^^^ OF PRIA^^^ AUe 15 1997 OGICAL SEW^ ^^^^^ ^2 II , i-';'^'^ Pb-2 HISTORICAL MANUAL ROCKAAA^AY Presbyterian Church. COMPILED BY THE PASTOR, REV. D. E. PLATTER, Published with the Approval of the Session. i§8o. TRENTON, N. J. : Wm. S. Shaep, Printer and Stereotyper. 18S0. ^m OF PR/rtCf; JUN 20 1997 PREFACE. The compilation of this manual has involved much labor, but it has been a labor of love. The historical sketch is a mere abridg- ment of the complete history by Dr. Tuttle, the delayed publica- tion of which is to be regretted. The catalogue of names and dates is that whereon I have bestowed my labor. I have taken l^ains to verify dates, but the work was difficult, and there are doubtless inaccuracies. Mr. E. D. Halsey furnished the list of Trustees ; and the narrative from 1862 is an abridgment of a fuller sketch prepared by him as a conclusion to Dr. Tuttle's history. No manual of the church has been issued since 1832, the year in which the present church edifice was erected. That contained only the names of the membership of that time. Our church has more than a hundred years of history, and a long roll of honor ; and this is a humble effort to put that history and roll of honor iu a permanent and convenient shape for distribution and preser- vation among those most deeply interested. It is my oflering of love to the people of my first and only charge. D. E. P. RocKAWAv, September 27th, 1880. PRESENT ORGANIZATION. Pastor. Rev. David E. Platter, Ordained and installed July 22d, 1874. Elders. Joseph H. Beach, ordained 1861. Samuel S. Beach, ordaiaed 1861. Charles C. De Hart, ordained 1861. David Hamilton, ordained 1861. James H. Bruen, ordained 1874. Nathaniel R. Mott, ordained 1874. Deacon. Jos^ H H. Beach. James H. . :t:i .'-lo' it rer. ■\,ui i . ,vi;ttli:, Se. •: .y. Columbus Beach, Charles 0. De Hart, Edmund D. Halsey, Mahlon Hoagland, Matson Williams. S. S. Superintendent. Chorister. James H. Bruen. John G. Mott. Cemetery Committee. Charles C. De Hart, Henry D. Tuttle, Edmund D. Halsey. Sexton. John G. Mott. STATED MEETINGS. PREACHING. Sunday at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday-School at 2:30 p. M. Weekly Prayer-Meeting, Wednesday, 7 :30 p. m. Young People's Prayer-Meeting, Fri- day, 7:30 p. M. COMMUNION SERVICE. On the Second Sundays of March, June, September and Decem- ber. Preparatory Lecture on the Friday preceding Communion Sunday, at 3:00 p. m. STATED MEETINGS OF SESSION. Immediately after the Preparatory Lecture, at the Church. INFANT BAPTISM. Li connection with Preparatory Lecture. PARISH MEETING. The Last Wednesday of September. The pews are sold annually at Parish Meeting to the highest bidder, and the pew- rent is payable quarterly in advance. ROLL OF COMMUNICANTS. Atno, Miss Evaline 1873 Atno, Miss Isabelle 1873 Ay ers, John 1 857 Ayers, Mary E. (Mrs. 8anders)..1867 Ayers, Cornelia M 1876 Ayers, Henrietta 1876 Ayers, D. Stewart, M. D C 1872 Ayers, Mrs. Harriet Stickle, Fuller 1840 B. Babcock, Mrs. Isabella H 1878 Barton, David Edwin 1879 Bassett, Sarah Mott (Saml. S.)...1S38 Bassett, Edward 1874 Bassett, Elizabeth Lavinia 1875 Beach, Joseph H. 1 1840 Beach, Elvira Kelsey J 1834 Beach, Edward P 1864 Beach, Catherine (Widow of Chilion) 1832 Beach, Columbus \ ...1852 Beach, Susan Electa Halsey / ...1840 Beach, Frederick Halsey C 1865 Beach, Samuel S. 1 1831 Beach, Sarah Colyer / 1842 Beach, Sarah Jane 1858 Beach, Edward Webster 1867 Beach, Anna Colyer 1874 Beach, Clarence Leslie | C 1875 Beach, Jennie D. Addis J C 1875 Beach, Jonas ") 1876 Beach, Julia Ann Rogers / 1876 Beam, Edgar W. 1 1867 Beam, Gustin Mary L. j 1878 Berry, Mary Jane Mott (Benj.)..1874 Blanchard, Abner 1825 Blanchard, James "I 1863 Blanchard, Sarah J 1863 Blanchard, Caroline K 1874 Blanchard, Martin A 1853 Blanchard, Moses 1859 Blanchard, Samuel A 1859 Boyd, Elizabeth Cooper (Wm.)..1856 Broadwell, Susan Palmer (Arch'b) 1818 Brower, Mrs. Susan Gustin C 1876 Bruen, James Harvey \ 1848 Bruen, Emily T. Kelsey J 1840 Bruen, James Wright 1 1864 Bruen, Emma DeHart J 1864 Bulger, Sarah C 1870 Bunnell, William Edsell \...1867 Bunnell. Phebe M. Shawyer / ...1861 Byers, Katie L 1879 o. Cook, Charles Youmans \ 1879 Cook, Sarah L. Merritt, J 1858 Cook, Laura Virginia 1878 Cook, Mary Edith 1879 Cooper, Sarah (Widow of Stephen B.) 1832 Davy, Ann (Richard) 1879 DeHart, Chas.C.l 1858 De Hart, Harriet j 1858 De Hart, Georgietta 1868 De Hart, Chas. Robinson 1879 Dickerson, Hattie Clark (Chas.)..1868 E. Easton, Catherine Norris (Joseph) 1831 Elmer, Thomas C 1878 Foster, Ellis Ludlow"! 1875 Foster, Rebecca A. / 1875 Fox, Morris 1 1864 Fox, Elizabeth Smith J 1880 Freeman, Jane (Wid. Day ton). ..1858 Freeman, Margaret (Noah) 1858 Fuller, Frank Edward 1868 6 Q. Gleason, Sarah Jane C 1875 Gregory, Henry Ludlow"! 1879 Gregory, Catherine J 1 879 Gustin, Mary S. (Wm.) (J 1876 Gustin, William H. "I 1879 Gustin, Nora A. Waer J 1876 H. Halsey, Edmund Drake C 1865 Halcey, Cornelia Van Wyck 1857 Hamilton, David ) 1825 Hamilton, Anna Read j 1825 Hamilton, Sarah Elizabeth 1870 Hamilton, William \ 1870 Hamilton, Bertha R. J 1874 Hinchman, Mary Frances ( John)1858 Hoagland, Mahlon, Sr. 1...1857 Hoagland, Annie Jane Miiir / ...1862 Hoagland, Thomas Hudson \ ....1868 Hoagland, Eva Lounsbury J. C 1875 Hoagland, Sue Louise Neff. 1875 Hoagland, Mahlon, Jr. \ 1874 Hoagland, Laura Dorman j ...C 1880 Hopler, Martha (Caleb) C 1869 Hough, William \ 1870 Hough, Eliza j 1871 Hough, Percy 1879 J. Jackson, Mary 1849 Jackson, Sarah D 1847 Johnson, Nelson \ 1879 Johnson, Maria J 1879 K. Kelsey, John B. 1 1822 Kelsey, Delia Conger J .. 1822 Kitchel, Matthias D. ) 1863 Kitchel, Maria Davis/ C 1880 Lee Catherine (widow Samuel) C 1848 Lee, Margaret M C 1861 Lee, Cornelia B C 1864 Lindsley, Harriet (widow Gabriel) 1861 M. Marsh, Lydia Elizabeth 1867 Mattox, George E. ) C 1880 Mattox, Sallie Berry/ C 1880 Merritt, Samuel 1870 Merritt, John C 1868 Merritt, Phebe Wiggins (widow Samuel) 1842 Miller, James Arthur \ 1876 Miller, Ruth B. Waer/ 1870 Miller, Charlotte (Ora) 1875 Miller, Abigail Hall (widow Philip) 1842 Miller, John Paul \1875 Miller, Mary Ann Broadwell j 1857 Miller, Frank Edward 1875 Mills, Mary L C 1876 Mott, Parnel (widow John) Mott, John G. ■) 1855 Mott, Caroline Freeman / 1855 Mott, Mary Emma 1875 Mott, Hattie Louisa 1875 Mott, Nathaniel Revo \ 1867 Mott, Angeline Hopler / 1860 Molt, Esther Ann (widow Elisha) C1855 Mott, Matilda R 1874 Morgan, Mary Norris (James). ..1825 Morgan, Susan 1855 Munn. Grace Ann 1870 McCarty, Mary Emma 1868 McGrath, Thomas Barrett \ 1861 McGrath, Ella M. Cooper j 1868 N. Nix, Lavinia J. (Hiram) 1877 Norris, Alexander 1840 Norris, John ) I860- Norris, Agnes McGrath/ 1865 O. Oram, Benjamin B. \ 1875 Oram, Cornelia Adele Stickle j 1875 Palmer, Mary Baker (Silas S.)...1831 Palmer, John Lewis 1875 Palmer, Jeremiah Baker) 1878 Palmer, Mary Scofield j 1878 Platter, Susan Hutchings (Rev.) C1878 R. Reid, Carrie Stickle 1872 Robinson, William H 1880- Rogers, John \ 1868 Rogers, Marietta Hamilton / 1861 Rogers, Nellie 1879' s. Sharp, Phoebe R C 1878 Sharp, Letitia C C 1878 Shawger, Rachel Wiggins (Abrain) 1839 Scofield, Thomas \ 1858 Scofield, Mary J 1858 Smith, John Jay \ 1862 Smith, Mary Jane/ 1863 Smith, Samnel \ C 1878 Smith, Frances Nunn J C 1878 Stephens, Frank Dorman \ 1875 Stephens, Cllara Shores... I 1875 Stickle, Hubbard "1 1808 Stickle, Jane McGrath j C 1864 Stickle, Caroline Tuttle (B, K.)...1848 Stickle, Sarah 1831 Stickle, Emily Conger 1838 Stickle, Mary Frances 1843 Stiles, Nora 1879 Strait, Morford B. 1 ..C 1876 Strait, Annie M. Hoagland | 1874 Struble, Sarah A. (widow) 1861 Strnble, Mary Irene 1879 Stnrtevant, George \ 1876 Sturtevant, Mary E. Sniiih / 1876 Sturlevant, Sarah Garrigiies (Eliphalet) 1832 Sturtevant, Clara D 1867 Sturtevant, Thomas Eliphalet 1867 Sturtevant, Cornelia Halsey 1874 Sturtevant, Kate Hiler ." 1875 Sturtevant, Mary G 1867 T. Talmadge, Albert Riggs \ 1875 Talmadge, Mary E. Lyon / ....C 1875 Todd, Edward H. \ 1867 Todd, Marietta Zeak / 1867 Tomkins, Hila H. (Mrs. Smith)..1846 Topping, Julia A. Berry (widow) 1875 Tuttle, Henry D. \ 1861 Tuttle, Esther Ann Pierson. / ....1861 Tuttle, Joseph Farrand 1875 V. Vanderhoof, Mary Weir 1878 Van Dusen, Hattie 1879 Van Dusen, George 1879 Ward, George. Wilson 1875 Waer, Charlotte M. (Britain) 1872 Waer, Emma Jane (Wm., Jr.). ..1875 Williams, Matson \C1874 Williams, Louisa Hntchingsj C1874 Z. Zeak, Mary Genung (Joseph) 1831 Zeak, John Clark 1 1867 Zeak, Josephine J 1880 Zindie, Sarah (William) 1878 Zindle, Anna Elizabeth 1874 HISTORICAL SKETCH. As early as 1730, a small settlement existed in the vicinity of Rockaway. When or by whom the Gospel was lirst preached in the place does not appear. Some of the j^eople, among them Al)ner Beach and Job Allen, were members of the Presbyterian Church of Morristown, and probably Rev. Timothy Johnes, pastor of that church, and the Rev. Jacob Grreen, pastor of the Hanover Church, preached here occasionally, before a church was organ- ized, as they did afterwards. March the 2d, 1758, was the natal day of the Rockaway Presby- terian Church. On that day two important papers were drawn up, which put in practical shape the desire of the people to secure for themselves the privileges of the Gospel. One of these papers sets forth the " desier to Joyn with pasipaney to call and settle a min- ister ;" the other expresses the willingness of the subscribers to " ablig ourselves to pay toward building a meeting-house the sums to our names affixed." These two important papers will be printed entire in this manual. The objects aimed at were realized, but not at once. The meet- ing-house was secured iirst. The subscription amounted to £75, equal to about $188, and was supplemented by a loan of £100 from Col. Jacob Ford, Sr., of Morristown. This loan, in part at least, was afterwards made a gift, thi-ough the influence of Moses Tuttle, of Mt. Pleasant, a son-in-law of Mr. Ford. The frame of the church was erected in 1759, and in 1760 it was enclosed and the floors laid. There was no plastering or ceiling, no stoves or fire-place, and only planks laid on blocks for seats. On the 24th of August, 1762, Benjamin Prudden conveyed to WiUis Pierson, Job Allen and Obadiah Lum, Trustees of the parish of Rockaway, for the benefit and use of the Presbyterian Church of Roccaway," " the ten acres and thirty perch " of land which make up the old church lot. It was not till 1768, that the " desier to Joyn with pasipaney to call and settle a minister" was realized — ^just ten years after that desii'e had first found expression. Negotiations begun at a parish 9 Tueeting', Dec. 23d, 1766, finally resulted in the settlement of the first pastor of this church, the Rev. James Tuttle, Jr. April, 1768, he was ordained and installed at Parsippany over the two churches, and William Winds, Obadiah Lum, Jacob AUerton, David Beman and Benjamin Prudden, were appointed to attend the installation, and receive Mr. Tuttle on behalf of the Eockaway Church. Mr. Tuttle was a native of Hanover, a son-in-law of Rev. Jacob Green, the pastor of that place, and a brother of Moses Tuttle, of Mt. Pleasant, an influential man in the parish of Rockaway. His pastorate continued for two years and seven months, when his death occurred at Hanover, Dec. 25tli, 1770, in the 29th year of his age. His grave may be seen in the old bui'ying ground at Hanover. Mr. Tuttle lived in the parsonage which the parish had "built on the "Tom Maun lot" — near the present residence of Mr. Cortright. Lord Stirling had given to the parish of Rockaway? one hundred acres of land within one mile of the church, for parsonage purposes, and this spot had been selected and built on. The £60 salary paid Mr. Tuttle for the one-half of his time was raised by assessing the property of the members of the parish and levying a tax upon it. This assessment was made and the tax levied and collected by men appointed by the parish for that pur- pose. Some of these old assessments or "rate hsts" are pre- served in^the parish records. This method of raising the minister's salary continued tUl Mr. Carle's time. From Mr. Tuttle's death, in 1770, the church was without a pas- tor