GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, PEINGETON, NEW JEESEY, FROM 1812 TO 1856. Wm. S. Maktien, Printer. \ ^N>- 'c; % -CI 29192; general Catiikgue OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY y^ PRINCETON, NEAV JERSEY. FROM 1812 TO 1856. BV 4070 .P756 G4 1856 Princeton Theological Seminary. General catalogue of the Theoloaical Seminary^ ||jihbtlpl}ia: PRINTED BY WILLIAM S. MARTIEN, 1856. This Catalogue contains the names of all persons who have been connected with the Seminary from its foundation to the present time, as Directors, Professors, or Students, arranged according to the date of their original subscription in the Matriculation Book. It is published in a very incomplete state, as the only prac- ticable means of perfecting the next edition. Any aid in filling blanks or rectify- ing errors will be thankfully accepted. The particulars here given respecting the Alumni are the following: 1. The name of the Alumnus. 2. His native state or country. 3. The place of previous education. 4. The time spent here. 5. Subsequent ofl&ces or occupations. The length of residence is indicated by a figure (1, 2, 3, etc.) denoting so many academical years. An additional sign (-|- or — ) means a month, or a few months, more or less. A negative sign without a figure ( — ) marks a residence of only a few weeks or days. When these signs are preceded or followed by the name of a theological school, it denotes that the Alumnus was received from an- other institution of the same kind, or dismissed to join one. The words licen- tiate, ruling elder, ordained minister, etc. indicate the status previous to matricu- lation. No honorary titles have been given; but the names of such Alumni as have been Directors of the Seminary, or Moderators of the General Assembly, are distinguished by the dates of these appointments. The design of the register here given being less statistical than biographical, the station or employment mentioned last is not in every case one occupied at present. The asterisk (*) as usual in academic catalogues, distinguishes the dead. Under all these heads, some omissions and mistakes have been discovered since the printing was begun, the most important of which, together with a few recent changes, are given on the next page, that the reader may correct them for himself before examining the Catalogue. COKRECTIONS AND ADDITIONS. 1S15 — 1810, Salmon Strong, vend "Aurora {fji.i.y Gilbert Morgan, New York. Union College, (3). Professor in Hampden Sidney College. Pastor, Johnston, N. Y. President of Western Univer- sity^ Pa. Teacher in North Carolina. 1820—1821. James G. Hamner, add '' New Haven, Ct." Daniel Young, add "German Reformed Church." lS22— 1823, *James H. Stuart. *James Weatherby. 1823—1824. *Robert Henry. 1824—1825. Thojias L. Janeway, add "Kingston, N. J. Director, 1849." *George B. Whiting. 1825 — 1826. Watson Hughes, add -"Kansas." John McCluskey, add "Neshaminy, Pa." John F. McLaren, add "President of AVestern University, Pa." *Theodore S, Wright. 1827—1828. Anderson B. Quay, add "Beaver, Pa. Indiana, Pa. Agent of Colonization Society." *John Dickey. 1828—1829. *William C. White. 1829—1830. For Walter, read William R. Power. Nathan L, Rice, add "Moderator, 1855." John B. Adger, add "Pendleton, S. C." Abraham De Witt, erase the asterisk. Arthur Burtis, add "Pastor, Buifalo, N. Y." 1831 — 1832. Robert J. Breckinridge, add "Moderator, 1841." 1832—1833. *Gilbert L, Smith. 1833—1834. Paul E. Stevenson, add "Bridgeton, N. J." 1834—1835. *RoBERT W. Dunlap, 1835 — 1836. Duncan Kennedy, add "Presbyterian Church, Troy, N. Y." *J0HN StONESTREET. William M. Galbreath, Pennsylvania. Washington College, (3). Pastor, De Graff, 0. 1836—1837. * Willi AM C. Schenck. 1839—1840. «^BfiNJAMiN H. Williams. For Milton A. Jackett, read Sackett. 1841 — 1842. Joseph M. Atkinson, add "Raleigh, N. C." John Lyon, add "Pastor, Missouri. Teacher, Bedford, Pa." 1843 — 1844. William M. Scott, add "Seventh Church, Cincinnati." David Irving, add "First Church, Morristown, N. J," Oscar Park, add "Wisconsin." 1844 — 1845. For John A. Boyle, read Bogle. 1846 — 1847. James L. Mackey, erase the asterisk. Samuel B. Cheek, add "Teachei-, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Danville, Ky." 1847 — 1848. Henry I. Coe, add " Secretary of Church Extension." Nathaniel C. Burt, add "Franklin Street Church, Baltimore." 1849—1850. Henry M. Painter, add "St. Joseph, Mo." 1851 — 1852. Ebenezer D. Junkin, for "Professor in Davidson College" read "Pastor in North Carolina." 1854 — 1855. ^Charles Boyd. David Hall, add "Columbus, 0." Edward L. Dodder, add "Dunleith, 111." John W. White, add "Middletown, Pa." DIRECTORS. 1812. *AsnBEL Green. '^Samuel Miller. *ASA HiLLYER. *James Richards. John McDowell. *JosEPH Clarke. *RoBERT Ralston. *JoHN Neilson. *Samuel Bayard. *PniLip Milledoler. *Henry Rutgers. *John R. B. Rodgers. *John Vancleve. *R0BERT FiNLEY. *Zechariah Lewis. ^William IIaslett. *john b. romeyn. *Samuel Blatciiford. William Neill. *DiviE Bethune. 1813. Francis IIerron. *Andreav Flinn. Jacob J. Janeway. *JoHN E. Latta '''Robert Lenox. *JoHN Woodiiull. 1814. *David Comfort. Gardiner Spring. DiRCK C. Lansing. 1815. ^Jonathan Freeman. * J AMES Hall, *JonN Chester. 1816. *James Blythe. 1817. *John Johnston. *JoHN McMullin. 1818. *Ebenezer Grant. Joseph C. Hornblower. 1820. ^Alexander Henry. 1821. *Benjamin Strong. *Thomas Bradford. 1822. Thomas H. McAuley. Ezra S. Ely. 1823. Eleazar Lord. *JoiiN M. Duncan. 1825. Henry R. Weed. Joshua T. Russell. *Eliphalet W. Gilbert. *EZRA FiSK. *RoBERT G. Johnson. *Eliphalet Wickes. William W. Phillips. DIRECTORS. 182G. ♦William Nevins. 1827. George C. Barber. 1828. John T. Woodhull. Thomas J. Biggs. *J0SEPH SaNEGRD. 1829. Thomas H. Skinner. 18.30. *Samuel Boyd. William D. Snodgrass. IH.Sl. *Benjamin M. Palmer. 1832. *JoHN Breckinridge. Moses Allen. 1833. ^Benjamin H. Rice. Albert Barnes. Ambrose White. 1834. William B. Sprague. Cyrus Mason. *WiLLiAM Latta. *hugh auchincloss. William Chester. 1885. *WiLLiAM A. McDowell. James Lenox. 183G. Henry A. Boardman. *c0rnelius c. cuyler. John N. Campbell. Nicholas Murray. *Elias W. Crane. George Potts. 1837. Joseph McElroy. George W. Musgrave. Alexander W. Mitchell. 1838. *JosEpii Campbell. 1839. ♦Matthew L. Bevan. 1840. ♦Lewis W. R. Phillips. 1842. John M. Krebs, John C. Backus. 1843. William M. I^ngles. 1845. James N. Dickson. 1847. Ebenezer Platt. Samuel Beach Jones. 1849. Daniel V. McLean. Cortlandt Van Rensselaer. William S. Plumer. Thomas L. Janeway. 1850. Stacy G. Potts. Shepherd Knapp. 1851. ♦Alexander Symington. Ira C. Whitehead. Hugh N. Wilson. 1852. John R. Davison. 1855. Phineas D. Gurley. John Fine. PKOFESSORS. 1812. . . . ^ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, 1851. 1813. . . . *SAMUEL MILLER 1850. 1822.... CHARLES HODGE. 1836. . . . *JOHN BRECKINRIDGE, 1838. 1838. . . . JOSEPH ADDISON ALEXANDER. 1849. . . . JAMES WADDEL ALEXANDER, . . . 1851. 1851. . . . WILLIAM HENRY GREEN. 1854. . . . ALEXANDER TAGGART McGILL. GENEEAL CATALOGUE OF STUDENTS. 1812—1813. William Blain, New York. Union College, (2+). Pastor, Malta, N. Y. Jonesburg, N. Y. Malta, N. Y. Good- mil, N. Y. *Henry Blatchford, England. Union College, (2-|-). Pastor, Salem, Mass. Associate Reformed Church, N. Y. *JoHN Covert, New York. Columbia College, (3). *Leverett I. F. Huntington, Ct. Yale College, (3). Pastor, New Bruns- wick, N. J. *Wm. a. McDowell, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (1). Pastor, Mor- ristown, N. J. Charleston, S. C. Secre- tary of the Board of Missions. Mode- rator, 1833. Director, 1835. James H. Parmele, New Hampshire. Yale College, (2-|-). Teacher in Baltimore. Colporteur in Ohio. Henry R. Weed, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Jamaica, L. I. First Church, Albany, N. Y. First Church, Wheeling, Va. Director, 1825. *Halsey a. Wood, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Amsterdam, N. Y. *Benjamin F. Stanton, New York. Union College, (2-f-). Pastor, Bethlehem, Ct. Hudson, N. Y. Amherst, Va. Prince Edward, Va. Jacob E. Vosburgh, New York. Union College, (1 — ). Samuel Robertson, Connecticut. Williams College, (2-f-). Pastor, Hunting- ton, L. I. Stillwater, L. I. Winnecon- na, Wis. *Jacob Green, New Jersey. Queen's (now Rutgers) College, (2-|-). Pastor, Suckasunny Plains, N. J. Bed- ford, N. Y. Chaplain, Sing Sing. William Hooper, North Carolina. University of North Carolina, (1 — ). Pro- fessor in University of North Carolina. Protestant Episcopal Church. Baptist Church. *JoHN Cruikshanks, South Carolina. Yale College, (2+). Pastor, St. John's Island, S. C. 1813—1814. John T. Edgar, Kentucky. (2-|-). Pastor, Smyrna and Flemingsburg, Ky. Frankfort, Ky. First Church, Nashville, Tenn. Moderator, 1842. *Thomas C. Searle, Massachusetts. Dartmouth College, (2). Professor in Dart- mouth University. Pastor, Madison, In- diana. Phineas Camp, New York. Union College, (2-f-). Pastor, Lowville, N. Y. *Jehiel Talmage, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2-f-). Pastor, Knowlton, N. J. Ellsworth, 0. Lebbeus Booth, New York. Union College, (1). Teacher in Ballston and Albany. John Barnard, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Lima, N. Y. John Ross, Ireland. Middlebury College, (2-f-). Pastor, Som- erset, Pa. Richmond, 0. Muncie, Ind. *Backus Wilbur, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Day- ton, 0. David Oliphant, New York. Union College, Andover Seminary, (1 — ). Pastoi-, Keene, N. H. Beverlj', Mass. Wells, Me. 10 1814—1816. Reuben Smith, New York. Middlebury College, (2). Pastor, Ballston, N. Y, Burlington, Vt. Third Church, Albany, Waterford, N. Y. Beaver Dam, Wis. Samuel B. How, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, Licentiate, (1—). Pastor, Trenton, N. J. New Brunswick, N. J. Savannah, Ga. Pre- sident of Dickinson College, Pa. Pastor, Reformed Dutch Church, New Bruns- wick, N. J. Abner W. Kilpatrick, N. Carolina. Hampden Sidney College, Licentiate, (1 — ). Pastor, Harrisonburg, Va. Clarksville, Tenn. Wilmington, Miss. John F. Crow, Kentucky. (1 — ). Pastor, Shelbyville. Ky. Hanover, Ind. Vice-President of Hanover College. John Monteith, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2). Pastor, Detroit. President University of Michigan. Elyria, 0. Blissfield, Mich. Ashbel G. Fairchild, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2-|-). Pastor, Union, Pa. George's Creek, Pa. Mor- gantown, Va. The Tent, Pa. Elisha p. Swift, Massachusetts. Williams College, (2). Pastor, Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary of Western Foreign Mis- sionary Society. Pastor, Allegheny City, Pa. *Eliphalet "W. Gilbert, New York. Union College, (2-\-). Pastor, AVilming- ton, Del. President of Delaware Col- lege. Pastor, Philadelphia. Silas Pratt, New York. Union College, (1+). Pastor, Brighton, N. Y. Chili, N. Y. Southport, N. Y, 1814—1815. *Thos. Charlton Henry, Pa. Middlebury College, (1-|-)- Pastor, Lexing- ton, Ky. Charleston, S. C. Wells Andrews, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2). Pastor, Alexandria, D. C. (now A^a.) Charles Webster, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Hempstead, L. I. Middletown Point, N. J. *James H. Mills, New York. Williams College, (2-f). Pastor, Cla- rence, N. Y. George W. Gale, New York. Union College, (l-f-). Pastor, Adams, N. Y. Principal of Oneida Institute, N. Y. Pro- fessor in Knox College, Hi. David Monfort, Ohio. Transylvania University, (2-|-). Pastor, Kuightstown, Ind. Macomb, 111. Thomas B. Balch, District of Columbia. College of New Jersey, (2-J-). Pastor, Snow Hill, Md. *Jeremiah Chamberlain, Pa. Dickinson College, (3). Pastor, Bedford, Pa. President of Centre College, Ky. President of Louisiana College. Presi- dent of Oakland College. Samuel S. Davis, New York. Middlebury College, (3). Pastor, Cam- den, S. C. *WiLLiAM McFarlane, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, (2-|-). James S. Woods, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, (2-}-). Pastor, Lewis- town, Pa. Thomas Alexander, North Carolina. (1—). Pastor, Valley Creek, Ala. *Eleazer S. Barroavs, Vermont. Middlebury College, (!-}-)• Preaching Tutor, Hamilton College. Pastor, Caze- novia, N. Y. Carlisle, N. Y. *Robert H. James, South Carolina. South Carolina College, (2). Pastor, Brad- leyville, S. C. Nicholas Patterson, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (2-f-). Pastor, Christiana, Del. 1815— 181G. *Samuel L. Graham, Virginia. Washington College, Va., (3). Pastor, Grassy Creek, N. C. Professor in Union Seminary, Va. Levin J. Gtlliss, District of Columbia. College of New Jersey, (l-f-)- Protestant Episcopal Church, Frederick, Md. Thomas J. Biggs, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (1-|-). Pastor, Frankford, Pa. Professor in Lane Semi- nary. President of Woodward College. Pastor, Fifth Church, Cincinnati. Charles S. Stewart, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Missiona- ry, Sandwich Islands. Chaplain U. S. Navy. Ravaud K. Rodgers, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Sand Hill, N. Y. Boundbrook, N. J. Benjamin I. Lowe, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Hard- wick, N. J. Marksborough, N. J. Je- romeville, 0. Keene, 0. 1815—1817. 11 Isaac W. Platt, New York. Collcgeof New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Atlion.-^. Tioga Point, N. Y. Bath, N. Y. West Farms, N. Y. ^Sylvester Larned, Mass;icluisetts. ]Mi(l(llel)nry Collcpie, Andover Seminary, (1-]-). Pastor, New Orleans. Reuuen Post, Vermont. Middlebury College, (3). Pastor, Wasli- ington, D. C. Charleston, S. C. Isaac Kellar, Maryland. Washington College, Pa., {2-{-). Pastor, Hagerstown, Md. Willianisport, jMd. Peoria, 111. ^Benjamin W. Richards, Pa. College of New Jersey, (1 — ). Gideon N. Judd, New York. Union College, fl-}-)- Pastor, Bloomfield, N. J. Catskill, N. Y. Montrose, Pa. Symmes C Henry, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2-|-). Pastor, First Claireh, Cranbury, N. J. Salmon Strong, New York. AVilliams College, (3). Amora, N. Y, Amo- ra and Clinton, N. Y. James C. Barnes, England. (2). Past-or, Lancaster, Painted Lick, and Silver Creek, Ky, Dayton, 0. Rich- mond, Lancaster, and Harmony, Ky. Perryville and Hanging Fork, Ky. Pis- gah, Ky. Otto S. Hoyt, Vermont. Middlebnry College, (l-j-). Pastor, Hills- boro', Vt. Hindsburg, Vt. ^Andrew W. Poage, Ohio. AVashington College, Pa., (1 — ). Pastor, Yellow Springs, 0. ^Stephen Saunders, Connecticut. College of New Jersey, {!+)• Pastor, Snow Hill, Md. South Salem, N. Y. Norwalk, 0. Elias Harrison, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (1). Pastor, Alex- andi-ia, D. C. (now Va.) William D. Snodgrass, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa,, V'"--|-). Pastor, Fayetteville, N. C, Sayannah, Ga. Mur- ray Street Church, New York. Second Street Church, Troy, N. Y. Fifteenth Street Church, New York. Goshen, N, Y. Director, 1830, ^William Moderwel, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (2+). Pastor, Augusta, Ga. Robert Glenn, Virginia. Transylvania University, (2.) Piistor, Joaesborough, Tenn. 181G— 1817. AViLLiAM Chester, Connecticut. Union College, (l-j-). Pastor, Hudson, N. Y. General Agent of Boartl of Educa- tion. Director, 1834. REMEMJUiANC'E ClIAMBERLAIN, Vt. Middle))ury College, (3). Pastor, Bethel, Ga. Decatur, Ga. Forsyth, Ga. John Johns, Delaware. College of New Jersey, f2). Protestant Episcopal Church, Freuerick City, Md. Christ Church, Baltimore, Md. Assist- ant Bishop of Virginia. President of William and Mary College. *JoHN S. Newbold, Pennsylvania. College of New .Jersey, (1-j-). *JoHN Goldsmith, New York. College of New .Jersey, (3). l?astor, New- town, L. I. *William Nevins, Connecticut, Yale College, (3), Pastor, First Church, Baltimore. Directoi-, 1826. Thomas S. Wickes, New York. Yale College, (2-|-)- Pastor, Greenlnish, N. Y. Sand Lake, N. Y. William James, New York. College of New .Jersey, (2). Pastor, Sche- nectady, N. Y. Albany, N. Y. Roches- ter, N. Y. *Henry Woodward, New Hampshire. Dartmouth College, (2). Missionary to Ceylon. *JoNATiiAN Price, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (1 — ). Baptist Jlissionary to Burmah. Absalom Peters, New Hampshire. Dartmouth College, (2-j-)- Pastor, Ben- nington, Vt. Secretary of the American Home Missionary Society. Pastor, Wil- liamstown, Mass. Charles Hodge, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (3). Assistant Teacher, 1820, Professor of Oriental and Biblical Literature, 1822. Professor of Exegetical and Didactic Theology, 1840, and Polemic Theology-, 18-34. Moderatcu', 184(). *NoRRis Bull, Connecticut. Yale College, {1-|-)- Pastor, Geneseo, N. Y. Clarkson, N. Y. Wyoming Vil- lage, N. Y. Aaron D. Lane, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, AVaterloo, N. Y. John AV. Grier, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, (1 — ). Chaplain in U. S. Navy. 12 1817—1818. George S. Boardman, Newlork. Union College, (3). Pastor, Watertown, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Rome, N. Y. Cherry Valley, N. Y. Cazenovia, N. Y. *Sylvester Eaton, New York. Williams College, (l-h)- Pastor, Norwalk, Ct. Paterson, N. J. Buffalo, N. Y. Matteawan, N. Y. William B. Sprague, Connecticut. Yale College, (2+). Pastor, West Spring- field, Mass. Albany, N. Y. Director, 1834. Benjamin Gildersleeve, Vermont. Middlebury College, Licentiate. (1 — ). Pas- tor, Charleston, S. C. Editor, Charles- ton and Richmond, Va. *Artemas Boies, Massacliusetts. Williams College, (l-j-). Pastor, Wilming- ton, N. C. Charleston, S. C. South Hadley, Mass. Boston. Lemuel D. Hatch, North Carolina. University of North Carolina, {'2-{-). Pas- tor, Newbern, N. C. Greensboro', Ala. *D AVID H. Philips, Kentucky. (1+). Lemuel F. Leake, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (1+). Pastor, Har- mony, N. J. Chartiers, Pa. *MosES Hunter, New York. Union College, (2+). Pastor, Angelica, N. Y. Almond, N. Y. *WiLLiAM C. WooDBRiDGE, N. Jersey. Yale College, (1—)- Teacher of Deaf and Dumb. Author and Editor. *Epaphras Chapman, Connecticut. Yale College, (1-f). Missionary to the the Osages. Constant Southworth, Vermont.. Middlebury College, (1+). 