FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY J ■ I- THE ANGLICAN PSALTER AND CANTICLES. I ^ ^gM&^if&ifog&gktf fo Z$t Qtnsfican (ptfaff^tft tcwtktte. *A \mmm THE <^- PSALMS AND CANTICLES NEWLY ADAPTED TO ANGLICAN CHANTS OF ECCLESIASTICAL CHARACTER, BY ARTHUR HENRY BROWN. LONDON: THOMAS BOSWORTH, 198, High Holborn. 1878. ^W®m^^^^^^^Wm$WWmm^ CRERAR AND SMITH, TYPE MUSIC AND GENERAL PRINTERS, 3, FEATHERSTONE BUILDINGS, KO..BOKN, LONDON. CONTENTS. Preface... Explanation of the Marks Table of Proper Psalms on Certain Days, and For Special Occasions Directions as to the use of the Canticles Te Deum, American Version Venite, Exultemus Domino ... Pascha Nostrum (Special Setting) Pascha Nostrum (Easter Anthems) ... Te Deum Laudamus Benedicite, Omnia Opera Benedicite, Omnia Opera (Special Settings) Benedictus ... Jubilate Deo quicunque vult Magnificat Anima Mea ... Cantate Domino Nunc Dimittis ... Deus Misereatur Varied Organ Harmonies for Monotonic Recitation of Canticles or Psalms on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday PAGE vii XI xiii xiv I 2 3 4 6 8 io ii 12 14 *5 16 17 18 PSALTER, PROPER PSALMS AND MISERERE. [ndex of Composers 215 PREFACE. Notwithstanding the large number of English Psalters set to Anglican Chants which are now before the public, the present work is really an attempt to supply a desideratum. During late years a taste for sound Church music has spread very widely throughout the Anglican Churches. The works of our early Church composers have been increasingly appreciated, and Chant Tunes upon their models have been multiplied, until a collection has been found, which, for richness, for variety, and for power of devotional expression, is unsurpassed in any part of Christendom. The Editor of the Anglican Psalter has endeavoured to utilise this large body of material. Limiting himself to compositions of strictly Ecclesiastical character, he has adapted four different series of chants to each group of the Psalms in their daily course, the selection being made with the most careful regard to the sentiment of each Psalm. These series are numbered i, 2, 3, and 4, and are set respectively in the same or allied keys, to ensure easy transition. Those in the upper line, Nos. 1 and 2, have been selected as intrinsically the most appropriate to the spirit of the Psalm to which they are appropriated. Series 3 are jubilant in character, and are therefore adapted to festival seasons. The fourth series are plaintive, and suited for more triste or penitential occasions. In no case is the same melody used to more than one group of Psalms throughout the same course. By this means a variety and freshness have been aimed at which have not hitherto been attained. In selecting the chants, care has been taken to avoid those with too high a reciting note. A melody has also been selected for the Venite for each morning in the month, having special regard to the character of the Psalms which it precedes. The Proper Psalms, with their music, are printed again at large at the end of the book. viii • PREFACE. That this work may be more generally useful to the Church, provision is made for those verses of the Te Deum in which the American version differs from our own. Simultaneously with the spread of a sounder taste in Ecclesiastical melody, has been developed the means of producing printed music at a price within the reach of all, even the poorest worshippers. In the production of the Anglican Psalter these opportunities have been fully used, and it is accordingly issued at an unprecedentedly low price. The system of pointing here adopted is one which the Editor believes to be grounded upon true principles ; its essential plan being to appor- tion, so far as is consistent with correct English accent, one syllable to each musical beat, and to avoid a dissyllable for the final note of both mediation and cadence.* Thus, wherever either of these has the penul- timate or ante-penultimate accent in its last word, the two, or three, final syllables have been spread over the last two measures, instead of appropriating them to the last measure only. For example : — (Penultimate Accent.) (Ante-penultimate Accent.) {-r- i_ i a,j r u/* r ^ I That we should be s&ved from For behold from hence-forth : j Qur ^. ne . mies . T , A , ,•• . . j And to remember His ho*-ly In glory eVer-last-ing. ( co-ve-nant. INSTEAD OF— f rA , . *, j r , r ±u i That we should be saved fro*m For behold from henceforth : I ur enemies . ) i ,, , ... 1 And to .remember His ho-ly ( In gld-ry ev-er-lastmg. { covenant. By no other means can a smooth and pleasant method of English chanting be obtained. What, for instance, can be more objectionable and unmusical than to hear words of from two to five or six syllables jumbled together upon one final note, such as " wilderness," " taber- nacle," " uncharitableness ?" In Gregorian chanting, by the varying lengths of the musical cadences, and the alternative notes of some of the Mediations, these difficulties are easily disposed of ; but, owing to the inflexible nature of the Anglican Chant, commonly so- ■ It has been found absolutely necessary in a few instances to treat the following words as monosyllables when occurring as the finals of either Mediation or Cadence :— " Doer," "doers," "doest," "doing," "going," "goings," "heaven," "heaveRS," "iron," "liars," " Peor," "power," " prayer." j PREFACE. ix called, another mode of treatment must be used to ensure smoothness ; and that here adopted seems to meet all requirements. Some seven or eight years ago the Editor published in his Matin and Vesper Canticles of Holy Church, a chant of new form, having an alternative note in the Mediation, to suit final words of more than one syllable (which form has lately been adopted in the recently published Psalter, Ancient and Modern); but it has been rejected here on account of the impossibility of combining both forms with the system of pointing advocated above. The pointing marks are those which the Editor has used in his other Church works, in preference to the division of the words by change of type, or by bars, which are found to induce a habit of "jibbing 5 ' at the first word after the recitation ; a practice fatal to good chanting. The Editors best thanks are due to those gentlemen whose names are attached to their respective chants, for the use of their composi- tions ; also to the Rev: T. Helmore and Mr. Masters, for that in F by the late W. Dyce ; to Messrs. Novello, for Mr. J. Barnby*s Chants in D and E, for two others by Mr. Turle, from the West- minster Chant Book, and for the two Chants by Dr. Stainer, Organist of St. Paul's Cathedral ; to Mr. Blakeley for his Chants from the Canticle Chant Book ; to Mr. Joule for those from his Collection ; and to the Lord Bishop of Lincoln for his Table of the Proper Psalms for Special Occasions. Brentwood, Trinity, 1878. Non vox, sed votum ; non musica chordula, sed cor, Non damans, sed amans, psallit in aure Dei. EXPLANATION OF THE MARKS. i. ( A ) The Circumflex implies a slight emphasis on the word or syllable so marked, before leaving the reciting note, except when it is on a word of one syllable which takes also the acute accent {e.g. verses 7, 8, 9, of Te Dettm, p. 4, prafse Thee ; also Ps. xix. 15) ; or the first syllable of a word having the acute accent on the second (e.g. verses 4 and 26 of Te Deum, pp. 4, 5, contfn-ual-ly ; vouchsafe ; also Ps. civ. 23, until) ; in these cases it is simply a guide to the accented syllable. See also Ps. Hi. $ ; Ps. lxxxvi. 10. 2. (') The Acute Accent corresponds with the first minim, or beat, in the chant after the reciting note. 3- (")> C)i or C) The Dot or Dots after the Acute Accent, or Dots only, indicate a corresponding number of beats in either the Mediation or Cadence ; the accent itself being reckoned as one beat. Thus : — The Father : The C(5m-fort-er. Eschew evil and d6 good. (Ps. xxxiv. 14.) 4. O Two syllables, or short words, joined by a Tie, are to be sung to one beat ; or to two short notes of the value of one beat. Thus : — Unto whom I swa*re in^My wrath. (Venite.) And gfveth light un-to^the eyes. (Ps. xix. 8.) The heavens declare the gk5-ry°of God. (Ps. xix. 1.) 5. (-) Syllables separated by a Hyphen are to be sung to separate notes. Thus : — Lord G(5d of Sa-ba-oth. (Te Deum.) Th6y will be al-way prais-ing Thee. (Ps. lxxxiv. 4.) All complete words, whether of one or more syllables, in either the Mediation or Cadence, are to be sung to separate notes. Thus : — For His Name only is excellent,* and Hfs prafse above heaven and earth. (Ps. cxlviii. 12.) N.B. — Portions of words like -tion, -tient, -iour, -nion, -ower, &c, are treated as one syllable. 6. (*) The Asterisk marks the breathing places : all other punctua- tion marks in the Recitation may be disregarded. 7. Can. (Cantons), or the Precentor's, is the Gospel, or north side of the choir. Dec. (Decani), or the Dean's, is the Epistle, or south side. The Cantoris should sing the uneven, the Decani the even verses. Full y signifies that both sides of the choir are to sing together, not necessarily y, or^ Any mark of expression,/,/, ;;//", &c, continues its influence until contradicted, whether markedy*/^//or not. (See vv. 7, 8, 9, of Te Deum.) TABLE OF PROPER PSALMS. The first verse of a Psalm, and the Gloria Pafri, should always be sung full ; the latter slightly rallentando towards the close. Changeable Chants (Major and Minor), are always to be used as they stand, unless notice to the contrary be given in the margin, as No. 2, Psalm ^o. This continues until contradicted. *** The Psalms at Mattins and Evensong should not be separated from the Venite, or the Response, " The Lord's Name be praised," by any announcement whatever. [People ought to know the Day of the Month, and whether it is Morning or Evening, before they enter the church.] In the cases of those Feasts, Fasts, or Services, for which special Psalms are, or may be, appointed, notice to that effect should be placed at the entrance to the church Tor the information of the Laity, so that the music of the Office may be continuous and uninter- rupted. PROPER PSALMS ON CERTAIN DAYS. Mattins. Evensong. Christmas Day .... Easter Day Ascension Day .... Whitsun Day Ash Wednesday .... Good Friday 19, 45, 85. 2, 57, III. 8, 15, 21. 48, 68. 6, 32, 38. 22, 40, 54. 128, 67. 39, 9o. Si- 89, no, 132. 113, 114, 118. 24, 47, 108. 104, 145. J02, 130, 143. 69, 88. Solemnization of Matrimony Burial of the Dead . . . Commination PROPER PSALMS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. As put forth by the Ordinary, in the Synod held at Lincoln, Sept. 20, 1 871. Table I. PROPER PSALMS FOR SPECIAL OCCASIONS. For Advent Sunday — All, or any of the following may be used : — Mattins — Psalm 18, 82, 96. Evensong — Psalm 97, 98, no, 143. See also below, in Table II., Psalms for the Third Service on Sundays in Advent. These may be used also at Morning Prayer, or Evensong, on those Sundays. For tht Festival 0/ Circumcision, or Xeiu Years Day. Mattins- -Psalm 1, 20. 103. Evensong — Psalm 40, 113, 144. Any of these Psalms may be used on New Years Eve, and Psalm 90. For the Festival oj the Epiphany. Mattins— Psalm 2, 19, or 29, 45. Evensong— 72, 87, 96. For the Purification 0/ the Blessed Virgin Mary, or the Presentation of Christ in the Temple. Mattins— Psalm 15, 24, 40. Evensong— Psalm 48, 131, 134. TABLE OF PROPER PSALMS. For the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mattins — Psalm 8, 19, 89. Evensong — Psalm no, 131, 132, 138. For Palm Sunday, or Sunday be/ore Easter* Any of the following may be used : — Mattins— Psalm 5, 20, 21, 118. | Evensong— Psalm 40, no, 112, 113, 114. For Thursday be/ore Easter. Mattins— Psalm 23, 26, 41. | Evensong— Psalm 42, 43, 1x6. For Easter Even. Mattins — Psalm 4, 16, 31, 49, 142. Evensong — Psalm 17, 30, 76, 91. For Monday after Easter* Mattins — Psalm 54, 72, 81. | Evensong— Psalm 98, 99, 100. For Tuesday after Easter* Mattins — Psalm 103, 108, in. Evensong — Psalm 114, 115, 116, 117. For Monday in Whit sun Week* Mattins— Psalm 8, 19, 27, 29. Evensong — Psalm 33, 46, 47, 48. For Tuesday in Whitsun Week* Mattins — Psalm 65, 76, 77. Evensong — Psalm 96, 97, 98, 103. For Trinity Sunday. Mattins — Psalm 8, 29, 33, 67. Evensong — Psalm 93, 96, 97, 99. For the Festival of St. Michael and All Angels, September x?. Mattins — Psalm 8, 24, 34, 91. Evensong — Psalm 97, 103, 148. All Saints' Day, Noveviber 1* Any of the following may be used : — Mattins — Psalm 1, it, 15, 16, 20, 30, 33, 34, 61, 79, 84. Evensong — Psalm 92, 97, 112, 138, 141, 147, 148, 149. On Days of Apostles and other Festivals ; When the Psalms in the Daily order are less appropriate, any of the following may be used, at the discretion of the Minister: — Psalm 19, 34, 45, 46, 61, 64, 68, 75, 97, 98, 99, no, 113, 116, 126. For the Consecration of Churches ; or Aniiiversaries of their Consecration , and for the Re-opening of Churches after Restoration. Any of the following may be used : — Psalm 24, 27, 45, 46, 47, 48, 84, 87, 100, 118, 122, 132, 133, 134, 150. For the Consecration of Churchyards — Psalm 39, 90. For Harvest Festivals — Any of the following may be used : — Psalm 65, 67, 81, 103, 104, 126, 127, 128, 144, 145, i47« For ScJwol Festivals — Psalm 8, 23, 34, 119 {v. 1 to 17), 148. For Choral Festivals— Psalm 33, 47, 81, 92, 96, 98, 108, 142, 147, 150. For Ember Days— Psalm 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134. For Rogation Days — Psalm 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67. For Missionary Services — Psalm 19, 72, 117. Also any of the Psalms appointed above for the Festival of the Epiphany. For Diocesan Synods, Visitations, or Ruridccanal Chapters — Psalm 68, 84, 87, 122, 133. For Annual Festivals of Benefit Societies — Psalm 112, 133, 145. At Confirmation — Psalm 13, 19, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 34, 84, 116, 119, 148. Table II. PSALMS WHICH MAY BE USED AT A THIRD SERVICE ON SUNDAYS AND SOME HOLIDAYS. Sundays in Advent. I. Psalm 45, 46. II. Psalm 9, 10, n. III. Psalm 49, 50. IV. Psalm 96, 97, 98. Christmas Day— Psalm 2, 8, 84. Sunday after Christmas— Psalm 87, 96, 98. * The Psalms for Palm Sunday, Monday and Tuesday in Easter Week and in Whitsun Week, ami All Saints' Day, have been put forth by the Ordinary since the Synod. DIRECTIONS, ETC. xin I. Psalm 46, 47, 48. II. „ 65, 66, 67. Septuagesima — Psal m 1 04. Sundays after EpipJuiny. I III. Psalm 83, 84, 85. IV. „ 91, 92, 93. Sexageshna — Psalm 49, 90. Sundays in Lent. V. Psalm 95, 96, 97. VI. ,, 98, 99, 100. Quinquagesima — Psalm 28, 77. I. Psalm 6, 25, 32. 1 1 IIL Psalm 102, 130. V. Psalm 22. II. f„ 38, Si- 1 i IV. ,, 141, 142, 143. VI. 40, 45- Easter Day — Psalm 3, 30, 76, 93. Sundays after Easter. I. Psalm 117, 118. 1 III. Psalm 98, 99, 100. J 1 v - Psalm 80, 81. II. OJl ,, 19, 20, 21. 1 iv. ,, in, 112, 113. | ] Ascension Day — Psalm 2. 57, no Sunday after Ascension- -Psalm 93, 132. Whitsitn-Day—¥$a\m 84, 85 133. Trinity Suuday- — Psalm 33 , 97, or 148, 149, 150. Sundays after Trinity. I. Psalm 1, 2, 3. XI. Psalm 62, 63, 64. XXI. Psalm 114, 115, 116. II- „ 4, 6, 7. XII. „ 7i. XXII. ,, 120, 121, 123, III. , II, 12, 13, 14. XIII. » 73- 124. IV. > 2 5> 26. XIV. » 74, 75- XXIII. ,, 125, 126, 127, V. , 33, 34- XV. ,, 79, 80, 81. 128, 12 9' VI. , 37- XVI. ,. 82, 83, 84. XXIV. i33, 134, J35- VII. i 44- XVII. „ 92, 93, 94- XXV. 136, 137- VIII. , 52, 53. 54- XVIII. M i°5- XXVI. ,. 144, 145. IX. , 56, 57, 58. XIX. 107. XXVII. ,, 146, 147. X. » 59, 60, 61. XX. M io 9* DIRECTIONS AS TO THE USE OF THE CANTICLES. Venite should not be used on the following days : — 19th day of the month ; or on Easter Day, for which special anthems are appointed. \ [The Rubric preceding the V r enite is somewhat vague as to the use of this canticle on certain days which will fall upon the 19th day of the month. For instance, the following Fasts and Feasts will come upon this date in the years named below, on which days the Venite will not occur " in the ordinary course of the Psalms," the Psalms being special. Ash Wednesday will fall upon the 19th day of the month in the years 1890, 1896, 1974, 1958, and 1969. Good Friday, in 1889, 1935, 1946, and 1957. Ascension Day, in 1887, 1898, 1955, 1966, and 1977. Whitsun Day, in 1907, 191 8, 1929, and 1991 ; beyond which we need not trouble ourselves.] Te Deum, should not be used during Advent ; on Septuagesima Sunday ; on the 19th Sunday after Trinity (if the Old Lessons are used); or the 21st Sunday after Trinity (if the New Lessons are used). Benedicite, should be sung on the days above mentioned, when the Te Deum is not used. Beiiedictus, should be sung daily, except on February 18th ; June 17th ; Feast of the Nativity of St. John Baptist ; and October 5th (if the Old Lessons are used) ; and daily, except on the Feasts of the Annunciation, and the Nativity of St. John Baptist (if the New Lessons are used). xiv DIRECTIONS, ETC. Jubilate, to be sung on the days above mentioned, when the Be)iedictus is not used. Quicunque Vult, to be sung at Mattins, instead of the Apostles' Creed, upon these feasts : — Christmas Day, the Epiphany, Saint Matthias, Easter Day, Ascension Day, Whitsun Day, Saint Johnr Baptist, Saint James, Saint Bartholomew, Saint Matthew, Saint Simon and Saint Jude, Saint Andrew, and Trinity Sunday. Magnificat, should be sung daily, except on the 23rd September (if the New Lessons are used). Cantate Domino, must not be sung on the 19th evening of the month. If the New Lessons are used, it must be sung on the 23rd September. Nunc Dimiitis, should be sung daily, except on the 26th September (if the New Lessons are used). Deus Misereatur, must not be sung on the 12th evening of the month. If the New Lessons are used, it must be sung on the 26th September. All the Chants in this work marked thus * are copyright. In the Index they are marked thus * and thus t ; the former being the property of the Editor, the latter that of the Composer. Application for permission to print any of the Editor's copyrights (*) in this collection for Choral Festivals, &c, should be made to Mr. Arthur H. Brown, Brentwood, Essex. TE DEUM LAUDAMUS. For the American Version. 12 Thine ado-rable, true : 16 Thou didst humble Thyself to be bo*rn oPa \Tr-gin. 28 O Lord, let Thy mercy b£ upon jis : Denite, exuJtemus Dommo.-psALM x Cv . *Dr. Stainer. 2 * Rev. T. HELMCsa. f (~\ COME,* let us sing un-tcT \_J the Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our sal- va-tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shew our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a gre*at God : and a great King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6( the earth : and the strength of the Hills is His al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He mSde it : and His hands prepa*r-ed"the dry land. /6 O come,* let us worship and fall down : and kneel before the Lord our Ma-ker. 7 For HS is the Lord our God : and we are the people of His pas- ture, and the sheep of Hi's hand. * Dr. C. S. Heap. mfZ To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden not your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : proved Me, and saw My works. io Forty years long * was I grieved with thfs genera-tion,~and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. ii Unto whom I sware in~My wrath : that they should not en-ter into My rest. / Glory be to the Father, and to" the Son : and to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, * is now, and ever shall be : world without end. "A*-men. J. Weldon. ffasdja Rostrum itnmoi&tii* est Ctjristusu Adapted by A. H. Brown. //^^HRIST our passover is sacri- V^ ficed for us : therefore let us keep the feast ; mf 2 Not with the old leaven,* nor with the leaven of malice and wick-ed-ness : but with the unlea- vened bread of since-ri-ty and truth. ribi / /""^HRIST being raised from the v dead dieth no more : death hath no more domin-ion o-ver Him. ^-aSSlP^^^siP In Tenor. ^3 ^g^giie-si p 4 For in that He died,*- He died rfnto sin once : / but in that He lfveth, He lfv-eth un-to God. p 5 Likewise reckon ye also your- selves * to be d§ad indeed unto sin : / but alive unto G6d through Je-sus Christ our Lord. (FulZJff^HRIST is rfsen fro'm the V dead : and bec6me the ffrst-fruits^of them that slept. (Can.) p 7 For since by man came death : / by man came also the re- surre'c-tion of the dead. p 8 For as in Adam a*ll die : / even so in Christ shall all be made a-live. * F is preferred for ist Treble. / Glory be to the Father, and to^the Son : and t(5 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and ever shall be : world without £nd. *A*-men. * The above Anthems are set to Pelham Humphrey's Grand Cha:/t, which appears in one or other of the vocal parts throughout. |tesd)a jdostrum immoUtus est Ctjristus. * A. H. Brown. 10. -h-1 n-n^ziz Dr. E. G. Monk. /Y""**HRIST our Passover* is sacri- v^ ffced for us : therefore let us keep the feast ; mf2 Not with the old leaven,* nor with the leaven of malice and wick-ed-ness : but with the un- leavened br8ad of since'-ri-ty and truth. & Cor. v. 7 . /"/^HRIST being raised from the V^ dead dfeth no more : death hath n6 more domm-ion o-ver Him. p 4 For in that He died, * He di£d ilnto sin once : / but in that He lfveth, He lfv-eth un-to God. p 5 Likewise reckon ye also your- selves * to be d£ad indeed unto sin : /but alive unto G6d through J^-sus Christ our Lord. ~ Rom - vi - 9- ' (Full)fr^HKlST is rfsen frtfm the V dead : and become the ffrst-fruits^of them that slept. (Can.)p 7 For sfnee by man came death : f by man came also the resurre'e-tion of the^dead. p 8 For as in Adam 211 die : f even so in Christ shall a*ll be made a-live. C 1 Cor. xv. 20. /Glo-ry be to the Father, and to" the Son : and to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : world without €nd. A-men. * A. H. Brown. C Fisher. eum jutuoamus* 1 J. TURLE. 19. A; H. Brown. fYXTE pr^se The'e, O God : we VV ackn6wledge The'e to be the Lord. 2 All the e&rth doth wor-ship Thee : the F&ther^ev-er-last-ing. 3 To Thee all Angels cry a-loud : the Heavens, and e GOD and LORD ; 20 So are we forbidden by the C&tholick Religion : to say, There be thre'e GODS,"or three lords. Change. mf 21 The father is ma*depf none : neither created, no*r be-g*6t- ten. 22 The s6n is of the FA'-THER r a-lone : not made, nor created, but be-got-ten. 23 The holy ghost is of the father and 6i the SON : neither made, nor created, nor beg6tten, but pro-ceed-ing. (^UlLUIN^UK VULT. f 24 So there is one father, not three fathers ;* one s6n, not thre'e SONS : one HOLY GHoST, not thre'e HO-LY GHOSTS. tnf2$ And in this TRINITY * none is afore, or after 6*-ther : none is greater, or less than^an-oth-er ; 26 But the whole three persons are co-eternal toge-ther : and co-e- qual. 27 So that in all things, * as is afore-said : the UNITY in trinity,* and the trinity in Onity is to^be wor-ship-ped. 28 He therefore that will be sa-ved : must thtis thfnk of~the trin-i-ty. (Change to CJiant first used.) 29 Furthermore,* it is necessary to everlasting salva-tion : that he also believe rightly* the INCAR- NATION of our l6rd JE-SUS CHRIST. 30 For the right Faith is,* that w6 believe and~con-fess : that our LORD JESUS CHRIST, the SON of GOD, is GOD and MAN ; / 31 God, of the Substance of the the father, * begotten before the worlds:^ and Man, of the Substance of his M6ther, born in the world : f 32 Perfect g6d, and per-fect Man : of a reasonable soul and htiman tie's h sub-si's t-ing ; f 2,3 Equal to the father,* as touching His g6d-head : p and inferior to the Father, as touching His Man-hood. 34 Who, alth6ugh He be G6*d and Man : y§t He is not two, but one Christ ; 35 One ; * not by conversion of the g6dhead fn-to flesh : but by taking of the Ma*n-hood in-to GOD ; 36 One altogether ; * not by con- fusion of Sfib-stance : but by u-nity~ of Per-son. m f31 Fo r as the reasonable soul and flesh is one man : / so Gol> and Man is one CHRIST ; p 38 Who suffered for our salva- tion : descended into hell, * / rose again the third day from the dead. ff 39 He ascended into heaven,* He sitteth on the right hand of the father,* God Almfgh-ty : p from whence He shall come to jQdge the quick and the dead : 40 At whose coming* all men shall rise again with their bo-dies : and shall give account for'their own works. /41 And they that have done good*shall go into life everlSst-ing : p and they that have done evil into ev-er-last-ing fire. (Full)fqi This is the Ca-tholick faith : which except a man believe faithfully he ca*nnot be sav-ed. / Glory be to the father, a*nd to^the SON : tnd to* the HO-LY GHOST ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and ever shall be : w6rld without end. 'A'-men. 13 Or, The Song of the Blessed Virgin Mary.- 75. * W. Dyce. 76. -S. Luke, i. * A. H. Brown. mf TV/TY soul doth magnify the lVX Lord : and my spirit hath rej6iced in God my Sa- viour. 2 For HS hath regard-ed : the 16wliness of His hand-maid-en. 3 For behold, from hence-forth : / all generations shall call me bless-ed. 4 For He that is mighty hath : magniff-ed me : pp\ and hd-ly is ! His Name. p 5 And His mercy is on th£m that fear Him ; throughout all gene- rations. / 6 He hath sheVed strength j with^His arm : He hath scattered I Dr. T. S. Dt puis, the proud * in the imagination of their hearts. 7 He hath put down the mfghty fr(5m their seat : and hath exalted the hum-ble and meek. /8 He hath filled the hungry with good things : and the rich He hath sCnt emp-ty^a-way. 9 He remembering His mercy* hath holpen His servant Is-ra-el : as He promised to our forefathers,* Abraham and his s£ed, for ev-er. / Glory be to the Father, a*nd to^ the Son : and to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and £ver shall be : world without end. 'A-men. W. Hixe. * These F's must be Jj also when major. f It is suggested that these words be sun- slowly. 14 ountate oomtno.-psALM X cvm. 84. * L. J. TlRRELL. Dr. E. Ayrton / o SING unto the L6rd a new mar-vellous things. 2 With His own right hand, and with His h(5-ly arm : hath He gotten Himse'lf the vic-to-ry. mf 3 The Lord declared Hfs salva-tion : His righteousness hath He openly shewed in the sight oP the hea-then. 4 He hath remembered H is mercy and truth * toward the hofise of Is- ra-el : and all the ends of the world * have seen the salva*-tion^of our God. f 5 Shew yourselves joyful unto the L6rd, a*ll ye lands ; sfng, rejoice, and give thanks. p 6 Praise the Lord upon the harp : sing to the h&rp with a psa'lm oP thanks-giv-ing. f 7 With trumpets al-so,~and shawms : O shew yourselves joyful before the Lord the King. 8 Let the sea make a noise, * and all that the're-in is : the round world, and they that dwell there- in. 9 Let the floods clap their hands,* and let the hills be joyful together before the Lord : for H6 cdmeth to judge the earth. mf io With righteousness shall He judge the world : &nd the petf- ple^with e-qui-ty. / Glory be to the Father, and to n the Son : and to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and ever shall be : world without e'fid. "A'-men. H. PURCELL. J . i , , n tJ jflunc EHmittig; Or, The Song of Symeon.— S. Luke, ii. 29. * L. Barcroft. 92. * J. Barnby. 95. ; Rev. R. R. Chope. 1 -^- - £> gS >- -<&■-! 96. Bishop Med M 7 & ' gfe ?-' SSr1r ^ - L i g -?g- l -Sr-^ ■ -'4J1 rr ^nr nrp^ SI 1 i^i -gja i H 1 ^ *5 » P P^W F^ 1 ^ Gen-tiles : and to be the gl6ry of Thy p£o-ple Is-ra-el. / Glory be to the Father, and to n the Son : £nd to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and eVer shall be : w6rld without €nd. *A*-men. mf T ORD, * now lettest Thou J 4 Thy servant depart in peace : &cco*rd-ing^to Thy word. 2 For mine e'yes have seen : Thy sal-vS-tion. p 3 Which Th6u hast prepar-ed : before the face of^all peo-ple ; 4 To be a light to lfghten the * W. A. Blakeley. 98. 4- E. Wood. Oeus ittisereatur*-psALM kwi. * A. H. Brown. 103. * A. H. Brown. Jh rn II ~l^ l-^f— 1 104. R. Bellamy. if j ^ i ' — tt-^- — i — i — r — II 1 i ! , H i V i k g 1 ^ THF^rt^^B 1 1 1 ' I 1 1 1 ,1 , — ^ — ^-Hi^i^r [- [- — H — b -i - II -, -^ ^ ~ r- HI *J. Barney. \V. Lee. mf f~^ ODbe merciful unto us, and vJT bless us : and shew us the light of His countenance,* and be me'r-ciful un-to us : 2 That Thy way may be knoVn upon earth : Thy saving health among all na-tions. /3 Let the people praise Thee,^ O ^God : yea, let &11 the pSo-ple praise Thee. 4 O let the nations rejoice and^ be glad : for Thou shalt judge the folk righteously,* and g6vern the na-tions ^up-on earth. 107. T. Tallis. 5 Let the people prafse Thee,^0 God : yea, let all the p£o-ple praise Thee. p 6 Then shall the earth bring f6rth her fh-crease : and God, even our own God, shall give^us His bless-ing. 7 G6d shall bless us : and all the Snds of the world shall fear Him. / Glory be to the Father, a*nd to^ the Son : ind to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and ever shall be : w6rld without £nd, *A*-men. PlRCELL. 17 For Monotonic Recitation of the Psalms on Fast Days. * A. H. Brown. For Gloria Patri only m ,_ - » I* " r 1 • W -«s- o •^ * k * =J o " *1/4»>, THE PSALTER. -:o:- The First Day. Jttattins, Venite^ exultemus Domino. * W. A. Blakelky. 2. * G. Rowland. ff\ COME,* let us sing u*n-to" \J the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of our sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence wkh thanksgiV-ing : and sh§w our- selves gl£d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a gre^t God : and a grSat.Kfng above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners :: hed : EtGoc : : : :: :.he p : be EbrgGt-ten i I of the meek shall not pe*r-ish~for Er-er. / : U p. Lord,* and let not man -per hand : let the h&tthen be juag-ed^ill ddhv sight :: I T chem in fear, 6 L heathen may kndw them- :o be but men. [Psalm jo. Day 2.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm io. PSALM i o. Ut quid, Domine ? T. Kelway. 2. ■ ' ■}■■ 7* S. Atherstone. muss 'AA/ rHY standest Thousoffir VV off, O Lord : and hidest Thy face in the needful time of trou-ble ? 2 The ungodly for his own lust * doth persecute the poor : let them be taken in the crafty wiliness that the*y have ima-gin-ed. p 3 For the ungodly hath made boast of his 6wn heart's de-sire : and speaketh good of the cdvetous, whom G(5d ab-hor-reth. 4 The ungodly is so proud,*- that he caYeth ntft for God : neither is G6*d in all his thoughts. 5 His ways are alway grfe-vous : Thy judgments are far above out of his sight,* and therefore defi^th he a*ll his e-ne-mies. 6 For he hath said in his heart,* Tush, I shall never be ca*st down : there shall no harm happen un-to me. 7 His mouth is full of cftrsing, deceit, and fraud : under his tongue is ungodliness, and va-ni-ty. 8 He sitteth lurking in the thievish corners 6f the streets : and privily in his lurking dens doth he murder the innocent,* his eyes are set a-gainst the poor. 9 For he lieth waiting secretly,* even as a lion ltirketh he* in^his den : that he* may ra-visrAhe poor. io He doth ra'-vish ^ the ^ poor : when he getteth him fn-to his net. n He falleth dftwn, and hilm- bleth^him-self : that the congrega- tion of the poor may fall into the hands ofnis cap-tains. 12 He hath said in his heart,* Tush, G6d hath forgot-ten : He hideth away His face,* and HS will ne-ver see it. / 13 Arise, O Lord God,* and ltft dp Thine hand : f6rget not the poor. 14 Wherefore should the wfcked blaspheme God : while he doth say in his heart,* Tush, Th6u God ca*-rest~not for it. 1 5 Surely Thou hast se'en it : for Thou beholdest ung(jd-li-ness and wrong. ?nf 16 That Thou mayest take the matter fn-to n Thine hand : the poor committeth himself unto Thee,* for Thou art the helper 6*f the friend-less. 17 Break Thou the power of the ungodly and mali-cious : take away his ungodliness, and Thcai shalt fmd none. /18 The Lord is King for §ver and ev-er : and the heathen are perished out of the land. p 19 Lord,* Thou hast heard the desfre oPthe poor : Thou preparest their heart,* and Thine e&r htar- keneth there-to ; 20 To help the fatherless and poor un-to^their right : that the man of the earth be no more exiflt-ed against them. 10 Psalms ii, 12.] MATTINS. [Day 2. Psalm ii. In Domino confido. * A. H. Brown. 2. dfcfc * L. J. TURRELL. 7nf T N the Lord put I my trust : L how say ye then to my soul,* that she should fle^e as a bfrd un-to^the hill ? 2 For lo, the ungodly bend their bow,* and make ready their arrows withih the qifi-ver : that they may privily sh6ot at the*m which n are true of heart. 3 For the foundations will be c&st down : &nd wha*thath^the right-eous done ? p 4 The Lord is in His h61y tem- ple : the Lord's se'at is~m hea-ven. 5 His eyes consi-der^the poor : and His eyelids try the chil-dren^of men. 6 The Lord alloweth the righ- teous : but the ungodly,* and him that delighteth in wfckedness ddth His soul ab-hor. /7 Upon the ungodly He shall rain snares,* fire and brimstone,* storm and tem-pest : this shall be their por-tion^to drink. 8 For the righteous Lord loveth righ-teous-ness : His cOuntenance will behold the thing that^is just. dBbcnsonjj. Psalm 12. Salvum me fac. Dr. Greene. 2. * Rev. Sir F. A. Ouseley. d 2_ ■ ■ . i-ir— t— HrH- p T T ELP me, Lord,* for there LJl is not <*>ne g6*d-ly~man left : for the faithful are mfhished from amtfng the chil-dren^of men. 2 They talk of vanity * every one with his neigh-hour : they do but flatter with their lips,* and dissemble fn their dou-ble heart. 1 1 [3 The Day 2. ] 1. THE PSALTER. Dr. Greens. 2. ! J , I 1 [Psalms 12, 13. * Rev. Sir F, A. Ouseley. 4t-4- 3 The Lord shall root out £11 deceft-ful lips : and the t6ngue that spe'ak-eth proud things ; 4 Which have said, * With our t6ngue wfll we^pre-vail : we are they that ought to speak,* wh6 is I6rd o-ver us ? mfp 5 Now for the comfortless troubles' s&ke of the nSe-dy : and because of the d£ep sfgh-ing of the poor, /6 I will Op, safth the Lord : and will help every one from him that swelleth against him,* &nd will se"t him at rest. mfj The words of the L6rd are puYe words : even as the silver, which from the earth is tried, * and pflrified seVen times in the fire. 8 Th6u shalt ke*ep them, n O Lord : Thou shalt preserve him from thfs generation for ev-er. 9 The ungodly walk on eVery side : when they are exalted,* the children of me'n are put to^re-buke. Psalm 13. Usque quo, Domint? * L. J. TuRRBLL. 2. A. H. Brown. p TTOW long wilt Thou forget JTl me, O L6rd, for eVer : how 16ng wilt Thou hfde Thy face from me. 2 How long shall I seek counsel in my soul,* and be so vexed in my heart : how long shall mine Enemies trf-umph o-ver me ? 12 Psalms 13, 14. J EVENSONG. [Day 2. 3 Consider, and h6ar me, L6*rd my God : lighten mine eyes, that I sle*ep not in death. 4 Lest mine enemy say,* I have prevailed against him : for if I be cast down,* they that tr6uble me will rejoice at it. mf 5 But my trust is tn Thy m€r-cy : and my heart is j6yful in Thy sal-va-tion. 6 I will sing of the Lord,* because He hath dealt so 16vingly with me : yea, I will praise the NSme of the Lo*rd Most High-est. PSALM 14. Dixit insifiiens. TOMLINSON. 2. L. Barcroft. a*/" HP HE f6ol hath said inTiis X heart : There fs no God. 2 They are corrupt,* and become ab6minable in their d6-ings : there is none that d6eth good, no not one. 3 The Lord looked down from heaven upon the chfl-dren r of men : to see if there were any that would understand, and s€ek af-ter God. 4 But they are all gone out of the way,* they are altogether bec6me ab(5-mina-ble : there is none that doeth g6*od, no not one. 5 Their throat is an open sepulchre,* with their t6ngues have they deceiv-ed : the p6ison of a*sps is under their lips. 6 Their mouth is full of cfirsing and bft-ter-ness : their feet are swfft to shed blood. 7 Destruction and unhappiness is in their ways,* and the way of peace haVe they^not known : there is no fear of Gdd be-fore their eyes. p 8 Have they no knowledge, * that they are all such w6rkers of mfs-chief : eating up my people as it were bread, and call not upon the Lord ? 9 There were they brought in great fear,* even where no* fear was : for God is in the generation 6i the right-eous. 10 As for you,* ye have made a mock at the counsel 6i the poor : because he pfitteth his trust in the Lord. 7nf 1 1 Who shall give salvation unto Israel out of Sion ? * When the Lord turneth the captfVity of His peo-ple : then shall Jacob rejoice, and Il-rael shall be glad. Day 3.] THE PSALTER. [Venite. The Third Day. Venite, exult emus Domino. Dr. H. Aldrich. 2. I I f (~\ COME,* let us sing un-tcT \_) the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of ou*r sal-v'a- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shSw our- selves glad in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a gr6at King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners oT the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hi's al-so. 5 The sea is His, and He made it : and His hands prepar-ed^the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down : and kneel before the Lord our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the Lord our God : and we are the people of His pisture, and the sheep of His hand. m/Z To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden not your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers tempt-ed Me : pr6ved Me, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion, n and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. 11 Unto whom I sware in^My wrath : that they should not e*n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to n the Son : 3nd to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and ever shall be : world without end. 'A'-men 14 PSALMS 15, I O.J MAI JJJVX Psalm 15. Domine, quis habitabitf T. Tallis. 2. [DAY 3. L. J. TURRELL. * A. H. Brown. J. Foxe. psas mf T ORD,* who shall dwell in 1 v Thy taberna-cle : or who shall r6st uptfn Thy ho-ly hill ? 2 Even he, that l£adeth an un- corrupt life : and doeth the thing which is right,* and spSaketh the triith from his heart. 3 He that hath used no deceit in his tongue,* nor done evil to his neTgh-bour : and hcith not sla*n- dered^his neigh-bour. 4 He that setteth not by himself,* but is lowly in his own eyes : and maketh mtich of them that fear the Lord. 5 He that sweareth unto his neighbour, * and dfsappofnt-eth~ him not : though it were to his own hih-drance. 6 He that hath not given his money upon tf-su-ry : nor taken reward against the in-no-cent. (Full) mfy Whoso doeth these things : shall ne-ver fall. Psalm 16. Co7iserva me Domine. P. FUSSELL. 2. H. Wicks. p T)RESERVE me, O God : f6r JT in The'e have^I put my trust. 2 O my soul,* thou hast said un-to n the Lord : Thou art my God,* my goods are ntf-thing un-to Thee. 3 All my delight is upon the saints, that are fn the earth : and upon such as exce'l in \Tr-tue. 4 But they that run after another god : shall have great trou-ble. 5 [5 Their Day 3.] THE PSALTER. [Psalms 16, 17. P. FUSSELL * H. Wicks. 5 Their drink offerings of blood* will I not 6f-fer : neither make mention of their na*mes with-in my lips. 6 The Lord Himself is the portion of mine inheritance, and 6i my cup : Th6u sha*lt main- tain my lot. 7 The lot is fallen unto me" in a fair ground : ySa, I have a gdod-ly he-ri-tage. mf% I will thank the Lord for gfving me wSr-ning : my reins also chasten me fn the n night-sea-son. 9 I have set God always before me : for He is on my rfght hand the're-fore^I shall not fall. 10 Wherefore my heart was glad,* and my gl6ry rejoi-ced : my fl6sh al-so^shall rest in hope. 1 1 For why ? * Thou shalt not leave my soul in hell : neither shalt Thou suffer Thy Holy One to s£e cor-rup-tion. / 12 Thou shalt shew me the path of life ; * in Thy presence is the ful-ness°of joy : and at Thy right hand there is plda-sure^for e-ver- more. Psalm 17. Exaudi, Domine. J. Jones. 2. * A. H. Brown. mf TJ EAR the right, O Lord, * JLJL consider my com-plaint : and hearken unto my prayer,* that g6eth not ou*t of feign-ed lips. 2 Let my sentence come f6rth from Thy presence : and let Thine eyes look upon the thfng that^is e-qual. Psalms 17, 18. J MAJTIJW^. [DAY 3, 3 Thou hast proved and visited mine heart in the night-season;* Thou hast tried me, and shalt find no wickedness fh me : for I am utterly purposed that my mduth shall not of-fend. 4 Because of men's works, * that are d6ne against the wo*rds oPThy lips : I have kept me from the wiys (5f the^des-troy-er. 5 O hold Thou up my g6ings in Thy paths : thit my fo*ot-steps slip not. p 6 I have called upon Thee, O God, * for Thou shalt h€ar me : incline Thine ear to me, and heark-en unto my words. 7 Shew Thy marvellous loving- kindness,* Thou that art the Saviour of them which put their trtfst in Thee : from sfich as resist Thy right hand. 8 Keep me as the apple oY an eye : hide me Qnder the sha*-dow of Thy wings, 9 From the ung6dly that troVble me : mine enemies compass me round ab6ut to ta*ke a-way my soul. 10 They are inclosed in their 6*wn fat : and their mouth spe'ak-eth proud things. 11 They lie waiting in our way on £-very side : turning their eyes down to^the ground ; 12 Like as a lion that is greedy 6*f his prey : and as it were a lion's whelp,* ldrking in se'-cret pla-ces. f 13 Up, Lord,* disappoint him, andca*sthim down : deliver my soul from the ungodly,* whfch fs a sword of Thine ; 14 From the men of Thy hand, O Lord,* from the men, I say,* and fr6m the 6-vil world : which have their portion in this life,* whose bellies Thou ffllest with Thy hid trea-sure. 15 They have children at their de-sire : and leave the r8st of their sub-stance for their babes. ft 16 But as for me,* I will behold Thy prSsence in right-eous-ness : and when^ I awake up after Thy likeness,* I shall be satisfied w'ith it. Psalm 18. DiligamTe,Domine. Dr. B. Cooke. 2. Rev. T. Helmore. / T WILL love Thee, O Lord, my 1 strength ; * the Lord is my stony rock, and my de-fence : mf Saviour,* my God, and my might, in whom I will trust,* my buckler,* the horn also of my salvation, a*nd my re-fuge. 2 I will call upon the Lord,* which is w6rthy to be prals-ed : s6 shall I be safe from mine e-ne- mies. ft 3 The sorrows of death com- passed me : and the overflowings of ungodliness mSde me a-fraid. 17 [4 The Day 3.] THE PSALTER. 4 The pains of hell came ab6*ut me : the snares of dea*th over-took me. 5 In my trouble I will call updn the Lord : and complafh unto my God. m/6 So shall He hear my voice out of His holy t£m-ple : and my complaint shall come before Him,* it shall 8nter e-ven into His ears. fj The earth trembled and qUa-ked : the very foundations also of the hills shook, * and were removed, because He was wroth. 8 There went a smoke oQt in His pr€s-ence : and a consuming fire out of His mouth,* so that c6als were kin-died at it. 9 He bowed the heavens also, and came down : ind it was da*rk under His feet. 10 He rode upon the cherubims, [Psalm 18. a*nd did fly : He came flying upo*n the wings oPthe wind. p 11 He made darkness His se-cret place : His pavilion round about Him with dark water, * and thfck clouds to co-ver Him. /12 At the brightness of His presence * His cl6uds remo-ved : hail-stones, and coals of fire. ff\?) The Lord also thundered out of heaven, * and the Highest give His thun-der : h&il-stones, and coals of fire. f 14 He sent out His Arrows, and scattered them : He cast forth lfghtnin ,s, a*nd de-stroy-ed them. 1$ The springs of waters were seen,* and the foundations of the round world were discovered, at Thy chfd-ing,^0 Lord : at the blasting of the breath of Thy dis-plea-sure. Dr. E. G. Monk. ?nf 16 He shall send down from on hfgh to fetch me : and shall take me Out of ma*-ny wa-ters. 17 He shall deliver me from my strongest enemy,* and from th$m which hSte me : for they are t6o migh-ty for me. 18 They prevented me in the day of my trGu-ble : but the Lord was my up-hold-er. 19 He brought me forth also into a plice of lf-ber-ty : He brought me forth, * even because He had a fa*-vour un-to me. 20 The Lord shall reward me * after my rfghteous de*al-ing : ac- cording to the cleanness of my hinds shall He r£-com-pense me. 21 Because I have kept the wa*ys oFthe Lord : and have not for- saken my G<5d, as~the wick-ed doth. 22 For I have an eye unto a*ll His laws : and will not cast 6ut His comma*nd-ments from me. 23 I was also uncorrftpt before Him : and eschewed mine o\vn wick-ed-ness. Psalm 18.] EVENSONG. [Day 3. 