F-45.£2o| Lfn313o ■% >• i o ■ o J III Scctloa &/v£L. Of PRMi/6£ N v- <0, H Y wcm^B A Yc FOR f&CUS^E Oft. S& *S& N> SOCIETY United Ghrijlian Friends : WITH THEIR CONSTITUTION * ANNEXED. „<..<.. <^>..>. >- NEW-YORK : Printed by J. TIEBOUT, 358, Pearl-Streef!| And Told by E. MITCHELL, No. 9, Maiden-Lane. 1-797. tgw-. PREFACE, OlNGING, is that part of divine worfhip on earth, which is fuppofed to approach nearcft 10 the devotional exercifes of the Heavenly Inhabitants ; and we are able to fay, from ex- perience, that nothing of a religious nature is better calculated to raife the foul to God, and produce in it thofe pious affections which are neccffary, and proper, to a mind engaged in fo exalted an employment. As to the Hymns which compofe the following collection, the literary and pious world, have no doubt long fmce judged of their excellence ; they are fe- lecled from various authors, and many ol ihefc authors of the higheft poetic merit. With regard to the order in which the fol- lowing Hymns are arranged, it appeared moil proper, as approaching neareft to the divine ccconomy. The annexed plan of affociation has been principally introduced for the convenience of our members; we take the liberty however to remark, that in forming it, we ftudioufly avoided every thing that locked like party- zeal, or unprofitable controveriy. We give it not as the refuk of deep and learned re- fearch, but as it is, in truth, the efrufioi>s of the fimple, honeft, and unprejudiced mind. As to the opinions which may be entertained ot us by Ch.riif.ians of other names, we wil* A 2 iv PREFACE. lingly leave thgm to be fettled at &■•■ day when the fecrets of all hearts (hall he difclofed ; in the mean time we fincerely adopt the words of a celebrated poet, and pray, " If I atp right, O teach my heart Still in the right to flay : If I am wrong, thy grace impart To find that better way." Por£ By order of the Society, ABRAHAM E. BROUWER, Elder. JACOB CLIXCH, Clerk. 1 January i, 179; INTRODUCTION. CHARITABLE JUDGMENT, A: XL-feeing God ! 'tis thine to know The fprings whence wrong opinions flow To judge by principles within, "When frailty ens. or when we fin. 2. Who among men, great Lord of all, Thy fervant to his bar fhould call ? For modes of faith judge him a foe, And doom him to the realms of woe ? 3- Who with another's eye can read ? Or worfhip by another's creed ? Revering thy commands alone, We humbly feck, and ufe our own. 4- If wrong forgive, approve if right, While faithful we obey our I : g h t , And cens'ring none, are zealous ftill To follow as to learn thy will. 5; When fhall cu*- happy eyes behold Thy people faJfcion'd in thv mould ; And charity onr lineage prove periv ; d trom thee, thou God of love ? INTRODUCTION The TPvUE USE of MUSIC. JLjNLISTED into the caufe cf fin Why fbould a good be evil ? Mufic alas Loo long has been Prefs'd to obey the devil : Drunken, or lewd, or light the lay, Flows to the foul's undoing ; Widens and ftxews with {lowers the way Down to our utter ruin. Who on the part of God will rife, Innocent founds. recover : Fly on the prey, and ieize the prize> Plunder the carnal lover ; Strip him of every moving drain. Every melting meafure, Mufic in vyrtne's caufe retain, Refcue the holy plealure. Come let us try if Jefu's Inve, Wdl not as well mfpire us ; This is the thsme of thole above, This upon earth fhall fire us : Try if your hearts are tim'd to ling, Is there a fubjecr. greater ? Haripony all its drains may brinrn, let it be : I yield that thy ic>e mould-be given to me. I freely receive What -thou freely dafh give, And coiileat in thy love, in thine Lien -to lire. 4- The gift I embrace, The g.vcr I pr^fe, And afcr.be my falvation to Jefus's grace. REDE M PTIO N. 5- It carac from above, The foretafte I prove, And I loon fftall receive all thy fulnefs of love. H Y M N XIX. JL^ET ev'ry mortal car attend, And ev'ry heart rejoice ; The trumpet of the gofpel founds With an inviting voice. 2. Rivers of love and mercv here In a rich ocean join ; Salvation in abundance flow's, Like floods of milk and wine 3 The happ^ gates of gofpel grace Stand open night and day ; Lord, we are come to' feek fupplies, And drive our wants awav. HYMN XX. T JL-jET earth and heav'n agree, Angels £nd men be join'd, To celebrate with me The Saviour of mankind : T' adove the all-atoning Lamb, And bi^is the found of Jefu's name. REDEMPTION. 27 Jefus ! tranfporting found ! The joy of earth and heav'n ; No other help is found. No other name is giv'n, By which we can falvation have, But Jefus came the world to fave. a- Jefus I harmonious name ! It charms the hofts above ; They evermore proclaim, And wonder at his love ; *Tis all their happinefs to gaze, 'Tis heaven to fee our Jefu's face. 4- H:s name the finner hears, And is from fin fet free ; 'Tis mufic in his ears ; 'Tis life and viclory; New fongs do now his lips employe And dances his glad heart for joy. 5- O unexampled love ! O all-redeeming grace ! How fwiftly didft thou move To fave a fallen race ; What fhall I do to make it known, What thou for all mankind haft done ? 6. O for a trumpet's voice, On all the world to call ; To bid their hearts rejoice In him who dy'd for all! For all, my Lord was. crucify'd For all, for all my Saviour dy'd 1 C 2 Sp "REDE M P T IO^y HYMN XXI. T A. E heavens, rejoice in Jefus's grac?, Let earth make a noife and echo his praife; Our all-loving Saviour hath pacify'd God, And paid for his favour the price of his blood. 2. Ye mountains and vales, in praife 5 abound, Ye hills and ye daks, continue the found.; Break forth into Tinging, ye trees of the wood, For Jeius is bringing loft finners to God. 3- Atonement he made for every one, The debt he hath paid, the work he hath done, Shout ail the creation, below and above, Afcribing falvation to Jefus's love. H Y M N XX I L R E JO ICE, the Lard is King- Your Lord and King adore ; Mortals, give thanks and fing, And triumph evermore : Lift lip your hearts, life up your voice,- Rejoice, again I fay rejoice ! 