Wli F, KYSEWANUEK, »• # -si ^» \ F 46.103 DAYTON, OHIO. HUNITEDlBRETHRENtPUBLISHINGlHOUSE.K- REV. W. J. SHUEY, Agent. M FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY DM*. S^B Section 0^?3 / Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Calvin College http://www.archive.org/details/goldenleavescollOOnyse J • ■OLDEN LEA m r\ l i \J l n Hit r unui n CE HYMNS iTUNES ADAPTED TO Sabbath - Schools, Social Meetings, Bible Classes, &c. — BY— 4/ BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. DATTOIT, OHIO. United Brethren Publishing House, 1880. PREFACE. J^C "GOLDEN LEAVES" is sent forth with the earnest and sincere desire that it may do good. Hoping its songs may cheer the heavenward pilgrim, and aid in bringing lost ones to Jesus. HTO EXAMINING COMMITTEES.N- TJie following pages will serve as an introduction to the book : 4, 6, 7, 12, 14, 25, 34, 36, 38, 54, 58, 62, 63, 65, 67. Benj. F. Nvse wander. Copyrighted, 1880, by Bent. F. Nysewandek, GOLDEN LEAVES. *^>: DOXOLOGY. L. M. BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. ftt.i i Oi-JJi J jTJ~-j - 44 J ij Jf = i 3:_ &. 0-1-& g J--4 — — &- — *■-& — #- 1 --+-•- I — — * -- H p — .'~t~ * — y— g~r **— ' ^~t:^-7-^ ^ Chorus. seem'd that he was glad ; cleans'd him from all dross on life's bat - tie - field, what was heaven - born Vic - to - ry we shall wear. 4i_« _ T 7 \. *- T -« 3 No pleasure in Bin's arbor Could catch his eye or ear, The precious name of Jesus WaB all he loved to hear. Thus he kept pressing onward, Delighted with the way. And shouting. Glory ! Glory ! To Jesus all the day. Chorus. 4 I saw him in the morning. On Canaan's sunny plain Gathering for his Master The rich and golden grain ; He bound them up in bundles Until the angels come, To gather in the harvest In heaven, hie happy home. Cuout's, I saw him in midsummer, Still happy on his way. He'd reached the land of Beulah, Where birds 6ing night and day; He found a store of honey, And wine upon the lees. And fruit in rich abundance- Upon life's livins trees. Chorus. I saw him in the evening. Life's sun was bending low. He'd reached the Golden City,— His robes still white as snow; He joined the bridal corteg-. And drank of the new win;. And now among the angels, Eternally dotb shine. CU0RV8, DELIVERANCE WILL COME. 1 I saw a wayworn trav'lcr In tattered garment!) clad. And struggling up the mouutain, 1 1 seem'd that lie wan sad ; Hi- back was laden heavy. His strength was almost gone, Yet he shouted as he journeyed, Deliverance will come.— Oho. 2 The summer sun was shining, The sweat was on his brow. Hi- garments worn and dusty. His step seemed very slow ; But he kept pressing onward, For he was wending homo. Still shouting as he journeyed. Deliverance will come.— Cho. Chorts.— Then palms of victory, 3 The songsters in the arbor That grew beside the way, Attracted his attention. Inviting his delay ; His watchword being ' Onward,' He stopped Ins ears and ran. Still shouting as he journeyed, Deliverance will come.— Oho. i I saw him in the evening. The sun was bending low. Had overtopped the mountain And reached the vale below ; He saw the golden city. His everlasting home, And shouted loud hosannah ! Deliverance will come.-Ciio, Crowns of glory, Palms of victory, I shall wear. .') While gazing on that city Ju6t o'er the narrow flood, A band of holy angels Came from the throne of God; They bore him on their pinions, Safe o'er the dashing foam. And joined him in his triumph, - Deliverance has come —Cho, 6 I heard the song ol triumph They sang upon that shore. Saying, Jesus has redeemed us. To suffer nevermore; Then casting his eyes backward. On the race which he had run, He shouted loud hosannah ! Deliverance has come.— Cho. IN THE CROSS OF CHRIST I GLORY. BOWKING. BKNJ. F. NYSE WANDER. 1. In the cross of Christ I glo 2. When the woes of life o.'er-take .'!. When the sun of bliss is beam 4 Bane and bless - ing. pain and pieas -# ! f . T - *— r -9- T ry, Tow'r-ing o'er the me, Hopes de - ceive and ing Light and love up ure, By the cross are wrecks of time ; fears an - noy, on my way, sane - ti - fied; 0~—0 • • I 1 — — I — illili Ail tne light of sa - cred sto Nev - er shall the cross for - sake From the cross the ra - diance stream Peace is there that knows no mc-as - 3 ry me; - ing, ure, ers round 33 nit: 1 Gath - er3 round its head sub-lime. Lo! it glows with peace and joy. Adds new lus - ter to the day. Joys that through all time a - bide. r.g v ^=±zt=z 6 OVER THE RIVER. E. E. EEXFORD. Grazioso. GEO. F. ROOT. -^as 1. O - ver the riv - er ! oh, what is there? O-ver the riv-er, the riv-er? Hearts ev-er hap - py and 2. O • ver the riv - er ! oh, who is there— O-ver the riv-er, the riv-er? Friends who have gone from our 3. O - ver the riv - er ! oh, wonderful land, O-ver the riv er. the riv-er? Hap-py and ho-ly each N N ,S N S y y '» &> V i i> : i uit ui^^b^ Chorus. souls ev-er fair— Basking in glo-ry for - ev - er. earthlife, to share, Life from the Bountiful Giv - er. ra-di-aut band. May we be with them for-ev - er. i^nm ^^^^^^ s \ i n n p p n p- _, — c — j — p — p — ,_^ — p — I - — --I — n-# — — # — — 0—0— O - ver the riv - er— the riv - er wide, - ver the > _> * ___ m — •— • — #- TT — i ! 1 P — P — i-, — p — I - — - - I ty-0 — — • — • — — #-t-s — m — wr — Z-H — i — * — i — i_!_iz5_5— >— £_?_ \/zlJL — « jt d i=pz:5_p_ \-\-0—0—0- — I b U & * — '— t— '- — fc—rX— *— £ — £ r- ^ -H -j— n beau • ti-ful riv - er. Angels and blessed im - mortals a-bide, Sinless and hap-py for - ev ** s s s s s ^-v. i , - — - — 2TT — ! — wr^m — t~* — 0—0—0—0 -0- r -0—0 — — •-t-t — ! ' — 1 — -j — z — ~!~T -=5 3] 1/ i/ i/ y U y y > > > > > i By permission of John Church & Co, BENJ. F. NYSEWANDEB. -->. — PS — PS— A- EVE OF LIFE. "At evening time it shall bo light. — Zach. 14 : 7. Pr. C. NYSEWANDEB. m j* Not too fast, i — s:_ # _ 0—9— 0—0— 0-1-0 —0—0— a |-i-«- *— «__#_#_ 0r-i~0- 0—0—0^.1-0—0—0— 0—0—0. 1. Bright, golden skies, from the setting sun's ray, Show that the morrow will beanti-ful be; Thus, when my pilgrimage 2. Near by the foot of the ev-ergreeu mouut. (iladly I'll drink from the pure crystal fount; Then shall have ended all 3. There are the prophets and martyrs of old, Ev - er they dwell in the sanc-ti tied fold; When all my bat-ties on A adyta rTTTfTiT" r r$ ^^ 3=£ friTTTTTTT r t ^ ^ i, . L L i„ i.. \a 'j ^ •, L I- i, i, i. '. i, ^ • • • >•••• • • i> • • • i/ Chorus. # — , — J4- 1 -' — ■ — ■ — • — • — •_»-'—•- * — *- -j,-.- 1 -- # — S — • — #— •— 0- L -0— 0—0—0-i- I shall near. May the clouds scat-ter, and may the sky clear, row and strife. When I have reach'd the bright morn of new life. Then I shall pass thro' the gates of pure gold, here are o'er, I shall as- cend there, to leave them no more. .A. ~A- -A- -0 #-=-, -0 0- r -0 — — m — —|—| 1 I a — a — m—r-0 — 0—0 — r. 1 • i/ ! > Att-«1— *— #- — * — « — "I — '- — ■ P — I— I K — S — Ni ' — i — *» — * — *> — ™> — - — V-f — r- #— •— *— #— *— 0- L 0— — 0— 0— U 0— %— J— #—•— *-'-•—•— #— •— - L *— •--#—#- #— ^- rj -: Angels shall bear me to mansions tin- told; Never to sor-row nor ev • er to grieve, Angels shall meet me at eve i/ * * • > >///•• 8 E, B, SATISFIED. "I shall be satisfied when! awake in thj* likeness." CHAS. E, POLLOOK, , Ps- S. 4-1-0 J 6>— i-j — J—— — « — «_1_ # * &S- 1 1. O blest a -waking! hap-pytho't! Longings for pureness gra - ti - fied ; The dearest good, most 2. Ec - sta-tic dream! O vi-sion bright! Shall I bound down by sin and clay, God like and pure in ■0- ■#•* -0- -0- *• •#-• -0- ■#- a~s— i, r _u -_ - 1 1 . F— t-0 F <*■— r -F F-- -i 1 r— T - i- 1— F- T -^- F -i r— f -jg-4-p- kj , J . J. |j: i g^=rf ra=g^ « (S— 1-5 m-i—0— m »-- L-« # .__^._I -» — • s-FS — * — *— F* — #-t-^--- : -| — rf-f -* — *— *-\-9— §--§-d r ear-nest sought, well may we be sat - is - fied ! Free from the ha-ted pow'r of sin, Our robes all Je - sus' sight, A - wak-en sat - is - fied for aye? Then hasten, hasten long'd-for hour; Naught satis - exm _, f- «- T -« F ' -*— P- 0- f -0 V— *0-±-^0-~ V— T— -r-'F P ^-r-* F^-F--j *^—9-b~* 1 \-0 0-—0,—0 0— [-0 1 1 i- g g — c c — 4-| 1 H \-0 «■— «-— I pure and white and fair, Our Father's mansions once with-in, His glorious likeness we shall bear, fies while here we live; Thy likeness is the richest dow'r Thou, God, om-ni - po-tent, can 'st give. •*--&■ -0- -0- m -0- -0- -0- -#-■#- •£- ' s g^^iip^^^^iiiiEiiiaii i|ii^ HE SAVETH ME. 'He is able also to save them to the uttermost, that como onto God by him."- Deb :\V.\M>EK. BENJ F =x=t±3* 9 i f r J jN 1. He sav - eth me ; oh, heav'nly joy ! He sav eth me from sin's de coy ; Tho' cloth d with rags and 2, He sav - eth me. He takes me in, 'Tis oft I go a - etrayand sin , But when I look to 3 He sav - eth others from their shame, He heal eth oth - er halt and lame , And nail d upon the 4. "He sav - eth me," if each could sav, To us would dawn a glorious dav ; The song of Heav'n and ^ _*■__ C T t Chorus. 3E3 i~3 filth Cal I be, By His own blood Christ saveth me. va - ry, By His own blood Christ saveth me. rug - ged tree. By His own blood Christ saveth me. earth would be, "By His own blood Christ saveth me. He saveth me ! He sav-eth me ! By iSlli^lP, -? — (* I r -w m w— n — w — — w w w 0—T-0 1 0—T-0 MT . u * > — 0- » — ft. -0 .• — 1/ — 0-L-0 — . — -4 — 5-Lg — S — M — Z J: — a— — -l-L-l — *--* — 0- L 0-~m-T J -d~. "- 1 * -#■ » * * * ' -0- -0- -0- -0- m «# His own blood Christ saveth me! Although mv sins as scarlet be. By Ff is own blood Christ saveth me ■0- rts -0- fe^J^!— s — *=& :: e— b- : *^— c=c~# • e f: "- D# : - r ^-t- "=&-•" Heal 10 O COME TO THE SABBATH SCHOOL. MliS. ANNIE E. THOMSON. FRANK M. DAVIS. 1. U there's not in this wide world, a place hail so sweet, As the room where my teach-er I take ev - ery day that I and 2. And a pen - ny go, For my teach-er has told me I' P^FP : iifsi!l!=^=^^=^=&:&£ lov'd schoolmates meet. On the blest Sab-bath morning to sing and to pray, To sad that 'tis so — There are mil - lions of heath - en in lands far a - way, Who ^ S=£ SEE: '— 0-r—*- all J is _, I . ^ Chorus. _ j _ _ _> _s „. fc. ear a - bout beav - en, and learn of * the way. O come, . . . • then chil-dren a - bout beav - en, and learn of * the way. O ne'er hear of heav - en, or learn there the way. QlT— » »- 2 — » • #-i— #_D _ # _i 1 — ! — ■ »— H -* +-• • »— — »— 9 * ~~~ P~~ "S3— I/ - come, then, come then, chil-dren O COME TO THE SABBATH SCHOOL.-Concluded. II 3E± come, mm — fct-4- — H frn — i c -fe — - | -a K-i— J n ^ — i v ?> — I on each blest Sab - bath morn ing, O come, come a - way, While the -0 •" Tj C -— j£+ ±£ -0-~ 0- -I y. ■y g- come. chil-dren, come; —4 __^ T _J. z=*=zfczz:*:=*===iziz:tE*i=iia=iz:**=iiiz:th*==*iziIz=«=ii*z=:ii£z5iL^z^:3] sweet chim-ing bells on the si - lent air swells; come to the Sabbath school a - wav. 9" 0- •- 5=p: s= E - i— r: — r— w- £E=e=E -0——0-\-0 »---» f- — I '— i/ • • E^IEEE i 3 No sweet Sabbath dawns on those far distant climes ; To call them to worship no bell softly chimes ; And we must send bibles and teachers away, To tell them of heaven, and show them the way. Chorus. — O come, then, &c, 4 The hymns that we sing in our school are so sweet, And lessons so holy our teachers repeat ; O ! not all this world's pleasures would tempt me to stray From that dear, sacred place, on the blest Sabbath day. Chorus. — O come, then, &c. BEYOND THE STARS. C, NYSEWANDEB. With expression. BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. - —-8— j -t-«- a=±sa=a J-4- # — j— •— -+ — ! 1 — '— •— r~* — # — — *— 1~* — • — #-t-#- P 1. fie - yond the stars, be - 'ond earth's sor-row, 2. Be - yond the stars, stars bright-er glit - ter, 3. Be - yond the stars,- oh, joy su per - lial , 4. Be -yond the stars, in that bright ci - ty, * ^^±-^±f-y-r^^ 3T-H1 p3©b ;zzfz_f:=: In that land, that shin-ing land; We have a home 'Eeatu the arch of hea - en's dome: Those in the crown We shall meet our lov'd ones there; No more from them Where no gloom can ev - er come; En - thron'd we'll see ^q£ 4-^i-£I-l tr~h=£: ;-i-#— J— #— # =? #-— 1 -#— • — T -*— 0- L - •— J— • t.»