^■f-\ft FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON. D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 3^B 3^Z2 .■■ 3. ■ •■■■■^i r ^^V^ ■0 *^ Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2012 witii funding from Calvin College http://www.archive.org/details/hymnsarrangedfor41mora KYM Ar.UA.XCED Fon THE COMMU^^ION SERVICE 0ErRCn<3F THE UNITED BRETIIREX BETHLEHEM; FUELISHED FOR THE SOCiETV, 1802. PKIXTf;!! liY IIF.RMAN KUEDK, M.U.N STRKKT. BKTHLEUESr. THE HOLY COMMUMON This solemn service is opened by singing some verges expressive of a penitent, contrite heart, after wliieh a prayer for absolution is ofiered up. The congregation rising, a verse is sung, and the bread is consecrated by pronouncing the Words of Institution : "Our Lord Jesus Christ tliD same night in which he was hetiaj'ed took bread, and when he had given fhaiiVs he brake it, and gave it to liis disciples and said: 'Take, eat; this is my body, which is given for y^ii. This do in remembrance of me.' ■' The consecrated bread is then distributed by the minister and his assistants, among the com- municants, during the singing of hymns, treat- ing principally of the sufferings and death of our Lord, After all the communicants have received the bread, the minister repeats the words : '■Our Lord Jerus Chri-t said: 'Take, eat; this is my body, which i-i given for you.'"' The congregation then jiartakeall at the same time, kneeling, either in silence, or while a verse is sung expressive of the solemn act. THE HOLY COMMUNION. The congregation rising, verses of thanksgiv- ing are sung, after which the minister conse- crates the wine, by pronouncing the words : "After the name manner also our Lord Jesus Christ took the eup, when he had supped, gave thanks, and gave it to them, saj'ing: 'Drink ye all of it; this is my blood, the blood of the new testament, which is shed for you and for many, for the remission of sins. This do yo, as oft as ye drink it, in remem- brance of me.'"' The minister then partaking of the con- secrated cup, delivers it to his assistants, by whom it is administered to the congregation ; during which hymns are sung, treating of the remission of sins in the blood of Jesus, and its healing and sanctifying power. The service is continued with hymns treating of brotherly love, communion with Christ, and thankfulness for his incarnation, sufferings and death, and concluded with the benediction. HOLY COMMUNION T. 185. Great tlie feast to wliich thou, Lord, hast bidden Sucli a worthless guest as me ; 'Tis an awful mystery, deep and hidden, ^Tis a heavenly legacy : Contrite souls, howe'er by sin infected, Are made welcome, not one is rejected ; Else this grace to sinful me Never could extended be. Thou thy table spreadest for the needy, Who may feast and take their fill ; Thou to grant thy heavenly gifts art ready, And thy goodness to reveal : Soul and body in this ricli fruition Gain from thee, the Bread of life, nutrition And we, as thy flesh and bono, Lord, with thee are render'd one. PRAYER. IIYMXS ARRANGED FOR The members give the right hand of fellowship. Say, my peace I leave witli j'ou, Amen, Amen, be it so ! T. 4. O glorified Head, Since mortals may tread The holiest of ail, And deeply abased 'fore the morcy-seat fall Admit us, we pray, On this solemn day. To thee to dravr nigh, And thy holy body and blood to en.joy. WOKDS OF INSTTTUTI(3N. "Oiir Lord Jesus Christ, the same night," Ac. T.151. Draw near to Jesus' tabl-e. Ye contrite souls, draw near ; The hungry, sick, and feeble, His choicest dainties share. Let Jesus' death engraven Upon your hearts remain ; Thus here, and there in heaven Eternal life you gain. T. 50. They who hunger :||: after Christ are fed ; All the thirsty :||: to life's fountain led ; He the needy doth supply "With good things abundantly, From his fulness :|1: they are nourished. THE HOLY COMMCXIOy. SiiKV he >v«*k'oniei^ :]|: ey'iy f-onX distrcsts'd, And liixth promised :fj: to tlic weary rt^t. At his oall we now draw lai^h, ir« invites us gi'aciouslT, Come, poor sumer, :'1|: come, and sliai-e my feast, T. 9. 'Tis liis body and liis Wood Wliich the soul refreshes; <."liinvh of Clirist, thi.s higJiest good t'laiius thy tJianks and priiis<}.s. By this sacrament we are To our Loi-d united ; To due watchfulness and prayer, And good jvork.s, excited, T. 82, Jesus makes my heart rejoice^ I'm his sheep, and know his A'oice; lie's a shepherd kind and gracious. And ids pastures are delicious ; Constant love to me he shows, Yea, my worthless name he knows ! Trusting his mild st-aff always, I go in and out in peace ; lie will feed me with the ti\?asure i m Ids grace in richest measure ; AVlien athirst to him I cry, hiving water he'll supply. HYMNS ARRANGED FOR T. 149. what happiness divine, AVhat a lot most precious, Confidently to recline On the breast of Jesus, Where who will takes his fill. And yet longs forever For more grace and favor. Jesus Cometh to fulfil All thy heart desireth. Doth himself to thee"" reveal, Thee with love inspireth ; His blood spilt, all thy guilt Will erase for ever, And thy sins will cover. T. 205. Eat and i^est at this great feast, Then to serve him freely go. As it is for pilgrims fit, As disciples ought to do. We, when Jesus we shall see Coming in his majesty, Shall the marriage-supper sliare, If we his true followers are. Our Lortl Je^us Christ said: Take, eat; tliis is my body which is gi\en for yo«. ORGAN SOLO. T. 184. See from the rock the waters bursting In copious streams at God's command. THE COMMl'MOX SERVICE. His people to refresh when thirsting AVith drought, paroh'd in a barren land : Thus plenteous flow'd on Calv'ry'.'^ mountain The blood from Jesus' healing wounds; Here is for sin an open fountain, Here everlasting life abounds. T. 22. Communing with the Lamb of God, AVith heartfelt gratitude we're bowed ; And walk in true humility. As Christ's disciples constantly. AVOKDS OF INSTITUTION. '• After tho same mauncr also," 4c. T. 582. ^ly Savior's pierced side l^our'd forth a double flood ; Ey water we are purified. And pardoned by his blood. Look up, my soul, to him "Whose death was thy desert. And humbly view the living stream Flow from his wounded heart. T. JSl. Rock of ages I rent for me. Let me hide myself in thee ; Let the water and the blood. From thy riven side which flow'd. Be of sin the double cure, Cleanse me from its guilt and power. 10 IIYMXS ARRAXGED IrtH AVhile I draw iln.< fle<:'tiiig broatii, When my eyes .siiall close in death, When I soar to worlds unknown, ►See thee on thy judgment throne, Rock of ages ! rent for me, Let me hide myself in tliee. T. 11. 'I'liou who a divine repa>;t For the poor prepared hast, rjiving thy own flesh and blood, As the needy sinner's food ; Let thy power divine, we pray. Be our strength and only stay. Till we drop this mortal vest, And the spirit goes to rest. Come, O my soul, and sing How Jesns thee hath fed ; ITow Jesus gave himself to tliee, The true and living bread. For food he gives his flesh ; He bids us drink his blood ; Amazing favor, matchless grace, Of our incarnate God ! This lioly bread and wine Confirms us in the faith, In love and union with our Lord, And we show forth his death. T. 595. THE COMMUNION SEUVICE. U T. 14G. In thoo I trust l»y fiiitli. Jesus iny God and Savior ; On thy atoning death ^[y .soul shall feed for ever : Thy sutierings shall remain Deep on my heart impress'd, Tbou Son of God and man, Till I with thee shall rest. T. 159. \Ve now return eacli to his tent, Joyful and glad of lieart, And from our solemn covenant Through grace will ne'er depart. r.iglit liand of fellowship. Once more wo pledge both heart and han In each lieart fix thy dwellin< Tliere erect a nioninnent Of thy love, all love excelling, Tliere fulfil thy bless'd intent. Of each weight still more divested, Freed from ev'ry earthly view, Be our purpose unmolested Our high calling to pursue. Thus may we, as thine anointed, "Walk 'fore thee in truth and grace, In the path thou liast appointed, Till we reach thy dwelling-place. T. ]or. that such may be our union As thine with the Father is, And not one of our communion E'er forsake the path of bliss: ?tlay our light Tore men with brightness, From thy light reflected, shine ; Thus the world will bear us witness That we, Lord, are trulv thine. Lord, thy body ne'er forsake, Ne'er thy congiegation leave ; "SVe to thee our refuge take. Of thy fullness we receive : T. 205. THE COMMrNloX SEUVICE. Kvery other lu;1]) bo gone. Thou art our s^upport alone : For on thy supreme commands All the universe depends. Onr Lonl Jo-sus Christ s:ii.!: T:i?:o. oat: this i.s my l.."ly. v.Iii.li i.-< ■riven far vuu. OiKJAX S()!J). T. 116. Lord Josus, may the blood Thou shed'st for our salvation, VvTiich is our highest good, Refresh this congregation. When in the sacrament Wc drinl-: of it in faith. And by this testament Show forth thy bitter d-.-ath. O teach us liow to prize Our great predestination, And thankful to rejoice AVith thy dear congregation ; Redeemed with thy blood, Grant us a child-like faith Among thy f^ock, O God, Until our latest breath. AVOllDS OY IX8TITUTI0X. '• .\ner the .same m.-innor als what liappiness div>v)e, What a lot most precious. Ac. T. 149. 16 Symns arranged for Confid-eiitly t"0 recline On the breast of Jesus Where who Xvill takes his Ml, And yet loiigs forever For more grace and favor% Jesus Cometh to fulfil All thy heart desiretli, Doth himself to thee reveal, Thee with love inspireth ; Ilis blood spilt, all our guilt Will erase forever. And thy sins vvill cover, % 168. See from his head, his hands, his feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down ; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a pi-esent far too small ; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul^ my life, my all. T. 15S. Meanwhile his promises we trust. And join our grateful lays In concert with the ransomed host. To sing redeeming grace ; While they who round his throne appear The wonders of his love declare, And sing, " The Lamb for us was slain," Our hearts reply, Amen ! THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 17 T. 230. Thus our bliss will lust for ever, While we enjoy thy love and favor, And safe bcnc^ith thy shadow rest, We with joyful actclamation Adore thee as thy congregation. Thou art our Head and Lord confess'd : To thee, Ancient of Days, Be honor, i)ower, and pra^^5e Now and ever : Lord grant that wc— eternally May put our trust alone in thee, T. 151. Amen, this the conclusion Of our petitions be. Lord, by thy blood's effusion. Let us belong to thee. Thus we await, possessing True bliss while we are here. The time, when joys unceasing We once with thee shall share. Right band of fellowship. T. 159, 2d part. Once more we pledge both heart and hand, As in God's presence here w^e stand, To live to him, and him alone, Till we surround his throne. 18 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR III. T. 1S5. Jes-us, great Higli-priest of our profession, We in confidence draw near ; Condescend in meroy the confession Of our grateful hearts to hear. Thee we gladly own in every nation^ Head and master of thy congregation^ Conscious that in every place Thou dispensest life and grace. T. Ml. From thy majestic throne. In mercy, Lord, look down r View the souls athirst for thee,. , Turn to them thy cheering face ; Each adores on bended knee Thee, O Jesus, for thy grace. PRAYEE- The members give the right hand of fellowship. Say, my peace I leave with you. Amen, Amen, be it so I T. 230. Jesus, God of our salvation, Behold thy Cliurch with supplication Humbly appears before thy face ; TUE COMMUNION SERVICE. 10 By thy powerful love constrained, Since from thy death we life obtained, AVe give thee glory, thanks, and praise. O listen to our prayer, To meet thee us prepare With due reverence ; No tongue can tell what joy we feel "When thou, Lord, dost thyself reveal. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. " Our Lord Jesus Clirist, the same night," Ac. T. 166. Lord Jesus, to our hearts reveal Thy grace and love unceasing ; Thy hand once pierced with the nail, Bestow on us a blessing : That hand which to thy family, With tender love's affection. Ere thou ascendedst up on high, Imparted benediction. Thou, the Church's Head and Lord, Who as a shepherd leadest Thy flock, and richly with thy word And sacrament us feedest, What shall we say ? Lost in amaze, Our hearts bow down before thee ; For none sufficiently can praise, Love, honor, or adore thee. 20 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR T. 119. Gracious Lord, :1|: Blessed is our lot indeed, In thy ransom'd congregation ; Here we on thy merits feed, And the well-springs of salvation, All the needy to revive and cheer, Stream forth here. :||: As thy sheep :||: May we all thy voice obey, ' And not listen to a stranger ; Keep us, lest we go astray, .Shelter us from ev'ry danger : Nowhere else can we secured be But in thee. : II : T. 16. how kindly hast thou led us. O'er us watch'd with faithful care, On the richest pastures fed us. Saved from danger, freed from fear. Yet while we with joy adore thee, We indeed have cause to mourn, To confess our faults before thee, And to thee as sinners turn. 0, forgive each deviation ; Lord, while we for mercy sue, Let us joy in thy salvation, As of old our days renew. THE COMMUNION' SERVICE. 21 T. 9. "We, for whom thou once wast slain, We, \Yhose sins did pierce tlieo, Now commemorate thy pain. And implore thy mercy. With deep rev'rence we draw nigh, Falling down before thee. While we this rei)ast enjoy, We with awe adore thee. Our Lord Je^^us Christ siiiil: Take, oat; tliis is my body, which is given for you. orCtAX solo. T. 1G6. Ye followers of the Lamb once slain ! Draw near and take the cup of God ; Approach unto the healing stream, And drink of the atoning blood : That blood for our redemption spilt. Assuring us of purchased grace ; That blood which takes away all guilt, And speaketh to the conscience peace. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. " After the same manner also,'' &c. T. 594. The thought of blood and water bursting From God, my Rock, o'ercomes my heart ; I for that living flood am thirsting, may it stream from ev'ry part I HYMNS ARRANGED FOR Lord, for thy love, with adoration, I'll thank and laud thee all my days ; Long as I live shall each pulsation And ev'ry breath declare thy praise ! T. 146. Yea, by the blood once shed For us, when scourges wounded Thy back, and when thy head A thorny crown sun-ounded ; 0, by that blood which flow'd, When nails thy body tore, Bless us, Lord our God, "VYe humbly thee adore ! T. 168. Jesus yields me delectation ; When I'm weak he strengthens me, Sweetens all my tribulation, And supports me constantly. His atoning death and passion Are the cause of my salvation ; Therefore Christ shall ne'er depart From my sight and from my heart. T. 68. Bliss beyond compare, AVhich in Christ I share ; He's my only joy and treasure ; Tasteless is all worldly pleasure, When in Christ I share Bliss beyond compare. TUE COMMUNION SERVICE. 23 Then ail grief is drownM ; Pure delight is found, Joy and peace in his salvation, Heavenly bliss and consolation; Every grief is drown'd Where such bliss in found. T. $6. Since Jesus' body 1 have ate, And drank the blood he shed for me, O may I never him forget! I know he will remember me; And I shall, when this life is o'er. Live in his presence evermore. T. 5$5- Come, O my soul, and sing How Jesus thee hath fed ; Ho\v Jesus gave himself to thee. The true and living bread. For food he gives his flesh, He bids us drink his blood ; Amazing favor, matchless grace, Of our incarnate God I This holy bread and wine Confirms us in the faith, In love and union with our Lord, And we show forth his death. 24 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR Right hand of fellowship. T. 185. 2d part. Jesus, grant to us thy j^eace and favor Holy Ghost, abide with us forever,. And to us Christ's love explain. Hear us, Lord our God, Amen 1 THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 25 IV. T. 230. Jesus, Lord most great and glorious, Reward and crown of the victorious. Restorer of lost Paradise ! "We appear with supplication Before thee, God of our salvation. And send to thee our fervent cries. O Lord our Righteousness, ^Tis thy delight to bless. We desire it ; Come, then, for we belong to thee, And bless us inexpressibly. T. 195. God reveals his presence ! Let us now adore him, And with awe appear before him ; God is in his temple, All in us keep silence, And before him bow with reverence. Him alone — God wc own ; lie's our Lord and Savior, Praise his name forever. PRAYER. 26 HTMXS ARRANGED FOR The members gire the right hand of fellowship. Say, my peace I leave with you, Amen, Amen, be it so ! T. 22. O Church of Jesus, now draw near With humble joy and filial fear ; According to his testament Enjoy the holy sacrament. Here all our wants are well supplied, And we show forth that Jesus died ; May we abide in him by faith, And cleave to him in life and death. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. " Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night," &c. T. 14. Lord, how divine thy comfort-s are ! How heav'nly is the place, Where Jesus spreads the sacred feast Of his redeeming grace 1 There the rich bounties of our God, And heavenly glories shine ; There Jesus saith, that I am his, And my Beloved's mine. T. 185. The unbounded love of my Creator Heartfelt gratitude doth claim ; Why did Christ appear in human nature ? 'Twas for me he man became. THE COMMUXION SERVICE. 27 "While the whole world's Savior I confess him, As my own Redeemer I embrace him, And his merits I apply To myself especially. T. 167. Moments of ecstatic pleasure, When I feel my Savior mine ! What is this world's joy or treasure To the thought that I am thine ? Earthly dreams of vain enjoyment, Cannot soothe the watchful soul ; Joy and grief, rest and employment, Sacred be to thee the whole. T. 82. Jesus makes my heart rejoice I'm his sheep, and know his voice ; He's a shepherd kind and gracious. And his pastures are delicious ; Constant love to me he shows, Yea, my worthless name he knows ! Trusting his mild staff always, I go in and out in peace ; He will feed me with the treasure Of his grace in richest measure ; When athirst to him I cry. Living water he'll supply. We adore thee evermore, Jesus, for thy boundless grace T. 205. 28 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR For thy cross, whereby for us Thou hast gained true happiness ; For thy death, which sets us free From sin's cruel slavery ; For thy all-atoning blood, Which hath brought us nigh to God. T. 590. This while on earth we will declare, Cheerful in our degree. That thro' Christ's all-atoning blood Each soul may happy be. But thou, O Lord, make every day Thy grace to us more sweet, Till we behold thy pierced side, And vvorship at thy feet. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: Take, eat; this is my body, which is giveu for you. ORaAN SOLO. T. 149. O what happiness divine, What a lot most precious. Confidently to recline C)n the breast of Jesus, W^here who will takes his fill, And yet longs forever For more grace and favor. T. 151. Thy blood, so dear and precious, Love made thee shed for me ; THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 29 may I now, dear Jesus, Love thee most fervently ; May the divine impression Of thy atoning death, And all thy bitter passion, Ne'er leave me while I've breath. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. •' After the same manner alr may 1 now, dear >Tesus, Love thee most fervently ; Hay the divine impressio>n Of thy at^Dning death, And all thy bitter jjassioti, Ne'er leave me while I've breath. THE COMMUNION SERVICE. My favorite theme is Jesus, All else I count but loss ; His love all thought surpasses, Ah, view him on the Cross ! Thence hope and consolation I freely can derive ; Were he not ray salvation, I could not bear to live. T. 83. With my Jesus I will stay, He my soul preserves and feedeth ; He, the life, the truth, the way. Me to Hying waters leadeth : Blessed who can say with me, Christ, I'll never part with thee. T. 82. Should not I for gladness leap, Led by Jesus, as his sheep ; For, when these blest days are over. To the arms of my dear Savior I shall be convey'd to rest ; Amen, yea, my lot is blest. T. 595. When faith and hope shall cease. And love prevail alone, I then sliall see him face to face, And know as 1 am known. I then my Shepherd's care Shall praise, and him adore, 38 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR And in his Father's house shall share True bliss for evermore. T. 230. Praises, thanks, and adoration, Be given to Grod without cessation, To Jesus Christ, our gracious Lord ; For his mercy, love, and favor, To us, his flock, endure forever ; Bless, bless his name with one accord. To God, the Father, Son, And Sj)irit, three in one, Hallelujah ! In highest strain Praise the Lamb slain ! Let heav'n and earth reply. Amen ! Right hand of fellowship. Say, my peace I leave with you, Amen, Amen, be it so ! THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 89 T. 166. O Thou, the Church's Head and Lord, Who as a shepherd leadest Thy flock, and richly with thy word And sacrament us feedest, AVhat shall we say ? Lost in amaze, Our hearts bow down before thee ; For none sufficiently can praise, Love, honor, or adore thee. T. 341. From thy majestic throne, In mercy, Lord, look down ; View the souls at hirst for thee. Turn to them thy cheering face ; Each adores on bended knee Thee, Jesus, for thy grace. PRAYER. The members give the right hand of fellowship. Say, my peace I leave with you, Amen, Amen, be it so I T. 151. Draw near to Jesus' table, Ye contrite souls, draw near : 40 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR The hungry, sick, and feeble. His choicest dainties share. Let Jesus' death engraven Upon your hearts remain ; Thus here, and there in heaven Eternal life you gain. T. 56. Since he welcomes :f|: ev'ry soul distress'd. And hath promised :||: to the weary rest, At his call we now draw nigh. He invites us graciously. Come, poor sinner, :1|: come, and share my feast. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. '' Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night," &c. T. 71. Upon thy call I'm here ; I venture to draw near, For thou art gracious : I on thy word rely, Thou wilt my soul supply With food delicious. T. 22. For that amazing love and grace. Which doth our thoughts by far surpass. To eat thy flesh and drink thy blood, Thanks be to thee, Lamb of God. THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 41 Thy sacred body thou didst give For us. that we thereby niight Ijve ; No pledge of loye could- be^ so. great: O. may we ne'er thy love forget ! Thy precious blood for sinners spilt, Cleanseth our hearts, i^raoves our guilt ; The debt is paid wjiich w.e inciyrVl, And we're to happiness restored. T. 161. Jesus, my highest treasure. In thy communion blest I find unsullied pleasure, True happiness, and rest:- Myself, as an oblation, I have to thee.assign,ed; Because thou, by thy i:>assion, Hast hoal'd my sin-sick ipindi O joy, all joys exceeding, Thou, Bread moet heavenly, "When I on, thee aiji feeding, Thou dost me satisfy With marrow and with fatness. With comfort, joy, and peace. And fill'st my heart with gladness Assuaging my distress I T. 14. tell me often of each wound. Of every grief and pain ; 42 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR And let my heart with joy confess, From hence comes all my gain. Engrave this deeply in my heart, That thou for me wast slain ; Then shall I, in my small degree, Return thy love again. T. 167. could we but love that Savior, Who loves us so ardently, As we ought, our souls would ever Full of joy and comfort be : If we, by his love excited, Could ourselves and all forget, Then with Jesus Christ united, We should heaven anticipate. T. 159. ISly only joy and comfort here Is Jesus' death and blood ; I with this passport can appear Before the throne of God, Admitted to the realms of bliss, 1 then shall see him as he is. Where countless pardon'd sinners meet, Adoring at his feet. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: Take, eat; this is my body, which is given for you. ORGIAN SOLO. T. 16. Moments of ecstatic pleasure,' When I feel thee. Savior, mine : THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 43 What is this world's joy or treasure To the thought that I am thine ? Earthly dreams of vain enjoyment Cannot soothe the watchful soul ; Joy and grief, rest and employment, Sacred be to thee the whole. T. 22. Ye followers of the Lamb once slain ! Draw near and take the cup of God ; Aj^proach unto the healing stream, And drink of the atoning blood. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. " After the same manner also," &c. T. 83. More than shepherd's faithfulness. To his flock our Savior showeth ; From the treasures of his grace, He the choicest gifts bestoweth : As his sheep by him we're owned, Since his blood for us atoned. They who feel their want and need, Thirsting for his great salvation. On the richest pastures feed, With true joy and delectation ; Till they shall, when perfected. With celestial joys be fed. 44 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR T. 582. My shepherd is the Lamb, The living Lord who died ; With all that's truly good I am Most plenteously supplied. He richly feeds my soul With manHOr fiK)m. above, And leads me where the rivers roll Of everlasting love* My table he doth spread With choicest fare, and I Behold the Lamb, the living Bread, And eat most joyfully ; He makes my cup run o'er, Anointeth me with oil ; I shall enjoy for evermore, The merits of his toil. T. 11. Grant that all of us may prove. By obedience, faith, and love. That our hearts to thee are given. That our treasure is in heaven. May it in our walk be seen That we have with Jesus been, That as king o'er us he reigns, And unrivall'd sway maintains. T. 14«. Eternal thanks be thine, Author of our salvation ; THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 45 Thou didst our hearts incline To accept thy invitation ; \Ve are thy property, may we thine abide ; This is our only plea, That thou for us hast died. Might with an iron pec this truth divine be graven, For sinners Christ was slain, To purchase life and heaven. Unwearied we prolong, x^^nd .joyfully repeat The blessed gospel-song ; 'Tis ever new and sweet. Right 'hand of fellowship. T. 185. 2d part. O may our imperfect songs and praises Be well-pleasing unto thee, Lord Jesus -! Say, my peace I leave with you, Amefi, Amen, be it so I 46 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR T. 22. Church of Jesus, now draw near With humble joy and filial fear ; According to his testament Enjoy the holy sacrament. Here all our wants are well supplied, And we show forth that Jesus died ; May we abide in him by faith, And cleave to him in life and death. The enjoyment of the flesh and blood Of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, Endows our souls with strength and grace, To love and serve him all our days. PRAYER. The members give the right hand of fellowship. Say, my peace I leave with you. Amen, Amen, be it so I T. 151. Draw near to Jesus' table, Ye contrite souls, draw near ; Ye hungry, sick, and feeble, His choicest dainties share. THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 47 Lot Jesus' death engraven UiJon your hearts remain ; Thus here, and there in heaven Eternal life you gain. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. ■^Our Lord Jesuw Christ, the same niglit," &e. T. 119. Bread of life, :[|: Christ, by whom alone we live! Bread, that came to us from heaven ! My poor soul can never thrive, Unless thou appease its craving ; Lord, I hunger only after thee, Feed thou me :|1: O how great :[f: Are the blessings we derive From the fulness of our Savior : They who him by faith receive, And desire to taste his favor, From this source may freely take always Grace for grace. :|1: T. S2. Jesus makes my heart rejoice, I'm his sheep, and know his voice ; He's a shepherd kind and gracious. And his pastures are delicious ; 48 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR Constant Idve to riie he shows, Yea, my worthless name he khows ! Should not I for gladness Veeip, Led by Jesus as his sheep ? For when these blest days are over, To the sir ills of iiiy dear Savior I shall be convey 'd to rest ; Arheh, yea, my lot is blest, T= 185. Chosen flock, thy faithfiil Shepherd follow. Who laid down his life for thee ; All thy days unto his service hallow. Each his true disciple be ; Evermore rqjoice to do his pleasure, Be the fulness of his grace thy treasure ; Should success thy labor crown. Give the praise to him alone. T. 230. Gracious Tiord, who by thy passion And death, hast gained our salvation, may We all thy name confess ; May we be by faith united To thee, who hast us all invited To share eternal happiness": Constrain iis by thy love, In all we do, to prove Faithful followers, Dear Lord, of tliee, and grant that we May ever love thee ardently. THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 49 T. 39. What tho' the world foameth and rageth witli fury, In nought but my crucified Jesus I'll glory ; Beside him, my Savior, I'll know nothing ever ; From him neither trials nor death me shall sever. My h^ai-t's fixed on Jesus, whose love is so tender ; My life and my all unto him I surrender; He is, and remaineth, my soul's mediation, My faith's only object, till my consummation. Our Lord .Tesus Cluist said: Take, eat; i(5 gl^-«n for you. this is ray body, which ORGAN SOLO. T. 97. The breath which cati the dead bones raise, And to Christ's members life conveys, Pervadeth thee, thou Church of God ; And Jesus' sanctifying blood Is now imparted to each thirsty soul. It cheers tlie mourner, makes the wounded whole. O Church of God, lift up thy heart, The vine its power doth impart ; Take, drink the blood so freely spilt, For thine and ev'ry sinner's guilt; Take, drink the blood, the blood so freely spilt For mine, for thine, and ev'ry sinner's guilt. -it 50 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR WORDS OF INSTITUTION. " After the name manner also," Ac. T. 146. By thy sweat mix'd with blood, Which flow'd in thy souFs anguish From thee, O Lamb of God, When thou for us didst languish In sad Gethsemane, And with our sins oppressed, Didst weep, and groan and j^ray. That sinners might be bless'd ; Yea, by the blood once shed For us, when scourges wounded Thy back, and when thy head A thorny crown surrounded ; 0. by that blood which flow'd, When nails thy body tore, Bless us, O Lord our God, We humbly thee implore I T. 20». Christ, thy all-atoning death Is our life while here below ; Strengthen thou our feeble faith, Constantly thy aid bestow^ In thy mercy we coniide, Safely to the end us guide : Zion, if thy head depart. Void of life and strength thou art. THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 51 Lord, thy body ne'er forsake, Ne'er, thy congregation leave ; We to thee our refuge take,. Of thy fulness we receive. Bv'ry other help be gone, Thou art our support alone, For on. thy supreme commands Ail the universe depends.. T. 16. Ih' each heart fix thy dwelling, There erect a monument Of thy love, all love excelling, There fulfil thy bla'ist intent. Take us under thy protection, Grant us to obey thy voice. Simply follow thy direction. To thy wmU resign. our choice. Thus may we,- as thine anointed. Walk *fore thee in trutli and grace. In the path thou hast appointed. Till, we reach thy dwelling-place. T. 695. The Savior's ransom 'd race Shall meet around tlie throne, Extol him for his saving grace, Atid make his wonders known. To our Redeemer God Wisdom and power belong ; 52 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR Immortal crowns of majesty, And heaven's eternal song. Right hand of fellowship. T. 159. 2d part. Once more we pledge both heart and hand, As in God's presence here we stand, To live to him, and him alone, Till we surround his throne. TUE COMMUNION SERVICE. 53 V^III. T. 166. Welcome among thy flock of gi-ace, With joyful acclamation ! Thou, whom our shepherd we confess, Come feed thy congregation. We own the doctrine of thy Cross To be our sole foundation ; Accept from ev'ry one of us The deepest adoration. Lord Jesus, to our hearts reveal Thy grace and love unceasing ; Thy hand, once pierced with a nail, Bestow on us a blessing : That hand which to thy family, With tender love's affection, Ere thou ascendedst up on high. Imparted benediction. T. 23. This mysterious, heavenly blessing Is all thought by far surpassing ; Deeply bow'd we now adore thee. Soul and body sink before thee. 54 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR PRAYER. The members give the right hand of fellowship. Say, my peace I leave with you, Amen, Amen, be it so I T. 581. To avert from men God's wrath Jesus suffered in our stead ; By an ignominious death, He a full atonement made. And by his most precious blood Brought us sinners nigh to God. That we never should forget This great love on us bestowM, He gave us his flesh to eat, And to drink his precious blood; All who sick and needy are, May receive in him a share. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. " Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night," kc. T. 22. The Cross, the Cross, that's my gain, Because on that the Lamb was slain : 'Twas there my Lord was crucified, 'Twas there my Savior for me died. The stony heart dissolves in tears When to our view the Cross appears ; THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 55 Christ's dyin^ love, when truly felt, The vilest, hardest heart doth melt. Here doth the Lord of life proclaim To all the world his saving name ; Repenting souls in him believe^ Ye wounded, look on him and live ! T. 132. 0, if the Lamb had not been slain, To save us from perdition. And everlasting life to gain, What had been our condition ? But since poor sinners favor'd are. To have a friend so very dear, We can not but be ka^jpy. T. 83. More than shepherd''* faithfulness, To his flock our Savior showeth ; From the treasures of his grace, He the choicest gifts bestoweth : As his sheep by him we're owned. Since his blood for us atoned. They who feel their want and need. Thirsting for his great salvation, On the richest pastures feed, AVith true joy and delectation ; Till they shall, when perfected, With celestial joys be fed. 56 HY3INS ARRANGED FOR T. 82. Should not I for gladness leap, Led by Jesus, as his sheep ? For, when these blest days are over, To the arms of my dear Savior I shall be convey 'd to rest ; Amen, yea, my lot is blest. T. 185. Chosen flock, thy faithful Shepherd follow, Who laid down his life for thee ; All thy days unto his service hallow. Each his true disciple be ; Evermore rejoice to do his pleasure, Be the fulness of his grace thy treasure ; Should success thy labor crown, Give the praise to him alone. T. 590. Thy sufferings, Lord, each sacred sign To our remembrance brings ; "We feed upon thy love divine, Forget all earthly things. tune our voices, and inflame Our hearts with love to thee, That each may gratefully proclaim, Mv Savior died for me. Our Lord Jesus Christ said : Take, eat ; this is my body, which ia giTen for you. ORGAN SOLO. THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 57 T. 582. My Savior's pierced side Pour'd forth a double flood ; By water we are purified, And pardon'd by his blood. Look up, my soul, to him Whose death was thy desert, And liumbly view the living stream Flow from his wounded heart. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. " After the same manner also," &c. T. 11. That dear blood for sinners spilt, Shows my sin in all its guilt ; Ah ! my soul, he bore thy load, Thou hast slain the Lamb of God. Hark ! his dying word forgive, Father, let the sinner live ; Sinner, wipe thy tears away, I thy ransom fully pay. Farewell, world, thy gold is dross. Now I see the blood-stained cross, Jesus died to set me free From the law, and sin, and thee. T. 205. Christ, thy all-atoning death Is our life while here below ; 58 HYMNS ARRANGt;b FOU Strengthen thou our leeble faith, Constantly thy aid bestow. • In thy mercy we confide, Safely to the end us guide ; Zion, if thy Head depart, Void of life and strength thou art. Lord, thy body ne'er foi-sake, Ne'er thy congregation leave ; We to thee our refuge take, Of thy fullness we receive. Every other help be gone, Thou art our support alone ; For on thy supreme commands All the universe depends, T. 166. Meanwhile that we might bear in mind His dying love to lost mankind. He hath, as his last testament. To us beqeathed the sacrament. But words can never fully tell What in our melted hearts we feel ; We taste, experience, and possess, True joy, arid weep for thankfulness. T. 168. O how blessed is the station Of all those who love the Lord, Who partake of his salvation, Trusting in his sacred word. THE COMMUNION SERVICE. 59 Bless'd who, in love's bond united, To his altars are invited ; In his courts on earth they dwell, There his matchless praise to tell. T. 595. Come, O my soul, and sing, How Jesus thee hath fed ; How Jesus gave himself to thee, The true and living bread. This holy bread and wine Confirms us in the faith. In love and union with our Lord, And we show forth his death. When faith and hope shall cease, And love prevail alone, I then shall see him face to face, And know as I am known. Right hand of fellowship. Say, my peace I leave with you, Amen, Amen, be it so ! T. 71. 60 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR IX. My soul prepare to meet Thy Savior ; at his feet Fall down adoring ; The Lord of earth and skies A feast for thee supplies, Past thy exploring. Ah, why am I thus blest, That such a heav'nly guest My house will enter ! Dare I, thou highest good, To taste thy flesh and blood, A sinner venture ? Upon thy call I'm here ; I venture to draw near. For thou art gracious : I on thy word rely. Thou wilt my soul supply AVith food delicious. PRAYER. The members give the right hand of fellowship. Say, my peace I leave with you, Amen, Amen, be it so ! THE COMMUNION SERVICE. CI T. 23. Come, approach to Jesus' table, Taste the food incomparable, Which to us is freely given, As an antepast of heaven. Far begone all carnal reason, At this awful blessed season ; Lamb once slain I we now desire it, By thy love to be inspired. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. " Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same tiight," &c. T. 581. To avert from men God's wrath Jesus suffered in our stead ; By an ignominious death He a full atonement made : And by his most precious blood Brought us sititiers nigh to God. That we never should fol-get This great love on us bestow'd. He gave us his flesh to eat, And to drink his precious blood": All who sick and needy are, May receive in him a shai*e. Hither each afflicted soul May repair, though fill'd witrh grief-; 62 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR To the sick, not to the whole, The physician brings relief: Fear not, therefore, but draw nigh, Christ will all your wants supply. T. 184; Thy love is great, beyond all measure^ Thence we derive eternal good ; Thou grantest us, what a treasure I Thy holy body and thy blood. Lord Jesus, was it not sufficient That thou shouldst die for our offense, But out of love thou ev'ry patient Wouldst heal, and make thy residence ! love divine ! how strong, how ardent ! More strong than death ! our life to gain. The incarnate God, through love most fervent, Was, as a lamb, for sinners slain. Love urg'd the Sovereign gi^at CVeator, 'Fore whom the universe doth shake. By whom all things subsist in natui*e. Once in the earth, his grave to make ! T. 15. Ah come, thou most beloved guest, My joy and delectation. With whose indwelling I am blest. Source of all consolation. I open heart and soul to thee, Lord Jesus, to receive thee ; THE <'OMM UNION SERVICE. 63 For tlioe 1 long most ardently, O may 1 never leave thee. T. 9. With deep rev'rence we draw nigh, Falling down before thee, While we this repast enjoy. We with awe adore thee. Our Lord Jeans Christ said : Take, eat; this is my body, whi^h is given for you. ORGAN 80L0. T. 166. Ye followers of the Lamb once slain I Draw near and take the cup of God. Approach unto the healing stream, And drink of the atoning blood : That blood for our redemption spilt. Assuring us of purchased grace : That blood which takes away all guilt, - And speaketh to the conscience peace. WORDS OF INSTITUTION. ••Our Lord Jesus Christ, the same night," &c. T. 594. The thought of blood and water bursting From God. my Rock, o'eroomes my heart : I for tliat living flood am thirsting, may it stream from ev'ry part I 64 HYMNS ARRANGED FOfe Lord, for thy love, with a(iorati(>n, I'll thank and laud thee all my days ; Long as I live shall each pulsation And ev'ry breath declare thy praise ! T. 146. Yea, by thy blood once shed For us, when scourges wounded Thy back, and when thy head A thorny crown surrounded : by that blood which flow'd, When nails thy body tore, Bless us, Lord, our God, We humbly thee adore I T. 582, Come, O my soul and sing, How Jesus thee hath fed ; How Jesus gave himself to thee, The true a*id living bread. •For food he gives his flesh, He bids us y tliy passion, pangs and crie>. By thy perfect sacrifice — Jesus! look with pityinu eye. Tlear our solemn litanv. 68 HYMNS ARRANGED FOR T. 205. By thy deep expiring groan, By the seal'd sepulchral stone, By thy triumph o'er the grave, By thy power from death to save : Mighty God ! ascended Lord ! To thy throne in heaven restored ! Prince and Savior 1 hear the cry <)f our solemn litany ! T. 16. Come to Calv'ry's holy mountain. Sinners ruin'd by the fall ; Here a pure and healing fountain Flows to you, to me, to all. L'ome in sorrow and contrition. Wounded, impotent, and blind ; Here the guilty free remission. Here the troubled peace may lind. He that drinks shall live forever ; "Tis a soul-renewing flood : God is faithful, God will never Break his covenant in blood. T. 151. Those souls are truly blessed Who to our Savior cleave, Of living faith possessed. And in his name believe : THE COMMrNlON SERVMIK. 09 For what is still cleniecl To sight, while hove below. Is by our faith enjoyed, And makes our hearts to glow. T. 22. The enjoyment of the flesh and blood Of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, Endows our souls with strength and grace, To love and serve liim all our days. Our Lord Jesus Christ said: Take, eat; this id my bcdy. whicli is given for you. OlIGAN 8(3LO. T. 5y(i. We thirst, O Lord I Give us tliis day To taste more of thy graee, More of that stream which from tlie rock Flow'd througli the wilderness : 'Tis grace alone that feeds our souls. Grace keeps us inly poor : And that nothing but tliy grae^^ May rule us evermore. WORDS OF INSTnUTION. •• Affor flu- .-ame maiin<^r also."" Sec l. IN;.. Hir enraptured hearts .-hall ne'er !>.- weary. On our dvinii Lord to tra/.e : HYMNS ARRANGED FOR At his cross in laitli we wish to. tarry, There shall be our hiding place. May his dying look remain engraven On our hearts ; for pardon, life, and heaven. Our Redeemer then procured. When he death for us endured. Therefore all his agoaiy and passion, And his sin-atoning death, Shall remain, thro' grace, our faith's foundation. While we draw our vital breath. Thus shall neither honor, wealth, nor pleasures, Rob our souls of everlasting treasures : Jesus, both by day and night. Shall remain our sole delight. T. 166. U Thou, the Church's Head and Lord, Who as a shepherd leadest Thy flock, and richly with thy word And sacrament us feedest : What shall we say ? Lost in amaze, Our hearts bow down before thee : For none sufficiently can praise. Love, honor, or adore thee. T. 581. Should my tears forever flow, Should my zeal no languor know, This for sin would not atone : THE COMMIMON SEUVICE. Thou must save, and thou alone ; In my hand no price I bring. Simply to thy Cross I cling. T. 168. Meanwhile God, the Holy i^pirit. Is our pledge of joys to come. Of the bliss we shall inherit When above with Christ at home ; this blessed meditation Yields us solid consolation, That we shall, when time is o'er, With the Lord be evermore. T. 96. Since Jesus' body I hsive ate, And drank the blood he shed for me, O may I never him forget ! I know he will remember me ; And I shall, when this life is o'er, Live in his presence evermore. T. 22. Happy, thrice happy hour of grace ! I've seen, by faith, my Savior's face ; He did himself to me impart, And made a cov'nant with my lieait. To Jesus, our exalted Head, Immortal honors now be paid ; The glory of his saving name Our tongues shall evermore proclaim. i^f>mmnnion'2iebet. «Wel. 169. ^ier ^at ber Jlird)e, (Seiner 33raut, Der J^err cin ^a()l 6cftetlt, (Sin ®nat)ennnttet anyevtraut, 'Dai fie cjefunb crl)alt. T)ii5 .pimmeliJbrot', t>cr 2Bunt»enfafr, ©ibt it)r ftet^ neue SeBeni^lraft, Tci\Km ba$3 .^ev3 fic^ ftdrft unb nal)rt, (5o ^icl ci? nnr li)ei}e{)rt. mi 184. (5cin ^tei[c^= unt) S(utgenu§ gibt Seben, Unt) tobtct unfre Siinbigleit ; 2Bir jlnb be^^ SSeiuftocf^ jarte 9iekn, ^Bcr nur in it)ni Ucibt, ber gebei^t. D (Dnabe ! votnn im ©aframente UniJ 3cfii 2:ot)Ci?fraft burcl)t)ringt ; TiCi p]ic^t 2r i&Qi, hii am Snbe 3(}m ^olliv3 (Seine Gur gefingt. (SctJCt. S m m « n i n == 2 i e t) e r , Wtl 185, le^t. Zh. (•^mtbfc{)(a3.) Sage 5Imcn, unt) Si*9^'^i'^ ! 5net)c, ?5viet^c fcv mit cuc^ ! I 5}?e(. 151. dl[d)t tuiirtig bin id) firmer, I 3w ^einem iifc^ ju nal)'u ! 2)u aber ftel)ft, Grbvirmer! I Wmi @e()ncn gnabig art; j 3c^ Olaube X)cinem SBorte : I ^i5erge1junj3 ifl (>ei 1)11*, Hub offen ift bie 5>fovte 3Der ©cligfcit ami) m i r! -)^itr ©(auben fcl)cn!e uiir, I X)er mid), mein 5lr,^t, mit Dir i <3)enau ijerbinbe, I Damtt mein Seib un'D ®et[t, I iScnn er Dein Wlahl geneu^t, j ©^I'unb^Kit ftnbe. I Ji? 1 1 u V g tt ^^. Unfcr C>crr 3cfu5 Gf)viftu^, in ber ^a^t, ba Sr »erratf)cn tyarb, nabm Sr bag 33rob, banfete, I brarf)'^, itnb a,ab c3 ©ctnen Siingern unb fprad) : 5?eb»if^ c|Tet, bag ift mein 2ei[>, bet fiir cuc| gegebeu twirb. ©clcbeg tbut, ju meitiem ^3ebad;tni^. 9J?el 185. ^(ut'ge \?eit)en meineS ein'gcn ^rcunbeet, D \\>a& ^at mein ^eq iin eud) I (S nt in u It i LMi - IM c t c r . 5 2CNenit e5 cu^ tetvnd)tet, e mic treint cc* I 2Cie 3crf(oj[cn ivirb'iJ, line wcid) ! ^Z()c()f mil* t>ai? (ikfu()( i?od) nie vcrfdMrinten, !)]od} mciu (5)ei|'t fid) jc jvc» anbevc [inbcn, 5I(o aiif ber gclic6tcn ^'6i}\ (^oio^atba, (>3ct()femane ! mtl ]5i. 3)a fad id> ijcr 3^)"^ niebcr, llnb 6ct' 3()n i)'^r3ltd) an ; Unb inimer fd^atlt mir'^ tineber, 3Ba^ Sr fiiv mid) getf^an ! Dili? !anu mcin ^pcr3 ciit3iinben, T>a^ e^ i?or gi^^wben tl)rant, 2Bei( (£r all' mciue ©iiuben ©cbiipt Kit unb verfolnit. ???cl. 83. 'Mii iftfiir inid> i^i'fd>c()'n, X)ag mii^ nid)ti< ihmi 3e[u fd)cibe, Daf ic^ cinft gum Mm (^e^n ,^oun' in ®otte^ ^^xic't)' unb greubc : (Seined ZoVa 3^evbicnft({d)feit ■^at mid) i>om ©crid)t bcfreit. C£r ift mcin unb id) Bin (5cin, !^iek hat uniJ fo ocrbunben ; Sr ift auc^ mein ^eil allein, S)ur^ ©ciu 33(ut nnb ticfc Sunbcn. S nt m u n i n == S t e b e r . 2luf 3^tt Un i^ felfenfeft, 5SoUer ^ojfnung, bie ntc^tlaft 5}?eL 185, 5I(^ ivie ift un^ bod) fo wof)I iims^ ^er^e ! T)cnn ba^ I)at nun \va^ e^> ti^iK : 53eim ©cnug V)on !Deinem Sob unb ©djmer^e ^af {jenuri, ift frol) nub ftill ; X^u' uu^ Qu^Mj, Ia§ im 33(iiJ bev $?etben Unfre ^lugen, ^er,^ unb ©eele mciben! SGir fiub Deinem S:ob i3erpfli(^f t, 33U bcr (e^te ^Tn§ oefd)id)t 5}?cL 15 u ^•ri)aU mtr X)einen grieben, Unb 2)e{ne^ ^eiliS ©enug, T3d lange ic^ ^ienieben 3u ©(^ii?ad)()eit wallen mug ; 23i^ enblid^, 3:)ir ju Sl)ren, 2Der m{(^ mit Oott i>er[o()nt, 2)ort in ben cbern (5()oren ^ein ^aHelujal) tout. ^ i t, effet brtg tfl ber ?etb unfer^ ^crrn 3efu Sf)rtftt, fiir un^ fca(}tn gegeben* (IDic ©emeinc rtuf bm ^wmn, [pielt Drgantft 5)te(. 