& s i J 4 N 1j to t 1 S E w O " d *** 1 3 «§> 8 1 o S v." o •5 -1 | ^ Ph u ■8 § Jt _0J Q 3 ^ %** "o m u & % % S<: :B /0 ( 8W yrinYMk* ,yn r* V T H E R I $ M S - c/f GRACE DISPLAYED: In the great Inftances thereof. In giving the Son. Sending the Spirit. Effectual Calling. God's Covenanting with Man, By IV. Bagjha*, Minifter of the Gofpel. L N D Hi \ Printed for . Ralfi Shetmardine in Mdn- tkejhr. 1685. - V c7**Z? /7M To the Defervcdly Honoured, Mrs. Katherine Eyre, andMrs. Ursula Gill. Madams, YOli are (1 doubt not) fatis- fied, that my thank fulnefi to (and for) your right worthy Hus- bands and your f elves, is otherwife teftifed, than in Papers ; yet, fuch Acknowledgments have found accep- tance. To one of your Ears, and to the Eyes of both of you, have the Riches of Grace been by unworthy me pre- fented; and feeing Providence brings anew Edition thereof to you y mine Hearts defire and Prayer for you is, that you may therein more than for- merly tajle and fee that the Lord is Gracious. Through Mercy, you want not afenfe of your Souls wants ; the touches I have given are from a fin- ger that points out the Fountain and Spring whence you may be fupplyed. A l ihrOiigh The Epiftle Dedicatory. Through the great PropitiationGod is reconciled to Penitent Sinners ', and by the Holy Spirit they art recon- ciled to him ": That he jhould par- ticularly call Verfons , and fo enter into Coven-ant with \w, that they become ( above others ) his y are (I am fare ) matte rs of wonder to you. May you through this Rich Grace hold en in your good way, and be every day J};ovgtr and (Ironger ! That your Hearts arefonearh joyn*d y and you fo often meet at the Mercy - feat, who never faw one another^ face^ is from the influence of Divine Grace. That all yours (together with you ) may more and more feel that influence y is daily begged by Madams, Yonr much Obliged 1 nend and. c ervi:n: in the Gofpel, IV. B ERR AT At E ^I^J T J. PAge 3. line 1. read manner, p. 4. I. 21. dele which u. p. 5. in the Marg. r. Com- thendxbilem. ib.Foluu p.14. Ij.v.at. lbidA.22. nele fay. p 17. 1. 16. r. O that. p. 25. 1. 12. dele i&c camefo. p. 3c. I 1 3. r. infJBed. p. 31. 1. 19. r. Otk. p. lb. 1.22. r. pta/ge. p. 48. l.To. r.fytow. p. 55. I.10. i. cures, p.63. I. 14. r. yet. p. 64. in the Marg. r.rependere. p. 70. 1. 11. r. defires.y. 72. 1. I4.r.for.p.76. ]. 18. add #. p. 8l. Marg* r.againfi 'em. p. 87. 1. $.r. <*»i. p.103. 1. 13. r. do. p. no. I.22. aid U. p. 122.1. 6.r. living water, p. 153. Marg. jr.aSso/. p. 143.L i^. 1. cheating, p. 147. 1.4. r. 0/ as *ff. p. 154. 1. 20. r. d»4 i^«. p. 164. Marg. r. male color ata. p. 180. 1. 1 5. r. context. p. 182. 1. 25. r. */:•#. p. 184. 1. 2. r. removed. p. 187. 1. 1. addons//, p. 193. 1. 12. x.crys: p. 203. Marg. v. Date, %& CO THE RICH E S rjdka^. 10. Herein is LoVe, not that "toe Lo- ved God, but that He LoVed us, and fent His Son to be a ^Propitiation for our Sins. B Id not Divine John carry Grace and Love in his Heart as well as in his Name? It BPBrown " was well obferved by one of great * nss% B emihency, z The %jcbes of Grace. eminency, (and is worthy of the obfervation of others) that as he fhared above others in the Love of his Saviour, he (above others) fhewed (as well as bare) jo. 13.23. Love to his Saviour. As he was He vois a the Pifciple that Jefus Loved, he compound was the Difciple by whom Jefus fndfwect- wa ^ beloved ; and in the exercife ne/s. of Love, his fellowfhip was with kD ^the Father, as w r ell as with the Roberts. Son Jefus Chrijl. Witnefs this i^.i-3-Epiftle, and that part of it wherein my Text ftands. And Ije who felt fuch pure flames in his own breaft, was defirous to kindle the like in the breafts of others ; thence doth he difl play the Love of God before 'em ; His heart would not (eafily) off from that Subje£ ; and it kept his Pen to (and on) it. On that fweet firing he ft ruck in the Verfe before this, and on it, he ftrikefftgain in this Verfe , wherein, %i The Matter treated of is Love, Love in its height. z. The The Riches of Grace. 2. The Matter of his treating thereon is, (as was ufual with him,) i. Negatively, the excellency of Love lay not in Mens Love to God. 2. Pofitively, it lyes in Gods Love to Men. Of whole Love, there is an eminent inftance, to wit, fending His Son to be a Pro- pitiation for our Sins. The Text hath in it fair footing for fundry points or obfervations; but it falls for my prefent defign, to touch only on this Do&rine. i. The lending of His Son to be a Propitiation for Mens Sins, was an eminent evidence of the Rich Grace and free Love of God the Father. Of this perfbn's Love doth the Text and Context much treat. ; That we are to take the word God therein perfbnally for the Father, is argued from his being di- inguifhed from the Son, and aving that a£tion which is B 2 efpecially 4 The (Rjches of Grace. Differentia efpecially appreciated to the $/5^: Father, afcribed to him, that .is, propria*, fending the Son. Though there Bp.Pr^d. fo t no i ne q Ua lity among the p.^4. W Divine Perfons (or Subfiftents) there is an order, and the Scrip- jfai.tf.ic. ture fp ea fc s f t h e £ r ft Perfon, as the firft propounder (and mover) as to the work of Mans redemp- tion. And when the Text faith herein is Love y or in this is Love,it fpeaks as much as I have put into myDoftrine.I find it thus gloffed Ew. € A*- on > *^he wr y nAturt °f Love doth not. herein appear : One (I remember) expreifed himfelf thus , This U Mr. s. E. Love worth pointing at ; what if I fay ? this is Love worth wondring at ? it is much on this fcore efpe- cially that God the Father is ftiled i. Jo. 4. Love , ip jlidi is'\ full of Love, % - l6 - Love it felt And in the foregoing Verfe, it is laid exprcfly, In this was the Love of God manifefted, in this mainly, though not in this only; in this above,and not only among other The Riches of Grace. 5 other things, that he gave his only Begotten f Son : So God J J°* 3- Loved the World fo wonderfully, l6# fb as cannot be (to the full)exr prefled or conceived. So that Hm 5 good Men and Angels are fill'd* sicwhk- with admiration. This LovewSfcut. had no pfefident, and fhall have %>m. ^ %. no parallel. This commendeth commendx : (or rendreth commendable) theg£#£ Love of God the Father particu- cum. larly. That we may take a fairer view of this his Love, we will offer at the refblution of certain Queftions. 1 . Who is it that thus declares his Love ? Is it not God the Father ? Did not the Son come (and was he not fent) out of Hisi Bofome ? ride A Now, did not Mans Sin in viola- rMdi rbef, ting the Law(and firft Covenant) *' pccm ftrike very fully at this Perfon, % n ium. from whom (if we regard the order of the Perfbns in the God- head) that Law and Covenant B 3 had 6 The fRjches of Grace. had the firft rife ? Had not He been what He is, if Man had never been ? And could not He have Glorified Himfelf in Mans j$».$8. Damnation? Now, that He againft whom Man had Sinn'd, iliouldfor Man provide a Saviour; that he who was provoked by the World, fhould fend his Son for,as well as into the World ; that he that is All-bleffed, fhould beftow on provokers this prime Bleffing, that he who could have honoured His juftice fhould thus declare His mercy.- Is not this wondrous mercy ? The Second queftion is, Whom did God the Father fend ? Was it not His Son ? and as is .^/i.s.32. elfewere expreiTed, His own Son, as the verfe before the Text hath 1. 7*4.9. it, His only Begotten Son ? Had He lent a Servant, there had been Grace in the bufinefs ; there had ftill been more,had He fent one of thofe Men that are his Sons by the Grace of Adoption ; or one of The Riches of Grace. y ofthofe chief Sons by Creation, the Angels. But His fending His proper Son, His Son begotten in a way beyond oar expreffion, fi°fJ n ' (or conception) not one Begotten " u Son of many, (and yet we find thofe that have many, loth to part with one) but an only Be- gotten Son, a Son of the fame in- dividual Effence withhimfelf, a Pm '- 8 - Son that from Eternity was with v Him^nd was His delight ,His dear Son,(or the Son of His Love) this c f^ *• is Grace to a wonder \ and they ^$if w , that are made partakers of the faving benefit thereof cannot but wonder at it. The Third queftion is, What is imply ed in Gods act offending ? Anf. i. This Phraie muft not have a force put on it. It doth Hiity.* not imply that the Son as God is 6 ' 7 * at all inferiour to His Father. M ijjia tu» Among Men, one may be im-*^ * 2 * leaft mercy, and yet theobje&s of this greateft mercy ; and 2. Ill-deferving, that he fhould fend His Son to redeem us, that flight have fent His- Wrath to cOnfiime us ; we are delivered that might have been deftroyed. The laft queftion, which will call for the largeft Anftver is, For what end (or on what Errand) was Chrififent into the World ? jtnf.OtiQ mainEnd(and Errand) is laid down in the Text, which whofoeVer well weighs, will cry out, Behold what manntr of Love the fdther hath befiowed on us, He was Cent to be a Propitiation for our fins. We'll 12 The Riches of Grace. We'll firft confider the impor- tance of the word Propitiation, And it is not doubted ; but in it is a relpeft and allufion to fuch Pro- ^ see z>r. pitiatory Sacrifices as were uled fleet 1 ?-" ^ nc * appointed in the time of the gxhft Law. As there were gratulatory " ereiims. offerings, wherein the Offerers teftified their Love to God, with their thankfullnefs for his favours: So there were ExpiatoryOfferings, which tended to appeafe God, and apply the pardon of Sin to Men, and thofe were all of them Bloody ones ; without fhedding of Blood there is no Remiffion, laid the Apoftle. h^9.22. Accordingly, Chrift's being a Propitiation, i . Implyes His being a fufferer, and that unto Death. 2. His being fubftituted in the idem r oom, and (6 fuffering not only for the good, but withall in the ftead of Sinners ; as the Sacrifices were (lain, to prevent their being Jb that brought 'em. 3. His.. The Riches of Grace. 1 5 3. His fb far anPvvering aad fatisfying God His Father, and making a Compenfation for the v wrong done to His LaWand juftice, that on the fcore thereof, He is attoned, and Propitious and Gracious to believing Penitents, He is their Peace, the procurer Eb%2%x , and effe&er thereof; what the Jewijb Sacrifices were in type, He is in truth. I will not conceal, thatfiichas are eminently judicious do stcMr, judg,that in the word Propitiation**™™*™ there is an eye to the Mercy~^!, t}o l r ^ Seat, or cover of the Ark, that Holy of Holy's ; and queftionlels, Chrift is in fubftance what that was in fignification, and its laid, He is called by the Name of His own Type. 1. That, as to the matter of it was of pure Gold ; He is much more excellent (andlafting) than that. 2, That in its ufe lerved to in- terpofe betwixt Mens fight and the 1 4 The Q{icbes of Grace. the Law of God which was in the Ark, Chrift interpofeth betwixt Chriftians and the Law, as condemning, and procures that His Father doth not look 6n and judg them according to it. Scuite- / add, A* the Ark (or between Romans** ^ Cherubims, that were at the ends thereof) God did commune Exod. 2$. anc j meet w j t { 1 pj] s people;In (and through) Chrift it is, that they and He meet and maintain Com- munion together. And now we mil make a little fearch , how Chrifl is /aid to be a Propitiation for our Sins. ite. 22. ^ * s note d> that the Hebrew u 2. word Translated Propitiation, de- noteth covering ; and no doubt, Chrift doth cover our Sins from the avenging eye of God. But we will in our anfwer molt regard the Propitiatory Offerings. Say , i . They are not to be hear • kened to, nor patiently heard^ • who The Riches of Grace. i y who fay, that fbme did procure fb m* *j- is to deferve this Propitiation ; all ™f£ ® laving Sinn'd deferve punifh- duxcruvt. iient,even thatthatis everlafting. SeeB fi> 2. Our Sins made fuch a Pro- wrigg^- litiatory Sacrifice as Chrift offered ^ons. pag. [and was) needful. Had not He ^% 3een Sacrificed, we muft have :>een Sacrifices to Divine wrath. 3. The Lord who laid our Sins 'in refpeft of the punifliment due . br 'em) upon Chrift, upon His - ** 3% • iccount taketh off the guilt of our Sins, and deals with us as to our Eternal ftate, as if we had not SinnM It may be ask'd, IsnotChrijl Propitiation for our Souls ? I anfwer, He isfo. This obfervation appears weighty ; the Phy fician healet h 30th his Patient and his Difeafe ; the latter by removing it, the for- ^ s ^ mer by recovering him. Chrift ntbe a- is a Propitiation , both as to our *§* Souls and as to our Sins ; our Sins He removes out of the fight of God 1 6 The (Riches of Grace. God, our Souls He reftoreth to the favour of God. What if before I make a more formal Application of this point , I lead others in the way of this Me- ditation? BleffedLord! thou Father of our Lord Jefus Chrifi ! How is iL that I who hear fo much of Thy Son, and of His being made a Propitiation, and fent by Thee for that end , fo little, fee thine exceeding Grace therein. And (in my meer impure na- turalls) am far from having the Bowels of a Child ; but what other Father ever had fuch Bowel- mercy's, as thofe which thou fheweft me through thy Sacri- ficed Son. Had He not been a Sacrifice,. He had not been a Propitiation ; I have read, and do believe, that though every Reconciliation doth not, a Propitiation doth imply a latisfa£Hon made on behalf of Offenders : Undoubtedly, the Suffering' The Riches of Grace. Sufferings of Thy Son Were in ah Ancient Church well ftiled un- krfown ones. I cannot Fathom,' or take a full Meafure of the! depths into which He Defcended* when His Soul was made an Offering for Sin. But fure I am, the lower he ftoops, the better thy Love may by every right Eye be feen. Thou waft pleafed with His bruifing, as it had a reference to my binding up. Was ever Love (fave that of Thy Son, and Spirit one with Thee)like Thine ? and^hat this heavy heart of mine was lifted up to Admirings at, and Praifes for it I Through Thy dear Son in whom mercy flows to me, let my Soul afcend and prefent her Acknowledgments ta Thee ! May Thy Love be fhed abroad in mine heart. The fir (I aft -of this Pom /hall be of ( 'and for)Caut torn The fir ft' Branch is, Take We reed, left we take oceafion frorii 6 thisr i8 The Riches of Grace. this Do&rine, to think of the Love of God the Son or Holy Spirit, in^a way of .Diminution, becaufe it prefents the Love of the Father in a way of Exaltation. icor. 13. The Grace of our Lordjefus Chrijt, vM ft- and the Love of the Spirit, vce JT ^ fpoken of as eminent, and indeed as infinite. As there is no Divifi- on in the Divine Perfons ? fo there is no Divifion in their Love to Men, but a diftin&ion there is which is to be obferved. The fecond Branch is, Beware we, left by our looking at this very great inftance of God the Fathers Love, our eyes and minds be taken off from other E- vidences thereof. His Love is Written (and fliould be read) ia rK 68. the Provifion iHe makes for us, 19 20 ' and the diredion he gives to us daily. Though the Sun far out- fliines the Stars, the Stars are, Lights ; and though God's fen- ding His Son, excell other ex- preflions of His Grace, yet His Grace the Riches of Grace. i g Grace is fhewed, and tobeften in the lower tokens of it. David faw Divine goodnefs fpreading [ * l his Table, and filling his Cup, The further application of the Point, {hall be reduced under Itofe** rences of Truth, and Rules of Duty. The Br ft inference is, The Love of God (particularly of God the Father) is of an elder Date, then the aftual fending of JefusChrifi tnto the World ; this doth flow Tom that, this was in the fuflnefs GaI j ftime, that was from Eternity, rhough forne who place the very rature of Love in delight, are efs willing to grant, that any are eloved till they are Converted j et my Text joyns with fundry •S rS n- that c ° untenarice this^^ w litinttion. There is a Love of Roberts enevolence which leads to that Mievers f complacence, of weli-wifhing *™ dm ^ m brings on that of good^iking; ' ove intended makes way for ove applycd. 2 o The %tcUs of Grace. I the rather hfijl on this y becaufe, i . This much tends to quicken Perfbns to Duty, efpecially the grand Duty, Love to God. bhould not their Love to Him be I withont end,whofe Love to them was before times beginning? tjo. 4.19- Love is no little valued for its Antiquity, and no Love of Crea- tures is in that point to be compared with the Love of God. 2. This conduceth greatly ton the Comfort of Perfons.The beft on Earth are apteft to complain* of their unworthinefs,to have the. Love of God continued to 'em 1 Now this is cheering to fuch asd are in their main defire (and 1 defign) for the Lord. He thad Loved T em when they could have] no worthinels, will not ceafd to Love 'em, though now thetf have none. WcaknelTes in timd flhall not make void Love that , was from Eternity. j The Riches of Grace. 1 1 The Second Inference is, The Dottrine of the Socinians is greatly to be difliked (yea to be detefted.) Is it not a body of Herefie ? Have not Divines of the firftRank, ranked it with Maho- ^^ )0p metanifm? Here I will only point d* Ar- at its contrariety to the great rowfimdi, point lam on. ? dc ' i. Do they not deny ChriftV being fent to be a Propitiation for Si»> when they affirm that He neither made Satisfa&ion to His Father by His Death, nor [intended any fuch thing? Though the Scripture fpeak of His Dying for us, that is,inftead nqjIyo of us, and for Sin, when He had hc0 * none of His own to dy for,y ea for our fins, that is, to expiate 'em, and take off the guilt of 'em, fo ' Tm ' 2 ' 6 ' that He is ftiled a Ranfme, one ^ Kvnty that put His Soul into the ftead of Mr.rottiU. purs, yet they affign other ends bf His Dying, and exclude that ^reat end of His being a Propi- tiatory Sacrifice, at which my Text points* C 3 2 And $ i The (Riches of Grace. 2. And do they not make way, to their denying that Chrift made fatisfa&on to infinite Juftice, when they Amy Him to be an infinite Perfon ? They,what in 'em lies, degrade Him and de- prive Him of the Honour of His Deity, when they fay, He is only p mtur2 God b y oflice and not b y Nature » Had He not been very God, could He have made payment for the debts owing to God ? And whilft they thus detract from the dignity (and death) of the Son, do they not draw a Cloud be* twixt their Followers and the Love of the Father ? Had He not been His Fathers ow r n proper Son, and fb of one and the fame Nature with M&b felf y or had not His Death been i/453.10. an Offering for fin, His Father's Love had not broken qut in fuch great Luftre. But if you will believe 'cm, one great Motive which moves *em to deny the fati^fa&ion ma< The Riches of Grace. 25 by Jefus Cbrift, is, that? the aver- ting of this doth dire&ly thwart with the Grace of His Father : How (fa]||||y) can Redemption be of Fre^^cfc, if it be through and for a full purchafe ? But doth not this fet one part of my Text againft another ? and re- prefents that as inconfiftent with the Fathers Love, that is rightly reprefented as the great proof thereof ? According to the fcntiments of our choicefi Writers , I write what followeth. 1. It was wondrous Love in God the Father, that He would accept fatisfa&ion at the hand of a Surety, when He might have exa&ed it at the hand of every see Mr. finner. Though the payment Bunsby «?» made by Chrift is valuable, yet [%,** ,y it was Rich Grace that it was Mr. True- not refufed. man> \ 2. It was wondrous Love in God the Father, that this Surety His blefled Son, was To far of His C 4 own 24 Tin Riches of Grace. own providing, that He is faid to ^r/i.3.25./^ Him forth, to lay help on Him. The Scripture fpeaks of Hm as . . the firft Motioner ojjjjfeis matter, 53 ' l0 'as having the firft Hmd at (and in) the Covenant of Suretifhip and Redemption. 3. The management of re- deeming work by the hand of God the Son, had the heart of] His Father going along with every paffage of it. Its 'called the pleafure of the Lord, His pleafure in the Abftrafl:, that wherewith He is exceedingly pleafed: He was pleafed with putting Hit Son to pain, as it bad a reference to the freeing of _ Sinners from it. 4. It is a wondrous Love in God the Father , that He that gave His Son to obtain Redemp- tion for Sinners,(ends His Spirit to apply it to 'em. In a word, Sal- vation is not a whit lefs a Dona- tive (or Gift) to us, becaufe ic was a purchafetoChrift. The TJ)e Riches of Grace. 2$ The Third Inference is, It is no wonder that the Lord Jefus Chrifi is fb precious to (and prized) by true Believers, well may they count Him their Honour. Do not thebeftof 'emmoft mourn, that lPet2 . they do not Love ^and value Him more ? »Arf« Hu Grace is fpoken of as tran- fcendent, And it befye&ks fuch a character. r. tie came fo, He came freely according as in the Volume (or , head of the Book, it is Written 7> $^ % °* of Him. te was under no obli- gation to us, and His Father that lent Him did nothing like forcing Him. 2. He knew well how coftly die work of Redemption would be, and was forefeen coming, cm. 1. 8. leaping on the Mountains of difficulty that were before Him. 3. He alio underftood, that not a few would make light of Him, and His Sons Sufferings ; and the beft would be far from ing / UW V\*ll ^VUUIU UL IAL IL\ X 6 The (Riches of Grace. walking up to, and worthy of His Love. And had not Hx Grace been fo great to us, yet His own excellencies had called for the beftof our aflfe&ions. But at prefent, we will prefent His amiablenefs in theGlafs that Jo. 4, 10. i S neareft us. This Do£trine teacheth us to fet the higheft s * e J** r ' cfteem on Him. Is He not the wood In gift °f God the Father ? the &»* chief comprehenfive and con- veighing gift, the gift of His Heart as well as His hand ? the Mefflah, the fait and Commi- ffioned one, to make peace between Heaven and Earth, and that by His being made a Burnt- Offering and Sacrifice, on the behalf of Sinners. Should not the Son of God's Love be highly beloved ? The Fourth Inference is, Sin may well be called (what it is) V*7' the Evil. Surely the Apoftle hath not wrong'd it, in faying that it fhews it felf exceeding finfull, The (Riches of Grace. ty finfull,and intimating that it can* not be called by a worfe Name than its own.The evil of fin is feen in other GlaiTes,but in none more clearly than in that of the Gofpel. That God the Father lent, and let forth His Son to be a Propitia- , tion for Sws y doth fpeak and fet forth the extream evil that is in Sin. The Drowning of the old World, the Burning of Sodom are See vo$w not fuch full Proofs thereof, as^™ w " Chrifts being made a Ptopma- to y Surifce^ for the taking it away is. It was more that He v who was the God of Nature fhould fufler for it, than if the whole Courfe of Nature had fuffered. I look not on rny felf as one competent for the determining of that great fuit that hath de- pended among great Divines, whether it was abfolutely ne- ceffary, that Divine Juftice fhould receive Satisfaction, that fo finfull Men might receive Pardon; 1$ The Riches of Graced Pardon ; or in other words, Whether Gods punifhing finners, flow meerly from His Will, or from jFfe Nature alibi* Whether Veiuno j-[ e might (as fome have faid) j^Nor- have taken it away with a word, tons ortk. or that in order to the removal %£ fim of it,blood (even the blood of one that as to His Perlbn was infinite) was to go. Theft things (7 with fome confi- dence) Write. i. The Holy Scriptures fpeak xxod. 34. exprefsly, that God will by no *- means clear and acquit the Beb.^22. Guilty ; that without /bedding of Bhod y there is no Remiflion; and as Sin let in Death, there muft be the Death of one able to make a Compenfation to God, in order to the taking away see Mr. fin; and fome think itlefsmeet frfrj' * t0 difpute what God might have fin 2] done, feeing He hath told us what He will do , and not do. 2. There The fijches ofGra<% 29 2. There are not a few Phrafes found in Scripture, that afcribe mbb*\.u the punifhment of fin to His 1 *- Nature,and not to His Will only, and all are agreed, that God is in H£ Nature an enemy to fin; He is of purer eyes then to behold it, without bearing Witnefs againft p , ; it, it fhall not dwell with ///>#. 3. The very Heathens had ap- %>. i.uft. prehenfions, that fin draws fiiffe- ^ Be- ring after it as the Needle doth ^iufiTn the Thread ; they made account default that Offenders were to (mart. W*** 4. If we confider God as a Governour, and fin as a Crime (and violation of His Righteous Law) it feems very agreeable to Seetkf j r L the ends of His Government, and /tbe Co- conduceable to the Declaration venmu of the Glory of feveral of His At- £? ^ tributes, that He fhould -look for TuckneyV fatisfaction for the injuries and detem * affronts offered to Him. Yet I cannot gain-fay thofe who fay, that Gods punifhing fin doth not fo neceflarily flow from 1 o &kt Vfjcbes of Grace. from His Nature, that there is not an order and interpofitionof His Will. He in the punifhmentdoth not a£t as thofe natural neceffary Agents, the Sun in ftiining and the Fire in Burning ; for then He fhould punifh every a£t (and degree) of fin, at the firft, and to the utmoft, which we fee He doth not ; and His threatnings (at leaft fundry of 'em) (hew, 9ejure. what might juftly be infli&ed for fin, not what fhall be iaffli&ed for it. i. That they who make light of fin (which alals ! moll do !)would open their eyes (O that God would open 'em)that they might fee God's anger (moaking againft it, as an evil and bitter thing ; and ?er.2.i9. t ^ lat ever y Sinner muft inevitably have dyed for ever, if the Lord of Life had not in Mans nature dyed, (and fuffer'd) beyond what can be thought ) for it. I the rather enlarge on this, becaufe none will be fb wrapt and The Riches of Grace. 5 1 and ravifhed with the Love of God the Father, as they who fee Ses Do ^ that they deferved the hotteft J°^ m of His Indignation, and rauft have p. 248.' endur'd it, had He not fent His Son to be a Propitiation. And now I come to the fecond part of the Application, to wit, to Rules of Duty. The firfl: whereof will refpeft all in general, to whofe ears (or eyes) this fhall come. There fhould be a reftleffnefs in Perfons, till there be in 'em an acknowledging, admiring, and improving of the Love of God, particularly of God the Father, andihat it was fo with 'em. 1. The Love of God as brea- king out in this great inftance (andfpeciallpjbdge) thereof is to be acknowledged. Ingenuous tempers -incline Perfons to own fixer*, fmall kindneffes fhew'd by Men ; %**&» furely then, they cannot think *" they are of a Gracious temper, who overlook this exceeding great tr*. $ 2 The prefent lome Motives to our Trying our felves. The fir ft Motive is, The Cafe is of great importance ;and great matters are not to be flightly pa (Ted over. If we have not laid hold on thrift, we are in as miferable a \£° n *' :ondition as can eafily be thought )f. If we have done it, and have lot the knowledge of it, we hall be in a want of Comfort. D 2 2. The g 6 The Riches of Grace. 2. The thing (if real) is know- able and difcoverable. As there '• T > are Exhortations to Self-exami- nation, as a Duty that lies with- in mens reach, fo fundry in the ufe of it have been brought to know their ftate and frame. j. Through neglefl: of Tryal, ftveral (yea, molt) Perfons are at a lofs, and know not their own felves. i. Some of the Children of the Bride-Chamber are in Mourn- ing, becaufe the Bridegroom is not with them ; not fo u ith them,, as that they fhould dilcern him. But 2. far more err on the more dangerous hand ; they pre- fume, and take that for believing, and lay a falfe claim to the Lord Jefus, and lay , They are rich , when they are miferMy poor. Many have no more of Chrift, fave the Name of Chrift ; others have no more of him but the Notion of him \ and a third fort have no I more 4^-3* * 7 The ch Grace,kept from being fwal- low'd iip of Troubles. 