-° — - 1 - — that is e - ter - nal, of each who la - bor'd, shall we be part - ed, our great King Je - bus. M With the white-rob'd an - gel band. Calling lost ones back to home. In that bloom -ing land so fair. We shall sing a - round the throne. -0^0- -a — • — 4 -■ * 4 Be - yond the stars we'll be with Je - bus, ~..U ft f -t-t*— *■ — m — »— «— t-» — *-~B?T*n — *— r-P — 9—mfrm — n-| — t-| — I 0-0—0— x-0—\ i p*a*a-~ «u Ritard. i_T! 1 1 1-__ I |_L_ I i—0-—0—0^1._0_0_.0 0_,l_0 — . — , i-i-H ,-^0—0-L0 -i-0-m — I 1-1 I — — 0---0—0-\-0 — — 0— -0—0-1.-0— 0—0.^.0 J J-# J — 0—0 — 0--J-0- z -0- r 0—0-L0.±.0-^-0 IJ And re - deem - ing love we'll sing; Be - yond the stars, in robes un-tar-nish'd. We shall glo- ri - f y our King. MKS. M. STOCKTON. 1. God lov'd ihe world 2. E en now by faith 3. Love brings the glo - 4. Be - liev - ing souls' 5. Of vie - tory now WONDROUS LOVE. 4- 13 =£ J #-i J,— 1 -* WM. G. FISCHKR, by per -0— L -0 =r± &~ #-{--)- — — 0-±-i of sin - ners lost, And ru - in'd by the fall; Sal - va-tion full at I claim Him mine, The ris - en Son of God; Re demption by His rious full - ness in, And to his saints makes known, The bles sed rest from joic - ing go, There shall to you be given, A glo - nous fore-taste power. Let all the ransom'd sing And triumph in the ■0- -0^ \ ■#- * £ -«■-• +. • +. #-r-P ~-r-- *- ' oer Satan's — * kh^ ^ rn -~ r i in i -r—r v » - — c — c Chorus. high death in here dv * I est cost, I find, bred sin, be - low- ing hour, -& He of - fcrs free to all. And cleansing through His blood. Through faith in Christ a - lone. Of end - less life in heaven. Thro' Christ, the Lord, our King. -Y — 4J-f J— #-i— * # _|_ # __I_ # _-J 1 5-lZJ 0, 'twas love, 'twas wondrous love ! 0.-0. fe#-T— » ~r— ^ — it— -tT— TT ^__ T _*_J_ • ■ > IT---l r I vF^-4l-[ — i , I : {^ --H-~rr *— i==£|£fd The love of God to mn; ^ It brought my Savior from a - bove, To die on Cal - va - rv. * 14 Dr. C. NYSEWANDER HE LOVETH ME. "Jesus, beholding him loved him."— Matt., 10: 21. BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. •w- ♦ -0- -5- -y- 1. He lov-eth me: oh, joy di -vine! Ce - les • tial light doth on me shine; And though un-wor • thy 2. He lov-eth me; I heard his call. And on - ly at hie feet could fall; And there o'er-come. ~T~1 — = ~i — r =F = ¥T : g — *-^tt=&z=ii=.0Tjt~ pfc: Chorus. I 0'1-0—M I * * *T# •— r~# S 0---0-\\ 0—0-~0 •-+-* * 0~0 — 5— I may he prostrate lay. I feel that Je And wondered how lov - eth me. rould love me. lov - eth me ! He lov - eth me ! I __|. y_ 1 ^ 1 1 J. y U X J- y r 1 1 l±^_ I — _NJ — -J -A i i P .i i * m I I Z- m m _i I I _i m —\~0 — m — — ' — -J— z_^_^_^ T ^_ i _i_ # _._^ T ^__ = t: r ._ 5 _ r _ j — JFy-^^ ^ ^-w .#t r ~r beams of love il-himemy way; Where'er I go, where'er I be. T feel that Je - bus lov-eth me. __ 5 -t- r .^_ r , f tZ 1 y-C =CT_y 3 Heloveth me thoush I be poor. Because of this he loves me more; What consolation all the day \o feel that Jesus loveth me. 4 For rags and for my sinful load He gave tome a snow-white robe; Though for my sins 1 had no plea, Yet Jesus, freely pardoned me, 6 He loveth me; oh, can it be That Jesus loves unworthy me; Withiu I feel the Spirit's pow'r, I ftel His presenee every hour, THE PLEADING VOICE. 15 " It is the voice of my beloved that kuocketh, saying. Open to me."— Cant, v: 2. REV. JOEL SWART/,. D.D. I. BALTZELL, by per. Moderate. 1. I'v>' of • ten heard a plead - ing voice fly in - most soul with - in; It bade me make my God my choice, And 2. A - las! I of - ten closed my ear, And steeled my stubborn heart; The ten • der voice I would not bear, Mot -— _- # - r # 0—0 0~r-0 0—0 »-r-0 •— » # i-rl 1 *T # »— * »—r-0 "P— | 1 1 s ^Jyj j =jg ^p_J j jj j I p£ Chorus. Not L°° loud- s • i Bee the ways of from my sins do IIow ten dcr its Like a whis •0- -0- m -_-_- * *■ »f" -0--0- -0- -0- ■#•■#-- dzi=feA^fcfc£= e3 flow ten - der Us tone, How ten - der its tune, Like a whisper, Like a whisper it Softly I \ noruy- came; Whether thronged lone, - - It was ev tnc -ill II If. *.#.#. ■*.#. ♦ .#. •-*-• P i - 1 r * •■»- , ■#-. — | 1 1 1 — f — i-c * 0-0-0- - P — 0— y -0— -0-t-t came; Whether throng'd or a-lone, W hethcr througed or a - lone, It was cv • er, it was ev - er the same. 3. Mv outward life teemed glad and gas . But still 1 had no rest; And still the slighted voice would say, " In God thou tuay"st be blest,"— Cuo. It. At length 1 yielded, and found peace, And Ood forgave my sin ; Aud now, soft whispers never cease, Of peace aud joy withiu.— Cuo. oh bring to him thy burdened soul. However much oppressed; Ills whispriug voico will make thee whole And give thy conscience rest.— Clio, 16 0, NYSEWANDER Allegro. i-1 CHILDREN'S SONG. " He shall gather the lambs with his arm."— Isa, 40: 11, BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. — I- 1 - i agg =^^ Lit - tie chil-dren, seek the Sa - vior In the sun - ny days of youth; Seek to know Him, Still the sky is clear a - bove you, Brightly shines the morn-ing sun ; Do not lin - ger Con - se-crate yourselves to Je - sus, For He shed His blood for you; Ev - er love Him, Man - y chil-dren now are sing - ing 'Round the throne of God a - bove; For they sought the -br • 0-J-0 \- \-0 #-3 Chorus. *-- g — * — 5 — f«4-^ — g — S— rf-S — g — ?-t-H* — — * — *-+- * — # * *H learn to love Him, Stud - y now the Gos - pel truth by the way - side, For life's course is quick - ly run. ev - er serve him, Dai - ly He'll your strength re-new. Sa - vior ear - ly. And they learned the truth to love- Soon the storms of life may gath - er. ?--s— -3— 3 — 9- V * — * — i^-F? — *?-i — i-I -5 — *— i— SEjEE g — j — FE-S— g-j-IB Soon shall wint'iy age come on: Oh. seek ref-uge in the Sa- vior. He will safe- lv guide vou home. THE SOUL'S REPLY. " Come unto Mo, all ye that labor aud are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. LL1E STAKHK1UHT, I | I ^ ^_1 m . ™ J 17 -Matt, it., 2S: 30. C. E. PuLLOCK, by per. ._, ,_i — . , — — 0-1-0 — 3 1— — f — • — 0-\~a t-l—^ ' — • — *— H — 0-\-0 — i — 0—0-\-0 — — - -0-\- — — — SH-g • — *-}-• — -• — * — *— j Sad and weary, lone and dreary. Here a-bid-ing. in Tnee hid-ins. Lord I wou.d Thy cail o Seeks mv wea-rv soul her ■ bey; Thee be - liev-ing. Christ re- rest; Till the dawn ing of the 3. Be Tnou near me. keep and cheer me, Thro' life's dark and stormv wav: Turn inv sad-ness in - to c^is.'-i—izi-A—t~m— wi^—i—%—%-\z^—W— ==t=I=-=?=S:pS— #=fezzii=: :c — : -H 1-4- -•jztJA-J-1 —0 •- #- ceiv - ing. I would come to Thee to ■ morn ing, When I wake among the giad-ness, Turn rnv dark n*-ss in - to _L_I= ITS _T-» -3 -j — ai--T-# *l— |=fe=g.— S4= ^j== g=fi=fi'==g==5=;=: r day. blest, dav. -?=t=- .f_ T _# — = my I I ^ p =t?=!=E=£==tEE Thou the Ho - ly Tho' each mor-row Tired I'm com - ing. 4= One. the low - ly bring new sor - row, tired of roam-ing ( ====*= p=zi Je- Or Thro' — 7— SU8, the this ■0- -J— Thee I come, Keep me ev - er, let me nev - er From Thy bless-ed keeping roam. in 1 ' i. '.win'-, e^qe i> me c v " ci, icu hid ncv ■ ci i. iuiu mv i j i con-ci K6©T) " I T) 2 r03,IIl» death draw near. Thro' tne fall-ing shadows call -ing, Lo ! my Shepherd's voice I hear, world a -lone; Fath - er take me, Je - sus make me Now and ev - er more Thine own. :=^^=====±=i=-— >="— '-1- — E — >— ^z^— =£=1=^: -T-^-2.- 1 18 HEAVEN, MY HOME. Arr. by BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. *— »--* — » — i-f-f«-^ — *f ;= '*-\- f —i=i-=-t-^~r\-, — i — i — g— 1. Oh 2. Tho' come, and pover - ty To heav-en, Heay-en's ray home; my home; .4 4-r4 -*- Oh, come, and go with me, To heav-en, my home; Tho' pover - ty be my lot, Heav'-en's my home; Oh, come, and go with me, And Tho' pover - ty be my lot, And the r, A- ' ■*- r^l » I - *> * r Through all e - ter - ni - ty In heaven, With Je - bW blood I'm bought To heaven, I^^E my my home, home. n.s:$ *=*dk#z£§:. you shall happy be Through all e - ter - ni -ty, "In heav-en, my home.. In heav-en, my home, fig-tree blossom not, With Jesus' blood I'm bought.To heav-en, my home, To heav-en, my home. rtt W- ^-~ r-i ~^ v~Y — 1 — 1 — ["l*? 9 " \— T -4- 0- r 0—r~0 m 1 i — n 1 € 1 lr I JZ. 3 trembling mourner, come To heaven, my home, etc.; O trembling mourner, come, In Jesus there is room; His Spirit bids you come i i _ To xieaven, my home, etc. Oh. come, poor sinner, come To heaven, my home, etc.; Oh, come, poor sinner, come To the New Jerusalem : For Jesus bids you come To heayen, my home, etc, = iqir— tz=5z=5=jziz5:=qi EEg^R^EFT^ti r v Oh. that ev'ry one could eay, Heaven's my home, etc; Oh. that ev'ry one could say, Should I die this very day, I'd rise, and soar away To heaven, my home, etc. W. O. CUSHING. IN THEE ABIDE. "Abide in me and I in you."— Johv xv: 4. 19 1. BALTZELL. by per. 1. My Fath-er, while on earth I stay, Be thou my guide; On, ehieid me in life's dangerous wav. And 2. I need thee, Lord. when dangers lower, Thy love to guide; Keep rue from sin's al - lur-ing pow'r.And 3. Thou art rnv Refuge where 1 flee. In thee I hide; No arm but. Unne can rescue rne, I -i — hs-r- ■#- ^ . ,- » i — fct— ^~ i — nri — y~rr t r r F -i — i — n ~l r-^- : i— • — l-l-*- — ^F? — Retrain. let let am my sonl in thee. I pray, Safe, safe my trembling soul, each hour.In thee hut weakness. and would be Safe bv a - a - thv 25 bide, bide, side. In In —J^L-4. thee a thee a - bide, in bide, When thee a - bide, §t-^ -*-,-&. -^ ffl-i—n-,* — # — — # — * g-,P — * — * — 1» — F -rb 1 &-*-* — [_, — »> — fc. — I I-, — f-- Morms and dangers me betide, In be tide i i i thee a - bide, Oh. let my sonl in thee a bide, thee abide. In th r e abide, 20 TRUSTING IN THE PROMISE. RKV, H. B. HARTZLEK 3 " He i« faithful that promised."— Heb. 10: 23. E, S. LOKENZ. by per. -H H N N- — c r— I have found re - pose for ray wea - ry soul, Trusting in the promise of the I will sing my song as the days go by, Trusting in the promise of the the life I live, Trusting in the promise of the 3. Oh, the peace and joy of T— V -H- $=d: i ^ — ,! i^=j Sav - ior; And a har - bor safe when the bil-lows roll, Trusting in the prom-ise of the Sav - ior; And re joice in hope, while I live or die. Trusting in the prom-ise of the Sav - ior; Oh, the strength and grace on - lv God can give. Trusting in the protn-ise of the _ a # _ .' *■■ *• _g_ _j ♦ -P- f- ■•+■ •+■ r _ - :l=4zniz -J— *_- fc r #— ^— 4— T ==*znz*z^fctizz=iiz=i— fcirSfzzt: *r» ! — IZ~* — ^ — ~N — N~~ N ~ k ifc . - 3*~1 I- Sav - ior. I will fear no foe in the deadly strife, Trusting in the promise of the Sav - ior. I can smile at grief, and a-bide in pain, Trusting in the promise of the Sav - ior. Who - so - ev - er will mav he saved to - dav, Trusting in the promise of the j: — 1=— T -y — y - -v —y—v— v = £ = 3r= TRUSTING IN THE PROMISE.-Concluded. 21 -fr— fc T -) . ■ J - J — *--*/-• 4- -\ S— *s— N— z=g:— a— giz zfcti^ r-*— ^ - -»~ :g:fc*:z_i:^f=:iif ~ «zz*-g- Szrfrzg- Sifcg:— Savior; Savior; Sav-ior; ^ 1 will bear rny lot in the toil of life, And the loss of all shall be high-est gain, And be - gin to walk in the ho - ly way, I I I Trusting in the promise of the Sav Trusting in the promise of the Sav Trusting in the promise of the Sav I 1 1 0. — # 5 — u— s>— p— £— p 1 — I lor. ior. ior. n Refrain. -a s s i s r* f* tu i% s ! -I , K .. & K V- N _ * T t f --- %. ;ii ? * * i d — * dy — 5. , Rest - ing on His i #_ *y m — -• • 0— r R-tt w- 5 — y might - y arm for - ev * *" "*" t *' - er, 1 a. V Nev - er from His lov - ing heart to — » # £ 1 — +-| =S=g — • — e=F= — — t — i— — * — T — <* — i* — * — js — *~~3 T-f p p S p 1 p Lv — t/H sev - er, I will rest by grace In His strong embrace. Trusting in the promise of the Sav - ior. •&■ -0- ^ . m ■*- -0- -0- -0- . mm I -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- M "•" rs Ci}-— ' — 0- —0— \z*ZZZ* * — ~f~ ~-»-f O 1-#— »— »— » -0-0—0—0-\-\ »-f -I b^z^z* — ?— O?— f 1 — -— fcd£E»=: r— F— E £-p-5-*-?- zz^ ".Z t E?~ e^jj r r t i i 22 CHRIST, MY LEADER, GOES BEFORE. Dr. C. NYSEWANDEK 1 The Lord went before them."— Exodus 13; 21, 1 * r BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. peace ciinib What Though I Ag - o - niz 1 may of When near Jor and con - so - la-tion I a pil the rugged mountain, Tho' I pass ing in the gar - den, Then a crown] ten feel for - sak en, Christ a - lone dan's brink I'm coming, As I start grim have in store; In each tri - al the lone-iy moor; Or the jour - ney of thorns He wore; Les-ser tri -. ais- His own cross bore; En - e - mies may for Canaan's shore; Tho' the wa - ters ^=ptd^3=w==^== ^=^fe^^F^— ^^^fa^fc=^=vitc^ Chorus. bL j q ^-^g Ftr a n — jTTTFEr nvd — jd EU ^ f=^ and temptation Christ, my Lead - er goes before, hard be counted, Christ, my Lead - er goes before, cannot harm me, Christ, my Lead - er goes before, try to take me, Christ, my Lead - er goes before, may be foaming. Fear - less - ly He'll go before. I am trusting, I am trusting in the Lord. ___ — •. — — — __ 1 i#_i_0 — — *-r* — * — »— rr» — ^ — a — »-r» — m~ *■ — ^-r» — '- :tn=q ***" I U I i/ i V I * I" 5 "I" ? in the Lord; I am trusting,! am trusting in His Word, in His Word; On the stormv sea. He said : ■0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- ■#■•#• ■#-* ••- ■♦• -0-' -0- -0- -0- '-0- -0- -0- ■#-* CHRIST, MY LEADER, GOES BEFORE.