2. Jefus the Saviour re The God of truth and love, When he had purg'd our ftains He took his feat above; ■ Lift up &c. ETE D EM PTI O X. 3-. H?s kingdom cannot fail, He rules o'er earth and heav'n 5 The keys of death and hell Are to our-Jefus-giv-'n : . Lift up. &c. 4- He fits at God's right-hand, Till all his foes Jubmit. : And bow- to- hiscommand, And fall beneath his feet : Lift up, &c. 5- Rejoice in glorious hope, Jefus the Jndge mall come; And take his fervants up. To their eternal home. We foon mall hearth' archangel's voice, The trump of God fhall found, Rejoice! HYMN XXIII, c 'OME, thou fount of cv'ry blefling,; . Tuae my heart to- ling thy grace ! Streams of mercy never ceafing, Call for fongs of loudeft praife : Teach me fome melodious fonnet, Sung by flaming tongues above ; Praife the mount — I'm fix ! d upon ifj Mount of thy redeeming love i C 3 30 REDE M PTIO X. 2. O ! to grace how great a debtor Daily I'm conftrain'd to be ! Let thy goodnefs, like a fetter, Bind my wand'ring heart to thee : Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it ; Prone to leave the God I Hve-*— Here's my heart, O take and feal it; Seal it for thy courts above. K Y M N XXIV. H ARK '. how the gofpel-trumpet fouada Thro' all the earth the echo bounds ! And Jefus, by redeeming blood. Is bringing limners back to God ; And guides them fafely by his word, To endlels day. 2. Hail, aVUvi&orious eonq*ring Lord! E thou by all shy w ^ ; -•„ ?.d »*'d, W K o undertook for ftnful man, And brought falvation through thy name, That they with thee may ever reign In endlefs day. . 3- Fight on, ye coftq'ring louh, fight on, And when lhe conqueil you have won, The palms of victory you Iball bear, And in his kipgdom have a fiiiare, And crowns of glory ever wear In. endlefs d:iy. REDEMPTION. Ri There we ftrall in fweet chorus join, And faints end angels all combine To fmg of his redeeming love, When rolling years fha;l ceafe to move, And this fhall be our theme above, In endlefs day. HYMN XXV. SALVATION ! O the joyful found! What pleafure to our cars ! fov 'reign balm for ev'ry wound, A cordial tor our fears. Glory, honour, praife and power, Be unto the Lamb for ever ; Jefus C'.rift is our Redeemer ! Hallelujah ! praife the Lord. Salvation ! let the echo fly The fpacious earth around, While all the armies of the fky Conlpire to raife the found. Glory, ckc. 3- Salvation! O thou bleeding Lamb! To thee the praife belongs : Salvation Rial] infpire our hearts, And dwell upon our tongues. Glory. &c. RE DEM PT I OX, HYMN XXVI. V.TLORY to God on high ! Let earth and fkies reply ; Praife ye his name'; His love and grace ador**, Who all our farrows bo?e ; Sing aloud evermore, Worthy the Lamb. 2. ^|:-fus, our Lord and God, jiore fin's trcmtud'ous load, Praife ye his name : Tell what his arm hath done; What fpoils from death he won Sing his great name alone, Worthy the Lamb. 3- While they around the throne Cheerfully join in on^ Piaifing his name : Thofe who have felt his blood Sealing their peace with God, Sound his dear fame abroad Worthy the Lamb. 4- Join, all ye ranfom'd race bur holy Lord to blefs ; Praife ye his name : In him we will rejoice, And make a joyful naife Shouting with heart and voice Worthy the Lamb. REDEMPTION. 33 5 ' What tho' we change our place, Yet we (hall never ceafe Praifiug his name : To him our longs we bring, Hail him our gracious king, And without ceafing ling, Worthy the Lamb. 6. Then let the hofis above, In realms of endiefs love, Praife his dear name : To him afcribed be Honour and majefty, Thro' all eternity, ; Worthy the Lamb. HYMN XXVIT. X ATHER, is not thy promife pledg'd To thine exalted Son, That through the nations of the e^rtb, Thy word of life (hall run ? 2. " Afk. and I give the Heathen lands " For thine inheritance, ** And to the world's remoteft fhores " Thine empire fhall advance." 3- Are not all kingdoms, tribes, and tong Under th' expance of heaven. To the dominion of thy fon, Without Exemption given ? 34 REDEMPTION. 4- From eail to weft, from north to foiuh, Then be his name ador'd ! Europ', with all thy millions, fhcut Hofannahs to thy Lord I 5- Ana, and Africa, refound From more to more his fame ; And thou Ameiira, in fongs Redeeming love proclaim ! HYMN XXVIII. P, LUXG'D in a gulph of dark defpair We wretched Tinners lay, Without one cheering beam of hope, Or fpark of glirr.m'ring day. With pitying eyes the Prince of Grace Beheld prr helole r s grief: He few, and (O amazing love !) He ran to our relief. 3- Down from the fhining feats above With joyful hafte he fled; Enter'd the grave in mortal fl»fh, And dwelt among the dead. 4' O! fw th s love, let rocks and hills Their tailing filence break, And all harmonious human tongues The Saviour's praifes fpeak. REDEMPTION. 5- Angels, affift our mighty joys, Strike all your harps of gold ; But when you raife your highefl notes, K;s ls\e can ne'er be told. HYMN XXIX. p ID LOW ye the trumpet, blow The gladly foiemn found, Let all the. nations know, To earth's remoteit bound, The year ol jubilee is come : Return ye ranfom'd finners, home* 2. J°fas our great High Prieft, Hath full atonement made ; Ye weary fp.'rits reft, Ye mournful fouls ba glad ; The year of jubilee, &c. 3; Extol the Lamb ol God, The alt-atoning Lamb : Redemption in his blood Throughout the world proclaisa. The year of jubilee, ccc. 4- Ye flaves of fin and hell, Your liberty receive, A-.d fafe in J Has dwell, And bieft in Jefus live. Jut yeai of jutike, &c> REDE M PTIO N. Ye who have fold for nought Your heritage above, Shell have it back unbought, The gift of Tefu's love. The year of jubilee, &c. 6. The gofpel trumpet hear, The news of heavenly grace, And fav'd from earth appear Before your Saviour's face. The year of jubilee, &c. G*= *%3 5ft *g PRAYER an-d PRAISE, H Y M N XXX. G, "RATEFUL notes and numbers bring, While JEKOVAH's praife we iing ; Holy, holy, holy, Lord, Be thy glorious name ador'd ! CHORUS. Men on e?rth and faints above, Sing the great Redeemer's love ; Lord thy mercies never fail. Hail, celeftial goodnefs, hail ! 