22 A. mit fc^ivadjen ^tcgtftern, ober) mti 519. ^eiliger ^err unb ©ott ! ^eiliger ftarfer ©ott I £ommunioti>2icbcr. ^a§ ujiJ? nie cntfaKcn Unfcnt %xi^\i an^ Deiuem ^ct». 5? 3e[n; it-eti^e 03nab* ift ba^, "5?iit Dir yereiut gu fe^n! :^Oc(c^ ."peil nub Xroft in reicl)em Wlaa^^ ^iir ©fift, SccI anb (^cBein! ftT^ein .^cilanb, Tiv \n Vanl bafiir : '^^Uin Jperj bcf t bvitbcr an, Da^ tobt unb (ebenb id) mit X)ir <^£mrinfd)aft ^aben fann. mtl 97. Dcr Dbem, bet bie Xcbtcn rtgt, llnb Sel^cn in bit ®(ieber trdgt, X)urc^ive{)* bir (^eift nnb §eil> unb Seet, OVmeiuc bei? 3mmanuel ; T)a ift bcr ©egen^tcd^er angefiidt ^(it i^eben, ba5 im 33{ut be^ Sammei? ciuillt txh XffTcltn'cien iifetdKn uafim aud) unfer .^evr Stfu^S Sfiriftui^ ben .Hdd? nad) bem 5[beubniat)l, tanfcte, unb gab ibn Seinen :Uiny^cru unb fprac^ : Jvtnfet aUc baraui^ ; biiij ift wcin 'i3(ut, biii? '^iut tcj> 9Zeucn Jcftamcuti?, ba5 fiir did) unt^fiir [o t'iclcijcvijciicn wirb, ^^ur i'eri^cbun(^ bcr vssiinben. sield?ci3 t\)iU, fo eft ii)fv trinfcr, ju nicincm 65ebaclUni(j. Somniunion^Sicbcr. met 185. 9}Zflrter ©otte^, ii^cr !ann betn "ocr^cffen^ !Der in Vix fein S©oI)lfeiti [tut)'t? Uttfcr .^ev^e miinfd)! fid) itntcvbe^ert ©tetiJ ito^ mef)r j,um SDanf entpinb^t Unfre ©eele foU fid) barau nabren, Unfre DI)ren nie ma^ licl^ev^ Beren : ^ttie ZaQt !ommt (Sr mir (5d)oncr in bent 58i(be fitr,. 5t)?cl 82. Unfcr 2am m ifl gar gu fd)oii 3n bcm 33i(t)e angufebn^. T)x\n eiJ, untcr 9M() unb ^Hagfit, Unter 3ittern> 5lngft imb B^gfw^- (3id) am jlreit.^ ju, ^ob gcbtut't;.. Un3 unb alter 2B-eIt ju gut. ^d. 205.. ^(utigo Jamm [ ^Dein .^reujet^ftamm^ X)ie 9]dgelmaal, ber ©eitenfcferein, 2)eine 9]otf^^ ^(ngft, (Bc^merg.unb lob,. 33ieibe bie 2el)r' ber ^treuggemein. X)einc« 5lngef{Atc^ 'Sd)»ci^ ^li}ad)t unfre ^per^en I)eip } Deiner Hut^gen SSun-ben 'Ba^t 53Ieik unfre ®cfeteg£raft t ^m S)eitteu :iob^ fo oft mein ^ergc .^ier fc^Iagt, ti>\U i(^ X)ir ban!6ar fes»n ;. (5entmuntoit^Sict>er. 3c^ tcill mid) ^cincm Httern (2c{)nicr3e J^icr 6a(l T)\i mic^ ! (5)cifl, ?eib m\t ©eel' ©e9 cwig "Dein, 3mmanuft ! 57iel 119. 'Euvd> Scin Slut :||: .^at bcr .^"^cilanl? im$3 t)crfut)nt ; Tarum fotl'n ivir 3^ni uur Icben: Jaufcntfad) ijat Sv'if ycrbicnt, 2)a§ a>ir i\n^ ^um ^Jebu 3^)"^ gctcn, Itnb nu^ T^anfbarfcit fiir ©cine ^cin Uni? 3(^ni ivcib'n :11: 5}?et. 22. !rtc S^ud'^t i^cm ()ciriicu 5I6cnbmaM, X;em l}5d)|'tcn ®ut im 5:()ranent()al, (Bell iTtit ta^ i^er^Uc^jle 23ercin ;Der bruberUd)cn ^ieOe fet^n. 5}?d. 119. ij)ilf nnc burd) :||: ^ier in bicfcm 2{)ranrntt}af, 5)ap mir nid)t 'oon Tix abivcidicn, ©ont>ern mit ter Xcincn ^yal}\ Sinft tay (3>(kiubeni?3icl crrcic^cn, 3n tic ca^'^e grcu'Dcn cinjUi^cbn, 10 Sommunion==Sieber, D mt waUt meirt ^er^ 'oox ^^rcubeit, 31)n fclber, ter fiir mid^ njollt' leiben, 31)n, meinen .^ei(anb, trerb' id) fc^n* (Seine SBunben ioer^' id) grii^en, Uttb em'gen S^roft kp 3^m genief en, — 2Bie tt^cbl, mie mol)l mirb mir gefc^e[)n! (Sriofte oI)nc ^aiji S3eim grogcn 2l6enbmaM Soerben toncn t {C"^aKbfd}Iag) ^reii?, (S()r itnb Wlad)i fei 3|m ge5ra'(^t, — Tern ^amin, ba^ fiir H4Ui juarb ciefc&IadU^t! 11 Sommunion = 2ict)cr, II. 5J?el. 107. Thin 3cfu, ter tit 'ocx beni Sd)eitcn, 3it beiner letUcn Xraiiernacl)t, Uui3 l)a\t bic 5i*iirf}te bciner \?cit>cn 3n einem Jeftament i^ermadU : C£^ t^reifen gKiiibiv^e ©cmittbcr Xid), (Stifter bicfcr boben 03utcr. (3o oft anr btcfe^ ?}uU)I i^eniejjen, SSirb belit (Sebacl)tni§ bel un5 neu. •Oian fann ani frtfd)en ^robcn fd}Iic|5en, S3ie briinftig beiite Siebe fei>. Xcin 53(iit, bcitt lob unbbeinc Sdjincrjen (Erncucnt fid) in uiifern .per3cn. 5)?cL 23. O bu .^cr^ yod ©nab unb Siebe ! 2v$L'r begreifet beine Iriebe? 2^einc @iite mad)t gevrinncn 5(Ue, bie bic^ licb geirinncn. ©cOct. (Sage 5lmcn, unb sugfei^ ^riebc, gvicbe fei mit end) ! 12 Sommunion^Sicber. ^tl 208. 3u ber id) mi^ ftede ^U eiu burftig ^inb, T)a^ naci) bir fid) [e^net, Unb itad) bir nur tl)ranet, ^a^c mid) gefd)H)inb. ©ib mir Zijsil — an bcincm ^d\, T)ai ju jcbem 3:agen:?cr!e 5}iid) ermuntr' unb ©tarfe. 5}?el. 155. S'ritt, 3f fu, wn^ ^-^or'ij ^eq ! SBede bu, bei ftiUen Zhxhun, 3nnii]'i3 Sc()ncit ?lad) bem I)cl)cn, l)eirijen ®ut, Taci mit 33hit Xie bcfiedtcn .^(ciber rcinigt, Uitb ba5 ^crg mit bir i^creinitjt, 2^er geftorl^cn uni; 3U gut. ^ i t. llnfer .^err 3cfiii? g{:-r{ftu^, u. f. tv. 9??cl. 151. ^l>ai? bu, ^crr! erbuloet, 3ft mciner 8iinben I'aft ; 3d5 Ijaht ba^ yerfd)ulbet, SBa^ bu gcbiif ct t)aft. 6 m m u n i n = S i c b c r. 13 8d)au {)cr, l)ier (nil id) firmer, Dcr Si-^ni ycrticnct (;at: (3ib mir, o mcin (Srtmrmcr, . T)in %nhUd tcincr ©uat. 3d) iLulI ()ici- bd bit- |le[)en, i'criuljtcft mic^ tod) nid)t: Sag niic^ im (3)ei|l bid) fe^cu, ^crr, mie bein .^er^ bir Wtdjt,— SBie bciiie (^)Iicb'r crfaftcn 33om lelUen 3;obei?ftep : ^Md^V ic^ ben ^cic^nam fjalten 2(uf mcinem 2lrm uub Scboojj ! 5)?c( 185. ^ijviiii, bu ?amm ®ctte>:?, bein 5?erf6()nen Seuget mid) in Staub yov bir; Unb ben ^(u^en, bie bir banfbar t^ranen, ^ommt nid)ti? fo Bcr3rii()renb fiir, 2(fi3 ircnn id) bid) faun 3itm 2eibcn oef)en, Unb fiir mid) am ^reu^e fterBen fel)en ; £) ba fadt mir fel^nlid) dn : ^?}tod)t'i^ boc^ immerbar fo fepn] 2^eincv3 ^obea ^rofl red)t ^u neniegen, Siig' id) gerne \itti im ©eift Untcr beinem j^reu3 d" beinen y^iigen ; 5(d> mein .^ti(anb! ad) bu mcigt 14 ($ommunion==2teber. SSie 'ca^ mein betiimmevt ^er^e fcf)ix)ei9ct, 2Senn id) fe()e, luie beiit ^aupt ftc^ neiget; D, t^eu 331iiJ er{)aUe mir, S3i5 tu mid) t)eim (}oIft su bir. 5}?el. 184. D briidten 3efu Slobe^mienen (Bid) meiner ©eeP auf emig ein ! D mod)t' bcr 53(id auf fein 33erfiU)ncn 3n mcinen Sliden fid)t6ar [ctjn ! S)enn ad) ! iyai3 t)a() id) i[)m in. baufen? 3d) fofte i()u fein t()curei5 33tut: 5)a^ ()eilt mid), feiueu armen ^ranfeu, Unb fommt mir eanglid) ju gut. Sit. Gf ct, bas3 tft ber ^tib u. f. h?. ORGANO SOLO 2)Jcl 22. SDJel 146. ^err 3ffu ! ^er bu mir 'Mdn ®(iid ^uwcgc 6ra(^tcft, Unb meiue ©ecle bir 3um @igcntl)ume mad)tcft : 9]imm'5 5liuV "^^^^ 3:()raucn na§, ^imm'5 .^er.j baufbar unb jvarm,. 5limm'^ l)in jum ©ratia^ :- 3ft e^ gleid) nod) fo arm. mi. 97. 9hm effen n?ir ba^ Dflerlamm, 2)a5 S)on bem ^immcl ju uuiS fam ; Go m mu ni n-2 i cber. 15 Dcp g(cifd) bcr ©eft bat^ ?cben gibt, 3)e0 5B(ut mad)t iini? ki; 05ott Oeltcbt ; 2BoM 3ct>cm, ba^? fid} jjlautij^ 311 ibm ftatt ^"^icr iff, \i\vi cmc^ un^ 3ufnet>en fteUt. 9}?fl 149. ^i) Jinc l)ci(fvim ift [cin Sfut! Drum bUibt mcin ^I^erlangen. 5(ui? ter fd)aiicn rotbeu glut(> Ircpfleln aiifjufanrjcn ; Darnac^ ad)5t,— Darnad) Ud'\t Die beburft'(]e Secle 3h tcr irtncn .'i^ol^te. ?tt 5:ci[eIHi;englei'6cn u. f. to. TM. 184. giir mid) ftarS 3efi;v?, fih* mid) quiUet affpr untermengt; Da mirb te5 ^er^en^J Durfl geftittet, Unb Seib uub (Seek mirb k|>rengt; D etvom, fo Inuter, f(av unb fieile ! 5}ieiu J:-^er3 fed oficit ftc^n fiir bid,^ : Dii unerfd)6pfte ©nabenqueUe, Srcjiefe bid) bed) ftet>3 in mic&. S3a5 {ft mir biv^> nid>t fur ein 3:roft, Da^ id) rocif', bu (^aft mic6 erlopt ^yiit bcincm t(;euren 53(ute! 10 6ommuttton'?ict)cr. (£k5 ift and) md^U in btcfer 2BeIt, Da5 mein ^er3 [o ^ufriebcn jiedt, MUi beiiter SBunben g(ut()t: 3a t)a^ ift wa^, 2)ay er()ebct unb befebct metnc ®eele (Sc^on in 'i>u\cv 2eibc^t)6^!e, ©el'ig, tx»cr in 3cfu SBunben @cinc (3)nat)en»?a()( erblicft! ©elig, mer ben (Sc^a(^ gefitnbjn, !Der uni5 ennglid) Bcgliidt"! Seli^, tvcr [iti^ tii^tid) rcinigt S)ur»^ be^ Opferiamme^ 33lut; Unb mit i()m, bent I)od)ften ®ut, ©id) im (Blanben feft ijtvcintgt,- (SoId)ev ©wnbenlinber Soo^ giil)rt in 3efu 5Ivm unb ©djcog. ^?tL 36. (Sc^rciF bH m\^ fe(6ft bai3 2Bnnbev beiner Siebe, Die, 3ffit, i^id) tJom Zi^xon an^ .^ve«3c triebe, ! ©0 tief ini ^erj, bag mv 3eitlekn5 bejjen { 9licmali3 ^ergejfcn. (^ib, t)af mir^5 immev banfbarer er!ennen, ©tetiJ mc^r in ?ieBc cjegen bid) entbrcnnen, ! Unb immer ganger un^, Biv? ^um erMaffen, Dir itbcrlaiycn. 6 m m u It i n == S i cb er. 17 mti 16. SCanbcrn frel) nad) 31"^!^ ^)i«/ S3ii? bic 3cit fommt i()n ^u fc^auen, Si 2)ie Sic'be umd)t ^ein ^er3 3evfHc9ert, 3I^u iie^'t aii3 beinem l)olben 3}tunt' 5I)cn ©trom t^e^ Se&en^ fi(^ ergiepcn : (So t()uft bu t)ic| t)m SDeiueii hint!* 5)ie ?ieB tft grtvf, |a unermcffen, Xie [eld>e SBunbev an iin5 tl)utt 5^ en Xeiuen jjibfl bu t-id) 311 effcit 3 in in-i>t) lint) SDein, bein glcifc^u. 53fut ^iir unfre ^i'lnt)' am SXxcn^ 311 fd)a>el>cn^ 2Bar Urv 3U ii^enig, tl)curet^ ^-amm? T)n wilift i]ar in itnt? mit nit^ fefecn^ 2Ue unfer ^er3eny'6rautiijam. ed)fup ijon 5???!. 1^7, (|)anbfd[;Ictg.) QMb uni; bciucn gvii't)vn, 3cfu ' «? 3efu ! Gommunion^lMcbcr, 19 mcl 69. Tcv >rcrr ift nal^e, — ci(t, ^cr3cn ! auf i()n ju: Gr cmpfabc — cud) in ter SvVbtnityrul/; ©tille — cud) au>:? fcincr giifle I £" jvcld)c Zxid'c — 3fi:ic» fein' Gvloftcn ! 2x>c(d)er Sicbc — faunft tu tid) cjctreftcn ! (^ciuc — [cUj^c ©cmcine ! I' i t. Hnfcr .^crr Sffus? ^Ifiriftue, u. f. to. a^el. 22. 5(n 3c|*iii^^ tcnfcn eft unb incl, dm' i(ni ift afle ?5reub^ unmert^, llnb ivao man auf bcv iPJcU !?cgc^rt, 33ci ifMu im ©avtcn Hn id) (^ern ; 3;Cne h-auf, ane tcbtcnbfafj ! ^em I(n\incntmbe meine^i .^^crrn 2Cnrb mcinc SBan^e uaj}. C faftc fie mcin ^er3 rei^t auf, 2:ie 33alfamc'tropfeIein, 2a} ie fie in fciner 9??artertaup 3? on it)m gefioffeu fevn. 9??cl. 79. 3 it W cin be in en 2:Oanoien Tic ^(ngftfd^iveifltvcpfen ^angen, 20 (5ommuttiott^8ict)cr» 3(^ fe:^' ben 33ot)ert naf : 5((^ nimm fitr bcine ^iJlu^e, ®o oft id) Dbem 3ie^e, SSott mlr eitt fro^e^ ©rattan. Sfli^t^ ift t)0(^ ju ijer9tcid)ett D)Zit biefem fd)onen, blei(^en, ©emartcrten (Befidjt, 1)ayon mein ^er^ entbrenntc : D :^immUf(^e ^omente ! 2)ai30tt btc (En^igfeit nci^ fpric^t «mel 228, 55erwunbte5 2amm ! mein ^etr unb ©ott ! 3d) liebe beine SBunben roti), Unb ^ate fte jur 2Getbe» 3(^ Bin ivol eirt fe^r arme^ ^inb, 2)a^ laum gum Stu^brud SBorte ftnb't, 2)od) ift mein ^erg 'ooU ^reube* D i^r — fe^b's? mir 5I(Ie ©tunben, — t§eure SQunben, £)a id) finbe 3uf(uc^t gegen Xob unb a5 id) gerne ptt', Wild) aU eitt 33ienelcin ju fe^en 5(uf meineiJ ^erren 5)tarterftatt\ 3^r ^cinbe, brinn mit 53tut gefd)rieBert 5)?ein Blutbebiirft'ger 9tame fte()t, (Er^altet mid) Bet) meinem SicBen, ^i^ meine ©eefe ju it)m 9el)t, Sommunion-Sicber 2:) 9Xcr. 165. 8i-|rcibe t>cinc tjluf ijcn Sunben, 3efu, in mdn ^er^ inimn, 53e9 mir un\?cr^c[feit fc«n: £)u bifi bo^ lueiii i)M){tc^ @ut, IDa mcin c^an^c^ .^cqc rufU: 2a^' mid) \tct^i ju beincii ^ii^'cit 0??c(. 102, 3a, bruiJc belnen Xobeo)"dL)mcr] ©0 ticf ^iKctu ia meinc Seek, 2)ag mir bcr l)ocbfte Xreft fiir^^ .f-^cn, 1^a§ bit me ill inirijc marbjt, nie fc()Ie ; Danit fann tc^— mid) tagUc^ 5Der Bdi^tzit freu'it, Ciiit (£r6c bc»3 ctvi^tn ^ekac ju fei^n. ?I}?CL 185, ^aufenb T)anl bu unfcr hene^ ^er^cl ?eiO uub ©eift bcVt briiter an ; Da^ bu uttter 9}Zarterrt, Slnv^il: uub (B6^mex^t f:)a\t iicuug flit uui? gcthvTu! ga§ nun 3cb\^ bitf; urn ft? treuer Uc^cn, 5((« et^ fdncn ^u§ nod| mup ijcrfc^ie6eu, ^ic e»3 etnj^ mit l^ciuer T^vmt Tiv in^ 2{ni3cftd)tc fc^autl 24 Sommunion^Sicber. mti 14. 3c^ n?unfd)e mir jitr SBarte^eit, @o lan^ i^ {)ier foil [ean,. :Da§ mi^ bev (Einbrud ftet^ "^e^Icif 33on feiuer ^^Dt^eepein. tint) mnn mix'^ l^nm^u^t^tm^lMt, (Bo fev t)er le|te Soil;, !Den mein ^erj in [ein .'perse f^idft, CEiti 2o^ ijer ^affion* gjJeL 185. Xte mir un^ atliner Bet^fammen ftnbeit (56Ivigen unfre .^antre ein, Un^ auf teine Wlaxttx 311 ijerlnuben, S)ir auf ejvi^ treu- su- fei^ ; Xln'^ 5um 3eid;en, bci^ bi^3- So-^getoite ^^e-inem .'perjen angene()in iint> ft^one, grUtje,. g.riete. fei? mit ett^l (£ommunion = 2{et>er» 25 3Kel 22. ^ivVf ter bu at^j citi flitted iamm 3ur liK^uuj) mciner Suubenlail S^id) aud) fitv mic^ geopfcvt l)aft! ^icr fei'r id) beinen fO^ittlertob, ^ier ml}v]i t>u mid^ mit ^immel^brQi?, ^ier i|l ba^ unfc^ci^Oarc ©ut, 'A^av t)u mir gieOft : bein 2et6 xtnb 35Iut D ^eifanb, ()iff mir, bap id) fa 9JUt tiefcr (f{)rfurd")t bir imd> naVl £? v^err, mein Mnn'h empfal)e nid}t X)t§ SekniS (Speife ^uni ©^ric^tl (^anfcfc^Iag.) (Sac^e ^men, imb sitgleirf) -griebe, gricbc fep mit eud) I md, 217. T)a^ .