SELECTIOIST HYMNS. PRINTED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE SABBATH SCHOOL OF THE TENTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: )HANDLER, PRINTER, 306 CHESTNUT STREET. 1864. FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Section SQtfS V rOF miOff: JUN i 1936 & SELECT!^ OP HTMJVS. PRINTED ONLY FOE THE USE OF THE SABBATH SCHOOL OF THE TENTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, OF PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA: J. B. CHANDLER, PRINTER, 306 CHESTNUT STREET. 1864. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Calvin College SELECTED HYMNS. 1, PRAISE TO GOD. 7s. 6 Lines. " 1. Let us all unite and sing Praises to our Heavenly King! Unto Him whose mighty word Through the dark abyss was heard, And this universal frame Into wondrous beauty came. 2. Unto Him, whose glory bright Burned on Sinai's mountain height, When he did his law proclaim 'Mid the thunder and the flame, Cloud and smoke, and every sign Of the Majesty Divine. 3. Unto Him who sent his Son, To redeem a world undone ; Who the willing victim gave To the scourge, the cross, the grave, That his enemies might be Ransomed from captivity. 4. Unto Him whose Spirit now Strives the stubborn heart to bow, Wakes the conscious sinner's fear, Swells the penitential tear; Wounds, — but wounds that he may heal Every pang he bids us feel. 5. To our God be praise addressed, Father, Son and Spirit blest; Pilgrims on this earthly sphere, May we ever praise him here ; And when death shall close our eyes, Wake to praise him in the skies. SELECTED HYMNS. 2. JESUS, LORD OP ALL. C. M. 1. All hail the power of Jesus' name ! Let angels prostrate fall; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown Him Lord of all. 2. Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransomed from the fall ; Hail Him, who saves you by His grace, And crown Him Lord of all. 3. Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall ; Go, spread your trophies at His feet, And crown Him Lord of all. 4. Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To Him all majesty ascribe, And crown Him Lord of all. 5. that with yonder sacred throng, We at His feet may fall ; We'll join the everlasting song, And crown Him Lord of all. 3. OUR FATHER IN HEAVEN. lis. 1. Our Father in heaven, thou madest the earth ; The sun and the stars to thy word owe their birth ; By thee were they formed, by thy counsel they stand, And we are thy children, the work of thy hand. 2. Thou gavest our life; to thy goodness we owe All the blessings that bloom round our pathway below; In thousand endearments thy love we may read, Declaring that thou art our Father indeed. SELECTED HYMNS. But, ah ! we have wandered, as sheep from thy fold, And the hearts of thy children thro' sin have grown cold. Tho' young we have erred, and would humbly implore The mercy we need, that we wander no more. We own we are guilty — but Jesus has died — And shall we, when pleading his name, be denied? Ah, no! thou hast promised that plea thou wilt heed, And thro' thy free grace make us children indeed. Yet awhile 'tis thy will that on earth we remain Exposed to dark trial, temptation and pain ; Yet here but as pilgrims and strangers we roam, For if thou art our Father, then heaven is our home. 6. Yes, there shall we gather around the glad throne With angels, and wearing robes bright as their own, Where the praise of thy children shall rise without rest, To Father, Son, Spirit — one God ever blest. MANSIONS OP THE BLEST. Far beyond this world of sorrow, Where the ransomed millions rest, There's a glorious, endless morrow In the mansions of the blest. Shall we know them there, In that land, far away, — They the same smile wear, In that land, far away. Shall we meet and know each other, In that happy land, far away ? SELECTED HYMNS. 2. There 'neath bowers of deathless glory, Every heart with peace possessed, Sweetly chants redemption's story, In the mansions of the blest. Shall we know their voice, In that land, far away, — And with (hem rejoice In that land, far away. Shall we meet and know each other, In that happy land, far away? There are those we've loved and cherished, Leaning on the Saviour's breast; They're at home — not dead, nor perished ;• In the mansions of the blest. Shall we love them still, In that land, far away, — Where no partings chill, In that land, far away. Shall we meet and love each other, In that happy land, far away ? 4. There the day knows no declining, Neither shade nor twilight rest, But a sunlike brightness sliining, In the mansions of the blest. That's our Father's home, In that land, far away, 'Neath his smile we'll roam, In that land, far away; We shall meet and praise together, In that happy land, far away. SELECTED HYMNS. 5. MARCHING ALONG. 1. The children are gath'ring from near and from far, The trumpet is sounding the call for the war, The conflict is raging, 'twill be fearful and long, We'll gird on our armor, and be marching along. Chorus — Marching along, we are marching along. Gird on the armor, and be marching along, The conflict is raging, 'twill be fearful and long, Then gird on the armor and be marching along. 2. The foe is before us in battle array, But let us not waver nor turn from the way, The Lord is our strength, be this ever our song, With courage and faith we are marching along. 3. We've 'listed for life, and will camp on the field, With Christ as our captain we never will yield ; The "sword of the Spirit," both trusty and strong, We'll hold in our hands as we're marching along. 4. Through conflicts and trials our crowns we must win, For here we contend 'gainst temptation and sin. But one thing assures us, we cannot go wrong, If trusting our Saviour, while marching along. THE CHRISTIAN'S PROSPECT. 1. Christian, the morn breaks sweetly o'er thee, And all the midnight shadows flee ; Tinged are the distant skies with glory, A beacon light hangs out for thee. Chorus. — Arise, arise, the light breaks o'er thee, Thy name is graven on the throne; Thy home is in those worlds of glory, Where thy Bedeemer reigns alone. SELECTED HYMNS. Thy God is ever kind and gracious, He will direct thy course above, For thou art in his sight most precious, The object of his special love. Though in the proud, dark waves of ocean, O'erwhelin'd thou canst not, shalt not be; 'Midst the fierce tempest's dread commotion, Thy God will still remember thee. Tossed on time's rude, relentless surges, Calmly composed and dauntless stand; For lo ! beyond those seas emerges The height that bounds the promised land. Christian, behold ! the land is nearing, Where the wild sea-storm's rage is o'er ; Hark ! how the heavenly hosts are cheering, See, in what throngs they range the shore ! Cheer up, cheer up, the day breaks o'er thee Bright as the summer's noontide ray; The starry crowns and realms of glory Invite thy happy soul away. 7. "JUST AS I AM." L M. 1. Just as I am — without one plea, But that thy blood was shed for me, And that thou bidd'st me come to thee, I come, Lamb of God, I come. 2. Just as I am — and waiting not, To rid my soul of one dark blot, To thee, whose blood can cleanse each spot, I come, Lamb of God, I come. SELECTED HYMNS. Just as I am — though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings and fears within, without — I come, Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am — poor, wretched, blind : Sight, riches, healing of the mind, Yea, all I need, in thee to find, I come, Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am — thou wilt receive, Wilt welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve, Because thy promise I believe — I come, Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am — thy love unknown Has broken every barrier down ; Now to be thine, yea, thine alone, I come, Lamb of God, I come. Just as I am — of that free love The breadth, length, depth, and height to prove, Here for a season, then above — I come, Lamb of God, I come. THAT BEAUTIFUL LAND. 1. A beautiful land by faith I see, A land of rest, from sorrow free, The home of the ransomed, bright and fair, And beautiful angels too are there. Chorus. — Will you go ? Will you go ? Go to that beautiful land with me? Will you go? Will you go? Go to that beautiful land? 10 SELECTED HYMNS. That beautiful land, the City of Light, It ne'er has known the shades of night; The glory of God, the light of day Hath driven the darkness far away. In vision I see its streets of gold, Its beautiful gates I too behold, The river of life, the crystal sea, The ambrosial fruit of life's fair tree. The heavenly throng arrayed in white, In rapture range the plains of light And in one harmonious choir they praise Their glorious Saviour's matchless grace. PRAISE FOR MERCIES. 