24 Therefore shall the Lord reward me * after my righteous dea*l-ing : and according unto the cleanness of my ha*nds in^His eye- sight. p 25 With the holy * Th6u shalt be hG-ly : and with a perfect man Thtfu shalt^be per-fect. 26 With the cl£an Thdu shalt~be clean : and with the froward * Thou shalt le£rn fro-ward-ness. 27 For Thou shalt save the people that are in adveV-si-ty : and 1, Dr. B. Cooke. shalt bring d6wn the high looks of the proud. 28 Thou also shalt lfght my cSn-dle : the Lord my God shall m&ke my da*rk-ness to be light. 29 For in Thee I shall discomfit an host of^men : and with the help of my God* I shall leap o-ver~the wall. 30 The way of God is an undeffl-ed way : the word of the Lord also is tried in the fire ; * He is the defender of all thSm that put their trust in Him. * Rev. T. Helmore. mf 2,1 For wh6 is G6*d, but^the Lord : or wh6 hath any strength, ex-cept our God ? 32 It is God,* that gfrdeth me with strength of war : and maketh my wSy per-fect. 33 He maketh my f6et like hurts' feet : &nd se*tteth me up on high. 34 He te&cheth mine ha*nds to fight : and mine arms shall brSak even a bow of steel. 35 Thou hast given me the defence of Thy salva-tion : Thy right hand also shall hold me up,* and Thy 16ving correction shall make me great. 36 Thou shalt make room enough Qnder me fo*r to go : th&t my foot- steps shall not slide. yj I will follow upon mine enemies, * and overtake them : neither will I turn ag&in till I haVe de-stroy-ed them. 38 I will smite them,* that they shall n6t be a*ble to stand : but fall under my feet. 39 Thou hast girded me with strength * unto the b&Vtle : Thou shalt thr6w down mine e^ne-mies un-der me. 40 Thou hast made mine enemies also * to ttirn their ba*cks upon me : and I shall destroy the*m that hate me. 41 They shall cry,* but there shall be n6ne to help them : yea,* even unto the Lord shall they cry, but He* shalPnot hear them. 42 I will beat them as small as the dfist before the wind : I will cast them 6ut as the clay in the streets. 43 Thou shalt deliver me from the strfvings of the peo-ple : and Thou shalt m£ke me the h^ad oPthe hea-then. 19 [44 A Day 3.] THE PSALTER. [Ps. 18, Venite. * Rev. T. Helmore. 44 A people whom I have not known : shall serve me. 45 As soon as they hear of me,* they shall ob£y me : but the strange children shall disse'm-ble with me. 46 The strange chfl-dren^shall fail : and be afraid tfut oFtheir pri-sons. ff^y The Lord liveth, * and blessed be my str6ng heTp-er : and praised be the G6dof my sal-va-tion. 48 A Even the God That seeth that I be av€n-ged : and subdfteth the pe'o-ple un-to me. /49 It is He that delivereth me from my cruel enemies,* and setteth me up ab6ve mine a*d-versa-ries : Thou shalt rid me fr<5m the wick-ed man. 50 For this cause will I give thanks unto Thee, O Lord,* among the Ge*n-tiles : and sing prafs-es unto Thy Name. 51 Great prosperity gfveth He u*n-to n His King : and sheweth loving-kindness unto David His 1 Anointed, * and Unto his se'ed for ! ev-er-more. T/he Fourth Day. Venite, exultemus Domino. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. 2- * A. H. Brown. is-* 1 r u.',i r ^ ^mm 1 1 Venite, Ps. 19.] MATTINS. Day 4. ff\ COME,* let us sfhg tfn-t(T V/ the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of our sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiv-ing : and shSw our- selves glad in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a gr£at Kfng above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the c6rners 6i the earth : and the strength of the h? lis is His al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He ma*de it : and His Mnds prepaY-ed^the dry land. )6 O come, * let us w6rship, and fall down : and kn6el before the L6rd our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the Lo*rd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the sh6ep of Hi's hand Psalm 19. * A. H. Brown mfZ To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden ndt your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te*mpt-ed Me : pr6ved M6, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hSarts, for they have not known My ways. 11 Unto wh6m I swdre in^My wrath : that they sh6uld not en-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to~the Son : &nd to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6\v, and eVer shall be : world without end. 'A'-men. Coeli enarrant. 2. 1 L. J. TlRRELL. /HP H E heavens declare the glo*-ry^ JL of God : and the firmament sheVeth His han-dy work. 2 One day telleth an6*-ther : and one night cSrtifTeth an-o-ther. 3 There is neither speech nor lSn-guage : but their voices are heaYd a-m*dng them. 4 Their sound is gone out into all lands : and their w6rds into the ends of the world. 5 In them hath He set a taber- nacle fo*r the sun : which cometh forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber,* and rej6iceth as a giant to run his course. 6 It goeth forth from the utter- most part of the heaven, * and runneth about unto the end 6f it^ a-gain : and there is nothing hid from^the heat there-of. m/y The law of the Lord is an undefiled liw, converting the soul : the testimony of the Lord is sure,* and giveth wfsdom ifn-to~the sam- ple. [8 The Day 4.] 1. THE PSALTER. 1 A. H. Brown. [Psalms 19, 20. * L. J. TURRBLL. 8 The statutes of the Lord are right, and rejoice the heart : the commandment of the Lord is pure,* and glveth light un-to^the eyes. 9 The fear of the Lord is clean,* and endfireth for e^-er : the judg- ments of the Lord are true,* and righteous a*l-to-ge-ther. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, * ySa, than much fme gold : sweeter also than h6ney, and the hon-ey-comb. 11 Moreover, by tMm is Thy seVvant taught : and in kSeping of them the're is great re-ward. p 12 Who can tell how 6ft he ofre'nd-eth : O cleanse Thou me frcjm my se-cret faults. 13 Keep Thy servant also from presumptuous sins,* lest they get the domfhion d-ver me : so shall I be undefiled,* and fnnocent fro*m the great of-fence. 14 Let the words of my mouth,* and the meditation 6i my heart : be alway accept - able in Thy sight, A/ . 15 O Lord : my strength, and my Re-deem-er. Psalm 20. ExaudiatTcDominus. * A. H. Brown. 2. * A. H. Brown. BTFiTTq gf Fpa ^^g^ g m/ r T^HE Lord hear thee in the JL day of trou-ble : the Name of the God of Ja*-cob defend thee ; 2 Send thee h61p from the sa*nc- tua-ry : and strengthen thee oift of ST- on ; 22 Psalms 20, 21.] MA TTINS. [Day 4. 3 Remember £11 thy 6*f-fer- ings : and accept thy bfirnt sacri- fice ; 4 Gr&nt thee thy heart's de-sire : £nd fulfTl all thy mind. /5 We will rejoice in Thy salva- tion,* and triumph in the Ncime of the Lo*rd our God : the L6rd perform all thy peti-tions. p 6 Now know I, that the Lord helpeth His Anointed,* and will hSar him from His hd-ly heaven : even with the wh61esome strength of His right hand. / 7 Some put their trust in chariots, * and some in hor-ses : but we will remember the Na*me oFthe Lord our God. p 8 They are brought d6wn, and fal-len :/but we are rfsen, and stSnd up-right. p 9 Save, Lord, * and h8ar us, O King of heaven : wh£n we call up-on Thee. Psalm 21. Domine, in virtute Tua. w. Lee. 2. R, Bellamy. /HP HE King shall rejoice in Thy X strength, O Lord : exceeding glad shall he b6 of Thy sal-va-tion. 2 Thou hast given him his heart's de-sire : and hast not denfed him the request of his lips. mf 3 For Thou shalt prevent him with the blessings of good-ness : and shalt set a crown of pure go*ld up-on his head. 4 He asked life of Thee,* and Thou gavest him a I6"ng life : even for eVer^and ev-er. /5 His honour is great in Thy salva*-tion : glory and great wOrship shalt Thou la*y up-on him. 6 For Thou shalt give him ever- lasting felf-ci-ty : and make him glad with the jo*y oFThy coun-te-nance. mfj And why?* because the King pGtteth his trifst in^the Lord : and in the mercy of the Most Highest * h8 shall no*t mis-car-ry. /8 All Thine enemies shall fe'el Thy hand : Thy right hand shall ffnd out the'm that hate Thee. 9 Thou shalt make them like a fiery oven in tfme oFThy wrath : the Lord shall destroy them in His displeasure, * and the ffre shall consume them. 10 Their fruit shalt Thou r6ot 6*ut oPthe earth : and their seed from amdng the chil-dren n of men. 1 1 For they intended mfschief aga*inst Thee : and imagined such a device * as they are not i-ble to per-form. 12 Therefore shalt Thou pift them^to flight : and the strings of Thy bow shalt Thou make ready agafnst the face of them. /13 Be Thou exalted, L6rd, in Thine own strength : so will we I sfng, and praise Thy power. 23 Day 4.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 22. Psalm 22. Deus, Deus vieus. * A. Neville. 2. H. PURCELL. (Minor.) ^ ]\/[Y God, my God,* look upon 1V1 me ; * why hast Th6u forsa*-ken me: and art so far from my health, * and fr6m the wtfrds of my com-plaint ? 2 O my God, I cry in the day- time,* but Th6u he'ar-est not : and in the night-season a'l-so'"! take no rest. A mf 3 And Thou contfhuest h6-ly : O Thou wor-ship^of Is-ra-el. 4 Our fathers htf-ped^in Thee : they trusted in ThSe, and Tho*u didst deli-ver them. 5 They called upon ThSe, and were hol-pen : they put their trust in ThSe, and were not con-folind-ed. p 6 But as for me,* I am a w6rm, and no man : a very scorn of men,* and the otit-cast 6i the peo-ple. 7 All they that see me laugh mc n to scorn : they shoot out their lips,* and shake their heads, say-ing, tnfZ He trusted in God, * that He would delf-ver him : let Him deliver him, if He^will have him. 9 But Thou art He that took me 6ut of my mouther's womb : Thou wast my hope,* when I hanged y£t upo*n my mo-ther's breasts. io I have been left unto Thee §ver since Pwas born : Thou art my G6d even fro*m my mo-ther's womb. ft ii O go not from mc, * for trouble is ha*rd at hand : and there is n<5ne to help me. 12 Many 6xen are come about me : fat bulls of Basan close me in on e-very side. 1 3 They gape upon me wfth their mouths : as it were a ramping and a ro*ar-ing li-on. 14 I am poured out like water,* and all my bOnes are out of joint : my heart also in the midst of my b6dy is eVen like melt-ing wax. 15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd,* and my tongue cleaveth to* my gums : and Thou shalt bring me fn-to^the dust of death. 16 For many dogs are ci5me about me : and the council of the wicked l&yeth siege a-gainst me. 17 They pierced my hands and my feet,* I may t£ll all my bones : they stand storing and ldok-ing upon me. 1 8 They part my garments among them : and cast lots upo*n my ves- ture. pp 19 But be not Thou faYfrtfrn me,^0 Lord : Thou art my succour, ha*ste Thee^to help me. 24 Psalms 22, 23.] EVENSONG. [Day 4. 20 Deliver my stful froirTthe sword : my darling from the poV-er of the dog. 21 S&ve me from the lf-on's mouth : Thou hast heard me also from am6ng the htfrns oPthe u-ni-corns. (Major.) f 22 I will declare Thy Name finto my breth-ren : in the midst of the congregation wfll I praise Thee. 23 O praise the Lord, * ye that fear Him : magnify Him, all ye of the seed of Jacob,* and fear Him, all ye s£ed of Is-ra-el ; 24 For He hath not despised,* nor abhorred, the low estate oPthe poor : He hath not hid His face from him,* but when he called unto Him He heard him. 25 My praise is of Thee* in the gr6at congregS-tion : my vows will I perform in the sight of the'm that fear Him. mf 26 The poor shall e&t, and be sa*-tis-fied : they that seek after the Lord shall praise Him ;* your he&rt shall live for e-ver. 27 All the ends of the world shall remember themselves, * and be tftrned un-to^the Lord : and all the kindreds of the nations shall wor- ship before Him. 28 For the kingdom fs the Lord's : and He is the G6vernour amo'ng the peo-ple. 29 All such as be fat upon earth : have eat-en, n and wor-ship-ped. 30 All they that go down into the dust * shall kneel before Him : and no man hath qufck-ened^his own soul. 31 My seed shall serve Him : they shall be counted unto the L6rd for a ge'-ne-ra-tion. 32 They shall come,* and the heavens shall declare His rfgh- teous-ness : unto a people that shall be born, who'm the Lord hath made. PSALM 23. Domi?ius regit me. * J. Barnby. 2. A. H. Brown. mf r 1 ^HE Lord is my shep-herd : X therefore can I lack no - thing. 2 He shall feed me in a green pSs-ture : and lead me forth beside the wa-ters^of com-fort. 3 H§ shall convert my soul : and bring me forth in the paths of righteousness, i6r His Name's sake. 4 Yea,* though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,* I will fear no e-vil : for Thou art with me ; * Thy rod and Thy staft com-fort me. 5 Thou shalt prepare a table before me* against th, Domine, speravi. 1* A. H. Brown. 2 D. PURCELL. Psalm 31.] MATTINS. [Day 6. w/TN Thee, O L6rd, have I ptft JL my trust : let me never be put to confusion,* deliver me fn Thy right-eous-ness. p 2 Bow d6wn Thine ea*r to me : m&ke ha*ste to deli-ver me. 3 And be Thou my strong nfck, and htfuse of ^de-fence : that Th<5u mayest save me. 4 For Thou art my strong r6ck, and my cas-tle : be Thou also my guide,* and 18ad me f(5r Thy Name's sake. 5 Draw me out of the net,* that they have laid privily for me : f6r Th6u art my strength. 6 Into Thy hands I command my srji-rit : for Thou hast redSemed me, O Lord, Thou God of truth. 7 I have hated them that hold of superstitttious va-ni-ties : &nd my trust hath been in^the Lord. mf% I will be glad, and rejofce in Thy me"r-cy : for Thou hast con- sidered my trouble,* and hast kn6wn my sdul in"ad-ver-si-ties. 9 Thou hast not shut me up * into the hand of the 6-ne-my : but hast s6t my feet in^a large room. p 10 Have A mercy upon me, O Lord, * for I am in tr6u-ble : and mine eye is consumed for very heaviness ; * y6a, my so*ul and^my bb'-dy. 1 1 For my life is waxen 61d with he'a-vi-ness : and my y£ars with mourn-ing. 12 My strength faileth me, * because of mine inf-qui-ty : Snd my bdnes are consum-ed. 13 I became a reproof among all mine enemies, * but especially among my ne'igh-bours : and they of mine acquaintance were afraid of me ; * and they that did see me without conveyed themselves from me. 14 I am clean forgotten,* as a d$ad man 0*ut of mind : I am became like a brd-ken ves-sel. 15 For I have heard the blas- phemy of the miil-ti-tude : and fear is on every side, * while they con- spire together against me, * and take their c6unsel to ta*ke a-way my life. 16 But my hope hath been in The'e, O Lord : I have said, Thou art my God. 17 My time is in Thy hand;* deliver me from the hind of mine e'-ne-mies : ind from the'm that per-secute me. 18 Shew Thy servant the light of Thy co*un-te-nance : and save me fo*r Thy mer-cy's sake. 19 Let me not be confounded, O Lord, * for I have called up6n Thee : let the ungodly be put to confusion, * and be put to si-lence in the grave. 20 Let the lying lips be pfit to sT-lence : which cruelly, disdainfully, and despitefully,* sp6ak agafnst the right-eous. mf 21 O how plentiful is Thy goodness,* which Thou hast laid up for th6m that fear Thee : and that Thou hast prepared for them that put their trust in Thee,* 6ven before the sons of men ! p 22 Thou shalt hide them privily by Thine own presence * from the provoking of all men : Thou shalt keep them secretly in Thy taber- nacle fr<5m the strife of tongues. 7)1/22, Thanks b£ to^the Lord : for He hath shewed me marvellous great kfhdness in a string ci-ty. p 24 And whSn I made ha*ste, I said : I am cast 6ut of the sfght of Thine eyes. 25 Nevertheless,* Thou heardest the vofce oPmy prayer : when I cri-ed un-to Thee. v if 26 O love the L6rd, all y£ His saints : for the Lord preserveth them that are faithful,* and plente- ously rewaYdeth the proud doer. (Full) 7)2/27 Be strong,* and H6 shall establish your heart : all ye that put your trust in^the Lord. 35 Day 6.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 32. dEbensottg. Psalm 32. Beati, quorum, * Sir G. Elvey. 2. J . ! I . ..-ndtt J. Heywood. w/" T) LESSED is he whose un- J3 righteousness is for-given : and wh6se sfn is co-ver-ed. 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the L6rd imptf-teth^no sin : &nd in whose spirit there is no guile. ft 3 For whtle I he'ld my tongue : my bones consumed aw&y through my dai-ly compla'in-ing. 4 For Thy hand is heavy up6n me da*y and night : and my moisture is Itke the draught in slim-mer. 5 I will ackn6wledge my sin unto Thee : and mine unrighteous- ness haVe I not hid. 6 I said,* I will confess my sins u*n - to^the Lord : and so Thou forgavest the wick-edness of my sin. 7 For this shall every one that is godly make his prayer unto Thee,* in a time when Thou ma*yest be found : but in the great waterfloods* th£y shall ndt come nigh him. 8 Thou art a place to hide me in, * Thou shalt preserve me from tr6*u-ble : Thou shalt compass me ab6ut with sc5ngs of deli-ver-ance. m/g I will inform thee, * and teach thee in the^ way wherein thou r shalt go : and I will guide thee with Mine eye. io Be ye not like to horse and mule, * which have n6 understand- ing : whose mouths must be held with bit and bridle,* 16st they fa*ll up-6n thee. 1 1 Great plagues remain for the ung6"d-ly : but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord,* mercy embr&ceth him on ev-ery side. f 12 Be glad, O ye righteous, and rejofce in^the Lord : and be j6yful, all y6 that r are true of heart. 36 Psalm 33.] 1. EVENSONG. Psalm 33. Exultate^justi. * Sir G. Elvey. 2. [Day 6. 1 E. W. T. Graves. / T} EJOICE in the L6rd, ye ±V rfgh-teous : for it becometh well the jtfst to^be thank-ful. 2 Praise the Ltfrd with harp : sing praises unto Him with the lfite, and fn-strument oFten strings. 3 Sfng unto the Lo*rd a^new song : sing praises lustily unto Hfm with a good cou-rage. 4 For the word of the L(5rd is true : and all His wo*rks are faith-ful. 5 He loveth r%hteousness and judg-ment : the earth is full of the g<5od-ness of the Lord. mf6 By the word of rhe L6rd were the heVvens made : and all the hosts of thSm by the breath of H"s mouth. 7 He gathereth the waters of the sea together, * as it w6re uprfn an heap : and layeth up the deep, a*s in^a trea-sure house. p 8 Let ill the earth fear the Lord : stand in awe of Him, * all ye* that dwell in n the world. m/g For He spike, a*nd it^was done : He commanded, and it stood fast. io The Lord bringeth the counsel of the he*a-then r to nought : and maketh the devices of the people to be of none effect,* and casteth 6ut the coifn-sels^of prih-ces. 1 1 The counsel of the Lord shall endure for eVer : and the thoughts of His heart from generation to ge*-ne-ra-tion. / 12 Blessed are the people,* whose God is the L6rd JehS-VAH : and blessed are the folk, that He hath chosen to Him to be* His inhe-ri-tance. mf 13 The Lord looked down from heaven,* and beheld all the chfl-dren^of men : from the habita- tion of His dwelling He considereth all the'm that dwell on^the earth. 14 He fashioneth ill the hearts of them : and ftnderstand-eth all their works. 15 There is no king that can be saved by the multitude oT an host : neither is any mighty man deli- vered^by much strength. 16 A horse is counted but a viin thing to save a man : neither shall he deliver any man by his great strength. p 17 Behold, * the eye of the Lord is upon the'm that fear Him : and upon them that ptit their tnlst in^His mer-cy ; 18 To delfver their so\il from death : and to f£ed them fn the time of dearth. 19 Our soul hath patiently tar- ried fo*r the Lord : for H6 is our help and our shield. mf 20 For our heart shall rejoice in Him : because we have hoped in His ho-ly Name. p 21 Let Thy merciful kindness, O LSrd, be upon us : like as we do pift our trust in Thee. 37 [PSALM 34. Psalm 34.] THE PSALTER. [Day 6. Psalm 34. Benedicam Domino. * Dr. E.G. Monk. 2. L. Barcroft. / I WILL alway give thinks i!n-t(Ahe Lord : His praise shall Sver be* in my mouth. 2 My soul shall make her bdast in^the Lord : the humble shall h£ar there6f, and be glad. 3 O praise the Lo*rd with me : and let us magnify His Name to-ge-ther. mf '4 I sought the L6rd, and He h€ard me : yea, * He delfVered me orft of all my fear. 5 They had an eye unto Hfm, and were lfght-en-ed : and their fSces were ndt a-sham-ed. 6 Lo, the poor crieth,* and the Lord he'ar-eth him : yea, * and saveth him out of a*ll his trou-bles. 7 The angel of the Lord* tarrieth round about th6m that fear Him : and de-li-vereth them. p 8 O taste, and see, * how gracious the L6rd is : blessed is the ma*n that trust-eth^in Him. 9 O fear the Lord, * y£ that a*re His saints : for they that fear Hfm lack no-thing. mf io The lions do lack, and stiffer htin-ger : but they who seek the Lord * shall want no manner of thing that is good. p ii Come, ye children, * and h6arken un-to me : I will teach you the fear of the Lord. 12 What man is he that Mst-eth^ to live : &nd would fafn see good days ? 13 Keep thy tCngue from e-vil : &nd thy lfps, that^they speak no guile. 14 Eschew 6vil, and do* good : sSek pea*ce, and^en-siie it. mf 1 5 The eyes of the Lord are 6ver the rfgh-teous : and His ears are d-pen unto their prayers. 16 The countenance of the Lord is against them that do e'-vil : to root out the remembrance 6i them from the earth. 17 The righteous cry,* and the L6rd he'ar-eth them : and delivereth them 6ut of a*ll their trou-bles. 18 The Lord is nigh unto them that &re of a cdn-trite heart : and will save such as b§ of an hu*m-ble spi-rit. 19 Great are the tr6ubles of the rfgh-teous : but the Lord delfvereth hfm out of all. 20 He kSepeth a*ll his bones : so that not 6ne of the*m is bro-ken. 21 But misfortune shall sl&y the ung6'd-ly : and they* that hate the righteous sha*ll be de-so-late. 22 The Lord delivereth the s6uls of His se*r-vants : and all they that put their trust in Hfrn shall no*t be des-ti-tute. 38 Day 7.] MA TTINS. [Venite. The Seventh Day. Venite^ exultemus Domino. * L. Barcroft. 2. * A. H. Brown. ff\ COME,* let us sfng un-to n V_y the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of our sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiv-ing : and shew our- selves glad in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a gre*at God : and a gr6at Kfng above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6i the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hinds prepaVed^the dry land. ^60 come, * let us worship, and fall down : and kneel before the L6rd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the Ldrd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden ndt your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te*mpt-ed Me : proved M6, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. 11 Unto wh6m I swdVe in^My wrath : that they sh6uld not en-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to'the Son : 3nd to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and e*ver shall be : w6rld without end. "A'-men. 39 [Psalm 35. Day 7.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 35. id: Psalm 35. Judica^ Domine. T. Tallis. 2. 4- *L. J. Tlrrell. rrr 1 I A ^ H ^f^fff ili L-^-J. j.a4. p T)LEAD Thou my cause, O JT Lord,* with th6m that strive with me : and fight Thou against thSm that ffght a-gaihst me. 2 Lay hand upon the shield and bfick-ler : and st&nd u*p to help me. mf 3 Bring forth the spear,* and stop the way against thSm that^pe'r- secute me : say unto my soul,* I am thy sal-va-tion. 4 Let them be confounded, and put to shame,* that s6ek a?-ter^my soul : let them be turned back, and brought to confusion,* that imagine mfs-chief for me. 5 Let them be as the dtist before the wind : and the ingel of the L6*rd scat-tering them. 6 Let their way be d&rk and slfp-pe-ry : and let the Sngel of the Lord per-secute them. 7 For they have privily laid their net to destrOy me withdut a cause : yea, even without a cause have they m&de a pft for my soul. 8 Let a sudden destruction come upon him unawares,* and his net, that he hath laid prfVily, ca*tch him-self : that he may fall into his 6*wn mis-chief. fg And, my soul,* be j6yful fn the Lord : it shall rej6ice in Hfs sal-va-tion. 10 All my bones shall say,* Lord who is like unto Thee,* Who de- li verest the poor from hun that is too string for him : yea, the poor, and him that is in mfsery, from hfm that spoil-eth him? p 1 1 False witnesses did rfse up : they laid to my charge thfngs that" I knew not. 12 They rewarded me e'-vil^for good : to the gr£at disco*m-fort of my soul. 13 Nevertheless,* when they were sick, I put on sackcloth,* and humbled my s6ul with fast-ing : and my prayer shall turn into mine dwn bb-som. 14 I behaved myself as though it had been my frfend, or my bro-ther : I went heavily,*as one that m6urneth fo*r his mo-ther. mf 15 But in my adversity they rejoiced,* and gathered themselves together : yea, the very abjects came together against me una- wares,* making m6uths a*t me, r and ceas-ed not. 16 With the flatterers were btisy m6*ck-ers : who gnashed upo*n me with their teeth. p 17 Lord, * howl6ng wilt Thou ltfok upon this : O deliver my soul from the calamities which they bring on me,* and my d&rling fr<5m the lV-ons. 40 Psalms 35, 36.] MATT INS. [Day 7. 18 So will I give Thee thanks,* in the gr£at congregS-tion : I will praise Thee am(5ng much peo-ple. 19 O let not them that are mine enemies* triumph over me ung6*d-ly : neither let them wink with their eyes that ha*te me without a cause. 20 And why?* their communing is no*t for peace : but they imagine deceitful words against th£m that are qm-et in the land. 21 They gaped up6n me with their mduths, and said : Fie on thee,* ffe on thee, we sa*w it with our eyes. mf 22 Thfs Thou hast se*en, O Lord : hold not Thy tongue then,* go not fa*r from me, O Lord. /23 Awake,* and stand up to jfldge my qdar-rel : avenge Thou my cSuse, my GoM, and my Lord. mf2\ Judge me, O Lord my God,* according to Thy rfgh-teous- ness : and 16t them not trf-umph o-ver me. 25 Let them not say in their hearts,* There,* there,* s6 would we haVe it : neither let them s&y, We* have devour-ed him. 26 Let them be put to confusion and shame together,* that rej6ice at my tr6*u-ble : let them be clothed with rebuke and dishonour,* that b6ast themselves a-gamst me. 27 Let them be glad and rejoice,* that favour my rfghteous d€al-ing : yea, let them say alway, /Blessed be the Lord,* Who hath pleasure in the prosperity 6i His ser-vant. 28 And as for my tongue,* it shall be talking of Thy rfgh-teous-ness ; and of Thy praise all the day long. PSALM 36. Dixit injustus. C. Gibbons. me the mf TV /T Y heart sheweth 1V1 wickedness of the ungod- ly : that there is no f£ar of G<5d be -fore his eyes. 2 For he flattereth himsSlf in his 6wn sight : until his ab6minable sfn be found out. 3 The words of his mouth are unrighteous, and full oPde-ceit : he hath left off to behave himself wfsely, a*nd to do good. 4 He imagineth mischief upon his bed,* and hath set himsSlt in no* good way : neither doth he abhor £ny thing th^t is e-vil. f 5 Thy mercy, O Lord,* r6acheth iin-to^the heavens : &nd Thy faith- fulness unto the clouds. 6 Thy righteousness standeth like the str6ng m6*un-tains : Thy judgments are like the great deep. 7 Thou, Lord, shalt save both man and beast ;* How Excellent is Thy meVcy/^O God : and the children of men shall put their trust finder the sha*-dow of Thy wings. 41 [8 They Day 7.] THE PSALTER. [Psalms 36, 37. * A. H. Brown. C. Gibbons. 8 They shall be satisfied with the plenteousness 6f Thy house : and Thou shalt give them drink of Thy pleasures, as otft oPthe rT-ver. 9 For with Th6e is the well of life : and in Thy lfght shalPwe see light. p 10 O continue forth Thy loving- kindness* unto th£m that know Thee : and Thy righteousness (into the'm that^are true of heart. 11 O let not the foot of pride cdme against me : and let not the hind of the ungtfd-ly cast me down. 12 There are they fallen,* ill that work wick-ed-ness : they are cast d6wn, and shall ndt be a-ble" to stand. Psalm yj. Noli cernulari. * A. H. Brown. 2. W. Byrde. mf T^RET not thyself because of X the ungod-ly : neither be thou envious against the e-vil doers. 2 For they shall soon be cut do*wn like^the grass : and be withered e*ven as^the green herb. 3 Put thou thy trust in the L6rd, and be doling good : dwell in the land,* and verily thou shalt be fed. 4 De%ht tho\i uAhe Lord : and He shall give thee^thy heart's de- sire. 5 Commit thy way unto the Lord,* and pQt thy trust in Him : and He* shall bring it^to pass. 6 He shall make thy righteous- ness as cMar as^the light : and thy just dealing a*s the noon-day. 42 j: 3--\l,-u J /.J ■^i V *->Wl V K.T. L ^A1 /. p 7 Hold thee still in the Lord,* and abide patiently up6n Him : but grieve not thyself at him, whose way doth prosper,* against the man that doeth alter £-vil coun-sels. 8 Leave off from wrath, * and let g6 disple'a-sure : fret not thyself,* else shalt thou be moVed to^do e-vil. 9 Wicked d6ers shall be rdot-ed out : and they that patiently abide the Lord, those shairin-herit the land. io Yet a little while,* and the ungodly shall be clean gone : thou shalt look after his pl&ce, and he shall be a-way. ii But the meek-spfrited shall possess the earth : and shall be refreshed in the mul-ti-tude of peace. 12 The ungodly seeketh counsel agafnst the just : and gnasheth uptfn him with his teeth. /13 The Lord shall la\igh nin^T to scorn : for He hath s6en that his cay is com-ing. 14 The ungodly have drawn out the sword, and have b£nt their bow : to cast down the poor and needy,* and to slay such as &re of a right conver-sa-tion. 15 Their sword shall gd through their own heart : &nd their b<5w shalPbe brok-en. p 16 A small thing that the right- eous hath : is better than great rxhes 6i the n un-god-ly. 17 For the arms of the ung6dly shall be bro-ken : and the Lord uphdld-ettAhe right-eous. / 18 The Lord knoweth the d&ys of the god-ly : and their inheritance shall endure for e-ver. 19 They shall not be confounded in the pe'-rilous time : and in the days of dearth they shall have e-nough. 20 As for the ungodly, they shall perish, * and the enemies of the Lord shall consfime as the fa*t of lambs : yea, even as the sm6ke, shall the'y con-sume a-way. mf 21 The ungodly borroweth, and p&yeth ndt a-gain : but the righteous is mSrciful, and li-be-ral. 22 Such as are blessed of God shall possess the land : and they that are cfirsed of Hfm shalPbe root-ed out. p 23 The Lord 6rdereth a gtfod man's going : and maketh his w3y acce'pt-able to Him-self. 24 Though he fall,* he shall nCt be ca*st a-way : for the L6rd uph6*ld- ettThim with His hand. 25 I have been young, and n6\v am old : and yet saw I never the righteous forsaken, * nor his s£ed beg-ging their bread. 26 The righteous is ever merciful, and l€nd-eth : tnd his s£ed is bless-ed. m/2j Flee from evil,* and dd the thfng that^is good : &nd dw&l for e-ver-more. 28 For the Lord 16veth the thing that^is right : He forsaketh not His that be godly,* but th£y are preserv-edTor e-ver. 29 The unrighteous shall be piin- ish-ed : as for the seed of the ungodly, ft shalPbe root-ed out. 30 The righteous shall inherit the land : and dwSll therein for e-ver. p 31 The mouth of the righteous is exercised in wis-dom : and his tongue will be talk-ing~of judg- ment. 32 The law of his God is in his heart : and his goMngs shall not slide. 33 The ungodly seeth the righ- teous : and seeketh occa*-sion~to slay him. 34 The Lord will not leave him fn his hand : nor condemn him whe'n he^is judg-ed. 35 Hope thou in the Lord, and keep His way, * and He shall promote thee, * that thou shalt possess the land : when the un- godly shall parish, thdu shalt see it. 42 ["//36 I Day 8.] THE PSALTER. * A. H. Brown. 2. [PS. 2>7, Venite W. Byrde. mf 36 I myself have seen the ung6dly in gre*at power : and nourishing lfke a^green bay-tree. 27 I went by, and 1<5, he^was gone : I s6ught him, but his pla*ce could nowhere be found. p 38 Keep innocency,* and take h£ed unto the thfng that^is right : for that shall bring a man p€ace at the last. 39 As for the transgressors,* they shall parish together : and the end of the ungodly is,* they shall be rtfot - ed out at * the last. mf 40 But the salvation of the righteous c6meth 6i the Lord : Who is also their strength in the time of trou-ble. 41 And the Lord shall stand by them, and saVe them : He shall deliver them from the ungodly, and shall save them,* because they pu*t their trust in Him. The Eighth Day. JEattms. Venite. exultemus Domino. * A. H. Brown. Venite, Ps. 38.] MATT INS. [DayS / r\ COME,* let us sing un-to" \_J the Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the strength of oifr sal- va-tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shew our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a gr§at King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6i the earth : and the strength of the hf lis is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He mSde it : and His h&nds prepaY-ed^the dry land. p €> O come,* let us w6rship, and fall down : and kn6el before the Lo*rd our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the Ltfrd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of Hi's hand. m/8 To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden ntft your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation m the wil-der- ness; 9 When your fathers le'mpt-ed Me : proved M£, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long * was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. 1 1 Unto wh6m I swa*re in^My wrath : that they sh6uld not e'n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to~ the Son : &nd to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : w6rld without £nd. *A"-men. Psalm 38. Domz'ne, ne in furore. * A. H. Brown. 2. * Dr. C. S. Heap. p T)UT me not to rebuke, O JT L6rd, in Thine an-ger : neither chasten me in Thy heVvy" dis-plea-sure. 2 For Thine arrows stick fast in me : and Thy hand pre'ss-eth me sore. 3 There is no health in my flesh,* because of Thy displea-sure : neither is there any rest in my bones, by re'a-son of my sin. pp 4 For my wickednesses are j6ne 6*-ver n my head : and are like a sore bfirden, too he'a-vy^for me to bear. 5 My wounds stfnk, and a*re cor-rupt : thftfugh my fool-ish-ness. 6 I am brought into so great trouble and mf-se-ry : that I go mourning a*ll the day long. 7 For my loins are filled with a s<5re dis-ease : and there is n6 whole pa*rt in^my bo-dy. 8 I am feeble, and sore snfit-ten : I have roared for the vSry disquf- etness of my heart. 45 [fi 9 Lord, Day 8.] THE PSALTER. Psalms 38, 39. k A. H. Brown. p 9 Lord, Thou kn6west a*ll my^ de-sire : and my groaning fs not hid from Thee. 10 My heart panteth, * my strength hath fail-ed me : and the s%ht of mine e*yes is gone from me. 1 1 My lovers and my neighbours * did stand looking up6n my trou-ble : and my kfnsmen sto*od a-far off. 12 They also that sought after my ltfe laid snaVes for me : and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickedness,* and imagined deceit a*ll the day long. 13 As for me,* I was like a d£af man, and h£ard not : and as one that is dumb, who d(5th not open his mouth. 14 I became even as a m - •&- Sfe &=ffH istist- 1 ^FiJg: * Chan. u se m ^ £ ?&m? m? ^ A. H. Brown. 4. Rev. T. Helmore. tnfWJ~& have heard with our VV ears, O God,* our fathers have to'ld us : what Th6u hast do'ne irAheir time of old ; 2 How Thou hast driven out the heathen with Thy h&nd, and pla*nt- ed^them in : how Thou hast des- troyed the nci-tions^and cast them out. 3 For they gat not the land in possSssion through their 6*wn sword : neither was it their 6wn a*rm that help-ed them ; 4 But Thy right hand, and Thine arm,* and the light of Thy co*un-te- nance : because Thou hadst a fa- vour un-to them. / 5 Th6u art my King, O God : sSnd h&p unto Ja-cqJD. 6 Through Thee will we Over- throw our e'-ne-mies : and in Thy Name will we tread them finder, that rise up against us. 7 For I will n6t trtfst in^my bow : itisnotmysword that^shallhelp me ; 8 But it is Thou that savest us from our e'-ne-mies : and puttest th£m to confii-sion^that hate us. 9 We make our boast of God a*ll day long ; and will praise Thy Na*me for e-ver. p 10 But now Thou art far off,* and puttest us to confu-sion : and g6est not fo*rth with°our ar-mies. ii Thou makest us to turn our b&cks upon our e'-ne-mies : so that th£y which ha*te us spoil our goods. 12 Thou lettest us be e&ten up like sheep : and hast scattered us amo*ng the hea-then. 1 3 Thou sellest Thy pe*o-ple^for nought : and t&kest no mo*-ney for them. 14 Thou makest us to be rebftked of our neTgh-bours : to be laughed to scorn,* and had in derision of them that are rtfund a-bout us. 1 5 Thou makest us to be a by- word am6ng the he*a-then : and that the people sha'ke their he'ads at us. 16 My confusion is daily before me : and tjie sh&me of my fa*ce hath co-vered me ; 17 For the voice of" the slanderer and blasphemer : for the Snemy a*nd a-ven-ger. mf 18 And though all this be come upon us,* yet do we not for- get Thee : nor behave ourselves frdwardly fn Thy co-ve-nant. 19 Our hSart is not tu*rn-ed back : neither our ste*ps gone out^of Thy way; 20 No,* not when Thou hast smitten us into the plSce of dra% gons : and covered us with the shadow of death. 52 2 1 If we have forgotten the Name of our God,* and holden up our h&nds to any strange god : shall not God search it out ?* for He knoweth the vSry se'-crets of the heart. p 22 For Thy sake also are we killed a*ll the'May long : and are counted as sheep appoint-ed to be slain. fi^ Up, Lord, \v T hy sle'ep-est Thou : awake,* and be not absent frc5m us^for e-ver. p 24 Wherefore htdest Tho*u thy face : and forgettest our mf-sery~ and trou-ble? 25 For our soul is brought low,* 6ven un-to^the dust : our belly cleav-eth un-to^the ground. mf 26 Arise, and help us : and delfver us for Thy mer-cy's sake. Psalm 45. Eructavit cor meum, * E. Edwards. 2. m f 1\/T^ neart * s inditing of a iVl g6od mSt-ter : I speak of the thfngs which I have mSde un- tcAhe King. 2 My tongue is^the pen : 6f a rea-dy wri-ter. 3 Thou art fafrer than the chil- dren^of men : full of grace are Thy lips,* because God hath blessed Th£e for e-ver. /4 Gird Thee with thy sword upon Thy thigh,* O Th6u Most Mfgh-ty : acc6rding to Thy wor- ship and re-nown. 5 Good luck have Th6u with Thine ho-nour : ride on, because of the word of truth,* of meekness, and righteousness,* and Thy right h£nd shall tea*ch Thee ter-rible things. 6 Thy arrows are very sharp,* and the people shall be subdued ifn-to Thee : even in the midst amdng the Km^s e-ne-mies. 7 Thy seat, O God,* endureth for ev-er : the sceptre of Thy kfng- dom is a right scep-tre. 8 Thou hast loved righteousness,* and hited inf-qui-ty : wherefore God, even Thy God,* hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness aboVe Thy Tel-lows. p 9 All Thy garments smell of myrrh, * aloes, and caVsi-a : out of the ivory palaces, whereby they^ have made Thee glad. io Kings' daughters were among Thy honourable wo-men : upon Thy right hand did stand the queen in a vesture of gold,* wrought ab6ut with di-vers co-lours. ii Hearken, O daughter,* and consider, inclme thine ear : forget also thine own people, a*nd thy fa-ther's house. 12 So shall the King have plea- sure in thy beau-ty : for He is thy Lord G6d, and wdr-ship thou Him. 53 [13 And E. Edwards. 2. L-rbALMb 45, 40. W. Russell. 13 And the daughter of Tyre shall be the're with^a gift : like as the rich also among the people * shall make their sfipplica*-tion before Thee. /14 The King's daughter is all glo'-rious'Vith-in : her clothing is of wrought gold. 1 5 She shall be brought unto the King in raiment of ne'e-die work : the virgins that be her fellows shall bear her company,* cind shall be brought un-to Thee. 16 With joy and gladness shall the'y be brought : and shall enter mto the Kflig's pa-lace. 17 Instead of thy fathers* th6u shalt have chTl-dren : whom thou mayest make prm-ces n in all lands. 18 I will remember Thy Name* from one generation to anG-ther : therefore shall the people give thanks unto Thee, world with-out end. Psalm 46. Deus noster refugium. W. A. Blakeley. = L1. ■ mff~^ OD is our hope and strength : VJT a very present he'lp in trou-ble . 2 Therefore will we not fear,* though the e&rth be mo-ved : and though the hills be carried in-to^the midst of^the sea. / 3 Though the waters thereof rage and swell : and though the mountains sh&ke at the te'm-pest of the same. p 4 The rivers of the flood there- of shall make gl&d the ci-ty^of God : the holy place of the tabernacle of the M6st High-est. 54 .raALivia 4U, 4/. J ivisi i i yivo. L-LJAY y 5 God is in the midst of her,* therefore shall she not be remo-ved : God shall help her, and tha*t right ear-ly. mf 6 The heathen make much ado, * and the kingdoms are mov- ed : but God hath shewed His voice, and the earth shall melt a- way. (Full)f 7 The Lord of H6sts is wTth us : the God of Jacob is our re-fuge. (Dec.) m/S O come hither, and beh61d the w<5rks oFthe Lord : what destruction He hath brought up-on the earth. 9 He maketh wars to cease in all the world : He breaketh the bow. and knappeth the spear in sunder,* and burneth the cha*-riots in the tire p io Be still then,* and know that V am God : I will be^exalted among the heathen,* and I will be . exalt-ed in the earth. (Full)f 1 1 The Lord of HOsts is with us : the God of Jacob is our re-fuge. (Evensong* Psalm 47. Omnes gentes, plaudite. * A. H. Brown. 2. J. Battishill. .JU f f~\ CLAP your hands together* W Sll ye peo-ple : O sing unto G6d with the voice of me-lo-dy. 7iif 2 For the Lord is hfgh and to be fear-ed : He is the great Kfng upon all the earth. 3 He shall subdue the people ifn-der us : &nd the nations under our feet. 4 He shall choose out an heritage for us : even the worship of JScob, who'm He lov-ed. f 5 God is gone up with a meVry noise : and the Lord with the sound of the trump. 6 O sing praises,* sing prafses rfn-to^our God : O sing praises, sing prafs-es un-to^our King. 7 For God is the Kfng of a*ll the earth : sing ye praises with un-der- stand-ing. 8 God reigneth over the hea- then : God sltteth upo'n His ho-ly seat. 9 The princes of the people * are joined unto the people of the God of A-bra-ham : for God, Which is very high exalted,* doth defend the earth, a*s^it were with a shield. 55 [Psalm 48. Psalm 48. Magnus Do7ninus. * S. Atherstone. [PSALMS 4S, 49. *A. H. Brown. g |d \ ™\\ B \^^3rh ^ ff* RE AT is the Lord,* and hfghly VJT to be pra'is-ed : in the city of our God,* even upo*n His ho-ly hill. mf 2 The hill of Sion is a fair place, * and the joy of the whole earth : upon the north-side lieth the city of the great King ;* God is well known in her palaces as a stfre re-fuge. 3 For 16, the kings ofthe earth : are gathered, and gone by to-ge-ther. 4 They mirvelled to se'e such things : they were ast6nished, and sifd-denly cast down. p 5 Fear came there up6n them, and s6*r-row : as upon a w6man fn her tra-vail. 6 Thou shalt br€ak the shfps of the sea : thrdrfgh the east-wind. 7 Like as we have heard, * so have we seen in the city of the Lord of Hosts,* in the city 6*f our God : God upholdeth the same for ev-er. mf 8 We wait for Thy loving- kfnd-ness, n O God : fh the mfdst oP Thy tem-ple. 9 O God, according to Thy Name,* so is Thy prafse unto the world's end : Thy right hind is fifll of righ-teous-ness. f ro Let the mount Sion rejoice,* and the daughter of Ju*-darTbe glad: b£ca\ise oPThy j'udg-ments. 