4. Art The (Riches of Grace. 4 1 4. Art thou defirous to have thine Heart railed and enlarged in love to God ? Doft thou rejoyce £ ) far as any have reached Glory- ing Love ? And when thou canft feel little more than what one Mr - B &~ ftyles Lamenting Love, are there fbme ftirrings of defiring Love in thee ? An thou ftudious to pleafe God ? And bell: pleafed with thine Heart when it is rea- | dieft to run in the way of Obedi- ence to him ? If thou /oveji God , t ^ Q ^ n it is from hit loving thee fir ft. If 19. this Fruit grow in (and from) thee, thou art ioyn'd to the Root of Jefs. When I have written all I can (yea, when able Writers have done fo) many will truft (as they fpeak) and not try; they'l take it for granted, they have re- ceived Jefus Chrifl: the Lord, though they have nothing like a Proof of it. Be it known, when men dare not bring their Gold to the Teft, there 4 2 The Riches of Grace. there is great caule to fear, it is John 3.20, not pure and right. Truth in 21. the inward farts doth affett y and not avoid the Light. O that they who are willing to try, were Humble, did attend to the Rule of Tryal, the Word of God, and did wait for the Spirit's Jllines on them ! The Third Rule of Duty hath a particular reference to thofe that upon Examination do (or may ) find that as yet the Love of God the Father, and his be- loved Son, as a Propitiation, have not been believingly embraced by them. They fhould attend to the Ad- vices that are moft proper for them; whereof, Thefirftis, Be they willing to entertain Convi&ions, that the Fathers Love, and the Sons Blood, have hitherto been flighted by them. In I. 1G. The (Riches of Grace. 45 In order to their Conviction in general , I fhall offer what follows. 1. What mean thofe low thoughts they have of the ever- lafting Gofpel, wherein Chrill ind his Fathers Grace are re- pealed ? The Feet of them that bring glad tidings, fhould be beau- * om ' v tiful in their Eyes, but their Fa- 4 ' ^ :es are not. Light from Heaven fhould be welcomed on Earth; but (alas) it is not fo. 2. How is it, that when the Gofpel finds lome Entertainment in their Heads, it hath no better room and reception in their Hearts ? Their Hearts do not burn within them, when the joyful found is in their Ears. The love 2 Tfcf.2. of that great Truth is not recei vM lo * together with it; nor indeed are fuch with whom I am dealing de- firous it may be fb. 3. Are not thofe of them that have fbme Notions of the worth of Chrift, fir from a due and praflii- 44 TZ>e Riches of Grace. . pra&ical valuation of him? i. Will they fell all, that they may obtain the Pearl of great price? Is not there fbme fin or Mauiz. other in the Heart, to which it 45 ' cleaveth faft, with which it will not part for Chriffs fake ? Flefh- pleafing, or Worldlinefs, or Pride bear fway in them. 2. Are there not fbme pieces of Service which they will not touch with? efpecially thofe of a fecret and inward Nature ? Do Mat. ii. they aright come to Chrift, who 28,29. rejedt his Yoke ? 3. Do they when their Duties have been largeft, and their gifts higheft, keep up a (harp Appe- tite to Chrift and Free-Grace ? And now I will offer fome pa£ fages for the Conviftion both of the Profane, and of thofe that are at beft but Civilians , mere Mor&lifls, or Formalijtj, And as to the former fort, With what face (or colour) can they fay they have received jef4 \ The %iches of Grace. 45 Jefus into their Hearts, and have the Fathers Love fhed abroad in them,whoare overmuch wicked, sccJef. 7 . as the Preachers Phrafeis. ) 7 remmbsr { 1 . Wallow in the mire of Un- mik whit cleannefs, or run into excels in f eriott f ns f s Drink, or over reach thofe they S'^' Trade with,or inure their tongues Mr, h. to vain Swearing, Curfing, or*J™3* Reviling. thereon. 2. Add one of thofe Enor- mities to another , having on them fundry black and broad fpots at once. And 3. Add Rebellion to fin, hating to be Reformed ; riling up againft the Reproofs under which they fhould fall down. Is Chrift an Head, to which fuch Corrupt Tit - 2 - li: Members are joyned ? Fs fuch un- godlinefs confident with Graces Teaching ? And fo I fall on pofing thofe who go no further than the form of Godlinefs. Who, 1. In abftaining from Evil, are onely lollicitous about abftaining from more open Evils. The 46 The %iches of Grace. The filthinefs that is in the Spirit 5Sj.r ; Cl« wit. Pride, Malice, Luke- warmnefs , and Worldlinefs ) 1 they indulge. 2. Their abftinence from evil is feparated from diligence in good ; they think it enough not to bear bad Fruit, though they be Barren as to what is good ; as if not flying out into Rebellion mt. 3.1c. was enou gh to make a good bub- jeft. 3. In doing Duties, they are partial, picking and choofing, and onely taking the cheaper ; ferving the Lord with what cofts them lead ; not communing with their own Hearts in felf-examination, not labouring to work truths up- on (and iuto) their Hearts by iMeditation ; not keeping up a Watch and Guard over their Sen- fcs and Souls. ^^ 4. They are not for exercifing their Spirits in the exercifes they ; tmes <. are cn S a S^ * n ' r ' le y are not * or Prayins; carncftly (or in Prayer) The Riches of Grace. 47 nor for Praifing God with their whole Hearts, nor for hearing, tf*'-9-i« that they may Live. 5. They when exercifing fbme of the ftrength of their Spirits , are not for exercifing the Graces of Gods Spirit. They cannot call forth Faith, Love, and Zeal, who are void of them. . — f 6. They are not for exalting Thn ■_ Chrift above (and in the dole of) Duties, nor glorying in him . as the Lord their Righteoufnefs , covering their fins, and prefent- ing their Souls acceptable to God. Let thefe know, that as yet the Free grace of God in Chrift hatji not a fpecial influence on them, nor are they peculiarly in* terefted therein. The fecond Advice is, Be they perfuaded to weigh well that their prefent ftate is not a ftate to be refted in. Be it known, that the flight- ing of Chrift argues, i.^An 48 The ^tchcs of Grace. i. An Underftanding dange- roufly dark , that hath not difc covered , f. The indilpenfible want of him ; that he is more John 4. 10 needed than daily Bread. God can preferve mens Bodies with- out that, but will not fave their j Souls without him. Nor yet, 2. 1 he incomparable worth of him. Did Men Ivbw the gift of God, and how this Sun out-fliines all leiFer Stars, fb that they dif-. appear at and on his appearance ; they could not but fall in Love \ with him, and follow hard after him. 2. It is alfb an Argument of an Heart defperately hard, hardened through divers Lufts ; particular- ly through, 1. Pride. The Heart thinks j^w.io.3, too highly of it felf to go unto *•_, Chrift, to be its Righteoufnefs , and too meanly of his Service, to fubmit to him as its Ruler. 2. Senfuality. It prefers fil- thy Puddles before the River of > God; 1. 11 The Riches of Grace. 49 God ; and had rather have its Refidence in Styes, than in his pure prefence. And it is a great Truth (but no great Wonder) that this fin doth immediately fhut Perfbns out of Heaven,and under Wrath ; what Remedy is there for thofe with whom the great Gofpel- remedy is at an undervalue ? Will not all the Curfes of the Law ( and with them an Anathema , l Cof - M* Maranatha ) fall on fuch as Love not the Lord Jefm Chrijl , nor have recourfe to him, and to his Fathers Love, in him, that they may do lb ? Whither will they Appeal,that are c ;ft at the Mercy- feat ? I will next apply my felf to the notorioufly Vicious ; and oh that God would fay to them, Get Micah 2* ye from theft Tents ; Hajle outof l0t this Sodom. Know they, their Crimes are exceedingly aggravated from the tenders of the great Propitiation E out 50 The Riches of Grace. out of the Fathers Rich Grace made to 'em. i. Are they not againft clear Light ? In this Glafs may be feen, i. How deep the ftain and pol- lution of fin is, which onely his Blood, who is God , can fetch out, fo that it fhall not be feen with an avenging Eye. 2. How greatly the Nature (as well as the Will ) of God is againft fin ; yea, how all his Attributes op- jym.S.32. pole fin ? He Jpared not his own Son, but gave him up to a Qnrfed Death, when he undertook to an- fwer for it. 3. How willing (as well as able) both the Father and the Son arc to receive Peni- tents into favour. Doth not Chrift's death fet out this to the Lite, and with their Love is that of the Spirit prefented in the Gofpel ? witnefs the moving La- I/M5- ^mentations over finners, the preC 7^ 3 » 540. fing Exhortations on 'em, and winning Invitations to 'em : And 2. Are 71?e Riches of Grace. y I 2. Are not their ill courfes a- gainft dear Love, yea, againft ex- preffions of the hi^heft Love, as to the fpring Evidences and Ef- feds of it ? Co they not ftrike at the Heart of every Perfon in the Godhead? And will not thefe blows re- dound and fall on their Heads that give 'em ? Will not this be the Condemnation ofthoufands? they Mau l - 21 (with the refiftance of Light and Love ) expe&ed that God fliould fave 5 em in their fins, who would have have fav'd 'em from 'em. The Application is now to fall on thofe that reft on this fide Chrift the true Reft , though in thofe cleaner ways to Hell (as fome fpeak) Civility and Formality. This is not their Reft, nor fliould be made lb one hoGf. Till fuch Perfons have Union to and Communion with Jefus Qhrifi and his Father, i. They are in the World with- £ ^. 2 . 1 2. out God in the World : They E 2 have $i The Riches of Grace. have a better Air than Heathens, but have not better Hearts , at lead: not a better inward ftate than they. They have more Light, but not more Spiritual fight : They have more Church- Priviledges, but no more laving Grace. 2. Their Services, how fpeci- ous fbever and taking with Men, are unacceptable to God, if we fpeakof full and abfolute (and not of comparative) acceptance ; their Fruit is not to Perfection, 2 ' 5 'and will not be to Salvation, not growing on or from the Tree of Life. 3. They have no Title to Hea- fohn 3. ven > but are Children and Heirs W* of Wrath. Their Righteoufncfs doth not exceed (probably it u/i U doth not equallize) the Righte- oufhefs of the Series and Pbari- fees. It is Clirift alone that de- livers from the Wrath to come, and he onely delivers thole that are in him. the The Riches of Grace. 5 3 The laft advice as to the un- regenerate is, cry they, pray they, get they all their Friends to cry ( and pray ) for a change of their Hate and frame, that they may on good grounds lay, that Jefus Chnft is a Propitiate & for their fins, and that the Father that fent him to be fb, hath ac- cepted him as fuch. O that the Lord, who imploys one fbweak as I am , would Honour me in making meanlnftrument of their Converfion ! 1. Study they (to good pur- pofe) that they do as really need an Intereft in this Bleffed Propi- tiation, as any in the World can do. 1. Have they not many great fins to be removed off from their Souls, and out of God's fight ? Did they not 'fall as far (and foully) as any in Adam ? Did they not derive, as guilty Perfons, fb ^ m .^ i2b filthy Natures from him ? Is there & 7- 24* not in every one of 'em a Root of E 1 1 bitter- 54 The Riches of Grace. bitternefs? Hath not this Root been fruitful in the unfruitful works of Darknefs ? If all their fins ( particularly thofe of Omil- fion) were fet in order before 'em : If onely thofe that have been more directly againfl: the Love of the Father and the Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift, were prefented to 'em, would they not be as a vaft and terrible Army ? And if the heightning Circum- stances of 'em were fhewed to- gether with 'em, would they not render 'em ftill more frightful ? 2. Be they fully perfuaded, that no Righteoufnefs which they can call their own, will avail or fignifie any thing, as to the ato- ning of God, and rendring him Propitious and Gracious to 'em. The Bed is too fhort, they can- not flretch themlelves thereon : The Covering is coo narrow, they cannot wrap themfelves therein, mi , 20 . The injur'd Juftice of God being infinite, cannot be righted by any The %lches of Grace. ££ any finite payments made to it : Thoufands of Rams y and ten thou- Micab 6. fands of Rivers of Oyl % are infg^' 6>7 ' n/fcant. j. Make they a juft Account, that to their Salvation a renew- ing of their Natures is needful : As they are indebted, fo they are d ilea fed ; as they need Pardons , fb they need Cires ; if God fave 'em, he'l heal 'em. 4. Doubt they not of the All- fufKciency of ChriiVs Propitiaticn, $ hn 6.37 or of the freenels of his Father to & 7- 37* make over to 'em the benefit thereof, upon their coming in, and yielding themfelves to him. Affuredly, if they can once get a fight of the face of Jefus Chrift, they may with comfort behold 2Cor% ^ the Glory of God in it. All the Di- vine Attributes will appear then amiable, all the ways of God will be rendred eafie, and all the Pro- vidences of God will become pro- fitable ; even chaftifing ones or Rods will have Honey on the E 4 end 1 5 6 The Riches of Grace. end of 'em , which they fhall tafte. 5. That they may be brought nigh to the Father and the Son , and fhare in their Loves, wait they in the ufe of a plain clear pra&ical Miniftry, that the Holy Spirit may defcend on 'em, and they may experience the fweet- nefs and powerfulnefs of his drawings. God not feldom (peaks to mens Hearts by his Minifters as his Mouth ; and Oh that Per- sons longed to find the Holy Spirit ! 1. A revealing Spirit, fhew- Mp ' ! ' 17 * ing 'em the King in his excellent enamouring Beauty. 2. An inclining Spirit, bow- Tfai. no. w §> t heir wills, and bringing 'em 3. over to embrace him whom they apprehend. 3. An enabling Spirit,empo\v- ring 'em to come to him that is able to fave 'em to the utter m oft, from fins reigning Power here.as well as from its ruining power here- The Riches of Grace. 57 hereafter. O for a Spirit ofiFaith ! Is it not much more precious than Gold or Pearls ? 1 hough it do not at all make the Propitiation for our fins, it makes it ours. Left all I have faid be as if it was unfaid to thofe who moft need it, I fliall (before I come to di- refl: my Speech to the Regenerate) fet before the Unregenerate, and liich as continue to flight the Rich Grace of God in Chrift , iome moving Motives. One is, Death is on its way towards 'em, and every ftep they take they are a ftep nearer to it : Their Glafs is continually run- ning, and how few Sands remain in it, it is not for them to know. What if it fhould lay hold on them before they have laid hold ^3 13.14 on this Propitiation ? Would it not be as it hath been accounted of terrible things the moft ter- rible ? For, $8 The Riches of Grace. rtSSK* ^'.^y^ome o6t to enriit, he will m Judgment come againft them; and as he is the ««. 6 u* ? Veete y riend J & he is the foreft **"* Foe ' r f e »^ */ /& W is to Grandees that are to fall un- der it full of Terror. They that will not have him as their Savi- our, cannot flye from him as their Judge. And to their flume and lorrow it will appear. kt ''J 1 " 11 ,' 5 J ud ge is All-knowing : No fin hath been committed To fecretly as to fcape his Cogni- ^a\-^ ewnibnn ^ light the moft bidden works of Darknefs. 2. He is alfo mod J u (f, and cannot be Bribed; nor will any make offers of that fort to him. ?. He is Powerful, and they that fall into his Revenging hands *u 3 3 . 5f. n , m , a f no efcape out of 'em : 13, 14. ™ 1S di plealurc which cannot well be endured, cannot at all be a- voided. ™ rd >> w iU not the Torments Winch they /hall be adjudged to have The Riches h f Grace. 59 lave fundry of the fliarpeft (tings in 'em ? 1. Will they not have the fpe- culative knowledge of the great Love which God made offers of, that fo their fin may appear ex-^ 3#I p. ceeding finful, and their Suffer- ings moft righteous ? Knowledge (hall be increafed, that Sorrow may be lb : Even where there is utter darknefs, there will be light that is terrifying. The thoughts of Mercy that were mod fweet in Life, will be more bitter than many Deat! s, becaufe it was re- jected. 2. Will they not have a fin to anfwer (andfuffer) for, which is not chargeable on Devils, who never had Chrift ( and Grace in him) held forth to 'em ? The Heb.i.~,. Blood of Chrift rjiuft needs lye heavy on thofe on whom the guilt of it lyes, becaufe the Me- rit of it was made light of. 4. Yet the da v of Grace lafteth, and the Door of Hope continues open. 60 The (fijcbeyi of Grace. open. If the nicked for fake his 7 * way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts, and turn to the Lord, making the Son of God his Advo- cate, he [ball in no wife be cafi cut. There is in Christ vertue to take away fins againft Chrift; and the Fathers Bowels will yearn over a Penitent that hath been Lu{eij. a Prodigal. The Lord turn fin- 20 - ners , that they may be turn- ed ! The Fourth Rule of Duty hath a particular eye upon thofe that are Interefted in the Son of God as a Propitiation, and confequent- ly in the Love of his Father. They fhould be found attend- ing to (and in) the Services that are proper to ( and for ) 'em. The firft Service is, Mufmgon ( and weighing ) the exceeding great Love < f God the Father, as manifefted in Chrift, Beiides, what they have read under this weak hahu concerning it, they are (here) to read there- The Riches of Grace. 6 1 thereof, as it is confidered * com- **&*** Paratively **£ i. With the Love or Men to ^6 ^w. Men. ?'*7» 8 ' 2. With the Love of Men to God. 3. With other expreffions of the Love of God to Men. Hereby it will be evident, that this Love is a Nonefuch. 1. What is the Love of Men to Men? Even of thofe whole Love is fhongeft, in companion of this Love ? Doth it not far furpafs the love of the moft loving Friends ? Though Hiftories relate won- , drous things concerning fome that flood in that relation ; and the Scriptures (peak of * the near. * , Sam , s bond (andtye) which Friend- 1 8.1. (hip knit between Jonathan and ****' u David. For, 1. Though in Friendfliip there is an uniting of Hearts, yet the Love we are confiderins cau- fed an Union of Natures, of an infinite ~6 z The Ouches of Grace. oaU 4-4- infinite and finite one, of God hA?* 3 * an d Man, * n one Per fbn. 2. Friends may , and many times do fee an amiablenefs (and lb ground for Love ) in another ; but God law no fuch thing in Eze\. 1 6. fallen Man : He law what might in initio. cau £ 10^1^^ 5 ut couu noc f ee any Lovelineis in him. ^ 2. Doth not this Love (far \$ \> rents ? Though we ufually lay, 1 Amorde- This Love delcends, and its mo- ftcntit. tion being downwards, is fwifter 2 sam i. an d ftronger. The Love of Wo- 26. men ( of Mothers that are Nur- les ) hath a peculiar accent on it. But, i. When Parents Love their Children, they love their own, and fuch in whom they fee their Image ; whereas God loved finners, when alienated from him, and bearing a contrary Image to him. 2. Nature leads Parents to love their Children ; but Gods Love The Riches of Grace. 65 . Love to finners is of pure Grace. 3. The Love of Parents, even of Nurfing-Mothers,may decline ; A Mother may forget a fucking //k.49.14, Child : But the Love of God *S- knows no fuch declinings. 3. Doth not his Love exceed* ingly exceed the Love of Hus- bands ? who yet are nearer to their Wives than Parents are to Gen ' 2 ' 2 i* their Children : Children are part of Parents; but a mans Wife is as himfelf. /#Ye*f 1. Whereas there is a fpecial relation which is the Foun- dation of the Husbands Love to his Wife ? God loved ''" 'finners, * Amt when they flood in no fpecial Re- *£««**- lation to him, but were his utter Enemies. 2. Many Wives are very love- ly; but no finners (as fuch) are fo. 3. Husbands are bound to Love 5^.^.25. their Wives ; Gods Love of well- wifhing to finners is a mod free Aa. 1 6\ The Riches of Grace. I may add, What is our Love to our felves unto the Love of God, the love of his good-will to finners ? Our Love is founded in Nature, and is withal! fubjedt to inordi- nacy : Gods Love is moft Graci- ous, and belt ordered in all things. I now come to ask, What is the love of Men ( of the beft Men ) to God, compa- ratively to Gods Love to Men ? I the rather infill: on this, be- caufe my Text doth fo ; which faith, herein is love, not that ne loved God 7 but that be loved us. For, i. God's Love to us is a i qobnOf leading Love : At beft, our Love l9 ' to him is but an after-love. He John \An d^ks the rirft Draught, we do 16. but pledge him ; HebeftowsLove, * ; Un0 ! cm we do but * repay it. ref ponder e. J7 , r 7 . r > This way 2. God s Loveto us is a earning went Mr. Love ; ours is but a caufed one. Monro* ° urs * s t' 10 ^ ruit -> his is the Root. His more Glorious than the Sun, ours T7;e Riches of Grace. 65 purs no more than a Ray. Our coi. 1.20, firft difpofition was not to love 2U God, but to hate him. 3. Though the expreilions of God's Love to us be of Grace,yet Love is his very Nature ; it is Eflential to him. He is Love, i John 4* but in us love to him is but an-|^\ accident and quality ; we may #&?* have Love, but cannot (ay, we Bi Pp areLo M-- , i , , - : " c 4. He is altogether lovely : p. 2 7 . All Beauties and Excellencies which jfhould attract and draw-- out love, are found in him ', He is w r orthy to be loved : He de- lerves far better love than we have for him ; but, in our felves considered, we are and have no- thing that is Love-worthy. 5. His Love (as hath been over and over hinted ) is wholly free. Our love is in a fort (by If^'-V- and from the confideration of his) conftrained. 6. His Love is as a flame full of ftrength ; whereas our Love F labours 66 Tl?e %iches of Grace. labours under meannefs, frailnefs, and feeblenefs,&: is a fpark amidft afhes. 7. His Love was from Eter- fer.31.3- nity, ours is but a Birth of time. Ma]t3 .6, 8. His Love is unchangable ; ours is too fubjeft to changes. The laft comparifon I would have my Readers to make, is be- tween other manifeftationsof the love of God the Father 1 , and this of his fending his Son to be a Pro- pitiation. Gods goodtiefs invited him to p/a. 31. make Man, and is feen in the work of Providence, as well as that of Creation ; and in many Providential Difpenfations it is very confpicuous and illuftrious ; but the brighteft Beams break out in Redemption. 1 . Other works were from the Arts io. Word of God; this was through f* mui his Blood that is God . kffmaa. 2 - ta other works men were *%$(!* not * aflifting, but this found ?em * refilling. j. In res. The Quiches of Grace. 67 3 in other works there was a di£ &#***& play of fbme of Gods Attributes;in f^ H ^ s this they are all difplay'd in their mony. Glory.O that good mens thoughts ftaid on this noble fubjeft: , trill the fire kindled, and their Hearts burn'd within 'em with Love to the whole Trinity ! and in par- ticular, to the Father and the Son, who are in the Text ( and Do- ctrine ) more particularly treated of : And fb I am led to touch on The Second Service, which the Regenerate,who are Interefted in the great Propitiation, and the love of God that fet him ( and it) forth, fhould be diligent in. Their love both to the Father and the Son fhould be on the growing hand, and be in exer- cife. Their love to the Father fhould fhew it felf in the next nam 7 d Inftances, 1. In an humble and heart- breaking Confeflion of their fins againfthim. As a Flint may be F 2 broken 68 The Riches of Grace. broken on a (oft Cufhionjb may ' l ^ an hard Heart upon the confide- 9 ' 21 ' ration of Divine Love, and that return of Love which it cauleth. Tears are moft of all Holy Water, when they flow from an Eye of Faith exercifed on God the Fa- 2-4- thers Mercy, and the Sons Merit. God's goodnefs leads to Repen- tance thofe that have too much abufed it. 2. In a patient and hearty fub- miffion to the Sufferings (and CorreQiion) which this beft of Fathers inflið. His Rods (be- 26# ingin the hand of Love) are to be kiffed ; and the Punifhment of his Childrens Iniquity is to be ac- cepted. They fhould learn of their elder Brother, readily to drink of the Cup which he puts ,l8, into their Hand, though it be a bitter one. 3. In a chearful aftive for- wardnefs in doing the work which this Father cuts out for 'em, proving themlelves Obedient Children, The $jcbesof Grace. 69 Children. This great Stream 1 *«• *• and Torrent of Love fliould carry * *£* ' to an abounding in Obedience. 14,1$. What fhould they think too dear for him, who thought not his Son too dear to give to 'em ? 4. In an ultimate refblving of their Thankfulnefs to this Father, l Tbe ^ u the Father of Mercies,from whom *' i.i. 13. ( if w 7 e regard the Order in the Trinity) they firft arife ; to whom (according to Scripture Order) thanks are firft (and laft) to be returned. 5. In a prizing other favours from this higheft Father, accord- ing to (and on account of) this prime favour , the lending and Sacrificing his Son. Other things %&.s.?2. are choicer Gifts, becaufe related to (and given with) this Per- lon. From this Sun other Stars derive their Light ; Chrift is the Figure before the numbers of other Gifts that puts the great value on 'em. F 3 And jp The Riches of Grace. And fb I come to fhew, That the Regenerate fhould in an eminent manner fhew their love to Jefus Chrift. i. His Perfon fhould be as the Objett ( fb in a fort the Center ) cant.^.16 f the j r Affeftions. He is altoge- ther lovely ; and to be loved ac- cordingly. i. They, fhould move towards pfaj. ioi. ^ m ty d^g^fe-j ft) far as the en- 2. joyment of him is yet wanted. The Husbands abfence goes to the good Wives heart. The Spoufe defires Chrift would be as a Roe for his fwiftnefs in coming to her. Have not fome, becaufe they could not be fb near as they defired to Chrift and live, been willing to dye, that they might be nearer him ? Are not Duties ( is not Heaven) moft to be prized on account of * enjoying Chrift ? 2. They fhould reft in him by delight, fb far as he is pleafed to communicate himfelf to 'em. Therifing of the Sun of Righte- oufnefs The Riches of Grace. y i oufheft on ( and in ) their Souls fhould make a day there. Doth not the Spoufe {peak in a triumphing way, when fhe faith, I am my Beloved V, and my Cant.i. Beloved is mine? Doth file not l6t 2 4 " fit under his fhadow with great Solace, and find his Fruit fweet to her tafte ? Is not his love to her better than Wine ? And doth not his Sin-flaying and Soul-quick- ning Prefence tend to fatisfie her Soul as with marrow and fat- nefs ? Again, Chrift's Practice fhould be the Copy of their Conven- tions. He that was a Propitiation i foH '%* for, is to be a Patern to 'em. 6t Particularly, i. In his exerci- fing Compallion to felf-oppofing finners. His Eye affefted his Heart, when he faw the multi-/^>t<5. tude that wanted Spiritual Food, 3 ^' and Hearts to defire it. His Heart fet his Eye on weeping over Jerufalem, when he faw Luke 19. what her finful Inhabitants would 4i- F 4 reduce 1C The Riches of Grace. reduce her and themfelves to. 2. In his refitting the Tempter and his Temptations with the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God : When the Prince of this World came, he could not overcome, nor ftand before thefe Weapons, which were not Car- nal, but mighty through God. 3. In laying ZJons forrows near his Heart, In all his Churches Affliftions he was Affli&ed; was not the Head moft fenfible of Wounds to him ? 