6"cp ^s^o3 Warfield Librarv IN THE NOV 6 1925 H 1 J_^ H J BY Prof. C. A. VOUNG, Pti.D., LL.D., PRINCETON. CRANBURY. N. J : CtKORCK W. BURROCGHS. I'RINTKK. 1B94. COI'VRICHT. 1S94. BY PROF. C. A. YOl'NC;. God's Glory in the Heavens. IT is still as true as when the Psalmist wrote it first, that "the "^ "heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth "His handiwork. Day unto day uttereth speech, and night " unto night showeth knowledge." In some ways it is even truer now than then, because to-day the words have a more impressive and a grander significance than they could have had to David. To him the heavens were not so ver}' vast, nor so very far awa3' ; and for him they, and the sun and moon, were mere appendages of the earth, of no importance or significance except as beautiful and use- ful servants of mankind. Now we know an immeasurable universe, compared with which our great world itself is the merest speck — a / drop in the ocean, a mote in the sunbeam. "He that sitteth upon the heavens," "he whom the heavens of heavens cannot contain." was indeed, to the ancient Hebrew, very great as compared with any earthly potentate ; but what shall we now say of Him who inhabits the immensity of space revealed by Science ; who by His immediate, all-pervading presence, actuates and vivifies the universe of universes : of Him to whom we still, but with a clear understanding, address the adoring words of the prophet ; " Of old, O Lord, hast thou laid the foundations of the earth, "and the heavens are the work of th^- hands : they shall perish, but "Thou shalt endure : as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they "shall be changed ; but Thou art the same and thy years shall have " no end." I think it is unquestionable that, as men have come to know \ more of the material universe, they have had continually revealed to them something more of the glory and majesty of its Creator. Here, and for the present, we see, of course, only " through a glass " darkly" : but as time goes on we catch more frequent glimpses of the ineflable brightness and the majestic outlines : we recognize more and more distinctly the presence and the power of the Omnipo- tent ; lying still beyond our vision and our touch indeed, but inti- mated, and to some extent manifested, in all the phenomena which we can apprehend. ; / / Here, however, let me admit a limitation as to the extent of this natural revelation of God, so far, at least, as it appears in the science of astrononi}'. ;' I dare not say that I am able to see in the phenomena of the starry heavens verj' much that bears on His moral attributes ; very little, for instance that goes to demonstrate His holiness, His justice, or His mercy. For such evidence, apart from Revelation, we must look rather to the moral law written upon the human heart ; and especially to the course of histor\', where we clearly recognize "the power, not ourselves, which makes for right- " eousness," and find evidence as to the character of Him who overrules the conflicts of the nations and directs the evtr-ascending progress of the human race. , I may add, too, that one finds in the system of the stars less evidence, perhaps, of the Divine "ingenuity," — if I may be allowed to use the expression reverently — fewer cases of obvious " contriv- " ance " than in the world of organic nature. It is in the structure of living beings that the most striking instances of this sort occur. Such organs as the eye and ear and the human hand, and the won- derful arrangements by which the continuity and permanence of races are maintained, have few if any parallels among the stars. There are, it is true, numberless adaptations between the astronomical condi- tions of the earth, on the one hand, and on the other the character- istics and structure of its inhabitants, both animal and vegetable ; and these adaptations may fairly be adduced, as Whewell and others have adduced them, in evidence of the Creator's intelligence, which has fitted together the habitation and its inmates. But the study and discussion of these adaptations belongs to the naturalist rather than to the astronomer, and I shall content m\-self with this mere allusion to them. The really impressive lessons of the stars, it seems to me, relate to the greatness and eternity of God, His unity, His omnipresence, and all-pervading activity ; and especially the wonderful manner in which, by a few simple laws. He has built and organized the sub- limely glorious architecture of the heavens, radiant throughout with a clear intelligence, which we, His creatures, can recognize and measurably comprehend. I think that astronom\- stands unrivalled among the sciences in the emphasis with which she teaches these lessons : no other science so forcibly, so