for nearly fourteen years. This period included the trying years of the war for independence. A number of efibrts were made to obtain a pastor, but they all proved fruitless. Ministers were scarce, and the field was not a very inviting one. The peo- ple, however, were not left entirely without the preaching of the Gospel through those years of trial and discouragement. Occa- sional suppHes were sent by the presbytery, and when these failed, the deacon's meeting was the unfaiHng substitute. The pulpit was occupied during this period by the following ministers : Rev. Timothy Johnes, April 15th, 1770. Mr. Lewis, of Mendham, October, 1770. Mr. Chapman, of Orange, January, 1771. Mr. Horton, of Bottle HiU, (Madison,) April 9th, 1771. Mr. Kennedy, of Basking Ridge, July 11th, 1771. Mr. Simpson, July 25th, 1771. Mr. Simpson preached twelve Sabbaths during the year 1772, 10 and -with such acceptance that assiduous efforts were made to secure him as pastor, but he finally declined the call. Rev. Mathias Burnet preached three times in 1773, and on the 17th of May, 1774, a call was made out for his pastoral services, which was declined. Thus the second effort ended in failure. Durinof the year 1774, the pulpit was occupied thirteen times by different ministers. In 1775, one sermon by the Rev. Joseph Grover, of Parsippany, is all that is recorded. In 1776, Rev. Thaddeus Dodd preached two Sabbaths, and a Rev. Mr. Ackley, two Sab- baths. In 1777, a Mr. Galany (?) preached six Sabbaths. In May, 1777, an attempt was made to secure the services of Rev. Jno. Joline for three months, but failed, and in April, 1778, the effort was renewed to secure his services, which failed by reason of an offer from the church at Mendham, which he accepted. The parish next secured the services of a young Dutch minister, Mr. Derondy, who supplied the pulpit during the winter of 1778-9. On the 12th of April, 1779, Mr. Noble Everett was engaged to preach six months, and at the end of that time declined to serve the church an}' longer. During the following years of 1780, 1781 and 1782, the Rev. Lemuel Fordham supplied the pulpits of Succasunna and Rockaway, Rockaway refusing to join with Succasunna to settle him as joint pastor, and finally fail- ing to secure his acceptance of their call to become the pastor of Rockaway, very much to their disappointment. On the 17th of March, 1783, it was voted at a parish meeting to treat Avith the Rev. David Baldwin, who was pz*eaching at BLick River (Chester, ) with reference to his serving the church at Rock- away. He gave the people little encouragement at the time, but in December, 1783, they gave him a call, and in February, 1784, Mr. Baldwin signified his acceptance of the call. He was installed as pastor of the church in April, 1784, by the Morris County Pres- byterial Association — a kind of congregational secession under the leadership of Rev. Jacob Green, of Hanover, which this church had joined. His salary was fixed at £80 a year, the use of the parsonage, and his firewood. He lived in the parsonage near where the depot of the Morris and Essex Railroad now stands. Mr. Baldwin was a good man, but a very ordinary preacher. He took charge of the church at a time when its spiritual life was at a very low ebb. The members were few and mostly women, the congregations were small, and there was a widespread laxity of manners and morals. Society was suffering from the demoraliza- 11 tion of the long war. In addition to the widespread infidelity of the times, and the general indifference to religion, there was in- ternal dissension, which neutrahzed in a large measure, the efforts of the faithful pastor. The trouble arose out of the singing. The custom had long prevailed of reading the psalm line by line while singing, a custom which arose when there were no books for the people to sing out of. David Beman had long led the singing in the old way. A party, presumably of the young people, who had an ear for good music, attempted a change. Beman and his sup- porters stoutly resisted young Benjamin Jackson, the new candi- date for the honors of chorister, and his party. The matter was compromised at first by allowing Beman to line out the psalm and sing in the first service, and Jackson to sing without lining in the second service. But this was not the end of the matter. The quarrel smouldered for years, occasionally breaking out with fury. In 1789 feeUng ran so high that WiUiam Ross and David Beman resigned their eldership. But after hindering for a long time the prosperity of the church, the matter was finally settled in 1792, in favor of the new and better way. During his ministry, Mr. Baldwin purchased a farm on the south side of the Denville road, near Savage Corner, and, moving upon it, supplemented his meagre salary by the pursuit of agri- culture — dividing his time between his crops and his sermons. The parish was incorporated according to the laws of the State in 1787. On the 6th of March of that year, the parish met and elected a Board of Trustees consisting of the following persons : William Winds, Stephen Jackson, Abraham Kitchel, Benjamin Beach, Job AUen, David Beman and David Baker ; and a certifi- cate of incorporation, under the name of the "First Presbyterian Church of Rockaway, in the County of Morris," was granted March 22d, 1787. The church was in a very low state during the latter part of Mr. Baldwin's ministry, the attendance on Sabbath morning num- bering scarcely thirty persons, and oftentimes less than that number ; and in January, 1792, he submitted a proposition to be dismissed or retained as the parish might think proper. The parish voted to pay his salary to the 1st of June, and to give him Uberty then to make other engagements. The pious and devotedly good old minister left the parish with the best of feeling between himself and the people. On the 14th of May, 1792, it was voted to extend an invitation 12 to Eev. John J. Carle to supply the pvilpit for six months, and on the 18th of June, 1792, a unanimous call was extended to him to become pastor of the church. Mr. Carle accepted the call, and was ordained and installed in January, 1793. The exact date I am unable to find. This was the first ordination ever witnessed in Kockaway. Mr. Carle was popular in his manner and an eloquent preacher, and under his ministry the temporal prosperity of the church was increased, and the congregations became larger. Nothing had been done to render the church more comfortable and attractive since the beginning of Mr. Tuttle's ministry in 1768, when pews were put in, instead of planks, in some portions of the church. Encouraged by Mr. Carle's coming, to renewed effort, the people addressed themselves to the task of improving the church, and in 1794 the building was ceiled and the galleries put in, making it much more comfortable and commodious. The session of the church was also re-organized at this time, and regu- lar records kept of their meetings. Elders existed before this time, but no sessional records are in existence previous to 1793, so far as I am able to discover. The following is the first record : " Monday, February 25th, 1793. The church met at Mr. David Beaman's. Present, Messrs. Carle, David Beaman, Job Allen, John Clark, James Farris, WiUiam Ross and Samuel Beaman. The meeting was opened with prayer. It was unanimously agreed by this meeting to have a regular church session formed, in order to which, Messrs. David Beaman, Job AUen and John Clark were nominated as candidates for the office of RuHng Elder, and directed to be propounded the three ensuing Lord's days. Mr. David Beaman was also nominated as a candidate for the office of Deacon. The meeting agreed to consider all baptized persons belonging to this congregation as subjects of church discipHne ; also agreed that all baptized parents who submit to the discipline of the church, are free from scandal, and live moral lives, may have the ordinance of baptism administered to their children." In 1788 part of the parsonage-lands near the depot were sold to pay arrearages to Mr. Baldwin, and in 1792 the remainder was sold, and a new tract purchased at Franklin and another pai-- sonage buUt. This house stood neai' by where Henry Palmer now Hves, and was torn down when his present residence was built. Mr. Carle hved in the new parsonage tiU he purchased a house of his own in Rockaway. His salary was fixed at £100 when 13 he first came, but was afterwards raised to £180 per year, " and to find himself in firewood." After he removed to Rockaway to live in his own house, the parsonage at Franklin was sold to Dr. Ebenezer H. Pierson, December, 1795, for $1100, Mr. Carle's history is an unhappy one. While pastor at Rock- away he was given to indulgence in intoxicating drink, a prevalent custom of the times, and as the vice grew upon him it weakened and finally destroyed his influence. He was released from his pastoral relation in the spring of 1801, and went to Connecticut to take charge of a church. He died about 1808, and is buried at Basking Ridge, his native place. He belonged to an excellent and highly respected family, and his downfall was a source of great giief to them. From the conclusion of Mr. Carle's pastorate to the coming of Rev. Barnabas King, six years elapsed, during which time the church was without a pastor. During this time there were occa- sional supplies, who "were paid $5 a Sabbath for their services. Among the preachers of the years 1802, 1803 and 1804 are Rev. Messrs. Lemuel Fordham, Cram, James Richards, Amzi Armstrong, Aaron Condict, Mathias Burnet and Keys. Mr. Lewis Williams, an EngHshman, preached six months in 1805, for which he received There is but one testimony as to the moral condition of the com- munity after ]VIr. Carle was dismissed and until Dr. King came. It is said there was but a single Christian man within the wide bounds of the congregation who could offer a prayer in public or at the bedside of the dying. This was Deacon John Clark. Pro- faneness, drunkenness. Sabbath desecration and other forms of immoraUty were general. Dr. King speaks of religion at that time as " at a low ebb — almost as low as it could be, and not become extinct ;" yet the fact remains that the people were determined to keep the church alive so far as they could do it by their contribu- tions and attentions. The first mention of Dr. Barnabas King in the parish records is this item : " 1806, January 26th. Cash paid Mr. King for preaching one Sabbath, $4.50." He suppHed the pulpit occasion- ally during that year and the next, but was not permanently em- ployed until in October, 1807. From that time until his death, April 10th, 1862, a period of fifty-five years, the history of the church and his biography would be almost identical. A sketch of his Hfe, written by Dr. Tuttle, was pubHshed by the New Jersey 14 Historical Society in the second volume (new series) of its pro- ceedings, and a sermon preached by Dr. King himself, on the fortieth anniversary of his pastorate, and containing a review of the history of the church during those forty years, was published ; but a short sketch of his life before coming to Rockaway would not be out of place here. He was the son of Amos King and his wife, Lucy Perkins, and was born at New Marlborough, Mass., June 2d, 1780. He received a good elementary education at a public school, where he attracted the favorable attention of his minister. Dr. Jacob Catlin, who, for his services about his place, prepared him for the freshman class of Wniiams College, to which he was admitted in the fall of 1800. He graduated in 1803, and studied theology with Dr. Catlin, being licensed to preach by the Berkshire Association in the fall of 1805- Having heard of " an open door in New Jersey," he immediately started on horseback to visit this county, and crossing the Hudson at Newburg, reached the house of Robert Ogden, in Sussex county, on Christmas day. Mr. Ogden received him into his family, and he began to preach statedly at Sparta and Berkshire Valley. He was thus engaged when he preached for the first time at Rocka- way, as mentioned in the records. This