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Missionary of the Southern Presbyterian Church
in the Congo Independent State
Copyright, 1906
I The Baluba and Lulua people, in language and in race, belong to
The great Bantu family, which, though having many different subdivi-
sions, occupies, roughly speaking, all of Africa south of the fifth parallel
of north latitude, the Hottentot-Bushmen in the extreme south being
the only exception. These Bantu languages are radically different
from the distinctly negro dialects of the peoples bordering them on
the north. While the different Bantu dialects have much in common
so far as some of the general characteristics are concerned, yet there
are many degrees of difference. Some are perhaps as widely apart
as the English and the Greek, while others are so near akin that the
differences amount to nothing more than localisms or a brogue.
This latter fact is true of the language spoken by the Baluba and
the Lulua people, who together occupy a large area in Central Africa,
extending, roughly speaking, from the junction of the Lulua and Kasai
rivers in a general southeasterly direction into Garenganze, where the
language is called Ciluba. They thus occupy the high and compara-
tively healthy table-lands on the divide between the headwaters of
the Kasai and the Congo on one side and the Zambezi on the other.
Moreover, these peoples are remarkably docile, peaceable, industrious
and eager for civilization, and are in many respects far superior to
many African tribes. It has thus come about that the Baluba, espe-
cially, are eagerly sought after as slaves, with the result that many
thousands of them have been carried into captivity, often into foreign
These facts, together with the wide area covered by these two peoples,
have made their tongue the lingua jranca, or “trade” language, of the
greater part of the upper Kasai and Congo basin, thus enabling one
understanding it to go almost everywhere over this vast region and
be understood. It is gratifying to note that the Buluba-Lulua is very
near of kin to the Lunda and Tongo which are spoken over a large
area on the south. It would be useless to attempt to estimate the num-
ber of people speaking with more or less divergency the language whose
laws this book attempts to put into tangible shape. All this is par-
ticularly fortunate in view of the fact that so many of the languages
of Africa are confined to very narrow geographical limits.
Since the establishment of the American Presbyterian Mission at
Luebo, which place is located on the north bank of the Lulua river
at its junction with the Luebo, several thousand Baluba and Lulua
people have come there and settled — the Lulua from the immediate
south and east, and the Baluba from the regions still farther to the
east. Through these numerous immigrarits Luebo has become a cos-
mopolitan place, with reflex influences going out in turn to the different
tribes and villages represented there.
While there are slight differences in some of the root words used by
the Baluba and the Lulua and some differences in the tones or manner
of pronunciation, the Baluba being smooth and rhythmic, the Lulua
more harsh and guttural, yet these diversities are so slight that we feel
warranted in grouping the language of these two peoples under the
one name Buluba-Lulua. It must, however, be borne in mind that
each of these tribes is still farther subdivided into clans or groups,
where there may and often does exist a still farther variation in the
words. It is a curious fact that the very names Baluba and Lulua
do not seem to have been originally used by the people in speaking
of themselves; these names have been given them by outsiders. Among
themselves they go by the clan names, such as Bakua Kaloshi, Bakua
Chimanga, Bakua Temba, etc.
In this book no effort has been made to separate the words of the
two peoples, for they are so intimately intermingled that this would
at present be hopeless, confusing and unprofitable. Nor has any effort
been made to find all the possible words used among the different clans;
only the commoner words used about Luebo are introduced. This
opens up a wide field for future study and investigation, and of course
means that variations from the Words given in this book will become
more numerous as the distance i\;om Luebo increases. It is easy to
understand how these almost infinite differentiations have sprung up.
There is no tribal unity, no literature^ the villages and clans are more
or less isolated from each other, with the consequent j’ealousies. But
we believe that as communication is established between the different
clans, and especially as the written language which the missionaries
are sending out becomes more widely circulated, a unifying process
will set in.
On the other hand, the language, especially as spoken in the region
about Luebo and such other cosmopolitan centres, where the outside
world is touched, is constantly growing — and, strange to say, becoming
VI 1
more unified — by the accession of new and foreign words. For about
Luebo we not only have a commingling of other tribes, such as the
Bakete, the Bakuba, the Zappo Zapps, etc., but the native quickly
takes up words from the missionary, the white trader, the Government
official, or the West Coast English-speaking carpenter. These over-
sea foreigners, in passing through the Lower Congo region, pick up
native words as used there and bring them farther into the interior.
The Portuguese were the earliest European settlers on the coast about
the mouth of the Congo river, and a goodly number of their words have
found the way back into the interior languages; the name mputu,
which means the country of the foreign white man, is a corruption
of Portugal. Since the native naturally lacks names for many articles
in common use by the foreigner, it is not surprising that the foreign
word is often introduced and the native is proud to use it. The word
is nativized and thus takes its place in the language. I say nativized,
for although these new words find their place in the language, yet
there is a strong tendency to preserve the native grammatical con-
structions, and, after all, the foreign words are comparatively few.
My observation is that the language is spoken with greater gram-
matical purity about Luebo to-day than it was some years ago.
And just here it is interesting to note that although there is a re-
markable richness of the language in some directions, there is a no
less remarkable paucity of terms in other directions. For example,
there is no word for the young of living creatures. The indefinite
muana, child, is used for all alike. There is no single word for brother
or sister. The native recognizes only three distinct colors, red, white
and black ', there is nothing for the most common color in the tropics.
The verb dila is made to do service for cry, bawl, bleat, sqtieal, roar,
croak, bray, tick (as watch). There are no pronouns indicating sex.
There is no satisfactory word for love, the same word which the native
uses for God’s love he must also use to express his liking for salt or
his preference for a certain kind of cloth. Sometimes one fairly cries
out in agony for a word to express some of the strong English words
like ought, duty, must, obligation, etc. And so the list might be easily
increased. Perhaps as our knowledge of the language grows, we
may discover terms for some of these ideas. It is not surprising, there-
fore, to find a great dearth of words to express religious thought. In
some cases the missionaries have, by common consent, introduced a
word, generally from the Greek or Hebrew. We have thought it safer
and more satisfactory sometimes to introduce thus an entirely new
word rather than try to use a native word which would inaccurately
convey the idea intended. It is interesting here to recall that very
many of the ecclesiastical words in the English language were brought
in at the time of the introduction of Christianity into England. 1
have also taken the liberty, on my own responsibility, of introducing
into the Vocabulary a few words for some common household articles
for which the natives have no equivalent. Since English is the lan-
guage of those for whom this book is chiefly intended, the introduced
words are naturally taken from that language.
.\t the request of my colleagues on the Mission, the preparation of
this work was undertaken some months after my arrival in Africa in
1897. My first intention was to prepare a small book to contain only
the essentials of the language and the more common words, but as I
went farther into the work I found that I could not be certain of the
essentials without myself going quite into details. Having done this,
it seemed a waste of labor not to record the result of the investigations
in permanent form. It is now my purpose to prepare a short hand-
book embodying only the essentials and intended for beginners in the
language. The growth of the work as I have progressed, and the
fact that it was the first of the kind ever undertaken in this dialect,
combined with the many missionary duties, from which it was impossible
on account of the smallness of our force for me to be released so that
I could give my full time to the language study, have postponed the
completion of this' task much longer than I had anticipated. Often
weeks at a time have intervened when it was impossible, either on
account of illness or on account of other more pressing missionary
duties, to push the work on. Even after the greater part of the material
had been gotten into tangible shape before my return to America, I
have found the revising, correcting, copying and getting of the matter
ready for the press a much greater undertaking than I had anticipated-
For these reasons I ask the forbearance of my colleagues who have
waited so patiently for the work to appear. I must also express my
appreciation of the kindness shown by the Executive Committee of
Foreign ^Missions of the Presbyterian Church, who have patiently
allowed me to carry on this work, trusting only to my own word and
to that of my colleagues that my time and energy and the Church’s
money were being rightly spent.
I must express my obligation for helpful suggestions gotten here
and there from works in other dialects of the Bantu family; especially
might be mentioned those of Torrend, Bentley, Whitehead, Stapleton,
Bishop Steere, Wilson, Pilkington, Nassau and Bleek. Declerq’s
Grammaire de la Langue des Bena Lulua, though only a pamphlet,
giving with more or less accuracy the merest outlines of the language,
was exceedingly helpful in the early stages of the work. I have appre-
dated Stapleton’s frankness in admitting difficulties, and his breadth
of view in dealing with the comparative language problems. I am
indebted to Dr. D. W. C. Snyder for the manuscript of his work in
the Bakete dialect. And I am under many obligations to my colleagues,
especially Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard and Mr. Hawkins, for giving me a
start in the early days.
I have sometimes ventured to differ from the majority of Bantu
grammars, but it has been done in order to secure greater simplicity.
And here I must not fail to mention the names of native lads who
have helped me, generally most patiently, through the long weary
discussions and investigations which they could not understand. Among
these may be mentioned Kazadi, Kabata, Kamuidika and Kachunga.
The latter spent over a year with me in America. Some of the girls
were most helpful, especially Malendola. These w^ere not all kept
in constant employ, but w’ere called on as needed, for I soon found it
better to use several language-helpers than to rely on the judgment
of only one.
I most heartily express my personal gratitude and that of my col-
leagues and the Society which I represent to the American Tract Society
for so generously undertaking, partly at its own expense, the publication
of this work.
It is to be hoped that the book will prove helpful to Government
officials, traders or travelers, but the motive wffiich has inspired the
writer through it all has been the belief that it would aid the missionary
more quickly and more accurately to learn the language of this great
people, hoping that in due time schools would be wddely established
and the Word of Life given to the people in a language which they
could read and understand.
Many perplexing problems have arisen as to spelling, as to con-
struction, and as to the exact meaning of words, and the author is most
painfully conscious of the many inaccuracies which farther study and
investigation by himself or others will reveal in his work, w’hich makes
no claim to being exhaustive or perfect; yet he will feel abundantly
compensated for all the labor it has taken if the book will aid in a wider
dissemination of the gospel. To this end he prays that it may be
I feel that I cannot pass this book into the hands of my fellow mis-
sionaries without saying a final word to them. The Government
official or the trader or the traveler can get along and accomplish
his work wdth only a superficial knowledge of the language. Not so
w’ith the missionary: he is to deliver the gospel message, and a deep
and thorough acquaintance wdth the language which is his chief medium
of communication should be his constant ambition, that the message
may be delivered accurately and intelligibly. I have noticed that
almost invariably the man who speaks the language with fluency is
the man who commands attention and whose influence will be the
most widely felt. May I utter a warning ? There is danger of reaching
a point where we make no farther progress in the language. This
should not be. Study and investigation on our part should never cease.
This book is by no means accurate or exhaustive — it is only intended
as a guide and a help to wider and deeper study of the language, which
I hope and pray will be inspired by the thought of Him who commanded
us to “preach the gospel to every creature.”
Lexington, Va., January. 1906.
W. M. Morrison.
1 . The Buluba-Lulua alphabet consists of thirty letters, each repre-
seating a
sound. They are as follows:
as a in father
malij, afjairs.
as a in hat
kub^la, to count.
as a in fall
bukiile, strength.
as b in bone
bantu, people.
as ch in choose
mucima, liver.
as d in day
bidia, bread.
as e in they
kuteka, to put.
e .
as e in met
dikela, egg.
as f in fat
kuflka, to arrive.
as g in king
kiibanga, to begin.
no equivalent (§ 6)
luhehele, wind.
as i in machine
bibi, badly.
as i in hit
kuxiba, to kill.
as i in pine
mi, water.
as j in French jeune
kujula, to pull up.
as k in king
kulua, to come.
as 1 in long
lubilu, hurry.
as m in man
muntu, person.
as n in not
kunanga, to love.
as o in note
diboko, arm.
as p in pay
mpuku, rat.
as s in sit
kusaya, to cut up.
as t in tone
tulu, sleep.
as u in rule
lufu, death.
as u in but
mukuxi, woman.
as V in vine
kuvua, to wash.
as w in water
wewe, thou.
as sh in shall
kuxaia, to remain.
as y in yonder
kuya, to go.
as z in zone
kuzakala, to quake.
Note i. It will be observed that the governing principle of the above
alphabet is that it shall be phonetic, letting each sound in the language
be represented by a distinct letter. The letters ni and n in double-
consonant constructions furnish an apparent exception, having each
a sound different from that indicated above, but this will be treated
later. §§ 13-15.
-'\ccording to the above principle, therefore, the letters a, a, and a
are not to be regarded as different sounds of the same letter, but as
different letters. The same is true of e and e, i and 1 and i, u and u.
In the ^’ocabulary, however, in order to avoid confusion, the words
are arranged in the ordinary way, regardless of the order of the letters
as above given.
Note 2. In order to aid beginners in the pronunciation and to pre-
vent confusion it has seemed almost necessary to introduce in this
book the short sounds a, e, I, and u, also the longer a and i. Perhaps
later, after the language has become more fixed in its orthography,
many of these diacritical markings can be omitted, especially in books
intended entirely for native use. At the same time the learner must
be warned that accurate pronunciation can only be gotten by carefully
listening to the words as they are spoken by the natives. Cultivate,
from the very beginning, the habit of careful listening. Having once
caught the sound, the pronunciation will not generally be difficult.
It will be observed that the diacritical marks, with the exception of
ii, are those rs d in Webster’s Dictionary.
Note 3. Observe that the letters j, v and z are used mostly by the
Baluba, while the Lulua people generally use x, f and s respectively.
The sounds are so nearly alike that little confusion arises. In the
Vocabulary, the spelling adopted has been determined as far as possible
either by the dialect to which the word most probably belongs or by
the form most commonly heard about Luebo. At the same time it
must always be borne in mind that the native gives the sound peculiar
to his own dialect. These differences in pronunciation are often due
to the front teeth being filed or, in some cases, knocked out.
Note 4. Sometimes, in order to show where contraction has taken
place, the circumflex (') is used over certain vowels, but, since it pro-
duces no marked difference in sound, these letters are not introduced
into the alphabet.
Note 5. In spelling, the natives are taught to give to each vowel
its exact sound, and to let each consonant be followed by the sound of
e in they. Unfortunately, custom has made exceptions of m and n,
w’hich are pronounced as in English, but consistency would indicate
that they should also fall in line with the other consonants.
2. The long vowels arc a, e, i, i, o and u, with which may be classed
the broad a. The short vowels are a, e, I and u.
Rem. The vowels present no difficulties in pronunciation, but it
is often hard to distinguish between a and i, between a and u, between
o and u, between i and the diphthong ai, between the long and short
sounds of the same letter. Shall we write muci winyi or muci wanyi
{my stick) ? Shall it be mukaxi or mukuxi {woman) ? kumuna or
kumona {to see) ? mi or mai {water) ? Only time and farther light
can settle these questions definitely.
3 . The consonants b, d, f, k, 1, p, s, t, v and z have the common
English pronunciation and need no farther explanation.
4. C is arbitrarily used to represent the single sound of ch in church,
though it often has much the sound of ts in nuts.
5. G is always found in combination with n, and has the peculiar
sound of g in king. The g is thus never found alone and it seems im-
possible for the native, even in spelling, to give g the simple hard sound
of g in go — it always has the nasal preceding.
Rem. The distinct hard sound of g as in go is heard, however, in some
dialects, especially that of the Bakete. For example, the Baluba and
Bena Lulua say ku-nang-a, like English sing-er, while the Bakete
say ku-nan-ga, like English stronger (pronounced as stron-ger).
6. H is arbitrarily used to represent a peculiar breathing sound
which is not found in the English. It is near of kin to / and p, though
clearly distinct from each. It is important to distinguish it from these
two letters, since upon this depend certain laws of euphony which will
be considered later. To produce this sound, as in the word luhehele,
place the lips as preparing to whistle, not protruding them too much,
and being careful not to press the lower lip up against the teeth, then
expel the breath, uttering the sound, allowing the lips to fall apart.
7. J has the softer French sound of j in jeune.
8. M has always its usual English sound save in the double-con-
sonant forms at the beginning of words. § 14 {b).
9. \ usually has the simple sharp nasal sound of n in not, save when
it is combined with other consonants. § 15.
10. w is used only in its force as a consonant; it is therefore not
employed in diphthongs or other vowel combinations. The close re-
lation of w to u is observed in certain euphonic changes. § 27.
11. X is used arbitrarily to represent the single sound of sh.
12. T is always a consonant; it is therefore not employed in diphthongs
or other vowel combinations. Its close relation to the vowel 1 is seen
in certain euphonic changes. § 28.
Double Conson.-^nts.
13. Double consonants occur only when m and n are prefixed to
other consonants. 31 is found before b and p, n before c, d, f, g, j,
k, s, t. V, X, y and z.
14. In the pronunciation of the double consonants with m we must
(a) When the double consonants come in the body of the word,
the division of the syllable occurs between the two consonants, and
m consequently has its common sound.
Wa-kum-pa, he has given to me.
(b) When, however, the double consonants come at the beginning
of the word a peculiar and unfamiliar sound is given to the combi-
nation. In the pronunciation of mpuku, rat, for example, close the
lips, let the initial sound pass out through the nose, then expel the
breath, uttering puku.
15. In the pronunciation of the double consonants with n we must
(a) When n with another consonant comes at the beginning of a
word a peculiar sound is given to the combination. Note the pro-
nunciation of nsubu, house. Throw the end of the tongue up against
the roof of the mouth as in the pronunciation of n, allow the initial
sound to pass out through the nose, then expel the breath, uttering
Note. G in such cases has the sound of g in king, not the hard sound
of g in go.
Ngoma, drum', ngombe, ox.
(b) When n, with another consonant, comes in the body of a word
we have the two following sounds:
(i) When the n comes before c, d, t and y, the division of the syllable
occurs between the two consonants, and n consequently has its common
Wa-kun-da-ya, he promised me', wa-kun-tu-ma, he sent
me', ku-mun-ya, to know.
Rem. The pronunciation of ny is the same as the Spanish w in canon .
Some Bantu grammarians write this sound combination with a Spanish
character. Sometimes the y is very slightly sounded and this may
account for the fact that in certain constructions it loses its signifi-
cance, though not its sound, and is treated as if it were not present.
§ 329 (c)-
(2) When the n comes before f, g, j, k, s, v, x and z it has a peculiar
ringing sound like 11 g in king, thing, etc. In such cases there is a
decided nasal tone just before the consonant, but be careful not to allow
the end of the tongue to touch the roof of the mouth in attempting to
pronounce the n. For division of the syllables in such cases, see § 21,
Wakunva, he heard', wakunkuma, he flogged me; wakunxia,
he left me.
Note i. G in such cases carefully preserves the usual sound of g
in king.
Note 2. For n before h see § 32.
Diphthongs and Vowel Combinations.
16 . There are several proper diphthongs in which both vowels are
sounded with the same expulsion of the breath. The more common
are as follows:
(a) Ua, pronounced as iva in wash.*-
Bualu, affair.
(b) Ue, pronounced as ua in persuade.
Kuebi, at your house.
(c) Ui, pronounced as ue in desuetude.
^ I Kuiba, to steal.
(d) Ui, pronounced as ui in quiet,
Kuinyi, at my house.
{e) Uo, pronounced as uo in quote.
Buonso, entirety.
Rem. Often the u is very slightly sounded, as in muoyo, life', but
in order to preserve consistency the u is always written
(/) la, pronounced as ea in idea.
Bidia, bread.
* Some of these may not improperly be called semi-consonant diphthongs
since w or y can be substituted for the u and the i respectively in many cases
sc far as the sound is concerned. For example bualu might be spelled bwalu
and would be so spelled in most Bantu gram.mars but since it seems expedient,
for the sake of symmetry in concord, to preserve as far as possible the original
forms of the language the regular u and 1 are retained in ah such cases except
when they begin a word and are followed b^ a vowel in the same syllable or
when they stand between two vow'els. §§ 27. 28.
(^) pronounced very much as ea in create.
Biebi, your {things).
{h) II, pronounced something as ei in deity.
Dilnyi, jat.
{i) lo, pronounced as io in Ethiopia.
Bionso, all {things).
{j) III, pronounced very much as eu in feud or ieu in adieu . '
Diiilu, the heavens.
17. There are also the combinations au, ai, ea, eu and ei, which
perhaps may as well be called diphthongs, otherwise a separate syllable
would have to be made for the second vowel, thus causing confusion
in the spelling.
18. It will thus be noticed that all vowel combinations are treated
as diphthongs and hence are regarded as one syllable.
Bua-lu, kui-ba, kau-ku-lu-ke, kai-ku-Iu-ke, nea-lue.
19. The syllables are divided so as to represent in the most accu
rate manner the pronunciation rather than the etymology.
30. Where there is not a double consonant to be considered, the
syllable begins with a consonant and ends with a vowel or diphthong.
Of course each diphthong with its consonant makes a syllable. See
§ i8.
Ku-xi-ka-ma, to sit down; mua-na, child. I
Rem. I. In some words the final vowel is very slightly sounded, but
if the word is used emphatically or in construction, a vowel sound wjll
generally be detected. It is, however, sometimes difficult to deter-
mine just what sound it is.
Rem. 2. The initial letter of some words is a vowel.
Ebi, your eggs (makela understood); atanu, five eggs; onso,
all the eggs; udi, he is; aba, these people; itaba, answer (imper-
ative mood); etc.
21. When double consonants occur the division takes place between
the consonants.
3 Iun-tu, person; wa-kum-pa, he has given me] mu-lun-da,
Rem. I, When n comes before f, g, j, k, s, v, x and z [§ 15 {h) ( 2 )],
the division is made regularly between the two consonants, but it must
be borne in mind that the n has only a slight nasal sound, especially
in ng. In fact the pronunciation might best be preserved in some
cases by making the division after the consonants as in the English
word sing-er, but confusion may perhaps best be avoided by holding
to the rule above made.
3Iu-ke-len-ge, chief] wa-kun-va, he heard.
Rem. 2. While there are good reasons for following most Bantu
grammars in making the syllable begin with a double consonant
fmu-ntu, wa-ku-mpa, etc.), yet we believe that simplicity is gained
by letting the division come between the consonant as above suggested.
22. This is an important subject which meets us at every turn in
this highly inflected language and should be studied with great care.
Ei.ison and Contraction of Vowels.
23. A vowel is elided when it comes before its like in the same
word, and a regularly elides before all other vowels in the same word.
a+a becomes a; i+i becomes i; u+u becomes u;
a+e becomes e; a+i becomes i; a fi becomes!;
a+o becomes o; a+u becomes u.
Hence ba+ana becomes bana, children] bi+impe becomes bimpe,
go'id (bintu, things, understood); ku + umuka becomes kuniuka, to
go out] ka+elc becomes kcle, small knife] ba+ibi becomes bibi,
thieves] ba + Inyi becomes binyi, my (bantu, people, understood);
ba+onso becomes bonso, all (bantu, people, understood); badi
ba+ula becomes badi bula, they are buying.
Rem. I. After the elision the remaining vowel generally has a long
full sound. This is true to such an extent when a vowel is elided
before its like (or the two are contracted into one) that the remaining
vowel is often pronounced almost as a diaeresis. Generally this elision
is not represented in writing, but sometimes, in order to preserve the
form of the language and prevent confusion, the remaining vowel may
be marked with a circumflex (''). Thus ka+a becomes ka, ku +
umuxa becomes kumuxa, ci+i becomes ci, a+a becomes a, etc.
Rem. 2 . .Sometimes, in order to preserve the parts of the word dis-
tinct, the a is not elided; in such cases it forms a diphthong (§ i8).
Ka+ukuluke remains kaukuluke, that it (muci, stick) may not fell'
Rem. 3. In verbal inflection, involving combinations of several vowels^
elision and contraction often take place; as, bia+ikaleye becomes
bikaleye, ij he becomes', neaenze becomes nenze, he will do.
Rem. 4. In the inflection of some words a peculiar coalescence of a
and i into e takes place. Hence ma+ isu becomes mesu, eyes', ha+ ihi
becomes hehi, near', ba+ine becomes bene, they alone.
34. In construction, between words in sentences, elisions are of
comparatively rare occurrence. In such cases the elision is indicated
by an apostrophe (’), but no elision is thus indicated unless the pro-
nunciation is seriously affected, or unless the remaining form would
otherwise appear unfamiliar. The following are the most common
cases of elision in construction :
(a) Sometimes the final vowel of a word is elided when the follow-
ing word begins with a vowel; as, n’andi, with him, for ne andi; n’abo,
with them, for ne abo; n’eci, with it, for ne eci.
{h) In some cases the elision is made at the beginning of the second
word; as, tatu’etu, our father, for tatu wetu; marau’etu, our mother,
for mamu wetu.
(c) Sometimes two elisions occur, one at the end of the preceding
and the other at the beginning of the following word; as, muan’andi,
his child, for muana wandi.
{d) Note the peculiar elision of u in the word ham’bidi, on the body,
for ha mubidi
Assimilation of Vowels.
35. Note the assimilation of e to a under the influence of a, and
of e to o under the influence of u; as, hanaha (§ 163, Note 2) from
haneha; aha (§ 149) from eha; ama (§ 149) from ema; munomu
from munemu; kunoku from kuneku. See § 34 (b).
Rem. Sometimes we hear munemu and kuneku without the assimi-
36. The principle of assimilation is also seen in certain verbal
suffixes where i is found after a, i and u (with the corresponding short
vowels), w'hereas e is found after e and o. See §§ 329 (a) {b).
Rem. Some forms take u after u. § 334 (c).
Change of U to W and I to Y.
37. In inflection, when u comes between two other vowels or when
it begins a word and is followed by a vowel in the same syllable it takes
the consonant form w. See foot-note on § 16 (a). Hence kauena
becomes kawena, it (muci, stick) is not; uakuya becomes wakuya,
he has gone; uaua becomes wawa, that man (mulumi understood).
38. In inflection, when i comes between two other vowels or when
it begins a word and is followed by a vowxl in the same syllable it takes
the consonant form y. See foot-note on § i6 {a). Hence kaiakadi
becomes kayakadi, they (nsolo, fowls) were not\ iakadi becomes
yakadi, they (asolo, jowls) were.
Euphonic Change of Consonants.
29. Before i or under the influence of n, 1 becomes d; as, kuickeli
becomes kulekedi, do not let loose] ndi nlonda becomes ndi ndonda,
I am following.
Note. D and 1 are often used interchangeably in some words, due
to differences in dialects. Hence we hear both dua and lua, corner
cilulu and cidudu, cloth.
30. Before i, t becomes c, and s becomes x. Hence kukuati be
comes kukuaci, don't hold] kuasi becomes kuaxi, don't build.
31. When n comes before p or b it becomes m according to §
Thus, npanza becomes mpanza, nbombo becomes mbombo, pL
of lubombo, ten thousand.
32. When n comes before h the latter changes to p and the n con-
sequently becomes m (§ 13); so nhemba becomes mpemba, a white
earth] wakunha becomes wakumpa, he gave to me] ndi nhana be-
comes ndi mpana, I am selling] wakunhidia becomes wakumpidia,
he has refused me.
Note. It is thus seen to be very important to distinguish clearly
between f and h and p, and this is often exceedingly difficult to do.
Before f, which always has a sharp distinct utterance, the n remains
unchanged; as, wakunfundila, he has written for me] wakunfila,
he accompanied me.
33. In inflections n, coming before a form which begins with a vowel,
becomes ng. Hence n-ala becomes ngala, finger-nails] n-esu becomes
ngesu, pots] wakun-ambila becomes wakungambila, he told me]
ndi n-owa becomes ndi ngowa, I am washing myself] nen-ule be-
comes nengiile, T shall buy. *
Rem. I. In inflection of certain tenses where the tense sign begins
with a vowel, long custom in leaving out the g in preparation of the
native literature has induced the author to do so in this book, though
it is incorrect in fact. Xakadi should be written ngakadi, I was]
nakudila should be ngakudila, / was crying] etc.
Rem. 2 . N coming before m or n in inflected forms is omitted. Hence
ndi nniona becomes ndi mona, 7 am looking] ndi nnua becomes
ndi nua, 1 am drinking] ndi nnumona becomes ndi numona, 7 am
looking at you.
34. Sometimes certain consonants serve to separate two vowels.
(a) Y is thus inserted in inflection between i and a following vowel;
so nkiinyi becomes nkiyinyi, 1 myself (§ io8); nibiandi becomes
mbiyandi, her husband (§ 138, Rem. 3, Note); kayiyi (§ 159, Note 2).
Rem. Y is inserted between n and i in certain inflections, in fact
it is doubtful if i is ever permitted to follow n directly.
Kusuni becomes kusunyi, donH carry water] kucinyi, don't be
afraid] kusunyina, to carry water for one. See §§ 236 (a), Rem. 3,
and 329 {d).
{b) N is thus used between u and e and between a and a in munemu,
kuneku and hanaha (§ 163, Note 2).
35 . As a general rule it may be said that the accent in simple words
falls on the penult with also a secondary accent on the fourth syllable
from the end in polysyllabic words. In inflected words the accent
is on the initial syllable of the root; when more than two syllables
follow the accented syllable a secondary accent falls on the penult.
But it must be constantly borne in mind that Buluba-Lulua words are,
for the most part, devoid of a strong accent on any syllable. In this re-
spect this language resembles the French. The smoothness of pronun-
ciation and the lack of strong accent make it all the more difficult for
English-speaking persons to refrain from giving too much accent to
the words, since the English has such decided accent on all words of
more than one syllable. Great care in listening and much practice in
speaking furnish the only means by which to learn to pronounce with
that smoothness and musical flow so characteristic of the natives in
speaking their own language.
Citekuteku, greens] bakufundilangana, they have written to each
Rem. -Diphthongs, of course, are regarded as single syllables.
KnAnsi, to come] kunua, /n to eat] kahia, kubuela-
kana, to commingle.
36 . The inflection of nouns is made not by suffix terminations, as
in the Indo-European system of languages, but by the use of prefixes.
This is a remarkable characteristic of the Bantu languages and dem.ands
careful attention, for it is confusing to have to look at the end of the
word for the root instead of at the beginning. But this subject will
be treated more fully later (§ 59).
37 . The only variation of the noun is that to express number, sin-
gular and plural. Fortunately there is no complicated Case syst em as
is found in many European languages. These case relations, much
as is the situation in English, are shown by the position of the word in
the sentence or by certain prepositional words.
38. There is likewise no co mplicated Gender system , which is
carried to such a perplexing extent in Latin, Greek, French and German.
For farther discussion of the question of gender see § 56 .
39. In the Buluba-Lulua language there are two numbers, singular
and plural.
40. The variations for number are made by certain prefixes, and
according to these prefixes the nouns divide themselves into eight
classes. It is of the utmost importance to learn these perfectly, for the
whole principle of concord depends upon them.
These prefixes for the different classes are as follows: *
VI .
Each of these classes is now taken up in order.
Class I.
41. In this class mu- is prefixed to the stem for the singular and
ba- for the plural.
mu-ntu, a person
mu-lumi, a man
mu-kelenge, a chief
mu-lunda, friend
ba-ntu, persons
ba-lumi, men
ba-kelenge, chiefs
ba-lunda, friends
Rem. Observe the laws of euphony in such words as mu-ana, child,
which has the plural bana; mu-ena, person^ which has the plural
bena. § 23.
* The arrangement of these classes is arbitrary, but since the singular of the
first three classes has much in common, these are grouped together. The same
is true of the plural of classes II III and IV. and also of V and VI.
42 . Under this class must also be placed some words which are
defective in not having any singular prefix. The concord ol verbs,
adjectives, etc., however, is regular throughout, just as if the singular
prefix were present, save with the possessive adjective pronouns (§ 138).
These words nearly always express some family relationship. The
following is a list of the more common of these words:
tatu, father
batatu, fathers
mamu, mother
bamamu, mothers
baba, mother
bababa, mothers
nyoku, mother
banyoku, mothers
nyin(a), mother
banyin(a), mothers^
nyinka, grandparent
banyinka, grandparents
kaku, grandparent
bakaku, grandparents
mbi, husband
bambi, husbands
x’, father
bax’, fathers
nfumu, chief
banfumu, chiefs
xakena, namesake
baxakena, natnesakes
manseba, uncle
bamanseba, uncles
songalumi, lad
basongalumi, lads
songakuxi, lass
bason gakuxi, lasses
mankuxi, aunt
bamankuxi, aunts
nyan(a), friend
banyan(a), friends
bukonde, brother-in-law
babukonde, brothers -in-law
Note i. Some of these words are rarely found alone, but are joined
with the possessive adjectives, the latter having the force of an enclitic.
The words most commonly having this construction are tatu, mamu,
baba, nyin(a), nyinka, mbi, x’, xakena, nianseba, mankuxi, nyan(a).
This subject will be treated more fully under § 138.
Note 2 . Under this head must also come the compound words x’-
(with proper possessive enclitic) -muenu, jather-in law, and mbi-
(with proper possessive enclitic and connecting consonant y) -cina,
brother-in-law, sister-in-law. See § 138, Rem. 3, and Note.
In forming the plural only the first part of the compound word takes
the plural prefix. Hence bax’- (with proper possessive enclitic) -muenu,
fathers-in-law, bambi- (with proper possessive enclitic and connecting
consonant y) -cina, brothers -in -law, sisters -in -law.
Note 3. For father-in-law we also have tatu-muenu, and for mother-
in-law baba-muenu, with the plurals formed as under Note 2 above.
There is also for mother -hi -law the elided form ma’-muenu, with
plural bama’-muenu.
Class II.
43 . In this class mu- is prefixed to the stem for the singular and
mi- (nyi-) for the plural.
mu-soko, village
mu-ci, stick
mu-kuna, hill
mu-bidi, the body
mi-soko, villages
mi-ci, sticks
mi-kuna, hills
mi-bidi, bodies
Rem. The Bena-Lulua say nyi- [§ 34 (a), Rem.] for the pi. instead
of mi- The mi- is used in this book because it is simpler and because
it is more extensively used about Luebo. Fortunately this little differ-
ence in the dialects does not affect the concord.
Class III.
44 . In this class n- is prefixed for the singular and n- for the plural.
Note that this n is changed to m before b and p (§ 31).
n-gombe, cow
n-xila, path
n-solo, jowl
n-subu, house
n-yoka, snake
n-yunyu, bird
m-puku, rat
n-gombe, cows
n-xila, paths
n-solo, jowls
n-subu, houses
n-yoka, snakes
n-yunyu, birds
m-puku, rats
Rem. The archaic sing, prefix of this class was mu, the same as
class I, for we find this mu restored in the concord of adjectives,
numerals and verbs. In like manner we conclude that the pi. prefix
was originally mi, the same as class II. § 43.
Class IV.
45 . In this class lu- is prefixed to the stem for the singular and n- for
the plural. Note the euphonic changes of n before p and b (§ 31), and
also before a stem beginning with a vowel (§ 33). Remember also
that n before h becomes m, and the h becomes p (§ 32).
lu-kusu, hoe
lu-dimi, tongue
lu-kombo, broom
lu-hanza, cup
lu-hemba, white earth
lu-esu, pot
n-kusu, hoes
n-dimi, tongues
n-kombo, brooms
mpanza, cups
m-pemba, white earth (quantity)
ng-esu, pots
Rem. The archaic pi. prefix of this class was mi, the same as class
II, for vve find this mi restored in the concord of adjectives, numerals
and verbs. § 43.
We see this archaic pi. restored in the word luoso, hair^ pi. mioso,
hairs. '
Class V.
46 . In this class di- is prefixed for the singular and ma- for the plural.
di-kusa, foot
di-boko, arm
di-kela, egg
di-tuku, day
ma-kusa, feet
ma-boko, arms
ma-kela, eggs
ma-tuku, days
47. Under this class must be placed a small list of words which seem
to have me instead of ma for the pi. The most probable explanation
seems to be (§ 23, Rem. 4) that the original stem begins with an i
which coalesces with the final a of the prefix and forms e. Of course
the final i of the sing, prefix elides before the i of the stem. Hence
di-isu becomes disu, eye, and ma-isu becomes mesii, eyes. The
stem is seen in such forms as muitu, into the forest-, also in the
diminutive form kisu (kaisu), a small eye, with its pi. tuisu, small
eyes; etc.
The more common words belonging to this list are the following:
Singular. Plural,
disu, eye mesu, eyes
dinu, tooth menu, teeth
diku, hearth meku, hearths
dina, name mena, names
diba, clock meba, clocks
ditu, forest metu, forests
di, word me, words
dici, day meci, days
dina, hole mena, holes
dixi, caterpillar me.xi, caterpillars
The w’ord mexi, intelligence, is used only in the pi.
Rem. a few words belonging to this list may drop the prefix di after
the locative prepositions mu, in, ha, on, and ku, at. Hence we may
have mu ditu or muitu, into the forest; ku ditu or kuitu, at the forest;
mu disu or muisu, into the eye, ha diku or heku, on the hearth (§ 23
Rem. 4). See § 423 (2) (a).
Class VI.
48 . In this class bu- is prefixed for the singular and ma- for the
bu-dimi, field
bu-Ialu, bed
bu-alu, affair
bu-anga, medicine
bu-ici, honey
bu-lunda, friendship
bu-ngi, plenty
ma-dimi, fields
ma-lalu, beds
maiu, affairs (§ 23)
manga, medicines (§ 23)
Class VII.
49 . In this class ci- is prefixed for the singular and bi- for the plural.
Singular. Plural,
ci-ntu, thing bi-ntii, things
ci-lulu, cloth bi-lulu, clothes
ci-nunu, one thousand bi-nunu, thousands
Class VIII.
50 . In this class ka- is prefixed for the singular and tu- for the
plural. This class is used almost exclusively in the formation of
diminutives, indicating either smallness in size or in amount. Ka- and
tu- are prefixed to the stem of the noun regardless of its class.*
ka-ntu, small thing
kana (§ 23), small child
ka-subu, small house
kele (§ 23), small knife
tu-ntu, small things, from cintu, thing
tu-ana, small children, from muana, child
tu-subu, small houses, from nsubu, house
tu-eie, small knives, from muele, pnife
keho (§ 23), small amount of salt, from lueho, salt
Rem. I. Sometimes the n (or m) in class III is not elided upon pre-
fixing ka and tu. This is true especially of words beginning with ny.
Ka-nyuma, small animal, from nydma, the pi. is tu-nyuma;
ka-nyunyu, small bird, from nyunyu, the pi. is tu-nyunyu;
ka-nyoka, small snake, from nyoka, the pi. is tu-nyoka.
Rem. 2. Some words used in the pi. to express bulk or quantity
employ the corresponding diminutive pi. when a small quantity is
* Properly speaking this is not a distinct class, since these diminutive prefixes
are used only with the stems of nouns which belong to classes I to VII. But it
IS given a separate class because these forms are of frequent occurrence.
meant. Hence we have tui, a little water, from mi, water) tuanva,
a little corn, from manva, corn) tiiluvu, a little palm-wine, from maluvu,
palm-wine", tuinyi, a little oil, from minyi, oil", tutamba, a little greens,
from matamba; etc.
Rem. 3. Some words employ the diminutive prefixes without having
the diminutive idea; as, kahumbu, elephant, tuhunibu, elephants",
kab^lu, horse, tubalu, horses", kahia, fire, tuhia, fires.
51. A few words have the sing, in one class and the pi. in another.
Luhia or dihia, a slap, has the pi. niahia, slaps. The word lute,
spittle, has the pi. mate.
53. Sometimes a word having the same root is found in different
classes, due to the difference in dialects. Hence we find dina and
cina, a hole", lubanga and cibanga, chin", etc.
53. Sometimes there is a difference of meaning when words having
the same root are found in different classes; as, citaku, bottom (of any
vessel), ditaku, buttock.
54. Some words belonging for the most part to class V and ex-
pressing the idea of quantity or bulk take the pi. form where in English
the sing, is used.
Maluvu, palm-wine", maxi, blood", minyi, oil (from diinyi, the fat
of an animal)", mi, water", mabele, milk (from dibelc, breast)", manva,
shelled corn (from dianva, an ear of corn)", makanya, tobacco", ma-
tamba, greens", malobo, loose earth.
Rem. Some other words not having the idea of quantity or bulk are
regarded as pi.; as, nsaia, hunger-, ngulu, strength, etc. It is often
difficult to determine the class to which these nouns belong.
55. To class I belong most names of persons or rational beings,
to class HI most animals; to class VI, the abstract ideas of quality;
and to class VIII, the diminutives. But apart from this it does not
seem profitable even to attempt to state the laws, if any, which govern
the division of nouns among the several classes. Since this classifica-
tion is thus more or less arbitrar}', too much stress cannot be laid upon
charging the memory with the class to which each noun belongs. A
noun given a prefix other than that which belongs to it only makes
nonsense. Besides, as we shall see later, the whole system of agreement
is determined by this noun prefix.
Rem. I. It is interesting to note that the language of a people is
indicated by prefixing bu (VI) to the root-name; as, Buluba, the lan-
guage of the Baluba.
Rem. 2. Most introduced foreign words are relegated to class III.
Even though they may not always begin with n (or m), yet the agree-
ment of adjectives, verbs, etc., is that of class III; as, mpena, pen\
mpesa, piece of cloth) nglas, glass) sukulu, school) vinyo, wine) etc*
Note i. Sometimes the introduced foreign word has been given a
native form and put into a class other than the third; as, dilesona
lesson) dihahi, papaw) etc.
Note 2. Some foreign words are thrown into that class whose prefix
approaches the initial sound of the word; as, cisikit (VII), from the
English biscuit) dincese (V), from the English match) etc.
Rem. 3. Not all nouns referring to persons belong to class I. We
note such exceptions as niuadi (II), wife) niuloho (II), ambassador)
cilembi (VII), fisherman) cihindi (VII), hunter) muxikankunde
(II), maid) cibanji (VII), intermediary) cibuabu (VII), a twin) etc.
56 . As has already been said (§ 38), there is no Gender system.
When it is desired to make distinction of sex it may be done in the
following ways:
(a) By using entirely different words; just as in English we say
boy and girl, man and woman, horse and mare, hen and rooster, etc.
Citila, rooster, and cikukue, hen) mpuinba, male goat, and dixina,
female goat.
(b) When the word is w'hat may be called common gender, i.e. either
male or female, the distinction is made by using a qualifying word
or phrase: mulumi or mulumi wa for male, and mukuxi or mukuxi wa
for female.
Muana mulumi, a male child) muana mukuxi, a female child.
Muntu mukuxi, a female person) muntu mulumi, a male person.
Mulumi wa mbuxi, a male goat) mukuxi wa mbuxi, a female goat.
Rem. I. Note that elision of the w in wa often takes place; hence
we may also have mulumi’a mbuxi, mukuxi’a mbuxi [§ 87 (f)].
Rem. 2. It may not be out of place here to call attention to the phrase
muan’a, the young of) as, muan’a mbuxi, a kid) muan’a mukoko,
a lamb) muan’a ngombe, a calf. See § 87 {i), and Rem.
57 . It is interesting to note that the pi. of such phrases as muan’a
bute, first-born child, and muan’a mukala, last-born child, is generally
formed by prefixing ba directly to the singular prefix; as, bamuan’a
bute, first-born children) bamuan’a mukala, last-born children.
58 . Concord is that principle of language by which certain w'ords
are regarded as depending upon rnrtain other words, and this dependency
is shown by wearing the livery of the words to which they are regardecr
as subordinate.
59 . V/e have already (§ 36) noted the fact that in the Bantu system
of languages the nouns are inflected not by means of suffixes but by means
of prefixes. And now the statement must be made that this principle
holds good not only for nouns but also for verbs, adjectives, pronouns
and other inflected forms. This use of prefixes instead of suffixes to
express the various relations of number,N;Q|^, tense, mood, etc., is at
first most confusing to English-speaking persons, for it must con
tinually be borne in mind that that the end of the word is the root and
not the beginning.
60 . It is of the utmost importance to note that the prefix of the
noun furnishes the basis of the concord for all words depending upon
that noun. The verb takes as its prefix that of the noun which stands
as its subject; the adjective takes as its prefix that of the noun modified;
the pronoun takes the prefix of the noun for which it stands. This
principle is called Alliterative Concord and is most important, for
upon it depends the accurate speaking of the language. It may be
said by way of encouragement to the beginner that though these numerous
forms may seem at first to be endless and most confusing, yet the diffi-
culty is more seeming than real, for after the principles of concord as
given below have been thoroughly mastered, the key to the language
will be in hand, and it will be interesting to note the system and regu-
larity which prevail.
Perhaps the difference between the two language systems can best
be illustrated by a comparison with the Latin.
Mensa mea, my tahle\ mensae honae, good tables-, virex amant, the
men love-, virex axsxaverunt, the men have loved. On the other hand
in the Buluba-Lulua language we have munin wMhele, a poor person-,
/wntu bahele, poor people-, bantu bahele bakuya. the poor people have
Rem. I. Under pronouns we shall find that sometimes the prefix of
the noun is employed as a suffix and sometimes as an infix. §§ 1 16, i20.
Rem. 2. We even find one preposition, -a, oj, inflected as an adjective
and taking the prefix of the noun preceding it; as, cilulu cia mukuxi,
the cloth of the woman.
61 . The three locative prepositional words, mu, in, ku, to, ha, on,
are of frequent occurrence and have some peculiarities which it is
important to note. They may stand alone or be compounded with other
words. They resemble the noun in that under certain circumstances
they furnish the basis of the concord. They are also like prepositions
in that they may govern a following word. The various uses and con-
structions of these locative words will be taken up as occasion requires.
Rem. The infinitive is often used as a noun, and its prefix ku- fur-
nishes the concord.
General Rules of Concord.
62 . The prefixes ba, lu, di, bu, ci, bi, ka and tu are always pre-
fixed without change to the governing word or to the verb; the re-
maining prefixes, mu, mi, n and ma, are, under certain circumstances,
subject to change, i.e., the m and n are dropped. Prefixes are, for
convenience, said to be Primary or Secondary.
I. Primary Prefixes.
j 63 . The Primary Prefixes are used before a w^ord when that word
takes all of the ordinary prefixes without change.
Rem. It is important to note here that the archaic prefixes in class
III (mu for singular and mi for pi.) are restored (§§ 44, Rem.); also
the archaic pi. mi of class I\’ (§ 45, Rem.).
64 . We have, therefore, the primary prefixes as follows:
Singular. Plural.
Class I. mu- ba-
“ II. mu- mi-
“ III. mu- mi-
“ IV. lu- mi-
“ V. di- ma-
“ VI. bu- ma-
“ VII. ci- bi-
“ VIII. ka- tu-
65 . The primary prefixes are used as follows:
(a) Before an ordinary qualifying adjective; as, miintu mubi, a
bad person.
(b) Before the ordinal numerals 2d to 6th; as, musambu muitanu,
the fifth hymn.
(c) Before past participles when used either as adjectives or in the
formation of certain auxiliary tenses; as, muntu mufue, a dead person-,
udi mufue, he is dead.
II. Secondary Prefixes.
^ 66. The Secondary Prefixes are used before a w'ord when that w'ord
subjects some of the ordinary noun prefixes to change. These changes,
as has been noted above (§ 62), occur with the prefixes mu, mi, n and
ma, in which the n and m are dropped.
Rem. I. The archaic prefixes are here also restored as in case of
the primary prefixes (§ 63, Rem.); of course only the vowel is retained.
Rem. 2. The mu of classes I and II and the n of class III thus be-
come u or w, the u or w being determined according to the principle
of euphony as mentioned in § 27.
Rem. 3. The mi of class II and the n pi. of classes III and IV thus
become i or y, the i or y being determined according to the principle
of euphony as mentioned in § 28.
Rem. 4. The m of the prefix ma of classes V and VI being dropped,
the remaining a is subjected to the usual euphonic laws as mentioned
in § 23.
67 . The secondary prefixes are thus found to be as follows:
i C
i i
( i
t i
68. The secondary prefixes are used as follows:
(a) With the possessive adjective pronouns (§ 130).
Nkusu yinyi, my hoes\ makcla ebi, your eggs.
(b) With the demonstrative adjective pronouns (§§ 149, 152, 156,
Eu muntu, this person) wawa muntu, that person.
(c) With verbs as
(1) Pronominal prefixes (§ 113').
Muana udi ha mesa, the child is on the table) wakuya,
he has gone.
(2) Pronominal infixes (§ 116). Exception will be noted later.
Wakuixiha, he has killed them (nsolo, fowls).
(3) Pronominal suffixes (§ 120). Exceptions will be noted later
Hakuhonai, where they jell (nsolo, jowls).
(4) Relative pronouns (§§ 164, etc.).
Muntu unakumona, the person whom I saw.
{d) With the disjunctive personal pronouns (§ 105, Rem. i).
Toi yakafua, they have died (nsolo, jowls).
(e) With certain cardinal numerals (§ 92, Rem. i).
Misambu itanu, jive hymns.
(/) With the adjective onso, all,, entire.
Mubidi wonso, the entire body, makela onso, all the eggs.
(g) With the preposition -a, of (§ 86).
Nsolo wa Kasongo, the jowl oj Kasongo) nsolo ya Kasongo,
the jowls oj Kasongo.
(Ji) With the present participles (§ 244).
Nsolo idi ikuluka, the jowls are jailing down.
(i) With the interrogative word nga? how many?
Mikanda idi inga? how many hooks are there?
(j) With the adjective word -o~umue (§ 96). ^
69 . It is important to bear in mind that the locative prepositions
mu, ku and ha (§ 61) furnish the agreement in a number of instances.
When thus used they are prefixed directly to the word and present no
difficulty apart from the ordinary rules of euphony, which of course
must be observed when the occasion arises.
70 . Like all the languages of the Bantu family the Buluba-Lulua
is very poor in adjectives when compared with the Indo-European
languages. Not only does one word represent wholly distinct adjectives,
in English, as impe, which means good, handsome, fine, etc., but many
are altogether wanting. This lack is supplied in many ways which we
shall consider later.
Note. In this book only the root of the adjective is given; as, impe,
good] bi, had] klse, small.
71 . Adjectives take the primary prefixes corresponding to the number
and class of the noun modified.
72 . The adjective follows the noun modifie d.
Rem. I. Rarely may be heard nga, another, kuabo, another, also the
demonstrative adjective pronouns and the possessive adjective pronoun
preceding the noun.
Rem. 2. Sometimes one or more words in a closely connected phrase
may intervene between the adjective and the noun modified; as, bana
ba ngiilube banine, the large pigS]
great toe.
73. Examples of nouns with adjectives:
Class I. muntu muhele, poor person
“ II, muci mule, long stick
“ III. nsolo mukise, small jowl
“ IV. luktisu lunine, large hoe
“ V. dikela dimpe,
“ VI. bulalu buihi, short bed
“ VII. cilulu ciflke, blue cloth
“ VIII. kana kakale, a strong child
muan’a nkusa munine, the
bantu babele, poor people
mici mile, long sticks
nsolo mikise, small jowls
nkusu mininc, large hoes
makela mimpc, good eggs
(see note below)
malalu mihi, short beds
(see note below)
bilulu bifike, blue clothes
tuana tukale, strong chil-
Note. In the forms mimpe and mihi the roots are impe and ihl
respectively. For the elision of a see § 23 .
74. In the case of contracted or elided forms the adjective takes
the regular unchanged prefix of that class and number,
Mesu manine, large eyes', menu mak<.lo, strong teeth. See § 47 .
75. When the word modified is a pronoun, expressed or understood,
referring to persons, the adjective takes mu of class I wEen the pro-
noun is singular, and ba of class I when the pronoun is plural.
Tudi banine, we are large (tuetu, we, understood); ndi mubl,
I am bad (meme, I, understood); nudi bakale, you are strong (nuenu,
you, understood).
76. Two adjectives, hi a -hi a and nya-nya, double themselves,
taking the prefix before each part.
Cifulu cihia-cihia, a new hat', bantu banya-banya, a jew peopi,e.
77. Some adjectives take the secondary prefixes; they are as follows:
(a) Onso, all', as, nsolo yonso, all the jowls. § 68 (/).
{b) Possessive adjective pronouns; as, nsolo yandi, his jowls. § 68 (a)_
(c) Demonstrative adjective pronouns; as, nsolo yaya, those jowls,
\ 68 [b).
(d) Certain cardinal numerals; as, nsolo itanu, jive jowls. § 68 (e).
(e) The peculiar form -o-umue, alike, identical. Note here that the
/prefix is used both before the o and the umue; as, nsolo yoyumue,
t,fie jowls are alike.
Note. The locatives (mu, ku, ha) are prefixed to -o-umue in the
same way. See § 96 and Rems.
78. The word tente, jull, is indeclinable; as, mulondo udi tente,
jar is jull.
79. Certain adjectives, w'hen preceded either by a simple locative
or by one of its compounded forms, may take the locative as prefix.
The adjectives most commonly having this construction are impe, good,
bi, had, tuhu, empty, onso, all, le, lotig, ihi, short, mue, one, -o-umue,
the same, kuabo and nga, another, together with the possessive and
demonstrative adjective pronouns.
3Iu mulondo mudi mutuhu, the jar is empty', kuenu kudi kule,
your town is jar away.
Rem. The declinable preposition -a, oj, also has this construction.
See § 87 (e).
80. The adjective ine, alone, only, by one's self, is always preceded
by ne.
Bantu babidi ne bene (§ 23, Rem. 4) bakuya, two people alone
went', nsolo ne muine, the jowl by itselj', makela ne mene, the eggs
alone', mulumi ne muine, the man by himselj.
81. Although the subject will be more fully treated under § 445,
it seems necessary to state here that when any word is used as a com-
plement after the verb to be, the verb is omitted and in its place is found
an n-, which is prefixed directly to the complement word. The nega-
tive in such cases is kan-. Observe carefully the usual euphonic
changes with n.
Eci clfulu ncinyi, this hat is mine', bilulu biandl mbimpe, his
clothes are good', muhika eu nguinyi, this slave is mine', dina diacl
ncinyi? what is the name oj the thing?
82. Though the noun may be omitted, the adjective must agree with *
it understood. An adjective can never stand uninflected.
Ndi nkeba mule (muci, stick, understood), I am looking jor a long
one', nturaina mimpe (makela, eggs, understood), send me good ones.
83. When two or more adjectives modify the same noun they are
placed after the noun without any connecting word. With regard to
the relative position of these modifying words the following rule holds
good with more or less regularity, viz., the possessive and demonstrative
adjectives come next to the noun, then the simple adjective, and lastly
the numerals.
Ndi nkeba bantu bale baklile, I am looking jor fall strong men',
mbua wakukuata nsolo winyi mukise, the dog has caught my small
chicken', nsolo yinyi mikise isatu yakafua, my three small chickens
have died.
84. Owing to the paucity of simple adjectives some other construc-
tions are employed to express the idea:
(a) Sometimes we have the adjective phrase with -a and a noun.
31untu wa lungenyi, a wise man, i.e., a man oj wisdom] ml a kahia.
hot ivater^ i.e., water of heat] ciombe cia bululu, bitter manioc^ i.e.,
manioc of bitterness.
{b) We may also sometimes find muena (pi. bena), inhabitant of,
owner of, etc., followed by a noun, which noun comes to have a sort of
adjective' force.
Muena biuma, a rich person, i.e., an owner of riches', muena ngulu,
a strong person, i.e,, a person of strength', bena mikanda, school children,
i.e., book people.
(c) The phrase -di ne, to have (lit. to be with), followed by the sub-
stantive form of the adjective or some noun, is a very common method
of expressing the adjective when used as predicate complement.
31 untu udi ne lungenyi, the person is wise, i.e., has wisdom-, muxete
udi ne bujitu, the box ts heavy, i.e., has heaviness.
{d) In a number of cases the adjective is contained in the verb as a
predicate complement.
Kutoka, to be white', kuflka, to be black', kuteketa, to be weak',
kukunza, /o re(/; to be strong', \iu\\x\di, to be bitter', etc.
Rem. In such cases, when the simple qualifying adjective is needed,
the past active participle is used. See § 85 {a).
(e) We may occasionally have a simple noun used in an adjective
sense. Compare mulumi and mukuxi when used to denote difference
of sex, as noted in § 56.
Rem. Certain cardinal numerals are thus treated as substantive
adjectives; as, bantu dikumi, /ew people, nsolo lukama, one hundred
85 . Participles have the adjective prefixes and are often, as in
English, used as simple adjectives. This is especially true of the two
past participles, one being active and the other passive. §§ 249, 251.
(a) The Active Past Participle is formed by changing the final a of
the verb root to e. The resulting form is inflected by means of the
ordinary primary prefixes.
Muntu mufue, a dead person, from the verb root fua, to die.
Rem. Under this head falls the large class of participles [§ 84 ()]
which have a simple adjective force; diS,io\ie, white, fi\ie, black-, tekete,
weak', kale, strong', etc. Cilulu citoke, white cloth.
(b) The Passive Past Participle is the root of the verb. With this
are used the primary prefixes.
Cilulu cihanda (from handa, to tear), the torn cloth', muntu mutaha
(from taha, to wound), the wounded person.
Rem. Note the difference between the participles derived from the
transitive and the intransitive verbs. Both lukusu lucibuke and
lukusu lucibula mean the broken hoe, but one means the hoe W’hich
has become broken of its own accord, the other means a hoe which some
some one else has broken. § 341.
Adjective Phrases.
86. Adjective Phrases are introduced by the prepositional word
-a, o/, for, to, which agrees in prefix with the noun preceding it. It
takes the secondary prefixes [§ 68 (^)J. This agreement shows that
the phrase is regarded as an adjective. In English we say that the
prepositions 0/, /or, and /o govern the noun or pronoun following them;
in Buluba-Lulua the preposition -a may be said not only to govern the
succeeding \\*ord but also to modify the preceding word. It is, there-
fore, regarded not only as an adjective particle but also as a preposi-
87 . This adjective phrase is used to express various relations, some
of which are here mentioned;
(a) The adjective phrase with -a is the common way of expressing
the English possessive case, or the preposition of when it indicates pos-
Bana ba mukuxi, the children of the woman', cifulu cia mukelenge,
the hat of the chief', mici ya muana, the child's sticks-, maboko a
tnuana, the child's arm', nsolo wa mulumi, the mart's fowl, nsolo ya
balumi, the men's fowls', keho ka Kasongo, Kasongo's bit of salt',
nkusu ya mukuxi, the woman's hoes
Rem. I. If two or more nouns connected by the conjunction ne, and,
■ are used implying joint possession of the same thing, the preposition
j -a is used only once, thus following the analogy of the English,
ll Cifulu cia Kasongo ne Kabeya, Kasongo and Kabeya's hat.
Rem. 2. If, however, separate possession is meant, or if the nouns are
f connected by inyi, or, the preposition -a is used before each noun.
I Cifulu cia Kasongo ne cia Kabeya, the hat of Kasongo and that
I of Kabeya', wakulua ne cifulu cia Kasongo inyi cia Kabeya? dii
he come with the hat of Kasongo or with that of Kabeya?', lufu luabo ne
i, lua bana babo, their death and that of their children.
t {b) The adjective phrase, as has been seen in § 84 (a), is often used
for a simple adjective.
(c) The noun making the concord of the -a may sometimes be omitted,
I being understood. § 82.
; Cia Kabata, Kabata's, with any noun in the sing, of class \TI under-
■ stood.
5 () The -a is often combined with the locative prepositions (mu,
I ku and ha), making a double prepositional form something like the
H English from among, from above, etc.
Munyinyi wa mu mi, fish, lit. meat from in the water) kanyuma
ka mu ditu, a small animal jrom the woods, lit. jrom in the woods) cilulu
cia ha mesa, a table-cloth, lit. cloth jor on the table.
Rem. I. We also have the combined forms mua, kua and ha pre-
ceding the name of the person; they then mean in or at the village of
or house of.
Ya mua 3Ialcndolo, go to {the village) of Malendolo) udi kua muke-
lenge, he is at {the house) of the chief) muana wa kua Nsusu, the
child belongs to Nsusu’s village, lit. a child of at {the village) of Nsusu.
Rem. 2 . By putting the prefixes of class I before kua we have mukua,
meaning one from the village of.
{e) When an adjective phrase with- -a modifies a noun which is
governed by one of the locative prepositions (mu, ku or ha), the -a
sometimes takes the concord of the preposition rather than that of the
noun. Hence we may have either ya mu nsubu mua mukelenge or
ya mu nsubu wa mukelenge, go into the chiefs house.
(/) The prepositional construction with -a is often used with the
infinitive mood to e.xpress purpose; this is to be translated by to or
jor. § 239 {b).
Lua ne bintu bia kudia, bring the things to eat) ndi nsua mi a
kunua, / want some water to drink.
Rem. Note that these infinitive phrases have an adjective sense; as,
mi a kunua, which may be translated drinking-water.
(l') The adjective phrase with -a is also used to express direction.
Nxila wa Kasenga, the path to Kasenga) we may also say nxila
wa ku Kasenga.
{h) The peculiar phrase -a bende means of some one else, not one's
own, another’s.
{i) Note that in the sing, of certain phrases the -a has the prefix
elided; it is then represented by an apostrophe (’).
Muan’a, the young of) mulumi’a, the male of) mukuxi’a, the female
of. § 56(6), Rems, i and 2.
Rem. So far as the pronunciation is concerned, the phrase muan’a
mbuxi, a kid, might be written muana mbuxi; but since the pi. is
bana ba mbuxi, there would seem to be good reason for believing
that the prepositional word ought to be written in the singular.
Comparison of Adjectives.
88. The adjective is not declined to express comparison as in English
and in other European languages. In fact the Buluba-Lulua does
not make any sharp distinction between the comparative and superlative
degrees, for the same construction is used for both degrees.
89 . The verbs tamba and hita, to surpass, with the abstract sub-
stantive derivative of the adjective having the prefix bu- of class VI
(§ 354)» 3 -re used to express the idea of comparison.
Muci udi u tamba muntu bule, the tree is taller than the man, lit.
the tree surpasses the man in height', mukuxi udi uhita mulumi bukiile,
the woman is stronger than the man-, Kasongo udi utamba bakuabo
bule, Kasongo is the tallest, lit surpasses the others in height.
90 . Certain other comparative expressions may be treated here:
(a) Sometimes the comparative idea is expressed by using with each
noun adjectives having opposite meaning.
Eu muci muihi, vvawa mule, this stick is shorter than that, lit. this
stick is short, that one is long.
{h) The English too, meaning excess of any quality, is also expressed
by tamba or hita, to surpass.
>Iuci udi utamba bule, the stick is too long.
(c) The English very, modifying an adjective, may be ^expressed in
several ways:
(1) By using be after the adjective; as, muci mule be. a very long
(2) By use of the verbs tamba and hita with the abstract quality
of the adjective, as explained under § 89; as, muci udi utamba bule,
the stick is very long.
(3) By elongating the last syllable of the adjective.
(4) By repeating one or more syllables of the adjective; as, toke to,
very white; kunze kunzu, very red.
{d) The English as ... as may be expressed by saying that the
quality of one thing is like the quality of another thing.
Kutoka (infinitive) kua mukanda kudi bu kua mpemha, the paper
IS as white as chalk, lit. the whiteness (or the to he white) of the paper
is like that of chalk.
(e) The English not so ... as is perhaps best expressed by saying
that the quality as possessed by one thing is not the same as that pos-
sessed by another thing.
Muntu kena bule bua muci, a man is not tall like a tree, lit. is not
the tallness of a tree.
(/) The English less than may be rendered in two ways:
(1) In much the same way as not so . . . [§ 90 (e)]; as, yeye
kena bule buTnyi, he is less tall than I, lit. he is not my height.
(2) By turning the sentence around and using the simple compara-
tive form with tamba or hita. § 88.
{g) Instead of the abstract noun derivative in bu- following tamba
or hita we sometimes have the infinitive where such a form is possible.
Cilulu eci cidi citamba cikuabo kukunza, this cloth is more red
than the other.
91 . The Cardinal Numerals, when they are used after nouns with
the force of adjectives, are as follows: *
1. -mue (-mo).
2. -bidi.
3. -satu.
4. -ni.
5. -tanu.
6. -sainbombo.
7. Muanda mutekete (muakun-
8. 3 Iuanda niukulu. [yi).
g. Citema.
10. Dikumi.
11. “ ne -mue (-mo).
12. “ “ -bidi,
17. “ “ muandamutekete.
18. “ “ “ mukulu.
19. “ “ citema.
20. Makumi abidi.
21. “ “ ne-mue(-mo)
22. Makumi abidi ne -bidi.
30. “ asatu.
31. “ “ ne-mue(-mo).
muanda mutekete.
“ mukulu.
go. “ citema.
100. Lukama.
101. “ ne -mue (-mo),
no. “ “ dikumi.
200 Nkama ibidi.
201. “ “ ne -mue (-mo).
300. “ i.s^tu.
700. “ muandamutekete.
1.000. Cinunu.
1.001. Cinunu ne -mue (-mo).
1,257. Cinunu ne nkama ibidi ne makumi
atanu ne muanda mutekete.
2,000. Binunu bibidi.
10.000. Lubombo.
20.000. Mbombo ibidi.
100,000. Ci.vikulu.
92 . The cardinal numerals i to 6 are inflected and follow the rules
of ordinary adjectives. But the numerals 7 to 10 are regarded as
substantives, and the same is true of 100, 1000, 10,000, 100,000, with
all the multiples of 10, 100, 1000, 10,000 and 100,000.
Rem. I. The inflected numerals i to 6 take the secondary prefixes.
♦Observe that a hyphen (-) is placed before the inflected forms.
Rem. 2. Dikumi, ten, lukama, one hundred, cinunu, one thousand,
lubombo, ten thousand, and cixikulu, one hundred thousand, are in-
Oected according to classes V, IV, VII, IV, VII, respectively.
Rem. 3. In the numbers 7 and 8 the word muanda is a noun (class
II) and is followed by the adjectives mutekete, weaker, and mukulu,
older. Sometimes after muanda in 7 we hear muakunyi, younger,
instead of mutekete. For 9 we have citema (class VII).
Rem. 4. The numbers ii-t6, 21-26, 31-36, etc., employing the
six inflected forms, cause these to agree with the noun expressed or
Rem. 5. For one w'e have both mue and mo.
Examples of numerals:
Muntu umue, one person) bantu babidi, two people) mici Is^tu,
three sticks) nsolo ini, jour jowls) makela atanu, jive eggS) malalu
asambombo, six beds) bintu muanda mutekete, seveti things) bantu
dikumi, ten people, bantu dikumi ne umue, eleven people) bantu
dikumi ne babidi, twelve people) makela dikumi ne muanda mute-
kete, seventeen eggs) makela makumi abldi, twenty eggs) bantu
nkama isitu ne basambombo, three hundred and six people) bantu
blnunu bibidi ne nkama ini ne makumi atanu ne basatu, two thou-
sand jour hundred and jifty-three people) bantu badi dikumi, there
are ten people.
93 . Occasionally the substantive forms dikumi, lukama, etc., employ
the adjective phrase with -a.
Dikumi dia bantu, ten people, lit. ten oj people.
94 . By doubling the cardinal numerals we have the distributive idea
indicating how many each time, how many to each one, etc.
Ya utuale bisuka bibidi bibidi, go and bring two baskets each time)
angati bisuka, muntu bibidi, muntu bibidi, bring the baskets, each
person two.
Rem. The idea of each may also be expressed under certain cir-
cumstances by ku -bidi, ku -satu, etc.
Ya wangate bisuka ku bibidi, ku bibidi, go and bring the baskets
two each time.
This very much resembles the phrase ku dituku ku dituku, each
day, daily.
95 . Substantives are made from the inflected numerals i to 6.
(a) The substantives formed according to class VI express the idea
of both, all three, all jour, etc., used in sense of totality, these forms
also sometimes express the idea of two and two, three and three, etc.
Bubidi buabo, both oj them) busatu buabo, all three oj them.
(b) The substantives formed according to class VII express the
idea of how many times] as, ciakamue, once; ciakabidi, second tinie-^
clakas&tu, third time, etc.
The plurals biakabidi, biakasatu, etc., mean two times {twice),
three times {thrice), etc.
Rem. I. There are also heard diakamue, once; kabidi, second time;
kasAtu, third time.
Rem. 2. Ciahamue, ciamumue and diacimue mean at the same
time, simultaneously. Diakamue is also used in this sense.
96 . One with, like, the same as, identical with, etc., are expressed
by the form -o-umue. § 77 {e).
Di diodiumue, the identical word.
Rem. I. Sometimes the form seems to be -o-mue.
Rem. 2. We have the locatives mu and ku and ha, combined with
_o-umue (-o-mue).
Hohamue, on the same place; kuokumue, at the same place; muo-
mumue, into the same place. This latter word is often used in an
adverbial sense without any apparent reference to place.
97. In abstract counting, one, two, three, etc., it is important to
note that -mue, one, becomes omue (or umue), and all the other in.
fleeted forms up to six have an i prefixed to the stem. Hence we
say omue, ibidi, isatu, ini, etc. The other numerals remain unchanged
in abstract counting.
Ordinal Numerals.
98 . The Ordinal Numerals 2nd to 6th are inflected as regular ad-
jectives, taking the primary prefixes, while the substantive forms from
7th on have an adjective phrase with -a. The form for ist also has
this last construction.
Rem. I. In the forms 2nd to 6th the prefi.x is used with the abstract
form ibidi, isatu, etc. (§ 97), while the inflected forms in the forma-
tion of nth to i6th, 21st to 26th, etc., remain uninflected just as in
abstract counting.
99. Examples of ordinal numerals:
ist. -a kumudilu; as, musambu wa kumudilu, the first hymn, lit. oj
at the front.
2nd. -ibidi; as, musambu muibidi, the second hymn.
3rd. -isatu; as, musambu muisatu, the third hymn.
6th. -isambombo, as, musambu muisambombo, the sixth hymn.
7th. -a muanda mutekete; as, musambu wa muanda mutekete,
the seventh hymn.
loth. -a dikumi; as, musambu wa dikuml, the tenth hymn.
iith. -a dikumi ne omue; as, musambu wa dikumi ne omue, the
eleventh hymn.
I2th. -a dikumi ne ibidi; as, musambu wa dikumi ne ibidi, the
twelfth hymn.
20 th. -a makumi abidi; as, musambu wa makumi abidi, the twentieth
100. The word last is expressed by the phrase -a kunxikidilu; as,
musambu wa kunxikidilu, the last hymn.
101. For the sake of convenience and custom the Pronouns may be
classified as Personal, Possessive, Demonstrative, Relative, Interroga-
tive and Indefinite.
102. As may be expected, the pronouns make free use of the prefixes
in their reference to preceding nouns, whether these nouns be expressed
or understood.
Personal Pronouns.
103. By Personal Pronouns we mean all those pronominal forms
which stand for nouns, whether these nouns refer to rational beings
or not.
The personal pronouns may be divided into Disjunctive and Con-
junctive, depending upon whether the pronoun does not or does form
an integral part of the verb as prefix or suffix or infix.
I. Disjunctive.
104. The Disjunctive Personal Pronouns are those which are used
alone and are not joined directly to the verb either as prefix or suffix
or infix. These Disjunctive Pronouns may be still farther subdivided
into Simple and Compound forms.
A. Simple Forms.
105. The Simple Disjunctive Persona! Pronouns are determined by
the class and number of the noun for which they stand and are as
follows: *
* There is no difficulty about the personal pronoun forms under class I, but
it has been hard to determine the forms for the other classes This difficulty is
due to the fact that the forms employed are more properly demonstratives
which will be considered later. Sometimes we hear for the personal pronoun
construction the forms as here given for classes II to VIII, and again we find
those mentioned under § 156. We have put these forms as given above under
the head of personal pronouns, because they seem to have not so much refer-
ence to place as to time i.e., to a previously mentioned object, at the same
time it must be borne in mind that there is also a demonstrative idea. Some-
times these forms are also used as adjectives.
ist pers. meme, /
tuetu, we
2nd pers. wewe, thou
nuenu, you
I. 3rd pers. yeye, he or she
bobo, they
“ “ wou (wowo), it
yoi (yoyo), they
“ ‘ ' wewe, it
yoi (yoyo), they
“ “ luolu (luoluo), it
yoi (yoyo), they
“ “ diodi (diodio), it
wowo (6), they
“ buobu (biiobuo), it
wowo (6), they
“ “ cioci (ciocio), it
biobi (biobio), they
“ “ koko, it
tuotu (tuotuo), they
Rem. I. It will be noted that the majority of the forms are made by
prefixing the ordinary secondary prefixes to the letter o, then doubling
the resulting form. Generally the last o is only slightly sounded, but
it is written in parenthesis above.
Rem. 2. We often hear wowo for wewe, t< to for tuetu, nono for
nuenu, yoyo for yeye, which seems to indicate that these may also
originally have been formed with the o.
Rem. 3. In the plural of classes V and VI are found a decided w
sound before the o, which, if written fully, would be aoao, but this
contracts into 6.
Rem. 4. Since there is no distinction for gender, yeye means either
he or she in class I.
Rem. 5. It is also important to bear in mind that there are no in-
definite forms like the English it and they which may refer to any noun
other than persons. The pronoun must be of the same class and
number as the noun for which it stands.
Rem. 6. The objective cases me, thee, him, her, us, you, them, it,
when they are used absolutely, are expressed by the same form as
those given above for the subjective cases.
Rem. 7. The possessive case, of me {my), of thee {thy), of him {his),
etc., is expressed by the possessive pronoun forms. See § 128, etc.
Rem. 8 The second person singular is always used when one person
only is meant. This principle holds good throughout the pronoun.
106 . The simple disjunctive personal pronouns are used as follows:
{a) Absolutely or for emphasis as subjeci or object, very much as
ego, tu, etc., of the Latin, or sometimes as moi, toi, eux, etc., of the
French. The verb must have its regular pronominal prefix for subject
and the infix for object in addition to the disjunctive forms.
Wewe udi udinia? have you been working? Udi iidima nganyi?
Meme, who has been working? I {have). Nzambi wakunsungila
meme, God has saved me.
(6) For emphasis after the possessive form.
Bualu buebi wewe, your own affair.
(c) With certain prepositions.
(1) The locatives (mu, ku and ha) stand regularly before the dis-
junctive personal pronoun forms in all classes save the first throughout
and the singular of class III, in which latter cases the prepositional
phrase is expressed by prefixing the preposition to the verb di, lo be.
to which has previously been attached the proper personal prefix or
suffix. Consequently we must say not lua ku meme, but lua kundi,
come to me\ not lua ku tuetu, but lua kutudi, come to us, i.e., where
we are’, ya kudiye, go to him, i.e., where he is. This construction will
be treated more fully later. § 321.
But we say regularly ya ku wou, go to it (mud, stick); lala mu
diodi, lie down in it (dina, hole).
Note. But the most common construction here is for the locatives
to be suffixed to the verb rather than stand before the pronoun. § 320.
Tekamu dikela, put the egg in it.
(2) Bu, like, takes the regular unchanged disjunctive forms through-
Wewe udi bu meme, you are like me.
107 . Ne, with, and, is peculiar in that it takes not the personal
forms after it, but the possessive (§ 128). Note the elision. There-
fore, we have as follows:
Class I.
“ I.
I St pers. n’inyi, with me
2nd pers. n’ebi, with you
3rd pers. n’andl, with him, her
“ “ n’au, with it
“ “ n’andi, with it
n’etu, with us
n’enu, with you
n’abo, with them
n’ai, with them
n’al, with them
B. Compound Forms.
108 . There are two Compound Disjunctive Pronouns. They are
constructed upon the possessive pronoun forms by prefixing nki- and
bi- respectively. This seems to correspond to the myself, etc., of
English, and it gives in inflection the same construction as ne, with^
See § 107.
109 . The forms with nkl- mean alone, by one's self, only, etc. In
their inflection note that y is inserted for euphony [§ 34 (a)] between
the two vowels. We thus have:
Class I. ist pens, nkiyinyi, by myself
“ I. 2 nd pers. n\i.iyQb\, by yourself
“ I. “ “ nkiyandi, by himself or
“ II. “ “ nklyau, by itself
nkiyetu, by ourselves
nkiyenu, by yourselves
nkiyabo, by themselves
nkiyai, by themselves
Rem. The forms nkiyinyi, etc., always follow the noun or the pro-
noun to which they refer; or they may follow the verb if the noun or
pronoun is not expressed.
Wakaya ku musoko nganyi? Meme nkiyinyi, who went to the
town? I alone] netuye nkiyetu, we shall go by ourselves] lua ne muci
nkiyau, bring only the stick.
110. The forms with bi- are difficult to translate into English.
Their use seems to be to give a certain roundness or smoothness to a
sentence which would otherwise appear short and curt; besides, a
certain emphasis is obtained which can only be appreciated after some
knowledge of the language has been acquired. Since the ordinary
prefixes or infixes for subject and object must also be used, it is generally
best not to attempt to translate the forms in bi-.
Rem. I. These forms come after the verb.
Rem. 2 . Their inflexion is exactly the same as that for nkiyinyi,
etc. (§ log).
Nyaya biinyi, I am going] wakumpa biinyi cifulu, he gave me
a hat] wakuhona biau, it (muci, stick) has fallen] dia biebi, eat thou
(imperative); tuye bietu, let us go.
111. We may sometimes hear both of these compound disjunctive
forms in the same sentence.
Nyaya biinyi nkiyinyi, 1 am going by myself.
II. Conjunctive.
112. The Conjunctive Personal Pronouns are those which are
inflected directly with the verb and form part and parcel of the verb.
These are by far the most common personal pronominal constructions
for subject, direct object and indirect object. They may be divided
into Pronominal Prefixes, Pronominal Infixes, and Pronominal Suffixes.
These are now each taken up in turn.
k. Pronominal Prefixes.
113. The Pronominal Prefix always stands at the beginning of the
finite parts of the verb, agreeing in person, number and class with the
subject, whether the subject be expressed or simply understood. Even
the disjunctive personal pronouns cannot take the place of the pro-
nominal prefixes.
Rem. I. The question may be raised as to whether these prefixes
are properly pronouns at all, since they are in fact not much more
than the personal endings w, s, t, mus, tis, nt, of the Latin. The word
pronoun, however, furnishes a convenient term by which to designate
them, so they are thus called throughout this grammar. It is one of
the peculiarities of the Bantu system of languages that the verb as
well as the adjective should be made to concord with the class of the^
noun which stands as its subject.
Rem. 2. The future indicative is the only tense whose sign comes
before rather than after the prefixes. § 293.
Rem. 3. The secondary prefixes are also the pronominal prefixes.
Of course the ist and 2nd persons, sing, and pi., furnish forms not
found under the list of secondary prefixes, since these latter are all 3rd
Rem. 4. Note the usual euphonic changes following n, u and i.
§§ 27, 28, 29, 31-33.
114 . The pronominal prefixes are as follows:
1st pers.
2nd pers.
3rd pers.
“ “
i i 1 1
n a
n ^ a
i i ( <
i i t i
i i c <
Examples of pronominal prefixes:
\di, I ant] udi, you are] uyaya, he is going] wakadi, he was, in
which the u changes to w before the tense sign aka; cifulu ciaku-
kuluka, the hat has jallen, in which we have ci as pronominal prefix
+ aku as tense sign+ kuluka as stem; nsolo yakufua, the jowls have
died, in which we have y as pronominal prefix before the tense sign
+ aku as tense sign+ fua as stem.
Rem. I. The negative constructions, as wall be seen later, furnish
a few exceptions to the above pronominal prefixes. § 198.
Rem. 2. It is important to note that a sing, second person is always
treated as a sing, and not as a pi., as has become the custom in
English, French and German. § 105, Rem. 8.
115 . ^\'hcn the verb is preceded by a prepositional phrase having
one of the local. ves (mu, ku or ha), these latter furnish the concord
of the verb In this case the subject is placed after the verb.
Ha mesa hadi bintii, on the table are the things] mu nsubu mudi
bantu, there are people in the house.
Rem. I. Sometimes the prepositional phrase is understood; as,
kamuena bantu, there are no people in {it).
Rem. 2. Sometimes a simple locative adverb (§ 363, etc.) furnishes
the concord; as, aha hadi atanu, here there are five (makela, eggs,
B. Pronominal Infixes.
116 . The Pronominal Infix is always found immediately before the
stem of the verb in inflection and is used in place of the noun as direct
or indirect object.
Rem. I. The noun and its corresponding infix are never both used at
the same time; in this respect the pronominal infixes differ from the
pronominal prefixes. § 113.
Rem. 2. Throughout the pi. the pronominal infixes are the same as
the pronominal prefixes. In the sing., however, there are a few varia-
tions: 2nd pers, sing, class I gives ku, 3rd pers.
gives mu, and the sing, of class III is also mu.
sing, of the same class
Rem. 3. Observe carefully the usual euphonic changes with n, u
and i. §§ 27-29, 31-33.
117 . The pronominal infixes are as follows:
Singular. Plural.
Class I. I St pers.
“ I. 2nd pers.
“ I. 3rd pers.
“ II. “ “
“ III. “ “
“ IV. “ “
(( V. “ “
“ VI. “ “
“ VII. “ “
“ VIII. “ “
Examples of pronominal infixes:
Wakundexa mukanda, he showed me the book, in which we have
w as pronominal prefix +aku as tense sign + n as pronominal infix
used as indirect object + dexa as stem, from lexa, to show. § 29
Bakuixiha, they killed them (nsolo, jowls, understood), in which we
have b as pronominal prefix (for ba) + aku as tense sign + i as pro
nominal infix +xiha as stem.
Jisus wakutufuila, Jesus died for us, in which we have w as pro-
nominal prefix -(-aku as tense sign+tu as pronominal infix+fuila as
stem, meaning to die for.
118. We must note here a special infix -di- which has the same
position and construction as the pronominal infix and is used when
the verb is reflexive, i.e., when the object of the verb is also the subject.
This is, therefore, to be translated by myself, yourself, himself, etc.
This construction with -di- also has the idea of on one's own account,
of one’s own accord, etc.
Waki^ditaha, he cut himself] wakudisua, he loves himself, i.e., is
proud] wakudixinda, he fell down {of his own accord).
119. For full conjugation of verb with infixes, see § 127.
C. Pronominal Suffixes.
120. The Pronominal Suffixes are always put at the end of the verb
and they form an integral part of the verb inflection. They are never
used for any other than third-person nouns and cannot be used if the
noun for which they stand is also expressed.
121. The secondary prefixes are also the pronominal suffixes with
the follovving exceptions:
(1) The sing, of classes I and III has -eye, which is derived from
the disjunctive personal pronoun.
(2) The pi. of class I has bo, which is also from the disjunctive
personal pronoun form.
122. In inflection note that the final a of the verb root is elided
before the -eye; as, hakuhoneye, when he fell, for hakuhonaeye.
Rem. In the case of a few verbs ending in i, the -eye becomes -ye;
as, ya kudiye, go where he is.
123. The pronominal suffi.xes are as follows:
3rd pers.
C « C i
-u (-wo)
-i (-yo)
( i
i i i i
-i (-yo)
i C
AC C <
-i (yo)
i i a
-di (-dio)
-a (-U, -wo)
( (
i 4 i i
-a (-U, -wo)
< i
c < it
-ci (-cio)
-bi (-bio)
* 4 & •
Rem. I. Perhaps for the sake of making the sound more round and
full, sometimes hear the forms ending in o as indicated in parentheses.
We may in classes V and VI occasionally hear a u without the follow-
ing o.
Rem. 2. The pi. of classes V and VI give regularly the suffix a, but
this, combining with the final a of the root, would give more correctly
an a, and it is thus written in composition; as, biahona, ij they jail
(mak^la, eggs, understood).
Rem. 3. For full conjugation of verb with pronominal suffixes, see
§ 127.
124. The pronominal suffixes are used under the following cir-
cumstances and should be carefully studied, for they present some
(a) As subject in subordinate clauses when the regular position of
the pronominal prefix at the beginning of the sentence is taken by
a subordinating particle such as mu-, where (in which), ku-, where
(at which), ha-, where (on which), ha-, when, bi-, ij, or by a relative
pronoun used as direct or indirect object. These particles will, how-
ever, be treated more fully later under the head of Complex Sentences.
§ 453. etc.
Ciena mumunye kuakuyeye, I don't know where he has gone, in
which we have ku, meaning where -f aku the tense sign -f y with a of
stem elided 4 - eye the pronominal suffix.
Hakuflkabo ku musoko, bakuxikama, when they reached the
village, they sat down, in which we have h, when, with final a elided
-f aku the tense sign + flka the stem + bo the pronominal suffix.
Tudie bidia biakutuheye, let us eat the bread which he has given
(b) As a direct object when the verb also has an indirect object pro-
noun which is any other than a ist pers. sing, pronominal infix. When,
however, the indirect object is ist pers. sing, pronominal infix, the
direct object, if a pronoun, takes the pronominal infix form and comes
just before the indirect pronominal infix.
Wakukuhaci, he gave it (cifulu, hat) to you, in which we have
w-faku-f ku as pronominal infix 2 nd pers, sing. -f ha the verb stem
-t- ci the suffix used as object.
Wakubahabi, he gave them (bifulu, hats) to them, in which we have
w + aku-fba as pronominal infix 3rd pers. pl.-fha as stem+bi as
pronominal suffix used as object.
Bakutuheye, they gave him to in which we have b(a) -f aku^tu
the pronominal infix + h(a) the stem + eye the pronominal suffix as
object. Wakucimpa, he gave it (cifulu, hat) to me, in which we have
w + aku + ci the pronominal infix used as direct object + m the pro-
nominal infix used as indirect object -f pa (§ 31).
Rem. Even in the case of the ist pers. sing, pronominal infix as
direct object, we may sometimes have for the direct object a suffix
rather than an infix form. Hence we may also say wakumpaci, he
gave it to me.
(c) As an indirect object when there is also connected with the same
verb a direct object pronoun which is 2nd pers. sing, or pi., or ist pers.
pi., or 3rd pers. pi. of class I. When the direct object is a pronoun
referring to any noun other than one belonging to class I, this direct
object becomes the pronominal suffix and the indirect object becomes
the pronominal infix.
Wakukuheye, he gave you to him] wakubaheye, ^ gave them
to hi m] wakukuhabo, he gave you to them] wakubahabo, he gave
them to them] wakumuhabi, he gave them (bifulu, hats) to him] waku-
bahabi, he gave them (bifulu, hats) to them.
125 . In the compound tenses, i.e., those tenses formed with an
auxiliary and a participle, the pronominal suffix comes after the auxil-
iary. Kuakadibo badima, where they were working.
126 . When a noun is used as subject the pronominal suffix cannot
also be used at the same time, but this subject noun comes after the
verb just as the pronominal suffix w’ould do, only the noun is not in-
flected as a part of the verb.
Hakufika Kasongo ku musoko, wakuxikama, when Kasongo
reached the village he sat down.
Relative Position of Pronominal Infixes and Suffixes.
127 . It is important to note the relative position of the pronominal
infixes and suffixes. In order further to illustrate the principles of
the preceding rules [§§ 116, 117, 120 to 124 (o)-(c)], the verb ha, to
give, is conjugated with the prefixes and suffixes. The 3rd pers. sing,
of the Past Indefinite tense of the indicative mood is taken, in which
w is the pronominal prefix and aku the tense sign. Of course the
prefix and the tense sign do not affect the infixes and suffixes. Observing
carefully the laws of euphony, we have then the following:
(a) Conjugation of verb with pronominal infixes:
I. ist pers. infix wakumpa,
he gave to
or he gave
me (dir. obj.);
I. 2nd
“ '■ wakukuha.
‘ '
it ($. c/
ii ii
“ “ wakurauha.
tt ii tt
ii ii
II. “
" wakuha.
t t tt 'i
ii ti
III. “
“ “ wakumuha.
tt tt ii
tt tt
IV. “
‘‘ “ wakuluha.
ii ii ii
tt tt
V. “
“ “ wakudiha.
ft tt ii
ii ii
VI. “
“ wakubuha.
tt tt tt
ii ii
VII. “
“ *' wakuciha.
tt tt tt
ii ii
“ “ wakukaha.
ii it tt
ii ii
I. I St pers.
I. 2nd
I. 3rd
innx waKuii
or he gave us (dir. obj.) •
“ “ “ you “ “
“ “ “ them “ “
V. ‘
VI ‘
VII. ‘
“ wakubiha,
“ wakutuha,
Note. Of course the inhx may be used as direct or indirect object,
this to be determined by the context.
{h) Conjugation of verb with pronominal suffixes, using ha-, when,
as subordinating particle:
when he gave;
< <
when it gave;
< <
i i i 1 11
« i
ft i 1 l€
€ i
4 < Cl tl
f 1
11 1 1 ( i
i i
i 1 11 6 i
t i
i i it • c
when they gave;
i «
i. 4i .<
i t
( t
“ “ “
1 i
ll ft < t
t <
1 1
11 a suffixing -uka to the verb root after dropping
the final a.
Wakuandamuka, he has turned around] mulondo wakucibuka, the
jar has broken] mbuxi wakuhatuka, the goat has gone out.
Rem. I. These middle voice forms are treated as intransitives in the
Rem. 2. There is nearly always a corresponding active transitive
form having the suffix -una or -ula or -ola; as, wakuandamuna nsubu,
he has turned the house around] wakucibula mulondo, he has broken
the jar] wakuhatula mbuxi, he has driven out the goat.
Rem. 3 . The middle voice forms are inflected exactly as the active
Rem. 4 . Sometimes the suffixes -ika and -ma seem to be used in the
middle voice sense; as, mucima winyi wakubandika, my heart has
split, i.e., I am very much frightened] nakusokoma, I hid myself.
202. The Passive Voice may be expressed in several ways;
(a) By the indefinite 3 rd pers. pi. active voice (§ 189 ), thus avoid-
ing the passive construction, which is used much less frequentl^than
in Eng lish. When the agerTfT^ mentioned this is preceded by the
prepositional word kudi, by.
Bakuxiha mbuxi, the goat has been killed, lit. they have killed the
Bakuxiha mbuxi kudi Kasongo, the goat has been killed by Kasongo
{b) By the various tenses of the verbs meaning to be used as auxil- ■
iaries with the passive past participle. The participle then becomes -
only an adjective taking the ordinary primary prefixes. It will be/
noted that this construction conforms to the English passive. Cf. § 251 ./ j
Ndi mutaha, / am {have been) struck.
Nsolo idi mixilia, the chickens are killed.
Kasongo udi inutalia kudi Kabata, Kasongo was struck by Kabata.
Rem It is very important to note here the difference between the
primary and the secondary prefixes with the participle. As we shall
see later (§§ 244 and 252), the secondary prefixes make the verb active.
Hence udi mutaha means he is struck, but udi utaha means he struck.
(c) By use of the suffix -ibua added to the verb root. It is interest
ing to note that, like the middle voice forms, this also has the regular
active voice inflection throughout. Hence the word kutahibua means
to be struck. The form is active, but the meaning is passive.
Udi utahibua, he is being struck', udi mutahibue, he has been struck.
Utu watahibua, he is always getting struck.
Utadi utahibua, you are about to he struck.
Xeatahibue, he will be struck.
203. For the sake of comparison, note the three voices on the same
Active: wakucibula muci, he broke the stick.
Middle: muci wakucibuka, the stick has broken.
Passive: muci wakucibibua, the stick has been broken.
204. These middle and passive voice forms will be treated again
under Derivative Verbs. §§ 341-345.
Auxiliary Verbs.
205. The Auxiliary Verbs are those used to aid in the formation of
certain tenses. The majority of these are somewhat irregular and
defective. Some of the more important of them are now given.
Rem. There are no auxiliaries corresponding to our have and had —
these are expressed either by one of the forms to be given below or by
the past tense signs.
I. Di, to he.
206 . The root of this word was perhaps originally la which under
the influence of i has become d.
Rem. A form having the root ena and taking the regular negative
prefixes is used as the present tense negative of di.
207. This verb, which is found only in the past tense (aflflrmative
and negative) and in the affirmative present, is used in the formation of
the following tenses in the indicative mood: Present Progressive,
Present Perfect Progressive, Past Progressive, Past Perfect Progressive.
In addition to these it also furnishes through ena the negative of
certain other tenses: Present Imminent, Second Present Actual, Present
Repetitive, Past Repetitive, Future and Future Imminent. It also
furnishes the auxiliary for formation of the Past Tense Subjunctive.
Present Tense.
Affirmative. Negative.
208. Formation: pro. prefix + di. 209. Formation: neg. pro. prefix
+ ena.
Past Tense.
210. Formation: pro. prefix +
aka the tense sign + di.
211. Formation: neg. pro. prefix
+ aka the tense sign + di.
II. Cidi, to be.
212. Perhaps the original root was cila, but this has become cidl
under the influence of i.
Rem. a form having the root cena and taking the regular negative
prefixes is used as the present negative of cidi.
213. This verb, which is found only in the past tense (affirmative
and negative) and in the affirmative present, is used in the formation
of the First Present Actual tense, indicative mood.
Rem. Sometimes the past tense of cidi is used as auxiliary, making
much the same sense as the past progressive.
Present Tense.
214. Formation: pro. prefix +
215. Formation: neg. pro. prefix
+ cena.
Past Tense.
216. Formation: pro. prefix +
aka the tense sign + cidi.
217. Formation: neg. pro. prefix
+ aka the tense sign + cidi.
III. Tadi (or Kadi), to he about to.
218. The stem of this verb was perhaps tala or tana.
Rem. I. The Baluba say kadi and the Bena Lulua tadi — the latter
is used in the paradigms.
Rem. 2 . We find on this root only the present affirmative; the nega-
tive is expressed on the root ena. § 206 , Rem.
Affirmative. Negative.
219. Formation: pro. prefix + 220. Formation: use the neg. ena.
321. This auxiliary is used in the formation of the Present Immi-
nent and the Future Imminent tenses, it is also used much as the verb
dl, to be, when not employed as auxiliary.
IV. Tu, Co be (habitual).
233. This word is used only in the formation of the Present Habitual
tense and has only the present tense, affirmative and negative.
Present Tense.
Affirmative. Negative.
333. Formation: pro. prefix + tu. 334. Formation: neg. pro. prefix
+ tu.
V. The Negative I, not to be.
225, This form seems to be found only in the present negative and
is used by the Baluba sometimes in place of the negative ena (§ 206,
Rem.), It is specially used in formation of the negative in the Present
Subjunctive in conditional sentences and in the negative of relative
Present Tense.
336. Formation: neg. pro. prefix +i.
VI. Ikala, to be.
227. This verb is regular throughout and is used in some places
where di is defective; especially is this true in the formation of the
Present Subjunctive and the Future Indicative.
Biwikala muana wa Nzambi, Nzambi neakusungile, if you are a
child of God, God will save you.
Biwenza nunku, newikale ne bualu, if you do thus, you will be in
338. The verb anza followed by the infinitive means to have just
done-, the negative has the idea of not to have yet done.
Wakuanza kulua, he has just come-, kena muanze kulua, he has
not yet come.
VII. Other Auxiliary Words and Constructions.
339. Quite a list of verbs and verbal combinations are used in an
auxiliary sense, followed most often by the infinitive mood or by the
purportive. These must be learned mostly from experience, as only
the more important ones can be mentioned here.
330. The English can, he able, etc., may be expressed in several ways:
(1) By the auxiliary di followed by mua and infinitive.