1 1 Walk about Sion, * and go round about her : &nd te'll the towers there-of. 12 Mark well her bulwarks,* s6t up her hous-es : that ye may t£ll the'm thaPcome af-ter. (Full) f 13 For this God is our God* for 6ver and e"v-er : He shall b£ our guide un-to death. Psalm 49. Auditt Jiac, omnes. *Dr. E. G. Monk. 2. W. Lee. =„^fc fe SfPN ^^g ™ j*v rt^rt Psalm 49.] EVENSONG. [Day 9. ?nf o HEAR ye this,* £11 ye people : ponder it with your ears,* all y£ that dwe"ll in the world ; 2 High and 16 w, rich and poor : 6ne with an-o-ther. 3 My mouth shall spSak of wis- dom : and my heart shall mQse of ifn-der-stand-ing. 4 I will incline mine ear to the pa'-ra-ble ; and sh8w my dark speech up-on the harp. p 5 Wherefore should I fear in the days of wick-ed-ness : and when the wickedness of my heels c6m- passeth me round a-bout ? 6 There be some that put their trilst in^their goods : and boast themselves in the multitude 6i their rich-es. 7 But no man may delfver his br6-ther : nor make agreement u*n-to God for him ; 8 For it cost more to redeem their souls : so that he must let that al<5ne for e-ver ; 9 YSa, though he live long : £nd se*e not the grave. 10 For he seeth that wise men also die,* and perish toge-ther : as well as the ignorant and foolish,* and 16ave their rich-es'Yor o-ther. mf 1 1 And yet they think * that their houses shall contfhue for ev-er : and that their dwelling-places shall endure from one generation to another ;* and call the lands a'f-ter'" their own names. 12 Nevertheless,* man will not abide in ho-nour : seeing he may be compared unto the beasts that pSrish ; thfs is~the way of them. 13 Thfs is their fdol-ish-ness : and their posterity prafse their say-ing. 14 They lie in the hell like sheep,* death gnaweth upon them,* and the righteous shall have domination over them in the morn-ing : their beauty shall consume in the sepul- chre out oftheir dwell-ing. 15 But God hath delivered my soul from the pla*ce of hell : for He* shalPre-ceiVe me. / 16 Be not thou afraid,* though one be made rich : or if the gl6ry of his htfuse be increas-ed ; 17 For he shall cany nothing away with him when he df-eth : neither shall his pGmp fol-low him. 18 For while he lived, * he counted himself an ha'p-py man : and so long as thou doest well unto thyself,* men will sp€ak good of thee. 19 He shall follow the generation of his fa-thers : ind shall n£-ver s*ee light. 20 Man being in honour * hath no understand-ing : but is compared Unto the beasts that pe-rish. 57 Day io.] THE PSALTER. [VfcNITE. The Tenth Day. JEattins* Venite^ exultemus Domino. * C. Burnett. 2. P. Fussell. f C\ COME,* let us sing un-to" V_y the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of ou*r sal-va- tion. 2 Let us ccme before His presence with thanksgfV-ing : and sh6w our- selves glad in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a gr£at Kfng above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners of the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hi's al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hands prepar-ed^the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down : and kneel before the Lord our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the Lord our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of Hi's hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden not your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers tempt-ed Me : proved Me, and saw My works. io Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera-tion,°and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. II Unto whom I swa*re in^My wrath : that they shduld not en-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to~the Son : &nd to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and ever shall be : world without end. *A"-men. 58 rSALM 50. j MSi 1 1 YiVO. UAY. 1U. Psalm 50. Dens deortim. T. Kelway. 2. J'. Tallin mf r I 'HE Lord,* even the most JL mighty God, hath sp6*-ken : and called the world, * from the rising up of the sun,* Unto the goMng down there-of. 2 Out of Sion hath G6d appear- ed : m per-fect beau-ty. /3 Our God shall come,* and shall n6t keep si-lence : there shall go before Him a consuming fire,* and a mighty tempest shall be stfrred up ro*und a-bout Him. 4 He shall call the heaven fro'm a-bove : and the earth, that He may jrfdge His peo-ple. 5 Gather My saints together rfn-to Me : those that have made a cCvenant with Me ^ with sa-cri- fice. 6 And the heaven shall declare His rfgh-teous-ness : f6r G6d is Judge Him-self. , p J Hear, O my people, and I will speak : I myself will testify against thee, O Israel;* for I am Gtfd, even thy God. 8 I will not reprove thee because of thy sacrifices,* or for thy btirnt- rff-fer-ings : because they were not ai-way before Me. 9 1 will take no bullock ou*t oF thine house : n6r he'-goat out oP thy folds. 10 For all the beasts of the fo'-resFare Mine : and so are the cattle upo*n a thou-sand hills. 1 1 I know all the f6wls upon the m6*un-tains : and the wild blasts of the fie'ld are in My sight. 12 If I be hungry,* I will not tell thee : for the whole world is Mfne, and a*ll that is there-in. A 13 Thinkest thou that I will eat bulls' flesh : &nd drink the blood of goats ? 14 Offer unto G6d thanksgiv-ing : and pay thy vows unto the Most Hi*gh-est. 1 5 And call upon Me in the tfme of trou-ble : so I will hSar thee, and tho'u shalt praise Me. mf 16 But unto the ungodly said God : Why dost thou preach My laws,* and takest My covenant in thy mouth ; 17 Whereas thou h&test to be reform-ed : and hast cast My words be-hihd thee ? 18 When thou sawest a thief,* thou consentedst u*n-to him : and hast been partaker with the^a-dul- te-rers. 19 Thou hast let thy m6uth speak wick-ed-ness : and with thy tongue thou hast set forth de-ceit. 20 Thou satest, and spakest against thy bro-ther : yea, and hast slandered thine own mo-ther's son. 59 [^21 These J-/AY 1U. j. no, r^^ti^i nit. T. Kelway. 2. [r^ALxMs 50, 51. T. Tallis. ft 21 These things hast thou done, and I held My tongue, * and thou thoughtest wickedly, that I am even such a one a*s thy-self : but I will reprove thee,* and set before thee the thfngs that thou hast done. 22 O consider this, * y6 that forg€t God : lest I pluck you away,* and th^re be no*ne to^de-li-ver you. /23 Whoso offereth Me thanks and prafse, he ho'-noureth Me : and to him that ordereth his conversa- tion rf^ht will I sheV the^sal-va- tion^of God. Psalm 51. Miserere mei, Deus. J. Wkldon. 2. * B. St. J. B. Joule. p T T AVE mercy upon me, O jl\ God,* after Th£ great good- ness : according to the multitude of Thy mercies * d6 awa*y mine^of- fen-ces. ft ft 2 Wash me throughly from my wfck-ed-ness : and cle*anse me from myosin. 3 For I acknoV-ledge^my faults : and my sin is eVer be-fore me. 4 Against Thee only have I sinned,* and done this eVil in Thy sight : that Thou mightest be justified in Thy saying,* and clSar whe'n Thou^art judg-ed. 5 Behold, I was sh&pen in wfck- ed-ness : and in sin hath my m6- ther A con-ceiv-ed me. ft 6 But lo,* Thou requirest truth in the fn-ward parts : and shalt make me to understand wfs-dom se-cret-ly. 60 Psalms 51, 52.] MATTINS. [Day 10. 7 Thou sjialt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clgan : Thou shalt wash me,* and I shall be whf-ter than snow. 8 Thou shalt make me hear of j6y and gla'd-ness : that the b6nes which Thou hast brolc-en may re-joice. 9 Ttirn Thy fa*ce from^my sins : and pQt out all my mis-deeds. 10 Make me a clean heart, O God : and renew a rfght spfrit with-m me. 1 1 Cast me not away from Thy pres-ence : and take not Thy h61y Spf-rit from me. 1 2 O give me the c6mfort of Thy help a-gain : and stablish me with Thy fre'e Spl-rit. mf 12, Then shall I teach Thy w&ys unto the wfck-ed : and sfhners shall be convert-ed un-to Thee. ^14 Deliver me from blood- guiltiness, O God,* Thou that &rt the GoM oflny health : and my t6ngue shall sing oPThy right-eous- ness. mfi$ Thou shalt 6pen my lfps, O Lord : and my mouth shall shew Thy praise. 16 For Thou desirest no sacri- fice,* else would I give it Thee : but Thou delightest n6t in bfirnt- of-fer-ings. p 17 The sacrifice of God is a troubled spi-rit : a broken and contrite heart, O G6d, shalt Thou not de-spise. ?nf 1 8 O be favourable and gra- cious unto Sf-on : build Thou the walls of^Je-ru-sa-lem. 19 Then shalt Thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness,* with the burnt-6rTerings and obla- tions : then shall they # . offer young bullocks updn Thine Al-tar. Psalm 52. Quid gloriaris f T. Kelway. 2. * A. H. Brown. m f\\ THY boastest thou thyself, VV thou ty-rant : that th6u canst do mi's-chief ; 2 Whereas the gdod-ness^of God : 6ndu*r-etrTyet dai-ly ? 3 Thy tongue imagineth wick- edness : and with lies thou cuttest If ke a sha*rp ra-zor. 4 Thou hast loved unrighteous- ness more than good-ness : and to talk of lfes moire than righteous- ness. 5 Thou hast loved to sp%a,k all w6rds that may do* hurt : O thou false tongue. J 6 Therefore shall God destrdy thee for ev-er : He shall take thee, and pluck thee out of thy dwelling,* and root thee ofit of the la*nd oflhe liv-ing. 61 [7 ////"The Day i o.J 1. THE PSALTER. T. Kelway. 2. [Psalms 52, 53. * A. H. Brown. mf 7 The righteous also shall see tliis, and fear : &nd shall lSugh him to scorn ; 8 Lo, this is the man that t6ok not G<5d for^his strength : but trusted unto the multitude of his riches,* and strengthened himself 'n his wick-ed-ness. p 9 As for me,* I am like a green olive-tree in the hotfse of God : my trust is in the tender mercy of G6d for e*v-er^and ev-er. /io I will always give thanks unto ThSe for tha*t Thou^hast done : and I will hope in Thy N&me, for Thy saints like it well. enscm0* Psalms 53, 54. T. Tallis. 2. * G. Seymour. Psalm $3. Dixit insipicns. //z/HTHE foolish b6dy hath safd L in^his heart : Th8re fs no God. 2 Corrupt are they,* and become ab6minable in their wfck-ed-ness : :h£re is no*ne that do-eth good. The Tenor o/thlsC ha tit is the melody of N 0.3, p. 75. 3 God looked down from heaven upon the chfl-dren^of men : to see if there were any, that would under- stand, and seek af-ter God. P 4 But they are all gone out of the way, * they are altogether became abo*-mina-ble : there is also none that doeth good, no not one. Psalms 53, 54, 55-J EVENSONG. [Day 10. 5 Are not they without under- standing * that work wfck-ed-ness : eating up my people as if they would eat bread ? * they h&ve not call-ed upon God. ! 6 They were afraid where no* fear was : for God hath broken the bones of him that besieged thee ;* thou hast put them to confusion,* because Go*d hath despis-ed them. i f 7 Oh^that the salvation were given unto Israel out of S£ on : Oh, that the Lord would deliver His people 6*ut oFcap-ti-vi-ty ! 8 Then should Ja*-cob^re-joice : and Israel sho'uld be right glad. Psalm 54. fS J Deus. in nomine. AVE me, O G6d, for Thy Nome's sake : 5nd avenge me in Thy strength. 2 Hear my pra*yer, O God : and hearken unto the wo*rds of my mouth. 3 For strangers are risen tip a- gafhst me : and tyrants, which have not God before their eyes, se*ek after my soul. mf 4 Behold, God is my help-er : the Lord is with the'm that~up-hold my soul. 5 He shall reward evil (into mine e*-ne-mies : destr6y Thou the'm in Thy truth. 6 An offering of a free heart will I give Thee,* and praise Thy Na*me, O Lord : because it is so com-forta-ble. 7 For He hath delivered me out of 511 my trou-ble : and mine eye hath seen his desire up6*n mine e-ne-mies. Psalm 55. Exaudi, Deus. M. Wise. I T_T EAR my pnCyer, O God : JTT and hide not Thyself from m^ pe-ti-tion. 2 Take heed unto mS, and hear me : how I mourn in my prayer, £nd am vex-ed. 3 The enemy crieth so,* and the ungodly c6meth on so fast : for they are minded to do me some mischief,* so maliciously are they 5e*t a-gaihst me. pp 4 My heart is disqGieted with- in me : and the fear of d£ath is fa*ll-en upon me. ^5 Fearfulness and trembling are come upon me : and an horrible dr§ad hath (5-ver-whelm-ed me. mf6 And I said,* O that I had wfngs Hke^a dove : for then would I Me awa*y, and be at rest. p 7 Lo, then would I g£t me awa*y far off: and rema'n in~the wil-der-ness. 63 [8 I Day io.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 55. R. Farrant M. Wise. 8 I would malteha*ste tcTes-cape : because of the st6rmy wind and tem-pest. / 9 Destroy their tongues, O L6rd, and divide them : for I have spied unrighteousness and strffe in^the ci-ty. mf 10 Day and night they go about withm the walls there-of : mischief also and sorrow are fn the midst of it. 1 1 Wfckedness isthere-in : deceit and guile g6 not orit of their streets. ft 12 For it is not an open enemy, * that hath done me thfs dishonour : for th6n I colild have borne it. 13 Neither was it mine adver- sary,* that did magnify himself against me : for then peradven- ture * I would have htd myself from him. 14. But it was even th6u, my compS-nion : my guide, and mine o\vn fa-mi-liar friend. 1 5 We took sweet c6unsel toge- ther : and walked in the ho*use of God astfriends. mf 16 Let death come hastily upon them,* and let them go down quick into hell : for wickedness is in their dwellings, a*nd a-mong them. p 17 As for m6, I will call upon God : &nd the Ldrd shall save me. 18 In the evening, and morning, and at noon-day will I pr&y, and that fn-stant-ly : &nd He* shall hear my voice. 19 It is He that hath delivered my soul in peace * from the battle that was agafhst me : f6r there were ma*-ny with me. 20 Yea, even God, that endureth for ever,* shall hear me, and bring them down : for they will not turn, nor fear God. 21 He laid his hands upon such as b£ at pea*ce with him : alid he bralce his co-ve-nant. 22 The words of his mouth were softer than butter,* having wa*r in^ his heart : his words were smoother than oil,* and y6t be they ve-ry swords. fip 23 O cast thy burden upon the Lord,* and H6 shall no\ir-ish thee : and shall not suffer the rfghteous^to fall for ev-er. mfi^ And a*s for them : Thou, O God,* shalt bring them fnto the pft of destriic-tion. 25 The blood-thirsty and deceit- ful men * shall not live out half their days : nevertheless,* my trQst shall be* in Thee, O Lord. 64 Venite.] MATTINS. [Day ii. "The Eleventh Day. Venite^ exulte?nus Domino. * Dr. C. S. Heap. 2. C. Fisher. V^ the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of ou*r sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shew our- selves glad in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a great King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6i the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hi's al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hSnds prepar-ed^the dry land. ^6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down : and kn£el before the Lord our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the Lord our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. E mfZ To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden not your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers tempt-ed Me : proved Me, and saw My works. io Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. II Unto wh6m I swaVe in^My wrath : that they should not £n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to^the Son : Snd to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : world without e'nd. 'A'-men. 65 [Psalm 56. Day n.j THE PSALTER. [Psalms 56, 57. PSLAM 56. Miserere mei, Deus. H. Purcell. 2. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. mf BE merciful unto me, O ( God,* for man goeth about to devour me : he is daily fight-ing,^ and troubl-ing me. 2 Mine enemies are daily in hand to swallow me up : for they be many that fight against me, Thou Most High-est. i 3 Nevertheless,* though I, am sume-time n a-fraid : yet put I my trust in Thee. mf 4 I will praise God, because oPHis word : I have put my trust in God,* and will not f£ar what fle'sh can do unto me. ft 5 They da'ily mistake my words : all that they imagine is todo*mee-vil. 6 They hold all together, and k£ep themselves close landmark my steps,*when they lay wait for my soul. 7/1/7 Shall they escape for their wick-ed-ness : Thou, O God,* fh Thy disple'a-sure^shalt cast them down. ft 8 Thou tellest my flittings ;* put my tears fnto Thy bot-tle : are not these things noVed in Thy book? 9 Whensoever I call upon Thee,* then shall mine Enemies be put to flight : this I know ; for Go*d is^on my side. , f 10 In God's word will I re-joice : in the Lord's word will I com-fortme. 11 Yea, in G6d have I put my trust : I will not be afraid what ma'n can do unto me. 12 Unto Thee, O God, will I pa*y my vows : (into Thee wilPl give thanks. 13 For Thou hast delivered my soul from death,* and my feet from fal-ling : that I may walk before God in the light oPthe liV-ing. Psalm 57. Miserere mei, Deus. i A. H. Brown. gipilSpteii j2. .+^ The Twelfth Day. ittatttns. Venite exultemus, Domino. *F. RUSHBROOKE. 2. EfcS O. COVERDALE. L. Barcroft. ff~\ COME,* let us smo V>/ the Lord un-to let us heartily re- joice in the strength of our sa'l-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shew our- selves glad in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a great King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6i the earth •: and the strength of the hills is His al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hands prepar-ed^the dry land. )6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kneel before the Lord our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the L6*rd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheen of His hand. vi/Z To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden not your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : proved M£, and saw My works. io Forty years long* was I grieved with this genera-tion,~and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. 1 1 Unto wh6m I sware in~My wrath : that they should not en-te'r into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and tcAhe Son : and to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,:-: is now, and ever shall be : world without end. W-mcn. 71 [Psalm 62. Day 12.] THE PSALTER. Nonne Deo j 2. Psalms 62, 63. J. HlNDLE. ?///* TV /f Y soul frilly waiteth still upon God : for of Him c6meth my sal-va-tion. 2 ¥±2 verily is my strength and my salva-tion : He is my defence,* s6 that I sha*ll not great-ly fall. 3 How long will ye imagine mischief against £-very man : ye shall be slain all the sort of you ;* yea, as a tottering wall shall ye b£, and like a bro-ken hedge. 4 Their device is only how to put hfrn out whom GoM wilPex-alt : their delight is in lies,* they give good words with their m6uth, but cGrse with their heart. p 5 Nevertheless, my soul,* wait thou still upon God : f6r my hGpe is in Him. m/6 He truly is my strength and my salva-tion : He is my defence, s<5 that~I shall not fall. fj In God is my health, and my glo-ry : the jock of my might, and in G<5d is my trust. mfZ O put your trust in Him alway, ye peo-ple : pour out your hearts before Him, for Go*d is our hope. 9 As for the children of men, th8y are but va*-ni-ty : the children of men are deceitful upon the weights, * they are altogether lighter than va*-ni-ty it-self. 10 O trust not in wrong and robbery,* give not yourselves unto Vci-ni-ty : if riches increase,* s6t not your he'art up-on them. 1 1 God spake once,* and twice I have &lso he'ard the same : that power belo*ng-eth un-to God ; 12 And that Thou, L6rd, art me*r-ci-ful : for Thou rewardest Svery man acco*rd-ing to his work. Psalm 63. Deus, Deus metis. D. PirRCEL?.. 2. * J. Barney. i^SiilS m w f=^ 72 Psalms 63, 64.] MATTINS. [Day 12. mf r\ GOD,* Th6u art my God : \J early will I seek Thee. 2 My soul thirsteth for Thee,* my flesh also longeth af-ter Thee : in a barren and dry land where no wa-ter is. 3 Thus have I looked for Thee in hoMi-ness : that I might beh61d Thy po\ver and glo-ry. 4 For Thy loving-kindness is bStter than the life it-self : my lfps shall praise Thee. 5 As long as I live will I magnify Thee on this man-ner : and ltft up my ha*nds in Thy Name. 6 My soul shall be satisfied,* even as it were with marrow and fat-ness : when my mouth praiseth The*e with joy-ful lips. Psalm 64. * C. Gardner 7 Have I not remembered Thee in my bed : and thought upon Th6e whe*n I~was wak-ing ? 8 Because Thou hast been my he*lp-er : therefore under the shadow of Thy wings will I re-joice. 9 My soul hangeth upon Thee : Thyright ha*nd hatrPup-hold-en me. 10 These also that seek the hifrt of '"my soul : they shall go under the earth. 11 Let them fall upon the e'dge oPthe sword : that they may be a por-tion^for fox-es. 12 But the King shall rejoice in God ; * all they also that swear by Hfrn shall be comme'nd-ed : for the mouth of them that spSak lies shalP be stop-ped. Exaudi Deus. 2. • * E. Wood. mf TJ EAR my voice, O God, in il my prayer : preserve my life from fe*ar oPthe e-ne-my. 2 Hide me from the gathering together of the fro- ward : and from the fnsurre'ction of wick-ed doers ; 3 Who have whet their tdngue like^a sword : and shoot out their arrows, eVen bit-ter words ; 4 That they may privily shoot at hfrn that is per-fect : suddenly do they hit him and fear not. 5 They encourage themselves in mfs-chief : and commune among themselves how they may lay snares,* and say, that no* man^shall see them. 6 They imagine wfekedness, and prac-tise it : that they keep secret among themselves, * every man in the d^ep of his heart. f 7 But God shall suddenly shoot at them * with a swift Sr-row : that the'y shalPbe wound-ed. 8 Yea, their own tongues shall nutke them fall : insomuch that whoso s6eth them shall laugh them to scorn. 9 And all men that see it shall say,* Thfs hath God done : for they shall percefve that^it is His work. 10 The righteous shall rejoice in the Lord,* and pGt his trrfst in Him : and all they that are true of heart shall be glad. 73 Day 12.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 65 Ctoeiisong* Psalm 65. Te decet hymnus. * S. Atherstone, /"HPHOU, O God,* art praised in JL S£on : and unto Thee shall the vow be performed in Je-ru-sa- lem. fii Thou that he'ar-est^the prayer: (into The'e shall all flesh come. 3 Tvjy misdeeds prevail against me : O be Thou mer-ciful unto our sins. 4 Blessed is the man, whom Thou choosest,* and receivest ifn-to Thee : he shall dwell in Thy court,* and shall be satisfied with the pleasures of Thy house,* £ven of Thy ho-ly tem-ple. vif 5 Thou shalt shew us wonder- ful things in Thy righteousncss,* O God of oQr salva-tion : Thou that art the hope of all the ends of the earth,* and of them that remafn in^ the broad sea. 6 Who in His strength sctteth fast the mGun-tains : and is gird-ed about with power. 7 Who stilleth the raging of the sea: and the noise of His waves,* and the madness 6i the people. 8 They also that dwell in the uttermost parts of the earth * shall be afraid at Thy to-kens : Thou that makest the outgoings of the mOrning and e've-ning^to praise Thee. p 9 Thou visitest the e&rth, and ble'ss-est it : Thou m&kest it ve-ry plen-teous. 10 The river of God is fiill of wa-ter : Thou preparest their corn,* for s6 Thou provid-est for the earth. 1 1 Thou waterest her furrows,* Thou sendest rain into the little val-leys^there-of : Thou makest it soft with the drops of rain, * and blessest the fn-crcase of it. mf 12 Thou crownest the year with Thy good-ness : and Thy clouds drop fat-ness. 13 They shall drop upon the dwellings of the wil-der-ness : and the little hf lis shall rejoice on e-very side. 14 The folds shall be full of sheep : the valleys also shall stand so thick with corn, that they shall laugh and 74 Psalm 66.] EVENSONG. [Day 12. Psalm 66. Jubilate Deo. Dr Dupuis. 2. * Rev. Sir F. Otseley. f f\ BE joyful in God, all ye v_y lands : sing praises unto the honour of His Name,* make His praise to~be glo-rious. 2 Say unto God,* O how wonder- ful art Thou fn Thy works : through the greatness of Thy power * shall Thine enemies be found li-ars un-to Thee. 3 For all the world shall woVship Thee : sing of Thee, and praise Thy Name. 7/1/4 O come hither,* and behold the works of God : how wonderful He is in his doing toward the chil- dren ~of men. 5 He turned the sea into dryland: so that they went through the water on foot ; * there did we re-joice there-of. 6 He ruleth with His power for ever ;* His eyes behold the peo-ple : and such as will not believe * shall* my tongue. not be able to* ex-alt them-selves. /7 O praise our God, ye peo-ple : and make the voice of His praise to be heard ; 8 Who holdeth our soul in life : and sQffereth not our feet to slip. ;;// 9 For Thou, O God, hast prov-ed us : Thou also hast tried us,* like as sfl-ver"is tr;-ed. ft io Thou broughtest us in-to"the snare : and laidest troii-ble upon our loins. ii Thou sufferedst men to ride ov-er^our heads : we went through fire and water,* and Thou broughtest us ofit fn-to^a weal-thy place. /i2 I will go into Thine house with burnt-df-fer-ings : and will pay Thee my vows,* which I promised with my lips,, and spake with my mouth, when I was^in trou-ble. 1 3 I will offer unto Thee fat burnt- sacrifices, * with the in-cense~of rams : I will offer bul-locks and goats. tnf 1 4 O come hither, and hearken,, all ye that "fear God : and I will tell you what He hath done for my soul. 15 I called unto Hfin with my mouth : and gave Him pra's-cs with hath heard me : the vo'ce of mv 16 If I incline unto wickedness with mine heart : the Lord will not hear me. 17 But God and considered prayer. / 18 Praised be God * Who hath not cast out my prayer : nor turned His mer-cy from me. 75 Psalm 67. Day 12.] THE PSALTER. Ps. 67, Venite. Psalm 67. Deus misereatur. Dr. P. Hayes. 2. * S. Atherstone. m f C^ OD be merciful unto us, and VJT ble"ss us : and shew us the light of His countenance,* &nd be meVciful un-to us ; 2 That Thy wSy may be kno*wn upon earth : Thy saving health amo*ng all na-tions. J 3 Let the people praise Thee,^ O God : yea, let all the pe*o-ple praise Thee. 4 O let the nations rejoice and^ be glad : for Thou shalt judge the folk righteously,* and g6vern the na*-tions~up-on earth. 5 Let the people praise Thee, n O God : let &11 the peo-ple praise Thee. p 6 Then shall the earth bring forth her In-crease : and God, even our own God, shall gfve^us His bless-ing. 7 G6d shall bless us : and all the £nds of the world shall fear Him. *The Thirteenth Day. Venite, exultemus Domino. * E. Terry. 2. r 1 n J. Kent. J. Heywood. 4 * H. Wicks, i^gis 1 f C^\ C0ME >* let us sfligun-tcT Vy the Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our sal- va-tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiv-ing : and shew our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a great King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6i the earth : and the strength of the hflls is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hands prepa*r-ed~the dry land. p 6 O come,* let us worship, and fall down : and kneel before the Lord our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the Lo'rd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of Hi's hand. Psalm 68. * A. H Brown J.US1 U JL 11V O . i^Al IV ;;//"8 To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden not your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness; 9 When your fathers tempt-ed Me : proved Me, and saw My works. io Forty years long * was I grieved with thfs genera-tion,~and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. ii Unto whom I sware in~My wrath : that they should not en-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to" the Son : and to the Ho-ly Ghos: ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and ever shall be : world without end. *A*-men. Exurgat Dens. 2. * C. Gardner. f T ET God arise,* and let His J / Enemies be sca*t-ter-ed : let them also that h&te Him flee be-fore Him. mfz Like as the smoke vanish- eth, * s6 shalt Thou drfve them" a-way : and like as wax melteth at the fire,* so let the ungodly perish a*t the pre-sence"of God. 3 But let the righteous be glad and rejoice before God : let them also be meVry^and jby-fuL /4 O sing unto God,* and sing praises un-to"His Name : magnify Him that rideth upon the heavens, as it were upon an^horse;* praise Him in His Name JAH, and rejo'ce be-fore Him. 5 He is a Father of the father- less, * and defendeth the c&use of the wi-dows : even God in His holy ha-bi-ta-tion. 6 He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in an house,* and bringeth the prisoners out of captf-vi-ty : but letteth the rQnagates conti-nue"in scarce- ness. 77 [7 O DAY 1 3. J THE FSALTER. * A. H. Brown. 2. [Psalm 68. m mm^m mm 7 God, * when Thou wentest forth before the peo-ple : when Thou wentest through the wil-der-ness, 8 The earth shook, * and the heavens dropped at the pre'-sence r of God : even as Sinai also was moved at the presence of God,* Who is the God of Is-ra-el. mf 9 Thou, O God, • sentest a gracious rain upon Thine inheri- tance : and refreshedst it when it 7 " 1 was wea-ry. io Thy congregation shall dwell there-in : for Thou, O God,* hast of Thy goodness prepar-ed for the poor. f\ i The Lord gave the word : great was the company o*f the preach-ers. 12 Kings with their armies did flee, and were disccan-fit-ed : and they of the household divi-ded the spoil. mf 1 3 Though ye have lien among the pots, # yet shall ye bS as the wings oPa dove : that is covered with silver wings, and her fea-thers lTke gold. 14 When the Almighty scattered k'ngs for^their sake : then were they as whtte as sn6\v in Sal-mon. 15 As the hill of Basan, * so is GCd's hill : even an high hill, as the hill of Ba-san. 16 Why hop ye so, ye high hills ?* this is God's hill,* in the which it plcascth Him to dwell : yea, the Lord will abfde in it^for ev-er. f 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand,* even thousands of an-gels : and the Lord is among them,* as in the holy place of Si-nai. 18 Thou art gone up on high,* Thou hast led captivity captive,* and received gifts for men : yea, even for Thine enemies,* that the Lord G6d might dwell a-mong them. [9 Praised be the L6rd dal-ly : even the God Who helpeth us,* and poureth His benefits upon us. 20 He is our God,* even the God of Whom cometh salva-tion : God is the L6rd, by Who*m we escape death. ntf 21 God shall wound the head of His e*-ne-mies : and the hairy scalp of such a one as goeth on still in n his wick-ed-ness. 22 The Lord hath said,* I will bring My people again,* as I did from Ba-san : Mine own will I bring again,* as I did sometime from the deep of the sea. 23 That thy foot may be dipped in the blood of thine e*-ne-mies : and that the tongue of thy dftgs may be red through the same. 24 It is well seen, O God, how Thou go-est : how Thou, my God and King,* goest fn the sanc-tua-ry. 25 The singers go before,* the minstrels follow fif-ter : in the midst are the damsels playing with the tim-brels. /26 Give thanks, O Israel,* unto God the Lord in the congrega-tions : from the ground of the heart. 78 Psalms 68, 69.] MATT INS. [Day 13. m/2j There is little Benjamin tfieir ruler,* and the princes of Jfidah their coun-sel : the princes of Zabulon, * and the pr'n-ces~of Neph-tha-li. 28 Thy God hath sent forth strength for thee : stablishthe thing, O God, that Th6*u hast wrought in us, 29 For Thy temple's sake at Je- rif-sa-lem : so shall kings bring pre- sents un-to Thee. 30 When the company of the spear-men, and multitude of the mighty * are scattered abroad a- mong the beasts of the people,* so that they humbly bring pfeces of sTl-ver : and when He hath scattered the people tha*t de-light in war ; 31 TJicn shall the princes come otit of E-gypt : the Morians 5 land shall soon stretch out her hands un-to God. / 32 Sing unto God,* O ye kfng- doms of the earth : O sing prais-es unto the Lord ; 23 Who sitteth in the heavens over ail * from the begfh-ning : lo, He doth send out His voice,* yea, and that a migh-ty voice. 34 Ascribe ye the power to God over Is'-ra-el : His worship, and strength is in the clouds. 35 O God,* wonderful art Thou in Thy holy pla-ces : even the God of Israel;* He will give strength and power unto PI is people ; bless- ed be God. (Evensong. Psalm 69. Salvum mefac. * A. H. Brown-. 2. Efc J. Travers. * These F's must be j^ also when major. (Minor.) A ,. p O AVE me, O God : for the O waters are come in, e*-ven unto my soul. 2 I stick fast in the deep mire, where no* ground is : I am come into deep waters,* so that the fl6*ods run o-ver mc. 3 I am weary of crying ; my throat is dry : my sight faileth me for waiting so long up-on my God. 4 They that hate me without a cause * are more than the hairs of^my head : they that are mine enemies,* and would destroy mc guilt-less, ^are migh-ty. 5 I paid them the thfhgs that I nc*-ver took : God, Thou knowest my simpleness,* Snd myfa*ults are^ not hid from Thcc. ;///*6 Let not them that trust in Thee, O Lord God of Hosts,* be ashamed for my cause : let not those that seek Thee be confounded through me, U Lord God'of Is-ra-el. 79 [7 And Day 13.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 69. * A. H. Brown. J. Travers. * These F's must be ^ also when major 7 And why ? * for Thy s&ke have I stff-ferecTre-proof : shcime hath co*-vered my face. 8 I am become a stranger finto my breth-ren : even an alien tfnto my mouther's crnl-dren. 9 For the zeal of Thine house hath eVen eat-en me : and the rebukes of them that rebuked Thee are fai-len upon me. ic I wept,* and chastened mysSlf with fast-ing : and tMt was tu*rn-ed~ to my re-proof. 1 1 I put on sackcloth al-so : &nd they jest-ed upon me. 1 2 They that sit in the gSte speak against me : and thedrQnkards make songs up-on me. p 1 3 But, Lord,* I m&ke my prayer unto Thee : fn an ac-cept-ablc time. 14 Hear me, O God,* in the multitude of Thy irrer-cy : even in the truth of Thy sal-va-tion. 1 5 Take me out of the mire, that I sink not : O let me be delivered from them that hate me,* and ofit of the deep wa-ters. 16 Let not the water-flood drown me,* neither let the deep swallow me up : and let not the pit shQt her mo*uth up-on me. 17 Hear me, O Lord,* for Thy loving-kindness is ccon-forta-ble : turn Thee unto me * according to the multitude (5f Thy mer-cies. 18 And hide not Thy face from Thy servant,* for I am in trou-ble : O ha'ste Thee,^and hear me. 19 Draw nigh unto my soul, and save it : O deliver me, because oP mine e-ne-mies. mp 20 Thou hast known my re- proof, * my shame, and my disho- nour : mine adversaries are a*ll in Thy sight. p 2 1 Thy rebuke hath broken my heart ;* I am mil of he*a-vi-ness : I looked for some to have pity on me,* but there was no man,* neither found I any to com-fort me. 22 They gave me ga*ll to eat : and when I was thirsty * they gave me vin-e-gar to drink. mp 23 Let their table be made a snare to take themseTves with-al : and let the things that should have been for their wealth * be unto ththn an occa*-sion~of fall-ing. 24 Let their eyes be blfhded, that they see not : and ever bdw Thou down their backs. 25 Pour out Thine indignation upon them : and let Thy wrathful displea-sure^take hold of them. 26 Let their h&bita'tion be void : and n6 man to dwell in their tents. 27 For they persecute him whom Th6u hast snfit-ten : and they talk how they may vex th£m whom Thou hast wound-ed. 28 Let them fall from one wfeked- ness to ano-ther : and not come fn-to n Thy right-eous-ness. 80 Pss. 69, 70, Venite.] 29 Let them be wiped out of the book of the Living : and not be written among the right-eous. 30 As for me,* when I am poor and inhea-vi-ness : Thy help, O GoM, shall lift me up. i Major.) f 3 1 I will praise the N&me of G(5d witha song : and magnify it with thanks-giv-ing. 32 This also shall plea*se the Lord : better than a bmlock tha*t hath horns and hoofs. 32 The humble shall consider thfs, and~be glad : seek ye after Go*d, and~your soul shall live. 34 For the Lord he'ar-eth'the poor : and desrjiseth not His pri- soners. 35 Let heaven and e^rth praise Him : the sea, and all that moveth there-in. 36 For God will save Sion,* and build the cities of Jii-dah : that men may dwell there,* and have it in pos-ses-sion. 37 The posterity also of His EVENSONG. [Day 14. servants shall inhe'-rit it : and they that 16 ve His Na*me shall dwell there-in. Psalm 70. Deus, in adjutorium. (Minor.) P T_J ASTE Thee, O God, to del'- XTL ver me : make Mste to help me, O Lord. 2 Let them be ashamed and con- founded that seek aY-ter^my soul : let them be turned backward and put to confusion that wish me e-vil. 3 Let them for their reward be soon brought to shame : that cry d-ver~me, There, there. /4 But let all those that seek Thee be joyful and gla*d in Thee : and let all such as delight in Thy salvation say alway, The Ldrd be prais-ed. p 5 As for me,* I am poor and in mi-se-ry : haste Thee iln-to me, O God. 6 Thou art my helper, and m£ Redeem-er : O Lord, make no* long tar-ry-ing. (Gloria, Jfajor.) The Fourteenth Day. iEattins* Venite, exultemns Doviino. * W. Ridley. 2. J C\ COME,* let us sfng un-to~ \J the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of our sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His pre- sence with thanksLpv- ing : and shew ourselves glad in Him with Psalms. 81 [3 For Day 14.] 1. THE PSALTER, * W. Ridley. 2. [Venite, Ps. 71. Dr. Aldrich. S fcS^ m W 3EE I 1 I ! I'J 6-h — I 1 r 5 as n ' m^ms&m ±bz t=zz & ~ P* g7| r> ^ zszn ft e A. H. Brown. -I r TPr C. Fisher. 3 For the L6rd is a gre'kt God : and a gr£at Kfng above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the c6rners 6i the earth : and the strength of the htlls is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He ma*de it : and His hands prepaY-ed^the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down : and kneel before the Lord our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the Ltfrd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the sheep of His hand. ;;//*8 To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden n(5t your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te*mpt-ed Me : proved M£, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera'-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. 11 Unto wh6m I sware in^My wrath : that they sh6uld not cn-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to^the Son : £nd to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and ever shall be : w6rld without end. "A'-men. Psalm 71. hiTe^Domine^speravi. r * L. Barcroft. * A. H. Brown. **ia' T' 1 — h * A. H. Brown. P 1 . I 1 ' ! s dmmm 0$m Psalm 7i.] MATTINS. vif T N Thee, O Lord, have I put 1 my trust,* let me never be ptlt to confu-sion : but rid me, and deliver me, in Thy righteousness^;* incline Thine ear unto me*, and save me. 2 Be Thou my strong hold, * whereunto I may a*l-way~re-sort : Thou hast promised to help me,* for Thou art my hotise of defence, and^my cas-tle. 3 Deliver me, O my God,* out of the hand of the ungod-ly : out of the hcind of the unright-eous^and cru-el man. 4 For Thou, O Lord God,* art the thing that I long for : Thou art my hope, eVen from my youth. 5 Through Thee have I been holden up 8ver since Pwas born : Thou art He that took me out of my mothers womb,* my praise shall be a*l-ways of Thee. ^6 I am become as it were a mOnster unto ma*-ny : but my stare trifst is in Thee. mfj O let my mouth be filled with Thy praise : that I may sing of Thy glory and honour all the day long. p 8 Cast me not away in the time of age : forsake me not whSn my strength fail-eth me. 9 For mine enemies speak against me,* and they that lay wait for my soul * take their counsel together, say-ing : God hath forsaken him ; * persecute him, and take him,* for there is ntfne to deli-ver him. io Go not f&r fro*m me,~0 God : my Gckl, ha*ste Thee^to help me. 1 1 Let them be confounded and perish that are against my soul : let them be covered with shame and dishonour * that seek to do* me e-vil. [Day 14. 12 As for me,* I will patiently abtde Sl-way : and will praise Thee more and more. 13 My mouth shall daily speak of Thy righteousness and salva- tion : for I knoV no end there-of. vif 14 I will go forth in the strength of the LGrd God : and will make mention of Thy right-eousness on-ly. 15 Thou, O God,* hast taught me from my youth up un-til now : therefore will I te'U oPThy won- drous works. 16 Forsake me not, O God, in mine old age,* when I am gray- head-ed : until I have shewed Thy strength unto this generation,* and Thy power to all th8m that are yet for to come. 17 Thy righteousness, O G6d, is ve*-ry high : and great things are they that Thou hast done ; * O God, who is IT ke un-to Thee ? ft 18 O what great troubles and adversities hast Thou shewed me !* and yet didst Thou turn and refresh me : yea, and broughtest me frdm the deep oPthe earth a-gain. 19 Thou hast brought me to great ho-nour : and comforted m& on ev-ery side. vif 20 Therefore will I praise Thee and Thy faithfulness, O God,* playing upon an fnstrument of mfi-sick : unto Thee will I sing upon the harp,* O Thou Holy One of Is-ra-el. 21 My lips will be fSin when I sfng unto Thee : and so will my soul whom Tho*u hast deli-ver-ed. 22 My tongue also shall talk of Thy righteousness all the^day long: for they are confounded and brought unto shame * that seek to do* me e-vil. 83 [Psalm 72. Day 14/ THE PSALTER, [Psalm 72. Dr. Aldrich. mf f^ I VE the King Thy jrfdg- VJT ments^O God ^and Thy rfghteousness iln-tcAhe King's son. 2 Then shall he judge Thy people according un-to right : &nd de-fend the poor. 3 The mountains also shall bring peace : and the little hills righteous- ness un-to^the peo-ple. 4 He shall keep the simple f<5lk by~their right : defend the children of the poor, and punish the wrong doer. 5 They shall fear Thee,* as long as the sun and moon endG-reth : from one generation t(5 an-o-ther. ft 6 He shall come down like the rain into a fle'ece of wool : eVen as the drops that wa-ter^the earth. mf'j In his time shall the rfght- eous rlGu-rish : yea, and abundance of peace, * so 16ng as the moon en-dur-eth. 8 His dominion shall be also from the one sea to the 6-ther : and from the flood un-to^the world's end. 9 They that dwell in the wilder- ness shall kn6el before Him : His enemies shSll lick the dust. 10 The kings of Tharsis and of the fsles shall give pre-sents : the kings of Arabia and Sa*-ba^shall bring gifts. 11 All kings shall fall down be- fore Him : all nations shall do Him ser-vice. ft 12 For He shall deliver the poor when he cri-eth : the needy also,* and hfm that ha*th no help-er. 1 3 He shall be favourable to the simple and nee-dy : and shall pre- serve the s6*uls of the poor. 14 He shall deliver their souls from false-hood^and wrong : and dear shall their blo*od be in His sight. 15 He shall live,* and unto Him shall be given of the gold of Ara*- bi-a : prayer shall be made ever unto Him,* and daily shall He be pra'is-ed. 1 6 There shall be an heap of corn in the earth, * hf^h upo*n the hills : his fruit shall shake like Libanus,* and shall be green in the city like gra*ss up-on the earth. mf 17 His Name shall endure for ever ; * His Name shall remain under the sun* among the posteri- ties : which shall be blessed through Him ; * and all the he'a-then^shall praise Him. f '18 Blessed be , the Lord God,* even the G6d of Is-ra-el : Which 6nly do*-eth won-drous things ; 19 And blessed be the Name of His Majesty for eVer : and all the . earth sljall be filled with His Ma- jesty. A-men, A-mcn. 84 Psalm 73.] EVENSONG. |Dav 14. <£bettson0* Psalm j$. Quam bonus Israel 1 S IS 5 T. TUDWAY. i tl Dr. Xares. *= #5 fT fe=^ u=L e^ ^=g: ■&L ^^SSe^. s^s e Sir G. Elvey. 