2. While on earth ordain'd to ilay. Guide our footfteps in thy way : 'Till we come to reign with thee, And all thy glorious greatness fee! Men on earth, &c. 3- T'ren with angels we'li again Wake a louder, louder {train : There, in joyful fongs of praife^ We'ii our grateful voices raife. Men on earth, &c. 38 PRAYER and PRAISE, HYMN XXXI. J ESU, thy boundlefs love to me No thought can reach, no tongue declare O knit my thankful heart to thee, And r-ign without a rival there ! Thine wholly, thine alone I ana ; Be thou alone ray ccnilaut flame ! O grant that nothing in my foul May dwell but thy pure love alone ! O may thy love po fiefs me whoje ! My joy, ray trcafure, and my crown ; Strange flames far from my heart remove ; My ev'ry act, word, thought, be love. 3 S:ill let thy love point out my way ; How wond'rous things thy love hath wrought Still lead me left I go aftray ! DirerJt my word, mfpire my thought : And if I fail, Icon may I hear Thy voice, and kno.v that love is near. 4- In fufP ring be thy love my peace, In weaknefs be thy love my pow'r, And when th.e ftorms of life flia.ll ceafe, jefu, in that important hour, In death, as life, be ihou my guid?, And lave me, who for 'm. huft dy'd ! PRAYER and PRAISE. 39 H Y M N XXXII. 1 ROM all that dwell below tbe Ikies, Let the Creator's praife arife; Let the Redeemer's name be fung, i Thro' ev'ry land, by ev'ry tongue, [ Eternal are thy mercies. Lord, Eternal truth attends thy word ; Thy pratfe mail found from fhore to f&ore, Till funs fhail rife and fet no more. 2. Your lofty themes, ye mortals, bring, In fongs of praife divinely fing; The great falvation loud proclaim, And fhout for joy the Saviour's name : In ev'ry land begin the fong, I To ev'ry land the {trains belong; ; In cheerful founds all voices raife, And fill the world with loudeft praife. HYMN XXXIII. 1. JL RAIS& the Lord, who reigns above, And keeps his court below, Praife the holy God of love, And all his greatnefs fhew ; Praife him for his noble deeds, Praife him for his matchlefs power: Him from whom all good proceeds, Let earth and heaven adore. 4 o PRA Y ERa kd PRAISE. 2. Publifh, fpread to all around The great JEHOVAH's name. Let the trumpet's martial found The Lord of holts proclaim : Praife him every tuneful firing, All the reach of heav'nly art, All the powers of mufic bring, The mufic of the heart. 3- Him, in whom they move, and live, Let every creature fing, Glory to their maker give, And homage to their King : Hallow'd be his name beneath, As in heaven en earth ador'd, Praife the Lord in every breath ; Let all things praife the Lord. H Y M N XXXIV. L< /ORD if thou the grace impart, Poor in fpirit, meek in heart, I fhall as my mafter be, Rooted in humility. 2- From the time that thee I know, Nothing may I feek below, Aim at nothing great or high, Lowly both my heart and eye. PRAYERaxd PRAISE. 4^ 3- Simple, teachable, and mild, Aw'd into a little child ; Ouiet now without rav food, Wean'd from ev'ry creature goodl 4- Hangs my new born foul on thee*. Kept from all idolatry, Nothing wants beneath ab'ove, Happy, happy in thy love. HYMN. XXXV.. 1. M .Y. heart is full of Chrift, and longs Its glorious, matter to declare! Gf him I make my loftier fongs, I cannot from his praife forbear ; My r.-a The truS I have to fee thy face, • When fin fhall ail be purg'd away : The night of doubt and fear is pad, The mjsrning ftai appears at la ft., And I fhall fee the perfe& day. 4- The day of fweet and perfe'8 reft, With pure enjoyment ever bleft, I fhall delight to prove above The height and depth of love divine: Arid in thine image ever fhine, Of glory, light, and heavenly love, HYMN XXXVII I. I '•LL praife my Maker while I've breath. And when rny voice is loft in death, Praife fhall employ my nobler pow'rs : My days of praife fhall ne'er he paft, While life, and thought, and being laft. Or immortality endures. 4$< PRAYERaxdPRAISL Happy the man who' e hop»s relv On I'rael's God; he made the iky, And earth, and fens, with all their train His truth for ever (lands fecure! He faves th' opprefs'd, he feeds the poor, And none flaall find his promife vain. 3- The Lord pours eye-fight on the blind.; The Lord fupports the fainting mind ; He fends tiie lab 'ring conference peace : He helps the ftranger in diftfefs, The w;dow and the farherlefs* And grants the pris'ner fweet rsleafs, 4- I'll praife him while he lends me breath, And when my voice is loll in death, Praife (hall employ. my nobler pow'rs : . My days of praife fhall ne'er be pa ft, While life, and thought, and being laft. Or immortality endures. HYMN XXXIX; X ATHER, how wide thy glories fhine How high thy wonders rife ! Known thro' the earth by thoufand figns s By thoufands through the fkt~s. There mighty orbs proclaim thy pow'r, Their motions, fpeak thy fkili; And on the wings oi ev'ry hour We read thy patience ftilL FTl A Y £ R a n o PRAISE. IPart of tliy name divinely ftand-s On all thy creatures writ ; They {hew the labour of thy hands. Or iinprefs of thy feet. But when we view thy itrange tfefign To lave- rebellious worms, Where ju-ftice and companion join In their divineft forms. 3- Here the whole Deity is known, Nor dares a creature guefs Which of the glories brighten: fhonc, The juflice, or the grace. Now ihe full glories of the lamb - Adorn the heav'nly plains, Bright feraphs learn Imrnanuel's name, And try their choiceii nrains. 4- O may I bear Tome humble part In that immortal fong ! Wonder and joy (hall tune my heart, And love command my tongas, To Father, Son, and Holy Ghcil, Who Pweetly all agree To fave a world of finners loft, Eternal glory be. H Y M N XL. B, 'E it my only wifdom here. To ferve thee Lord with filial fear, With loving gratitude ; Superior fenie may I difplay, By fhunning ev'ry evil way, -And walking in the good, 46 PRAYERand PRAISE 2. O may I "till from fin depart; A wile and underloading heart, Jefus, to me be giv'n ! And let me through thy fpirit know. To glorify my God below, And find my way to heav'n. HYMN XLI. V^LORY be to God on high, God whofe glory fills the fky, Peace on earth to man forgiven, Man the weil-belov'd of heaven. 2. Sovereign Father, heavenly king, Thee we now prefumc to fing, Glad thine attributes confefs, Glorious all and numberlefs. 