Ndi mua kumema mux6te, I can lift the box.
( 2 ) By the verb mona followed by mua and the infinitive.
Ndl mona mua kumema mux6te, I can lijt the box.
( 3 ) By the verb munya followed by mua and the infinitive.
Ndl mumunye mua kumSma muxete, I can lift the box
Rem. There seems to be some difference between mona and munya;
the former has more the idea of physical, the latter of mental, ability.
331. The English* may, meaning permission, is expressed by the
purportive mood. § 312 ( 6 ).
333. For the English must and ought no satisfactory equivalents
have yet been found in the Buluba-Lulua. The same can perhaps be
said of most other Bantu languages. This seems very unfortunate, for
these words are so forceful in English. It is also interesting to note
that such equivalents are also wanting in the Hebrew. Wherever the
word must occurs in the English translation of the Old Testament, it
represents merely some idiomatic expression conveying that meaning.
In Buluba-Lulua these ideas must be expressed by the simple tense forms.
Perhaps the phrase bualu bukale, followed by the Causative Form
(§ 333 ) etc.) of the verb, will express the idea of must with some accuracy;
in the same way we may use bualu buimbe or bimpe, followed by the
infinitive, for ought,
333. Note these words which are generally followed ii. construction
by the infinitive: banga, begin to\ dianjila, be first to; banga, fail
to; sua, want to; mona, finish {to).
Rem. The word lua, go to, often expresses a future idea, just as in
English we say I am going to do. The Second Present Actual is a
favorite tense in this construction; as, ulualua kusungula bantu
band!, he is going to choose out his people.
Formation of Moods and Tenses with their Uses.
It will prove helpful to study these moods and tenses, as they are
explained, in connection with the paradigms. § 318 .
Further study and investigation will undoubtedly reveal additional
tenses and verbal' forms and combinations, but certainly the more
common and useful are given below.
334. The simple Imperative forms have only the present tense,
afl&rmative and negative, and their uses are the same as in English.
335. Formation:
(a) The 2 nd pers. sing, is the
simple stem of the verb.
{b) The 2 nd pers. pi. is formed
by changing final a of the stem
336. Formation:
(а) Second pers. sing, is formed
by prefixing ku to the stem
and changing final a to i.
Rem. I. When the verb stem
ends in ia, we have simple i
resulting after the addition of
i of the negative imperative;
hence kydii becomes kudi,
don’t eat.
Rem. 2. When the verb stem
ends in ua, we have left simply
u, the i of the neg. being
omitted; as, kulu, don’t come,
for kului.
Rem. 3. When the verb ends
in na, y is inserted after the
n upon addition of the neg, i
[§ 34 (^)> Rem. ; as, kusunyi
mi, don’t carry water, for ku-
suni; \iucinyi, don’t he ajr aid,
for kucini.
(б) Second pers. pi. neg. is
formed thus: ka+nu + stem
with final a changed to i.
Rem. In the case of verbs
ending in ia, ua and na, see
§ 236 (a), Rems. 1-3.
337. Some peculiar imperative constructions must be noted:
(a) Ku is added to the stem sometimes for emphasis, especially in
2 nd pers. sing, affirmative
Taku, go, he gone, or don’t he afraid to go; ambaku, speak.
(b) In many cases, especially after verbs of motion, where in
English the two verbs are imperative, the Buluba-Lulua puts
one in the imperative and the other in the purportive mood.
Ya uxihe nsolo, go and kill the jowl.
Lua undexe makela, come and show me the eggs.
(c) The Hortative Imperative idea is expressed in several ways:
(1) For ist pers. pi. we generally find a form made thus: ist pers.
pro, prefix + root with final vowel changed to i.
Tuyi, let us go, tudimi, let us work.
(2) There is also a common hortative following the analogy of
§ 237 { b ).
Lua tuye, come (sing.), let us go\ lui tuye, come (pi.), let us go^
(3) We may have the simple ist pers. pi. purportive mood, which
seems to correspond to the Latin amemus, let us love\ as,
tuye, let us go.
(4) The purportive mood is also used to express the hortative
idea in 3rd pers. sing, and pi.
Alue, let him come; balue, let them come.
( 5 ) In view of § 161 we may have the emphatic prefix ka with
ist pers. pi. purportive mood; as, katuye, let us go.
(6) We may also have the emphatic suflSx ku corresponding to
§ 237 (a); as, tuyaku, let us go.
(d) There is also heard a weaker imperative form expressing a
simple wish This is found in 2nd pers. sing, and pi., and
corresponds to these forms found in the present subjunctive.
§ 306 (c), Rem. 2.
Waya biebi bimpe, go well, good journey to you.
Nualala bienu bimpe, sleep well.
338. The Infinitive is formed by prefixing ku to the stem.
339. Remembering that the infinitive is the abstract idea of the verb
and consequently in most cases is a noun, we find the most common
uses of the infinitive to be as follows;
(a) It may be used as subject of the sentence; as, kuambila bantu
bakuabo bualu bua Nzambi kudi kuhita kuxikama
cinana, to tell other people the palaver of God is better than to
sit idle.
(b) It may be used as part of an adjective phrase [§ 87 (/)J; as^
bintu bia kudia, things to eat; mbuxi \va kula ulualua, a
goat to buy is coming] luvu lua mbua kudila, a trough for
dogs to eat out of.
Rem, I. Note the locative forms corresponding somewhat to the
forms mentioned in § S‘]{d) and Rem. i.
Ndi nkeba kua kuteka bintu, I am looking for a place to
put the things, I am looking where to put the things.
Rem, 2. Also note mua with infinitive after constructions meaning
to know how to, to be able to, etc. § 230.
Ciena mumunye mua kusonga buatu, I don't know
how to make a boat.
(c) It may be used adverbially to modify the predicate in expressing
end or purpose; as, bakuya kuluangana nvita, they have
gone to fight.
id) It may be used as direct object; as, ndi musue kuya ku Ibanj,
I want to go to Ibanj.
{e) It may be used as complement of the predicate modifying the
subject, Cf. kuflta under § 239 (a).
240 . It is important to note that the use of the infinitive in English
does not always correspond to its use in the Buluba-Lulua. The
different uses in the two languages must be learned by experience, re-
membering that the infinitive is more common in English. As a general
rule, which will cover the majority of cases, we may say that when the
subject of the first verb is also the subject of the second, the infinitive
is used for the latter; when, on the other hand, the subjects of the two
verbs are different, the purportive mood is used with the latter. §§ 461,
Ndl musue kuya, 7 want to go; bakuya kuluangana, they have gone
to fight; ndi nkeba muntu aye ku Luebo, I am looking for a person
to go to Luebo.
Rem. There is also heard in this connection a peculiar construction
in which the infinitive is used even w'hen its subject is different from
that of the leading verb. Sometimes the infinitive seems to take here
the pronominal sufl&xes.
Lua ne bia mulunda winyl kudia (or kudieye), bring something for
my friend to eat. But the most common way of saying this is lua ne
bia kudia mulunda winyi adie.
241 . The infinitive may take all the ordinary concomitants of the
verb, such as direct object, indirect object, prepositional phrases, etc.
242. The Participles, which are used for the most part as verbal
adjectives in the formation of compound tenses (§ 194), agree in number
and class with the suoject or word to which they refer; the present
participle also agrees in person,
Rem. Note that the participles take all the usual concomitants of
the verb, such as direct object, indirect object, prepositional phrases,
243. There are three participial forms: the Present Active, the Past
Active and the Past Passive.
I. Present Participles.
244. The Present Participles are formed by prefixing the ordinary
pronominal prefixes of all classes, numbers and persons directly to the
stem of the verb, but before the pronominal infix if one is used.
245. The present participles are used in the formation of the follow-
ing tenses, all in the indicative mood: Present Progressive, First Present
Actual, Present Imminent, Present Progressive,
Rem. Observe the use of the present participle as predicate adjective
after other words than those meaning to be.
Udi wenda uzobela, he walks limping.
246. When n of ist pers. sing, is prefixed directly to the stem, it is
necessary to note carefully the resulting euphony. Some examples are
here given to refresh the memory:
(a) When the stem begins with h, the n becomes m and the hap.
§ 32.
Ndi mpa mukuxi lueho, I am giving the woman some salt (from
the stem ha).
(&) When the stem begins with 1, this letter becomes d. § 29.
Ndi ndexa, I am showing (from the stem lexa).
(c) When the stem begins with a vowel, the n becomes ng. § 33.
Ndi ngamba, / am speaking (from the stem amba).
Ndi ngenza, I am making (from the stem enza).
Ndi ngimuna, I am standing (from the stem Imuna).
{d) When the initial letter of the stem is b or p, the n becomes m.
§ 31-
Ndi mb&la, I am counting (from stem bala).
(e) When the stem begins with m or n, the n of the pronominal
prefix is elided. § 33, Rem. 2.
Ndi mona, I am looking., ndi nua mi, I am drinking water.
347. The same rules hold good for the use of n when it comes before
the pronominal infixes.
Ndi mumona, I am looking at him (for nmumona); ndi numona,
I am looking at you (for nnumona); ndi mbamona, I am looking at
them (for nbamona); ndi ngumona, / am looking at it (for numona,
with a noun in the sing, of class II understood); ndi ngimona, I am
looking at them (for nimona with a noun in the pi. of class II under
348. The above rules apply equally regularly in the future indicative
and in the purportive mood, where we also have an n prefixed either
immediately to the stem or to the pronominal infix if one is employed.
II. Active Past Participles.
349. The Active Past Participles are formed thus: primary ad-
jective prefixes -f stem with final vowel change to e.
Hence we have mulue, from kulua, to come\ mudime, from kudima,
to work. Observe that the infinitive sign ku is elided.
Rem. Note that the active past participles do not indicate the person
of the subject; they all have the third person form. If the subject
belongs to class I, ist pers. sing, or 2nd pers. sing., the participle takes
mu; if the subject belongs to class I and is ist pers. pi. or 2nd pers.
pi., the participle takes ba.
350. The active past participles are used in the formation of the
Present Perfect Progressive and Past Perfect Progressive tenses of the
indicative mood.
Rem. It must be borne in mind that some verbs, though passive
in meaning, are active in form. Cf. § 202 (c).
III. Passive Past Participles.
351. The Passive Past Participles are formed thus: primary ad-
jective prefixes + stem.
Hence we have mutaha, from kut&ha, to strike-, muhanda, from
kuhanda, to split.
Rem. Note that the passive past participles, following the analogy
of the active past participles, do not indicate the person of the subject
Apply the principles of § 249, Rem.
252 , The passive past participles are always transitive verbs used
with some part of the verb to be to express the idea that the subject
has been acted upon. The auxiliary may be present tense, but the
participle is always past in significance, in fact nothing nore than the
predicate adjective.
Mud udi mucibula, the stick is {has been) broken\ bintu bid!
biuvua kudi Kabata, the things have been washed by Kabata.
253 . It is very important to note here the difference between the
two past participles, active and passive, when they are used as pure
verbal adjectives. The active past participle is used when the verb is
intransitive or middle voice in meaning; the passive past participle is
used when the verb is transitive and an agent can be employed, §§ 85,
Muntu mufue means a dead person, one who has died (intransitive).
Muntu mutaha means a wounded person, a person who has been
struck by another (transitive).
Mud mudbuke means a broken stick, from the intransitive or middle
voice verb kudbuka, which means to break of its own accord', on the
other hand muci mucibula means a broken stick, from the transitive
verb kucibula which means to break.
254 . There are two rarer participal forms, one used in the formation
of the Present Habitual tense, indicative mood, the other in the forma-
tion of the Future Imminent tense of the same mood. The letter a
prefixed to the root is the sign of the Present Habitual tense form, while
the Future Imminent form has as sign the letters aku. The first of
these takes the ordinary pronominal prefixes corresponding to the
person, number and class of the subject; the second form takes also
the same prefixes save in class I, where u(w) is found throughout in the
sing, and ba throughout in the pi. See §§ 268, 269, 296.
255 , The names given to the tenses are more or less arbitrary — in
fact some difficulty has been found in getting suitable names — but
those have been adopted which, either from usage or from the ordinary
meaning of the word, would convey some idea of the import of the
Some tenses of the indicative mood are simple, others are compound.
§§ 193, 194-
The uses of this mood are in general the same as in English.
356. Formation: pres, tense of
auxiliary di followed by
pres, participle.
357. Formation: pres neg. of
auxiliary ena followed by
pres, participle.
358. The Present Progressive tense is used to indicate continuous
or progressive action or being in present time, %vithout ariy idea as to
when the action began or when it will be completed.
Udi udila, he is crying-, udi ulua, he is coming.
Rem. I. There is also to be observed a strong tendency to throw
the future back into this present tense form; in fact the negative of
the future is always the negative of the present progressive tense. § 294 .
Rem. 2 . Several other tenses which lack a regular negative seem to
use the negative of the present progressive, such as the present imminent,
the second present actual, the present repetitive and the future immi-
nent. Perhaps, however, it would be more correct to say that these
tenses form their negative with the auxiliary ena.
Present Perfect Progressive,
359. Formation: pres, tense of
auxiliary dl followed by
active past participle.
260, Formation: pres. neg. of
auxiliary ena followed^ by
active past participle.
361.’ The Present Perfect Progressive denotes a finished or com-
pleted action which has just been going on within the present time
Ndl mudile, I have been crying {to-day, for example, hut am not
crying now).
Udi mulue, he has come (i.e., he has been coming to-day, hut is not
coming now, for he has already arrived).
First Present Actual.
263. Formation; pres, tense of
auxiliary idi followed by
pres, participle
363. Formation: pres, tense neg.
of auxiliary cidi followed
bv pres, participle. § 212 ,
364. The First Present Actual tense denotes that the action is
3 .ctually in progress at the moment of the speaker’s utterance.
Rem. It is difficult to distinguish clearly between the rst pres.
actual and the second pres, actual and the pres, progressive, for the
latter, as has been seen, also indicates an action which is in progress
at the moment of the speaker’s utterance The present progressive,
however, may often indicate a state rather than an action at the moment.
For example, udi udila may mean that I am tn the crying way ( r state
(as is the native custom upon the death of a friend), but perhaps not
actually cr}dng at this moment. On the other hand, ncidl ndila can
only mean 7 am crying at this moment.
For use of second pres, actual see below.
Second Present Actual.
265. Formation, pronominal pre-
fix + stem + stem.
Rem. Note that only the pure
stem is r peated; as, ndom-
balomba, 1 am begging (from
the stem lomba).
266. The neg. of pres, progressive
is used as neg. of second
present actual.
267. The Second Present Actual is used much as the first present
Rem. I. The second present actual is used mostly with monosyllabic
verb stems, though polysyllabic stems are sometimes found to take
this tense also, as, ulualua, he is coming, from the root lua; ndiadia,
I am eating, from dia^ utuatua, she is pounding, from tuaj ngen-
denda, 1 am going, trom stem enda (note ng and the elision of final
a of stem before e).
Rem. 2. Sometimes this second present actual has a future significa-
tion, very much as in the English sentence I am going to-morrow\
for this the Baluba say nyaya makelela.
Present Habitual.^
268. Formation; pronominal pre-
fix +tu, followed by a par
ticipial word formed as
follows: pronominal prefix
-t-a the tense sign + stem.
269. Formation : neg. pronominal
prefix + tu, followed by a
participial word formed as
indicated under § 268.
* Sometimes this Present Habitual tense idea is expressed by the use of a verb
ya followed by the infinitive. To the word yaare prefixed directly the ordinary
personal pronominal prefixes, as.nya kunua makanya. / smoke tobacco, ciya
kunua makanya / don’t smoke tobacco.
270. This tense is used to denote present habitual or customary
Ktu ngalamba bidia, 1 cook food (that is my business or work).
Citu nganua makanya, I don't smoke tobacco, i.e., it is not my custom.
271. The letter g is inserted between n and a in first pers. sing.
§ 33-
Past Indefinite.
272. Formation, pronominal pre
fix + aku the tense sign -H
273. Formation; neg. pronominal
I refix + aku the tense sign
4- stem .
274. The Past Indefinite is the common tense for indicating simple
completed action in past time, without any special reference to near-
ness or remoteness in the past. It seems to correspond very nearly
to the Aorist of the Greek. It is to expressed in English according
to circumstances, either by the simple past tense, such as he loved,
he went, etc., or by the present perfect tense, he has loved, he has gone,
etc. Only the connection can determine wiiich English tense to use.
Wakuya, he has gone, he went', wakudila, she has cried, she cried.
275. For the omission of the g in ist pers. sing, affirmative see
§ 33, Rem. i.
Past Perfect.
276. Formation: pronominal pre-
fix 4- aka the tense sign
4- stem
277. Formation neg. pronominal
prefix -i- aka the tense sign
4- stem.
278. The Past Perfect tense is used to denote an action that was
completed before some other action or event took place. This action
or event need not always be expressed, but it is understood in the
mind of the speaker. There is also the thought of the action being
completed or done once for all, irrevocably.
This tense is liable to be confused wuth the past indefinite. Perhaps
an example w’ill illustrate, in a general way, the difference: wakuya
(past indefinite), he has gone, he went, without any thought of a con-
comitant event; wakaya (past perfect), he had gone {before you came),
or he has gone {and there ts no recalling him).
279. For the omission of g in ist per. sing, affirmative see § 33,
Rem. I.
Past Progressive.
280. Formation: past tense of
auxiliary di followed by
present participle.
281. Formation: neg. past tense
of auxiliary di followed by
present participle.
282. The Past Progressive tense denotes an action as having been
going on in past time, as progressive, but is now completed and was
completed before the time limit of the present was reached. Wakadi
udila, he was crying.
283. This tense is easily confounded with the present perfect pro-
gressive. This latter tense, however, is used of completed action
within the present time limit, whereas, as has been stated, the past
progressive is used of completed action before the present time limit.
ITakadi udila, he was crying (e.g., yesterday), udl mudile, he
has been crying (e.g., to-day)
Past Perfect Progressive.
284. Formation: past tense of
auxiliary dl followed by
past active participle.
285. Formation: neg. past tense
of di followed by past
active participle.
286. The Past Perfect Progressive is used to indicate an action
as going on before some other action in past time took place. See
Wakadi mudile, he had been crying.
Present Repetitive.
287. Formation: pronominal pre*
fix -I- stem.
Note. The form must be re-
peated once or twice.
288. No distinct neg. for this
tense Perhaps the neg. of
the Present Progressive
could be used, if ever
289. The Present Repetitive tense expresses repeated action in
present time or a succession of similar acts performed by different
persons or things.
N’solo yinyi ifua ifua, my fowls die and die, i.e., they are dying one
at a time.
Nkuna nkuna mamina, kena aniena, I plant and plant the seeds,
they do not sprout, i.e., I am continually planting.
Rem. This tense (with the form used only once) may perhaps also
have the sense of a general or universal present.
Past Repetitive.
290. Formation: pronominal pre-
fix + a the tense sign +
Note. The form must be r e -
peated once or twice.
291, No distinct neg. for this
tense. Perhaps the neg.
of pres perf, progressive
could be used, if ever
292. The Past Repetitive is used to express repeated action in
past time or a succession of similar acts performed in past time by
different persons or things.
Ngakuna ngakuna mamina, kena mamene, I planted and planted
the seeds, they have not sprouted.
3Ibuxi yandi yafua yafua, his goats died and died.
Rem. This tense (with the form used only once) may perhaps also
have the sense of a general or universal past.
293. Formation; tense sign ne + pronominal
prefix + stem with final a changed to e.
Note i. This is the only case in which the
tense sign comes before the pronominal
Note 2 . The pronominal prefix of 3 rd pers.
sing, of classes I and 111 is a instead of u.
Note 3 . Some seem to make the tense sign
na (nga) throughout instead of ne.
294. There is no dis-
tinct future
form for the
neg. When
needed, use
neg. of pres,
295. The Future Tense corresponds almost exactly to the future
of the English, the only difference being that the Buluba-Lulua does
not use the future form so frequently, tie present progressive being
employed in its stead, or the infinitive moo after the verb kulua.
to come. § 233, Rem.
Future Imminent.
296. Formation: pres, tense of
auxiliary tadi followed by
a participial form con-
structed as follows: second-
ary prefix -}-aku the tense
sign -t- stem.
Note i.. The for n following the
auxiliary is participial in its
inflection and is so treated.
§ 254 -
Note 2. In class I note the pre-
fix u(w) throughout in the
sing, and b(a) throughout in
the plural.
298. The Future Imminent is used when an action is represented
as liable to happe i or about to happen or is impending.
There is some danger of confusing this tense with the present immi-
nent, but the latter always means that which is just about to be done
or to happen, wdthin the present time limit, while the future imminent
is more indefinite as to the time limit. Two examples will illustrate:
ntadi nya, I am about to go (spoken by one who has been sitting near
you just as he rises to go); lufu lutadi luakulua, death is impending
{may come any time).
297. No distinct neg. for this
tense. The neg of pres,
progressive can be used, if
Present Imminent.
299. Formation: pres, tense of
auxiliary tadi followed by
pres, participle.
300. No distinct neg. form. Use
neg. of pres, progressive.
301. The Present Imminent tense is used to indicate an action
as just about to take place within the present time limit, and is to be
expressed in English by about to or going to. § 298.
302. For the use of kadi instead of tadi, see § 218, Rem. i.
303. The Subjunctive mood is used in certain conditional or con-
tingent clauses, though not in all conditional clauses.
Present Tense.
304 . Formation- pronominal pre
fix+a the tense sign
4- stem.
Note i. Because of the subor
dinating particles bi- and
ha- which are i sually em-
ployed with this tense, the 3rd
pers. prefi es are seldom used.
§ 124(a).
Note 2. For omission of ginist
pers. affirmative and negative,
see § 33, Rem. i.
305 . Formation: regular affirma-
tive pres, subjunctive of
ikala (§ 227), followed by
present tense of auxiliary
verb i (§ 225), followed by
past active participle.
30 G. The Present Subjunctive is used as follows:
(a) In the protasis of present general conditional sentences, taking
the subordinating conjunctive prefix bi-, if. § 459 (a).
Biwikala muana wa Nzambi, kuena muivi, if yon are a child of
God, you don't steal, or are not a thief.
{h) In the protasis of future conditions, taking also the subordinating
conjunctive prefix bi-, if. § 459 (b).
Biwadima bimpe, nenkuhe lukama lua mibela, if you work well,
I shall give you one hundred cowries.
(c) In the various subordinate clauses introduced by the subordi-
nating conjunctive prefix ha- (or hu-), meaning when, ajter, until,
all having a more or less future or contingent idea. § 458 {a) (c).
Hawalua nenkuhe lukama lua mibela, when you come {after you
come), I shall give you one hundred cowries.
Rem. I Sometimes the subordinating particle is omitted, but it
may be understood; as, nendue ngondo walua, I shall come next
month, i.e., when the moon comes.
Rem. 2. Under this same head may be noticed the weak impera-
tive forms referred to under § 237 {d)\ as, biwasua kumpa, wampa,
if you wish to give me, give me (i.e., if you choose)-.
(d) In certain contingent clauses expressing the idea of if you choose,
where you choose, etc.; as, teka cintu hawateka, put the thing where
you choose.
Rem, Note that the Locative Prefixed form is used in such cases.
§ 321.
(e) In relative clauses with a future or contingent idea; as, funda
bintu biwaya n’abi ku Ibanj, write down the things which you will
take to Ibanj. Cf. § 172.
Past Tense.
307. Formation: past tense of
auxiliary di followed by
infinitive mood.
308. Formation: past tense neg.
of di followed by infinitive
309. The Past Subjunctive is used in the apodosis of past or im-
possible conditional sentences. § 459 (c).
Bu wewe mulue lukusa, Lazalus kakadi kufua, if you had come
quickly, Lazarus would not have died.
Bu nuenu badime bimpe, nakadi kunuha lukama lua mlbela,
if you had worked well, I would have given you one hundred cowries.
Rem. The same tense is sometimes used in neg. past tenses with
munyi? why? § 420 (h), Rem. 2.
Present Tense.
310. Formation: pronominal pre-
fix + stem w'ith final a
changed to e.
Note. In 3rd sing, of classes I
and III the u beco es a.
311. Formation: neg. pronominal
prefix -h stem with final a
changed to e.
312. The Purportive mood, which, as far as investigated, seems to
have only one tense, is used quite extensively to express various rela-
tions, the most common being that of end or purpose, which fact fur-
nishes the name for the mood. The most common uses of this mood
are as follows:
(a) To express end or purpose, generally rendered into English by
in order that, that, so that, to with the infinitive mood, lest, in order that
not, etc. § 461 and Rem.
Lua ne bldia, mulunda winyi adie, bring the bread that my friend
may eat
Ndi nkgba muntu aye ku Ibanj, I am looking for a man to go to
Ndi ntenga buteya, nkuate nipuku, I am making a trap in order
that I may catch some rats.
Tula cikuku, kacitahe bantu ku niakusa, pull up the root that it
may not strike people on the jeet.
{h) In asking permission, or in inquiring as to the desirability of
doing something. These ideas are most often expressed in English
either by the future indicative or by may or shall and the infinitive,
Tubale raibela? shall we count the cowries?
Nye ? may I go?
(c) In the expression of various imperative ideas, especially the
hortative. § 237 {h) and (c) (3) (4).
313 . In addition to the above moods and tenses there are two pecu-
liar negative tenses which it may be as well to group together. One
of these we shall call the Munyi Negative, the other the Ci Negative.
The first of these is thus called because it is always found with munyi ?
why {not)? The other is so called because ci is its tense sign.
Rem. Just as we have found some tenses used only in the affirma-
tive with no distinct negative, so here we find negatives with no dis-
tinct afifirmatives.
The Munyi Negative.
314 . This tense form, which is found only in the negative, is made
thus: neg. pronominal prefix + stem with final a changed to i.
Note Verbs ending in ia, ua and na have the same changes here
as were indicated in the neg. imperative, § 236, Rems. 1-3.
315 . This form is used after munyi? why {not)? § 420 {b).
Munyi kuyi? why don't you go?
Munyi kudimi? don't you work?
The Ci Negative.
316 . This tense form, which is found only in the negative, is made
thus: neg. pronominal prefix +ci the tense sign -h stem with final
a changed to i.
Note. Verbs ending in ia, ua and na have the same changes here
as were indicated in the neg. imperative. § 236, Rems 1-3.
317 . This tense is used as a sort of half command and half ques-
tion, especially when it is used in 2nd and 3rd persons. In the ist
pers. it has an aflSrmative significance, though a neg. form.
Kucibikidi Kasongo, call Kasongo, or why don't you call Kasongo?
or ij you have not called him, do so.
Katuciyi, let us go, or why not go ?
318 . Below are given the various Mood and Tense forms, first of
the Auxiliary verbs and later of the verb suma, to bite. These should
be carefully studied and incessantly practised, for the success or failure
of speaking the language depends upon the degree of accuracy with
which the verbal inflections are used.
A. Auxiliary Verbs.
I. Di (neg. ena), to be.
Present Tense — I am, etc.
Affirmative. Negative.
p. ndi
p. udi
p. udi
< i
i i
‘ ‘
Past Tense — I
was, etc.
p. nakadi
p. wakadi
p. wakadi
< i
kak di
II Cidi (neg. cena), to he.
Present Tense—
-7 am, etc.
I St
p. ncidi
2ndp. ucidi
3rd p. ucidi
Past Tense — 7
was, etc.
p. nakacidi
p. wakacidi
3rd p. wakacidi
f «
( •
( (
buakacidi akacidi
Tadi (or Kadi)
, to he about to.
Present Tense — I am about to, etc.
I St
p. ntadi
p. utadi
n utadi
3rd p. utadi
i i
For neg. use
the root ena,
( »
the pres.
neg. of di.
t t
§ 318, A I.
t i
< <
t i
1 1
IV Tu, to be (Habitual).
Present Tense — I am, etc.
Affirmative. Negative.
I St
p. ntu
p. utu
3rd p. utu
i i
1 i
V. Negative
I, not to be.
Present Tense—
T am not, etc.
ist p. ci
2nd p. kui
3rd p. kai
‘ ‘ kawi
“ kai
“ kalui
‘ ' kadi
“ kabui
“ kaci
B. Paradigm of Regular Verb Suma, to bite.
I. Imperative Mood.
Present Tense — Bite thou, etc.
Affirmative Negative
Singular. Plural. Singular. Plural.
2nd p. suma sumi kusumi kanusuml
II. Infinitive Mood.
Present Tense — To bite.
III. Participles
(a) Active,
Present Tense — Biting. Past Tense — Having bitten.
ist p. nsuma
2nd p. usuma
3rd p. usuma
“ usuma
“ usuma
“ lusuma
“ disuma
“ busuma
“ cisuma
“ kasuma
{b) P a s s :
i V e .
Past Tense—
ist p, musuma
2nd p. musuma
3rd p. musuma
‘ ‘ musuma
“ musuma
“ lusuma
“ disuma
“ busuma
“ cisuma
“ kasuma
IV, Indicative Mood.
(a) Present Progressiv Tens — / am biting, etc.
Singular. Plural.
ist p. ndi nsuma
tudi tusuma
2ndp. udi usuma
nudi nusuma
3rd p. udi usuma
badi basuma
“ udi usuma
idi isuma
“ udi usuma
idi isuma
“ ludi lusuma
idi isuma
" didi disuma
adi asuma
" budi busuma
adi asuma
cidi cisuma
bidi bisuma
kadi kasuma
tudi tusuma
ist p. Ciena nsuma
katuena tusuma
2ndp. kuena usuma
kanuena nusuma
3rd p. kena usuma
kabena basuma
“ kawena usuma
kayena isuma
“ k na usuma
kayena isuma
“ kaluena lusuma
kayena isuma
“ kadiena disuma
kena asuma
“ kabuena busuma
kena asuma
" kaciena cisuma
kabiena bisuma
** kakena kasuma
katuena tusuma
Present Perfect Progressive Tense—
-I have bitten, etc.
ist p. ndi musume
tudi basume
2ndp. udi musume
nudi basume
3rd p. udi musume
badi basume
“ udi musume
idi misume
“ udi musume
idi misume
“ ludi lusume
idi misume
“ didi disume
adi masume
“ budi busume
adi masume
“ cidi cisume
bidi bisume
** kadi kasume
tudi tusume
ist p. ciena musume
katuena basume
2ndp. kuena musume
kanuena basume
3rd p. kena musume
kabena basume
“ kawena musume
kayena misume
‘‘ kena musume
kayena misume
“ kaluena lusume
kayena misume
'* kadle a disume
kena masume
“ kabuena busume
kena masume
“ kaciena cisume
kabiena bisume
“ kakena kasume
katuena tusume
(c) First Present Actual — I am now biting, etc.
I. ist p.
2nd p.
3rd p.
II. “
III. “
IV. “
V. “
VII. “
ncidi nsuma
ucidi usuma
ucidi usuma
ucidi usuma
ucidi usuma
lucidi lusuma
dicidi disuma
bucidi busuma
cicidi cisuma
kacidi kasuma
1st p. cicena nsuma
2nd p. kucena usuma
3rd p. kacena usuma
“ kaucena usuma
kacena usuma
kalucena lusuma
“ kadicena disuma
“ kabucena busuma
“ kacicena cisuma
kakacena kasuma
tucidi tusuma
nucidi nusuma
bacidi basuma
icidi isuma
icidi isuma
icidi isuma
acldi asuma
acidi asuma
bicidi bisuma
tucidi tusuma
katucena tusuma
kanucena nusuma
kabacena basuma
kaicena isuma
kaicena isuma
kaicena isuma
kacena asuma
kacena asuma
kabicena bisuma
katucena tusuma
{d) Second Present Actual — I am biting, etc.
Affirmative. Negative.
ist p. nsumasuma
2ndp. usumasuma
3rd p. usumasuma
“ usumasuma
Use neg. of Present Pro-
gressive. § 318 B
IV (a).
“ disumasuma
“ busumasuma
“ cisumasuma
“ kasumasuma
(e) Present Habitual — / bile, etc.
ist p. ntu ngasuma
tutu tuasuma
2ndp. utu wasuma
nutu nuasuma
3rd p. utu wasuma
batu basuma
“ utu wasuma
itu yasuma
‘ ‘ utu wasuma
itu yasuma
“ lutu luasuma
itu yasuma
" ditu diasuma
atu asuma
“ butu buasuma
atu asuma
citu ciasuma
bitu biasuma
“ katu kasuma
tutu tuasuma
ist p. citu ngasuma
2nd p. kutu wasuma
3rd p. katu wasuma
“ kautu wasuma
“ katu wasuma
*• kalutu luasuma
“ kaditu diasuma
kabutu buasuma
“ kacitu ciasuma
kakatu kasuma
katutu tuasuma
kanutu nuasuma
kabatu basuma
kaitu yasuma
kaitu yasuma
kaitu yasuma
katu asuma
katu asuma
kabitu biasuma
katutu tuasuma
(/) Past Indefinite — I bit, etc.
Affirmative. Negative.
ist p. nakusuma
2nd p. wakusuma
3rd p. wakusuma
“ wakusuma
“ wakusuma
“ luakusuma
“ diakusuma
“ buakusuma
“ ciakusuma
“ kakusuma
(g) Past Perfect — I had bitten, etc.
Affirmative. Negative.
ist p. nakasuma
2ndp. wakasuma
3rd p. wakasuma
“ wakasuma
" wakasuma
“ luakasuma
“ diakasuma
“ buakasuma akasuma
“ ciakasuma
'• kakasuma
{h) Past Progressive — I was biting, etc.
I. ist p,
2nd p.
3rd p.
II. “
III. •'
IV. “
V. “
VI. “
VII. “
nakadi nsuma
wakadi usuma
wakadi usuma
wakadi usuma
wakadi usuma
luakadi lusuma
diakadi disuma
buakadi busuma
ciakadi cisuma
kakadi kasuma
tuakadi tusuma
nuakadi nusuma
bakadi basuma
yakadi isuma
yakadi isuma
yakadi isuma
akadi asuma
akadi asuma
biakadi bisuma
tuakadi tusuma
I. ist p. ciakadi nsuma
2nd p. kuakadi usuma
3rd p. kakadi usuma
II. “ kawakadi usuma
III. “ kakadi usuma
IV. “ kaluakadl lusuma
V. “ kadiakadi disuma
VI. “ kabuakadi busuma
VII. “ kaciakadi cisuma
VIII. “ kakakadi kasuma
katuakadi tusuma
kanuakadi nusuma
kabakadi basuma
kayakadi isuma
kayakadi isuma
kayakadi isuma
kakadi asuma
kakadi asuma
kabiakadi bisuma
katuakadi tusuma
(i) Past Perfect Progressive — I had been biting, etc.
I St
p. nakadi musume
tuakadi basume
2nd p. .vakadi musume
3rd p. wakadi musume
• ‘ Avakadi musume
nuakadi basume
bakadi basume
yakadi misume
wakadi musume
yakadi misume
i 1
luakadi lusume
yakadi misume
diakadi disume
akadi masume
% (
buakadi busume
akadl masume
i 1
ciakadi cisume
biakadi bisume
i i
kakadi kasume
tuakadi tusume
I St
p. ciakadi musume
katuakadi basume
2ndp. kuakadi musume
3rd p. kakadi musume
“ kawakadi musume
kanuakadi basume
kabakadi basume
kayakadi misume
i i
kakadi musume
kayakadi misume
i t
kaluakadi lusume
kayakadi misume
( (
kadiakadi disume
kakadi masume
C t
kabuakadi busume
kakadi masume
t t
kaciakadi cisume
kabiakadi bisume
i t
kakakadi kasume
katuakadi tusume
(7) Present Repetitive — 7 keep biting and biting, etc.
ist p. nsuma nsuma
tusuma tusuma
2nd p. usuma usuma
nusuma nusuma
3rd p. usuma usuma
basuma basuma
“ usuma usuma
isuma isuma
“ usuma usuma
Isuma isuma
“ lusuma iusuma
isuma isuma
“ disuma disuma
asuma asuma
“ busuma busuma
asuma asuma
“ cisuma cisuma
bisuma bisuma
“ kasuma kasuma
tusuma tusuma
Use neg. o f
Present Pro-
§ 318 B IV
{k) Past Repetitive — / kept biting and biting, ^
ist p. ngasiuna ngasunia
tuasuma tuasuma
2nd p. wasuma wasuraa
nuasuma nuasuma
3rd p. wasuma wasuma
basuma basuma
Use generally
“ wasuma wasuma
yasuma yasuma
neg. of Pres.
“ wasuma wasuma
yasuma yasuma
Perf. Pro-
“ luasuma luasuma
yasuma yasuma
“ diasuma diasuma
asuma asuma
§ 318 B IV
“ buasuma buasuma
, asuma asuma
“ ciasuma ciasuma
biasuma biasuma
** kasuma kasuma
tuasuma tuasuma
(/) Future—
■7 shall bite, etc.
ist p nensume
2nd p. neusume
3rd p. neasume
“ neusume
“ neasume
“ nelusume
“ nedlsume
Use neg. 0 f
Pres. Pro-
§ 318 B IV
“ nebusume
“ necisume
“ nekasume
(w) Future Imminent — 7 am about to bite.
ist p. ntadi wakusuma
tutadi bakusuma
2nd p. utadi wakusuma
nutadi bakusuma
3rd p. utadi wakusuraa batadi bakusuma
“ utadi wakusuma
itadi yakusuma
“ utadi wakusuma
itadi yakusuma
“ lutadi luakusuma
itadi yakusuma
“ ditadi diakusuma
atadi akusuma
“ butadi buakusuma
atadi akusuma
citadi ciakusuma
bitadi biakusuma
“ katadi kakusuma
tutadi tuakusuma
Use neg. o f
Pres. Pro-
§ 318 B IV
(n) Present Imminent — I am just about to bite, etc.
Affirmative. Negative.
I St p. ntadi nsuma
tutadi tusuma
2nd p. utadi usuma
nutadi nusuma
3rd p. utadi usuma
“ utadi usuma
“ utadi usuma
batadi basuma
itadi isuma
itadi isuma
Use neg. 0 f
Pres. Pro-
§ 318 B IV
“ lutadiTusuma
itadi isuma
‘‘ ditadi dismna
atadi asuma
“ butadi busuma
atadi asuma
“ citadi cisuma
bitadi bisuma
“ katadi kasuma
tutadi tusuma
V. Subjunctive Mood.
Present Tense — (//) I bite, etc.*
ist p. nasuma
2nd p. wasuma
3rd p. wasuma
‘ ‘ wasuma
‘ ‘ wasuma
‘ ‘ luasuma
“ diasuma
“ buasuma
‘ ‘ ciasuma
“ kasuma
Ist p. nyikala ci musume
tuikala katui basume
2nd p. wikala kui musume
nuikala kanui basume
3rd p. wikala kai musume
bikala kabai basume
' ‘ wikala kawi musume
yikala kayi misume
“ wikala kai musume
yikaia kayi misume
“ luikala kalui lusume
yikala kayi misume
** dikala kadi disume
ikala kai masume
“ buikala kabui busume
ikala kai masume
“ ctkd,la kaci cisume
bikala kab! bisum e
“ kikala kakai kasume
tuikala katui tusume
* Though the Pres. Subiunctive forms are nearly always found with the sub-
|j ordinating prefixes bi. ha. when etc., with the consequent pronominal
I suffixes in all .^rd person forms, yet the pronominal prefixes are used in the
j paradigm. Compare § 306 (c) Rems, i and 2.
Past Tense — / would have bitten ^ etc.
I. ist p. nakadi kusuma
2nd p. wakadi kusuma
3rd p. wakadi kusuma
tuakadi kusuma
nuakadi kusuma
bakadi kusuma
“ wakadi kusuma
yakadi kusuma
“ wakadi kusuma
yakadi kusuma
“ luakadi kusuma
yakadi kusuma
“ diakadi kusuma
akadi kusuma
“ buakadi kusuma
akadi kusuma
“ ciakadi kusuma
biakadi kusuma
“ kakadi kusuma
tuakadi kusuma
I. ist p. ciakadi kusuma
2nd p. kuakadi kusuma
3rd p. kakadi kusuma
II. “ kawakadi kusuma
III. “ kakadi kusuma
IV. “ kaluakadi kusuma
V. “ kadiakadi kusuma
VI. “ kabuakadi kusuma
VII. “ kaciakadi kusuma
VIII. “ kakakadi kusuma
katuakadi kusuma
kanuakadi kusuma
kabakadi kusuma
kayakadi kusuma
kayakadi kusuma
kayakadi kusuma
kakadi kusuma
kakadi kusuma
kabiakadi kusuma
katuakadi kusuma
VI. Pur por live Mood.
Present Tense — That I may bite, etc.
ist p. nsume
2nd p. usume
3rd p. asume
“ usume
“ asume
“ lusume
“ disume
“ busume
“ cisume
b isume
“ kasume
VII. The Peculiar Negatives.
(a) The Munyi Negative — Why don't I bite?, etc.
ist p. cisumi
2 nd p. kusumi
3 rd p. kasumi
“ kausumi
“ kasumi
“ kalusuml
“ kadisumi
“ kabusumi
“ kacisumi
“ kakasumi
(&) The Ci Negative — Why don't I bite?, etc.
ist p. cicisumi
2 nd p. kucisumi
3 rd p. kacisumi
“ kaucisumi
“ kacisumi
“ kalucisumi
“ kadicisumi
“ kabucisumi
“ kacicisumi
“ kakacisumi
319. The locatives, mu and ku and ha, when inflected with the
verb, need careful study, for they are of frequent occurrence. The
locatives may be either suffixed or prefixed directly to the verb.
I. The Locatives Suffixed.
320. The locatives are suffixed directly to verbs, affirmative and
negative, when there is the idea of place expressed or understood in
the sentence. In such cases the locative is to be translated by in it,
in them, at it, at them, on it, on them, thither, within, without, hence,
thence, hither, etc.
Rzm. I. The locative word to be employed depends upon the loca-
tive expressed or understood in the course of the conversation.
Rem. 2. In compound tenses the locatives are suffixed to the par-
ticiple rather than to the auxiliary.
Rem. 3. Observe that hu is preferred to ha as the suffixed form.
Examples of locative suffixed:
Xdimu, 1 am in {it); ndiku, I am at {it)i ndihu, I am on {it).
Cifulu cidi ha mesa? cidihu, is the hat on the table? it is on {it).
Wakuxikama mu nsubu? nakuxikamamu, did you sit in the house?
I sat in {it).
Wakayaku, he has gone to it {thither).
Lua ne cisuka, ng:elemu [§ 312 (a)] bintu, bring the basket in order
that I may put the things in it.
Kenaku, he is not here, or is not there.
II. Locatives Prefixed.
321 . The locatives are prefixed to the finite parts of the verb, not
to participles or infinitives. They are thus used in many kinds of
subordinate clauses expressing place, especially in indirect questions
and in relative clauses which in English are introduced by where,
whither, whence, whereon, wherein, etc., in which the antecedent with
its governing locative is unexpressed, but understood. Cf. § 169, Rem.
\di munya kuakukulukeye, I know where he fell.
Kena mumunye hanakuya, he does not know where I went.
Undexe hakucitekeye, show me where he put it (cifulu, hat).
Ciena mumunye mudiye, I don't know in what (e.g., house) he is.
Wakumona hadi bakuxi badima? have you seen where' the wcnnen
are working ?
Tumbele tuakadi muakulaleye, the peanuts were {in the house) in
which he slept.
Rem. I. Note the following use with ne, whether, if.
Ya uk6ba ne mudi bixi, go and see if there are any insects in {it),
lit. go and see whether therein are insects.
Rem. 2. We have a somewhat similar construction with the infini-
tive, but the locative in such cases preceded the -a, meaning to or for.
Cf. § 239 {b), Rem. i.
Ciena ne mua kutekela bintu biinyl, I have no place in which to
put my things.
Rem. 3. In all cases where the locatives are used with the finite
parts of the verb, the subject, if third person, is the pronominal suflhx.
Cf. § 124 (a).
Rem. 4. The locatives are prefixed to the auxiliary in compound
tenses, not to the participle as in the case of the locative suflSx. Cf.
§ 320, Rem. 2.
Rem. 5. It is of importance to distinguish when to use the locative
suflSxed and when the locative prefixed. As a general rule the former
are translated by the simple phrases in it, in them, etc., whereas the
latter are translated by where, whither, wherein, whereon, etc., in sub
ordinate clauses with the antecedent omitted.
Rem. 6. The locative word to be employed depends upon the loca-
tive expressed or understood in the course of the conversation.
Rem. 7. The above use of the locative prefixes in subordinate clauses
is not to be confounded with the locatives prefixed in simple sentences
(§ 1 15), or with the relative clause when locative and antecedent are
expressed, though the principle is the same in all.
Rem. 8. The locative prefixed construction is used in direct ques-
tions with the verb di, to he. § 381.
Wakuya kudi kunyi ? where has he gone? lit. he has gone to it is
Rem. 9. As w’e have seen under § 106 (c) (i), the locatives do not
stand immediately before the disjunctive personal pronouns of class I
and the sing, of class III. In these cases we have the locative pre-
fixed construction with some verb meaning to he. In fact we often find
this construction not only with the pronoun, as above mentioned, but
also with nouns, where in English the simple preposition with the
pronoun or noun would be used; as, lua kundi, come to me, i.e., where
I am\ ya kudiye, go to him, i.e., where he is] ya kudi mamu*ebi,
go to your mother.
322 . The Buluba-Lulua language is very rich in derived verbs
and nouns, and these add much to the flexibility and precision of ex-
pression. As a general rule, we may say that the agglutinative process
is the principle on which the majority of such derivatives are made.
Naturally such words occupy a large and an important place in the
One w'ould suppose that, having stated the general laws governing
the formation and meaning of the various derivatives, only the root
w'ord need be introduced in the Vocabulary, but often the derived
form comes to have a special meaning w’hich demands for it a place
in the Vocabulary. On the other hand certain English words have
as their equivalents some of the derived forms, and these must of
necessity be introduced. But these derived forms have not been put
into the Vocabulary except when necessity seemed to demand it, other-
wise the number of words would be almost indefinitely large.
I. Derivative Verbs.
323. Nearly every simple verb root in the language may have one
or more derivative forms which modify in various ways the root idea.
This modification is made by means of certain suffixes, whereas, in
English, such modifications are made by pre-fixes, for the most part.
Thus, in English, we say make, remake, unmake', form, reform, trans-
form, conform', etc. In the Buluba-Lulua we have, for example, from
the root sanga, to put together, some such derived forms as sangila,
sangixa, sangakana, sangakanya, sangangana, sanguluka, etc.
324. Of course not every verb root can have, as a fact, all the de-
rived forms, for often the root meaning would preclude it.
325. All of these derived frrms are, in every sense, verbs, and they
take the usual pronominal prefixes, suffixes and infixes, and have all
the usual verbal adjuncts.
1 326. Sometimes we may find two or more suffixes at the same time,
\ added to the same root, thus still farther modifying the meaning.
327. Some verbs are simple roots, though they have apparently
a derived form. On the other hand some verbs evidently have a de-
rived form but have lost the derivative signification.
Applied Forms.
328. What is called the Applied Form of the verb is obtained by
changing the final vowel of the root to ila or ela or ina or yina, in ac-
cordance with certain rules which will be stated later. The resulting
form expresses the idea of advantage or disadvantage to the person
or thing affected; or it may in a general way denote an action done
to some object or done on behalf of some object or because of some
person or thing, and hence can generally be translated into English
by to, for, against, etc.
banda, to climb, gives bandila, to climb for {one)', *
‘ iba, to steal, gives ibila, to steal for {one)’,
songa, to carve, gives songela, to carve for {one)',
tuma, to send, gives tumina, to send to {one)’,
suna, to fetch water, gives sunyina, to fetch water for {one).
Rem. I. The Applied Form is often used where in English we find
a prepositional phrase indicating instrument or purpose, and hence
. is sometimes to be translated by with or for or other appropriate prepo-
sitions. This same form has an extensive use in asking the question
why? what for? etc. § 420.
* Observe that the simple roots are translated as infinitives.
L'di uyila ku Ibanj cinyi? why are you going to Ihanj?
■ Wakfidila makela cinyi? jor what reason did you buy the eggs?
Ndi nk^ba iuvu lua mbua kudila, I am looking jor a trough jor
the dog to eat out oj.
Rem. 2. Often these Applied Forms can scarcely be translated into
Yila (from ya, to go) eku, go around this way.
329. The rules for the formation of the Applied Forms are as follows:
(a) Ila is used when the last vowel of the root (not counting the
changeable final a) is a, a, i, i, u, u, or a monosyllabic stem like ya,
to go. § 26.
banda, to climb, gives bandila, to climb jor)
t^ha, to cut, gives t^hila, to cut jor-,
iba, to steal, gives ibila, to steal jor)
xiha, to kill, gives xihila, to kill jor)
sumba, to buy, gives sumbila, to buy jor)
Ibuka, to build, gives ibukila, to build jor)
ya, to go, gives yila, to go jor.
Note. Sometimes the roots in I give ela; hence we may from the
root xiha have both xihila and xlhela.
{b) Ela is used when the last vowel of the root (not counting the
changeable final a) is e, 6 or o. § 26. -
teka, to put, gives tekela, to put jor)
kgba, to search jor, gives k^bela, to search jor jor)
lomba, to beg, gives lombela, to beg jor.
(c) Ina or ena is used when the last syllable of the verb has m or
the double consonant ny. § 15 (b) (i), Rem.
tuma, to send, gives tumina, to send jor)
abanya, to divide up, gives abanyina, to divide up jor)
k^ma, to wonder, gives kemena, to wonder jor.
Rem. The Applied Form of xima, to tell jalsehood, is ximinyina,
to tell jalsehood on.
{d) Tina or yena is used when the stem of the verb ends in na.
§ 34 (<2), Rem.
suna, to bring water, gives sunyina, to bring water jor.
{e) When the last syllable of the unchanged root is a diphthong,
the second letter of the diphthong generally determines the suffix in
accordance with the rules above given.
hueka, to go down, gives huekela, to go down jor)
buika, to shut, gives buikila, to shut jor.
(/) When the final a is itself part of a diphthong, ua or ia, the form
in 11a is used.
dia, to eat, gives dila, to eat for;
fua, to die, gives fuila, to die for.
330. It has been already noted (§ 326) that sometimes two or more
suffi.xes may be added to the same root at the same time. Here it
must be observed that certain irregularities occur when the Applied
Forms are added to verbs already having the derivative suffixes -akana,
-angana, -una and -ula. The other suffixes add ila, ela, etc., regu-
(a) Verbs in -akana give -akena; hence endakana, to walk about,
gives endakena, to walk about for. Cf. § 339.
(b) Verbs in -angana give -ilangana, -elangana, -inangana,
-enangana, -yinangana, -yenangana; in other words, angana is
simply added to the regular Applied Forms. Hence tahangana, to
strike each other, gives t^hilangana, to strike each other for; henda,
to offend, gives hendelangana, to offend each other for, abanya, to
divide up, gives abanyinangana, to divide up among each other for.
(c) Verbs in -una give -ulna. § 341.
andamuna, to turn over, gives andamuina, to turn over for.
{d) Verbs in -ula give -uila. § 341.
cibula, to break, gives cibuila, to break for.
331. Further observation may lead to the discovery of other methods
of forming the Applied derivatives, but the great majority of verbs
will be found to come under one or the other of the above rules.
332. The Applied Forms are generally regarded as transitive, taking
a direct and an indirect object, but sometimes we find only the indirect
object. Note that the indirect object immediately follows the verb.
Wakusunyina Malendola mi, she has brought water for Malen-
dola. Wakatufuila, he died for us.
Causative Forms.
333. The Causative Form of the verb is obtained by changing the
final vowel of the root to Ixa, exa, uxa or yixa, in accordance with
rules which will be given later. The resulting form is always a transi-
tive verb which signifies making or causing a person or thing to do
or be the thing implied in the original verb root.
banda, to go up, gives bandixa, to cause to go up, i.e., to raise;
flka, to be black, gives flkixa. to cause to be black, i.e., to blacken.
9 ^
334 . The rules for the formation of the Causative Forms are as
(a) Ixa is used when the last vowel of the root (not counting the
changeable final a) is a, &, i, i, u or u. § 26.
banda, io go up, gives bandixa, to cause to go up, to raise]
taha, to cut, gives tihixa, to cause to cut,
flka, to be black, gives flkixa, to cause to become black, to blacken]
tuta, to come back, gives tucixa, to cause to come back (§ 30);
ibuka, to build, gives ibukixa, to cause to build.
(b) Exa is used when the last vowel of the root (not counting the
changeable final a) is e, e or o, § 26.
teka, to put, gives tekexa, to cause to put]
k^ba, to search jor, gives kebexa, to cause to look for]
lomba, to beg, gives lombexa, to cause to beg.
(c) Uxa is generally used when the form to be made causative ends
in ula. § 26, Rem.
ula, to be full, gives uxa, to cause to be full, i.e., to fill.
(d) Yixa is used when the stem of the verb ends in na. Cf. § 34 (a),
cina, to fear, gives cinyixa, to cause to fear, i.e., to frighten.
(e) When the last syllable of the unchanged root is a diphthong, the
second letter of the diphthong generally determines the suffix in ac-
cordance with the rules above given.
hueka, to go down, gives huekexa, to cause to go down]
buika, to shut, gives buikixa, to cause to shut.
(/) When the final a is itself part of a diphthong, ua or la, the form
in Ixa is used.
dia, to eat, gives dixa, to cause to eat, i.e., to feed]
hua, to be completed, gives huixa, to complete.
335 . Just as other derivative forms are sometimes given the Applied
Form, in the same way we fi/fjl that other derivative forms may, as
occasion demands, take the Causative Form. Here we must note a
few peculiarities;
(a) The Cusative Form is made Applied or Reciprocal by adding
the regular Applied or Reciprocal suffixes,
bandixa gives bandixila,
munyixa gives munyixangana
(b) Verbs in -akana (§ 339) change this to -aku\a or -akanya.
tanibakana, to go back and forth, gives tambakuxa or tamba-
kanya, to cause to go back and forth.
Rem. The form in -akuxa is Buluba, that in -akanya is Lulua.
(c) Verbs in -uka give -uxa, those in -uka give -uxa, those in
-adika give -adixa.
dimuka, to he informed, gives dimuxa, to inform',
tangaluka, to scatter (intr.), gives tangaluxa, to scatter (trans.);
tangadika, to scatter (intr.), gives tangadixa, to scatter (trans.).
{d) There are a number of other forms which have some peculiari-
ties in the formation of the Causative or transitive construction. We
have words in -ala (-ala) having the Causative in -axa (-axa); some
words in -ela take Causative in -exa; some words take -ikixa; some
take -ika; some in -oboko have -oboxa; some in -akala give -aktixa.
sangala, to amend, gives sangaxa, to cause to amend',
buela, to go in, gives buexa, to cause to go in',
sela, to move sidewise, gives sexa, to cause to move sidewise',
fuana, to be alike, gives fuanyiklxa, to cause to he alike [§ 34 (a),
lala, to lie down, gives ladika, to cause to lie down',
vuala, to put on one's clothes, gives vuadika, to clothe',
xikama, to sit down, gives xikika, to seat {one)',
nyongoboka, to he crooked, gives nyongoboxa, to cause to be
zakala, to tremble, gives zakuxa, to cause to tremble.
Rem. There are a few other peculiar forms, but the great majority
of the verbs make the'Causative in one or the other of the ways in-
dicated above.
336 . It will be observed that the vowel assimilations for the Causa-
tive Forms are almost the same as those for the Applied. Note, how-
ever, that the forms with m and ny take ixa or exa, depending upon
the vowel of the root rather than upon the presence of m or ny. § 329 (c) .
turn a, to send, gives turn ixa, to cause to send',
abanya, to divide up, gives abanyixa, to cause to divide up.
( 337 . It is important to note that the Causative Form of the verb
is extensively used to express the English idea of to help to do, to aid
in doing, etc. In this case the person or thing helped comes imme-
1 diately after the verb.
Wakusunyixa Malendola mi, she helped Malendola to carry the
Ya wibukixe Kasongo nsubu wandi, go and help Kasongo to huild
his house.
Xakumudimixa, I helped him to work.
Bakukombexa Buabu, they helped Buahu to sweep.
338. The Applied Form of the Causative means to ha e something
done for or to get something done for; as, from enza, to do, we have
enzela, to do for, and enzexa, to help to do, and enzexela, to cause
to do for one, i.e., to have done or get done for one.
Intensive Forms.
339. The Intensive Form of the verb is formed by changing the
final vowel of the root to -akana, which gives to the root the idea of
intensity of action or movement, and can generally be translated by
hack and forth, over and over again, constantly, etc. Sometimes there
is a thought of many doing the same thing, each independently. In
many cases the intensive form cannot be translated into English.
enda, to go, gives endakana, to go about from place to place;
huyakana, to pant;
tamba, to go by, gives tambakana, to go back and forth.
Rem. I. Verbs in -nia have the Intensive suffix -enena.
nema, to be heavy, gives nemenena, to be heavy.
Rem. 2. For Applied Form of these verbs in -akana, see § 330 (a).
Reciprocal Form.
340. The Reciprocal Form of the verb is obtained by changing
the final vowel of the root to -angana, and it conveys the idea that
the action of the original word is carried on mutually by two or more
persons or things with reference to one another.
seka, to laugh, gives sekangana, to laugh at each other;
taha, to cut, gives tahangana, to cut each other;
munya, to know, gives munyangana, to know each other.
Rem. I. Sometimes this suffix -angana is used to express custom
or habit; as, mbua udi usumangana, the dog bites.
Rem. 2. For Applied Form of these verbs in -angana, see § 330 ih).
Active Transitive and Middle Voice Forms.
341. As we have already seen under § 201, a Middle Voice form
is obtained by displacing the final a of the root and suffixing -uka
(sometimes -ika or -ma). In many verbs having this Middle Voice
form, there is also a corresponding Active Transitive Form which is
obtained by displacing the 6nal a of the root and suffixing -una or -ula.
Hence we have
Active Transitive. Middle Voice,
andaniuna, to turn over, andamuka, to turn over;
sabula, to put one across a stream, sabuka, to go across a stream;
cibula, to break, cibuka, to break;
tula, to pull out, tuka, to come out.
Rem. I. A few middle voice forms in -ma have a corresponding transi-
tive form in -ka; as, sokoma, to hide {one's self), gives sokoka, to
hide (trans.).
Rem. 2. For Applied Form of verbs in -una and -ula, see § 330 (c)
and {d).
342 , It has been noted (§ 333) that many intransitive and middle
voice verbs are made transitive by means of the Causative suffixes.
It is sometimes difficult to determine whether some suffixes ought to
be classed under Causative Forms or under the active transitive.
343 , A few verbs have a middle voice or intransitive form in -eka
(-oka), without any corresponding transitive suffix.
ona, to corrupt, gives oneka (onoka), to become corrupt;
mona, to see, gives mueneka, to become seen, i.e., to appear.
Passive Voice Forms.
344 , As we have seen under § 202 (c), one method of expressing
the Passive Voice is by means of the suffix -ibua, which has the regular
active forms in conjugation
Expansive or Reversive Forms.
345, The Expansive or Reversive Forms are obtained by displacing
the final a of the root and suffixing -ulula or -ola or -olola. The
resulting form expresses with more or less regularity the idea of ex-
pansion, elongation, separation, opening, reversion, etc. Often the
thought is expressed in English by the prefix un-.
The above-mentioned suffixes, -ulula, -ola and -olola, are active
transitive; there are also the corresponding middle voice or intransi-
tive forms in -uluka, -oka and -oloka. Cf. § 341.
Active Transitive,
sangulula, to scatter,
abulula, to separate,
fululula, to raise to life,
ololola, to unfold,
sulula, to unfasten,
hikula, to redeem
Middle Voice,
sanguluka, to scatter;
abuluka, to separate;
fululuka, to arise from death;
ololoka, to unfold;
suluka, to become unfastened;
muhika, a slave).
Repetitive Forms.
346. These forms are made by using the suffixes -ulula and -ununa,
the resulting form having the idea of repetition of the action,
amba, to tell, gives ambulula, to tell over and over-,
dima, to work, gives dimununa, to work over and over again.
347. There are other verbal suffixes of more or less definite mean-
ing, but it hardly seems profitable to introduce more of them here.
The most common and important have been mentioned.
348. We must note that some verbs are derived from nouns; as,
hikula, to redeem, from muhika, a sla v^ Imn a, to cohabit with, from
mulumi, won; etc.
II. Derivative Nouns.
349. The more common Derivative Nouns are obtained from other
nouns, or from adjectives, or from simple or derived verbs, or from
certain prepositional forms. Each of these classes of derived nouns
is now taken up.
Nouns jrom Other Nouns.
350. The prefix bu- (class VI), used with the root of a noun belong-
ing to any other class, conveys the idea of abstract state or condition,
and is generally to be translated into English by the suffix -ship or
mukelenge, chief, gives bukelenge, chiejship',
muana, child, gives buana, childhood.
Rem. It has already been noted that the language of a people is
expressed in the same way. § 55 , Rem. i.
351. An ironical word can be made by using the prefixes of class
VII and the suffix -ana.
cilumiana, a big man, from mulumi, man -,
cikuxiana, a big woman, from mukuxi, woman.
352. Words indicating worthlessness or iiicongruousness may be
made by using the prefixes of class VII and doubling the root of the
word. See § 356 (^).
353. When the speaker does not care to bother with mentioning
the name of the person or thing, or if he has forgotten the name, an
indefinite reference may be made by suffixing -ana; as, mulumiana,
a man whose name has been forgotten, or whose name you don't care to
bother with mentioning-, mukuxiana, a woman whose name, etc.
Rem. The words muntinyi (from muntu, person, or cintu, thing)
and kampa da (class I) have the same meaning as mulumiana, etc.
These words have an adjective force and may take the prefix of
the class of the noun referred to. Hence we have, according to class,
muntinyi, J antinyi, cintinyi, luntinyi, etc.; also bakampanda,
cikampanda, etc.
Nouns from Adjectives and Numerals.
354. The abstract idea of the adjective is expressed by prefixing
i bu- (class VI) to the root of the adjective.
toke, white, gives butoke, whiteness’,
nine, large, gives bunine, largeness.
Rem. The same form is used with numerals to express entirety.
§ 95 (a). Butanu buabo bakuya, all -five of them went.
355. The expressions how often and how many times are made by
prefixing ciaka- (sing.) and biaka- (pi.) to the numerals. § 95 (&).
ciakabidi, second time’, biakabidi, two times, twice.
Rem. Note also diakamue, ciahamue and diacimue. § 95 ( 6 ),
Rems. I and 2.
Nouns from Verbs.
356. We find several forms of noun derivatives from verbs:
(a) The agent *or performer of an act is expressed by changing the
final a of the verb root to 1 and using the prefixes of class I.
muibi, a thief, from iba, to steal’,
mutudi, a blacksmith, from tula, to forge’,
musungidi, a savior, from sungila, to save.
Rem. In the same way the noun denoting the sufferer of the action,
the noun denoting the one who causes the action, the noun denoting
the one who acts for another, may be obtained from the Passive, the
Causative and the Applied Forms of the verb respectively. The same
is true of the other verbal derivatives.
1 {b) The place where an action is usually performed is expressed
by suffixing -ilu (-elu) and prefixing ci- and bi- (class VII) to the
root of the verb. Perhaps it would be better to say that the final a
, of the Applied Form is changed to u.
cibandilu, a stairway, from banda, to go up’,
cilambilu, a kitchen, from lamba, to cook’,
cixikidilu. destination, from xika, to end.
(c) The way or manner of doing is expressed by using the prefixes \
of class VII and the Applied Form of the verb with final a changed
to i.
cienzedi, way of doing, from enza, to do\
cilambidi, way of cooking, from lamba, to cook.
Kuena mumunye cilambidi cikuabo ? donH you know another way
of cooking ?
Rem. Sometimes we find the place and the manner forms used
interchangeably; this is doubtless due to differences of dialects.
{d) An abstract idea of the verb root may often be expressed by |
using the sing, prefix of class IV (lu-), with the final vowel of the root
changed generally to u or o.
luendu, a journey, from enda, to go, to walk',
lulelu, power to give birth, from lela, to give birth',
lufu, death, from fua, to die.
Rem. I. This derivative form in lu- may often be used to express j
habit, ability, persistence or perseverance in an action; as, muntu •
wa lulombo, a begging person’, muena lulombo, a beggar-, mulumi
eu udi ne luendu, this man has the power to walk much, or he does
much going about.
Rem. 2. From the verb sua, to love, we have not lusu, as might be
expected, but luse, love.
(e) We have a few noun derivatives from verbs put into class VI;
as, budimi, field, from dima, to cultivate-, bulalu, bed, from lala, to
lie down.
if) The bad or wrong or careless way of doing anything is expressed ^
by the prefix bu- (class VI) and the suffix -afl (-afl).
buluatafi, slovenliness, from luata, to wear-,
buelafi, bad aim, from ela, to shoot.
{g) The idea of worthlessness or incongruousness is expressed by
the prefixes of class VII and the doubling of the root of the word. These
derivatives can be made either from nouns or from verbs. See § 352.
cilumilumi, a worthless man, from mulumi, wan;
cisubusubu, a worthless house, from nsubu, house-,
cielele, a no-account knife, from kele, knife-,
cianana, a no-account child, from muana, child-,
citokatoka, an albino, from toka, to be white-,
cilambalamba, bad cooking, from lamba, to cook-,
ciakulakula nonsense, gibberish, from akula, to talk',
ciendenda, vagrancy, from enda, to walk.
\ {h) The past active participle of some verbs may be used as nouns,
muhote (class I), a fool, from hota, to be foolish.
{i) The infinitive of the verb is used as a noun to express the simple
abstract idea of the verb root. In this case the infinitive sign ku-
furnishes the prefix for the concord.
Kudima kudi kutamba kuxikama cinana, to work is better than
to sit idle.
Nouns from Locative Forms.
357. From the forms kuinyi, kuetu, kuenu, etc., we have by
using the prefixes of class 1 a group of nouns meaning my fellow towns-
mauy etc. Cf. § 142.
mukuetu, our (or my) fellow townsman\
bakuabo, their fellow townsman.
Rem. Much like this is mukua, one from the village of. § 87 {d),
Rem. 2.
358. From kunxi, down at, we have dikunxi (V), a pillar, post.
359. There is quite a number of words, gotten by the combination
of the locative and an inseparable substantive form, which come to
have in English the force of a noun, though retaining the prepositional
form and construction. Some of the more common are the following:
Munda, the inside, the abdomen', kuntaku, at the butt end', kun-
kuci, at the center', mundankulu, midnight', hanxi, floor, on the
ground', haciacia, daybreak, at the dawning', kumanda, stern, at
the lower end', kukala, beach, at the edge. § 423 (2) (b).
360. Reference has already been made to nouns of foreign origin.
See § 55, Rem 2, with Notes i and 2.
361. There are some other derived nouns, but it hardly seems
profitable to mention more of them here, since the most common have
been treated.
Great caution must be exercised in presuming from analogy that
because certain nouns derived in a certain way have a certain fixed
meaning, therefore other nouns formed in a similar way will have a
similar meaning. This does not always follow. It seems highly
probable that some lexicographers have gone too far in this respect
and have brought words into the language which have no place there,
because they are not used by the natives. The same caution must be
observed in the case of the derived verbs. Let it be ^ ntinually borne
in mind that as a general rule the native avoids the complicated derived
form, both in nouns and in verbs, and usually throws his sentences
into the simplest form both as regards the words and the constructions
363. The Buluba-Lulua language is comparatively poor in regular | ^
adverbs. This lack is supplied for the most part by the use of nouns, 1 j
prepositional phrases, locative formations and other idiomatic expres- • i
In many cases the adverbial idea is contained in the verb; as, kusa-
buka, io go over) kubika, to stand up.
Some of the more common English adverbs and adverbial phrases,
with the Buluba-Lulua equivalents, are now given. Others cai be
gotten from the Vocabulary.
I. Adverbs of Place.
363. Here the locatives, mu and ku and ha, play a most important
part. They are used separably or inseparably, in connection with
nouns and adjectives and certain inseparable words to express these
various place relations. The particular locative to be used is deter-
mined by the context or the thought in the mind of the speaker.
364. Above, up, upwards, on high, etc.: 1 hlu, mhlu, heulu. The
stem in these forms is -ulu which is inseparable. Note heulu instead
of haulu.
Rem. Note the expression bika hanxi, get up, because ha means
either down on or up from.
365. Across, on the other side, Qic.: dixia, a noun belonging to class V.
Ya dixia, go across.
366. At the same place, at one place, together, etc.: mumue, kumue,
hamuc, from mue, one) kaba kamuc (diminutive of muaba, place))
muomumue, kuokumue, hohamue, from -o-umue(mue), § 96,
Rem. 2.
367. Before, in front, forward, etc.: ku mpala, kumudilu (in-
Rem. Sometimes the noun forms diambed i nd dibedi are used in
this sense. They belong to class /
368. Behind, in the rear, etc.: ku nyima, haxixe (inseparable).
369. Down, downwards, etc.: munxi, ku xi, hanxi, from the
inseparable -nxi which in ome diale ts means the ground.
(a) Munxi means down under, down in, underneath.
{b) Kunxi means down at or down near.
(c) Hanxi means down on or simply down.
370. Elsex L’here, somewhere else, etc.; mukuabo, kukuabo, hakuabo;
munga, kunga, hanga. These are from the adjectives kuabo and
nga meaning another.
371. Everywhere: kuonso, from the adjective onso, all.
Note. Possibly muonso and honso may be used, but they are very
373. Far, jar away, etc.: mule, kule, hale, from the adjective le,
(a) Mule means jar inside.
(b) K le means jar away at (by far the most common of the three
(c) Hale means jar away on.
373. Here, h ther, hence, et~.: emu, eku, aha; munemu, kuneku,
hanaha; also the emphatic emonstratives with ka; sometimes the
Locative Suffixed construction. §§ 163, Note 3, 320.
374. Hither and thither: this idea is perhaps best expressed by
means of the Intensive For of the verb having the suffix -akana.
§ 339 -
375. In, inside, etc.: generally use the simple verb, or mu in
Locative Suffixed construction (§ 320); as, buela, go in] buelamu,
go in {it).
376. Near: muihi, kuihi, hihi, ha buihi. All these forms are
made on the root of the adjective ihi, short.
Rem. I. Sometimes we hear hehi instead of hihi. § 23 , Rem. 4 .
Rem. 2 . The prepositional phrase near to is expressed by hehi ne.
Teka bintu hehi ne nsubu, put the things near to the house.
377. Outside, out, etc.: this is best expressed in most cases by the
verbal suffixes -ula and -uka (§§ 341 , 345 ), or by mu in the Locative
Suffixed construction. (§ 320 .)
Luhuka, go out] luhula bintu, put the things outside] umukamu,
get out {oj it).
378. Somewhere: muntu, kuntu, hantu.
Rem. I. It will be noted that these words are formed on the same
stem as muntu, person, and cintu, thing.
Rem. 2 . In the case of a place which you have forgotten or do not
care to mention, use the locatives with kampanda or ntinyi. In
these cases the preposition is inseparable. § 423 ( 2 ) (a).
379. There, thence: muamua, kuakua, haha; muomuo, kuokuo,
hoho; amu, aku, aha. § 163, Notes 3 and 4.
Rem. The emphatic forms kamumu, kakuku and kahaha may
mean either here or there.
380 . Under, underneath: munxi. Cf. § 369 {a).
381 . Where? whence? whither?: kunyi? hanyi? (from the same
root as cinyi, § 175, Rem. i). Munyi ? seems to be seldom used.
These forms are sometimes used alone, coming at the end of a sen-
tence, as is the usual custom with interrogative words, but the m.ost
common method is to have them precede it by the Locative Prefixed
form of the verb di. to he. The locative prefix is the same for the verb
and for the interrogative word. § 321, Rem. 8.
Wakuya kud kunyi? where did he go? lit. he has gone to it is where?
Udi uxikama hadi hanyi ? where are yon sitting?
Note i. We have mentioned above that munyi seems to be seldom
used; for it we may have kunyi, even to the extent of having a different
locative before the verb di.
Udi ubuela mudi kunyi? where are yon going in?
Note 2. For where in adverb clauses and in indirect questions we
use the Locative Prefixed construction. See §§ 321, 457, 472 (c).
38 ^, It is interesting to note that some of these adverb forms have
a substantive use when they are followed by a noun in an adjective
prepositional phrase.
Ya munxi mua mesa, go under the table, i.e., go to the underneath
the table.
Ta kulu kua nsubu, go to the top oj the house.
Ya dixia dia mi, go across the water.
II. Adverbs of Time.
383 . Again: kabidi. § 95 (6), Rem. i.
Rem. Kabidi seems to be used almost exclusively when there is no
special reference as to the exact number of times. Cf. §§ 394, 395.
384. Ago, long ago, etc.: kale, bangabanga, diambedi.
Rem. Long ago, in the sense of not far in the past, is expressed by
musangu mule.
Nakukubikila musangu mule, munyi kuiu? I called you long ago,
why^id yon not come? (Perhaps it was early in the morning and it is
now noon.)
385 . Always, ceaselessly, constantly, ever, forever, etc.: matuku
onso, ku dituku ku dituku, ku dici ku dici, cendelele, lahalaha,
kaxidi, to. See Vocabulary under ceaselessly.
(a) The phrases matuku onso and ku dituku ku dituku and ku
dici ku dici mean a long time or a long succession of days, used espe-
cially with reference to the present or the past.
Wakadi ufunda mikanda matuku onso, he was always writing
{b) Cendelele and lahalaha are used with special reference to the
Wakaya cendelele, he has gone forever, i.e., for good.
386. At the same time, at one time, simultaneously, etc.; ciamumue,
ciahamae, diakamue, diaciniue. § 95 {h), Rem. 2 .
387. Before, first: diambedi, dibedi, kuniudilu (inseparable), ku
mpala, also the verb dianjila (§ 233 ).
388. Daily: ku dituku ku dituku, ku did ku did.
389. Early (in the morning), soon: dinda, haciacia, lunkelu.
Rem. Dinda is a noun belonging to class V; lunkelu belongs to class
IV. Haciacia is gotten by doubling the root of the verb da, to break
day, and prefixing ha.
390. Evening, afternoon: dilolo, a noun belonging to class V.
391. Frequently: see § 394 .
393. Noon, midday: munda munya.
393. Now, at once, immediately, instantly, etc.: katataka, mpin-
deu, diodiono
394. Often, many times, frequently, etc.: use any word meaning
times, s ch s misangu (II), bikondo (VII), misunsa (II), followed
by -a bungi.
Nakumumona misangu ya bungi, I have seen him many times.
Rem. The same idea may ofte i be expressed by the Repetitive or
Habitual tenses.
395. Once, twice, thrice, etc. (numerical adverbs) : dakamue,
dakabidi, etc.; diakamue; kabidi, kasatu, etc. Cf. § 95 {b), Rems.
I and 2 .
396. Soon: see §§ 389 and 393 .
397. To-day: lelu. This very day is expressed by lelu eu.
398. To-morrow, yesterday: maloba, makelela.
Rem. I. Only the context can determine whether to-morrow or yester-
day is meant.
Rem. 2. Day after to-morrow is expressed by mailii.
399. To-night: butuku, bufuku. These words belong to class VI.
400. When? diba hanyi? diba ki? dituku ki? ngondo ki?
cidimu ki?
Rem I. There is no indefinite word for when- use one of the bove
phrases according to sense, remembering that diba and dituku are
n ) ns belonging to class V, ngondo to class III and cidimu to class
Rem. 2. For when in indirect questions, see § 472 {b).
III. Adverbs of Degree and Quantity.
401. As . as. See § 90 (d).
402. How many? how much? See § 41 1, Note i.
403. More — Comparison of Adverbs. The comparative degree of
the adverb as well as the superlative is expressed by the verbs tamba
and hita, to excel, having thus the same construction as the comparison
of adjectives (§ 88).
Note the following examples as being the most common construc-
tions for comparison of adverbs:
Wakuntamba lubilu, he ran jaster than I, lit. he excelled me in
Kabata udi utamba Kasongo kunsua, Kabata loves me more than
3Iulumi wakutamba mukuxi kuela muci, the man threw the stick
farther than the woman.
Mukuxi udi utamba mulumi kulamba bidia, the woman beats the
man cooking.
404. Much: the phrase ya bungi seems to be most commonly used
in this connection. The adverb little, when used in the same way,
is perhaps best expressed by the word kakise.
Wakunsua ya bungi, kakise, he loves me much, little.
405. Too: see § 90 {b).
406. Very: see § 90 (c).
IV. Adverbs of Manner.
407. Backwards: cianyima.
408. Certainly, truly, truthfully, etc.: bulilela, buinabuina, buala-
buala, buxua, buikuxa. All of these W'ords are nouns belonging to
class VI.
409. Gently, slowly, patiently, carefully, quietly, feebly, etc.: bite-
kete, bitulu.
410. Hastily, in a hurry, quickly, etc.: lubilu, lukusa. These
words belong to class IV.
411. How? in what way? munyi? bixi? These words come last
in the sentence, as might be expected.
Udi ucibula luhanza munyi? how do you open the tin?
Note i. Munyi and bixi are also used to modify adjectives or rather
the substantive form of the adjective. There is also the adjective
form nga. § 178.
Nsolo webi udi bunine munyi? how large is your fowl?
Udi ne nsolo bungi munyi? how many fowls have you?
Mici inga? how many sticks?
Note 2. For how? in indirect questions, see § 472 (d).
413. So: see Vocabulary.
413. Thus, in this way, so: nunku. Sometimes this word is pro-
nounced nenku or nanku.
V. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation.
414. No (negative answer to a question): naxa, buala, nanyi,
Rem. I. Sometimes one of these negative words is put for emphasis
at the end of a sentence and after the ordinary negative pronominal
Katuakuhidia bualu bua Nzambi, naxa, we have not rejused God's
palaver, no. .
Rem. 2. When the question is in negative form, the Baluba and
Bena Lulua affirm or deny the truth of the question rather than
the fact asked for by the questioner. It is very important to note this
difference in idiom between the English and the Buluba-Lulua, for,
owing to this difference, confusion and misunderstanding are often
Kuakuya lelu? E, didn't you go to-day? No.
415. Not: generally use the negative pronominal prefixes inflected
directly with the verb. § 198.
Rem. I. The word not when standing before a single word such as
a personal pronoun or a noun is expressed by ka; as, ka wewe, not
you\ ka tuetu, not we.
Note. If, however, the copula is considered as being omitted we have
the construction with kan-. § 199.
Rem. 2. Naxa is sometimes heard in the sense of either ... or
if not .. . then.
Usuasua cinyi? Naxa lueho, naxa cilulu, what do you want? (I
want) either salt or cloth, i.e., if not salt, then cloth.
416. Yes: e.
Wakuya ku Kasenga? E, did you go to Kasenga? Yes.
Rem. For negative question, see § 414, Rem. 2.
VI. Formation of Adverbs from Adjectives.
417. Adverbs are formed from adjectives by prefixing bi- to the
stem of the adjective; as, bimpe, well, from impe, good-, bibi, badly,
from bi, had’, bitekete, slowly, from tekete, weak) bikale, strongly^
from kale, strong.
VII. Miscellaneous.
418. Only, just, for nothing, etc.: hatuhu, b6, cinana.
Tudi tusomba b6 (or hatuhu, cinana), we are just talking.
419. Therefore, hence, consequently, so, wherefore, etc.: ka, bu-
(bualu understood) with Applied Form of verb.
31ulunda winyi udi ubela, ka nakulua, or mulunda winyi udi
ubela, bunakuluila, my friend is sick, therefore I have come.
430. Why? what for? etc.: cinyi? cinganyi? munyi? buacinyl?
bixi ? bualu ki ?
(a) When the question is affirmative we find most commonly the
Applied Forms of the verb followed by cinyi ? or cinganyi ? or bixi ?
Udi udidiia cinyi? why are you crying?
Udi uyila ku musoko cinyi? why are you going to the village?
Wakhdila makeia bixi ? why did you buy the eggs ?
Rem. The Applied Forms of the verb are not generally used with
bua cinyi? and bualu ki?
Udi udila bua cinyi (or bualu ki) ? why are you crying?
{h) When the question is negative we find most frequently munyi?
beginning the sentence, followed by the 3Iunyi Negative. §§ 314, 315.
Rem. I. We may sometimes, however, hear in the negative the ordi-
nary negative tenses of the Applied Form of the verb followed by cinyi,
Kuakuluila cinyi? why did you not come?
Rem. 2. When the question is past tense negative we sometimes hear
the munyi? with the past tense negative of the auxiliary di, to be, fol-
lowed by the infinitive mood (thus making the past subjunctive or an
impossible condition).
Munyi kuakadi kula makeia? why did you not buy the eggs?
Note. Even in these past tense negative forms we generally hear
the simple Munyi Negative tense.
Munyi kulu? why didnH you come?
(c) For why in indirect questions, see § 472 {e).
431. Very, exactly, just, absolutely, etc.: mene.
Ya ku musoko lelu mene, go to the village this very day.
422 , There are few pure prepositional words in the Buluba-Lulua
language. Just as in the case*of adverbs (§ 362), this lack is supplied
by the use of noun forms and other constructions.
Often the prepositional idea is contained in the verb; as, kus^buka
mi, lo cross over the water', naki^dila Kasongo lueho, I bought the
salt jor Kasongo. The English, owing to its lack of complicated in-
flections, is rich in prepositions, and it is of no small importance to
know the corresponding equivalents of these in a language strikingly
lacking in such forms. Often the idioms in the two languages are
entirely different.
I. Locatives.
423 . We have often had occasion to refer to the locatives mu, ku
and ha. Their construction and use in the sentence are so different,
in some respects, from anything found in English that they demand
special attention. Since many of these peculiarities have already been
treated of under the different headings, as it became necessary, we
shall now, in order to refresh the memory, gather up the most important
of these uses and refer the reader to the section where fuller treatment
will be found, at the same time mentioning such new constructions as
need attention.
(1) They often have the force of a noun (§ 61) in that they may furnish
the concord for succeeding words. This concord is found in the follow-
ing cases:
(а) With the possessive pronoun forms. §§ 139, 140.
(б) With the several demonstrative forms. § 163 and Notes.
(c) With verbs as prefix — Locatives Prefixed. §§ 321, 115 and Rems.
I and 2, 124 (a), 441 (d), 468, 472 (c).
(d) With verbs as a suffix — Locatives Suffixed. § 320.
(e) With certain adjectives. § 79.
(/) With the preposition -a, of. § 87 (d) and Rem., 87 (e).
ig) With relative clauses. § 168 {a).
(2) There is a considerable class of nouns in which the ordinary
prefix is displaced by the locative words.
(a) Some of these we have already noted in the case of such a form
as ham’bldi (for ha mubidi), on the body [§ 24 (d)]; also in the forms
kuitu (for ku ditu), heku (for ha diku), muisu (for mu disu), § 47,
Here might also be mentioned muntu, kuntu, hantu, and the loca-
tives with kampanda and ntinyi. § 378 with Rems, i and 2.
(b) In the words just mentioned the noun has its ordinary prefix
which is only temporarily displaced by the locative, but there is a
class of words which seem to have lost entirely the prefix and only the
inseparable forms with the locatives are found. Some of these come
to have an adverbial force and have been referred to under adverbs.
The more common of these are the following (cf. § 359) :
Munda, the inside', kunxi, munxi, hanxl (§ 369); kunxikidilu,
at the end', munkuci, hankuci, kunkuci, in or at the middle', mfilu,
kfilu, heulu (§ 364); kumudilu (§ 367); kumanda, mumanda, at
or in the bottom’, kukala, at the edge, the beach', munkulu, in the center\
haciacia, at the dawning] hax'ixe, at the rear] kunyi? and hanyl?
(§381); raxinA2in\L\x\\x, at midnight] \Lxintsk.\in, at the butt end.
(3) To show that the substantive idea in these locative combinations
has been preserved we often have the adjective phrase with -a, of,
following them, and that, too, in constructions where in English a
simple preposition is used. Hence we do not say munxi mesa, but
munxi mua mesa, under the table, lit. the underneath of the table]
munkuci mua nsubu, in the center of the house] kftlu kua nsubu,
on top of the house] etc.
(4) Note the noun forms mukua and mukuetu. §§ 87 {d), Rem. 2,
424 . We shall now consider the special meaning and uses of the
three locatives.
(1) As a simple preposition mu implies a state«of rest in, or motion
into or out of, a place which is enclosed. The following English prepo-
sitions and prepositional phrases are usually expressed with more or
less certainty by mu: in, in among, among, amongst, in the midst of,
inside of, within, along (a path), into, out of, out from, outside of.
Wakuenda mu nxila, he went along the path.
Umuxa bintu mu nsubu, put the things out of the house.
(2) As a simple preposition ku implies motion toward or from a
place, or rest at a place. The following English prepositions and
prepositional phrases are expressed with more or less certainty by ku:
at, by {close to), for, in (at), in (a line), over, around, by (hold by), to,
towards, unto, from, away from, for (price), against.
Wakuhana nsolo ku cilulu, he sold the fowls for cloth.
Wakukuata muana ku diboko, he caught the child by the arm.
Wakulua ku musoko, he came from the village.
Imiini ku mulongo, stand in a line.
(3) As a simple preposition ha implies rest on or upon, or motion
towards or jrom, a surface. The following English prepositions
and prepositional phrases are' expressed with more or less certainty
by ha: on, upon^ onto, over, down on, down upon, up jrom, off from.
Buikila cilulu ha bintu, put a cloth over the things.
Umuxa malonga ha mesa, remove the plates from the table.
Bixa bintu ha muxete, lift up the things from the box.
Rem. The time relations in and within are expressed by ha.
Nendue ha matuku atanu, I shall return within five days.
II. Other Prepositions.
425. The preposition -a, of, so far from furnishing any concord
for following words, is itself made to concord within the word preced-
ing it, whether that word be a simple noun or a locative word or a loca-
tive phrase. The uses of -a have been discussed under §§86 and 87,
and it is not necessary to repeat them here.
426. The preposition ne is uninflected and expresses the idea of
instrument or accompaniment, and is generally expressed in English
by with or and.
Udl ukosa muci ne muele, he is cutting the stick with a knife.
Ya ne Kasongo, go with Kasongo.
Rem. I. Recall the peculiar use of the possessive forms with ne
instead of the personal pronouns. § 107.
Rem. 2 . A most common construction is the use of ne with one of
the verbs meaning to be, by which the English to have {to possess) is
Ndl ne nsolo, I have a fowl.
Rem. 3 , Note the peculiar phrase muan’abo ne, etc., meaning brother
of, sister of, one of same kind, etc. Cf. § 138, Rem. 5.
Rem. 4 . It is often difficult to determine whether the ne is to be
regarded as a preposition {with) or a conjunction {and). Fortunately
it does not make much difference, since the constructions are the same.
427. The word kudi, by, is used with the agent in the passive voice.
§ 202 (a).
428. The words bu and buina furnish no difficulties in inflection
and have the meaning of like, similar to, etc.
Cifulu eci cidi bu clacia, this hat is like that one.
Rem. Note the combination bu -a.
Mubidi wandi wakadi bu wa muntu, his body was like that of a
429. Some of the more common remaining English prepositions
and prepositional phrases have the following equivalents in the Buluba-
Lulua language:
(a) After, behind, in the rear of, etc.: ku nyima kua.
ib) Around: ku or ku nyima kua.
Unyengele muoxi ku muci, wind the string around the stick.
Udi ucimbakana ku nyima kua nsubu, he is going around the house,
(c) Before, in front of, etc. : ku mpala kua, kumudilu kua.
Ta ku mp^la kua Rabuya, go before {in front of) Kabuya.
{d) Beside, near to, by, etc.: ha buihi ne, hehi ne.
Muci udl ha buihi ne (hehi ne) nsubu, the stick is near the house.
Lua ha buihi n’inyi, come near to me. § 107.
{e) Across, on the other side of: dixia dia, ku nyima kua, dia mua-
mua dia (doubtless dixia understood).
31 usoko wandi udi dia muamua dia ml, his village is on the other
side of the water.
Musoko wandi udi dixia dia mi, his village is on the other side of
the water.
Muci udi ku nyima kua lumbu, the tree is on the other side of the
Rem. Note that the words dixia and nyima are nouns belonging to
classes V and III, respectively.
(/) On this side of: dia munemu dia, dixia dia munemu dia.
Musoko u
kulukulu, -a kale,
become, vi, kulukuxa, kulumpa.
Aggravate, z;/. ( annoy), kuacixaor
ufuixa with the word cixi(7);
tacixa; flkixa munda; ken-
gexa; lambakana; hotela;
(be aggravated), vi., kuata or
ufua or unva followed by
cixi(7); tata; di ne munda
muflke; di ne cixi(7).
Ago, adv., long, kale, banga-
banga, diambedi.
(near, as compared with kale),
musangu(2) mule.
Agony, w. ( mental), kanyingan-
yinga, 8.
Agree, z;.(be same or alike), aka-
nangana, fuanangana, kele-
mene, di with muomumue or
(come to same conclusion), use
such expressions as di(5)
diakuakanangana dimue,
di(5) diakuhungakana, hun-
guluxa di.
(consent), itabuxa.
(fit, match), vi., akanangana,
akana, dieleka; vt., akuxan-
gana, fuanyikixa, kelemexa,
Agreeable, be, v., to taste, xema-
kana, di ne nse (pi. of 3 or 4).
Agreement, n., cifufu, 7.
make, hunga di(5).
Ahead, adv., ku mpala, kumu-
of, ku mpala kua, kumudilu
(pass on ahead), v., hita, tamba,
Aid, vt., see help.
Aim, V., dingila, lama, ludikila,
idikixa, elekexa.
miss, hanga, ela hanxi.
n., good, ndudi, 3.
bad, buelafi, 6.
Air, w. ( movement of air by fan-
ning, wind), luhehele, 4.
Ajar, be, vi., unzuluka.
set, vt., unzulula.
Alarm, ■a/. (frighten), cinyixa, han-
dixa or zakuxa followed by
give, V., kobola(kubola), ela
bila (pi. of cila), bingila.
(startle), tabuluxa; vi., tabu-
Alarum, n., cila, 7.
give, ela bila, bingila, kubola.
Albino, n., seka-n uabi (pi. seka-
miabi, 2), citokatoka, 7.
Alert, be, vi., dimuka.
Alike, be, vi., fuanangana, kele-
mena, dieleka.
(identical), muomume, o-umue.
make, fuanyikixa, kelemexa.
Alive, be, vi., di ne muoyo(2).
All, ad]., onso. This word takes
Secondary Prefixes.
* (all of them), buonso(6) followed
by possessive pronoun. § 182,
(all day long), dinda to ne
(all night long), butuku to ne
with lunkelu or dinda.
(entire), xima.
Allow, •y^.(consent), itabuxa.
Allure, vt., ibidixa, teya, mun-
yixa or iyixa followed by
bualu bubi.
Allurement, n., buteyi, 6.
Almanac, n., alamanaka(Eng.), 3.
§ 55> Rem. 2.
Almost, adv., use ph. kaba (dimin.
of muaba, place), kabale or
kaba kakise with the verb
amba, to be about to-, as,
nakuamba kuhona kaba ka-
bale, / almost jell.
The verb amba with infinitives
alone often has this idea.
Alone, adv. or ad]., ne -ine, see
§ 80; the indeclinable mene;
compound pronominal form
nkiyinyi, etc., see § 109.
(in a place alone), ha bu- joined
with poss. pro. forms, see
§ 141, Rem. 2.
let, vt., lekela.
Along, prep., in the path, mu
(go along with), vt., fila.
with, ne {con].).
Already, adv., most often ex-
pressed by past tense of the
Also, adv., kabidi, ne {con].).
Alternate, vi., tompakana, xin-
takana; vt., tompakuxa,
tompakanya, xintakuxa.
Altitude, n., bule, 6.
Altogether, adv., use the sub-
stantive buonso, 6.
Always, adv., see ceaselessly.
Amaze, vt., kemexa.
(be amazed), vi., kema, bingila,
ela bila (pi. of 7), tua cike-
Amazement, n., cikema, 7.
cry of, cila, 7.
Ambassador, n., muena(i) mu-
kenji(2); muloho, 2.
-VMEND, vi., in health, sangala,
kusa mubidi(2), sanguluka.
\merica, n., Ameleka.
American, n., muena(i) Ameleka.
Amiability, n., kalolo, 8.
AxMIABLe, ad]., -a kalolo(8).
.\mong, prep., mu.
(into midst of, in among), han-
kuci ha, munkuci mua, mu
bunine(6) bua.
Amount, n., full, buonso, 6.
(be full amount), vi., kumbana,
vuia; vt., kumbaxa, vudixa.
.Amputate, vt., kala, kosa.
Amuse, x;/.(make to laugh), sekexa.
(be amused), vi., scka.
(play with), sabixa, saba ne,
sabila, nayixa, naya ne.
Amusing, be, ■!;. (producing laugh-
ter), sekexa.
Anaesthetize, vt., leula.
Ana\thema, n., mulau, 2.
Anathematize, vt., ela mulau(2).
Ancestor, «. (grandparent), kaku,
i; nyinka, i.
Ancient, adj., -a kale, kulu, nunu,
kulukuxe, kulukulu.
And, con]., ne.
both . . . and, ne . . . ne.
Angel, n., muanjelo(i), pi. ban-
jelo. From Greek.
Anger, n., cixi, 7.
vt., see annoy.
Angle, «. (corner of house), di-
tumba, 5.
Angry, be, vi., di ne cixi(7), cixi
cidi cikuata, unva or ufua
with cixi, di ne munda mu-
make, vt., kuacixa cixi, ufuixa
cixi, hkixa munda.
Anguish, n., kanyinganyinga, 8.
Animal, n., nyuma, 3.
tame, cimuna, 7.
Animosity, n., lukuna, 4.
Ankle, (ankle bone), kahombo,
8; dikoyabolo, 5.
Anklet, n., lukanu, 4.
Announce, v., amba.
Annoy, vt., kuacixa or ufuixa with
cixi(7), tacixa, tikixa munda,
kengexa, lambakana, hotela,
(be annoyed), kuata cixi(7),
ufua or unva with cixi, tata,
di ne munda muflke, di ne
(provoke anything to bite), keba
Anoint, v., ela minyi (pi. of 5).
Another, adp, kuabo, nga.
(of one kind ... of another
kind), ha bu- ... ha bu-.
§ 186.
(one another, reciprocal), use
verbal suffix -angana. § 340.
Sometimes a ph. with the inde-
clinable bende is used.
Answer, z/.(when called), itaba.
Ant, w. ( driver), luhumbe, 4.
(large black), dixindi, 5.
(making large hill), cintunte, 7.
(making low hill), lusua, 4.
(small red), kangencne, 8.
(white), musuasu, 2.
(winged), mulonga, 2.
The mulonga, cintunte and
lusua are edible.
Ant-eater, w. ( scaly manis), nka-
ka, 3.