-Concluded. 23 "It 13 I, be not a-fraid ; ' In temptation b darkest hour Christ, mv Leader, goes be-fore. 1 N I N "*•"*• tL "£. "*" 1 P* J J-T-J — + hf i r -^r-x^r—* — ^*-tz* — * — * — M — • — w^t\ HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT? Dr. C. NVSEWANDER. "Think on these things."— Phil. 4 : S. BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. # ____^ # 0-t- & J i-t-3 Pfc *: •-- — # — 1 Have you ev - er thought of your Sa-vior.» Of his death on Cal - va - ry ? Have you _'. Have you ev - er thought of your dear ones Since they've join'd the angel band ? Have you 3. Have you ev - er thought of the meeting There'll be on the oth - er shore ? With the ev • er thought the blood He ^hed Was for sins of you, of me? Sins of you, of me? ev -er thought what they told vou When each left for that bright land ?" Meet me in that land." friends who stand to welcome a- We shall meet to part no more. Meet to part no more. -j-ff- .___ w 9 r 9 - - w w -~ T~M — —0 m W ~~T i ~~T w »~T — • — — >T~'n 24 SPREAD THE SAILS. ARTHUR W. FRENCH. PRANK M. :q * — ^-- : *F~0 _-- J2ij- T -J — — 3- - 1 1— — >4 4- *-:- s4-« -t- # — *— •-*-*— g— g-f-g f DAVIS. *~-0-\-*r 0-±-*-\-0-±-M 1. Bound to Canaan's land of glo - ry, We are sail ing down the bay, While we sing its sacred 2. We will brave the raging billows Tho' the tempests over-whelm, Trusting in our lov-ing 3. His shall be the hand to guide us 'Mid the dangers that pre - vail, He will see that naught be - 4. Soon we'll see the shores belore us Ris - ing from the o-cean's foam, While we sing the joy - ful •#• . ■#•■#• •#■ ■•• . ■•- ■•- zr ^_ T _«._t_tr ±r — *__-_ " — ft — •— «. .»-_-#_j_^ — «_«_^_ T _ l c tr «__«_ •_ti_ t # , Chorus. J. 1 ,^=«|^ ^^a K£fci5 te # — g-T-*- 1 # ^ — ?3 * r" — *-*-tH-" — ■ — *— — J -H N — 8to - ry As our good ship glides away. Sa- vior Who is ev - er at the helm, tide us As to Canaan's land we sail, cho - rus, Hail sweet Canaans, happy home . Spread the sails to breez-es blow - ing . Drop the ■*- ' *- ^5E E=*=p=p=f3=:£===teS== : z±=E4=p— E=P=£=f=P=S __*u2_4i — p — -_ g -i- r — H^—,- — i-p — o___ r ^ r — __ ^ — p •J N — _, S_ r h"-^ v jE^fct ^- ^ »=>ij^ /^^e ^zz jT f ^ -tj ^ S-i^ - an-chor nev - er more Out to sea our ship is go-ing, Waft-ed on to Canaan's shore. — 0--- * , ^ 0—1 — *— T - )— 1— 1 | ,—| 0> * # — ,# * it M-t—M—^ — — _-_ p— g- -p— r Dr. C. NYSKWANDER WE SHALL REST. "There reraaineth therefore a rest to the people of God."— IIf.b. 4 : 0. 25 15KXJ. V. NYSEWANDER. LJZ S: # .i — # # __ — 0-I-0 J # -_I_ # ___J £_i_^ # _l_ # & ±_ # _i — 0-- — # _J 1. We shali rest wh-n life's last struggle Oa the plains of time is o'er; We shall rest from 2. We shall rest, but now we're toilers Harvest - ing the gold-en grain; We shall rest but 3. We shall rest in heaven's ar-bors, Naught shall ev - er mar our peace; We shall rest — but rF f Jr A f 'f * f * " f I f 1 f m ff * I P f f " "f" l f 1 # I i* • f f * f Tl Chorus. care and la - bor When we reach that gold - en shore not till Je - sus Bids us from our work re-frain. We shall rest, rest in heaven Is -» — we shall rest, re - joic - ing, sing - ing praise- 1_ _^> ^ #i n -0 ±: -0 — • — — r r 1 ^f- 0-T-0—0—r-0- l -0-T-0—0 — 0-*—0— —0 — #-t-«- i -*-t-«— 1 — *- * * g — ~5~ *—• ~ 0'~' l ?~~ We shall rest from care and labor; We shall rest from care and labor When life's harvest time is o'er. b#f^=f^r#rr~y 1 s" ' r rvtna : :i:-^^ gteti=e=H 26 WORK AND PRAY. " Look oti the fivlds ; KATE SUMNEK BURR. for they are white already to harvest."— John 4 : 1. Up, friends ofJesus, theharvest now is white. Work willsoon beover, fast fall the shades of night;Strongiu his strength 2. Up, friends ofJe-sus, for the time will soon be o'er, Harvest days are passing, to come again no more; Wake from repose, 3. Shout, friends of Jesus, for when our work is done. Joy-ful we will gather to greet the harvest home; Then let us baa- l * h . "A i N-^* (-•zi-«-T-f-#— a -^- T-* ~ 0-0 ±0-0— 0^0-j— -— -0^0-g j— I K-^j-h £ -^-— — f-— p— ^ ' J ~^— *«->-V -Hr— 2-V— p-f— J— v" 1 -^/— ^-^ I-P—hj— /__ T3 1 -n s s 1 ^Chorus. ^ i.>_±_ # — ■#!# — & — *— * — - — a ~- m -0—0-~0— 1 -0—0— #-u «— M — — 1/ > let us bind the golden sheaves, Could we meet the Master with naught but leaves? hear the Master call-ing still. Rise to earnest effort with right good will. Work and pray ten the gold en sheaves to bind, Rest and life e-ter-nal we all shall find. yes, work and * $ I .-0- -0- +■ -0- t £ t> -—-— 1— 0-,-m-r m —0~i-m — & -r-0—-0 — 0---0-0—0-—\ — T-i 1 — i — n — ■ -r-- — | 1 1 c — 1 mm Work and pray, \-l 4UU. T 0^0-0-Q g — —Z*--0- -3-0-£*-^ = ^0- T 0^-0^^ * ^i_c # _ # _ # _ # i__xi Let the watch-word pass along. Work and pray - now, while 'tis day, Come and join our happy throng. *,«-f ?s —-— — — 0-0 — i-.0\0-0 — * — ■•# r ,_-j — — r --#i #-»i r r rx~0- -0-0-0-0-, -0- — work and pray, Work and pray. while 'tis day. From tke " Iuteruational Lesson Hymnal," by permission REV. J. B. ATCHINSON. ALL ALIKE MAY COME. God is no respecter of persona.— Acts 10: 34. 27 E. S. LORKKZ. by per. 'i-2-Z-t* — — 4 — *4~- j — 0^\-m — 3 — 3 l_::_3: — ,\ J I J J 4 l\-% 1 Ej 5 » 1. Redemption's wondrous plan Provides for all our race ; The vil - est soul that asks Shares 2. Im - partial is our God ; The rich - est and the poor A - like ad - mit-tance have With - 3. No col - or, class, or clime Can keep a soul from God ; And all the world may find Sal - ♦••»■■•-■#• l -#■ — ^t— v— r— r— Pt tzt=z — i — i — rV-i — v— r— r— r-H- z^=£ ■t— Chorus. free - ly in his grace. in the gos - pel door. For who - so-ev- er will believe, For whoso - ev-er will be-lieve, va-tion in his blood. For who -so-ev - er will be-lieve, For who -so-ev - er will be-lieve, 1 ' ' ' M — tt± - t i — t— r — r — t t f- 1— F 1 r— i;t__ — * — « — ^fc5 — ? -g-f -> — * — * — *- | -#-v £i»all ev - er - last-ing. ev - er - last-ing •0- ••■■*- -0- m -0- . m -0- 4. Whoever will may come ! O sinner, hear the call ; Unworthy as thou art, Christ is thine all in all. 5. God no respecter is Of persons, bond or free ; Believe, and thou shalt live Through all eternity. YOUR MISSION. day, if ve will bear his voice, harden not your heart."— Psa. xcv: 7. Arr. by BENJ. _K _ S S ; , -, , \ __, il • — m: — J— H^g^^ P-J —^-i — *-v— *— r of Je - sus cry - ing — the Mas - ter call - etn, not cross the o - cean, not give your thousands, not speak like an - gels, not rouse the wick - ed -'-—• 0- T -ft # — T Who will go Rich re - ward And the heath You can give If you can • With the judg - and work to - day ? He of - fers thee; - en lands ex - plore, the wid - ow's mite; not preach like Paul, ment's dread a - larms, t ■#■ M. — v — » -- — # ~f~l 1 * — * » -T-» — • — » -- — m— *-l-0 — * — 0^ = ^0^^0~'-'- =±=Z==$ :3=±==: Sf— i r-T— » — f+J 1 • -#■-#• •#■. -0- -0- -0- . -0- *0—ft m Fields are Who will You And You You can the can can white an find least tell lead ^:5T i ' . — r — and harvest wait - ing swer, glad - ly say - ing. the heath - en near - er, you do for Je - sus, the love of Je - sus, the lit - tie chil-dren -0—^-4 Who ' Here You Will You To m =t=f=; will bear the sheaves a-way ?" am I; send me, send me 1 " help them at your door. prec - ious in His sight. say He died for all. Sa - vior's wait-ing arms. can be can the =ElI===fcE=EEEL=bzE^E=^f If you cannot be the watchman, Standing high on Zion'e wall. Pointing out the path to heaven, Offering life and peace to all: — With your prayers and with your bounties You can do what heaven demands; Yon can be like faithful Aaron, Holding up the prophet's hands. 15 If among the older people. You may not he apt to teach, [herd '•Feed my lambs," said Christ ourShep "Place the food within their reach." And it may be that the children You have led with trembling hand, Will be found among your jewels, When you reach the better land, 6 Let none hear you idly saying, "There is nothing I can do,'' While the souls of men are dying, And the Master calls for you, Take the task He gives you gladly, Let His work your pleasure be; Answer quickly when he calleth, "Here uni I; seud aie, send we I" THE LOVE OF CHRIST. 29 ' The love of Christ that paerieth telling." Music by \VM. II. POLLOCK, by per. n t~1 — ~*~~^ r1~ O. 1 — L -0 0^^0- i -0 0— L -0 * #*- i * 1. Love of J- - bus, deep and wide, Wid-erthan the swelling sea. Deep - er far than 2. Love that from thy migh-ty source. In the living heartof God. Found through Christ thy 3. Love that burned with quenchless might. Tho' deep water flow'd o'er thee; Love that fought, the j=fc=!— £d 1- Refrain. fc_ff- — # 1 '-=-—+■ — • • — 0--' — 2 •-f-H— * — • p—\-* — ' — f '• •' o - cean s tide, Love, O love that thought on me. bound - less course, Flow'd through Him, and flow'd to me. dead - lv fight, A - go - nized and bled for me. Love, love, Love, love, rvri»-^ * ■^ ==i »— r~» ' * *~t * ^ * n I ^ f * * r - > • p f — i ^ P-iTu— t s^t gj^ — p ^^ i II. E — j r » ' * ^ F 3 • • f i-f— 1 — * g -. -|-g w -—0 — #-+-• ' -3— -4- — I — — -0 g-lZ — « — #-r-H| 1 • — I *~^ — *• -«-|-|; L * — • — * — F# — * — *i 1J Love, O love that thought on me! Deep-er far than o-cean's tide. Love. love.that thought ion me! •0- -0- -0- sra-t- 1 — * — * --T-i — *- — '---T4 1 "— ~— r — *-t-^ — a — a~ T -«— # — * — »~i * — ' * ti 30 E. J. OAfctt. KNOCKING AT THE DOOR. '•Behold I stand at the door and knock."— Rev. 3: 20. /. BALTZELL, by per. -5 The voice of my Be - lov - ed calls, "O - pen,'' my love, my bride ; I hear him knocking The door is closed — whyshouldit be, When he is stand-ing there ? Oh. could I hear that So late, so cold, so drear without, His hair with dew is wet; The shades of eve - ning '•A-rise!" I hear him call a - gam ; I yield him all mv heart: No Ion - ger will I l ■ m 00 ±*M- f 9* gl j \-0 — • — » — » pi 1 p[- gf ^ |E£ S E=g ± r2 -ft- t— f— n ft — # at the door, A sound I've of - ten heard be - fore, Yet keep him still out-side- plaintive cry! Oh, could I see that pity - ing eye! That look I could not bear. o'er him fall; How can I stand and hear him call In tones of deep re - gret? make de - lay; En - ter, O Lord, with - in, I pray, And nev - er more de - part. .— ft T-l Chorus. y — rr • — #-—«— #— "— -.— -j- l i h — y— i ! — — *- ms—r-m — s — - 1 I P I? ^ V Oh, the Savior is standing at the door (at the door). Gentlv knocking as he knocked before (at the door) ; N N S S I ■•■ . ♦ ■*• •*• -0- . -0- -0- , KNOCKING AT THE DOOR.— Concluded. 31 -• •-—• — • ^ ' . < 1 S ! * * *— 1-# — #-T-#-T-"— *-T-S— •-T-»-F-f— -H Let him now en - ter in ; He will cleanse the heart from sin : sinner, let the Sa-vior en PRECIOUS JESUS. "Unto you therefore which believe lie in precious " 1 Peter. 2: 7. , ( Free Ml o ! Prec - \ Wilt #_• - 4; , ■ ions Je - sus, I am com am trust - ing, I'm be - liev ions Je - sus, I am long tliou grant those pur - er bless — *— * * g •—*-&- Chorus. ::d: f" Com Take, All All :| — 14- ing ing ing vast ing to the oh take my thy peace and the world can — cross sins j°y ne er y; \ y' / =D— £=5= r-S-~ :§ to - day a - way to know ; ) bo - stow. J St. sm — t 4- ^4 =J=d= ._ Prec-ious Je - sus, come and make me whole ; Ho - ly Spir - it, sanc-ti-fy my soul, r _ — s — &- -& — ^_ * — # — y bi < g* I ^ — ffl_ T -ff — s- T -« — tL_"r_-r_ «.i Precious Jesus, 1 am clinging To the cross on which thou died ; Help me, Savior, help me quickly ; Speak, and I am sanctified. — Uho- Precious Jesus, I am trusting, Trusting in the crimson tide ; Hallelujah ! precious Jesus ! Now I feel thy blood applied. — Cho- 32 SOON WILL DAWN THE GOLDEN MORNING. " The day of Jesus Christ."