4. In conforming his will to that of his Father. 2> ^ 5. In going about doing good. O that the fame mind that was in his were in our hearts ! The laft Rule of Duty is for thofe that have the Grace to take and follow the good Advices that have been mven. They may take my DoQrine as a Cordial : May they may find itschearing Vertue! 1. Under The (Rjches of Grace. y 5 1. Under all kinds of Difcou- ragement and Diftrefs. Whether, 1. They be from what they find without 'em. Do they meet with many, and thofe heavy Crofles ? Yet the Curfe fhall not come to 'em. He that was a Propitiation (7*7.3. 12, was alfbmade a Curfe for'em, 1 ?- that they might be freed from the Curfe due to 'em. The Love of God the Father fhall not be lef- fened (or lefs manifested) be- caufe they are in Suffering : Pa- rents Hearts ufe to bemoft open to their fick Children. Or, 2. If they have inward forrows, and be acquainted with thofe troubles that follow the hi- r{*i 30 6, ding of God's face , they may > write on it, They have not loft ' their Fathers Affeftion, though they mifs fome defirable expref- fions of it. Shall not the Sun break through prefent Clouds? Will hot the Son on account of his being a Propitiation, be an Ad-1^^2. vocate for 'em, that they may at u 2t 'laft y4 *Ihe Riches of Grace. Iaft be comforted, and in the mean time fupported ? Again, From this Do&rine an Ufe of Confolation is rightly drawn as to thofe I am treating with. In all Duties, whether ordi- nary or extraordinary ; whether Prayer, wherein they fpeak to God; or Self-examination, where- in they fpeak with themfelves ; or Hearing, wherein God fpeaks to them. Though none of thefe Duties have Perfection, the Propitiation which God the Father hath re- ceived from the Son hath. So I will give a further touch on one Ordinance,wherein the com- fort of this Do&rine (to prepa- red Receivers ) ufeth to flow freely, and that is the Holy Sup- per of the Lord, which is not to be perverted (as by the Papifts it is ) into a Propitiatory Sacrtfice; but it is a Commemoration, yea, and withall a Communication of fuch a Sacrifice, Yea, 2. io. The Riches ofGme. j$ Yea, and is well called a Feaft see noaor upon him that was Offered as a Cudworth Propitiation ; and (b is to be Ce- lebrated with joy and thankful- nefs, which the word Euckarift ( which hath long been one of its names) implyeth. Both the Elements, and all the aftions about 'em , tend to fill their Hearts with gladnefs who ufe that Communion. i. Penitentially ; looking with zecb.u. pierced Souls on their pierced Sa- I0 * viour. 2. Applicatorily ; putting the finger of Faith into his Wounds. 3. Charitably; pitying their Enemies, as he pityed them. 4. Longingly; that the Blekf/tt.Si. fing of the Ordinance may ac- 10% company it. Is not Chrift there- in given to 'em, who was given for 'em ? Doth not God the Fa- ther fhew that he is fatisfied? And fhall not this fatisfie and folace 'em ? And as in the Con- fecration they may fee the Heart of j 6 The Riches of Grace. seeMt^ of God the Father, and in the fiwrt* Commemoration the fulnefs of pieces. the Son : So in the Communica- tion it is made out, that the Spi- rit the Comforter is free to come from both with Comfort to 'em. O that mine own Heart had been more inflamed with God the Fathers Love, and my Faith more exercifed on his Son as Sacrificed, when I was writing thereof! O that my Readers Hearts may feel that force in thefe things which mine hath not ! May the Lord, in whofe hand all Hearts are, awaken thole that have flighted Rich Grace ! May / Honeft Hearts find that Grace *$- IS fofficient for, fb eftettual in 'em. Amen and Amen. A 77 A 'third Inflame OF THE RICHES GRACE: TO WIT, God the Father pouring oat bis SPIRIT. Zech. 12. 10. And I will pour upon the Hon ft of David, and the Inhabitants of Jerufalem , of the Spirit of Grace AS there are outbreakings of ormsoik Light before the appearance hmm ' of the body of the Sun ; £6 there were j 8 The em . N or doth he work in any temmum. ^ a neceffary and naU]ral Age ^ but in all he doth is a Voluntier and moft free Agent. KaivwU. Yet, I have long been fa- f^ or ' I3 ' tisfied, that the Communion (or Communication) of the Holy Ghofl: himfelf,as well as the Grace of our Lord Jefus Chrift , and Love of God the Father, is with Gracious Perfons. Hehimfelf is the Author, Up- holder, and Perfefter of Grace. By him perfons are quickned, ftrengthned, fealed, and com- forted. The Riches ef Grace. 85 forted . They who had no touch of Enthufiafm (or Phanaticifm} have made this Obfervation, that the Spirits inhabitation is fpoken of as joyned to the love of God, as fhed abroad in the Heart, as diftinguifhed from the New Man, ^ *■ from being in the Spirit. A late l' ee Vooi Famous * Profeflbr profeffeth his wW full belief, that the Holy Ghoft f^ of himfelf is given to and dwelleth Tuckney. in Believers ; and from their be- ing ftyled the Temples of the Holy Ghoft , it is genuinely inferred , nde Ba . x " that they itand nearly related to dum,pm 2. his Perfon ; as on other accounts m- 2l6 - it is concluded, that he is nearer ^J^S than we can think to his own to. Grace, and works in a Covenant- way on and in the Gracious. borne Proofs that the pouring out of the Spirit argues the Free Rich Grace of the Father, are now next us. The Firft whereof is drawn from the confideration of the Dignity and Office of the Spirit. G ? As 8 6 The Riches of Grace. m. 2. As it is faid of the Son, that he thought it no Robbery to be equal with God ( that is, the Father ) the lame is applicable to the Spirit. And as he is a Perfon in the Godhead, he is that Perfon that applyes the love of both the Dr. sibbs, other Perfbns to us. From the uTiwf f weet dropper fee words that bear this fenfe. All things pro- ceed from the Divine EfTence, by the Mediation of the Perfbns therein, and amongft the Perfbns in the following Order ; from the Father, through the Son, by the Spirit. Is he not the Spirit of Grace ? The Second Proof is fetch'd from our confidering the mean- nefs (yea, vilenefs) of the per- fbns on whom the Spirit is poured before he is fb. Are they not fiich on whom the Father might juftly pour out his wrath? Are they not (Naturally) in their Blood ? under guilt and filth ? Was it not thus with thofe Inha- bitants The Riches of Grace. 8 7 bit ants of Jerufakm, who were z ^« 12." Crucifiers of Chrift ? The Spirit L finds though he leaves not per- fons ij3 a woful ( yea } wilful ) ftate^amframe. Thejfrhird Proof is founded on a due Viewing and weighing in what manner (and meafure) the Spirit is communicated : Is he not pourod out moft largely and plenteoufly ? Is not he in thofe that are fpiritual as a Wei I and Spring of Living Water? Is there not refpe£t had to him, john^.\.\, when it is faid, Out of their BeU * 7- $$» lies flow Rivers of living water ? ^ Is not every drop from the Spirit moft fweet and gracious ? What Grace is there then in Floods from him? The Fourth Proof arifeth from the Bleffed Confequents and Ef- fects that follow the pouring out of the Spirit : fome of which are pointed at in the Context. 1. Is he not in thofe that are his a fpirit of Prayer ? And are G 4 not 88 The Gtjcbes of Grace. zech. 12. not Grace and Supplication joyn'd together ? I know the Spirit of Prayer is far, and far before the gift of Prayer ; but what gra- cious Chriftian fhould not value both ? Hath not he that hath the Spirit of Prayer a Key to Heaven, see Mr. and its Trealure ? Was ever Man I)od ' quite undone, that was in a Pray- ing frame ? 2. Is he not alfb the Spirit of Faith? Doth he not open the Souls Eye,as well as unbare that Object its Saviour ? Is he not the 2 cor. 4. Spirit of Revelation? Doth he I3 ' not help fuch as are ftung with (and for) fin, to look onChrift, spb. 4.17- as fatisfying Divine Juftice, that he may fatisfie Humane defire ? And is not the look Healing ? 3. Is he not withall a Spirit of Repentance? Caufing that mourn- ing for fin that is of a Godly fort (or according to God) and fa- vouring fweetly of his Grace ; being Spiritual, i. As The Riches of Grace. 89 1 . As to the rife of it ; being from him as working Convi&ion, I which implyes a clear abiding ap- plicatory difcovery of fin; and compun&ion, which carries in it griefs and fears. 2. As to the grounds of it ; being, 1. For fin, as cr offing the Divine Law, and not onely as procuring Divine wrath, and fb is for the evil of fin, and for all forts of fins. 2. For fin ? as piercing Chrift ; and fo hath love to him at the bottom of it, and will be as a Spring ftill flowing. 3. In the Fruits of it ; which are fuch as thefe : 1. Weaning the Heart in lome good meafure from the World, and moderating, 1. Its Joy in the enjoyment of it. 2. Its forrow for loifes in it. 3. Tending to break the Heart from fin. And 3. Rendring it more (oft and flexible to God and Goodnefs. Now, who that gives what I have written the weight that belongs 90 The Riches of Grace. belongs to it, that takes a true meafure : Who the Holy Spirit is, and how, and on whom he is poured, being as Floods on dry and bad ground, and producing fuch an alteration thereof, and Fruits therein, can refrain frorn faying, Here's Grace to a Won- der? May this Holy Spirit, concern- ing whom I am writing, and others are to read , teach us to make a right Application ; which fhall be firft by way of Information. Sincere Chriftians are under the greateft Bonds (and Obligations) poffible to God, particularly to God the Father. Who can by fearching find out how vaftly they are indebted to his Grace ? Have they not all of i cor. 2. 'em received a meafure of the fame Spirit , though all of 'em have not received the fame mea- fure of the Spirit ? Of his great Love in giving his Son, we have touched, The Riches of Grace. 9 1 touched, In that he who gave his Son to obtain, fhould alfb give his Spirit to apply Salvation to 'em. They whom this Spirit animateth and a£teth,are the Sub- jects, and fhould be the Trum- pets of exceeding Rich Grace. Left fbme that I have in mine Eye ( and on mine Heart ) fhould to ( and in ) their own wrong, put away this word and the com- fort of it from 'em, and conclude, that they have not received the Spirit, I will take on me to pofe 'em, If you had no meafure or work of the San£tifying Spirit ; 1. How is it that you daily groan (being burdened) under the weight of fin, even the body of fin which you bear about, and that with refpefl: to the diflhonour ^ that thereby redounds to God ? 24. Dare you deny that it is thus with you? Or however your great ^f^. defireis that it may be fo; and vhm fm can you affirm that fin is fb heavy l0C0t in lorn, 7. 9 2 The Riches of Grace. in its own Element, an unfan&i- fied Soul ? 2. Whence is it that you fee fuch a furpafling ravifhing Ex- cellency in Chrift Jefus ? That when you are not able to fay , Your Beloved is yours, and you are his ; yet you can fay, You had rather have an Intereft in him than a thoufand Worlds ? Is he not a Pearl in your Eyes ? A very i feu 2.7. None-fach ? Not onely as making Peace for you, but withall as bringing Power for fubduingfin, and carrying on Gods Service to you. 3. Could you (as you feel you do) in fbme degree pant after Holinefs and Purenefs in your Spirits ? Do you not Watch as well as Pray againft Spiritual de- vhil 3.3. filements ? Are not your Souls for Spiritualncfs in Worfhip ? Would you not have Faith and Love to influence the Duties you engage in ? Tell The Riches of Grace. 95 Tell me (if you can) where thofe Hypocrites dwell, in whom the three qualifications laft na- med meet ? As for Profane Perfbns, I may Tmuibinc fay to 'em, ftand off, ftand off: fmultt€ ' From this word which I have ap- plyed to thefe to whom it is pro- per; and hearken to me, that God may hearken to you : The next word is very much for you. For the Second branch of the firft Ufe is as folioweth. They that are at a want of the Holy Spirit, may hence learn to whom ( or whither ) they fhould go for him. Should they not bow their knees, and with 'em their Hearts, to the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and cry, Pour, O pour of this Holy Water thy Spirit upon us ? I fhould have more hope that this Ufe would be more ufeful to you, if once you well underftand your own cafe and ftate. I may deal with you further about it ere 94 The Riches of Gract. ere long ; at prefent I propound thefe Queftions to you. i. How can you think having the Spirit corffiftent with fuch di- ligent fervice as theFlefh or the World have from you ? 2. How can you pretend to be iiifpired with the Spirit, that have not a great care to demean your lelves well towards the6pirit,and a fear to refift, yea, to quench or grieve him ? And O that you would give this a ferious thought ! Can you with confidence look God in the face, or hope to efcape his dread- ful wrath if his Spirit be not in you? Could I fee (or hear of) right relentings in your Hearts for your mifcarriages, with re- ference to the Spirit, and breath- ings in 'em, that he may breath in you, yea and be a Guide and Governour to you ; how joyfully and ferioufly would I commend you to ( and commend to you ) the Grace of God the Father, en- The (Rjches of Grace. 95 encouraging you to expeQ: this great gift. 1 . Do not earthly Fathers (even evil ones) know how to give good gifts to their Children ? Lu & "* Will not the beft of Fathers, the 13 ' Heavenly one, give the Spirit to humble askers ? 2. Grace, though long flighted, Zu t e »* hath long Arms, and hath > tm f 8rmi4m - open to receive poor Praying Pe- nitents. 3. Will not he that caufeth^'^^ Perfons to defire his Spirit (if^M^ they follow on defiring ) anfwer bitgmim their defire ? <¥^ Seeing upon the Fathers giving the Spirit to Perfons, both he and his Son will be Honoured by 'em ; and for his Sons fake he doth with his Honour givehfm. The fecond Ufe for Reproof : The firft branch of the Reproof falls full upon them to whom the Holy Spirit, and theeffufion (or pouring out) of his Grace is matter of Drollery and fcorn. It turn. 9 6 The Riches of Grace. It is known , that the men of Rome call Proteftants in fcorn Spiritifts, for their fpeaking much and honourably of the Aids of the Spirit. May this spirit re- prove and convince 'em of this finful fin ! May they feel his hum- bling work, that fb they may not fall under his destroying Hand ! Are not all the Perfons in the Godhead wronged, when the Spi- rit is fb ? Will not Arrows fhot at Heaven fall down on their Heads that fhoot 'em ? It is a La- mentation that any are fb da- ring. The fecond Branch is for (or if you will againft) thofe that make vain pretenfions to the Holy Spirit, and his differencing work- ings, when indeed they are too •much ftrangers both to him and them. O that they who caft off all ( or at leaft moft of) the In- ftitutions of Chrift, did not cry upthemfelves as men who have moft of the Spirit ! i. •Doth The ^(jches of Grace* 97 1. Doth Worfhipping God in 3^4. the Spirit exclude external Wor- 23> 24 ; fhip, pointed at in the Greek7&°™.' word? 2. Doth the Spirit fpeaking in the Heart contradi&j his fpcech in the Scripture ? 3. Doth Baptifin by the Holy Ghoft Ihut out Baptifm by Wa- ter? Doth drinking of (or into) the (pirit, make againft dririking the Sacramental Cup, that i$ let j cor - I2 < but by that very Phrafe ? Should I3 * not Spiritual Perfbns ufe and prize Spiritual Ordihances ? The Third Branch of the Re- proof falls to their fhare , with whom the Spirit of God and his Gracious Influences are at an un- dervalue. They neither have * nor defire to have him. \ Alas I * Alas ! is not this evidently their cafe ? 1. Who are lenfual, living in fade i 9 . Carnal Pleafures, being given up to 'em. * H 2, Who i Cer. 2 12. 9S T7;t Riches of Gi'iict. 2. Who are infpired with the fpirit of the World ; Earth,Earth, Earth, may be written on their Minds and Affe&ions. Heb.6.9. . j. Who are utter ftrangers fyfvfa ( and that out of choice ) to thole firft works of the Spirit, which accompany Salvation, or have it following 'em. 1. Are they enlightned ? Have they a fight of fin in its finful- nefs? Of Chrift in his Beauty and Glory? And of Holynefs in its Excellency and Extent ? Is their knowledge near fo much as a spiritual one ? Is it any more than a meer literal one ? Hath it sec Do^or ' m it ciearnefs of Light, which Arrow- enables Perfbns to difcern things *AimlL tiiat differ, or fweetnefs of talte for. relifhing what excels ? 2. Are they enlivened ? Doth this appear ? 1. By their crying, or breath* • u.ing in Prayer after fpiritual things, and Chrift, with whom they a re given. 2. By The l\icbcs of Grace. 9 9 2. By their motion in other Kauri Holy Duties; and by the vigour Jjjj^ and conftancy as well as freenefs of it. 3. By their fenfe of what tends to prejudice Spiritual Life. Hath not a little living Child a feeling of a fmall prick of a pin ? 4. By their defire of proper iPet*% Food and Nourishment, partial- 2 ' v larly of the fincere ( and unmix- ed ) Milk of Gods Word, that they may grow thereby. Have they an inward concern about thefe things ? O that there were fuch an Heart in 'em ! May the Lord fet this ufe of Reproof home upon thofe to whom it of right belongs ! 1. Shall {lighters of (or meer pretenders to) the Holy Spirit be able to ftand in Judgment ? furely they will not. What then will be the end of thofe that take the (corners Chair, and play not onely with facred things , but al.fo with this mod facred Perfon, H 2 except ico The Riches of G}\kc* except Repentance reach their Hearts ? 2. Will not this (to thofe that hearken to him) fweet Friend, be found by thofe that abufe and undervalue him, a moft fevere Foe ? Can Perfons during this ftate endure the terrors he ftrikes into their Conferences ? How then will they be able to bear his ftrokes to and in Eter- nity? May he (whilftLife laft- eth ) change 'em thoroughly. The Third life is of or for Ex- hortation. The firft branch thereof is more large and general. Be we all ftirred up to put this matter upon a fair iffuc and tryal. Is the Spirit poured out on us? Have we received the Spirit which is of God, yea, is God ? iJ will (firft) prefent fbme Confiderations tending to excite us to this Trying, and to feriouC nefs in it. The The Riches ef Grace. i o i The firft is, Many truft very foolifhly in trufting their o\vn rr0Vt2 % t Hearts, which Naturally are un- 26. true, and as far from goodnefs as from Truth. There were of Old thofe called Gnofiicks, and Mon- tanifts , who called themfelves Spiritual ones, but very falfly; and at this day many ftrongly conceit, that the Spirit of God is in 'em ; but put 'em on proving- it, and you filence 'em. Secondly, There are in all of us (confidered in our Naturals) Principles that lead us to a vain ^ confidence, that we are Rich, and 3 increafed with Goods and Good- nefs : And is it not a leading work of the Holy Spirit to fhew E * ei ' > 6, us our lelf-emptinefs, and bring us to felf-loathing ? Thirdly, Is it not of fad fig- nification when we.decline all fe- rious fearch and tryal in the cafe ? Did not the Man after Gods own Pfai.76.2. Heart fhew what he was, by his fj^ 9 ' defirins God to examine and \ ■a H 3 prove i o 2 The Riches of Grace. prove him ? Were not thofe Vir- Mix 2 gins far out, that looked not into • ' / their VelTels, to fee what fupply there was in 'em for their Lamps ? Fourthly, God will to the quick try us. He may fend on us fuch a fudden and fharp AffliQion as will anfwer the name of a Temp- tation or Tryal. He will cer- tainly come to us by Death, and Ecckf.i2. bring us to Judgment ; and then '#* there will be a full and impartial decifion of the matter. ll)tn the Secrts of all marts will be Uid open. And now, marks ( or figas } lye next us. And the fir ft I fhall name ( which I fhall do little more than #*«^^ame) having be+ore given an Minron,- hint of 'em, are exciufive ones : tfff^If they be upon PerJbns they arc void of the fpirit of Holineis. To wit, i. Walking after the Flefl], and fulfilling its Lull-.. Hath the Flefh a full dominion within The Riches of Grace. 103 within the Spirits Territories? *pw.8.i. Have they the Spirit whom the Gd 6t Flefli at a beck can command into its Obedience, fb that they will run into excefs, and be drunk, unclean, or lazy? The fecond is, Living in an ordinary and wilful negle£t of Spiritual Duties, or however of Spiritual Graces in the ufe of 'em. Doth not the Spirit of Life ( where he enters ) bring his Law ^ 2 * into the Heart? And dorft not Mens Clofets and Houfes favour of it? I next come to give fbme of thofe Marks which are good, but not conclufive. 1 . They may not have the Spi- rit of San&ification who have had fome of thofe preparatory works (as they are called) which f? s 24 ' Saints have. They may have frights for wrath, that want fear of fin. They may have fbrrows that have not Godly ibrrow.They may be fliaken, that are not H 4 fettled 1 04 The (Rjclks of Grace. fettled on the Rock of Ages. 2. They may be deftitute of the Sanctifying Spirit, that have fbme defirable motions (and affections) from him. They may defire benefit by Chrift, that have ho real defire of Chrift himfelf: They may defire him as a Bridge, on (and over) which they pals to Happinefs, that do not defire him as an Husband, in whofe Bofbm they may iye, and whole Orders they may obferve. They may love the Loaves, that do not love the Perfbn of Chrift ; they may joy in fbme Gifts from him, that Count not abiding with him joyful. And fo I proceed to lay down Marks ftyled inclufive. They that carry 'em have received ( if not a double) a larger portion of the Spirit, than fundry others Xvho yet have received him. IVlay thofe who will vouchsafe to read 9 em, defire that they may bear 'em. The Tl?e ^ches of Grace. 105 The firft is, An hearty and deep deteftation of inward and thought-defilements, added to an efcaping the grofs Pollutions of the World. Though David fell W. "9. far and foully, yet, in his main 113 ' 128 " courfe (and bent) he had an habitual (yea, and a£tual) ha- tred, as of every falfe way, fb of every vain thought ; and therein flood above many whole Feet are on Holy Ground. An eminent pretence of the Spirit was with him. The Second is, A readinefs in many cafes to deny ones (elf, and part with ones own Right (and concern) not onely for Peace fake, but chiefly for God's fake. Was not Father Abraham higher cm. 13.8, by the Head than moft are that are his Seed, who not onely yield- ed to Lot that was his Nephew , but a!fb refus'd to touch any of the Spoils that were recovered in War, being firft taken from the Sodomites? I know Balaam could fpeak io6 The Riches of Grace. fpeak words of felf-denyal, as if an Houfe-full of Gold was as no- thing to him, but it wasbecaufc God made it too hot for him to 2 Pet - 2 - hold ; for in his Heart he loved i k the Wages of Unrighteoufnefs. Ameipfo If a Peribn come to this, that he J crfi™' ^ ears c ^ encroachment of felf- ther. ends, and is free to be taken oft' from felf-willednefs, and is Mor- tified as to felf-advancennent, a large mealure of the Spirit is con- ferred on him. * A Third is, Walking more evenly and uniformly than molt do, who yet are in the Road to Heaven. No doubt there were iTaJl*' m £ /; ^'s Age other upright Per- 12. fons, yet on account of his out- 'aw6s?o- fhining 'em, and out-going 'cm in Obedience, he hath this High Character, lhat he walked with God, When a Peribn's Conver- sion, as to the feveral turnings that are in it, are honeft, and becoming the Gofpel, and is lb much all of a well-wrought piece, that- The Riches of Grace. 107 that it is not eafie tor a Friend to See lhs rind any thing that deferves a ^ ^£ fharp Reproof, or a Foe to quar- nardiiton. rel with, any pra&ice as incon- f^°i tke fiflentwith faving Grace, a Per- \vharton. fbn is verily filled with the Spirit. 4. So is he that gives great Glory to God byexercifing Faith in the face of many and great dif- couragements, was not this an Evidence ti\?x Abraham was fuller than many of the HolyGhoft, t&K m *4* that he confidered not his own 19 ' 20 ' Body, being then dead (astothe hope of begetting an Ifaac, a Son of Laughter) nor yet the dead- nefs of Sarahs Womb ? He did not ib confider either of 'em, as not to rely on God for fulfilling his Promife in giving him Pofte- rity : He believed in hope againft hope, he fet one God over againft all Obje&ions : His Faith remov'd Mountains out of his fight. 5. They have the Spirit above many that are mighty in Prayer ; that can humbly and earneftly plead I o S The Riches of Grace. if*. 62. 1. plead in Prayer, filling their mouths with Arguments, giving God no reft, till he give in Spiri- tuals to 'em, and look down on his Jerufaltm with favour, being W.l2. 3 . of j dco p s genuine Seed> tbat Gen. 32. Wreftled till he prevailed, and 24,2 * would not part with God with- out a Blefling. 6. The Spirit alfb fhews that he is eminently with (and in) thofe who being befet with Cjof- fes, hold up, and hold out, ga- thering ground and ftrength, and lofing nothing in the lire five their drofs : Was it not thus with Gen.\g. J°f e ph, whofe Bow abode ftrong 23> 2 4« when the Archers (hot at him? 7. They alfb are above many a£ted by the Spirit, who have a 3 2. t '' " more than ordinary command r/f.3.2. over their Spirits and Pa (Eons ; and are for fhewingall meeknefs to all men, and that when not a few, nor thofe fmall provocati- Numh.ii. ons are given 'em. Was it not * thus with Mofes the Man of God , who 77;e Riches of Grace. 1 09 who in his ordinary temper was to Temptations to Wrath, as moift wet Wood is to fparfes, 1 that quencheth, and is not kind- led by 'em. 8. The Holy Spirit doth emi- nently refide in (and influence) them who can ftand in as faft Friends at the Throne of Grace, for thofe by whom their Earthly Glory hath been eclipfed, and thofe by whom they have been Oppofed and deferted. Thus was it with Samuel, that interceded is*nu\6. to earneftly for Saul and the If* l * raditts. &12 - 23 - 9. So have they, who when they have afted (yea, and fufc fered) above many for God, do ftill fet the Crown and Honour, |as did Laborious Patient Paul, on 1 Or. 15. the Head of Free Grace. xo « 10. So alfb is it with them who are defirous to ferve God as they are capable on Earth, yet love the coming of Chrift ; and frecaufe they cannot get fo near to 1 1 o The Riches of Grace. i T///J4.8. to him as they would whilft theV live, are ddirous to dye, that they may be nearer him. 11. This is alfb the choice, cafe, and ft ate of thoie who highly eftcem God's Ordinances ; and yet if (to their fbrrow ) they be deprived of 'em, they can live upon the Lord, as a little (or 2Sam.