7s. & 6s. 1. We meet again in gladness, And thankful voices raise; To God, our heavenly Father, We'll tune our grateful praise. 'Tis his kind hand that kept us Through all the changing year; His love it is that brings us Again to worship here. 2. We'll thank him for the Sabbath, This day of holy rest, And for the blessed Bible, The book that we love best; — For Sabbath schools and teachers To us so kindly given, To guide us in the pathway That leads to joys in heaven. SELECTED HYMNS. 11 3. We'll thank him for our country, The land our fathers trod ; — For liberty of conscience, And right to worship God. Lord! our Heavenly Father,* Accept the praise we bring, And tune our hearts and voices Thy glorious name to sing. 4. Soon may thy gracious sceptre Extend to every land, And all, as willing subjects, Submit to thy command. Send forth the Gospel tidings, And hasten on the day "When every isle and nation Shall own Messiah's sway. 10 REST FOR THE WEARY. 1. In the Christian's home in glory, There remains a land of rest, There my Saviour's gone before me, To fulfil my soul's request. Chorus. — There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary, There is rest for the weary, There is rest for jou — On the other si 3 of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming, There is rest for you. 2. He is fitting up my mansion, Which eternally shall stand, For my stay shall not be transient, In that holy happy land. 12 SELECTED HYMNS. 3. Pain and sickness ne'er shall enter, Grief nor woe my lot shall share, But in that celestial centre, I a crown of life shall wear. 4. Sing, sing, ye heirs of glory ; Shout your triumphs as you go ; Zion's gates will open for you, You shall find an entrance thro'. 11. WE HAVE COME REJOICING. 1. We have come rejoicing on this happy day, In our Sunday School we dearly love to stay, And with voices blending in a sacred song, We the Saviour's praise prolong. Chorus. — There we shall never grieve him more, But with the angels on that shore, Strike the harps of glory in a sweeter strain, And ever with them praise his holy name. We have come, &c. 2. Thro' the week he's kept us, and his smiling face Still is beaming on us in this happy place; And the gracious Spirit from his holy throne, Tells us of a better home. 3. Jesus there is smiling, on his Father's throne, Saying, "Come and welcome, come, for here is room, In these shining mansions, I have still a place, Children hasten to my face. 4. And in robes of glory, like the stars above, Shall my loved ones ever, ever with me rove; Where the waving flow'rets of immortal bloom, Shed around their sweet perfume." SELECTED HYMNS. 13 A HOME BEYOND THE TIDE. 1. We are out on the ocean sailing, Homeward bound we sweetly glide ; We are out on the ocean sailing, To a home beyond the tide. Chorus. — All the storms will soon be over, Then we'll anchor in the harbor; We are out on the ocean sailing, To a home beyond the tide. 2. Millions now are safely landed Over on the golden shore ; Millions more are on their journey, Yet there's room for millions more. 3. Spread your sails, while heavenly breezes Gently waft our vessel on; All on boarrl are sweetly singing — Free salvation is the song. 4. When we all are safely anchored, We will shout — our trials o'er; We will walk about the city, And we'll sing for evermore. "COME UNTO ME." L. M. With tearful eyes I look around, Life seems a dark and stormy sea; Yet midst the gloom I hear a sound, A heavenly whisper comes to me. It tells me of a place of rest, — It tells me where my soul may flee: Oh, to the weary, faint, oppressed, How sweet the bidding, "Come to me." 14 SELECTED HYMNS. 3. When nature shudders, loth to part From all I love, enjoy, and see ; When a faint chill steals o'er my heart, A sweet voice utters, "Come to me." 4. "Come, for all else must fail and die, Earth is no resting-place for thee ; Heavenward direct thy weeping eye ; I am thy portion ; come to me." 5 voice of mercy ! voice of love ! In conflict, grief and agony, Support me, cheer me from above, And gently whisper, "Come to me." 14. VESPER HYMN. 1. Holy and bright is the softened light, Of the Sabbath evening o'er us ; Then with calm delight will we sing to-night, Our vesper hymn in chorus ! Chorus. — We'll sing the love of God above, Who sent his Son to save us, With sacrifice beyond all price. Eternal life he gave us. 2. Pilgrims are we in this world of sin, And our pathway filled with sorrow; But we'll firmly tread in the steps he led, And fear not for the morrow. 8. With heaven in view, let our hearts be true In Christ, whose blood hath bought us, With an inward strife, and a lowly life We'll follow as he taught us. SELECTED HYMNS. 15 Grace for the day and strength for the way, His presence will afford us ; With our hope secure and the promise sure, That soon he will reward us. On let us press in the heavenly race, With patient faith untiring ; All the warfare done, we'll obtain the crown Of steadfast hearts aspiring. WORLD OF LIGHT. 1. There is a beautiful world, Where saints and angels sing, A world where peace and pleasure reign, And heavenly praises ring. Chorus. — We'll be there, we'll be there, Palms of vict'ry, Crowns of glory we shall wear, In that beautiful world on high. 2. There is a beautiful world, Where sorrow never comes ; A world where tears shall never fall, In sighing for our home. 3. There is a beautiful woi'ld, Unseen to mortal sight; And darkness never enters there : That home is fair and bright. 4. There is a beautiful world, Of harmony and love ; 0, may we safely enter there, And dwell with God above. 16 SELECTED HYMNS. 16. "THOU GOD SEEST ME." C. M. 1. Thy Father sees ! Be on thy guard ; Thy Father hears ! Be still : Thy Father comes, 0, stand prepared To learn his holy will. 2. The Lord of light thou canst not see, Though day and night most near; Keep thou his word, perpetually, And say, " My God is here!" 3. Whatever word thou wouldst not say, Whatever work wouldst shun, If God were by thee clear as day — Leave thou unsaid, undone. And if in danger or distress, Thy youthful heart be brought, Believe, with constant hopefulness, That God forsakes thee not. Know that whatever can displease, And what thy joy has marred, Each care and want and woe he sees, With fatherly regard. To him in faith forever cleave, As if thou saw'st him nigh ; In trust that he will never leave The souls that to him fly. SELECTED HYMNS. 17 HYMN OF PRAISE. 8s. & 7s. We have met in peace together In this house of God again ; Constant friends have led us hither, Here to chant the solemn strain ; Here to breathe our adoration, While the balmy breeze of Spring Like the Spirit of salvation, Comes with gladness on its wing. And while nature glows with beauty, While the fields are rich in flowers, Shall our hearts neglect their duty ? Shall our souls abuse their powers? Shall not all our hopes ascending, Point us to a home above, Where, in glory never ending, He who made us smiles in love ? There no Autumn tempests gather ; There no friends lament the dead; And on fields that never wither, Fadeless rays of light are shed. There, with bright immortal roses, Angels wreathe their harps of gold, And each ransomed soul reposes Midst a scene of bliss untold. We have met — and time is flying, We shall part — and still his wing, Sweeping o'er the dead and dying, Will the changeful seasons bring ; Let us, while our hearts are lightest, In our fresh and early years, Turn to Him whose smile is brightest, And whose grace will calm our fears. 