1817—1818. Eli W. Caruthers, North Carolina. Cnllege of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Greensborough, N. C. Alamance and Buffalo, N. C. *JonN Harriot Van Court, N. Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Car- mel. Miss. Baton Rouge, La. David Magie, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Second Church, Elizabethtown, N. J. *WiLLiAM B. Barton, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Wood- bridge, N. J. Charles P. McIlvaine, New Jersey, College of New Jersey, (1-f-). Protestant Episcopal Church, Georgetown, D. C. Chaplain U. S. Military Academy, West Point. Bishop of Ohio. President of Kenyon College. Nicholson E. Morgan, North Carolina. College of New Jersey, (2-)-). Pastor, Springville, N. C. Clinton, Ala. *JoHN R. Coe, New York. Union College, (3.) Adams W. Platt, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Rutland, N. Y, West Gahvay, N. Y. West Fayette, N. Y. Hector, N. Y. *Elias W. Crane, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (1). Pastor, Spring- field, N. J. Jamaica, L. I. Director, 1886. Azariah G. Orton, Massachusetts. Williams College, (3). Pastor, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Lisle, N. Y. Joseph Smith, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (1). Pastor, Staunton, Va. Ellicott's Mills, Md. Frederick City, Md. St. Clairsville, Ohio. Round Hill, Pa. *JoB p. Vinal, Massachusetts. Union College, (1-|-). Missionary to the Indians. John I. Pierce, New York. College of New Jersey, (8.) Pastor, Rock- bridge, Ky. Ridgewood, Ky. Salem, Ky. Henry Safford, Vermont. Dartmouth College, (8.) Domestic Mis- sionary and agent in Georgia. Cherokee Corner. Danielsville. Dahlonega, Ga. Thomas M. Strong, New York. Columbia College, (l-f-)- Pastor, Associate Reformed Church, Chambersburg and Shippensburg, Pa. Reformed Dutch Church, Flatbush, L. I. Joseph Estabrook, New Hampshire. Dartmouth College, (l-f-)- Teacher in Vir- ginia and Tennessee. *AusTiN Dickinson, Massachusetts. Dartmouth College, (1 — ). Editor. James Smith, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, (2.) Pastor, North Church, Philadelphia. Isaac Bard, Kentucky. Union College, (2). Pastor, Greenville, Ky. 1818—1819. 18 Henry Perkins, Connecticut. University of Oliio, (2). Pastor, Allen- town, N, J. Francis McFarland, Irelnnd. Washington College, Pa., (]+). Pastor, Bethel, Va. Secretary of Board of Eiln- cation. Pastor, Bethel, Va. Samuel S. Sciimucker, Pennsylvania. University' of Pennsylvania, (1-|-). Pastor, Lutheran Church, Newmarket, Va. Pro- fessor in Lutheran Theological Seminary, Gettysburg, Pa. 1818—1819. ^YILLIA^I C. Warfieli), Kentucky. (1+). Baptist Church. ^Andrew Todd, Kentucky. Jefferson College, (3). Pastor, Paris, Ky. Flemiugburg, Ky. Tallahassee, Fla. Jacksonville, 111. *Benjamin B. Wisner, New York. Union College, (2). Pastor, Old South Church, Boston. Secretary of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mis- sions. "William Henry Foote, Connecticut. Yale College, (L) Pastor, Romney, Va. James V. Henry, New York. College of New .Jersey, (3). Pastor, Ball- ston Spa, N. Y. Mount Pleasant, N. Y. Reformed Dutch Church, Ithaca, N. Y. Thomas Alexander, Kentucky. (3). Pastor, Selma, Ala. Andrew 0. Patterson, Pennsylvania. Jeflferson College, (1). Pastor, Mount ■ Pleasant, Pa. Beavertown, Pa. Agent of Boai'd of Missions. Pastor, Bethel, 0. Joshua Noble Danforth, Mass. Williams College, (--|-). Pastor, Newcas- tle, Del. Lee, Mass. Alexandria, D. C (now Va.) Charles Fitch, Massacliusetts. Williams College, (L'-j-). Pastor, Cherry Valley, N. Y. Holliston, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. Chaplain, Columbus, 0. Mount Vernon, Ind. Robert A. Lapsley, Kentucky. (3). Pastor, Wahlheim, Ky. Princeton, Ky. Nashville, Tenn. *Daniel B. Johnson, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Thomas Lounsbury, New York. Union College, (1+). Pastor, Ovid, N. Y. Homer, N. Y. John Maclean, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Professor in College of New Jersey. President of College of New Jersey. *Tno:MsoN S. Harris, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3.) Missionary to American Indians. Pastor, Lodi, N. Y. Ripley, N. Y. William C. Blair, Pennsylvania. Jeiferson College, (--(-)• Pastor, Butler's Plains, Miss. Agent and Domestic Mis- sionary, Texas. African Church, Natchez. *JoSHUA Moore, District of Columbia. Jefferson College, (3). Pastor, Moniken and Wicomico. Churchhill, Md. Prin- cess Ann, Md. East Kishacoquillas, Pa. Daniel Waterbury, New York. Union College, (3.) Pastor, Franklin, N. Y. Delhi, N. Y. Howard Malcom, Pennsylvania. {!-}-). Pastor, Baptist Church, Boston. President of Georgetown College. Ky. Pastor, Sansom St. Baptist Church, Phi- ladelphia. President of University of Lewisburg. Luke Lyons, New York. (3J. Pastor, Rochester, N. Y. Courtland Villa, N. Y. Jerseyville, HI. James Williamson, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa. (1-j-). Pastor, Silver Spring, Pa. Tancytown, Md. Athens, Pa. Milton, Pa. *JosEPH P. Cunningham, Kentucky. Transylvania University, (3.) Pastor, Ha- vana, Ala. *Henry L. Rice, Kentucky. (3). Pastor, Reformed Dutch Church, Spots wood, N. J. German Reformed Church, Chambersburg, Pa. John Hudson, Kentucky. Transylvania University, (3). Pastor, Nicholasville, Ky. Domestic Missionary, Iowa. *WiLLiAM Scott, Kentucky. {--\-). Pastor, Bardstown, Ky. Big Spring, Ky. *WiLLiAM Jessup Armstrong, N. J. College of New Jersey, Licentiate, (1 — ). Pastor, Charlottesville, Va. Trenton, N. J. Richmond, Va. Secretary of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. *Amzi Babbitt, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, Licentiate, (1 — ). Pastor, Pequca, Pa. Reformed Dutch Chm'ch, Philadelphia. Salisbury, Pa. *WiLLiAM Henderson, Ky. (3). 14 1819—1820. Nathaniel Conklin, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, {--}-). Pastor, Frankfort, N. J. Deckertown, N. J. Riclilaiul, 0. Providence, 111. *HoRACE S. Pkatt, Connecticut. Yale College, (--}")• I'astor, Shrewsbury, N. .J. St. Mary's, Ga. Professor in the University of Alabama. Charles James Hinsdale, N. Jersey. Yale College, (l+j. Pastor, Meriden, Ct. Blandford, Mass. *Orson Douglass, Vermont. Middlebury College, (2-j-). Pastor, Mari- etta, Pa. Mariner's Clmrch, Philadel- phia. *Samuel F. Darrach, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (1-f")- Peter 0. Studdiford, New Jersey. Queen's (now Rutgers') College, (2). Pas- tor, Lambertsville, N. J. and Solobury, Pa. William Q. Beattie, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (!-{-)• 1819—1820. Edwin Downer, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, ]\Iount Hope, N. Y. Forestburgh and Winter- boro', N. Y. Hugh Wilson, North Carolina. College of New Jersey, (2-|-). Missionary to Chickasaws. Prospect, Texas. Abraham Williamson, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2). Pastor, Ches- ter, N. J. Charles C. Beatty, New Jersey. College of New .Jersey, (o). Pastor, Steu- benville, Ohio. Teacher, ib. Abraham B. Hutton, New York. Union College, (2-[-). Principal of Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Philadelphia. Alfred Chester, Connecticvit. Yale College, (2). Pastor, Rahway, N. J. Teacher, Morristown, N. J. Michael Osborn, New York. (3). Pastor, Metuchin, N. J. Newbern, N. C. Cub Creek, Va. Schraalenberg, N. J. Briery, Va. Farmville, Va. *James Blythe Turner, Kentucky. (2-|-). Died in the Seminary. James Baber, Virginia. Associate Reformed Seminary, N. Y. (1-|-)- Pastor, Hancock, Md. Randolph, Va. *Theophilus Parvin, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, (2). Mission- ary to South America. Alexander M'Farlan, Scotland, Union College, (1-|-). Pastor, Deertield, N. J. Professor in Dickinson College. "^ James-Walter Douglass, Virginia. (3). Pastor, ]>riery, Va. Richmond, Va. Lexington, Va. Fayetteville, N. C. *James L. Marshall, Kentucky. (2-j-). Pastor, Cain Run, Ky. Robert Baird, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (3). Teacher, Princeton, N. J. Agent of American Sunday School Union. Secretary of American and Foreign Christian Union. *James McVean, New York. Union College, (2.) Teacher, Georgetown, D. C. ^Alexander Williamson, Pa. Jefferson College, (3). Pastor, Corydon, Ind. Delphi and Monticello, Ind. Mun- cie, Tnd. *Ben.tamin Ogden, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2). Pastor, Ben- salem, Pa. Lewestown, Del. Penning- ton, N. J. Niles and Constantino, Mich. Leonidas, Lagrange, and Elkhart, Mich. William Patton, Pennsylvania. Middlebury College, Licentiate, (1 — ). Pastor, New York City. Newport, R. I. James M. Olmsted, New York. Union College, (2-}-). Pastor, Landisburg, Pa. Flemington, N. J. Snowhill, Md. Artemas Bishop, New York. Union College, (2-|-). Missionary, Sand- wich Islands. Moses T. (now Edward) Harris, Pa. (3). Pastor, Alna, Me. Hebron, Ct. Franklin Gl. Smith, Vermont. Middlebm-y College, (1). Protestant Epis- copal Church, Lynchburg, Va. Teacher, Tenn. *Thomas C. Kennedy, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (2-|-)- Pastor, Berlin and Buckingham, Md. ♦Robert R. King, North Carolina. University of North Carolina, Licentiate, George Potts, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, (2-}-). Pastor, Natchez, Miss. Duane Street, N. Y. Uni- versity Place, N. Y. Director, 1836. Hollo WAY W. Hunt, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Metu- chin, N. J. Patchogue, L. I. 1820—1822. 15 Augustus L, Chapin, Massachusetts. Yale (\.llcjce. (24-). Pastor, Oxford. AValtoii. West Turin. Leyden. Lex- ington. Litchfield, N. Y. ''^JoHN Breckinridge, Kentucky, College of New .Jersey, {~-\-)- Pastor, Lox- iugtfin, Ky. Baltimore, Md. Secretary ofBoard of Education. Director, 1882. Pndessor of I'astoral Theology, 18:5G. General Agent of Board of Foreign Mis- sions. Pastor, New Orleans. 1820—1821. *EoBERT B. Campbell, S. Carolina. (3). Pastor, Lancaster Court House. Waxhaw. Beaver Creek. Camden, S. C. Stephen Frontis, France. (3). Pastor, Bethany and Tabor, N. C. Salisbury, N. C. Tliyatira and Franklin, N. C. Centre Church, N. C. John Knox, Virginia. (3). Fauquier, Va. *JoHN H. Kennedy, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (3). Pastor, Sixth Church, Philadelphia. Centre, Pa. Pro- fessor in Jefferson College. Charles C Darling, Connecticut. Yale College, (3). City Missionary, N. Y. *JoHN Blatchford, New York. Union College, (2-{-). Pastor, Bi-idgeport, Ct. Stillwater, N. Y. Chicago, 111. ^Robert Roy, New York. (3). Pastor, Freehold, N. J. Baynard R. Hall, Pennsylvania. Union College, (3). Professor in Univer- sity of Indiana. Pastor, Bedford, Pa. Teacher, Trenton, N. J. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Newburgh, N. Y. Brooklyn, L. I. James G. Hamner, Virginia. (2+). Pastor, Fayetteville, N. C. Fred- ericktown, Md. Baltimore, Md. George W. L. Smith, New York. Union College, (1). * Joseph Sanford, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, First Church, Brooklyn, L. I. Second Church, Phila- delphia. Director, 1828. George Bush, New Hampshire. Dartmouth College, (2). Pastor, Indian- apolis, Ind. Professor in University of New York Citj-. Pastor, Swedenborgian Church, New York. George Stebbins, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, ISIiddletown, N. Y. New llochelle, N. Y. Sterling, 111. Oguawka, 111. Nathaniel A. Pratt, Connecticut. Yale College, (3). Pastor, Shrewsbury, N. J. Darien, Ga. Roswell, Ga. *JonN Peebles, Pcnn.sylvania. Jefferson College, (3). I'astor, Hunting- don, Pa. Teacher, Lawrenceville, N. .J. Eld.vd W. Goodman, JIassachusotts. Union College, (3). Pastor, Torringford, Ct. Springfield, Vt. Granville, N. Y. Charlotte, Vt. Caldwell, N. Y. *Cyrenius Crosby, New York. Union College, (I — ). Daniel Young, New York. Union College, (2). Professor. Albert Barnes, New York. Hamilton College, (3-(-). Pastor, ^Morris- town, N. J. First Church, Philadelphia. Director, 1833. *James G. McNeely, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, (2). Edward E. Gregory, New York. (1—). Pastor, Blissfield, Mich. ^Joseph Trimble, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2+). Cyrus P. Gbosvenor, Massachusetts. Dartmouth College, (1-j-). Pastor, Baptist (.'hurcli, Boston. Salem, Mass. Ster- ling, Mass. *JosEPii Stibbs Christmass, Ohio. Washington College, Pa., (2-f). Pastor, American Church, Montreal. Bowery Church, New Yoi-k Cit}'. HoLLOWAY AY. Hunt, New Jersey. CoUegeof New Jersey, (1-f-)- Pastor, Per- ryville, N. J. Pleasant Grove, N. J. Lemuel P. Bates, Scotland. AVilliams College, Licentiate, (1 — ). Pas- tor, Whately, Mass. Templeton, Mass. Pontiac, Mich. Samuel Lawrence, Pennsylvania. College of New .Jersey, {--{-)■ Pastor, Greenwich, N. J. Milroy, Pa. 1821—1822. *A:\izi Francis, Connecticut. Middlebury College, (1 — ). Pastor, Bridge- hampton, L. I. George Dunham, Connecticut. (1 — ). Presbytery of Redstone. William H. Collins, Maryland. College of New Jersej", (l-(-). Counsellor at Law, Baltimore. *WiLLiAM George Krebs, Pa. College of New Jersey, (1). Died in the Seminary. 16 1822—1823. Henry G. Ltjdloav, New York. (3). Pastoi", Spring Street Church, N. Y. New Haven, Ct. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Theodore D. Woolsey, New York. Yale College, (1-|-)- Professor in Yale College. President of Yale College. William F. Curry, Kentucky. (1). Pastor, Lockport, N. Y. Montreal, L. C. David McKinney, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2-f-)- Pastor, Erie, Pa. Professor in Allegheny College. Pastor, Penn's Valley, Pa. Hollidaysburg, Pa. Editor of Presbyterian Banner. Alexander Campbell, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2-|-). Pastor, Bucking- ham and Blackwater, Md. Dover, Del. Poplar Town, Md. Moses C. Searle, Massacliusetts. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Graf- ton, Mass. New Hartford, N. Y. Joseph Myers, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Leroy. Brock- port. Waterville. Pittsboro', N. Y. *Samuel p. Pressley, South Carolina. Transylvania University, (3). Associate Reformed Church, S. C. Francis Bowman, Vermont. University of Vermont, (1). Pastor, Char- lottesville, Va. Greensborough, Ga. James H. Johnston, New York. Hamilton College, (3). Pastor, Madison, Ind. John V. S. Lansing, New York. Hamilton College, (2). True Reformed Dutch Church. Henry Duffield, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, (1 — ). George A. Smith, Virginia. College of New Jersey, (1 — •). Protestant Episcopal Church, Culpepper C. H., Va. *John Young, New York. Union College, (3). Vincennes, Ind. Joseph Hurlbut, Connecticut. Yale College, (1—). * Alan SON Benedict, Connecticut. Yale College, (3.) *Elam J. Morrison, North Carolina. University of North Carolina, Licentiate, James B Hyndshaw, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, New Providence, N. J. Milford, N. J. *JoHN G. Rannells, Kentucky. College of New Jersey, (1-|-). James Kerr, North Carolina. (1 — ). Pastor, Lebanon, Va. Cadiz, 0. Phinehas Robinson, New York. Hamilton College, (2). Oyster Ponds, L. I. Frankliuville, N. Y. *Ambrose Edson, Connecticut. (2). Pastor, Berlin, Ct. Somers, Ct. Daniel A. Penick, Virginia. Hampden Sydney College, (3). Pastor, Powhatan, Va. Milton, N. C. Rocky Run, N. C. James Chestney, New York, (2). Gilbert Crawford, Scotland. (1—). Pastor, Buffalo, N. Y. Le Roy, N. Y. Albion, N. Y. '^HuGH Caldwell, Pennsylvania. Hampden Sydney College, (2). Missionary to Choctaws. John McKinney, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2). Pastor, Frederick, 0. Alexandria, Pa. Urbana, 0. Os- wego, 111. *Robert M. Laird, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (1). Pastor, Montours, Pa. Princess Anne, Md. Samuel Steel, Ireland. (1). Winchester, Ky. Hillsborough, 0. Samuel Swan, Scotland. (1). Ligonier, Pa. Armagh, Pa. Jeptha Harrison, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2-|-). Pastor, Aberdeen, Miss. Burlington, Iowa. Fin- castle, Va. Memphis, Tenn. *JoHN Mitchelmore, England. (2). Pastor, Lewistown, Del. *Matthew L. Fullerton, Pa. Union College, (2-j-) Pastor, Greencastle, Pa. and Hagerstown, Md. George W. Campbell, New York. Union College, Licentiate, (1 — ). Millbury, Mass. James W. Alexander, Virginia. College of New Jersey, (l-f-). Pastor, Charlotte C. H., Va. First Church, Tren- ton, N. J. Professor in College of New Jersey. Pastor, Duane Street Church, New York. Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Church Government, 1849. Pastor, Nineteenth Street Church, New York. 1822—1823. James H. Stuart, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (2-|-). Pastor, Kishacoquillas, Pa. 1822—1823. 17 Charles W. Nassau, Pennsylvania. University of I'enn^ylviuiia, (1). I'astor, Noiiistiiwii, Va. .Moiit^omory S(iUiirc. Pa. I'rofVssor in Maiiou C'ollejie. Pro- fessor ill Lafayette College. President of Lafayette College. Teacher, Lawrence- ville, N. J. James "Weatiikrby, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (-+). Pastor, Washington, N. C. Tu-sciimbia, Ala. Oxford. Miss. Willington, Miss. Presi- dent of Female College, Aberdeen, Miss. John W. Ward, New York. Collegeof New Jersey, (2). Pastor, Union, N. Y. Edward N. Kirk, New York. College of New Jersey, (4). Pastor. Alba- ny, N. Y. Mount Vernon Church, Boston. JosiAH Bent, Massachusetts. Harvard University, (1—). Pastor, Wey- mouth. Falmouth. Amherst, Mass. Charles Thompson, Connecticut. (2). Dundaff, Pa. James B. Morrow, Virginia. Jefferson College, (2-|-)- Pastor, Canton, 0. New Philadelphia, 0. Ulrichville, 0. Sandy Hill, 0. Richard Broavn, Virginia. Jefferson College, (2-|-). Pastor, .Jerome- ville, 0. New Hagerstowu, 0. Jared B. Waterbury, New York. Yale College, (2+). Pastor, Hatfield, Mass. Portsmouth, N. H. Hudson, N.Y. Bowdoin Street, Boston. Joseph Hoavland Coit, New York. Columbia College, (2-|-). Protestant Epis- copal Churcli, Wilmington. William C. Kniffin, New York. (1). Pastor, Reading, Ct. May's Lick, Kv. Orangeville, N. Y. East Nankin, M'ich. *JoHN M. Moore, New York. Union College, (2). Lewis Bond, New Jersey. Union College, (3). Pastor, Plainfield, N. J. Goldsmith Denniston, New York. Union College, (1). Judge in New York. William Brearley, New Jersey. Collegeof New Jersey. (3). Pastor, Winnes- borough, S. C. Darlington, S. C. *WiLLiAM Henry Woodhull, N. J. College of New Jersey, (2). Pastor, Upper Freehold, N. J. o O Alfhei) E. Campbell, New York. Union College, (1 ). Pastor, Newark, N. Y. Palmyra, N. Y. Cooperstown, N. Y. Spring Street, New York City. *Benjamin O. Peers, Kentucky. Ti'ansylvania Univei'sity, (1 — ). Protest- ant Episcopal Church. President of Transylvania University. John Burtt, Scotland. (1 — ). Pastor, Salem, N. J. Cincinnati, O. Blackwoodtown, N. J. McK NIGHT Williamson, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (3). Pastor, Dickinson, Pa. Lower Tuscaroi'a, Pa. Crab Apple, (). Alexander Church, 0. Hibbards- ville, 0. *Thomas J. A. Mines, Virginia. (1-|-). Pastor, Maysville, Ky. German- town, Pa. Carbondale, Pa. Northern Liberties, Philadelphia. Amos Savage, New York, aiiddleburv College, (3j. Pastor, Gran- ville, n."y. Ebenezer H. Snowden, New York. Hamilton College, (2-|-). Pastor, St. Augus- tine, Fla. Rush, Pa. Brownville, N. Y. Kingston, Pa. Joshua A. Clayton, New York. Union College, (2-j-). Pastor, Ellisburg, N. Y. Brantingham, N. Y. William McJimsey, New York. Union College, (1 — ). Pastor, Monticello, N. Y. AUentown, Pa. *LuTHER Clark, New York. (1—). Pastor, Plymouth, N. Y. William J. Bradford, New York. (1 — ). Pastor, German, N. Y. Rodney A. Miller, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Worcester, Mass. Aratus Kent, Connecticut. Yale College, (1—). Pastor, Galena, 111. Horatio N. Brinsmade, New York. Yale College, (1 — ). Teacher of Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford Pastoi-, Pitts- field, Mass. Third Church, Newark, N. J. Beloit, Wis. Alvin H. Parker, Vermont. Middlebury College, (2). Pastor, Cape May, N.\J. Salem, N. J. Samuel V. Marshall, Kentucky. Transylvania University, (3). Woodford, Ky. Mount Stei-ling, Ky. Professor in Transylvania L^niversity. Professor in Oakland College. Domestic Missionary' in La. la 1823—1824. *WiLLiAM A. Porter, New York. Williams College, (1+). Professor in University of Vermont. Professor in Williams College. Samuel Reid, Pennsylvania. Jeft'erson College, (4). Pastoi-, Brooke county, Va. John Sessions, Vermont. Dartmouth College, (1). Pastor, Adams, N. Y. Brownville, N. Y. Norwich^ N. Y. Sandlake, N. Y. Joseph Nimmo, Virginia. (3). Portsmouth. Va^ Sweet Hollow, L. I. Teacher, Huntington^ L. I. Red Mills, N. Y. Somers, N. Y. ^Sylvester Scovel, New York. Williams College, (2-|-). Norristown, Pa. Woodbury, N. J. Lawrenceburg, Ind. President of South Hanorcr College. *WiLLiAM J. Wilson, South Carolina. South Carolina College, (1 — ). John Lodor, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (1 — ). Pastor, Cedar Creek, Va. Woodstock, Va. Greenbury W. Ridgely, Kentucky. ^1_|_). Chaplain U. S. Navy. Protestant Episcopal Church, Bucks county. Pa. John Pierce, Massachusetts. Brown University, (1 — ). Pastor, Sanger- field, Mass. John Le Roy Da vies, South Carolina. University of North Carolina, (3). Ches- terville, S. C. Hopewell, S. C. Charles Le Roy Boyd, S. Carolina South Carolina College, (3). Pastor, Mount Olivet and .Jackson Creek, S. C. Cale- bee, Ala. Lebanon, S. C. Joseph B. Adams, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (3). Pastor, Hebron and New Hope, Ala. AVashington and Greensburg, Ind. Urbana and Gallipo- lis, 0. New Berlin and Mifflinburg, Pa. William Ramsey, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (--j-). Mission- ary to Bombay. Pastor, Southwark, Phil- adelphia. *EusEBius Logan, Virginia. (3). Missionary in North Carolina. Abraham 0. Halsey, New York. Union College, (3). Reformed Dutch Church, Bucks county, Pa. JosiAH B. Wilkinson, New Jersey. (1-}-). Hardington, N. J. ^Jonathan ])ickerson, New York. Union College, (1). Sing Sing, N. Y. Wil- liamsport, Md. *Ebenezer Mason, New York. College of New Jersey, (l-l")- Pastor, New York City. *James Campbell, South Carolina. South Carolina College, (1+). Joseph H. Jones, Massachusetts. Harvard University, (1). Pastor, Wood- bury, N. J. New Brunswick, N. J. Sixth Church, Philadelpliia. Samuel Taylor, Kentucky. (1). Pastor, Millisburg, Ky. Stonesmouth, Ky. Nicholasville, Kv. AVashington, Ind. Oren Hyde, Massachusetts. Middlebury College, (l-J-)- Pastor, Madi- son, N. Y. Saquoit, N. Y. Springfield, N. Y. Fairfield, N. Y. Wells Bushnei.l, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (--}-)• Pastor, Mead- ville. Pa. New Castle, Pa. Missionary to the Indians. Casp, Schaeffer, M. P., Pennsylvania. (1-)- 1823—1824. George W. Bethune, New York. Dickinson College, (2). Pastor, Reformed Dutch Church, Rhinebeck Falls. Utica, N. Y. Philadelphia. Brooklyn. William H. Williams, New York. Dickinson College, (3). Pastor, Albany, N. Y. Tuscaloosa, Ala. *Alexander H. Codwise, New York. Dickinson College, (1 — ). Protestant Epis- copal Church. Mancius S. Hutton, New York. Columbia College, (3). Pastor, German Valley, N. J. Reformed Dutch Church, New York. John A. Proudfit, New York. Union College, (1 — ). Pastor, Newbury- port, Mass. Professor in University of New York. Professor in Rutgers College. Joseph M. Ogden, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Chat- ham, N. J. Samuel A. Bumstead, Massachusetts. Middlebury College, (I-f ). Pastor, Read- ing Pa. Reformed Dutch Church, Phila- delphia. *Alexander Logan, Pennsylvania. AVestern University of Pa., (3j. Agent and Missionary. 1823—1824. 19 James Hervey Looan, Pennsylvania. (3). Pastor, Au). Mii^?ionary to Ceylon. Kalph Bull, New York. (1—). Pastor, AVest Town, N. Y. William M. Thomson, Ohio. Miami University, (1+). Missionary to Palestine. Nathan L. Rice, Kentucky. Licentiate, (^-f-)- Pastor, Bardstown, Ky. Central Church, Cincinnati. Second Church, St. Louis. Henry H. Hopkins, Pennsylvania. (3). Pastor, Owensboro', Ky. Henry Sherman, New York. Yale College, (1—). Thomas Creigh, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, ( — ). Pastor, Mercers- burg, Pa. John B. Adger, South Carolina. Union College, (3). Missionary to Asia Minor. Pastor, Charleston, S. C. *Abraham T)e \Vitt, New York. (3). Pastor, Lewes, Del. Rock, Md. Henry A. Boyce, New York. (•2-|-). Pastor, Mount Pleasant, Pa. Archibald Cooper, Pennsylvania. George F. Heard, Georgia. University of Georgia, (2). *Samuel Washburn, Maine. (1—). Pastor, Greenfield, Mass. Balti- more. Isaac Grier, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, (3). Pastor, White Deer, Shamokin and Buffalo, Pa. Wash- ington, Pa. *Robert Bryson, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, (1). John Fleming, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2+). Missionary to Creek Indians. Pastor, Earlville, 111. Leicester A. Sawyer, New York. Hamilton College, (1). Pastor, Smithville, N. Y. Sackett's Hurbour, N. Y. John W. Woodward, New Hampshire. (1 — ). Shrewsbury, N. J. *James Wyckoff, New Jersey. College of New .Jersey, (2). Stillwater, N. J. Hardeston, N. J. Klmer H. Cox, Indiana. (3). William A. Holliday, Indiana. Rliniiii Universit}^ (2-1-). Indianapolis. E. P. Salmon, Massachusetts. (1-f ). Ruggles, 0. Peru, 0. Washington Roosevelt, New York. Mi). Pastor, Freehold, N. J. Belvidere, N. J. Pre- sident of Washington College, Pa. Pas- tor, Lewisburg, Pa. Silas Billings, Connecticut. Yale College, (3). Pastor, Prince George Count}', Ya. Henry R. Wilson, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2-j-). Missionary to India. Agent of Board of Foreign Mis- sions. Teacher, Bridgeton, N. J. *Wm. C. McElroy, South Carolina. University of Georgia, (3). Pastor, Dan- ville, Va. Thomas R. Baird, Kentucky. (1 — ). Henry Ballantine, Ohio. University of Ohio. ( — ). Missionary to India. Oren C. Thompson, Ohio. AVestern Reserve College, (1 — ). Pastor, St. Clair, Mich. Leavis F. Wilson, Tennessee. University of Nashville, (3). Pastor, AA'oodstock, Va. Falling AVater, \a. Daniel M. Lord, Connecticut. Amherst College, (2-}-). Seamen's Chap- lain, Boston. Pastor, Shelter Island, N. Y. Michael Hummer, Indiana. Indiana College, (1 — ). Lafayette, Ind, Stevenson, 111. Iowa City. Washington, Iowa. Keokuk, Iowa. so 1831—1832. William Bejient, New Hampshire. Dartmouth College, (1-f). Joseph McKee, Ireland. Belfast College, (1—). Teacher, Pater- son, N. J. Albert Williams, New Jersey. College of New .Jersey, (--}-). Seamen's Chaplain, Mobile. Pastor, Clinton, N. J. San Francisco. Lewis W. Green, Kentucky. Transylvania University, (l-f-)- Professor in Centre College, Ky. Professor in Western Theological Seminary. Pastor, Second Church, Baltimore; President of Hampden Sidney College, Va. *EzRA r. Dayton, New Jersey. College of New .Jersey, (1 — ). Samuel E. Robinson, Tennessee. (3). Agent of Board of Foreign Missions. Presbytery of East Alabama. John R. Agnew, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, Union Seminary, Ya., (1-|-). Pastor, Butler county. Pa. Welsh Run, Pa. Temperanceville and INIount Carmel, Pa. Chestnut Grove, Md. Scrub Grass, I^a. William B. Yates, South Carolina. Union Seminary, Va., (1 — ). Seamen's Chaplain, Charleston. Thomas McDermott, New Jersey. (1-|-). I'astor, Chippewa, 0. Hubbard, 0. Unity, 0. Austin 0. Hubbard, Massachusetts. Yale College, Member of Baltimore Pres- bytei"y, (--}-). Assistant Teacher, 183o. Pastor, Hardwicke, A^t. Taneytown, Md. Henry Connelly, Pennsylvania. Jeiferson College, Licentiate, (1 — ). As- sociate lleformed Church, Bloomingburg, N. Y. Platt T. Holley, Connecticut. Yale College, (1—). Aristides S. Smith, Virginia. Yale College, Union Seminary, Va., (1). Pastor, Brunswick County, Va. Accomac Court House, Va. Theodoric Pryor, Virginia. Hampden Sidney College, Union Seminary, Va., (1 — ). Pastor, Sussex, Va. Third Church, Baltimore. Second Church, Pe- tersburg, Va. John Diell, New York. Hamilton College, Andover Seminary, (1). Seamen's Chaplain, Honolulu, S. I. Martin Weaver, M. D. Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, (1). Thomas Martin, Ireland. Belfast College, (1—). Presbytery of Red- stone. 1831—1832. Wm M. Cunningham, Tennessee. AVashington College, Tenn., (3). Pastor, Lexington, Va. Lagrange, Ga. Andrew B. Cross, Maryland. College of New Jersey, (--f-). Domestic Missionary, Md. Joseph Cory, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Ny- ack, N. Y. Benjamin Cory, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Perth Amboy, N. J. Charles W. Rogers, Georgia. Yale College, (1+). Erastus Hopkins, Massachusetts. Dartmouth College, Andover Seminary, William H. Scram, New York. Union College, ( — ). William Pinkney, Maryland. St. John's College, (2). Methodist Episco- pal Church. Ebenezer McDowall, Canada. (1). Henry H. Woodbridge, New York. Yale College, (1+). Wm. Cushing Schuyler, New York. *JoHN Newton Allen, Kentucky. Centre College, (1+). Mark A. H. Niles, Massachusetts. Amherst College, (1—). Professor in Hano- ver College. Pastor, Marblehead, Mass. Alexander Guy, M. D., Ohio. Lane Seminary, (3). Dunbar Morel, Georgia. (1 — ). Richard Webster, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, South Easton, Va* Mauch Chunk, Pa. William P. Apthorp, Massachusetts. Yale College, Andover Seminary, (1). George E. Delavan, New York. Yale College, Andover Seminary, (1 — ). Pastor, Sherburne, N. Y. AVilson, N. Y. Hammond's Port, N. Y. 1831—1832. 31 *J0SK1>II W. 1>AUI?, Ohio. Wcsteru Reserve (.V>llo''e, Amlover Semi- nary, (1). RoTJEHT Mills, Irolantl. (l-f). William Mack, Xgw York. Union College (•>)• Pastor, Rochester, N. Y. Columbia, Tenn. Albeut R. Raymond, New York. Union College, (14")' Pastor, Salem, Pa. Hugh N. Wilson, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (-+)• Pastor, Southampton, L. I. Hackettstowu, N. .J. John S. Hart, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (3). Professor in College of New Jersey. Principal of Eilgehill School, I'rinceton. High School, I'hiladelphia. Ceo. II. Woodward, New Ilanipshire. Dartmouth College, (1+). Pastor, East Start'ord, Ct. Harvey Curtis, New York. Middlebury College, (1). Pastor, Bran- don, Vt. First Church, Chicago. *JoiiN Stocker, New York. Middlebury College, (2). Monticello, Ind. Levi S. Beebee, New York. Vale College, (2). Pastor, Upper Free- hold, N. J. *James McEwen, Scotland. (8). Missionar}' to India. Pastor, Delhi, N. Y. Samuel R. Houston, Virginia. Dickinson College, (1). Missionary to Greece. Pastor, Union, Ya. Samuel B. S. Bissell, Connecticut. Yale College, (3). Agent of Sunday-school Union. Samuel H. McDonald, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, West Kishacoquillas, Pa. Stephen F. Cocke, Virginia. Union Seminary, (1 — ). Agent, Texas. Henry I. Venable, Kentucky. Centre College, (1 — ). Union Seminary, Ya. jNIissionary to Africa. Pastor, Charles- ton, 111. *Benj. H. Campbell, Pennsylvania. (3). Pastor, Rome, N. Y. William N. Morrison, Virginia. Washington College, Ya., (1). Presby- tery of Concord. James R. Eckard, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, (!-{-). Mis sionary to Ceylon and Madura. Pastor Second Church, Washington City, Benjamin Lockwood, Connecticut. Yale College, (1—). (Jeoroe W. Leyburn, Virginia. College of Now Jersey, (2). Missionary to Greece? Teacher in Ya. John Siioap, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (1 — ). (Ilanson Scofield, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Waterloo, N. Y. Ypsilaiiti, ^lich. James M. McKiji, Maryland. Dickinson College, (1 — ). Arthur B, Bradford, Pennsylvania. Union College, (2+). Pastor, Philadel- phia. Clinton, N. J. Mount Pleasant, Ind. David S. Sheldon, Vorniont. Middlebury College, (1—-). Matthew B. Hope, Pennsylvania. Jetferson College, (3). Missionary to Sin- gapore. Secretary of Board of Educa- tion. Professcn- in College of New Jer- sey. James Stratton, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Ports- mouth, Ya. Washington, N. C. Samuel Galloway, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (2-|-). Professor in Lafayette College. James T. English, New Jersey. Union College, (8). Pastor, Liberty Cor- ner, N. J. *JoHN A. GrRETTER, Virginia. University of Virginia, Union Seminary, Ya., (1 — ). Pastor, Greensboro', N. C. Stephen Foreman, Cherokee Nation. Union Seminary, Ya., (1). Pastor, Tahle- quah, C. N. John B. Spotswood, Virginia. Amherst College, Union Seminary, Ya., (2), Pastor, Sussex, Ya. Ellicott's Mills, Md, New Castle, Del. Leonidas L. Smith, Virginia. Hampden Sidney College, Union Seminary,. Ya., (1). Protestant Episcopal Church,. Ya. William Townley, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2-j-). Pastor, Mil- ford, Pa. Centreville, N. Y. Fresb Pond, L. I. Crown Point, Iowa. Samuel W. Gaylord, New York. (1).. 