overwhelmingl}-, impresses the thoughtful mind with the infiniteness of God, and the relative insignificance of man and the little globe on which we live. " What " is man that Thou art mindful of him, and the son of man that "Thou visitest him!" This the student of astronomy learns to say with a profounder and more intelligent humility than anj- other person can. And, on the other hand, he too, I think, is likelj- to recognize more fully than other men the high dignity of our human nature, made in the image of God and partaking of the divine ; able in a most real sense to "comprehend" the whole material universe, to share the thoughts of God, and to think them after Him. I do not forget, indeed, the " infinity of littleness" that lies, so to speak, below us — the world of microscopic organisms and struct- ures, of molecules, and atoms, and light-waves ; nor do I den}' that here also is to be found a revelation of God, which, in its logical force and import, is as well worthy of consideration as that contained in the story of the stars. But it seems to me harder to read : the type is not so large, the sentences are more intricate, and the lan- guage is far less familiar. At an}- rate, that is not what we have to deal with at present. And now let us, in the first place, consider the vasfness of the material universe as in some sense a revelation of God's greatness. Clearl}' He is greater than any or all of the worlds that He has made ; and so in contrasting the immensity of that portion of crea- tion which we can see, with the littleness of our own sphere oj action, we shall advance toward a true conception of the tremendous meaning of His omnipresence : advance towards it, I say, not reach it ; for it is more than probable, nay it is certain, that our sensible universe is but an infinitesimal fraction of the mighty whole. The domain of astronomy is but a little corner of God's material king- dom ; yet even this little corner is so vast that we can attain to some conception of its immensity only by degrees, beginning with the smaller and the nearer, and so ascending step by step through unimaginable heights until we reach the limits of our human obser- vation. Compared with ourselves, and with the region we can fairly see around us, the sphere upon which we live is certainly immense : he who has travelled much and made its circuit appreciates its great- ness. When one has ridden wearj^ days and nights to reach the coast of the Pacific, and then has steamed some three weeks or more across that great, lonely, sailless ocean to the islands of Japan, and spent another two months in coasting along the shores of China and Siam, and traversing the Indian Ocean, and the Red Sea, and the short-cut at Suez, and sailing over the blue Mediterranean and the rough Atlantic to his home again ; such a man, I say, begins to know something of the magnitude of this world of ours. All the thousands of millions (probably about fifty thousand millions) of human beings who have inhabited the earth since its histor}^ began could be seated, as roomily as we are here, upon the surface of the single State of New Jersey. Compare a man even with moun- tains or lakes or rivers, not to speak of continents and oceans, and how small he is : how feeble as against the wild powers of wave and storm and earthquake. If we could have no, knowledge of any- thing beyond the earth itself, we should rightly feel that a man, or even the whole human race, is as the small dust of the balance when weighed against the world. But we are not so restricted in our kno\vlerl;^e. The heavens arc full of objects that from the be^^inninj,' must have riveted the attenticm and excited the curiosity of men. Nearest of them all, and most interesting, on account of her constant changes ;uid rapid motion, is the Moon. How we ascertain her distance from us I have no occasion to explain : it is enough that astronomers can measure it with accuracy, and have done so, finding it to be a little more than thirty tinjes the diameter of the earth, or nearly 239,000 miles. So remote is she that even our largest tele.scopes cannot bring her optically nearer than eighty miles. The great telescope of the Lick Observatory, the most powerful instrument in the world at present, will sometimes, when all the conditions of the air are kindly, bear a power of about 3,000 ; and then the observer sees the surface of our satellite about as a person in New York City would, with unassisted vision, look into Philadelphia, if he were raised high enough to bring the towers of the rival cit}- above the hori- zon. As for the Moon herself, while we find that she is indeed much smaller than the earth, yet she is a real world, large enough to carry a population at least equal to that which now inhabits the earth. It