was on Friday evening, January 24th, 1806, at a private house, and from the text Eccle- siastes iii., 21. October 5th, 1807, the Trustees met and voted " to offer the Rev. Barnabas King $208, as -ei sailer y for preaching in our meeting- house, for one-half of the time, for one year from and after the sitting of New York Presbytery in this present month." This oifer was accepted, and the half of Mr. King's time not taken up by his services at Rockaway that year was given to Sparta and Berkshii-e VaUey. " On careful inquiry it was found that the church con- sisted of thirty-five members, at the time he commenced preach- ing here, twelve of whom were widows." He began at once in the most systematic manner to minister to his new charge, preaching publicly and from house to house. The effect was soon apparent, and ia 1808 there was a remarkable revival, which added eighty- four to the church, the larger pai't of whom were received into the church before Mr. King's ordination by Dr. Richards, of Morris- town. The Presbytery of New York ordained and installed Mr. King as pastor of this church, December 27th, 1808. Notwithstanding the severity of the weather and that there was no stove in the 15 church, the exercises were very prolonged and the physical endur- ance of the candidate was noticeably taxed to its utmost. Rev. Dr. John McDowell, of Elizabeth, preached the sermon, Dr. Richards, the charge to the pastor, and Rev. Dr. Perrine, of Bottle HiU, the charge to the people. After his ordination, the new pastor redoubled his efforts, which were very successful. Faithful and punctilious in his preparation for the pvilpit, he was equally faithful in his other duties, visiting the home of every one, however humble, in his immense pai'ish, which was at least ten miles in diameter. He frequently preached at private houses in the various neighborhoods, in the evening, after visiting among the people during the day. In his fortieth anniversary sermon he says, " I had six preaching places which were from four to six miles distant from the church. After two services in the church (on Sunday,) I preached at one of these and once or more on a week day. My object was to be at each of these preaching places at least as often as once in two weeks " October 24th, 1809, Mr. King was married by Rev. Aaron Con- diet, to Miss Catherine Beach, daughter of Capt. Enoch Beach, of Hanover, an event which added much to his influence as a pas- tor. She often accompanied him on his visits to places of suffering and aided him in his ministrations. She died July 13th, 1821, lamented by the whole congregation, and seldom was there offered such a tribute to the memory of any one as to the memory of this estimable lady, so highly was she regarded by all who knew her. Her sister, Mrs. Electa Jackson, wife of Col. Joseph Jackson, also living at Rockaway, in 1815 started the first Sunday-school in Morris county, in the " Old Red School-house " near the church, which was torn down in 1853. Mrs. Jackson and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Clarissa (Jas.) Jackson, had previously gathered the neigh- boring children for rehgious instruction in their own homes. The people began to repair the church soon after Mr, King came, and mention is frequently made in the minutes of the work. November 5th, 1821, it was resolved " that Joseph Jackson have leave to remove the canopy over the pulpit and lower the breast- work in front as low as Mr. King shaU du'ect." "All to be done at his expense." In 1768, a resolution had been adopted "That a stove be allowed and that if it may be found pornitious that then on complaint that it may be so pornitious by any one (sup- posed to be a person of sense — erased) that then, in such case, it may be removed from thence by a future meetg. if proper." In 16 Mr. Carle's time a fire-place was attempted, but not until 1820 was any plan for warming the church carried out. A big stove was then bought at Mt. Hope, of McQueen & Co., and set up in the church, the pipe running out a window. In Sept., 1829, it was proposed to raise $350 to repair the meeting-house, but Nov. 1st, 1830, " the building committee " are allowed to use any part of the old for the purpose of building "the new meeting-house." The Winds farm, devised to the church by General Wm. Winds, and so much of the church lot as lies west of the Mt. Hope road, was sold about this time to pay arrears of salary and help in building. This house is the present brick edifice, and was dedica- ted Sept. 6th, 1832, after being about a year in progress of erec- tion. The old church was on the knoll about fifty feet back of the new one. After the revival of 1808, the membership of the chtu'ch in- creased slowly, but in the fall of 1817, a revival which had been manifesting itself for some time, beginning in the Sabbath-school, became yet more decided and continued nearly through 1818. In these years one hundred and fifty-one persons were added to the communion of the church. 1831 and 1832 were again specially favored seasons. During this revival, which continued over a year, one hundred and forty-three jy^rsons united with the church. In 1888 the Methodist Church was organized here. In 1834 the Dover Presbyterian Church was set off. And afterwards churches at Boonton and Mount Freedom. In the anniversary sermon before alluded to, delivered Dec. 81st, 1848, jVIr. King says " five Presbyterian and five Methodist churches have been formed in our bounds and on our borders." He had then baptized five hundred and forty-seven children, solemnized four hundred and seventeen marriages, attended six hundred and eighty-one fun- erals, preached about twelve thousand times, and during his ministration here, six hundred and eighty had been added to the church. In Septembei', 1847, Rev. Joseph F. Tuttle was called as col- league pastor with Mr. King. He was the son of Rev. Jacob Tuttle, and was born at Bloomfield, N. J., in 1818. He received his preparatory education at the Academy at Newai'k, N. J., and Granville, Ohio ; was graduated at IMarietta College with the first honors of his class in 1841 and at Lane Theological Seminary in 1844. He was licensed by Marian Presbytery, April 4th, 1844 ; 17 was married October 11th, 1845, to Miss Susan King, daughter of Rev. Barnabas King, and was ordained and installed pastor of the Second Church, in Delaware, Ohio, April 21st, 1846. He came to Rockaway, and began to labor here in November, 1847, and April 26th, 1848, was installed colleague pastor by the Presbytery of Rockaway. Rev. Samuel L. Tuttle, (his brother,) of Caldwell, preached the sermon, Rev. Daniel H. Johnson, of Mendham, delivered the charge to the pastor, and Rev. Sylvester Cook, of Wantage, the charge to the people. From this time, although Dr. King continued to share the bur- den of the ministerial labor, preaching frequently, both in the church and at the out stations, and making frequent parochial visits, the larger part of the labor gradually devolved upon his colleague. Dr. Tuttle was an indefatigable worker, eloquent in the pulpit, devoted to his church and people, and eminently successful. Though there were no large revivals such as the church enjoyed in 1818 and 1832, yet the lists show a constant and regular in- crease of membership. He attached his people, both old and young, closely to him, and was influential and useful in the Pres- bytery. He refused several very flattering calls, but in 1862 was tendered the presidency of Wabash College, which he felt it his duty to accept — and after fifteen years' labor here he asked to have the relation dissolved. Dr. King at the same time made the same request. The parish meeting to consider these resignations occurred March 20th, 1862, and was largely attended. The people resolved unanimously not to accept Dr. King's resignation, aftec- tionately expressing their will that he should continue their pastor until death should terminate the relation. When the result of the meeting was announced to him, he said, as tears ran down his face, " they have always been a kind people," and probably this was the happiest moment of his long official connection with the chiu'ch. A few days after, April 10th, Dr. King died at the residence of his son-in-law, and on the 15th, was buried here. His funeral sermon, preached by his late colleague, was printed with the fare- well sermon of Dr. Tuttle, dehvered April 27th, 1862. Perhaps the following facts in the history of Rockaway, which had their influence upon the parish, may not be uninteresting. At the time of the Revolutionary War, Lord Stirling was carrying on the furnace at Hibernia. John Jacob Faescb earned on the fur- nace, &c., at Mount Hope, under a lease from Col. Jacob Ford, 18 Sr. Col. Jacob Ford, Jr., had forges at Denmark, Middle Forge and Mt. Pleasant. Stephen Jackson and David Beaman had the forge above the bridge in Rockaway, and a grist-mill on the west bank of the liver near the end of the present dam. In 1785 the grist-mill opposite Dr. Jackson's present residence was built. In 1794 Stephen Jackson built the lower forge at Rockaway. In 1821 Joseph and William Jackson built the rolling-mill. In 1815, the Mt. Hope furnace, having been idle over fifteen years, (since the death of Faesch, ) was leased and set at wox'k by Robert McQueen & Co.; consisting of Robert McQueen, Abraham Kinney and Eli- phalet Sturtevant. The company continued to operate it until 1827, when the furnace finalty blew out. In 1828 the Morris canal was surveyed, and its building com- menced. It was completed for travel in 1832. In 1848 the Moms and Essex railroad was continued from Mori'istown to Dover : previous to that time a stage route from Newark, by way of Bloomfield and Parsippany, passed through the village, carrying the mail and passengers. About 1835, Joseph C. Righter built his foundry on Berry's Brook, and further up on the same stream a manufactory still standing west of the church-lot. In 1845 James Fuller and Mahlon Hoagland built the foundry which was burned in 1851, and rebuilt by Freeman Wood. In 1855 the Rockaway Manufacturing Com- pany was chartered. It rebuilt and enlarged the rolling-mill, put- ting in steam-power, &c., but soon failed. In 1856 the Iron Bank was organized and started here as a State bank, but was shortly afterwards carried to Morristown. The pastoral relation between Dr. Joseph F. Tuttle and the church was dissolved by the presbytery of Rockaway in April, 18(j2, and on April 27th following he preached his farewell sermon. On the 5th of May, 1862, the Session and Trustees voted to invite Mr. S. P. Halsey, a student in Union Theological Seminary, to supply the pulpit for two months. Mr. Halsey accepted the in- vitation, and preached his first sermon May 11th. His preaching was so acceptable tliat at a parish meeting, June 12th, Rev. B. C. Magie, presiding, a unanimous call was extended to him to become pastor at a salary of $600 per annum. On the 8th day of July, 1862, Mr. Halsey, having accepted the call, was ordained and installed pastor of the church. Rev. Samuel P. Balsey was born at Avon, N. Y., August 11th, 1834, and on his mother's side was descended from Deacon Ross, 19 one of the founders of the church. He prepared for college at a classical school at Rochester, N. Y., and at Lodi, Mich., and entered Michigan University in 1855. On leaving that institution he began the study of law, and was admitted in the city of Brooklyn, Feb- ruary 12th, 1858. Becoming converted in the spring of that year, he felt it to be his duty to preach the gospel, and accordingly entered Union Theological Seminary in the fall of 1859, and grad- uated from that institution in May, 1862. In 1863 he was mar- ried to Miss Margaret P. Bowers, of Brooklyn. In September, 1862, his salary was raised to $700, and in September, 1864, it was further raised to $1000. Receiving a call from the First Presbyterian Church of Stam- ford, Conn., December 25th, 1864, Mr. Halsey concluded to accept it, and at his request the parish united with him, January 12th, 1865, in asking Presbytery to dissolve the relation, which was done at a meeting of Presbytery