— Phil. 1 : 6. Dr. C. NYSEYVANDER. BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. s —0 * * *- L€ * W ~ * *~ f" * * *~ \- y •v- I -# 0—0—-* 1. Christian, on your way to Heaven, Is your ves - sel tempest • driven? Never fear, Christ is near; 2. Onward fast your bark is sailing. Boon the mighty host will hail you With theirsong, welcome song; 3. Now His peace to each is offered, Naught but jov to each is proffered Till He come, till He come; -=— ~ —— 0- n 0- f 0- 0~r0 ■-. » Tr» •— MT-l i 0J-0 • «_L* € 0-L #_- 1— | i_ 0-^0 T -J " l I • i -#■ An-gry waves may rise before you, Egypt darkness hide His glo - ry, Morning clear shall appear. They shall come. shall come to meet you, Ho ly an-gelsglad -ly greetyou With their song, welcome song. In that bright and golden morning Saints shall see His glory dawning, He shall come. He shall come. jl -*- -*- -0- -0. . ■#. ■ n — -~. 0- r 1 0-r-0 0-r0 m-j-0 *— T0'-0-m »-T-| h-h — *■ — w -— w — ' ' 1 v-0 — m — s'-fTS'T 0- ~w~\*~ — — w~ \ — — m — 5— — 1 '~\ 0~"\ \~V. 1 j 0-10—0 — # _ # -L€ »_«_i-L»_« ff-L£ W. S »_L» g_»_*_L # — - — # _ # _L # # __r_J Soon will dawn the golden morn-ins. Soon will dawn the golden morning. The King of Glo - ry shall ap-pear; ■0-' -0. •*• ■*- M-' ■W- -M. M. M. M. M- M. — ll- _ , , -0 — 0—0—0- r — | 1 r | 1 — r , 1 1 — r i — — - r 0—0 — 0—0- ra — w -0-0 — , SOON WILL DAWN.-Concluded. 33 With His beauty earth a- Jorn - ing. With His beauty earth a-dor-iang, The King of Glo-ry shall appear. " q ^T g H Fi l 4 :: RF^^ HYMN OF PRAISE. --V-H Words and Music by BENJ. F. NYSEWANDEK. ___ — is — n, — ps — r zrjfr-^i -' *— *-- gzz==fzlz ^-^^-*— gifz^=;=zz^— :z=^bg— ;-g— ;~ 1. Oh. praise the great One Who sent His dear Son, To die on the tree For you and for me. '2. A gift from a - bove, The gift of His love; More precious than gold, Its val - ue un-told. 3. Our Fa - ther a - lone Who sits on the throne. Can save ev-ery one Thio' Jesus. His Son. 4. Sin^prai-ses to Him Who sav-eth from sin ; Who gave earth His own To bring sinners home. ■*"£— ti — — "^ — g 1 1 i i ?_ — Trrf — f — f~~^ r — lTT * ' ' a -£ — i t* — t ' f ' * • — 0-1-0 0-T^z t__ t SCi_# — #_i — *_; — p — #.i z?:2ft Chorus. Praise Him a - lone, Praise Him a - lone. Traise Him a - lone, Who sent His dear Sor 34 REST AWHILE. CHARLES E. POLLOCK. Vj-^-\ -P ■ a i-f-* * • — 5 — # *-+~^ * — • — # ^-- — * ' 1— * *— H l{S In the green pastures of thy love, our Sa-vior, By the still waters, 'neath thy gracious smile, aying but trusting Thee, we pause to lis - ten, J Care doth oppress and sorrow's ( But Lord, we come to Thee in mm Care doth oppress and sorrow's shadows brood, Temp-ta-tion beck-ons with se- duc-tiye smile ; lov-ing trust, ....... — r ,-i : 1— n— r- i- i- r— i 1 t-rT~V" 7 =2^ -0 #— [- 0— [- 0-\ — ! 1 1 +.*-*- & — r- » — T- Chorus. Yes, Thou art call-ing For Thou art call-ing to rest awhile, to rest awh the green pastures, By the still waters. 'Neath thy gracious ftt-J-*- Praying, but trust-ing. Pause we to ■psrz a — I r-T - * * • • *~r-» 0— T 1 W list-en, Yes, Thou art call-ing r us t=t ■£-_•*-_ to rest -S-T-* r=i -while. t — F^-M \j — 5 — I - — f- linn Savior, we rise and follow at Thy bidding The path of duty, dark the path may be ; We hear Thy voice, "Tis I, be not afraid." Whilst Thou art calling us to rest with Thee. V — y — $ — y- Buried with Thee, we rise again in power, Thou for our sins forever did'st atone ; Till at the last we hear Thy joyful summons, Come rest forever in thy Father's home. WASHED IN JESUS' BLOOD. 35 Pr. C, NYSKWANPKR. " Peace through the blood of II is cross."— Col. 1 : 20. »■{ o f 2 \ BENJ.F. NYSEWANPER. ■J rs-^ = 4 * "fsTt 1 -T- =zrrf=:— i=a= j — li — - J> — ^t-j ^—izi Glo - ry to God who has sav'd Tinn«s before hat - ed are now e - ven me, dear to me, ly dear Son ; "> Un - der the bond -age of Sa - tan and sin, Joy in - ex - haus - ti - ble ! naught now remains By giv- ing His on No long - er I wan-der from home. The time had ar - rived for re - lease; 1 To ruf - tie or mar my soul's peace. J Chorus. - s s :^P==±=±=---*- »- . <^ 4 — — « — 0-.-Z o— H •-T -•—{- * — 0—-0~i- 0-\-0*-0 - i — 0-~~0- \~ 0— 0-~-0~ -0~ -le- Hal-le - lu-jah ! ha] - le - lu-jah ! Hal - le - lu-jah ! hal - le - lu-jah ! I'm wash'd in Je - sus' blood. — *■-$- 3. Dread of futurity's taken away, For " Perfect love casteth out fear;" Clouds are dispersed by a heavenly ray, And full light of day now appears. 4. Happiness here, and eternal in heaven, The blood of Christ fully atones ; Glory to God for the Son He has given, All, all are invited to come. 36 IS MY NAME WRITTEN THERE? "And whosoever was not found written in the Book of Lifo, was cast into tbe lake of fire."— Rev. 20: 15 M. A. K. FRANK M. DAVIS b!4e^=^ ■ 1- Lord, 1 care not for rich - es. Neither sil - ver nor gold; I wouid make sure of heaven, I would 2. Lord, my sins they are ma- ny, Like the sands of the sea, But thy blood, Oh, my Savior, Is suf y, With its mansions of light, With its glo - ri - hed be ings, In pure 3. Oh! that beau-ti - ful cit — __ ——^-i—f _^ m a - T -0 0- ' - 0—r-0 » -■ i g »-=—#—!—» £-,-) 1 0—0- 0-1—0 ^—^^-1 _M S 51 en - ter the fold ; In the book of thy kingdom, With its pag - es so fair, Tell me, fi - cientfor me; For thy prom - ise is writ - ten, In bright let-Lers that glow, "Though you r garments of white ; Where no e - vil thing com-eth, To de spoil what is fair ; Where the I ~ i • g if — f air T f " m \ f p * \ f ?'r ~ -•/ — / — '-f* 1 1 — l F---m- L - 1 1 1 — J- *—*-?: — Chorus. — a-r-4- Je - sus, my Sa-vior, Is my name writ - ten there? sins be as scar - let, I will make them like snow." Is my name written there, On the an - gels are watching,«=*Is my name writ - ten there ? lg^=H -•- h=$-ft*-tf ± £\ s -Z-f\*= F : f=[ r-rr-r-'-f-ttft.| i j» r ■' ■ ' " -»-*- IS MY NAME WRITTEN THERE ?— Concluded. 37 —J «h i . ' ' ^ 1 i i On that e - ter - nal shore. Then fol - low to the tomb. They rest from hu - man woe ! And all that's lost re - signed. * 0- E 38 SUFFER THEM TO COME. " Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me."— Matt. 19: 14. Dr. C. NYSEWANDER. BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. 9 : 1. We are lit - tie pilgrims in the morn of life. Starting for a conn-try free from sin and strife ; 2. Of- ten we are told to leave the King's high-way, E - vil ones oft try to lead our feet astray; 3. Man - y ht-tle pilgrims who this way have trod, Sing up there in glo - ry. 'round the throne of God ; ^i4z=f=z=g=g±=g=g— E t-g— £-*— g=E=iz»:±5=g— ?z=z =: «zbzzzzI=*zzz;:zE=.=i:l As we trav-el Je - sus guides us all a-long, We will reach our home tho' we are weak and young. But we have a Lead - er who is ev - er near, Pil-grims He will guide us thro' this des - ert drear. As we near them they will hail us with delight.They will welcome us to that blest home of light. Fes owr blessed Guide will lead us with His hand, Till we safe - ly reach home in that bet - ter land. ^ S --A--1- D.S. t. Chorus. " Suf-fer them to come," "suf-fer them to come," "For them," says the Savior, "for them there is room ;" # . #_#_•_* | T _ # _i_^_#_i-^_ <2 _(t-i-^_#-i__ t- — - ?-±- —»-i.-m—&l. i u. — >— - * i- P^/i// i// ^^ i? * ATCHINSON s -4 I WILL GO TO JESUS. Ot.D Tune—" Onward, Christian Soldier," Key of G. 4 V — I — A — I 1- WM. F. SIIERWIN. s 39 #. - #7- Will go to Je -BUSi will go to Je-sus, will go to Je -us. Telling all my sin. Now, without de -lay, Long have I de - laved, Pray-ing in con • tri - tion, " Je-sus, make me elan. Je-6U8, on - ly Je-sus, Wash -es guilt a - way: For tli.- Ui - bid tells me All the debt is paid. i w y 1 1 --f-3 ^-4--^ 3 := g := ^-;-Hrt I =g ' ETTh He my prayer will answer. It" in faith T go. Give mo peace and pardou. He will love me free-ly, All my burdens boar. And he waits to answer Je - bus' tender mer-cy Is my on - Iv plea ; Yen, I'll go to Je-sus, #— — #— #- T -»- r »-T T -»— « — # — #-- ■—»---» T -»— * — » — »-t-* --■•--- " * ' r Sf^^^ j^JS Tf ^ 3 ^ • 4 * ILS SSp- -*■ r ii 1 -*• Wash me white as snow. Ev - 'ry earnest prayer. And he'll come to me. crp — W—Pl. I I E-* U 1 \ i izk-il^-1 Chorus. Tea, I'll go to Jo - siis. i- call*ing, calling me, Ho is call - ing me, calling me, ~— — ■ 0-0-0. t .4 4. .-____#__ T _ # _ # _ # — „ # _ # _ # _ # ___ # —J.— T -#— # — -— « --,—*' — -4— n Tho' I am un-wor thy, " 1 i — p — g — ? 17- H ^ # ~T~t: g — y— fc ?— ^— ^ — s>~\- p H 1/ 9 * V Chorus. n f > , _j _4 * _^ - i— £ fc_J I £ .> _P* ' N s _j ^^- »-T-s -^-7-»p-s — *-F^-T-fl-*-T-;-F«iv- «i-*-T-^--* — ^ -l-g-^-T-^-ar-T-y-F^-S-:-^-^-?- ^ • < I ij I I, I. Si, 1 p 1 ^ > Je - sus bids me welcome there. There are lights along the shore that never grow dim, That never, never grow guide to realms of endless day." L t:tf f r i, —**- -y— y- N S _N S feziz:zzzz^z[zrzz^zzT-^ •'i 1 l. ■#■ *< • 1 I dim ; These souls are all 1/ 1 > aflame with the love of Je-sus* name, They guide us, yes, they guide us unto Him. »^r-, ^ Ma - ry sat weeping a - lone, Fading thy hope and thy trust, Some-time thy footsteps shall stray, Soft - ly the voice of her sis - ter When of thy dearest earth-treas-u res Where waits an angel to bear thee p p • • • * r r — r • • ? t? > 5~ r Whispered, "The Master has come." Dust shall return un - to dust. O - ver to in - fi-uite day. . Ss__ N-_ Ps_- A--*,— *~0 — — 9 — 0- =—- — — — — 0—0- T -*—'.-* — — P \?— V— w— g— b>— v+f- -•— So, in the depths of thy sor-row, Then, tho' the world may invite thee, What then tho' dark be his shad-ow, i\^zztt-ttzzbzlz* Gall tho' its fountain may Vain will its of- fer - ing If when his com-ing thou be, be. _|_- J_ T - * N List, for there cometh a whis-per. List, for there cometh a whis-per, Cometh there soft-lv a whis-per, ^— 9 • -« — » — — » — m—\~0---\- t? i/ P • 9 t~ T Je-sus ia call-ing for Je-sus is call-ing for Jesus is call-ing for ■v—v-y—v—y- From "Songs of Gratitude." JESUS IS CALLING FOR THEE.— Concluded. pp |_ 43 • — ? w y r ^ v v > ' — J. sua is call-iug for thee; Call - i tig, call - iug. Je-sus is call-iug for thee. Je *us is call-iug for , s s s s s Ulg, Call-ing for thee, .ft m * #- call - iug. call-iug for thee. 0—0—0- Je-sus is call-iug for the r — r i/ > •> I r — 'i CHRIST ALONE CAN SAVE YOU. "Neither is there salvation, in any other,'— Acts 4; 1L'. Arranged by I. li. '£*£- =} ~ — 1 ' n — i- 1 " ' 1 "t 1- i 1 : r-rj-r ^^^ ~J\ Kz 4- J — # — — # — i— 0— —0- T - =i-f- — • — — 0— - =s=*=g= =»~4 «• i 1 fTW ll \ Could thy face were bathed in tears, Weep - ing will not save you : 1 you. / not wash the sins of years ; Christ a - lone can save fPur - ' \ Can est deeds that vou can do Will not bless or save you. 1 you. j not form your soul a - new ; Christ a - lone can save -fc= - c - 1' E ■ft-' 1 — , — .« — 1 g* ff -t — E ■&- ^i J/"ou77» - er, would you now Chorus. _1 J _]_.___, X ^ 0. 4- =5= =*z=3 =j=z =t: At the gate you waiting lie, — Waiting will not save you ; Look to Christ, on him rely ; He alone can saye you. — Cho To the arms of Jesus run ; He will bless and save you : Trust the work that he has done: Faith in Christ will Bave you. — Cho. 44 I AM WAITING. " Waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ."— I Cob. 1 Mrs. Dr. 0. NYSEWANDER. Slow. K . s Z 3_ # 0-1-0 » 0-I-0 *— — ■" - 7. BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. -* -1 ! ^ - T -H_ n:: 5~ ir~ t ■$*— 0— 0— 0— *-i-*-^ 1. Oft I try o'er the mist-cov-ered val-ley to gaze As I stand on the high, craggy peak; 2. I at times feel so wea - ry of wait-ing to see, For I think that the mists thicker grow; 3. In the sun-light of heav - en I ev - er shall bask, When I reach that bright home far beyond ; j--0 0- T -0 m »-t-« • * * * 0-T-0 n »- T -?-n Fine ^ii=- £==5E5p=p= =^=^3=5=5 g=33S-| I'm a - wait-ing the snn with its ge - ni - al rays, That shall shine forth the mist clouds to break. But at times as the clouds start to scat-ter a- way, Far a ■ bove them I see the bright blue. For no clouds ev - er rise up its glo - ry to mask. All is light in that beau - ti - ful land. 0- T -0 # _ »— r-» * * 0- T -0 m m ' '— T-^-^-n -*— J- ±z r— 3— Z— f— 1?~ ^r-r— *— *— * ! ' \ * ' — ?=tf^-li TAe CVe - a - for di-vine there for - ev - er doth shine, In that beau ■ ti -ful coun - try, they say, writs. DS. 1 ^ i_t_*_cB — #_^_*_£ — # ___ # _r. # — # ___ # _ # — » . - « ' »— 4 — ^--*. JJ 'tis soon I shall see that brighthome far away, Where the clouds cannot gather to darken the day. I— •*- -0- ] -0- — A. • A. A. M. ' . m •*• •*• . 