32 1832—1833. Theodore ^Y. Simpson, New Jersey. Rutgers College, (!-[-)• Professor in Del- aware College. Pastor, Charlestown, Va. Monokin aucl Wicomico, Md. Bla- deiisburg, Md. Charles W. Howard, Greorsia. University of Georgia, (2). Pastor, Mil- ledgeville, Ga. French Protestant Cliurch, Charleston, S. C. Sheridan Guiteau, Connecticut. Middlebury College, Andover Seminary, (1). Agent, Baltimore. Thomas Morrow, Kentucky. Centre College, (1 — ). Pastor, Hopewell, Ala. Warren G-. Jones, Connecticut. Union College, (!-[-)• Chas. L. Bartlett, New Hampshire. Thos. Kidder, New Hampshire. (1). J. LoRiNG Frary, Massachusetts. Amherst College, (1). Pastor, Apple Creek, Mo. *JoHN Plotts, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (1+)- Teacher, Mount Holly, N. J. Samuel R. Ely, Massachusetts. Williams College, {2). Pastor, lied Mills, N. Y. John B. Cassels. (1 — ). Charles C. Corss, Massachusetts. Amherst College, (3). East Smithfield, Pa. Elias p. Ely, Connecticut. Washington (now Trinity) College, (2-j-). *Elijah p. Lovejoy, Maine. Waterville College, (1+). Editor, St. Louis and Alton, HI. Samuel S. Sheddan, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2-|-). Pastor, Muncy, Pa. First Church, Rahway, N. J. David X. Junkin, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2). Pastor, Greenwich, N. J. Washington City. Hollidays- burg. Pa. Ferdinand D. W. Ward, New York. Union College, (2-}-). Missionary to India. Pastor, Geneseo, N. Y. *'Ephraim T. McLean, Kentucky. (3). Pastor, Steubeuville, Ky. *James McGeoch, New York. Union College, (1 — ). Robert J. Breckinridoe, Kentucky, Union College, Ruling Elder and Licen- tiate, (1 — ). Pastor, Second Church, Baltimore. President of Jeiferson Col- lege. Pastor, Second Church, Lexington, Ky. Professor in Theological Seminary, Danville, Kj'. Samuel M. McClung, Pennsylvania. (3). Pastor, Plum Creek and Parnassus, Pa. James Lewers, South Carolina. Licentiate, ( — ). Pastor, .John's Island and Wadmelaw Island, S. C. Rocky River, S. C. James Adger, South Carolina. Charleston College, (3). John C. Backus, New York. Yale College, (3). Pastor, First Church, Baltimore. Director, 1842. Alfred Briant, New Jersey. (3). Pastor, Niles, Michigan. Salmon L. Matthews, New York. Middlebury College, (1—). 1832—1833. John C. F. Hoes, New York. Amherst College, (2-|-). Reformed Dutch Church, Chitteuango, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. Kingston, N. Y. Lewis C. Gunn, New York. Columbia College, (2-[-)- *David White, Massachusetts. Union College, (3). Samuel L Prime, New York. Williams College, (1). Pastor, Fishkill Lauding, N. Y. Ballston Spa, N. Y. Editor of New York Observer. James A. Lyon, Tennessee. Washington College, Tenn., (3). Pastor, Rogersville and New Providence, Tenn. Columbus, Miss. St. Louis. Columbus, Miss. Samuel D. Campbell, Virginia. Washington College, Va., (3). Pastor, Brandon, Miss. Highbridge, Va. Euchee Valley, Fla. William Sterling, New York. Williams College, (3). Pastor, Reading, Pa. James Purviance, Maryland. (3). Pastor, Carmcl, Miss. President of Oakland College. Joshua Butts, Maryland. (3). Pastor, Yorkville, N. Y. Placerville, California. 1832—1833. 23 Daniel E. Manton, New York. Amherst College, (2-(-). Pastor, Marino, *Adino Stanley, Missouri. (1+). David D. Clarke, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (1). Pastor, Lower Marsh Creek, Pa. John Dunlap, Penns3'lvania. (3.) Alexander Nelson, Maryland. ( 2-|-). Pastor, Connecticut Farms, N. J. Robert Street, Pennsylvania. (2-(-). Pastor, Connecticut Farms, N. J. ♦Alexander H. Bishop, Connecticut. Yale College, (3). Reformed Dutch Church, Astoria, N. Y. Charles H. Read, Connecticut. (1 — ). Pastor, Pearl Street Church, New York. United Church, Richmond, Va. John H. Condit, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Wash- ington, Ky. Edward Wright, New York. (3.) Clifton, 0. White Plains, N. Y. Theodore Johnson, Ohio. Miami University, (1-|-). John Abeel Baldwin, New Jersey. Yale College, (3). Pastor, First Church Lancaster, Pa. GrEORGE BuRROWES, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Kirk- wood, Md. Professor in Lafayette Col- lege. Abijah p. Cuminqs, New Y''ork. Union College, (3). Publisher of New York Observer. William J. Monteith, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Broadalbiu, N. Y. Port William, Ky. Mayfield, N. Y. MiLO N. Miles, Connecticut. Yale College, (l-f). Randolph Campbell, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2). Pastor, New- buryport, Mass. Joseph Marr, Pennsylvania. (1—). Milton, Pa. William W. Latta, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Waynesburg, Pa. Richard M. Chipman, Massachusetts. Dartmouth College, (1 — ). Pastor, Athol, Mass. 5 James B. Payne, New York. Rutgers College, (3). Gilbert L. Smith, Connecticut. Rutgers College, (3). John B. Scudder, New Jersey. College of NeAV Jersey, (1). Joseph Brown, Virginia. Washington College, Va., (3). Pastor, Spring Creek, Va. Teacher. William Brown, Virginia. Washington College, Va., (3). Pastor, Augusta Church, Va. Enoch Van Aken, New York. Rutgers College, (1). Jahleel Woodbridqe, Massachusetts. Union College, (3). Pastor, Taneytown, Md. Pike county, Miss. Pisgah. Buh- ler's Plains, La. Baton Rouge, La. Hen- derson, Ky. Samuel Beach Jones, South Carolina. Yale College, (4). Professor in Oakland College. Pastor, Bridgeton, N. J. Aaron H. Hand, New York. Williams College. (3). Pastor, Lebanon, Ga. Berwick and Brier Creek, Pa. Greenwich, N. J. Moses Floyd, Ireland. Belfast College, (2-|-). Pastor, Little Val- ley and West Kishacoquillas, Pa. Bates- ville, Ark. Unity Church, Pa. JoNA. E. Woodbridge, Massachusetts. Williams College, (2). Editor, Boston. Robert C. G-rundy, Kentucky. Centre College, (3). Pastor, Maysville, Ky. David T. Stuart, Kentucky. (3). Teacher, Shelby ville, Ky. John J. Slocum, New York. (1 — ). Pastor, Manhattan Island, N. Y. Agent, Cincinnati. George Hall, New Hampshire. Dartmouth College, (1). *Jonathan T. Ely, New York. (1). David Hull, Pennsylvania. JeflFersou College, (2-f-). George T. Todd, Connecticut. Yale College, (3). Pastor, Smithfield, N. Y. James 0. Stedman, North Carolina. University of North Carolina, (3-(-). Pas- tor, Tuscumbia, Ala. Wilmington, N. C. Jlemphis, Tenn. 84 1833—1834. John C. Lowrie, Pennsylvania. Jeiferson College, (1 — ). Missionary to India. Secretary of Board of Foreign Mis- sions. Joshua Huntington, Massachusetts. Yale College, (— ). Stephen Alexander, New York. Union College, (2-|-). Professor in Col- lege of New Jersey. John T. Pierce, Massacliusetts. Harvard University, (1 — ). Lane Semi- nary, 0. Eli T. Mack, Massachusetts. Williams College, (1 — •). John W. Baker, Georgia. University of Georgia, (3). Samuel Howe, Massachusetts. Yale College, Licentiate, (1 — ). Sylvester Woodbridge, New York. Union College, (3). West Hampton, N. Y. Benicia, Cal. David Polk, Maryland. Jefferson College, (1+). Mount Tabor, Pa. Thomas W. Humes, Tennessee. East Tennessee College, (1 — ). Samuel Storrs Howe, Vermont. Middlebnry College. Andover Seminai-y, (1). Editor, Iowa. William Findley, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (1). Associate Reform- ed Chui-ch. *Charles B. Guild, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (1). Died while a student. John N. LewiS; New York. Union College, (2-|-). Fairfield, N. Y. Truxton, N. Y. Lisle, N. Y. Lodi, Wis. Maiden, N. Y. Joseph L. Riggs, New Jersey. Amherst College, (2-}-). Isaac J. Henderson, Mississippi. Jefferson College, (3). Pastor, Prytania Street Church, New Orleans. 1833—1834. Benjamin L. Swan, Massachusetts. (3). Pastor, Fairhaven, Ct. Willis Lord, Connecticut. Williams College, ( — ). Pastor, Seventh Church Philadelphia. Seventh Church, Cincinnati. Fairfield, Ct. Isaac Brayton, New York. Union College, (2). Pastor, First Chutch Watertown, N. Y. William Pitcher, New York. Williams College, (1+). James L. Cole, Pennsylvania- University of Pennsylvania, (3). Ralph Smith, New York. Williams College, (2). Pastor, Southold, L. I. George Hale, New York. Williams College, (8). Pastor, Pennington, N. J. Eliphalet Cramer, New York. Union College, (1). Gideon Dana, Massachusetts. Brown Univei'sity, (1 — ■). John J. Dana, New York. Union College, (1). James J. Helm, Tennessee. Greenville College, (3). Pastor, Salem, N. J. Teacher, Newton, N. J. Phila- delphia. Princeton, N. J. John T. Balch, Tennessee. Greenville College, (3). Mount Carmel and Portersville, Tenn. McGrew Church Texas. Oak Island and Centreville, Texas. *Benj. Tyler, New Jersey. (2-J-). Philemon H. Fowler, New York. Yale College, (3). Pastor, Utica, N. Y. Henry C. Fries, Pennsylvania. (2-|-). Laurel, Del. Milville, N. J. Thomas N. Welles, Connecticut. Yale College. Andover Seminai-y, (1 — ). William B. De Forest, Connecticut. Yale College. Andover Seminary, (1). ^William R. Preston, Kentucky. Georgetown College, (3). John C. Paine, Massachusetts. (1). Pastor, Rehoboth, Mass. Alexander Porter, Pennsylvania. (2). Pastor, Portsmouth, Va. Henry B. Camp, Connecticut. Yale College. Andover Seminary, (1 — ). John M. Galloway, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2). Benjamin C. Mathes, Tennessee. Washington College, Tenn., (1 — ). Samuel M. Wilson, Maryland. Jefferson College, (2-|-). Pastor, Lithopo- lis, Ohio. 1834—1835. 35 Samuel M. Bayless, Maryland. Rutgers College, (3). Hunter H. Boyd, Virginia. Jefferson College, (2-|-). Pastor, Win- chester, Va. Thomas Owen, Wales. College of Now Jersey, (!+)• Presby- tery of Long Island. Obadiah M. Johnson, New Jersey. Amherst College, (2-|-). Chaplain, Rio Janeiro. Pastor, Denton, N. Y. Ephraim Strong, New York. Williams College, (-+)• Pastor, Iloneoye Falls, N. Y. Juliet, 111. Jared L. Elliott, District of Columbia. College of New Jersey. Auburn Seminary, (1 — ). Chaplain in U. S. Navy and Army. Thomas M. Clark, Massachusetts. Yale College, (2). Protestant Episcopal Church, Boston. Philadelphia. Hart- ford, Ct. Bishop of Rhode Island. John Bowers, Massachusetts. Yale College, (1+). North Wilbraham, Mass. Seagrove W. Magill, Georgia. Yale College. Andover Seminary, (1 — ). Paul E. Stevenson, New York. Union College. (2-f-). Pastor, Staunton, Va. Williamsburg, L. I. Wyoming, Pa. Luzerne Presbyterian Institute, Pa. Jonas Denton, New York. Williams College, (3). Chippewa, 0. William A. Scott, Tennessee. Cumberland College, Licentiate, (1). Pas- tor, Winchester, Tenn. Tuscaloosa, Ala. New Orleans. San Francisco. *Francis C. Usher, Kentucky. Cumberland College, {--{-)■ Professor in Cumberland College. Jesse F. Ford, Louisiana. Cumberland College, (1-|-)- Pastor, Shrevesport, La. Abijah Greene, New York. Union College, (2-[-). Presbytery of North River. Abraham L. Bloodgood, New York. Union College, (3). AVest Galway, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. Benjamin M. Nyce, Pennsylvania. Dickinson College, (!-{-)• James W. Dale, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, (1 — ). Pas- tor, Middletown and Ridley, Pa. Henry G. Comingo, Kentucky. Centre College, (2-j-). Pastor, First Cliurch, Steubenville, 0. Enoch Thomas, Delaware. Amherst College, (1-|-). Tygart's Valley, Va. Samuel P. IIelme, Pennsylvania. (3). George D. Young, Delaware. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Havre de Grace, Md. Southington, 0. James A. Clark, New York. Yale College, (14-). Pastor, Meriden, Ct. John Turbitt, Ireland. Belfast College, (1). Pastor, Prospect and West Jersey, 111. 1834—1885. Robert C. Galbraith, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (3). Pastor, Madison Street, Baltimore. William N. Mebane, North Carolina. University of North Carolina, (3). Pastor, Spring Garden, N. C. Thomas Wickes, New York. Yale College, (1+). Salem, N. Y. James M. Sayre, New York. Williams College, (l-f). Rondo, N. Y. Edwin H. Nevin, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (3). Davis S. Brainerd, Connecticut. Yale College, (1+). RoBT. B. McMullen, South Carolina. University of Alabama, Licentiate, (2). Pastor, Clinton, Ala. Professor in East Tennessee College. Pastor, Knoxville. John Moule, New York. Rutgers College, (3). Deposed. Tyrrell Blair, Massachusetts. Union College, (3). Pastor, Angelica, N. Y. Robert D. Morris, Kentucky. Augusta College, (3). Pastor, Newtown, Pa. Ezekiel Quillin, Virginia. (3). Pastor, Wellsburg, Va. Samuel Y. Wyly, Tennessee. Greenville College, (3). Pastor, Leesburg, Tenn. 36 1834—1835. Archibald A. Mathes, Tennessee. Washington College, Tenn., (1 — ). Belle- Yue, Mo. Shubael G. Spees, New York. Union College, (1-|-). Pastor, Galena, 111. "William Y. Miller, New York. Union College, (1-f-)- llidgebury, Pa. Knoxville, 111. *Frederick S. Ernst, Pennsylvania. Yale College, (3). Pastor, Buliler's Plains, La. Edward D. Bryan, Pennsylvania. (3). Pastor, Rye, N. Y. Benjamin Carrell, Pennsylvania. Union College, (3). Pastor, Amwell, N.J. Lemuel G. Olmstead, New York. Union College, (1 — ). Presbytery of Erie. *George W. Schenck, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Teacher. Robert P. Dubois, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, (1). Pastor, New London, Pa. John M. Macauley, New York. University of Pennsylvania, (3). Reformed Dutch Church, New York. Daniel Stratton, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (!-}-)• Pastor, Salem, N. J. *Edward D. Allen, New York. Union College, (l-f-). Pastor, Albany, N. Y. Rapin E. Smith, Pennsylvania. (3). Quincy, 111. Charles G. Lee, New York. Yale College, (1—). Charles Atwater, Connecticut. Yale College, (1). *JosEPH SiLLCOCKS, New Jersey. (3). Licentiate of Presbytery of New Brunswick. George D. Purviance, Maryland. St. Mary's College, (3). Pastor, Fourth Church, Baltimore. Joseph F. Leaming, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2). Jonathan Brace, Connecticut. Amherst College, (1). Pastor, Litchfield, Ct. Walter R. Long, New York. Union College. Andover Seminary, (1-j-.) William Tracy, Connecticut. Amherst College. Andover Seminary, (1-j-). Missionary to India. Peter Dougherty, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Missionary to Mackinaw. Philemon E. Coe, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2). Protestant Episcopal Church. Elias S. Schenck, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Presbytery of Bedford. David J. Waller, Pennsylvania. AVilliams College, (3). Pastor, Blooms- burg, Pa. John H. Morrison, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). ]\Iissionary to India. *Charles S. Sibley, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (1). Daniel Wells, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Treasurer of Board of Foreign Missions. Teacher. Julius Foster, New York. Hamilton College, (3). Pastor, Towanda, Pa. Nicholas W. Chavalier, Maryland. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Christiansburg, Va. Richard Curran, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (3). Pastor, Gallipolis, 0. Cassville, Geo. Cedar- ville, N. J. Shaver's Creek, Pa. Potts- town, Pa. Amos B. Lambert, Massachusetts. University of New York, (1) Pastor, Sa- lem, N. Y. Samuel Kellogg, New York. University of New York, (3). Hempstead, L. I. Quoque, N. Y. Elias J. Richards, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Read- ing. Philadelphia. Stephen R. Wynkoop, Pennsylvania. Union College, (2-j-). Pastor, Wilmington, Del. *BuTLER Goodrich, Massachusetts. Union College, (1-|-). Died in the Semi- nary. *John Lyle, Kentucky. Centre College, (1+). Walnut Hill, Ky. David D. McKee, Kentucky. Centre College, (1-j-). Bath and Billings- ville, Ind. 1835—1836. 