is true, however, I may say in passing, that we find the condition of afifairs there to be such that no inhabitants like those which dwell upon the earth could live upon her surface. This splendid orb that rules the night, and so beautifully brightens our hours of darkne.ss, is an airless waste, frozen and lifeless, so far as we can ascertain. "God's ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts like ours ;" at least this often turns out to be the case. T,et us in imagination leave the region of the earth and attempt tlif journey to the Sun. It is unnecessary and would i)e out of place to discuss this evening the methods by which astronomers have been able to stretch their measuring lines across the tremen- dous abvss and so to affix their scale of miles to the great map of the .solar system : for this distance ot the sun is now the unit ol all human measures in the celestial spaces ; like the golden reed with which the angel measured the walls of the New Jerusalem. The problem has not l)een an easy one, and its first approximate solu- tion was attained only in the la.st century by means of the tran- sits of Venus in 1761 ami 1769. Since then various other methods have been devised and carried out, all of which practically agree in showing that the mean radius of the orbit of the earth is a little less than 93,eron ; and still beyond, and thirty- times as far from the Sun as we are, the remote Neptune with its single moon. You do not need to be told now that half a centur\- ago this planet was discovered bj' the computation of Leverrier and Adams before any human eye ever recognized it. Trusting implicitly in the dominance of law, the}' argued, from some slight but otherwise unaccountable p>eculiarities in the motion of Uranus, that such a planet must exist : they figured out its place in the heavens, and communicated their results to friends, who had access to telescopes ; and when the tube was duly pointed, there, like a little star, was found the great world, solemnly moving along its appointed path. The}' had followed out the thought of Cod, "the great Geometer," who works by rule and plummet in all the universe of matter, and " lie gave them their heart's desire " in permitting them thus to find what he had hid- den from all the generations of their predecessors. The.se outer worlds are all immensely greater than the Earth : the bulk of Jupiter is I2(X) times as great, and that of Saturn more than 7tK>, while Iranus and Neptune are respectively about 75 and 90 times larger than the Earth. It is a great, an immense domin- ion, this of the Sun : no less than 5,600 millions of miles in diameter. If this were all, if this were the whole of the universe revealed by a.strononiy, we might well say that the science had added much to the meaning of the Psalmist's song of praise. But vast as the solar system really is. it is hardly nu)re than the merest speck as compared with the universe of stars. For the stars which to the eye look like mere glimmerinomain of suns, and systems ruled by suns — ' No end ; and no beffiuuinjf, through all space — " But everlastiuj;, mystic, wonderful, ■ Our hyinniujj song sounds ever round the throne • of Ilim, who reigns supreme the life of all." Then as the Psalmist sang of old I said — Because so moved I could not choose but speak — ■ What, I.ord, is man that thou shouldst care ■ For him or for his kind,— the son of man that Thou ■ Shouldst mindful be of him or his?" Then rang A voice of solemn thunder through the spheres — ' Say, rather. What is space or time to Me ' That thou shouldst deem mere mightiness of mass ■ Or plenitude of time can outweigh mind ' And soul ? Can worlds and suns have knowledge of my power ? ' Can .(iions after -lions sing my praise as man ' Gifted by me with power to know my power can tell ' The meaning of the nnisic of the spheres ?" Then I replied — "Nay, Lord, but if the words ' Of men are worth the utterance they are thine. ' Lo we are but the creatures of Thy hand : ' We see but part of all Thy wondrous work. ' Could we but .see the glory of Thy light, ' Could we but hear the thunder of Thy power. We should become both blind and deaf— • Deafened by pealing tones, made blind by light. ' In Thee alone we live and move. In Thee We have our being. But shall the finite hymn The praises of the Infinite? Shall weak man The creature, paint with erring brush the Sun Of might and power and wi.sdom, evermore supreme?" The answer came — " Shalt thou, my creature, doubt ' Or hold my will in question ? Learn that the least ' Of all the countless minds My Will has made Outweighs, not once, but many thousand times The mightiest mere mass : the thoughts of human hearts Outvie the movements of a million suns, The rush of sy.stems, infinite through space."