7— w *-\-0 — 0—-0—0— | 1 — ,-i 1 0—0 * w n 1 — — » — # «-r-*-r» — 0-^—0 — »n K^==s%==5=g=t=s=rfE=i=S==t=t=E;=F=«=*=?=iiJ===E=ta B===E=====^5=^-r= f = H =^=^ = t = , = ^^= f fl WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB. 45 '• Hut we are washed."—! Uob. 6: 11, IK \\K M. DAVI8. , -, n K -l-H^-g ■«■-#-■-• - L # v »—0—4 - - L #-7* t g~ # l . S —* — 9 -0- M - i -0- t0- * • 0-0— *^ _1_- e t * r u 1. Whitens Bnow- oh, what a promise To the heav -y la - den breast I When by faith 2. White as Bnow I can my transgression Thns be whol ■ ly wash'd a- way. Leav-ing doI '.. lfes, at once, an. 1 that cnm-pletely Thro' the blood of Christ, I know. Ml my Bins, r the soul rec< ives it, a trace behind them, tin.' red like crimson, J — I — 1== — I Chorus. ■ II - Hess a cloild be • come is changed t less -n in iin r day '.' as white as suow White as snow. white as snow, Wash'd in tbe blood, N S S i _C — «_l # # _Cl__j D C| ^_r Li 2_C L # _ # _ # _ # .___ # _* §i?=: While as boow, white as snow. Wash'd in tlic blood, blood of the. :^_— -4 „»_ H -4-^-- — %-- *-i-.- w — g- 0,-0—0-1-0-- 0-!. a_ # '_i_*_i_*i.iq —4^=^_i , *_I_q__ p 0~m~0 — S-t — S-t — '- — i — i-t — 1 w— l — -| — !- T — f-—-P .#_ # _ -^.0-0-1-0-1 0-0^1-0-^-0-1 j—0— w -*-• » " m — *— 1- J ~*^0— Xl Lamb. White as mow, white as enow, Wash'd in the blood, - - h > N blood of the Lamb. r 1 . Lamb. 1 u r White as suow, white as snow. 46 Dr. 0, N5TSEWANDER. Moderate. JESUS, SAVE ME. "Save me."— Matt. 14; 30. — I 1 — I fr PS V BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER, -#- T - - # — • — •--- 1. Oh Je - sus, do save me just now, Re - lease me from 2. How long have I wandered from Thee, How far have I 3. No voice nn - der Heav - en but Thine Can- com - fort the 4. Oh Je - sus, do save me just now, I long to be bond-age, from shame trav - eled a - stray ; pen - i - tent soul ; hap - py in Thee ; I No Deep Still Sz&za-S: -» • 1 — I »-t-| — m m W 0. — s — p-p-t- ■dEbfe* -- -" H S -* -K- Vt — K K- K K ^ — ps — n — &. r — 1 ^n ss*=i— a- -1—i—T- = * r rt :: * ==: *r :: p. — J- — 4- 1- I — ^- — P — *| — • — • — * 1 *; . ir ■ sure - ly sin - ner sor - rows close by £H« 1 r~ shall per - ish shall en - ter like dark an - the cross I un-less Thou thy King-dom gry waves of will pray, and _tzi_i #TT m 0.. . do of the will ■0- t _p come, love, sea, weep — 0— For- Oh Do Un - — 0- give Je o - til T~»— F = - ness I ask in thy - sus, do save me just ver my lit - tie bark Thy bright glo-ry I — • » » # r\ name, now. roll, see. E&3 ^ «- k • • -&=6=*= — p-f-j y— — i — t __JE t_#_ — * — U — * — U — L*-j i Chorus. ™f ff 3h=£z =z3== - *-t — *— F-*-^ — T~- -» -t — *-T- p-« — • * 5^ztj^_ — # _i_t= 2___t_j__ — # _,_t=j — . Je - sus, save me! Je - sus, save me! Save 1 1 ' Pix 1 T n r^^r. JJ i sin - ner just now. REV. FRANK POLLOCK. LIVING FOR JESUS. 47 _,S N _> _> 5— *— N ^--Nt-_ v - N~-KzZZZ~^: C. E POLLOCK, — St — S— zz # zz^z: zzzpz_rzi_S — i— ?_?—•— 5-t-^—^—i_* _,_zMzzN_zp-zzszzjzz Zprzzpz *— ~ 9 ' ... • _ ♦*.•#■ Iiv-ing for Je-sus ! my - self and my treasure. With gladness and love to my Sa - \ 101- I give; Oli. not for my- working for Jesus! Oh! blessed employment ; My Master, how gracious! His service, how free ! Than doing His speaking for Je-sus ! I love to be tell-ing The tidings of joy that ,le - gus can save; My tongue can- singing fur Jesus! No son? can be giv - en Too sweet from my lips for Cod's missioD of love ; For Je- bus will ■*- ML ML ML ML ML m +. MM MLMLMLMLMLMLML ^ ML ML M. ML -rf=p=?=f=pz^=r4: ztzzzpzzfziz'zz'iz'zi'zzpziipzip-pz: v V y ' $—b—" tH-y— p— 57— ^ 5 z:£zpZT:z:ziz:zpzzz:=p=pziz#zz#zi«zz#zzizrszizpz:pzzp: >^^i*4z*zz?zz;zz;3fzzgz|z ^^zz^-^zz g zz pz|zgzz*zzg: -St — s \ T — ; — * — i- — = — s »> — n t — s — s- — r-J,— » — i— j-4 — : — l — # ■ self, but to do His good pleasure, Wtaerev - er my will there's no greater enjoyment ; 'Tis heaven to ~4S Nr T — K- Chorus. ->--K— lot is, I'm have Him rule nol resf : with God's love impelling, 'Twill plead with thesinner till bless it in start - ing for heaven The bur - dened who look ,up for + ML ML *m- Ml. M. ML ML NN will-ing to live. gent - ly o'er me. mute in the grave, help from a - hove. Living for Je - bus, Ml *- M. ^•%Z-+ZZ±ZZ+z\l ttLZZ^^ H—^—y—y-J- i--„ y * J-_* P D_y_ t> _ t) _ | ._ i- v s — n — l- — Sr-~J — r* 1 — K— -i—a-^u^o— 1 1 M — P — P — p — M — i — i — — i 3 — i 1 P# 1 — S — i-h* — s — m — *-r-*-T 0—^.-41 *—*— *-[-*— >— »—*— ^- h»— -— g-T- >— 9—9—* — -0-y *— •—0— w—0-\-*—0— »— fzl~« v «z_ztJ # * c ^.« # f — blessed Je-sus, Jesus who died up-on the tree ; Living for Je-sus. blessed Je-sus, Who gave His life for me. m MLMLMLMLMLMLMLML M. Ml. M- JL JL ML ML ML ML ti ti '^.t. P—yZL^— y_ y_ L._ y-J-f-Ze C y _y_y_f:_y_i.l y_y_y_CZ «_J_Cp— p 3J i tin suffering for Jesus ! without a repining, In meekness and patience I bear all my pain ; In Borrow ami trouble bj mac 1 ;l m shining Till heaven shall change all m> loss into guiu.— Clio, (i I'm looking for Jesus! Bis glorious appearing; Suiim- day yen soon it shall gladden my eves j I know not the hour, but to duty adhering I'll stand at my post till the welcome surprise.— Cho, 48 WORK FOR JESUS. W. SOUTHWOOD. -> s\ . CHAS. EDW. POLLOCK, g 4— j-—» --t- -3— }— g-i-g-f-S— p — «— g-F gyg — ? — g +g ^-T -^-f -i— S— S-v- I ^ 1- Work for Je - sus, and be wor-thy Of your call • ing here be - low ; Work in earn-est, do your 2. Work for Je - sus, help your brother, To press on-ward to that rest That the Sa-vior has made — M— 2— -A =I= M=;= I^ :E=2=#=g=Jzi = g Work Work for for Je - sus, love Je - sus, aid your Mas-ter, All His your sis - ter On her -± — 0~- T -0 1 . 5=g=t=F=F— *-*-A pre -cepts jour - ney now o - bey ; Then you shall be home a - bove ; Then you shall in hap - py ev - er, So the Scriptures teach and say. one known du • tv "Feel vou have a chris-tian love. 3 Work for Jesus, think of orphans. As they fatherless must roam : Can you not do something for them, That will cheer their hearts and home' Work for Jesus, for the siuuers On the downward road to woe ; Can you not in some way save them ? Alas ! from earth they toon must go. 4. Work for Jesus, think of father As he toils from moi n till night ; Love your mother— love her dearly, Do hot cause her hopes to blight. Work for Jesus, work believing, As they both together go ; Faith without the proper working Is but dead, the Christians know. Work fer Jesus, work for Jesus- Brothers, sisters, one and all ; Let us in our every effort Always heed the Savior's call. Work for Jesus, brother, let us Do our duty evermore ; Then we'll hear the SaviorV'Well done !" Oyer on tho other shore. U. TAYLOB. SAMPSON BOUND. J. B.HERBERT. 49 Still -N-^V- SOLO. 1. A gi - aut bound with a chain, 2. A gi-aut un - der the lash, 3. A gi-ant cov - er'd with shame Blind and shorn of hi Turning his c ip - tui Robb'd of his hnir; Ulili, Wrenching his shak • \es in Harnessed and hound like a Jeer'd at and sneer'd at by •jr. -*■. I -*. -*■ 5. p^^S fa » ~ » „ I. f Chorus Dim, -# — — 0- vain, brute, all. P ,4V Mad with a fierce de - spair ; Driv'n at his mas-ter's will ; Kept for the rab-ble's sport ; strong man, turn to thy God, Pray in this sor - row - ful «.■' #_ -#-r 0+0-9!- m^- z*=M: J. PS £EESE^±fe -*— ^xp: -#---#- — t — N N- ■-*- i= hour. cm. -A PV- J^ / ^3 , ^ ^ \y* J m j 1^1 *±3E5 Si Pray that He give thee S?K=£ The Naz - a-rite's won-der - ful pow'r I •0- •»-. -0- -0- m -0- ■*• '0-T m ^'P- U 50 HOPE, OUR ANCHOR, LAWRENCE GATES. BENJ. F. NYSEWAXDER. : # _. EE 1. In this world of sin and sor-row, In 2. Lose no time in vain re - pining? Do 3. Now we sail a-down life's riv - er, Now on wings of death we're borne, We shall rise to 4. On life's sea 'mid sink - ing mor-tals, Beat % L-j» * i — fc =zfc=j-g — = -~«- :* this world of grief and woe, There will come a what-e'er is to be done, Dark - est clouds ha -e en tho' our bark may be, We shall gain the •0- 4- +. JL *- JSt- JL JL ♦ P Chorus , p mf ^ i__J — !__ bright tomorrow, Ev - ery human heart will know. sil - ver lin-ing, 'Bove them is the beaming sun. There is rest, there's rest beyond, Hope beyond life's live for - ev-er, On the Res -ur - rec-tion morn. shin-ing por-tals, Just be-yond the Jas-per sea. r r • I r 7 r r « SEJ! — -l-p p i—€ & ±-0 j_ t ■*■ =■ 3E —3 «- ra - ging sea; There the soul will ne'er de-spond, Blest in Im - mor-tal - i - ty. «-• . ■#• ■* #■ ■#- „ -*>- ♦ - j_* f f a _. A^. i^= -^-g : ^^jf =3| r7-yi— tep ^g,^ U- — -+r n : | H-yiL.tr« fen CHRIST, MY HELPER. 51 0. F. PRESBREY. ^53=3=3=5 "The Lord is my helper."— Heb. 13 -4 i — i! — j±- 0. F, P. by per. 4—4—^-4- 1. Day by day, wher-e'er 2. When temp ta-tions sore 3. Bright the land a- cross =j~rW ^M-VAg ^m I jour-ney, As I bear my heavy load, There's a Helper as - sail me, Friends prove false, and foes pur-sue, Comes a whisper, is o'er; There I'll sing my 1 i I the riv - er When tins life of toil I I ! t I I I 1 I I I • I I ! I — *7-v— *f% — *0-i~i — 1 , al - ways near me. If I trust my Sa-vior s word. When my heart is heav - y la • den, ' Child, I'll shield thee.Help thee all thy pathway thro'." So when clouds are dark and threat'nins triumphs - ver, On that bright ce-les - tial shore. In such Help- er ev - er trusting, -*- - ■s s-r?s s — » — *— : 1 rr — g &| j[ 1 1 J ^ f — i 1 TT ,- - 1 — Tl l -fi *— 5> #- l: (5* 0— 9 — J— ^2 *__ ^ — _J-i-fi« # _^___JJ And ray sins like mountains rise, In His blood there's peace and pardon! Christ, my Helper. hears my cries. There is hope to calm my fears ; Balm to soothe me, faith to strengthen ; Christ, my Helper, dries my teara. Welcome la - bor, toil and care; All my trials are but blessings ;Christ,my Helper, hears my pray'r. I I I "!* I ' -«- 52 WHEN WE GET HOME. 'Eye hath not seen, nor eat- heard * the things that God has prepared for them that love Him,"— Cor. 2: 9. Words and Music oy BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. . s,- \jr£Z±zz3s— Jv=dzzrrz=i * — iiiz^zsrir^rq s ;_:p_:fi_:£ — , — g^_ tf„4— J — 5 —3 — 3 — m — ~+— i — a 3 • — • — • — • 1 — #-+-* — • — 3 — w— t* 1 — When we get home, oh, how happy we'll be. When we have pass'd o'er the wide tossing sea; When we get home to that heav - en - ly land, When we havejoin'd in the glo - ri-fied band ; Oh. the bright streams and the city of gold, All of their grandeur can nev - er be told; And we've laid down all the cares of this life, Thre we shall dwell free from sor-row and strife. There we shall sing on that bright golden shore, Thre we shall dwell with the blest evermore. Eve hath not seen, neither hath our ears heard, All God will give those who trust in His word. ' -g. X •*- •*■ 4*- *- -ffl- 4t- 4t- M. M. -''* -t=5=, -0-1-0— i y-J -> ~~"f > T 1 -r ■■ 5' ^ ^ When we get home, when we get home, When we get home to that heav-en-ly land. ' -F- -l**-- -m- -«- m- m. =— ■« ■ # # f-T - ' 9 • * 1 — T-| — I 1 1 T-l * *— * *— »-T IT When we get homo, LONGING TO BE AT HOME. 53 Dr. C. NYSEWANDER 1I_ " And His rest Mball bo glorious."— Isaiah 11 : BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. 4— + t~-—* — * — a l 1 ~* * * * — * — *~ I » — iH-p 1 Trav-'ling o'er life's rug ged mountains, Faint and weary oft are we; We would fain stop by the 2. Oft the gath'ring clouds of sor - row O'er us cast theirsombre gloom; Scarce we know which wa- 3. Ge-nialrays of heav'n - ly sunlight, Outlines drive these ciouds away; And we see a faint 4. Guide and help us, Oh, our Fa-ther.Tbou a - lone canst show the wav; Thou, our Help in ev - n 'ST«x=8=S=Si=niiS=H=2=»==c=t:=rt=i§-~ - , =2:=^*— *-* l it ! i j i f - f • • —f — *-f y y 1 1- gJgjbEzEEz |- 1 | f | : --y y- Chorus. -P- 3=1 * — s — n* :^r=qz: d:— o -B #— — n,4— # 1 — ^ — i — £ way - side But there's danger in de - lay. jour - ney. And we long to be at home, flee - tion Of that home of end - less day. tri - al, Lead us, lest we go a - stray. Oh, we long to be at home,Where they neither ^E^ J— £=ZE==± £= t — rrt m — m I - £F»* -H >-+- 0-^—0 * #--J 9 — gL + H — r. a i h^l -J l-T K * ir * — ^ *-* — # — # J 1 -* — * — * 3EE* !E5 toil nor roam; .a In that Par - a - dise up yon - der Grief and sor-row nev - er come. cxzSi^ *-?= «=p:= t=t=zt:=tz = :t=T=S:=;=ri=fl 54 PEACE AT LAST. "Come unto me, all ye that labor an EDENR LATTA. -C — I7--J. i^-p — N ft Ps fc- d are heavy-laden, and — 1 *X-r? 1 will glTe you rest 1 "—Matt. 11 : 28. FRANK M. DAVIS. ' * - 1 1 fam? • —% — * « » •— 0— 1 j 5 1 r* * * % s — ps— it i the the on -» 1 1. Blest a8 - sur - ance ev - er 2. Though by sor - row's dis - mal 3 We can stand the dnv - ing 4. To the king-dom of the <•«.