cZ, itibrarjo of €he trheolojical ^emmarjp PRINCETON • NEW JERSEY PRESENTED BY Yale Divinity School Library ■3^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library OLD ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, 225 S. THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 1760 1898"^ OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY OF OLD ST. PAUL'S CHURCH PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA WITH AN APPEAL FOR ITS PRESERVA- TION, TOGETHER WITH ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT, ABSTRACT OF TITLE, LIST OF RECTORS, VESTRYMEN, AND INSCRIP- TIONS OF TOMBSTONES AND VAULTS. MAY 2 1949 BY NORRIS STANLEY BARRATT PRESIDENT JUDGE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS, NO. 2, FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA PUBLISHED BY THE COLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA 1917 Copyright, 1918, by NoRRis Stanley Barratt PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTtR, PA. ILLUSTRATIONS-PLATES. Episcopal Church of St. Paul Frontispiece. Facing Page Main entrance gates of Old St. Paul's 3 Family vaults in front churchyard, south side 5 Burial ground rear churchyard 7 Family vault ' ' William Cummings " 15 Family vault "Edwin Forrest" 19 Portrait Colonel Blaithwaite Jones 23 Christ Church, Second and Market Streets 29 Font 45 Font with silver baptismal bowl 47 Portrait Rev. William Smith, D.D 77 Portrait Rt. Rev. William White, D.D 104 Portrait Rev. Joseph Pilmore, D.D 113 Cathedra 123 Portrait Rev. Benjamin Allen, Rector 1821-1829 125 Portrait Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, D.D., Rector 1829-1833 . . 135 Portrait Rev. Samuel A. McCoskrey, D.D., Rector 1834- 1836 141 Portrait Rev. James May, D.D., Rector 1836-1840 143 Portrait Rev. Richard Newton, D.D., Rector 1840-1862. . 145 Interior of St. Paul's in 1861 147 Portrait Richard Alexander 149 Portrait Rev. Kingston Goddard, D.D., Rector 1862-1866 . 158 Portrait Rev. R. Heber Newton, D.D., Rector 1866-1868 . . 161 iii mu0ttation0—m^te0. Pagb Portrait Eev. Eobert T. Koche, D.D., Rector 1869-1872. . 173 Portrait Rev. Samuel H. Boyer, D.D., Rector 1873-1879 . 175 Portrait Rev. William Adamson, Rector 1880-1886 176 Portrait Rev. Thomas K. Conrad, Rector 1886-1893 .... 179 Portrait Rev. Charles Ellis Stevens, Rector 1893-1894. . . 180 Portrait Rev. William I. McGarvey, Rector 1897-1898. . . 182 Portrait William Cummings, 1806-1889 162 Pulpit and communion set 210 Plan of vaults and graves — Appendix F 216 Portrait Cornelius Stevenson 228 Portrait Captain Norris Stanley 231 James Alexander 's receipt for pew rent 254 ILLUSTEATIONS AND FAC-SIMILES IN TEXT. Arms of the United States of America 3 Autograph Norris Stanley Barratt 24 Seal of corporation of St. Paul's Church, 1797 25 St. Paul's Church lottery ticket, 1761— No. 71 37 Deed William Cummings family pew No. 15 62 Title page Rev. Dr. Samuel Magaw's prayer, 1786 107 Title page Rev. Dr. Samuel Magaw's sermon, 1793 108 Notice to pay pew rent or forfeit pew, 1819 119 Title page Rev. Dr. Joseph Pilmore 's sermon, 1786 121 Richard J. Alexander's receipt for pew rent, 1853 149 James Alexander's receipt for pew rent, 1773 254 TABLE OF STATUTES IN TEXT. General Laws of Massachusetts, 1640 59 Laws of Connecticut, 1672 59 Digest of Ordinances of New England 59 Act of February 17, 1762, Penna 40 iv '^afile ot €a0t0 in ^nt Page Act of March 17, 1789, Penna 40 Act of April 6, 1790, Penna 40 Act of March 3, 1800, Penna 41 Act of March 11, 1816, Penna 8 Act of April 26, 1855, Penna 190 Act of May 19, 1874, Penna 12 Act of May 13, 1876, Penna 12 Act of April 18, 1877, Penna 13 Act of May 23, 1887, Penna 15-17-189 TABLE OP CASES IN TEXT. Appeal Society of Cincinnati 8 Campher vs. Paulson 12 Church vs. "Wells, Executor 63 Commonwealth vs. Susquehanna Coal Co 5 Commonwealth vs. St. Mary 's Church 63 Colbert vs. Kirtly and Shepherd, Va 192 Congregation Shaari Shomayim vs. Moss 12 Cooney vs. Laurence 12 Craig vs. First Presbyterian Church 13 Episcopal Academy vs. Taylor 101 First Presbyterian Church vs. Second Presbyterian Church 10 Fox vs. Gordon 12 Francis Estate 12 Gampher vs. Woodland Cemetery Co 5 Harding Estate 12 Hoppe vs. Cathedral Cemetery 15 In re German Roman Catholic Holy Trinity Burial Ground 18 In re Stephen Girard 12 In re Trinity Episcopal Church. 18 V 'Ea&Ie of Casfe^ in ^nt Page Kincaid 's Appeal 10 Krauczunas vs. Hogan 190 Laurie vs. Piatt 12 Louther vs. Methodist Episcopal Church 190 Mazaika vs. Krauczunas 191 Memorial Assn., Valley Forge 8-189 Methodist Cemetery Case 189 Morris Appeal — City Troop Case 4 Pawlet vs. Clark 102 Pearsall vs. Great Northern R.R 9 Pennsylvania Archives 120 Pettigrew vs. Pettigrew 12 Phillips vs. Westminster 191 Proposed Act of 1917 192 Quigg vs. Tracy 102 Scott vs. Reilly 12 Society for Propagation of Gospel vs. New Haven 10 State vs. Trinity Church 63 St. Paul's Church Chestnut Hill 190 St. John 's Church vs. Hanns 5 Town of Pawlet vs. Clark 10 Terrett vs. Taylor 10 Veto of Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh 192 Wynkoop vs. Wynkoop 12 Young's Estate 189 Zion German Reformed Congregation 189 APPEAL THE IRON ENTRANCE GATE OF THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH OF ST. PAUL'S ON THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MADE IN ENGLAND ESPECIALLY FOR THE PURPOSE. ERECTED PRIOR TO THE REVOLUTION AND WHICH WAS THE ADMIRATION AND PRIDE OF OUR COLONIAL ANCESTORS. AN APPEAL FOR THE PRESERVATION OF OLD ST. PAUL'S M^/J^ is understood that the Right Reverend j[ Philip M. Rhinelander and the Trustees of ^m I the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Dio- M^^^ cese of Pennsylvania are considering the sale of the Old Episcopal Church of St. Paul, Third Street, below Walnut Street, Philadelphia (now used by the Protestant Episcopal City Mission), to- Considering Sale gether with the burial ground, vaults and of St. Paul's graves, for the purpose of applying the proceeds thereof towards building a Diocesan House for the City Mission, and other diocesan uplift activi- ties, in connection with the contemplated Cathedral Church of St. Mary's, to replace the Church of the Ascension, now at Broad and South Streets. My ancestors ex parte materna were prominent in St. Paul's before and after the Revolution. James Alex- ander (1726-1795), my great-great-grandfather; Rich- ard Alexander (1780-1825), my great-grandfather; William Cummings (1806-1889), my grandfather, forty years a vestryman; Captain Norris Stanley (1765— 1851), whose namesake I am, also a vestryman, as well 3 ^i0tot]l o( &t paurjEl (Episcopal Cgutc]^ as other members of my family down to and including my mother, Mary Irvine Barratt, were communicants. Many of my masonic brethren, members of Lodge No. 2, Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania (the Revolutionary Mother Lodge of the State), of which I Heroes have the honor to be a Past Master, were likewise prominent. Colonel Thomas Proctor, Colonel Blathwaite Jones, Captain David Hall, John Wood, dis- tinguished members of the Grand Lodge as well as offi- cers in Washington's forces, also private Blair McClenachan of the First Troop City Cavalry,^ George Glentworth, the prominent physician and Revolution- ary surgeon, are buried in the church-yard. All this gives me a deep interest in the question and makes me seriously opposed to having this ancient church, with its rich Colonial, Revolutionary and Masonic history, sold for mere profit and business purposes, and the vaults and graves of its honored dead disturbed and demolished, particularly when no necessity for such ac- tion exists. The City Mission, which now occupies the church edifice, is doing much efficient relief work among the needy poor, and can continue its beneficent labors as effectively here as at Broad and South Streets. The right of descendants to protect the graves of their ancestors is well settled. The common law im- poses the duty of providing sepulture of and of carrying to the grave the dead Descendants }jo(jy^ decently covered, not only upon the heir and next of kin, but upon the person under 1 For a short history, of the City Troop and letter of Washington com- mending it, see Morris Appeal, 68 Pennsylvania State Reports, p. 17, Opinion by Justice Sharswood. 4 whose roof the death takes place. And these legal rights of the next of kin, the Courts of law will recog- nize and protect (Com. ex. rel. v. Susquehanna Coal Co., 5 Kulp 195; Gampher et al. v. Paulson and the Woodland Cemetery Co., 19 Weekly Notes of Cases, p. 230; St. John's Church v. Harms, 31 Penna. State Re- ports, p. 9). There are many buried in St. Paul's ground,— the rich, the great, the learned, and the wise, as well as the poor and the humble— death obliterating all earthly dis- tinctions. When their bodies were consigned to their graves, *' earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust," it was contemplated that they were there to remain until tlie trumpet should sound on the resurrection morn. Many Philadelphians will be surprised to learn that here interred are their great-grandfathers, who, having reached their journey's end, sleep peacefully, and whose repose should not be disturbed. Among the descendants of these now quiet sleepers, here in Phila- delphia and widely elsewhere scattered, are scores, who, if they knew of the proposed sale, would earnestly en- dorse my opposition. From vaults, gravestones and burial lists of St. Paul's, the following surnames may be gathered: Alexander, Allen, Anderson, Armat, Auber, Babb, Well Known Barbazett, Barratt, Barker, Barger, Philadelphians Bames, Bartram, Bayne, Beatty, Beard, Buried jgg^]^^ ggii^ Benson, Beaks, Blair, Biggs, Brown, Bridges, Boyd, Bowen, Buckley, Butler, Camp- bell, Cameron, Cannon, Carteret, Carson, Caskey, Christy, Claypoole, Claxton, Clark, Connelly, Cox, Co- 5 K^i^itot^ ot &t paurjef episcopal C§utc| hoon, Consort, Copper, Cowell, Craven, Cromwell, Cum- mings, Curtis, Cnrrie, Davis, Dawson, De Bray, Desil- ver, Dilworth, Donaven, Daughty, Du Plessis, Doughty, Drais, Eccles, Edwards, Elmslie, Ellis, Ernes, Erwin, Evans, Fannen, Farr, Ferguson, Fenton, Feinour, Fleeson, Freburger, Field, Flower, Fitzrandolpli, Fitz- gerald, Forrest, Foot, Forder, Fennell, Gartley, Gill, Gilligban, Glentworth, Goodwin, Gosner, Guerin, Hal- berstadt. Hall, Halt, Harman, Hay ward, Harris, Heyl, Hinton, Hicks, Holland, Hood, Hook, Hozey, Hulse- kamp, Hyde, Hunt, lann, Irving, Irvine, Jacobson, James, Johnston, Johnson, Josiah, Jones, Jordan, Keble, Keen, Keller, Kirkliam, Kirk, Lake, Lane, Las- key, Ledlie, Leech, Leamy, Loper, Lowry, Lougeay, Mat- thews, Masden, Marsden, Marple, Marshall, Manning, Marsh, Meer, Miller, Mitchell, Mory, Moyes, Morrison, Moore, Molier, Moffet, Moyston, Myers, Murdick, Mus- kett, McClenachan, McKay, McGlathery, McPherson, Macpherson, Nally, Neaill, Nelson, Neilson, Neave, Neill, Nichols, Norman, North, Oliphant, Parker, Pechin, Palmer, Pilmore, Patton, Phillip, Pritchard, Potter, Powers, Price, Procter, Rankin, Roberdeau, Ra- worth, Randolph, Read, Redner, Renshaw, Reynolds, Richards, Richardet, Rimer, Rivelly, Robinson, Robinett, Ross,Rinedollar, Robbins, Rose, Row, Rowley, Rushton, Ryerson, Sadler, Seaborn, Seyfert, Shade, Shaffner, Shinkle, Smith, Simpson, Spooner, Stewart, Skerret, Snyder, Spence, Spain, Spillard, Sperry, Stanley, Stotesbury, Stevenson, Stokes, Stiles, Swain, Stuart, Tallman, Thackara, Thomson, Toland, Thompson, Town, Turner, Vallance, Vanderhalt, Voigt, Wallace, 6 u. O cc < lU a: UJ I 1- z > -J f^ UJ m 1- < a > UJ cc ? < ^ z < U) —> CO s > o < H Q o 6 z H «»• 1- CO co Ul > < X UJ cc o > UJ III I I h- H co u. < O I UJ O CO o cc I o 7 CO _l ^ 3 o I < Q. en . 1- O co cc < > I o cc z> I o UJ I 1- mtll Bnoton Pl^tlatidpliianisi 15ntith Watkins, Webb, Wharton, Wbeaton, Wiltberger, Wig- more, Wilson, Wood, Wright, Yorke, Young. There are doubtless omissions from this list. Grave- stones here and there cannot now be deciphered ; some removals to Mt. Moriah and other burial grounds in Philadelphia were effected in 1855, while many, promi- nently identified with the parish, were originally else- where interred. Among the latter may be noted: Jay Cooke, Lewis H. Redner, J. D. George, Henry George, John P. Bankson, William Weightman, Joseph B. Van Dusen, Thomas Latimer, George C. Thomas, Charles B. Durborow, John W. Thomas, Richard G. Stotesbury, Henry M. Kimmey, Eleazer Fenton, James Farr, and Dr. Charles E. Cadwalader. We all cherish a reverence for antiquity and believe in the preservation of those things and places which make our history. A few years ago no one in the Dio- Preservation of ^^^e would have been brave enough to Memorials of the have Suggested that historic old St. Past Paul's should be sold for any purpose whatsoever. If the spirit and policy of the threatened movement continue unchecked, and this generation sells St. Paul's, there is no precedent to deter the next gen- eration, which may have even less reverence for Co- lonial affairs and the Revolution, selling both Christ Church and St. Peter's, if the money be needed, to con- tinue, under a new application of the Cy Pres doctrine, some activities which may then be a part of church work and now undreamt of. To show that this is within the range of possibility, it is only necessary to give two prominent instances in 7 ^i0tot)f ot &t paurjst episcopal Cj^utc]^ which buildings of great historic interest escaped de- struction. The State of Pennsylvania, by the act of March 11, 1816, P. L. 109,^ authorized the sale for $150,000 of the State House, the State House Yard, the Liberty Bell and the clock. The land was valuable, the Liberty Bell building was regarded as old material, State House and the Liberty Bell and the Clock as Clock junk. This caused the late Chief Jus- tice James T. Mitchell to remark, in delivering the opin- ion of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in the appeal of the Society of the Cincinnati, in 1893 (154 Penna. State Eeports, page 621), that, ''it was a sad illustra- tion of the want of reverence for historical and patriotic associations in our people at that time." The citizens of Philadelphia, to their credit let it be said, bought the shrine of American liberty and saved it from destruc- tion and desecration, so that the square should remain to the people as a public green and walk forever. The other instance was in 1878, when it was seriously proposed to sell, to a brewery, Washington's Headquar- ters at Valley Forge, with three acres of surrounding Washington's ground. This historic shrine was only Headquarters at savcd for posterity and from dese- Vaiiey Forge cration by a society which then alone seemed alive to the situation, a fraternal organization, the Patriotic Order Sons of America, which deserves great credit for the prompt and effective measures with which the emergency was met.^ 2 See letter of Eobert Wharton to Thomas Kittera, Feb. 3, 1816, Pa. Mag. of Hist, and Biog., Vol. XL, p. 316. 3 Memorial Association Valley Forge, 235, Pa. St. Eep., 206, 1912. 8 msL0^ineton*^ ^eabquartetiS at l^alleg jFotgc In this connection, the fact that the majority of the citizens of Philadelphia care very little for Christ Church, St. Peter's, or St. Paul's, must not be over- looked. We can repeat the warning of that well-known lawyer, the late John Hill Martin, Esq., who, in 1877, remarked of St. Paul's Church, Chester, Penna.: ** Apart from the mere matter of feeling, our ancestors bought of the church the right of burial, and such a right was sold, knowing it was to exist for all time. And whatever may be the rights of the ^^^^Deaa *^^ present congregation, the dead and their descendants have rights which cannot be successfully resisted. I trust the day will never come when the congregation to save their purses will sell the bones of their ancestors." If this becomes our church policy, those of us who disapprove of it can only mourn and say : " They all are passing from the land, Those churches old and gray; In which our forefathers used to stand, In years gone by, to pray." In passing, it might be added that Mr. Justice Brown of the Supreme Court of the United States, in deliver- ing the opinion of that Court in the case of Pearsall v. Great Northern E. R. Co. (161 U. S. Rep. 646, 1895, page 661), said: ''Even before the Dartmouth College case was decided, it was held by this Court that grants Grants of the ^^ IsLJid made by the Crown to colonial Crown to Colonial churches were irrevocable, and that Churches property purchased or devised to them, prior to the adoption of the Constitution, could not be 9 ^imot^ ot &t ^siuV0 (Episcopal €^\iu^ devoted to other purposes by the states which succeeded to the sovereign powers of the colonies" (Terrett v. Taylor, 9 Cranch 43; Town of Pawlett v. Clark, 9 Cranch, 292 ; Society for the Propagation of the Gospel V. New Haven, 8 Wheaton, 464). President Judge Joseph Allison of Philadelphia, in March, 1867, in the case of First Presbyterian Church v. Second Presby- terian Church (Brewster's Rep., Vol. 11, p. 374), held that the removal of the remains of persons interred in a burial ground, without the consent of their families, may be enjoined at the suit of such families as have the right to inter in said ground. The law as summed up by Judge Sharswood in Kin- caid's Appeal, 66 Pa. State Reports, page 411, is: 1. The certificate to purchasers of lots ''in the bury- ing-ground of the church" was *'to have and to hold Judge Sharswood's^l^^ ^^^^ l^^s for the use and purpose, Opinion in re and subject to the conditions and regula- Lot-hoiders tions mentioned in the deed of trust to the trustees of said church." This was not evidence of a grant of any interest in the soil. 2. The certificate was the grant of a license or privi- lege to make interments in the lots described, exclusive of others, so long as the ground should remain the *'burying-ground of the church." 3. Whenever by lawful authority the ground should cease to be a burying-ground, the lot-holder's right and property ceased. 4. When it became necessary to vacate the ground for burial, all the lot-holder could claim, was to have notice and an opportunity of removing the bodies and 10 'Mutst &^at0\sioori*si i3Dpinion monuments; on his failure to do so they could be re- moved by others. 5. The lot-holder accepted the grant on this condition. 6. The grant of a pew in perpetuity does not give an absolute right as the grant of land in fee. 7. The pew-owner takes only a usufructuary right. 8. If the building be destroyed by casualty the pew- owner's right is gone. 9. If the church has to be rebuilt on the same or a different location the pew- owner has no claim. 10. The disinterment of a body is a misdemeanor at common law. 11. The power of disinterment is a police power and can be delegated by the legislature to municipalities. 12. Every right from an absolute ownership to an easement is held subject to the restriction that it shall so be exercised as not to injure others. 13. Every purchaser is bound to know that, although at the time of his purchase the exercise of his right may be inoffensive, it may become otherwise by residence of many others in the vicinity and must yield to laws for suppressing nuisances. 14. The owner of a burial lot in which no interment has been made, loses the use of his lot by a law prohibit- ing interments there, and is not entitled to compensa- tion. 15. In such case his property has not been taken for public use. 16. The state has the right to regulate the use of all property for the public good. 17. Where one covenants not to do a lawful thing 11 ^i&tot^ ot fe»t. ^anV0 Cpisicopal €Wtc'^ and the legislature afterwards compels him to do it, the law repeals the covenant. This case is also reported in 4 American Law Times, 128. Also, see as to burial and removal of bodies: In re Stephen Girard, 5 Clark (Phila.) 68 (1860) King, Other Legal J.; Wynkoop V. Wynkoop, 42 Penna. Opinions St. Rep. 293 (1862) Read, J.; Lourie v. Piatt, 11 Phila. 303 (1876) Finletter, J.; Francis Es- tate, 75 Penna. State Rep. 225 (1874) Murcur, J. ; Scott V. Reilly, 16 Phila. Rep., p. 106 (1883) Finletter, J.; Fox V. Gordon, 16 Phila. Rep., p. 185 (1883) Thayer, P. J.; Campher v. Poulson, 19 Phila. Rep., p. 234 (1887), Biddle, J. ; Cooney v. Laurence, 11 Pa. County Court, p. 79 (1891) Per Curiam; Comth. v. Susquehanna Coal Co., 6 Lane. Law Review, p. 107 (1889), Rice, P. J.; Harding's Estate, 21 Pa. County Ct., p. 641 (1898), Ferguson, J.; Congregation ShaaraiShomayimi;. Moss, 22 Penna. Supr. Ct. p. 356 (1903), W. D. Porter, J.; Pettigrew v. Pettigrew, 207 Pa. St. Rep. 313 (1904), Mitchell, C. J. These cases are interesting as indicat- ing how the courts have viewed the questions involved. Bearing on this subject, the legislature of Pennsyl- vania passed several acts, viz.: (1) Act May 19, 1874 (P. L. 208), authorizing the Court of Quarter Sessions Acts of Assembly ^^ make such orders and decrees for the in re regulation and care of burial grounds Bunai Grounds ^j^en any such burial ground shall be- come so neglected as in the opinion of said court to become a public nuisance, the Court may direct the re- moval of the dead therefrom to some other properly regulated burying ground. (2) The Act May 13, 1876 12 Sitt^ ot Si00tmb\if in te Burial <3toiinrj0 (P. L. 159), and (3) the Act April 18, 1877 (P. L. 54), were further supplements changing the title of the act of 1874, and extending the power of the Court to cases to order removal where interments have ceased and such remains interfere with religious buildings or trusts. These acts were passed upon by the Supreme Court in Craig v. First Presbyterian Church of Pittsburgh, 88 Pa. St. Rep., p. 42, and sustained by that Court, Jan- uary 6, 1879, in an opinion by Mr. Justice Paxson. Chief Justice Daniel Agnew entertained strong views upon the sacredness of burial grounds, as may be gath- ered from the following taken from his vigorous dis- sent: ''I cannot assent to the decision in this case," said Judge Agnew. ''In my judgment, it offends against natural feeling and constitutional law. I grant the Judge Agnew's ^^^^* °^ ^^^ ^^^^^' i^ *^® exercise of her Opinion on the police power to regulate graveyards for Sacredness of the public good, and to remove decaying Burial Giounds • x! ti^ j.* i> j.i remams tor the preservation of the health of the citizens. I grant her right of removal by way of eminent domain when a great public interest requires it, but in compensation to those who have ac- quired a right of sepulture by contract. Yet even in this respect the State has shown her sense of propriety and right in the General Railroad Law of 1849, Sec. 10, by excepting burial places from the powers of a com- pany to appropriate lands, but I deny the right of re- moval for individual or private interest, whether it be for building a lecture-room for a church congregation or a Sabbath school room. Its purpose is to save money by taking ground appropriated for the dead. A 13 religious congregation is a private body, and its inter- ests are individual, not public. Thus to coin money out of the bones of the dead, is to violate a purchaser's right of sepulture, contrary to the instincts of the race and the keenest sensibilities of the heart. *' Among all tribes and nations, savage and civilized, the resting places of the dead are regarded as sacred. There memory loves to linger and plant the choicest flowers ; there the sorrowing heart renews the past, re- kindles into life the viewless forms of the dead, revives the scenes where once they moved, and recalls the happy hours of love and friendship. There parent and child, husband and wife, relatives and friends, with broken spirits and crushed hopes, revisit often the spot where they deposited their dead. Who does not feel the fountains of his heart broken up and the warm gushing of emotion, when standing over the green sod which covers the departed; 'Wherever the simple stone is placed, or the marble monument is reared, spontane- ous thought inscribes upon it' 'sacred to the memory.' ''This sacredness is evidenced by one of the most touching incidents of Scripture. When Abraham stand- ing by the dead body of Sarah, addressed the Sons of Heth, saying, 'I am a stranger and sojourner with you, give me a possession of a burying place with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight : ' they offered him a choice of their sepultures ; but Abraham intent upon a possession of his own, where the remains of her he had loved might repose in security, purchased the field of Machpelah of Ephron, the Hittite, for four hundred shekels of silver. Even more touching is the reference to Jacob, who dying in Egypt surrounded by his chil- dren, charged them and said unto them 'I am to be gathered unto my people, bury me with my fathers in the cave that is in the field of Machpelah. There they 14 FAMILY VAULT WILLIAM CUMMINGS, 1917. SLtcW^^op ^tentins!i&V0 Sipptsd buried Abraham and Sarab, bis wife, tbere tbey buried Isaac and Rebecca, bis wife, and tbere I buried Leab.' Tradition has preserved to tbis day, tbe identity of tbe cave and tbe tombs of tbose ancient worthies, undis- turbed even by tbe Moslem, wbose mosque covers and protects tbeir resting places. ' ' Tbe latest act is tbat of May 23, 1887 (P. L. 168), wbicb I will refer to later. His Grace Arcbbisbop Edmond F. Prendergast of tbe Roman Catholic Church of Philadelphia, in 1915, Archbishop ^^^ Sustained by the Court in refusing Prendergast's to permit the body of one Mary K. Appeal Hoppe, twenty-one years after burial, to be removed from the Cathedral Cemetery to Laurel Hill upon tbe application of her husband and children, stating ' ' It is my duty to guard the repose of the dead who are buried in the Catholic Cemeteries of the dio- cese of which I am the bead" (Hoppe v. Cathedral Cemetery et al., 24 Penna. Dist. rep., 344). Why should not the Episcopal Church be equally vigilant in guarding the repose of her dead? In July, 1904, it was proposed to sell the Old Pine Street Presbyterian Church and burial ground, Fourth Proposed Sale ^nd Pine Streets.* Their patriotic Prevented of Old pastor, the late Rev. Dr. Hughes 0. Pine Street . Presbyterian Gibbons, earnestly objected to the prop- Church osition and prevented its consummation. What he said in protest is equally true of St. Paul's. I quote a few sentences from his sermon. 4 Captain Charles Boss, Seventh Captain, First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, 1772-1817, is here buried. The City Troop, in 1818, erected over his grave a monument of white marble surmounted by a bronze trophy of arms. 25 l^i^toti^ ot &t paurjEi episcopal Cj^utc^ ''Many are buried here whose names are written in the early history and development of our nation and who laid down their lives in the memorable struggle that our land might be free. ''Desecration of these dead would be the worse by reason of the fact that the great majority of the bones are those of members of the church, among them those who stood high in the counsels of that church and la- bored hard for its growth and development. "One physician has declared that the bones of the dead have been in the ground so long that they must have become dust. Under such circumstances any at- tempt to remove the bodies would result in the most disgraceful desecration and it would be impossible to preserv^e their identity." Passing the question of St. Paul's family, church, and historic relations, which to some may seem sentimental, and viewing the proposed sale solely in the cold, com- Poor Business mercial aspect of dollars and cents. Proposition it will not, as a mere business propo- sition, produce the sum of money, which those who ad- vocate it claim. Either they have not studied the sub- ject, or, having studied, have not understood. "An un- wise man doth not well consider this : and a fool doth not understand it," says the psalmist.^ They expect to realize from $50,000 to $60,000, and let it be admitted for the present purpose that this amount represents the fair market value. To buy the necessary ground in Laurel Hill Cemetery, or a cemetery of like charac- ter, and separately exhume the bodies, recofifin, remove and reinter them, including the removal of tablets, 6 Psalm 92 : 6. 16 Sict0 ot agijSemftIp ajsf to Wit-intttmtnt gravestones and vaults, and make provision for their perpetual care and maintenance, would require an ex- penditure of from forty to fifty thousand dollars, henct; there would be little balance, if any, for the projectea diocesan home of the City Mission. Judged commer- mercially, therefore, it is not a pajring proposition. I, of course, assume that the Tmstees do not contemplate merely plowing up the ground and arranging with some general contractor, the lowest bidder, to remove such bones as he may be able to recover, and reinter them in some cemetery organized for corporate profit, the trustees of which would accept them in bulk and charge accordingly, even though this were the sole method of obtaining the best financial results from the sale. The act of Assembly approved by the Governor, May 23, 1887 (P. L. 168), expressly provides that each body to be removed shall be separately reinterred in some Act of Assembly Suitable burial ground and each grave as to to be marked by headstones, et cetera. Re-interment rpj^jg ^^^ confers jurisdiction upon the Court of Common Pleas to order removals, after final hearing of all parties in interest, but it also expressly provides, ''That no such petition shall be granted ex- cept upon condition set forth in the decree requiring the petitioners to purchase the rights of all lot-holders in such burial grounds, and to secure the consent in writing of the near relatives of decedents whenever such relatives shall appear as parties to such proceed- ings. And provided further, That any party in inter- est may appeal from the decree of such Court within 3 17 thirty days." These provisions show how careful and tender is the law in safeguarding the burial places of the dead.^ In the case of St. Paul's, our ancestors not only bought the graves, but paid forty dollars to the church for the privilege of erecting a gravestone 6 feet by 3 feet, and two and a half dollars extra for every square foot of ground, besides an additional sum for a vault. The church corporation in Article V of the By-laws agreed : *' Every Vault, sunk and built by a member of this Church, shall be a sacred depository for the deceased remains of the family of such member, and the de- Eveiy Vault scendants of such family forever, on a Sacred their complying with the rules and regu- Depository lations laid by the Vestry of said Church from time to time ; provided always, that such regula- tions do not infringe the rights established for the bene- fit of the regular and sitting members in said Church (burying in such vaults or elsewhere) nor the descend- ant or descendants of such members holding a vault, notwithstanding the said descendant or descendants may not be members of the said church, they shall be entitled to the same privileges as if they were actually members so long as the said Family Vault can admit interments. It is to be understood that the aforesaid privilege shall not be so construed as to extend to any « In re German Roman Catholic Holy Trinity Burial ground, Passyunk Ave. and Washington Ave., Philadelphia, Quarter Sessions, Philadelphia, Decree January 18, 1906, John M. Campbell, Esq., Atty. in re Trinity Episcopal Church, in the district of Southwark, Philadelphia, see report of Edward S. Sayres, Esq., Master, and Decree Quarter Sessions, Phila- delphia, May 8, 1913. 18 FAMILY VAULT OF EDWIN FORREST, 1917. IBlequeiSt foe ^i^totif ot C|utc5 but such as may be the actual descendants of the Family, by which the Vault was built." The contract therefore is that ' 'Every Vault, sunk and built by a member of this church, shall be a sacred de- pository for the deceased remains of the family of such member, and the descendants of such family forever.'' This is plain and easily understood. And the act of 1887, just quoted, requires the Trustees of the Diocese, should they ask the Court of Common Pleas to order the removal of those buried in St. Paul's, to purchase the rights of all lot-holders, and to secure the consent in writing of the near relatives before each body is re- moved, which must be separately reinterred, and each grave marked by headstones. During the agitation and discussion which this entire subject has engendered, several gentlemen, representa- tives of families prominent in Pennsylvania and for- Request for merly of St. Paul's Congregation, have History of Church requested me to prepare a brief history of the parish, to put into print some memorial of its useful past, for the information of those who are con- sidering what best to do for its preservation in the present crisis. The tide has ebbed and, like many a goodly ship who has nobly done her part at sea, has left Old St. Paul's on the shore. Other men and other times are here, a Ebb of the new generation, who, unmindful, perhaps Tide ignorant or forgetful of her great past in their Church History, now seriously propose to coin money by her sale and demolition. 19 The Holy Eoman Catholic Church from the earliest times has been awake to the fact that those relics, places and buildings which make her history, especially old Consecrated churches and cathedrals, are among her Places City's greatest assets. This is so, even after Greatest Asset they are in ruins and nothing remains except a few columns and pilasters, or perhaps, a chancel, nave or part of the choir, to indicate the site of the original building. These relics are prized, and the places visited yearly by innumerable thousands of pious pilgrims from all over the world, as was Can- terbury after Archbishop Becket's death, who regard them with profound veneration and respect. They are consecrated places and nothing would tempt the Roman Catholic Church to sell them. This was originally our church policy, and why aban- don it now? Let us not destroy St. Paul's, one of our historic assets, and have posterity regard us as vandals, or, more mortifying still, as without historic sense or rev- erence, as merely a commercial people of small breadth of view who possessed good intentions, without knowl- edge. Let posterity see that we have all the reverence felt in the old world for the dead and their burial places. General tentative suggestions as to the proper dis- position of St. Paul's have been made: 1. That the church building be restored as it was in colonial days with high pews and used as it is to-day for Tentative occasional services, since there are not Suggestions enough people to make a congregation. 2. That the building remain as it is and be made a museum, similar to the Old South Church on Washing- 20 SDebt to &t. ^mV0 2Deati ton street, in Boston, Massachusetts, services being held as at present. 3. Adding to tlie first suggestion, such necessary- changes as would make the front and sides usable as a recreation center, an open breathing place for the people of the neighborhood, as has been done in sev- eral instances with old churches in London. This would necessitate placing the tombstones and tablets against the walls of the adjoining buildings, and per- haps turning the building, ground and graves over to the city of Philadelphia in trust, if it would accept and maintain it for this purpose. All these plans would require the expenditure of some money. The first plan is, seemingly, the best, if a sufficient number of people are interested to raise the money. A moderate sum of money in trust, would in- sure for all time the preservation of this historic church, and the repose of its heroic dead who helped secure our liberty and make us a nation. To these men, and their associates, we owe our com- mon country, that we are one people, one nation, one Debt to St. Paul's power. To them we owe our flag and Dead all that it typifies of freedom civil and religious— " The Star-Spangled Banner, Oh long may it wave, O'er the land of the free and the Home of the brave." These men deserve well of posterity, and I cannot conceive that, the patriotic citizens of Pennsylvania,, The Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, The Pennsyl- 21 vania Society of the Cincinnati, of which some were members, The Society of Colonial "Wars in Pennsyl- vania, The Societies of Colonial Dames in Pennsyl- Patriotic Societies vania, The Pennsylvania Society Sons Based on Services ^ ^^^ Revolution, The Patriotic Order of St. Paul's ' Dead Sons of America, whose very existence, as organizations, is based upon the services to our Com- monwealth and Country of men like Col. Thomas Proc- tor,^ General Walter Stewart, Col. Blathwaite Jones, Captain Gibbs Jones, Capt. John Maepherson,^ Briga- 7 Thomas Proctor, born in Ireland in 1739, accompanied his father, Francis Proctor, to Philadelphia. He was elected a member of Car- penter's Company in 1772 and was instrumental in obtaining the use of Carpenter 's Hall for the meetings of the Continental Congress. In 1775, he was commissioned Captain of an artillery company, which command was raised to a battalion the following year, and he appointed its major. He was commissioned colonel in 1777, with instructions to raise an entire regiment of artillery. This regiment, under Wayne at Brandy- wine, was engaged in the artillery duel at Chad's Ford, where Colonel Proctor 's horse was shot under him. It became part of the Continental rarmy in 1778, and he received his commission as colonel of artillery, May 8, 1779, and marched to Wyoming. By commission of Congress, lie served as Major of Artillery from December 25, 1782, until October 22, 1783; Major of the Artillery battalion of "Militia of the City and liiberties of Philadelphia" from May 12, 1792, until April 12, 1793, when he was promoted Brigadier General. At the outbreak of the Whiskey Insurrection, in command of the first brigade, he marched against the insurgents August 7, 1794. He became Major General of the Philadelphia militia June 7, 1796, and when war threatened with France, he assured Governor Mifflin of his cordial support in the event of hos- tilities. He filled the office of High Sheriff from October 20, 1783, to October 14, 1785, and, as City Lieutenant of Philadelphia, superintended the celebration of the arrival of General Washington, November 23, 1790. A founder of the Sons of Saint Tammany of Philadelphia, he was also an original member of the Pennsylvania State Society of the Cincinnati. He died at his residence in Philadelphia, Arch Street, between Fourth and Fifth, March 16, 1806, and was buried with military honors in St. Paul's ground. Thus closed the earthly career of one of the most brilliant artillerists of the Eevolution. May he rest in peace. 8 For account of Capt. John Macpherson, see Thompson Westcott's "Historic Mansions and Buildings of Philadelphia," pp. 212 et seq. COL. BLAITHWAITE JONES. BORN JUNE, 1726; DIED AUGUST, 1789. CHIEF ENGINEER AT BILLIN8P0RT, 1777, UNDER GENERAL WASHINGTON. ^attiotit fbotittie0 dier Genl. William Macpherson,® and others buried in the churchyard; or The Historical and Genealogical So- cieties of Pennsylvania, which cherish and preserve their memories and deeds; or The First Troop Phila- delphia City Cavalry, the Masonic Lodges, Nos. 2, 3, and Lodge, No. 19, to which many of them be- longed, as well as the Grand Lodge Free and Ac- cepted Masons of Pennsylvania, of which Thomas Proctor, Blathwaite Jones,^^ Gibbs, Jones,!^ David Hall, John Wood, Dr. George Glentworth and others were officers and distinguished members, will permit the sale and destruction of this shrine and the removal of the historic dead without protest and active opposition. Duty of the The duty of these Societies and of patri- Diocese otic citizens of Pennsylvania generally, especially members of the Episcopal Church, is to pre- 9 See sketch of Brigadier General William Macpherson and some of his descendants, in * ' Descendants of Joran Kyn, ' ' by Gregory B. Keen, LL.B., pp. 149 et seq. 10 Blathwaite Jones, son of Gibbs and Jane (Crapp) Jones, baptized at Christ Church, July 21, 1726; died at Philadelphia shortly before August 10, 1789. His paternal grandfather, John Jones, was a member of Philadelphia Common Council 1691, alderman 1701 and one of the justices of the County Courts. In early life Blathwaite Jones followed the sea and was a member of the Masonic fraternity, Lodge No. 2 of Pennsylvania. At the outbreak of the Revolution he espoused the American cause and was a member of the Philadelphia Committee of Safety and of the Provincial Convention of January 23, 1775. When. Congress ordered the construction of fortifications at Billingsport for the defence of Philadelphia, he was, on February 15, 1777, appointed Chief Engineer of Construction, with rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. It was here that he obstructed the channel of the Delaware River and built the chevaux-de-frise. 11 Gibbs Jones, son of Blathwaite Jones by his first wife Jane, born March 5, 1748, was baptized at Christ Church and predeceased his father. On February 9, 1776, he was appointed Captain Lieutenant of the Artil- lery Company of the United Colonies raised for Canadian service. Mem- ber of Lodge No. 2, F. and A. M. Among his descendants was the lately deceased and well known physician, John B. Shober. 23 l^ijStotg of &t pauPiS CpiiScopal C^urcS serve it, and I think there will be no failure or neglect of this duty, now that the matter is presented to them for consideration and action. It also should appeal to the Bishop and clergy of the Diocese, who, I confidently expect, will by voice and pen express their disapproval of any sale of this church and its ground, vaults and graves. In response, therefore, to the before mentioned re- quest, that some memorial of St. Paul's be prepared, I herewith submit, in connection with my appeal for its preservation, the subjoined outline of its past, which may some day, under other hands, grow into a more comprehensive church history than I have the time, amid pressing official duties, to prepare. /^MjJm^ April 30, 1917. 24 OUTLINE OF THE HISTORY OF ST. CHURCH PAUL'S sand souls. Eighteen Thousand Souls ^^^ T the time of its organization in 1760, St. Paul's was ^■r% the third Church of England congregation in ^^1^ Penn's fair city of Philadelphia, which then ^^^ ^^ had nearly reached the age of four score years, and had a living progeny of eighteen thou- By the City of Philadelphia, is meant the the original city, two miles long and a mile wide, bounded on the north by Vine street, and on the south by South street, and extending east and Original ^^^^ from the Delaware to the Schuylkill, City containing 1,280 acres, or as it was, until the consolidation in 1854, by which the twenty-eight villages or districts, Southwark, Northern Liberties, Moyamensing, Spring Garden, Kensington, Richmond, etc., became the city of Philadelphia as it exists to-day. Christ Church, which be- longed to the first parish or congregation, begun in 1695, was completed by May, 1747, except the steeple, which was fin- ished in 1754. St. Peter's, the second, on Society Hill,^ incepted in 1753,^ was opened for divine service, Sep- 1 Society Hill, from the Free Society of Traders which originally owned the land from river to river, including the hill at or about Front and Pine Streets. 2 At Christ Church vestry meeting March 19, 1753, the Eev. Dr. Jenney represented that some gentlemen from the south end of the city had 25 "f^i^tot^f ot &t pmV0 episcopal Cj^utcg tember 4, 1761, and though sometimes called a ** chapel of case" was, **in every respect whatever," "upon an equal footing with Christ Church," and the Con- gregations of the two churches were by vote of the vestry, August 19, 1761, to "be styled the united Con- gregations of Christ Church and St. Peter 's. ' ' This was rati- fied by the Proprietary Charter of June 24, 1765, which Con- stituted the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. St. Peter's Peter's in the city of Philadelphia in the Church Province of Pensylvania, a body politic. Gloria Dei, the Swedes Church at Wicacoa, though dedicated July 2, 1700, was of the Lutheran denomination, not in con- nection with the Church of England, by whom it was subse- quently absorbed, and St. James at Kingsessing and Christ Church, Upper Merion, though possessed of church buildings, the first in 1760, the latter in 1763, continued under the mother church at Wicacoa.' The Church of England adherents had no settled clergy- man of their own in Penn's Quaker Colony until 1698, when Henry Compton, Bishop of London, sent the Rev. Thomas Clayton to Philadelphia, where he found a First Church ^ . . of England congregation of fifty persons* which, m two Clergyman in years, increased to seven hundred. Clayton 1 a e p la ^^^ called by the Quakers, the minister of acquainted him of their intention to build a new church and desired his opinion and encouragement. This was the first movement in reference to the building of St. Peter's Church. The next signal step in this direction was the memorial to the Penns, August 1, 1754, praying for the grant of one hundred and four feet of ground belonging to the Proprietary on the west side of Third Street, bounded north by Pine Street, for a church and yard, and signed by eighty-six divers inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia. This lot was subsequently enlarged by pur- chase to the westward extending the church-yard to Fourth Street. — Dorr's "History of Christ Church," pp. 102-3; " Sesquicentennial Year Book, Saint Peter's Parish," pp. xxiv-v. 26 With, Wiit^ath fbt^saU the doctrine of devils. The Bishop of London, by virtue of a clause in Charles II 's Charter to Penn, was authorized, upon the request of twenty inhabitants, to appoint a chaplain to minister in Pennsylvania, which provision was inserted at the suggestion of Bishop Compton^ whose foresight in this re- spect is much to be commended. In 1695, the required num- ber had met, appointed a vestry and purchased a lot of ground one hundred feet front on Second Street, on which, according to Gabriel Thomas' publication of 1698, ''a very fine church ' ' had been ' ' built in the year 1695. ' '« This latter statement is corroborated by Colonel Quarry's letter of Janu- ary 18, 1696, to Governor Nicholson in which he thanks him for ''assisting us to build our Church, which being now fin- ished, &c."^ The Reverend Richard Sewell of St. Stephen's Parish,^ Cecil County, Maryland, was perhaps the first to hold the Church of England services in Philadelphia, making occasional Rev. Richard visits to the city for that purpose. Under Sewell date of March 26, 1698, J. Arrowsmith writ- ing from Philadelphia to Governor Nicholson says: ''We have a full congregation and some are very desirous to re- ceive the sacrament if it could be administered at Easter. I did speak to Mr. SewelP who gave me a promise to come." sAcrelius, "History of New Sweden," pp. 349-50 (Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, vol. xi). 4 "Year Book and Eemembrances of Christ Church, Philadelphia, 1695-1912," pp. 10, 16. 5 Hazzard's "Kegister of Pennsylvania," vol. i, pp. 269-70. 6 "History of Pennsylvania," by Gabriel Thomas, London, 1698, p. 51. 7 Perry's "Historical Collections Relating to the American Colonial Church, ' ' vol. ii, p. 5. 8 Philip Barratt, the first of this surname in Maryland, a parishioner of St. Stephens, Cecil County, in 1678, was married by Mr. Sewell, who baptized his youngest son Philip Barratt, Jr., from whom the writer also descends. ^9 Further notices of Mr, Sewell will be found in the Acts of Dr. Bray's "Visitations" reprinted in Hawk's "Ecclesiastical Contributions" 27 ^i0tot^ ot &t pauriS episcopal CSutcJ In the following November, another letter to Governor Nichol- son speaks of "so good a divine as Mr. Clayton"^" being at Christ Church, St. Paul's Church was formed principally by persons who were attached to Christ Church, though some were primarily Presbyterians and Lutherans. They as- Formed Mainly ,,-,«, ^ • ^ from Christ sembled for the first time as a new Congre- Church gation, June 22, 1760, in the State House, now known as Independence Hall, and some three thousand people are said to have been present. Two days later, certain articles of agreement" for raising money to purchase ground on which to erect a church build- ing, since known as St. Paul's Church, received ninety- four signatures. Of this number, at least ten had been signa- tories to the Memorial to the Penns in 1754, for ground upon which to build the church, later St. Peter's, and three had lately been vestrymen of Christ Church. The italicized names in the subjoined list of St. Paul 's subscribers are those of the memorialists of 1754, while the first three are those of the late Christ Church vestrymen. The brief footnotes show something of the subscribers' standing in the community: (Maryland), vol. ii, pp. 500, 523; Dorr's "History of Christ Church," p. 418; Barratt's Chapel, Papers of Delaware Historical Society, Ivii, 1911, p. 20. 10 ' ' Thomas Clayton, minister of the Church of England, died at Sassafras, in Maryland [of yellow fever], and here is another from London in his room, happened to come opportunely" — Isaac Norris' letter to Jonathan Dickinson in Jamaica, dated Philadelphia, 11 — 7 mo., 1699. Penn-Logan Correspondence, vol. i, p. Iviii. (Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania). Additional references to Thomas Clayton will be found in Perry's "Historical Collections of the Protestant Episcopal Church," vol. i, pp. 13, 14, 15, 42, 47, 49, 68; Anderson's "Colonial Church," vol. ii, p. 436; vol. iii, p. 257; Hawkins' "Missions of the Church of England in the Colonies," pp. 16, 107. 11 See Appendix A for full text. 28 Christ Church was founded in 1695, under a provision of the original charter of King Charles II to William Penii for the creation of the Province of Pennsylvania. The parish was subsidized by King William III (William of Orange). Here the Colonial Governors had their State Pew. The Penn family pew was No. 60. John Penn, the last male member of this line, is buried near the steps to the pulpit. Communion silver presented in 1709 by Queen Anne. Whitefield preached here in 1729. The tablet to General Forbes, the victor of Fort Duquesne, 1758, may be seen in the chancel. The pulpit dates from 1770. The candelabra in the centre isle is for candle-light, and has hung in place since 1749. The gravestones and tablets are mostly of colonial and revolutionary days. Continental Congress attended here a service of fasting and prayer in 1775, shortly after the battle of Lexington. The Baptismal Font dates from 1695. The church organ, built in 1765, has been rebuilt twice, except the front case and keyboard. The chime of bells pealed forth the Declaration of Independence in response to the Liberty Bell, July 4, 1776. They were taken from the city with the Liberty Bell by Continental Congress at the British occupation of the city, and were subsequently rehung in the tower by Congress. Many members of the convention which framed the Constitution of the United States, 1787, worshipped here during the sessions. George Washington and Martha Washington regularly occupied Pew No. 58 from 1790 to 1797, while he was President. The same was the official pew of John Adams while President, and was used by the Marquis de Lafayette on his second visit to this country. Benjamin Franklin was a member of the committee which built the spire, and occupied Pew No. 70 ; since used by members of his family. Robert Morris, Treasurer of the Revolution, who is buried beneath the Parish House, sat in Pew No. 52. Francis Hopkinson, Secretary of Continental Congress, and his son. Judge Joseph Hopkinson, author of the national hymn, "Hail Columbia," occupied Pew No. 65. General Charles Lee, of the Continental army, is interred beside the southwest door; and nearby was laid to rest, after the battle of Princeton, General Hugh Mercer, 1777. Rt. Rev. William White, D.D., first Bishop of Pennsylvania, is interred before the chancel rails ; and his episcopal chair is beside the altar. General Cadwalader, of the War of 1812, occupied the Cadwalader family Pew No. 55. Henry Clay, during the time of his temporary attendance, sat in front of the west column, north side. In the churchyard are interred Peyton Randolph, first President of Continental Congress ; Commodores Truxton, Bainbridge, Biddle and Richard Dale; Eleanor, daughter of Nellie Custis (Mrs. Lewis), daughter of Martha Washington, and several signers of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, and other persons of distinction. The American Episcopal Church was organized, its constitution was framed and the American Prayer Book was adopted in this church, 1785. At the southeast of the nave is the "Washington Door," through which was accustomed to enter the " Father of his Country." Rev. Louis C. Washburn is Rector 191 7. Msntt0 to Sitticlc& ot Sifitttmtnt Signers to Articles of Agreement Thomas Leeeh^^ John Ross^3 John Baynton^^ Plunkt Fleesonis "Walter Goodman^^ Thos. Campbelli^ James Benezet^^ John Ord^^ Jno. Knowles^" Ephraim Bonham^i John Pahner-2 Andw. Bankson^s Andrew Doz^* Thos. Charlton'^^ Trustees Willm Macclenachan Minister of St. Paul's John Young David Haipe Walter Shee^^ John Howard^^ Lester Falkner^^ Jos. Pursell Robt. Usher Robt. Mullan Charles Stow Joseph Wardden Isaac Stretch John Reily^^ Henry Burnet William Murdoch Thos. Richard his Alexander C. Hiekenbottom mark Richard Taylor Doctr Willm Dickenson Edmund Beach^^ Benj. Randolph Richd. Swan William Shute^^ Robt Towers Willm Young 12 Thomas Leech, Esq., third son of Tobias Leech, Esq., by his wife Esther Ashmead, born circa 1685,- died 31 March, 1765, was a prominent Philadelphia merchant and one of the leading men of the city. He was clerk to the Assembly from 1723 until 1727; member of that body for twenty-five years, serving as speaker in 1758 and 1759; trustee of the College of Philadelphia, now the University of Pennsylvania, from 1749 until his death, and treasurer of Philadelphia County in 1757-8-9. He was one of the committee of three which procured the now famous "Independence Bell," and one of the trustees in whom the title to the State House and other public buildings was vested by Act of Assembly of February 17, 1762. A devout Episcopalian, he was for thirty-two years a vestryman of Christ Church and a warden five years. He took an active part in founding St. Paul's, and was interred under one of the aisles of this church. "A sermon, suitable to the occasion, was preached by the Eeverend Mr. William McClenachan, A.M., and Minister of that Church, to a crowded and weeping congregation." An interest- ing obituary of him appears in The Pennsylvania Gazette of April 8, 1762. 13 John Eoss, Esq., 1715-1776, son of the eminent divine, Eev. George Boss, forty years the Eector of Emanuel Church, New Castle, Delaware, and half brother of Hon. George Eoss, a Signer of the Declaration of Independence, was one of Philadelphia's best known legal lights of the period and the chief rival before the courts of Andrew Hamilton. In his diary, under date of September 25, 1775, John Adams writes of him as " a lawyer of great eloquence and heretofore of extensive practice, a great Tory, but now they say beginning to be converted." The Penn- sylvania Gazette of May 15, 1776, records: "On the 5th instant, de- parted this life, aged 61 years, John Eoss, Esquire, long an eminent counsellor of the law, in this city. His remains, bourne by the Gentle- men of the Bar, attended by a number of the most respectable of his 29 i^i^tot^ ot &t pauPiei episcopal C|)utc|^ Danl. Clark John Lees William Leech Thomas Mackarall Kenneth Maekensie James Harris Humphy Wayne his Jas Claypoole Jeremiah T. Sharp John Young mark Jacob Imitz George Leadbetter fellow citizens, was deposited in St. Paul's Church agreeably to his own desire." For twenty-two years he was a vestryman of Christ Church and several years of St. Paul's. His wife, Elizabeth Morgan, whom he married December 28, 1735, is also buried at St. Paul's as was their daughter, Catharine, wife of Henry Gurney, see Appendix. He was, in 1729, counsel for the Penn Estate in Pennsylvania. In this connection, see vol 10, Penna. Mag. of History and Biog., p. 477. 14 John Baynton of the firm of Baynton, Wharton & Morgan, one of the noted commercial houses of his time in Philadelphia and son of Peter and Mary (Budd) Baynton, was born December 17, 1726. From 1756 until 1761, he was a member of the Assembly, and under an act of that body in 1758/9, was appointed a trustee for disbursing £100,000 ordered for paying and clothing the troops raised in Pennsylvania for the war then pending. In 1762 he became one of the trustees of the Province, in whom was vested, by an Act of Assembly passed that year, the legal title of the State House, now Independence Hall, with its adjoining property. He was a founder of the Society of Sons of St. George, a member of the American Philosophical Society, and a contributor to the Pennsylvania Hospital. He died May 8, 1773, having married, Decem- ber 17, 1747, Elizabeth Chevalier, by whom he had several children, of these were: John, who was commissioned by Congress, Deputy Pay- master General to the troops and garrisons on the frontiers of Virginia and Pennsylvania; Peter, Treasurer of Pennsylvania in 1797, and Ad- jutant General in 1799; Mary, who married Colonel George Morgan, an eminent Pennsylvanian ; Esther, who married Joseph Bullock, Esq., and Elizabeth, who married Abraham Markoe, the first Captain of the First City Troop, and the founder of the Markoe family of Philadelphia, q. v. isPLUNKET Fleeson, Philadelphia, 1712-1791, became ensign in Capt. Bond's Company of the Associated Regiment of Foot, of Philadelphia, under commission of January 1, 1747/8. In 1762 and 1763 he was a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly; signed the Non-Importation Eesolutions in 1765, and on March 28, 1777, was commissioned a Justice of the Courts of Philadelphia. On November 18, 1780, he was com- missioned Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, of which he was some years president judge, also of "the Court of Quarter Sessions and later of the Orphans Court. Active in furthering the cause of the Revolution, he in 1776, loaned the State £500 to raise recruits for the army. Among the early contributors to the Pennsylvania Hospital, he was some years a director of that institution. He died in August, 1791, aged seventy- 30 feiffnetsf to Sittic\t0 ot Sisttemtnt John Wilkinson John Jones James Stevenson James White W. Blanch White Giles Tidmarsh Junr William Budden George Hawkins Nathaniel Curren Blair Macelenachan seven years. His first wife, Catharine Fleeson, was buried in Christ Church ground, December 13, 1752. He married (2), June 16, 1753, Martha, widow of John Linton and daughter of Andrew Bankson. Of his children : Esther, married 1st, Commodore John Hazlewood, 2d Samuel Leacock and had issue by both marriages; Thomas, married Kebecca Britton, and had issue; Ann, married Samuel Penrose, one of the founders of the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry; Martha, married Thomas Canadine. 