18 SELECTED HYMNS. 18. BEYOND THE RIVER. 1. Shall we meet beyond the river, Where the surges cease to roll, Where in all the bright forever, Sorrow ne'er shall press the soul ? Chorus. — Shall we meet? shall we meet ? Shall we meet beyond the river Where the surges cease to roll ? 2. Shall we meet in yonder city, Where the towers of crystal shine, Where the walls are all of jasper, Built by workmanship divine ? 3. Where the music of the ransomed Rolls its harmony around, And creation swells the chorus, With its sweet melodious sound ? 4. Shall we meet with our dear loved ones, Who were torn from our embrace ? Shall we listen to their voices, And behold them face to face ? 5. Shall we meet with Christ our Saviour, When he comes to claim his own ? Shall we know his blessed favor, And sit down upon his throne ? 19 THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD. 11a. 1. The Lord is my Shepherd, no want shall I know, I feed in green pastures, safe folded I rest; He leadeth my soul where the still waters flow, Restores me when wandering, redeems when oppressed. SELECTED HYMNS- 19 2. Through the valley and shadow of death though I stray, Since thou art my Guardian, no evil I fear ; Thy rod shall defend me, thy staff be my stay, No harm can befall, with my Comforter near. 3. In the midst of affliction, my table is spread ; With blessings unmeasured my cup runneth o'er, With perfume and oil thou anointest my head ; 0, what shall I ask of thy providence more ? 4. Let goodness and mercy, my bountiful God, Still follow my steps till I meet thee above ; I seek, by the path which my forefathers trod, Through the land of their sojourn, thy kingdom of love. ?0. HOSANNA. 8s. 7s. & 4. 1. Once was heard the song of children, By the Saviour when on earth ; Joyful in the sacred temple, Shouts of youthful praise had birth ; And Hosannas Loud to David's Son broke forth. 2 Palms of victory strewn around him, Garments spread beneath his feet, Prophet of the Lord they crowned him In fair Salem's crowded street, While Hosannas From the lips of children greet. 3 Blessed Saviour, now triumphant, Glorified, and throned on high, Mortal lays from man or infant, Vain to tell thy praise essay ; But Hosannas Swell the chorus of the sky. 20 SELECTED HYMNS- 4. God o'er all in heaven reigning, We, this day, thy glory sing, Not with palms thy pathway strewing, We would loftier tribute bring — Glad Hosannas To our Prophet, Priest and King. 5. 0, though humble is our offering, Deign accept our grateful lays — These from children once proceeding, Thou didst deem perfected praise. Now Hosannas, Saviour, Lord, to thee we raise. 21. NO SORROW THERE. S. M. 1. I have a home above, From sin and sorrow free ; A mansion which eternal love Designed and formed for me. Chorus. — There'll be no sorrow there, There'll be no sorrow there. In heaven above where all is love, There'll be no sorrow there. 2 My Father's gracious hand Has built this sweet abode; From everlasting it was planned — My dwelling place with God. 3. My Saviour's precious blood Has made my title sure; He passed through death's dark, raging flood To make my rest secure. SELECTED HYMNS. 21 The Comforter is come, The earnest has been given, He leads me onward to the house Reserved for me in heaven. Loved ones are gone before, Whose pilgrim days are done ; I soon shall greet them on that shore Where parting is unknown. 22. THE SPIRIT LAND. 1. When we hear the music ringing Through the bright, celestial dome, Where sweet angel voices, singing, Gladly bid us welcome home, To the land of ancient story, Where the spirit knows no care ; In that land of light and glory, Shall we know each other there ? Chorus. — Shall we know each other ? Shall we know each other there ? 2. When the holy angels meet us As we go to join their band, Shall we know the friends that greet us, In the glorious spirit land? Shall we see their bright eyes shining On us as in days of yore ? Shall we feel their dear arms twining Fondly round us as before ? 3. Yes, my earth-worn sotjl rejoices And my weary heart grows light ; For the thrilling angel voices, And the angel faces bright, 22 SELECTED HYMNS. That shall welcome us in heaven, Are the loved of long ago, And to them 'tis kindly given Thus their mortal friends to know. 0, ye weary ones, and tossed ones, Droop not, faint not by the way ; Ye shall join the loved and lost ones In the land of perfect day. Harp-strings touched by angel fingers Murmur in my raptured ear, — Evermore their sweet tone lingers — We shall know each other there. Chorus. — We shall know each other, We shall know each other there. 23 ROCK OF AGES. 7s. 1. Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee, Let the water and the blood, From thy wounded side which flowed, Be of sin the double cure ; Cleanse me from its guilt and power. 2. Not the labor of my hands Can fulfil the law's demands ; Could my zeal no respite know, Could my tears forever flow, All for sin could not atone, Thou must save, and thou alone. 3. Nothing in my hand I bring, Simply to thy cross I cling ; SELECTED HYMNS. 23 Naked, come to thee for dress, Helpless, look to thee for grace; Vile, I to the fountain fly, Wash me, Saviour, or I die. While I draw this fleeting breath, When my heart, strings break in death,, When I soar to worlds unknown, See thee on thy Judgment throne, Rock of ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in thee. 24. THE LORD OUR HELPER. C. M. 1. I will never, never leave thee, I will never thee forsake, I will guide and save and keep thee For my name and mercy sake. Fear no evil, fear no evil, Only all my counsel take, For I'll never, never leave thee, I will never thee forsake. 2. When the storm is raging round thee, Call on me in humble prayer ; I will fold my arms about thee, Guard thee with the tend'rest care. In the trial, in the trial, I will make thy pathway clear ; For I'll never, &c. 3. When the sky above is glowing, And around thee all is bright, Pleasure, like a river flowing, All things tending to delight, I'll be with thee, I'll be with thee, I will guide thy steps aright, For I'll never, &c. 24 SELECTED HYMNS. Thou may'st leave my care and keeping, Thou may'st wander far from me, Sorrow, then, and woe and weeping, Mercy must mete out to thee ; To the righteous, to the righteous, My rich blessings all are free. And I'll never, &c. 25. ENTREATY. 1. Hark! a voice ! a heavenly voice, Floating lightly, lightly by ! "Come to Jesus and rejoice : Live with him on high !" Yes ! we come ! to Jesus come ; For our Saviour, Saviour dear, Soon will call us to his home, Free from every fear. 2. Hark ! a voice ! a heavenly voice ! Singing sweetly, sweetly now ; " 'lis the hour to make thy choice, Come! to Jesus bow!" Jesus' love, — worth more than gold Dug from out the richest mines, — Jesus' love, like wealth untold, Round the heart entwines. 3. Hark ! a voice ! a heavenly voice ! Hear it ! sounding through the land : "Souls on earth make heaven rejoice, Who for Jesus stand." Jesus take us in thine arms ; Suffer that we come to thee : With thy blessing, earthly harms From our path will flee. SELECTED HYMNS. 25 •26. GLORIOUS HOME. 7s. 1. In the Christian's home above, We shall dwell for evermore; We shall sing redeeming love, On that bright celestial shore. Chorus. — We're nearing our heavenly home, Where parting shall never come ; Where sorrow will never be known, In that glorious home above. 