in Rock way, Januaiy 17th following. The ministry of ]\Ir. Halsey lay wholly within the time of the war, and religion in the hearts of pastor and people often assumed the form of patriotism. The church grew in numbers, and a powerful revival was experienced in the winter of 1863-4, in which many, especially from the Sunday-school, were converted. During his ministry, twenty-nine were received into the church by profes- sion, and nine by letter — thirty-eight in all. After two years' service at Stamford, Mr. Halsey resigned his charge there on ac- count of ill health, and since November 3d, 1869, has been pastor of what is now the Franklin Avenue Presbyterian Church of Brooklyn. Dr. George Jones, a Methodist minister, practicing medicine in Rockaway, frequently supplied the pulpit after Mr. Halsey's de- parture, and his sermon upon the death of Mr. Lincoln will be remembered as one occasion of many in which he served the church in an emergency. At a meeting of the Session and Trustees, April 11th, 1865, it was resolved to employ Rev. Wm. E. Honeyman, a graduate of Princeton, Class of 1861, as stated supply for three month, at the rate of $800 a year. Before the expiration of this time, at an adjoui-ned parish meeting. May 29th, a caU was extended to Mr. Honeyman. There being some want of unanimity in the congregation, he was not installed, but the Presbytery meeting at Rockaway, August 23d, he was ordained as an evangelist, and continued to preach as stated supply until April 1st, 1866, when he preached for the last 20 time, owing to some disagreemeut between him and the Trustees. On the next Sabbath, Dr. Thornton Mills occupied the pulpit, and at the close of the morning service read a letter from JVIi*. Honey- man, declining to act any longer as supply. During the yeai- 1865 the cemetery was put in such shape that deeds could be given for lots, and a system organized for its care in the future. The work was begun in 1860, under the direction of Mr. J. B. Bassinger, who employed a civil engineer, Mr. Heniy L. Southard, to sui'vey the church property and j)lot the graveyard. During the summer of 1861, through the personal appeals of Dr. Tuttle, the people turned out with teams and very greatly im- proved the cemetery — putting it very much in its present shape. The work was completed in 1865, and a committee of three of the Trustees, called the Cemetery Committee, has since that time had the management of this part of the church property. In 1865, at the suggestion of Mr. Honeyman, the singing was improved by the introduction of the "Songs of the Sanctuary." Up to that time, "Watts and Select Hymns" had been used, the choir selecting the tunes according to their own judgment. In the spring of 1866, a slate roof was jxit upon the chiu-ch at an expense of $698, and during the summer the work of improve- ment was continued by painting the inside of the church, lowering the galleries, reseating the auditorium, &c. June 17th, 1866, Rev. O. H. Perry Deyo preached his first sermon in the church, and continued to sujjply the pulpit thereafter. Sept. 19th, 1866, at a parish meeting, the officers of the church were instructed to em- ploy Mr. Deyo as stated supply, at a salary of $1000 per annum, till further action could be taken. October 2d, 1866, they invited him to supply the puljoit for six months, and he accepted. From October 21st, 1866 to March 14th, 1867, the congregation worshipped in the school-house, owing to the repairs then being made on the church. On the latter date the repainted and refit- ted chiirch was rededicated to Almighty God, and a debt of $2050 raised — making the whole amount expended on the church $5000 — a sum equal to its entire first cost. While the congregation was worshipping in the school-house, a revival occurred, exceeding in intensity and power anything exper- ienced in many years. The pastor was indefatigable in his labors and the church was blessed in an unusual degree. On the 7th of March, 1867, at a parish meeting held in the school-house, it was unanimously voted to extend a call to Mr. 21 Deyo to become pastor of the church, at a salary $1200 per annum. The call was accepted, and on the 30th of April, he was regularly installed by the Presbytery. Rev. O. H. Perry Deyo, thus installed seventh pastor of the church, was born in 1817, at Highlands, opposite Fishkill, on the Hudson, in New York. He united with the church at twenty years of age, and studied for the ministr^^ principally with Rev. Mr. Wilde. He was licensed as an evangelist by the North River Presbytery, at Amenia, Dutchess county, N. Y., in 1855, where he labored for about a year. He had dechned to be installed a pastor tUl he accepted the invitation of this church. His ministry here was very successful, and resulted in gathering into the church eighty-four by profession and fourteen by letter, and in quickening and ele- vating the piety of the people. In 1868, the location of the church lines Was accurately deter- mined, and a map and survey signed by the Trustees and adjoin- ing owners was recorded in the Registry of Deeds in the County Clerk's office. Book H 7, page 109. In 1871, the road in front of the church was thrown out to its present place instead of winding up near the church. From March 20th, 1871 to May 29th, the sum of $837 was expended on the work of building the wall and filling and grading the road, under the supervision of Mr. Deyo, but the present grade was not estabhshed until the fi-ont fence was built in 1874. At the parish meeting, September 21st, 1870, Elder Samuel B. Halsey expressed a desire to see some steps taken to secure a par- sonage while he was yet hving, and offered a lot and a sum of money, provided $1000 should be raised, including his subscrip- tion, within a year thereafter. Mr. Halsey died in September, 1871, but his administrators, manifesting a desire to carry out his purj)ose, the Board of Trustees, Februaiy 19th, 1872, resolved to proceed with the work. On March 11th following, $1175 had been subscribed by twen- ty-six individuals, and a building committee consisting of Dr. Columbus Beach, Mahlon Hoagland and Charles C. De Hart, was appointed, under whose supervision the building was prosecuted during the summer of 1872 aud the following winter and summer, till its completion. The whole cost was reported December 1st, 1873, to be $5310 ; but the deficiency of $1100 was provided for in two notes of $700 and $400, the former of which was paid next year by the congregation, and the latter by the Cemetery Commit- 22 tee, out of their funds, in 1879. The whole cost of the parsonage to the present date — exclusive of the lot, the fence, the grading, and the barn built in 1877— was $5600. At the parish meeting, September 18th, 1872, a resolution was carried to fix the minister's salary at $1000 instead of $1200 — in view of the financial burdens of the parish. Mr. Deyo feeling aggrieved that this action should have been taken without con- sulting him, tendered his resignation through Kev. B. C. Magie, who occupied the pulpit the ensuing Sabbath, September 29th. At a parish meeting October 2d, the people refused to assent to Mr. Deyo's request for them to unite in asking Presbytery to dis- solve his pastoral relation with them. Presbytery being at a loss how to act, sent Rev. Dr. Ogden, of Chatham, and Mr. Jeremiah Baker, of Madison, as a committee of investigation. This com- mittee met the Session and Trustees, October 7th, and after con- ference with them reported to Presbytery, whereupon the relation was dissolved, and the pulpit, by direction of Presbytery, declared vacant by the Rev. Daniel Magie, of Boonton, October 20th, 1872. After Mr. Deyo's departure^ the Rev. O. S. St. John, who was on the editorial staff of the " New York Witness," was employed as stated supply until July, 1873 ; such candidates as the church desired to hear, having the pulpit as occasion required. From this time till the end of the year, the pulpit was supplied by Rev. Pearce Rogers, of Mine Hill, excepting on particular Sab- baths when candidates or visiting ministers were heard. At the annual parish meetingf, September 17th, 1873, the Ceme- tery Committee were authorized to purchase adjoining lands from Abraham W. Shawger, w^hich was done, and some three acres added to the cemetery. The price of lots was then raised from six to ten cents per superficial foot. March 15th and 22d, 1874, Mr. David E. Platter, a student in Lane Theological Seminary, Cincinnati, Ohio, occupied the pulpit, and on Sunday, April 19th, after morning service, a parish meet- ing was held, at which a unanimous call was extended to him with a salary of $1200 and the parsonage. A subscription was taken up at once, which amounted to the sum fixed. On Sunday, April 14th, Mr. Platter's acceptance was laid before the officers of the' church, to take e£fect June 14th, 1874. On the 7th of June, Mr. Rogers, who had so long and faithfuUy served as supply that he had come to be considered as almost a settled pastor, preached his farewell sermon. A a the fruit of a deep rehgious interest 23 manifest during his ministry, fourteen persons were admitted into the church on the first day of Mr. Platter's ministry. Rev. David Edwin Platter, the eighth and present pastor of the church, was bom near Locust Grove, in Adams county, Ohio, Jan. 25th, 1849. He prepared for college at Salem Academy, South Salem, Ohio, and entering the freshman class at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, in 1867, graduated in 1871. In the fall of that year he entered Lane Seminary, at Cincinnati, Ohio. During the vaca- tion of 1872, he supplied the Presbyterian Church of Mt. Leigh, Ohio, and during the vacation of 1873, the Presbyterian Church of Eckmansville, in the same State. Graduating from the semin- ary in the spring of 1874, and having already accepted the call to Rockaway, he immediately took charge of the church, preaching his first sermon, June 14th. He was licensed by the Presbytery of Portsmouth, ia the spring of 1873, and ordained and installed by the Presbytery of Morris and Orange, July 22d, 1874. He was married to Miss Susan Hutchings, of Bermuda, December 18th, 1877. Since his installation, including the fourteen already men- tioned, one hundred and twenty persons have united with the church. Of his own ministry it becometh him not to speak, other than to thank God for putting him into this ministry. At a parish meeting held Thm-sday evening. May 13th, 1880, it was resolved to build a session-house, and $2300 was pledged for that purpose by the persons present. The following Sunday morn- ing this subscription was increased, and soon after the work was begun. Messrs. Dr. Columbus Beach, Mahlon Hoagland and James H. Bruen, were appointed a Building Committee, and under their hands the building is fast approaching completion. Dated September 27th, 1880. FAC-SIMILES OF FIRST PARISH RECORDS Pfe^lDytefikii Cl\w^d\\ of fjodkkwky. March 2d 1758. AVe the subscribers do by these mannefest It to be our desier to Joyn with porsipaney to call and settel a minnester to have the one half of the preachen at porsipaney, and the other half at rock- away and each part to be eakwel in payen a minnester. Job Allen Seth Mehuran David Beman gilbard hedy Andreu Morreson, isak ogden John pipes 8AMUEL ShiPMAN John Minton Samuel whithed Jun Joseph burrel wjlyam wines nethanel michel josiah beman James losey ABRAHAM MaSACRA henerey stag John Harriman Jonah Austen Samuel Burwell John gobbel ABRAHAM JoHNSON John Cogswell John Huntington Gershom Gard John kent AMOS kilburn AVILLAM DaNELS Samuel Moore. 