■:♦-♦•'-♦ £)i-M-> 5Fr-£ 1 m L- dear, As our cloud, Be our rains, We can skies, When our ■•• ■#■ 9 * - u 1* * • £ trou - bles come so fast How path - way o - ver - cast, Throug' bide the cut - ting blast, While pil - grim - age is past, We — # * 1 ^^ fr — *j b h h — : g-ir- v if' v u r — i — i/ — $±=± Chorus. ^ \VL—M — m 8 « tf _ # 1 ^Z3. — — 0—^ — jj 1 1-0 4_A — »-*—•] — »-> -j i — ■ 0—m — m jzz — #-: : g— 0— u-»=3 — m— b — #— F-i ' does the spir - it cheer To be promised peace at last. Peace at last, peace at Sa - vior's precious blood, Wo are promised peace at last. peace at last, prom-ise still re - mams, Of un - brok-en peace at last. spir - it wings shall rise And a - bide in peace at last. L-~ # fi T= "t -"=-*-&» p— r-f — *-*— g--.— g- ^ 1 n ..m » ft— * Se*5 1— sr-rf-r — s — ■=* * — g — - i -« — 0-±—0-±-%*0-0 3 last, peace at last, When our sor-rows all are past, And 'tis coming, oh, how fast! ^ i4- j-kid £ J ■ P -I PEACE AT LAST.— Concluded. 55 fa Pi N a-S— I— - N T _^ p ._* N- -Ph-i *-? — 1 -S—p — g-j — I *-| J g— 5 — H— F— |- Peace at last, peace at last, Tis coming, cora-ing, Peace at last. Peace at last, peace at last, GOD IS LOVE. L r BOWR1NG. 1 John 4 : 8. :^=q: :^=i=d4H = D ^-iH~al- MKS. DR. Chorus. C. NYSEWANDER. J. -«-*-«- i 1 *-- q=± #- m — m r. ^_LJ 6 , ithsin which we rove; "» \ Bliss He wakes,and woe he iightens;God is wisdom, God is love. / Bliss He wakes, and woe he lightens /God is love; His mercy brightens All the paths in which we rove; f Chance and change are busy ev-er ; Man de-cays, and a-gesmove; ) ( But His mer-cy waneth nev-er ; God is wisdom, God is love. J #-p^ 1* * -x-rm— 1 *- r P m ^ir^ *-*• -W- P- -,-*■ » — # — »— is wi.-dom, God is love, Hal - le jah, hal - le - lu -jah. Praise His name. 3 E'en the hour that darkest seemeth Will his changeless goodness prove ; From the gloom his brightness streameth ; God is wisdom, God is love.— Cho. He with earthly cares entwineth Hope and comfort from above ; . Everywhere His glory shineth ; God is wisdom, God is love. — Cho, 56 SHINE ON, FAIR STAR. HANNAH M. BRYON. FRANK M. DAVIS. • * * # *■#■.-•■ y ' — ' ^* 1. The my-riad stars of night Thro : all the a • ges gone, So glo - ri - ous and bright For 2. The maj - es - ty di - vine That lit each wandering light; And bade them move and shine Each 3. Loud was the angry blast A - round my lit -tie bark,. The sky is o - ver - cast, And _____!* T --H^» — »-t-» — » JJh tF'P — t-y-t — F — « — F- r -«-^ «-- . -I? Ph— i f* — -t t — I * 1^ — ^T — b5=r T — I -^ — '~T — P*""* I ' years have shone, Each in the crown of night Sparkles a radiant gem, But or- bit bright, And in the vault a - bove Kindled each fix - ed star Hath lamps are dark, Still thro' the earth-ly night, Beams one pure sparkling gem, The — r -4-0 ^k^-f^Zlm * T ~£P» •-!-# » i^-i *L -4, 1 € 1 — T_5_i_5 0-1-0 0-X-0-J--0 0-1-0 #%«-#-{-j Y- — rrr^ t p r • ■(?— a * 1 _-- r — I=*^-i hi — I 1- r*.-HH T — i^^-i-n— * i -J -J *r ^ ■ y- — 0. — * — ■-!-• — -^ — 0-+-* — * — i — -+ — i il= ^-'-H — i-I-#-t # .-+ — i — -— shines with soft-er light The Star of Beth-le - hem. given in ten-der love The Star of Beth-le - hem. Shine on, fair star Christian's bea • con light The Star of Beth-le - hem. of _#_S.-F- p^-~i « F — F #- T _#-i2 *- T -0 — »-P- r -#-i-#-Ttr«-- T -F F F F ,. Shine on, fair star of h<)pe and love, Shin« SHINE ON, FAIR STAR.— Concluded. 57 fc z* — g_/! — fctf — »_»J?_ # _i — ^^ — ±i 1/ I J II w w i > i > r u r p i v i u r 7 • > hope and love, And guide me to the port on, fair star of hope and love, And guide me to the port above, And guide me to the port above. • V i a - bove. Words by LOTTIE E. WELTON. I COME TO THEE. I will arise, and go to my Father."— Luke 15 : 18. Music by C. E. POLLOCK. 1. Father, I come to Thee, Nearer to Thee, Thro' Christ's a-ton-ing blood. Flowing for me; In ail my 2. If, ou my toilsome way. Christ's cross I view; And weary I sink down, My strength renew ; Blest Jesus, 3. Or if mv path seems bright."Darkness all gone,' : And all mv hopes are pure. Before thethrone:Mv eves sal- li-T— k— I W- — 0— r-F— F — «— T -H # — I T , — i F- — 0— r-F--F — « H 1 "— T— & T~H I 1 r 'i ' i * — a — H^r-in— h— r-r- 1 — E — ^^ -J- life Fd be, Thro' Je-sus' love to me, " Near-er, my God, to Thee, Near - er to Thee." in my grief. Give my sad soul re - lief; let the toil be brief — A - bide with me ! heart still praiseth Thee, Dear Je sus, Thee. va-tion see, <5- Thro' ■<9- Je-sus' love to Mi iiEB^il^ili me, ■«9- g ^ ■ • 'a * f- .y t — i~i-p- — p — F — c -t- — |— H 1 *■ 58 TENDERLY LAY HER TO REST. Slow ana Soft. Words and Music by A, S. KIEFFER, by ppfmissiott. 1. Ten - der • ly lay her to rest 'neath the sod, 2. Why should we lin - ger to weep round the tomb? ■#-■#-•■#- -0- -0- ' -0- -0- *>-* An - gels, look lov • ing - ly down • Sor - row shall vex her no more ! — i 1 — T Wg s fa~iH U 1- — t^P P P -S. L f- s |_ i •H-+-Z7-T But Nev the fair spir - it hath flown to her God — Gone to re-ceive a bright crown; er a shad - ow of trou - ble or gloom Reach - es yon heav - en - ly shore. — 1-±— 3* — tL £J—J£ — f" » m — *- T _*>-i T ^T-i— * 0- T -#-^— • W-T-&-* , ^ * In the fair fields of the bless - ed to roam, Sing - ing with an - gels so fair There with the glo - ri - fied spir - its to reign Through the bright a - ges a- bove ; ■» ■•■ #- ■*• + ■' +• * • ■*• ■ , p._ i.- * ■ * ';> C F-}— ~ — I - *-— •--"" •-J-'S'-t 1- 1 - F- P=*=^ r r f' -m= xztigr TENDERLY LAY HER TO REST.— Concluded. 59 &E£ y*- f- — 8- 1 a - * .^ J ? II 4-t-l :eh Dwell - ing with Christ in His beau - ti - ful home, — Free from all sor - row and sick - ness and pain, All Rest - . n i c - I - 4: > f- 1 " I - c 1? ^T ? r C ^ MKS. M. A. W. COOK. I'rom " Shining Light," THE LORD WILL PROVIDE. 'Casting all your cart- upon Him, for Ho caretb for you."— 1 Pf.tek .' its bright splendor to share, ing in heav - en - ly love ! -•- XT. =d=£rt - T --l- E. S. LORENZ, by per. !S } | IS. 0-1—0 # _ T _ # _l_^_ T _J_l_€ 1_S_J._« * J- 1 -* -0- :fcizfa - er The Lord will provide; - er The Lord will provide; er, The Lord will provide; -I It may not be my way, It may not be It may not be my time, It may not be And this be the to-ken — No word He hath f^FTf—r*44+^T&^-L\ r.> p* fir r-*-6 = r • i x > __| N b , , , ■^ g SI jT *. j l J -^-H thy way, And yet in His own way, The Lord will provide. thy time, And yet in His own time, The Lord will provide, spoken. Was ev - er yet brok-en, The Lord will provide. 0-±— 0.-^1 fL. -0 I t _ 4 March on, then, right boldly, The sea shall divide; The pathway made glorious, With shoutings victorious, We 11 join in the chorus, The Lord will provide. 60 I AM SAVED! 'Thou hast saved us."— Psalms 44 : 7, Dr. 0. NYSEWANDER, -|_* T _fi__,. BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. C_lt4~ T ~ . 1 1 U -^ 1 1 *-!-*— * 1 P*» T — — J — J T ~ ! P- m 2. 3. •4- Ex - ul - tant now 1 sing His praise,Break forth my soul in endless lays To Je- sus nailed up- Tis joy on earth, there's joy above, For now I feel the Savior's love; His peace, His glory His mighty arm hath ransomed me, His bleeding wounds have set me free ; He sits tri-umphant $r. -+-+■ ft £i4— u S3T -#— :\zz: n v. , ^ <*\ unorus. \ on the cross.To Him who cleansed my soul from dross. I am saved ! fills my soul.Now I am every whit made whole. I am saved! on the throne, He of- fers peace to I am saved ! I am saved! Halle- ev - ery one. f7\ 1— r I J J-I-^ly-^— - — 0- T - -l-0 *-£-& 3. J-I ^ 33 ! V t I lu-jah! praise His name ; Thro'His precious blood I'm laved, Glo-ry, glo - ry to the Lamb. praise His name. GATHERING. '•Gather the wheat into my barn."— Matt. 13: 30. 61 Mra. Dr. C. NVSEWANDEE. BENJ. F. NYSEWANDER. :§— 12=- -— — ^ — *,— -a— -a — f-F-H^ — ~ — ^ — '■ — p— > — * — f> — *- — n — ^f- — ^ -7*— -*— -h — m — * — — m — * — P^a! — J— 5— 5— H — — • — — — m --^\~ 1 — — — .0 — — # _l_* 0. *_±_l_ # — — — — m — — l_^__ — — — — •0- w -0- -5- . -#■ 1. Oh, 2. Gold 3. See we are work-ers for Je - sus our King, Har-vest-ing gold-en ripe grain ; Great is the en the grain and the world is the field, Tru - ly the harvest is great ; La - bor - ers the sun fast - lv de - cline in the west, E - ven-tide soon will be here: La - bor soon — 0- — 1 — ■ I r r I 1 * *-^£-rt =n= iL— I |y • :*=fe=pz=?zz:?=tm = ^ = p^=ii— : Chorus. ■(fc— #-^-r -Fi — harvest, and souls we would bring, None should ungathered remain, few, and a-bund-ant the yield, Oh, there is no time to wait. Gath-er - ing in for the harvest is great, ends, and we all then shall rest. Rest from our labor and care. — r— 1 0—t-m 0* 0* . n~ ^ * ^ ^ ™ — r~s — 2 — a — 5~t"~i rn etc c r ?: i r r x-ffiF E- y^ 1 ,_ -r- ^J E_ — y 1 U_ # 0-i 1 U it u <--*-!- 5( 7-3 — ij— «— J ' ft "1— s— -*^ 5F= * -i» fr "f*"^ ■ ■*!■! a F ^~^i A -fi 1 ^-— -H H 1 1 1 3 — n^-M P* • '-i — 1— d ' m *-r-*-T — I 1 — 9 A-0 — m— — — ' H And there is none should he lost; Gather in« ear - ly and gath - er-ing late. Harvest time soon will be past. ■•• •*•••■ ••- •#■ ■*- ■•■ -0- -0- . -0- -0- -0- •*• N 62 MERCY IS FREE. "The Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy,"— James 5 : 11. REV. ELISHA A. Hof FMAN. BEttJ. P tJYSEWANDER. _,. __. fc_- £-Li _ __ , *__s ^. V - - - - V Tho' far 1 have strayed from the fold of the Lord, Tho' oft I have slighted his Spirit and Word Yet Tho' deep- ly my soul is pol - lu • ted by sin, Tho' I am depraved and unho - ly within. Yet Lord! I am weak-est of all that may come, But yet in thy bosom of love there is room; I Re - ceive me, mv Savior, and save me from sin ; Remove all the guilt and defilement within ; I'm I-* -0- -0- -0- . -0- =d — P-^4-- 1 - +-| b — h 1 •— rr\~\ *z — n — ~rj~* — »— •— # — *—»-{-» — »— fc— i tH _a — rs — «s- Zzlz*zz± t=^^z 9 zzz\zzfi±zti *-*-r* d r*— — •— '— *—i~ =%-\zl humbled, repentant, to Je - sus I flee, Knowing that His wondrous grace can save e • ven me. trusting for mercy I come, Lord, to Thee, Knowing that thy blood has pow'r to save e - ven me. know thou wilt welcome a sinner like me, Thou hast ful - ly purchased peace and pardon for me. trusting alone for sal - va - tion in Thee, Let thy tender mer - cy fall this mo-ment on me. zzz?zizzz -I k — fc— i t— h — * — * — N — * j- T — ) ^— -n Chorus. s 4 mum —0 -0-T-*- Won-der - ful love — flowing so free ! There is grace and mer - cv for ■0- -0- *■ $z4 e£ sinner like me. — > £-4 PASSING UNDER THE ROD. 63 "For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgetb every son be receiveth."— Heb. 12 : 6. Rev. W. T. DALE. FRANK M. DAVIS. Slow, with feeling K— At- I 1- 1. When bow'd with af-flic-tions and woes here be-low, As on in my way to bright Canaan I 2. 'Mid tri - als and loss - es that fall on me here, When mingling the cup of thanksgiving and o. When weeping I stand o'er the spoils of the grave, Mv friends all de - part - ed be-yond the dark I II! ! I I , j I |S [S I . , -*- T -»^f — frT~J| — f — *~T~»" — * — ?-t~&~ — *—!-*, t-&. — •— #- T -*- mm. :J=fcfcE /TN I I I I ~" #-*-,-> #-l-S * mZUg 0-1-0. -ST*- I * rite *- r - "*" go, I hear a sweet voice — 'tis the voice of my God : "I love thee, I love thee, pass un-der the tears, I hearthe same voice.thesweet voice of my Ged ; "I love thee, I love thee. pass under the wave, I hear the sweet voice of my Fath-er and God ; "I love thee, I love thee. pass un-der the 3: rod." rod," rod." p^-7- >5 m~rs s *-r a * — 0-r* m *-r& *~r* * 0- r 1 »-r* » s i iii , Refrain. ■ i j i j" __ *> «« « j #»• _ #-I-# #-i — S-I-i 0-—0-*~& •-J— # # # _i— » J J-L, . I — |J Pass un-der the rod. pa=s un - der the rod, I love thee, I love thee, pass un-der the rod. III! I ! *■ 3 l & -■ I WAITING AT THE POOL. 64 RKV. A. J. HOUGH ™ ^ •-+- J 2 — a i—l- — i — %■ *—. i — **? — f = F = **3r. 3 , f Thousands stand to-day in sor-row,Wait-ing ' (.Say - ing they will wash to- mor- row, Waiting 9 /Souls, your fil - thy gar-ments wearing, Waiting ' \ Hearts, your heav - y t>ur - den bear-ing, Waiting — jjr^ — p-T-s— p WM. Q. FISCHER, by per. inizij: i — 3 VTV , T •«— »- -• — •- pooi; 1 7 Oth - ers step in pool; / \ Wash their stain-ed pool; ) J Can it be you pool; J \ Je - sus long a- JT^l' T TT c e M in and right,) 3nts white,) #- left game nev - er heard.) bath stirr'd^ g° 3M r ■fe-J Wait - ing, Wait ing r « w -J-W——W W at the n Waiting. Waiting ><. ■ -, 1 ' — — ■-— T— • » a — I ^ i-*!,' *-r I ' — 0--r-\ F--- T -*-| a —r-0-~—0-— rl r 6 Thousands once were standing near you.