4. A. H. Brown. i^Sl^fel w/HPRJJLY God is 16ving unto X Is-ra-el : even unto sftch as a*re oCsl clean heart. 2 Nevertheless, * my feet were a*l-most gone : my tre'ad-ings^had well-nigh slipt. p 3 And why ? * I was grieved at the wfek-ed : I do also see the ungodly in sdeh pros-pe-ri-ty. mp 4 For they are in n6 pe'ril of death : bflt are lGs-ty and strong. 5 They come in no misfortune like 6*-ther folk : neither are they plagued like o-ther men. 6 And this is the cause that they are so ho*lden with pride : and .overwhelmed with cru-el-ty. 7 Their eyes swell with fat-ness : and they do eV-en what they lust. 8 They corrupt other,* and speak of wicked blas-phe-my : their talking is against the Most High. 9 For they stretch forth their mduth un-to^the heaven : and their tongue go-eth through the world. io Therefore fall the people un-to them : and thereout stick they no small ad-van-tage. II Tush, say they,* how should G6d perceive it : is there knowledge fn the Most High ? mf 1 2 Lo, these are the ungodly,* i TF these prosper in the world,* and these have rfches in posses-sion : and I said, * Then have I cleansed my heart in vain,* and washed mine ha*nds in in-nocen-cy. 13 All the day long have I been pu*-nish-ed : and chastened eve-ry morn-ing. 14 Yea,* and I had almost said ev-en^as they : but lo,*then I should have condemned the generation 6i Thy chTl-dren. 1 5 Then thought I to un-derstand this : but it was tSo hard for me, 16 Until I went into the sanctua*- ry^of God : then understood I the end of these men ; 17 Namely,* how Thou dost set them in slfppery pla-ces : and castest them do*wn, and destroy-est them. 18 Oh, how suddenly do* they" con-sume : perish, and co*me to~a fear-ful end ! 19 Yea,* even like as a dream when one awa-keth : so shalt Thou make their image to vanish oat oP the ci-ty. p 20 Thus my heart was gne-ved : and it went ev-en through my rein.-.. 21 So foolish was I, and fg-no- rant : even as it were a beast be-fore Thee. 85 [22 Nevertheless, DAY 1 4. J 1. T. Tudway. 2. I^SALMS 73, 74- Dr. Nares. 22 NeverthelSss, I am alway by Thee : for Thou hast h61den me by my right hand. 23 Thou shalt gfiide me with Thy coun-sel : and after that receive me° with glo-ry. 24 Whom have I in heaven but Thee : and there is none upon earth that I desire in compa*-rison of Thee. 2 5 My flesh and my heart fail-eth : but God is the strength of my hSart, and my por-tion^for ev-er. 26 For lo, they that forsake Thee shall pe-rish : Thou hast destroyed all them * that commit fornica'-tion against Thee. ?nf2j But it is good for me to hold me fast by God,* to put my trftst in the Lord God : and to speak of all Thy works in the g&tes of the daugh-ter^of Si-on. Psalm 74. Ut quid, Deus ? Dr. T. S. Dupuis. H. Wicks. ^ggpip - ^H- -&-\ T. PURCELL. ■I-T 1- ^^^^§b^^^^B ^3E — &-n- I I ■U t=F mf /^\ GOD,* wherefore art Thou \_J absent frJm us^so long : why is Thy wrath so hot against the sho'ep of~Thy pas-ture ? 2 O think upon Thy congrega- tion : whom Thou hast purchased, a*nd re-deemed of old. 3 Think upon the tribe of Thrne inhe'-ri-tance : and mount Sfon, wherem Thou hast dwelt. 86 FSALM 74.J ±.l/jbJV±Ul\Lr. IDAY 14. 4 Lift up Thy feet,* that Thou mayest utterly destroy eVery e*-ne- my : which hath done Svil in Thy sanc-tua-ry. y 5 Thine adversaries roar * in the midst of Thy congrega-tions : and set Op their ban-ners~for to-kens. 6 He that hewed timber afore out of the thfck trees : was known to bring it to* an ex-cellent work. 7 But now they break down all the carved wtfrk there-of : with ax-es,~and ham-mers. p 8 They have set fire upon Thy h61y pla-ces : and have defiled the dwelling-place of Thy Name, eV-en unto the ground. 9 Yea, they said in their hearts,* Let us make havock of them altoge- ther : thus have they burnt up all the houses of God in the land. 10 We see not our tokens,* there is not one pro*-phet more : no, not one is there among us, * that tindersta*nd-eth a-ny more. tnf 1 1 O God, * how long shall the adversary do this disho-nour : how long shall the enemy blaspheme Thy Xa*me, for ev-er? 12 Why withdrawest Thcu Thy hand : why pluckest Thou not Thy right hand out of Thy bosom to consume the e-ne-my ? / 13 For G6d is my King of old : the help that is done upon §arth He d(5-eth it Him-self. mf 14 Thou didst divide the sea through Thy power : Thou brakest the heads of the dragons fn the wa-ters. 15 Thou smotest the heads of Leviathan in pfe-ces : and gavest him to be meat for the people fn the wil-der-ness. 16 Thoubroughtest out fountains and waters 6ut of the hard rocks : Thou drfedst up migh-ty wa-ters. 17 The day is Thfhe, and the night is Thine : Thou hast prepared the light and the sun. 18 Thou hast set all the b6rders o*f the earth : Thou hast made sum-mer^and wih-ter. p 19 Remember this, O Lord,* how the enemy hath rebfi-ked : and how the foolish people hath blas- phe'm-ed Thy Name. 20 O deliver not the soul of Thy turtle-dove * unto the multitude of the e'-ne-mies : and forget not the congregation of the poor for ev-er. 21 L6ok upon the co*-ve-nant : for all the earth is full of darkness,* and crQel ha-bi-ta-tions. 22 O let not the simple go away asha-med : but let the poor and needy give prafse unto Thy Name. 7*1/23 Arise, O God,* maintain Thine own cause : remember how the foolish man blasphemeth Thee dai-ly. 24 Forget not the voice of Thine e-ne-mies : the presumption of them that hate Thee * increaseth eV-er more and more. 87 Day 15.] THE PSALTER. [Venite. The Fifteenth Day. iEattins* Venite^ exultemus Domino. Dr. T. Aylward. 2. E. Terry. f C\ COME,* let us sfng lin-ttT \J the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of ou*r sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shSw our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a grSat King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners <5f the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hSnds prepaV-ed^the dry land. /6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kn£el before the L<5rd our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the Ltfrd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of Hi's hand. mfZ To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden ndt your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : proved M£, and saw My works. I o Forty years long * was I grieved with thfs genera-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. II Unto wh6m I swa*re in^My wrath : that they should not en-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to~the Son : and t(5 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : world without €nd. *A"-men. 88 rsALMb 73, /u.j 1V1S1 1 1 1 iVO. Psalm 75. Confitebimur Tidi, * H. Wicks. 2. * J. TURLE. r / T T NTO Thee, G6d, do we' \J give thanks : yea, unto The'e do we give thanks. 2 Thy Name also is so nigh : and th&t do Thy wdn-drous works de- clare. 3 When I receive the congrega- tion : I shall judge accdrd-ing un-to right. 4 The earth is weak,* and all the inh&biters there-of : I bear tip the pfl-lars of it. mf 5 I said unto the fools,* DSal not so ma*d-ly : and to the ungodly, Se't not up your horn. 6 Set not ftp your ho*rn on high : and speik not with a stTff neck. 7 For promotion cometh neither Psalm 76. 1. * A. H. Brown 1. . JJ> - - t^ from the east, no*r from^the west : nOr ye*t from the south. 8 And why ? Gtfd is^the Judge : He putteth down one,* and setteth dp an-6-ther. 9 For in the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the wine is red : it is full mixed, and He ptfur-eth out of^the same. 10 As for the dregs there-of : all the ungodly of the earth shall dr'nk them^and suck them out. / 1 1 But I will talk of the God of Ja-cob : &nd praise HimTor ev-er. 12 All the horns of the ungodly also wfll I break : and the horns of the rfghteous shall b£ ex-alt-ed. Notus in Judcea. 2. * Dr. S. Elvey. /TN Jewry is God known : His I 2 At Salem is His taberna-cle : X Name is great in Is-ra-el. | 3nd His dwe'll-ing'in Si-on. 89 [3 There DAY 15.J 1. 1HK FSALTER. * A. H. Brown. [Psalms 76, 77. * Dr. S. Elvet. 3 There brake He the Arrows of the bow : the shield, the swdrd, and^ the bat-tie. 4 Thou art of more ho*-nour^and might : than the hflls oFthe rob-bers. mf$ The proud are robbed,* thSy have sle*pt their sleep : and all the men whose hands were mfghty have found no-thing. / 6 At Thy rebuke, O G6d of Ja*-cob : both the chariot and ho*rse are fall-en. m/7 Thou, even Th6u art to be fear-ed : and who may stand in Thy sfght whe'n Thou^art an-gry ? /S Thou didst cause Thy judg- ment to be he'ard from heaven : the e'arth tre'm-bled, and was still, 9 When God arose to fudg-ment : and to help £11 the me'ek up-on earth. pt/io The fierceness of m£n shall tu*rn toThy praise : and the fierce- ness of them shalt Thou re-frain. 11 Promise unto the Lord your God, and keep it,* all ye that are r6und about Him : bring presents unto Hrni that ou*ght to n be fear-ed. 12 He shall refrain the spirit of prfh-ces : and is wonderful amo*ng the kings of ^the earth. PSLAM 77. Voce 7nea ad Do?ninum. Dr. Aldrich. 2. E. Faning. mp T WILL cr£ unto G6*d with^ L my voice : even unto God will I cry with my voice,* and H6 shall he*ark-en un-to me. 2 In the time of my trduble I soifght the Lord : my sore ran, and ceased not in the night-season ; * my soul refus-ed com-fort. 90 >SALMS 77 , 78.] MATT/NS. ID AY 15. 3 When I am in heaviness, I will hfnk upon God : when my hSart is e'x-ed, I wilPcom-plain. p 4 Thou holdest mine §yes wa- ging : I am so feeble, tha't I can-not jpeak 5 I have considered the days of Did : and the ye*ars that are past. 6 I call to reme'm-brance^my song : and in the night I commune with mine own heart,* and search $Ut my spi-rits. 7 Will the Lord absent Himself for ev-er : and will He be n6 more in-treat-ed ? 8 Is His mercy clean g6ne for 'ev-er : and is His promise come titterly to an end for ev-er-more ? 9 Hath God forgotten to be grS- cious : and will He shut up His loving kindness in dis-plea-sure ? mf 10 And I said,* It is mine 6wn infir-mi-ty : but I will remember the years of the right hand of the M6*st High-est. 1 1 I will remember the works oP the Lord : and call to mind Thy wdn-ders^of old time. 12 I will think also of a*ll Thy works : and my talking shall be* oP Thy do-ings. /13 Thy way, O God, is^ hS-ly : who is so gr£at a G(5d as our God ? 14 Thou art the God that doeth won-ders : and hast declared Thy power amcmg the peo-ple. 15 Thou hast mightily delivered Thy peo-ple : even the sons of Ja*- cob^and Jo-seph. 16 The waters saw Thee, O God,* the waters saw Th6e, and we're a-fraid : the depths a*l - solvere troubl-ed. 17 The clouds poured out water,* the afr thun-der-ed : and Thine ar- rows went a-broad. 18 The voice of Thy thunder was heard roiind a-bout : the lightnings shone upon the ground,* the earth was mo*v-ed,~and shook with-al. p 19 Thy way is in the sea,* and Thy paths in the great wa-ters : and Thy fo*ot-steps are not known. 20 Thou Oddest Thy peVple~like sheep : by the hand of Mtf-ses^and Aa-ron. (Evensong. Psalm 7S, Attendite, popule. *A. H. Brown. 2. W. Dyce. * Rev. Sir F. Ouseley. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. ^E ^ Z*^»rA ^F^ / T T EAR my law, O my peo-ple : JTJL incline your ears unto the woVds of my mouth. 91 2 I will open my mouth in a pa*-ra-ble : I will declare hard se*n- ten-ces of old ; [3 Whfch Day 15.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 78. 3 Which we have hea*rd and known : and stach as our fa*-thers^ have told us ; 4 That we should not hide them from the children of the genera- tions'"^ come : but to shew the honour of the Lord,* His mighty and wonderful wtfrks that He hath done. rnf '5 He made a^covenant with Jacob, * and gave Israel a law : which He commanded our fore- fathers to tea*ch their ch'il-dren ; 6 That their posterity might know it : and the chf ldren which were yet un-born ; 7 To the intent that when the'y came up : th£y might sheV their chil-dren^the same ; 8 That they might plat their trilst in God : and not to forget the works of God, but to k£ep His r com-mand- ments ; 9 And not to be as their fore- fathers, * a faithless and stubborn generation : a generation that set not their heart aright,* and whose spirit cleaveth not ste'd-fastly un-to God ; , 10 Like as the children of E-phra-im : who being harnessed, and carrying bows,* turned them- selves b&ck in the da*y of bat-tie. p 1 1 They kept not the c6vena*nt of God : and wSuld not wa*lk in His law ; 1 2 But forg&t what He* had done : and the wonderful works that H6 had sheV-ed for them. mf\2, Marvellous things did He in the sight^of our forefathers,* in the land of E-gypt : even in the field of Zo-an. 14 He divided the s£a, and le*t them^go through : He made the waters to stSnd on an heap. 15 In the day-time also He l£d them with a cloud : and all the night through with^a light of fire. 16 He clave the hard rocks in the wil-der-ness ; and gave them drink thereof, * as it had been orft oPthe great depth. 17 He brought waters otit of the std-ny rock : so that it gQshed (5ut like^the ri-vers. ft 18 Yet for all this they sinned m6re against Him : and provoked the Most Hfghestfn the wil-der-ness 19 They tempted Go*d in^their hearts : and required me'at for their lust. 20 They spake against God also, sSy-ing : Shall God prepare a table in the wil-der-ness ? 21 He smote the stony rock in- deed,* that the water gushed out,* and the streams flawed with-al : but can He give bread also, * or provide fle'sh for^His peo-ple ? /22 When the Lord h£ard this, He'Vas wroth : so the fire was kindled in Jacob,* and therecame up heavy displSasure agaTnst Is-ra-el ; 92 I Psalm 78.! hVJtLJNSVISILr. [day 15. 23 Because they believed no*t in J God : and pQt not their trtfst in His help. 24 So He commanded the clouds a-bove : and d-pened^the doors of heaven. 25 He rained down manna also upon them fo*r to eat : and gaVe them food from heaven. 26 So man did eat an-gels' food : for He sent them meat e-nough. 27 He caused the east-wind to blow un-der heaven : and through His power He brought in~the south- west-wind. 28 He rained flesh upon them as thick as dust : and feathered fowls* ltke as the sand of the sea. 29 He let it fall among their tents : even round about their ha-bi-ta-tion. 30 So they did eat, and were well filled ;* for He gave them their o\vn de-sire : they were not disappoint-ed of their lust. 1. -A. H. Brown. -%f H-+^H| . ' — j— r- 2. * A. H. Brown. -H — H-^N-w 1 H 1 i ' , ; , 1 iii k-2,-1 — &- || T l^' 1 | |i A. H. Brown. ////"31 But while the meat was yet in their mouths,* the heavy wrath of God came upon them,* and slew the we'al-thiest'of them : yea, and smote down the chosen men that were in Is-ra-el. 32 But for all thfs they sfn-ned" yet more : and believed n6*t His won-drous works. 23 Therefore their days did He consume in va*-ni-ty : and their years in trou-ble. 34 When He slew them, they sought Him : and turned them early, and enquir-ed af-ter God. 35 And they remembered that God was~their strength : and that the High God was thefr Re-de'em-er. 36 Nevertheless, * they did but flatter Him wfth their mouth : and dissembled with Him in their tongue. yj For their heart was not whole with Him : neither continued they stedfast in His co-ve-nant. p 38 But He was so merciful,* that H6 forgave their^mis-deeds : and destrdy-ed them not. 39 Yea, many a time ttirned He His wra*th a-way : and would not suffer His wh61e dispMa-sure to a-rise. 40 For He considered that they we're but flesh : and that they were even a wind that passeth awfty, and ctfm-eth not a-gain. 7/1/41 Many a time did they pro- voke Him fh the w'l-der-ness : and grieved Him m the de-sert. 42 They turned back, and tempt- ed God : and moved the Holy One in Is-ra-el. 43 They thought not oPHis hand: and of the day when He delivered them from the hand of "the e-ne- my; 44 How he had vvought His mira- cles in E-gypt : and His wonders in the ffeld of Zo-an. 93 [45 He 45 He turned their waters fn-to blood : so that they might not drink oPthe ri-vers. 46 He sent lice among them, and dev6*ur-ed~them up : and frogs to^de-stroy them. 47 He gave their fruit Onto the ca'ter-pil-lar : and their labour tfn- to~the grass-hop-per. 48 He destroyed their vines with haTl-stones : and their mulberry- trSes with the frost. 49 He smote their cattle also with * A. H. Brown. hall-stones : and their flocks with hot thun-der-bolts. 50 He cast upon them the furi- ousness of His wrath, * anger, displeasure, and trou-ble : and sent evil an-gels among them. 51 He made a way to His indig- nation, * and spared not their soul from death : but gave their life over to* the pes-ti-lence ; 52 And smote all the first-born in E-gypt : the most principal and mfghtiest in the dwell-ings^of Ham. ^ppnp ^53 But as for His own people,* He led them f(5rth like sheep : and carried them in the wil-derness like a flock. 54 He brought them out safely, that they shduld not fear : and their with overwhelmed the sea. 55 And brought them within the borders of His sa*nc-tua-ry : even to His mountain * which He purchased with His right hand. 94 Psalm 78.] EVENSONG. [Day 15. 56 He cast out the heathen also before them : caused their land to be divided among them for an heri- tage,* and made the tribes of Israel to dwe'll in their tents. mp 57 So they tempted,* and displeased the M(5st High God : &nd kept not^His tes-timo-nies ; 58 But turned their backs,* and fell aw&y like their ft>re-fa-thers : starting aside like a bro-ken bow. 59 For they grieved Hfm with their hill -al- tars : and provoked Him to displeasure with their i- ma-ges. 60 When God heard this, He" was wroth : and took sore displda- sure'at Is-ra-el. 61 So that He forsook the taber- nacle in Sf-lo : even the tSnt that He had pitch-ed^a-mong men. 62 He delivered their power into capti-vi-ty : and their b8auty fn-to" the e-nemy's hand. 63 He gave His people over also tfn-to"the sword : and was wroth wfth His inhe-ri-tance. 64 The fire consumed their young men : and their maidens were not gfven to mar-riage. 65 Their priests were slafn with" the sword : and there were no widows to malte lamen-ta-tion. fftt So the Lord awaked as 6*ne out"of sleep : and lfke a giant re- fresh-ed"with wine. 67 He smote His enemies in the hin-der parts : and pfit them to* a" per-pe-tual shame. m/6& He refused the tabernacle of Jo-seph : and ch6se not the tribe of E-phra-im ; 69 But chose the tribe ofju-dah: even the "hill of Sfon which He lov-ed. 70 And there He built His tdm- ple^on high : and laid thefoundation of it* like the ground whfch He hath ma*de con-ti-nual-ly. p 71 He chose David also His ser-vant : and took him awify from" the sheep-folds. 72 As he was following the ewes great with young qnes He took him : that he might feed Jacob His people,* and Israel His in-he-ri- tance. 73 So he fed them with a faithful and true heart : and ruled them prudently with all his power. * '^i l^l^z^z&p^^lgfl ■ ):; ; s -^--^g^-j^-M^ /QINGwe merrily unto Go*d our O strength : make a cheerful noise finto the G(5d of Ja-cob. 2 Take the psalm,* bring hither the ta*-bret : the merry harp with the lute. 3 Blow up the trfimpet in the nSw-moon : even in the time ap- pointed, * and upon our so*-lemn feast-day. mf,\ For this was made a statute for Is-ra-el : and a l&w of the Go*d of JS-cob. 5 This He ordained in J6seph for a tes-timo-ny^: when he came out of the land of Egypt, and had he'ard a^strange lan-guage. m/6 I eased his shoulder from the bdr-den : and his hands were delivered from mak-ing~the pots. 7 Thou calledst upon Me in troubles,* and 1 delf-vered thee : and heard thee,* what time as the storm fell upon thee. 8 I pr6ved thee Sl-so : &t the wS-ters of strife. 9 Hear, O Ts\y people,* and I will asstire thee, O Is-ra-el : If thou wilt he'ark-en un-to Me, io There shall no strange god be* in thee : neither shalt thou worship a-ny o-ther god. 1 1 I am the Lord thy God,* Who thought thee out of the land of E-gvpt : open thy mouth wide, and I shall fill it. 12 But My people would not he'ar My voice : and Israel would no*t o-bey Me. 13 So I gave them tip unto their 6\vn hearts' lusts : and let them follow their 6wn ima'-gi-na- tions. p 14 O that My people would have hearkened dn-to Me : for if Israel had wa*lk-ed in My ways, 1 5 I should soon have put d6wn their e*-ne-mies : and turned my hand against their a*d-ver-sa-ries. 16 The haters of the Lord should have been f(5und liars : but their time should have endiir-ed^for e-ver 17 He should have fed them also* with the finest wheat-flour ; and with honey A out of the stony rock * should I have sa*-tis-fied thee. QQ Day 16.] THE PSALTER. [Psalms 82, 83, Psalms 82, 83. W. Byrde. 2. A. H, Hkown. Psalm 82. Deus stetit. f f~^ OD standeth in the congreg^- VJT tion of prih-ces : H6 is a Jildge a-mong gods. 2 How long will ye gfVe wrong jlidg-ment : and accept the pSrsons 6*f the^un-god-ly ? 3 Defend the p6or and father- less : see that such as are in n6ed and neceVsity have right. 4 Delfver the odt-cast^and poor : save them from the h&nd 6*f the n un-god-ly. mf $ They will not be learned nor understand,* but walk on sttll in dark-ness : all the foundations of the ea*rth are out of course. 6 I have said, Ye* are gods : and ye are all the children of the M6'st High-est. 7 But y8 shall die like men : and fall like (5ne oPthe prin-ces. /8 Arise, O G6d, and Judge Thou" the earth : for Thou shalt take all hSathen to Thfne in-he-ri-tance. Psalm 83. Deus, quzs similis ? mf T T OLD not Thy tongue, O Ljl God,* k£ep not still si- lence : refrafn not n Thy - self, O God. 2 For lo, Thine enemies make a mu*r-mur-ing : and they that h&te Thee have If ft up their head. 3 They have imagined craftily against Thy pe*o-ple : and taken c6unsel agafnst Thy se-cret ones. 4 They have said, * Come, and let us root them out, * that they be n6 more a p€o-ple : and that the, name of Israel * may be n6 more fn re-mem-brance . 5 For they have cast their heads together with 6*ne con-sent : and &re confederate against Thee ; A 6 The tabernacles of the Edom- ites, and the Is-mael-ites : the M6abites, and IJa-gar-ens ; 7 Gebal, and Ammon, and A-ma- lek : the Philistines, with the*m that dwell at Tyre. 8 Assur also is joined with them : &nd have hol-pen^the chil-dren n of Lot. 9 But do Thou to them as unto the Ma*-dian-ites : unto Sisera,* and unto J&bin at the bro*ol$.of Ki-son; 10 Who perished at En-dor : and] became as the dfing of the earth. 00 Psalms 83, 84. J EVENSONG. [Day 16. 1 1 ,Make them and their princes like O-retTand Zeb : yea, make all their princes * like as Zeba and Sal-ma-na ; 12 Who say,* L6t us ta*ke tcTour- selves : the houses of Go*d in^pos- ses-sion. 13 O my God, make them like iin-to n a wheel : tnd as the stifb-ble before the wind ; 14 Like as the fire that bfirneth up the wood : and as the flame that consum-eth^the moun-tains. f 1 5 Persecute them even so with Thy tem-pest : and make them afraid with Thy storm. 16 Make their f&ces asha*m-ed,~ O Lord : that they may seek Thy Name. 17 Let them be confounded and vexed ever mo*re and more : let them be piit to shanie, and pe-rish. 18 And they shall know that Thou, * whose N&me is JEHO- VAH : art only the Most Hfghest 6*-ver all the earth. Psalm 84. Quam dilecta! * H. Wicks. 2. [ A. Neville. rp — iJJiJ^ i i- i h f^w> r—H — K-^--^— n — r—H -&- s> — • s -^~ •&■ -g? ^?- -^- *3 fly ft — J^ g H^. P r -J di^ ^^:==: = £^=t==t^: L^J, 1 — U — L ^- I^H • A. H. Brown Dr. P. Hayes, mfr\ H O W Amiable are Thy dwel- Vy lings : Th6u Lord of Hosts ! 2 My soul hath a desire and longing * to enter fnto the co*urts oFthe Lord : my heart and my flesh rejoice in n the liv-ing God. 3 Yea, the sparrow hath found tier an house, * and the swallow a nest wh6re she may la*y her young : even Thy Altars, O Lord of Hosts, my King and my God. 4 Blessed are they that dwell in" Thy house : they will be a*l-way prais-ing Thee. 5 Blessed is the man whose strength is~in Thee : in whose he'art are Thy ways. 6 Who going through the vale of misery * Qse it fo*r a well : and the p6ols are ffll-ecPwith wa-ter. 7 They will go from strength to strength : and unto the God of gods * appeareth every one of theni in Si-on. p% O Lord God of Hosts, he'ar my prayer : hearken, O Go*d of Ja-cob. 9 Behold, O God our defend-er: and look upon the face of Thine A-nomt-ed. io For 6ne day in Thy courts :• is better than a thou-sand. 1 1 I had rather be a door-keeper in the house ofmy God : than to dwell in the tents of\m-god-li-ness. mf \2 For the Lord God is a Ifght and^de-fence : the Lord will give grace and worship,* and no good thing shall He withhold from them that live a god-ly life. 13 O L6rd G(5d of Hosts : blessed is the man that put-tetrThis trust in Thee. 1 [Psalm 85. Da\ THE PSALTER. Psalm 85. Benedixisti, D online. * B. Smith. 2. [Psalm 85. Dr. P. Hayes. I fcfc *E. H. Wilkinson. 4. HF ^^^j^^ ^f^ W. S. HoYTE. J- I I I s^s^ ' r^ - f^g & ^T ^ ^^^ f ^n^ i i ^_ s ^Ei: :24s gpEp ^^ zit=L r— r- 7/z/" T ORD, Thou art become 1 v gracious u*n-toThy land : Thou hast turned away the captf- vity of Ja-cob. 2 Thou hast forgiven the offence of Thy pe'o-ple : and cd-vered all their sins. 3 Thou hast taken away all Thy displea-sure : and turned Thyself from Thy wrathful fn-dig- na-tion. P 4 Turn us then, O God our SS-viour : and l§t Thine a*n-ger cease from us. 5 Wilt Thou be displeased it us for ev-er : and wilt Thou stretch out Thy wrath * from one generation t(5 an-o-ther ? 6 Wilt Thou not turn again, and quick-en us : that Thy people ma*y re-joice in Thee ? 7 Shew us Thy me'r - cy, ^ O Lord : and grant us Thy sal-va- tion. mf 8 I will hearken what the Lord God will s&y concern-ing me : for He shall speak peace unto His people,* and to His saints, that they tu'rn not a-gain. 9 For His salvation is nigh th6m that fe'ar Him : that glory may dwell in our land. io Mercy and truth are mSt toge-ther : righteousness and pSace have kfss-ed^each o-ther. ii Truth shall flourish oiit of^ the earth : and rfghteousness hath look-ed down from heaven. 12 Yea, the Lord shall shew 16ving-kfhd-ness : and our land shall give her ih-crease. 1 3 Righteousness shall go before Him : and He shall dirSct His gd-ing in the way. 102 fENlTE.J MSil 1 YiVO. 1>TAX */• The Seventeenth Day. iEatttns* Venite, exidtemus Domino C. King.. 2. * E. Wood. O the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strSngth of oiar sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shew our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a great King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6*f the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hands prepar-ed~the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kneel before the Lo*rd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the Lo*rd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of His hand. mfZ To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden not your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te*mpt-ed Me : prOved Me*, and saw My works. io Forcy years long* was I grieved with thfs genera-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they ha\e not known My ways. ii Unto whom I swa*re in^My wrath : that they should not e*n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to~the Son : and t<5 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and ever shall be : wOrld without €nd. *A"-men. 103 Day 17.] THE PSALTER. Psalm 86. Inclina, Domine. * W. A. Blakeley. 2. [Psalm 86 A. H. Brown. ► OW down Thine , O for #z/T)UVV down mine ear, A J3 L6rd, and hear me I am ptfor, ancTm mi-se-ry. A 2 Preserve Thou my soul,* for I am ho-ly : my God, save Thy servant that piit-teth^his trust in Thee. / 3 Be mSrciful unto mc', O Lord : for I will call daf-ly upon Thee. 4 Comfort the soul of Thy ser- vant : for unto Thee, O L6rd, do I lTft up my soul. 5 For Thou, Lord, art good and gra-cious : and of great mercy unto all them that call up-on Thee. 6 Give ear, L6rd, un - to^my prayer : and p6nder the vofce oP my hum-ble^de-sires. 7 In the time of my tr6uble I will call upon Thee : f6r Thou hear-est me. /8 Among the gods there is none like unto Thee, O Lord : there is not 6ne that can do as Thou doest. 9 All nations whom Thou hast made * shall come and w6rship The'e, O Lord : and shall glo-ri-fy Thy Name. 10 For Thou art great, * and d6est won-drous things : Th6if art God a-lone. mf 11 Teacji me Thy way, O Lord, * and I will walk in^Thy truth,: O knit my heart unto ThSe, that I may fear Thy Name. /12 I will thank Thee, O Lord my G6d, with a*ll my heart : and will praise Thy Na*me for e-ver-more. 13 For great is Thy mercy toward me : and Thou hast delivered my s6ul frcon the ne-thermost hell. ^ 14 O God,* the proud are rfeen aga'inst me : and the congregations of naughty men have sought after my soul, * and have n6t set The'e be-fore their eyes. 15 But Thou, O Lord God,* art full of compassion and mer-cy : long-suffering, * plenteous in good- ness and truth. 16 O turn Thee then unto me,* and have mercy upon me : give Thy strength unto Thy servant,* and help the son oFThine hand-maid. 17 Shew some token upon me for good,* that they who hate me may see it, * and be asha-med : because Thou, Lord, * hast hoipen me, and com-forted me. 104 Psalms 87, 88.] MATTIXS. [Day 17. Psalm Sj. Fundatnenta ejus. - A. H. Brown. 2. r S. Atherstone, *?//" T T ER foundations are upon JTT the hoMy hills : the* Lord loveth the gates of Sion * more than all the dwell-ings~of Ja-cob. 2 Very excellent thfngs are spd- ken°of thee : th6u cf-ty of God. 3 I will think upon Rahab and Ba'-by-lon : with the*m that know me. 4 Behold ye the Philistines Sl-so : and they of Tyre, with the Morians ; * 16, there was He born. 5 And of Sion it shall be reported that H6 was b(5rn in her : and the Most High shall stab-lish her. 6 The Lord shall rehearse it* when He writeth up the peo-ple : that H£ was born there. 7 The singers also and trumpeters shall He' re-hearse : All my fresh springs shall be in Thee. Psalm 2>2>. Dotnine Dais. ■ W. A. Blakeley. A. H. Bkown. mpr\ LORD GOD of my salva- \_J tion, * I have cried day and nfght before Thee : O let my prayer enter into Thy presence,* incline Thine ear un-to^my call- ing. p 2 For my soul is full of trou-ble : and my life drSweth nigh un-to hell. 3 I am counted as one of them that go down fn-to~the pit : and I have been even as a ma*n that hath no strength. 5 [4 Free Day 17.] l. THE PSALTER. * W. A. Blakelby. 2. [Psalm Si * A. H. Brown. 4 Free among the dead, * like unto them that are wounded, and lie in^the grave : who are out of remembrance, * and are c(it awa*y from Thy hand. 5 Thou hast laid me in the Mw-est pit : in a place of da*rk-ness,~and in the deep. 6 Thine indignation lieth hard upon me : and Thou hast vexed me" with all Thy storms. 7 Thou hast put away mine acquaintance faY from me : and made me to be abho*r-red of them. 8 I am so fast in pri-son : th&t I can-not get forth. 9 My sight faileth for very trou- ble : Lord, I have called daily upon Thee, * I have stretched forth my hands un-to Thee. mf 10 Dost Thou shew wonders among the dead : or shall the dead rise Op again, and praise Thee? 1 1 Shall Thy loving-kindness be shewed in the grave : or Thy faith- fulness fn de-struc-tion? 12 Shall Thy wondrous w6rks be kno\vn in^the dark : and thy right- eousness in the land where all things a*re for-got-ten ? 13 Unto Thee have I cried, O Lord : and early shall my prayer come be-fore Thee. p 14 Lord, why abh6rrest Tho\i my soul : and htdest Tho*u Thy face from me ? 1 5 I am in misery,* and like unto him that fs at the pofnt to die : even from my youth up * Thy terrors have 1 suffered with a trou-bled mind. 16 Thy wrathful displeasure g6eth ov-er me : and the f6arof Thee hath^ un-done me. 1 j They came round about me dally like wa*-ter : and compassed mS toge'-ther^on eve-ry side. 18 My lovers and friends hast Thou pQt awa*y from me : and htd mine acquain-tance out ofmy sight. 106 PSALM »9.J LVIlNSUNLi. [Day 17. (Bjensong* Psalm 89. Misericordias Domini, * A. H. Brown. 2. A. H. Brown. mf 1\ l\ Y song shall be alway of IV A the loving -kindness 6f the Lord : with my mouth will I ever be shewing Thy truth * from one generation to* an-o-ther. 2 For I have said, * Mercy shall be set lap for eV-er : Thy trGth shalt Thou sta-blish in the heavens. 3 I have made a covenant with My cho-sen : I have sworn unto Da-vid^My ser-vant ; 4 Thy seed will I stablish for eV-er : and set up Thy throne • from one generation to* an-o-ther. /5 O Lord, * the very heavens shall praise Thy wdn-drous works : and Thy truth in the congrega-tion of the saints. 6 For who is he amo*ng the clouds : that shall be compar-ed un-to~the Lord ? 7 And what is he am6*ng the gods : that shall be lTke un-to~the Lord ? 8 God is very greatly to be feared in the council o*f the saints : and to be had in reverence of all them that are round a-bout Him. 9 O Lord God of Hosts, * who is like unto Thee : Thy truth, most mighty Lord, is on eve-ry side. io Thou rulest the raging 6i the sea : Thou stillest the waves there6f when they a-rise. a 1 1 Thou hast subdued Egypt, and destro*y-ed it : Thou hast scattered thine enemies abro*ad with^Thy migh-ty arm. 12 The heavens are Thine,* the earth al-so^is Thine : Thou hast laid the foundation of the round world, and a*ll that there-in is. 13 Thou hast made the no*rth and^the south : Tabor and Hermon shall rejofce in Thy Name. 14 Thou hast a mfgh-ty arm : strong is Thy hand, and high is** Thy right hand. 1 5 Righteousness and equity are the habitation 6i Thy seat : mercy and trtith shall go* be-fore Thy face. mf 16 Blessed is the people, O L6rd, that can rejofce in Thee : they shall w&k in the lfght of ^Thy coun-te-nance. 107 [17 Their Day 17.] l. THE PSALTER. * A. H. Brown. 2. [Psalm 89. * A. H. Brown. 17 Their delight shall be daily fn Thy Name : and in Thy righteous- ness sha*ll they make their boast. 18 For Thou art the gl6ry 6*f their strength : and in Thy loving- kindness * Th6u shalt 17ft up our horns. 19 For the L6rd is,6\ir de-fence : the H61y One of Is-rael is our King. f 20 Thou spakest sometime in visions unto Thy saints, and saidst : I have laid help upon one that is mighty ; * I have exalted one chosen out ofthe peo-ple. 21 I have found David My ser- vant : with My holy 6il haVe I n a-noint-ed him. 22 My hand shall h(5ld him fast : cind My arm shall strength-en him. 23 The enemy shall not be able to do him vi-o-lence : the son of wickedness shall not hurt him. 24 I will smite down his f6es before his face : and plague the*m that hate him. mf 25 My truth also and My mercy shall be* with him : and in My Name shall his horn be° ex-alt-ed. 26 I will set his dominion also fn the sea : and his right hand in the floods. /27 He shall call Me,* Th6u art my Farther : my GOd, and my string sal-va-tion. 28 And I will make him My first born : higher than the kings of the earth. 29 My mercy will I keep for hfin for eV-er-more : and My covenant shall sta*nd fast with him. 30 His seed also will I make to endftre for eVer : £nd his thro'ne as n the days of heaven. ?nf 31 But if his children forsa*ke My law : and walk not fn My judg- ments ; 32 If they break My statutes,* and keep not My commSnd-ments : I will visit their offences with the r6d, and their sfn with scourg-es. 33 Nevertheless, * My loving- kindness will I not latterly take from him : nor siff-fer n My truth to fail. 34 My covenant will I not break,* nor alter the thing that is gone out oPMy lips : I have sworn once by My holiness, * that I will no*t fail Da-vid. 35 His seed shall endtire for ev-er: arid his seat is like as the su*n be- fore Me. 36 He shall stand fast for ever- more a*s the moon : and as the faithful wft-ness^in hea-ven. 108 Psalm 89.] 1. EVENSONG. Dr. Aldrich. 2. [Day 17. * O. COVERDALE. p yj But Thou hast abhorred and forsaken Thfne Ano'mt-ed : and art disple'as-ed at him. 38 Thou hast broken the cOvenant of Thy ser-vant : and ca;st his crown to the ground. 39 Thou hast overthrown all his h€dg-es : and broken do*wn his strong holds. 40 All they that go by spo^l him : and he is become a reproach to^his ne'igh-bours. 41 Thou hast set up the right Mnd of his e'-ne-mies : and made all his a\lversa-ries to re-joice. 42 Thou hast taken aw&y the idge oPhis sword : and givest him not victory in the bat-tie. 43 Thou hast put 6ut his gl6-ry : and cast his throne down to the ground. 44 The days of his youth hast Thou shtfrt-en-ed : and c6vered him with dis-ho-nour. 7nf 45 Lord, how long wilt Thou hide Thyself, for eV-er : and sh&ll Thy wra'th burn like fire ? 46 O remember how sh6rt my time is : wherefore hast Thou m&de a'll men for nought ? 47 What man is he that lfveth, and shall ntft see death : and shall he deliver his s6ul frdm the hand of hell ? 48 Lord, where are Thy old 16ving-kfnd-nes-ses : which Thou swarest unto Da-vid in Thy truth ? 49 Remember, Lord, the rebfike that Thy servants have : and how I do bear in my bosom * the rebukes of m^-ny peo-ple ; 50 Wherewith Thine enemies have blasphemed Thee, * and slandered the footsteps of Thfhe AnoTnt-ed : /^Praised be the Lord for everm6re. A-men,^and A-men. 109 Day i 8.] THE PSALTER, [Venite. The Eighteenth Day. JEatttns* Venite, exultemus Domino. * L. J. TURRELL.. 2. L. Barcroft. ■I— -rHr- f f\ COME,* let us sing un-tcT V/ the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strSngth of ou*r sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shew our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a gr&at King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6i the earth : and the strength of the hills is His al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hands prepaV-ed^the dry land. p6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kneel before the Lord our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the Ltfrd our God . and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of Hi's hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden no*t your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : proved Me', and saw My works. i o Forty years long * was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion, n and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known M} ways. ii Unto whom I swaYe in n M^ wrath : that they should not en-te into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to^the Son : &nd to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : w6rld without €nd. 'A'-men. no Psalm 90.] MATTINS [Day 18. Psalm 90. Domine, refugium. Rev. W. Felton. 2. d= W. Lee Chan. ^fe^ S^ t— l ^ A. H. Brown. 4. is E. Wood. p T ORD, Thou I—* re-fuge hast bSen our from one genera- tion t(5 an-o-ther. 2 Before the mountains were brought forth, * or ever the Sarth and the wdrld were made : Thou art God from everlasting, and wtfrld with-out end. 3 Thou turnest m&n to destruc- tion : Thou sayest,* C6me agafn, ye chil-dren^of men. p 4 For a thousand years in Thy sight are but as yeVter-day : seeing that is past as a watch in the night. 5 As soon as Thou scatterest them * they are eVen a*s a sleep : and fade away sud-denly like the grass. 6 In the morning it is green, and grdw-eth up : but in the evening it is cut down,* dried up, and with-er-ed. 7 For we consume away in Thy displea-sure : and are afraid at Thy wrathful fn-dig-na-tion. 8 Thou hast set our mfsdeeds before Thee : and our secret sfns in the light oFThy coun-te-nance. 9 For when Thou art angry * ill our da*ys are gone : we bring our ! years to an end,* as it were a tale that is told. io The days of our age are three- ; score years and ten ; * and though men be so strong that they come to four-score years : yet is their strength then but labour and sorrow,* so soon passeth it away and we are gone. 1 1 But who regardeth the poVer oFThy wrath : for even thereafter as a man feareth,* s6 is Thy dis-pie'a- sure. 12 So teach us to num-ber~our days : that we may apply our hearts unto wis-dom. mf 13 Turn Thee again, O Lord, a*t the last : and be gracious u*n-to" Thy ser-vants. 14 O satisfy us with Thy mercy, and that soon : so shall we rejoice and be glad * Sll the da*ys of our life. 1 5 Comfort us again now * after the time that Th6u hast pla*gu-ed us : and for the years wherein we have suf-fered^ad-ver-si-ty. (Full)p 16 Shew Thy ser-vants" Thy work : and th£ir chfl-dren^ Thy glo-ry. (Full) mf 17 And the glorious Majesty of the Lord our G6d be upon us : prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us, * O prosper Thtfu our han-dy-work. in [Psalm 91. Day i 8.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 91. Psalm 91. Qui habitat. : E. J. Hopkins. 2. ' A. H. Brown. m/\liTKOSO dwelleth under the V V defence of the M6*st High : shall abide under the shadow 6i the^Al-migh-ty. 2 I will say unto the Lord, * Thou art my h6pe, and my strong hold : my GSd, in Him will I trust. 3 For He shall deliver thee from the sn&re of the hfin-ter : and fr6m the noi-some pes-ti-lence. 4 He shall defend thee under His wings, * and thou shalt be safe finder His f€a-thers : His faithful- ness and truth shall bS thy shield and biick-ler. 5 Thou shalt not be afraid for any te*r-ror^by night : n6r for the a*rrow that flieth by day ; 6 For the pestilence that walketh in dSrk-ness : nor for the sickness that destr6yeth in the noon-day. 7 A thousand shall fall beside thee,* and ten th6usand at thy right hand : bfit it shall no*t come nigh thee. 8 Yea, with thine e^es shalt thdu be-hold : and see the reward o*f the n un-god-ly. p 9 For Thou, L6rd, a*rt my hope : Thou hast set Thine h6use of defence ve-ry high. io There shall no evil happen dn-to thee : neither shall any plague come nfgh thy dwell-ing. ii For He shall give his angels charge (5-ver thee : t6 ke*ep thee^in all thy ways. 12 They shall b£ar thee fn their hands : that thou hfirt not thy fdot a-gainst a stone. 13 Thou shalt go upon the libn and Sd-der : the young lion and the dragon * shalt thou trSad u*n-der thy feet. mp 14 Because he hath set his love upon Me,* therefore will I delf-ver him : I will set him tip, because he* hath known My Name. ffi 1 5 He shall call upon Me,* and I will h€ar him : yea, I am with hir in trouble ;* I will deliver him, and bring him^to ho-nour. mf 16 With long life will I satisfy him : and shew him My sal-va- tion. 112 Psalm 92.] MA TTINS. Day 18. Psalm 92. Bonum est confiteri. * A. H Brown. 2. Dr. C. Steggall. f T T is a good thing to give thinks JL ifn-to^the Lord : and,to sing praises unto Thy N&me, O Most Hi'gh-est ; 2 To tell of Thy loving-kindness §arly in the mftrn-ing : and of Thy trfith in the night-sea-son ; 3 Upon an instrument of ten strings, and uptfn the lute : upon a loud Instrument, and up-on the harp. 4 For Thou, Lord, hast made me gl£d through Thy works : and I will rejoice in giving praise * for the 6pera*-tions of Thy hands. 