Antelope, n. There are many
different species, the more
common of which are ngu-
lungu, 3; lusumbi, 4; kabu-
luku, 8; cintumbindi, 7;
ntundu, 3; muhala, 2.
Ant-hill, w.(made by the bin-
tunte), mutunda, 2.
(small black), ditua, 5.
Anticipate, v.{io do first), dian-
jila followed by infin., when
Antipathy, w.(enmity), lukuna, 4.
Anxiety, n., kanyinganyinga, 8.
Anxious, be, vi., handika or
nyingala with mucima(2) as
Any, adj., onso. Generally use pi.
The word any is often not ex-
pressed; as, muntu uyaya ku
musoko? is any person going
to town.
Anybody, «., bantu bonso. Some-
times we find the sing.
Anything, w., bintu bionso. Some-
times we find the sing.
Anywhere, adv., kuonso, honso,
muonso. § 363. Locatives
with onso.
(anywhere you choose), this is
generally expressed by the Pre-
fixed Locative and Subjunctive
Mood; as, teka cintu hawa-
teka, put the thing anywhere
{you choose).
Apart, adv., use generally the Ex-
ansive Form of the verb-
345 -
Apologize, v., there is no satisfac-
tory word, try tokexa munda,
Apology, n., lubombo(4), from
bomba, to apologize.
Apostle, n., muloho, 2; mutan-
gadiki, i.
Apparel,, n. pi., bilulu (sing,
cilulu); bilamba (sing, ci-
Apparition, n., mukixi, 2; mu-
xangi, 2.
Appear, x/f.(be seen), mueneka,
(appear different from reality),
use ph. ku mesu; as, cilulu
cidi cimpe ku mesu, lit. the
cloth is good to the eyes.
(as moon), bala.
Appease, ^;^.(as thirst), muna or
huixa with miota(nyota);
taluxa or holexa with ha
diminu(5) or ha muminu(2).
Appease {continued).
(be appeased of hunger), difu as
subject of verb ukuta.
Appetite, nsala, pi. of 3.
have an, be hungry, di ne or ufua
or unva with nsala, suma
or sama with nsala as subject
and the person as object.
Appoint, vt.{io an office), ha or
buexa mu or dixa followed
by the abstract name of the
a day, amba dituku(5).
Apportion to, v., abanya, aban-
yina, abuluxa.
Apprehend, ^//.(catch), kuata,
(know), munya.
Approach, v., ya or lua or flka
with ha buihi(6) or hehi.
Approve, vt., itabuxa.
April, n., Apila(Eng.).
Arbitrate, v., lumbulula.
Arbitrator, n., mulumbuludi, i.
Arduous, adj., kale, from v. kala,
to be arduous.
Argue, v., ela or elangana or di
ne with mpata (sing, luhata,
(quarrel), tanda, tandangana.
Argument, n., luhata, 4.
settle an, vt., tuixa.
Arise, v., from sitting position,
bika, juka.
(ascend), banda.
(as sun), banda, hatuka, lu-
from the dead, bika ku lufu(4),
to the surface, tunduka.
Arm, ».(of the body), diboko, 5.
(left), diboko dia bakuxi (pi.
of i).
(of tree), ditamba, 5.
(right), diboko dia balumi (pi.
of i).
Army, n. pi., bena (sing, muena)
nvita(3), masoladi (sing, di-
soladi, 5).
Aroma, n., muhuya(2) muimpe.
Around, prep., ku, ku nyima kua.
go, cimbakana, nyunguluka,
luila, yila.
Arouse, r;/.(as from sleep), bixa.
Arrange, vt., longolola.
(separate and arrange), tahulula.
Arrest, vt., kuata.
Arrive, vi., flka.
Arrogance, n., cikama, 7; dika-
makama, 5; dintanta, 5.
Arrogant, be, vi., ena ne bundu
(6), di ne cikama(7), di ne
dikamakama(5), di ne din-
tanta(5), disua, ibidila.
Arrow, «.(with iron point), mu-
kete 2.
(without iron point), lubale, 4.
(with blunt end for killing birds),
nkoyi, 3.
(poison used on arrows), lulen-
gu, 4
Artery, n., mujilu, 2.
Artful, (cunning), -a budi-
mu(6); dimuke, from v.
dimuka, to be artjul.
Article, «. (thing), cintu, 7.
.Vs, aiv. and con].
as . . . as, see § ^o{d).
as far as, to, ku.
(like), see § 465.
as soon as, see § 458 {a).
not so . . . as, see § 90 (e).
.VsCEND, vi.{go up), banda.
.^SHAMED, BE, V., di ne or ufua or
unva with bundu(6) or bun-
vu(6); bundu or bunvu as
subject of the verb kuata with
the person as the object.
(be not ashamed), use neg. of
above expression or ume (p.p.
of uma, to be dry) mu mesu.
make, vt., kuacixa or ufuixa
with bundu or bunvu.
Ashes, n., butue, 6.
.A^SIDE, turn, vi., sesuka, ehuka
Ask, 'y.(beg), lomba.
(ask one to pay a debt), nana.
(inquire about), ebexa, konka.
permission, see permission.
.\SLEEP, BE, vi., lala, lala tulu (pi.
or 8).
Ass, kabalu, 8.
Assemble, vi., sangakana, tuta-
kana, lua cisumbu(7), di-
sanga, diunguixa, kunga-
kana, sanibakana, dikunga;
vt., sangixa, tutakuxa, tuta-
kanya, kungixa, sangila,
sanga, sangakanya, sanga-
kuxa, sambakanya, saraba-
Assembly, (crowd), cisumbu, 7.
Assent, n., nod, xukula mutu(2).
give, V., itabuxa followed by
verbal noun in lu-. See per-
Assert, v., amba.
Assertion, «., di, 5.
Assist, vt., enzexa. This idea is
most often expressed by the
Causative Form of the verb.
Assort, vt., tahulula, sungulula
(arrange), longolola.
Astonish, vt., tabuluxa, kemexa.
(be astonished), vi., tabuluka,
kema, tua cikema(7).
Astonishment, n., cikema, 7.
Expressed by a grunt,
cry of, cila, 7.
Astray, adv., go, be lost, vi.,
(lead away, entice), vt., mun-
yixa or iyixa or ibidixa with
the ph. bulau bubi.
(show wrong path), vt., ham-
At, prep., ku.
bottom of, hanxi ha.
once, see now.
the village or home of, kua, mua,
ha. I 87 {d), Rem.
It most often happens that at is
expressed in the verb; as,
mona, look at; ela nibuxi
muci, throw a stick at the goat.
Atone, t-/.(pay a debt for), fucila.
(die for), fuila.
Atonement, make iox,vph., fucila
Attempt, v,, labila, teta, idikixa,
and fail, hanga.
Attend, i;/.(accompany), fila,
(as slave his master), lamata.
(listen), unva, telexa macu
(sing, dicu, 5).
(look after, tend), lama.
.Attendant, n., mulamacl, i;
muana, i.
(for the foreigner), mboi(Eng.), I.
(slave), muhika, i.
.Attention, pay, v., telexa.
.Attorney, n', muambididi, i;
muakuidi,i; mulumbuluidi,!.
.Attractive, adj., -a kalolo(8).
.Attracttceness, 11., kalolo, 8.
.Attune, vt., sukila hamue, aku-
xa, suka.
.Aubergine, n., lujilu, 4.
.Audacious, be, vi., ena ne
bundu(6), di ne with cika-
ma(7) or dikamakama(5) or
dintanta(5), disua, ibidila.
.Audacity, n., cikama, 7; dikama-
kama, 5; dintanta, 5.
.August, n., Agusite(Eng.).
Aunt, n.{on the mother’s side), an
elder sister of the mother is
mamu(i) mukulu, a younger
sister of the mother is mamu(i)
(on the father’s side), tatu(i)
mukuxi(i), mankuxi(i).
.Authority, w.(chicfship), buke-
lenge, 6; bunfumu, 6.
.Await, vt., Indila, kuba.
.Awake, vt., bixa ku tulu (pi. 8),
be, vi., bika, tabala, katamuka.
(keep awake all night), lala
.Aware, be of, t’/.(know), munya.
make, dimuxa, munyixa.
.Away, be, vi., use neg. ena with
Locative Suffixed construction.
§ 320.
far, kule.
go, ya, umuka.
.^VVE, n., buowa, 6.
Axe, n. cisui, 7; cikenge, 7.
(battle-axe of Zappo Zapps),
cilonda, 7.
Babble, v., akula biakulakula
[§356 (^)L pl- of 7; labakana.
Baby, nuiana(i), or the dim.
kana ( 8 ).
new-born, katoto, 8.
Bachelor, n., mujike, 7.
Bachelorship, (state of being
unmarried), bujike, 6 .
Back, n., nyima, 3.
come, vi., aluka, alukila, hin-
gana, tuta, tucila, hingu-
(go back and forth), tambakana.
of knife, imiongo, 2.
send or bring, vt., alukixa,
hingixa, tucixa.
Backbite, vt., songuela.
Backbiter, 71., muena(i) bun-
songe(6), muena(i) muko-
sa(2), musonguedi(i).
B.ACKBIting, bunsonge, 6; mu-
kosa, 2.
Backbone, muongo, 2.
Backwards, adv., cianyima.
fall, vi., dixinda biialama (adv.)
(go backwards and forwards), vi.,
Baco.N, n., munyinyi(2) wa iigu-
Bad, adj., bi.
(go bad, become useless), vi.,
onoka, nyanguka.
(make to go bad), vt., ona,
(rot), vi., bola.
(srnell bad), v., nunka muhu-
ya(2) mubi.
jADGE, 71 ., cimonyinu, 7.
Jadly, adv., bibi.
Bad.ness, 71 ., biibi, 6 .
Pag, 71 ., cibombo, 7; luhiya, 4.
(large open scrip), nsaho, 3.
Bake, vt., oxa mu uvuma(Eng.).
As a fact the native never
Bald he.ad, 71., dibala, 5.
Bale, 71., dikutu, 5.
V., kuta.
out water, vt., tua.
Ball, «., cibulunge, 7; dibulunge,
5 -
(bullet), mutelengo, (2)wa lu-
make into a, vt., bulunguxa.
of rubber, dibulu, 5.
of twine, cikata, 7.
Bamboo, ti. The midrib (mukuo-
lo, 2) of the palm is sometimes
thus improperly called. The
hard outside part of the mid-
rib is called luscle(4) or
lubale(4) or lubaxe(4). The
last word is Buk.
(found in forest and used for
making fence), cinkete, 7.
Banana, 71., dibote(5), used either
of the bunch* or the single
hand of, cisangi, 7.
stalk of, cikuondekuonde, 7.
Band, «. (crowd), cisumbu, 7.
(strip), luhola, 4.
(stripe), muhola, 2.
B.ank, «. (beach), muelelu(2) or
musala(2) or kukala or bu-
cika(7) or kusula or kunfu-
dilu or kusala followed by the
adjective phrase -a mi. See
.§423 (2) (*)■
high, cibungubimgu(7), mu-
of earth piled up, miikixi, 2.
sand-, lusenga, 4.
Baptize, v., batiza (from Greek),
miamina mi.
Barb.arian, 71 ., musenxi, i. This
is an imported word.
Barber, «., mubeyi, i.
B.are, adj., -headed, ku mutu(2)
(to shave the head bare), vt.,
Bargain, muxinga, 2.
drive a, tua muxinga.
Bark, v.{a,s dog), buluka.
(strip off), ubula.
«., of a tree, cibusu, 7; cizubu,7.
Barrel, n., of gun, mulonda, 2;
muxiba, 2.
Barren, person or animal, n.
nkumba, 3.
Barter, z^.(buy and sell), enda or
endulula with muxinga(2).
(buy), ula, sumba.
(sell), hana.
Base, w.(at the base of), kumanda,
kunxi. See § 423 (2) (&).
(bottom), citaku, 7.
(bad), adj., bi.
Bashful, be, vi., di ne bundu(6).
Bashfulness, n., bundu, 6 ; bun-
vu, 6.
Basin, n., dilonga, 5.
Bask, v., ota munya(2).
Basket, n. (fish -trap), mukinda, 2.
(for carrying fowls), musasa, 2.
(large with top), dikumbu, 5.
(long for carrying on head),
cisuka, 7.
(small with top), nkobo, 3.
Bass, voice, nph., di(5) dinine.
Bastard, nph., muana(3) wa
masandi (pi. of 5 or 6).
BAT(rodent), «. (large), mudima, 2.
(small), kahulukusu, 8; kaku-
lukuku, 8.
Bathe, vi., owa; vt., owexa.
Batten, n., lubambalu, 4. These
are tied crosswise on the rafters.
Battle, 71., nvita (nflta), 3.
Battle-axe, «., cilonda, 7. Made
by the Zappo Zapps.
Bawl, "y.(as cow), dila.
Be, vi., di, cidi, tadi (kadi), tu,
ikala; also the negatives ena
and i and cena. §§ 205, etc.
Sometimes the verb to he is
omitted, then we have n pre-
fixed to predicate word. § 445 .
Beach, n., muelelu(2) or musa-
la(2) or kukala or kusula
or kunfudilu or kusala or
Beach {continued).
bucika(6) followed by the ad-
jective ph. -ami. §423(2)(6).
on the, mpata, 3.
Bead, n., dibue, 5.
Each variety has a distinct name;
as, kahaha(8), lumbidi(4),
luhote(4), kaluaci(8).
Beak, n., muinu, 2.
Beam, w. ( stick), muci, 2.
Bean, w. (black -eyed pea), lu-
kunde, 4.
a large, cikundekunde, 7.
Bear, ^;.(as cassava, potatoes, etc),
(as tree), kuama.
(bring forth, give birth), lela.
(carry), tuala.
Beard, n., muevu, 2; muedi, 2.
a hair of, lusuki, 4; lunyonyi,4.
Beast, n., nyuma, 3.
Beat, ■y.(strike), kuma, tuta.
down, as grass, xindika.
down, as loose dirt, beta,
down the price, huekexa or
tekexa with muxinga(2).
(drive away), ihata.
drum, imba.
(excel), tamba, hita.
fine, as powder, botexa.
(heart), vph., kuma munda.
in a mortar, tua.
out, as dust from a mat, tutida.
out iron, forge, tula, fula.
(overcome), use verb tamba or
hita followed by one of the
nouns bukale(6) or ngulu(3)
or dikanda(5); cimuna.
(punish), kengexa, nyanga, ona
with fist, kuma or tuta or tua
with cisusu(7).
with knuckle, tua lukonyi(4).
with open hand, kuma with
luhi(4) or dihi(5).
up, as eggs, vundula.
Beautiful, adj., impe, akane.
lengele, -a mpoci (slang)
Beautify, ^//.(make good), len-
Beauty, n., buimpe, 6; buakane,
6; buiengele, 6; mpoci
(slang), 3.
Because, sub. conj., bua. See
§ 466.
(on account of), bualu(6) bua,
muanda(2) wa.
Beckon, v., with hand, loba.
Become, vi. This idea may be
expressed in four ways:
(1) With the verbs kudimuka,
andamuka, lua.
(2) Pres. Imminent tense of
amba followed by infin.; ci-
lulu cikadi cianiba kufika,
the cloth is becoming black.
(3) Pres, or Past Progressive
tense of the verb; as, udi
utoka, he is becoming 'white.
(4) Pres. Imminent tense of lua
followed by adj.; as, ukadi
ulua mubi, he is becoming bad.
chief, etc., dia bukelenge(6).
Bed, «., bulalu, 6; ciladilu, 7.
Bee, m. ( honey-), lubulubulu, 4;
lunyeke, 4.
(sweat-), karabuinkidi, 8.
(insect), cixi, 7.
Beef, nph., munyinyi(2) wa
Beer, «.(made from maize or mil-
let), malua, pi. of 5; maluvu,
pi. of 5.
to brew, vt., enga.
Beeswax, n., dikaci, 5; dihula, 5.
Beetle, n. (goliath-), kababu, 8.
(very large), ntambangoma, 3;
dingonge, 5.
Before, sub. conj., see § 458 {b).
adv.{do before), anticipate, v.,
(go before), hita or tamba or ya
followed by ku mpala or ku-
mudllu or diambedl.
prep.{in front of, ahead of), ku
mpala kua, kumudilu kua.
Beforehand, adv., diambedl.
Beg, V., lomba.
Beget, t/.(male), imicixa; lelamay
sometimes be used figuratively.
Beggar, n., mulombi, i; mue-
na(i) lulombo(4).
Beggary, n., lulombo, 4.
Begin, i;.(start at the beginning),
tuadixa, bangila, angacila
to do, banga.
Beguile, vt., dimba, xima, dinga.
Behead, vt., kosa mutu(2).
Behind, adv., ku nyima(3), ha-
prep., ku nyima kua.
(the one behind), -a kunxiki-
dilu, -a haxixe. §423(2)(&).
(be behind or last in doing), t'.,
Behindhand, be, or do, v., xixa
followed by infin., when neces-
Behold, 7;. (look at), mona, tan-
gila, xoxa
(look steadfastly at without
speaking), mona talala.
Belch, v., biola, beula.
Belief, n., use infin. of itabuxa.
Believe, v., itabuxa.
Belittle, vt., kehexa.
Bell, «.(largeEuropean, as church
bell), ngonga(3). This word
doubtless comes from the Low-
er Congo.
(native manufacture, made of
iron), lumembo, 4.
ring a, vt., ela, imba.
(small European with rattles),
kadibu, 8.
(small, for wearing), ludibu, 4.
(wooden, tied around dogs in
hunting), cidibu, 7.
Bellow, v., dila.
Bellows, w., mubanze, 2; mudua,
blow, vt., imba.
Belly, n., difu, 5; munda [S 427
(2) {b)l
Belong to, v. This idea is gener-
ally expressed by some one of
the words meaning to be fol-
lowed by the adjective ph.
with -a.
Below, adv. and prc[>., muiixi or
iminxi imia.
Belt, mukuba, 2.
Bemoan, vt., dila, jinga.
Bench, w., ditanda, 5.
Bend, t’/.(as a stick, wire, etc.),
tonya, tonta, kobeka, konya,
henguluxa, nyongoboxa.
(fold), biinya.
(stoop), inuma.
straight, olola, ludika.
the edge of anything, bonda-
mixa; vi., bondania.
(be bent, crooked), vi., konyan-
gala, tonyunia, kobania,
henguluka, nyongoboka.
n., dintonya, 5.
Bendable, be, vi., xoboka, nyen-
gabala, di nc nujxobo(2).
Beneath, adv. and prep., munxi or
munxi mua.
Benevolence, n., diha, 5.
Benevolent, adj., -a diha(5).
person, cihahi, 7.
Bequeath, vt., ha buhianyi(6).
Beseech, -y/. (plead with), sengela,
Beside, prep., ku, kunxi kiia, ha
buihi ha (ne), hehi ne.
con). (also), ne, kahidi.
Bestow, vt., ha, anibika(Buk.).
Bet, vph., dia luhiku(4).
11., luhiku, 4.
gain a, binga.
loose a, hila, luhiku as siibjc( t
of the V. kuata.
(put up anything for a bet), vt.,
Sec ( amble.
Betray, v., a secret, sokolola.
(accuse behind the back), son-
Betrothed, be, u.(the man),
(the woman), use passive cf
Better, be, (comparative degree
of good), tamba or hita with
Better, be {contimiea).
(convalescent), sangala, kusa
raubidi(2), sanguluka.
Between, prep., use mu, ku or
ha with the insep. -nkuci.
§ 423 (2) {b).
Bewail, vt., dila, jinga.
Beware, u.(be warned), dimuka.
Bewilder, vt., tuhakuxa, tuha-
kanya, buandakijxa, buan-
dakanya; vi., (uhakana,
(be lost in way), hambuka.
Bewttch, vt., Iowa.
Beyond, adv., ku nyima(3); inua-
niua or kuakua or haha, de-
pending upon the sense.
prep., ku nyima kua.
be, vi., tamba, hita.
Bible, nph., mukanda(2) w'a
Bicker, v., tanda, tandangana.
Bid, u.(command), amba, ambila.
Big, adj., nine.
Bill, «.(beak), muinu, 2.
BILLOV^', n., divuala, 5.
Bind, ^’A(tie), suika, xika, inya.
(wrap around), jinga, jingila,
vunga, vungila, nyengela.
Bird, n., nyunyvi, 3.
Birth, to give, v., lela.
cause to give, act as midwife,
vt., lelexa.
])ower to give, r., buledi, 6;
I lulelu, 4.
Birthright, nph., bintu bia
muan’a bute(6).
Biscuit, ;/., cisikit(Eng.), 7. § 55,
Rem. 2, Note 2.
Bishop, n., the jT. mulan i(i) wa
bantu ba Nzambi.
Bit, w. (small piece cut off), cituha,
(small piece split off), cih^su, 7.
A small quantity is generally ex-
pressed hv the diminutive pre-
fixes of class "NTIT.
Bitch, nph., nnikuxi’a mbua(3).
Bite, vt., sum a.
excite to, keba luoxi(4).
Bite {continued).
off with front teeth, to gnaw,
(a biting animal), di no liioxi.
Bitter, be, vi., lula. Often the
substantive form bululu(6) is
used; as, ciombi cidi bululu,
the r. a ioc is bitter.
Bitterness, n., bululu, 6.
Black, aij., fike (p.p. of fika, to
be black).
Blacken, vt., fikixa.
Black-eyed pea, n., lukunde, 4.
Blackness, w., buflke, 6. Some-
times the infin. kulika, to be
black, is used in comparative
constructions. § 90 (^).
Blacksmith, n., mutudi, i; n.sen-
da, 3; mufudi, i.
shop, citudilu, 7.
Bladder, n., cinyu, 7.
Blade, n., of grass, dixinde, 5;
dibexi, 5; diinyi, 5.
of knife, muele, 2.
back of, muongo, 2.
(shoulder-), cikiyakiya, 7; di-
keha, 5.
Blame, vt., falsely, banda.
Blank, adj. (empty), cinana (inde-
clinable), tuliu.
Blanket, n., mbulankote(Eng.),3.
Blaspheme, vph., tela dina dia
Blaze, nph., ludimi(4) lua ka-
Bleach, vt., tokexa.
Bleat, v., dila.
Bleed, w.(nose), miluluba (pi. of
2) idi ituka.
vt., sumika.
(small gourd used for bleeding or
cupping), lusumu, 4.
Bless, ‘Pi!.(make happy), sankixa;
vi., sanka.
(praise, as God), tendelela, tum-
bixa, inyixa.
Blind, be or become, vi., fofa,
xibala mesu.
(white spot in pupil), lusongo, 4.
Blindness, n., bufofo, 6.
Blister, ;/.(made by fire, hot
water, etc.), dibuba, 5.
Blood, n., maxi, pi. of 5 or 6.
from (the nose), miluluba, pi.
of 2.
Bloom, Blossom, ii ., cilongo, 7;
cisu, 7.
V., vunguluka, baluluka.
Blot out, vt., jimixa, jirna.
Bl0W4 n., mukumu, 2; mututu, 2.
away by wind, vt., hehula; vi.,
bellows, vt., imba with mudua(2)
or mubanze (2).
breath, vt., ela muhuya(2).
down, as tree, vt., ximbula; vi.,
fire, vt., temexa, huxa, huhixa.
(hit with fist), vt., kuma or tuta
or tua with cisusu(7) or di-
(hit with knuckles), vt., tua lu-
(hit with open hand), vt., kuma
or tuta with dihi(5) or luhi(4).
horn, whistle, vt., ela.
meat, as by flies, vi, ela eiku-
nose, hemba with lusole(4) or
tumina pi. of 8).
out, extinguish, vt., jima.
(pant), V., huyakana.
violently, as storm, v., Iniha.
Blue, adj., tike (black), fikuluke.
These words are p.p. of flka
and fikuluka.
Blunder, v., tuhakana.
Boar, n., ngulube, 3.
(male), mulumi(i) wa ngulu-
Board, n., dibiya, 5.
(piece of board for bottom of
basket), cibasa, 7.
Boast, v.(be proud), disua.
Boat, «. (canoe), buatu, 6.
(steamer), dikumbi(5) dia mi;
maxua, pi. of 5 or 6.
Body, n., mubidi, 2.
(corpse), citalu, 7; muxangi
(Buk.), 2.
Bogie, n., mukixi, 2; niuxan-
gi(Buk.), 2.
Boil, w., ciuxa, 7; disungu, 5.
(sore), mputa, 3.
(very small), luhusu, 4.
vi.{si 5 > water), s&ba, bila.
vt., tumpa, sabula.
(render oil or evaporate for salt),
Bold, adj., see brave.
Boldness, n., see bravery.
Bondage, w., buhika, 6.
Bonds, n., lukanu, 4.
put in, vph., ela mu lukanu.
Bone, n., mufufa, 2; mufuba, 2;
mukuha, 2.
of fish, dieba, 5. PI. meba.
Book, n., mukanda, 2.
leaf of, diinyi, 5; dibexi, 5.
Boot, «.(shoe), cisabatu, 7.
Border, n., of path, field, cloth,
etc., muelelu, 2; musala, 2;
bucika, 6; also the Locative
words kusula, kunfudilu,
kusala. § 423 (2) {h).
(dividing line), mukalu, 2.
vi., tuangana.
Bore, vph., tubula disoso(5).
Borer, w.(an insect), mbumbu, 3.
Born, be, vi., use any auxiliary
verb meaning to he followed by
pass, past part, of lela.
first-, muan’a bute(6).
last, muan’a mukala(2).
new-born child, katoto, 8.
(still-born child), kana(8) ka-
(be born again, metempsycho-
sis), vi., sanguka, tanda,
Borrow, z^^.(with the idea of return-
ing the exact article), hanza.
(with the idea of not returning
the exact article borrowed, but
its equivalent in kind), somba.
Bosom, n., ciadi, 7.
Both, cow;. ( both . . . and), ne
. . . ne.
w.(in sense of all two), bu-
bidi, 6. § 95 (a).
Bother, Z'/.(annoy), tacixa, 1am-
bakana, hotela, lobola.
(be bothered), vi., humba, tata.
(interrupt), vt., humbixa, kose-
xa, humbakuxa.
Bottle, w., mulondo, 2.
Bottom, w.(base), citaku, 7; also
the Locative words kimianda,
(bottom on the inside), hanxi ha.
Bough, n., ditamba, 5.
Bounce, vi. lundumuka.
Bound, z;f.(jump), tuhika.
(rebound), lundumuka.
w. (limit), see boundary.
Boundary, w,(edge of field, path,
etc.), muelelu, 2; musala, 2;
bucika, 6; also the Locative
words kusula, kunfudilu, ku-
sala, kukala.
line, mukalu, 2.
Bow, w.(rain-), muazankongolo, 2.
(-string), mulemu, 2.
(to put on bowstring), lema
(weapon), buta, 6.
V., inuma, inyika mutu(2).
Bowels, w.(intestine), dila, 5.
action of, v., nyina.
(peristaltic movement with noise),
V., nyenga.
running off of, vph., huya or ela
or uha with munda.
Bowl, w., dilonga, 5. .
Bowstring, n., mulemu, 2.
put on, vt., lema.
Box, n., muxete, 2.
Boy, n., muana(i) mulumi(i).
(lad), songalumi, i; muhian-
kunde, 2.
(the foreigner’s personal attend-
ant), mboi(Eng.), i. This
. term is also applied to a female
Boyhood, w., bunsongalumi, 6;
buhiankunde, 6.
Bracelet, n., lukanu, 4.
Braces, w. ( suspenders), mikuba
(pi. of 2) ya mihanu (pi. of 2).
Brag, v., disua.
Braid, ^'^.(plait), luka cihia(7).
Brain, n., buongo, 6.
Branch, of a tree, ditamba, 5.
w‘.(as a stream or path), handu-
luka, abuluka, tahuluka.
Brand, w.(sign), cimonyinu, 7;
cilexilu, 7.
(fire-), cimunyi, 7.
Brass, n., there is no distinct word,
use ciama(7) cikunze or lu-
kanu(4) lutoke.
rod, used in some places as cur-
rency, mutaku, 2.
Brave, adj., -a dikima(5), -a
bukitu(6), -amucima(2) mu-
be, vi., teka dikima(5).
Bravery, w., dikima, 5; bukitu, 6;
mucima(2) mukale.
Bray, v., dila.
Bread, n., bidia, pi. of 7; nxima,
pi. of 3 or 4.
(European bread made from
wheat flour), bidia biamampa
(this word from Lower Congo).
Breadth, n., the Locatives mu or
ku followed by buihi(6) or
bukise(6); ntanta(3) muihi;
bunlne is used often when
there is no comparison between
length and breadth,
r Break, vt., cibula; vi., cibuka.
(as day), butuku(6) as subj. of
verb cia.
(as dish), vi., fua, handika; vt.,
(as fire-wood), vt., caba.
(as friendship), xiha with bu-
lunda(6) or bunyana(6).
down, be exhausted, vi., hanga;
vt., hangixa.
in, as thief, vt., handa.
loose, vi., tuka; vt., tula,
wind, ela muxa(2).
£ Breakfast, n., bidia (pi. of 7) bia
( Breast, w. ( chest), ciadi, 7.
f (heart, conscience), muoyo, 2;
mucima, 2.
Breast {continued).
(teat), dibele, 5.
Breath, n., muhuya, 2.
blow the, ela muhuya.
draw the, eyela or koka or huta
with muhuya.
Breathe, vi., eyela.
(pant), huyakana, eyakana.
Breeches, n., muhanu, 2; mu-
kiya, 2. The pi. is generally
used in each case.
Breed, vt., imicixa.
Brew, vt., enga.
Bribe, vt., futa.
11., difutu, 5.
Brick, n., kaxola, 8.
Bride, n., mubukibui, i. From
pass, bukibua, to he married.
Bridegroom, w., mubuki, I. This
w'ord is generally followed by
the ph. wa mukuxi.
Bridge, n., cilamba, 7; cilanda, 7;
dis6ke, 5.
Briefly, adv.{\.o speak briefly), use
neg. of lunguluka.
Brigand, n., munyengi, i.
Bright, a(/y.(smart), -a lungen-
yi(4); -a mexi (pi. of 5); -a
lukanyi(Buk.), 4.
be, vi.{io glisten, shine), enge-
lela, balakana.
Brighten, ’t'/.(make to shine),
balakuxa, engelexa.
(whiten), tokexa.
Brightness, w. ( intelligence), lun-
genyi, 4; mexi, pi. of 5;
lukanyi(Buk.), 4.
(of color), butoke, 6.
(of moonX dikenka, 5.
(of sun), munya, 2.
Brim, n., mubangu, 2; mulemu
(mulomo), 2; muxuku, 2.
Bring, vt., lua ne.
about, to cause, use Causative
Form of verb.
(accompany, conduct), flla.
back, alukixa, tucixa, hingixa.
(carry), tuala.
forth, lela(woman), kuama(tree),
ika(cassava, potatoes, etc.).
Bring {continued).
out, iimuxa, hatiila, luhiila.
to mind, vulula, vuluxa.
to, resuscitate, sanguliixa, tuyi-
xa, fulula.
up, rear, dixa, kalexa.
water, suna.
Brink, (cliff), cibungubungu, 7.
(beach), muelelu(2) wa mi.
Broad, ad j. (large), nine.
Broaden, vt., diundixa, lundixa.
Brood, v.{as hen), ladila.
over, bungama.
Brook, n., musulu, 2.
Broom, n., lukombo, 4.
Broth, n., musoxi, 2; mukele-
kele, 2; nsupu(Eng.), 3.
Brother, n., there is no general
name for brother save the in-
definite ph. muan’etuinuluini,
etc. § 138, Rem. 5, Note 2.
(elder), mukulu, i.
(younger), muakunyi, i.
The words mukulu and mua-
kunyi are generally followed
by the poss. pro. as enclitic.
§ 138, Rem. 2.
Brother-in-law, w. (brother or
sister of wife), bukonde, i.
(brother or sister of husband),
mbi-(poss. pro.)-eina. §§ 138,
R m. 3 and Note; 42, Note 2.
Bro*v, ;e( forehead), nip ala, 3.
eye-, dikiki, 5.
knit the, vph., nyenga or fudika
with mpala(3).
Brown, adj., kunze, kunzubile,
kunzuluke. These words are
p.p. from the verbs kunza,
kunzubila and kunzuluka.
Brush, w. ( broom), lukombo, 4.
-wood, cisala, 7.
■y. (sweep), komba.
(as clothes), kuhula.
Brushwood, n., cisala, 7.
Brutal, adj., -a lukuna, 4; -a
cinyangu, 7.
Brutality, n., lukuna, 4; cin-
yangu, 7.
Brute, «. (animal), nyuma, 3.
(person), muena(i) with luku-
na(4) or cinyangu(7).
Bubble, n\, lututu, 4; lukende, 4.
Bubo, n., ciuxa, 7.
Bud, 71 ., lutonga, 4; muscle, 2.
vi., mena, sampila, toloka,
Buffalo, mbowo, 3.
Bug, w. ( generic), cixi, 7.
Bugle, n., mpungi, 3.
Build, vt., ibuka, asa (see under
asa in B.L.-Eng.).
Building, w. ( house), nsubu, 3.
BuLL,«.,mulumi(i) wa ngombe(3)
Bullet, n., lutende, 4; mute-
lenge, 2; mutelenge(2) wa
Bunch, w.(of bananas), dibote, 5.
(of plantains), dikuonde, 5.
(hand of bananas or plantains),
cisangi, 7.
(of palm nuts), cinguji, 7.
(of things tied together), cisum-
bu, 7.
Bundle, w.(bale), dikutu, 5.
(of grass or other material tied
up), cisumbu, 7.
(roll), muvungu, 2.
(small), mubombo, 2.
Burden, 71., see load.
Burn, vt., oxa, hixa; vi., hia.
(roast), oxa.
(scorch, as food), vt., xidixa,
lunguxa; vi., xila, lungula.
(set on fire), oxa.
(singe), 1'/., babula; x^i., babuka.
(smart), oxa, liiakana, susuma.
Burnt offering, n., see sacrifice.
Burrow, v., imba, umbula.
Burst, vt., handixa, tayixa(to-
yixa); vi., bandika, tayika
(crack, as nuts), vt., bela, bula,
bosa, totobula, taya (toya).
Bury, vt., jika.
Bush, w. (forest), ditu, 5. PI.
(copse on plain), cihuka, 7.
Bushman, w., miisenxi, i. An
imported word.
Business, (occupation), mudi-
mu, 2.
(affair), bualu, 6; muanda, 2.
Busy, be, v., dl ne mudimu(2).
But, conj.y tadi, kadi. These
words are not used as fre-
quently as the English equiva-
Butt end, n., citaku, 7; also the
loc. word kuntaku, § 423 (2)
B UTTER, minyi (pi. of 5) a
ngombe(3), manteke (pi. of
5 )-
Butterfly, «., cibiyibiyi, 7.
Buttock, n., ditenge, 5 ; ditaku, 5.
Button, w., mbote, 3.
-hole, disu(5; dia mbote.
Buy, vt.y ula, sumba.
(buy and sell, trade), enda or
endulula with miixinga(2).
By, prep.{nea.v to), ku, kiinxi, lia
buiiii(6) ne, helii, kuihi.
(agent), kudi.
Cack«le, vph.y tuta or ela with
Case, n., musasa, 2.
(pen), cikumbi, 7.
Calamity, nph., bnalu(6) with the
adjectives bubi or biikale.
Calf, n., muan’a ngombe(3).
of leg, difu(tc) dia mukolo(2).
Call, v., bikila.
(by beckoning with hand), loba.
one’s name behind one’s back,
to fight, kobola.
to mind, vi., vuluka; vt.y vulula,
(to name), idika, inyika.
Calling, w. ( occupation), mudimu,
Calm, be, vi., hola, talala, dl with
hola or talala as advs.
Calmly, adv., hola, talala.
Calumniate, v., songuela, banda.
Calumniator, n., muena(i) with
bunsonge(6) or mukosa(2).
Calumny, n., bunsonge, mu-
kosa, 2
Camel, n., kamelo(Eng.), 8.
Camwood, n., kakula, 8.
Can, n., luhanza, 4.
v.(be able), see § 230.
Cancel, z;^.(blot out),jimixa, jima.
Candle, n., kahia, 8; kadilu, 8;
muinda(muendu), 2. This
last word is perhaps from the
Lower Congo.
Cane, n., sugar-, muenge, 2; ci-
lengelenge, 7.
walking, cibangii, 7.
Cannibal, n., mudlanganyl, i.
Cannon, ditende, 5.
Canoe, n., buatu, 6.
Canvas, w.(for wrapping around
bales), dikutu, 5.
Caoutchouc, n., ndundu, 3.
Cap, w.(for head), cifulu, 7.
(percussion), lufataci, 4.
Capable, be, m‘.(be able), munya
or dl or mona followed by mua
and infin., see § 230.
Capital, w.(very large village),
cimenga, 7; cihunda, 7.
Capsize, vi., ielklla; vt., icikixa.
Captain, w., kaplten(from French
or Eng.).
Captious, be, v., tontolola.
Capture, vt., kuata.
Caravan, nph., batuadi(i) ba
bintii(7) inu nxila(3).
Carcass, ??.(dead body of person),
citalu, 7; muxangi(Buk.), 2.
(skeleton), use pi. of words for
hone, mifuba, mikuha, mi-
Cardinal points, n. The natives
have no names for these. For
brevity and convenience in
teaching, the following nativ-
ized Eng. words are suggested:
North, n., Nata, 3.
South, 11., Santa, 3.
Cardinal points {continued) .
East, w., Isita, 3.
West, w., Wesita, 3.
For East we may also have the
ph. kutu kualuhuka diba or
kutu kuahatuka diba.
For West we may also have the
ph. kutu kuabuela diba or
kutu diba diabuela.
Care, w. ( affair, concern), bualu, 6;
muanda, 2.
(attend), lama.
for, vt., nanga, sua ha luse (4).
Carefully, adv., bitekete, bia-
kane, bimbe, bitulu.
Careless, be, vi., cimba, cimba-
kana, humbakana.
Carelessly, adv., bikale, lubilu,
lukusa, bibi.
Caress, vt.^ hotela, lambakana,
Carnal, adj., -a mucima(2) mubi.
knowledge, w., masandi, pi. of 5
or 6.
Carpenter, nph.^ muena(i) ma-
biya (pi. of dibiya, 5).
The term kapita(8) is used for
the West Coast men. The
word is from the Portuguese,
meaning headman.
Carriage, n., suggest some such
ph. as cintu(7) cikoka kudi
tubalu (pi. of kabalu, 8).
Carrier, nph., mutuadi(i) wa
Carry, vt., tuala, mema, angata,
ya ne, lua ne.
across a stream, etc., sabula.
water, suna.
Cartridge, n., mutelenge, 2.
(ball),mutelenge wa lutende(4).
(loaded with shot), mutelenge
wa tundimba (pi. of 8).
Carve, •y/.(as meat), seya, saya.
(as wood), songa.
Carver, n.{oi wood, etc.), mu-
songi, I.
Case, m. ( affair), bualu, 6; muan-
da, 2.
(box), muxete, 2.
Case {continued).
(sheath for knife), cibubu, 7;
luhaha, 4; cimanga, 7.
Cassava, n., ciombe, 7.
(leaves of, used as greens), ma-
tamba (pi. of 5), kalexi(8).
to soak the, vt., ina, zabika.
the unsoaked, ciombe cia mpete
(pi. of 4).
Cast, v/.(about, scatter), tanga-
luxa, tangadixa; vi., tanga-
luka, tangadika.
away, as useless, imaxa, sum-
bula, nyuka.
leaves, hohoka.
out, vt., hatula, lubula, umuxa,
tambula(Buk.); vi., hd^tuka,
luhuka, umuka, tambuka
(throw), ela.
Castrate, vt., tungula, hakula.
Cat, w.(wild-), mbalabala, 3.
(domestic), kambixi, 8; mpus
(Eng.), 3.
Cataract, n., cibila, 7.
Catch, vt., kuata.
(by throwing hands down on),
disease, the person catching the
disease is the obj. of the verb
kuata, while the disease is the
(in hands, as ball), akidila.
(to snare), teya.
(with hook, as fish), loha.
Catechism, nph., mukanda (2) wa
Catechumen, n., muena(i) dilon-
Caterpillar, «. (edible), dixi, 5.
PI. is mexi.
(not edible), cixi, 7.
Cause, n., bualu, 6; muanda, 2.
vt., use the Causative Form of
(for what cause?), see why?
without, cinana, hatuhu.
Caution, vt., dimuxa.
Cautious, be, vi., dimuka.
Cave, w., lubinga, 4; lubue, 4.
in, vi., bumbuka.
Cavil, v., tontolola.
Cease, vi., from, lekela.
raining, tangadikaor tangaluka
with nvula as subj.
C E ASELESSLY, adv. This idea may ,
according to sense, be ex-
pressed in several ways:
(1) By the adv. to.
(2) By one of the Repetitive
tenses. §§ 287-292.
(3) , By the Pres. Habitual tense.
(4) By the verb in -akana. § 339.
(5) By the verbal suffix in lu-.
§ 356 {d), Rem. i.
(6) By the phs. matuku (pi. of 5)
onso, ku dituku ku dituku,
ku dici(5) ku dici.
(7) In sense of forever, by laha-
laha, cendelele, kaxidi.
Celestial, adj., -a diulu(5).
Cemetery, n., use pi. of lukita(4)
or ciduaya(7).
Censure, vt., diula, nyoka.
Centipede, n., luminyiminyi, 4.
Centre, n., mu bunine(6); also
the insep. loc. words munkucl,
kunkuci, hankuci, munkulu.
§ 423 (2) { h ).
Certain, see certainly.
Certainly, adv., use the substan-
tive forms bulilela, buxua,
bualabuala, buinabuina, bui-
Certainty, n., bulilela, 6; buxua,
6; bualabuala, 6; buina-
buina, 6; buikuxa, 6.
Certify, v., amba.
Chaff, n.{oi com, rice, etc.),
cisote, 7.
Chagrin, n., bundu, 6; bunvu, 6.
(cause one chagrin), vt. ufuixa
have, V., ufua or unva with
Chain, n., lukanu, 4.
vt., ela mu lukanu.
Chair, n., nkuasa, 3.
Chalk, n., luhemba, 4.
Chamber, n., nsubu, 3.
Chameleon, n., lungonyonyi, 4.
Change, 1;/. (alternate), xintakuxa,
tompakanya, tompakuxa,
xintakanya; vi., tompakana,
(act of metempsychosis), lengu-
luka, sanguka, tanda.
(become different, be trans-
formed), vi., kudimuka, an-
(exchange, trade), xintakuxa,
xinta, xintakana, xintakan-
ya, hingakanya, hingakana,
sombakuxa, hingakuxa.
mind, vt., kudimuna or anda-
muna with mucima(2) or
(turn around or over), vt., kudi-
muna, andamuna; vi., kudi-
muka, andamuka.
Character, n., see kind.
Charcoal, n., dikala.
Charge, ^/.(ask a price), lomba.
deny a, viia.
Chariot, n., see carriage.
Charity, w.(pity), luse, 4.
In expression “faith, hope, char-
ity,” it is perhaps best to use
infin. kunanga, kusua, etc.
(generosity), diha, 5.
Charm, n., see medicine.
Chase, vt., away, ihata.
out, luhula, umuxa, hatula,
(hunt with dogs), ta.
Chaste, ad/.(good), impe, akane,
be, vi., ena ne masandi (pi. of 5
or 6).
Chasten, vt., see chastise.
Chastise, vt., kuma, tuta, ken-
Chastisement, n., dikengexa, 5.
Chatter, v. ( speak rapidly), laba-
Chattering, n., ciakulakula
§ 356 {g).
Cheap, adj. pli., -a mii.\inga(2)
Cheapen, (bring down price),
tekexa or liuekexa with mu-
Cheat, ■p.(steal), iba.
Check, •y^.(stop), lekexa.
Cheek, n., ditama, 5.
Cheer, z’/. ( console), samba, ka-
lexa mucima(2), bomba.
(give alarum), ela bila (pi. of
cila, 7), bingila.
(make glad), sankixa.
Cheese, n., cisi(Eng.), 7. § 55,
Rem. 2, Note 2.
Chest, w.(box), muxete, 2.
(of body), ciadi, 7.
Chew, vt., botexa.
(as bones or dried corn), bele-
(with unpleasant noise), tan-
Chicken, «., nsolo, 3.
Chief, mukelenge, i; tatu, i;
nfunui, I.
Chiefship, bukelenge, 6; biin-
fiimu, 6.
Child, v., muana, i.
(about three or four years old),
citendi, 7.
(be with), di ne with difu(5) or
dimi(5), imita.
(be with by, beget), imicixa.
(first-born), muan’a biite(6) .
(last born), muan’a mukala(2)
or muan’a lukala(4).
(new-born), katdto, 8.
own, muana miilela.
(still-born, foetus), kana (dimin.
of muana) kabixe.
Child-bearing, n., lulelu, 4; bu-
ledi, 6.
Childhood, n,, buana, 6.
Childless woman, n., nkumba, 3.
Chilliness, n., citelele, 7; ciaxi-
ma, 7; maxika, pi. of 5 or 6.
Chilly, adj., see cold.
Chin, n., cibanga, 7; lubanga, 4.
Chip, n., cihatu, 7.
Chirography, n., cifundidl, 7.
Choir, n., kuia(Eng.), 3.
Choke, vph. {with food), kuata ha
withmuminu(2) or diminu(5).
(throttle), vt., fiekela nxingu(3).
Choose, vt., sungula.
Chop, 'P/.(as wood), kosa, kala^
taha, kuota.
into small pieces, to hash, zaza.
n.(food), bidia, pi. of 7; bia
Chorus, n., kolus(Eng.), 3.
Christ, n., Kalistu (Kalisitu).
Christian, nph., muntu(i) wa
Christianity, nph., bualu(6) biia
Christmas day, nph., dituku(5)
dia Santa Klas,
Church, «. (building), nsubu(3)
wa Nzambi.
members of the, bantu baNzam-
Cicatrice, n., cibangu, 7.
Circle, n., eijengu, 7; cifundu,
7; citanga, 7.
go around in a, v., nyunguliika.
Circular, adj., -a cijengu(7); -a
cifundu(7); -a citanga(7).
Circumcise, vt., tengula.
be circumcised, use passive forms
of tengula. § 202.
Circumstance, n., bualu, 6;
muanda, 2.
Citizen, n., muena, i.
fellow, muan’etu, etc.; mxiena
kuetu, etc.; mukuetu, i, etc.
City, n., musoko, 2; ditunga, 5.
(large collection of villages),
cimenga, 7; ciliunda, 7.
CmL, adj., -a kalolo(8).
Civility, n., kalolo, 8.
Clan, n., see tribe.
Clap, w.(of thunder), dikubakuba,
5 -
V., the hands, tuta or knma with
the hand crosswise in expression
of regret, tuta cibubu(7).
Clapping, n., of the hands, lukuxl,
4; cibubu, 7.
Clasp, (embrace), uhukila.
(catch in the hands), akidila.
hands, kuatangana ku bianza
(pi. of 7).
Class, catechumen, dilongexa
5 -
(group), disanza, 5 ; cisumbu, 7.
Claw, n., luzala, 4; luzadi, 4;
luala, 4.
Clay, «.(ior making pots), dibiim-
ba, 5; dima, 5 (the pi. is
white, used for whitewashing,
luhemba, 4.
Clean, adj., toke (p.p. of toka, to
he clean)', impe; pass. p.p. of j
verbs uvua, sukula (Lower 1
Congo), kuhula.
person, -a mankenda (pi. of 5
or 6).
z;.(to whiten), tokexa.
(to rub or brush), kuhula.
(to wash), uvua, sukula.
Cleanliness, «.(of person), man-
kenda, pi. of 5 or 6.
Cleanness, «. (whiteness), butoke,
6 .
Cleanse, vt.{a.s clothes, etc.), uvua,
sukula (Lower Congo).
(give a bath), owexa.
Clear, vt., a field, sola,
away, uinuxa.
away, as sweeping, boya.
vi., away as mist or cloud, tanga-
luka, sanguluka.
cd).(transparent), toke (p.p. of
toka, to he white).
Cleave, (stick together), lama- [
ta, kuatakana.
■yi'. (split), handa.
Clench, vph., the fist, tonyaminu
(pi. of 2). I
Clever, adj., -a lungenyi(4), -a
mexi (pi. of 5).
The phrases di ne muhongo(2)
and di ne buloxi(6) have the
secondary meaning of clever,
ingenious, etc.
Cleverness, n., lungenyi, 4;
mexi, pi. of 5; lukanyi(Buk.),
4; muhongo(2) and buloxi(6)
also have a secondary meaning
corresponding to cleverness,
dexterity, etc.
Click, vi.{a.s gun), aba.
(in the throat to indicate anger),
Cliff, ??.(a great depression formed
by landslide), lubuyi, 4; cibu-
yubuyu, 7.
(near to water), cibungubungu,
7 -
Climb, vi., a tree or hill, banda.
(as vine), lamba.
Clock, n., diba, 5. PI. is meba.
This word is used because the
clock indicates the position of
the sun.
(o’clock), for divisions of the day
and night, see d.\y.
Clod, n., dibu, 5.
Close, vt (as box, book), buikila.
(as bracelet), bangika.
(as door), inxila, xibika.
(as eyes), buika ku mesu.
(as path, so no one can pass),
nyanga, ona.
(near to), see by.
(stand or be close together), vi.
imunangana, kuatakana.
Closeness, «. (nearness), buihi, 6.
Cloth, n., cilulu, 7; cilamba, 7.
There are different names for
the various kinds of European
cloth ; as, cimaza(7), diJesa(5'),
kakangala(8), kandolo(8'l,
mungulumungu(2), ndunga
(3), kandangama(8).
(native cloth made from the
palm), didiba, 5 ; cinsanki, 7;
mpualala, 3.
(small piece of cloth worn in
front and behind), lubondia, 4.
Clothe, vt., luaeika, luaeixa,
Clothes, n., bilulu, bilamba
Both pi. of 7.
Cloud, ditutu, 5; dibuba, 5.
(not heavy), ciululu, 7.
Cloudy, be, w. (threaten rain),
Cloven foot, n., mukono(2) mu-
Coagulate, w., kuatakana.
Coal, n., dikala, 5.
oil, petroleum, mpitolo(Eng.), 3.
Coast, n., iiiuelelu(2) or musa-
la(2) or bucika(6) or the loca-
tive words kukala, kusula,
kunfudilu, kusala, all fol-
lowed by the adj. ph. -a mi.
Coat, n., cikowela, 7; kazaku, 8;
cinkutu, 7.
^'.(as paint), whitewash, laba.
Coax, vt., sengela, sengelela.
Cob, n., cikumbuxi, 7; cikumbu-
kumbu, 7.
Cobweb, n., buntate, b; buta-
tande, 6; bukuondo, 6.
Cock, w. ( rooster), citila, 7.
(first cock to crow in the morn-
ing), citila cibedi.
vt., gun, bangula.
COCKCROWING, «^/i.(dawn), hadl
hasama nsolo, ha bitila.
Cockroach, n., luhenzu, 4.
Cocoa, n. koko(Eng.), 3.
Coerce, vt., use Causative Form of
Coffee, n., kafl(Eng.), 3 or 8.
Cohabit, v., luma, lala ne, lu-
mixa, tentemexa.
Coil, vt., vungila, jingila, jinga,
vunga, nyengela.
Coin, n., mpalata, 3.
Cola, nut, n., diku, 5. These are
eaten with the palm wine.
Cold, adj., -a maxika (pi. of 5 or
6), -a citelele(7), -a cia-
be or feel, vph., maxika as sub-
ject of V, kuata with person as
object, or the person as subject
of V. unva with maxika as
(be not warmed),‘yi.,talala, hola.
make, vt., taluxa, holexa.
Cold {continued).
M.(a cough), lukosolo, 4.
(catarrh in nose), cimpumpu, 7.
Coldness, w., maxika, pi. of 5 or 6;
citelele (citalele), 7; cia-
xima, 7.
Collect, vt., tutakanya, tuta-
kuxa, sangixa, sambakanya,
sambakuxn, sangakanya,
sangakuxa, kungixa, sangi-
la, sanga.
Collide, v., kumangana, tutan-
Color, n., mubidi, 2.
There are only three definite
words expressing color, viz.,
toke(white), fike(black),
kunze(red). These are really
past participles derived from
the verbs toka, fika, kunza,
respectively. From the three
words above mentioned are
derived words which express
the intermediate colors as fol-
(blue, green), flkuluke.
(brown, yellow), kunzubile, kun-
(gray), tokoloke.
Sometimes blue and green are
represented by like, yellow and
brown by kunze.
(spotted), di ne matoba(pl. of 5)
or di ne mabaxi (pi. of 5).
(striped), di nemihola (pi. of 2).
Comb, n., cisaku, 7; cisamuinu, 7.
of fowl, mualala, 2.
of honey, dikaci, 5; dihula, 5.
vt., samuna.
Combine, vt., sangixa, sangakan-
ya, sangakuxa, sangila, san-
ga, tutakanya, tutakuxa,
sambakanya, sambakuxa;
vi., sangakana, sambakana,
Come, v., lua.
after, follow, londa.
around to other side, luila.
(arrive at), fika.
Come {continued).
back, aluka, alukila, hingana,
tu^a, tucila, andamuka.
down, tiiluka, ika.
from, lua with proper locative,
in, into, buela.
into view, mueneka, mueka.
off, as skin, laniuka, huluka.
out, as blade out of handle, kuka.
out of, luhuka, umuka, hatuka.
out of place, tuka.
over, as water, sabuka.
past, hita, tamba.
slowly, stealthily, onguela.
to consciousness, fululuka.
together, sangakana, tutakana,
lua cisumbu(7), diunguixa,
disanga, sambakana, kunga-
kana, dikunga.
to mind, vuluka.
with, accompany, flla.
Comfort, z;/. (console), samba,
bomba, kalexa mucima(2).
(when crying), kosexa or huixa
with muadi(2).
Command, v., amba, ambila, tu-
mina di (5).
not, prohibit, kanda.
n., see commandment.
Commandment, w., di, 5. PI. isme.
(negative), mukandu, 2.
(positive), mukenji, 2.
Commence, v., again, tuadixa,
to do, banga.
Commend, vt., inyixa.
Commingle, vi., buelakana.
Commit, v (do), enza, osa, kixa
adulterv, enda masandl (pi. of
5 or 6), sanda.
rape, kuata mukuxi(i) ku bii-
kalet 6).
suicide, dixiha, dlowa(by hang-
Common, adj.{he of little account),
-a cinana, -a hatubu, -a b6.
have things in, vph., sangixa
Commotion, w. ( disturbance), diyo-
yo, 5.
Communion, w. (Lord’s Supper),
bidia (pi. of 7) bia Nzambi.
wine, mi a Nzambi.
Companion, n., mulunda, i; nya-
n(a), i; muan’etu, etc., § 138,
Rem. 5.
Companionship, «., bulunda, 6;
bunyana, 6.
Company, «. (crowd), cisumbu, 7.
Compare, vt., idikixa, elekexa.
Compassion, n., luse, 4.
teel, V., ufua, or unva with luse.
have for, ha luse, samba.
Compel, v., use Causative Form of
Compensate, vt., futa.
Compensation, n., difutu, 5.
Competent, be, 7;.(able), munya or
di or mona followed by mua
and infin. § 230.
Complain, v., about, tontolola.
of before another, songueia.
Complaint, w.(have against one),
bualu, 6 , muanda, 2. Ndi
n’ebi bualu, I have a com-
plaint against you.
Complete, be, w.(exact number),
ula, xika. Cinunu with ciule
or cixike, an exact thousand,
vt., muna, miinyixa, xikixa,
hiuxa; vi., hua, xika.
(full quantity or measure, be),
vi., kumbana, vula; vt., kum-
baxa, vudixa.
adj., xila, kanda.
Compliment, vt., inyixa.
Compliments, n., muoyo, 2.
give, V., ha or ela or cbexa with
Comprehend, ^'.(hear), unva
(known), munya.
Compress, vt., kama, mata.
(press down), bambila, nyeme-
nena, xindika.
Conceal, vt., sokoka; vi., soko-
Concede, v.. itabuxa.
Conceit, w. ( pride), disanka, 5.
1 66
Conceited, be, z*/.(proud), disua.
Conceive, v., imita with difu(5)
or dimi(5). This latter word
seems to be used only of
cause to, iniicixa.
(think), ela or elanfrana fol-
lowed by lungenyi(4) or mexi
(pi. of 5) or mueima(2).
Concern, «. (matter), bualu, 6;
imianda, 2.
Concerning, prep., bualu(6) bua.
Conciliate, vt., sunga.
Conclude, ^’.(comie to same con-
clusion after consultation),
di(5) diakuakanangana di-
mue, hunguluxa di, akuxa
(finish), muna, miinyixa, xi-
kixa, huixa.
(resolve), amba.
Concourse, «. (crowd), cisumbu, 7.
Concubine, «. (general term for
wife), mukuxi, i.
(first concubine taken), cilon-
de(7) niuadi(2).
CONTDEilN, vt., hixa.
(be condemned, convicted), vi.,
(not to praise), r/., diula, nyoka.
CONT)EMNATlON, ;/.(doom), mulau,
CONTDITION, «., suggest infin. kui-
CONT)UCT, vt., flla, xindikixa, ya
ne, lombola.
n., cilele, 7, eienzedi, 7; cibi-
lu, 7.
Conductor, ;?.(leader), mulom-
bodi, i; mudianjidi, i.
Confer, x'.fgive an ofl&ce to), ha
or dixa followed by abstract
name of office,
together, ela cifufu(7).
Conference, (private), eifufu,
/ •
Confess, v., itabuxa, sokola, ton-
da. di«onguela.
Confidence, have in, vt., teke-
Confluence, n., disangu, 5. Gen-
erally used in pi.
Conform to, z’.(be like), fuanan-
gana, akanangana, dieleka.
Confound, i 7 .,buandakuxa,buan-
dakanya, tuhakuxa, tuba-
kanya; vi., tuhakana, buan-
Confuse, vt., buandakuxa, buan-
dakanya, tuhakiixa, tuha-
kanya; vi., tuhakana, buan-
(miss path), hanibuka.
(put in disorder), tangadixa,
tangaluxa, muanga, niuan-
galuxa; vi., tangadika, tan-
galuka, muangaluka.
Confusion, «. (noise), diyoyo, 5.
be in, vi., tangadika, tangaluka,
put in, vt , tangadixa, tanga-
luxa, muangaluxa.
Congeal, v., kuatakana.
Congo Independent State Gov-
ernment, with all officials, n.,
Bula 3 Iatadi (Lower Congo).
Congratulate, vt., sekelela.
Congreg.^te, vi., sangakana, tu-
takana, lua cisun.bu'7\ di-
sanga, diunguixa kunga-
kana, sambakana, dikunga.
Congregation, tz. (crowd), cisum-
bu, 7.
Conjure, ? 7 . (bewitch) Iowa,
(divine), buka, tempa, tempexa.
(do sleight-of-hand trick), enza
di jimbuv'5).
Conjurer, n., see sorcerer.
Conquer, vt., hita or tamba fol-
lowed by bukale(6) or ngu-
lu(3); cimuna.
Conscience, ;z.,mucima, 2; mur-
yo, 2.
Conscious, of v., munya, unva
Consecrate, vt., see sanctify.
Consent, v., itabuxa.
See permission.
Consequence, of no, kakuena
bualu(6); -a cinana; -a
Consequently, adv., see there-
CONSroER, v.y ela or elangana fol-
lowed by lungenyi(4) or
mexi(5) or mucima(2) or
(reckon), amba.
Consistent, adj. ph., -a di(5)
Console, vt.y samba, kalexa mu-
cima(2), bomba.
(when crying), kosexa or huixa
with muadi(2).
Conspicuous, be, vi.{he seen),
mueka, mueneka.
[ Conspiracy, n., cifufu(7) cibl.
Conspire, v., ela cifufu(7) cibi.
Constantly, adv., see ceaseless-
Constipation, n., cinyenga, 7.
(be constipated), v., nyenga with
munda as subj., di ne cin-
Constrain, t;/. ( hinder), humbixa,
humbakuxa, kosexa; vi.y
(cause to do), use Causative Form
! of verb.
i Construct, t;/. ( build), ibuka, asa
(see note in B.L.-Eng.).
(make), enza, osa, kixa.
- Consult, vt., for advice, konka,
medicine man, tempa, tempexa,
buka, nua ciala(7).
together secretly, ela cifufu(7).
i Consultation, n., secret, cifufu, 7.
) Consume, vt., oxa.
(be consumed by fire), hia.
(be finished), xika, hua.
(spend, eat up), dia.
Contagious, be, vi., tampakana,
ambulukila, sambulukila.
Contain, it., di ne.
1 Content, be, vi., sanka, muci-
ma(2) udi with mutalale or
Content, be {continued).
The last two words are p.p. of
talala and hola.
Contention, «. (dispute), luh&ta,
4 -
have a, di ne or ela or elangana
with mp^ta (pi.).
Contentment, n., disanka, 5.
Contiguous, be, vi., tuangana,
Continually, adv., see cease-
Continue, 7/.(reside), ikaia.
(persevere), use neg. of lekela or
hanga, or Pres. Habitual
Contract, w.(a secret agreement),
cifufu, 7.
make a, v., hunga di(i;).
a vT-itten, mukanda, 2.
(shorten), vt.. ihihixa, kehexa.
(as a bug when touched), vi.
Control, vt.(as mother a child),
bulukila, samina, bela, nan-
Controversy, n., luhata, 4.
engage in a, v., di ne or ela or
elangana followed by mpata
settle a, v., tuixa.
Comvalesce, vi., sangala, kusa
mubidi(2), sanguluka.
Com^ERGE, vi., sambakana, sanga-
kana, sangila.
Conversation, n., muaku, 2.
hold a, V., somba.
Converse, vi., somba.
Convert, vt., kudimuna, anda-
(be converted in religious sense),
kudimuka muntu(i) wa
n., muntu wa Nzambi.
Convict, vt., hixa.
(be convicted), vi., hila.
Convince, vt., itabuxixa.
Com^ULSE, vi.(to have a fit), ha-
luka, fua vdth ciseke(7) or
tungulungu (pi. of 8).
Convulsion, w.(fit), ciseke, 7;
tungulungu, pi. of 8; nkoyi,
3. The latter word is used
only of children.
Cook, v., lamba, ihika.
(be half cooked), tuya.
(boil, stew), turn pa.
(dry by fire, as meat), inyika,
(fry), kanga.
(roast in a pot, as corn, peanuts,
etc.), kanga.
(roast in fire), oxa.
(with seasoning, such as salt, pep-
per, oil, etc.), lunga.
W., kuku(Eng.), mulambi(i),
house, kitchen, cikuku(Eng.), 7.
Cool, see cold.
Coolness, n., see coldness.
Copper, n., ciama(7) cikunze.
Sometimes ciombo(7) seems
to be used for copper, but this
latter word may mean either
copper or iron made into
crosses. Note that ciama
means either iron or copper,
the distinction being made with
the adjectives like and kunze,
Copse, n., cihuka, 7.
Copulate, v., luma, lumixa, ten-
temexa, lala ne.
Copy, n., cidikixilu, 7; cimon-
yinu, 7; cilexilu, 7; cidiki-
xu, 7*; luedi, 4; luelekexi, 4;
luidi, 4.
v.y idikixa, elekexa.
Cord, n., muoxi, 2; muxinga, 2.
Cork, ^.(stopper of bottle), cixi-
biku, 7; cibuiku, 7; cibui-
kilu, 7.
Corn, w.(maize), dianva, 5; di-
tala, 5. Generally used in pi.
to express quantity. Dianva
and ditala mean one ear of
cob of, cikumbuxi, 7; cikum-
bukumbu, 7.
shuck of, cihusu, 7.
Corn {continued).
silk of, beard, munyanvudi, 2.
stalk of, cikolakola, 7; lubala-
bala, 4; musengeleke, 2.
tassel of, luzeba, 4.
Corner, n., of house, ditumba, 5.
Cornet, w., mpungi, 3.
Corpse, m., citalu, 7; muxangi
(Buk.), 2.
Corpulent, grow, vi., diunda,
Correct, adj., impe, akane, len-
gele, o-umue, muomumue
^/.(rebuke), bela, nanga.
(scold), samina, bulukila.
Correctly, aJ‘y.(truly), bulilela,
buinabuina,bualabuala, bui-
kuxa, buxua. These words
are really adjectives with
bualu(6) understood.
(rightly), bimpe, biakane.
Correctness, n., see truth.
Correspond to, vi., fuana, fuan-
angana, akana, akanangana
dieleka, di with bu or buina.
(write to each other), fundilan-
gana mikanda (pi. of 2).
Corrode, z'.(rust), kuata dimo-
Corrosion, w.(rust), dimoma, 5.
Corrupt, ad/.(bad), bi.
(be rotten), vi.y bola.
(make rotten), vt.^ bolexa.
(make to go bad), vt., ona,
nyanga; vi., onoka, nyan-
(spoil, as a child), vt., ibidixa
bualu(6) bubi.
Corruption, w. ( badness), bubi, 6.
Cost, w. ( price), muxinga, 2.
Costive, be, v., di ne cinyenga(7),
nyenga munda.
Costiveness, n., see constipation.
Costly, adj., -a muxinga (2) mu-
Cotton, n., buanda, 6.
Couch, n., bulalu, 6.
Cough, n., lukosolo, 4.
V., kosola.
Could, v., see able. Use the
proper past tense.
Council, n., ciiumbu, 7.
(hold a council or court), v.,
lumbulula, xambula(Buk.).
Councilor, ^.(attorney, one speak-
ing for another at court),
muambididi, i; muakuidi, i;
mulumbuluidi, i.
Counsel, vt., ambila, ha with lun-
genyi(4) or mexi(5) or lu-
(warn), dimuxa.
n., lungenyi, 4; mexi, pi. of 5;
lukanyi, 4.
Count, v., bala.
Countenance, n., see features.
Countless, adj., use neg. of munya
or mona or ena with mua
kubala, to count.
Country, n. The country of a
certain clan or tribe is gener-
ally expressed by giving the
simple name of the people.
We may also have the indefi-
nite misoko {towns).
(down-country), kumanda. §423
(2) (6).
of the foreigner, mputu, 3. This
word is a corruption of the
name Portugal.
Countryman, n., muena, i; mu-
kua, i; muan’etu, etc.; mue-
na kuetu, etc. ; mukuetu, etc.
§§ 138, Rem. 5; 141, Rem. i;
142; 87 (d), Rem. 2.
Couple, «.(all two), bubidi, 6.
Courage, n., dikima, 5; bukitu,
6; mucima(2) mukale.
have, V., teka dikima or bukitu
or mucima mukale.
Courageous, adj., see brace.
Court, w., of justice, ciiumbu, 7.
(enclosure), use mu with lu-
hangu(4) or cihangu(7) or
(talk palaver at court), v., lum-
bulula, xambula(Buk.).
(yard, open space in village), lu-
banza, 4; bula, 6.
Court {continued).
7/.(woo), endela.
Courteous, adj., -a kalolo, 8.
Courtesy, n., kalolo, 8.
Cousin, n. Generally expressed
by the indefinite muan’etu,
etc. § 138, Rem. 5.
Covenant, n., see agreement.
Cover, vt., buikila.
a house, finga; kuma.
(be covered with, as clothes with
dirt), vi., tahakana.
«., cibuikilu, 7; cibulku, 7;
cixibiku, 7.
Covet, vph., use muoyo(2) or mu-
cima(2) as subject ofj v sa-
mina or kumina, ela mu-
cima. Hence we say nakuela
cifulu ciandi mucima, I
coveted his hat.
Covetous, adj., -amucima(2).
Cow, n., ngombe(3) mukuxi, mu-
kuxi’a ngombe.
Coward, n., muena(i) buowa(6),
muena mucima(2) mutekete.
Cowardice, n., buowa, 6; muci-
ma(2) mutekete.
Cower, 2;.(as animal), baxa, di ne
mbaxibaxi (pi. of 3 or 4).
Cowry, «.,mubela, 2; luhaxi(Buk.
and Bukuba), 4.
Crab, n., nkala, 3; lukala, 4.
Crack, n., mutanta, 2.
vt., handa mutanta(2); vi.,
handika mutanta, fua mu-
(as nuts), bela, bula, bosa, toto-
bula, taya(toya).
Craft, w.(occupation), mudimu, 2.
Craftiness, «. (meanness), luki-
nu, 4.
(sharpness), budimu, 6.
Crafty, adj., -a budimu(6), di-
muke (p.p. of diniuka, to he
(mean), -a lukinu(4).
Cram, (together), bambila, nye-
menena, xindika, kamata.
Crane, w.(bird), nyunyu(3) wa
Crawfish, n., cisasankala, 7;
cisasa, 7.
(shrimp), luxixa, 4; luxoxa, 4.
Crawl, vi.{a.s caterpillar, lizard),
landala, lundamana.
(as child), kalaba, jeka.
(as snake), enda ujongoloka
(from V. jongoloka).
Craziness, n., buhale, 6; butom-
boke, 6; bubuluke, 6.
Crazy, be, vi., buluka, hala, tom-
adj., buluke, hale, tomboke.
These are p.p. of the above
Crease, n., mufudi, 2.
Create, vt., fuka.
Credit, 7;. (let one have something
as a debt), ha dibanza(5).
Hence we have nakuha Ka-
songo dibanza diinyi dia
cinunu cia mibela, I credited
Kasongo for 1,000 cowries, lit.
I gave him my debt for 1,000
Credulity, w., luitabuxu, 4.
Credulous, adj., -a luitabuxu(4).
Creek, n., musulu, 2.
Creep, w.(as child), kalaba, jeka.
(as vine), lamba.
stealthily, bombelela, tobela.
Creeper, (generic), muoxi, 2.
There are many species, but
the most useful is the lukodi(4),
which is extensively employed
in making houses, fences, mats,
nets, baskets, etc.
Creeping thing, w., cixi, 7.
Crevice, n., mutanta, 2.
Cricket, n., cimpul , 7; cinson-
kela, 7.
(edible), muenze, 2; muntuntu,
Crimson, adj., kunze (pp. of
kunza, to he crimson).
Cringe, vi., with fear, as animal,
b&xa, di ne mbaxibaxi(3).
Crippled, be, w.(limp), zobela.
Croak, w.(as frog), dila.
Crocodile, n., ngandu, 3.
Crook, w.(bend), dintonya, 5.
Crooked, be, vi., konyangala,
tonyuma, nyongoboka, hen-
guluka, kobama.
Crop, n.{pi bird), dibodio, 5.
Cross, w.(like that on which Christ
was crucified), muci(2) mucia-
iron or copper made into, ciom-
bo, 7.
(be fretful), vi., nyingabala.
(as one path or stick crossing an-
other), vi., ciamakana; vt.,
a stream, vi., sabuka; vt., sa-
Crossing, w.(ford or ferry), cisabu,
7; dilobo, 5; cisabukilu, 7.
Crouch, vi., inuma, butama,
Crow, ‘P.(as cock), sama.
Crowd, n., cisumbu, 7; disanga,
5; bungi, 6.
together, vi., huelekana; vt.,
buexakana, buelakuxa.
Crown, n.,oi head, lubombo, 4.
Crucify, vph., xiha ha muci(2)
Cruel, adj., -a lukinu(4), -a
(be cruel toward one) vt., nyan-
ga, ona.
Cruelty, w.,lukinu,4; cinyangu,7.
Crumb, n., cisunsukila, 7; luko-
toto, 4; kavuku, 8.
Crumble, vt., sunsula.
Crunch, vt., beleketa.
Crush, 7;/. (grind between stones),
(by beating), kuma, tuta.
(by rubbing), vinga, sunsula.
in mortar, tua.
(squeeze), kama.
to powder, botexa.
Crust, n., lukototo, 4; cilumu-
lumu, 7.
Cry, V., dila.
(console or stop from crying),
kosexa or huixa with mua-
Cry {continued).
(exclamation used in calling to
fight), V., kobola.
(exclamation of surprise or joy
by a number of people), x’.,
bingila, ela bila (pi. of 7).
for, dila, jinga.
^.(weeping), muadi, 2.
(alarum), cila, 7.
Crying, w., muadi, 2.
Culpable, be, vi., hila.
Cultivate, v., dima, ihila.
Cunning, adj., -a budimu(6), di-
muk« (p.p- of dimuka, to he
Cunningness, n., budimu, 6.
Cup, n.y luhanza, 4.
(to bleed), vt., sumika.
(small gourd for cupping),
lusumu, 4.
Cure, •y^.(heal), ondaha (used in
reference to the person heal-
ing), holexa, taluxa, umixa.
The last three words have refer-
ence to the medicine perform-
ing the cure.
(be cured), ‘yi.,talala, hola, uma.
(to give a present of something to
eat to a person wounded, the
^t to be given by the person
inflicting the wound), lunga.
Curse, x;^.(doom), ela mulau(2).
(offend), henda, tuka.
«., cihendo, 7.
(doom), mulau, 2.
Curve, v^.(bend), tonya, tonta,
kobeka, konya, henguluxa,
nyongoboxa; vi., konyon-
gala, tonyuma, nyongoboka,
kobama, henguluka.
n., dintonya, 5.
Custom, n.y cibilu, 7; cilele, 7;
cienzedi, 7.
CUT, vt.y kosa, taha, kata.
(as vine for rubber), taha, benda.
away, as trash in field, sengula.
away, as large timber for field,
(carve), songa.
(castrate), tungula, hakula.
Cut {continued).
(chop), kuota.
down, as grass or tree, taha,
xumbula, uhula.
finger nails, bengula nzadi.
fire-wood, handa, taha, kuota.
grass with hoe, dima, ihila.
open, split, handa.
(slice), benga.
teeth, mena with dina(5) as
up, as an animal killed, seya,
up by the roots, jula.
up into small pieces, to hash,
(wound), taha mputa(3).
w. (wound), mputa, 3.
Daily, adv., ku dituku(5) ku di-
tuku, ku dici(5) ku dici.
Daintiness, w., mankenda, pi. of
5 or 6.
Dainty, adj., -a mankenda (pi. of
5 or 6).
Damage, vt., ona, nyanga.
Damn, v., ela mulau(2).
Damnation, n., mulau, 2.
Damp, adj., -a citelele(7), -a cia-
be, vi., talala, hola, bombama.
(be wet), vi., bola, toha.
Dampen, vt,, taluxa, holexa, to-
hexa, holexa, bombeka.
Dampness, n., citelele, 7; cia-
xima, 7.
Damsel, n., see maid.
Dance, n., maxa, pi. of 5 or 6.
V., xa, xa maxa.
Danger, n., bualu, 6; muanda, 2.
Dan L ', vi., lembelela.
Daring, be, see brave.
Dark, adj.{co\or), fike (p.p. from
flka, to he dark).
(as in closed room, or darkness
or night), midima, pi. of 2;
muflta, 2.
Dark {continued).
(become dark), see become.
(make dark, darken), vt., flkixa.
Darken, vt., flkixa.
Darkness, w.(as night), midima>
pi. of 2; muflta, 2.
(color), buflke, 6.
Dash, w.(West Coast English for
gift, or the extra amount which
must always be given in trade),
matabixa (pi. of 5 or 6), n e-
kididi(3), ntentekedi(3).
give a, V., sekidila, tentekela.
Date, n. This idea must gener-
ally be expressed by reference
to the moon (ngondo or muen-
xi), or to one of the seasons
(muxihii, mayowa, nvula).
Daub, v., meta, bua.
(be daubed over with, as clothes
with mud), tMiakana.
Daughter, n., muana(i) muku-
(one’s own daughter), muana
Dawn, n., haciacia (adv.). § 423,
(2) (&).
(cockcrowing), hadi hasama
little after, dinda, 5 ; lunkelu, 4.
V., butuku(6) or bufuku(6) with
the V. cia.
Day, n., dituku, 5; dlfuku, 5;
dici (pi. meci), 5.
(all day long), dinda(5) to ne
(day after to-morrow), adv.,
(day by day), ku dituku ku di-
tuk , ku ici ku dici.
(daytime), munya, 2.
For days of the week, see week.
Daybreak, n., haciacia. § 423
(2) {h).
Daylight, n., munya, 2.
Daytime, n., munya, 2.
Dazzle, vph., tuila mu mesu.
Dead, adj., fue (p.p. of fua, to
Deaf, adj., -a mahaha (pi of 5).
If one ear only is deaf use the
sing., diaaha.
person, muena(i) mahaha.
Deafness, n. If person is deaf in
one ear use dihaha(5), if in
both ears use the pi. mahaha.
Deal, v., in, trade, enda muxin-
ga(2) ne; as, utu wenda
muxinga ne ndundu, he deals
in rubber.
(large amount), -a bungi(6), ngi,
Dear, (costly,) -a muxinga(2)
make, vt., bandixa muxi ga.
Dearth, n., bunyabunya, 6; bu-
bale, 6 ; bukise, 6.
Death, n., lufu, 4.
put, to xiha.
(to be very near death, about to
die), V., use lufu as subject of
v. tonda with the person as
Debase vt., kehexa.
Debate, w.(dispute), luhata, 4.
V., ela or elagana or di ne with
luhata. PI. mpata is generally
Debris, n., see trash.
Debt, n., dibanza, 5.
ask for the payment of, v., nan a.
be in. The debtor is said to
possess or get (di ne or angata)
the debt of the creditor — just
opposite of the English; as,
ndi ne dibanza dia Kasongo
dia cinunu cia mibela, I am
in debt to Kasongo for 1,000
Sometimes the verb kuata is used
with dibanza as subj. and the
person who is in debt as the
incur a, v., enza dibanza.
Decay, vi , bola.
Deceit, n., ludimi, 4.
Deceive, v., xima, dinga, dimba>
December, n,, Disemba(Eng.).
Decide, (judge), lumbulula.
after consultation, di(5) diakua-
kanangana diinue, hungu-
luxa or akuxa with di(5).
on, sungula.
(resolve), amba.
(settle a dispute), tuixa; kosa or
kala with nsambu (pi. of 3
or 4).
Declare, v., amba.
Decline, (refuse to give), imina.
(as price), vi., teketa.
(refuse), hidia, benga.
Decompose, v. bola.
Decorate, vt., lengexa.
Decoration, (ornament), ci-
lenga, 7.
Decorous, adj., -a kalolo(8).
Decorum, n., kalolo, 8.
Decrease, ■y^.(as price), huekexa
or tekexa with muxinga(2).
(as swelling), vi , fuba, huhala.
(as wages), vt., huekexa difu-
(as water abating), uma, kama.
(in quantity or size), vi., keha,
nyana; vt., kehexa, nyan-
Decree, n., di, 5; mukenji, 2.
V., amba followed by di( 5 ) or
Deed, «. (affair), bualu, 6; muan-
da, 2.
Deep, adj., le.
Deepen, vt., lehexa.
Deepness, n., bule, 6.
Defame, vt., songuela, banda.
Defeat, vt., hita or tamba fol-
lowed by bukale(6) or ngu-
lu(3), cimuna.
Defend, vt., sungidila, sungila,
Defender, n., musungidi, i.
Deference, n., kalolo, 8.
Deferential, adj., -a kalolo, 8.
Deficient, be, ^.(be not enough),
xala ena ne.
Defile, (blacken), hkixa.
(make to go bad), ona, nyanga.
Define, v., amba. Sometimes
bualu bua follows amba.
Deformed, adj., in back, hump-
backed, kobame (p.p. of ko-
bama), ditonte(p.p. of di-
tonta), -a dikoko(5).
in legs, -a kaneke(8), -a nje-
ku(3), -a cibombo(7).
Deformity, n., in back, dikoko, 5.
in legs, kaneke, 8; njeku, 3.
Defraud, vt., iba.
Degrade, vt., kehexa.
(discharge), fula.
Delay, vt., humbixa, lekexa.
(remain behind), xala, humba.
(stop), vi., lekela.
Deliberate, v., ela or elangana
followed by mexi(5) or lun-
genyi (4) or mucima(2).
(hold conference), ela with ei-
fulu(7) or cifu(7).
Deliberation, n., clfufu, 7; cllu,
7 -
Delicate, adj.{not strong), ena ne
followed by bukale(6) or
Delight, vt., sankixa; vi., sanka.
Delirious, be, ^^.(talk in delirium),
akula biakulakula(pl. of 7).
§ 356 (^).
Deliver, ^.(act as midwife), le-
a child, lela.
from slavery, redeem, hikula.
message, ambila, amba with
di(5) or mukenji(2).
(save), sungila, sungidila, han-
Deliverance, n., luhandu, 4.
Deliverer, w., musungidi, i.
Demand, ^.(ask for), lomba.
(to que tion), ebexa, konka.
Demented, adj., buluke, tom-
boke, hale. These are p.p. of
buluka, tomboka and hala,
respectively, meaning to he
Dementia, n., buhale, 6; butom-
boke, 6; bubuluke, 6.
Demolish, vt.y sasula, cibula,
handakanya, tangadixa, tan-
galuxa, xiha.
a village, nyanga, ona, haula.
Demon, «. (Biblical sense), mula-
maci(i) wa Satana.
(devil), Satana, i.
(spirit, ghost), mukixi, 2; mu-
xangi, 2.
(witch), muena(i) muhongo(2),
muena buloxi(6), muenamu-
Den, n., buina, 6. PI. is mena.
Denounce, vt., diula, nyoka.
Dense, be, 7;.(as forest), xitakana.
Deny, v., hidia, benga.
a charge, Vila.
(refuse to give), imina.
(renounce), hidia, nyoka, ben-
ga, diula.
Depart, v., ya, umuka, bika.
Depose, vt., umuxa, fula.
Depress, T;/.(lower), huekexa.
(be depressed with sorrow), bun-
gama, nyingala niucima(2).
Depth, w., bule, 6.
Derange, i;/.(disarrange), tanga-
dixa, buandakanya, buanda-
kuxa, tangaluxa, tuhakuxa,
tuhakanya, muanga, muan-
galuxa, buexakana, sanga-
kuxa, sangakanya; w.(be
disarranged), buandakana,
tangadika, tangaluka, tuha-
kana, muangaluka, buela-
kana, sangakana.
Deranged, ad;. (mentally), buluke,
tomboke, hale. These words
are p.p. of buluka, tomboka
and hala, respectively, mean-
ing to he deranged.
Deride, vt., seka.
Derision, n., kaseku, 8.
Descend, vi.{a.s sun in the heavens)
(come down from tree), etc.
tuluka, ika.
(fall), hona, kuluka, mata.
(go down-stream), hueka.
Descendant, n., muana, i. See
Descent, n., line of, generation,
cilongo, 7.
place of, cihuekelu, 7.
Describe, vt., amba. Sometimes
bualu bua follows amba.
Desecrate, vt., ona, nyanga.
Desert, vt., xia, lekela.
(move to another place, scatter),
(uninhabited place), nph., mu
niuaba(2) kamuena bantu.
Deserted village, n., dikolo, 5;
cikulu, 7.
Deserve, -yf.fbe right or best to
do), bualu(6) buimpe or
bimpe(adv.) followed by infin.;
as, bualu buimpe kumukuma,
it is right to whip him, i.e.,
he deserves a whipping.
(be fit or proper), fuana.
Desire, v., sua, nanga, inyixa.
n., changeable, cisuasua, 7.
§ 356 (^).
Desist, v., lekela.
Desolate, vt., haula.
Despise, vt., use the ph. di ne
lukuna(4) ; neg. of sua, nanga
and inyixa.
Despite, n., lukuna, 4.
Despoil, vt., haula.
Despond, vi., bungama, nyin-
gala mucima(2).
Despondent, be, vi., see despond.
Despot, n., muena(i) cinyan-
Despotic, adj., -a einyangu(7).
Destination, w.(end), cixiki-
dilu, 7.
Destine, -y/. (choose), sungula.
Destitute, ad;.(poor),hele, landa.
(be destitute of), use neg. enane.
Destitution, «. (poverty), buhele,
6; bulanda, 6.
Destroy, vt., xiha, cibula.
house, sasula.
(pillage), haula.
village, nyanga, ona.
Detain, vt.^ lekexa, liumbixa,
humbakaxa, kosexa.
(be detained), vi., humba.
Detect, ■y^.(feel, become conscious
of), unva, ufua.
Deter, vt., humbixa, lekexa,
kosexa, humbakuxa.
Deteriorate, vi., nyanguka, ono-
Determine, v., see decide.
Detest, vt., use the ph. di ne
lukuna(4); also neg. of sua
and nanga and Inyixa.
Detestation, n., lukuna, 4.
Detour, make a, v., sesa, sesuka.
Devastate, vt., see destroy.
Develop, w.(grow), kala, lunba,
diunda, leha.
Devil, n., see demon.
Devotion, w.(affection), disua, 5;
dinanga, 5.
(pity), luse, 4.
Devour, vt., dia.
Dew, n., mume, 2; dime, 5.
Dexterity, n., see cleverness.
Dialect, n., miiaku, 2; ciakuilu,
7; ludimi, 4; muakuilu, 2.
The different dialects may be
represented by prefixing bu
to the name of the people.
§ 55, Rem. I.
Diarrhcea, 71 ., to have, huya
munda, ela munda, uha
Die, vi., fua.
(be about to die), tonda with
lufu as subj. and the person
as obj.
for, as substitute, fuila.
Differ, 'P.(dispute), ela or di ne
or elangana followed by mpa-
ta(pl. of 4).
(be unlike), use neg. of fuanan-
gana and fuana and kele-
mena and dieleka; also neg v.
with muomumue or o- umue.
Difference, w.(argument), lu-
ll ata, 4.
settle a, vt., tuixa.
Different, be, vi., see differ.
way of doing, «., cienzedi(7)
Differently, adv., use the deriva-
tive noun forms as described
under § 356 (c) followed by the
adj. cikuabo, other) as, enza
cienzedi cikuabo, do it dif-
Difficult, adj., kale(p.p. of kala,
to be difficult).
Difficulty, w. ( palaver), bualu, 6;
muanda, 2.
Diffidence, 71., bundu, 6; bunvu,
6 .
Diffident, be, vi., ufua or unva
or di ne followed by bundu(6)
or bunvu(6).
Dig, V., a hole, imba, umbula.
(to hoe), dima, ihila.
up, as tree, jula.
Dilatory, be, vi., xixamuka.
Diligent, adj., use some such ph. as
-amucima(2) •wamudimu(2);
or the neg. v. with bufuba(6)
or bukata(6).
Dimension, w. ( length), bule, 6;
ntanta(3) mule.
(width), buihi, 6; bukise, 6;
ntanta(3) muihi.
(size), bunine, 6.
take, measure, vt., idikixa, ele-
Diminish, vi., see decrease.
Diminutive, adj. The diminutive
idea is generally expressed by
means of the prefix ka(pl. tu).
There are, of course, the adjs.
kise, bale, nya-nya.
Dinner, nph., bidia(pl. of 7) bia
munda munya(2), bidia bia
Dip, v. (immerse), in a.
in, tua.
up, tunta, taha.
Direct, ‘P.(show), lexa.
(tell, command), ambila.
the way, lombola.
od;. (straight), lulame(p.p. of
lul^ma, to he straight).
Direction, (command), di, 5;
mukenji, 2.
towards, prep., ku.
Directly, a).
(bend edge of knife), vt., benda-
mixa; vi., bendama.
(bordering on cloth), luhola, 4.
of knife, ku menu(pl. of dinu).
(put an edge on), nuona.
to have an, be sharp, tua.
Edible, adj., -a kudia.
Edifice, n., nsubu, 3.
Educate, vt., iyixa, munyixa,
ambila, Iubukixa(Buk.), lon-
Kexa(Buk. or Low’er Congo).
Effect, v., see do.
n., bualu, 4; muanda, 2.
Effervesce, v., saba.
Effort, n., make an, see try.
(make effort and fail), v., hanga.
Effrontery, n., dikamakama, 5;
cikama, 7; dintanta, 5.
Egg, n., dikela, 5; di(pl. inai, 5).
inside of, white or yolk, mulun-
ga, 2.
lay, vt., ela.
Egg {continued).
shell of, cihusu, 7; cizubu, 7.
white of, milembulembu, pi. of
yolk of, bukulukulu, 6.
Eggplant, n., lujilu, 4.
Egotistical, be, vi., disua.
Eight, card, num., muanda mu-
Either . . . or, con]., naxa . . .
Eject, 7;/., hatula, iuhula, umuxa.
Elapse, v., use cidimu(season) or
dituku(day) with v. lua; or
ngondo(moon) with v. bala;
also the verbs leha and nenga.
Elastic, be, vi., nyengabala.
Elbow, n., lukongeba, 6.
Elder, (ecclesiastical), imikulu,
i; mukulumpe, i; tatu, i.
brother or sister, mukulu, i.
This word is followed by the
poss. enclitic. § 138, Rem. 2.
Elect, 7;, (appoint to office), ha or
buexa or dixa followed by ab-
stract name of office.
(choose), sungula.
Electric fish, n., nyixi, 3.
Elegance, n., buimpe, 6; bulen-
gele, 6; buakane, 6.
Elegant, adj., impe, Icngcle,
Elephant, n., kahumbu, 8; nze-
vu, 3.
Elephantiasis, n.(of foot), bu-
zevu, 6. This word is from
nzevu, elephant.
Elevate, vt., bixa, bandixa, jula.
Else, (other), kuabo, nga.
(somewhere else), adv., use loca-
tives inseparaby with kuabo
or nga.
Elsewhere, adv., use locatives in-
separably with kuabo or nga.
F2maciate, vt., nyanyixa.
(be emaciated), vi., nyana, di ne
or uma W'ith cionda(7) or
Emaciation, n., cionda, 7; cin-
yanu, 7.
Emancipate, vt., hikula.
Emblem, n., cimonyinu, 7.
Embrace, vt., uhukila, akidila.
Embryo, disu, 5; muoyo, 2.
Emerge, x’.(appear), mueneka,
(come out), luhuka, umuka,
Emigrate, "yz. (scatter), muangala.
Eminence, w.(hill), mukuna, 2.
(importance), bunine, 6.
Eminent, adj., nine, tumbe(p.p, of
tumba, to be eminent).
Emit, v., an odor, nunka.
Employ, vt., see engage.
Employment, w. (occupation). This
idea is generally expressed in
one of three ways; (i) noun
derivative of class I. § 356 (a);
(2) muena followed by the
proper noun, § 84 {b)\ (3)
Pres. Habitual tense of verb,
to seek, keba mudimu(2).
(w'ork), n., mudimu, 2.
Empty, adj., tuhu, cinana. The
latter word is indeclinable.
The locatives are often used be-
fore the noun; as, ha mesa
hadi hatuhu, the table is
empty, mu mulondo mudi
miituhu, the jar is empty.
r/.(pour out), humuna, icikixa,
umuxa, luhula.
Emulate, vt., Idikixa, elekexa.
(do as another), see § 465.
Enchant, vt., Iowa.
(divine), buka, tempa, tempexa,
nua ciala(7), depending on
the form of enchantment em-
See wttch.
Encircle, vt., jinga, jingila,
nyengela, vunga, vungila,
vi.{go around), nyiinguluka,
clmbakana. Generally use
ph. ku nyima with these
Enclose, vt., see encircle.
Enclosure, «. (fence), luhangu, 4;
cihangu, 7; lumbu, 4.
(yard, enclosed space, court),
lubanza, 4; bula, 6. By
using the locative mu wdth the
words luhangu and cihangu
and lumbu we have other
forms for yard, enclosure,
court, fold, etc.
(pen), cikumbi, 7.
Encourage, vt., kalexa mu-
End, vi., be on, stand, imuna.
bring to, finish, vt., muna, mun-
yixa, xikixa, buixa.
come to, be finished, vi., xika.
come to, stop, lekela.
come to the, vi., xikila.
put on, stand up on, vt., imun-
at the hind, the locative words
kunxikidilu, haxixe.
butt, n., citaku, 7; also the loc.
word kuntaku.
(destination), cixikidilu, 7.
front, ku mpala, ku mutu.
lower, kumanda(loc.).
of stick, string, etc., the preposi-
tional words kusula, kunfu-
dilu, kusala.
(point of needle, etc.), lusongo,
Endeavor, v., see try.
(endeavor and fail), hanga.
Endlessly, adv., see ceaselessly.
Endow, (bequeath), ha buhian-
(give), ha, ambika(Buk.).
Enema, n., bukanda, 6.
give a, V., ela bukanda.
Enemy, n., muena(i) lukuna(4).
Udi ne Kasongo lukuna, he
is an enemy of Kasongo.
Energetic, see diligent.
' Energy, w. ( strength), ngulu, pi. of
3; makanda, pi. of 5; bu-
kale, 6.
Enfeeble, vt., tekexa.
Engage, x;.(be engaged, betrothed).
When speaking of the man use
Engage {continued).
the active forms of banga,
when of the w'oman use the
passive forms of same verb,
in fight with, luangana.
(hire), ha mudimu(2), buexa ku
Englishman, w., muena(i) Inge-
lexi. Generally used of all
who speak English,
Enigma, n. (puzzle), dijimbu, 5;
dialu, 5.
Enlarge, vt., diundixa, lundixa.
Enmity, n., lukuna, 4.
Enormous, adj., nine.
Enough, be, w'.(adequate), fuan-
I angana, akanangana, die-
' leka, vula, kumbana, di -a
bungi(6), xika.
(be satisfied wdth food), i;.,ukuta.
Enquire, v., see inquire.
Enrage, vt., kuacixa or ufuixa
wdth cixi(7), fikixa munda,
(be enraged), vi., kuata or ufua
with cixi, flka munda.
I Enrich, vt., luixa bubanji(6).
Enslave, vt., ha or buexa mu
followed by buhika(6), luixa
with muhika(i) or buhika.
i Ensnare, vt., teya.
j Entangle, vt., in speech, tuha-
j kuxa, tuhakanya; w.(be en-
tangled), tuhakana.
I in net, jingila, jinga; i;f.(be
entangled), di jinga.
Enter, vi., buela.
Entice, vt., munyixa or iyixa or
ibidixa with bualu(6) bubi.
by leaving something to tempt,
to trap, teya.
by lying to, dinga, xima, dimba.
Enticement, n., buteyi, 6.
Entire, adj., onso, xima.
Entirety, n., buonso, 6; buxima,
6 .
Entrail, «., dila, 5.
Entrance, n., muxuku(2) wa
mbelu(3), mbelu(3), cibue-
Entrap, vt., teya.
Entreat, vt., sengela, sengelela.
Entrust with, vph., xia mu bian-
za(pl. of 7).
Entwine, vt., Jingila, vungila,
jinga, vunga.
Enumerate, vt., bala.
Envious, ad;. (jealous), -a mu-
En\ Y, n., mukau, 2.
Epileptic fit, «., ciseke, 7; tungu-
lungu, pi. of 8.
Epistle, n., mukanda, 2.
Equal, adj., length, size, number,
etc., mue(mo), o-umue; also
the indeclinable words bu,
buina, muomumue.
be, vi., fuanangana, fuana,
make, vt., fuanyikixa, kele-
Eradicate, vt., jimixa, jima.