^eidgt^um tft viufgctf)an %ux bie ^cbiirftigen unb %xmcn ; 20 Sommunion^Sieber. (Bo oft lutr 3cfa Seic^uam na^'it, Unb 6e9 bcm 23(utgeitug eni^armeit, 1)a cr fic^ uiic 3U eigcit fc^euft, \ln§ fegnet, trcftet, fpeift unb txanttf Sefommeit luir, a(^ [cine OicBen, 3um 5Bac^^tl)um iicueit (3aft unb S^Ben 3(uo 3ffii ©^meqcn, 331ut unb Xob, Unb fterbcn ader vSunbennctl}. 2 a, Unfer -C-^frr 3e[u3 d^rijlui?, u. f. tt>, ^M. 151. ^tein ^lui^c Bfcibt gct)cftct ^uf fcin crMaptci? ^i(b, Tcv fitr niicb, fo cntfraftet, <5o mand)en leb auc()iert: 2Qenn t<^ auf ^lugenblitfe IDie ^crrlicl)int fonuf fc()rt, 3ii) fa()' bed) (nilb ^uviicfc 5luf fcine 2eibencfd)5rt* ?}ieL 167, SDcinc ^TGunbcn anil id) fiiffen, '^ie ycre()r'n mit alUm gfcijj ; S:cin burd)|'ted)'nec Jpcrje grit^en, ®ie ic^ imnicr iann unb n?cipi 5Ic^, mn-fdiltcile mcinc (5ecle ^eft in beiucn (Scitcnfc^vcin, l^a i^ ijcr bcr @iinb' unb s^oil^ C£anj3lid) !ann fid)cr fc^n. 6 m in u n i tt * S i e b e r . 27 ?3?C(. 228, Tic v^"^dube, V\c turd)j]ra(>cn [tub, !I^ariit id) meinen '^iantcn ftutt', 5((»? wax' er eiiu^c^rvibcn, !Cie fiiff ic^ fc^on im &ci\ic ()ier, 5(u^ ?ieb unb !Danf, tjorau^ bafiir, i^i>? idfi fann fuftbar ()a6cn. 9]c()mt mid) trcu(id\— Ira^t mid) immcr, Sapt mid) nimmcr, — Jicbftc .^^anbe ! giU)rct mid) bio an mcin (£nte. ???c(. 107. Tiin ^U[\d} mu§ un5 jum ^fanbe bicncit, Ta^ unfcr ^Icifd), (jclU 'Sd)a^ld^l)ctt ^,^eli) (fiuft berrlid) aui bem Staube gviinen, Unb unt>enr>eoHd) werben foil: 3a, bvt^ bu mxv ein eiriij ?cben ^lad) biefcm fur^cn an'rbcft ge6crt» r tbciirco Samm ! [o cbfc ©vibcn .•paft bu in biefe^i ?}iabl gefegt: 2)a mir bic^ felbft jur 9^a()rung ()abcn ; SBic mo^t ift unfer ®eift yerpffe^t ! !riev? ^T)]a()( ift nutev alien C'eibcu Gin »?a()rer '^orfd)mad em'ger 5i"f"bcn. 9??eL 83. ^^cinen ^(]mn Ivif? id) nid)t ! 5(d), wai? fonnt' mid) bcffer iahm'^ 28 S ottt muniott^Sieb er» 9lu^c, f^reube, Slroft unt Sic^t, ,^ann i(^ atle^ bet) i^m "^aben ; ^ab' id), iueil mid) 3efu5 Hebt 3efum lap {^ nic^t ijon mir, ®e()' il)m ejvig an ber (Seiteu: 3e[u^ ivirb mid) fiir unb fiir 3u bem 2ebeni3bdc^lcin leiten, ©elig, itjer ijon ^eqen fprid)t: 9??eiucn S^funt laf ic^ ni(^t ! Sit. ept, ba^ ijt ber Seib u. [. iv. ORGANO SOLO, 9)Zel 22, 2 erfte ©tro})ben, bann 3Da^ unbefledtc 5)affa^fleif(^, ' Tia^ ma^' iin^ Seib iiut) (Seele !eitf(^ ! D bap in ©eel unb Seib nid)ti3 me'^r ^on frembem Scben iibrig \vax\ Unb ivir, fo lang n>ir lebeten, ^In i()m, bem 2Beinftod, llebeten! ^tl 36. ^alt beine ^tbcn fo mit biv ijerbunben, Dap alle bur(^ bie ^raft au5 beinen SBunben, 2)ur(^'^ 33ater^ S^ein-gen unb bci? ©eifte^J ^flegcn, ®ebeif)en mogen. (£omntunion«=Siet)er, 29 5E«c(. 68. ?af t)tc ©otte^!raft SSon beg ^^ciujlucfiJ (5aft 3tt tie 5icbcn [tc6 er^iepen, S3cnn anr nun tein ^^i()l gcniepen, 2]5acl)i?tf)um unb (^Jebeil/n 2x>irn bein iBlut aUein. 2 1 1 . Deffelbigengleid^ett u. f. h?, Wei. 184. 3c{) ftc(>c mit Bciregtem Jperjen 2(n beinem ^reu^ auf @ofgat()a, D fet) in beinen Xobee^fc^merjen Wit ftctc 3U meinem Irofte nal)\ !Dein 33Iutijer9ie§cn, bein 33erfd)ciben, 2Bcturc^ bu mic^ mit ®ott »erfo^nt, 3ft l\x]ad} meiner ©eiftcsfveuben, Unb Urfad^, bap mein 5(uge tl)rdnt. ^tU 185. (Seine Seibenyfc^one, feine ©lide 3Son bcm .Rrenj (;.erab, auf mid), lOaffen immer ^'di^x'n im 2tug' 3urucfe. SRarterlamm ! i* liebe bic^. 5Id) \va^ finb in meinem 3cfu Seiben S)oc^ fiir unfc^a^bare 8eelenrt)eiben! SSenn id) bai3 nur ftet5 erfa^r', Sin id) felig immerbar. 30 Sonimunioit^Sie^er* 5)kl 151. 3d) MciBe Bci^) t^en 2Bunt)cn, Unb lie'b, fo ^Jiel ic^ fann, Unt) [e^ tiiir alle 8tunt)cn 3m ©eift fie 6c[fev an: 3c^ fiMe {()m 311 guf'c, ©0 Umg biti: .^^er3 ftc() regt, ^ii? unter [einem ^'uffe 9)iein Iti^tet^ ©tunblein fdjiagt g}^el 205. Unfft Sod5 ift fd)ou uub rjrop, Unb foftUd)er al^ man e5 benfh 9liemal^ fern i>on unferm .^errn, 5Der inti? fid) felbft ^ur 9lal)rung fd)enft 9licmal^ tvoftlo^^, nic allein, 9lie ijon it)m getrcnnet fcpn, S^aglid) mit il)m um^ucjeljn : 3ft ba^ nic^t red}t Ijimmlifi^ f(^on ? ???cl. 82. ©otif id) bann n{d)t fr6()Iid) fei)n, 3d) begliidteS @d)afelein ! S)enn nad) Mefen fd)i)nen Za^m SBevb' id) enbtid) I)eimgetragen 3n be5 .f^irten ^Irm unb 8d)oo^ : 5lmen, fa, mcin ©liiif ift groj} ! 6 in nt u n i n = 2 i c b e r . 31 ???e(. 185. 3d) hin bciii ! Spvid) tu barviuf cin '^(men! 2rcufter 3ef«, bu blft mein ! 5)ruife bcincn \\i\Kn 3c[itv?namfn 33rcnucnt in mcin ."pev^ I)incin ! ??iit til* Mc^ tijun, unb 5([ie.^ laffcn, 3n bir (cben, nnb in bit erblajjen: 2)ai3 fc9 Mc 3nv (e^ten cStnnb' llnfcv iOantd, unfer 53unb ! 5?tcl 164, 3*1, bvic fei^ nnfer .^"^cimv^eleit 3n Den t>eUenb'tcn Sc^viarcn, S}oranf ivir in ber (^naben^eit Sc^on t^orbcreitet umren ; llnb bort i:?ivb bev ©cmcin' 31)r e m i g'i; Soblieb fev)n : (^anbf4>(ng.) "']>rcie> fe^ bein Samm, fiir una gefd)Iad}t't , (5 e i n 53 I u t I)at un-:? (}cred)t ^entvidU T' 33 Sommunion^Siebcr* mti 23, 2)id) i)om X^rott l}erab getrickn, 2)ag bu millig |aft bein 2eben 3« ben 3:eb fiir un& gegebeH^ Uttb ba^u (jan^ un^erbroffen, J^err! bein ^lut fiir un^ ttergoffett, 2)a^ «n5 fe^t tann fraftig trcinfen, SDeiner 2kk ^u gebcnfen. ^ier faE' id) ^u beinca giif en ; Sfl^ mii^ tuiirbii^Iid) geniefen S)iefcr beincv Jpimmel^fpeife, Wliv gum ^eil unb bir 3um Preife. (|^attbfc[)Iag) (Sage 5lmen, itnb 3Ugrei(^ ^riebe, gnebe fei mit eii(^ ! 3ct) Bin in meinem ®eifte ®o gern, wo ^t\uv i\t, Unb wo mcin .^er^ ba^ meifte Son ^ci( unb Xroft genie^t : Gominunion-Cieber. JW 2tiif feine ^^afft'en, Hub fiMidU : bein ctvig'i? (^liicfe (intftunb aUciu b a i^ on. mtL 23, .^omin, uiciit ^er^, in 3cfu 2eiben IDeincn hunger ^att ju meibcn; 3ti((e bier bein )'cl>n(irf) biirften 3n bcm 53Iut be^? ^cbcnofurfteit. IM t . Unfcr .^crr 3efuC^ eftriftuv^, u. n io. mtL 167, C bu !^iel>c meiner Stebe, Urfad) uufrcr Selt^feit! ^u, ber fid) au0 freiem 3:rie6e 3n ein jammeri?ctle5 2eib, 3a, ino ^tcrben, miv ju gute, ^^(e eiu 3d;(ai-()tfi:^vif eiuj^eftcat, Hub i^erfo^nt mit beinem 53Iute 5(ae "?}ti!Tet(nU ber S^elt md. 205. ^Hes .peit—iviri) uitiJ 3U Zljcii, S5eil bu am ^■reu3e fiir un5 ftarbft, Unb kn (^ott— burd) beinen 3:ob Q^erforneii Sunbcrn (^nab cnimrOft; 3 34 SDmmunion==?ieber, Wladjt m\^ felic; in ber Qiit^ Unt) mx\) ewig auc^ aflein Unfrer 2BDl)Ifa^rt Urfac^ fe^n. mtl 155. D ivie ift mir tioc^ fo mo^I ! SOJit ma^ innigem S3ergnugen ^ann id^ liegen, ©eelenfrcunt) ! an bctncr ^ruft ; 5)^it ma5 ?uft S^rinfen ait ben felut'gen 2Bnnbert : D t()r au^ermaI)Uen ©tunben, ^ai> tinrb einem ba beii?u§t ! mcl 185, ?[}ietne ^rmut() \\t nic^t flu^^ufpred)en, ?D?eine 9^ot()bnrft ift nidjt Hein, Unb wie niand)erlc9 ift mein @ebrcd)ert! SIber, wav fann feFger fe^n, 2llg mein ^erg, luenn'y Jroft unb griebe ftnbet, Unb liom 33Inte 3ffu i^i^b eut^itnbct, 2^C^eId)ej? er au^j (auter ©nab 5}hr jum ^cil ijergoj]"en ^at? 9}?eL 14. ^ann tvol ein gro^'^"^'^ @abbatl> fet»n, 5l(i: wcun er frcunbiid) ift, llnb uiid), fcin axmtv ffiiirnielein, ^}}tit feineni grieben !iigt? Sommunion^Sieter. 35 9?id^tiJ bcugt cin Siinbcr^er^ fo fcfer, Unt alle lai^e frcut ftci)^ mc()r, X)a9 ev5 ibu fcnut unt) ^t. mti 83. Sine Stuute, ta man i^n 9iec£yt ins? .f)er5c fiict)t ju fc^Iie^pit, S3rinv^t ten [eHi]|'tcn ®en?inn, C^nat unt/ gricte 511 c|cnic§en ; Sin nod) i()m geft^tcfter ^(icf Sringt «icl taufent) *^ufi juriid. 8 1 1 . (S|Tf t tac ift bcr ^eib u. f. hj. ORGANO SOLO, ^el. 22. ?a§ uni? nie entfaden Unfcvn Xroft auo beinem 3:ot). ^Dvie Sleifon I mil 115. I^c^ (^/Otte^Ianimo 'i>erCi.Uniunci bringt t)en grie^ Den, l^en au^crtieni fein ^)}tenfc^ auf (£rt»en ftnb't ; Unt> hah ii^ ten, fo t>ab i(^ 5^U'^ ^ienieben, :J)}a6 mid) cvfveut, bin @otte5 liebe^ ^int), lint> fiird)tc niid> nidU oor'ni (3jerid^t, Dcnn 3ff«^ nuuiu't iiiicb 36 Sommuniott^Sicber, I i ^tl 97. (SJemeine ©ctfi?, er^ebebic^! T)e0 SJeinfted^ ^rafte regcn ft(i) t iSmpfa^ bag 53hit, bag Sofegelb giiv bid) uub fiir bie cjange 2Be(t ! 2Dag l)eii'9e ^lut, bag tl)eure Sofegetb gur mid), fiir bi(^, unb fiir bie ^an^e S3e(t. mtl 184. (Sin 33Ud im <3)eift auf 3efu Seiben ^a(^tg blobfte ^erje n?oI)IgemutI) ; 3:)ie Urfa(^ wal)rer ©eifteefreuben 3jl, wenn [ein tfteu'r yergofneg 33(ut 18evfof)ttenb itbevg ^^cr^e flie^et, iSeln 2;oVg[d)njei§ Mb unb ®eel buvd)brin9t, 1)1^ manUn^l}an'i> fein ^treus umf(^He§et, Uftl) ano fein 5InBU(J griebe bringt. «meL 167. t'tek, loie fur mic^ gefiorben, ■;ln^ cin imntertt?d()rcnb ©ut iKrt bem ;Rreii3€0l)ol5 erworben ; 1H(^, R?ie iDen! ic^ an bein 35lut 1 ^3J(^, mt ban! td)''g l:)etnen SBunbert-, S)u tterwunbte Siebe bu ! ®ib, baf t(^ 3U atlen ©tunben e r. 2l(^ ftarf mic^, tvenn {(^ wollt' ermiiben, Unb ma^ mir ctlleg (5(^n?ere (eid)t ! ©eitt au^geftanb'ner 3;obei?fummer (Sr{)a(te mad)enb unb im ©(glummer ^t\n ^er^ getroft unb fcrgenlo^ ; %6) moc^f bein gan3eg bitfre^ Setben 3)^ir fe^n etn fleter Quell ber ^reuben, 53t^ ^in in beinen 5lrm unb (S(^oo§ ! mtl 107, 3u unfer^ ^errn bur(i)6o^rten Su§en, 3m ©lauben unb in 5f^iebrigfeit, T)it tl)euren er(ei()t, Unb i^m mit Zxtnt an3u~^angen, X)a^ MeiBe unfer J^erj^erlangem 5JieU 185. X)arum bu, o ^er^c o^ne gteii^en ; Du in beincr 3:obe^f(^on, ©otlft un^ nie au5 unfern ^lugen weii^cn, 53i^ mir bi(^ auf immer fe:^n ! (C>flnbfc|IagO 5ln bem Siebc : "3efug ift ijcrfc^ieben/' ©oUen unfre ^e^ten nie ermiiben, 53i^ fte eingeftimmet fe^n 3n bic oBere ®emein. Sommunion^Siebcr 30 VI. Wil 132, Jperr 3efu (Ei)vi\t, bu ^oc^fle^ (But, X)u ^runnqued atler ©naben ! 3Dir fommen, bcinen Seib unb 33Iuty fOie bu unw^ ijaft ^etaben, 3u beiuer ^iebe Jperrlic{)feit, Unb unfrcr '^eelen (Seligfett, Sn ejTen unb ju trinfcn. Wltl 23. ^(^, ivic hunger! rnetn ©emiit^e, ^^enfc^enfveunb, nfld) betner ®uti, ^4 rt>ie ijffei} irf) oft mit 3:f)ranen S)Zi^ na^ biefer ^ojt ^u fc:§nen ; %d\ mt )?ftcget mic^ gu biirften ^ad) bem ^ranf bcij 2p6eni?furflcn ; SBiinfc^e ftet^, bag rnetn ©ebeine @ic^ burd) bt(^ mit ®ott ijeretne, ©c5et. (■Onnbfc§lag.) Tltl 242, letter 2:^. O ba§ bie .^anb, bte burd)grakne, Uni? abfobirete— unb alle fegnete 9)iit grieben an^ ber Jpo^I 40 (Eonini unions £teber> ^evr, id^ tuarte auf bem ^eil, Sluf ein neue^ Djfcnbaren. ^lutiger 33er[6()ner, eiP, Saf' uiti? fetigttd) erfa{)ven, 2Ba^ beitt i*eid)nam unb bein SSIut ^iev an beinen ^rajifen t^ut :e 1 1 . Hnfer ^erv 3efug e^nfiug, u. f. to. 5}?cl 107. giir mic^ :^a(l bu ben ^ob erbulbet ! 5ta beine ^ngft unb all bein SBe:^ ^aB' {(^, l)at meine ©iinb' ijerf(^ulbet; 3lm ^reuj unb in ®et:^femane, £)a l)at bic^ (Dotted Qoxn erfc^redet, !Den td^ burc^ meine ©i^ulb ermedet. mtl 185. 2ieB(id»feiten, bie nic^t au^aufpred)en, 2Benn ic^ fel), mein greunb, auf bi(^, 3m 5^?oment, ba beine 5Iugen bred)en, Unbbaift mir %T^ fitr mid)! (Stra^lte boc^ an^ einem jeben ^Slidc 3efu letter 5Ibfd)ieb^BIid guviide ! ?0^6^t' man miu an %nQzn fe:^n SJ^einen greunb, ben fievbenben ! S m m II n i n ■ S i e t) c r . 41 md 151. ^^iciit .^ciUint) lickt micf), Dev atle meine (5d)mcr3ett Unt) ^ranf()eit nafem auf ft^ ; X)ie ^triemen ^cn ben 3flnt()cn, 3jie iSeit unt* Olii^ehnaat, ©ein 9;}^irtertob unt) 53(utcn ^etveift miv'^ taufenbmaL ^cl 149. 3)an! fet) bir, bu ©otte^Iamm ! 2)a§ bu iibenvunben, !Da§ bu mir am ^rcu^ecftamm 'Die (Srlofung funben : 3d) bin bein, — X^ir allein SBill id) mi(^ evj^eben, Unb jur ^rcube Icbcn. ^}??d. 106. 9limm :^in i:on mir, ivai bu ycrlani^eil, ?i}?ein liebfter Jpcilanb, 3efu (i()rift ! 2)a^ ^er3, bamit bu, Sd)epfcr, prangeft, 2)aiJ bir fo faucr aun-ben ifl : !l)ir geb^ id)'i? wiiiic^, bu attein ^aft e^5 be3a()(t, t^ i\t ia bein. ^tl 184. £) 3ffw ' nimm ^um 2e()n ber (2d)mer5cn, Mid) 5(rmei5 an, [o mie id) bin. 42 (Eommuttiott = £ieber* 3(^ fe^e tir in meinem Bergen Sin 2^enfmal teiner IHebe l)in, T)U bid^ fiir mic^ in Xob getrieBen, Die mic^ an^ meinem 3*^tttmerrif : 3d^ trill bid) jartiid) luieber lieben; 'Tn nimmft ei- an, id) 6in'^ gemif, ^a§, 3efu, beine grc§e §ie6e 53iir immerbar t^or 3lugen fet)n, Unb me^r' in mir bie fel'gen Zxkht, 1:i6> fiir bein Jeiben jn evfreun. D mec^t' e^' biv mit mir ge(inj]en, 1^a§ ic^, 3um S^an! fiir beine ^reu' ^io in ben Xob — auc^ ^i^i^^t moc^f bringen, Unb folc^e ?5ruc^t, bie B(ei6enb fep ! tit. SjTet, ba» t)l fcer ^eit) u. f. tu. ORCtANO SOLO; mtl 22. ?a?