16 Capt. Walter Goodman, died August 26, 1782, aged sixty-seven years, buried at Christ Church of which he was a vestryman as early as 1745. He signed St. Paul's Church lottery ticket, infra. 17 Capt. Thomas Campbell, on the roll of The St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia, in 1756. 18 Major James Benezet, of the well-known Huguenot family of his surname, was born in London, England, August 26, 1721, and died in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, May 16, 1794. He married June 5, 1747, Ann, daughter of the Hon. Samuel Hasell, three times mayor of Phila- delphia, and Provincial Councillor, who survived him. In 1765, he was a signer of the Non-Importation Eesolutions, after which he removed to Bucks County, where he took an active part in civil and military affairs during the Kevolution and where he was Major of Militia, March 3, 1777. In the latter year he became Prothonotary and Clerk of Court of Com- mon Pleas, which office he held until 1787. His eldest son. Captain Samuel Benezet, was the only one of his children to marry. 19 John Ord, Esq., died December 11, 1781, in the sixty-third year of his age. His obit, in the Pennsylvania Gazette of December 19, 1781, says in part : ' ' This gentleman maintained in every stage and situation of his life, the character of a valuable member of civil and religious society. He executed the office of a Magistrate both under the old and new condi- tions of the State with integrity and impartiality. ... In private life, he was kind, sincere and just. In a word, all who knew him agree that he was in the fullest import of the words, a good citizen and an honest man. ' ' His wife Ann, daughter of Thomas Mason, was buried in Christ Church ground in 1752, as was he nearly thirty years later. 20 John Knowles was a Judge of the Court of Common Pleas for the City and County of Philadelphia, June 6, 1777 to 1786. 21EPHRAIM Bonham, a member of Lodge No. 2 (Philadelphia), in 1749 (Moderns), and proposed by Blathwaite Jones', November 14, 1769, in Lodge No. 2, Ancient York Masons, was also a member of the Fishing Company of Fort St. David's in 1763. He had been connected with Christ Church and his children were there baptized. 31 ^igitorp ot fe»t ^mV0 (£pi0topal CfiutcS John Perry John Williams David Boore John Wood William Smith James Payne John Johnston - William Murdock Junr Riehd Parker John Presley 22 John Palmer, frequently mentioned in Jacob Hiltzheimer 's Diary, married Deborah Bankson, May 7, 1743, and had several children bap- tized at Christ Church. He died April 8, 1797, aged 80 years, the last survivor of the original trustees, and was buried in St. Paul's grounds, q. V. 23 Andrew Bankson, a descendant of some of the earliest and most influential of the Swedish settlers on the Delaware and brother-in-law of Plunkett Fleeson and John Palmer, also signatories to the Articles of Agreement, died at Philadelphia in March, 1786. Eeaders of Colonial newspapers will recall the causa celehre between Andrew Bankson and the clergy and vestry of Gloria Dei Church in 1767. By his wife, Sarah Allen, who was buried in Christ Church ground in January, 1786, he had at least seven children, of whom: "Jacob Bankson delivered the Saluta- tory oration at the University of Pennsylvania November 19, 1767. On the same occasion an Ode set to music was sung by [his brother] Mr. John Bankson with great sweetness and Propriety accompanied by the Organ." The former became a practitioner of the law in Chester County; the latter a Captain in the Revolution and an original member of the Cincinnati. 24 Andrevp" Doz, son of Philip and Martha Doz, baptized at Christ Church, December 26, 1727; died December 18, 1788, and was interred in Christ Church ground. The Pennsylvania Gazette said after his death: ' ' This worthy citizen does not require the panegyric of a newspaper to spread the knowledge of his virtues, or to perpetuate his name in the City of Philadelphia. His country, the Church of Christ, and the distressed of every description and denomination, shared largely in the benefits of his public spirit and charities during his life, and were remembered by him with peculiar liberality in the hour of his death. These public virtues were not the splendid apologies for the want of those of private life. He was upright, faithful and affectionate in the discharge of all the social and domestic obligations." He married Rebecca, daughter of Caleb Cash. Their daughter Lucia became the wife of the Rev. Samuel Magaw, D.D., rector of St. Paul's, 1781 to 1804, q. V. The bequest of Mr. Doz to the Bishop of the Protestant Epis- copal Church, was all Bishop White had to depend upon as Bishop outside of his salary as Rector of Christ Church. His will dated December 17, 1788, of which his wife Rebecca, daughter Martha Flower, Rt. Rev. Dr. William White, Samuel Coates and Miers Fisher, were executors, devised entire estate after death of his wife and daughter to Pennsylvania Hos- pital, Protestant Episcopal Academy, Bishop Protestant Episcopal Church, Society for Relief of Protestant Episcopal Clergymen widows 32 ^isnet0 to SitticU^ ot Sisttemmt John Bourn Thomas Cuthbert John Moyes John Sprogell Junr Richard Hancock John George George Goodwin John Ledru Robert Carson Claudius Dubois and children, St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Dispensary, and Humane Society of Philadelphia. — Eegister of Wills, Phila., Boole W, page 206. 25 Thomas Charlton, vestryman of Christ Church, 1769. 26 David Hall, born in Scotland in 1714; died in Philadelphia, De- cember 24, 1772, and was buried in Christ Church burying ground. For eighteen years he was a partner of Benjamin Franklin in the printing business, and with him published the Pennsylvania Gazette. Upon the dissolution of this partnership in 1766, Mr. Hall formed a new one with William Sellers, under the firm name of Hall & Sellers, which concern continued the printing and publishing business until the death of the former. In 1751 and 1753 Mr. Hall was a vestryman of Christ Church. He became a member of Lodge Xo. 2, Free and Accepted Masons, Jan- uary 25, 1760. He was one of the founders of the St. Andrews Society of Philadelphia and a member of the American Philosophical Society. His sons, William and David, succeeded to their father's place in the printing firm and they continued the publication of the Pennsylvania Gazette. 27 Walter Shee, an Irish gentleman who had come to Philadelphia about 1745, and engaged in the shipping business with his two sons, the firm being Walter Shee & Sons when they signed the Non-Importation Kesolutions of 1765. In 1777 he became Collector of Customs at Phila- delphia, and held this position throughout the Eevolution. His eldest son was later Colonel John Shee of the 3d Battalion of Pennsylvania Troops, member of the Pennsylvania Board of War, General of Volun- teers after the War, and Collector of the Port of Philadelphia, dying during his incumbency of the last office, August 5, 1808. 28 John Howard, vestryman of St. Paul 's, 1764-1771, q.v. 29 Lester Falkner, wealthy sea captain affi.liated with Christ Church, died August 8, 1766, His second wife was Sarah, daughter of John Coats and widow of Captain Thomas Penrose. She married 3d, An- thony Duche. 30 John Eeily was a conveyancer and, in 1760, Secretary of Lodge No. 3, F. & A. M., called the Tun Tavern Lodge from the place of meet- ing, a noted hostelry on the east side of Water Street just south of Chestnut Street. Associated with him in this Lodge were the following subscribers to St. Paul's: John Howard, John Wilkinson, John Ord, John Eoss, Walter Shee. 31 Mr. Edmund Beach, of Southwark, died February 25, 1787. ''His remains were interred in the burial grounds of the Third Presbyterian 4 33 Christopher Pechin Michael Brothers David Branson William Sellers George Nelson Thos. White John Smith Josh. Ledru Danl Dupuy Nat. Irish John Doyle Jonathan Hanson Joseph Hargrave The agreeements, concessions, and constitutions of The Episcopal Church of St. Paul were drawn by John Ross, Es- quire, the rival of Andrew Hamilton at the Philadelphia bar, and are a tribute to their author's legal acumen and ability. It will be noticed that the corporate title is. The Episcopal Church of St. Paul not "Protestant Episcopal," because St. Paul's was founded before the organization of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America. In point of fact, St. Paul's was one of the founders of the Protestant Episcopal Church. On the 24th day of June, 1760, as before set forth, these certain agreements, concessions, and constitutions were made, concluded and agreed upon, by and between _ ^. , the subscribers and contributors for raising Propagation of ° Principles of a sum of money for purchasing or renting Established ^^^ qj. more lots of ground and building a Church church in the City of Philadelphia, wherein Church attended by a large number of respectable inhabitants." See obit, in The Pennsylvania Gazette. 82 William Shute, nephew of Atwood Shute, Esq., a vestryman of Christ Church and Mayor of Philadelphia, was a well-known merchant of his time and the ancestor of many prominent Philadelphians, among whom may be mentioned the late Col. Charles Somers Smith, Henry Hollingsworth Smith, M.D., Francis Gurney Smith, M.D., Atwood Smith and the present Charles Smith Turnbull, M.D., Mr. Shute died in February, 1783, having been contributor to Pennsylvania Hospital, member of Fishing Company of Fort St. David 'sj first lieutenant of Captain Richard Barrett's Company of Guards, under Major Lewis Nichola in 1777, and one of the Wardens of Philadelphia in 1782. He was an active Mason, a member of Lodge No. 2 in 1754 and after the decline of the "Moderns," joined Lodge No. 3 of the "Ancients"; served as Master in 1770; became active in the Grand Lodge and was Senior Grand Warden in 1772. (Sachse, "Old Masonic Lodges in Penn- sylvania, Moderns and Ancients," vol. i, p. 87. 34 ^tinciplt^ ot C0tabIi0|^eti Cj^utci^ it was provided that the ground to be purchased and the building thereon to be erected should be conveyed to fourteen persons and the survivor of them, and held upon the following uses and trusts: First, to build thereon a house of public worship, *'to be used and employed as a house of public worship forever, wherein shall be read, performed, and taught the liturgy, rights, ceremonies, doctrines and true principles of the estab- lished church of England, according to the plain, literal and grammatical sense of the thirty-nine articles^^ of the said church, and none other whatsoever; and the same house is hereby agreed forever hereafter to be styled and called by the name of St. Paul's Church." Second, That the title should be vested in the said fourteen persons and their survivors, and by them conveyed to the per- son or persons named by the congregation. Third, That the Kev'd William MacClenachan should be- minister of the said Church until his successor was duly chosen. Fourth, That an assistant minister should be chosen. Fifth, That a vestry of twenty persons should be elected. Sixth, That the Vestry should collect the revenues of the Church, and apply them to the payment of the ground rents, the salaries of the clerk and sexton, repairs to the church, and churchyard, and other incidental expenses in the order named, and Lastly, To put the residue into the hands of the Minister and his assistant, in such portions as the congregation by ballot should direct. On the 16th day of September, 1760, Anthony Morris, the 33 MoConnell in his ' * History of the American Episcopal Church, ' ^ p. 274, gives the history of the thirty-nine articles and states that their- adoption was foreign to the genius of the American Church and shouldL have been eliminated at the organization thereof. 35 younger, conveyed the greater part of the premises, being the part on which the church building was afterward erected, to the fourteen persons, viz. : Thomas Leech, et al. and survivor of them in fee, and on the 19th day of April, 1762, Israel Morris conveyed the other part of the premises to the four- teen persons, viz. : John Koss, et al. and the survivor of them in fee. On the 23d day of September, 1783, the church was in- corporated by Act of Assembly^* of that date, under the name and title of ''The Minister, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul, in the Church Q,^. . Philadelphia, in the Common- Incorporated wealth of Pennsylvania." The incorpora- tors named in the Charter were: the Rev. Samuel Magaw, D.D., rector or minister, John Wood and Lambert Wilmer, wardens ; Plunket Fleeson, John Young, Andrew Doz, George Goodwin, John Campbell, George Ord, Blair McClenachan, William Graham, George Glentworth, Joseph Bullock, Samuel Penrose, George Nelson, Richard Renshaw, Joseph Turner, John Keble, John Bates, James Dougherty and Benjamin Towne, vestrymen. John Palmer, who, on October 14, 1796, was the sole survivor of the orginal fourteen trustees, con- veyed the lot of ground first before mentioned, and on De- cember 22, 1796, he conveyed the lot, second before named, to the church as incorporated, its successors and assigns. None of the deeds by which the church acquired its prop- erty imposed any restriction, condition, or trust upon its use ; but it is provided in the twelfth section of its charter that the agreements, concessions, and constitutions made by the sub- scribers and contributors to the church, by their agreement of June 24, 1760, before recited, should remain in force and operation. 34 See copy of Act of Assembly, Appendix A, pp. 11-19. 36 C5utc$ 3fncotpotatfli By section 5 of said Act it was further enacted that said corporation and its successors "shall and may grant, alien, or otherwise dispose of any messuages, houses, lands, tene- ments or hereditaments other than the site of the house of public worship or church aforesaid and the burial ground or grounds which they do now or may hereafter possess as to them may seem meet and proper. ' '^^ The ground on Third Street, below Walnut, acquired^^ for the church building consisted of several lots making the front 103 feet on Third Street, extending southward of that width 195 feet to Levant, now American Street. It was purchased upon ground rent, payable in Spanish pistoles, a gold coin, a quarter doubloon, worth $3.92, which in the latter part of the eighteenth and early part of the ninetheenth century, in Phila- delphia, was equal to $4.00 silver coin. These ground rents were subsequently paid off and extinguished. The erection of the present edifice was at once begun and the walls were built in 1761 with the amount subscribed. More money was needed, and it was determined to raise it by St. P J U L's Church LOTTERY, 1761. NuMfi. y^ THIS Ticket entitles ^e Bearer to fuch Prize as may be drawn againit ils Number, if demanded withm fix Months after the Drawing is fiuifhed ; fubjecl 10 fuch Deduftion as h menticmeiLyi ifie Scheme. 35 St. Paul's is the owner of a certain burial lot in the Mount Moriah Cemetery, granted by deed dated the 23d day of June, 1855, numbered section Forty-seven on the plan of said Cemetery, containing in front on the avenue surrounding the Western Circle in said cemetery, one hundred and fifty feet and in depth on the East Line, one hundred and sixty feet and on the West Line, two hundred and fifty-one feet, containing 25,120 square feet more or less. se Abstracts of the title deeds, 1760 to 1904, are given as Appendix B. 37 l^(0tots ot &t paurjEi (Episcopal C|^utc| a lottery. Through the courtesy of Dr. John "W. Jordan of the Historical Society, of Pennsylvania, a facsimile reproduc- tion of the original lottery ticket number 71, which partici- pated in the first drawing, is given on the preceding page. The full scheme appeared in The Pennsylvania Gazette under date of January 29, 1761, as follows : " As a new church, called ST. PAUL'S-CHURCH, has been thought necessary, for the Worship of Almighty God, to be erected in the City, by many well disposed Christians who have, according to their Abilities, cheerfully svibscribed, and many of them _/ , , paid considerable Sums of Money, towards carry- Method " ^. . ^ . ^ ^' 1 4> mg on the pious Work. In consequence wliereoi, a very large and commodious Building hath been begun, and car- ried on to the full Height of the Brick Work: But it being judged that the Expence of completing and finishing this Church, will greatly exceed the Sums subscribed; therefore it is thought expedient to set up a LOTTERY, for the purpose of raising 3000 pieces of Eight, which it is hoped will completely finish the said church; and not doubted but all well Wishers to the true Worship of God, will favour and encourage this Under taking. "THE SCHEME for the purpose is as follows: Number of Prizes. Pieces of Eight. Total Value. 1 of 1000 is 1000 1 of 500 is 500 2 of 300 are 600 3 of 200 are 600 4 of 100 are 400 8 of 75 are 600 20 of 40 are 800 30 of 30 are 900 40 of 20 are 800 149 of 10 are 1490 1515 of 8 are 12120 1773 prizes First drawn Ticket 50 3227 blanks Last drawn Ditto, 50 Ticket Drawn before the 1000 30 Ticket Next after the 1000 30 Ticket Drawn before the 500 16 Ticket Drawn next after the 500 14 20000 38 fLotttt)f Common S^tt^oh " This scheme is the most favourable and heretofore calculated in this City to the Adventurers. The Banks and Prizes being consid- erably less than two to one. The large number of middling Prizes is also a great Advantage; and the Deduction is but small, being only fifteen per cent. The Drawing to begin punctually on the first Day of April Next, or sooner, if sooner full. The prizes to be pub- lished in this Gazette, and the Pennsylvania Jouraal, and the Prize Money to be paid as soon as the Drawing shall be finished, the afore- said Dedication to be first made. "Prize money not demanded in six months after the Publication of the Prizes, to be deemed as generously given to the use of the said Church and to be applied accordingly. The following Gentlemen are appointed Managers, viz. : Walter Goodman, Thomas Campbell, John Ord, Plunket Fleeson, Ephraim Bonham, Andrew Bankson, Andrew Doz, Thomas Charlton, James Stevenson, John Young, James Claypoole and Robert Towers: who are to give bond, and be upon Oath, that they will truly execute the Trust in them reposed. . . . Tickets are now selling by the said managers, at their respective Dwelling-houses, William Bradford at the London Coffee-House, and David Hall, at the Printing-Office, in Market Street. " N.B. John Reily, of this City, Conveyancer, will insure Tickets in this Lottery, at a very low Premium." Five thousand tickets at four dollars each cleared several thousand dollars, and the next year a lottery scheme of thirty thousand dollars was put through, which cleared enough to extinguish the ground rents. The Pennsylvania Gazette of April 16, 1761, thus calls attention to the second lottery : " The managers and Congregation of St. Paul's Church, in Phila- delphia return their most sincere and hearty thanks to the Adven- turers in the late Lottery, for finishing and completing the said church; the alacrity and cheerfulness manifested on that Occasion, by filling that Lottery in less than twenty-days from its Publication, deserve the most public Acknowledgements. The Application of great numbers for Tickets, after they were all sold, and their earnest Desire that another Lottery might be set up, towards exonerating the land, on Part Whereof that Church is erected, from the Ground rent wherewith it is chargeable, and for purchasing a Burial place, are the only Motive that this Lottery is now made, and the further con- tinuance of the Favours of the Public requested; whereby the 39 ^i0tot^ ot &t paursi episcopal C|)ucc|) Church will be cleared from the Ground Rent, and the Congregation thereof will have a place for the Interment of their Dead, as they are the only Society in this City destitute of a burial Ground."^'' At a Vestry Meeting of February 9, 1761, it was "Resolved to apply to and request such persons as have power to permit the wheels of blanks and prizes heretofore used in lotteries [to] be employed for the use of St. Paul's Church." Lot- teries were frequently used, indeed were the popular means, to raise money for civic and religious purposes and extensive public improvements were in the eighteenth century con- stantly met by this method.^^ 37 These lotteries were drawn at a store on Gardner 's Wharf, opposite 37 and 38 South ^Vharves above Walnut Street. 38 Lotteries were employed to raise and equip the ' ' Associated Bat- tery, " near the Old Navy Yard, to build Christ Church steeple, and in 1753 for raising eight hundred and fifty pounds for the Second Presby- terian Church, then at the Northwest corner of Third and Arch Streets, which also desired to build a steeple. The present edifice of this congre- gation is at Twenty-first and Walnut Streets. In 1754, Connecticut raised thirteen thousand three hundred and thirty-two pounds, by similar means, to aid in building Princeton College. In 1761 Philadelphia raised seven thousand four hundred dollars to pave the streets. Trinity Church, Oxford, of which the Eev. Hugh Neill was Rector, held a lottery January 20, 1762, to enlarge the church. Shortly after this, the Legis- lature by an act of February 17, 1762 (1 Smith's Laws, 246), prohibited lotteries in Pennsylvania as common nuisances, productive of vice, idle- ness and immorality, under a penalty of 500 pounds sterling. Notwith- standing this statute, making lotteries a misdemeanor, a later legislature ignored it and passed additional legislation authorizing them, viz. : an act of March 27, 1789, for a lottery of $8,000 to erect City Hall on State House Square, Fifth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, and for one of $2,000 for the use of Dickinson College at Carlisle (Statutes at Large of Penna., vol. 13, pp. '276, 282). By an Act of Assembly, approved by the governor, April 6, 1790, Manuel Josephson, Solomon Lyon, William Wistar, John Duffield, Samuel Hayes and Solomon Etting were appointed Managers of a Lottery to raise the necessary money to liquidate a mortgage of 800 pounds upon the Synagogue of the Hebrew Congrega- tion. This is the Congregation Mickve Israel, Hope of Israel, now South- east corner Broad and York Streets, Philadelphia (ibid., pp. 532-537.) On 40 C5«t:c5 Openeli for tlBot^^ip The building operation went promptly forward and the edifice was opened for worship on the Sunday preceding Christmas-day, 1761. As originally built there was no base- ment, the outside walls were of brick which ^^'^'^^^f^® have since been plastered. The entrance for Worship gates of the church were imported from England and greatly admired by the town's people. High back pews, like those of Christ Church and St. Peter's were installed, as was a sounding board over the pulpit, also an organ, in 1762, built by Philip Fyring. The whole method of lighting was by wax candles which it was the duty of the sexton to snuff as often as they might require it. The rules of the Vestry prescribed the duty respectively of the Wardens, Sexton, Clerk, Organist, Bellows Blower and Chain Carriers, this latter official being unknown to the pres- ent generation. He "shall attend to the Rules of Vestry putting up the chain across Third Street, at least five minutes previous to the commencement of services on Sunday morning and afternoon, and shall remove the same as soon as the congregation are dismissed." As Third Street was the main artery of travel it deflected traffic to Second and Fourth Streets. The sexton's duties are carefully and minutely enumerated and some of them would surprise the sextons of to-day. He was told that: "After the services is over he shall take care to have the chandeliers covered, to keep the dust from them in winter and flies in sum- mer. He shall at the time of night service light the church at the proper time, snuff the candles and, at a later date, trim the lamps as often as they may require it. March 13, 1800, the Eoman Catholic Church of St. Augustine raised by the same means $10,000 for the completion of its church building (ibid., vol. 16, p. 472). 41 "He shall extinguish at night all fires before he leaves the church. He shall not contract any debts for the church with- out the approval of the church wardens. He shall procure seats for strangers as far as he conveniently can. He shall at- tend the vestry at their meetings, and see that their room is kept clean. He shall have all graves dug and ready one hour before funerals. He shall not suffer goats or other animals to have access to the burial ground. He shall send the box money to the Wardens every Monday morning ; keep the keys of the church, and pay into the hands of the acting warden all the moneys collected by him once every six months, or oftener if required." On April 28, 1767, Messrs. Richard Neave and Son, Lon- don, merchants, presented to St. Paul's Church, through Messrs. John Baynton^^ and Wharton, a complete set of hangings for the pulpit, altar and reading desk and clerk's desk, "made of the best Crimson Velvet, richly adorned with Gold Lace, Fringe, Tassels and Embroidery valued at Two hundred & Fifty Pounds.""" In consideration of the gift, a pew was appropriated by the' corporation for their use and those of any of their friends who might happen to be in America at any time. A letter of thanks was promptly sent to them by "Captain Falconer*^ now under sailing orders for London." Richard Neave was buried*^ in St. Paul's church-yard, 12 July, 1795. The records of Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church of 39 Abraham Markoe, first Captain of the Philadelphia City Troop, who lived at Chestnut and Ninth Streets, on the present site of the Phila- delphia Eecord and the Philadelphia Post Office, married in 1773, Eliza- beth, daughter of John Baynton, a foremost merchant and one of the founders of St. Paul's, q. v. Mrs, Markoe died in 1784, leaving three children. 40 Pennsylvania Chronicle, May 4, 1767. *i Lester Falkner, the subscriber to St. Paul's, 24 June, 1760. 42 HatettSt Cj^urcl in t|e probtnce Wilmington, Delaware, show that: "on October 2nd, 1770, the hangings of the altar and pulpit were stolen ... at the same time the Church at Newcastle suffered the same loss, and soon after St. Paul 's Church in Philadelphia, had its fine antique hangings stolen." These were doubtless the Neave hangings.*^ The new Church was the largest in the Province, and in a few days one thousand sittings had been taken in it. The formal incorporation as the Minister, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Largest Church p^^^ ^^ ^j^^ (.-^ ^^ Philadelphia in the Com- m the Province monwealth of Pennsylvania was, as before stated, not passed by the Legislature until September 23, 1783, and this remained the corporate title up to February 25, 1818, when the word minister was changed to rector. It was consecrated by Bishop White, January 1, 1831, at which time the building had been remodeled, both internally and ex- ternally, which also included re-arrangement of the chancel. Several of our present city churches, St. Andrew's; Grace; St. Philip's; Emmanuel, Kensington; St. Matthew's, Francis- ville; Epiphany and St. Luke's (which latter two have since consolidated), etc., owe their existence in a . au s, er i^^„q degree to the zeal and enterprise of the of many Panshes <= => f rectors and members of this church. St. Paul 's directly or indirectly is the mother of them all. There 42 It is interesting to note the cost of and ceremony attendant upon funerals, as shown by the minutes of the Vestry of April 19, 1762: Minister attending funerals, six shillings. Clerk attending funerals, four shillings. Sexton ringing bell (which was afterwards given to St. Peter's Church), two shillings, six pence. Church breaking ground, ten shillings. To the Church for being buried within the walls of the house, ten pounds. *3 Vol. IX, Papers Hist. Society of Delaware (1890), pp. 495-^96. 43 l^i^totv ot fet paursf Cpigicopal €fiutc^ is no other single congregation in Philadelphia which has done so much for the propagation of the Episcopal Church. To this list should be added, St. Paul's Cheltenham, now Ogontz, of which two vestrymen of St. Paul's, John W. Thomas and Jay Cooke, were among the founders. The church of the Holy Apostles, Twenty-first and Christian Streets, Philadelphia, is equally indebted to the son of John W. Thomas, the late George C. Thomas, one of the city's most charitable laymen, who acknowledged that his inspiration as a churchman had come from his home training and from the Sunday School of St. Paul's, which he had attended in boy- hood days. The large parish building of the Church of the Holy Apostles was erected by Mr. Thomas "In Memory of Rev. Dr. Richard Newton of St. Paul's," the compliment in recognition of his life and work being all the greater be- cause the building was erected many years after his death. His brother, the Rev. Richard Newton Thomas, was named after Dr. Newton, and the name of Mr. Thomas himself is enshrined in a church, Fifty-first and Spruce Streets, known as the George C. Thomas Memorial, the corner-stone of which was laid October 29, 1916. The Church of the Holy Apostles now has three chapels : The Mediator, The Holy Communion and the Chapel of St. Simon the Cyrenian. Born of the spirit of democracy and the evangelical move- ^ . . , ment, St. Paul's was, at its inception, and Spirit of f , Democracy and ^^^ some time thereafter, a religious storm Evangelical center and the story is full of human interest. Movement „,, • . , « , ^, , » There was a young minister of the Church of England, Rev. William McClenachan, travelling through the city of Philadelphia, who preached with great effect at Christ Church. He was most eloquent, of exemplary Mr. McClenachan piety among the people, distinguished for re- markable industry and indefatigable zeal and had an attractive 44 FONT. 9^t, ^tCLUnat^an personality. He had so much to recommend him and had be- come so popular, that the rector, vestry and church wardens, with the assent of the congregation, on June 19, 1759, selected him as an assistant minister and askedthe Lord Bishop of Lon- don for his approval. Later on, the third of October, 1759, Eev. Dr. Jenney and most of the clergy in the Province sent a counter address, protesting that Mr. McClenachan had given offense ''by his Railings and Revilings in the Pulpit," and that "his extemporaneous Prayers and Preachings were not agreeable to the Canons." On this account, and because he had been appointed to take charge of a church in Virginia, the Bishop of London, without hearing Mr. McClenachan 's de- fense, refused to license him, and requested Christ Church to give him no encouragement. The matter had doubtless been brought to a sudden climax by Mr. McClenachan 's action in the Convention, or Volun- tary Meeting of the Episcopal clergy** of Pennsylvania, in Philadelphia, April 30, 1760. The conven- Convention of Episcopal Clergy ^ion, pursuant to adjournment, heard the in Philadelphia, address prepared by its committee to his Honor the Lieutenant Governor, James Hamilton, which was approved by all the members present except Mr. McClenachan, who said he "could not give any testimony of the Governor's former administration, as he knew nothing of the same from his personal knowledge, but *4 Those present were : The Eev. Dr. Jenney, Dr. William Smith, Provost of the College of Philadelphia, Mr. Greorge Craig, Missionary at Chester, Mr. Philip Eeading, Missionary at Apoquinimink, Mr. William Sturgeon, Assistant Minister and Catechist to the negroes in Philadel- phia, Mr. Charles Inglis, Missionary at Dover, Mr. Thomas Barton, Missionary at Lancaster, Mr. William McClenachan, another of the Assistant Ministers in Christ Church, Philadelphia, Mr. Jacob Duche, likewise an Assistant Minister at Christ Church. At the same time appeared Mr. Samuel Cook and Mr. Eobert McKean, two of the society 's worthy missionaries of New Jersey. 45 m0tot]l ot &t paur*^ episcopal Cdutc^ that he had the sincerest regard for his Honor, and offered up Prayers for his prosperity. ' ' His second reason was that, "however much connected Religion and Civil Government might be, he thought it was not absolutely necessary to men- tion the matter in our present circumstances." It was during the last days of the convention that the Bishop of London's final letter, relative to Mr. McClenachan arrived and was read.*^ His course of reasoning many of the Christ Church people deemed insufficient, being determined to maintain and protect their religious rights. Vigorous protest followed. Eighteen Presbyterian Presbyterian . Synod clergymen, then assembled in Synod in Phil- in Philadelphia, adelphia. May 28, 1760, sent an unsolicited ^^ ° address in behalf of Mr. McClenachan to his Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury, written probably by the Rev. Gilbert Tennant. On the eighteenth of June, fol- lowing, Mr. McClenachan was, however, denied the further use of the pulpit of the church. This had been anticipated, protest became forceful action and four days later a new con- gregation met in the State House. Nineteen months after- wards, the congregation, stronger grown, gathered in a stately building of its own, St. Paul's Church on Third Street, below "Walnut Street, built, as set forth in the articles of agreement *5 Sunday evening, May 4, 1760. The convention met pursuant to ad- journment. A letter to Dr. Jenney from England was read, intimating the disapprobation upon the part of the Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts against Mr. McClenachan 's conduct in this place and the disapproval of the Bishop of London. It was the sense of the meeting that though he could not be allowed longer to remain assistant minister of Christ Church, he could be allowed to sign the address to the Bishop of London, or any other papers as a clergyman of the church and might still sit in Convention. These offers he refused, and desired that his name might be erased from the papers he had already signed, after which he withdrew. His name remained on the address to the Archbishop of Canterbury. (Perry's "Papers Eclating to the History of the Church in Pennsylvania," 1680-1778, pp. 317-319.) 46 FONT WITH SILVER BAPTISMAL BOWL, 1917. mmttitin so ably prepared by John Ross, Esq., for this Rev. William MeClenaehan, the erstwhile censured clergyman. Rev. Dr. Stephen H. Tyng, in his old age, was authority for the statement "that St. Paul's Church was erected that "Whitefield, that Apostle of the Living God, that Angel flying throughout the World with the everlasting Gospel, might haive an Episcopal Church in which to preach in Philadelphia. A tremendous contest had ensued from the refusal of the rector and Wardens of Christ Church to permit him to preach within its walls. God raised up an instru- Whitefield ,. „ , . „ mentality for the defense of the hated and despised gospel, in the person of Counsellor John Ross, a man of such position in this community, that he could not be put down, who in conjunction with others, determined that there should be one church in Philadelphia wherein nothing should deter such a man as Whitefield from preaching the unsearch- able riches of Christ. Thus St. Paul's was erected for the de- fense of a free gospel and the champion of this principle it had now continued to be." "No other sound," he believed, "had ever been heard within its walls than the gospel in its purity and simplicity." The error in this statement is that, the church was built for Dr. MeClenaehan and not George White- field, but as Dr. MeClenaehan maintained the methods of Whitefield it is, speaking generally, accurate to that extent. A lengthy account of the convention, together with Me- Clenaehan 's part therein was promptly furnished the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, by Dr. William Smith, Provost of the Dr Smith' College in Philadelphia, under date of July Account of 1> 1760, which was certainly neither favor- Mr. McClenachan's able nor fair to the clergyman. He says in Followers part: "The number that followed Mr. Me- Clenaehan from our Church to his Conventicle are but incon- siderable: & as they were the tools of the Quaker Party to 47 ^i^totTf ot ^t ^auV0 episcopal Ci^urcl^ distract and divide we think sucli a purgation a happy inci- dent. The Church [Christ Church] is as crowded as ever on Sundays and great numbers are not able to get Pews, And as for my particular opponents they are now fairly gone. They are about Building a Place of Worship for Mr. Macclen- aghan, and still will be hardy enough to sollicit a License for him, by every misrepresentation of all the regular Clergy both here & in Boston. But I hope your Grace will think it proper that such proceedings that tend to destroy all order shall never have any countenance. The Quakers and their open adherents are the chief people who contribute to encourage this schism. One of the oldest Quakers in the Province has procured the Ground on which the House is to be built so that by the turn this affair has taken, your Grace has a fresh proof, were any necessary, that the state I gave of these matters in all my former representations was just." Col. William Byrd, second, said, ''The Quakers flocked to this country in shoals, being averse to going to Heaven the same way with the Bishops." This, in a humorous way, ex- pressed the Churchman's view of the Quaker.'*^^ The Quakers and the members of the Church of England were the aristocratic class. In public life in early Pennsyl- vania there were two distinct types of men. The first, pro- gressive, eloquent, earnest, learned and convincing. Thomas McKean, John B. Gibson, Jeremiah F, Black, William McClen- achan and Joseph Pilmore represent the first class, although not of the same faith. The second, equally learned, but sure .,,., , of their social position, quiet, colorless, re- Attitude ^ . _ of tiring, modest, insipid, critical and uninter- Quakers esting. This type dominated Christ Church, while the spirit and energy of the first animated St. Paul's. 45a He was the aristocratic Virginian of the celebrated plantation ' ' Westover ' ' on the James Eiver, the founder of the Capital City, Eich- 48 Sittit\xne ot ;^uafier0 St. Paul's congregation had no divided allegiance, like some of the other English Churches in America. Its strength in this respect was that while loyal to the principles of the estab- lished Church, in all else, it was thoroughly American, and its aims, purposes and acts were those which have made the United States the nation she is today. Many of the ministers of the Church of England, and some of their congregations, re- sembled the attitude of the nobles in France, residing at Ver- sailles in the time of Louis XIV, who were polished, but hard as granite, and who exacted from the people all the tributes and duties prescribed by the feudal laws, but who themselves had long ceased to render any service whatever. They were a liability instead of an asset to the State. They took all they could get, in fact everything, and rendered nothing in return. In a letter of August 26, to the secretary of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Dr. Smith said: " I wrote to you a long letter by Mr. Keene about seven weeks ago with a full account of everything' concerning MaeClenachan and a copy of the Minutes of the late meeting of our Clergy together with an address to His Grace of Canterbury; all of which I hope have been duly received. MaeClenachan gains no ground in the U n n Ti ("burch, and we have lost but two or three men of any note (one of which is John Ross who has not acted like a member of your body and Son of a regular clergy- man as he is, being the chief founder of all this trouble in order to be at the head of a party). The Quakers and their adherents are the chief support of this schism agreeable to their Maxim Divide et impera, but we think it will not hold long, especially as that shining youth Mr. Duche*® is so much more popular than MaeClenachan, mond, then called * ' Shockoes ' ' and an ancestor of S. Davis Page, Esq., the President of the Colonial Society of Pennsyvania and a vestryman of St. Peter's Protestant Episcopal Church, Philadelphia. 46 Eev. Dr. Jacob Duehe, the rector of Christ Church, September, 1775, resembled the "Vicar of Bray," who was first for King Charles I and then for Cromwell. His eloquent prayer in Congress at Carpenter's 5 49 ^i0tot}f ot fet ^auV0 (Episcopal C|)urc|& who only draws the lower sort and of these more from the Presby- terians and Baptists than from us." Dr. Smith was mistaken in both these latter statements, and that Ross's influence, position and standing in England was high is shown, among other things, by the fact that he pro- cured the dismissal of Rev. "William Sturgeon from Christ Church in November, 1763. Mr. Sturgeon's view of St. Paul's congregation is set forth in his letter of 1762 to the Secretary of the Venerable So- ciety, viz. : "Rev^. Sir: " My endeavors to inculcate truth and virtue in the Minds of Man- kind have been in some measure successful and at the same time has increased the Church of England in these parts. Mr. Sturgeon's ^yj^^^ j arrived here first, Christ Church con- view or _^ _, „ tained all the people of our communion, but now St. Paul's f f _ ' . Consrepation there are two more created. St. Peter's united with the old Church and St. Paul's built for Mr. McClanaghan mostly filled with people to whom I discharged the duties of a Cateehist and Assistant Minister to the Reverend Dr. Hall resulted in his election as its chaplain, which position he occu- pied at the time of the Declaration of Independence in July, 1776. He resigned when the British Army was advancing to Philadelphia after the Battle of Brandywine, and, upon its arrival, he as rector, just as enthusiastically prayed for the King and * ' that he may vanquish and overcome all his enemies. ' ' General Howe confined him in prison one night and released him upon his promise to convince Washington and his fellow rebels of their mistake. He advised Washington to abandon "the wretched cause," but without avail. As our histories gently record it : " He retired from Philadelphia when the British evacuated it. ' ' He subsequently returned to London to straighten himself out with his English Bishop and to explain that, while Chaplain of Congress he was at heart loyal to the King and England and believed in the union of Church and State, but his explanation was not accepted or believed. When he left the Colony, Pennsylvania judged him by his acts, pro- claimed him a traitor and confiscated his estate. After some twelve years of exile he came back to Philadelphia, where he died, January 3, 1798. Both he and his wife, Elizabeth Hopkinson, are buried in St. Peter's Churchyard. 50 Jenney for about ten years and upon his being seized with a palsy for three years and a half, without any help at all. *' I am, Rev, Sir, &c. " William Sturgeon/' His letter of November 20, 1763, to the Secretary, pays a tribute to Mr. MeClenachan's eloquence, and comments on the unfairness of his own dismissal from Christ Church : "Rev^. Doctor, " Dr. Jenney was seized with a palsy which continued to his death, and laid the whole duty of the Parish [Christ Church] on me for more than five years. This I acquainted the Society with and also that my family was large and my support very small, and therefore requested to be removed to some Mission, or that they would increase my salary. This they were pleased to grant and added £20 a year to my former £30. " In this situation things were till the arrival of ^Ir. McClenanehan who was invdted to preach in our church and soon drew numbers after him and set the whole congregation on fire (one of the chief of his partizans was Mr. John Ross, a Member of the Hon'''® Society) and after some time he was dismissed the Church and went to preach at the State House, to a large number of people, „, and Mr. Ross at their head. In the meantime I Eloquence did what I could to keep the people together, and sometimes almost in danger of my life from an incensed Mob and a few artful Libertines. This I gave an account of to the Society in my letters from time to time, and also that I expected no favour from one or two powerful enemies. The chief of these facts Dr. Smith, if he should be called upon, would testify. At length Dr. Jenney died and I was elected one of the Ministers of the United Churches of which I acquainted you, and that the Vestry voted my Salary from the Hon.'''® Society as part of my living. All this time I preached twice every Sunday and read prayers and did all other duties of the parish, and on Wednesdays catechised the white children, and on every Friday the Negroes, and instructed both in the sense and purport of each part ; and for more than 17 years preached every Tuesday at the City Alms House, and once in three weeks during the Summer season went to a church in the country that has no Minister, and read prayers and preached and did baptize many. This has been my constant method from my first arrival to this day and lo! now I am discharged from the service of one of the most 51 ^i^:z77 01 SL Paul's episcopal C^arrti S^aetia » Oe WoHd. mmd mkat a aosf hmwd to hemr. for '.^Sy to tike me g w o es , «Ml hg tite taemms of erne wAo Tms heem "viaemt of £wiiimy omr ebmrA. He is mmd tms beem lom§ : I §k»ry fo Jhme him m smA tM God is pUmsed to - J ^an Mr. Jekm fio» of Ais City, who has heem 'vmaOt mms to St. PmmL -I izi 7 '. &e^ dergy. r : S^Biitli and some : I =a depaxtare ±r:— z'-^ ^ : ~ r le- thxtgie, apathr- ^ ^ ^ ^ — ^ .^^ of Ae Onndi : : _ . _"-.-:,::: ^ i. of England del :!>. l^leC: -i _. i widi liim at St _ " £ r i XlUBl its {dole - l_ .' IjS SCI iri. II preaeti^; Upo:! Mt : lining of Mr. 'Wliitefiel 7hia in 1763, SL Paol's opened wide its doon, as . : 7 kofTPver tte United Coiizr?r5"r: _:^- _ . _ ^:. €f Ca^itrtulD ^UcLC^tt at C^nsi C^ucc^ Peter "s, who. by their church wardens, signified that they were one and all desirous that Mr. "WTiitfield should be invited to speak in the churches. This request. Dr. Pie&dies t peters complied with after c-onsultation with Christ Clmrch, Dr. Duche, Mr. Sturgeon, the Governor and St, Peter's ^^jj^^ other friends of the church, "who were St. Paul's ^ unanimously of opmion. says Dr. Peters ™ in a letter to Archbishop Seeker, of Oeto- ber 17. that such action ''might not only prevent dissatisfaction & a further disunion among the mem- bers, who might when displeased go over to Mr. McClenachan, but might really confirm those that belong to us & perhaps get us an increase. "*- This decided gain in spiritual vision was in happy relief to the narrowness and rancor of the preceding years. The leaven of St. Paul's was accomplishing its purpose. A de- parture had been made. St. Paul's, turned aside from the formalism of Christ Church, for example, where a somewhat lifeless service was conducted and where sittings were less than half filled, secured popular and convincing preachers, with the result that it was crowded to the doors with those who flocked to hear the word of God and the story of the Cross told with earnestness and simplicity. Some shadows there were in the early years of the new *« A conflict appears in the swtements of Dr. Peter* and Mr. Neil The former savs, under date of October 17, 1763: "Mr. ^Vhitlield preached four times in one or the other ehurehes" [Christ Churv.'h. and St. Peter's]. The latter writes, on October IS. 17ft4: "but the salutary admonitions of His Grace the Archbishop to the Bector of Christ Churv'h and St. Peter's has prevented his preaching at this time in either of them. ■ ' It is possible that ' ' the salutary admonitions * ' were His Grace's reply to Dr. Peters' letter. ^ Parry's "Papers Belating to the History of the Church in Pennsylvania, lt>Sl^l77S. ' * pp. 363. 393.) itr. "^Vhitfield died at Xewburyport, Massachusetts, September 30^ 1770, aged fiftv-six vears. church. From October, 1777, to January, 1781, it had no regular minister; indeed, the Rev. William "White of Christ Church was the only Episcopal clergyman in Philadelphia. Nevertheless, the principles and policies, for which it had stood in the beginning, continued until after the pastorate of the Rev. Richard Newton, who was peculiarly successful in this regard, and St. Paul's reached its high-water mark of usefulness while he was rector. The Episcopal Church as an institution did not grow with the increase of population, as it should have done in this new country. After the Revolution the Church of England in America was, as an organization, considered Lack of Growth of ^^^^ According to Bishop Williams of Episcopal Church Connecticut, it was regarded as "a piece of heavy baggage which the British had left behind them, when they evacuated Philadelphia, New York and Boston," and John Marshall, afterwards Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, a churchman, thought the Church too far gone to be ever revived. Many churchmen reluctantly admit that, when peace was declared, the condition of the church was very discouraging, there being only about a hundred clergy in the land. It may seem strange that the church was not stronger, having been in the country over one hundred and seventy years. There were, however, four causes which accounted for this : first, the majority of the colonists were dissenters; second, there had been no bishops, and therefore no confirmations in the colonial church; third, because of the difficulty and danger attending ordination, many earnest young men entered the ministry of other religious bodies. A fourth reason as- signed was that there were so many drones in the Church. To these, two other contributory causes may be added : First, the attitude of condescension upon the part of many 54 Wita0on0 tot Eacfe of C5totot5 of ^WtC^ rectors towards a large portion of their congregations, an unsympathetic manner, based largely upon social position. The divine command was, ' ' Go into all the world, and preach Reasons for Lack *^^ Gospel to every creature, ' ' the cultivated of Growth of and uncultivated; whereas the church relied Church fQj. -^g strength upon the wealthy, the offi- cial and aristocratic classes. "Every creature," means the common people, the store keepers, farmers and mechanics. These were not taught to understand the church, its doctrines, discipline and worship, or did not have its mission presented to them in a way to bring them in large numbers within its fold. Second, high and low church factions in the Church, which pulled, and still pull from rather than towards unity of purpose and worship. No organization divided against itself succeeds. If these factions could compromise their dif- ferences, unite not divide, the Church would increase by leaps and bounds. They should also resolve that, in future, no rivalry in works of charity shall exist. That, ordinarily, this is a part of Church work and should be administered by the Church without waste of money or labor and not by out- side organizations. Then too, strong representative clergy- men of the various dioceses have time after time been ignored as unavailable material for bishops. The ecclesiastical ad- ministration of those selected under such conditions, unsup- ported by a strongly united church, has, necessarily, been a series of compromises which pleases none, and accomplishes little for the future well-being of the Church. Its policy and management from the standpoint of organization alone has always been hesitating and weak. The result therefore is, that this great historic church, with its splendid opportunity in America, has failed to propagate the faith "delivered to the Saints," and has Church ^ ^^^° failed to bring the Gospel overwhelm- ingly to the masses, as was its mission. In 56 ^ifitoti^ of &t paur^ (Episcopal Cj^utcj^ 1784, by the refusal of Lowth, Bishop of London, to ordain a few ministers for the missionary movement in the Church of England, under Rev. John Wesley, conducted in America by the Revs. Thomas Coke and Francis Asbury, it lost at least one hundred thousand members, its real bone and sinew, who formed the Methodist Episcopal Church, at a time the Church of England in America could ill afford to lose them. After the organization of the Methodist Church a con- ference was proposed by Bishop Coke to Bishops Seabury, White and Madison, on the hypothesis of a possible union of the two churches which included ordination of its ministers under proper mutual stipulation,*'* White replied, and Bishop Madison was in favor of it, but he was unable to con- vince White and Seabury. Thus the church lost the oppor- tunity of the century through the incapacity of the old bishops to comprehend new conditions. They had failed to profit by the former blunders of the Bishops of the Mother Church, by which the Church of England had lost respectively the Puritan, the Presbyterian, and the Quaker through their unbending strictness. Each one of these religious revivals constituted a new Church opposed to the establishment in America, but the experience of the past meant nothing to the bishops. In our time this folly has been repeated by the Church of England regarding the Salvation Army. It de- clined to help or recognize that organization until it had be- come so large that it was too late. Conservatism is right, but ultra conservatism, the failure to understand great opportunities and grasp them, does not tend to strengthen, build up or even maintain a church or- ganization, as a principle, it can be carried to the point of frit- tering away what ought to be natural growth and strength. Statistics show the result of this want of .policy : 49 Beardsley 's ' ' Life of Seabury, ' ' p. 401. 56 In 1906 in the United States, the Methodist Church had 17%o per cent., or six times the membership of the Episcopal Church : The Roman Catholic had 36yio per cent. e igious ^^^ Presbyterian 5%o per cent.- The Lutheran 6^10 per cent. The Disciples 3%o per cent. The Reformed lYio per cent. The Congregational 2yio per cent. The Episcopalian 2%o per cent. All others 6%o per cent. The Episcopal Church is almost at the end of the list. The American Church is small and her life meagre. Why did the church not spread ? It was planted at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 and Virginia and Maryland was her stronghold. Massa- chusetts and Connecticut had the Congregationalists and Pres- byterians, Rhode Island the Baptists, while the Pennsylvania Colonists were principally Quakers.^'' These figures just quoted are significant. With them before it, ought not the Episcopal Church of America ask, whether its policies and administration have been and are not now wrong somewhere ? If so, be it men or measures, it is not time to find a remedy and make speedy application thereof? In the long run numbers not only count, but they spell progress and success. Much depends on the bishop ; he should not only be a Churchman of broad views, possessed of great knowledge, but have a commanding presence and real execu- tive ability, and, as Dr. McConnell says, ''have sustained en- thusiasm, the faculty of managing men, a genius for organi- zation, able to build up and develop his church as a mighty 50 Anderson 's "Hist, of the English Church in the Colonies," vol. 1, p. 9'9. McConnell's "Hist, of the American Episcopal Church," pp. 11, 12, 13. 57 ecclesiastical empire," along the lines of belief his church maintains and represents. It is a mere commonplace to say that our ancestors who at- tended St. Paul's led, as a rule, plain, simple and unpreten- tious lives. Family worship took place regularly each day before breakfast and just before retiring at night. Their religious life was extended throughout the week, and not con- _ ,. . ,., , fined to the services in the church on Sun- Religious Life of St. Paul's day. They were moral in their conduct. Parishioners Justice to them presented no difficulties. A man or a woman either had, or had not, broken the law, whether mala in se or mala prohibita only. If they had, they should be punished severely. Temptation, hardship, or ex- tenuating circumstances they regarded as mere excuses of the weak and criminal not worthy of consideration. Before each meal grace was reverently said, and if omitted, the rector of St. Paul's would likely hear of it because it was apt to cause remark, if not scandal. Business honor, honesty and sobriety were high. A man paid his debts, if he failed to do so he could be imprisoned until as late as 1842, and he lost caste and position. All of his property was liable for his debts, as no exemption of $300 existed until 1849. Philadelphia in 1770 had less population than Chester, Pennsylvania, has to-day. Every one knew everyone else and their business and resources, and most people were frugal and industrious and lived within their means without trying to outshine their neighbors and friends. The father and mother of the family were not only honored and respected by Respect to Parents their children, but they obeyed them implic- not Empty itly. The commandment * ' Honor thy Father ormu a ^^^ ^^^ Mother, that thy days maj^ be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee," was un- derstood not as an empty formula but to mean what it said. 58 HXt^ptct to ^aunt0 The father came home about noon for his dinner which, as a rule, cooked by his wife, was good and wholesome, although the statute books at that period were without any pure food legislation. Sunday was observed strictly and no unnecessary work per- mitted. The parlor windows were kept bowed, which ex- cluded the sunlight and fresh air from its inmates and the horse-hair furniture, and created what was then considered the proper religious atmosphere. This however was but the strictness of sober custom, un- regulated by law as in early Massachusetts, when it was for- bidden to run or walk on the Sabbath day except reverently to meeting, to sweep the house, to cook, or for a man to shave, or for a woman under penalty of imprisonment to wear cloth- ing beyond her station in life.