Erase, vt., jimixa, jima.
Erect, x;/. ( build), ibuka, asa.
be, vi., imuna, jalama.
(cause to stand erect), imun-
yika, jadika.
Err, V., enza or osa or kixa with
the adv. bibi.
Escape, v., from captivity, from a
fight, from danger, handuka.
from trap or when tied, tuka.
(run away), nyema, ongoloka.
(slip loose, as animal when caught
with the hands), tlnuka.
Escort, vt., fila.
on the way a short distance, then
return, vt., xindikixa.
Espoused, be, v. When speaking
of the man use the act. forms
of banga, when of the w’oman
use the pass, forms of same
Esteem, x^/.(do honor to), nemeka,
nemekela, tumbixa, meneka,
(to love), sua, nanga, inyixa.
Eternal, adj., -a cendelele, -a
lahaldha, -a kaxidi.
Etern.ally, adv., see ceaselessly
Eternity, n. (forever), matuku(pl.
of 5) onso, lahalaha, cende-
lele, kaxidi. The last three
words are advs.
Eunuch, n.(one castrated), mu-
tungula, I.
Evacuate, out from), la-
huka, umuka, h^tuka.
the bowels, nyina.
Evangelist, n., mutangadiki (col-
loq.), I.
Evaporate, vi., kama, uma.
for salt, vt., enga.
Even, be, vi., fuanangana, aka-
na, akanangana, langakana,
hungakana, hunga, kele-
mena, dieleka, lamakana;
vt., make, akuxangana, lan-
gakuxa, ludikila, hunga-
kuxa, fuanyikixa, kelemexa,
elekexa, akuxa.
(be parallel), vi., lulama; vt.,
make, ludika.
Evening, n., dilolo, 5; diba(5) as
subj. of V. uhuka.
Ever, adv., see ceaselessly.
Everlasting, adj., -a cendelele,
-a lahalaha, -a kaxidi.
Every, adj., onso. Generally use
(every one of them, totality), n.,
buonso(6) with poss. pro.
(each, distributive), see § 94 and
-body, bantu bon so.
-thing, bintu bionso.
-where, use the locatives insep.
with onso.
Everybody, n., bantu bonso.
Everything, n., bintu bionso.
Everywhere, adv., use locatives
insep. with onso.
Evil, n., bualu(6) bubi, muan-
da(2) mubi, bubi(6). Often
we hear simply mabi and mibi,
indicating that the pi. of bualu
and muanda are generally used
instead of the sing.
adj., bi.
Exact, be, vi., akanangana, die-
leka, kumbana, vula; vt.,
make, akuxa, akuxangana,
kumbaxa, vudixa, elekexa.
(exact number), vi., ula, xika;
also the adj. forms xila and
kanda. Cinunu with ciule
or cixike, an exact thousand.
Note that ciule and cixike
are p.p.
Exactly, at/z;. (truly), use the fol-
lowing nouns as adverbs: bu-
lilela, bualabuala, buikuxa,
buxua, buinabuina.
(very), mene.
Exactness, w., see truth.
Exaggerate, vt., diundixaor lun-
dixa with bualu(6).
Exalt, 2^/. (extol), tumbixa, in-
Examine, vt., by handling, lenga,
by looking at, mona, xoxa, tan-
by measuring, idikixa, elekexa.
by questioning, konka, ebexa.
by tasting, labila.
Example, «. (fable), muanu, 2;
luximinyinyu, 4; lusumul-
nu, 4.
(illustration), cifuanyikixa, 7.
(sample, specimen, copy), cimon-
yinu, 7; cidikixllu, 7; cile-
Exasperate, see annoy.
Excavate, vt., imba, umbula.
Exceed, vt., tamba, hita.
(be left over), vi., xala.
(be more than enough), vi.,
Exceedingly, adv., see very.
Excel, vt., tamba, hita.
Excellence, n., buimpe, 6; bu-
lengele, 6; buakane, 6.
Excellent, adj.{good), impe, len-
gele, akane.
Except, suh. conj., neg. condition
equivalent of ij not, unless, vse
neg. of usual conditional forms
as indicaied under § 460.
Except {continued).
prep. Perhaps t^st expressed by
a vph. with xila; as, bantu
bonso bakuya, umue udi
mux&le, all the people have
gone except one.
vt., xia.
Excess, be, in v., tamba or hita
with bungi(6).
Excessively, see very.
Exchange, vt., xintakuxa, xinta,
xintakana, xintakanya, hin-
gakanya, hingakuxa, hinga-
kana, sombakuxa.
Excite, z//. (frighten), cinyixa; vi.
(be excited), handika mucl-
ma(2), cina, zakala, kanka.
(provoke animal to bite), keba
Exclaim, v., in surprise, k6ma, tua
(tell), amba.
Exclamation, n., cik6ma, 7.
make an, v., tua cikgma.
See Interjections in Grammar,
§ 437 -
Exclude, vt., hldla, benga, umu-
I xa, h&tula, fula.
I (except), xia.
I Excommunicate, vt., luhula, umu-
xa, b^tula.
IXCREMENT, »., tufl(tulnvi), pi.
ci 8. See B.L.-Eng.
hard, as result of constipation,
n., mpaka, 3.
discharge, vt., nyina.
Excuse, vt., see pardon.
Exhaust, -y/. (spend), tangadixa,
tangaluxa, muangaluxa,
nyanga, ona, dia.
(be exhausted, spent), vi., tan-
gadika, nyanguka, muanga-
luka, hua, xika, tangaluka,
(weaken), vt., tekexa, susula;
vi.i^it weak), teketa, hanga,
♦ Exhaustion, butekete, 6;
dihangu, 5.
Exhibit, v. (show),lexa.
Exhort, ■y.(tell), ambila.
Exhortation, n., dl, 5. PI. is
Exist, see be.
Existence, n., suggest infin. kui-
Exorcise, vt., hongola(?).
Expand, vi., tuntumuka, ula,
tantamika; vt., tuntumuxa,
uxa, tantamixa.
Expect, •y/.(look for), tekemena,
Expectorate, v., tuila or ela with
lute(4). Note that the pi. of
lute is mate. §51.
Expectoration, n., lute, 4. The
pi. is mate, see § 51.
Expedite, vt., endexa.
Expel, vt., umuxa, fula, hatula,
Expend, ■y.(pay), futa.
recklessly, vt., tangadixa, tan-
galuxa, muangaluxa,nyanga,
ona, dia; vi.{he expended),
tangadika, muangaluka hua,
xika, tangaluka, onoka,
Expense, w. ( price), muxlnga, 2.
(pay), «., difutu, 5.
Expensive, adj., -a muxinga(2)
make, vt., bandixa muxinga.
Experience, to have, ^.(to know),
(be accustomed to), v., Ibldlla,
Expert, adj., -a lungenyl(4), -a
mexi(pl. of 5 or 6).
Expire, ‘^.(breathe out), ela mu-
(die), fua.
(of time), V., leha, nenga; as,
haleha cituha, nendue, when
a short time has expired, I
shall come.
Explain, v., amba.
to, vt., ambila, iyixa, longexa,
munyixa, lubukixa.
(show), lexa.
Explode, v/., jikuka, tayika,
xibuka; vt., jikula, tayixa,
Expose, visible), appear,
mueneka, mueka.
(open), vt., bulula.
(show), vt.^ lexa.
Extend, z;/.(as hand), olola.
(reach down to), tua ku.
(reach to), vL, flka.
Extended, a/.(long), le.
Extension, extent, w. ( distance,
dimension), bule, 6; bunine,
6; buihl, 6; ntanta(3) mule,
ntanta(3) muihi
Exterior, ha nyima(3), ku
External, adj.^ -a ha nyima(3),
-a ku nyima.
Extinguish, vt., jima.
Extol, vt., tumbixa, inyixa.
Extra, adv., see very.
(extra amount added to close
trade), w. nsekididi, 3; ma-
tabixa, pi. of 5 or 6; ntente-
kedl, 3.
Extract, vt., tula.
Extraordinary, adj., -a kukgma-
(great), nine.
Extravagantly, spend, vt., nyan-
ga, tangadixa, tangaluxa,
muangaluxa, dia, ona.
Extremely, see very.
Extricate, '^/.(disentangle), Jin-
gulula, vungulula.
(loosen) sulula, kutula.
Exult, v.(be happy), sanka.
Eii^, n., disu, 5. PI. is mesu.
(a disease of, in which pupil
becomes white with consequent
blindness), lusongo, 4.
-brow, dikiki, 5.
-lash, lulavi, 4; lukofla, 4.
-lid, cilavinyi, 7; cilabuidi, 7.
of needle, disu, 5.
open, vt., bulula, handa, tabala.
pupil of, lumunyi, 4.
shut, vt., buika.
Fable, n., luximinyinyu, 4; lusu-
muinu, 4; muanu, 2.
tell a, vt., ela with any one of the
above words as obj.
Fabricate, v., dinga, xima, dim-
Face, n. There is no word for the
face as such. The word for
forehead, cheek, eyes, etc.,
must be used according to
sense. The word mpala(3),
forehead, is often used in general
sense for face.
(before one's face), ku mpala,
ku mesu(pl. of 5).
V., each other, tanglxangana
Facing, be, v., each other, tangi-
xangana (mpala, 3).
Fact, w.(affair), bualu, 6; muan-
da, 2.
(truth), bulilela, buikuxa, bu-
xua, bualabuala, buina-
buina. All these are pi. of 6.
Factory, n., trading, nsubu(3) wa
Fade, vi., tutuka, tanduka.
Fag, vi., hanga.
Fail, z'.(attempt and fail), hanga.
to do, humbixa, humba.
Fain, ■z;.(to wish), sua, nanga,
Faint, z’.(swoon), fua with cise-
ke(7) or tungulungu(pl. of 8)
or cifuidixe(7).
from dizziness, see dizzy.
from hunger, fua nsaia(pl. of 3
or 4), nsala as subj. of v.
xiha with the person as obj.
be, m.(weak), teketa.
be, •^^.(weary), hanga, susuka.
sound, «. (whispering), dinun-
ganyi, 5.
Faintness, w. ( dizziness), lunyun-
gu, 4; kantetu, 8; kanyun-
gunyungu, 8; dinyungu, 5.
(as in smothering), cifuidixe, 7.
(tiredness), dihangu, 5.
Fair, aJ;'. (handsome), impe,akane,
lengele, -a mpoci(slang).
(honest), impe, akane, lengele,
-a kalolo(8).
of skin. A native of light color is
said to be mukunze(red), the
European is mutoke(white).
Fairness, w.(honesty), kalolo, 8;
bulmpe, 6; buakane, 6;
bulengele, 6.
(color), butoke, 6.
Faith, n. Perhaps best to use the
infin. kuitabuxa, to believe.
(have faith in one), vt., teke-
Faithful, (diligent). Use some
such ph. as -a mucima(2)
wa mudimu(2); the neg. v.
with bufuba(6) or bukata(6).
Faithfulness, w., kalolo, 8.
Fall, v., bona, kuluka, ximbuka,
xlnda(the Reflexive form, di-
xlnda, is generally used of per-
sons tripping and falling).
(as rain), loka, m&ta.
backwards, dixinda bualama.
by accident, flnuka.
in, cave in, bumbuka.
in price, hueka, teketa.
out, see QUARREL,
over, topple, tokoka.
overboard, hona mu mi.
(sink, as river), hueka.
to pieces, tangaluka, tanga-
Falls, w.(cataract), clblla, 7.
From blla, to boil.
False, be, v., xlma, dlnga, dlmba.
Falsehood, n., dlxima, 5; didin>
ga, 5. PI. maxlmi and ma-
tell a, V., xlma, dinga, dlmba
(tell falsehood on one), vt., use
the Applied Form ximlnyina,
dlnglla, dlmblla.
Falsely, accuse, vt., banda.
Falter, w., humbakana, tata-
kana, di ne mlcima Ibldi,
nema with muclma as subj.
Fame, w.(report), lumu, 4.
(to have fame or be famous), v.,
Familiar, be, i;.(accustom to),
ibidila, lobokela.
Familiarize with, vt., ibidlxa.
Family, n., see tribe.
Famine, w., dole, 7; lukota, 4.
Famish, v., fua nsala(pl. of 3 or
4), ns^la as subj. of xiha with
the person as obj.
Famous, adj., nine, tumbe(p.p.
of tumba, to be famous).
Fan, V., uha(as one’s self), heha.
(blow away, as chaff), vt., he-
hula, huxa, huhixa.
Fancy, ^.(think, imagine), amba;
as, wakuamba ne “Nclntu
da kudia,** he fancied that it
was something to eat.
(wish), V., sua, nanga, inyixa.
Fang, n., dlnu, 5; luzAdl, 4;
luzala, 4; luala, 4.
Far, adv., use the locatives insep-
arably with le, giving mule,
kule and hale. Also the
forms kuakua, muamua,
haha, § 163, Note 3; we may
also have kuntu kule, muntu
mule and hantu hale, § 423
(2) (a).
(as far as), ku.
(be far apart), vi., di with the
locatives inseparably connected
with le.
-famed, adj., see famous.
(how far?), bule(6) with munyl?
or bixi?
Farewell, see adieu.
Far-famed, adj., see famous.
Farm, n., budlmi, 6; dbidI(Buk.),
7 -
Farther, adv., use comparative
construction with tamba or
hlta; as, mulumi wakutamba
mukuxi kuela mud, the man
threw the stick farther than the
Fashion, w. ( custom), cilele- 7;
dbilu, 7; denzedl 7.
1 88
Fashion {continued).
in this, thus, adv., nunku(nenku,
Fast, aJ'y. (quickly), use the noun
forms lubilu(4) and luku-
(tightly), bikale.
■y., jila bidia(pl. of 7).
Fasten, 7^/.(as axe, hoe, etc., in
handle), bangixa.
box, lid, cover, etc., bangika.
(lock), ela or xibika followed by
(nail), kumina or hohela fol-
lowed by mulonda(2).
(strengthen), kalexa.
(tie), suika.
Fat, w., of an animal, diinyi, 5;
the pi. minyi is used after the
fat has been rendered, or to
represent a quantity of fat.
(oil), minyi(pl. of diinyi, 5).
grow, vi., diunda, lunda.
Father, w., tatu, i; nyisu, i; x*.
The last two words always
have the poss. pro. enclitic.
§§ 138; 42, Note I.
Father-in-law, m., tatu-muenu,
§42, Note 3; x’-(poss. pro. as
enclitic) -muenu. §§ 42, Note
2; 138.
The husband may also call his
father-in-law muku(i), not so
the wife.
Fathom, of cloth, lubandu, 4.
(two fathoms, half a piece of eight
yards), difunka, 5.
Fatigue, vt., hangixa, tekexa.
(be fatigued), vi., hanga, te-
n., butekete, 6; dihangu, 5.
Fatten, vt., diundixa, lundixa.
Fault, «., bualu, 6; muanda, 2.
Favor, w.(mercy), luse, 4.
show to, V., ha luse.
(have favor with one), di ne
dikusa(5) kudi (muntu); as,
ndi ne dikusa kudi muke-
lenge, I have favor with the
Fear, n., buowa, 6.
(of animals), mbaxibaxi, pi. of
3 or 4.
V., cina.
(of animals), v., baxa.
Fearful, be, v., cina, di ne
(as animals), v.^ baxa, di ne
Fearless, see brave.
Feast, n., bidia, pi. of 7.
marriage, bidia bia diban zl-
Feather, n., lusd.la, 4.
Features, n. No distinct word,
use mpala(3), the forehead.
February, n., febluale(Eng.).
Fecund, be, ?;.(have power to bear
young), di ne followed by
lulelu(4) or diminu(5) or
buledi(6). ^
Fecundate, (cause to conceive)
Fecundity, n., lulelu, 4; diminu,
5; buledi, 6.
Federation, n., bulunda, 6; bun-
yana, 6.
Fee, n., difutu, 5.
Feeble, adj., tekete(p.p. of teke-
ta, to be feeble).
Feebleness, «., butekete, 6.
Feed, vt., dixa.
Feel, v., after, to grope, bubuta.
(be conscious of), unva, ufua.
Ciakadi munve kabuasa(8)
kansuma, I did not feel the
jigger biting me.
(touch), V., lambila, lamba,
Feign, v., ximixa, dingixa, dim-
Fell, vt., xumbula, uhula.
Fellow, w. (person), muntu, i.
citizen, one of same tribe or
family, muan’etu, etc.;muena
kuetu, etc.; mukuetu, etc.
§§ 138, Rem. 5; 141, Rem. i;
Fellowship, w. ( friendship), bu-
lunda, 6; bunyana, 6.
break off, vt., xiha.
form with one another, kuatan-
gana followed by bulunda or
Female, n., mukuxi, i.
ad]., kuxi, mukuxi wa or mu-
Feminine, adj., -a bakuxi(pl. of
i)- .
Fence, n., lumbu, 4; luhangu, 4;
cihangu, 7.
Ferment, v. ( effervesce), saba.
Fern, n., cixiluxilu, 7; lulelelele,
4 -
Ferocious, adj., -a cixi(7).
(as a biting animal), -a luoxi(4).
Ferocity, w. ( anger), cixi, 7.
(the biting of an animal), luoxi,
4 -
Ferry, n., cisabu, 7; dilobo, 5;
cisabukilu, 7.
across, vt., sabula; vi.{go
across), sabuka.
Fertile, adj.{sLS soil), impe, len-
gele, akane, kale, -a luiya(4).
(producing young), v., di ne
followed by diminu(5) or
lulelu(4) or buledi(6).
Fetch, vt., lua ne.
back, alukixa, hinguxa, hin-
gixa, tucixa.
(carry), tuala.
water from stream, suna.
Fetid, be, vph., nunka muhu-
ya(a) mubi.
Fetidness, n., kahambu, 8; mu-
huya(2) mubi.
Fetish, n., see medicine.
Fetter, vt., ela mu lukanu(4).
Fetters, n., lukanu, 4.
Fever, n., kahia, 8.
have, vph., use mubidi(2) as
subject of di with kahia as
predicate noun.
Few, adj., nya-nya, bale, kise,
Fewness, n., bunyabunya, 6;
bubaie, 6; bukise, 6.
Fibre, n., of palm leaves, used for
making cloth, luheku, 4;
munyanga, 2.
Fickle, be, vi., humbakana, nema
with mucima(2) as subj.,
tatakana, di ne micima
Fidgety, be, vi., sasakata.
Field, n., budimi, 6; cibidi(Buk.),
7 -
clear a, vt., sola, sengula.
old deserted, n., lububa, 4.
(open place, plain), n., mpata, 3.
Fierce, adj.{a.ngry), -a cixi(7).
(as a biting animal), -a luoxi(4).
Fierceness, m. ( anger), cixi, 7.
(as of a biting animal), luoxi, 4.
Fifth, ord. num., itanu. § 99.
Fight, n., nvita(nflta), 3.
V., luangana nvita.
(call to fight , V., kobola.
File, vt., to a point, songa.
«.(row), mulongo, 2.
Fill, vt., uxa, kumbaxa, vudixa;
m'.(be full), ula, vula, kum-
up, as a hole, xibikila.
Filth, see dirt.
Filthiness, «. (untidiness about
ones’ person or house), bu-
koya, 6.
Filthy, see dirty.
Fin, n., on back, mualala, 2.
(tail fin), cihehe, 7.
Find, vt., mona, tangila, xoxa.
(be found, appear), vi., mue-
neka, mueka.
(find and pick up), vt., angula.
(meet up with), sangana.
something hidden, vt., sokolola.
Fine, n., difutu, 5.
adj. (good), impe, akane, len-
(sharp, as point), tue(p.p. of tua,
to be sharp).
(small), kise, bale, nya-nya.
(be powdered), vi., bota.
Finery, n., bllenga, pi. of 7.
Finger, n., munu, 2.
(additional or sixth), kanene, 8.
Finger {continued),
little, kantengenene, 8-
(thumb), ciala, 7.
Finger-ring, w., kakanu(8) ka ku
Finish, vt., muna, munyixa, xi-
kixa, huixa; m.(be finished),
hua, xika, muna.
(cease), v., lekela.
Fire, n., kahia, 8; kadilu, 8.
a gun, vt., ela cingoma(7).
(be fired or burnt), vi., hia.
-brand, torch, n., cimunyi, 7.
extinguish, vt., jima.
(flame), n., ludimi(4) lua kahia.
(make, to burn), vt., temexa,
hixa; (by blowing), huxa.
(make with sticks by friction), v.,
vinga kahia.
miss, not go off, v., funga.
-place, n., diku, 5. PI. is meku.
set on, burn, vt., oxa.
stir the, vt., sonsola.
-wood, n., lukunyi, 4. Gener-
ally use pi.
Firebrand, n., cimunyi, 7.
Firefly, n., kamunyimunyi, 8;
kankenyenkenye, 8.
Fireplace, n., diku, 5. PI. is
Fire-wood, n., lukunyi, 4. Gen-
erally use pi.
break up, vt., caba.
cut, vt., kuota.
Firm, adj. {hard), kale(p.p. of kala,
to be firm).
(be steady), vi., kanana, kan-
damana, xindama, jama,
kala; vt., kanuxa, kanda-
mixa, jamixa, kalexa.
Firmament, n., diulu, 5.
Firmly, adv., bikale.
Firmness, n., bukale, 6.
First, adj., in place or time, -a
kumudilu, -a ku mpala(3),
bedi, -a diambedi(5), -a ku
(be or do first in time), v., dian-
jila followed by infin.
(be, to excel), vi., tamba, hita.
First {continued).
-born, n., muan’a bute(6); (of
twins), cibuabu, 7.
adv., kumudilu, ku mpala(3),
ku mutu(2).
Fish, n., munyinyi(2) wa mu mi.
electric, nyixi, 3.
(fisherman), cilembi, 7.
-hook, ndoho, 3.
-trap, mukinda, 2.
net, bukuondo, 6.
V., with hook, loha.
Fisherman, n., cilembi, 7.
Fish-hook, n., ndoho, 3.
Fish-trap, n., mukinda, 2.
Fist, n., cisusu, 7; disundu, 5.
clench the, vt., tonyaminu.
strike with, vt., tua or kuma or
tuta followed by cisusu or
Fit, m.(agree), akana, akanan-
gana, dieleka, fuanangana,
kelemena; ^;f.(make to), aku-
xangana, akuxa, elekexa,
fuanyikixa, kelemexa.
a(/y. (proper, good), impe,akane,
w. (spasm), cis6ke, 7, tungu-
lungu, pi. of 8; nkoyi, 3.
be unconscious from, v., fua with
any one of the above words,
to have a, v., haluka followed
by one of the above words.
Five, card, num., tanu. Takes
Secondary Prefixes. In ab-
stract counting use itanu. §97.
Fix, ■^.(appoint, as a day), amba.
(after being broken or disar-
ranged), vt., enza bimpe, lon-
golola, akuxa.
(fixed firmly), see immovable.
Flag, n., nfuele, 3; dibandala, 5.
Flame, n., ludimi(4) lua kahia(8).
Flap, vt.{as, bird in flying), haha-
about, vi., dikuha.
in the wind, vi., hehuka.
Flash, n., of lightning, see light
■y.(as lightning), henya, kenya.
Flat, be, vi., batama, butama,
Flatten, vt., batamixa, butamixa,
landakuxa, bacika.
Flavor, n.(good smell), muhu-
ya(2) muimpe, nsunga(3).
(good taste), nse(3), kutua(in-
fin.) kuimpe.
Flaw, w.(crack), mutanta, 2.
Flea, n., mukenya, 2.
Flee, vi., nyema, cimuka.
Flesh, n., munyinyi, 2.
(fat), diinyi, 5.
(lean), ngulunge, 3.
Flexibility, w.,muxobo(mujobo),
Flexible, be, vi., xoboka, nyen-
gabala, di ne muxobo(2).
Flight, put to, vt., ihata, nye-
mexa, cimuna.
take, as bird in act of flying, v.,
buka, tuhuka.
Flint, n., dibue, 5.
Flint-lock, gun, nph., cingoma(7)
cia mutengu(2).
Float, vi., lelema, lelemuka.
Flock, n., cisumbu, 7.
Flog, vt., kuma, tuta, kengexa.
Flood, be, a, v., use mi as subj. of
vulangana or tuntumuka.
Floor, n., use generally the prepo-
sitional form hanxi ha; as,
hanxi ha nsubu, the floor of
the house.
Flour, n., bukula, 6.
Flow, vi., down, hueka.
into each other, as two streams
meeting, sambakana, sangi-
la, tuangana.
Flower, n., cilongo, 7; cisu, 7.
of palm, mus^keleke, 2.
vi., vunguluka, baluluka.
Flute, n., luxiba, 4.
Fly, v.(rise in flight), buka, tu-
(flap the wings in flight), hahala.
n., cixi, 7.
horse-, cibanda, 7.
(which blows meat), lujiji, 4.
Foam, n., lututu, 4; lukende, 4.
Foe, n., muena(i) lukuna(4).
Fcetus, n., immature, kana(dimin.
of muana) kabixe.
Fog, n., dibungi, 5.
Fold, vt., bunya.
arms, divunga.
back, cibulula.
(embrace), uhukila.
legs, in sitting position, ditonya,
divunga, konya(as women),
(roll up), vunga, vungila; (by
bending), tonya, konya.
up, kuta, i.e., to wrap up.
n., see enclosure.
Folk, n., bantu(pl. of muntu, i.)
Folk-lore, n., muanu, 2; lu.su-
muinu, 4; luximinyinyu, 4.
Follow, vt., londa, ya ku nyi-
(as attendant), l&mata.
Follower, «. (attendant), muia-
maci, I.
Folly, «. (acting foolishly), bu-
cimbe, 6; bucimbakane, 6;
buhumbakane, 6.
(stupidity), buhote, 6; buxib^le,
6 .
Fondle, vt., hotela, lambakana,
Food, n., bidia, pi. of 7; nxima,
pi. of 3 or 4; bia kudia.
Fool, «., muhale, i; mubuluke, i;
mutombqke, i. These words
are noun derivatives from the
/Verbs hala, buluka and tom-
boka, which mean to he crazy,
(one acting foolishly), mucimbe,
i; mucimbakane, i; muhum-
bakane, i. These words are
derived from the verbs cimba,
cimbakana and humbakana,
meaning to act foolishly.
(a stupid person), muhote, i;
muxibale, i. These words
are from the verbs hota and
xibdle, to he stupid,
vt., cimbixa, humbixa.
Foolish, a^/;.(crazy), hale, buluke,
tomboke. These words are
Foolish {continued).
p.p. from the verbs hala and
buluka and tomboka, to he
(of one acting foolishly), cimbe,
cimbakane, humbakane.
These words are p.p. of the
verbs cimba, cimbakana,
humbakana, to act foolishly.
(stupid), bote, xibale. These
words are p.p. of hota and
xib^la, to be stupid.
Foolishly, to act, v., cimba, cim-
bakana, humbakana.
Foolishness, w. ( acting foolishly),
bucimbe, 6; bucimbakane, 6;
buhumbakane, 6.
(dementia), butomboke, 6; bu-
hale, 6; bubuluke, 6.
(stupidity), buhote, 6; buxi-
baie, 6.
Foot, n., dikusa, 5.
cloven, mukono(2) muhandike.
(hoof), mukono, 2.
(paw), dikama, 5.
sole of, munda rnua dikusa.
Footprint, w.,cidiacilu, 7; dikusa,
5; dikama, 5; mukono, 2.
For, prep.{do for), use Applied
Form of verb.
-ever, see ceaselessly.
(price in trading), ku; as,
wakhla cilulu ku lukama
lua mibela, I bought the cloth
for 100 cowries.
(purpose), generally use the infin.
preceded by -a; as, bintu bia
kudia, things for eating. §
239 {b).
(space of time), simply state
length of time without any
prepositional word; as, naku-
lalamu matuku abidi, I staid
there for two days.
this reason, therefore, ka.
(too . . . for), use the verbal
construction with tamba or
hita; as, muxete udi untam-
ba bujitu, the box is too heavy
for me.
For {continued).
(what for? why?), use Applied
Form of verb followed by
the interrogatives cinyi, etc.
§ 420.
sub. conj., see because.
Forbear, v., lekela.
Forbid, vt., hidia, benga, kanda.
(taboo), jidika, jila.
(thing forbidden), w., cijila, 7.
Forbidden thing, n., cijila, 7.
Force, «. (strength), bukale, 6;
ngulu, pi. of 3; dikanda, 5.
(by force), ku bukale.
(compel), use Causative Form
of verb.
Ford, n., dilobo, 5; cisabu, 7;
cisabukilu, 7.
V., sabuka.
Forefather, n., kaku, i; nyin-
k(a), i; muena(i) kale.
Forehead, n., mpala, 3.
Foreign, adj., -a kule, -a ci-
samba(7) cikuabo.
country of the white man, n.,
mputu, 3. See note under
mputu in B.L.-Eng.
Foreigner, n., muena(i) kule,
muena cisambu(7) cikuabo,
muena mputu(3).
Foreleg, n., diboko, 5.
Foremost, adj., bedi, -a kumu-
dilu, -a ku mpala(3),
mutu(2), -a diambedi(5).
(be foremost in doing), v., dian-
Forenoon, n. There is no speciai
W'ord for the entire forenoon,
use some such ph. as dinda(5)
to ne ku munda munya(2).
about middle of, misasa, pi. of 2.
Foreordain, vph., sungula diam-
Foreskin, n., musundu, 2; mu-
soso, 2; bukutu, 6.
Forest, n., ditu, 5. PI. ismetu.
(copse on a plain), cihuka, 7-
Foretell, vph., amba diambedi
bualu(6) kabui buanza(e)ku-
Forever, adv., see ceaselessly.
Forewarn, vt., dimuxa.
Forfeit, ^.(pay), futa.
(lose in gambling). The person
losing is the obj. of the v. taha.
Forge, vt., tula,fula.
Forget, v. Use any one of the
following constructions:
(1) Muoyo(2) as subj. of the v.
hua with the person forgetting
as the obj.
(2) Use the verb hua with the
person forgetting as subj. and
muoyo following the verb.
(3) Use buila(6) or kafule-
mene(8) as subj. of the v.
kuata with the person forget-
ting as the obj.
(4) Use V. hanga, especially
when forgetting a person is
Forgetful, adj., -a clhua(7)
muoyo(2), -a buila(6), -a
kafulemene(8). The last
word is Buk.
Forgetfulness, «., cihua(7) muo-
yo(2); builu, 6; kafule-
mene(Buk.), 8.
Forgive, see pardon.
Fork, w.(for table), nkalafa, 3.
of river, path, disangu, 5. PI. is
generally used.
of stick or tree, cibanda, 7;
mpandakanya, 3.
(forked stick), muci(2) wa ci-
handa, mud wa mpanda-
Form, w.(shape), mubldi, 2.
?;/.(create), fuka.
(cut or carve), songa.
(forge), tula, fula.
friendship with one another,
kuatangana followed by bu-
Iunda(6) or bunyana(6).
(make), enza, osa, kixa.
pots, fumba, fimba(fuimba).
Fornication, n., masandi, pi. of
5 or 6.
commit, v., enda masandi,
P'ornicator, «., muena(i) ma-
sandi(pl. of 5 or 6).
Forsake, vt., (leave), xia, lekela.
(refuse), hidia, benga.
Forth, adv. This is generally ex-
pressed in the verb root; as,
luhuka and umuka and ha-
tuka, to go forth from.
(go back and forth), vi., tamba-
Forthwith, adv., katataka, dio-
diono, mpindeu.
Fortitude, w., dikima, 5; bukitu,
6 .
Fortunate, be, v., di ne followed
by dikusa(5) dimpe or mu-
abi(2) or diese(5) or mubi-
di(2) muimpe.
Fortune, n., bad, dikusa(5) dibi,
mubidi(2) mubi.
good, dikusa dimpe, muabi(2),
diese(5), mubidi muimpe.
(wealth), bintu, pi. of 7; biuma,
pi. of 7; luhetu, 4.
Forward, adv., ku mpala(3), ku-
mudilu, ku mutu(2).
(be forward or first in doing), v.
dianjila followed by infin.
Forwards, adv., see forward.
(go backwards and forwards), v.,
Foul, see dirty, bad, rotten.
Foulness, w.(of person), bukoya,
6; manyanu, pi. of 5 or 6;
mbindu, pi. of 3 or 4.
Fountain, w.(spring), mpokolo, 3.
Four, card, num., ni. Takes Sec-
ondary Prefixes. In abstract
counting use ini. § 97.
Fourth, ord. num., ini. § 99.
Fowl, n., nsolo, 3.
(cock), citila, 7.
guinea-, dikangala, 5.
(hen), cikukue, 7.
Fracture, vt., cibula; w.(be frac-
tured), cibuka.
Fragile, adj., tekete(p.p. of te-
keta, to be fragile.)
Fragment, n., of anything broken
or cut off, cituha, 7.
Fragment {continued).
of anything split, cihesu, 7.
Fragrance, w., muhuya(2) mu-
impe, nsunga(3).
Fragrant, adj., -a muhuya(2)
muimpe, -a nsunga(3).
Frail, adj., tekete(p.p. of teketa,
to he frail).
Franc, n., nfulanka(French), 3.
Fraud, w.(a lie), dixima, 5; di-
dinga, 5. PI. of these words
generally used, which is ma-
ximi and madingi.
Fraudulent person, w.(liar),
muena(i) ludimi(4), muxi-
mi(i),mudingi(i), muena fol-
lowed by maximi(pl. of 5) or
madlngi(pl. of 5) or mafi(pl.
of 5). The sing, of maximi
and madingi is dixima and
didinga, respectively.
(thief), muibi, i; muivi, i;
muena mucima(2).
Free, x;/. ( acquit), bingixa.
(let loose), lekela, kuhola, su-
lula, kutula; vi.{get free),
tuka, suluka, kulioka(ko-
-man, n., muntu(i) wa bende,
muana(i) mulela, muntu
(redeem from slavery), vf., hi-
adj. {(or nothing), -a hatuhu,
-a cinana.
Free-born person, n., muana(i)
mulela, muntu(i) mudixi-
kamine, muntu wa bende.
Freedom, n., budixikamine, 6.
to give, see free.
Freeman, n., muana(i) mulela,
muntu(i) mudixikamine,
muntu wa bende.
Frequently, adv. Use pi. of
musangu(2) or cikondo(7) or
musunsu(2) followed by any
word meaning many. This
idea may sometimes be ex-
pressed by the Repetitive or
Habitual tenses of the verb.
Fresh, adj. {as palm wine, not
strong), tekete(p.p. of teketa,
to be fresh).
become, vi., bixika.
(green or uncooked), bixe.
(new), hia-hia.
Fret, v., nyingabala.
Fretful, be, vi., nyingabala.
Friction, make fire by, v., vinga
Friday, n., dituku(5) ditanu.
Friend, w., mulunda, i; nyan(a),
Friendship, n., bulunda, 6; bun-
yana, 6.
break, vt., xiha.
form, vt., kuatangana.
Fright, n., buowa, 6.
(as of frightened animals), mb^-
xibaxi, pi. of 3 or 4.
Frighten, vt., cinyixa, handixa
mucima(2), zakuxa mucima;
vi.ifoe frightened), handika
mucima, cina, zakala, kan-
ka, buowa as subj. of kuata
with the person as obj.
(be timid, as wild animal), vi.,
b^xa, di ne mbd,xibaxl(pl. of
3 or 4).
(startle), vt., tabuluxa; vi.,
Frivolous, adj., -a tus6ku(pl. of
(be always laughing for nothing),
Frog, w. ( large), mbondo, 3.
(small), ludimba, 4.
From, prep., ku.
(from . . . to, until), ku ... to
ne ku, ku . . . ne ku, or
sometimes simple ne connect-
ing the two parts.
Front, n., end, ku mutu(2), ku
in, ku mp^la, kumudilu, ku
(in front of), ku mp^la kua,
kumudilu kua, ku mutu kua.
leg, diboko, 5.
Froth, n., lututu, 4; lukende, 4.
Frown, nyenga or fudika with
Fructify, -y. (cause to conceive),
Fruit, n., dimoma, 5. This word
is not applied to bananas,
plantains, or pineapples; it
has reference only to such
fruits as grow on trees or
bear, vt., kuama.
Some of the more common fruits
are as follows:
banana, dibote, 5.
lime, dilala, 5.
mango, nsafu, 3. See note under
papaw, dihahi, 5.
pineapple, kangujinguji, 8; di-
kaka, 5; cikakakaka, 7.
plantain, dikuonde, 5.
small yellow fruit growing on the
plains, dixonde, 5.
Fruitful, be, w.(female), di ne
with lulelu(4) or diminu(5) or
Fruitfulness, «. (power to bear
young), lulelu, 4; diminu, 5;
buledi, 6.
Frustrate, vt.^ humbixa, kosexa,
ela mukosa(2).
(be frustrated), vi., humba.
Fry, vt., kanga.
Frying-pan, n., civuadi, 7; luesu,
4; nyingu, 3.
Fuel, n., lukunyi, 4. Generally
use pi.
Fugitive, n., munyerai, i.
Fulfil, vt., xiklxa; vi.{he ful-
filled), xika.
Full, be, vi., ula, vula,
(after eating), vi., ukuta.
-grown, vi., kala.
measure or quantity, vi., kum-
bana, vula; 7 /^(make full
measure), kumb 3 .xa, vudlxa.
moon, vph., ngondo(3) followed
by the v. lua clbaiu(7);
ngondo may also be subj. of
Full, be {continued),
adj. Use the indeclinable tente
(from tentama, to be full ) ; as,
mulondo udi mi tente, the
jar is full of water.
Fun, w.(laughter), kaseku, 8.
have with, to play with, vt., saba
ne, sabila, naya ne, sabixa,
nayixa, sekexa.
(joke), n., citedi, 7. PI. gener-
ally used.
(make fun of), vt., s6ka.
(to jokp), V., ela bitedi, hunga.
Funny, be, ^.(producing laughter),
Furious, be, m.(angry), di ne or
utiia or unva with cixi(7);
or cixi as subj. of kuata with
the person as obj.
Furnace, w.(for smelting iron ore),
cikutu, 7.
Fury, w.(anger), cixi, 7.
Fuss, n., diyoyo, 5; mutayo, 2.
Future, nph., use matuku(pl. of
5) followed by -a ku mpS,la(3)
or -a kumudilu. The words
ngondo(moon) and cidimu
(season) may be substituted,
according to sense, for matuku.
The future idea in the verb is
expressed by future tense.
Gabble, v., akula biakulakula(pl.
of 7), labakana.
Gain, v., a bet or cause at court,
by trading, vph., endulula mu-
xinga(2) muimpe.
at gambling, v., taha. The per-
son losing is the obj. of the v.
Gale, w.(wind), luhehele, 4.
a strong, cihuhu, 7.
blow a, V., huha.
Gall, n., nyongangandu, 3; ka»
bululu, 8.
Gamble, ^.(gain at), taha. The
person losing is the obj. of the
Gamble {continued).
(lose at), V. The person losing
is the obj. of the v. taha; as,
bakuntaha bintu biinyi, I
have lost my things.
(tossing flat seeds or other ob-
jects), t;., ela nxobo(pl, of
luxobo, 4, which is one of the
pieces tossed).
See BET.
Game, n., disaba, 5; dinaya, 5.
Gape, v., ela muau(2).
w., muau, 2.
Garbage, n., bilu(7), bisonso(7).
Garden, w. ( field), budimi, 6;
cibidi(Buk.), 7.
(small patch in swamp in dry
season), cisenze, 7.
(small patch near house), ci-
bunda, 7.
Garment, w,,ciliilu, 7; cilamba,7.
Gash, n., mputa, 3.
V., taha.
Gate, w., cibi, 7.
Gather, vt.{a.s corn, fruit), huo^,
(as leaves of the matamba), aka.
(as millet), nowa.
together, vt., tutakanya, tuta-
kuxa, sangixa, sangakanya,
sangakuxa, sambakanya,
sambakuxa, kungixa, san-
gila, sanga; vi., tutakana,
sangakana, sambakana,kun-
gakana, disanga, diunguixa.
up, as trash, boya.
Gaze, v., fixedly, mona or tangila
or xoxa followed by talala
Gender, see § 56.
Generate, ‘P.(beget), imicixa.
(give birth), lela.
Generation, w.(line of descent),
cilongo, 7.
Generosity, n., diha, 5.
Generous, adj., -a diha(5).
person, n., cihahi, 7.
Genius, w. ( knowledge), lungenyi,
4; mexi, pi. of 5. or 6 ; lu-
kanyi, 4.
Gentile, nph.^ muntu(i) kai
Gentle, be, vi., hola, talala, -a
kalolo(8), -a lutulu(4).
Gentleness, n., lutulu, 4.
(attractiveness), kalolo, 8.
Gently, adv., bitekete, bimpe,
Germ, n., in seed, disu, 5; muoyo,
Germinate, (sprout), m^na.
Get, V., accustomed to, vi., ibidila.
angry, vi., di ne cixi(7).
anything done for another, use
Applied Form of Causative,
away, to escape, vi., tuka, ongo-
loka, handuka.
(become), see becxdme.
(bring), vt., lua ne.
down, vi., tuluka, Ika.
drunk, v., kuacixa maluTU.
dry, vi., mna.
fat, vi., diunda, lunda.
hot, vi., lua kahia.
in, into, vi., buela.
loose, untied, vi., tuka, suluka,
mad (crazy), vi., buluka, hala,
out, vi., luhuka, umuka, ha-
out of the way, vi., sesuka,
ehuka, umuka.
palm wine, v., ema.
(take up), vt., angata, arabula,
up, vi., bika, juka.
up a tree, to climb, v., banda.
water from spring or stream, vt.,
well, convalesce, vi., sang^la,
kusa mubidi(2), sanguluka.
worse, V., nemenena, nema.
Ghost, n., see spirit.
Gibberish, n., ciakulakula, 7.
§ 356 (^).
Giddiness, n., dinyungu, 5 ; kan-
tetu, 8; lunyungu, 4; kan-
Giddy, be, vph.{d\zzy), di ne fol-
lowed by dinyungu(5) or
kantetii(8) or lunyungu(4) or
Gift, n., ciha, 7; also the infin.
kuha. Jisus nkuha kua
Mzambi kuakutuheye, Jesus
is the gift of God which he
has given to us.
(extra amount given to conclude
trade), matabixa, pi. of 5 or 6;
nsekididi, 3; ntentekedi, 3.
Giggle, vph., di ne kaseku(8).
Pi. generally used.
Giggling, «., kaseku, 8. PI. gen-
erally used.
Gird, v., up the loin, ela muki-
(wrap around), jingila, jinga,
nyengela, vunga, vungila.
Girdle, n., mukuba, 2.
Girl, n., muana(i) mukuxi(i).
(lass), muxikankunde, 2; son-
gakuxi, I.
Girlhood, «., buxikankunde, 6;
bunsongakuxi, 6.
Give, z/., ha, ambika(Buk.).
a name, v., idika, inyika.
birth to, V., lela.
(hand to, pass to), hetexa,
light, z'.,ditemena,temena, toka.
permission, see permission.
suck to, vt., amuixa.
to drink, vt., nuixa.
to eat, vt., dixa.
up, hanga, lekela.
Gizzard, n., dinkidingila, 5;
dintumbu, 5.
Glad, be, vi., sanka.
Gladden, vt., sankixa.
Gladness, n., disanka, 5.
Glance, v., off, tuya, sesuka,
Glass, (looking-), ludimuenu, 4;
lurauenu, 4.
(tumbler), nglas(Eng.), 3.
Gleam, z;. ( glisten), engelela, bala-
(shine), ditemena, temena.
Glisten, v., engelela, balakana.
Glitter, v., engelela, balakana.
Globe, n., cibulunge, 7; dibu-
lunge, 5.
Gloominess, w.(darkness), midi-
ma, pi. of 2; muflta, 2.
Glorify, vt. tumbixa, meneka,
menekela, nemeka, neme-
kela, tendelela.
Glorious, adj., nine, tumbefp.p.
of tumba, to be glorious).
Glory, w. ( greatness), bunine, 6.
Glow, v., ditemena, temena.
Glutton, nph., muena( i) followed
by lumpukusu(4) or cihu-
su(7) or mudiu(2).
Gluttonous, adj., -a lumpu-
kusu(4), -a cihusu(7), -a
Gluttony, n., lumpukusu, 4;
cihusu, 7; mudiu, 2.
Gnash, v., diangana menu.
Gnat, n., kixi, 8. Dimin. of cixi.
Gnaw, v., kunya.
Go, V., ya, enda.
about, from place to place, vi.,
across a river, vi., sabuka.
across a path, vi., sambuka.
after, to follow, vt., londa, ya ku
nyima(3) kua.
ahead of, vt., ya with ku mpa-
la(3) kua or kumudilu kua,
hita, tamba.
around, vi., cimbakana, nyun-
away, vi., umuka, ya.
back, to return, vi., aluka,
alukila, hingana, hingila,
tuta, tucila, andamuka,
back and forth, vi., tambakana.
backwards, vi., ya cianyima.
bad, vi., bola, onoka, nyan-
down, vi., hueka, huekela,
first, vi., dianjila kuya.
in, into, vi., buela.
let, vt., lekela.
Go (conlintied) .
mad, vi., buluka, hala, tom-
off accidentally, as gun, vi.,
flnukila, sohoka, disoho-
on a journey, vi., ya ku luen-
out, vi., luhuka, hatuka, umu-
ka, tambuka.
out, as fire, vi., jima.
past one, vt., hita, tamba.
up, vi., banda.
with, to accompany, vt., flla.
Goat, n., mbuxi, 3.
(half-grown), lutumbatumba, 4.
he, mpumbu, 3.
she, dixina, 5. Has borne young.
Go-between, n., in marriage,
cibanji, 7.
God, n., Nzambi, i. While this is
not the word native to the
Baluba and Bena Lulua, yet
it is very extensively used and
has been adopted for use in
the literature and preaching.
It comes from the Lower
No worship is paid to God,
though there is everywhere
a distinct idea and a name
for the Supreme Being, who
at least creates if he does
not afterwards direct affairs
by his providence. For the
Supreme Being the Bena
Lulua use Nfldi Mukulu, the
Baluba use Nfldi Mukulu or
Muloho or Muloho Muowe-
Gold, nph., lukanu(4) lukunze.
Goliath-beetle, n., kababu, 8.
Good, adj., impe, lengele, akane.
(attractive), -a kalolo(8).
keep, as salt preserving meat,
vt., lengexa.
make, beautify, vt., lengexa.
(taste good), v., xemakana.
Good-bye, see adieu.
Goodness, n., buimpe, 6; bulen-
gele, 6; buakane, 6.
(attractiveness), kalolo, 8.
Goods, n., bintu, pi. of 7; biuma,
pi. of 7; luhetu, 4.
Gospel, nph., bualu(6) bua
Gourd, n., dried, ciloa, 7; cibu-
lubulu, 7.
green, ciioaioa, 7.
(split crosswise), cihuiu, 7; ci-
tonga, 7; cihundu, 7.
(split lengthwise), lubaiu (for
water), 4; cibaiu (for bread),
neck of, cikolokolo, 7.
Govern, x».(as chief his people).
Perhaps best expressed by the
ph. niukelenge(i) wa, chief
of; as, Lukengu udi miike-
lenge wa Bakuba, Lukengu
governs the Bakuba, i.e., is
their chief.
(as mother her child), bulukila,
samina, b61a, nanga.
Government, n., bukelenge, 6;
bunfuniu, 6.
Governor, n., mukelenge, i;
nfumu, I.
Grab, vt., bakula.
Grace, m. ( mercy), luse, 4.
Gracious, adj., -a luse(4).
be to, vph., ha luse.
Grain, n., of corn, ditete, 5; mu-
tonda, 2; ditungu, 5.
of sand, kasoka, 8; kasenga, 8;
kaseie, 8. These words are
dimin. of iusoka and lusenga
and lusele, respectively.
Grandchild, n., muikilu, i.
Grandfather, n., kaku(i) mu-
lumi(i), nyink(a)(i) muiu-
Grandmother, n., kaku(i) mu-
kuxi(i), nyinka(a)(i) mu-
Grandparent, n., kaku, i; nyin-
k(a), I.
Grant, t'/.(give), ha, ambika.
permission, see permission.
Grapes, nph., inamoma(sing. di-
moraa, 5) a kuenza n’a fol-
lowed by vinyo or maluvu a
Grape-vine, nph., muoxi(2) wa
mamoma a kuenza n’a fol-
lowed by vinyo or maluvu a
Grasp, vt., kuata, angata, flekela.
Grass, n., dixindc, 5.
tall, as on plain, cisuku, 7; bicici
(Buk.), pi. of 7.
(used in -covering houses), luan-
yi, 4; cisoso, 7; lusono, 4.
PI. generally used.
(very tall and coarse), disele, 5.
Grasshopper, n., luhasu, 4.
Grateful, adj., -a cinemu(7).
be to, t>., sekelela, ha muoyo(2),
See note under thank.
Gratefulness, «., cinemu, 7.
Gratis, n., hatuhu, cinana. These
are really adverbial words.
Gratitude, n., cinemu, 7. From
V. nemeka.
Gratuitously, adv., cinana, ha-
Grave, n., lukita, 4; ciduaya, 7.
Graveyard, see cemetery.
Gravy, n., musoxi, 2; mukele-
kele, 2.
Gray, ai;'.(color), tokoloke(p.p. of
tokoloka, to he gray). There
is no distinct name,
hair, n., lungufu, 4; luvi, 4.
Graze, ^.(eat grass), dia ma-
xinde(pl. of 5).
Grease, n., see fat.
V., laba minyi(pl. of 5).
Great, ai;.(famous), nine, tum-
be(p.p. of tumba, to he great).
(large\ nine,
make, vt., tumbixa.
Greatness, n., bunine, 6.
Greediness, n., lumpukusu, 4;
cihusu, 7; mudiu, 2.
Greedy, adj., -a lumpukusu(4), -a
cihusu(7), -amudiu(2).
Green, (color), flke(p.p.of fika,
to he green), fikuluke(p.p. of
flkuluka, to he green).
(new), hia-hia.
(not ripe), bixe.
(unripe, be), vi., bixika.
Greens, w. ( leaves of cassava), ma-
tamba, pi. of 5; kalexi, 8.
Other varieties: citekuteku, 7;
mulengalenga, 2; niutete, 2;
nsampu, 3.
Greet, see salute.
Gree ing, see salutation.
Grief, n., cixi, 7; kanyingan-
yinga, 8.
Grieve, v., dila, ufua or unva
followed by cixi(7), muoyo*(2)
or mucima(2) as subj. of
nyingala, cixi as subj. of
kuata and the person as obj.,
di ne with cixi or kanyingan-
for, inga.
Grin, v., tua mimuemue(pl. of 2).
n., mumuemue, 2.
Grind, z;.(as corn between two
stones), hela.
fine, vt., botexa.
(grit the teeth), diangana or
zekexa with menu(pl. of 5).
(sharpen), nuona.
Grindstone, n., dibue(5) dia ku-
Grip, vt., kuata.
Gripe, v., nyenga with munda as
Grit, v., the teeth, diangan'a or
zokex with menu(pl. of 5).
Groan, v., huma, tua mukema(2).
«.(as of pain), mukema, 2,
Grope, vi., bubuta.
Ground, «.(loose dirt), malobo,
pi. cf bulobo(6).
on the, the loc. word hanxi.
(world), bulobo, 6.
Group, n., cisumbu, 7; disanga,
5 -
Grove, w. (copse on a plain),
cihuka, 7.
Grow, v., kale, lunda.
(grow large), v., diunda.
(grow tall), V., leha.
(grow thin), v., nyana.
Growl, z;.(as a dog), ela ma-
kanda(pl. of 5), kanga.
(grumble), v., tontolola, tonto-
n., dikanda, 5.
Grown, be, vi., kala.
person, n., muntu(i) mukale.
Grub, w.(a worm), dikubu, 5;
luhose(found in the palm), 4.
Both kinds are eaten,
up, vt., jula.
Gruel, n., musabu, 2.
Grumble, v., tontolola, tonto-
• mona.
(mutter in low tone), nungana.
(with a click of the throat),
Grunt, -y. (expressing surprise),
kema, tua cikema(7).
(groan in pain), huma, tua
#.(of astonishment), cikema, 7.
(of pain), mukema, 2.
Guarantee, w.(pawn), cieya, 7.
to leave as, vt., eyeka.
Guard, (watch), lama,
be on one’s, vi., dimuka.
put on one’s, vt., dimuxa.
n., mulami, i.
Guess, v., cinka.
Guest, n., muenyl, i.
Guide, v., lombola.
n., mulombodi(i) wa nxila,
Guilt, n., bualu(6) bubi, muan-
da(2) mubi, bubi(6). We
often hear simply the pi. of
the adjectives mabi and mibi.
Guiltless, adj.{goo^, impe, len-
gele, akane.
(be acquitted), vi., binga.
declare, vt., bingixa.
Guilty, be condemned as, vi., hila.
declare, vt., hixa.
Guinea-fowl, n., dikangala, 5.
Gully, n., mutubu, 2; nkoka, 3;
muexi, 2.
Gun, n., cingoma, 7; buta, 6.
This last word originally
meant how.
cannon, n., ditende, 5.
cap gun, n., cingoma cia lufa-
flint-lock, n., cingoma cia mu-
pistol, n., kahambala, 8.
rifle, n., cingoma cia lutende(4).
shotgun, n., cingoma cia tun-
dimba(pl. of 8).
barrel, n., mulonda, 2; muxiba,
bullet, n., lutende, 4; mute-
lenge(2) wa lutende.
cap, n., lufataci, 4.
cartridge, n., mutelenge(2) wa
flint, n., dibue, 5.
hammer, n., dikusa, 5.
muzzle, n., muxuku, 2.
nipple, n., disu, 5.
powder, n., kahia, 8; difuanda,
5 -
ramrod, n., nfukete, 3.
shell, n., mutelenge(2) wa tun-
dimba(pl. of 8).
shot, n., kandimba, 8.
trigger, n., mulemu, 2.
wadding, n., dihusa, 5; cinyu-
ka, 7.
aim, V., dingila, lama, ludikila,
click (when cocked), vi., aba.
cock, vt., bangula.
fire, vt., ela cingoma.
go off accidentally, vi., sohoka,
disohokela, flnukila.
hit, vt., lonza, kuma.
load, vt., soma.
miss aim, v., ela cingoma
hanxi, hanga.
miss fire, not go off, vi., funga.
Gunpowder, m., kahia, 8; di~
fuanda, 5.
Gut, w., dila, 5.
Habit, n., cilele, 7; cienzedi, 7;
cibilu, 7.
bad, use any of the above words
with the adj. bi. For habitual
action use Pres. Habitual
Habitually, see ceaselessly.
Habituate, vt., ibidixa.
(be habituated), vi., ibidila,
Haggard, be, vi., nyana, di ne or
uma followed by cionda(7) or
Haggardness, n., cionda, 7; cin-
yanu, 7.
Hail, ■y^.(call), bikila.
from, vi., fuma.
(greet), see salute.
-stone, n., dibue(5) dia nvula(3).
Hair, w. ( beard or hair on head of
person), lusuki, 4; lunyonyi,
gray, n., luvi, 4; lungufu, 4.
(on l3ody of person or animal),
luoso, 4. Note that pi. is
mioso(2). § 45, Rem.
Half, n. There is no word ex-
pressing this idea exactly. If
anything is cut into two parts,
whether they be equal or not,
each part is called cituha(7);
if the thing is split, each piece
is called cihesu(7).
(cut half in two), v., kosaor kala
followed by hankuci or kun-
-way, the loc. words hankuci
and kunkucl.
Hallow, z;/.(to honor), tumbixa,
nemeka, nemekela, meneka,
menekela, tendelela.
Halt, v.{he lame), lema.
(limp), zobela, tebuka.
Halt {continued).
(stand), imuna.
(stop), lekela.
Hammer, n., lukonko, 4.
of gun, dikusa, 5.
z;.(drive a nail), kumina, hohela.
(forge), V., tula, fula.
Hammock, n., buanda, 6.
Hand, n., cianza, 7.
in the, ku minu(pl. of 2).
left, cianza cia bakuxi, cianza
cia luboko(4), cianza cia ,
(left-handed person), muena(i)
with ciboko(7) or lumosa(4).
of banana or plantain, cisangi, 7.
palm of, munda mua cianza.
right, cianza cia with balumi or
bukale or bidia.
(sleight-of-hand trick), dijimbu,
5; dialu, 5.
(to pass to), vt., hetexa, hetela.
(writing), n., cifundidi, 7.
Handful, n., difuka, 5.
Handle, n.,-oi knife or hoe, cilabi,
7; cikuacilu, 7; mulabi, 2.
of cup, mukolokolo, 2.
(fasten handle in axe, hoe, etc.),
vt., bangixa.
V. (examine), lenga, lamba, 1am-
Handsome, adj., impe, akane,
lengele, -a mpoci(slang).
Handsomeness, n., buimpe, 6;
buakane, 6; bulengele, 6;
mpoci(slang), 3.
Hang, v., a person, owa.
down, vi., lembelela.
one’s self, diowa.
up, vt., kudika.
Happen, vi., lua.
Happiness, n., disanka, 5.
Happy, be, vi., sanka, generally
with muoyo(2) or mucima(2)
as subj.
make, vt., sankixa with muoyo
or mucima as obj.
Hard, adj., to the touch, kale(p.p.
of kala, to be hard).
make, vt., kalexa.
Harden, v/., kalcxa.
(accustom to), vt., ibidixa; i;z.(bc
accustomed to), ibidila, lobo-
Hardness, n., bukale, 6.
Harlot, nph., nuikuxi(i) wa ma-
sandi(pl. of 5 or 6).
Harm, w. ( danger, trouble, palaver),
biialu, 6; muanda, 2.
enzela bibi.
Harmless, adj. This idea may
generally be expressed by the
sentence ena mua kuenza
cintu, {it) can do nothing.
Harmonium, w., cisanji, 7.
Harmonize, z;/.(put in tune), suka.
(put out of harmony or tune),
vt., sukula.
(tune instruments to each other),
sukila or akuxa with hamiie.
(sing. in harmony), akuxame(pl.
of 5) hamue.
(be out of harmony or tune), vi.,
Harmony, see harmonize.
Harp, w., cisanji, 7. This is made
by fastening small pieces of
iron of different lengths a»d
sizes to a hollow piece of wood.
Harvest, «.(time). There seems
to be no word expressing the
idea of harvest time. Use
some explanatory ph., such as
cidimu(7) cia, season of, or
ngondo(3) wa, month oj\ as,
cidimu cia kukuola manva.
ciakiilua, the corn harvest
time has come. There being
no general word for harvest it
is necessary to mention the
name of the thing harvested.
x^/.(as corn), huola, kuola.
(as millet, rice), nowa.
(as peas), aka.
Hash, vt.{a.s> meat), zaz .
Haste, n., lubilu, 4; lukusa, 4.
See note under lubilu.
Hasten, vi., generally use the spe-
cific verb with lubilu or
Hasten {continued) .
(hurry up, make to do in a hurry),
vt., endexa or enzexa followed
by lubilu or lukusa.
Hat, n., cifulu, 7.
Hatch, vt., totobula, taya(toya).
Hatchet, n., kacui, 8. Dimin. of
Hate, v., kina, di ne lukuna(4),
neg. of sua or nanga or
(loathe, as bread), vt., tonda.
Hateful, adj., toward, -a lu-
Hatred, n., lukuna, 4.
Haughtiness, n., disanka, 5.
Haughty, be, vi., disua, sanka.
Have, x^.(possess). Use one of the
verbs meaning to he followed
by ne.
not, ena ne.
to, must, see must.
For have or had as auxiliary in
formation of compound tenses
see § 205, Rem.
To have something done for one,
use Applied Form of the
Causative. § 335 (a).
Hawk, n., nkumbikumbi, 3.
He, pers. pro.
(1) Simple Disjunctive form,
yeye. § 105.
(2) Compound Disjunctive form,
biandi. §§ 108, no.
(3) Conjunctive forms used as
(a) Pro. prefix. §§ 113, 114.
{h) Pro. suffix. §§120,123.
Head, n., mutu, 2. Some say
-ache, n., mutu followed by
mubele or musame.
bald, n., dibala, 5.
crown of, lubombo, 4.
-long, mutu munxi.
of millet, muehu, 2.
of stream, mutu, 2.
Headache, nph., mutu(2) followed
by mubele or musame.
Headlong, adv., use ph. mutu(2)
Headman, n., kahita, 8. From
Heal, v., see cure.
Health, n. There is no definite
word. For good health use
such expressions as bukale(6)
or ngulu(3) or mubidi(2)
mukale. For had health use
disama(5) or dibedi(5) or
bubedi(6) ormubidi(2) mute-
Healthy, adj., -a bukale(6), -a
ngulu(3), -a mubidi(2) mu-
Heap, w.(a large pile), muxiki, 2.
(a small pile, such as can be held
in two hands), difuka, 5.
up, pile one on top of the other,
vt., tentekuxa, tenteka, ten-
tekanya, ambakanya, amba-
kuxa; ‘y/.(be one on top of the
other), tentama, ambakana.
Hear, v., unva, ufua. Note that
the obj. of this verb is di(5),
word, ciona, sound of rain, etc.,
and not a j>erson; as, nakun-
va di diandi, I heard him, lit.,
his word. We may also use
the form nakunvamuakuam-
beye, I heard him, lit., what he
each other, understand, unvan-
listen to, vt., telexa.
Hearken, v., see heed.
Hearsay, n., lumu, 4.
Heart, n., di, 5. PI. is me.
lose, V., cina.
take, V., kalexa, with muoyo(2)
or mucima(2). In the figura-
tive sense of heart, mucima(2)
and muoyo(2) are often used
interchangeably. See these
two words in B.L.-Eng.
Hearth, n., diku, 5. PI. ismeku.
Heartless, see merciless.
Heartless JESS, n., lukinu, 4;
cinyangu, 7.
Heat, n., of fire, kahia, 8.
of sun, munya, 2.
Heat {continued).
(warmth of body or fire or air),
luiya, 4; ciyuya, 7.
vt., hixa; t^f.(be heated), hia.
over again, as food, vt., babaxa;
vi.{he heated again), babala.
Heaven, 7 iph., musoko(2) wa
(firmament), diulu, 5.
Heavenly, adj.{oi the firmament),
-a diulu(5).
Heaviness, n., bujitu, 6.
Heavy, be, v., di bujitu(6), di ne
bujitu, nema, nemenena.
Heed, v.(obey), tumikila, enza
mu- followed by proper tense
and person of amba, itabuxa
mu di(5), unva, ufua.
take, be warned, vi., dimuka.
Heedless, see obstinate.
Heedlessness, see obstinacy.
Heel, n., cikankanyi, 7; ciken-
kibu, 7.
He GOAT, n., mpumbu, 3.
Height, n., bule, 6.
Heir, n., muhianyi, i.
(be heir to, inherit), v., hiana.
Hell, n., ngena, 3. From Greek
Helmet, n., cifulu, 7.
Help, v. This idea is generally
expressed by the Causative
Form of the verb. In a gen-
eral sense we may use the
Causative Form enzexa. Ta
umudimixe, go and help him
to work’, wakumuenzexa, he
helped him to do it.
Hemp, Indian, n., diamba, 5.
Smoked by the natives.
Hen, n., cikukue, 7.
Hence, adv.{irom here), emu, eku,
aha, munemu, kuneku, ha-
naha. § 163, Note 3. Use
also the I ocative Suffixed con-
struction. § 320.
(therefore), ka, bu- with Applied
Form of verb. § 41Q.
Henceforth, see hereafter.
Her, pers. and poss. pro.
(1) As pers. pro. see him, remem-
bering that there is no differ-
ence in the rendering of her
and him. § 105, Rem. 4.
(2) As poss. pro., andi. §§ 132,
133 -
Herald, «. (messenger), muena(i)
mukenji(2), muloho(2).
Herd, n., cisumbu, 7.
Herdsman, n., mulami, i.
Here, adv. Use the proper Loca-
tive with demonstrative sign e,
denoting near objects, thus
giving emu, eku, aha. § 163,
Note 3. Note also the doubled
forms munemu(munomu),
kuneku(kunokii), hanaha.
§ 163, Note 2.
(from here, hence), use the Loca-
tive Forms as indicated above;
as, wakuluhuka miinemu, he
has gone out jrom here.
(here and there, hither and
thither), use Intensive Form
of verb.
(here it is, etc.), use the particle
ka-. § 159.
Sometimes the Locative Suffixed
construction furnishes the
idiom; as, udihu, he is here.
§ 320.
Hereafter, adv. ph., matuku(pl.
of 5) followed by -a ku
mpala(3) or -a kumudilu.
The words ngondo, moon, or
cidimu, season, may be sub-
stituted, according to sense for
Heritage, n., buhianyi, 6; bintu
bia buhianyi.
Hers, see HIS. §132.
Herself, pers. pro., see himself.
The forms for herself and him-
self sore identical. § 105, Rem.
4 -
Hesitate, “y. (vacillate), lemba-
kana, humbakana, nema
with mueima(2) as subj., ta-
takana di ne micima ibidi.
Hiccough, n., clnsukunsuku, 7.
Hide, vt., sokoka.
one’s self, vi., sokoma.
w.(skin), cis^ba, 7.
High, adj., le.
on, adv., khlu, mhlu, heulu.
§ 423 (2) (b).
voice, n., di(5) dikise.
High priest, nph., naukulenge(i)
wa bambi(pl. of i) ba bua-
lu(6) buaNzambi.
Highway, n., nxila(3) munine,
robber, n., munyengi, i.
Highwayman, n., munyengi, i.
Hill, n., mukuna, 2.
ant-, mutunda(made by the
bintunte), 2; ditua(small
black in the forests), 5.
down-, kumanda. § 423 (2) {h).
Him, pers. pro.
(1) As direct or indirect obj. u.se
the pro. infix mu. §§ 116,
1 1 7. N ote the use of pronomi-
nal suffixes (§ 123), under cer-
tain circumstances, as direct or
indirect obj. § 124 (6) (c).
(2) For use with prepositions, see
§§ 106 (c) and 107.
Himself, pers. pro.
(1) Compound Disjunctive form,
nklyandi. §§ 108, 109.
(2) When reflexive, use the re-
flexive prefix of the verb, -di-.
Note that this construction may
be used either as subj. or obj.
§ 118.
(3) See B.L.-Eng. under ine.
Hind leg, n., lower part of, mu-
kolo, 2.
upper part of, cibelu, 7.
part, citaku, 7; nyima, 3.
Hinder, vt., humbixa, humba-
kuxa, lekexa, kosexa; ^'^.(be
hindered), humba.
Hindermost, adj., -a ku nyima(3).
-a kunxikidilu,-a haxixe.
be the, v., xixa.
Hindrance, n., mukosa, 2.
Hip, w., lukundu, 4; cikundu-
kundu, 7.
Hippopotamus, n., nguvu, 3.
Hire, v., see engage.
His, poss. pro., andi. When used
as predicate adj., see § 135.
Hit, vt., kuma, tuta.
(in shooting), lonza, kuma.
with arrow, asa.
with fist, kuma or tuta or tua
with cisusu(7) or disundu(5).
withknuckl s, tua lukonyi(4).
with open hand, kuma with
dihi(5) or luhi(4).
Hither, adv., see here. Use some-
times the Locative Suffixed
construction, § 320.
(hither and thither), use Inten-
sive Form of verb.
Ho-A-RSE, be, V. use di( 5 ) as subj.
of V. xib&la or hata.
Hobgoblin, n., mukixi, 2; mu-
xangi(Buk.), 2.
Hoe, n., lukusu, 4.
handle o^, mul&bi, 2; cikua-
cilu, 7; cilabi, 7.
V., d ma, ihila.
put handle in, v., bangixa.
Hog, n., ngulube, 3.
Hoist, vt., bandixa, bixa.
Hold, vt., kuata.
out hand, olola cianza(3).
Hole, n., in the ground, dina(pl.
mena), 5; cina, 7.
key-, disu(5) dia nsahi(3).
make a to dig, imba, umbula.
of rat, buina, 6. P . is mena.
(pierce through), vt., tubula di-
through something, n., disoso, 5;
dikela, 5.
Holiness, n., buimpe, 6; bua-
kane, 6; bulengele, 6.
Hollow, n.{\n tree), mulundu, 2.
(low ground), cibanda, 7; lu-
hongo, 4.
Holy, ad;. (good), impe, akane,
Spirit, see spirit.
Homage, pay to, vt., see honor.
Home, w. ( house), nsubu, 3.
at, mu nsubu, ku nsubu, mu or
ku used inseparably with the
poss. pro., § 140.
Honest, ad;. (good), impe, akane,
lengele, -a kalolo(8).
(one not stealing), use neg. of
Pres. Habitual tense of v. iba,
or ena ne with buibi(6) or
buivi(6) or blanza(pl. of 7)
Honesty, w. ( goodness or fairness),
kalolo, 8 ; buimpe, 6; bua-
kane, 6 ; bulengele, 6.
Honey, n., buici(buiki), 6.
-comb, dihula, 5; dikaci, 5.
Honey-bee, n., lubulubulu, 4;
lunyeke, 4.
Honeycomb, n., dikaci, 5; dihula,
5 -
Honor, vt., nemeka, nemekela,
meneka, menekela, tum-
bixa, tendelela.
Honorable, ad;’. (great), nine,
(honored), tumbe(p.p. of tumba,
to he honorable).
Hoof, n., mukono, 2.
Hook, n., fish-, ndoho, 3.
wooden, lukobo, 4.
fish with, vt., loha.
Hop, V., tuhlka.
(as flea), tuloka.
(as frog), soloka.
Hope, z;.(look for, expect), teke-
mena, ela muoyo(2).
n., the infin. kutekemena is
Horn, n., lusengu, 4.
(for blowing), mpungl, 3.
Horrify, vt., cinyixa, handixa
mucima(2), zakuxa muclma.
(be horrified), vi., cina handika
or zakala followed by muci-
Horror, n., buowa, 6.
Horse, n., kabalu, 8. From
Horse-fly, n., cibanda, 7.
2 o 6
Host, h. ( crowd), cisumbu, 7.
(great number), bungi, 6.
Hostage, nph., muntu(i) wa
lukole(4). PI. is bantu ba
nkole. A person of same vil-
lage or family as the debtor
who is held for the debt.
Hostile, adj., -a lukuna(4).
Hostility, lukuna, 4.
Hor, adj., -a kahia(8).
be, vi., Ilia, lua kahia.
make, vt., hixa.
Hour, see time.
House, n., nsubu, 3.
batten, lubarabalu, 4. These are
tied crosswise on top of the
door, cibi, 7.
door-post, cilua, 7; cixiki, 7.
doorway, muxuku(2) wa mbe-
111(3), mbelu(3), cibuedelu
( 7 )-
-fly(insect), lujiji, 4.
grass for covering, luanyi, 4;
bisoso, pi. of eisoso(7); lu-
sono, 4.
palm leaves for covering, malala,
pi. of dilala(5).
partition, cididi, 7.
post in the wall, cilua, 7; cixiki,
7 -
post to support veranda, di-
kunxi, 5.
rafter, lusokolo, 4; dihilu, 5.
ridge-pole, mutandala, 2; niu-
tamba, 2.
roof, ciniunu, 7.
side, wall, cimunu, 7.
space in front of door, ku
to cover a, vt., flnga, kuma.
top of roof, musonga, 2.
to tie the battens, vt., bambala.
Household, see tribe.
Hover, ^’.(as hawk), lembelela.
How, interrog. adv., munyi? bixi?
mua(indirect question).
(1) For the expression, in what
way?, see § 411-
(2) As modifying adjectives of
How {continued).
quantity or quality, see § -.11,
Note I.
(3) For use in indirect questions,
see § 472 ( peanuts), bela, bula, bosa,
totobula, taya(toya).
(as peas, by beating), xuliula,
Humane, adj., -a kalolo(8), -a
Iuse(4), inipe, akane, len-
Humanity, n., buntu, 6.
(kindness), luse, 4; kalolo, 8.
Humble, be, vi., use neg. of disua,
ena ne with dikamakama(5)
or cikama(7) or dintanta(5),
di ne or ufua or unva with
bundu(6), di ne with muci-
ma(2) mutekete or kalolo(8).
make, vt., tekexa, kehexa.
Humid be, vi., talala, hola, di ne
with citelele(7) or ciaxiina(7).
Humidity, n., citelele, 7; ciaxi-
ma, 7.
Humiliate, vt., kehexa, tekexa,
kuacixa or ufuixa with bun-
(be humiliated), vi., ufua or
unva with bundu.
Humility, n., bundu, 6; bunvu, 6;
kalolo, 8.
Humor, n., bad, cixi, 7.
be in good, vi., sanka.
(joke), 11., citedi, 7.
Humpbacked, adj., -a dikoko(5),
ditonte, kobame.
Hundred, n., lukama, 4.
Hundred thousand, n., cixikilu,
7 -
Hunger, n., nsala, pi. of 3 or 4.
Hungry, be, v., use nsala(pl. f 3
or 4) as subj. of suma or sama
wiuU the person as obj., di ne
Hunt, v., for, keba, keja, teta.
with dogs, ta.
Hunter, n., cilembi, 7; cihinda,
7 -
Hunting, bute from ta, to
hunt), 6.
net, muxinga(2) wa bute.
Hurricane, n., cihuhu, 7,
Hurriedly, adv., use the noun
forms lubilu and lukusa.
Hurry", v., generally use specific
verb with lubilu or lukusa.
be in a, restless, vi., sasakata.
up, make to do in a hurry, vt.,
ende.xa or enzexa with lubilu
or lukusa.
«., lubilu, 4; lukusa, 4.
Hurt, 7;. (ache), sama.
(burn, .smart), suma, oxa, su-
suma, hiakana.
(as stomach), nyenga.
Husb.ynd, n., mulumi, i; mbi(pl.
bambi), i. For mbi, see § 42,
Note i.
Hush, vt., huxa or taluxa or
hoi xa or x kixa or kosexa
with muaku(2) or mutayo(2)
or diyoyo(5).
(stop talking), lekela followed by
muaku(2) or mutayo(2) or
the infin. kuakula; hua.
Husk, «., cihusu, 7; cizubu, 7.
v.(a.s corn), uvula.
(as peas by beating), xuhula,
Hymn, n., musambu, 2.
H\t>ocrisy, n., see lie.
Hypocrite, n., see li.yr.
I, pers. pro.
(1) Simple Disjunctive Form,
meme. § 105.
(2) Pro. prefix, n(m). §§ 113,
1 {continued).
(3) CompoundDisjunctiveForm,
biinyi, etc. §§ 108, no.
Identical, adj., o-umue, muomu-
(very), niene. Yeye mene, the
identical{very) one. See SAME.
Identity', n., buobumue, 6,
Idiocy, n., buhale, 6; bubuluke, 6;
butomboke, 6.
.DIOM, n., ciakuilu, 7.
Idiot, see fool.
Idle person, n., mufuba, i. This
word seems to be used only a a
noun, not as an adj.
adj. ph., -a bufuba(6), -a bu-
Idleness, n., bufuba, 6; bukata, 6.
Idol, n. There are no idols stric ily
speaking, only charn s, which
are supposed to exert a good
influence in behalf of the owner,
and sometimes an evil in-
influence on an enen.y. If it is
carved to represent a person
it is called luliingu( 4 ); if
made of anything else, it is
called buanga(6). No special
worship, apart from certain in-
to these charms,
make an, vt., huka, songa.
maker of, n., mpuka(i) n anga,
musongi(i) Ava mpingu, mu-
huki(i) wa manga.
If, sub. conj., bu, bi-. For full dis-
cussion of Conditional sen-
tences, s e §§ 459, 460.
Ignite, vt., oxa.
by friction with sticks, vt., vinga
Ignoramus, n., muhote, i; muxi-
bale, I.
Ignorance, w. ( stupidity), buhote,
6; buxibale, 6.
Ignorant, adj., hotefp.p. of hota,
to he ignorant), xibale(p.p of
xibala, to he ignorant).
(not to know), v., use neg. of
Ill, be, v., see sick.
treatment, cihendo, 7; ma-
tandu, pi. of 5 or 6; cin-
yangu, 7.
(wish ill to), V., ela mulau(2).
Illegal, something forbidden, n.,
cijila, 7. This word generally
has a superstitious idea.
Illegitimate c ild, n., muana(r)
wa raasandi(pl. of 5 or 6).
Illness, see sickness.
Ill-treat, see .abuse.
Illustrate, ■y/. (compare), idi-
kixa, elekexa.
(show), lexa.
Illustration, w. (example), ci-
fuanyikixa, 7.
(sample, copy, mark), cimon-
yinu, 7; cidikixilu, 7; cile-
xilu, 7.
(story, fable), luxiininyinyu, 4;
muanu, 2; lusumuinu, 4.
Illustrious, see famous.
Image, n., see idol.
(likeness), cifuanyi, 7; cifuan-
yikixa, 7.
(reflexion, photograph), mundi-
dimbi, 2; mudingidi, 2.
Imagination, «. (thought), lun-
genyi, 4; mexi, pi. of 5 or 6;
lukanyi, 4.
Imagine, v.{ fancy), amba. Wa-
kuamba ne cin^u cia kudia,
he imagined that it was some-
thing to eat.
Imbibe, v., nua.
iUiT.ATE, V., idikixa, elekexa.
(do as another), see § 465.
Immature child, n. (foetus), kana
(dimin. of muana) kabixe.
Immediately, adv., katataka,
mpindeu, diodiono.
Immense, adj., nine.
Immerse, vt., ina, inyixa.
Imminent, adj. This idea is gener-
ally expressed by the Future
Imminent tense of the verb.
Immodest, be, ■y.(indecent), di
ume(p.p. of uma, to he dryj mu
Immodest, be {continued).
disu(5), di ne buluatafl(6),
ena ne bundu(6).
(saucy), ena ne bundu(6), di ne
with cikama(7) or dikama-
kama(5) or dintanta(5), di-
sua, ibidiia.
Immodesty, .., v;ikama, 7; dika-
makama, 5; dintanta, 5.
(slovenliness in dress), bulua-
tafi, 6.
Immoral, adj.{ha.d), bi.
(adulterous), -a masandi(pl. of
5 or 6).
Immorality, «.(adultery),masandi,
pi. of 5 or 6.
Immortal, adj., -a matuku onso,
-a lahalaha, -a cendelele, -a
be, vi., use neg. of fua, to die.
Immovable, be, v., kala, xindama,
kandamana, jama, kanana.
Impair, vt., ona, nyanga; ^^^.(be
impaired), onoka, nyanguka.
Imp.atience, n., disasakata, 5.
Impatient, be, w.(restless), sasa-
Impede, z;/.(cause to fail, to miss),
humbixa, lekexa, kosexa.
Impediment, n., in speech, stutter-
ing, cikukumina, 7; dikuku-
mina, 5.
have, to stutter, v., kukumina.
Impend, v.. use generally Future
Imminent tense of the verb
Impenitent, adj., -a mucima(2)
Imperfect, be, vi., use neg. of
forms under perfect.
Impertinence, n., dintanta, 5;
cikama, 7; dikamakama, 5.
Impertinent, be, vi., disua, ibi-
dila, ena ne bundu(6), di ne
with dintanta(5) or dikama-
kama(5) or cikama(7).
Implement, n., ciama, cintu(7)
cia kuenza n’aci.
See note under machine.
Implore, v., sengela, sengelela.
Impolite, be, vi., ena ne kalolo 8),
di ne with dikamakama(5) or
cikama(7) or dintanta(5).
Impoliteness, w., cikama, 7; dika-
makama, 5; dintanta, 5.
Importance, bualu(6) bunine,
muanda(2) munine.
Important, adj., nine, tumbe (p.p.
of tumba, to be important).
Importunate, adj.^ in begging, -a
Impossible, be, v., use neg. of con-
structions mentioned under
§ 230.
Impotent, adj., tekete(p.p. of
teketa, to be impotent).
Impoverish, vt., helexa, luixa with
buhele(6) or bulanda(6), xixa
mu with buhele or bulanda.
Impregnate, i//. (cause concep-
tion), tmicixa.
Imprison, vph., buexa mu nsubu
wa maxika.
Improve, v., in health, convalesce,
sangala, kusa mubidl(2),
Impudence, n., dintanta, 5; ci-
kama, 7; dikamakama, 5.
Impudent, be, see saucy.
Impure, ad;.(adulterous), -a ma-
sandi(pl. of or 6).
(bad), bi.
Impurity, w.(adultery), masandi,
pi. of 5 or 6.
(badness), bubl.
(trash), cilu, 7; cisonso, 7
In, prep., mu.
front, ku mpala(3), kumudilu.
order that, use Purportive Mood
without any subordinatirg
word. § 461.
the hand, ku minu(pl. of 2).
the midst of, see midst.
the same place, hamue, hoha-
In some cases the in is contained
in the verb root.
Inadequate, vi., use neg. of forms
under enough.
Inattentive, be, vi., hungakana,
humbakana, neg. of unva or
be toward, vt., humbaki'ixa,
Incantation, do before fetish or
charm, tendelela, sekelela.
Incapable, be, vi., use neg. of
form under capable.
Incessantly, see ceaselessly.
Incite, v., generally use Causative
Form of verb,
dog to bite, keba luoxi(4).
Incline, vi., inuma, sendama; vt.,
sendeka, sendemexa, inyika.
against, vi., eyema; vt., eye-
mexa, eyeka.
Inclose, vt., see encircle.
Incoherently, speak, v., akula
biakulakula(pl. of 7).
Incompetent, be, v., use neg. of
forms under § 230.
Incomplete, be, vi.{noi finished),
use neg. of muna or xika or
Incorrect, adj., use neg. v. with
impe or o-umue or muomu-
Increase, z;/. (enlarge), diundixa,
lundixa; vi., diunda, lunda.
in number or quantity, vi., vula;
vt., vudixa.
(lengthen), vt., lungakuxa, lun-
gakanya, lehexa, lunga; vi.,
lungakana, leha.
price, vt., kalexa or bandixa with
muxinga(2); vi., muxinga
as subj. of kala or banda.
Incur, v., a debt, enza dibanza(5).
Indecency, see immodesty.
Indecent, see immodest.
Indeed, ad'V.(truly), bulilela, bu-
xua, buikuxa, bualabuala,
buinabuina. These are really
nouns of class VI.
(very, absolutely), mene.
Indian corn, n., see corn.
Indian hemp, n., ■ diamba, 5.
Smoked by the natives with
injurious effect.
India-rubber, n., ndundu, 3.
ball of, dibulu, 5.
(fruit of rubber vine), lubulu, 4.
Indicate, t;.(show to), lexa, tan-
gidixa, muenexa.
(point with finger), funkuna.
Indifferent, be, vi., see inatten-
Indignant, see angry.
Indignation, n., cixi, 7.
Indistinctly, adv., to see, use neg.
of V. mona followed by bimpe.
to hear, use neg. of v. unva or
ufua followed by bimpe.
to speak, use neg. of v. akula
followed by bimpe; also akula
with cidimify) or cilafi(7).
Indolence, n., bufuba, 6; bu-
kata, 6.
Indolent, adj., -a bufuba(6), -a
person, inufuba, i.
Induce, vt.{cause to assent), ita-
from doing, humbixa.
Industrious, see diligent.
I.N'iusTRY, ^.(occupation), mudi-
mu, 2.
Infancy, n., buana, 6.
Infant, see child.
Inferior, adj.{oi no consequence),
-a finana, -a hatuhu, -a be.
Infinite, be, v., use the verbs
tamba or hita with the proper
adj. or V.
Infirm, adj., tekete(p.p. of teketa,
to be infirm).
Infirmity, «. (weakness), buteket ,
Inflate, vt., tantamixa tuntu-
muxa, uxa; vi., one’s self,
tantamika, tuntumuka, ula.
Inlfexible, be, vi., kayabala,
tantamana, tandabala.
Influence, vt., itabuxixa.
(greatness), n., biinine, 6.
(have influence with one), vph.,
di ne dikusa(5) kudi mun-
(strength), n., bukale, 6.
Influential, adj., nine.
(famous), tumbe(p.p. of tumba,
to be influential).
Inform, (teach), iyixa, mun-
yixa, longexa, tayila, lubu-
(tell to), ambila.
(warn), dimuxa.
Information, w.(news), lumu, 4.
(word), di, 5. PI. is me.
Ingenious, see ci.ever.
Ingeniousness, see ingenuity.
Ingenuity, «., lungenyi, 4; mexi,
pi. of 5 or 6; lukanyi, 4.
Muhongo(2) and buloxi(6)
come to have a secondary
meaning corresponding lo in-
Ingratitude, n., dikamakama, 5;
eikama, 7; dintanta, 5.
Inhabit, v., ikala mu.
Inhabitant, n., of, use muena(i)
or inukua(i) followed by
name of the place. §§ 84 {b),
357, Rem.
Inhale, (drawing in the breath),
kokaor huta with muliuya(2),
Inherit, vt., hiana.
Inheritance, n., buhianyi, 6;
bintu bia buhianyi.
Inhuman, a(fy.(cruel), -a cinyan-
gu(y), -a lukin u(4).
Inhumanity, n., cinyangu, 7;
lukinu, 4.
see guilt.
Inj jrc, i;/.(accuse falsely), banda.
(do wrong to one), enzela bibi.
(make to go bad), ona, nyanga.
Injustice, n. (dishonesty), buivi, 6;
buibi, 6.
(wrong), bubi, 6; bualu(6)
bubi; muanda(2) mubi.
Ink, nph. mi a mikanda(pl. of 2).
Innocent, be, v.{he acquitted),
pronounce, vt., bingixa.
Innumerable, adj., use neg. of
munya or mona or ena with
mua kubala, to count.
Inquire, vt., ebexa, konka.
Inquisitive, be. v., di ne with
luebexixa(4) or lukonkono
( 4 ).
Inquisitiveness, n., luebexixa, 4;
lukonkono, 4.
Insane, adj., buluke, hale, tom-
boke. These are p.p. of bu-
luka, hala and tomboka
respectively, meaning to he
Insanity, n., butomboke, 6 ; bu-
hale, 6; bubuluke, 6.
Insect, cixi, 7.
Insensibility, «.(from fall or blow
or smothering), cifuidixe, 7;
cihuka, 7.
(from fit or spasm), ciseke, 7;
tungulungu, pi. of 8; nkoyi,
3 -
Insensible, be, •y.(from fall or blow
or smothering), fua with ci-
fuidixe(7) or cihuka(7).
(from fit or spasm), fua wi h
ciseke(7) or tungulungu(pl.
of 8) or nkoyi(3).
(not to feel), neg. of unva or
(not to know), ncg. of munya.
Insert, vt., buexa mu.
Inside, adv. Use generally mu
and Locative Suffixed con-
struction; as, buclamu, go
inside. § 320.
o , prep, ph., mu, munda mua.
n., munda. § 423 (2) (b).
Insipid, be, ^.(be without sah or
other seasoning), talala,
Insolence, n., dintanta, 5; ci-
kama, 7; dikamakama, 5.
Insolent, see impertinent.
Inspect, ■y/.(look at), mona, tan-
gila, xoxa.
Instantly, see immediately.
Instigate, vt., generally use Causa-
tive Form of verb.
Instruct, vt., iyixa, munyixa,
longexa, ambila, lubukixa.
(show), lexa.
Instructor, n., muiyixi, i; mu-
munyixi, i; muambidi, i;
muambi, i.
Instrument, n. Some of the dif-
ferent kinds of musical instru-
ments are: cisanji, 7, lun-
zenze, 4; lunkombe, 4;
ngoma, 3; ciondo, 7; K xiba,
4; lunkunvu, 4; madimba,
pi. of 5; lumembo, 4; ludibu,
4; musakuci, 2; dikusa, 5;
musui, 2.
play on, vt., imba.
play on by blowing, vt., ela.
See machine.
Insubordinate, adj., -a cicu(7),
-a cixiku(7), -a buhidia(6),
-a cibengu(7).
Insubordination, n., cicu, 7;
cixiku, 7; buhidia, 6; cl-
bengu, 7.
Insuificient, be, V., use neg.
of forms mentioned under
Insult, vt., henda, tuka.
n., cihendo, 7.
Intact, arf7'.(whole), onso, xima.
Integrity, w.(goodness), kalolo, 8;
buimpe, 6; buakane, 6;
bulengele, 6.
Intellect, n., lungenyi, 4; mexi,
pi. of 5 or 6; lukanyi(Buk.), 4.
Intellectual, adj., -a lungen-
yi(4), -a mexi(pl. of 5 or 6),
-a lukanyi(4).
Intelligence, n. (intellect), lun-
genyi, 4; mexi, pi. of 5 or 6;
lukany i(Buk.), 4.
Intelligent, adj, -a lungenyi(4),
-a mexi(pl. of 5 or 6), -a
Intend, v., amba followed by infin.
Intently, look, v., talala with any
verb meaning to see.
Inter, ^;^.(bury), jika.
Intercede, vt., for, akuila, am-
bidila, lumbuluila.
Intercessor, n., muakuidl. i;
muambididi, i; mulumbu-
luidi, I.
Intercourse, have with one an-
other in travelling, v., endan-
have sexual with, vt., luma,
lumixa, tentemexa, lala ne.
Interdict, ^'/.(as food, etc.), jila^
(the interdicted thing), n., cijila,
See note under jidika.
Interest, w.(business), bualu, 6;
muanda, 2.
on something borrowed, kasom-
belu, 8; matabixa, pi. of 5
or 6; nsekididi, 3; ntente-
kw^i, 3.
pay, V., tentekela.
Interfere with, vL, humbixa,
in one’s business or friendship
with another, ela mukosa(2),
kosexa, di ne mucaudi(2).
Interference, n., mukosa, 2;
mucaudi, 2.
Interior, w., munda. § 423 (2)
( 6 ).
Intermarry, v., bukangana.
Intermediary, n., in marriage,
cibanji, 7.
Intermingle, vt., sangixa, sanga-
kuxa, sangakanya, samba-
kanya, sambakuxa, tuta-
kuxa, tutakanya, sala, sala-
kana, buelakuxa, buexa-
kana; vi., sanga, sangakana,
sainbakana, tutakana, bue-
Internal, adj., -a munda. § 423
(2) (0-
Interpret, i;/. (translate), kudi-
muna or andamuna with
Interrogate, vt., ebexa, konka.
Interrupt, vt., humbixa, hum-
bakuxa, lekexa, kosexa.
(be interrupted), vi., humba.
Interruption, n., mukosa, 2.
Intervene, ^.(come between), lua
with the locative words han-
kuci or kunkuci or munkuci.
Intervene {continued).
in quarrel, sunga.
Intestine, n., dila, 5.
Intimidate, vt., cinyixa.
Into, prep., mu.
See IN.
Intoxicate, vt., hadixa.
(be intoxicated), see drunk.
Intoxication, n., buhale(6 or
bubuluke(6) or butomboke(6)
followed by maluvu.
Intractable, be, vi., use neg. of
tumika or tumikila, di ne
with cicu(7) or cibengu(7)
or buhidia(6) or cixiku(7).
Inveigle, vt., teya.
Invent, vt., fuka, dianjila kuenza.
Invert, v/.,andamuna,kudimuna,
Invisibility, n., the state of,
nsamu, pi. of 4.
Invisible, be, vi., neg. of mueneka
or mueka.
(a medicine or charm which is
said to make one invisible),
n., buanga bua nsamu(pl. of
(to become invisible in battle),
V., sama.
See invulnerable.
Invoke, z//.(call), bikila.
(implore), sengela, sengelela.
(worship), tendelela, tumbixa,
Invulnerability, n., ntuixa, pi.
of 4.
Invulnerable, be, tuixa. May
come from tuya, to glance off.
(a charm to make one invulner-
able), n., buanga bua ntui-
xa(pl. of 4).
See invisible.
Inward, adv. Generally use Loca-
tive Suffix construction with
mu. § 320.
uJ;. (internal), -a munda.
Iron, n., ciama(7) ciflke.
clothes, vt., hela.
Iron {continued).
(laundrj^), n., mpelu, 3.
ore, kabanda, 8.
(when made into crosses), n.,
ciombo(7) ciflke.
See note under copper.
Irre\t:rence, n., cikama, 7;
dikamakama, 5 ; dintanta, 5.
Irreverent, adj., -a cikama(7),
-a dikamakama(5), -a din-
Irritable, be, v., di ne or unvaor
ufua \vith cixi(7), nyinga-
bala, cixi as subj. of kuata
with the person as obj.
Irritate, vt., kuacixa or ufuixa
with cixi(7), tacixa or flkixa
with munda, hotela, lobola.
l s, see BE.
Island, «., cisanga, 7.
Issue, v., a decree, amba followed
by di(5) or mukenji(2).
(come forth), vi., luhula, umu-
ka, hatuka.
^.(offspring), muana, i.
lt, pers. pro. The agreement is
always made with the class of
the noun to which the pronoun
(1) Simple Disjunctive Forms.
§ 105.
(2) Compound Disjunctive
Forms*. §§ 108, no.
(3) Conjunctive Forms;
(a) As prefixes. §§ 113, 114.
{b) As infixes. §§116,117.
(c) As suffixes. §§ 120, 123,
124 {h) (c). _
(4) The use with prepositions.
§§ 106 (c), 107.
Itch, vi., sasakana, salala.
Itinerate, vi., endakana.
Its, poss. pro. Use the sing, forms
of classes II-VIII, as indicated
under § 133.
When used as predicate adj., see
§ 135 -
Itself, pers. pro.
(i) Compound Disjunctive Form.
§§ 108, lOQ. Agreement is
Itself {continued).
made with the class of the
noun to which the pronoun
(2) When reflexive, use the re-
flexive prefix of verb, -di-.
§ 1 18. Note that this con-
struction may be used either
as subj. or obj.
(3) See B.L.-Eng. under ine.
Ivory, n., mubanga, 2.
Jabber, v., akula biakulakula(pl.
of 7).
Jackal, n., mubuabu, 2.
Jail, n., nsubu(3) wa maxika.
Jailor, «., mukelenge(i) or mu-
lami(i) with wa nsubu(3)
Jam, «., jam(Eng.).
January, n., Januale(Eng.).
Jar, M.(for water), mulondo, 2.
Jaw, n., lower, lubanga, 4.
Jealous, adj., -amukau(2).
Jealousy, n., mukau, 2.
Jest, see joke.
Jesus, n., Jisus.
Jew, n., Muyuda, i. Perhaps a’so
Jigger, «., kabuasa, 8; dile-
bele(Buk.), 5.
Join, v.{a.s rivers, paths, etc.), san-
gakana, sambakana, sangila.
(become one of a party), buele-
kana, buela.
(be next to), kuatakana, tuan-
(cause to come together), vt.,
sangakuxa, sangakanya,
bambakuxa, bambakanya,
sambakuxa, sambakanya,
kuatakanya, kuatakuxa,
tuanguxa, tuanganya.
to, lengthen, add one to another,
vt., lungakanya, lungakuxa,
lunga, lehexa.