\j. great ) Sanctuary. May thole 25,26, good Perfbns, who cannot reach thofe greater meafures mentio- ned, be reaching after 'em ! And may none Blels themfelves in their Hearts (or ftate) till they have on (and in) 'em thole marks or (igns of their having the Spirit, which go under the name of adequate and even;\vhich all the Sanctified , and none but they, have. n'*One whereof being led I the Spirit out of the love and al-J lowance of (in, and out of con- fidence in ielf-righteoufnefs and f clf-ftrcngt h, unto the Lord Jefus, for Inrnlclf, and for Righteouf- nefs The . is no Hypocrite that is for abi- *" ding in Chrift ; and there is no weak Chriftian that dare abide out of him. 2. Another is, longing to find the workings of the .Spirit more full and powerful. They who have known the gift of God, are John 4.10. for asking larger draughts of the Water of Life. Hypocrites fet flints and limits to themfelvesas to things of the Spirit : A little lerves their turn,and ufiially they ftudy % what is the very leaft and * Minimum lo weft degree in Grace, as refol- * MOti /*" ving to fit down there ; whereas weak Chriftians , though they may attain lefs,breath after more, and have a real Spiritual Thirft on 'em, 3. A Third is, Having; a ten- Spirim €s der refpeft to the moft tender «r« deii- Spirit of God, and an Holy dhft**** ( a nd fear ) left injury be offered iim, and he be as much as by men '.jhe can be grieved by inward, and not 1 1 2 The ^tches of Grace. not onely outward mifcarriages. Hypocrites are daring and pro- voking ; not trembling, left the Spirits motions be quenched, and his Graces lye unexercifed ; and weak Chriftians accounting the Spirit their Friend, are (in their ordinary courfe) loath to difpleafe him. The Second Branch of the Ex- hortation hatha particular refpeft to thofe who upon tryal do ( or may) find that they have not the Spirit, as to any fpecial Intereft in, and influence from him. Be they exhorted to wgiit in God's way, that he would pour out of the Spirit on 'em. Under this Head will fitly fall feveral Dire&ions ; the Lord di- rect 'em to their Hearts to whom they belong. The Tirfl: is, Be they willing to fee that the Spirit of Grace is not in ? em. Till their wants ap- pear, a fiipply will not be fought. MM.? 12. T he whole feel not their need of The Quiches of Grace. 115 a Phyfician j and ib will not make out to and for him. Befides what I have offered for their Conviftion before, I defire they would thus pofe themfelves* 1. Do they ftudy to file w forth the Vertues of Chrift ? Who re- ceived not the Spirit by meafure, from whom all his receive a mea~ 1 Ptf.2.9. fure of the Spirit. Is it in their j ohn Aims to be Humble, Meek, Pure, 16. Compaffionate, Aftive, and Hea- venly as he was ? 2. Have they warm Hearts for fuch as are (and appear) Spi- ritual ? Do they Love their So- ciety in Spiritual Exercifes ? Do they not rather feek occafions ^ ^ againft 'em, and take up evil re* 1. ports of 'em, and interpret their real weakneffes to be manifeft Wickednefs ? 3. Is Spiritual Woffhip (and SpiritualnefsinWorfhip) prized and panted after by 'em? Do vhil 3.3, they any thing like Worlhipping God in the Spirit ? I O 1 14 The (Rjches of Grace. O that they that have not the Spirit had their Eyes opened, and that ftate difcover'd to 'em ! The Second Direction is,When once they feel their want of the Spirit, they flhould fee what a miferable cafe that is, and trem- ble left they live and die in it. Whilft they live. 1 . Can they carry on the death ^om.8.13. f an y one fin ? Will fin dye of it felf ? Or by any Wounds fave thofe which the Holy Spirit makes and gives ? 2. Can they expeft that any Service in which he breaths not will be fweet and acceptable to gM-2?, God? Doth he notfeek fuch to Worfhip him as do it in Spirit ? When they dye ( if they dye as now they live ) 1. Have they either Title to, or meetnefs for Heaven ? Doth \Z* 4 ' not the Spirit fill all the Velfels of Mercy and Glory ? Could they defire to ftay in Heaven, if they had admittance into it, who want the Spirit of Glory ? 2. Is The Riches of Grace. 1 1 5" 2. Is not wrath their Portion ? Will not the Spirit for ever fill thofe With Confufion, that made void all his drivings with 'em in order to their Converfion ? Will he not be a terrifying Spirit where Heh. 10. he hath not been a Sanftifying 29. Spirit ? And will not wrath lye heavier! on thofe that have made the greateft refiftance to him ? The Third Direction is, When aduefenfe (and fear) as to their prefent ftate is on 'em ; cry they in the name of Chrift unto God the Father , that the Son may ^ , pray down, and the Father toge- x6.* 14 ' ther with him may pour down the Spirit on 5 em. Do they this, 1. Humbly and felf-judgingly, in that they are as far as any can be from Meriting Ge71 -i 2 - one Welled fprinkling or drop K " thereof. Are they not below the loweft Mercy ? 2. Earneftly and thirftingly : May they who have been as the dry, be as the opening Ground ! I 2 May i 1 6 The Riches of Grace. May they be taught to Plead as well as Pray : O that the Teacher of Hearts may be their Teacher ! May he put into their Mouths fuch Arguments as follow. i. Lord! the Promife of the Spirit is the grand Promife of the New Teftament ; we are caft un- der that difpenfation ; let us reap the Fruit or that Promife. 2. Lord ! As thy Spirit is a free Spirit, fb the Promife there- of is a free Promife. It is made to the unworthy, and to needers. Now, into that count we fall. 3. Lord! if we have the Com- munion and Communication of the Spirit, thou wilt have much Glory thereby; we flhall then Crucifie fin, carry on thy fervicc, and exercife Grace;for thy Names fake give thy Spirit to us. 4. Lord ! though we do not deferve thy Spirit, we are fure we defire him ; and we hope we do fb, that we may be fitter for the work thou affigneft us. We . have The Riches ef Grace. 1 1 7 have this defire from thy Grace ; from it let us have our defire ac- complifhed. 5. Lord! Thy Providence did order that we fhould come under the Baptifin which is by Water ; when we had not a value for that Priviledge, we were on the Icore ( and prefenting ) of our Parents received into thy Church ; will not thy Grace confer on us the Baptifin of the Spirit, whcu we are brought to value it ? And with our Perfons to preient our Petitions for it to thee. But methinks I hear fbme con- vinced drooping fouls fay, You would have us Pray ( and Plead ) for the Spirit ; how can we do this without the Spirit ? Jnfw. By a more common and general afliftance of the Spirit ; you may Pray for his fpecial In- fluence. It may by fiich be further Objected, I 3 Though, 1 1 8 The Riches of Grace. Though there be a Promifc of the pouring out of the Spirit, we dare make no claim to it : The Promiles are made in Chrift, and made good to thofe that are in him ; but we fear we are out of him. To fuch I fay, i. There have been (and are) j^ hcp " choice Divines, who have held Mr.'cz- forth, that there are 'abfoluie as lamy, n c. we u as conditional Promiles. To be lure there are . Promiles of Grace, as well as Promiles to Grace ; and troubled Perfbns,that , '. dare not claim a Title to tie lat- 2 £> " ter, may defire an Intereft in the former. _ H w 2. So Rich is Divine Grace, 'V that as an acute Writer writes , ■4>- Unprcmiied Mercies flow r on every lide us ; and Mope built on rational Probabilities, is well cal- led the great Engine that moves the World, and ihould move the 'hje&ors to pray for the fpirit. \j\ 3. They The Riches of Grace. 119 3. They that dare not apply to themfelves the Promife of^M^^ God, confidering the goodnefs of ^"^i his Nature, and withall the Evi- ad locum. dences thereof in his difpenfa- tions to Praying ones, have great encouragement to pray for his fpirit. 4. Can it be thought that any have ftrong breakings, and ule earneft crys for the fpirit, in whom there is not fbme fpecial working of his ? Jt may be, fbme will ftill Ob- ject againft themfelves, they have grieved, quenched , and refitted the fpirit \ is there any hope they fhould be made partakers of him? Anfw. Their cafe, if truly re- s prefented, calls for deep Humi- liation ; yet on their being hum- bled, defperation mutt be watch'd againft : Yet -.his free fpirit is free to vifit thole that have carryed untowardly towards him. I 4 May 1 2 o The (Riches of Grace. May fuchPerfbns fpread before the Lord their great Neceffity , and his great Bounty ! And when they mod labour under a ienfe of their own unworthinefs, make they mention of the AU-worthi- nefs of Jefus Chrift : On this fair • and broad bottom they may ftand. O that they were loath to be driven away from the beautiful Gate of Mercy, or to be faid Nay ! what hope would their cafe have N in it ? The Third branch of the Ex- hortation hath a fpecial refpefl: to thofe who have a fpecial Intereft in the Holy Spirit,and know what it is to have him poured out on 'em. Be they excited to wait for fur- ther and fuller eftufions thereof on their own fouls. Have they felt blefTed drops, they fhouli defire to experience what floods and fhowcrs are. Morives thereunto. uHathnotGod the Father the re- fidue, The Riches of Grace. 121 fidue, yea,the fulnefs of the Spirits Graces and Influences to Com- municate ? Is there not enough and enough under his Hand ? 2. Is he not as free as can be wifhed to fill thofe that are ien- P / rf /. s I# fible of their defefts ? Hath he &• not bidden them open their mouths wide ? $. DidnottheSpoufeofChrift ( joynM to him by the Spirit ) de- fire that the North-wind might ^ 4 ' awake, and the South-wind blow see Dur- on her Garden? Which cxpref-g^* 1 * 8 fions are expreflive of the various Rey.z* Influences of the Holy. Spirit ? * J- Would not the Bride have Chrift to come with further difplays of his Spirit to her ? 4. Do not all the knowing know, that larger meafures of the Spirit are neceiTary ? Have they not Corruptions to fubdue. Temptations to refill:, Duties to perform, and Graces to exercife ? None of which can be done fur- - m s ^ ther than the Spirit helps their inlirmi- 122 The Riches of Grace. infirmities, or * lifts up over a- gainft 'em. 5. Is it not clear, that a large portion of the Spirit is as excel- lent as neceffary ? Is it not com- pared to Rivers of living,'" yea,to the be ft Wine ? 6. Will not this difference 'em from Hypocrites ? Are any of that number willing the hand of the Spirit fhould be on their fpecial fin? Or do theydefire the Spirit may work in 'em Graces of all forts ? To wit, 1. Rooting Graces; Humility, and Self-denyal. 2. Railing Graces ; Faith,Hope, Love, and joy. 3. Spreading Graces; Charity to all , and loving-kindnefs to Saints. Means for 'em now come. 1 . Wait they for further Com- munications of the Spirit in the low way of felf-fearching, and felf-abafing ; having a particular fenle of their wants and weak- nelfes. The Riches of Grace. 123 neffes. Are not the low Valleys ufiiaily Richeft, and beft laden with Corn ? 2. Get they into the clean way of watchfulnefs. Be they duly afraid' of obftrucling and flop- ping the Paffages through which God the Father ufeth to convey the Grace of the Spirit ; which may be done, 1. Through the thick clay of Earth, by leiting their Hearts lye ' too, near it. 2. Through the foul Mud of any* bafe Lufts (or inordinate if a ^ 9 .u appetite ) by Cuffering it to enter into, and ftay in their Hearts. 3. Keep they in the High- way of Praifes,for that communication of the fpirit that is made to 'em, Are not their Hearts moft meetj^ 6 ^ to receive more when they are moft enlarged in Thankigivings for what they have received ? Have they not matter and ground for high Praifes ? 1. Doth 124 The Riches of Grace. i. Doth not the Holy Spirit dwell in 'em ? And doth not that imply, i. That he is very inwardly intimor n re fent with and near to 'em ; fire. He is nearer to their Souls than they are to their Bodies. 2. That he abides with 'em. There is a fixednefs and continu- ance in his Prefence. He that see s xw knocks at the Doors of others gefso» r Hearts, makes theirs his Houfe i Or. 3. and Temple. He that moves triorum ot h ers at times, will not remove corii. from them, but ftay with 'em for Dr. Sibbs. ever. 3. That he exercifeth towards 'em much of Familiarity and Condefcendence. He ufeth 'em as his fpecial Friends, as thofe of his Family ; they know fuch Vi- fitations of his as others are ftran- gers to. 2. Will not the Holy Spirit work where he dwells, and fb fitly furnifh his Habitation ? Will he not be to 'em, 1. The The Riches of Grace. 125 1. The moft faithful Con- ^w. 8. 14. du&or ? Shall they not be led by him ? 2. The moft leafbnable Re- John 14. membrancer. Will he not write 2<5 - Truths in 'em ? 3. The moft powerful quick- j^ OT . 8. 2, ner. Shall they not have Life i<5« abundantly ? 4. The moft fatisfying Wit- nefs. Will he not (peak to their Hearts ? Yet in all thefe workings he is a moft free worker, taking his own way and time. 4. Be they by no means driven out of the good beaten way of earned believing Prayer. On their knees, and through their Saviour, cry they foPthe efFufion of the Spirit. I add, That they may more feel the real effects of the Spirit, beware they of the Rock on which foo many are fplit ; to wit, ma- king vain and groundlefs Preten- fions to him and his Operations. And 1 1 6 The Riches of Grace. And ib in the clofe of this fhort Difcourfe, I will offer at theRe- lolution of fome Queftions or Cafes. The Firft is, Are Perfbns at this day to look for new Revela- tions from the Spirit? J/jfv. i . T hey are to look that £pb\A~. t ' le ^P lrlt w o u W reveal in 'em rtit Ar- what he hath in the Scripture re- roNvfmith, vealed to 'em ; but that he fhould ac ' add to the Canon and Rule of Scripture, and make new Arti- cles of Faith, is not to be expeft- ed. n/Uilher 2. To fome choice Favourites Dr. Win- that have cleaved to the Scrip- ter,e*. tures as tQ matters f Faith, he hath ftrongly fuggefted what his Providence would do as to mat- ters of Faft. This he may do to others. The fecond Cafe is, Is Duty never to be done fave when Perfbns are under extraor- dinary impulfes of the fpirit to do it ? Jvfrv, The Riches of Grace: 127 Jnfw. 1. It is brave failing before full Gales of this Wind ; and fweet moving when he is fen- fibly the firft mover. Yet, 2. The Spirit fpeaking in the Scripture calls us to Pray \ 7t 6j '^ and perform other Duties, when there is an Opportunity for it ; and this Call is to be Anfwered. The Third Cafe is, Is every impulfe and ftrong motion to Prayer or other Du- ties to be Fathered on the Holy Spirit ? An[w. This is utterly denyed by the beft Divines. Though ^^ Satan (being evil) cannot be worth, the Author of Motions that are 7 "^^ 111 • worthy purely good ; yet he may excite M r. oid- to a work that is for the matter field, 2fa of it good : And if we be moved Unfealbnably and unreafbnably, we may fear his hand is in it. The Fourth Cafe is, What Ufe are we to make of thofe extraordinary motions which fome have had to Aftions in 128 The Riches of Grace. in an ordinary way left defen- fible; as that of Pbinehas, and that of Samffon. Anftv. We are to think they had full aflurance thofe motives came from the Spirit ; but our f elves fhould tremble, left wc touch with what we have not a clear word for. Now, the goodi Spirit, concern- ing whom thefe Pages are, breath in 'em, and in thofe that will give 'em a reading. The Lord grant that Writer and Readers may more than ever be filled with the Spirit ! Amtn and Amen. A 12$ A Fourth Inflance OF THE RICHES O F GRACE: TO WIT, Effectual Calling. i 2 Tim. i. 9. ^W ca/kd m SUch are the difficulties and dangers that attend the Pro- feflion of Chriftianity (efpect- ally as to thofe Profeffors that are jPreachers thereof ) that all K en. i jo 77;e Riches of Grace. encouragements that are given prove few and fmall enough. Blefled Paul, who found that his Minifhy drew down and de- * r °» * riv'd * the fury of the World up- IZrm. on h™? being ( at the time of jo Luther his writing ) a Prifbner, calls on ffcdtofa. h}s Son rmothy to fet his face on the Wind and Storms, and hold on in his Holy Warfare ; being not onely a Souldier, but a Com- miflion-Officer , he fhould quit himfelf like a good man. And to that end, he fets before him how highly he (with others) was Priviledged by, and thereby engaged to the Lord : In particu- lar, he inftanceth in his (and their ) effectual Calling ; and lb gives us fair footing for This Doftrine. God the Father out of his Free Grace gives Perfons a Powerful Call. i . 1 hat God the Father is fpo- ken of in the Text, is well argued from his being diftinguifhed from Jefus Chrift. An • The Riches of Grace. 1 3 1 And 2. His Calling of Perfons is denyed to have its rife from their Works, and exprefly affir- med to arife from his purpofe and grace. Concerning the Calling of Perfons, fundry diftin&ions are found ; at fome of which I lhall point. 1. It's either to Office or ^d mm Grace. ^ [ 2. It is either general ; fb God 30 . 7 * calls all by the Gofpel to Repent : Or particular, and fo he calls his own Sheep ( and Ele£t ) by Name. 3. It is either outward onely, ^ IC - to the Ear ; or inward alfb, to 3 * the Heart. 4. It is either extraordinary, Mau 2q# as Paul was called by a voice 16 from Heaven ; as was that Anci- Ac}sI4 * at hand and near us. Though God be nigh to ail, as to his Ef- fence and Providence ; many, and many are far from him , as to their Choice and Affection : They * are in the World, without God in the Word ; they are fo wil- <|b**o. lingly, and fo in a fort Atheifts. The Second is, No meer Hu- mane voice , no word of Man can (or will) reach thofe that are in that ftate. They are as ^*%?J unwilling as unable, to come in • of them f elves ; and fb a ftrong and loud Call from God is need- ful in the cafe. Is there not a ftone in mens Hearts that may be called ( as one we have read of ** He y lm * is) the deaf ftone? It renders p , /Q 'em like the deaf Adder, they 5- * hear not Spiritual Charmers. The Third is, Though men cannot, God can {peak home to the Hearts that are hardeft of Hearing. Is not his voice at- K 3 tended i ; 4 The Riches of Grace i %fo$3» tended with Power ? Are not the Spiritually deaf and dead made to hearken to it ? As none hath 3f*W$. an Arm like Gods,fb none (whe- 2Z) ' ther Men or Angels) have a Tongue like his. Was not his Word a Creating Word ? And is it not an effe&ually Calling word ? The Fourth is, When God fpeaks to perfons powerfully, he fpeaks to 'em particularly, even to every one of 'em by Name ; so fad an d doth in effe£t fay, Thou art Xouzhg the J\Ja» y Thou art the Woman jvith Fenner. w fr om J fo Ave tQ ^ f 0Q mar ,y put off the Word of God from 'em ; and count the great things f]' I3# of his Law a ftrange thing , or * h'of. 8. things wherein * the concern of *£• , u Others lyeth ; but thofe whom *ipua£* 9 GQd calls in the fenfe of my Text cannot do fb, they muft hear and Anfwer. And lb the Fifth is, Upon this Call perfons come out of their former refpeft to their fins, and confidence in themfelves, unto Jefus I7;e etm2 - him, when they cannot clearly prove their Intereft in him. 4.Holinefs and ftriftnefs which they formerly declined, is made their way. T hey choofe the 7/4.56.4. things that pleafe God ; and are grieved for their fhort failings as to following him. 5. The letting forth the Ho- .nour of God ( which before they ^ I flighted ) is now much in their Aims and Defigns. The Second Point is, They who are Called, owe their Being ib to God's Free Grace. This will be evident, 1 . If we confider 'em abfolute- ly. Are they not utterly unwor- thy thereof? Were they not moft worthy j 40 The Riches of Grace. worthy to have been pad: by ; j7*/. ca ^ °^? Were they not al- ^w.5.12. together born in fin? And have they not in the courfe of their Lives a&ed fuitably to the cor- ruption of their Natures ? Is not this manifeft to their Conlcien- ces? 2. If we compare 'em with others. Can it be thought that Grace which hath made, did rind 1 0.6.9, a difference. i n '^m , except it io,u. found fundry of 7 em in worfe Circumftances than mod: near 'em ? Doth not God fbmptimes direQ: his Call to the chief M fin- • ■■■' «y-» ners? .Sometimes ftopphfg 'em 2 , 3 ; 4I 'as he did^W in pursuit of their fins. jgensti- 1 a dJ ? Is not God moft free in hmmum. a j, hg ? _ ves? And fo fa giviflg *v ..... this Call ? May we be taught of Cod here- of to make ihe beft Application ! Fird inferring, That the Fre< Grace of God ( particularly God the Father) hefpeaks our Medlta- The Riches of Grace, 14 1 Meditation, yea our Admira- tion. 1. Do not the Riches of his Grace fhine upon, if not into, the Eyes of all thofe that are exter- nally called by the Word of God ? Is not the Gofpel ftyled Grace, Tit. 2.11 the Grace of God ? not onely be- caufe Grace is the Subjeft on which it treats , but withall be- gaufe it is the Spring from which it flows. I deny not, that the Creatures are WitnefTes as of the Being, Jo of the Bounty of God ; they have a Tongue and Language: But P/w Scriptural Revelations have tte .1,2*3'^ Advantage, both as to fuinefs and clearnefs. They more fhew the Face and Heart of God. And that the Sun of Righte- oufnefs in the difpenfation of the Gofpel fhould arife on fbme when -~ others are benighted and left in the dark. Is not the hand of Grace in this ? Surely \^1 The anc * anfwering the Call 'of God, add a mite to his Ellen- tial Glory ? Doth their goodnefs at beft extend to him ? 3. Was not the ftate out of Fpk 5.8. which they are called a very di£ mal and doleful one? And lb fet *sc Dt out ky t ' le name of Darknefs , Manton. * * which takes in Ignorance, Sin, and Difcomfort; and implyes their unfitnefs to honour and en- ioyGod. A. IS The Riches of Grace. 143 4. Is not the ftate into which they are called a moft defirable l Fet '*-9< one? Is it not fet out by Light, which hath its luftre ? Is not this Light ftyled marvellous? And that defervedly. Seeing, 1. It refembles that which appears to thofe that have been long in the dark being Glo- rious. 2. It difcovers things great, see Mr. and greatly to be admired, even Watftm ' Heavenly Myfteries. 3. It hath admirable Vertues ; j cor 2 . being i.Cleanfing. ijCHealing. ic. 3. Quickning. 4.cHearing. 4. It is the dawning of the Day of Glory, which is full, and lUt ' 2 '- will be Eternal ; wherd the Joy is always frefh, and (beyond expreffion) refrefhing. The Second Inference i$, The Office and Employment of the Miniftry is of great life fulnels and Honourablenefs. May all enga- ged therein confider this! Are not Minifters as the Lords Mouth, by 1 44 The ^Jchcs of Grace. by whom, as the Gofpel is the voice in which he uleth to call men ? Doth he not create the fruit of the Lips, Power, Power> /p. $7.19. as we ]j as p eace) Peace ? Doth he not much fend by thefe Meifen- gers? Wooing very many, and winning not a few. Did not one "*of the Ancients call another of Nova>vhx?$m the Parent of his new Life, Tvcntcm. J le being fo under God; O that at him (through Minifters) Hear- ers did more look ! The Third Inference. They who hear the joyful found of the Gofpel fhould hearken diligently thereunto, and wait, that he who therein gives 'cm Calls, would ; ^_ therewith give 'em hearing Ears, and underftanding Hearts. I am far from faying, that men can give efficacy to Calls given 'em ; bu€l know they may provoke Gcd not to give Efficacy to 'em ; and as to fhofe that con- tinue unconverted, God will clear r^/,51.4. himfelf when he Judgeth 'cm for The ^jcbes of Grace. 1 45 for not eoming wholly over .to Chrift. 1. Was not Chrift prefented to 'em as an adequate objeQ: of Faith ? 2. Were they not Urged to come to him by moving Motives > drawn from the fweeteft Promi- fes, and fevereft Threatnings ? 3. Had they not the fame Na- tural Powers with thofe that came to him ? 4. Did they (as they fhould have done ) Call on and cry ro the Lord, that he would give 'em ability and willingnefs, and caufe 'em to come ? 5. Will it not on a due fearch be found, that their unwilling- ^. 5 , 4o . nefs was the immediate hindrance of their not coming ? And that unwillingnefs was caufed by their being in league with fbme bafe Luft? That Hearers may be more mov'd to hearken to Gofpel-calls, Be 146 The %iches of Grace. Beit confider'd, 1. The Lord is very real in the offers and ten- ders of his Grace \ and it would highly pleate him if finners did embrace and accept 'em. Far be it from us to queftion his Word in the cafe ; who yet to give us full meafure hath added his Oath, 1 t/jw.24- an d fworn by his Life ( which 7§ 33 " none can queftion ) will not woe r* nobu be to thofe that believe him not fifiw when he (wears? credatm. 2. God calls not finners for ^b 22. 2. an y neec * ^ e ^ at ^ °^ ' em > ^ tars ' might rather profit the Sun, than man be profitable to his Maker. 3. The way of fin from which God calls men is difhonourable to them, and not to him onely ; and will, if not turn'd from, damni- Siflb i 8 - fie (yea, damn) 'em for ever. 5I * 4. The Obedience he calls to Micxh 6. is every way for their good. L 11% 5. It will be made eafie through 29. ' his Grace ; who is ready to qua- £*ij*to, Hfie the Humble for that which he calls 'em to. May finners give The latches of Grace. 147 thefe things the weight they deferve ! ■ The Fourth Inference. It is the near concern %s all to com* mune with our own Hearts, and make diligent' fearch, whether God from fand by) his Grace hath effe&ually Called us. Motives unto it are, 1. Many have an external Call, who want an eHe£hial one. 2. They that are CalPd efieftu- ally, may come to know their ^' 20t ftate. 1. The Rule for Tryal is 2 cor. 1^ right. 2. The Spirit is ready to ">■ affift Tryers. 3. They whole /^.* 32 ' Evidences are good, have great caufe to rejoyce. 4. If on Tryal Ezri 9>** the Cafe of Perfons be not found n/teat * good, there is a Cure in ( and Brother for) it. fJ^ s May great heed be taken that sij*cri the Standard be let even and a- ^ greeably to Scripture, and neither too high nor too low, that fb we may take a true meafure ol our (elves. L 2 For 148 17;e Riches of Grace. For our furtherance therein, I fhall on this Subjefr, as I did on a former, lay down Marks exclufive. If they be on us, we are not called accord- ing to God's purpOfe and grace. The Firft is, Being in love with darknefs, and fo with the deep John 3.19 it inclines to; O how many avoid fob 21. 14 Knowledge, and affefb Security ! The Second is, Driving a trade and courfe of ProfaneneB, being Creatures of carnal pleafures. The Third is, Minding, favou- £$& ring,andrelifhing Earthly things, i xira.5.6. mainly, if not onely. Eating rhii^.ig. ^fl. j s t h at t h e Serpent is Con- to a good Foundation ; and bear, without reference to the root of the matter. Some Fruit they have ; but about having the Seed of God they are not concerned : They are feen moving in fome Holy Duties, but never felt L 4 breath- 1 5 i The Riches of Grace. breathings after that Divine Na- ture from whence fuch motion fhould flow. Many are chainM and not chang'd ; or have onely known a change of their fins, and not of their Souls ; they do not long af- ter a thorough change. i. That their Underftandings may not onely difcern between ,r# *' good and evil, but alfb between good and good ; the good that may* ferve 'em, and that w T hich can fatisfie'em. 2. That their wills may be fet againft fin, and for (and on) God. Where a renewing work is, Effe£tual Calling hath certain- ly been; about which we may have better Information from the following Particular Signs. The firft is, Brokennefs and Poverty of Spirit. **! 