnown unto them in the Land of Egypt : when 1 lifted up my hand unto them, faying , / am the Lord your Cod ; m the day I lifted up my hand unto them^ to bring them forth out of Egypt into a Land -which I had efpied for them , which is the glory of all Lands^ &c. And how plainly this was expreft, that he would do it, is (hewn, Exod.3. andd. and yet of them fo E^.g^iM* fpoken 1 to, and dealt with , that they might have enjoyed all 6-6'7^' promiied, very many miicarried , and fell fliort through their own follies and rebellions , as both the ftory in Exodus , and **•&**&& the Prophecie in E«fc>/, and the Pfalms, tell us. And in- 1°27 ?>&$: deed this Redemption of Ifraelout of Egypt ^ is the very type 17*17, of that Redemption of Ifrael out of Iniquity, mentioned, 7tf.*.i4. which is exprefs'd in fukable expreffions a • this ^™&9.c*tx r j bj1^' *" et.2to, redeem- n r L in To what EndChriU redeeming Men from all iniquity, being after the Redemption „ cf Man's Nature in himfelf,and fo for Men in and by his Obla- tion offered; yea,thiscffe$edbythat, in making it and the Redeemer known.that Men might thereby be brought to the heavenly reft ; as the Wonders of the Lord made known to Jfraelj in bringing them out of Egypt) that by CWofes con- duct , he might have led and brought them to Canaan : from JucU 5. whence as an admonition Jude warns Believers to remember, How, that the Lord having faved the people out of the Land of E- gypt, afterwards deftroyedtkem that believed mt : and they be- ing both there and in other places , fet forth for types' and biojo.T-n. enfamples to 0? b. I will inftance yet that which comes nigher : it is faid, Tfilr, 8. He cflablfhed a teftimony in Jacob, &C. That the generations to come might hnow , &C. That they might fet their hope in God, &C. And might not be as their father s, a flubborn and rebellious generation , &c. Which yet many Pfa, 1*\$*l\ of them were, and did not fet their hope in God , as the ftory fhews. If it be replied,7&# was but a LMwiftration ; N I might anlwer , This was God 's End exprefly, that they might know,and hope in God,<^-c. And that he did order and appoint inefficient and ineffectual means to bring his Ends a- bout, I hope none will fay ; neither (as I hope) will any deny, This giving of a Teftimony, to be a Jype of his giving Chrift for a Teftimony for the fame End. But I will come to a clofer //*.55-4« Anfwer,in that which the Lord affirms his own doing, by the Mouth of the Prophet, Jer.i 3.1 1,1 ^^ As the girdle cleaveth to the lojns of aman, fo have Icaufed to cleave unto me, the whole houfe of lfrael% and the whole houfe of Judah, faith the Lord ; that they might be unto me for a people^ and for a name, and for a praife, and for a glory : but they would not hear, &c. And fo to this very bufinefs our Saviour himfelf tells us , God fent not hts Son Job.^.17. i-cvf. into the world to condemn the world\bnt that the world through him nM,&^9ioh'might be faved ; yet he doth not fay or infer,That the World 5-34*4°<45- (hall all be certainly laved; no,not fo: bm,He that(&s he is dis- played) believeth on htm, fh all be faved,&Q. Andib in his own perforal Miniiiration, he faith to the Jews , Thefe things I far, that ye might be faved : yet many of them to whom he preach- ed to that End, not would come to .him,, nor receive his Words, j offered this Sacrifice. 113 Words, that they might have Life. And the like may be feen in his end of fending his Gofpelby his Servants : fo, that all Acf.itdz. the way the word might , uied in fetting forth an end aimed at , implies Efficiency and effecltealnef in means, to t ffecl: the end and good hope ; yea, certainty , if not willingly refufed and refilled : but not an abiblute infallibility, that the end in the bJeffed part of it (hall be accomplifhed in fallen Men,whe- ther they attend and receive, or no. And all this isfaid, not to wave one fyllable in the Text 5 but to (hew what it faith not ; and, how the word might, is, in fuch bnfinefs, in Scrip- ture ufed , when the ends of things that are to have their efficacy with and in fallen Mankinde, are mentioned. And io let us, Secondly , minde what he doth indeed fay ; that is, He gave himfelf for #*, that he mijght redeem m from all iniquity ', and ftirifie) &c. This exprefly his gracious End, of giving himfelf for us, and fo of his Oblation , That he might redeem us from, all iniquity ',&c. which is partly hinted in the former Chapter, fhewing for what he offered himfelf ; which ccmes here to be enlarged, as it hath reference to this expreffed End : and ib, that he mighty &c. is ? 1, That he might have power and authority in the Nature of Man, and as Man alfo , even the Son of Man , to be both Mediator between God and Men , and to ufe what means he pleafeth, to redeem Men from iniquity ; and to be the judge of Men , and is fore/hewn ; and doth yet farther appear, in j0^ ^ 2,5 ltm our Saviour's own giving this as the ground of the Father's 2^27* giving to the Son to have life in himfelf, to call and to quicken whom he will,and to execute judgement,becaufe he is the Son of Man. And this alfo by himfelf explicated,with his gracious End affirmed , Thus it is written , and thus it behoved Chrift to Lu^.i^^^y. fuffer , and to rife from the dead the third day : *And that re- pentance^ and remtffion of fns^ fhottld be preached in his NameyA- nwng -ill Nations-, Sec. And upon the account of his Sufferings phil z. 7,8,9, and Sacrifice, this power and authority being given him , he io,n.Maui 17, from thence grcundeth his own rightful calling of them that l8- mmaZ;*, are weary, &c to come to him ; and on the fame ground, l$% giveth commiffion to his Difciples , to preach the Gofpel : and therefore he gave himfelf for us , in fufferiog', and of- R ferine ihf To what End Chrijl fering Sacrifice , that he might have thh power and authority as the publick Man -and in, and with i*,ufe means by the ver- tue of his Oblation, tofave,c£r. And that God hath given \AU, j.31,32. him this power and authority to this end, is affirmed. 2. That he might be filled, in the very Nature of Man, with the immeafurable fulnefs of the Holy Ghoft , to this End , that the Love, Wifdom, Power, Mercy, Trurh, Good- nefs and Face of God , might appear to be feen in him , and the Holy Spirit proceed from the Father, through him in his Name, while in the means he is difplayed. And this our fob. \6. 7. Saviour exprefly affirmed , both, That nnlefs he did go away, (which was by his Death and Afcenfion to offer Sacrifice) the Comforter would not come ; and alfo , That if he departed he would fend him : and this alfo , upon the account of his ifj. 50. 2, 3,4, Sufferings and Oblation, &* had (not only the forementioned 1>6. ija Ji.i,i> Power , but God the Lord hath ) given him the tongue of the $' *• learned^ that he fh oh Id know how to fpeak, a word infeafen , to htm that u weary. And this explained by himfelf, The Spirit of the Lord Cjod h upo \ me > becanfe the Lord hath anointed me , to preach good tidings, &c. And this affirmed alfo by the Father, PW.1.7-IO, upon the account of his Sufferings and Sacrifice, in which he behold , faith he, / have put ml Spirit on him* , am he flail Jhe* forth judgement to the Gentiles, &C. 3. That he might, by vertue of his Blood in this his Obla- Pfa i2.x*-2i.^on> w^ tn*s furniture be hath upon the account there- e^ in the means he ufeth , efpecially in the Miniftration of 3.14,15,1^^ the Gofpel, declare his Father's Name and Righteoufnek, 11.31,3*. //4.and be himfelf life up, and fet forth, as thePro^itia- 7'*&b.s**'lion fot fins> and thcSaviou,r of the World, and fo call igj ifi'u.iu all Men to him, and therein by his Spirit open the eyes of the Hcb.s.\t.\?et. blinde, and the ear> of the deaf; and give life to fuch , *s in *8,i$.Ar*>.5.9- feeing, fee; and in hearing, hear: and fo by degrees, in this life, re deem them from all iniquity , by vertueof his frlood, fo applied to, and fprinkled on their Hearts. 4. That in this redeeming them from all iniquity , he may pnrific tinto himfelf a peculiar people, &c. that ft , fuch, as in his re. offered this Sacrificed 115 redeeming work upon them, arc found believing on him, and r-tLlAU. ^QMi yielding to the motions, and teachings of his Grace, he may, 5.3,10,' and dothftill, by vertueof his Oblation, and his Father's i»,"*}. Eph.%. Love commended there-through,belprinkle them more with 3?j*M7. his Blood, in Goipel-Teilimony , andfo purifie them a peculiar people zealous of good works , that he may preient them in due Ml.1.7-11. Jeafon fpotlefs to himfelf ; and fo have the glory of his Obla- tion,in the eternal Salvation of all that have lived and died in the Faith, and in his lightcous judging of all wilful Oppoiers and Apoftaces. This his gracious End in offering his Oblation, and he be- ing righteous,holy,fokhfu!,his Oblation was fo effe&ual with the Father for all that for which it was offered , that he hath granted him allthis,and every way furnifhed him for this end, as is forefhewn. And for the Power and Faithfuluefs of our Saviour to purfue this End , and fo to do all that by which it may be brought about ; enough hath been faid , and more will be faid m treating of his Mediation and Interceflion. And indeed, he is and will be faithful to his Father, and mer- %Jtb.i.i. ReK ciful and faithful to us ; he is without (in, holy, unblameable, *-*7. &f*& companionate, merciful and able: of which, after. But here &T^^* in his dealings with Men, he meets not onely with weaknefs* and fo offences and ill requitals ; but in fome, even after their eyes are opened,with willingRcbellion,& clofing them again; and fo the efficacy in Men , is not fo prevalent as it was with God ; nor the End fo certain of being fo accomplifhed in the blefled part,on every Man,though in every one that believeth it will : but thefe things I leave to the after-Difcourfe,having now fhown concerning the Oblarion of Chrift, what was of- fered, who offered it, to whom it was offered ; For whom k was offered, for what it was offered ; iind,to what End : - in which is an inclufion of his Mediation , and of his coming, a- gain, though not explicated, which (fome Traditions and ex- preflions of Men, that darken it, being removed) will be very uleful for our edification 3 a little of which iifefulnefs, I flail in that order mention, R 2 CHAP n6 nA Caveat againH CHAP. 9. ■ 'd Caveat fighwfi [owe unfou FOr thofeExpreflions about the plain Sayings of the Gofpeu that are fo Serpentine-like ; tirrt , with Queries about the Truth of the plain-appearing Import of Gad's Sayings : G*».3,ij4. Hath God in faying, laid ? was that his meaning ? do you think indeed, he maant verily and in truih , That Chrift died for all Men, gave himfelf a Ran fom for all, that he is the pro- pitiation for the fins of the whole World, cr that any do in- deed deny the Lord that bought them , or depart from the Faith, or count unholy the Blood of the Covenant , where- with they are fanftihed ? &c. and then follow on with plain Contradictions of theTeft mony of the Holy Ghoft, bo affirming, Chrilt didnot die for All Men , he did not give himfelf a Rahlorn for A 11 -Men , he is not the propitiation for the fins of the whole World:none that are bought by him can deny him ; none that have true Faith can wholly depart from it ; none fanitined by the Blood of the Covenant, can count it again as a common or unholy thing : thefe are fo grof?, that none that believe the Sayings of the Scripture for the Tefti- mony of the HoIyGhoft therein, will entertain them ; and van\,tb.^t& enoogh is faid before to warn of thefe , fo that I forbear c- 4,J^8. ' t'ier an^ver to tilem- But ^or thole Expretfions better co- loured, though having a tendency to the fame End, I fhall in- (tence a few of that learned Mr. Owens. I . That God will oive Fa th and %^pentance to thofe , whom a Pag.2 64. joe j:ath ch0feK and given to Chrift to be Caved a. If this fhonld Se&.6. be meant of Chrift his dying and giving himfelf a Sacrifice to God, and by that to fave ; It's fhewn before,That there arc none given to Chrirt, but upon the account of his Oblation : be was given and gave himfelf for us ; but none of us given to itow.14. 9* him, but upon the account of his purchasing us : alfo , he in giving fome unfoundSxprefsions. 117 giving himfelf foe us, hach faved all Men from periling for c- ver under the fentence of theLaw,as Mankinde ac hrft fell un- ^^ der it • and in that Death , in which thereby we fhould have vl perifhed: and for eternal Salvation , there are none given unto him to be faved, but in the Heavenly call , John 6. 40, 45. and 17. 2,6. nor iihethe Author of eternal Salvation, but to thofe that obey him in believing on him: nor can c '*'*' there be any choice , but in Chrift ; nor any chofen in him, but as by vemie of his Oblation, he U a perfeSt Saviour: and to none fir it chofen for Chrift after to die for, nor is there any e'led* in him, who are not begun to be faved by him : for %^rttll>l* the Election is through the San&iftcation of the Spirit , and ipet\%\^ar.w Belief of the Truth ; and the Elecl are Holy , &c. but e- cb.f. nough is faid, in treating of the Oblation of Chrift, to (hew the Vanity of this Expreffion ; it being alio Scripture lefs, and not according to the Rule by himfelf approved. 2. God furpefed to give Eternal Life to hU cleB Believer^ and that none of them fhould ever be loft : and committed the ac- complishment of this to Chrift b. This is no Scriprure-Expref- £> PacT.84, (ion y nor expreft in the plainnefs the Spirit in the Scripture ac^.a.17. &$. ufeth ; but with much fubtiky , fo as it might Itand with the iM3«^4'V* DoSrine he oppofeth : for if by Elett Believers , he meant only fuch, as believing the Grace teftifiedin the Oblation of drift, are chofen through the San£Ufication of , the Spirit, and the Belief of theTruth} unto the Obedience and fprink- iing of the Blood of Chrift , and fo into union and fellow- flu p with him , and conformity to him ; and fo being found believing on Chrift ? the Accomplifbmem of their Salvation is committed to Chri .t, and none fuch lhall be taS : Thofe be oppofech j maintain this. But if he mean of an elefl Com- pany in the Counsels of God , preceding the Death and Ob- lation of Chrift ; and for hin to cflfofor, and foaccom- piifh their Salvation ? This ftands crofsto the whole Testi- mony of Scripture about the Oblation- of Chrift,as fereflicwn, par.tJb.7: and is anfwered in the former Anfwer , being no Scripture- faying, nor agreeing with the Rule there given , and by him approved. 3, Thn theVraits of the Vnr chafe of Chrift (hall certainly h c mnfi^tohk hejtomi on all Chofe for whom-be lied c. And again , That all Higmp, p.i. the it8 ^ Caveat againH the etfcttsottd fruits of the Deathof Chrifty antecedent to our be- lieving, aredepofited in the handy cr righteotifncfi and faithfulnef of Cod, to whom a* a ranfom it wm payed, &c. to be made oat ef- fettuallj to them for whom he diedyin the appoir, ted time and feafon : to which he quotes, i Tim< 2.5,6. Heb. 2.1 7. 2 Cor. 5. 1 8, dPag, 168,19. iCor.6. 19,20. d. None of thefe places countenancing cither of theie expreflions , and fome contradi&ing them cleerly. And iff before (hewn , how Scripture plainly af- firmetb, That Jefus ChrH>,as the publick Man, is by venue of his fufferings y and Oblation offered to God , glorified with the Glory, he, as the Son of God,had with the Father before the World was ; and , That he is made , The Chrift ; and, The Lord of all , The Saviour of the World , The Head of the Church , The Mediator between God and Men , The great High-Prieft ; yea , all Power and Authority is given to him; yea, Power to give Repentance and Rcmiffion of fins, to open blinde eyes, to communicate the Priviledges of Tons, to raife the Dead , and to judge all Men according to the Go- fpel, and to give rewards to his Servants the Saints both imalUnd great ; to fit on the Throne of David , and fet his fuffering-Saints on Thrones with him : and all this, the Fruit of the Death, Oblation and Purchafe of Chrift; and attained by him, and to be believed. O let not Believers be fo puflf'd .; «p, to think all this muft be beftowed on them ! ail Scrip- ture is againft it : let none fuffer himfelf by fuch dangerous Expreflions to be occafioned to fall into the Condemnation of the evil Angels that were not content with their place. But let this be waved, as not intended , though the Exprefli- ongiveth Ground for it ; and waving this, the Expreflion is waved as falie and dangerous : but take it in the beft fenfe we can, it is a confefled Truth, That the Gifts of Apoftles, Pro- phets, Evangelifts, The vifible defending of the Holy Ghoft, The Gifts of fpeaking with divers Tongues , The Gifts of Miracles, were all fruits and effects of the Death, Oblation and Purchafeof Chrilt,ashath been fhewn in plain Texts,and were procured by him into himfelf, to be beftowed as Fruits of his Death, before we believed. And the Spirit faith, That all thefe are not given (not only not to every one for whom Ch rift died , but even not) to every Believer and Mem- ber fome unfound Exprefsions. up for of the Church. So, that this Expreflion, as it's derogatory to Chrift > To it is contradi^ory to the plain Teflimony of the Spirit in the Scripture. But let leave be given to wave this , though the Expreffion will not admit the waving kneeing theie are things by fome attained to,and to be believ- ed. But if no more is msant, but thofe Graces neceflary to fonfhip and eternal falvation , yet the Expreflion crofletll the plain fayings of the Gofpel ilill , that intimate to us the perifhing of (ome for whomChrift died ; and hach plainly foretold us, That fome will deny the Lord, that bought them: yea , the Scripture fetteth forth the Death , Oblation, and Purchafeof ChriR,as the Ground of the Lorddiip of Chrilt, and of his railing the Dead, and of the Equity of his judg- ing according to the Gofpel ; which is all denied by this Ex- preflion. And yet here is more confuGon and darknefs in this Expref- fion , in a mirtake of that for what Chrift offered himfelf a Jacrifice to God , if not a fhort coming alio in that which he offered: furely in his paying the debt he died,that is true; and yet here is more than fimply Death ,in the Oblation giving, or Ranfom, or Sacrifice ; even Death, Refurre&ion, Afcenfion, and giving himfelf to God : that which he gave and offered to God for us, was himfelf,his own Body, as is forefhewn. And that for which hegavehimfelf,was,forMen,forfinncrs,ungod- ly, &c for us, even for our fins, to take them away ; and for our nature, and perfons , to purchafe us into his difpofe , as is fully (hewn and proved. True, if there had been any that God had chofen , and given to Chrift to die fot>&c. as Mr. Owen intimates in fome of his Expreffions ; then they were God's Ele&,andChrift his peculiar by donation of the Father before his Death , and fo his Death and Oblation could not be for them to purcbafe them , or that they fhould be his by vertue of that Oblation and Purchafe of his , feeing they Were his Father's Eie£t , and his by gift before ; no need to buy afrer, that which was given before ; therefore it muft not be for them, but for fomething elfe for them. And what that is, Mr. Owen's Expreflion hinteth , and in other his wri- tings he exprtff-th,as if Chrifl in giving himfelf 10 God^ did pur* chafe of his Father ', by his Death and Sacrifice , certain Graces of Re- no &*> &U ons, which did rather type out the Interceffion of Chrift , as c* isforefliewn,andmay be read in comparing Heb. 9. 7-2 7. and 10.11,12, 1 8, 1 p. with 7.2 5, &c. andfo this Expreffion a- greeth not with the approved Rule, pag.i6. 5 • There is no real difference between the efficacy of the Death of Chr*ft'> ar-d that of his Interceffion^ upon the aBual accompltfh- ment of it f. This is a very dark faying , and tending to con- f pac,t 2lg found things diftind : for fure the Oblation is already accom- Se&.V plifhed,his Death over and part , and he alive for evermore : out the vertue of his Death, and fo of his Oblation, abideth • but the efficacy is that here to be minded: and its efficacy with God is feen in this , that he hath made Chrift Jefus the Lord , filled him with all fulnefs of the Holy Ghoft , given all Power and Authority into his Hands, to difpofeof all Men , to raiie the Dead , and to judge all. All this is given him , as the effect of his Death and Oblation : and for this he neither doth nor needeth to make Interceffion. There- fore the making the efficacies of Oblation - Offerings , and Interceffion-making, as both one,without any real difference in the actual accomplifhment, is not right. Befides, the pre- valency of his Interceffion with God is by vertue of his Ob- lation fore-accomplifhed, and with, and in the Furniture by it obtained, and it alwayes , and in all things for all he inter- cedeth, prevaiieth with God, and fo he obtaineth the making S known \1% lhe fecond publick 4647. Rom*. & Man, tnc Spiritual Man,the Lord from Heaven,the quickning Cen.$\\%. Hcb. Spirit ; in whom there is a full Reftauration of the Nature *.i4. zTim.uio. 0f Man, and for Mankinde compleated, as there was depra- 3/fl/;. 5.^738. vatjon in thc firft Adam. And fo that he is the promifed Seed, that hath, by his owrv Oblation in himfelf , as the pub- lick Man , taken away fin , overcome Death , and deftroyed the works of the Devil , and is furnKhed to do , and will do the fame in others, according to the Agreement between the Father and him* for Mankinde, for the good of Men, and the ever- : 1 about the (fofpel of Chrijl. 1 2 $ everlafting benefit of all that unfeignedly believe on him: and Gc)U11^tGai, fo he is that true Seed in which is blefling for all Nations^that ^^\,6.Q.n. all believing in him, may receive ic ; yea, the true ipiritual 7 lO-i/si- Abraham^z everlafting Father; the true ipiritual Ifaac, or \f* *•?•&•*• Son of promife,in whom theSeed (lull be called ; (fetxqc^*^7^ 7/r^/ that hath prevailed with God , by whom God f, eaks ;}.9 5. //40.1) with us ;.yea, he is tbe great and true Prophet, Aft. 22. thes,3 8. Ho/n. great ana only true high Prieft, Heb. 3.1, and 7. the true and 4- »«*■ 5-7 9- fpiritu^lD^/^and Kin^, E^.34. and 37. 24. Kev.22.16. M*u6d6-j«b. Heb.j.i. In a word, he is the Chrift, the Son of the living '4 ' God, the Saviour of the World ; yea, and fo neeriy re- lated to us, that he is the Son of Adam , Abraham, 'Da- vid ; yea , the Son of Man , our Kinfman , that loves us , is allied to us , and in our Nature , who came to lave (inncrs. 2. That Jefus Chrift in refpe£t of his Oblation, com- 7m]$ ,r0/ pleated , is the beginning of the Creation of God , the new y.17.^^.14! Creation, called Emphatically, The Creation of God j he is r coi.i. the firft-begotten>and firft-born from the Dead, the firft ele&, ■ 8.//.4*.« *'*• that was once dead, and is now alive for evermore : and fo tI*"TJ2i**^' he is the Fountain of the proceeding and compleating of the eHjuja^xJ'" whole new Creation, of Regeneration, of Adoption, Gal. 4. 5. ofEle6lion,2 7^/.2.i3. of Refurreclion, 1 Cor. 15.21, 22,23. yea, the ^/p£a and Omega , the firft and the laft, the beginning and the end in all thefe ; yea, fo it plealed the Fa- ther, that he fhould be the firft, and that all fulnefs ftiould dwell in him , that in all things, he might have the pre-emi- nence, Col. 1 .1 8,1 9,2 o, 3. That Jefus Chrift in refpecl: of this his Oblation, com- pleated, is that precious ftone lb tried in his Power, Love and l6 ^ ' ^V z^[ Faithfulnefs by ib great Offerings , and proved excellent and \?et. *. 3,4,5. prevalent with God, and for Men, which God hath laid in ico: i.n.Att. Sion for a Foundation, a Foundation of Repentance and 4 "■>"-*. Faith , and for Believers to reft and be built upon ; yea, he X&fJ%r£X*> is the only Foundation , and there is no other whereby Men may be faved ; yea, he is not only the Foundation, but the true door and way of all right and true approach to God, ;. and of entrance into fellowship with, and lervice of him and his people > yea, he is the Way, theTrutb, and the Life, 4. The Yi6 $ome InftruBions 4. The TelUmony of Chrift , being comprehended in the Tettimony of his Oblation and Mediation, and glorious coming again: this of his Oblation, and its prevalency with God for Men, in that he obtained and is become • which in- cluded and affureth , though it explicate not his Mediation andiecondcomirg; it is , and is rightly called, both, The Wordof theBeginning of Chrifl ; Vdd^TheViponof All. Firtt, it is called, The Word, of the Beginning of Chrifl , ( or Hcb. 6. x. ag fome tranflate it) The DoBrine of the Beginning of Chrifl-) of See the eight- his Incarnation, Death, Refurre&ion, Afcenfion, Sacrifice of- firfi Chapters offered, the Ends and Vermes thereof, the Peace he hath thupar.i. ma(je thereby ; the Overthrow he hath given to Sin, Satan, Death ; the Redemption he hath obtained, and the fulnefs of Spirit he hath received , even for the Rebellious, that the Lord might dwell among them , he being the Saviour of the World , the Propitiation for the fins of the whole World, the Lord of All : fo , as whoever beheveth in him , fh all not fenfh, but have everlafting Irfe : and he the ludgeof All, and the Love of God toManward, herein teftified. This the Word of the Beginning of Chrift , and the Beginning of his Word, (which with an Emphafis, andbecaufe of the flownefsof M in to believe, is faid to be) true, and forever, 27tf.u9.i60. anj £rom the freginnin^ . ami ic js rightly called , The Word. of the Beginning of Chrifl ; and, The Beginning of hU Word, : be- caufe it is, 1. The Difcoverer of Jefus Chrift, as the beginning of Lat.*4.i$,44,tne new Creation; and fo of thofe things, which he was 4^,47.^.1.15, grft to do> ancj natn fir(x done in his own Body,in offering his Oblation to God ; and of the things effefled thereby, of which he is the beginning , and by which he is farnifhed to comoleat,and will compleat the new Creation,as hath been faid. 2. This that which was ftrft discovered and preached in f^t^g^'Paradife, before the Covenant made with Abraham-, yea, u 1,1,^4,5 7 tfois alio firft preached to Abraham, before the Covenant 8,9. tfoh.t.i] made with him, and confirmed to him after; and was preached M- " by LMoJes, and all the Prophets after ; of which the Spirit in the E v angelift s, faith , In the beginning wm the word, &c. And thxt which was from the beginning, &C, 3# This about the (jofyel of Chrift. nj 3. This is by the appointment of Chrift the firft thin* to be j0\h,A^, 6, made known and preached to any and allpeople,and the firft 17. m&Xv*, to be believed andreccived,that Men may be faved:and even «5- ic^.15.3, this was fo firft andconftantly preached by the Apoftle?, and JJ^3 St£ by Believers firft received. 4. Tne Hiftory of thefe things by one Evangelift, called, Ma'.i.i. The Bookjfthe Generation of Chrt(t ; Is by another called ex- **&. 1.1. prefl/,n* beginning of the ij'Jpehf 'Chrift : And by another **<«»**? {aid , 7* be written , r A**? w* might know the certainty of thofe thtngs which were declared concerning Jeftts Chrift, by them which from the beginning of Chrtft's ministration, were eye-Witneffes and Minsters of him. Yea, afourth addeth, Writ for this end^that$i. we might believe , that Jefus (of whom they wrote , That died and rofe again, and afcended into Heaven , and offered up the ac- ceptable Sacrifice to Cjod , and now fitteth at the right hand of God)is the Chrift,theSon of God; and that believing we might have life through his ^ame. 5. This Do&rineof the Oblation of Chrift,is the entrance Qai,3 lt Romt into the full Knowledge of Chrift, and the Enjoyment of the 10.8,9.^4*4, forming of Chrift in the Heart; ic hath the precedency and *5.iJ/4>5. ec| ^ jo ceach to, and frame in the Heart thole frit Principles of Repentance from dead Works , and Faith towards God, &c. accompanied with thoie operations of the Holy Ghoft's, and ta^es of the Heavenly Gift , e?c mentioned, //ip^. 6. therefore this Doitrine of the Oblation well called , The Word 1 about the (fojpel of Chrijl. up Word of the Beginning ofChrifi ; and alfo this Teftimony of the Oblation of Chrift , Secondly, k called , the Vtfion of All ; that which is the dioife of all that God hath difcovered,and his Prophets have if**9> u.Aom. feen and declared ; in which , all Men are concerned , and *•* • & l6<1*- which is needful for all Men^ and to be declared as true to ju*e J' them for the Obedience of Faith ; whence alio, ic is called, the Faith of the common Salvation , being, The Vt ft 'ok of Alt. And this Doctrine of the Oblation of Chrift, is rightly called, 77* Vtfion of All, becaufe that Jems Chrift , %om. i . i ,2,3 ,4, 5 . lb to be preached for the Obedience of Faith to all Nati- ons, for offering this Oblation ; Firft , he did take the Na- ture of all Mankinde, he was made under the Law for all, he bare the fins of all , he died for all , gave himfelf a Ran- fcmforall, callethali, enlightnethall, is God's Salvation for all ; and being all this , God will have him fo to be preached to all , and fet forth as an ObjeS of Faith for all ; yea , as he is , The Saviour of the World, The Propitiation for the (ins of the whole World. All which are before ihewn,in treating of the Oblation, by plain fayings of Scrip- ture : and yet, this is ftill farther to be noted about this Vi- fion or Doctrine , That God will have it plainly written and Tob.10.3 uiuh declared 5 yea, it is fo written, and in Miniftration to be held l-*st,39+Epb. forth to all ; yea, fo explained and elevated, that all and every f-'^'/^i3^' Man may behold and read it for his healing 5 yea, fee himfelf tjts.icer. /.30* perfect in Chrift, that is, perfectly fatisfied for, and redeemed Roma .i^if; from the Curfe of the Law by Chrift , and in him fulnefs of Wildem , Righteoufnefs , San&ification and Redemption ; yea, fulnefs of Spirit and Life : fo , as beholdiog him, he may believe ; and in believing, receive it all. And , as this is fet jfa. 5 5.4.1/0,?. forth as a common Salvation to all , fo likewife the preciouf- 4.9.1 o,i4.e/>/>. nefs and efficacy of the Blood and Sacrifice of Chrift, the «.«3~-i *.**** immenfnefs of the Love of God to Mankinde in the Gift of I,xo* his Son, and commended through his Blood , the open way of approach here-through to God ; and fo bringing Immor- tality and Life to Light by die Gofpel. And fo the Ground, 7p. 55.1-4. Freedom, Motives and Helps for all, and every , or any one 3*^.11.17**8. to come in, and believe ; and the certainty of enjoyment in Rev.11.17.1fa. believing, and fure hope of Glory, thefe to be declared, that 4f.*a Jfcfc».«. , T he ija The VJe Ministers are to make he that hearcth , beholdcth and readeth the fame , may be faved, and run to the enjoyment of all in Chrilt. Thefe things being all in plain fayings of Scripture before cited , often fheweth , That fuch is the beginning of his Word ; and, * that'k is the Vifion of all, in which fuch Teftirmny of Chri(t, and good News for Mankinds : and io the Key of Know- ledge, opening the Door to the Knowledge of the King- dom. Oh loving and glorious Chritf ! Oh excellent Oblati- on! Oh bleffed Gofpel ! Of which Gofpel-Teftiir.ony, con- cerning the Oblation of Chrift, I will fay yet one thing more, about ixs Ufefulnefs in Minitfration. _.. CHAP. ii. The Vfe Mlnijlert cf the Gofpel are to male of this Do- Brine, TriA~tL&i*A ^TpHe Oblation of Chrift for us all, and the Love of God X to Mankinde therein appearing, as befote declared, is that with which , by the appointment of God and Chrirt, and the Teachings of the Holy Spirit, the Minirters and Preachers of the Gofpel , are to do their whole Work , for convincing Men of Unbelief , and drawing Men to Repen- Heh.%M, & 6. tance from dead Works , and Faith towards God ; and in- %*• ftru&ing them in the Do^rine of Baptifms, and laying on of Hands, and life of all the Ordinances of God; and for con- firming their Faith in the Refurrefrion of the Dead, and of Eternal Judgement. This being the Foundation of ail thefe, a C0/.5. 14,1?, yea, by and with this Do&rine of the Oblation of Chritf for 19.10&.& 6. us all5t0 extend & prefs Reproofs,Exhortations,Befeechings, ^KmuV% Inftru^ions>ac|d Confolations ; yea,with this,and by this,to 8/9,1 o,ii.drg! direft to Peace with God,and Confidence in him,and Hope of 3X-35. Heb.g, the fruits of the Mediation and Interceffion of Chrirt ; andfo *8. to a comfortable waiting for his coming again : yea , in that 2*a.ij,i4le> before faid, and places alleadged, k plainly appears , That ■3«* this of this DoBrineS. 131 this Oblation of Chrift , and the Love of God to Mankind*,* appearing there-through , is that Grace of God faving to all Men ; and that which in the appearance in the evidences of ic, fpecially in the Gofpel-Declaration , faveth and teacheth; it 7*7.2,14. 6$. faveththe Beholders of it, by the waftting of Regeneration, 4>fA 7- and renewing of the Holy Ghoft,whicb(here-through)he rich- ly fheds on them;that being jiiftifie.d by hisGrace,tkey (bould be made Heirs according to the Hope of Eternal Life. And this to be affirmed, to (iir up Men to good Works alfo ; For Ttt.$X &%.n9 thU Grace of God^ faving to all men, in its appearing , teacheth #*, * *> ! 3 '* 4. That denying ungodlinefi and worldly hifts, wefhould live fiber fa right 'eoujly and godly in this prefent world , looking for the bleffed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour leftti Chrifi, who gave him f elf for us , that he might redeem, &c. So precious a Stone is he , that io fet forth , effeð fuch things ; and fo precious an Oyntment ( in the Spirit's going forth in this Doclrine) is this , That it teacheth Believers all x j0h, t.i93z© things, and is Truth,and is no Lye ; yea,and To fully teacheth »i ,273*8. them , that they need not that any Man teach them [ other DoSrine , or in other Manner ,] but as this Anoynting teacheth them of all things ; yea, no otherwife then by and with this , and according to this, were they to be taught. So, that all that the Miniftersof theGofpel have to do in i^y. 1,17,13, their Migration, they are, as they defire approbation of,and ih*3M* blefling in their Minift ration from God, fo to do all their Mi- nittration by and with this. Oh that they would all be per- fwaded to this ! But this having always been rarely found,That the profefs'd tfa. 28.11,14, Teachers and Builders in the Church, would hearken to, & 29.10, u. but rather (light this as a mean way of teaching ; yea, and in pf*L " 8' "• thefe dayes it being rarely found , either in praaice or ap- ^l"^** probation among many profefled and admired Minifters of the Gofpel : I fliali hint a little more, to evidence , That with this Do&rine of the Oblation of Chrilt for us all , they are to do their whole Bufinefs in their Miniftra- tion. 1 i This is that fet forth and appointed to be let forth by R l$ God, even the father ,for this end : Him hath God fet forth to , J%SZ? Ts be 131 The Vfe Ministers are to ma{e be a propitiation^ through Faith in his Blood , to declare his righ- teoufneffor the remijfion of 'fins , &c. And to the Minifters he 2fa.i$,i%3i€. hath faidjThis is the reftjwherewitb ye may caufe the wearj to reft; and this is the refrefhing^ &C. And that it was this, is evident,£,39, v*rf* *&• ancl tne fame commanded by him to the firft Wit- 40,42,43. nefies of Chrift, to the fame end. 7^.3.14-17. *. This alfo was both appointed and prafUfed by our Lord z^.*4.4Sj> 4^ and Saviour Jefus Chrift , in his own perfonal Miniftration ; 47<4/7 yea' he affirrns plainly, That (as no Mm in any fpi- *■">.>'• ritual good, fo Minifters for bringing any Fruit to God in their Miniftration) without him they can do nothing. Johii.16^7. 3. Thisalfoof Chrift having once died , and being rifen, a8. 5.31,32. and offered himfelf a Sacrifice to God for us all ; and be- ing accepted of God, and fo difp-aycd, in theGofpelmi- niftred , is that, by, and of , and with which the Holy Ghoft testifying of Chrift , doth both convince , teach, and lead, &c. 7,1,9, *• He l^us convinceth of Sin, of Righteoufnefs , and of 10,11. ljoh.f. Judgement. 9,10,11. lja. Of Sin ^ becaufe they believe not on htm , that died for their 5 o c?£ < 1** 7 mfi*s* ^ ma^e feace by his blood , in whom Cod hath given m E- ternal Life ; of whom God hath bom witnefi , and tbrowgh him testified his Love , that msn might believe^ and in be lit, ving have Life. Of %ighteonfnep , That all compleat Righteoufnefs is in , 1 him, and all other Righteoufnefs of Men, vain: feeing, all ^io?i?iiti24°tner High-Priefts entring the holy of holies came forth again, 14. ' ' ftill to offer with Blood and Sacrifices again ; but he, having approached to his Father with that one offering,it is fo accep- tcd,that he comes forth no more tofuffer, and offer himfelf a Sacrifice propitiatory again,but is fee at the right hand of Godk an evident demonstration of Righteoufnefs compleated in and by him, and the vanity of all other Righteoufnefs befides. Of Judgement, becaufe the Prince of this World is judged a\- , c , ready , Chrifl having by death Overcome htm that had the power of ** H>i *!* t. deaths having (polled Principalities and Power 'j, and made a (hew CoL 1. 3,1*. of them openly^ triumphing over them in it. So that he is right- Aftf.28.18. fulLord of all , and all Judgement is in his hands , both for jbb.5.a-7j»* difecping, appointing and fegcencing, To which acknow- ledge- of this Docirint^. 133 ledgement of all this, if Men yield not now , inthefehis ;r, 45>1i)223 gracious convincements, they fliall at the laft day be brought 2 3.P bit. z. 9 >ioy to it by his ir rentable Force, when they (hall be left without 11. *Tht(***o. excufe, and juftly condemned , becaufe they did not receive his convincements , when in acknowledgement they might have been faved. 