5 O Lord,* how gl6rious a*re Thy works : Th$ thoughts are ve-ry deep. mf6 An unwise man doth not well consi-der this : and a f6ol doth not iin-der-stand it. 7 When the ungodly are green as the grass,* and when all the workers of wfckedness do flou-rish : then shall they be destroyed for ever ;* butThou, Lord, art the Most Hfgh- est^for e-ver-more. 8 For lo, Thine enemies, O Lord,* lo, Thine Enemies shall pe*-rish : and all the workers of wfckedness shall b£ de-stroy-ed. fg But mine horn shall be exalted like the h6rn of an u-ni-corn : for I am anomt-ed^with fresh oil. io Mine eye also shall see his lust of mine e-ne-mies : and mine ear shall hear his desire of the wicked * that anse up a-ga'inst me. p ii The righteous shall flQurish like a pSlm tree : and shall spread abr6ad like a ce'-dar^in Li-ba-nus. 12 Such as are planted in the ho*use oPthe Lord : shall flourish in the courts of the ho'use of our God. 13 They also shall brmg forth more fruit in^their age : and shall be f£t and we"li-l£king. 14 That they may shew how true the L6rd my strength is : and that there is n6 unrfght-eous-ness in Him. "3 dEbensong. Psalm 93. f r I 'HE Lord is King,* and hath JL put on gl6rious appa'-rel : the Lord hath put on His apparel, and gfrded Him-self with strength. 2 He hath made the round wo*rld so sure : th&t it ca*nnot be mov- ed. m/2, Ever since the world began* hath Thy s6at been prepa-red : Thou &rt from e'-ver-last-ing. f4 The floods are risen, O Lord,* the floods have lift up their voice : j the floods lfft up the'ir waves. 5 The waves of the sea are mighty,* and r%e hoV-ri-bly : but yet the Lord,* Who dwSlleth on hfgh, is migh-ti-er. m/6 Thy testimonies, O L6rd, are v£-ry sure : holiness becBmeth Thine ho*use for e-ver. Psalm 94. Dcus ultionum. * A. H. Brown. 2. * A. H. Brown. mf f^\ LORD God, * to Whom \_) vengeance belong - eth : Thou God,* to Whom vengeance belo*ng-eth, shew Thy-self. 2 Arfse, Thou Judge oFthe world: and reward the proud after their de- serv-ing. p 3 Lord, how long shall the un- gGd-ly : how 16ng shall the ungrfd-ly tn-umph ? H4 Psalm 94.] EVENSONG. Day 18. 4 How long shall all wicked doers speak so disdain-ful-ly : and m&ke such pr6*ud boast-ing ? 5 They smite down Thy pe'o-ple,^ Lord : and trouble Thine he-ri- tage. 6 They murder the wfdow, and the stra*n-ger : and pftt the father- less to death. 7 And yet they say,* Tush, the Lord shalPnot see : neither shall the G6d of Ja*cob re-gard it. mf% Take heed,* ye unwfse among the peo-ple : O ye fools, whe'n will ye un-der-stand ? 9 He that planted the 6ar, shall He^not hear : or He that made the eye, shall He not see ? 10 Or He that nurtureth the hea- then : it is He that teacheth man knowledge, shall not~He pu-nish ? n The Lord knoweth the thoughts of man : thai: they are but vain. ft 12 Blessed is the man wh6m Thou chas-tenest,~0 Lord : and t^achest him in Thy law ; 13 That Thou mayest give him patience in tune of adv£r-si-ty : until the pit be dfgged up fdr the^ un-god-ly. 14 For the Lord will not f&il His p€o-ple : neither will He forsake His in-he-ri-tance ; 1 5 Until righteousness turn again unto judg-ment : all such as are true in heart shall fol-low it. 16 Who will rise up with me against the wick-ed : or who will take my part * against the e'-vil-do-ers ? 7?ifiy If the L6rdhadnot he*lp-ed me : it had not failed * but my s6ul had been prft to si-lence. 18 But when I said, My ftfot hath slipt : Thy mercy, O L6"rd, held me up. 19 In the multitude of the sorrows that I ha*d in^my heart : Thy com- forts haVe re-freshed my soul. ft 20 Wilt Thou have any thing to do with the stool of wick-ed-ness : which imagineth mis-chief as a law ? 21 They gather them together * against the s6ul of the rfgh-ttous : and condemn the in-nocent blood. /22 But the L6rd is my re*-fuge : and my G6d is the strength oPmy con-fi-dence. mf "23 He shall recompense them their wickedness,* and destroy them in their 6wn ma*-lice : yea, the Lord our God shalPdes-troy them. "5 The Nineteenth Day, JEatttns. Psalms 95, 96. * C. Gardner. 2. A. H Brown. Psalm 95. Venite^ exultemus. f r\ COME,* let us sing un-to n V-/ the Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the strength of ou*r sal- va-tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgf-ving : and sh6w our- selves gla*d in Him with psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a gr6at Kfng above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6i the earth : and the strength of the htlls is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He ma*de it : and His h&nds prepaY-ed^the dry land. p 6 O come,* let us worship and fall down : and knSel before the L6*rd our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the Lo*rd our God : and we are the people of His pas- ture, and the sh^ep of Hfs hand. mfZ To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden ntft your hearts ; as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der-ness ; 9 When your fathers te*mpt-ed Me : proved M£, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long * was II grieved with thfs genera-tion^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways ; 11 Unto wh6m I swa*re in^My wrath : that they sh6uld not e'n-ter into My rest. fi Psalm 96. Cantate Domino. SING unto the L6rd a n€w o a*ll the whole earth. 2 Sing unto the L6rd, and prafse His Name : be telling of Hfs salva*- tion^from day to day. 3 Declare His honour finto the he*a-then : and His winders u*n-to r all peo-ple. 4 For the Lord is great, * and cannot worthily be pra*is-ed : He is more to be fe'ar-ed^than all gods. mj '5 As for all the gods of the heathen,* thSy are but f-dols : bftt it is the Lord that made the heavens. 6 Glory and w6rship are befftre Him : power and h6nour are fn His I sanc-tua-ry. 16 D SALMS 96, 97.] MATTINS. [Day 19. fj Ascribe unto the Lord,* O ye dhdreds of the peo-ple : ascribe into the L6rd w6*r-ship and power. 8 Ascribe unto the Lord, * the lonour dfte u*n-to~His Name : bring jrSsents, and cGme into His courts. /9 O worship the Lord in the oetuty of hd-li-ness : let the whole *arth stand in awe of Him. fio Tell it out among the hSathen hat the L6*rd is King : and that it s He Who hath made the round vorld so fast * that it cannot be moved ; * and how that He shall jtidge the pe^o-ple right-eous-ly. 1 1 Let the heavens rejoice,* and 16t the e^arth be glad : let the sea make a n6ise, and all that there-in is. 12 Let the field be joyful,* and all that is in it : then shall all the trees of the w6od rejoice be-fore the Lord. 13 For He cometh, * for He cometh to fudge the earth : and wkh righteousness to judge the world, and the pe*o-ple with His truth. Psalm 97. Dominus regnavit. * R. M. Taylor. 2- * Dr. C. Steggall. f HPHE Lord is King,* the e&rth JL may be gla*d there-of : yea, the multitude of the fsles ma*y be ajlad there-of. 2 Clouds and darkness are r6und ab6ut Him : righteousness and judg- ment are the h&bita'-tion of His seat. 3 There shall go a ffre before Him : and burn up His enemies 6n sve-ry side. 4 His lightnings gave shfhe un-to^ the world : the earth saV it,^and was a-fraid. 5 The hills melted like wax * at the presence 6i the Lord : at the presence of the Ltfrd oFthe whole earth. 6 The heavens have declared His righ-teous-ness : and all the people have s£en His glo-ry. mfj Confounded be all they that worship carved images,* and that delfght in vain gods : worship Him, all ye gods. 8 Sion h6ard of it, and rejoi-ced : and the daughters of Judah were glad,* because of Thyjiidg-ments, O Lord. /g For Thou, Lord,* art higher than all that are in the earth : Thou art exalted faY above all gods. p io O ye that love the Lord.* see that ye hate the thfhg which is e-vil : the Lord preserveth the souls of His saints ;* He shall deliver them from the hand o*f the^un-god-ly. //// 1 1 There is sprung up a lfght for the rfgh-teous : and joyful gladness for such as are trGe-heart-ed. f 12 Rejoice in the Lord, ye rfgh-teous : and give thanks for a remembrance 6i His ho-li-ness. [17 Day 19.] THE PSALTER. [Psalms 98, 99 dEJjetisotijg. PSLAM 98. Cantate Domino. * Dr. S. Elvey. 2. * Dr. E. G. Monk. / o SING unto the L6rd a new song : for H6 hath dftne mar-vellous things. 2 With His own right h£nd, and with His h6*-ly arm : hath He g6tten Himself the vic-to-ry. mf 3 The Lord declared Hfs salvS-tion : His righteousness hath He openly shewed in the sight oP the hea-then. 4 He hath remembered His merc,y and truth * toward the house of Is- ra-el : and all the ends of the world * have seen the salva*-tion^of our God. / 5 Shew yourselves joyful unto the Lord, all ye lands : smg, rejofce, and give thanks. p 6 Praise the L6rd updn the harp sing to the Mrp with a psa*lm of n thanks-giv-ing. / 7 With trumpets a*l - so, r and shawms : O shew yourselves joyful before the Lord the King. 8 Let the sea make a noise,* and all that the*re-in is : the round w6rld, and the'y that dwell there- in. 9 Let the floods clap their hands,* and let the hills be joyful togSther befo*re the Lord : for H§ is come to judge the earth. mf 10 With righteousness shall He ju*dge the world : aud the petf- ple^with e-qui-ty. Psalm 99. Dominus regnavit. C. Gibbons. 2. I ! , i n a ,,, » ■ . I. W. Ridley. 'salms 99, ioo.] EVENSONG. fHTHE Lord is King,* be the JL people neVer so impa*-tient : He sitteth between the cherubims,* be the 6arth never so* un-qui-et. 2 The Lord is grSat in Sf-on : and hfgh above all peo-ple. 3 They shall give thinks u*n-to~ Thy Name : whick is great,* won- derful, and ho-ly. 4 The King's power loveth judg- ment ;* Thou hast prepared e'-qui-ty. Thou hast executed judgment and rfghteousne'ss in Ja-cob. 5 O magnify the Ldrd our God : and fall down before His footstool, for He is ho-ly. [Day 19. m/6 Moses and Aaron among His priests,* and Samuel among such as call uptfn His Name : these called upon the Lord, and~He heard them. 7 He spake unto them out of the cloudy pil-lar : for they kept His testimonies, and the la*w that'He gave them. 8 Thou h6ardest them, O Lord our God : Thou forgavest them, O God, * and punishedst their oVn in-ven-tions. fg O magnify the Lord our God,* and worship Him upon His hoMy hill : for the Lord our G<5d is ho-ly. Psalm ioo. Jtibilate Deo. * L. Barcroft. 2. [ C. Burnett. -9 ^J- n : 1 1 'H-— | r -9^- fj-^ H f^JVT ~ T~n h (T. rr OP ^^j -*g- I-Si- 1 ' i -^r ^- <-l o tU-s -s? — *- g> z? *~, - — — ii r r -f „ ^ 1W— ^|^j^pX-UI Dr. W. Childe. i ^#S^ ^A P. Humphreys. S^ ^ f C\ BE joyful in the L6rd, all ye V_y lands : serve the Lord with gladness, * and come before His pre-sence with a song. mf 2 Be ye sure that the L6rd H6 is God : it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves ; * we are His people, and the she*ep oPHis pas- ture. /3 Ogo your way into His gates with thanksgiving, * and fnto His cotfrts with praise : be thankful unto Hfm, and speak go'od of His Name. ft 4 For the Lord is gracious,* His mercy is Sverrast-ing : and His truth endureth from generation to ge'-ne-ra-tion. 119 [Psalm ioi # Day 19.] THE PSALTER. P S alm i o i . Misericordiam et judicium. [PSALM IOI. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. / A >f Y song shall be of m6rcy and 1V1 Judg-ment : unto Th8e, O Lord, will I sing. m/2 O let me have understand- ing : m the way of god-li-ness. 3 Whtm wilt Thou cdme unto me : I will walk in my hduse with^a per- fect heart. 4 I will take no wicked thing in hand ; * I hate the sins of unfaith- fulness : there shall n6 such cleave un-to me. 5 A froward hSart shall depaVt from me : I will not kn6w a wfck-ed per-son. 6 Whoso privily sl^ndereth his ne'igh-bour : hfm will I de-stroy. 7 Whoso hath alsg a proud look * and hf£h st6-mach : I will not suf-fer him. 8 Mine eyes look upon such as are faithful fn the land : th&t the*y may dwell with me. 9 Whoso 16adeth a gdd-ly life : h§ shall be* my ser-vant. 10 There shall no deceitful pSrson dwell in^my house : he that tell- eth li6s shall not ta*r-ry in my sight. 11 I shall soon destroy all the ung6dly that are fn the land : that I may root out all wicked d6ers from the cf-ty of the Lord. Venite.J MA TTINS. I Day 20. "The Twentieth Day. ittatttns. Venite exultemus. Domino, T. Tallis. e A. H. Brown. I [33 m i^g 22=^: 0- & & =B° rfTr ^ZZ2 ^rd-F r ^^s = 1 — r- TT (Major.) f C\ COME,* let us suig tfn-tcT V_/ the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of otfr sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shSw our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a gr8at King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners (5f the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hi's al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hands prepa*r-ed~the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us w6rship, and fall down: and kneel before the Ltfrd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the LoVd our God : and we are the people of H is pasture, and the she'ep of Hi's hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden ndt your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : proved M£, and saw My works. I o Forty years long * was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion, p and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. I I Unto whom I sware in^My wrath : that they should not e'n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to~the Son : &nd t6 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and eVer shall be : w6rld without end. 'A*-men. 121 Psalm 102. Day 20.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 102. Psalm 102. Domi7ie, exaudi. Dr. W. Hayes. P TJ EAR my prayer,^ O Lord : JlJL and 16t my crying come un-to Thee. 2 Hide not Thy face from me * in the time of my trou-ble : incline Thine ear unto me when I call ; O he'ar me^and that right soon. pp 3 For my days are consumed away like smoke : and my bones are burnt up * cis it we're a fire-brand. 4 My heart is smitten down, and wfthered like grass : so that I forge't to eat my bread. 5 For the v6ice of my groan-ing : my bones will scarce cleave to my flesh. 6 I am become like a pelican in the wfl-der-ness : and like an 6wl that is in the de-sert. 7 I have watched,* and am even as it wSre a spa*r-row : that sitteth alone upon the house-top. 8 Mine enemies revile me all the n day long : and they that are mad upon me * are swdrn toge'-ther against me. 9 For I have eaten &shes a*s \\T were bread : and mfhgled my drfnk with weep-ing ; 10 And that because of Thine fhdigna*-tion r and wrath : for Thou hast taken me dp, and cast me down. 1 1 My clays are gone like a sha- dow : and I am wi-thered lYke grass. mf 12 But, Thou, O Lord, * shalt endftre for eVer : and Thy remem- brance throughout til ge*-ne- ra- tions. 1 3 Thou shalt arise, * and have mercy upon Sf^on : for it is time that Thou have mercy up6n her, ye'a, the time is come. p 14 And why? * Thy servants thmk up6*n her stones : and it pitieth them to se'e her in the dust. 7/if 1 5 The heathen shall fear Thy Na*me, O Lord : and all the kfngs of the ea*rth Thy Ma-jes-ty; 16 When the Lord shall build up Si-on : and whSn His gl6*-ry shall ap-pear ; 17 When He turneth Him unto the prayer of the poor deVti-tute : Snd despfseth not their de-sire. 18 This shall be written for th6se that come af-ter : and the people whfch shall be bo*rn shall praise the Lord. 19 For He hath looked d6wn from His sa*nc-tua-ry : out of the heaven did the Ltfrd be-hold the earth ; 20 That He might hear the mournings * of such as are fh capti-vi-ty : and deliver the children appofnt-ed un-to death ; 21 That they may declare the Name of the L6rd in S£on : and His worship a*t Je-ru-sa-lem ; Psalms 102, 103.] MATTINS. [Day 20. 22 When the people are gathered together : and the kfngdoms al-so,'"* to serve the Lord. ^23 He brought down my strength in my jotfr-ney : and shdrt-ened my days. 24 But I said,* O my God,* take me not away in the mfdst oPmine age : as for Thy years,* they endure throughout all ge*-ne-ra-tions. 25 Thou, Lord, in the beginning* hast laid the foundation <5f the earth : and the heavens are the wo*rk of Thy hands. 26 They shall parish, but Tho*u shalt^en-dure : they all shall wax old as d(5th a gar-ment ; 27 And as a vesture shalt Thou change them, * and they shall be cha*ng-ed : but Thou art the same, and Thy years shall not fail. 28 The children of Thy servants shall contf-nue : and their seed shall stand fa*st in Thy sight. PSALM 103. Benedic^ anima mea. r A. H. Brown. * J. Barney. / T} RAISE the Lord, O my soul : Ji and all that is withfh me praise His ho-ly Name., 2 Praise the Lord, O my soul : and forget not all His be-ne-fits ; 3 Who forgfveth all thy sin : and he'aleth all thine infir-mi-ties ; 4 Who saveth thy If fe from de- struction : and crowneth thee with mercy and loV-ing-kihd-ness ; 5 Who satisfieth thy m6uth with good things : making thee young and lfisty a*s an ea-gle. mf 6 The Lord executeth rfgh- teousness and jiidg-ment : for all th£m that are oppress - ed with wrong. 7 He shewed His w£ys unto M'5-ses : His works (into the chfl- dren"of Is-ra-el. 8 The Lord is full of compassion and me*r-cy : long-suffering,* Snd of gre'at good-ness. 9 He will not alway be chi-ding: neither keepeth H6 his a*n-ger^for ev-er. 10 He hath not d§alt with us a*f-ter~our sins : nor rewarded us according to our wfck-ed-ness-es. 1 1 For look how high the heaven is * in comparison 6*f the earth : so great is His mercy also * t6war;i the'm that fear Him. 12 Look how wide also the 6ast is fro*m the west : so far hath He set our sins from us. 1 3 Yea,* like as afather pitieth his 6wn crTIl-dren : even so is the Lord merciful unto the'm that fear Him. p 14 For He knoweth wheredf we^are made : He remembereth tha*t we are but dust. 3 [i5 The Day 20.] THE PSALTER. 2. [Psalms 103, 104. * J. Barnby. 15 The days of m&n a*re but^as grass : for he flourisheth as a fldw-er of the field. 16 For as soon as the wind goeth 6ver it, ft is gone : and the place there6f shall knoV it no more. 17 But the merciful goodness of the Lordendureth for ever and ever* upon th6m that fear Him : and His righteousness upon chil-dren's cliil- dren ; 18 Even upon such as k£ep His co*-ve-nant : and think up6n His comma*nd-ments n to do them. mf 19 The Lord hath prepared His se*at in heaven : and His king- dom rul-eth ov-er all. (Full) mp 20 O praise the Lord, ye angels of His,* y£ that exce*l in strength : ye that fulfil His com- mandment,* and hearken unto the vofce of His words. (Full) mf 21 O praise the L6rd, all ye* His hosts : ye servants of Hfs that do* His plea-sure. (Fulljf 22 O speak good of the Lord, all ye works of His,* in all places of Hfs domf-nion : praise thou the L6*rd, O my soul. PSALM 104. Bene die, anima me a. Rev. W. Felton. 2. BOSWORTH. /TD RAISE the Lord, O my soul : JL O Lord my God,* Thou art become exceeding glorious ;* Thou art clothed with ma*jestyandho-nour. 2 Thou deckest Thyself with light * as it w6re with a gar-ment : and spreadest out the hSavens lfke a cur-tain. 3 Who layeth the beams of His chambers in the wS-ters : and ma- keth the clouds His chariot,* and walketh upon the wfhgs of the wind. 124 Psalm 104.J EVENSONG. [Day 2a mf 4 He maketh His Angels spf-rits : and His mihiste'rs a flam- ing fire. 5 He laid the foundations 6*f the earth : that it n£ver should move at a-ny time. 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep* lfke as with a gSr-ment : the waters stand in the hills. 7 At Thy rebuke they flee : at the voice of Thy thun - dePthey are a-fraid. 8 They go up as high as the hills * and d6wn to the val-leys^be- neath : even unto the place which Th6u hast appofnt-ed for them. 9 Thou hast set them their bounds which they shall not pass : neither tfirn again to co-vePthe earth. p 10 He sendeth the springs fnto the rivers : which ru*n a-mong the hills. 1 1 All beasts of the field drink there-of : and the wild a*ss-es quench their thirst. 12 Besides them * shall the fowls of the air have their h&bitS-tion : and sfhg amo*ng the branch-es. 13 He w&tereth the hills fronP a-bove : the earth is f tiled with the fruft of Thy works. 14 He bringeth forth gr£ss for the cSt-tle : and green he*rb foPthe ser-vice^of men ; 1 5 That He may bring food out of the earth,* and wine that maketh gl&d the he'art of man : and oil to make him a cheerful countenance, * and br£ad to strength-en man's heart. mf 16 The trees of the Lord also are full of sap : even the cedars of Llbanus which He* hath plant-ed ; 17 Wherein the birds malce their nests : and the fir-trees are a dwell- ing for the stork. 18 The high hills are a reluge for the Wild goats : and so are the st6ny rocks foPthe co-nies. p 19 He appointed the moon for certain s€a-sons : and the stin kn<5w- etlPhis go-ing down. 20 Thou makest darkness that it ma*y be night : wherein all the blasts oPthe forest do move. 21 The lions roaring al-tePtheir prey : dd se*ek their meat from God. mf 22 The sun ariseth,* and they get them aw&y together : and lay them down in their dens. 23 Man goeth forth to his work,* &nd tohisla-bour : tintflthe eve-ning. /24 O Lord, how manifold a*re Thy works : in wisdom hast Thou made them all ; * the 6arth is full oFThy rich-es. mf2$ So is the great and wide sea al-so : wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts. 26 There go the ships,* and there is that Levf-a-than : whom Thou hast ma:de to ta*ke his pastime there-in. 27 These wait all upon Thee : that Thou mayest give them m6at in dfie sea-son. 28 When Thou givest it them they ga*-ther it : and when Thou openest Thyhaxid the'y are fill-ed^with good. p 29 When Thou hidest Thy face they are tro*ub-led : pp when Thou takest away their breath they die,* and are ttirned agafn to their dust. f 30 When Thou lettest Thy breath go forth the'y shalPbe made : and Thou shalt rene\v the face oP the earth. ffyi The glorious Majesty of the Lord shall endure for ev-er : the Lord shall rejofce in Hi's works. p 32 The earth shall tremble at the l(5ok of Him : if He do but tolich the Kills, they shall smoke. /33 I will sing unto the Lord as lolig asT live : I will praise my G6d while I haVe my be-ing. 34 And so shall my words please Him : my J6y shall be in the Lord. 35 As for sinners,* they shall be consumed out of the earth, * and the ungodly shall c6me to^an end : praise thou the L6rd, O my sfiul, praise the Lord. 125 Day 21.] THE PSALTER. [Venite. The Twenty-First Day. ^Ratting* Venite, exultemus Domino Dr. E. Ayrton, 2. Dr. Alcock. f C\ COME,* let us sfhg un-to~ \J the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of our sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shew our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a gr£at King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the c6rners 6i the earth : and the strength of the Kills is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is His, and He made it : and His hands prepa*r-ed n the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us w6rship, ind fall down: and kn§el before the L6*rd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the Lo*rd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of Hi's hand. mf% To-day if ye will hear His voice, * harden no*t your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : pr6ved M£, and saw My works. io Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. ii Unto whom I swaVe in^My wrath : that they sh6uld not £n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to^the Son : &nd t6 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : w6rld without €nd. *A*-men. 126 Psalm 105. J MATT INS. [Day 21. Psalm 105. Confitemini Domino. Dr. P. Hayes. f r~\ GIVE thanks unto the Lord,* W and call upo*n His Name : tell the people what things He hath done. 2 O let your songs be of Him, and pra*ise Him : and let your talking be of a*ll His won-drous works. 3 Rejoice in His hoMy Name : let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. 4 S6ek the Lo*rdand~His strength: sSek His face ev-er-more. 5 Remember the marvellous w6rks that He* hath done : His w6nders, and the jifdg-ments of His mouth, A 6 O ye seed of Abraham His ser- vant : ye children of Ja*-cob n His cho-sen. 7 He is the L6*rd our God : His judgments a*re in all the world. mf 8 He hath been alway mindful of His covenant and pro-mise : that He made to a thousand ge'-ne-ra- tions ; 9 Even the covenant that He m&de with A-bra-ham :..and the Cath that He swaVe unto I-saac ; 10 And appointed the same unto J&cob fo*r a law : and to Israel for an everla*st-ing tes-ta-ment ; 1 1 Saying,* Unto thee will I give the land of Ca-na-an : the lot of y6*ur in-he-ri-tance ; p 12 When there were yet but a few of them : and they stran-gers in the land ; 13 What time as they went from one nation to ano-ther : from one kingdom to and-ther peo-ple ; 14 He suffered n6 man to d<5 them wrong : but reproved even kings for the'ir sakes ; mfi$ Touch not Mme Ano;nt-ed : and do My pro'-phets no harm. p 16 Moreover,* He called for a dearth upon the land : and destroyed a*ll the~pro-vi-sion~of bread. mf 17 But He had sent a man before them : even Joseph,* who was sold to be a b6nd-ser-vant ; 18 Whose feet they hilrt in~the stocks : the fron e'n-tered into his soul ; 19 Until the time c&me that his ca*use was known : the word of the LGrd tri-ed him. 20 The king sSnt, and deli-vered him : the prince of the people let him go free. 21 He made him 16rd also of his house : and rdlerofa*ll his sub-stance; 22 That he might inform his prfnees aY-terHiis will : and teach his senators wisdom. 23 Israel also came into E-gypt : and Jacob was a stronger in the land of Ham. 127 [24 And Day 21.] 1. THE PSALTER. i A. H. Brown. 2. Psalm 105 Dr. P. Hayes. 24 And He increased His pe6ple exceed - ing - ly : and made them str6nger tha*n their e-ne-mies ; 25 Whose heart turned so,* that they Mted His pe"o-ple : and dealt untruly with His ser-vants. 26 Then sent He M6ses His ser- vant : and Aaron who*m He r had cho-sen. 27 And these shewed His tokens am6ng them : and w6nders fn the land of Ham. p 28 He sent darkness, a*nd it^was dark : and they were n6t obe*-dient unto His word. 29 He turned their waters m-to blood : &nd sl€w the'ir fish. 30 Their land brought forth frogs : yea,* even in their kings' cham-bers. 31 He spake the word,* and there came all mifn-ner^of flies : and lfce in all their quar-ters. 32 He gave them hafl-stones^for rain : and flames of fire in their land. 33 He smote their vines also and ffg-trees : and destr6yed the treses that n were in their coasts. 34 He spake the word,* and the grasshoppers came,* and caterpil- lars innil-mera-ble : and did eat up all the grass in their land,* and dev6ured the fruft of the'ir ground. 35 He smote all the first-born fn their land : 6ven the chief of all their strength. / 36 He brought them forth also with sil-ver^and gold : there was not 6ne feeble peVson among their tribes. 37 Egypt was glad at their depart- ing : for tMy were afraTd of them. 38 He spread out a cl6ud to be a co*-ver-ing : and fire to give light fn the^night-sea-son. p 39 At their detfre He brought quails : and He filled them wfth the bread of heaven. 40 He opened the rock of stone,* and the waters floV-ed out : so that rivers r&n fn the^dry plac-es. mf 41 For why?* He remembered His h61y pr6-mise : and Abraham His ser-vant. 42 And He brought forth His pe'o-ple n with joy : &nd His chd-sen^ with glad-ness ; 43 And gave them the l&nds of the h£a-then : and they took the labours of the people in pos-ses-sion-, 44 That they might k&ep His sta- tutes ; &nd observe Hi's laws. T28 Psalm 106.] EVENSONG. [Day 21. (Evensong. PSALM 106. Confite?nini Domino. * W. Dyce. 2. * S. Atherstone. * A. H. Brown. A. H. Brown, nrf^.M^i-J-^,.. , H| 11 ! J J i 'Yt%\&&\ -H ° h^--i T^l i^-i — 1_£ — P^CT ffp4l ^^^fW^^^l f f~\ GIVE thanks unto the Lord,* V_y for H6 is gra-cious : and His mercy endar-eth'for ev-er. 2 Who can express the noble acts of "the Lord : 6r sheV forth all His praise ? 3 Blessed are they that alway keep jiidg-ment : and do righteous- ness. p 4 Remember me, O Lord, * according to the favour that Thou bearest Onto Thy peVple : O vfsit me with Thy sal-va-tion ; 5 That I may see the felicity of Thy cho-sen : and rejoice in the gladness of Thy people,* and give thanks with Thfne in-he-ri-tance. 6 We have sinned with our fa- thers : we have done amfss, and de*alt wick-ed-ly. 7 Our fathers regarded not Thy wonders in Egypt, * neither kept they Thy great goodness in remem- brance : but were disobedient at the sea, even at^the Red Sea. mf 8 Nevertheless, * He helped them for His Nome's sake : that H§ might ma*ke His power to^be known. 9 He rebuked the Red Sea also,* and it was dri-ed up : so He led them through the d£ep, as through a wil-der-ness. io And He saved them from the Adversary's hand : and delivered them from the hand of ~the e-ne-my. ii As for those that troubled them, * the waters overwhelm-ed them : thSre wa*s not one^of them left. 12 Then believed th^y His words: and sang praise un-to Him. p 13 But within a while they forga't His works : and would not abide His coun-sel. 14 But lust came upon them in the wfl-der-ness : and they tempted Go*d in^the de-sert. 15 And He gave them their de- sire : and sent leanness withal into their soul. 16 They angered Moses also in the tents : and Aaron the saint of the Lord. /17 So the earth opened,* and swallowed up Da*-than : and covered the congregation 6i A-bi-ram. 18 And the fire was kindled in their coln-pa-ny : the fl&me burnt up the~un-god-ly. mf 19 They made a calf in Ho-reb : and worshipped the mol-ten I-mage. 20 Thus they turned their glo-ry : into the similitude of a calf that eat-eth hay. 129 [21 And Day 21.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 106. * W. Dyce S. Atherstone. 21 And they forgat G6d their Sa- viour : Who had done so grSat things in E-gypt ; 22 Wondrous works in the land of Ham : and fearful things by^the Red Sea. 23 So He said, He would have destroyed them,* had not Moses His chosen stood bef6re Him in the gap : to turn away His wrathful indignation, * 16st He should de- stroy them. p 24 Yea, they thought sc6rn of that pleVsant land : and gave no cre'-dence unto His word ; 25 But murmured fn their tents : and hearkened not unto the vdice of the Lord. 26 Then lift He up his hand against them : to overthrew them fn the wil-der-ness ; 27 To cast out their seed amcmg the na-tions : ind to scatter them in the lands. 28 They joined themselves unto Ba*-al-peor : and ate the oY-ferings of the dead. mf 29 Thus they provoked Him to anger * with their 6wn inven- tions : and the plague was gre*at a-mong them. 30 Then stood up Phfnees and pray-ed : and s6 the plSgue ceas-ed. 31 And that was counted unto him for righ-teous-ness : among all posterities for ev-er-more. p 32 They angered Him also at the wa*-ters^of strife : so that He punished Mouses for their sakes ; 33 Because they prov6ked his srji-rit : so that he spike unadvfs- edly with his lips. mf 34 Neither destroyed th6y the heVthen : is the Lo*rd com-mand- ed them ; 35 But were mingled am6ng the he*a-then : indlea*rn-ed the'ir works. 36 Insomuch that they worshipped their idols,*which turned to their o\vn de-cay : yea, they offered their sons and their daughters iln-to de-vils ; 37 And shed innocent blood, * even the blood of their sons and of their dSugh-ters : whom they offered unto the idols of Canaan ;* and the lind wa*s de-filed with blood. 38 Thus were they stained with their 6wn works : and went a whor- ing with their (5wn in-ven-tions. / 39 Therefore was the wrath of the Lord kindled against His peo- ple : insomuch that He abh6rred his dwn in-he-ri-tance. 40 And He gave them over into the hind of the hea-then : and they that hited them were 16rds o-ver them. mf 41 Their Enemies oppre'ss-ed them : and hid them fn sub-jec-tion. 42 Many a time did H6 delf-ver them : but they rebelled against Him with their own inventions, * and were br6ught ddwn in^their wick-ed-ness. 130 Vexite.] MATTINS. [Day 22. 43 Nevertheless, * when He sSw their adveVsi-ty : H8 h€ard their com-plaint. 44 He thought upon His covenant, and pitied them, * according unto the multitude of His mer-cies : yea, He made all those that led them aw&y ca*p-tive^to pi-ty • hem. p 45 Deliver us, O Lord our God, * and gather us from am6ng the he*a-then : that we may give thanks unto Thy holy Name, * and make our boast of Thy praise. / 46 Blessed be the Lord God of Israel* from everlasting, and wtfrld without end : and let til the p£o-ple say, A-men. > » < The Twenty-Second Day. iEatttns, Venite^ exultemus Domino. * R. C. Miller. 2. Dr. Aldrich. f(~\ COME,* let us sfng tfn-to" V/ the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of ou*r sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shSw our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a gr6at King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the c6rners 6i the earth : and the strength of the hills is His al-so. 5 The sea is His, and He made it : and His h&nds prepaY-ed^the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kn§el before the Ldrd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the Ldrd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she*ep of His hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden not your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te*mpt-ed Me : pr6ved M£, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera'-tion^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. 11 Unto whom I swa*re in^My wrath : that they sh6uld not e'n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to~the Son : 3nd to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : w6rld without end. "A'-men. 131 [Psalm 107. Day 22 ] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 107. Psalm 107. Confitemini Domino. * J. Heywood. (Major.) j (~\ GIVE thanks unto the Lord,* V_y for H& is grS-ciOus : and His mercy endur-eth^for ev-er. 2 Let them give thanks * whom the Lord hath redeem -ed : and delfvered from the hand of ° the e-ne-my ; 3 And gathered them out of the lands, * from the east, and from^the west ; from the no*rth, and from the south. (Minor.) p 4 They went astray in the wilderness out of the way : and foftnd no c'-ty^to dwell in ; 5 Hungry and thfrs-ty : their soul fafnt-ed in them. 7nf 6 So they cried unto the Lord in their trou-ble : and He delfvered them from their dis-tress. 7 He led them forth by the rfght way : that they might g6 to the cf-ty where they dwelt. (Major.) (Full) / 8 O that men would therefore praise the L6rd for His good-ness : and declare the wonders that He doeth i6x the chil-dren^of men ! (Can.)f 9 For He satisfieth the enip-ty soul : and filleth the hungry soul with e in Thy command-ments : whfch I have lov-ed. 48 My hands also will I lift up unto Thy commandments, * which I have I6*v-ed : and my study shall b6 in Thy sta-tutes. Memor esto servi Tui. mfr\ THINK upon Thy servant, \_J as concern-ing^Thy word : wherein Thou hast cafised me' to put my trust. 50 The same is my comfort in my tro'u-ble : for Thy wdrd hath quick- ened me. 51 The proud have had me exceedingly in derf-sion : yet have I not shnnk-ed from Thy law. 52 For I remember Thine ever- lasting ju*dg-ments,~0 Lord : and receiv-ed corn-fort. p 53 I am horribly a-fraid : for the ungodly tha*t for-sake Thy law. mf 54 Thy statutes have be'en my songs : fh the ho'use of^my pil-grim-age. 55 I have thought upon Thy Name, O Lord, * in the nfght- sca-son : and have kept Thy law. 56 This I had : because I ke'pt Thy command-ments. 147 \Portio mea. Day 25.] 1 THE PSALTER. 1 C. Fisher. 2. [Psalm 119. * H. Wicks. Portio mea^ Domine. /nPHOU art myptfr-tiorTO Lord : JL I have pr6mised to ke'ep Thy law. 58 I made my humble petition in Thy presence * with my who'le heart : O be merciful unto m6, accord-ing n to Thy word. 59 I called mine own ways to reme'm-brance : and turned my f8et un-to^Thy tes-timo-nies. 60 I made haste,* and prol6nged ntft the time : t6 ke'ep Thy command- ments. 61 The congregations of the ung6dly have n'b-bed me : but I have not for-got-ten^Thy law. 62 At midnight I will rfse to give thanks unto Thee : because of Thy righ-teous j'udg-ments. 63 I am a companion of all th£m that fe'ar Thee : &nd ke'ep Thy command-ments. 7/2/64 The earth, O Lord,* is fQll of Thy mer-cy : O te'ach me n Thy st"-tutes. Bonitatem fecisti. mf f~\ LORD,* Thou hast dealt V_/ graciously with Thy ser- vant : &ccord-ing unto Thy word. 66 O learn me true under- standing and know -ledge : for 1 have believed Thy com-mand- ments. 67 Before I was troubled, I went wrong : btit noV have^I kept Thy word. A 68 Thou art g6od and gra-cious : O tea*ch me^Thy sta-tutes. 69 The proud have imagined a lfe against me : but I will keep Thy commandments wfth my whole heart. 70 Their he'art is as fa*t as brawn : but my delfght hatL be'en in Th law. 71 It is good for me^that I have b£en in tr6*u-ble : that 1 may learn Thy sta-tutes. 72 The law of Thy mouth is dearer un-to me : than thousands of gtfld and sil-ver. 148 Psalm 119.] EVENSONG. [Day 25. dBbmsong* R. Langdon. an »gys^w il^^ fei^=fea i Manus Tuce fecerunt me. mf HH H Y hands have made me and JL fa*sh-ioned me A : O give me understanding,* that I may learn Thy command-ments. 74 They that fear Thee will be gl&d when they se*e me : because I have put my trust in Thy word. 75 I know, O L6rd, that Thy jrfdg-ments^are right : and that Thou of very faithfulness * hast caused me to* be trou-bled. 76 O let Thy merciful kindness be my corn-fort : according to Thy w6rd un-to n Thy ser-vant. yj O let Thy,loving mercies come unto m£, that I may live : f6r Thy la\v is my de-light. 78 Let the proud be confounded,* for they go wickedly about to destroy me : but I will be occupied in Thy com-mand-ments. 79 Let such as fear Thee,* and have kn6wn Thy teVtimo-nies : b§ tu*rn-ed un-to me. 80 O let my heart be s6und in Thy stS-tutes : that I hi not asham-ed. Defecit anima mea. mf M Y soul hath longed for have a good hope, becaifse of Thy word. 82 Mine eyes long so*re for^Thy word : saying, O whe*n wilt^Thou com-fort me ? 83 For I am become like a bottle in the smoke : yet do I not forget Thy sta-tutes. 84 How many are the days of Thy s€r-vant : when wilt Thou be avSnged of the'm that per-secute me? 8$ The proud have digged pits for me : which are not after Thy law. A 86 All Thy comma'nd-ments^are true : they persecute me falsely ; O be Thou my help. 87 They had almost made an end of m£ up6*n earth : but I forsook not Thy com-mand-ments. 88 O quicken me after Thy ldving- kmd-ness : and so shall I k£ep the te'sti-monies of Thy mouth. 149 [/// aternum. Day 25.; 1. THE PSALTER. A. H. Br \vn. 2. [Psalm 119. * F. Rushrho XZ. " ^ ... Utt-fe 1 ■ j ■ 1 P ^ 1 ^--^-^ :v g i J h^ g — , ^ 5,, ^=— -— tl^- -fI 4 ZR5TONE. 1 ■ ) g- g^Eg Chan. In csternum, Domine. ty(\ LORD, Thy word : endfireth V^/ for £v-er~in hea-ven. 90 Thy truth also remaineth * from one generation to an6*-ther : Thou hast laid the foundation of the earth, and ft a-bld-eth. 91 They continue this day * according to Thine (5r-di-nance : for all things serve Thee. 92 If my delight had not been in~ Thy law : I should have perished in my trou-ble. 93 I will never forg£t Thy com- | mandments : for with the"m Thou~ hast quick-ened me. 94 I am Thine, O save me : for I Ight Thy command-ments. 95 The ungodly laid wait for me to destroy me : but I will consf-der" Thy tes-timo-nies. 96 I see that all things ctfme to" an end : but Thy commandment is ex-ceed-in£ broad. Quomodo dilex mf T ORD, what love have I 1_^ tin-to~Thy law : all the day long is my stu-dy m it. 98 Thou through Thy command- ments * hast made me wfser than mine e-ne-mies : for th6y are eV-er with me. 99 I have more understanding than my teach-ers : for Thy testi- monies a*re my stii-dy. 100 I am wfser than the a-ged : be- cause I ke*ep Thy command-ments. 1 01 I have refrained my feet from every- £-vil way : that I may keep Thy word. 102 I have not shrunk from Thy judg-ments : for Thou teach-est me. 103 O how sweet are Thy w6rds un-to~my throat : yea, sweeter than hd-ney unto my mouth. 104 Through Thy commandments I g6t understand-ing : therefore I hate all e-vil ways. Venite.] MA TTINS. [Day 26. *the Twenty- Sixth Den Venite^ erultcmus Domino. * C. Fisher. 2. - A. H. I f(~\ COME,* let us sfng un-tcT vy the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of orfr sal-ra- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shew our- selves glad in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a gr£at King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6f the earth : and the strength of the hills is His al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hSnds prepaV-ed^the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kneel before the Ldrd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the L6rd our God : and we are the people of H is pasture, and the she'ep of His hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden no*t your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te*mpt-ed Me : proved Me', and saw My works. 10 Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs generi-tion^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. 11 Unto whom I swire in~My wrath : that they sh6uld not e'n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to~the Son : £nd t6 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6\v, and eVer shall be : "w6rld without end. "A'-men. 151 [L;<\ Day 26. THE PSALTER. [Psalm 119 P S ALM 11 9. — (Continued.) C. King. 2. *A. H. Brown. ■^^^=^^ m ^^s^ ^^ Dr. W. Hayes. 4. J. Battishill. Lucerna pedibus nieis. (Major.) mf HHHY word is a lantern un-to n i my feet : &nd a light unto my paths. 1 06 I have sworn, * and am steadfastly pur-pos-ed : to kSep Thy rfght-eous judg-ments. p 107 I am troubled above mea- sure : quicken me, Lord, acco'rd- ing^to Thy word. 108 Let the free-will offerings of my mouth please Thee, r O Lord : Snd teach me^Thy judg-ments. 109 My soul is alway in my hand : yet do I ntft for-get Thy law. no The ungodly have laid a snare for me : but yet I swerved not from Th^ com-mand-ments. 1 1 1 Thy testimonies have I claimed * as mine heritage for e"v-er : and why ? * they are the v£ry jo*y of my heart. 112 I have applied my heart* to fulfil Thy statutes al-way : £ven dn-to the end. Iniquos odio habui. (Minor.) mf T HATE them that imagine 1 ev-il things : btit Thy law do I love. 114 Th6u art my defence and shield : and my trust is in Thy word. 1 1 5 Away from me, ye wick-ed : I will k6ep the comma*nd-ments of my God. 116 O stablisjj me according to Thy w6rd, that I may live : and let me n6t be disappofnt-ed of my hope ; 117 Hold Thou me tip, and I shalPbe safe : yea, my delight shall be Sver fn Thy sta-tutes. 118 Thou hast trodden down all them that depart from Thy sta-tutes : for they ima-gine but de-ceit. 119 Thou puttest away all the ungodly of the eaVth like dross : therefore I lo*ve Thy tes-timo-nies. p 1 20 My flesji trembleth for fear of Thee : and I am afrafd oFThy judg-ments. Feci judiciicm. (Major.) mf T DEAL with the thing that is L laV-fuPand right : O give me not 6ver unto mine op-pres-sors. 122 Make Thou thy servant to delfght in tha*t which^is good : that the proud do* me no wrong. 123 Mine eyes are wasted away with looking for Thy health : &nd for the wdrd oFThy righ-teous-ness. 124 O deal with Thy servant * according unto Thy 16ving me"r-cy : and teaoi me^Thy sta-tutes. 153 Psalm 119.] MATT INS. [Day 26. 125 I am Thy servant, * Q grant me finderst£nd-ing : that I may kno*w Thy tes-timo-nies. 126 It is time for Thee, Lord,* to lSy to* Thine hand : for th6y have destr<5y-ed Thy law. 127 For I love Thy command- ments : ab6ve go*ld and pre-cious stone. 128 Therefore hold I straight all Thy commSnd-ments : and all false ways I ilt-ter-ly ab-hor. Dr. C. Steggall. G. Seymour. m^^s^ Mirabilia. mf HPHY testimonies are wcoi- -L der-ful : therefore doth my soul keep them. 150 When Thy w6rd go*-eth forth : it giveth light and understanding iln-to^the s'im-ple. 1 3 1 I opened my mouth, and dreV in^my breath : for my delight was in Thy com-mand-ments. 