|4 Mother leaves the son, the daughter, Waiting at the pool, Come their voices hack to cheer you Waiting at the pool ; Back from Canaan's happy shore, Sorrows past and labor o'er Where they stand in tears no more, Waiting at the pool. Waiting at the pool ; Calls to them across the water, Waiting at the pool ; You can never more embrace Mother, or behold her face. It you keep the leper's place. Waiting at the pool. t Step in boldly -death may smite you. Waiting at the pool ; Jesus may no more invite you, Waiting at the pool : Faith is near you. take her hand, Seek with her the better laud. And uo longer doubting stand Waiting at the pool. C. NYSEWANDER. Moderate. LET HIM COME IN. "Bcboltl, X stand at the door, and knock."— Rf.V. 9' 20. 65 BENJ, F. NYSEWANDEB. 4A r \ \ ' w i ."" >• i i 1. The Sa - vior near ia stand-ing, Now o - pen, let Him in; Hath knock'd be - fore at 2. Think how he sui-fered for thee, His blood did free - ly spill; A mo-ment late will 3. The blood that Christ shed for thee, Can take a - way thy sin; The Sa - vior calls.life's ~ Don ends sal - va - tion's dav: Now ope thy heart ere 4, Each mo-ment life grows shor-ter; Soon «#%£ t3 Pi 9* thy heart's door, Oh, let the Sa - vior in. seal thy fate, Scorn not His mer - cy still- Let Him come in, sand fast falls, Oh, bid llim now come in. he de - part, And He will feast with thee. +J. J - - * - * * T Let Him come Htr M— * it r J— f I »; | i;i=--=H-i rrr i j » j, 0-\ E= - ~ — h H L_ # . X_, U J > j/ ^ , L'.-t Him come in, 1st tune. 2d. time. T~ ~f~ ~W in, Let the dear Savior now come in, Now come in. ^ ^ ^ ' 3 3 3 i r^ m • • • p r—r—r -i i i | - j ? r; r I /~ ~ TT "^ ' Let Him come in, Let Him come in, now come in.Lethimcomein. 66 WHEN THE BRIDEGROOM COMES. Behold, the bridegroom cometh."— Matt. 85: 6. 1. II: Be - hold Arr, by BEN J, F, NYSE WANDER. 9— .J-L+ -» + SL_t£ > — p — 5 K ^_J^Z5ZD hold Zi - on.when the bridegroom comes, Be - hold Zi - on, when he W* * fr> i _i_" -T^f^M; %= f ^= j =3Rt= | comes, when he comes, Be hold Zi on, Be- ,_u?_*_^l — L_* j-_ 1 'Tj T «y 2" -2 2 — •— •— • — 2 5-4-- *- •#■*•■*■ K_ 1IS^3 :|==1=H~ :|==: Zi - on, when he comes. §SSE2EE£ i^fcfc; r #-r Nt-*' n m WHEN THE BRIDEGROOM COMES.-Concluded. 67 Chorus. -#_l-q 9 J -•-!-# 0-1 3ZZ '-4- -* — r -H J-i 1 r»- Be - hold Zi-on, when the bridegroom comes, Be-hold Zi-on,when he comes, when he comes; Be- l> -0- -0- -0- -0- -___ 0-0^^0 — — — 0- T -0 — — 0—T-& 1 1 — 0-T-m m—.~* — m— r~ i v ' u u u u I * — 0^^0 — -^ r I -g- — » — 9 ^^ w — ; ' f ' i — • — • — 1 — *.g. ■mt • fir- hold Zi on, Be - hold Zi - on, ■6> -— r l r Be - hold 1 — 0- 11 Zi - on, when he comes. -P-j-rS?- 2 I J : There were ten virgins when the bridegroom came. || : 3 || : Only five of them were wise when the bridegroom came. II : 4 I! : Their lamps were trimmed and burning when the bridegroom came. || : 5 II : Oh, five of them were foolish when the bridegroom came. || : 6 il : For their lamps were not burning when the bridegroom came. || : 7 (( : I believe in being ready, for the. bridegroom will come, |( j 68 'TIS OVER IN GLORY. Dr. C. NYSEWANDER. Moderate. l S_y_I__y 3 y / g 1. O, where is that coun-try so 2 Who live in that coun - try they 3. They say that the King of that (SOLO A M> CHORUS.) BEKJ. F. NYSEWANDEft. zt—t- bright and so i'air, That place whose in-hab - l-tants uev - er grow old, Its cit - y is built of pure, beau - ti - ful home To each its in-hab - l - tants j — j—i— d » — ^ — A 2-4—3 — r 9& |^E^fi5=^|=|Eig^^=^-^irEi^^r^^^ ■* •#■ -{y f ' — J »— t — »---|lgh — f" f ~- — * ^ _#__;__#_^_^_ $=*- -^ — y 1?— L — v — ' — y — ^ — ?• nev - er know care? Where am - a-ranth flow - ers for - ev - er do bloom, glit - ter ing gold; The great tree of life there its lus-cious fruit bears, giv - eth a crown; Say where is that clime, for I long now to go im Say A- T — J= gf^j^= ^=?= f-->-^-j-j=^z = S T—0- ^ —i— By permission of J. CHURCH & Co 'TIS OVER IN GLORY.— Continued. 69 F(? — f— * :t: -* — # ::=£: where is that where is that way from this country o - ver which conies no gloom? couu-try? I would now jour - ney there! a - rid des - ert of sin and woe, Say, O A Bizb= Stfc -m—4 g-r-r— r " N 1 -JL -g — -tf--9— - j — j — ^_i — j ± f ^ It* where is that where is that way from this conn-try m — * — o - ver which comes no gloom ? coun-try? I would now jour - ney there. a - rid des - ert of sin and woe. i=£=jzzi fc 1 ,-: j r? 3- — -— I ., = p— ^ — >, — -p —i— f— »f j ' — -\— 0- •— + 2 j ^ Z 1 L 0—0 — • 1 gS^^^^^^^E^E^JEEE ^^^^ E l 70 'TIS OVER IN GLORY.— Concluded. 'Tis glo ry. "Tis o - ver in glo ry, =^— p-fr b — t — b ^ b b ^ ■* ? * K — 4- — h < h b ^ b —* * * 1 ^- T W * * » "f 0-— - f 0- T • — g 9 — t J That home where the wea - ry ones rest; 'Tis ver in glo - rv, sfc 1 M * is, . 4 _ _ J — r - J— $ — P — P £ — k-r— r — i — * ^ — i — | ft — ( 'Tis o - ver in glo ry. That home where the wea - ry ones rest, Modern to. *zz-*z~Szzz:rzz\zz UNDER THE SNOW. 3: 71 E. CLARK. +_J!L- Jb — *~: — i — s-P-k — rs — ^ — q — jr-A-: H — — j ' 1 — a — _p 1 — jj _| — a — ^~- 1. Beau-ti - ful things lie hid - den 2. Beau-ti - ful things lie hid - den 3 Beau-ti - ful things lie hid - den 4. Our dear little Alice lies hid - den 5. Ye«, beautiful Alice lies hid - den Un - der the snow, un - der the snow ; Un - der the snow, un - der the snow ; The Un - der the snow, un - der the snow ; But Un - der the snow, un - der the snow ; The Un - der the snow, un - der the snow ; But J— a — 31 I — a— d_j_I_9_ 3_ z\zzszz^zzz]ifi^zzzzzzzzz] — y f™ I a — j j* T w •*■ ■• "■#■ ■#■ ~^X 3 -4 •♦ -N PS fc— :^ ing, Myrtle's with brown leaves are creep-ing, And sies, And arbu - tns in wonderful maz - es, It's ing, When spring with warm sunshine is dawn - ing, They will ing, O'er our beauti - ful trea-sure safe sleep - ing, No ing, The bright res - ur-rec-tion day dawn - ing, No Tu - lips and daff - o - dills sleep cro - cus and dear lit - tie dai they will a-wake in the morn an-gels their kind watch are keep she will a-wake in the morn i^ * — • — - — • — 0-1-!— 0—0 — '—0—0 p — « — a — i — s — ^J:I_ # -_s!_" •* •* ■*••*■ -*-*•+■* ■*■ -+ -*■■*■-*-+ & b ,N 0—0 — • |S IS N £fc =? tj i Fmn " Household, by per. "3 4" 72 UNDER THE SNOW.— Concluded. ^a^=^i:=d[: *-'- L *-± a blue-eyed for • get-me - not peep sweei-scented flow' rets up-rais peep out from under their awn pain and no sor row or weep more to lie down mid'st our mourn es, mg; Under Uu-der Under Un-der Un-der the snow, the snow, the snow, the snow, the snow. un-der under under un der under the snow, the snow, the snow, the snow, the snow. 0, — 0, # — 0~i #* — 0* ~#« — 0m±.n00_ e -1- 1- :za: &&=* ^-9-xrA- wm spspii Words by LENA. Earnestly. THE DRUNKARD'S CHILD. Music by E. CLARK. g-tg-4— * 0-0-0-0 -0-0 - \- *- ^*-»-t *- h ^— *"*-> 9~9*-Y * »-»-^-^-»-p * 0—4-0— i~»-0— -] 1. "Please, but a penny, but a penny, kind sir." A voice was lieard 'mid the cit - y's still ! "I have no bread, no 2. "Please, sir, think if your children at home. Were out this dark night, weary and lone, You'd wish some one a 3. "Go to thy father, 1 have naught to spare. My children at home shall have my care; Go to thy fath-er, the 4. Once more she 6tood by a cost - ly gate, No an - swer came to bid her wait, But ijuick the por - tals 5. Years went by; to that pear - ly gate, A ri»h man came, they bade him wait. He pave his name, not '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^=^^^^^^^^^=\ 7 ——3L 3-# 1 ■ 1 -T i-3-0 1 tf-C— 3 g ! — ,___[-_# 0-0— i L — J — '-0 1 — ,-#— 3 §!^{EJ= ld^l^|3=lEE^I^|=fe ^^gg q 5EEf3=fej^ESJ From the " Household" by per. THE DRUNKARD'S CHILD.— Concluded. 73 ■ — 1 L - * * * L * ^- T -*- L # 0-0-0-0-0-0-^0 — ! 0-0 1 fire, no light, I'm all a - lone this dark, cold night, I live in a cellar, a - way so far From the friend to them there. Speaking kind words, giv-ing them care, "Please, but a penny, sir," she moaning said ! But the worse for thee. If thou from him and home would'st flee," "Go to a father that drives mo away, Cares op - encd wide. They bade her wel-come there to bide, "Here make thy home," said a low sweet voice, "Come doubt-ing then, But that he'd quick-ly en - ter in. "A - las, rich man, thou art too sure. That L fcr«"5- . •*■ fc-?-#- -r-0- —-0- -r-r * -0- •*■"•+■ ¥ ,-0-0- 9 V ■#■ ■•■ —P — p ••■ * X — r — p — P — P -•• a ■#. ♦ ? z=z=z= - -r~~~ t=q=:CTqzq — i N p3=^_l.£_p=i^Ar. — KHKH ^ H ^^rq=q^ t — Z3i 00 0TTF}— *-*-t-*3*-F *— *— »— -*-F g -^ e= ^*-— ^4^— ^-r^-^-F^-a^-^T-Hl cit-y's noise, its din and jar. But a - las! no friends, so here I came. My father's a drunkard, but I'm not to blame." rich man haughtily shook his bead. That pleading voice rang yet the same, "My father's a drunkard, but I'm not to blame." not for me, or where I stray! I've but one friend, my Father in heav'n, He loves His child, though an out-cast driv'n." rest thee, now that heart rejoice; In the Book of Life, we've found thy name, For thy father's sin thou art not to blame." book holds naught but the meek and pure. As years ago, that poor child's cry Was passed by thee, we pass thee by." •0- -0- ■+■ -* r S T r -+ -r $ **" ^ **• •»■• PVt J i J- * i j i j t -ih (til ffc-U J- ju^ ^ 3 3 3* * * ♦ ♦ 55 5? *' 74 Coronation. 1 All bail the power of Jesus' name I Let angels prostrate fall ; Bring forth the royal diadem, And crown him Lord of all. 2 Ye chosen seed of Israel's race, Ye ransom'd from the fall, Hail him who saves you by his grace, And crown him Lord of all. S Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The wormwood and the gall ; Go, spread your trophies at his feet. And crown him Lord of all. 4 Let every kindred, every tribe, On this terrestrial ball, To him all majesty ascribe, And crown him Lord of all, 5 that with yonder sacred throng We at his feet may fall ; We'll join the everlasting song, And crown him Lord of all. Aznion. 1 Jesus hath died that I might live, Might live to God alone; In him eternal life receive, And be in spirit one. 2 Savior, I thank thee for the grace, The gift unspeakable. And wait with arms of faith t'embraee, And all thy love to feel, 3 My soul breaks out in strong desire The perfect bliss to prove; My loving heart is all on fire, To be dissolved in love. 4 Give me thyself; from every boast, From every wish set free ; Let all I am in thee be lost, But give thyself to me. 5 Thy gifts, alas 1 can not suffice, Unless thyself be giv'n; Thy presence makes my paradise, And where thou art is heaven. Belerma. 1 Come, let us use the grace divine, And all, with one accord. In a perpetual cov'nant join Ourselves to Christ the Lord: — 2 Give up ourselves thro' Jesus' pow'r. His name to glorify. And promise, in this sacred hour, For God to live and die. 3 The cov'nant we this moment make. Be ever kept in mind ; We will no more our God forsake, Or cast his words behind. 4 We never will throw off his fear, Who hears our selemn vow ; And if thou art well pleased to hear. Come down and meet us now. 5 Thee, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Let all our hearts receive; Present with the celestial host, The peaceful answer give. 6 To each the cov'nant blood apply, Which takes our sins away, And registerr our name on high. And keep ua to that day. Fountain. 1 There is a fountain filled with blood Drawn from Imtnanuel's veins. And sinners, plung'd beneath that fluod, Lose all their guilty stains. Cho.— Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their guilty stains, And sinners, plunged beneath that flood, Lose all their guilty stains. 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see That fountain in his day ; And there may I, though vile as he. Wash all my sins away. Cho.— Wash all, etc. 8 Dear Dying Lamb ! Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power, Till all the ransomed church of God Are saved to sin no more. Cho.— Are saved, etc. 4 E'er since by faith I saw the stream Thy flowing wounds supply. Redeeming love has been my theme. And shall be till I die 1 Cho.— And shall, etc. [Cowpkk. Heber. 