2. He alfo even thus,and by this forefaid,teacheth the con- vinced Believers , and fo lcadeth them into all TrutW ; not by a fpeaking of himfelf, giving immediate Light , Infpirati- ons, Motions, and Difhtis, without any Ground or Bottom from the Sacrifice of Chrift 5 nor by an Exaltation of his own Shines or Infpiration, to bottom the Believers ^>n them , or lift them up by them ; nor doth he take of the things of the Believers, as they are Heirs^ either their Righteoufaefs, their Changes , their Vifits, or any thing wherein they are better than others, to ground their Faith on ; nor doth he difcover to them any fecret purpofe , couniel or ele£lion of God con- 70^.16.13,14, cerning them , preceding the Death and Oblation cf Chrift, purchasing the lame, and as the Fountain of the fame to li'*4**7,witb them : But he fpeaking not of himfelf , but of what he re- ^0* tf '*7# ceives from the Father and the Son,from whom he proceeds ; and in bringing to minde his layings he taketh cf *he things of Chrift , his Death , Refurre&ion , Saaince-of- fering, Peace mad?, and the Father's Acoptan.e , and Exal- tation of him; andibof his Son(hip,Elec^ion , Pulnefs, and Priviledgcs : and fo glorifying him , doth lead Believers into all Truth, 3. This alfo the Apoftles andfirft Witnefles of Chrift, ac- ,a % ? cording to the Command of God and Chrift, and the Spirits &£ %Xl & guidance, pra&ifed in their Miniftration , pleaching this 10.36-43.dM3. Oblation ; and by and with it , all their Reproofs, Exhorta- 23-47. *c«r.^ tions,Inrtru£*ion?, and Confolations : yea, they determined I4"zl* in their Miniftrations to the People, not to know ( own, ap« 1 Cor 2j3l. prove, or make ufe of) any thing fave J efus Chrift, and him crucified ; not any other Doarine, Counfels, Works, Learn- ing, Wifdom of Words,or Excellency of Speech among their Hearers: whence their whole preaching is called, The tC0Y , l8 l9> preaching ef the Crofi; and that faid to be the power of God zo%1\,' to us which arc fayed 5 though to wbelieve^fooliflbnefcymd a ift The Vfe Ministers are to nuf^e a Stumbling-block : iuch fulnefs they law in this Oblation of Chrirt , and iuch uie did they make thereof in all their Miai- .#. flraiion. M*t.i*A9. 4- This Death and Sacrifice of Qkrift, the Purgation made Mtr'.*'il.with thereby , and the Efficacies thereof, is that, which Baptifm 2^,24.4^,47, with Water intheName of theLord,in its way , andasan iS:. K/T4 l!' ac^*ltio11 co vo:a^ N^Ainfi of the Gofpel , doth preach and iV.H^.Wts-s! wiinefs ; and into which we alio are bap: Lc J, when, and as icor. 12.13. ' we are fpiritually baptized intoChritf. Gal.3.13, i4) 5, This alio is that, the continual remembrance whereof 27* we are to celebrate , and (hew forth, in our ufe of the Supper of the Lord , till he come again , 1 Or. 1 1 . 2 3, 24, 25,26. 6. k is this, and this only, in and by which is opened for He*. 10 18,19, us the new and living way for all our approach to God , and 2o.Jeb.iol7,9. inco unjon anc| fellow(hip with him and his people , and ac- 13-18. ceptable lcrvice of both. So that this Do^rine of the Oblation of Chrilt for us all, is that with which the Minivers of the Gofpel are to do all their work in their Minirtration ; and fo doing and fo VfL 14. 7 fpeaking , they ftiall fpeak with the Lip of Knowledge , and ipet\ ii*. as tne Oracles of God, and teach as the anointing Believers ljob.z.ioyii, have received, teacheth ; and fo divide to every one their *73i2tiTim.3. Portion , and aniwer all the cavilling Objections of the Ad- ,5i verfaries, that pretend contradictions in the Scripture : for in holding forth this Oblation, as is (hewn, they fliali cleerly fhew , how Jeius Chrift was before all things, and yet as the publick Man,after Adam ; and ib how he Was both before and after <*Adam, Abraham? David ; and how the Lord , and yet the Son of David ; and how equal to the Father , and yet was in the flefh inferiour to the Father : how as the great Sacrificer he died and offered himfelf a Sacrifice and Ranfom for all Men ; and alio, as the faithful and perfecuted Shepherd,laid down his Life for his Sheep , even the Sheep of his Minillration : and ib how he left the World , and is not here , bgt in Heaven ; and yet how he remaineth here, and is with and in his people on Earth: and many like things bv the difcoveryof Jeius Chrift according to his Oblation offered, are anfwejred, But Of this T>oBrine^. iyf But they that defpife this life of the Oblation in their Mi- nitration , and fet light by ft , becaufe ie opens fo plajn and eafie a way of Knowledge, and takes away that exceflite Ho- nour, and, as' fome conceive, the neceffary ule of their great Learning and skill in Philofophy , in Logick, Rhetorick and School-Arts, andfo would binder the Adoration of them, both far theie, and alio for fame flcflily humility, and outfide appearing ieveriry and holinefs , which yet they have in the Hearts of the People , and thereby hinder their power of ruling over the Confciences and Faith of the people, andfo tfain the pride oc all their Glory : and therefore they reject 7/^.28.9,10^1 to i'ubmit to fuch ule of the Oblation of Chrilt in their Mi- J%\ l4, i6yi7[ niftration ; and yet tocolour the evil of their refufal , they with 0.19.9,11-, will ule all their skill to have here a line and there a line, IM4jty- here a precept and there a precept of the Gofpel ;' and with fuch fubtilties carry on the bufinefs , as if the Vifion of All wereafealedBook : and whatever is there faid of Chrifthis dying for all , and being the Propitiation for the fins of the whole World, &c. that every one might believe , and in be- lieving have life and refrefhing, and lb reft : yet that is a thing fealed up, it is not to be taken plainly according to the import of the words , it belongs to fome eleft Company, which unlearned Men cannot know , nor the unlearned nei- ther, who they be that are of that number, till by fome of their ftudied Demonftrations,it come to be manifeftedrand to them you mud refort for this Knowledge ; for the work of their Miniftery is to help Men to know who be of that num- ber ; and as for unlearned Men , they muft be kept humble, and not prefume to think themfelves able to read the Vifion,, or dare to underhand it, according to the plain import cf the words and fayings in the Vifion* yea, fuch by their great learning do fo garnifh over the matter , .that neither their fe<- cret ends of felf-advancing, nor their flighting the Founda- tion, and Vifion of all,may appear to the people ; yea, they conceive,to any, for they fay, who feeth m ? Who can accufe m ? 7^« f .*« • <^8; But thefe want true Wifdorn,and make falfe and vain preach- 8j 9" ings and writings ; and fcorning to ftoop to his command, indire&ing the People for reft and refreffing to this appoint- f ed reft, God lets, Wmfelfagainft them, to. advance what they ['*'\ '.I2*1*' defpile vfi Of the general Intercession of thrift. defpife and caft (hame on them : and they perfifting afcer warning, become drunk with conceits, and afleep, and full of dreams; and To teaching Mens Precepts , lead the people to ip.299,io3u, an hypocritical zeal and holinefe in worfhipping God : and i*' pV'^i5' *6' Goci ^ets him^c^ to blal* anc^ Punifll them > and will difcover ^i^^'lj^ their fubtilties,that Believers fhall know and reprove them: 23.(5,17,28529 and if yet they perfift in their way, and teaching the docu- ments of Men , he warns Believers not to hearken to them, i8,i9-i4.'2tw». but to let them alone, and not to regard their dreams ; af- furing us, that all devotion and worfhipping of God by Mens documents, is vain : his Word is the Wheat, the Red Chaff ; his Word the Hammer that breaketh the Stone, the preaching of theCrofs; the Gofpel is the Power of God, and that wherein his power goeth forth to fave. $0 hath God magnified the word of the Oblation of Chrift. The fecond Branch of the Teftimony of C brill. CHAP. 12. Of the Mediation and Intercefsion of Chrift. And fir ft ^ of that general. BY the Interceffion of Chrift , I mean alfo his Mediation, but not that part of his Mediation at once made in that one Oblation in his once offering up of himielf a Sacrifice to God, which is one part , and the firft part of his Mediation, in which the flrft work and buiinefs was compleated : but that meant here, is his continued Mediation ; that in which, by vertue of his own Oblation once offered , and his firlt work finifhcd , he remaineth a Mediator ftill , ever-living, mediating and interceding : and of this his continual Media- tion, that is ftill doing , is in this Branch of the Teftimony to be confidered « and it is both general, and more fpecial, as will appear : and fo I will treat firftof the General. The Of the general Inter cefsion ofChrift. \yy The general Mediation and IntercetTion of Jefus Chrift is between God and Men. There is one V.4>55tne world, he yet by vertue of his Blood and Oblation fom.?jL°<.1 ' once c^erc^ * *° intercedes with God , as to procure fuch forgivenefs, that they are not cut off preiently for thefe tranf- greffions ; but that longer time and patience, and more mercies and means be extended towards them, and farther ftrife wich his Spirir, that they might yet repent, believe and be laved. A gracious Mediator, intimated to us in thePa- Ih\.i*,$& rable of the Vine-drefler , Lord , let it alone this jeer alfa till I dtj abom it , and drefiit : and if it bear fruity well ; if »oty then after , &C If any fay , This is meant of the Church , the Vineyard of the lews ; I anfwer, However meant, it is fpoken of particular Trees therein , of fotne of which our Saviour faith , Ye are of this _ , World: but it is plain expreis by John Baptifi; Behold the Lamb {29* ;' °f Go* which ta^tb ( or beareth ) away tkfi** *f the *">rld. In which it appeareth evidently , he fpeaketh of more than the Atonement and Purgation made ; and fo of the fins taken away from before the Face of God at once , by that one Oblation of his once- offered j yea , he fpeaketh of a con- Of the general Inter cefiion of Chrift. 139 continued a& , by vertue of his Oblation in Mediation : he taketh (that is fpoken of a prefent and continued buftnefs, he taketh or beareth ) away the fin of the world : that is his Of- fice, and his continued work. That he is faithful in doing, and how he doth ir, was long before prophefied : He poured ifa.^.u. out his foul unto death , and he was numbred with tranfgrefforsy and he bare the fins of many. And then fpeaking of another, and farther bufinefs, done by veitue of the former , he faith alfo , And made interceffion for the tranfgreffors : A little of which we may fee fulfilled in Chrift's praying for them that crucified him, Father forgive themy they know not what they do. ft*£fej.^ And this Prayer of his was anfwered, (yea, in as full a fenle and farther degree than that of sAmos ) and they fo forgiven this great Tranfgreflion, that they were not prefently cutoff; f^J.'*^' but patience and forbearance , and more and greater means JtJ.7.39. '&■$". extended and ufed towards them ; yea, the Gofpel, after the *6.& 5.3 1 ,32, Refurre&ion and Afcenfion of Chrift , frrft preached to them, and Remiflion of fins, &c. according to Chrift his Or- der fo tendered and given to them. And many of them did believe and receive the fame. And in like manner he procured patience and long-iuffering for other great Tranfgreffors, e- ven for the fame gracious end,That they might repent i whence %p we are willed to account , That the long-fuffering of the Lord va^VSwS is falvation. Yea , we are inftru&ed into the knowledge of this Mediation of Chrift by the Types of old: the Truth of all being fulfilled and found in Chrift: For Chrift was once of-, feredy to bear the (ms of many : and unto them that look^for him% he (hall appear thefecond ttme without fin unto falvation. It is e- vident in this place, That more is here fpoken of, and meant, than bearing of fins in his Oblation-offering ; for thofe he tTeU1 a Cot bare in his Sufferings and Death, and nailed them to his n4.Rom.\.ii Crofs : fo, as he did them all away in his Refurre£tion , and Heb.944.11dt. then by the eternal Spirit offered himfelf a fpotlefs Sacrifice *A&om.6.9. to God in the Heavens ; nor can there be any more (in , fo imputed to him, or fo born by him : he h juft, and can die no more ; but his bearing fins now,is his taking them away , and keeping the punifhment of them off firm us. And this was alfo figured to u< in the two Goats: one fhin for a fin-off ring, figuring out theAtonement made by theDeath of Chrift jthe o- U a ther 14.0 Of the general Inter cejslon o/Cbrifl. tevk.i6.9,iOi thcr^ living Goat,over whom was confefs'dall the iniquity of »o,»i,ii.iCtr. the Children of Ifrael; and he bare them away into a Land of 15.17.te.4-i5 reparation, where no man dwelt to be charged with them. So figuring out the Refurre3ion of Chritt for our Judication, and bearing away our fins : the forgivenei's whereof, men per- ceive and receive in confeffng andbelievingon him ; and yet 1J&.1.7& a farther bearing away of fins was here typed, in that it was of fins confefled after the Atonement was made over the live Goat that carried them away, &c. But I will not urge that, but come to that which i< more full and plain for this purpofe: £*fl/.*8.i$,3o daronxhz High-Pricfi: did bear the names and the Judgement of the Children of Ifrael , when he went into the holy place continually; and he with his Sons the Priefts,were to bear the iniquity of the Congregation , to make Atonement for them before the Lordjand this was befides the Atonement made in the holy of holies , once in the yeer. And what bearing of iniqaity this wa<, may be cleer to us : nor that the iniquity of the people was imputed to the Prie^s, and confefs'd over their heads, and they to fuffer the judgement and punifhment due to the people* fins , and to be offered in Sacrifice for them; notlo : But (as skilful! Hebricians lay , The word Ggnifies, and the Greeks tranflates fo) to bear and take away ; yea , it is fo opened to us in the Scripture, to be by their ier- Uumb. 1 8.1,2, vice and Minifi ration in the Sanituary, by verme of the great 3>4>5-zV3- Atonement maderand lb by all their Sacrifices & Purifications in their Minii • ration, to take away the peoples fins. Whence it U plain,their bearing of iniquity was a taking of it away,by minifiring about , and ordering cf the holy things ; burning Incenfe , offering Sacrifices, fprinklirg the unclean , &c. (wh;ch the people were not betrufied to do, but the Priefts) that they might have God's Ordinances , and his pre- feiice therein, with Mercies continued to them : and hew fhould the H^h-Prieit bear both the Names and Judgement of the Tfraelites on his heart, but in teoder companion , and love to .hem > and care for them ; fo to minifier and order t^e whole Mini ration in their behalf ? And now fare the H^.91470 » Truth of all r is is found in Chrift; he doth till appear be- 19. H.b.i -7 for God in tbe heaven of heaven^, by vertue of his Oblati- &4M.&i>\-9. on anj sacrifice by him once offered, to take a way, an dfo is taking Of the general Intercefsion ef Chrijl. \^\ taking away our daily (ins ; and he able , faithful and full of companion. Nor is any other betrufted with this bufinefs, nor left to approach to God in his own Name, /ill flefh is grafr bntthe-word of the Lord (that was made flefh. ) endureth for ever. But I need fay no more to this, the words are fo plain , by Bear, to mean it, To bear after his offering \ and , By vertue of his offering which was to that end alio offered , Chnft wot once offered to bear (or that he might bear ) the (ins of many. But Hl^- 9' *4» who are thole Many* It is evident , they are fuch as are (iill found Tranfgreffors , and have fins daily to take away ; yea, furely fuch work enough they might finde him: lb that he might juftly complain of them , That they trouble him not with their holy Defires, Prayers , and fpiritual Sacrifices for him to perfume with his Odours, and prefent to his Fa- ther: But the/ make him ro ferve with their fin*, mA t fa. &.%%,%& fo weary him with their iniquities , that he is prcffed with z^.i^Amoi z. them as a Cart is preffedwith fheaves j yet he mediateth for lh pardon : yea, this many alio , are more than fuch as will be eternally faved : for it is not faid, And unto them whofe fins he did bear, [or thofe many whofe fins he beareth , he will appear the fecond time without fin unto falvation: But exprefly , Unto them that look^ for him ( which is a dillindt expreffion of a peculiar, called out of a general ; which can be no other but io many of thofe many , whofe fins he bears , as through his gracioufnefs are drawn to believe in him , and love him, and jo look for his coming ) to fuch hefhall appear the fecond time without fin unto falvation. So that it is evident here , That cwfP*re*im. Many in one fenfe,is as large as All, as is elfewhere often. But \^h^m.ylx, yet it is both here, and in ibme other place*, in great wifdom iTim.i.6. expreiVd in the yvovdMaxyyvhich will bear out All "men living upon the earthen any one age or generation of men : And fo from Age to Age, and from Generation to Generation , from the beginning of the World to the end thereof. And Chrilt his interceding for Tranfgreffors is at an end for them at fart heft- when thev die : and fo all men for whom he effered his Ob- lation to God , not living upon this earth at once, in one Age or Generation , his Mediation and Tnterceffion that is by vertue of his Oblation once offered , is for men in their fe- veral ij.1 Of the general intercefsion ofChrifl. vcral Ages : And fo for fome it is palt , and for fome it is to come ; and for the prefent living it is now a doing , he is now mediating with God for men;yea,all living on earth that are not yet blotted out of the Book of Life, and they are ma- ntctef. 9 4,5. ny* (in which refpe£t al(o it is faid, A living dog is better than a i rim i. 5. lfa. dead hor^ because to him that is joyned to the livings there is hope:) 5 !**• fo that by the Types we are led to minde what is found in the Truth , according to what is plainly affirmed , even, That Jefus Chrift is the Mediator between God and Men, Htb.7. and that he maketh Interceflion for the Tranfgreffors ; yea, and that this may more fully appear what a Mediator he is; I may alfo fay , as he was figured by MechUedec , that was aPrieft of the molt high God, and a King, &c not limited to Abraham^ Family, or the Ifraelitifh Nation ; but even over irim. i.5><*. the World : fo in fome fenfe Jefus Chritt is a Prieft over all the World, in that he offered his Oblation for all men , and U the Mediator between God and Men in general. And he Joh.x. 4,1,7,*, alfo in fuch-like fenfe is a Prophet for the whole World , en- 9.^0.10.36. lightning every one that cometh into the World 5 andfo ^M/.i8.i8. likewifeheisthe King, and Lord of all, in whofe hands the power,and ruling,and Lordfhip over all, is ; God admin Wring his Providence through the Mediator Chrift : fo that there is fuch a Mediator between God and Men , as is both King, Prieft and Prophet ; yea , fuch a one as hath given himielf a Ranfom for men ; yea, fuch a one as is one with God, the fame God ; and one with men , having the Nature of man, and fo EmmamelGod with us, even the Man Chrift Jefus, who is full of Companion, Love , Faithfulnefs and Power : and the prevalency of his mediation by vertue of his Obla- tion, is feen in the prefervation of man, and other Creatures for man's ufe, and in the patience and long-fuffe ranee of God extended , and the means ufed towards them, to bring them to Repentance and Faith , and fo bringing many thereto. All which our fins againfl: Light would deprive u? of, but for the mediation of him that taketh away the (in of the VVorld. Oh gracious and unwearied Mediator! And this his general Mediation is for all men , as afore o- pzned,even for tne TranferefT >rs ; and in faying/Iw all mtnfiz- Uevers & Saints are included : who are alfo ufuiUy called mer* though Of the more fecial 14.5 though not ufually called the Tranfgreflors : yet as they are men , and do in many things offend , and fo in a fenfc are TranigrcflV»rs * they do both need , and have their part in this Mediation, or the Mediation of Ch rift thus confider- ed. And that Mediation which is more fpecial for Be- lievers , or the Mediation of Chrift , as it is more fpecially confidered as it is for Saints ; it hath in it alio a great deal of tendency for the good of the men of the world , feeing his Mediation for the Saints , and its prevalency with God, for t preiervingthemin the world, after they are chofen out of K*{£';' *7'**>i7' and their San£Hfication, Union, Miniftration, and Bleffing on * it, are all to this end, and have this tendency , that the world might believe ; in which believing, they (Tiall receive for- givenefs and life. So that this Branch of the Teftimony of the Interceffion cf Chriltthus far , i?, together with his Ob- lation off red,good News, true Gofpel,to be preached to the Wotld, to all men ; that they might believe , and having fit- nefs and power to draw them , that they might believe : it being all alfo true before they believe, that they might be- lieve ; and fo true,whether they believe it or nor. CHAP. 13. Of the mere fpecial Mediation of ChriH ; or^ his Mediation, as more f pec i ally confidered. T He more fpecial Mediation of Jefus Chrift , is his Media- tion of the New Teftament : and this alfo, is by vertue of his Oblation once offered ; and that to this end, That Hcb ,- Believers may be preferved in peace, enjDy the Promifes of c ' 9' the New Teltament, and be brought to receive the promifed Inheritance. And in this refpeft he is, and is called , The Heb 8 2 6% Minifter of theSan^uary and true Tabernacle , which the Lord pitched, and not man; andfo the Mediator of a bet- H^.u.24 hc£, ter Covenant, eftablimed upon better Promifes ; his Blood 9.14,15, being 1^4- Mediation of Uorijt. being fprinkled on thofe that come to him, fpeaketh peace to them, and purgeth their Confcience, &c. Therefore alfo his Mediation is of this New Teftament y that they which are called might receive the promifed Inheritance : this Media- tion being fofuli and excellent , hisfpecial Interceflion is in ir. Whence alio it is fometime called Advocation , for the fulnefs of his dealing in it, in removing all Stops , procuring Grants, and affording Inftruclions and Conlbiation , that compare ijoh. Believers may enjoy Peace , Freedom , Union and Fellow- Yfoliz.?!. ^P w*tn tym anc* the Father, and beprelervedin and to their Hope. So it is faid , // any man fny we have an Advo- cate with the Father,] e[vt4 (thrift the righteous. He faith not, If any man fin, he hath an Advocate ; as if this were the com- mon priviledge of all men : nor faith he only , If any of m finywe have an Advocate ; as if we had no hope to pray for any but Believers : but in general,// any man fin> whoc\et of u?, or not of us, if a man , we have an Advocate, one with the Father, known to us, and believed in by us, to go to God by , who advocateth for us ; and he is righteous , and will procure us a gracious Anfwer, when we in his Name pray for ourfelves, or for the Church , or any of it; yea, and alfo, when,according to his will, we pray for others that are yet of the world : for he is alfo the Propitiation for our fins,and not for ours only, but alro for the fins of the whole world : fo, as by his Oblarion, having made peace for Mankinde , and be- ing now the Mercy-Seat of God, and the Propitiation to pro- pitiate; and mediating with God for that end, whereby he hath propitiated us, and brought us in to believe in God, 6 & \Tli jr*'anc* *s a'^ become our Advocate , that we may approach to i.'iS. HcbJ'o.God by him, both for ourfelves and for others ; in which 18,19 & 7. » 7-. confidence Believers approach through Chrirt with boldrefs *4>*5- to the Throne of Grace, having this Ground, Becaufehe continuing ever, remaineth a Prieft for ever , having an un- changeable Prielthood, /W.7.25. wherefore he is able to fave them to the utmoit (or evermore) that come unto God by him , feeing he ever liveth to make Interceflion for them : from whence T fhali briefly obferve a few things about this fpecial Mediation or Interceflion of Jefus Chrirt, as by other places alio I have kittrutfion, 1. That Of the more fecial 14$ 1 . Thtt here is no denial or exclufion of his Mediation foe all Men, and Imerceffion for Tranfgreffor* , as if thofe only that approach to God by him, were the All, the only and the whole number, for whom he doth in any fort mediate and intercede. He neither faith, But them, or only therh ; not a word to contradift that affirmed in other places ; nor doth he here fpeak of his Mediation and Interceflion for men, for that to be vouchfafed them , whereby they might believe, and fo approach to God through him ; but of his Mediation and Interceflion for thofe that do already believe , and ap- proach to God by him; and fo are beheld believing,and com- ing in to God by him ; who are indeed God's chofen **.*and a ir^.i.t. & thofe to whom Chrift is the Author of Eternal Salvador* £, M>4»y. *Tbef. to whom he is to give , and hath promifed to give , Eternal *Ah Life c. And fo Emphatical] y it is faid of them, as the choice c f^J^-*. upon whomhis eye is fet , He ever liveth to make Interceffi- ^17.3. & u[ on for them; for them dire&ly,fbr them specially. **,»*. 2. That he ever liveth to intercede for them , that is , to officiate and perform this bufinefs in Heaven for them : every word is of force: 1 . He ever liveth, as their Great High-Prieft, appearing in Hcb. 7. 13,14, Heaven for them in their Nature , and as their Head , Hus- Rom. 6. $,i©. band, elder Brother and Keeper (he died oncefor them, and *ev'plf' &u rofe, and offered the Oblation once ) but now he is alive for Tj;* ?7' '*°# evermore, andean die no more, but liveth ever ; fo as there can be no let nor ceafing of his bufmefs : he neither flambereth nor fleepeth ; fo that none ftiall or can perifo through any defeft in his Miniftration. 2. He ever liveth as the Son of God, and the Man in whom j0bM^i.&u% the fulnefs of the Godhead dwelleth bodily, beloved of the*. 10.3,4! Father,and prevalent with him; fo, as the Father denies ^.17*4. him nothing: his fuites are all, and always granted; fo,that with him it is but, / w/7/, and it is done. 3. He ever liveth,as the living Obje& of Faith , the Au- a^AUuf^. thor and Finifher of it , that hath Life in himfelf, and giveth 5.1* .mM.3, life to others ; the quickning Spirit , that quickneth and en- 4>M^-»5.44> livencth all that believe on him : and becaufe he ever liveth, *£ S'^a3 they that believe on him (hall live alfo: his ever living, isa^^,'^ ' flrong confolatidn to Believers : For if when we wert enemies^ X we \$6 Of the more fecial m were reconciled to God 9 by the death oj his Son -, much more being reconciled to God , wejball be faved by his life , or ever living to intercede for us; and fo to quicken and prcferve us. 7^.14.1^. & J. That he everlivethto make Interceffion for them : I 17.14. vfaLxo. might fay in a fenfe, to pray the Father for them, though not u l',J' u^iT *•" thU fubmifflv* m*nncr» as *hen he was on Earth r before L* ' 3* be had offered the Oblation, with tears and cries ; but, as one accepted having Power, and Authority, and onenefs with the Father,with Iwilly&c.Thzt they be one with u^and filled with Spirit , even all the good things of thy holy Temple; * Hii < ^.^.^^P^y^sbe anfwered : and he is anfwered. But I will inftance in fome particulars , as well as by Scripture I may. 1. By vertue of his Blood prefented to his Father , and l.i,i "pfcjf ' 7 fp"nWcdCin the fpiritual documents of it,believed,//*.5 2.15. Jto.j.i/i.4' ' Rom.i 5.20,21.) upon their hearts, to bring them to fee and acknowledge their prefent and daily infirmities, defile- ments and offences ; and by the vertue of his Blood, to dif- penfe to them forgivenefs and cleanfing : and io maintain that Peace of God in them , that fliall keep their hearts through him. He &$• 2- By presenting himfelf for them, Wifdom, Righteouf- 14.1 c^i.3o-nefs,Sanaification and Redemption ; and fo presenting them 3*. before the Father in himlelf, wife, righteous, holy, free. Job 14 ai 13. ?• ^ procuring of the Fatherfuch Manifeftations,by his Heb. 9. 13^14! Spirit in the Gofpel,of the vermes of his Sufferings and Sacri- <^io.i4.cW.i.ficefor them, and his Father's Love there-through to them, 21,13. fyb.$. as thereby both to comfort and purifie them : fo , as in due *f**A7, feafon he may prefent them as fpotlefs to himfelf , as now he prefents them in himfelf before the Father. mb.9.1 1.&2. 4. % procuring for them a performance of the promifes of i,6,io.Rom.s. the New Teftament, in fending forth the holy Spirit in a firR 13. J0b.14.i6, fruits to them , according to his promife to be an Advocate a^iT^tf T *nd Comforter in and to them, and foto minde them of, and $.i£i.jhb.t6. teach them the understanding of his faying?,and to witnefs of W4>itfi»P«fc himto them,and through them to others,to take of the things 1.7* i c^.3.3, 0f chrift , and Chew to them , and thereby glorifying him to ^^^^^"'themjand making him precious to their hearts 5 and fo guid- ing Mediation o/CbriJi. 14,7 ing them into all Truth, fo writing his minde in their hearts, Rm. l6t a^« and to fubdu^ their (infui and fleftily lulls, Micah 7.19. Rom. 1/^.4.4. &%. 8.13. URm.i.i-u 2o.and to fupport them in troubles,//*.^. 3 .J^.i tf .3 3-to be ^J'l4,t %£*{ treading, and fo to tread Satan under their feet in due feafon, i^o^ut.2. and to give them viftory over all the evil Spirits and Temp- ?. /U.7.38,3?! tations that are in the World, and to (bed abroad his Love in fom.z.16. their hearts, and fo fill them with peace, joy,hope, and all fpi- ^vt-3^37. ritual fprings of his goodnefs, and fruits of righteoufnefs ; and l m'7 ' *7* becaufe of their ignorance and un worth inefs of, and inability to reach to or receive thefe things, to lead, inftrud, and move them to pray unto God for all thefe things promifed, in the Name of Chrift, ^,16.23,24. Zach.i 5. To perfume their Prayers, Praifes and Services, with ^v.8.3. /<*. the Odours and fweet-imelling Vermes of his Death and Sa- '4*1*' & l6- crifice ; andfo by his Interceffion thereby, to expel from be- **'I7w«**fr*i fore his Father *s Throne , thofe mixtures of their flefhly ,9' weaknefs that were in them, and make their fuits acceptable to his Father, and fo procure them Anfwers from God. 6. To procure their prefervation for their Generation, to 7 , be in his place in the World, for the Miniftration of the Go-f^l7,I9'1{; . fpel , and holding forth the word of Life to the World, and 20. i'c or. 3 .j ,lj edifying one another ; and likewife for unity of Spirit among 7.^4.1. pbiL them, and San&ificaticn and Blefling of them and their Mini- *.'4>i?..ej>/m- ftration, that fo the World might be brought to believe, and M" \z'*6; i6 Believers may grow up together into Chrift, by that which fct'tp/*.i.t! ^ very joynt fupplieth, that fo they may not be barren, but fruitful in the knowledge of Chrift. 7. To prepare for them heavenly Manfions , and them for j^.14 2}$; the enjoyment of themiand fo to preferve them through Faith ip«m 4,?« j to the pofleffion of the promifed Inheritance. All this doth he make Interceffion for , for all thofe that come to God by him : and this a brief or little mention of his bufinefs he is now doing in heaven,in making Interceffion for Believers. And becaufe of his fending forth his Spirit into their hearts, by which he is prefent with them , and in them , as in his Body ; aifo he appears in heaven before the Father for them. Joh ul6u Hence that bleflcd and Holy Spirit of Chrift bears his Name, ig, X 2 being; 148 Of the morejpecial, &c. nmj^mMtm0lki their Advocate, and Chrift by him doing that ' work in them, he is (aid to do it , even to make Interceffion for the Saints : fo that this making Intcrceflion for the Saint?, in his Mediation of the New Teftament , dealing both with Sod and with them, for them and in them,is an higb,heaven- ly, choice and peculiar bufinefs. And furely, all that come to God by Chrift , believing this , it will fill them with ftrong confolttion, and make them pray with affurance of Faith^ knowing he ever liveth to make Intcrceflion for them that come to God by him. And therefore 4c That he is able to fave to the utmoft them that come to God by him ; which as it is plainly affirmed, fo I hope none of us doubteth.uhereforelwill no farther inftance proofs; » T*/».M>5A only let that be remembred , which hath been before noted, That though the Death and Ranfom by Chrift given, was for all men , and fo his Mediation in general for al 1 men , that they might be preferved, and come to the knowledge of the Truth, for which he is able alfo ; yet the utmoft and Eternal Salvation and Inheritance purchafed by his Oblation, was and is to be conferred on Believers : not on all he died for , or W$*A4,6 mediateth for ; not on fuch, when through his mediation, the *&)$$$%, heavenly cords arc let down, will not obey?in fuffering them- 3,10,11. fclvcs to be drawn to him ; Sure it is,there is another portion juftly defigncd for fuch:but to thofc that by his heavenly cords *«*.** Job. arc drawn to him ; and fo belie ving,comc to God by him, to *•?*• thtfe he gives Eternal Life , Eternal Salvation : and for thefe Believers that approach to God by him, he maketh his fpeciai Intcrceflion and Advocation : and feeing he ever liveth t o do this for them , he is able, powerful, faithful, true, ready, fit, doing it at all times ^vermore^to fave them to the utmoft : and this Mediation of Jefus Chrift by vertue of his Oblation, both as in general for all men, and as in fpeciai for Believers, is a marvelous heavenly cord to draw to Faith , and ftablifh in tfecfakh. CHAP, I4-? CHAP. 14. Of the Excellency and Prevalent] of the Mediation an$lln- terceflion of Iefw Chrift. IEfusChrift that is the Mediator between God and men, who alfo ever liveth to nuke Intcrceflion for thofe that come to God by him ; He it is, that by his Oblation hath bought us of God, and obtained an Eternal Redemption to beltow. He it is, that is filled with all fulncfs of Spirit, Power, and Authority, to make known the Name and Love of the Fa- ther, and draw to him ; and in their coming to him, to con- fer Redemption on them. He it is, that is the merciful High-Pried acquainted with our infirmities and temptations, fo knowing how to pity and help us in all our needs. He it is, that is our Kinfman neerly related to us , being in onr Nature, and having bought all Mankinde of God , into his difpofe ; and alfo bought Believers to himfelf , and fo un- to God, by the venues of his Blood in Gofpel made known, and applied to them ; And fo our Brother, making us Par- takers of the Divine Nature , maketh us his own Honfe,and fo full of Love, Faithfulnefs and Prevalency by his Blood for us and in us. He it is , that is the Accepted and Beloved of the Father, ever prevalent with him , and exalted and filled with all power by him: fo, as whatever the Father doth , he doth- the fame. Yea, he is that tried one,that having been tried and proved, is evidenced to be precious , and fure, failing none that truft V** %*ASo in him ; his Love, pity , mercy, faithfulnefs,havc been tried, ^^ 6 and proved exceeding great and durable, in his not (hrinking Km,i',t\i back, but indttring and going through fo great Sufferings and Abaft- *5o 0/ the bxcelency and Trevaleney Abatements for turners , &e. his power and all-fufficiency hath been tried,and proved mighty , in that he not only bare the weight of our (ins, the terror and fentence of death, the a® 1.24. Rom. wrath of God againft our fins, when all was laid on him, and J<4, oU.i4.'5. all the powers of Hell fighting againft himj but that he by fuf- fering and death , appealed the wrath of the Father for us, made Atonement for our fins, and overcame curie,and death, and devil,and all the powers of hell,and arofe from the dead, and afcended to the right hand of God. His prevalency with the Father in and by his Sacrifice of- fered to God, and the excellency of his Sacrifice is tried, and>fa. proved precious and prevalent, in that the Father hath receiv- aio.i. ^Act.i. ed him, and fends him forth no more to fuffer , but hath fee Mat.i7.s.xPet. him at his right hand,and made him Lord of all,and born wit- i.i*,i7. rsefsofhim. Km - 1 o,i 9 His bounty, goodnefs and readinefs farther to lave men,and xo,*5. W.14! therein the prevalency of his Mediation for men, even tranf- 17. w/w.1.4. grefl'ors , is alfo tried, and found excellent and abundant, in x rim. 1. iu*7. and by his longfufferance , and induring men's ill requitals ; ^iii'%1 l?rov. k*s fli" upholding the earth, and extending mercies to men, t.ii9ii.&9.4>t0 k*^ c^enl t0 repentance ; his calling and drawing in %>6. /flb.^.33, to believe, and lb faving the chief of finners,and fetting them 37. forth as a pattern to encourage others to believe in him. In a word, his calling all, even the worft of men , and refufing none that come to him : but hath faved, and doth fave, being the Saviour of the world, and giving life to the world. Rom-i.i6 i£V. His peculiar Mediation and Interceffion for Believers , his i-iZ,%4.iTkef. chofen , that do come to God by him , hath alio been tried, \pet i^Thff anc* *°un(* excceding fweet , precious and prevalent, in and 3,7^8,9^^.7". ^ Believers that approach to God by him , in the faving ef- %iJ&*!x.Rm. ficacies of his word believed by them : the prevalency of his j.i-f. Eph.i. Blood fprinkled on their hearts in that word believed , pui- 18. x 7o/;.4.4. liDg them out from the fnares andpollutions of the world to tlyio.'xTlm. Goc* ; ^'1S Grace therein appearing, prevaling with them, to 4.17,1*8.