37 Gaius M. Blodgett, New York. Union Colleg;e, (1—). New Scotland, N. Y. Samuel B. Ayres, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (3). Robert W. Dunlap, South Carolina. (3). Pastor, Columbia, Pa. Baltimore, Md. Hagcrstown, Md. Nath. Herrick Griffin, New York. Williams College, (2). Pastor, Delhi, N. Y. Evert Marsh Topping, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (l-(-). Teacher, Baltimore. *JoNATHAN H. Sherwood, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2-}-)- Pastor, Mil- ford, N. J. Hardwick, N. J. William Y. Allen, Kentucky. Centre College, (1-|~)- Montgomery, Ala. Houston. Austin. Columbia. Texas. Richmond, Ky. Carlile and Concord, Ky. Rockville and Bethany, Ind. Richard Hooker, Connecticut. Yale College. Columbia Seminary. Licen- tiate, (1 — ). Presbytery of Hopewell. William C. Dana, Massachusetts. Dartmouth College. Columbia Seminary. Licentiate, (1 — ). Pastor, Central Church, Charleston. Harmon Loomis, Vermont. University of Vermont. Andover Semi- nary, Licentiate, (1 — ) Secretary of American Seamen's Friend Society. *Jos. Addison Cary, Massachusetts. Amherst College, (2). Teacher of Deaf and Dumb. Aaron A. Kemble, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (2). Teacher. 1885—1836. Duncan Kennedy, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Galway, N. Y. Reformed Dutch Church, Albany, N. Y. Jacob W. E. Ker, Maryland. (2-|-). Pastor, Deerfield, N. J. *RoRERT W. Hume, New York. Union College. Andover Seminary, (2). Missionary to Bombay. Isaac W. K. Handy, Dist. of Columbia. Jefferson College, (1-}-). Pastoi-, Bucking- ham Church, Md. Warsaw, Mo. Draw- yer's and Port Penn, Del. Portsmouth, Va. Edward W. Wright, Ohio. Miami University, (3). Pastor, Delphi, Ind. Thomas H. Barr, Ohio. Western Reserve College, (3). Pastor, Jackson, O. George Ely, New Jersey. College of New .Jersey, (3). Pastor, Dutch Neck and Nottingham (now Hamilton) Square, N. J. William W. Hill, Kentucky. Centre College, (2-(-). Pastor, Shelbyville, Ky. Editor, Louisville, Ky. Samuel D. Stuart, Kentucky. (2+). Pastor, Versailles, Ky. Woodford, Ky. Briery, Va. Robert T. Berry, Virginia. (2-(-). Pastor, Georgetown, D. C. Mar- tinsburg, Va. Ward D. Talbot, Massachusetts. Union College, (2-|-). *George Wells, Ohio. Kenyon College, (3). Pastor, Circle- ville, 0. Wm. H. Marquess, Virginia. (1 — ). Thomas M. Boggs, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (1). Pastor, Donegal and Marietta, Pa. John N. Gilbreath, Tennessee. Greenville College, (3). Presbytery of St. Louis. Archibald A. Doak, Tennessee. Washington College, Tenn., (3-|-). Pro- fessor in Washington College, Tenn. * Alexander Van Court, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, St. Louis. Robert Osborn, New Jersey. Jefferson College, (3). Pastor, Point Plea- sant, Va. Robert C. Graham, Virginia. Greenville College, (3). Presbytery of Montgomery. John G. Howell, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Kingwood, Va. John C. Patterson, Delaware. College of New Jersey, (1). David M. Halliday, M. D., N. Jersey. College of New Jersey, (2). Pastor, Dan- ville, Pa. Peekskill, N. Y. Melancthon W. Jacobus, N. Jersey. Collegeof New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Brook- lyn, L. I. Professor in AYestern Theolo- gical Seminary. 38 1836—1837. James L. Scott, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (3). Missionai-y to India. John Paisley, North Carolina. University of North Carolina, (3). *Aaron B. Jerome, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Mont- gomery, Ala. Charles L. Mills, New Jersey. Yale College, (2). John V. Dodge, New York. Yale College, (3). Pastor, Jacksonville, 111. Joseph B. Hadden, South Carolina. University of Nashville, (3j. Pastor, An- drew, Iowa. John B. Morton, New Jersey. University of New York, (3). Middle- town, 0. *John Stone Street, Kentucky. Centre College, (1-j-). *Oren K. Canfield, Massachusetts. College of New Jersey, (3). Missionary to Africa. Henry James, New York. Union College, (2-f-). John E. Freeman, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Missionary to India. Daniel Gaston, Pennsylvania. (2-|-). Pastor, Beaver Meadow, Pa. Ken- sington, Pa. Joseph Owen, New York. College of New Jersey, (8). Missionary to India. Alex. Gulick, New Jersey. (2-\-). Hugh Walsh, New York. Yale College, (1-|-). Physician, N. Y. John V. Reynolds, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2-)-). Pastor, Mead- ville, Pa. Parke Godwin, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, {!-{-). N. Y. Editor, William Bradley, Pennsylvania. AVashington College, Pa. (1—). Elbridge Bradbury, Massachusetts. Amherst College, (2-|-). Pastor, Williams- port, Pa. New Providence, N. J. James P. Terry, Connecticut. Amherst College, (1+). Edward D. G. Prime, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Scotchtown, N. Y. American Chaplain, Rome. Joseph J. Bullock, Kentucky. Centre College, (1 — ). Pastor, Chestnut Hill, Ky. Louisville, Ky. Daniel Stewart, New York. Union College, (3). Professor in Theolo- gical Seminary of New Albany. Pastor, Camden, N. J. Samuel Galloway, Ohio. Miami University, (1 — ). William E. Dixon, Massachusetts. Williams College, (1). *John B. McCoy, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2-}-). Pastor, Mill Creek, Pa. ^Robert Birch, New York. Dickinson College. Andover Seminary, (l-f-). Pastor, Canal Street, New York. New Brunswick, N. J. William R. Work, Ohio. Washington College, Pa., (1). Second Presbytery of Philadelphia. *Robert M. White, Pennsylvania. Amherst College, (1). Pastor, Flats and Three Springs, N. Y. William G. Bell, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (2-)-). Pastor, Booneville, Mo. John Crowell, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (l-^-)- Pastor, West Chester, Pa. Second Church, Orange, N. J. *JoHN P. Carrell, Pennsylvania. (1-|-). Pastor, Harmony, N. J. Grove- land, N. Y. Joseph S. Gallagher, New York. West Point Academy, (l-{-)- Pastor, Orange, N. J. Thomas Hobby, South Carolina. Columbia Seminary, (1 — ). James Rosamond, South Carolina. Miami University. Andover Seminary, (1-|-). Presbytery of Tombeckbee. 1836—1837. Wm. H. McAuley, North Carolina. Miami University, (3). Missionary to In- dia. Pastor, Uniontown and Shell Creek, Ala. *William B. Woodruff, Ohio. Miami University. Lane Seminary, (1 — ). 1836—1837. 39 Jerome Twichell, Ohio. Miami University, (3). Pastor, New Or- leans. Professor in Planters College, Miss. Pastor, Houston, Texas. Talbot W. Chambers, Pennsylvania. Rutgers College. New Brunswick Semi- nary, (1). Pastor, Reformed Dutch Church, Somerville, N. J. Collegiate Church, New York. Ebenezer C. Birge, Vermont. (1). t^DMUND McKiNNEY, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (1). Missionary to American Indians. Samuel W. Fisher, New York. Yale College, (l-J-)- Pastor, Second Church, Cincinnati. William Huntting, New York. Amherst College, (3). Pastor, Greenport, L. I. Orwell, Pa. New Vernon, N. J. Caleb Abbott, New Jersey. Union College, (1). James M. Harlow, New York. College of New Jersey, (2-|-). Pastor, Bristol, N. J. Peter Snyder, New York. Union College, (!-{-)• Pastor, Second Church, Watertown, N. Y. James Petrie, Scotland. College of New .Jersey. Pastor, Liberty, N. Y. Pluckamin, N. J. Thomas Brown, England. Union College, (1 — ). Green Spring, Va. Thomas Wright, New York. Williams College, (1+). James H. Chamberlain, New York. Union College, (3). *Thomas Grier, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2). James A. Platt, New York. Hamilton College, (2). Robert Crawford, Scotland. Williams College, (2). Edward B. Edgar, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Mount Hope, N. Y. Westfield, N. J. James B. Ramsey, Pennsylvania. Lafayette College, (4). Pastor, West Farms, N. Y. Missionary to the Choc- taws. Pastor, New Monmouth, Va. Isaac Hall, Maryland. Charles F. Worrell, Pennsylvania. (3). Pastor, Upper Freehold, (now Mill- stone) N. J. John F. Ingersoll, Massachusetts. (I-)- William B. Reeve, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, White Lake, N. Y. West Hampton, L. I. Samuel Hunt, Massachusetts. Amherst College. Andover Seminary, Sherman Hoyt, New York. (3). John Montgomery, Kentucky. Centre College, (I-}-). Pastor, Harrods- burg, Ky. Henry H. Cambern, Kentucky. (3). Pastor, Rushville, Iowa, Joseph Platt, Kentucky. Centre College, (3). Pastor, Lebanon, Ind. Vincennes, Ind. John C. Rankin, North Carolina. (3). Missionary to India. Pastor, Basking- ridge, N. J. William F. McRee, Tennessee. Jackson College, (3). Pastor, Camden, Ala. William Van Doren, New Jersey. College of New .Jersey, (1). Caleb Strong, Massachusetts. Yale College, (1). Pastor, American Church, Monti'eal. David Lyon, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, North- ampton, N. Y. *Allen M. Jerome, New York. College of New Jersey. Daniel Higbie, New York. Yale College, (3). Pastor, Sparta, N. J. *G-EORGE W. McElroy, Kentucky. Centre College, (1 — ). Pastor, Winches- ter, Ky. *Moses H. Hunter, Virginia. Yale College, (!-}-). Protestant Episcopal Church. GrEORGE W. WooD, Massachusetts. Dartmouth College, (1 — ). Foreign Mis- sionary. Secretary of American Board of Foreign Missions. Samuel Hopkins, New York. Amherst College. Auburn Seminary, (1 — ). Professor in Auburn Seminary. BuRTis C. Megie, New York. University of New York, (1). Lewis W. Williams, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Lower Path Valley and Burnt Cabins, Pa. 40 1837—1838. *Sylvander Hutchinson, Mass. Amherst College, (1-|-). Wm. Gtraham Allen, Kentucky. College of New Jersey, (3). Olive Bran cli and Uniontown, Ky. Charles K. Imbrie, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Rail- way, N. J. Jersey City. Robert W. Orr, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College. Western Seminary, (1 — ). Missionary to China, Professor in Washington College, Pa, David Malin. Auburn Seminary, (1 — ). Genoa, N. Y. Agent of American Board of Commission- ers for Foreign Missions. William C. Schenck, New Jersey. Rutgers College, (1). Richard M. Baker, Georgia. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Mari- ana, Fla. Thomas K. Fessenden, Connecticut. Williams College. New Haven Seminary, (1__). Presbytery of Cortland, (N. S.) Henry F. Bowen, Maryland. Jefferson College, (1). ^William W. Bonnell, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (1 — ). Teacher. John C. Bayless, Kentucky. Centre College, (l-j-) Bethesda, Ky. William Pinkerton, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (2-(-). Pastor, Highbridge, Va, Rees Happersett, Pennsylvania, Washington College, Pa., (2-|-). Assistant Secretary of Board of Missions. John R. Dundass, Ohio. Washington College, Pa., {!-{-)■ Pastor, Mingo, Pa. William C. McGee, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (8). Pastor, Hard- wick, N. J. Henry Belden, Connecticut. Andover Seminary, (1 — ). C. S. Van Santvoord, New York. Rutgers College, (1 — ). Pastor, Canas- tota, N. Y. David W. Swartz, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (2-1-). 1837—1838. William B. Carter, Tennessee. Washington College, Tenn., (3). Holston Presbytery. Samuel M. Cooper, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (1-|-). Pastor, Clear- field, Pa. William Riddle, Scotland College of New Jersey, (3). Missionary in Mississippi. Andrew Tully, Scotland. Lafayette College. (3). Pastor, Lower Mount Bethel, Pa. Harmony, N. J. James Greene, New York, Amherst College, (3). Madison Presby- tery. Samuel R. Wilson, Ohio. South Hanover College, (3). Pastor, First Church, Cineinnati. Elijah F. Rockwell, North Carolina. Yale College, (1). Professor in Davidson College. Francis E. Lord, New York. Union College, (1). Chauncy Leavenworth, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Richmond, Ind. Henry Lyman, Massachusetts. Union College, (1). Pastor, Galway, N. Y, Griffith Owen, Wales. Jefferson College, (2). Pastor, Uniontown, Pa. CohocksinkjPa. Southwark Church, Philadelphia. Third Church, Balti- more. Samuel S. Hawley, New York. College of New Jersey, (2). RoBT. M. Loughridge, South Carolina. Miami University, (1). Pastor, Sumpter County, Ala. Missionary to Creeks. F. A. Muhlenberg, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (1). John S. Labab, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (2-j-). Teacher in New Jersey. Frederick M. Noll, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Protestant Episcopal Church. John M. Woodbridge, Ohio. Miami University, (1-f-)' Levi Janvier, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (l-j-). Missionary to India. 1838—1830. 41 David Teese, Ireland. (3). Pastor, Amherst, Va, Sing Sing, X. Y. Henry IIanmer, Connecticut. Amherst (\)llcKe, (1). rresl\vtery of In- CharLES R. SMITH, Virginia. *Walter 31. LoWRiE, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (^-j-). Missionary to China. dianapolis, (N. S.) John D. Wiiitiiam, Yiro-inia. Washington College, Pa., ("5). "^ Jonathan P. Alward, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (1-|-). .Missionary' to Africa. George W. Thompson, New Jersey. Rutgers College, (0). Pastor, Lower Tus- caroi-a, Pa. John N. Boyd, New York, Union College, (3.) Pastor, Hempstead, i StANLY P. HoUGH, N. Y. Liberty, N. Y. Phineas D. Gurley, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Indianapolis, Dayton, 0. Washington City. Edwin H. Reiniiart, Pennsylvania- College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Vienna, N. Y. Elizabeth Port, N. J. Moses W. Dodd, New Jersey. College of New .Jersey, (1). Bookseller and Publisher, New York. (1-}-). Cane Creek, Ala. Joshua H. McIlvaine, Delaware. College of New .Jersey, (3). Pastor, Utica, N. Y. Rochester, N. Y. David Kelly, New York. Union College, (3). Montpelicr, Ala. Lewis C. Lockwood, New York. Union College. Associate Reformed Semi- nary, (1 — ). Windham, N. Y. Bloom- ingdale, N. Y. James W. Knott, New Jersey. Jefferson College, (1). Presbytery of Rich- land. LeRoy J. Halsey, Tennessee. University of Nashville, (3). Pastor, Chest- nut Street, Louisville, Ky. John Wray, Ireland. (3). Missionary to India. Pastor, Beech- woods, Pa. James M. Smith, New York. (1). Presbytery of Dane. Samuel C. Damon, Massachusetts. Amherst College, (1). Seamen's Chaplain, Honolulu, S. I. Ebenezer p. Rogers, Connecticut. Yale College, (1 — ). Pastor, Augusta, Ga. Penn Square, Philadelphia. Joshua Phelps, New York. Union College, (3). Pastor, Dubuque, Iowa. President of Alexander College. Philip D. Boyd, Maryland. Jefferson College, (2). RuFUS Taylor, Massachusetts. Amherst College, (3), Pastor, Shrewsbury, N. J. Manchester, Mass. George W. Coons, Kentucky. Ordained Minister, (1^-)' Pastor, Mem- phis, Tena, 6 Auburn Seminary, ( — ). 1888—1839. David Coulter, Delaware. Lafayette College, (3). Pastor, Round Prairie, Mo. * James R. Lewis, New Jersey. (1 — ). Died while a member of the Semi- nary. James McWilliam, Scotland. University of Aberdeen, (3). Pastor, Ox- ford, N. J. Towanda, Pa. William N. McHarg, New York. Union College, (2). Pastor, Albion, N. Y. Ithaca, N. Y. John W. K. Doak, Tennessee- (2). Teacher. *JoHN P. DiVEN, Pennsylvania. (1). Died while a member of the Seminary. Henry V. D. NEVius,Dist. of Columbia. College of New .Jersey, (3). Byrd, Va. Walnut Hill, Ky. Samuel F. Colt, New Jersey. (3). Presbytery of Sus). Pastor, Muncy, Pa. Joseph Mateer, Ireland. Belfast College, (1). Pastor, Leatherwood and Licking, Pa. Andrew B. Morse, New York. Hamilton College, (3-{-). ISIissionary to Siam. * Alfred Phillips, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (2-j-). Died in the Seminary. William W. Sickels, Indiana. South Hanover College, (--]-)• Presbytery of New Albany. Henry Huntington Smith, (now Henry Smith Huntington,) New York. College of New Jersey, (--}-)• Joseph Gaston Symmes, Ohio. South Hanover College, (3). Pastor, Ma- dison, Ind. Kobert B. Williamson, Virginia. University of Virginia, (3). Robert McMullin, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, (4). Licen- tiate, Presbytery of Philadelphia. Samuel H. McMullin, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, (4). Licen- tiate, Presbytery of Philadelphia. William M. Blackburn, Indiana. South Hanover College, (2-|-). Presbytery of Lake. William E. Baker, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey. Columbia Semi- nary, (l-f-)- Pastor, Second Church, Bridgeton, N. J. California Obadiah H. Barnard, New York. Union College, (2-|-). Pastor, Yates, N. Y. Hiram A. Dietterich, Pennsylvania. Lafayette College, (1-|-)- Joseph H. Mathers, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (3). John Kelly, Virginia. Washington College, Pa., (2+). Presby- tery of Washington. John L. McKee, Kentucky. Centre College, (1 — ). John Y. Cowiiick, Pennsylvania. Allegheny College (1). Now in the Semi- nary. (3d class.) Ebenezer D. Junkin, Pennsylvania, Lafayette College, (8). Professor in Da- vidson College, N. C. William F. Junkin, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Va., (3). Pastor, Fall- ing Spring, Va. Hillery Moseley, Mississippi. Oakland College, (2-{-). Presbytery of Mississippi. George C. Fleming, M. D., Florida. University of Pennsylvania, ( !