3 * If we fpeak of perfbns of Years, hath not that Heart been broken that is found ? Is Converfion there, -where Contrition hath never The Riches of Grace. i $ 5 never been? They who can wit- nefs that they are not onely hum- Non f oJ ^ m bled, but humble; broken in ibmimti, good degree for fin, from Cm,^nd^ dhmiles ' from their former felf-confidence ; who,as they know they are vaftly indebted to Divine Juftice, they feel they have nothing wherewith to pay, and are undone, if Chrift appear not as their Surety ; who have a quick fenfe of their want of Sanftifying Grace, and that fupplies can onely be had with and through him, have an hope- ful evidence of their bein^ Galled. A Second is, Cleaving to and glorying in the Lord lefus as a None-fuch for a Mediator and Reconciler of God to man by his merit, and man to * God by his Spirit ; as Wifdom for their Di- * £f **'• reftion, Righteoufnefs for their Juftification , Sanftification as j cor . t4 freeing from the Reign of fin, 3°« and Redemption (atlaft) from pbu all fort of Suffering. Rejoycers in Chrift are of the Circumci- fion, i ^4 Thz Riches of Grace. fion, or Spiritually Circumcifed. A Third is, Choofing God in Chrifl: as the Treafure, faying from their Hearts, Whom have we in • Heaven but thee ? And whit pftl. 73. is that on Earth that we deftre befides thee? Thou art that Sun, whofe pretence makes a day in our Souls : Thou art All in All in Heaven, and beft of all on Earth, both in the want and en- joyment of Creature-Comforts. Is God liv'd on as their Portion by any that are uncalled ? A Fourth is, Waiting for the guidance and influences of the Holy Spirit. Art not they the Sons of God that are led by this j^w.S.14. Conductor ? And living in him, Gal. 5.25- defire andefign to walk in and af- ter him, longing that he would mortifie their Flefh, and revive their Spirits? The Fifth is , Bending Ordi- nances and Providences (both favouring and frowning) againft fin; ftill ftriking at the Head and Heart The (Riches of Grace* 1 55 Heart of it, aiming at its Death, Gai^.24, and arguing for it from Mercies and Judgments, and longing that at Sermons it may receive fome Deaths-wounds. Is it thus with any fave the Called ? A Sixth is, Having arowth and 2 Pct.uf, ftrength of Grace in oefire ; be- 6 - ing for adding to Faith Vertue, and to Vertue Knowledge, &c. for building up themfelves on the Rock of Ages ; and for fhewing GaJ ^ that Love, Joy, Meeknefs, Long- Ket o'^. fuftering, &c. are one and the yii * Po ' fame Fruit of the Spirit, and for l c Z U ' being every day ftronger and ftronger. The Seventh is, Having refpeffc to all God's Commandments : Not wilfully making balks in fuch good and holy Ground ; but pfai.u 9 . ftudying to walk Godly, Righte- 5>> oufly, and Soberly ; as one in my ^ 2 " TI ' Youth glofs'd on thofe Adverbs, ^.Rain- afting in thofe good ways from a bow » good Habit, and regarding the manner and end with the matter of Duties. The i?6 The Riches of Grace. f\ 62 ' r > r T hc Eigth is, Breathing much after the flourifhing of T^on : For her fake not being filent , but praying that /he may have Peace, Peace, freedom from Divifions Pfdh 122. within, and not onely Perfecu- *° tions frogi without, that her Children p may referable their Heavenly Father, and be full of Soul-profperity. The Ninth is, Keeping up a Watch againft all fin, and temp- tations thereunto : Carrying in mind that the World is their great Adverfary, and its Profits, Plea- fures, and Honours are the great Baits it lays to enfnare 'em. Thelaftis, Prizing Heaven as it is a place (and feat) of per- fe& Holinefs ; and accordingly making preparations for it, in exercifing true , and endea- vouring for more through Pu- rity. I much fear many will truft, and not try-; and too many will be flighty in their trying, and not The Riches of Grace. 1 57 not beg that God would fearch «**». ^If upraTryal, weaker Chri- ftians do find any one fure mark, with a defire that the reft may be found on 'em, it is a goodhgn. More sood Divines than one have foitl One ri?bt Grape cannot grow Dr.sibbs. ^V^'Butle'ttheunfound Sr know their going about to divide wotth . between Graces and Duties, is ot ill fignification. . The Fifth Inference is, They who have not heard the voice ot God, nor known what his Calling is, ftould not reft in their prefent condition, but call on him whole Calls have Power in 'em, to give 'em the Call they have heard and read of. c '" Know they, 1. As far as any of 'em are off, he can eafily make 'em hear. 1 2 As vile as any 01 em are, $obn 5, his Grace can fully foreive '™ } % m . t . and move him to call cm : Ot „. this Paul had full Proof. And 1 5 8 The v{icbes oj Grace. ih order to their being ib Privi- ledged, i. May they be for (eating themielves tinder a Miniftry in i com. which there is plainnefs,clearnefs, and ferioufnefs ; thereby God ufually calls. 2. May they life all earneftneis, Prov. 2.2, a s thofe" that would not be de* 35 4 * nyed. 3. May they engage the Pray- j^i4?'erful to engage in Prayer for 16. " 'em. 4. May they when they dare not lay they have an Intereft in Chrift, Pray that he would take 'em into ( and bear 'em on) his Heart, and prevail with his Fa- ther to fpeak lo to 'em by his Spirit, that they cannot but hear. O that there were (lich hearts and workings in finners ! The Sixth and laft Inference is, They that are indeed and in truth the Lord's Called ones , fhould ^/j^f'fliew forth the Vertues (and irf& thereby the Praifes) of him that a thcalled'em. I. The Riches of Grace. 1 59 1. Should not their Hearts lead p M lQ i> in their Praifings I Should not l- all their Powers and Forces be cal- led intp this Service ? Are they not above others engaged and en* abled thereunto ? 2. Should not the High Praifes pf& i49 , of God be in their mouths ? Should 6 . not the Calves of their Lips be offered to God ? 3. Should not their Lives be^pM-i- referred to his Honour ? That they may be fo y May the Twenty Rules follow- ing be attended to ! O that they were more AnfwerM by em ! 1. Live they in and under a ?/*/• 139* full and powerful apprehenfion of ^js w- God's Omnifcience. Is he fjhftitmietdm up or fhut out any where ? And doth he not lee their ways and Hearts with whom he is ? 2. Maintain they a conftant dependence on God's All-fuffici- 0mne . £; ency. Is not all good bound up m bono. in the chief good ? Cannot he eafily fupply all wants, fupport ^.17.1- under 1 60 The (Riches of Grace. under all preilbres, and fit for all Services. 3. May there be on Cand in) 'em abiding and influencing Goodwin t h° u ghts of the extream evil of C5V. ' fin ! Is it not as truly as ufually ^•7-i3«faid, A worfe name than its own cannot be given it ? O that it more appear'd in its own ugly co- lours ! 4. Do they frequently review and refleft on the difhonour done to God by their fins paft, efpeci- ;2 ' ,4C ' ally their heightened ones. Can they fully number or weigh 'em ? And fhould not the fight of their black feet be very humbling to 'em ? 5. Take they into ferious Con- fideration the fhortnefs and in- iiiiiiciency of their own Righte- oufhefs. As to appeafing the wrath, fa- tisfying the Juftice, and procu- Hu* 3. 7, ring the favour of God , can *• Raggs cover 'em ? Can defiled Raggs cleanfe 'em ? 6. Be The Riches of Grace. i 6 1 6. Be they much in admiring the Riches of Grace, which hath fully provided for 'em,' and the deiign thereofcarried on by Chrift for 'em. Is not Gods Grace as^'^7- the depths of the Sea, which they I9 * cannot fathom ? And as the heights of Heaven, which they cannot reach ? And doth not Grace that brought Chrift down ' from Heaven to Earth intend to bring them up from Earth to Heaven ? 7. Keep they as near as near may be to the Bleifed Jefiis. Clole gat. 2.20. they with his Perfon, apply they his Righteoufnefs , and imitate they his Example. May he lye Day and Night between their Breafts ! May they live on h^m as All and in AH! 3. Prize they the fpecial Pre- fence, and wait they for the fpe- cial Affiftance of the Holy Spirit. °&i*& May he more and more infpirc their Souls and Services ! May he fubdue their Corruptions, and M draw i 6 1 The Riches of Grace. draw out their Graces ! 9. Keep they their Hearts un- der a deep and endearing fenfe of God's many great and choice Mercies to 'em. How precious have his thoughts been to them- .12.1. wards? Can they know the (iim of 'em ? And hath not his hand of Grace in fundry Inftances been lifted up high?. 10. Be they for out-fhooting the Heathens in their own Bow , and out-ftripping 'em intheVer- tues wherein they excelPd. * This hath been ftyled borrowing the Jewels of the Egyptians, and ga- thering the Flowers in Natures Garden to deck themfelves with. It's a fhame that they in and of the Church fhould be lefs fober, or.^.i.chafte, or juft, than fome out of it. 11. Study they to be extraor- dinary, adorning the Do&rine of their Saviour in all things. May "' 2 ' l0 their Beds and Boards, may their Shops and Fields, may thur em- ploy- The %iches of Grace. 1 6 ; ployments and refrefhments car- Zecb > H- ry a mark of Holinefs on 'em ! U P % 12. Husband they their time (and the feafonsof Grace there- in afforded) to the beft purpofe and profit. May they not wil- £^. I<5 . lingly trifle or Iquander away one Golden Hour ! but fill up every day with proper Duty. 13. Be they for making a good ufe of the Word and Works of God. Be they loath to be as leak- ing or broken VelTels, left they H4 2 take in Errors, or let flip Truth. Mn'mn ' May what God doth as to them or ™h*^vw others be conftrued in a right ! ^e]hehte fenfe , and improved to a right i^verend end, that they may be brought ^ r -° wen nearer, and made liker to God ! 14. Be they much concerned about the Converfion of Peribns, and prcfervation or reftauration of Gofpel- Order in Churches, cm 2. \. May they long that there may be a great Addition to the Church, and a great agreement to Rule of every thing in it ! M 2 15. Have 1 64 The Riches of Grace. 15. Have they much recourfe to 'the great and precious Promi- fes? Are they not Breafts of Confblation, and Wells of Sal- 1 or. 3. vat j on ? Are not 'Promifes as 2 Pet. 1.4. GlaiTes, wherein the Lord's Heart is feen, and through which Be- holders are transformed into his Image, and made partakers of his Holinefs ? 16. May their Aflrions be free iTbef. 5. as f rom Contagion, fo from fu- MaUco- fpicion! may they fhun the ap« \w&. pearance of evil , together with apparent evils ! may their walk favour of an Holy diligence and laborioufhefs ! 17. May Patience have a more perfect work in 'em ! may they J*? 1, take up, and not onely bear the Crols of Chrift ! may they have, more and better Rule of their Spirits! may they fhew their ftrength by their ltanding under Burdens ! 18. Be they much in contri- vances what they fhall render to God, The $jcbes of Grace. 165 God, or how they may moft Ho* nour him. Let this be one of their Morning ftudies, that he may*{* ; ;" 6# have the glory of the Day, and of their daily ftudies, how he may be magnified by 'em in Life, and in Death. 19. Look they much above (and before) 'em at Heavens phjJ 2c< Glory. May their converfation be there whence they expeft their Saviour ; at their Reward, in the midft of their Work; at their Crown , under the weight of their Crofs, may their Eyes be. 20. Joyn they together thofe gracious difpofitions which feem to differ. Be they courteous to all, without finful complyance with any. Be they Zealous, and yet withall Meek and Difcreet ; mix they Reverence with their p A'- 2.1 1. Rejoycing. Blefs they God for Temporals ; but themfelves oncly in him who is Eternal. M 3 O \om. 1 1 1 66 The Riches of Grace. O that thefe Rules were fet be- fore Chriftians as Copies, that they might write after 'em, when they cannot in exaftnefs of walk- ing reach 'em ! Holy are, and Happy fhall they be, that mourning for their de- feats, and relying on the Lord Je- fiis, in whom was no defe&ive- nefs, put and prefs on towards perfection. Duty lyes at mens doors, but Ability is derived from God's Grace. May this hint,which is often mentioned, be always re- membred by thofe whom the Lord hath Called! i6 7 A Fifth Inflame OF THE RI CHES O F GRACE: TO WIT, venant Man. God's Covenanting with Ifa. 55. 5. And I rvitl mukt an everlafiing Co- venant with you. WH O would refute hint that (peaks from Hea- ven ? Efpecially when he (peaks in fuch melting, moving Lan- M 4 guage 1 6 S The Riches of Grace. guage as is found in the firft Ver- ics of this Chapter. O what fweet and Holy Charms doth the Holy Ghoft here ufe! As a Learned ^ m Jfr Dottor laid on another account, era fjlcm r r , . rr rr ufa eft! A niay lay on this, If Eloquence sentemU her felf bad a 7 ongue , fh*.' could nit^T. not f e W0T ^ S °f g reattr force. As many words as there are, fo Dun vtt- man y Weapons and ftrong Ar- buytot uu. guments there are to Conquer and overcome the Oppofition that is in Tinners Hearts. Here is line upon line, invita- tion upon invitation ; and that ^V* to every one that is a thirft, to Engl. An- . . J .. ~ K .Z not. Gentiles as \ve\ias jews. All to whole Ears thefe Calls fhall come, are allured (as much as truth can allure 'em ) that if their whole Souls come to and for a whole Saviour, they fhall have rdr ' ? * him, and with him Life, even that Life that is moll worth ha- ving, and doth beft.deferve the name, even length of days for ever and ever. My Tl?e (Riches of Grace. 169 My Text is counted the lad, I see m%> am lure it is not the leaft Reafbn )^ c £ ™. wherewith the Lord's Call is nanu backed : Upon mens coming in, the Lord will make with 'em a Covenant, and that a CoveTfant that fhall not be made void, an everlaftiug Covenant. Obfervewe, 1. ThePromifer, God; particularly, though not onely the Father. 2. The Pro- mife;- which contains, 1. The thing Promifed ; ma- king (cutting or flicking) this Covenant. 2, The Subjects Recipient of T ^ the benefit of this Promife ; to fa dl i wit, fiich as anfwer the Invita- locum. tion given, pointed at in the word .Tou 7 whatever you have been for finners : Therefore, Having thus made our way thereto, we lay down The Doftrine. Goi the Fa'her out of his Free Rich Grace doth Cor venant with Perfoqs. Of i yo The Riches of Grace. Of his Covenanting we read often ; and if when we read, we do alfo weigh what is written in the Text, will not the fulnefs and richnefs of his Grace be prefented to us ? May we not well ftand a while on every word before us, and proclaim fuch Grace ? i. How much is there in the firft word 1? Which points out thefirft Founder of the New Co- venant, the firft Perfbn in the Trinity, the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift. Will God that humbleth him- felf to behold the things that are ^ 6 ; ; II3, in Heaven, vouchfaie to look with favour on Offenders here on Earth ? Will he look on man with an Eye of Love, that fees how he hath loft and defaced his Image ? And that leads me toconfider, 2. What emphafis and force there is in the laft word Tou. In what a plight doth God find thofe Ezek* 16. he Covenanteth with? Will the banning. mo ft High condefcend fb low as to The Riches of Grace. i y i to deal familiarly with Subje&s, yea, with Rebels? What was man in his firft eftate, that God fhould make with him a Cove- nant of Friendfhip? What then is the Son of man, or man in his jjeb.2.6. fallen ftate, that God fhould make with him a Covenant of Recon- ciliation ? Will God indeed make a Second Covenant with him that is chargeable with the wilful vio- lation of the firft ? ?. Is not God's Covenanting Seg ^ an Aft of his Free Rich Grace ? a^ of the All grant , that his Goodnefs T ^mm ( foma fay his Grace, though not opened ' Gofpel-grace) was fhew'd in the Covenant of works : God might have exerciled his Sovereignty in giving Jdam a Law, without ex- preflfing his Bounty in promiling him fuch a Life upon his obeying it. His Covenanting with man see Dodor put an Honour on him, and in^ tes ** rendring his Obedience more free, ^m!^.' 7p rendred it more firm : What ho- 8. nour and favour then is it to man, that 1 7 z The Riches of Grace. that is in his Blood, that in a Covenant-way God faith to him, Live ? 4. Doth not the Property of this Covenant (to wit, its being everlafting) advance mans Pri- viledge by it, and confequently God's Grace in it? This Cove- nant was everlafting, as to the Foundation of it, which was laid in the Covenant of Redemption, and will be everlafting, as to the benefit, giving men a Title to, and at laft polTeflion of perfeft unending Salvation. Who that gives the things touched on, the thoughts due to 'em, fees not caufe for that joy- ful found, Grace! Grace! And being to treat on that Co- venant which is according to its name (in an eminent way ) the Covenant of Grace , my Text treating thereon ; and having made fbme mention of two other Covenants, I fhal-1 prefent fbme Pofitions that prefent fbmething of The Riches of Grace, 17$ of its Nature, and of its diffe- rence from them. r. This Covenant is made $e ' with Man, and Jo differs from r ' ? _ in a Promifing xvay and ftrain : *?«. ^ It's called thePromife, and is a^ i2 -39- bundle of Promifes. 4. The Grand Promife in it is, That God will be his Peoples God. j^u. This is (aid to be the Turn and a^.17.7. fubftance of the Covenant. 5. Faith is required in and of - hn n thole that are fo in the Covenant, 16. as to be entituled to the Pardon %> m - 4- and Salvation promifed in it. I am aware, that in the VVri- camro it tings of great Diyines, we read/ ^*^ of an abfblute Covenant ; and the Covenant we are on is com- pared iy4 The Riches oj Grdcc. par\i to that of Noah ( or made with NoaU) after the Flood, which ift. 54.9. was of that kind. God will no more deftroy the Earth by Water, though its Inhabitants be not well qualified ; and hereupon excel- lent men exprefs themlclves fome- what differently. Some are lefs free to hear of a condition in the Covenant, when others are full for its being Con- ditional. I had rather (if I were able) make up leeming breaches, than attempt to make 'em wider, and accordingly fhallNote, 1. That they who fay it is Con- ditional, do not mean, that any thing found in man was the foun- Epb[.2.%. dation of God's making it; or that Faith ealPd the Condition of it is of a mans felf; fo that he ei- ther works it , or deferves that God fhould do it; or that where it is wrought, it merits what is given into its hand. And The %iches of Grace . 175 And not a few of 'em fay, that ml jef- it is a Condition in the Covenant, ^B a i nes or aconfequent Condition flow-^. ing out of the. Covenant, and conveyed through the Miniftry of it. Others of 'em lay, it is from what we call the Covenant con- >r * Bar " fidered as a Teftament, or how- ever from the Covenant made with Chrift, he having a Promife that it fhall be wrought in thole that are given him. # So that all they intend by at ferting the Conditionality of the ^V- Covenant is, that without fuch up* : a Faith as calls Repentance and Obedience Daughters, none that are of years have a right to Jufti- fication and Glorification. They obferve, that the current of the Scripture is for joyning Faith and Salvation, Repentance and Remiffion: And the Cove- nant is fpoken of as a Matrimo- nial Covenant ; and fo implyes a. content in thofe that come within it 176 1 he Riches of Grace. it to the terms and tenor of it : And hence it becomes a more pro- per and full Covenant, having God and Man for Parties. On the other hand, The mod valuable among thofe that are lefs afte&ed to the terrr^condition in this cafe, grant, 1. That God obferveth an Or- i*fr.Capel der and Method in conferring Co- ^'f'^'venant-benefits; fo that menre- *fr. Gale, ceive Grace for (and on) Grace ; & c - one blefling depending on ano- iSfiV 4t ' lcr 5 anc ' none of Age fball be faved but believing Penitents. 2. That the Covenant of Grace doth dire&lv require Faith as a means of accepting and applying so Asr. if ; an( J jt doth alio require Re- u?n! Sh pentance and Obedience conse- quentially, as Qualifications ne- ceiFary to fit the liibjeQ: to receive what Faith apprehends in the Promife. And may it not bethought that according to thefe conceflions , Faith (yea, and in a fort Repen- tance) The Riches of Grace. 1 77 tance) do put on the Nature of /***«* conditions, and that the thing is ^^ owned , though the word be nor. And now I that am not fb good at definitions as to give you one of mine own of the Covenant , fhall take that of another. The Covenant of Grace is 2L SoMr * new Corapaft (or Agreement) Scd & wlck - which God hath made with finfui man, out of his meer Mercy and Grace,wherein he Promifeth that he will be our God, and we fhall be his People ; and undertakes to give everlafting Life, and all that conduceth thereunto, to all that believe in Chrift. And having given feme ac- count, that as we do not gainfay fuch as lay that the New Cove- nant ( if we refpeft the Spirit of it, and the intention of its Au- thor ) takes in a purpofe to give to many Grace that will iffue irt Glory ; lb they do not oppole our affertion, that in the external N form iy8 Tf?e Riches of Grace. form and propofal of it, it is of a conditional Nature. We will go on with an Eye to what we find in the Context to fet down, i. The Condition or Qualifi- rtdeDick: cation of fuch as are willing to &/?r' come into Covenant. sac. 2. That which is mod ftriftly the Condition of the Covenant. 3. That which is ftyled the Condition of Covenanters. Astothefirft, None will hear- ; , ti'ly content to the terms of the Covenant but fuch who are 3- thirft, and have a Spiritual thirft on 'em. In (and unto) which thirft there are three Ingredients. 1 . A fenfe of Soul-wants. Here* in the refemblance holds between the thirft of the Body, and that of the Soul A thirfty man needs no one to tell him he wants what is moift, cooling, and quenching, his feeling tells him this to pur- pole. After this manner it is with The Riches of Grace. 1 79 with him that thirfteth after F*4H*r Chrift, and the Father's Grace in him : He feels a want of Righte- oufnefs, Peace, an4 Power. 2. This fenfe of wants is ac- ^ , companied with pain and uneafi- \l* I9 ' nefs till a fupply be had. It is well known, natural thirft is not well fuffer'd or fufferable : Evea our Bleffed Lord cry'd out,7 'thirft. Thus it is with the thirfters under confideration ; they can no more well bear the want of Water of Life, than thirfters that of other Water. 2 . Thence arifeth a very earnefl: dcfire of Refreshing, Give a man that is athirftGold orPearles, if you give him not fomewhat to drink, he is Unfatisfied. Tell him you'l give him drink hereaf- ter, that will not ferve his turn, he would have it at prefent.What Z"™*'' 71 would not a man jn extream thirlx t u; \ give to be quenched? It's ftoried ? one gave a Kingdom , and then cryed, How much h\tvt I farted N 2 / with i So 1 he Riches of Grace. with for a lit tit? Suitably hereun- to they that are Spiritually athirft would very fain fhare in the Riches of Grace ; they would have Grace *j uft now, they are willing to have it in God's way : ' lf: Others cry, Give us grace when we dye ; their cry is , Give us grace, or elle we dye. As to the Second, The Condi- tion of the Covenant in greateft ftriftnefs is true,fbund,unfeigned Faith, which hath ever Repen- tance waiting on it. This in the Context is fet out under the No- tion of Buying ; which word muft not be let on the Rack. If a proper meritorious price be fpoken of, Faith hath no hand in, pays no penies towards fuch a price. The Commodities are fo Rich, and the Chapmen ib Poor, there is no room for Bartering : Js not Faith as an empty felf-emp- tying hand ? But as he who buyeth, parts wirfi fomething, and comes up to The Riches of Grace. 1 8 I to terms : So he that be'ieveth, parts with former love to fin, and truft in his own Righteoufhefs^^^- and Strength, and is at one, fo 4<5, 4 6 « he may have Ch;ift, he'l not of- fer terms of his own, but accept thofe of Chrift, and be thankful for 'em. As is well obferved , Faith is alfo let out in the Con- text by coming to him, and eat- ing and feeding on him : Where- as fbme carelefs Wretches will not fo much (or if you will, fb Hem. little ) as come to the Waters or Ordinances j fbme that come, do meerlycome; they do not chea- pen, or ferioufly enquire how they may partake of what is of- fered. Others come and cheapen, and bid fair, but they will not come up to the Market ; they have fbme fin which they are re- folved to have : And as to eating, feeding, and living on the Lord Jeius, they are ftrangers. -As to the Third, The Condi- tion or Qualification required and N 3 found i8x The Riches of Grace. found in fuch as have fincerely Covenanted^ is uniform or uni- verfal Obedience ; a thing of great Excellence, commended as the D ond am one ^"S by a * ate Learned Teach- er. This is pointed at in and by hearkening diligently to the Lord, ! * inclining the Ear to him , and hearing, that the Soul may live. Holy and happy are they whofe Obedience is fuch as to their hear-r ty purpofe and endeavour, who do truly, and would throughly experience what cloie walking with God is. And now it is time to prove that Grace is written in great Letters on God's Covenanting with fallen Man. And befides what hath been hinted about that, I Argue, i. In general, Is it not Grace in its greatnefs, that God hath Interefted Perfbns in what he is ? How big with Mercy isjhis womb? euanm, Will not God the Father be the gutfwqtffather, and God the S60 the Sa- viour, The Riches of Grace. 1 8 5 viour, and God the Holy Ghoft the Comforter of Covenanters ? Is not God's wifdom theirs for Den mem their Direftion? His Power for & omm ' their Protection ? And his Good- nefs for their Provifion ? What would they have, or would they wifh, that's not bound up in this word, 1 will be your God? More particularly, 1. Will not God iflue (and grant) out to his Covenant-People the free and. full Pardon of their fins ? Though mbt 8 * 8 » it be true, they did the Facts,and 9> l0 ' "' w r ere therein in fault, and did deferve wrath ; yet that guilt which would bind 'em over to eternal Punifhment is taken off and away. Are not their Tranfc pfd.^%u greflions covered , fb that God 0cul ° vin ' fees 'em not with an imputing Eye ? Surely forgivenefs is fuch a prime Blefling, that Mofes ha- txol 32. ving ufed thefe words,Iftbou rvilt j 2 ' forgive tk/r Jin, there flops; hin- ' ting, that they who have that Mercv, want none that is favin^. N 4 O on it. 184 7 fe (Rjches of Grace. O what eafe have Souls when this Mountain is tawtt ! rwoved 2. Will not God alfo fubdue the fins, and carry on his work of Sa unification in Covenanters ? tem.6.14. Shall fin have dominion over them who are under Grace? And will not God be writing his Law in a fairer Character in their Hearts ? So that their Hearts fhall more uth.%.\o. agree with it, as tho, Copy doth ^ f r o f' r with the Original Deed ; and this nubzcz- fuitablenefs ihall abide, as Wri- )tnm, tings do: Will not the Lord re- 'cripu w4-new their ftreftg?h,and ftrengthen '«* the bruifed Reed ? 3. Will not God vouchfafe a gracious hearing acceptance and ahfwer to their Prayer*? When llolv Micahhzd (aid, A'y^odA\^ might well add, mil hew tote. Are not the lifpings of little Children pleafing to Parents ? We that hear thecrys of others Babes, can feel thofe of our own. Bus! what is our tendernefs to Gods ? Will he not snve us a return to cheir Suits what Miczh 7. 7- The Quiches of Grace. 185 what they want, though not al- 1 m. 3. wavs what they wifh ? Are not l >\>^ his Ears unto their crys as * one ^^. glofs'd on it, laid clofe to *em ? *f* D ** Are not their whifperings and^' chatcenngs (as hisSpoufes voice) pleafant to him ? 4. Will he not take in good part their other Services ? Will he not pardon what is theirs, and accept what is his ounin 'em? Doth not Chrift eat his Honey- comb with his Honey ( as - one fiat. {• 1. faith) take crurt and crum to- ^ r - Tra P- aether, when prefented by his nrM . Q ? r ixri 1 M 2 cor. a. Spouie. Where there is a wu- X2 , ( ling mind, works lefsperfect pafs. When Sacrifices are orfered on the Altar, and go through Chrift's hand, they are well taken, 5 . Will not God put a peculiar relilh on the good tilings they hare ? Have thev not his fileflirig, Dm * & which atjds no ibrrow, but much h 4,<5% fweetnefs to enjoyments? Are they not RletTed within doors and '•out? L not that the mod deli- 1 3 6 The Riches of Grace. delicious Bread that is taken out of the Ark of the Covenant ? Do not iower Mercies flow to Cove- nanters from the upper Spring, the Heart as well as the Hand of God? 6. Will not God San&ifie and fweeten their Sufferings, and turn evil things into good to 'em? Shall not the Rods they are whip'd ,8 ' 28 ' with be like Aaron* s bloffoming ones ? Shall not crois and cold Winds blow them gain?Shall not Meat come out of the eater, and Honey out of the Rock of hard- fhips unto their Souls ? Shall they not fcape the Curfe, when they bear the Crofs ? Doth not God give 'em Correction with the fame Hand wherewith he hath given 'em Chrift ? Will not Sick- nefs (yea, Death) be altered as to them ? 