2. Jesus, guide my weary soul, To the realms of endless day; While temptations round me roll, Guide me in the perfect way. 3. Are we justified by grace? Are our sins all washed away ? Does the Saviour give us peace ? Then we'll stand in that great day. When the toils of life are o'er, And our work on earth shall cease : Then we hope to gain the shore, Of eternal life and peace. 27. CHILD'S COMMUNION WITH CHRIST. CM. 1. Dear Jesus, ever at my side, How loving must thou be, To leave thy home in heaven to guard A little child like me. 2. I cannot feel thee touch my hand, With pressure light and mild, To check me as my mother did, When I was but a child, SELECTED HYMNS. But I have felt thee in my thoughts, Rebuking sin for me ; And, when my heart loves God, I know The sweetness is from thee. And when, dear Saviour, I kneel down, Morning and night, to prayer, Something there is within my heart, Which tells me thou art there. Yes, when I pray, thou prayest too — Thy prayer is all for me ; But when I sleep, thou sleepest not, But watchest patiently. To God the Father glory be, And to his only Son; The same, Holy Ghost, to thee, While ceaseless ages run. 28. CHILDREN'S WORSHIP. 12s & lis. 1. Lord, let our songs find acceptance before thee, And pierce through the skies to thino uppermost throne ; For thou stoopest to listen when children adore thee, And sendest thy blessings like messengers down. 2. Our Father, our Father, we ask thee to guide us, And keep us from sin 'till life's journey be o'er; Then the last sigh of nature, whate'er else betide us, Shall waft us to glory, when time is no more. 3. Then, then will we sing the sweet song of the blessed, And mingle our strains with the myriads above ; Far surpassing all strains that our tongues e'er expressed, And Jesus the chorus, and Infinite Love. SELECTED HYMNS. 27 29. BEAUTIFUL ZION. 8s. 1. Beautiful Zion, built above, Beautiful city, that I love, Beautiful gates of pearly white, Beautiful temple — God its light ! He who was slain on Calvary Opens those pearly gates to me. 2. Beautiful heaven, where all is light, Beautiful angels clothed in white, Beautiful strains, that never tire, Beautiful harps through all the choir, There shall I join the chorus sweet, Worshipping at the Saviour's feet. 3. Beautiful crowns on every brow, Beautiful palms the conquerors show, Beautiful robes the ransomed wear, Beautiful all who enter there ! Thither I press with eager feet; There shall my rest be long and sweet. 4. Beautiful throne for Christ our King, Beautiful songs the angels sing, Beautiful rest, all wanderings cease, Beautiful home of perfect peace ! There shall my eyes the Saviour see — Haste to this heavenly home with me ! 30, JESUS OUR SAVIOUR. 8a. 7s. &. 4. 1. Why did Jesus come from heaven, Live a suffering life and die? 'Twas that we might be forgiven, And hereafter live on high. Let us praise him, Now he reigns above the sky. 28 SELECTED HYMNS. 2. Jesus is the only Saviour : All our hope from Jesus springs, Jesus is the world's Redeemer, Lord of lords and King of kings. Let us praise him, For his grace salvation brings. 3. Jesus kindly will receive us, Who to him for refuge flee ; Jesus never can deceive us ; Our unchanging friend is he. Let us praise him ; From our sins he sets us free. 4. May we know his full salvation, And, when this short life is o'er, Reach that heavenly habitation Whither he is gone before. May we praise him In his kingdom evermore: •0- 31. "PEACE, BE STILL." L. M 1. The winds are fierce, the storm is loud, The frightful waves roll swift and high, Above, a dark and threatening cloud Obscures the azure-vaulted sky. A barque is on the foaming deep, And terror fills the seaman's breast ; But Jesus now is wrapt in sleep, For he hath laid him down to rest. 2. In vain they strive against the storm, To guide the vessel safe to shore ; Yet fearful of impending harm, They now the Saviour's aid implore. SELECTED KYMNS. 29 He calmly utters, "Peace, be still," Nature receives his high behest, At once the winds obey his will, The leaping waves lie down in rest. Like seamen on the ocean's tide, Bound to a far and foreign clime, O'er life's rough sea we swiftly glide, And pass beyond the verge of time. Though storms may rage, and hearts be sad, And hope give way to grief and fear; Still this one thought should make us glad, The Saviour, though he sleep, is near. Should e'en the darkest tempest rise, Foreboding gloom, and every ill ; How soon 'twill vanish from our skies, When Jesus speaketh, "Peace, be still." How sweet the comfort of that voice, When to the humble soul 'tis given; To bid the doubting heart rejoice, And guide the pilgrim on to heaven ! 32. EVERGREEN SHORE. 1. We are joyously voyaging over the main, Bound for the evergreen shore, Whose inhabitants never of sickness complain, And never see death any more. Chorus — Then let the hurricane roar, It will the sooner be o'er ; We will weather the blast and will land at last Safe on the evergreen shore. 2. We have nothing to fear from the wind and the wave, Under our Saviour's command ; And our hearts in the midst of the dangers are brave, For Jesus will bring us to land. 30 SELECTED HYMNS. Let the high heaving billow and mountainous wave, Fearfully overhead break ; There is one by our side that can comfort and save, There's one who will never forsake. Let the vessel be wrecked on the rock, or the shoal, Sink to be seen never more ; He will bear, none the less, every passenger soul, Safe, safe to the evergreen shore. 33. JESUS IS KING. 1. He who once to earth came down, Toiled and suffered here below, Sits upon his heavenly throne, Wears the crown of glory now ; Chorus — While angels join to sing, And loud the sweet words ring — Jesus is King. 2. Many little ones are there, Gathered in that shining throng ; Listen ! through the Sabbath air You may hear their joyful song. Chorus— Come, let us join to sing, Loud let the sweet words ring — Jesus is King. 3. Yes, our loved and lost are there, They have reached the happy land, Now white robes and crowns they wear, They have joined the angel band. Chorus — They strike each golden string, And loud the sweet words ring — Jesus is King. SELECTED HYMNS. 31 Christians in the song unite, Gladly swell the notes of praise, And with saints and angels bright, Still the grateful anthem raise. Chorus — Come, let us join to sing, Loud let the sweet words ring- Jesus is King. Surely we that song may share, Jesus bids the children come ; Gives the lambs his tender care, Guides them to his heavenly home. Chorus — Come, let us join to sing. Loud let the sweet words ring- Jesus is King. 34. I'M A TRAVELER. 7s. & 4s. 1. I'm a lonely traveler here, Weary, oppressed ; But my journey's end is near, Soon I shall rest. Dark and dreary is the way, Toiling I've come ; Ask me not with you to stay, Yonder's my home. 2. I'm a weary traveler here, I must go on ; For my journey's end is near, I must be gone. Brighter joys than earth can give Win me away ; Pleasures that forever live ; I cannot stay. SELECTED HYMNS. I'm a traveler to a land Where all is fair, Where is seen no broken band ; Saints all are there. Where no tear shall ever fall, No heart be sad ; Where the glory is for all, And all are glad. I'm a traveler, and I go Where all is fair ; Farewell all I've loved below, I must be there. Worldly honors, hopes and gain, All I resign; Welcome sorrow, grief and pain, If heaven be mine. I'm a traveler ; call me not : Upwai-ds my way ; Yonder is my rest and lot : I cannot stay. Farewell, earthly pleasures all, Pilgrim I roam ; Hail me not ; in vain you call : Yonder's my home. 35. WELCOME HOME. CM 1. There is a clime where Jesus reigns, A home of grace and love, Where angels wait with sweetest strains To greet the saints above. Chorus. — They'll sing their welcome home to me, They'll sing their welcome home to me, The angels will stand on the heavenly strand, SELECTED HYMNS. And sing their welcome home. Welcome home ! welcome home ! The angels will stand on the heavenly strand, And sing their welcome home. 2. And children too will join to bless The precious Saviour's name, Clothed in his perfect righteousness, And saved from sin and shame. 