25 March 2d 1758. We tbe Inhabitenc of rockaway, pigenhil and upper inhabitenc at the colonals forges and places agesant being met together In order to consult together about a place to set a meting hous and being all well agread that the most sutable place for the hoi setel- ments Is upon the small plain a letel above bemans forg which is below the first small bi'ok upon that rode up to Samuel Johnson. and we the subscribers a blig ourselves to pay toward building a house at that place the sums to our names afixed. Job Allen £5 Gilbert Heden 5 Andrew Moreson 5 David Beman 5 Isaac Ogden 1 10 John Pipes 1 Samuel Shipman 2 10 Seth Mehuren 2 10 John Minthorn 2 10 Samuel Whithed Jun 2 10 Joseph Burwell 10 William Winds 3 Nathaniel Mitchel 1 10 Josiah Beman 2 James losey 10 Abraham Masacra 7 henery stag 15 John Harriman 3 John Johnson 3 Samuel burrel 10 Jonah Huston 4 John Gobel 10 abraham Johnson 5 John Cogswell 1 John Huntington 2 Gershom Gard 1 John Kent 1 Amos Kilburn 2 henery tuttel 5 Joseph Beach 5 John stag 15 William Danels 1 10 10 Samuel Moore 1 5 Jacob Garrigues 1 James Milege 1 10 bil walton 3 6 Jacob W. thorp 6 6 Obadiah Lum 2 Benjamin Corey 4 PASTORS. EEV. JAMES TUTTLE. Joint pastor of Rockaway and Parsippany. Ordained and installed at Parsippany, April, 1768. Died December 25tli, 1770. REV. DAVID BALDWIN. InstaUed April, 1784. Dismissed May 11th, 1792. REV. JOHN J. CARLE. InstaUed January, 1793. Dismissed 1801. REV. BARNABAS KING. Ordained and installed December 27tli, 1808, having preached as supply since October, 1807. Died April 10th, 1862. REV. JOSEPH F. TUTTLE. Installed as co-pastor with Mr. King April 26th, 1848. Dismissed April, 1862. REV. SAMUEL PIERSON HALSEY. Installed July 8th, 1862. Dismissed January 17th, 1865. REV. OLIVER H. PERRY DEYO. Installed April 30th, 1867, after having preached nearly one year as supply. Dismissed October 20th, 1872. REV. DAVID E. PLATTER. Ordained and installed July 22d, 1874. ^-1 Ordained. Died. Resigned. Job Allen, Sr 1758 1767 John Huntington .«. 1758 Obadiah Lum 1758 Jacob Allerton 1758 David Beaman 1758 1789 William Ross 1768(?) ...... 1789 John Cobb 1772 1/79 David Beaman (re-elected) 1793 1802 Job Allen, Jr 1793 1798 John Clark (Deacon 1809) 1793 1813 William Ross (re-elected) 1797 1807 David Peer (Deacon 1809) 1797 1824 David Garrigus 1798 John Garrigus, Sr., (Deacon 1832) 1809 1850 Rev. Peter Kanouse ...1809 1864 Benjamin Lamson 1809 1824 Samuel Hicks (Deacon 1832) 1818 1833 Joseph Jackson (Deacon) 1818 1855 Thomas Conger 1818 1831 John Garrigus, Jr 1824 1878 William Jackson 1824 1872 Silas Hamilton (Deacon 1832) 1824 Josiah Hurd 1824 1841 John Mott 1832 1866 Jacob Powers (dismissed 1860) 1832 Henry Beach (Deacon) , 1832 1864 Samuel B. Halsey 1841 1871 Samuel S. Beach, Sr 1841 1759 David Wiggins (dismissed 1845) 1841 George Rowland 1841 1854 Alexander Norris (Deacon) 1843 f&J^. 1878 , David Hamilton 1861 / ^S-f Samuel S. Beach, Jr 1861 /-^.i^f Joseph H. Beach (Deacon) 1861 / 9.a <^ Charles C. De Hart 1861 /7.6.JS _ James H. Bruen 1874 J..^S "" Nathaniel R. Mott 1874 /f*l TRUSTEES. Previous to 1787, the only mention of Trustees, as such, is in the deed for the meeting-house lot, dated August 24th, 1762, ■which names the following as " Men Indiferrently Chosen Trus- tees by the Parrish of Eoccaway to take this Deed." "Willis Person, of Pequanock Township. Job AUen, (1st) of Obediah Lum, of Hanover " Proceeding under act of Legislatxu'e, approved March 16th, 1786, the chui'ch selected seven men their first regular Board of Trustees, and the same number has been continued since : "When Elected. William Winds March 6, 1787 Stephen Jackson March 6, 1787 Abraham Kitchel March 6, 1787 Benjamin Beach March 6, 1787 Job Allen, (2d) March 6, 1787 David Beaman March 6, 1787 David Baker March 6, 1787 Moses Tuttle June 18, 1792 Josiah Beman June 18, 1792 George D. Brinckerhofl'. June 18, 1792 Chileon Ford June 18, 1792 Sila.s Hatheway June 18, 1792 David Broadwell Dec. 26, 1794 James Kitchel Dec. 26, 1794 David Peer Dec. 26, 1794 Thomas Conger Dec. 26, 1794 Silas Hatheway May 2, 1798 Daniel Lewis May 2, 1798 Joseph Jackson May 2, 1798 Thomas Conger June 19, 1802 Job Talmage June 19, 1802 Benj. Lamson June 19, 1802 Benj. Jackson June 19, 1802 David Hill .Mar. 16, 1805 Benj. Beach Mar. 16, 1805 Job Allen (3d) Mar. 16, 1805 Thos, Congar Mar. 16, 1805 Job Talmadge April 8, 1806 Henry W. Phillip.s Sept. 21, 1810 George Stickle Sepi. 21, 1810 John Hinchman Se|>t. 21, 1810 Thomas Congar .- .May 26, 1812 Term Expired or Resigned. June 18, 1792 June 18, 1792 June 18, 1792 Mav 2, 1798 Died 1798 June 18, 1792 June 18, 1792 Dec. 26, 1794 June 19, 1802 Dec. 26, 1794 Dec. 26, 1794 Dec. 26, 1794 June 19, 1802 Nov. 2, 1812 June 19, 1802 May 2, 1798 June 19, 1802 Mar. 16, 1805 Nov. 1, 1819 Mar. 16, 1805 Mar. 16, 1805 Mar. 16, 1805 Sept. 21, 1810 Sept. 21, 1810 Remo'd April 8, 1806 Mav 26, 1812 Sept. 21, 1810 Nov. 2, 1812 Nov. 2, 1812 Nov. 2, 1812 Nov. 2, 1812 Nov. 1, 1813 29 (May 26th, 1812, it was resolved to elect a new Board of Trus- tees annually thereaftei', on the first Monday in November in each year.) When Klected. Ford Kitchel Nov. 2, 1812 Benjamin Lawson Nov. 2, 1812 Benj. Jackson Nov. 2, 1812 Peter Kanouse Nov. 2, 1812 Jeremiah Baker Nov. 2, 1812 Daniel Ayers Nov. 1, 1813 Stephen Congar Nov. 7, 1814 Joseph T.Hoff. Nov. 7, 1814 Isaac Pierson, Jr Nov. 7, 1814 Josiah Hurd Nov. 11, 1816 Sam'l S. Beach Nov. 20, 1818 Henry Minard Nov. 20, 1818 Abijah Congar Nov. 20, 1818 Chilion F. De Camp Nov. 20, 1818 Milton Scott Nov. 20, 1818 Lewis Phillips Nov. 20, 1818 " William Jackson Nov. 1, 1819 Samuel Palmer Nov. 1, 1819 Jacob A.Kinney....- Nov. 1, 1819 Benjamin Lamson Nov. 6, 1820 Isaac Hinds Nov. 6, 1820 Silas Hamilton Nov. 5, 1821 Chileon Beach Nov. 4, 1822 Stephen Conger Nov. 4, 1822 Daniel Ayers Nov. 4, 1822 Thomas Muir Nov. 4, 1822 William Ford Nov. 4, 1822 John D.Jackson Nov. 3, 1823 Timothv Douglass Nov. 1, 1824 Josiah Hurd Nov. 1, 1824 Joseph Jackson Nov. 7, 1825 Timothy P. Gardner Nov. 7, 1825 Samuel Palmer Nov. 7, 1825 William H Wiggins Nov. 7, 1825 Jeremiah Baker Nov. 7, 1825 Stephen Hall Nov. 6, 1826 William Ford Nov. 5, 1827 Stephen Congar Nov. 5, 1827 Ira Crittenden Nov. 3, 1828 William Jackson Nov. 3, 1828 Joseph T.Hoff. Nov. 2, 1829 James Ford Nov. 2, 1829 Daniel Lamson Nov. 2, 1829 Sam'l S. Beach Nov. 1, 1830 Jeremiah Baker Nov. 1, 1830 Asa Berry Nov. 1, 1830 Daniel Ayers Nov. 1, 1830 Henry Beach Nov. 1, 1830 David Anderson Nov. 1, 1830 Samuel Hicks, Jr Nov. 7, 1831 John Garrigus, Jr Nov. 7, 1831 Joseph T.Hoff. Nov. 5, 1832 William Ford Nov. 5, 1832 Stephen Hall Nov. 5, 1832 Term Expired or Resigned. Nov. 20, 1818 Nov. 7, 1814 Nov. 7, 1814 Nov. 20, 1818 Nov. 7, 1814 Nov. 20, 1818 Nov. 20, 1818 Nov. 11, 1816 Nov. 20, 1818 Nov. 20, 1818 Nov. 4, 1822 Nov. 6, 1820 Nov. 1, 1819 Nov. 5, 1821 Nov. 4, 1822 Nov. 1, 1819 Nov. 1, 1830 Nov. 4, 1822 Nov. 6, 1820 Nov. 4, 1822 Nov. 4, 1822 Nov. 7, 1825 Nov. 1, 1830 Nov. 3, 1823 Nov. 7, 1825 Nov. 7, 1825 Nov. 1, 1824 Nov. 1, 1824 Nov. 7, 1825 Nov. 5, 1827 Nov. 3, 1828 Nov. 6, 1826 Nov. 1, 1830 Nov. 0, 1827 Nov. 3, 1828 Nov. 1, 1830 Nov. 2, 1829 Nov. 2, 1829 Nov. 2, 1829 Nov. 1, 1830 Nov. 1, 1830 Nov. 1, 1830 Nov. 7, 1831 Nov. 4, 1833 Nov. 5, 1832 Nov. 4, 1833 Nov. 7, 1831 Nov. 4, 1844 Nov. 5, 1832 Nov. 5, 1832 Nov. 4, 1839 Nov. 6, 1839 Nov. 3, 1834 Nov. 4, 1833 30 When Elected. Ford Kitchel Nov. 4, 1833 Samuel Palmer Nov. 4, 1833 Stephen J. Jackson Nov. 4, 1833 Asa Berry Nov. 3, 1834 Silas S. Palmer Nov. 3, 1834 Stephen Congar Nov. 6, 1837 Charles Hoff. Nov. 6, 1837 Matthias Kitchel Nov. 5, 1838 Jeremiah M. DeCamp Nov. 4, 1839 Daniel Ayers Nov. 4, 1839 Nathaniel Mott Nov. 2, 1840 David Menagh Nov. 6, 1843 Joshua M. Beach Nov. 6, 1843 Silas S. Palmer Nov. 6, 1843 Jonathan Benjamin Nov. 6, 1843 Freeman Wood Nov. 4, 1844 Charles H. Beach Nov. 4, 1844 George Rowhlnd Nov. 4, 1844 Columbus Beach Nov. 4, 1844 Samuel B. Halsey Nov. 15, 1845 Stephen J. Jackson Nov. 15, 1845 Joshua M. Beach Nov. 2, 1846 Lyman A. Chandler Nov. 1, 1847 Alexander Morris Nov. 1, 1847 Abijah Abbott Nov. 1, 1847 Nathaniel MoLt Sept. 10, 1849 Samuel S. Beach, Jr Sept. 10, 1849 Jacob lowers Sept. 10, 1849 John Mott Sept. 10, 1849 Francis Lindslev Se[)t. 10, 1849 Barnabas K. Stickle Sept. 10, 1849 Selee Tompkins Sept. 10, 1850 Nathaniel Mott Sept. 10, 1851 David Anderson Sept. 10, 1851 Stepiien J.Jackson Sej)!. 10, 1851 Abijah Abbott Sept. 10, 1851 Alexander Norris Sept. 10, 1851 Matthias Kitchel Sept. 10, 1852 Edward J. Benjamin Sept. 10, 1853 James H.Bruen Sept. 10, 1853 John Hoagland Sept. 10, 1853 Cummins McCarty Sept. 10, 1855 Eliphalet Sturtevant Sept. 10, 1855 Samuel B. Halsey Sept. 10, 1856 Columbus Beach Sept. 10, 1856 Jacob L. Fichter Sept. 10, 1856 Jedediah B. Bassenger Sept. 10, 1856 James H. Bruen Sept. 10, 1859 Samuel S. Bassett Sept. 10, 1S59 Charles C. De Hart Sept. 10, 1859 Henry Tuttle Sei)t. 10, 1863 Thomas B. McGrath Sept. 10, 1863 Sam'l B. Halsey Sept. 15, 1864 Stephen B.Cooper Sept. 15, 1864 Mahluu Hoaglaud Sept. 15, 1864 Joseph J. Marsh Sept. 15, 1864 Henry D. Tuttle Sept. 20, 1865 Edmund D. Halsey Sept. 18, 1867 Malson Williams Sept. 25, 1878 Remo'd Died Remo'd" o oO Term Expired or Resigned. Nov. 5, 1838 Nov. 3, 1834 Nov. 4, 1839 Nov. 15, 1845 Nov. 6, 1837 Nov. 6, 1843 Nov. 6, 1843 Nov. 1, 1847 Nov. 2, 1840 Nov. 6, 1843 Nov. 6, 1843 Nov. 4, 1844 Nov. 4, 1844 Nov. 1, 1847 Nov. 4, 1844 Sept. 10, 1849 Nov. •-, 1846 Nov. 15, 1845 Sept. 10, 1849 Sept. 10, 1849 Nov. 1, 1847 Sept. 10, 1849 Sept. 10, 1851 Sept. 10, 1849 Sept. 10, 1849 Sept. 10, 1850 Sept. 10, 1855 Sept. 10, 1855 Sept. 10, 1855 Sept. 10, 1863 Sept. 10, 1851 Sept. 10, 1851 Sept. 10, 1853 Sept. 10, 1856 Sept. 10, 1853 Sept. 10, 1852 Sept. 10, 1853 vSept. 10, 1856 Sept. 10, 1859 Sept. 10, 1856 1855 Sept. 10, 1856 Sept. 10, 1859 Sept. 10, 1859 Sept, 15, 1864 Sept. 15, 1864 Sept. 10, 1863 Sept. 15, 1864 Sept. 15, 1864 Sept. 20, 18 5 1878 , > , • 1867 , CATALOGUE No. d. ^n Alphabetical Catalogue of Persons who belonged to the Rockaway Parish previous to the year 1808. The object of this catalogue is to give and preserve the names of all those who were in any way associated with the early history of the church, either as attendants, contributors to its support or members in full communion. As no sessional records were kept previous to the year 1798, it is impossible to determine accurately who were members of the church as well as of the parish, and who were members of the parish only. Many took an interest in and helped the church financially, and held pews in it, who were not communicants. In this list communicants are distinguished from adherents by a star attached to their names. Those only are thus marked who are known to have been communicants. The date attached to the name is when it is first found in the parish records. In most cases it is only an approximate date, as related to the as- sociation of the person with the church. AU names dated 1758 are those of persons associated with the fii'st organization of the church. *Allen, Job, Sr., ) 1758 *Allen Mary / 1758 *Allen, Job, Jr 1780 Allen, David 1781 *Allen, Mary 1780 Allerlot), Zaoluiriah 1768 *Allerton, Jacob (Elcler)...1758 Allerton, Jacob, Jr 1768 Alger, William 1781 Anderson, Cornelius 1793 Anderson, Eliakim \ 1770 *Ander8on, Sarah j 1770 ^Arnold, Margaret, (dis- missed 1801) 1793 Ayers, Robert 1770 Ay ers, Jackson 1793 Baker, David 1786 Died. 1798 1826 1821 1857 Baldwin, David, Jr 1781 ^Baldwin, ( Kev.) Prudencel784 Barn, John, 1768 Bates, Ephraim 1768 *Beacli, Benjamin 1768 Beach, Joseph 1758 *Beacli, Stephen and wife, 1768 *Beach, Sarah 1793 Beach, Benjamin 1793 Beach, Abner 1793 Beach, David 1793 *Beaman, David (Elder) ) 1758 *Beaman, Mary j 1758 *Beaman, Josiah \ 1758 *Beaman, Huldah / 1758 *Beanian, Anna (widow)... 