^.3! let all go,to be found in Chrift : and fo freeing them from the 4.ira.tiAo,ii> lordly dominion of fin , and bondage of the Law ; and fofil- H./&3.33. ling them with the fpringsof peace, boldnefs of accefs to (Sod > joy, hope, crc. making them partakers of the Divine Nature, and giving them victory over the world : alfo, in An- fwere of the Inter cejlion of Cbrijl. iff fwcrs of their Prayers,and Deliverances out of great Deaths ; yea , in iure hope of appearing in Glory with him, when he appears in Glory. Theie and many fuch-like Evidences have Believer?,of the Excellency and Prevalency of his InterceiTi- on for them by vertue of his Oblation; in and through which, they alfo are his Witneffes. So , that as all hearing the Gofpel might be encouraged hereby to repent and believe in him ; fo Believers much more may be ftrengthened, and fully perfwaded, That he is willing and able evermore , and to the utmoit,tofavethem that come to God by him. And now if both thefe be put together, and considered, in the Mediation and Interceffion of Chrift ; his Mediation and Interceffion , as it is in general between God and Men, and fo for all Men ; for Tranfgreflbrs , for means to preferve them,and bring them in to believe ; and fo alio for Believers, as they are Men , and in fome fort Tranfgreflbrs alfo, that they may ftill receive the benefit thereof : and alfo , as it is in fpecial, and of the New Teftament, for them that are cal- led, and come to God by him, that they may receive the promifed Inheritance. And this alfo having its tendency for the good of the World, Men, Tranfgreflbrs, that through the vertues of Chrift heldforth by Believers >they might be brought t oRepentance & Faith, and fo to fellowship with Believers in thefe forefaid Priviledg es;then furely we may difcern both the Excellency of his Mediation^ alfo of his Oblation,by vertue whereof he mediateth; & how the efficacy of both go ever to- gether in one to Man-ward;he procuring all of his Father for Men in his InterceiTion,by vertue of his Oblation; & from the Prevalency of his Interceffion with God, working all in Men in his difpenfation,by and with the vertue of his Oblation. And yet here is amanifeft difference in refpe&of the ef- ficacy of his Oblation with God for Men , and of his In- terceffion with God towards and in Men, in offering the Ob- lation to God : the efficacy of the Oblation with God, was firft ; and by vertue thereof, he became a Mediator between God and Men , and fo for Men : and this Oblation is al- wayes remaining in its vertue and efficacy before God, and with him 5 from whence he mediateth with (Sod ; but now in Ifi Of the Excellency and Trevalency in Application to Men * in ewenfion of the Fruits and cifica« cics to, and in Men , as to Mens difceraing and enjoying, the vertne and efficacy of the Mediation and Intcrccffion is firft: though the Mediation be by vertue of the Oblation firft of- fered to God , yet the Mediation fore-running the making of it known, and being that which procures the making known the Oblation and vertue of it unto Men ; and alfo, it is through his Intercefllon and Difpenfation according thereto, that the efficacioufnefs of the Oblation is found in Men , yet the efficacy with and in Men, is various, and in and with no mortal Man, fo full and compleat, as with God; and this appears cleerly in the Mediation and Interceflion of Chrift, who there-through prevailing with God, procureth and excendeth forth the knowledge of his Oblation,and ver- tue thereof with God for Men , in all that he hath fuffered and done for us in the Nature of Man, and in the means ufed towards us in the Declaration of his Word , and in Ordinances, Mercies,Chaftifements, and Motions of Spirit, inConvincements and Allurements , to break Man off his purpofe, and fubdue him to felf-denial , and fo bring him in to believe on Chrift, and fo to Peace and Life ; and alfo here- in difcovering the Father's Love, and rich Grace,and gracious Ends, in giving him, and accepting his Oblation, and making him the Mediator ; and now for bis Mediation, extending fo much patience and fo many means,all fan&ified by his Blood, to draw Men from their own evildefigns and wayes in fins,or righteoufnefs of their own,to receive his Grace and Favour. And in this Fruit of his Interceflion by vertue of his Obi a- tion , he being the Man , the Word that was made Flefh, and ftied his Blood , and by vertue thereof , is now through thefe means fprinkling it ; and his Father being that Fountain of Love and living Waters, that fent him, and hath filled him with himfelf, his Face (hining in his : It in all appears, not only that his Mediation and Inteceflion is excellent , but al- fo, That this Loveof the Father in giving him, and his Obla- tion offered, and Mediation by vertue thereof, and the pro- curing the cxtention of the Fruits of God '5 Love there- through, is, the Water and Blood by which he came, and the way in which the Spirit beartth wknefs of him : and fo alfo the Of the Intercefion ofChrift. 15; the Water and Spirit , of which Believers are born. And hence alfo it is, That all thofe means extended to Men in the Love of God, as procured by the Interceffion ofChrift by vertue of his Oblation to fo gracious an end ; they are the Cords of a Man, proceeding from the Man Chrift, and fuited to the needs and capacities of Men to whom extended , and H of. n.^^. with i'uch as will verily draw Men in to him , if not prefumptu- lf*i&*>V & oufly refitted : and they are alio the bands of Love, that come y 33»|,^t3- from the free-Love of God our Saviour,and to gracious Ends, fc r the good of them to whom extended : in thefe being the extentionof the Call, the fpreading of the Curtains, the means for the New Birth. All which things in this Chapter, are (hewn and proved before, in the 6% and 7, and 8, and p, and 1 o Chapter of this Part 2. Oh prefumpmous Tranfgref- fors, that confpire againft the Lord and his anointed, fay ing^Let Pfa *.3j4. m breaks their bands a fonder >and cafl away their cords from us!bh jiT J0#10 x , foolifh and brutifti Paftors, that do difgrace thefe Cords, and cam.i-\. fib. fpoil the Church of them ! Oh bleffed they , that in thefe 6-44>4?. col.t, drawings , learn of the Father, and come to Chrift ; for fuch i9-P/*.u8.i7. (hall then finde the benefit of his fpecial Intcrceflion in the &*6-11*1 * fame Cords of a Man , and Bands of Love, to unite them to Chrift,and fo to God in Chrift for ever,& fo conforming them to Chrift, and confolating them in him. And fo, if we well weigh the Mediation and Interceffion of Chrift by vertue of his Oblation, we may perceive how all things are upheld by fobj.19.1Tim. him, and how excellent and prevalent his Mediation is, for 1.5.^.9.15. the good of Men , that they might become Believers and Saints 5 and for the good of Saints , that they may enjoy the Promi(es,and receive the promifed Inheritance. And fo the Mediation of Chrift, is for fuch as are yet unbelievers,that they might believe ; and for Believers, that they may perfevere in Faith to the Inheritance : and by the Grace here-through ex- tended , He is Alpha and Omega^az Beginning and the End in the work of Gracejand fo the Author,Captain,and Finifher of Faith : and fo, he mediating for all Men, doth alfo therein and therewith more efpecially mediate and intercede for Be- lievers, his chofen ones that go to God by him. Y CHAP. ity and on Chrift , but not by him. 1 . I anfwer , To take that Joh. 1 . 7. That John was fent forth from God , and came to bear witnefi of the light , that all Joh. 3« *£>*73 men through him (that is, through John) might believe^ (and not 30, 31, 3*-3£ through the light witneffed by John ) would be a very fmall M%^!o1f'All> whena wkncffing-Light of that true Light, foout-fhi- 4j ^3,2^^ ning the Light of John's Miniftration, came info fuddenly upon it , though witneffwg ftill to the fame Light that John bare witnefs of i which true Light abideth ft ill, when Iohn's Miniftration is over. And if Mr. Owen feared any difgrace to the Servants Miniftration , and fo to himfelf hereby ; it was a cauflefs fear , and not occafioned by this quotation of the place, which denieth not at all, John to be the Minifter by whom all thofe , to whom his Line reached y that believed, did believe, even as the Apoftles were Minifters , by whom the Believers in their Miniftration , were brought to be- lieve : they miniftred the Epiftle , and held forth and wit- Joh.WM, nefs Chrift the Light therein ; and for any farther thing, they difcUim it : and for that caufe, witneffed of him, and held cajl upon the Trofejfors of this Truth. i# held forth and exalted him , that men beholding him might through him believe, and be healed. But thebelieving of any, ^.40.1 cor. was from hearing and beholding Chrift the Son ; and fo,as the 3.4^6,^4.1. Lord gave to every man,& by his Spirit writ hisEpiftlc in their 1^.3.3,18, heart. If any defire farther honour to himielf , lohn difowns ^k}'l6936' it , Chrift forbids it , the Apoftles difclaim it : fo no wrong f £* #£ done in the quotation : yet for giving this Honour to Chrift, ija.41. 1-10. as that glorious Objeft, by vertue of his Oblation , and by Att.$.}i* vercue of his Interceflion alfo , thereby fuch a full flowing Fountain of Life, and Prince, giving Repentance and RemiiTt- on of fins, that through him difcovered , and by him the Be- holders of him are brought to believe ; I am not oncly blamed, but charged to learn this of the old Serpent, 2. I anfwer , I have learned to give this Honour to Chrift Ifa.^i.hti7.& from God the Father, that faith, He hath put his Spirit on Chrift 49.7,9. &%%« for that end, That hefhould call, and open the eyes of the blindey 4>Mp-*).i,x, and cmfefuch as foreknew him not , to come in to htm. I have 5j4' Joh'*A 9> learned from Jefus Chrift, That he was anointed and filled with l°i^\ Spirit to that end ; and, That the Father and he are one ; and, a&.%. 3 x . ifa. That the Father doth nothing^bat the Son doth the fame: And this K*4>%£> iCm honour the Father hath given to theSonfThat all menfhould honour 3«4j*3^ the Son^ as they honour the Father ; and , Fatth being the Gift of God, and the Operation of God , it is verily , The Gift of Chrift and the Operation of Chrift \ yea, He is Author andfintfhery Al- pha and Omega^ in this work alfo : yea , I have learned it from the Holy Spirit, both in the Teftimony born by the Prophets and Apoftles ; and for a plain exprefs Anfwer, 3. I am learned by the Spirit in the Gofpel , not only, To believe in Chrift and on Chrtft , as Mr, Owen faith ;. but alfo, as the Medium of both, In the Name and on the Name of Chris! ; yea, and alfo, in exprefs words , That ail that rightly believe, it is by Chrifty iPet.1.20. Who verily was fore-ordained, before the foundation of the world ; but was manifested in thefe laslr times for youNztfo I JVho by him do believe in God that raffed him from the dead, and gave him glory , that your faith and hope might be in God. So that to give this Honour to Chrift, and his Oblati- on and Interceflion , That it is by him that men believe in God, l C(fr' "•*• andfo to confefhim Lord , is by the Holy Ghoft 5 though many dare fay, It's ft om the Serpent^ becaufe ic exalts not them in the Y z place i5d <±An zAnfvper to fome Jjperfwns place of Chrift as Rabbics. But enough of this r nor will I take notice here to anfwer any more fuch fluff in that Book of Mr. Owen's , it having been fairly anfwered by a learned and godly Brother. But in his pretended Aniwer to Mr. John Goodwin , the Book I minded that occasioned this DKcourfe, Pi*. IX7 ^e ^a*tn > That Chrift interceded for his Elett , for whom he died, Seft. 7 , *^at ^e7 m*) bel*eve 5 which<> he lakh , is denied by thofe he op- fofeth; which, both Saying and AfperGon , he might have for- born : for thofe he oppofeth do hold as Frmly as himfelf, and more cleerly, according to the Scriptures , That Chrift inter- ceded in a peculiar and fpecial manner, for hisEleft and chofenOnes that approach to God by him ; yea , even for Believing and Faith , in that fenfe that Believing is taken for, abiding Believing, and more firmly Believing; and for Faith, i/«M..i$. as Faith is taken for Confirmation and Perfeverance in the Faith , as is (hewn in this fore-written : Yea , more than Mr. Owen can yet be brought to confefs , even, That Chrift in aft or undertaking, died for them before they were ele& ; and, That there was not any in him , to lay afide the Heaven- ly Glory,and die,and rife, and offer the Oblation in him, and fo to be the Mediator in and with him ; for then there would not have been that room for Imputation br x^pplication to them , nor could defer ved Grace have been fo freely beftow- ed. But he did all this alone, and in that refpeft is the Root and Fountain of Eleftion alfo : fo , that the Eleft are beholding to the Oblation and Interceflion of Chrift, for E- le£tion,as well as for Faith : yea,and they believe,That Chrift interceded for thefe men alfo that they might believe: but that was before they were perfonally Elect ; and fo then not for them, as they were Eleft, which then was not, nor were they inch ; but as they were Men of the World, and Tranfgreffors, that means might be extended to tbem,and they fo brought to %Tm[A,\$. believe ; and in this believing of the Truth, chofen through the Sanftification of the Spirit ; which is God's Way. And fo Eleftion in fome fenfe, a Fruit of Faith ; 'but Faith in the be- ginning of it, and firft coming into it,is not in a proper fenfe a Fruit of Election : vea, furely we believe , That all the Eleft i Pam 9 arc a k°ty ancl peculiar people , called out of Darknefs into his marvelous Light , and all of them that* yet live on this Earth caft upon the Trofejfers of this Truth. 157 Earth, to fhew forth his Praifes now , as thofe for whom he efpecially intercedeth, That they may be kept, that when all '■ a. io».i7,t§. the luft (hall be raifed , we may all more fully (hew forth his Praifes together : but we dare noc entertain vain fancies and dream?, to vent them among the Rebellious , as if fome of them , might even now, while Rebellious, be God's Ele&, for ou^ht any man knoweth ; becaufe the plain Sayings of Scripture are againft this,as hath been plentifully fhewn ; and for that which we believe alfo , and fo for the Mediation of Chrilt, in general, for all men; and more efpecially, for Be- lievers, already (hewed. The third Branch of the Teftimony of Chrift . CHAP. 16. Of the coming again of Chrift) and the wanner thereof. FOr the coming again of our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chrift, it being one part of the Teftimony of Chrift, it is need- ful alfo, to be known and believed ; it being alfo of the very Object of Faith , fet forth in the Gofpel to be believed ; fo, as without believing it , no Man's Faith is compleat and en- tire , in refpea of the Object of Faith, orDoSrine of the Gofpel to be believed : yet before I proceed in treating of it , it is good to confider what manner of coming it is, that is here fpoken of, becaufe divers comings are fpoken of in the Scripture , though never but of two perfonal and bo- dily comings : The hrft called, His coming in the Flefh, in Abafements to fuffer, and overcome in fufferings,and fo to offer the accep- table Sacrifice ; and fo to make the Atonement, obtain Re- demption , receive Spirit in the Man , and fit on the right hand of God , as the Mediator and great High-Prieft , and Prophet, and King, to fend forth Spirit to Men , of which is fpoken 155 Uf the coming of Lbnjt , xdm 18.1 8. *P°ken *n m*ny places a i and fo he is already ccme , and v\aL 1 6. io. e^ hath compleaied that Work done in his own Body, and can 40.6-9. 7/M3. die no more, nor will offer any other or more Sacrifice, but j-io.z^.9.9. liveth for ever in that glorious Body once offered in Sacrifice; 7/*.<$8.i8. remaining IU11 a continual Mediator and High-Prieft by ver- ~o[ ,43#17^ tue of that Oblation : and he that denieth , and confefleth r-i/o/M *. * not ftfci and ^°th not in the belief thereof, woifhip God, is led by the Spirit of Antichrift. The true Spirit confefleth this. And of this coming is fpoken in the former two Heads of his Oblation and Mediation, by vertue of his Oblation ; all his ftretching forth his power in providential Comings , in Mercies and Judgements , and in gracious Vifitattons or fpi- ritual Comings , are the effects and fruits of his Oblation and Interceffion in his Administration in his bodily Ab- fence. But the fecond and next perfonal and bodily coming of Chrift, is in Glory, and to take unto him his great Power and Raign, and to receive to himfelf, to raign with him , all that h C0/.3 -4. Kcv. have believed on him, and fuffered with him fr. And this is 1 1. 173 18. the coming again of Chrift , which is here to be treated of in this Head : and this his perfonal coming in Glory , is that which was alfo fpoken of by the Prophets Zachary, Tloe Lord my God (hall come , and all the Saints with thee c : tMalachi, d^U4M** rheSon0fRKihteo^e(i!halUrife^^ Ifatah,Of the encreafe of his Governments and Peace , no end ; upon the c lfa 9.7. Throne of David, and upon his Kingdom, &c. e. And upon the firft coming of Chrift, even before he had a&ually offered his Oblation , this was declared in his perfonal Miniftration by • himfelf, both to his Difciples, faying, For the Son of man fhall 6 come in the glory of his Father, with his Angels f 5 and, they fh all ' fee the Son of man coming in the clouds of Heave n,with Power and Mat 14. 30. £reAt Glory g 5 and, / will come again, and receive you to myfelf, %au*3M- ' &c- '• Anc* a^° t0 his Crucifiers, Hereafter yefhall fee the Son X^ of man fitting on the right ha d of Power , and coming in the \ >/;.i4'3- clouds of Heaven k. And fo k was likewife declared°by the k f^\t^%! AnSeU ^ Lor*5. inChrift his beginning to Raign, andendeth inChrifthis delivering up the Kingdom even to God the Father , that God may be All in Alljand fo the Government not Vividicaly but *4. Rev. \o.637. Of the Ends of Chrifis coming. 161 but Wholly Divine ; yet the Kingdom without end : So that the beginning of this Day is in the entrance or beginning of Chrift \\$ coming to Raign j and to fit upon the Throne of 'David his Father ; and the end of this laft and great Day, is after theRefurre&ion and Condemnation of all the wicked, when will be the laft and utter deftru&ion cf Death, inde-i^, livering up the Kingdom to the Father, that the Davidtcal Regiment may be tranflated into that which is wholly and 2g> altogether Divine. And that this Refurre&ion done by God , yet he doing it by the Man Chrift , ( as he will in that Day judge all men by him ) our Saviour Chrift himfelf teach- eth,fpeaking of himfelf as the Son of Man, faying, The hour ^m.i.uJeJu is coming , in which all that are in the graves ft) all hear his voice , 5.16327,1s,. and ft? all come forth : they that have done good, to the refttrrettion of life ; and they that have dene evil , to the refurrettion of dam- nation. Agreeable to which , is that Confeflion of Faith, That there ■fhallte a refurreftion of the dead , both of thejufi and ^#,24. i$.jfam thepinjtift. And the Refurre&ion of thofe that are by Faith 2^.19.1^.4! united to Jefus 5 and dying in the Faith , fleep in Jefus; is M. i*M4-i4« called the Refurre&ion of the Juft , in which , Rewards are .M-**2*; to be given them. And though both Refurre&ion of Juft: and'Unjuft, (hall be] in this laft and great Day , yet this *Refurre6tion of the Juft, being atChiift his coming, in the beginning of that great Day : and of thofe that have be-» lieved on Chrift , and fuffered with him in the Dayes of his patience , who are to live and rai°n with him in the Davidi- r,*/Regiment,till the wicked be railed out cfDeath,and judg- ed, and caft into the lake of fire ; which is at the end of this laft and great Day,and of all Time ; when alfo the Kingdom is delivered to the Father. The Refurre&ion of the Juft is there- , fore called, The firft Refurre&ien : which work our Savl- 2o ht>* our affirms to be the will of our Father, that heftoulddo, and that he will do; (hewing the Father's will in general, he iaith, This is the Fathers will, &c. That of all which he hath given ~ , " me , (and that is, all men into his difpofe, by vertue of his Oblation) Iftnould lofe nothing , ( a? is before ftiewn, and will be more after : he lofeth none : if any perve*rfly lofe him- self, yet he is to judge him ; and therefore it is falcLj bm faotild raifc it titi again at the laft day* ' And then fpwkingof Z 'the i6l Of the Ends of Chrifi's coming. 4a the Father's fpecial will, he faith , *And this is the will of him thatfent me , That every one which fseth the Son, and believeth on him, m*J have everhfiing life ; and I will raife him up at the lafi day. Which he fpeaks more particularly and emphatically, as the firft and choice , having not proceeded in the other to fuch-like affirmation/or that reafon given, Jeh.i 2.47,48. So that this next coming of Chrift , is firft in the beginning of the laftDay, to raife and cl oath with immortality alibis Saints, which will be done in a moment , the fame moment he is defcending from Heaven ; that fo they meeting him in the Air, may come along with him to the next work , as is af. firmed they (hall : which next work is alio plainly affirmed to be, 2. To overthrow all the Powers and Governments of the World that now is, that are upon this Earth ; and fo it is 1 ^V.15.14. foidy He [hall put down all rule, and all authority and power. The Perfons ruling, if any of them Saints , will be taken- into that D.w.7.1* ifa Company,and bechanced, and go with him: if not, if they £o.i'x.' ' ' "at firft fubmit to ferve him and his people, their lives (hall be prolonged , though their Dominion be taken away : but all the wicked that rebel againft him in that Day , ( in which no X«w.9.i8» Elorc *Pace °^ RePentance given, for then th« Lord will W.4.1. Jude make aftiort work on Earth ) fhall be deftroyed and burn'd i4>ij.ip^.3. up, both Root and Branch ; whence it is called , The Day of^/".i.8, Judgement, Deft ruction , and Perdition of ungodly Men, 5*i 9pj*fi- which ^a11 be wich flamingFire- For this Battel ^all noc 4 ,4' * be like the former Battels on the Earth, with confufed noife, and Garments rolled in Blood ; but with burning and fewel of Fire : for he (hall fmite the Earth with the Rod of his Mouth, and with the Breath of his Lips (lull he flay the wicked, and break in pieces the Oppreflor : He hath long left the Government of the Affairs ofthis World in the Hands -pfal.s -2.1,1,3, of Men, whom he called Mighty, or Gods , and bade them 4^1.10,11. jadge righteoufly, that it might be well with them in their ac- count to him : and he hath often changed the Governours and manner of Government, and waited with patience to fee if they would do right ; but he feeth , That ( though he hath */"af-7f -4>53*> given them warning, yet ) they know not , neither will they un- 7,P/d.8M. 2erftand; thtywalkjm in darknefi, all the foundations (or Go- vern- Oft/ye Ends of'Chrift's coming. 16$ xtrnments) ofthe earth are out of courfe, (even moved.) • -^ //*. 59. i$. & he f aw, and there was no man , ( no Government ) he wondred 50.2 j. there was no inter ceffw , therefore hit Aim brought ftlvation to him,and his righteoufnefs itfufiained him ; and heUried up the Standee. And faith to them, Te fhall die like meny and fall like one of the Princes. ( And then it follows,) Arife, O God, PM^.7,8 judge the earth : for thou {halt inherit all Nations. And thus !fa'll-*>1 will he come in that Day to deftroy finners out of the Land, to puniih the World for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity , and to caufe the arrogancy of the proud to ceafe, and lay low the haughtinefs of the terrible ; yea , fo great rfa.i$.\$.Heb. will this (hairing be , that he will not only (hake the Earth, x**^h "'*;*• but the Heavens alio in that Day ; not only in deftroying the R'CVA9'.10'.tcor. falie Prophet,and lb all Idolatrous Congregations , with all 13.8,9-11.7^. their forms of Church-Government ; but alfo incaufing to 3 x. i^tbef.i. ceafe all the outward Government, and Ordinances , fuitable 7^.^^.13,41. to the Church of Chrift, in this frail ftate at that Day ; and no till that Day, (lull all thefe things be done. And though he did the flrft work himfelf alone, yet in this work for thefe things , he comes not only with his Holy Angels, but alfo with all his Saints ioyning with him in this work , as is faid, Let their Saints be joyful, inglory^ Sec. Let the high praifes P/i/. 14*. 1f> of God be in their month ( or throat ) and a two-edged fword in 7>8>9« their hand, to execute vengeance upon the Heathen , and puni(h- ments upon the people, to binde their Kings in chains,and their 2\(o- bles with fetters of iron, to execute upon them the judgement writ- ten. This honour have all his Saints : Hallelujah. For in that Mai. 4,3^ Day they (hall tread down the wicked , and they (hall be as afhes under the foles of their Feet : and fo in the great ilraight , to give the great Overthrow to the Enemies : at the Day of the Lord's coming, it is faid, >The Lord my God (hall zmbi+ip& come, and aH the Saints with thee. A n d fo t h e A r mie s in Hea- Rev, 19.11*1. ven follow him to the taking of the Beaft and the falfc Pro- * Fet- W*** phet , and cafting them into the Lake of Eire, and flay- 8"10, ing the Remnant with the Sword , &c. when aifo the Earth , with the Works that are therein, (hall be burn'd up and deftroyed, as the old World was with Water. And this being done, the next work is, 3. To reftoi* all things; fo hid Peter, When the times of t4fi.ii*** Z * r*- '" \ 1^4- Of the Ends of Cbrifl s coming. refrefhing (hall come from the pre fence of the Loti\ ani hefhull fend JefuA Chrifi , which before was preached mtojon. \ And lb as in the beginning of the firft Creation, the whole bufinefs is firft fetfortU in general, <7*#. I chap, and then the things done in the fame time , more particularly fet forth and expli- cated, chap. 2, and 3 : So here, in the diffolution of th^Old, and compearing of the New Creation , the thiflgi done are in general related, Rev.\9> and 20 chip, and then more par- &fr.»i.f,5. ticularly opened, chap. 21, and 22. Ar.dfo Ich*lzhb, Hefaw a new Heaven and a new Earth, &c. And the Lord faith, Be- h$ld, I make all things new&c. And again,Thefe words are true and faithful. And fo the Believers when that great Over- act.*. n3i3.t^irow *s g^vento the wicked, do look for a new Heaven and * new Earth, according to his promife : for fo when he cues off ifa.6%. \%,\ 5, thewicked, he hath promiied to create new Heaven and a 17. new Earth, &c. And this is affured to be in that Day of th€ Manifeftation of the Sons of God, that the Creature , even the whole Creation , (hall be delivered from the Bondage of r m 8 igio Corruption into the glorious Liberty of the Children of God, ai,i2. ' Bcb.%. who (hall then enjoy the Adoption , the.Redemption of the %js* with pfal. Body , which they now wait for. This the World toccme 8'4>*j*»7>8. whereof wefpeak; this the World to come, of which Abra- z™£l**J*'*' ham (h&btznHeh; this the Country , he and our Fathers 1:* ' ^ 'waited for, and then (hall inherit: fo, as Chrift in this re- fpe& alio, is the Reftorer of paths to dweJi in. And having thus renewed the Heaven and the Eanh,the next work,which is done in compleating this, is cleerly (hewn, i8 , 4. To take unto him his great Power andRaign ; and fo ^14! Job**. t0 g*ve awards to his Servants the Prophets, and to the 3.' iTm.i.u. Saints, and to them that fear his Name, fmall ard great . Rev.i.$. e>5»and fo to receive to himfelf, all that have formerly believed *°,L*k"j*8'onhim, lived to him, and furTered with him, that they may fcl'is" #9^aign with him ; yea, ear and drink at his Table in his Kingdom, and fit on Thrones, &c. In which Raign and King- dom of Chrift with his Saints, when he comesand takesit, divers things are considerable, as exprefly declared and affirm- ed in the Scripture; as about the place of his raigning,and the place of his Throne, and the extent, and manner, and pro- fperity, and duration of his Kingdom. CHAP, \6f CHAP, 18. Qf the. things confderdle about the Kingdom ofCbnft. THat mentioned in the Scripture about the Kingdom of Chrift,is, i .The place of his Kingdom and Raign,it fhall be upon the Earth, the Earth being renewed This is plainly intimated in Heb. *. 5, 6, 7, 8. compared with Pfat. 8.4,6,7,8,9. and affirmed both of him and his Saints, upon the making of the new Heaven and the new Earth : Ilohnfaw the holy City, new 2trj.21.ia*. Ierufalem , coming down from Cjod out of Heaven, prepared as a Btide adorned for her Husband. Is not this the Spirits of Juft Men made perfeft, receiving their Bodies railed immortal,^ "a/42^ glorious, powerful and fpiritual ; and the living Saints in the icwAf.%iR$% fame momtnt of their Refurredion, changed, and made like 53,54. irk/. them : and fo both together aiceuding, and meeting the Lord 4«l %j*#** in the Air or Heaven ; and fo coming down with him as is forefaewn ? And that we may rightly underftand the mean- ingof the Vifion declared , he farther faith , AndlheardaKQVttl^^u great voice out of Jyeaven^ faying , Behold, the tabernacle of God 6^.z acK 14.9. is with men , and he will dwell with them : and fo on. Yea, the Pfd>7 2.8 *x Raign of Chiift is exprefly affirmed, That it (hall be on Earth; and the Raign of the Saints with him , that it (hall be on Earth alio : fothey confefs , Thoahajl made m unto our God, :^£9^. 10.? faL Jdngs and Prieftsi and we (ball raign on the earth. And fo it is 37-9jxoix*« faid, When the wicked are cut of, and (hall not be , then the meek^ (that wait on the Lord in tbefe daycs of his patience ) fhall inherit the earth, and delight themfelves in the abundance of pestce. But this will ftill tnore appev in the Points fQllowing : and fo I will proceed to them. 2. The place of the Throne, it fhall be Ierufalem\ the great and Holy City in the midft of Canaan, in which Abraham walked, and fojoujned as a Stranger ; though then renewed and i66 Of things confiderable Jo: 17. anc* cn'aroe^ : a«d fo it is faid, At that time they (hall call Inu- falem the Throne of the Lord : And all Nations fa all be gathered l] a. 24.13. **nto *h t0 the *Hame of the Lord to Jerufalem, & c . The Lord of Hosts fhall raign in Mount Sion, and in Jerufalem,and before his If a. 33.173*0, ancients glorioufly. And again , Thine ejfes jhall fee the King in his be amy ', &C. Loo\upon Sion, the fa] of our folemnities. Thine eyes jhall fee Jerufalem a quiet habitation , a tabernacle that (hall not be taken down, &C. There the glorious Lord will be unto Hi a ' place of broad rivers andflreams, &c. Oh jerufalem, the holy .ifa.-fi. 1. City, henceforth there [ball no more come into thee , the undream- _ cifed and the unclean : according to that. Rev. 21.27. Then the z7V')}m.$.1~ Ldwfodlgo forth of Sion, and the Word of the Lord from Jerufa* Mk^x, if*. lem 5 chen fhall jerufalem be the praife of the Earth , and the 61.7. E%sk*l 8. Name of the City flaall be from that Day, The Lord is there ; 35.p/w.i2». ?. yea , in Jerufalem are fet the Thrones for Judgement , the .M«t*9.iS. Thrones of the Houie otto the ends of the earth. They that dwell in the wilder nef fhall »9i bow before him, and his enemies fhall lick^ the duft. The Kings of 1 1 ' Tarfhifh aM the Iflej, (hail bring prefents ; the Kings ofSheba and Seba about the Kingdom ofCbritt. \6j Seba (hall tfer gifts : jeay all Kings (hall fall down before him , -all Tfytionsjhallferve him. And ib in Vifion feen, And there wo* D(tn% r, u, given him Dominion, and Glory, and a Kingdom, that all People, Nations and Languages jhallfgrve him : his Dominion is an ever- lafling Dominion*, and the Kingdom and 'Domimon^and greatnefiof J ?• the Kingdom under the whole Heavenfo all be given to the people of the Saints of the meft High,whofe Kingdom is an everlafting King- dom , and all Deminions ( 01 Rulers ) Jhallferve and'obey him. And ib thePromife, And he that overcome th and keepeth'my Rk.i.if. wor^s unto the end, to him will I give power over the Nations, and hejhall rule them, &C. even as I received of my Father. Again, Do you not know that the Saints frail judge the world f 1 Co; Ffrjjfc 4. The manner of this Kingdom , in the beginning of it, l and till Chrift deliver up the Kingdom to the Father , it (hall be Davidical :. his Regiment Providential among Men, hath from the beginning been, and till his next coming will be, by wordly Governours , which by a Divine power he wifeth up, and putteth down,and chan°eth by means and Inftruments,as and when it pleafeth him. His Spiritual Regiment, is, and hath been, and will be till his coming again,by his Holy Spirit in and with his Word of Grace,in the Hearts and Consciences of his Saints on Earth ; which is alio fo far Divine,that he makes them Partakers of the Divine Nature , though not all. Raigners,but fufferers in this world. But his own PerfonalRe- giment, as Man and Son of David,(h&[\ be Davidical , though exceeding that of David, as Truth is in all things, and ever ex- ceeding the Types; in which alio are fome diflimiiitudes, is hath been forefhewn , yet ever funnels in the Truth, to an- fwer all that by fimilitudcs was typed or figured. And fo, 1. JeiusChriic flail have the Kingdom of his Father 2X*- iKjng$ f$j*> vid, fit thereon, and rule that Houfe and Kingdom , fuitable 20i iffi*1??*** to , and excelling that faid of, and by Solomon the Type ; in lyyW^'. which ihall be fulfilled that promifed, 2 Sam.j. according to his Oath mentioned , Of the fruit of thy body willlfet upon thy Throve, &c. and according to that prophefied, / will raife uitti&r^^ David a righteous Branch,and aKingfballraign and prober, and fhall execute judgement and juftice in the earth. In his dayes^Ju- dahjhaR be faved , and Ifraelfhall dwell fafely: and this is the j Name whereby hejhall be called, Jehovah our Righteeufnefi. An d \ this itfS . Vf things conjidw able jhis being mentioned again , this is given as the proof there- rt Y ^ T T of : Fpr thus faith the Lord , Davtdfhall never want a man to fit 16^7/ 3 *n tht'Throne of the Heufe oflfrael. And fo by another Pro- phet, In mercy (hall the Throne be eftabltjhed , and hefhallfit upon Ifa.i 6.$-l[t9-ft fK tyuth ^ judging and feeding judgement : yea, more , Hu Name (hail be called , Wonderful , lounfellor , 7 be MtjhtyGod^ The ever lading Father , The Prince offeate :, 'of ? the encreafe of hvi Government upon the Throne ofDavtd,to order it, &C. And , this applied to Chrift by tire Apoftle , and by the Angel, fay- ^'#.20. 5o 2 1. *n3 ' The Lord Cjodfhall give unto him the Throne of his Father iu{.u$i. W. David. Now David 9s Throne was not in the higheft Hea- i -s\.& 13.3 6, vens, yea, his Body is not yet afcended thither : but Chrift is 37.^ 3. W°>,to fit on the right Hand of God, till he come to raife the Juft, 2,1 * deftroy the wicked,and reftore all things, and then fit on the Throne of David : neither was T>avid\ Throne in the Hearts and Confciences of Men, (as Chrift his fpiriwal Regiment by Word and Spirit in his people now is ) but over the Bodies 2nd Affairs of Men, as Chrift his Government (ball then alio be: andfo, and in that fenic,DavidicaI9 1*40.8.1$ 2« In the Kingdom of A«//^, there was both Rulers and 1 chron. 27'.23.,Subj'e^s, and dkcrfty cf degrees in both , and he King and 3l> 33*34. & Ruler, over them all ; ruling alfo by his Princes, amon^ ZH- &1?'6t whom bis Sons were chief : lbme alio of his Princes ruling *' over his iiibftance for Land and Cartel ; and others for'the Affairs of the Kingdom: even fo in this Kingdom of Chrift. The Inhabitants of the twelve Tribes of //r^f/brought from , all parts of the Earth to tbeir own Land among them, Rulers over the bofinefs of the Earth, for ordering Land, Cattel? and fuch-like affairs of Men : but the Children of the Refurrefti- \\ \ 3 1 ll \ oai c^at are l^e compleat fpiritually born Sons of God • thefe 6^1 '^jil' ^a^ ^e C^e cil*e^ ' t^leie ne^tner marry,nor are given in mar- 4 ^ " " riage $ but are as the Angels of God : thefe for the matters of the Kingdom, are the chiefeft : thefe the Kings and Princes, .that (hall fit upon his Throne ; and fo upon Thrones with if0/ri s.41,4*. hiaa , and have ihe Crowns of Righteoufnefs and Life : yet jVai.. ia. 2 3 . among thefe alio there will be degrees one excelling another. r^'IO'4(£ It is ordered for fome to fit on bis right Hand, andfemeon p/jLVo 5.9-14. Ws ^(t, m^'is Kingdom. Abraham , Ifaac, and Jacob, &C. •/ Afuo,&c.' fhaji have their places there. "David, (eren as Chrift the King h** Mat. 2i. 50. &rar. 12. 25 about the Kingdom of Chrifi. 169 King, fo) he a Prince among them, E*^. 34. 23>24 *nd ^7'dshmii.h^. 24,25, Daniel dnii then ftand up in his Lot. Zerubbabelz^% Mat. 19. (hall be there as a Signet , $^. The A pottles fhaiL there fit »8. z?ry.*.i*. on twelve Thrones, drc. The victorious Saints (hall fit with *c*r.6.*: ink* him on his Throne, ruling the Nations : All the Saints judg- [9'\ ll[VMat' ing the World , ( as Sampfon^ Deborah , Barak^t and Samuel judged //rvi*/,t hough it will be in more holy manner.) And to it's laid, Have thou authority over ten Cities : Be thou %£tler over five Cities: and,/ will make thee Ruler over many things. And fo likewile for the Governed ; here is alfo great diversity of de- grees , the twelve Tribes of Ifrasly that are furviving at his coming,forhim to fettle in their Inheritance, and thofe of the Nations joyned to them ; and all the People, by the Law go- fa J 9* fax- ing forth 01 S ion , converted to them. Thefe are the chief, ^^^f.