3/ Hail by all thy works ador'd, Hail the everlafting Lord ! Thee with thankful hearts we prove, Lord of power and God of love. HYMN XLII. V^OME Holy Spirit, fend down thofe beam* Which gently flow in filent ftreams From the eternal throne above : Come, thou enricher of the poor, Thou bounteous lource of all our More, Fill us with faith, with hope, and i^T. PRAYER axd PRAISE. Come, thou our foul's delightful gueft, The wearied pilgrims fweeteft reft, The fainting fttfferers bell relief ; Come, thou our psffion's cool allay ; Thy comforts wipe all tears away, And turns to peace and joy all grisf. 3- i Lord warn our finful ftains away, Water from heaven our barren clay, Our ftcknefs cure our bruifes heal ! To thy fweet yoke our ftiff necks bow„ Warm with thy fire our hearts of fadyr, And there enthron'd for ever dwell. 4? HYMN XLIII. w ILT thou, O Lord, regard my tears, The fruit of guilt and fear ? Me. v/ho thy juftice hath provok'd, O will thy mercy fpare ? 2, Yes, for the broken contrite heart, Saviour, thy fufFerings plead ; O quench not then the fmoaking flax, Nor break the bruifed reed° 3- Thy poor unworthy fervant view, Refign'd to thy decree ; Ordain me or to live or die* But live or die to. thee ! 4? PRAY E'R a n d P-R ATS E. 4- Upon thy gracious promife, Lord, My humbled foul is caft; O bear me fafe thro ; life, thro' death, And raife me up at lafl ! 5- Low as this mortal frame mull lie, This m6rtal frame fhall fing, Where is thy victory, O grave! And where, O death, thy fling. U Y M N XL IV. H EAR me, O Lord, my God, and weigh My ibrrows in the fcale of love ; Lighten mine eyes, reftore the day, The darknefs from my foul remove. 2. Thou wilt, thou wilt, my hope return* \ A hidden Ipirit of faith I feci, My heart ih fervent wifh.es burns, And God fhall there for ever dwell. 3- My trufl is in thy gracious power, I glory in falvation near, IRejoice in hope of that glad hour. When perfe-ft love fhall caft out fear, 4 - T fing the gooduefs of the Lord, The goodnefs I experience now, And full I hang upon ihy word, -My Saviour lo the utmoft iKoti PRAYER and PRAISE, 45 Thy !ovc I ever fhall proclaim, A mon'ment of thy mercy I, And praif'e the mighty Jefu's name, Jefas the Lord, the Lord moft hi^h. HYMN XLV. T ALK with us, Lord, thyfelf reveal. While here o'er earth we rove : Speak to our hearts, and let us feel The kindling of thy love. 2. With thee convening we forget All time, and toil, and care; !• 'Labour is reft, and pain is fvveet, If thou, my God, art here. 3. Here then, my God, vouchsafe to flay, And bid my heart rejoice ; My bounding heart fhall own thy fway, And echo to thy voice. • 4. Thou called me to feek thy face : 'Tis all I wifh to fe attend the whifpers of thy grace, And hear thee inly fpeak. ,. 6- Let this, my every hour employ. Till I thy Glory fee ! inter into my Mafter's joy, And find my heaven in thee. D $0 PRAYERaxdFRAIS E. H Y M X XLVL ' X ORGIVE us for' thy mercy's fake, Our multitude of iins forgive ! And for thine own poffeffion take,. And bid us to thy glory live, Live in thy figrit, and gladly prove Our faith, by our obedient love. 2. The covenant of forgivenefs feaT, And all thy mighty wonders mow t Our inbred enemies expel, And conquering them to conquer go; Till all of pride and wrath be (lain, And not one evil thought remain ! 3; O put it in our inward parts, The living law of perfect love ! Write the new precept on our hearts ; We (hall not then from thee remove, Who in thy glorious image (bine, Thy people, and for ever thine, HYMN XLVIL .INTERNAL power whofe high abeete Becomes the grandeur of a God, Infinite length beyond the bounds, Where ftars revolve there little rounds ; PRAYERanb PRAISE. 5 t Thee while the firft archangel fings, Ke hides his face behind his wings : And ranks of fhining thrones around Pali worfhiping and ipread the ground. a- Lord, what fhall earth and afhes do ? V/e would adore pur Maker too 1 From fin and duff to thee we cry, The great, the holy, and che high S 4- Earth from afar hath heard thy fame, And worms have learn'd to lifp thy name But O the glories of thy mind Leave all our loving thoughts behind i God is in heaven, and Man below : Be fhort our tunes ; eur words be few 1 A folemn reverence checks our fongs, And praife fits filent on our tongues. HYMN XLVIII. J ESUS, I love thy charming name; Tis raufic to mine ear ; Fain would I found \t out fo loud, That earth and heav'n fhould hear, 2. Yes thou art precious to my foul, My tranfport, and my truft ; jewels to thee are gaudy toys, And gold is fordid duft. D 2 I PRAYERandPRAISI. 3- All my capacious powers can wifh In thee dotk richly rtteet : Nor to mine eyes is light io dear, Nor friendfhip half fo fweet. 4- • Thy grace Mill dwells upon my heart, And fheds its fragrance there ; The nobleft balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. I'll fpeak the honours of thy name With my hit lab'ring breath ; Then fpeechlefs ciafp thee in mine armSj The antidote of death. HYMN XLIX. i. XT i> OW fhall our fouls with pkafure raife, To our derr Lord a fong of praife ; We'll fing his love, his goodnefs tell, Our Saviour hath done all things well. With pitying eyes he view'd our cafe, And came to fave our Tuin'ai race ; He conquer'd fin, and-» li Salvation's born to-day. M Jefus, the God whom angels fear, " Comes down to dwell with you j " To-day he makes his entrance here, " But not as monarchs do. 3- " No gold, no purple iwadling bandsj " Nor royal mining things; ** A manger for his cradle Hands, " And holds the King of Kings, 4- " Go, Shepherds, where the infant lies, sc And fee his humble throne ; M With tears of joy in all your eyes, " Go, Shepherds, kifs the Son." 5- Thus Gabriel fang, and ftraight around The heav'nly armies throng ; They tune their harps to lofty lound, And thus conclude the fong : 6. F K A Y E R akdTRAISE. HYMN LVII. JL HEE we adore, Eternal Name, And humbly own to thee, How feeble is our mortal frame. What dying worms we be ! Our wafting fives grow feorter dill, As days and months increafe ; And ev'ry beating pu'ife we tell, Leaves but the number iefs. 3- The yrar rolls round, and fteals away The breath that frrft it gave : Vv r hate'er we do. where'er we be, We're travelling to the grave. 