1758 Beaman, Joseph 17 — Bend, Nathaniel 1793 Berry, Titus 1781 Bishop, Gideon 1793 Bigelow, Aaron 1775 1793 1792 1816 32 Bigelow, Jonathan 1781 Bigelow, Daniel 1768 Bigelow, Josiah 1775 Bogles, Zephaniah 1793 Bowers, Lemuel 1793 *BrinkerhofF, Geo. & wife, 1768 Broadwell, David 1772 *Briant, Kachel (dismissed 1820) 1797 Brown, Ezekiel 1793 Burwell, John 1793 Burwell, Ephraim 1768 O. *Casterline, Susannah 1788 Casterline, Joseph 1788 Cathcart, Joseph 1768 Canfield, Israel 1793 Churchill, Samuel 1793 *Churchill, Patience C 1793 *Clark, John (Elder) 1770 Clark, Keuben C 1793 *Clark, James 1793 Clark, Benjamin 1769 Clark, Samuel 1793 Cobb, John (Elder) 1772 Cobbet, Nicholas 1768 *Conklin, Abigal 1794 Conger, Zenas 1775 Conger, Stephen 1781 Conger, Joseph 1779 Conger, Thomas 1793 Conger, David 1793 *Cook, John\ 1794 *Cook, Jane / 1794 *Cooper, Sarah (Riley). ...17— Cooper, Benjamin 1770 Cooper, Ichabod 1768 Cooper, John 1781 Cory, John 1788 *Cory, Mary C 1794 D. Daniels, Samuel 1793 Daniels, Benajah 1768 Davis, Rosel (Ass't Ch'r) 1788 Day, John 1793 De Camp, Joseph 1793 Dell, Richard 1775 Dickerson, Daniel 1781 Dodd, Stephen 1781 Doty, Moses 1793 Drake, Jacob 1781 E. *Ear], Anna (widow) 17 — Estile, Jabez 1770 Died. 1779 Died. *Estler, Conrad \ 1795 *Estler, Margaret j Estler, David 1793 F. Faesch, John Jacob 1768 *Farris, Jacob 1 17 — *Farris, Charity / 17-- Fervor, George 1768 Ford, Chilion 1793 Ford, Jacob, Jr 1768 1777 French, Aaron 1768 G. Gadden, John 1793 *Garrigus, David (Eld.) | 1781 *Garrigus, Abigail | Garrigus, Jacob, Sr 1758 Garrigus, Jacob, Jr 1781 *Gaston, Robert 1770 Gordon, David 1781 Goldsmith, Josiah 1781 Gregory, Seth 1779 H. Haines, Silas 1770 Hall, John 1793 Hall, Josiah 1781 Halbert, Sarah 1768 Hall, Joseph 1781 Hatheway, Samuel 1768 Hartley, Denis 1768 Hatheway, Silas 1768 *Hatheway, Prudence (dis- missed 1817) 1768 *Hatheway, Dency 1794 Hedden, Elisha 1768 Hedden, Aaron 1781 Hedden, Samuel 1781 Herriman, Jacob 1793 Herriman, John \ 1758 Herriman, Lois J Herriman, David 1793 Hiler, John, Jr 1793 Hill, David 1793 Hinds, James 1781 Hoagland, Cornelius 1793 Hofl', Joseph 1775 Hoft; Charles 1775 Hoff, John 1777 Hopping, Moses 1793 *Howell, Harriet Conger... 17 — Howell, Samuel 1781 *Huntington, Jno. (Eld.) I 1758 *Huntington, Elizabeth / 1758 Huntington, Simeon 1793 33 Huntington, Gilbert 1793 Hunting, Jona. M. D 1765 Hunting, Matthew 1774 Hurd, Josiah.... 1770 Hurd, David 1788 Hurd, Daniel (Ass't Chr.)1788 Hyler, Joseph 1775 I. *Innis, Catherine, (John)..17 — J. *Jack.son, Stephen 1768 * Jackson, Joseph 1768 Jackson, Daniel 1781 Jackson, Benjamin (Chr.)1776 Jackson, John 1793 *Kauouse, Rev. P. (Eld.) \ 1793 *Kanouse, Mary / 1793 Keen, Josiah 1793 Kent, Helmer 1782 Kent, Jacob 1782 Kent, Sarah 1788 *Kitchel, Abraham & wife, 1768 Kitchel, James ) 1781 *Kitchel, Hannah / 1781 Kinji, Thomas 1793 King, Andrew 1768 King, John 1793 L. Lamson, Eleazer 1779 Lamson, Mo*es 1788 *Lam.son, Thankful 17— *Lazau, Eliz. (Francis) 17 — Leonard, Elijah 1781 Leonard, Stephen 1781 Lerg, Matthias 1793 Lewis, Edward 1771 Lewis, John 1768 Lewis, Joseph, 1768 Lewis, Daniel 1793 Lewis, Samuel 1768 Lindsley, Amos 1770 Lindsley, Ebenezer. 1775 Lindsley, Samuel 1781 Lindsley, Moses 1793 ■'^Lockwood, James ) 17 — *Lockwood, Chaiiiv / 17 — Losey, James Puff. 1770 Losey , Jacob 1793 Losey, John 1768 Losey, Joseph 1793 Died 1812 1769 1864 1819 1807 1827 Love, Samuel 1793 Love, Thomas 176S *Lymus, Enos, Sr. "I 1775 *Lymus, Haimah J 1775 *Lymus, Enos, Jtin 1795 *Lymus, Jacob 1795 Ltidlad, William 1793 Luke, Matthew 1793 *Lum, Obadiah (Elder)... 1758 Lum, James 1768 Lvon, Abraham 1788 *Lyon, Absalom \ 17S0 *Lyon, Catherine J 1780 Lyon, Eliphalet 1793 Lyon, Jonah 1793 M. *Matthews Patience (Jus.) 17 — Mann, Thomas 1793 McCarty Francis, (Assist- ant Chorister) 1781 McGibbona, John 1768 Merrit, Samuel 1788 Merrit, John 1769 Miller, Frederick 1770 Miller, Jacob 1768 Miller, Thomas 1768 *Miller, Samuel and wile. 1794 Mills, William 1768 Minthorn, James ] 793 Minthorn, Willianj 1781 Minthorn, Job n 1781 *Minthorn, Hannah (dis- missed 1814) 1795 *Minthorn, Urania 1795 Mitchell, William 1793 Moore, Joshua 1788 Moore, David 1781 Moore, Francis .1788 Moore, Samuel 1758 Morse, Samuel, Jr 178S Morris, Nathaniel 1768 Morgan, Abram 1768 Munson, Capt. John 1773 Nichols, Jonat h an 1793 Nichols, Abiel 1768 O. O'Hara, John 1788 Ogden, Oliver 178! Osborne, Thomas 1779 Osborne, Abram 1781 Osborne, Nehemiah 1781 *Osboriie, Mrs. Elizabeth. ..1707 Died. 181c 1818 34 *Osborne, Catherine 1793 Osborne, Isaac 1793 Owen, Ziba L 1793 Palmer, Samuel 1793 Palmer, Jacob 1781 Parkhurst, John 1793 Perkins, Eleazer 1768 *Pierson, Willys (Trustee) 1762 Pierson, Eben H., M. D.. 1790 *Peer, David (Elder) ) ....1785 *Peer, Elizabeth (....1785 *Peer, John \ 1795 *Peer, Betsy / 1795 *Peer, Jacob \ 1795 *Peer, Joanna J 1795 Phelps, Joel 1793 R. *Ray, William and wife. ..17 — Ricts, John N 1793 Riggs, Jonathan 1768 Riggs, Thomas 1768 Rogers, Nathaniel 1793 ^■Ross, William and wif'e...l768 Ross, Enoch 1768 Ross, Isaac 1781 Ross, Moses, ) 1793 *Ross, Phebe, / 1793 Russell, Newton 1793 S. *Schidmore, Susan , 17 — Scott, Joseph 1781 *Searing, Peninna (widow) 1796 Shawger, George 1793 •Shores, Phebe 1795 Southard, Isaac, Sr 1768 Southard, Isaac, Jr 1768 Southard, Benjamin 1781 Southard, Timothy 1768 *Stagg, Mr? 1798 Died. 1824 1827 1836 1816 Died. *Stickle, Peter 1794 *Stickle, Elizabeth 1794 *Stickle, Jacob 1793 Stickle, Edward 1793 Stiles, Thomas 1768 *8liles, Betsey (David) ....1793 Smitli, John 1793 Smith, Henry 1768 Talmadge, Job 1793 *Teabo, Mrs. Nicholas 1785 Tuttle, Moses \ 1758 Tuttle, Mrs. Jane Ford J 1758 *Tuttle, Daniel ) 1795 1820 *Tuttle, Eleanor / 1795 1815 Tuttle, Henry 1758 V. Van Dyne, Frank 1781 W. Walton, Mark 17S1 Wells, Edward 1793 Wheeler, Joseph 1793 Whitehead, Josepli 176S William, Samuel 1781 Williams, Jonas 1781 Williams, Ruth 1781 Willis, Bethuel 1781 ^Wind.s, Gen. William | ...1758 1798 *Winds, Ruhamah /...1758 *Winget, Joshua 1793 Wallox, William 1768 Wright, Joseph, 1793 Y. Young, Arthur 1781 Young, Arthur 1793 Zeek, Matthias 1793 ^Stickle, George and wife, 1794 .., Note. — The date 1793, occurring so often in this list, is that of a subscrip- tion to build a parsonage at the beginning of Mr. Carle's ministry. The list contains about one hundred names, and is preserved in the parish records. It shows what persons composed the parish at that time. ROLL OF MEMBERS From Beginning of Mr. King's Ministry in 1807, Jxo Present TIME, 1880. A. Rec'd. Dism'd. Died. Susp. Abbot, Abijah \ 1829 Abbot, Elizabeth / C 1826 Abbot, Mary " 1840 Abbot, Ira 1840 Abbot, Stephen C 1842 Abbot, Eliza H 184-5 Abbot, Barnabas 1 851 Allen, Abigail (Samuel) 1808 Allen, Lucy (Chilion DeCaiup) 1809 Allen, Samuel 1818 Allen, Jane 1818 Allen, Robert P 1832 Allen, Mary 1834 Allen, Henry B 1843 Allen, Elizabeth 1852 Alexander, Mary L 1858 Anderson, Cornelius \ 1 808 Anderson, Priscilla J 1812 Anderson, Abigail (colored) 1808 Anderson, Eliakim 1826 Anderson, Dayton 1831 Anderson, Sarah 1833 Anderson, Jane (colored) 1839 Anderson, David 1846 Anderson, Priscilla 1 855 Anderson, Aaron 1857 Atwood, Phoebe (Henry) 1808 Atno, Evaline 1875 Atno, Isabella 1875 Ayers, Daniel \ 1808 Avers, Polly. Garrigus j 1822 Ayers, Anna 1818 Ayers, Susan 1832 Ayers, John \ 1857 Ayers, Harriet L. Palmer j 1857 Ayers, Mary E. (Mrs. Sanders) 1867 Ayers, Cornelia Maria (Mrs. C. Ford) 1876 Ayers, Henrietta (Mrs. S. Palmer) 1876 Avers, Daniel Stuart, M. D C 1872 •ism'd. 1856 IS54 Died. 1855 1857 i'826 1809 1866 1848 1820 1852 1860 1830 1858 1860 1860 1860 1856 1877 1876 "If 36 Rec'd. Babbit, Kutli 1818 Babbit, James 1818 Babcock, Isabella H 1878 Bailey, Catherine 1818 Baker, Jeremiah ^ 1818 Baker, Mary / 1818 Barton, David Edwin 1879 Barton, Laura 1870 Barth, Philip P C 1870 Basiedo, Gideon L 1828 Bassett, Jno. M 1864 Bassett, Edward 1874 Bassett, Elizabeth Lavinia .....1876 Bassinger, Jere. B. ) C 1856 Bassinger, Sarah T. / 1856 Bavles, Jno. K 1829 Babies, Caroline D 1851 Bayles, Harriet 1849 Bayles, Phoebe Ann 1850 Baxter, William H 1842 Beach, Saml. S. \ 1808 Beach, Jane HofF / 1818 Beach, Chilion ~| 1818 Beach, Cornelia De C. / 1813 Beach, Benjamin ) 1822 Beach, Nancy / 1822 Beach, Delia (Mrs. Hazard) 1823 Beach, Catherine 1808 Beach, Henry \ C 1826 Beach, Rhoda / C 1826 Beach, Solomon 1831 Beach, Phojbe S 1831 Beach, Jno. Jr 1831 Beach, Mary (Mrs. Joseph H. Jackson). ...1831 Beach, Abby S 1831 Beach, Horace 1829 Beach, Saml. S., Jr. ) 1831 Beach, Sarah E. Colyer ) 1842 Beach, Josliua Munson 1831 Beach, Catherine (Chilion) C 1834 Beach, Nancy L. (Mrs. Reddeld) 1«31 Beach, Eniiiv 1828 Beach, Amzi \ 1843 Beach, Sarah J C 1851 Beach, John 1834 Beach, Catherine A 1840 Beach, Charles H. \ 1833 Beach, Ann ( 1833 Beach, Cornelia (Mrs. McCov) 1848 Beach, Joseph H ". 1840 Beach, Columbus 1852 Beach, Henry A 1848 Beach, Sarah Jane 1858 Beach, John Henry 1861 Beach, Sarali L. (Mrs. Samuel Merritt)....1860 Beach, Helen A. (Mrs. Edward Fichter)..1864 Beach, Fred'k Halsey C 1865 Dism'd. Died. Susp, 1822 1861 1851 1877 i'876 1878 .....[ 1870 1835 1852 1852 1852 1846 i858 1874 1842 1832 1827 1830 1835 1815 18(34 1853 1853 1867 ...... 1835 1849 1835 1842 '.'.'.'.'.'. 1835 1846 1846 1853 1852 1864 '.'.'.'.'.'. 1876 1872 V] 37 Rec'd. Dism'd. Died. Susp. Beach, Edward P 1867 Beach, Edward W 1867 Beach, Alida (Mrs. Bonsall) 1868 1878 Beach, Anna Colyer 1874 Beach, Clarence Leslie \ C 1875 Beach, Jennie Addis / C 1875 Beach, Jonas "I 1876 Beach, Julia Ann Rogers/ 1876 Beach, Snsan J ...C 1878 1880 Beams, Paul \ 1818 1869 Beams, Catherine J 1818 1865 Beams, Peter 1 C 1824 Beams, Martha j C 1824 Beams, Edgar W. \ 1867 Beams, Mary Gnstin i 1878 Beams, Sidney H 1840 Meth Beattv, Elmira 1867 Bedefl, Wm. E 1864 1871 Benjamin, Harriet E 1829 Benjamin, Anna 1832 lS34 Benjamin, Mary ; 1837 1851 Benjamin, Martha 1838 Benjamin, Jno. S. ) 1838 Benjamin, Elizabeth J 1838 Benjamin, Edward J. \ C 1850 1860 Benjamin, Mary / C 1850 1860 Benjamin, Jonathan \ 1818 1845 Benjamin, Rebecca j 1818 1852 Berry, jSTancy Ayers (Henry) 1803 BerrV, Titus ". 1815 1831 Berry, Sally (Asa) 1808 1858 Berrv, Lucy 1825 Berry, Titus \ 1832 1836 Berry, Juliette ( 1832 1836 Berry, Mary J 1858 Berry, Mary J. Molt (Benj ) 1874 Biddle, Edward R. \ C 1854 1855 Biddle, Eliza T. / C 1854 1855 Bigelow, Mary 1808 1814 Blanchard, Sarah 1818 Blanchard, Abner \ 1825 Blanchard, Catherine Hiler J 1831 1878 Blanchard, John I 1831 Blanchard, Eleanor J 1831 Blanchard, Sarah Ann 1831 Meth. Blanchard, Aaron 1831 Meth. Blanchard, Martin H 1843 Blanchard, Catherine 1853 Blanchard, Mary Ann 1848 Blanchard, Caroline H 1852 Blanchard, Saml. A 1859 Blanchard, Moses 1859 Blanchard, James )^ 1863 Blanchard, Sarah J 1863 Blanchard, Caroline K 1874 Blanchard, Edward 1867 1879 Bower, Joseph C. \ 1861 1876 Bower, Sarah K. j 1861 1876 5-^ 38 Rec'd. Disni'd. Died. Susp^ Boyd, Elizat.eth Cooper (Wm.) 1856 Brant, Jane E C 1864 1865 Bray, Jno. W 1867 1869 Bray, Mrs. Sarah C 1852 Breese, Sidney \ 1829 1836 Breese, Hila S. i 1829 1836 Breese, Charles 1831 1836 Broadwell, William 1842 Meth Broadwell, Job A 1818 v Broadwell, Archibald 1818 1837 Brower, Susan Gustin C 1876 Brown, Cornelia 1818 1822 Briien, James Harvey C 1848 Bruen, JohnN 1858 Bruen, James Wright 1864 Bruen, Rev. Arthur Newell 1864 Bruen, Eebecca (Mrs. Jno. Estile) 1818 Burnet, Joanna (Mrs. David Norris) 1818 Burnet, Asenath (widow) 1823 1842 Buchanan, Alexander 1874 1875 Bulger, Sarah C. (Mrs. Odell) 1870 Bunnel, Wra. Edsell 1867 Byers, Katie L C 1876 C. Casterline, Elizabeth (Daniel) C 1826 1866 Casterline, Nancv 1848 1878 Chrvstal, Martlia (Patrick) 1831 1835 Chidister, Mrs. Susan 1818 1833 Clark, Sally (Jno. R.) 1819 Clark, Daniel\ 1809 1819 Clark, Rhoda r 1809 1814 Clark, James H 1832 1837 Clark, Sarah 1832 1834 Clark, John ) 1843 1871 Clark, Sally Ann j" 1843 1871 Clark, Jeremiah 1840 1842 Clark, John D. \ 1867 1870 Clark, Mrs. John D. j 1867 1872 Clark, Chas. S 1867 1867 Clark, Hattie B. (Mrs. Dickerson) 1868 , Classon, Samuel 1818 Classon, Mary 1818 Cobb, Otis T 1842 1844 Cochrane, Miss Mary C 1856 1857 Coe, Joseph D ." 