3. Yet all, alas ! may not be there, For some will slight his grace, Tho' now he calls, they do not care To turn and seek his face. 4. He speaks so kindly, "Come to me, "And I will give you rest." The angels wait their melody, To greet you with the blest. I 36. PRAISE TO THE REDEEMER. 8s. 7 S . &4s. 1. Lord, while holy angels praise thee, In their never-ceasing songs ; While thy saints delight to bless thee — Thee to whom all praise belongs, — Wilt thou hearken To the praise of infant tongues ? 2. Yes, we know our feeble voices Thou dost condescend to hear ; Thou canst perfect thine own praises From the mouths of children here ; None so humble, But their voice may reach thine ear. 3 34 SELECTED HYMNS. 3. Thanks we give thee, our Saviour! Who didst come to save the lost; Thine own blood, Divine Redeemer! Was the price our ransom cost: Thou canst save us Even to the uttermost. 4. While we sing our glad hosannas, While our tongues thy love proclaim, Pour, oh ! pour thy spirit on us — Us for thine own children claim; So, forever, Will we love and praise thy name. 37. THE BETTER LAND. 8s. & 7s. 1. Whither, pilgrims, are ye going, Going each with staff in hand? We are going on a journey, Going at our King's command, Over hills and plains and valleys, We are going to his palace, Going to that better land. 2. Fear ye not the way so lonely, You, a little feeble band ? No, for friends, unseen, are near us, Holy angels round us stand. Christ, our leader, walks beside us, He will guard and he will guide us, Guide us to that better land. 3. Tell us, pilgrims, what you hope for In that far-off, better land — Spotless robes and crowns of glory From a Saviour's loving hand. SELECTED HYMNS. 35 We shall drink of life's clear river, We shall dwell with God forever In that bright, that better land. Pilgrims, may we travel with you To that bright and better land ? Come and welcome, come and welcome, Welcome to our pilgrim band. Come, oh, come, and do not leave us, Christ is waiting to receive us, In that bright and better land. 38. NOTHING BUT LEAVES. 1. Nothing but leaves; the spirit grieves Over a wasted life; — O'er sins indulged while conscience slept, O'er vows and promises unkept, — And reap from years of strife, Nothing but leaves! 2. Nothing but leaves; no gathered sheaves Of life's fair ripening grain ; We sow our seeds, lo ! tares and weeds, Words, idle words for earnest deeds, — We reap with toil and pain, Nothing but leaves ! Nothing but leaves ; sad memory weaves No vail to hide the past; And as we trace our weary way, Counting each lost and misspent day, Sadly we find at last Nothing but leaves ! 36 SELECTED HYMNS. 4. Ah ! who shall thus the Master meet, Bearing but withered leaves ? Ah ! who shall at the Saviour's feet, Before the awful judgment-seat, Lay down, for golden sheaves, Nothing but leaves ? 39. THE LAMB THAT WAS SLAIN. 1. In the far better land of glory and light, The ransomed are singing in garments of white, The harpers are harping, and all the bright train Sing the song of Redemption — the Lamb that was slain, The Lamb, the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain. . Like the sound of the sea swells the chorus of praise, Round the star-circled crown of the Ancient of days: And thrones and dominions re-echo the strain Of glory eternal to Him that was slain, To Him, to Him, to Him that was slain. 3. Dear Saviour, may we with our voices so faint, Sing the chorus celestial with angel and saint? Yes, yes, we will sing, and thine ear we will gain With the song of Redemption — the Lamb that was slain, The Lamb, the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain. . Gracious Lord, let all hearts now before thee unite, In the glad song of praise with the ransomed in light ; To Jesus, our Saviour, we 11 sing the sweet strain Of the song of Redemption — the Lamb that was slain, The Lamb, the Lamb, the Lamb that was slain. SELECTED HYMNS. 37 40. PROVJDENCE AND GRACE. C. M. 1. Almighty Father, gracious Lord, Kind Guardian of my days, Thy mercies let my heart record, In songs of grateful praise. 2. In life's first dawn, my tender frame Was thy indulgent care ; Long ere I could pronounce thy name, Or breathe the infant prayer. 3. Around my path what dangers rose ! What snares spread all my road ! No power could guard me from my foes, But my Preserver, God. 4. How many blessings round me shone, Where'er I turned my eye ! How many passed almost unknown, Or unregarded by ! 5. Each rolling year new favors brought From thy exhaustless store; But, ah ! in vain my laboring thought Would count thy mercies o'er. 6. While sweet reflection, through my days Thy bounteous hand would trace ; Still dearer blessings claim my praise, The blessings of thy grace. 7. Yes, I adore thee, gracious Lord, For favors more divine ; That I have known thy sacred word, Where all thy glories shine. 38 SELECTED HYMNS. Lord, when this mortal frame decays, And every weakness dies, Complete the wonders of thy grace, And raise me to the skies. 41. SINGING IN HEAVEN. 1. Shall we sing in heaven forever, — Shall we sing? Shall we sing in heaven forever, In that happy land ? Yes! oh yes! in that land, that happy land. They that meet shall sing forever Far beyond the rolling river, Meet to sing and love forever In that happy land. Shall we know each other ever In that land? Shall we know each other ever In that happy land ? Yes ! oh yes ! in that land, that happy land, They that meet shall know each other Far beyond the rolling river, die. Shall we sing with holy angels In that land? Shall we sing with holy angels In that happy land ? Yes! oh yes! in that land, that happy land, Saints and angels sing forever, Far beyond the rolling river, &c. SELECTED HYMNS. Shall we rest from care and sorrow In that land ? Shall we rest from care and sorrow In that happy land? Yes ! oh yes ! in that land, that happy land, They that meet shall rest forever Far beyond the rolling river, &c. ShalT we know our blessed Saviour In that land? Shall we know our blessed Saviour In that happy land ? Yes ! oh yes ! in that land, that happy land, We shall know our blessed Saviour Far beyond the rolling river, Love and serve him there forever In that happy land. 42. SWEET HOUR OF PRAYER. L. M 1. Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer ! That calls me from a world of care, And bids me at my Father's throne Make all my wants and wishes known ; In seasons of distress and grief, My soul has often found relief, And oft escaped the tempter's snare, By thy return, sweet hour of prayer. 2. Sweet hour of prayer ! sweet hour of prayer ! Thy wings shall my petition bear To Him whose truth and faithfulness Engage the waiting soul to bless; And since he bids me seek his face, Believe his word and trust his grace, I'll cast on him my every care, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer. 40 SELECTED HYMNS. 43. THE MORNING LAND. C. M. 1. These many days 'mid storm and rain, We've striven against the tide ; But now the harbor is in view, Where we may safely ride; With anchor weighed, with canvas spread, A weary, toiling band, We hail the breeze that speeds us on To the glorious morning land. Chorus — The morning land, bright morning land, Oh! glorious morning land, We soon shall rest on thy beautiful shore, Oh ! glorious morning land. 2. Wildly we've tossed upon the deep, Our hope a single ray ; But see, the star of morning beams, The harbinger of day ; Soon we shall furl our tattered sail, / And press the wished-for land, Our bark will moor beside thy shore, Oh ! glorious morning land. 3. A heavenly calm shall soothe the waves, And bid them hush to sleep ; Eternal sunbeams evermore Shall rest upon the deep ; Our bark no more by tempest, tossed, Shall bear a weary band ; There's rest forever 'mid thy groves, Oh ! glorious morning land. 4. Earth's pilgrims joyful walk thy streets, In robes of shining white ; The city gates are built of pearl, And God is all the light. SELECTED HYMNS. 