4- Dangers ftand thick through all the ground, To pufh us to the tomb ; And fierce difeafes wait around, To hurry mortals home. 5- "Waken. O Lord, our droivfy fenfe. To walk this dang'rous rond ; And if our fou's are hurried! hence, May they be f jund with G >d ! PRAYER and PRAISE. HYMN LVIII. T, Who reigns enthron'd above ; Ancient of everlafting days, And God of love : JEHOVAH GREAT I AM ! By earth and heav'n confefs'd ; I bow and blefs the facred name, For ever bleft. 2 The God of Abrah'm praife, At whofe fupreme command From earth I rife — and feck the joys At his right hand : I all on earth forfake, Its vvildom,-f?me, and pow'r : And him my onlv portion make, My fhie'ld and tow ! r. 3- The God of Abrah'm pra;fe, WKofe ail-fufBcicnt grace Shall guide me all my haippy days. In all -mv ways : H* calls a worm his friend ! He calls himfeif my God ! - And he fhail fave me to trie end Thro' Jefu's blood! 4- He by himfeif hatn l-.vorn, I on his oath depend, I iha'.l on eagles wings up-bornc ? T© heav'n afcend ; PRAYER and PRAISE. I (hall behold his face, I fhall his pow'r adore, And ling the wonders of his grace For evermore. HYMN LIX. T % | ESUS, thou everlaflmg King. Accpc the tribute winch we bring; Accept thy well-deferv'd renown, And wear our praifes as thy crowr. 2. Let every aft of worfhip be Like our efpoufals ; IjOrd, to thee : Like the bled hour, when from above "We firft receiv'd the pledge of love. 3- The gladnefs of that happy day, O may it ever, ever day ! Not let our faith for fake its hold, Nor hope decline, nor love grow cold ! 4- Each following minute as it flies, Increafe thy praife, improve our joys, Till we are rais'd to ftng thy name, At the great (upper of the Lamb. H Y M N LX. T JL HE Lord of Sabbath 1ft us praafij In cone >rt W! PRAYERand PRAISE. 63 Thus, Lord, while we remember thee, We bleft and pious grow, By hymns of praife we learn to be Triumphant here below. 3- On this glad day a brighter fcene Of glory was difplay'd By God, th' eternal word, than when This univerfe was made. He rifes, who mankind hath bought With grief and p3in extreme ; *Twas great to fpeak the world from nought, 'Twas greater to redeem . l H Y M N LXL H, .OW {hall I fpeak th' eternal God, Whofe works with wonder here I view; So wife and powerful, great and good, No tongue can reach, nor thought can know. Fain would I mount the eternal fkies, And waft a tribute to thy praife ; But ah how foon my ardor dies ! How faint and languid are my laysl 3- Affift me heav'nly pow'rs to fing, Nor let my poor devotions die ; And while I ftrike the loudeft firing, Swift bear it thro' the tracklef;; fkyj $4 PRAYER an a PRAISE. 4- Lord, had I thoufand harps and tongues, A thoufand tongues fhould ail be thine ; O for a thoufand nobler longs, To praiie in accents more divine ! 5- How oft I ftrive to foar above And ftretch my wings, but ftrive in vai Eor if from earth I juft remove, How foon I fink, to earth again I 6. Tis not for mortals here below To fing the wondrous theme of heav'n How litile is it here we know ! How fmall the portion that is giv'u ! ?• I'll wait with pleafure, till my Lord S~all to his bofom call me home ; Then fweetly found his praife abroad, And fee his face without a gloom.- HYMX LXII. B, >EGLN my foul, th' exalted lay Let each enraptur'd thought obey, And ppaife th' almighty name; Lo '. heav'n, and earth, and feas and flues, In one melodious concert rife, To fwell th' infpiring theme. PRAYER and PRAISE. Thou, heaven of heavens, his vaft abode* Ye clouds, proclaim your maker God ; Ye thunders, fpeak his power ; Lo ! on the lightning's rapid wings, In triumph, rides the King of Kings Th' atfonilh'd worlds adore. 3- Ye deeps, with roaring billows rife, To join the thunder of the fkies, Praife him who bids you roll ; His praife in fofter notes declare Each whifpcring breeze of yielding air^ And breathe it to the foul. 4- Wake all ye foaring throng, and nng Ye cheerful warblers of the fpring, Harmonious anthems raife ; To him who fhap'd your finer mould, Who tip'd your glittering wings with gold, And tun'd your voice to praife. 5' Let man by nobler paffions fway'd, The feeling heart, the rea&'ning head, In heavenly praife employ ; Spread the Creator's name around,. Till heav'n's wide arch repeat the found, The general buril of joy. HYMN LXIIL T *'• X HOU Lord unto my Lord hath faid, Sit thou, in glory fit, Till I thine enemies have made To bow beneath thy feet. §6 PRAYERand PRAISE. 2. Nature is fubject to thy w . rd, All pow\ to thee is ^iven ; The uncQiitroul'd. almighty Lord Of hell, and earth, and heaven. 3- Come then and claim m^ for thine own j Sav")ur, i! v right affert ; Come, giacious L -rd, fet up thy throne, Ano reign within my heart ! 4-. So (hall I hlefs thy plea.'ing fway, And fitting at thy feel, Thy laws with all my heart obey, With all my foul fubmit. 5- Thy love the conqueft more than gains i To all I [hall proclaim, Jefus the king, the conqueror reigns ; Bow down to Jeiu's name 6. To thee fhall earth and hell fubmit. And every foe fhall I Tii! death exoires beneath thy feet. And God is all in all! H Y M N LXIV. OW i'appy gracious Lord are we JJivinely draw n to follow thee; ofe hours divided are Brtwixtthe mount and multitude; Our days we'll fpend in d^ing good, Our night in praifeand pray'r. PRAYER and PR-AISE. €7 The winter's night and fummers day- Glide imperceptibly away, Too fhort to fing thy praife ; Too few we find the happy hours, And bade to join thofe heavenly powers In everlailing lays. 3- With all who chaunt thy name on high, And holy, holy, holy, cry, A bright harmonious throng, We long thy praifes to repeat, And reftiefs fing around thy feat The new eternal fong< HYMN LXV A j ^.T all the earth their voices raife To fing a lofty pfalrn of praife, And blefs the great Jebovaivs name; His glory let the heathen know, His wonders to the nations fhow, And all his works of grace proclaim, 2. Great is the Lord, his praife be great, Who fits on high enthron'd in ftate, To him alone let praife be given ; Thofe Gods the heathen world adore, Xn vain pretend to fov'reign power, He only rules who made the hea'vV. 68 PRA?ERand PRAISB. •3- He fram'd }he globe, he fpre2d the iky, And all the Alining worlds on high, He reigns complete in glory there; His beams are majeity and lig v 't, His glories how divinely bright! His temple how divinely fair ! i' Let heaven be glad, let earth rejoice, Let ocean lift i-ts roaring voice, Proclaiming loud Jehovah reigns ; For joy lei fertile galleys fmg, And tuneful groves their tribute bring, To him "a hole power the world iuftains. 