7. Will not the Lord in the time of Life make 'em Bleflings ? Doth not that Bleffing of Abra- ham (even the Promile of being as The (Riches of Grace. 187 asinaving a Blefling) come on the Believing Gentiles, who are profit ; his glorious name being above 'em. - /^*&f £? 2. Do not men^ ordinarily lee fomething of worth and loVeli- nefs in thofe whom they take into Covenants of Friendfhip and Fa- miliarity? But what of worthi- nefs or lovelinefs is there to be feen in fallen Man? Is he not inEzei.iC, his blood and gore, in his filth ansf I,2 > 3 > &c guilt ? And yet that is made a time of Love. Se- 190 The Riches of Grace. Secondly, In what meer Hu- mane Covenant is there fuch con- defcenfion, as is exprelTed in this Covenant? If a Prince fhould ftoop to make a League with a j/^.82. p ea tent, yet he that is fo far a- Fkiiiad bove as to Office, is but an equal infinitum as t0 Nature. But between the prm? Creator and Creatures w 7 hat pro- portion is there ? Thirdly, What lower Cove- nant is like this high one in firm- nefs and furenefs ? Have not men like men tranfgreiTed and varied ? mie. 7. And on Mens part, in this Cove- 2c Ton.\z nant j.jjgj.g are coo man y failures ; sal efi du- but as to the Lord, it is a Cove- *#?* nant of Salt, lafting and incor- fymkoium. ruptible. Do not the fure Mer- tfa. 55.4. c i es f David belong to thisCo- ^o.6.venant ? Jehovah changeth not \ therefore the Sons of Jacob are not conf ttmed. Fourthly, Is it not eminently to mans Honour,yea and to God's, that God thus Covenanted ? 1. Though The Riches of Grace. i 9 1 1. Though men may Blefs others, are not they the Blefled *&* l4 ^ of the Lord, whofe God he is in a Covenant-way ? Is not this a Covenant of Life ? 2. Are not God's Attributes as evidently fo joyntly difplayed herein? Infinite Wifdom hath ordered a meeting of Mercy and Truth, of Righteoufneis and Peace 5 Juftice receives fatisfa£ti- on, and Grace is in its exaltation ; fin is condemned, and finners fav'd ; the Law fulfilled as to the Surety, and the Gofpel advanced \ as to thole for whom he is fb. The Second Ufe is for Infor- mation. The firft Branch is, One ftep or confideration is before us, on which we fhould ftand,and afrefh wonder at Divine Grace. 1 . Are not the People a People of Grace, to whom the Covenant ^.' 9 * : belongs as to its external and Ec- clefiaftical Administration ? Were not the Jews in this refpefl: known (and 1 9 % The Riches of Grace. (and honoured) above all the ExoL 19. Nations of the Earth, being to K God as peculiars, and a Trea- fure ? 2. When Perfbns are inward- ly in Covenant, and have a right to its choice benefits, can we take a meafure of God's Grace to 'em ? What but that could move him to Covenant with them ? On their laying hold on this Covenant, and Union to the Mediator there-* 4p*. 8. 3, £ t j le Covenant of works can- not demand anything of 'em, which Chrift and his Righteouf- nefs will not anfwer. And where- as they ftand chargeable with in- s^Herle's juring God's Jufticeand Holinefs* Trtys, t j ie forme,. w ill be righted through the fatisfying Merit of Chrift ; and reipecls paid to the latter through his Sanctifying Spirit; by his Purchafethey (hall be freed from the damning power of fin, and by his l^ower from the reign- ins Dominion of it. i t» ^tmi^^/7^ The The Riches of Grace* 1 9 5 The fecond Branch of the fe- cond Ufe is, They are inexcufa- ble who ftand off from Cove- nanting with God, and will by no means be prevailed with to come wichin this bleiTed Bond, though the Lord fay, Ho every ^ ISj T -> one, Com', come, come, ->.:»•■• 1. Many turn the deaf Ear on him, and will not come within Mf Poj> the hearing of Wifdom's calls, ter* that cry*loud ( as one Phras'd it ) Vtov - *• till file be hoarfe. . 2. Many art Hearers onely ; 2 X * ° they open the outward Door of the Ear, but keep the ipner one of the Heart (hut. They are led unto Truth, but not into it ; they receive it not in its light and love ; or if they re- joyce in fame light, it is but for a feafbn. May not many Preachers fay, Who (comparatively) klkveth 1 '* , ^ -1 ' cur Refort ? Few are a,s the good Ground, that had depth of Earth, and moifture enough. Few have - © beea 1 94 The ftjches of Grace. been fteep'd in forrow, or are in that ftream carried to receive a whole Chrift, and refign them- felves to him. Few from a right underftanding of the tenor of the Covenant with Hearts and Hands fubfcribe to it. I will fay tft. i. \6. to Recufants, Come and let us rea- fon together. i. Have you not been too too long fmfully coy, forfaking your own Mercy ? 2. Can you poflibly be happy, if you be not in a Marriage-Co- venant with the Lord ? j. Can you ftand under the wrath that is over rejefters of the YJi' ' Covenant ? Is not a little ( a very fpark) of this fire fcorching? Can your hands be ftrong,or your hearts endure in the day of God's fharp vifiration ? Might not Chaff #f$3»*£ (boner endure the Wind, and Stubble the Fire? 4. What will you r j lcad why wrath fhould not have its free | courfe on you ? 1. Was The Riches of Grace. 195 1 . Was not clofing in with the Covenant your Intereft as well as Duty ? 2. Did not the Holy Spirit ft rive with you, and perfuade you **#• ll to do it? 28 ' 3. Were you not fbmetimes under convictions and good in- clinations ? FirftV Will yoti offer to fay, Covenanting with God is more than needeth ? I fay, i. Let Scripture be judge of that : Do not its Precepts en- joyn it ? Its Prdmifes encourage it ? And its Paterns lead to it ? 2. Have you not done it Sa- cramentally? Is it any more than Baptifin binds to ? 5. Will not this at Death and jp 45 Judgment appear one thing necef- & ^ fary ? 4^ Will you not be undone for ever, if this be not done? What will it avail you, that the Church is your Mother, if God in a Co- venant-way be not your Father ? O 2 Will 1 96 The Riches of Grace. Will not all your external per- s formances, yea, and your pre- u tenfionsto glory in Chrift's Righ- teoufhefs,be conftrued as an Elfay to bribe the Lord, that he fall not on ypu,whilft you refblvenot to be his through and through ? Secondly, Will you fay, you are not yet at leiilire to attend this bufinefs ? I will fay, 1. What then have you leifure for ? Or for what end is further fpace given you ? Is it not in order to your Repentance ? In which Covenanting with God is included. 2. Do thofe employments or 2,21. enjoyments with which your time is taken up fatisfie you ? Have not the faireft Roles that grow in Natures Garden prickles about 'cm ? 3. Shall you not at Death be fent to -thole Comforts you fo doted on in the time of Life, that you negle&God? Will they not ! hen be burdens to you ? Thirdly, The Riches of Grace. 1 9 7 Thirdly, Will you (ay, It is a - Summers day to Night; hereaf- ter youl Covenant with God ? I will fay, 1. In whole Hand is your time ? Is it not in his you Hand off from ? Cannot he fbon end it ? 2. If your time continue, may not feafons and drivings of Grace ceafe ? This Tide may be the laft. 3. You fpcak as -Perfbns un-pp?, 3T concerned in the Honour of God ; 15. If you were iure he would accept your laft fruits, fhould you not A ^ 6a . 0'it of choice give him your firft- fruits ? Is the beft you have good enough for him ? Fourthly, Do you plead, you have otherwife difpofed of your kives? You are in Covenant with fome fin, and will not be fo with God. The Reply is ready: r. This is plain dealing ; but are you not afhamed on't? O 3 2. By 1 9$ The Riches of Grace. \£uo way- 2. By what Right did you give away your Hearts ? Are they not tezek l8 . by right the Lords? 4 . j. Your difpofal is illegal, and *jp[ofat}Q fa void * in and on your doing it? 4. The Obligation to Cove- nanting with God is on you ; may you through grace anfwer it ! Fifthly, Do you fay, you have Covenanted with God ? I Anfwer, That is very good, if very true. Attend you well to what will be next offered you. The Third Life is for Exhorta- tion. The firit Branch is general. Be we all excited to look (and long) that there may be on ( and in ) us fuch Characters as will be Proofs that our Covenanting with God is fincere. 1. May we clearly apprehend, and highly efteem the juft and honourable terms required in ( and of) thofe that do fo Cove- nant ! The Riches of Grace. i 9 9 nant! to wit, fin-difliking, felf-.7 er '24-7> difclaiming, and Saviour accept- ing. May our Hearts fay, Thefe terms we like ! 2. May we inwardly (and daily) grieve for Original Rn;&u^l and for this branch of it, averfe- nefs to clofe with GofpeLtenders, and to glorifie Chrift, to which his Spirit leads ! 3. May we when in fecret (and ferioufnefs) much admire that Rich Grace that founded the Co- venant, and hath been fet before it! 4.May we feel a need of fpecial $qU c. Grace to bring into and keep in 44* this Bond'. May we be fenfible, that the Fathers drawings brought us to, and the Spirits Influences hold us in Chrift ! 5. May we find this Bond for- cible on us, reftraining us from fin when tempted to it, and con- ftraining us to Duty when prone to decline it ! Do we fay to pur- pofe, we have made a Dedication O 4 of 200 ike Patches of Grdcc: of our felves to the Lord; bis Vows are on us , how can \ve flight him ? * ■ * 6. Dowc from this Covenant i sam^c. f etc h our fupports under dowa- t'sl'm. 23. caftings indiftreiles and upon the 5- apprehenfions of Death. Holy was David, that (aw and went this good way. O that all Headers Souls breath- ed after fuch Experiences ! The Second branch is more particular, They who have not engaged their Hearts to approach to God, fbouid be at unrelt till it be done. To thetfi T he Fir ft Direction is, Get they a good llnderflanding of thole great Points of Divinity that arc related to the Covenant. Prth 5^.24.7. not (3 0c j gj ve thofe with whom he Covenants an Heart to know him ? Is not Covenanting an Aft , of the Intelligent ? O that all were clear as to thefe Heads ! UMy zte£ j. Man The Riches of Grace. 201 1. Man cannot have Commu- nion withGod,except God greatly condefcend. 2. That God Covenants, with . him, is a 'i great condcicenfion \ (and honour) to Man. - 3. That Man broke the firft ( ..ovenant was very finfuJ , un- fiithfulnefs was with undutifuU neis. 4. Every Child coming from Jjim (in the ordinary way) by that breach is a Child of wrath. 5. -It's no fmall part of the Curfe on man, that he feels not his ftate, nor deikes a change of it. 6. Except the Covenmt-fhte of Perfbns be changed, they can- not (land in Judgment. 7. It's the wander of An^c God will tranfaQ: with mpn in ft new way. 8. The New Covenant is made in (and through) *; 1 Jed ia tor. 9', 1 his Mediator*- fChrift) a GOtnpleat one ; b'firK^ God-man, 202 The Riches of Grace . a Prieft to God, and a Prophet and King to men ; obtaining, de- claring, and applying Salvation. 10. To the Mediation of the Son, the Miniftration of the Spirit is gracioufly added. ii. That Perfbns may have benefit by Chrift, they muft be joyned and married to him. 1 2 . None will content to Chrift till convinced they abfolutely need him. 13. Grace that joyns to Chrift doth frill aid thofe that are in him. 14. All that are in Chrift are for -dying to fin, and living to Righteoufnefs. 15. They who partake of Co- venant-grace fhali partake of Co- venant-glory ; and together with underftanding thefe Points, Per- fbns fhould underftand concern- ing the Aftion of Covenanting. 1. That it is a free AQiion : Being a Marriage-covenant^choice is requifite. 2. It Tfc Riches of Grace. 205 2. It is a deliberate Aftion , grounded on the ftrongeft Rea- fbns. 3. It isaRefoluteAft: A Co- venanter is to be againft revo- king his Choice. The Second Direction is, Feel they (as well as fee) a neceffity of Covenanting ; both that of Precept, and that of means as to PraeepH attaining Heaven. Yield they^^ themfelves, give they their Hands 7. (and Hearts) to him. He that^w««- hath not the Sort, fo as to Cove- ™j ohn nant with the Father through 12. him, hath not Life ; he hath nei- ther right to, nor fitnefs for it. The Third Direftion. Be they for a fpeedy and thorough breach of Covenant with fin : ThatNa-^^ turally Men are in this unholy League is a kind of fenfible thing. That it fhould be didblv'd is a needful thing. Men cannot at MaLu2u once be in their fins and their Saviour. Th< 2 04 The (Rjchcs of Grace. The Fourth Direction. Time is to be let apart, that this work may be well done. To wit, i. /n and with a fin* lamenting frame ; weeping tkat it was not done iboner. 2. In a fell- judging frame; owning that wratii was their due, and that they have neither flrength by w T hieh they fhould fymtf, elofe with 'the Lord, nor worth for which he fbould help 'em to jet. 5 1> 4- 5>c do It. -;. In a Praying and Pleading frame ; waiting that God for Chnftls All- worthiness vyefald perfuadc tiieir Hearts to emer his Covenant. Plead they thus: t. Lord! thy Grace oiiers thy Son ; will it not teach us to embrace him ? 2. Lord! It is our Duty to Co- venant with thee; wilt thou not enable us to do it ? 3. Lord ! On Covenanting with thee, we (hall Honour thee ; help me to Honour thee. Some M The Riches of Grace. 205 Some doubting drooping Souls may Object againft themfelves : Firft, We are fo very vile, God will not accept us if we give our felves to him, jiifo. 1. Satan and your mit^» 6 - giving Hearts may fay fo ; but l 7 l ^ where did God tell you 20 r 2. Hath not lie plainly told, that en your coming, h£l in no wife cafi you out. 3. To multiply Pardons to the Penitent, is for his Honour : Be willing he fbould have Honour. A Second Objection. We have dealt falfiy as to our Baptifmai Covenant ; can we hope God will deal with us after his gracious Covenant ? Anfw. 1. Great Humiliation is 7 ;' ; '3' T2 : called for ; Deliberation is a Rock f^fj . 1 to be avoided. 21,2V 2. Covenanting with God (not- withftanding paft Treachery ) is ft ill your Duty. A Third Objection. We fear, if we do make Covenantee fhail break it. Anfw. 206 The ^ches of Grace. Ari^x. It being \ our Duty, fear rouft See Gu- cau ^ e toc j lt ar jp| it butmuftnot thry on a , . , J . . 6 .'.., chrifihns Hinder your coing it. W hen in your greit /»- iclves you are without ftrcngth, have' tereft. recourie to the Spring of ftrengthning ->r///;.2.i. Grace. Itjis lufficient for, wait that it may be effectual in you. The laft branch of the Exhortation,is for thofe that with a right hand and heart have laid hold < n God's Covenant. 1. Walk they as Covenanters fhould do. r/iJ. no. j. May they c*crciie Obedience H 3* , that is, <> • an u 119. ^ free 3 and out of Choice, being Voluntiers in God's Service. 2. Extenfive ; reaching every part ' and point of the Law, as to their will and purpofe. Thev fhould h ave rcfpetl to inward and Inftituted Worlhip; to the righn manner and fpecial time of Worfiiipf , to the exerci'e of Religion in all thei'd Relations ; to the maintaining of Chal jj, rity, Purity, Juftice, and Content! 2V irent; and that their Obedience maJj --A'W^h^ll on anq out to the end. Sea n I , Maty their Faith be in con J ftant excrejfe! May they always hold Gal 2.20. the BJeffi d He d, the Lord Jeius ! Maj the ( . -fe the/ live in the flefh be by Faitl ml The fyjches of Grace* 207 Faith of the Son of God ! Arc not all their frefh Springs in him who is called the Covenant? May they go out of themfelves as empty, poor, and weak; unto him as full, rich, and ftrong be- yond expreflion ? Is not this the Spirit of the New Covenant? Again, That the former Direction may be better obierved, Jet this that follows take due place. Be they for a frequent and fcriousre- ^Strong newal of their Covenant. Frefh Cords on the Co- may have much force. Do not many, venant, and many find it good for them in this M*4>&c. way to draw near to God ? 1. After frefh falls and declining*, in Luke 22. order to their rifing and recovery. 3 1 - 2. Under great preffures and ctia- ftenings, in order to their fupport and chearing. 3. In the time of quicknings and en- j eYt ^ largings, for the prevention of dead- 4, 5. neis and ftraitnefs. 4. Before great Enterprizes and Un- dertakings, that they may be Blefs'd and Proiper'd. 5. At the clofe of Sabbaths and Fafts, A ^ w< £ that precious impreflions may be abiding; j m * r CH d. yet great care muft be had, left Forma- lity eat out the Heart of this Practice \ and in new Covenantings, new Influ- ences 3 8 17;? d{iches of Grace. Cnrcs from Heaven arc fro be wake.: for. The Lnfo!ation*o : l- thole who havc'iiificrej ( and Co ini- 27 -* - prove.) the, foregoing vsnofcis of Exhor- tapon; -ni Mi 7 they not with joy draw Water cut of ihisWdlof Sulv t .ii- n? nott God's •■ ovcaant an everlaflrg ?■' one, wcii ordcr'vl i all ihingf, aid Jrr. i?. Rtra? Is not i hit phi b ranch ot it, th .r ii. he will never, never, never leave or neb. i$ .^ ioifiikc ihoicwho.u he cauiuh hv it to j w**Jk jdaxc to him ? Will He inifer 'ca folly a n d i i n a 1 1 y t o d e part fro m him? beWfiilc;! falfuiiei in Covenant be tAtn a§ forfeitures of it? A!Tu;e;!lv they' , fhaTl n«;r. May this poor Piece h..vc Ilea- ;ei tj Blefling attending it ! And m:-y b c teul it Covenant Mcrcie- (in r e n e of Cove nan tr'ciu tics) he. recciad' /?w/j and Am err, FINIS. RICH B&w O F GRACE DISPLAYED; In tti§ Inftances of Juftifying \ teXhL 'Von, by Cod the And Glorifying) By *F. Bagjhaw, Minifter of the Gofpel. L O N B O N 9 Printed for Ralph Shelmardine in Man- chefier. 1685. 7/9 tJss^ '7^ ^**f^7 fr< To the truly Honou- rable, the LADY Hellen Archer. Madam, TH E Lord who hath or. deredthat fome Jhould be higher than others in Dignity y hath rendred federal of that ^ank lowlyer than others in Dijpofetion : They that be ft know your Lady (hip, acknowledge that Grace hath made you an Jnjlance thereof. They count you among the Humble ( and Jo the ExceL lent) of the Earthy Dpho muji not deny y that where you fee the Image of God in thoje men that are fet far below you, you feel A % your The Epiftle Dedicatory. your Heart drawn out to 'em • and when you hope that Tcrfns are in their places dejirous toJerVe their Generations according to the will ef God, you are for Jl lengthening and countenancing 'em therein. Whdam.ljthat "token foffte "Written Tapers on a noble fubjeci through a precious Relation of yours ~%>ere put into your Lady [hips Hand ( though they favour Jufficiently of the Tseahufi of mine ) you foould not onely accept them, but Dvitball encourage me ? 1 am not without hope, that thefe Sheets from the fyrejs^ containing hints about the Riches of Grace, may 'be ed fjing to you, and ufeful to Jome others to tbhom you commend 'em, and therefore am emboldened with an heart deftrous to be thank- Jul The Epiftle Dedicatory. ful anh prayerful to prefent 'em in this Toay. May your Ladyfhip ( together with the Children that God hath gracioufly given you^ and the reft of the worthy per fins to whom you are Allyed ) lye and live much at the Fountain of Grace! Thence may Objections he 4nfo>ered,Stn be more and more mortified, particular Graces in- creajed, and Comforts of the heft kind enlarged ! Soprayetb, Madam y Your Ladyfhips Ob- liged Servant, William Bagfbaw, From my Study, the To To my Dear, Natural, and Chri- ftian Friends in the Counties of Dtrby and Chefier , to whom Hearing and Reading of the Riches of Grace have been plea- fant and profitable. Truly Honoured, and dearly beloved, Slindry Tears are paft fmce part of what pajfed the Pulpit about the exceeding Rich Grace of God was prefented from the Prefs. A Reverend (and much endeared) Brother hath been more than willing that there fhould he fuch a pre- fenting of thefe further Injfances. O that either my Tongue, or my Pen, my Preaching, or Praying might in ferving God be ferviceable to your befi good ! 1 bow my knees to the father ef our Lordjeftfs Qhrijl, and beg your help at the Throne of Grace 7 To the Reader. Grace , that the Leaves which you and others {hall turn over, may be of an Haling Nature. May you all fee ( and feel) that you Jland in abfolute need that Rich Grace jhouldfpread its skirts over you! So that every one may fay, Who is a greater needer of this Grace than I am f Alas ! too many want afenfe of their wants. May thofe among you who groan being burdened for the greatnefs of fins, and dreadfuL nefs of Gods wrath , have this Grace fo revealed to and in you, that there- upon your Hearts may be comfor- ted! 3 Mayfuch of you who are of greater jlrength, fiill bear in mind that by Grace ( and by faith that lays hold on it) you Jland! Andmny you go forth daily in the firength thereof , bringing under Sin, exercifing Vir- tue, and following on to ferve the Lord ! May your retiring Rooms , your whole Houfts,yea whole Conver- fation tf To the Reader, fat ion bear marks of Effectual Grace ! Thit is in the hearts defire and Prayer Your willing (though weak) Friend, William Bagjhaw. A Sixth Inflame OF THE RICHES GRACE: TO WIT* God the Fathers Juftijy* ing Verfons. Rom. 3. 24. Being Jttftified freely by his Grace. OF Famous Luther it is laid ,_ that the Article or Do&rine of Juftification reigned in his | Heart. In his Books this Article 'flood as that according to the B right 2 Tl?e Riches of Grace. ■Jfticuiui right or wrong ftating whereof Staff the Church ftands or tails, flou- EccUfue. rifheth or fadeth. Doth not this found highly to his Commenda- tion ? Did he not herein tread in the fteps of the great Apoftle of the Gentiles ? Concerning whom it hath been long laid, that his Spirit is the Preachers Patern. Do not fundry of his Epiftles ( and in an eminent way this to the Romans} evidence, how high a place thi&great truth had in his Affe&ions r Not a few of the Lords Wor- chauncy, thies have viewed and weighed Cfo this Text and Context, as giving a fair ( and full) account of the zom. 4. <$. wa y °f God, m Juftifying thofe who were in themfelves ungodly, and fo unjqftifiable. To their large Treatiics I refer the willing Reader, my brief touches being confined to that which paffeth un- der the name of the impulfive or moving caufe, whence the great blefling of Juftijfication proceeds, very The Riches of Grace. g very emphatically let forth under a»js*Vt? two words, or a doubled expret ^ &**' fion; to wit freely, and by his Grace. That God the Father is here fpoken of as difplaying his Grace in the Juftification of Pei*fons> is evident : He is here diftinguifhu ed from Chrift the Redeemer, as letting him forth. I again hint, that I have not a thought in handling this (or any other Inftance) of Rich Grace, to divide the Father from the other Perfbns in the Trinity,onely meaning that Grace flows from him, as in order the firft of the Perfbns, which Scripture-Phrafes hold forth. And I lay down this Do&rine. Juftification is of the Free Grace of God. Or thus, Perfons are Juftified freely by God the Fathers Grace. It is noted (and notorious) that the Romamjis darken (if they deny not) the Doftrine of B 2 Ju- 4 T7;e Riches of Grace. see the ex- Juftification, whilft they repre- j^uiherfent it as making men juft, by Vc. infufing Juftice or Righteoufnefs into 'em, and fb confound it with San£tification. *ieBhnt I deny noi: that * fome Prote- vembie. ftants or prime note hold , that in two or three places of Scrip- ture, the word Tranflated Jufti- fied may be fo taken, though in that others diffent. Mr, moi- But faith a very judicious Wri- bridge. terj if Juftification be not gene- rally through Holy Writ con- ftrued in a Law or Court-fenfe , for pronouncing men juft, or ac- counting and accepting 'em as Righteous, the whole Body of Proteftant Divines hath been mi- ftaken. That they were not fb, be it well considered, i. The place under our Con- fideration treats of Juftification, si" 7 ' 3 } 'as taking in Remiffion of fins, which takes off that guilt that binds Perfbns over to fuffer eter- nal Punifhment. 2. In The Riches of Grace. 5 2. In another part of this E- piftle Juftification ftands oppofed to Condemnation ; where he that p^g.- runs may read of a Judge, an Ac- 34. * cufer, and Advocate, as well as of a guilty Perfbn ; all which terms relate to Courts. 3. The following Pofitions con- cerning it are at an agreement ( as with the Catechifm To ) with the Current of Scripture. Firft, Juftification is an Aft of God confidered as a Supream Judge. Is it not faid in fb many words, 7/ is God that Jufiifieth? *2 m 8 -33- God confidered EfTentially, doth fo. Is not iffuing out Pardons a Pearl of the Crown, one of the Kings Prerogatives ? To Pardon the higheft Offences belongs to the King of Kings and Kingdoms. Doth he not fay, 7, even 7, am be 7/^43.2^ tb.it blotteth out as a Cloud your fins ? The doubling of the word J hath its weight, and as the Son purchafeth,and the Spirit applyeth ( and evidenceth ) Pardoning B j Grace; ;,B9« 6 The Riches of Grace. Grace; the Father (as firft in prder) granted it. The Second Pofition, Juftifica- tion is an A£t of Grace. This is to be demonftrated. The Third is, In Juftification Ob. siatsr, God doth pardon mens fins. All W- grant this is apart, fome fay, it is the whole or Juftification.True it is, if Man had flood (and kept his firft eftate ) he had been Ju- stified, but needed not to have Pardoned. Pardons imply there hath been a fault : And fb fallen Man (lands in abfblute need of bping forgiven; and whom God doth Juftifie he doth Pardon fully. He upon their firft coming in par- doneth fins paft, and upon frefh applications to him will ftill grant frefh Pardons. He is Juftifying. The Fourth is, God doth ac- cept and deal with Juftified Per- (pns as Righteous. He that is ac- quitted in lower Courts, finds the favour of a Perfbn that ftands right in 'em; So ;t is in the Higheft The M y£. tition ; where there ^re Repeti- Dr - sit > bs > tions, why fhould other Writings C kruL that are fuitable thereunto, be Quarrelled with ? He that denies all imputation of Righteoufhefs, in that point departs from the B 4 Prote- 5* The %tches of Grace. Proteftant Tents, though fomc may urge it in a fenfe too rigid. The Fifth is, Gods Juftifying Perfbns is not for the fake or me- rit of any thing wrought in ( or by ) 'em. All along through i^m.3.2$. blefled PauP s excellent Difcourfes thereon, it is laid to be neither for works , nor by 'em : And though we read of being Juftified by Faith, we never read of mens being Juftified for it. Thole Excellent Divinqs who ftill call Faith the Inftrument (that is, the Moral Inftrument ) of Juftification, fpeak of that Juftification that is called Paflive ; and mean,' that by Faith Per Ions receive that benefit which God set Mr. freely gives. It is noted that the Baxter. Scripture-phrafe is not Faith Ju- ftifies, but Perfbns are Juftified fry Faith. How fuitable to wlia> • • \ have written is that Quotation „ „ „ out of the Book of Homilies. See Donor > ~ n r 1 ^rr c fuller 0/ J unification is not the Office of Modern- frli?j hut of God cnely. which ne imf.136. -• J -V • - rc i The (ftjches of Grace. 