Joint, n., dinungu, 5.
Joke, i’/.(play on one), sabixa,
(pretend not to know), v.^ hunga.
with, ela bitedi(pl. of 7), cini-
bixa, humbixa.
w., citedi, 7. PI. generally used.
Journey, w., luendu, 4.
go on a, vph., ya ku luendu.
Joy, «., disanka, 5.
Joyful, see happy.
Judge, »., mulumbuludi, i.
V., lumbulula, kosa nsambu(3).
Judgment, «. (damnation), mulau,
pronounce, vL, lumbulula, kosa
(trial), cilumbu, 7.
(wisdom), lungenyi, 4; mexi,
pi. of 5 or 6; lukanyi, 4.
Jug, «.(jar), mulondo, 2.
(pitcher), mplca(Eng.), 3.
Juice, «., mi, pi. of 5 or 6.
July, n., Juli(Eng.).
Jump, v., tuhika.
(as flea), tuloka.
(as frog), soloka.
n., cidi, 7.
Junction, n., of paths or rivers,
disangu, 5. PI. generally
June, «., Junyi(Eng.).
Junior, .^ee younger.
Just, adv.{\.o have just done), use
the verb anza and infin. §228,
adj., see honest.
as conj. mu- (insep.) with the
verb. §465-
See §§ 418, 421.
Justice, n., see honesty.
Justified, be, ^.(be acquitted),
Justify, vl.^ blngixa.
Keep, v ., awake, tabala, lala
citabala' 7)-
doing, use Pres. Habitual tense,
(feed), vl., dixa.
Keep {continued) .
for, tekela.
from, abstain, hidia, benga, jila.
(look after for), muenena.
silence, lekela muaku(2), hua.
(watch flocks, etc.), vt., lama.
Keeper, «., mulami, i; mutan-
gidi, i; mumonyi, i; mu-
muenenyi, i.
Keepsake, m., cimonyinu, 7.
Kernel, «.(germ of the kernel),
muoyo, 2; disu, 5.
Kettle, «., civuadi, 7; luesu, 4;
nketel(Eng.), 3.
Key, w., muan’a nsahi(3), luvun-
Keyhole, n., disu(5) dia nsahi(3).
Kick, v., tua with dikusa(5) or
n., museba, 2.
Kid, n., muan’a mbuxi(3), lutum-
Kidney, kamoma, 8.
Kill, vt., xiha.
by hanging, owa.
Kind, n., of same, this idea may be
expressed in several ways:
(1) By the verbs fuanangana,
kelemena, fuana, dieleka.
(2) By the words bu or buina.
(3) By the words muomumue or
(4) By the ph. muan’abo ne.
of different, use neg. with above
(of one kind ... of another
kind), ha bu- ... ha bu-.
§ 186.
(what kind of a ?), ki? § 176.
bula, jula.
the voice, bandixa or ambuluxa
or ambulula or kalexa with
di( 5 ).
to life, fululula.
Ram, w.(male of sheep), cimpanga,
7 -
i’.(as a gun), soma.
Ramble, vi., endakana.
Ramrod, n., nfukete, 3.
Rank, «.(of high, chiefship), bu-
kelenge, 6 ; bunfumu, 6.
(row), n., mulongo, 2.
Ransom, (redeem), hikula.
Rape, commit, vph., kuata mu-
kfixi(i) ku bukale(6).
Rapidity, n., lubilu(4), lukusa(4),
kalubilubi(8). This last word
has also the idea of careless-
Rapidly, adv., lubilu, lukusa.
These are really nouns of
class IV.
Rapids, w. ( falls), cibila, 7.
Rascal, n., muntu(i) mubi.
Rascality, n., bubi, 6.
Rat, n., mpuku, 3. The dimin. is
For varieties of, see MOUSE,
-hole, buina, 6. PI. is mena.
-trap, n., buteyi, 6 ; lukinda, 4.
Rather, had, z;.(prefer), sungula.
Rat-hole, n., see under rat.
Rattle, w. ( gourd with seeds in-
side), dikusa, 5; musui, 2;
musakuci, 2.
(for dogs in hunting), cidibu, 7.
V., imba.
Rat-trap, n., see under rat.
Ravage, z;/,(plunder), haula.
Ravish, v., see rape.
Raw, adj., bixe.
Razor, n., dihi, 5; nteula, 3.
Reach, ‘^.(arrive at), flka.
out, as hand, olola.
to, to extend to, tua ku.
to, as with hand, beta,
to, to hand something to one, vt.,
hetela, hetexa.
Read, v., bala, luida(Eng.).
Ready, be, z;f.(be finished), muna,
hua, xika.
Real, ad;.(true), lilela, ikuxa, -a
buxua(6), -a bulilela(6), -a
buinabuina(6), -a buikuxa
(6), -a bualabuala(6).
Sometimes the postpositive mene
is used.
Reaiity, n., bulilela, 6; buxua, 6;
buinabuina, 6 ; bualabuala,
6; buikuxa, 6.
Really, arf‘y.(truly), use the noun
forms bulilela, buxua, buina-
buina, bualabuaia, buikuxa.
Sometimes the adv. mene is
Reap, t;;. (gather corn), huola,
(gather millet), nowa.
(gather peas), aka.
Rear, w., at the, ku nyima(3),
be in the, be last, vi., xixa.
part of, kumanda, ku citaku(7),
kuntaku. See § 423 (2) (b).
vt., dixa, kalexa.
Reason, «. (cause), buala, 6;
muanda, 2.
for this, therefore, adv., ka.
for what ?, see why.
(intelligence), lungenyi, 4; mexi,
pi. of 5 or 6; lukanyi, 4.
Reason {continued).
(think), V., ela or elangana wnth
lungenyi or mexi or lukanyi.
Rebel, against, vt., hidia, benga.
Rebound, vi., lundumuka.
(jump), tuhika.
Rebuke, vt., bela, samina, bulu-
kila, nanga.
Recall, t;/. ( cause to return), luixa,
alukixa, hingixa, tucixa,
(remember), vi., vuluka.
Receive, z//.(accept), itabuxa.
(get), angata.
Reckless, a;.(wild), hale, bu-
luke, tomboke. These are
p.p. from hala and buluka
and tomboka respectively,
meaning to he reckless.
Recklessly, spend, vt., nyanga,
tangadixa, tangaluxa, muan-
galuxa, dia, ona. These words
are generally followed bybintu.
Recklessness, n., buhale, 6;
bubuluke, 6; butomboke, 6.
Reckon, i;.(count), bala.
(suppose), amba.
Recline, vi., lala.
Recognize, ^^/.(know), munya.
(not to recognize), hanga.
Recollect, ?;.(recall to mind),
Recommence, v., tuadixa, anga-
cila kabidi.
Recompense, vt., futa.
n., difutu, 5.
Reconcile, vt., tokexa munda,
alukixa bulunda(6).
(pacify people who are fighting),
vt., sunga.
Reconciler, n., musungl, i.
Reconnoiter, V., tentekela.
Recover, v. (after a fainting spell),
(get better), v., sangala, kusa
mubidi(2), sangaluka.
Red, adj., kunze(p.p. of v. kunza,
to be red).
Redeem, z'/.(free from slavery or re-
deem things in pawn), hikula.
Redeemer, w., musungidi, i;
muhikudi, i.
Redemption, n., price of, buhi-
kudi, 6.
Redness, w., bukunze, 6. Some-
times the infin. kukunza, to be
red^ is used in Comparative
Reduce, see decrease.
Reed, w. ( papyrus, used in making
mats), lutuhu, 4; lumungu,
4 -
(used in making fence), cinkete,
7 -
Reel, (stagger), lenduka, ten-
kakana, nyungakana, takan-
Refine, vt., lengexa.
Reflect, z’/.(as mirror), monexa.
(think), ela or elangana with
lungenyi(4) or mexi(pl. of 5
or 6) or lukanyi(4).
Reflection, w.(as in mirror),
mundidimbi, 2; mudingidi,
(likeness), cifuanyi, 7; cifuan-
yikixa, 7.
(thought), lungenyi, 4; mexi,
pi. of 5 or 6; lukanyi, 4.
Refractoriness, n., cixiku, 7;
cicu, 7; buhidia, 6, ci-
bengu, 7.
Refractory, adj,, -a cixiku(7), -a
cicu(7), -a buhidia(6), -a
Refrain from, v., lekela.
Refresh, vt., kalexa.
Refuge, take, v.. nyema, ongo-
Refugee, w., munyemi, i.
Refusal, n., mukandu, 2; buhi-
dia, 6; cibengu, 7.
Refuse, v., hidia, benga.
to give, vt.^ imina, hala.
to let do, vt.y kanda.
(trash, rubbish), bilu, bi-
sonso. These are pi. of 7.
Regard, t;.(honor), tumbixa,
nemeka, nemekela, meneka,
Regard (continued).
(look at), mona, xoxa, tangila.
(reckon), amba.
Regards, w. ( compliments), muo-
yo, 2.
give, vt., ela or ha or ebexa
with muoyo.
Regenerate, vt., fuka or lela
with kabidi.
Region, see country.
Regret, n., cixi, 7.
V., di ne kanyinganyinga(S), di
ne or unva or ufua with
cixi(7), nmoyo(2) or mu-
cima(2) as subj. of nyingala
or sama, cixi as subj. of kuata
with person as obj.
Regulation, see law.
Reign, vph., di mukelenge(i).
over, sec govern.
Reject, vt., hidia, benga.
Rejoice, vi., sanka.
Relate, z’.(as a fable or story),
(tell), amba.
Relative, n., use some such ex-
pression as muan’etu, etc.
§ 138, Rem. 5.
Relax, vt., bulula, lekelela.
Release, vt., lekela.
Reliable, adj., -a di(5) dimue.
Relieve, r. (carry for), tuadila.
(help), enzexa. Use Causative
Form of v.
of pain, taluxa, holexa.
of, take off from, tentulula.
Religion, n. The Cospel is called
bualu(6) bua Xzambi.
Rely on, vt., tekemena(?).
Remain, v., xala, ikala.
over, xala.
Remainder, nph., cintu(7) ci-
Remarkable, adj., -a kukema.
(great), nine.
Remedy, 77. (medicine), buanga, 6 .
Remember, vi., vuluka.
cause to, to remind, vt., vulula,
(recognize), munya.
Remind, vt., vulula, vuluxa.
Reminder, w.(mark), cimonyinu,
7 -
Remorse, n., kanyinganyinga, 8;
cixi, 7.
Remote, adj.(\n distance), use the
proper locative inseparably
with le. Most often kule is
correct. We may also have
the forms kuakua, muamua,
haha. § 163, Note 3.
(in time), kale, bangabanga,
Remove, v., a covering, bulula.
from one place to another, to
scatter, vi., muangala.
(take away), vt., umuxa.
Remunerate, vt., futa.
Remuneration, n., difiitu, 3.
Rend, vt., handa, tuanya; vi.,
handika, tuanyika.
Render, ■y.(give), ha, ambika.
oil, enga.
Renounce, vt., hidia, benga,
nyoka, diiila.
Renowned, adj., nine, tumbe(p.p.
of tumba, to be renowned).
Rent, «.(hole), disoso, 5; dikela,
5 -
(the pay for use of an article), n.,
matabixa, pi. of 5 or 6 ; nse-
kididi, 3; ntentekedi, 3.
Repair, vt., longolola.
Repeat, ?;.(begin again), tuadixa,
bangila, angacila kabidi;
the Pres, or Past Repetitive
tenses; the verbal suflSxcs
-ulula and -ununa. § 346.
Repent, t;. ( change one’s mind),
kudimuna or andamiina with
mucima(2) or niuoyo(2).
(feel sorry), see sorry.
Repentance, (shame), bundu,
6; bunvu, 6.
(sorrow), cixl, 7; kanyingan-
yinga, 8.
Reply, ‘^.(answer when called),
to question, amba.
Report, w.(fame), lumu, 4.
(noise of crying), n., muadi, 2.
(noise of gun), n., mukuma, 2.
(noise of human voice), n., di-
yoyo, 5; mutayo, 2; muaku,
(noise of wind or other distant
sound), n., ciono, 7.
‘y.(tell about), amba.
(tell to), ambila.
Repose, ^'.(lie down), lala.
(rest), V., ikixa, eya.
w.(sleep), tulu, pi. of 8.
Represent, ■p.(act for), generally
use Applied Form of v.
to, tell to, vt., ambila.
Representation, «. (likeness), ci-
fuanyi, 7.
(picture), mundidimbi, 2; mu-
dingidi, 2.
Reproach, vt., bela, nanga, sa-
mina, bulukila.
w. (shame), bundu, 6; bunvu, 6.
Reproduce, v.{by generations), le-
Reprove, vt., bela, nanga, samina,
Reptile, be specific. Use
words for snake, lizzard, etc.
Repudiate, vt., hidia, benga.
Repugnant, adj., bi.
Repulse, z^/.(defeat), tamba or
hita with bukale(6) or ngu-
Repulsive, ad/.(bad), bi.
Request, i-/.(beg), lomba.
Rescue, vt., sungila, handixa,
sungidila; vi., handuka.
Resemblance, n. (likeness), ci-
fuanyi, 7; cifuanyikixa, 7.
Resemble, vi., fuanangana, kele-
(be like), fuana, fuanangana,
kelemena, di with muomu-
mue or o-mue or bu or buina.
Reside, vi., ikala, xikama, lala.
Residence, «. (house), nsubu, 3.
Resin, n., kamonyi, 8.
Resist, x;.(fight), luangana.
(refuse), hidia, benga.
Resolute, be, see persevere.
Resolve, see conclude.
Respect, “y/^honor), tumbixa, ne-
meka, nemekela, meneka,
Respects, muoyo, 2.
give to, V., ha or ela or ebexa
with muoyo.
give to for another, vt., hela
to a chief, vt.^ sekelela, mene-
kela, meneka, nemeka, ne-
Respire, v., eyela.
rapidly, to pant, v., huyakana.
Respond, v., to a question, amba.
when called, v., itaba.
Responsibility, n., bualu, 6;
muanda, 2.
Responsible, be, vph., di bua-
lu(6) bua, di muanda(2) wa.
Rest, vi., ikixa, eya, xikama.
(be rested), vi., kankamuna.
«. (remainder), cintu(7) cixale.
Restless, be, vi., sasakata.
Restlessness, «., disasakata, 5.
Restore, (return to), alukixa,
hingixa, hinguxa, tucixa.
to health, to cure, vt., ondaha,
when used of the person cur-
ing; umixa or taluxa or
holexa, when used of the
Restrain, (correct, as a child),
bela, bulukila, samina, nan-
(forbid), hidia, benga, kanda.
(hold), kuata.
(interrupt, hinder), humbixa,
lekexa, kosexa, humbakuxa.
Result, n., bualu, 6; muanda, 2.
Resurrect, vt., bixa ku lufu(4),
Resuscitate, vt., sanguluxa, fu-
lulula, tuyixa (i.e., cause
sickness to glance off).
(be resuscitated), vi., sanguluka,
sangala, tuya, fululuka,
kusa mubidi(2).
Retainer, n., mulam&ci, i.
Retard, vt., humbixa, lekexa.
Reticent, be, hua.
Retinue, n., balamaci, pi. of i.
Retire, vi.{go back), hingila,
hingana, aluka, alukila,
tuta, tucila.
Retreat, vi., cimuka.
(run away), vi., ya or nyema
with lubilu.
Retribution, n., lukuna, 4.
(punishment), dikengexa, 5.
Return, vi., aluka, alukila,
andamuka, tuta, tucila, hin-
gila, hingana, hinguluka;
vt., alukixa, andamuxa, tu-
cixa, hingixa, hinguxa.
Reveal, vt., a secret or something
hidden, sokolola, sokola,
(uncover), bulula.
Revenge, ^.(enmity), lukuna, 4.
Revengeful, adj., -a lukuna(4).
Revere, vt., tumbixa, nemeka,
nemekela, meneka, mene-
kela, tendelela.
Reverence, vt., see revere.
n., kalolo, 8.
Reverent, adj., -a kalolo(8).
Reverse, ■p^.(turn over or around),
andamuna, kudimuna, cin-
Revile, vt., henda, tanda, tan-
dixa, tuka.
Revive, vt., one fainting, etc.,
fululula, sanguluxa, tuyixa;
vi., fululuka, sanguluka,
sangala, tuya, kusa mu-
Revolt, vt., from, hidia, benga.
Revolve, vi., cinguluka.
Reward, n., difutu, 5.
V., futa.
Rib, n., lubale, 4; lubafu, 4.
(bone of fish), dieba, 5. PI. is
Rice, n., luoso, 4. Perhaps from
Rich, adj., banji, -a biuma(pl.
of 7), -a bintu(pl. of 7), -a
Rich {continued).
soil, leimele, inipe, akano, kale,
-a liiiya(4).
Riches, (goods), bubanji, 6;
biuma, pi. of 7; bintu, pi. of
7; luhetu, 4.
Richness, n., bubanji, 6.
Riddle, n., dijimbu, 5; dialu, 5.
Ride, vpk., in hammock, enda mu
on horse, enda mubande ha
Ridge, «.(hill), mukuna, 2.
-pole, mutandala, 2; mutaniba,
of house, musongo, 2.
Ridge-pole, n., mutandala, 2;
mutamba, 2.
Ridicule, vt., seka.
Ridiculous, be, 7;.(producing
laughter), sekexa.
Rifle, n., cingoma(7) cia lu-
Right, n., buimpe, 6; buakane, 6;
bulengele, 6.
all, vph., kakuena bualu(6).
be, to fit, vi., akanangana,
(good), adj., impe, akane, len-
hand, nph., cianza(7) cia with
balumi or bukale or bidia.
(it is right to do), bualu buimpe
or bimpe followed by infin.
not, vph., use neg. with impe or
akane or lengele.
adv., bimpe, biakane, bilengele.
Righteous, adj. {good), impe,
akane, lengele.
Righteousness, w. (goodness),
buimpe, buaMane, 6; bu-
lengele, 6.
Rightly, adv., bimpe, biakane,
Rigid, be, t;?. ( inflexible), tanta-
mana, tandabala, kayabala.
Rim, n., muelelu, 2; mubangu, 2;
muxuku, 2; mulemu, 2.
Rind, n., cihusu, 7; cizubu,
7- '
Ring, 7?. (circle), cijingu, 7;
cifundu, 7; citanga, 7.
for finger or ear, kakanu, 8.
^;/.(as church bell), ela.
(if a musical instrument), imba.
Riot, n., diyoyo, 5.
Rip, vt., handa, tuanya.
Ripe, adj., hie(p.p. of hia, to be
Rise, •pf.(ascend), banda.
(as dough), vi., tuntumuka,
(as price), vi., banda, kala.
(as sun), vi., banda, hatula,
from a sitting posture, vi., bika,
from the dead, vi., bika ku
lufu(4), fululuka.
sun-, about, n., dinda, 5; lun-
kelu, 4.
River, n., musulu, 2.
up-, nph., ku mutu(2).
Road, n., nxila, 3.
Roam, vi., endakana.
Roar, vi.{as cataract), bila.
•(as lion), dila.
n.{as of animal), muadi, 2.
(as of wind or falls), ciono, 7.
See note under onona.
Roast, vt., in fire, oxa.
in pot, as peanuts, kanga.
on a spit, nanga(nana), inyika
Rob, z;/. ( pillage), haula.
(steal), iba.
(take by force), nyenga.
Robber, «.(on highway), mun-
yengi, i.
(thief), muivi, i; muibi, i;
muena(i) mucima(2).
Robbery, n., buibi, 6; buivi, 6;
bunyengi, 6.
Robust, adj., kale(p.p. of kala,
to he robust).
Rock, n., dibue, 5.
about, as canoe, vi., tankakana;
vt., tankakuxa.
Rod, «. (brass, used as money),
mutaku, 2.
25 ^
; Rod {continued).
ram-, nfukete, 3.
1 (switch), mulangala, 2; niu-
I xoxo, 2; munyasu, 2; kan-
yanzu, 8.
j Rogue, muibi, i; muivi, i;
1 muena(i) mucima(2).
I Roguish, adj., -a mucima(2), -a
I buibi(6), -a buivl(6), -a
' bianza(pl. of 7) bile,
j Roguishness, «.,buibi, 6 ; buivi, 6.
[ Roll, n., muvungu, 2.
along, away, down, vi., bungu-
(as a boat), vi., tankakana;
vf., tankakuxa.
(bale), dikutu, 5.
(bundle), mubombo, 2; ci-
sumbu, 7.
into a string, vt., jinga, jingila.
of twine or string, n., cikata, 7.
up, vt., vunga, nyengela, kuta,
Roof, n., cimunu, 7.
put on, vt., finga, kuma.
top of, n., musongo, 2.
Room, w.(in house), use nsubu(3)
W'ith part, of v. handulula, to
split open] as, nsubu udi
muhandulula nsubu isatu,
the house has three rooms.
(place), muaba, 2; mbadi
(Buk.), 3; mbadu, 3.
Rooster, n., citlla, 7.
Root, n., muxi, 2.
(exposed so that the foot can
strike it), n., cikuku, 7.
^'.(as pig), funkuna.
Rope, n., muoxi, 2; muxlnga, 2;
mukudi, 2.
Rot, vi., bola.
Rotate, vi., cinguluka.
Rotten, be, vi., bola.
Rough, be, ^/.(as surface), taha.
Roughly, (handle or carry),
(to speak), v., buluka di(5).
Round, ad/. (circular), -a cijen-
gu(7), -a cifundu(7), -a
Round {continued).
(go round about), v., cimba-
kana, nyunguluka.
(go round anything in the way),
V., sesuka.
(spherical), adj., -a cibulunge
(7), -a dibulunge(5); (be),
vi., bulunga, (make), vt.,
Rouse, 2'/.(as from sleep), bixa.
Rout, vt., ihata. cimuna.
Route, n., nxila, 3.
Row, «.(line), mulongo, 2.
be in a, vi., di mu mulongo.
put in a, vt., longa, teka mu
stand in a, vi., imuna mu mu-
vt., a boat, ita, ulia.
(quarrel), n., diyoyo, 5; mu-
tayo. 2.
Rub, t;/. (grind between stones),
off, kuhula, hulula.
on, laba.
out, jima, jimixa.
(scrape), kuona, heya.
the hand over, lamba, laba,
up, as dried tobacco in the hands,
vinga, sunsula.
Rubber, n., ndundu, 3.
ball of, n., dibulu, 5.
(fruit of rubber vine), n., lu-
bulu, 4.
to cut the vines for, vt., benda,
Rubbish, w. ( trash), bilu, bisonso.
Both pi, of 7.
place for throwing, n., diala, 5.
Rule, «. (authority), bukelenge, 6;
bunfumu, 6.
(custom), cilele, 7; cienzedi, 7;
cibilu, 7.
(law), di, 5; mukenji, 2; mu-
kandu(negative), 2.
(measure), n., luelekexi, 4;
cidikixilu, 7; luedi, 4; luidi,
4; eidikixu, 7.
7 ;.(be chief), di mukelenge(i).
Rulk {conliyiued).
over, V., see govern.
Ruler, n., mukelenge, i; nfumu,
(for measuring), n., luelekexi, 4;
cidikixilu, 7; cidikixu, 7;
lued>, 4; luidi, 4.
Rumor, it., lumu, 4.
Run, V., ya or nyema with lubilu.
against, dituta, dianda.
a race, idikixa or elekexa with
(as water), v., hueka.
away, ya or nyema with lubilu,
off at the bowels, v., uha or ela
or huya with munda.
over, as water in vessel, icikila.
rapidly, nyamuka.
Runt, n., njeku, 3; cihindi, 7;
cituha, 7.
be a, vi., xunguka.
Runty, adj., -a njeku(3), -a
cihindi(7), -a cituha(7),
xunguke(p.p. of xunguka, to
be runty).
Rust, n., dimoma, 5.
V., kuata dimoma.
Rusty, be, v., kuata dimoma(5).
Rut, n., (in ground), nkoka, 3;
muexi, 2; mutubu, 2.
Sabbath, n., Lumingu(Lubingu),
4. From Portuguese.
Sack, n., cibombo, 7; luhiya, 4.
■y.(pillage), haula.
Sacred, adj. ph., -a bualu(6)
(interdicted), -a cijila(7).
Sacrifice, ^'^.(kill), xiha.
(offering as a due or tribute), vt.,
to, vt., xihela.
Sad, be, v., di ne kanyingan-
yinga(8), di ne or ufua or
unva with cixi(7), muoyo(2)
or mucinia(2) as subj. of
nyingala, cixi as subj. of
kuata and the person as obj.
Sadden, vt., ufuixa or kuaeixa
with cixi(7).
Sadness, n., kanyinganyinga, 8;
cixi, 7.
Safe, be, w.(be escaped from
danger), handuka.
Safety, n., luhandu, 4.
Sagacious, adj. dimuke(p.p. of
dimuka, to he sagacious), -a
Sagacity, n., budimu, 6.
Sail ho, inter jec., selo.
Sake, (cause), bualu, 6; muan-
da, 2.
Salad, n., nsalata, 3. Doubt-
less from Portuguese through
Lower Congo.
Salary, n., difutu, 5.
Sale, w.(market), cisalu, 7.
Saliva, n., lute, 4. PI. is mate. §51.
Salt, n., lueho, 4; mukele, 2;
ngala(Bukuba), 3.
coarse in sacks, lueho lua
nsoka(sing. lusoka, lump).
(native salt made from a kind of
grass), lueho lua mbanda.
This is not sodium chloride.
Saltless, be, vi., hola, talala.
Salutation, n., muoyo, 2.
give, V., ela or ha or ebexa
followed by muoyo.
give to a chief, vt., sekelela,
menekela, nemekela, me-
neka, nemeka.
.A.mong the Baluba the first per-
son speaking says inyixaku
(sing.) or inyixi(pL), the per-
son responding says ndi muln-
yixe. These forms are from
the verb inyixa, to adore.
Among the Bena Lulua both
persons say muoyo.
Among the Bakete the first per-
son speaking says wibika, the
one responding says dibika.
Among the Bakuba the first
person says winung, the one
responding says dinung.
Salutationt {continued).
Sometimes the Baluba are heard
to say ixaku(sing.) and
L\i(pl.), as if from a verb ixa.
Salute, vt., ela or ha or ebexa,
followed by muoyofa).
a chief, vt., sekelela, meneka,
menekela, nemeka, neme-
(go out to meet and embrace), vt.,
Salvation, n., luhandu, 4.
(life), niuoyo, 2.
Same, adj.{oi same kind). Ex-
pressed in several ways:
(1) By . the verbs fuanangana,
kelemena, fuana, dieleka.
(2) By the words bu or buina.
(3) By the adj. o-umue or the
adv. muomumue.
(4) By the ph. muan’abo ne.
(at, in, or on the same place),
adv., kumue, mumue, hamiie,
kaba(dimin. of muaba) ka-
length, size, number, adj., mue
make the, vt., fuanyikixa, kele-
mexa, elekexa.
(the very same), adv., mene.
Sameness, w.(likeness), eifuanyi,
7; buobumue, 6.
Sample, n., cimonyinu, 7; cile-
xilu, 7; cidikixilu, 7.
Sanctification, (cleanness), bu-
toke, 6.
(goodness), buimpe, 6; buakane,
6; bulengele, 6.
Sanctify, i;/. ( interdict), jila.
(make clean), tokexa.
(make good), lengexa.
(set apart), tekela.
Sand, n., grain of, kasoka(dimin.
oflusoka),8; kasenga(dimin.
of lusenga), 8; kasele(dimin.
of lusele), 8.
loose, difukenya, 5; pi. of
lusenga(4) and lusele(4).
Sand-bank, n., lusenga, 4; lu-
sele, 4.
Santa Claus, n., Santa Klas.
Satan, Satana.
(demon or devil), mulamaci(i)
wa Satana.
Satchel, w. ( scrip), nsaho, 3.
Satiate, be satiated, vi., difu(5)
as subj. of ukuta.
Satisfied, be., v., after eating,
difu(5) as subj. of ukuta.
(content), adj., -a mucima(2)
with the participial words mu-
talale or muhole.
with, V., itabuxa.
Satisfy, vt., with food, ukucixa.
with water when thirsty, taluxa,
or holexa with ha diminu(5)
or ha muminu(2), muna or
huixa with miota(nyota).
Saturday, n. dituku(5) disam-
Saucer, n., dilonga, 5.
Sauciness, n., cikama, 7; dika-
makama, 5; dintanta, 5.
Saucy, be, v., ena ne bundu(6),
di ne with cikama(7) or di-
kamakama(5) or dintanta(5),
disua, ibidila.
Save, vt., sunglla, handixa, sun-
gidila; (be saved), handa,
up, vt., lamina, teka.
Savior, n., musungidl, i; mu-
handixi, i.
Savor, vi., of, tua.
n., use infin. kutua as noun.
Savory, be, vi., xemakana, di ne
with nse(3) or kutua ku-
Saw, n., cikuaka, 7.
vt., crosswise, kosa, kala.
lengthwise, handa.
Sawyer, n., muena(i) with ma-
biya(pl. of 5) or bikuaka(pl.
of 7).
Say, V., amba, taya(Buk.).
to, ambila.
Saying, m. ( proverb), muanu, 2;
lusumuinu, 4; luximinyin-
yu, 4.
Scab, n., cilumulumu, 7.
tear off a, vt., lamuna; (come
off), vi., lainuka.
Scabbard, n., luhaha, 4; ci-
manga, 7; cibubu, 7.
Scald, vt., hixa(?) mu mi a kahia;
z'i.(be scalded), hia(?) mu mi
a kahia.
Scale, n., of fish, dibamba, 5.
(scrape off), vt., hulula, kuhula;
vi., huluka, kuhuka.
Scar, n., cibangu, 7.
Scarce, adj., kise, bale, nya-nya.
Scarcity, n., bukise, 6 ; bubale,
6 ; bunyabunya, 6.
Scare, cinyixa; (be scared),
(be much scared), vi., mucima(2)
with the verbs handika or
zakala; vt., handixa, or
zakuxa with mucima(2) as
Scarlet, adj., kunze(p.p. of kun-
za, to be scarlet).
Scatter, vt., tangaluxa, tanga-
dixa, muanga, muangaluxa;
vi., tangaluka, muangaluka,
tangadika, muangala.
(as a contagious disease), vi.,
sambulukila, tampakana,
(as clouds after a rain), vi.,
ScEMT, n.(bad smell), muhuya(2)
mubi, mukuhu(2), kaham-
bu(8), lusu(4).
(detect the odor), v., unva,
emit a, v., nunka.
(odor, good or bad), n., muhuya,
2; dihembu(pl, generally
used), 5; nsunga, 3; muen-
yi, 2.
(perfume), n., mananaxl, pi. of
5 or 6.
r^.(to smell), nunkila.
Scholar, n., muena(i) mikauda
School, n., mu mikandafpl. of 2);
suggest also sukulu(Eng.).
Scissors, n., luxola, 4. The
dimin. pi., tuxola, is generally
Scoff, at, vt., seka.
Scold, vt., bela, nanga, samina,
Scorch, z^/.(as food), xidixa, lun-
guxa,babula; w.(be scorched),
xila, lungula, babuka.
Scorn, i;/.(deny), hidia, benga.
show, by clicking with the
tongue, vt., sodia.
Scorpion, n., kaminyi(kaminyi-
minyi), 8.
Scour, t;/.(scrape), kuona, heya.
(scrape off), vt., kuhula, hulula.
Scourge, ■p/.(beat), kuma, tuta.
Scowl, v., nyenga or fudika with
Scrape, vt., kuona, heya.
off, vt., kuhula, hulula.
Scratch. v.{as fowls), kala.
(in case of itching), kuinya.
make a, vt., flta.
out, to erase, jima, jimixa.
with nails or claws, v., tua or
asa with luzadi(4) or lu-
zala(4) or luala(4). PI. of
these words generally used.
n., mufunda, 2.
Scream, ‘P.(to cry loud), tayika.
(in terror), v., handalala.
Screw, n., mulonda, 2; lusonso,
4 -
vt., around, jekexa, nyenga.
Scribe, n., mufundi, i.
Scrip, «.(bag), luhiya, 4; ci-
hombo, 7.
(large open), nsaho, 3.
Scriptures, nph., mukanda(2)
wa Nzambi.
Scrotum, n., cibudi, 7.
Scrub, i’/.(scrape), kuona heya.
(scrape off), kuhula, hulula.
Scum, w. ( froth), lututu, 4; lu-
kende, 4.
Sea, w. ( ocean), mi manine.
(lake), dixiba, 5.
Seal, w.(mark), cimonyinu, 7.
Search for, vt., keba, keja, teta.
Season, n., cidimu, 7.
dry, muxihu, 2.
rainy, mayowa, pi. of 5 or 6;
nvula(pl. generally used), 3.
There is no division of the
seasons into spring, summer,
autumn and winter. See sum-
mer, WINTER.
v.^ lunga.
Seat, «. (chair), nkuasa, 3.
(made with palm ribs), ditanda,5.
take a, vi., xikama.
Second, ord. mim., ibidi. § 99.
Secret, n., musokoko(musoko), 2.
keep a, vt., sokoka.
tell a, vt., sokolola.
Secretary, n., mufundi, i.
Secrete, vt., sokoka; w.(one’s
self), sokoma.
Section, n., see part, country.
Security, for debt, cieya, 7.
give, vt., eyeka.
(safety), n., luhandu, 4.
Sediment, n., see dregs.
Seduce, (entice), munyixa or
iyixa or ibidixa with bua-
Iu(6) bubi.
(to commit adultery with one),
V., enda n’aiidi masandi(pl.
of 5 or 6).
See, vt., mona, tangila, xoxa
(joxa). (know), munya.
Seed, w.(for planting), diminu, 5;
buhu, 6.
germ of, disu, 5; muoyo, 2.
of corn, ditete, 5; mutonda, 2;
ditungu, 5.
(offspring), n., muana, i.
of millet, ditete, 5.
of pumpkin, lutete, 4.
Seek, vt., keba, keja, teta.
Seem, ■pf.(appear), mueka, mue-
(seem what it is not), use the ph.
ku mesu; • as, cilulu cidi
cimpe ku mesu, the cloth
seems good, i.e., to the eye.
Seen, be, w. ( appear), mueneka,
Seer, see prophet.
Seize, vt., kuata, fiekela.
(embrace), uhukila.
(pounce upon), tuhikila, uhu-
(snatch, grab), bakula.
things by force, nyenga.
Select, ^/.(choose), sungula.
Self, when emphatic use:
(1) The compound disjunctive
pro. forms nkiyinyi, etc.
§ 109-
(2) The adjective ph. ne Ine.
§ 80. _
When reflexive use the reflexive
prefix -di-. § 118.
Selfish, be, z/. ( conceited), disua.
(stingy), -a citu(7), -a buimln-
yi(6), -a cianza(7) cikale, -a
toward one, vt., imina, hala.
Selfishness, m. ( stinginess), citu,
7; buiminyi, 6; cianza(7)
cikale; cilema, 7.
Sell, vt., hana, leka.
(buy and sell, trade), enda or
endululu followed by mu-
to one, udixa.
Semen, n., bana, pi. of muana(i);
bilumi, pi. of cilumi(7).
Send, vt., tuma.
away, to dismiss, vt., fula,
back, vt., alukixa, hinghxa,
hingixa, tucixa.
to, tumina.
Senior, w.(elder brother or sister),
mukulu, i.
of twins, cibuabu, 7.
(oldest child), muan’a bute(6).
Sense, w. ( wisdom), lungenyi, 4;
mexi, pi. of 5 or 6; lukanyl, 4.
Senseless, be, z'f.(unconscious),
fua followed by any word
meaning spasm or pt or faint-
(stupid), adj., hote, xibSle.
These are p.p. from hota and
xibala, to he stupid.
Sensible, a)’
adj., -a mucima(2) mukale.
Stew, v., tumpa, sabula.
Stick, n., muci, 2.
for leading a dog, n., luobo, 4.
in, vt., asa, tua, ximika.
(in animal pit), n., disongo, 5.
in, as mud, vi., kandamana,
jama, kanana; vt., kanda-
mixa, jamixa, kanuxa.
out, vi., hatuka, tuka.
through, as needle through
cloth, vi., sompoka; vt., soni-
through, to punch hole through,
vt., tubula.
to, to adhere, vi., lamata, kua-
takana; vt., lamika, lama-
cixa, kuatakuxa, kuata-
together, •yf.,lamatangana, kua-
takana, lamakana.
walking-, n., cibangu, 7.
Stiff, be, •y/. (inflexible), tanta-
mana, tandabala, kayabala.
Stifle, vt., jika cifuidixe(7).
(be stifled), v., di ne cifui-
Still, be, vi., hola, talala, di with
hola or talala.
make to be, to quiet, vt., taluxa,
holexa, kosexa or xikixa
followed by diyoyo(5) or mu-
tayo(2) or muaku(2).
(stop noise), v., lekela with di-
yoyo or mutayo or muaku or
the infin. kuakiila.
Still-born child, kana(8) ka-
Stimulate, ^^/.(strengthen), ka-
Sting, vt., suma.
Stinginess, n., citu, 7; buiminyi,
6; cilema, 7; cianza(7) ci-
Stingy, adj., -a citu(7), -a bui-
minyi(6), -a cilema(7), -a
cianza(7) cikale.
toward, vt., imina, hala.
Stink, n., muhuya(2) mubi, mu-
kuhu(2), lusu(4), kaham-
Stink {continued).
V., nunka followed by any of the
above words.
Stir, vt.{diS mud in water), vuan-
dulula, buandulula, buanda-
kuxa, soha.
fire, vt., sonsola.
pot, vt., vundula.
together, to mix, vt., sangixa,
sangakuxa, sangakanya,
sambakanya, sambakuxa,
tutakuxa, tutakanya, sala,
salakanya, saxa.
Stockade, see enclosure.
Stocking, n., cimenyi, 7.
Stocks, n., muomba, 2; cikunyi,
7 *
Stomach, n., difu, 5; the locative
word miinda.
Stone, n., dibue, 5.
for grinding corn, millet, etc., n.,
mpelu, 3. This is held in the
hail-, n., dibue dia nvula(3).
Stool, n., nkuasa, 3.
go to, V., nyina.
Stoop, vi., inuma.
(squat), vi., zonzama, susa-
Stop, (abstain from, to cease),
(come to end, as path), vi., xikila.
one from doing, vt., kosexa,
humbixa, lekexa.
(stay), vi., ik^la, xikama, la-
(wait), to stand, vi., imuna.
Stopper, n., cixibiku, 7; cibuiku,
7; cibuikilu, 7.
Store, n., -room, ncito(Eng.), 3;
nsubu(3) wa bintu.
away, vt., teka, lamina.
Storm, n., cihuhu, 7.
Story, «. (fable), muanu, 2; lusu-
muinu, 4; luximinyinyu, 4.
tell a, V., ela.
Stout, adj., nine.
grow, vi., diunda, lunda.
Stoutness, n., bunine, 6.
Stove, n., uvum(Eng.), 3.
Straight, be, vi., lulama, ololo-
ka; vt., olola(ololola), ludi-
kila, lulamixa, ludika.
stand up, make perpendicular,
V/., jadika; vi., Jalama.
Straighten, vt.^ lulamixa, lu-
(bend straight, as wire), vt.^
(put in line), vt., ludika.
(stand up straight, make per-
pendicular), vt., jadika.
Strain, ■y/.(as in travail), tanta-
Strange, ad;, (foreign, one from
a distance), -a kule.
(new), hia-hia.
(wonderful), -a kukema.
Stranger, «.( visitor), muenyi, i.
Strangle, -yL (throttle), flekela
(be strangled, have something in
the throat), v., kuata with ha
muminu(2) or ha diniinu(5).
Strap, n., mukuba, 2.
Straw, use any of the words for
GRASS, according to sense.
Stray, v., about, endakana.
(get lost), vi., hanibuka.
Stream, n., musuiu, 2.
down-, the locative word ku-
nianda. § 423 (2) (6).
up-, the ph. ku niutu(2).
Street, n., nxila, 3.
Strength, bukale, 6; dikan-
da(pl. generally used), 5;
ngulu(ngudu), pi. of 3 or 4.
Strengthen, vt., kalexa.
(make steady), vt., kanuxa.
Stretch, vt., koka, kalexa, huta,
one’s self, v., dinana, diolola.
out, as hand, vt., olola; vi.,
out, to unfold, vt., vungulula.
Strew, vt., tangaluxa, tanga-
dixa, muanga, muangaluxa.
Strike, vt., kuma, tuta.
against, as foot in walking, vt.,
kuma dikusa(5).
Strike {continued).
so as to cut, vt., taha.
with fist, vt., kuma or tua or
tuta with cisusu(7) or disun-
with knuckles, vt., tua lukon-
with open hand, vt., kuma with
luhi(4) or dihi(5).
n., mukumu, 2; mututu, 2.
String, n., mouxi(creeper), 2;
muxinga, 2.
Strip, w.(band, bordering), luhola,
of cloth, n., mulenga, 2; ci-
tambala, 7.
off, as bark, vt., ubula.
off, as clothes, vt., kuhola, vula.
Stripe, n., muhola, 2.
Striped, be, vi., di mihola(pl. of
Strive, v., and fail, hanga.
by measuring or lifting, vt.,
idikixa, elekexa, labila, teta.
Stroll, vi., endakana.
.Strong, adj., kale(p.p. of kala,
to he strong), di ne with
bukale(6) or ngulu(pl. of 3).
(be steady), vi., kanana, kanda-
mana, xindama, jama.
Strongly, adv., bikale.
Strut, ^.(to show off), dilexa.
Stubborn, adj., -a cicu(7), -a
cixiku(7), -a buhidia(6), -a
Stubbornness, n., cicu, 7; cixiku,
7; buhidia, 6; cibengu, 7.
Student, n., muiyidi, i; mue-
na(i) mikanda(pl. of 2).
Study, z'.(learn), iya, iyila.
Stuff, vt.. Any a.
w.(goods), biuma(sing. ciuma),
7; bintu(sing. cintu), 7;
(rubbish), n., bilu(sing. cilu), 7;
bisonso(sing. cisonso), 7.
Stuffiness, w., cifuidixe, 7.
Stumble, ^.(strike foot against),
kuma dikusa( 5 ).
Stump, w,, cihidikidi, 7.
V., the foot, kuma dikusa( 5 ).
Stunned, be, vi., fua with cifui-
dixe(7) or cihuka(7).
Stunt, vt.y humbakuxa.
(be stunted), vi., xunguka,
xauka; also the adj. forms -a
njeku(3), -a cihindi(7), -a
Stupefy, vt.{as drink), maluvu as
subj. of kuata with the person
as obj. Sometimes the verb
xiha is used.
(as medicine), vt., leula.
(be stupefied, stunned), vi., fua
with cihuka(7) or cifui-
(be stupefied, as from drink),
vi., kuacika maluvu.
Stupid, see foolish.
Stupidity, see folly.
Stutter, vi., kukumina.
Stutterer, n., muena(i) with
cikukumina(7) or dikuku-
Stuttering, n., cikukumina, 7;
dikukumina, 5.
Sty, w.(pen), cikumbi, 7.
Style, w.(custom), cilele, 7; cien-
zedi, 7; cibilu, 7.
Subdue, vt., hita or tamba with
bukale(6) or ngulu(pl. of 3),
Subject, (conquer), tamba or
hita with bukale(6) or
ngulu(pl. of 3), cimuna.
(matter), n., bualu, 6 ; muanda,
of a chief, «., muana, i; mu-
hika, I.
Subjection, «.(slaver} 0 , buhika, 6.
bring into, see subjugate.
Subjugate, vt., hita or tamba with
bukale(6) or ngulu(pl. of 3),
Submit, vi.{he subjugated), te-
Subside, vi., uma, kama, hue-
Subsist, v.(be, live), ikdla.
on, to eat, vt., dia.
Substance, w.(goods), biuma(sing.
ciuma), 7; bintu(sing. cintu),
7; luhetu, 4,
Substitute, z^/.(exchange one for
another), xintakuxa, xinta,
xintakana, xintakanya.
Sometimes the idea may be ex-
pressed by the Applied Form
of the verb.
Subtle, adj., dimuke(p.p. of
dimuka, to be subtle), -a
Subtlety, n., budimu, 6.
Subtract, z;/.(take away), umuxa,
Succeed, v., to chiefship, dia
Succor, vt.{io help), use enzexa
or Causative Form of any verb,
(to save), vt., sungila, ban-
dixa, sungidlla.
n., luhandu, 4.
Succumb, vi., teketa, hanga.
Such, adj. Use the proper de-
monstrative adj.; as, clena
musue cilulu eci, / do not
want such cloth, i.e., this cloth.
(in such a way), adv., nunku
(nanku, nenku).
(like, such as), the indeclinable
words bu and buina.
Suck, v.(as child or young of
animals), amua.
(as pipe, etc.), vt., huta, koka.
give to, vt., amuixa.
Suckle, vt., amuixa.
Suddenly, adv., lukusa, lubilu.
Suffer, m.(be punished), kenga.
(be sick), vi., sama, bela.
cause to, vt., kengexa.
See permit.
Suffering, «. (mental), kanyin-
ganyinga, 8.
(punishment), n., dikengexa,
5 -
(sickness), n., disama, 5; bu-
bedi, 6; dibedi, 5.
Suffice, vi., fuanangana, akan-
angana, dieleka, vula, kuni-
bana, di -a bungi(6), xika.
Sufficient, be, see suffice.
Suffocate, vt., jika cifuidixe(7).
(be suffocated), vi., fua or di ne
with cifuidixe.
Suffocation, n., cifuidixe, 7.
Sugar, nsugidi(pl. generally
used), 3. From Portuguese,
-cane, miienge, 2; cilengelele, 7.
Suicide, commit, v., dixlha.
by hanging, v., diowa.
Suit, vi., akana, akanangana,
dieleka, fuanangana, kele-
mena; vt., akuxangana, ele-
kexa, fuanyikixa, kelemexa.
Suitable, BE, “y/., akana, akanan-
gana, dieleka, fuanangana,
(proper, good), adv., impe,
akane, lengele.
Sulk, vi., sunuka, bungania.
Sulky, be, vi., sunuka, bungama.
Sullen, be, vi., sunuka, bun-
Summer, nph., cidimu(7) cia
Since the rainy season is also the
warm season we may say
nvula(3) or mayowa(pl. of
5 or 6).
Summersault, turn a, vi., hiluka.
Summit, n., mutu, 2.
Summon, vt., bikila.
Sun, n., diba, 5. PI. is meba.
-rise, n., dinda, 5; lunkelu, 4.
-set, vph., diba(5) dikadi di-
-shine, n., munya, 2.
Sunday, n., Lumingu(Lubingu),
4. From Portuguese.
Sunrise, «. (about), dinda, 5;
lunkelu, 4.
Sunset, vph., diba(5) dikadi di-
Sunshine, n., munya, 2.
Sup, v.(to drink), nua.
Superintend, vt., tangila, mona,
xoxa, l^ma.
Superior, be, •y.(better), tamba or
hita with buimpe(6).
Supper, nph., bidia bia with bu-
tuku(6) or dilolo(5).
Lord’s, bidia bia Xzambi.
Supple, be, vi., xoboka, nyenga-
bala, di ne muxobo(mujobo).
Suppleness, n., muxobo(mujobo),
Supplicate, z;/. (implore), sengela,
(pray to God), vt., tendelela.
Support, n-/. (strengthen), kalexa.
Suppose, z;. (imagine), amba.
Surely, adv., bulilela, buxua,
buikuxa, bualabuala, buina-
buina. These words are really
Surety, n., cieya, 7.
leave as, vt., eyeka.
Surfeited, be, v., ukuta.
Surpass, vt., tamba, hita.
Surprise, vt., kemexa.
exclaim in, vi., kema, tua ei-
(startle), vt., tabuluxa.
Surrender, vi., hanga, teketa.
Surround, vt., nyungulula, cim-
bakana, nyengela.
(wTap around), vt., jinga, jin-
gila, vunga, vungila.
Suspend, z'f.(hang down), lembe-
Suspenders, n., mikuba(pl. of 2)
ya mihanu(pl. of 2).
Swallow, v., mina.
w.(a bird), kandindi, 8.
Swamp, see marsh.
Swarm, n., cisumbu, 7.
Sw'AY, z^/.(as cloth swinging in the
wind), lembelela, hehuka,
Swear, z;.(take an oath), ciha.
The reflexive, diciha, is gener-
ally used. From the Congo
State officials is also derived
the expression (uma munu(2)
mulu, put the pinger up.
at, vt., henda, tuka.
(take God’s name in vain), v.
Swear {continued).
tela dina(5) dia Nzambi.
Malicious swearing is un-
Sweat, w., luanga, 4; cisululu,
7 -
V., hatuka or tuka with luanga
or cisululu as subj.
Sweat-bee, n., kambuinkidi, 8.
Sweep, vt., komba.
Sweet, adj., -a dimeme(5), -a
nse(pl. of 3 or 4).
(be pleasant to the taste), vi.,
potato, n., cilunga, 7; cinsenga,
7 -
Sweetness, n., dimeme, 5; nse,
pi. of 3 or 4.
Swell, w.(expand), tuntumuka,
tantamika, ula; vt., tuntu-
niuxa, tantamixa, uxa.
(decrease of swelling), vi., fuba,
Swelling, disungu, 5.
Swiftly, adv., lubilu, lukusa.
Swiftness, n., lubilu, 4; lukusa,
4; kalubilubi, 8.
Swim, v.{as fish), enda mu mi.
(as person), v., ombela, owe-
Swine, n., ngulube, 3.
Swing, i’f.(sway as in wind), lem-
belela, dikuha, hehuka.
Switch, n., muxoxo, 2; munyasu,
2; mulangala, 2; kanyanzu,
8 .
vt., kuma, tuta.
Swollen, be, vi.{a .5 some part of
body), ula.
Swoon, vi., fua followed by ci-
seke(7) or tungulungu(pl. of
8) or cifuidixe(7).
Sword, nph., muele(2) wa nvl-
ta( 3 ).
Syllable, n., disilabel(Eng.), 5.
Symbol, n., cimonyinu, 7.
Sympathize, v., with, ha luse(4).
Sympathy, «., luse, 4.
Table, n., mesa(from Portuguese).
Regarded as pi. of 5.
clear the, vt., umuxa bintu ha
leg of, n., dikunxi, 5.
set the, vt., longolola bintu ha
mesa, sala(Lower Congo).
Taboo, vt., jidika, jila.
(one not eating with others), n.,
muena(i) mbala(3).
(tabooed things), n., cijila, 7.
Tack, w. ( brass chair nail), lufuma,
4 -
Tail, «., of animal or reptile,
mukila, 2.
of bird, fowl, etc., mulundu, 2.
of fish, cihehe, 7.
Taint, vt., bolexa; 2//.(be tainted),
Take, v., aim, dingila, l&ma,
ludikila, idikixa, elekexa.
a seat, vi., xikama.
away, vt., umuxa.
back, vt., alukixa, andamuxa,
tueixa, hingixa, hinguxa.
by, vt., kuata ku.
care of, to look after, vt., lama,
(carry), vt., tuala.
down, vt., tulula, tula,
from by force, vt., nyenga.
heed, to be W'arned, vi., dimuka.
heed, to listen, v., unva, ufua.
hold of, vt., kuata.
in, into, vt., buexa.
oath, V., ciha.
off, vt., umuxa.
off, as anything sticking, vt.,
off, as clothes, vt., vula, kohola.
off from, vt., tentulula.
out, vt., umuxa, hatula, luhula.
out, as jigger, vt., tubula, lu-
. photograph, vt., kuata mu mu-
pity, vt., ha luse(4).
to, vph., ya ne kudi (Locative
Prefixed, § 321).
Take {cojitinued).
to pieces, vt., tulakanya.
up, vt., angata, menia, ambula,
up by roots, vt., jula, xomuna.
up something found, vt., angula.
Tale, w., muanu, 2; lusumuinu,
4; luximinyinyu, 4.
tell a, vt., ela.
Talk, v., akula.
about, V., amba.
against behind one’s back, vt.,
angrily, v., tanda, tandangana.
a trade, vt., tua niuxinga(2).
behind one’s back, vt., tela,
briefly, v., kosexa lubilu.
in one’s sleep, v., latakana.
long time, v., lunguluka.
louder, vt., bandixa or kalexa
or ambuluxa or ambulula
with di(5).
loudly or roughly, v., buluka
lowly, to whisper, vi., nungana.
rapidly, vi., labakana, di ne
to, vt., ambila.
together, to converse, vi., somba.
Talkative, adj., -a lutiiyitayi, 4.
Talkativeness, lutayitayi, 4.
Talking, n., muaku, 2; mutayo, 2,
Tall, adj., le.
become, vi., leha.
(slender), adj., -a luselesele(4),
-a lusekeseke(4).
Tallness, n., bule, 6.
(tallness and thinness), lusele-
sele, 4; lusekeseke(4).
Talon, n., luzadi, 4; luzala, 4;
luala, 4.
Tame animal, n., cimuna, 7.
Tangle, vt., jingakuxa; vi.,
Tantalize, vt., kuacixa or ufuixa
with cixi(7), fikixa munda,
lobola, tacixa.
Tap, (knock), kuokola, ku-
muna, kumina.
palm for wine, vt., ema.
Tape, n., mukuba, 2.
line, n., cidikixilu, 7; cidikixu,
7; luedi, 4; luidi, 4; luele-
kexi, 4.
Tarry, vi., xala.
for, to wait for, vt., indila, kuba.
Task, n., mudimu, 2.
Tassel, n., of corn, luzeba, 4.
Taste, v., labila.
be pleasant to the, vi., xema-
kana; also the adj. forms -a
nse(pl. of 3 or 4) and -a
kutua kuimpe.
(have the taste of), v., tua.
Cintu eci cidi citue bu
lueho, this thing tastes like salt.
lose for, grow tired of, v., tonda,
n., use infin. kutua. Eel cintu
cidi kutua kuimpe, this thing
has a good taste.
Tasteless, be, z'/.(be without
seasoning), talala, hola.
Tasty, be, v.{he pleasant to the
taste, as something sweet),
xemakana; also the adj.
forms -a nse(pl. of 3 or 4)
and -a kutua kuimpe.
Tattoo, w., lusalu, 4.
vt., taha n.salu(pl.).
with burnt rubber, vt., tua.
Taunt, vt., seka.
Taut, be, vi., tantamana, tanta-
Tax, n., mulambu, 2.
pay a, vt., lambula.
Tea, n., ati(Eng.), 3.
Teach, ot., iyixa, munyixa, lon-
gexa, ambila, tayila, lubu-
a child bad manners, vt., ibidixa
bualu(6) bubi.
(show), vt., lexa.
Teacher, n., muiyixi, i; mu-
munyixi, i; muambidi, i;
muambi, i.
Tear, vt., handa, tuanya; vi.,
handika, tuanyika.
a hole in, as cloth by a stick,
vt., tubula.
Tear {continued).
down, as house, vt., sasula.
off, as anything adhering, vt.,
off, as meat from bone, vt., tula,
off one’s loin cloth, vt., diula.
up by roots, vt., tula, jula.
to pieces, vt., tuanyangana,
tuanyakanya, handakanya.
w.(from the eye), cinsonxi, 7.
shed, V., hatuka or tuka with
cinsonxi as subj.
Tease, vt., tacixa, lobola, kua-
cixa or ufuixa with cixi(7),
fikixa munda.
(joke), vt., hunga.
(play joke on), vt., sabixa,
(provoke an animal to bite), vt.,
keba luoxi(4).
Teat, dibele, 5.
Tell, v., amba, taya(Buk.).
about, V., amba.
adieu, vt., laya.
a lie, V., xinia, dinga, dimba
a lie on one, vt., ximinyina,
dingila, dimbila.
a secret, vt., sokololo muso-
a story, fable, etc., vt., ela with
muanu(2) or luximinyin-
yu(4) or lusumuinu(4).
each other, v., ambiiangana.
on, vt., songueia.
to, vt., ambila.
Temperate, be, vph.{no\. given to
strong drink), use neg. Pres.
Habitual tense of nua, to
drink, with maluvu as obj.
Tempest, see tornado.
Temple, n., nsubu(3) wa Xzambi.
Tempt, vt.{to try, to test), teta or
buela with munda.
(entice), vt., munyixa or iyixa
or ibidixa with bualu(6)
with desire to entrap, vt., teya.
Ten, card, nutn., dikumi, 5.
Tend, i/^(look after), lama.
Tent, nph., nsubu(3) wa cilu-
Ten thousand , n., lubombo, 4.
Tepid, be, vi., di ne with luiya(4)
or ciyuya(7).
Tepidness, n., luiya, 4; ciyuya, 7.
Terminate, z;/. ( finish), muna,
munyixa, huixa, xikixa.
Termination, w. ( destination), cl-
xikidilu, 7.
Terminus, n., cixikidilu, 7.
Termite, «. (white ant), musuasu,
Terrapin, n., nkudu(nkuvu), 3.
Terrify, vt., cinyixa, zakuxa or
handixa with mucima(2);
z^/.(be terrified), cina, kanka,
handika or zakala with mu-
Terror, n., buowa, 6.
Terrorize, vt., see terrify.
Test, vt., labila.
(make trial, as of one’s faith),
vt., teta or buela with munda.
(try by measuring or lifting), vt.,
idikixa, elekexa, teta, la-
(with view to entrap, vt., teya.
w. (ordeal), see ordeal.
Testament, n.. New, cifufu(7)
Old, cifufu eikulu.
(will), n., mukanda(2) wa bu-
Testicle, w.,musa, 2; muh^sa, 2.
Testify, v., amba.
Than, conj., use the verbs tamba
or hita as indicated in § 464.
Thank, vt. The natives have
little or no idea of thanking.
The words ha muoyo(2) and
sekelela and inyixa are used
in this way about Luebo.
Thankful, adj., -a cinemu(7).
From V. nemeka.
be to, vt., ha muoyo( 2 ), seke-
lela, inyixa.
See note under thank .
Thankfulness, n., cinemu, 7.
From V. nemeka.
That, demon, and rel. pro., sub.
(1) As demon, pro., see §§ 152,
(2) As rel. pro., see § 164.
(3) As sub conj., see §§ 463;
461, and Rem.; 455 {h) (2).
Thatch, vt., finga, kuma.
Thaw, v., enguluka, fingaluka.
Thee, pers. pro., see you.
Theft, w. ( thievishness), buibi, 6;
buivi, 6.
Their, poss. pro., use the pi. forms
of third pers. as indicated
under § 133.
Theirs, poss. pro., see § 135.
Them, pers. pro.
(1) As direct or indirect obj.,
use pronominal infixes. §§ 1 16,
1 1 7. Note the use of pro-
nominal suffixes (§ 123), under
certain circumstances, as direct
or indirect obj. § 124 {b) (c).
(2) For use with prep., see §§
106 (c), 107.
Themselves, pers. pro.
(1) Compound Disjunctive
Forms. The agreement is
made with the class of the
noun to which the pro. refers.
§§ 108, 109.
(2) When reflexive, use the re-
flexive prefix of verb -di-.
Note that this construction
may be used either as subj.
or obj. §118.
(3) See B.L.-Eng. under ine.
Then, (therefore), ka, bu-
insep. with Applied Forms of v.
Thence, adv., use the Locative
Suffixed construction. § 320.
We may also have the usual ad-
verbs meaning there: kuakiia,
muamua, haha; aku, amu,
aha; kuokuo, muomuo, hoho.
§ 163, Notes 3 and 4.
There, adv., kuakua, muamua,
haha; aku, amu, aha; kuo-
kuo, muomuo, hoho. §§ 163,
Notes 3 and 4.
There {continued).
When used in place of the subj.
before the v., see § 441 {d),
Therefore, adv., ka, bu- insep.
with Applied Form of v. §419.
These, see this.
They, pers. pro. Agreement is
always made with the class of
the noun to which the pro.
(1) Simple Disjunctive Forms.
§ 105-
(2) Compound Disjunctive
Forms. §§ 108, no.
(3) Conjunctive Forms used as
(a) Pronominal Prefix. §§113,
{b) Pronominal Suffix. §§120,
123 -
Thick, at//.(large), nine.
(be dense), vi., xitakana.
be, not flow well, vi., kuata-
Thicket, n., cihuka, 7.
Thickness, n., bunine, 6.
Thief, n., muibi, i; muivi, i;
muena(i) mucima(2).
Thievish, adj., -a mucima(2), -a
buibi(6), -a buivi(6), -a
bianza(pl. of 7) bile.
Thievishness, n., buibi, 6; buivi,
6 .
Thigh, w.(upper leg), cibelu, 7.
Thin, be, 'yf.(lean), nyana, di ne
or uma followed by cionda(7)
or cinyanu(7).
(not thick), adj., kise, bala,
(slender), adj., -a luselesele(4),
-a lusekeseke(4).
Thine, see yours.
Thing, n., cintu, 7.
Think, v., ela or elangana fol-
lowed by mucima(2) or lun-
genyi(4) or mexi(pl. of 5 or
6) or lukanyi(4).
(imagine), v., amba.
Thinness, «. (leanness), cionda, 7;
cinyanu, 7.
Thinness {continued).
(littleness, not thick), n., bukise,
6; bub 3 . 1 e, 6; bunyabunya,
6 .
(tallness and thinness), n., luse-
lesele, 4; lusekeseke, 4.
Third, ord. num., isatu. § gg.
Thirst, n., miota(nyota), pi. of 2.
quench, vt., muna or huixa with
miota, taluxa or holexa with
ha diminu(5) or ha muminu
Thirsty, be, vi., di nemiota(nyo-
ta), miota as subj. of kuata
with the pers. as obj.
This, demon, pro., see §§ i4g, 150.
Thither, adv., generally use the
Locative Suffixed construc-
tion. § 320.
We have also the usual adverbs
meaning there: kuakua, mua-
mua, haha; aku, amii, aha;
kuokuo, muomuo, hoho. §
163, Notes 3 and 4.
Thorn, n., dieba, 5. PI. is meba.
Thoroughly, adv.{we\\), bimpe.
Those, see that.
Thou, see you.
Thoughtless, be, vi., hala, tom-
boka, buluka, cimba, cimba-
kana, humbakana.
adj., hale, tomboke, buluke.
Thoughtlessness, n., buhale, 6;
bubuluke, 6; butomboke, 6.
Thousand, n., cinunu, 7.
Thrash, vt., out, as beans, tua.
(beat), vt., kuma, tuta.
Thread, n., buanda, 6.
Threaten, v., funyina.
(be about to), v., amba with
in fin. of following verb,
rain, v., finda.^
Three, card, num., satu with Sec-
ondarv Prefixes. In abstract
counting use isatu. § gy.
Threshold, n., mbelu, 3.
Thrice, adv., biakasatu, pi. of 7;
misangrufpl. of 2) isatu;
bikondofpl. of 7) bisatu;
misunsa(pl. of 2) isatu.
Thrice {continued).
(third time). Use sing, of above
forms with the ordinal numeral.
Throat, n., muminu, 2; diminu,
5 -
Throb, v , kuma.
Throne, nph., nkuasa(3) wa
Throng, n., cisumbu, 7; bungi,
6 .
Throttle, vt., fickela nxingu(3).
Through, prep., mu. § 429 {i)
and Notes.
Throughout, adv., to.
Throw, vt., ela.
away as useless, vt., imaxa,
sumbula, nyuka.
back and forth, vt., sambulu-
down, as house, vt., ximbula.
in wrestling, vt., flna, xinda.
Thrust, vt., at, tua.
out, vt., umuxa, hatula.
(push), vt., semexa, sekila,
Thumb, n., ciala, 7.
Thunder, n., clap of, dikuba-
kuba, 5.
rolling, n., mukungula, 2.
V., use nvula(rain) as subj. of
kungula; or nvula as subj.
of kuma with dikubakuba as
Thursday, n., dituku(5)
Thus, adv., nunku(nanku, nen-
Thwart, v., ela mukosa(2),
kosexa, humbixa; vi.{he.
thwarted), humba.
Thy, pass, pro., see your.
Thyself, see yourself.
Tick, n.{ox\ dog), lukuha, 4.
z^.(as watch), dila.
Tickle, v., afunya.
Tidiness, n., mankenda, pi. of 5
or 6.
Tidy, adj., -a mankenda(pl. of 5
or 6) .
make, vt., longa, longolola.
Tie, vt.^ suika, xika, inya.
down on top of, as battens, vt.,
Tight, be, i^f.(taut), tantamana,
Tighten, (strengthen), kalexa.
(make taut), vt,, tantamixa,
Tightly, adv., bikale.
Till, conj., see until.
■y, (cultivate), dima, ihila.
Time, n., at same, diacimue, 5;
ciahamue, 7; ciamumue, 7;
diakamue, 5. These are
really nouns used as adverbs.
§ 95 {b) and Rems.
(be time for), vph., use diba(5)
as subj. of kumbana.
day-, n., munya, 2.
long, musangu(2) mule, ma-
tuku male, ngondo ya bungi,
(long time ago), adv., kale,
bangabanga, diambedi(5).
next, musangu mukuabo.
night-, n., butuku, 6.
(old times), adv., kale, banga-
banga, diambedi(5).
plenty of, be, vph., diba(5)
(repetition, as once, twice, thrice,
etc.), see §§ 394, 395. We
may also have the words
cikondo(7), musangu(2) and
musunsu(2) followed by ord.
Time of day:
(dawn), haciacia, butuku or
bufuku as subj. of v. cia.
(sunrise), dinda, 5; lunkelu, 4.
(about 9 a.m.), misasa, pi. of 2.
(noon), munda munya, diba
hankuci, diba as subj. of v.
(afternoon), dilolo, 5; diba as
subj. of V. uhuka.
(about sunset), vph., diba di-
kadi dibuelai
(midnight), mundankulu, a loc,
Time {continued).
(what hour? what o’clock?),
diba didi hanyi? diba ki?
Timid, be, v., ufua or unva or
di ne with bundu(6).
(as wild animal), v., baxa, di ne
mbaxibaxi(pl. of 3 or 4).
(be frightened), vi., di ne
buowa(6), cina.
Timidity, n., bundu, 6; bunvu, 6.
(as of animals), n., mbaxibaxi,
pi. of 3 or 4.
(fright), n., buowa, 6.
Tin, «.(iron), ciama, 7.
can, n., luhanza, 4.
opener, nph., cintu cia kuxi-
bula n’acl mpanza.
Tire, vt., hangixa, tekexa, su-
sula; m'.(be tired), hanga,
susuka, teketa.
(be tired of, to loathe), vt.,
tonda, tua. The thing of
which one is tired is the subj.,
the person is the obj.
Tiredness, n., butekete, 6; di-
hangu(diliungi) 5.
Titter, v., di ne kaseku(8). PI.
of kaseku generally used.
To, prep., use the locatives mu, ku
or ha, according to sense. Ku
is the most common.
(1) When home of or village of
is meant, use mua or kua or
ha. § 87 {d), Rem.
(2) Sometimes the to is expressed
in the verb; as, tulakanya,
take to pieces.
(3) As sign of the infin. ku is
used, but it is always written
as part of the verb.
(4) For clauses expressing pur-
pose, see § 461.
(5) From . . . to(till), ku . . .
to ne ku, ku . . . ne ku;
sometimes we have simple ne
connecting the two parts.
(6) Often the Locative Prefixed
construction is used especially
with di and other verbs mean-
ing to be; as, ya kudi Ka-
To (^continued).
songo, go to Kasongo. §321
and Rem. 9.
Toad, w., ciula, 7; cilua, 7.
Toast, ^^.(as bread), nanga, in-
Tobacco, w., makanya, pi. of 5;
nfuanka, 3.
To-day, adv., lelu.
(this very day), lelu eu.
Toe, n., miian’a nkusa(pl. of 4),
munu(2) wa dikusa(5).
great, n., muan’a nkusa munine,
munu munine wa dikusa,
ciana(7) cia nkusa.
Together, adv. This idea is gen-
erally expressed in the verb;
as, sangixa, gather together-,
kuatakana, be close together-,
etc. There may, however, be
the more distinctly adv. forms,
mumue, kuniue, haniue;
muomumue, kuokumue, ho-
hamue; kaba kamue.
Toil, see labor.
Token, n., cimonyinu, 7.
Tomato, n., matamata. From
Portuguese. Same form is
used for sing, and pi. Per-
haps may be regarded as pi.
of 5, for we sometimes hear
the sing, ditamata.
Tomb, «. (grave), lukita, 4; ci-
duaya, 7.
To-morrow, adv., makclcla, ma-
day after, adv., maihl.
Tone, n., bass, low, di(5) dinlne.
high, di(5) dikise.
Tongs, w.(a split stick used by
blacksmiths), mpandu, 3.
Tongue, n., ludimi, 4.
To-night, adv.{\he: night following
to-day), butuku, 6; bufuku, 6.
Too, a^f^'.(aIso), kabidi.
(excess), use verbs tamba and
Tool, n., ciama, 7; cintu(7) cia
kuenza n’aci.
See note under machine.
Tooth, n., dinu, 5. PI. is menu,
-ache, nph., disama(5) dia dinu.
cut, as a young child, vi., mena.
grit the, v., diangana or zekexa
with menu.
knock out, vt., ehula, huola.
Top, n., mutu, 2.
of head, n., lubombo, 4.
of house, n., musonga, 2.
(pile one on top of the other), vt.,
tentekuxa, tenteka, tente-
kanya, ambakanya, amba-
kuxa; vi., tentama, amba-
Torch, n., cimunyi, 7.
Torment, vt., tacixa, flkixa
munda, ufuixa or kuacixa
with cixi(7).
(punish), vt., kengexa.
Torn, be, vi., handika, tuanyika.
Tornado, n., cihuhu, 7.
blow as a, vi., huha.
Tortoise, n., nkudu(nkuvu), 3.
Torture, vt., kengexa, nyanga,
Total, adj., onso, xima.
Totality, n., buonso, 6; buxima,
6 .
(the totality of them, all of them),
use buonso followed by poss.
pro.; as, buonso buabo ba-
kuya, all oj them {people) have
gone. § 182, Rem.
Totter, vi., tenkakana, nyunga-
kana, lenduka, takankana.
Touch, ■y^.(feel), lamba, lenga,
together, vi., kuatakana, la-
mata, tuangana.
Tough, adj. {a.s meat), kale ku
menu(pl. of dinu).
be, vi., nyengabala.
Tour, n., luendu, 4.
Towards, prep., ku.
Towel, n., citambala, 7; di-
tuaya(from Portuguese), 5.
Town, n., musoko, 2; ditunga, 5.
(large collection of villages) , n.,
cimenga, 7; cihunda, 7.
Trace, see track.
Track, vt., londa with makusa
(sing dikusa) or maka-
ma(sing. dikama) or mikon-
no(sing. mukono).
(any marking or tracing on the
ground), n., mufunda, 2.
(footprint), n., cidiacilu, 7; di-
kusa, 5; dikama, 5; mu-
kono, 2.
of snake, n., cikoka, 7.
of railway, nph., nxila(3) wa
dikumbi (5)dia bulobo(6).
Tractable, be, v., tumikila,
adj., -a kalolo(8).
Tractableness, n., kalolo, 8.
Trade, t;/. (exchange), xintakuxa,
xinta, xintakana, xintakan-
ya, fingakana, fingakanya,
hingakuxa, sombakuxa(with
view of returning exact arti-
(go about buying and selling), z’.,
enda or endulula with mu-
(price), muxinga, 2.
talk a, vt., tua muxinga.
to close a trade by breaking a
stick), vt., kosa cici(7).
Trader, »., ngenda(i) wa mu-
xinga(2), muena(i) cisum-
Traduce, vt., songuela, banda.
Trail, vt.{to drag), koka, huta,
(to track), v., londa with ma-
kusa(sing. dikusa) or ma-
kama(sing. dikama) or mi-
kono(sing. mukono).
(track), n., cidiacilu, 7; dikusa,
5; dikama, 5; mukono, 2;
cikoka, 7.
Train, w.(line), mulongo, 2.
railway, n., dikumbi(5) dia
(teach), iyixa, munyixa, lon-
gexa, ambila, ibidixa.
Traitor, n., musonguedi, i.
be to, V., songuela, banda.
Tramp, v., diata.
heavily, v., tua museba(2).
on, V., diata mu dikusa(5).
«. (vagabond), muena(i) cien-
denda(7). § 356 (^).
Trample, vt., upon, diata mu
Tranquil, be, vi., talala, hola,
di with hola or talala.
Transfigure, vt., kudimuna,
andamuna; vi., kudimuka,
, andamuka.
Transform, vt., kudimuna, anda-
muna; vi., kudimuka, anda-
Transgress, v., enza bibi.
Transgression, «.(sin), bualu(6)
bubi, muanda(2) mubi,
bubi(6). We often hear sim-
ply the pi. of the adjectives
mabi and mibi.
Transgressor, nph., muntu(i)
mubi, muena(i) malu(pl. of
6) mabi.
Translate, vt., andamuna or
kudimuna with muaku(2).
Transmigration, see metempsy-
Transparent, adj., toke(p.p. of
toka, to he transparent).
Transpire, vi., lua.
Transplant, vt., tentula, ximika.
Transport, ^'^.(carry), tuala.
Trap, n., buteyi, 6; lukinda, 4.
for fish, «., mukinda, 2.
(pit for animals), ■ n., dijimba,
5 -
set a, vt., teya ndende(3).
trigger of, n., ndende, 3.
Trash, n., bilu, bisonso. Both
are pi. of 7.
Travail, v., to strain in, tanta-
Travel, vi., enda, endakana.
Traveller, n., muena(i) luendu
(4), muendakanyi(i).
Treacherous, be toward, vt.,
songuela, banda.
Tread, v., diata.
on, vt., diata mu dikusa(5).
Tread {continued).
(tramp heavily), v., tua mu-
Treasurer, n., mulami(i) wa
with mpalata(3) or bintu(pl.
of 7).
Treat, ^;U(conduct toward one),
disease, vt., ondaha.
ill-, see ABUSE,
Treatment, n., ill, cihendo, 7;
cinyangu, 7; matandu, 7,
pi. of 5 or 6.
Treaty, n., cifufu, 7.
make a, vt., ela.
Tree, n., muci, 2.
Tremble, vi., zakala, kanka,
(quake, as earth), vi., taka,
Trench, n., mutubu, 2.
Trial, n., cilumbu, 7.
make a, to attempt, v., see try.
Tribe, n. The tribe or clan or
nation may be expressed by
cisamba(7), cioto(7), mui-
lu(2); the family can be ex-
pressed by such phrases as -a
muxuku(2) wa mbelu(3) and
-amudifu(5). The indefinite
muan’etu, etc. (§ 138, Rem.
5), though generally meaning
brother or sister, may also mean
one of the same tribe or clan
or family. The people of the
different tribes or clans are
generally expressed by giving
the simple name of the people;
as, Bakete, Baluba, Bakuba.
But sometimes we have the
qualifying words bena(sing.
inuena) or bakua(sing. mu-
kua); as, Bena Lulua,
Bakua 31 buya. §§ 84 {b)\
87 {d), Rem. 2,
Tribulation, n., bualu(6) with
bubi or bukale.
Tribute, n., mulambu, 2.
pay to, vt., lambula.
Trick, v/, (conjure), Iowa.
Trick {continued).
(deceive), vt., xima, dlnga,
«. (sleight of hand), dijimbu, 5;
dialu, 5.
Trickle, vi., down, mata.
Trifle, ■y.(not to do one’s work
well), lenga, lengakana.
Trifling person, n., mufuba, i.
adj., -a bufuba(6), -a buka-
Trigger, n., of gun, mulemu, 2.
of trap, n., ndende, 3.
Trip, go on a, vi., ya ku luen-
(stumble), v., kuma dikusa(5).
(journey), luendu, 4.
Trouble, (annoy), tacixa, flk-
ixa munda, kuacixa or ufu-
ixa with cixi(7).
(disturbance), n., diyoyo, 5.
make, vt., teka diyoyo,
(misfortune), n., bualu(6) with
bubi or bukale.
Trough, n., for feeding dogs or
beating corn, etc., luvu, 4.
Trousers, n., muhanu, 2; mu-
kiya, 2. The pi. of these
words generally used.
True, adj., lilela, ikuxa, -a
buxua(6), -a bulilela(6), -a
buinabuina(6), -a buiku-
xa(6), -a bualabuala(6).
Sometimes the word mene is
used postpositive.
Truly, adv., bulilela, buina-
buina, buxua, buikuxa, bua-
labuala, and sometimes the
word mene.
Trumpet, n., mpungi, 3.
Trunk, w.(box), muxete, 2.
of elephant, n., muilu, 2.
of human body, n., niubidi, 2.
Trust, vt., itabuxa, tekemena(?).
Trustworthy, ac?;.(truthful), -a
di(5) dimue.
Truth, n., bulilela, buikuxa,
buxua, bualabuala, buina-
buina. These words all be-
long to class VIv-
28 o
Truthful, adj., -a di(5) dimue.
Truthfully, see truly.
Try, V., a law case, lumbulula.
by measuring or lifting, vt., idi-
kixa, elekexa, labila, teta.
(to attempt and fail), vi., han-
(to taste), vt., labila.
(to test one), vt., teta or buela
with niunda.
Tube, w. ( barrel of gun), mulonda,
2 .
(pipe stem), muxiba, 2.
Tuck up, v/.(gird up the loin), ela
Tuesday, w., dituku(5) dibidi.
Tuft, w., of hair, cisuba, 7.
Tumbler, w.(glass), nglas(Eng-)
Tumult, n., diyoyo, 5.
make a, vt., teka diyoyo.
Tune, n., musambu, ?.
be out of, vi., sukuka; vt.{p\xi
out of), sukula.
instruments to each other, at-
tune, vt., sukila liamue, aku-
put in, vt., suka.
Turn, v., aside, susuka, ehuka.
back, to return, vi., alukila,
aluka, andamuka, tuta, tu-
cila, hingila, hingana, hin-
handle or anything in a circle,
vt., nyungixa, nyunguluxa.
inside out, vt., andamuna, kudi-
into, to enter, vi., buela.
into, to become, vi., andamuka,
kudimuka, lua; vt., kudi-
muna, andamuna.
loose, vt., lekela.
off, to discharge, vt., umuxa,
one’s back on, v., ela nyima(3).
out, to drive out, vt., hatula,
luhula, umuxa.
over, vt., andamuna, kudimuna.
over, to upset, vt., tokola; vi.,
Turn {continued).
(revolve), vi., cinguluka; vt.,
round, vi., kudimuka, anda-
muka; vt., kudimuna, anda-
round and round, vt., nyungu-
lula; vi., nyunguiuka.
summersault, vi., hiluka.
(twist), vt., nyenga, jekexa.
Turtle, n., nkudu(nkuvu), 3.
Tusk, n., of ivory, mubanga, 2.
Twice, adv., biakabidi(pl. of 7),
misangu(pl. of 2) ibidi, bi-
kondo(7) bibidi, misunsa(2)
ibidi. §§ 394, 395.
(second time), use sing, of above
expressions with ord. num.
Twig, n., cisaki, 7.
Twin, n., muana(i) wa maha-
sa(pl. of 5).
the older, n., cibuabu, 7.
the younger, 11., nkanku, i.
Twine, w., around, jinga, jingila,
ball of, n., cikata, 7.
(string), n., muxinga, 2.
Twist, v., nyenga.
(as string), vt., jinga, jingila.
off, vt., nyengabaxa.
(wriggle), vi., nyenga, jeka.
Two, card, num., bidi with Second-
ary Prefixes. In abstract
counting use ibidi. § 97.
Type, n. (printing), dileta, 5. From
Eng. word letter.
Tyrannical, ad]., -a cinyangu, 7.
Tyrannize over, vt., nyanga, ona.
Tyranny, n., cinyangu, 7.
Tyrant, n., muena(i) cinyan-
Udder, n., dibele, 5.
Ugliness, n., bubi, 6; nkunyi
(slang), 3.
Ugly, ad]., bi, -a nkunyi(3). This
last word is slang.
Ulcer, n., ciuxa, 7; mputa, 3.
(large swelling), disungu, 5.
Umbrella, n., dikumbi, 5.
Unable, be, v., use neg. of forms
indicated under § 230.
Unaware, be, v., use neg. of
munya, to know.
Unbelief, n., buhidia, 6.
Unbeliever, n., muena(i) bu-
Unbend, i;/.(bend straight), olo-
la(ololola); vi., ololoka.
Unbending,, be, vi., kayabala,
tantamana, tandabala.
Unbind, vt., kutulula, jingulula,
(unroll), vt., vungulula.
Unbolt, vt., haula.
Uncertain, be, w. ( vacillate), lem-
bakana, humbakana, nema
with mucima as subj., tata-
kana, di ne micuna ibidi.
Unchaste, adj., -a masandi(pl.
of 5 or 6).
Unchastity, n., masandi, pi. of
• 5 or 6.
Uncircumcised, be, v., di ne with
musundu(2) or musoso(2) or
bukutu(6); also neg. of v.
tengula with pass, forms.
Uncivilized person, n., musenxi,
I. This is an imported word.
Uncle, w.(maternal), manseba, i.
PI. is bamanseba.
(paternal), tatu(i) mukulu (if
older than the father); tatu
muakunyi (if younger than the
Unclean, adj.(a,s clothes), bi,
fike(p.p. of flka, to be un-
in person, -a manyanu(pl. of
5 or 6), -a mblndu(pl. of 3 01
(unchaste), -a masandi(pl. of 5
or 6).
(untidy), -a bukoya(6).
Uncleanness, n., buflke, 6; bubi,
6 .
Uncleanness {continued).
on person, manyanu, pi. of 5 or
6; mbindu, pi. of 3 or 4.
(unchastity), masandi, pi. of 5
or 6.
(untidiness), bukoya, 6.
Unconscious, see insensible.
Unconsciousness, see insensi-
Uncontrollable, be, v., use neg.
of tumika or tumikiia.
Uncooked, adj., bixe.
be, vi., bixika.
Uncover, vt., bulula.
Under, prep., munxi. This is
generally followed by mua.
§ 423 (3).
Underneath, see under.
Undersized, adj., -a cituha(7),
xunguke(p.p. of xunguka, to
be undersized).
(dwarfed person), n., njeku, 3;
kaneke, 8; cihindi, 7.
Understand, v., each other, un-
(hear), unva, ufua.
(know), munya.
Understanding, w. (knowledge),
lungenyi, 4; mexi, pi. of 5
or 6; iiikanyi, 4.
Undertone, n., dinunganyi, 5.
PI. generally used.
speak in, v., nungana.
Undo, vt., a knot, sulula, jingu-
lula, flnuna.
(as stitching), vt., kutula, kutu-
(take to pieces), vt., tula, tula-
(unfasten, as bolt), vt., haula.
Undone, come, vi., kutuka, su-
luka, finuka.
Undress, vt., vula, kuhola(ho-
Uneasy, be, w.(restless), sasa-
Unequal, be, vi., use neg. of fuan-
angana or fuana; also ena
followed by bu or buina or
muomumue or o-umue.
Uneven, be, (rough to touch),
(unequal), use neg. of fuanan-
gana or fuana; also ena fol-
lowed by bu or biiina or
miiomuniue or o-umue.
Unfasten, vt., a bolt, haula.
a knot, vt., sulula, jinguluia,
(as wristlet or latch), vt., ban-
(open, as box), vt., xibiila.
(be unfastened), vi., suluka,
jinguluka, flnuka, hauka,
banguka, xibuka.
Unfinished, be, vi., use neg. of
hua or xika or muna.
Unfold, vt.{a.s cloth), vungulula;
vi., vunguluka.
(as flower), vt., balulula; vi.,
(as wings), vt., olola(ololola);
vi., ololoka.
Unfortunate, be, vi., use neg. of
forms under fortunate.
Unfriendliness, n., lukuna, 4;
lukinu, 4.
Unfriendly, adj., -a lukuna(4),
-a lukinu(4).
Unfruitful person or animal, n.,
nkumba, 3. Used only of
Ungrateful, adj., -a cikama(7),
-a dikamakania(5), -a din-
Ungratefulness, n., cikama, 7;
dikamakania, 5; dintanta, 5.
Unhappiness, n., kanyinganyin-
ga, 8.
Unhappy, be, vi., use neg. of sanka
with muoyo(2) or mucima(2)
as subj.; also di ne kanyin-
Unhide, vt., sokolola, sokola.
Unholiness, n., bubi, 6.
Unholy, ad;.(bad), bi; also neg.
V. with akane or impe or len-
Unimportant, adj., -a cinana, -a
hatuhu, -a be.
Uninhabited place, nph., mu
muaba(2) kamuena bantu.
Unintentionally, see acciden-
Unison, sing in, vt., akuxa me
Unit, n.(one), omue.
Unite, ^.(as rivers), sambakana,
sangakana, sangila; vt.,
sangakuxa, sangakanya,
sangixa, sambakuxa, samba-
kanya, sanga.
(join, to become one of a party),
V., buela, buelakana.
(put against), vt., tuanguxa,
tuanganya, kuatakuxa, kua-
takanya; vi., tuangana,
Unity, (sameness), buobumue,
6 .
Unjust, adj. (bad), bi; neg. v. with
impe or akane or lengele.
(be dishonest), v., iba, di ne
followed by buivi(6) or bui-
bi(6) or bianza(pl. of 7)
Unkind, adj., bi; neg. v. with impe
or akane or lengele; -a lu-
kuna(4), -a lukinu(4), -a
to, vt., nyanga, ona.
Unkindness, n., lukuna, 4; lu-
kinu, 4; cinyangu, 7.
Unknown, adj., -a musokoko(2);
also neg. of munya, to know.
Unlatch, vt., bangula; ^7■.(come
unlatched), banguka.
Unlawful, make, (taboo), jl-
dika cijila(7).
thing, n., cijila, 7.
Unless, sub. conj.{\i not), use neg.
of usual conditional form as
indicated in §§ 459, 460.
Unlike, be, vi., use neg. of fuana
or fuanangana or kelemena
or dieleka; ena followed by
bu or buina or muomumue or
o-umue or muan’abo ne.
Unload, vt., hatula, umuxa.
Unlock, vt., xibula.
Unloose, sulula, kutula,
a bolt, vt., haula.
(set free), vt., lekela, kuhola,
Unlucky, adj., use neg. of forms
under fortunate.
Unmanageable, be, vi., use neg.
of tumikaor tumikila; also di
ne with cicu(7) or cibengu(7)
or buhidia(6) or cixiku(7).
Unmarried person, n., mu j ike, i.
Unmerciful, adj., -a lukinu(4), -a
cinyangu(7), also the neg. ph.
ena ne luse(4).
Unmercifulness, n., lukinu, 4;
cinyangu, 7.
Unmindful, be, vi., hungaka-
na, humbakana, cimbakana,
Unmovable, see immovable.
Unpalatable, be, vi., use neg. of
xemakana, also ena followed
by nse(3) or kutua kuimpe.
Unproductive, be, i;f.(as land),
Unravel, vt., kutula, kutulula,
jingulula; vi., kutuka, jingu-
Unrellable, adj., -amaximi(sing.
dixima), -a mafl(pl. of 5), -a
madingi(sing. didinga).
Unreliableness, «., dixima(pl.
generally maximi), 5; didin-
ga(pl. generally madingi), 5;
mafi, pi. of 5 or 6.
Unrighteous, adj., bi.
Unrighteousness, n., bubi, 6.
Unripe, adj., bixe.
be, vi., blxika.
Unroll, vt., vungulula, jingu-
lula; vi., vunguluka, jingu-
Unruly, be, vi., use neg. of tumika
or tumikila; also di ne with
cicu(7) or cibengu(7) or
buhidia(6) or cixiku(7).
Unsavory, be, vi., use neg. of
xemakana; also ena followed
by nse(3) or kutua kuimpe.
Unseasoned, be, vi., hola, talala;
also neg. of lunga.
Unselfish, a
lekexa, kosexa.
Within, prep. Use mu when the
noun which it governs is ex-
pressed; use the Locative Suf-
fixed construction with mu
when the noun is not ex-
pressed. § 320.
Without, prep. Use mu when the
noun which it governs is ex-
pressed; use the Locative Suf-
fixed construction with mu
when the noun is not ex-
pressed. § 320.
Without in sense of not being or
not doing is best expressed by
the simple neg. of the verb,
be, vi., ena ne.
Withstand, vph., ela mukosa(2).
(forbid), vt., hidia, benga.
Witness, w.(one knowing), mu-
munyi, i.
Witness {continued).
(one seeing), n., mutangidi, 1;
mumonyi, i.
to bear false, v., xima, dinga,
to bear false witness against, vt.,
ximinyina, dingila, dimbila,
(to see), vt., mona,tangila, xoxa.
Wizard, see witch.
Woe, n., mulau, 2.
Woman, n., mukuxi, i.
(a large woman, generally used
ironically), n., cikuxiana, 7.
§ 351 -
(a woman recently confined), n.,
muviele, i; muadikuxi, i.
(a woman who has borne chil-
dren), n., muledi, i.
a young, n., muxikankunde, 2;
songakuxi, i.
childless, barren, n., nkumba, 3.
Womanhood, n., bukuxi, 6.
young, n., buxikankunde, 6;
bunsongankuxi, 6.
Womb, n., difu, 5; dimi, 5; cile-
lelu(?), 7; cibutuilu(?), 7.
(the inside), munda. § 423 (2)
Wonder, (expressed by grunt-
ing), kema, tua cikema(7).
n., bualu(6) bua kukema.
Wonderful, adj., -a kukema.
Woo, vt., endela.
Wood, w. ( copse), cihuka, 7.
fire-, lukunyi, 4. PI. generally
(forest), ditu, 5. PL metu.
(stick), muci, 2.
Wooden, adj., -amuci(2).
Wool, n., mioso ya mukoko(2).
Sing, of mioso is luoso; see
§ 45, Rem.
Word, n., di, 5. PI. is me.
Work, see labor.
for, to serve, vt., kuacila or
enzela or enzexa with mu-
(not to work well, to trifle), vi.,
lenga, xixamuka.
Workman, w., muena(i) mudi-
World, n. There seems to be
no distinct word. BuIobo(6)
means more properly the land
as distinguished from the
water, though it seems to be
the best word to use in the
sense of world.
(figurative, in sense of people),
raisoko(pl. of 2) yonso.
Worm, n., cixi, 7.
(caterpillar), dixi, 5; cixi, 7.
PI. of dixi is mexi.
earth-, munyenga, 2.
grub, dikubu, 5; luhosc, 4.
Both kinds are eaten,
intestinal, musanda, 2.
large green, nyoka’a bundu.
This is edible.
Worn out, be, v.(as clothes),
susuka, onoka, nyanguka.
(tired), vi., hanga.
Worry, see annoy.
Worse, get, ■y.(in health), nema or
nemenena with disama, sick-
ness, as subj.
Worship, vt., tendelela.
(extol), vt., tumbixa, inyixa.
Worth, w. ( price), muxinga, 2.
Worthiness, m. ( goodness), bu-
impe, 6; buakane, 6; bulen-
gele, 6.
Worthless, ad;. (cheap), -a mu-
xinga(2) mutekete, -a ci-
nana, -a hatuhu, -a be.
(lazy), -a bukata(6), -a bu-
person, w.(lazy), mufuba, i.
to become, vi., nyanguka,
See § 356 ig).
Worthlessness, w. ( laziness), bu-
fuba, 6; bukata, 6.
(of no value), cinana, hatuhu.
These are indeclinable.
Worthy, ad;. (good), impe, akane,
Would, auxiliary v.
(i) In Direct Discourse con-
WoULD {continued).
structions use the exact words
of speaker. § 455 {b) (2)
(2) In Past Conditions, see §§
459 {c), 460 (c).
(3) As past tense neg. of will use
the past tense of hidia or
benga; as, wakuhidia kuya,
he would not go.
Wound, vt., taha mputa(3).
n., mputa, 3.
Wounded, adj., taha(p.p. passive
of taha, to wound).
Wrangle, w. (dispute), luhata, 4.
(row), «., diyoyo, 5; mutayo, 2.
V., tandangana, ela or elan-
gana or di ne followed by
mpata(sing. luhata).
Wrangling, n., luhata, 4; di-
yoyo, 5; mutayo, 2; ma-
tandu, pi. of 5 or 6.
Wrap, vt., jinga, jingila, vunga,
vungila, nyengela.
up in, vt., kuta mu.
Wrapper, m. (canvas of bales),
dikutu, 5.
Wrath, n , cixi, 7.
Wreck, vt., a village, haula.
(tear down a house), vt., sasula.
Wrestle, v., luangana bibu-
la(sing. cibula 7), finan-
(throw in wrestling), vt., flna,
Wrestling, n., cibula, 7. PI.
generally used.
Wretch, w.(bad person), mun-
tu(i) mubi.
Wriggle vi., sala, salakana.
(as caterpillar), lundamana.
(as snake), vi., jongoloka.
(as worm), vi., vunguluka.
(twist), vi., nyenga, jeka.
Wring, vt.{aiS wet clothes), nyenga.-
off, vt., nyengabaxa.
Wrinkle, n., mufudi, 2.
Wrist, n., kansanke, 8.
Wristlet, n., lukanu, 4.
Write, vt., funda. Sometimes
taha has this meaning.
Writer, n., mufundi, i.
Writing, w., manner of, cifundidi,
7 -
Wrong, n., bubi, 6; bualu(6)
bubi; muanda(2) mubi.
be in the, vi., hila.
do, vt., enza bibi.
do to one, vt., enzela bibi.
judge to be in the, vt., hixa.
Your, poss. pro.
(1) Singular, ebi. § 133.
(2) Plural, enu. § 133.
Yours, poss. pro., sing, and pi.
See § 135.
Yourself, pers. pro.
(1) Compound Disjunctive
form, nkiycbi. §§ 108, 109.
(2) When reflexive use the re-
flexive prefix of the v., -di-.
Note that this construction
may be used as subj. or obj.
§ 1 18.
(3) See B.L.-Eng. under ine.
Yourselves, pers. pro.
(1) Compound Disjunctive form,
nkiyenu. §§ 108, 109.
(2) When reflexive use the re-
flexive prefix of the v., -di-.
Note that this construction may
Yourselves {continued).
be used either as subj. or obj.
(3) See B.L.-Eng. under ine.
Youth, «. (young man), songa-
lumi, I, muhiankunde, 2.
(young manhood), n., bunsonga-
lumi, 6; buhiankunde, 6.
Youthhood, n., bunsongalumi, 6,
buhiankunde, 6.
Zealously, adv., bikale.
Zenith, «., hankuci ha diulu(5).
Zero, n., cinana, hatuhu. These
are indeclinable.
Zigzag, m.(be crooked), nyon-
goboka, henguluka, kon-
yangala; vt., make, nyongo-
boxa, henguluxa.
-a, prep., of. This is the gen-
eral construction jor expressing
the English Possessive Case.