€L 151, (So oft id), al^:? bein Srbe, Unb beine^ !2eibe^ ®Iieb, '^(n beinem Seic^nam fterbe, 2Bao fiir ein 03ottejfrieb! 9»cU 119. £)u Hfrv? mert^ :||: 2-amm ! fiir beine Xobecmii^, 1)ap tid) jeber 33(ut^tropf ebre, Sommunion*Slet)cr. 43 Da§ ba^ •C'^erj flet^ nac^ bir gtit^, 3cber ^u(ij)'ct)Iag bein bccje()re, Unt) t)ie QCinit @eele fiir unt» fiir ^ang an bir :||: gjJel. 79. Samm ©otte^, beine JGunben ©inb nec^ ju alien Stimben (Ein ojfne^ ®nabenmeer ; Unb bie fid) bal)in ixnigen, !Dte fonnen fve()(ic^ ]^W^t (5ie get)n »en bir niemakn leer. 2: it, X)eJTclbigenc|(e{^en u. f. tu, ^ti 142. Du Cueli aller ®a6en, 3U biv an^ll'n anr na^'n, Du mx]} un^ eriaben, mir treten heran, Unb wcU'rt mit Q^erlangen !Die (Segen empfangen !Die bu, ©efcgneter, benen ertl)eilft, Vu bu burc^ bein Opfer gerec^t mac^ft unb l)eilft. mil 106. D ^err, geb mcinev ^eelc ?e6en, Unb jief) [Ic gan^ in bic^ Mnein : "Du ha\t bic^ fiir fie Mngegcben 3n unerl)ortc Xobei?pein, 5)amit fie bir, 3U beincm 9htl)m, 3}erblei6' cin em'ge^ 5igentbum. 44 Somntunton^Steber. O ^err! gib meiner ©eele ScBctt, ^urd^bringc jte mit beinem @eift ! Sag mi(^ burAau^ an ntct)tc mef)r flekn, S3ay eitcl ift, iint irbifc^ bn^t. D tviirb' i(^ tcA, ^err, ttcd) aligner, Sin ^erj unb ®eel, (Sin ©eift mit btr ! 5}?cL 107. (Sr'^alt nn^ beinen ©ottecfrieben, ^er bie 5>crnunft weit iiberfteigt, !I^abnrd) ben?al)re un^^ Menieben 5)or ailcm \va^ 'oon bir aOmeiAt, S^amit ^erj, SeeP unb aUc (Sinnen 91ur bao, irai? bir gefatlt, beginnen. ^tl 23. ®roge5 2(benbma()I ber ?5rommen, Slag be^ ^eil^j, irann irirft bu fommen, !I^a^ wiv mit ben Snget-Sboren, .^err, bid) fd)au'n unb eipig e^ren ? «Wel 146. ^Tort im 3?olIenbung^faat 3)er ©eifter ber ©erec^tcn, ^ep 3ffii 2Ibenbmaf)I Sl'tit feinen .^ned)t^ nnb S^dgben, 3ft^5 ein'ge (Ebrenfleib, I)a^ i?or bem J:^rone gilt, (5ommunion^?iebcr. 45 S^rifti G3crcd)tio(feit, "Tircin man fid) glaubig biillt. Da t^anfet Meie ^Gunben votl) ^3(nfanc^en nc§, unt> cnbeit ; Unt) luenn bcr ."ncilanb fvac^t, SQenn ein^ 'oov ibm erfd)eint, ©tatt atler 5:t)ntett fagt : "3rf) ^)ii^^ "ni bid) geweint/' Wei 23. 5^imm burd) aQ'e unfre (Slun-c 9]u()m unb ^>veii? unb X)an! unb (Si)ve, ^i^5 anr mit ben .peifijen bvobeu 5)tc^ bereinft o()n' (£nbe loben. 5J?eL 205. 2Bc(d) ein .^;cer ^u (V3cttev:? S^r' iH3irb ba in lyci^en ^leibevit flet)n ; ?amm unb ^hit, bu bodM'tei? ©ut ! Xac ift tort cin ^cfannt r^eton. 5imcn, '^(mcm ! wcrben fte Singen in bcr harmonic : „(Sine^ ijat nn^ bitrd)gebvac^t, Sammlcin ! ba§ 'dm iMft gefvi)(ad)f t !'' 46 (5omm«nion^2iebcr, ^Ul 166. ^dn ^eiknbl t)cr bu uno 3U gut ^m ^reii3e l)aft gcbangen ; X)u ^rieftcr, bcr mit etgnem 33Iut 3n^ ^eilige gegangen : ^ier fd)icft fid) beinc ^reuggemeiii ^u eiJeu unt) gu trinfen ; Saf fte gang fanft in bic^ l>ineitt 33et) biefem ^?}Zat)Ie fin!en. 2}iel. 230. @iel) une beine ®afte na(;en, X)a^ ^al)I ber iMebe gu e:npfa()en, "Da^ Jpimmc!o!raft ben ©eelcn reid)t ! 3SotIe ©■nitg' unb en>ig^ ?eben SBitlft bit !raft bciner Sieb' luii? gebcn, T)cv fciue 2ieb' auf (Srben glcic^t (3ab\t bu nid)t nn^ gu gut £)aMn bein g(eifd) nub 33(ut? 'Du, SrlHirmer I 2)anf, 'Tanf fei> bir— 3cfu I)ier, Unb cinjl beijin ^immeUntabl bafiir [ m ni u u i n ^ 2 i c b c r . 47 Sacjc 5j(mcn, iinb ^lu^Icic^ gricbe, gvicbe fci) niit cud) I Whl 166. 5ld) (a^ nun beincn gricbcuiJivtinti Un»? fanfti^Ud) t>urcbivcl)cn, X)a§ ."per3 unb ."pcr^e fid) i^erbinb', "Hi^ (Siui? i>or bit* 3U fteben ! Unt) menu iinr niit iH^rciutem '¥lxiti) ^u beinem Jper3en cilen, JBoU'ft bu, -C^evr Scf"/ burd) bein ^lut 21ir unfve 3d)at'cn ()eiicn- IM t . Unfer ^pcrr 3efui? Sijitftuvv u. f. n?. mti. 151. ^ fii^e 3eeleuwcibe 3u 3c|"u faiiion I (£»3 regt fid) (Sc^aam unb greube, Vn (3otV^ unb '?T?en[d)cnfo^n! 5Benn anr tni ®ci|'t bid) fcbcn giir un5 fo miliiglid) ^no Mxnv^ 3um iobe ge{)en; Unb jebei^ benft : fiir mid) ! mil 185. ®ro9 ift bcine -'pulb, unb !aum ju fajfen, X^cjf bu niit fo fiinb'ger %vt, 48 Somntunton^Sieber. %U mtr ftnb, fo nal) btc^ eingetaffen; S3a()rUd), mt bein ^eq fo jart WlH un^ armen ^Biirmlein wmgegaitgcrt, X)at)irt aievben feine SCovte lartgen; Dur(^ betit bitten uitb bein glelm 3ft uni? ©iiitt'ern rwol)t gefd}el)n, ^el 79. 3d) birt t»urd) mand)e 3^^^^"/ S3oI gav Wxd) Swigfeiten, 3h meinem ©eift gevetft : 5^ic^tw ()at mtv'i? Jpev^ genommeit, 21(0 ba id) angefommeu 2tuf ®olgatf)a; @ott fe^ gepreift! ^uf biefem glcden ftet) tc^ ; SSon biefev ©telle ge^ i(^ ^mi niemar^ me^r ^uriicf. dx ()eff aW mcine 33U(Je 5luf feine 'Diavtevftiide, ^iy id) mid) bort an Urn erquid! mtl 208. 2i>uiibevfd)une S^unbeu 1 3^r nel)mt mir bie ©tunben S3ie iH^inuteu hin: ^J[Qtld}in %xo\i unb ?5reube, 2J3el(^e ^^otle 5f6eibe S m in u n i n = S i c b c r, 49 ^tnt^t mein ^cr^ tarin ! ^ann, \va^ in eud) ]n geniegcn, 3e in ©ren^cii fd)lic^en» mtu 185. SBepm ©enug be5 (Einigen ^^ot^njenb'^en 35(eikii tuir itt Olictrigfeit, 53i5 anr unfcv ©(aii6eni?(c0cn ent)'gen, Unb bc^m .^errn jinb ade^ett, 3efum ^iirtlid) lieben, {f)m nur leSen, (Seined lobco ilraft 0'^^'cuv]t erf)e6en, Uitb im ©titlen 3:()rancn ftreu'n (5o(l ()iev unfvc Sad)e fepn* !D^d, 68, Unfer ^er3 unb Sinn (2te(Kt 511 bir ()in, 5r{d^ im ©lauben anjurit^ren, S)eine>^ 2eid)nam^ ^raft 311 fpiiveri, 'Lev 3unt 2cOcn nl\i)xt 3eben, ber'i? be^e^rt ORG AXO SOLO, mil 22. 5??el. 14. (£^ fegne uuo ©ott, unfev ®ott, 9]ad) 3efu -leftanient:, Unb burc^ fcin Scibcu, ^(ut unb Xcb 3m knl'^en Sacrament! 50 Sommunton = Stet»cr. ^Tltl 151, dv fegn' mx^ ein^ ki)m ant'crn, 9la^ [einer (^rogen Sieb, Unt> ^elf un^ fro^lic^ manbern, Ijurd) feincn ®nat)entvicb ; X)a^ ^aupt mit ^lut befloffen, Sleib' un^ ftcU ^or'm ®ef(d)t ; 5)a^ 33Iut, fo er ttergoffen, ^DZad)' mH yell 3"^-^2i'fid'^' Sit. SDeffelbigenglett^en u. f. i», «)}?el. 184, 2)u ebier iBeinftocf, beine 9^eben ^erlangt nad) ncuem 2ebencfaft. 9lur bu fannjl t()nett S3ad)ot^um geben, 9]ur tu ,5u ^riidjtcu (5aft unb ,^raft. !I^'U 53orn bee Sebeiti?, reid) an ©cgen, 5(d>, o^itf bid) x^evfd)mac^teu anr ! ^omm mx^ mit Sabung neu entgegen, ©till' unfrer ©eelen Durft nad) bir! 5}Ze!, 14, SBir rii^men un^ be^ 53lut^ atlein 3?om ^irtcn iibcr'^^ ^au3 : !Denn alle^ 4^eil fiiv bie (5)emein ?5Iic|}t emig ba berauiJ, mtl 26. Xet^ 'i))^irtevlamme^> ?5fetf6 unb ^Int, 5^m jlreu^altar bal)in gegeben, G m m u n i n = ? i e t) c r . 51 T)a^ Wv, unb bii in'^ ero'ge Seben Unenblid) gro^e IDinge tbut: T>ci^ ift^^ \va^ unci ^ufammen binb't; Dai? fvittu ^u folc&er Sieb entflammen, I)a§ feine (^(aubi^en ^ufammen Sin ^eq unb (5 i n e ©cele fint. ?}?cl. 14. Xcr bu nec^ in ber le^ten 9hid)t, S^ bu fiir un«3 crblvt^t, Txn X^cinen ^on bcr ^^iebc ^'Ra6)t 3p fd^on geprebigt baft : (Erinn're beine flcine 5c(^aar, l:ie \id} fcnft (eicbt ent^n^eit, 5)a§ beine le^te 5tn\qe war Xer (^Micber Sinigfcit. mi. 167. Sa^ une fc ^ereinigt rcerbcn, 3Gie bu mit bem 3}ater bifl, ^ii? fc^on ()ier anf biefer Srben ^ein ^etrennte^ ®Iieb mebr ift ; Unb aUcin i^on bcinem 33rennen -?te()me unfcr ^^icbt ^cn 5d)ein : Wo loirb bie ^X>e(t crfcnnen, Da§ wiv \)cin? ^un^ct fe^ni. mil 185. ^J^ec^tc becb feiiu luebr fid) fclber leben, 3cnbcrn bcm, ber fiir uni? ftarb i 52 Sontiitunion = 8{eber» ^a^t uiiiS alle nad) bem jlleinob ftreben, 2)a^ er luxi mit 53Iut crirarb ; 2)a^ wir 3^tt an SeiB unb (Beifte preifen, Unfre SieBe nut ber 5:i)at Betreifen, Unb atiettt in feinem Sitl'n Mt^ unfer SBiinfc^en fttU'n ! mtl 83. lOSo^l un6, bag wtr, 3efu, bid) jDoi't 3um ^ol)enpriefter ^aUtty S5o bu un^ einft eii^iglit^ Slrji mit ^immel^gittern labm ; Utt§ tnbef^ '^or ®ott ijevtdtf fl, Uttb teftanbiii fiiv un5 Intt'ft '^(^ Ca^ nns bein tl)eitre5 .^eil te€n*3lrtng ga gutc fommen, 18i$ dn ieb^-^ in ifeinetn 3:1) eil €tnft |tt t)it ?Oi^:t) ^i^fgenommeti^ Unb '^tt 'b^, ^m- Jefu Shrift, 'to en Jill :||: -t)amit trcften Jinr un5 I)'ie, ^i^ bie ©otte5()avfen Kin^ett; Unb in em^ger .^armonie 2Bir ba^ neue Sieb mitfingeni „(£in§ Bat nn^, l^tmm ! ba§ bu Bift gefd)(a(^ft, 3Durd)geBrac%tr' :||: S in m u u i n ^ C i e b e r . 53 VIII. 33{i? bie Stunbc fommt I)cran, Xvum ba^ .^irdjfcin a^einet, Unb hhi uitg ber ®d)mcrjen5mann i2i(i}t(nn-Iic| erfc^einet, ^at er feinem lieBen 3SoI! (So ein ^fanb gefd)eufet, S)ak9 feinc Beugenrool!' (Seined Xob'y gebenfet 2)a^ ift'^^ r)eir9e ^Ibenbmat)! (Seined inbi unb Sfute-^ : greu' bid), 33oIf ber ©nabeniva^I, Xiefec ()od)ften ©uteg ! ^oc^^elobte^ ©otte^Iamm! 3Cay fonnf unc auf Srben 55on bir, nnferm ^vauti^am, 9}ZeI}r 3U 3:(}eile a^erben? (Sage 2(men, unb ^ugteid): ?5riebe, t^i'iebe fei mit euc^ ! 54 Sommunion^Sieber* mti 142. ^ier fomm id), metn ^irte, mid) biirftet nac^ bir : O Siebfter ! Beiuirt()c bcin (Sd)df[ein ad^ier, 1)u !annft bein 33erfpre(^en Wix ^rmcn nid)t brei)en ; T)u fiekft ane elenb unb bitrfttg id) Un, 5lud) gibft bu bie ®aben au^ ©naben nur ^itt, mti 155. ©rtabe ! mie Hft bu fo gro§ X)enen (Seelen, bie ft(^ fourten ©iinber nennen, Unb bie nur bcr Sc^merjen^mann S^roften tann ; T)cnn bie biirfen gu i|m lommen ; 2Bev ba fommt, mirb angenommen ; „3efu^ nimmt bie tSiinber an." S 1 1 . Unfer $err 3efug Sfirtftu^, u. f. to. mtl 22. !£)a^ ^eiPge, unbefledte Samm, (Seitt 33Iut unb 2;ob am ^reuge^ftamm, 3ft unfrer (Bnkn ein'ge greub, Unb Xroft in 3eit unb (Smigfeit (Sr ric^te unfer ^er^ unb (Binn Seftiinbig auf fein Dpfer ()in, T)amit fein 53oIf bep 5^ad)t unb 2;ag, (Sic^ giciuMg barin tueiben mag. Sommunion = 2iebcr» 55 ^tl 132» Vxi bift mein treucr e ; Du baft mid), ba id) wax ^erirrt, ©el)oU mit ojrD^er greute. 2(d> nimm bein (Sd)aflc{n nun in ^&)t, Vamit e^ weber Sift noi^ ^DZad)t 5>on beiner ^ecrbe fd^cibe. 'Mtl 115, 2Dir gebcn un5 bem gutcn, trcuen .^irten, 3unt i]art3en (Eigent()um, fo geM^5 un^ 0(ut; Sr tt?ei§ gar f^on bic @(^af(ein 3U bewirtben, @r lui(t fie wcxti), fie fcften if)n fein 33Iut; 2Gir geben un^^ mit ^er5 unb ©inn 3um Sebn fiir feinen Zoh 3t)m o()ne 5lu^na{)m' ^in» ^Itl 82. 2Cir gliidfergen (Sc^afelein ©oU'n uui? unfero ^irten freu-n, X)er ju unferm ettj'gen 'itbm ergebung Ijat gefunbcn, (B^\mdt unb genie^t fein ganje^ ^eiL 2)er (Sd)u(b, bie un^ gebriicft; SBirb unfev .^er^ entntcft, X^uvd) ben ©lauBen 5(n feinen 3;cb unb S3unben xoti)\ JDenn ev i}at un^ i>evfoI)nt mit ®ott. £) bu, an ben tc^ glau6e, Unb ben mein ®eift umfa^t ; 2)er bu tm 3;obe^>ftau6c ^iir mid) gelegen I)aft! 2luf bein ^^erbienft unb Seiben SSevtrau id) gan3 cidein; S)arauf merb i^ einft fd)eiben, Unb emig Be^ bir fepn. £tt, gjfet ba>5 tfi fcer $!eib u. f. n). ORGANO SOLO, ^tl 22, (£ m m u n i n ' \? i e t c r . 57 mil 22. Tn, ber burd) feincS J^obe^ ^raft Sin ncuc^ .^crj unb 3Befeu fd>afft: 9]imm, iiHti? nod) ift i?om nltcit (5inn, 2)iivd) beinei: 2eid)namc S^obtung §itt* ??icL 151. ^crj, (3eel unb Sinnen fd)Ue5en (Bid) in bie Ji^unben ein, 25pn fenften nid)ty ju miiJen, ^}[i2' feiner 3:ebei?ptin ; 9]ur 3ffw^ i^u bem .ilrcuje 33(et6t unfer grower Qwtd : (Seirt S)^n-terleid)nam beije 5)aiJ frembe 2e6en n?eg I ^(utiger 3mmanuc( ! 3:ranfe aiti? bcr '3citenI^o()t 93ieine ^oc^bebiirft'ge (2ee(, Die ic^ beiner ®nab empfel)!. Sit. X)effe(bigenglct(^en u. f. tv. 5}^cL 75. ;Da^ ^ci( au^ beinem leb, C bu, mein ^perr unb Wctt! 3flei3t tiiglic^ meine Seele, X)a§ id) bie (Seiteul)lU)(e Unb Mutagen .^cinb' unb %n^t 3ni (^eift bir banftar fitffe. 58 Sommunion='Stet»er, 2)u Bift mein O^jfcrlamm, Unt) ©eflenbrciuti^am: T)tin gnabigeg Slnblicfeit ^ann (5eel unb ?ei() erquidfeit; 9lun fci; meiit ganjed 2eben X)ir ea^ig iibergeben, 5[J?el 29, ©ag ^erj i3crel)ret beinc Xreue, 3)a§ bit urt5 aneberum aufc neuc, 5(uy ^ulb unb Stebc, ber nid)ti^ 9^fitl)t, 2)ein i^ki\d) unb 33(ut ()aft bargerei(^t 5^un Intteu anr bid) urn ba^^ (Einc : Sa§ |cgUd)e^ in ber ©emeine, 5^a^ (5ecl unb l^eib o()n' 5>{uyna^m bein, Unb bir jur (£()r unb greubc fcpn ! 