9 receive of him by his free Mercy , and by the Merit of his Son : yet our Faith faith to us, It is not I that take away all fins fitz. That hand that receiveth a Pearl that enricheth, doth not by receiving purchafe it, or render the giver lefs gracious. That Worthy who is at a great di (lance I? u ^\ from the Antindmians, when he{^^ f * mofturgethjthat Faith is counted p. 88. for Righteoufhefs,readily owneth, thatasit isFaithin Chrift, fo his Righteoufnefs is the caufe for which Believers are accounted Righteous. And this leads to The Sixth Pofition. Perlons . are Juftified through the Re- demption that is in Chrift. The „ Text hath tnele very wqrqs com- ing next after it ; His perfect Qbe- di; nee and Satisfaction procured this benefit. Is it not faid to be by his Blood and Death, wherein his Obedience was completed, which takes in his Sufferings in his Sou!, through which way • vyag made for io The Riches of Grace. for taking fin out of our Souls ? A grave Author , too much gi- ven to carp at others expreflions, expreffeth their fenfe, when he faith, That God accepts us as Righte- ous for the Righteoufnefs of Chrift, is the truth of Scripture, and worthy of all acceptation. If Chrift had not been made a Sin- Offering for us, we had not been made the Righteoufnefs of God in him. The feventh Pofition is, The Righteoufnefs which flows from Chrift's actively Paffive Obedi- ence is imputed to the Juftified. They who (till hold to this great Doftrine of Imputation ( often ?B**4- mentioned in one Chapter ) do 'sceneve- not fay (or think) that God TrLh- doth efteem the Juftified Subjefts tonontbit. or Performers of Chrift's High- teoufnefs, or that it is as much theirs as his; but onely believe, that it is theirs as to the * effects and purposes by God the Father intended ; The (Riches of Grace. i 1 intended; they for the fake of it fhall be as truly pardoned, and as furely promoted to Glory, as if they had wrought it. The Eighth Pofition is, This Righteoumefs which is imputed by God to 'em, is through Faith received by 'em. Though Faith that is compared to an hand hath ^M.3.28. no hand in deferving or making an 5 ' 1, the Righteoufnefs which removes the guilt of fin, and procures the gift of Life , it through the ap- pointment of God makes it over to the foul : It gives Union to , and fb Communion with Chrift. By it perfbns are Married to him, and fo endowed with his Righte- oufnefs, io far as is neceffary to their Juftification. I am next to offer at the Proof of tins great Truth, That God the Fathers juftifying of (inner s is rightly let on the fcore of his Free Grace , which admits of a quick diipatch. And i z The %tcbes of Grace. And firfl: , I will call in two other Scriptures,that in the mouth of three Witnefles the point may be eftablifhed. i. Is it not plainly, and twice over in a little compafs faid,7^ ^.2.5,8. j,y Grace tve are favtd? Is not Ju- ftification a branch of Salvation ? If the whole be of Grace, is not this part of it ? Th. 7. 7. 2# * s lt not ^ a ^ * n ^° man y words, We are Jufiified by bis Grace ? To Scripture Texts be thefe Scriptural Reafbnings added. 1. Is not God the juftifier, the jS0w.11. God °f Grace, who hath firft 35* given to him? 2. Doth not a word rendred Ephef. 4. forgive, carry Grace in it ? W- , 3. Are not the juftified before ^SJT^|l?eir justification * ungodly? antcceden- Were they not fb in their Na- U J ' r, a tu res ? Have they not been fo in Tuckney. their Practices r And are there not remains of Ungodlinefs in 'em? If The Riches of Grace. 1 5 If itbeObjeaed, That Chrift hath deferved Juftification for 'em ; and fo it is not purely from the Fathers Grace. I Anfwer, 1. Was not the fending of this Purchafer from that Grace? And was it not a moft high expreflion thereof, that he who is pleafed to forgive 'em gave his onely Son to death for ^^4. 'em, that the Glory of his Truth, 9> 10. Holinefs, and Juftice might more fhine forth in their forgivenefs ? The Scripture joyns Juftifica- ^m.3.24. tion by the Free Grace of God with the Redemption by Chrift, though Socinians would part 'em If it be further Objefted, That Juftification is not a freely be- ftowed benefit, feeing Chrift is to be received by the Juftified. I Anfwer, That is far from hindering the freenefs and graci- oufhefs thereof. Seeing, 1 . Perfons are not ju- ftified for receiving Chrift, but for 14 The ^jcbes of Grace. * **'** * for Chrift's fake > who is re : tpGraci ceived. He is the Gift that ren- ?**.i.i?- ders 'em Blefled ; though (as is meet) their Hands and Hearts arc to be opened that receive him. 2. The Faith whereby it is re- ' ' 2% ' ceiv'd is not of our felves, but the pure gift of God. The great helper help us in ma* king The Application ; which fhall be firft, by way of Caution. And the firft branch is , Let none fet lefs value upon Chrift , or upon his fatisfaftion, becaufe the Fathers Rich Grace is the Spring of Juftificatibn. The Propitiation of or by Chrift is not left great, nor lefs to be efteemed, i John 4. becaufe Free Grace hath fet it forth; and for it the Father is Propitious to Offenders. Do not they moft ufe the Right Eye, that at once look admiringly on the Fathers Mercy , and the Sons Merit ? the The Riches of Grace. i 5 The Second Branch is, Let none be prevail'd with to flight or negleft the means God hath appointed in order to their being Quid's juftified, becaufe this Bleffing is Mttboi. freely beftowed by him. If the Evan ^ Sun was a voluntary Agent > would our fetting open our Win- dows make its fhines lefs free ? Is the King's Pardoning a Tray- M tor lefs free, becaufe he is to re- ceive his Pardon on his knees? And Repentance is a free Gift. The Second Ufe is for Infor- mation. The Firft branch is, Offenders of the higher Rank, when once weary and heavy la- den, upon a fenfe of their Offen- ces, want not great encourage- ment to put in for a Pardon. Hath not the Free Grace of God enough in it for their forgivenefs ? They that are brought to their knees in an Holy defpair of fetting them- felves right in the higheft Court, fhould not turn their backs on the i 6 The Quiches of Grace. the Lord, by an utter defpair of being Accepted by him as Righ- teous. Though they have been Perfbns of great Provocations, is not God the God of Pardons Nek. 9 .ij. (as fome read that Phrafe of his *«"%* being ready to Pardon ) will he synof'.criu not on his Son's fcore, flhew him- Uem ad f e lf to be fb to the truly brokeri- ff: 55 ' 7 * hearted? Have their fins been numerous ? Doth not Ffee Grace pardon abundantly, or multiply to Pardon ? Have they been hei- nous arid red as Crimfon ? Will not Free Grace make their Souls white as Snow ? Hath he not a large Royal Robe wherewith to cover their Nakednefs ? Arid a Fountain fet open for the purging away their filthinefs ? Doth he require 'em to bring any tiling fave an empty Hand to receive all? The Second Branch. They £re inexcufable, and fb they wilf be found at thofe great Days of Death and Judgment, whOcori- *j gs tinue The ^Jcbes of Grace. i y fririue (and that willingly ) in an unjuftified ftate, arid lb Re- cufants as to the Offers tff Free Grace. i. Are thfcre riot too many that are very little (if any at all) concern v d whether they be in the good cafe of the Justified? Other things ingrofs their thoughts; this is out of 'em. 2, Do not fbrne iriftead of looking out ill God's way for a difcharge as to debts incurred y run further on the fcore ? Ad- ding Rebellion to firi , fhewing _ their fin as Sodom. They fay , ^ ^ & they would be faved, but then it muft be in their fins. O that Men were wife, that they underftood this ! If juiiifying Grace be flight- ed, their Condemnation will be heavier. Is not Debt to men by many cou nted and found an heavy thing? Did riot a great Emperour wbn- see Mr. der what Vertue was in his Pil- ^? rk ' s Iow,that could fleep quietly when C he iS The %khn of Grace. he was greatly indebted? May timers that have been fccure, be brought to- confider their vaft Debts to Divine Juftice ! And fchat not one of 'era willbe taken qjff till they be juftified. Shall »q£ all that are not fo> be Con- demned ? And fhall any who are ripeof Age be juftified, fave fin- lamenting, felf-judging, and Ste ^iour-accepting Perfens ? The Thitd Branch of the Se- cipad-Ufe is^ There is a lingular iifciacfs in the grace of Faith to- be the naeans (or as great Divines yet love ttwfpeatk,. the Inftrument) of reiving, the benefit of JuftU featiotf. What is faid of the u fxomiik (or New Covenant) ia general, may be faid of this Welling of it in particular : There- * fore it is through Faith, that it xmgjit be by Grace. Far is it from Faith, to dkninifh the glory of Grace > it is much for advancing it. Is it not as an empty (or feJf-emptying hand:) that gives all The Riches of Grow. 1 9 ail Glory to God ? Is not this its Language ? Not unto me, Lord! Not unto mc\ but unto thy. Name fo Pra&fe, I will not gain-lay him who M *- Bax- faith, The neareft reafon of mens being Juftified by Faith is the holy Will and Appointment of God: Yet I will lay, He hath pitch'd on a Grace proper for that purpofe. Is it not well called an Eunuch-grace, that may well bs trufted with God's Honour ? Whereas Works would be QOt^soMr. tent with no lower place in Jiw Gurna! ' ftification, than being the matter of it : Faith afpires no higher than to be a means thereof. The Promife being of Faith is fur e to all the Seed of Abraham. The Fourth Branch is, They that are Juftified have no caule (or colour) for boafting or glo* fying in themfelves : All their glorying is to be in the Lord, an<£ * co f , u in his Grace. Whatever mighty have been by the Law of Works, C 2 by io The (Riches of Grace. *om$.2 7 . by the Law of Faith (which is all one with the Covenant of Grace ) boafting is out of doors, and excluded. Justification is of pure Grace, and though under the New Covenant a Righteoufnefs 5 f5*T" * s required in order to Juftifica- fttfemon. t 10n > yetthisistheRignteoulnels of God, of his free providing, and accepting, wrought out for man, by him who is God as well as Man. The Fifth Branch is, They are greatly to be blamed, who decry ( O that they did not deride ! ) the Do&rine of Imputed Righteq|if> $uftnu ne £ . j n t j le [ r Books it is a puta- tive ( or imaginary ) one. It is not denyed, fbme have lefs warily ftated that point ; yet others are notorioufly wronged, when reprefented,as if they held, that they in Chrift performed full s Obedience to the Law, and made full fatisfaftiou to the Juftice of God ; whilft they onely hold, that IfQ obey'd and fufler'd for them as The Riches ef Grace. 2 1 as their Surety, not deputed by,*«^ but appointed for 'em ; and that t ^ s u |^ his Righteoufnefs is fo far com- eoni Pan. municated to them, that for the Eo mi ^ fake thereof they are abfblved IHuJcM and accepted. And do they not prf herein extoli the Grace of God Le ' BUn ^ the Father, who accepts 'em in the Beloved ?. and receives a com- penfation on their behalf, who are not themfelves refponfible to him ? Whereas they who would take men oft* from (Thrift's Righ- teoufnefs in this matter, and put 'em on ftandingown, and fbfan-^ m#ia eying a matter of luftification in 3,4. themfelves, hinder their full a- doringsof Divine Grace. The MXth Branch is, The Pro- teflmt Doctrine is precious Do- ftrine; and accordingly to be prized, for its declaring for the Do&rine I am on. Indeed it teaches men to maintain and a- bound in good works ; but as to Tn% 3 * 8 ' their being acquitted at God's Tribunal, it would have 'em C ? ftand IX The H{icks ojf Grace. ftand on Chrift the fathers great gift. The Third Ufe is an Ufe of Examination : And O that I could engage my Readers to fall upon this work ! ■j ■••'•.■ May we all put this upon a fair IfTue and Tryal ! Are We made . partakers of Justifying -Grade ? To move us to try our (elves to the quick, Be it confidered, 1. Upon our Juftification depends our Title to ^m.8,30. Glorification. Do we not find thole two Links of the Golden Chain of Salvation joyn\i one to the other? Shall they be freed from the prtfence of "fm hereaf- ter, that are not freed from its .gnilthere? Is not Heaven entred by the Gate of Righteoufnefs, of fiich a one as will an-fwer the Law ? 2. On our bekig Jnftified de- pends the comfort of our Eftate j$om. ^ 1. whilft we are on Earth. Hence is Peace with God, and with our Con- The Riches of Gmce. 3$ Confcteiices from God. Have not fotne awakened finners betfa afraid to give fleep to their Eyes, becaufe the fernfe of their being Pardoned was not given in to their Hearts? If guilt lye ©aa^. 2 . 2, men, do they not lye in the mouth # *of wrath? And may they not even fee a drawn Sword (in in fingle thread) hanging over 'em ? g. What hope is there of their arriving at a well-grounded affix* ranee they arejuftified, that de- cline the way of ftrift Trjfal? And is it not a fad fign their Evi- * dences are not good, who dare ^ 3 ' 20 not produce or examine 'em ? O that we got out of the croud and noife of Worldly bufinels , ?yov. iS. and retired our felves, that we *• might better manage this Tryal ! Oh that we brought our cafe and ftate to the Scripture*ftan- PUL26.2, dard! Oh that we trufted not our Hearts, but defired God to help us in this work ! C 4 And 24 The Riches of Grace. And now come fome Marks and Notes of Tryal; and firft, fuch as are exclusive : If they are on us, we are not Juftified : To wit, i. Being willingly ig- norant of, and clofing our Eyes on theDo&rine of Juftification. 2. Negle&ing the means, and ffeb.2. 3. flighting the grace of San&ifica- tion. $. Setting an high value on, Luke 16. and fb fetting up an outward *5- Pharifaical Righteoufhefs. 4. Having low thoughts of Chrift and his Satisfaftion, and being content to live lb. Marks wl>ich are not conclu- conveniunt five, though good ones , being mrinon found on all that are Juftified, though not on them onely, are fuch as thefe : 1. Being able to (peak and write well concerning the point of Juftification. 2. Attending on and in Divine Ordinances. i. Ha- 77;e Riches of Grace. 25 3. Having re- Jcivil? Tfti gard to ) Moral C J Marks inclufive, found in none but the Juftified, but not found in 'email. Are, 1. Heart-folacing aflii- rance of God's fpecial favour. 2. Heights or Humility, Pa- tience, and Contentment. 3. Triumphs in hopes of Hea- ven and future Happinefs. Marks of the laft- fort, which as others (and I formerly) have ftyled adequate and even ones, are fuch as follow. O that we may with due fear attend to ?em, and with great de- fire to experience 'em ! 1. Arewe (and that astoour lCOU lu ordinary and allowed frame) 32. felf-judgers? When we cannot allure our felves that we have Grace,do w r e condemn our * felves so do&ot for our fins? Do w r e Judge our FuIIwood - felves ? 1. For 2 6 7 he %icl>es of Greta. U For thole fins that lye ou t; of mens fight and cognizance. And 2. For thofe that find a- mongft men a more favourable cenfure. And 3. For coming 00 the Borders, and touching with the appearance of evil. And 4. For fins of Omiflion : Even 1. For not rendring more proportionally to God . 2. For not going more out to the Lord Jefus. j. For not giving glory ] to Free Grace. ' Is it our manner to ereft a Tri- bunal in our own Bofoms ? Is our felf-judging accompanied with an inward fhame as well as fbrrow ? with a flying to the Lord Jefus for Righteoufneis and Strength? andapurpofe (through Grace) to follow hard after Holinefs ? Is Mr. Bur- it thus with any Hypocrite ? One gefs of w ho was one of a thoufand, hath tjjjfi-- kft it under his hand, that an un- regenerate man doth not , will not, dare not Judge himfelf: And The <%khes of Grace. 27 And doth a weak Chriftian leave this undone? _ Secondly, Is the Lord Jefus and the Grace of his Father, which flows through hiffl, ^^yit^.Win- luation and efteem with us r This ^ was made by one who was one of great intimacy with the ma* High, the loweft (and yet a true) SS of a gracious tote. Ail that » p«. 2 . 7 . are juftitied cannot fay that they have an Intereft in Chrift j but they can fay, they have an high refpeatohim. He is as the bun by which the leffer Stars of Crea- ture-comforts are out-fhone, and -from which they receive their luftre. Do Hypocrites prize a Sin-crucifying, and Soui-fan£h- Afea; Chrift i Do not weak Chn- ftians long after thofe Influences with and from him? Thirdly, Do we put forth that crraceand fend of Faith, where- by the Juftifying Grace ot God the Father , and the $«&&*% . Rkhteoufnefsof JefusGhraftarc ^ received r 28 The Riches of Grace. T u r ^ ed / T T , heir WOrds are no c J™ (f they be well under- stood ) who fay, the hand of Faith hath three Fingers; Affent, Acceptance, and Affiance. Do we receive as the Truth, f the ^ er i 0n . 0f .Srift and that as clothed with his Office? Do we roll our fdves on and defire to c «"-8.5- lvtt l" hlm? W0U ' d WC fai " walk leaning on our Beloved, as Pneft, Prophet, and King? Hypocrites prefume,and whilft they fay they rely on Chrift's merit, refufe the conduft of his Spirjt. Weak Chriftians wh en t h sv wantaffurance, are for accei> tanceofChrifl:, and relying on him ftrongly, irrongly, ft ron * , y . _soz*?«.and * is not Faith of Affiance -o«.n SS . ftrongeft , though that Qf «£ ranee be fweeteft ? Fourthly, Are we in our fettled purpofe -for a Life and Courfe of i Hohnefs ? Do we defign full Con- formity tothe Law, the Rule, and to The Riches of Grace. 29 to the Lord jefus, the Patern thereof? Is this our Principle? Good works have a place in the vfd.6i<%* Hearts and Hands of the juftified, though not in the Oifice of jufti- fying. Is any Hypocrite for fol- lowing hard after God? And would not weak Chriftians prefs forward ? The Fourth Ufe is for Exhor- tation. The firft branch is for their life (and excitation) who fit down in an unjuftified eftate, and kneel not before the Father of Mercies, that he would in this way of ju~ ftify ing magnifie his Mercy to'em. Reft they not till a bleffed change be in their ftate ! Left any that will read this fhould fleep as do others, 1 beg (and take) leave to pofe 'em. 1. Are you not finners ? Have ^3r? • you ( as Adam had ) the Robe of Innocency on you? Dare you offer to plead Not Guilty at the higheft Bar? 2. Will :jo Th Q{iches. af ( rate. 2. Will it not appear (on & due fearch ) that your Offences have been multiply ed, and many of 7 em magnified ? May you not fay, Behold, ■ we are vile: Whofe fms h&vebt all circur/tjlaxces march' d ottrs ? We have ftruck at the heart ofChrift. 3. Doth not the black fhadow of guilt attend the body of fin and every member thereof? Doth K*j*> 6. not every fin bind over to wrath ? O how heavy is a whole Moun-. tain thereof? 4. Dotli not all your guilt lye naked and open to God's Eyes ? itehtyii. Are not your Tranfgreffions as Sealed up in a bag, and fo ready fab 14. to be produe'd? Will not your Vide po- Confluences be as a Thoufandt jum id io- WitneiiTes for God ? cum. ^ Will he on any terms clear Exod. ^4. or * ave t' 10 ^ who dye with and 7« in the guilt of fin ? Shall not mil- lions fuffer rather than his Truth or Praflticc ? 6. Have The (Rjches of Grace. 3 1 6. Have you any RighteouC- nefs of your own on which you can ftand before him ? Can you Job 9. 30, blot out your Debts? Can you^ 1 * anfwer him for one matter of a thou fend ? yea , for one vain thought ? Dare you fey the beft of your Duties are in all points perfeft ? 7. Can any Advocate fhort of M f - Chrift plead effectually for you ? 12 . Can you expe£t Pardon, feve for a fetisFaftion ? Is any but his fuf- iicient ? 8. Have not finners of the largefl: fize from Free Grace, and lT ?® ; P for Chrift's fake been juftified ? ^9^ Was not Perfecuting Paul bemer- cyed? 9. Is not the path of Life open and pointed out to you ? Do not God's Meifengers (hew you the fob 3-. Righteoufnefs that is jufrifying ? 2> 10. Can you realbnabiy exped that more fair and honourable terms fhoald be propounded to you thanthofe of (and in) the Gofpelare ? II 3 2 The $(iches of Grace. If you fay, God would have us feelingly to confefs our fins. i John i. I fey, IS not this.mofr. requifite 9- and reafbnable? Would not a . Malefaftor gladly hear that word j Conf5S- j. To the anfwering of all the ^^^ demands of God V JufticS^ that 26. hath been wronged , arid com- mands of his Law that is Righte- ous. D 2 4. To 3 6 , T/;e 5^c/;w of Grace. 4. To the rendring of all their Services acceptable. 5 . To the fencing againft all in- %om.8. ordinate fears of dying. 6. To the giving an undoubted Right to Heaven. Thirdly, Be they on all occa- fions (in order to the further ex- Thii. 3. 8, altat ion of the Fathers Grace) 9- for prefenting to him his Son's 5 .° * *'* Righteoufnefs, and for prefent- ing themfelves to him, in and on account of it. Are not all Saints Spiritual Priefts? And as the Priefts of old had their peculiar Garments, fliould not they ap-, pear in the greateft Prefence with this Robe on 'em? Put they on hit!' I3# *$^ Garment every day, and that at their firft awaking, by a frefh aft of Faith. Be they as much afraid (and afham'd) to come before God out of Chrift, as they woul4 be to come before men naked. so Mr. Defire they that (as {bme Cap- ^ e a J 4 ^tains (when dead) have had their The Riches of Grace. 3 7 their broad Silks for their fhrouds) they when dying may be wrapt in Chrift's Righteoufnefs. And when they think of (land- ing at God's Judgment-feat, they fhould not think of Pleading any Righteoufnefs favethatof Chrift, Pbil -1> 8 » as the immediate Reafbn aneP* Caufe why the Law of God fhould not have its courfe againft 'em ; though all that have this Righteoufnefs on 'em have a love to inherent Righteoufnefs, yea and the Root of it in 'em. The laft Ufe is for Confblation. 7 ^ #40# lS Poor doubting drooping Souls, that at once breath after Pardon and Power, Righteoufnefs and San&ification, fhould be of good chear: God faith to 'em, Comfort yt y Comfort ye. 1 . Grace is not taken away by, but takes away the fin of the Pe- nitent. 2. It's very much God's defign see Mr. toglorifie his Grace on great Pro- Pavvf o n ' s digals, when in great Penitence. £ tf 2 '. D 3 3. Per- 38 The Riches of Grace. 3. Perfons in a ftateof Jufti- rute fication may with comfort look -s. into both Eternities, or both the Confiderations of Eternity. They may fee God's choofing Grace, which was before time: And they may fore-fee his crown- ing Grace, which will be when time fhall be no more. May Readers confider what is written ! and the Lord give 'em a right underftanding in all things! 39 A Seventh Inftance OF THE RICHES O F GRACE: TO WIT, God the Fathers Adopt- ing Verfons. i John 3. 1. Behold , what manner of love the Father hath be ft owed upon us \ y - that we jhotild be called the Sons of God! HEre we find the Holy Apo- ftle rapt up in a way of D 4 Admi- 40 The (Rjches of Grace. Admiration ; and who that duly weighs thefe words, finds not caufe to follow him in that High- way? The Priviledge pointed at ap- pears a prime one to Obfervers. i. Of the Donor and Con- ferrer of it, God the Father, the firft Perfonin the undivided Tri- nity. Though I grant here, as 1 have done elfewherd, the other Perfons that are one with him , do herein joyn with him. 2. Of the impulfive Caufe (or Motive) inclining him to beftow this Priviledge; his Love (or which is all one, his Grace) fet forth very emphatically as excel- lent, yea,as admirable ; the Phrale is, What manner of Love ? Which 3s the Learned teach noteth the eminency of it, which is ufher'd in with a note of attention, Be- hold. 3. Of the matter or thing wherein this Priviledge confifled, which is being called the Sons (or The (Rjches of Grace. 41 (or Children) of God; that is in ienfe, being what they are called, for God mifcalls no one ; and it is noted that the Phrafe in ; r i# lm26t other places of Scripture is fo un- $&. 236. derftood. *J.Jgk So that theDo&rine is, ihe love and grac° of God the Father in Adopting his P to fie doth call for wondrin«. I hat we may be further led into this truth, we will firft touch on the Nature of Adoption. It is an ordinary and ufeful Note, that in other Countreys (and times) it was the manner of Men of Eft-ate, who wanted Natural Sons, to take the Sons of others, and to efteem and endow 'em as if they had been their own. Accordingly, when the Lord Adopts Perlbns, he takes thofe that are aliens fromhim,yea,Chil- dren of Dilbbedience and Wrath, into the number of his own Chil- dren , inverting 'em with an Eitate, 4 2 ±bt %tches of Grace. Eftate, and Immunities fuitable ' thereunto. I know the Scripture makes J mention of an Adoption that is qom.g. more External and Ecclefiaftical, vouchfafed to the Body of the Ifraelitesj whiift God (aid to 'em, Ammi, ye are my People. But this is lower than that we are treating of. I alio meet with an Adoption that is compleat and perfect, which is the Portion of the glo- a*». 8.23. rifled \ whoareadmictedintoand pofieiled of that Heavenly Inhe- ritance, to which they are new- born ; and this is higher than that which tails under our confider- ing. As for that Spiritual Adoption, concerning winch this fliort Trca- tiie proceeds, there lye between it and Civil Adoption three re- femblances : i; In that which was Civil, there was an Eftate before the Adopted ; and in this there is an Eftate The Riches of Grace. 4 3 Eftate which deferves the beft eftimate. 2. The Adopted had not a Na- tural Right to that Eftate, nor are any of us Born to the Eftate that lyes above. 3 . The a£fc of the Adopter was to be free and voluntary ; free- dom was effential to it, force was inconfiftent with it. And that God's Adopting Men is gratuitous, and of Free Grace, Is proved, 1 . From the Con- federation of the cafe (andftate) wherein the Lord finds thofe whom he fo favoureth and ho- noureth. 1. Are they not fijeh as are far zuh 3 . and foully fallen from that Son- ^ . { {hip wherewith man was at firftS^* 7 entrufted. It is faid of Jdam, mbve, that he was the Son of God; a^f^t peculiar hand of God had in his raidus. Creation pafs'd on him, he being made in his Makers Image ; but he becoming a Prodigal, all his Children are fo; and fo moft unwor- 44 The Quiches of Grace. unworthy to be highly refpected by the higheft* and Heavenly Fa- ther. 2. Are they not in their very Principles as eftranged from, 16 utter Enemies to him? So far are they from having any near Relation to, or dear Affe&ion for c*J. i.2i. kjn^ that they are crofs-grain'd e qtovit to the defign which his Grace Ugno-- } la th on 'em. Now, that of fuch crooked Timber more curious pieces than Mercurfs fhould be made ; that the Rebellious fhould notonely be pardoned, but pro- moted, this is Rich Grace. j. How final] is the Honour (as there is no Advantage ) that am redound to God from 'em , when they are reduced and broughtintoa fate of favour and | d t 22, friend fhip ? Are they not too too unprofitable Children and Ser- iuk*i7- vants? Are any of 'em during this fate quite freed from thole Paffions and Inclinations whereby God is differved and dishonoured ? Did 10 The Riches of Grace. 45 Die! not Daktid hitnfelf (though ism.12. a dear Child) give Enemies ocn cafion to Blafpheme his beft Fa- ther ? A Second Proof is drawn from confidering who it is that is the Adopter, to wit, God (firftly, if order be refpeded, God the Father. ) As we cannot rightly conceive of him as afting from any one fave himfelf , or gi- ving to any one fave out of his goodwill; ib in the matter that is neareft us, it is evident, that onely Grace can move him to Adopt Sons. For, 1 . Hath he not a Son that Fmt j£ is eminently his own proper Son, 3 *. being ( as to his fuhfiftence ) be- '8%kMm gotten trom Eternity, in a way ^Wfee^;, to us inexpreffible. smtrMm 2. Hath he not many Sons by £*gg; * Creation that never offended B>\h.vn-' him, even Blelfed Angels, thofe fi^\ q Morning-ftars that retain their im Original luftre. a/pam - 3. Doth C.?I. 46 The glebes of Grace. -], Doth hot the Spirit fpeak cxprelly that his Adopted Sons are ; not Born, 1. Of Blood, or Bloods; they defcend not, as Children do from Natural Parens Nor are they, 2. Of the will pbn :. of theflefh, or from fiich aCar- ; ■ nai Affection as was in many that cfeflred others Sons might become theirs. Nor 3. Of the will of Man ; that is fuch a rational will, as was that of fbme,\vho Adopted Youths that excelled in Vertue: I am aware, fome by the will of the Flefh underftancT a mans own while!! in a flefhl'y or cor- rupt ftate ; and by the will of man ■\i(lies and endeavours of the moft excellent men, he they Pa- rents or Pallors. Ho\vever,thofe Negative Phra- ies are expounded, which exclude any thing that might move God to Adopt 'em, whether in them- selves, or thofe they derived from. It 2- 2. Tb'e Riches of Grace. 