*4 and as natural Subjects and free Denizens , have their re- Zah. 2. !/"I?' courle to the City, to worfhip, and keep a perpetual iabbath, He £.4.3-10. and ling Hallelujahs to the Lord : and the refidue of the Na-^^ na- tions (hall be Servants, and ferviceabie unto them , who, ity 2J* 6*-*>>6- & as the Law comes out or" Sion to them , t hey do not convert z:ti.\£.\6-la. and turn to come and worfhip, they fhail not enter the City 5 7^,$. but receive iuch punifhment, as fnall witnefs diipleafure ; and they atlatt be found of that number, that will be deitroyed. Such the degrees both of Rulers and Subjefls in this King- dom 5 and therefore rightly called Dav-dical. 5 . The profperity, beauty and flourishing happinefs of this Kingdom, is exceeding great and glorious : I will only name a little, and quote fome Scriptures. 1. There (hall be no forrow , grief, pain or crying, nor a-/p.f4 3 %&^u ny thing to caufe or occasion it ; no violence, oppreffion, or \i.Jer.y.\z3i$\ hurtful Creature ; no ficknefs, affiiS'ion or death ; no pollu- »4«fMiM.j, tion in Earth or Air; but all fulnefs of iatisfying in every thing 6>?>*' *fa' **• that is good for them. ? %% & 2. They (hall all know the Lord , and the Law of God jt?\x „ (hall be in their Heart ; and they fhall have one Heart and &'\z. 38/3^ one Way , to io;e and fear the Lord fcr their good for e- fcoj^.u.^ 3 . They fhall not one envy another for any difference in Zrch^Al p^ degrees; but each rejoyce in others preferment, as his own, i0^.4jj. ' 7/4,11.13. and 20,22,24, A a 4. They iyo Of things con fider able zcch joij. 4* ^ey ^a'^ all fpeak Truth fmcerely, both to God) and to one another ; for he will then give and turn to them a pure lip. :l6^9.&i\ *• Rigate°ufnefs and Peace (hall ftream among them in a- 4.^^.4.3^4 $! Sundance, 7/4.3 2.1 7*1 8» and J * -4* ancl ^c-i 7. and <5<5.i 2. c^j.s- Zetb% Jer.i 3.6. P/4/.72.7. and with this, abundance of plenty, and ll>*3. all Creatures at peace with one another ; and all Men : fo, as they fhall learn war no more , but fit quietly under their Vines and Fig-Trees, and in quiet Habitations : and for thefe things we may yet lee: farther, 7/4.49.1 8-2 3. and 60. and 6$. 1 2, to the end. zech.1%.2. In this day , he that is feeble among them (hall be as Da- zecb.n.9. Rev. vid , and the Houfe of David as God , as the Angel of the *°.8,9. Lord before them : and as at the beginning of the Kingdom he destroyed ail the Enemies that would not iervethem; lb toward the end of the Davidical Regiment ( for of the Kingdom is no end ) he will deftroy ail that rife up againft them. And fo I proceed to the laft confiderable about this Kingdom. lfc$44xip, 6. The duration of the Kingdom it lelf is for ever and e- ^.3t-3533^ver,hathnoend,asisofciaid: but for this manner of admi- niftration in this Davidical Regiment or Kingdom , as in the Kingdom there is iuch a Monarchy , and filch degrees of Ru- lers and rated , we may confider how long that fhall conti- nue, and that (hall be as long as day and night, ancTthe conrfe *rj'2I-*3>15.0f the Sun and Moon endures ; for though there be no TAt Tfliu n*Snt *n che City , and it have no need of the Sun , yet will 7,17. z^.*o! there be day and night, and the Sun and the Moon keep * jA. their courfe, with feven-fold more glorious iplendor,and ufe- ful to the Inhabitants of the Earth alfo : and fo it is faid, In his dayes fhall the right eon* flourish , and abundance of peace , fo long as the Moon endureth : his Name fn all be for evtr ' hx fytme floaU continue at long as the Sun , and men (hall be bleffed in him* &c. It is evident, this manner of raigning (hall be for a thou- fand yecrs ; which, if taken indefinitely, may be a long time ; if taken ftriftly , as fome for weighty reafons conceive it to be ; yet if^as ibme conceive the meafure of the San&u **9' David , Solomon , Hehoboam, Abiam, Afa0 Hezekiah, joliah, &c. but a little while ) oar adverfaties have trodden down thf S*n3*aryy &c. and the promife of God to them by the fame Prophet, is, At thedayes of a tree, (which is the longeft of all ifagf.i*. vegetable Creatures) fo the dayes of my people, ( which can be no lefs, than as the Tree in durance abideth longer than the Grafs, Herb or Corn ; fo his people (hall longer enjoy their Land , and this manner of raigning, then any other Monarch or Nation hath done theirs ) and mine elefffhall long enjoy the work. of their ha ids. And this isalfo cleer, That Time fhall rCv $<6,&io. continue fo long as thefeventh Angel with his Seventh Trum- ^7. pet foundeth, and no longer. And it appears by comparing ^,11 .11,12,1 3,1 4. with chip. 1 p. throughout, That the reviving of the Witneffes , and the appearance of Chad, and the Refurre&ion of the Ju(t, and the DeftrufUon of the Beaft and the falfe Prophet, are before the founding of the ieventh Angel. And in his beginning to found, the worldly Powers and Dominions are taken down , and the Devil bound and fliut up , and the Thrones fet. And what time thefe things take, 1 dare not fay ; but fome time fure , and then they fit upon Thrones,and the whole myftery of God is opened ; and then, and not before then, begins the thoufand yeers of their raigning and judging. And when the Son of ' ,' Man (hall ft on the Throne of hi* glory , then , in that day, (but " "4 * whether in the beginning, or in the middle , or the end , I leave to every man to think as he feeth caufe ) all Nations (hall be gathered before him (this may be in beginning, and middle and end,8; throughout this great Day of the Lord)W hihall feparate them , and fet the {keep on his right hand , and the goats on his left. And when he doth that , then he proceeded to the laft and final Judgement, which Judgement is not by his A a 2 Saints iyi Of things confiderable Saints, as the former judging and ruling was ; but by himfelf only : and as the Refarre&ion of the ]uft at firft was Chrift his own work alone ; To the Refurre&ion of the Unjuft, and 15, this final Judgement's alfonow. The compaffingthe Camp of the Saints, fire coming down from Heaven, and confuming the Enemies ; the time of Satan's laft loofing , and his being taken and caft into the Lake of Fire, and then the Refurrefti- on of the wicked, and alfo their Judgement according to their works , who knows what time thefe things will take ? What God, as God, may fuddenly do , I meddle not with ; but what God in Chrift, and fo what the Son of Man will do, according to the capacities cf Men , however enlarged by him, in judging, with ( as one may fay ) opening the Bookr, fetting Mens (ins in order before them, producing witneffgs, and pafling the fentence upon every one ; I dare not deter- mine in what fpace of time this one thing (hall be done : but how long or ftiort foever , although joyful to the Saints , yet all this, with all that went before it, from Satan's lali loofing, to his being caft into the Lake of Fire , and the Refurre&ion of the wicked , it is all after the thouland yeers of the Saints raigning and judging , however the thoufand yeers be taken ; and all this time Chrift as Man raigneth and judgeth, and his Saints are with him ; and fo it is a long time, and the Refur- re£Hon of the wicked , and the final Judgement paft : then Chrift delivereth up the Kingdom to his Father, and then is the myftery of God wholly finifhed , and time (hall be no more, all will be Eternity; then the Kingdom continueth ftill for ever to Eternity; only the Davidical Regiment of it, is de- livered up to the Father, and all ruling as Men , all diffe- rences of Men in ruling, or ruled, ceafeth ; yea, Chrift himielf as Man, and 'Dav/d's Son , and his whole Body of Saints as Men ; yea, he as a Monarch, and they,as Rulers or ruled, are all fubje& wholly to the Divine Nature,God being All in All; i Ctr.i * .18. the Man Chrift remaining , and God in him ; the Saints re- maining, and God in them ; the Kingdom remaining , and God in all: God is in all; yea, All in all; he is intnem all, Wifdom, Power, Righteoufnefs, Truth, Love, Toy, Glory, Everlafting Life and Joy ; God is All , and All in all ; yea, fofull,fo glorious, and everlafting Joy, that all former things are about the Kingdom ofChrift. 175 are fo forgot, as if this had ever been ; yea, withoutbegin- ning , and , as if all that can be to Eternity , were compre- hended in prefenr , and io will be to Eternity, without end, the joy of the Lord in which he is,in which all the Saints are, it being their joy alfo,they are now both filled and compaffed with it in them, they in ic : they now enjoy to the full , that prayed for, to which thehrft Fruits in the Day of Grace, and the Harveft in the Davidical Regiment , had its tendency, e- £ph.y\7 yZ/,9, ven to be filled with all the fulnels of God; yea,ifitmay be born, I fuppofe one might in a true fenfe fay , That of all the Saints , and every of the Saint?, according to every of their capacities, (which by the Divine Nature poflefling them, will then be unconceivably great) which isfaidof theManChrift, That as all thefulnefs of the Godhead/even the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, in the Divine Eflence , Love, Good- nefs, Power , Truth , Glory, &c) dwells in him bodily : fo the fulnefs of the Godhead of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in their Love , Joy, Goodnefs, Power, Wifdom, &c dwells in them bodily, (then) fliews it felf,and operates in and through their Bodies , fo as never before 5 only with this exception, TheManChrift is . one Perfon in the Son of God, andfo God-Man ; yea, that very Perfon is very God; though as Man he have yielded up the Government to God , yet as God he governs ftill : but none of the Saints are one Perfon with the Son of God , and fo not God , governing ; but filled with God. I defire to exprefs it only as by Scripture I may : We believing in him, now live by Faith, and enjov all , and walk in and by Faith, Hope and Love : but in the D,ividicaJ King- dom, we (hall not live by Faith , but by Si-ht ; and fo there iCor.f.7*iCw. will be noExercife of Faith, nor yet of Hope ; we feeing as l3 -8 is.ffow-s. we are feen , and none hopeth for that which he feeth ; and 14,JJ"1^?^" yet the habits of^ Faith and Hope abide till the Kingdom be- \'Coy,i%\i£. come wholly Divine; but Charity is mod in Exercife : but when God is become All in all , then Faith andHope, and all Defires are ftreamed into Charity , and Charity abideth ever ; God is Charity • and God , and fo Charity, is All in them, and in them all ; his delkht in them , and their rejoy- cing in him. Oh unconceiveable Life, Joy, Happinefs, with- out any intermiflion for ever and eve,r ! But what manner of 174- ^e ttme °f drift's next coming. of Glory this (hall be, is not yet revenled , nor will be, till Chrift be upon the Throne of David , that the whole myfte- ry of God be opened. Therefore I defire no farther to pry into it ; but only as it is revealed, that fo it (hall be, and that I defire to believe ; and for the manner of it, let it alone till the Day declare it. And this is all I will, till farther occafi- on given me, fay of the Kingdom of Chrift, he comes to take, and fo likewife of the Ends of his fecond and glorious coming; which yet is enough to make Believers long and wait for his coming,the Time whereof is next to be fpoken of. CHAP. if. ■Of the third Poyat , The Time of the next coming of Chnft. FOr the Time of the coming again of Chrift, I (lull alfo fay what I finde : for as for the precife hour or day , natural or prophetical, it were preemption in me fo to enquire,as to ftink before-hand certainly toknowit, feeing ourSaviour Chrirt himfelf hath told even his own Difciples that enquired after it,2> know not -when the time is ; not only when the end of f^'3*'5*' the Day, the laft and final Judgement (ball be; but not the beginning of the Day , when the Mafter of the Homfe cometh, whether at even, or at midnight , or at cockier owing, or at mor- ning. If any reply , That Chrifi himfelf, as he was the Son of Man, and Minifler of the ^jofpel, did not at then fo kjww it as to make it kj^own ; that is, it was net as yet given him to reveal; This is not denied. And if it be farther replied, That after his Afccnfon , it was Ke^.t.iji. given him to reveal, and he fentandfigmfiedit tohisfervant John ', I anfwer, This is true alfo, That then was given him a more full Revelation for opening the things to come contained in 1^*4.16*17, the Scriptures > than that which he had formerly opened to ****. them T'he time of ChriH j next coming. 175 them: in which alfo the Holy Ghoftinftru&ed them, even a- ~hj %€ / bout the lame things. But now indeed hcgives to John a ij^,^3j more full Revelation vifionally, with Come more particulars 2 43n.R0m'i6. explicated as touching the Gentiles , of thofe very things, ls^6.iJob.%- then was before as to the other Apoftles by the Spirit , in Z1% which ftiil it was the Office of the Holy Ghoft , even by and with the Scriptures forewritten, to teacb,and enable them to teach : yet the very hour or day, natural or prophetical, that is, for a year in ordinary account , is not fo declared or fet down , that one can certainly know it , fo, as to fay , and mifs not the very hour, or day , or year, in which our Lord will vifibly ccme % and not before or after it. Whence him- felf in that Revelation alio faith , Behold , I come as a thief \ if/efed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garment sjt •/?, &c. And **• *1> 43j4?. this alio of good ufefulnefs for us , that we may be alwayes j^xV 34,??' watchful and prepared, waiting and looking for his coming, ^. that in his coming we may be found well-doing. And yet though the precife hour or day natural or prophetical , be not of us fore-known ; yet this we may certainly know , firft,That it will certainly be : and fecondly,That it is nigh at hand ; yea, many wayes evidenced to be nigh , even at the doors. And this will cleerly appear , if we confider thefe three things in his coming. 1 . His coming to particular Men, in taking away their na- tural lives. 2. His coming in haflning and bringing forth or ordering thofe works by his providence, that are to be accomplifhed before his perfonal and vifible appearance. 3. His peribnal and viable appearance it felf, in that man- ner, and to thofe ends before-fnewn. It, in every fenfe and confederation, wil 1 appear nigh : it cannot be far off. For , 1 . When any Man dies and gives up the Gholt, it is to that Man, and fo to every Man in the Day of his natural Death, in refpeft of his eternal welfare or wo, the very fame as ifChrift did then perfonallycome: for in what eftate of Faith,or Un- 3v«M.*M* belief; in peace with God, or enmity againft him; and fo as in well-doing or evil-doing, a Man is found when he gives up the Ghoji, in the fame (hall he be found, and appear in the Refurre&ion of the Dead, and fo dealt with by Je- ms i j 6 The time of Christ s next coming. fus Chrift in his perfonal appearance , when at his voice the seek f. 3. ti. & Dead are raifed : when any dies, the Spirit qoes to God that tiik.i6.iz. gaveit; and it dying in Faith or gracious Eltate, it is put un- 2C0/.5.8. rh'd. der the Altar or wings ofChrilt in Heaven , fometime called 1.13. 1 pct.$. ^W?^*sbofQme,nowtheAltarorprefenceof Chrift: but i). Afl.w.i4-«a- if dying in unbelief, or dilbbedient Rate , the Spirit is put in Z£cdf9i6. ^r^on liUtne Sr^t and final judgement 5 and in the Reiur- ' > ' retfionof the Bodies, the Spirits (hall be united again, every one to his own Body , and appear before the judgement- Seat of Chrift: the Body all the time till then being dead and turned to duft , it knoweth nothing, is fenlible of nothing : and fo an hour, a day, a yeer, or a thoufand yeers, is all one to *hem, and not To much or lo long as an hour to a living Man : fo that his coming in this refpect is nigh , and alwayes hath been, to every Man in their feveral ages : for of that day and hour knoweth no Man certainly till it come ; but long it cannot be : fo that in this refpeS it is needful to be alwayes ready, 2. By hisdifcernable (though nor vifibly perfonal ) ap- pearance, in bringing to pais and ordering thofe things that mud be done before his perfonal and bodily coming ; and which being all done, he will certainly and without tarrying come ; and by which as they are in doing,and come to pais,he wills us to take notice, That his coming draws nigh, and is at 2tfdf.14.4-30. the doors ; and that is fuch things as theie , the hearing and Mar. 13.5--^ feeing wars, neer or where we live ; and hearing the rumours itffc.ii. 8-27» cf Wars afar off, Famine?, Peftilences, Earthquakes ; then Perfections, and killing fuch as believe in Chrift, and live to him ; and falfe Prophets a riling and deceiving many; then the decay of the love of many that have been believers, and be- traying their Brethren : then fome faying, Here is Chnft; or, There is Chriftand fome hying,/ an Chr /ft. And in all this,the fecuriry or carelefnefs of the world, not minding any coming of his in Judgements or in Perlbn , but giving up them- felves to follow their worldly affairs : and then fome ftrange fliakings both of Heaven and Earth, of Churches and States ; andftrange Apparitions in Sun, and Moon.?and Stars. Thefe things,with the Gofpel preached over all the world , were to come to pais, and fo did , before the end,in the deftruftion of The time of Cbrijl j next coming. \jy of Jerufalem. And after that, they were all to come to pafs, and io be done over again before the end of the World in the coming of Chrill; who,when all thefe things arc fully done and come to pafs^ will fuddenly come and appear, as himielf hath foretold us. And our Saviour aifo bids us , nlotn we fee thefe things come topafi, to know that his coming is ntgh , even at the doors : and warns Believers not to be troubled when they fee thefe things come to pa[? ; but to lift up their heads ^j or the nigh" drawing of their Redemption. And of thefe things the A po- tties in their writings , and in the %evelation aifo , gives us warning. All which things have in the fever a! Ages fince, been fuirillin;, and now apparently to be ieen in an high de- gree ; almoti all and every of them come to pafs : fo that the Day is haitening and nigh at hand , that by viewing thefe things, we may take notice of it, and fo be prepared, patient- ly waiting for his Coming. Behold he cometh , He cometh quickly. ^ 3. His perfonai and vifible appearance, and coming again, ROmM.z^wiih fpoken of, is to be when the fulnefs of the Gentiles is come l«^.V»8. W^ in , that is , when they have had their time in their feveral * 21 Gen.if. places, for Gofpel-preaching among them , and thole that in I^^v.i^.is9 hearing heard,are gathered in; and the (ins of O ppofers grown * 8' fuil and ripe : and fo, when the Kings of the Earth , the ten Horns, that have helped to uphold the eighth and feventh .. Head of the Beat* , that double Beali on whom the Whore f£^ Jgt did ride, ft all hate the Whore , and have made her defoiate, and naked, and eat her flefh , and burn'd her with fire : and fb, when the great Babylon, as well as the myfterious Babylon is fallen, then will he come. Which things appear in a great « , forwardneis; but not yet fully done : of which, many have ™Vm 9' written,and I forbear tofpeak;it being not my bufmefs in Ms Tra&:but,when the twelve Tribes of IfraeUre come from all parts of the World into their own Land, then forty fiveyeers van riX&i* after, will JefusChrift vifibly appear. But then fome may reply, and lay, That the "Day may be then known , as a day is taken for ayeer^ to be forty fiveyeers jufi^ after the Jews coming in again to Canaan ; and the day of their coming in again may be known by the fame place in Dan. i2.n, to be l 2 po yeers aftemhe abomination that maketh Ac folate U fet up* Bb To 178 The time of Chrifts next coming. To this I thus far yeeld, That to fuch as God gives under- standing in thefe Vifions, toward the time of fulfilling , they may come very nigh to know theneer-approaching : but I fuppofe,not certainly the very yeer>before ic comet h, for thefe Reaions: 1. Becaufe our Saviour faith, We know not the hour or day of our M aft rf s comings hath been fhewn. Dan 9.1 1 3 . ?* ^ecau^c £*»'*/* that knew the time of their then Cap- Sec. ' ' Yivity to be exprefs, feventy yeers; and underlhndmg by Books the number of the yeers neer out , yet did not cer- tainly determine the expiration , as one certainly knowing with which of their goings into Captivity to begin the ac- count ; but fet his face to feek the Lord for the fame , and lb for their return. 3 . Becaufe the Souls of them that were fliin for the Word *«v.*.fcio,i 1. 0f God and the xeftimony which they held, being under the Altar in the prefence of Chrift , they yet knew not the cer- tain time of the coming of this Day : and though, (as Daniel) the time drawing nigh, they long for it ; yet with all the te- ftefhing flowing on them , they are bid reft for a little feafon, &c. but the period of time no farther declared, but only, that it is a little fcafon : and iliall we think to know the time more certainly when than they? 4. Becaufe among many learned , godly and laborious Men in this bufinefs, which by occafions I have read , I finde great difference in their account : fome, whofe accounts are already paft ; and divers that do much differ , hundreds of yeers one from another ; and fome make it to be a hundred ycer longer than I will name , or can believe 5 and yet pro- bably fome might do it from a miftake of the end of that great Day in the final Judgement of the wicked, for the beginning Gen.17. 14. & of that Day in the Refurre&ion of thejuft,in Chrifts firft glo- a^**-^47v9 nous appearing: and others might happily lofefome yeers il 40 fif Gal. IU tccounr>*s f°me nave done in counting but 4 3 o yeers from $.'i7% ' 'the firft making of the promife to tAbraham, to the Law giving on Mount Sinai: whereas from the promife-making to ^Abraham , to Jacob's Birth, was 6 1 yeers : from that to Ja* coPs (landing before Pharath, 130 yeers : which 1 9 1 yeers, they lived by Faith in the Land of Promifey as Sojourner*? And The time of Qhriffs next coming. 179 And after the Promife or living by Faith as Sojourners in the Land of Promiie, the Children of Ifrael fojourned 430 yeers in Egypt before the giving of the Law, of which the Apoftle fpe&ks. And fo by fome , 1 o 1 yeers may be loft by that ac- count. What more between Mofes and Samuel, and after, I have not time and ability to fearch : A nd fince all Chrono- logers agree not for the time fince the Creation, no wonder if good Men have been miftaken for that which is to come. And of them that produce ftrong Reafons, and have been skil- led in Chronicles, and courfe of times , and agree neereft a- mong themfelves : in this I fpeak but as in fuch Books I have read 5 fome, fpeaking of the time of his coming, fay , It wtR be in the jeer of the Lord 1 688 : others,l68p : others, 1700 : and others, 1 701 : others make more. It is very like they come neer ; but that they are not under or over , I dare fay of none, till their time be paft : but for thofe Worthies, who, as I fuppofe , go the fureft way to work , to begin their ac- count from the total deftru&ion of the Temple mjerufalem, (o as one ftone was not left upon another ; and fo the daily Sacrifice wholly done away , and the abomination of defo- lation let up in Julian's time, which fome fay was in the yeer 360; and fome fay, 3 67 ; others, 3 68, or thereabonts. And from thence reckon Daniel •» 1 2 po, to the Jews coming in ; which will fall out to be 1656, or 1657, or 1658, orthere^ abouts ; yet the Chronologies are not fo uniform and cer- tain , that they can all agree, and pitch upon that yeer of his coming, in certainty ; though I fuppofe they come neer, yet if it were even now , or (hould certainly be that they come into their Land, this next yeer, 1 6$6y which, O that it might fo be ! yet to pitch upon the laft yeer of the next 4 $ to end, is not fo eafie, as I have fometime thought ir, becaufe it is not certain whether we fhall begin the 45 at the firft aifay of fome for entring , or at fome more general fettlement of- them in the Land , after fome Battles fought : and then 45 yeers after , in their greateft ftrait , he comes to overthrow their Enemies : of which proceeding, I conceive we may learn fomething by the manner of God's dealing for them when he led them out of Egypt into fanam ; becaufe teifau$\i-$ Lord , fpeaking of what he will do for them in this great Bb 2 work, 180 The time ofChrifl j next coming. Work in that Day, concludes it thus ; faying , Like as it was to Ifrael^ in the day that he came up out of the Land of Egypt : and i/\. and Purgations^ well as Viftories ? And after all this, (as they of oldhad a Jordan to paf$ over , and a Jfetic ho to over- throw y The time of ChriH's next coming. 181 throw , fo ) thefe (hall have their potent Enemies and Be- (iegers to try them more, and for God to (hew his Won- D4».n.*. ders more among t hem : this their being in their own Land being a Metaphorical Refurre&ion ; of which , fome are to fhame ; and ibme, to contempt : their firft Conductors be- ing not fo profperous, as to be Inftruments of the conversion of the generality of them, ( no more than XMofcs and Aaron of old ) yet God may be fo gracious to them, (as to Ifrael of old, in giving them a Jo(huah to be their Leader ; fo ) to fend Elijah the Prophet, to turn the hearts of the Fathers to the Chil- M t 6 dren , and the hearts of the Children to their Fathers : and upon /^> \x,%^, tfAt this , the great Converfion among them j and many not be- 66.^,20. fore come in to them, now coming with weeping and impli- cation. And, ( as Rahab was helpful of old, fo ) now the Gentiles may alio be more abundantly ferviceable to fetch and bring them into their Land : and the Enemies ftill oppofing, while God is by his mighty power, ( as of old di- viding Jordan ) and taking the (name of Egypt 06 from his people , and to overthrow Jericho ) about to (hew his great wonders , and to take the (hame of all people from off his people Ifrael , and free them from all Captivity ; the Ene- my Mill ftrengthening thcmfelves to oppoie, then in that ftrait , ' ( as to Jojhuah of old, fo) to thefe now, Jcfus Chrift himfelf appears, and comes, and all the Saints with him, and Zec^M^Ai gives the total overthrow to the Enemy : which being done, the laft 45 yeers is expired. I determine not things to be done according to my expreflions: but fuch-like things, and in a true fenfe , according to the expreflions of the Scripture quoted , will be done ; yea, even fo, that it will be done to them, like as it was to Ifrael^ when he came out o* Egypt. So that when the 45 yeers are out , is ea(ie to be known : but when they begin, whether at their firftaflay to enter, or in their beginning to fettle ; I know not : but could I furely know of the leaftbeginning of thefe things, I (hould as affix- redly know the Lord is fo ni^h coming, as that (as one might lay) he is rifen up and on his march ; and if the 4 5 yeers be not entred, they will prefently enter. So for Ifrael, and now for our felves that are not natural Ifrael-, we may learn fome- ihiog for our information , tbout the time of the coming of our iSi The time of Chrifi V next coming. our Lord and Saviour Jefus Cnrift , in comparing the things and events conning to pafs, with Ifrael of old, from their coming out oiEgyyt unto the firft coming of Chrift, with the 1 co/,\o.i 8. & things and events coming to pafs with and among Chriftians verf.i-6 ii. from the firft coming of Chrift, tothefecond and glorious coming of Chrift, we are in many things willed to behold If- rael after the flefh \ and they are affirmed to be figures and examples for us, and thofe things to be written for our warning and inftru&ion : and concerning God's dealing with them, in giving them the Law by LMofes^ and their demeanor towards him ; Chrift uttered a Parable , which may be read ^#.21.33, 34. andL»k 20.0-17. and fofor hisdealing with Chriftians, from firft to fecond coming , and their de- meanour towards him,he uttered a like Parable,which may be reader .2 5. 14-3 o.and Luk.i p. 1 2- 2 7. Therefore it it is use- ful for us to confider and compare the fame things in reading the Hiftories of them, and we may difcern, there is,hath been, and.wiil be fome Agreemenr. 1 . When God by Mofes the Mediator, gave them the Law, and fet their Priefthood , Sacrifices , and TempJe-worfhip in order , the people were generally , and many of the Cap- tains and Levites, ftubborn and rebellious ail the dayes of the perfonal Miniftration of Mofes : fo in the dayes of the perfonal Miniftration of Chrift the Mediator of the New Te- ftament, while he wasminiftring the Gofpel, and working Miracles to fave the loftftieep of the Houfc of lfraetf.0 whom in Miniftration, he was efpecially fent, yet while he was chufing Apoftles and Evangelifts, and giving them his Gofpel and his Ordinances to have miniftred to them , yet were the people generally, with their High-Prieft, and Priefts, and Lawyers, ftubborn and rebellious, and but few of them that came in to believe on him. 2. In Jojhtttffs time , when Mofes was taken away , the people were more generally obedient , and followed the Lord more fully ; ( though fome trouble by Achan. ) And fo in the dayes of the Elders that out-lived Jefhuah. So in the Apoftles and firft Witneflcs dayes, ( after Chrift left the World, and went to the Father ) both Jews and Gentiles came in apace ; & the Churches encreafed and profpercd, and orew ^Tbe time of Chritt j next coming. \ 8 5 grew in Grace, and kept the Faith found ; notwithstanding fome harm done by falfe Prophets ; for the Spirit of An- tichrift began, even before their departure, to work ,* yet the Churches kept the Faith found in their dayes,and in the days of the Churches of thofe firft times that next fuccecded them , and received the Gofpel from their perfonal Miniftra- tion. 3. After Jojhaah 's time, and the time of the Elders that out-lived Jojh*ah , the people learned the manners of the Nations, and went a whoring after their Gods, and God de- livered them often into the hands of their Oppreffors ; yet in mercy ever and anon in their diftrefles , be railed them up Sa- viours or Judges. So after the time of the Apoftles and nrft Witneffes, and the time of the Churches next fuc- ceeding them , (according as the Apoftles had foretold) wolves did enter in among them, and menfpeaking perverfe things , rofe up among them ; and fomething now they in- clined, to adorn them with the Wifdom and Learning of the Gentiles, in Philofophy, and other fuch-like Arts, and excel- lency of Speech, as the Gentiles gloried in; andlikewife with fuch worldly Excellencies, and Superiorities , and Dig- nities for Church-Order and Offices, as might fuit the fame ; and fo humane Traditions and Superftitions begun to fpring . up ; and God deeply chaftned them , and fuffered the Ene- mies to load them with many Perfections : yet in their cries he ftill gave them fome Deliverances , and preferved tothem many good and faithful Teachers. 4. After thofe troublous times of Ifrael> God gave them more peaceable times,with the enjoyment of the purity of his worfhip,in the days o^SamHel^aul^David^Solomonfic his wor- (hipping right to Judah jn following Kings Raigns for a time : io God was pleated after terrible Perfecutions to give to the Chriftian Churches reft and peace in the time of Conjlamwe^ and fome other Emperour; and Kings after him ; fo , as the Churches began for to encreafe and flourifli, both Eaft and Weft for a time. j. Ahctlfrael had long enjoyed thefe flourishing times, they grew full , and fell into Divisions ; and then ten Tribes rent from theMoufe of David , and fell to fuperftkion, in wor- 1 8^ The time of CbriB's next coming. worfhipping Jerobeam *s Calves , and after to more grofs I* dolatry in worshipping Baaly till they were carried away in- to Captivity, and are not yet returned : but Iudah ftill wor- fhipped the true God, though polluted with many defile- ments of Ifrael 's Superftition : io the C hritfian Churches af- ter a while of enjoyment of thefe flourifliing times , grew full, and through pride and covetouinefs of their Bifhops, afpiring for pre-eminence,, fell into many Sedh and Divisions : and what Divisions in Churches , and between the Churches Eaft and Weft, is by many recorded ; till many Churches that were famous in the firft times , had their Candleliicks re- moved ; and ^Mahometans now peffefs their place , and they are cot to this day reftored. The other Churches, fpecially Weftward , ftill retained the Faith , though defiled with many humane inventions and fuperftitions. 6. After IfraeFs Captivity, jttludab repented not of the defilements among them ; but , though for a while con- tinuing with God, yec by degrees they fell to provoke him (o with their Idolatries , that he caufed them alio to be carried away Captive to Babylon^oi threefcore and ten yeers ; fo al- fo after the removal of fo many Churches Eaft ward , the re- maining Churches VVeftward did not repent of their defile- ments with humane inventions and fuperftitions, nor of the pride and covetoufnefs of their Biftiops ; and though for a time they held the Faith , yet by degrees they fell to more fuperftitions ; lb , as they provoked God , and made way for the Man of fin , till he got his Seat in the Temple of God, and therewith a worldly power alio , and fo exalted bimfelf above all that hath Imperial Majefty ; and fo Gcd being provoked, left the outward Court into the hands of the Gentiles ; and being filled with Idolatry and Super- ftition , the Holy City is by them trodden under foot, 1 260 yeers : all which time,the Witnefles prophefie in Sack-cloth, and all the upright arc as Captives in Babylon, myfierious Ba- bylon* 7. The lews after their firft coming out of Babylon , they fet on building the Temple , and worftiipped God according to the exprefs and plain import of the Letter or Words of the Law, and were commended for it, and encouraged by the Pro- The time of Chritfs next coming. 185 Prophets, and fothey profpered for a time; fo the Christi- ans after the firtt coming forth from the grofs darknefs, de- lufions, and Tyranny of the Man of fin, endeavoured ' col- le^ion and reformation of Churches ; and held forth the Goipel according to the ex,prefs and plain import of the Let- ter or words of the Scripture ; and for a time (though inper- iecwion) they prospered, and the Word of the Lord grew and encreaied. 8. After this , the Jews fell no more to the Idolatry of Jeroboam^ or of Baaly nor to any willing or openly profefled Idolatry of the Heathen ; yea , they were zealous againft it : but in their zeal , they ran into many over-ftri£l Interpreta- tions of iome part of the Law , and over-lodfe in forhe other parts of it ; and found out many. Inventions and Devices, pretending to Humility, Devotion, and Holinefs, which they took on them, to obierve, andfoby Tradition kept them, appearing herein very holy ; and all that did not know and yield up to the fame, they counted as finners , publicans, and prophane. And thus they continued , though under the Roman power , i till the coming of jefusChrilt. SO after the coming forth from, the Man of fin , thefe reformed Churches fall no more to iuch grots Idolatries , but tettifie againft it : .yet with their humane Learning and Wifdom , they content not themfelves with the plain layings of the Gofpel, but ilu- dy andfirain for Interpretations; and fo have framed by their School-Arts, fuch appearing -exquifite Opinions, and Rules alfo for Church-Government, and certain Observations pre- tending to great ■ftri£nefs,- zeal , devotion , and holinefs : which , taken up as a Tradition from one to another , mult be maintained and obferved ; and they that do not ob- fcrve the fame , are counted either factious or prophane. And thus they continue till neer the coming of Chrift. 