5' Come, the great day, the glorious hour, When earth [hall own .his fov'reign pow'r, And barb'rous nations tear his name ; Then mail the univerfe confefs The beauty of his holinefs, And in his courts his grace proclaim. FELLOWSHIP. KYMN LXVI. ^| ESU, united by thy grace, And each to each endear'd, With confidence we feek thy face, And know our pray'r is heard, 2. Still let us own our common Lord, And bear thine eafy yoke, A band of love, a three-fold cord 3 Which never can be broke. 3- Make us into one fpirir drink : Baptize into thy name ; And let us always kindly think, And fweetly fpeak the fame, 4- . To thee infeparsbly join'd, Let all our fpir.i r s cleave ; O may we all the loving mind That was in thee receive ! 5- This is the bond of perfe&nefe, Thy fpotlefs charity ,* O let us ftill, we pray, poffefs The.mmd that was in thse $ 70 FELLOWSHIP. HYM X LXVII. .1 jET party names no more The Chriftian world o|erfpreadj Gentile and Jew and bond «nd free Are one in Chrift their head. 2. Among the faints on earth Let mutual love be found ; Hefrs of the fame inheritance, With mutual bleffings crown'd, 3-" Let envy, child of hell, Be banifh'd far away; Thofe mould in ftri&e'ft friendfhip dweD, Who the fame Lord obey. 4- Thus will the church below Re-fern ble that above ; • ftr earns of pleafure always flov. r j And every heart is love. H Y M N LXVII I. ©N ADMITTING A NEW MEMBER, JjROTHER in Chrift, and well-beIov'd ; To Jefus and his fervants dear, Enter, and fhew thyfelf appro v'd ; Eater, and find that God is here. FELLOWSHIP. i* ,'VeIcome from earth ! — lo, the right hand Of feilov/Ihip, to thee we give ! iVith open arms and hearts we itiad, And thee in Joiu's name receive* 3* iay, is thy heart refolv'd as ours ? Then let it burn with facred love : rhen let ic taile the heavenly powers, Partaker of the joys above. 4- Jefu, attend, thyfelf reveal ! Are we not met in thy great name ? rhee in the midft we wait to feel, We wait to catch the fpreading Same* 5- rruly our fellowfhip below, With thee and with the Father is : [n thee eternal life we know, And heaven's unutterable blifs. HYMN LXIX. Vx'OME, let us anew Our journey purfue, Roll round wkh the year, And never ftand ftill till the Mafter appear! His adorable will Let us gladly fulfil, And our talents improve By the patience of hope, and the labour of love. ;s FELLOWSHIP. 2. Our life is a dream, Our time as a flream, Glides fwiftly away, And the fugitive moment refufes to (lay : The arrow is flown, The moment is gone ; The millennial year Rufhes on to our view, and eternity's here. 3- O that each in the day Of his coming may fay, " I have fought my way through, [do.''' I have finifh'd the work thou didft give me to O that each from his Lord May receive the glad word, " Well and faithfully done ! Enter into my joy. and fit down on my throne.'* HYMN LXX. AT PARTING., J ESUS, accept the praife That to thy name belongs; Matter of all our lays, Subjeft of all our fongs ; Through thee we now together came* And part exultkig in thy name. IELLOWSHTP. In flefh we part a while, But ftiil fn fpirit join'd, T' embrace the happy" toil, Thou haft to each aflign'd : And while we do thy bleffed will, We bear our heav'n about us ftill, 3' O let us thus go on In all thy pleafant ways, And, arm'd with patience, run With joy th' appointed race ! Keep us and ev'ry feeking foul, Till all attain the heavenly goal, t-i 4- There we fhall meet again, When all our toils are o'er, And death, and grief, and pain, And parting are no more. We (ball with all our brethren rife, And grafp thee in the flaming Ikies, HYMN LXXI, l, J A_^ORD we come before thee no-y At thy feet we humbly bow ; O ! do not our fuit di'fdain, Shall we feek thee, Lord, in vain? 2. Lord, on thee our fouls depend. In companion now defcend, Fill our hearts with thy rich ^race, Tune our lips to fiag thy prafe, E 7t t FELLOWSHIP 3- In thine own appointed way, Now we feck thee here we flay; Lord we know not how to go, Till a blefling thou beftow. 4- Send fome meffage from thy ward, That may joy and peace afford ; Let thy fpirit now impart, Full falvation to each heart. Comfort thofe that weep and mourn, Let the time of joy return ; Thofe that are caft down lift up ; Make them ftrong in faith and hope. 6. Grant that all may feek, and find Thee a gracious God and kind : Heal the fick, the captive free ; Let us all rejoice in thee. HYMN LXXII. c 'OME, and let us fweetly join, Chrift to praife in Hymns divine '. Give we all, with one accord, Glory to our common Lord ; Hands, and hearts, and voices raife : Sing as in the ancient days ; Antidate the joys above, Celebrate the feafl of love. FELLOWSHIP. 75 2. Strive we, in affection ftrive : Let the purer flame revive, Such as in the martyrs glow'd, Dying champions for their God : We like them may live and iote ; CalI'd we are their joys to prove : Sav'd with them from future wrath, Partners of like precious faith. 3- Sing we then in Jefu's name, Now as yefterday the fame ! One in ev'ry time and place, Full for all of truth and grace : We for Chrift our mailer ftand Lights in a benighted land : We our dying Lord confefs ; We are Jefu's witneffrs. 4- Witneffes that Chrift'hath dy'd ; We with him are crucify'd : Chrift hath burft the bands of death ; We his quick'ning fpirit breathe : Chrift has now gone up on high; Thither all our wifh-s fly ; Sits at God's right hand above; There with him we reign in love. HYMN LXXIII. c OME away to the fkies, My beloved, arife, And rejoice in the day thou waft born On this feftival day Come exulting away, And with finging to Sion return. 