41 We've looked from far upon thy shores, Our friends have reached the strand ; Soon we shall join the happy throng, In the glorious morning land. 44. THE LOVE OF JESUS. Us, & 8s. 1. Our Jesus, our Saviour, what tongue can express His sweet condescension and love ; With eyes of compassion he viewed our distress, And left the bright mansions above. 2. He came as a sufferer : lowly his birth — A manger the cradle he ohose — And love for the guilty and fallen of earth Illumined his life to the close. That love would not turn even children aside, — How sweet and endearing its charms, — When, "Such is the kingdom of heaven," he cried, And folded the babes in his arms. And when on the cross the dear life-streams ran free, From the wounds in his hands and his side, Not tveakness, but love, held him nailed to the tree, — In love for the sinner he died. Our Jesus, our Saviour, thy love we adore — Thy love men and angels shall sing; To thee be all glory and praise evermore, Our Jesus, our Saviour, our King, SELECTED HYMNS. 45. NEARER HOME. 7s. & 6s. 1. We know not what's before us, What trials are to come; But each day passing o'er us Brings us still nearer home. Chorus — We're nearer, nearer home, Our blessed, happy home, Where grief and sin can never come, We're nearer, nearer home. Nearer home, nearer home, Nearer to our happy home. Nearer home, nearer home, Our blessed, happy home. J2. Though dark our path, and lonely, And clouds our sky o'ercast, Let us rememrjer only That it will soon be past. 3. Whate'er of gloom or anguish Life to our hearts may bring, In doubt we will not languish, But cheerfully we'll sing. 46. HYMN OF PRAISE. L M. 1. Jesus! to thee we fain would bring The earliest offerings of the spring; Did we not know that every flower Blooms but to own thy sovereign power. 2. Each fragrant lily as it bends, To thee its purest incense lends; And birds, for thee, delighted raise Their untaught melody of praise. SELECTED HYMNS. 43 3. So, fain would we some strain prolong, Pure as creation's sinless song ; But, ah ! unworthy of the task, How dare we thy acceptance ask? 4. And yet as spring renews the hymn, Sung by the saintly cheruhim ; Let not our hearts alone be cold, Nor silent while thy gifts are told. 5. But give us souls more meet to sing, The praises of our heavenly King! Bid every year increase our love, And fit us more for joys above. 6. Then, Saviour, when this world is o'er, And spring shall visit earth no more; Oh! let thy children rise on high, Their Saviour's name to glorify ! 47. JESUS LOVES ME. 7's. 1. Jesus loves me ! this I know, For the Bible tells me so ; Little ones to him belong ; They are weak but he is strong. Chorus. — Yes, Jesus loves me ! The Bible tells me so. 2. Jesus loves me ! He who died Heaven's gate to open wide, He will wash away my sin, Let his little child come in, 44 SELECTED HYMNS. 3. Jesus loves me ! loves me still ; And though I am weak and ill, From his shining throne on high, Comes to watch me where I lie. 4. Jesus loves me ! he will stay- Close beside me all the way; If I love him, when I die He will take me home on high. 48. " SUPPER LITTLE CHILDREN TO C M. COME UNTO ME." 1. Saviour thy precept is not hid, Nor is thy love forgot ; We come, whom thou did'st not forbid, And man forbids us not. 2. To us thy heavenly grace impart, And let the words of truth Be inly grafted in our hearts, And nurtured in our youth. 3. 0, with the seed thy sowers sow, That early dew distil, By which we may not only know, But love, and do, thy will. 4. Though feeble is our faith and weak, Yet do not thou repress Their near approach, who early seek Thy love and holiness. 5. hear us as with one accord, Our grateful songs we raise, And out of children's mouths, Lord, Again perfect thy praise. SELECTED HYMNS. 45 49. PRAYER OF THE YOUNG. L. M. 1. Lord, before thy gracious throne, In Jesus' name we humbly bend ; Thy face we seek, thy name we own, And pray that thou wilt be our Friend. 2. Thou didst on earth the young receive, And gently fold them to thy breast, And say that such in heaven should live, For ever safe, for ever blest. 3. Thy Holy Spirit's aid impart, That he may teach us how to pray ; Make us sincere, and let each heart Delight to tread in wisdom's way. 4. 0, let thy grace our souls renew, And seal a sense of pardon there ; Teach us thy will to know and do, And let us all thine image bear. 50. NEARER MY HOME. 6s. & 4. 1. A crown of glory bright, By faith's clear eyes I see In yonder realms of light Prepared for me. Chorus. — I'm nearer my home, Nearer my home to-day ; Yes, nearer my home in heaven to-day, Than ever I've been before. 2. may I faithful prove And keep the crown in view, And through the storms of life My way pursue. 46 SELECTED HYMNS. Jesus, be thou my guide, And all my steps attend, keep me near thy side, Be though my friend. Be thou my shield and sun My Saviour and my guard And when my work is done, My great reward. -0- 51. NO PARTING THERE. 1. When shall we meet again, Meet ne'er to sever? When will peace wreathe her chain Round us forever ? Our hearts will ne'er repose Safe from each blast that blows, In tbis dark vale of woes, Never, — no, never. 2. When shall love freely flow, Pure as life's river ? When shall sweet friendship glow Changeless forever? Where joys celestial thrill, Where bliss each heart shall fill, And fears of parting chill Never, — no, never. 3. Up to that world of light Take us, dear Saviour! May we all there unite, Happy, forever ! Where kindred spirits dwell, There may our music swell, And time our joys dispel Never, — no, never. SELECTED HYMNS. 47 Soon shall we meet again, Meet ne'er to sever ; Soon will peace wreathe her chain Round us forever; Our hearts will then repose, Secure from worldly woes; Our songs of praise shall close Never, — no, never. 52. THE "WISE MEN OF THE EAST. 1. We three kings of Orient are, Bearing gifts ; we traverse afar Field and fountain, Moor and mouutain, Following yonder star. Chorus. — star of wonder, star of night, Star with royal beauty bright, Westward leading, Still proceeding, Guide us to the perfect Light. Born a king on Bethlehem's plain, Gold I bring to crown him again, — King forever, Ceasing never Over us all to reign. Frankincense to offer have I, Incense owns a Deity nigh ; Prayer and praising, All men raising, Worship him God on high. 48 SELECTED HYMNS. Myrrh is mine ; its bitter perfume Breathes a life of gathering gloom : Sorrowing, sighing, Bleeding, dying, Sealed in the stone-cold tomb. Glorious now behold him arise, King, and God, and Sacrifice. Heav'n singing, Hallelujah ! Joyous the earth replies. 53. THE WELCOME HOME. C. M. 1. How sweet will be the welcome home When this short life is o'er, When pain and sorrow, care and grief Shall dwell with us no more. When we that bright and heavenly land With spirit eyes shall see, And join the holy angel band In praise, dear Lord, of thee. Chorus. — The welcome home, the welcome home, The Christian's welcome home. Lord, grant my frail and wayward bark, May anchor sure and fast, Beside the shining gates of pearl, Where I may rest at last ! When once within, my soul shall know No hunger, thirst, or pain, No sickness, sorrow, care or death Shall visit me again ! SELECTED HYMNS. 49 Oh, may I live while here below, In view of that blest day, When God's bright angels shall come down To bear my soul away ! When I shall walk the golden streets, In garments white and pure ; And sing an endless song to him, Who made my soul secure ! 