1 9. After the Jews had iome Generations walked: thus, rGod lent among them John the Baptift in the Spirit and power of £//^,the immediate fore-runner of the Lord's firft coming, by whom the way of the Lord was prepared, and many dici- pled for the acknowledgement of him ; but thofe zealous ones received him not, but reje&ed him, though divers Seas ^mong themfelves, Pharifees, Sadduces and Herodians, & -c. Cc * So igtf The time of Cbriffs next coming. So after the reformed Churches have Come Generations con- tinued thus, God ftirs up fome of his Servants to declare the Teftimony of Chrift plainly , in the three forementioned Branches , and therein the Love of God to Mankinde, with ■thePriviledges of Believers ; and fo to call to Repentance of the Do&rines and precepts of Men , and to receive the Teftimony of Chrift, and look for his coming : and fome here and there do imbrace it, but very few of the wife and zealous Obfervers of the Do&rines and Traditions of their Fathers will receive it, but oppofe it earneftly, though many divifions among them, i o. When the Jews had had their time , and God dealt thus with them, and their fin ripened in oppofing John , &c. then came Jefus Chrift among them ; but thefe great Ones oppofed Him alfo : fo when the Gentiles have had their time, and God hath dealt thus with them , and their fin is grown ripe in fuch oppofition of light, then comes Jefus Chrift per- sonally with all his Saints; but theBeaft and thefalfePro- qphet will ftand againft him alfo : but he comes not then to fbffcr , but to raign ; and fo all the Enemies will be over- thrown: he coming to the ends aforefaid. I have in this but made a homely Comparison of the proceedings with Jew s and Gentiles , fpecially Chrift ians : how it was with the Jews, is plainly declared through the Scriptures ; how it was with the Gentiles,the Chriftians,m the firft ages,is feen in the Scri- ptures ; and for the following ages , it is there alfo prophefi- -ed : and for other knowledge , I leave to them that are ac- quainted with Hiftories : 8c how it is now,let fuch as have un« derftanding, judge. And I fuppofe this will come neer to one with the former accounts of thoie godly learnedMen^nd ma- nifeft that firft faid, That the coming of our Lord is nigh at hind ; the call of the Jews being at the doors, the fulnefs of Gentiles neer come, and the perfonal coming of Chrift not longafter, he fhews us daily , our lives here cannot be long ; and, he is in his works haftening his coming ; and all to move us to haft e to it, and be always ready and waiting for it. Be- holAJtc cmrtb* CHAP. ,87 CHAP. 30, $om* Application of this Brantkof rbe Testimony of Cbrtfty concerning bis coming again in fuch manner , tofucb ends9 Sec. THe knowledge and mindefulneis of this pcrfontl coming again of Jefus Chrift, in fuch manner, and for fuch ends, as is fhewn, and his coming fo faft, and nigh-approaching, is profitable to warn, teach and ftir us up ,firft to av oid and rcfift the evils , and keep from the danger of feducing and evk Spirits, that labour to withdraw, and turn many from the Faich of his coming , by their fubtil Rcafcnings «nd Ar^u*- ment<,t>/*.. i . Thofe Scoffers that fay , Where is the promife of his % ?et ^ coming ? for fince the Fathers fell afieep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the Creation. Where is this new Heaven and new Earth ? This Reltauration of all things? This raigning of Chrift and his Saints, you fay, was promifed to the Fathers ; And , you have long called thefe the laft dayes , and yet no fuch things appears ; you are be- guiled with feme Enthufiafm,or Millenary-Opinion; you wait for a Fancy : one Generation goeth, and another cornech ; all things continue as they were, and will fo do. We, in belief of the Tcftimony of Chrift, may know thefe % fct . , f Men are willingly ignorant, &c. wemiy admire God's Pati- ence to fuch, in forbearing them , that they might repent be- fore his coming • and his patience towards us, that have not done all we might , to gain Men in to Repentance, that we might renew our Diligence : and we know a Day is not in God *s account , as it is with Men ; and that there arc fome things ft ill to be performed that muft be done before his coming: and the being tried with fuch Scoffers is one thing, In which we fee :he Truth of his Word that foretold it 5 and Cc 2 the 188 duplication of the DoBrine the fulfilling of it, and the haftening and nighnefsof his coming, to ftir us to defire it, &c. . i. Thofe that go about to (hake the minde of Believer?, ^ 2i2# by faying,the Day of Chrift is at hand,now prefently ,or with- in one hour, or a day, ortendayes; or a month, or two months; or fuch a day, week, or month* within this yecr , or before ayeerbe out ; and thereto pretend a fpiritual Revela- tion, or fome word , or feme thing, as cut of the writings cf the Apoftles: for though that day be much nigher at hand, than when the Apoftles gave that warning ; and though that falling away , and the Revelation cf the Man of fin be now come to pais , yet all there' fpeken is net yet fulfilled. And fo we know by the fame Rule, That all the Horns cr ten kingdoms, do not yet hate the Where ; and though there is a good beginning , and in fome places her Flefh eaten , yet not by them all ; nor have they yet burnt her wiih.Fircr, nor are the Jews yet come into their own Land ; yea, Euphrates is not yet dried up t all which mult firft be. So that it is not fo at hand , as to be this day or week : but, he is coming a- pace,and haftening in doing thefe things,and our lives fhort ; which is enough to move us to be alwayes ready, waiting and looking for his coming. 3. Thofe that fay, The Refurre£Uon is paft already , The a T'm. % .i 8. Lord is come to them , and they are rifen, and do raign, and Heaven is in them, and they are in Heaven, enjoying the new Heaven and the new Earth already , and are above all Ordi- nances,needing the ufe of none of them. We in belief of the Teftimony of Chrift , do know , That when the Lord comes , he comes and appears to all at once : and fo , when the Juft are railed , they are raifed all at once, and all Saints made immortal at once , and go with the Lord to the overthrow of the wicked,& then enjoy the newHeaven and the new Earth,and raign together ; neither marrying nor tcor.+A.tthcf, giving in marriage, nor living in fuch condition : fo,that 4,14,15. Heb. vvhatever they fancy of their being rifen, and living, and u.40. raigning in fuch manner , they are deceived; for if irwere fo indeed , we fhould not be left behinde , or be as they fay we are, ftillin the dark; but we (hould fee , and raign alfo with them, if they did fo in Truth : for no one (hall prevent ano- . of ChriH's coming. 185? another in this, or any Saints be perfed without their Fel- lows. . . • j 4. Thofe that put oft all the coming or Chart, into a 1^.11.2,3*.' coming in the Spirit ; and fay, We mult wait indeed for a a^M- 18,19. coming. of Chrift, but it is a aping in the Spirit 5 and, That ^ob.i.ii.Frov. it is but a fltftly Faith, to believe in Chrift, as come. in, the30, I5' Flefh; but the lpiritual believing, is to believe in him as come in the Spirit -9 and fo enjoying him, he is come indeed : and then fuchli.e above Fait h. . Some,fuchasthele, are in- timated in the ApoiUes times, though the Spiric of Antichritt did but begin then to work. . But we that believe the Telii- mony of Jefus ChriH,do know , That Jefus, that very Man, is The Chrilt ; and, That his very being come in the Flefli , and that he hath done therein and thereby, is the Founda- tion of our Faith and Hope , and the way and door of our approach to God; and that through which all Mercies are ex* tended : yea, even the Spirit it (elf : yea, this it is which the H.oly.Gholt (whofe work it is) glorifieth to the Heart, and fb enables to believe in Chrift , and unites and frames to him thereby , and (o to confefs him come in the Flefli , which none can do but by the Holy Spirit, which is Chrift his fend- ing Spirit.,, and fo coming to t hern, and dwelling in them by Spirit: in which he was never abient from Believers 5 fince the beginning of the World , though more abundantly pre- fent where he is more known , as declared fince his Afcenfi- on into Heaven : and this his prefence by Spirit in Believers, is the whole time of believing and living by Faith ; and though more abundant in operations at fome time than at o- thers , yet it is alfo to help them in their weakneffes and temptations, and through fufferings, while they are yet mor- tal. But his perfonal coming which Believers wait for, is to free them from weaknefs , temptation , furTerings^ and mortality jand it is a perfonal, vifible, and bodily coming, as is forefhewn ; fo, as the deceit of thefe is by it eafily feen and avoided. • 5. Thofe,who though they vary from the former fayings,yet Mat* *4. 1>%3r fay in effect the fame.>as,Lo here is Chri(t,in this or that Form 24' of outward Difcipline, or fuch a way of outward performing fuch an Ordinance, to be feen in the ttriftnefs ,.fe verity, or fome IpO Mar Hi j3.^,ii, 10,17. Application of theDoUrtne fome outward appearing excellent thing in it ; or, Lo he is in, the wildernefs ; if you will let go all the hopes begot in you t>y the Letter of the Gofpel, concerning Chrifts dying forfin- cers,#<\ you (hall then fee Chrift: or, Lo, IamChrif^ I fpeak from the infallible Spirit ; if you receive my faying and Teftimony , you receive Chrift ; if yon refufe my frying, ifajit. 1 Joh. you refufe Chrift. Of thefe our Saviour hath forewarned us ; 5.19,10. & 1. and we that believe the Teftimony of Chrift, do know, That he is by his Spirit in his own word , the Teftifier of his own Grace ; fo, as they that believe (hall know the fame ; and his perfonal appearing will be fo vifible, as we (hall need no man to tell us,wherc he is,or which is he ; for every eye (hall then feehim,asisfaid. Thus will the knowledge of this Branch of the Teftimony of Chrift help us againft all thefe , and fuch-like delufions, which withdraw from theFaith,and diiciple to Men , and make Schifins and Rents from the true Church. Secondly , The knowledge , belief, and minding of the coming of Chrift, as fet forth in this Branch of the Te- ftimony of Chrift, will help to preferve and keep us from fal- ling into many mifcarriages , mif-conceptions , andmif-ex- preflions of 'fome Brethren ; and alfo to afford help to iuch of them , as do prefer the plain fayings of Chrift be- fore the Notions of any other Man: as,toinftanccfomeof them. i. Such as deny any appearance of Chrift in perfon on the Earth , till the laft and final Judgement and fentence* when all the wicked (hall be caft into the Lake of Fire, &c. True it is, he will be vifible on Earth, and on his Throne at that time : and true it is , That all the Juft (hall enter in- to everlafting Joy then alfo. And then Chrift delivereth up. the Kingdom to his Father, that God may be All in all : bur then is no time for deftroying all worldly powers , and for reftoring all things, and for bringing the Creation into the Liberty of the Sons of God,and for the new Heaven and new Earth to be filled with Inhabitants , and for Chrift to fit on the Throne of Vtvid his Father, andfor^r<*&»randhis feed to inherit the world ; and for Chrift and his Saints after his coming to rule over the Nations , or for the Nations to fcrve ferve them , and bring their Glory and Honour to the Cityy tfrc In this Life, the Saints according to their meafurc, glo- rifieGod through fuffcrings ; and in the new Heaven and new Earth, God both glorifieth his Saints , making them to raign 5 and they glorifie him by raigning : but in that laft State , God only glorifies himiclf upon them , and in them, and through them, and them with himielf. And why fhould any of us fo difhonour God, as to deny the Truth , and true fulfilling of fo many plain iayings of Scripture, fo oft af- firmed, as hath been (hewn^nd will be more ? If any fay,7W wefiickjoo ntttch to the Letter rf the Scripture in Hnderftandin£ thofe places ; Ic might be anfwered, That in fuch plain fayings fo often affirmed and bound with the Oath of God, and his Protec- tion of the Faithfulnefs of them, it is iafer and better to ftick clofc to the Letter or Words of Scripture, as they have been breathed forth by the Holy Spirit , than to make Unbelief of the Truth of thofe plain fayings, the Interprerer of their meaning , though with never fo much humane VVifdom and Learning, And it may be alfo anfwered, That fo to underftand thofe fayings, is according to the Rule commanded by God , and approved by all Believers, yea, and godly learned, as is fore- fnewn. p^ % ^ But I farther anfwer, That we are led by the Scripture thus * ' * to underftand thefe things, both in that the thing? ipoken of his firft coming , in which many things had their fpidrual fenfe alfo , yet were all performed according to the plain cxpreflton of the Letter : as, his being born of a Virgin in Bethlcm, his being called a Naz^rite^ his riding on an Afs, his being fold for thirty pence, the banding of the Rulers and people againft him, the fcattering of his , his D :ath, Burial, Refurre&ion, Afcenfion ; his pouring forth the Holy Ghoft,and fitting on the right hand of God ; ail fulBUed to theutmoft of the plain import of the Letter ; and (hall any thing be wanting in the fecond coming of Chrirt ? faith not the Angel, This fame Ief$u(baUfo come^even as ye havefeen him Ctc. And alfo in that the Apoftle, fpeaking of thefe things, s both a certain meafore of fulfilling fpirituaily now, and 192 application of the DoBrine . and alio a fulhlling according to the utmM of theLetter,which is aHofykitmi : but the one-is inward,in the foul 8cfpirit; the other out ward, on the Body alfo: & of that inward in Soul arid ' Spirit, he faith, We that believe, haveafirft fruits y (he faith not ali, nor half, nor a tenth, bun a firft fruits ) and that we wait for\ istiot ohlythe whole orharveft of this f but the adopt ron>even l*he rMemr-tion If the 'fa'df, whetftilfo't-he vthck Crest 'an frail be reftofed tnt'o the gloriom tifartj of the Sons of'Qod. And f mi°h t add the ApolUes alluding to Pfsl.%e"mHeb. 2. butenot?ghis forefaid for this; So that all our Brethren that heed and prize Scripture-Teftimony,rnore than Traditions and Opinions of Men,will foon yield to believe this. 2. Such as believe and look for Chrift his raigning in and over the World in his Saints, and fo would fight andftrive to fet Chriit on his Throne , and think all Adverfarfes to Chrift, that oppofe them in his defign to be before his per- ianal appearing ; Thefe Brethren feem to acknowledge this Truth, That jeius Chrift will come and appear personally to raign on Earth, and that the Saints, that now farter with hirri, fhall raign with hint in the Earth, and over the Nations , and that Chriit fhould now raign in his Saints: and both thefc are true ; ye*, without controverfie, Chrift doth now raign in his •Saints , -and its defired to be more and more : but yetfhk raigning in his Saints now , is neither his raigning over the World , nor making his Saints to rule over the Men of the World ; and the miftake is eafily difcernable to fuch as be- lieve, and minde the Scripture-Tellimony of Chrirts coming to raign. 1 . For Chrift his now raigning in his Saints , is not his raigning by his Saints , or wtth his Saints, and they with him over Men ; but as the expreflion is,/» his Saints ; and that is, by his gracious Word and Spirit, fubduing every thought to the obedience of Chriit , and them to accept the crofs 6f z£tf/ 10.3,4. Chriit, and conformity to him in it : and fo by the Spirit of PbU.1.7.9. Faith, Love and a found Minde, he dwells and lives in them, 2 cor. 4.11JI3 ancj t£ey \jve t0 him ; and yet in this World are for his lake, V^Gd.uio.** ne was> fubjeft'to humane Powers , and fervants to all 9Pes.i.i$li69f6t their good: and though they overcome the World, yet i Cor-9. i$-*3- their Vi&ory is by Faith , and not by carnd weapons , and ftriving of Chrijl's coming. 19$ flriving fcr worldly honour and power over Men ; but by - the Word of their Teftimony , not loving their Lives unto * .-^ J**^*' Dcaih ; fo,as while heraigns in them, they are futferers for %Tim.u\%. Aft* him, and fo with him,and he with them ; and they (hall after 5.43? ^.1.14. raign with him when he raigns. 2, TheSaints raigning with Chrift , andfo-his raigningin fat.s.d.iThef. his own Perfon , and with and by his Saints, begins at once i.7,ip~.7{*iMt, cogethenhe comes to take to him his great Power and Raign 5 'J*18* and then , and not till then , his Saints raign with him : he that belicveth makes not hafte,nor defires to raign before his Matter ; and when God by his Providence putteth any Saint into a place of worldly Power and Government to rulea- mong Men , yet in that alfo,they will be found fufferers, for and with their Matter, and Grangers in this World ; and though Prote&ors of their Brethren the Saints in their out- pfa.7^.t^7ia ward peace, yet Rulers of them as men alfo in their outward 4. Tfa. 39.12, affairs ; & not able to carry all as they would by their feveral * sam. 23.5. Officers & under-Governours in this World,(the Saints mutt *feb'£ ?' 8,9> wait for that till their Matters coming :)even thus it was with ioji*.irJb!/.i! 'David : and fo it is not yet their reft with Chrift,and raigning 9ilo. with him over the Men of the World. It is better to look and wait for our raigning, as t/ibraham and our Fathers did , for the fame inheritance and Kingdom that we are to look for. 3. Jefus Chritt is not to receive his Kingdom , and be fet on his Throne after a worldly manner , or by any worldly 1.6&. 7)a*.i. power or weapons; no, it is not the Saints, that fet him upon 44 ^7-13,14. his Throne : but it is the Father only from whom he te-E\l('\4'l3\ ceives it ; and he it is that gives the Kingdom to his Saints, ^7,^r?m% andfets them on Thrones. True it is, before his perfona] \%.kcv.x.%6. " coming, will be many Earth- quakes and fnakings of worldly Powers , Nation againft Nation , and the hating of the Whore , and eating her Flefih , and burning her with Fire, by the Kingdoms of the Earth , who (ball enrich themfelves with her fpoyls ; in which Battels, the Saints, as Men , and as called by Authority, for defence of a People , and Execu- tion of Juftice on wicked Doers , may have their hand and work in thefe Battels ; yet as they are Saints, fo they ufe no violence, commit no rapes, feek not the ruine or definition of Men ; but even in their overthrow and confufion , defrc Dd the L ip4- Jpplication of the T>oBrine ?fal%x\K .and boPefully ufe > a11 the Ordi- 1Tiw'^IYjl4. nances cfChjift, accordingto opportunities given , tiilhe *ri».4.ii**J> vifiblyand perfonally come againjthat being the time of their 4.5 8. ceafing. 3. To long, and wait with patience in well-doing for K0W.8.23. this coming of the Lord , that we may be found ready and iCw-WJw unblameable, at his appearing, Phil. 3. 20. 1 Thef. 1. 10. 2 The[.1.5.Hcb.9.i%.Tit.2.i 3. 2/^.3.12,1 3. And thus having gone over the three diftin& Branches of the Teftitnony of Chrift; and that, fo as I defire to have them beheld as one whole and entire Teftitnony, I dull fum them up together. CHAP. 21 The Conclusion of this Party in fumming up tbeTe- jiimo^y. HAving treated diftinftly of The Oblation, Thelnter- ceflion , and The coming again of Chrift ; defirino the Scriptures fpeaking of each , to be well minded , I (nail add a word or two, to (hew how all Three are included in one Teftitnony , and are indeed one intire Teftitnony , e- ven the Teft imony of J efus, that is , The Spirit of Prophe- fie , and one included in the other , and all joyned in one in the Tcflimony in divers places, fet forth in one , Jfhn 3. id, 17. there is affirmed the Love of God in the gift of his Son, in which the Oblation is affirmed ; and there is fet out the End of his coming , even to fave , and that he might fave : there is his Mediation > and Prcvalen- <7 The Conclufion. 197 cy of it, in ufe of means to apply, intimately affirmed; and there '5 the bleflcdHope in his coming, for all that obey his call , that they might not perifti , but have E- verlaftingLifc : fois his coming again intimated , zCor. 5. 19,20,21. There is both the Oblation of Chrill, verf 14, 1 5, 1 9. and the Fruit of the IntercelTion of Chrilt, verf 18,20. and the coming again of Chrilt, wr/,10,21. yea, all Three together, verf. 2 1 . intimated. fit, 1.1,2. There is the ObjeS of Faith fet forth in the Gofpel, called, The Faith of God *s Elea, which is Chrift, . as he hath offered the Oblation : and there is the Fruit of his Interceflion , in the acknowledgement of the Truth, which is after Godlinefs : and there is intimate his coming again , in which is given that hoped for , the Hope of Eternal Life. And yet becaufe his Oblation in his Humiliation and Exaltation, is the Foundation of Faith, and the Key of Knowledge, and that which gives Light and Underftand* ing into all the whole Teftimony ; and being believed, leads into all : Therefore we (hall finde, Jhat that is fometime onely exprefl/ named, and yet the other two fecretly in the fame faying : and fo with Inclusion of Interceflion and Hope of his glorious coming, when not named, Chrift, as he hath offered the Oblation, &c. is named as the whole Teftimony : fo Tattl fummed up all x Cortitit the Gofpel and Do&rine he determiied to preach to the CorinthUm , to this , even Jefus Chrift , and him cruci- fied : where the Oblation is exprefs ; the other, in- cluded. And again, he fummed up the Gofpel he preach- ed , and which Believers received , and in which they Hand, and by which if they keep in remembrance, they are faved, to this, How that Chrifl died for our fins , according to the *# *■ l5>3,4> Scriptures: and, that he was buried \ and , that he r of e again the third day, according to the Scriptures : and, that he -was feeny 8cc. In which the Humiliation and Exaltation of Chrii*,is comprehended ; his Oblation , exprefs ; his Interceflion, and coming again , included in that fay ing , According to the Scrtfturcs* And fuch a brief fum explicated, 3^.5.1424. And ipS 1 be Conclu/wn. And fa in fuch a brief fum , the Love of God to Mankinde i* */M-9>10- teftified : In this was mamfefted the love of God toward ha, be- Verj.n. lob.$. caufethat Cjodfenthis onely begotten Son into the world , that we M> if>* M- might live through him. Hereinislovc, not that we loved God; but that he loved us , andfent his Son to be the propitiation for our f*ht And again, ftiorter : and the fame was in like manner certified by. our Saviour , and that alfo as the Ground of Preaching the fame for Men's healing : and as the Oblation and Lpve of God to Mankinde, appearing there-through , is fometimes named for the whole Teftimony ; fo , in feme places it is (hewn , how this known and believed, faveth and leadeth into all Truth, and fo teacheth Believers : I will in- stance but two places, i. 7^.3.4,5,6,7. read, and confider the place, and fee, it 7 T * it i$ the hindnefiand love oj Cjod our Saviour toward man, (it's not joo.}, itiA^ his fpecial and peculiar Love tofomeE]e&, but the pity and love of God to Man-ward ) that in its appearing faved us ; net according to works of right eoufnep which we have done , ( lt neither appeared or faveth by any thing in us or done by us, in which we were better than others) but Kom.'$.9M>& according to his mercy (that is, his Love commended to %cor ?.io° finners in his giving ChrUl to die, and make peace for Epb.i.16,17. them by his Blood, when we were Enemies; and caus- ing ic to appear to us , while we were fuch , and no better than others) he faved ttsy (that is, reconciled our hearts, and converted us to himfelf ; ) and this faving, by the wafting of Regeneration , ( that is , the vertue and efficacioufnefs of the Blood and Oblation of Chrift,by means of his Mediation made known to us ; and his Love there-through ftreaming , being by the Holy Ghoft fet i^PrtVz* home to the Heart : and fo alfo) by the renewing of the Holy Ghoft, (who in fuch difcovery, as is faid, fprink- Heb.9.14. lcth the Blood of Chrift in the Heart, and thereby fpeak- eth peace, and createth or reneweth a new Difpofitioo or 7^.3.12,24, Spirit in the Heart.) Which wafhing of Repentance, and VXhZ'y rencvvins of the Holy Ghoft> he (bV vcrtuc .of his ob- M.Vj!i-ii. lation once offered, and his Interceflion continued, the Divine Love appearing there-through ) (Bed on us abun- dantly - The Conclufwn. 199 dantly through Jcfus Chrift our Lord , that we being juftified by his Grace, now mark the laft end , in which his Coming a- gain is intimated) we fhould be made Heirs according to the 1 7* A-9A&* Hope of Eternal Life. Thus doth the Love of God to Mankinde, appearing through the Oblation of Chrift, fee and enjoy theEnds and Vertues of his Oblation, and therein the Benefit of his Mediation and Interceflion ; and there wirh , and thereby, the Hope of the Inheritance, and Eternal Life, in the coming again of Chrift : fo precious is the word of the begin- ning of Chrift , to lead into all that follows to be known of him. 2. Tit. 2. 1 1, 1 2, 1 3,14. read the place and minde, The Grace of Cjod , ( which is the fame with the kindenefs and TiLl'\j CoY' Loveof God to Man-ward) faving to all men^ (or bringing |,x . '*'7> Salvation to all Men ) hath appeared ( fo , as in its appear- ing and faving Operations , it ) teacheth us ( here is the benefit of his Mediation, in extending the Vertues of his Oblation) that denying ungodlinef? and worldly lufts , wefhould live foberlj , and rtghteoujly , and godly in this prefent world) (now mark the laft) looking for the bleffed bope> and the glori- ous appearing of the great Cjod and our Saviour j£fm Chrift. And all this large Grace appearing in fuch faving tendency , with iuch teaching?, and fitneis for prevalency therein , grounded and bottomed upon the Word of the beginning of Chrift, verf. 14. Who gave himfelf for us, &c with which I be- gan this Difcourfe of the Oblation , Interceflion , and coming again of Chrift 5 and with the fame I for this Part end. In all that is faid of the Teftimony of Chrift, in every Branch, and of all together, it appears , That this Teftimony is a Doctrine according to godlinefs, and hath its natural tendency to godlinefs , effecting it in all cordial Believers of it : and alfo, that this Teftimony of Jefus, is , The Spirit of Prophefie, The Original of all right Under- ftanding, The true, and fo beft , Enlightner , Teacher, School- Matter and Dire&or to all right undeiftajading and fpcaking. And zoo The tonclu/ion. And i<*»orance and unbelief of this Teftimony , or any Branch of imperially thefirft, isthecaufeof all error; and miftakes about scriptures. And by this Teftimony minded, we may dtfeern what true Faith is , what tnc Ob) l& , whtc the Medium difcovering ; what the Believing U , and how it worketh ; But 1 forbear to proceed farther in thofe things till I have fitft minded the degrees of the Revelation of Chrift in this Teftimony of him , and how it was revealed , evi- denced » and fo made known and taught by degrees , till the whole was clecrly manifefted, to be fo now taught and believed. ^&M$?M?M$£ sfesksfesfesb An $$$$ )$$$$ Iftfiffi 3pj52|5 201 An Explicite Declaration of the Tefti monyofChrift, &e. PART III. Ch AP. I Of the firft Reielatioa of Chrift 5 and Way of making him know.': . H E firft Revelation of Jefus Chrift was in Par/tdife, thus : I will put enmity be- r tween thee and the woman ^ and between thy feed and her feed : itfhallbruifethy heady and thou {halt brmfe his heel. In which, according to Explication fince, is obferved, i . That the firft Promulgation of the Gofpel, as it was immediate from and by God himfelf , fo k was done in the denouncing the Curte on the Serpent and his Seed; yea ,infomemeafureon Geu.$.i.iw the Serpent that was the Devil's Inftrument , and its Seed 5 but in full, and fpccially on the Devil the old Serpent, with Ee his 102 Of theprjt ^velation of Christ. Kn,.u. 9.<^o. his Angels, and thofeby his Temptations, become of him, a. &%\i\.&9. andfo his Seed, even as the compleating of the Exaltation of \i,& 1M4-I8. ChriR , and thofe that are his Seed ; is- declared in the de- nouncing and bringing in the laft and great Wo upon the Inhabiters of the Earth , which are the Seed of this old Ser- pent. Gen. 3.1^17. 2« That the Seed of the Woman is alfo fo expreft , that ic may have a double fenfe ; one a more remote fenfe, in which 9tl7t it may be carried to all that come of her by a natural concep- tion ; before whom, in the Promife, Hope was fet ; and of and from among whom , the two Seeds more directly fpoken of, are and will be drawn. rr And the other fenfe proper and nigher, and that both princi- pal,full, and moil deer anddireft ; and that is the Lord Jefus 49 .7>8. jfa. 7. Chril* ; for he faith , Itfhs.tbrmfe thy head. It was not thus : it S 1 ?o* The Woman, nor any of her Seed by natural conception 3453J.GW.4.4Cwn^cn are every way as much the Seed of j4damyt\\z Mantis Mat.1.1. Rem. of the Woman) of which , no Man can redeem his Brother , or 1.3. Ga!.$.i6. give to God a Ranfome for him : But it was , He, even Je- \uti 1 ** % fc,that was conceived in the Wcmbe, and born of a Woman 4> and a Virgin, in a fupernatural way ^ without the help crufe of Man : which Virgin was of the Seed of ^Abraham and Davtdy to whom alfo, the Promife was explicated : and fo he was the Seed of David, o{*Abraham, of the Woman ; the pro- mifed Seed , even he that in due time was manifefted, to rake away fins , and deftroy the works of the Devil. And the Holy Ghoft hath given us to underhand , That this Jefus is Gal. 3. 16 y 29. that very promifed Seed here primely meanr. And alio here Jfrf 3.8,10,11. is^ jn lnj Wjth this principal , a farther, intimate, neaffary, ^^•85 ^9 ^V canfcquential and included fenfe ; namely , That by Seed is y meant all thofe of the Sons of *Adam , that by this Grace cf God difcovered through Chrilt the promifed Seed, are brought in to believe in ChrW , and by Faith united to Chrift,and reckoned after him, his Seed , and foof one and the fame Seed, the fame fpiritual fpecies or kinde,to enjoy the benefit of all his fuffcrings and viftory , and to inherkc with him. 2*t24.2*,4©*, I- The way in which Chritt fliould take away fins, and de- 47. ' ' % ftxov the works of the Devil, and fo enter imo Glory , even by Of the fir ft %ey elation of Chrift. 205 by differing andconqueft, by Death and Refurre&ion , *n&Hcb.%.n. cd pouring forch of Spirit, and returning again to triumph : and 1.14,1 $. 'pfal. the way in which thofe that come to be of his Seed, mufto-*3.i8,n. 9, fhould have in all he had undertaken to fuffer and do , in the io.ioh.i7.1- Nature of Man for Mankinde ; and theViSory hefhoulJ have ; and fo , that Eternal Life he fhould have in the Na- ture of Man and for Mankinde , to difpenfe to all that by the means be ufeth , believe on him : ib that all the promifes of 1 cor.i.19,10. God are his , and in him yea, and in him Amen. The Pro- mife of Eternal Life was made with him firft; and with, 2nd rir. 1. z, 7.170k to him , for all that in believing come to receive it of him : j.n.G^.3.17. yea, the Everlafting Covenant was firft made with him , and Tizifa'9*. con6tmtd ln him » and/° by neceflary confcqnence , for all , ;a4 • • ^at {^ouij believe in him, and fo have him ; and in having him , have with and through him Forgivenefs of Sins , Af- fiance in Services and Trials, the Promifes, Everlafting Cove- nant , and Eternal Life ; and fo all that is good for them. This is the way of God's giving fuch good things to Men, x#»i.8.3i.G4/.to gjve bis Son to them, who was fore-delivered up for k* ii'iM/J.V.W a^ : anc* *n &*v*n§ n"? » with anc* through him to give the 4» 53,9,10.* Bleffing and all good things , fo to Abraham, and (0 to all o- ther. And thus is Chrift the Everlafiing Father of all Be- lievers, and they are his Generation or Seed. And in this jrefpeft alfo Chrift is the firft-born, before David, Jacob, Ifa*c> Abra* Of thefirft %ey elation of Cbrijl. 1 05 Abraham ; yea, AdamzndEvxh : yea, in this refpe£t and relation , he is the Root and Father of them all • yea, he is Rw*».ijf.ft*« the y4//?^ and Omega^ the Beginning and the End , the Firft 8-^>*8 j and the Lait, theBeginner and the Accomplifher of every Man's Faith,and bringing in to Godrand fo of theirs alio. And though in his actual taking of Flefh , and fo as Man, he was after them and of them ; yet the vertue of his Oblation was efficacious with God, and vertuous for Men, from his firft ac- cepting to undertake, and fo from the beginning, even in the firft moment of Mam's Fall ; and fo he the firft Receiver and Difpeuferof thePromiles : which in denouncing the Curfe on the Serpent, were thus founded forth in the hearing of A- damttid Evah. And the knowledge o-f all this, is very pro- fitable for us, feeing by it we are taught focleerly> Firft , That the Gofpel thus founded was not by Adam or Evab received by fenfe , or by difcerning of any peculiar intereft they had in it more than others of Mankinde, or any betternefs in them more than others ; but by the Divine Power in the difcovery of God 's Love to Mankinde, without any difference of one from another , or preferring one be- fore another, they, as fallen Ones, received it by Faith ; in which, it became theirs : and fo receiving it by Faith , ac- cording to the import of the found , and the Light that was in it ; thence Adam in this fight and receit, called his Wives Name Evah, becauie fhe was the Mother of all living':, and this might well be in a twofold fenfe ; natural, of all A- dam's Race, becauie there was hope for them ; and.fpiritual, of all Believers, fhe happily being the firft Receiver, according to that , Where fin abounded , there grace abounded ranch more. Secondly , That the Sentence and Curfe did pafs on them after the Promiie and Interpofure of Chrift the new publick Man, he having fore-accepted to be in that Nature, and under the Law under which they were fallen, that fo he might ccme and bear that Sentence and Curfe for Mankinde , and fo take the fting and^ venome out of it , and in due feafon bring them out : and this alfo was without difference,for the good of all Mankinde. Thirdly > *Tnat tr*e promife in the Teftimony andfound, lies. 20 6 Of the fir fi Tfyvelation of Cbritt. lies as open and free for all Mankinde and every of them, as it did for *Adam and £vah9 that they might believe , and in believing be the Seed of Chrift , and Children of their be- lieving Mother Evah^ and ib have the fame hope. Fourthly , That we may know, That as the Gofpel for the good of Mankinde, was firft declared in denouncing the Curie on the Serpent and his Seed : fo all the Threats and Curies denounced on the Enemies of Chritl and his Peo- ple, they are Fruits of God'i Love, and lure Promises to Believers. And this was the firrt Revelation given of Chrilt. Now alio for Evidences and Demonft rations of the Truth and Gocdnefs hereof, belides this revealed Tetti- mony of God , it is to be feen in his works of Creation and P/W.75.J. cv. Providence : for whereas all was loft , and fo for fin to be 3.17,1*. joh.u fo far dhTolved , as every Creature remaining, to have been 3,4,5 Heb.i.z. as a Curfe , Vexation and ruinetoMan; that the Heavens icor.2.6. pfal. anc| Earch 9 with tne Inhabitants are upheld , and that Sun, J^'^ Moon, Star, Earth, &c. do ferve for the good and comfort 21. 4&.14I17. of Mankinde , It is through Jeius Chrift , and by venue of DMtf.4.1?. Pja. hiS oblation and InterceiTion. And ib now, and from thence, 147.1 5,1^,17. ffo [)eAvens decUre the glory of God , and the firmament fl?e w l\jfr%ii, eth hit handy-work^ 2^/ unto day utterethfpeech , 8cc. And 24. Heb.ii.sAyy thefe works of Creation and Providence, God fhineth Rem.z.*. Rom. forth,and manifefteth to Men his Eternal Power & GoodnelV, 10.18. Co'- 1. bis Being or Godhead, his Wii'dom and Love to Mankinde: 25.^^.4.17. ^ t^e»e ^e ^^ divided t0 all Nations under the whole Heaven, to ferve them for their good , and to filch a gracious end : and by thefe he gives hints of a Ranfome and Mediator between him and menjthrough whom,he that is holy and juft is yet fo merciful and gracious to finful and unworthy men, even that they might believe him to be , and to be merciful, and a Rewarder of them that ieek him , and fo repent , and come in to him ; and fo far , and in fuch a i'enie, the found of the Gofpel is preached in and by the Creation in the whole Earth , and fo in and by every Creature under Heaven , to "•all Nations and every Man. And thefe two, the rumour of the Gofpel as declared in Paradife , and the Evidences of his noodnefs in the works of Creation , were the'two Mediums Of the fir jl "Key elation of Ckrijl. 207 ot Books * in which the TeHimony of Chtift hath been held forth from the beginning, and is to be read. Yet God did even at the firft, in this provifion made in Chfift , for Men, and for inftructing them in this Revelation and thefe Evidences of him , hechofe in him certain Inflru- mems, whom he furnifhed above others with the Knowledge of the Gofpel, as fo revealed , and alio with Undemanding of his Power, Wifdom,Juftice, Mercy and Minde,evidcnced in his works , that they fhould teach the fame to others, to convert them to God. And thefe were thofe who themfelves received theTetfimony, and were by it led to love and worfhip God, and defire the Salvation of men ; as all the firft Fathers, *Adam,Seth, &c. who all preached to the World the fame Gofpel (though not fo fully come forth) as we now have : it is inrefpe&of the more full and cleerDemonfl ra- tion of it , by the Apoftles called, a new Commandment ; and i iob.z.7&, yet in refped of the thing it felf, the old Commandment , being t.ij**J. the fame that was from the beginning. And all thofe firft Fathers from tAbel to Abraham , are affirmed to have faid fuch thing?, and to live and die in the Faith thereof, ff$& 1 1 . 