3 FELLOWSHIP. 2. We have laid up our love And trsafure above, Tho' our bodies continue below : The redeem'd of the Lord, We remember his word, And with Tinging to Paradile go, 3- With finging v/e praife The original grace, By our heavenly Father beflow'd; Our being receive From his bounty, and live To the honour and glory of God. 4- For thy glory we are Created to fhare Both the nature and kingdom divine Created again, That oar fouls may remain In time and eternity thine. K Y M N LXXIV. JLXCEPT the Lord condua the plan, The beli-concerted fchemes are vain, And never can fucceed ; We fpend our wretched Itrength for nought J Eui if our works in thee are wrought, They (hall be Weft indeed. FELLOWSHIP. 2. In Jefu's name behold we meet, Far ironi an evil world retreat, And all its frantic ways; One only thing refolv'd to know And fquare our ufelul lives below By reafoa and by grace. ' 3- Now, Jefua, now thy love impart, To govern each devoted heart, And fit us for thy will ! Deep founded in the truth of grace, Build up thy rihng church, and place- The city on the hill. HYMN LXXV. i. VJLORY be to God above, God from whom all bleffings flow Make we mention of his iove, Pubiifh we his praife belew ; CalPd together by his grace, We are met in J.efu's name ; 1 Se: with joy each others' face, Followers of the Bleeding Lamb. 2. Let us then fweet counfel take, How to make our calling fare : Oar election how to make Paft the reach of hell fecure : Build we each the other up ; Pray we for our faith's encreafe j Solid comfort, fealed hope, Conftant joy, and lailing peace. 78 FELLOWSHIP. 3- More and more let love abound : Let us never, never reft, Till we are in Jefus found, Of our paradife poffeft : He Temoves the flaming fword, Calls us back from Eden driven To his image here reftor'd, Soon he takes us up to heaven ! HYMN LXXVI. o, UR friendfhip fanclify and guide, Unmixt with felfifnnefs and pride, Thy glory be our angle aim ! In all qui- intcrcourfe below, Still let us in thy footftcps go, Aud never meet but in thy name, 2. Fix on thyfelf our Angle eye ! Still let us on thyfelf rely, For all the help that each conveys ; The help as from thy hand receive, And ftiii to thee all glory give, All thanks, all might, all lOve, all praife. 3- Whatc'er thou doft on one be (low, Let each the double bL fling know, Let each tl»t common burden bear ; In comforts and in grids agree, And wreftle for his friends with thee, In aH the omnipotence of prayer. FELLOWSHIP. J9 4- Witnefles of the all cleanfmg blood, Long may we work the works of God, And do thy will like thole above ! Together fpread the gofpel-found, And fcatter peace on all around, And joy, and happinefs, and lov i?e. H Y M N LXXVI'I. N. OW let our voices join, To form one pleafant long : Ye pilgrims in Jehovah's ways. With mufic pais along. 2. How ftraight the path appears ! How open and how fair ! J\"o lurking gins t' entrap our feet ; No fierce deilroyer there. 3; But flowers of paradife In rich profufion fpring : The fun of glory gilds the path. And dear companions ling. 4- S~e Salem's golden fpires In beauteous proipeft rife ; And brighter crowns than mortals \vcm' ; Which fparkis thro' the Ikies,. $9 rtLLOWSHIf. HYMN LXXVIII. V^OME, let us ?,fcend, My companion and friend,. To tafte of the banquet above ! If thy heart be as mine. If for Jefus it pine, Come up into the chariot of love. 2. "Who in Jefus confide, We are bold to outride The ftorms of affliction beneath i With the prophet we foar To the heavenly mere, And cutfly all the arrows of death. 3- By faith we are come To ®ur permanent home ; By hope we the rapture improve ; By love we dill rife, And look down on the fkies, lor the heaven of heavens is love. 4- Who on earth can conceive How happy we live In the palace of God the great King What a concert of praife When our Jefus 's grace The whole heavenly company fing. FE LLO'WSH I P. 5- \\ hat a rapturous fong When the glorified throng In the fpirit of harmony join ; Join all the glad choirs, Hearts, voices, and lyres, And the burden is mercy divine. PI Y M N LXXIX. CHILDREN of the heav'nly King* As we iournev let us hug ; Sing our Saviour's worthy praife, Glorious in his works and ways ! We are trav'ling home to God, In the way the fathers trod ; They are happy now, and we Soon their happinefs fnail fee. 3- O, ye banifh'd feed ! be glad, Chrift our advocate is .made ; Us to fave, our flefh a flumes, Brother to our fouls becomes. 4- Fear not, brethren, joyful ftand On the borders of our land ; jefus Chrift, our Father's Son, Kids us undifmay'd go on, 5- Lord, obediently we'll go, (rladly leaving all below ; " Only thou our leader be, And we ftijj will follow the.-? ! 8* FELLOWSHIP. HYMN LXXX. A; XL thanks to the Lamb who gives us to His love we proclaim, his praifes repeat ; [meet; We own him our Jefus, continually near, To pardon, and bleis us, and perfc£l us here. 2. In him we have peace, in him we have pow'r, Preferv'd by his grace throughout the dark hour; In all our temptation he keeps us to prove His utmOft falvation, his fulnefs of love. 3- Pronounce the glad word, and hid us be free; Ah! haft thou not, Lord, a blefling for me ? The peace thou haft given, this moment impart, And open thy heaven of love in my heart ! HYMN LXXXL J ESU, Lord, wc look to thee, Let us in thy name agree ; Shew thyfelf the Prince of Peace ; Bid our jars for ever ceafe. 2. By thy reconciling love Ev'ry ftumbling-block remove ; Each to each unite, endear; Come and fpread thy banner here ! FELLOWSH IP. $$ Make us of one hear:: and mind, Courteous, pitiful, and kind, Lowly, meek in thought and word ; Altogether like our Lord,. 