1 How sweet the name of Jesus sounds In a believer's ear 1 It soothes his sorrows, heals his wounds, And drives away his fear. 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole. And calms the troubled breast; 'Tis manna to the hungry soul. And to the weary rest. 3 Jesus! my Shepherd, Guardian, Friend, My Prophet, Priest and King, My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, 75 Aceept the praise I bring. [Newton. The Sweet Story. 1 I think) when I read that sweet story of old, When Jesus was here among men, How he called little children as lambs to his fold, I should like to have been with them then. 2 I wish that his hands had been placed on my head, His arms had been thrown around me, And that I might have seen his kind look when he said, "Let the little ones come unto Me." 3 Yet still to his footstool in prayer I may go. And ask for a share in his love ; And if I thus earnestly seek him below, I shall see him and hear him above. 4 In the beautiful place he has gone to prepare For all who are washed and forgiven ; And many dear children are gathered there, "For of such is the kingdom of heaven," 76 Rest for the Weary. 1 In th» Chi istian's home in glory There remains a land of rest; There my Savior's gone before me To fulfill my soul's request. Cho. — There is rest for the weary, Tliere is rest for the weary, There is rtst for the wearg. There is rest for you ; On the other side of Jordan, In the sweet fields of Eden, Where the tree of life is blooming, There is rest for you. 2 He is fitting up my mansion, Which eternally shall stand; For my stay shall not be transient In the holy, happy land. 3 Pain nor sickness ne'er shall enter, Grief nor woe my lot shall share ; But in that celestial center I a crown of life shall wear. Bethany. 1 Nearer, my God. to thee, Nearer to thee ! E'en though it be a cross That raiseth me : Still all my song shall be. Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee 1 2 Though like a wanderer, 'lhe sun gone down, Darkness comes over me. My rest a stone ; Yet in my dreams I'd be Nearer, my God, to thee, Nearer to thee. S There let my way appear Steps up to heaven ; All that thou sendest me In mercy given ; Angels to beckon me Nearer, my God, to Thee, Nearer to thee I [S. F. Adams. Retreat. 1 From every stormy wind that blows, From every swelling tide of woes, There is a calm, a sure retreat — 'Tis found beneath the mercy-seat. 2 There is a place where Jesus sheds The oil of gladness on our heads, A place than all besides more sweet- It is the blood-bought mercy-seat. 3 There, there on the eagles' wings we soar. And sin and sense molest no more ; And heaven comes down our souls to greet, VVhile glory crowns the mercy-seat. [Stowell. Shall We Gather. 1 Sha^ll we gather at the river, Where bright angel feet have trod. With its crystal tide forever Flowing by the throne of God? Cho.— Yes, we'll gather at the river, The beautiful, the beautifu] river, Gather with the saints at the river That flows by the throne of God. 2 On the margin on the river, Washing up its silver spray, We will walk and worship ever. All the happy golden day. 3 'Ere we reach the shining river. Lay we every burden down ; Grace our spirits will deliver, And provide a robe and cruwn. 4 Soon we'll reach the shining river, Soon our pilgrimage will ease; Soon our happy hearts will quiver With the melody of peace. [R, Lowrv. Woodstock. 1 I love to steal awhile away From every cumbering care. And spend the hours of setting day In humble, grateful prayer. 2 I love in solitude to shed The penitential tear; And all his promises to plead When none but Uod is near. 3 [ love to think on mercies past And future good implore; And all my cares and sorrows cast On him whom I adore. 4 I love by faith to take a view Of brighter scenes in heaven ; The prospect doth my strength renew While here by tempests driven. TBrown. Missionary Hymn. 1 From Greenland's icy mountains, From India's coral stand, Where Afric's sunny fountains Roll down the golden sand ; From many an ancient river, From many a palmy plain, They call us to deliver Their land from error's chain. 2 Shall we, whose souls are lighted With wisdom from on high — Shall we, to men benighted, The lamp of life deny? Salvation, oh, salvation I The joyful sound proclaim, Till earth's remotest nation Has learned Messiah's name. 3 Waft, waft, ye winds, his story, And you, ye waters, roll, Till, like a sea of glory, It spreads from pole to pole ; Till o'er our ransotn'd nature The Lamb for sinners slain, Redeemer, King, Creator, In bliss returns to roign. [Heber. Webb. 1 The morning light is breaking, The darkness disappears ; The sons of earth are waking, To penitential tears ; Each breeze that sweeps the ocean Brings tidings from afar Of nations in commotion, Prepared for Zion's war. 2 See heathen nations bendin? Before the CJod we love. And thousand hearts ascending In gratitude above ; While sinners, now confessing, The gospel call obey. And seek the Savior's blessing— 7? A nation in a day. [S. F. Smith. Noaini. 1 Father, what'er of earthly bliss. Thy sovereign will denies. Accepted at thy throne of grace, L_et this petition rise : 2 Give me a calm, a thankful heart. From every murmur free ; The blessings of thy grace impart, And make me live to thee. 3 " Let the sweet hope that thou art mine, My life and death attend : Thy presence through my journey shine. And crown my journey's end.'' [Steele. Laban. 1 A charge to keep I have, A God to glorify, A never-dying soul to save, And fit it for the sky. 2 To serve the present age, My calling to fulfill ; Oh. may it all my powers engage To do my Master's will. 3 Arm me with jealous care, As in thv sight to live ; And oh, thy servant. Lord, prepare A strict account to give. [0. Wkbi<«T« 78 tenoS. 1 Blow ye the trumpet, blow— The gladly solemn sound 1 Let all the nations know, To earth's remotest bound. The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 2 Exalt the Lamb of God, The sin-atoning Lamb ; Redemption by his blood Through all the lands proclaim. The year of jubilee, etc. [C. Wesley. Boylston. 1 Bleat be the tie that binds Our hearts in Christian love; The fellowship ol kindred minda Is like to that above. 2 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear, And often for each other flows The sympathizing tear. 3 When we asunder part. It gives us inward pain ; But we snail still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. [Fawcett. Best. 1 Asleep in Jesus ! blessed sleep 1 From which none ever wake to weep; A calm and undisturbed repose, Unbroken by the last of foes. 2 Asleep in Jesus 1 oh, how sweet To be for such a ?1 imber meet I With holy confidence to sing That death hath lost its venomed sting. 3 Asleep in Jesus, peaceful rest ! Whose waking is supremely blest ; No fear, no woe shall dim the hour * That manifests the Savior's power. 4 Adeep in Jesus t oh, for me May such a blissful refuge be ! Securely shall my ashes lie, And wait the summons from on high. IMrs. Mackat. Cross. 1 Must Jesus bear the cross alone. And all the world go free? No ; there's a. cross for every one, And there's a cross for me. 2 How happy are the saints above, Who once went sorrowing here ; But now they taste unmingled love, And joy without a tear. 3 This consecrated cross I'll heax, Till death shall set me fiee, And then go home, my crown to woar, For there's a crown for me. [Allkj* America. 1 My country ! 'tis of thee, Sweet land of liberty, Of thee I sing; Land where my fathers died, Land of the pilgrim's pride ; From every mountain side Let freedom ring. 2 My native country, thee— Land of the noble, free — Thy name I love; I love thy rocks and rills, Thy woods and templed hills, My heart with rapture thrills, Like that above. 3 Our father's God, to thee. Author of liberty, To thee we sing- Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light ; Protect us by thy might, Great God. our King. [8 P. Sierra. 79 The Happy Laud. 1 There is a happy land. Far, far away ; Where saints in glory standi Bright, bright as day. Oh, how they sweetly sing, Worthy is our Savior King. Loud let his praises ring, Praise, praise for aye. 2 Come to that happy land, Come, come away ; Why will ye doubting stand, Why still delay? Oh, we shall happy be When from sin and sorrow free I Lord, we shall live with thee, Blest, blest for aye. 3 Bright, in that happy land, Beams every eye ; Kept by a Father's hand, Love can not dio. Oh. then, to glory run, Be a crown and kingdom won ; And bright above the sun We'll reign for ayo. Portuguese Hymn, 1 How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, Is laid for your faith in his oxcellent word 1 What more can he say than to you he hath said— To you who for refuge to Jesus have fled? 2 " Fear not ; I am with thee, oh, be not dismayed 1 For I am thy (*od ; I will still give thee aid ; I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to i Upheld by my gracious, omnipotent hand." stand. Frederick. ] I would not live alway ; I ask not to stay Where storm after storm rises dark o'er the way. The few lurid mornings that dawn on us here Are enough for life's woes, full enough for its cheer. 3 Where the saints of all ages in harmony meet, Their Savior and brethren transported to greet; While anthems of rapture unceasingly roll, And the smile of the Lord is the feast of the soul. [MUHLBNBURQ. Sicily. 1 Lord, dismiss us with thy blessing. Fill our hearts with joy and peace; Let us each, thy love possessing. Triumph in redeeming grace ; Oh, refresh us, oh, refresh us. Traveling through this wilderness, 2 Thanks we give, and adoration, For thy gospel s joyful sound ; May the fruits of tby salvation In our hearts and lives abound : May thy presence, may thy presence, With us evermore be found. (Shiplct I N DEX. >?euve You 43 Christ, my Helper 57 Doxolog;' •• 3 Deliverance will Come 5 Eve of Life 7 Gathered Gems 48 God is Love 55 Gathering , 61 Hope, Our Anchor 50 Hymn of Praise 33 He Saveth Me 9 He Loveth Me 14 Heaven, My Home 18 Have You Even Thought 23 In Thee Abide 19 Is My Name Written There 36 lam Waiting 44 I will Go to Jesus 39 Jesus is OaJJiing fbr Thee 42 Jesus Save Me 46 Knocking at the Door 30 Let Him Come In . 06 Lishts Along the Shore .' 41 Lining for Jesus 47 Longing to be at Home 53 No Night There 63 Over the River 6 Oh, Come to the Sabbath-School 10 PAGE. Precioas Jesus 31 Peace at Last '. 54 Best Awhile 34 Sampson Bound 49 Suffer Them to Come 38 Shine On, Fair Star 56, 57 Satisfied 8 Spread the Sails 24 Soon will Dawn the Golden Morning 32 Salvation Song 40 The Happy Pilgrim 4 The Pleading Voice 15 The Soul's Beply 17 The Love of Christ. 29 The Drunkard's Child 66 The Lord will Provide 59 'Tis Over in Glory 69 Tenderly Lay Her to Best 58 Trusting in the Promise 20, 21 Under the Snow 35 Weep Not for the Pious Dead 37 Wonderful Love 62 Wondrous Love 13 We Shall Best 25 Work and Pray 26 Washed in the Blood of the Lamb 4T> Work for Jesus 48 When We Get Home 5*2 Waiting at the Pool.., — When the Bridegroom Comes 67, 68 Your Mission 28 / i i 1880. JUST OUT. 1880. A collection of choice music, new and easy, for Sabbatb-schools, Prayer and Praise Meetings, etc Every piece a perfect gem. One Song aloni- is worth the price of the hook. Superintendents' teachers, choristers, and all interested in new and g<|od music are requested to send for a copy and judge for themselves. Price, per single copy, 25 cents; $2.50 per dozen ; $20.00 per hundred copies. All orders promptly filled. By Revs. OUR NEW SABBATH-SCHOOL SONG OOK, he^vezstlit carols, Baltzell and E. S. Lorenz, assisted by Prof. J. H. Kurzenknabe and Rev. A. &. Graley. 60iOOO Already Sold ! The best hymnal and musical talent in the land has been drawn upon to furnish materials t5 cents per copy, by mail, prepaid: per dozen, by express, or $4.00 per dozen by mail, postage paid. The above, words only, in flexible cover, price 10 cents per copy, post-paid. Golden Songs, for tlie Sa,"fc>"ba,t3a School By KEV. I. BALTZEL1>. Over 150,000 Sold ! Popular and easy ! Including an Elementary Department on the Theory of Music, by .!• II. Kurzenknabe. 176 pages, board cover. Single copy, by mail, :*3 cents: per dozen, by express, $3.60, or $4.00 per dozen by mail, postage paid. Address all orders to 3REV- W* J. SHUET, IDaytoix, Oiiio.