29t37I4- yea, all thefe were Preachers in the World, A- dahfySeth^EnoSy Catnap Mahalaleely Jared^ Enochs Methtfalay Gen.1, & 4. Lamech 5 yea, all thefe at one time , fometime before Ncah> Adam^Enoch zndSeth^ being departed before the time of Noah ; but Enos above half a hundred yeers in 'Hoah 's time, and Cainan above one hundred , Mahala lee /above two hun- dred, Jared above three hundred and a half, and Lamech and his Father above five hundred yeers preachers in Noah *s time, and Methtefalah till the yeer before the Flood came; and then, i\i\l Noah and Sem. What all thefe mi^ht do for Gofpel-preaoing in the firft Ages , who can fay, with all that received it of them ? but preach the fame Gofpel they did : and fo Noah preached , Enoch prophefied , and in Enoch's time Men called on the Name of the Lord : fo , as then be- gan a Profeflion of his Name , in which they were diftind from thecareiefsandprophaneSonsof Men. Such Teachers then provided : And yet this is not all , for God did endue thefe Teachers with his Spirit, and went forth with his Spirit in their Mini- flu- 2o8 Of theprjt 'Kg* elation of Chrijl. ftratioii , and the means he did ufc toward them : fo Chrift G tnej19'10' 'preached by his Spirit in the Miniftration of Noah , and with his Spirit did ftrive long with them ; and that the Miniftrati- on and fpirituai Motions might take more place , he in his Providence wrought much for them and with them, in fending about and ftirring up his Servants to admonifh and exhort Rom.t.4. Tjat. them, extending mercies to allure them , and while they did l6.6y7.iob 33. hang back , ufing Judgements and Chaftifements , to take 1 4>i $j*4>*9- down their pride , and break them eff their enterprize , and bow their Ear to hearken to the Voice of God in Chrift ; fo that God dealt gracioufly with the World at that time ; and it was juttly , for great ungodlinefs and finning againft the means of Grace, overthrown with Water. And the teach- ing of the Gofpel thus revealed, and fuch Evidences infuch Geii.11. manner taught, continued , and was ftill vouchfafed after the Flood, to the whole World again ; and fuch , as before, thechofen Teachers , as Noah, Semy Arphaxad, Salah, Eber, 'Peleg, %jh, Serug) T^jhor, Terah , Abraham ; and fuch as through their Teachings were converted and fitted. And how many of thefe were living together or at one time in divers parts of the World , who can tell ? But this we know, That Noah fo prayed for , and propheficd of Sem , that im- Gen.9.17. piies no Iefs,than that the Church fhould be in hisHoufe, (as God ufeth to put his Word in his choice people., that are his Houfe , that it may found forth from them , to bring in others. ) And Sem lived five hundred and two yeers after the Flood ; fo that if he did not out-live Abraham, yet he was living on the Earth, when Abraham offered up lfaac his Son ; and he wasaPrieft and Teacher of God in the Church, and for, and to the whole World : I will not determine , That he was Melchi^dec, that bleffed Abraham, though probabilities of it enough might be given : nor will I fay any thing more of Arphaxad , and the reft ; but, That the Gofpel thus revealed and rumoured, and the Goodnefs of God in his workes of Creation and Provi- dence thus evidenced , being thus taught by thofe Elders that feared God , was, for the good of all Men, andfaving to them , and fuch as did receive the fame , and abide there- in , were faved thereby , I fuppofe none queftions. And if we Of the firU ^y elation of Chriji. 209 we proceed a little farther to the time of Job , which very jvy 19.15,^ probable was before Mofes ; however , not in that part of 27, the World , where the Children of Ifrael lived : and what knowledge he had of his Redeemer, we may read ; and what way they then looked for, and found , the Knowledge of God, their own words teftifie : B/ldadimh, Enquire , / 7^8.8,1©. pray thee, of the former ages, and prepare thy f elf to the fearch of their Father s> &c. [ball not they teach thee, and tell thee, and ut- ter words out of their heart? htidEliphaz, gives this as the u>b 15.10. Reafon of their Knowledge , With us are both the gray-headed, and very aged men, &r. and how profoundly they fpake of God from the Teachings they had in the works of Creation iobisi&z6>& and Providence , the ftory thews ; though fome particular *gJob 4*Ia,*£ enlargement in ufe of that Knowledge , they had by vifions 3 ^3^3 7j alfo : yea , Slihu gives his Inftru&ions to Job, from the great &\ii&$9s&> works of God : and the Lord himfelf did alio even by his 4°. works inftruft Job : fo that the Love of God to Mankinde in providing a Redeemer, as declared in cParadife, in the hear- ing of all Mankinde, as then in being in the firft publick Man, to be taught and rumoured to all the World, and the Evi- dences and Demonftrations of his Goodnefs in works of Creation and Providence, that all might look to him and be favedrand fuch as were through the hearing and difcerningof his Goodnefs, brought in to believe in him, and live to him ; thofe his ele6t and chofen Inftruments to teach the Know- ledge of God in thefe two Mediums unto others. Whence alfo Mofes , when he writ the Law , yet faith , %emember the dayes of old, the yeers of Generation, and Generation ; as( CUt' **' thy Father, and he wtll (hew thee ; thy Elders , and they will teU thee. And the Truth revealed in the beginning , and the Evidences of it in works of Creation and Providence , and the Teaching of the Truth from both the Revelation at firft given , at the Evidences continued , by thofe gracioufly brought in, and chofen into the acknowledgement of it, that others might ftill come in , hath been God *s approved lTt % Way from the beginning, and fo remaineth to the end ' ■,. of the World : and though other Revelations followed, yet it was ftill but the farther opening the fame Truth : and though other Ordinances and Officers were afforded , yet Ff it zio OfthefirU TZgvelation ofChriH. 8 Ioh it was for farther helpfulnefs, and no exclufion of thefe i.iyi]l'.4.iiti.firR chofen from bearing forth his Name: and fo ourSa- 1.1^3^ viour teacheth us to have refpeft, for affured Truth and Goodnefs, to that which was from the beginning. And fo theApoftles alfo avouch of their Do&rine, It was from the beginning : and fo the Love of God to Mankinde, e- videnced by Word and Works , taught and (hewn forth by Believers , hath been from the beginning. Too blame was he, that, now farther Light is come, would have de- nied the Death of Chrift for All Men , by faying, C^°rifl died not for Cain ; for he came not of Cain : for Chrift came not of Abel , nor of Jofeph or Levi, the Sons of Jacob, &c. Yec Aire Chf ift not onely died for thefe , but they were laved by him alfo : and as for Cain7 if he was not one that Chrift had accepted to die for, his Father would not have inftru£ted him to offer Sacrifice : nor would God G have fo expoftulated with him , and told him , In doing * well , he (hould have been accepted. His wo came by ; X1> his own ftubbornnefs, in becoming of the wicked One. And all the Fathers mentioned from Adam to Noah, are as much the Natural Parents of all Mankinde now living, %s Abraham, If aac, twA Jacob were of old Ijrael : and that Gttr.i7.i63i7-Q0£ had a merciful end in making all Nations of Men &&11? pfAt.** one Blood, that they might feek him ; and fo in con- i*.7i*8.a 'verting any, that they alfo might feek to convert others , is affirmed ; and ft ill the prevalency of this Grace in the Heart, is that in which the blefling is met with. Chap. 2. Of the ficond Revelation of Chrift , and way of waking him known. Fie fecond and more full Revelation of Chrift , and fo the Gofpel concerning him, was by God himfelf imme- diately to Abraham- If**h and Jacob at feveral times. Of thefirU ^Revelation of Chrift. m If any demand, But why was riot this Revelation given to Melchizedec? I anwer , How much was revealed to Melchlz.edec, is un- known to us: nor doth God an fwer or give account of his ^, matters: therefore I lift neither to enquire nor ftudy to give 35' h ananfwer , unlefs this may be taken as one given of God, becaufe that Melchizedec was the nigheft and choice Type of the Eternal Priefthood of Chrift , greater than Abraham, the Bieffer of Abraham, figuring out Chrift as the Chief, the King of Righteoufnels, and King of Peace, &c. And Chrift knew all , and needed not this Revelation , but was one Heb.j.i-i^. with the Father inrevealing, and he in and by whom It /^.i.iS. nok was revealed , he being greater than all , the Bieffer, and A- 1,2,°' noynter, &c. But I (hall confider what of the fame Te- ftimony of Chrift fore-revealed and taught, was now more fully revealed to thefe three, Abraham^ Ifaac, and Jacob: and this was, i. That whereas the Nations were now multiplied and divided, and many Men and Families in them all, it was hard to know, in whofe Loy ns the promifed Seed ( Chrift ac- cording to the Flefh)was;and fo,out of which Family orMan, (for there were many, even of Sem his Pofterity alfo ) Chrift fliould come. This was now immediately revealed by Godhimfelf to Abraham, faying, In thee Jhali all Families of the Earth be blejfed. And, In theey explicated to be meant , In tty Gen.n.i,Gen. Seed : and fo to Ifaxc after. And again , the fame in both 12'^'Gcn.z6. Expreflions to Jacob. And this Seed in the perfonality %^T'^'li' of the Man, as the Root and Fountain of biefling, af- 2^ * * firmed to be Chrift ; and in the multiplicity and union in en- joyment of the bleffing in him , to be all that unfeignedly be- lieve in Chrift. 2. That in this Seed ( which is Chrift ) all the Nations , Gtn %l 1 8 & yea, all the Families of the Earth (hall be bleffed : which can ^.4. '& 1 ».*. be no lefs, than that there is biefting prepared and given ine^s.14. ■ him for all Nations ; that in minding of, and believing in him, they might receive it, according to that Ifa.45.22. and 49.6. Att.13.4j. iJ*A.5.ii,i2. and 2.2. and alfo, That in believing on his Name , every of them fo believing , do receive , and fhall participate of the bleffing , according to Ff.2 thtc 2ia Of thefecond T^ey elation of Christ. that Job. 1. 12. and 3. 1 6. and alio, that there is a time coming , in which all the ends of the World (hall remem- ber , and torn unto the Lord , and worfhip before him, andfing unto him, according to that Pfal. 22. 27. and 66.4. and 86.9. 3. That for multiplying of this fpiritual Seed, in bringing Gen.i$.*6.& ^en into union with Chrift, he told Abraham , That he ij. 6,11*15. would multiply to him a Natural Setd> a great Compa- Exod. 12. 48. ny, that (hould come forth of his Bowels ; and others, flf*!.*.io,ii. & by gracious providence, or profelyting, be put into, and made of his Family ; that fo, out of much or many People, a fpiritual Seed may be drawn, according to that AB. 18. 10. 4.That God by his bleffing andSpirit in the means he would G'!xT \i R6jfa z&0Td him , would multiply to him a fpiritual Seed ; in fuch \$.il?Rom.s. number, that no Man (hall be able to number them: and that i6,i7.ioh.\7.u> all this fpiritual Seed , (hall in ail their encreafe andnume- xi. Gen.iz.i. roufnefs, be one Seed trill ; yea, fo fpiritual ly one , that e> 2.8,1*. Chrift, and thofe fpiritually united to him, arejoynt- Heirs, and in a meafure alike beloved of God with the fame Love : fo that God will blefs them that blefs this Seed, and curfe them that curfe it , either in the Head or Mem- bers. 5. That whoever of any the Sons of Men t do in hear- %jg and believing this preparation of BlefTing and Life God tf "il l3z>a42^> ha^ mtc'c *or US > anc* ^ven us *n Chril* » lo minde it, that 26.%GaL3.6#9 tneY are thereby led to believe in him, for the Promife of 9,16,191. . Eternal Life , and the Inheritance which is yet to come ; fo walking as ftrangers on the Earth in that Faith and Hope, (hall be imputed to them for Righteoufnefs,and fo they coun ed of the fpiritual Seed. 6. That Abraham , Jfaacy and Jacobs with the Man Jefus Gen.\w>\7.& Chrift, and all his fpiritual Seed, (hall one day enjoy, in a hea- 19.18. &zf.$. venly, pure, peaceable and joyful manner, all that very Land ^'/'ispS1 much ^V&d » which Abraham faw, and had Liberty to, and loj.g^iojil *d walk in the length and breadth of it , and fojoumed with Heb.11.9. tfa. Ifaac and Jacob therein j and fo the Holy Ghoft teacheth $5.17. Gtl.y ustounderlHndit : but then it will be renewed , andfoa tM* new Heaven and a new Earth, And fo was Chrift revealed, and at :>f 1 Of thefecond T^ey elation of Cbrifl. 1Z3 and the Gfltpel preached to ^Abraham, Ifaac and facol^thtk three Fathers. And it was confirmed in Chrift to them, by a free, abfolute and everlalUng Covenant, immediately made with them by God, that gave to them an outward Covenant in the Flefh, as afv>n of the Righteoufnefs of the fame- Faith , for them to teftifie with alfo to others ; of which remains to be fpoken in treating of the Covenants. And for the way of making the Gofpel thus revealed, known to others,to draw them in to God,it was even all that mentioned in the firft Revelation , and the farther Teaching of this revealed Explication, with the Promifes and Cove- nant made , for which God didchufe and approve of thefe three primely ; yea, firft and chiefly Abraham , and after and with him Ifaac and Jacob , who, though his Sons , yet were with him the Fathers naturally of all Ifrael, and fpiritually of the faithful among them , and in all Nations following. They the firft that received , and caught , and walked in the Faith of the Gofpel and Covenant, as thus explicately reveal- ed and come forth. And they, befides the former helps they had in commoo with all that feared the Lord , as forementi- oned, were yet more abundantly furnifhed , 1. By God his immediate fpeaking to them , and ma- •king this Everlafting and fure Covenant fore-confirmed in Chrift, perfonally with them, for themfelves and their Seed. Whence he is faid to make his Covenant with Abraham, and Ge to remember his Covenant made with ^Abraham, Ifaac, and Tfaf/ol^'u Jacobs confirmed with an Oath to them,for them and their i Chron.i6.'ii9 Seed,for an Everlafting Covenant to them and their Seed. And J 6,17,18. Lev. the Children of Ifrael willed to remember the Covenant fo 26~-4*. ¥&• made with thofe three. And God in promifing to dothe 2** ,4* M People god, faith, He will remember for them his Covenant made with Abraham , Ifaac , and Jacob , with the refidue of his Seed. No mention yet that it was or is (though one day in performance it (hall be) perfonally made with them ; but onely the fame (hewn to them ; And enabling them as *A- braham's Seed, to believe his performance for Abraham*^ fake : and no otherwife was this Covenant made with any that is made known to us, till it was with T>avtd more explicitly in refpeft of the Kingdom : but to thefe three it was 21^ Of thejecond Revelation of Chrift. was fo made, and they thereby fo abundantly fawaifhed to teach it. 2. They were marveloufly and fupernaturally enlightned in the knowledge of it, in their believing : fo that Abraham favv the DaY °f Chrtfly and rejoyced , ( and we may fuppofe the fame of Ifaac and Jacobs though our Saviour had not occa- fion then from the Jews words to mention them) fo that they were abundantly fitted to preach this Faith and Covenant unto other?. 3. They had alio an outward Ordinance called Circum- Gcn. 17.9-14- cifion , as afign and leal of the Righteoufnefs of the Faith neut'lo'e*' l^cy ^ rece*ved> anc^ werc t0 teach, that they might fo wit- Rom.4,ii3\z3\$. nefs the Truth , and difciple their Children born of them, and by gracious providence brought under their tuition and government ; and fo teach them to attend on God in his way , who in fuch attention would in due feafon circumcife their hearts , that thus they might be the Fathers of all that believe. 4. They were enabled by Faith to walk as Grangers in this Aft.74rt.Heb. verY promifed Land, not building Cities ink, nor having of 1 1.9 \6. their own the poffeffion of a foot , (onely a burying-place bought with their money ) yet did they believe to enjoy that very Land according to the promife ; and by the pre- paration of it for them, and Promife of it , and Gift of God to them , believed, they did wait, and look for it : in which Faith, they both lived and died ; believing, That they fhould be raifed again , and poffefs in due feafon. Aodfoasytf- braham at firft in the Faith of the Gofpel , as fet forth in the firft Revelation , went at God's Call into that Country, not Htb.u.%. knowing whither, till he came there , even by Faith : lb he lived and walked in that Land by Faith , as farther enlarged, 6*».u.i,3 -^according to theRevelation explicated to him in that P;o- ^f'^f-^mife given him again and again. And after the Covenant Gemi.iGen was mac'e w"^ him, he lived and walked in that Land, by **.&.*. * S Faith enlarged according to it, for one yeerhimfelf ; and after with Ifaac all his dayes : and he with Ifaac , and Ifaac with him,lived in this Faith all the dayes of ^Abraham : and ifaac was fixty yeers old when Jacob was born , with whom he then lived in that Faith all his dayes ; and Jacob that was with Of the third "Revelation of Chrift. uj with him, and after him lived in that Faith with his Sons , was an hundred and thirty yecrs old , when he flood before Pharaoh in Egypt. So that their fojourning in the Land Gcn.47.9. of Promife, or promiied Land,which they are one day to pof- feis , was one hundred ninety and one yeers after the Cove- nant made. In which time , they taught the Faith thus en- larged to their Children , and them lb to live in it : which remained with the ipiritual Seed. But after Ifrael was come into Egyp^ they began quickly to be defiled with the I- dolatries of Egypt , and then they fojourned (not in the Land of Promife as their Fathers did , but) in the Land of Egypt four hundred and thirty yeers , of which four hundred exoLm^oa^ and thirty yeers after the Fathers living in the Faith of the 0 al. 1.101%. Covenant one hundred ninety one yeers, the Apoftle fpeak- eth,for fo long it was (HI 1 confirming to them; and they in be- ing fo furnifticdjhave taught the fame. Chap. 3. Of the third Revelation of Christ) drtdway of making him known. THe next Revelation of Chrift wa< in Mofes time , and it was both immediately to Mofes ^ and mediately by c Mj him to Ifrael : and this was in divers manners , and at divers times, or by divers parcels : as to fay, 1. By divers types, (hadows, and figures immediately Heb g . appointed by God to Mofes for the people , and mediately 2^t '&■ l9tJt by him to the people : as to inttance , 1. The way by which Chrift fhould make Peace and A- Heb.7.i7.&9\ tonement for the fins of Men , that he might have them into ftt*,**, his difpofe. This was figured out by Beafts (lain and offered to God in Sacrifice for (in, and the High- Prieft entring into the Holy of Holies once in the yeer to make Atonement for all Ifrael : as Chrift was by his death and bloodfliedding for our fins, and offering himfclf a Sacrifice to God, entering in- to 21 6 Of the third "Key elation of Chrijl. to Heaven by his own Blood , to make the Atonement, and obtain eternal Redemption. 2. The way how he communicateth unto Men, this Peace Hcj,9I3jM and Atonement, and Redemption , and maketh them par- &u,i\. Rev. takers of the benefit thereof in the extention of his Graco i. * . and Spirit, making it known with the Fruits thereof, gaining in to believe ; and fo fprinkiing the verttie of his Blood and Sacrifice on their Heart and Confcience , thereby wash- ing and comforting them : this figured by fprinkiing the Blood and the Water of Purification on them with a Bunch of Hyf«f. Whence that Prayer,P#rg ky looking to him, attending his Voice , approaching to 3 ' God by him, through his Sacrifice and Propitiation made, yield to and receiving in by Faith, his Blood iprinkling , and Water of Purification, fo drawing nigh to God by him : this figured by their fo looking to , and approaching to the Ta- bernacle, and obferving thofe Rites aforenamed. 4. ThatChriti is wonderfully filled with Power , Spirir, and Authority, and all riches of Grace, to be all to us , and work all in us, for Peace , Purity , Union and Communion with God , he having our Nature in a perfonal Body, in which he hath by Sacrifice made the Atonement! and the ful- Joh.1,19. c^.nc^s°f the Godhead now dwelling in him bodily, He is a-^9. Job. z. the Tabernacle, Temple or Houfe of God , in whom are all 19. Job.yzo. the Treafures of Wifdom and Undemanding ; in whom ^•^•^'•dwellsthefulnefsof theGodhead bodily : in and through I'l't'lieb 3.6 whom only God is to be worfhipped: and fuch a Houfe he is, /ic&.8.y. that all that believing in him, are united to him, and worfiiip God in him, are made of the famefpiritual Tabernacle, Tem- ple, or Houfe. This figured by their Tabernacle or Temple, made according to the pattern given of God , and the En- joynment of them to come and worfhip there , looking to- wards it. He is alfo the Altar on which all Prayers and fpiritual H*b, 15.10,11- Sacrifices are to be offered up to God. This was fi- xs.iPtf.a.5. gurcd by that one Altar, to which their Sacrifices were to Of the third %eK> elation of Chrijh z 1 7 to be brought,and upon it to be ofFered,and on no other. He is the Propitiation , the Covering, or Mercy-Seat, R .%UJ*. whete all the Righteoufnefs in Mercies and forgivenefs , and z,Zt j0b.i.i%. the Oracles of God are to be met withal. This figured by Hcb.9.1. the Mercy-Seat they bad in the Holy of Holies. He alio is the great High* Prieft, that once for all hath made h^. 9.7,1 1. the general Atonement , and by vertue of it, jremaineth an irim^ .* . ifa High-Prieft of good things to come, interceding for Tranf-*3JX- Hcb-7- greflbrs ; and in fpecial manner, for all that come to God by *** him; perfuming their Prayers with his Incenfe , and returning Anfwcrs of Blefliogs to them : and this wasfigured by fuch- like things appointed theHigh-Prieft to do for them : for^6, 7^x|^' Chrift did not naturally defcend from Aaron or Levi , or any ^m.&i %. of the Priefts oi the Aarontcal or Levitical Race , nor was 1.^40.1 a. he of that Order, nor was he called by Men, Ecclefiaftical or Civil to his Prieftly Office ; but was immediately made and called to be a Prieft by God hirnfelf ; which was figured, though mod lively, in Melchizedec , yet alfo in God's imme- diate calling of Aaron , to be their firft High-Prieft. Jefus lPet- *. 2>>3>4# Chrift hath for his inferiour miniftring and ipiritual Priefts lj>9'Heb.$.i94. fqicableto his Order, thofe all, and onely thofe, that through Ts^Heb^i', the Knowledge and Belief of his gracioufnefs are born from 13! &9.6#, above , and united by Faith to him , and fo become one in and with him. And this alfo was figured by appointing thofe onely to be Prieft?, according to the Order of Aaron, which came of him,and were his Sons by Birth in a natural defcent ; any many other types and figures, which I here omit; onely I will minde one general Type more,for, 5. The manner and time of God *s beginning to manifeft ^ %$ % the things of Chrift,and difpenfe thereof to the Souls of men, Ephl.iJ^. ' namely, when by the Miniftery of Chrift in theGofpel , he tfrf.i. **,/$! calleth them out from the Power of Satan , the Prince of the ^tf-M-i/ifr. Air,and therein out of thedarknefs and bondage of,and Uni- f^f/^g ^p 4 on and fellowfhip with the world, that lieth in the power of ^ ij^\%\ the wickedone ; at, and againft which, the Devil rage th^ and laboureth to oppofe : and the World led by him,is angry, ^.15.19. & and joyneth with him in oppofitions , by deceits, preffures l*-H* and perfections ; yet thofe that follow the conduft of the Spirit in the Gofpel , believing in the Blood , and accepting Gg of ii8 Of the third %eye!ation of Chrijl. Km.w.GAi. of th.e ?r°k of chrift> are through the fame , even in fliame *.i4. rcvax. and infferings, faved, and fo brought into the Wildcrnefs , as it i Tet. i. xi. being Grangers to, and in this World, and on the way to the w i.7.MMt.xt. heavenly reft, while the Enemies and Perfecuters are by the tt\ Gi°5.n.,&me aPPWrance of God in the Crofs of Chrirt, tumbled back MA&tePri*. and overthrown : and all this typed out by God *s bringing 8.3*.J/*.«4.»S the people out ofEgyft by CMofcs , and the rage and oppcf? ¥ &**&*%• tion of pharaoh in nis oppreffions, and cruel withltandings of *oj&gi,&li,ffraeb and the E^p/Mw/joyning with him therein, to keep &\\. them from departing cut of Egyptian fervitude ; and when they were led out , purfued them, to bring them back again, till they were overthrown in the fame Sea , by which God preferved Ifraclj and brought them to believe his word , and fing his praife. And this faved people that then believed his words , and fang his praife ; fome of them in minding his goodnefs were united by Faith to the word of the Lord 5 and fo had a spirit *xoA- XM' of Faith , and followed the Lord ; and thefe were his Ele& and Chofen : fome deviated from the Faith , waited not for his counfel, andfo believed not his words , but fell a lufiing, and io to murmuring, and tempting God, and provoking him P/4/;io$.ii?>i8. w}ch grievous finning, and were according to the height of Judfi^A, <11' ttei* provocations , overthrown and deftroyed in the Wil- Heb.$.uLM.& dernefs. And thefe were types and figures of the different 41. iPet.2.7, demeanor of many brought out of the darknefs of this h* World into the Light of the Gofpel , and the Faich and Pro- feflion of Chrift, and fo of God *s different proceeding with fuch ; and fo who are his ele& and chofen, and whom he will rejeft and reprobate. All thefe and much more was fhadow- cd out by types and figures to Ifrael^ and remain in the Re- cord inftruitive to us ; and though Types be fhort of Truth it felf, and have their diflimilitudesalfo , yet what by fimili- tudes they were to (hadow out , is really true , and to be found in the Troth, which is Chrift,and the things of Cbri/h but they had not onely difcovery by fhadowing types and fi- gures , but alfo they had, 2. Amorecleer Revelation of the Gofpei , andthatwas by an immediate infpiration of htoMofes, and a mediate Declaration of it by the Spirit of prophefic in Mofe s to the people Of the third %eyehtion o/ChriJi. up people , and this with fome Explication of the Gofpel, fore- preached concerning Chrift, and now alfo, i . Concerning his perfon>that he (hould come in the flcfh, thai he (hoald come of one of thofc very Ifrseiitej , that he t>c*\ j 8. j j, (hould be very Man, that hefhouldbe likeunto Mofesthc >!>•<#. <4#.3. great Prophet and the Mediator, having neereft familiarity 1J>>Z3>&7.&- with God , knowing the whole minde of God ; and that he J*b'lt*** fticuld be meek, patient, loving, merciful and faithful, and declare all the counfel of God ; and that they (houid hearken to him ; and whofoever hearkned not to him (hall peri(h. A Prophet, faith he, will the Lord thy God raife up to thee , from the midfi oftheey like unto mey &C 2. Concerning all true Righteoufnefsand Eternal Life, that it is to be found in Jefus Chrift , that pr omifed Mejfiahy Deut.$o.ioyji9 and received by Faich in him , whole work for Mankinde is 1 5- Rom.ia.^ \o compleat , his Goodneis and Grace fo evidenced, and ex- ^f^7^ tended fo nigh to the heart y that there needs no enquiry for 7^' °* any other help or ftrength , but onely believing according to the Demonstration given for that end; and that the end of the Law given, was in one part of it , to difcover the righteous pAffec^ions and Services , to which men were by it obliged; that feeing their fins, and defert of the Curfe, they might be humbled, and fay Amen to the Curfe fentenced : and yet, without inquiry of any other imaginary help , look to Jefus, that was to come, and believe in him , which was typed out to them in the other part of the Law , that in observance thereof, they might without refinance in thofe obfervances look to Chrift typed out by thetu.and believe in him,and look to him: and this was the right doing of his commands : for the end of the Law for Righteoufnefs is Chrift. 3 . Concerning the Kingdom, that God will yid°c his peo- DeUi^z,^A^ pie, and avenge the Blood of his Servants, and appear in his ^ 33. Uy [7i excellency for their help: And then Ifrael (hall dwell in fafa^s. tj alone , and a fountain of Jacob upon a* Land of Cofn and Wine : alfo his Heavens jhail drop down dew. Happy t'r-ou, Oh Ifrael ; who is like unto thee , Oh people faved by the Lord ? Now the Revelation of Chrift thus far come forth in the three Branches of theTcftimotiy of him , thtf Means and in- Gg2 Hru* 210 Of the third ^Reyelation ofChriJl. ftruments approved of God for making all this known, that Men might difcern, and believe, and enjoy the benefit of'this Grace of God, and come to enjoy the Hope given , that, and Deut. 3 i.7s 8. thofe fore-approved from the beginning remain fo Ml, &6.6j. &i i . that is , the Report by the Elders of the Gofpel fore-given, x6.ii' EDcut. l^c Fathers teachingthe Children, and Neighbours one anc- z-&4,&i,i')\ ther; and all to confider the works of Creation andPro- &4. 3 1,3 x. Evidence, and to remember the Covenant made with their 5- ij*»3>4>» i. Fathers, and God his remembrance thereof, and now farther Numb!9 Dmt l0 rememDer and heed the Covenant that God hath made ac#.3.n,i3. w*cn them , which he did not make with their Fathers , that they may minde and obierve the ends and ufes of it ; that fo in obedience to God, they obey their Mediator, and Law- giver, and Prophet Mofes , and attend the Miniitration of their Priefts and Levites , and obferve and do all the Statutes and Ordinances appertaining to them, about the Tabcr- nacle, Altar, Sacrifices, and Purifications, till the Truth of all came to be fulfilled in Chrift, in whom the Truth remains for ever. But now , as the Revelation was more full, and the Ordi- nances and Obfervances more than before : fo God in Chrul, for this Revelation of him , chofe feme more peculiar intfru- ments for this Bufmefs alfo , to teach and lead the people to the right knowledge and obfervance of all thi* , that they might enjoy the benefit : and thefe chofen Inftruments were, Mo[es to be the Law-giver, and Mediator, and Prophet, to begin and fet all in order to and for them , as the Record is plain he did , and how he was furnifhed with neer familia- rity with God, and infpirat ion of his Spirit and Minde, and enabled to know and write both all this Revelation and Law, and all that was meet to be known from the Beginning of the Creation : and with what wonders God confirmed all his Doctrine , is to be feen in thofe five Books writ by him : %9&u jn which , though hisPerfon was taken away , yet he in that Prophecy, Narration, and Law, and Inftru&ion for Faith and Obfervance, continued with them in all Ages, till Chril* came. Aaron and his Sons , and the Levites to help ; and fo the Priefts Of the third ^v elation ofChrift. % 1 1 Priefts and Levites , for mirurtring about the holy things in t g • ' Sacrifices , Incenfe- Burning, Atonement-making, Purificati- ^'' 3S "8aS>5 ons,and iuch-like Temple-Services, for themfelves and for i0>n. the People ; and alfo to teach the People the Laws there- of. And thefe were not onely chofen, buc fumiflied alfo, even with fpiritual bUffings of Pardon ,. Porky, and Coniolatton f&^A%£, for themselves and others, toblefsin his Name ; yet were 2*''3 Ephtl[ they not fo blefied with fpiritual Bieflings in fpiritual things $,*. fjt'fr.?.** in heavenly places, fo fpiritually to difpenie blefling,as the firft 18,13. PJ^**- Trulters inChrilt after hi. Refurrec~Tion were : but the fpi-7. ritual Bieflings they were bleffed with to difpcnfe,was in ma- terial things in earthy places, which of themfelves did reach but to the purifying of the Flefh. And the fpiritual Bieflings were received in looking up through thefe to Jefus, that as then was to come to fulfil the Truth typed : but ma- terial and earthy things to minittcr with, they had ; and fo were furnifhed there-wkh , having a material Tabernacle or Temple,a material Altar and Mercy Seat,Laver,Incenfe,Sacri- fices, Purifications, Order of Pricfts and Levites; yet were not thefe all in one ( as the fpiritual things the firft Trufters in Chrift had ) but each diftinS from other : their Temple was Epk**3- not their Altar, nor their Altar their Laver > nor any of thefe the Mercy- feat,nor any of thefe theSacrifices,northeIncenle, nor any of thefe the Purifications 5 nor yet were .any of thefe the Priefts,but thePriefts to miniftcr thcfe;& they all diftinft, each by it ielf, not the other: and for t,he furtherance of Faith and Obedience,they had fome Prophets, And thefe writings of Mofts, with their Prophets ; and thefe inftru&ions of the Fathers, Elders>and godly Ones, all Ifraely and all that fear God, are ever to attend to. And all this Temple- Worftiip, in Sacrifices, and Purifications, and Obfervances in attending the Miniftration of the Priefts and Levites , according to the ^/^/r4/Inftitution,were all Ifraelio attend and obferve, till Chrift came and offered up the acceptable Sacrifice : andH(^I0I inthat attention,ble(fing was to be met with,andGod would ier.'$u$i'.Heb. be an Husband to them ; but if they defpifed , would not 8.8,9. regard them: and in thefe things they were preferred before all other Nations, And ZIZ Of the third Revelation of Chrift. And though this was an abafement to the Gentiles ( till Chrift his firft coming) for their flighting and abufe of afl the means fo long continued to them, and a taking down of their pride;yet was it not an exclufion of them wholly from Eternal Salvation: for if,according to the Demonftrations of the good- ^ 34,35. ads of God in the Light and means he afforded to then^ they r$m. i * ,7,8, or my Df them(though the light and means were fnall,in com- l6, ptriibn of theie)did repent,believe,and fo fear God; fuch were accepted, and (hould be eternally faved: yet did theic means given to Ifrael-, exclude all other Nations from fellowfhip in Epb.i.u. the Commonwealth of Ifraei^ and fo from having a right and open profeflionof God in his true outward worfhip, and en- joyment of fuch inftruftives and ready means to come to Chrift,and fo to God by him,unleis any fubmitted themfelves to come in to them, and be circumcifed , (which was free for £^.12.48,49 any Nation to do;) and fo they (houldbe one with rh em, of the fame Family and Nation, have the fame Law , and the *p/io. famePriviiedges : fo that great were the Priviledges of Ifrael R°m'*'Zi it'll' aDOVC all Nations, for the means vouchfafed to them, to know if'&gij]*. and enjoy God, and his Name put on them, and his prefence &\>9 . ' with them ; fo as to them was given the Word , Statutes and Oracles of God ; to them pertained the Adoption,the Glory, the Covenants, the giving of the Law, the Service of God,and the Promifes ; fo that Salvation in the Promife was nigh them, that in minding it, they might be born of the Promife, and fo receive the Adoption by Faith , and live to God, and be eter- nally faved, as were all the Children of Promife : but fuch as did not fo believe, and receive his words, &c. ftiould not be eternally faved. So far the Teftimony of Chrift was then re- vealed to Ifrael'y yet it pleafed God after,to give to them fome more cleer revelation of fome particulars concerning Chrift^ that were at firft included , and already hinted forth in the fame Teftimony. CHAP, "3 Chap. 4. Of the fourth- Revelation of Chri ft) and bis Kugdom. IT pleafed God yet further to enlarge and cleer up more this Revelation of jefus Chrift to David, and by him to Ifrael; \ and to D^vid he revealed the fame , both by infpiration to himfelf, and by ViGon, and aifo by the Spirit of Prophefie in V^than for fome part : and fo we finde revealed, 1. The Oblation and Sacrifice of Chrift > and therein his p'al.+o.trfj. Sufferings, Death 3Rcfur re# ion, Afcenfion,fitting on the right &%i.\^i%. <&> hand of God, and pouring forth the holy Ghoft tomen, that **;, i_ • • J ii.dr68. 18,2.0. they might turn, &c &7iai\. 2. The operations of his Grace in a blefled Man , and his p/^ ^ ^ * - prefervation of him ; and what true bleffednefs is. i^&\z. 3. The ccming again, and Kingdom of Jefus Chrift ; yea,T^ 8 if,as thofe skilful in the Hebrew Iay,the Book of Tfalms is di- vided into five Boeks,the fitft ending with the 41 Pftlm^ the fecond with the 7 2, the third with the 8 p , the fourth with theio6,the fifth with the 1 50 ; We do mindeand perpend, every Book of them fpeaketh of all thefe things ; and fo of the Teftimony of Chiift in every Branch of - it , in one place or other. And thence it is they are fo often fpoken over again in the whole Book of Pfalms : but that I have fpecially to note in this Revelation , is the more explcite Revelation of the Kingdom then ever was before. And fo for the Kingdom, the King and his raign ; by his Spirit in Nathan he faid, IwillzSdm.7.10. appoint (or ordain ) a place for my people Israel ; and will plant them , that they may dwell in a place of their own , and move r.o mere, (and the f (hall dwell in their place , and be moved no more) neither (hall the children of wickednefs afflict them any more as a- fore-time, (at at the beginnings and ft nee the time that I commanded r Chron. 1 7. 9% judges to be over my people Ifrael, and have can fed thee to reft l<\ from all thine enemies.) Morever , Iwillfubdue aU thy enemies. Furthermore, alfo the Lord telleth thee > That he will make % sam. 7. 1 1. (or 21 a. Of the fourth liev elation of Lbrtst. (or build) thee an Houfe. This is not like the -Promife of the vew. *.*» 334* Law,and Covenant made with the Houfe of ffrael.kut altoge- drz8. ^4«3*- ther gracious , free and abfoliKe , like that made with Abra- * &\i.9,i6. b*m> fa* and 3**ob* And h.ere alfo ic is evident, That J«. T/d.39.1*! fhua gave them not the Reft in Canaan , according to that promifed to Abraham : and it is alio evident , That though David was now raigning over Ifraelm Canaan ; yet he had ic not according to the Promife made to ^Abraham, but in that refpe3 counted himfclf a Granger in it,as all his Fathers were. And this is manifefted, all Israel never yet was fo planted in it : and fo it is a thing to come, that ftull furely be : and the Houfc here promifed , is neither the Tabernacle built by Mofes, nor onely the Temple after built by Solomon*, (though %sm.i.9> thefe were types) nor was it only to have a great Name, with 1 cbron. 17.8. a greatancj famous Pofterity , to be great according to the &% i\*6* '& &reac men on the Earttl ; fof ^> ^^3 was already : but an ii.t o]i6 1 Houfe not builded by men according to the directions given zsarn.7.