5}?el 146, 2ld) lag mic^ nimmerme()r, O 3^'[u ! bein i^ergcffen ; 3(^ ^a6e ja ijon bir (5)etrun!en unb gegeffen ; 9luu fei) mein ^er^ unb ©inn (5o gan3 yon bir erfiillt, ^afj fid) nid)ti? rege brin, ^U \va^ t)on bir I}crquittt» Wltl 15U T)u nm fo nai)e^ 2©efen ! 50^el)r aU man^ fagen lann, Sommunion-J^iebcr, 59 ^ift bu uriv? nai) (^eivefen : ^Gir bcUn baufbar an I O m6d)t' ftito nun Oeiveifen 5(n unv3, bvi^ beinc v5d)viar !Dein ^cftament ju preifen 33orau^ erfehen mar. gj?el 56. c^evv! trir i|e6cn :||: biefcn 5lugenMid Unfer ?eOen :||: gan^, in jcbem ^tiuf, T)iv mit ?eib unb Seel unb Sinn, ^uf ba^ 91eu' 3U dQtn ()in, Unb be()a(ten :||: nid)t^ fiir un^ ^uriid. 9>?cL 97. S}ie freut ftd) bed) mcin 9an3er Sinn, 2^a^ icft fd)cn einj5cfd)rieben bin 3n ber i^evlcbten (^lieber 3*i()^ X/ur(^ meineiS ^otben ^onig^J 2Ba^f! S3ie gerne ntac^ id) mid) mit nic^t>? v^etnein, 5Beil ic^ ein reined ©(ieb ber 33rant tvitl fewn. g)ie(. 230. ^etrger 53rant'gam unfrer ^s^eetenl iffiie fc^on luirb^^ [can, juenn fein'i? bir fe()(en, S^iJenn jebe5 'oon mu bort mx'D [eon ; !Dort im :')leid)e ber C^^efunben, SBo tvir burd) beine ()eirgen SBunben ©e^eiit finb, unb un^^ eang freun : 60 (Sommuniott'Sicber, 2)ann ftellft bu unfre (S(^aar ®ott, beinem ^ater, bar, ^U tin X()eil^ert i^on beiner 53raut ; 'Dann mirb gcfd)aut 3)ZeI)r ali^ man [ic^ ju benlen traut S nt nt It n i n • S i e b e r . 61 IX. ^(rf* fcmm, t>u [ujjec .^cr^cuc^aft, Tn ^ab\ai meiner (.^ccle ! 33et) ber tu beine SQo^nung ()afl 3n biefcr 3'^ntmer:(uU)I'e. ^omm, fomm, uiib f)alt bein '^(6enbmal)( 9}iit beinem fc^amd}en i^inbe, Dag bciner fu§cit SteOe (itva()( 5}cic^ inni^lid) ent3unbe. D ba i?erMnb't fic^ ©eel unb ©ott, 3n rec^t oertrauter Sie6c ; 2Ca5 ifnn ^uanber, mu§ in 3:ob, 33or biefem ^^immelvtriebe* © c D e t . (|)anb[c(i(a3.) (Sage ^men, unb 3ug(eic^: §riebe, griebe fet) mit cud) ! mtL 45, ^evr 3efu, ja, 'tn Inft uni? nal), Unb wtnn mv na^ bir lueiuen, • C ane troftlid) Ki§t bu ba Uno bcin 5(nt(i^ fdunnen. 62 (Eontmunion = 2iet>er. mtl 83, (Sr nimmt mct)v ftc^ unfrev an, ^U ein ^irtc feiner ^eert)e. ©eine Siill' ift aufgctl)vin, T)a^ ein jebci^ fatt trauy werbe : SJir fint) iSd)af(eiu feiner ^anb, 5(n bie er fcin 331ut ^eamnbt. Sit. Unfer |)err Sefux^ S()r{ftu», u» f. tv. mti 185. 3e[u^ ^mt wn^ biy in 3;ob geliebet, Unb mit 6hit\icm (ic^wei^ erfttmiiU; SBcnn und b a iJ uic^t (i^riinb gum Steben giebet, 3Benn nid)t ba^ bae .iperg ^xi)i^t, 5hid) fiir ibn in "^kbc ^u cntln-ennen, C [o mu§ id) in ber lljat kfennen : ^d) wii^t in ber ^elt nid)t^ mel)r, 2Ga^ ba^u »ermogenb ivdr. Unter 3efu ^reuge m{l id) liegen : 2)a fotl fein burd)grabncr guf Xaufenb X)anf= unb ^iebec>tbrdn(ein frigen, Wit bem irdrmften 8iinberfuf . Se()t, mie feiue ^ugen fiir mid) bred)en, 2l>ie er fid) [an ^erge lie^ burd)fted)en, ilCie fid) ^(ut unX) ©affcr ^ci^t, 3Bie fein .!paupt ftdj l)at cjieneigt ! G m m u n i n * 2 i c t> c r . 63 ^tl 14. Da anrb niein ^pcrj iicbcu^t unb tUin, i^Benn id) im ©eift bctrad)t\ S3ic er 5U mcincm oeli^feiu @an! in bei? ^^obei? dlad^t, ^IMe er in imcvl)ortem (5d)mcr3 oiiv nieine Sihibcit bii^t, Unt> ivie tabci) fcin v^ottlid) ^">er3 3ii Sicbc fid) cvi^ic^t. ^tl 79. 3c^ ful)(e ?iekv?fd)aucr, 2Benn ic^ bebcnf, ivic fauer (Er mt'iiie Bd)ult^ gcMi^t. £? iviirt?' cr fiir [cin t)}tul)cn, 53ei) icbem Dtl)em3iel)en, Oied)t banfbarlid) V)on mir ge^riigt ! 9J?el. 45. 2)cin Seib unb S(ut,— ba^ pc^fte ®ut, Sag un^, ben |"d)wad)cn ^leben, (BtiU 3um 21>ad)c>t()um unb ©cbei()'n 9leue ,5lrafte geben. mtl 185. 5}?eine franfe unb bcbiirft'c^e ^ecle Silt auf beine ^Inmben 3U : Denn [ie jinbt in beiner @eiten()iH^Ie 3:roft unb Sabfal, gneb unb 3lul). 64 (£ontmunion = Sieber, Sag mt(^ nitr t»ie ^rcu3e'^luft anire^en, Unb betn 93iarterlnlt) ftety i>ov mir ftel)en: (Bo ge()t mir bt5 in ntpin ®rab 9^i^ti? an Seliijfeiten alK Wil 115, D grogc SieB' ! o 3Bunber ot)rte ^Dtaafenl 2)af [td) bev eble .'pirte, ©ottei? (Boijn, 3n^ (SterBen gal\ unb fid) ()at martern tapn, Unb mx^> mit Slut crfauft 3U feinem 2ol)n. (£r l)eif't mit ^led)t bev gute ^irt\ !Dem fiir bie Siebectl)at man ewig banlen itjirb, Sit. gJTet, t)a5 ift ber Seib u. f. to. ORGANO SOLO, mtl 22. gjJeL 16, !l)eine ©eele ttjeit)' bie meine, Unb bein Seic^nam meinen ein, Urn (Sin glcifi^ unb (Ein ®e6eine, Unb (Xin ®eift mit bir ju feijn ! 5!J?d. 79. 5^imm beinc .^reujecbeute, Unb briide fie and) f)cute ^In beine bluV^t Sruft ; Unb laj^ unC" an bir trinfen, Unb gan5 in bid) i^rfintcn, SRad) atlcr unfrer ^per^en^tuft. Gommunion^Siebcr. 65 2il Dcf[clbigcngleid(icn u. f. h?, $^a§ tcin Hfffj^^ct Shit, Ta^ lautcr iH^untcr t(}ut, 5)tc{n ^crj burd^Dvinolcn; Unt) bicfcn eblen Saft Iroft, ^ci(, imb SeBene^fraft 5}iir airmen Bringcn I ^(l 71. gOlel. 83. ^crr, trai? !ann tc^ bir bafiir, l^ag bu mic^ fo licteft, gckn ? 9^imm, n?ai3 ic^ t)ermag, i?cn mir: X)ir, nur bir, 9el}6rt mein 2e6en ! ®ie bu mein, fo tuill ic^ bein, Sekitb, leibcnb, flerknb fe^tt. 9}?eL 36, !Di(^ foil nun jeber SSIutctropf banfbar e^ren, Unb beinen 9lu6m Bep lag unb 5^a(^t i?erme§ren; Xu baft uui? bir erfauft mit Xobeuft^mer3eu Su reinen ^er3en. mti 97. ^err 3ffw, ber bu un^:? BeftcUt, I^ir grudU ju bringen auf ber 21>elt, 3n unb aui3 bir, burd) beinen (^cift, ^er ju bent (Snbc in uni? fleu^t; C ma*' un^ bir bcd^ aUe red)t gctreu, Xa§ ^eine»? unter un^:? unfrud)tbar fet) ! s 66 Sommunion='Sict»er. mtl 114, 5(c^ la§ mi(^ boc^ in bir crfunben werben, Sr^alte mir ben Xroft au^ beinem Xot), (Erfldr' mtc^ bur* bein ^(ut gerec^t »or (Dott, Unb ^eiTge metnen gan^ert ®ang auf Srbcn, Da^ nidjtiJ mic^ bi^ jum le^ten ^ugenMicf 33on bir, mein ^eil, auf biefer 2Be(t ^erriicf'. 5!J?eL 102. ^raft betnc0 33rob^, bag (3ee(en fpcift, Unb fie mit beiner ^raft belebet: ,^raft beineg 21ran!>?, ber unfern ®eift SSlit bcinem Seben^geifl er^ebet, Sa§ beine— ©emeine 3m Siek^ijeretn, 3u gottlidjem Se&en unb SCanbel 9ebeit)n ! mti 132. D liebftev ^eilanb, ^abe ©an! giir beine ®nabengaBen, giir beine ©peife, beinen 2;ranf, Die mic^ erquicfet ()aben ! 5)?it ^immei^giitern wirft bu mi(^, D 2ebeni3fiirft, einft ewiglic^ 3n beinem 3ieid)e laben. ^tl 22, SS3ettn mir ftngen mit ®otteg ^eer: „^cirig, ^eitig ift ®ott ber Jperr!'' (£ommunion = ^iet)er. 67 Unb f(!^aucn bid) yon 5lnge[i^t 3n eiv'ger greut)' unb fePgem 2id)t. «ID^eL 79. O Mmmlifc^ 2Bo()(crge()en, !5^en Jpeilanb bcrt 311 [et)en, Unb bei) il)m au^3uru^'tt! Km i^ut merb' icfc'^ bort ^abcn, 5}tid) eiPig an il)m la ben, 2Cie unbefc^reiblid^ tt)0^( wirb'g t^un ! «a?el. 119. D tuie fc^ott :||: D mie fc^on tuirbiJ nenc 2icb 55or bem ^f)ron be5 gammed !Hngen, 5C^o man, ma^ man gtanbte, fiel^t ! 2Bie :^armon{fd> tt?irb man fingen ; ^e9 ber ."parfen bimmlif(^em ©cton, D mic fc^on ! :||: (^flnbfdjlag.) «0?eL 230, letter It). ^rei^, (S^r unb ^ac^t — Ses? i()m gebra^t, 1)em 2amm, ba^ fitr un^ marb gefc^lac^f t ! 68 (X nt m w n i n = 2 i e b e r ♦ ^tl 155, 2;ac fo trofti^ctl unb erfreuUd^ Unb gebeil)lid), 3eben, bev nad) ©nabe fc^mat^t't, ®ctt i|l nun im %Ui^^ crfc^ienen, 9)tit fid) [clbjl un^ 5U ijerfii^nen, Unb [eitt Cpfev l)aU ijoUbrai^t U}?cLi57, (5r nimmt auf fic^, tra^5 auf (Srbcn 2Bir 9etl}an,— ©ibt fi^ an Unfer Samm gu ttjerben, Unfer ?amm, bflc fitr unv3 ftirkt, Unb 6ei) ®ott, — fiir ben Xob, ©nab unb ^rieb crtrirkt T^ie i^r arm fet^b unb elenbe, ^emmt ^erl^et), — fiidet fre^ (Sure ©lauben^^nbe: ^ier finb atle gute ©aben ; Suer .^irt, — S^riftu^, wirb Sure ^er^en Iabcn» Sc»mmunion=^Siet)er, 69 (^flnbfd)Iag.) (gage 5Jmen, unb ^ugfeic^t griete, gvicte fet) mit eutt ! 9)?e(. 155. ^un ifl griebc auf ber (Ert>\ 5^un ^at (^ott tin SBo^I^efaaen 5tn un^ alien, ^Imx mm 3efu S^rtfti SSlut mci gut, Unt fein briinftigc^ 55er(angcn 3l't bag njir ba^ ^eil empfangen, Xa5 allein auf i()m 6eru^t, 1 1 . Unfcr ^err 3cfuy S{)r{i'tuc, u. f. to. mtl 184. D bu 5U metnem Xroft gcboruer, Xtv mid) erfauft mit Icbe0fd)mer3 ! D bu, mein greunb, mein ^^(uccrfurner, S)1ad) bir ijevlan^t mein armc^ ^er^ ! 2Icfe ftiU' bai3 [el)nlid)e ^Oertangen, Saf bic^ "oon ber erfauften BccV %u]t^ adevinnivjfte umfangcn, 5}tein ^leifd) unb ^ein, 3mmanuel ! m^L 68. S5?a()rer 5?^enf(f) unb ®ottI ^rcft in ^Jii^ti) unb lob ! 70 S m m u n i n = ? i e b c r . 2)u bift barum ?0^enf(^ gcboren, 3u errctten ma^ t>erlorcn, ^Durc^ bein 33lut fo xoth, ^aijxtx ^enfc^ unb ®ott ! ^tU 16. 3)u f)aft bic^ tjerabi^efaffen, (S5ott urtb @c^5pfer, hi^ jum ©taub, X)a bu ^^enfd) aun-bft;— mev Unn'^ faffen? 1)ie ^ernunft ttid)t, — nur ber G>3(aub'. Dn naijm^i ctuf bid) unfre i^unbcn, Xrugft fie ()trt aU ®otted(amm, T)a^ bu ewii3 fonnfft i^erbinbcn Did) mit uui3, aU 33rautiiiam. ^3}?e(. 82. ^et^(el)em unb ©o(j5at()a ! 9lac^ eu(^ Mid ic^ gcvn, benn ba @e^' ic§ (^ott, meiu .^ei( unb ?ekn, 3}?enfd) cjebor'n, in Xob gecjcben, 5ld) fiir mic^ ! meld) 5^Gunber lann ^ro^er fepn? 3d) bete an, mtl 244. "Dein unerl)orte^ lUebcn, X)a0 bid) ttom ^immer^jelt 3u un^ i)erab9etvieben, Du ^d)i3pfer atter 5333elt! (>omniunicn*2iet>cr. 71 Unt) bcirtc (Sccfennot^, 3ft meiner (Sccle 9ial)rung Unt) td|3(id.)'iJ \?ebencbret. 3c^ l)anc5c mit 'Ikrlangen 5ln teinem 'I">tartci-bilt), X)ie ^altniui^ 3U empfanj^en, X)ie aud t)en iGunten quidt. 23enn t)ic^ mein Q)eift erblicft, Unt) fid) an t>ir erquicft, @o njeid)et adcr Glummer, 1)er meine ^eele briidt. Sein iMut bccft meine 8c^ult)en jn, 'I>ertritt mic^ i>or t)em Xl)ron ; @o ftnt> icfe Sebcn, Xvoft nnt) 3ihi^ 3n i^m, tern 'i)]ten[d)enfot)n. ^ i t . (£pt, fcaj3 ift bcr ^eib u. f. to. OllGANO SOLO, ^tl 22. 9}?el. 22. 2^ein 5Solf, ^err 3efn! bittet t»tcb: 3u meiner (5c^ipad)f)eit ftiirfe mic^ ; iBa^ unrein ijl, t?a^^ mad)e rein, Unt) beilige ^cel unb ©ebein ; 72 (i ni in u n i n ^ 2 i e t) e r . !S)ag id) 'ta§ recite .^immeUbrot), Zid} 3cf«, aHi()rer ^3}ien[c^ uut> ®ott, ^JDZit l)5cbfter (£f)revMetuncj e§, Unt fceine Siebe nie i^ergej. 5[)?eL 58, S5Iute, Sammtein, auf unfern (Sinn, 3Bir Micfcn ftcti3 auf bein ^reu3e ^in ; Dritci uui? an bein ^erje, 5ln ttetne SJuntien, ©0 l)a(>en anr immer fefge (Stunten, £amm, Samm, o ?amm I Sit. Xeifflttgencikic^en u. f. w, !]fTJel. 68, r t)u ?!JZann ^oH @(^mer3 ! ^(uf auf unfer Jperj ; SBerb' uniJ immer, tag^ unt) ftiinbli^, 3n bcm 3nnern mel)r empfinblic^, Xa^ fein ^lugenMicf Uno yon t)ir oervitcf'. mtl 228, 5\>ir bringen bir mtt ?obgefang, 5(ubctung, ^itbm, ^ob, ^xQii nn't Tant, V •i^atcv t^cU (Srbarmen ! 5JiitIeifcig fa()'ft tu unfre 5^ct^, (Sommunion 'dieter. 73 Unb gvi^il 5ur ^cttun(^ au^ bem lob T)ein iicbc^ Sixn'D luM Slrmcn ; Deinen Sincn <2ot)n im (5(^oo^e, 3n fo i^vo^e 5f?ot{) 311 fcnfcn, — 23er yermag ba^ gan3 3U bcnfen! 5}?eL 195, SSater atler ©naben, Urn bci? Sobnev? 3'BitIen, 5)en bu lic^t in 23inbeln (}u(Ien, I^er ung ^riiber nennet, Unb iveil er gcftovC^en, X)tr 311 ,^inbern uni3 erirorBeit* m^ un^ I^eil— ^rt bent ^eil, 2)a^ cr buv^5 ?!}lcnf(^ipcrbett SQieber6rac^t auf (Srben, 3efu, roller ®nabe ! J^er' ber Xeinen 33itte, (Se9 un^ innig na^, unb fc^iittc 2)einer ?[l?cnfd)^eit ©egen Uebcr beine ©lieber, J)eine (Sc^wefiern, beinc 33rubcr. !Dein attein a>oU'n tuir fepn, Un»J &i5 3um (Erfalten ®laubig ju bir ^altcn. 74 (E ni ni u n t n * '^ i e b e r . mtl 22. Sr bringt mit ftc^ ^rieb, ®onn* unD grfub, 5>ertreibt all'-^ Seit unb Xraurigfeit; Dur(^ fein' ©eBurt, Slnc^ft, ©(ut unb lob @rretf t er uno auc aller 5*Zct§. 23ac ijatV uriiJ ©ctt me^r fonnen t^utt, T^enn ba§ er un-^ gibt feinen 3c^n? ^er *jcn uuc ireggencmmen f>at 21U' unfre (Biint' unb 'D}ciffetI)aL 9??el. 230. D tx>ie beugt une ba^ 3111* Srben : 3f)n brang bie Sie&e iDZenfc^ 3U irerben, Unb fiir uttc in ben Zo^i 3U ge^n. ©ott, ber .^err, im ^(eifc^ crfctienen, ^ommt turcb fein ^(ut un^? ^u 'oerfiiBnen; iBIicft auf fein ^veu3 1 la ift'»5 gefc^e^n. Jpeitiger J^erre ®ctt I ^eitiger ftar!er ©ott I 2)einer i)?ten)\t§eit 3^r 5}Zcr9enrot^, — I)ein ^reu^e^tob, Sriofet unc' au5 aller ^otb. mtl 39. ®ott unferm @ott, roelc^er im menfc^Iid^cn Drbcn, Somniunion=i?ietter. 75 Un^ qIM, unfer 53Iutv?frciinfc unt* !:J?rut'cr (^(- Unt» fiir un^ v^eftort^cn, t^cinfclbcn 3iu (£(>ren (Spre^' alle^ 'In^lf 5(mcn, unt' lobe ben .V^erren. .« ■'mwA . - *1 , - ??Hl 'ft*-'! I ' '"-^ ^'1.' 'iM ■f /I ^.^;... i ,' f ^^r^:-:^ ■■:■■': if '''' >' ' '. ^JtJtK ^f