^^ The mid-day meal was cooked on Saturday. Whether it consisted of chicken, beef, veal, mutton, lamb, ham, quail, wild duck or pheasants, it was served cold after returning „. ,. .^ from church. The only deviation was pota- Simphcity "^ ^ of toes, or perhaps peas or lima beans in season, Home-life which were all boiled together in one large iron pot with three short legs, hanging upon the crane in the large open fireplace over blazing oak or hickory logs. The potatoes were put in the pot first, then the beans and peas in separate cotton bags securely tied, so as to keep them sep- arate. If a guest were expected, an extra potato or so was added, and, in the language of the day, his or her name "was in the pot." To the younger members of the family, by reason of its strict observance, Sunday was a day of unusual gloom. They 51 General Laws of Mass., 1640, printed at Cambridge, 1660, pp. 3, 6, 9-26. The same, revised by Samuel Green, Cambridge, 1672. Laws of Connecticut, Hartford, 1672, pp. 21, 28, 37. JSTeals and Hutchinson's "Digests of Ordinances of New England." 69 ^i0toti9 ot &t paur-sf (Episcopal Cj^urcj^ repeated a portion of the Catechism, or of a chapter of the Bible before breakfast and some more of it before supper and all of it before going to bed. In point of fact they were instructed as Moses taught the children of Israel to regard the commandments ''when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way and when thou liest down and when thou risest up." Scripture was applied literally in those days. Saturday night they were asked if they knew their Sunday School lessons. They were also expected to take a bath, get out their best clothes, and blacken their shoes so as to be ready for Sunday. The bath was taken in a wash tub and the water came from the pump. Bathrooms did not commence to appear in Philadelphia houses until about 1840. Sunday School commenced at nine o'clock Observance of and lasted until 10:15. At 10:30 they at- Sunday tended church service which lasted until 12:30 o'clock, at least. Then home to dinner and just before dessert appeared, which they disliked particularly to be de- prived of, they were hurried back to Sunday School for the afternoon session at two o'clock which lasted until church service began. During Doctor Richard Newton's rectorship, Sunday School was omitted on the third Sunday of each month, which was the occasion of the children's sermon, for which he was so famous, and which was part of the regular service of the Church. The elder members of the family frequently attended serv- ice in the evening. If it so happened that there was no service at St. Paul's, or if some minister was to preach whom they did not care to hear, it being not unusual at that time for rectors to exchange pulpits, they attended the service of the First Presbyterian Church to hear Rev. Doctor Albert Barnes, or the Reverend George Cookman of the Methodist Church, or the Reverend John Chambers of the Presbyterian 60 jSDbsfetbancf ot Sundan Church, or other great pulpit orators of the time, while the children, worn out with the religious observance of the day, went gladly to bed. Sunday was the great day of the week. To a considerable extent the church was the social center. Strict churchmen were not wont to attend the theatre. The times and system _ , , . of religion were strict, but it produced a God-feanng ^ Men and strong, rugged, honest, capable, God-fearing Women p^^g ^f jj^gji and women, who thought that plain living and high thinking were more important than money; that mere social position, prestige and pleasure was not worth the sacrifice of the solid and substantial things of life. It was quite customary for the principal families of the congregation to own their pews. Philadelphians regarded it as not quite respectable to occupy a rented house or a rented pew; hence those who could afford it owned Ownership ^^^ houses in which they lived and the pews of Pews they occupied in church. Originally the latter were bought outright and insured the owner per- manence of location as well as the right of burial in the Church. Each owner had his name on a silver plate on the pew door and paid an annual pew rent smaller in amount than those who rented. Subject to the approval of the vestry the owner could rent or sell. On March 3, 1835, Richard Rowley sold his pew, numbered fifteen in the middle aisle, to William Cummings, grandfather of the writer, for one hundred and eighty dollars. In England each parish church had certain pews which be- longed to the various nobility and landed gentry by grant from the ordinary or church wardens, or by prescription, and which, always reserved for their use, passed under the law to the heir with the land as appurtenant to the dwelling house. 61 Deed for William Cummings Family Pew, 1835. ####««##«###«##«^#######y«^.M'###.#«######«««««#'# I ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. 53 ^ii$i ^ul Fulrymai of St. f aufcCkurcA, , imOuatfof Pkaadtlphia,tkt $im 0/^^^ a1c^»l0^<^^^ ^x^ner$hip to — tkt Pew imm*«Te(!^'^^i:«-«<^ in the taid Church, tultjeet to ihi termt and eonditioru 0/ $ah, and la the by-lawi 0/ the $aid corpora- tion, made and to be made pur$utnt to their charter. Trane/erabh with tht eon- tent 0/ the Teilry only. WmVeSS the nal of tht eorperalion at Fkiladtlphia, thiiyi^itt^^f daf oftS^^t'»**<-^'*^t, • JtKM Ihnmxx oat thovMtnd eight kandrtd and 2 ^ "■ F^ CD oj a) -^ o 03 HH fi ,2 02 "rc) m "^ S ^ 7" Q 2 -a !2; ns ^ 5^ ^ 3 > ^ © o lAAAE/vOrA MEMETfl N E W -r R K: PRINTED AND SOLD BY "WILLIAM DUREX.L, AT. HIS BOOK-STORE AND PRINTING-OFFICE NO. 19, aUEEN-STREET. MjDCC,XCin. Facsimile of Title Page of Sermon, 1786. 121 heavenward by this agency, his spiritual ears had heard the echoes of the hymns of praise that would resound through its halls in the coming years, and by faith he furthered with his strength the effort to begin at this church, the first Episcopal Sunday-school in Philadelphia, indeed, in this land.^ Possessed of a sympathetic soul and much experience as a traveller, he was the instrument of helpfulness to many of his countrymen in Philadelphia, in consideration of which the Society of the Sons of St. George elected him an honorary 8 Robert Eaikes [1735-1811] a publisher and philanthropist, intro- duced the first Sunday-school in England at Gloucester in 1780, thirty- six years before, but Dr. Julius F. Sachse in his learned history "The Grerman Sectaries of Pennsylvania" [1900], page 308, states that " the mystics of Cocalico by Brother Obed at Ephrata in Pennsylvania intro- duced the Sabbath school system forty years before Raikes gathered the children together in Gloucester,England. The honor of introducing Sunday- schools in Philadelphia belongs to the Second Presbyterian Congregation, Northwest corner Third and Arch Streets, Philadelphia, through John P. Bankson, afterwards of St. Paul 's, and to Grand Master Samuel F. Brad- ford of the masonic fraternity who was also a member of that congrega- tion, as shown by the following minute of the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl- vania, vol. iii, p. 377, under date of March 20, 1815, viz.: The R. W. Grand Master having made an Address on the Importance of the estab- lishment of a School for Teaching unlearned Adults to read the Holy Scriptures, It was On Motion made and Seconded, Resolved, That the Grand Officers, Samuel F. Bradford, R. W. Grand Master; Walter Kerr, R. "W. Deputy Grand Master; Bayse Newcomb, Jr., Senior Grand Warden; Joseph Barnes, R. W. Junior Grand War- den; George A. Baker, E. W. Grand Secretary; Richard Bache, R. W. Grand Treasurer, and Four other Members of this Grand Lodge, to be appointed by the Grand Master, be a Committee to establish in any Apartment or Apartments of the Building [Chestnut St. Hall], Except- ing the Grand Lodge room, a Sunday- School for the teaching unlearned Adults to read the Holy Scripture without Note or commentary, the Funds, if any should be found necessary, to be raised by Voluntary sub- scriptions among the Fraternity or other Benevolently disposed persons, and that said Committee immediately take the necessary steps to carry this resolution into effect. The R. W. Grand Master was pleased to Appoint the following 'Brethren to compose, in conjunction with the Grand Officers, the above mentioned Committee, to wit: Andrew M. Prevost, Peter A. Browne, Samuel Lippinoott, T. and Thomas Entrikin. 122 1810. THE CATHEDRA. 1916. Witctot^^ip ot 2DC, piltttote member, April 23, 1791. A tribute to his memory was deliv- ered before the Society at Head's Mansion House Hotel, April 24, 1826, which in part described him as: ''A man of vigorous and active intellect, . . . and one of the most zealous advocates of the doctrines and discipline of the Protestant Episcopal Church. Being a native of England, he uniformly maintained and cherished an ardent attachment to its gov- ernment, laws, and established religion; and was ever ready to assist his countrymen when involved in difficulties, both with his counsel and purse. . . . Though married, yet having no children, his domestic expenses were small, and he was thereby, through the exercise of temperance and frugality, 'that he might give to him who needed,' enabled to accumulate a very handsome independence, with a consider- able portion of which he has generously endowed our chari- table institution." In this connection it should be said that the good doctor's will provided for the payment of certain specified legacies, and that the residue of his estate should be divided into two parts, one half towards the support of the Protestant Epis- copal Church in the State of Pennsylvania, to be paid to the Treasurer for the time being. The other half to the Society of the Sons of St. George, established in Philadelphia for the advice and assistance of Englishmen in distress. Richard North and John Matthews, Esqrs., vestrymen of St. Paul's, were made executors. Testator and executors are buried at St. Paul's, the former within the church. The University of Pennsylvania conferred upon him the degree of D.D. in 1807. He published The Renovation of Man. Being the Substance of a Sermon Delivered in St. Paul's Church (Philadelphia, 1792) ; "Narrative of Labors in South Wales " (Philadelphia, 1825), and left in manuscript, 123 ^i^totjf ot &t pauPiEf (Episcopal Cluttl an account of his ''Travels and Trials and Preaching" in vari- ous American Colonies. He is said to have been twice married and to have had one child, a daughter, who died in her minority. About 1790, in Philadelphia, he married Mary (Benezet) Wood, widow of Joseph "Wood, formerly of Georgia, and daughter of Daniel Benezet, Esq., by his wife Elizabeth North. Mrs. Pilmore was baptized at Christ Church, April 20, 1756, and died at her country-seat in Oxford township on Friday, July 1, ] 808." She was buried in Christ Church ground. Dr. Pilmore resigned the rectorate of St. Paul's in 1821, when the shadows began to lengthen quickly. He died in the eighty-sixth year of his age, July 24, 1825, honored and loved by all to whom he was known. His obituary, in the Phila- delphia press, said in conclusion: "His labors were blessed to the conversion of many. He preached the Gospel faithfully, and labored zealously for the conversion of his fellow sinners; very many of whom look to him as their spiritual father. He has gone to that Master whom he remembered when almost every earthly friend was forgotten, and we doubt not has entered into that rest which remaineth for the people of God."" 10 Small 's ' ' Genealogical Eecords, ' ' Small, Albright, Latimer, Benezet, etc., p. 211. ^'i^ Paulson's Daily Advertiser, July 30, 1825. 124 1821-1829. EECTORSHIP OF THE EEV. BENJAMIN ALLEN 1821-1829 ^I^M^^^ Keverend Benjamin Allen, Jr., rector from y ^ I August 27, 1821, to January, 1829, born at A I Hudson, New York, September 29, 1789, whither ^^^^f his parents had but lately removed from Ehode Island, died at sea, January 13, 1829. At eleven years of age he left school and entered his father's store as a clerk. Subsequently, while pursuing his studies he had charge of the store connected with the Rensselaer glass fac- tory, in Berlin, Rensselaer County, near Albany. He entered the Hudson Academy under Ashbel Strong, and also studied under the Reverend Samuel Blatchford, D.D. Originally a Presbyterian, he became a churchman through Bishop Richard Channing Moore, of Virginia, who licensed him as a lay reader to Prince William and Stafford Counties, Virginia, November 25, 1814. Of his visit to the saintly Reverend William Meade at Milwood, Frederick, now Clarke County, Virginia, and his resulting labors in Virginia and elsewhere. Bishop Meade has given a pen picture^ well worthy of reproduction : " On Christmas eve, in the year 1814, a little after dark, there en- tered into my house a gentleman who introduced himself to me as 1 Meade 's * * Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia, ' ' vol. ii, pp. 304 et seq. 125 m^tot^ ot fet laaurs! (Episcopal CJurcl Mr. Allen, from New York, with letters of introduction from Bishop Moore and Dr. Wilmer, certifying that he was a candidate for Or- ders, and wished employment as a lay-reader. Although the roads were in their worst condition, much rain having fallen, he had in two short days walked from Alexandria to my house, about sixty miles. Carrying him with me to the Old Chapel [the Bishop's parish church] the next day, we met with Mr. Beverley Whiting and his sister Miss Betsy, from Jefferson county, who had, as they and others near them afterward did, come about fifteen miles to church through bad roads. Into their hands I consigned Mr. Allen, on a horse which I had lent him. In just two weeks he returned in high spirits. He had itin- erated through the whole of Jefferson and Berkeley Counties, found out all the principal families who were still attached to Church, es- tablished at least twelve places for service, and received a kind invi- tation from Mr. Whiting and his sister to bring his little family to their house and make it a home for the present. To Alexandria he immediately returned, where his wife and infant were, and without delay, in a spell of bitter cold weather in the month of January, brought them up in a road-waggon of Mr. Whiting's, on its return from Alexandria, to which it had carried a load of flour. Mr. Whit- ing's was his home for a considerable time, — for years indeed; and even after a parsonage was provided his visits to that abode of hos- pitality were frequent and long. From this time until the year 1821 with feeble health, the pressure of debt upon him, and a growing fam- ily, he perhaps rode as great a distance, preached as often, studied his Bible as much, and prepared as many things for the press as any man of his day. No one had a better opportunity than myself of knowing this, for I had often to go the rounds with him, doing more duty from necessity than I ever did before or have done since. Sleeping in the room with him, often have I seen him watch the morning light with his little Bible, and reading it when others were sleeping. I have travelled with him, and seen that Bible, or some other book, in his hand on horseback, and during any little spare time in private hours busy with his pen in preparing something for the press. While thus itinerating in these counties and also in the adjoining county in IMaryland, he was conducting a little paper called the ' Layman's Magazine,' and actually abridged and published the History of the Reformation, by Burnet, in a small volume, and compiled a history of the whole Church in two octavo volumes. All this he did while, like an honest man, he was paying his debts out of a small salary and the scanty profits of these publications, if indeed 126 nectot&^ip ot meb. JBtninmin SLllm there were any. For nine years he thus labored, contracting his sphere, though not his diligence, by the introduction of one or two ministers into some of the numerous places he had taken in charge, when he was called to St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, being the next choice to Bishop Mcllvaine. His labours in such a congrega- tion and city were of course not diminished. He again issued a re- ligious magazine, and engaged in every plan for promoting Sunday- schools, infant schools, Bible classes, missionary societies, and all such things, being especially interested in Bishop Chase's College in Ohio. His house was the Bishop's home. The increase of Episcopal churches in Philadelphia soon attracted his mind. At a time when a narrow and selfish policy kept ministers and vestries in a state of fear and trembling whenever a new church was talked of, lest its establishment might somewhat interfere with their monopoly, his large soul, disdaining all petty considerations, determined on at least one other church, under the patronage of St, Paul's. Mr. Bedell was about leaving North Carolina, and wished some situation in the North. Mr. Allen, learning this, immediately determined to secure him for Philadelphia, and proposed it to a few friends. Alarmed at the thought of so great a work, they shrunk back from it; but Mr. Allen persevered and succeeded, and St. Andrew's church was the result. While Mr. Bedell was collecting the congregation and the house was rising up, Mr. Allen insisted that he should use St. Paul's during part of each Sabbath. Some of his people and friends were alarmed, and predicted that the popularity of Bedell would ruin Mr. Allen's prospects and diminish, if not destroy, St. Paul's Congregation. But nothing of this kind moved such a man. His reply was, 'Let me decrease, so the Church increases.' By God's blessing on such a Christian course, both increased, though Mr Allen's pulpit talents were only of the moderate order. At length, under the pressure of mental and bodily labour, his health so failed that a voyage to Europe was resorted to. But it was only used by him on his way to England, in England, and on his return, as an occasion for greater efforts in his Master's cause and for the souls of men. Providence found work for him in a foreign land, and gave him favour with the most zealous of the Christian philanthropists in England. It may be safely affirmed that, within the same short period, no minister from this country had ever attracted more at- tention, and had, and zealously used, more opportunities of promot- ing the welfare of all religious and benevolent societies, than Mr. Allen.. Even the Society of Quakers felt the influence of his zeal in 127 behalf of Sunday-Schools and to this day [1878] speak of him as 'that wonderful man.' After these dying labours, which were like the last notes of the swan, he returned toward America in a vessel which, by contrary winds, was detained nearly one hundred days on the great deep, the crew suffering for provisions. Mr Allen's grave was the great deep, as though no narrow sepuleher was fit for one of so large a soul." In Virginia, he had settled at Charlestown, Jefferson County, and Shepherdstown, Berkeley County, and had charge of seven churches. In 1816, while yet a deacon, he was president of the Benevolent Society of the Parish of St. Andrews. He was made a priest in 1818, and became rector of St. Paul's, in Philadelphia, in 1821, the latter fact being announced by Richard North, John Pechin, John Claxton and Richard Johnson of the vestry. To Mr. Allen, Philadelphia meant opportunity to spread the cause of Christ in the schools, church and secular, by word of mouth and stroke of pen, and by the multiplying of churches. As soon as he was "comfortably settled in a house at the corner of Fourth and Pine Streets," his work began: "bible classes, lectures, prayer meetings and three services on Sundays." "Lectures on Sunday, Tuesday and Friday evenings; with pastoral visits on Wednesday and Thursday evenings, that is, meet a few neighbors assembled in a private house in any part of the parish for religious conversation and prayer, and on Mondays I wait in my study for the calls of the young people and others."^ He endeavored to break down the middle wall of partition between the different portions of the church. By his con- ciliatory manner he so far succeeded that the brethren were able to act more in unison in the promotion of the common 2 Letter to his brother, the Rev. Thomas G. Allen, who later devoted over thirty years of his life to the self denying labors of mlssTonary to Philadelphia's destitute poor. 128 Witctot&^ip ot leifij. 75tniamin mUn cause. For sometime they assembled once a week in each other's houses. On these occasions they listened to an essay on some branch of church work. His Sunday Schools numbered six hundred scholars, with four to five hundred regular attendants, and required to be visited every Sunday by himself. The missionary cause was a foremost object with Mr. Allen, who was one of the most efficient members of the execu- tive committee of the Protestant Episcopal Society for Domestic and Foreign Missions. A contemplated mission to Africa especially excited his attention. On May 15, 1822, he asked the Reverend Gregory T. Bedell, D.D., to preach at St. Paul's, After the service he induced a few of his friends to sign a call to Mr, Bedell, for one year at a salary of twelve hundred dollars. ' Shortly after, another meeting was held, and a new church authorized. This was the origin of St. Andrew's Church, Eighth Street above Spruce Street. The Philadelphia Recorder, in announcing the consecration of St. Andrew's, said editorially: ''The rapidity with which this structure has been carried up, is remarkable. The corner-stone was laid in September last. Nine months ago, the stone which forms part of the fabric, was unquarried — the bricks were unburnt— the wool, out of which the lining of the pews has been made, was on the back of the sheep. ' ' He was, on January 17, 1824, appointed by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Philadelphia, a director of the public schools, for the education of children at public expense, for the first section of the first school district of the State of Pennsylvania, and he served most acceptably in this position for the years 1825, 1826 and 1827. In the spring of 1825 he delivered lectures on Scripture History and Astronomy, which he illustrated with a magic lantern, in the Lombard Street Public School; each child was eager with 10 129 delight to be first to give a correct answer to his questions. The children committed to memory, and recited many por- tions of Scripture, illustrative of the different views pre- sented to them. In acknowledgment of his work for Sunday Schools he received the following graceful testimony from his teachers thereof : "Philadelphia, May 31st, 1825 " The Rev. B. Allen — "Dear Sir: The teachers of St. Paul's Sunday-Schools, as an evi- dence of their personal regard for you, and also of the high estima- tion in which they hold your services in the cause of Sunday-schools, have caused the necessary sum to be paid the Treasurer of the Amer- ican Sunday-School Union for the purpose of constituting you a life member of that valuable Institution. Allow me. Sir, to add, it is with a feeling of no ordinary gratification, that I have undertaken the pleasing duty of announcing to you this fact; and in the name and behalf of the Societies, accept Sir, the assurance of our warm at- tachment and personal regard. " In behalf of the Sunday-school Teachers, of St. Paul's Church." " John rARR,^ On March 10, 1826, Thomas Kittera, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge, F. & A. M. of Pennsylvania, held an Extra 3 John Farr was a native of London and a chemist of great ability, in fact the chemist of the great firm of Powers and Weightman of which he was a partner. He died March 2nd, 1847, at the age of forty years, leav- ing an estate of over one hundred thousand dollars. Letters of Adminis- tration upon his estate were granted by the Kegister of Wills of Philadel- phia County March 8th, 1847 to his widow, Mary J. Farr, and his friend Samuel N. Davies, No. 151 North 6th Street. Security being first entered for them in two hundred thousand dollars by Cornelius Stevenson, then City Treasurer of Philadelphia and A. Kunzi of Spring Mills, Mont- gomery County, Pennsylvania. Stevenson and Davies were both members of St. Paul's. John Farr was a Warden and one of the four bible school teachers of St. Paul's. He married Miss Mary J. McCullough, by whom he had eight daughters and four sons. His sister-in-law, called affec- tionately Aunt Sarah McCullough, taught with success in the Sunday- School for many years. 130 B,tttot&^ip ot Witb. 15tniamin SilUn Communication, and announced that the Grand Lodge was called "by virtue of his prerogative, for the purpose of enter- ing, passing and raising the Reverend Benjamin Allen, rector of St. Paul's Church of this city, to the Sublime degree of a Master Mason," which is regarded as a distinguished honor.* He was subsequently appointed Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge. On December 27, 1827, he delivered an oration before Phoenix Lodge of Chester County, Pennsylvania, on the "Great Light of Freemasonry." Some idea of the growth of Philadelphia since 1827, may be gathered from some of the facts set forth in Mr. Allen's letter of November, 1827, to his brother, the Reverend Thomas Allen,° which suggests that he come and help him at St. Paul's, and states that "the western part of Philadelphia is rapidly settling. Broad Street is building up, so are other streets west. A church will very soon be needed there. No one now exists in all the west beyond Broad. There might you officiate Sun- day mornings. Sunday nights it would' be necessary that you preach in St. Paul's."^ That the prayer-book might be sold cheaply and religious books put into easy circulation, Mr. Allen opened a book store called the Church Missionary House, at No. 92 South 4 Minutes of the Grand Lodge, vol. iv, p. 39. 5 His grandson, Allen Childs, who died in January, 1917, was many years vestryman and warden of Christ Church, manager of the American Sunday School Union, and overseer of the Philadelphia Divinity School, He was buried at St. David's, Eadnor, of which his father, Rev. John A. Childs, D.D., was long the rector. 6 "Memoir | of the | Eev. Benjamin Allen, | late rector of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. By his brother, | the Rev, Thomas G. Allen. | To which is added | The Funeral Sermon delivered in St. Paul 's Church, for the improvement of the death of Mr. Allen, by | The Rev. Gregory T. Bedell, DD. | Also, the History of the | Bible Classes of St. Paul's Church I which was written by Mr. Allen in England, and there published since, his death, | for the benefit of his Family. ' ' Philadelphia, Latimer & Co., No. 13 South Fourth Street, 1832. 131 ^mot^ of fbt paur^ (EpfjScopal CSurcS Third Street, in December, 1827. His object was to bring down the price of the prayer-book and place it within the reach of all the members of the church. He also designed to publish the Homilies and other books, and the profits of the establishment were to be devoted to the support of missions in the suburbs of Philadelphia. His first agent in the Mis- sionary House was a clergyman, who also was to act as one of the missionaries, and he agreed to give him, for his entire services, six hundred dollars per annum. The following extract is from the advertisement of the ''Church Missionary House, No. 92 South Third Street, opposite St. Paul's Church." With a number of Mr. Allen's publications is listed for sale: ''Doddridge's Rise and Prog- ress; Henry Milner; Scott's Force of Truth; The Publica- tions of the American Sunday-school Union, and the Ameri- can Tract Society, together with a great variety of other books and tracts. The rule of this establishment will be, that no credit will be allowed to any one. Its object being to supply the Church with the Prayer-Book at the lowest rate, and also with the Homilies, makes this a necessary rule. Every farthing of the profits of this establishment will be sacred to the cause of Christ, devoted to the spread of the Gospel. As the greater part of the profits, it is probable, will aid missionaries, the name of the establishment is appro- priate." His publications, prompted by either purely literary, patriotic, or religious zeal were: "Miscellaneous Poems on Moral and Religious Subjects," by Osander (New York, 1811) ; "United We Stand, Divided We Fall," by Juba (New York, 1812); "Columbia's Naval Triumphs" (New York, 1813) ; "Urania, or the True Use of Poesy," by B. Allen, Jr. (Philadelphia, 1814) ; "The Phoenix, or the Battle of Valpa- raiso," by B. Allen, Jr. (New York, 1814) ; "The Death of 132 Witctot0UV of 10teb. TBenisimin alien Abdallah," an Eastern tale, founded on the story of Abdallah and Sabat in Buchanan's Christian Researches (New York, 1814) ; "The Palace of the Comet," a poem. He edited the Layman's Magazine at Martinsburg, Va., in 1815. In Phila- delphia, between 1822 and 1828, he published: ** Jesus Christ and Him Crucified," a volume of sermons; "Living Manners, or the True Secret of Happiness"; an "Abridgment of Burnet's History of the Reformation"; "History of the Church of Christ"; "A Narrative of the Labors, Sufferings and Final Triumphs of the Rev, William Eldred, late a Mis- sionary of the Society for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania"; "General Stevens, or the Fancy Ball," being the third part of "Living Manners"; "The Church in the Fires of Persecution, or a History of the Sufferings of the Church from the Days of our Saviour," an abridgment of the work of the Rev. George Croley, A.M.H.R.L.S., on the Apocalypse; The Christian Warrior, a weekly magazine, which had but a short life.'^ He also abridged the work of the Rev. Edward Irving, minister of the Caledonian Church, London, on the prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse. Tall and slender, but muscular, with a frank open counte- nance, calm and dignified, his restless spirit would at times assert itself. Indefatigable in pulpit and press, it is related of him that he could do more work in one day than most per- sons in a week. Nature however rebelled. In 1828, his health, never robust, failed, and a European voyage was arranged with a view to its restoration. Leaving his family in Philadelphia — he had married at Hudson, New York, August 6, 1812, Harriet, daughter of John Swift of that place — he departed for England, where, as told by Bishop Meade, he still found work for the Master. All that solicitude, grati- tude and affection could suggest was done by his people to 7 Scharf and Wescott 's ' ' History of Philadelphia, ' ' vol. ii, pp. 1143-4. 133 l^igftorg ot fe)t. ^mV0 episcopal C5urc| assuage the bitterness of separation, and, attended by the vestry and a large concourse of friends which included mem- bers of his Bible Class and many of the city clergy, he sailed down the Delaware to reembark at New Castle on the ship "Montezuma" for Liverpool, in March, 1828. Returning homeward on the brig "Edward," Captain Benjamin F. Libby, from Liverpool, he died on the voyage, January 13, 1829, and was buried at sea the next day at high noon. On the flooring of St. Paul's Church, a stone is placed and marked : " Sacred to the memory of the Reverend Benjamin Allen, Rector of this Church seven years and four months, who departed this life on the Thirteenth of January, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty-nine on his passage from Liverpool, England, To Philadelphia, where he had Gone for the restoration of his health, aged Thirty-nine years, three months and fifteen days. By direction of the Vestry." 134 RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S, 1829-1833. ..' ..^ THE RECTORSHIP QF DR. TYNG 1829-1833 ^^M^HE Reverend Stephen Higginson Tyng, D.D., / *j| rector from May 4, 1829, to October, 1833, son of M I I Dudley Atkins Tyng, by his wife Sarah Hig- ^^^^^ ginson, was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, March 1, 1800, and died at Irvington-on-Hudson, New York, September 4, 1885. Educated at Phillips Andover Academy, Massachusetts, he was graduated with honors from Harvard College in 1817 and studied theology under Bishop Griswold in Bristol, Rhode Island. His first parish was St. George's, Georgetown, District of Columbia, and the next. Queen Anne parish, Prince George County, Maryland. While there he was elected rector of St. Paul's, Philadelphia, May 4, 1829. Of this event. Dr. Tyng, speaking many years afterwards, and on the sorrowful occasion of the death of his eldest and brilliant son, the Rev. Dudley Atkins Tyng, said: **It pleased God to remove us all to Philadelphia, to St. Paul's Church, a church in which we had not a single acquaintance. There we found many friends, whose love is undying, and whose kindness to me and mine while we were yet but strangers in the land has been of incalculable, everlasting worth. ' ' At this period, St. Paul's, only sixty-nine years old, was one of the most important and influential Episcopal Churches 135 ^i^tot^ of &t ^anV0 (Episcopal C^wwS in Philadelphia. Being an active and progressive congre- gation, it decided to destroy the simple colonial architecture of the church by so-called modern improvements. Previous to this the Sunday-schools met at private houses. Now, being determined to accommodate them in the church, quarters were obtained by remodeling and destroying the beautiful interior. High steps were placed in front of the church and the floor raised midway, so that the Sunday-school could be accommodated on the first floor. The old high back pews were taken out and low pews substituted. Two angels, of life size in wood, by Rush, which stood on each side of the old organ, as well as the sounding board, were taken down, and St. Peter's, which ever seems to have had a desire to pre- serve the classic and artistic beauty of the architecture of that period, asked for them as well as other furnishings, which are still used to embellish that church to-day. It is enough to say that much of the beauty and simplicity of St. Paul's was destroyed by these changes. While Christ Church made similar alterations with its pews, it has since taken them out and re-installed the colonial pews, although not of the original height. Gothic, now a word of praise, was the term of reproach Sir Christopher Wren applied to all mediae- val architecture. In viewing St. Paul's to-day we understand what Englishmen meant when they, too, said regretfully — "The Goths and Vandals of our Isle, Sworn foes to sense and law, Have burnt to dust a nobler pile. Than Romans ever saw." Following the re-modelling, both internally and externally, the church was consecrated by the venerable Bishop White on New Year's Day, 1831. The sermon, preached by the rector, embracing a historical review of the parish as well as the 136 lBlectot0|ip ot 2Dt. ^^m practical application of the text, was well received^ and printed by the Vestry. Shortly after Dr. Tyng became rector, on the eleventh of June, 1830, the City Guards of Boston visited Philadelphia. They arrived in Kensington and were received by an escort of infantry under command of Colonel James Page. March- ing to Second and Arch Streets, with companies of the First Division, under Brigadier-Generals Robert Patterson and John D. Goodwin, all under the command of Major-General Thomas Cadwalader, they camped at Broad and Market Streets on the site of the present City Hall, and were enter- tained by General Cadwalader at his residence, Arch Street below Ninth Street. The next day being Sunday, the guards attended services at St. Paul's Church, accompanied by their band. Dr. Tyng had formerly been a member of the company, and he preached to his old comrades from Proverbs, 23d chapter, 15th verse, *'My Son, if thine heart be wise, my heart shall rejoice, even mine. ' ' Distinguished for oratory in the pulpit and for able and efficient temperance and patriotic addresses, he also had the pen of the ready writer and published numerous volumes of interest and value. After leaving St. Paul's he became rector of the Church of the Epiphany,^ in Philadelphia (now 1 Whereas, the publication of the sermon which was preached by the Eev. Mr. Tyng, rector of the Church, at the Consecration of the Church on the first instant is calculated in the opinion of the Vestry to promote true religion, and to increase the peace and harmony of the Episcopal Church amongst us, and contains certain information exceedingly in- teresting to the members of our congregation: therefore Resolved, that Richard Eenshaw, Esq., John W. Odenheimer and Na- thaniel Holland be appointed a committee to wait on our Eector, and to request him to furnish them with a copy of the said Sermon for the above purpose. J. D. George, Secretary. 2 Dudley Atkins Tyng, 1825-1858, eldest son of Dr. Tyng, was, in 1854, called by the Church of the Epiphany to fill the pulpit his distinguished father had so adorned. 137 ^i0tot^ of &t pauI'iS episcopal C^utcl consolidated with St. Luke's), then at the northwest comer of Fifteenth and Chestnut Streets, where he served twelve years, doing most excellent work. In 1861 he resigned and removed to New York, and became rector of St. George's Church, where he labored for more than thirty years until his retirement as rector emeritus in 1878. For years the leader of that part of the clergy known as low churchmen,^' he was active in organizing and forward- ing the Evangelical Knowledge Society, the American Church Missionary Society, and the Episcopal Education Society. For some time he was the editor of the Episcopal Recorder and the Protestant Churchman. The degree of D.D. was conferred upon him by Jefferson College, Pennsylvania, in 1832, and by Harvard in 1851. His first wife, Ann DeWolf Griswold, whom he married Au- gust 5, 1821, daughter of the Rt. Rev. Alexander W. Griswold, Bishop of Massachusetts, died at Philadelphia, May 16, 1832, aged twenty-seven years and seven months, and was buried in the Church of the Epiphany ground. He married, second, Susan W. Mitchell of Philadelphia. Chief among his printed works were: '"the Importance of Uniting Manual Labor with Intellectual Attainments in a Preparation for the Ministry," A Discourse preached at the 3 ' ' Thirty-six years ago I was called to the City of Philadelphia, in the midst of a large population of our Church with whom I sympathized en- tirely. This exclusive system had never ruled in Pennsylvania. I waa received with a paternal kindness by Bishop White, which I can never forget. To him I submitted personally the very questions which are now discussed. Shall I accept invitations to preach in churches which are not Episcopal? In what way shall I use our form of prayer on such occa- sions? Preach for all who invite you, if you can and desire to do it. Employ the Prayer-Book as much as you can usefully and consistently with their habits, was the substance of his replies. This I did probably in more than fifty cases in the Diocese of Pennsylvania." From Open Letter to Kt, Rev. Horatio Potter, D.D., by Stephen H. Tyng (New York, 1865). 138 IBl^ctotieiS ip ot 2Dr. 'Egnff request of the Episcopal Education Society of Pennsylvania and printed by their Direction (Philadelphia, 1830) ; "A Sermon, preached at the Consecration of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, January 1, 1831"; ''Lectures on the Law and the Gospel" (Philadelphia, 1832) ; ''The Connection between early Religious Instruction and Mature Piety," A Sermon, preached in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, May 22, 1837; "The Eighth of a Series of Annual Sermons Preached and Published at the Request of the Board of Managers of the American Sunday-school Union," Philadelphia, 1837, "Me- moir of the Rev. Gregory T. Bedell" (1835); "Sermons preached in the Church of the Epiphany" (1839), repub- lished as "The Israel of God" (1854) ; "A Plea for Union," a Sermon Preached before the Special Convention of The Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Pennsylvania, in St. Andrew's Church, Philadelphia, September 6, 1844, Printed by order of the Convention, Philadelphia, 1844; "The Beloved Physician," A Discourse addressed to Medical Stu- dents, Delivered in the Church of the Epiphany, Phila- delphia, February 4, 1844, Printed at the Request of the Medical Students' Temperance Society, Philadelphia, 1844; "Recollections of England" (New York, 1847); "Christ in All," sermons (1852) ; "The Rich Kinsman, the History of Ruth, the Moabitess" (London, 1856) ; "Washington, an exemplification of the principles of Free Masonry," "an ora- tion at the Centennial of the Initiation of George Washing- ton, November 4, 1852 (New York, 1852) ; "Forty Years' Experience in Sunday-Schools" (New York, I860); "The Captive Orphan: Esther, Queen of Persia" (1860); "The Prayer-Book Illustrated by Scripture" (8 vols., 1863-7); "The Child of Prayer, a Father's Memorial of D. A. Tyng" (1866) ; "Address at the installation of the officers of Conti- nental Lodge, No. 257, F. & A. M., New York, January 2, 139 1867" (N. Y., n. d.) ; and "The Office and Duty of a Chris- tian Pastor" (1874). Both Dr. Tyng and his son, Rev. Dud- ley Atkins Tyng, published a collection of "Additional Hymns" for use at lectures and prayer meetings. The son's collection, bound with "The Prayer-Book Collection" and Chants and Tunes for the Book of Common Prayer, appeared as "The Lecture-Room Hymn Book" (Philadelphia, 1855).* Bishop Bedell of Ohio published an interesting Memorial of Dr. Tyng (New York, 1860), and his son, Charles Rock- land Tyng, also prepared a Life of Stephen H. Tyng. * ' ' The English Hymn, Its Development and Use in Worship, ' * by Louis F, Benson, D.D., New York, 1915. 140 RIGHT REVEREND SAMUEL A. McCOSKREY, D.D. BISHOP OF MICHIGAN RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1834-1836. THE RECTORSHIP OF DR. McCOSKREY 1834-1836 HE Reverend Samuel A, McCoskrey, D.D., rector / ^ from June, 1834, to June, 1836, born at Carlisle, H H Pennsylvania, November 9, 1804; died in New ^^^f York City, August 1, 1886. A cadet at the West Point Military Academy, he subsequently at- tended Dickinson College, from which he was graduated in 1825. He studied law, was admitted to the bar, and for six years practiced his profession in his native town. In 1831 he began the study of theology, preparatory to orders in the Episcopal Church, and was ordained by Bishop Onderdonk as deacon on the twenty-eighth of March, 1833, and as a priest, thirteenth December, 1833. His first charge was as rector of Christ Church, Reading, Pennsylvania. He was called to St. Paul's, and installed by Bishop White, July 13, 1834, and remained as rector until his election as first Bishop of Michi- gan, of which Diocese he was consecrated Bishop, in St. Paul 's Church, July 7, 1836, by the Right Reverend Bishops Onder- donk, Doane and Kemper, and, having been rector of St. Paul's, Detroit, for twenty-seven years, as well as bishop, he resigned his jurisdiction in March, 1878, on the plea of feeble health. While at St. Paul's, Philadelphia, he was most highly 141 esteemed, being a man of great force of character, learning and ability as a preacher. He had been greatly interested in the Sunday-school, and, unable to be present at its Fiftieth Anniversary, sent a letter of regret from Detroit, May 19, 1866, of which the following is a copy : " Reverend and Dear Sir : " I reached home last evening, after an absence of eight days. I received your letter and hasten to answer it. I need scarcely say, that it would have given me the greatest pleasure to be present at the proposed celebration of the Sunday-school. My recollections of * Old St. Paul's ' are still fresh in my mind ; and particularly the kindness I received from its members. I left it with the deepest regret to go I knew not whither. Do present me most affectionately to all who once knew me, and tell the dear children (if this letter reach you in time) not to forget one whose voice was heard years ago within its sacred walls, pleading with wandering children to come back to Christ, and telling in the kindest terms that he died to save the poorest and the meanest of human kind. Tell them that we have nearly; 1,500 children in our schools in the churches, at Detroit; five large churches full to overflowing, and room for one or two more. Truly, God has been gracious to us. " I trust that God will bless your efforts to impress the children of the church with a deep sense of their obligations to love and serve Him who redeemed them with His precious blood. " Most truly yours, " Samuel A. MoCoskrey, '' To Rev. R. Heber Newton." In recognition of his great learning, Columbia College of New York, and the University of Pennsylvania conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity, in 1837, and the Uni- versity of Oxford, England, in 1852, conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Civil Law. 142 REV. JAMES MAY, D.D. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1836-1840. RECTORSHIP OF DR. MAY 1836-1840 ^I^^B^ HE Reverend James May, D.D., rector from / -^ I October, 1836, to May, 1840, was born in Chester M I I County, Pennsylvania, October 1, 1805, and died ^^^^^ at Philadelphia, December 18, 1863. He was the son of Robert May by his wife Ruth Potts. Educated at Pottstown and at Norristown, Pennsylvania, he, in 1822, entered Jefferson College, Cannonsburg, Pennsyl- vania, in the senior class, so far advanced was he in his studies, and there he was graduated with high distinction. For some months he studied law with Governor Stevens of Maryland, at Easton, on the Eastern Shore, but concluded not to pursue it, and turned his attention to the ministry of the Episcopal Church. His brother Thomas Potts May, also a clergyman, had been invited to preach in St. Paul's with reference, per- haps, to being called as rector. At the time, 1819, the yellow fever was prevailing in Philadelphia. He returned to Norris- town, and either on the day of his preaching at St. Paul 's, or on that immediately following, he was stricken with the fever and died September 20, 1819, as related by Hotchkin in his "Country Clergy." In October, 1825, James May en- tered the Theological Seminary at Alexandria, Virginia, and was admitted to the middle class of that institution. Ordained in 1826, by Bishop "White in Christ Church, 143 Philadelphia, he became rector of St. Stephen's Church in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, in February, 1827, where he remained until he became rector of St. Paul's, Philadelphia, in 1836. Under his ministry the church in Wilkes-Barre, from a feeble missionary station, grew to be what it has ever since continued, the largest, strongest, most effective church of the Protestant Episcopal Communion in central Pennsylvania. The sentiment of its parishioners in regard to Dr. May may be gathered from the kind expression of the vestry after he had declined one of numerous calls. "When you first came to this people," reads the record, "you found them divided and broken, burdened with debt and few in number. The influence of your character and your exertions have healed these dissentions, have ennabled them to free themselves from their incumbrances, and have formed them into a respectful body of attentive hearers." Dr. May's health failing shortly after his settlement at St, Paul's, he went abroad for its recovery, and, upon his return to America, was elected to the chair of Church History in the Virginia Theological Seminary and remained there until 1861, when he became a professor in the Philadelphia Divinity School and held this position at the time of his decease. He was a man of great intellectual ability, much beloved by his parishioners, and in the seminaries with which he had been connected. His "Life and Letters," prepared by the Rev. Alexander Shiras, has been published. In 1829, he married Ellen Stuart, daughter of Captain Samuel Bowman by his wife Eleanor Ledlie of Wilkes-Barre, and sister of the Right Reverend Samuel Bowman, Bishop of Pennsylvania, and died without surviving issue. He was buried in St. Mary's Churchyard, West Philadelphia, 144 REV. RICHARD NEWTON, D. D. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1840-1862. RECTOESHIP OF DR. NEWTON 1840-1862 HE Reverend Richard Newton, D.D., rector from y#^ November, 1840, to May, 1862, third son and 1 I fifth child of Richard and Elizabeth (Cluett) ^^^^Jr Newton, was born in Liverpool, England, 26 July, 1812, and died at Chestnut Hill, Phila- delphia, 25 May, 1887. He came to Philadelphia with his parents August 20, 1824, in the Barque "Fanny," and ob- tained his early education in Philadelphia and Wilmington, Delaware. Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in the class of 1836, he began his preparation for holy orders at the General Theological Seminary, New York, from which he was graduated in 1839. In 1838, in order to raise funds to pay his tuition in the Seminary he opened a select school in Wilmington, Delaware, for the sons of friends of Mrs. Bayard. Her son, the late Thomas F. Bayard (afterward Secre- tary of State and Ambassador to England), then seven years old, was one of his scholars. When his friend and adviser, Rev. Stephen H. Tyng, then Rector of St. Paul's, heard of his decision, he remarked, "I am surprised at your conduct, Richard, in going to the New York Seminary, where High Church teachings prevail. For my part, I would go down with Jonah and study theology in the whale's belly, before I would go to the New York Seminary. ' ' 11 145 l^tgftotg of &t pauri^ Cpisicopal C5«tc5 Ordained deacon July 4, 1839, at St. John's Church, North- ern Liberties, Philadelphia, by the Right Reverend Henry U. Onderdonk, D.D., he was made priest by the same Bishop, July 26, 1840, in Holy Trinity Church, West Chester, Pennsylvania, where his ministry had begun, on the first Sunday in November, 1839, at a salary of four hundred dollars. In November, 1840, he was called to St. Paul's. His selec- tion to this post, which he held for twenty-two years, came about in this way: In the early autumn of this year Rev. John A. Clark, then rector of St. Andrew's Church, invited a noted clergyman, who failed to appear. In this emergency, Mr. Newton, who happened to be present, preached. A com- mittee from St. Paul 's, present to hear the appointed preacher, was so favorably impressed by his sermon that it decided to call him as Dr. Tyng's successor. His ministry here was highly successful, his Sunday-school work was famous, and his sermons to children were widely printed and widely read. St. Paul's was greatly interested in foreign missions and spent large sums in supporting them, in the South Sea Islands, Africa and China. One of them was in Liberia, at Cape Palmas (1856), called Hoffman. Thomas Jefferson strongly disapproved of missions, as did many others. His and their view was that, it was not the duty of the Church to disturb by missionaries the religion and peace of other countries, nor to extinguish by fire and fagot the heresies called by the name of conversions. The Episcopal Clergy of Philadelphia from 1855 to 1866 were marked men. Alonzo Potter was the great Bishop of the entire State of Pennsylvania. Dr. Suddards was at Grace Church with the memories of his past career. Dr. Pratt was at the Covenant, the church of Dr. Newton's old age. Dr. Alexander H. Vinton was at the new parish of Holy Trinity ; 146 INTERIOR OF ST. PAUL'S IN 1861, REV. RICHARD NEWTON, D.D., RECTOR. Wiettot^'^iV ot 2Dr» Me\xiton Dudley A. Tyng had left his wonderful influence upon the young men of his day. Kingston Goddard was at the Atone- ment, at times strangely eloquent. Dr. Neville, with his mys- terious career, had left a marked impression behind him. Richard Cardan was electrifying great audiences at the San- som Street Union Prayer Meetings. Henry Wise, with the shadow of death upon him, was followed by crowds from church to church whenever he preached, and Phillips Brooks was beginning his wonderful career at the little church of the Advent at Fifth and Buttonwood Streets. Bishop Stevens had just been made assistant to Bishop Potter. Dr. Oden- heimer, that indefatigable parish priest and staunch church- man, was, after twenty years of service at St. Peter's, still the new Bishop of the adjoining parish of New Jersey. Dr. Dorr was at Christ Church, well worn in its service. Dr. Mark Anthony De Wolfe Howe was at St. Luke's. Dr. Hare wa& still principal at the Episcopal Academy. Dr. Daniel R. Goodwin was Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, and the new Episcopal Divinity School was rejoicing in possessing as its new teacher, the Rev. Clement M. Butler, D.D., of Washington, D. C. During Dr. Newton 's pastorate, prayer meetings were regu- larly held in the Sunday-school room every Saturday even- ing. A layman would read a chapter from the Bible, and the rector the prayers. William Alexander, one of the promi- nent laymen, was sent for by Bishop White, who told him St. Paul's had no right to hold prayer meetings, as there was no authority for it; that he strongly disapproved and desired them discontinued. The Bishop was told, that St. Paul's had found the meetings most helpful to the laymen ; that it brought them together and kept them in touch with the work of the parish, and that St. Paul's declined to discontinue them.. 147 ^i^tot^ ot fe)t paurjS episcopal €'^\xtc^ Many were the parish activities of this rectorate, as the fol- lowing will in a measure indicate : In 1861, the laymen founded the Pastoral Aid Association — President, Reverend Richard Newton, D.D. ; Vice-president, Thomas Latimer; Secretary, Howard Edwards; Treasurer, J. H, Harman. Its object was to call out the active lay-agency of the church, in doing good to the bodies and souls of the destitute, by the use of means additional to those employed by the Sabbath School Societies, the Doras Society, the Missionary Society and the other soci- eties connected with the church. The Chairmen of Standing Committees for 1861 were: 1. Finance, George C. Thomas, No. 228 N. 5th Street. 2. Tract Distribution, Thomas Latimer, No, 223 German Street. 3. Devotional Meetings, E, D. Brooks, No. 246 Chestnut Street. 4. Visiting Sick and Poor, R. Heber Newton, No. 251 S. 13th Street. 5. Strangers in the City, Norris S. Cummings, No. 1120 Pine Street, 6. Church Directory, George C. Thomas, No. 228 N. 5th Street. 7. Parish Visitation, Thomas Latimer, No. 223 German Street. 8. Missionary Intelligence, no chairman required. The vestrymen elected Easter Monday, 1861, were: John D. George, Jay Cooke, John W. Thomas, Richard F. Loper, William Cummings, Joseph B. Van Dusen, Richard G. Stotes- bury Eleazer Fenton, R. S. H. George, Charles B. Durborow, Henry M. Kimmey, James M. Farr. The Sexton was William Brown, and the Organist, Joseph J. Redner. 148 (^yuf c^;iCi?