54. PRAISE TO CHRIST. C. M. 1. Come, children, raise your voices high, Your Saviour's love proclaim, And with the choirs of earth and sky Unite to praise his name : Sing how he left the realms of light, Where the bright angels dwell, And, passing through death's gloomy night, Redeemed the world from hell. 2. Yes, we will gladly join our lays With heaven's seraphic throng, And offer in our earthly days To Christ our grateful song: And oh that all would join to sing That Saviour's love, who came, Mankind from chains of sin to bring To liberty again. 3. Then loud hosannas to our King, Jesus, eternal God ! Let earth with joyous anthems ring, To spread his fame abroad ; Let every tribe and nation own His just and righteous sway, And all unite to hasten on The great millennial day. 4 50 SELECTED HYMNS. 55. A BRIGHTER DAY. 8s. & 7s. 1. Lift your heads with faith ; the morrow Dawneth brighter than to-day ; Angel hands will lift the shadows, Chase the gathering gloom away. Chorus. — Lift your heads, the day is breaking, Soon the morning will appear; See the earth from slumber waking, Lift your heads, the day draws near. 2. Art thou lonely, sad and weary, Watching through the silent night ? Dry thy tears, the orient glistens Like a thread of silver light. 3. Does the night seem long and weary, Dangers threat'ning by the way ? Joy will soon return to bless thee, Soon will dawn a brighter day. 4. What though wars and earth's commotions Try your faith and cause dismay ? God, your Father, rules the nations, He will send a brighter day. 5. Let the heart be cheered with gladness, Though the sun is veiled from sight ; See ! the stars are brightly beaming Through the shadows of the night. Chorus. — Look! e'en now the morn is breaking, See the shadows flee away ; See! the earth from slumber waking, Lift you heads ! behold the day ! SELECTED HYMNS. 51 56. LAND OF THE LIVING. 1. I am bound for the land of the living, hinder me not on the way ; The sunlight is brightening before me That heralds eternity's day The flowers that bloom in my pathway Breathe odors that waft me right on; They lure me no longer to tarry, But welcome earth's time to be gone. Chorus. — There's a happy home beyond this world of care, A home above, where all is love ; And the good shall all meet there. 2. I am waiting the summons that bids me No longer a pilgrim to roam, But leaviug the in this death land, Make the land of the living my home. The messenger angel stands waiting The signal to whisper to me, That the place'ls prepared for my dwelling, And the Master is calling for me. 3. The land of the living is yonder; There life to its fulness has grown ; There sin and temptation and sorrow, And sickness and death, are unknown. There the songs of redemption are chanted By a boly, harmonious band ; Oh, when shall I cease from my conflict And rise to my home in that land I SELECTED HYMNS- 57. HEAVENLY HOME. 1. Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! precious name to me ! I love to think the time will come when I shall rest in thee. I've no abiding city here, I seek for one to come, And though my pilgrimage be drear I know there's rest at home, Chorus. — Heavenly home ! heavenly home! Precious name to me ! I love to think the time will come, When I shall rest in thee. Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! there no clouds arise, No tear drops fall, no dark nights dim thy ever-smiling skies. This earthly home is fair and bright, Yet clouds will often come ; And oh ! I long to see the light That gilds my heavenly home ! Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! there no clouds, &c. Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! ne'er shall sorrow's gloom, Nor doubts nor fears, disturb me there, for all is peace at home I know I ne'er shall worthy be To dwell 'ueath heaven's bright dome; But Christ my Saviour, died for me, And now he calls me home. Heavenly home ! heavenly home ! ne'er shall sorrow's, &c, SELECTED HYMNS. 53 58. MORNING HYMN. 8s. & 7s. 1. Night is over; light is streaming, Through my window-pane 'tis come, And the sun's bright rays are beaming On my own dear, happy home. God has watched me through the night ; God it is who sends us light. 2. Night is over ; some poor children Have been homeless, sleepless, ill : God has let me rest so sweetly In my chamber, warm and still. Lord, I thank thee for thy love ; Raise my morning thoughts above. 3. Night is over : Heavenly Father, I would bend my knees and pray : Help my weakness, guide me safely, Watch and keep me all the day. Take away my love of sin ; Let thy Spirit rule within. 59. EVENING HYMN. 8s. & 7s. 1. Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me; Bless thy little lamb to-night : Through the darkness be thou near me, Watch my sleep till morning light. 2. All this day thy hand has led me, And I thank thee for thy care : Thou haet warmed, and clothed, and fed me ; Listen to my evening prayer. 3. Let my sins be all forgiven : Bless the friends I love so well ; Take me, when I die, to heaven, Happy there with them to dwell. 54 SELECTED HYMNS. 60. CHILDREN'S PRAISES. 7s. &. 6s. 1. On this glad and welcome day, When the Spring rejoices, Thankful offerings we pay With united voices. Chorus. — Father, hear, in thy home, Hear us in our singing. Children thine, behold, we come, Grateful praises bringing. 2. Praises for the gracious care Watching us so surely : Sleeping, waking, everywhere Keeping us securely. 3. Fraises for the wondrous love Which thine own Son gave us, Coming from the throne above, On the cross to save us. 4. Praises that we early learn All the pleasing story. May our hearts within us burn For our Master's glory. 5. May we learn more of thy word, Joyfully receive it, And through thy good Spirit, Lord, Lovingly believe it. 6. And at last, through thy rich grace, And the truth that frees us, May we have a dwelling place With our Saviour, Jesus. SELECTED HYMNS. 55 So this glad, returning day, While the world rejoices, Thankful offerings we pay With united voices. 61. JESUS WEPT. 8s. & 7s. 1. -Jesus wept!" — those tears are over, But his heart is still the same ; Kinsman, Friend and Elder Brother, Is his everlasting name. Saviour, who can love like thee, Gracious one of Bethany ! 2. "Jesus wept!" — when trials seize us, When the waves of sorrow roll; I will lay my head on Jesus, Pillow of the troubled soul. Saviour, none can feel like thee, Weeping one of Bethany ! 3. "Jesus wept!" — and still in glory, He can mark each mourner's tear, Loving to retrace the story Of the hearts he solaced here. Lord, when I am called to die, Let me think of Bethany ! 4. "Jesus wept !" — that tear of sorrow Is a legacy of love ; Yesterday, to-day, to-morrow. He the same doth ever prove. Thou art all-in-all to me, Living one of Bethany ! 56 SELECTED HYMNS. 62. JESUS LIVES. 1. Jesus lives ! no longer now Can thy terrors, death, appal me. Jesus lives ! and well I know From the dead he will recall me. God will power and grace dispense, This shall be my confidence. Chorus. — Jesus lives ! Jesus lives ! Joy and comfort this thought gives Jesus lives ! and speaks to thee, Weary pilgrim, "Come to me." 2. Jesus lives ! I know full well, Naught from him my heart can sever ; Life nor death, nor powers of hell, Joy nor grief, henceforth forever: God will power and grace dispense, This shall be my conndence. 3. Jesus lives ! henceforth is death Entrance into life immortal ; Calmly I can yield my breath, Fearless tread the frowning portal : Thou, when faileth flesh and sense, Lord, wilt be my confidence. JESUS IS THERE. I know a bright land, a land of delight, Where sin shall be vanquished and faith turned to sight; There flowers immortal shall breathe on the air, But this be my glory, that Jesus is there ! Chorus. — Jesus is there ! then wake up my voice, Jesus is there ! let me ever rejoice. SELECTED HYMNS. 