-)-)■ Samuel T. Thompson, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (^-|-). JuDSON H. Hopkins, New York. Rutgers College. Union Seminary, N. Y, (1-j-). Congregational Church, Green- wich, Ct. John Rippey, New York. Union College. Associate Reformed Semi- nary, Newburgh, (l-f-). Alex. R. Hamilton, Pennsylvania. AVashington College, Pa., (!-(-). Licen- tiate, Presbytery of Washington. IsiDOR LoEWENTHAL, Poland. Lafayette College, (4j. JNIissionary to India. Charles W. Cooper, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa., (3). Pastor, Pontiac, Mich. James Gilmour, Scotland. Union College, (2-)-). Teacher, Prince- town, N. Y. William T. Crapster, Maryland. (3). Theological School, Cambridge, Mass. Unitarian Church, S. C. Charles H. Foote, New York. Williams College, (8). Pastoi", Second Church, New Brunswick, N. J. F. Reck Harbaugh, Maryland. College of New Jersey, (2). Pastoi", Red Bank, N. J. Burlington, N. J. 62 1852—1853. Thomas B. Neil, Soutt Carolina. South Carolina College, (1 — ). Columbia Seminary. Pastor, St. Mary's, Ga. William A. Harrison, Kentucky. Bacon College. New Albany Seminary, (1). Pastor, Gallatin, Tenn. John McNulty, Ireland. Belfast College. Associate Pieformed Sem- inary, Newburgli. Union Seminary, N. Y., (1). Richland City, Wis. Andrew H. Barkley, Tennessee. Washington College, Tenn., (3). Mission- ary in Tennessee. 1852—1853. William J. McKnight, Tennessee. Hanover College, (1). Henry B. Pratt, Georgia. Oglethorpe University, (3). Missionary to Bogota. Henry H. Wyer, Georgia. Columbian College, (2). Baptist Church. John B. Fiske, New York. Union College, (1). Baptist Church. Thomas M. Gray, Pennsylvania. Lafayette College, (3). Thomas McCauley, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Hunt- ington, L. I. Josephus W. Porter, Pennsylvania. Lafaj^ette College, (2). Licentiate, Pres- bytery of Luzerne. Horace G. Hinsdale, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Oyster Bay, L. I. John W. Montgomery, Virginia. Union Seminary, Ya., (1). Licentiate, Presbytery of Orange. "Thomas Scott Witherow, Maryland. Jefferson College. Union Seminary, Ya. (1). Licentiate, Presbytery of Balti- more. Alfred H. Mathes, Tennessee. Washington College, Tenn., (3). Oeorge 0. Barnes, Ohio. Centre College, (l-f-)- Missionary to India. Lorenzo Westcott, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Tutor in Col- lege of New Jersey. Benjamin N. Sawtelle, Ohio. Hanover College, ( — ). Union Seminary, Ya. Isaac N. McKinney, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (1). William Y. Brown, Pennsylvania. Jeiferson College, (1 — ). Pastor, New Lis- bon, 0. *William Alcorn, Ireland. University of Pennsylvania, (1-|-). George Marshall, Ireland. Union College, (3). Dayid M. James, New Jersey. Lafayette College, (14-). Pastor, Mount Olive, N. J. AugustineD. L. jEWETT,Ponusylvania. Williams College, {2-\-). John A. Buckner, Kentucky. Centre College, (1-f). Elias Nettleton Crane, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Joseph H. Carroll, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania, (3). Pastor, Jamesburg, N. J. Francis M. Symmes, Ohio. South Hanover College, (2). Joseph M. Batchelder, Illinois. ^ South Hanover College, (3). Henry M. Giltner, Indiana. South Hanover College, (3). Missionary in Nebraska. Isaac N. Kendall; New York. College of New Jersey, (3). Tutor in College of New Jersey. Gilbert T. Woodhull, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Tutor in College of New Jersey. Sidney G. Law, New York. College of New Jersey, (3). James D. Beardon, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (3). Ezra F. Mlndy, New Jersey. Rutgers College, (3). Frank F. Ellinwood, New York. Hamilton College. Lane Seminary. Au- burn Seminary. (1). Pastor, Second Church, Belvidere, N. J. Edwin R. Bower, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (3). Tutor in Col- lege of New .Jersey. Eyerard Kempshall, New York. Williams College, (3). Pastor, Delaware Street Church, Buffalo, N. Y. James M. Edmonds, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Atlantic County, N. J. Henry B. Chapin, New York. Yale College. Union Seminary, N. Y., (1-|-). City Missionary, New York. 1853—1854. 63 Edward P. IIererton, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (1). Peter A. Studdiford, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (3). Pastor, Mil- ford, N. J. Charles II. Malcom, Pennsylvania. University of Edinburgh, (8). Baptist Church. Joseph BEG(iS, Pennsylvania. Lafayette College, (;Jj. Pastor, Brides- burg, Pa. Chares H. Skillman, New Jersey. Rutgers College, (3). Ernest C. H. Luebkert, Germany. Gluckstadt Gymnasium, (3). Lutheran Church. James F. Taylor, New York. Union College. Associate lleformed Semi- narj-, Newburgh, (1). John J. AVheat, Kentucky. Centre College, (1 — ). Theological Semi- nary, Danville, Ky. John R. Hendrick, Kentucky. Centre College. New Albany Seminary, (I-)- Joseph G. Wells, Indiana. South Hanover College, (2). Robert F. Taylor, Indiana. South Hanover College. New Albany Sem- inary, (1). Licentiate, Presbytery of Vincennes. 1853—1854. Elkanah D. Mackey, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey, (2-|-). Missionary to the Indians. J. AsPiNWALL Hodge, Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania. Now in the Seminary. (1st class). James H. Brooks, Ohio. Miami University. Associate Reformed Seminar^', Ohio, (1). Pastor, Dayton, 0. Joseph F. Jennison, Louisiana. College of New Jersey. (1st class). Amzi L. Armstrong, New York. College of New Jersey. (1st class). Francis B. Hall, New York. Union College. (1st class). William J. Knox, New York. Hamilton College, (1). Daniel McGilvary, North Carolina. (1st class). Francis C. Statham, Georgia. Dartmouth College. (1st class). Robert A. Brown, Pennsylvania, College of New Jersey. (1st class). J. Howard Nixon, Delaware. College of New Jersey. (1st class). Archibald S. Stewart, Wisconsin. College of New Jersey. (1st class). Warren S. Blauvelt, New Jersey. (2). Charles R. JMills, New York. Lafayette College. (1st class). Robert S. Manning, New Jersey. Rutgers College. (1st class). James H. Clark, Ohio. Miami University, (1 — ). Theological Seminary, Danville. James H. Burns, Ohio. Hanover College. Cincinnati Seminary, (1 — ). Missionary to American Indians. *WiLLiAM H. Canfield, New Jersey. College of New Jersey. Died while a mem- ber of the Seminary. Andrew Jackson Reynolds, Ohio. Woodward College. New Albany Semi- nary, (2). James McDonald Cuaney, Ohio. (1st class.) John H. Sargent, Massachusetts. Dartmouth College, (1st class). Thomas M. Hopkins, Ohio. South Hanover College, (2). Wm. B. Scarborough, New Jersey. College of New Jersey. (1st class). Robert Morrison, Ohio. Miami University, (1 — ). John N. Young, Missouri. Jefferson College. New Albany Seminary, (1 — ). Danville Seminary. Henry R. Avery, New York. College of New Jersey. (1st class). Daniel D. Sahler, New York. College of New Jersey. (1st class). Jonathan "Wilson, Pennsylvania. Jeft'erson College. (1st class). Samuel W. Crittenden, Pennsylvania. Union Seminary, N. Y., (1). Union Semi- nary, N. Y. Jonathan C. Gibbs, Pennsylvania, Dartmouth College, (1-f-). Robert C. Galbraith, Ohio. Miami University, (1). 64 1854—1855. Samuel C. Kerr, Ohio. Miami Uuiversitj', (2). New Albany Sem- inary. Charles S. Robinson, Vermont. Williams College. Union Seminary, N. Y. John McKnight Layman, Ohio. Miami University, (1). Edward J. Hamilton, Indiana. South. Hanover College, (1 — ). New Al- bany Seminary. Alexander Murdock^ Canada. Union College. Union Seminary, N. Y., John Fraser, Nova Scotia. Pictou College, (2). *Henry S. Scovel, Indiana. South Hanover College, (1). Died while a member of the Seminary. Samuel R. Gayley, Ireland. Lafayette College. (1st class). John M. McElroy, Ohio. Jetferson College, (2). Jacob A. Lefevre, Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania College. (1st class). Peter V. Veeder, New York. Union College, (IJ. Western Theological Seminary. 1854—1855. Prentiss de Veuve, New York. College of New Jersey. (2d class). Lucius Cuthbert, South Carolina. South Carolina College, (2d class.) Samuel A. McElhinny, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey. (2d class). Robert Gabible, Ireland. College of New Jersey. (2d class). Edsall Ferrier, New York. Lafayette College. (3d class). Joseph W. Lewis, Alabama. Centre College. Methodist Episcopal Sem- inary, Concord, N. H. (2d class.) William E. Westervelt, New Jersey. (2d class.) Enoch C. Evans, New York. Amherst College, ( — ). Malcolm W. Woodworth, New York. Union College. (2d class). James Y. Mitchell, Pennsylvania. Union College. (2d class). Francis R. Masters, New York. (I-)- Charles E. Johnson, Massachusetts. Harvard College, (1—). Andrew J). Hepburn, Pennsylvania. Jeiferson College. University of Virginia. (2d class). Charles Boyd, New York. College of New Jei-sey. (2d class). James S. Simonton, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey. (2d class). Jeremiah S. Gordon, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey. (2d class). William House, New York. College of New Jersey. (2d class.) Henry A. Harlow, New York. College of New Jersey. (2d class.) William L. Moore, New York. Rutgers College. (2d class). Philip S. Caffrey, New Jersey. College of New Jersey, (1.) Thomas S. Ogden, New Jersey. University of Michigan. Union S^minsuy, Va. (2d class). Lambert S. Fine, New York. Hamilton College. (2d class). George W. McMillen, Ohio. (2d class). John J. Cameron, New York. Union College. (2d class). John L. Kehoo, New York. Union College. (2d class). James R. Scott, Kentucky. Centre College, (1). David Edgar, New York. College of New Jersey. (2d class). James F. Brewster, New Jersey. Rutgers College. (2d class). Walter V. Couch, New York. Hamilton College. Auburn Seminary. (2d class.) Wm. p. Teitsworth, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College, (1 — ). David Hall, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College. Licentiate and gradu- ate of Western Theological Seminary, 185o— 1856. 65 William A. Wood, North Carolina. < Davidson College. Ooluiiibia Seminary. | (2d class). William J. Morcock, South Carolina. Brown University. Baptist Seminary, S.C. (1st class). Barnabas S. Krider, North Carolina. Davidson College. Columbia Seminary, (I-)- Wm. Luther Mitchell, Tennessee. Jefferson College. (2d class). Walter Powell, New York. Union College. (2d class). Joseph S. Kennard, Pennsylvania. University of Lewisburg. (2d class). William C. White, New York. Wabash College. Union Seminary, N. Y. (1st class). James Frothingham, New York. Union College. (2d class). Francis F. Ford, New York. Hamilton College. Union Seminary, N. Y. (2d class). Frank Chandler, New Jersey. College of New Jersey. (2d class). Edward L. Dodder, New Jersey. Jefferson College. Western Seminary, Robert F. Wilson, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College. Western Seminary, (1). Archibald A. E. Taylor, Ohio. College of New Jersey. (2d class). Anson H. Seely, New York. Union College. (2d class). John W. White, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa. Western Semi- nary, (1). Richard H. Morrow, Pennsylvania. Jefferson College. Western Seminary, (1). Alexander McLean, New York. Methodist Ejiiscopal Seminary, Concord, N. H., (1-). Alex. S. Marshall, Pennsylvania. Washington College, Pa. Western Semi- nary, (1). 1855—1856. Charles E. Hedges, New Jersey. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Charles H. Young, New York. College of New Jersey. (3d class). 9 James S. King, New York. College of New Jersey. (8d class). Thomas D. Simonton, Pennsylvania. (-)• Henry C. Alexander, New Jersey. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Robert Alexander, Ohio. Washington College, Pa. (3d class). Alan SON A. Haines, New Jersey. (3d class). George Nixon, New York. New York Free Academy. (3d class). Julius Spencer, Missouri. Amherst College. (3d class). Henry Willard, New York. Dartmouth College. Andover Seminary. (1st class). Edward C. Sickels, Indiana. South Hanover College. New Albany Sem- inary. (2d class). Charles H. Park, Pennsylvania. South Hanover College. (3d class). Harmar Denny, Pennsylvania. Miami University, ( — ). AVestern Theo- logical Seminary. Sheldon Jackson, New York. Union College. (3d class). Frank H. Bowman, Virginia. Oglethorpe College. University of Vir- ginia. Union Seminary, Va. (3d class). George P. Lockwood, New York. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Joshua B. Garritt, Connecticut. South Hanover College. New Albany Sem- inary. (2d class). Floyd A. Crane, New York. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Rudolph A. Renz, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Edward W. Condict, New Jersey. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Robert C. Bryson, Pennsylvania. Lafayette College. (3d class). John C. Thompson, Pennsylvania. Lafayette College. (3d class). Hugh S. Alexander, Pennsylvania. Lafayette College, (1 — ). William C. Roberts; Wales. College of New Jersey. (3d clas?). 66 1855— 185G. Lewis C. Baker, New Jersey. College of New Jersey. (3d class). James McDougall, New Jersey. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Charles K. Clarke, New York. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Augustus Brodhead, Pennsylvania. Union College. (3d class). Henry F. Lee, New York. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Calvin W. Stewart, Pennsylvania. JeiFerson College. (3d class). Ashbel G. Sibionton, Pennsylvania. College of New Jersey. (3d class). Henry Martyn Baird, New York. University of New York City. Union Sem- inary, N. Y. (1st class). Henry Burtis, New York, Union College. (3d class). Joseph W. Hubbard, New York. Hamilton College. Union Seminary, N. Y. (2d class). Donald McLaren, New York. Union College. Associate Reformed Semi- nary, Newburgh. (2d class). Miles C. Wilson, Pennsylvania. (1 — ). A. 0. Forbes, Sandwich Islands. Washington College, Pa. (3d class). Samuel F. Johnston, Nova Scotia. West River Seminary, (1 — ). Alexander Telford, Ohio. Miami University. (3d class). J. Kain Large, Ohio. Western Theological Seminary. (2d class). R. Lewis McCune, Pennsylvania. Marshall College. Licentiate and graduate of Western Theological Seminary. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. AW)ott, Caleb, 183G. Adair, Robert, '26. Atlanis, Erastus II., '24. Adams, Joseph I!., '23. .\dger, James, '32. Adger, John B., '29, Agnew, John H., '25. Agnew, John R., '31. Agnew, AVilliam D., '46, Aikman, Alexander, '23. Alcorn, William, '52. Alden, Joseph, '28. Alexander, Henry C, "55. Alexander, Hugh S., "55. Alexander, Jam«s W., '22, Alexander, John E., '39. Alexander, Robert, '55. Alexander, Samuel D., '44. Alexander, Samuel R., 25. Alexander, Stephen, '32. Alexander, Thomas, '15. Alexander, Thomas, 'IS. Alexander, William P., '28. Allen, Archibald C, '38. Allen, Edward D., '34. Allen, James M., '38. Allen, John N., '31. Allen, Martin, '47. Allen, Robert W., '39. Allen, Samuel A,, '27, Allen. William G., '36, Allen, William Y„ '35. Alrichs, William P., '25. Alwai-d, Jonathan P., '37. Anderson, David S., '43. Anderson, Robert L., '43. Andrews, EbeiJezer B., '44. Andrews, Lorrin, '23. Andrews, Silas M., '28. Andrews, Wells, '14. Annan, John E., '28. Annan, William, '24. Annin, John A., '48, Apthorp, George H., 29. Apthorp, William P.. '31, Arms, Clifford S., ''24. Armstrong, Amzi L., '53. Armstrong, Ilallock, '49. Armstrong, John, '50. Armstrong, Richard, '28. Arm.strong, William J.. '18. Ashbridge, George W., '23, Atkinson, John M. P., '39. Atkinson, Joseph M., '41. Atwater, Charles, '34. Aurand, Henry, '25. Avery, Henry R., '53. Axtell, Daniel C, '23. Axtell, Henry, '29. Ayers, Samuel B., '34. Ayres, Rowland, '46, Babbit, Amzi, '18. Babbitt, William H., '50. Babcock, Orville, '47. Baker, James, '19. Backus, John C, '32. Backus, J. Trumbull, '27. BaUeau, Richaid M., '39. Bagby, Alfred, '50. Bailey, Winthrop, '44. Baird, Henry Martyn, '55. Baird, Robert, '19. Baird, I'homas R., '30. Baker, Daniel S., '47. Baker, John F., 49. Baker, John W. '33. Baker, Lewis C, '55. Baker, Richard M., '36. Baker, William E., '51. Baker, William M., '47, Balch, John T., '33. Balch, niomas B., '14. Baldwin, Caleb C, '44. Baldwin, Curtis C, '24, Baldwin, John A., '32. Baldwin, William B., '39. Balentine, Hamilton, '45. Ballantine, Henry, '30. Ballintine, James, '41. Bannard, William, '44. Bannatyne, Ninian, '42. Barber, Daniel, '26. Barbour, Lewis G., '47. Bard, Isaac, '18. Bard well, Joseph, '50. Barkley, Andrew H., '51. Barnard, John, '13. Barnard, Obadiah H., '51. Barnes, Albert. '20. Barnes Albert H., '50. Barnes, George 0., '52. Barnes, James C, '16, Barr, Andrew, '47. Barr, David, '47. Barr, James S. '51. Barr, Joseph W., '31, Barr, Thomas H., '35. Barrett, Gerrish, '24. Barrett, Myron, '50. Barrows, Eleazer S., '15. Bartlett, Charles L ., '31. Barton, William B., '17. Ba.scom, Ellery, '30, Batchelder, Joseph M., '52. Bates, Lemuel P., '21. Baugher, Henry L., '26. Bayless, John C, '37. Bayless, Samuel M., '33. Beach, Charles, '42. Beach, Horace, '39. Beale, Benjamin L. H., '48. Beattie, David, '48. Beattie, William Q.. '19. Beatty, Charles C, '19. Beebee, Levi S. '31. Beecher, Jacob, '23, Beers, Henry N., '39. Beggs, Joseph, '-52. Beldcn, Henry, '37. Bell, William G., '36. Belville, Jacob, '40. Belville, John L., '28. Bement, William, '31. Benedict, Alanson, '21. Bent, Josiah, '22. Bergen, George P., '46. Bergen, Henry, '40. Berg«n, Jjicob F., '30. Berry, Robert T., '35. Bertron, Samuel R., '28. Betliune. George W., '23. Betts, William R. S , '27. Beveridge, Andrew M., '46. Biggs, Henry W., '48. Biggs, Thomas J., '15. Billings, Silas, '30. Birch, Robert, '36. Birge, Ebenezer C, '36. Bishop, Alexander II., '32. Bishop, Artemas, '19. Bishop, George B., '29. Bishop, William, '47. Bissell, Samuel B. S., '31. Bittinger, Benjamin F., '44. Bittinger, Edmund C, '39. Bittinu'cr, Michael H., '49. Bhukinirn, William M. '51, Blaiu, William, '12. Blaiu, William J., '45. Blair, Alexander A., '50. Blair, Tyrrell, '34. Blair, William C, '18. Blatchford, Henry, '12. Blatchford, John, '20. Blauvelt, George M. S., '50. Blauvelt, Warren S., '53. Blodgett, Gaius M., '34. Bloodgood, Abraham L., '34. Blythe, Joseph W., '27. Blythe, Samuel D.. '24. Boardman, George S., '16. Boardman, Henry A., '30, Boggs, George W., '28. Boggs, .Tohn M., '44. Boggs, Thomas M., '35. Bogle, John A., '44. Boies, Artemas, '17. Bond, Lewis, '22. Bonnell, William W., '37. Booth, Henry A., '46. Booth, Lebbeus, '13. Boston. Thomas C, '46. Botsford, Alfred P., '49. Botsford, Amos, '28. Botsford, Eli C, "50. Bowen, Henry F., '37. Bower, Edwin R., '52. Bower.s, .John, '33. Bowman, Francis, '21. Bowman, Frank H., '55. Bowman, George A., '43. Bowman, William R., '23. Boyce, Henry A., '29. Boyce, James P., '49. Boyd, Andrew H. H., '33. Boyd, Charles, '54, Boyd, Charles L. R., '23. Boyd, James R., '23. Boyd, John N., '37. ^ Boyd, Philip D., '37. Brace, Jonaihan, '34. Brackenridge, James G., '28, Bradbury, Elbridge, '35. Bradford, Arthur B., '31. Bradford, AVilliam J., '22. Bradley, William, '35. Bradner. Thomas S.. '46. Braioerd, Davis S., '34. 