«'-z-^0'tt^v2<3Ci-tf« "a o c o a •rH O I— c V 03 O o V. ° O r- Si U >-» as ::3 PI a o 149 I^iisitorg of fe)t pauriS Cpiisfcopal €lttu^ No part of Dr. Newton's work at St. Paul's, or elsewhere, was as important as that in the Sunday-schools, indeed that work stands out as the great beacon light of his career. Two interesting features in the operations of these schools were engrafted upon them under Dr. Newton's rectorship. They afterward became permanent features in the working of the schools, and have since been very widely adopted in other schools and churches, with the most beneficial results. One, was the plan of making a missionary offering by the teachers and scholars, in connection with the exercises of the anniver- sary, instead of having books given to them. This plan was first tried, as a matter of experiment, in the year 1846. The sum presented in that first offering was $80. The amount of the offering went on steadily increasing each year, till in 1865, it reached the large sum of $3,524. The interest of the school in the offering kept pace with the increase of the amount raised, and the whole influence was found to be so happy and salutary, as to afford a striking practical illustration of the truth of the Saviour's words: "It is more blessed to give than to receive." During the twenty years in which this plan was in operation, 1846 to 1866, the offering of the schools amounted to the sum of $33,500. The other matter referred to, as introduced by Dr. Newton while laboring as the head of the schools, was the service known as the "Children's Church." "While reflecting on the Saviour's injunction to Peter, 'Feed my Lambs,' " as the Doctor himself states the matter, "I was led to ask my- self, What am I doing in public capacity as a minister of Christ to comply with this injunction? I was compelled in frankness to say, nothing. Then I made up my mind to have a service at least once a month, in which the sermon should be preached with a distinct reference to feeding the lambs. The 150 Witctot^^ip of 2Dt. i^etoton effort soon proved a success, and 'the children's church' be- came one of the most useful services held in connection with the church." This form of service became an integral part of the Sunday- school work in this church, and it has also been adopted in many other churches. The influence for good which has gone out from this single instrumentality, put in motion by this school, who can estimate ? And may it not be hoped that the use of this feature of Christian work will spread wider and wider, till, in all churches, the children, who at their bap- tism are brought under solemn obligations 'Ho hear ser- mons, ' ' may at least occasionally have sermons preached unto them which they can hear and understand. Spurgeon fittingly called Dr. Newton, ' ' The Prince of Chil- dren's Preachers." His thought was in line with that after- wards expressed by Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett who said : "One generation, one entire generation of all the world of children, understood as they should be, loved as they ask to be, and so developed as they might be, would more than bring in the millennium. " It is now thirty years since his death and no other one of the clergy has attempted to continue his chil- dren's sermons. Perhaps his great success has acted as a deterrent to others, but the field in which he was long pre- eminent is now neglected and choked with weeds. During Dr. Newton's rectorship there was a character in the church named George Lewis, who used to blow the organ, and tell the boys stories in the gallery. In arranging for a voyage to England, he took solemn leave of the Sunday-school and promised to bring home a present for "Missionary Sunday," which had become an annual event. Arriving in London he went to the office of the Foreign Missionary Society and asked for some missionary relic. It happened at that time that the missionary ship "John Williams" was in 151 port, and in the dry dock for repairs. He was given a beam of the ship, which was being repaired and, on his return to Phila- delphia, presented it to St. Paul's Sunday-school with great pomp and ceremony on a certain "Missionary Sunday," to the intense admiration of the children. Thereupon, Captain Richard F. Loper, a prominent merchant and vestryman of St. Paul's, made it into a full-rigged ship, a model of the "John Williams," named after the martyr missionary to the South Sea Islands. Annually, on the Anniversary Sundays, this ship used to make voyages up and down the aisle, until her deck would be covered with little bags of money offerings, reserved for that occasion. Bishop Odenheimer, Bishop Scarborough, Henry George, the single tax advocate, Edwin Forrest and Owen Fawcett, the actors, were, at differing periods, among those who at- tended St. Paul's Sunday-schools. While rector here. Dr. Newton lived in the red rectory on York Street, adjoining the graveyard, subsequently sold and turned into the engine house of the "Hibernia" fire com- pany, a noted organization of the Philadelphia Volunteer Fire Department of those days. On Christmas Day, 1858, Jay Cooke took Dr. Newton to a cottage with an octagon tower at Chelten Hills, which was in process of building. After its completion Mr. Cooke sent the deed for it with the following letter : " Chelten Hills, Montgomery Co. Pa. " June 6th, 1859. "My Dear friend and Pastor: I send herewith a deed for the cot- tage and lot which you have known for some time was intended for you. It is now yours, its value or cost fully paid up and re- ceipted for. And it comes to you as a hearty and sincere offering of myself and wife, as a small testimony of our gratitude to our God and Saviour that, in His good providence we have so long enjoyed your teachings as our pastor, and your intercourse and sympathy as 152 lElectotfiiSip ot fi)c. #ctoton a friend. We do indeed feel grateful, for ourselves and for our children, that God has raised you up as an instrument of so much good, not only to ourselves but to so many thousands, who have profited by your untiring efforts and instructions. And we desire, in making this offering to one whom we feel to be a true servant of the blessed Master; to realize the fact that in giving to you, we are giving to Him from whom we receive all things, both spiritual and temporal. We ask you to accept it in the name and for the sake of Jesus, and if it will ever add anything to your comfort or health, or will in any way cheer you onward, or in any way strengthen you in your confidence and trust in the promises and goodness of God, let your thanks be entirely given to him alone who owns all things, and who has put it into our hearts to do thus much as his stewards to cheer and encourage His Faithful servant. "It is a matter of regret (although we suppose it was somewhat unavoidable) that others should here know of this action on our part for our God knows we desire only to glorify Him. It is indeed a great blessing thus to have been made His instruments. " In accepting this testimonial of our love and sympathy we do not wish you to consider that you come under the slightest obliga- tions in any way to occupy the new home for a longer or a shorter period, or to give us or the neighborhood any further advantages from your occasional or temporary residence there than such as you will feel is not irksome to give. You need rest and recreation when you come to the country, and it is far from our thought to even hint at depriving you of any portion of these hours of relaxation. " We shall enjoy your society and that of your dear family when you are near us, and we anticipate, if God so orders it, many a de- lightful season spent together there. " Should you be called by God's Holy Spirit, to go elsewhere, faith will lead us to believe it is all for God's Glory. Under such or any other circumstances, you are to consider your self as entirely free to sell or otherwise dispose of the property as seems best to yourself and family; it is yours, and may God bless to you and your dear ones this free and gladsome offering of our hearts, is the prayer of your friends, who love you all for your own sakes, as well as for Christ's.! "Truly and sincerely, " Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooke.'' 1 Subsequently this cottage was occupied for many years by Eev. Eob- ert J. Parvin, Rector of St. Paul's, Cheltenham. 153 ^i^tot^ of fe>t paursf (f pisfcopal C$utc8 In 1862 he was called to the Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia, then a large and influential congregation (now consolidated with St. Luke's), and remained there until Janu- ary 29, 1881, when he became the rector emeritus until May 22, 1882. He then accepted the rectorship of the Church of the Covenant, at which post his useful life closed. During his great career he preached thousands of sermons. Over fifteen hundred of his written sermons were in his library at his death all carefully indexed and dated. He received the degree of D.D. from Kenyon College, Ohio, in 1862, and was from 1869 to 1887 a trustee of the University of Pennsylvania. His books for children have never been excelled in their aptitude to the young, and the pleasing form in which they convey religious truth. While they are called sermons, and each paragraph is expository of some passage of Scripture, they are so simple, so full of striking and apposite illustrations, that a child will read them with as much curiosity as he, or she would a narrative of travel or adventure, and certainly with far more profit. So popular were these books, that they were translated into no less than eighteen languages — French, German, Spanish, Italian, Siamese, Hindustanese, Chinese, Bulgarian, Japanese, Arabic, Armenian, Urdic, Tamil, Dacata, Zulu, Grebo, Swedish and Dutch. Among his publications in this field were: ''The Jewel Case," "The Best Things," "The King's Highway," "The Safe Compass," "Bible Blessings," "The Great Pilot," "Bible Jewels," "The Wonder Case," "Bible Wonders," "Nature Wonders," "Leaves from the Tree," "Rills from the Fountain," "The Jewish Taber- nacle," "Giants and Wonderful Things," "Rays from the Sun of Righteousness," "The King in His Beauty," "Peb- bles from the Brook," "Bible Promises," "Bible Warnings," ' * Covenant Names. ' ' 154 Witttot0^ip ot SDc. i^etoton Among his published sermons were: "Anniversary Oration" before the University of Pennsylvania, February 22, 1836; "The Pastor's Offering to His Flock," A funeral Discourse delivered in St. Paul's Church, March 7, 1847, on the occa- sion of the death of John Farr, Esq. ; "Sermons" in St. Paul's Church, First Sundays in Advent, 1847, 1850, 1851 ; "The Age and its Duties," two Sermons preached in St. Paul's, Decem- ber 29, 1850, January 4, 1851 ; ' ' Sermon on the death of Rev. James H. Fowles, "April 9, 1854 ; ' ' Sermon at Centennial Anni- versary of St. Paul's Church," November 4, 1860; "God's marvellous doing for the Nation," A Sermon on the day ap- pointed by the President, in the Church of the Epiphany, Philadelphia, August 6, 1863; "God's Interest in the Death of His People, ' ' a Tribute to the memory of the Rev. Robert J. Parvin of St. Paurs,^ Cheltenham, 1868; "The Abrahamic Covenant," a Sermon before the Protestant Episcopal Asso- ciation for the promotion of Christianity among the Jews, March 30, 1873 ; ' ' The Present Crisis in the Protestant Epis- copal Church and the duty of Evangelical men in reference to it," preached in the Church of the Ephiphany, May 31, 1874. Dr. Newton married, July 31, 1839, Lydia, daughter of Lawrence Greatorex, of the Brandywine Paper Mills of Wil- mington, Delaware. Their sons, Richard Heber Newton and William Wilberforce Newton, became clergymen. Mrs. New- ton died in April, 1887, and Dr. Newton one month later, in his seventy-fifth year. Both are buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, The Philadelphia Evening Bulletin of May 26, 1887, speak- ing editorially, said : 2 St. Paul 's Cheltenham, owes its name and its origin to Old St. Paul 's and the efforts of Dr. Newton, who preached the Consecration Sermon. Mr. Parvin was its first rector. A mural tablet in the church testifies to the affection of the people for him. — Hotchkin's County Clergy of Penn- sylvania, p. 80. 155 ^i0totT^ of &t pauPjS episcopal CJuccS " There have been men in the Protestant Episcopal Church whose fame was greater than that of the late Richard Newton, and whose talents may have been more briUiant; but there have been very few whose lives have been purer, more upright, and more in unison with the true teachings of the Christian faith. " His death will carry with it more of a sense of loss to the thou- sands who have come within reach of his ministrations and teachings than would the death of other divines whose names just now are more often heard in the church world. " Dr, Newton was so unlike the majority of men who now fill the pulpit, and had so many of the fine, old fashioned notions of the dig- nity and usefulness of his sacred calling that he seemed to be su- perior to most of the faults and follies which have crept into his profession. Indeed, we doubt very much whether any one man in the Episcopal Church in this community, since the time of William White, has done more, in a comparatively quiet and unobtrusive way, to strengthen it, and make new believers for it, than did Richard Newton. " This influence was due, to a large extent, to the remarkable fac- ulty which he exercised in conveying truth to the minds of children and of young people. Even men and women of mature years, whose education was limited, seemed to understand and appreciate him as they did few others of his denomination. He did not preach for the select few, he did not make his sermons refined disquisitions on points of theological hair-splitting; he did not try to awe or impress his hearers with displays of the learning which he possessed. His great purpose in the pulpit always was to make himself understood, even by auditors of less than ordinary intelligence. " In doing this there was a simplicity and earnestness in his work which was beautiful to contemplate, and which went right home to the hearts of his hearers. The lectures and books which he pre- pared for the use of children were especially marked by this quality, and the Protestant Episcopal Church, both in this country and in England, can count these productions as being one of the sources of much of its latter day strength. " In these days, when clergymen look so much to public notoriety for their reward, and depend so much upon sensational effects for their popularity, and are so careless about the true dignity of their sacred office, the example of such a man as Richard Newton should be set conspicuously before them. " With his fine scholarship, and his strong powers of mind and his remarkable energy, he might have been, had he so wished to, a 156 llXectot0^ip ot 2Dt. il2fb)ton greater figure in the eyes of the world. But the vanity of having his name sounded on the tongues of men never drew him away from his noble conception of the duties of a minister. His life was for his church, for his people, for his Master. He loved that church, and he loved his people ; and the life of his Master was ever before him, as a daily incentive to real good, and not as a mere model for rhetor- ical sermons. No scandals hovered over his name. No one could ever mention that name with flippancy or disrespect. "Not simply among Christians, but among men who are careless of spiritual things, his was a career that always commanded the true respect which the world gratefully accords to an honest Christian and upright man; and there are not too many clergymen to-day of whom the same can be honestly said when they pass away." 157 THE RECTORSHIP OF DR. GODDARD 1862-1866 0/^^^ HE Reverend Kingston Goddard, D.D., rector from d '^ I Ju^e, 1862, to January, 1866, son of John God- M I I dard of Philadelphia, by his wife Mary Beck, ^^^^r was bom at Philadelphia, October 20, 1813, and died at Richmond, Staten Island, New York, October 24, 1875. His maternal grandfather, Paul Beck, Esq.,^ was one of Philadelphia's most eminent public-spirited citizens as well as an earnest supporter of St. Paul's, and the grandson, deprived of his mother at an early age, had for many years the fostering care and example of the blameless life of his grandsire. Educated in the schools of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, from which latter institution of learning he was graduated with honors in 1833, he was, in 1836, graduated at the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church in New York City. His first charge, while still a deacon, was that of St. Anna's, Fishkill Landing, New York, 1835-1837, after which he served acceptably in the parishes of Christ Church, Brooklyn, Emmanuel Church, Brooklyn, The Atone- ment, Philadelphia, and Christ Church, Cincinnati, Ohio. While at Cincinnati, the call came to him from St. Paul's. 1 See sketch of, in Simpson 's ' ' Lives of Eminent Philadelphians, ' ' pp. 37^9. 158 REV. KINGSTON GODDARD, D.D. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1862-1866. ISitctot^^iV ot 2Dr* c^oDtiatti In accepting it, Dr. Goddard was but coming to his own — to a parish that none better understood than he. During his rectorship at the Atonement, in connection with his words of tribute at the Memorial Meeting, held to commemorate the life work and noble death of his friend and fellow-laborer, the Rev. Dudley Atkins Tyng, he had said of St. Paul 's : "In May, 1829, his father [Rev. Stephen Tyng] removed to this city and became the rector of St. Paul's Church. And, my Chris- tian friends, I desire to pay the tribute of praise to that congrega- tion, among whom the eminent and venerable Dr. Tyng ministered. They have had many servants of God, and have always loved and revered them. They have had the Gospel proclaimed in their pulpit with a degree of earnestness and fidelity that has never been sur- passed, and they have always listened to it. They have buried rec- tors, but, thank God, the disgrace is yet to come upon them of turn- ing one from their pulpit and closing their doors. It was while the father was rector of that church, that the son was brought under the influence of Sunday-school instruction — in the Sunday School of that church he was first introduced to the knowledge of the truth as it is in Jesus." The statement as to the Sunday-school of St. Paul's was equally true of the speaker, for he too had begun the Christian life at St. Paul's, where later he was to become a faithful parish priest and eloquent preacher. He was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society in 1857, and Kenyon College conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity in 1860. He was also Grand Chaplain, of the Grand Lodge F. and A. M. of Pennsylvania. In 1866 he accepted the rectorship of St. Andrew's, Rich- mond, Staten Island, New York, at which post he died. He married Matilda Susan, daughter of William Seaman. Dr. Goddard 's publications were limited to sermons, "by request," to which requests he acceded with reluctance, feel- ing that the importance of what was said in the pulpit de- pended largely upon the manner of its saying: ** Sermon on 159 Thanksgiving-day," December 13, 1840, in Christ Church, Brooklyn; "Address at first Annual exhibition of Ingenuity and Design, held in Philadelphia by the Pennsylvania Insti- tute," May 1-9, 1857; "The Freedom granted by Christ," A sermon preached in the Church of the Atonement, before the Artillery Corps of "Washington Grays, on Saturday, July 4, 1858; "The Poor in the Keeping of God" (Philadelphia, 1857); "Funeral Sermon on Caldwell B. Mitchell" (Phila- delphia, 1857); "Sermon on the life and character of Wil- liam H. Aspinwall, 1807-1875," preached at Clifton, Staten Island, February 14, 1875. 160 REV. R. HEBER NEWTON, D.D. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1866-1868. EECTORSHIP OF DR. NEWTON 1866-1868 HE Reverend Richard Heber Newton, D.D., rector /^ from February 18, 1866, to December 9, 1868, M I eldest son of the Reverend Richard Newton, ^^^^J^ D.D., by his wife, Lydia Greatorex, was bom at Philadelphia, October 31, 1840, and died at Scarborough, New York, December 19, 1914. His education was obtained at home and at the University of Pennsylvania, at which he matriculated in 1857, but was obliged to leave at the close of his sophomore year. He entered the Divinity School of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Philadelphia, from which he was graduated in 1862. Ill health however had interrupted his studies and threatened a discontinuance. In this emergency a sea trip was suggested by his father's friend and vestryman, William Cummings, Esq., a well-known merchant, who fitted up a cabin on one of his vessels and sent him on a voyage to Liverpool, England. The following letter from Mr. Newton explains the incident: " On Board Ship, Wm. Cummings, " April 25th, 1861. "My Kind friend: " I desire simply to express my sense of gratitude to you for your thoughtful and generous kindness towards me. My mind had been uncertain as to what would be the best feasible plan for me to pursue 12 161 ^i^totif ot Ibt ^mV0 episcopal Cl^utc^ in seeking the establishment of my health & strength. My health has been so much improved of late, by God's blessing on the means constantly used, that it seemed as though the critical point of my life, in regard to health had been safely passed & that my con- stitution had taken a favorable change. Knowing that my constitu- tion is such, that in human probabilities I may work for vigorous health, if the present stage of life can be safely passed. I was of course very anxious to do everything in my power to strengthen myself. Your kind offer appeared to present the very opening that was needed, though the thought of a sea trip had not previously been much in my mind. And I trust that it is the hand of Providence that has directed my attention in the present summer's trip. & that through the blessing of my Heavenly Father, I shall return renewed and established in health & strength. " I value health as the necessary qualification for usefulness in the cause to which my energies of mind and body, (Sj my life have been consecrated. " It is my earnest desire & prayer that God will make me an in- strument of doing great good to the souls of men ; & in this work I wish to spend my whole life. " But I feel that without strength, I am of little use, and so I re- joice to have the opportunity of seeking that strength, even though it is a trial to separate from home & friends. And therefore I value and esteem your kindness, as enabling me to prepare physically for God's work. " I trust that should I be spared to return home again, God will also fit me in soul for that work & bless me in it to the salvation of many souls; & that you may have the pleasure of knowing that you have been instrumental in fitting an humble laborer in the Master's vineyard for any usefulness he may be granted. " And may My Saviour & Master reward you as it could never be in my power to do, by giving you freely of that blessing, ' that maketh truly rich & addeth no sorrow.' " Very Respectfully, "& Sincerely, "R. Heber Newton. " William Cummings, Esq., " Pine St. Wharf, Phila."i 1 William Cummings, son of George Cummings (1759-1807), and Eliza- beth Tate (1761-1807), was born Feb. 6, 1806, at No. 28 Plumb St. (now 232 Monroe St.), District of Southwark, Philadelphia. His parents and grandfather, Simon Cummings, are buried in St. Peter's Church yard. 162 1806- -1889 Witctot0fiip ot 2DC. i^etoton Mr. Newton was made a deacon in St. Paul's Church, Phila- delphia, by Bishop Alonzo Potter in June, 1862, and ordained priest in the same church in 1863, by the Rt. Rev. William H. Odenheimer, Bishop of New Jersey, He was an assistant to his father for two years and subsequently, 1863-1866, rector of Trinity Church, Sharon Springs, New York. Elected rector of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia, upon motion of John W. Thomas, he served from 1867 to 1870, resigning to accept the rectorship of the Anthon Memorial Church in New York, known later as All Soul's Church. It was during his rectorship that St. Paul's celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of its Sunday-school. On the twentieth of February, 1816, a little more than one hundred years ago, the young men belonging to St. Paul's met for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of forming a society to conduct a Sunday-school. The meet- He was brought up by his uncle of the same name, and he was married hy Kev. Dr. Stephen H. Tyng to Emily E. Alexander, daughter of Eichard Alexander, at St. Paul's Church, June 1, 1831, at five o'clock A.M., so as to be in time for the stage to Pottsville. Subsequently he returned to Philadelphia and from 1832 to 1869 was a well known Merchant. He built and owned the following vessels, Schooners, Kathleen and John Mc- Crea. Brigs, Baron Stranger, Pennsylvania, Norris Stanley, Delaware, Joseph Cowperthwait, Emily Cummings, Clara, Huntress and Calvert; Barques, Mary Irvine, Cora, Linda, Fairmount, Aaron I. Harvey, Ann Elizabeth, and Margaret Hugg; Ships, Frigate Bird, and William Cum- mings. He had an extensive trade with the West Indies, Bahia, Eio Janeiro and Montevideo, South America, as well as Goree, Gambia and Sierra Leone, Africa; Hong Kong, China, and San Francisco, California. During the civil war he was an active member of the Union League and helped to equip the 118 Penna. Volunteers, or Corn Exchange Eegiment for the field. He was a director of the Girard National Bank, Commer- cial Exchange Ass'n, Insurance Co. of North America, Huntingdon & Broad Top E. E. Co., Trustee of City Ice boats, manager of the Howard Hospital and Merchants Fund of which he was one of the founders, vestryman of St. Paul's Church, a prominent Mason and a member of Lodge No. 2 for 63 years preceding his death, December 17, 1889. He was Master of this Lodge in 1837-38-39 during the Morgan excite- ment. He is buried in his vault in St. Paul 's Church yard. 163 ing, held in the vestry-room of the church, during Dr. Pil- more's rectorship, was called by John P. Bankson, who had already established a Sunday-school in connection with the Second Presbyterian Church, northwest corner of Third and Arch Streets, that being the first Sunday-school in the city. St. Paul 's was the second in order, and was the first Sunday- school organized in connection with any Episcopal Church in this city, or in this land. The movement was then consid- ered as of doubtful expediency, but in this, as in many other religious matters, St. Paul's was a pioneer. Twenty-one names were enrolled as teachers, and these teachers were divided into two committees, each committee to conduct the exercises of the school on alternate Sundays. The names were as follows : Messrs. John P. Bankson, Richard Thompson, R. Pigott, J. Bason, J. Golder, Jesse R. Burden, John C. Pechin, Peter Van Pelt, George Glentworth, John Lohra, John Toy, Thomas Moore, William Alexander, R. Body, Lloyd Bankson, A. Claxton, J. M. Adams, John Mur- ray, William Murdoch, Ezra Dodge, Charles Stockton. The founder of the female school was Mrs. Susannah B. Shober, grand-daughter of Col. Blathwaite Jones, a Mother in Israel, who for many years acted as its superintendent with great efficiency and success. For the first fifteen years of its existence the Sunday-schools did not meet in the church, but at private residences in the neighborhood. On May 21, 1866, the semi-centenary was celebrated. This interesting occasion drew together a large number of the friends of old St. Paul's from all quarters of the city, and over sixteen hundred persons were present. Many who were formerly faithful workers there, returned to join in the cele^ bration of the evening; some who had not been within those walls for years, were drawn to the scene of their early instruc- tion, and the teachers and scholars of the past mingled 164 Witctot0Up ot 2Dr, il2eioton with those of the present, so that the schools of 1816 and of 1866, the founding and the commemoration, alike were rep- resented. A large number of the clergy were present, among whom were the Rev. Drs. Tyng, Newton, Watson, Spear, Pratt, Claxton, Thos. G. Allen, Edmund Roberts, George Bring- hurst, J. Sanders Reed, Robert C. Matlack, Samuel Durborow, J. R. Moore, Charles Fisher, Snyder B. Symes, W. Erben and J. P. Fugett. The subjoined letter of regret was received from the Right Rev. William H. Odenheimer, of New Jersey, formerly a scholar in this school: "Burlington, N. J., June 26, 1866. "Reverend and Dear Sir: " I regret that diocesan engagements deprived me of the satisfac- tion of joining with you, and our friends, in the semi-centennary solemities of the Sunday-schools of St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia. I feel that I have a right to share in your joys, for I have the honor of having been a member of the Sunday-school, and also of the Bible-class of dear Old St. Paul's; and the pleasant memories of the men and incidents of those days still live in my heart. My old super- intendent full of zeal, and my old class teacher a walking cyclopaedia of catechetical lore! still live to receive my thanks for their loving care; but the gentle-hearted Parr has gone to his rest. What a goodly line of pastors guided the flock in those days. The apostolic Allen; the glowing hearted Tyng, the Saint Paul of our American Church; the energetic McCoskrey; and the saintly May. I also re- call the admiration I felt, and which years have deepened, at the pious works of those christian women, the true Sisters of charity in old St. Paul's, who, without ostentation, devoted themselves to the education of the young and the care of the poor and afflicted. God bless the memory of those who have ' gone before,' God speed those who still remain to work for Christ, in the persons of little children, and the poor. " It is joy to all hearts that the venerable parish seems to increase in strength with increasing years; and like some grand oak, flings out new and right noble branches to shelter those who abide under 165 ^i0totif of &t paur^ Cpii^copal Cj^utcl) its shadow. St. Paul's of the present day is as worthy of commen- dation as St. Paul's of the olden times. " God bless you and the congregation. " Very faithfully yours, "William H. Odenheimeb. " Rev. R. Heber Newton." Letters were also received from the Right Reverend Samuel Allen MeCoskrey of Michigan and others, regretting their ina- bility to be present. The Rev. Robert C. Matlack, formerly a scholar, then a teacher in the schools, subsequently assistant minister, led the congregation in prayer. The Rev, John Sanders Reed, formerly superintendent of the female school, and assistant minister, read the Evening Lessons. The rector, Rev. R. Heber Newton, preached an appro- priate sermon, from which the accompanying statements have been substantially taken: Among the good things resulting from this school was the American Sunday-school Union, one of its offspring, for this noble institution grew out of the Philadelphia Sunday-school Union, which was started by John P. Bankson, who was then the superintendent of St. Paul 's schools. During the period of fifty years in which these schools have been in operation at least three thousand scholars have passed through the schools, under the charge of three hundred teachers. If it were possible to follow the history of those three thou- sand scholars and trace out the influence for good brought to bear upon them, and by them imparted to others, through the agency of that faithful band of three hundred teachers, how deeply interesting it would be! It is impossible to do this now, but it will be done at last. "The day will declare it." And, when in the light of that great day of revelation, the 166 Witctot^^ip ot 2Dr. /Retoton good thus accomplished, in ten thousand forms, is made apparent, we shall see and understand what a fountain of life, what a hill of blessing the schools of this mother of churches has been. Since 1830, one thousand persons have been confirmed from this church ; and as the average proportion of candidates from the school has been from one half to two thirds of the number, it is safe to compute that, of the scholars under instruction in these schools, between five hundred and six hundred have connected themselves with this church by confirmation since 1830. How many have afterwards united themselves with other churches we have no means of ascertaining. The largest accessions from the schools to the church in one year were in 1831 and 1858, when in the former year, between fifty and sixty, and in the latter year, between thirty and forty young persons were confirmed. The Sunday-schools remained in a prosperous condition, but during the Civil War, 1861-1866, so many of the young men from St. Paul 's enlisted in the army of the United States for the defense of their country, their city and homes, that the male Bible class had to be discontinued until the end of the war, when it was resumed with fresh interest. Of the scholars and teachers of St. Paul's who entered the ministry previous to the year 1833, there is no record. Among those who have become clergymen since that period the following were mentioned :'' Rev. "William C. Russell, now deceased, was a teacher in the year 1826. Rev. Charles Emlen Pleasants, deceased, was a teacher in 1832. Rev. Edmund Roberts, rector of St. Luke 's, Bustleton, was a scholar in 1832. 2 It must be remembered that the "now," refers to the year 1866. 167 ^i^totif ot fbt paurgf (episcopal CfiurcJ Rev. Edward Conway Jones, long the faithful missionary to the insane in the almshouse, now deceased, was a scholar in 1833. Rev. Benjamin Watson, D.D., now rector of the Church of the Atonement, in this city, was a scholar in 1833. Rt. Rev. William Henry Odenheimer, D.D., now Bishop of New Jersey, was a scholar and a teacher in 1834. Rev. Dudley Atkins Tyng, rector of the Church of the Epiphany, and then of the Church of the Covenant, and now deceased, was a scholar in 1833. Rev. T. Alfred Starkey, D.D., now of Cleveland, Ohio, was a scholar in 1834. Rev. William Huckel, of New York, was a scholar in 1840, and a teacher in 1846, rector of the Church of the Evangelists, in 1852. Rev. Henry A. Coit, D.D., now of New Hampshire, was a teacher in 1846. First Rector of St. Paul's School, at Con- cord, New Hampshire.' Rev. George A. Latimer, now rector of Christ Church, Pottstown, was a scholar in 1836, and a teacher in 1849. Founder of St. John's Church, Philadelphia. Rev. Robert C. Matlack, now rector of the Church of the Nativity, in this city, was a teacher in 1853. Rev. Robert B. Claxton, D.D., now professor in the Divinity School, was a teacher in 1836. Rev. John Martin, now of Washington, D. C, was a teacher in 1833. 3 Henry Augustus Coit, born January 20, 1830, at Wilmington, Dela- ware, where his father, Eev. Joseph Howland Coit, DD. was Eector of St. Andrew's Church. Attended University of Pennsylvania; was pro- fessor St. James College, Washington County, Maryland; married Miss Mary Bowman Wheeler, March 27, 1856, in Church of Epiphany, Phila- delphia, just before he removed to Concord, New Hampshire, to become first Eector of the celebrated St. Paul's School. 168 Witttot^UV ot 2Dr. Be\»ton Rev. Chas. R. Hale, now chaplain in the U. S. Navy, was a teacher in 1855. Rev. Henry S. Getz, now of Mahanoy City, was a teacher in 1852, and superintendent in 1853. Rev. John Sanders Reed, now rector of Gloria Dei Church, was superintendent of the female school in 1864.* The Rev. Samuel Durborow, of the Church of the Evan- gelists, Philadelphia, was a scholar. The Rev. Christian Wiltberger, the first rector of Emmanuel Episcopal Church, Kensington, 1837, was also a teacher. He died in August, 1855, and was buried in the family vault. His ancestor of the same name was a communicant, and made the silver baptismal bowl (1805), and other silver used by the church, as shown in Appendix C. The Rev. R. Heber Newton, the present rector [1866] hav- ing the spiritual charge of the schools, was first a scholar here, from the infant school to the Bible class, and then a teacher in 1856. There are, at this time [1866], four young men, candidates for the ministry in this diocese, who have been both scholars, 4 Eev. Dr. J. Sanders Reed attended Episcopal Academy and was gradu- ated at the Philadelphia Divinity School, 1865; was Deacon, 1864; Priest, 1865; Eeetor of Gloria Dei (Old Siwedes), and later Trinity Church, Watertown, New York. Author of many articles and books, among them : "The Pedigree of a Preacher," "A Mission's Catechism," "The Bish- op's Blue Book" (1893), "The Crozier and the Keys" (1895), "Homi- letical Finger Posts" (1900), "A Missionary Horologe" (1902). He died February 20, 1910, leaving a widow, Anna G. Everly Reed, of .St. Luke and the Epiphany Parish, Philadelphia, who is much interested in the work of the Church and Sunday-school. 5 Rev. William W. Parr, D.D., son of John Farr, was born in November, 1840, in Philadelphia. He abandoned a business career in 1858 for the ministry. At nineteen he attended Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio, grad- uating in 1864. He studied theology at the Philadelphia Divinity School; was rector of Grace Church, Sandusky, Ohio, 1866, and the Church of the Saviour, Philadelphia, 1877, untU his death, in 1883. His work in Sandusky was essentially one of charity, and was by no means confined to his own parish.. He built Calvary Church, St. John's Chapel, and 169 ^i0totTs ot &t ^auV^ (Episcopal C|^utc|^ and teachers, in this school. These are William "Wilberforce Farr,^ 6. Albert Redles, Richard Newton Thomas and Wil- liam Wilberforce Newton. "What noble specimens of Christian character have been associated together here, as teachers, in the carrying on of the operations of these schools? We think of John P. Bank- son, the heroic martyr to the cause of African civilization, of John Farr, of Samuel N. Davies, of John D. George, of Susannah B. Shober, of Cornelia Cooper, of Ann Jane Carr, of Christiana Alexander, of Elizabeth Gardner, who have labored here side by side, in the carrying on of this work. They were among the excellent of the earth. Their fragrant memories are cherished still by all who knew them. ' They rest from their labors and their works do follow them. ' ' ' Thomas Latimer, a well-known member of the Philadelphia Bar and superintendent of the male school for forty years, and Miss Almira Pechin were also prominent teachers, but, as they were alive at the time, their names were omitted. The late George C. Thomas, who was brought up in St. Paul's, feeling that those engaged in church and Sunday-school work in Philadelphia ought to confer about the best method of carrying it on, organized, in 1869, with the aid of John Marston, Jr., the Sunday-school Association of the Protestant Episcopal Church, which has accomplished such excellent results. It is interesting to note the amount of money annually col- lected in St. Paul Sunday-schools. It averaged about two thousand five hundred dollars, and as the showing of the year 1866 is typical of how the money was raised and applied it is appended. waa the projector of the Good Samaritan Hospital. He married Miss Lena Haddock, in 1866. One of his daughters, Grace, married Hon. Wil- liam Wilkins Carr^ Judge of Court of Common Pleas No. 4, of Phila- delphia. 170 W^tctot^^ip ot jBDc. /Rftoton From the Female School $930.75 From the Male School 464.93 From the Female Bible Class 174.16 From the Male Bible Class 267.50 From the Infant School 708.62 The Memorial Offering 30.50 Miscellaneous Offerings 32.00 Total $2^608X6 The sum was appropriated as follows : The Citizens' Volunteer Hospital $25.00 Books for the Episcopal Hospital 50.00 The sufferers by the great fire at Ninth and Wash- ington Streets 136.64 The Foster Home 26.00 The Ladies' Aid 35.00 The American Sunday-School Union 50.00 The Protestant Episcopal Church at Corry, Penn- sylvania 60.00 The Home for Soldiers and Sailors* Orphans 100.00 The Dorcas Society 87.00 The Union School and Children's Home 50.00 St. Andrew's Church, West Philadelphia 20.00 Poor Clergymen 220.00 The Sunday-School Association 100.00 City Pastor 30.00 African Mission 75.00 The Southern Home for Friendless Children 34.15 The Church Home 25.00 Expenses of St. Paul's Sunday-Schools 225.00 Libraries of St. Paul's Sunday-Schools 100.00 Parish Library 50.00 Divinity Student 200.00 The Poor 100.00 Anniversary and Fair Express 183.15 The Church Home at Twelfth and Fitzwater Streets 10.00 The Christian Street Hospital 10.00 The Freedmen and Poor Whites 10.00 Poor Children 33.87 Sunday-School Music 15.00 171 ^i&tot^ of &t paur0 d^pigicopal Cfiurc^ Donation through Livingstone class 122.65 Per William Richardson 25.00 Tract Society, Books for Soldiers 50.00 St. Paul's Church 350.00 $2,608.46 It must not be forgotten that this offering of $2,608.46 was merely a part of St. Paul's contribution. The church itself gave as much more to worthy objects, particularly to poor churches and missionaries at home and abroad. No other church in Philadelphia, had, at this period, so great a record in this respect. While other churches, notably St. Peter's, were raising endowments to insure themselves a happy old age, St. Paul's declined to do so, upon the ground that, her money was needed to carry on the more important work then in hand. An endowment was indeed talked of in 1866, and Dr. New- ton proposed to the vestry a plan for erecting a row of build- ings for business purposes on Third Street, and erecting a new church and parish building in the rear, which would have secured an annual revenue equal to an endowment for the support of the old church. The vestry, with the exception of Jay Cooke and William Cummings, being unwilling to disturb the family vaults by the side of the present building, and for other reasons, did not accept the plan. The value of the church property in 1883 was placed at $85,000. Dr. Newton attracted attention for the radical liberality of religious views that he expressed from his pulpit and in his writings. Union College conferred upon him the degree of doctor of divinity in 1880. He was select preacher to Leiand Stanford Jr. University, in 1903, and vice-president of the Congress of Religion, 1910-11. He married, April 14, 1864, Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Charles S. Lewis, of Phila- delphia. His publications were: "A Good Man and a Just 172 REV. ROBERT TIMPANY ROCHE, D. D. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1869-1872. J3iettot0Up ot 2Dr. Btmon One, A Sermon, Memorial of Robert Pennick King, Esq.," preached at St. Paul's Church, Sunday evening, October 18, 1868; ''Children's Church," a Sunday-school hymn and service-book (New York, 1872); "The Morals of Trade" (1876) ; "Womanhood" (1880) ; "Studies of Jesus" (1880) ; "Right and Wrong Uses of the Bible" (1883) ; "The Book of the Beginnings" (1884) ; "Philistinism" (1885) ; "Social Studies" (1886); "Church and Creed" (1891); "Christian Science" (1898); "Parsifal" (1904), besides numerous magazine papers, addresses and reviews. Some of his works were republished in England. 17? RECTORSHIP OF DR. ROCHE 1869-1872 0/^^g/^ HE Reverend Robert Timpany Roche, D.D,, rector y ^ I from October 8, 1869, to October 1, 1872, son of ■ I I William Henry Roche by his wife Sarah Marian ^^^^m Timpany, born at Digby, Nova Scotia, February 25, 1823; died at Eatontown, New Jersey, Janu- ary 18, 1901. Educated at King's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia, and the General Theological Seminary, New York, he was admitted to Holy Orders in 1844, and sent as a missionary under the British "Society for the propagation of the Gospel" to Crapaud, Prince Edward Island, becoming rector of Trinity Church, Georgetown, soon afterward. He came to the United States about 1867, accepting an election to the rectorship of Christ Church, Riverton, New Jersey, and two years afterward was elected rector of St. Paul 's, Philadelphia, remaining there until ill health required a change of climate. In his long and faithful ministry of nearly sixty years he was successively rector of Trinity Church, Georgetown, Prince Edward Island; Christ Church, Riverton, New Jersey; St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia; St. Mark's Church, Palatka, Florida; St. Timothy's Church, 174 REV. SAMUEL H. BOYER, D.D. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1873-1879. Witctot^'^ip of 2Dr. TBo^n Philadelphia J Christ Church, Monticello, Florida; and St. James' Memorial, Eatontown, New Jersey, where, in spite of failing health, he spent nine years of devoted service to his beloved Master, and died in 1901. His body lies in the beau- tiful old churchyard of Christ Church, Shrewsbury, New Jersey. EECTORSHIP OF DR. BOYER 1873-1879 ^^^■^HE Reverend Samuel Herbert Boyer, D.D,, rector /^ I from February 4, 1873, to 1879, son of Judge M I I Samuel Boyer of Elmira, by his wife Elenore ^^^^Jr Simmons, born at Big Flats, Chemung County, New York, October 20, 1836; entered into rest January 15, 1916, and was buried in West Laurel Hill, Phila- delphia. He entered Kenyon College, Gambler, Ohio, where he was graduated in 1866, and was ordained by Bishop Mcllvaine at Columbus, Ohio, in the following year. His early charges were Christ Church, Xenia, Ohio; Christ Church, Glendale, Ohio, and St. James' Church, Pittston, Pennsylvania. During his five years' rectorate at St. Paul's he was fairly success- ful and most highly regarded. The congregation had at that time dwindled in numbers, but he faithfully admin- istered to it, and during his rectorship the attendance at the church was fair and remained about stationary. Subsequently, he was rector of St. Peter's, Delaware, Ohio, but returned to Philadelphia to complete plans for the building of the Church of the Holy Spirit, Eleventh Street and Snyder Avenue, where his active services were greatly appreciated by the people of South Philadelphia. He was indefatigable in his 175 work amongst the sick and the afflicted. His zeal for mis- sionary work, in the latter part of his life, took him at times to the open pulpit of the streets, where, with a wagon and an organ, he conducted services in that section known as the "Neck," in districts inhabited by the very poor, who, he found, had not been attracted by the regular church services. He was rector of the Church of the Holy Spirit for nine- teen years, and retired in 1908 as rector emeritus. RECTORSHIP OF REV. MR. ADAMSON 1879-1886 'HE Rev. William Swan Adamson, rector from July / ^ 2, 1879, to August 31, 1886, a native of Dundee, fl I Scotland, died at Nice, France, October, 1913, ^^^^^ and is buried in the Caneada Cemetery of that city. He emigrated to the United States, became a naturalized citizen and settled in Connecticut, where, at Torrington, he officiated as a clergyman of the Congregational Church, and also at Ansonia in that State. Subsequently the faith and practice of the Protestant Episcopal Church drew him to her, and he was, after prepara- tion, made a deacon by the Rt. Rev. Abram Newkirk Little- john, D.D., Bishop of Long Island, January 25, 1875, and raised to the priesthood by the same Bishop, December 20, 1875. He was in charge of St. Thomas's Church, Ravenswood, Long Island, in 1875, and rector of that parish from 1876 to 1879, when he became rector of St. Paul's on the second of July of that year. Here he did excellent work and was much esteemed, but resigned to accept the rectorship of the Amer- ican Church in Geneva, Switzerland, where he remained for 176 REV. WILLIAM ADAMSON. RECTOR 1880-1886. Witctot^^ip ot SDr* ContaH seven years, going from there to the Church of the Holy Trinity, at Nice, France, which position he held for nineteen years until his decease, in the rectory of that Church, in 1913. RECTORSHIP OF DR. CONRAD 1886-1893 ^^^M^HE Eeverend Thomas Kittera Conrad, D.D., rector V^ I from October, 1886, to May 28, 1893, son of ■ I I Harry I. Conrad by his wife Hannah S. Kay, ^^^^f was born at Philadelphia, January 19, 1836, and died at Wayne, Pennsylvania, 28 May, 1893. Obtaining his earlier education at Dr. Samuel Crawford's school, Fourth Street below Arch Street, he entered the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania and was graduated bachelor of arts in 1855, and pursued his theological studies under Bishop Alonzo Potter, by whom he was ordained January 19, 1860, in St. Mark's Church, Philadelphia. He received his master's degree from the University of Pennsylvania, 1858, and that of doctor of divinity from Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, in 1868. His first charge was All Saint's Church, Philadelphia, and he was the first rector of Calvary Church, Germantown, which he was instrumental in building. He was also rector of St. John's Church, Clifton, Staten Island, New York; assistant minister of the Church of the Heavenly Rest, New York, under the Rev, Dr. Rowland; rector of the Church of the Transfiguration, Philadelphia, which he erected on his return from Europe, whither he had gone to be treated for an affection of the throat. Resigning in 1884 he again went abroad. On his return to Philadelphia in 1886, he was elected rector of St. Paul's Church, in October of that year, which 13 177 position he held at the time of his death in connection with St. Mary's Memorial Church, Wayne, of which he had been invited to take charge in October, 1888. Prior to this there had been no church building at "Wayne, the members of the congregation worshipping in a hall, as an organization had been effected a few years before. Shortly after his second return from Europe, Dr. Conrad signified his desire of building a church in memory of his parents. The church was built during 1889 and 1890; the corner-stone being laid June 27, 1889, and church consecrated April 17, 1890. While engaged in one of his most pleasant self-imposed tasks, that of ringing the church chimes. Dr. Conrad became overheated and thus contracted a cold, which resulted in his confinement to the house, during which a special even-song service was held in the church. To hear the music of this service, he sat by an open window, took additional cold which developed into pneumonia and ended fatally. He married, May 10, 1882, Anne, daughter of John Fries Eraser, LL.D., vice-provost and professor of natural philos- ophy and chemistry in the University of Pennsylvania. Mrs. Conrad was a communicant of St. Luke's and The Epiphany and much interested in parish work until her death, which occurred recently. Dr. Conrad was a trustee of the Drexel Institute, Philadelphia. Possessed of ample means his acts of charity were as countless as they were unostentatious. His publications were: "Prayer"; essays, occasional sermons and contributions to current literature. 178 REV. THOMAS KITTERA CONRAD, D.D. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1886-1893. llXtctttt^'^ip ot SDt. f^tebtn^ EECTORSHIP OF DR. STEVENS 1893-1894 'HE Reverend Charles Ellis Stevens, LL.D,, D.C.L., £ ^ rector from November 13, 1893, to December 16, A I 1894, son of James Edward Poole Stevens by his ^^^^Jr wife Mary Pitkin Abrahams, was born at Boston, Massachusetts, July 5, 1853, and died at Brook- lyn, August 28, 1906. Entering the University of Pennsylvania in 1871, he studied at Yale College in 1872-73, and was graduated from the Berkeley Divinity School, Middletown, Connecticut, in 1875. His first appointment was as assistant at Grace Church, Brooklyn, New York, 1876-77; after which he was rector of the Church of the Ascension, Brooklyn, 1877-1880; arch- deacon of Brooklyn, 1887-1891, and rector of Christ Church, Philadelphia, 1891 to 1905, when he was succeeded by the Rev. Louis C. Washburn, S.T.D., the present rector. As many of the old families affiliated with and communi- cants of St. Paul's, had ceased to be regular attendants by reason of their removal to distant parts of the city and sub- urbs, and as business houses had largely supplanted the one- time dwelling houses, those who came to worship within its walls endeared by hallowed association, did so at a disad-. vantage to themselves and to the continuance of parochial life. Hence, while Dr. Stevens did excellent work here in connec- tion with his Christ Church parish, the field was not one of encouragement. He however held regular services during 1894. He was special lecturer on, and later professor of, constitu- tional law and civil polity at the University of the City of New York and other colleges. Fellow of the Royal Geograph- ical Society, a member of the Society of Antiquarians of 179 Edinburgh, and, of other learned as well as hereditary-patriotic societies, in which latter he took a deep interest. The Uni- versity of Wooster, Ohio, conferred upon him the degree of LL.D, in 1888, and King 's College, Canada, in the same year, the D.C.L. degree, and Yale, that of Ph.D. He married Ella Monteith, daughter of Walter Monteith Aikman, Brooklyn, New York, and had issue. His publications embraced many reviews, pamphlets and sermons, as well as several books, the most important being: "The Sources of the Constitution of the United States" (1894), published in England, and translated into French (1897) ; "The Romance of Arensfels, and Other tales of the Rhine" (1897). For some years he was an associate editor of The Living Church. RECTORSHIP OF DR. McGARVEY 1897-1898 ^^^j^HE Reverend William I. McGarvey, D.D., rector / ^\ June 1, 1897, to October 1, 1898, son of Alex- ■ I I ander McGarvey by his wife Mary Jane Col- ^^^^r well, was born at Philadelphia, August 14, 1861. Educated in the public schools of Philadelphia and by pri- vate tutors, he entered the General Theological Seminary in New York, was graduated with the bachelor's degree in 1887, and ordained priest, August 22, 1886, becoming curate of the Church of the Evangelists, Philadelphia, 1886 to 1896, and rector of St. Paul's the following year. He later was rector of St. Elizabeth's Church, Philadelphia, Master of the Companions of the Holy Saviour, and Chaplain- General of the Sisterhood of St. Mary in the United States. 180 REV. CHARLES ELLIS STEVENS. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1893-1894. Wiettot0^ip ot m* 9?c(Bati)eg Nashotah Seminary, Wisconsin, conferred upon him the D.D. degree in 1904. He was a high churchman, and having the courage of his beliefs and convictions he subsequently seceded from the Protestant Episcopal Church and entered the priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church, May 27, 1908. He is now doing most efficient work, in his new field of activ- ity, charged as he is, especially to visit the sick and suffering, at the Philadelphia Hospital, University Hospital and Presby- terian Hospital. As an Assistant to Reverend I. C. Monahan, Rector of St. James Roman Catholic Church, Southeast corner of Thirty-eighth and Chestnut Streets, West Philadelphia, and he is highly regarded by the clergy, and loved and respected by his parishioners. Among his publications were : * ' The Cere- monies of a Low Celebration" (1891) ; ''Catechetical Instruc- tion" (1893) ; ''The Council of Nicaea" (1894) ; "Liturgiae Americanea" (1895), a valuable work on the liturgy of the American Episcopal Church. On the fourteenth of March, 1901, the rector, church war- dens, and vestrymen of St. Paul's Church, by Thomas Mc- Cully, accounting warden, and Frederick Metettal, secretary, presented a petition to the Court of Common Pleas No, 5 of Philadelphia County, praying that the corporation be dis- solved and setting forth that, upon the completion of the church building, the Church of St. Paul entered upon a long period of usefulness, was attended by large congregations and supported by a membership of persons of substantial means and so continued for more than a century, successfully accom- plishing the purposes for which it was organized. When, however, the neighborhood ceased to be desirable as a place of residence and the members moved to other parts of the city, the attendance greatly decreased, and through subsequent 181 years continued to decrease, until those who were able to rent sittings and otherwise contribute to the support of the parish became so reduced in number, that the resources of the church ceased to be sufficient for the employment of a rector and the maintenance of regular services. Contending with the difficulties arising from these condi- tions the vestry have for many years made every effort to continue public worship in the church, sustain the other duties of the parish and maintain the property, seeking financial aid from others not members of this church, and the ministrations of the clergy of other parishes; but it has long since become apparent that the parish cannot be sustained by the occasional aids of those upon whom it has no claim, and having no en- dowment or other reserve fund, the petitioner is compelled to the decision to terminate the corporate existence of the church ^and dispose of its property. That the only disposition of the property practicable, and "at the same time accordant with the intentions of those by whom it was acquired and devoted to religious uses, is to transfer it to another church of the same faith and denominar tion willing to accept it and to endeavor to continue tne services. Therefore, the petitioner has requested St. Peter's Church, incorporated, as "The Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry- men of St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia," to take over the property for the religious and charitable uses of that church corporation, and it has agreed so to do. St. Peter's Church is situated near St, Paul's, at the south- west corner of Third and Pine Streets, is of the communion of the Protestant Episcopal Church, and in its usages and practices conforms in all essential particulars to those of St. Paul 's, and to the requirements set forth in the Agreement of the Contributors and in the Charter. 182 REV. WILLIAM L McGARVEY, D.D. RECTOR OF ST. PAUL'S 1897-1898. petition to 2Di00oIbe Cotpotation In accepting the offer of this church, it was stipulated on the part of St. Peter's Church, and agreed to by the peti- tioner, that the property shall be conveyed free of all con- ditions, restrictions and trusts so far as the petitioner is enabled so to convey or shall be empowered by the court; satisfied that the application of the property to the religious and charitable purposes of the corporation of St, Peter's Church sufficiently protects the intentions of the founders and the petitioner. That, as the continuance of the corporate existence of this church cannot serve any useful purpose after the conveyance of its property, it desires to surrender its charter and be dissolved. That all the matters above mentioned having been duly considered at a meeting of the members of the Church of St. Paul, at which a majority were present, held on the twenty- eighth of February, and seventh day of March, A. D. 1901, after notice publicly given at morning service on the twenty- fourth day of February, A. D. 1901, the following resolu- tions were then agreed upon and passed unanimously : Whereas, at a meeting of the Church Wardens and Vesti*ymen of the Church of St. Paul (the office of Rector being then and at the present time vacant), held on the seventeenth day of December, 1900, and subsequently at a meeting of the members of the church, held on the twenty-ninth day of December, 1900, after notice duly given, it was decided that the interests of this Church will be best advanced by transferring all its property to St. Peter's Church, and that the necessary steps be taken to that end. And Whereas : at a conference of the vestries of the two churches all matters necessary to be understood and agreed upon have been considered and settled, to the effect that this church corporation shall sell, transfer and convey all its property real and personal to the corporation of St. Peter's Church, in consideration of one dollar, and for the religious and charitable purposes of the corporation of St. Peter's Church; and that at the same time the corporate existence 183 of the Church of St. Paul shall cease and by proper process be dis- solved. And Whereas in the judgment of this meeting the present con- ditions and future prospects of the Church are such that it will not be possible to continue and maintain regular public worship and services; and it is our belief that the uses and purposes for which the church property was acquired and held, will be more nearly ful- filled by transferring it to St. Peter's Church than by any other use of the same that can now be made; And Whereas it is the desire of St. Peter's Church that in the transfer of the property no condition, restriction, or trust shall be reserved or imposed, and so far as we are enabled or may be em- powered by the Court we approve and agree to that stipulation; Now Therefore Resolved: I. That the action of the Vestry as above mentioned is approved and confirmed and this meeting requests and authorizes the " Rector, Church Wardens, and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul in the City of Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania" to transfer and convey all property real and personal of the Church of St. Paul to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry- men of St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia, its successors and assigns; and that application be made by the Vestry to the Court of Common Pleas for leave to make and perfect such sale and conveyance, II. Resolved, That the Charter of the Corporation of the Church of St. Paul be surrendered and that proceedings for dissolution be taken in the proper Court. III. Resolved, That a certain charge of Seventy-five dollars per annum upon the land late of Lydia Delany, deceased in Delaware County, Pennsylvania, created by her will for "a scholarship in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia" further secured by a bond and mortgage redeemable upon the payment of fifteen hundred dollars, made by Mary McClure shall pass and endure to the benefit of St. Peter's Church for the purposes set forth in said will, bond and mortgage; and that a petition be presented to the proper Court for leave to assign such yearly charge and mortgage, and for the sub- stitution of St. Peter's Church as Trustee, in place of this Church. And Thereupon^ at a meeting of the Vestry held immediately after the meeting of the members of the church, the following was unanimously passed: Whereas^ the members of this church have at a meeting duly con- 184 petition to M00ol\it Corpotatton vened, passed a resolution confirming the action heretofore taken by this Vestry: I. Resolved: That the "Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrjanen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul in the City of Philadelphia in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania" acting by its Wardens and Vestrymen, when empowered by the order of the proper Court, do transfer and convey all its property real and personal of every kind and description to " The Rector, Church Wardens and Vestry- men of St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia" its Succes- sors and Assigns. II. Resolved: That this corporation shall surrender its Charter and be dissolved. III. Resolved: That a petition be prepared and presented to the Court of Common Pleas of the City and County of Philadelphia for leave and authority to make conveyance as aforesaid and for leave to dissolve. IV. That the accounting Warden be authorized to attach the seal of the corporation, to be attested by him and the Secretary of this meeting, to the said Petition and to all deeds, conveyances, and as- surances necessary or proper to be made and executed for the trans- fer and delivery of the property of this Church to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia its successors and assigns. V. Resolved, That a petition be prepared with the seal of this cor- poration attached and attested as aforesaid, and presented to the Orphans' Court of Delaware County for the discharge of this Church as Trustee under the will of Lydia Delany, late of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, of a charge of seventy-five dollars per annum for a scholarship in St. Paul's Church, Philadelphia and for the substi- tution in its place of the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia, and for leave to assign the mortgage made by Mary McClure as a further security for said charge. President Judge J. Willis Martin, after the usual notice by adver- tisement and there being no objection entered the following decree: In the Court of Common Pleas No. 5, for the County of Philadel- phia, March Term, 1901, No. 160. In the matter of the Petition of the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul in the City of Philadelphia in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. 