™- of God; but built by God himielf, and his Son JefusChrift : 1 Chfon. 1 7.1 1. anci foalfo an heavenly City of God's building &making,and f j^oD^itl not Man's- Anc* ll farther appears, That before this be done, i3.'a sam.7.16 David mub die in the Faith, and deep with his Fathers, and rife again , and tiand up in his lot , as Daniel 5 and then that will be fulfilled, which God promifed David , faying, And \S&m.7.n. thing houfe and thy kingdom (hall be eftablifhed for ever before thee : thy throne [hall befiabl/fhed for ever. And (o we are led 1 cbnn.i 7 11. to underftand that is faid, Iwillfet up thy feed after theej which (hall proceed out of thy bowels , and I will ell abltfh his kingdom : (thy feed which (hall be of thy Sons. ) Take both expreffi- ons, and it will appear , That this in the figure or type was meant of Solomon ; but in the Truth it is clearly and evidently Mat. 1. 1. meant of Jems Chrift, the Son of David and of Abraham; 1 £V*».i 7.1 1 j and fo it's faid , / willraife up thy feed after thee , which (hall be » *>* 3>* 4. 0f tfy fms . a„d / wiUftabl'fh (he faith not their, but) his k*»g- dom\hefhall build me an houfe,and I willfiablijh his throne for ever, the throne of his ki*gdom\and I will be hie Fatherland he fh all be my Son; and I will not take my mercy away from htm, as 1 toolkit from him (that \s,S*ul) that was before thee : but I will fettle him in my houfe, (that of my building) and in my kingdom , ( that of my immediate giving ) and his thr one /hall bg ejiablifhed for e- ver* Of the fourth ^y elation of Chri/i. 225 vermore : (which was never yet performed to any of David *s natural Race, that faid) if he commit iniquity*, &c. May (hew the jurtnefs and removing thoie that were types ; but is no let to him that is here principally meant ; which is Jefus Chrirt, that came of David in a fuperaaturai way. And {o David by the Spirit underllood, faying , Thou haft fpoken alfa (that is,-be(idesthe prefent houfehehad) of thy fervants koufe. *^*J'[f 5^|' (he faith not onely to continue^ but) for a great while to come : 17,15,1^7. ' and to his following prayer includes both : and it is affirmed afif.i^a 3 z9 exprefly to be meant of Jefus Chrift, the Son of David , and *3>3 i'Mebxi* the Son of God , that this Kingdom and Throne is to be given to him: as for t hole natural Sons of David of that Kingly I\fce , if they had not committed iniquity , they might have held the earthy Kingdom tiilChrilt had come: but iniquity being found, they came to a leffening of the largenefs of their King, and ib to captivity, &c. fuch, as in which the Covenant Teemed made void, yet the Truth remains in Chrili and to him , and at his coming will .be compleatly fulfilled, as according to all this viiion Nathan fpake to David ; yea, God fpake the fame in vi(ion to Davids Pial. 89. how he iChY6n.i7.11, would exalt him $ and there brings in Chrift under his Tfa.^.i9ilo9 Name, as he had before done to ^Abraham, and (hews how *2>3°>37. he will beat down his Foes, and make him higher than the Kings of the Earth ; how his Seed (hall indure for ever , and his Throne as the dayes of Heaven : yet here in this Life , if his Children forfake God's Law, and walk not in his Statutes, , v. v he^ will vifit their Tranfgreflions with the Rod, and their ini- quity with ttripes , but his mercy he will never take from him, nor fuffer his faithfulnefs to fail ; his Covenant he will not break, &c. once he hath fworn , &c he (hall have his Seed ftill,andhis;Seed (hall endure for ever, andhis Throne as the Sun before hirh, it (hall be eftablifhed for ever • and of isam. 13. 3,4, thishefpeaketh, VfaL 132. 1 1,18. andalibin 2&*W2tpJ*i 5- 5. where mentioning the Ruler, what a lone he (haft be, and the excellency of hisRaign; David cotifeffeth his houfe in his own perfonal Raign, was not fo with God ; nor in hirfoa- tural Race, did the Lord make it fo to grow : yet faith he, He bath made an ever lifting Covenant with me , ( he faith not, with my houfej atxtben itwter but viitb me) ordered in #U thing* , and H h far** %i6 Of the fourth Revelation of Chrifi. [ht$ • tad profcffcth for himfelf ) this is aUmyfalvation, and aft my deJjre.KnA David by the Spirit filled with the Knowledge of this Kingdom of Chrift, God did ftill by infpiration of his Spirit reveal to him , and he by that Spirit fpake of Chrtft the Anoynted, the true David and Solomon ; the Son of Da* vidy the Son of God, the great King, of him he faw and fore* told. . . , , The great oppofitionand raging confpiracies that would be 2&'+%%l againft him in his firft coming in the flefli , and fpiritual evi- dencing thereof, to draw men in to him : and this by Jews, Gentiles,Rulers and People. 'pfal. n.7>i 8. The great fufferings that he fhould undergo by great and &6$M>zi. fmall, their laughing, fcorfing, (hakingthe head at him,piercing his hands and feet, parting his Garments, giving him Gall and Vineger to drink, &c. ?J*l.v.9- & The Treafon of Jt*dasy one of his chofen Apoftles , and i<*9-*>M>3. the overthrow of that Traitor that rewarded evil for good. Aft. h%o. His Deuh tnd Rcfurrcak>n,P/*/.i 6.8,0,1 o,i i . ^#.2.3 1 . 3fld 1 3.33. p/a/,40.7,8,9, His doing the whole will of God, and fo afcending to Hea- %o.&% 10.1. & yen, and offering the acceptable Sacrifice, and then fitting at * 8. 1 1 ,1 8,10. t{lC righr hand of God,recciving immeafurable fulnefs of Spirit ^ki°3j! '4 m l^e Man,and for Men ; and fo extending thereof to the re- bellions, that he might dwell with them: and to that end, raifing up many Preachers to declare his Name, &c. ?€ 9 & H*s corn*nS *g*in>and fitting upon his Throne and raigning, H94&1 ^ tnc coin*nD °f n*s Saints to raign with him,and the great overthrow he and they all (hall give to all the worldly Powers that ftand againft him ; and then the flourifhing E- ftate of his Kingdom in Jerufalemy and over all the Earth ? i>/ / £ an^ &** krgely *° tnc laft Pfalm , which he fung , and com- ^•^'^'mitted to the Church, and moft probable at the fame time with that z SamA 3.1,$. Pfsitj0lt j €t Yea, the time of this his building up Sion and raigning , to be even then when he (hall appear in his glory. AH this1, and much more, with the gracious requirings and operations of this Grace believed , was revealed to David ; and he being filled & furniflied with the Holy Spirit,hath dc- claredthefemc^ndlcft it upon record in theBook of ffdms* and Of the fifth Revelation of Chrift. %%j and fo I leave it and the refiduc/or fuch as defirc the fame, to read there. And fo there was now a great explicite and cleer Revelation,in which alio was opened and interpreted to them the meaning of, and the Truth typed by their Sacrifices and other figures and fhadows; yet it plcafcd God {till ragive more revelation of Chrift , and to explicate the Teftimony*iii particulars more. Chap, 5. Of tie fifth Revelation ofClmfi > and the things of ChniU IT pleafedGod by his holy Spirit to be dill revealing Chrift, and the things of Chrift, in and to the following Pro- tPei.i.ii,iL. phets ; and by them to Ifraelznd Jndah , and that fo folly f ^'Stf1** both of his firft coming and fecond coming , that there is no- [%t thing of the things of Chrift, as then to come, but it was re- vealed to and by them : as to inftance fome : 1 . The Meffcnget that (hould go before his face, or in his « ^ M prefence, to prepare the way before him ; and the Doctrine x ,.,0.1/^40.^ in crying down all flefh , and exalting the word of the Lord %'joh.i'.i*ilol by which he (hould do it, and the fudden coming of the Lord *3»»*. M»\ u on the appearance of this Meflenger,which is now evidenced Zy** to be Job»BaptiFt. 2. His own firft coming and living among men , hisMini- ftery, Sufferings, Vi&ory, and Works, in each particular, as to ^'tfy'l^' fay a little, his birth into the world , of a woman , a Virgin Gaf.l^jfa.^ of the Houfe and Seed of David ; his birth in BethUm-Efhra- 14. "jfaU.x?.' tah in Judab ; yea , his flight into, and return out of Egypt) ifa.tu. 14.1. Hofean.i. Mat.i.i $. and the (laughter of Rachel9* Chil- ^c- **•*■ dren on that occafion in BethUm. His return to Na*amh% )™£ jer^i. and manner of living among men , /jfa. 5 3.2,3,4. Mat.i.ii,^, mm.%.i*\ Hh 2 purgin 218 Of the fifth Revelation ofChrifti zacb.n.iiM. Paging the Temple. His Meeknefs and riding on ah Aftj Mat.%6.zi.& *nd a Colt the Fole of an Afs,2^c/>.9.o. Afat.2 i.i,tom His ^7 3;9 ^.53. being fold for thirty pence : the Scattering of his Difciples 7f> lc>1 1'u- from him^Zach.i 3.7, Ate .26.3 1 ,5 (5. His bein^ fcourged, it J."14 and crucified between two Thieves, Ifit. 50.6. V 53. 12. Mat.ij. 26,38. Yea, his Death, Burial and Refurre&ion, and his Sacrifice offered : his being filled with knowledge ; and, his Mediation on tbat account, cr by venue there- of: . yea, his being God-Min in one.Perfon,fr/;^:^^/, God with us. 3. That in refpeft of all this which he hath Offered and xPctlYj' done y anc* l? thereby become and fitted , and ready to do • z coi.\. i«, God would in and by the Golpel of him,lay him in Sion for a scer.i.ii.Aft. Foundation,that by Sion he might be ib difcovered to others, 4. 1 1 ifa.49.6. that whoever believeth on him (hould not be afhamed : and &4i.ii. if oh. f0 ne W0U14 cleerly declare , and fet him forth for his Sal- iii?4i^7,8.7* m*°n to tne en^s °f the Eartn * tne Saviour of the world, 144. ». 3 1*31. that all the ends of the Earth might look to him and be faved. Gal. 3. 16,16, And, 29. Kww.8.2,3, r# To give him,in making him known to be a Light to the **• Gentiles, even tofuch as are blinde, deaf, and fo dead, and know him not, to open their eyes and ears, and move in their hearts , that they in beholding and believing might come in to him, and fo receive a fpiritual birth, and become of Abra- ham's Seed. 2. An&for z Covenant to the people., that receiving and enjoying him by Faith, they might in knowing and enjoying their intereft in him , know and enjoy their intereft in the Everlafting Covenant for the inheritance and Kingdom made with and confirmed in Chrift firft , and in and through him witfc vibraham^ Ifaac^ Jacobs David , for them and all the fpi- ritual Seed, whom believing in Chrift, are intereffed in the fame, and receive 1 fpiritual firft-Fruits thereof, thic they may with aflured hope, wait for the fulnefs rill mo- ther Day • when in performance it will be made with them. 4, the fecond coming of Chrift in his glorious rerorn, when iTkefoiixA nc flhall com* to raign,and all his Saints with him, Zach. 1 4.9. 3.4. Andfo, 1. That Of the fifth %$>e tat ion ofCbrijl. n$ i ; That a little before his coming, Elm fhall come to the Jevtfs and Israelites, to turn the hearts of the Fathers ( open Mai. 4. %,6. the minde of the Prophets) to the Children, and to turn the ^x7 ^»*- hearts of the Children to the Fathers , helping tbemto un- derhand and embrace,and To repent and turn ; and to topre- pare the way of the Lord's glorious coming , as John Baftifl: came in the Spirit and Pow?'; of Ella* , to prepare the way of his firft Coming in -ihe fWh in meekneis : andioour Saviour aflfirmeth, both that EUm (hall ccme , and is come. He thai is com- 'poke" of Md. 3 . He that Itili fhall come, fpoke 2. l\uc adore the coming of Chriftperfonally, the Jews Hof.AAyi,iA. aad Ifraelites , even ah the twelve Tribes of Ifrae!y (hall by zach.^.s. Dan. fomeinftin&,orm6tioh,or medium uled by the Lord, beflir- Il,J,Il,Ii' red np,and gathered loferufalemfiom ail ends and quarters of the World, 'ojernfalem in 'Geo***, and be exerciled with great wars and roubles, for about forty five yeers before the coming of Chrift. 3. At his c©mm$ he will work wonders, as hedidinthe Land of Egypt) and in dividing the red Sea ; fo drying up Eh- lfa.u.u, ri,fo phrateS) and making way for the Ifraelitcs to come over, and 7er.^s)9.ifa. move the hearts of many to bring them : fo that all, young 4.^l8>*3/^* and Old, men,* women with chilcj, lame, &c. even all of the T>anA%!^it9 twelveTribes,both//rvi*7 and Judahfh*\l come and be joyned 13. Heb' in one ; yea, in his vifible appearance whemhe is (0 come, * Thef.+.i^*. thofe that fleep in the Lord , whefe bodies are in the daft, £^** 37* #*• (hall rife and be with them , not oriely Abraham and all the 19**5,i4*25" Fathers before and fince , but even the young children flain in Bethlehem, and all that deep in Jefus ; both Houfes of Ifrael jjoyned in one,never more to be divided, andof the Gentiles joyned with them, a great Congregation. 4. In his coming with all his Saints,and being fo come, he ifa.4 1.4. & $, ihali flay all the wicked, and overthrow the worldly Powers, 5- cHo.i,i*. even all that will not ferve him and his People, with the Rod zJa%\\ \il*u of his Mouth,and the Breath of his Lips: which (laughter wLl jer.$i. $14*. not be like other battels, where blood is fried on both fides; &$ 1.37^40. for in this, the wicked onely (hill be deftroyed with burning Dan.%.^.&7. and fuel of fire: which Battel fought , ^f^kf Then will he make the Heaven ft theEarch new,for his peo* ^^12 el pie 1*4.1.3 Zy% 3. 2;o Vf the fifth "J^y elation of thrift. pie to inhabit, and make in performance the new and ei er« lalting Covenant with all the People ; and then (hall he re- ceive the Kingdom from the Father, and fit upon the Throne of David , even in Jcrufalcm .- and all Nations fhall be ga- thered to him, andferve him, and he (hall rule over them, Ifa. z.2rt.Mic.4..itf. Da».y.i4. and the Saints that come with him , ftiall rule under him, and with him ; fo as all the King- doms under the whole Heavens (hall be given alio to them, Dan.j.2j.lfa.i 2.1.8c 14.1,2,3. 5. His Government (hall be with Juftice and Equity, full ^eace> Plcnty> 6 c* and ™ Crcatutcs * P«*<* one &66az!&c.° w*tn an°ther ; yea, then theeveriafting Sabbath kept , and continual Halelujahs fung : but I muft proceed no further,un- lefs I fhould tranferibe a great part of all the Prophets,which all that have an heart thereto, may read. It is enough , that the Apoftle affirms of the firft coming of Chrift , and fo of his Miniftration, Sufferings, Death, Rc- furre&ion , Afcenfion , and being contained in the Heavens 43 3 18 ip "■' c^c l*mc °^ c^c rc^tuti°n °*" a^ things i and how in !o,*4*. ' ' the mean time he fpiritually fendsjefus Chrift in the Gofpel- Miniftration to blefs us, in turning every of us from all evil wayes : and that he will in his times fend forth this Jefos Chrift that hath been thus fore-preached, to appear vinbly; andthat then the times of reftitution and refrefhing fhill be from his prefence : and faith, That not one\y CMofes and Sa- muel ^ but alfo all the holy Prophets that followed , have fpoken and fore-told of thefe dayes, ( and fo of thefe things) ui'lt'1*' aD(* that thc myficry of thrift is by and according to the 1 ,x ' Scriptures of the Prophets, made known for the obedience of Faith to all Nations : and that they faid no other things, but what Mofes and the Prophets did fay fliould come * fo that the Revelation was now exceeding great and cleer , and no more nor further Revelation vouchfafed, till the per- formance began, and thenof no other but the fame thing* m cleernefs and myftery opening^nanifefted. And as God cbofe tp«/.i. 10,11,11. thefe Prophets, and furniihed them with his Spirit to uPetxio.iHk. nufte knows the Teftimony of Chrift according to this *' Revelation; fo they have left it on record in W?n wri- ting 5 in which it, and fo they are ftill with 1*5 , m viewing of Of tbefixth lleveldtion of Cbrifl. 231 pf whbfe writings,wc may difcern that ill the Sriptures tcfti- fieofChrift, Chap. 6. Of the next andfixth Revelation ofChrift > hisperfon and . perfonal, coming in tbeflefh. •He next Revelation of Chrift was of his perfon and per- gonal coming in the Flefh •, who he was, what a one he was, and wherefore come, &c. and this was firft to Zachari- 4*,by an Angel declaring his Son that (hcuid be called John to ^{j£*[ go before him in theSpirit and Power of £//<#,&c. him before whom he (hould go, the Angel , called The Lord their Cod ; then by the Angel to the Virgin Mary her felf , declaring his conception and birth ; and who , and what a one he fhould tu\.u **> *7> be , and that tie (hould have the Kingdom of his Father Da- i%Luk>*+w* vid : then by the holyGhoft in the Prophecy of Elizabeth, ^ *Z>S5£7' Wife of ZAcbaria* : then by the Prophecy of the Virgin Ma- *?J*£** rj) the Mother of Jefus : then by the Prophecy of Zaoharia* L^.a.ioW'-b ►being filled with the holy Ghoft : then by an Angel to Jofeph, i6, i n the efpoufed Husband of the Virgin UMarjr : then to Shep- herds by an Angel , with a multitude of Angels confirming. the fame, declaring his birth,with the day and place thereof; and that he is the Saviour, even Chrift the Lord ; and this ti- dings, of great joy which fhall be to all people. And then by the Shepherds when they had both heard and feen , unto others : then by old Simeon, who had it revealed to him, and ' . was infpired by the holy Ghoft, and came and took him in his ***' *j ****** arms, and declared him to be God's Salvation , which he had prepared before the face of all people ; a light to enlighten the Gentiles, and to be the Glory of his people IfrteL And M- *. 3ft)fti then by one AnnA* a Prophctefs. And after all this, by cer- tain wife men, that came from the Eaft to Jemfalem, being di- rected to him by a Star, who declared him born King of the^*- *•***> Jews, and worshipped him,*nd offered him gifts. And af- 0>l ,% ter in ■ Of thejixth Jts^y elation of Ihrist. ter all this, to John the Son of Zachariaf^ declaring, tbh Je- J<>/;. i. 3*>33 • ius to be The He, The Chrift,#T. to which John the Word of 14.3.1,1,3. the Lord came at that time mentioned. Thus , and in many things now came to pafs , according to fore- prophecies , Chrift was declared to be already begun to be come in the Flefh, and to be the Son of God, and the Son of David , the King of the Jews , and the Saviour of the world, the great Prophet , and tMeJfwh promifed : and, that this very Jefus , that was born in Beth/em of the Virgin efpoufed to Jofiphj and ieen of the Shepherds , and taken in the arms of old Simeon^ and witneffed to by Zachxriat , and jM^hisSon; even this very Jeius is he, even the Chriii and ready to let on his work. And now the perfon of Chritt thus come,and thus wknefled and pointed out who he is, and that he was peribnally on tt>e earth , and ready to let on his great bufinefs doing ; and that that very Jefus is he , is more than ever was fo revealed and, manifelkd before •,. and the beginning both of the performance , and the more cleer'o- pening of all the prophecies that have been of him from the beginning, and fo light began to fhine forth more cleer- hf.t And now in this Revelation of Chritt, and for making him known according to this Revelation , to preparo^men, trpt 7%*Mait*' ttley m*aat come *nto the acknowledgement;^- him, rac plea£ Lui 1. 1 3,14, cd God to cnufe in Chrillthe Meffenger of the Father,and his 15, 16. 17,76*, own Meflenger alfo fore-purpofed,andnow declared to be his 7 9.<^3.i5>i*- immediate Fore-runner, to go before his Face, to prepare his way . ancjhimhe approved,for this Minittration. 7*>7*M-Luk. And ^or this blcffecl Minittration , he was abundantly fur- j .17. ' ' niflied,in that he was filled with the holy Ghoft from his Mo- thers Wombe ; and was confirmed by all the Declarations and Prophecies fore- mentioned , given to him by the Spirit in the Prophecies and Inltru&ions of. his Father, and was himfelf indued with the Spirit and Power of Elias\ to go on in his Miniltration before tire Lord ; and had the word of the Lord came to him , revealed, and inipiredbyGodintohim, both in the Do&rine he had to teach , and how to apply ic, to his hearers,and alio commiflion to teflifiethe Truth of it, by baptizing with water* And in this rceeifcofthe Word of the Of the fixth %ey elation of Cbrijl. z ^ the Lord that came to him, he received his Commiflion to fet on the bufinefs of preaching and babtizing , and fo did Tec on it in the fifteenth yeer of the raign of Tiberius Cafar^ when ^•*'I,l,3>4< Vomitu Pilate was Governour of Judea , and Herod the Tc- trach ofGa/ileefitid Anna* and Caiaphas High-Priefts; and what his Teftimony and Do6rine was, appears in thai which is re- corded, of what he taught and delivered, to be , i . That Jefus Chrift is the Word , that was in the begin- ning with God, that was God , and that was with God , by J^-Mri*** whom all things were made,that are made; and that this fame '*•?**'• Word was made Flefh, and dwelt among them , Emmanuel^ God with us , in our Nature and for us , even he that was promiied and rnanifefted to do that great work for taking tioh.hUtM. away our fins, and deftroying the works of the Devil : fothat l-4>7>8#, in him is Life, and the Life is the Light of Men , and he is the true Light that enlightneth every one that cometh into the World. 2. That he is the onely begotten Son of God, and yet very Man, full of Grace and Truth : and being in the heart, min. and bofome of the Father, knowing all his counfels,and be- lS' ing one with him in his will and defign , and fo in all his de- crees and purpofes ; and as Man, having commiflion from him, he hath revealed and declared him fo,as in knowing him, his minde is to be known. 3. That he, the Man Jefus Chrift , being the Son of God, /*ki.i*. and perfe<& Man, the Mediator between God and Man , full of Grace and Truth, declaring the Father, he is fo loving to Man, and (o bountiful to all that receive his Declaration, and fo believe on him, that he giveth them of his own Privileges, even to be the Sons of God , and fo difpenfeth to them of his own fulnefs ; fo that as the Law difcovering fin and fen- tencing to death ; andthatpart of it alfo, which by types and figures in Sacrifices and purifications, fhadowing out^a better hope to be looked to in Chrift to come, though afar off, came by CMofes ; even fo Grace and free favour in forgivenefs of fins and delivery from death, and truth in receit of, and en- joyment of truerighteoufnefs,peace,quickning, purity, & hea- venly riches came by Jefus Chrift, even in all times paft; and ionow more fully and cleerly doth; fo,as though he came afrer 1 1 John 2$4" Of thefixtb Tspelation ofCbrifl. Jah^yct^z is preferred beforehim; yca,he was before him. Fo, as now he is corne , Jehu and all che refidue of Believers' then and fince^ven we of his fulnefs have received,andGrace' for Grace : for the Grace of God in Chrift , by vertue of his Sacrifice, which God hath gracioufly accepted of him for us, we receive the Grace of Faith to believe , and therein remif- fion of fins, and fo Grace for Grace ; yea, this, and fo one, to make us meet to receive another , and that to make us meet to receive more ftill, and lb Grace for Grace , plentifully one **■ 5.?j4>53*> heaped upon another: yea , as UWofeshzd a Law of Work? p^-1*1'1*- to nurture the people towards Grace ; fo we a Do&rine of 17 Vi.I^lg5 Grace, and Law of Grace,to teach and lead people to partake of Grace, 4.That thisjefus Chrift is theLatnb of God,(the fin-offering and the true paffover ) which by vertue of his facrifice medi- cTllillif' at"lg' taketh (or beareth) away the fin of the world, that by Eph.z.urtJ6, his own death and facrifice offered,takes(and now hath taken) 3 7. Rom.t.i 8. fin out of the way , removed the contradictions that were in the midr-way between God and the world of Mankinde, and made peace,thatit maybe preached to them; and that by ver- j/ ^et f°rcn *°r chat cnd » tne propitiation for the R§m. 4. j. Mat. fins of the world , in whom there is blefling for all Nations ; 3-*>u. and that by fpiritual application of his Blood , he doth fo take fin away from all that in believing come to him for it ; and that he is neer at hand to fet up his fpiritual Kingdom,the fore-runner of his Davidical Kingdom. 5. That the Father loveth the Son, and hath given all things /**>. 3«34>35> *nto n*s nands , and immeafurably filled him with the Spirit ; $6. fo that whoever believeth in him hath everlafting life; and he that believeth not on him, the wrath of God abideth on him. This Db&rine was John filled with to teach. And with this Do&rine he was to throw down the Moun-,i9i tains, exalt the Valleys , cry down all Flefti,and exalt the 3 iM difcipled all that came to him, and refuicd it not. Yet did he not in the beginning of his Miniftration, point out which of all the Sons of Men was that Man that is the Chrift ; fo he fnewed not which was the Perfon of our Lord Jefus Chrift, till he was efpecially fitted , and dire&ed, and commiflionated for that alfo , by the dire&ion of the holy Spiritsby communication with Jefus Chrift himielf ; and feeing j™ i. 33 >34. the Spirit of God defending like a Dove , and lighting on ,»*,* ■ J*JJ him,and hearing the voice of the Father from heaven, faying, 11. l^.j.zi j Tbu u my beloved. Sonjn whom I am well 'f leafed* And fo was he "• furnifhed to know and declare the perfon of Chrift, as diftin& from all others, and who he was. And then he did moft plainly point out the Man Jefu*, joht %m 29jJ4^ the Son of the Virgin, with confeflion,that not himielf, and 36.^3.30,3^ fo no other Man but that very Man jefus was the He, the Chrift,the Lamb of God, the King of //r**/, the Bridegroom, the Son of God ; he , even this very Jefus , he pointed to* and affirmed to the be very he , and fo exhorted his Hearers to behold him, even Jefus, and to follow him, cleave to him, and exalt him. And in this his Miniftration , he was greater than all the Prophets that were before him , though lefs than any of his^^11,1*'11' Lord's firft Witneffes of his Refurre&ion that were to come after him ; and although in the exercife of his Miniftration, he was but for the Houfe of Ifrael^ who, if they had received him as he came in the Spirit and Power of Etta* , they would then have received Jefus Chrift alfo , and fothey might have enjoyed the Gofpel of the Kingdom , and have continued in their own Land, till his coming again to raign, and then John j&*pt/# had been all the Elias they (hould have needed ; and the coming of EUae, mentioned Mai. 4, it would have been needful onely for the ten Tribes ottfrael , formerly caft off ; but they refufing , came to be caft off alfo, and fo its needful ^ for them. Andin this Miniftration, according to this Rcve- ^^ '\\'*£ latitn, all the former helps, in and under all the former Reve- &% 3 . 37. ' 1 i 2 lations 2 f 3<* Ofthefeventh Revelation ofChriH. lations and Miniftrations ftill remained, and all for the°ood of Men, fpecially the houfe of lfrarf. Ch A P, Of the feveath Revelation , and the I aft that fhaB be of Chrift till his own return , ^rA pcyj'onal and Viftble ap- pearing. >He next Revelation of Jefus Chrift , and the laft that is to be^ carried an end for ufefulnefs by teaching, and ufe of fuch outward Ordinances as now, even until his perfonal appearance, when all fuch means (hall ceafe, and the eternal Sabbath be ; and this Revelation was by the Father to the 'i*V*frb* Son>evcn to the Man Jcfus Chrift> his Elea> uPon whom he 49^50. Heb.i'. natn Put his Spirit, and by Jefus Chrift to his Difciples, God iaa.^2.4. ' by his divine power bearing witnefs thereto, and confirming the fame : and this Revelation by Jefus Chrift was of the fame things fore-revealed to, and by the Prophets, but now more fully and cleerly manifefted, with the myftery more a- bundantly opened ; and this his Revelation was in a three- fold manner, or by three diftinfl: wayes or means : 1. By manifeftation of himfelf and all that appertained to him to do in his firft coming,by demonftrating the fame in the very a& vifibly, &c. 2, By his perfonal and bodily Miniftration, in a vocal and audible teaching the Gofpel and the Teftimony of himfelf in the Prophets, and explicating it. 3 . By pouring on his witneffes, and filling them with the holy Ghoft. 1 . Of the firft way of the Manifeftation of Chrift by him- felf. Jefus Chrift was manifefted and did manifeft himfelf in the very acting and fcnfible demonftration in himfelf of all thofe things fore-told concerning him to be done in , upon and by him in his firft coming * as to fay, his immediate ; coming Of thefeventb *Rey elation of Chrift. Z37 coming on the appearing of his MciTenger and fore-runner, and fo his conception and birth,having the very nature of Man,born of a Virgin, (that never knew Man; that was of the Seed of T>avid, tAbrabami Noah, tsidam • born in Bcthlem » altogether tin- lefs ; yet having the weaknciTes and infirmities of Man's Nature : his flight into Egypt , (while Rachels Children were (lain) his re- turn to Nazareth , and being called a Naz*aritc : his Biptifrn, with the Teftimony of God concerning him ; bis fafting, temptati- ons, vi&ones^his poverty and mean life among mentis travellings, preaching, cures, miracles . his calling Difciples, and chufing A* poftles, and fevency , and fending them forth to preach . his being perfecuted by the High-Priefts and Priefts , Scribes and Pharifees ; his being betrayed by one of his called Difciples , and chofen A- poftles • the fcattering of the reft from him » his agony and bloody fweat; his being arraigned, condemned, fcorned, and crucified be- tween two thieves, the fouldiers giving him vinegcr and gall , and parting his raiment • his bitter cry on the crofs ; his committing his Spirit to God,and fo his giving up theGhoft and dying,and fo his death and his burial by two rich Men, laid in a rich Man's tombe, in which never any man before lay; his Refurreclion the third day, and fo victory over death • his appearing to his Difciples after his Refurre6tion, being feen, and heard, and felt by them, and giving commandments and commiflion to them , and bletTmg them, afcended up in their fight to heaven, teftified by an Angel, that he, even the very fame Jefus (hall fo come again, as they faw him go up into heaven ; his being received and let on the right hand of God • and his fending forth the holy Ghoft with plenty of fpiri- tual gifts, teftifying the certainty of his coming again in glory , a glimpfe whereof three of them bad foreseen in his transfigura- tion ; fo that he appeared ro be, and to have fuffered , and done, and (Vied abroad all that ©od by the mouth of his Prophets had fpoken of him concerning his firft coming : fo that he hath now fully come in the fle(h, and done all this work , and is not now a dying and doing it3 or fo to do it over agtin ; he hath finiihed the work given him to do at his firft coming in his own perfonon, earth ; and in and by him is fulfilled all that the Prophets fpakc concerning the firft coming of Chrift ; fo , as in no other ever was or will be ; fo that this Jefua is the Chrift, and hath been thus ma- nifsftcd', and fonunifefted hirnfclf to be, and this rmaifeftation givea 158 Oftbefeventh ^v elation ofChrift. given in his firft appearing to the firft Wirneffes of his Refur- rc&ion, for all that fhould after believe on him , that it was maoi- ^ii'Xvctt kftcd by thc aPPearin8 °f our Savlour Jc^5 Chrift : in doing all 20,11! Joh.i. tftis is cxPrcfly affirmed, that it was fo manifefted for all that fince, 1,1,3. ' A&.io. by the difcovcry of him and his ipiritual operation, believe ; is alfo 4** 4l« exprcfly affirmed , that it was manifefted to thefe firft wicneffes in this manner, who both heard, and faw,and handled him; is exprcfly alfo affirmed,and that they declared that we might beli:ve: and the things that were by the Prophets fo foretold and written of him(as ^#.13.^17.1, hath been forefhewn) being fo fulfilled and manifefted in him,they 3. & 18.18. did according to the commandment of the eyerlafting God, make R0m.16.16. known nim to 5c the Chrift , and make him known according to $'.lo.$u*' tnc revelicion of the tnyftery , by the Scriptures of the Prophets . and have written and profeffed to write thefe things, that we might know the certainty of them : and fo, that we rright believe , that Jefus is the Chrift the Son of God ; and that ia believing we might have life through his Name: and according to all this, Jefus himfelf witneffed and affirmed alfo the Truth of John *s Teftimony con- cerning him • and how by the works done by him 9 and by voice 7 from Hcaven.the Father did bear witnefs of him : and how the Spi- Y ' ** 33>3*> rl*t m tne Scripture did bear witnefs of him, and that eternal life is ia him. And this the firft way of Jefus Chrift revealing and m*- nifefting himfeif to his fuft witnefles. Chap. 8. ^ 2. Of the fecond way of our Saviour V revealing and mam- fefting of himfelf and the things of him^ to his firft wit- ^'nejjisofit. IEfus Chrift, befides this actual manifertation, did alfo in his per- formance and bodily miniiiration , vocally and audibly teach theGofptl according to the revelation of themyftery to the firft crufters in him.and witnefles of him after his refurredion : and fo he taught them ; I. That he is the Mejjiab> the great Prophet a»d high-Pri OftbefecondWay 259 and King of Ifrae I , the Son of God / and the Son of David ; %";fl**0' the Chrift , the Saviour of the World fpoken of by all the Pro- Luk'9'zo.Job. phcts. i-4«j49. <^4. 2. That for efte&ing his bufinefs in all his Offires, that he may il>i6,4i>&6* be manifefted to be iuch a one, and thereby have a Seed i faved *9# and juftified by him, to fcrve him, and to enjoy the Kingdom with j^ ^ t him, and Nations for him, and them to raign over , he muft firft it. pfa.62ti9, fuffer, and die, and rife again , and afcend into heaven, and receive zi.&i.i,9. the fulnefs of the Spirit in the Man , and fend forth of the fame to Men , that Repentance and Remiffion of fins may be preached in his Name to all Nations • and fo he on rightful terms judge ail according to that fore-written of him • and therefore from that time thac he had infhu&ed them , that he was the Chrift, the Son j#at jg llt of the living God, the Saviour of the World • he then began to may, %^i.Lu^ ftiew and teach them , that he muft go un:o lerufalem, and fuf- 9^2.. Lnb9< fer many things cf the Elders, andchief-Priefts, and Scribes, ^9^o^\Mat„ and be rejected of them , and be killed , and the third day rife '/'^f^'^g* again ; yea, this was fpokenof between Cbrift, and Mofes j^.^, 0,44/ and Eliot, in their hearing, when he was in his transfiguration before them , and after on that occafion by himfelf to them , and often afcer on other occafions ; yea , he ceacheth them a reafon of the necefluy of it , namely , for taking away fin , and overcoming death ; and fo having an innumerable generation, according to that faid Hebrews 9*21. & a. 14. & .14. 53.6,7,8. andfo he taught, faying , Verily ', verily^ I [ay unto you, except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die , it a* bidet h alone • but if it die , it bringeth forth much fruit: and fo he plainly taught them out of the Scriprures afcer his Re- furre#ion , that it behoved Chrift to fuffer , and to rife from the dead the third day 1 and that Repentance, and Remulion of fins fhoulu be preached in his Name among all Nations , beginning at luk*z*'4f*4*i ]ernfalem ; and in teaching this, he taught them many myfteries, 47' abcuc the venues , ends, and efficacies of his death > and that di- ftinc^ly alfo ; as to fay , 1 • His death in one refped and end, was fatisfaclory for the Rc- miflion of fins, to make peace and atonement with (Sod for Men, VMM.' Raw. thac they might be releafed from the firft fentence and curfe in the s &l^^ firft death into his difpofe , that he might bring them out of that 9' death, as was prophefied he fliould, and is confeffed he hath done, and L 24*0 ofChrift manifesting bimfelf. Mat.- 6 28 an<* ^!S *"e did tcacn thcrrf often : and in refpe& of chiscnd , Ms Job.'^i.Tfa.dcxth and ranfome giving is unimitable by any other • nor in 40.6,8. &w- refpeft of this end did cither Jews or Gentiles , Scribes , Priefh, 7,8. Wic6.6> (Jovernours, People or Souldiersjay on him our fins,and fo for that l£™T\£m Pnc ^im l0 ^catn 9 lt was ^°^ tnc ^atncr cnat 1° ^a^ our ^ns on 8.Vz.pV.4°.^» ^im* anc* delivered nim co death for our offences, and his own free 7,8. Hcb. iq.u cff:r to accept and do the will of the Father for us ; and this al- io. Job. 10.17, f0 our Saviour himfelf taught them. And in this offering himfelf, he had to do with God cnely,fcr Men; and with God it is lo effectual, that he hath granted all this to him upon this account, without any further bufinefs to be done by him for this grant; Pp.i. 10,1 1. and kfh>llbcmaniftft:d to all Men fo evidently one day, that they (hall acknowledge it truejand him Lord ito the glory of God,whe- ther now they will believe it, and in him, or no. 2. His death in one other refpecfc and end, was confirmatory Hcfc. 8. 8,9,10, and fealing , that the New Teftamcnt of precious Promifes of n.iPet.i.$. Forgivenels ©f fins , of purifying the heart , and writing his Law aCo/\i.2o, in the inward parts , giving in eternal life , and preferving by his power through faith unto the inheritance , might be confirmed, fealed and ftable , that believers might have a certain and undeni- able evidence of the performance of them all by him> in whom all Gal. 3. 13,14, the Promifes of God are Tea and Amtn , to the glory cf God. is*>itfji73wtfb And this could nor be without the death of the Tcftator • but by J • 9> l $>* > cnac cyen the fame death tnac was for Remiflion of fins , though in this refpeft a farther end , it is done, and fully confirmed and fealed ; but then this death alfo is in fome rcfpe&free from con- Job. to. 30. ftraint • and fo ic is (aid , While he was in his ftrength, and cried «Ttf*r.i5.39j44» with a loud voice, he bowed down his head, and then, and fo gave jo,j. 10.31,33. np t^e Qfo0ft f whicn cauf«(J the Centurian to confefs that he was i^em. 5. 