§ 87 («)•
When j allowed by the in fin. it
expresses the idea of purpose
and may he translated by to
or for. § 87 (/).
This prepositional word has the
construction of an adj. and
takes the Secondary Prefixes.
§ 68 (g).
Aba, vi., to click (gun).
Abanya, vt., to distribute or divide
up or share among, apportion,
part or separate among.
Abanyangana, vt., to distribute or
divide into shares among each
Abanyina, vt., to distribute or part
or apportion to, divide up or
separate into shares for.
Abo, pass, pro., their, theirs. This
refers only to nouns of class I.
§§ 133. 135-
muan’abo ne, mate, match, of
same kind or sort or quality or
character or species or variety,
like or similar.
ena muan’abo, to be unlike,
Abuluka, vi., to separate (as crowd),
part, divide, branch into dif-
Abuluka {Continued).
ferent directions, diverge, ra-
Abuluxa, vt., to separate, divide,
part, apportion, cause to
branch into two parts.
Afunya, vt., to tickle.
Agiisite, «.(Eng.), August (the
Aha, adv., here (on), yonder, there,
hence, hither, thither, thence..
§ 163, Note 3.
.4.ka, vt., to gather the leaves of
the cassava or other plants,
also peas; hence to harvest
(peas), reap.
Akana, vi., to agree, match, corre-
spond to, be adapted to, be
suitable, be even, to fit, to
suit, be proper; go to meet
and welcome.
Akanangana, v., to agree together,
fit or match or conform to each
other, correspond to, be enough
or adequate or sufficient, suf-
fice, suit, be suitable, be even
or level or exact, be adapted
to, be proper or right.
di diakuakanangana dimue, to
conclude agree, decide, deter-
The neg. of this word means to
be insufficient, unsuitable.
See note undtu ernanagana.
Akane, af^y.(p.p. of akana, to be
fit, etc.), beautiful, pretty,
lovely, fine, good, pure, chaste,
guiltless, virtuous, elegant, ex-
cellent, worthy, fair or hand-
some, fair or just or honest,
correct, fit, suitable, right,
kind, humane, noble, holy,
perfect, righteous, upright,
lawful, rich or fertile or pro-
ductive (soil).
With neg. verb: unjust, unkind,
unholy, wrong, not right.
Akidila, vt., to catch or clasp in the
hands or arms, go to meet and
hug or embrace; hence ^ to
welcome, salute, greet.
Aku, adv., there (at), thence,
thither, yonder. § 163, Note 3.
Akuila, vt.^ to intercede for, advo-
cate for, speak for, plead for.
Akula, V., to speak, talk, utter.
a. biakulakula, to talk nonsense
or incoherently, talk in delir-
ium, wander in mind, babble,
gabble, jabber, prattle.
a. with cidimi(7) or cilafl(7),
to pronounce or speak badly
or indistinctly.
lekela kuakula, stop talking, be
silent, hush, be quiet, keep
silence, be still.
neg. with bimpe, to speak in-
Note: akula means to speak or
talk, while amba means to
tell, tell about, narrate.
Akuxa, vt., to make to agree, make
to fit, make to match, make
equal or even or exact, fix,
mend, harmonize or tune or
attune, adapt to.
a. me, to resolve, conclude, de-
cide, determine.
a. me hamue, to sing in har-
mony or unison.
Akuxangana, vt., to make to agree
to each other, match each other,
fit each other, make even or ex-
act, make to suit, adapt to.
Alakana, vi., to be proud, haughty,
vain; vaunt one’s self.
Alamanaka, 3, w.(Eng.), almanac.
Alamina, vt., to expect, look for,
lie in wait for.
Aluixa, vt., to recall (cause to re-
turn), put back.
Aluka, vi., to come back, turn
back, go back, retire, return.
Alukila, vi., to come back, turn
back, return, go back, retire.
Alukixa, vt., to send back, bring
back, return, fetch or take
back, recall, restore.
a. bulunda(6), to atone, recon-
Amba, v. When followed by the
in fin. this word means to be
about to, become, get, intend,
mean, plan, purpose, reckon,
suppose, regard, resolve, con-
clude, decide, determine,
threaten. Hence we have udi
wamba kuya, he is about to
go; cilulu cikadi ciamba
kutika, the cloth is getting or
becoming black.
a with in fin. and kaba kabale,
nearly, almost.
Amba, v., to speak, tell, state, say,
command or order, bid, de-
clare, announce, certify, ex-
claim, explain, think in sense of
fancy or imagine, appoint or
fix a day, talk about, tell about,
narrate, testify, define, de-
scribe, proclaim, publish, re-
late, reply (to a question),
report, respond, utter, assert,
a. bualu(6) bua Nzambi, to
a. diambedi bualu kabui
buanza kulua, to foretell,
prophesy, predict.
a. with di or mukenji, to deliver
a message, issue a proclama-
tion or decree.
enza followed by mu- insep.
with proper form of a., to
Amba {Continued) .
obey, mind, be obedient, heed,
hearken, observe. § 465.
neg. and mu- insep. with proper
form of a., to disobey, be dis-
obedient, be heedless, be ob-
stinate, be stubborn, be negli-
gent, be neglectful.
The in fin. kuamba is sometimes
used for sermon, discourse.
Ambakana, vi., to lie on top, be
piled or heaped on top.
Arabakanya, vt., see ambakuxa.
Ambakuxa, to add one on top
of the other, lay or put or pile
or heap one on top of the
Ambidila to intercede for,
plead for, speak for.
Ambika, ■y^.(Buk.), to give, endow,
bestow, grant, offer, present
with, render to.
a. ha, to put on, place on.
Ambila, vt., to advise, command,
order, bid, counsel, deliver a
message to, direct, discipline,
teach, train, tell to, instruct,
explain to, educate, exhort,
inform, report to, represent to,
say to, speak to, talk to, state
Ambllangana, v., to tell each other.
Ambula, vt., to pick up, get, lift
up, raise up, take up.
Ambuluixa, vt., to help to lift.
Ambulukila, vi., to scatter or
spread (as contagious dis-
Ambulula, vt., to raise.
a. di(5), to raise the voice, talk
or speak louder
Ambuluxa, vt., see ambulula.
Ameleka, n., America,
muena A.’, an American.
Amu, adv., there (in), thence,
thither, yonder. § 1 63 , Note 3 .
Amua, v., to suck (as child).
Amuixa, vt., to suckle, give suck
to, to nurse.
Andamuka, vi., to change, be
Andamuka {Continued).
changed, turn over or around,
be turned, be transformed, or
transfigured, get or become
(different), come back, be con-
verted, be changed in mind,
return, go back, turn back,
turn into (become).
Andamuna, vt., to change, turn
over or around or inside out,
convert, invert, reverse, trans-
form, transfigure, turn into,
a. muaku(2), to translate, in-
a. with mucima(2) or muoyo(2),
to change one’s mind, repent.
Andamuxa, vt., to take back, re-
Andi, poss. pro., yd pers. sing, of
classes I and III, his, her or
hers, its. §§ 133, 135.
Angacila, v., to begin again, start
over, repeat, recommence.
This word is usually followed
by the adv. kabidi.
Angata, vt., to get, lift up, take,
pick up, grasp, receive, ac-
quire, apprehend,
a. dibanza(5) dia muntu(2), to
be in debt to a person, to owe.
a. difutu, to earn.
Angula, vt., to find by accident and
pick up, take up.
Anza, V. This verb is always fol-
lowed by the in fin. and means
in the affirmative to have just
done; the neg. means not yet
to have done. § 228.
amba bualu kabui buanza(e)
kulua, to foretell, predict,
prophesy. Doubtless the p.p.
form buanze would be better
here, also in the following ex-
muambi wamalu kal manza(e)
kulua, n.ph., a prophet, seer.
Apila, «.(Eng.), April.
Asa, vt., to hit or shoot one (as with
an arrow), stick into, lance,
Asa {Continued) .
a. with luzadi or luzala or
luala, to pinch, scratch.
Asa, vt., to build, construct, erect,
make (as house). This word
means primarily only the driv-
ing oj the sticks into the ground^
but it seems to have the second-
ary and general meanings given
Atuka, vi., to become poor (as
land), be unproductive.
Aya, vi., to be sour, be acid.
Baba, i, n., mother, mistress,
baba-muenu, n., mother-in-law
(used either by husband or
wife). PL is bababa-muenu.
§ 42, Note 3.
Babala, vt., to be warmed or
heated over again (as food).
Baba-muenu, i, n., mother-in-law
(used either by husband or
wife). PI. is bababa-muenu.
§ 42, Note 3.
Babaxa, vt., to warm or heat over
again (as food).
Babuka, vt., to be singed or burnt
or scorched.
Babula, vt., to singe, burn, scorch.
Bacika, vt., to mash down flat,
flatten down, level down.
Bakula, vt., to seize, grab, snatch.
Bala, vt., to count, enumerate,
number, read, reckon. This
word also has a figurative
sense to elapse, pa.ss by, in-
ena or neg. 0) munya and mona
j allowed by mu a kubala,
countless, innumerable.
ngondo(3) wakubala, the moon
has come, has appeared.
Balakana, vi., to be bright, glisten,
glitter, shine, gleam, sparkle.
Balakuxa, vt., to brighten, make to
glisten or shine.
Bale, adj., few, small, little, j
minute, diminutive, fine, 1
scarce, thin, narrow.
See kise. j
Baluluka, vi., to open out, unfold; 1
hence to bloom, flower. j
Balulula, vt., to magnify (as mi- j
croscope), lit., to open out, 1
Bamba, vt., to mend, patch, sew
on or put on a patch; lit., to
put on top.
Bambakanya, vt., to join together,
put together, mend, patch,
Bambakuxa, vt., see bambakanya.
Bambala, vt., to tie down on top
of (as battens on the rafters).
Bambila, vt., to compress, press or
push or shove or squeeze down
upon, cram down together.
Banda, vt., to accuse falsely, blame
or lay blame on falsely, injure,
slander, defame, traduce, be
traitor to, be treacherous
toward, vilify, bear false wit-
ness against, calumniate.
Wakumbanda buibi, he ac-
cused me (falsely) of stealing.
Banda, v., to ascend, climb, go up,
rise, arise, mount.
Bandixa, vt., to hoist, lift up, raise
up, elevate.
b. di(5), to talk or speak louder,
raise the voice.
b. difutu(5), to advance wages.
b. muxinga(2), to advance the
price, make the price dear,
increase or put up the price,
make costly or expensive or
Banga, v., to commence or start or
begin to do; hence to be be-
trothed to or engaged to or
espoused to. In betrothal the
active forms oj this verb refer
to the man, the passive to the
Bangabanga, adv., long ago, in old
times, once upon a time, re-
Bangabanga {Continued) .
mote or distant times, long
since, long time ago.
See kale.
Bangika, vt., to close or fasten or
latch (as bracelet, lid, etc.).
Bangila, v., to begin at, begin here
or there, commence at, begin
to repeat at, start at.
Bangixa, vt., to fasten axe, hoe,
etc., in the handle.
Banguka, vi., to come unfastened
or unlatched.
Bangula, vt., to cock a gun, open
a bracelet, unlatch, unfasten.
Banji, ad]., rich, wealthy.
Banza, vi., to be married, be
brought to home of the groom.
This word is used only by the
Banzixa, vt., to marry (the rites at
the home of the groom).
See dibanzixa.
Batama, vi., to be flat or level,
crouch, settle or sink down (as
Batamixa, vt., to flatten, make
flat, level down, mash dowp
Batiza, vt., to baptize. Introduced
jrom Greek.
Baxa, vi., to fear, cringe, cower,
be frightened or afraid or
fearful or timid or shy or wild.
Generally used of animals.
Be, adv. {postpositive), exceedingly,
very, extra, extremely, exces-
sively, quite, so.
B6, adv. See cinana.
-a b., worthless, inferior, com-
mon, unimportant, useless.
Bedi, adj., first, foremost.
citila cibedi, first cock to crow
in the morning.
Bela, V., to ache, hurt, pain, suffer,
be sick or ill or unwell.
mutu( 2 ) mubele, headache.
See sama.
Bela, vt., to warn, admonish, re-
prove, control, correct, man-
Bela {Continued) .
age, discipline, rebuke, scold,
reproach, restrain, govern.
Bela, vt., to crack (as nuts), burst,
shell, hull.
Beleketa, vt., to chew or masticate
or crunch with back teeth.
Benda, vt., to cut the vines for
rubber, make rubber.
Bendama, vi., to have the edge of a
knife bent or made dull.
Bendamixa, vt., to bend the edge
of a knife, hoe, etc.
Bende. An indeclinable nounal
word, apparently pi. oj class I.
It is always used in such ex-
pressions as muntu wa bende,
cintu cia bende, etc., mean-
ing the person or thing of
some one else, not one’s own,
of some other one, another’s,
muntu wa b., a freeman, free-
born person.
Benga, vt., to abandon, abstain
from, decline, discard, deny,
disapprove of, disobey, rebel
against, revolt, forbid, forsake,
renounce, scorn, spurn, ex-
clude, keep from, neglect,
disown, dissent, object, pro-
hibit, refuse, reject, repudiate,
resist, restrain, be unwilling,
will not, oppose, withstand,
prevent. The past tense, with
following in -fin., means would
Benga, vt., to cut in slices, slice.
Bengula, vt., to cut or pare (the
finger nails).
Beta, vt., to pack down, beat down,
pound down (as loose earth
with a stick).
Beula, V., to belch.
Beya, vt., to shave.
Bi, ad]., bad, dirty, foul, unclean,
soiled, filthy, immoral, impure,
disreputable, nasty, naughty,
base, vicious, corrupt, wicked,
evil, unkind, unjust, profane,
repulsive, repugnant, sinful.
Bi {Continued).
vile, ugly, unholy, unrighteous,
muntu mubi, sinner, trans-
gressor, rascal, villain. The
plurals mabi and mibi, with pi.
of bualu and muanda under-
stood, mean guilt, sin, iniquity,
evil, transgression.
Bi-, insep. verbal prefix with jorce
of sub. co 7 tj., if; with neg. the
meaning is if not, unless, ex-
cept. §§ 459> 460.
Bi, neg. acit’. (Buk.), no.
Bl- {followed insep. by poss. pro.).
Compound Disjunctive pers.
pro. See §110.
Biakane, adv., well, correctly, dis-
tinctly, carefully, right, rightly.
See bimpe.
Bibi, adv., badly, carelessly, rough-
ly, w’rongly, wrong,
enza or osa or kixa with b., to
err, sin, transgress, do wrong,
enzela, b., to injure, harm, do
wrong to.
Bicici, pi. of 7, «.(Buk.), tall grass.
Bidi, adj., two. Takes Secondary
Pre fixes.
Bidia, pi. of 7, n., bread, food,
“chop,” feast, meal, nourish-
ment, victuals. This word
generally refers only to bread,
but it may also have a wider
significance, as above indi-
b. bia with butuku or dilolo,
b. bia dibanzixa, marriage or
wedding feast,
b. bia dinda, breakfast,
b. bia mampa, light bread
(made from wheat flour),
b. bia with munda munya or
hankuci, dinner,
b. bia Nzambi, communion.
Lord’s Supper,
cianza cia b., right hand.
Bika, vi., to get up, arise, rise, stand
up, depart, start out, set out.
Bika {Continued) .
b. ku lufu, to arise or rise from
the dead.
b. ku tulu, to arise or awake
from sleep.
Bikale, adv., firmly, strongly, fast,
tightly, vigorously, violently,
zealously, carelessly, loud
Bikila, vt., to call, name, hale, in-
voke, summons
Bila, vi., to boil (as water), roar
(as cataract).
Bilehgele, adv., well, correctly, dis-
tinctly, carefully, right, rightly.
See bimpe.
Bimpe, adv., carefully, gently, cor-
rectly, earnestly, w’ell, thor-
oughly, right, rightly, dis-
tinctly (to speak),
b. followed by in fin., ought, be
under obligation to do, be
right to, be duty to do, de-
serve, merit.
Binga, vi., to be acquitted, be de-
clared guiltless or innocent, be
justified, be vindicated, gain
or win a bet.
Bingila, v., to cry out in amaze-
ment or astonishment, give
alarum, shout, cheer, sqund an
alarm .
Bingixa, vt., to acquit, let go
free, declare guiltless, justify,
pronounce innocent, vindi-
Bintampi, pi. of 7, n., marsh, mud,
mortar, mire, swamp.
Bintoci, pi. of 7, n., mud, marsh,
mire, swamp, m-ortar.
Biola, V., to belch.
Bitahi, pi. of 7, n., mud, marsh,
swamp, mortar, mire.
Bitahikidi, pi. of 7, n., mud,
marsh, swamp, mortar, mire.
Bitekete, adv., carefully, gently, at
slow pace, quietly, slowly,
softly, patiently.
Bitulu, adv., carefully, gently,
patiently, slowly, softly.
Bixa, vt., to lift up, raise up, ele-
vate, hoist, rouse up, arouse,
b. ku lufu, to resurrect (from the
b. ku tulu, to awake, awaken,
Bixe, adj., green, raw, unripe, new,
fresh (as uncooked meat), un-
lela kabixe, to miscarry, give
birth to immature or still-born
child or foetus, abort.
Note the word bixika.
Bixi ? interrog adv., how? what?
what is the matter? for what
cause or reason or purpose?
why? §§177,420,411.
bule b.? how far ? how long ?
bungi b.? how many? how
much ?
Bixika, vi., to be green or unripe or
fresh or uncooked.
Bobo, pers. pro., yd pi. of class I,
they. § 105.
Bola, vi., to rot, go bad, decay,
decompose, be corrupt, be
rotten, be foul or spoiled or
tainted or putrid, putrefy, be
damp or wet or moist or
Bolexa, vt., to putrefy, taint, cor-
rupt, spoil, cause to rot or
decay, dampen, wet, moisten.
Bomba, vt., to comfort, to caress,
fondle, apologize, console,
cheer up, soothe, solace. This
word is used when one has
accidentally struck another and
wishes to comfort him so he will
not fight.
Bombama, vi., to be wet or damp
or moist or soaked.
Bombeka, vt., to wet, dampen,
moisten, soak.
Bombelela, vi., to creep or move
stealthily or slowly or softly,
Bosa, vt., to crack (as nuts), burst,
shell, hull.
Bota, vi., to be fine or powdered.
Botexa, vt., to powder, pulverize,
grind or pound or crush or
beat fine; hence to chew, mas-
Boya, vt., to take up or gather up
in the hand and put in an-
other place (as trash), clear
Bu, prep., like to, such as, equal
to, of same or similar kind or
sort or quality or character or
species or variety; hence used
in expressing such ideas as
mate, match.
di b., to correspond to, resemble,
ena b., to be unlike or uneven or
different or dissimilar or un-
equal, differ.
Bu, sub. conj., if; in neg. construc-
tions it has the meaning of if
not, unless, except. §§ 459 (c),
460 (c).
Bu-, insep. subordinating particle
used with Applied Form of verb,
therefore, consequently, hence,
for this reason, so, then, where-
fore, why. Bualu(6) is doubt-
less understood. §§472 (g)(3),
Bua, sub. conj., because, since, for.
Doubtless bualu(6) is under-
stood. § 466.
Bua, vt., to daub, plaster.
Buakane, 6, n., goodness, excel-
lence, purity, holiness, ele-
gance, handsomeness, beauty,
fairness (in color or in honor),
honesty, integrity, justice,
righteousness, sanctification,
uprightness, virtue, worthi-
ness, right.
Buala, neg., adv. no.
Bualabuala, 6, n. (Buk.), see buli-
Bualama, adv., backwards. Used
only in sense of fall backwards.
Bualu, 6, n., affair, business, care,
concern, responsibility, case
(law), cause, purpose, reason,
Bualu {Continued) .
matter, object, effect, result,
sake, subject, circumstance,
source, fault, palaver, danger,
harm, difficulty, deed, doctrine,
fact, account, narrative, dis-
-a b. bukale, sacred, holy,
b. bua or bua, because of, on
account of, concerning,
b. bua kukema, miracle, wonder,
b. bua Nzambi, Christianity, the
Gospel, the Christian religion,
b. bubi, guilt, sin, iniquity,
transgression, injustice, wrong,
vice, trouble, tribulation, mis-
fortune, disaster, affliction,
calamity, evil.
b. buiiupe followed hy in fin.,
ought to, be under obligation
to do, it is right to do, duty to
do, deserve, merit,
b. bukale, a serious matter,
b. bukale with Causative Form
of verb, must, have to, had to,
be necessary, be a necessity,
b. bunine, importance,
b. ki? what is the matter? what
is the palaver? why? what
di b. bua, to be responsible for.
di ne muntu b., to have a com-
plaint against one.
kakuena b., it is no matter, no
palaver, never mind, no con-
sequence, all right,
lumbulula b., to settle a palaver,
to judge.
muambi wa b. bua Nzambi,
priest, preacher, minister, mis-
muena malu(pl.) mabi, sinner,
mukelenge wa bambi ba b. bua
Nzambi, high -priest,
munyixa or iyixa or ibidixa with
b. bubi, to entice, lead astray,
lure, allure, tempt, seduce.
Buana, 6, n., childhood, infancy.
Buanda, 6, n., thread, cotton;
hence hammock.
Buandakana, vi., to be confused or
perplexed or bewildered or
confounded or disconcerted, be
mixed up, be deranged, be in
Buandakanya, vt., see buanda-
Buandakuxa, vt., to confuse, per-
plex, bewilder, confound, mix,
stir together, mingle up to-
gether, derange, put in dis-
Buanduluia, vt., to stir together,
mingle, mix up together.
Buanga, 6, n., medicine, remedy,
charm, fetish, idol or image in-
tended as a charm,
b. bua mulungu, poison,
b. bua nsamu, a charm for
making one invisible,
b. bua ntuixa, a charm for
making one invulnerable,
mpuka manga(pl.) or mubuki
wa manga, a doctor, medicine
man, diviner, physician, sor-
cerer, conjurer, charm or
fetish or idol or medicine
xlha or taluxa with b., to destroy
the power of a medicine or
charm or fetish.
Buanji, 6, n., acidity, sourness,
di ne b., to be acid or sour.
Buatu, 6, n., boat, canoe, ship.
Bub ale, 6, n., littleness, scarcity,
dearth, fewness, smallness,
small size, thinness, narrow-
See bukise
Bubanji, 6, n., riches, wealth,
luixa b., to enrich.
Bubedi, 6, n., sickness, illness,
malady, disease, affliction,
pain, bad health, pang, suffer-
See disama.
Bubi, 6, n., badness, corruption.
i5U±5i — U±iA.
Bubi {continued)
evil, impurity, guilt, sin, vioe,
iniquity, transgression, wicked-
ness, injustice, wrong, sinful-
ness, vileness, ugliness, un-
cleanness, dirtiness, unholiness,
unrighteousness, viciousness,
Bubidi, 6, n. {derived from num.
ibidi, two), both, a couple, two
and two, double, all too.
§ 95 {o)-
Bubuluke, 6, w., craziness, insanity,
dementia, madness, lunacy,
idiocy, viciousness, violence,
wildness, foolishness
b. maluvu, drunkenness, intoxi-
cation, dissipation.
Bubuta, V., to feel after, grope
(as one blind).
Bucika, 6, edge, border, limit,
margin, vjundary, side, bank
or beach or shore or coast.
Bucimbakane, 6, w., see bucimbe.
Bucimbe, 6, n., stupidity, folly,
foolishness, acting foolishly.
Budimi, 6, w., farm, field, garden,
b. bua mioxi ya followed by
maluvu a mputu or vinyo,
n.ph., vineyard.
Budimu, 6, n., craftiness, cunning-
ness, slyness, prudence, warn-
ing, shrewdness, sharpness,
wiliness, sagacity, subtlety,
skill, skilfulness, precaution.
-a b., crafty, cunning, prudent,
shrewd, sharp, sagacious, sly,
subtle, wily, artful, skilful.
Budixikamine, 6, n., liberty, free-
dom, the state of being free.
Buela, vi., to enter, pass in, pene-
trate, unite with, join, come
or go or get in or into,
b. munda, to test, try, tempt,
make trial of.
diba dikadi dibuela, the sun
is about to set, be sunset,
kutu kuabuela diba or kutu
diba diabuela, west.
Buelafl, 6, n., bad aim (gun).
Buelakana, vi., to be mixed, be
intermingled, be mingled, in-
termingle, commingle, mingle,
be joined together (of same
party), unite with, join, crowd
together, be disarranged, be
out of order, be in disorder, be
Buelakuxa, vt., to mix up, min-
gle, put out of order, crowd
together, intermingle, disar-
Buenyi, 6, «., a visit.
enda b., to visit, go visiting.
Buexa, vt., to drive in, put in,
place in, take in.
b. ku mudimu, to hire, engage,
give work, employ,
b. mu, to load (as boat), insert,
b. mu buhika, to enslave,
b. munxi mua, to put or place
b. mu nsubu wa maxika, to
b. mu followed by name of office,
to appoint or give an office to,
make, elect, confer office on.
Bakumubuexa mu buke-
lenge, they made him chief.
Buexakana, vt., to mix up, mingle,
intermingle, crowd together,
derange, put out of order, put
in disorder, disarrange.
Bufike, 6, n., blackness, unclean-
ness, dirtiness, darkness
Buflnu, 6, n., slipperiness, sleek-
ness, smoothness, a slip by
-a b., slippery, sleek, smooth.
Bufofo, 6, n., blindness.
Bufuba, 6, n., idleness, laziness,
indolence, sluggishness, slow-
ness, lethargy, sloth, worth-
-a b., idle, lazy, indolent, trifling,
slothful, worthless,
ena ne b., to be diligent or indus-
trious or energetic or faithful.
Bufuku, 6, n., night, at night, by
night, to-night, night-time.
See butuku.
Buhale, 6, n., craziness, insanity,
dementia, madness, lunacy,
idiocy, viciousness, violence,
wildness, foolishness.
b. maluvu, drunkenness, intoxi-
cation, dissipation.
Buhele, 6, n., poverty, destitution,
need, want, penury.
luixa or xixa with mu b., to
Buhiankunde, 6, n., youth, young
manhood, boyhood, youth-
hood, adolescence.
Buhianyi, 6, n., inheritance, legacy,
portion, heritage,
ha b., to bequeath, endow, leave
(for heir).
mukanda wa b., will, testament.
Sometimes the ph. bintu bia
buhianyi is used with same
meaning as buhianyi alone.
Buhidia, 6, w., insubordination,
disobedience, disapproval, re-
fusal, obstinacy, stubbornness,
refractoriness, wilfulness, un-
belief, negligence, neglectful-
-a h., insubordinate, disobedient,
obstinate, stubborn, refrac-
tory, unmanageable, unruly,
intractable, wilful, negligent,
muena b., unbeliever.
Buhika, 6, n., slavery, bondage,
ha or buexa mu or luixa followed
by b., to enslave.
Buhikudi, 6, n., the goods with
which one is redeemed, re-
demption price*.
Buhote, 6, «., stupidity, ignorance,
folly, foolishness.
Buhu, 6, n., seed (for planting).
Buhumbakane, 6, w., stupidity,
foolishness, folly, acting fool-
Buibi, 6, theft, thievishness,
Buibi {continued),
roguishness, robbery, dishon-
esty, injustice.
di ne b., to be thievish or
roguish or dishonest or unjust.
ena ne b., to be honest or just.
Buici, 6, w., honey. Sometimes
spelled buiki.
Buihi, 6, «., nearness, short dis-
tance, closeness, sharpness, di-
mension or extent or extension
(in breadth).
ha b. ha {or ne), beside, near to,
close to.
mu {or ku), b. breadth, width.
Buika, vt., to close or shut (the
Buikila, vt., to cover, close or shut
(as lid of box or book), lay
something over, shelter by
covering, put cover on, spread
Buikuxa, 6, «., see bulilela.
Buila, 6, w., forgetfulness.
-a b., forgetful.
b. as subj. oj kuata, to forget.
Buiminyi, 6., n, stinginess, parsi*
mony, selfishness, meanness as
result of stinginess.
-a b., stingy, selfish, parsimo-
nious, mean.
Buimpe, 6, n., goodness, excel-
lence, purity, holiness, elegance,
handsomeness, beauty, fair-
ness (in color or in honor),
honesty, integrity, justice,
righteousness, sanctification,
uprightness, virtue, worthi-
ness, right.
Buina, prep., like to, such as, equal
to, of same or similar kind or
sort or quality or character or
species or variety; hence used
in expressing such ideas as
mate, match.
dl b., to correspond to, resemble,
ena b., to be unlike or uneven
or different or dissimilar m
unequal, differ.
Buina, 6, n., hole of rat or mouse,
den. PI. is men a.
Buinabulna, 6, n., see bulilela.
Buivi, 6, n.y theft, thievishness,
roguishness, robbery, dishon-
esty, injustice.
di ne b., to be roguish or thievish
or dishonest or unjust,
ena ne b., to be honest or just.
Bujike, 6, w., the unmarried state,
bachelorship, maidenhood, vir-
Bujitu, 6,.«., heaviness, weight;
sometimes used for load, bur-
-a b., heavy, weighty,
idikixa or elekexa with b., to
Buka, V., to consult a medicine
man, divine, enchant, conjure.
Buka, vi., to fly, take flight or rise
in flight (as bird).
Buka, vt., to marry, wed. This
word is used only by the man.
See note under marry.
Bukale, 6, n., strength, ability,
energy, firmness, force, hard-
ness, influence, might, power,
vigor, stability, solidness, so-
lidity, violence, health.
-a b., healthy, strong, vigorous,
cianza cia b., right hand,
ena ne b., to be delicate, be not
hita or tamba with b., to con-
quer, beat, defeat, overcome,
overthrow, excel, win, master,
prevail, be victorious, quell,
repulse, subdue, subject, sub-
jugate, vanquish,
kuata mukuxi ku b., to commit
rape, ravish, do violence to.
ku b., by force, violently.
Bukanda, 6, n., enema. A small
gour d is used for this pur-
ela b., to give an enema.
Bukangana, v., to intermarry.
Bukankanya. vt., to shake up.
Bukata, 6, n., idleness, laziness,
indolence, sluggishness, slow-
ness, lethargy, sloth, worthless-
-a b., idle, lazy, indolent, trifling,
slothful, worthless,
ena ne b., to be diligent or in-
dustrious or energetic or faith-
Bukelenge, 6, n., kingship, chief-
ship, high rank, kingdom,
government, dominion, rule,
dia b., to become chief, succeed
to chiefship.
dixa b., to elect or appoint to
chiefship, confer chiefship on.
Bukise, 6, n., littleness, smallness,
scarcity, dearth, fewness, thin-
ness, narrowness, small size,
mu {or ku) b., breadth, width.
Bukitu, 6, w., bravery, courage,
fortitude, boldness, valor.
See dikima.
Bukixa, vt., -to give in marriage,
marry one to.
Bukonde, i, n., brother-in-law,
sister-in-law. This word al-
ways means the brother or
sister of the wife, never the
brother or sister of husband.
PI. is babukonde.
Bukoya, 6, w., dirtiness, filthiness,
untidiness, uncleanness, foul-
ness, slovenliness.
-a b., dirty, filthy, untidy, un-
clean, foul, slovenly.
Buku, 6, n., the state or condition
of being a mother-in-law or
bintu bia b., dowry given at
marriage by husband to pa-
rents of bride.
Bukula, 6, n., flour, meal.
Bukulu, 6, n., old age.
Bukulukulu, 6, n.j yolk of an
Bukulukulu, 6, n., old age.
Bukulukuxe, 6, w., old age.
-a b., old, ansient.
Bukulumpe, 6., w, old age.
-a b., old, ancient.
Bukunze, 6, n., redness.
Bukuondo, 6, w., net for catching
fish or animals, cobweb.
Biikutu, 6, n., foreskin.
di ne b., to be uncircumcised.
Bukuxi, 6, n., womanhood.
Bula, 6, yard, enclosure, court,
fold, stockade.
nyuma wa ku b , domestic
Bula, vt., to crack (as nuts), burst,
shell, hull.
Bulalu, 6, n., bed, couch.
Bula Mutadi, w. (Lower Congo),
the Congo Independent State
and all government officials.
Bulanda, 6, n., poverty, need, want,
penury, destitution,
luixa or xixa mu with b., to
Buie, 6, n., length, deepness, depth,
hcijht, altitude, tallness, dis-
tance (long), dimension or ex-
tent or extension in length or
height or depth.
b. bumue, equal or even length,
b. munyi ? how far?
Buledi, 6, w., the power or capacity
to give birth to or bear young,
child-bearing, fruitfulness, fe-
di ne b., to be fruitful or fertile
or prolific or fecund or pro-
ductive (as male or female in
producing young).
Bulengele, 6, n., goodness, excel-
lence, purity, holiness, elegance,
handsomeness, beauty, fair-
ness (in color or in honor),
honesty, integrity, _ justice,
righteousness, sanctification,
uprightness, virtue, worthiness,
Bulilela, 6, w., truth, fact, cer-
tainty, correctness, exactness,
reality, veracity.
-a b., real, true.
This word has an adverbial use
Bulilela {continued) .
oj certainly, correctly, indeed,
absolutely, truly, truthfully,
exactly, really, surely, verily.
W ith ncg. verbs we have the mean-
ing to be in doubt, be doubtful
or uncertain or untrue.
Bulobo, 6, n., earth, land, ground,
soil, world.
b. budi with butaka or bucika,
ph. used jor earthquake,
dikumbi dia b., railway train,
nxila wa dikumbi dia b., rail-
way track.
The pi. is generally used to ex-
press loose earth or dirt r-
ground. This word has m e
properly the meaning of land
as distinguished from water.
Buloxi, 6, n., witchcraft, sorcery.
This word has a secondary
meaning of cleverness, ingen-
iousness, dexterity, ingenuity,
skill, skilfulness,
di ne b., clever, ingenious,
muena b., witch, wizard, demon,
devil, conjurer, sorcerer.
Sometimes this word is pro-
nounced muloxi(2).
Buluatafl, 6, n., slovenliness or
immodesty or shamelessness or
indecency in the wearing of
one’s clothes. § 356 {g).
-a b., slovenly or indecent or
immodest or shameless or
obscene in the wearing of one’s
Buluka, vi., to bark (as dog).
b. di(5), to speak or talk loudly
or roughly.
Buluka, w., to get or become or go
or be crazy or deranged or
insane, be demented, be foolish,
be mad, be wild, be reckless,
be vicious, be violent, be
b. maluvu, to be drunk or in-
Bulukana(?), vi.y to be narrow.
Bulukc, adj.{p.p. of buluka, to be
crazy), crazy, deranged, de-
mented, foolish, mad, in-
sane, wild, reckless, thought-
less, vicious, violent.
Bulukila, vt., to scold; hence second-
arily to govern, control, re-
buke, admonish, discipline,
correct, manage, reprove, re-
proach, restrain.
This word is sometimes pro-
nounced kubulukila.
Bulula, vt., to open, expose to
view, relax, remove cover, un-
cover, reveal.
Bululu, 6, n., bitterness,
di b., to be bitter.
Bulumi, 6, n., manhood.
Bulunda, 6, ii., friendship, fellow-
ship, companionship, federa-
alukixa b., to reconcile,
kuatangana b., to form a friend-
ship with one another,
xiha b., to break off friendship.
Bulunga, vi., to be round or
Bulunguxa, vt., to make into a
ball, make round.
Bumbuka, vi., to cave in, fall in.
Bundu, 6, n., shame, bashfulness,
timidity, shyness, diffidence,
modesty, humility, chagrin, re-
pentance, penitence, reproach,
bualu bua b., a shameful matter,
di ne or unva or ufua with b.
as obj., or b. as suhj. of kuata,
to be ashamed, be bashful,
be diffident, be modest, be
humble, be mortified, be
humiliated, be abased, have
chagrin, be penitent, be shy,
qe timid.
ena ne b., to be immodest, be
shameless, be impertinent, be
saucy, be impudent, be in-
decent, be obscene, be arro-
gant, be audacious,
ufuixa or kuacixa with b., to
Bundu {continued).
disgrace, mortify, chagrin, hu-
miliate, cause shame, abase’
Bufumu, 6, n., chiefship, king-
ship, high rank, kingdom,
government, dominion, rule,
See bukelenge.
Bunga, vt.{with tulu, sleep, as
obj.), to doze, nod, nap, be
b. disu, to wink at.
Bungama, vi., to mope, despond,
be depressed, be despondent,
brood over, pine, pout, be
sulky, be sullen, sulk, be
morbid, be solemn, be pen-
Bungi, 6, n.(from adj. ngi, many),
abundance, a great deal, mul-
titude, throng, great number,
plenty, host, crowd, great
quantity, vastness in number.
-a b., much, numerous, many,
abundant, plentiful, divers,
enough, plenty of, several,
vast number.
b. bumue, the same or even or
equal number.
b. munyi ? {or bixi ?), how
many? how much? what
quantity ?
di -a b., to abound, suffice, be
enough, be sufficient, be ade-
ena -a b., to be insufficient, be
short of.
tamba or hita with b., to be in
excess, over- abound, be too
much, be too many.
Bunguluka, vi., to roll along or
over, wallow.
Bunine, 6, n., largeness, magnitude,
great size, vastness, greatness,
stoutness, breadth, width,
thickness, dimension or ex-
tension or extent in breadth,
influence, importance, glory.
b. bumue, even or equal or the
same size.
Bunine {continued).
mu b., in among, in the middle,
in the midst, in the center.
Bunsongakuxi, 6, girlhood,
maidenhood, virginity, young
Bunsongalumi, 6, n., young man-
hood, youth, boyhood, youth-
hood, adolescence.
Bunsonge, 6, n., slander, back-
biting, calumny. From son-
guela, to slander,
muena b., slanderer, backbiter,
Buntate, 6., «., cobweb.
Buntu, 6, n., humanity (human
nature), manhood.
Bununu, 6, n., old age.
Bunvu, 6, n., shame, bashfulness,
timidity, shyness, diffidence,
modesty, humility, chagrin, re-
pentence, penitence, reproach,
See bundu.
Bunya, vt., to bend, fold.
Bunyabunya, 6, n.{jrom nya-nya,
small), smallness, littleness,
thinness, small size, fewness,
scarcity, dearth.
See bukise.
Bunyana, 6, n., friendship, fellow-
ship, companionship, federa-
kuatangana b., to form a friend-
ship with one another,
xiha b., to break off friendship.
Bunyengi, 6, n., robbery.
Buobumue, 6, n., sameness, simi-
larity, identity, likeness, unity,
similitude. § 96.
Buongo, 6, n., brains, marrow.
Buonso, 6, n., totality, entirety, full
amount, altogether, the whole
of, all of or every one of or
each one of them [followed by
poss. pro. § 182, Rem.)
Buowa, 6, n., awe, dread, fear,
fright, horror, terror, wildness,
shyness, timidity. Hence
secondarily cowardice.
Bouwa {continued).
b. as sub. of kuata with person
as obj., to be frightened, be
scared, be timid, be shy,
afraid, be fearful,
muena b., a coward.
Buowa, 6, n., mushroom.
Buselu, 6, n., sleekness, slipperi-
ness, smoothness.
-a b., sleek, slippery, smooth.
Busenu, 6, n.{from senena, to be
sleek), sleekness, smoothness,
slipperiness, softness to touch,
-a b., sleek, slippery, smooth,
Buta, 6, n., bow (for shooting
arrows). This word is some-
times used for gun.
Butaka, 6, n., nakedness, nudity,
di b., to be naked or nude.
Butama, vi., to crouch, be flat,
settle or sink or level down.
Butamixa, vt., to flatten, make flat,
level down, mash down level.
Butatande, 6, n., cobweb.
Bute, 6, n.y used with muan’a
to mean first-born or oldest
child, senior. PI. is bamuan’a
bintu bia muan’a b., birthright,
Bute, 6, 71 . {from ta, to hunt),
hunting (of animals),
muxinga wa b., a hunting net,
net for catching animals.
Butekete, 6, n., weakness, exhaus-
tion, feebleness, fatigue, in-
firmity, w^eariness, tiredness,
slowness, slackness, softness.
Buteyi, 6, n., trap or snare for
catching animals; secondarily
wile, allurement, enticement.
Butoke, 6, n., whiteness, bright-
ness, fairness, purity, clean-
ness, sanctification.
Butomboke, 6, w., craziness, in-
sanity, dementia, madness,
lunacy, idiocy, viciousness,
violence, wildness, foolishness,
b. maluvu, drunkenness, intoxi-
cation, dissipation.
Butu, 6, mould, mildew,
kuata b., to mould, mildew,
Butue, 6, n., ashes,
Butuku, 6, «,, night, at night, by
night, to-night, night-time,
bidia bia b,, supper,
b, bua lelu, last night,
b, to ne with lunkelu or dinda,
all night long,
b, as subj. of cia, to break day,
be dawn, become light, the
coming of the morning, the
going of the night,
b, as subj. of ila, the coming
of the night,
Buxibale, 6, n., stupidity, folly,
foolishness, ignorance,
Buxikankunde, 6, n., maidenhood,
girlhood, virginity, young
i Buxima, 6, w,, totality, entirety,
the whole,
Buxua, 6, n., see bulilela,
Buyuka, vi., to be soft (as some-
thing rotten),
Buzevu, 6, n., a swelling in feet
and legs, dropsy, elephantiasis.
This word is derived from
nzevu, elephant.
€aba, vt.^ to break up firewood,
Cendelele, adv., always, cease-
lessly, constantly, continually,
endlessly, eternity, ever, for-
ever, perpetually, eternally, in-
cessantly, habitually,
-a c., immortal, eternal, ever-
with neg. v., never again,
Ci, interrog. pro., see cinyi ? § 175,
Rem, 2,
Cia, vi., used with butuku as subj.
to mean the disappearing of
the night at dawn, break day,
dawn, become light, the com-
ing of the morning,
Cladl, 7, n., chest, bosom, breast.
Ciahamue, 7, n., used as adv., at
one time, at the same time,
simultaneously, § 95 (6),
Rem, 2,
Ciakabidi, 7, n., second time,
§ 95 (^)-
biakabidi(^/,), twice,
Ciakamue, 7, n. used as adv., once,
one time, §95 {b).
Ciakasatu, 7, n., third time.
§ 95
biakasatu(/>^.), thrice.
Ciakuilu, 7, n., language, idiom,
dialect, speech.
Ciakulakula, 7, n., chattering,
gibberish, nonsense. § 35 6(50 •
akula biakulakula, to talk in
delirium or incoherently, wan-
der in mind, babble, gabble,
jabber, prattle.
Ciala, 7, a small piece of iron
put in the eye as test of guilt,
muena c., diviner, doctor, sor-
nua c., to consult or divine by
this ordeal, enchant.
Ciala, 7, n., thumb.
Ciama, 7, n., a general term
applied to any kind of metallic
substance; also a general
name for any kind of machine
or mill or tool or implement
or instrument,
c. cifike, iron,
c. cikunze, copper, brass.
See note under copper.
Ciamakana, vi., to cross (as one
path another), lie across.
Ciamakuxa, vt., to put or lay
one thing across another,
Ciamumue, 7, n., used as adv., at
at one time, at same time,
simultaneously. § 95 {b),
Rem. 2.
Ciana, 7, n., used in ph. c. cia
nkusa, great toe.
Cianga, 7, n., a species of snake.
Cianyima, adv., backwards.
Cianza, 7, n., hand.
-a c. cikale, selfish, stingy,
c. cia with bakuxi or luboko or
munyinyi, left hand,
c. cia with balumi or bidia or
bukale, right hand,
c. cikale, selfishness, stinginess,
di ne bianza bile, to be dis-
honest, be unjust, be thievish,
be roguish.
ena ne bianza bile, to be honest,
be just.
data, 7, n., mat made of papyrus.
Ciaxima, 7, n., chilliness, coldness,
coolness, dampness, moisture,
wetness, humidity,
di ne c., to be chilly, be cold,
be cool, be damp, be moist,
be wet, be humid.
Cibakala, 7, «., a small rodent.
Cibalu, 7, w., a gourd split length-
wise and used for holding the
cooked bread. '
ngondo wakulua c., to be full
Cibanda, 7, n., valley, vale, hollow.
Cibanda, 7, n., large horse-fly.
Cibandilu, 7, n., ladder, stairway,
Cibanga, 7, w., chin, lower jaw.
Cibangu, 7, «., walking-stick, cane,
endela ku c., to walk with a
Cibangu, 7, n., scar, mark left
from sore, pock-mark, cica-
Cibanji, 7, n., intermediary or
middleman or go-between in
arranging a marriage.
Cibasa, 7, n., a piece of board put
under a long basket to support
Cibelu, 7, n., upper leg (from hip
to knee), upper part of hind
leg of animal, thigh,
ha bibelu, lap.
Cibende, 7, «., a small rodent.
Cibengu, 7, n., insubordination,
disobedience, disapproval, re-
fusal, obstinacy, stubbornness,
refractoriness, wilfulness, neg-
ligence, neglectfulness, heed-
-a c., insubordinate, disobe-
dient, obstinant, stubborn, re-
fractory, unmanageable, un-
ruly, intractable, wilful, negli-
gent, neglectful, heedless.
Cibi, 7, w., door, gate.,
Cibidi, 7, n.{the Bakete say kibidi),
farm, field, garden, planta-
See budimi.
Cibikidilu, 7, n., the name of
Cibila, 7, n.{jront bila, to boil),
cataract, falls, rapids, water-
Cibilu, 7, w., custom, habit, manner
or method of doing, mode,
nature of, conduct, law, fashion,
way, practice, regulation, rule,
style, usage.
c. cibi, vice, bad habit.
Cibiyibiyi, 7, n., butterfly, moth.
Cibobo, 7, n., whistling through the
ela c., to whistle through the
Ciboko, 7, M., left-handedness.
muena c., a left-handed person.
Cibombo, 7, «., bag, pocket, sack,
Cibombo, 7, n., lameness in the
legs of children, deformed
Cibondo, 7, n., snout.
Cibuabu, 7, n., the older or first-
born of twins.
Cibubu, 7, n., scabbard, sheath,
case for knife.
Cibubu, 7, n., pith of palm rib.
Cibubu, 7, «., clapping of the hands
crosswise to express regret.
Cibudi, 7, n., scrotum.
Cibuedelu, 7, n., entrance, door-
Cibuikilu, 7, a cover, lid, cork
or stopper.
I Cibuiku, 7, n., see cibuikilu.
S' i Cibuka, vi., to be broken, de-
molished, destroyed, fractured,
to explode.
: Cibula, vt., to break, break up or
open, demolish, destroy, frac-
ture, open (a tin).
Cibula, 7, n., wrestling. PL
generally used.
luangana bibula, to wrestle.
Cibulubulu, 7, n., a dried gourd.
‘ Cibulula, vt., to double back, fold
Cibulunge, 7, n.{from bulunga, to
be round), ball, globe, sphere,
-a c., round, spherical.
I Cibunda, 7, n., garden or small
patch about the house in
which vegetables are planted.
^ ! This is the proper word jor
I garden as generally used hy
I . Europeans and not budimi or
Cibungubungu, 7, n., high bank or
cliff or precipice near to stream,
Cibutuilu, 7, w., womb(?).
Cibuyubuyu, 7, «., high cljff or
precipice due to landslide.
Cici, 7, n., used in ph. kosa cici,
to close a trade by breaking a
Cicu, 7, w., insubordination, dis-
obedience, obstinacy, heed-
lessness, refractoriness, stub-
bornness, wilfulness, neglect-
fulness, negligence.
-a c., disobedient, obstinant,
heedless, refractory, stubborn,
unmanageable, unruly, intract-
able, wilful, insubordinate,
neglectful, negligent.
Cidi, vi., to be, exist. See § 212.
I c. ne, to have, own, possess.
I Cidi, 7, n., a jump (with both feet
1 generally).
Cidiacilu, 7, «., footprint, track,
trace, trail, mark, made by foot.
Cidibu, 7, «,. a wooden rattle tied
around the dog’s body in
Cididi, 7, n., division or partition
in house.
Cidikixiiu, 7, n., example, sample,
specimen, copy, model, pat-
tern, illustration; hence a rule
or ruler or measure or tape
line, i.e., something to go by
in doing.
Cidikixu, 7, w., pattern, copy,
model; measure, rule, ruler,
tape line.
Cidimi, 7, «., used as oh], of akula
meaning to speak or pronounce
Cidimu, 7, n., season (rainy or dry).
Two such seasons make a
c. cia maxika, winter, cool
c. cia munya, summer, warm
c. ki ? when ? what season ?
ku c. ku c., yearly, season by
Ciduaya, 7, n., grave, sepulcher,
tomb. Use pi. jor graveyard,
Ciendenda, 7, n., vagabondage,
vagrancy. § 356 {g).
enda c., to be a vagabond or
vagrant or tramp,
muena c., vagabond, vagrant,
tramp, wanderer.
Cienzedi, 7, custom, habit,
manner or method of doing,
mode, nature of, conduct, way,
law, fashion, practice, regula-
tion, rule, style, usage, pro-
c. cibi, vice, bad habit,
c. cikuabo, a different way
of doing, differently, other-
Cieya, 7, n., guarantee, pawn,
pledge, security, surety. See
V. eya.
Cifu, 7, n., see cifufu.
Cifuanyi, 7, n., likeness, image,
reflection as in mirror, picture,
photograph, representation, re-
semblance, sameness, simi-
larity, similitude.
Cifuanyikixa, 7, n., likeness, im-
age, resemblance, reflection as
in mirror, example, illustra-
Cifufu, 7, n., a secret consultation
or conference, plot, agreement,
covenant, contract, treaty, de-
c. cibi, conspiracy,
c. cihiacihia. New Testament,
c. cikulu. Old Testament,
ela c., to hold a consultation or
conference or deliberation,
plan secretly, plot.
This word may also he spelled
Cifuidixe, 7, n., faintness, insensi-
bility, unconsciousness, stuffi-
di ne c., vi., to smother, be
stifled, be suffocated,
fua c., vi., to faint, swoon, be
stunned, be stupefied, be in-
sensible, be unconscious.
Jika c., vt., to smother, stifle,
Though the words cisgke and
tungulungu and cifuidixe
are used interchangeably some-
times, yet the general difference
seems to he that the two first-
named words have the idea oj
convulsion or fit, while the last
word means faintness or un-
Cifulu, 7, n., hat, cap, helmet.
Cifundidi, 7, n., writing, manner
of writing, hand, chirography.
Cifundu, 7, n., circle, ring.
-a c., circular, round.
Cilia, 7, n., gift, offering, present.
Ciha, vi., to take an oath, swear,
vow. Done hy striking the
hand on the ground. The re-
flexive diciha is often used.
Cihaha, 7, n., the poison cup or
ordeal or test given to witches
or wizards.
muena c., witch doctor.
Cihahi, 7, n., a generous or liberal
or unselfish or benevolent per-
Cihala, vi., to be dull (as knife).
Cihanda, 7, n., fork of stick.
muci wa c., a forked stick.
Cihangu, 7, n., fence, wall.
With mu this word means en-
closure, yard, fold, court,
stockade. See enclosure.
Cihatu, 7, n., chip.
Cihehe, 7, n., tail fin of fish.
Cihendo, 7, n., abuse, curse, insult,
maltreatment, ill treatment.
Cihesu, 7, n., any small piece or
division or part or fragment or
portion or section or bit split
Contrast with cituha.
Cihia, 7, n., anything braided or
Cihidikidi, 7, n., stump of tree.
Cihinda, 7, n., hunter (with gun).
Cihindi, 7, n., a dwarf, under-
sized person, runt.
-a c., runty, dwarfish, under-
sized, stunted.
Cilioto, 7, n., whistling through the
ela c., to whistle through the
Cihu, 7., n., oar, paddle.
Cihua, 7, n., combined with the
word muoyo to mean forget-
-a c. muoyo, forgetful.
Cihuba, 7, n., gourd used as pipe.
Cihuekelu, 7, n., place of descent.
Cihuhu, 7, n., hurricane, tornado,
squall, storm, tempest, whirl-
wind, strong wind, gale.
Cihuka, 7, n., copse, small bush
or forest on a plane, grove,
thicket, small wood.
Cihuka, 7, n., unconsciousness, in-
Cihuka {continued).
fua c., to be unconscious, be
insensible, be stunned, be
Cihulu, 7, n., gourd cut crosswise.
Cihunda, 7, n., large town or village,
capital, city, metropolis.
Cihundu, 7, n., gourd cut crosswise.
Cihungulu, 7, n., owl.
Cihusu, 7, w., bark, husk, shuck,
hull, peel, rind, shell of egg or
seed or nut or terrapin, skin
of fruit.
Cihusu, 7, n., greediness, gluttony,
-a c., gluttonous, greedy,
muena c., a glutton.
Cihuxa, vt., to dull (as knife),
make dull.
Cijengu, 7, n., circle, ring.
-a c., circular, round.
Cijila, 7, n., anything forbidden or
tabooed or interdicted or
illegal or prohibited or against
the law or against the regula-
tion or unlawful.
-a c., holy, sacred,
ena c., to be lawful, be right,
be permitted.
Cika, vi., to move, shake, quake,
Cikahakaha, 7, w., siftings (of
Cikakakaka, 7, n., pineapple.
Cikakana, vi., to shake, move,
quake, tremble.
Cikama, 7, n., shamelessness,
effrontery, immodesty, imperti-
nence, sauciness, arrogance,
impudence, indecency, ingrati-
tude, ungratefulness, audacity,
impoliteness, disrespect, irrev-
-a c., arrogant, saucy, immodest,
shameless, impertinent, dis-
respectful, impudent, indecent,
ungrateful, audacious, impo-
lite, irreverent.
ena c., to be modest, be humble.
Cikampanda, 7, n., a thing the
name of which you have for-
Cikampanda {continued).
gotten or do not know or do not
care to trouble with mention-
ing- § 353> Rem.
Cikanga, 7, n., mat made of
Cikankanyi, 7, n., heel.
Cikata, 7, n., ball or roll of twine
or string.
Cikema, 7, n., exclamation of
surprise or astonishment or
amazement expressed by grunt-
tua c., to exclaim in surprise,
wonder, be amazed, be aston-
Cikenge, 7, n., axe.
Cikenkibu, 7, n., heel.
Cikixa, vt., to move, shake, cause
to quake.
Cikiyaklya, 7, n., shoulder-blade.
Cikoka, 7, n., mark or trail or
track or trace of something
which has been dragged.
Cikolakola, 7, n., stalk or stem of
Cikolokolo, 7, n., neck of gourd.
Cikondo, 7, n., time,
bikondo bibidi, twice,
bikondo bisatu, thrice,
bikondo bia bungi, frequently,
often, many times,
e. cikuabo, next time,
c. cimue, once, one time.
See musangu.
Cikono, 7, n., shoe. This word is
now nearly obsolete as meaning
shoe. See mukono.
Cikowela, 7, n., coat, dress, shirt,
diboko dia c., sleeve.
Cikuacilu, 7, n., place for holding;
hence handle.
Cikuacixi, 7, n., a prop.
Cikuaka, 7, n., a saw.
muena bikuaka, sawyer.
Cikuku, 7, n. {from Eng. cook),
kitchen, cook-house.
Cikuku, 7, n., an exposed root or
snag causing one to stumble.
Cikukue, 7., n., hen.
Cikukumina, 7, n., stuttering,
stammering, impediment in
muena c., a stutterer, stammerer.
Cikulu, 7, n., site of deserted vil-
Cikumbi, 7, n., pen, enclosure, sty,
Cikumbukumbu, 7, n., cob.
Cikumbuxi, 7, w., cob.
Cikundekunde, 7, w., a large native
Cikundukundu, 7, n., hip.
Cikunyi, 7, n., stocks.
Cikuondekuonde, 7, n., stalk or
stem of plantain or banana.
Cikusu, 7, «., maggot.
ela bikusu, to blow (meat).
Cikutu, 7, w., furnace for smelting
iron ore.
Cikuxiana, 7, n., a large woman.
Generally used in irony. §351.
Cila, 7, n., cry of amazement or
astonishment, alarum, shout of
crowd, cheer.
ela bila, to cheer, shout, give
cry of alarum.
Cilabi, 7, n., handle.
Cilabuidi, 7, n., eyelid.
Ciladilu, 7, n., bed.
Cilafl, 7, n., used as ohj. of akula
meaning to speak or pronounce
indistinctly. This word may
perhaps also mean the doing
of anything badly or incon-
gruously. § 356 {g).
Cilamba, 7, w., cloth, garment.
bilamba(/>/.), clothes, apparel.
Cilamba, 7, n., bridge made of logs.
Cilanda, 7, n., bridge made of
Cilata, 7, n., dream, vision.
lata c., to dream, have a vision.
Cilavinyi, 7, w., eyelid.
Cilele, 7, n., custom, habit, law,
manner, mode, nature of, con-,
duct, fashion, way, method,
practice, regulation, rule, style,
c. cibi, vice, bad habit.
Cilelelu, 7, «., womb(?). Perhaps
Cilema, 7, n., stinginess, parsi-
mony, selfishness.
-a c., stingy, parsimonious,
Cilembi, 7, n., fisherman, hunter
(by trapping or with bow and
Cilenga, 7, n., adornment, finery,
. ornament, decoration,
luata or vuala with bilenga, to
wear ornaments, be adorned,
be dressed up.
Cilengelenge, 7, n., sugar-cane.
Cilengulengu, 7, «., the thing into
which a person is changed by
transmigration or metempsy-
Cilexilu, 7, 71 ., example, sample,
specimen, illustration, brand,
Ciloa, 7, n., dried gourd, often used
as pipe.
Coloaloa, 7, n., a green gourd.
Cilonda, 7, n., large battle-axe
made by Zappo Zapps.
Cilonde, 7, n. {always followed by
muadi, first wife), the second
wife of polygamist, concubine.
Cilongo, 7, n., bloom, blossom,
Cilongo, 7, 71 ., generation, line of
descent to.
Cilu, 7, n.{pl. generally used), dirt,
trash, filth, debris, impurity,
refuse, rubbish, stuff, waste,
Ciliia, 7, 71 ., post in wall of house,
Cilua, 7, n., toad.
Cilulu, 7, n., cloth, garment,
c. cisusiike, a worn-out piece of
cloth, rag.
bilulu(/?/.), clothes, apparel.
Sometimes pronounced cidudu.
Cilumbu, 7, n., council, court,
trial, judgment.
lumbulula c., to settle a palaver
at court.
Cilumi, 7, n., semen. PI. generally
Cilumiana, 7, n., a large man.
Generally used in irony. §351.
Ciluinulumu, 7, n., crust, scab.
Cilunga, 7, n., sweet potato.
Cinianga, 7, n., scabbard, sheath,
case for knife.
Cimaza, 7, a strong European
Cimba, vi., to be stupid, be foolish,
be silly, be simple, be thought-
less, be careless, be unmindful,
act foolishly.
Cimbadi, 7, n., a native from the
Portuguese territory on West
Cimbakana, vi., to go around, go
round about, encircle, sur-
round. There is a secondary
meaning of to be stupid, be
foolish, act stupidly or foolish-
ly, be silly, be simple, be un-
mindful, be thoughtless, be
Cimbakane, adj.{p.p. of cimba-
kana), foolish, stupid, silly,
simple, thoughtless, careless.
Cimbe, adj.{p. p. of cimba), foolish,
stupid, silly, simple, careless,
Cimbixa, vt., to fool, joke with.
Cimena, 7, n., yam (wild).
Cimenga, 7, n., large village or
town, city, capital, metropolis.
Cimenyi, 7, sock, stocking.
Cimono, 7, n., the waist.
Cimonyinu, 7, n.{from mona, to
see), token, example, sample,
earnest, specimen, copy, mark,
model, brand, sign, illustra-
tion, keepsake, proof, remin-
der, seal, souvenir, symbol,
badge, emblem.
Cimpanga, 7, «., ram, male of
Cimpulu, 7, 11., cricket.
Cimpumpu, 7, n., cold (catarrh).
Cimuka, vi., to retreat, to flee.
Cimuna, 7, n., a tame animal.
Cimuna, vt., to rout, put to flight,
defeat, overcome, vanquish,
beat, conquer, subdue.
Cimunu, 7, n., roof or wall or side
of house.
Cimunyi, 7, n., firebrand, torch.
Cina, vi., to be afraid, dread, be ex-
cited, fear, be frightened, be ter-
rified, be fearful, be horrified,
be scared, be timid, be shy, be
terrorized, be dismayed.
Cina, 7, «., hole in the ground,
Cina, insep. indeclinable word used
with mbi and pass. pro. to
mean brother-in-law. § 42,
Note 2.
Cinana, indeclinable wor'd, empty,
blank, vacant, void, worthless-
ness, without cause, for noth-
ing, greatest, gratuitously, zero,
-a c., of no account, worthless,
common, of no consequence,
inferior, mean (of birth), un-
important, of no use, useless.
Cindumbi, 7, n., a skin disease,
muena c., a leper.
See note under leprosy.
Cinemu, 7, n.{from nemeka),
gratitude, thankfulness, grate-
-a c., grateful, thankful.
Cinfunde, 7, n., whirlwind.
Cinganyi, interrog. pro., what?
what is the matter? what for?
why ? for what reason ? for
what cause ? for what pur-
pose?. §175.
Cingoma, 7, 11., gun.
c. cia lutende, rifle,
c. cia mutengu, flint-lock gun.
c. cia tundimba, shotgun,
ela c., to fire or shoot a gun.
ela c. han.xi, to miss aim.
kuma or lonza with c., to shoot
one with a gun.
Cingombo, 7, n., ocra. Note that
this is doubtless root of Eng.
gumbo soup.
Cinguji, 7, bunch of palm nuts.
Cinguluka, vi., to turn around,
revolve, rotate, whirl, spin
around, be inverted, be turned
Cingulula, vt., to invert, turn
around, reverse, whirl around,
spin around,
Cinka, v., to guess.
Cinkete, 7, n., a kind of bamboo
or reed found in the forest and
used for making fence.
Cinkutu, 7, n. (Lower Congo),
coat, dress, shirt,
diboko dia c., sleeve.
Cinsanki, 7, n., native cloth made
from the fibre of palm leaves.
The ‘cinsanki means several
single pieces of the didiba
sewed together.
Cinsenga, 7, w., sweet potato.
Cinsonkela, 7, w., cricket.
Cinsonxi, 7, n., a tear (from the
c, as suhj. of hatuka or tuka, to
shed a tear.
Cinsukunsuku, 7, n., hiccough.
Cintinyi, 7, n., a thing the name of
which you have forgotten or
do not know or do not care
to trouble with mentioning.
§ 353. Rem.
Cintu, 7, w., thing, something,
object, article, material.
-a bintu, rich, wealthy.
bintu(/>/.), goods, stuff, riches,
possessions, wealth, property,
substance, means, mammon,
bintu bia buhianyi, inheritance,
bintu bia buku, dowry,
bintu bionso, everything,
c. cia kuenza n’aci, tool, im-
plement, machine, instrument.
Cintumbindi, 7, w., a kind of ante-
Cintunte, 7, n., an ant making
large hills. These are edible.
Cinu, 7, w., knee.
tua binu hanxi, to kneel.
Cinu, 7, M., mortar (in which corn,
cassava roots, etc., are beaten).
Cinu, 7, n., spool.
Cinunu, 7, n., thousand.
Cinyangu, 7, n.{jrom nyanga, to
abuse), abuse, cruelty, tyranny,
brutality, despotism, inhuman-
ity, afifiiction, oppression, ill-
treatment, maltreatment, mean-
ness, heartlessness, merciless
ness, pitilessness, unkindness,
unmercifulness, persecution.
-a c., cruel, mean, merciless, in-
human, pitiless, heartless, op-
pressive, despotic, tyrannical,
unkind, unmerciful, brutal,
muena c., tyrant, brute, despot.
Cinyanu, 7, w., emaciation, thin-
ness, leanness, haggardness,
di ne or uma followed by c., to
be emaciated, be lean, be thin,
be haggard, waste away.
Cinyenga, 7, «., constipation, cos-
di ne c., to be constipated, be
Cinyi, interrog. pro., what? what
is the matter? wLat for?
why? for what reason? for
what cause ? for what pur-
pose? § 175, Rem. I.
Cinyindanyinda, 7, n.{pl. gener-
ally used), dregs, sediment.
Cinyixa, vt., make afraid, frighten,
terrify, alarm, excite, horrify,
intimidate, scare, terrorize,
Cinyu, 7, n., bladder.
Cinyuka, 7, n., wadding for gun.
Cinyumankole, 7, n., oyster.
Ciole, 7, n., famine, starvation.
Ciombe, 7, n., cassava root, manioc,
c. ciampete, dried but unsoaked
cassava root.
Ciombo, 7, n., copper or iron made
into crosses.
See note under copper.
Cionda, 7, n., emaciation, leanness,
thinness, haggardness,
di ne or uma followed by c., tO
Cionda {continued).
be emaciated, be lean, be thin,
be haggard, waste away,
Ciondo, 7, w., a drum made by
hollowing out a log.
Ciono, 7, w., a snore, sound or
noise or roar or report of wind
or rain or falls,
Cioto, 7, M., clan, tribe, nation,
Cisabatu, 7, n.{from Portuguese),
shoe, boot.
Cisabu, 7, n., ford, ferry, crossing,
passage, place where landing
is made for ferry.
Clsabukilu, 7, w., ford, ferry,
passage of a stream, crossing,
place where landing is made
at a ferry.
Cisaki, 7, w., twig.
Cisaku, 7, n., comb (for hair).
Cisala, 7, n., brushwood, brush,
Cisalu, 7, n., market, sale,
Cisamba, 7, »., clan, nation, tribe,
-a c. cikuabo, foreign, of another
muena c. cikuabo, a foreigner
Cisambu, 7, n., yam (wild),
Cisambusambu, 7, w., a shelter
thrown up hastily.
Cisamuinu, 7, w., comb (for hair).
Cisanga, 7, n., island.
Cisangi, 7, «., bunch or hand of
bananas or plantains.
Cisanji, 7, n., harp, organ, harmo-
nium, a musical instrument.
The common native instru-
ment bearing this name is
made by fastening small pieces
of iron of different lengths to a
piece of wood which has been
hollowed out.
Cisasa, 7, loft.
Cisasa, 7, n., crawfish.
Cisasankala, 7, «., crawfish.
Cls6ba, 7, n., skin, hide, leather.
Ciseke, 7, «., convulsion, fit,
epileptic fit, spasm, insensi-
bility or unconsciousness from
fit or convulsion,
fua or haluka with c., to faint,
have a fit or convulsion or
spasm, be unconscious or.
insensible from fit or con-
vulsion, swoon.
See note under cifuidixe.
Cisenze, 7, n., a garden or patch
made in the swamp or marsh
in dry season.
Cisi, 7, «.(Eng.), cheese.
Cisikit, 7, w.(Eng.), biscuit.
Cisonso, 7, n.{pl. generally used),
dirt, trash, filth, impurity,
refuse, debris, rubbish, stuff,
waste, garbage, weeds.
Cisoso, 7, n.{pl. generally used), tall
grass used in covering houses.
Cisote, 7, n., chaff.
Cisu, 7, n., blossom, bloom, flower.
Cisua, 7, n., nest of fowl.
Cisuasua, 7, w., want, wish, desire.
There is generally the idea of
being uncertain as to what
one really wants. § 356 {g).
Cisuba, 7, n., tuft of hair.
Cisui, 7, n., axe.
kasui(dfmm.), hatchet.
Cisuka, 7, n., a long basket.
Cisuku, 7, n., tall grass.
-a c., wild (as animal).
Cisululu, 7, n., sweat, perspiration,
hatuka or tuka with c., to sweat,
Cisulusulu, 7, n., lung.
Cisumba, 7. n., trading (buying
and selling),
muena c., trader, merchant.
Cisumbu, 7, n., crowd, assembly,
concourse, congregation, band,
bunch, sheaf, bundle, pack,
package, roll, company, class,
group, drove, flock, herd,
host, meeting, multitude,
swarm, throng, party, society,
lua c., to assemble, come to-
gether, congregate.
Cisuna, 7, vagiiia(?). ^
Cisuiisukila, 7, n., crumb.
Cisusu, 7, n., fist.
kuma or tua or tuta with c., to
strike or hit a blow with fist.
Citabala, 7, n., wakefulness,
lala c., not to sleep well, keep
awake, be sleepless, be wakeful.
Citadilu, 7, n., porch, veranda.
Citaku, 7, n., base, bottom, butt
end, rear end, hind part, stern.
Citalu, 7, n., corpse, dead body of
person, carcass.
Citambala, 7, n., a small piece or
strip of cloth less than a
fathom, towel, rag.
c. cia ha mesa, napkin, serviette.
Citanda, 7, n., an open shed.
Citandi, 7, n., a child about three
or four years old.
Citanga, 7, w., a circle or ring (as
Citedi, 7, n.{pl. generally used),
joke, jest, humor, fun.
ela bitedi, to joke, have fin
with, jest with.
Citekuteku, 7, n., a kind of greens.
Citelele, 7, n., chilliness, coldness,
coolness, shade, dampness,
moisture, wetness, humidity,
di ne c., to be chilly, be cold, be
cool, be damp, be moist, be
wet, be humid.
Some say citalele.
Citema, 7, n., used as card, num.,
Citila, 7, n., cock, rooster, male of
c. cibedi, first cock to crow in the
ha bitila, at cockcrowmg, early
Citokatoka, 7, w., albino. §365 (g).
Citonga, 7, w., gourd cut crosswise.
Citu, 7, n., stinginess, parsimony,
selfishness, meanness as result
-a c., stingy, parsimonious,
selfish, mean.
Some say citue.
Citudilu, 7, n., blacksmith shop,
Cituha, 7, n., a bit or small piece
or division or part or fragment
or portion or section cut off,
a short time, minute, moment,
short while, before long.
-a c., low, short, runty, stunted,
kosa bituha, to cut into pieces,
muntu wa c., a dwarf, under-
sized person, runt.
Contrast with cihesu.
Cituka, 7, n., the waist.
Ciula, 7, 11., toad.
Ciululu, 7, n., cloud (not dark or
Ciin. a, 7, n.{pl. generally used),
;^cods, fortune, wealth, stuff,
possessions, property, means,
riches, substance, mammon.
-a biuma, rich, wealthy.
Ciuxa, 7, n., abscess, boil, ulcer,
Civuadi, 7, n., pot, kettle, vessel,
Cixaxi, 7, n., mat made by the
Cixi, 7, n., anger, wrath, indigna-
tion, bad humor, vexation,
passion, fierceness, ferocity,
rage, fury, madness, grief,
melancholy, sadness, sorrow,
penitence, regret, remorse,
di ne c. or nnva c. or ufua c. or
kuaeika c. or c. as subj. of
kuata, to be angry, be mad,
be aggravated, be indignant,
be irritable, be ferocious, be
fierce, be raging, be furious,
be vexed, be worried, be an-
noyed, be provoked, be in a
passion, be sad, be melan-
choly, be sorry, be sorrowful,
regret, repent, pine,
kuaeixa or ufuixa with c., to
make angry or mad or indig-
nant, displease, enrage, anger,
annoy, exasperate, aggravate,
worry, provoke, throw into a
passion, irritate, tease, tanta-
Cixi {continued).
lize, torment, trouble, vex,
Ctxi, 7, w., insect, bee, fly, bug,
caterpillar, worm, creeping thing,
Cixiba, 7, w., whistle, flute.
Cixibiku, 7, w., anything used to
stop up or shut up, cork, cover,
lid, stopper.
Cixiki, 7, w., door-post, post in wall
of house.
Cixikidilu, 7, w., destination, end,
limit, termination, terminus.
Cixikixiki, 7, n., dregs, sediment.
PI. generally used.
Cixiku, 7, n., disobedience, insub-
ordination, stubbornness, ob-
stinacy, heedlessness, refrac-
toriness, wilfulness, negligence,
-a c., disobedient, insubordinate,
stubborn, obstinate, heedless,
refractory, unmanagable, un-
ruly, intractable, wilful, negli-
gent, neglectful.
Cixiluxilu, 7, n., fern.
Cixondu, 7, n., snapping of the
tuta c., to snap the finger.
Ciyuya, 7, w., warmth, heat, tepid-
ness, lukewarmness,
c. cia mi, steam,
di ne c., to be warm, be tepid,
be lukewarm.
Cizubu, 7, n., bark, shuck, hull,
husk, peel, skin, rind, shell of
egg or nut or seed or terrapin.
Di, 5, n.{pl. is me), word, direc-
tion, message, command,
order, ordinance, command-
ment, exhortation, informa-
tion, news, proclamation, dis-
course, statement, assertion,
sound of music, speech voice,
echo {with the verbs elekexa or
Di {continued).
-a d. dimue, reliable, trust-
worthy, truthful, consistent,
amba d., to deliver a message,
issue a proclamation or decree,
ambuluxa or ambulula or ban-
dixa or kalexa with d., to
raise the voice, talk louder,
d. dikise, high tone or voice,
d. dinine, low tone, bass voice,
d. as sub], of hata or xibala, to
be hoarse.
hunga d., to make an agreement
or covenant or contract,
tekexa or huekexa with d., to
lower the voice.
tumina muntu d., to send a
person a message.
Di, inter jec., see § 437 {b).
Di, 5, n.{pl. is me), heart.
Di, vi., to be, exist.
d. ne, to have, possess, own,
d. ne with bundu or bunvu, to
be ashamed, be bashful, be
mortified, etc.
d. ne cixi, to be angry, be mad,
d. newith difu or dimi, to be with
d. neluoxi, to be vicious (as dog),
d. ne muoyo, to be alive, be
d. with mua and infin., to be
able, can, be capable, be possi-
ble, be qualified, be compe-
tent, have power to.
d. with Locatives Suffixed, to
be alive, be present. § 320.
The neg. is ena.
Di, 5, n.{pl. is mai), egg.
ela d., to lay an egg.
The dimin. is kai.
Dia, vt., to eat, consume, devour,
subsist on.
-a kudia, edible,
bia kudia, food, victuals, nour-
ishment, meal.
d. bukelenge, to become chief,
succeed to chiefship.
Dia {continued).
d. cinana, to squander, to ex-
haust, to spend, to waste,
d. luhiku, to bet, wager,
d. maxinde, to graze.
Diacimue, 5, n., used as adv., at one
time, at the same time, simulta-
neously. § 95 (b), Rem. 2.
Diaha, 5, 71^ shoulder.
Diakamue, 5, n., used as adv.,
once, one time, at the same
time, simultaneously. § 95
(ft), Rem. I.
Diala, 5, n., place for throwing
rubbish, dunghill.
Dialu, 5, n., magic, riddle, puzzle,
enigma, sleight-of-hand trick,
muena d., magician.
Diamba, 5, n., Indian hemp. This
is smoked by the natives with
injurKAs effect.
Diarnbedi, 5, n., used as adv., long
ago, before, in advance, first,
foremost, beforehand, in old
times, once upon a time, re-
mote or distant times, long
since, long time ago.
amba d. bualii kabui buanze
kulua, to foretell, prophesy,
sungula d., to foreordain, pre-
Dianda, v., to run against.
Diangana, v.{withmen\i, teeth), to
grit or grind or gnash the teeth,
d. mukana, to move the lips
without speaking.
Dianjila, v., to be or do or go in
advance or before, anticipate,
come or do first or previously,
be forward or foremost in
doing, lead the way, precede,
d. kuenza, to invent,
d. kumona, to discover.
This word is joUowed by in 'fin.
May also be spelled dianxila.
Dianva, 5, n., an ear of Indian corn
or maize. The pi. is used to
express quantity either of ears
or shelled corn.
Diata, v., to step, tread, tramp,
d. mu dikusa, to step on, tread
on, tramp on, trample on.
Diba, 5, 7 i.(pl. is meba), sun; has
secondary meanmg of clock,
d. dia hankuci or d. as subj. of
jalama, noon, midday,
d. dicidiku, there is plenty of
d. with ki? or hanyi? what
time ? what o’clock ? when?
what hour ?
d. as subj. oj uhuka, afternoon,
d. as subj. oj kumbana, to be
time for.
Dibala, 5, n., bald head.
Dibamba, 5, w., scale of fish.
Dibaudala, 5, n., flag.
Dibanza, 5, n., debt, account,
d. as subj. oj kuata, to owe a
debt, lit., a debt has caught one.
di ne or angata with d. dia, to
be in debt to, owe.
enza d., to incur a debt,
fucila d., to make atonement for.
ha d., to credit.
Dibanzixa, 5, n., the act of bring-
ing the bride to the home of
the bridegroom.
bidia bia d., marriage or wedding
Dibaxi, 5, «., spot, speck, dot. '
di ne mabaxi, to be spotted, be
speckled, be variegated,
ena ne mabaxi, to be spotless,
be unspotted.
Dibedi, 5, n., sickness, disease,
malady, illness, pain, affliction,
bad health, pang, suffering.
See disama.
Dibele, 5, n., breast, udder, teat,
mutu wa d. or lusongo lua d.,
nipple of breast.
Note that the pi. means milk as
well as breasts.
Dibexi, 5, 7 i., leaf of tree or book,
page, sheet of paper, blade of
Dibika, x/.(Buk., I5^ pers. sing.),
used in greeting and salutation.
Diblya, 5, n., board, plank.
muena niablya, carpenter, saw-
Dibodio, 5, n., pouch of animal,
crop of fowl.
Diboko, 5, n., arm of person,
fore leg or front leg of quad-
d. dia bakuxi, left arm.
d. dia balumi, right arm.
d. dia with cikowela or cin-
kutu, sleeve.
Dibondo, 5, n., a kind of palm.
Dibotc, 5, «., banana, either whole
bunch or single fruit.
Dibu, 5, n., lump, clod.
Dibuba, 5, n., blister or lump made
by fire or hot water.
Dibuba, 5, «., cloud.
Dibue, 5, n., stone, rock, flint,
bead, slate.
d. dia kunuona, grindstone,
d dia uvula, hailstone,
muci wa d., slate-pencil.
Dibue, 5, n , the most common
species of oil palm.
Dibui, 5, n., wasp-nest (made of
Dibuka, 5, marriage, matrimony,
wedding, wedlock,
d. as subj. of fua, to be divorced,
lit., the marriage is dead,
xiha d., to divorce, to break the
ya ku d., to marry (used only of
the woman).
Dibulu, 5, n., ball (of rubber),
lump (of salt, earth, etc.).
Dibulunge, 5, n., ball, globe,
-ad., round, spherical.
From bulunga, to be round.
Dibumba, 5, n., clay or earth for
making pots.
Dibungi, 5, n., fog, mist.
Dici, 5, n.(pl. is meci), day.
See dituku.
Dicu, 5, n., ear.
nyongo’a d., drum of ear.
telexa niacu, to attend, listen,
be attentive.
Didiba, 5, n., native cloth made
from the fibre of palm leaves,
kuma d., to weave.
Didinga, 5, n.{pl. is madingi), lie,
falsehood, untruth, hypocri-
sy, untruthfulness, unrelia-
-a madingi, unreliable, untruth-
muena madingi, liar, hypocrite,
fraudulent person.
Dieba, 5, n., thorn, bone of fish
(generally the rib).
Dieleka, vi., to agree, match, con-
form to, correspond to, be
adapted to, be • itable, be
alike, be even, be proper, be
similar, be same kind or
species or variety, fit, suit, be
enough or adequate or suffi-
cient, suflEice, be exact.
neg. means to be unlike, differ,
be different, be divers, be
diverse, vary, be insufficient or
Diese, 5, n., fortune, good luck,
di ne d., fortunate, lucky,
ena ne d., unfortunate, unlucky.
Difu, 5, n., abdomen, stomach,
belly, perhaps womb.
-a mu d., the family of.
d. dia mukolo, calf of leg.
di ne d., to be with child, be
imita d., to conceive,
tula, d., to abort, miscarry.
Difuanda, 5, n., gunpowder.
Difuka, 5, n., handful, a small
pile or heap (such as can be
held in the two hands).
Difukenya, 5, n., loose sand, dirt
Difuku, 5, n., day.
See dituku.
Difuma, 5, n., spear, lance.
Difunka, 5, n., two fathoms of cloth
(4 yds.), one half of a piece.
Difutu, 5, n., pay, salary, pay-
ment, remuneration, reward,
compensation, earnings, wage,
wages, anything due, bribe, fee,
fine, penalty, expense,
angata d., to earn,
bandixa d., to advance wages,
huekexa d., to decrease wages.
Diha, 5, 71 ., benevolence, charity,
liberality, generosity, unselfish-
-a d., liberal, generous, un-
selfish, benevolent,
d. dia luse, alms.
Dihaha, 5, n., deafness. 7/ perso 7 i
is deaf in one ear use siiig.,
if in both ears use pi.
-a niahaha, deaf.
Dihahi, 5, n., papaw. From Eng.
Dihahu, 5, n., wing.
Dihanda, 5, n., a kind of palm.
Dihangu, 5, 7 i., exhaustion, fatigue,
weakness, tiredness, weariness,
Sometimes spelled dihungi.
Dihasa, 5, 11., used in ph. muana
wa mahasa, to mean twin.
Dihembu, 5, n.{pl. is generally
used), smell, odor, scent. May
be good or bad odor.
Dihi, 5, n., a blow with open hand,
slap, smack.
tua or kuma or tuta with d., to
stri e or hit with open hand,
slap, smack, spank.
Dihi, 5, n., razor.
Dihilu, 5, n., rafter.
Dihoko, 5, n., notch.
Dihondo, 5, n., knot of stick.
Dihu, 5, n., knot of stick.
Dihula, 5, 71 ., honeycomb, bees-
wax, wax.
Dihusa, 5, n., wadding for gun.
Diinyi, 5, n., leaf of tree or book,
page, sheet of paper, blade of
Diinyi, 5, 7 t., fat or grease of animal,
laba minyi, to grease,
minyi a ngombe, butter.
Diinyi {continued).
The sing, is used to express
either a small quantity of fat
or the unrendered fat, whereas
the pi. expresses the idea either
of a large quantity of fat or
the rendered oil or grease.
Dijimba, 5, n., pit for catching
Dijimbu, 5, n., magic, riddle, puz-
zle, enigma, sleight-of-hand
muena d., magician.
May be spelled dixinibu.
Dijinga, vi., to be entangled, i.e.,
to entangle one’s self.
Dijita, 5, n., knot of string (gener-
ally a hard knot).
Dika, vi., to pass or go by or ahead
Dikaci, 5, n., honeycomb, beeswax,
Dikadi, 5, a kind of palm.
Dikaka, 5, 7 i., pineapple.
Dikaia, 5, 7 i., charcoal, coal of fire.
Dikalu, 5, n.{from Portuguese),
\vheel. Ge 7 ierally used of the
stern -wheel of steamers.
Dikama, 5, n., paw or foot of
animal, such as dog, cat, etc.;
track or trace or trail or print
of the paw; footprint.
londa makama, to track, trace,
Dikaniakama, 5, n., impoliteness,
shamelessness, effrontery, im-
modesty, impertinence, sauci-
ness, arrogance, impudence, in-
decency, ingratitude, ungrate-
fulness, audacity, disrespect,
-a d., arrogant, saucy, immodest,
shameless, impertinent, disre-
spectful, impudent, indecent,
ungrateful, audacious, impolite,
ena d., to be modest, be humble.
Dikanda, 5, n., strength, energy
force, might, ability.
PI. generally used.
■ Dikanda, 5, n., a snarl, growl.
ela makanda, to growl, snarl.
PL generally used.
Dikangala, 5, w., guinea-fowl.
Dikeha, 5, w., shoulder-blade.
Dikela, 5, «., a hole through some-
thing, a leak, rent, perfora-
tion; hence a window,
tubuka d., to spring a leak.
Dikela, 5,-W., egg.
ela d., to lay an egg.
IM: Dikengexa, 5, w., punishment, chas-
y tisement, suffering, retribution.
m Dikenka, 5, n., light or brightness
K of fire or moon, moonlight.
H From v. kenka.
■m Dikiki, 5, w., eyebrow.
S Dikima, 5, n., bravery, courage,
jS fortitude, boldness, valor.
di ne or teka with d. to be brave,
be fearless, be courageous, be
daring, be bold, be valiant.
Dikixa, vt., to let pass by.
Dikiya, 5 n., shoulder.
Dikoba, 5, w., skin of human body.
Dikodi, 5, n., phlegm. PI. gener-
ally used.
Dikoko, 5, «., deformity in the
back, humpback.
Dikolo, 5, site of deserted
Dikoyabolo, 5, n., ankle bone.
Diku, 5, n., cola nut (eaten with
palm wine).
Diku, 5, n.{pl. meku), fireplace,
Diku, 5, w., a kind of palm.
Dikubakuba, 5, n., clap of thunder,
uvula as subj. oj kuma and d.
as obj., to thunder (clap).
Dikubu, 5, n., a kind of grub worm
Dikuha, vi., to flap about (as cloth
in the wind), swing, sway,
vibrate, wave to and fro,
Dikukumina, 5, n., stuttering,
stammering, impediment in
muena d., stammerer, stutterer.
Dikumbi, 5, n, umbrella.
d. dia bulobo, railway train,
d. dia mi, steamer, steamboat,
vessel, ship.
nxila wa dikumbi dia bulobo,
railway track.
Dikumbu, 5, w., large basket with
top made by Zappo Zapps.
Dikumi, used as card, num.,
Dikunga, vi., to assemble, come
together, congregate.
Dikunxi, 5, «., leg of table or chair,
pillar, posts for support of
Dikuonde, 5 n., plantain (whole
bunch or single fruit).
Dikuonya, vi., to shrink as in fear.
Dikusa, 5, n., foot, hammer of
gun, trail or trace or mark
made by foot, footprint,
d. dibi, bad fortune, bad luck,
misfortune, mishap,
d. dimpe, fortune, good luck,
di ne d. dibi, to be unfortunate,
be unlucky.
di ne d. dimpe, to be fortunate,
be lucky.
di ne d. kudi muntu, to have
favor or influence with a
kuma d., to stumble, trip, stump
the foot.
londa makusa, to track, trace,
munda mua d., sole of foot,
munu munine wa d., great toe.
munu wa d., toe.
tua d., to kick.
Dikusa, 5, n., a rattle used as
musical instrument.
Dikutu, 5, n.{jrom kuta, to bale),
bale, bundle, large package or
pack or roll, the canvas or
wrapper around a bale.
Dila, V., to cry, grieve, wail, w'eep,
lament, mourn, pine for, be-
wail, bemoan, bawl, bellow,
bleat, croak, whine, roar (lion),
bray, squeal, tick (watch).
Dila, 5, n., intestine, entrail, gut;
the pi. means bowels, viscera.
Dilala, 5, n., lime (fruit). From
Lower Congo.
Dilala, 5, w., leaf of palm (dikadi
and dibondo). These are
sewed together and used for
covering houses.
Dilandi, 5, w., snail.
Dilebele, 5, w.(Buk.), jigger.
Dilesa, 5, n., a kind of European
Dilesona, 5, w.(Eng.), lesson.
Dileta, 5, w.(Eng.), letter of alpha-
bet, type.
Dilexa, v., to show off one’s self, be
pompous, be proud, be haugh-
ty, be vain, strut.
Dilobo, 5, n., ford, ferry, passage
or crossing of stream, place
where landing is made at a
Dilolo, 5, n., afternoon, evening,
bidia bia d., supper,
dinda to ne d., all day long.
Dilonga, 5, n.{perhaps jrom Lower
Congo), dish, plate, pan, basin,
bowl, saucer.
Dilongexa, 5, «., catechumen class,
muena d., catechumen,
mukanda wa d., catechism.
Dilu, 5, n.{pl. ts melu), nose,
muxuku wa d., nostril.
Dilu, 5, w., dream, vision.
lata d., to dream, have a
Dilunda, 5, n., mountain peak.
Dima, 5, n.{pl. is mema), clay
or earth used in making
Dima, v., to hoe, cultivate, dig or
cut up grass with hoe, work,
labor, toil, till.
See note under labor.
Dimata, 5, n., drop of water.
Dimba, ■y/.(Buk.), to tell a lie or
falsehood or untruth, be false,
deceive, beguile, trick, bear
false witness, fabricate, entice
by lying.
Dimbila, v^.(Buk.), to tell a false-
hood or lie on one, bear false
witness against, accuse falsely.
Dimbixa, ‘z;.(Buk.), to feign, pre-
tend, profess.
Dime, 5, n., dew.
Dimeme, 5, n., sweetness to taste,
-a d., sweet.
Dimi, 5, n.{pl. wmemi), womb(?).
Perhaps same meaning as dif u.
di lie d., to be with child, be
imita d., to conceive.
Diminu, 5, n., seed; hence second-
ary meaning of fruitfulness,
di ne d., to be fertile, be pro-
ductive (as male or female in
producing young), be fruitful,
be prolific, be fecund.
This word generally has the idea
oj seed for planting.
Diminu, 5, n., throat.
kuata ha d., to choke (as food),
taluxa or holexa with ha d., to
satisfy or slake or appease or
quench thirst.
Dimoma, 5, «., fruit.
mamoma a kuenza n’a followed
by vinyo or maluvu a mputu,
This word is used only with ref-
erence to such fruits as grow on
trees or shrubs, it can therefore
not be applied to bananas or
plantains or pineapples.
Dimoma, 5, n., rust, corrosion,
kuata d., to rust, be rusty, cor-
Dimpompo, 5, n., drop of water.
Dimuka, vi., to be on one’s guard,
be wary, be warned, be cau-
tioned, beware, take heed, take
precaution, be prudent, be cun-
ning, be wily, be sagacious, be
sharp, be shrewd, be skilful, be
sly, be subtle, be vigilant,
watch out, look out, be wise,
be on the alert, be artful.
Dimuke, adj.(p.p. jrom dimuka),
crafty, cunning, sly, wily, wary,
prudent, sagacious, sharp,
shrewd, skilful, subtle, vigilant,
wise, artful, cautious.
Dimuxa, vt., to caution, warn, put
on one’s guard, inform, ad-
monish, counsel, make aware,
Dina, vi., to dive, sink, plunge
down in,
Dina, 5, n.{pl. wraena), hole in the
ground, pit.
Dina, 5, n.(pl. is mena), name,
d. diaci ncinganyi ? what is its
name ?
d. diebi nganyi ? what is your
Dinana, v., to stretch one’s self.
Dinanga, 5, n., affection, love, de-
Dinaya, 5, n., game, play.
Dincese, 5, n., match. This word
is colloq. jrom Eng. match.
§ 55, Rem. 2, Note 2,
Dinda, 5, n., early in the morning,
about sunrise, little after dawn,
soon in the morning,
bidia bia d., breakfast,
butuku to ne d., all night long,
d. to ne dilolo, all day long,
d. to ne ku munda munya,
Dinga, vt., to tell a lie or falsehood
or untruth, be false, deceive,
beguile, trick, bear false wit-
ness, fabricate, entice by lying.
Dingila, vt., to tell a lie or false-
hood on one, bear false witness
against, accuse falsely.
Dingiia, v., to aim (gun).
Dingixa, v., to feign, pretend, pro-
Dingonge, 5, n., a large beetle.
Dingulunge, 5, n., a wasp.
Dinkidingila, 5, n., gizzard.
Sometimes pronounced dinku-
Dintanta, 5, n., impertinence, im-
politeness, sauciness, impu-
Dintanta {continued).
dence, immodesty, shameless-
ness, indecency, ingratitude,
ungratefulness, disrespect, ar-
rogance, effrontery, audacity,
-a d., immodest, shameless, im-
pertinent, saucy, impudent,
impolite, indecent, ungrateful,
disrespectful, arrogant, auda-
cious, irreverent,
ena ne d., to be modest, be
Dintonya, 5, n., bend, crook,
Dintumbu, 5, n., gizzard.
Dinu, 5, n.{pl. menu), tooth,
diangana or zekexa with menu,
to grit or grind the teeth,
di ne menu, to be sharp (as
disama dia d., toothache,
fua menu, to be dull,
ku menu, the sharp edge of a
xiha menu, to make dull.
Dinung, ■y.(Bukuba, istpers. sing.),
used in greeting or salutation.
Dinunganyi, 5, n.(pl. generally
used), whisper, undertone, a
low noise, murmur, faint
Dinungu, 5, n., joint,
d. dia munu, knuckle.
Dinyongele, 5, n., milleped (long
black worm found in forests).
Dinyungixa, v., reflex., to shake
one’s self.
Dinyungu, 5, n., dizziness, faint-
ness, giddiness.
di ne d., to be dizzy, be faint, be
d. dia mi, whirlpool.
Diodiono, adv., at once, directly,
immediately, instantly, before
long, now, presently, soon,
Diolola, V. reflex., to stretch one’s
Dioto, 5, n., a skin disease which
appears as w’hitish patches on
the neck, arms and chest.
Diowa, V., rejiex., to hang one’s self,
to commit suicide by hanging.
Dio.xi, 5, n., pumpkin.
^vlay be spelled dioji.
Disaba, 5, n., game, play.
Disama, 5, «., sickness, disease,
malady, illness, pain, affliction,
bad health, pang, suffering,
d. dia dinu, toothache.
Disanga, vi., to assemble, come
together, congregate, meet to-
gether, gather together.
Disangu, 5. n.{pl- generally used),
fork or meeting place of rivers
or paths, junction, confluence.
Disanka, 5, n., pride, haughtiness,
conceit, vanity; we have also
another class oj meanings such
as contentment, happiness, joy,
pleasure, gladness.
Disanza, 5, class, group, crowd,
Disasakata, 5, «., impatience
Diseke, 5, w., bridge made of
Dlsele, 5, n., a tall coarse grass.
Disemba, w.(Eng.), December.
Disilabel, 5, w.(Eng.), syllable.
Disohokela, vi., the accidental or
unintentional discharging of a
gun or springing of a trap.
Sometimes pronounced disuhu-
Disoka, 5, w., noose for catching
Disoladi, 5, n.(Jroni Portuguese),
masoladi(/»/.), army.
Disongo, 5, n., sharpened stick or
stake fastened in pit to impale
Disonguela, v., to confess, own up,
acknowledge one’s guilt.
Disoso, 5, w., hole punched through
something, a leak, rent, per-
Disoso {continued).
tiibuka d., to spring a leak,
tubula d., to bore a hole, pierce
Disu, 5, n.{pl. mesu), eye of body
or of needle, germ or embryo
of seed, nipple of gun.
d. dia mbote, buttonhole,
d. dia nsahi, keyhole,
di ku mesu, to look, appear, seem
, to be before one’s face; as,
cilulu cidi cimpe ku mesu,
the cloth appears to be good,
ku mesu kua, in the presence of.
mesu {pi.), visage,
tonkena or ondela with mu d.,
to show' white of the eye as
uma mud., to be immodest, be
shameless, be indecent, be
Disua, vi., to boast, brag, be
haughty, be proud, be con-
ceited, be impertinent, be im-
pudent, be insolent, be immod-
est, be shameless, be saucy, be
selfish, be vain, vaunt one’s
self, be arrogant, be auda-
cious, be egotistical, be pomp-
neg. means to be humble, be
Disua, 5, n., love, affection, devo-
Disua, 5, n., nest of birds, rats etc.