185 I^fgftor? ot &t pauI'iS (Cpijtfcppal C5utc$ Decree And Now April 1st, 1901, on motion of W. M. Lansdale, Esq., upon hearing the Petition of the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul in the City of Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for leave to sell and convey all the property of said Church corporation to the Rec- tor, Church "Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia; and for leave to surrender its Charter and be dissolved the prayers of the said Petition are granted and: — It is Ordered and Decreed I. That the Rector, Church War- dens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul in the City of Philadelphia in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania be authorized and empowered to sell for the consideration of one dollar, and grant, assign and convey by proper deed or deeds of conveyance to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Peter's Church in the City of Philadelphia, its successors and assigns, all its lots or pieces of ground with the buildings thereon erected situate on the East side of Third Street between Walnut and Spruce Street in the City of Philadelphia as in the said Petition more particularly described; And Also the burial lots in Mount Moriah Cemetery conveyed to the Petitioner by deed dated June 23rd, A. D. 1855, being Section numbered forty-seven as described in said petition. II. And it Appearing that due notice of the application of the Petitioner for leave to dissolve has been given by publication in two daily newspapers of the City of Philadelphia, and the legal Intelli- gencer once a week for three weeks and it further appearing the prayer of said petitioner may be granted without prejudice to the public welfare or interests of the corporators and members of said church: IT IS FURTHER ORDERED AND DECREED that the said corporation the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul in the City of Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, be and the same is hereby dissolved and all and singular its powers, franchises and privileges be and the same are hereby extinguished and determined ; provided that this Decree shall not go into effect until a certified copy thereof be filed and recorded in the Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. J. Willis Martin^ President Judge. 186 iDtcttt Si>i00oMnfi Corporation This decree dissolved St. Paul's Cliiirch corporation and authorized the transfer of its real estate to the cor- poration of St. Peter's Church, Third and Pine Streets, of the same faith and denomination, which latter cor- poration was willing to accept the same and to con- tinue the church services. Accordingly this was done, as the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul conveyed to the Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Peter's Church, by deed dated April 10, 1901, recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book J. V. No. 204, page 519, the church and burial ground, viz. (No. 1) situate on the east side of Third Street between Walnut and Spruce Streets (being the northernmost part of two lots pur- chased by Samuel Powell of Thomas Parsons and as- signed to Anthony Morris), containing in front on Third Street 73 feet and in depth eastward 105 feet. (2) Situate east side of Third Street between Walnut and Spruce Streets (being the southernmost part of two lots aforesaid purchased by Samuel Powell of Thomas Parsons and assigned to Israel Morris). Front 30 feet, depth 195 feet. The Rector, Church Wardens and Vestrymen of St. Peter's Church subse- quently on April 16, 1904, reconveyed said church and burial ground to the trustees of the Protestant Episco- pal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania, by deed recorded at Philadelphia in Deed Book W. S. V. No. 284, page 350. This last deed recites that the Rector, Church War- dens and Vestry of St. Peter's Church, desiring to con- tinue the use for religious purposes of the church build- 187 ing owned by them, known as St. Paul's Churcli on Third Street, have offered to convey it to the trustees of the Diocese, to hold for the Philadelphia Protestant Episcopal City Mission so long as that body should con- tinue to use it for the purposes of their organization and keep and maintain the property and ground in suitable order and condition, and, in the event of the City Mis- sion no longer making use of it, to hold for such other purposes and objects without restrictions as the Bishop and Standing Committee of the Diocese of Pennsylvania may direct. The legal title to the lot of St. Paul's Church appears, therefore, to be vested today in the trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania. The assessed value of the land and building on the tax books of the city of Phila- delphia is $50,000, although, as a church, it is, under the law, exempt from taxation. While there is no reference to the subject in the de- cree of President Judge Martin above quoted, it is clear that St. Peter's Church corporation only acquired the legal title, subject to the condition that it would con- tinue services and protect the intention of the founders ; and subject also to the further trust and restriction that it is a church and graveyard and can be devoted to no other purpose. The trustees are without power in law to divert it from the uses for which it is impressed without the consent of a court having jurisdiction over trusts. And this is also the law upon the dissolution of a charitable corporation. Its property, upon sale, will be appropriated by the Court to the purpose most 188 SDtttte M&^oMns Corporation nearly akin to the intent of the donors and will not be distributed to the donors (In Re Centennial and Memorial Association of Valley Forge, 235 Pa. St. Rep., p. 206. Young's Estate, 224 Pa. St., p. 570; Young's Estate, 20 Penna. Dist. Rep., p. 686 (1911). Gummey, J.) As was stated by the court of Lehigh County by Albright, President Judge in Zion German Reformed Congregation's appeal, 1 Monaghan, page 635, ''whether a profit can be made by removing the bodies and selling the ground cannot enter into the in- quiry. There is no law, and it is to be hoped that there never will be, permitting the dead to be exhumed and carried from one burying-ground to another when- ever a cheaper place to deposit the remains can be found." See Methodist Cemetery case, 39 Pa. Co. Ct. Rep., page 17. If the trustees of the Diocese conclude to sell St. Paul's, before its sale, the permission of the Court of Common Pleas of this County is required to be first obtained, after hearing all parties in interest, under the Act of May 23, 1887. This Act also requires that each body to be removed shall be separately reinterred in some suitable burial ground and each grave be marked by headstones, et cetera, and there is the fur- ther provision that no such petition shall be granted by the court, except upon condition set forth in the decree requiring the petitioners to purchase the rights of all lot-holders in such burial grounds, and to secure the consent in writing of the near relatives of the deceased, whenever such relatives shall appear as parties to such proceedings. The trustees of the Diocese hold the title subject to like trusts and limitations, to which has 189 ^motv ot &t paurjei (episcopal Cl^utcl been added the further trust by St. Peter's that it shall be held for the benefit of the City Mission. As long as the City Mission continues to occupy the old Sunday School for its business offices and continues the church services no one has any objection. But an interesting legal question would arise if it were attempted to sell Old St. Paul's Church and burial ground after exhum- ing the dead, recoffining them, buying a new ground, and marking each grave with headstones and purchas- ing the rights of all lot-holders, and give the proceeds, if there were any, to the City Mission. The right of St. Peter's corporation to add a trust in favor of the City Mission upon the other subsisting trusts then ex- isting is not clear in law and is probably ultra vires. Under section 7 of the Act of April 26, 1855, P. L. 328, it has been held by the Supreme Court: ''This legislation in most unequivocal terms confirms to every religious society, incorporated or unincorporated, the absolute ownership of its property subject only to the condition that it shall not divert it from the uses and purposes and trusts to which it may have been lawfully dedicated. It expresses the settled policy of the State with respect to the tenure of property held by religious societies that has been steadily observed without ques- tion for now more than half a century." Krauczunas V. Hogan, 221 Pa. St. Eep., 213. The terms of the Act of Assembly are imperative. St. Paul's Church, Chest- nut Hill, 30 Pa. St. Reps., 152; Louther M. E. Church, 40 Pa. Co. Ci, p. 615. Under this statute it is difficult to see how St. Peter's corporation, as trustee of St. Paul's real estate con- 190 ^ecttt M^^olbinz Cotpotation veyed to it for the nominal consideration of one dollar, even if the deed erroneously states it to be in fee simple, could make a valid trust in favor of the City Mission, which would entitle the City Mission to the proceeds of the sale of the real estate, because that would be di- verting it from the uses, purposes and trusts to which it had been lawfully delegated. And this no court would permit. See Krauczunas v. Hogan, 221 Pa. St. Eeps., 213 (1908), Stewart, J.; Phillips v. Westminster Church, 225 Pa. St. Reps., 62 (1909), Sulzberger, P. J.; Mazaika v. Krauczunas, 233 Pa. St. Reps., 138 (1911), Stewart, J. This question, however, is not important at this time. It is proper to say that the City Mission has faithfully held noonday services in Old St. Paul's Church since that time and still continues them and ought to continue them. Many churchmen, having regard to the history of Old St. Paul's, and doubtless aware of the legal status of the land, are of opinion that the services at the church should be continued and not abandoned, and that those buried there have rights which should be respected. "We must not forget that, primarily, we are dealing merely with property rights which are regulated by law. Some few churchmen, ignorant both of the facts and the law of trusts as applicable to the title to the real estate, not having had the matter brought to their at- tention, affect to believe that Old St. Paul's is merely an asset to which the trustees of the Diocese have a title in fee simple, from which money can be obtained for the prosecution and extension of other church work 191 ^i^tot^ ot S>t ^mV0 (Episcopal Cj^urcS to be determined by them, without leave of the court. As to this, they may find themselves mistaken. In their commercial view it is no longer a consecrated place, but a piece of ground having a money value, in- cumbered by a useless building and some old bones, to- gether with slabs of marble, that ought to be sold and devoted to business purposes, that the work of the church may be extended through the City Mission in some other location, without the allegation or sugges- tion that St. Paul's is a nuisance, dilapidated or out of repair, which cannot truthfully be said, because it is in good order and condition. This desire to make money out of the dead, by the sale of ground dedicated to its use, is not a new prop- osition. Unhappily, there are some people to whom it seems right to traffic over a grave and the sacred ashes of the dead, if money can be obtained. In March, 1889, two auctioneers sold in the City of Washington, D. C, a tract of land, including the grave of Mary, the mother of General George Washington, at Fredericks- burg, Virginia, but the Supreme Court of that State re- fused to permit it (Colbert vs. Kirtly and Shepherd, 89 Virginia Reports, p. 401, 1892). Another recent attempt to disturb the repose of the dead was in the Legislature of Pennsylvania by House Bill No. 591, Session of 1917, authorizing the Court of Quarter Sessions to make orders and decrees for the removal of bodies interred in burial grounds or ceme- teries in or adjacent to cities, which passed both houses but Governor Martin G. Brumbaugh on July 6, 1917, very properly vetoed it, stating: 192 S)e&itt to 9^eitt 9^ont^ out ot t^t ISDeati " The Bill does not indicate whose oversight shall be invoked to care for those sacred quantities of Christian dust when once they are removed. The Bill does not indicate from what source shall come the funds for the removal of these bodies, nor does it provide any means of payment for ground to which they are transferred. " Especially is the Bill lacking in any provision to hint even as to the ownership of the abandoned burial ground after the bodies are removed. Whose ground is it? The act is silent. There is in' this silence the portent of the conceivable purpose of the Bill. Some one may want this ground. These neglected bodies are in the way. This Bill would remove them and make easy the acquisition by some one of this ground. It is evident that such ground becomes very valuable. This value should be secured to all the people. This Bill would secure it against the people. " For these : easons this Bill is not approved." To the writer, it seems not only a fallacy to measure the value of a slirine in money as an asset, but when it includes the remains of one's ancestors it is abhorrent. Let us hope the trustees of the Diocese will so deter- mine, and take up the question how to best preserve Old St. Paul's for posterity, and decide it in a way that will meet with the approval, not only of those inter- ested in St. Paul's, the church at large and its history, but of a court of equity, if it has to be submitted to a court, in order to give a good title to the property or for any other cause, and not by selling it to some his- torical corporation or Society as has been suggested, which would be discreditable alike to the trustees of the Diocese and the Protestant Episcopal Church itself. 14 193 T T T T Hppenbfr 1111 H AETICLES OF AGREEMENT,^ ETC. Certain agreements, concessions and constitutions, made, concluded, and agreed upon, by and between the subscribers and contributors, for raising a sum of money for purchasing or renting one or more lots of ground, and building a church, in the city of Philadelphia, the twenty-fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord one thou- sand seven hundred and sixty. WHEREAS the Reverend William Macelenachan, a minister of the established church of England, travelling through the city of Philadelphia, was, after experience of his religious abilities, and ardent zeal for the promotion of Christianity, prevailed on to exer- cise the office and duties of a minister, by a large number of the reputable, religious, and well disposed part of the congregation of Christ's church, in Philadelphia, and accordingly was admitted, pro- nounced, and declared, at the instance, and request, and with the as- sent of the said congregation, by the rector, vestry and church-war- dens of the said church, an assistant minister to the said rector, and by them recommended to the Lord Bishop of London, for his licence for that purpose. And whereas, notwithstanding the said Reverend William Macelenachan did, before his said admission, procure the most ample testimonials as well of his moral as religious life and conversation, and hath since behaved himself, in his said office, with exemplary piety among the people, exerting himself in the cause of Christianity with remarkable industry, and indefatigable zeal; and notwithstanding the strong and earnest desire of the congregation to enjoy the advantage of the ministry of the said Rev. William Mac- elenachan, arising from the great benefit they have received from his 1 Articles | of | Agreement, &c. | for raising a sum of money, | to pur- chase I a lot of ground, | and erecting thereon | a church, | (since known by the name of St. Paul's Church.) | In the city of Philadelphia. | and for vesting the same, with the lot on which | it is constructed, in cer- tain trustees. | To which is added, | The Act, with a Supplement to | th« Act for Incorporating | St. Paul 's Church, | in the city of Philadelphia. Philadelphia: | Printed by Jesper Harding | 1818. | 194 Sittitlt& ot Sig;uemtnt doctrines and examples; and notwithstanding their said recommen- dation to the bishop, the said rector, vestry and church-wardens, without any good and sufficient cause or reason, or ever hearing the said Reverend William Macclenachan, in defence of any charge of misbehaviour, they had to alledge against him, have dismissed from his said office of an assistant minister, and refused him the use of the pulpit of the said church. And whereas a number of well dis- posed persons having had experience of the said Reverend William Macclenachan's religious and exemplary deportment and sound prin- ciples of Christianity, and being resolved, as far as in them lies, to support and maintain their religious rights and privileges have sub- scribed and agreed to contribute a large sum of money for the pur- chasing or taking on ground rent one or more lots of ground, within the city of Philadelphia, and for building and erecting thereon a commodious house for the worship of GOD; which house, when cov- ered in, is forever to be and to remain to and for the several uses, and subject to the several trusts, concessions, agreements, and con- stitutions herein after mentioned and expressed, and to and for no other use, intent, or purpose whatsoever. Now know all Christian People, whom it may concern. That we, the under named subscribers and contributors, have conceded to, con- cluded and agreed on, and by these presents do concede to, conclude and agree on the following fundamental articles, rules, concessions and constitutions, for erecting, building, future support and govern- ment of the said church, the true intent and meaning whereof are not to be hereafter altered, changed, impaired, or diminished, but shall remain in full force and virtue, and inviolable forever: — First, That all sums of money already subscribed or contributed^ or that hereafter shall be subscribed or contributed, for the purpose aforesaid, shall be laid out, paid and expended in purchasing or tak- ing on ground rent, some convenient lot or lots of ground within the city of Philadelphia, and in building, erecting, and completely finishing thereon, a large commodious house; which house, when built, shall be used and employed as a house of public worship for- ever, wherein shall be read, performed, and taught the liturgy, rites, ceremonies, doctrines, and true principles of the established church of England, according to the plain, literal and grammatical sense of the thirty-nine articles of the said church, and no other whatsoever, and the same house is hereby agreed forever hereafter to be stiled and called by the name of Saint Paul's Church, Secondly, That the lot or lots of ground so to be purchased, or taken on ground rent, together with the buildings and improvements 195 thereon to be erected and made as aforesaid, shall be conveyed unto, and vested in fourteen such persons and their heirs forever, as the subscribers and contributors, professing members of the church of England, or a majority of them by way of ballot, shall choose, nominate and elect in trust; nevertheless, that they and the survivors and survivor of them, and their heirs, to such survivors, shall, and do, at all times hereafter, at the reasonable request, cost and charge of the congregation of the said church, or of a majority of them, signified in writing, under the hands of the vestry, for the time being, grant and convey the same unto such person and persons his and their heirs, as shall be nominated and appointed for that pur- pose, by the said members and congregation, or by a majority of them, to be determined by way of ballot, at any annual election of the officers of the said church, in trust; nevertheless, and to, for, and upon such and the uses, intents, trusts, and purposes, as are before, or hereafter in these presents mentioned, expressed, directed, or appointed, and no other, provided that the trustees, for the time being, be first well and sufficiently saved harmless and indemnified of and from all annuities, rent or charges, which they shall covenant or undertake to pay for the lot or lots of ground aforesaid. Thirdly, That the Reverend William Macclenachan aforesaid, shall be, and is hereby nominated, constituted, elected, and chosen the minister of the said church, to do and perform all the offices and duties to his said office pertaining, during his good behaviour, moral and religious life and conversation, and that upon the disease or the removal of the said Reverend William Macclenachan, a successor shall be chosen and appointed, by way of ballot, and in no other way or manner, by the members of the said church, or congregation, or a majority of them assembled for that purpose; which successor shall hold and enjoy his said office during his good behaviour, moral and religious life and conversation, and in such way, manner, and form, and no otherways, from time to time forever hereafter, shall all succeeding ministers be elected and chosen, which congregation shall be, and are hereby declared to be, such only as are professing members of the church of England, and contributors to the support and maintenance of the said church, and its minister or ministers, and having and paying for a setting in the said church, and of full age. Fourthly, That an assistant or assistants to the Reverend William Maeelenaehan, or to any of his successors, ministers in the said church, shall and may, as often as deemed necessary, be elected and 196 Sict tot Intotpotatins ^t ^mVfi C|utc|^ chosen' by the said congregation, or a majority of them, by way of ballot, and in no other way whatsoever, who shall hold the said office of assistant to the minister for the time being, during his good behaviour, moral and religious life and conversation; provided always, that every such minister and assistant, appointed and chosen as aforesaid, shall have first obtained the orders of a priest of the established church of England, and be duly ordained by the bishop of the said church, in Great Britain or Ireland, and shall, by the con- gregation, or a majority of them, be adjudged sound in his prin- ciples, according to the plain, literal and grammatical sense of the thirty-nine articles of the said church; of a moral and religious life and conversation, well acquainted with vital and experimental piety. Fifthly, That for the better management and economy of the said church, and for repairing and preserving the same, and the inclosures of the church yard and burial ground, from decay, there shall be elected and chosen, at or in the said church, by ballot, and in no other way, under the direction of the former vestry and church- wardens, or as many as shall assemble on Easter Monday, in every year, a new vestry, consisting of twenty sober reputable and religious persons of the said congregation, who shall superintend and take care of and repair the said church and inclosures, and do and per- form all and every other thing and duty there appertaining; also, that on the same day there shall be chosen and elected two church- wardens by and out of the vestry aforesaid, by way of ballot, which wardens shall be and are hereby made subject to the orders and directions of the vestry, and shall have no other or further power and authority than is hereby given and granted unto the vestry. Sixthly, That the vestry, for the time being, shall hire or rent out the pews, collect and receive the pew money, box money, and all the other revenues and incomes of the said church, (surplice fees ex- cepted) and shall from time to time, appropriate, pay and dispose in the following order: First, the annuities or rent charges which shall be issuing out of or chargeable on the lot or lots of ground, so to be procured as afore- said. Secondly, the salaries of the clerk and sexton of the said church, the reparations and amendments thereof, and of the church yard and burial ground, with the other incidental charges and ex- penses of the said church. And lastly, the overplus, or clear residue and remainder of such pew money, box money, and revenues and incomes of the said church, shall be paid into the hands of the min- ister of the said church, and his assistant, for the time being, in such parts, portions and dividends as the congregation, or a majority of 197 them, by way of ballot, as aforesaid, when assembled for that pur- pose, shall limit, direct or appoint. Seventhly, That the minister of the said church, for the time being, shall or may, so often as he shall think proper, ask and invite any orthodox minister of the church of England occasionally to officiate for him in the said church, and in case any objection be made thereto by a majority of the said congregation or vestry, for the time being, after once hearing the minister so invited, shall be no more asked or admitted to that service; provided always, that noth- ing herein contained shall be deemed or construed to extend to authorize or impower any minister, or vestry or church-wardens of the said church, to nominate and appoint, elect or establish, any minister or ministers in the said church, contrary to the true intent and meaning of these present constitutions; also, all elections, votes, determinations and appointments shall be had, given, and made by the congregation and vestry, or a majority of them, by way of ballot, and in no other way or manner whatsoever. AN ACT Incorporating St. Paul's Church, in the city op philadelphia. Section I. WHEREAS divers members of the Episcopal church, formerly in communion with the church of England, did many years ago, at a very considerable expense, erect and build an house for the public worship of God in the city of Phila- delphia, which they nominated and stiled St. Paul's Church, by certain constitutions and a special agreement vest- ing the same church, together with the lot of ground on which it is constructed, in certain persons in trust: And whereas the survivors of the said trustees, together with the present vestrymen of the above named church, have set forth and represented the disadvan- tages which they have sustained, and yet experience, from the want of legal power and consideration as a politic and corporate body; and also have petitioned that they, the said survivors together with the other members of the religious society who assemble in the said church, may be incorporated, and furnished with the due and cus- tomary privileges in this behalf, and that they may have perpetual succession: And whereas it is just and proper, and perfectly con- sistent with the true intention and spirit of the constitution, that the prayer of their said petition be granted. 198 Sict tot SncDtpotatinia; &t ^mV0 CfiurcJ Section II. Be it therefore enacted, and it is hereby enacted by the Representatives of the Freemen of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, in General Assembly met, and by the authority of the same, That the Rev. Samuel Magaw, Doctor of divinity, rector or minister of the said church, John Wood^ and Lambert Wilmer^ the present wardens, and Plunket Fleeson, John Young, Andrew Boz, George Goodwin, John Campbell,* George Ord, Blair M'Clenachan, Wm. Graham, George Glentworth,^ Joseph Bullock,'^ Saml. Penrose,"^ George Nelson, Richard Renshaw, Joseph Turner, John Keble,^ John Bates, James Dough- 2 John Wood, an original subscriber and twenty-four years church warden, was the well-known clock and watch-maker of "The Sign of the Dial," Front and Chestnut Streets, q. v. 3 Lambert Wilmer, son of Simon Wilmer of Shrewsbury Parish, Kent County, Maryland, by his wife Mary Price, was born there, June 8, 1747, and died at Philadelphia, March 9, 1825; married at St. Paul's, October 12, 1770, Mary Barker. He was a vestryman in 1772 and 1773. ♦ John Campbell, tea merchant at 1 South Front Street and 14 High Street, and member of the Hibernian Society; married November 2, 1771, Mary Wood. He, his wife and son, Dr. John Campbell were interred in St. Paul's ground. George Glentworth, M.D., son of Thomas Glentworth, a prominent sea- captain of Philadelphia, was born there in July, 1735. He began the Btudy of medicine imder his brother-in-law. Dr. Peter Sonmans and com- pleted it in Europe, receiving the M.D. degree from the University of Edinburgh in 1758. After serving as an assistant surgeon in the British army during the French and Indian War, he practised his profession in his native city. In 1773 he established a private hospital and from 1777 until 1780, and possibly later, was a senior surgeon in the hospitals of the American Army, and, it is said, extracted the ball which wounded Gen- eral Lafayette at the battle of Brandywine. He was a signer of the Non-Importation Eesolutions; a founder of the Fishing Company of Fort St. Davids, which merged into the Fishing Company of the State in Schuylkill; a founder of the Medical Society of Pennsylvania; a mem- ber of the American Philosophical Society; an incorporator of the Society of Sons of St. George, and a founder of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, of which he was one of its twelve Senior Fellows. He died at Philadelphia, 4 November, 1792, and was buried in the Glentworth vault in St. Paul 's churchyard, his funeral being ' ' attended by the great- est concourse of respectable citizens ever assembled in Philadelphia on a similar occasion." A portrait of Dr. Glentworth, by John Singleton Copley, is in Independence Hall. He married, 29 Nov., 1764, Margaret, daughter of John Linton by his wife Martha Bankson. His sons, Drs. Peter Sonmans Glentworth and Plunket Fleeson Glentworth were gradu- ates of the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania. The 199 erty and Benjamin Towne, grocer, present vestrymen of the said church, and their successors, duly elected and nominated in their place and stead, be, and they are hereby made and constituted a cor- poration, and body politic in law and in fact, to have continuance for ever, by the name and title of '' The Minister Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul, in the city of Philadelphia, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania." former was a martyr to his profession, and died in 1793, in the yellow fever epidemic of that year. The other son, Dr. Plunket Fleeson Glent- worth, was secretary of the University of Pennsylvania in 1791; a Fel- low of the College of Physicians ; a founder of the Academy of Fine Arts, and a trustee of the Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church for the Advancement of Christianity in Pennsylvania. During the residence of General Washington in Philadelphia, he was attended by Dr. Glentworth, who is thus mentioned by Washington in a letter, under date of 20 April, 1797 : ' ' Thanks to the kind attention of my esteemed friend Doctor Glentworth . . . than whom no nobler man or skillful physician ever lived, I am now restored to my usual state of health. ' ' 6 Joseph Bullock was one of the two surviving children of George Bullock, who died in 1758, the other being Elizabeth, wife of Peter Bayn- ton, Esq., Treasurer and Adjutant General of Pennsylvania, whose sis- ter, Esther Baynton, he had married and by whom he had children: Joseph Bullock, Sophia Bullock, Anna Maria Bullock, who d.s.p., and Eebecca Bullock, who married 15 Dec, 1803, Charles J. Wister. 7 Samuel Penrose, son of Thomas Penrose by his wife Sarah Coats, born at Philadelphia, 14 Nov., 1742; died there in 1796, was a member of the Provincial Convention which met in Philadelphia, 23 January, 1775; one of the founders of the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, of which organization he was quart«rmaster-sergeant in 1777 and served as such until the close of the Eevolution, his name being placed on the honorary roll in 1786; an organizer of the Pennsylvania Bank in 1780, and a member of the Pennsylvania Assembly of 1781-2-3. He married 1st., 3 AprU, 1766, Ann. daughter of Plunket Fleeson Esq., q.v.; 2d., 30 September, 1780, Sarah Moulder, and had issue by both marriages. — See "History of the Penrose Family," by J. Granville Leach, pp. 25, 50-1. 8 John Keble, a native of England, was some years a vestryman and a considerable benefactor of St. Paul's. In April, 1806, he presented the baptismal font, and, by wiU of 24 Sept., 1807, bequeathed his house and lot on north side of Pearson's Court for the use of aged mdows of the Church, with an additional legacy of one thousand dollars, of which one- fourth was for repairs on said house, one-fourth towards purchase of an organ, one-fourth towards cupola for church, and one-fourth towards the purchase of a bell for the church. He married 17 Oct., 1771, Abigail Spicer, and died 29 Sept., 1807, aed sixty-three years, q.v. 200 Sitt tot lincotpotatins &t ^mV0 €Wtt^ Section III. And he it further enacted by the authority afore- said, That the said minister, church-wardens and vestrymen, and their successors, by the name and title aforesaid, shall forever here- after be persons able and capable in law to pur- Corporation may ^^^se, have, receive, take, hold and enjoy, in fee purchase and simple, or of any lesser estate or estates, any hold land, &c. lands, tenements, rents, annuities, liberties, fran- chises and other hereditaments, by the gift, grant, bargain, sale, alienation, enfeoffment, release, confirmation or devise of any person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, capable to make the same; and further, that the said corporation may take and receive any sum or sums of money, and any kind, manner or por- tion of goods and chattels, that shall be given or bequeathed to the said minister, church-wardens and vestrymen, and their successors, by any person or persons, bodies politic and corporate, capable to make a gift or bequest thereof, such money, goods and chattels to be laid out by them in a purchase or purchases of lands, tenements, messuages, houses, rents, annuities or hereditaments, to them and their successors forever. Section IV. And he it further enacted hy the authority afore- said, That the rents and revenues, profits and interests of the said church and corporation shall, by the said minister, church-wardens and vestrymen, and their successors from time to Manner of time, be appointed for the maintenance and sup- applying the pQj^ q£ ^.jjg minister or ministers, and ofl&cers of ^ the said church, and for the necessary repairs of the said church, burial ground, church yard, par- sonage house or houses, and other tenements, which do now or here- after may or shall belong to the said church and corporation, and to no other use or purpose whatsoever. Section V. And he it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the said minister, church-wardens and vestrymen, and their successors, shall and may grant, alien, or otherwise Corporation may ^igpogg of ^^y messuages, houses, lands, tenements J! J.Z. X X o_ or hereditaments, other than the scite of the of the estate, &c. house of public worship or church aforesaid, and the burial ground or grounds which they do now or may hereafter possess, as to them may seem meet and proper. Section VI. Provided always, and he it further enacted hy the authority aforesaid, That in the disposition, sale or alienation of such 201 ^i0tot^ of fet paur0 (Epfiefcopal CJutcS messuages, houses, lands, tenements and hereditaments, the consent and concurrence of two-thirds of the vestry shall ^°" " be had and obtained, and also the monies arising tliG V6stry from the said disposition or sale shall be appro- consenting. . 1 , . , . , priated to the purchasmg and procuring other more convenient messuages, houses, lands or tenements, as the afore- said majority of vestry may deem proper and expedient, and to no other purpose or purposes whatsoever. Section VII. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- said, That the said minister, church-wardens and vestrymen, and their successors, or a majority of them, shall and may convene from time to time, to make rules, by-laws and ordi- ^ '^ * ^ nances, and to transact every thing requisite for . ' the good government and support of the said church: Provided always, That the said rules, by- laws and ordinances be not repugnant to the laws and statutes in force within this commonwealth, and that they be consonant to the usages and customs of the skid church. Section VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- said. That the said minister, church-wardens and vestrymen, shall Corporation to have full power and authority to make, have use one common and use one common seal, with such device or seal. devices and inscription, as they shall think proper, and the same to change, break, alter and renew at their pleasure. Section IX. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- said. That the said minister, church wardens and vestrymen, and their successors, by the name before mentioned, shall be able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be ^ impleaded, in any court or courts, before any Judge or Judges, Justice or Justices, in all and all manner of suits, complaints, causes, matters and demands, of whatsoever kind, nature or form they be; and all and every other matter and thing therein to do, in as full and effectual a manner as any other person or persons, bodies politic or corporate, in this commonwealth, in the like cases may or can do. Section X. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- said, That the vestry of the said church shall always consist of twenty persons, members of the said church, of which number the church wardens are always to be two; and that um er o ^j^^ election of such vestry shall be made every ' * year on Easter Monday, or some day in the same week, (of which the said congregation shall have notice,) by a ma- 202 Sict tot Jncotpotatms &t paursi Cj^utc]^ jority of such members of the said church, as shall appear by the vestry books to be contributors to the support and maintenance of the said church, having and paying for a pew, or a part of a pew, sufficient for one person at the least, and to be of full age, who only shall have a right to vote for the vestrymen of the said church. Section XI. And be it further enacted hy the authority afore- said, That the said vestry so elected shall have full power to elect and choose annually and every year, two of their number to be church wardens of the said church: Provided Vestry to choose always nevertheless, That in case of the death or war ens annua y. j-gu^Qy^l of the rector or principal minister of _ . the said church, from the death or removal of Proviso. . such minister, and until another minister shall be duly appointed and approved for the said church, agreeably to former method and usage, the church wardens for the time being, with the consent of the major part of the vestrymen, in vestry met, shall have the same powers and authorities relating to the disposition of the rents and revenues of the said corporation, as is herein before vested in the minister, church-wardens and vestrymen. Section XII. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- said, That certain " agreements, concessions and constitutions, made, concluded and agreed on, by and between the subscribers and con- tributors" to the church above named, which Certain agree- agreements and constitution bear date on the , , , ■ twenty-fourth day of June, in the year of our declared to be ^ , -^ ^, ^ t, j j j • . £ £ M £ m. Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty, are of full force, &c. „ <, „ „ , . ^ and shall be of full force and operation, except so far as there is provision otherwise appointed and made special by this act, and except the restricting clause relative to the ordina- tion of the minister, or assistant minister or ministers, by a bishop of the church of England, in Great Britain or Ireland. Section XIII. And be it further enacted by the authority afore- said. That the clear yearly value of the messuages, houses, lands, tenements, rents, annuities, or other hereditaments, and real estate of the said corporation, shall not exceed the sum imi a ion o ^^ ^^^ thousand pounds lawful money of the state of Pennsylvania, exclusive of the monies arising from the letting of the pews belonging to the said church, and also exclusive of the monies arising from the opening of the ground for burials in the church yard, belonging to the said church; which said monies shall, as they are now, be received and disposed of by the 203 churcli wardens, and vestrymen for the time being, for the purposes hereinbefore mentioned and directed. Signed by order of the House, Frederick A. Muhlenberg, Speaker. Enacted into a law at Philadelphia, on Tuesday, the twenty-third day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three, Peter Z. Lloyd, Clerk of the General Assembly. Pennsylvania, ss. Office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. Harrisburg, December 15th, 1818. In testimony that the foregoing is a true and correct copy from the original law, remaining on the files of this office, I have here- unto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Thomas Sergeant, Secretary. Pennsylvania, ss. In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Penn- sylvania, WILLIAM FINDLAY, governor of the said Common- wealth, To all to whom these presents shall come, sends greeting: Know ye, that Thomas Sergeant, esq. whose name is subscribed to the instrument of writing hereunto annexed was at the time of sub- scribing the same secretary of the said Commonwealth; duly ap- pointed and commissioned : And full faith and credit is and ought to be given to his official acts accordingly. Given under my hand and the great seal of the state, at Harrisburg, this sixteenth day of December in the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and eighteen, and of the Commonwealth the forty-second. By the Governor. Thomas Sergeant, Secretary. 204 Sict tot Imotpotatins &t ^auVa C|utc|^ Corporation for the Year 1818. Reverend Joseph Pilmore, D.D. Rector. CHURCH WARDENS. P. F. Glentworth, John Claxton. VESTRYMEN. Levi Hollingsworth, John Matthews, Christian Wiltberger, Thomas Palmer, Richard Johnson, John Turner, Edward Rowley, Arthur Stotesbury, Joseph Norman, John Phile, John Pechin, Thomas T. Stiles, James King, Junr, Cornelius Stevenson, John Wharton, Richard North, Samuel J. Robbins, John Toy. 205 T r T T T Hppenbtr 1 I 1 [ r ABSTRACTS OF TITLE DEEDS FOR ST. PAUL'S CHUBOH, 1760-1904 DEED BOOK H, NO. 9, PAGE 295. October 5, 1758. Samuel Rhoads, Hugh Roberts and Jacob Lewis, partition under Will of Samuel Powell deed. Pursuant to the direction of his last will. (1) To Samuel Morris, lot of ground purchased by Joan Forrest being in front on Third Street 82 ft. or thereabouts and in depth 47 ft. 3 in. (2) To Anthony Morris and his heirs, A certain Lot of Ground situate on the east side of 3rd Street, front 73 ft. depth 195 feet more or less. (3) To Israel Morris and his heirs, Lot of Ground situate on east side of 3d street, front 30 ft. depth 195 ft., more or less. (4) To Sarah Morris and her heirs, A Certain Lot of Ground situate east side of 3d street 31 ft. depth 195 ft. more or less. Recorded December 8, 1758, DEED BOOK D, NO. 54, PAGE 363. Dated Sept. 16, 1760. Anthony Moms to Thomas Leech, John Ross, John Baynton, Walter Goodman, Thomas Campbell, John Ord, John Palmer, Plun- ket Fleeson, Ephraim Benham, John Benezet, John KJiowles, An- drew Bankson, Andrew Doz and Thomas Charlton. Lot of Ground situate east side of 3d street front 23 ft. depth 195 ft. Reserved yearly Ground Rent 27 Spanish Pistoles consideration 540 Spanish Pistoles. Recorded May 16, 1776. DEED BOOK D, NO. 54, PAGE 367. Dated January 16, 1772. Anthony Morris to John Ross, John Baynton, Walter Goodman, John Ord, John Palmer, Plunket Fleeson, Ephraim Benham, James Benezet, John Knowles, Andrew Bankson, Andrew Doz, Thomas Charlton, Thomas Leech and Thomas Campbell being dead. He the 206 Sih0ttsitt0 of ^itle SDeetiiEf said Anthony Morris, his heirs, executors, administrators and as- signs do covenant, promise and agree with the said John Ross, John Baj'nton, Walter Goodman, John Ord, John Palmer, Plunket rieeson, Ephraim Benham, James Benezet, John Knowles, Andrew Bankson, Andrew Doz and Thomas Charlton their heirs and assigns and every of them by these presents in manner following that is to say the sum of 8 pistoles per annum shall forever hereafter abate be extinct out of the within Yearly Rent charge of 27 pistoles. Recorded May 16, 1776. DEED BOOK D, NO. 60, PAGE 415. Dated April 19, 1762. Israel Morris to John Ross, John Baynton, Walter Goodman, Thomas Campbell, John Knowles, John Ord, John Palmer, Plunket Fleeson, Andrew Doz, Andrew Bankson, Ephraim Benham, James Benezet, Thomas Charlton and William Shute. Premises situate on east side of 3d street the southernmost part of two lots purchased by Samuel Powell of Thomas Parsons front 3d street 30 feet depth 195 ft. more or less. Reserved Ground Rent of 11 Spanish Pistoles and 1/9 part of a pistole, consideration 222 Spanish pistoles and 2/9 part of a pistole. Recorded April 7, 1797. DEED BOOK D, NO. 60, PAGE 1121. Dated October 14, 1796. John Palmer to Minister Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul. Premises situate on east side of 3d street in city of Philadelphia front 73 feet depth 105 feet, Subject to ground rent of 19 Spanish Pistoles. Recorded April 7, 1797. DEED BOOK NO. 62, PAGE 396. Dated December 22, 1796. John Palmer, surviving trustee to Minister Church Wardens and Vestrymen of Episcopal Church of St. Paul. Premises situate east side of 3d street front 30 ft. depth 195 ft. Subject to ground rent of 11.1/9 Spanish pistoles to Israel Morris. Recorded April 7, 1797. DEED BOOK M. R, NO. 8, PAGE 487. Dated February 1, 1797. Ministers Church Warden and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul to Israel Morris — securing to Israel Morris the payment of ground rent of 11.1/9 Spanish Pistoles on account of the original being lost or mislaid so that the same cannot be found. The above ground rent made between Israel Morris and John Rose, John Bayn- 207 ^iiStocg ot &t ^mV0 Cpii^copal C8utc5 ton, Walter Goodman, Thomas Campbell, John Knowles, John Ord, John Palmer, Plunket Fleeson, Andrew Doz, Andrew Bankson, Ephraim Benham, James Benezet, Thomas Charlton and William Shute. Recorded June 18, 1816. DEED BOOK L. C, NO. 9, PAGE 462. Dated April 18, 1810. Samuel Morris to the Minister Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul's Extinguished ground rent 19 Spanish pistoles payable out of lot east side of 3d street, front 73 feet depth 195 feet. Recorded April 20, 1810. DEED BOOK M. R, NO. 8, PAGE 490. Dated April 24, 1816. Joseph P. Menniek, Sur. Assignee of Estate of William Buckley 1st part William Buckley and Sarah his wife. 2nd part Ministers Church Wardens and Vestrymen of Episcopal Church of St. Paul. Extinguishment of ground rent 11.1/9 Spanish pistoles. Recorded April 18, 1816. DEED BOOK J. V, NO. 204, PAGE 519. Dated April 10, 1901. The Rectors Church Wardens and Vestrymen of the Episcopal Church of St. Paul to the Rector Church Warden and Vestrymen of St. Peter's Church. (1) Situate on the east side of 3d street between Walnut and Spruce Streets (being northernmost parts of two lots purchased by Samuel Powell of Thomas Parsons and assigned to Anthony Mor- ris) front street 73 feet depth 105 feet. (2) Situate east side of 3d street between Walnut and Spruce streets (being the southernmost part of 2 lots aforesaid purchased by Samuel Powell to Thomas Parsons and assigned to Israel Morris front 30 ft. depth 195 feet. Recorded April 10, 1901. DEED BOOK W. S. V, NO. 284, PAGE 350. Dated April 16, 1904. The Rector Church Warden and Vestrymen of St. Peter's Church to the Trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania. (1) All That certain Lot or piece of ground with the Church Edifice erected thereon and known as the Episcopal Church of St. Paul. Situate east side of 3d street between Walnut and Spruce streets front 73 feet depth 195 feet. Recorded April 30, 1904. 208 SLbHttact^ ot ^itlt SDtt\i& This last Deed recites that, the rector, church wardens and vestry of St. Peter's Church, desiring to continue the use for religious pur- poses of the church building owned by them, known as St. Paul's Church, on Third Street, have offered to convey it to the trustees of the Diocese, to hold it for the Philadelphia Protestant Episcopal City Mission so long as that body shall continue to use it for the purpose of such organization and keep and maintain the property and ground in proper order and condition, and, in the event of the City Mission no longer making such use of it, to hold the same for such other pur- poses and objects, with restrictions, as the Bishop and standing committee of the Diocese of Pennsylvania may direct. The legal title to the lot of St. Paul's Church appears, therefore, to be vested, today, in the Trustees of the Protestant Episcopal church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania. The assessed value of the corporation on the tax-books of the city is $50,000, although as a church it is, under the law, exempt from taxation. 15 209 T T T T T Hppenbfr I 1 I 1 1 THE CHUECH PLATE The Sacramental Silver consists of thirteen pieces, described as follows : Two Chalices. — At a Meeting of the Trustees held 16 March, 1761, it was " Ordered that Messrs. Plunket Fleeson and Thomas Charlton be a Committee to employ proper persons to make, and with all expedition prepare two silver chalices for the use of St. Paul's Church." These Chalices are the oldest pieces of Silver belonging to the Church. They have a bell shaped body, the stem with moulded knop and moulded base, and are inscribed " St. Paul's Church." They have no hall mark. Dimensions, Height 8 9/16 in. Diameter of mouth 3 15/16 in. and of the base 4 9/16 in. Two Patens. — One made by John David of Philadelphia, having a fluted edge and floriated border, engraved with leaves and birds. It has no inscription. Maker's mark " I. D." in a shield with a fleur-de- lis, for John David. Dimensions, Diameter 10 1/16 in. The other, having moulded edge, with three moulded feet. Dimensions, Diameter of top 11 in., of base 8 7/8 in., height 1 1/16 in'. No maker's mark. It is inscribed, " St. Paul's Church, Phila- delphia, 1829." Two Flagons. — One made by John David, and presented by Mrs. Rebecca Doz and her daughter, Mrs. Martha Flower in 1792, and in- scribed, " Belonging | to the | Altar ] of St. Paul's Church." Maker's mark "David." Another made by Christian Wiltberger of Philadelphia, and in- scribed, " The Gift | of | Mrs. Ann Cannon | to the | Altar | of | St. Paul's Church." Maker's mark " C. Weltberger." These flagons have a plain "bellied" body, and moulded base, the thumb piece a plain arch with a plain flat shield on handle end. Dimensions. Height 9 3/8 in. Diameter of mouth, 4 1/2 in. and of the base 4 9/16 in. 210 PULPIT AND COMMUNION SILVER, 1916. ^^t C|utc|^ piatf One Baptismal Bowl. — Made by Christian Wiltberger, and in- scribed, « The Gift of a Friend to St. Paul's Church, Philad^., Dec'. 25*'^. 1805." A plain oval bowl, the body being divided into eight sections, above which a flat band, the edge being go-drooned, the base is octag- onal. Dimensions, 7 1/2 in. by 6 1/2 in., height 5 1/2 in. Maker's mark " C. Wiltberger." Weight 21 oz. 4 dwt. When used for Baptism it stands on an octagonal mahogany pedes- tal, having a cover with a gilt flame finial, when not in use. Two Alms Basins. — Made by Joseph Lower of Philadelphia and inscribed, "Belonging | to the | Altar | of | St. Paul's Church | Joseph Pilmore, D.D., Rector. | 1820." They have grooved rims and curved bases and weigh 19 oz. 19 dwt. Dimensions: One 2 7/8 in. high; Base 5 in. by 3 9/16 in.; Top 9 3/8 in. by 7 5/16 in. The other, 2 13/16 in. high. Base 5 in. by 3 3/4 in. Top 9 9/16 in. by 7 9/16 in. Maker's mark " Lovter." One Alms Basin. — Made by R. & W. Wilson of Philadelphia, and inscribed, "Communion Table. St. Paul's Church. Richard New- ton. Rector. Easter 1848." Dimensions 2 7/8 in high. Base 5 in', by 3 3/4 in. Top 9 5/16 in. by 7 7/16 in. Maker's mark " R. & W. Wilson." Pattern same as the two described above. Three Alms Basins. — No inscriptions and no maker's marks. Dimensions and pattern same as last described. 211 Hppenbft I I r THE CHURCH REGISTERS BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES, BURIALS, AND RECORD OF INTERMENTS I. One Leather bound Book with label on the front cover, "Rec- ords of St. Paul's Church from 1760 to 1835." The first 38 pages contain minutes of the Vestry from June 24, 1760, to April 23, 1764, and the remaining entries are of Baptisms, Marriages and Burials. Baptisms from Nov. 3, 1782, to Nov. 11, 1802 Oct. 31, 1784, to Oct. 4, 1829 July 22, 1834, to Jan. 28, 1835 Marriages from Sept. 14, 1759, to July 25, 1765 Sept. 8, 1768, to Sept. 20, 1778 Sept. 29, 1781, to May 1, 1804 Dec. 20, 1834, to Jan. 15, 1835 Burials from Jan. 14, 1790, to March 8, 1805 II. One small paper cover bound book, being the Private Register of the Rev. Joseph Pilmore, D.D., Rector, contains: Marriages from March 20, 1786, to March 16, 1813 III. One small paper cover bound book, containing: Baptisms from Nov. 8, 1821, to May 25, 1829 Marriages from Dec. 20, 1821, to April 14, 1829 Burials from Nov. 15, 1821, to May 16, 1829 IV. One small black leather bound Book containing: Baptisms from June 17, 1829, to June 18, 1865, entered in alphabetical order. Marriages from July 28, 1829, to April 11, 1865 Burials from June 11, 1829, to March 25, 1865 V. A book with cloth binding, leather back and corners, containing : Baptisms from March 30, 1866, to May 6, 1888 Marriages from March 15, 1866, to June 12, 1888 Burials from March 6, 1866, to Feb. 28, 1888 212 ^^t C^utcS 33itg;i0Ut0 VI. A Register of Interments. Leather bound Book, containing record of burials in the Church Yard from June 9, 1811, to April 5, 1851. VII. A Register of Interments. Containing record of burials in the Church Yard from April 7, 1852, to Oct. 8, 1855, and from Jan. 1, 1856, to July 7, 1869. VIII. One book containing: Baptisms from April 6, 1890, to July 11, 1897 M-arriages from Oct. 15, 1890, to Sept. 21, 1897 Burials from Apl. 17, 1890, to Feb. 8, 1897 213 ? T T T T HppenMi: 1 I \ [ r IE EXCERPTS FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH, PHILADELPHIA JOURNAL 1789, PAGE 94. Christ Church, Thursday, October 1, 1789. " The Meeting in Christ Church being found inconvenient to the members in several respects. " On motion, Resolved, That the Rev. Dr. "William Smith and the Hon. Mr. Secretary Hopkinson, be appointed to wait upon his Ex- 'Cellency, Thomas Mifflin Esq., the President of the State, and to re- quest leave for the Convention to hold their Meeting in some con- venient apartment in the State House." " The Rev. Dr. William Smith and Hon. Mr, Hopkinson, reported that the President of the State had very politely given permission to the Convention to hold their meeting at the State House, in the apart- ments of the General Assembly, until they shall be wanted for the public service. " Adjourned to meet at the State House tomorrow morning." The Minutes of the following day, Friday, October 2, are headed as follows: State House, in the City of Philadelphia, Friday, October, 2, 1789. (It was at this session that Bishop Samuel Seabury subscribed to the Constitution and his Deputies took their seats.) The following day, Saturday, October 3, the Convention again met in a joint session in the State House and thereafter the two Houses 214 <£uttpt0 ttom t^e ^in\ite0 (now being fully organized for separate sessions) met separately in the State House until October 10. In the Minutes of Saturday, October 10th, in the State House, there is a statement — " It having been notified that the public service of the State of Pennsylvania would require the use of the State House during the present week. Adjourned to meet at Christ Church on Monday morning next." This undoubtedly meant; required the immediate use, so as to get ready the State House for use during the following week. On October 12, the Convention met in Christ Church and " it being represented that convenient apartments might be had in the College of Philadelphia for the Meeting of both Houses of Convention, dur- ing the remainder of the present session. " Adjourned to meet at the College immediately." The formal opening of the House was held that morning in the College of Philadelphia and all subsequent Meetings were held In that building. These excerpts from the Minutes show how the Church, the Na- tion and University of Pennsylvania were intimately connected in the events of those days when history was made. Bishop Seabury evidently declined to meet in Christ Church, hence the State House was selected. For an account of his life, election as Bishop, consecra- tion, toryism, manner, and ehurchmanship see "History of the American Episcopal Church," by Rev. S. D. McConnell, D.C.L. (1904) ; pp. 200, 207, 208, 218, 237, 249, 257, 290, 227, 229, 234, 255, 260, 262, 289, 319. 