132 O look Thou upon me,* and be merciful iin-to me : as Thou usest to do unto tho*se that love Thy Name. 133 Order my ste'ps in^Thy word : and so shall no wickedness have domi-nion o-ver me. 134 O deliver me from the wrong- ful deal-ings^of men : and s6 shall I ke*ep Thy command-ments. 135 Shew the light of Thy counte- nance up6n Thy seVvant : £nd te"ach me^Thy sta-tutes. 136 Mine eyes gush 6ut with wa-ter : because mSn ke"ep not Thy law. Justus es f Domine. mf O IGHTEOUS art Th6u 9 O i\ Lord : ind trtfe is r Thy judg-ment. 138 The testimonies that Thou hast comma*nd-ed : &re exce'ed-ing right-eous^and true. 139 My zeal hath Sven consu*m-ed me : because mine Snemies have forgo't-ten Thy words. 140 Thy word is trfed to the iit-ter-most and Thy se'r-vant lov-eth it. 141 I am small, * and of n6 reputS-tion : yet do I n6t forge't Thy comm'and-ments. 142 Thy righteousness is an everlasting righ-teous-ness : and Thy law is the truth. p 143 Trouble and heaviness have taken hold upon me : yet is my delfght in Thy com-mand-ments. 144 The righteousness of Thy tes- timonies * is $verl5st-ing : O grant me understa*nd-ing,^and I shall live. 153 Day 26.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 119. (Evensong. A. H. Brown. Dr. Aldrich. Clamavi in toto corde meo. (Major.) A mf T CALL with my whole heart : JL hear me, O L6rd, I will ke*ep Thy sta-tutes. 146 Yea, 6ven unto Thee do^I call : help me, and I shall k£ep Thy tes-timo-nies. 147 Early in the morning do I cry unto Thee : f6r in Thy word is my trust. 148 Mine eye^ prevSnt the night- watch-es : that I might be (5c-cupied in Thy words. p 149 Hear my voice, O Lord,* according unto Thy 16ving-kfhd- ness : quicken me, acco*rd-ing^as Thou art wont. 150 They draw nigh that of malice persecute me : and are iix from Thy law. 151 Be Thou nigh at ha*nd, O Lord : for all Thy comma'nd-ments are true. 152 ^Vs concerning Thy testimo- nies,* I have kntfwn long since : that Thou hast grounded them for ev-er. 1 Vide humilitatem. (Minor.) pr\ CONSIDER mine adversity, V_y and delf-ver me : for I do not for-get Thy law. 1 54 Avenge Thou my c&use, and delf-ver me : quicken me, accdrd- ing~to Thy word. 155 Health is f&r from the un- go'd-ly : for they regard notThy sta-tutes. 156 Gr6at isThyme'r-cy^O Lord : qfiicken me', as Thou art wont. 157 Many there are that trouble me, and peVsecute me : yet do 1 not swerve frcon Thy tes-timo- nies. 158 It grieveth me when I s£e the transgreVsors : because they ke^ep not Thy law. 1 59 Consider, O Lord, * how I love Thy command - ments : O quicken me, * acc6rding to Thy ldv-ing-kihdness. 160 Thy word is trtie from ever- last-ing : all the judgments of Thy righteousness endrfre for ev-er-more. 54 Principes persecuti sunt. (Minor.) WT)RINCES have persecuted jl me withdut a cause : but my heart st&ndeth in a*we of Thy word. I &m as glad of n Thy as 6ne that find-eth great 162 word spoils 163 As for lies,* I Mte and abhor them : bfit Thy law do I love. 164 Seven times a d&y do I praise Thee : because of Thy rfght-eous judg-ments. 165 Great is the peace that they have who loVe Thy law : and they are not offe'nd-ed at it. 166 Lord,* I have looked for Thy saV-ing health : and done after Thy com-mand-ments. 167 My soul hath k£pt Thy teV timo-nies : and 16ved them ex-ceed- ing-ly. 168 I have kept Thy command- ments and tes-timo-nies : for £11 my wa*ys are before Thee. Appropinquet deprecatio. (Major.) mf T ET my complaint come 1 j before Thee,^0 Lord : give me understanding, accord - ing^to Thy word. 170 Let my supplication cdme before Thee : deliver me, accdrd- ing~to Thy word. 171 My lfps shall spdak oPThy praise : when thou hast taught me^ Thy sta-tutes. 172 Yea, my tongue shall sing of" Thy word : for all Thy command- ments^are figh-teous. 173 Let Thine hand help me :forI have chdsen Thy com-mand-ments. 174 I have longed for Thy saving health, O Lord : and m Thy law is my de-light. 175 O let my soul live,* and It shall praise Thee : &nd Thy judg- ments^shail help me. 176 I have gone astray like a she'ep that'is lost : O seek Thy servant,* for I d6 not forge't Thy command-ments. 155 Day 27.] THE PSALTER, [Venite. The Twenty- Seventh Day. Venite exultemus, Domino. * W. RlDLBY. T. PURCELL. f r\ COME,* let us sfng un-to n V_7 the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strSngth of ou*r sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and sh£w our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a gr8at King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6*f the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is His, and He made it : and His hands prepaV-ed^the dry land. )6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kneel before the Ltfrd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the LcSrd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of His hand. m/2> To-day if ye will hear His voice, * harden no*t your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : proved Me*, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. n Unto whom I swaVe in^My wrath : that they sh6uld not e*n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to^the Son : &nd t<5 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and eVer shall be : w6rld without €nd. *A"-men. IS6 Psalms 120, 121.] MATT INS. [Day 27. Psalms 120, 121. P. Humphreys. 2. A. Neville f^F Psalm 120. Ad Do77iinum. ^nifHEN I was in trouble I VV called upon the Lord : and He heard me. 2 Deliver my soul, L6rd, from ly-ing lips : and frrfm a n de-ceit-ful tongue. 3 What reward shall be given or done unto thee, thou false tongue : even mighty and sharp arrows, with h6*t burn-ing coals. p 4 Wo is me, * that I am con- strained to dwell with Me-sech : and to have my habitation among the t£nts of Ke-dar. 5 My s6ul hath long dwelt among them : thai are e'-nemies un-to peace. 6 I labour for peace,* but when I sp£ak unto the'm there-of : they mike them re*ady to bat-tie. Psalm 121. Levavi oculos. mf T WILL lift up mine eyes u*n- JL to^the hills : from whence cometh my help. 2 My help cometh 6ven from the Lord : Who hath ma'de heaven and earth. 3 He will not suffer thy foot to be mov-ed : and H6 that ke'ep-eth'thee will not sleep. , 4 Behold, H6 that keepeth Is-ra- el : shall nSither sMm-ber nor sleep. 5 The Lord Himself is thy k£ep-er: the Lord is thy defence up(5n thy fight hand ; 6 So that the sun shall not burn thee^by day : neither the moon by night. 7 The Lord shall preserve thee from all e'-vil : yea, it is even He that^shall keep thy soul. 8 The Lord shall preserve thy going 6ut, and thy cdm-ing in : from thfs time ftfrth for e-ver-more. 157 I PS \I,M 122. Day 27.] THE PSALTER. [Psalms 122, 123. Psalms 122, 123. E. W. T. Graves. 2. *A. H. Brown. m $$m^m Psalm 122. Lcetatus sum. mf T WAS glM when they said J_ unto me : We will go into the h6use of the Lord. 2 Our f£et shall sta*nd in n thy gates : O Je-ru-sa-lem. 3 Jerusalem is btiilt as a cf-ty : that fs at ii-nity in it-self. 4 For thither the tribes go up,* eVen the trfbes oPthe Lord : to testify unto Israel,* to give thinks unto the NSme of the Lord. 5 For there is the s6at of judg- ment : even the s6at of the house of Da-vid. /60 pray for the pe&ce of Jerii- sa-lem : they shall proVper that love thee. 7 Peace be within thy walls : and pl^nteousness withfn thy pa-la-ces. 8 For my brethren and compa- nions' sakes : I will wish thee n pros-pe-ri-ty. 9 Yea, because of^the hofise of the L(5rd our God : I will s£ek to do thee good. Psalm 123. Ad Te levavi oculos meos. mp T T NTO Th8e lift I tfp mine VJ eyes : O Th6u that dwe*ll- est in the heavens. 2 Behold, * even as the eyes of servants look unto the hand of their masters,* and as the eyes of a maiden unto the h&nd of her mfs-tress : even so our eyes wait upon the Lord our God,* until He have mer-cy upon us. p 3 Have mercy upon us, O Lord,* have meYcy up6n us : for we are utterly de-spi's-ed. 4 Our soul is filled with the scorn- ful reproof of the we*al-thy : and with the despite-fulness of the proud. 158 Psalms 124, 125.J MA 1 1 11\Z>. \U\Y 27. Psalms 124, 125. 1 B. St. J. B. Joule. 2- E. H. Wilkinson. PSALM 1 24. Nisi quia Dominus. mf TF the Lord Himself had not , A been on our side,* n6w may Is-rael say : if the Lord Himself had not been on our side, * when men rtfse up against us ; 2 They had swallowed lis up quick : when they were so wr&th- fully disple'as-ed at us. p 3 Yea, the waters had dro*wn-ed us : and the stream had gone cj-ver our soul. 4 The deep waters 6i the proud : had gone 6ven d-ver olir soul. mf 5 But praised be' the Lord : Who hath not given us 6ver for a prey unto their teeth. 6 Our soul is escaped* even as a bird out of the snare of the fSwl-er : the snare is broken, and we* are deli-ver-ed. (Full) f 7 Our help standeth in the Nsfaie oFthe Lord ; Wh6 hath mSde heaven and earth. Psalm 125. Qui confidunt w/'THEY that put their trust in X the Lord * shall be even as the mount Sf-on : which may not be removed,* but stindeth fa*st for ev-er. 2 The hills stand about Jeru-sa- lem : even so standeth the Lord round about His people,* from thfs time fo*rth for ev-er-more. 3 For the rod of the ungodly * cometh not into the lot of the righ- teous : lest the righteous pQt their ha*nd unto wick-ed-ness. p 4 DO we'll, O Lord : unto thdse that are go*od and true of heart. 5 As for such as turn back * unto their own wfck-ed-ness : the Lord shall lead them forth with the evil- doers ; * but peace shall be' upon Is-ra-el. ^^M3 159 LJAY 27.J Jfi£ PSALTER. [Psalms 126, 127. Psalms 126, 127. * A. H. Brown. ispteH^^i Psalm 126. In convertendo. f ~\ \ 7 HEN the Lord turned again V V the captivity of Sion : th6n were we like unto them that dream. 2 Then was our mouth filled with la*ugh-ter : and our tongue with joy. 3 Then said they among the hea- then : The Lord hath done great things for them. 4 Yea, the Lord hath done great things for ds alre*a-dy : whereof we re-joice. m fS TCirn our captf-vity,~0 Lord : £s the ri-vers in the south. 6 Th£y that so\v in tears : shall r£ap in joy. 7 He that now goeth on his way weeping, * and beareth ftfrth good seed : shall doubtless come again with joy,* and bring his sheaves with him. Psalm 127. Nisi Dominus. mf T7 XCEPT the L6rd Mild the JLL house : their labour is but lost that build it. 2 Except the L6rd keep the ci-ty : the watchman wa*k-eth but in vain. 3 It is but lost labour that ye haste to rise up early, * and so late take rest,* and eat the brSad of caVe-ful-ness : for so He giveth His be-lov-ed sleep. p 4 Lo, children and the fruft oP the womb : are an heritage and gift that co*m-eth of the Lord. 5 Like as the arrows in the hand of the gf-ant : even s6 are the young cml-dren. 6 Happy is the man that hath his qGiver fdll of them : they shall not be ashamed » when they speak with their e'-nemies in the gate. 160 Pss. 128, 129.] EVENSONG. [Day 27. Psalm 128. Beati o?nnes. * L. Barcroft. 2. A. H. Brown. r F p3 FT mf T) LESSED are all they that D fear the Lord : and wa*lk in Hi's ways. 2 For thou shalt eat the labours 6i thine hands : O well is thee, and ha*p-py shalt thou be. 3 Thy wife shall be as the fruf t-ful vine : upon the wa*lls of thine house. 4 Thy children like the olive- br2nch-es : round about thy ta-ble. / 5 Lo, thQs shall the man be bless'd : that fear-eth the Lord. 6 The Lord from out of Sfon shall ' sc5 bless thee : that thou shalt see Jerusalem in prosperity all thy lTfe long. 7 Yea, that thou shalt see thy children's crfil-dren : and pe'ace upon Is-ra-el. Psalms 129, 130. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. 2. Dr. Croft. PSALM 129. Scepe expngnaverunt. MANY a time have they fought ^gainst me from my youth jp : may Is-rael now say. 2 Yea, many a time have they Sxed me from my youth up : but they have n6t prevail-ed~a-ga*inst me. 3 The plowers plowed upon my back : £nd ma*de long fur-rows. mf4 BQt the right-eous Lord : hath hewn the snares of the ungdd- ly^in pie-ces. 161 \inp 5 Let Day 27.] THE PSALTER. [Pss. 129, 130, 131. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. 2. Dr. Croft. mp 5 Let them be confounded and turned bSck-ward : as many as have evil will at Si-on. 6 Let them be even as the grass * grOwing upon the house-tops : which withereth af6re ft be pluck-ed up ; 7 Whereof the mower f 1 lleth ncft his hand : neither he that bind th dp the she'aves his bo-som. 8 So that they who go by * say not so much as,The L6rd prds-per you : we wish you good luck in the Name of the Lord. Psalm 130. De firofundis. p f^UT of the deep have I called \J ^ unto The'e, O Lord : L6rd he'ar my voice. 2 O let Thine ears consf-der well : the voice of my com-plaint. 3 If Thou, Lord, wilt be extreme * to m&rk what is done a-miss : O L6rd wh6 may abi'de it ? 4 For there is mer-cy^with Thee : therefore sha'lt Thou^be fear-ed. 5 1 look for the Lord ; * my soul doth waft for Him : fn His wtfrd is my trust. 6 My soul fleeth un-to~the Lord : before the morning watch, * I s&y, before the mor-ning watch. 7 O Israel, trust in the Lord, * for with the Lord there is mer-cy : and with Him is p^n-teous^re-demp- tion. , 8 And H6 shall redeem Is-ra-el fr6m all his sins. Psalm 131. Domine^ non est. * L. Barcroft. 2. H. PURCELL. Cgpagg^g Dr. C. Steggall. ^1 iii 1 . ^ 1 n 1 £^_ 4 A- -g?1- S^ m : &m^m l62 VfiNITE.] MATTINS. [Day 28. mf T ORD^I am not hfgh-mihd- I ^ ed : I have no proud looks. 2 I do not exercise myself in great mSt-ters : whfch are to*o high for me. p 3 But I refrain my soul, and keep it low, * like as a child that is weaned from his mo-ther : yea, my soul is^even a*s a wean-ed child. 4 O I srael, trtfst in^the Lord : from thfs time forth for e-ver-more. The Twenty -Eighth Day. ittattins* Venite, exulteinus Domino. 7 \V. A. Blakeley. 2. Dr. E. G. Monk. f (~\ COME,* let us sfhg rfn-tcT \^J the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of oilr sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiv-ing : and shSw our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a great King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6i the earth : and the strength of the hills is His al-so. 5 The sea is His, and He made it : and His hands prepa*r-ed^the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kneel before the Ltfrd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the Ltfrd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of His hand. mf% To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden ndt your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers t£mpt-ed Me : pr6ved Me*, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. 11 Unto whom I swaYe in~My wrath : that they should not £n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to'the Son : and t6 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : wdrld without €nd. *A*-men. 163 fPSALM 132. Day 28.] THE PSALTER. Psalms 132, 133. Psalms 132, 133. > A. H. Brown. 2. * A. H. Brown. g i 1 II 1 r^pfvT^ i Psalm 132. Memento, Domine. mf T ORD, remember DS-vid : J 4 and all his trbu-ble ; 2 How he sw&re un-tcAhe Lord : and vowed a vow unto the Almfghty Gdd of Ja-cob ; 3 I will not come within the tabernacle 6*f mine house : n6r climb up into my bed ; 4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, * nor mine §ye-lids to slum- ber: neither the temples of my head to take a-ny rest ; 5 Until I find out a place for the temple 6*f the Lord : an habitation or the m%hty Gdd of Ja-cob. , 6 Lo, we heard of the same at Kph-ra-ta : £ndf<5und it in the wood. 7 We will go into His ta-berna-cle : and fall low on our kn£es before His foot-stool. 8 Arise, O L6rd, into Thy rest- ing-place : Thou, and the ark of Thy strength. 9 Let Thy priests be cl6thed with righ-teous-ness : and let Thy saints sfng with joy-ful-ness. p 10 For Thy servant D a*-vid's sake : turn not away the prSsence of Thine A-noint-ed. mf 1 1 The Lord hath made a faithful oath unto DS-vid : &nd He shall not shrink from it ; A 12 Of the fruit of thy bo-dy : shall I set up-on thy seat. 13 If thy children will keep My covenant,* and My testimonies that I shall le'arn them : their children also shall sit upon thy se*at for ev-er- more. 14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion * to be an habitation f<5r Him-self : H§ hath l6*ng-ed for her. (Full) mf is This shall be My rest for £v-er : here will I dwell, for I have a'Me-light there-in. (Dec) mf 16 I will bless her vfctuals with fh-crease : and will satisfy her poor with bread. / 17 I will deck her prfests with health : &nd her saints shalPre-joice and sing. 18 There shall I make the horn of D&vid to fl6u-rish : I have ordained a lantern for Mine A- ndint-ed. 19 As for his enemies, * I shall cl6the theln with shame : but upon himself shall his cr6wn flou-rish. Psalm 133. Ecce, quam bonum! mf T) EH OLD, how good and J3 joyful a thfng it is : brethren, * to dwell togd-ther n in u-ni-ty ! 164 Psalms 134, 135.] MATTINS. [Day 26. 2 It is like the precious ointment upon the head, * that ran d6wn un-to^the beard : even unto Aaron's beard, * and went d6wn to the skfrts oPhis cloth-ing. 3 Like as the dSw of He"r-mon : which fSll upon the hill of Si- on. 4 For there the Lord promised His ble"s-sing : ind life for e-ver- I more. Psalms 134, 135. * A. H. Brown. 2. L. J. TURRBLL. Psalm 134. Ecce nunc. A / TOEHOLD now, praise the Lord : D ill ye seV-vants of the Lord ; 2 Ye that by night stand in the hduse of n the Lord : even in the courts of the htfuse of olir God. 3 Lift up your hinds in the sa*nc- tua-ry : ind praTse the Lord. 4 The L6rd that made heaVen and earth : give thee blessing out of Si-on. Psalm 135. Lau date No men. f ( \ PRAISE the Lord,* laud ye K_J the Name of n the Lord : praise it, O ye ser-vants of the Lord ; 2 Ye that stind in the ho*use of ~ the Lord : in the cofirts of the hduse of oiir God. 3 O praise the Lord, * for the L6rd is gra-cious : O sing praises unto His Name, for ft is love-ly. mf 4 For why ? * the Lord hath £hosen Jacob iin-to~Him-self : and Israel for His Own pos-ses-sion. f$ For I know that the L6*rd is 16 great : ind that our LoVd is above all gods. 6 Whatsoever the Lord pleased,* that dfd He in heaVen, and~in earth : and in the s6a, and in a*ll deep pla-ces. 7 He bringeth forth the clouds from the ends oPthe world : and sendeth forth lightnings with the rain, * bringing the winds (5ut of " His trea-sures. ^ mf 8 He smote the first-born of E-gypt : froth of man and beast. 9 He hath sent tokens and won- ders into, the midst of thee,* O thou land of E-gypt : upon Pharaoh, and a*ll his ser-vants. 10 He smote dfvers na-tions : and slew migh-ty kings ; 11 Sehon king of the Amorites,* and Og the kfng of Ba-san : and all the kfng-doms^of Ca-naan ; 12 And gave their land to be an he'-ri-tage : even an heritage unto Israel His peo-ple. (Full)f 13 Thy Name, O Lord,* endtireth for ev-er : so doth Thy memorial, O Lord, * from one generation to* an-o-ther. 5 [(Dec.) mf 14 For Day 28.] 1. THE PSALTER. * A. H. Brown. 2. [Psalms 135, 136. * L. J. TURRELL. (Dec) mf 14 For the Lord will avenge His pe -pie : and be gracious ifn-to^His ser vants. p 15 As for the images of the heathen, * thSy are but sil-ver n and gold : thS wtfrk of men's hands. 16 They have mduths, and sp€ak not : eyes have they, biit they see not. 1 7 They have ears,* and y8t they h£ar not : neither is there &ny breath in the'ir mouths. 18 They that make them are like unto them : and so are all they that piit their trust in them. /,io, Praise the Lord, ye house of Is-ra-el : praise the L6rd, ye hrfuse of Aa-ron. 20 Praise the Lord, ye h6use of L€-vi : ye that f6ar the L6*rd, praise the Lord. (Full)f 21 Praised be the L6rd, out of Si-on : Who dwSlleth at Je-ru-sa-lem. Psalm 136. Confitemini. * A. H. Brown. 2. * A. H. Browm. / /^V GIVE thanks unto the Lord,* Vy for H6 is gra-cious : ^(full) and His mercy endur-etrFfor ev-er. 2 O give thanks unto the GoM oF all gods : for His mercy endiir-etlF for ev-er. 3 O thank the Lord oFall lords : for His mercy enduY-eth r for ev-er. t The second half of each verse to be sung full. 1 66 Psalms 136, 137.] EVENSONG. [Day 28. 4 Who only d6eth great won- ders : for His mercy endur-etrTfor ev-er. mf $ Who by His excellent wfs- dom made the heavens : for His mSrcy endur-ettTfor ev-er. 6 Who laid out the earth above the wS-ters : for His m£rcy endur- etrTfor eV-er. 7 Who hath m&de great lights : for His mercy endiir-etrTfor ev-er ; 8 The stin to rifle the day : for His mercy endur-ettTfor ev-er ; 9 The moon and the stars to go*-venTthe night : for His mercy endiir-ettTfor ev-er. 10 Who smote Egypt with their first-born : for His meYcyendur-etrT for ev-er. A 1 1 And brought out Israel from amSng them : for His m6rcy endiir- etrTfor ev-er ; 12 With a mighty hand, and stre'tch-ed^out arm : for His mercy endiir-etrTfor ev-er. / 13 Who divided the Red Se'a in~two parts : for His mercy endiir- etbTfor ev-er. 14 And made Israel to go through the midst of it : for His meVcy endiir-etrTfor ev-er. 15 But as for Pharaoh and his host, * He overthrew them in the R€d Sea : for His mercy end ur-etrT for ev-er. 16 Who led His people through the wfl-der-ness : for His mSrcy endiir-etrTfor ev-er. mf 17 Who smo*te great kings: for His mercy endiir-etrTfor ev-er. 18 Yea, and slew migh-ty kings : for His mercy endur-eth^for ev-er ; 19 Sehon king of the A-mo-rites : for His mercy endur-etrTfor eV-er. 20 And Og the kfng of Ba-san : for His mercy endur-etrTfor ev-er. 21 And gave away their land for an he'-ri-tage : for His mercy endiir- etrTfor ev-er ; ^22 Even for an heritage unto Israel His ser-vant : for His m§rcy endur-etrTfor ev-er. vip 23 Who remembered us when we were in trou-ble : for His mercy endur-etrTfor ev-er. 24 And hath delivered us from our e'-ne-mies : for His mercy endur- etrTfor ev-er. 25 W T ho gfveth f(5od to^all flesh : for His mercy endiir-etrTfor ev-er. / 26 O give thanks unto the Gtfd of heaven : for His mercy endur- etrTfor ev-er. 27 O give thanks unto the Lord of lords : for His mercy endur-etrT for ev-er. Psalm 137. Super fliimina J. Farrant. 2. A. H. Brown. igpBfP^ii p T) Y the waters of Babylon we JD sat do*wn and wept : when we remembered the'e, O Si-on. 2 As for our harps, we hang-ed n them up : upon the tre'es that are there-in. 167 h For Day 28.] THE PSALTER. [Psalms 137, 138. J. Farrant. A. H. Brown. PSgSilSP^ii I ! ggggS lii *L. J. TURRELL. 3 For they that led us away cap- tive * required of us then a song, and melody, fn our he'a-vi-ness : Sing us 6ne of the sdngs of Si-on. pp 4 How shall we sing the L6rd's song : m a strange land ? 5 If I forget thee, O Jeru-sa-lem: let my right h&nd forge't her clin-ning. 6 If I do not remember thee, * let my tongue cleave to the roof of* my mouth : yea, if I prefer not Jeru-salem in my mirth. Psalm 138. Dr. Alcock. mp 7 Remember the children of Edom, O Lord, * in the d&y of. Jeni-sa-lem : how they said, Down with it, * d6wn with it, £-ven to the ground. ^8 O daughter of Babylon, * wasted with mi-se-ry : yea, happy shall he be that rewardeth thSe, as tho*u hast serv-ed us. 9 Blessed shall he be that t&keth thy cliil-dren : and thr6weth the'm a-gainst the stones. Confitebor Tibi. 2. * W. Ridley. / T WILL give thanks unto Thee, 1 O L6rd, with my whole heart : even before the gods will I sing praTse un-to Thee. 2 I will worship toward Thy holy temple, and praise Thy Name, * because of Thy 16ving-kind-ness° and truth : for Thou hast magnified 168 Thy N&me, and Thy Wc5rd, above all things. 3 When I called upon Thee, Thou heaVd-est me : and endfiedst my s Jul with much strength. 4 All the kings of the earth shall praise Thee,*0 Lord : for they have h6ard the wo*rds of Thy mouth. Venite.] MATTINS. [Day 29. 5 Yea, they shall sing in the ways oFthe Lord : that grSat is the glo-ry of the Lord. p 6 For though the Lord be high,* yet hath He respect (into the low-ly ; as for the proud, * He beh61deth the'm a-far off. 7 Though I walk in the midst of trouble, * yet shalt Th6u refresh me : Thou shalt stretch forth Thy hand upon the furiousness of mine enemies, * and Thy right ha*nd shall save me. 8 The Lord shall make good His loving-kfhdness tGward me : yea, Thy mercy, O Lord, endureth for ever, * despise not th6n the wo*rks oPThine own hands. > + The Twenty-Ninth Day. ittattine. Venite ', exultemus Domino. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. f C\ COME,* let us sing rfn-tcT \J the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of ou*r sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shew our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : and a great King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners (5f the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hands prepa*r-ed~the dry land. p 6 O come, * let us w6rship, and fall down: and kneel before the Lo*rd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the LcSrd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of Hi's hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden not your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te*mpt-ed Me : pr6ved Me*, and saw My works. 10 Fouy years long* was I grieved with thfs genera-tion, r and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haYe not known My ways. 1 1 Unto whom I sware in~My wrath : that they should not £n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to~the Son : Snd to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and eVer shall be : world without £nd. *A'-men. 69 [Psalm 139. Day 29.I THE PSALTER. [Psalm 139. Psalm 139. Domine, probasti. Rev. Sir F. Ouselby. 2. L. Barcropt. mf (~\ LORD Thou hast searched V/ me Out, and known me : Thou knowest my down-sitting, and mine up-rising * Thou under- standest my thoughts long be-fore. 2 Thou art about my path, and about my bed : and spiest out all my ways. 3 For lo, * there is n6t a wo*rd in~my tongue : but Thou, O Lord,* knSwest it al-to-ge-ther. 4 Thou hast fashioned me behind ancTbe-fore : and laid Thine ha'nd up-*6n me. mft 5 Such knowledge is too wonderful * and excellent for me : I cannot attain un-to it. 6 Whither shall I go then from Thy Spi-rit : or whither shall I go then fro'm Thy pre-sence ? 7 If I climb up into heaven, Thtfu art there : if I go down to hell, Thou art there al-so. 8 If I take the wfngs of the morn-ing : and remain in the lattermost parts of the sea ; 9 Even there also shall Thy hand le'ad me : and Thy rfght ha'nd shall hold me. io If I say, * Peradventure the dirkness shall ctf-ver me : th6n shall my night be turn-ed^to day. 1 1 Yea, the darkness is no dark- ness with Thee, * but the nfght is as cle'ar as~the day ; the darkness and light to The'e are both a-like. 12 F6r my refns are Thine : Thou hast covered me fn my mo-ther's womb. 13 I will give thanks unto Thee,* for I am fearfully and won-derfully made : marvellous are Thy works,* and that my soul kn<5w-eth right well. 14 My bones are not hid from Thee : though I be made secretly, * and fashioned bene'ath in the earth. 1$ Thine eyes did see my sub- stance, * yet being imper-fect ; and in Thy book were all my mem-bers writ -ten ; 16 Which day by day were fash-ion-ed : when as ye*t there^was none of them. vif 17 How dear are Thy counsels unto me*, O God : O how gr£at is^ the sum of them ! 18 If I tell them, * they are more in ntimber than the sand : when I wake ftp I am present w'ith Thee. 7tip 19 Wilt Thou not sl&y the wick-ed,^0 God : depart from me, ye blood-thirs-ty men. 20 For they speak unrfghteously against Thee : and Thine enemies take Thy Name in vain. 170 I Psalm 140.J MATTINS. [Day 29. 21 Do not I hate them, O L6rd, that hSte Thee : and am not I grieved withth6se that rise up aga'inst Thee? 22 Yea, I hate^them right sore : even as though they we're mine e-ne-mies. p 23 Try me, O God, * and sSek the ground oPmy heart : pr6ve me, and examine my thoughts. 24 Look well * if there be any way of wfckedness fh me : and lead me in the way e*v-er-last-ing. Psalm 140. Erifie me, Domine. *R. C. Miller. mf 'pvELIVER me, O L6rd, from JlJ the e'-vil man : and pre- serve me frtfrn the wick-ed man. 2 Who imagine mfschief in their hearts : and stir up strffe alPthe day long. 3 They have sharpened their t6ngues like a ser-pent : adder's poison is un-der the'ir lips. 4 Keep me, O Lord, * from the hands of the ungod-ly : preserve me from the wicked men, * who are purposed to overthrew my go-ings. 5 The proud have laid a snare for me,* and spread a net abroad with | cords : yea, and set tra*ps in my way. fi 6 I said unto the Lord, Tho\i ! art^my God : hear the voice of "my prayers, O Lord. 7 O Lord God, Thou strength of" my health : Thou hast covered my ' h§ad in the da*y of bat-tie. 8 Let not the ungodly hive his desire, O Lord : let not his mis- chievous imagination prosper, le'st they be too proud. mf 9 Let the mischief of their own lips * fall upon the he'ad of them : that cdm-pass me a-bout. 10 Let hot burning coals fall upon them : let them be cast into the fire, and into the pit,* that they never rise up a-gain. 1 1 A man full of words * shall not pr6sper upo*n the earth : evil shall hunt the wicked person to over- throw him. 12 Sure I am* that the Lord will ave'nge the poor : and maintain the cause of~the he'lp-less. 13 The righteous also shall give thanks un-to~Thy Name : and the jQst shall conti-nue in Thy sight. 171 [Psalm 141. Day 29. THE PSALTER. Psalm 141. Domine, clamavi. [PSS. 141, 142, 143. * C. Fisher. p T ORD, I call upon Thee, * 1 v h&ste Thee u*n-to me : and consider my voice when I cry un-to Thee. 2 Let my prayer be set forth in Thy sfght as the fh-cense : and let the lifting up of my Mnds be an eVe-ning sa-cri-fice. 3 Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth : and keep thedo*or of my lips. 4 O let not mine heart be inclfned to any e'-vil thing : let me not be occupied in ungodly works * with the men that work wickedness,* lest I 6at of such things as please them. 5 Let the righteous rather smite me frfend-ly : &fid re-prove me. 6 But let not their precious balms br£ak my head : yea, I will pr&y yet agafnst their wick-ed-ness. mp 7 Let their judges be over- thrown in stony plS-ces : that they may hear my words, for they are sweet. 8 Our bones lie scattered before the pit : like as when one breaketh and he^weth wtfod up-on the earth. mf 9 But mine eyes look unto Th6e, O L6rd God : in Thee is my trtast, O ca*st not out my soul. p 10 Keep me from the sn£re that they have lafd for me : tnd from the tra*ps of^the wick-ed doers. 1 1 Let the ungodly fall into their own n6ts toge*-ther : and 18t me eV-er^es-cape them. Psalms 142, 143. Dr. Dupuis. 2. R. Langdon. 172 Psalms 142, 143.] EVENSOXG. Day 29. Psalm 142. Voce mea ad Dominum. P T CRIED unto the Lord with" JL my voice : yea, even unto the Lord did I mike my sup-pli-ca-tion. 2 I poured out my complaints before Him : and shewed Him of ' my trou-ble. 3 When my spirit was in heavi- ness Thou knew-est~my path : in the way wherein I walked * have they privily laid a snare for me. 4 I looked also upon my right hand : and saw there was n6 man that would know me. 5 I had n6 place to fi6e un-to : and no man ca*r-ed for my soul. 6 I cried unto The'e, O Lo'rd, and said : Thou art my hope, * and my portion in the lcfnd oPthe liv-ing. A 7 Consider my com-plaint : for I am brought ve-ry low. 8 O deliver me from my persecu- tors : for thSy are too strong for me. ;///9 Bring my soul out of prison,* that I may give thanks rfn-to^Thy Name : which thing if Thou wilt grant me, * then shall the righteous resort un-to^my com-pa-ny. Psalm 143. Domzne, exaudi. p TJ EAR my prayer, O Lord, * il and consider my de-sire : hearken unto me for Thy tnfth and right-eousness' sake. 2 And enter not into judgment with Thy se*r-vant : for in Thy sight shall n6 man living be jus-ti-fied. 3 For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; * he hath smitten my If fe doVn to~the ground : he hath laid me in the darkness,* as the men tha*t have been long dead. 4 Therefore is my spirit vexed witrnn me : and my heart within" me is de-so-late. mp 5 Yet do I remember the time past ; * I m(ise upon all Thy works : yea, I exercise myself in the wtfrks of Thy hands. 6 I stretch forth my ha*nds unto Thee : my soul gaspeth unto The'e as~a thirs-ty land. p 7 Hear me, O Lord, and that soon,* for my spirit wax-eth faint : hide not Thy face from me,* lest I be like unto them that go down in-to" the pit. 8 O let me hear Thy loving- kindness betimes in the morning, for in The'e is^my trust : shew Thou me the way that I should walk in,* for I If ft up my s6*ul un-to Thee. 9 Deliver me, O L6rd, from mine £-ne-mies : for I fl6e unto Thee to Hide me. 10 Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth Thee, for Tho\i art ~ my God : let Thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the la*nd of right-eous-ness. mf 1 1 Quicken me, O Lord, for Thy Name's sake : and for Thy righteousness' sake * brfng my soul out~of trou-ble. 12 And of Thy goodness slay mine e-ne-mies : and destrQy all them that vex my s6ul ; for I am^ Thy ser-vant. 173 Day 30.] THE PSALTER, [Venite. The ^Thirtieth Day. JEattms* Venite, exultemus Domino. * J. TURLE. 2. Dr. C. Steggall. f(~\ COME,* let us sing un-tcT V_y the Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the strength of ou*r sal- va-tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfV-ing : and sheV our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a gr€at God : and a great Kfng above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 6i the earth : ^and the strength of the hf lis is His al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He mSde it : and His hands prepar-ed^the dry land. /6 O come,* let us worship and fall down : and knSel before the L(5rd our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the Ltfrd our God : and we are the people of His pas- ture, and the shdep of Hi's hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden no't your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : pr6ved M£, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long * was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their h6arts, for they haVe not known My ways. 11 Unto wh6m I swa*re in "My wrath : that they should not e'n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to" the Son : £nd to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, * is now, and eVer shall be : w6rld without £nd. "A'-men. 174 Psalm 144^ ma Truss. [Day 30. Psalm 144. Benedictus Dominus. J. Battishill. 2. - .J J, I I, ,,-r^ A. H. Brown. / T3LESSED be the Ltfrd my D strength : Who teacheth my h&nds to wa*r, and^my fin-gers^to fight; 2 My hope and my fortress,* my castle and deliverer, * my defender in Whtfrn I trust : Who subdueth my people tha*t is un-der me. p 3 Lord, what is man,* that Thou hast sfich respe'ct unto him : or the son of man,* that Thou so* re-gard- est him ? pp \ Man is like a thing of nought : his time passeth awa*y like n a sha- dow. / 5 Bow Thy heavens, O Ldrd, and^come down : touch the mdun- tains^and they shall smoke. 6 Cast forth Thy lightning, and teSr them : shoot out Thine arrows, a*nd con-slime them. mfj Send down Thine ha*ndfrom~ a-bove : deliver me, and take me out of the great waters, from the ha*nd" > of strange cHll-dren ; 8 Whose mouth talketh of vani- ty : and their right hand is a right hand~of wick-ed-ness. /9 I will sing a new song unto The'e, O God : and sing praises unto Thee upon a ten-string-ed ' lute. 10 Thou hast given victory un-to 1 kings : and hast delivered David : Thy servant from the pe-ril of the sword. mf 1 1 Save me,* and deliver me from the hand of strange ch'il-dren : ! whose mouth talketh of vanity, * ; and their right hand is a right ha*nd : oPin-i-qui-ty. 12 That our sons may grow fip : as the young plants : and that our daughters may be as the polished corners oT the tem-ple. 13 That our garners may be full and plenteous with all ma*n-ner~of store : that our sheep may bring forth thousands and t£n thousands in our streets. 14 That our oxen may be strong j to labour ; * that there be no de-cay : no leading into captivity,* and no complafn-ing in our streets. 1 5 Happy are the people that are in sifch a case : yea, blessed are the people who have the Lord for the'ir God. 175 Psalm 145. UAY 30J miL r^^ii^i UK. [rsALM 145. Psalm 145. Exaltabo 7>, Deus. * L. Barcroft. / T WILL magnify Thee, God, X my King : and I will praise Thy Name for ev-er~and ev-er. 2 Every day will I give thanks unto Thee : and praise Thy Name for ev-er"and ev-er. (Full)f 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous,* worthy to be pra*is-ed : there is no end of " His great- ness. (Dec.)f 4 One generation shall praise Thy w6rks unto an6-ther : ^nd declare Thy power. 5 As for me,* I will be talking of Thy w6r- ship : Thy glory, Thy praise, and won-drous works ; 6 So that men shall speak of the mfght of Thy maY-vellous acts : and I will also te'll of "Thy great- ness. 7 The memorial of Thine abun- dant kfndness shall be shew-ed : and m£n shall sing of" Thy righteous- ness. p 8 The Lord is gracious, and me'r-ci-ful : long-suffering * and of gre"at good-ness. 9 The Lord is 16ving unto eve-ry man : and His mercy is 6*-ver all His works. / 10 All Thy works prafse Thee,~ O Lord : and Thy saints give thanks un-to Thee. 11 They shew the gl6ry of Thy kmg-dom : &nd ta*lk of Thy power ; 12 That Thy power, Thy glory. and mightiness of Thy kfhg-dom : mfght be known un-to men. 13 Thy kingdom is an everlasting kmg-dom : and Thy dominion en- dfireth throughout all a-ges. p 14 The Lord upholdeth all su*ch as fall : and lifteth lip all tho'se that are down. 1 5 The eyes of all wait upon The'e, Lord : and Thou givest them their meat in dfte sea-son. 16 Thou openest Thine hand : and fillest all things living with plen-teous-ness. mf 17 The Lord is rfghteous in a*ll His ways : and hd-ly in all His works. 18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that ca*ll upon Him : yea, all such as call upo*n Him faith-ful-ly. 19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fe'ar Him : He also will hear their cry, and"will he'lp them. 20 The Lord preserveth all them that love Him : but scattereth abroad all the^un-god-ly. f 21 My mouth shall speak the prafse ofthe Lord : and let all flesh give thanks unto His holy NSme for 1 ev-er"and ev-er. 176 jrsAL.M 140. J 1VAS1 1 J 11\ O. L±^AY vJ. Psalm 146. Lauda, anima mea. L. J. TURRELL. 2. Dr. E. G. Monk. G. Seymour. /' T3 RAISE the Lord, my soul ;* JL while I live will I praise the Lord : yea, as long as I have any being,* I will sing prais-es unto my God. 2 O put not your trust in princes,* nor in any child of man : for there is no help in them. ft 3 For when the breath of man goeth forth * he shall tfirn again to" his earth : and then all his thoughts pe-rish. 7/1/4 Blessed is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help: and whose hope is in the Lord his God ; 5 Who made heaven and earth,* the sea, and all that there-in is : WhokeepethHispro'-mise~forev-er; 6 Who helpeth them to ri£ht that suf-fer wrong : Who fe'ed-eth^the hun-gry. mft 7 The Lord looseth men out of prf-son : the Lord giveth sight to the blind. 8 The Lord helpeth them that are fal-len : the Lord careth for the right-eous. 9 The Lord careth for the stran- gers ;* He defendeth the fatherless and wC dow : as for the way of the ungodly, He tu*rn-eth"it up -side down. / 10 The Lord thy God, O Sion, * shall be Kfng for ever- more : and throughout all ge-ne- ra-tions. 177 DAY 30.J THE PSALTER. [Psalm 147. Psalms 147, 148. *J. Barney. 2. B. Smith. Psalm 147. Laudate Dominum. f r\ PRAISE the Lord,* for it is V_y a good thing to sing praises dn-to^our God : yea, a joyful and pleasant thing it fs to^be thank-ful. 2 The Lord doth bitild up Jerrf- sa-lem : and gather together the orft-casts^of Is-ra-el. ^3 He healeth th6se that are brdk-en^in heart : and giveth mSdi- cine to he'al their sick-ness. 4 He telleth the number 6f the stars : and calleth them a*ll by the'ir names. (Full)f 5 Great is our L6rd, and grea*t is^His power : ySa, and His wfs-dom^is in-fi-nite. (Dec.) m/6 The Lord s£tteth ifp the meek : and brmgeth the ungod- ly down to^the ground. / 7 O sing unto the L6rd with thanksgfv-ing : sing praises upon the harp unto our God ; mf 8 Who covereth the heaven with clouds,*- and prepareth rain for^the earth : and maketh the grass to grow upon the mountains, and he'rb for~the use of men ; 9 Who giveth fodder (Into the cat-tie : and feedeth the young rSvens that call up-on Him. 10 He hath no pleasure in the strength oPan horse : neither de- li^hteth He in any man's legs. p 11 But the Lord's delight is in th£m that fear Him : and pfit their trilst in^His mer-cy. / 12 Praise the L6rd, O Jertf- sa-lem : praise thy Gdd, O Si"-on. 13 For He hath made f£st the ba*rs oPthy gates : and hath blSssed thy chfl-dren within thee. p 14 He maketh pSace in thy bor-ders : and f rlleth thee wfth the flour of wheat. 15 He sendeth forth His com- mandment upGn earth : and His word runneth veVy swift-ly. 16 He gfveth sn<5w like wool : and scattereth the hdar-fro'st like ash-es. 17 He casteth forth His fee like m6r-sels : who is Sole t(5 a-bide His frost ? 18 He sendeth out His w6rd, and me'lt-eth them : He bl6weth with His wind, and^the wa-ters flow. 19 He sheweth His w6rd unto Jf-cob : His statutes and 6rdinances un-to Is-ra-el. 20 He hath not dealt so with £ny na-tion : neither have the heathen knoV-ledge of His laws. 78 Psalms 148, 149.] EVENSONG. [Day 30. Psalm 148. Laudate Dominum. ff~\ PRAISE the Ltfrd of heaven: V^/ praise' Him in the height. 2 Praise Him, til ye an-gels^of His : praise Him, all His host. 3 Praise Him, su*n and moon : praise Him all ye stars and light. 4 Praise Him, all ye heavens : and ye waters that a*re a-bove the heavens. 5 Let them praise the Name oP the Lord : for He spake the word, and they were made ; * He corn- minded, and the*y were^cre-a-ted. 6 He hath made them fast for 6ver and e*v-er : He hath given them a law which shall nb*t be bro-ken. rnf 7 Praise the Ldrd upon earth : yS dragons, and all deeps ; 8 Fire and hail, * sn6w and va- pours : wind and st6rm, fulffll-ing Hi's word ; 9 Mountains and all hills : fruit- ful trees and all ce-dars ; 10 Beasts and all cat-tie : w6rms and fea-thered fowls ; 11 Kings of the Sarth and all pe*o-ple : princes and all jud-ges of the world ; f 12 Young men and maidens,* old men and children,* praise the Name of the Lord : for His Name only is excellent,* and Hfs praise above heaven and earth. 13 He shall exalt the horn of His people ;* all His saints shall praise Him : even the children of Israel,* eVen the p^o- pie ^ that ser-veth Him. PSALM 149. Cantate Domino. * A. H. Brown, * J. TURLE. / O SING unto the Lord a n€w of saints praise Him. 2 Let Israel rejoice in Him that mSde him : and let the children of Sfbn be jdy-ful in their King. 3 Let them praise His Name in^ the dance : let them sing praises unto Him with tabret and harp. m/4. For the Lord hath pleasure in His peo-ple : and helpeth the meek-heait-ed. 5 Let the saints be joyful with glo-ry : let them rejo'ce in their beds. 6 Let the praises of God be* in A their mouth : and a two-edged swo*rd in their hands ; fj To be avenged of the hea- then : a*nd to rebuke the peo-ple ; 8 To bfnd their kfngs in chains ; &nd their no*bles with links of iron. 9 That they may be avenged of them, * is it is writ-ten : Stich ho*-nour~have all His saints. 179 I Psalm 15a Day 30.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 150. Psalm i 50. Laudate Dominum. P. Humphreys. 2. A. H. Brown. / o PRAISE God in His hd-li- ffr-mament of His power. 