Disundu, 5, n., fist.
kuma or tua or tuta with d., to
strike or hit a blow with fist.
Disungu, 5, «., abscess, boil,
sw’elling, ulcer.
Ditadi, 5, «. (Lower Congo), slate,
muci wa d., slate-pencil.
Ditaku, 5, n., buttock.
Ditala, 5, n., an ear of Indian corn
or maize. The pi. is used to
express quantity either oj ears
or shelled corn.
Ditama, 5, n., cheek.
Ditamba, 5, arm of tree, branch,
bough, limb.
Ditambue, 5, a small rodent.
Ditanda, 5, bench or seat made
of palm ribs.
Ditemena, vi., to give forth hght,
gleam, shine, glow.
Ditende, 5, «., cannon.
Ditenge, 5, n., buttock.
Ditete, 5, grain of corn or
millet or salt, seed.
Ditetembue, 5, n., wasp.
Ditoba, 5, w., spot, speck, dot.
di He matoba, to be spotted, be
speckled, be variegated,
ena ne matoba, to be spotless,
be unspotted.
Ditonte, adj.(p.p. of tonta, to
bend), to be deformed or bent,
be humpbacked.
Ditonya, V., to fold or bend (as one’s
legs in sitting man-fashion).
Ditu, 5, n.{pl. metu), bush, forest,
wood or woods.
nyuma wa muitu (§ 47, Rem.),
wild animal.
Ditu, 5, n., ear.
See dicu.
Ditua, 5, n., small black ant-hill,
Dituaya, 5, n.(Jrom Portuguese),
Dituku, 5, w., day.
-amatuku onso, immortal, ever-
d. dia Santa Klas, Christmas
d. ki ? when ? what day ?
matuku followed by a ku mpala
or a kumudilu, hereafter,
henceforth, future,
matuku bungi munyi? what
age? how old? how long?
matuku male, long time, long
matuku mihi, short time, short
matuku onso or ku d. ku d.,
always, ceaselessly, constantly,
continually, endlessly, eternity,
eternally, ever, forever, in-
cessantly, perpetually, daily,
day by day, habitually.
Dituku {continued).
matuku onso with neg. v., never
For days of the week see Eng.-
B.L. under week.
Ditula, 5, n., a species of snake.
Ditumba, 5, n., corner of house,
Ditunga, 5, n., village, town, city.
See musoko.
Ditungu, 5, w., grain of corn, seed.
Dituta, V. reflex., to run against.
Ditutu, 5, 11., cloud.
Diula, vt., to condemn, denounce,
censure, not to praise, re-
nounce, deny, disown, neglect.
Diula, V., to tear off one’s loin
Diulu, 5, n., sky, firmament,
-a d., celestial, heavenly,
hankuci ha d., zenith.
Diulu, 5, «., nose,
muxuku wa d., nostril.
Diunda, vi., to grow, grow large or
stout, get fat or corpulent,
increase in size, develop, wax
Diundixa, vt., to add to, broaden,
widen, enlarge, fatten, in-
crease, exaggerate.
Diunguixa, vi., to assemble, come
together, congregate, meet to-
gether, gather together.
Divuala, 5, n., wave (water), billow'.
Divunga, v. reflex., to fold or bend
one’s arms or legs.
D!xa, vt., to feed, nourish, keep,
rear, give to eat, bring up.
This word when followed by the
abstract name of the office has
the idea of elect, appoint to
oflBce, confer office on, make.
Dili, 5. n.{pl. mexi), caterpillar,
w’orm. These are edible.
Dixia, 5, n., generally used as prep.
across, opposite side of, over.
It is generally preferable to add
the ph. dia muamua.
Dixiba, 5, n., lake, pond, inland sea.
Dixiha, v. reflex., to commit
Dixikamina, w., to sit alone. The
p.p. means free, not a slave;
as, muntu mudixikamine, a
freeman, free-born person.
Dixima, 5, n.{pl. is maximi), lie,
falsehood, untruth, fraud, hy-
pocrisy, untruthfulness, unre-
-a maximi, unreliable, untruth-
muena maximi, liar, hypocrite,
fraudulent person.
Dixina, 5, n., she-goat. One
which has borne young.
Dixinda, vi., to fall down (as per-
son tripping the foot).
Dixinde, 5, n., stalk or blade of
grass (the common short va-
riety), weed,
dia maxinde, to graze.
Dixindi, 5, n., large black ant.
They move in a line two or
three yards in length.
Dixonde, 5, n., small yellow fruit
growing on the plain.
Diyoyo, 5, n., trouble, tumult, dis-
turbance, noise, report, quar-
rel, row, wrangle, wrangling,
sound of noise, uproar, commo-
tion, fuss, hubbub, riot.
-a d., noisy, quarrelsome,
kosexa or xikixa with d., to
quell, hush, quiet, still,
lekela d., to stop the noise, be
quiet, be still.
teka d., to disturb, make trouble
or palaver, raise a tumult.
E, adv., yes.
Ebexa, vt., to ask a question, con-
sult, enquire, examine, inter-
rogate, question, demand (ask
a question).
e. muoyo, to give compliments
or regards or salutation or
greeting or respects, salute.
Ebexa {continued).
greet, hail, say adieu or fare-
well or good-bye.
Ebi, poss. pro., your, yours, thy,
thine. §§ 133, 135.
Ehela, v., to dodge.
Ehuka, vi., to get or move out of
the way, turn aside or out of
the path in order to pass or to
permit another to pass, glance
Some say ahuka.
Ehula, vt., to pull out, knock out
(as tooth).
Some say abula.
Eku, adv., here, hence, hither.
§ 163, Note 3.
Ela, vt., to cast, throw, pitch, blow
(any wind instrument).
e. bila, to cheer, shout, cry ol
e. bitedi, to joke, have fun with,
jest with.
e. bukanda, to give an enema,
e. citufu, to plot or plan secretly,
have secret consulation or
deliberation or conference.
e. cingoma, to fire or shoot a
e. cingoma hanxi, to miss aim
e. dikela, to lay an egg.
e. lubata, to argue, disagree,
have a controversy or discus-
sion or contention, differ in
view, dispute, quarrel, wrangle,
e. with lungenyi or mexi or
lukanyi or mucima, to think,
conceive, muse, consider, de-
liberate, meditate, reason, re-
flect, ponder.
e. with luximinyinyu or lusu-
muinu or muanu, to tell or
narrate a fable or story or
e. makanda, to growl or snarl
(as dog).
e. mate {or the sing, lute), to
spit, expectorate.
Ela {continued).
e. minyi, to anoint,
e. muau, to yawn, gape,
e. mucima, to covet, long for,
yearn for, think about,
e. with rauhanu or muklya, to
put on pants or trousers,
e. muhuya, to blow the breath,
e. mukandu, to make a pro-
hibitive law.
e. mukete, to shoot an arrow,
e. mukiya, to gird up the loins,
tuck up the cloth,
e. mukosa, to interfere in one’s
business, oppose, withstand,
e. mukuekue, to cackle,
e. mulau, to curse, doom, damn,
wash ill to, anathematize,
e. mu lukanu, to fetter, chain,
put in chains.
e. munda, to run off at the bowels,
have diarrhoea,
e. muosa, to whistle,
e. muoyo, to expect, look for,
hope for, give respects or com-
pliments or salutation or greet-
ing, salute, greet, hail, say
adieu or farewell or good-bye.
e. muxa, to break wind,
e. ngonga, to ring a bell,
e. nsahi, to lock,
e. nxobo, to gamble by tossing
seeds or other objects,
e. nyaci, to sneeze,
e. nyima, to turn one’s back on
Elangana, v. {derived from ela).
e. luhata {or pi. mpata), to
argue, disagree, have a con-
troversy or discussion, differ in
view, dispute, quarrel, wran-
gle, debate.
e. with lungenyi or mexi or
lukanyi or mucima, to think
about, consider, deliberate,
conceive, meditate, reason, re-
flect, muse, ponder.
Elekexa, vt., to try, test, attempt.
Strive, make an effort or trial.
Elekexa {continued).
endeavor, compare, illustrate,
liken, make even or exact or
the same or similar or like or
alike, make to fit or suit, adapt
to, match, take aim, aim (gun),
measure, take dimension, copy,
emulate, imitate, mimic, mock,
di(5), as subj. of e., to echo,
e. bujitu, to weigh,
e. kufunda muntu, to draw a
picture of a person,
e. lubilu, to run a race.
Elele, interjec., see § 437 (/).
Ema, vt., to cut incision in palm
tree so that the sap can flow
out, tap, get wine.
Emu, adv., here (inside), hence,
hither. § 163, Note 3.
Ena, w., not to be. This word is
the common neg. of di and
other verbs meaning to be.
§ 206, Rem.
Only a few of the more com-
mon expressions with ena are
here given:
e. mua kubala, to be countless,
be innumerable.
e. mua followed by infin., to be
impossible, be unable, be in-
competent, be incapable,
e. mua kuenza cintu, to be
e. ne, not to have, be out of,
lack, be destitute of, be with-
out, be wanting, need, be de-
ficient, be inadequate, be in-
e. with bukale or ngulu, to be
delicate, be not strong,
e. ne with matoba or mabaxi,
to be spotless.
e. with Locatives Suffixed^ to be
absent, be away. § 320.
Enda, vi., to advance, go, pass on,
proceed, progress, travel,
e. buenyi, to visit, go visiting,
e. ciendenda, to be a tramp or
vagabond or vagrant.
Enda (continued).
e. masandi, to commit adultery
or fornication.
e. mubande ha kabalu, to ride
on horse.
e. mu buanda, to ride in a
e. mu mi, to swim (as fish),
e. muxinga, to barter, buy and
sell, trade, deal in.
e, n’andi masandi, to seduce
e. ne mukolomo, to hop on
one foot, go with one knee
e. usemena, to go sidewise,
e. ivith the pres. part, of zobela
or tebuka, to walk lame, limp,
muoyo as subj. of e. with the
pers. as obj. (or ku muoyo
kudi kuenda), to be nauseous,
be sick at stomach.
Endakana, vi., to walk about,
wander about, go about from
place to place, roam, stray
about, stroll, travel about,
itinerate, meander, ramble,
e. with lumu as subj., to spread
Endangana, v., to have inter-
course one with another as in
trading, etc.
Endela, vt., to court, woo, long
e. ku eibangu, to walk with a
Endexa, vt., to hurry up, hasten,
expedite, urge on, make to go.
If the idea of haste is implied
use also the words lubilu or
e. ku muoyo, to nauseate, sicken,
make sick at the stomach,
e. lumu, to spread news.
Endulula, vt., when followed by
muxinga this word means to
go about buying and selling,
trade, barter.
e. muxinga muimpe, to gain by
trading, profit.
Enga, vt., to brew, boil or render
oil, evaporate (for salt),
e. malua, to malt.
Engelela, vi., to be bright, glisten,
glitter, shine, gleam, sparkle.
Engelexa, vt., to brighten, make to
glisten or shine.
Engula, vt., to skim off.
Enguluka, vi., to dissolve, melt,
, thaw.
Enu, poss. pro., your(/>/.), yours
W - §§ 133, 135*
Enza, vt., to do, make, form,
shape, construct, act, per-
form, effect, prepare, produce,
accomplish, commit,
dianjila kuenza, to invent,
e. bibi, to err, do wrong, trans-
gress, sin.
e. bimpe, to fix.
e. diban za, to incur a debt,
e. dijimbu, to do sleight of hand
trick, conjure.
ena niua kuenza cintu, to be
e. mudimu, to work, labor, toil,
e. with mu- followed insep. by
proper form of amba, to obey,
mind, observe, heed, hearken
to, be obedient to. § 465.
7 ieg. of e. with mu- followed i?isep.
by proper form of amba, to
disobey, be disobedient, be
heedless, be obstinant, be neg-
lectful, be negligent.
Enzela, vt., to do for, treat (well
ar ill).
e. bibi, to injure, harm, perse-
cute, do wrong to.
e. mudimu, to serve, work for.
Enzexa, vt., to help to do, assist,
aid, relieve, succor, urge on,
hurry or hasten one in doing.
If the idea of haste is understood
use also the words lubilu or
e. mudimu, to serve, work for.
Note that the idea of helping is
generally expressed by the Cau-
sative Form of the verb.
Etu, pass, pro., our, ours. §§ 133,
Eya, vi., to rest, be at ease, repose.
Eyakana, vi., to breathe rapidly,
Eyeka, vt., to leave in pawn, pawn,
pledge, to leave as guarantee
or pledge or security or surety.
Eyeka, vt., to lean something
against, to incline or slant
against, to set against.
Eyela, vi., to breathe, inhale, re-
spire, draw the breath.
Eyema, vi., to lean against, incline
against, slant against.
Sometimes pronounced eyama.
Eyemexa, vt., to lean against, in-
cline against, slant against.
Sometimes pronounced eyainexa.
Eyo, inter jec., see § 437 (c).
Febluale, w.(Eng.), February.
Fiekela, vt., to squeeze, press.
f. nxingu, to choke, throttle,
Fika, vi., to arrive, come to, ex-
tend to, reach.
f. ha buihi, to draw near to,
Fika, vi., to be or become black or
blue or dark or green or soiled
or dirty.
Flke, adj.(p.p. of fika, to be black),
black, blue, green, unclean,
dirty, soiled, filthy.
Fikixa, vt., to blacken, darken, de-
file, soil.
f. munda, to annoy, aggravate,
displease, anger, worry, en-
rage, exasperate, irritate, pro-
voke, tease, tantalize, torment,
trouble, vex.
Fikuluka, vi., to become green or
blue or any color approaching
Fikuluke, adj.(p.p. of fikuluka),
green, blue, any color ap-
proaching black.
Fila, vt., to accompany, go along
with, attend, bring one on the
way, come with, conduct,
Fila, vt., to pay over to.
Fimba, vt., to make or form or
shape (as pots, jars, pottery).
Sometimes pronounced fuimba.
Fina, vt., to throw down in wrest-
Finangana, v., to wrestle.
Finda, vi., to be cloudy, threaten
rain, lower.
Finga, vt., to cover a house, put
on roof, thatch.
Fingaluka, vi., to dissolve, melt,
Finuka, vi., to fall or slip acci-
dentally or unintentionally,
escape (as animal when held
with the hands), come untied,
slip loose, come undone or un-
Finukila, vi., the accidental or un-
intentional discharge of a gun,
go off accidentally.
Finuna, vt., to untie or undo (as a
bow knot), unfasten, unloose.
Finya, vt., to stuff.
Fita, vt., to scratch, make a
Fofa, vi., to be or become blind.
Fua, vi., to die, perish, expire, be
broken, be unconscious, be
insensible, be senseless,
f. with cifuidixe or cihuka, to
be insensible, be unconscious,
faint, swoon, be stunned, be
stupefied, smother,
f. with ciseke or tungulungu or
nkoyi, to have convulsion or
spasm or fit, convulse, faint,
be insensible or unconscious
from convulsion, etc. The
word nkoyi is used only of
t. menu, to be dull (as knife),
f. mu mi, to drown,
f. mutanta, to be cracked.
Fua {continued).
f. ns ala, to be starved, be fam-
ished, be faint from hunger,
f. with dibuka as subj., to be
divorced, lit., the marriage is
pres, habitual tense or second
pres, actual oj f., to be mortal.
neg. of above tenses, to be im-
Fuana, vi., to be like, correspond
to, be the same, be of same
kind or sort or quality or
character or species or variety,
be similar, be a mate or
match, resemble, be equal,
look like, deserve, merit.
neg. of 1., to differ, vary, be un-
like, be different, be unequal,
be uneven, be divers, be di-
Fuanangana, vi., to agree, be the
same, be alike, conform to,
correspond to, be suitable, be
adapted to, suit, fit, be mates,
match, resemble, be similar, be
equal, be even, be proper, be
right, be the same kind or
sort or quality or character or
species or variety, be enough
or adequate or sufficient, suffice.
7ieg. of f., to differ, vary, be un-
like, be dissimilar, be different,
be divers or diverse, be un-
equal, be uneven, be unsuit-
able, be inadequate or insuffi-
Note that f. has chiefly the idea
of likeness or similarity, while
akanangana has preferably
the idea of fitness or adapta-
bility. The same holds good
with reference to fuana and
Fuanyikixa, vt., to make alike or
even or equal or like or the
same or similar, make to agree
or to fit or to suit, match,
adapt to.
Fuata, vi., to shrink, shrivel up.
Fuba, vi., to dry up, wither, wilt,
shrivel up, decrease or dimin-
ish or reduce in size (as swell-
Fubixa, vt., to wither, wilt, dry up.
Fucila, vt., to atone for, pay for.
1. dibanza, to make atonement
Fudika, v., used with mpala,
meaning to frown, scow’l, knit
the brows.
Fue, adj.{p.p. of fua, to die), dead.
Fue, adv., slowly, sluggishly, lazily.
This word is generally re-
Fuila, vt., to die for as substitute,
Fuima, vi., used with mninx.i, mean-
ing to smokeasf burning wood).
Fuka, vt., to create, form, make,
shape, invent,
f. kabidi, to regenerate.
Fula, vt., to forge, form or shape
or make by hammering iron,
beat out iron.
Fula, vt., to degrade, discharge,
depose, exclude, expel, turn off
or dismiss from employ, send
aw'ay, subtract.
Some say fula.
Fulama, vi., to contract, draw up
(as cloth when washed).
Fululuka, vi., to rise or arise (as
from the dead), come to (after
fainting, etc.), be resuscitated or
revived after unconsciousness.
Fululula, vt., to resurrect, raise to
life, bring to, revive or resus
citate (after fainting).
Fuma, vi., to come from, hail from.
Fuma, vt., to sew.
Fumba, vt., to make or form or
shape (as pots, jars, pottery).
Funda, vt., to w'rite, print, mark,
ibikixa kufundamuntu, to draw
a picture of a person
Fundilangana, v., to correspond
w’ith or W'rite to one another.
Funga, V.. to miss fire (gun), not
go off.
Funkuna, vt.^ to point at with
finger, indicate, show, root
(as pig).
Funyina, vt., to threaten, menace.
Futa, vt., to pay, remunerate, re-
ward, recompense, compen-
sate, pay a forfeit, settle a
debt, bribe, expend.
Ha-, insep. sub. conj., after, when,
as soon as, as, while, directly,
till, until., § 458.
Ha, loc. prep., on, down on, off
from, upon. § 424 (3).
ha bu- {joined insep. with pass,
pro., § 186), of its kind, by
one’s self, alone, of one kind
... of another kind.
ha mutu ha, on top of, above,
over, overhead.
Compare with mu, ku, mua, kua.
Ha, vt., to give, grant, offer, be-
stow, present with, render to.
h. buhianyi, to bequeath, endow,
leave for heir.
h. lungenyi or mexi, to advise,
h. luse, to pity, to take pity on,
to show mercy or favor or
compassion to, be gracious to,
be sorry for, sympathize with,
care for.
h. mudimu, to hire, engage, em-
ploy, give work.
h. muoyo, to give compliments
or regards or respects or salu-
tation or greeting, greet, salute,
hail, thank, be thankful to,
be grateful to, say farewell or
adieu or good-bye.
h. followed by name of office, to
appoint, give an office to, make,
confer office on, elect, enslave;
as, bakumuha bukelenge,
they made him chief.
The infin. kuha means gift,
offering, present.
Haciacia, adv.{jrom v. cia), very
early in the morning, at dawn,
daybreak, soon.
Hadixa, vt., to make drunk, intoxi-
cate. Maluvu is understood.
Haha, adv., there, far away, far,
yonder, remote, distant, Ithence,
thither, beyond. § 163, Note 3.
Hahala, v., to flap (as bird its
wings in flying).
Hakuabo, adv., elsewhere, some-
where else. § 370.
Hakula, vt., to cut, castrate.
Hala, vi., to get or become or go or
be crazy or deranged or insane,
be demented, be foolish, be
mad, be wild, be reckless, be
vicious, be violent, be thought-
h. maluvu, to be drunk or in-
Hala, vt., to refuse to give to, be
selfish or stingy toward.
Halumuka, vi., to slip accidentally
or unintentionally.
Hale, adv., see kule. § 372.
Hale, adj.{p.p. of hala, to be
crazy), crazy, deranged, de-
mented, foolish, mad, in-
sane, wild, reckless, thought-
less, vicious, violent.
Haluka, vi., to have a convulsion or
fit or spasm, convulse.
Hambuka, vi., to be lost, not know
the way, go astray, stray, be
confused or bewildered or make
a mistake about the path.
Hambuxa, vt., to lead astray, mis-
guide, mislead.
Hamue, odz;.(ha insep. with mue,
one), in or on or at the same
place, one place. § 79.
Hana, vt., to sell, barter.
Hanaha, adv., here (on), hence,
hither. § 163, Note 2.
Handa, vt., to split, cut open,
cleave, part (as hair), open (as
eyes), tear, rend, saw length-
wise, rip, slice, break into (as
thief into house).
Handa {continued).
h. mutanta, to crack (as bottle,
Handa, vi., to come to life or con-
sciousness, be saved.
Handakanya, vt., to split up, cut
up, tear to pieces, demolish
(as house).
Handalala, vi., to scream (as one
in terror), squall, yell, shriek.
Handika, vi., to be broken, be rent
or torn, split, burst,
h. mucima, to be excited, be
frightened, be terrified, be
horrified, be terrorized, be
scared, be shocked, be anxious,
h. mutanta, to be cracked,
mukonomuhandike, cloven foot.
H andixa, vt., to split, burst.
h. mucima, to frighten, horrify,
alarm, scare, shock, terrify,
Handixa, vt., to deliver, defend, res-
cue, save, succor, mediate in be-
half of, cause to come to life or
to consciousness after sickness.
Handuka, vi., to escape (as from
captivity or from danger), get
away, be safe, be saved, be
Handuluka, vi., to branch out,
separate, divide, part, diverge.
Handulula, vt., to cause to branch
into parts, divide, separate,
Hanga, adv., elsewhere, somewhere
else. § 370.
Hanga, v., to attempt or make an
effort or try or endeavor or
strive and then fail, break
down, be exhausted, be weak,
be fatigued, be tired, be faint,
be weary, be worn out, fag,
miss aim (gun), forget a per-
son, make a mistake in count-
ing, omit, overlook, not recog-
nize or know a person, give up,
succumb, yield, surrender, try
in vain.
Hanga {continued).
neg. oj h., not to give up, perse-
vere, be persistent, be importu-
nate, be resolute, continue.
Hangixa, vt., to make tired, fatigue,
break down, tire, weaken, wear
h. mucima, to dishearten, dis-
Hangixangana, vt., to puzzle (with
Hankuci, loc. adv. or prep., among,
in among, the middle, between,
half-way, center, midst § 423
(2) {h).
diba dia h., noon, midday.
h. ha diulu, the zenith.
kosa or kala followed by h., to
cut half in two.
When used as a prep, it is followed
by ha. § 423 (3).
Hantu, loc. adv., see kuntu.
Hanxi, loc. adv., down on the
ground, downward. § 423 (2)
h. ha, at the bottom of, down on;
sometimes has the sense of floor
or bottom. § 423 (3).
Hanyi, loc. interrog. adv., where?
whither? whence? § 381.
diba hanyi? what time? what
hour? when? what o’clock?
Hanza, vt., to borrow (with the in-
tention of returning the exact
Contrast with somba.
Hanzixa, vt., to lend or loan or let
out (with the idea of returning
exact article).
Hata, vi., used with di(5) as subj.
meaning to be hoarse.
Hatuhu, indeclinable word, free,
for nothing, gratuitously, with-
out cause, worthlessness, zero.
-a h., inferior, of no account,
worthless, common, of no con-
sequence, mean of birth, un-
important, of no use, useless.
This word is derived from the
adj. tuhu, empty, blank.
Hatuka, vi., to get out, go or come
forth or out, pass out, protrude,
stick out, emerge, issue, rise or
arise (as sun), be dislocated,
vacate, withdraw, evacuate,
shed (as tear, feather, hair),
h. with cisululu or luanga, to
perspire, sweat.
kutu diba diahatuka or kutu
kuahatuka diba, east, i.e.,
where the sun rises.
Hatula, vt., to cast out, drive out,
turn out, eject, chase out, put
out, expel, bring out, exclude,
thrust out, take out, unload,
discharge, excommunicate.
Hauka, vi., to become unfastened.
Haula, vt., to lay waste, wreck,
desolate, destroy, loot, pillage,
plunder, despoil, devastate,
ravage, rob, sack, spoil, un-
bolt, undo, unfasten.
Haxixe, loc. adv.{made up of loc.
and V. xixa, to be last), after,
behind, at the rear.
-a h., the one behind, the one
last, hindermost.
Hayika, vt., to put on, place on.
Heha, v., to fan.
Hehela, vi., to become light in
Hchele, adj.{p.p. of hehela), light
in weight.
-a ludimi luhehele, smart, one
who answers quickly,
ludimi luhehele, smartness.
- Hehexa, vt., to lighten in weight.
Hehi, loc. adv. and prep, {combina-
tion of ha and adj. ihi, short),
near to, close to, beside, by.
§ 79 -
Sometimes pronounced hihi.
Hehuka, vi., to flap about or be
blown about in the wind,
sway, swing, vibrate, wave to
and fro, shake about, oscil-
Hehula, vt., to blow away, winnow,
fan, shake about by wind.
Hela, vt., to crush or grind or mash
or pound or rub between two
stones, iron (clothes).
Hele, adj., poor, needy, destitute,
in need or want.
Helexa, vt., to impoverish.
Hemba, v., to blow the nose.
Henda, vt., to abuse, curse, insult,
offend, revile, swear at, mal-
treat, ill-treat.
Henga, vt., to part (as the hair).
Henguluka, vi., to be crooked, be
bent, be curved, be zigzag.
Hcnguluxa, vt., to bend, curve,
make z gzag.
Kenya, m., to lighten, flash Used
only of lightning.
Heta, vt., to overtake, come up
with, reach to.
Hetela, vt., to hand to, pass to,
offer to one (as the hand), give
or reach something to one.
Hetexa, see hetela.
Heulu, loc. adv. {formed with ha
and the insep. ulu), above,
over, on high, upon, up over-
head, up. § 364.
Heya, vt., to scrape, scour, scrub,
rub, shave off.
Hia, vi., to be burnt, be consumed,
be fired, be warmed, be hot, be
heated, be afire, be scalded( ?).
Hia, vi., to be ripe.
Hia-hia, adj., new, fresh, green,
strange. § 76.
Hiakana, vi., to burn, smart, ache,
hurt, pain.
Hiana, vt., to inherit, be heir to.
Hicixa, vt., to permit one to pass,
to throw over or through or past
Hidia,‘o/., to abandon, abstain from,
decline, discard, deny, dis-
approve of, disobey, rebel
against, revolt, forbid, forsake,
renounce, scorn, spurn, ex-
clude, keep from, neglect, dis-
own, dissent, object, prohibit,
refuse, reject, repudiate, resist,
restrain, be unwilling, will not,
oppose, withstand, prevent.
Hidia {continued).
The past tense, with following
in fin., means would not.
Hie, adj.{p.p. ojhisi, to be ripe), ripe.
Hikila, vt., to put up anything, as
a bet or wager.
Hikula, vt., to redeem or deliver
from slavery, liberate, set at
liberty, free, give freedom,
ransom, emancipate, take out
of pawn.
Hila, V., to be guilty, be convicted,
be in the wrong, be culpable,
be condemned, lose a bet.
Hiluka, vi., to turn a summersault.
Hingakana, vt., to change, ex-
change, trade.
Hingakanya, vt., to change, ex-
change, trade.
Hingakuxa, vt., see hingakanya.
Hingana, vi., to go or come back,
turn back, return, retire.
Hingila, vi., to return, go or come
back, retire, turn back.
Hingixa, vt., to bring back, send
back, fetch or take back, re-
turn, recall, restore.
Hinguluka, vi., to come or go
back, turn back, return.
Hinguxa, vt., see hingixa.
Hita, V., to pass on ahead of or by,
go on before, come or go past,
be beyond, be first, go over or
through or by, surpass, exceed.
h. buimpe, to be better, be su-
h. with biikale or ngulu, to beat,
excel, conquer, win, defeat,
overcome, master, overthrow,
prevail, quell, repulse, subdue,
subject, subjugate, vanquish,
be victorious.
In Comparative construction ,
there is often the idea of very,
too, excessively, exceedingly,
extremely, farther, too much
for, more, most, quite, so.
In the Comparative Degree with
this verb we have the construc-
tion for the Eng. than. § 89.
Hita {continued).
When used with proper adj. or
verb this word expresses the
idea of infinite.
Hixa, vt., to condemn, convict,
judge or pronounce guilty,
judge to be in the wrong.
Hixa, vt., to heat, warm, make hot,
burn, scald (?).
Hodia, vi., to wink.
Hohamue, loc. adv., in or on the
same place, together. § 96,
Rem. 2.
Hohela, vt., to drive a nail, fasten
with a nail, hammer.
Hoho, loc. adv., there, thence,
thither, yonder. §163, Note 4.
Some say hoha.
Hohoka, vt., to cast or shed (as
Hola, adv., calmly, quietly, peace-
fully, silently, in silence,
softly. I
di h., to be peaceful, be at peace,
be quiet, be settled, be calm,
be silent, be still, be tran-
Hola, vi., to be calm, be at peace,
be peaceful, be gentle, be
quiet, be settled, be silent, be
still, be tranquil, be cold, be
chilly, be cool, be damp, be
moist, be wet, be soaked, be
humid, be insipid, be saltless,
be tasteless, be unseasoned, be
distasteful, be cured, be healed,
be well.
-a mucima muhole, content,
Holexa, vt., to pacify, make quiet,
quiet, quell, hush, still, make
cold, cool, dampen or wet or
moisten, quench or slake or
satisfy or appease thirst, cure
or heal or restore to health, re-
lieve or ease pain.
Hona, vi., to fall, drop down,
h. mu mi, to fall overboard.
Hongola, vt., this word seems to
mean to disenchant, exorcise,
bring from under influence of
witch or wizard.
Honso, loc. adv. {made up of ha
and adj. onso, all), anywhere,
everywhere, somewhere, where
soever. § 371, Rem.
Hota, vi., to be foolish, be stupid,
be ignorant, be dull, be sense-
less, be silly, be simple.
Hote, adj.{p.p. of hota, to be
stupid), stupid, foolish, igno-
rant, dull, senseless, silly,
Hotela, vt., to annoy or anger by
caressing or fondling, exasper-
ate, irritate, aggravate, bother.
Doubtless rubbing or caressing
is the original meaning.
Hoteta, vi., to be soft (as dough).
Hotete, adj.(p.p. of hoteta, to be
soft), soft (as dough).
Hua, vi., to be silent, keep silence,
l)e mute, be quiet, hush, be
reticent, be speechless. The
idea is distinctly that of being
speechless in the face of proved
Hua, vi., to be completed, be
finished, be ready, be prepared,
be perfect or perfected, be
consumed or done or out (not
any more), be exhausted, be
spent, be expended, be used
h. muoyo or muoyo as subj. of
h., to forget, overlook, miss,
neg. of h., to be incomplete, be
Hueka, vi., to go down or run
down (as stream), descend, flow
down, sink, settle (as sedi-
ment), fall (as price).
Huekela, vi., to go down (as water
sinking), abate, subside.
Huekexa, vt., to let down, lower
price or voice, depress, press
down, shove or push dowm.
Huekexa {continued).
h. difutu, to decrease or reduce
h. muxinga, to beat down the
price, cheapen, decrease or
reduce or lower the price.
Huha, vi., to blow (as wind or tor-
nado or tempest or gale).
Huh ala, vi., to become light in
weight, decrease or diminish
or reduce (as swelling).
Huhale, adj.{p.p. of huhala),
light in weight.
-a ludinii luhuhale, smart,
ludimi luhuhale, smartness.
Huhaxa, vt., to lighten in weight.
Huhixa, vt., to blow the fire, win-
now, fan.
Huixa, vt., to complete, finish, ter-
minate, conclude, have done,
perfect, I ring to an end.
h. miota, to quench or satisfy or
slake or appease thirst,
h. muadi, to comfort, console,
soothe, cause to stop crying.
Huka, vt., to make a charm or
medicine or fetish or idol or
image (to be used as fetish).
Huluka, vi., to scale off, come off.
Hulula, vt., to scrape off, scale
off, pull off, draw off, scour
off, scrub off, rub off, shave off,
w’ipe off.
Hulumuka, vi., to slide, slip.
Hulumuna, vt., to drag, draw,
stretch, pull, trail.
Huma, vi., to groan or grunt in
pain, moan.
Humba, vi., to fail to do, be de-
tained, be interrupted, be dis-
appointed, be hindered, be
frustrated, be thwarted, be
bothered, be constrained, de-
lay, procrastinate. Luendu
luakuhumba, the going has
been interrupted.
Humbakana, vi., to be Stupid, be
listless, be foolish, be inatten-
tive, be indifferent, act fool-
ishly or stupidly, hesitate.
Humbakana {continued).
vacillate, be fickle, be unctr-
tain about, falter, be thought-
less, be careless, be unmindful.
Humbakane, adj.{p.p. of humba-
kana), stupid, foolish, list-
less, inattentive, indifferent,
thoughtless, careless, unmind-
Humbakuxa, vt., to interfere with,
interrupt, bother, stunt in
growth, prevent, prohibit, re-
strain, constrain, hinder, de-
tain, deter, be listless or in-
attentive or indifferent toward.
Humbixa, to be disappointed,
fail to do as anticipated or
arranged, to disturb or inter-
rupt one’s plan or purpose,
bother, hinder, delay, prevent,
prohibit, interfere with, de-
tain, miss, omit, persuade or
induce from doing, frustrate,
postpone, put off, restrain,
stop or stay one from doing,
deter, dissuade, retard, impede,
withhold, thwart, constrain,
fool, or joke with.
Humpama, vi., to mope.
Humuka, vi., to spill, run over,
overflow (as water in jar).
Humuna, vt., to pour out, empty;
hence to sigh, i.e., pour out the
Hunga, vt., to jest with, joke, tease,
have fun with.
Hunga, vi., to be even, be level,
h. di(5), to make an agreement
or covenant or contract.
Hungakana, vi., to be even, be
level, agree after consultation.
Cj. kungakana.
Hungakana, vi., to be listless, be
inattentive, be indifferent, be
I'ungakuxa, vt., to make even or
h. di(5), to agree. Cf. kunga-
Hungakuxa, vt., to be inattentive
or listless or indifferent toward.
Hunguluxa, vt., to conclude, de-
cide, determine, agree, resolve.
The word di(5) is generally
understood as obj.
Huola, vt., to gather or pull or pick
or pluck (as corn, fruit, etc.),
harvest, reap, pull out or
knock out (as tooth).
Huta, vt., to draw, drag, stretch,
trail, pull; hence to snuff (as
tobacco), suck up.
h. muhuya, to draw the breath,
Huxa, vt., to blow the fire, winnow,
May he spelled huja.
Huxa, vt. {Causative of hua, to be
silent), to hush up, cause to be
silent, quiet, quell.
Huya, vi., used in the ph. h. mun-
da meaning to run off at the
bowels, have diarrhoea.
Huyakana, vi., to pant, breathe
or respire quickly, blow the
breath quickly.
I, V., neg. auxiliary, not to be.
See § 225.
Iba, vt., to steal, cheat, defraud,
rob, be dishoonest, be unjust.
neg. of i, to be honest, be just.
Ibidi, card, and ord. num., two,
second. §§ 97, 99.
Ibidila, vi., to be or get or become
assustomed to, be experienced,
be familiar with, be habituated,
be hardened to, be used to,
learn by experience.
Ibidila, vi., to be impertinent, be
saucy, be impudent, be inso-
lent, be immodest or shameless
(saucy), be spoiled, be arro-
gant, be audacious.
Ibidixa, vt., to habituate, accustom,
train, familiarize, harden to.
Ibidixa {continued).
i. bualu bubi, to lead astray,
entice, allure, tempt, corrupt,
lure, seduce, spoil, teach bad
Ibuka, vL, to build, construct, erect,
make a house.
Icikila, vi., to capsize, overflow,
run over, spill out.
Icikixa, vt., to pour out, capsize,
empty, spill out.
Idika, vt., to name, call, give a
Idikixa, vt., to try, test, attempt,
strive, make an effort or trial,
endeavor, compare, illustrate,
liken, take aim, aim (gun),
measure, take dimension, emu-
late, copy, imitate, mimic,
mock, examine.
dl( 5 ) as subj. of i., to echo,
i. bujitu, to weigh.
1. kufunda muntu, to draw pic-
ture of a person.
1. lubilu, to run a race.
lhata, vt., to drive away, chase
away, put to flight, beat away,
pursue, rout.
Ihi, adj., short, low, shallow,
matuku mihi, a few days, a
short time.
i. combined insep. with the loca-
atives, gives muihi, kuihi,
hehi(hihi), near, close to.
§ 376.
Ihiha, vi., to be short, shrink in
Ihihixa, vt., to shorten, abbreviate,
contract, lessen, make less,
Ihika, vt., to cook.
Ihila, vt., to hoe, cultivate, till, cut
out or dig out weeds (from
corn or other crops).
Ika, vi., to bear, bring forth, yield,
produce. Used only of cas-
sava, potatoes, peanuts, and
other ground products.
Contrast with kuama.
Ika, vi., to come down or descend
(from a tree), step down, get
Ikala, vi., to be, exist, abide, dwell,
live, remain, reside, continue,
sojourn, stay or stop at, subsist,
i. mu, to inhabit.
The in fin. kuikala is suggested
for state, condition, existence.
Ikila, vi., to perch.
Ikixa, vi., to rest, be at ease, repose.
Ikuxa, adj., true, real,
ena i., to be untrue.
Ila, vi., used with butuku as subj.,
meaning to grow dark, the
night is coming.
Imaxa, vt., to cast or throw away
as useless.
Iinba, vt., to beat a drum, play or
perform on any musical instru-
ment, sing a song,
i. with mudua or mubanze, to
blow bellows.
Iraba, vt., to dig, excavate, make a
hole in the ground, plow, bur-
Imicixa, vt., to cause to conceive,
cause to be with child, beget,
generate, impregnate, cause to
be pregnant, fructify, breed,
Imina, vt., to decline or refuse to
give something to one, deny
one something, be selfish or
stingy toward.
Imita, V., to conceive, be with child,
be pregnant.
This word is generally followed by
difu or dimi.
Impe, adj., beautiful, pretty, lovely,
fine, good, pure, chaste, guilt-
less, virtuous, elegant, excel-
lent, worthy, fair or handsome,
fair or just or honest, correct,
fit, suitable, right, kind, hu-
mane, noble, holy, perfect,
righteous, upright, lawful, rich
or fertile or productive (soil).
with neg. unjust, unkind,
unholy, wrong, not right.
Imuna, vi., to stand erect or up-
right, be perpendicular, wait,
halt, stop, be on end, stand on
i. mu mulongo, to stand in line
or row.
Imunangana, vi., to be side by
side, be or stand close together.
Imunyika, vt., to make to stand
erect or upright, stand on end,
set up, make perpendicular,
i. hamue, to put side by sideu t'
Ina, vt., to put the cassava root to
soak prior to drying, immerse,
dip or sink in water.
Indila, vt., to wait for, tarry for,
Ine, adj. {always preceded by ne),
alone, sole, solitary, by one’s
self, only, self. § 8o.
Ingelexi, n., used in ph. muena I.
Englishman. Usedoj
all English-speaking people.
Ini, card, and ord. num., four,
fourth. §§ 97, 99.
Inuma, vi., to stoop, bow down,
crouch, incline, lean, bend.
Inxila, vt., to close or shut the door.
Inya, vt., to tie, bend.
Inyi ? interrog., adv. or conj., or.
§ 434. It sometimes has the
jorce of or not.
Inyi poss. pro., my, mine. §§ 133,
135 -
Inyika, vt., to name, give a name
to, call.
Inyika, vt., to cause to incline.
_ i. mutu, to bow the head.
Inyika, vt., to dry (as meat before
a fire on a spit), cook, roast,
Inyixa, vt., to sink in, immerse.
Inyixa, vt., to love, prefer, want,
wish, desire, fancy, fain, like.
Sometimes there is a secondary
meaning to praise, adore,
glorify, bless, compliment,
commend, esteem, be grateful
to, exalt, extol, worship, invoke,
be thankful to, thank.
Inyixa {continued).
neg. of i., to despise, hate, detest,
Note the imperative forms inyi-
xaku(5^«^.) and inyixi(^/.),
_ used only in salutation.
Inyixaku, v.{sing. imperative from
inyixa, to esteem), used in sal-
utation or greeting, also in ex-
pressing adieu or farewell or
good-bye. §237(0). .See salu-
Inyixi, v.{pl. imperative from
inyixa, to esteem), used in
salutation or greeting, also in
expressing adieu or farewell or
Isambombo, card, and ord. num.,
six, sixth. §§ 97, 99.
Isatu, card, and ord. num., three,
third. §§ 97, 99.
Isita, w.(Eng.), east. Regarded as
belonging to class III.
Ita, vt., to row, paddle, pull an oar.
Itaba, V., to answer or reply or
respond when called.
Itabuxa, vt., to accept, agree to,
acquiesce, accede to, approve,
believe, concede to, consent,
receive, be satisfied with, be
willing, make profession of,
confess, profess.
i. mu di(5), to obey, be obedient
to, heed, hearken, observe the
word of.
neg. of i., to disobey, be dis-
obedient, be heedless, be ob-
stinant, be stubborn, be neg-
lectful, be negligent, be un-
The in fin. is used as noun to
express the idea of faith, be-
lief, trust.
May also be spelled itabija.
Itabuxixa, vt., to convince, per-
suade, induce, influence.
Itanu, card, and ord. num., five,
. fifth. §§ 97, 99.
Ixa, V., see salutation.
Ixaku, V., see ixa and salutation.
lya, w., to learn, study,
lyila, V., see iya.
, lyixa, to teach, educate, ex-
!' j plain to, inform, instruct,
« train, discipline.
i. bualu bubi, to lead astray,
I* entice, lure, allure, tempt,
'■ ' seduce, spoil.
" , Jadika, vt.^ to stand up erect or
’ upright, make perpendicular,
’ make level, straighten (make
’’ to stand straight).
f Jalama, vi., to stand erect or up-
' , right, be perpendicular, be
i level, stand up straight; used
> t with diba a5 subj. meaning to
? bj noon, be midday.
'j' Jalaniixa, vt., to make perpen-
dicular or upright.
Jam, ».(Eng.), jam. Regarded as
} class III.
. Jama, vi., to be immovable, be
' i steady or steadfast, be fixed,
1 ^ be firm or solid, stand firm or
steady, be strong, be mired up,
be fast stuck in (as mud).
I Jamixa, vt., to stick fast in, make
steady or firm.
Januale, w.(Eng.), January. Re-
garded as class III.
Jeka, vi., to crawl (as child),
creep; the primary meaning of
this word is to twist, squirm,
Jekexa, vt., to twist, to screw, to
turn around.
Jidika, vt., used with cijila mean-
ing to forbid the use of, taboo,
interdict, prohibit, make un-
lawful, wean.
Note that jila has reference to a
person abstaining from or
tabooing something, while ji-
dika has reference to a person
who thus tabooes something
Jndika {continued).
for some one else. In both
words there is a superstitious
May also be spelled xidika.
Jika, vt., to bury, inter.
j. cifuidixe, to smother, stifle,
Jikuka, vi., to explode, blow out
(as stopper from bottle).
Jikula, vt., to cause to explode.
‘la, vt., to abstain from, fast, keep
from, sanctify, ordain, conse-
crate, interdict, forbid, taboo,
See note under jidika.
May also be spelled xila.
Jima, vt., to blow out, extinguish, put
out, quench, erase, eradicate,
rub out, blot out, cancel, scratch
out, wipe out, go out (as fire).
Jimina, vi., to be lost, disappear,
vanish, pass out of view.
Sometimes pronounced ximina.
Jimixa, vt., to erase, eradicate, blot
out, lose, cancel, rub out,
scratch out, wipe out.
j. malu mabi, to forgive, pardon,
absolve, excuse.
Sometimes pronounced ximixa.
Jinga, vt., to grieve for, sorrow for,
bemoan, bewail, mourn for,
weep for, cry for.
Jinga, vt., see jingila.
Jingakana, vi., to be tangled.
Jingakuxa, vt., to tangle.
Jingila, vt., to encircle, surround,
enclose, inclose, entangle, en-
twine, bind up, wrap around,
gird up, coil, roll into a string,
twist, twine around, wind
Jinguluka, vi., to become un-
tangled, be unfastened, be un-
wrapped, be unraveled, unroll,
Jingulula, vt., to disentangle, ex-
tricate, unbind, undo, un-
fasten, unroll, unravel, un-
tangle, unwind, unwrap.
Jisus, I, Jesus.
Jixa, vt., to wag (tail).
May also be spelled xixa.
Jongoloka, vi., to squirm, wriggle,
crawl (as snake).
Juka, vi., to get up from sitting
position, rise, arise, stand up.
See bika.
Jula, vt., to lift up, raise up, take
up, elevate, cut up or dig up
or tear up or pull up or grub
up by the roots.
Juli, «.(Eng.), July. Class III.
Junyi, w.(Eng.), June. Class III.
Ka, demonstrative particle, here it is,
there it is. Generally insep.
§§ i59> i6i.
Ka, adv., therefore, consequently,
for this reason, hence, so, then,
wherefore. § 419-
Kaba, 8, ii.{dimin. of muaba,
place), used with v. amba and
any adj. meaning small to
express the idea of almost,
Kababu, 8, n., goliath -beetle.
Kabalabala, 8, n., used in the ph.
k. ka mutu, skull.
Kabalu, 8. n.(jrom Portuguese),
horse, ass, donkey.
Kabanda, 8, n., iron ore.
Kabanga, 8, n., pumpkin.
Kabendi, 8, n., spear, lance.
Kabidi, adv., again, next time,
also, beside. Really means
second time. §95 (&), Rem. i.
Kabuasa, 8, n., jigger,
kaxingi ka k., pin.
Kabuluku, 8, n., a species of ante-
Kabululu, 8, n., gall.
Kaceci, 8, n., menses.
munaCmona) k., to menstruate,
be at the menstrual period.
Kacila, v., to sneeze.
Kadi, conj., but.
Kadi, vi., to be, be about to.
An auxiliary used in the
formation of Future Imminent
and Present Imminent tenses.
§§ 218, etc.
k. ne, to have, own, possess.
Sometimes pronounced tadi.
Kadibu, 8, n., small European bell
with rattles.
Kadilu, 8, n., fire.
See kahia.
Kafi, w.(Eng.), coffee. Class III
or VIII.
Kafulemene, 8, «.(Buk.), forget-
-a k., forgetful.
k. as suhj. of kuata with pers.
as obj., to forget.
Kahaha, 8, n., a blue bead.
Kahambala, 8, n., pistol.
Kahambu, 8, «., bad smell or
odor or scent, stench, stink,
nunka k., to emit a stench, stink.
Kahia, 8 , n., fire, heat or w'armth
of fire, fever, candle, gun-
-a k., hot.
mi a k., hot water,
mubidi udi k., to have fever,
muci wa k., a match (lucifer).
Ota k., to warm one’s self by the
vinga k., to make fire by friction,
ignite by friction.
Kahita, 8, n., headman, a West
Coast carpenter or mason.
The word comes through the
Lower Congo from Portuguese.
Kahombo, 8, n., ankle bone.
Kahulukusu, 8, n., a small bat.
Kahumbu, 8, n., elephant.
Kakangala, 8, n., a kind of Euro-
pean cloth.
Kakanu, 8, n.{dimin. of lukanu).
k. ka ku dicu, earring,
k. ka ku munu, finger-ring.
Kaku, I, n., grandparent, ancestor,
progenitor, forefather, patri-
i« Kaku {continued).
it k. mukuxi, grandmother.
5. k. muliimi, grandfather.
Kaku la, 8, n., a stick of camwood.
Kakula, vt., to raise up, lift up.
Kakuiuku, 8, n., a small bat.
U Kala, vt., cut off, chop off, ampu-
tate, saw off, sever, shear
! off.
! See kosa.
I I Kala, V., to scratch (as fowl),
j Kala, 8, n.(pl. is tuala), a small
Kala, vi., to be strong, be well, be
vigorous, be arduous, be full-
, j grown, be mature, be firm, be
steady, be stable, be solid,
develop, grow.
k. with muxinga as subj., to in-
crease (as price), rise.
I Kalaba, vi., to crawl or creep (as
I child).
Kale, adj.{p.p. of kala, to be
strong, etc.), strong, well,
I vigorous, arduous, firm,
I steady, stable, solid, hard,
' immovable, fixed, steadfast,
powerful, robust, tough (as
meat), violent, severe, serious
(matter), fertile or rich or
productive (soil), loud (voice),
-a bualu bukale, sacred, holy,
-a mubidi mukale, healthy.
-a mucima mukale, brave, fear-
less, of strong heart, coura-
geous, daring, bold, valiant,
stern, impenitent.
-a muxinga mukale, dear,
costly, expensive, precious,
I mubidi mukale, good health.
' muntu mukale, an adult, grown
I person.
I Kale, adv., long ago, long time ago,
in old times, remote or distant
times, long since, once upon a
-a kale, old, ancient, aged,
bena k., forefathers.
Sometimes we hear kalekale.
Kalexa, vt., to strengthen, make
strong or steady or firm or
hard, fasten, harden, stretch,
tighten, nourish, bring up,
rear, provide for, support, re-
fresh, stimulate.
k. di, to raise the voice, speak or
talk louder.
k. mucima, to console, com-
fort, solace, cheer, encourage,
soothe, strengthen one’s heart.
k. muxinga, to increase price,
make dear or expensive or
precious, put up the price.
Kalexi, 8, n., leaves of the cassava
beaten and used as greens.
Kalolo, 8, n., goodness, amiability,
kindness, attractiveness, obe-
dience, fairness, justice, hon-
esty, integrity, faithfulness,
gentleness, humanity, humil-
ity, modesty, reverence, trac-
tableness, meekness, docility,
deference, civility, decorum,
politeness, courtesy.
-a k., good, amiable, kind,
attractive, obedient, fair, just,
honest, faithful, gentle, hu-
mane, humble, modest, rever-
ent, tractable, meek, docile,
deferential, decorous, cour-
teous, polite, civil.
Kalu, 8, n.{sing. of tulu, sleep), a
Kaluaci, 8, n., a kind of bead.
Kalubilubi, 8, n., rapidity, swift-
ness. Generally with the idea
oj carelessness.
di ne k., to do or talk rapidly.
Kalumbu, 8, n., partridge.
Kama, vt., to squeeze or compress
or mash or crush or press be-
tween the hands; hence to
Kama, vi., to abate, evaporate, dry
up, decrease, diminish, sub-
Kama, v., used in the ph. k. ku
mesu, meaning to distort the
Kamama, 8, w., a dumb person, a
Kamata, vt., to press or push or
shove down, squeeze together,
compress, cram.
Kambele, 8, w., peanut.
Kambixi, 8, cat.
muan’a k., kitten.
Kambuinkidi, 8, w., small sweat-
Kamelo, 8, w.(Eng.), camel.
Kamembele, 8, n., mosquito.
Kaminyi, 8, w., scorpion.
Sometimes pronounced kaminyi-
Kamixa, vt., to absorb, dry.
Kamoma, 8, n., kidney.
Kamoma, 8, 7 i., pill.
Kamonyi, 8, n., pitch, resin. Used
in mending pots.
Kam panda, i, n., a person whose
name you have forgotten or
do not know or do not care to
bother with mentioning. § 353,
Kamue, 8, w., mosquito.
Kamunyimunyi, 8, n., firefly.
Kanana, vi., to be immovable or
fast stuck in, be steadfast, be
stable, be fixed, be strong,
stand steady or firm or solid.
Kanda, vt., to refuse permission,
forbid, prohibit, restrain, com-
mand or order not to do, dis-
Kanda, used as ad], with numerals
expressing the idea of exact,
perfect, complete.
Kandamana, vi., to be immovable
or fast stuck in, be steadfast,
be stable, be fixed, be strong,
stand steady or firm or solid.
Kandamixa, vt., to make steady or
firm, stick fast in.
Kandangama, 8, n., a kind of
European cloth.
Kandimba, 8, n., shot used in shell
of shotgun.
cingoma cia ^undimba, shot-
Kandimba {continued).
mutelenge wa tundimba, a shell
for shotgun.
Kandindi, 8, n., swallow.
Kandixa, vt., to wean (child).
Kandolo, 8, n., a kind of European
Kaneke, 8, n., a lame or deformed
or dwarfed or paralyzed or
undersized person, a paralytic.
Muena generally precedes this
Kanene, 8, n., the additional or
sixth finger.
Kanga, vt., to roast or parch as
corn, etc.; fry.
Kanga, vi., to growl or snarl (as
Kangamuna, vi., to be rested.
Kangenene, 8, n., a small red ant
(troublesome about the house).
Kangujinguji, 8, n., pineapple.
May he spelled kanguxinguxi.
Kanka, vi., to shake, quake,
tremble, quiver, shiver, be
excited, be frightened, be terri-
Kankenyenkenye, 8, n., firefly.
Kankixa, vt., to shake, cause to
tremble or quake.
Kansanke, 8, n., wrist.
Kantembele, 8, n., measles.
KanteHgenene, 8, n., the little
Kantetu, 8, n., dizziness, giddiness,
di ne k., to be dizzy, be faint, be
Kanuxa, vt., to make steady or
firm, strengthen, stick fast in.
Causative of kanana.
Kanyanzu, 8, n., switch, rod, whip.
Kanyina, vt., to wean (child).
Kanyinganyinga, 8, n., grief, sor-
row, sadness, melancholy,
pang, penitence, regret, re-
pentance, unhappiness, anxi-
ety, solicitude, distress, re-
morse, mental agony or suffer-
ing or anguish.
Kany i r. ga ii y i nga (^continued ) .
di ne k., to grieve, be melan-
choly, be sad, be sorrowful, be
sorry, be unhappy, regret,
Kanyungunyungu, 8, w., dizzi-
ness, giddiness, faintness,
di ne k., to be dizzy, be giddy,
be faint.
Kapiten, n.{jrom French or Eng-
lish), captain of steamer or
Perhaps should he spelled kahi-
Kasamba, 8, w., a small pot or
Kaseku, 8, n.{pl. generally used),
laughter, levity, mirth, de-
rision, fun, giggling, snigger,
-a tuseku, frivolous,
di ne tuseku, to giggle, snigger,
Kasengulu, 8, n., sieve, sifter.
Kasoinbelu, 8, n., interest (on
something borrowed),
tentekela k., to pay interest.
Katainuka, vi., to be awake, be
up, be arisen from sleep.
Katamuxa, vt., to awaken, wake,
awake from sleep.
Katataka, adv., at once, directly,
immediately, instantly, before
long, now, presently, soon,
Katoto, 8, n., a new-born babe,
infant, child.
Kavuku, 8, n., crumb.
Kaxidi, adv., always, ceaselessly,
constantly, continually, end-
lessly, eternity, ever, forever,
perpetually, eternally, inces-
santly, habitually.
-a k., immortal, eternal, ever-
with neg. v., never again.
Kaxingi, 8, n., needle,
k. ka kabuasa, pin.
Kaxola, 8, n., brick,
muena tuxola, mason.
Kayabala, vi., to be stiff, be rigid,
be inflexible, be unbending.
Kayeke, 8, n., dwarf, pygmy.
See note under pygmy.
Kazaku, 8, n., coat, dress.
Keba, vt., to hunt for, look for,
search for, seek.
k. luoxi, to annoy or tease or
provoke or incite an animal to
bite; as, udi ukeba mbua
luoxi, he is provoking the dog
to bite.
eha, vi., to decrease or diminish
or reduce in size or quantity,
become smaller or less, shrink
Kehexa, vt., to shorten, contract,
abridge, abbreviate, decrease,
diminish, reduce, cause to be-
come smaller or less, lessen, be-
little, abase, degrade, disgrace,
debase, dishonor, disobey, be
disrespectful, humble, humili-
Keja, vt., to hunt for, look for,
search for, seek.
Kelemena, w.(Buk.), to agree, be
alike, be the same, be even, be
equal, be same kind or quality
or character or species or
variety, suit, be adapted to,
be suitable, be level, be similar,
be proper, be mate for, match,
neg. of k., to be unlike, be dis-
similar, differ, vary.
Kelemexa, ‘^/.(Buk.), to make even
or alike, make to fit or suit,
make level, match, make the
same or similar or equal or
like, adapt to, make to agree.
Kema, v., to exclaim in surprise,
marvel, wonder, be amazed or
astonished. Generally ex-
pressed by grunting.
-a kukema, miraculous, remark-
able, extraordinary, wonderful,
strange, marvelous.
bualu bua kukema, miracle,
Kemexa, vt., to astonish, amaze,
Kenena, vi., to shine brightly or
give light (as moon when full).
Kenga, vi.^ to suffer (as under
Kengexa, vt., to punish, flog, beat,
cause to suffer, chastise, chas-
ten, discipline, persecute,
annoy, exasperate, irritate,
Kentorment, torture, afflict, aggra-
Kenka, vi., to shine or give light
(as moon).
Kenya, vi., to lighten, flash.
Spoken only of lightning.
Kenzakana, v., to look about from
side to side, peer.
Ki ? interrog. word, what ? what kind
or sort or quality or character?
which ? who ? whom ? See § 1 76.
bualu ki ? why? what for?
diba kl? when? what o’clock?
what hour? what time?
Perhaps may also he spelled kai.
Kia, inter jec., what!
Some say cia.
Kina, vt., to hate, be mean to.
Kise, adj., small, little, minute,
diminutive, fine, thin, narrow,
scarce, few.
di(5) dikise, high voice or tone.
Kixa, t'^.(Buk.), to do, make, ac-
complish, act, commit, effect,
form, shape, perform, prepare,
produce, construct.
See enza.
Kobama, vi., to be crooked, be
bent, be curved.
Kobame, adj.{p.p. of kobama, de-
formed, bent, humpbacked.
Kobeka, vt., to bend, curve.
Kobola, V., to raise a shout or cry
of alarm, call to fight by slap-
ping the hand rapidly over the
mouth while uttering the cry.
Koka, vt., to draw, drag, stretch,
pull, trail, suck up, snuff (as
Koka {continued).
k. muhuya, to inhale, draw the
cintu cikoka kudi tubalu, sug-
gested ph. for carriage, wagon,
Koko, w.(Eng.), cocoa.
Kola, V., used with maluvu to mean
to be drunk, be intoxicated.
Kolus, w.(Eng.), chorus. Regarded
as class III.
Komba, vt., to sweep, brush.
Kombola, vt., to shell (corn).
Konka, vt., to ask a question, in-
quire, examine by questioning,
interrogate, question, consult,
demand in sense of asking a
May also he spelled kuonka.
Konya, vt., to bend, curve, fold.
Konyangala, vi., to be crooked,
be bent, be curved, be zigzag.
Kosa, vt., to cut off, chop off, saw
off, shear off, sever, amputate,
k. bitulia, to cut into pieces,
k. cici, to close a trade by break-
ing a stick.
k. hankuci, to cut half in two.
k. mutu, to behead,
k. nsambu, to settle or decide a
dispute, pronounce judgment,
judge between.
May also he spelled kuosa.
Kosexa, vt., to stop or stay one
from doing, deter, detain,
hinder, impede, interfere \s*ith,
prevent, restrain, withhold,
thwart, frustrate, interrupt,
bother, persuade from doing,
k. with diyoyo or mutayo or
muaku or nvita, to quiet,
quell, hush up, still,
k. lubilu, to talk or do quickly,
k. muadi, to comfort, console,
cause to cease crying, pacify,
Kosola, vi., to cough.
Ku, loc. prep., at, to, unto, direc-
tion towards, as far as, near to.
Ku {continued).
close to, up to, towards, by,
beside, around, against, about,
for (price), from, off from.
§ 424 (2).
k. minu, in the hand,
k . . . to ne k., or k . . . ne
k , from ... to or till or
Compare with mu and ha.
Kua, loc. used as adv., to or as or
unta the house or village of.
§ 87 {g) Rem.
Kuabo, o(/y., another, some one or
something else, more, other, a
part (some), several,
k . . . k., the one . . . the other,
some . . . others, several . . .
k. with locatives prefixed insep.,
elsewhere, somewhere else.
Kuacika, vi., to be caught.
k. inaluvu, to be or get drunk,
be intoxicated, be stupefied
from drink.
Kuacila, vt., to hold for.
k. mudimu, to work for, serve.
Kuacixa, vt., to help one to hold,
k. bundu, to make ashamed,
disgrace, humiliate, mortify,
cause shame, abase,
k. cixi, to make angry or indig-
nant or mad, annoy, displease,
anger, enrage, exasperate, irri-
tate, throw into passion, pro-
voke, worry, tease, sadden,
tantalize, torment, trouble,
vex, aggravate.
Kuakua, loc. adv., far away, far,
yonder, beyond, remote, dis-
tant, there, thence, thither.
§ 163, Note 3.
Kuama, vt., to bear or yield or
bring forth or produce fruit.
Used only of trees or shrubs or
Contrast with ika.
Kuata, vt., to hold, take hold of,
lay hold of, catch, capture.
Kuata {continued).
arrest, grip, restrain, seize,
grasp, apprehend, use.
buowa as suhj. and pers. as obj.
of k., to be frightened, be
scared, be afraid, be timid,
dibanza as subj. of k. and pers.
as obj., to be in debt, owe.
k. bulunda, to make friendship
k. cixi, to be angry, be enraged,
indignant, be mad, be aggra-
vated, be raging, be furious,
be grieved, be melancholy, be
sad, be sorrowful, be vexed,
be sorry, be in a passion, be
provoked, be worried, be an-
noyed, regret, repent,
k. dimoma, to rust, be rusty,
k. ha muminu, to choke (as
food), strangle.
k. ku, to take by (as the hand),
k. mudimu, to work, labor, toil,
k. mu mukanda, to take a pho-
tograph or picture,
k. mukuxi ku bukale, to com- .
mit rape, ravish, do violence
k. with bundu as subj. and per-
son as obj., to be ashamed, be
k. with tulu as subj. and person
as obj., to be sleepy,
kafulemene or builu as subj. cf
k. with person as obj., to for-
luhika as subj. of k. and person
as obj., to lose a bet.
maluvu as subj. of k. and person
as obj., to be drunk or intoxi-
cated, make drunk, stupefy,
maxika as subj. of k. a 7 id person
as obj., to be cold, be chilly,
miota as subj. of k. with person
as obj., to be thirsty.
Kuatakana, vi., to adhere, stick
together, cleave together, be
close together, be next to, be
contiguous, be adjacent, touch
Kuatakana {continued).
each other, join, be near to-
gether, be side by side, con-
geal, be viscid, coagulate,
unite, be thick, solidify (as
Kuatakanya, vt., see kuatakuxa.
Kuatakuxa, vt., to put or place
side by side, unite, join on to,
stick together, cause to adhere.
Kuatangana, v., to catch or hold
each other.
k. with bulunda or bunyana, to
form a friendship with one
k. ku bianza, to clasp each other
by the hands, shake hands.
Kuba, vt.. to wait for, tarry for,
Kubola, V., see kobola.
Kudi, prep., used with agent in
passive voice constructions
meaning by. § 202 (a).
Kudika, vt., to hang up.
Kudimuka, vi., to become (differ-
ent), be changed, be trans-
figured, be turned over or
around, be transformed, be
converted, get (become), turn
into, turn around.
Kudimuna, vt., to change, turn
over or around, convert, invert,
reverse, transform, transfig-
ure, turn into.
k. muaku, to translate, interpret.
k. with mucima or muoyo, to
change one’s mind, repent.
Kuetu, loc. adv., at our home or
village. § 140.
k. kudi kunyi ? where do we
live ?
muena k., our or my fellow
citizen or countryman or
neighbor. § 141, Rem. i.
Kuha, vt., to shake, move, wave
back and forth.
k. mutu, to nod dissent.
Kuhoka, vi., to get free or loose,
get untied.
May be spelled kohoka.
Kuhola, vt., to let loose, set free,
loosen, liberate, give freedom
or liberty, pull off (as clothes),
strip off, undress, untie, take
off, unloose, put off.
May he spelled kohola.
Kuhuka, vi., to scale off.
Kuhula, vt., to scale off, shave off,
wipe off, dust off, clean off by
rubbing or brushing or scrap-
ing or scouring or scrubbing,
dry (with towel).
Kuia, w.(Eng.), choir.
Kuihi, loc. adv. and prep, {made up
of ku and ihi, short), near to,
close to, by. § 376.
Kuinya, v., to scratch (in case of
Kuka, vi., to come out of handle
(as hoe or knife).
Kukala, loc. adv. or prep, {made up
0/ ku and the insep. kala), at
or on the border, edge, bound-
ary, beach or shore or bank or
coast, limit, margin, side.
§ 423 (2) { b ).
lua k. kua mi, to land, come to
Kukampanda, loc. adv. {made up
of ku and kampanda), to or
at a place the name of which
you have forgotten or do not
know or do not care to mention.
§ 423 (2) ( i )-
Mu or ha may he substituted for
ku, according to sense.
Kuku, w.(Eng.), cook. Regarded
as belonging to class I.
Kukuabo, adv., elsewhere, some-
where else. § 370.
Kukumina, vi., to stutter, stammer,
have impediment in speech.
Kule, loc. adv. {made up of ku and
adj. le, long), far, far away,
distant, remote. § 372.
-a kule, Weign, strange.
muena k., a foreigner, stranger.
Kdlu, loc. adv. {made up of ku and
the insep. ulu), up, overhead,
Kiilu {continued).
on high, above, upwards, over.
§ 423 (2) {b).
Kulu, adj., old, ancient, aged.
muanda mukulu, eight.
Kuluka, vi.^ to fall, drop down,
Kulukixa, v., see kuluku.va.
Kulukulu, adj., old, ancient, aged.
Kulukuxa, vi.^ to be or become old
or ancient or aged.
Kulukuxe, adj.{p.p. of kulukuxa),
old, ancient, aged. Generally
used only of persons.
Kulumpa, vi., to be old, be aged.
Generally applied only to per-
Kulumpe, adj.(p.p. of kulumpa, to
be old), old. Generally used
only of persons.
Kuma, vt., to beat, pound, strike,
thrash, chastise, chasten, whip,
discipline or punish, scourge,
flog, hit, knock, lash, switch,
pack down, crush down.
k. cingoma, to shoot one with a
k. didiba, to weave or make
native cloth.
k. dikusa, to stumble, stump the
foot, trip.
k. lukuxi, to clap the hands.
k. munda, to beat (heart), pul-
sate, throb.
k. with cisusu or disundu, to hit
or beat or strike with the fist.
k. with luhi or dihi, to slap,
spank, smack, beat or strike
with open hand.
nvula as subj. of k. with diku-
bakuba as obj., to thunder.
Kuma, vt., to cover a house, put
roof on, thatch.
Kumanda, loc. adv. or prep, {made
up of ^\x and the insep. man da),
at the base, bottom, down,
down-stream, down-country.
§ 423 (2) w-
k. kua, at the base of, at the rear
end or lower end of, the stern.
liumangana, v., to collide, strike
each other.
k. mukanu, to smack the lips.
Kumankana, v., to meet or pass
in the way.
Kumbana, vi., to be full amount or
quantity or measure, be enough
or adequate or sufficient, suf-
fice, be filled, be complete,
be exact.
diba as subj. of k., to be time for,
time has arrived for.
neg. of k., to be insufficient, be
inadequate, be short of.
Kumbaxa,t^/., to make full amount,
make full or complete measure,
make exact, fill.
Kumina, vt., used with muoyo or
mucima as subj. meaning to
covet, long for, yearn for.
Kumina, vt., to drive in (as nail),
fasten with a nail, hammer,
knock on, tap on.
Kumudilu, loc. adv. or prep, {made
up of ku and the insep. mu-
dilu), in advance, ahead, be-
fore, first, foremost, forward,
forwards, in front, after (in
time).^ § 423 (2) (6).
k. kua, in advance of, ahead of,
before, in front of.
matuku a k., the future (days in
front), henceforth, hereafter,
ya k., to go in front, lead the
way, precede.
Kumue, loc. adv. {made up of ku
and mue, one), at the same
place, at one place, together.
§ 79 -
Kumuna, vt., to knock on, tap on.
Kuna, vt., to sew, plant (corn).
Kuneku, loc. advt, here, hither,
hence. § 163, Note 2.
Sometimes pronounced kunoku.
Kunfudilu, loc. adv. or prep, {made
up of ku and the insep. nfu-
dilu), at the end of, the point
of, at the limit of, at the
boundary, at the border, at
the edge or margin, at the
Kunfudilii {continued).
bank or beach or coast or
shore. § 423 (2) {h).
Kunga, loc. adv.{made up of kii
and the adj. nga, other), else-
where, somewhere else. § 370.
Kungakana, to assemble, come
together, gather together, con-
gregate, meet together. Cj.
Kungixa, vt., to collect, put to-
gether, gather together, assem-
ble. Cf. hungakuxa.
Kungula, vt., to shave the head
bare. Mutu is obj.
Kungula, vi., used with nvula as
subj. meaning to thunder.
Kunkuci, loc. adv. or prep.{made
up of ku and the insep. nkuci),
between, half-way, in the
midst, in the middle, at the
center. § 423 (2) (&).
kosa or kala followed by k., to
cut half in two.
Kunoku, see k inek ’.
Kuntaku, loc. adv. used as n.{made
up of ku t nd the insep. ntaku
which is from the root of ci-
taku, bottom), butt end, rear
end, stern. § 432 (2) {b).
Kuntinyi, loc. adv., see kukam-
mu and ha may be substituted for
ku, according to sense.
Kuntu, loc. adv. {made up of ku
and the insep. ntu), some-
where; as, kuntu kunyaya
kudi kule, the place where I
am going is far. § 423 (2) (6).
k. kule, far.
mu and ha may be substituted for
ku, according to sense.
Note that the ntu of k. is the
same root as muntu(person)
and cintu(thing).
Kunxi, loc. adv. or prep. {made up
of ku and the insep. nxi), at
the base, by, near to, beside,
close to,downward. §423(2)(i).
k. kua, at the base of, down at
Kunxikidilu, loc. adv. or prep,
{made up of ku and the insep.
nxikidilu, the root of the word
meaning end or terminus), at
the hind end. § 423 (2) {b).
-a k., the last one, the one be-
hind, hindermost.
Kunya, vt., to gnaw, bite off with
the front teeth.
Kunyi ? loc. interrog. adv. {made
up of ku and nyi, the same
root as cinyi), where? whith-
er? whence? §§423 (2) {b).
Kunza, vi., to be or become red or
yellow or browm or crimson or
scarlet or purple.
Kunze, adj.{p.p. of kunza, to be
red, etc.), red, yellow, brown,
purple, crimson, scarlet; used
also of the natives who are
light colored.
Kunzubila, vi., to be or become
reddish or yellow or brown or
Kunzubile,ac^7.(^.^.£)) kunzubila),
reddish, yellow, brown, purple.
Kunzuluka, vi., see kunzubila.
Kunzuluke, adj.{p.p. of kunzu-
luka), see kunzubile.
Kuokola, vt., to knock on, tap on.
Kuokuo, loc. adv., there, thence,
thither, yonder. § 163, Note 4.
Kuola, vt., to pick or pull or pluck
ripe fruit or corn, gather, har-
vest, reap.
Kuona, vt., to scrape, scrub, scour,
rub, shave off, plane (boards).
Kuonso, loc. adv.{made up of ku
and the adj. onso, all), any-
where, everywhere, somewhere,
wheresoever. § 79.
di k., to be omnipresent.
Kuota, vt., to chop or cut (as fire-
Kusa, V., used with mubidi as obj.,
meaning to amend, be better,
convalesce, get or become
better or well, improve in
health, recover, be resuscitated
or revived. .
Kusala, loc. adv. or prep.imade up
o/ ku and insep. sala), at the
end of, the point of, limit of,
at the boundary of, at the
border, at the edge, at the
margin, at the bank or beach
or shore or coast. §423 (2) (Z>).
Kusula, loc. adv. or prep. {made up
oj ku and the insep. sulab
500 kusala.
Kuta, vt., to wrap up or roll up or
fold up into a bale or bundle,
Kutuka, yi., to come undone or
untied, be untangled, be un-
Kutula, vt., to loosen, untie, ex-
tricate, set free, liberate, let
loose, give liberty or freedom,
undo, unloose, unravel, un-
Kutulula, vt., to disentangle, un-
bind, undo, unravel, untangle.
LIue {continued).
or bungi, it means equal or
same or even.
Sometimes pronounced mo.
!\Iuedi, 2, w., beard, whiskers,
m. wa ha muxuku, mustache.
Muehu, 2, n., head of millet.
3 Iueka, vi., see mueneka.
Muele, 2, n., knife, blade of knife,
kele((ffwfw.), pocket knife, table
m. wa nvita, sword.
m. wa nvula, flash of lightning.
3 Iuelelu, 2, n., edge, limit, margin,
boundary, border, rim, side,
beach, shore, bank, brink,
Muemi, i, n., one who makes the
palm wine.
Mucna, i, n.{this word always pre-
cedes the noun or some wo d
used as a noun and comes to
have an adjective force [§84
(6)], person, citizen of, native
of, countryman or inhabitant
of, member of, of the nation
or tribe or clan of, of the party
of, people of, owner of, pos-
sessor of, proprietor of.
bena kale, forefathers,
m. buowa, coward,
m. dilongexa, a catechumen,
m. kuetu, etc., neighbor, fellow
citizen, fellow countryman.
§ 141, Rem. I.
m. mabiya, carpenter, sawyer,
m. mikanda, pupil, scholar,
m. mudimu, workman, laborer,
m. tuxola, a brick mason.
Muendakanyi, i, n., a wanderer,
wayfarer, pilgrim, traveler.
Muendi, 2, n., used with the ph. m.
ku muoyo meaning nausea,
sickness at stomach,
di ne m. ku muoyo, to be
nauseous, be sick at stomach.
Mueneka, vi., to appear, come into
view or sight, emerge from
hidden or secluded place, be
31 ueneka {continued).
exposed to view, be visible,
be found, be conspicuous, be
seen, seem, show one’s self.
neg. of m., to be invisible.
Muenena, vt., to look after for,
keep for.
Muenexa, vt., to show to, point out
to, indicate to.
Muenge, 2, n., sugar-cane.
Muenu, 2, n., suggested word for
3 Iuenxi, 2, n., moon, month.
See ngondo.
3 Iuenyi, i, n., guest, visitor,
Muenyi, 2, n., smell, scent, odor.
3 Iuenze, 2, n., cricket (edible).
3 Iuetu, loc. adv., in our village or
town. § 140.
3 Iuevu, 2, 71 ., beard, whiskers,
m. wa ha muxuku, mustache.
3 Iuexi, 2, n., ditch, rut, gulley.
3 Iuflmbi, I, n., a potter.
May also he spelled mufuimbi.
3 Iuflta, 2, n., darkness, gloomi-
3 Iufuba, 2, n., bone.
mifuba(/?/.), carcass, skeleton.
Mufuba, I, «., an idle or trifling
or slow or worthless or sluggish
or lazy or indolent person,
sluggard. This word is used
as noun, not as adj.
3 Iufudi, I, n.{jrom fula), black-
3 Iufudi, 2, n., wrinkle, crease.
3 Iufufa. 2, n., bone.
mifufa(/>/.), carcass, skeleton.
3 Iufumbi, i, n., a potter.
Mufunda, 2, n., a line or mark or
scratch or trace or track made
on the ground or on paper.
3 Iufundi, I, n., scribe, writer, secre-
3 Iuhala, 2, n., a species of antelope.
Muhale, i, n., a fool, idiot, lunatic.
Rluhandixi, i, n,, savior, mediator.
Muhanu, 2 , n., trousers, pants,
pantaloons, breeches. PI.
generally used.
ela m., to put on trousers,
mikuba ya m., suspenders,
Miihenyi, 2 , w., see mukenyi.
Muhesa, 2 , n., testicle.
Muhiankunde, 2 , n., young man,
youth, boy, lad.
Muhianyi, i, n.{jrom hiana), heir.
Muhika, i, n., slave, servant, sub-
ject, attendant,
luixa m., to enslave.
Muhikudi, i, n.{jrom hikula), re-
Miihola, 2 , n., stripe, band,
di mihola, to be striped.
Muhongo, 2 , fi., witchcraft, sor-
cery. There is also a second-
ary meaning of cleverness, in-
geniousness, dexterity, inge-
nuity, skill, skilfulness,
di ne m., clever, ingenious, skil-
muena m., witch, demon, devil,
sorcerer, conjurer, wizard.
Muhotc, I, w., a fool, stupid per-
son, idiot, ignoramus, simple-
ton, dunce. Cf. hota.
Muhuki, I , n., doctor, medicine man,
maker of medicines or charms
or fetishes, diviner, physician,
sorcerer, conjurer. This word
is followed by -a manga.
3Iuhumbakane, i, n., a fool, one
acting foolishly.
3Iuhuya, 2 , n., breath, smell or
scent or odor (good or bad).
-a m. miiimpe, fragrant,
ela m., to blow the breath, ex-
huta m., to draw the breath,
m. mubi, bad smell or odor,
stench, stink, fetidness,
m. muimpe, good odor or smell,
flavor, fragrance, aroma.
Muibi, I, n.{from iba), thief, rogue,
robber, dishonest or fraudulent
3Iuihi, loc. adv. or prep. {made up
of mu and ihi, short), near
(in). § 79 .
Muihiki, i, n,, cook.
3Iuihu, I, n., nephew, niece. Re-
fers only to child of a man's
older or younger sister.
See note under nephew.
Muikilu, I, n., grandchild.
3Iuilu, ••, n., proboscis, trunk.
3Iuilu, 2 , n., clan, tribe, nation,
3Iuima, 2 , m., loaf of bread.
Muinda, 2 , n. {doubtless from Lower
Congo), candle, lamp, light.
May be spelled muendu.
3Iuinu, 2 , n., beak, bill,
tua m., to peck.
3Iiiinxi, 2 , «., pestle.
3Iuinxi, 2 , n., smoke.
fuima m., to smoke (as burning
3Iuitu, loc. word made up of mu
and the root of ditu, forest,
meaning in the forest. § 47 ,
Rem. ,
-a m., wild (as animal).
3Iulvi, I, n., thief, rogue, robber,
dishonest or fraudulent person,
3Iuiyidi, i, n.{from iyila), ] upil
scholar, student, disciple,
3Iuiyixi, i, n., teacher, instructor.
Mu j ike, I, «., unmarried or single
person, maid, virgin, bachelor.
3Iujilu, 2 , n., artery, vein.
May be spelled muxilu.
3Iukala, 2 , n., used in the ph.
muan’a m. meaning last born
or youngest child.
3Iukalu, 2 , n., dividing line or
boundary line between two
fields, border, mark, limit.
3Iukana, 2 , n., mouth.
diangana m., to move one’s lips
without speaking,
kumangana m., to smack the
Mukanda, 2, n., book, letter, note,
epistle, contract, photograph,
picture, paper. Doubtless jrom
Lower Congo.
kuata mu m., to take a photo-
graph or picture,
mi a mikanda, ink.
muci wa mi a mikanda, pen
muci warn., lead-pencil,
muena mikanda, pupil, scholar,
m. wa buhianyi, will, testament,
m. wa dilongexa, catechism,
mu mikanda, to school.
Mukandu, 2, «., a neg. command or
commandment or ordinance or
proclamation or regulation or
law or rule, disapproval, re-
fusal, prohibition. This word
is jrom v. kanda.
ela m., to issue or make a neg.
command, etc.
Mukau, 2, n., envy, jealousy.
-a m., jealous, envious.
Mukele, 2, n., salt.
Mukelekele, 2, w., gravy, broth,
Mukelenge, i, w., chief, lord, king,
master, nobleman, governor,
prince, ruler.
di m., to reign, rule, be chief,
di m. wa, to reign over, rule
over, govern. Lukengu udi
m. wa Bakuba, Lukengu
reigns over the Bakuba.
muana wa m., prince,
m. wa, owner, possessor, pro-
m. mukuxi, queen, mistress,
female chief.
m. wa bambi ba bualu bua
Nzambi, high priest,
m. wa nsubu wa maxika,
m. wa Nzambi, missionary, min-
]>Iukema, 2, n., a groan, moan,
grunt of pain.
tua m., to groan, moan, grunt.
3 Iukenji, 2, w., message, command-
ment, order, ordinance, direc-
tion, command, proclamation,
amba m., to deliver a message,
issue a decree or proclamation,
muena m., messenger, herald,
3 Iukenya, 2, «., flea.
3 Iukenyi, 2, w., flash of lightning.
The ph. wa nvula generally
follows this word.
3 Iukete, 2, w., arrow with iron
3 Iukila, 2, w., tail of animal or
3 Iukinda, 2, n., fish-trap made in
shape of basket.
3 Iukixi, 2, «., bank of earth piled
3 Iukixi, 2, n., bogie, spectre, ghost
or spirit of the dead, appari-
tion, hobgoblin, demon, devil,
large ornamented mask used
in dancing.
3 Iukiya, 2, «., a mode of wearing
the cloth by drawing it up be-
tween the legs; hence trousers,
pants, pantaloons, breeches,
ela m., to gird up the loins, tuck
up loin cloth, put on pants.
3 Iukoko, 2, n., sheep,
muan’a m., lamb.
3 Iukolo, 2, «., lower part of leg
from knee down, lower part of
hind leg of animals,
difu dia m., calf of leg.
muongo wa m., shin.
3 Iukolokolo, 2, n., handle of cup.
3 Iukono, 2, n., hoof, mark or print
or trace or trail or track of
hoof, footprint.
londa mikona, to track, trace,
m. muhandike, cloven foot.
3 Iukosa, 2, n., hindrance, inter-
ruption, interference, opposi-
tion, slander, backbiting, cal-
ela m., to interfere with the
business or friendship of two
Mukosa {continued).
persons, oppose, thwart, with-
stand, frustrate.
muena m., backbiter, calumnia-
tor, slanderer.
Muku, I, n., fat ler-in-law, mother-
in-law. Used only by the hus-
band, never by the wife.
Mukua, I, n. {derived from the loc.
•word kua and always precedes
the noun or some word used as
a noun and comes to have an
adj. force), one from a certain
village, one from a certain
tribe or nation or clan, people
of, inhabitant of, countryman
of, man or woman of, native
of, person of. Compare with
muena. § 87 {d), Rem. 2.
Mukuabo, loc. adv.{made up of mu
and adj. kuabo), elsewhere,
somewhere else. § 370.
Mukuba, 2, n., belt, girdle, strap,
mikuba ya mihanu, suspenders,
3 Iukudi, 2, «., rope, wick.
3 Iukuekue, 2, n., cackling,
tuta or ela with m., to cackle.
Mukuetu, I, n., our or my neighbor
or fellow countryman or fellow
citizen. § 142.
Mukuba, 2, n., bone.
mikuha(/>/.), carcass, skeleton.
Mukuhu, 2, n., bad odor or smell
or scent, stench, stink,
nunka m., to emit a stench,
Mukulu, I, w., elder or oldest brother
or sister, a senior, an elder.
When meaning elder brother
or sister the word is generally
combined insep. with the poss.
pro. enclitic. § 138, Rem. 2.
muana wa m., nephew, niece.
Mukulumpe, i, n., elder, an old
Mukuma, 2, «., report or noise or
sound of gun.
Mukumbi, 2, n., locust.
3 Iukumu, 2, n., a 1 low, a strike,
a lick.
Mukuna, 2, n., hill, mountain,
ridge, eminence.
3 Iukungula, 2, n.{from kungula),
rolling thunder.
3 Iukunyi, i, n., planter, sow’er.
Mukuolo, 2, n., midrib of pahn,
Mukuxi, I, n., woman, wife, con-
-a bakuxi, feminine,
cianza cia bakuxi, left hand,
mukelenge mukuxi, mistress,
queen, female chief,
m. wa lufuila, a wddow.
m. wa masandi, harlot, whore,
m. wa muan’etu, sister-in-law
(wife of brother),
tatu m., aunt (on father’s side).
This word sometimes follows the
noun with the force of an adj.
meaning female. The same
idea may often be expressed by
the ph. mukuxi^a preceding
the noun. Hence we have
[§ 56 W]:
muana m., girl, daughter,
mukuxi’a mbua, bitch,
mukuxi’a mbuxi, a she goat,
mukuxi’a ngombe, cow\
mukuxi’a ngulube, sow.
3 Iukuxiana, i, n., a woman whose
name you have forgotten or
do not care to trouble with
mentioning. § 353.
3 Iulabi, 2, n., handle of hoe, etc.
3 Iulamaci, i, n., attendant, ad-
herent, retainer, follower.
balamaci(/?/.), retinue,
m. wa Satana, devil or demon
(in Biblical sense).
Mulambi, i, n., cook.
Muiambu, 2, n., tax, tribute, duty.
3 Iulami, i, n., watchman, guard,
keeper, shepherd, herdsman,
overseer, sentry, sentinel,
m. wa bantu baNzambi, bishop.
Mulami {continued).
m. \va with mpalata or bintu,
m. \va nsubu wa maxlka, jailor.
Mulanda, 2, n., a species of rodent.
Mulangala, 2, w., switch, rod.
3 Iulau, 2, doom, woe, curse,
damnation, judgment, ill wish,
condemnation, anathema,
ola m., to doom, curse, wish ill
to, damn, anathematize.
Mulayi, 2, w., promise.
Mule, loc. adv.{made up of mn and
adj le, long), see kule.
Muledi, I, n.{from lela), a woman
who has borne children.
Mulelexi, i, n., midwife, accou-
3 Iulembulembu, 2, «., white of an
egg. PL generally used.
3 Iulemu, 2, n. {sometimes pro-
nounced mulomo), lip, brim,
rim, edge (of cup, etc.), spout
(of kettle).
See muxuku.
3 Iulemu, 2, «., trigger of gun.
3 Iulemu, 2, bowstring.
Mulenga, 2, n., a strip of cloth.
Mulengalenga, 2, n., a kind of
Muloho, 2, messenger, herald,
apostle, disciple, ambassador,
m. muowexanangila, God.
See note under God.
Mulombi, i, w., beggar.
Mulombodi, i, n., guide, leader,
Mulonda, 2, «., barrel of gun,
3 Iulonda, 2, n., nail, screw.
Mulondo, 2, w., water-pot, jar,
bottle, jug.
Mulonga, 2, w., winged ant (edi-
Mulongo, 2, n., row, file, rank,
line, train, procession, series,
-a m. umue, of same age.
dl mu m., to be in line,
imuna mu m., to stand in line,
teka mu m., to put in line.
3 Iuloxi, 2, n., see note under
Mhlu, loc. adv.{made up of mu and
the insep. ulu), up, overhead,
on high, aboye, over, upwards.
§ 423 (2) (^>)^
Mulumbuludi, i, w., a judge, arbi-
3 Iulumbululdi, i, «., attorney, law-
yer, advocate, intercessor, coun-
Mulumi, I, n., man, husband, the
male of.
-a balumi, masculine,
cianza cia balumi, right hand,
muanam., boy, son.
m. wa lufuila, a widower,
m. wa ngcmbe, bull,
m. wa ngulube, boar.
This word sometimes follows the
noun with the force of an adj.
meaning male. The same idea
may be expressed by the
phrases mulumi’a and mu-
lumi wa preceding the noun.
§ 56 {>>)■
3 Iulumiana, i, n., a man whose
name you have forgotten or
do not care to bother with
mentioning. § 353.
Mulunda, i, friend, companion,
Mulundu, 2, «., hollow in tree.
3 Iulundu, 2, tail of bird.
3 Iulunga, 2, n., the inside of an
egg (white or yolk).
3 Iulungu, 2, n., poison. Generally
preceded by the ph. buanga
3 Iuma, 2, a species of snake.
3 Iumanda, loc. adv. or prep.{made
up of mu and the insep. man-
da), down in a bottom (val-
ley). § 423 (2) {b).
3 Iume, 2, n., dew.
3 Iumiaminyi, i, w., sower.
3 Iuminu, 2, «., throat.
kuata ha m., to choke (as food),
taluxa or holexa with ha m.,
Mutulnu {continued).
to satisfy or slake or quench or
appease thirst.
Mumonyi, i, watchman, senti-
nel, sentry, keeper, overseer,
Mumue, loc. adv.{made up of mu
and mue, one), in same place,
in one place, together. § 79.
Mumuemue, 2, «., smile, grin,
tua mimuemue, to smile, grin.
3 Iumuenenyi, i, w., watchman,
Mumunyi, i, witness, one
3 Iumunyixi, i, n., instructor,
Muna, vt., to finish, bring to end,
complete, terminate, perfect,
conclude, be done, be ready,
m. kaceci, to menstruate,
m. miota, to quench or satisfy or
slake or appease thirst.
neg. of m., to be incomplete, be
May he spelled man a.
Munanga, 2, n., drought, dryness.
Munda, loc. word{made up of mu
and the insep. nda), abdomen,
belly, the inside of, the interior,
stomach, womb. §423 {2){h).
-a m., internal, inward,
fika m., or di ne m. mufike, to
be annoyed, be vexed, be wor-
ried, be aggravated, be en-
raged, be provoked,
flkixa m., to annoy, vex, worr}%
aggravate, anger, enrage, exas-
perate, displease, irritate, pro-
voke, tease, tantalize, torment,
huya or ela or uha with m., to
run off at bowels, have diar-
kuma m., to beat (heart), pul-
m. mua cianza, pahn of hand,
m. mua dikusa, sole of foot,
m. munya, midday, noon.
3 Iunda {continued).
m. as suhj. of nyenga, to be con-
tokexa m., to apologize.
Some seem to say mundu for
inside, etc., and munda for
abdomen, belly, etc.
Mundankulu, loc. adv., midnight.
Made up of munda and the
insep. nkulu. § 423 (2) {h).
Mundidimbi, 2, n., shadow, shade,
photograph, likeness, picture,
representation, image (reflec-
3 Iundongo, 2, n., shuttle of loom.
Munemu, loc. adv., in here, herein,
hence, hither. § 163, Note 2.
Sometimes pronounced muno-
Munfl, 2, n., vagina(?).
3 Iunga, loc. adv.{made up of mu
and adj. nga), elsewhere,
somewhere else. § 370.
Mungulumungu, 2, n., a kind of
European cloth.
Munkuci, loc. adv. or prep. {made
up of mu and the insep.
nkuci), among, in the midst,
in among, in the middle, be-
tween, in the center. § 423
( 2 ) {h).
31 unkulu, loc. adv.{made up of m\x
and the insep. nkulu), midst,
middle. This word has much
the same use and construction as
munkuci. §423 (2)(&). Com-
pare mundankulu.
3 Iunomu, loc. adv., see munemu.
Muntinyi, i, n., a person whose
name you have forgotten or do
not know or do not care to
trouble with mentioning. §353,
Muntu, I, n., person, somebody,
man (generic); sometimes used
also as slave or person.
bantu(/>/.), people, population,
mankind, folk.
bantu ba Nzambi, the church
(members of).
Muntu {contimied).
bantu bonso, everybody,
m. kai Muyuda, a Gentile,
m. mubi, sinner, transgressor,
villain, rascal.
m. mudixikamine, a freeman,
free-born person,
m. mukale, an adult, grown
m. mulema, a lame person,
m. wa bende, freeman, free-
born person.
m. wa cituha, dwarf, deformed
m. wa mu nsubu wa maxika, a
m. wa Nzambi, Christian, mem-
ber of church.
Muntu, loc. adv.y see kuntu.
Muntuntu, 2, «., cricket (edible).
3 Iunu, 2, n., finger.
dinungu dia m., knuckle,
ku minu, in the hand,
m. munine wa dikusa, great
m. wa dikusa, toe.
tonya minu, to clench the fist.
This word is used in indicating
the size of the moon. See
Munxi, loc. adv. or prep.imade up
of 'ran and the insep. nxi),
t^low', beneath, under, under-
neath, down under, downward,
to or on the bottom of. § 423
(2) (6).
m. mua, dowm in.
mutu m., headlong.
Munya, 2, n., daylight, da} 4 ;ime,
light of sun, sunshine, heat or
warmth or brightness of sun.
cidimu cia m., summer, warm
dinda to ne ku munda m., from
early morning till noon, all
the forenoon.
munda m., noon, midday.
Ota m., to bask, warm one’s self
in the sunshine.
3 Iunya, v., to be able, can, know,
comprehend, have experience,
perceive, be conscious of, be
aware of, recognize or remem-
ber a person, understand,
apprehend, see.
m. maiu onso, to be omniscient.
neg. 0/ m., to be ignorant, be
unaware, be insensible or un-
conscious of, be unknown, be
m. mua followed by in pin., be
able to do, can do, know how
to do, be capable or competent
of doing, be qualified for, be
neg. of m. followed by mua and
hi fin., to be impossible, be
unable, be incompetent, be
neg. of m. followed by mua
kubala, to be innumerable or
Perhaps this word can also be
spelled manya.
3 Iunyanga, 2, n., fibre of the palm
leaves used in weaving cloth.
3 Iunyangi, i,n., spendthrift, prodi-
gal. Generally followed by wa
3 Iunyanvudi, 2, n., the silk of corn.
.Munyasu, 2, n., switch, rod, whip.
3 Iunyemi, i, n., fugitive, refugee.
3 Iunyenga, 2, n., earthworm.
3 Iunyengi, i, n., highway robber,
highwayman, brigand.
3 Iunyi? interrog. adv., how'?
what? what is the matter?
for what cause or reason or
purpose ? why not ? §177.
bule m.? how far? how long?
bungi m.? how many? how
3 Iunyinyi, 2, n., meat, flesh,
cianza cia m., left hand,
m. wa mu mi, fish,
m. wa ngombe, beef,
m. wa ngulube, bacon.
Munyixa, vt., to finish, complete,
terminate, bring to end, per-
fect, conclude, be done.
Perhaps this word can also be
spelled manyixa.
Munyixa, vt., to teach, instruct,
inform, educate, explain to,
discipline, make aware of,
m. bualu bubi, to lead astray,
entice, lure, allure, tempt,
seduce, spoil.
Perhaps this word can also he
spelled manyixa.
Munyonga, 2, w.(Buk.), chisel
with which the palm is tapped
for wine.
Munyungu, 2, sieve, sifter.
Muofo, 2, w., navel.
Muomba, 2, n., stocks.
Muoniumue, loc. adv., in the same
place, together. § 96, Rem 2.
di m., to be equal, be like or
alike or identical, be the same
as, be correct, be of same or
similar sort or kind or quality
or character or species or
variety, be mate or match, re-
semble, agree.
ena m., to differ, vary, be differ-
ent or unlike or unequal or
uneven, be diverse.
Compare with hohamue.
