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Yet, nevertheless, as I have had the prayers of many, and have myself throughout asked the Lord to guide me with his eye, I believe he will not lei this record of his servant go forth unblessed. The Portrait is not an exact likeness : it was executed after his death from a very imperfect sketch — but it will recall his form to all who knew him. It is now a year since he rested from his labors ; and this Memoir is a record of some of those works that fol- low him. Ooi tcK. March 25, 1844. CONTENTS. MEMOIR. Chap. I. His Youth and Pbkparation for tuk MijasxRT, II Ills Labors in tue Vineyard before Ordination, III First Ybaks of Labor in Dundee, . . . IV. Ills Mission to Palestine And the Jews, V Days of Revival, ... , . VI. The Latter Days or his Ministry, LETTERS. 1. To Rev. R. SLicDONALD, (luring illness, before going to Palestine, 2. .. Mrs. Thain, during the continuance of the same, 3. .. Do. before going on the Mission, 4. .. Mies Collier. How his silence may be useful, 5. ., Rev. W. C. Bcrns, on his coming to supply his place, 6. Pastoral Letters, No. 1. View of what has happened, 7. .. .. 2. Past times of privilege, . 8. . . . . 3. IIow God works by Providence, 9. .. ., 4. God the answerer of prayer, 10. ., .. 5. Returns made to God, Isaiah v., 11. .. .. 6. Self-devotedness, 12. .. .. 7. Une.xpected calls, 13. . . . . 8. Warnings to the unsaved, . 14. .. .. 9. From Leghorn. Travels, . 15. .. .. 10. From Breslaw. Travels, . 16. To Rev. J. Roxburgh. From Jerusalem— Account of the Land 17. .. Rev. R. Macdonald. From Carniel. Do., . 18. .. Rev. \V. C. Burns. Inquiries about the Revival, 19. .. Miss Collier. Riches of Christ, 20. .. Mr. J. T. Just. Prayer-meetings, 21. .. A Parishioner in sickness. Troubles sanctify, 22 .. A Soul whom he never saw. Looking to Jesus, 23. .. Rev. W. C. Burns. A Minister's Afflictions, 24. .. Rev. Dan. Edwajids. 'What a Missionary must seek, 25. . . Do. Holiness and success, , 26. • • Mrs. Thain WTien invited to rest a while, . 27. • . OXE WHOSE FACE WAS ZiONWARD, . . . 28. . . AS. L. The person and he.art of Jesus, 29. . . Mr. W. C. Burn8. Awakenings— Personal holiness, 30. . . Rev. P. L JIiller. On beginning his Slinistry, 31. . • Mr. Q. Shaw. The Jews— Studies, 82. . . His Saubath School Teachers, 33. • ■ Blairgowrie Society. Advices, 84. . . A Soul seekixq Jesus, No. 1. Corruption, 35. .. .. .. ,. 2. The Righteousness of Christ, 36. .. ,. .. .. 3. Joy in believing, 37. .. .. ., .. 4. Christ is precious, 38. .. .. .. .. 5. Found in Christ, 39. . . . . . . . . 6. Leaning on Jesus, 40. .. The Mbmbebs of a Prayee-Mketino. The Sower, 41. ., M.S. Trying dispensations, 42. .. E. R. Corruptions drive us to Christ, . 43. .. J. T. A boy anxious about his soul, . 44. ., A.T. On the death of his brother, 43. .. Rev. D. Campbell. Advice to a brother In sickness, 40. .. Rev. Hor. BoNAB. Breathings after holiness, 47. .. Rev. R. Macdonald. Words of counsel, 48. .. The Teacher ok a Female School. Do what you can, 49. .. O.s-E Awakened fbo.m Sleep. Call to Jesus, 50. .. A Soul iNQuiRiNO afteh Jesus. What Is in Christ, 51. .. Do. Trials— Atonement in Christ, 52. .. One who had begun to see Jesus, 53. .. Rev. P. L. MiLL«a A Vftti to the weary, 33 51 77 105 128 149 151 151 153 155 156 159 162 165 109 173 176 180 184 189 195 200 203 204 205 207 208 210 211 211 212 212 214 216 218 218 221 222 223 224 225 5S26 227 228 2.10 2.T3 234 235 238 237 238 239 240 240 242 244 24,j 240 CONTENTS. 54. To Rev. John Milne. Another word to a brother, 55 .. Do. Breathings of heart, 56. .. One who had lately taken iip the Cross, 57. .. One of his Flock deserted in Sotl, 58. .. Rev. Alex. Gatherer. Visit to the North, . 59. .. One who had suffered Bereavement. Sorrow of the world, 60. .. Another to one bereaved. Christ the same, 61. . . One complaining of Heart Plaques. Passing to glcry, . SPECIMENS OF HIS SKETCHES OF SERMONS. Isaiah .\lviii. 18, Romans iv. 4-8, Proverbs xiv. 9, 1 John iv. 7-13, Zechariah xii. 10, . Jeremiah xxxiii. 16, Revelation xx. 11-15, Lebanon — its Scenery and Allusions, Notes on the Types found in the Tabernacle, OTHER PIECES ALREADY PUBLISHED. Evidence on Revivals, .... Another Lily Gathered — Conversion of James Laino, This do in Remembrance of Me, The Acceptable Yeak of the Lord, Reasons why Children should fly to Christ, Why is God a Stranger in the Land'? I Love the Lord's Day, Letter on the Sabbath Railways, Letter on Communion with Bkethren op other To the Lambs of the Flock, Daily Bread, ..... Songs of Zion. 1. The Barren Fig Tree, . 2. Jehovah Tsidkenu, 3. They Sing the Song of Moses, . 4. On Mungo Park's finding a Tuft of Moss, 5. I am Debtor, .... 6. Children called to Christ, 7. Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet, 8. The Fountain of Siloam, 9. The Sea of Galilee, 10. To Yonder Side, .... 11. On the Mediterranean Sea, at Acre, 12. The Child coming to Jesus, 13. Oil in the Lamp, . . . 14. On J. T., a Believing Boy, Concluding Memobials, Denominations, LECTURES Lecture I. The Ten Virgins, Part 1, . n. 2 .. in. 3,' .. IV. 4, V. Bethany, Part 1, . VI. 2,,. . .. VII. 3, , .. VIII. 4, , .. IX. 5, X. 6, XL 7, .. XII. Capernaum, .. XIII. Wisdom's House, . .. XIV. Folly's House, . .. XV. The Good Shepherd, .. XVI. Christ the Door, .. XVIL I AM thk Good SHirnERD, CONTENTS. FAMILIAR LETTERS. L«TTBR I. To ms Family,— London, 29