68 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Brank, Robert. '48. Brayton, Isaac, '33. Brearly, AVilliam, '22. Breck, Robert L., '46. Breckinridge, John, '20. BreckinriJge, Robert J., '31. Breed. William P., '45. Brewster. .James F., '64. Briant Alfred, '32. Brice, William K., '38. Brinsmade, Horatio N., '22. Bristol, Cyrvis B., '27. Brittain, .John, '47. Brodhead, Augustus, '55. Bronson, Elias S., '49. Brooks, Kdward F., '39. Brooks, James H., '53. Brown, Abr. Kezeau, '30. Brown, Allen H., '40. Brown Frederick T., '45. Brown, Henry, "27. Brown, Hugh A., '41. Brown, Jonathan T., '41. Brown, Joseph, '32. Brown, Richard, '22. Brown, Robert A., '53. Brown, Samuel, '30. Brown, Samuel H., ,51. Brown, Theodore S., '45. Brown, Thomas, '36. Brown, William, '32. Brown, William Y., '52. Browne, Hope, '2S. Bruen, Edward B., '43. Brugh, William J., '45. Bryan, Edward D., '34. Bryson, Robert, '29. Bryson, Robert C, '5S. Bryson. Samuel, '24. Buchanan, John M., '43. Bucknall, James, '23. Buckner, John A., '52. Buie, John W., '40. Buist, Edward T., '28. Bull, Norris, '16. Bull, Ralph, '29. Bullions, Alexander B., '42. Bullock, Joseph J., '35. Bumstead, Samuel A., '23. Bunting, Robert F., '49. Burgess, Robert, '48. Burns, James H., '53. Burr, Henry B., '49. Burroughs, Benjamin, '28. Burroughs, George W., '46. Burrowes, George, '32. Burrowes, Thomas A., '49. Burt, Nathaniel C, '47. Burtis, Arthur, '29. Burtis, Henry, '55. Burtt, John, '22. Bush, George. '20. Bush, George C, '39. Bush, Stephen, '45. Bushnell, Wells. '23. Butler, G. W., '60. Butler, Zebulon, '23. Butts, Daniel B., '23. Butts, Joshua, '32. Byers, James, '43. Byers, John, '48. Cafifrey, Philip S., '.J4. Cahoone, William, '24. Cairns. AViUiam D., '24. Cake, James M., '40. Caldwell, Hugh, '22. Caldwell, John C, '48. Caldwell, John W.. '28. CalTin, Joseph H., '49. Cambern, Henry H., '36. Cameron, Henry C, "50. Cameron, John J., '54. Cameron, William, '44. Camp, Henry B., '33. Camp, Phineas, '13. Campbell, Alexander. '21. Campbell, Alfred E., '22. Campbell. Benjamin H., '31. Campbell, Duncan A., '30. Campbell, George W., '22. Campbell, James, '23. Campbell, James, '25. Campbell, .Tames S., '48. Campbell, Randolph. '32. Campbell, Robert B., '20. Campbell, Samuel D , '32. Campbell, William G., '25. Campbell, William H., '28. Cande, Isaac N., '25. Candor, John M. '27. Canfleld, Isaac W., '48. Canfield, Oren K., '35. Canfield, William H., '53. Carmichael. William M., '26. Carpenter, Hugh S., '42. Carrell, Benjamin, '34. Carrell, .(ames W., '45. Carrell, John P.. '36. Carroll, Daniel L., '24. Carroll, Joseph H., '52. Carter, William B., '37, Caruthers, Eli W., '17. Gary. J. Addison, '35. Cassels, John B., '32. Cathcart, William, '50. Cattell, Thomas W., '44. Cattell. William C, '49. Chamberlain, Jeremiah, '14. Chamberlain. Remembrance, '16. Chamberlin, Albert, '49. Chamberlin, Hiram, "23. Chamberlin, James H., "36. Chamberlin, Nelson P., '42. Chambers. Talbot W., '36. Chandler, Frank, '54. Chaney, James M., '53. Chapin, Augustus L., '20. Chapin, Henry B., '62. Chapman, Epaphras, '17. Chapman, James, '45. Chavalier, Nicholas W., '34. Cheek, Samuel B., '44. Cheney, Samuel W., "43. Chester, Alfred. '19. Chester, Charles H., '39. Chester, AVilliam, '16. Chestnev, .James, '21. Childs, Thomas S., '47. Chipman, Richard M., '32. Christian, Leyi H., '42. Christmass, Joseph S., '21. Christopher, William B., '47. Clark, James, '30. Clark, James A., '34. Clark, James H., '53. Clark, John T , '28. Clark, Luther, '22. Clark, Orlando, '48. Clark. Thomas JI., '33. Clarke, Charles R., '55. Clarke, David D., '32. Clayton, Joshua A., '22. Cloghorn, Elisha B., '50. Cleland, Thomas H., '40. Cleland, Thomas H., '42. Clemens, AVilliam, '60. Cleveland. Richard F., '27. Cobb, Archibald P., '50. Cochran, Abram, '48. Cochran, Andrew, '47. Cochran, AVilliam P., '24. Cocke, Stephen F., '31. Codwise, Alexander H., '23. Coe, Henry I., '47. Coe, John R., '17. Coe, Philemon E., '34. Coit, Joseph H., '22. Coit, Thomas AV.. '24. Cole, James L., '.33. Cole, Thomas, '24. Collins, Briton E.. '25. Collins, Charles H., '61. Collins, AVilliam H., '21. Colt, Samuel i\, '38. Colton, Asa S., '28. Comingo, Henry G., '34. Condict, Edward AA'., '55. Condit, John H., '3"2. Condit, Jonathan B.,'28. Coney. Jeremiah B., '38. Conklin, Timothy, '41. Conkling, Nathaniel, '18. Council, J. Martin, '39. Connelly, Henry, '31. Conover, Obadiah M., '46. Conover, Robert, '49. Converse, Amasa, '23. Converse, John K., '29. Cook, Darwin, '42. Cook, Isaac M., '4"2. Coon, Henry P. '47. Coons, George W., '38. Cooper, Archibald, '29. Cooper, Charles W., '51. Cooper, Samuel M., '37. Cornelison, Isaac A., '50. Corss, Charles C, '32. Cory, Benjamin, '31. Cory, Jonathan, '38. Corv, Joseph, '31. Cosbv, Jouett A^, '42. Cossitt, Pearl S., '46. Cottingham. AVilliam AT., '49. Couch, AValter A'., '54. Coulter, David, '38. Covert, John, '12. Cowan, John F., '25. Cowhick, John J , '51. Cox, Elmer H., '29. Coxe, AVilliam. '25. Coyner, David H., '29. Craig, Adam, '40. Cramer, Eliphalet, '33. Cramer, John K., '49. Crane, Elias N., '52. Crane, Elias AA'., '17. Crane, Floyd A., '55. Crane, J.ames B., "50. Crane, Simeon II., '23. Crane, AVilliam H., "43. Crapster, AVilliam T., '51. Craven, Elijah R., '44. Crawford, Gilbert, '92. Crawford, James, '23, Crawford, .John, '49. Crawford, Thomas M., '45. Crawford, AVilliam B., '41. Creigh. Thomas, '29. Criswell, Robert A., '49. Crittenden, L. B., '41. Crittenden, Samuel AV., '53. Crocker, Asahel B., "38. Crocker, James N., '49. Crosby, Cvrenius. '20. Crosby. Reuben H., '48. Cross, Andrew B., '31. Crow, George C, '45. Crow, John F., '14. Crowell, James M., '49. Crowell, John, '36. Cruikshank, Robert, '49. Cruikshanks, John, '13. Culbertson, M. S., '41. Culbertson, Thaddeus A., '49. Cumings, A. P., '32. Cummins, John L., '60. Cunningham, Alexander N., '27. Cunningham, John K., '25. Cunningham, John AA'., '27. Cunningham, Joseph P., '18. Cunningham, AA'illiam M., '31., Richard, '24. Currie, David, '23. Curry, AVilliam F., '21. Curtis, Harvey, '31. Curtiss. Booth N., '50. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 69 Custer, Philander M., "44. Cuthbert, Lucius, 'u4. Cuyler, Thuodore L., "43. Dale, James W., '34. Dalton, Pleasant U., '44. Damon, Samuel C, "37. Dana, Gideon, "B3. Dana, John Jay, '33. Dana, William C, "35. Danforth, Joshua N., '18. Darling, Charles C, "20. Darling, George, '40. Darrach, Samuel F., '19. David, Henry J., '44. Davidson, Andrew F., '50. Davidson, John, "50. Davidson, Robert, "25. Davie, J. T. Marshall, "26. Davies, J. Le Koy, "23, Davis, Jesse B., '46. Davis, John Kirby, '44. Davis, P. Seibert, '51. Davis, Samuel S., '15. Davis. Thomas K., '46. Davis, "VVilliam C, '48, Davison, Isaac S., '38. Davison, John S., '45. Dayton, Ezra F., '31. De Forest. William B., "33. De Freest, Derrick, "4S. Delavan, George K.. "31. Deuniston, Goldsmith, "22. Denny, llarmar. '65. Denton, Jonas, '33. De I'eu, John C, '44. Deruelle, Daniel. "24. De A"euve, Prentiss, '54. Dewing, Thomas S., '47. De Witt, Abraham, '2J. Dickerson, Jonathan, '23. Dickey, John. 21. Dickey, John M., "24. Dickey, Samuel, '3S. Dickinson, Austin, '18. Dickinson, Uichard W., '23. Dickson, Alexander, "46. Dickson, Huijh S., 38. Diell, John, "si. Dietterich, Hiram A., '51, Dillard, William D., "47. Dinsmore, Francis B., "45. Diusmore, Thomas H., '44. Diven, John P., '3S. Dixon, William E., '36. Doak, A. Alexander, '35. Doak,John W. K., '38. Dobson, Augustus T., '48. Dod, Albert B., "27. Dod, William A., '44. Dodd, Moses W., '37. Dodd, Stephen G., '48. Dodder, Edward L., '54. Dodge, John V., 35. Dodge, Richard V., '41. Donaldson, Joseph, '46. Donan, Peter, "27. Doolittle, Henry L., '41. Doolittle, Horace, '26. Dorland, Luke, '42. Dorrance, John, '23. Dougherty, Peter. '34. Douglass, James W,, '19. Douglass, Orson, '19. Downer, Edwin, '19. Drysdale, Walter S., "42. Du Bois, Robert P., '34. DufTell, Samuel T., '46. Duffield. Henry, '21. Duffield, John T., '44. Duudass, John R., "37. Dunham, George, '21. Dunlap, John,"32. Dunlap, Robert, '28. Dunlap, Robert W., '35. Dunn, Robinson P., '45- Eakins, David W., '44. Earp, Robert, "40. Eastman, William, '27. Eckard, James R., "31. Edgar, David, '54. Edgar, Edward B., '36. Edgar John T., "13. Edgar, Samuel M., '45. Edmonds, James M., '52. Edson, Ambrose, '21. Edwards, James C, '30. Edwards, Jesse, "39. Edwards, John, "4S. Edwards, Tryon, '30. Eells, Edward, "44. Eells, James H., '29. Elcock, Thoma.s, '41. EUinwood, F F , '52. Elliott, Charles, '41. Elliott, George, '48. Elliott, Jared L , '.33. Ely, David D. F., '30. Ely, Elias P., '32. Ely, George, '35. Ely; Jonathan T., '32. Ely, Samuel R.. "32. Emerson, Edwin, "49. Emerson, John E., '46. Emer.son, William C, '41. English, James T., '31. Epstein, Tobias, "27. Ernst, Frederick, S., '34. Erskine, Ebenezer, '45. Espy, Thomas, '27. Estabrook, Joseph, '18. Evans, Charles A., "39. Evans, Enoch C, '54. Evans, Richard R., "46. Ewing, Alexander, '28. Ewing, Charles H., "38. Ewing, Fielding N., '40. Ewing, John T., "26. Fairbairn, Alexander, '48. Fairchild, Ashbel G.. "14. Fanshaw, William H.M., '30. Farquhar, John, '43. Farris, Robert P., "48. Ferguson, James, "2J. Ferrier, Edsall, "54. Fessenden, Thomas K., '37. Fillmore, Isaac 0., '40. Findley, William, '33. Fine, Lambert S., '54. Finley, David H., "28. Finley, Jonathan P., '48. Finley, Robert, "39. Finney, Ebenezer D., '49. Fisher, Samuel W., '36. Fisk, Harvey, '36. Fiske, John B., '52. Fitch, Charles, '18. Fleming, Archibald, '29. Fleming, George C, '51. Fleming, John, '29. Fletcher, James C, '47. Floyd, xMoses, '32. Foote, Charles H., '51. Foote, William H., '18. Forbes, Anderson 0., '55. Forbes. Cochran, '28. Ford, Charles E., '39. Ford, Francis F., "54. Ford, Jesse F., "34. Foreman, Stephen, '31. Foresman, Robert B., '49. Forman, Aaron P., '50. Forman, Charles W.,'44. Forman, Ezekicl, '38. Forrest, William, '45. Foster, Joseph C ., '49. Foster, Julius, "34. Fowler, Philemon H.. '33. Frame, Reuben, '27. Francis. Amzi, '21. Frary, .7. Loring, '32. Eraser, Edward A., '26. Fra.ser, John, '53. Eraser, Thomas, "41. Freeland, Daniel L., '44. Freeman, John E., '35; French, John B., '42. Frierson,John S., '51. Fries, Henry C, '33. Frontis, Stephen, '20. Frothin'_'liani. James, '54. Fuller, A\illinm, '27. Fullorton, Matthew L., '22. FuUinwider, Peter H., '27. Galbraith, Robert C, '34. Galbraith, Robert C, "53. Gale, George W., '14. Gallagher, Joseph S, '36. Gallaudet, Theodore, '36. Galloway, John M., '33. Galloway, John S., '"28. Galloway, Samuel, '31. Galloway, Samuel, '36. Gamble, Robert, '54. Gardiner, Hugh B., "46. Garritt, Joshua B., "55. Garthwait, William S., '46. Gaston, Daniel, '35. Gaw, Thomas P., "49. Gayley, S.amuel A., "47. Gayley, Samuel R., '53. Gaylord, Samuel W., "31. Gibbs, Jonathan C, '53. Gibson, Luther S., "45. Gibson, William J., '45. Giger, George M , "41, Gilbert, Eliphalet W., '14. Gilbreath, John N.. '35. Gilchrist, Adam, '26. Gildersleeve, Benjamin, '17. Giles, James J., '44. Gillespie, James H., '27. Gillis, Levin J., '15. Gilmour, James, '51. Giltner, Henry M., '52. Glen, Samuel, '46. Glen, William R., '45. Glenn, Robert, '16. Godwin, Parke, '35. Goldsmith, John, '16. Goldsmith, William H., '43. Goodhue, George F., '46. Goodman, Eldad W., '20. Goodman, Reuben S., '43. Goodrich, Butler, '34. Goodrich, Chauncey E., '25. Goodrich, Hiram P., '23. Goodsell, Dana, '2S. Gordon, J. Smith, '54. Gosman, Abraham, '44. Graff, James J., '30. Graham Alexander J., '45. Graham, James R., '47. Graham, John C, '51. Graham, Richard, '28. Graham, Robert C., '35. Graham, Samuel L., '15. Graham, William A., '45. Gr.aley, Alfred A., '40. Granger, Arthur, '2S. Grant, George W., "46. Grant, John L.. '23. Graves, Allen T., '39. Gray, Thomas M., '52. Gready, William P., '42. Green, Jacob, '13. Green, Joshua F., '40. Green, Lewis W., '31. Green, Wm. Henry, '42. Greene, Abijah, "u-i. Greene, James, '37. 70 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Greer, James, '40. Gregg, Samuel, '23. Gregory, Caspar, '45. Gregory, Edward E., '21. Gregory, Oscar H., '28. Gretter, John A., "31. Grier, Isaac, '29. Grier, John W., '16. Grier, Matthew B., "41. Grier, Smith F., "41. Grier, Thomas, "3tj. Griffin, Nathaniel H., '35. Grinnolds, Daniel T., '42. Grosvenor, Cyrus P., '21. Grundy, Robert C, '32. Grundy, Robert E., "48, Gubby, James, '50. Guild, Charles B., 33. Guiteau, Sheridan, "31. Gulick, Alexander, "35. Gulick, John W., "45. Gulick, Peter J., '25. Gunn, Lewis C, '32. Gurley, Phineas D., '37. Guy, Alexander, '31. Hadden, Joseph B , '35. Hagaman, Abraham, '27. Hageman, Charles S., '39. Hague, William, "27. Haines, Alanson A., "55. Hale, George, '33. Hall, Bayuard R., "20. Hall, Charles, '24. Hall, David, '54. Hall, David B., "39. Hall, Francis B., "53. Hall, George, "32. Hall, George, '45. Hall, Isaac, '36. Hall, J. H., '47. Hall, John P. "41. Hall, Robert, "25. Halliday, David M., "35. Halsey, Abraham, 0., "23. Halsey, Job F., "23. Halsey, Joseph J., '44. Halsey, Le Roy I., 37. Hamill, Hugh, '27. Hamill, Robert, "42. Hamilton, Alexander B., "51. Hamilton, Edwai-d J.. "53. Hamner, James G., '20. Hampson, George W., '25. Hand, Aaron H., '32. Handy, Isaac W. K., "35. Hanks. Fcstus, "29. Hanmer. Henry, "37. Han.sell, William F,, '45. Happersett, Ree.s, '37. Harbaugh, F. Reck, '51. Harbison, James B,, '44. Hardie, Henry, '50. Harding, Nehemiah H., '26. Harlow, Henry A., "54. Harlow, James M., "30. Harned, Ashbel G., "39. Harris, Adam, '47. Harris, Edward, '19. Harris, John M., '28. Harris, Thomson S., "18. Harrison, Elias, '10. Harrison, George J., "44. Harrison, James, "28. Harrison, Jeptha, "22. Harrison. William A„ "51. Hart, Ichabod A., '27. Hart, John S,, '31. Hassinger, Peter, "25. Hatch, Lemuel D., '17. Hawley, Samuel S. "37. Hawthorn, James, "25. Hay, Lawrence G., "47. Hayes, Hervey, '24. Heacock, Joseph S., "43. Heard, George F., '29, Ilearon, Elias, '45. Heaton, A. C, '49. Heberton, Alexander, '24. Heberton, Edward P., '52. Heckman, George C, '44. Hedges, Charles E., '55. Helfenstein, William L., "24. Helm, James J., "33. Helme, Samuel P., "34. Hempstead, Thomas, '50. Henderson, Isaac J., '33. Henderson, James S. H., '40. Henderson, William, '18. Ilendrick, John R., '52. Henry, James V., 'IS. Henry, Robert, "24. Henry, Symmes C, '15. Henry, Thomas C., "14. Hepburn, Andrew D., ".H. Hepburn, Slater C, "41. Heroy, Peter B., "42, Hervey, William, '26, Hewit, Nathaniel A., "41, Hickman, Gary, '30. Hickman, John