3 Iuomuo, loc. adv., there (in),
thence, thither, yonder. § 163,
Note ^
31 uongo, 2, n., back of knife blade,
backbone or spine of body.
m. wa mukolo, shin.
3 Iuonso, loc. adv. {made up of mu
and adj. onso, all), everywhere,
anywhere, somewhere, w’here-
soever. § 371, Rem.
Compare with kuonso and hon-
3 Iuosa, 2, n., whistling (with the
ela m., to whistle.
3 Iuoxi, 2, n., string, vine or creeper
used for tying, cord, line, rope.
.Muoyo, 2, n., life, kernel, or germ or
embryo of seed, salvation, salu-
tation or compliments or greet-
ing or respects or regards, used
in figurative sense to express
heart or breast or conscience or
memory or mind or will or
soul or spirit.
di ne m., to be alive, be living,
ela m., to hope.
endexa ku m., to nauseate, make
sick at stomach, sicken,
ha or ela with m., to thank, be
grateful or thankful to.
ha or ela or ebexa with m., to
give compliments or respects
or regards or salutation or
greeting, salute, greet, hail, say
adieu or farewell or good-bye.
hela m., to give respects for
hua m., or m. wakuhua, to for-
get, miss, overlook, omit,
kalexa m., take heart,
kudimuna or andamuna with
m., to change one’s mind, re-
muendi ku m., nausea, sickness
at stomach.
m. as subj. of enda with the per
son as obj., or di ne muendi
ku m., or ku m. kudi kuenda,
to be nauseous, be sick at
m. as subj. of nyingala or sama,
to be grieved, be melancholy,
be sad, sorrowdul, be sorry, be
penitent, regret, repent,
samina or kumina with m., to
covet, long after, yearn for.
3 Iusa, 2, n., hard part of palm nut
after the oily skin has been
taken off, testicle.
3 Iusabu, 2, n., mush, gruel. This
word is doubtless from s^ba, to
3 Iusakuci, 2, n., a musical instru-
ment made by putting seeds
into a gourd, a rattle.
3 Iusala, 2, n., edge, border, limit,
margin, boundary, side of, bank
or beach or shore or coast.
Musambu, 2, hymn, song, tune,
Musamu, 2, n., pillow.
31 usanda, 2, intestinal worm.
Musangu, 2, n., time,
misangu ibidi, twice,
misangu isatu, thrice,
misangu ya bungi, often, fer-
m. muibidi, second time,
m. muihi, short time, short while,
m. mukuabo, next time,
m. mule, long time, long time
ago, long while,
m. umue, once, one time.
3 Iusangu, 2, «., long stick with
which boat is pushed along.
31 usasa, 2, n., basket or cage in
which fowls are carried.
Musau, 2, «., pestle.
Museba, 2, n., a kick, stamping,
tua m., to kick.
tua m. hanxi, to stamp or tramp
or tread heavily.
Musekfeleke, 2, «., flower of the
3 Iusele, 2, «., bud, sprout.
3 Iusenga, 2, «., powder (anything
Musengeleke, 2 «., stalk of corn.
3 Iusenxi, i, w., a bushman, bar-
barian, uncivilized person.
This is an imported word.
Musesu, 2, «., highway.
Musodi, 2, n., lizard.
3 Iusoko, 2, n., village, town, city,
misoko yonso, the world {figu-
m. wa Nzambi, heaven.
The pi. of this word may be used
to express the idea of country,
land, region, section, district,
dominion, kingdom.
Musokoko, 2, n., secret, mystery,
-a m., mysterious, unknown.
Sometimes pronounced musoko.
Musomono, 2, «., quill of porcu-
31 usonga, 2, w., top or ridge of
Musongi, I, n., a carver (of wood),
m. wa mpingu, a maker of
charms, fetishes, etc.
3 Iusonguedi, i, «., traitor, back-
biter, slanderer.
Musoso, 2, «., foreskin.
di ne m., to be uncircumcised.
Musoxi, 2, w., gravy, soup, broth.
Musuasu, 2, «., white ant, termite.
3 Iusui, 2, «., a rattle (used as
musical instrument).
Musulu, 2, w., river, brook, creek,
31 usundu, 2, n., jeemusoso.
Musundu, 2, n., leech.
Musungi, I, «., peacemaker, recon-
Musungidi, i, w., defender, de-
liverer, mediator, savior, re-
Musunsa, 2, n., time,
misunsa ibidi, twice,
misunsa isatu, thrice,
misunsa ya bungi, often, fre-
m. muibidi, second time,
m. umue, once, one time.
See musangu.
3 Iutaku, 2, w., brass rod, wire cut
into short pieces and used as
Mutamba, 2, w., ridge-pole of house,
long pole supporting veranda.
Mutanda, 2, w., loaf of bread.
Mutandala, 2, 11., ridge-pole of
house, long pole supporting
3 Iutangadiki, i, «., name applied
colloquially to the native
Christian evangelist; may per-
haps also be used for apostle,
disciple, minister.
3 Iutangadixi, i, w., spendthrift,
prodigal. Generally followed
by wa bintu.
Mutangaluxi, see mutangadixi.
Mutangidi, i, w., watchman, sen-
try, sentinel, keeper, overseer,
Mutanta, 2, n., crack, crevice,
flaw, leak.
tubuka m., to spring a leak.
Mutayo, 2 , n.{jrom taya), talking,
hubbub, disturbance, noise,
fuss, palaver, wrangle, wrang-
ling, row, sound of noise, quar-
rel, trouble.
-a m., noisy, quarrelsome,
kosexa or xikixa with m., to
quell, quiet, still, hush,
lekela m., to be silent, stop talk-
ing, hush, be quiet, keep
silence, be still.
tekam., to disturb, make trouble,
or palaver.
Mutelenge, 2, n., loaded cartridge
or shell for gun.
m. wa lutende, a loaded car-
tridge for rifle, a bullet, ball,
m. wa tundimba, loaded shell
for shotgun.
Mutempexi, i, n., diviner, doctor,
sorcerer, conjurer.
Mutendelelu, 2, w., prayer (as to
Mutengu, 2, w., used in the ph.
cingoma cia, m. a flint-lock
Mutentekedi, i, n., eavesdropper,
Mutete, 2, n., a kind of greens.
Mutomboke, i, n., a fool, idiot,
Mutonda, 2, n., grain of corn, seed.
3Iutoto, 2, n., star,
m. mutuke, meteor.
Mutu, 2, n., head, source of stream,
summit, top, pinnacle, dream,
-a ku m., the first, the foremost,
ha m. ha, on top of, over the top
of, above, overhead,
kabalabala ka m., skull,
ku m., first, forward, forwards,
at the head of, at the front of,
at the front part of, at upper
31vitu {continued).
end or front end, up-river, up-
ku m. kutuhu, bareheaded,
lata m., to dream, have a vision,
m. with mubele or musame,
m. munxi, headlong.
m. wa dibele, nipple of breast.
m. wa lubanza, first wife taken.
Mutuadi, i, «., a carrier, por-
ter. Generally followed hy wa
batuadi, caravan.
Mutubu, 2, w., ditch, rut, trench,
3Iutudi, I, n., blacksmith.
Mutumi, I, n., leader of a tune.
3Iutunda, 2, n., ant-hill made by
the bintunte.
Mutungula, i, n.{jrom tungula), a
3Iututu, 2, n., a blow, a kick.
3Iututu, 2, n., navel.
3Iuviele, i, «., mother of new-born
Muvumbi, 2, n., a continued rain.
Muvungu, 2, w., a roll or bundle or
pack or package made by roll-
ing up.
Muxa, 2, n., wind from bowels,
ela m., to break wind.
Muxangi, 2, w.(Buk.), corpse, dead
body of person, spirit or ghost
of the dead, apparition, hob-
goblin, bogie, demon, devil.
Muxete, 2 , w., box, trunk, chest,
Muxi, 2, n., root.
Muxiba, 2, n., barrel of gun, stem
of pipe, tube.
3Iuxibale, i, n., a fool, idiot, ig-
noramus, simpleton, dunce.
Muxihi, I, w., murderer.
Muxihianganyi, i, n., murderer.
Muxihu, 2, n., the dry season
(lasting, south of the equator,
from May to September),
winter, drought.
Muxikankunde, 2, n., lass, maid,
maiden, damsel, young wo-
man, virgin, girl.
Muxiki, 2, n., pile or heap of earth.
Muximi, i,w., liar, hypocrite, fraud-
ulent person.
3 Iuxinda, 2, w., oil from the kernel
of palm nut.
Muxinga, 2, w., price, value, worth,
bargain, cost, expense, trade,
-a m. mukale, costly, dear, ex-
pensive, precious, valuable.
-a m. mutekete, cheap, worth-
less, of little account,
bandixa or kalexa with m., to
put up the price, make costly
or precious or dear or expen-
enda m., to trade, buy and sell,
barter, deal in.
endulula m. muimpc, to gain
by trading, profit,
huckexa or tekexa or tentulula,
with m., to beat down or lower
or reduce or decrease the price,
ngenda wa m., trader, merchant,
tua m., to drive a bargain, talk
a trade.
Muxinga, 2, n., string, cord, line,
rope, twine.
m. wa bute, net for catching
animals, a hunting net.
m. wa ndadika, net for catching
fish (it lies in the water, hence
the name ndadika from lala,
to lie).
Sometimes pronounced mujinga.
Muxobo, 2, n., pliability, pliable-
ness, flexibility, suppleness.
-a m., pliable, pliant, bendable,
flexible, supple.
May he spelled mujobo.
Muxoxo, 2, w., switch, rod, whip.
Muxuku, 2, n.y lip, edge of cup or
plate, brim, rim, spout of
-am. wambelu, of the family of.
dituaya dia m., napkin, servi-
m. wa cingoma, muzzle of gun.
Muxuku {continued).
m. wa diulu, nostril,
m. wa mbelu, entrance, door-
tuangana m., to kiss.
Muyuda, i, n., a Jew. Perhaps
also Mujuda(i).
Nana, vt.^ to dun, ask one to pay a
Nanga, vt.^ to cook or roast by
drying before a fire on a spit,
Some say nana.
Nanga, vt., see sua.
Nanga, vt., to admonish, rebuke,
correct, discipline, reprove, re-
proach, scold, restrain, govern,
control, manage.
Nanyi, neg. adv., no.
Nata, 3, n., north(Eng.).
Naxa, neg. adv., used as follows:
(1) As neg. answer to question’,
as, neuye kuniusoko? Naxa,
are you going to the village?
(2) Occasionally to strengthen a
neg. sentence’, as, ciena nya
naxa, I am not going, no.
(3) To express the idea of
either ... or. § 433.
Naya, vi., to play, sport.
n. ne, to play with, have fun with,
Nayixa, vt., to play with, have fun
with, jest or joke with, amuse,
Ncito, 3, w.(Eng.), store.
Ndadika, 3, n7{jrom lala, to lie').
used in ph. muxinga wa n.
meaning a kind of net left in
the water to catch fish.
Ndende, 3, n., trigger or spring of
trap or snare.
teya n., to set a trap or snare.
Ndoho, 3, n., fish-hook.
Some say luloho.
Ndudi, 3, n., good aim (gun).
Nduhukilu, 3, n.(Jrom luhuka, to
go out), used in ph. dituku
dia n. wa Lumingu, meaning
Ndundu, 3, w., india-rubber, caout-
chouc, croquet ball.
Ndunga, 3, w., a kind of European
Ne, conj.y and, also, beside, along
with, with, by means of. There
is ojten a prepositional idea.
In Direct Discourse construc-
tions ne has the force of that.
§ 455 ip) ( 2 ).
di ne, to have, own, possess, con-
hehi ne, near to.
ku . . . to ne ku, from ... to
or till or until.
ne . . . ne, both . . . and,
whether ... or.
See § 426, Rem. 3.
Nema, vi., to be heavy or weighty,
grow or get worse in health
{vAth disama as suhj.).
n. with mucima as subj., to hesi-
tate, be uncertain about, falter,
be fickle, vacillate.
Nemeka, vt., to honor, adore,
praise, esteem, hallow, pay
homage to, magnify, do obei-
sance to, regard, respect, re-
vere, reverence, venerate, glo-
rify, give salutation or re-
spects or greeting to a chief,
salute or greet a superior.
neg. of n., to disobey, be dis-
obedient to, dishonor, be dis-
respectful to.
Xemekela, vt.., see nemeka.
Xemenena, vi., see nema.
Nemexa, vt., used with mucima as
obj. meaning to discourage,
Nenga, vi., to elapse, interv^ene,
expire, become long.
Nfldi mukulu, n., God. See note
under God. Class I.
Xflndu, 3, n., a species of black
Nflnina, 3, n., a bow knot. Com-
pare with finuka.
Nfinu, 3, n., see nfinina.
Xfuanka, 3, n., tobacco.
Nfuele, 3, «., flag.
Nfukete, 3, n., ramrod.
Nfulanka, 3, w. (French), franc.
Nfumu, I, n., chief, king, lord,
master, nobleman, governor,
prince, ruler,
muana wa n., prince,
n. wa, owner, possessor, pro-
See mukelenge.
Nga, adj., another, other, else, more,
some one or something else,
several, part (some),
n. . . . n., the one . . . the
other, some . . . others, sever-
al .. . several.
n. with locatives prefixed, else-
where, somewhere else. § 370.
Nga ? interrog. adj. {with Secondary
Prefixes, § 178), how’ many?
how much ? what quantity ?
Ngabu, 3, «., shield.
Ngala, 3, w.(Bukuba), salt.
Ngandu, 3, n., crocodile.
Nganyi ? interrog. pro., who?
whom ?
-a n.? whose?
dina diebi n.? what is your
Ngena, 3, n., hell. From Greek
Ngenda, i, 11. {from enda), used in
ph. n. wa muxinga meaning
trader, merchant.
Ngi, adj., many, a great deal of,
much, abundant, divers, nu-
merous, plentiful, plenty of,
several, vast number of.
Ngia-ngi, adj., see ngi.
Nglas, 3, «.(Eng.), glass, tumbler.
Ngoma, 3, n., drum made wdth
Ngombe, 3, n., ox, cow\
muana wa n., calf.
Xgo nbe {continued).
munyinyi wa n., beef,
n. mukuxi or inukuxi’a n., cow.
n. mulumi or mulumi’a n., bull.
Ngondo, 3, w., moon, month.
n. bungi munyi ? what age ?
how old? how long?
n. ki ? when ? what month ?
n, ya bungi, long time, long
n. as subj. of lua cibalu or
tentama, to be full moon,
n. as subj. of bala, the coming or
appearing of the new moon,
n. walua, next month. § 306 (c),
Rem. I.
Ngonga, 3, large European bell.
Ngongo, 3, «., a small rodent.
Ngulu, pi. of 3 or 4, w., strength,
might, force, energy, ability,
power, vigor, violence, health,
-a n., healthy, strong, vigorous,
ena ne n., to be delicate, be not
hita or tamba with n., to con-
quer, be victorious, beat, de-
feat, excel, win, prevail, re-
pulse, subjugate, subject, van-
quish, master, overthrow, over-
come, quell, subdue.
Sometimes pronounced ngudu.
Ngulube, 3, »., hog, swine, wild
mnan*a n., pig.
n^yi a n., lard.
mukuxi*a n., sow.
mulumi*a n., boar,
munyinyi wa n., bacon.
Xgulunge, 3, »., lean meat.
Ngulungu, 3, «., a species of ante-
Nguvu, 3, n., hippopotamus.
Ni, card, num., four. Takes Sec-
ondary Prefixes.
Nine, adj., large, immense, big,
great, enormous, vast, mighty,
broad, ^Adde, thick, stout,
famous, distinguished, far-
famed, glorious, honorable,
illustrious, important, noble.
Nine {continued).
influential, extraordinary, re-
markable, renowned, eminent,
di(5) dinine, low, bass voice or
mi manine, sea, ocean.
Njeku, 3, n., dwarfed or under-
sized or deformed person, lame
or paralyzed person, runt,
paralytic. 3 Iuena generally
precedes this word.
-a n., runty, dwarfish, under-
sized, stunted.
Nkaka, 3, n., manis, scaly ant-
Nkala, 3, «., crab. Some say
Nkalafa, 3, n., table fork.
Nkanku, i, n., the younger or
junior of twins.
Nkata, 3, w., pad for the head in
carrying load.
Nkaxama, 3, w., leopard.
Nkenyu, pi. of 4, n., a skin disease
in which the pigment of the
hands becomes white.
Nkese, 3, n., porcupine.
Nketel, 3, w.(Eng.), kettle.
Nkima, 3, w., the common gray-
greenish monkey.
Sometimes pronounced ncima.
Nkixiabendi, 3, n., after birth, pla-
centa. Perhaps should be
spelled nkixi’a bende.
Nki(y)-, compound disjunctive pers.
pro. {joined insep. with poss.
pro.), alone, by one’s self, only,
sole, solitary. See §§ 108, 109.
Nkobo, 3, n., small basket with top.
Nkoka, 3, n., ditch, rut, gully.
Nkose, 3, n., a small rodent.
Nkoyi, 3, «., arrow with blunt
wooden point for killing birds
or small game.
Nkoyi, 3, n., fit, spasm, convulsion
or unconsciousness or insensi-
bility caused by fit. This
word is used only of children.
Xkoyi (continued).
fua or haluka with m., to have
a fit or spasm or convulsion.
Nkuasa, 3, n., chair, seat, stool,
n. wa bukelenge, throne.
Nkuba, 3, «., flash of lightning.
See note under lightning.
Nkudimba, 3, n., dove, pigeon.
\kudu, 3, w., terrapin, tortoise,
turtle. Sometimes spelled
Nkuletu, 3, n., vest, waistcoat.
Nkumba, 3, w., a barren or sterile
or childless woman or female of
animal, perhaps also unfruitful
Nkumbikumbi, 3, w., hawk.
Nkunyi, 3, w., ugliness. This is a
slang word.
-a n., ugly.
Nkusa, 3, n., used for dikusa(foot)
in the ph. muan’a n., toe.
ciana cia n. or muan’a n.
munine, great toe.
Nkusu, 3, n., louse (in the head).
Nkusu, 3, n., parrot.
Nkutu, 3, «., spoon.
Novemba, M.(Eng.), November.
Nowa, vt.y to gather or harvest or
reap the ripe millet.
Nsabanga, 3, 11. (from Portuguese),
Nsafu, 3, «., mango. This word
has been introduced from the
Lower Congo and is there ap-
plied to a native fruit which is
not found in the upper Kasai
Nsahi, 3, n.{from Portuguese), lock,
padlock. Often used for the
key and the latch,
disu dia n., keyhole,
muan’a n., key.
xibika or ela with n., to lock,
fasten with a lock.
Nsaho, 3, n., wasp nest made of
wood paste.
Nsaho, 3, n., satchel, large open
bag, scrip.
Nsahola, 3, w., onion.
Nsala, pi. of 3 or 4> w., hunger,
appetite, starvation,
di ne or ufua or unva with n.,
or suma or sama with n. as
subj. and the pers. as ohj., to be
hungry, have an appetite,
fua n., or n. as subj. of xiha and
the pers. as obj., to be faint from
hunger, be famished, be
May be spelled nzala.
Nsalata, 3, w., salad. From Portu-
Nsambu, pi. of 3 or 4, n., used in
phrases kala n. and kosa n.
meaning to settle or decide a
dispute or disagreement, judge,
pronounce judgment.
Nsampu, 3, n., leaves of the pea
vine used as greens.
Nsamu, pi. of 4, «., the state of
buanga bua n., medicine or
charm for making one in-
Nse, pi. of 3 or 4, n., sweetness,
flavor, good taste (food).
-a n., sweet, pleasant or agree-
able to taste, tasty, savory,
ena ne n., to be unsavory, be
Nseke, pi. of 4, n., siftings of com.
Nsekididi, 3, w., extra amount
given to conclude trade, gift,
present, “dash,” interest, rent,
tentekela n., to pay interest.
Nsenda, 3, «., blacksmith.
Nsoko, 3, n., a brownish -gray
Nsolo, 3, w., fowl, chicken. May
be spelled nzolo.
hadi hasama n., cockcrowing,
early morning.
Nsubu, 3, n., house, home, resi-
dence, mansion, edifice, build-
ing, room, chamber,
buexa mu n. wa maxika, to
mukelenge or mulami with wa
n. wa maxika, jailor.
Nsubu {continued).
muntu wa mu n. wa maxika, a
mu or ku with n., at home,
n. wa bintu, store, factory,
n. wa cilulu, tent,
n. wa maxika, jail, prison,
n. with p.p. passive of handu-
lula, room, chamber; as,
nsubu utti muhandulula
nsubu isatu, the house has
three rooms.
Nsugidi, 3, n.ijrom Portuguese),
Nsuku, 3, n., bowl of pipe.
Nsumixa, 3, r^^ijrom French), shirt*
Nsunga, 3, w., odor, smell, flavor,
fragrance, scent. This word
seems generally to have the idea
of good smell.
-a n., fragrant.
Nsupu, 3, «.(Eng.), soup, broth.
Xtambangoma, 3, n., a large beetle.
Xtambue, 3, n., lion.
Ntande, 3, n., spider.
Ntanta, 3, n., measure or dimen-
sion, extension, extent, length,
distance. May be long or
n. muihi, breadth, width,
n. mule, length.
Ntendu, 3, n., sharpness (as of
Ntentekedi, 3, n., see nsekididi.
Nteula, 3, n., razor.
Nti, 3, w.(Eng.), tea.
Ntoka, 3, n., a species of poisonous
Ntombolo, 3, n., a species of
Ntotonji, 3, n., a species of wasp
(making nests of mud).
Ntuixa, pi. of 4, n.{from tuixa),
the state of being invulner-
able, invulnerability.
Ntundu, 3, n., a species of ante-
Nua, V., to drink, imbibe, smoke,
n. ciala, to consult or divine or
Nua {continued).
enchant by putting a small
piece of iron into the eye.
neg. habitual tense of n. followed
by maluvu, to be temperate.
Muenu, pers. pro., yo\x{pl.). § 105.
Nuixa, vt., to give to drink.
Nungana, vi., to whisper, grumble,
murmur, mutter, speak or talk
in undertone.
Nunka, vi., to smell, give forth or
emit smell or odor or scent,
n. with muhuya mubi or ka-
hambu or niukuhu or lusu,
to emit bad smell, be fetid,
stink, smell bad.
Nunkila, v., to smell or scent in
order to detect odor.
Nunku, adv., thus, in this manner
or way or fashion or method,
likewise, similarly, so, in such
a way.
Also pronounced nenku or
Nunu, adj., old, aged, ancient*
Generally refers only to persons^
Nuona, vt., to grind, sharpen, whet,
put an edge on.
dibuc dia. kunuona, grindstone.
Nvinike, 3, 73. (Eng.), vinegar.
Nvita, 3, n., fight, battle, war.
bena n., army.
elangana n., to fight, wage war.
muena n., soldier, warrior,
kosexa or xikixamV/i n., to quell
or quiet or stop a fight.
May be spelled nfita.
Nvula, 3, n., rain. The pi. means
the rainy season, summer,
dibue dia n., hailstone,
mukenyi or muhenyi or muele
followed by wa n., a flash of
n. as subj. of kuma with diku-
bakuba as obj., to thunder,
n. as subj. of tangadika or tan-
galuka, to cease raining, clear
Nvunde, 3, n., whirlwind.
Nxi, orphanhood.
muan’a n., orphan, PL is bana
ba nxi.
Nxidila(?), vt.^ to shut out or shut
in. Perhaps from nxila, road.
Nxila, 3, n., path, way, road, route,
street. May be spelled njila.
mu n., along the path,
n. niunine, a highway,
n. wa dikumbi dia bulobo, rail-
way track,
n. wa ku, way to.
Nxima, pi. of 3 or 4, w., bread, food,
See bidia.
Nxingu, 3, «., neck,
fiekela n., to choke, throttle,
strangle by squeezing.
Nxiti, 3, w.(Eng.), sheet.
Nyaci, 3, w., a sneeze,
ela n., to sneeze.
Nyamuka, vi., to run rapidly.
Nyana, vi., to be emaciated,
thin, grow thin, waste away,
be haggard or lean, decrease,
diminish, reduce, wane (moon).
Nyan(a), i, w., friend, companion,
mate. The final a is elided
when the pass. pro. enclitic
forms are added. § 138.
Nyanga, vt., see ona.
Nyanguka, vi., see onoka.
Nya-nya, adj., small, little, mi-
nute, diminutive, thin, narrow,
few, scarce, fine. § 76.
See kise.
Nyanyixa, vt., to emaciate, abbre-
viate, abridge, reduce, dimin-
ish, decrease.
Nyema, vi., to flee, run . away,
escape, take refuge, retreat,
Nyemenena, vt., to compress, press
or push or shove or squeeze
down on, cram together.
Nyemexa, vt., to put to flight.
Nyenga, vi. or vt., to twist, screw,
turn around, squirm, wriggle,
wring, the aching or griping or
hurting of the stomach or
Nyenga {continued).
bowels, be constipated or cos-
n. mpala, to frown, knit the
brows, scowl.
Nyenga, vt., to rob, take or seize
by force.
Nyengabala, vi., to be pliant, be
bendable, be flexible, be sup-
ple, be pliable, be tough or
Nyengabaxa, vt., to wring off or
twist off.
Nyengela, vt., to encircle, surround,
bind up, wrap up, roll up,
wind around, twine around,
coil, gird up, enclose, inclose.
Nytma, 3, n., back, hind part.
-a with ha n. or ku n., external,
hindermost, the last one, next
one behind, y unger or junior,
ela n., to turn one’s back on one.
ha or ku with n., at the ex-
terior, at the outside, at the
posterior, at the rear, at the
ku n., across, after, around, be-
hind, beyond, outside,
ya ku n., to go after, follow.
Nyina, vt., to evacuate the bowels,
go to stool, have an action.
Nyin(a), 1, n., mother. The final
a is elided when the pass. pro.
enclitic is added. § 138.
Nyingabala, vi., to fret, be fretful,
be peevish, be cross, be irri-
table, be petulant.
Nyingala, vi., used with muoyo or
mucima as subj., to be grieved,
be sorry, be penitent, be de-
pressed, despond, be despond-
ent, be morbid, be melancholy,
be sad, be sorrowful, pine,
regret, repent, be solemn or
solicitous or anxious, used also
of the waning moon about tc
Nyingu, 3, n., pot, frying-pan,
Nyink(a), i, n., grandparent, an-
cestor, progenitor, forefather.
The final a is elided when the
pass. pro. enclitic is added.
§ ■ 33 -
n. inukaxi, grandmother,
n. mulumi, grandfather.
Xyisii, I, n., father. This word
alwiys has pass. pro. enclitic.
§ 138.
Nyixi, 3, «., electric fish.
Xyoka, vt., to renounce, denounce,
censure, disown, neglect, con-
demn, deny, not to praise.
Nyoka, 3, w., snake, serpent.
nyoka’a bundu, a large green
worm (edible).
Nyoku, I, n., mother.
Nyongangandu, 3, «., gall.
Nyonganyonga, adv., slowly, slug-
gishly, lazily.
Nyongo, 3, shell of snail,
nyongo’a dicu, drum of ear.
tdfl tua nyongo’a dicu, wax of
Xyongoboka, vi., to be crooked or
bent or curved or zigzag.
Nyongoboxa, vt., to bend, curve,
make zigzag.
Nyuka, vt., to cast or throw away
as useless.
Xyukula, vt., to shake.
Xyuma, «., Holy Spirit, Holy
Ghost. From Greek Ttvevfxa.
Xyuma, 3, n., animal, beast, brute,
n. wa ku bula, domestic animal,
n. wa muitu, wild animal.
Nyunga, vi. or vt., to shake, move,
move back and forth, sift.
Xyungakana, vi., to stagger, reel,
totter, be unstable, be unsteady.
Xyungixa, vt., to shake, move or
wave back and forth, turn (as
Xyunguluka, vi., to go around, go
around in a circle, inclose, en-
close, encircle, go round alx)ut,
turn round and round. This
word is generally followed hy
ph. ku nyima.
Xyungulula, vt., to encircle, sur-
round, enclose, inclose, turn
round and round.
Xyunguluxa, vt., to turn (as
Xyunyu, 3, n., bird,
mputu n., tame pigeon,
n. wa mudinga, crane.
Xzaji, 3, n., flash of lightning. See
note under lightning.
Xzambi, i, «., God. See note
under God.
amba bualu bua X., to preach,
-a X., divine.
bantu ba X., the church (mem-
bers of).
bidia bia X., communion. Lord’s
bualu bua X., Christianity, the
Gospel, the Christian religion,
mi a X., communion wine,
muambi wa bualu bua X.,
priest, preacher, minister, mis-
mukanda wa X., Bible, Scrip-
mukelenge wa bambl ba bualu
bua X., high priest,
muntu wa X., Christian, mem-
ber of church, convert,
musoko wa n., heaven.
Xzevu, 3, n., elephant.
Okotoba, «.(Eng.), October (the
Olola, vt., to bend straight, straight-
en, stretch out or extend or
hold out or reach out or put
out (as hand), open out,
spread out, smooth out, un-
bend, unfold.
Also spelled ololola.
Ololoka, vi., to open out, unfold or
unbend itself, stretch out, be
straight or straightened.
Omba, vt., to smelt. Doubtless has
reference only to the blowing
of the bellows.
Ombela, vi., to swim (as person).
Ona, vt., to cause to go bad, spoil,
waste, wear out, injure, mar,
defile, profane, damage, de-
molish, impair, destroy, pol-
lute, desecrate, devastate, dis-
cipline, punish, afflict, be cruel
to, ill-treat, torture, oppress,
persecute, be unkind to, abuse,
tyrannize over, corrupt, close
(the path), spend or exhaust or
expend recklessly or prodi-
gally or extravagantly, squan-
der, lose (in trading).
Ondaha, vt., to cure, heal, restore
to health, treat (disease).
Used only of persons, not of the
Ondela, v., see tonkena.
Ongoloka, vi., to escape, run away
(generally with idea of secret-
ly), take refuge, get away.
Ongolola, vt., slip away a thing
secretly, smuggle away.
Onguela, vi., to do anything
stealthily or slyly or slowly or
softly, sneak.
Onoka, vi., to go bad, spoil, be-
come useless or worthless, be
corrupt, deteriorate, go to
waste, be worn out, be im-
paired, be marred, be ex-
hausted or spent or expended
carelessly, be lost in trading.
Sometimes this word is pronounced
Onona, v., to snore. The noun
\i\ono{pl.) is generally used as
obj. There is a secondary
meaning of to roar (as falls,
Onso, adj. {taking Secondary Pre-
fixes), all, any, each, entire,
every, intact, whole, total,
perfect, any one, whichever,
whichsoever, whoever, what-
bantu bonso, everybody, any
Onso {continued).
bintu bionso, everything, any-
o. cojnbined insep. with, mu and
ku and h^, everywhere, any-
where, wheresoever. § 371.
Osa, vt., to do, accomplish, act,
commit, effect, form, shape,
make, perform, prepare, pro-
duce, construct.
See enza.
Ota, V. When used with mun-
ya( 2 ) as obj. it means to bask
or warm one’s self in the sun-
shine. When used with
kahia(8) as obj., it means to
warm one’s self by the fire.
O-umue, adj., alike, the same,
identical, correct, like, of same
or similar kind or sort or char-
acter or quality or species or
variety, mate, match, equal.
§ 77 (^), 96.
di o., to resemble, agree,
ena o., to be dissimilar, be un-
like, be incorrect, be unequal,
be uneven, differ, vary.
Sometimes it seems to be spe'led
Owa, vt., to hang a person, kill by
Owa, V., to bathe, wash one’s self.
Can be used only with refer-
ence to the body.
Owela, vi., to swim.
Owexa, vt., to bathe or wash one,
Oxa, V., to ache, smart, burn, pain,
hurt, roast, set on fire, con-
sume, ignite,
o. mu uvum, to bake.
Saba, vi., to play, sport, boil or'
ferment or effervesce. _
s. ne, to am.use, play with, have
fun with.
Sabila, vt., to play with, amuse,
have fun with.
Sabixa, vt., to amuse, play with,
joke, jest with, have fun with,
Sabuka, vi., to go across (water),
come or go over, cross, ferry
one’s self across, ford, pass
Sabula, vt., to put or carry or ferry
one across a stream.
Sabula, vt., to boil, stew.
Sakula, vt., to attend a market, go
Sala, 1/^. (Lower Congo), this v. has
the equivalent oj enza, to do.
It is sometimes used by those
who have been in the Lower
Congo. For lack oj a better
word it is often used for set the
Sala, vt. or vi., to mix, mingle,
intermingle, move, stir, shake,
wriggle, wiggle, squirm.
Salakana, vt. or vi., to mix, min
gle, intermingle, move, shake,
wriggle, wiggle, squirm.
Salakanya, vt., to shake, move,
Salala, vi., to itch.
Sama, v., to lay the head down on
a pillow.
Sama, v., to be sick, be ill, be
unwell, ache, hurt, pain, suffer,
s. with mucima or muoyo, to
be sorry, be penitent, repent,
s. wtth ns ala as subj. and the
person as obj., to be hungry,
have an appetite,
mutu musame, headache.
Generally the part affected is said
to make sick the person-, as,
mutu udi unsama, my head
aches. But the person is often
spoken of as being sick in the
part affected-, as, ndi nsama
mutu, I am sick as to my head.
Sama, vi., to crow.
had! hasama nsolo, cockcrow-
ing, dawn, early morning.
Sama, vi., to become invisible (as
warrior in battle).
Samba, vt., to cheer, console, com-
fort, show mercy to, be merci-
ful to, pity, soothe, solace.
Sambakana, vi., to assemble, come
together, congregate, combine,
gather together, flow together
(as streams), join, meet, con-
verge, unite, mingle, inter-
mingle, be mixed.
Sambakanya, vt., to assemble,
collect, combine, gather to-
gether, put together, mix to-
gether, mingle, intermingle,
cause to join, unite, stir to-
Sambakuxa, vt., see sambakanya.
Sambombo, card, num., six. Takes
Secondary Prefixes.
Sambuka, vi., to go or step across
or over (as log, path, etc.),
exceed, overabound.
Sambula, vt., to put or take any-
thing across or over (as over
a log or path).
Sambulukila, vi., to scatter or
spread (as contagious dis-
ease) .
Sambuluxangana, vt., to throw
back and forth.
Samina, vt., to scold, reprove, re-
proach, rebuke, admonish,
correct, control, discipline,
manage, govern, restrain.
Samina, vt., with muoyo or muci-
ma as subj. this word means to
covet, long for, yearn for.
Sampila, vi., to bud, sprout, shoot
out leaves or new branches,
put out leaves.
Samuna, vt., to comb the hair.
Sanda, vt., to commit fornication
or adultery with.
Sanga, vt. and vi., to assemble,
collect, put together, gather
together, mingle, mix together,
intermingle, combine, unite.
Sangakana, vt., to assemble, come
together, congregate, combine,
Sangakana {continued).
gather together, join, meet,
converge, unite, mingle, inter-
mingle, be mixed, be disar-
ranged, be in disorder, be de-
ranged, be out of order.
Sangakanya, vt., to assemble, col-
lect, combine, gather together,
put together, mix, mingle, in-
termingle, cause to join, unite,
stir together, disarrange, put
in disorder, derange, put out
of order.
Sangakuxa, vt., see sangakanya.
Sang ala, vi., to amend, be better,
convalesce, get well, improve
in health, recover, be resusci-
tated or revived.
Sangana, vt., to meet up with, find.
Sangila, vt. or vt., to put together,
combine, assemble, collect,
gather together, flow or meet
together, converge, unite.
Sangixa, vt., collect, combine, as-
semble, add up, gather to-
gether, mix together, unite,
have in common, put together,
intermingle, mingle, stir to-
Sanguka, vi., to change into some-
thing else, the act of transmi-
gration or metempsychosis, be
born again. The same word is
used of the reversible pic-
tures in the magic lantern.
Sanguluka, vi., to scatter (as
clouds after a rain), hence to
clear up, to amend, get well or
better, convalesce, improve in
health, recover, be resusci-
tated or revived.
Sanguluxa, vt., to resuscitate, re-
vive, bring to, i.e., to scatter
the sickness.
Sanka, vi., to be happy, be blessed,
be glad, be joyful, be content,
be in good humor, be pleased,
be delighted, be merry, exult,
rejoice; there is a secondary
meaning of to be proud, be
Sanka {continued).
haughty, be vain, be pompous,
vaunt one’s self.
The neg. means to be unhappy,
Generally used with mucima or
muoyo as subj.
Sankixa, vt., to bless, make happy
or joyful, cheer, gladden,
please, delight.
Generally used with muoyo or
micima as subj.
Santa Klas, n., Santa Claus.
Sanxila, v., to sprinkle.
Sasa, vi., to be sour, be acid.
Sasakana, vi., to itch.
Sasakata, vi., to be impatient, be
in a hurry, be restless, be un-
easy, be nervous, be fidgety.
Sasula, vt., to demolish (as a
house), tear down, pull down,
destroy, wreck.
Satana, i, n., Satan, devil, demon.
Introduced from Hebrew.
mulamaci wa satana, demon or
devil (in Biblical sense).
Satu, card, num., three. Takes
Secondary Prefixes.
Saunde, Eng., a word used on the
steamers meaning to sound.
Saute, w.(Eng.), south. Regarded
as belonging to class III.
Saxa, vt., to shake, move, stir.
Saya, vt., see seya.
Seja, see sex a.
Seka, vi. or vt., to laugh or laugh
at, be amused at, deride, make
fun or sport of, scoff at, taunt.
SSka-muabi, n.{the last part only
is inflected according to class
II), albino.
Sekelela, vt., to give salutation or
• respects or greeting to a chief,
salute or greet a chief, con-
gratulate, hallow, do incanta-
tions, be grateful to, be thank-
ful to, thank.
Sekexa, vt., to amuse, make to
laugh, have fun with, provoke
laughter, be rediculous or
Sekexa {continued).
ludicrous or laughable or funny
or amusing.
Sekidila, vt., to add something
extra to conclude the trade,
Sekila, vt., to push, shove, press or
thrust against.
Sela, vi.,- to move along sidewise,
Sela, vt., to pay the dowry for a
wdfe — given to parents of bride
by the groom.
Selemuka, vi., to slip, slide.
Selo, inter jec.i^ng.), sail ho!
Sembakena, vt., to meet and pass
on the way.
Semena, vi., to move along side-
wise, sidle.
Semexa, vt., to make to move along
sidewi -,e, push or shove against,
press I r thrust against.
Sendama, vi., to lean, incline or
slant or slope out of the per-
Sendeka, vt., to cause to incline,
lean, slant.
Sendemexa, vt., see sendeka.
Senena, vi., to be sleek, be smooth,
be soft.
Senga, vt., to shake, move, sift (as
flour) .
Sengela, vt., to implore, beseech,
persuade, plead with, invoke,
supplicate, coax, entreat,
“please do.” There is usually
implied the idea of caressing.
Sengelela, vt., see sengela.
Sengula, vt., to cut away brush,
clear a field.
Sentedi, i, w.(Eng. or French),
sentry, sentinel, watchman.
Sepetemba, n. (Eng.), September.
Sesa, vi., to make a detour.
See sesuka.
Sesuka. vi., to make a detour, turn
out of the way or aside in
order to pass or to permit
another to pass, go round an^
Sesuka {continued).
object in the way, move or
get out of the way, glance off.
Sexa, vt.{Causative of sela), to
push or press or thrust against,
shove. The idea is that of
sidewise. Sometimes spelled
Seya, vt., to carve or cut up meat,
Sitaci, «.(Eng.), starch. Regarded
as belonging to class III.
Sodia, V., to click the throat in order
to express anger or disapproval,
abuse or insult one in this way,
grumble, offend, show scorn or
Soha, vt., to stir up together, mix,
Sohela, ^'.(Eng.), to spell.
Sohoka, vi., the accidental or unin-
tentional firing off of a gun or
springing of a trap.
Sometimes spelled suhuka.
Sokoka, vt., to conceal, hide, se-
s. musokoko, to keep a secret.
Sokola, vt., to confess, own up,
unhide, reveal, acknowledge,
disclose, divulge.
Sokolola, vt., to betray or reveal or
tell a secret, divulge, find
something hidden, confess, own
up, acknowledge, unhide, dis-
Sokoma, vt., to conceal or hide or
secrete one’s self, be concealed,
be hidden.
Sola, vt., to clear off a field, cut
away large trees.
Soloka, vi., to hop or jump (as
Soma, vt., to load or ram a gun.
Somba, vt., to borrow with inten-
tion of returning equivalent in
value or kind. Cotitrast with
Somba, v., to converse together,
have conversation, speak or
talk together.
Sombakuxa, vt., to exchange,
change, trade.
Sombexa, vt., to lend, loan, let out.
The idea is that of not returning
the same article hut the same in
Sompoka, vi., to stick through (as
needle through cloth).
Sompola, vt., to pass through (as
Songa, vt., to carve (as wood), cut,
file the teeth, form or shape or
make by cutting or carving,
sharpen to a point.
Songakuxi, i, n., girl, maiden, lass,
maid, young woman, damsel,
Songalumi, i, n., boy, lad, youth,
young man.
Songuela, vt., to accuse one before
another, betray, complain of
to another, backbite, defame,
slander, tell on, traduce, be
traitor to, be treacherous
toward, vilify, talk or speak
against one, calumniate.
Sonsola, vt., to stir up or poke the
Sua, vt., to love, desire, esteem,
fancy, care for, fain, like,
prefer, want, wish,
s. bakuxi, to be lascivious, be
lecherous, be lewd, be licen-
tious, be lustful. U sed of men.
s. balumi, to be lascivious, be
lecherous, be lewd, be licen-
tious, be lustful. Used of
neg. of s., to despise, detest, hate.
The infin. kusua is used as noun
to express affection, love.
Suanga, vt., to hull, husk, shuck.
Suika, vt., to tie, bind, fasten, tie
a knot.
Suka, vt., to shrug the shoulders.
Suka, vt., to put an instrument in
tune, harmonize, attune.
Sukila, vt., to harmonize (as two
instruments), tune instruments
to each other, attune.
Sukixa, vt.^to sharpen by hammer-
ing (as blacksmith).
Some say sekexa.
Sukuka, vi., to be out of tune or
harmony, not to harmonize, be
Sukula, vt., to put out of tune or
harmony, cause not to har-
Sukula, (Lower Congo), to wash,
cleanse, purge, purify, clean
with water.
Sukula, vi., to urinate, make
Sukulu, w.(Eng.), school. Re-
garded as belonging to class III.
Sukunya, vi., to urinate, make
Suluka, vi., to get or become free
or loose or untied or undone or
Sulula, vt., to loosen, set free, let
go, liberate, disentangle, ex-
tricate, let loose, give freedom
or liberty, untie a knot, unbind,
undo, unfasten, unloose.
Suma, vt., to bite, sting, hurt (as in
s. with nsala as subj. and the
person as obj., to be hungry,
have an appetite.
Sumba, vt., to buy, purchase, bar-
Sumbula, vt., to cast or throw away
as useless.
Sumika, vt., to bleed a person by
cupping, cup.
Suna, vt., to bring or carry or fetch
or draw water from a spring
or stream.
Sunga, vt., to separate or part those
♦ in a quarrel, pacify, reconcile,
conciliate, mediate, intervene.
Sungidila, vt., to defend, deliver,
mediate in behalf of, save,
rescue, succor.
Sungila, vt., to defend, save, de-
liver, mediate in behalf of,
rescue, succor.
Sungula, vt., to choose, select,
prefer, had rather, decide on,
elect, pick out, destine,
s. diambedi, to foreordain, pre-
Sungulula, to assort, separate,
divide, part, sort.
Sunsula, vt., to crush or rub up in
the hands, crumble.
Sunuka, vi., to sulk, be sulky, be
Susamana, vi., to squat, stoop, sit
on the haunches.
Susuka, vi., be worn out, be rag-
ged, be tired, be exhausted, be
faint, be weary, be weak.
Susula, vt., to wear out, tire, ex-
Susuma, vi., to smart, burn, pain,
Ta, vt., to hunt or chase with dogs.
Tab ala, vi., to be awake, keep
awake, open the eyes.
Tabuluka, vi., to be alarmed, be
astonished, be frightened, be
startled, to start suddenly.
Tabuluxa, vt., to startle, frighten,
alarm, astonish, surprise.
Tacixa, vt., to annoy, worry, vex,
anger, enrage, exasperate, irri-
tate, persecute, afflict, oppress,
provoke, tantalize, tease, tor-
ment, trouble, aggravate,
bother. Contrast with the vt.
form tata.
Tadi, conj.y but.
Tadi, vi., see kadi.
Taha, vt., to chop, cut, cut down,
strike so as to cut, smite,
gash, stab, be rough or uneven
to touch; sometimes used tn
sense of write, mark,
t. lusalu, to tattoo,
t. mputa, to wound.
p.p. passive, wounded.
T&ha, vt., to dip up water.
Taha, vt., to win or gain at gam-
bling. The person losing or
forfeiting is the secondary obj.
of the verb] as, nakutaha
Kasongo bintu biandi, I won
Kasongo’s things, or Kasongo
forfeited his things to me.
Tahakana, vi., to be covered or
daubed or smeared over with.
Tahuluka, vi., to separate, diverge,
branch out, part, divide.
Tahulula, vt., to assort, separate,
sort, part, arrange, divide.
Taka, vi., to tremble, quake, move,
Takankana, vt., to be unsteady, be
unstable, stagger, reel, totter.
Takixa, vt., to shake, move by
shaking, cause to quake.
Takula, vt., to lift up, raise up.
Talala, vi., to be calm, be at peace,
be peaceful, be gentle, be quiet,
be settled, be silent, be still,
be tranquil, be cold, be chilly,
be cool, be damp, be moist,
be wet, be soaked, be humid,
be insipid, be saltless, be taste-
less, be unseasoned, be dis-
tasteful, be cured, be healed,
be well.
-a mucima mutalale, content,
Talala, adv., calmly, quietly, peace-
fully, in silence, silently, softly,
di t., to be peaceful, be at peace,
be quiet, be calm, be settled,
be silent, be still, be tranquil,
mona or tangila or xoxa with
t., to gaze at, stare at, look at
steadfastly or intently.
Taluxa, vt., to qaiet, pacify, quell,
hush, still, make cold or cool,
cure or heal or restore to health,
relieve or ease pain, quench
or slake or satisfy or appease
thirst, dampen, wet, moisten,
t. buanga, to destroy the in-
fluence of charm or medicine
or fetish.
Tamba, f., to pass on ahead of or
by, go on before, come or go
past, be beyond, be first, go
over or through or by, surpass,
t. buimpe, to be better, be su-
t. with bukale or ngulu, to beat,
excel, conquer, win, defeat,
overcome, master, overthrow,
prevail, quell, repulse, subdue,
subject, subjugate, vanquish,
be victorious.
In Comparative constructions
there is ojten the idea oj very,
too, excessively, exceedingly,
extremely, farther, too much
for, more, most, quite, so.
In the Comparative Degree with
this verb we have the construc-
tion for the Eng. than. § 89.
When used with proper adj. or
verb this word expresses the idea
of infinite.
Tambakana, vi., to go back and
forth, go backwards and for-
wards, pace to and fro.
Tambixa, vt., to throw over or past
or through, let one pass by.
Tambuka, vi., to go out, come out.
From Buk.
Tambula, vt., to cast out or drive
out or throw out or chase out.
From Buk.
Tampakana, vi., to spread, scatter.
Tanda, vt., to abuse, argue with,
quarrel with, fall out with,
maltreat, ill-treat, revile, talk
angrily, bicker.
Tanda, vi., to change into some-
thing else, the act of transmi-
gration or metempsychosis, be
born again. The same word is
used of the reversible pictures
in the magic lantern.
Tandabala, vi., to be stiff, be in-
flexible, be unbending, be
Tandangana, v., to abuse each
other, argue, quarrel, wrangle,
Tandangana {continued).
fall out with each other, mal-
treat each other, ill-treat each
other, talk angrily, bicker.
Tandixa, vt., to revile.
Tanduka, vi., to fade (in color).
Tanfunya, v., to make an unseemly
noise with the mouth while
chewing or masticating food.
Tangadika, vi., to scatter, clear
away as mist, be deranged or
disarranged, be in disorder or
confusion, be out of order, be
confused, disperse, be cast
about, fall to pieces, be ex-
hausted or spent or expended.
Tangadixa, vt., to scatter, strew,
demolish, derange, disarrange,
put in disorder or confusion,
disperse, put out of order, cast
about, confuse, exhaust or
spend or expend recklessly or
prodigally or extravagantly,
waste or squander.
Tangaluka, vi., see tangadika.
Tangaluxa, vt., see tangadixa.
Tangidixa, vt., to cause to see,
show to, indicate to, point out
Tangila, vt., to see, behold, look
at, observe, notice, regard,
view, witness, examine by
looking at, find, inspect, over-
look, oversee, superintend,
perceive, watch after,
t. talala, to look at steadfastly,
gaze at, stare at.
Tangixangana, vt., used with
mpala meaning to face each
other, be opposite.
Tankakana, vi., to rock or roll (as
Tankakuxa, vt., to rock or roll (a
Tantamana, vi., to be stiff, be in-
flexible, be unbending, be
rigid, be taut or tight, strain as
in travail.
Tantamika, vi., to swell, distend,
expand, spread out, rise as
Tantamika {continued).
dough, be taut or tight, in-
flate one’s self.
Tantamixa, vt., to inflate, expand,
swell, spread out, distend,
Tanu, card. WWW., five. Takes Sec-
ondary Prefixes.
Tata, vi., to be worried, be an-
noyed, be troubled, be pro-
voked, be bothered, be ag-
gravated, be vexed, be perse-
Tatakana, vi., to hesitate about,
be uncertain, falter, be fickle,
Tatu, I, n., father, used as title of
respect in addressing chief or
master or elder.
t. muakunyi, uncle (paternal and
younger than the father),
t. mukulu, uncle (paternal and
older than the father),
t. mukuxi, aunt (on father’s
Tatu-muenu, i, n.{pl. ts batatu-
muenu), father-in-law. Thi,s
word ts used both by the hus-
band and the wife. § 42, Note 3.
Taya, 7;.(Buk.), tell, speak, say.
Taya, vt., to crack, burst, shell or
hull out, hatch (as fowl).
Some seem to say toya.
Tayika, vi., to burst, split, explode,
pop, scream or squall or shriek
in terror.
Tayixa, vt., to burst, split, explode.
Tebuka, vi., to halt, limp, be lame,
enda utebuka, to walk lame.
Teka, vt., to put, place, set down,
set away, put by or lay by, save
up, store away.
t. with dikima or bukitu, to be
brave, be fearless, be daring, be
courageous, be bold, be vali-
t. with diyoyo or mutiiyo, to
disturb, make trouble or dis-
turbance or tumult,
t. mu mulongo, to put in line.
Tekela, vt., to put away for, keep
for, set apart, sanctify, ordain,
Tekemena, vt., to expect, look for,
trust, have faith in, hope for,
have confidence in, rely on.
neg. of t., to distrust.
The in fin. may be used for the
noun hope.
Teketa, vi., to be weak, be ex-
hausted, be weary, be faint,
be feeble, be frail, be infirm,
be fatigued, be tired, be im-
potent, be loose or slack, sub-
mit, give up, yield to, succumb,
t. ku bianza, to be sleek or
smooth or soft to the touch.
Tekete, adj., weak, weary, fragile,
frail, infirm, impotent, feeble,
slack (not taut), fresh (as new
• palm wine), easy.
-a mucima mutekete, humble,
modest, penitent,
muanda mutekete, seven,
mubidi mutekete, bad health,
tekete ku bianza, smooth or
sleek or soft to the touch.
Tekexa, vt., to weaken, tire, ex-
haust, enfeeble, fatigue, make
loose, loosen, slacken, lower
price or voice, abase, humble,
humiliate, subjugate, soften,
t. muxinga, to beat down or
bring down or decrease or
lower the price, cheapen.
Tela, vt., to call one’s name behind
one’s back, take name in vain,
talk about one, swear, blas-
pheme. This word is gener-
ally followed by dina (name).
Tela, vt., to sew.
Telexa, vt., to listen to, hear,
attend to, give or pay atten-
Tema, vi., to be lighted, be kindled.
Temena, vi., to give forth light,
gleam, shine, glow.
Temexa, vt., to blow the fire, cause
the fire to burn, kindle, light.
Tempa, *y., to consult a medicine
man, divine, enchant, conjure.
Tempela, vi., to send out or shoot
out leaves, bud, sprout.
Tempexa, v., to consult a medicine
man, divine, enchant, conjure.
Tendelela, vt., to bless or praise or
glorify (God), perform incan-
tations before a charm or
fetish or medicine, do obeisance
before, adore, pray to, honor,
hallow, pay homage to, in-
voke, worship, extol, magnify,
revere, reverence, supplicate,
venerate. This word has spe-
cial reference to incantations
done before a charm.
Tengula, vt., to circumcise.
di mutengula {p.p. passive), to
be circumcised.
ena mutengula {p.p. passive),
to be uncircumcised.
Tenkakana, vi., to stagger, reel,
totter, be unsteady, be un-
Tentama, vi., to lie on top, be piled
up or heaped up on top, be
full (moon).
Tente, indeclinable adj., full. § 78.
This is derived from the verb
Tenteka, vt., to lay or put or place
on top of, pile or heap one
on top of the other, mend or
patch (as clothes).
Tentekanya, vt., to pile or heap
or lay up one on top of the
Tentekela, vt., to give or add an
extra amount to conclude the
trade, “dash.”
t. kasombelu, to pay interest.
Tentekela, v., to eavesdrop, spy,
reconnoitre, watch (as thief for
a chance to steal).
Tentekuxa, vt., to pile or heap or
lay or place one on top of the
other, mend or patch (as
Tentemexa, vt., to cohabit with,
copulate, lie with, have sexual
intercourse with.
Tentula, vt., to transplant, set out
or plant out.
Tentulula, vt., to take off from,
relieve of.
t. muxinga, to lower the price,
i.e., to drop off the fingers in
counting down the price.
Teta, vt., to attempt, strive, try,
test, make an effort or trial,
t. munda, to tempt or test or
make trial of one (as of Abra-
ham’s faith).
Some say tenta.
Teta, vt., to look for, search for,
seek, hunt for.
Teya, vt., to ensnare, entrap, trap,
entice by leaving something to
test, lure, allure, catch in trap
or snare, snare, tempt, in-
t. ndende, to set a trap or snare.
Teya, vt., to listen. Generally with
macu, ears, understood.
To, adv., this word expresses the
idea of a long distance or a
long time or continuity through-
out, ceaselessly, constantly,
continually, eternally, ever,
forever, incessantly, perpet-
diba to ne dilolo, all day long.
dinda to ne ku munda munya,
from early morning till noon,
all the forenoon.
ku . . . to ne ku, from ... to
or till or until.
butuku to ne with lunkelu or
dinda, all night long.
Tobela, vi., to creep or move or
sneak stealthily or slyly or
Toha, vi., to be damp, be wet, be
moist, be soaked.
Tohexa, vt., to dampen, wet,
moisten, soak.
Toka, vi., to be or become white,
be light in color or light from
moon or fire, shine, give light,
be pure, be spotless, be un-
Toke, adj.{p.p. of toka), white,
transparent, clean, fair (skin),
light, spotless, unspotted, pure
Tokela, vt., to excuse, pardon, for-
give, absolve.
See note under pardon.
Tokexa, vt., to whiten, clean,
bleach, sanctify, ordain, con-
secrate, purge, purify.
t. with mucima or munda, to
apologize, reconcile, atone for,
pardon, forgive, absolve, ex-
See note under pardon.
Tokexila, vt., to forgive, pardon,
excuse, absolve. Generally
followed by mucima or munda.
See note under pardon.
Tokoka, vi., to fall over, upset,
turn over.
Tokola, vt., to upset, turn over, lay
down, overturn, push or shove
over, put or place down. Some
say tonkolo.
Tokoloka, vi., to be whitish or
Tokoloke, adj.{p.p. from toko-
loka), whitish, gray.
Toloka, vi., to sprout, bud.
Tomboka, vi., see buluka.
Tomboke, adp{p.p. of tomboka),
see buluke.
Tompakana, vi., to change, alter-
Tompakanya, vt., to change, alter-
Tompakuxa, vt., see tompakanya.
Tonda, v., abhor, despise, detest,
dislike, loathe, hate, to lose
taste for, be tired of, be weary
of, be disgusted with. Note
that the person loathing or
hating becomes the obj. of the
V. rather than the subj.‘, as,
Tonda {continued.)
bidia bidi bintonda, I loathe
the bread.
Tonda, v., t» confess, own up,
acknowledge, reveal.
Tonda, v., used with lulu (death)
as subj. with the person as obj.
meaning to be about to die,
be near to death. This may
be the same verb as tonda, to
be weary of, etc.
Tonkena, v., used with the ph. mu
disu meaning to show the white
of the eye by pulling down
lower lid and intended as an
Tonta, vt., to bend, curve.
Tontolola, v., to complain about,
grumble, growl, murmur, mut-
ter, cavil, be captious, be dis-
contented, be dissatisfied.
Tontomona, v., to mutter, mur-
mur, growl, grumble.
Tonya, vt., to bend, curve, fold,
t. minu, to clench the fist.
Tonyuma, vi., to be crooked or
bent or curved.
Totobula, vt., see taya.
Toya, vt., see taya.
Tu, vi., to be. § 222.
Tua, vt., to bail out water.
Tua, vt., to hit, pound, punch at,
strike, thrust at, stab, beat,
crush or mash in mortar, dip
in or stick in, pack or beat
down, thrash out, tattoo (as
with burnt rubber). .
t. binu hanxi, to kneel down,
t. cikema, to exclaim in surprise
by grunting, be astonished, be
amazed, wonder,
t. with cisusu or disundu, to
strike or hit with fist,
t. with dihi or luhi, to slap,
smack, spank.
t. with dlkusa or museba, to
t. lukonyi, to hit or strike with
Tua {co}Uinued).
t. with luzadi or luzala or luala,
to pinch, scratch,
t. mimuemiie, to grin, smile,
t. muinu, to peck (as fowl),
t. mukema, to grunt or groan or
moan in pain.
t. museba hanxi, to stamp,
tramp or tread heavily,
t. muxinga, to drive a bargain,
talk a trade.
Tua, vi., to be sharp, have an edge.
Tua, V., to lose taste for, be tired
of, be weary of, be disgusted
with, loathe. See note under
tonda, to. abhor, etc.
Tua, v., to taste, have the taste of,
savor of. The in fin. kutua
is used as a noun meaning
taste, savor.
-a kutua kuimpe, tasty, savory,
of good taste.
ena ne kutua kuimpe, unsavory,
Tua, vi.^ to extend to, reach to; as,
cilulu ciandi cidi citua ku
makusa, his cloth reaches
down to his feet.
Tuadila, vt., to carry for, relieve of.
Tuadixa, vi., to begin again, com-
mence again, recommence, re-
peat, start over.
Tuala, vt., to bear, carry, fetch,
transport, bring, take.
Tuangana, vi., to border on or
touch each other, be next to,
join, unite, flow together as two
streams, be near together, be
side by side, be adjacent, be
t. mixuku, to kiss.
Tuanganya, vt., see tuanguxa.
Tuanguxa, vt., to put or place side
by side, unite, join on to, mend
(as cloth).
Tuanya, vt., to tear, rend, rip.
Tuanyakanya, vt., to tear to pieces.
Tuanyangana, vt., see tuanya-
Tuanyika, vi., to be torn, be rent.
Tubuka, vi., to have a hole pierced
through or punched through,
t. with disoso or dikela or mu-
tanta, to spring a leak.
Tubula, vt., to pierce, penetrate,
punch through or tear through,
stick hole through, perforate,
pick out (as jigger),
t. disoso, to bore a hole, pierce.
Tucila, vi.{jrom tuta, to come
back), to come back, turn back,
return, go back, retire.
Tucixa, vt.{)rom tuta, to come
back), to bring back, send back,
return, fetch or take back,
recall, restore.
Tudika, vi., to pop (as com in
Tue, adj.{p.p. of tua, to be sharp),
sharp, fine (point).
Tuetu, pers. pro., we. § 105.
Tfifl, pi. of 8, n., excrement, dirt,
filth, dung, manure,
t. tua nyongo’a dicu, wax of
This word is sometimes pro-
nounced tuinvi. There are
dimin. forms in sing, kufi and
Tuflna, pi. of 8, n., pus, matter.
Tuhakana, vi., to be bewildered or
confused or confounded or dis-
concerted, be entangled in
speech, be in disorder, be de-
ranged or disarranged, be out
of order, blunder, make a mis-
take, be perplexed, be mixed
Tuhakanya, vt., see tuhakuxa.
Tuhakuxa, vt., to confuse, be-
wilder, perplex, confound, mix
up, entangle in speech, de-
range, put in disorder, dis-
arrange, put out of order.
Tuhala, vi., to be dull (as knife).
Tuhika, vi., to hop, jump, leap,
bound, rebound, spring.
Tuhikila, vt., to pounce upon,
Tuhu, adj.^ blank, empty, vacant,
TJie locatives may he prefixed
insep. to this word', as, mu
mulondo mudi mutuhu, the
bottle is empty. § 79.
Tuhuka, vi., to take flight or rise
in flight (as bird), fly.
Tuhuxa, vt., to dull, make dull.
From tuhala.
Tuila, v.{from tua), used in ph. t.
mu mesu, to dazzle,
t. lute, to spit, expectorate.
Tuixa, vt., to have a dispute or
argument or disagreement
settled or decided.
Tuixa, vt., to be invulnerable.
This word seems to be Causa-
tive of tuya, to glance off.
Tuka, vi., to come out of its place,
get free or loose, escape (out
of trap or when tied), come to
pieces, shed (as tears, feathers,
hairs), stick out, protrude, be
broken (as string),
mutoto mutuke, meteor,
t. with cisululu or luanga, to
perspire, sweat,
t. maxi, to bleed.
Tuka, vt., to abuse, curse, insult,
offend, maltreat, ill-treat, re-
vile, swear at.
Tukula, vt., to pick off or pluck off
(as feathers).
Tula, vt., to draw out, pull out or
up, extract, take to pieces,
undo, break off as string, pick
off or pluck off as feathers,
tear off.
Tula, vt., to forge, beat out iron,
shape or make by hammering.
Tula, vt., used with difu or muana
meaning to abort, miscarry.
Tula, vt., to let down or put down
or take down (as basket from
the head).
Tulakana, vi., to come to pieces.
Tulakanya, vt., to take to pieces,
undo, pull to pieces.
Tuloka, vt., to hop or jump (as
Tulu, pi. of 8, n., sleep, repose,
bunga t., to doze, nod, be drowsy,
lala t., to be asleep, sleep, slum-
t. as subj. of kuata and pers. as
obj., to be sleepy.
The dimin. stng. kalu means nap.
Tuluka, vi., to get down, step
down, descend.
Tulula, vt., to take down, let down,
put down.
Tuma, vt., to lead a tune.
Tuma, vt., to send.
Tuma, vt., to sew.
Tumba, vi., to be famous, have
fame, be distinguished, be far-
famed, be glorious, be great,
be honorable, be illustrious, be
important, be influential, be
mighty, be noble, be renowned,
be eminent, be prominent.
Tumbe, adj.{p.p. of tumba), fa-
mous, distinguished, far-
famed, glorious, great, honor-
able, illustrious, important, in-
fluential, mighty, noble, re
nowned, eminent, prominent.
lumbixa, vt., to honor, praise,
bless, glorify, hallow, magnify,
pay homage to, adore, invoke,
worship, exalt, extol, regard,
respect, revere, reverence, ven-
erate, make great or mighty or
neg. of t., to disobey, be disobe-
dient to, be disrespectful to,
Tumika, vi., to be docile, be tract-
able, mind.
neg. of t., to be disobedient, be
heedless, be obstinant, be neg-
lectful, be negligent, be intract-
able, be unmanageable, be un-
controllable, be unruly.
Tumikila, vt., to be obedient to,
be docile toward, be dutiful to,
Tumikila {continued).
be faithful to, heed, hearken to,
observe the word of, obey,
mind, be meek or tractable
neg. of t., to disobey, be diso-
bedient or obstinant toward, be
neglectful or negligent of, be
unruly or untractable or un-
manageable toward, be heed-
less to.
Tumina, vt., to send to.
t. di(5), to send word to, com-
mand, order.
Tuminu, pi. of 8, w., mucus from
the nose.
Tumpa, to boil, stew.
Tunduka, vi., to rise to the surface,
Tundula, vt., to pick out as jigger.
Tunga, vt., to sew.
Tungula, vt., to castrate, cut.
Tungula, vt., to shell corn.
Tungulungu, pi. of 8, n., convul-
sion, fit, epileptic fit, spasm,
unconsciousness or insensi-
bility due to convulsion, etc.
fua or haluka with t., to faint,
have a fit or convulsion or
spasm, swoon, be unconscious
or insensible.
See note under cifuidixe.
Tunta, vt., to dip up water.
Tuntumuka, vi., to swell, distend,
expand, inflate one’s self,
spread out, rise (as dough),
t. with mi as subj., to be a flood.
Tuntumuxa, vt., to distend, ex-
pand, swell, inflate, spread
out, tighten (cause to swell),
swell, loosen (so as not to be
Tuta, vt., to beat, chastize, thrash,
chasten, whip, scourge, flog,
hit, pound, knock, lash with
switch, switch, punish, dis-
cipline, strike, crush down,
t. cibubu, to clap the hands
crosswise (in regret).
Tuta {continued).
t. cixondu, to snap the finger (in
t. lukuxi, to clap the hands,
t. with dihi or luhi, to slap,
smack, spank.
Tuta, vi., to come back, turn back,
return, go back, retire.
Tuta, V., used with mukuekue
meaning to cackle.
Tutakana, vi., to assemble, come
together, congregate, com-
bine, gather together, meet, be
mixed together, mingle, inter
Tutakanya, vt., see tutakuxa.
Tutakuxa, vt., to collect, put to-
gether, combine, assemble,
gather together, mix together,
mingle, intermingle, stir to-
Tutangana, v., to collide, strike
each other.
Tutuka, vi., to fade.
Tutula, vt., to beat out (as dust
from mat), dust, shake out.
Tuya, vi., to be half cooked.
Tuya, vi., to glance off, recover or
be resuscitated or be revived
(with name of sickness as
Tuyixa, vt., to cause to glance off;
hence, in case of sickness to
resuscitate, revive, bring to.
Ubula, vt., to peel off, bark, strip
off, skim.
Udixa, vt.{jrom ula, to buy), to
sell to.
Ufua, V., to hear, listen, attend
(pay attention), feel, perceive,
be conscious of, detect (odor
or smell), understand, dis-
cover, comprehend, heed, take
heed, obey, mind, observe the
word of, be obedient, hearken
Ufua {continued),
u. bundu, to be ashamed, be
mortified, be abased, be humil-
iated, have chagrin, be shy,
X be timid, be diffident, be
humble or penitent,
u. cixi, to be angry, be mad, be
aggravated, be indignant, be
irritable, be enraged, be raging,
be furious, be in a passion, be
provoked, be worried, be an-
noyed, be vexed, be sorrowdul,
grieve, be sad, be sorry, be
melancholy, pine, regret,repent.
u. luse, to feel pity or compassion,
u. maxika, to be cold, be chilly,
u. ns ala, to be hungry, have an
neg. of u., to be insensible or
unconscious of, disobey, be dis-
obedient, obstinate, be heed-
less, be inattentive, be listless,
be’ indifferent, be negligent, be
It is difficult to determine the spell-
ing of this word. Some say
unva, others say unfa, and
still others say unfua or uva
or Ufa. But the most common
of these is unva.
When this word means hear, obey,
etc., the obj. is di (5), or some
equivalent word, and not the
Ufuixa, vt., to cause to feel.
u. bundu, to make ashamed,
disgrace, mortify, chagrin, hu-
miliate, cause shame, abase,
u. cixi, to make angry, anger, to
make mad or indignant, dis-
please, enrage, irritate, thrown
into a passion, aggravate, pro-
voke, tantalize, torment, trou-
ble, vex, worry, tease, sadden,
u. muadi, to cause to cease cry-
ing, console, comfort, cheer up,
Uha, V., used with munda, meaning
to run off at the bowels, have
Uha, vt., to row' a boat, pull an oar
or paddle.
Uha, V., to fan.
Uhixa, vt., to purge (as medicine).
Munda is generally understood.
Uhuka, vi., to fall dowm (as tree),
u. with diba as subj., the going
dowm of the sun at evening.
Uhukila, vt., to catch in the hands,
clasp in the arms, hug, em-
brace, seize, fold in the arms,
pounce upon, go to meet and
embrace, welcome.
Uhula, vt., to fell or cut dowm a tree.
Ukucixa, vt., to satisfy wdth food.
Ukuta, vi., to be full or satiated or
surfeited wdth food, be satis-
fied, have enough, be appeased
(hunger). Difu is generally
the sub].
Ula, vi., to be full, be filled, be
exact or perfect number, be
complete, expand, swell, dis-
tend, inflate one’s self, be
TTia, vt., to buy, purchase, barter.
Uma, vi., to be dry, dry up, sub-
side, abate, decrease or dimin-
ish (dry up), evaporate, be
cured or healed (as sore),
u. with cion a or cinyanu, to
be thin, be emaciated, be lean,
be haggard.
u. mu disu, to be immodest, be
shameless, be indecent, be
Umbula, vt., to dig, excavate, make
a hole in the ground, burrow'.
Ume, ad].{p.p. of uma, to be dr}'),
Umixa, vt., to dry up, absorb, cure
or heal (a sore).
Umuka, vi., to go out or get out,
depart, start out, set out,
emerge, issue, go away, come
forth, leave, pass out, vacate,
move out, withdraw, evacuate,
u. mu nxila, to get out of the w'ay.
Umuxa, vt., to drive out, cast out,
send away, eject, put out,
empty, chase out, clear out or
away, unload, discharge cargo,
exclude, move away, bring out,
remove, subtract, thrust out,
turn out, take away, depose,
discharge or turn off from ser-
vice, expel, dimiss from employ,
Unva, V., see ufua.
Unvangana, v., to understand or
hear each other.
Unzuluka, vi., to be ajar or open.
Unzulula, vt., to open a door, put
Uvua, vt., to wash, cleanse, purify,
purge, clean.
Uvula, vt., to husk or shuck (as
corn) .
Uvum, 3, w.(Eng.), oven, stove.
oxa mu u., to bake.
Uxa, vt.{jrom ula, to be full), to
fill, inflate, cause to expand
or swell or distend.
Vangala, vi., to sit tailor-fashion.
Vila, V., to deny a charge.
Vinga, vt., to crunch or rub up in
the hands, make fire by friction,
mash between the hands.
Vinyo, 3, n.{jrom Portuguese), im-
ported wine.
budimi bua mioxi ya vinyo,
mamoma a kuenza n’a v.,
muoxi wa mamoma a kuenza
n*a V., grape-vine.
Vuadika, vt.{jrom vuala), to dress,
clothe, adorn.
Vuala, vt., to dress one’s self, wear,
put on clothes.
V. bilenga, to be adorned, be
dressed up.
Vuanduluka, vi., to be mixed or
mingled or stirred together, be
Vuandulula, vt., to mix together,
stir together, mingle together,
Vudixa, vt., to make full amount,
make full or complete measure,
make exact, fill up, increase.
Vula, vi., to be full amount or
quantity or measure, be com-
plete, be enough or adequate
or sufficient or exact, suffice, be
filled, increase in number or
neg. of V., to be insufficient, be
inadequate, be short of.
Vula, vt., to take off clothes, un-
dress, to strip off or pull off
or put off clothes.
Vulangana, vi., to be a flood. IMJ
is used as subj.
Vuluka, vi., to remember, call to
mind or memory, come to
mind, recall, recollect.
Vulula, vt., to call to one’s mind, re-
mind, bring to one’s memory,
cause to remember, put in
mind of.
Vuluxa, vt., see vulula.
Vundixa, vt., to magnify (as mi-
Vundula, vt., to stir or beat or mix
up together.
Vunga, vt., to fold, bind up, wrap
around, coil, roll up, wind
around, gird, surround, en-
circle, enclose, entwine.
Vungila, vt., see vunga.
Vunguluka, vi., to open out,
spread out, unfold, unroll, un-
wind, unwrap, wriggle, bloom.,
Vungulula, vt., to open out, unfold,
spread out, stretch out, unbind,
unroll, unwrap, unwind, dis-
entangle, extricate.
W. .
Wesita, 3, «.(Eng.), west.
Wewe, pers. pro., thou, you {pi.)
Wibika, v.{2nd pers. sing. Buk.),
used in salutation or greeting.
Winung, v.{2nd pers. sing. Bu-
kuba), used in salutation or
greeting. See salutation.
X*, I, n.y father. This word always
has pass. pro. enclitic. §§42,
Note i; 138. PI. is bax’.
x*-muenu, father-in-law.
Xa, v.f to dance. Generally fol-
lowed by maxa. § 449 (g).
Xakena, i, w.(pl. is baxakena),
namesake. Generally followed
by poss. pro. enchtic. § 138.
XAla, vi., to stay or remain behind,
be left over, exceed, lack, be
deficient or inadequate, need,
tarry behind, delay.
cintu clxAle, the remainder or
the rest (thing left over).
This word is used to express the
preposition except; as, bantu
bonso bakuya ku musoko,
umue udi mux ale, all the
people have gone to town ex-
cept one.
Xambula, x;^(Buk.), to hold a
council or court, arbitrate,
settle a trouble.
Xauka, vi., to be stunted.
Xemakana, vi., to be pleasant or
agreeable to the taste, taste
good, be palatable, be sweet,
tasty, be savory.
neg. of X., to be unsavory, be
Xla, vt., to leave, abandon, desert,
except, exclude, omit, forsake,
X. mu bianza, to entrust with.
Xibala, vi., to be stupid, be foolish,
be ignorant, be silly, be
simple, be dull, be senseless.
X. with di(5) as subi., to be
X. with mesu as subj., to be blind.
Xibale, adj.(p.p. 0/ xibala), stupid,
foolish, ignorant, silly, simply
dull, senseless.
Xibika, vt., to shut, close.
X. nsahi, to lock.
Xibikila, vt., to fill up (as hole,
ditch, etc.).
Xibuka, vi., to explode, become
Xibula, vt., to open (as tin can or
box), unfasten, explode.
cintu cia kuxibula n’aci
mpanza, a can opener.
Xidixa, vt., to burn or scorch.
Xiha, vt., to kill, put to death,
destroy, murder, sacrifice,
slaughter, slay, smite, demol-
ish, devastate.
X. buanga, to destroy the in-
fluence of a charm or fetish.
X. wit/t bulunda or bunyana, to
break off friendship.
X. dibuka, to divorce, break the
X. ha muci muciamakane, to
X. with maluvu as sub], with
pers. as obj., to make drunk,
X. menu, to dull.
X. with ns ala as subj. and the
pers. as obj., to be faint from
hunger, be famished or starved.
Xihela, vt., to kill for, offer a sac-
rifice to.
Xika, vi., to be completed, be
finished, be ready, be pre-
pared, be enough, be sufficient,
be adequate, suffice, be perfect
or perfected, be exact or com-
pleted number, be fulfilled, be
used up, be consumed, be done,
be out of, be exhausted, be
spent or expended carelessly.
neg. of'x., to be incomplete, 1^
unfinished, be insufficient.
Xika, vt., to bind, tie.
Xikama, vi., to sit down, rest, be at
ease, be seated, take a seat, stay
or stop at, live, dwell sojourn
Xikika, vt.{jrom xikama, to sit
down), to cause to sit down,
set down, seat.
Xikila, vi., to come to end of (as
path), stop.
Xikixa, vt., to finish, complete,
terminate, bring to end, per-
fect, conclude, fulfill, have
X. with diyoyo or mutayo or
muaku or nvita, to quiet,
hush, quell, still.
Xila, adj., used with num. to ex-
press exact or perfect or com-
plete number; as, cinunu
cixila, an exact thousand.
Xila, vi., to be burnt or scorched.
Xima, adj., all, entire, intact, whole,
perfect, total.
Xima, vt., to tell a falsehood or
untruth, lie, deceive, entice,
beguile, trick, bear false wit-
ness, fabricate, be false.
Ximbuka, vt., to fall down (as
Ximbula, vi., to throw down in
sense of push over, overthrow,
blow down.
Ximika, vt., to transplant, plant,
set out, set into.
Ximinyina, vt., to tell a falsehood
or lie on, accuse falsely, bear
false witness against.
Ximixa, v., to feign, pretend, pro-
Xinda, v., to throw down one in
wrestling. When used with the
reflexive sig?i, the word has
reference to a person tripping
up and falling.
dixinda bualam^, to fall back-
Xindama, vi., to be fixed, stand
firm or immovable or steady,
be steadfast, be solid.
Xindamina, vi., to walk wdth a
staff, i.e., to steady one’s self.
Xindika, vt., to fix firmly in, to
make firm or immovable, pack
or beat down, press or push or
Xindika {continued).
shove down, compress, squeeze
or cram down.
Xindikixa, vt., to accompany or
conduct or attend or escort one
a short distance on the path
in order to bid farewell.
Xinta,' vt., to change, exchange,
trade, substitute one for an-
Xintakana, vt., to exchange, trade,
alternate, change, substitute
one for another.
Xintakanya, vt., see xintakana.
Xintakuxa, vt., see xintakana.
Xitakana, vi., to be dense or
thick (as forest).
Xixa, viy, to be last or behind or
behindhand in doing, be the
hindermost, be late, be in the
Xixa, vt., used in phrases mu bu-
hele and mu bulanda, mean-
ing to impoverish.
Xixamuka, vi.{from xixa, to be
last), to be slow, do or move
slowly or sluggishly, walk or
work lazily, be dilator}^ lag,
X’-muenu, i, n.{pl. is bax*-
niuenu), father-in-law. The
poss. pro. enclitic is used after
the x’. §§ 42, Note 2, 138.
Xoboka, vi., to be bendable, be
pliant, be pliable, be flexible,
be supple.
Xomuna, vt., to pull up, take up.
Xoxa, vt., to see, view, witness,
behold, examine by looking,
find, look at, inspect, observe,
notice, regard, overlook, over-
see, superintend, watch after,
X. talala, to look at steadfastly,
gaze at, stare at.
Xuhula, vt., to hull or husk or
shuck (as peas by beating).
Xukula, vt., to nod assent.
Xumbula, vt., to fell, cut down
Xunguila, vt,, to smooth over (as
mud in house-building).
Xunguka, vi., to be dwarfed or
undersized, be low, be dwarf-
ish, be runty, be stunted.
Xunguke, adj.{p.p. of xunguka),
dwarfed, undersized, dwarfish,
runty, stunted.
Ya, vt., to go, go away, depart,
start, set out, advance, leave,
pass on, proceed, progress.
ya cianyima, to go back-
ya ha buihi, to approach, draw
near, go near.
ya ku luendu, to go on a journey
or march or trip.
ya with ku mpala or kumudilu,
to go ahead or before, lead the
way, precede.
ya ku nyima, to go after,
ya lubilu, to run away, retreat,
ya ne, to go with, carry, conduct,
Yeye, pers. pro., he, she, it. § 105.
Yila, vi.{jrom ya, to go), to go for,
go around on that side or that
Yisita, 3, w.(Eng.), yeast, leaven.
Zabika, vt., to put the cassava root
to soak prior to drying.
Zakala, vi., to quake, quiver,
tremble, shiver, shake.
z. with mucima as subj., to be
excited, be frightened, be hor-
rified, be scared, be shocked,
be terrified, be terrorized,
Zakuxa, vt., to cause to tremble or
quake, shake.
z. mucima, to frighten, alarm,
scare, shock, terrify, horrify,
Zaza, vt., to cut or chop into small
pieces, hash, mince.
Zekexa, vt., to grind or grit the
Zobela, vi., to limp, halt, be lame,
be crippled.
enda with present participle, to
limp, walk lame.
Zokola, vt., to peck or pick up with
bill (as fowl).
Zonzama, vi., to squat, sit on the
haunches, stoop.
Bikila Kasongo, Call Kasongo.
Kasongo udi kudi kunyi? Where is Kasongo ^
Lua kunoko, Come here.
Ta ubikile batuadi ba bintu, Go and call the carriers {of the things).
Ndi musue kuya ku Ibanj lelu, I want to go to Ibanj to-day.
Ndi nkeba bantu makumi abidi baye n’inyi, 1 am looking for
twenty people to go with me.
Buonso buetu tudiku, We are all here.
Imuni mu mulongo, Stand in a line.
Kabuya, wakuangata bintu bia kudia mu nxila? Kahuya, did you
get the things for eating on the road ?
E, nakuangata bidia ne minyi a ngulube ne minyi a ngombe
ne luhanza lua munyinyi ne lueho, Yes, I have gotten some bread and
some lard and some butter and a tin of meat and some salt.
Lua ne cifulu ciinyi ne cikowela ne bisabata, Bring my hat and
coat and shoes.
Tuye lubilu, Let us go in a hurry.
Nakuhanga, ndi musue kubuela mu buanda, I have become tired,
I want to get in the hammock.
Tuakufika mu ditu dinine, We have arrived in the big forest.
31oni mpumba, itu yasuma bantu, See the driver ants, they bite.
Ditu diakuxala ku nyima, tudi ha mpata katataka, The forest
remains behind, we are now on the plain.
Musulu udi ha buihi, tusuasua mi a kunua, A stream is near, we
want some water to drink.
Nakukala kabidi, nengende hanxi, I am strong again, I will walk
{on the ground).
Eu musoko ki? What village is this ?
Diba diakuflka kunkuci, ndi ne nsala, The sun has reached the
zenith, I am hungry.
Tuxikame aha, Let us stop here.
Kuku udi kudi kunyi? Where is the cook ?
y Kayeu, Here he is.
Dina diebi nganyi? What is your name?
Dina diinyi 3Ibuya, My name is Mhuya.
Udi umunya mua kulamba bintu bimpe? Do you know how to
cook the things well ?
Uamba nsolo ne makela asatu, Cook a jowl and three eggs.
Beya, ya mu musoko usumbe mabote ne makuonde ne tumbele,
batuadi badie, Beya, go into the village and buy some bananas and
plantains and peanuts that the carriers may eat.
Nensumbe ne cinyi? What shall I buy with?
Angata lueho ne mibela, Get some salt and cowries.
Kutekedi bena musoko diyoyo, Don’t make trouble with the peopU
oj the village.
\/Bidia biakuxika. The food is ready.
Teka luhanza ne nkalafa ne kele ne nkutu ne dilonga ha mu-
xete. Put the cup and knife and spoon and plate on the box.
Bikila bena musoko, netubambile bualu bua Xzambi, Call the
people of the village, we shall preach to them.
Tuakudia, tuye, katuena basue kulala kunoko. We have eaten,
let us go, we do not wish to sleep here.
Diba didi dihueka, Ibanj udi kule. The sun is going down, Ibanj is
far away.
Tuye bitekete. Let us go slowly.
Bantu badi ku mpala badi bela bila, bualu ki? The people who
are in front are shouting, what is the matter?
Ibanj wakumueneka, Ibanj has appeared {in sight).
Moni bena musoko, balualua kutuha muoyo. See the people of
the village, they are coming to salute us.
Tuakufika, makusa etu adi asama ne mikolo, tuye kuxikama.
We have arrived, our feet and legs are sore, let us go and sit down.
Bakuba balualua kutumona, badi balunda betu. The Bakuba
are coming to see us, they are our friends.
Netulale ku Ibanj matuku atanu. We shall stay at Ibanj five days.
Hatuamona balunda betu, netuye kuetu kabidi, When we have
seen our friends, we shall go to our own village again.
ndi musue kulala tulu. Go and make
Bantu ba bungi bakalua kudi Jisus, bakalua kunva bualu buakam-
beye. Jisus wakamba lusumuinu ne: Muntu mulumi wakadiku.
Wakadi ne bana balumi babdi. Muana muakunyi wakulua kudi ta-
tu’andi wakuamba ne, “Ntahaluila biuma biebi.” Tatu’abo wakuba-
tahaluila biuma biandi. Muana muakunyi wakuangata bintu biandi
bionso, wakuya n’abi kule ku musoko mukuabo.
Hakufikeye ku musoko, wakuenza biandi malu mabi, wakutangaluxa
bintu biandi hatuhu. Hakuhua bintu biandi bionso, ciole ciakulua
ku musoko; muana muakunyi kakadi ne cia kula bia kudia. Wakaya
biandi kudi muena musoko, wakuangata mukanda wa mudimu. Muena
musoko wakumutuma ne, “Ya ku budimi buinyi, udixe ngulube yinyi
bia kudia.” Wakaya, wakadi ne nsala ya bungi, kuakadi muntu
wakumuha bia kudia; wakubanga kudia bihusu bia nkonde, biakadi ,
ngulube idia. Wakuelangana mexi ne, “Bahika ba tatu’inyi badi ne I
bintu bia bungi bia kudia, aha ndi nfuila nsala cin}d? nemlike, nenye
kudi tatu’inyi, nentonde b alu ne, ‘Tatu’inyi, nakuenzela Nzambi
malu mabi ne wewe kabidi. Ndi muntu mubi, ciena muan’ebi. Ndi
nkeba mukanda wa mudimu bu bahika bebi bakuabo.’” Yeye wakue-
langana mexi nunku. Wakabika, wakalua kudi tatu’andi. Hakadiye
mulue mu nxila kuakua, tatu’andi wakumumona, wakumusua, makuen-
da lukusa, wakumusangana mu nxila, wakumuakidila.
Muana wakuambila tatu’andi ne, “Tatu’inyi, nakuenzela Nzamb ^
malu mabi ne wewe kabidi, ciena muntu muimpe bu muan’ebi kabidi.”
Tatu’andi wakubikila muntu wandi ne, “Ya wangate bilulu bimpe, t
umuhe, aluate; wele kakana ku munu, umubuexe bisabata. Ya
umuxihele kana ka ngombe, tudie, muoyo wetu wakusanka. Muan’inyi
wakadi mufue, udi ne muoyo kabidi; wakadi mujimine, wakumueneka
Kale muntu mubaxi wakadiku. Wakadi uluata bilulu bimpe. j
Muntu muhele wakadaku, da diandi Lazalusa. Lazalusa wakidi /
ulala ku mbelu kua muntu mub^xia, wakadi ulomba muntu mubaxi I
nkototo ya kudia. Lazalusa wakadi ne mputa ham’bidi handi honso; \
mbua yakalua kuluka. ’
Lazalusa wakafaa, ne banjjis bakaya ne muoyo wandi kulu kua
Nzambi, wakadi ha ciadi ha Abalahama,
Muntu mubaxi kabidi wakafua, bakumujika, muoyo wandi wakaya
ku ngena, Satana wakadi umukengexa, Wakuxoxa mesu andi kulu
kua Nzambi, wakumona Lazalusa ulala ha ciadi ha Abalahama, waka-
dila ne, “Tatu Abalahama, untumine Lazalusa kunoko, atue munu
mu mi, alabe ha ludimi luinyi, miota idi inxiha, kahia kadi kangoxa.”
Abalahama wakamuambila ne, “Naxa, wewe wakadi ne bintu bia
bungi, Lazalusa wakadi muntu muhele. Katataka Lazalusa udi
usanka ne w'ewe udi unyingala. Hankuci hetu hadi luhongo lunine
kabena bamunya mua kulua kunoko.”
Muntu wakadi mubaxi wakamba kabidi ne, “Ndi biinyi ne bana
betu batanu, ciena mubasue balue kunoko, wabatumine Lazalusa,
abambile bualu bua Nzambi, kabalue kunoko.”
Abalahama wakahidia ne, “Naxa, badi ne mukanda wa Nzambi ne
di diakubambila Moses. Biahidiabo, bualu buabo.”
Muntu wakalua kudi Jisus, wakumukonka ne, “Ndi musue muoyo
wa cendelele, ngenze cinyi ?” Jisus wakuamba ne, “Wewe udi umunya
me a Nzambi ne, ‘ Nanga Nzambi ne nanga bakuenu ne bantu bonso.”
Muntu eu wakuamba ne, “Ndi mumunye di edi, mukuetu nganyi?”
Hakukonkeye Jisus nunku, Jisus wakumuambila lusumuinu nunku:
Kale muntu wakadi uya mu nxila, banyengi bakumukuata, bakumutaha
mputa ya bungi ham’bidi handi, bakunyenga bintu biandi, bakumuxia
hatuhu, kakadi umunya mua kuya.
Hakulaleye nunku to, muambi wa bualu bua Nzambi wakalua mu
nxila; hakamoneye muntu mulale ne mputa, wakusesuka, wakuya
biandi. Muntu mukuabo, muena Levi, wakulua mu nxila. Hakamoneye
muntu mulale ne mputa, wakusesuka, w^akuya, wakumuxia hatuhu.
Muntu mukuabo, wa cisambu cikuabo, muena Samelea, wakalua
mu nxila. Hakasanganeye muntu mutaha, wakaya kudiye, wakuvua
mputa yandi, wakumunyengela cilulu ha mputa, wakumubandixa ha
nyima ha kabalu kandi, wakaya n’andi ku musoko, wakaya kudi muena
musoko, wakuamba ne, “Nakusangana muntu eu mu nxila, umuhe
bintu bia kudia, hanalua nenkufute bimpe.”
Jisus wakuamba bana bandi ne, “ Hanaya kulu’ kua Tatu’inyi,
nendue kabidi; kanuena numunya dituku dinalua.” Hakuambeye
nunku, Jisus wakuela lusumuinu ne: Muntu mulumi wakadiku.
wakuya ku musoko mukuabo, wakuya kubuka mukuxi. Hakadiye
ulua butuku ne mukuxi’andi, mixikankunde dikumi yakuya mu nxila,
yakuya kumuakidila. Mixikankunde itanu yakadi ne niexi, mikuabo
itanu yakadi mihote. Yakadi ne mexi yakaya ne minyi a bungi a kuela
mu mpanza ya kahia. Yakadi mihote yakaya ne minyi manyamanya.
Buonso buai yakuya mu nxila. Hakuxikamai kukala kua nxila to,
tulu tuakubuela mu mesu, yakulala tulu. Mundankulu bakuela bila
ne, “ Mubuki wa mukuxi ulualua, tuyi kumuakidila.”
Mixikankunde yakadi ne mexi yakubika, yakuamba kuya kmnua-
kidila. Mixikankunde mihote yakubika, yakukema ne, “Minyi etu
akuhua.” Yakaya kudi mikuabo yakadi ne mexi ne, “Nutuhe bietu
minyi, etu akuhua.” Yakadi ne mexi yakuamba ne, “Naxa,'katua-
kunuluila ne minyi, yi bienu kula minyi kudi bantu bakuabo.” Hakayai
kula minyi, mubuki wa mukuxi wakulua. Wakubuela mu nsubu
wandi ne bantu bonso bakadi n’andi, ne mixikankunde yakadi ne
mexi. Yeye wakunxila cibi.
Hakalua mixikankunde mihote, yakusangana cibi cinxila. Yakuela
di ne, “Mukelenge, unsulula cibi.” Yeye wakuamba ne, “Naxa,
iena munumunye.”
N. B. — In the following Index the figures have reference to sections
in the Grammar. No effort is made to have the references complete.
Only the more important are given.
Accent, 35.
Active V)ice, 200, 253, 341, 342,
Adjective clause, 454.
Adjectives, 70-90; take primary
prefixes, 71; follow the noun
modified, 72 and Rems, i, 2;
take secondary prefixes, 77 (a)-
(e); relative position of, 83; con-
tained in V. as pred. complement,
84 (cO; phrases, 86, 87, 423 (3);
comparison of, 88-90; adverbs
formed from, 417; with loc. pre-
fixed, 79.
Adverb clauses, 456-466; inverted
position used %vith, 443 (b), Rem.
5 (3); of place, 457; of time,
458; of condition, 459, 460;
of purpose, 461, 462; of result,
463; of degree or comparison,
464; of manner, 465; of cause,
Adverbs, 362-421; of place, 363-
382; of time, 383-400; of de-
gree and quantity, 401-406; of
manner, 407-413; of affirmation
and negation, 414-416; forma-
tion from adjs., 417; miscella-
neous, 418-421.
Alliterative concord, 60. See CON-
Alphabet, i.
- Antecedent of rel. pro., 164, 168 (a)
and {b); omitted, i^.
Apodosis of past conditions, 309,
459 (0-
Applied form of v., 328-332; of
causative, 338; used meaning
why? 420 (a) and {b) Rem. i.
Archaic forms of nouns, 44 Rem.,
45 Rem.; as primary and sec-
ondary prefixes, 63 Rem., 66
Rem. I.
Assimilation of vow'els, 25, 26, 329
(a)_and (&), 334 (a) and (ft), 336.
•Auxiliary verbs, 205-232; used in
forming compound tenses, 194;
loc. prefixed to in compound
tenses, 321 Rem. 4; di, 206-211;
ena, 206 Rem.; cidi, 212-217;
cena, 212 Rem.; tadi(kadi),
218-221; tu, 222-224; h 225,
226; ikala, 227; anza, 228;
can, 230; may, 231; must and
ought, 232.
Cardinal numerals, 91-97; dis-
tributive forms, 94; substantives
made from, 95 (a) (b), and Rems.;
the forms with o-umue, 96 and
Rems.; forms in abstract count-
ing, 97-
Causal clauses, 466.
Causative form of v., 333-338.
Change of u to w and i to y, 27, 28.
Classes of nouns, 40, etc.
Coalescence of a and i into e, 23
Rem. 4, 47.
'^ognate accusative, 449 (g).
Comparison, of adj., 88-90; of adv.,
403; clauses of, 464.
Complex sentence, 453-472.
Compound predicate, 446.
Compound sentence, 452.
Compound subject, 441 (/) (i) and
Compound tenses, 194, 125, 165
Rem. 2, 320 Rem. 2, 321 Rem.
4, 443 (b) Rem. 4.
Concord, 58-69.
Conditional clauses, 459, 560.
Conjunctions, 430-436, coordi-
nate and correlative, 431-435;
ne, 432; naxa . . . naxa, 433;
inyi, 434; tadi and kadi, 435;
subordinate, 436.
Consonants, 3-15, double con-
sonants, 13-15; euphonic changes
of, 29-34.
Defective nouns, 42; joined with
poss. pro., 42 Notes i and 2.
Demonstrative pro., 143-163; in-
dicating near opjects, 149-15 1;
indicating remote objects, 152-
155; indicating objects near the
person spoken to, 156-158; em-
phatic demonstratives, 159-162;
with loc., 163 and Notes.
Derivative verbs and nouns, 322,
Diminutives, 50; in pi. to express
bulk, 50 Rem.
Diphthongs, 16-18; last letter of,
determining suffix, 329 (e) and
(/), 334 (e) and (/).
Direct discourse, 455 (b) (2).
Elision, of vowels, 23; between
words, 24 and (a)-(