215 T T T T T Hppenbfi: I 1 I 1 I INSCRIPTIONS ON TOMBSTONES AND VAULTS IN THE CHURCH AND CHURCHYARD. Largely a Reprint from the Publications of The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania, Vol. 2, pp. 303-339. Interments in the Church Rev^ Joseph Pilmore D.D. /Rector of this Church/ 16 years & 8 months /Died July 24^^ 1825 /Aged 85 Years B Rev* Samuel Magaw. D.D. /Rector of this Church/ 23 years/ Died Dec' l** 1812/ Aged 77 years a Sacred /To the Memory of the /Rev. Benjamin Allen /Rector of this Church 7 years 4 months /Who departed this life on the 13*^ January 1829 / on his passage from Liverpool Eng^ to Philadelphia / where he had gone for the restoration of his health /Aged 39 years 3 months 15 days /By direction of the Vestry. D Sacred /To the Memory of /John Ross Esq"" / Counsellor at Law /who departed this Life /May 5^^ 1776 /Aged 61 Years /And of/ Elizabeth his Wife /who departed this Life /October 7'^ 1776/ Aged 62 Years / And also of / Catharine Gumey / Daughter of the above /John & Elizabeth Ross /who departed this Life /August 27*'^ 1782 /Aged 34 Years. The three inscriptions (A, B, D) are on stones over the graves in what is now the basement of the Church, while those of Dr. Magaw and Dr. Pilmore, are on what was the floor of the chancel before the alterations were made in 1829. The inscription on stone 216 ££ o o| 3: > nt0 anH l^aulW 23 No 2 /Mary Marshall / and / Elizabeth Walker's / Family Vault/ Here lies the remains of /Amor Marshall /who died August 1«* 1816 / and his Daughter / Frances Matilda, who died / NoV 28 1831 Interments in this vault were as follows: April 5, 1853, Mrs. Mary Marshall. March 7, 1859, Ann Elizabeth Marshall. May, 1859, Joseph Y. Marshall. 24 No. 3 /Samuel N. Davies / Family Vault. Interments in this vault were as follows: April 25, 1855, Mrs. Rebecca Davies. July 25, 1855, Samuel N. Davies. January 22, 1863, Herbert S. Davies. February 10, 1863, Samuel N. Davies. June 27, 1868, Elizabeth B. Davies. October 21, 1870, Charles Edward Davies. 25 Receiving Vault. 26 R. F. Lopers / Family Vault. Interments in this vault were as follows: November 9, 1880, Richard Fanning Loper. William F. Loper. Emily Weaver Loper. Josephine Kirkpatrick Loper. September 16, 1868, Elizabeth Spooner McMurtrie. June 3, 1869, Mrs. Josephine Spooner Kirkpatrick. January 29, 1866, Catherine Mercer Baird Spooner.** [ William Kirkpatrick. \ August 24, 1864, Marie L. Loper. 27 In /memory of /Ann A. Rose /wife of David Rose /who de- parted this life /on the 2* day of November 1794 /Aged 35 years 8a Alvin Mercer Parker and Joseph Brooks Bloodgood Parker, members of the Colonial Society, are great grandsons. 223 ^i0tot}f ot &t ^a\iV0 episcopal C|utc|^ /also Mary their daughter /who departed this life /on the 27'ii day of August 1790 /in the 37'^'^ year of her age /also Rebecca their daughter /who departed this life /on the 8*^^ day of September 1790 /Aged 10 months /also Samuel their son /who departed this life /on the 22"^ day of June 1794 /in the 9^*^ year of his age /also Thomas their son /who departed this life /on the lO'^'^ day of Sep- tember 1798 /Aged 3 years /also Ann S. Rose wife of /David Rose / who departed this life / on the 13'^ day of September 1833 / in the 67''* year of her age /and in memory of /David Rose /Who departed this life / the 17'i* day of April 1837 28 Sacred /To the Memory / of / David Rose /who died Aug 3''^ 1798 /Aged 68 years / Also / Abigail his wife /who died Septem- ber 19*^ 1809 /Aged 79 years /The righteous shall be had in ever- lasting remembrance. 29 In /Memory of /Samuel Rose /who departed this life /March le'** A. D. 1786. /Aged 20 years 30 In Memory of /Sarah Dilworth / Who departed this Life /Nov*" the 13*" 1790 /Aged 56 years 31 Sacred /to the Memory of /Mary A, Snyder /who died March 24"* 1832 /Aged 67 years /The righteous shall be had in everlast- ing/remembrance Ps 112. V, 6. /Their works of Piety and love/ Remain before the Lord /Honour on earth and joy above /Shall be their sure reward /Also her mother /Ann Cromwell /who died in March 1818 /Aged 75 years / Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord that they may rest from their labours & their works do follow them. Rev 11 v. 5. / Also Mary Ann daughter of / George & Mary A Guerin who died / Ocf^ 21^' 1788. Aged 2 years & 2 mos 32 Here /lies the body of/ Susannah DeBray bom Auber/Wife of Daniel DeBray / Member of the Worshipful Russia Company. In- corporated in London / She departed this Life after long suf / f ering Patience and meek Resignation / the M*** of March 1786 Aged 34 Years / Also / To the Memory of James Auber/her brother Mid- 224 ln0ctivtion& on f^omb0tont0 anH miiit^ shipman who depart / ed this Life on board his Britannick / Majes- ty's Ship Isis in the Mozambique / Channel next Madagascar on the 23'-d/of August 1781 /Aged 19 years 33 Sacred /to the memory of /John Matthews /who departed this life /the 23'-'i November 1833 /in the 76'"^ year of his age /Mary Matthews /his Widow / departed this life /October 2'^'* 1817/ Matthew Matthews / their eldest son /departed this life /August 1^* 1819. 34 In /Memory of Sarali/wife of /James Ellis /who departed this life/Feby 25 1816 /in the SOti^ year of her age 35 George Glentworth M. D./ Departed this Life November l^V 1792 / Aged 57 years Interments in this vault were as follows: June 27, 1813, George Glentworth. November 2, 1815, Margaret Glentworth. June 19, 1818, Mrs. Mackey. September 11, 1823, A Glentworth. March 15, 1826, Walter Glentworth. March 2, 1831, Mrs. George Glentworth. January 19, 1833, Plunket Fleeson Glentworth, M.D. August 5, 1836, Mr. Glentworth's child. February 2, 1848, George P. Glentworth. October 24, 1834, Mrs. Harriet Glentworth. September 14, 1845, Alfred Glentworth. July 30, 1856, Hannah L. Glentworth. February 16, 1858, Edward H. Glentworth, M.D. 1860, Mrs. Glentworth. November 5, 1863, John L. Glentworth. December 26, 1864, Harvey Glentworth. August 20, 1866, George Glentworth. July 13, 1867, Theodore Glentworth. 36 Rowley's /Family Vault /Edward Rowley /Died the 27^1' of Jan- uary A. D. 1820 /in the 63^ year of his age /Anthony Myers Died Dec' 27*^^ 1828 /Aged 44 Years / Richard Rowley son of Edward/ i6 225 and Ann Rowley died / Nov. / 9'^^ 1836 / in the IQ^i' year of his age / Horatio G. Rowley / departed this life April 18. 1810 /in the 18 year of his age /Ann wife of /Edward Rowley /who departed this Life /Sept 231 1803 /in the 48 year of her age /also 3 of their children / Richard died May 28^^ 1787 /Aged 16 months / Ellen Ann died Jan^ 18*1* 1797 /Aged 2 months/ John died Oet° —1799/ in the 17'*^ year of his age / Edw"* Rowley Jun*" died August 8^^ 1815 /in the 21^* year of his age /Anthony Myers son of /Anthony & Isabella Rowley Myers /Bom Jan — 1815 Died 27 Feb 1817/ Isabella Rowley Myers /Relict of Anthony Myers /Born May 4*'' 1790/DiedAugt 6th 1848 Interments in this vault were as follows : July 16, 1832, Mr. Rowley's child. August 26, 1862, Mr. Millett. February 17, 1871, Marian Alexandra Livingston. 37 In Memory of / Ann wife of / Christian Wiltberger / who de- parted this life /May 12*1^ 1813 /Aged 42 years 6 months & 20 days /also of / Hetty / Second Wife of Christian Wiltberger / who died Oct 7^^ 1851 /Aged 79 years & 3 months /also of /Christian Wiltberger / who died Oct. 16*'* 1851 /Aged 81 years 11 months & 6 days Interments in this vault were as follows : September 24, 1819. Mountford (G'ehild of C. W.). April 6, 1824, Christian Wiltberger. May 1, 1828, Edward Wiltberger. April 13, 1830, Child of William M. Evans. May 21, 1830, George Wiltberger. May 29, 1831, Elizabeth C. Evans. December 26, 1834, Mr. Evans' child. March 2, 1843, Mr. Wiltberger's child. August 16, 1855, Rev. Christian Wiltberger. December 29, 1858, Mrs. Maria S. Wiltberger. < 38 In this Vault rest the remains of /Peter Miercken Potter /son of Rich* Si Catharine Potter /who departed this life /the 31^* ]V[ay 1816 Aged 22 years / also / Richard Cheslyn Potter / Father of the above born September 27**^ 1759 /died September 29^^^ 1828 Aged 69 years & 2 days / also / Catharine Miercken/ widow of Rich* C. 226 JniaicnptiongJ on ^omb^tont^ anli iPauUsi Potter /died in Alabama August 1831 /in the 61^^ year of her age /and reinterred / beneath this slab inV February 1853 /"Let her memory be blessed " 39 In this Vault / lie the remains of Sarah S North wife of / Stephen North & daughter of the late / John Bartram M. D. who died Dec'' 11. 1813 / in the 27 year of her age & their son / Richard who died July 17 1810 in his 7*'^ year / also Alfred Augustus son of / Stephen & Mary North /who died Dec ll**^ 1821 /Stephen North who de- parted this life / Sept. 1^ 1826 in the U'^ year of his age. Williams Mary North/ of his age/Lydia, daughter of John Bartram & Phoebe North/ Aug' 18. 1833. / Aged 7 weeks. / Also their son / James Bar- tram / who died Feb. 4. 1835 / Aged 6 months / In the City of Wash- ington/On the 3^ of October 1851 /Phoebe H. Wife of J. Bartram North / Aged 40 Years / Beneath this stone / are deposited the remains of / Richard son of Richard & Mary North /who died Feb^ 21^' lygg Aged 8 weeks/ and Mary Ann daughter of /Richard & Mary North /who died March 29'^ 1797 / in the 4^'^ year of her age / also / Catharine Jor- dan/who died July 24*'^ 1802 /Aged 48 years /Mary wife of Richard North / departed this life DeC 12 1827 /in the 78ti> year of her age /Richard North / departed this life June 6^^ 1837 /in the 83'"^ year of his age /Phoebe Emma North /Died at Washing- ton City April 21 1844 / in the 5^^ year of her age Interments in this vault were as follows : October 8, 1827, William North. May 4, 1839, Dr. Green's child. June 25, 1854, William North. 40 Here lie inteiTed / Ann Simpson bom 19 October 1787 / died 30'^ July 1789 / William Simpson born 8*'^ Jan^ 1796 / died 17 July 1797 /Eleanor Simpson bom 3^ Ocf 1798 /died 11'^ August 1799/ Samuel Simpson bom 17 March 1785 /died 2°* December 1806/ Day Simpson bom 2°^ May 1794 / died 5^11 September 1808 / George Simpson born 23"-'^ August 1786 /died 8'^ January 1818 / Gustavus Simpson born 8^^ Febmary 1792 /died 11'^ April 1822 /George ©Catharine Miercken Potter interred February 8, 1853 [Church Eegisters]. 227 Simpson for many years Cashier /of the first Bank United States/ Born 12th December 1759 /Died 30^^ November 1822 Interments in this vault were as follows : April 6, 1818, Mrs. Esther Hughes. May 11, 1825, Stephen Day Simpson. December 1, 1836, Mrs. Simpson. March 19, 1841, Eleanor Day Simpson. June 28, 1849, George Simpson. August 19, 1854, Stephen Simpson. March 26, 1856, Mrs. Stephen Simpson. March 25, 1868," Henry Simpson. September 13, 1869, Julianna Simpson. April 22, 1873, Emeline Simpson. 41 C[omelius] Stevenson's Family Vault / William Stevenson Sen^ /Died May 16*^ A. D. 1817 aged 69 years and 3 months /Ann Stevenson his Wife /Died January 3'"'^ A. D. 1805 aged 45 years and 5 months /Also their Children / Robert died April 17**^ 1818 aged 36 years & 5 mos/ William died August 27^^ 1813 aged 26 years & 7 mos /Peter died September 9'^^ 1795 aged 6 years & 2 mos /Ann, Wife of Thomas Lake Bom May 31, 1784 /Died Jan'y 10 Compiler of "The Lives of Eminent Philadelphians now Deceased." 11 William Stevenson, born February 17, 1748; married Ann, daughter tof Lucas Dokoe Groebe, of St. Eustache, Surinam, by his wife, Aletta Heylinger, and arrived in Philadelphia May 13, 1784. Their son, Cor- nelius Stevenson, born on the Demarara Eiver, British Guiana, February 20, 1779; died at Philadelphia, April 24, 1860; married Mary, daughter of Adam and Catharine (Diehl) May, born December 14, 1786; died Philadelphia, January 29, 1860; Member of the Carpenters Company in 1809, was Major of First Eegiment, Penna. Volunteer Artillery in War of 1812; like his father many years vestryman of St. Paul's; City Treasurer in 1831; member of State in Schuylkill of which his son William Stevenson was Governor; manager of the Protestant Episcopal Sunday School Society of Philadelphia in 1831. He became a member of Montgomery Lodge F. & A. M., April 5, 1810; charter member of Industry Lodge, No. 31, June 22, 1811, of which he was Junior Warden, Senior Warden and Master in 1812; Member of Philadelphia Lodge No. 72, February 9, 1832; Grand Treasurer, 1832, and Grand Master of Pennsylvania, 1843; City Treasurer of Philadelphia, 1830-1850; one of the founders and Senior Warden of St. Andrew's Church. His great grandson, Stevenson Hockley Walsh, Esq., is a councillor of the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. 228 1779-CORNELIUS STEVENSON-1860 :tn0ctiption0 on Tlomb^tone^ anb i^avilt^ 2, 1873 / Margaretta Daughter of William Stevenson Sr. /Bom July 1. 1796. Died December 3, 1876. Interments in this vault were as follows : November 22, 1820, Ann Stevenson. August 8, 1823, Eloise Salaignac. June 2, 1825, Caroline Lake. The following inscriptions are in the rear of the church beginning from the North. A-1 This stone /was Erected by /Elizabeth Manning / consort of R. H. Manning /of the County of Wicklow / Ireland / [son of]/ Robert H. Manning /who departed this life /March 11^^ 1830/ Aged 41 Years /Also his children / Grizelda died Aug 12 1827/ Aged 1 year 8 months & 24 days / Robinina Hayes January 1827 / aged 2 years / Robert Hayes August 1827 / [aged] 8 months 12 days A-2 In / Memory / of / William H. Hayward/Who departed this life /May 18*1^ 1825 /Aged 27 years Mourn not for me Eliza dear I am not dead but sleeping here And as I am so must you be Prepare yourself to follow me A-3 In /Memory of /Matthew Spillard/who departed this life/ March llt'^ 1804 /Aged 49 Years / also / of Mary wife of /Mat- thew Spillard/who departed this life /April 4*1* 1801 Aged 53 Years A-4 In Memory of /James Alexander & Mary Ann /The Twin Chil- dren of /Mat. & Mary Spillard/who died July the lO^i^ 1789/ Aged 10 Weeks. / Beneath this sod harmless Babes repose/ releas'd / / /Also Maria Spillard/who died June 20**' 1791 /aged 6 months /and Elizabeth who died /Aug* 9^^ 1791 Aged 4 Years A-5 In / memory / of / John Sperry/who departed this life /Decem- ber llti' 1822 / aged 17 Years. 229 ^i0totil ot &t paurjEi episcopal C|^utc|^ A-6, Altar Tomb Beneath this stone are buried /the remains of Andrew Brown late of /the city of Philadelphia Printer /Aged 52 years /and Elizabeth his Wife aged years / and of Mary. George & Elizabeth, their children /A fire which broke out in their / dwelling house on the 27*1^ of Jan^ 1797 / destroyed them all, the mother and the/ children perished in the flames, the father languished a few days and followed after A-7 Here lie the remains of Parry Hall /Obit. October 30 1793/ aged 38 years His faith and patience love and zeal Do make his memory dear And Lord do thou the prayers fulfil He offered for us here also/M" Mary HalP^ wife of the Eev^ Rich^ D, Hall /Nat May 7. 1786. ob. Feb. 5. 1817 / Also / Parry Pilmore Hall their son/ nat Oct 17. 1816. ob. Dec 27 1821 /Rev Richard Drayson Hall/ Bom 1 May 1789 Died 28 July 1873. AS In memory of /Margaret James bom Feb^ 22"* 1793 / departed this life July 15*1* 1794 /Mary McGlathery bom Nov 13. 1797 /de- parted this life Oct 24 1798 /Richard bom Feb 26. 1796 /lost at sea Sept 12 1816 /Thomas bora July 27. 1799 / departed this life Sept 12. 1820 /James bom Aug 28 1794 / departed this life March 31. 1828 / Ferguson bom Sept 16 1801 / departed this life July 24 1834 /Children of Richard & Mary Robinett / Also / Mary wife of / Richard Robinett bom Sept 2 1770 / departed this life July 4 1834 /Richard Robinett / departed this life /on the 1^^ of July A. D. 1835 /in the 64^^ year of his age /Robert W. C. Robinett /son of Richard Robinett / died April 8^^ 1836 /in the 30ti» year of his age A-9, Altar Tomb Beneath /this stone are Entombed the Remains / of / Elizabeth Ryerson / daughter of Thomas and Mary Ryerson/who died the 6^^ day of March A. D. 1818 /In the 18ti» year of her age /the flower f adeth for the wind passeth / over it and it is gone / Also / of izEichard Drayson Hall m. Mary Douglass, April 5, 1818. St. Paul's Registers. 230 1765-NORRIS STANLEY-1851 FROM FRENCH MINIATURE IN POSSESSION OF NORRIS S. BARRATT. Infittivtion^ on 7lomb0tont0 anti f^ault^ /Thomas Ryerson/who died the 2°'^ day of Oct"'' A. D. 1835 /In the 82°'* year of his age /Also of /Mary Ryerson/wife of Thomas Ryerson/who died the 23'-'i day of Dec"- A. D. 1846 /in the TS'J* year of her age A-10, Altar Tomb The Memory of the just is blessed Psa X 7 / Sarah, the daugh- ter of /Joseph & Elizabeth Turner / departed this life May 21^* 1798 Aged 19 years /And Elizabeth the wife of /the Rev Joseph Turner/ June 17ti» i818 Aged 73 years /The righteous shall be had in everlasting / remembrance Psal exii, 6. /Also to the Memory of /Joseph M. Turner who died at Alabama /on the 5^^ of September 1818 /in the 31^* year of his age /Also to the memory of the /Rev Joseph Turner a Native of Devonshire England / some time Rector of S' Martins Marcus Hook and Assistant / to the Rector of the Sweedish Churches in the State / on the 26'^ day of July A. D. 1821 /he ceased from his labours and entered into rest /in the 79'^ year of his age /They that turn many to righteousness / shall shine as the stars for /ever and ever Dan xii. 3 /also to the memory of Eliza daughter of /Joseph & Elizabeth Turner /Bom February IS*** 1775 / Died March 3''^ 1868 / Also to the Memory of Esther daugh- ter of /Joseph & Elizabeth Turner /Bom Nov 18^^ 1781 /Died March 13'^ 1868 A-11, Altar Tomb Sacred /to the memory of /Mary /Wife of Norris Stanley /who departed this life / on the 26*^^ of November 1823 / in the 48^^ year of her Age / also / in memory of / Rolanda S. Swain / who died in' the Havana /on the 6*" of May 1824 /in the 22^ year of his Age/ And /to the memory of/Norris^^ Stanley /Bom November 10*^ 1765 /Died May 8^^ 1851 /in the 86ti» year of his age /Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord 13 Norris Stanley was in early life a master mariner and commanded ships sailing to foreign ports. Later he became a ship owner and mer- chant, and an associate of Stephen Girard, William Cummings, Com- modores Bainbridge and Barry, Mayor Wharton and Captain Thomas Hayes of John Moss's ship "Tontine" and many other well-known Philadelphians. In 1810 he was an Inspector of the Philadelphia County Prisons. He took a deep interest in Masonry, was Warden of Lodge No. 2, in 1809, and Senior Master of Ceremonies in 1816. During his lifetime he gave his wealth to the poor and distressed, especially Masons, and by his will, of which WUliam Cummings and Horace Binney, Jr., were executors, he remembered in a substantial way many of the charities of St. Paul 's, of which he was sometime a vestryman, q. v. 231 A-12 In memory of /M""^ Margaret Leech/ (relict of Capf^ Tho^ Leech) /who died DeC ISt'^ A. D. 1822 aged 80. / years / Endued with an excellent understanding — was / Generous, Benevolent & Charitable; In all the /Domestic & Social relations, as a Wife. Mother /Friend & Neighbor. Her conduct was exempla/ry; with Fortitude & Pious resignation she bore /many & Severe afflictions; Her rela- tives humbly / trust, she now stands near the Throne of God, / among those who came out of great tribulation, / & have washed their robes & made them white /in the blood of the Lamb /Also of / Charlotte Leech daughter of / Tho^ & Margaret Leech / who died May 31 A. D. 1792 aged / 20 years Youth, Innocence & Beauty join'd With Elegance & Taste refined Lo! Here in humble ruin lies Till the last Trumpets voice shall make Heaven Earth & Hells foundation shake Then in Immortal Beauty rise. A-13 In /memory of /Miss Mary Ann C. A. Allen /the second daugh- ter of the /Rev Benjamin Allen / formerly Rector /of this Church/ She died Oef 30^1^ 1841 /in the 21^^ year of her age /Mary hath chosen that /good part which shall not /be taken away from her/ 42 v/Also in memory of the /Third Brother of Mary /Benjamin Allen / He died Jan^ 31^* 1852 / in the 30^^^ year of bis age A-14 In memory of /Emmanuel Josiah/who departed this Life/ June 4th 1779 /Aged 84 Years / also / Ann his wife / Departed this life /May 28**' 1767 /Aged 47 Years A-15 A stone with no inscription. A-16, Altar Tomb Sacred /to the memory of /Richard Renshaw/who died /No- vember 27"» 1835 /Aged 63 years / also / Mary Erwin his Widow /who died / September 25^11 1838/ Aged 58 years /Also their daugh- ter/Alice Johnston Neill/who died /July 29*1^ 1856 /Aged 37 232 In0ctiption& on ^omb^tone^ anti Pault^ years / also / Richard Renshaw/who died July 5^^ 1865 /Aged 56 years A-17 Here lie /The Bodies of /Richard Renshaw/who died Oct 20 1806 / Aged 1 month & 9 days / and / Mary J. Renshaw / who died Feb 11. 1807 Aged / 4 years 4 months & 9 days / children of / Rich- ard & Mary E. Renshaw A-18, Altar Tomb Sacred to the Memory of /Richard Renshaw/who died the IS''' of March 1799 /Aged 89 years / Also / His children / Charles who died the lO'** of Dec/ 1775 Aged 5 months /and William who died the 9ti» of Sept/ 1782 Aged 2 months & 20 Days / also / His Grand- children/Mary Ann R«nshaw/who died the 21^* of Aug 1798./ Aged 3 years and 9 days /and Edward Renshaw Thomson /who died the IS'^i of May 1799 / Aged 1 year and 9 months / also / Ann his Wife /who died the 21«t of August 1822 /aged 75 Years 3 months and 24 Days Believe in Christ, his sacred Laws obey And Live in Hope of an Eternal Day. A-19 E E[?] Thomson / In / Memory of /Ann R Thomson / daughter of / / who died / July 1805 [ ?] / Aged years B-1 In Memory of /John the Son of /John & Sarah Johnston /who died Feby 2^ 1788 / Aged 12 Weeks B-2 In /memory of /Eleanor daughter of /John and Sarah John- ston/who departed this life /May lO*'' 1805 /aged 22 years B-3 In /Memory of /Catharine Daughter of /John & Sarah Johnston / who departed this life / May 4^'' 1801 / Aged 16 years Go fair example of untainted youth Of modest wisdom and pacific truth Great without pride humble yet not mean Quiet in affliction and in death serene. 233 a In /memory of /Robert C. Seaborn /who departed this life/ March IV^ 180 /Aged 43 years /also of / Elizabeth. Wife of/ Peter Freburger / and daughter of /Rob* C. Seaborn /who de- parted this life/Novf 22°^ 1825 /in the 26t>> year of her age /also EUzabeth Wife /of Robert C. Seaborn /Who died Sepf 6^^ 1830/ in the 85*^^ year of her age B-5 In /Memory of /John Moffet/who departed this Life /Novem- ber /in the Year of our Lord/ 1798 /in the Sixty year /of his age /Also of /Rachel Moffet/who was bom April m^ 1802 /and died June the 25ti» 1803 B-6 In /Memory of /Sarah Moffet/who departed this Life /June the 27'»> 1802 /in the 67*"^ year of her age /Also of/ John Martin Moffet/was bom October the 26*^ 1808 /and departed this life/ May the 8''» 1809 / aged 6 months and 18 days B-7 In Memory/ of /M" Sarah Currie/Wife of/Docf William Currie / & Daughter of / John Morton Esq. / who departed this Life / Ocf 25*'^ A. D. 1794. Though here in dust her Relicks lie / Her Spirit shall flourish in immortal life.^* B-8 A flat stone with no inscription. B-9 A flat stone, showing marks for pedestals for an altar tomb. The Church Records indicate this spot as the burial place of Peter le Barbier du Plessis.^** 14 Doctor Currie, a well-known and highly esteemed physician, who rendered most efficient service during an epidemic of yellow fever, was the eldest son of Eev. Dr. William Currie, Missionary of the Eadnor Parish, which included Old St. David's, Radnor, St. Peter's, Great Valley, and St. James, Perkiomen. William Currie Wilson, Esq., a member of this family and Assistant City Solicitor of Philadelphia, is also a member of the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania. C. Howard Colket, Esq., Registrar of the Colonial Society, is likewise a descendant of the Rev. William Currie, D.D. na Peter le Barbier Du Plessis was a conveyancer, scrivener, notary public, and sworn interpreter of foreign languages, and in 1791 he 234 in0ctipUon0 on Tlomb^tontfi anti mult^ B-IO To the Memory of / William Macpherson / formerly Brigadier General in the / service of the United States /who departed this life / November 5. 1813 Aged 58 years I am the Eessurection and the Life saith the Lord He that believeth in me though he were dead yet Shall he live, and whosoever liveth and believeth on me shall never die. B-U Caused to be Erected by the Widow /Cap* John Macpherson / to whose Memory and / that of their Daughter / Eliza Gates this Tomb /John Macpherson /a Native of Scotland / born in /the City of Edinburgh / in the Year of our Lord 1726 / departed this life Sep'" 6*^^ 1792 /aged 66 years Eliza Gates Mac- pherson /Bom August 21^' 1782 /Died Sep"" 1787 /Aged 5 Years & 1 Month. B-12 Sacred / to the memory of / Richard Alexander / Bom 1780 Died 1823 /Ann C. Alexander / Born 1779 Died 1858 B-13 In /Memory of /Richard C Alexander / Son of /Richard & Ann Alexander /Born Febmary 22"* 1809 /Died March U^^ 1809/ resided at No. 86 Chestnut Street, which is the site of the present Jayne Building on the south side, below Third Street. He was a native of France, and came to Philadelphia after the American Eevolution. He took quite an interest in St. Paul's Church, and also in Freemasonry from 1790 vmtil his death in 1815. In the latter he was Grand Secretary from 1790 to 1794, and Deputy Grand Master from 1808 to 1813. He was admitted to Montgomery Lodge, No, 19, of Philadelphia, on Jan- uary 13, 1787, and was Worshipful Master in June, 1790. He joined Harmony Lodge, No. 52, December 28, 1791, from which he withdrew on Jime 9, 1792, and became Warrant Master of a new French Lodge in Philadelphia, St. Louis, No. 53, formed by French Emigr&s. On June 7, 1806, he became a member of Columbia Lodge, No. 91, of which he re- mained a member untU his death on November 8, 1815. In his wUl he mentioned a son George, daughter Helena and daughter Sophia, wife of John DuBarry, his son-in-law, from whose house, No. 11 North 8th Street, he was buried in St. Paul 's Churchyard with Masonic ceremonies. 235 Christiana /Alexander /Bom 1866 Died 1859 /Richard J. Alexan- der / Bom 1846. Died 1878 B-14 In memory of /Edward Young /Who Died / November 20 1787/ Aged 33 Years B-15 JOHN" B. YOUNG /son of /Charles and Laetitia / died Sepf 28. 1784 /Aged 20 Months. B-16 In Memory of / M" Ann Young. Wife of / Charles Young of this City /She died November 7^1^ 1776 /Aged 27 Years /An affectionate Wife /A tender Parent and /sincere Friend B-17 Here Lie / the Bodies of / Ann Renshaw / who died April 30, 1809 / Aged 4 years 6 months /and 9 days / And / Francis J. Renshaw/ died Nov. 23. 1811 /Aged 7 years 10 months /& 18 days. Children of Richard & Mary E. Renshaw B-18 In Memory / of / John Young /who departed this Life /June 26 1790 /Aged 76 Years His Comfort was the precious plea Jesus has liv'd and died for me. B-19, Altar Tomb In Memory of/M"^ Deborah Palmer /wife of /John Palmer/ Who died July 8 1783 /Aged 64 Years / also / John Pahner/Who died /April 8^^ 1797 /Aged 80 years /John Palmer /Son of John & Deborah Palmer /who departed this Life /March 27 /also/ Alice M. Palmer /wife of John R Palmer /who departed this life/ January 19. 1838 /Aged 72 years 3 months & 11 days /Also in Memory of / Josiah W. Kirk who departed this life / on the 1^* day of May 1850 in the 52°^ year of his age B-20 Sacred /to the memory of /John Palmer Kirk /Son of /Eli and Elizabeth M. Kirk /who died April ll*'* 1833 /Aged 3 years and 1 month 2*36 In0ctiption0 on 7lomb0tont0 anti PauItiEt B-21 In /memory of /Francis Procter Sen'' /who departed this life/ March 12 1792 aged 87 years /Gen^ Thomas Procter /departed this life /March 16. 1807 Aged 67 years / Also / Anna Maria wife of/ Tho^ Procter / departed this life / June 1^* 1789 aged years / Rob- ert Charlton / departed this life / Jan^ 31^*^ 1787 aged 36 years B-22, Altar Tomb Sacred /to the Memory of /Isaac Fitzrandolph / who departed this Life October 14*1^ A. D. 1804 /In the Fifty seventh year of his age The voice from Heaven declares To those in Christ who die Eeleas'd from all their Earthly cares They reign with him on high B-23 In Memory of /William P. Johnston / died March 6"^^ 1816 /in the 79'^ year of his age C-1 In Memory of /Hester Wife of/Eman^ Rinedollar / who de- parted this life/Nov"^ 25'*^ 1799 /in the ^0^^ Year /of her age C-2 Sacred /to the memory of /Joseph Beaks /who departed this life /April 6'^ 1772 Aged 46 years /also Jane his wife /who de- parted this life /October 2^ 1777 Aged 41 years / Also / Captain Joseph Beaks /who died at Sea July 1795 /aged 80 years & 3 months / also Elizabeth his daughter / who died at sea with her father /Aged 6 years /Also Sarah Beaks who departed / this life September 24^^ 1795 / Aged 30 years / also C-3 Sacred / to / the memory of /Jane Beaks /who departed this life /October 16*1^ 1837 /Aged 14 years / also / Elizabeth / Widow of the late Cap* Lewis Mory/who departed this Life /October 12*^^ 1847 /Aged 79 years C^ Here /Lies the Body of /Mary Murdick / Daughter of /John & Hannah Murdick/ Who departed this Life/ July 17"^ 1787 /Aged 1 Year and 10 Months 237 ^i^tot^ of &t paurjS (episcopal C|utc| C-5 In /Memory of /Ann Daughter of William / and Mary Ander- son/who departed this Lite/ 15^^ Jan'^' 1790 /Aged 12 Years & 17 Days /Much esteemed when living for /her amiable vertiues by all who / had the pleasure of an acquaintance / with her. C-6 In Memory of / Elizabeth / the wife of /James Ferguson / Who departed this Life /August ll'^'^ 1797 /Aged 47 years / Also / Eliza- beth / daughter of E & A / Grand daughter of J & E. Ferguson /who departed this life Feb. 6*'^ 1845 /Aged 2 years 6 months /& 15 days C-7 Sacred /to the memory of /Margaret Laskey / daughter of /Ed- ward and Catharine / Laskey / who was born April 24**^ 1783 /and departed this Life /January 11*^^ 1809 /Aged 25 years 8 months & 25 days C-8 In Memory of / Edward Laskey / who departed this Life / May 6^^ 1800 /Aged 52 years 8 months /and 21 Days No pomp ■ nor grandeur swell 'd/his humble name The honest Man will reap/immortal fame Also / Catharine Laskey / Who departed this Life / December the 27t'i 1810 /Aged 59 Years 10 Months /and 3 Days C-9 Sacred / to the memory of / Catharine Boyd / wife of / Jamies Boyd /who departed this Life / February 8 1808 /aged 32 years & 2 months / and 8 days C-10 In Memory of / Mary the Wife of / Richard Hunt / who departed this Life / May 1^* 1793 / Aged 34 Years C-11 Here lie the remains of /Jane Wife of /Edward Moyston/of this City /Who departed this Life /on the 23-^ of March A. D. 1791 /Aged 34 Years / likewise their two children C-12 In Memory of /Mary, Daughter of /John & Margaret / Webb, Departed / this Life June 17th / 1774 / Aged 5 Years & 1 Mo./ Transitory World / Farewell, Jesus calls /With Him to Dwell. 238 In0ctiption0 on ^omb^tone^ anb l^auUjsf C-13 In Memory of /Abraham George Copper /who died March 20^'' / 1790 /Aged 14 Years & 6 Months /Son of Norris & Elizabeth Copper /Cap* Norris Copper /was lost at Sea /in January 1778/ Aged 50 Years. C-14 Beneath this Stone /Repose the remains / of / Cap* John Dona- ven / who departed this life / on the 16'"'' day of / December 1814 / in the SS*"^ year of his age /in the same grave are deposited /the remains of his daughter Mary /who followed her Father /the 17*^ day of March 1815 / aged 5 months and 17 days / Near to this spot / lie buried the remains of/M""^ Elizabeth Barger / sister to Cap* Donaven who died on the IS"* July 1796 / Aged 18 years. C-15 A flat stone, inscription of which is entirely obliterated. This is the place of interment of Plunket Fleeson, who died August 21, 1791. He was born in Philadelphia in 1712, was Ensign of Second Com- pany o^ Associators in 1749, and a Founder of the Hibemia Engine Company in 1752. A justice of the City Court, 1780, and a Direc- tor of the Pennsylvania Hospital. C-16 In Memory of /Matthias Sadler /who departed this Life the 18*'" of /April 1798 /Aged 42 Years 9 Months & 14 days /Also of/ Eleanor Wife of /Matthias Sadler /who departed this life /April 24th 1826 aged 74 years /I know in whom I have believed / Also of /Elizabeth Tallman^sa / Born A. D. 1777 /Died A. D. 1861 /Aged 84 years C-17, Altar Tomb In memory of /George HeyP^/who departed this life /on the 25*^ January 1815 /aged 75 years /Also of/Dorathea Wife of/ 15a The great aunt of Mrs. Arthur H. Lea, of Philadelphia. 15 George Heyl, son of George Thomas Heyl, who, born August 2, 1702, married April 27, 1728, Susanna Sternheim, and shortly thereafter came from Baden, Germany, and settled in Philadelphia, where he died, October 31, 1760. His sons, Philip and George, were Eevolutionary soldiers from Philadelphia. The latter, born 1740, executed his will June 10, 1812, and named therein, wife Dorothea, children George, Wil- liam, Mary Clapier, Elizabeth Johnson and Susanna Harman. He married Dorothea Phile, and with her was party to deed of January 20. 1787, from Dr. Frederick Phile and Elizabeth, his wife, of Philadelphia, 239 George Heyl/Who departed this life /on the 30^^ September/ Aged 74 years C-18 Sacred /to the memory of /Susannah Harman / Consort of/ Jacob Harman / who departed this Life August / 23'"'i 1844 Aged 49 years/ 11 months and 16 days / Also / Jacob Harman Sen'"/who departed this life / Dec'" IS^i* 1857 / in the 94*1* year of his age C-19 Sacred /to the memory of /Frances Sophia / Daughter of /Rich- ard and Elizabeth Johnson /Died May 25**1 1805 /aged 8 months and 24 days / Also / Frederick Seeger/son of /Richard and Eliza- beth Johnson /Died July 8^^ 1808 /aged 11 days / Also / Richard Johnson /Died August 2 1793 / aged 29 years I saw him faint! I saw him sink to rest Another victim midst the dying throng But resignation oalm'd his gentle breast And heav'nly accents breathed upon his 17b Jeffrey Clark, great, great, great, great grandfather of L. Irving Reichner, of the Philadelphia bar, a member of the Colonial Society. 244 lnfictiption0 on ^omHtone^ anb f^aultfi Also / In memory of / James Cameron / who departed this life / August 17^^ 1825 / in the 64'^ year of his age E-1 Hear/Lieth the Body of /Jacob Vanseiver Moore /the son of/ John & Hannah Moore /Who Departed this Life August 20^** in the Year of our /Lord 1794 Aged 1 Year &/5 Months 3 Weeks 5 Days Death hath Leas'd Our Babe And Tore Him from our Arms in Earth* Cold Bosom. Now he Lies With All his Smiling Infant Charms. E-2 In / Memory / of / Matthias Keen /who died / February 21 1784 /aged 73 years / Also / Mary Keen /who died /July 12 1791 aged 75 years E-3 In / Memory / of / Matthias V. Keen^^ / who died / October 20*'* 1806 /aged 59 years / Also / Elizabeth Keen /who died /May 10'*»- 1830 aged 80 years E^ Sacred /to the memory of /Sarah Morrison / Wife of William Morrison /who departed this life/ June 26^^ 1832 /in the 80*'' year of her age E-5 Sacred / to the memoiy of / Robert Bayne / who departed this transitory / life on the le*** April 1815 /in the 40*** year of his age How serious is the summoning of death Solemn the moment man resigns his breath Awful! that verge of dread eternity Tio which we hasten and whence none can fly Great God! our leader and our guardian be And take us when from time we go to thee. Also of / Samuel P. Bayne / who departed this life / Sep' 26*'» 1821 /Aged 15 years 6 months & 10 days E-6 In Memory of / Joseph Wright / Son of Anthony & Hannah Wright / who was born Sept 6 1769 / and departed this Life Sept 19 Matthias Valentine Keen, vestryman 1794-1804, and Elizabeth Hood, his wife. For further particulars, see Descendants of Joran Kyn of New Sweden, by Gregory Bernard Keen, LL.D. 245 ^mot^ ot fet pauriS epWcopal CfiurcS 13/ 1779 /Aged 10 years & 7 days /In Memory of /John W. Wright /who was Born April 16^'» 1776 /and departed this Life May llti»/ 1794 /Aged 18 years & 25 days/ Children in thee /In Hopes we /In Christ divine E-7 In Memory of /Joseph Son of John & Mary Miller/ who Died 4"» July 1796 /Aged 8 Months E-8 In Memory of /Mary Smith /the Wife of/Jonithin Smith /& Daughter of /John Hyde /Who departed this Life /January the 24^'' 1793 /Aged 22 Years. E-9 In Memory of/Worsley Ernes Esq^^/A Member of the Cincin- nati/who departed this Life /July the 27ti» 1802 /Aged 62 Years E-10 In /Memory of /Sarah Hicks /Wife of William Hicks /Daugh- 'ter of Adam &/ Elizabeth Keller /who departed this Life /the ll*** of September / Anno Domini 1803 /Aged 24 Years 9 months /and :20 days In midst of Health & Blooming youth How sudden Death O Death did come Her days of sickness were her And then lay silent in the tomb E-11 In Memory of/Reachel Barnes/ Who departed this Life /Oc- tober 19'»» 1772 /Aged /I Year/ 6 Months E-12 In Memory of/M" Elizabeth Beard /Wife of/Capt° Will™ Beard /who departed this life /October 11*^ 1796 /Aged 46 Years E-13 In / memory of / Hannah / daughter of / Thomas and Mary / Stiles / who departed this life / June the 22°^ 1803 / Aged 10 months / and 22 days. 246 Inactiptionfi on Tlomhfitontfi anH l?auU0 E-14 In Memory of /William Son of /William & Mary Lane /who departed this Life /October the IS*'* 1801 /aged 1 year 2 months/ and 4 days / [4 lines] E-15 / Mary Daught / of John / Mary ™<=Nilans. / Deceaced June y® / 1773 / Aged 7 years & 4 mon E-16 In memory / of / M""^ Mary Rose /who departed this life /on the 13*^^ day of April / 1803 / Aged 63 Years/ [5 lines] E-17 In Memory of /William Nelson /who departed this Life /the 8^^ of January 1781 /Aged 82 Years / also / Ann his Wife /who died June 25*1* 178 / Aged 62 Years E-18 Gulyann Molier / departed this Life the 2 Year of /her Age /in the Year of our Lord 1797/ Esther Molier / departed this Life the 3 Year of / her Age in the Year of our Lord 179 Here Here they lie O could I once more view These dear remains take one more fond Adieu Where friendly Angels for their guidance given, Now leads them through the Courts of Heaven. E-19 In Memory of / W™ Potter Benson / Son of P. & Jane Benson / who departed this life /June 6*'* 1800 /aged 16 months/ Also Frederick / Son of the above /who died /June 18''> 1800 /aged 2 Y" & 11 Months. E-20 In Memory of/ Jane P Benson / Daughter of / Peter & Jane / Benson who / departed this life / August 7*^ 1794 / Aged 20 months. E-21 Sacred/ to the memory of /William Stokes /who departed this life / February 9^^ 1803 /aged 46 years/ Also /Mary Stokes /his relict /who fell asleep in Jesus /Dec"" 18*'* 1828 /aged 72 years 247 l^i&totjf ot &t paur0 Ctvi0copsi\ Cj^utc]^ E-22 Thomas Wright Armat/Bom June 14 1776 /Died July 30 1806 E-23 Here lies /the Body of /M" Jane Babb/who departed this Life /October the 8^^ 1783 /In the 29^1' Year /of her Age/ [5 lines] E-24 In Memory of /Matthew Parker /Who departed this life Sep- tember/the 9^^ 1793 in the 40'*^ year of /his Age / Likewise / Cath- arine his Wife Who died / September the 12ti» 1793 j^ ^he 42°^/ Year of her Age /Also of 5 of their children / John Aged 2 Years and 6 Months / Joseph Aged 3 Years and 3 Months / Samuel Aged 1 Year and 7 Months /Lydia Aged 1 Year and 1 Month /And Joseph Pilmore Who /Departed this Life September the 25/1793 Aged 2 Years 5 Months & 12 Days E-25 Here lieth the Body /of Benjamin Town /May 20 1790 /Aged 41 Years /and 5 Months E-26 In /memory of/M"" Benj. Holland /who departed this Life/ Ocf 29^^/ 1796 /aged 43 years E-27 In memory/ of /W™ & Eliza Matilda /Son & daughter of/W™ & Eliza Gartley/1806 F-l [West side] In memory /of /Benjamin Masden Esq^'/who de- parted / this life / April 6'*^ 1836 / aged 65 years / and 7 months [South side] In memory/ of /M" Prudence Masden /wife of/ Benjamin Masden /who departed / this life / September lO*'' 1818/ aged 59 years [East side] In memory of /Benjamin Masden Jun^'/son of/ Benjamin & Hannah Masden /who departed this life /March 26*^* 1837 /aged 6 years & 21 days /also of /Ann S Masden / daughter of /Benjamin (Sj Hannah Masden /who departed this life /March 27th 1837 / aged 15 years & 11 days 248 In0ctiption0 on ^omb0tont0 anti f^mlt0 F-2 In Memory of / Rachel / the wife of /Thomas Webb /who de- parted this Life / December the 23'-^ 1795 /Aged 27 Years By ministerial Spirits convy'd Lodg'd in the garner of the Sky She rests in Abraham's bosom laid She lives with God no more to Die F-3 In Memory of /John Webb /who departed this Life /Oct 1773 Aged/ Years F-4 Sacred /to the memory of /Mary wife of /James Wilson /who departed this life / October 14 1835 / aged 38 years & 10 days / Also / Edward her son / who departed this life / October 1821. / aged 20 years 3 months & 6 days F-5 In /Memory of /Thomas and William /Sons of Thomas and Mary Fenton / William departed this Life /June 19'^ 1793 /Aged 3 Years 2 Months & 25 Days / Thomas departed this Life / Septem- ber 4^'^ 1793 /Aged 18 Years & 6 Months / Also / Mary Fenton/ Who departed this life /May 6'^ 1800 /Aged 4 Years F-6 In /Memory of /James P. Carteret /son of /Daniel & Emily Carteret / who Departed this Life / October aged 17 Years /9 Months & 9 Days/ [8 Lines] F-7 In Memory of / Thomas Flower / Son of / Tho^ & Hannah Flower /who departed this life /March 7^^^ 1801 /aged 3 years & 6 months / and 27 days F-8 In Memory of /George McPherson / Son of /Daniel and Ann/ McPherson / who departed this /life on the 17*'^ DeC / 1801 / Aged 7 Years & 11 Months F-9 In Memory of /Ann Maria McPherson / daughter of /Daniel and Ann / McPherson / who departed this /life Dec-" 24'i» 1801 /Aged 2 Years & 15 days 249 l^iiStotp of &t paurjei Cpfjeicopal C^utcS F-IO In Memory of / Daniel / the Son of Daniel & Ann McPherson/ who departed this Life / June the 3^^ 1796 / Aged 8 Months / Also W™ McPherson / who departed this Life 14 Oct./ 1798. Aged 5 weeks. F-11 [West side] Beneath this Stone /was deposited / the Body of/ Catharine / Wife of /William Thackara Sen^'/who departed this life /on the 13t»» day of/ July A. D. 1780 /aged 35 years /Under this Stone lies /the remains of /William Thackara Sen^'/who de- parted this life / on the 10'^ day of / April A. D. 1817 / aged 79 years Sacred / to the memory of / deceased Parents r-12 To the Memory of/Rosannah Wright /who departed this Life / Oct"- 7 1793 / Aged 28 Years F-13 Sacred /to the memory of /Joseph Wright /who departed this life / Febn\ary 10"^ 1810 / aged 40 years 6 months / & 10 days Adieu dear friends I take my leave Farewell my loving wife Our children shall your guardian's be And bless your widow 'd life When from this world you are releas'd It's sorrows toils and cares In everlasting joy we '11 meet To sing our Makers praise r-14 Sacred/ to the Memory of /John Meer Sen'^o/who was bom at/ Wolverhampton England / February 9^^ 1756 /& died July 29'^ 20 John Meer, Sr., was an artist and lived at No. 4 South 7th Street, below Market Street. He married a widow, Mary Grould West. She is buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery. Her first husband, Captain Josiah West, was a jeweler on Second Street below Market Street and he was a com- municant. He is buried in Trinity Church Yard, New York City. A daughter, Caroline West, attended St. Paul's until 1845. She married Joseph C. Eandall, a well-known and highly respected merchant of this city, and among her descendants are numbered Edmund Eandall, Esq., of the Philadelphia Bar, and Caroline Eandall Deaver, the wife of the distinguished American" surgeon. Dr. John B. Deaver, of Philadelphia. 250 9n0cription0 on '^omb^tont^ anH mixlt^ 1831 /For 41 years a Citizen /of Philadelphia / An honest man is the /noblest work of God. F-15 In /memory of / Elizabeth / wife of James Matthews who /de- parted this life May 5*'* 1794 /aged 19 years /Also of /James Matthews / Husband of the above named / Elizabeth Matthews/ who departed this life the / 16'i> July 1812 aged 64 years / & 4 months F-16 In /memory of /John n/who departed this Life / September 14* 1811 /Aged /and 10 months r-17 A stone undecipherable. F-18 In /memory of/Odell Fennell/who departed this Life /March 1793 /in the 39 year of his age /Also of Edmund Fennell/ Son of/Odell & Margaret Fennell/who died April 13'^ 1818 /in the 26'^ year of his age /In memory of /John Vallance/ (a native of Glasgow.) /who died June 14*^ 1823 /aged 53 years F-19 In Memory / of Margaret / of / / also of /Margaret Vallance/ /who died /Feb- ruary 8. 1827 / aged 44 years. F-20 In / memory / of / Conrad Seyfert/who departed this life /July the 8*^ 1822 /Aged 33 years /He was an affectionate husband/ Kind parent and a friend to / his country and all mankind [6 lines illegible] Also of/ Elizabeth Seyfert/his Wife /Who departed this life on / the 17th day of September 1840 / In the 72"^ year of her age F-21 In /memory of /George Halberstadt / who departed this life/ May 23^ 1812 /Aged 44 years 6 months /and 27 days /And also/ Anne relict of /George Halberstadt / who departed this life /on the 4'»» day of April 1846. / in the 72°^ year of her age [2 lines] 251 ^i&totif of &t ^a\xV0 CpiiSfcopal CJutcS F-22 In /memory of / Frances / Daughter of /Thomas & Ann Youngs /who departed this Life /July 7^^ 1805 /aged 3 years 2 months/ and 7 days F-23 In Memory of /Richard Son of/Thos & Ruth Watkins/Who died/Dec"- 31^* 1796 /Aged 2 Years/ 10 Months & 20 days. F-24 In Memory of / William Son of / Tho^ & Ruth Watkins / who died /Dec"- 29'!' 1796./ Aged 8 Months /& 19 Days. F-25 In /memory of /Ann Halberstadt / who departed this life /April 6*^ 1812 /Aged 16 years 6 months /and 14 days [8 lines illegible] F-26 In Memory of /Ann Wife of /John Cromwell /who departed this Life /Oct 15 1793 /in the Year of her Age /Also of /Mary their daughter /who died 18 1793 /Aged Days [4 lines illegible] F-27 Mary Armat/Died July 22 1780 F-28 In Memory of /Margaret Cromwell / Wife of /John Cromwell/ Who departed this Life /October the 15^11 1798 /Aged 34 Years & 9 Months Eest here in hope O Sacred dust To awake and shine Also of John Cromwell / Died June 7*-^ 1828 /in the 60''* year of his age F-29 In /Memory of /Mary Richards / Wife of John Richards /who departed this Life / the 18^^ of Sepf 1800 / aged 59 years F-30 Sacred /To the Memory of /Ann Dawson /Wife of Joshua Daw- son /who departed this Life /the 24'*' of March 179 /Aged 2r years [2 lines illegible] 252 JnjEfcnptionsi on ^^omb&tont^ anti mixlt^ Also /In Memory of their infant / daughter Sarah who died the 18^11 of September 1793 / aged 3 days G-1 In Memory of /Deborah "Wife of /Francis Shaffner/who de- parted this Life Ocf llti" 1793 / Aged 28 Years 9 months G^2 In Memory of /James Forder^i/who departed this Life /Sept 1794. / [other lines illegible] G-3 A Stone illegible. G-4 In Memory of /Ann Wife of /Cap* Edward Spain /who de- parted this Life /Oct' 18^^^ 1794 /Aged 60 Years /&' 6 Months [4 lines illegible] G-5 In Memory of /Daniel Drais/who departed this Life /Jan 1791 in the 38ti» Year of his Age/ [4 lines iUegible] G^ In /memory of /James Harris /who died April 17*^* 1815 /aged 77 years G^7 Sarah Nelson / "Wife of George Nelson / Departed this Life / June 15. 1782. G^8 In /Memory of/M""^ Margaret Norman /"Wife of/ / who departed this Life / Oct° 7^^ 1793 / [4 lines illegible] G-9 In Memory of / George Hinton / "Who Died 11^*^ Oct" 1793 / Aged 30 Years. Also his son. G-10 In/ memory of /George Hinton /who died October 11 1793 /And of his widow / Barbary Hinton / who died November 17*'' 1816 21 James Forder, died Sept. 29, 1794, 253 ^iHtot^ ot fet pauPiSf dpi^copal C^utcS G-ll In Memory of /George, son of/Capt° James Snell/and Eliza his Wife /who departed this Life /April 13*'' 1801 /Aged 11 Months. "Here rests the fairest bud of hope / That e'er to fondest wish was giv'n / Oh would'st thou know its happier state /Repent & seek the flow'r in heav'n." 0^12 In /memory of /William Alexander / Bom July l^' 1772 /Died Nov*- 17. 1806 /Also of his Mother / Rachel Alexander / who died March IG*'' 1818 /Aged 77 years G-13 In /Memory of James /Son of /James & Rachel / Alexander / who departed this Life /July 29*'' 1775 Aged /I Year & 6 Months 0^14 In Memory of / Elizabeth / Wife of /James Alexander / who de- parted this Life / January 24*»» 1771 / Aged 30 Years 0^15 In Memory of /James Alexander^^ / who departed this Life/ 22 James Alexander, born in Belfast, Ireland, May 1, 1726, came to America prior to 1750 and settled in Philadelphia, where he was a sea captain, residing at No. 10 Spruce Street, between Front and Second Streets, from before 1761 to 1785 when he removed to Southwark. In sympathy with the American cause he was a signer of the Non-Importa- tion Eesolutions of 1765, and served in Captain Eichard Barrett's Com- pany of Guards for Southwark January 3 to February 3, 1777. On July 17, 1771, he married Eachel Craven of Gloucester County, New Jersey, by whom he had four children. An ardent Mason, he was an original member and Secretary of Lodge No. 2, and his descendants have continued this interest. William Alexander, his eldest son, member of the Philadelphia bar, was made a Master Mason in Lodge No. 3, March 21, 1797. Another son, Eichard Alexander, 1780-1823, was a member of Lodge No. 2, and Junior Warden at the time of his decease. A grand- son, John C. Alexander, 1821-1885, was made a Master Mason, November' 1853, and Worshipful Master, 1865. William Cummings, 1806-1889, a prominent merchant of the Port of Philadelphia, who married his grand- daughter, Emily Eichardet Alexander, in 1831, was Worshipful Master of Lodge No. 2, 1837-39, during the Morgan excitement and prevented 254 -«i ■ ^)ir>t-<^ vsv^< //^ -^z ;\^/f:Vl^-,r>r 4.-^ a:^.-- /-/x A LEAF FROM THE RECEIPT BOOK OF JAMES ALEXANDER SHOWING THE PAYMENT OF PEW RENT TO ST. PAUL'S IN 1773, OVER 143 YEARS AGO, TO JOHN WOOD AND THOMAS GORDON OF THE VESTRY. WOOD WAS A WATCHMAKER AND IS BURIED IN FRONT OF THE CHURCH. JAMES ALEXANDER BECAME A MEMBER OF ST. PAUL'S IN 1761. In^ctiption^ on tlTomiiisitonfsf anli l^auIW [illegible] / Aged 66 Years [James Alexander was buried 1 Jami- ary 1795. a-16 In /memory of /Margaret Alexander / Wife of /James Alexan- der / who departed this Life / June 1811 / / aged / and / [stone much worn.] [Mrs. Alexander buried June 9. 1811] G-17 In /memory of /James Alexander / who departed this life/Feb^ lyti^ 1829 /Aged 53 years & 11 months /and 27 days G-18 In /memory of /Rebecca Robinson /Who departed this Life/ April 18. 1775. /Aged years. G-19 Robert /Bartram/ died May 27. / 1775 / Aged 14 Months. G-20 In /memory of /Maria C Cox /Daughter of /Captain John and /Martha Cox /who departed this life /March 3. 1803 /aged 3 Years / and 17 days G-21 Samuel Adam Shaw /[born] June 7. 1801 /died in July 17. 1802 / Aged 1 year 1 month 9 days & 6 hours / A patient Sufferer/ [The greater part of this stone illegible] G^22 In /memory of /James Barbazett/who departed this life /Janu- ary 28**' 1818 /aged 29 years 9 months /and 1 day. Departed here in hope face To meet the Saviour of the human . the Lodge from surrendering its charter. His great-great-grandson, Norris Stanley Barratt, was made a Master Mason in 1886, and Wor- shipful Master in 1895, and is the present Representative of Lodge No. 2 in the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania, serving as a member of the Committee on Library; is also a member of the Supreme Council of the thirty-third and last degree of freemasonry. James Barratt, a great- great-grandson is also a member of Lodge No. 2. 255 G-23 In /memory of /Daniel Gosner^'^ / who departed this life /May 20. 1796./ aged /Also of / Rebecca / his wife /who died Oc- tober 15. 1820 / aged 68 years & 6 months / and — days. GK-24 In /Memory of/M" Elizabeth Wife of /Robert Fitzgerald/ who departed this Life/ November 26^11 1770 /in the 28*1' Year of her Age / Also of / Robert Mary & Kaziah / Children of / Robert & Kaziah Fitzgerald / who Died in Childhood / M" Ann Bell / aged 63 years G-25 In / memory of / Robert Fitzgerald / who departed this life / April 1^' 1813 Aged 73 years [6 lines indistinct] And of /Elizabeth daughter of /Robert and Lydia Fitzgerald/ who died August 17. 1790 /Aged 1 year and 3 months G-26 Sacred /to the memory of /Lydia Fitzgerald / Relict of /Robert Fitzgerald /Bom Feb 19 1737 /and departed this life Feb 4. 1830 [8 lines indistinct] Rebecca A Bell /Died July IS^h 1849 aged 33 years /Robert F Bell /Died August 16'»» 1850 aged 39 years G-27 In /memory of /Anthony Fannen/who departed this life May the 2^ 1827/ Aged 76 years G-28, Altar Tomb Sacred/ to the memory of/ Harriet H. Consort /of Geo. W. Gill /who departed this life July ll*!' 1830 /aged 22 yrs 9 mos & 16 days / Also / George Andrew Son/ Harriet/ July 7. 1830 / aged 9 mos 10 days [8 lines] 23 Daniel Gosoer, son of Captain Peter Gosner, of the Pennsylvania Continental Line, married August 1, 1782, Eebecca Tybout, born April 7, 1752 daughter of James and Comfort (Kollock) Tybout. Children: Peter Gosner; James T. Gosner, died at New Orleans, Sept. 21, 1804, in ninetieth year; Ann Gosner; Hester Gosner, married Thomas Whitecar, of Philadelphia, and had issue. £56 ln0ctiptionfi on ^omh^tom^ anb Wultfi GK-29 In / memory of / Francis C / son of / James S. and Esther / Nally / Aged 2 years 7 /months and 28 days. G^-SO In /memory of /Elizabeth wife of /Garrett Hulsekamp / who de- parted this Life / September the 14*^ 1807 /aged 72 years and 9 months GK-31 In /memory of /Garrett Hulsekamp / who departed this life/ March 16 1812 /In the 96^^^ year of his age /In him was the kind Husband a tender /and affectionate Father & sincere friend /to the Afflicted and Distressed / Also / Mary / Daughter of G. Hulsekamp /Who died June 23 1841 /aged 71 years H-1 In Memory of /Thomas Bowen/who departed this Life /Sep- tember 4ti> 1797 / Aged 48 Years rrom painful days and restless nights Now death has set me free And I shaU H-2 In Memory of /David Bowen/who departed this Life /August 29^b 1797 /Aged 15 Years [4 lines illegible] H-3 In Memory of / Mrs. Penelope Bowen / wife of Tho^ B'owen / who departed this Life /April 9'^ 1795 /Aged 34 Years [4 lines] H^ In Memory of/Cap*^ George Bridges /who departed this Life/ October 9^^^ 1769 /Aged 55 Years /Also three of his sons /Alexan- der Robert & George / who died in their infancy [12 lines indistinct] H-5 In /Memory of /Juliet Ann wife of /William Rankin /Who de- parted this life / September 19"> 1807 / Aged 21 years 18 257 H-6 John on [probably Wilson] /who dep /August / aged / Mary W [illegible] H-7 Sacred / To the memory of / John V Shade / who died by the acci- dental / discharge of a gun / on the 19^** May 1823 / in the 25 Year of his age (Six lines of verse undecipherable.) Susan, wife of Peter Shade /and daughter of Margaret Warner/ Died October 10*^ 1829 /in the 60'^ year of her age /Margaret Warner /Died Feb 25'»i 1826 in her 80*1^ year /Susan Shade Jones /Died August 11*'^ 1820 /aged 2 years and 11 months /Ann Maria aged 16 Months /John, aged 24 hours /John Fergusa aged 11 months/ Susan, aged 2 Years &| 4 Months /John Colem, aged 3 days. / Children' of Thomas and Maria W. Jones. H-8 Here lieth the Body of /John Simes Pritehard / Son of Joseph and / Elizabeth Pritehard / Who Departed this Life/ SOt** 1793 / Aged 9 Years. Also in Memory of / Samuel Coulty / who de- parted / Sep'- 29ti» 1794 Aged 38 years H-9 In /Memory of /Christy departed this life January 11, 1812/ aged 1 Year, 2 months and 25 days. H-10 In /memory of /M" Rebecca Christy /wife of /Robert Christy/ who departed this life / October the 4^"^ 1800 / aged years / Like- wise their three children / William departed this life March /the 17th 279 aged one year / Seven months and 13 days / Robert Jun*" departed this life March /the 28 1801 aged one year /and 10 months /James Christy / departed this life /the 6'** of May 1806./ 16 days. H-11 In / memory of / Thomas Wigmore / who departed this life / Sepf 25*'^ 1803 / Aged 41 years / Also of Susannah wife of / Thomas Wig- more / who died Sepf 4''^ 1803 / Aged 22 years 258 ln^cti9tioniS on Tlombfitont^ anH l^ault^ H-12, Altar Tomb Here lieth the body of /Jane /wife of Isaac Hozey/who de- parted this life / the 23 August 1803 / aged 27 years & 10 months H-13 In Memory of / George Peehin Son of / Christopher ^ Christiana /Pechin/who departed this Life /March the 31«t 1778 H-14 In / memory of / Christiana Peehin / Relict of / Christopher Peehin/ who died January 7'^* 1835 /in the 88*^ year of her age [This Stone has been recut to read " Bom 12. 1747 Died Jan 7. 1835] H-15 In Memory of / Christopher Peehin / who departed this Life / Oc- tober the 26^1^ 1779 /Aged 42 Years/ [4 lines] [This stone has been recut to read "Bom in France 1737 Died October 26. 1779] H-16 /WilUam /Aged 14/1790 [illegible] H-17 In memory / of / Andrew Spence / who departed this life / Oc- tober 7^^ 1805 / aged 43 years / Also / Mary wife of Andrew Spence /who departed this life / December 22°"^ 1821 /aged 53 years H-18 Robinson [illegible] H-19 Mary Robinson H-20 In /memory of /Rebecca Connelly / wife of Isaac Connelly / for- merly widow of Henry Robinson / She departed this life / 20*^ day of February 1785 / aged 39 years H-21 Henry Robinson 259 H-22 Benj. Robinson H-23 In memory / of / Samuel Robinson / who departed this life / the 20t'» of January 1824 /in the 56'i» year of his age / And / Judith his Wife /Who departed this life / December 12*^' 1841 in the 75«» year of her age. H-24 In Memory of / Henry Robinson / who departed this Life / April IS'i^ 1776 /Aged Years H-25 Michel Long /departed this Life / December 3''«i 1773 /Aged 38 Years. H-26 In Memory of /Joseph Son of /Samuel and /Ruth Robinson/ who departed this /life Aug 17 /Aged Months/ Weeks H-27 Sacred /To the memory of/M" Mary Foot /who departed this life /the 13*'' of Feh^ 1812 /aged 78 years H-28 In / Memory of / George Gillighan / who departed this life / Janu- ary 22°"^ 1818. /aged 63 years / Also / Mary Wife of /George Gil- lighan /who departed this life / February 18'^ 1820 /aged 67 years H-29 Sacred / to the memory of / Two Sons and a Daughter of / John' and Margaret Wharton /John Wharton Jun'" / departed this life Aug 30 1820 /in the 20^^^ year of his age /William Wharton /de- parted this life Aug 30 1820 / in the 14*^*^ year of his age / Margaret Wharton /departed this life Aug 31. 