G., '42. Higbie, Daniel, '36. Hill, William, '25. Hill. William W., '35. llinman, Chester. '26. Hinsdale, Charles J., "19. Hinsdale, Horace G., '52. Hobby, Thomas, "36. Hodge, A. Alexander, '43. Hodge, C. Wistar, "49. Hodge, Charles, "16, Hodge, J. Aspinwall, '53. Hodge, Samuel, '50. Hoes, John C. F., '32. Hofford, Martin L., '49. Hoge, Moses A., '44. Hogue, Aaron A., '38. Holiday, Solomon F., '27. Holley, Piatt T., '31. Holliday, William A., '29. Holmes, .Tames, "24. Hooker, Herman, '26. Hooker, Richard, '35. Hooper, William, '13, Hoover, Thomas D., '40. Hope, Matthew B., '31, Hopkins, Erastus, '31, Hopkins, Henry H., "29. Hopkins, Judson IL, "51. Hopkins, Samuel, "36. Hopkins, Thomas M.. "53. Hornblower, William H., "39. Hough, Stanly P , "38. House, William, "54, Houston, Samuel R., "31. How, Samuel B., '13. Howard, Charles W., '31. Howe, Samuel, "33. Howe, Samuel S,, '33. Howell, John G., '35. Howell. J. L., '49. Howell, Lewis D., "23. Howell. Samuel N., '40. Hoyt, Otto S., '16, Hoyt, Sherman, '36. Hubbard. Austin 0., "31. Hubbard, Joseph W ., "55. Hudson, .Tohn. "IS. Hud,son, John P., "29. Hughes, Daniel L., "40. Hughes, James P„ "50. Hughes, John D., '25. Hughes, Levi, "45. Hughes, Samuel K., '42. Hughes, Watson, '25. Hughes, William, "28. Ilulin, George H., 28. Hull, David, "32. Hume, Jesse W., '40. Hume, Robert W., '35. Humes, Thomas W., "33. Hummer, Michael, "30. Humphrey, Chester, '28. Hunt, Hollowav W., '20. Hunt, Holloway W., '21. Hunt, Horace B., "40. Hunt, Samuel, "36, Hunter, John. "26. Hunter, .Tohn M, K., "44. Hunter, Mose.s, "17. Hunter, Moses H., "36. Huntington, Cyrus, "45. Huntington, Henry Smith, "51. Huntington . Joel, '49. Huntington, Jonathan. "27. Huntington, Joshua, '32. Huntington, Leverett. I. F., "12. Huntting, James M., "213. Huntting, Samuel, '46. Huntting, William, '36. Hurlbut, Joseph, '21. Husted, John N., '48. Hutchings, Samuel, "28. Hutchinson, Eleazer C, '28. Hutchinson, Sylvander, "36. Hutchinson, .Tohn R., "26. Hutton, Abraham B., 19. Hutton, Marcius S., "23. Hyde, Oren, "23. Hyndshaw, James B., '21. Imbrie, Charles K., '36. IngersoU, John F., '36. Irvine, James 0., '49. Irving, David, "43, Irwin, John W., '27. Irwin, Thomas W., "24. Jacobus, Melancthon W., '35. Jackson, Sheldon, '55. Jadownicky, Bernard, '23. Jagger, Samuel H., '41. James, David M., '52. James, Henry, "35. James, Robert H., '15. James, William, '16. Jameson, Andrew S., '46. Janeway, Thomas L., '24. .Taneway, William R., "39. Janvier, John, '41. Janvier, Levi, '37. Jennings, Samuel C, '24. Jennison. Joseph F., '53. Jerome, Aaron B., "35. Jerome, Allen M., '36. Jewett, Augustine D. L., '62. Johns. John, '15. Johnson, Baker, '29. Johnson, Charles E., '54. John.son, Daniel, '40. .Tohnson, Daniel B., "18. Johnson, Henry P., '44. Johnson, Obadiah M., '33. Johnson, Theodore, "32. Johnston, James H , "21. Johnston, Robert A., "40. Johnston, William II., "41. .Tohnston, Samuel F.. "55. Johnstone, John, '50. Jones, Charles C, '29. Jones, Charles J., '46. Jones, John, '51. Jones, Joseph H., '23. Jones, Samuel B., '32. Jones, Warren G., '31. .Tones, William E., '50. Judd. Gideon N., '16. Junkin, David X.. '32. Junkin, Ebenezer D., "51. Junkin, William F., "51. Kaufman, J. Ilenrj-, "50. Kehoo, John L., '54. Kellar, Isaac, '15. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 71 Kellogg, Samuel, '34. Kelly, David, '38. Kelly, John, ';'>!. Kemble, Aaron A., "35. Kemp.shall, Everaril, '62. Kenuard, Jo-^eph S., '54. Kennedy, Algernon S., '29, Kennedy, Duncan, '35. Kennedy, Edward, '47. Kennedy, George W., '28. Kennedy, James F., '43. Kennedy, John II., '20. Kennedy, Thomas, '4ti. Kennedy, Thomas C, '20. Kent, Aratus, '22, Ker, Jacob W. E., '35. Kerr, James, '21, Kerr, Samuel C, '53. Ketcham, Alfred, '28. Kidder, Thomas, '31. Kilpatrick, Abner W., '17. King, Charles B., '45. King, David, '47. King, Frederick L., '46. King, James S., '65. King, Robert R., "20. Kinne, Ezra D., '25. Kirk, Edward N., '22. Kirk James. '44. Kirk, William H., '46. Kirkpatrick, Jacob, '50. Kirkpatrick, John E., '30. Kitchel, Aaron, '29. Klink, Nathan B., "48. Knapp, James C, '48. Kniffin, William C, '22. Knight, A. B., '46. Knight, James M., '41. Knighton, Frederick, '44, Knott, James W^ '37. Knox, James, '27. Knox, James, '41. Knox, John, '20. Knox, William J., '53. Kollock, Shepard, '43. Krebs, John M., '30. Krebs, William G., '21. Krider, Barnabas S., '54. Kyle, S. Lee, '50. LabarJohnS., '37. Lacy, B. Tucker, '43. Laird, Matthew, '30. Laird, Robert M., "22. Lalor, Jeremiah D., '40. Lamberson, Samuel L., '29. Lambert, Amos B., '34. Lane, Aaron D., 16. Lane, Cornelius B., '44. Lane, George W., '27. Lanneau, John F., '29. Lansing, John V. S., '21. Lapsley, James T., '39. Lapsley, Joseph W., '45. Lapsley, Robert A., '18. Large, J. Kain. '55. Larkin, Earl W., "41. Larned, Sylvester, '15. Lathrop, Alvin, '23. La Tourrette, James A. M., '48. Latta, William W., '32. Laverty, William M., '50. Law, Sidney G., '52. Lawrence, Samuel, '21. Laws, Samuel S., '48. Layman, John M., '63. Lea, Thomas D., "38. Leake, Lemuel F., '17. Learning, Joseph F., '34. Leavenworth, Chauncey, '37. Leavitt, Edward H., '61. Lee, Charles G., '34. Lee, Henry F., '55. Lee, Lewis H., '45. Lefevre, Jacob A., '53. Leps, James II., '49. Lesley, Peter, "41. Lester, William II., '50. L.'wiTs,.lam»'s, '32. Lrwis, .lann's R'., "38. Lewis, J.ihn N., '28. Lewis, John N., '33. Lewis, Joseph W., "54. Leyburn, George W., "31. Life, William, '51. Lilly, R. II., '28. Lindslpy, Aaron L., '44. Lindslv. Silas C, '29. Liltcll, Luther, '47. Little, KlbridgeG.,'45. Littlejohn, Aloram N., '45. Lloyd, John, '41. Lockridge, Andrew Y., '27. Lockwood, Benjamin, '31. Lockwood, George P., '55. Lockwood, Jesse, '30. Lockwood, Lewis C, '38. Lodor, John, '23. Loewenthal, Isidor, '51. Logan, Alexander, '23. Logan, EusebJus, '23. Logan, James H., '23. Logan, Robert, '42. Logan, Samuel C, '47. Long, Walter R., '35. Loomis, Augustus W., '41. Loomis, Elihu, "47. Loomis, Harmon, '35. Lorance, James H., '4S. Lord, Daniel M, "30. Lord, Francis E., '37. Lord, William W., '43, Lord, Willis, '33. Loring, Josephus B., '28. Loughridge, Robert M.. '37. Loughry, J. NT., '50. Lounsbury, Thomas, '18. Love, Robert, '28. Love, William, '42. Lovejoy, Elijah P., '32. Low, Benjamin I., '15. Lowrie, John C, '32. Lowrie, John M., '40. Lowrie, Walter M., '38. Lowrie, Reuben P., '46. Lowry, Andrew M., '50. Lowry, Lewis A., '45. Lowry, William, '23. Luebkert, Ernest C. II., '52. Ludlow, Henry G., '21. Luudy, John P., '46. Lusk, William, '23. Lyle, Joel K., '46. Lyle, John, '34. Lyman, Henry, '37. Lyon, Aaron W., '25. Lyon, David, '36. Lyon, David C, '42. Lyon, George A., '25. Lyon, Hervey, '24. Lyon, Isaac L., '47. Lyon, James A., '32. Lyon, John, '41. Lyon, William, '39. Lyons, Luke, '18. Macauley, John M., '34. McAuley, William H., "36. INIcCachren, Robei't, '24. McCauley, Charles F., '40. McCaulcy, Thomas, '52. McCay, David, '38. McClung, John A., '23. McClung, Samuel M., '32. McClure, Benjamin, '45. McCluskey, John, '25. McConnell, Joseph, '46. McCoy, David R., '43. McCoy, John B., '36. McCreary, James B., '25. McCuIlcy, Samuel, '45. .■MeCulldch, Robert, '48. McCuUoh, Samuel, '43. McCullough, .John, '30. McCuUough, .John W., '25. McCune, R. Lewis, '55. McDermott, Thomas, '31. McDevitt, John, '48. McDonald, Samuel II., '31. McDougall, James C, '55. McDowall, Ebenezer, '31. McDowall, Jolin R., '29. McDowell, William A., '12. McElliiniiv, Samuel A., '64. McElroy, ("jcorge W., '36. McElroy, John M., '53. McElroy, William C, '30. McElvain, Andrew J., '39. McEwen, .James, '31. McFarlan, Alexander, '19. McFarland, Allan, '49. McFarland, Francis, '18. McFarlane. William, '15. McFarren, Samuel, '25. McGee, William C, '37. McGeoch, James, '32. McGilvary, Daniel, '53. McGuire, Henry S., '46. McHarg, William N., '38. Mcllvain, AVilliam B., '25. Mcllvaine, Charles P., '17. Mcllvaine, Joshua H., '38. Mcllwain, Isaac, '24. Mclntire, Sloan, "29. Maclntire, Thomas, '41. Mcintosh, Donald, '26. McJimsey, John W., '23. McJimsey, William, "22. Mack, William, '31. Mackey, Elkanah D., '53. Mackey, James L., '46. McKee, David D., "34. McKee, John L., '51. McKee, Joseph, '31. McKim, James M., '31. McKinley, Daniel, '24. McKinley, Washington D., "48. McKinney, David, '21. McKinney. Edmund, '36. McKinney, Isaac N., '52. McKinney, John, '22. McKnight, William J., '52. McLaren, Donald, '55. McLaren, John F., '25. McLaren, Malcolm N., '25. BlcLean, Alexander, '54. McLean, Daniel V., '27. McLean, Ephraim T., '32. Maclean, John, '18. McLeod, Lewis, "24. McMartin, Peter A., '41. McMillen, George W., '54. McMullin, Robert, '51. McMuUin, Robert B., '34. McJIullin, Samuel H., '51. McMurray, Jo.'eph, '43. McNair, John, '29. McNair, Solomon, '41, JtcNair, William W., "46, McNeely, James G.. "20. McNeely, Lewis, '44. McNeill, George, '47. McNeill, James H., '47. WcNulty, John, '61. McPheeters, Samuel B., '43. McQueen, George, "49. McRee, WUliam F., '36. McRoberts, Sidney S., '28. Mc'Vean, James, '19. McWilliam, James, '38. Magie, David, '17. Magill, Seagrove W'., '33. Magraw, James C, '26. Magruder, Thomas P. W., '30. Mahaffey, Samuel, '41. Mahon, James, '60. 72 ALPHABETICAL INDEX. Mahon, Joseph, '30. Major, John VV,. "50 Malcom, Charles H., '52. Malcom, Howard, IS. Malcom, Thomas S., '39. Maliu, liavid, '.ib. Manly, Basil, '45. Mann, Joseph R., '45. Manning, Robert S., '63. Maulon, Daniel E., '32. Manwaring, Uiles, 42. March, John (J., '20. Markham, Thomas R., '49. Marquess, William il., '35. Marr, Joseph, 32. Marr, I'hiueas B., 30. Marriuer, (jeorge K., '49. Marshall, Alexander S. '54. Mar, hall, (Jeorge, '52. Marshall, James L., '19. Mar.shall, Samuel V., '22. Marshall, William L., 23. Martin, Adolphus K., '46. Martin, Job lleury, '26. Martin, Thomas, '3l. Marvin, Uriah, '46. Mason. Cyrus, '24. Mason, iibenezer, '23. Mason, Erskine, '25. Mason, John, 30. Masters, Francis R., '54. Mateer, Joseph, '51. Mathers, Joseph H., '51. Mathes, Alfred H. , '52. Mathes, Archibald A,, 34. Mathes, Benjamin C, '33. Matthews, John D , '28. Matthews, Salmon L., '32. Matthews, William C, '27. Mattoon, Stephen, '43, Mearns, John, '49. Mebane, William N., '34. Meek, John D., '40. Megie, Burtis C, '36. Melick, Philip W., '49. Mendenhall, J. K., '50. Mercer, Alexander G., '42. Merrell, Samuel L , '47. Merrick, James L., '30. Merrill, Franklin, '41. Merrill, James, '43. Mershon, Stephen L., '50. Merwin, Miles T. '41. Miles, Milo N., '32. Miller, Charles B., '47. Miller, David M., '50. Miller, George F., 44. Miller. James E., '45. Miller, John, '38. Miller, Linus M., '40. Miller, Rodney A., "22. Miller, Samuel, '42. Miller, Samuel J., '27. Miller, William Y,, '34. Milligan, Josiah, '48. Milligan, William V., 50. Milliken, Samuel J., 48. Mills, Charles I.., '35. Mills, Charles R., '53. Mills, David, '42. Mills, James H., '14. Mills, Robert. '31. Mines, Flavel, S., '28. Mines, Thomas J. A., '22. Mitchell, Andrew, '44. Mitchell, Edward F., '40. Mitchell, Jacob D., '27. Mitchell, Jacob D., '42. Mitchell, James Cake, '40. Mitchell, James Y., '54. Mitchell, John A., '27. Mitchell, Stuart, '48. Mitchell, William L., '54. Mitchelmore, .John, '22. Moderwel, William, '16. Moifat, Hector, '25. Monell, John D. '42. Monfort, David, '14. Monteith, John, '14. Monteith, William J.. '32. Montgomery, James S., '60. Montgomei-y, John, '26. Montgomery, John, '36. Montgomery, John L , '26. Montgomery, John W., '52. Montgomery, Samuel, '26. Moore, Ambrose Y., '46. Moore, James G., '42. Moore, James R., '49. Moore, James W., '25. Moore, John H., '50. Moore, John M., '22. Moore, Joseph P., '46. Moore, Joshua, '18. Moore, Robert V , 50. Moore, Thomas V., '39. Moore, William L., '54. Morcock, W illiam J., '54. Morel, Dunbar, 31. Morgan, Archibald M , '41. Morgan, Gilbert, '15. Morgan, John G. A., '48. Morgan, Mcholson R., '17. Morris, Henry, 24. Morris, John G., 20. Morris. Robert D., 34. Morrison, A. G., '25. Morrison, Elam .7., '21. Morrison, John H., '34. Morrison, William N., '31. Morrow, James B., '22. Morrow, Richard H., '54. Morrow, Thomas, '31. Morse, Andrew B., '51. Morton, Frank R., '48. Morton, John B., '35. Moseley, Hillery, '51. Moser, J. R., '28. Mosher, William C, '50. Mott, George S., '50. Moule, John, '34. Muhlenberg, Frederick A., '37. Mundy, Ezra 1'., '52, Murdock, Alexander, '53. Murphey, Thomas G., '40. Murphy, Donaldson C., '48. Murphy, Greenbury D., '27. Murphy, Thomas, 45. Murphy, William J., '41. Murray, Isaac, '48. Murray, John A., '26. Murray, Nicholas, '26. Musgrave, George W., '2'i. Musgrave, Cornelius H., '26. Myers, Joseph, '21. Nassau, Ch.arles W., '22. Nassau. Joseph E., '49. Neil, Thomas B., '51. Neil, William, '23. Nellis, Peter S , '43. Nelson, Alexander, '32. Nevin. Edwin H., '34. Nevin, John W., '23. Nevins, William, '16. Nevius, Henry V. D., '38. Nevius, John L., '50. Newbold, John S., '17. Newell, George W., '42. Newton, Thomas H., '46. Nicoll, Robert A., '30. Niles, Henry E., '45. Niles, Mark A. H., '31. Nimmo, Joseph, '22. Nixon, George, '55. Nixon, J. Howard, '53. Noble, Jonathan H., '26. Noble, Mason, '28. Noble, "William F. P., '47. Noll, Frederick M., '37. Nott, John, '25. Nourse, James, '24. Nyce, Benjamin M., '34. Oakley, Lewis "W., '49. Officer, Thomas, '46. Ogden, A. 0. B., "28. Ogden, Benjamin, '19. Ogden. Joseph M., '23. Ogden, Thomas A., '23. Ogden, Thomas S., '64. Oliphant, David, '13. Olmstead, Lemuel G., '34. Olmsted, James M., '19. Orbison, James H., '47. Orr, Robert W., '36. Orton, Azariah G., '17. Osborn, Michael, '19. Osmond, Jonathan, '45. Osmond, Samuel M., '50. Overstreet, Robert M., '48. Owen, Griffith, "37. Owen, Joseph, '35. Owen, Nathan M., '44. Owen, Roger, 'S.). Owen, Thomas, '33. Packard, Theophilus, '24. Paige, James A., '49. Paine, James, '28. Paine, John C, "33. Painter, Henry M., '49. Paisley, John, 35. Parish, Consider, '29. Park, Charles H., '65. Park, Harrison G., '28. Park, James, 43. Park, Oscar, '43. Parke, Nathan G., '41. Parker, Alvin H.,'22. Parkhill, Charles C. '39. Parmele, James H., '12. Parsons, Winfield S., '47. Parvin, Theophilus, '19. Patterson, Andrew 0., '18. Patterson, John C, '35. Patterson, Matthew B., '26. Patterson, Nicholas, '16. Patton. William, '19. Paull, Alfred, 39. Pawling, William H., '47. Paxton, James W., '50. Paxton, William M., '45. Payne, James B., '32, Peabody, James A., '30., Jacob L., '50. Peck, Isaac, '23. Peck, Simeon, '27. Peck, Thomas R. G., '48. Peebles. John, '20. Peers, Benjamin 0., '22. Peet, Stephen, '24. Peirce, John, '23. Penick, Daniel A., '21. Perkin, George W., '44. Perkins, Henry, 18. Perry, Talmon C, '48. Peters, Absalom, '16. Petrie, James, '36. Pettigrew, Samuel, '41. Phelps, Joshua, '37. Phelps, Philo F , '28. Philips, David H., '17,. Phillips, Alexander H., '26. Phillips, Alfred, '51. Phillips, Benjamin T., "43. Phillips, Bradley, '46. Phillips, Charles, '43. Pickands, James D. '25. Pierce, John, '17. Pierce, John T., '33. Pierce, Samuel E., '50. Pierson, David H., '42. Pinkerton, John, '44. Pinkerton, William, '37. ALPHABETICAL INDEX. 73 Pinknoy, William, '31. Pinney, John B., '3i). Pirnie, Peter M., '4"). Pitcher, William, ';!3. Piatt, Adams \V., 'IT. Piatt, Isaac \V., '15. Piatt, James A., '36. Piatt, James M., '50. Piatt, Joseph, '36. Plotts, John, '32. Plumer, Alexander R., '50. Plumer, William S., '25. Poage, Andrew VV., '16. Poage, Josiah B., '40. Polk, David, 3i. Porter, Alexander, '33. Porter, Jeremiah, '30. Porter, J. Jermain, '44. Porter, Josephus W., '52. Porter, Kobert iM., '40. Porter, Thomas C, '40. Porter, William A., '22. Post, Reuben, '15. Potter, Ludlow D., "44. Potts, George, "20. Potts, William S., '25. Powell, Walter, '54. Power, William R., '29. Pratt, Henry B., '52. Pratt, Horace S., '19. Pratt, John II., '50. Pratt, John VV., '45. Pratt, Nathaniel A., '20. Pratt, Silas, '14. Pressley, Samuel P., '21. Preston, Charles h\, '50. Preston, David R., 25. Preston, William R., '33. Price, Jonathan, '16. Price, Robert. '49. Prime, Edward D. G., '35. Prime, S. Irenaeus, '32. Printz, Georgi*, '25. Procter, John 0., '39. Proudfit, John A., '23. Pryor, Theodoric, '31. Pumroy, John, '27. Purviance, George D., '34. Purviance, James, "32. Quay, Anderson B., '27. Quilhot, Joseph, '30. Quillin, Ezekiel, '34. Raffensperger, Edwin B., '49. Ralston, J. Grier, '40. Ramsay, James R., '46. Ramsey, James B., '36. Ramsey, W illiam, '23. Rankin, Henry V., '45. Rankin, John C, '36. Rankin, William A., '48. Rannells, John G., '21. Ray, Charles, '51. Raymond, Albert R., '31. Read, Charles H., '32. Read, Henry C. '48. Read, Hollis, '27. Reardou, James D., '52. Reed, George J., '46. Reed, Villeroy D., '39. Rees, Henry K., '44. Reeve, William B., '36. Reeves, Henry, '46. Reeves. Kobert H., '46. Reid, Alexander, "45. Reid, Samuel, '22. Reiley. John A., '42. Reinhart, Edwin H., '37. Kendall, Isa