2 Praise Him in His nd-ble acts : praise Him according to His Ex- cellent great-ness. 3 Praise Him in the sound of the triim-pet : praise Him updn the lute and harp. 4 Praise Him in the cymbals and da*n-ces : praise Him upc5n the strings and pipe. 5 Praise Him upon the well-tuned cym-bals : praise Him upon the lotid cym-bals. (Full) f 6 Let Svery thing that hath breath : pfaTse the Lord. PROPER PSALMS FOR THE FOUR GREAT FESTIVALS, AND THE FASTS OF ASH-WEDNESDAY AND GOOD- FRIDAY : ALSO THE MISERERE FOR USE DURING LENT. Christmas -Day. Venite, exultemus Domino. * C Fisher. 2. * L. J. TURRHLL. / o COME,* let us sfhg u*n-to~ the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of ou*r sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfv-ing : and shSw our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a gre"at God : and a grSat King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners <5f the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hcinds prepa"r-ed~the dry land. )6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kn£el before the Lo*rd our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the L6rd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she*cp of Hi's hand. mf& To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden no*t your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : pr6ved M£, and saw My works. io Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. ii Unto whom I sware in~My wrath : that they should not eYi-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to'the Son : 2nd t<5 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and eVer shall be : wdrld without end. "A'-men. i Psalm .9. Christmas-Day.] THE PSALTER. [Psalms 19, 45. PROPER PSALMS, 19, 45, 85. Psalm 19. Cos It enarrant. J. CoRFE. 2. R. Bellamy. /HP H E heavens declare the gl<5-ry n JL of God : and the firmament sheVeth His han-dy work. 2 One day telleth an6-ther : and one night cSrtifieth an-o-ther. 3 There is neither speech nor lSn-guage : but their v6ices are hea*rd a-mong them. 4 Their sound is gone ofit into Sll lands : and their w6rds into the €nds of the world. 5 In them hath He set a taber- nacle fo*r the sun : which cometh forth as a bridegroom out of his chamber,* and rej6iceth as a giant to run his course. 6 It goeth forth from the utter- most part of the heaven, * and runneth about unto the 6nd 6f it n a-gain : and there is n6thing hid from^the heat there-of. mfj The law of the Lord is an undefiled l&w, converting the soul : the testimony of the Lord is sure,* and giveth wisdom tfn-to^the s'im- ple. 8 The statutes of the Lord are rfght, and rejofce the heart : the commandment of the Lord is pure,* and giveth light un-to n the eyes. 9 The fear of the Lord is clean,* and endfireth for eVer : the judg- ments of the Lord are true,* and righteous a*l-to-ge-ther. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, * y6a, than much fme gold : sweeter also than h6ney, a*nd the hon-ey-comb. 11 Moreover, by th£m is Thy se*r-vant taught : and in keeping of them the're is great re-ward. p 12 Who can tell how 6ft he oftend-eth : O cleanse Thou me frtfrn my se-cret faults. 13 Keep Thy servant also from presumptuous sins,* lest they get the dommion o-ver me : so shall I be undefiled,* and fnnocent fro*m the great of-fence. 14 Let the words of my mouth,* and the meditation oT my heart : be alway acce'pt-able in Thy sight, 15 0"Lord : my strength, and my Re-deem-er. Psalm 45. Eructavit cor meum. * A. H.Brown. 2 L, J. TURRELL. mf A l\ Y heart is inditing of a 1V1 g6od mat-ter : I speak of the thmgs which I have made un- tcAhe King. 2 My tongue is^the pen : 6f a re*a-dy wn-ter. 3 Thou art fairer than the chil- dren^of men : full of grace are Thy lips,* because God hath blessed Th£e for ev-er. /4 Gird Thee with Thy sword upon Thy thigh,* O Thou Most Migh-ty : acc6rding to Thy wor- ship and re-nown. 182 Psalms 45, 85.] MATT INS. [Christmas-Da\ 5 Good luck have Thou with Thine h6-nour : ride on, because of the word of truth,* of meekness, and righteousness,* and Thy right hand shall tea*ch Thee ter-rible things. 6 Thy arrows are very sharp,* and the people shall be subdued ifn-to Thee : even in the midst among the King's e-ne-mies. 7 Thy seat, O God,* endfireth for eV-er : the sceptre of Thy king- dom is a right scep-tre. 8 Thou hast loved righteousness,* and Mted inf-qui-ty : wherefore God, even Thy God,* hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above Thy fel-lows. p 9 All Thy garments smell of myrrh, * aloes, and caVsi-a : out of the ivory palaces, whereby they^ have made Thee glad. 10 Kings' daughters were among Thy h6nourable w6*-men : upon Thy right hand did stand the queen in a vesture of gold,* wrought about with di-vers co-lours. 11 Hearken, O daughter,* and consider, incline thine ear : forget also thine own people, and thy fa-trier's house. 12 So shall the King have plea- sure in thy beau-ty : for He is thy Lord G6d, and wo*r-ship thou Him. 13 And the daughter of Tyre shall be the're with^a gift : like as the rich also among the people* shall make their sfipplica'-tion before Thee. / '14 The King's daughter is all glo'-rious'Vith-in : her clothing is of wrought gold. 1 5 She shall be brought unto the King in raiment of nee-dle work : the virgins that be her fellows shall bear her company,* ind shall be brought un-to Thee. 16 With joy and gladness shall the'y be brought : and shall enter fnto the King's pa-lace. 17 Instead of thy fathers* th6u shalt have clnl-dren : whom thou mayest make prfn - ces n in all lands. 18 I will remember Thy Name* from one generation to ano-ther : therefore shall the people give thanks unto Thee, world with-out end. Psalm 85. Benedixisti, Domine. Dr. J. F. Bridge. mf T ORD, Thou art become J * gracious un-to^Thy land : Thou hast turned away the capt£ vity of Ja-cob. 2 Thou hast forgiven the ofTBnce of Thy pe"o-ple : and c6-vered all their sins. 3 Thou hast taken away all Thy displea-sure : and turned Thyself from Thy wrathful m-dig-na-tion. 1 £ 4 Turn us then, O G6d our Sa-viour : and let Thine an-ger cease from us. 5 Wilt Thou be displeased at us for ev-er : and wilt Thou stretch out Thy wrath * from one generation to an-o-ther ? 6 Wilt Thou not turn again, and qufck-en us : that Thy people ma*y re-joice in Thee ? 83 [7 shew Christmas-Day.] THE PSALTER. [Psalms 85, 89. Bridge. 7 Shew us Thy me'r-cy,^0 Lord : and gnmt us Thy sal-va-tion. 7>if 8 I will hearken what the Lord God will say conce'rn-ing me : for He shall speak peace unto His people,* and to His saints, that they tfirn not a-gain. 9 For His salvation is nigh the'm that ft&r Him : that glory may d we'll in our land. Mercy and truth are m6t 10 toge-ther : righteousness and peace have kiss-ed n each o-ther. 11 Truth shall nourish out of* the earth : and rfghteousness hath Mok-ed down from heaven. 12 Yea, the Lord shall shew 16ving-kfhd-ness : and our l&nd shall gfve her ih-crease. 13 Righteousness shall gd before Him : and He shall direct His goMng in the way. PROPER PSALMS, 89, no, 132 Psalm 89. Misericordias Domini. * A. H. Brown. J. Travers. Chan. '-S' ^'I g-gS- TT* ■-v&-& T G)i as (Major.) mf \ T Y song shall be alway of lVl the loving -kmdness 6( the Lord : with my mouth will I ever be shewing Thy truth * from one generation to* an-o-ther. 2 For I have said, * Mercy shall be set tip for ev-er : Thy trtith shalt Thou sta-blish in the heavens. 3 I have made a covenant with My cho-sen : I have sworn unto Da-vid A My ser-vant ; 4 Thy seed will I stablish for eV-er : and set up Thy throne * from one generation to* an-o-ther. /5 O Lord, # the very heavens shall praise Thy wJn-drous works : and Thy truth in the congregation of the saints. 6 For who is he among the clouds : that shall b£ compaV-ed un-to^the Lord ? 7 And what is he am6*ng the gods : that shall be lTke un-to^the Lord? 8 God is very greatly to be feared in the council 6f the saints : and to be had in reverence of all them that are ro*und a-bout Him. 9 O Lord God of Hosts, * wh6 is like unto Thee : Thy truth, most mighty Lord, fs on eve-ry side. 10 Thou rulest the raging of the sea : Thou stillest the waves thereof when they a-rise. 1 1 Thou hast subdued Egypt, and destroyed it : Thou hast scattered thine enemies abroad with^Thy migh-ty arm. 12 The heavens are Thine,* the earth al-so^is Thine : Thou hast laid the foundation of the round world, and a*ll that there-in is. 84 Psalm 89.] EVENSONG [Christmas-Day. 13 Thou hast made the nrfrth and~the south : Tabor and H6rmon shall rejoice in Thy Name. 14 Thou hast a mfgh-ty arm : strong is Thy hand, and high is~ Thy right hand. 15 Righteousness and equity are the habitation 6i Thy seat : mercy and trtith shall go* be-fore Thy face. mf 16 Blessed is the people, O L6rd, that can rejofce in Thee : they shall walk in the light oPThy coun-te-nance. 17 Their delight shall be daily in Thy Name : and in Thy righteous- ness sha*ll they make their boast. 18 For Thou art the glory 6i their strength : and in Thy loving- kindness * Thou shalt If ft up our horns. 19 For the Lorpl is tfur de-fence : the Holy One of Is-rael is our King. f 20 Thou spakest sometime in visions unto Thy safnts, and saidst : I have laid help upon cne that is mighty ; * I have exalted one chosen out oPthe peo-ple. 21 I have found David My ser- vant : with My holy oil haVe P a-n-oint-ed him. 22 My hand shall hold him fast : £nd My a*rm shall strength-en him. 23 The enemy shall not be able to do him vi-o-lence : the son of wickedness sha*ll not hurt him. 24 I will smite down his foes before his face : and plague the*m that hate him. mf 25 My truth also and My mercy shall be with him : and in My Name shall his ho*rn be~ ex-alt-ed. 26 I will set his dominion also fn the sea : ind his rfght hand in the floods. / 27 He shall call Me,* Thou art my Fa'-ther : my God, and my string sal-v'a-tion. 28 And I will make him My fffst born : higher than the kings of the earth. 29 My mercy will I keep for hfm for eV-er-more : and My covenant shall sta*nd fast with him. 30 His seed also will I make to endure for ev-er : &nd his thro'ne as^the days of heaven. mf $1 But. if his children forsake My law : and walk not fn My judg- ments ; 32 If they break My statutes,* and keep not My comma*nd-ments : I will visit their offences with the rod, and their sin with scourg-es. 33 Nevertheless, * My loving- kindness will I not utterly take from him : nor suY-fer^My truth to fail. 34 My covenant will I not break,* nor alter the thing that is gone 01ft oPMy lips : I have sworn once by My holiness, * that I will no*t fail Da-vid. 35 His seed shall endure for ev-er : and his seat is like as the su*n be- fore Me. 36 He shall stand fast for ever- more a*s the moon : and &s the faith-ful wit-ness~in heaven. ( Minor.) P 37 But Thou hast abhorred and forsaken Thfne Andint-ed : and art disple'as-ed at him. 38 Thou hast broken the c6venant of Thy ser-vant : and cast his crown to the ground. 39 Thou hast overthrown all his hedg-es : and broken down his strong holds. 40 All they that go by spoil him : and he is become a reprdach to~his ne'igh-bours. 41 Thou hast set up the right h£nd of his e'-ne-mies : and made all his Sdversa-ries to re-joice. 42 Thou hast taken away the e*dge oPhis sword : and givest him not victory in the bat-tie. 43 Thou hast put out his glo-ry: and cast his thr6ne % down to the ground. 44 The days of his youth hast Thou shdrt-cn-ed : and covered him wfth dis-ho-nour. 5 [»!/'45 Lord, Christmas-Day.] THE PSALTER. [Pss. 89, no, 132. * A. H. Brown. J. Travers. m/45 Lord, how long wilt Thou hide Thys61f, for ev-er : and sh&ll Thy wrath burn like fire ? 46 O remember how sh6rt my time is : wherefore hast Thou m&de all men for nought ? 47 What man is he that lfveth, and shall nc5t see death : and shall he deliver his s6ul frdm the hand of hell? 48 Lord, where are Thy old lOving-kfnd-nes-ses : which Thou sw&rest unto Da*-vid in Thy truth ? 49 Remember, Lord, the rebuke that Thy seVvants have : and how I do bear in my bosom * the rebukes of ma-ny peo-ple ; 50 Wherewith Thine enemies have blasphemed Thee, * and slandered the footsteps of Thfne AnoTnt-ed : y^Praised be the Lord for evermftre. A-men, r and 'A'-men. (Gloria, Major.) Psalm no. Dixit Dominus. Dr. W. Hayes. 2. Sir G. Elvey. ( Majo r.) w/'THE Lord said rfn-ttAny 1 Lord : Sit Thou on My right hand, * until I m&ke Thine Enemies Thy foot-stool. 2 The Lord shall send the rod of Thy p6wer out of Sf-on : be Thou ruler,* even in the mfdst amdng Thine e-ne-mies. 3 In the day of Thy power shall the people offer Thee free-will offer- ings * with an holy w6*r-ship : the dew of Thy birth is of the wtfrnb oFthe morn-ing. / 4 The Lord sware, and will no*t re-pent : Thou art a Priest for ever * after the 6rder 6i Mel-chi- se-dech. 5 The L6rd upon Thy right hand : shall wound even kfhgs in the da*y of His wrath. m/6 He shall judge among the heathen ; * He shall fill the places with the d£ad bo-dies : and smite in sunder the h£ads over df-vers coun-tries. ft 7 He shall drmk of the bro'ok in the way : therefore shall He lTft up His head. Psalm 132. Memento, Domine. * L. J. Turrell. 2. r L. Barcroft. Ps. 132, Pascha.] EVENSONG. [Christmas-Day mf T ORD, remember Da*-vid : ■ ^ ^nd a*ll his trou-ble ; 2 How he sware tfn-to~the Lord : and vowed a vow unto the Almfghty Gdd of Ja-cob ; 3 I will not come within the tabernacle 6*f mine house : n6r climb up into my bed ; 4 I will not suffer mine eyes to sleep, * nor mine 6ye-lids to slfim- ber: neither the temples of my h6ad to take a-ny rest ; $ Until I find out a place for the temple 6f the Lord : an habitation for the m%hty Go*d of Ja-cob. , 6 Lo, we heard of the sime at Eph-ra-ta : &nd fo\md it in the wood. 7 We will g6 into His ta*-berna-cle : and fall low on our knSes before His foot-stool. 8 Arise, O L6rd, into Thy rest- ing-place : Thou, and the a'rk of Thy strength. 9 Let Thy priests be clothed with ngh-teous-ness : and let Thy saints sfng with joy-ful-ness. p 10 For Thy servant Da*-vid's sake : turn not away the presence of Thfne A-nomt-ed. mf 1 1 The Lord hath made a faithful oath unto DS-vid : and He shall not shrink from it ; A 12 Of the fruit of thy bo-dy : shall I set up-on thy seat. 13 If thy children will keep My covenant,* and My testimonies that I shall le*arn them : their children also shall sit upon thy se*at for ev-er- more. 14 For the Lord hath chosen Sion * to be an habitation fo*r Him-self : H6 hath l(5ng-ed for her. (Full) mf i^ This shall be My rSst for eV-er : here will I dw£ll, for I haVe a^de-light there-in. (Dec) mf 16 I will bless her vfctuals with fh-crease : and will satisfy her poor with bread. f 17 I will deck her prfests with health : &nd her saints shairre-joice and sing. 18 There shall I make the horn of D&vid to flou-rish : I have ordained a lantern for Mfne A- noint-ed. 19 As for his enemies, * I shall clothe the'm with shame : but upon himself shall his crown flou-rish. Easter-Day. H At Morning Prayer, instead of the Psalm, O come let us sing, &c, these Anthems shall be sung or said. * R. C. Miller, C. Gardner. //^HRISTour Passover * is sacri- V^ fTced for us : therefore le*t us keep the feast ; mf2 Not with the old leaven,* nor with the Leaven of malice and wick-ed-ness : but with the un- leavened bread of since-ri-ty and truth. [1 Om. v - 7 187 [/CHRIST Easter-Day.] THE PSALTER. [Pascha, Ps. s * C Gardner. ^ s ani :TiTT— / /^HRIST being raised from the V^ dead dieth no more : death hath n6 more domfn-ion o-ver Him. P 4 For in that He died, * He di$d tfnto sin once : / but in that He lfveth, He liv-eth "un-to God. p 5 Likewise reckon ye also your- selves * to be dead indeed unto sin : f but alive unto God through Je-sus Christ our Lord. - Rom - •»• 9- (Full) f f^HRlST is rfsen from V^ the dead : and be- come the first-fruits ^of them that slept. (Can.)p 7 For since by ma*n came death : f by man came also the resurre*c-tion of the^dead. P 8 For as in Adam all die : / even so in Chrfst shall all be made a-live. I 1 Cor. xv. ao . /Glo-ry be to the Father, a*nd to" I the Son : &nd to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : world I without €nd. A-men. PROPER PSALMS, 2, 57, in. Psalm 2. Quare fremuerunt gentesf Dr. Xares. 2. 1 L. Barcroft. i M . 1 d t ~. \ *- ir- I m p p ' g? "< g.j' S zg — £ w do the heathen so furi- ously r&ge toge-ther : and why do the people ima*-gine"a vain thing ? _ The kings of the earth stand up,* and the rulers take coftnsel toge-ther : against the Lord,* and against His A-noint-ed. 3 Let us break their bonds asun- der : and cast away their cords from us. ff '4 He that dwelleth in heaven shall laligh them^to scorn : the Lord shall have them in de-rl-sion. 5 Then shall He speak unto them fn His wrath : and vex them in His soVe dis-plea-sure. (Full) J "6 Yet have I se*t My King : upon My holy hill of Si- on. (Can.) p 7 I will preach the law,* whereof the Lord hath safd unto me : Jhoxi art My Son,* this day have I be-got-ten Thee. 8 Desire of Me,* and I shall give Thee the heathen for Thfhe inheri- tance : and the utmost parts of the e&rth for Thy pos-ses-sion. 9 Thou shalt brfiise them with a rdd of iron : and break them in pieces* like a poVters ves-sel. , mf 10 Be wise now therefore, O ye kings : be learned,* ye that are jtldg-es of the earth. 1 1 Serve the Ltfrd in fear : and rejoice unto Him with re-ve-rence. p 12 Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,* and so ye perish from the rfght way : if His wrath be kindled,* (yea, but a little,)* blessed are all they that put their trust in Him. Psalms 57, in.] MA TTINS. PSALM 57. Miserere met. Dens. + A. H. Bsowh. 2, -ter-Day. i S f^= B ; be merciful unto me.* for my soul trdst-eth^in Thee : and under the shaco-.v of Thy v shall be my refuge,^ until this t$Tanny be o-ver-pas:. 2 I willcadluntothem'-: high God: even unto :he God tb : the ca\ise which" I have in hand. 5 He shall send from heaven : and save me from the reproof of Mm that "would eat me up. 4 God shall send forth His mer-cy" and truth : my s6ul is among li'-ons. 5 And I lie even among the children of men. that are se't on hre : whose teeth are spears and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword. ff6 Set up Thyself, O God, above the heavens : and Thy glory above all the earth. mf 7 They have laid a net for my feet,* and pressed doVn : they h me,* and are fallen fnto the m'dst of it :aem-=elves. /8 My hrart is fixed. God,* my hear: is Tx-ed : I :. and give praise. ff<) Awake up, my glory ;* an ill awa*ke mf 10 I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord,* among the peo-ple : and I will sing unto Thee a r/a-tions. f 1 1 For the greatness of mercy re ache th and T:. i-l *the clouds. ff 12 Setup Ti. the heavens : an jove all the earth. 1. , , 1 Or T. S. Dot 2. * L. Earc: — ^z | 1 ^ .^.g^SLg.'sJ 1 ^ ~~^~- |-f^-tg-j— ' g^- ■ L— 2- -3 1 ^ 1 g ^ ^=^=:3 I WILL give thanks unto the Lord with my whoie heart : secretly among the faithful, * and fn the con-gre-ga-tion. 2 The works of the Ltfrd are great : sought out of all the'm tha't have plea-sure~there-in. 3 His work is worthy to be praised,* and had in ho-nour : and 4 is righteousness endu*r-eth~for ev-er. 4 The merciful and gracious Lord hath so done His maVvellous works : that they ought to be had in remem-brance. mf 5 He hath given meat unto them that fear Him : He shall ever be mindful oY His co-ve-nant. 6 He hath shewed His people the power oFHis works : that He give them the heritage 6i the hea- then. 189 [7 The .LASTER-iJAY.J 1. THE FSALTER. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. 2. LPSS. in, 113, 114- * L. Barcroft. 7 The works of His hands are verity and Judg-ment : ail His command-ments are true. 8 They stand fast for 6ver and e*v-er : and are done in trrfth and e-qui-ty. • /9 He sent redemption unto His p€o-ple : He hath commanded His covenant for ever, * h61y and re- verend is His Name. mf 10 The fear of the Lord is the begmning of wfs-dom : a good understanding have all they that do thereafter, * the prafse of it endifr- eth'Yor ev-er. PROPER PSALMS, 113, 114, 118. Psalm 113. Laudate, pueri. •J. Barney. 2. * A. M. Sevvell. /T) RAISE the L6rd, ye se*r-vants : A O praise the NSme of the Lord. 2 B16ssed be the Name oFthe Lord : from thfs time fdrth for ev-er- more. 3 The Lord's Name is prafs-ed : from the rising up of the sun * Onto the go-ing down of~the same. 4 The Lord is high ab6ve all heS-then : &nd His gl<5-ry above the heavens. mf 5 Who is like unto the Lord our God, * That h&th His dw^ll- ing^so high : and yet humbleth Himself to behold the things that a*re in heaven and earth ? 6 He taketh up the sirnple ou*t oFthe dust : andltfteththep6orout oPthe mire ; 7 That He may s6t him with the prih-ces : even with the princes 6i His peo-ple. 8 He maketh the barren w6man to k€ep house : and to be a j6yful mtf-ther^of cKil-dren. Psalm 114. In exitu Israel. J. Battishill. 2. rsAiJCS 114, : : \| jL . JL S\ JLA5TER-DA1 . 5 The s£a saw tha*t, and fled : u The mlur.tair.E s"-ur_ -ped~hke rams : and the little hills like young sheep. p 5 What aileth thee, O thou your.r sheep : «r/*7 Tremble, thou earth, * at the presence 6i the Lord : at the preserve ■:: the _V'd ; r ;a-:;h : 8 Who turned the hard rock in- to a standing wS-ter : and the fliht- stone fn-to^a spring-ing welL lLM i i 8. ConfiUmini Domino. L i A i : : : >: . -^ X ^ - — Tr^T^ fi =^=^ f(~\ G I VE thanks unto the Lord,* W for H€ IS : £/*//J because His mercy endtir-etn^for ev-er. { Dec. j 2 Le: Israel now confess, that He i dv.V and that His mercy endur-ettTfor ev-er. (Can.) 3 Let the house of Aaron noVcon-fess : r full; that His :. endrfr r eth"for ev-er. (Dec.) 4 Yea, let them now that fear the Lord h that BV-CT. / 5 I called u:: : n the 1' rd I d the Lord heard me at large. 6 The Lord . - de : I will not fear what man do-eth - h rd taketh my pan with th§m that help me : therefore shall I see mydesfre upo'nmine e-ne-: 8 It is better to trust in'the Lord : than to pQt any c<5n-n-dence in man. 9 It is better to trust in~the Lord : than to put any confidence in pr:": i o All nations c6mpassed me rtfund a-bout : (full) mi, bu: in the Name of the L6rd will I des-troy them. S ^m I - r : : 1 hey kept me in on it the Lord will" I des-troy them. r :: They came about like bees, * and are extinct even as the :"r: - u ':_- tl.-j : ~'u.. ' for in the Name of the Lord Twill destroy thentL ( 13/Thou has: thrust s6re at me, that J might fall : but the Ldfd was my help. _ The Lftrd is my strength, and~my song : and is becdme sal-va-; :':'- of joy and health is in the dwellings hh-teous : the right hand of the L6rd bringeth / 1 6 The right hand of the Lord,* hith the pre-?-mi-nence : the r hand of the Lord bringeth mfgh-ry things to A ; mfij I shall not die, but live : and declare the works of the Lord. 1 8 The Lord hath chastened and :t-ed me : but H« hath not : un-to death. 91 [J 19 Opea .Laster-Day.j THh T SALTER. [Ps. 1 1 8, Venite. *F. RUSHBROOKE. f 19 Open me the g&tes of righ- teous-ness : that I may go into them, * and give thanks un-to^the Lord. 20 Thfs is the ga*te oPthe Lord : the rfghteous shall en-ter in-to it. 2 1 I will thank Thee, * for Thou hast heard me : and art become my sil-va-tion. 22 The same stone which the builders refus-ed : is become the head-stone in the cor-ner. 23 Thfs is the Lord's doing : &nd it is mar-vellous in our eyes. CFull) 24 This is the day which the L(5rd hath made : we will rejoice and^be glad in it. (Can.) mf 25 Help me now, O Lord : O Lord, send us n6*w pros- pe-ri-ty. / 26 Blessed be He that cOmeth in the Na*me oPthe Lord : we have wished you good luck,* ye that &re of the hGuse of the Lord. mf 27 God is the Lord who hath sheV-ed"us light : bind the sacrifice with cords,* yea, Sven unto the horns oPthe al-tar. A /28 Thou art my God,* and I will tj^Snk Thee : Thou art my G6d, and I will praise Thee. (Full) 29 O give thanks unto the Lord,* for He is grS-cious : and His m6rcy endur-ethTor ev-er. A. scension -D ay. $tettttti0. Venite, exultemus Domino. * A. H. Brown. 2. * W. Ridley. f (~\ COME,* let us sing iin-to^ V_y the Lord : let us heartily rejoice in the strength of our sal- va-tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgiv-ing : and shew our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the Lord is a great God : aid a great Kfng above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners (5f the earth : and the strength of the htlls is His al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His h&nds prepa*r-ed^the dry land. /$ 6 O come,* let us worship and fall down : and kneel before the Lord our Ma-ker. 192 Venite, Pss. 8, 15.] MATTINS. [Ascension- Day. 7 For He is the Lord our God : and we are the people of His pas- ture, and the sheep of His hand. mfZ To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden ndt your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : proved M£, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long * was I grieved with this genera*-tion,^and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they have not known My ways. 11 Unto whom I swa*re in~My wrath : that they should not e'n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, a*nd to" the Son : &nd to* the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, * is nftw, and ever shall be : world without elid. 'AVmen. PROPER PSALMS, 8, 15, 21. Psalm 8. Domine, Dominus nosier. L. Lakckoft. ^ppspip ^ So ^IE w^m f f^\ LORD our Governour,* how KJ excellent is Thy Name in all the world : Thou that hast sSt Thy glo-ry~a-bove the heavens ! 2 Out of the mouth of very babes and sucklings hast Thou ordained strength,* because of Thine e'-ne- mies : that Thou mightest still the enemy, a*nd the^a-veng-er. tnf 3 For I will consider Thy heavens,* even the w6rks of Thy ffh-gers : the moon and the st&rs, which Thtfu hast ordain-ed. 4 What is man,* that ThOu art mmd-furof him : and the s6n of man, tha*t Thou vi-sitest him ? 5 Thou madest him 16wer than the an-gels : to crown him with gM-ry^and wor-ship. 6 Thou makest him to have do- mfhion of the works oPThy hands : and Thou hast put all things in subje'c-tion under his feet ; 7 All shSep and ox-en : y£a, and the beasts of the field ; 8 The fowls of the air,* and the fishes 6i the sea : and whatsoever walketh through the paths of the seas. (Full) J 9 O LOrd our Gtf-ver- nour : how Excellent is Thy Na*me in all the world ! Psalm 15. Do mine, quis habitat it ? 1). PiKCEI.L. 2. * A. H. Brown. W^ 3BEi3 ■J^z-^ fAA^J-J i££I fnf T ORD, * who I > in Thy tabcrna-clc : 01 who hill ? N hall dwell • : or shall rest upon Thy ho-!y 2 Even he, that lOadcth an 11 n- corrupt life : and docth the thing which is right, * and spCaketh the truth from his heart. 193 I3 He I TER. -. 2. PS&LMS 15, 21. 3 -~ wfigt-'z'Z-r ad . _ I and L : He 1 h bour, * and - : : h * hih-drance. : He b his mor.:' nor raken re war die in-no- Deal (Full) mf-j Whoso doeth these : _ Tua. I 1 R *- v - 3 • ♦.•• z.i -tj-^ &^ . J;: ,^j ^ ^ ' - ;- 1 , O Lord ; exceeding .-non. : him I him pure gold _ B of Thee,* and _ ^Tng life : E /5 His b on o nr is great in Thy rship him. m- King and feci Thy hand : Thy right hand shall hate Thee. 9 Thou shalt make them like a in tfme oFThy wrath : the Lord shall ; ion in His re, * and the fire shall hem. 10 Their fruit shalt Thou r6ot <5ut of" the earth : and their seed from am<5ng the chil-dren n of men. 11 For they intended mfschief against Thee : and imagined such a device * as they are not a*-ble to per-form. 12 Therefore shalt Thou ptft them^to flight : and the strings of Thy bow shalt Thou make riady agafnst the face of them. /13 Be Thou exalted, L6rd, in Thine 6*wn strength : s6 will we _;. and praise Thy power. P^al:. - _- [ASCEXSIOX-OAT. ±*= ;a1:/5. -. -. ::■': Jl g jrg-^V gf s :S ^ ■■■ g & ■* * B g ^ v ^ g ^ g ^ .-• T : :c~: e f " cc : l ir. 1.5 . fci± : vi-;:y. :'. r : j ~. - : fr-z- -J 5™;-:rr. :: iert't if - re--:e:ve ±e :".ess:ir nd : and rigimtccMBSoess Psalm 47. OmuusgmU no c:" Ascension-Day.] THE PSALTER. [Ps. 1 08, Venite. Psalm 108. Paratum cor meum. * A. H. Brown. 2. J. Heywood. f (~\ GOD, my heart is ready,* V-/ my h6art is re*a-dy : I will sing and give praise * with the b£st mern-ber that I have. 2 Aw&ke, thou lute, and harp : I mysSlf will awa*ke right ear-ly. 3 I will give thanks unto Thee, O Lord,* amOng the peb-ple : I will sing praises untoTh^e amorig the na-tions. p 4 For Thy mercy is greater than the heavens : and Thy truth rea*ch-eth un-to n the clouds. (Full)fs Set up Thyself, O G6d, aboVe the heavens : and Thy gl6ry ab8ve all the earth. (Dec.) 6 That Thy beloved may b6 delf-ver-ed : let Thy right hand s£ve them, and h€ar Thou me. mf 7 God hath sp6ken in His ho*-li-ness : I will rejoice therefore, and divide Sichem,* and mete 6ut the val-ley^of Siic-coth. 8 Gilead is Mme, and ManaVses" is Mine : Ephraim also is the strength of My head. 9 Judah is My law-giver,* M6ab is My wSsh-pot : over Edom will I cast out My shoe, * upon Philfetia wfll I tri-umph. p io Who will lead me into the str6ng cCty : and who will bring me fn-to E-dom ? ii Hast not Thou forsaken u*s, O God ; and wilt not Thou, O G6d, go forth with our hosts ? 12 O help us against the e*-ne-my : for vafn is the help of man. 13 Through G6d we shall d<5 great acts : and it is He that shall tr£ad do*wn our e-ne-mies. IVhitsun-Day. Venite, exultemus Domino. *E. H. Wilkinson. f C\ COME,* let us sfhg tfn-to r o joice in the strength of our sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His pr6- sence with thanksgfv-ing : and sh6w ourselves gl£d in Him with Psalms. 196 Venite, Ps. 48.] MATT INS. [Whits un-Day. 3 For the L6rd is a gre'at God : and a great Kfng above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners 61 the earth : and the strength of the hills is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His hands prepar-ed^the dry land. /6 O come, * let us w6rship, and fall down : and knSel before the Lord our Ma-ker. 7 For H6 is the Lord our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of His hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden ntft your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-edMe : proved M£, and saw My works. 10 Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion,~and said : It is a people that do err in theii hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. 11 Unto wh6m I sware in^My wrath : that they sh6uld not en-ter into My rest. / Glory be to the Father, a*nd to"* the Son : and to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is n6w, and eVer shall be : w6rld without dnd. "A'-men. PROPER PSALMS, 48, 68. PSALM 48. Magnus Do minus. H. Wicks. f/~* RE AT is the Lord,* and hfghly V-J to be pra*is-ed : in the city of our God,* eVen upo*n His ho-ly hill. mf 2 The hill of Sion is a fair place, * and the j6y of the wh61e earth : upon the north-side lieth the city of the great King ;* God is well known in her palaces as a sGre re-fuge. 3 For 16, the kfngs oPthe earth : are gathered, and gone by to-ge-ther. 4 They marvelled to s^e such things : they were astonished, and sdd-denly cast down. p 5 Fear came there up6n them, and sor-row : as upon a woman in her tra-vail. 6 Thou shalt break the ships oP the sea : through the east-wind. 7 Like as we have heard, * so have we seen in the city of the Lord of Hosts,* in the city 6f our God : God uph61deth the same for ev-er. mf 8 We wait for Thy 16ving- kfnd-ness^O God : fh the midst oC Thy tem-ple. 9 O God, according to Thy Name,* so is Thy praise unto the world's end : Thy right hand is full of righ-teous-ness. f 10 Let the mount Sion rejoice,* and the daughter of Ju-dah'be glad: because of~Thy judg-ments. 1 1 Walk about Sion, * and go round about her : and te'll the towers there-of. 12 Mark well her bulwarks.- up her hous-es : that ye may telJ the'm that~come af-ter. (Full)f 13 For this God is out God* for 6ver and ev-er : He shall bC our gifide un-to death. 97 [Psalm 68. Whitsun-Day.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 68. Psalm 68. Exurgat Deus. *J. Barney. /T ET God arise,* and let His I ^ Snemies be scaVter-ed : let them also that h&te Him ftee be-fore Him. m/2 Like as the smoke vanish- eth, * s6 shalt Thou drfve them n a-way : and like as wax melteth at the fire,* so let the ungodly parish a*t the pre-sence p of God. 3 But let the righteous be gl&d and rejoice before God : let them also be me'r-ry^and jby-ful. /4 O sing unto God,* and sing praises tfn-to^His Name : magnify Him that rideth upon the heavens, as it were upon anjiorse;* praise Him in His Name JAH, and rejofce be-fore Him. 5 He is a Father of the father- less, * and defendeth the c&use of the wi-dows : even God in His h61y h£-bi-ta-tion. 6 He is the God that maketh men to be of one mind in an house,* and bringeth the prisoners out of captf-vi-ty : but letteth the runagates conti-nue^in scarce- ness. 7 O God,* when Thou wentest forth before the p€o-ple : when Thou wSntest through the wil-der-ness, 8 The earth shook, * and the heavens dr6pped at the pre'-sence^of God : even as Sinai also was moved at the presence of God,* Who is the G6*d of Is-ra-el. mf 9 Thou, O God, * sentest a gracious rain upon Thine inhe'-ri- tance : and refrSshedst it whe'n \\T was wea-ry. io Thy congregation shall dwe'll there-in : for Thou, O God,* hast of Thy g6odness prepa*r-ed for the poor. fi I The L6rdgave the word : great was the company 6i the preach-ers. 12 Kings with their armies did flSe, and were disco'm-fit-ed : and they of the h6usehold divi-ded the spoil. mfii Though ye have lien among the pots, * yet shall ye bS as the wings oPa dove : that is covered with silver wmgs, and her feVthers lVke gold. 14 When the Almighty scattered kfngs for^their sake : then were they as white as snoV in Sal-mon. 15 As the hill of Basan, * s6 is God's hill : even an high hill, as the Mil of Ba-san. 16 Why hop ye so, ye high hills?* this is God's hill,* in the which it plSaseth Hfm to dwell : yea, the Lord will abide fn it^for ev-er. f 17 The chariots of God are twenty thousand,* even thousands of Sn-gels : and the Lord is among them,* as in the holy pla*ce of Si-nai. 18 Thou art gone up on high,* Thou hast led captivity captive,* and recSived gifts for men : yea, even for Thine enemies,* that the Lord G6d might dwe'll a-mong them. 19 Praised be the L6rd dai-ly : even the God Who helpeth us,* and pdureth His be'-nefits upon us. 20 He is our God,* even the God of Whom c6meth salva*-tion : God is the Lord, by Whom we escapedeath. mf i\ God shall wound the h6ad of His e'-ne-mies : and the hairy scalp of such a one as g6eth on still in n his wick-ed-ness. 198 Psalms 68, 104.] MATTINS. [Whitsun-Da^i 22 The Lord hath said,* I will bring My people again,* as I did from Ba*-san : Mine own will I bring again,* as I did sometime from the d€ep of the sea. 23 That thy foot may be dipped in the bl6od of thine e*-ne-mies : and that the tongue of thy dogs may be re*d through the same. 24 It is well seen, O G6d, how Thou g6*-est : how Thou, my God and King,* gOest in the sanc-tua-ry. 25 The singers go before,* the minstrels follow af-ter : in the midst are the damsels playing with the tim-brels. f 26 Give thanks, O Israel,* unto God the Lord in the congregt-tions : fr6m the ground of the heart. mj 27 There is little Benjamin their ruler,* and the princes of Jfidah their coun-sel : the princes of Zabulon, * and the prfn-ces^of Neph-tha-li. 28 Thy God hath sent forth strength for thee : stablishthe thing, O God, that Thdu hast wrought in us, 29 For Thy temple's sake at Je- ru-sa-lem : so shall kfhgs bring pre sents un-to Thee. 30 When the company of th* spear-men, and multitude of the mighty * are scattered abroad a- mong the beasts of the people,* so that they humbly bring pieces of sil-ver : and when He hath scattered the people that de-light in war ; 31 TJien shall the princes come out of E-gypt : the Morians' land shall soon stretch out her hands un-to God. /32 Sing unto God,* O ye kfhg doms 6*f the earth : O sing prafs-es unto the Lord ; ^ Who sitteth in the heavens over ail * from the begfn-ning : lo, He doth send out His voice,* y£a, and tha*t a migh-ty voice. 34 Ascribe ye the power to G6d over Is-ra-el : His wdrship, and strength is in the clouds. 35 O God,* wonderful art Thou in Thy holy pla-ces : even the God of Israel;* He will give strength and power unto His people ; bless- ed be God. PROPER PSALMS, 104, 145 PSALM 104. Benedic, am ma mca. 2. 1 A. H. Brown. H. Brown. / T) RAISE the Lord, O my soul : JT O Lord my God,* Thou art become exceeding glorious ;* Thou art cl6thed with majesty and ho- nour. 2 Thou deckest Thyself with light* as it were with a gar-ment : and spreadest out the heavens lfke a cur-tain. 3 Who layeth the beams of His chambers in the wa-ters : and ma- keth the clouds His chariot,* and walketh upon the wings of the wind. mf 4 He maketh His Sngels spi-rits : and His ministers a flam- ing fire. 5 He laid the foundations 6i the earth : that it never should moVe at a-ny time. 99 [6 Thou Whitsun-Day.] THE PSALTER. 1, * A. H. Brown. 2. [Psalm 104. * A. H. Brown. 6 Thou coveredst it with the deep * like as with a gSr-ment : the waters sta'nd in the hills. 7 At Thy rebrfke they flee : at the v6ice of Thy thun-def they are a-fraid. 8 They go up as high as the hills * and d6wn to the val-leys^be- neath : even unto the place which Th6u hast appofnt-ed fo'r them. 9 Thou hast set them their bounds which they sha*ll not pass : neither turn agafn to co-ver n the earth. p 10 He sendeth the springs fnto the rivers : which run a-mong the hills. 11 All beasts of the field drink there-of : and the wild a*ss-es quench their thirst. 12 Besides them * shall the fowls of the air have their habita-tion : and sfhg am<5ng the branch-es. 13 He w&tereth the hills from^ a-bove : the earth is ftlled with the fruft of Thy works. 14 He bringeth forth gn£ss for the cat-tie : and green herb fof the ser-vice^of men ; 1 5 That He may bring food out of the earth,* and wine that maketh glad the heart of man : and oil to make him a cheerful countenance, * and bread to strength-en man's heart. in/ 16 The trees of the Lord also are full of sap : even the cedars of Llbanus which He* hath plant-ed ; 17 Wherein the birds ma*ke their nests : and the fir-trees are a dwell- ing for the stork. 18 The high hills are a refuge for the wTld goats : and so are the stony ro*cks for^the co-nies. ft 19 He appointed the moon for certain se'a-sons : and the sfin knoV- eth^his go-ing down. 20 Thou makest darkness that it ma'y be night : wherein all the blasts of the forest do move. 21 The lions rearing aT-tef their prey : d6 se^ek their meat from God. mf 22 The sun ariseth,* and they get them away together : and 13y them dGwn in their dens. 23 Man goeth forth to his work,* &ndtohisla*-bour: until the eve-ning. / 24 O Lord, how manifold a*re Thy works : in wisdom hast Thou made them all ; * the §arth is full of Thy rich-es. mf 25 So is the great and wide sea Si - so : wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts. 26 There go the ships,* and there is that Levf-a-than : whom Thou hast m&de to ta*ke his pastime there-in. 27 ThSse wait all upon Thee : that Thou mayest give them meat in due sea- son. 28 When Thou givest it th8m they gif-ther it : and when Thou openest Thy h&nd they are fill-ed'^with good. p 29 When Thou hidest Thy f&ce they are troub-led : pp when Thou takest away their breath they die,* and are tQrned agafn to their dust. / 30 When Thou lettest Thy breath go forth they shalfbe made : and Thou shalt renew the face of* the earth. ff -$\ The glorious Majesty of the Lord shall endfire for ev-er : the Lord shall rejoice in His works. p 32 The earth shall tremble at the ltfok of Him : if He do but t6uch the Kills, they shall smoke. Psalm 145.] EVENSONG. [Whitsux-Day. / 33 I will sing unto the Lord as ldng as^I live : I will praise my God while I have my be-ing. 34 And so shall my words please Him : my joy shall be in the Lord. 35 As for sinners,* they shall be consumed out of the earth, * and the ungodly shall come to~an end : praise thou the L6rd, O my soul, praise the Lord. Psalm 145. Exaltabo Te, Deus. *A. M. Sewell. 2. L \V. A. Blakeley. ffi 1 1 'fiy 11 ^ 1 d j 1 i H±\ &-i^jj^ii- r j ^uj-J ^a 1 1 1 j , n *Y..h **- *p -rrs RH — f^ 1 -^-' — Wi pg-t g> pi ' -[-— — c r r — ^n-pM — ~ r ^-hI /TWILL magnify Th8e, O Gtfd, J. my King : and I will praise Thy Name for eV-er^and ev-er. 2 Every day will I give thanks unto Thee : and praise Thy N&me for eV-er^and ev-er. (Full) f 3 Great is the Lord, and marvellous,* worthy to be praTs-ed : thSre is no e'nd of ^ His great- ness. (Dec.)f 4 One generation shall praise Thy works unto anG-ther : knd declare Thy power. 5 As for me,* I will be talking of Thyw6*r-ship : Thy glory, Thy praise, and won-drous works ; 6 So that men shall speak of the mfght of Thy ma*r-vellous acts : and I will also teHl of ^Thy great- ness. 7 The memorial of Thine abun- dant kfndness shall be she\v-ed : and men shall sfng of n Thy righteous- ness. p 8 The Lord is gracious, and meVci-ful : long-suffering * &nd of gr€at good-ness. 9 The Lord is loving unto e've-ry man : and His mercy is d-ver all His works. / 10 All Thy works prafse Thee,^ O Lord : and Thy saints give thanks un-to Thee. 11 They shew the glory of Thy kfhg-dom : &nd ta*lk of Thy power ; 12 That Thy power, Thy glory,* and mightiness of Thy kfng-dom : might be kn6*wn un-to men. 13 Thy kingdom is an everlasting kffig-dom : and Thy dominion en- dfireth throughout all a-ges. p 14 The Lord upholdeth all siich as fall : and lifteth up all thSse that are down. 15 The eyes of all wait upon The*e, O Lord : and Thou givest them their m6at in dde sea-son. 16 Thou openest Thine hand : and fillest ill things living with plen-teous-ness. mf 17 The Lord is rfghteous in a*ll His ways : and hoMy~in all His works. 18 The Lord is nigh unto all them that ca*ll upon Him : yea, all such as call upo*n Him faith-ful-ly. 19 He will fulfil the desire of them that fe*ar Him : He also will hear their cry, ancPwiU help them. 20 The Lord preserveth all them that love Him : but scattereth abroad all the'un-god-ly. f 21 My mouth shall speak the prafse oPthe Lord : and let all flesh rive thanks unto His holy Name for ev-er "and ev-er. Ash-Wednesday.] THE PSALTER. Ash- Tf^ednesday. Venite, exultemus Domino. J. GOLDWIN. 2. [Venite, Ps. 6. * A. H. Brown. "-f— I" f C\ COME,* let us sfhg rfn-tcT \^J the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of ou*r sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before His presence with thanksgfV-ing : and sheV our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a grSat King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners <5f the earth : and the strength of the hills is His al-so. 5 The sea is His, and He made it : and His hands prepa*r-ed n the dry land. /6 O come, * let us w6rship, and fall down: and kn£el before the L(5rd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the L(5rd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of Hi's hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice, * harden no*t your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation fn the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers t£mpt-ed Me : pr6ved Me*, and saw My works. io Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs genera*-tion, r and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they ha*ve not known My ways. ii Unto whom I sware in n My wrath : that they should not £n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to^the Son : &nd t<5 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and eVer shall be : wftrld without €nd. # A*-men. PROPER PSALMS, 6, 32, 38. Psalm 6. Do/nine, ne in furore. * A. H. Brown. 2. L. J. TURRELL. mp(~\ LORD,* rebuke me not in vj Thine fndigna'-tion: neither chasten me in Thy dis-plea-sure. p 2 Have mercy upon me, O L6rd, for V am weak : O Lord, hSal me, for my bdnes are vex-ed. 3 My soul also is sore trou-bled : but, L6rd, how \6ng wilt^Thou pun-ish me ? 