1 z,8, tnc ^on of God, and Pilate, and others to muvel that he was fo, io,i 1, and fofoon dead , (for the Thieves that were crucified with him, died neither fo , nor fo foon :) and as concerning this end , he is by vertue of his death, &c. the Mediator of the New Teftament, that Believers may enjoy the benefit hereof : neither is his death Sii*t.i6.%%. in refpedk of this end imitable for any other : nor did the Scribes, Mtr.14.14. Pharifecsi &e* pu: him to death for this end : but he freely Lt^.zi.zo. ia'lci down his life and gave up the Ghoft ; and fothe Teftament Htf.u.ij. is confirmed $ and offorcc : and this our Savisur himfelf plainly taught them. 3. There of Cforifis manifcjling him f elf. 2 4.1 3. There was yet one other d;< inir end of his fi.fTjrings and death , w icb i> 3ftl of the Tru. :i , w -icihe rau Jit, ari Ithisi i love, 7°^ "7 2,1.13. even to his Enemies, that they rnighr b iL c, foi w'.'om, for *; l°0IIJ^/2" thatendhefofar pra.'ed , as- £. ^?• ver u:h as he had called an. hau fit, b ing t Ke fh •< -pof his J5> ^W** own perfonal Miniftraticn that heard hi- v< icj > and in In e, {0>)^'d\ ''t' obe ience,and faithfulncis to his Father. Ttofis he profi ffci h 6 7 x ^ *j ^ to PilJt) laying, To fej} erj(l was I born, and for thiscauft c. me 1 fob i 3. 14.17. into the 3»»r/*/, thm Ijhouli bear wt!r. efi . 0 the t ml • e ver y one &* 1>, z >! 5 >M& that is of tie truth 5 hearcthmy voice: ( as for the fame cauie *°" i^f',? J when he left the WorJd, he left his W itn JTes in the World.) Zj0h.[Ci,Mit. And in this he inttruð hi^ Hearers , and fo he do h his 16.24. iPct.n ownDiLciples^that all good Shepherds may follow him herein, 2.0)11,13. that as he,io we might norfeek to be Lords o\er one another, but to ferve each other in love and infurrering* , when for their good to put our ielves in our Brerhrens Head or place : and fo iaying down our lives for our Brethren , according to his example ; and this he plainly taught to them : fo that his death, in reipe6t of this end, is moving, alluring , and exem- plary for us to imitate and follow him ; and that alfo , in caking up our Crofs, receiving it as a I up out of otir heaven- ly Father's hand, in patient bearing all, that for his fake (and by our Father's providence) is laid upon -us, how wrongfully foever by Men, 7/^.53.1 7. Mat.26.61. & 27.1 2. ' Mar.14.. 61. & 1 5. 5. In holding, and fait -Handing to the PfoUfli- on of the Truth through all fufferin°s, J0h. 18. 36, 37. Mat. vptik.i&jkft 10.16,18,32,33, and all this in lo/ing and feeking the good i& ir, of our enemies , ^Pfal. 3 5.11,12,1 3,14. Luke 23. 34. & 6. *?»i4»>7 »M 27,28,36. 7^^.12.20,21. andinloveto, and tender* are i^-^M-*. for our Brethren, fubmitting to all the loweit fervices of love even through fufrerings for their fafety & goodtin all,approving our hearts in love and faithf ulnefs to God, that we may gi ori- fie him, 7*6. 17. 4. 8:7.16,17. & 14.31. 2 O. 5.6,7,8, and fo his death , as it was for witnefs-bearins to the Truih, j£*' *' \ly%& and to witnefs , andfoto givean example of imiation K* 4.10.^5.30, us- it isnotrightto fay, That God for that didpuiPhim to death : no , it was the Scribes and Pha'rifees that for this Kk did Ij^z OftbefecondWay did envy him and put him to death, and they did it wickedly and with wicked hands : but God raifed him , and fo he will us by him, if we follow him through fuflferings to the en- joyment of glory. j In reipeA of the firft end of his death , for fatisfa&ion and propitiation making j and of the leccnd end , for confirming the New Tetfament , the death of Chrift was venuous and efficacious with the Father , upon and from his firft under- taking, and accepting to do it ; and having accepted it, it was vertuous in difpenfations through him towards men : whence Rev. 138. he is called , The Lamb [lain from the foundation of the world t and upon the account of the vertue thereof, all that believed ^hlKom]i\6\ frorn lhe beginning of the World,were laved by this Grace in 1 yjro. & 2.4! aBd through him:and all that rebelled againft Light andGrace, 5,ii.Fwi/.x.2 3> were damned on the fame account , for rebelling again!* the 3 3« Lignt a°d Grace extended through him. It is an ignorant de- mand of fome, 1)id Chritt die for thofe in Heaven^ or for thofe in Helly before his death ? for his acceptance and undertaking was vcr t uom from the firfi , and from the beginning ; and God 9S pro- ceedings with men through him on that account of his death tn due time to be attcd 5 and fo to the two frfi ends , vertuous and effica- cious from the beginnings before the actual accomphfhixg of it .* but for the lafl end of hu death, to bear witnefiof the truth , and give his perfonal example tofoBow : the fame cannot be fo affirmed. True it is , He fuffered and was flain in his members and fpiritual Seed from the beginning of the World, even begin- Jf«to3.34»35. ning at *Abd, and fo on in thofe which followed till his own ^^^•^•perfonal coming, as our Saviour taught ; and though him- a6. Aft\ felf in his own perfonai body have now once died, and rifen, 9.4,5. and is alive for evermore , and can die no mere ; yet in bis members and fpiritual feed %n Earth , he is Offering and dy- ing ftill : fuch his love to them , and union with them , he counteth thefe as his own fiifferings : & thefe examples of the Saints through Faith pafling through,and overcoming in thefe fufferings,are very ufeful for us,and fpeaking examples to ns,to be beheld and minded of us : but our Savicui's own perfonai example was not fo before his actual fufferings accompli(hed, as n^w it is : in beholding of which, as fct forth in the Gofpel we may fee both more into the vertues , and ends, and effi- cacies of Chrijl's manifesting himfelf. 213 cacies of his death , than before could be Teen ; and his ex- ample therein alio, which could not ib be beheld of men, be- utb.u. &\%t fore his actual accompliOimenc of it.: fo that in him we have i,i./4», the beginning and foundation of life and (frength,the motive, !I< mm.$.iz. pattern and example alfo to follow him, and therefore now to ?!° ,3^5' look to him, and to the other examples alio through him, and tohim,in and above all the other : and this our Saviour plainly taught his firft witneflTes. 3. Our Saviour having inltru&ed his firft witnefles thus, a- bout his death and refurrc&ion , and the things done by him therein; and fo the end of hisfirft perfonal coming into the fe'Kii.z.&^. World, to do and teach all thefe things : he then alfo in- 3.6-15. s,*8. ftru&ed them about his leaving the World, and going again [now] in that perfonal body of his to the Father : and this, to prefent himfelf in that body with the vertue of his blood, to obtain eternal redemption of the nature of Man in himfelf; Hc6. io.?,xo. and fo to have all men into his difpofe, that hemay difpenfe &9-^- Rom. to them and deal with them according to the Father's will ; |* "^ %'uti. which alfo is his will; and fo to receive the immeafurable ix,zoiJ§h\t£. fulnefs of the holy Ghoft in the Man, to fend forth , even to 7,\ 5. the rebellious, to convince them ; and to believers, to lead them into all Truth , and fo to make known ftill farther hi$ nb?}*#3kh Father's Name, and therein fprinklethe vertue of his blood I*-**'IW*> upon the hearts and contciences of believers , and herewith I'/fjlf/^^ enduing them with his Spirit, to be witb and in them, a Tea- ifcz0.ctair.t3' cher, Advocate,and Comforter, tominde them of his words, MK*5j FjM< enable them to prize &truft in him, and approach to God by ut.Phil.s. %o. him, and pray in his Name ; and fo to prepare them manfi- ,4 ^Jl^ ons ; that having all fulnefs in him, they might have their re- joycing, hope, converfe, and dwelling with him in Heaven by Faith ; and that in one mindednefs with God and Chiirt in , his defign ? in believing and walking in the Truth breathed fa.^tj^" forth from Jernfrlew that is above , they might have in Spi- i.z,3.zW.$V rit, a dwelling and fellowfhip with the Prophets , and Apo- Rev.6.9. Hcb. files, and Spirits ofju'i Men made perfe&, that are in and «»-**>*3-S|p&. with Chrift, and under the Altar ; and alfo through the effi- Jjif^J^f'J cacy of his Spirit in their Miniftration , they may have a fpi- iTbef.i.iji rituaF dwelling in the hearts of fuch as living in this World, have their conversation in Heaven, and fellowfhip in the Kk a Gofpel 244- Of the fecond Way Gofpel with them. And lalt of all, according to the Spirits preparation of them , and fruitfulnefsin and by them , en- largednefs in his Kingdom, which is referved in Heaven for ^iq*lolzfoh tnem' to be given them at his coming; all which he affures 8. z&cti.t*. c^em ^e ls now preparing in the Heavens for them ; yea , he foh.i^z. Htb. is now there in Heaven, appearing at the right Hand of God 8.i,tf. &9.14. before God for us , mediating between 6od and Men , and ^^i'^/i,0'''' advocating and interceding in ipecial manner for Believers ij.'cr-p.M. 7 that come to God by him; and fo , as in that he did in his own Body , he made peace, wrought and obtained Redem- ption with God for Men , and obtained the Power of ex- tending the venues thereof, in theie spiritual efficacies to Men ; lb by thefe efficacious makings known and application of the fame to Men, he draweth Men to himfelf,and worketh Redemption in Believers , and preferveth them to the Inhe- ritance : all which our Saviour taught to his firft Witneffes. And moreover, 4. Having thus inftrufled them about his bodily abience from them, and how much it is for their benefit , becaufe of the bu^nefs he is in Heaven doing with God for them , and JobM-hMat. from qocj by his Spirit with them 5 he alio «{Tures theme f, \\']j^aui. anc* inftru&s themin this , that in due time he will in that H&3>&>% " . :' ^0<^y °* ms perfonally come again and receive them to him- felf, and then take bis great power and raign, and they fhaU raign with him: nor need they be deceived about this his M*t.i$.$-LA6. coming ; for it fhaU be fo perfonal , open, and vifible , that Job.t.zS,!}. every eye fhall fee him ; and when he doth fit upon the Throne of his glory , then fhaU all Nations be gathered be- fore him ; and having raifed all the dead, will feparate thofe that have believed in him,and lived to him , from thofe that have rebelled againlt him , letting the one on his right hand, and the other on his left hand, and then judge and gle ien- tence on both ; and the righteous that are on the right hand, fhall go into everlafting joy ; and the wicked that are on the left hand , fhall go into everlafting Fire, there to be tor- mented for ever : and that all that believe on him, may with patience and comfort wait till that day come, he taught and affuredthem, that he would not leave them ( as Or; bans) ja/;. i4.i^7> comfortle(s ^ km- by his word, aid Spirit in that word, be ,8- ' with of ChriH's manifejling himfelf. 24.5 with them, and in them ; and by that Spirit both minde *bl^ them of, and teach them the words that he had fore-given f^'^/^^ them ; andalfofo take of the things of Chrift, and (hew to ipktfr/y'Jfc them,that he fliould prefent him glorious to them , and lead 14.^. cmo.?. them into all truth, that by Faith,& well-pleaiednefs in him, <&i*9>;>°. they may be made fruitful, and preserved to the inheritance : and thac he thus dilcovered, is the door and way of accefs . to the Fatherland entrance into the Church ; yea,the Father '*£ £ is in him, and he in the Father ; and ail that is the Father's, is his : fo that in feeing and having him, they fee and have the Father alfo ; and that he is the Truth and the Life, in whom they have Wifdom,Righteournefs,San6tificationandRedem-c^' I,?* ption, Covenant-quickning, and all fpiritual Riches and Life ; yea, he is iuch a fure Rock, that whoever is found in be- lieving built on him, the gates of Hell (hall not prevail againft Mat.\6. 18. him : his Flefh, even his Body, as given for the Life of the l Pct' l*3>4>^ World,is Bread of Life,and Meat indeed; and his Blood, as having confirmed the New Teftament, is Drink indeed: Joh- 6. 51,58, and what Spirit or Soul of Man foever eateth and drinketh^' ^'M.*®- hereofjfhall never die, but have everlafting Liferhis words are x 7' 24# Spirit and Liferand as the Father hath loved him,evenfo hath he loved thole that believe in him , and will come again, and receive them to himfelf, that where he is , they may be alfo. So that in all this is a blcfled,clear,great,gracious,and glorious Revelation of J efus Chrift in his own perfonal teachings. Yet to free them from miftakes , and inform them cleerly how by him this blefTed and faving work (hall be carried an end till his coming again , that there may be a fpiritual Seed encreafed and preserved to him till then ; he inftrufted them how Men andWcmenfhould be brought in to God , name- M™< 3-M,i*. ly , that He, even Chrift the Son of God and Saviour of the ^[to^iffe. World,asthusmanifeftedtothem, muftbeby them fo made ' known to others ; yea , lifted up and made manifeft by preaching his word he had taught them; and this tc all Men, all Nations , and in, and about this right preaching , mani- feftation , elevation, declaration and tenders of Chrift , he taught them much and many things, as appears plainly, by his own fayings to them and theirs , which they learned cf him : as to inftance fome of them. 1. That %^6 Of tbefaond Way i . That it be Jefus, that be lifted up and exalted , as the MujnlU Chrirt * thc Son °f lhc living God > the ProPitiai,9>io,u, fonal endowments or gifts , nor any internal Lights and O iz.ifa.^9.6. per-ations; but onely )cfa Chrift, to be the Lord,the Foun- dation, the He, in whom ail Peace, Right eouinefs, and Eter- nal Life is prepared of God for us , and given us of God in him, even in Jeius Chrift, that in believing in him we may re- ceive k,and have it. And this is plain, in comparing his fay- ings and theirs. j«h. 3. 16,17. 2* That b°tn this gift of Chrift the Saviour of the World, * fob. 4. 9/10, and the felting him forth , and tendering him in the Goi'pel, 14.^0^.5.6.7, is, and is to be affirmed , a fruit and witnefs of the love of 8:9,10.7^.3.4, God to the world, to Mankinde , even finners and ungodly 1* ^f'5,14>'5' ones ; and the love , Grace, and good-will of God here- through commended and tendered to them , that they might repenr, and believe 5 and in believing , receive remiflion of fins, and eternal Life : and this is plain in comparing his fay- ings and theirs, according to that prophefied, *?//*. 3 6.6,7,8. & 145.8,9.7^.55.4. 3. That the end and purpofe of God in this gift of Chrift, fob 17 Luh a k lett*n» him forth, and making him known , and wit- 9. 56. nefftng and commending his love through him ; and fo the * 1. /ok.? 1.47. end of Chrift his firft coming, and Miniftration , and of his */*. 4z. 6,7>s. continuing the fame Miniftration of the Gofpel in which he m49 '^6 &i is ffiU fem> beld forth and ccndcred to men> tiU his Perfonai *,\!jk s.[£ coming again, is, that the world might be faved ; yea,fmners &*&x6. and the chief finners , that the eyes of the blinde might be 1 7>i 8. opened, &c. and men brought in to believe , and fo turned ¥fiA*'&l' from darknefs to light, from the power of Satan to God, that •Jo . 1.4*7* , fo t^e^ may reccive Remiflion of fin?,- and inheritance among them that are fan&ified by Faith that is in Jefus Chrift : and this is plain in the layings of Chrift by himfelf , and by his Spirit in the Prophets , and by his Spirit in the fayings of thofe that learned it of him : whence he faith of his Minitf ra- tion, of Chriffs manifesting him f elf. % 4.7 tion , that while he is in the world , he is the Light of the World, and io before was , and in the Miniftration of his chofen Witnefles, will be till his coming again : whence his ^atJ i W4> Servants as Minifters of the Gofpel, are alfo call«d,The Light * 5jI ' of the World; fo that the Minirtration of Chriftin theGo- 7 ^ ipei, by himielf or his Servants , h, or he in it, is not to con* ^ jEm.u] demn, deftroy,or judge to perdition the World ; $o , tiw Ro'm.z.*x Jd thole in the World,and of it,that at prefent reject his words; 33-*WK*fc*i but even to fave fuch : his words to them are Hill, That they *°* Tr§v'l-H* might be favedjhis mercies are to lead to repentance,that they ^\[icor.f might be faved ; his chaftifements to break them of their s. xPekyif. pride and enterprizes,that they might be faved : yea, his re- *«*.».". if*. proofs and beginning to deliver them to Satan , are for the J'4' £*&'*+ definition of the flefli, and to abafe them that they might be iokii. rcir! faved: yea, his killing by the Law, was, that they might live 4.4. W.13.1J !• toGod,G/?/.2.i9 : yea, all his patience and long-iufrering, icr.ty.iona.i. is, and is to be accounted Salvation, being extended to Men, ?• ^*IO'xJ' becaufe he is not willing that any fhould perifh, but that they ^y^ior might come to Repentance and be faved : yea , he doth that ^.J.^xod.^. in the means he ufcth, whereby they might be faved ; fothat 6,7'if*>$o.i6, helofethnone,Jr. and this affirmed by his Spirit in his Servants, 1. 4a. 1 1. 14- ^nat God in Golpel-Miniftcation fends Chrift to blefs them,in ^.ztf.i7,i.8. turning every of them from their iniquities ; and io.of Chrift his coming imo the World , both in his perfonal Miniftrati- on , and his Minillration by his Servants. This is affirmed, >Aci. $.16. as a faithful faying, (in which there is no diffimulation,noe- Vcw 3.4,5 A quivocation , no wreathednefs . but it is according to the 9 3 very Heart andMindeof God , and very plain to be under- (tood, according to the import of the words) and worthy all acceptation, (to be heeded believed , and imbraced with the- iTim.i.i $. heart) That Jefus C^rift came imo ^e wcr^ to jave fiwcrs, (tin- ners ioderlnitely,fuch,and alijfoch as are finners5and to put all out of doubt, the Ap°ftle having mentioned what a (inner he was,faith,) of whom lam the chief ;-fuch the purpofe and gracious endof God, in the gift of hisSon,andofChrift in his coming and Miniftration,both immediate and mediate , extended for teaching to Men. 4. That Jefns Chrlft , according to all this, Revelation of him , and of the Father *s love in giving him and making him known , and his gracious end in this Miniftration of him ; is nobe difplayed, held forth, preached, and affirmed, as a word of of Chrifis manifefting bimfelf. 24.9 of Truth and Verity, to the World of Mankinde, to all Nati- ons, to every Man in the whole Creation , where-ever they come : and this is plain in the cotnmitfion and charge given them. True it is, the Miniftration of JohnBtftift) was but to the people of Ifratly though the light of it to be extended farther: Mai.zS.i9iio. and fo the perfonal Miniftration of the Gofpel by Ch rift, &4f'->&AU was primely to them, the Circumcifion, the loft Sheep of the J^'y/jS Houie Gflfrae/; and his Difciples Miniftration while he per- x? \^,Man^ fbnally abode with them on Earth, was no farther but to the *a£ Rmm?.8j Houfe of Ifrael: yet was this alio to confirm the promiles un- 9- to the Fathers ; and that the Gentiles might glorifie God for his Mercy : whence when by providence led among the Samaritans , he (as an over-plus) in his Miniftration con- 7^.410^42. verted fome of them , that in hearing his voice became the Sheep of hisMiniftration,yet he did not outwardly fold them, till after his afcenfion and pouring forth the Holy Ghoft, i^>10i,4 ,- ^ when the commiflion and miflion was enlarged for his Ser- vants Minimi ration. But now when his iuffering-work was finifhed, death overcome,the acceptable Sacrifice offered, and he on the right of God , and having fent forth Spicit, the veil of the Temple rent, the partition-wall broken down, and all Tongues fanSified to declare the Work and Name of God injthey are to go into all theWorld and to declare and preach Rem ^ ,i5lg§ Chrift as thus revealed,to every man of all Nations in ail the Mat.zz.1,7.' World, where-ever they come, and this as a Word,of Truth : Pyov.:9.i,z:3* and fo to fet forth this fecond publick Man,the fpiritual Man, *fAWil»»3*4. the Lord , the quickning Spirit, as he on whom God hath ex- .j^'*'1 *'&3* ecuted the Judgement that was due to Mankincje for their ;~ fins, as fallen, in whom their Nature is reftored : the Na- ture of Man, being united and married unto God in the Perfon of his Son ; and fo a great Feaft of fatnefs , even the fure mercies of David, prepared : in him is Mankinde perfect again, as in a publick Man , having in him forgivenefs , par- don, peace, wifd ^m, righteoufnefs, eternal Life ; lb verily,that in believing in him, they may receive it, and be partakers of '^ 5>.io,n, it : and fo is he to be fet forth without any Cloak or equivo- ^ \ 1[&IV cation, plainly to every Man , appealing to their conf iences in the fight of God : and that Jefus is fo , and as fuch a one, LI to 15 o uf we j econa tr ay to be held forth to all, that every one may behold him, as he in whom there is healing for them to be received in believ- a lob.x. 14,1 5. *D&> " P*a'n *n our ?av^our's own perfonal Teftimony a , and b Rom's-Ui ' the Teftimony of his Spirit in his Apoftles h : and this to this 15,26. iC*t*> end , that by this, Men might be reconciled to God c. And 14,1^11. fit. tnis ^0pC gjven ? tnc servants 0f chrift in fuch elevation of licor. Chrift, that he will confirm their words , and manifeft their Teftimony true , fo that all Men (hall be drawn thereby , e- a Job.1z.31. ven by Chrift teftified unto him d: fuch as in this day of grace believe this Teftimony of him , it (ball be the power of God unto Salvation in them , and work effectually in them, uniting and conforming them to Chrift; fo as they fliall by degrees, and in due feafon enjoy all this revealed bieffed- eMat.10.40. nefs*. And fuch asperfiftin refufing and rebelling againft Rom.i.\6.\Thef. tnc Light extended, (ball by the fame Spirit that breatheih in 2.13. * Pet.i. tjic QQfpgj^ be at the laft day convinced/, and come before f Job. 16.7, 8, Chrift, and bow to him,and confefs him Lord to the glory of #,io,tr, God^, and (ball confefs the Truth of the Teftimony his Ser- g p/j;/,h. vants delivered, and them to be the Servants of the Lord, which in the dayes of his patience, they dei'pifed and op- hlft.tfo.14. P°kd/?; and all before the final fentence be executed on *ev.3.p! them : for God that fruftrateth the tokens of the lyars r and maketh diviners mad, that turneth wife Men backward , and maketh their knowledge fooliftinefs , doth (and will, con- firm the Word of his Servants, and perform 1 he counlel of his. ijf4.44.15, 26. Meffengers /'. And to both parts of this faid, he hath given us k iyi.45.12, his Oath, That all (ball come before him. k. *4»*4* And thus was the myftery of Chrift revealed by himfclf Parti ch 6.m *"s own perfonal Miniftration , in which alfo , as he ut- - * * tered many Parables , fo he opened them all to his Difciples to teach them openly : and whereas the Difciples did not yet cleerly underftand all this Revelation of Chrift fo taught to them, before Chrift had luffered and rifen from the dead ; therefore Chrift after his Refurre£ion appeared to them, and taught the fame again tothem,and then expounded/J^rr and the Prophets, and in order opened in all the Scriptures unto them the things concerning himfelf ; & alfo opened their un- 1 ink- *4- 16> 47< becaufe all was not yet a&cd by Chrift , as well as taught by him 1 of Chr'0s manifesting himfelf. 251 him,that was to be in the myftery held forth in their Miniftra- tion;for Chrift his body,though then rifen,was not as then af-m j0\j, i0Ir. cended and gloriHed a*,and fo the fulnefs of undemanding of the whole myftery by the Holy Ghoft, not yet given n : there- */f'7,S9' & fore they were yet to wait for further divine Power,even the holy Ghoft to be given them, to open clcerly this Revel ation to them,and to help them to witneis inwhich Chrift promiied 0 Luk.14.49, them, and did perform it after his afcenfion. Ml. 1.4. Chap. $>. Of the third Way of our Saviour "s Revelation and mani- f eft ation of himfelf, to the frit Witneffes of his Refur- reftion. OUr Saviour, according to his Promife, did within a few dayes after his Afcenfion , by vertue, and as a fruit of his Afcenfion and Sacrifice offered and accepted, and his Me- diation begun,he did fend, and fhed forth,and pour upon and in them , the Holy Ghoft, in an audible , fenfible, and vifiblc An. 1. 2, 3,4, fhape , both refting upon them , and fupernaturally and in- &c wardly filling them ; by which Holy Spirit, he brought again to their minde , and gave them to underftand all his fore-Re- velation and fayings to them , and fhewed the things of him- felf ? and the Father fo leading them into ail Truth , and making known to them the whole counfel of God in things pertaining to Eternal Life, to be taught till his coming again ; enduing them with power , motion , and fitnefs to witnefs of him ; and giving them the gift of tongues to fpeak to eve- ry Man in his own Language , wherein he was born ; fo a- bundantly was the Revelation of the myftery of Chrift by the Spirit made known to them : and yet , that we may rightly underftand what the Holy Ghoft is , that was thus given unto them, it is good to confider, what in Revela- tion of Chrift from the beginning, and now by himfelf is given us to underftand ; and that is , that it is fomething, that was never before this fo given . no , not as then while Ll i John 151 Uf we intra way &tar.i.%. Job. 3°^" was baptizing,nor yet while Chrift himfelf was perfonal- 7-38>39- Job- h minidring here on Earth , nor could be given , till he left 14.16.dM6. 7. the World in that body of his, and went to the Father ; Aft.i.sri.iUb. f0 that it cannot be meant properly of the eflence and be- p^^^^ingoftheHolyGhoft , which is one and the fame with the if£.i,il." Father and the Son, the fame God, by whom the Heaven and the Earth was made , and all the Hods of them ; for in this refpe& he fills heaven and Earth, and is everywhere prefent,and alwayes was : fo that in refpeft of eflence he is not faid to be lent or proceeding from the Father and Son, or defending , being ever one in and with both ; but onely in refpe6t of perfon or manner of exidence in , and operation of that one divine eflence : bat it mud be meant of feme forth-coming of the divine power from the Father byChrili ; yet in this alfo it cannot be meant of fuch forth-coming in breathings and operations, as tend to the fupportation of the Job i$. 12,13. old Creation , in upholding, and ordering , and garnifliing 7^.104.1^30. the pjeaven an j Eartn? and Creatures therein,for the good of „ Mankinde ; and enduing Men with undemanding and skill x9.Exod.5u5. ^or Husbandry and difpofing the Fruits of the Earth , and for ^35-ii. curious Arts and Works , or for War, Fhyfick, Laws, and Government of a Commonwealth, &.c. though thefe be all Mercies to lead to Repentance ; for thefe were extended be- fore Chrid carried the Nature of Man into Heaven : no, nor Neb. 11. 6. Gen. Yet *s meant (imply of a diicovery of the Minde and Grace of ^.3.^^.14.17. God through Chrid, driving with Men, to bring them in to Rom.3.1. &9. q0(j . for this alfo was from the beginning ; yea , and fome $.jw.i.7,i9. J3roUoht in to believe thereby, from the rumour of the Gc- fpel in Paradife delivered , and the works of Creation and Providence: and yet more abundantly to Ifrael, in Type?, Promifes , and Proprieties ; and yet more in John Baptitt 's Minidrat.ion : yea, the Holy Ghoft in inch means to enlighten and teach, hath not cnely been alwayes in the Church , but fome have been wonderfully filled with him : he fignified in 1PtfM.11. tVet. aDcj t0 tne prophets , and they fpake as they were moved by Tnii.'li^l the Haly Gho{* 5 and the Holy Ghoft fpake by them ; and E' 47t'&l,i^z/jUabeth was filled with the Holy Ghod, and CMary^ and Za- charias ; and the Holy Ghod was upon old Simeon , and re- vealed Chrid to him ; and the fame may be faid of divers o- thers of Chrift's manifetting himfelf. 253 thers: To that though no other Spirit be promiied , yet Tome farther Difcovery and Operation of the Spirit, which was not as yet given, is evident to be meant hereby the giving the Holy Ghoft. If any think, that his coming like a mighty and ruflhing winde , and fitting on them in the likeneis of fiery Tongues, and giving them to ipeak wkh divers Tongues , is that which was promifed , he is not deceived in that ; for it was included in the promiics as to the fir ft Witnefles: but it was neither the whole , nor the main in thePromife,but an over-plus and addition to the main, the j0\ 7. 37,38, pronaife being that which however with mere abundance to 39.cH7.20,*!. them, yet in the Teftimony given them, it appertained io.<4#'»-39- all, that through that Teftimony believe in Chrift : and this appears to be fuch a giving of the Holy Ghoft , as never was before, in, ,.coy. 2. 9,, 0,1 1. 1. A more full and cleer Revelation of Chrift , and things joh.^.^.mb. of Chrift (that lay hid in the bowels of the Scriptures) then e* 1.1. Rom.i6.%i.. ver was before, all being in this Teftimony opened , To far. as EPh-$*h* is to be known till his own perfonal coming again ; To as the full of the Holy Ghofts Teftimony of Chrift is corae forth o- pened, which was not To before. ^ , 2. A morefree and cleer manifeftation of the Lord Chrift, l^^jj^ as having compleated the Sacrifice, and being filled with Spi- 7.37, 3' 8,3^. rit> and the Father's Face and Minde appearing in him (not through Types and Prophecies, but) in a cleer Demonftratioa of him in the Goipel , as the Object of Faith , and Allurer (not with fervitude in a Law of Works,but)withFreedom to believe in him, and therein to receive more free and abundant fpiritual Operations,and Tpiritual gifts,then ever before. 3. A larger Freedom for all Gentiles as Jews without dif- Epb.$.$&9\ ference , all, every or any one in believing rheTeftimony,to Gal.s.zs'.Epb. receive the gracious Priviledges ; and in all this,he abounded * • $>9>lo. to the firft Witnefles in allWifdom and Prudence, making known to them the myftery of his will for the difpenfation of thefe laft times. 4. That this Teftimony of Chrift in which all parts of the & Teftimony fore-given by InTpirations , Types , Prophecies, v*i6.&i6.\$9 Vifions, Dreams , was opened, being fully and cleerly given '*: Joh^-16- forth by the Holy Ghoft witneffing of Chrift : this Teftimo- s7^&c ny ' 7f 7 vr*v vi**i w f r w vjy v^.' ny, being a birth of the Spirit, and the Medium in which the Spirit w orketh , and his own Teftimony , it alio beareth his Name ; and he that believing receiveth it , receiveth him, and (hall experiment this Light and Operations. And that this is meant by the giving of the Holy Ghoft,fore- promifed & now performed byChnft,appears both in the Pro miles and Performance, and the Scriptures quoted,and alfo by , the Apoftles Affirmation , that as the Promifes of Chrift con- Ja.zV^Epl' cerning it , fo the Prophefics of the Prophet concerning his *S)ii. Jict.i. pouring forth his Spirir,both for convincing the rebelliou?,and ^is. leading Believers into all Tiurh, and alfo the efficaciouinefs of the Spirit for making known the Mind of Chrift,and his Ope- rations for and in Prophcfie,Vifion,Dream5, had all a fulfilling in this given to them: fo full a Teftimony & cleer Revelation, with fuch Divine Illumination and Operation was given to thefe firft Witneffes , that by that Teftimony Chrift and the things of Chrift might be made known , that Men might be- lieve, and fo come in to CHrift. And this the laft and fullcft Revelation of Chrift , and no other but the cleer know- ledge of this to be looked for till he do pericnally and vifibly come again. But now for the way of making this known to the Sons of Men, and carrying it an end , we have that alfo (hewn us in this Revelation , thefe three wayes given to them. In which we have three things to note : firft, The prime Medium or Way of making it known, and the chofen Inftruments to ufe that Medium to make it known, and alfo the Furniture wherewith they are furnifhed to make it known, that Men may come to know Chrift thus re- vealed, and fo be faved , reconciled and brought to God by Chrift. Of which fee what the Scripture faith. CHAP. *57 Chap, io, Of the mime Medium or Way of nuking Christ khwn'i ac- cording to the Revelation of the Myjierj^to lying Men to GodljCh/if. 'His way of making Chrift known for fo gracious an end,fo cleerlv* it is manifeft to be preaching this Word, Tefti- , V/T-i a • • riDjri Mar. 1.1 *,dct. mony or Goipel, as it is now come forth : and iuch a manner x 0,42.iriw L of Preaching, as never was beforeChrift his coming in the z. xtr.x.J. Fle(n, and fuffering on the Crofs, and having been put to death in the Flefti , but quickned by the Spirit , and now a- live in that Body for evermore ; and by venue of his Crofs and death, by which he made our Peace , and by vertue whereof he ftill mcdiateth for us, and by vertue where- of he worketh in Believers , and fo will have his Crofs and fufferings remembred , imbraced , and profelTed till his coming again ; fo, as the preaching of him now as it is cal- icw. 1.18,20. led the preaching of Chrift , fo it is called alfo the preaching &z- 1^ of the Crofs, and fo the preaching of Jefus Chrift and him crucified, and fo it rniift be a preaching fuitable thereto : and the means to make Chrift known according to this Revela- tion , is preaching, fuch a preaching, as in which he is lift up,, as (hewn in the eighth Chapter before : and in the Scripture we may finde it farther thus fet forth >t hat is, 1. That it muft be preaching , that is ( in Scripture Lan- jcb. 1 1.3 g. guage) proclaiming and reporting Jefus to be the Chrift, and Rm.10.16.1Pet. therewith the things done by him , declaring with manifefta- llz' J°h-lT- tion, and making plain the things reported; and therewith z'1*jb\1 li ]' fo teaching and expounding the fame , that the ends, vertues 33.* <$* 2^.17' and excellencies of Chrift and his Crofs , and the things o{Rom.$.zi,*6. Chrift, with his requirings and promifes , may appear and be lCor. 1^1, %& made known ; and evidencing, and teftifying the Truth of %\£6\&V'^ all fo taught by the Scriptures , according to the Command- is^i.iTim.i. mentofGod^w.i.i,5.8ci 6.25,26.^7.18.2 5,28.8:1 7.2,3. 7. ACLzpji*, £26.22, 23. And from Chrift 8c the things of God in Chrift, *«*.*.*©» fi>, thus'4'1^0' zj6 Of the prime Medium or Way thus declared, taught, andteftified, to perfwade Men toRe- 2T*w.3.i -T^-pentancc anci Faith, and fo to be reconciled to God , and then live to him ; and to prefs this with Reproofs, Inftru&i- ons, Befeechings andConfolations , as need is: and in this manner to exalt and tender the Grace of Chrift, as aforefaid, is preaching ; yea, that preaching, that according to the minde of God is to be ufed. n. This preaching muft alio be with plain and underftand- iCBr.z.n. enable words ; not in dark Parables and Allegories, but with *'» \' &*-I£' iuch Simplicity, and plainnefs , that they may appeal to evefy *h&** framed Eloquence and Rhetorical Perfwafions according tol,4,,1# Man's Art: nor yet with pretences of great Light, intruding into things they have not feen in the Teftimony , there being r, in that no Revelation of it, and fo beyond the meafure oi ^)qJ'^0' Faith given , though covered with great pretences and (hews irbefa+yij. of Humility : nor by tempering their Do&rine to thehu*i^>.i4 *>'** mours of Men, to pleafe them , and get applaufe from them : l8, nor with ufing quaint words, or words of arrange language not underrtood. If a ftrange Tongue infpired were to befi- lenced , where it was not of the Hearers underftood , how much more that which is acquired by ftudy ? all thefe things lcof. 2.4, *. are to be avoided in this preaching, and the preaching to be Rm- 16'z6* with Evidence and Demonftration of the Spirit in the Teft i- rffT.'r 5!fpJ' mony he hath given of Chrift in the Scripture, and fo with all 4.,i .\cti.% 1%. Power and Authority, as the very Oracles of God ; and all fiMM.t ,5. this plain-fpeaking to Men, not for Men to cxcrcife their Mm Wil- 2jS J Of tkeprm* Mefiuntbr Way Wifdopi twmuginira*iddlciatt^«ady^r #H$tet9W$ fetftry biicfo* th'e^obediertccof Faitfc ff ihivM^^'VopUym]ffi^ own wifdom may be Wife, inctedfr-giving ttfthisTe^Jimony, and fo believe, and obey in believing. Such plain preaching, aad fordiemoft part-by as plain Inftru'ments,is this pre'aching ,J,tb ♦! rt&^° ncittfed , even Aichas croffeth and confoundeth the wife and Learned of this World ; but it fctht Wifdom. arid Juitice' . of God y that foitfaould be:- for God had tried them 1< enough, he had imprinted his Wiilom hrthe Gofpel re- ported in Parndife'i and carried On by the Father? and Eiders- Inftruitions , and manifelted much of hirnfelf and hi See Part 3 . nei* *° **' wiD^s °£ Creation and Providence , and given ^ x them undemanding above the Beafo of the Earth , andthe Fowls of Heaven , and many of them by ftndy became wffer then the ordinary ibrt of Men 7 yet in-all this rime , by their wifdom they did not learn to knew God inthe Wifdom of God. Well, God tried therri farther, and gave to Ifrael&e See Part 3. Retelarion of hisMinde in Word and Oracles by T.pes ch*3. and Proprieties , that by tbefe they might come to knovv the Wifdom of God : but in all this time, they have net found *T'l*bt*\ OUC thc knoyvlccJ^t God in theWifdom of God. Therefore, 7,o,xo3ii.4 a^ter a^ *•**« pleated God in his oreat mercy to Mcn,to give forth this-foll and plain Difcovery%ndRevela:ion or himielf* TCor.1.17, n3inChrilV; and in his Wifdom and Juftice affo, to appoint this 23. ' plain Report and preaching thereof , as to the wife of the World feems foolifhnefs , a