4- Let us each for other care, Erich the other's burden bear; To thy church the pattern give, Shew how true believers live. 5- Free from anger and from pride,. Let us thus in God abide ; All the depths of. love exprefs, All the heights of holinei's, 6. Let us then with joy remove To thy family above : On the wings of angels fly; Shew how true believers die. HYMN LXXXIL v> OME on my partners in diflrefs, My comrades through the wildemefs. Who flili your bodies feel ; Awhile forget your griefs and fears,. And look beyond this vale of tsars. To that cekilial LilL 84 FELLOWSHIP. Beyond the bounds of time and fpace, Look forward to that heEv'nly place, The faints' fecure abode : On faiths' ftrong eagle-pinions rife, And force your palfage to the fkies, And icale the mount of God. 3- Who fuffer with our Maiier here, We fhall before his face appear, And by his fide fit down : To patient faith the prize is furc ; And all that to the end endure The crofsj fhail wear the crown. GLORY. HYMN L XXXI 1 1. c. 'OME, ye that love the Lord, And let your joys be known ; Join in a fong with fweet accord While ye iurround the throne. 2. Let thofe refufe to fing Who never knew our God ; But fervants of the heav'nly king May fpeak their joys abroad. 3- The God that rules on high, That all the earth furveys? That rides upon the Aormy iky, And calms the roaring teas. 4- This awful God is ours, Our Father and our love : He will fend down his heav'nly pow'rs To carry us above. 5- There we fhall fee his face, And never, never fin ! There, from the rivers of his grace, Drink endlefs pleafures ia. 86 GLORY. Yea, and before we rife To that immortal fhte, The thoughts of fuch amazing blifs Should conftant joys create. 7- Then let our fongs abound, And ev'ry tear be dry; We're marching thro' Immanuel's ground To fairer worlds, on high. H Y M N L XXX IV. 1 AR above yon Of the azure vaulted fky ; Jefus fits his love revealing. To his fplendid troops on high. 2. Hofh feraphic humbly bowing, At his footftool proftrate fall ;. Saints and Angels all allowing, God in Chriil is all in. all. 3-. Could we leave our fooliih dreaming,. • Of a fancied heaven below ; And fee Jefu's glory beaaiing, How our fouls would long to go. 4- We fhould for his day be waiting, When the full reward is given ; When the glorious work compleatingj Jefus takes his d.urc.iLj heaven. GLORY. HYMN LXXXV. yi RST PART, A: XD let this feeble body fail, And let it faint cr die, My foul fhall quit the mournful vale, And foar to worlds on high • Shall join the difembodied faints, And find its long- fought reft; That only blifs for which it pants In the Redeemer's breaft. 2. In hope of that immortal crown I now the Crofs fuftain, And gladly wander, up and down, And fmile at toil and pain. I fuffer on my three fcore years Till my Deliv'rer come. And wipe away his fervant's tears, And take his exile home. SECOND PART. 3- what hath Jefr.s bought for me i Before my ravifh'd eyes. Rivers of life divine- 1 fee, And trees of paradife ! 1 fee a world of fpirits bright, Who tafte the pleafures there! They all are rob'd in fpetlefs white, And concurring palms, they bear. 8S GLORY. 4- O what are e11 my fufPnngs here, If. Lord, thou count me meet, With that eiiraptur'd hoft t' appear, And worfhip at thy feet ! Give joy or grief, give eafe or paia, Take life or friends away ;. Eut let me find them all again. In that eternal day. HYMN LXXXVL A^ .WAY with our for row and fear, We foon fhall recover our home : The city of faints fhall appear, The day of eternity come ; From earth we fhall quickly remove, And mount to our native abode, The houfe of our Father above, The palace of Angels and God. i. Our mourning is all at an end, When rais'd by the life giving word, "We fee the new city defcer.d, Adorn'd as a bride from her Lord ; The city fo holy and clean, No forrow can breathe in the air : No gloom of affliction or fin, No fhadow of evil is there ! o. 3y faith we already behold That lovely Jerufalem here, Her walls are of jafp'er and gold, As chryftal her buildings are clear ; GLORY. S$ Jmmoveably founded in grace, She (lands, as fhe ever bath flood, .And brightly her builder difplays, And flames- with the glory of God. 4- No need of the fun in that day, Which never is follow 'd by night, Where Jefus's beauties difplay, A pure and a permen^nt light. The Larnb is their light and their fun. And lo ! by reflection they fhine, With Jefus ineffably one, Arid bright in effulgence divine ! H Y M N LXXXVIL X HE Lord of life appears. To wipe away the tears, Trom all his fervants ever bleft • He bids them fhare his joy, Nor pain, nor bafe alloy, Shall e'er difiurb their endlefs reft. Jerufalem divine, When fnall I call thee mine. And to thy holy hill attain ; Where weary pilgrims reft. And in thy glories bleft, With God Meffiah ever reiga ? GLORY May I obtain the grace To fill an humble place In that inheritance above : I'd ftretch my utmoft firing, And loud Hofannahs ling, To fpread thy fame Redeeming Love. 4- There faints and angels join In fellowfhip divine, And rapture fwells the folemn lay; They fee him ?s he is, The fount of all their bliis, And fource of everlafting day. 5 Reign true MefTiah reign, Thy kingdom fhall remain, When iun and flars no more fhall fhine Myllerious Deity Who ne'er began to be To found thy endlefs praife be mine. HYMN LXXXVIII. o, UR Lord is rifen from the dead, Our Jefus is gone up on high, The powers of hell are captive led, Dragg'd to the portals of the fky. 2. There his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chaunt the folemn lay, Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates, Ye everlafting doors give way. GLORY. 3- Loofe all your bars of maffy lig'it, And wide unfold the ethereal fcene ; He claims thefe manfions as his right, Receive the King of glory in. * 4- Who is the King of Glory, who ? The Lord that all his foes o'ercame, The world, fin, death, and hell o'erthre-^ And Jefus is the conqueror's name. 5- Lo ! his triumphal chariot waits, And angels chaunt the folemn lay, Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates, Ye everlafting doors give way. 6. ! the King of Glory, who ? The Lord of glorious power po-ffefl, The King of faints and angels too, God over ^11 for ever bleft. MISCELLANEOUS, HYMN LXXXIX. E A P T I S MU V^APTAIN of our falvation, take The fouls we here prefent to thee. And rk for thy great fervice make Thefe heirs of immortality ; And let them m thine image rife, And then tranfplant to paradife. Unfpotted from the world