4 Turn Thee, O L6rd, and delf- ver r my soul : O save me ftfr Thy mer-cy's sake. 5 For in death n6 man reme'm- bereth Thee : and who will £ive Thee tha'nks in the pit ? 6 I am weary of my groaning ; * every nfght wash I' my bed : and w&ter my crfuch with my tears. 202 Psalms 32, 38.] MATTINS. [Ash-Wednesday. 7 My beauty is g8ne for very trou-ble : and worn away because of a*ll mine e-ne-mies. f 8 Away from me, * all ye that work va*-ni-ty : for the Lord hath hSard the voice of^my weep- ing. 9 The Lord hath he&rd my pet£ tion : thS L6*rd wilPre-ceive my prayer. mf 10 All mine enemies shall be confounded,* and sore v€x-ed : they shall be turned back,* and put to shSme sud-den-ly. -A Psalm 32. Beati, quorum, T. Kelway. 2. Dr. W. Hayes. W¥^-¥ ' M m mf T) LESSED is he whose un- JD righteousness fs for-given : and wh6se sfn is co-ver-ed. 2 Blessed is the man unto whom the L6rd impif-teth^no sin : and in whose spfrit there is no guile. p 3 For whf le I he'ld my tongue : my bones consumed away through my daf-ly complain-ing. 4 For Thy hand is heavy up6n me da*y and night : and my moisture is like the draught in sum-mer. 5 I will ackn6wledge my sin unto Thee : and mine unrighteous- ness haVe I not hid. 6 I said,* I will confess my sins iin - to^the Lord : and so Thou forgclvest the wick-edness of my sin. 7 For this shall every one that is godly make his prayer unto Thee,* in a tfme when Thou ma*yest be found : but in the great waterfloods* th£y shall ndt come nigh him. 8 Thou art a place to hide me in, * Thou shalt preserve me from trGu-ble : Thou shalt compass me ab6ut with so*ngs of deli-ver-ance. ;;//*9 I will inform thee, * and teach thee in the A way wherein thou^shalt go : and I will guide thee with Mine eye. 10 Be ye not like to horse and mule, * which have n6 understand- ing : whose mouths must be held with bit and bridle,* lest they fall up-on thee. 1 1 Great plagues remain for the ung6*d-ly : but whoso putteth his trust in the Lord,* mercy embraceth him on ev-ery side. /12 Be glad, O ye righteous, and rejoice in^the Lord : and be joyful, all y6 that~are true of heart. PSALM 38. Do?nine, ne in furore. T. PURCELL. 2. C. Gardner. *J when Major. /T)UT me not to rebuke, OL6rd, in Thine an-ger : neither chast- en me in Thy he'a-vy'Mis-plea-sure. 2 For Thine Arrows stick fa*st in me : and Thy h£nd pre'ss-eth mc sore. 203 [3 There Ash-Wednesday.] 1. THE PSALTER. T. PUR€ELL. 2. [Psalms 38, 102. * C. Gardner. * $ when Major. 3 There is no health in my flesh,* because of ThydispleVsure : neither is there any rest in my b6nes, by re*a-son of my sin. Pp 4 For my wickednesses are g6ne o*-ver°my head : and are like a sore bfirden, too heVvy^for me to bear. 5 My wounds stfhk, and a*re cor-rupt : thf6ugh my fool-ish-ness. 6 I am brought into so great tr6uble and mf-se-ry : that I go m6urning a*ll the day long. 7 For my loins are ft lied with a so*re dis-ease : and there is n6 whole pa*rt in^my bo-dy. 8 I am feeble, and sore smit-ten : I have roared for the v6ry disquf- etness of my heart p 9 Lord, Thou knowest all my r de-sire : and my groaning is not hid from Thee. 10 My heart panteth, * my strength hath fafl-ed me : and the sfght of mine e'yes is gone from me. 11 My lovers and my neigh- bours* did stand looking up6n my trou-ble : and my kfhsmen st6*od a-far off. 12 They also that sought after my life laid sna*res for me : and they that went about to do me evil talked of wickedness,* and imagined deceit a*ll the day long. 13 As for me,* I was like a dSaf man, and he*ard not : and as one that is dumb, who dtfth not open his mouth. 14 I became even as a m&n that he'ar-eth not : &nd in whose mo*uth are no re-proofs. mf 1 5 For in Thee, O L6rd, have I pift my trust : Thou shalt Answer f<5r me, r O Lord my God. 1 6 I have required that they, * even mine enemies, * should not trflimph d-ver me : for when my foot slipped,* they rej6iced gr£at-ly ag'ainst me. p 17 And I, truly, am set in^the plague : and my heaviness is eV-er in my sight. 18 For I will confSss my wfck- ed-ness : ind be soVry for my sin. 19 But mine enemies lfVe, and are mfgh-ty : and they that hate me wr6ngfully are ma*-ny^in num-ber. 20 They also that reward evil for go6d are against me : because I fbllow the tiring that good is. 21 Forsake me not, O L6*rd my God : be not Thou far from me. 22 H&ste Thee to heTp me : O Lord G6d of my sal-va-tion. PROPER PSALMS, 102, 130, 143. Psalm 102. Domine, exaudi. H. PURCELL. iie^s^ R. Farrant. 204 Psalm 102. EVENSONG. [ Ash-Wedn esday. p T T EAR my prayer, O Lord : X± and 16t my crying come un-to Thee. 2 Hide not Thy face from me * in the tfrne of my tr8u-ble : incline Thine ear unto me when I call ; O he*ar me, n and that right soon. pp 3 For my days are consumed awa*y like smoke : and my bones are burnt up * is it we're a fire-brand. 4 My heart is smitten d6v^n, and withered like grass : so that I forget to eat my bread. 5 For the voice of my grGan-ing : my bones will scarce cleave to my flesh. 6 I am become like a pSlican in the wfl-der-ness : and like an 6wl that is fn the de-sert. 7 I have watched,* and am even as it were a spSr-row : that sitteth al6ne upo*n the house-top. 8 Mine enemies revile me all the^ day long : and they that are mad upon me * are sw6rn toge'-ther against me. 9 For I have eaten ishes a*s it~ were bread : and mfngled my drfnk with weep-ing ; 10 And that because of Thine mdigna*-tior/and wrath : for Thou hast laken me ifp, and cast me down. 1 1 My (Jays are g6ne like a sha- dow : and I am wf-thered 1Y ke grass. mf 12 But, Thou, O Lord, * shalt endure for eV-er : and Thy remem- brance throughout all ge'-ne- ra- tions. 1 3 Thou shalt arise, * and have mercy upon Sf-on : for it is time that Thou have mercy upon her, ye*a, the time is come. ^14 And why ? * Thy servants thfnk upo*n her stones : and it pitieth them to se'e her in the dust. mf 1 5 The heathen shall fear Thy Name, O Lord : and all the kfhgs of the earth Thy Ma-jes-ty; 16 When the Lord shall build up Sf-on : and when His gltf-ry shall ap-pear ; 17 When He turneth Him unto the prayer of the poor deVti-tute : and despfseth not their de-sire. 18 This shall be written for those that come af-ter : and the people which shall be btfrn shall praise the Lord. 1 9 For He hath looked d6wn from His sa*nc-tua-ry : out of the heaven did the Lc5rd be-hold the earth ; 20 That He might hear the mournings * of such as are fn captf-vi-ty : and deliver the children appoint-ed un-to death ; 21 That they may declare the Name of the L6rd in Sf-on : and His w6rship a*t Je-ru-sa-lem ; 22 When the people are gathered together : and the kingdoms al-so,~ to serve the Lord. ^23 He brought down my strength in my joilr-ney : and shoVt-ened my days. 24 But I said,* O my God,* take me not aw&y in the mfdst oPmine age : as for Thy years,* they endure throughout ill ge'-ne-ra-tions. 25 Thou, Lord, in the beginning* hast laid the foundation 6i the earth : and the hSavens are the wo*rk of Thy hands. 26 They shall pSrish, but Tho*u shalt^en-dure : they all shall wax 61d as dtfth a gar-ment ; 27 And as a vesture shalt Thou change them, * and they shall be chang-ed : but Thou art the s&me, and Thy years shall not fail. 28 The children of Thy servants shall contf-nue : and their seed shall stand fist in Thy sight. i^Esa 205 [Psalm 130 ASH- WEDNESDAY. J Psalm 130. De profundis. H. PURCELL. 2. [FSALMS 130, 143c A. Neville, p rAUT of the deep have I called \J 9 unto Thee, O Lord : L6rd he*ar my voice. 2 O let Thine e&rs consf-der well : thS vofce of my com-plaint. 3 If Thou, Lord, wilt be ex- treme * to m&rk what is done a- miss : O Lfird who may ab'ide it ? 4 F6r there is mer-cy^with Thee : therefore sha*lt Thou^be fear-ed. 5 I look for the Lord ; * my s6ul Psalm 143. 1, Dr. Blow. These F's must be :fcj also when major doth wait for Him : fn His word is my trust. 6 My soul fl6eth rfn-to^the Lord : before the morning watch, * I say, before the mor-ning watch. 7 O Israel, trust in the Lord,* for with the L6rd there is mer-cy : and with Hfm is ple'n-teous^re-derhp- tion. 8 And H6 shall redeem Is-ra-el: fr6m Sll his sins. Domine, exaudi. 2. *A. H. Brown. p TJ EAR my prayer, O Lord, * XjL and consider my de-sire : hearken unto mS for Thy trrfth and right-eousness' sake. 2 And enter not into judgment with Thy seVvant : for in Thy sight shall n6 man living be jus-ti-fied. 3 For the enemy hath persecuted my soul ; * he hath smitten my 1 1 fe down to^the ground : he hath laid me in the darkness,* as the m£n tha*t have been long dead. 4 Therefore is my spirit v£xed witffin me : and my heart within"* me is de-so-late. trip 5 Yet do I remember the time past ; * I mtlse upon all Thy works : yea, I exercise myself in the woVks of Thy hands. 6 I stretch forth my hdnds unto Thee : my soul g&speth unto The*e AS°a thirs-ty land. p 7 Hear me, O Lord, and that soon,* for my spirit wax-eth faint : hide not Thy face from me, * lest I be like unto th^mthat go down in-to" 1 the pit. 8 O let me hear Thy loving- kindness betimes in the m6rning, for in The'e is^my trust : shew Thou me the way that I should walk in,* for I ltft up my s6*ul un-to Thee. 9 Deliver me, O Lord, from mine e*-ne-mies : for I flee unto Thee to Hide me. 10 Teach me to do the thing that pleaseth Thee, for Th6*u art r my God : let Thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the la*nd of right-eous- ness. mf 1 1 Quicken me, O Lord, for Thy NSme's sake : and for Thy righteousness' sake * bring my soul out n of trou-ble. 12 And of Thy goodness slay mine e*-ne-mies : and destroy all them that vex my s6ul ; for I am° Thy ser-vant. 206 VENITE, fS. 22. J MJil 1 11VS. LLrOOD-.b RIDAY. Good- Friday. ittatthis. Venite exultemus. Domino. T. MORLEY- f C\ COME,* let us sfhg rfn-tcT V_y the Lord : let us heartily re- joice in the strength of oilr sal-va- tion. 2 Let us come before H is presence with thanksgfv-ing : and sh£w our- selves gla*d in Him with Psalms. 3 For the L6rd is a great God : and a grSat King above all gods. 4 In His hand are all the corners <5f the earth : and the strength of the Hills is Hfs al-so. 5 The sea is Hfs, and He made it : and His h&nds prepaV-ed'the dry land. p6 O come, * let us worship, and fall down: and kn£el before the LoVd our Ma-ker. 7 For He is the L6*rd our God : and we are the people of His pasture, and the she'ep of His hand. m/S To-day if ye will hear His voice,* harden no't your hearts : as in the provocation,* and as in the day of temptation in the wil-der- ness ; 9 When your fathers te'mpt-ed Me : proved Me*, and saw My works. io Forty years long* was I grieved with thfs generation, "and said : It is a people that do err in their hearts, for they haVe not known My ways. ii Unto whom I swaYe in~My wrath : that they should not £n-ter into My rest. Glory be to the Father, and to^the Son : &nd t<5 the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning,* is now, and eVer shall be : wCrld without end. "A'-men. PROPER PSALMS, 22, 40, 54. Psalm 22. Deus, Deus mens. Dr. Aldrich. 2. A. Neville. M Y God, my God,* look upon forsa'-ken me : and art so far from tfvy health, * and from the wdrds of my corn-plaint ? 2 O my God, I cry in the day- time,* but Thou heVir-est not : and in the night-season aM-so" I take no rest. mf 3 And Thou contfnuest ho-ly : O Thou wdr-ship~of ls-ra-el. 207 [4 Our Good-Friday.] THE PSALTER. [Psalm 22. Neville. 4 Our fathers h(5-pecTin Thee : they trusted in Th6e, and Th<5u didst deli-ver them. 5 They called upon Thee, and were hol-pen : they put their trust in Th6e, and were ndt con-found-ed. ft 6 But as for me,* I am a worm, and no man : a very scorn of men,* and the otit-cast of the peo-ple. 7 All they that see me larigh me A to scorn : they shoot out their lips,* and shake their heads, say-ing, mfZ He trusted in God, * that He would delf-ver him : let Him deliver him, if He'Vill have him. 9 But Thou art He that took me out of my md-ther's womb : Thou wast my hope,* when I hanged yet upon my mo-ther's breasts. 10 I have been left unto Thee Over since Pwas born : Thou art my God even frdm my mo-ther's womb. ft 1 1 O go not from me, * for trouble is haVd at hand : &nd there is none to help me. 12 Many Oxen are c<5me about me : fat bulls of Basan clOse me fn on e-very side. 13 They gape upon me with their mouths : as it were a ramping and a rdar-ing li'-on. 14 I am poured out like water,* and all my bones are 01ft of joint : my heart also in the midst of my body is eVen like melt-ing wax. 15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd,* and my tongue cleaveth to* my gums : and Thou shalt bring me fn-txAhe dust of death. 16 For many dogs are cdme about me : and the council of the wicked lfiyeth sfege a-gainst me. 17 They pierced my hands and my feet,* I may t£ll a*ll my bones : they stand staring and ldok-ing upon me. 18 Theypart my garments among them : and cast lots updn my ves- ture. ftp 19 But be not Thou f^rfrdm me,^0 Lord : Thou art my succour, haste Thee^to help me. 20 DelfVer my sdul frorrTthe sword : my darling from the pdw-er of the dog. 21 Sctve me from the li-on's mouth : Thou hast heard me also from am6ng the hdrns oPthe u-ni-corns. /22 I will declare Thy Name unto my bre*th-ren : in the midst of the congregation will I praise Thee. 23 O praise the Lord, * ye that fear Him : magnify Him, all ye of the seed of Jacob,* and fear Him, all ye se'ed of Is-ra-el ; 24 For He hath not despised,* nor abhorred, the 16\v estate oPthe poor : He hath not hid His face from him,* but when he cailed unto Hfm He heard him. 25 My praise is of Thee* in the gr&at congrega-tion : my vows will I perform in the sight of thdm that fear Him. mf '26 The poor shall e&t, and be sa'-tis-fied : they that seek after the Lord shall praise Him ; * your he&rt shall live for e-ver. 27 All the ends of the world shall remember themselves, * and be tCirned un-to"the Lord : and all the kindreds of the nations shall wor- ship before Him. 28 For the kfhgdom Is the Lord's : and He is the G6vernour amdng the peo-ple. 208 Psalm 40.] MA TTINS. [Good-Friday. 29 All sftch as be fat upon earth : Mve ea*t-en,"and wor-ship-ped. 30 All they that go down into the dust * shall kneel before Him : and n6 man hath quick-ened~his own soul. 31 My seSd shall se'rve Him : they shall be counted unto the Lord for a ge'-ne-ra-tion. 32 They shall come, * and the heavens shall declare His righ- teous-ness : unto a people that shall be born, whom the Lord hath made. Psalm 40. Expectans expectavi. T. Tallis. 2. J. Tkavers. I WAITED patiently ftfr the Lord : and He inclined unto me, and heaVd my call-ing 2 He brought me also out of the horrible pit, * ofit of the mire and clay : and set my feet upon the r6ck, and o'r-dered'my go-ings. 3 And He hath put a new s<5ng in "my mouth : even a thanksgfv-ing unto our God. 4 M&ny shall se'e it,^and fear : and shall pfit their tru'st in the Lord. 5 Blessed is the man that hath set his ho'pe in'the Lord : and turned not unto the proud,* and to such as go* a-bout with lies. m/6 O Lord my God,* great are the wondrous works which Thou hast done, * like as be also Thy thoughts which are to £s-ward : and yet there is n6 man that (5r- dereth~them un-to Thee. 7 If I should declare them, and speak of them : they should be more than I am a*-ble to ex-press. 8 Sacrifice, and meat-offering, Thou wduld-est not : btit mine ea*rs hast^Thou o-pen-ed. 9 Burnt-offerings, and sacrifice for sin, hast Thou no't re-quir^d : then said If Lo, I come, 10 In the volume of the book it is written of me,* that I should fulfil Thy will, O my God : I am O 209 content to do it ; * yea, Thy laV is* with-in my heart. 1 1 I have declared Thy righte- ousness in the great congrega-tion ; lo, I will not refrain my lips, O Lord, and tha*t Thou know-est. 12 I have not hid Thy rfghteous- ness within my heart : my talk hath been^of Thy truth, and of Th£ sal-va-tion. 13 I have not kept back Thy loving me'r-cy~and truth : from the gr£at congre-ga-tion. p 14 Withdraw not Thou Thy mSrcy fr(5m me, n O Lord : let Thy loving-kindness and Thy trQth a*l- way~pre-serve me. 1 5 For innumerable troubles are come about me ; * my sins have taken such hold upon me that I am not &ble to look up : yea, they are more in number than the hairs of my head, and my heaVt hath fail-ed me. 16 O Lord,* let it be Thy plea- sure to delf-ver me : make haste. O Ltfrd, to help me. mf 17 Let them be ashamed, and confounded together, * that seek after my s6ul to destroy it : lefthem be driven backward, and put to rebuke, that wish me e-vil. 18 Let them be desolate, and rewa'rd-ed'Vith shame : that say unto me, * Fie upon thee, fTe up-on thee. [19 Let Good-Friday.] THE PSALTER. Psalms 54, 69. T. Tallis. J. Travers. 19 Let all those that seek Thee be j6yful and glaM in Thee : and let such as love Thy salvation say alway, The Ldrd be prais-ed. p 20 As for me,* I am p6or and bfit the careth n€e-dy me 21 Thou art my helper and re- deem-er : make no long ta*r-rying, O my God. Psalm 54. Deus, in nomine. * W. A. Blakeley. 2. L. J. TuRRKLL p QAVE me, O G6d, for Thy O Nome's sake : &nd avenge me in Thy strength. 2 HSar my prayer, O God : and hSarken unto the wo*rds of my mouth. 3 For strangers are risen up a- gafnst me : and tyrants, which have not God before their eyes, se'ek after my soul. m/4 Behold, G6d is my he"lp-er : the L6rd is with the'm that^up-hold my soul. 5 He shall reward evil (into mine e-ne-mies : destr6y Thou them in Thy truth. 6 An offering of a free heart will I give Thee,* and praise Thy Na*me, O Lord : because it fs so com-forta-ble. 7 For He hath delivered me out of £11 my tr6*u-ble : and mine eye hath seen his desire upo*n mine e-ne-mies. PROPER PSALMS, 69, 88. Psalm 69. Salvum mefac. Rev. W. Felton. 2. Dr. T. S. Dupuis. AVE m8, O God : for the waters are c6me in, e'-ven unto my soul. 2 I stick fast in the deep mfre, where no* ground is : I am come into deep waters,* s6 that the fldods run o-ver me. 3 I am weary of crying ; my threat is dry : my sight faileth me for waiting so l<5ng up-on my God. 2IO Psalm 69.] EVENSONG. Good-Friday. 4 They that hate me without a cause * are m6re than the hairs of^my head : they that are mine enemies,-* and would destr6y me gu'lt-less, r are migh-ty. 5 I paid them the thfhgs that I ne'-ver took : God, Thou knowest my simpleness,* and my faults are^ not hid from Thee. m/6 Let not them that trust in Th^e, O Lord God of Hosts,* be ashamed for my cause : let not those that seek Thee be confounded through me, O Ltfrd God'of Is- ra-ei. 7 And why ? * for Thy sake have I suf-fered ^re-proof : shame hath co*-vered my face. 8 I am become a stranger unto Bay breth-ren : even an alien (into my mouther's chVl-dren. 9 For the zeal of Thine house hath Sven e*at-en me : and the rebukes of them that rebuked Thee are faTlen upon me. 10 I wept,* and chastened myself with fast-ing : and that was turn-ed^ I to my re-proof. 1 1 I put on sackcloth al-so : and they je*st-ed upon me. 1 2 They that sit in the gate speak against me : and the drunkards make songs up-*6n me. p 13 But, Lord,* I mike my prayer unto Thee : fn a*n ac-cept-able time. 14 Hear me, O God, * in the multitude of Thy mer-cy : even in the trfith of Thy sal-va-tion. 15 Take me out of the mire, that I sfnk not : O let me be delivered from them that hate me,* and out of the deep wa-ters. 16 Let not the water-flood drown me,* neither let the deep swallow me up : and let not the pit shut her mduth up-on me. 17 Hear me, O Lord,* for Thy loving-kindness is co*m-forta-ble : turn Thee unto me* according to the multitude 6*f Thy mer-cies. 18 And hide ngt Thy face from Thy servant,* for I am in trou-ble : O ha'ste Thee,^and hear me. 19 Draw nigh unto my soul, and save it : O deliver me, because oP mine e-ne-mies. mp 10 Thou hast known my re- proof, * my shame, and my disho- nour : mine adversaries are all in Thy sight. ft 2 1 Thy rebuke hath broken my heart ;* I am flail of he'a-vi-ness : I looked for some to have pity on me,* but there was no man,* neither found I a*ny to com-fort me. 22 They give me ga*ll to eat : and when I was thirsty* they gave me vfn-e-gar to drink. mp 23 Let their made a snare to tike themselves with-al : and let the things that should have been for their wealth * be unto th6m an occa'-sion^of fall-ing. 24 Let their eyes be blfhded, that they s€e not : and $ver bdw Thou down their backs. 25 Pour out Thine indignation upon them : and let Thy wrathful disple'a-sure^take hold of them. 26 Let their habitation be void : and n6 man to dw€ll in their tents. 27 For they persecute him whom Th6u hast sirnt-ten : and they talk how they may vex th6m whom Thtfu hast wound-ed. 28 Let them fall from one wicked- ness to ano-ther : and not come fn-to~Thy right-eous-ness. 29 Let them be wiped out of the b6ok of the lf-ving : and not be written among the right-eous. 30 As for me,* when I am p6or and in he'a-vi-ness : Thy help, O Go*d, shall lift me up. / 31 I will praise the Name of G(5d with~a song : and magnify it wfth thanks-giv-ing. 32 This Also shall please the Lord : better than a bfillock tha*t hath horns and hoofs. 211 [33 The Good-Friday.] THE PSALTER. [Psalms 69, 88. Dupuis. 33 The humble shall consider this, ancTbe glad : seek ye after G(5d, and~your soul shall live. 34 FortheLordhear-eth^thepoor: and desplseth not His pri-son-ers. 35 Let heaven and etoh praise Him: the sea, and all that moveththere-in. Psalm W. HlNE, 2,6 For God will save Sion,* and build the cities of Ju'-dah : that men may dwell there,* and h&ve it fn pos-ses-sion. 37 The posterity also of His ser- vants shall inhe'-rit it : and they that 16ve His Na*me shall dwell there-in. Domine Deus. 2. * VV. W. Brown. mpr\ LORD GOD of my salva- VJ tion, * I have cried day and nfght before Thee : O let my prayer enter into Thy presence,* incline Thine 6ar ifn-to^my call-ing. p 2 For my soul is full of trou-ble : and my life draweth nigh un-to hell. 3 I am counted as one of them that go down fn-to^the pit : and I have been 6ven as a man that hath no strength. 4 Free among the dead, * like unto them that are w6unded,and lfe in^the grave : who are out of remembrance,* and are cut away from Thy hand. 5 Thou hast laid me in the low-est pit : in a place of dark-ness,^and in the deep. 6 Thine indignation lieth hard up6*n me : and Thou hast v6xed me' with all Thy storms. 7 Thou hast put away mine acquaintance far from me : and made me to b£ abhoV-red of them. 8 I am so fSst in prf-son : th&t I ca*n-not get forth. 9 My sight faileth for very trou- ble : Lord, I have called daily upon Thee,-* I have stretched forth my hands un-to Thee. 7nf \o Dost Thou shew winders among the dead : or shall the dead rise up again, and praise Thee ? 1 1 Shall Thy loving-kindness be shewed in the grave : or Thy faith- fulness fn de-struc-tion? 12 Shall Thy wondrous works be kn<5wn in^the dark : and thy right- eousness in the land where all things a*re for-got-ten ? 13 Unto Th£e have I cried, O Lord : and early shall my prayer ccmie be-fore Thee. p 14 Lord, why abh Arrest Thcai my soul : and hldest Thou Thy face from me ? 1 5 I am in misery,* and like unto him that fs at the pofnt to die : even from my youth up * Thy terrors have I suffered with a trou-bled mind. 16 Thy wrathful displeasure gcteth ov-er me : and the f£ar of The'e hath~ un-done me. 17 They came round about me daily like wa*-ter : and compassed me toge*-ther~on eve-ry side. 18 My lovers and friends hast Thou put awa*y from me : and hid mine acquain-tance out ofmy sight. Psalm 5i.] MISERERE. [Lent. Lent. T Then shall they all kneel upon their knees, and the Priest and Clerks kneeling (in the place where they are accustomed to say the Litany ), shall say this Psalm Psalm 51. Miserere mei, Deus. 1. * A. H.Brown. (Minor.) p T T AVE mercy upon me, O XTL God,* after Thy great good- ness : according to the multitude of Thy mercies do away mine of- fen-ces. pp 2 Wash me throughly fro*m my wick-ed-ness : and cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I ackno\v-ledge my faults : and my sfn is ever be -fore me. 4 Against Thee only have I sinned,* and done this e*-vil in Thy sight : that Thou mightest be justified in Thy spying, and cle'ar when Thou art judg-ed. 5 Beh61d, I was sha*-pen"in wick- ed-ness : and in sfn hath my mo- ther con-ceiv-ed me. 6 6 But lo,* Thou requirest truth in the in-ward parts : and shalt make me to Understand wis-dom se-cret-ly. 7 Thou sjialt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be cle^an : Thou shalt wash me, * and I shall be whi-ter^than snow. 8 Thou shalt make me hear of jo*y and glad-ness : that the b6nes which Thtfu hast brok-en may re-joice. 9 Turn Thy face awa*y from my sins : Snd put out ail my mis-deeds. 10 Make me a clean heart, O God : and rene\v a right spf-rit with-ih me. 1 1 Cast me not awa*y from^Thy * {J Also when major. I pres-ence : and take not Thy hoMy Spi-rit from me. 12 O give me the comfort of Thy help a-gain : and stablish me with Thy free Spi-rit. mf 13 Then shall I teach Thy w&ys tfn-to~the wick-ed : and sfnners shall be' con-vert-ed un-to Thee. p 14 Deliver me from blood-guilti- ness, O God, * Th6u that aYt the God oPmy health : and my tongue shall sing of Thy right-eous-ness. (Major.) mf 1 5 Thou shalt 6*-pen~ ; my lips, O Lord : &nd my mduth shall shew Thy praise. 16 For Thou d^sirest no sacri- fice,* 81se would 1 give it Thee : I but Thou delfghtest ntft in biirnt- '< of-fer-ings. p 17 The sacrifice of God is a trdoi-bled spi-rit : a broken and contrite heart, O Go*d, shalt Thou not de-spise. mf 18 O be favourable and grft- i cious un-to Si-on . bfiild Thou the I walls of Je-ru-sa-lem. 19 Then shalt Thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness,* with the burnt-offerings a*nd ob-la- tions : then shall they.. offer young biillocks up-on Thine Al-tar. G16ry be to the Farther, and to^ the Son : &nd to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is nc5w, and ever shall be : world without end'A-men. 213 Lent.] MISERERE. [Psalm 51. Psalm 5 1 . Miserere met. Dens. A. H. Brown. p T T AVE mercy upon me, O X~l God,* aTter Thy great good- ness : according to the multitude of Thy mSrcies do away mine of- fen-ces. pp 2 Wash me throughly fro*m my wick-ed-ness : &nd cleanse me from my sin. 3 For I ackndw-ledge my faults : &nd my sfn is ever be-fore me. 4 Against Thee only have I sinned,* and done this £-vil in Thy sight : that Thou mightest be justified in Thy saying, and cle*ar when Thou art judg-ed. 5 Behold, I was sh'i-pen^in wick- ed-ness : and in sfn hath my mo- ther con-ceiv-ed me. p 6 But lo,* Thou requirest truth in the in-ward parts : and shalt make me to understand wis-dom se-cret-ly. 7 Thou sjialt purge me with hyssop, and I shall be cle^an : Thou shalt wash me, * and I shall be whi-ter^than snow. 8 Thou shalt make me h£ar of ]6y and glad-ness : that the bones which Thtfu hast brok-en may re-joice. 9 Turn Thy face awa*y from my sins : and put out all my mis-deeds. 10 Make me a clean heart, O God : and renSw a right spi-rit with-ih me. 1 1 Cast me not awa*y fronTThy pres-ence : and t&ke not Thy heMy Spi-rit from me. 12 O give me the comfort of Thy help a-gain : and st&blish me wfth Thy free Spi-rit. mf 13 Then shall I teach Thy ways un-to^thewi'ck-ed : and sinners shall be* con-vert-ed un-to Thee. p 14 Deliver me from blood-guilti- ness, O God, * Thou that a*rt the God of r my health : and my tcmgue shall sfng of Thy right-eous-ness. mf 1 5 Th6u shalt 6*-pen^my lips, O Lord : and my inearth shall shew Thy praise. 16 For Thou de # sirest no sacri- fice,* 61se would I give it Thee : but Thou delf^htest ndt in burnt- of-fer-ings. p 17 The sacrifice of God is a tro\i-bled spi-rit : a broken and contrite h§art, O Gdd, shalt Thou not de-spise. mf 18 O be favourable and gra- cious un-to S"-on : build Thou the wSlls of Je-ru-sa-lem. 19 Then shalt Thou be pleased with the sacrifice of righteousness,-::- with the burnt-6fTerings a*nd ob-la- tions : then shall they.. offer yoiini; bullocks np-on Thine Al-tar. Glory be to the Farther, and to r the Son : £nd to the Ho-ly Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is no\v, and ever shall be : w6rld without end'A-men. 214 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHANTS. T/te Page numbers followed by a semicolon refer to tJie Canticles. Name of Composer. Alcock, Dr. John Aldrich, Very Rev. H., D.D. Arnold, Dr. Samuel *Atherstone, Sidney Aylward, Dr. T. ... Ayrton, Dr. Edmund Bacon, Rev. R. M.A. *Barcroft, Leonard fBARNBY, Joseph Barrow, J Battishill, Jonathan Bellamy, Richard, Mus. Bac. fBLAKELEY, WM. ARTHUR ... t — t — t — Blow, Dr. John *Bosworth, Thomas fBRiDGE, Dr. J. F *Brown, Arthur Henry ... DlED.I Key. I Page. 1806 ; A 112, 126, 142, 191 D 59 ... D 158, 168 1710 A 74, 90, 131 A no, 153 B? 14, 53, 84, 113 Bfe 5 6 , 8l , 134 E min. 4 ; 6, 45, 109, 207 F 154 G 89 1802 A 34 1876 ... C 12 ; 1. 56, 105 C 129 18*77 E 10, 150 E2 74 180I D 84, 88, 195 ... 1808 e£ 15; 17, 123, 126 193 1759 A ch. 114 1871 A 16 ; 16, 66, 170 A2 7 ; 38, 82, 124 C 13; 13, 39, 96 1877 C 6 ; 58, 119, 188 D 99, 193 1877 E 2 E 71, 176, 186, 190 F 20, 155, 174, 189 G min. 10, 44, no D 17 ; 89,123, 178, 190, 198 E 16; 25, 72 1789 Ech. 4, 150 1S01 A 75, 114, 146, 151, 190 D 7; 55, 152 G 118, 146, 175 1813 F 17 ; 23, ^7, 72, 182 1875 A min. 16 ; 5. 104. 210 Bfe 105, 156 C iS; 1, 179 C ;, 163, 20I 1708 E min. II ; 12, 46, 69, 137, 206 1878 ... F 124 1876 C 14; 70, 1 S3 1877 A i 30, 76 "5 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHANTS. Name of Composer. *Brown, Arthur Henry Died. Key. 1871 ... A A A 1877 A 1871 A 1877 ... A 1871 A 1877 A 1876 ... Amin. 1871 ... Amin. 1871 ... Afe Afe Afe Afe 1875 ... Bfe 1871 ::: Bfe Bfe 1877 Bfemin 1877 C C c 1871 C min. 1877 ... C min. 1871 D D D 1877 ... D 1871 D 1871 D 1877 D 1871 Dch. 1877 Dch. 1877 Dmin. D min. 1871 E E 1877 E 1871 ... ... E E E 1871 E min. 1877 E min. 1871 E £ Ete 1877 Ejjmin. 1871 F 1877 F 1874 F 1877 F 1871 F F F 1876 F 1877 F 216 Page. 4 ; 30, 77, 166, 195 5 ; 32, 176 41, 174 52, 153 105 '29, 139, 175, 192, 196 149 9 (Benedicite) 22, 206 4 ; 24, 44, 184 158, 193 6 ; 42, 127, 199 «; I ; 65, 77 14; 113 11 ; 26, 68 126 150 162 14; 96 8,51 27, 84, 123, 151 38, 71, 165 11 : 12, 31, 63, 202 214 (Miserere) 3: 17, 21, 147 22, 74, 93, 160 17 ; 25, 27, 63, 170 61 7 ; 72, 124, 140, 189 90, 134, 121, 156 90, 182 10; 34, i54 16 ; 61, 79, 161 45, in, 202 69, 93 9 14; 15, 147 33, 114 3; 42, 72, 101 107, 116 10 ; 123, 141 17 ; 60, 93 67, 109. 136 6, 50, 100, 138 11,36,85 5 ; 47, 66 167 3' 147 16, 81, 189 20, 164 34, 120 17; 34, 152 56 82, 116 114 160, 170 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHANTS. Name of Composer. *Brown, Arthur Henry *Bro\vn, Walter \Y ♦Burnett, Cyril * Richard * Byrde, W. ... Childe, Dr. W. fCHOPE, Rev. R.R. Cooke, Dr. Benjam Corfe, J. *COVERDALE, OLIVER fDYCE, W. Edwards, Edwin +Elvey, Sir George. Elvey. Dr. STEPHE fFANlNG, Eaton t t Farrant, J. Farrant, R. . Felton, Rev W., Mus. Bac Croft, Dr. W. Dupuis, Dr. Thos. Sanderson Died. Kky. 1871 F 1877 F 1871 F4 min. ! 1876 ... G I G G 1877 G 1871 G 1877 G 1871 G Gch. 1877 Gch. 1877 Gte 187 1 B V F 1871 Gch. 1877 B2 1877 D F 1623 G ... 1697 Bh i860 F 1793 Bfe F 1820 G 1877 E 1876 E min. 1727 B min. 1796 A Ach. Biz D D min. E min. E5 G G min. F 1877 G A D C 1877 D F 1877 G i.S9» G min. 1585 A min. F 1769 E ? Page. 164 9 (Benedicite) 3i, 134' 167 11 4: 26. 56. 179 12 ; 55. 112. 129. 17S 59 62 66, 148 82 13 : 91. 180 11 : 120 172 3 ; 107. 166. 180, 199 213 (Miserere) 98 41 2, 96, 112 5, 212 58, 119. 166 1 ; 49- 137 6, 89 27, 34. 42. 100 119, 158 16 : 4, 27 114 19, 127. 179. 197 107, 176. 182 2, 7. 7ii 195 109 10; 49. 6o ; 157. 161 55> Ho 11 ; 52. 79. 172 27, 75, 105. 198 27, 91, 169. 189 14 ; 46. 86, 96, 161. 210 15 ; 2, 66, 122. 161 32, 99, 120 20 62, 96, 134. 172 14: 91. 129. 141. [44. 3 : 9- 53- 131 3 6. 85. 186 37< 175 89. 118 113 13.90 26.88 167, 171 63. 190 144 10 : 45. in, 210 517 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHANTS. Name of Composer. Felton, Rev. W., Mus. Bac. *Fisher, Charles Died. Key. *Foxe, James ... Fussel, Peter Gardner, Charles ■Gauntlett, Dr Gibbons, Dr. Christopher Goldwin, J Goodson, R., Mus. Bac. ... ^Graves, Edward T. * Greene, Dr. Maurice Hackett, J. D Hayes, Dr. Philip Hayes, Dr. William |Heap, Dr. Charles S. JHelmore, Rev. Thomas JHeywood, John IHiles, Dr. Henry ... t Hindle, J. Mus. Bac. Hine, William tHOPKINS, E. J. fHOYTE, W. S. Humphreys, Peliiam Jones, J. tJouLE, B. St. J. B. t Kelway, T. ... 1877 1877 1875 1876 1870 1876 1870 1876 1876 1856 1790 1877 1697 1716 1718 1755 1797 1777 1781 1739 1674 1795 218 1749 F A C D Emin. Amin. Cch. D G G F G G G min. Bfe G G min. C EJ2 F BiZ Biz E Efe A min. Ach. D D D ch. E£ G min. A min. F Afe E F A G G min. A Afe El> F C D min. A Bh C D min. F D Page. 124, 140, 157 3, H8, 172 3; 14.155 12; 33, 151, 164, l8l 65,81 31 1; 145 18 4 15.65, 136 15.58 41. 134 5; 77, 116, 146, 187 17; 73, 104, 203 13 (Quicunque) 41, 103, 118, 164 96. 122, 202 14,30 10; 23, 37, 84, 194 23. 158 7. 11 9, 99, 176, 196 20, 33, IOI 127 74, 102, 154 8 (Benedicite) 31. 152 127, 140, 194 142 15 ; 122, 145, 186 21, 96 16; 32, 66, 134, 203 1 ; 45' 65 1 : 2, 17,52,55 36, 76, 155, 172 53, 132, 196 10; 47, 159, 175 11; 49, 72,99 14; 11, 68, 121 172, 212 7; 56. 165 66 11 ; 26, 38. 70, 112 16; 102. 118 119, 180 4; 73> 157, 171 2 1 Pascha) 16, 29 12 (Quicunque) 60 88, 159 25, 139. 142 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHANTS. Name of Composer Kelway, T Died. Key. Page. Kent, James King, Charles, Mus. Bac Lamb, B Langdon, Richard, Mus. Lee, W. Medley, Rt. Rev. Bp. ♦Miller, Rich. Cope fMoRLEY, Thomas Nares, Dr. J. ♦Neville, Augustus Bac. 1776 1699 1798 1724 1877 1877 1871 G 66, 141 G min. 5: 59, 114 G min. 203 D 168 Gch. 76, 132, 166 A min. 15: 6. 51, 103 Gch. 5; 132, 152 F 39, 149 F 90, 149 G jnin. 1 ; 69, 172 D 17; 23, 56, 147 F 82, 104 Gch. 40, Hi G 16; 25, 120, 138 D 131, 187 Fimin. 171 A 17; 38, 54, 116, 177 B2 18, 117 C 15; 21, 52, 163 E£ 6; 7, 67, 77, 118 F 16; 4, 100, 139 G 3 ; 44, 56, 107 F ch. 5; 5, 132, 145, 207 1783 fOusELEY, Rev. SirF. A. G., Bart. t- Purcell, Daniel (brother of H.) Purcell, Edward (son of H.) Purcell, Henry ... A Ach. Afe E V C min. E£ 3: 67, 72, 85, 134, iSS 14; 24, 69, 79, 206 37, 101, 169 22, 98, 157, 207 11; 11, 93 7; 30, 75, 9i 2, 34, 72, 193 170 Thomas (uncle of H IRidley, William t '" ♦Rowland, George . ♦RUSHBROOKE, FRED. Russell, W., Mus. Bac. Savage, W ♦Sewell, Alfred M. 1877 1877 1877 1877 1877 ... I 219 1717 1740 D min. 11 ; 2, 40, 98 1695 A ch. 15; 10, 24, 66, 204 A min. 68, 122, 206 29, 159, 162 17; 46, 86. 156, 171 5°, 138 4; 46, 145, 203 14, 126, 168 51, S9, 156, 192 81, 118 1, 187 161 3, 12 56,76 5; 7i, 177, 191 150 53, 54, 142, 163 144, 169 7, 8, 137, 190 136, 201 G 1682 C min. G Gch. A B£ E ?. Bfc D D min. D D F C 1813 1789 C A Eiz ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF CHANTS. Name of Composer, *Seymour, Gerald ... 1 Died. fSMITH, BOYTON fSTAINER, Dr. J., M.A. fSTEGGALL, Dr. CHARLES t t ■ Tallis, Thomas fTAYLOR, ROBT. MlNTON fTERRY, Edward R. t t t t t- Tom lin son ... Travers, J. ... Tucker, Rev. W. Tudway, Dr. T. fTuRLE, Tames t Turner, Dr. W. *TuRRELL, LOUIS JOHN Weldon, John ♦Wicks, Hubert ♦Wilkinson, Edwin Wise Michael ♦Wood, Edgar II. Woodward, Dr. R. 1871 1876 1876 1876 1876 1585 1877 1871 1877 1877 1724 1758 1690 1730 1740 1736 1687 1787 220 Key. F F fl min. G ch. G C D D E E A A min. A min. C F G A min. C Ech. E£ F B2 E Gch. A F C F C A C C C min. E F F G G G min. G min. A C E F F F A A min. Afe FJfmin. C Cffmin. E> BJ2 Page. 153, 177 34, 62, 86 121, 134, 155 10; 102, 178 6 (Benedicite) I (Venite) 15; 33> 113- 153. 160 50, 117, 138 75- '74 73 n; 22.40, 59, 154 17; 5, 62, 96, 209 9, 114, 121 1, 15*70 117, 148, 169. 183 5; 207 180 44.88 67 76, 168 110 13, 137, 146 7; 32, 117. 184 24. 79, 209 I, 114, 136, 195 13; 42,85, 172 4; 16, 32, 174, 179 3; 18. 89. 161 165 58, 163, 186 15; 21.36.47, 177, 181 6; 29, 61, no 210 70 II, 131, 165, 182 15 8, 118, 141 6; 13, 50, 144 12, 40, 109. 167. 202 1 ; 34. 59 86. 89, 100, 197 3,47, 101 76 4; 27, 55, 148 72, 103 15,68 102, 196 98 10; 159 63 15, 103 16; 73, in 27 8, 29 Cfmrtf) jHusic, BY Mr. ARTHUR HENRY BROWN, BRENTWOOD. Now ready, fcap. 8vo., cloth limp, red edges, is., or is. i\d. post free. To the Clergy or Organists, ioj-. per 25. %\t ®wpriatt Wmtitltt. The Canticles newly adapted to the Old Church Tones, with the occasional introduction of Choral Harmony. Uniform with the "Gregorian Psalter." *** This most comprehensive adaptation of the Gregorian Tones to the Canticles contains 127 melodies, some harmonized through- out, and each with harmonized Gloria. "The method adopted by Mr. Brown is simple, and will be easily learnt even by stupid choirfolk. Should this work be adopted in any choir, we believe it will be found all that is needful for some years to come. Uncertainty and change in choral matters are undesirable, especially for the congregation, therefore a work which supplies sufficient material for a long time is always to be preferred to a smaller work, merit being equal." — Church Times. " We have before us a manual which deserves to be known and used wherever the Ancient Catholic Tones are honoured and ap- preciated." — Reunion Magazine. "This neat and well got-up volume, the orthodox look of which must gladden the heart of our High Church friends. We have no hesitation in recommending the work to all who admire the chants of the old Christian Church." — Musical Gazette. Fcap. %vo., cloth, red edges, is. 6d., or post free, 2s. gd. To the Clergy or Organists, £2 tot. per 25. %\t ®w00riatt Dsaltrr. The Psalms Newly Adapted to the Old Church Tones, with the Occasional Introduction of Choral Harmony. "Mr. Arthur H. Brown's name is already so well and so favour- ably known in connection with Gregorian music, that his new 'Gregorian Psalter ' will be sure of a welcome reception from many choirs. It includes the entire Psalter, with a suitable Venite for each morning, and special settings for the proper Psalms on the four i^reat festivals. Its peculiarity among Gregorian Psalters is that it introduces suitable Harmonies occasionally in the course of the Psalms and at the Gloria. There will, no doubt, be great difference of opinion about this ; for our own part, we think well of it ; and Mr. A. H. Brown's well-earned reputation is a guarantee to the clergy that he will involve them in no rash or ill-considered experi- ment. Our own feeling has always been that at least occasional harmony was a necessary concession to modern ears, in order to give Gregorian music a fair chance of success. We don't see how it can be better done than it is here." — Literary Churchman. " A contribution of real value to Church music." — Church Times. III. Fcap, 8vo. 9 cloth, red edges, y. 6d., or post free, 3^. lod. To the Clergy or Organists, £$ 10s. per 25. %\t dregarratt tatirlts mxb Ipsalirr. Newly Adapted to the Old Church Tones, with the Occasional Introduction of Choral Harmony. IV. Crcnvn 8vo. t $d. t post free. Set to some of their Ancient Tones. Of the in Chant Tunes here given, three only are as in " Helmore," to which this work will serve as a Supplement. " In those churches in which the use of Gregorian chants prevails, this little book ought to be greatly valued. The settings include some elegant variations from the Paris, Rouen, Aachen (Aix-la-Chapelle), and other methods. The words are neatly pointed, and the genius of plain-song is happily preserved." — The Choir. " This is a collection of Church Chants which it would contribute to impart a devotional spirit to many a Church congregation to have in use, rather than those undevotional and unsuitable ones that now so greatly prevail. They are emphatically Church tones — the legitimate and characteristic Canticle music of the Church ; and no thoughtful and devout Churchman who has ever been accustomed to such can tolerate, on account of their secular and general unsuit- ableness, the strangely popular modern Anglican chants. Mr. Brown has done good service to the musical ritualism of the Church of England in preparing a collection of this kind adapted to her Canticles. His high reputation as an orthodox Church musician is not only sustained, but will be extended by it." — Lite?-a?y Church- man. V. Complete Edition, royal 8vo., 8s. 6d., cloth. ®tgm Wntmanm for i\t (§xtQoxmx |JsaIm Containing Eight different Harmonies for each Tone «nt each Ending, amounting in all to 1 377 variations. "A series of organ harmonies on a scale of en cjclopaediac elaborateness. The object of this work is, of course, to assist organists who are diffident as to their extempore thorough-bass. If these will only conscientiously make themselves masters of what is here set down, they may depend not only on getting through their work respectably, but on being able to conciliate the public in favour of the ancient Psalm melodies." — Church Times. " It is difficult to supply gracious and pliable harmonies for the ancient modes, a difficulty occasioned by the modern scale system. Mr. A. H. Brown has, with characteristic good taste, pursued a medium course. His harmonies are mostly of a simple, quaint, and solid character. The book before us will be most useful. ' — Choir. Square l2tno., 18//., 6d., post pee. ?DaMe of (Srtflffriati &0ttcs, With their various Endings, containing 160 variations. VII. Square 2^mo., pp. 5c, 4/2. sewed, or 6d. limp cloth, post fret, ggrfraraf litamts for Wist in &\mt\ t Set to Music. "One of the cheapest and most useful books for public service that we have seen. Both music and words are admirable, the former excellent, with due Church characteristics, and yet most telling and simple melodies." — Penny Post. Crown Svo, 3d., post free, %\t fftattin anir l^rsprr fatirlrs of falg C|mrr|j, Set to Anglican Chants of Ecclesiastical character. "This little book will be a real boon to choirs and lovers of music, whether at Church or at home. There are 165 chants of sterling character, none florid, more than half of which are the compositions of such well-known men of the genuine English school as Tall is, Purcell, Byrde, Weldon, Greene, &c, while the remainder are from the more modern pens (but not style) of Turle, Ouseley, Monk, Helmore, and the Editor himself. The whole is arranged in the most practical manner with reference to the words, which are very clearly and admirably pointed. It is a marvel of cheapness, and deserves, and must have, a large sale." — Essex Times, IX. Price 0?ie Halfpenny, ot 2s. 6d. per ioo. %itmx% at %\t |p8s«i0tt. x. Price id., or $s per ioo. %\t JJmjnwgma (at ^qpBulgis). Anthem for Good Friday. XI. Preparing for publication, to be bound with the GREGORIAN PSALTER, the whole of the Offices of the Church appointed to be sung, viz.: HOLY COMMUNION, LITANY, (both Ferial and Festal uses), BURIAL OF THE DEAD, &c, forming a complete GREGORIAN SERVICE BOOK for the English Church. LONDON : THOMAS BOSWORTH, 198, HIGH HOLBORN. XII. 8vo., \^ pp., price is. The Office of Holy Communion. Containing a Setting of the Introit, Kyrie Eleison, Gloria Tibi, Credo, Sanctus, Benedictus, O Salutaris, Agnus Dei, Domine, non sum dignus, and Gloria in Excelsis. 1 l Choirmasters will find in this service a welcome addition to their list, because, first it is complete; secondly, it is within the compass of ordinary singers; and, thirdly, it is written in a style which is a happy medium between the severe Anglican, and that adopted by more modern writer*. The whole service is carefully written and, we doubt not, will be very generally adopted." — Church Junes. XIII. Complete, price 3