57 I know a sweet home, a home filled with peace, Where turmoil and trial and sorrow shall cease, No pain, neither sickness shall that home impair, Prepared are those mansions, and Jesus is there ! I know I've a Friend, a Friend most sincere, Whose steadfast devotion and love I revere ; He's the sun of that land, most lovely and fair, 'Tis sweet home, rest, heaven, for Jesus is there ! I know there's a love — love stronger than death, — Encircles my footsteps and watches my breath ; 'Tis the love of my Saviour has made me an heir Of riches eternal — and Jesus is there ! I know there's a time — a time near at hand, Before my dear Saviour, redeemed I shall stand, I'll see him, and know him, and ever declare With rapture, his mercy which brought me safe there. 64 TO LIVE IS CHRIST— TO DIE IS GAIN. 1. For me to live is Christ, To die is gain ; For him I'll bear the cross, Sorrow and pain : Faithful may I endure Till I hear my Saviour say, — Welcome, believing one, To endless day. 2. My friends are there, I know, Happy above, Their highest joy henceforth, A Saviour's love : SELECTED HYMNS. Ne'er will I cease the strife, Never give the conflict o'er, Till death translates my life, To part no more. A pilgrim, — still my home Is in the skies ; Daily I die; — yet faith Bids me to rise. Upward my spirit tends, As I lay my burden down ;- Before my Saviour, Friend, I'll wear a crown. 65. CHRIST IS CALLING. 1. Little children, Christ is calling From his glorious home above, Hark ! what precious words are falling From his lips, what words of love. "Little children, I entreat you, Little children, come to me." Hallelujah to the Lamb ! 2. Seated on his throne in heaven, Round him white-robed children stand, While their infant songs of glory Echo through that happy land. We will praise him, we will praise him, Glory to our Saviour King ! Hallelujah to the Lamb ! 3. Louder yet their song is swelling, Sweeter still the notes they raise, Heaven's eternal arch is ringing With the children's song of praise. Glad hosannas, glad hosannas, Glad hosannas to our King ! Hallelujah to the Lamb ! SELECTED HYMNS- 59 4. Jesus! Friend of little children, We would join that angel band, We would wear the crown of glory, White-robed, round thy throne we'd stand; There to praise thee, there to praise thee, There to praise thee evermore. Hallelujah to the Lamb ! 5. But we're poor and weak and sinful, All our help must come from thee ; Saviour, be our kind protector, Now and in eternity. Then we'll praise thee, then we'll praise thee, Then we'll praise thee evermore. Hallelujah to the Lamb ! 66. THE CHRISTIAN'S CHOICE. 1. The pearl that worldlings covet Is not the pearl for me ; Its beauty fades as quickly As sunshine on the sea; But there's a pearl sought by the wise, 'Tis called the pearl of greatest price, Though few its value see ; Oh, that's the pearl for me. 2. The crown that decks the monarch Is not the crown for me ; It dazzles but a moment., Its brightness soon will flee; But there's a crown prepared above For all who walk in humble love, Forever bright 'twill be; Oh, that's the crown for me. 60 SELECTED HYMNS. 3. The road that many travel Is not the road for me ; It leads to death and sorrow, In it I would not be; But there's a road that leads to God, 'Tis marked by Christ's most precious blood, The passage here is free ; Oh, that's the road for me. 4. The hope that sinners cherish Is not the hope for me ; Most surely will they perish, Unless from sin made free ; But there's a hope which rests in God, And leads the soul to keep his word, And sinful pleasures flee ; Oh, that's the hope for me. 67. WILL YOU BE THERE. 8s & 6a. 1. Beyond this life of hopes and fears, Beyond this world of griefs and fears, There is a region fair ; It knows no change and no decay, No night, but one unending day. Oh say, will you be there ? 2. Its glorious gates are closed to sin ; Nought that defiles can enter in, To mar its beauty rare, Upon that bright, eternal shore, Earth's bitter curse is known no more. Oh say, will you be there ? 3. No drooping form, no tearful eye, No hoary head, no weary sigh, SELECTED HYMNS. 61 No pain, no grief, no care ; But joys which mortals may not know, Like a calm river, ever flow. Oh say, will you be there ? Our Saviour, — once as mortal child, A mortal man, by man reviled, — There many crowns doth wear ; While thousand thousands swell the strain, Of glory to the Lamb once slain! Oh say, will you be there ? 68. EARTHLY* SABBATHS. 8s. 7s. & 4. 1. Joyful be our hearts and voices For this blessed Sabbath's light ; All around the earth rejoices, Clothed with verdure, green and bright : We will praise thee, We will praise thee evermore. 2. Oh ! that now while health is flowing, We may seek a Saviour's face ; — While the bloom of youth is glowing, Humbly ask him for his grace : Dear Redeemer, Do thou all our sins efface. As the Sabbath light is stealing Towards the close of setting sun, Let us, with united feeling, Praise, adore the Holy one : — With devotion, May we say, "Thy Kingdom come!" SELECTED HYMNS. Swift our Sabbath days are fading, Soon their duties will be o'er; Night will come, — their glories shading, — "We can hear and learn no more : Gracious Saviour Guide us to the Heavenly shore. Oh! when life's last day is closing, And in death we fix our eyes, Then in Jesus safe reposing, May we trust in faith to rise — And in Heaven Swell the chorus of the skies ! 69. MORNING SONG OP PRAISE 7a. & 6s. 1. From soft and soothing slumber I wake to morniug light; No pain has pierced my chamber Through all the silent night. In peace I've rested sweetly, And now in eastern skies, The sun is shining brightly, And kindly bids me rise. 2. And now, Heavenly Father, To thee my voice shall raise, This cheerful morning hour, The song of gratfful praise, I know that thou wilt hear me Whene'er I come to thee; I know that thou art near me, Although unseen by me. 3. guide me by thy Spirit In virtue's narrow way — Smile on me when I'm faithful And warn me when 1 stray. SELECTED HYMNS. 63* From everything that's sinful, help me, Lord, to flee, And now, in life's bright morning, To give my heart to thee. 70. EVENING HYMN. 7s. 1. God of mercy ! God of love! Shine upon us from above, As at even-tide we raise Songs of gratitude and praise. May our Sabbath efforts be Owned, sustained and blessed by thee ! 2. Jesus ! unto thee we pray, — Bless the labors of the day ; Safe within thy pasture ground, May our little flock be found. Lead them where the waters flow; Be their Shepherd here below. Holy Spirit ! bless our toil — Bless the seed, and bless the soil ; Make the budding flowers to blow, And the tender vines to grow, Bless the children of our care ; Sanctify our evening prayer. Father, Son and Holy Ghost! When we join the heavenly host, With our children round the throne; Know them, and by them be known ; Then in unison we'll raise Songs of everlasting praise. .64 SELECTED HYMNS. 71. CHRIST, THE LIGHT OF HEAVEN. 8s. & 7s. 1. Brightly gleams a holy radiance Round that undiscovered land ; Where immortal hopes are anchored, And immortal joys expand. And that radiance pure and heavenly, All undimmed by earthly blight, Is the shadow of His glory, — His the fountain of all light. 2. Darkness flees away before him, Sun and stars no more can shine, And the angels who adore him Bow beneath those rays divine. And through all the glorious city His is undivided might; — He its power and life and glory, He the temple and the light. 3. Light of Heaven ! yet meek and lowly, Once the paths of earth he trod ; Lived and died a martyr holy, Both a Saviour and a God ! And to lead us through the valley, Clothed in shadows and in night, Gave us tokens of his presence, Gave us gladness, gave us light. 4. Golden harps, his praise attuning, Sing his wondrous love to man; Countless millions glad are shouting God Almighty and the Lamb ! The redeemed of every nation " Walk in light" with the I am, And the shining hosts cry glory, God Almighty and the Lamb !