1820 /in the 17'»^ year of her age [6 lines] H-30 Sacred /to the memory of /Isabella Price /Relict of George Price /who departed this life /October 2^ 1808 /Aged 70 years & 8 days / Also / Isabella Price Davis / daughter of /Andrew & Eliza- beth Davis /who departed this life /in August 1799 /Aged 3 years & 2 months / Also / Mary Davis / daughter of /Andrew & Elizabeth 260 Jtifictiption^ on ^omi)0tontfi anb I9mltfi Davis /who departed this life /in October 1802 /Aged 1 year & 2 months H-31 In /Memory of /William Price /Son of /Andrew & Elizabeth Davis /died August 1^' 1816 /aged 21 years & 11 months /Also/ Elizabeth / Widow of Andrew Davis /died May 15ti» 1829 /aged 64 years & 5 months H-32, Altar Tomb In memory of /James Moyes/who departed this life/Sepf 25^ 1833 /in the 80*^ year of his age /Also /of Mary his wife /who departed this life /April 11*^ 1850 /in the 96*^ year of her age H-33, Altar Tomb In Memory of Ann /ye wife of John Moyes/who Departed this Life August/ 18'^ 1762 in ye 44 Year /of Her Age I-l Sacred / to / the memory of /Virginia Elmslie / Daughter of/ Louis and Susan Elmslie /Who departed this life /On the 5th day of March A. D. 1857 /Aged 9 years 2 mos & 20 days 1-2 In /Memory of /Cathrane the wife of /Thomas Cave: who /De- parted this Life September / the 23^ 1795 Aged 31 Years /And three months / Also four of their children / May they rest in peace 1-3 In /Memory of /Maria Bennet/who died August 6"^ 1825/ aged 80 Years 1-4, Altar Tomb In Memory of /Margaret Beck /Wife of /Paul Beck Jun'/ Died lot** April 1797 /Aged 36 Years /This Vault also contains/ the Remains of /Mary Goddard/Wife of John Goddard/and/ Daughter of Paul & Margaret Beck /who died 7*'* April 1825/ Aged 36 years and 9 days /Mary Harvey Beck /wife of /Paul Beck JVDied. Dec 3* 1810 /The Remains of /Paul Beck Junior/ and of /Mary Harvey Beck /were removed April 12*^* 1851 /from this Vault to Laurel Hill Cemetery [On the North side] Mrs. Susannah Clayton /died 25''* January 1787 / Aged 45 years 261 [On the South side] William Currie Beck /Bom 1796 Died 1828 /M"- Richard Parker /died 9^^ November 1769 /Aged 38 years 1-5 In / memory of / M""^ Susan P Lammor / Consort of Daniel Lam- mor/who departed this life/ 31 December 1817 /Aged 52 years 1 month & 2 days 1-8 In Memory / of / Mary Gunary/who departed this Life /No- vember 16/ 1763 /Aged 28 Years. 1-7 Mary Pidgeon / Departed This Life /October 1793 /Aged 50 Years & 9 Months Silent Tomb I lye yonder Husband Children mind And 'II meet me in endless day. 1-8 In /Memory of /John Huckel/the son of /William and Susanna /Huckel/Who departed this Life /April 20. 1797 /Aged Years 1 month / and Days 1-9 In' Memory / of / William Wisdom2*/who departed this Life/ August [rest illegible] I-IO In /memory of / departed this life/ 1800 [rest illegible] I-ll In Memory of / Catharine Wife / James Spriggs / who departed this life /January le''' 1802 /Aged 79 years /and 2 months/ [2 lines illegible] M' James Spriggs /who departed this life /January lO''^ 1806/ Aged 60 years [lines] [stone sunk] 1-12 Here Rest / in peace / the mortal remains of / Margaret Desilver / who died the 15'^^ of July 1835 / aged 55 years 2 months & 15 days / 24 William Wisdom buried Aug. 28, 1798. 262 InHctiptionfi on 7!Lomb0tont0 anti ^anlt^ Also /Robert Desilver/who died September IS^** 1837 /aged 58 years 5 months / 1763 / Aged 23 Years & 10 Months. J-3 In /Memory of /Cornelius KoUock^" / Who Departed this /life July 1. 1798 / Aged 37 Years / and 3 Months. J-0 Sacred /to the memory of /Hans Jaeobson/who departed thia life /February 3^ 1810 /aged 67 years Farewell my wife and children dear I am not dead but sleeping here My debt is paid Prepare yourselves to follow me 25 Probably son of Lieutenant Jacob Kollock, Jr., Collector for ti« Port of Lewes, Delaware, by his wife Mary Leech, and he who married. May 23, 1789, Mary Eogerson. See ' ' Genealogy of the Kollock Family of Sussex County, Delaware, 1657-1897, by Edwin Jaquett Sellers, Esq. 265 3-1 In Memory of/Barbary wife of /Peter Field /who departed this life/1^' Sept 1793 /Aged Years /May she rest in Peace J-S In /memory of /Elizabeth Parker Farr / youngest daughter of/ W°» & Elizabeth Farr /who died August 9^^ 1806 /Aged 1 month & 21 days /Also of /William Farr /Father of the above /who died August 22nd 1807 / Aged 33 years J-9 In /memory of /John Hook /who departed this life /May 7*'' 1812 / aged 67 years 1 month and 19 days Near where these sad memorials rise The husband friend and father Ilea A breast within whose holy cell The Christian virtues lov'd to dwell Jl-10 Ann lann / departed this life /July the 29*1' 1778 /Aged 10 Months / and 2 days Jr-n Here /Lies the Body /of /John Graham /who departed this/ Life Aug* 6. 1794 /Aged 15 Years. J-12 In memory of /Alice Eccles/Wife of /James Eecles/Who de- parted this life /October 2^ 1806 /Aged 20 years/ [4 lines illeg- ible] J-13 In Memory of /John and Mary /Son and Daughter of /Henry & Sarah Butler /John died April 27 1769 /Aged 3 years /Mary died May 21. 1765 /Aged 3 Months J-14 In Memory / of / Grace Raworth / Who Departed this Life / July 17 Aged/ 23 Years [illegible] J-15 In Memory of/Neomai O.Neaill / Wife of /Daniel O.Neaill/ who died Sep' 17 1769 /Aged 52 Years /also Ann his Daughter/ who died Novem' 18 1764 /Aged 18 Months 266 In^ctiption^ on ^omh0tont0 anti f^mltfi J-18 In Memory of Daniel O.Neill*/who departed this Life /March 6''> 1790 Aged 40 ( ?) Years My flesh shall slumber in the ground till the trumpets then burst And in my Saviours image rise Jr-17 In Memory of /John Johnson/ Life/ 96 [illeg- ible] [Church Registers record that John Johnson was buried 7 June 1796.] J-18, Altar Tomb lhTs. 24 Sept 1793 /Elizabeth Wife of I. Wood J^late of Virginia/ She was an affectionate Wife / Mother and faithful Friend JV-19 Sacred /to the memory of /Elizabeth Reynolds /who departed this life / June 1^ 1816 / in the 78''» year of her age Corruption Earth and worms Shall but refine this flesh Till my Redeemer bid me come To put it on afresh J-20 In /Memory of/Josiah Cohoon/who departed this Life/NoV lOtii 1795 Aged/ 35 Years (&| 9 Days /Also 4 of his Children /My flesh shall slumber in the Ground Till the joyfull sound K-1 P. Evans /a worthy man /who died December 11 1806 /Aged 76 years K-2 In / memory of / Martha Nichols / wife of James / who departed this life / November 27 A D 1823 / aged years / Also of her hus- band/James Nichols /who departed this life /May 14*'» A. D. 1824 /aged 61 years 267 In' the History of the First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry, published 1917, there is the following statement, which the writer has been unable to verify: "William Forrest (No. 139 on register) was a son of Captain William Forrest, who commanded a six-gun battery at Trenton. In the Philadelphia Minerva of July 28, 1798, are to be found elegiac verses in memory of the young man — the page beautifully printed and ornamented by wood cuts as headings and tail pieces. He was buried in St. Paul's Churchyard, Third Street, south of Walnut Street." 268 T r T T T Hppenbfr 1 i 1 I r (5 LIST OF VESTRYMEN, 1762-1830; 1835-1876^ Abbott, Edward 1827 Alexander, William 1865-1866 Anderson, James B 1873 B'ankson, Andrew 1763 Bartram, Alexander 1771 ; 1773-74 Bartram, George 1769-1771; 1773 Bates, John 1783 Baynton, John 1763 Beall, T. L 1873 Beaty, John 1824-1828 Beere, Jonathan 1773-74 Benezet, James^ 1762-63 Benezet, Philips 1762-63 Benner, Henry D., M.D 1870-76 Bickerton, George 1799-1813 Biggs, Thomas 1797-1803 Bonham, Ephraim 1762-3 ; 1770-74 Briggs, John 1824-27 Broome, Thomas 1795-96 Bullock, Joseph 1783 Cadwalader, Charles Evert, M.D 1874-76 Campbell, John 1793-95 Carleton, Thomas 1762-63 Carradine, Thomas 1792-94 1 The minutes of the Vestry from April 24, 1829, until April 12, 1862, twenty-three years, are missing. So this list of Vestrymen is not com- plete as to that period which covers the rectorships of Drs. Tyng, Mc- Coskrey, and May and twelve years of Dr. Eichard Newton's. The min- utes, beginning April 12, 1852, to October, 1876, cover the last ten years of Dr. Newton's incumbency. 2 Died in Bucks Co., Penna., May 16, 1794. 3 Died Oct. 13, 1791; buried Christ Church grounds, Philadelphia. 269 Clark, William H., M.D 1870-76 Claxton, John8» 1797-1805; 1808-28 Claypoole, George 1770-73 Claypoole, James* 1762-69 Conway, William 1869-76 Corry, William 1795 Cooke, Jay*"^ 1852-62 3a Ship Chandler No : 19 Arch Street. 4 James Claypoole, born Jan. 22, 1720, was ensign in Capt. Charles Willing 's Company of Pennsylvania Associators, organized for protection against the Indians, Dec. 29, 1747, and High Sheriff of Philadelphia County, 1777-1780. He married, first, Eebecca White; second, Mary Chambers. Of his five children, all by the second marriage, Elizabeth Claypoole, married, first, Capt. Norris Copper, second, Timothy Matlack of Revolutionary fame; Mary Claypoole married James Peale; Abraham George Claypoole (1756-1827), oflEtcer in the Pennsylvania Line, and an original member of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati, married, first, Elizabeth Popplewell Falconer, second, Elizabeth Steele; a number of his descendants reached distinction; David Chambers Claypoole, Lieutenant in the Pennsylvania Militia during the Revolution; member in the First Troop Philadelphia Cavalry and participated in the Whiskey Insurrection and the Fries Rebellion, was also a leading journalist, being one of the proprietors of the Pennsylvania Paclcet and Daily Ad- vertiser, later Poulson's Daily Advertiser and now The North American. It was in this paper that Washington 's ' ' Farewell Address ' ' first ap- peared, the original manuscript in Washington's handwriting having been presented to Mr. Claypoole by the President. 4a Jay Cooke born in Sandusky, Ohio, August 10, 1821, son of the Hon. Eleutheros Cooke, lawyer and member of Congress from 1831 to 1833. Cooke entered the banking house of E. W. Clark & Co., Philadelphia, in 1839, became a partner in 1842 and retired in January, 1858. For three years he negotiated railway securities on his own account. While he was with the firm of E. W. Clark & Co., they sold a large portion of the government loans to carry on the Mexican War, and this experience no doubt served to prepare Mr. Cooke for the greater work of floating the loan required for prosecuting the War for the Union. January 1, 1861, Mr. Cooke resumed the banking business with William G. Moorhead, and Hugh McCulloch, afterwards Secretary of the Treasury, having branch houses in New York, Washington and London. This continued until the panic of 1873 when the firm suspended. Mr. Cooke subsequently re- turned to business and completely restored his fortune. Mr. Cooke's reputation and place in history rests upon his work of successfully negoti- ating the government war loans. At the outbreak of hostilities in 1861 the national treasury was empty, and the public credit so low that 270 fLifit ot l?f0ttgttun Cox, James 1852-56 Cummings, William 1837-72 Curtis, John H 1827-28 Cuthbert, Thomas^ 1763 Darlington, Joseph G 1867 Davies, Samuel N 1852-55 it could only borrow money at the rate of twelve per cent, per an- num. The enormous demands of the war immediately dwarfed into insignificance all previous American experiences, and all ordinary in- strumentalities in the way of raising money. The needs of the treasury for military erpenditure speedily reached one million dollars daily, and before the end came, with an army of a million men in the field, the demand reached the colossal volume of three million dollars every twenty- four hours. Each successive Secretary of the Treasury — Chase, Fessenden, McCulloeh — first exhausted all known means for selling the war loans directly by the government and through the cooperation of the national banking system which had been devised largely as an aid to the govern- ment finances; but each in succession was compelled by failure to call Mr. Cooke to his side, and to him, as sole fiscal agent of the government, was intrusted the direct responsibility of providing the money for carry- ing forward to a victorious issue the then greatest war of history. All competent writers on the War for the Union, both American and foreign, agree that the signal and sustained ability with which the financial credit of the nation was built up and maintained in the midst of the war, and with which the money-raising power of the people was stimu- lated, guided, and upheld, was not second as a factor in military success to the skill of generals and the courage of troops in the field. General Grant expressed this common conviction when, at the close of the war, he sent from City Point to Mr. Cooke, with his thanks, the assurance that to his efforts the nation was largely indebted for the means that had rendered military success possible. The loans negotiated by Mr. Cooke, chiefly through an enthusiastic, confident, persistent and skilful appeal to the patriotism of the people, reached an aggregate of two thousand million dollars, and the compensation for this service, an average of three-eighths of one per cent., out of which came all expenses and commissions to sub- agents, left to the fiscal agent as a reward little besides the prestige and satisfaction of a great success in support of a noble cause. 5 Thomas Cuthbert, born in England, 1713, died in Philadelphia Jan. 11, 1781, and interred in Christ Church grounds, was a member of the Philadelphia Committee of Correspondence in 1775 and a delegate to the Provincial Convention of January, 1775; later a vestryman of Christ Church. He married May 19, 1744, Ann, daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth Wilkinson, and had issue, through whom he became the ancestor of many eminent Philadelphians, 271 ^mov]f of fet paurj* (Cjpiieicopal C^utcS Deacon, Gilbert 1764r-70 Delavau, Joseph 1795-99 Dougherty, James 1783 Dowers, John 1794r-99; 1806-7 Doz, Andrew 1762-64, 1783 Duffield, Abraham 1799-1800 Dunlap, William 1764-66 Dupuy, Daniel« 1764-7; 1771 Durborow, C. B 1852-61 Emes, Worsley7 1792-1800 Emory, Charles 1856-59 Farr, James M 1860-64 Farr, John 1824-28 Farr, William A 1871-2; 1874r-76 Fearon, Joseph 1800-1809 Fenton, Eleazer 1852-1876 Fitzgerald, Robert 1805 Fitzrandolph, Isaac 1795-98; 1800-3 Fleeson, Plunket 1762-69 ; 1773-74, 1783 Ford, Philip 1874-76 Greorge, John D 1827-31 George, John D 1835-63 George, R. S. H 1852-69 Glentworth, George 1774; 1783 Glentworth, Peter Sonmans 1793 Glentworth, Plunket Fleeson 1792; 1801-19 Godfrey, John W 1799-1802 Goodman, Walter 1762-3 Goodwin, George 1764-74; 1783; 1792-4 Gowen, James'^* 1828 6 Son of Dr. John Ihipuy, was a noted gold and silversmith ; died at his residence "Clover Hill," near Gray's Ferry, Aug. 30, 1807, aged eighty- eight years, four months; buried in Christ Church grounds. 7 Captain of Pennsylvania Artillery, Continental Line, and original member of the Pennsylvania Society of the Cincinnati. 7a James Gowen was a grocer at the southeast corner of Third and Dock Streets in 1823 and the site of his store between the Philadelphia Exchange and Dock Street, still remains. Later he purchased the farm of Chief Justice William Allen at Mt. Airy. He had two sons, both distin- guished members of the Philadelphia Bar. Franklin B. Gowen, born February 9, 1836, died December 14, 1889, who was elected President of the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company in 1870, which position he 272 %i0t ot i^t0tt^mm Graham, Thomas 1871-6 Graham, William 1783 Green, Edward A 1868 Groves, John 1803^ Gurling, Abram 1799-1800 Hall, David 1772-74 Hall, PaiTy 1793 Holland, Nathaniel 1822; 1824-31 Hollingsworth, Heniy 1820; 1822-27 Hollingsworth, Levi* 1792, 1794; 1801-19 Holman, Andrew Jackson 1868-76 Holson, Charles 1873 Hook, John 1796-1809 held until he resigned in 1884. He was not only a lawyer of great ability, but as a financier and railroad manager, Mr. Gowen stands preeminent among his cotemporaries. He destroyed the Molly Maguires in the Schuylkill County coal region in 1876. He also took a prominent part in and helped to form the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1872. His brother, James Gowen, was among the leaders of the Philadelphia Bar for many years, and was regarded as an authority upon corporation law. His son, Francis I. Gowen, General Counsel of the Pennsylvania Kailroad Com- pany, ably maintains the reputation of his family at the Philadelphia Bar today. 8 Levi Hollingsworth, son of Judge Zebulon Hollingsworth, of Cecil County, Md., by his first wife, Ann Mauldin, was born at Elkton, Nov. 29, 1739. In or about 1760, he established himself in Philadelphia, where he died Mar. 24, 1824, having become not only a successful merchant but an aggressive man of affairs; was a founder and later first quarter- master of the First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, a member of the Schuylkill Fishing Company and of the Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, of notable usefulness during the yellow fever epidemic of 1793, and one of the leaders of the Federal party. He married Hannah, daughter of Stephen PaschaU and had eight children, of whom but three lived to maturity and marriage, viz., PaschaU Hollingsworth, who married Mary, daughter of James Wilson, a signer of the Declaration of Independence; Mary Hollingsworth, who became the wife of Israel Wistar Morris and has many descendants who have been and are leaders in their respective fields of usefulness; Henry Hollingsworth, the St. Paul's vestryman, suc- cessful merchant and first treasurer of the Western Savings Fund, married Sarah, daughter of Joshua Humphreys, the famous Philadelphia shipbuilder and the actual father of the American navy; among his descendants may be mentioned the Hon. Hampton Lawrence Carson of Philadelphia, formerly Attorney General of Pennsylvania. 19 273 Howard, John 1764-1771 Jackson, William 1774 Johnson, John 1796-98 Johnson, Richard 1799-1803; 1813-16 Johnson, Richard 1818-22 ; 1825 ; 1827-28 Jones, Blathwaite 1763-71 Josiah, Emanuel 1764^74 Keble, John 1783; 1792-94, 1803 Keen, Mathias Valentine 1795-1804 Kennedy, William 1869-72; 1874r-76 Kerr, Walter 1813-16 Kimmey, Henry M 1852-65 King, James, Jr 1814-18 King, Robert Pennick" 1852-53 ; 1868 Kirkham, Charles 1794-1807 Kirkham, William 1820-24 Knowles, John 1762-64 Lane, William 1797-1800 Latimer, Thomas 1863-76 Leech, Thomas 1764^74 Leevers, Robert 1769-70 9 Eobert Penniek King, born in Philadelphia, April 2, 1805, died there in October, 1867, his funeral sermon being preached in St. Paul 's Churcli, Sunday evening, October 18, of that year, by the Eev. E. Heber Newton. Mr. King was the senior partner of the firm of King and Baird, English and German Book and Job Printers, No. 9 Sansom Street. The firm possessed rare facilities for printing in foreign languages and issued a hymn book in Cherokee, numerous works in Swedish, some in Norwegian, a stereotyped Episcopal prayer book in the Grebo language and a dic- tionary of the Grebo dialects. It also published numberless almanacs, the Banner of the Cross, a weekly Episcopal newspaper, the Legal In- telligencer and Episcopal Prayer Books, "at lower prices than they can be purchased elsewhere." At the time of his decease Mr. King was president of the Philadelphia Fire Insurance Company, the Sullivan County Land Company, the N orris Park Gold Mining Company of Colo- rado, the board of managers of the Mt. Moriah Cemetery Association, a director in the Union Pacific Eailroad Company, was Past Master of Franklin Lodge, No. 134, and for eighteen years a member of the Grand Lodge Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania. Daniel J. King was also a member of the firm. His son, Leroy N. King, is a well known mem- ber of the Philadelphia bar. 274 fli0t of W0ttismtn Lohra, Johiii" 1820-25 Loper, Richard Fanning 1856-68 I MeClenaehan, Blair 1774, 1783.i Masden, Richard 1826 Matthews, James, Jr 1810-12 Matthews, John 1795-1828 Moore, John 1795-1807 Moyes, James 1793^; 1801; 1823-28 Moyes, John 1764-69, 1772 Musgrave, James 1805-15 Nelson, George 1783 ; 1792-95 Norman, Joseph 1812, 1816, 1818, 1820 North, Richard 1793-98, 1805-13, 1817-28 Odenheimer, John W.^^ 1827-31 Ord, George 1792 Ord, Johniia 1762-3, 1783 Palmer, John 1762-71, 1773-4 Pahner, John Bankson 1805-13, 1815, 1818 Palmer, Thomas 1804-5, 1807-18 Parker, Matthew 1792-3 Paul, William 1797-8 Payne, James 1764-70 Pechin, Christopher 1771-74 Pechin, John 1814-22, 1824-28 Penrose, Samuel 1783 Perry, James 1873 Phile, John 1814-19 Pidgeon, David 1825-26 Potter, George W 1866-69 10 John Lohra, born Philadelphia, Nov. 26, 1759 ; died at his home, Spruce Street above Sixth Street, 222 old number, Aug. 27, 1834, was a Eevolutionary soklier in Philadelphia Company of Foot, under Capt. Ezekiel Letts, 1777, and sTibsequently many years an iron merchant, of the firm Lohra and Carlisle; a pew holder at St. Paul's from about 1800; married Sept. 2, 1790, Mary, daughter of John Knorr; of his children Catharine Souclc Lohra, married James L. Franeine and Sarah Ann Lohra, married Thomas Hardy AUen. 11 John W. Odenheimer, father of the Et. Kev. William Henry Oden- heimer, D.D., bishop of New Jersey. iia Justice of the Peace for Mulberry Ward of City of Philadelphia 1777. Took the oath of Allegiance of Francis Hopkinson. Scharf & Westcott. Vol. I, p. 338. 275 ^igftotg of ^t paur0 Cpisicopal Cgutcf) Poyntell, William^^ -Ljg^ Pullin, Robert 1826-27 RandoliDb, Benjamin 1764-67 Randolph, Isaac 1794 Read, John 1764^67, 1769 Renshaw, Richard 1770-74, 1783, 1792-4 Renshaw, Richard, Jr.^^ 1820-31 Rhinehard, Martin 1865 Riley, John 1804-10 Robbins, John 1808-18 Robbing, Samuel, Jr 1818-22 Robinson, Daniel 1768-71 Robinson, Samuel 1796-1805, 1821-23 Robinson, William 1828 Ross, John 1762-3, 1774 Rowley, Edward 1799, 1818-19 Sadler, Matthias 1792-94 Savidge, John 1796 Shea, Walter 1762-63 Shute, William 1762-3, 1770-1, 1773-74 Smethurst, Richard 1866 Smith, William 1764-66, 1768 Standley, William" 1765-67, 1770, 1774 Stanley, Norris 1824-26, 1828-1847 Stanley, William 1766-69, 1771, 1773 Stevenson, Cornelius 1816-1820, 1822 12 William Poyntell, Esq., born Oxfordshire, England, Mar. 23, 1756, died Sept. 10, 1811, was at his death, vestryman of the United Churches of Christ Church and St. Peter's, and was buried in the churchyard of the latter. He was * ' distinguished as an honorable and useful citizen of Philadelphia for more than forty years. ' ' 13 Richard Renshaw, Jr., was a justice of the peace and notary public and resided 302 South Second Street, 1823. 14 William Standley in his will of June 11, 1807, described himself as far advanced in years, and made bequests to grandchildren, William, Richard and Hugh, children of his late son, Richard Standley, deceased ; to Maria and Sarah, children of Michael and Margaret Slyhoof; to daughter Sarah Twells, and to grandchildren Godfrey and Elizabeth Twells, and friends, the Rev. Joseph Pilmore and Lawrence Seckle. He married at Christ Church, Sept. 17, 1748, Elizabeth Fulton, who died Feby. 10, 1793. He died Aug. 9, 1807, in his eighty-second year and was buried in Christ Church grounds. 276 Eigit ot m^tt^mtn Stevenson, James 1762 Stevenson, William 1792-96, 1801-04 Stewart, Aaron 1795-98 Stewart, Samuel M 1827-28 Stiles, Thomas T 1814-5, 1817-25, 1828 Stockton, Charles 1826 Stoddard, John 1806-10 Stotesbury, Arthur 1810-21 Stotesbury, Richard G.^^ 1840-76 Stretch, Isaac 1764-68 Sturgis, Peter 1808-09 Swanwick, John^e 1792-93 Taylor, James N .1800-02, 1804 Thackara, Samuel 1819-27 Thomas, John W.^^ 1836-70 isEichard G. Stotesbury, father of James M. Stotesbury of the Stotesbury and Leeds Kubber Company of Chester, Penna., and of Mary Ann Stotesbury, who married Lewis Crozer of Uplands, Delaware County, Pennsylvania. See also Appendix F, pages 219, 220. 16 ' ' John Swanwick, late member of Congress, was buried at St. Peter 's Church, Aug. 2, 1798," records Jacob Hiltzheimer. He was aged fifty- eight years and had for a long time been the junior partner of Willing, Morris and Swanwick, 17 George Clifford Thomas, banker, philanthropist and churchman, born October 28, 1839, died April 21, 1909, was a vestryman in fact, for many years, if not in name. His father, John W. Thomas, one of Phila- delphia's most prominent merchants, was a vestryman over thirty-six years, and for twenty years accounting warden of Old St. Paul's. The son was a graduate of the Episcopal Academy. He commenced business with his father, was subsequently employed by Jay Cooke & Company, and in 1862 became a member of that firm. In 1863, and throughout the period of the Civil War, when the great financial operations of the government were conducted by the firm, George C. Thomas was one of its active partners. He took a prominent part in the work accomplished by the firm, which strengthened the finances of the government so that it was enabled to carry on with success a war which cost from $300,000,000 to $800,000,000 a year. The great part which Jay Cooke & Co. took in popularizing the government loans has never been fully told. Mr. Thomas was actively instrumental with Mr. Cooke in promoting and carrying on the largest and most successful money operations that any government had ever undertaken to that time. Upon the failure of the firm of Jay Cooke & Co. in September, 1873, Mr. Thomas for several months was compelled to give his personal 277 l^ijStorp of &t paurgi d^pisicopal CfjurcS Thomson, Edward 1806-13 Thomson, Jacob 1805-00 attention to the work of straightening out the firm 's affairs. Undaunted by his experience, he began business anew before the close of the same year. With the late Joseph M. Shoemaker, he established the firm of Thomas & Shoemaker, which in a few years gained influential clientage. It was not long before Mr. Thomas repaired his fortune in his new business, and in 1883 he was invited by Anthony J. Drexel to become a partner in his firm. Since that time there have been few large finan- cial transactions in this city in which Mr. Thomas has not figured. He was concerned in the Beading and Northern Pacific reorganizations and all the big operations of the Drexel and Morgan firms before his retire- ment. For twenty-one years he was among the first of Philadelphia's international bankers. Because of ill health he retired from business in January, 1905. He married Miss Ada E. Moorhead, daughter of J. Barlow Moorhead, a prominent ironmaster, who, since her husband's death, has without ostentation helped in a substantial manner the church, as well as the many religious activities with which Mr. Thomas was connected. Por many years Mr. Thomas was superintendent of the Holy Apostles Mission. His private library included many rare books, among them almost every known early rare edition of the Bible. One is the volume with which the English Bible began its history. It is the first complete English Bible, printed at Antwerp in 1535, by Miles Coverdale, and with it is Tyndale's New Testament, printed at Worms, and the first sheets of an issue of the Bible authorized by Thomas Cromwell, and printed in Paris. Also the first Bible printed in America, the Eliot Indian Bible, with the New Testament. This is the Ives copy, and one of the very few perfect ones in existence. Near this rarity is the primer of Henry VIII, the Appleton copy; Queen Elizabeth's prayer-book and the later primer, and a prayer-book used by Martha Washington, and having on its fly- leaf an inscription from her declaring this. The famous Mark Baskett Bible, over which scholars disputed for years, is also in the Thomas library. His collection of autographs is also notable. It includes the original libretto of Die Meistersinger, penned in the small, cramped hand of Eichard Wagner. It also includes the major part of the autographs of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, the originals of Grant's dispatches announcing Lee's surrender, and the letters of Lincoln to General Hooker. These autographs are in volumes, carefully classified, and include those from the hands of every sovereign of England. All the sovereigns of France are represented, as well as many of the world's famous musicians and artists, and many men of letters. An expense account of Marie Antoinette challenges a piquant interest, since its items 278 %i0t ot i^t&tt^nxtn Thompson, Richard 1792-96 Towers, Robert 1762-73 Towne, Benjamin 1783 Toy, John 1818-21 Turner, John 1810-11, 1818, 1820, 1822 Turner, Joseph 1772-73, 1783 Twells, Godfreyis 1794-99 Vallance, John 1804-15, 1819-20 Van Dusen, Joseph B 1852-54 Wallace, William 1828 Weaver, Matthew 1795-1807 West, Collins 1862-1876 West, Thomas 1770 Wharton, John 1816-20, 1822-26 are most amazingly frank and equally as extravagant. In the autographs of musicians are those of Beethoven, Gluek, Handel, Hayden, Wagner, Jenny Lind, Schubert and Mozart. The patriotic appeal is in the twelve letters of George Washington, among which is his letter to Clinton announcing the Treaty of Peace, and the letters of William Penn, which fully describe the last hours of Charles II, and Penn's dealings with the Indians. Another document of great historical import is Eobert E. Lee's letter surrendering his com- mission in the Army of the United States at the outbreak of the Civil War. Of similar appeal is the letter written by Jefferson Davis, as Secretary of War, promoting U. S. Grant to the rank of captain in the Fourth United States Infantry, August 9, 1853. At the time of his death Mr. Thomas was a member of the Stock Exchange, director of the Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank, and the Pennsylvania Company for Insurances on Lives and Granting An- nuities, manager of the Philadelphia Saving Fund Society and active in various other financial institutions. He was a member of the Union League, Art, Corinthian Yacht, Merion Cricket, Germantown Cricket, Philadelphia County, Eacquet and Church clubs. 18 Godfrey Twells, of Eoyston, Cambridgeshire, England, died at Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1802, in fifty-ninth year. His wife, Sarah, daughter of William Standley, born Apr. 23, 1752 died July 13, 1829, and was buried beside him in Christ Church grounds. A member of the firm of Hare and Twells, brewers at Callowhill and New Market Streets, both he and his partner, Eobert Hare, founder of the family of his surname in Philadelphia, were early members of the First Troop, Phila- delphia City Cavalry. The children who survived him were: Elizabeth, who married Dr. Edward Lowber, Godfrey, Standley, Edward, who married Sarah Wharton Chancellor, and Eichard. 279 ^iutJi«t0. Coke, Eev. Dr. Thos., mention of, Conrad, Eev. Dr. Thos. K., rector- 98, 114 ship of, 177, 178 Et. Eev., proposes conference, Eev. Dr., portrait of, facing 56 p. 179 Colket, C. Howard, mention of, 234 Consecrated Places City's greatest College of Philadelphia, mentioned, Asset, 20 29, 45, 47, 52 Continental Congress, ref. to, 22, Colonial Churches, Grants of the Crown to, 9 Churches, no confirmations in, 54 architecture, ref. to, 136 Dames, Societies of, in Pa., ref. to, 22 Dames of America, mention of, 286 settlers, ref. to, 91 seq. Society, mention of, 223, 228, 234, 244, 286 Society, officers and members of the, 281-284 49, 67, 78 Congress appoints day of fast- ing and prayer, 91 Congress leaves State House, 93 Congress, resolution of, in ref. to Washington 's birthday, 110 Cooke, Jay, notice of, 44, 172, 270, 271 Jay, letter of, to Eev. Dr. Eichard Newton, 152, 153 Jay, account of, 270, '271, 277 Eleutheros, mention of, 270 Society, publications of the, Cookman, Eev. Geo., mention of, 285, 286 60 Society of Pa., ref. to, 21, 49, Coombe, Eev. Thos., mention of, 91 101 Society, Swedish, mentioned, 285 Wars, Soc. of, in Pa., ref. to, 22, 67 Columbia College, N. Y., men- tioned, 142 Commercial Exchange Ass'n, men- tioned, 163 Common Pleas, Court of, in re "Re- movals, 17, 19 Pleas, Court of, ref. to, 30, 170, 181, 185, 189 Compton, Henry, Bishop of Lon- Coyle, Capt. John, mention of. 111 don, mention of, 26 Cromwell, Thomas, mention of, 278 his foresight, 27 Crozer, Lewis, notice of, 277 Congregational Church, ref. to, 57, Mary A. Stotesbury, notice of, 176 277 Congress of Eeligion, ref. to, 172 Cummings, Emily E. Alexander, Connecticut, Laws of, ref. to, 59 notice of, 163 Conrad, Anne Eraser, notice of, Wm., mention of, 3, 61, 161, 178 172 286 Copper, Capt. Norris, mention of, 270 Elizabeth Claypoole, mention of, 270 Corn Exchange Guard, mentioned, 220 Exchange Eegiment, men- tioned, 163 Cornwallis, Lord, surrender of, 94 Covenant Church, ref. to, 146, 154, 168 Coverdale, Miles, mention of, 278 m0tiit^ ot ^t pauri^ episcopal C^utcJ. Cummings, Wm.j Family Vault, il- lustr.j 5 Wm., Family Pew, deed for, 62 Wm., portrait of, facing p. 162 Wm., account of, 162, 163 Wm., mention of, 231 Wm., notice of, 254 Emily R. A., notice of, 254 Currie, Wm., M.D., notice of, 234 Eev. Dr. Wm., notice of, 234 Cuthbert, Thomas, account of, 271 Ann Wilkinson, notice of, 271 Dartmouth College, ref. to, 9 Davis, Jefferson, letter of, to Grant, ref. to, 279 Dead, Rights of the, 9, 191 Removal of, 12, 13, 189, 192 Desecration of^ 16 Deaver, Caroline Randall, notice of, 250 Dr. John B., notice of, 250 Debtor's Prison, ref. to, 67 Debts, property liable for, 58 De la Grange, Joseph E. G. M., mention of. 111 Delaicare Historiccl Soc, Papers of, ref. to, 28 River channel obstructed, 23, 92 Democratic Society, ref. to, 67 Descendants, Rights of, 4 Dickinson College, Carlisle, ref. to, 40, 41 Diocesan House, building of, con- sidered, 3, 17 Disciples, ref. to, 57 Disinterment, a misdemeanor, 11 Dissenters, ref. to, 54 Don Quixote, History of, alluded to, 84 Dorcas Society, mentioned, 171 Dorr's "History of Christ Church," ref. to, 26, 28 Dougherty, James, mention of, 36 Doz, Andrew, account of, 32, 33 Andrew, mention of, 36, 101, 105, 112, 119 Rebecca Cash, notice of, 32, 112 Lucia, notice of, 32, 112 Drexel, Anthony J., mention of, 278 Institute, mentioned, 178 Drinker, Elizabeth, * ' Journal, ' ' ref. to. 111 Du Barry, John, notice of, 235 Sophia Du Plessis, note on, 235 Duehe, Anthony, note on, 33 Sarah Coats, note on, 33 Elizabeth H., note on, 50 Rev. Dr. Jacob, mention of, 45, 53, 82, 83, 87, 88, 91 Rev., account of, 49, 50 Dunlap, John, notice of, 78, 100 Wm., notice of, 77, 78 Wm., preaches at St. Paul's, 77 Wm., prevented being rector of St. Paul's, 78 Wm., account of, 78 Du Plessis, Peter le Barbier, ac- count of, 234, 235 Geo., note on, 235 Helena, note on, 235 Sophia, note on, 235 Dupuy, Daniel, notice of, 272 Dr. John, notice of, 272 Dutch Churchyard, Ref., Grave- send, inscriptions in, ref. to, 99 i. e., Germans, well affected to the Church of England, 80 Edinburgh, University of, men- tioned, 199 Egle's "Notes and Queries," ref. to, 99 Eliot Indian Bible, notice of, 278 287 3lnli« to ^i\b]tct0. Elizabeth, Queen, her prayer-book, ref. to, 278 Emanuel Church, New Castle, Del., mention of, 29 Emes, Worsley, notice of, 272 Emmanuel Church, Brooklyn, men- tioned, 158 Church, Kensington, note on, 43, 169 Enoch, in masonic connection, ref. to, 100 Epiphany Church, note on, 43, 137, 138, 139, 154, 155, 168, 169, 178 Episcopal Church, ref. to, 15, 23, 47, 57, 98, 138, 141, 143 Church, propagation of the, ref. to, 44 Church, lack of growth of, 54 Church, reasons thereof, 55 Church, American, formation of, in relation to St. Paul's, 63 Church, Academy of the, ref. to, 101 Church, organization of, in U. S., 102 Divinity School, ref. to, 147 Education Soc, mentioned, 138 Becorder, the, mentioned, 138 Academy, ref. to, 277 Clergy, convention of, in Philadelphia, 45 Sunday-school, the first, in Philadelphia, 122 Clergy of Philadelphia, ref. to, 146 Hospital, mentioned, 171 Erasmus, Bishop of Arcadia, Crete, mention of, 90 Evangelical Knowledge Soc, men- tioned, 138 Evangelists, Church of the, men- tioned, 168, 169, 180 Ezekiel, 20, 38, quoted, 93 Falconer, Capt., see Ealkner, Les- ter Falkner, Lester, notice of, 33, 42 Sarah Coats, notice of, 33 Farmers and Mechanics Bank, mentioned, 219, 279 Farr, John, notice of, 222 John, notice of, 62, 130, 165, 170 Mary J., notice of, 130 Lena Haddock, notice of, 170 Grace, notice of, 170 Eev. Dr. Wm. W., account of, 169, 170 Federal Gazette, by whom founded, 111 Fessenden, mention of, 271 Feudal Laws, ref. to, 49 Fine Arts, Academy of, mentioned, 200 Fire, the great, at 9th and Wash- ington Sts., mentioned, 171 First Troop City Cavalry, mention of, 4, 15, 23, 31, 67, 78 Troop City Cavalry, history of, ref. to, 4 Fleeson, Plunket, account of, 30, 31, 239 Plunket, mention of, 36, 105 Foreign Missionary Soc, London, mentioned, 151 Forrest, Edwin, note on, 221 Wm., notice of, 268 Capt. Wm., notice of, 268 Edwin, Family Vault, Illustr. of, 6 Fort St. David's, Fishing Co. of, ref. to, 31, 34 St. David's Fishing Co., men- tioned, 199 Wilson, note on, 118 Foster Home, mentioned, 171 F. & A. Masons, Del., Gen'l Com- munication of, ref. to, 100 Franklin, Benjamin, notice of, 33, 78, 91, 100 288 m^tot^ ot git paurgi episcopal Cfiuccfi. Franklin Fire Ins. Co., mentioned, 219 Francine, James L., note on, 275 Catharine H. Lohra, note on, 275 Freemasons, mention of, 105, 106 seq., 121 Free Society of Traders, ref. to, 25 French, and Indian War, ref. to, 52, 70 and Indian War, mention of, 199 Friendless Children, So. Home for, mentioned, 171 Fries Eebellion, ref. to, 270 Funerals, cost of, ref. to, 43 Gardner's Wharf, where located, 40 Garrick, mention of, 95 Genealogical Society of Pa., The mention of, 23, 216, 2S6 General Theological Seminary, N. Y., 145, 158, 174, 180 George, J. D., note on, 62 Henry, note on, 62 III, mention of, 90, 93 German E. C. Holy Trinity Burial Ground, ref. to, 18 Germantown, no kind of English Worship there, 79, 80 Gibbons, Eev. Dr. Hughes O., ob- jects to Sale Pine St. Presb. Church, 15, 16 Girard, Stephen, mention of, 231 National Bank, mentioned, 219 Mary Lum, notice of, 117 Stephen, mentioned, 12 Stephen, ministers to fellow citizens, 117 National Bank, mentioned, 163 Glentworth, Dr. Geo., where buried, 4, Dr. Geo., mention of, 23, 36 20 289 Glentworth, Dr. Geo., account of, 199, 200 Dr. Peter S., a martyr to his profession, 200 Dr. Plunket Fleeson, account of, 200 Gloria Dei, Swedes Church, ref. to, 26, 32, 169 Gluck, autograph of, ref. to, 279 Goddard, Eev. Dr. Kingston, rec- torship of, 158-160 portrait of, facing p. 158 God-fearing men and women, note on, 61 Goodman, Capt. Walter, notice of, 31 Good Samaritan Hospital, men- tioned, 170 Goodwin, Geo., mention of, 36 Samuel, note on, 70 Gosner, Daniel, account of, 256 Capt. Peter, notice of, 256 Eebecca T., notice of, 256 Gowen, James, account of, 272 Franklin B., notice of, 272 James, notice of, 273 Francis I., notice of, 273 Grace Church, note on, 43, 146 Church, Sandusky, mentioned, 169 Church, Brooklyn, N. Y., men- tioned, 179 Graham, Wm., mention of, 36 Grand Lodge, A. Y. M., mentioned, 218 Lodge, F. and A. M. of Pa., distinguished members of, 4 Lodge, F. and A. M. of Pa., distinguished members of, 23 Lodge, F. and A. M. of Pa., ref. to, 34, 106 seq., 122, 130, 131, 159 Grant, Gen. Ulysses Simpson, men- tioned, 271, 278, 279 Greenleaf's ''Sketches of the Ee- Sntiej to g»ul)|fct0. clesiastical Hist, of Maine, ' ' ref. to, 66 Greenleaf's "Portland in the Past," ref. to, 66 Griswold, Et. Eev. Alex. W., no- tice of, 138 Groebe, Lucas Dokoe, notice of, 228 Ann, notice of, 228 Aletta Heylinger, notice of, 228 Hall, David, account of, 33 David, Jr., notice of, 3 Wm., notice of, 33 Eev. Eichard Drayson, note on, 230 Mary Douglass, note on, 230 Capt. David, member of the Grand Lodge, 4 Capt. David, where buried, 4 Capt. David, mention of, 23 Hamilton, Alexander, note on, 118 Jas., mention of, 45 Handel, autograph of, ref. to, 279 Hare, Eobert, mention of, 279 & T wells, ref. to, 279 Harvard College, mentioned, 135, 138 Hasell, Samuel, notice of, 31 Hawkins ' ' ' Missions of the Church of England in the Colo- nies," ref. to, 28 Hawk's "Ecclesiastical Contribu- tions," ref. to, 27 Haydn, autograph of, ref. to, 279 Hayes, Capt. Thos., mention of, 231 Hazzard's "Eegister of Pa.," ref. to, 27 Heavenly Eest, Church of the, men- tioned, 177 Henry VIIL, primer of, men- tioned, 278 Heyl, Geo., account of, 239, 240 Geo. Thos., notice of, 239 Heyl, Susanna S., notice of, 239 Philip, notice of, 239 Dorothea PhUe, notice of, 239 Geo., mention of, 239, 240 Wm., mention of, 239 Geo. A., notice of, 240 Heylinger, Aletta, notice of, 228 Hibernia Fire Co., note on, 152 Engine Co., mentioned, 239 Hibernian Society, mentioned, 199, 219 Hiltzheimer, Jacob, quoted, 277 Jacob, his Diary, ref. to, 32 Hist. Society of Delaivare, Papers, ref. to, 43, 98 Historical Society of Pa., mention of, 23, 38, 73, 99, 111, 112, 120 Society, Memoirs of the, ref. to, 27, 28 Historical Society of Pa., disap- proval of, in re sale of Old St. Paul's, 286 Ploly Apostles, Church of the, note on, 44 Apostles, its three chapels, 44 Apostles Mission, mention of, 278 Trinity, Nice, France, men- tioned, 177 Saviour, Companions of the, mentioned, 180 Spirit Church, mentioned, 175, 176 Trinity, Philadelphia, men- tioned, 146 Trinity Church, West Chester, mentioned, 146 Trinity (Old Swedes) Church, Wilmington, ref. to, 42, 43 Hollingsworth, Levi, account of, 273 Zebulon, notice of, 273 Ann Mauldin, notice of, 273 Hannah Pasehall, notice of, 273 290 l^iiStotg ot git paur0 episcopal CSutc^. Hollingsworth, Paschall, notice of, 273 Mary Wilson, notice of, 273 Mary, notice of, 273 Henry, notice of, 273 Sarah Humplireys, notice of, 273 Home-life, simplicity of, 59 Hooker, Gen'l, mention of, 278 Hopkinson, Francis, notice of, 275 Hotehkin, "Country Clergy," ref. to, 143, 155 Howard, John, note on, 33 Hospital, mentioned, 163 Howe, Gen. Wm., note on, 50 Gen., defeats Washington at Brandywine, 92 Humphreys, Joshua, notice of, 273 Huntingdon & Broad Top E. E. Co., mentioned, 163 Huston, John Hasell, notice of, '219 John H., note on, 68 Martha M., note on, 68 Mary, note on, 68 Independence Bell, ref. to, 29 cause of, contributors to, 67 Declaration of, ref. to, 29, 50, 78, 97, 273, 278 Hall, note on, 199 Hall, ref. to, 28, 29, 30 Hall, First Gen. Conv. United P. E. Church meets at, 105 Indians, Penn's dealings with the ref. to, 279 Inglis, John, notice of, 97 Sir John E. W., notice of, 97 Eev. Chas., account of, 97 Mary Vining, notice of, 97 Ins. Co. of North Am., mention of, 118, 163 Intelligencer, Legal, mentioned, 186 Jay Cooke & Co., referred to, 277 Jayne Bldg., note on, 235 Jefferson College, Pa., mentioned, 138, 143 Jenney, Eev. Dr., moves building St. Peter's, 25, 26 Eev. Dr., his protest concern- ing Eev. MeiClenachan, 45 Eev. Dr., letter to, in re Eev. MeiClenachan, 46 Eev. Dr., ref. to, 51, 70, 71 Jerman, John, his Almanac, ref. to, 78 John, 11, 25, 26, quoted, 235 John's "Life of Bishop Meade," ref. to, 74 Jones, Capt. Gibbs, account of, 23 Col. Blathwaite, member of the Grand Lodge, 4 Col., where buried, 4 Col., mention of, 22, 164 Col., portrait of, facing p. 23 Col., account of, 23 Col. Washington 's chief engi- neer officer, 92 Jordan, Dr. John W., mention of, 38 Jubal, in masonic connection, ref. to, 100 Keble, John, mention of, 36 John, account of, 200 Keen, Matthias Valentine, note on, 245 Elizabeth Hood, note on, 245 Gregory Bernard, L.L.D., "Descendants of Joran Kyn of New Sweden," ref. to, 23, 245 Keith's Provincial Councillors, ref. to, 72 Kenyon College, Ohio, mentioned, 154, 159, 169, 175 King, Eobert Pennick, account of, 274 Daniel J., notice of, 274 Leroy N., notice of, 274 & Baird, notice of, 274 King's College, mention of, 97 College, N. S., mentioned, 174 291 Unhct to ^ubiectiS. King's College, Canada, mentioned, Letts, Capt. Ezekiel, notice of, 275 Lewis, Geo., anecdote of, 151, 152 Liberty Bell, sale of, authorized, 8 Lincoln, Abraham, letters of, to Gen'l Hooker, ref. to, '278 Lind, Jenny, autograph of, ref. to, 279 Living Church, The, mentioned, 180 Lodge, Concordia, No. 67, men- tioned, 111 Continental, No. 257, F. & A. M., mentioned, 139 Franklin, No. 134, mentioned, 274 51 F. and A. M., mentioned, 220 No. 2, ref. to, 231, 254, 255 No. 3, ref. to, 254 The Grand, of Pa., mentioned, 255, 274 Harmony, No. 52, m_entioned, 111 L'Amenite, No. 73, men- tioned, 111 Montgomery, F. & A. M., men- tioned, 228 Montgomery, No. 19, ref. to, 235 Industry, No. 31, mentioned, 228 Philadelphia, No. 72, men- tioned, 111, 228 St. Louis, No. 53, ref. to, 235 Columbia, No. 91, ref. to, 235 No. 2, F. and A. Masons of Pa., the Mother Lodge of the State, 4 No. 2, mention of, 23, 31, 33, 34 No. 2, Ancient York Masons, ref. to, 31 No. 2, F. and A. M. of Phila- delphia, extract from min- 180 Kittera, Thos., mention of, 8, 130 Thos., notice of, 218 Knorr, John, notice of, 275 Mary, notice of, 275 Knowles, John, notice of, 31 KoUock, Cornelius, note on, 265 Lieut. Jacob, Jr., notice of, 265 Mary Leech, notice of, 265 Mary Eogerson, notice of, 265 Kunzi, A., note on, 130 Kyn, Joran, descendants of, ref. to, 23 Ladies' Aid Society, mentioned, 171 Lafayette, Marquis de, wounded at Brandywine, by whom at- tended, 99 Laity, rights of the, recognition of, insisted upon, 103 Latimer, Thos., mention of, 170 Laurel Hill, ref. to, 15, 16, 155, 175 Hill Cemetery, mentioned, 250, 261 Layman's Magazine, The, ref. to, 126, 133 Lea, Mrs. Arthur H., mention of, 239 Leach, J. Granville, "History of the Penrose Family, ' ' ref. to, 200 Ledlie, Elizabeth Wood, notice of, 218 Lee, Gen'l Robert Edward, sur- render of, ref. to, 278 surrenders commission in U. S. army, ref. to, 279 Major, satirized by Major Andre, 93 Leech, Thos., account of, 29 Thos., ref. to, 36 Leland Stanford Jr. University, mentioned, 172 292 I^igftot? ot S)t paur0 episcopal Cfiurc^. utes of, in ref. to members of St. Paul's, 90 Lodge No. 2, meetings of, sus- pended, 93 No. 2, mentioned. 111, 163 No. 3, mention of, 23, 33, 34, 111 No. 9, mention of, 111 No. 19, mention of, 23, 111 Orange, No. 71, mentioned, 111 Phoenix, Chester Co., Pa., mentioned, 131 Washington, No 59, men- tioned, 111 Loganian Library, ref. to, 104 Lohra, John, account of, 275 Mary Knorr, notice of, 275 & Carlisle, mention of, 275 Lombard St. Public School, men- tioned, 129 Loper, Capt. Eichard P., men- tioned, 152 Lot-holders, summary of law rela- tive to, 10, 11 ref. to, 17, 189 Lotteries frequently used to raise money for civic and re- ligious purposes, 40 employed to build Christ Church steeple, 40 to raise money for the Sec- ond Presbyterian Church, 40 prohibited in Pa., 40 Lottery to erect City Hall, 40 in re Wm. Dunlap, 77 Louther M. E. Church, ref. to, 190 Lowber, Dr. Edward, mention of, 279 Elizabeth Twells, mentioned, 279 Lowth, Et. Eev., consequence of his refusal of ordination, 56, 115 Lueknow, siege of, ref. to, 97 Lutheran Church, ref. to, 57, 80 Luzerne, Chevalier de, mention of, 105 Macpherson, Capt. John, mention of, 22 Brig. Gen'l Wm., mention of, 23 Madison, Et. Eev. mention of, 56 Magaw, Dr. Wm., notice of, 99 Lucia Doz, notice of, 32, 99, 112 Major Eobert, notice of, 99 Marrite van Brunt, notice of, 99 Eev. Dr. Samuel, notice of, 32, 36, 116, 119 Eev. Dr. Samuel, rectorship of, 96-112 Eev. Dr. Samuel, Dover mis- sion of, 98 Eev. Dr. Samuel, desired peace with honour, 99 Eev. Dr. Samuel, his discourse preached in Christ Church, Philadelphia, ref. to, 99 Eev. Dr. Samuel, elected rec- tor, 101 Eev. Dr. Samuel, esteemed by Masonic Fraternity, 105 Eev. Dr. Samuel, Masonic prayer by, 106 seq. Maine Historical Soc., Collections of the, ref. to, 67, 70 Marie Antoinette, mention of, 278, 279 Mark Baskett Bible, note on, 278 Markoe, Capt. Abraham, notice of, 30, 42 Elizabeth Baynton, notice of, 30, 42 Marshall, John, mention of, 54 Marston, John, Jr., aids in organi- zation of Sunday-school Ass'n P. E. Church, 170 Martin, John Hill, warning of, 9 293 3nlif5E to ^\xbittt&. J. Willis, decree of, in re dis- solution of 6t. Paul's, 186, 188 Mass., General Laws of, ref. to, 59 Matlack, Timothy, note on, 270 Elizabeth Claypoole, note on, 270 Matthews, John, note on, 123 May, Adam, notice of, 228 Catharine Diehl, notice of, 228 Ellen Stuart Bowman, notice of, 144 Rev. Dr., mentioned, 269 Rev. Dr. Jas., Rectorship of, 143, 144 Rev. Dr. Jas., portrait of, fac- ing p. 143 Rev. Thos. Potts, notice of, 143 McClenachan, Blair, mention of, 4, 36 Blair, account of, 67, 68 where buried, 4, 68 Isabella, notice of, 72 John, note on, 70 Rev. Dr. Wm., his sermon on Thos. Leech, ref. to, 29 jef. to, 35, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 79, 82 Teetorship of, 66-78 Rev. Dr. Wm., his eloquence and piety, 44 invited to preach at Christ Church, 70, 71 elected as assistant to Rev. Dr. Jenney, 71 dismissed by the same, 71 preaches at State House, 71, 72 Martha, note on, 68 MoConnell, Dr., quoted, 57, 74 Rev. Dr., S.D., "History of the American Episcopal Church," ref. to, 35, 57, 94, 215 McCoskrey, Rev. Dr., mentioned, 269 Rev. Dr. Samuel A., rector- ship of, 141, 142 portrait of, facing p. 141 McCulloch, Hugh, mention of, 270, 271 McCuUough, Mary J., notice of, 130 iSarah, notice of, 130 McGarvey, Rev. Dr. Wm. L, rec- torship of, 180, 181 Rev. Dr. Wm. I., portrait of, facing p. 182 Mcllvaine, Rt. Rev., notice of, 127 Mcllwee, John, mention of, 111 Meade, Rt. Rev. Wm., ''Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia, ' ' quoted in ref. to Rev. Ben- jamin Allen, 125 seq. Rt. Rev. Wm., note on, 133 Medical Soc. of Pa., mentioned, 199 Meer, John, Sr., account of, 250 Mary Gould West, notice of, 250 Memorial Ass. Valley Forge, men- tioned, 8 Memorials of the Past, Preserva- tion of, 7 Merchants Fund, mentioned, 163 Methodist Church, organized, 56, 115 Church, ref. to, 98, 113 Cemetery case, ref. to, 189 Mexican War, referred to, 270 Mickve Israel, ref. to, 40 MiMn, Thos., mention of, 105 Mitchell, Jas. T., opinion of, 8 Molly Maguires, mention of, 273 Monges, Dr., notice of, 101 Montreal Assurance Co., men- tioned, 219 Monuments and Bodies, removal of, 10, 11 294 ^i&totTg of felt paurgi €pi0copal CfjurcS. Moorhead, J. Barlow, notice of, 278 Ada E., notice of, 278 Wm, G., mention of, 270 Morgan, Col. Geo., notice of, 30 Mary Baynton, notice of, 30 Morris, Anthony, Jr., mention of, 35, 36 Israel, mention of, 36 Appeal, ref . to, 4 Israel Wistar, notice of, 273 Mary Hollingsworth, notice of, 273 Robert, note on, 118 Moslem, piety of, ref. to, 15 Moss, John, mention of, 231 Mozart, autograph of, ref. to, 279 Mt. Moriah Cemetery Ass'n, men- tioned, 274 removals to, 7 lot in, owned by St. Paul's, ref. to, 37, 186 Muhlenberg, Dr. John P., mention of, 95 Nashotah Seminary, "Wis., men- tioned, 181 Nativity, Church of the, men- tioned, 168 Neals and Hutchinson's "Digests of Ordinances of New Eng- land," ref. to, 59 Neave, Richard, and son, their gift to St. Paul 's, 42 Negroes in Philadelphia, note on, 45, 51, 52, 70 Neill, Rev. Hugh, notice of, 40 Rev. Hugh, rectorship of, 79- 85 Rev. Hugh, lauds people of St. Paul's, 81 Rev. Hugh, directed not to give assistance to Mr. Mac- clenathan's Congreg., 81 Rev. Hugh, vindicates his con- duct as to officiating in St. Paul's, 82 Nelson, Geo., mention of, 36 Wm., mention of, 111 Newcastle, Del., Church at, note on, 43 Newton, Lydia Greatorex, notice of, 155, 161 Mary E. Lewis, note on, 172 Rev. R, Heber, mentioned, 274 Rev. Dr. Richard, mentioned, 269 Rev. Dr. Richard, "The Pas- tor 's Offering to his Flock, ' ' ref. to, 222 Rev. Dr. Richard, his memory honored, 44 Rev. Dr. Richard, peculiarly successful, 54 Rev. Dr. Richard, famous for children's sermons, 60, 154, 156 Rev. Dr. Richard, eloquent words of, at St. Paul's Cen- tennial Anniversary, 63, 64 Rev. Dr. Richard, on evangel- ical truths, 74, 75 Rev. Dr. Richard, Rectorship of, 145-157 Rev. Dr. Richard, portrait of, facing p. 145 Rev. Dr. Richard, letter to, by Mr. and Mrs. Jay Cooke, 152, 153 Rev. Dr. R. Heber, letter to, in ref. to Fiftieth Anniv. St. Paul 's Sunday-school, 142 Rev. Dr. R. Heber, rectorship of, 161-173 Rev. Dr. R. Heber, portrait of, facing p. 161 Nicholson, Gov., mention of, 27 Nilson, Capt. Andrew, mention of, 111 Non-Importation Resolutions, ref. to, 30, 31, 33, 199, 254 North American, The, note on, 78 295 Sntitj to ^nhittt^. North American, Tlie, mentioned, 270 North, Eichard, note on, 123, 128 Obed, Brother, note on, 122 Odenheimer, John W., note on, 275 Et. Eev. Dr. Wm. Hy., note on, 275 Et. Eev. Dr. Wm. H., letter of, in rel. to St. Paul 's Sunday- school, 165, 166 Et. Eev. Dr. Wm. H., mention of, 168 Old South Church, Boston, ref. to, 20, 21 Old Swedes, see Gloria Dei. Onderdonk, Et. Eev. Dr. Hy. U,, mention of, 141, 146 Ord, Geo., mention of, 36 John, notice of, 275 John, account of, 31 Ann Mason, note on, 31 Ordination, difficult and dan- gerous, 54 its refusal and consequence thereof, 56 of Eev. Wm. Stringer, 90 Orphans, Home for Soldiers' and Sailors', mentioned, 171 Court, Del, Co., ref. to, 185 Oxford Congregation, 52, 85 UDiversity of, in re Degree for Dr. Smith, 84 University of, ref. to, 142 Page, S. Davis, note on, 49 Palmer, John, notice of, 32, 36 Deborah Bankson, notice of, 32 Thos,, notice of, 217 Parish has no special legal signifi- cance in Pa., 102 Parker, Alvin Mercer, note on, 223 Joseph Brooks Bloodgood, note on, 223 Parvin, Eev. Eobert J., note on, 155 Pastoral Aid Association founded, 148 Patriotic Order Sons of America save historic shrine, 8 Societies in rel. to St. Paul's Dead, 22, 23 Paxson, Mr. Justice, opinion by, 13 Peale, James, note on, 270 Mary Claypoole, note on, 270 Pechin, Almira, mention of, 170 Penn, Wm., letters of, ref. to, 279 Wm., landing of, ref. to, 285 Wm., Black-Letter Days in the Life of, ref. to, 285 Estate, ref. to, 30 Penn-Logan Correspondence, ref. to, 28 Penns, Memorial to the, ref. to, 26, 28 "Penna. Archives," ref. to, 120 Pennsylvania Assembly, ref. to, 200 Bank, mentioned, 200 Bank, ref. to, 67 Battalion Eiflemen, ref. to, 99 Line, the First, ref. to, 99 Line, the fourth, ref. to, 99 Penna. Chronicle, ref. to, 42 Pennsylvania College, Gettysburg, mentioned, 177 Co. for Ins. on Lives and Granting Annuities, men- tioned, 219, 279 History of, by Gabriel Thomas, ref. to, 27 Hospital, mentioned, 239 Penna. Gazette, The, ref. to, 29, - 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 85 Pennsylvania Hospital, ref. to, 30, 32, 34 Institute, mentioned, 160 Journal, ref. to, 39 296 I9i0totg ot ^t pauPsi epigfcopal C^uccJ. Pa. Ifa^. o/ ffisL and Biog., ref. to, 8, 30, 62, 68, 78, 99 Penna. Facket, The, note on, 78 Penna. Pacl'et and Daily Adver- tiser, mentioned, 270 Pennsylvania E. E., mentioned, 219, 273 State Eeports, ref. to, 4, 5, 8, 10, 12, 13, 63, 102 infra, 189, 190, 191 Volunteer Artillery, 1st Eeg't, mentioned, 228 Penrose, Capt. Thos., note on, 33 Samuel, note on, 31 Ann Fleeson, note on, 31 Samuel, account of, 200 Samuel, mention of, 36 Perry, referred to, 52, 78, 80, 81, 85, 87, 92, 97 "Historical Collections Eelat- ing to tlie American Colo- nial Church," ref. to, 27, 28, 100 "Papers Eelating to the His- tory of the Church in Penna.," ref. to, 46, 53 Peters, Eev. Dr. Eichard, mention of, 52, 53, 83, 87, 88, 91 Eev. Dr. Eichard, "has but just emerged from a life of Polities and jjleasure, " 82 Eev. Dr. Eichard, severs con- nection with St. Paul's, 89 Pew-owners, rights of, 11 Pews, ownership of, 61 ref. to, 63, 119 Philadelphia & Eeading E. E. Co., mentioned, 272 City Cavalry, First Troop, mentioned, 200, 270 City Cavalry, 273, 279 City Cavalry, History of the, ref. to, 268 College of, ref. to, 215 College of, mentioned, 29, 45, 96 Philadelphia Divinity School, men- tioned, 131, 144, 161, 168, 169 College of Physicians of, men- tioned, 199, 200 Corn Exchange, mentioned, 220 County Prisons, ref. to, 231 Minerva, ref, to, 268 Dispensary, ref. to, 33 Hospital, ref. to, 181 Humane Soc, ref. to, 33 Eegister of Wills, ref. to, 33 Fire Ins. Co., mentioned, 274 Militia of the City and Liber- ties of, ref. to, 22 population of, in 1760, '25 original city of, 25 when consolidated, 25 evacuated by the British, 54 "if it was 50 miles square and had 200 churches in it," what then? 82 City Gaol (jail), poor pris- oners in, aided by St. Paul's, 85 captured by Gen'l Howe, 92, 93 National Bank, mention of, 73 P. E. City Mission, ref. to, 209 Post Office, note on, 42 Sa'sang Fund Soc, ref. to, 279 Sunday-school Union, by whom instituted, 166 Philada. Eecord, notice of, 42 PJiila. Eecorder, The, quoted in ref. to consecration of St. Andrew's, 129 Philadelphians, well known, where buried, 5-7 well known, ref. to, 158 opinions of, in regard to Dr. Smith, 83 Phile, Dr. Frederick, notice of, 239, 240 Elizabeth, notice of, 239 297 Snticj to &uDject!2i. Phillips Andover Academy, men- tioned, 135 Phillips, Col. John, mention of, 111 Phoenix Hose Co., mentioned, 220 Physick, Dr. Edmund, note on, 118 Pilmore, Mary (Benezet) Wood, note on, 124 Eev. Joseph, mention of, 276 Eev. Dr. Joseph, portrait of, facing p. 113 Eev. Dr. Joseph, Eectorship of, 113-124 Eev. Dr. Joseph, appointed assist. minister at St. Paul's, 116 Eev. Dr. Joseph, preaching of, 118, 120 Eev. Dt. Joseph, his breadth of vision, 120 Eev. Dr. Joseph, creator of St. Paul's Sunday-school, 120, 164 Eev. Dr. Joseph, publications of, 123 Poor, John, educator, ref. to, 101, 102, 106 Potter, Et. Eev. Dr. Horatio, letter to, by Stephen H. Tyng, ref. to, 138 Poulson's Am. Daily Advertiser, ref. to, 115, 124 Poulson's Daily Advertiser, men- tioned, 270 Poyntell, Wm., account of, 276 Prendergast, Eev. Edmond F., his appeal, 15 Presbyterian Church, Pine St., Sale of, prevented, 15 Hospital, mentioned, 181 Church, Third, ref. to, 33 Church, Second, where lo- cated, 40, 164 Synod in Philadelphia, 46 Congreg., the Second, note on, 122 Presbyterians, ref. to, 50, 56, 57, 71, 77, 84 Presentation, right of, rests with the Church, 87 Princeton, ref. to, 67 College, ref. to, 40 Proctor, Col. Thos., member of the Grand Lodge, 4, 106 Col. Thos., where buried, 4 Col. Thos., account of, 22 Col. Thos., ref. to, 23, 106 Col. Thos., satirized by Major Andre, 93 Protestant Churchman, the, men- tioned, 138 Protestant Episcopal Academy, ref. to, 32, 147, 169 Episcopal Church, ref. to, 28, 32, 34, 123, 144, 156, 176, 181, 182, 187, 193 Epicsopal Church organiza- tion of, 102, 103, 115 Episcopal Church, its name, to whom owed, 103 Episcopal Church, 1st Gen'l Conv. of, 105 Episcopal Church, at Corry, Pa., mentioned, 171 Episcopal Church, Diocese Pa., Trustees of, ref. to, 208, 209, 286 Episcopal Church, Philadel- phia, excerpts from the minutes of the, 214, 215 Episcopal City Mission, men- tion of, 3, 17, 188, 190, 191, 192 Episcopal City Mission, effi- cient relief