1831 1833 Coe, Mary (Thos.) 1831 1839 Coe, Joseph Warren \ 1850 1857 Coe, Harriet J C 1849 1857 Coe, Priscilla (Augustus) 1876 1877 Coe, Bethia (widow) 1808 1816 Cole, Phoebe C 1863 Compton, Mary Ann 1831 1856 Conger, Elizabeth (David) 1808 1822 Conger, Mary (Stephen) 1808 1826 Conger, Diademia (Mrs. Brown) 1808 5^V 39 Rec"d. Conger, David | 1808 Conger, Hannah J 1808 Conger, Phcebe (Thos.) 1808 Conger, Abijah \ 1808 Conger, Phcebe / 1808 Conger, Thomas 1809 Conger, Anna (Mrs. Geo. Stickle) 1809 Conger, John 1818 Conger, Abij ah 1818 Conger, Emilv 1S18 Conger, William 1822 Conger, Phcebe (Mrs. Hatheway) 1822 Conger, Phcebe (Stephen) 1829 Conger, Hannah 1831 Conger, Eliza 1 833 Conger, Phoebe H 1833 Conger, Henry H 1837 Conger, Mary F 1837 Conger, Clarissa H 1843 Cook, Jane 1818 Cook, John, Jr 1818 Cook, Catherine, 1818 Cook, Isaac M 1831 Cook, Saml. W. 1 1870 Cook, Martha J. / 1867 Cook, Charles Youni:in-- 1879 Cook, Laura Virginia 1878 Cook, Mary Edith 1879 Cooper, Polly (Stephen (J.) 1818 Cooper, Lydia (Mrs. Ander>oii) 1809 Cooper, Lydia (Mrs. Herritnan* 1809 Cooper, Mrs. Betsy 1812 Cooper, Stephen 1812 Cooper, Sarah (Hatheway) 1816 Cooper, Mary A 1831 Cooper, William) 1832 Cooper, Hannah j 1832 Cooper, Eunice 1840 Cooper, Nancy D 1841 Cooper, Mrs. Ann 1845 Cooper, Stephen B 1855 Cooper, Cornelia 1858 Cooper, Ann Maria (Mrs. Moti) 1858 Cooper, Sarah L 1867 Cooper, Ella M. (Mrs. McGrath) 1868 Cotter, Samuel Ellis 1867 Courtright, Sophia Stephens (Oscar) C 1880 Cowles, Silas H 1864 Craig, Martha C 1867 Crampton, Wm 1852 Crane, Jno. R. \ 1858 Crane, Mrs. Jno. R. j 1858 Crittenden, Wm. H 1831 Crittenden, Margaret J. (Mrs. McFarlan)..1837 Crittenden, Dr. Ira \ 1818 Crittenden, Harriet J 1818 Cummins, Catherine \ 1808 Cummins, Samuel j 1808 Curtis, Saml. H 1861 Dism'd. Died. 1809 1809 i837 1819 1819 1832 1877 1819 1824 1855 1872 1832 1834 1834 1847 1839 - — 1823 1874 1874 1814 1825 1833 1836 1856 1858 1847 Meth. 1877 1869 1865 1870 1862 1862 1862 1848 1848 1863 ' Susp. 1826 ^^f 40 Rec'd. Disni'd. Died. Susp. D:i 1 ry ni pie, Hen ry ] 8'_",) Dalrymple, Fred B Ib4') D:ilrymj)le, Enieline B 1, Louise M 1839 Eddy, Lucius S 1842 Edwards, William 1832 Elmer, Thomas C 1878 Estile, Rebecca (.lolin) 1818 Estler, David ) 1832 1854 Estler. Eachel / 1832 1854 Estler, Loui.sa 1843 .? 1S46 Ewing, Mary A. (Satuuei (jriirrigns) 1825 1833 F. Fairchild, Phcehe 1825 1833 Fairchild, Malilun 1831 1833 Fairchild. Pho;be A .1828 1835 Fennall, Fannie 1845 1853 Ferris, Jemima (Hicks) 1809 Fichter, Jacob L. \ 1854 1874 Fichter, Mary A./ 1857 Fichter, Mary E (J 1854 Fichter, James Edwani 1861 Fichter, Anna Belle 1875 Ford, James 1828 Ford, George, Jr 1832 Ford, Nancy (Mrs. King) 1808 Ford, Charity (James) 1820 1836 Ford, William \ 1818 Ford, Phoebe j 1818 Ford, Julia (Minton) 1818 1821 Ford, Catharine 1818 Ford, Mary Ann 1821 Fordyce, Jacob H. V 1868 1876 Fordyce, Catherine/ 1868 1876 Fordyce, Jacob H., Jr 1868 1876 Fordvce, Marv Adaline 1868 1876 Fordvce, Eva' Louisa 1868 1876 Foste'r, Ellis Ludlow) 1875 Foster, Rebecca A. j 1875 Fox, Morris \ 1864 Fox, Elizabeth Smith / 1880 Francisco, John P. and wife 1816 1825 Frazee. Eunice 1828 1835 Freeman, Jane (Dayton) 1858 Freeman, Mary ". 1849 1853 1862 Freeman, Eliza Jane (Mrs. Lewis Miller). .1851 1876 ; Freeman, Ph«be Maria 1858 1872 sy 42 Rec'd. Dism'd. Died. Susp. Fingley, Phoebe C 1861 Fuller, James C 1848 1855 Fuller, Sarah S. (Mrs. Dr. Ayers) 1864 1872 Fuller, Frank Edward 1868 a. Gage, George 1857 1864 1868 Gale, Caroline 1831 Gard, Ephraim "1 C 1861 1867 Gard, Sarah Ann / C 1861 1867 Gardiner, Mary E 1832 1841 Garner, David \ 1808 1818 Garner, Abigail j 1808 1826 Garner, Lvdia 1818 1823 Garner, Tiiuolhv P 1818 Garrigus, David \ 1808 1815 Garrigus, Kachel i 1809 1815 Garrigus, John, Sr. \ 1809 1850 Garrigus, Elizabetii J 1809" 1838 Garrigus, John, Jr. ) 1815 1878 Garrigus, Mary Hall J 1816 1879 Garrigus, Isaac \ 1818 Garrigus, Saraii J 1818 Garrigus, Samuel 1818 1832 Garrigus, James 1 1821 1823 Garrigus, Elizabeth / 1821 1823 Garrigus, Euphemia 1845 1846 Garrigus, Phoebe 1845 1846 Garrigus, Emeline Amanda 1851 1862 Garrigus, Elias ] 1828 1848 Garrigus, Parmelia i 1828 1848 Garrigus, John Pierson 1829 Garrigus, Mary Wood 1829 Garrigus, Alexander VV 1831 Garrigus, Stephen 1832 Garrigus, Jacob 1831 . Garrigus, Eliza (Mrs. James Miller) 1832 Garrigu.*, Hannah 1833 1862 Garrigus, Sarah, (Eliphalet Sturievanl)... .1832 Garrigus, Samuel ] 1845 Garrigus, Mary A. f 1845 Garrigu.^^, David \ 1845 Garrigus, Mary A. / 1845 Garrigus, Klecta 1845 Garrigus, Deborah Ann 1852 Genung, Mary (Mrs. Joseph Zeak) 1831 Genung, Hannah (widow) 1808 1848 Goosbeck, Francis (col'd) )^ 1829 Goosbeck, Rebecca " j 1829 Gordon, David "(^ 1808 1851 Gordon, Nancy ) 1808 Gordon, Eliza.'. 1818 Gordon, Parnel (Mrs. John MoU) 1825 Greble, Mrs. Rachel 1868 Green, Miss Leah 1840 Green, Harriet 1843 Green, Susan M. (Thomas) 1862 1870 'd'^ 43 Rec'd, Dism'd. Died. Susp. Green, Gabriel \ 1821 Green, Mary f 1821 Green, Mary Heft 1880 Gregory, Henry Ludlow) 1879 Gregory, Catherine J 1879 Griffiths, Nancy 1818 1836 Griffiths, Catherine 1832 1836 Gustin, William H. ) 1879 Gustin, Nora A. Waer j 1876 Gustin, Mary S. (William) C 1876 H. Hall, Sibbah (Mrs. Read) 1818 Hall, Chloe 1808 1843 Hall, Seth 1808 1814 Hall, Lvdia '. 1815 Hall, Abigail (Miller) 1816 Hall, Stephen 1818 1838 Hall, Betsv 1831 1847 Hall, Mary G 1832 1-835 Hall, Harriet (Rowland) 1832 1862 Hall, Elizabeth C 1832 1835 Hall, Charity W 1834 1842 Hall, John \ 1838 1842 Hall, Maria i 1838 1842 Hall, Anna Eliza 1838 1848 1856-' Hall, Lydia (Stephen) C 1849 1866 Halsey, Silas D 1818 Halsey, George AV 1818 Halsey, Elizabeth 1818 Halsey, Samuel B ) 1835 1871 Halsey, Sarah Du Bois i' C 1834 1859 Halsev, Mary Ann (William) 1832 1834 Halsey, Susan Electa (Mrs. Dr. C. Beachj..l840 Halsey, Joseph J 1840 Halsey, Cornelia V. W 1857 Halsey, Edmund Drake C 1865 Halsev,Margaret P. (Rev. S. P.) C 1863 1865 Hamilton, William 1825 Hamilton, David 1825 Hamilton, Rev. Lewis 1824 Colorado. Hamilton, Mary E 1828 1835 Hamilton, Silas 1813 1841 Hamilton, Deborah 1818 Hamilton, Hester (Silas) 1831 Hamilton, Mary 1848 1849 Hamilton, Silas 1851 1854 Hamilton, Lewis 1851 1875 1876 Hamilton, John 1858 Meth. Hamilton, Ann Louisa 1858 1877 Hamilton, Marietta (Mrs. John Rogers). ..1861 Hamilton, Stephen 1867 Hamilton, William \ 1870 Hamilton, Bertha R. J 1874 Hamilton, Sarah E 1870 Hannes, James C 1843 Harrison, Benjamin C 1832 1834 Hazard, Delia (Silas) C 1827 'ii' 44 Rec'd. Dism'd. Died. Susp. Hedden, William \ C 1880 Hedden, Harriet Smith J C 1880 .'.'.".'. ."."'.' Herriman, Hannah 1829 1839 .".!.' Herriman, Ann Eliza 1831 1839 ...... Herriman, Charles 1838 1841 ...... ...... Herriman, Lois (John) 1808 Herriman, Mary 1808 Herriman, Catherine 1818 Herriman, Elizabeth 1818 Hicks, Samnel 1809 Hicks, Catherine 1809 Hicks, Rachel 1818 1839 Hicks, Catherine Conger 1818 1831 '. Hicks, Samuel, Jr 1818 Hiler, Elizabeth:. 1808 Hill, Ezekiel 1833 1837 '..'.'..'. Hill, Eugene 1851 ' Hill, Sarah E 1864 1867 Hill, Mary J 1863 1866 Hill, Charlotte A 1863 1866 Hill, Eezkiel 1818 1838 Hinds,Martha 1816 Hinds, Isaac 1816 ...... Hinchman, Felix 1829 1835 '.. Hinchman, Eliza 1829 1835 Hinchman, Marv F. (John) 1858 ...... Hoagland, Elizabeth 1831 1835 1858 Hoagland, John E 1832 1833 Hoagland, John "I 1854 1856 Hoagland, Deborah B. i 1854 1856 Hongland, Mahlon 1 1857 Hoagland, Annie Jane Muir i 1862 Hoagland, Thomas Hudson I 1868 Hoagland, Eva Lownsbury j C 1875 Hoagland, Mahlon, Jr. \ 1874 Hoagland, Laura Dorman ) C 1880 Hoagland, Annie M. (Mrs. Moriurd Strait )1874 Hoagland, Sue Louise Nell". 1875 Hoff, Mary Ann 1818 1872 Hofi; Elizabeth 1818 1854 Hoff, Harriet 1818 1S79 Hoff; Charlotte (Kinney) 1818 1832 Hoff, Hannah ". 1825 1849 Hoff, Charles 1835 1857 Hopler, Angeline (Mrs N. R. Mutt) 1860 Hopler, Martha (Caleb) C 1869 Hopler, Peter 1867 Hough, Wm. ■) 1,S71 Hough, Eliza/ 1871 Hough, Percy 1S79 Howell, Sally 1S32 1835 Howell, George 1840 Meih Howell, Augustus 1840 1856 Howell, Sarah 1842 Howell, Mary A. (colored) 1842 1843 1847 ...... Howell. Walter ) 1847 1848 Howell, Sarah ( 1847 1848 Howell, Mrs. Harriet (j 1863 1872 Howell, Sylvanus 1^ 1818 1854 Howell, Harriet j 1818 1819 r^ 45 1814 Eec'd. Dism'd. Hubbard, Abigail (George) 1816 Hubbard, Eliza K 1831 Hurd, Louisa 1828 Hurd, John L 1832 Hurd, Charles B 1832 Hurd, Josiah (Elder) \ 1816 Hurd, Matilda J -...1816 Hurd, Mrs. Mary 1818 Husk, Ann .1816 Hyler, Ruth 1818 Hyler, Harriet N 1832 Hyler^ Sarah J 1852 Hyler, Marv 1852 Hyler, Sarah 1852 Hyler, Emily ..1852 Hyler, Mary Louisa (Lewis) 1861 I. Ingham, Margaret Ann 1831 Innis, Jane 1821 J. Jackson, Mrs. Chloe 1800 Jackson, Clarissa (James) 1808 Jackson, Isaac \ 1808 Jackson, Jane / 1808 Jackson, Abigail (Isaac's mother) 1808 Jackson, Col. Joseph! 1818 Jackson, Electa J 1809 Jackson, Stephen J. \ 1818 Jackson, Mary A. Gleason j 1830 Jackson, William \ 1818 .Jackson, Susan D. J 1818 Jackson, Mrs, Chloe (John) 1818 Jackson, William A 1831 1871 Jackson, Nancy B 1832 1834 Jacki^on, Joseph H... 1837 1853 Jacknon, Sarah D 1847 Jackson, Agnes., 1848 Jackson, Mary 1849 Jackson, J. Henry 1852 Jackson, Joseph, Jr 1852 Jackson, Anna G. (Mrs. Merrill) 1857 Jackson, Frances E. (Mrs. Mooney) 1858 Jackson, Caroline (Mrs. Mooney) C 1861 .Jack — Servant of Asa Berry 1818 Jayred, Fred'k \ 1831 Jayred, Eliza / 1831 Jennings, John 1826 Jennings, Redmond 1831 Jennings, Jennie 1831 Jennings, Elizabeth 1874 Johnson, Peter A 1843 Johnson, Nelson) 1879 Johnson, Maria J 1879 Johnson, Sarah 1813 1816 Johnson, Phoebe (Seely) 1814 1824 Johnson, Rhoda 1822 1833 Died. Susp, 1833 1835 Meth. Meth. 1841 Issii '.'.'.'.'.'. i853 '.'.'.'.'.'. 1857 1869 ...'.'.'. 1838 1820 1842 1858 1878 1856 1858 1878 1877 1834 1834 1843 1834 1855 1854 1874 1864 1872 1868 1876 184c 1849 / / 46 K. Rec'd. Kanouse, Nellie 1S18 Kanoiise, Mrs, Sally 1818 Kanouse, Nellie.. 1818 Kanouse, John G 1818 Kelsev, John B. \ „ 1822 Kelsey, DeliaCoHgerJ 1822 Kelsey, John 1845 Kelsev, Sarah (Mrs. Baxter) 1838 Kelsey, Elvira C. (Mrs. Jos. H. Beach) 1834 Kelsey, Wright F 1840 Kelsey, Emily T. (Mrs. J. H. Bruen) 1840 Kelsey, Ann (Mrs. Kitchel) 1848 Kelsey, Clarissa (Mrs. Strait) 1850 Kelsey, Adeline (Mrs. Skellinger) 1850 Kelsey, Cornelia D. (Mrs. Hurlbutt) 1857 Kelsey, Martha J. (Mrs. Garter) 1857 Kelsey, Alfred B 1869 Kennedy, David 1828 Kennedy, Palmer 1829 Kennedy, Ann E 1837 Ketcham, Margaret 1831 Ketcham, Ehoda 1797 Ketcham, Eunice 1808 King, Catherine Bead (Rev. Barnabas) 1809 King, Clarissa Strong (Rev. B.) 1823 King, Fanny (John) 1820 King, Elizabeth (Mrs. Pierson) 1828 King, Barnabas B 1831 King, Mary 1831 King, Samuel B. \ 1832 King, Jane D. Beach J 1849 King, Susan 1832 King, Jno. M 1834 King, Harriet 1832 King, Phebe 1832 King, Electa J. (Rev. Baker Johnson) 1831 King, Susan C. (Mrs. Dr. Tuttle) 1831 King, Sarah A. T 1861 Kinney, Jacob 1819 Kinney, Hannah 1819 Kinney, Susan 1838 Kinney, Chas. A 1840 Kinney, Charlotte Hoff"(Mrs. Romine) 1853 Kirwin, Catherine 1808 Kitchel, Hannah \ 1818 Kitchel, James... J 1818 Kitchel, Elizabeth (Ford) 1808 Kitchel, Nancy (Joseph) 1808 Kitchel, Eliz. Tuttle 1815 Kitchel, Electa (Doland) 1822 Kitchel, Abrm. Ford 1824 Kitchel, Emily (Mrs. Slater) 1828 Kitchel, Jane Rebecca 1831 Kitchel, Charity Ann 1831 Kitchel, Euphe'ma (Mrs. Pruden) 1831 Kitchel, Elizabeth 1838 Kitchel, Joanna S C 1831 Dism'd. Died. Susp. 1837 1837 1837 1880 i'852 1880 1847 * 1854 1855 1855 1859 1859 1870 1847 1837 1814 1821 1860 1837 1835 1862 1858 1842 1851 1842 1840 1842 1835 1833 1862 1865 1819 1843 1854 1842 1854 1812 1820 1830 Meth. 1872 1835 Meth. 1873 Meth. 1855 1843 1860 ^7 47 Rec'd. Kilchel, Rebecca A. 1838 Kitchel, Abraham 1840 Kitchel, Samuel 1838 Kitchel, Emily C 1842 Kitchel, Francis W 1855 Kitchel, Matthias \ 1832 Kitchel, Caroline Beach / 1832 Kitchel, Henrietta (Mrs, Cowles) 1852 Kitchel, Matthias Day 1 1858 Kitchel, Anna E. Doughty/ C 1863 Kitchel, Maria E. Davis..^. C 1880 Kitchel, James ...1858 Kilchel, Horace B 1867 L. Lamson, Benjamin (Elder) 1808 Lamson, Phebe ) 1816 Lamson, Daniel J 1818 Lamson, Eleazer 1826 Lawrence, Jacob "(^ 1818 Lawrence, Jane J 1818 Lee, Catherine C 1848 Lee, Margaret M C 1861 Lee, Cornelia B C 1864 Lewis, Phoebe 1808 Lewis, Abigail (Ayers) 1809 Lindsley, Esther (Samuel) 1808 Lindsley, Nancy C 1841 Lindsley, Ephraim 1842 Lindslev, Stephen \ 1843 LindsleV, Sarah S. J 1843 Lindsley, Elizabeth Segur 1858 Lindsley, Mrs. Harriet 1861 Lindslev, Olivia Green (J. Frank) 1880 Little, iPhebe 1818 Losey, Nancy (Jacob).. 1808 Losey, Hannah (James) 1808 Losey, .Jane 1814 Losey, Mrs. Anna 1818 Low, Benjamin 1818 Low, Isabella C 1818 Lownsbury, Sarah J. King (John) C 1869 Lownsbury, Mary Ann C 1876 Love, Jane 1832 Love, Sarah 1832 Love, L-a 1832 Love, Sally (William) 1819 Ludlow, Henry 1818 Ludlow, Cbari'ty 1818 Lymus, Abraham 1808 Lymus, Susannah 1809 Lyon, Rachel 1818 Lyon, Elizabeth 1842 Lyon, John H 1869 Lyon, Mary F 1869 Lyon, Robert , 1867 Lyon, S. Jennie 1871 Disni'd. 1860 Died. 1855 Susp. 1857 1879 1876 To Brooklyn. 1870 1824 1843 1843 1836 1846 1846 1814 1814 1815 1857 '".*.".'.. To Dover 1844 1844 isss 1814 1822 1809 ...... 1810 1874 i822(?) ''.'