work of, 4 Episcopal Soc. for Domestic and Foreign Missions, men- tioned, 129 Episcopal Sunday School Soe. of Philadelphia, mentioned, 228 Proverbs xxiii, 15, quoted, 137 298 l^ijStorg of S)t paur^ Cpisfcopal C8urc5. Provincial Conventioii, ref. to, 200 Provoost, Eev. Samuel, consecrated as Bishop of N. Y 104 Psalm 92 : 6, ref. to, 16 Psalm, 112, V, 6, quoted, 224, 231 Psalm, 10, V. 7, quoted, 231 Pulpit and Communion Silver, il- lustr. of, facing p. 210 Puritans, ref. to, 56 Quakers, ref. to, 26, 47, 48, 49, 56, 57, 80, 127 Quarry, Col., mention of, 27 Quarterly Meeting, the first, ^'hen and where celebrated, 98 Queen Anne Parish, mentioned, 135 Radnor Parish, mentioned, 234 Eeichner, L. Irving, notice of, '244 Eandall, Joseph C, notice of, 250 Caroline West, notice of, 250 Edmund, notice of, 250 Eenshaw, Eichard, Jr., note on, 276 Eaikes, Eobert, note on, 122 Eailroad Law, ref. to, 13 Eeed, Anna G. Everly, note on, 169 Eev. Dr. J. Sanders, account of, 169 Eeformed Church, ref. to, 57 Eeily, John, account of, 33 Ee-interment, Act of Assembly as to, 17, 18, 189 Eeligious Bodies, growth of, 57 congregation is a private body, 14 life of St. Paul's Parishioners, 58 seq. society, to every, absolute ownership of its property is confirmed, 190 Eenshaw, Eichard, mention of, 36, 137 Revelation 14, v. 13, quoted, 224, 231, 263 Revolution, ref. to, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 54, 90, 93 seq., 102 ref. to, 200, 239, 240, 270, 275, 286 Sons of the. Pa. Soc, ref. to, 22 Ehinelander, Et. Rev. Philip M., considers sale of St. Paul's, 3 Eiehmond, Va., its ancient name, 49 Eidgley, Nicholas, mention of, 97 Mary Vining, mention of, 97 Eobins, Edward, notice of, 73 Edward, of Phila., notice of, 73 Thos., notice of, 72 Isabella McClenachan, notice of, 72 Thos., notice of, 73 Eoche, Eev. Dr. Robert T., rector- ship of, 174, 175 Rev. Dr. Robert T., portrait of, facing p. 173 Rodney, Caesar, mention of, 100 Romaine, Rev. Wm., notice of, 75, 87 Roman Catholic Church, ref. to, 15, 20, 57, 181 Ross, Capt. Chas., where buried, 15 Geo., notice of, 29 John, account of, 29, 30 John, ref. to, 34, 36, 49, 50, 51, 52 John, in relation to Articles of Agreement, 47 Rev. Geo., note on, 29 Rowley, Richard, note on, 61, 62 Jane B., note on, 62 Royal Geographical Soc, men- tioned, 179 Runk, Louis B., ' ' Fort Louis- burg," ref. to, 67 Russia Company, The Worshipful, mentioned, 224 299 3ntie£ to ^ubittt^. Kush, Dr. Benjamin, "Memoirs," St. ref. to, 111 Saehse, Dr. J. F., "Old Masonic Lodges in Penna., Moderns and Ancients," ref. to, 34 St. Dr. J. F., "The German Sec- taries of Penna.," ref. to, St. 122 Sacredness of Burial Grounds, IS- IS St. Andrew's Church, note on, 43, 73, 127, 129, 139, 146 Church, mentioned, 228 St. Eichmond, N. Y., mentioned, 159 Society of Philadelphia, The, ref. to, 31, 33 St. Va., mentioned, 128 West Philadelphia, 171 Wilmington, Del., mentioned, St. 168 St. Ann 's Church, ref. to, 69 St. Fishkill, N. Y., mentioned, 158 London, mention of, 75 St. Augustine, R. C. Church of, ref. to, 41 St. David 's, Radnor, men- tioned, 234 St, Radnor, mentioned, 131 St. Elizabeth's Church, mentioned, St. ISO St. George, Society of the Sons of, St. ref. to, 30, 122, 123 iSoe. of Sons of, mentioned, St. 199 St. George's, Georgetown, men- tioned, 135 N. Y., mentioned, 138 M. E. Church, by whom estab- lished, 114 St. James at Kingsessing, ref. to, 26 Pittston, Pa., mentioned, 175 Perkiomen, mentioned, 234 300 James College, Md., mentioned, 168 Memorial, Eatontown, N. J., mentioned, 175 R. C. Church, mentioned, 181 John the Evangelist, ref. to, 100, 105, 107 seq., 121 John's Chapel, mentioned, 169 Church, ref. to, 5, 168 Church, Clifton, N. Y., men- tioned, 177 Northern Liberties, mentioned, 146 Luke's, Bustleton, ref. to, 167 Church, note on, 43, 138, 147, 154, 169, 178 Church, mentioned, 220 Mark's Church, Palatka, Fla., mentioned, 174 Church, Phila., mentioned, 177 Martin's Church, ref. to, 72 Marcus Hook, ref. to, 231 Mary's Cathedral Church, ref. to, 286 Cathedral Church of, ref. to, 3 W. Philadelphia, mentioned, 144 Memorial Church, mentioned, 178 Mary, Sisterhood of, men- tioned, 180 Matthew's Church, Francisville, note on, 43 Patrick, ' ' History of Friendly Sons of, ' ' ref. to, 78 Paul's, built for the Propaga- tion of Principles of Estab- lished Church, 34 incorporated, 36, 101 lottery, 37 seq. title deeds, abstracts of, 206- •209 Cheltenham, 44, 153, 155 Chester, Pa., mention of, 9 Chestnut Hill, mentioned, 190 Church Edifice, illustr. of, 1 ^i0torp ot ^t paurgs CpiiScopal Cfiutc|^» St. Paul's Church Entrance Gate, St. illustr. of. 2 Church, appeal for preserva- tion of, 3-24 Church, location of, 3 Church, sale of, considered, 3 Church Bldg. and Family Vaults, illustr. of, 3 Churchyard, illustr. of, 4 history, request for, 19, 24 suggestions as to disposition of, 20, 21 dead, debt to, 21-23 Church Eegisters, ref. to, 212, 213, 218, 220, 227, 230, 234, 243, 267 Church opened for worship, 41 rules of vestry, 41 sexton's duties, 41, 42 largest church in the Province, 43 formally incorporated, 43 consecrated, 43, 116, 136 mother of many parishes, 43 a religious storm center, 44 Detroit, mentioned, 141 Font, illustr. of, facing p. 45 Font, with baptismal bowl, facing p. 47 erected for the defense of a free gospel, 47 thoroughly American, 49 crowded to the doors, 53 contribution to formation of Am. Episcopal Church, 63 Centennial Anniversary, 63, 64, 155 fourth diocesan convention at, 105 people visited by epidemic, list of, 117 Keeords of, ref. to, 120 interested in foreign missions, 146 picture of interior, facing p. 147 301 Paul's prayer meetings, ref. to, 147 Societies of, 148 Children's church, 150 Missionary Sunday, ref. to, 152 petition to dftsolve corpora- tion, 181 scq. organization of, 25 by whom formed, 28 last survivor of original trus- tees of, 32 agreements, by whom drawn, 34 corporate title of, 34 one of the founders of the P. E. Church, 34 Pulpit and Communion Silver, illustr. of, facing p. 210 Church Plate described, 210, 211 Church and Churchyard, plan of, between pp. 216 and 217 charities of, remembered, 231 vestrymen, list of, 269-280 vestry minutes, ref. to, 269 Queen Anne Co., Md., ref. to, 79, 81 Rectors, list of, 64, 65 "had some invinceahle rea- sons against Dr. Smith," 82 Gift to Eev. Hugh Neill, 84, 85 conduct of parishioners of, at breaking out of Revolution, 92 parishioners with Washing- ton's army, 93 in rel. to organization of P. E. Church, 102 seq. School, Concord, N, H., men- tioned, 168 Smyrna, ref. to, 98 near Md. line, ref. to, 98 Sunday-school, am't of money Untitt to ^ubiectisi. annually collected by, and how applied, 170, 171, 172 St. Paul's Sunday School, ref, to, 44, 60, 120, 122, 142, 150, 151, 152, 159, 163^167 Sunday School, testimony to Rev. Benj. Allen, 130 Sunday School, it:; Fiftieth Anniv., ref. to, 142, 163 seq. Sunday School, distinguished pupils of, 152, 167 seq. Sunday Schools, ref. to, 222 title to lot of, in whom vested, 188 Buck Creek, ref. to, 97 Delaware, O., mentioned, 175 Great Valley, mentioned, 234 St. Peter's Church mention of, 7, 9, 41, 43, 49, 50, 85, 136, 147, 162, 172, 186, 187, 188, 190, 208', 209, 276, 277 incepted, when and where, 25, 26 opened, when, 26 united with Christ Church, 26 Parish, " Sesquicentennial Year Book," ref. to, 26, 106 requested to take over prop- erty of St, Paul's, 182, 183, 184 St. Philip's Church, note on, 43 St. Stephen 's, Cecil Co., Md., men- tioned, 27 Wilkes-Barre, mentioned, 144 St. Tammany, Sons of, ref. to, 22 St. Timothy's Church, mentioned, 174 St. Thomas, Whitemarsh, men- tioned, 115, 121 Eavenswood, L. I., mentioned, 176 Salvation Army, ref. to, 56 Samuel Powel House, The, note on, 118 Sansom St. Union Prayer Meet- ings, ref. to, 147 Saviour, Church of the, mentioned, 169 Sayres, Edward S., notice of, 101 Scharf and Westcott, ref. to, 275 Scharf and Westcott 's "Hist, of Phila.," ref. to, 102, 133 Scharf 's "History of Delaware," ref. to, 97, 98 Schubert, autograph of, ref. to, 279 Scripture, interpretation of, 75 Seabury, Rt. Rev. Samuel, men- tion of, 56, 105, 115 Rt. Rev. Samuel, subscribes to Constitution, 214 ref. to, 215 Sellers, Edwin Jaquett, "Geneal- ogy of the Kollock Fam- ily," ref. to, 265 Seeker, Rev., letter to, in re Mr. Whitefield's preaching, 53 Seckle, Lawrence, mention of, 276 Sellers, Wm., notice of, 33 Sepoy War, ref. to, 97 Sepulture, duty of providing, 4, 5 Sewell, Rev. Rich., notice of, 27 Sharp, Gov., ref. to, 81, 84 Sharswood, Justice, opinion by, ref. to, 4 Justice, opinion of, in re Lot- holders, 10, 11 Shaw, Capt., notice of, 217 Elizabeth Palmer, notice of, 217 Shee, Col. John, notice of, 33 Walter, account of, 33 Sheetz, Christian, mention of, 111 Shiras, Rev. Alexander, "Life and Letters of the Rev. Dr. Jas. May," ref. to, 144 Shirley, Gov., in ref. to ordina- tion of the Rev. Mr. Mc- Clenachan, 67 Gov., ref. to, 73 302 ^i&toti^ of fe)t. ^mV0 episcopal Cfiurc]^. Shober, Susannah B., notice of, 164 "iShockoes, " former name of Eichmond, Va., ref . to, " 49 Shoemaker, Joseph M., mention of, 278 Shute, Atwood, note of, 34 Wm., account of, 34 Silk Stocking Company, mentioned, 118 Simpson, Henry, ' ' The Lives of Eminent Philadelphians now deceased," ref. to, 228 Simpson's "Lives of Eminent Philadelphians, ' ' ref. to, 158 Slyhoof, Maria, mention of, '276 Sarah, mention of, 276 Michael, mention of, 276 Margaret, mention of, 276 Small 's ' ' Genealogical Eecords, ' ' ref. to, 124 Smith, Eev. Dr. Wm., his account of Mr. MoClenaehan 's fol- lowers, 47, 48 Eev. Dt. Wm., letter in ref. to Eev, Dr. Jacob Duehe, 49 Eev. Dr. Wm., ref. to, 51, 52, 80, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 91, 214 Eev. Dr. Wm., "no Clergyman more disagreeable, ' ' 83 Eev. Dr. Wm., "refusal of, an unpardonable crime," 83 Eev. Dr. Wm., letter to the Bishop of London, 76, 77, 78 Eev. Dr. Wm., "Life and Correspondence of," ref. to, 76, 77 Eev. Dr. Wm., portrait of, facing p. 77 Eev. Dr. Wm., letter to, in ref. to Mr. Neill, 81 Eev. Dr. Wm., letter of, in ref. to Mr. Magaw, 96 Eev. Dr. Wm., calls conven- tion of Md. clergy, Am. P. E. church, 103 Smith, Eev. Dr. Wm., chosen bishop of Md., 103 Smith's Laws, ref. to, 40 Society Hill, origin of name, 25 for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, mentioned, 10, 46, 49, 67, 70, 71, 79, 84, 86, 88, 90, 96, 174 for the, see also Venerable Soc. of Antiquarians of Edin- burgh, mentioned, 179 of the P. E. Church for the Advancement of Christian- ity in Pa., mentioned, '200 Springer, Geo., mention of. 111 Spurgeon, ref. to, 151 Stamp and Quartering Acts, ref. to, 75 Standley, Wm., notice of, 276 Wm., grandson, mentioned, 276 Eichard, mentioned, 276 Hugh, mentioned, 276 Elizabeth Fulton, mentioned, 276 Stanley, Capt. Norris, mention of, 3 Norris, account of, 231 State has right to regulate use of all property, 11 and Church, the former must exercise its control some- times, 63 policy of, with resi^ect to tenure of property held by religious societies, 190 House, Sale of, authorized, 8 House, in relation to St. Paul's, 28 House, ref. to, 29, 46, 51, 71, 93, 111, 114, 214, 215 Statutes at Large of Penna., ref. to, 40 303 Sntitj to ^uhint^* Stevenson, Cornelius, account of, 228 Cornelius, portrait of, facing p. 228 Mary May, notice of, 228 Wm., Sr,, notice of, 228 Ann Groebe, notice of, 228 Wm., notice of, 228 Cornelius, notice of, 130 Stevens, Eev. Dr, Chas. Ellis, rec- torship of, 179, 180 Eev. Dr. Chas. Ellis, portrait of, facing p. 180 Ella M. A., notice of, 180 Rt. Eev., on Bishop White, 74 Et. Eev., mentioned, 147 Stewart, Henry, notice of, 68 Mary Ann, notice of, 68 Caroline, notice of, 68 Washington, notice of, 68 Eobert, notice of, 68 Gen. Walter, children of, 68 Walter, notice of, 68 Wm., notice of, 68 Story & Humphreys, Printers, men- tion of, 99 Stotesbury, Arthur, account of. 220 Eichard G., notice of, 220 Eichard G., notice of, 277 James M., notice of, 277 Mary Ann, notice of, 277 Stringer, Eev. Wm., rectorship of, 86-95 Eev. Wm., "ordained irregu- larly," 87 Eev. Wm., applied to by St. Paul's Congregation, 88 Eev. Wm., his evening lec- tures, and action of Lodge No. 2, 90 Eev. Wm,, validity of his or- dination questioned, 90 Eev. Wm., rendered persona non grata to St. Paul's, 90 Eev. Wm., dissolution of his connection with St. Paul's 92 seq. Sturgeon, Eev. Wm., note on, 50 Eev. Wm., his view of St. Paul's Congregation, 50, 51 Eev. Wm., on Mr. MeClen- achan's Eloquence, 51 Eev. Wm., on his dismissal from Christ Church, 51, 52 Eev. Wm., ref. to, 53, 70, 71 Sunday, Observance of, 60 seq. Sunday-school Ass'n P. E. Church, organization of, 170 mentioned, 171 Supreme Court of Pa., ref. to, 8, 12, 13, 190 Court of U. S., ref. to, 9, 54 Court of Va., ref. to, 192 Susquehanna Coal Co., ref. to, 5, 12 Swanwick, John, notice of, 277 Swedish Settlers, ref. to, 32 Swift, John, note on, 133 Tammany, Sons of St., ref. to, 22 Tennant, Eev. Gilbert, ref. to, 46 Thefts, mysterious, enumerated, 42, 43 Thirty-nine Articles, The, ref. to, 35, 73, 88 Articles, ref. to, 195, 197 Thomas, John W., notice of, 44, 163 Gabriel, his publication of 1698, ref. to, 27 Geo. Clifford, account of, 277, 278, 279 John W., notice of, 277 Ada E. Moorhead, notice of, 278 Geo. C, his charity lauded, 44 Geo. C, Memorial Church, ref. to, 44 Geo. C, organized Sunday- school Ass'n P. E. Church, 170 "History of Printing in America, ' ' ref. to, 78 304 I^isitotg ot felt paurgi Cpigicopal C^uccli, Thomas, Library, famous works therein, mentioned, 278- Rev. Eieh'd Newton, men- tion of, 44 Title Deeds, abstracts of, 206 seq. Tories, mention of, 94, 97 Towne, Benjamin, mention of, 36 Traders, Free Society of, ref. to, 25 Transfiguration, Church of the, mentioned, 177 Trenton, ref. to, 67 Trinity Church, N. Y. City, ref. to, 97 Georgetown, mentioned, 174 Church, Oxford, ref. to, 40, 79, 115, 121 Church, Sharon Springs, men- tioned, 163 Church, Watertown, men- tioned, 169 Episcopal Church, ref. to, 18 Toland, Henry, Jr., notice of, 219 Henry, Sr., notice of, 219 Mary Huston, notice of, 219 Sarah, Barnhill, notice of, 219 Robert, notice of, 219 Trenton, battle of, ref. to, 268 Trinity Church, N. Y., mentioned, 250 Tun Tavern Lodge, its place of meeting, 33 Turner, Joseph, mention of, 36 Twells, Sarah Standley, mention of, 276, 279 Godfrey, mention of, 276 Elizabeth, mention of, 276 Godfrey, account of, 279 Elizabeth, mention of, '279 Godfrey, Jr., mention of, 279 Standley, mention of, 279 Edward, mention of, 279 Sarah W. C, mention of, 279 Richard, mention of, 279 Tyndale's New Testament, ref. to, 278 Tyng, Rev. Dr., mentioned, 269 21 305 Tyng, Ann De Wolf Griswold, notice of, 138 Rev. Dudley A., mention of, 135, 139, 147 Rev. Dudley A., notice of, 137, 140, 168 Rev. Dudley A., Memorial meeting in honour of, ref. to, 159 Rev. Dr; Stephen H., is author- ity for remarkable state- ment, 47 Rev. Dr. Stephen H., sermon of, at consecration St. Paul's, ref. to, 116 Rev. Dr. Stephen H., portrait of, facing p. 135 Rev. Dr. Stephen H., rector- ship of, 135-140 Rev. Dr. Stephen H., chief printed works of, 138 seq. Rev. Dr. Stephen H., men- tioned, 145, 146, 159, 163 Susan W. Mitchell, note on, 138 Union College, mentioned, 172 United Congregations Christ and St. Peter's Churches, ref. to, 51, 52, 53, 87, 102, 112 Congregations, the clergy of, interest themselves in St. Paul's, 90 Union League, mentioned, 163, 220, 279 Pacific R. R. Co., mentioned, 274 School and Children's Home, mentioned, 171 United States, the making of the, ref. to, 49 observes Washington 's birth- day, 110 Navy, ref. to, 169 Bank, mentioned, 219 First Bank, mentioned, 228 Z7. S. Gazette, quoted, 217 3lnti« to ^ubiett^. University of the City of N. Y., Washington, Gen, Geo., officers in mentioned, 179 of Wooster, O., mentioned, 180 of Penna., mentioned, 29, 32, 52, 73, 96, 101, 103, 123, 142, 145, 147, 154, 155, 158, 161, 168, 177, 178, 179, 199, 200, 215 Hospital, mentioned, 181 Valley Forge, sale of, proposed, 8 winter quarters at, 93 Centennial and Memorial Ass'n of, ref. to, 189 Van Brunt, Rutgers, mention of, 99 Vault, every, a sacred depository, 18 Venerable Soc, letter to, rel. to St. Paul's, 81 Soc, ref. to, 84, 90, 96, 100 Soc, see also Soc. Propag. Gospel in Foreign Parts. Versailles in the time of Louis XIV., ref. to, 49 Vestry, minutes of the, ref. to, 269 Vestrymen, List of, 269-280 Vining, Capt. Benjamin, notice of, 97 Mary, notice of, 97 Virginia Theological Seminary, mentioned, 144 Voigt, Henry, mention of, 111 Wagner, Richard, mention of, 278, 279 Walsh, Stevenson Hockley, notice of, 228 Washington, Gen'l Geo., notice of, 200 "Farewell Address" of, ref. to, 270 patriotic appeal of, 279 Martha, note on, 278 forces of, 4 letter of, commending City Troop, ref. to, 4 his headquarters at Valley Forge, ref. to, 8 ref. to, 22, 50, 68, 91, 97, 106, 118, 139, 172 Gen. Geo., crossed Delaware, 67 Gen. Geo., defeated at Bran- dywine, 92 Gen. Geo., defeated at Ger- mantown, 93 Gen. Geo., victorious at York- town, 94 Gen. Geo., styled "Cinein- natus," 100 Gen, Geo., thanked by Grand Lodge of donation to poor, 106 Gen. Geo., his birthday ob- served, 110 Gen. Geo., when initiated into Free Masonry, 139 Mary, note on, 192 College, Md., mention of, 103 Grays Artillery Corps, men- tioned, 160 Wayne, Gen. Anthony, suggests Valley Forge winter quar- ters, 93 Wesley, Rev. John, mention of, 56, 113, 114, 115 West, Capt. Josiah, notice of, 250 Mary Gould, notice of, 250 Caroline, notice of, 250 Westcott, Thompson, ' ' Historic Mansions and Buildings of Phila.," ref. to, 22 "Westover" Plantation, ref. to, 49 West Point Military Academy, mentioned, 141 Wharton, Anne H., "Salons Co- 306 m&totTf ot §)t paursi episcopal CSutcj; lonial and Eepublican, ' ' ref . to, 94 Wharton, mention of, 231 Robert, mention of, 8 Whelen, Henry, Jr., note on, 62 Laura Baker, note on, 62 Wldskey Insurrection, ref. to, 22, 270 White, Eev. Dt. Wm., referred to, 54, 91, 98 Eev. Dr. Wm., chosen Pres. first Gen'l Convention, 103 Et. Eev. Dr. Wm., consecrated St. Paul's, 43, 136 Rt. Eev. Dr. Wm., ref. to, 56, 73, 74, 95, 106, 111, 138, 141, 143, 147, 156 Et. Eev. Dr. Wm., "Me- moirs," ref. to, 102 Et. Eev. Dr. Wm., portrait of, facing p. 104 Et. Eev. Dr. Wm., conse- crated Bishop, 104 Et. Eev. Dr. Wm., holds 1st ordination, 104 Et. Rev. Dr. Wm., "Me- moirs," ref. to, 106 Whitefield, Eev. Geo., ref. to, 47, 73, 75, 76, 77, 86 Rev. Geo., his coming to Phil- adelphia, 52, 53 Rev. Geo., preaches at Christ, St. Peter's and St. Paul's Churches, 53 Rev. Geo., where he died, 53 Whiting, Beverley, notice of, 126 Betsy, notice of, 1'26 Wilkinson, Anthony, notice of, 271 Wilkinson, Elizabeth, notice of, 271 Ann, notice of, 271 Williams, John, martyr, mentioned, 152 Rt. Rev., mentioned, 54 Willing, Capt. Chas., mention of, 270 Morris & Swanwick, mention of, 277 Wilmer, Lambert, notice of, 199 Wilson, Jas,, note on, 118 Wm. Currie, notice of, 234 James, notice of, 273 Mary, notice of, 273 Wilson's "Life of White," ref. to, 106 Wood, John, notice of, 199 John, member of the Grand Lodge, 4 John, where buried, 4 John, mention of, 23, 36, 105 Joseph, note on, 124 Woodland Cemetery, mentioned, 219, 265 Cemetery Co., ref. to, 5 Yale College, mentioned, 179, 180 Yellow Fever, ref. to, 200, 234, 273 Fever, mention of, 28, 111, 116, 118, 143 Young, John, mention of, 36 Zion Ev. Lutheran Church, men- tioned, 111 German Ref. Congreg., men- tioned, 189 307 • * • INDEX TO NAMES. Abbott, Edward, 269 Abraham, 14, 15 Adams, J. M., 164 Adamson, Eev. Wm. S., 65, 176, 177 Agnew, Daniel, 13-15 Aikman, Walter Monteith, 180 Ella Monteith, 180 Albright, 189 Alexander, 5 Christiana, 170, 236 Jas., 3, 254, 255 Elizabeth, 254 Margaret, 255 Eiehard, 3, 235 Wm., 164 Eachel P., 221 Ann C, 235 Eiehard C, '235 Eiehard J., 236 Wm.., 254, 269 Eachel, 254 Allen, 5, 165 Eev. Benjamin, Jr., 65, 120, 125-134, 165, 216, 217, 232 Eev. Dr. Thos. G., 165 Mary Ann C. A., 232 Benjamin, 232 Allison, Joseph, 10 Ameran, Jane, 117 Anderson, 5 Ann, 238 James B., 269 Anderson, Wm., 238 Mary, 238 Andrews, 96 Armat, 5 Thos. Wright, 248 Mary, 252 Arrowsmith, J., 27 Aspinwall, Wm. H., 160 Auber, 5 Jas., 224, 225 Babb, 5 Jane, 248 Bache, Eiehard, 122 Baker, Geo. A., 122 Bankson, Andw., 29, 32, 39, 206, 207, 208, 269 Deborah, 32 Martha, 31 Sarah Allen, 32 Jacob, 32 John, 3'2 John P., 7, 122, 164 Lloyd, 164 Barbazett, James, 255 James, 255 Barger, Elizabeth Donaven, 239 Barker, 5 John, Jr., 243 Barnes, 5 Eeachel, 246 Joseph, 122 Barratt, 5 308 ^^igftotg ot fe»t ^mV0 CpfiScopal CSutcfi, Barratt, James, 255 James, Jr., 220 Mary Irvine, 4 Norris Stanley, 24, 255, 281 PMlip, 27 Philip, Jr., 27 Barton, Dr., 96 Thos., 45, 92 Bartram, 5 Alexander, 269 George, 269 Jolin, M.D., 227 Sarah S., 227 Eobert, 255 Bason, J., 164 Bates, John, 199, 269 Batwelle, Daniel, 92 Bayard, Mrs., 145 Thos. F,, 145 Bayne, Eobert, 245 Samuel P., 245 Baynton, Elizabeth Bullock, 200 Elizabeth Chevalier, 30 Mary Budd, 30 Peter, 30, 200 Baynton, John, 29, 206, 207, 269 Beach, Edmund, 29 Beaks, Joseph, 237 Jane, 237 Capt. Joseph, 237 Elizabeth, 237 Sarah, 237 Beale, J. L., 269 Bearcroft, Eev. Dr., 69, 70, 71 Beard, Elizabeth, 246 Capt. Wm., 246 Beatty, John, 117, 269 Beck, Margaret, 261 Paul, 101, 15& Margaret, 261 Paul, Jr., 101, 261 Mary Harvey, 261 Wm. Currie, 262 Becket, Thos. a, 20 Bedell, Et. Eev. Gregory T., 12 129, 131, 139, 140 Bell, Ann, 256 Eebecca A., 256 Eobert F., 256 Benezet, Jas., 29, 206, 207, 208, 269 John, 206 Philip, 269 Benham [Bonham], Ephraim, 206, 207, 208 Bennet, Maria, 261 Benson, Wm. Potter, 247 Frederick, 247 Peter, 247 Jane, 247 Jane P., 247 Biekerton, George, 269 Biggs, Mary, 242 Ephraim, 242 Thomas, 269 Black, Susannah Kennedy, 263 James, 263 Susannah, 263 Jeremiah F., 48 Blair, Wm., 264 Sarah, 264 Samuel, 264 Blatchford, Eev. Dr. Samuel, 125 Bodger, Benjamin, 117 Body, E., 164 Bonham, Ephraim, 29, 31, 39, 269 Boore, David, 33 Bourn, John, 33 Bowen, Thos., 257 David, 257 Penelope, 257 Bowman, Et. Eev. Samuel, 144 Eev. Samuel H., 175, 176 Boyd, 5 Catharine, 238 Jas., 238 Beyer, Eev. Dr. Samuel H., 65, 175, 176 Samuel, 175 Elenore Simmons, 175 7, Bradford, Wm., 39 Samuel F., 122 309 Inhtt to iRameiS, Branson, David, 34 Bridges, 5 Capt. Geo., 257 Alexander, 257 Eobert, 257 George, 257 Bright, John, 117 Bringhurst, Eev. Dr. Geo., 165 Brooks, E. D., 148 Eev. Phillips, 147 Broom, Hannah, 263 Thomas, 263 Margaret, 263 Broome, Thomas, 263, 269 Letitia, 263 Brothers, Michael, 34 Brown, 5 Mr. Justice, 9 Wm., 148 Andrew, 230 Elizabeth, 230 Mary, 230 Geo., 230 Browne, Peter A., 122 Buckley, 5 Wm., 208 Sarah, 208 Budden, Wm., 31 Bullock, Esther Baynton, 200 Geo., 200 Joseph, 30, 199, 269 Esther Baynton, 30 Joseph, Jr., 200 Sophia, 200 Anna Maria, 200 Burden, Jesse E., 164 Burnet, Henry, 29 Butler, 5 Margaret, 240 John, 266 Mary, 266 Henry, 266 Sarah, 266 Eev. Dr. Clement M., 147 Cadwalader, Dr.' Chas. E., 7, 269 Thos., 137 Cameron, 5 Wm., 117, 244 Jas., 245 Campbell, Thos., 29, 31, 39, 206, 207, 208 John M., 18 John, Sr., 36, 218, 269 Mary, 218, 219 Dr. John, 199, 218 Mary Wood, 199 Campion, Mrs., 222 Margaret, 222 Catharine, 222 J. B., 222 Canadine, Thos., 31 Martha Fleeson, 31 Cannon, Ann, 210, 240 Cardan, Eev. Eichard, 147 Carr, Ann Jane, 170 Wm. Wilkins, 170 Carson, 5 Eobert, 33, 240 Hampton L., 273, 286 Elizabeth Yeaton, 240 Carteret, 5 Jas. P., 249 Daniel, 249 Emily, 249 Cash, Caleb, 32 Eebecca, 32 Caskey, 5 Mary, 265 Eobert, 265 Cathers, Wm., 117 Elenor, 217 Cave, Cathrane, 261 Thomas, 261 Chapman, Eev. Walter, 77, 86, 87 Carlton, Thos., 29, 33, 39, 206, 207, 208-, 210, 269 Chase, Et. Eev., 127 Chesterfield, Lord, 73 Chew, Benjamin, 67 Childs, Allen, 131 Christy, 258 Eebecca, 258 310 I^isftor? ot ^t ^mV0 (Kpigfcopal CSurcfi^ Christy, James, 25S Eobert, 258 Wm., 258 Robert, Jr., 258 Churcli, PhUip, 68 Anne Stewart, 68 Clapier, Mary Heyl, 239 Clark, 5 Danl., 30 John, 242 Mary, 244 Jeffrey, 244 Rev. John A., 146 William H., M.D., 270 Claxton, 5 John, 119, 128, 205, 270 A., 164 Rev. Dr. Robert B., 165, 168 Claypoole, 5 Jas., 30, 39, 270 David C, 100, 270 Elizabeth, 270 Geo., 117, 243, 270 Wm., 117 Mary, 24, 270 Dr. Wm., 243 Catharine, 243 Clayton, Rev. Thos., 26, 27, 28 Clayton, Susannah, 261 Coates, Samuel, 32 Cohoon, Josiah, 267 Coit, Rev. Dr. Henry A., 168 Rev. Dr. Joseph H., 168 Colket, C. Howard, 234 Connelly, 5 Rebecca Robinson, 259 Isaac, 259 Conrad, Hy. I., 177 Hannah S. Kay, 177 Rev. Dr. Thos. Kittera, 65, 177, 178 Consort, 6 Conway, Susannah, 222 William, 270 Conyngham, Mrs. Hayfield, 68 Cook, Samuel, 45 Cooke, Jay, 7, 148, 270 Cooper, Cornelia, 170 Copley, John Singleton, 199 Copper, 6 Abraham Geo., 239 Elizabeth, 239, 270 Capt. Norris, 239, 270 Jas. Norris, 243 Annie Sayles, 243 Sarah, 221 Coulty, Samuel, 258 Cowell, 6 Mary, 218 Cox, 5 James, 270 Maria C, 255 Capt. John 255 Martha, 255 Coxe, Mr., his son-in-law, 117 Craig, Geo., 45, 92 Craven, 6 Crawford, Dr. Samuel, 177 Croley, Rev. Geo., 133 Cromwell, 6 his wife, 117 Rev. Joseph, 98 Oliver, 49 Ann, 224, 252 John, 252 Mary, 252 Margaret, 252 Cummings, 6 Norris Stanley, 148 Geo., 162 Elizabeth Tate, 162 Simon, 162 Wm., 3, 148, 161, 220, 221, 2.54, 271 Emily Alexander, 220 Mary Irvine, 220 Cora Monges, 220 Mary Alexander, 221 Curren, Nathaniel, 31 Currie, 6 Sarah, 234 Wm., M.D., 234 311 SnlifjE to jRamegi. Curtis, 6 Mary, 244 Abigail, 244 John, 244 Elizabeth, 244 Jacob B., 244 John H., 244, 271 Sarah O., 244 Cuthbert, Thos., 33, 271 Darlington, Joseph G.j 271 Daughty, 6 David, John, 210 Davies, Samuel N., 130, 170, 223 Eebecea, 223 Herbert S., 223 Samuel N., 2d, 228, 271 Elizabeth B., 223 Chas. Edward, 223 Davis, John, 117 Mrs., 117, 222 Elizabeth, 117, 260, 261 Wm., 222 Perry, 222 Wm., 2d, 222 Justinian F., 222 Isabella Price, 260 Andrew, 260, 261 Elizabeth, 260, 261 Mary, 260, 261 Wm. Price, 261 Davy, Eichard, 117 Dawson, Joshua, his child, 117, 252 Ann, 252 Sarah, 253 Deaver, Dr. John B., 250 Caroline E., 250 Deacon, Gilbert, 272 De Bray, Susannah Auber, 224 Daniel, 224 Delany, Lydia, 184, 185 Delavan, Catharine, 263 Wm., 263 Catharine Amanda, 263 Delavan, Joseph, 272 DesUver, 6 Desilver, Margaret, 262 Eobert, 263 Ann, 263 De Wolfe Howe, Eev. Dr. Mark A., 147 Dickenson, Dr. Willm., 29 Dickinson, Jonathan, 28 Dilworth, Sarah, 224 Doane, Et. Eev., 141 Dodge, Ezra, 164 Dogherty, Jas., 117 Donaven, 6 Capt. John, 239 Mary, 239 Dorr, Eev. Dr., 147 Dougherty, Jas., 36, 199, 272 Doughty, Ann, 242 Jas., 242 Margaret, 242 Dowers, John, 272 Doyle, John, 34 Doz, Andrew, 29, 32, 33, 39, 105, 199, 206, 207, 208, 272 Martha, 32, 210 Philip, 32 Eebecea Cash, 32 Eebecea, 210 Drais, Daniel, 253 Dray tons, the, 91 Drexel, Anthony J., 278 Drummond, Capt. Patrick, 67 Ann Bell, 67 Dubois, Claudius, 33 Duche, Anthony, 33 Eev. Jacob, 49, 50, 53, 82-83, 87, 88> 91 Elizabeth H., 50 Sarah Coats, 33 Duff, Edward, 221 Duffield, Abraham, 272 John, 40 Du Plessis, Peter le Barbier, 234, 235 Geo., 235 Helena, 235 Sophia, 235 312 i^igitor^ of fe)t ^auV0 (Episfcopal C5utc$. Du Plessis, Mrs., 117 Dupuy, Dan'l, 34, 272 Durborrow, Chas. B., 7, 148, 272 Rev. Dr. Samuel, 165, 169 Durell, Wm., 121 Earnest, Jacob, 221 Geo. W., 221 Esther, 221 Elizabeth, 221 Eliza D., 221 Jas., 221 Hester, 221 Eecles, 6 Alice, 266 James, 266 Edward, Edward, 117 Edwards, 6 Howard, 148 Elders, David, 117 Eldred, Rev. Wm., 133 Ellis, 6 Jas., 225 Sarah, 225 Elmslie, 6 Virginia, 261 Louis, 261 Susan, 261 Ernes, 6 Worsley, 246, 272 Emory, Charles, 272 Entrikin, T., 122 Thos., 122 Erben, Rev. Dr. W., 165 Erwin, 6 Etting, Solomon, 40 Evans, 6, 77 Wm. M., child of, 226 Elizabeth C, 226 P., 267 Falconer, Capt., 42 Falkner, Lester, 29, 42 Fannen, 6 Anthony, 256 Farr, 6 Jas., 7 Farr, Jas. M., 148, 272 John, 155, 165, 169, 222, 272 J., 221 Edward, 222 Edward, 2d, 222 Elizabeth Parker, 266 WiEiam, 266 William A., 272 Elizabeth, 266 Fawcett, Owen, 152 Fearon, Joseph, 272 Feinour, 6 Geo., 222 Margaret, 222^ Ann, 222 Wm., 222 Geo. T., 222 Fennell, 6 Odell, 251 Edmund, 251 Margaret, 251 Fenton, 6 Eleazer, 7, 148, 272 Thos., Jr., 117 Ferguson, 6 Elizabeth, 238 Jas., 238 Field, 6 Mrs., 117 Barbary, 266 Peter, 266 Findley, Wm., 204 Finley, Francis, 117 Fisher, Miers, 32 Rev. Dr. Chas., 165 Fitzgerald, 6 Elizabeth, 256 Lydia, 256 Robert, 256, 272 Mary, 256 Kaziah, 256 Fitzrandolph, 6 Isaac, 237, 272 Fleeson, 6 Catharine, 31 Martha Bankson, 31 313 Snbei to 0amt0, Fleeson, Plunkt, 29, 30, 31, 32, 36, 39, 105, 199, 200, 206, 207, 208, 210, 239, 272 ^ Thos., 31 Rebecca Britton, 31 Flower, 6 Martha, 32, 210 Thos., 249 Thos., Sr., 249 Hannah, 249 Foot, 6 Mary, 260 Ford, Philip, 272 Forder, 6 Jas., 253 Forrest, 6 Edwin, 152, 221 Henrietta, 221 Wm., 221 Caroline, 221 ' Eebeeca, 221 Elenora, 221 Lorman, 221 Wm., Jr., 221 Joan, 206 Fowles, Jas. H., 1^5 Fox, Mrs., her son, 117 Francine, Catharine H., 275 James L., 275 Franklin, 33, 78, 91 Fraser, John Fries, 178 Frazer, Wm., 92 Freburger, Elizabeth Seaborn, 234 Peter, 234 Fugett, Eev. Dr. J. P., 165 Fyring, Philip, 41 Gardner, Elizabeth, 170 Garland, Rt. Eev., 286 Gartley, Wm., 248 Eliza Matilda, 248 Wm., Sr., 248 Eliza, 248 Garwood, Wm., 119 George, Henry, 7, 152 John D., 7, 137, 148, 170, 272 John, 33 E. S. H., 148, 272 Getz, Eev. Henry S., 169 Gibbons, Eev. Dr. Hughes O., 15 Gibson, John B., 48 Gill, Geo. W., 256 Harriet H,, 256 Geo. Andrew, 256 GiUinghan, George, 260, 264 Mary, 260 Girard, Stephen, 12 Glenn, Thos. Allen, 285 Glentworth, Dr. Peter, 117 Dr. Geo., 4, 23, 164, 225 Margaret Linton, 199 Dr. Peter Sonmans, 199, 272 Dr. Plunket Fleeson, 199, 205, 225, 272 Thos., 199 Geo., 2d, 225 Margaret, 225 Walter, 225 Mrs. Geo., 225 Geo. P., 225 Harriet, 225 Alfred, 225 Hannah L., 225 Edward H., M.D., 225 Mrs., 225 John L., 225 Harvey, 225 Geo., 225, 272 Theodore, 225 Goddard, Eev. Dr. Kingston, Q5, 147, 158-160 MatUda S., 159 John, 158, 261 Mary Beck, 158 Mary, 261 Godfrey, John W., 272 Godin, Mary, 117 Golder, J., 164 Goodman, Asa M., 37 Walter, 29, 39, 206, 207, 208, 272 514 ^i&totis ot felt, paurss (Kpi^copal Cfiutc^* Goodwin, 6 Geo., 33, 199, 272 Jolm D., 137 Dr. Daniel E., 147 Susannah, 242 John, 242 Gosner, Daniel, 256 Peter, 2.56 Jas. T., 256 Ann, 256 Hester, 256 Gowan, James, 272 Francis I., 272 Franklin B., 272 Graham, Wm., 199 Thomas, 273 John, 266 Greatorex, Lawrence, 155 Green, Samuel, 59 Edward A., 27 Dr., his child, 227 Griswold, Et. Eev., 135 Groves, John, 273 Guerin, 6 Geo., 224 Mary Ann, 224 Gummey, J., 189 Gunary, Mary, 262 Gurling, Abram, 273 Gurney, Catharine Eoss, 30 Henry, 30 Catharine, 216 Halberstadt, 6 Geo., 251 Anne, 251 Ann, 252 Hale, Eev. Ghas. E., 169 Hall, David, 29^ 39, 273 Capt. David, 4, 23 Parry, 230, 273 Mary, 230 Eev. Eichard D., 230 Parry Pilmore, 230 Eev. E. Drayson, 230 Mary Ann, 242 Hall, Geo., 242 Martha, 242 Hamilton, Andrew, 29, 34 Hancock, Eichard, 33 Hanson, Jonathan, 34 Harding, Jesper, 194 Hare, Dr., 147 Hargrave, Joseph, 34 Harman, 6 J. H., 148 Susanna Heyl, 239, 240 Jacob, Sr., 240 Harris, 6 Jas., 30, 253 Hartley, Joseph, 98 Hawkins, Geo., 31 Hayes, Samuel, 40 Eobinina, 229 Eobert, 229 Hayward, Wm. H., 229 Hazlewood, Commodore John, 31 Esther Fleeson, 31 Henry, Patrick, 91 Heyl, Dorothea, 239 Elizabeth, 239 George, 239 George A., 240 George Thomas, 239 Mary, 239 Susanna, 239 William, 239 Hey wards, the, 91 Hickenbottom, Alex. C, 29 Hicks, Sarah Keller, 246 Wm., 246 Hinton, George, 117, 253 Barbary, 253 Holland, 6 Nathaniel, 137, 273 Benj., 248 Hollingsworth, Levi, 205, 273 Henry, 273 Mary, 273 Paschall, 273 Zebulon, 273 Holmes, Mrs., 117 315 Inttn to Bsimt0, Holson, Charles, 273 Hood, 6 Kebecca S., 221 Francis, 221 Hoot, 6 John, 266, 273 Hopkinson, 214 Hoppe, Mary K., 15 Howard, John, 29, 33, 274 Hozey, 6 Jane, 259 Isaac, 259 Huckel, Eev. Wm., 168 John, 262 Wm., 262 Susanna, 262 Hughes, Esther, 228 Hulsekamp, 6 Elizabeth, 257 Garrett, 257 Hyde, 6 John, 246 Mary, 257 Hunt, 6 Mary, 238 Eichard, 238 Huston, John, 219 lann, Ann, 266 lann, 6 Ann, 266 Inglis, Chas., 45, 92 Irish, Nat., 34 Irnitz, Jacob, 30 Irvine, 6 Irving, 6 Ann, 217 Catharine, 217 David, 217 John, 217, 251 Eev. Edward, 133 Jefferson, Thos., 146 Jenney, Eev. Dr., 25 Johnson, 6 Eichard, 119, 128, 205, 240, 274 Elizabeth Heyl, 239 Dr., 73 Frances Sophia, 240 Elizabeth, 240 Fred. Seeger, 240 John, 267, 274 Johnston, Samuel, 117, 217 John, 32, 233 Sarah, 233 Eleanor, 233 Catharine, 233 Wm. P., 237 Jones, 6 Gibbs, 23 Jane, 23 Jane (Crapp), 23 John, 23, 31 Capt. Gibbs, 22, 23 Eev. Edward C, 168 Col. Blathwaite, 4, 22, 23, 31, 274 Mark T., 222 Susannah, 222 Susan Shade, 258 Thomas, 258 Ann Maria, '258 Maria W., 258 John Fergusa, 258 Susan, 258 John Colem, 258 Jordan, 6 Dr. John W., 38 Catharine, 227 Josephson, Manuel, 40 Josiah, Emmanuel, 232, 274 Ann, 232 Jackson, William, 274 Jacobson, 6 Hans, 265 James, 6 Keble, 6 Abigail Spicer, 200 John, 199, 219, 274 Keen, 6 316 i^isitot? ot &t ^mV0 (Cpisicopal Cfiurc^, Keen, Gregory B., 23 Matliias, 117^ 245 Mary, 245 Matthias V., 245, 274 Elizabeth Hood, 245 Gregory Bernard, 286 Keller, Adam, 246 Elizabeth, 246 Kemper, Et. Eev., 141 Kerr, Walter, 122 Kimmey, Henry M., 7, 148, 274 Kincaid, 10 King, Robert P., 173, 274 Daniel J., 274 Jas., Jr., 274 Leroy N., 274 Kirk, 6 Josiah W., 236 John Palmer, 236 Eli, 236 Elizabeth M., 236 Kirkham, Chas., 243, 274 Deborah, 243 William, 274 Kirkpatrick, Josephine Spooner, 223 Wm., 223 Kittera, Thos., 8, 130, 218 Thos. Wilkes, 218 Ann Moore, 218 Knowles, John, 29, 206, 207, 208 John, 274 KoUock, Cornelius, 265 Lieut. Jacob, Jr., 265 Mary Leech, 265 Mary Eogerson, 265 Kyn, Joran, 23 Lafayette, Gen'l, 99, 199 Lake, Ann, 228 Thos., 228 •Caroline, 229 Lammor, Susan P., 262 Daniel, 262 Lane, Mrs,, 117 Wm., 247, 274 Lane, Mary, 247 Langman, Edward, 117 Lansdale, W. M., 186 Lapsley, Thos., 117 Laskey, 6 Margaret, 238 Edward, 238 Catharine, 238 Latimer & Co., 131 Thos., 7, 148, 274, Eev. Geo, A,, 168 Lea, Mrs. Arthur H., 239 Leach, Frank Willing, 285 Josiah Granville, 200, 286 Leacock, John, 85 Samuel, 31 Esther Fleeson, 31 Leadbetter, Geo., 30 Leah, 15 Leamy, 6 John, 220 Mrs., 220 Ann, 220 Elizabeth, 220 Ledlie, 6 Wm., 218 Ledru, John, 33 Josh., 34 Lee, Eiehard Hy., 91 Leech, 6 Thos., 29, 206, 274 Tobias, 29 Esther Ashmead, 29 Margaret, 232 Capt. Thos., 232 Charlotte, 232 WiUiam, 30 Lees, John, 30 Leevers, Eobert, 274 Lewis, Chas. S., 172 Jacob, 206 Michael, his son, 117 Libby, Capt. Benj. F,, 134 Linton, John, 31, 199 Martha Bankson, 31, 199 Lippincott, Samuel, 122 317 3}nbC3E to igaim0. Littlejolin, Et. Eev. Dr. Abram N., 176 Livingston, 91 Marian Alexandra, 226 Lloyd, Peter Z., 204 Lohra, Mrs. Mary, 117, 275 John, 164, 275 Catharine Houck, 275 Ann, 275 Long, Michel, 260 Lougeay, 6 Amy, 264 Anthony, 264 Phebe, 264 Loper, Eichard Fanning, 148, 152, 223, 275 Wm. P., 223 Emily Weaver, 223 Josephine Kirkpatrick, 223 Marie L., 223 Lowber, Edward, M.D., 279 Elizabeth Iwells, 279 Lower, Joseph, 211 Lowry, 6 AbigaU, 244 Margaret, 244 Lyon, Solomon, 40 Macclenachan [MeClenaehan], Eev. ' William, 29, 35, 45-49, 64, 66-78, 194-96 Mary, 219 Mackarall, Thos., 30 Mackensie, Kenneth, 30 Mackey, Mrs., 225 Maepherson, 6 Capt. John, 22, 235 Gen'l Wm., 23, 235 Eliza Gates, 235 Magaw, Eev. Dr. Samuel, 32, 36, 65, 92, 96-112, 199, 216 Lucia Doz, 32 Manning, 6 Elizabeth, 229 Eobert H., 229 Grizelda, .229 318 Marey, Francis, 117 Markoe, Abraham, 30, 42 Elizabeth Baynton, 30, 42 Marple, Elizabeth E., 222 Marsh, Mary Louisa, 265 Elias, 265 Marshall, Mary, 223 Amor, 223 Frances Matilda, 223 Ann Elizabeth, 223 Joseph Y., 223 Martin, Eev. John, 168 John Hill, 9 J. Willis, 185 Masden, Benjamin, 248 Prudence, 248 Benjamin, Jr., 248 Hannah, 248 Ann S., 248 Eichard, 275 Mason, Thos., 31 Ann, 31 Matlack, Eev. Dr. Eobert C, 165, Timothy, 270 Elizabeth Claypoole, 270 Matthews, John, 205, 225, 275 Mary, 225 Matthew, 225 Elizabeth, 251 James, 251, 275 May, Eev. Dr. Jas., 65, 143, 144, 165 Eobert, 143 Adam, 228 Catharine Diehl, Ellen Stuart Bowman, 144 Thomas Potts, 143 Euth Potts, 143 MeClenaehan [Macclenachan], Anne Drummond, 67 Anne Drummond, 67 Ann Darrach, 67 Deborah, 67 Blair, 4, 31, 67, 199, 219, 275 Isabella, 72 Jas., 66 ^i^toti^ of felt paur^ Cpisfcopal C^urcS. McClenachan, Janet B., 66 Mary, 219 Patty, 68 Rev. William, 29, 35, 45-49, 64, 66-78, 194-96 MeClure, Mary, 184, 185 McCloskrey, Et. Eev. Dr. Samuel A., 65, 141, 142, 165, 166 MeCoskry, Miss E., 222 MeCully, Thos., 181 McGarvey, Rev. Dr. Wm. I., 65, 180, 181 Alexander, 180 Mary J. C, 180 Mcllvaine, Rt. Rev., 175 McKay, Elizabeth, 242 Thos,, St., 242 Thos., Jr., 242 MeKean, Robert, 45 Thos., 48 McMurtrie, Elizabeth Spooner, 223 McNilans, Mary, 247 John, 247 MePherson, Geo., 249 Daniel, 249, 250 Daniel, Jr., 250 Ann, 249, 250 Ann Maria, 249 Wm., 250 Meer, John, Sr., 250 Mary G. W., 250 Mennick, Joseph P., 208 Mervine, Wm. M., 285 Metettal, Fred'k, 181 Mifflin, Thos., 105, 214 Miller, 6 Joseph, 246 John, 246 Mary, 246 Millett, Mr., 226 Mitchell, 6 Caldwell B., 160 Jas. T., 8 Thos., 218 Mary Frances, 218 Maria M., 218 Mitchell, Jas., 218 Moffett, Mr., 222 Sarah, 234 John Martin, 234 Molier, 6 Gulyann, 247 Esther, 247 Molleneaux, Jas., 117 Monahan, Rev. I. €., 181 Moorhead, Ada E., 278 Joel Barlow, 278 William Y., 270 Moore, Thos., 164 Rev. Dr. J. R., 165 Rt. Rev. Richard C, 125, 126 Jacob Vansciver, 245 John, 245, 275 Hannah, 245 Morgan, Col. George, 30 Morris, 4 Anthony, 187, 206-208 Israel, 187, 206-208 Sarah, 206 Robert, 67 Samuel, 206, 208 Morrison, 6 Wm., 117, 245 Sarah, 221, 245 Morton, John, 234 Sarah, 234 Mory, 6 Elizabeth, 237 Capt. Lewis, 237 Mountford, 226 Moyes, John, 33, 261, 275 James, 261, 275 Mary, 261 Ann, 261 Moyston, 6 Jane, 238 Edward, 238 Muhlenberg, Fred. A., 204 Murdick, 6 Mary, 237 John, 237 Hannah, 237 319 Knliej to jgameisi* Murdoch, Wm., 29, 164 Murdock, Wm., Jr., 32 Murphy, Michael, 117 Murray, Alexander, 92 John, 164 Musgrove, James, 275 Muskett, 6 Thos., 244 Ellen, 244 Muskitts, Mrs., 117 Myers, 6 Anthony, 225, 226 Isabella Rowley, 226 Nally, 6 Francis C, 257 James S., 257 Esther, 257 Neave, Richard, 42, 243 Neill, 6, 53 Rev. Hugh, 64 Neilson, 6 Nelson, Geo., 34, 36, 199, 253, Wm., Ill, 247 Ann, 247 Sarah, 253 Nesbitt, Alexander, 68 J. M., 68 NeviUe, Rev. Dr., 147 Newcomb, Bayse, Jr., 122 Newton, Richard, 145 Elizabeth Cluett, 145 Rev. Dr. Richard, 65, 145- 161, 165, 211, 220, 222 Rev. Dr. R. Heber, 65, 155, 161-173 Rev. Wm. W., 155, 170 Nichola, Major Lewis, 34 Nichols, Martha, 267 James, 267 Noble, Col., 66 Norman, Joseph, 117, 205, 27i Margaret, 253 Norris, Isaac, 28 North, Phoebe, 227 Jas. Bartram, 227 North, Phoebe H., 227 Richard, 2d, 227 Mary Ann, 227 Phoebe Emma, 227 William, 227 Richard, 123, 128, 205, 227, 275 Sarah S., 227 Stephen, 227 Alfred Augustus, 227 Mary, 227 Odell, John, 92 Odenheimer, John W., 137, 165, 166, 275 Rt. Rev. Wm. H., DD., 147, 152, 163, 165, 166, 168, 275 Olyphant, Hannah, 217 Onderdonk, Rt. Rev. H. N., 141, 146 O'Neaill, Neomai, 266 Daniel, 266 275 Ann, 266 O'Neill, Daniel, 267 Ord, Geo., 29, 33, 36, 39, 199, 275 John, 29, 31, 33, 39, 206, 208, 275 Ormrod & Conrad, 111 Oswald, Eleazer, 107, 108 Page, S. Davis, 49 iCol. Jas., 137 157, Palmer, John, 29, 32, 36 Deborah Bankson, 32 148, Ann, 217 Jonathan, 217 Asher, 217 Wm., 217 Thos., 205, 217, 275 John, 29, 32, 206, 207, 208, 217, 236, 275 5 Deborah, 236 John, 2d, 236 Alice M., 236 John Bankson, 275 John R., 236 320 ^i0totiS ot &t paurjS episcopal C8utc5» Panton, Geo., 92 Parker, Alvin Mercer, 223 Joseph B. Bloodgood, 233 Eiehd., 32, 262 Matthew & son, 117 Matthew, 248, 275 Catharine, 248 John, 248 Joseph, 248 Samuel, 248 Lydia, 248 Joseph Pilmore, 248 Parsons, Thos., 187, 207, 208 Paul, William, 275 Parvin, Eev. Robert J., 153, 155 Patterson, Eobert, 137 Patton, 6 Paxson, Mr. Justice, 13 Payne, Jas., 32, 275 Peale, Chas. "Wilson, 115 James, 270 Mary Claypoole, 270 Pechin, Christopher, 34, 259, 2 John, 128, 205, 218, 275 John C, 164 Almira, 170, 218 George, 259 Christiana, 259 Pedicord, Caleb B., 98 Pendletons, the, 91 Penn, William, 25 Penrose, Ann Fleeson, 200 Sarah Moulder, 200 Samuel, 31, 36, 199, 200, 2 Thos., 33, 200 Sarah Coats, 200 Perry, John, 32 James, 275 Peters, 77 Phile, John, 205, 275 Frederick, 239, 240 Elizabeth, 239 Phipps, Lieut. Spencer, 66 Pidgeon, Mary, 262 David, 275 Pigott, R., 164 22 Pilmore, Rev. Joseph, D.D., 48, 65, 104, 112, 113-124, 205, 211, 212, 216 Pinckneys, the, 91 Pitfield, Benjamin, 117 Pleasants, Rev. Chas. E., 167 Potter, 6 Rt. Rev. Alonzo, 146, 147, 163, 177 George W., 275 Peter Miercken, 226 Richard, 226 Catharine, 226 Richard Cheslyn, 227 Catharine Miercken, 227 Powel, Samuel, 118, 187, 206, 207, 208 Pritchard, John Simes, 258 Joseph, 258 Elizabeth, 258 Powers & Weightman, 62, 130 Poyntell, William, 276 75 Pratt, Rev. Dr., 146, 165 Prendergast, Eev. Edmond F., 15 Presley, John, 32 Prevost, Andrew M., 122 Price, 6 Isabella, 260 George, 260 Pringle, Joseph, 263 Pritchard, 6 Procter, Proctor, Francis, Sr., 22, 237 75 Anna Maria, 237 Robert Charlton, 237 Gen'l Thos., 4, 22, 23, 237 Pullin, Robert, 276 Pursell, Jos., 29 Purvis, Wm., his wife, 117 Quarry, Col., 27 Ramzay, Mons., 66 Randall, Caroline W., 250 Edmund, 250 Joseph C, 250 321 Intin to i^amt&. Randolph, Benj., 29, 276 Isaac, 276 Stephen, 265 Bankin, 6 Juliet Ann, 257 Wm., 257 Eandall, 250 Raworth, 6 Grace, 266 Read, John, 276 Martha, 241 Francis, 241 Reading, Philip, 45, 92 Redles, G. Albert, 170 Redner, Lewis H., 7 Joseph J., 148 Reed, Rev. Dr. J. Sanders, 165, 166, 169 Reichner, L, Irving, 244 Reily, John, 29, 33, 39 Renshaw, Chas., 233 Wm., 233 Mary Ann, 233 Ann, 233, 236 Francis J., 236 Richard, 33, 199, 232, 233, 236, 276 Mary Erwin, 232, 233, 236 Alice Johnston Neill, 232 Richard, 2d, 233, 276 Richard, 3d, 233 Mary J., 233 Richard, 4th, 233 Rensselaer, 125 Reynolds, 6 Elizabeth, 216 Rhinehard, Martin, 276 Rhinelander, Rt. Rev. Philip M., 3, 286 Rhoads, Samuel, 206 Mary, 252 John, 252 Richard, Thos., 29 Richardet, 6 Richards, Mary, 252 John, 252 Richardson, Wm., 172 Ridgley, Nicholas, 97 Mary Vining, 97 Riley, John, 276 Rimer, 6 Mary, 217 Thos., 217 Rinedollar, 6 Hester, 237 Emanuel, 237 Rivelly, 6 Elizabeth, 221 ■Chas. M., 221 Robbins, Samuel J., 205, 276 Benjamin, 240, 241 Ruth, 240 Susan, 241 John, 241, 276 Alexander, 241 Elizabeth, 241 Susannah, 241 Catharine, 241 Roberdeau, 6 Roberts, Hugh, 206 Rev. Dr. Edmund, 165, 167 Robinett, 6 Margaret James, 230 Mary McGlathery, 230 Thos., 230 Jas., 230 Ferguson, 230 Richard, 230, 236, 276 Mary, 230 Robert W. C, 230 Robins, Thos., Sr., 72 Leah Whalley, 72 Robinson, Abraham, 117 Daniel, 276 Rebecca, 255 Mary, 259 Henry, 259, 260 Benjamin, 260 Samuel, 260, 276 Judith, 260 Joseph, 260 Ruth, 260 322 ^i^totv ot felt paurgf (CpiiSciJjpal C^ucc^. Eobinson, William, 276 Eoclie, Eev. Dr. Robert T,, 65, 175 Wm. Hy., 174 Sarah M. T., 174 Romaine, Eev. Wm., 75^ 87 Eose, Ann A., 223 David, 223, 224 Mary, 224, 247 Eebecea, 224 Samuel, 224 Thos., 224 Ann S., 224 David, 2d, 224 Abigail, 224 Samuel, 2d, 224 Eoss, Capt. Chas., 15 Eev. Geo., 29 John 29, 30, 33-36, 49-52, 207, 216, 276 Elizabeth, 216 Elizabeth Morgan, 30 Eow, 6 Elizabeth, 217 Capt. Edward, 217 Rowland, Eev. Dr., 177 Eowley, Jane B., 62 Edward, 205, 225, 276 Richard, 61, 62, 225, 226 Ann, 226 Horatio G., 226 Ellen Ann, 226 John, 226 Edward, Jr., 226 Mr., his child, 226 Rush, 136 Rushton, 6 Nancy, 265 Edward, 265 William, 265 Jane, 265 Russell, Rev. Wm. C, 167 Eyerson, 6 Elizabeth, 230 Thos., 230, 231 Mary, 230, 231 Sadler, 6 174, Matthias, 239, 276 Eleanor, 239 Salaignac, Eloise, 229 Savidge, John, 276 Sayres, Edward S., 18, 101 Scarborough, Et. Eev., 152 Seaborn, 6 Eobert C, 234 Elizabeth, 234 Seabury, Et. Eev. Samuel, 56, 105, 115 Seaman, Wm., 159 Matilda S., 159 Search, Christopher, 117 Seckle, Lawrence, 276 Sellers, Wm., 34 Edward Jaquett, 265 206, Sergeant, Thos., 204 Seyfert, 6 Conrad, 251 Elizabeth, 251 Shade, 6 John v., 258 Susan Warner, 258 Peter, 258 Shaffner, 6 Deborah, 253 Francis, 253 Shafner, Francis, his wife, 117 Sharp, Jeremiah T., 30 Sharswood, 4, 10 Shaw, Elizabeth Palmer, 217 Samuel Adam, 255 Shea, Shee, Walter, 29, 33, 276 Shinkle, 6 Mr., his child, 221 Julia E., 221 Shober, Dr. John B., 23 Susannah B., 164, 170 Shute, Atwood, 34 William, 29, 34, 207, 208, 276 Simpson, 6 Ann, 227 Wm., 227 Eleanor, 227 323 SnlifjE to jRamr0. Simpson, Samuel^ 227 Day, 227 Geo., 227, 228 Gustavus, 227 Stephen Day, 228 Mrs., 228 Eleanor Day, 228 Stephen, 228 Mrs. Stephen, 228 Julianna, 228 Emeline, 228 Skerrett, 6 Joseph R. A., 221 Skyhoof, Maria, 276 Michael, 276 Margaret, 276 Sarah, 276 Smethurst, Eichard, 276 Smith, 6 John, 34, 219 Wm., 32, 276 Dr. Wm., 45 Col. Chas. Somers, 34 Hy. Hollingsworth, M.D., Francis G., M.D., 34 Atwood, 34 Mary Hyde, 246 Jonithin, 246 Samuel, 285 Snell, George, 254 Capt. Jas., 254 Eliza, 254 Snyder, 6 Mary A., 224 Sonmans, Dr. Peter, 199 Spain, 6 Ann, 253 Capt. Edward, 258 Spear, Eev. Dr., 165 Spenee, 6 Andrew, 259 Mary, 259 Sparry, 6 John, 229 SpHlard, 6 Matthew, 229 Spillard, Mary, 229 Jas. Alexander, 229 Mary Ann, 229 Maria, 229 Elizabeth, 229 Spooner, 6 Catharine Mercer Baird, 223 Spriggs, Catharine, 262 James, 262 Sprogell, John, Jr., 33 Standley, Elizabeth Fulton, 276 Hugh, 276 Eichard, 276 William, 276 Stanley, 6 Capt. Norris, 3, 231, 276 Mary, 231 William, 276 Starkey, Eev. Dr. T. Alfred, 168 Stavely, Wm., 116 Stevens, Gov'r, 143 Eev. Dr. Chas. Ellis, 65, 179, 180 34 Jas. E. P., 179 Mary P. A., 179 Stevenson, Jas., 31, 39, 277 Ashfield, 117 Mrs., her daughter, 117 Ann, 228, 229 Eobert, 228 Wm., 228 Peter, 228 Margaretta, 229 Cornelius, 205, 228, 276 William, 277 Stokes, Wm., 247 Mary, 247 Stewart, Aaron, 277 Gen'l Walter, 22, 68 Deborah MeClenachan, 67, 68 Anne, 68 Adam, 68 Eobert, 68 Samuel M., 277 Stiles, 6 Wm., & his apprentice, 117 324 ^motv ot felt paur0 episcopal CJutcl. stiles, Wm., Jr., 117 Mrs., 117 Thos. T., 205, 276 Haanah, 246 Thos., 246 Mary, 246 Stockton, Chas., 164, 277 Stoddard, John, 277 Stotesbury, James M., 277 Richard G., 7, 220, 277 Arthur, 205, 220, 277 Edward C, 219 Helen L., 220 Fannie B., 220 James M., 277 S. Louise, 220 Mary, 220 Mary Ann, 277 Wm., 220 Thos. P., 220 Martha P., 220 Stow, Chas., 29 Stretch, Isaac, 29, 277 Stringer, Rev. Wm., 64, 86-95 Strong, Ashbel, 125 Capt., his daughter, 117 Stuart, Mary, 242 John, 242 Martha, 242 Sturgeon, Wm., 45 Sturgis, Peter, 277 Suddards, Rev. Dr., 146 Swan, Richd., 29 Sw^anwick, John, 277 Swain, Rolanda S., 231 Symes, Rev. Br, Snyder B., 165 Tallman, Elizabeth, 239 Taylor, Richard, 29 James N., Tennick, Andrew, his wife, 117 Thackara, Catharine, 250 Samuel, 277 Wm., Sr., 250 Thomas, John W., 7, 44, 148, 168, 277 Thomas, Ada E. Moorhead, 278' Zachariah, 117 Gabriel, 27 Geo. C, 57, 148, 277-79 Richard Newton, 170 Thomson, Edward, 278 Jacob, 278 Thompson, Richard, 164, 279 Wm., 92 Thomson, Edward Renshaw, 233 E, E., 233 Ann R., 233 James, 264 John, 264 Jacob, 264 Mary, 264 Thorn, Zachariah, 117 Tidmarsh, Giles, Jr., 31 Tingley, Sam'l, 92 Toland, 6 Henry, 68 Geo., 219 Blair M., 219 Mary H., '219 Robert, 219 H., 219 Mary, 219 Towers, Robt., 29, 39, 279 Towne, Benjamin, 36, 200, 248', 279 Toy, John, 164, 205, 279 Turnbull, Chas. Smith, M.D., 34 Turner, 6 John, 205, 244, 279 Mary, 244 Joseph, 199, 231, 279 Sarah, 231 Elizabeth, 231 Rev. Joseph, 231 Joseph M., 231 Eliza, 231 Esther, 231 Twells, Elizabeth, 276 Godfrey, 276, 279 Sarah, 276 Standley, 325 :snhn to ji^antfiS. Twells, Edward, Eichard, Tybout, James, 256 Comfort (KoUoek), 256 Tyng, Chas. R., 140 Dudley A., 135 Sarah H., 135 Eev. Dr. Stephen H., 65, 135- 140, 165 Usher, Robt., 29 Vallanee, John, 251, 279 Margaret, 251 Vanderhalt, 6 Mary 240 Van Dusen, Joseph B., 7, 148, 149, 279 Van Mannierck, Anthony, 218 Ann Wood, 218 Van Pelt, Peter, 164 Vining, Capt. Benj., 97 Mary, 97 Vinton, Dr. Alexander H., 146 Voigt, 6 Waldo, Gen'l, 66 Walker, Elizabeth, 223 WaUace, Thos. Edward, 243 William, 279 Walsh, Stevenson Hockley, 228^ Wardden, Joseph, 29 Warner, Margaret, 258 Susan, 258 Warton, John, 117 Washburn, Eev. Dr. Louis C, 179 Washington, Gen'l Geo., 4, 8, 22, 50, 68, 91, 97, 106 Watkins, 7 Eichard, 252 Thos., 252 Euth, 252 Wm., 252 Watson, Rev. Dr. Benjamin, 165, 168 Wayne, Humphrey, 30 Weaver, Matthew, 279 Webb, Mary, 238 John, 238, 249 Margaret, 238 Eachel, 249 Thos., 249 Weightman, Wm., 7 West, Collins, 279 Thomas, 279 Weston, Ann, 219 Wharton, 7, 42 Eobert, 8 John, 205, 260, 279 Margaret, 260 John, Jr., 260 Wm., 260 Wheaton, 7 Enoch, 241 White, Et. Eev. Wm., DD., 32, 68, 217 W. Blanch, 31 Jas., 31 John, 280 Joseph, 280 Thos., 34 Whiteear, Thomas, 256 Hester Gosner, 256 Whitehead, Joseph, & child, 117 Wigmore, 7 Thomas, 258 Susannah, 258 Wilkinson, John, 31, 33, 280 William, Thos., 249 Wm., 249 Thos., Sr., 249 Mary Fenton, 249 Williams, John, 32, 280 Wilmer, Dr., 126 Lambert, 36, 280 Mary Barker, 199 Mary Price, 199 Simon, 199 Wilson, 7 Ann, 117 E. & W., 211 Mary, 249 326 ^i0totif of S>t paur^ CpfiScDpal €Wtt% Wilson, Jas., 249 Edward, 249 John, 258 William C, 258 Wiltberger, Kev. Christian, 169, 226 Christian, 205, 210, 211, 226, 280 Ann, 226 Hetty, 226 Christian, 2d, 226 Edward, 226 George, 226 Mr., his child, 226 Maria S., 226 Wisdom, Wm., 262 Wise, Eev. Henry, 147 Wistar, Wm., 40 Wister, Chas, J., 200 Eebecca BuUock, 200 Wood, John, watchmaker, 117 Leighton, his wife, 117 John, 4, 23, 32, 205, 218, 280 Hannah Caskey, 265 Eobert S., 265 Elizabeth, 267 I., Jr., 267 Thomas, 280 Wren, Sir Christopher, 136 Wright, Joseph, 245 Joseph, his wife, 117 Thomas, 280 Anthony, 245 Hannah, 245 John W., 245 Eosannah, 250 Joseph, 250 Wyoming, 22 Yorke, 7 Mary, 243 Capt. Peter, 243 Young, 7 John, 29, 30, 39, 199, 236, 280 Wm., 29, 112 John, Jr., 280 Edward, 236 John B., 236 Chas., 236 Laetitia, 236 Ann, 236 (Samuel, 280 Thomas, 280 Youngs, Frances, 252 Thos., 252 Ann, 252 327 <^tSictt0 anb ^em\itt0 THE COLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. OFnCERS President S. Davis Page First Vice-President J. Granville Leach Second Vice-President Gregory B, Keen, LL.D. Eegistrar Charles Howard Colket Secretary Henry Heston Belknap Assistant Secretary Theodore Glentworth_, 3d Treasurer Aubrey Herbert Weightman Councillors James Tyson, M.D. Clarence S. Bement Effingham Buckley Morris Charles Davis Clark Earl Bill Putnam Henry Graham Ashmead Stevenson Hockley Walsh Harrold Edgar Gillingham Hon. Charles B. McMichael Caleb Jones Milne, Jr. Ogden Dungan Wilkinson John Henry Sinex John Woolf Jordan Howard Barclay French Hon. Norris Stanley Barratt George Pales Baker, M.D. William S. Lloyd Wilbur Paddock Klapp^ M.D. MEMBERS Charles Yarnall Abbott Henry Graham Ashmead, Jr. Charles Adamson Charles Weaver Bailey Richard Jacobs Allen, Jr. Joseph Trowbridge Bailey, 2d William Charles Allen Wescott Bailey Thomas Gustin Aller, M.D. George Fales Baker, M.D. Duffield Ashmead, Jr. George W. Banks ^tmbtt&. Paul Henry Barnes, Jr. Hon. Norris S. Barratt (Life Member) Clarence Howard Batten George Batten Frank Battles (Life Member) Henry Heston Belknap Maurice Guy Belknap Clarence S. Bement Joseph Brooks Bloodgood (Life Member) Edward Home Bonsall George Martin Booth Newell Charles Bradley Edward Tonkin Bradway (Life Member) Wm. Bradway (Life Member) Clarence Cresson Brinton Howard Futhey Brinton Francis Mark Brooke (Life Mem- ber) Robert Pitfield Brown Abraham Bruner John Edgar Burnett Bucken- ham, M.D. (Life Member) Reuben Nelson Biickley Miers Busch Seth Bunker Capp Samuel Castner, Jr. George Allen Chandler Charles Davis Clark John Browning Clement Samuel Mitchell Clement, Jr. James Harwood Closson, M.D. Maj. Joseph R. Taylor Coates Samuel Poyntz Cochran C, Howard Colket (Life Mem- ber) Porter Farquharson Cope John Welsh Croskey, M.D. John Chalmers Da Costa, Jr., M.D. Lemuel Howell Davis Walter Howard Dilkes Thomas Monroe Dobbins Francis Donaldson (Life Mem- ber) Edwin Greble Dreer William Ashmead Dyer Edgar Pardee Earle George H. Earle (Life Member) Howard Edwards Henry Howard Ellison James Emlen (Life Member) Frederick N. Fell Edward Cunningham Bergner Fletcher George William Bergner Fletcher Gustavus Bergner Fletcher Joseph Fornanee Howard Barclay French John Edgar Fretz, M.D. Lawrence Barnard Fuller Erwin Clarkson Garrett (Life Member) William Warren Gibbs Harrold Edgar Gillingham William Partridge Gilpin Theodore Glentworth, 3d Foster Conarroe Griffith Lorenzo Henry Cardwell Guer- rero Hiram Hathaway, Jr. Paul Augustine Hendry James Palmer Henry Alfred M. Herkness John Smylie Herkness George Anthony Heyl Joseph Humphrey Hinkson James Donald Hollo way (Life Member) Rev. Wilford L. Hoopes Logan Howard-Smith Robert Spurrier Howard-Smith St^tmbtt^* Kev. Paul Sturtevant Howe Edward Isaiah Hacker Howell Henry Douglas Hughes Henry La Barre Jayne Charles Francis Jenkins (Life Member) John Story Jenks Eldridge Reeves Johnson Richmond Legh Jones Augustus Wolle Jordan Ewing Jordan, M.D. John Woolf Jordan, LL.D. (Life Member) Rev. Walter Jordan Gregory Bernard Keen, LL.D. George de Benneville Keim William Kennard, Jr. Andrew Davis Keyser Wilbur Paddock Klapp, M.D. Bernardo Hoff Knight Thomas Howard Kjiight Albert Ludlow Kramer Col. Josiah Granville Leach Horace Hoffman Lee Joseph Leidy, M.D. Howard Thorudike Leland Davis Levis Lewis Ellis Smyser Lewis George Davis Lewis George Harrison Lewis Henry Norton Lewis Oborn Garrett Levis Lewis Samuel Bunting Lewis Jay Bueknell Lippincott Walter Lippincott William Henry Lloyd William S. Lloyd Charles Ramsay Long Charles Wesley Lord, Jr. William MacLean, Jr. Robert Joseph Foster MeCowan Hon. Chas. Barnsley McMichael Walter Ross MeShea Charles Marshall Samuel Marshall Ulysses Mereur Charles Warren Merrill Elihu Spencer Miller John Rulon-Miller Paul Denekla Mills Caleb Jones Mihae, Jr. (Life Member) Caleb Jones Milne,_ 3d (Life Member) Clyde Milne (Life Member) David Milne (Life Member) Francis Forbes Milne, Jr. (Life Member) Hazleton Mirkil, Jr. Effingham Buckley Morris Henry Croskey Mustin John Burton Mustin Albert Cook Myers Samuel Davis Page Charles Palmer Ahdn ]\Iercer Parker Joseph Brooks Bloodgood Parker Caleb Clarence Peirce Harold Peirce Garnett Pendleton Enos Eldridge Pennock Joseph Eldridge Pennock Charles Penrose Perkins Arthur Peterson, U. S. K Frank Rodney Pleasonton Alfred Potter Thomas Harris Powers Earl Bill Putnam Earl Bill Putnam, Jr. Louis Irving Reichner Hon. Harry Alden Richardson Wilber Fisk Rose Julius Friederich Saehse (Hon- orary Member) 9^emhn0* Edward Stalker Sayres Frank Earle Schermerhorn Charles William Schwartz, Jr. Walter Marshall Schwartz John M. Scott (Life Member) Edwin Van Deusen Selden Frank Rodman Shattuck Howard Merrill Shelley Charles John Shoemaker John Henry Sin ex (Life Mem- ber) John Sinnott Alfred Percival Smith (Life Member) Benjamin Hayes Smith Warner Justice Steel Joseph Allison Steinmetz Rev. Norman Stockett Perry Beaver Strassburger Hon. Charlemagne Tower David Cooper Townsend Charles Smith Turnbull, M.D. Ernest Leigh Tustin Arthur Clements Twitehell Elwood Tyson James Tyson, M.D. Theodore Anthony Van Dyke, Jr. (Life Member) Charles Harrod Vinton, M.D. (Life Member) Stevenson Hockley Walsh Charles Spittall Walton Alfred Lewis Ward Aubrey Herbert Weightman Eben Boyd Weitzel Ashbel Welsh Richard Wetherill Edward Wiener Henry Wiener, Jr. Jesse Williams Ogden Dungan Wilkinson Ellis D. Williams William Currie Wilson Arthur Wells Yale, M.D. Hon, Harman Yerkes (Life Member) Walter Macon Lowrie Ziegler, M.D. PUBLICATIONS OF THE COLONIAL SOCIETY OF PENNSYLVANIA. Charter, Constitution, By-laws, Officers, Committees, Members, etc., 1896. Bulletin, No. 1. Colonial Legislation in Pennsylvania, 1700-1712. By Henry Budd. 1897. Bulletin, No. 2. The Blue Anchor Tavern. By Thomas Allen Glenn. 1897. The American Weekly Mercury, Volume I. 1719-1720. Re- published in fae-simile. 1898. The American Weekly Mercury, Volume II. 1720-1721. Re- published in fac-simile. 1898. Charter, Constitution, By-Laws, Officers, Committees, Members, etc., 1899. Charter, Constitution, By-Laws, Officers, Committees, Members, etc., 1902. Records of the Court of New Castle on Delaware, 1676-1681. 1904 The American Weekly Mercury, Volume III. 1721-1722. Re- published in fae-simile. 1905. The American Weekly Mercury, Volume IV. 1722-1723. Re- published in fac-simile. 1907. Charter, Constitution, By-Laws, Officers, Committees, Members, etc., 1908. Record of the Courts of Chester County, Pennsylvania, 1681-1697. 1910. Celebration of the Two Hundred and Thirtieth Anniversary of the Landing of William Penn in Pennsylvania, held at the Wash- ington House, Chester, Pa., Saturday, October 26, 1912, by the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, in association with the Swedish Colonial Society. 1912. History of the Province of Pennsylvania. By Samuel Smith. Edited by William M. Mervine. 1913. Certain Black-Letter Days in the Life of William Penn. Address of Frank Willing Leach before The Colonial Society of Pennsyl- vania, 1916. 1917. puftltcationgf Colonial ^ocitti^ ot penngsglijania 1760-1898, Outline of the History of Old St. Paul's Church, Phila- delphia, Pennsylvania, with an appeal for its preservation, to- gether with Articles of Agreement, Abstract of Title, List of Rectors, Vestrjonen and inscriptions of tombstones and vaults. By Norris Stanley Barratt. 1917. Committee on Publications Gregory Bernard Keen, Josiah Granville Leach, Norris Stanley Barratt. ^isitorical feiocietg ot ptnngiglljania Extract from the Minutes of the Annual Meeting op the Historical Society op Pennsylvania held, Monday, May 14, 1917: Hon. Hampton L. Carson, Presiding. On motion of Hon. Norris S. Barratt the following resolution was unanimously adopted: Whereas the Right Reverend Philip M. Rhinelander and the Trustees of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Pennsylvania are considering the question of selling Old St. Paul's Church, Third Street below Walnut Street, Philadelphia, with the burial grounds, vaults and graves, and devoting the proceeds thereof, if any, towards building a Diocesan House for the City Mission in conjunction with the contemplated Cathedral Church of St. Mary's to replace the Church of the Ascension now at Btoad and South Streets, And whereas Old St. Paul's is a part of our Colonial, revolu- tionary and Church history, and has buried in its church yard many Philadelphians, who in their day and generation acted their part nobly, Therefore Resolved, That the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, one of whose objects is the preservation of shrines and memorials of the past which make our history, desire to place upon record its disapproval of the proposed sale and desecration of Old St. Paul's Church and its historic dead. And be it further Resolved that a copy of these Resolutions be sent to Bishop Rhinelander, Bishop Garland, and the Trustees of the Diocese of Pennsylvania. Resolutions to the same effect have also been adopted by the Colonial Society of Pennsylvania, The Genealogical Society of Penn- sylvania, The Pennsylvania Society of Colonial Dames of America and The State Society of the Cincinnati of Pennsylvania, who thus place themselves upon record as in favor of preserving Old St. Paul's. 1 DATE DUE AiKMiiikH^ CAYLORD PRINTED INU S.A.