.'.'.'. 1822(?) 1874 1874 1874 1872 r868(?) ...... 1874 ...... b 48 M. Rec'd. Dism'd. Died. Susp. Manard, Henry \ 1818 Manard, Hannah J 1818 Mandeville, William) 1842 Mandeville, Phoebe / 1842 Mandeville, Maria 1848 Marsh, Benjamin 1831 Marsh, Alexander) C 1834 Marsh, Caroline J C 1839 Marsh, Stephen H 1852 Marsh, Harriet C 1855 Marsh, Edward L. (killed in war) 1852 Marsh, Lydia Elizabeth 1867 Marsh, Joseph J. 1 1851 Marsh, Hannah j C 1876 Marsh, Maria H 1852 Marsh, Susan C 1867 Marsh, Theo. B 1867 Marsh, Agnes 1867 Marshall, Caroline C 1855 Martin, Clark J 1831 Martin, Elizabeth 1834 Mattox, George E C 1880 Mattox, Sally Berry C 1880 Maxton, EIIaHoagland 1874 McCarty, Mary Emma 1868 McCarty, Mary H 18l3 McCoy, James 1848 McGlaughlin, Charlotte (widow) 1875 McGrath, Thomas B. \ 1861 McGrath, Annie M. / 1863 McDonald, George 1813 McKain, Emma Delphina (Mrs. Williams) 1875 McKain, Lillie Marcella 1875 Merritt, Phoebe (Samuel) 1842 Merritt, Phoebe (Mr.s. Dickerson) 1867 Merrilt, Sarah (Mrs. Cook) 1858 Merritt, John C 1868 Merritt', Samuel 1870 Merritt, Daniel | 1808 Merritt, Anna j 1808 Miller, Ruth 1811 Miller, Catherine 1818 Miller, Susan 1818 Miller, Margaret 1818 Miller, Philip | , 1842 Miller, Abigail / 1842 Miller, John Paul ( 1875 Miller, Mary Broadwell j C 1857 Miller, Ralph 1850 Miller, Mary E 1852 Miller, Margaret... C 1848 Miller, James Edward 1858 Miller. .Jaiups Arthur 1876 Miller, Frank Kdward 1875 Miller, Nellie Miller 1874 Mills, Rachel 1831 1856 1856 1834 1835 1842 1846(?) ''.'.'.'. 1855 ...... 1862 ...Z 1878 1878 1860 1869 i869 1860 1876 ...... 1821 1855 1814 1879 1879 1871 .".'.".'.'.' 1880 '.'.'.'.'.'. i809 1809 1820 1821 1820 mi ...... iS54 '...'.'.. 1862 1851 1861 1S54 1877 1836 i'^ 49 Rec'd. Mills, Marv L C 1876 Minard, Sidney 1832 Minton, Samaiuha 1858 Mitchell, William 1855 Montgomery, Catharine. 1812 Morgan, Sarah J 1864 Morgan, Susan 1855 Morrison, Sarah J. (Mrs. Scofieldj 1867 Morrison, Susan C 1848 Morrison, James 1818 Mott, John (Elder) 1818 Mott, Isaac H 1831 Mott, Natlianiel) 1848 Mott, Maria / 1840 Mott, Sarah (Mrs. Basseti) 1838 Mott, Lavinia (Mrs. Sturtevant) C 1852 Mott, Elisha, Jr. ) 1842 Molt, Cornelia W. Merriit ) 1851 Mott, Mary B 1842 Molt, John G. ) 1855 Mott, Caroline Freeman J 1850 Mott, Esther (Elisha Sr.) C 1855 Mott, Sibbah C 1852 Mott, Rosina M. (Mrs. Ross) 1851 Mott, Nathaniel Revo 1867 Mott, Matilda R 1874 Mott, Hatlie Louisa 1875 Mott, Mary Emma 1875 Muir, Ziba \ 1808 Muir, Keziah Sraitli J 1808 Muir, Susan (Col. Thomas) 1823 Muir, Agnes 1840 Munn, Grace Ann 1870 Munson, Caleb 1829 Munson, Rhoda 1819 N. Needham, Henry \ 1875 Need ham, Sarah J 1874 Needham, Mary E.. 1875 Nelson, Mahlon 1832 Nicholson , Rosanna 1859 Nix, Lavina J.. 1877 Noell, Simeon \ 1868 Noell, Elizabeth R. Mott j C 1868 Noell, Fannie J 1875 ISorri.s, Mary (Mrs. Morgan) 1825 Norris, Catherine (Mrs. Easton) 1831 Norris, Mrs. Belsy 1824 Norris, Alexander \ C 1840 Norris, Sarali Wiggins/ 1828 Norris, Lydia Jane 1851 Norrip, Catherine (Mrs. Tomkins) 1858 Norris, John \ 1860 Norris, Agnes McGrath / 1865 Norris, Prof. Jacob 1861 Norris, David Wiggins 1867 Norris, Sarah 1822 Dism'd. Died. Susp. lobO 1875 .".".'. 1878 ...'.'.'. 1876 1854 1866 1833 1857 1870 1862 '. 1871 1871 ...... 18i8 1867 '""'' 1874 1812 1812 1860 1842 1827 '.'.'.'.'.'. 1879 1879 1879 1860 1878 1878 IS79 ...... 1865 1865 Wabash College. Kansas. 1824 i'(. 50 Rec'd. Dism'd. Died. Susp. Norris, Mrs. Sarah (David) 1822 Noy, William Henry 1870 Oliver, Sarah C 1848 1854 Oliver, Sarah (J 1834 Oliver, Phoebe C 1834 Oliver, Abigail C 1834 Oliver, Sally Ann C 1834 Onstead, Charles 1838 Oram, Benjamin ) 1875 Oram, Cornelia A, Stickle J 1875 Orr, John ) 1868 Orr, Mary/ 1868 Orr, Ellen 1874 Orr, Lizzie 1874 Osborne, Charles H 1832 Osborne, Anna W. (Mrs. Smith) 1861 Osborne, Daniel 1808 Osborne, Sarah 1818 Palmer, Naomi (Samuel) 1818 Palmer, Rebecca (Mrs. tomkins) 1823 Palmer, Fzekiel 1818 Palmer, Susan (Mrs. Broadweli) 1818 Palmer, Rhoda (John) 1818 Palmer, Diademia 1818 Palmer, P^lecta (Timothy) 1818 Palmer, Mary (S. Halsey) 1818 Palmer, Timothy 1818 Palmer, John G 1832 Palmer, Silas S. ) 1831 Palmer, Mary Baker / 1842 Palmer, Naomi 1831 Palmer, Sarah B 1838 Palmer, Eliza 1831 Palmer, Albert A 1832 Palmer, Mary E C 1852 Palmer, Jer. Baker ) 1878 Palmer, Mary Scofield ( 1878 Palmer, John Louis 1875 Paterson, Lucy (colored^ 1821 Phillips, Henry W. \ 1809 Phillips, Sarah / 1811 Pierson, John M. \ 1818 Pierson, Elizabeth | 1816 Pierson, Hannah 1818 Pierson, Mrs. Eunice 1848 Pike, Ruth H 1848 Platter, Susan Hutchings (Rev.) C 1878 Powers, Hannah (Stackhouse) 1818 Powers, Jacob ) 1829 Powers, Mary ( 1829 Powers, .\lbert 1829 Powers, Charles 1832 Powers, Riiclu'l 1838 1845 1845 1845 1845 1880 1876 1876 1876 1876 1835 1866 1831 1851 1871 1844 1835 i848 1840 i'833 1876 1858 1877 ■:z 1853 1822 1814 1819 1820 1860 1860 1835 1836 Meth. r^s 51 Rec'd. Dism'd. Died. Susp. Powers, Ann Eliza 1851 1860 Powers, Mary L 1855 1860 Pope, Parraenus 1874 Powlev,John\ 1809 1814 Powlev, Jnda / 1809 1814 Powlev, Polly 1809 1814 Pruden, Joanna 1826 1833 Pruden, Ford K 1867 1871 Pruden, Ludlow 1870 1874 R. Read, Anna (Mrs. David Hamilton) 1825 Redfield, Gilbert 1838 1842 Redfield, James \ 1838 1845 Redfield, Elizabeth/ 1838 1845 Riggs, Irene 1833 1834 Righter, Sibbah 1840 1862 Robbins. Alex. A. (colored). 1867 1873 Robinson, Wm. H 1880 Roff, Marv 1827 1836 Roff, Minerva 1832 1837 Roff, Philip \ 1864 1865 Roff, Mary J./ 1864 1865 Roff, Anson 1831 1836 Rogers, John E 1868 Rogers, Emma J 1874 Rogers, Nellie 1879 Ross, Mary 1812 1832 Ross, Keziah 1822 1841 Rowland, George (Elder) 1831 1854 Rowland, Mary J 1831 1839 Rowland, Ann Eliza (Mrs. Miller, Mrs. White) 1832 1856 Rowland, Mnnson 1851 Rowland, Silas D 1852 Rutan, Manning 1832 Rutan, Melinda 1833 S. Sammis, Mary Bangs 1861 1871 Sayre, Joseph 1829 Scofield, Thomas C 1858 Scofield, Mary C 1858 Scofield, Joseph C 1861 1873 Scofield, Sarah E C 1861 1873 Scofield, Ira C 1861 1869 Scofield, Harriet (Joseph) C 1862 1873 Scofield, James H >1864 1873 Scofield, Joseph W 1867 1873 Searing, Rachel i 1829 1835 Seely, Charles 1816 1824 Seelv, Eliphalet and wife 1818 1824 Seely, John 1818 1821 Scott, Milton 1818 1848 Shepherd, Sarah (Mrs. Garrigns) 1818 Shores, James \ 1811 1818 Shores, Phebe / 1808 1818 U 52 Reed. Sharp, Phoebe E C 1878 Sharp, Leiitia C C 1878 Shawger, Catherine IS'25 Shnwger, Mary B 1858 Shawger, Phoebe M. (Mrs. Bunnell) 1861 Shawger, Amelia O C 1870 Shawger, Hester C 1870 Shoars, Clara N. (Mrs. Frank D. Stephens)lS75 Sickle, Emily 1868 Simpson, Hannah 1831 Skel I enger, Harriet 1 848 Slack, Theresa Ida 1870 Smitii, Elizabeth (Charle.-^) 1838 Smith, Ellen E C 1839 Smith, Amanda C 1851 Smitii, Julian 1822 Smith, Richard C 1833 Smith, Eleanor C 1S48 Smith, George Taylor 1870 Smith, John J. ] 1863 Smith, Mary J. / 1863 Smith, Samuel "I C 1878 Smith, Frances Nunn J C 1878 Southern, Hannah C 1849 Stephens, Frank D 1875 Stewart, John \ 1874 Stewart, Ann J 1874 Slagg, Deney 1828 Stickle, Hubbard S. \ 1808 Stickle, SailyMcCartyJ C 1840 Stickle, Jane McGratli C 1864 Stickle, George "I 1809 Stickle, Sarah / 1808 Stickle, George, J r 1809 Stickle, David 1809 Stickle, Adams 1818 Stickle, Beaman 1 1818 Stickle, Pha?be / 1831 Stickle, John E 1832 Stickle, Israel 1832 Stickle, Emily Conger 1838 Stickle, Hubbard, Jr. \ 1840 Stickle, Maria J C 1862 Stickle, Geo. W 1833 Stickle, Caroline Tutlle (Mrs. B. K.) C 1848 Stickle, Harriet (Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. Ayers) 1840 Stickle, Sarah 1831 Stickle, Mary E 1857 Stickle, Mary F 1843 Stickle, Laura (Mrs. Klolz) 1872 Stickle, Carrie (Mrs. Keid) 1872 Stiles, Nora 1879 Stiles, Betsey (David) 1808 Strack, Margaret 1832 Slraii, Morford B C 1876 Slniiig, Maigarel D 1815 Strong, William 1818 Slroogle, Susan 1815 Struble, Geo. W 1861 Dism'd. Died. Susp. 1833 1850 1842 1855 1834 1852 Returned to Scotland. Retnr ned to Scotland. Meth. 18bi '".'.'.'. 1835 '.'.'.'.'.'. 1836 1829 1835 1864 1864 1877 1859 1876 is5o ...... 1821 ..'.'.'.'. i'^ 53 Rec'd. Struble, Sarah A. (widow) 1861 Struble, Marj- Irene 1879 Sturlevant, Thos. M 1831 Stnrtevant, Thos. | 1840 Sturtevant, Maria Ford J 1840 Sturtevant, Ann E. (DeCamp) 1840 Sturtevant, Serena 1842 Sturtevant, Henry F 1860 Sturtevant, Eliphalet (killed in war) 1842 Sturtevant, Sarah B 1865 Sturtevant, Thos. E 1867 Sturtevant, Clara D 1867 Sturtevant, Mary G 1867 Sturtevant, Cornelia H 1874 Sturtevant, Kate H 1875 Sturtevant, Mary L 1874 Sturtevant, Anna E 1874 Sturtevant George \ 1876 Sturtevant, Mary E. j 1876 Swisher, Mary C C 1878 T. Talmadge, Elizabeth (Job, Jr.) 1823 Talmadge, Mrs. Sanih 1809 Talmadge, Sibbah (Mrs. Jiio. Mott) 1818 Talmadge, Lucy 1818 Talmadge, John 1818 Talmadge, Eliz. (Pierson) 1818 Talmadge, Harriet 1822 Talmadge, Geo. W. and wife 1844 Talmadge, Albert R 1875 Talmadge, Elizabeth Lyon C 1875 Talmadge, Leander A 1848 Tapping, Julia A 1875 Terhune, Agnes 1818 Terhune, Anna 1818 Thomas, Wm 1870 Thompson, Lsaac 1832 Thompson, Wm 1832 Thompson, Jane 1832 Till, Catherine 1822 Todd, Edward H 1867 Tomkins, Hila H. (Mrs. Smith) 1846 Tomkins, David 1861 Tomkins, Harriet C 1861 Tompkins, Mary C 1861 Trowbridge, Julia (Stephen) 1816 Tuttle, Phineas M 1832 Tuttle, Belinda 1832 Tuttle, Mary (Squire) 1838 Tuttle, Esther 1842 Tuttle, Squire 1838 Tuttle, Stephen B 1838 Tuttle, Saml. L 1842 Tutile, Amv 1841 Tuttle, Jacob Farrand 1861 Tuttle, Henry D. \ 1861 Tuttle, Esther Ann / 1861 Dism'd. Died. Susp. 1835 1844 1844 1877 1862 1877 1863 1878 1825 '.'....'. 1828 1823 1876 ...... 1849 1849 1845 issi 1880 1865 1865 ...... 1865 1853 Meth. 1835 Meth. 1857 1862 6^i^ 54 Rec'd. Tuttle, Eva C 1874 Tuttle, Joseph Farrand 1875 V. Vail, John \ 1816 Vail, Julia/ 1816 Vail, Jno. \ 1842 Vail, Julia | 1842 Vail, Maria 1858 Vandevoost, Phoebe 1818 Vandroof, Henry ) 1832 Vandroof, Elizabeth f 1832 Van Dusen, Hattie 1879 Van Dusen, George Picard 1879 Vanhouten, Catherine 1820 Van Ness, Eleanor 1816 Voorhees, Abraham 1831 Voorhees, Jemima 1831 Voorhees, Caroline 1848 Voorhees, Louisa Rigluer 1858 "W. Waer, Ruth B. (Jas. Miller) 1870 Walker, Agnes 1832 Walker, Mary 1868 Ward, Harriet 1836 Ward, George W 1875 Watts, James H 1867 Waer, Wm. H. \ 1832 Waer, Sarah A./ 1832 Waer. Emily (Chas.) 1831 Waer', Warren 1870 Waer, Charlotte 1872 Waer, Emma J. (Wm., Jr.) 1875 Waer, Mary E. (Mrs. Vandeihoof.) 1878 Waer, Hannah 1818 Waer, Mary 1818 Westervelt, Leah 1808 Whitehead, Thos. 1 (colored) 1808 Whitehead, Juliette J (colored) 1809 Whitehead, Benoni \ 1827 Whitehead, Elizabeth j" 1827 Wiggins, David \ > 1832 Wiggins, Jane J 1829 Wiggins, Rachel (Mr.s. A. Shawger.)^ 1839 Wiggins, Uel 1840 Wiggins, Sarah M 1868 Wiggins, Eliza 1868 Wiggins, Jonathan 1864 Wiggins, Susan (Wra.) 1814 Wiggins, Phoebe (widow) 1818 Willis, Nancy (Mrs. Ward) 1809 Willis, Martha J. (Saml.) 1863 Willis, Jno. E ]864 Williams, Jno. E 1818 Williams, Smith 1818 Williams, Ruth 1818 lisni'd. Died. Susp. 1879 1819 1819 1843 1842 1860 1857 1862 Meth. 1849 1880 1879 1846 1878 1855 1827 1827 1845 1870 1856 1872 1872 1872 1839 1851 1822 Meth. 1834 6- S 55 Ree'd. Dism'd. Died. Susp. Williams, Matson \ C 1874 Williams, Louisa Hutchings / C 1874 ^oVo ^o\ Williams, Mary 1831 1876 {!} Williams, William 1831 1867 Williams, Susan (Merritt) C 1837 1867 Williams, Phcebc 1837 1842 Williams, Phoebe F 1850 Williams, George (colored) 1867 1870 Williams, Wm. CorbetU 1868 1869 Williams, Walter 1874 Wilson, Mary (widow) 1822 1835 Winget, Huldah 1831 Wood, Freeman \ 1842 1865 Wood, Mary B. / 1837 1865 Wood, Eliza (Silas) 1832 Wood, Susan L. (Mrs. Neff) C 1856 1863 Wood, Anna Winslow.....* 1861 1866 1869 Woodhull, Mary E 1867 1869 Woodhull, Lucy C 1865 Woodhull, Theodore 1867 1869 Y. Yetman, Amelia 1861 1863 1841 1841 Young, Sarah 1831 Youngs, Elizabeth (Smith) 1818 ..^.^.^. 1844 Youngs, Catherine 1818 Z. Zeak, Delia 1828 Zeakl Ira \ 1832 Zeak, Mary / 1832 Zeak, Joseph L 1838 Zeak, Marietta (Mrs. Todd) 1867 Zeak, Jno. Clark 1867 Zeak, Hannah C 1861 Zeak, Rosanna- 1808 Zindle, Chas 1818 Zindle, Lydia.^ 1818 Zindle, Sarah 1878 Zindle, Anna E 1874 2) is? 1872 1854 1831 1862 ,,-97 32198 WS ■- Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries T 1012 01191 4258