47 It is clear in and from the po- fitiveexpreffion that follows,they ^ s# were Born of God. That is, as by his Power, fo from his good-will and pkafiire : And this appears further from The Third Proof: Which is from the consideration of the great Obftacles and Obftruftions that lay in the way of their being brongnt into this good ftate. Are ■ they not in themfelves confiderecl ', Children of Belial, that throw ^Z oft' God's Yoke, and fo conic- quently Children of Hell? Do not the Juftice, and together with it the Holinefs of God, which have been highly offended by 5 em, » ^ require fatisfa.Qion, that fo they ■ r may be capable of God^s fpecial favour ? Had not the Son of God been . Sacrificed for, and his Spirit par within the Adopted-, they had not been fo. Now, are not rili Son and the Spirit two great do- natives and giftf of Grace ? The 48 The Quiches of Grace. The laft Proof derives from theconfideration of the eftatein which Perlbns are Interefted up- on their being Adopted. 1. Is it not a Rich one? Are ]k 5 ; they not Rich in Faith, and to- wards God ? ipjj, 2 . & 2. Is it not Honourable ? Are they not already let in Heavenly places ? 3. Is it not a ftate of Freedom ? Are they not the Lord's Free-men? 1 . 7I the unfruitful works of Darknefs, & s. 2. bearing Gall and Wormwood, as a Law that hath a force and com- mand on us? As an Inhabitant: V ^ (I2I . that dwells with (yea in) us; as a weight that preifeth us down, as a body that encompafleth us. Is it not prefent with us ? Doth it The Riches of Grace. 5 1 itnoteafily befetus ? Is it not for its inwardnefs and ftrength ftyled the Spirit that lufteth ? Would it not by its ill-will always aft to its utmolt, and carry us to the ff DofIo f ... ~ '_J • -> T Owen oh height or Provocations r Is not Montfca- this the truth of our Cafe ? And thm is it not more (ad if we have left fenfe of it ? l ?J^<£/ / 7S £' 2. Are we not all by Nature G ^« J-te Children of Wrath? Doth not the Law breath out fiery indig- nation upon us ? Doth not wrath hang over us? If any fay, Do we not read of Jews by Nature ? And are not ibme Baptized foon after they are Born, and fo have a Birth-privi- ledge ? I Afffn-er : The fame Children, G*J«2«*£« which are by Grace received and owned as related to Abraham and the fecond Jdam^re in the mouth of Divine difpleafure, as they de- rive from the firft (and fallen) Adam. E 2 As 5 2 The (Rjches of Grace. At mens conviftion of this their Converfion ufually enters : And the confideration of this raifeth t!ie valuation of Grace : O that my Readers would give it their ferious thoughts ! The Second Branch is, Their Folly is extream (and evident to others) may it be (b to them- felves! Who reft contented in a ftate of alienation from God ; they are not in the count of his Children, nor do they defire to 12. have their Spirit. How is the Spiritual Birth-right defpifed ? It may be, they fay their Pray- ers, and in 'em fay, Our Father ; but their Hearts go not on to de- iire his Name may be Hallowed, &c. Know they , that they do in effeft refufe that bleffed Portion Which his Children fhall receive, and their miffing it will be juft. For, i. Had they not a capa- city of being made God's Chil- dren ? Was not Mwaffeh ib ? 2. Was^ The Riches of Grace. 55 2. Was not the way wherein this Adoption may be attained made plain before 'em, to wit, $ bn u receiving Chrift into their Hearts M* 12. by Faith ? j. Of what avail will it be to 'em ( as to Satisfaction and Sal- x m . 2 . vation ) though they ftand in **&• other defirable relations, if they ftand off from this ? Will it pro- fit 'em that the Church is their Mother, if God in Chrift be not their Father ? 4. What will a bare empty Title or Claim to this Father help 'em, if they be not feton anfwer- ing their Relation, and filling up the Duties thereof? The Third Branch is, They are blame- worthy, who hold faft (and hold forth) fuch Opinions as caft a cloud upon ( and over ) the clear fhines of God the Fa- thers Grace, in Adopting Per- fons. According to fbme, he onely gives Men power to make them- E 5 felves 5 4 The Riches of Grace. fel ves the Sons of God, but leaves it wholly to the choice of their wills, not determining 'em to be- come fo : And for Proof hereof they urge that Phrafe in the Go- foel, which faith, He gave to John \.i2* Jom? power to become the Sons of God. But thofe words wall not lcrve for that end. As hath been hinted, the words that are near 7 em, are far frorrl countenancing thofe that afleft the name of 'free-willers. And if ^e look to the words them- felves, i. They fpeak of Men being made the Sons of God \ not of making tjiemielves fb. *£*«>. 2. The word Tranflated Power points out Dignity , not Ability', conferred on 'em. see Ar- ; # jj le fpeech runs concerning ?nS th the vouchlaicments of Grace to thofe that have believed, but ap- pears not for a power in Men to believe without Heart-bowing Grace. tile Tiie %iches of Grace. $ 5 The Second Ufe is for Exami- nation. May a fair TryaJ. proceed m (and by ) every one of us, whe- ther this prime Priviledge of A- doption be conferred on us. O that all that read the Rules or Marks to be prefented, would lay their Hearts clofe to 'em, that they may better know their ftate! And firft'of all, come fuch figns as fignifie Perfbns are not Adopted. The Firft is, Not knowing (nor defiring to k/iow) the Father Adopting. Is not fljew us the Fa- ^ er ' 2 ^' ther, and Father fljeiv thy fdf to as] the Language of God's ge- nuine Children? How can you ?o* 21.4, lay (or think) you are the Chil- dren of God, who are willingly the Children of the Night and Darknefs ? feying ( in your Hearts ) to God, Depart from us, we defire not the knowledge of thy ways. E 4 The 56 The laches of Grace. The Second is, Not regarding ( nor being concern'd ) about this Heavenly Fathers Honour or Difhonour. It's faid, the Dumb Son, when he faw his Father ftruck at with deadly Weapons, cryed mainly out,0 kill not Qrafut ! Holy men when they have heard Mad?in un h°ty ones Curfe , or Swear , &Brough- have broken out into exclaiming, ton, iSc. Who is that that firikes our Father ? Blows have fallen upon Parent and Children and once. Could pfai. 119. David behold Tranfgreffors with %}*• dry Eyes? Indeed his Eyes wa- tered more than ordinary ; but if you inftead of grieving for God's difhonour, do delight in what difhonours him, are you his dear Children? The Third is, Want of love to (and of a warm Heart for) thofe that arc God's Children. Do not Spiritual Brethren as well as Na- tural ones love one another? Do 1 John 5. not they take plealure in their HeavenIyFathcrsJmagc,inwhom- foever The r be (if need be, c'mniii. or becaufe need is) you are in heavinefs, through manifold temp- tations. Was not Job broken with breach upon breach ? 2. Though The Riches of Grace. 59 2. Though you be forely buf- fered by your Fathers and your great Enemy. Had not St. Paul 2 cor. 12. a Thorn in the flefh, a Meffenger 7« of Satan to exercife him ? Will not the Accuferof the Brethren be a dilquieter of 'em ; labour- ing to deprive 'em of the com- fort of that Relation he could not deprive 'em of ? 3. Though fbme of your Fa- thers Children have out-grown rf , m j tl 1 John 2. and out-gone you. There are I2 . Babes in the Lords Houfe, Feet in °f lh » & his MyfticalBody, and Lambs in ni „g» s ^" his Flock. An AbrahanPs Faith is mains. riot found in all his Seed. 4. Though fbme of your Bre- thren do le!s efteem ( and it may fre too much cenfore and vex) you. Had not Paul and Ban? a- f£ lt >' has in the firft times, and Chrifo- ' fiom and Efffkafaiii in the follow- ing rimes of the New Teftamcnt- Church their fharp contefts ? Some that have Piety are too much for a Partv ; and too little honour 6 o The Riches of Grace. honour good men that cannot in every thing fee or fay as they do. 5. Though you be not taken down into your Father's Banquet- ing-Houfe, as fbme of his Chil- dren are. He was one of a thou- fand that faid, Sufitnt&tion I have, but Spiritual fmvity I tafle not. God may deny you Soul- ravifh- ment, when he gives you Soul- reft ; becaufe he fees the Wine of ftrong Confblation cannot be born by your Heads. 6. Though fbme of the fuits which you prefer be not in your way and time anfwered. The Lord hath been (or at lea ft feem'd) angry at the Prayers of his Peo- ple. He may delay, when he doth not deny to hear you. He may give you what you want, though not what you wifh. I will (next) point at fuch Evidences, that if you have 'em, will prove you to be of the eldeft (or ftrongeft) Children that your Father hath on Earth. To TJ?e Riches of Grace. 6 1 To wit, i. Seeing (clearly) your Title to the Heavenly Inhe- ritance. 2. Longing greatly to enter into it. 5. Trufting God, and living contentedly, when many difcou- ragements are before you. 4. Being exceeding thankful for home-reproofs. 5 . Praying heartily for, as well as freely forgiving thofe that have highly otfended you. In the laft place, I fhall point at thofe figns w 7 hich are found oa all that are Adopted; and none but fuch. I fhall defire your right An- fwef to thefe Queftions : 1 . Have you the Spirit of Chil- dren in fbme good degree ? And ^J' 8 ' 1 ^ are you defirous to have,and fhew <£ ' 4 ' 4 the Spirit of his deareftSon ? Do you long to be more Spiri- tual Perfons ? Are you for living on Spiritual 1 Pet.2.% Food? Are 6 1 The { J{tches oj Grace. Tkii. 3.3. A rc your Hearts in and for Spiritual Services ? Would you Spiritualise your Civil employments? 2. Is it the defire of your Souls, that the Holy Spirit would be an enlightncr to you, guiding you as to 1 ruth and Duty ? And a Re- membrancer as to what you have formerly heard, and a quickner when heavinefs and drowfmefs ieizeth on you ? Would you fain find him breath- ing more in your Prayers, that iin may be your weight, when Confcflions are not large ; that you may pant after Grace, when iit words lye not fi> near you ; that you may praife God when troubles are on you ? 5. Do you aim at and endea- vour after this frame, that you may be patient under greater meaiuresof evil things than you candefire to fuffer ; and content with fmaller meafures of good things than you have (bme wil- lingnefs to enjoy ? Are The Qtjches of Grace. 65 Are you for maintaining good thoughts of God, though he lee meet to lafh you, and good thoughts of your Portion of lower things, though you are tempted to think it too little for you ? If indeed thefe things be ia you, and you defire they may a- bound in you : Have you not fuch difpofitions as are proper to God's Children ? Do Hypocrites Hearts work in thefe ways, whatever gifts they may have ? Is the Spirit of Grace in great requeft with 'em ? And though fundry that are fincere labour under many Im~ perfeftions, would they not fain carry themfeives asbecomesChil- dren to their Heavenly Father ? & are they not crying to him far Power that for they may dofb ? O that I was allured that ail who will read thefe leaves would commune with their own Hearts, and be earneft with the Lord that •he would make 'cm his good Chil- dren ! The 64 The Quiches of Grace. The Third life is of and for Exhortation. The firft Branch belongs to all my Readers. Be you exhorted to keep your Hearts under a full perfuafion , that really God the Father confers on fundry the grace of Adoption* Though I will not aver, that Mtcfc&K. the Will will in this cafe follow the di£tateof thellnderftanding; iothat it willabfolutely take the neareft way to the attainment of what is rightly judged to be a choice Priviledge. Yet I doubt not the Lord ufu- ally comes to inflame mens hearts by the way of enlightning their Heads ; and a fettled ferious mu- fing that Adoption is to be had, Tends, i. To awaken the un- converted, and fo to excite 'em. Can they be content out of their Love to fin (and flothfulnefs in Duty) to be barr'd out from ilich a Bleffed Childs part as the Adop- ted fhall have? Would they enter- The Quiches of Grace. 65 entertain fecond thoughts of this ^«- i3« matter, they would think it high #*' time (even the hour) for arifing out of their deep. 2. This alio conduceth to the good of Converts. 1. To quicken 'em in Service, ip**. 1- Should not Children be Obedl- I4 * ent ? 2 . To quiet 'enl under the Rod. Have not Fathers a Right to ufe it? The fecond branch bendeth to- wards thofe that are out of the relation of Children to God : Be they at unreft till they be brought into it. Though this gift is purely from Graces hand, men ought to wait where it ufeth to beftow it. I will (at ptffent) (end the concerned to School to the Prodi- ^f l< >* gal, to learn of him. 1. Enter they iflto a confuta- tion with their owjj&earts. Was not that the fir ft gjbd ftep that the Prodigal took, that whereby .. i he 66 Tl?e Riches of Grace. he came unto (or into) him- felf? May they confider how much the Lord hath wooed 'em ! How in their not being won by and . contenting to him, they have for- faken their own Mercy. Have they not taken his Name in vain, when they called him Father, and carried themfelves no whit futa- xeUtionss bly ? Did they ever feel the force funt maxi- that is in fiich a near Relation ? m*efiic&- Y)o not their Conferences fee caufe to chide 'em ? And will they not as Worms gnaw and Prey on 'em to Eternity, if till the end of time they ftand off? 2 . Fall they on their knees, and in that pofture may they feelingly confefs their other fins, and par- ticularly their refufing to come into the ftate of Adoption ? Do they not deferve eternal wrath for it? 3. Be they afraid of refting (as many do) in the bare Name of God's Children, without that rare Spirit A The (ftjcbes of Grace. 67 Spirit that agrees to 'em ? Shall not fome be as the Children ofAmosg.j. Ethiopians to him , that called themfelves, and were by others counted his Children ? 4. Prefent they Jefus Chrift, and their fouls (and fuits) through him to the Father ? May they in a (elf-judging pleading way beg that he would pour the fpirit of Adoption on 'em. Tell they him what he knows ; it is fair for them Lukf 1* to be as his hired Servants : Yet feeing he is pleafed to make many - Monuments (as well as subjects) of Grace, they would gladly be lb favoured. May thofe I am dealing with well weigh, That i. As they (Naturally ) £ ^ 2tI2i are far from God, they are wil- ling to continue fo. 2. If they be not God's Chil- : dren, they are Heirs of Hell. 3. There's yet room in God's 2 cor. 6. Houfe and Heart for 'em. May 1 * 2 ' they come in now '.delays are dan- gerous. F 2 The 68 Tl?e Riches of Grace. The Third Branch is for thofe that are called and are the Chil- dren of God. Be they ftirred up to attend the work that is proper 'em ? te.1.3, Firft, Blefs they the Lord (par- r * ticularly God the Father ) that hath thus dignified and exalted 'em y and therein fet forth his Rich Grace to 'em ? 1. Are not many much grea- ter in the World pafs'd by, and not fo honoured ? 2. Were not they in their firft Eftate as crofs-grain'd as any ? 3. Hathnbt their ftate fafety, and a foundation for fblace in it? Secondly, Wait they for good Evidences that they are in this ftate? 1. May they have an humbling fenfe, that when they firft found Mercy, they were Fatherlefs. 2. May their ftudy be to be more Fatherlefs ! being givers ac- cording to their capacity ; and for- The Riches of Grace. 6$ forgiver of the freeft fort. f. May they refblve to abide in the Duty of Children, though they fhould be cut fhort of the comfort of Children ! Being, j . In an Holy Fear of offending their Father. 2. In a watchful, free, and vigorous Obedience to their Fa- ther. 3. In a believing expe&ation that his Fatherly Love will break out; In pitying 'em when under prelfures. In providing for 'em when in wants. In protefting 'em when en- dangered. In counfelling 'em when in doubts. In hearing 'em when they cry. In whipping 'em to prevent their being loft. In fecuring their Inheri- tance to 'em. F 3 In 70 The Riches of Grace. In thefe good ways it may well be hoped that the Holy Spirit will witnefs to (and with) their Spirits, that they are good Chil- j^».8.i6. dren . Through "light from him they may read their Evidences. May he blefs this part of, my poor Labours. An 7 1 An Eighth Inflance OF THE RICHES O F GRACE: TO WIT, God the Fathers Sancti- fying Verfons. iCor. i. jo. Who of God is made unto m Sanffi- fication. EVEN then when Minifters' forbid Perfons to glory in themfelves, they are to bid 'em glory in the Lord ; when the F 4 haugh- 7 * The latches of Grace. haughtinefsof Man is takendown, the Lord is to be exalted. The Apoftle having given .the Chriftians'at Corinth to under-- )U *• (land, that the Ele&ion of Grace ufeth not to run among perfbns ( and things ) that are at the up- !)er end of the World, though bme of an higher Rank are the fubjefts of it ; in order to the en- couraging of thofe of 'em, that were outwardly mean (and low) he fhews that what they wanted as to Worldly advantages, was abundantly fupplyed in thofe of the beft fort. As the River of Paradice became ( or broke out ) into four Heads ; fo the River of Grace that makes glad the City of God , fends forth four moft pleafant Streams. Chrift the Son of God is by his Father made to true Believers Wifdom,and Righ- teoufhefs, andSan£Ufication,and Redemption. At the third of thefe we are for a while to lye : May our Souls tafte the fweetnefs of The Riches of Grace. 73 of it, whileft we handle this Do- Qrine ! From God the Fathers Free Grace jlpws the Bleffing of Salification. That is the Fountain from which as the Mediation of Chrift is the great Chanel through which it iflues. For a defcription of San&ifica- tion, I do ( as for other defcrip- tions I did ) fend Peribns to the Catechifm , with agreeables whereunto I prefent fiindry Po- fitions. The firft is , Sanftification is the work of God. Can any one make men Holy lave he that made 'em ? Can the Ethiopian change his ' r * e M« sktn> or the Leopard his [pots ? Can the thing be done fave by him that can do all things ? The Second is, San&ification is from the Grace of God. Is not 2P«. 3. this work ftyled the work of ; ^* Grace, yea a Grace it felf ? What fave his Grace could move God to wafh thofe that are unclean clean ? 74 T/;e Riches of Grace. clean ? On this we are to touch again. The Third is, In (or on) the San&ified, the hand and grace of God pafleth in a renewing way : Do not old things pafs away? 2 cor. $. Are they not Reformed and Tran£ formed ? Is there not a change in (though not of) their Natural Powers? Though their faculties are the fame, their qualities are altered for the better ; they are *soDo8or partakers of * a Divine Nature. Fowler. The Fourth is, This change 2P( * ,1,4 'reacheth (and runs through) the whole Man. Though it have 2 cor. 5. ' lts beginning in the inner Man plhnum (the Heart being the firft thing umns. that lives Spiritually. ) Are not all things (even the Members of the Body ) in a fort made new , made to ferve to new ufes and ends? The Fifth is , The Sanftified are for dying to fin. They have not onely the fiippreffing of its outward A£ts, but the crucify- ing The (Riches of Grace. 75 ing of its Affe£hons and Lufts in defire and defigns. They would Mortifie the deeds of rhis Body Gal^.24. in thofe Lufts which are the caufes of 'em ; and they ftrike no lit- tle at thofe fins that have had moft love, and (b moft liveli- nefs. The Sixth is, The San&ified are for living to Righteoufnefs. They live to God, and the ends for which he gives 'em Life:T hey Ga%2 * 19 ' would have both Tables of his Law written on their Hearts,and read in their Lives. I add, If we take San&ifica- tion as diftin£t from Regenera- tion , it denotes a progrefs and growth in the good Principle therein wrought. If we diftin- guifh it from Obedience, it de- notes that inward work which is therein expreffed, even outwardly as there is occafion. And now to prove ( what hath been pointed at, and is the main Point ) that Sanclification is an effed j 6 The Riches of Grace. effect of Free Grace, the Grace of God the Father eminently,though not onely : I offer what comes next. i . Was it not Grace (his Grace) that moved him to defign the San&ifying of Perlbns ? Do not his purpofe and grace go toge- 2 77m.i. t-^er in Scripture? Was he not moved thereunto from himfelf , and not from any thing without himfelf? Are not his determina- tions free ones ? 2. Was it not from Grace (even ^3* his Grace) that his Son was fent Utter end. r rr ' . ~ r . rrom Heaven to purcnale for and give to Men this Blefflng of turn- ing 'em from their iniquities unto him and his ways ? Do we not Heb. io. read that by his will ( or good will) we are fanftified through the offering of the Body of Chrift? j. Is not the Sanftifying Spirit >fc»u. the Fathers free gift ? My Text leads me to enlarge on the fecond (or middle one) of the The Quiches of Grace. yy the three Heads laft named. In that the Lord Jefus is made unto us Sanctification by the Fa- ther ; it leaves no room for doubt- ing that it is of his Grace : What E P b - *• 3- comes through this Blefled hand, ^ J£^£ favours fweetly of Gaace. Is not he the S on of his Fathers Love and Grace ? There was Rich Grace, i. In motioning to him his Mediating on behalf of the gracelefs. 2. In Commiflioning him there- unto, upon his complying with the motion. 3. In ftrengthening his Hu-#M3-i°- mane Nature to go through what he contented to. And this will be made more manifeft upon our confidering how Chrift is the Sanftification of Chriftians. Which he is, 1. By the Merit gf' of his Paffion , or through his fatisfa&ory differing. Did not Water together with Blood iffue out of his fide? And doth he not come toms. 78 The Riches of Grace, ijobn 5. come by Water to San&ifie, as 6 ' well as Blood to Juftifie ? Did he John 17. not SanftiHe himfelf in a way of s% Mr. offering, that he might San&ifie Newton, us in a way of Purifying ? 2. Is not our Sandification by JntetcejiO' afl d fr° m f h e vertue of his Inter- im, ceflion ? Doth not he that hath purchafed for, pray down on us •fobn 1 7. the Spirit of Holinefs? Doth he not ib Pray for his own, as he doth not for the World ? In that Copy which we have ( under his Hand, or from his Mouth ) of his Interceflion, is not this one Re- queft, Smi tfte them through thy Truth ? Efficacy j t Are we not Sanctified by ^^the Power and Efficacy of his Operation ? Doth not this Head communicate influences of a Pur- ging Nature to his Members ? Doth not he by his Spirit enliven thofe that are of his Myftical Body ? Do not we receive the Spirit in meafure from him, that received him out of fiich mea- fure ? Is i-U i The Riches of Grace. 79 Is not Free Grace fhewed in thus making Chrift to be our San£Hfication ? I will point at two other par- ticulars. 1 . Great Divines fay , that imputation Chrift is made to Chriftians San- M% ftification by way of Imputation. His Holinefs, which is perfe£t, is accepted on behalf of them whofe Holinefs daring this ftate is im~ perfe£t. Doth not Chrift'sSpoufe fhine in and with the Rays which $£% s J . menu* he fheds on her r Is fhe not in a fort endowed with hisRichEftate? coi. 2. 10, Are not Believers compleat in lu him ? 2. Is not Chrift made San&ifi- cation to Chriftians by way of,;*, Samplar and Patern ? Js not true so Mr. Holinefs in them a Conformity as Stron & 9 to the Law fb to the Son of God ? Should not the fame Mind (and Affe&ion) be in them which was in Chrift Jefus ? Do not they of j^ I#I4> his fulnefs receive Grace for Grace, 16. Grace that carries a refemblance of his Grace? Now. So The Riches of Grace. Now, that Holinefs is in thele ways conveyed from and through Chrift, is as from the \V ill, lb from the Grace of the Father. It is time for us to come to fome Application. Which fhall be firft by way of Information. The firft branch whereof is, Well may the Grace of God the 2 - 7- Father have Riches ( yea, exceed- ing Riches) attributed to it, fee- ing Sanftification is one of the iffues of it ; which will riiore ap- pear, if the Necctlity and Excel- lency of it be weighed. i. Is there not as to us a great Neceflity of Sanftification ? It is neceffary, i. By way of Precept or Divine Command : Hath not God faid to us in both 19 * 2 ' Teftaments, Be ye Holy? fliould not God's Commands be turned into doing, not difputing ? 2. By way of means or method. in ufun in Is not Heaven the moft Holy place, umm. t he Holy of Holies? Can the unholy The Riches of Grace. § i unholy come there ? Can God be Hib * I2 - feen in a bleffed-making way u " without Sanftity ? Shall thole that are as Dogs ( and Swine ) enter the Palace of the great King? 3. By way of Preparation or ; • Fitnefs. As Heaven cannot be at- See ' ^ e 13 ' tained, fb it cannot be enjoyed caufes of . fave by the Sanaified. Is there *<*<*• any thing there that will liiit and folace an unfan&ified Perfbn ? Could he delight or defire to ftay there, if he might be admitted thither ? Is he meet for the Inhe- ritance that is in Light, who loves Darknefs and the ways thereof? What agreement hath Light and Darknels ? 4. By way of Evidence \ with-. cfutSanftification we cannot clear U P> 1. OurEle&ion. Are not Per- fbns chofen, that they may be Holy ? * 2. Our fpecial Redemption. ^ 1. 4* Did notChrift Purchafe to him- G felf 8 2 The Riches of Grace. rit.2. 14. felf a peculiar People, Zealous of good works ? 3. Of Juftificaticn. Do not icot.^. thefe two Phrafes go hand in lx " hand, Te arejuftified, Teare^Sxn- tfified ? Water and Blood meet. 4. Of Adoption. Are not the Sons of the Saints of God ? Have they the Relation that have not the Difpofition of Children ? The Excellency of Sanctifica- tion is now before us. And 1. Doth not San£Hfica- \ tion new mould the Soul, and in a fortreftore it to its felf? Doth itnotfetits powers and faculties ^.122. right, and fit 'em for proper life and end, and by confequenceho- \f ngs £> nour ? Do not Men that bethink themfelves (and turn into their Hearts, and from their own ways) . moft fhew themfelves Men ? Is not fin the Souls Difeafe? And doth it notdifbrder and deface it, taking away as its ftrength, fb its * beauty ? Whereas Holinefs is the Souls Health and Glory ', and the The l\ichcs of Grace. 8 5 the San&ified are more Men than others. 2. Doth not San£tification ren- der Men in their meafure like un- to God ? Do they not by Faith fb 2 8 C(,r - 3- behold his G!ory % a$ to be fticta*^^©.- morpholed, or changed into the*«>>3*- - fameImage,from Glory to Glory ? And what doth fb dignifie the Creature as Conformity to the Creator ? 3. Is not San&ification the en- trance Porch and beginning of Glory ? Is it not in the Scripture laft quoted (and not in that one- ly) ftyled Glory? Was it not rightly faid, That Sanctifying Grace s ° ^ r \, is glory began, as glory it fitch Grace completed ? Is not Grace glory in the feed, as glory is Grace in the fruit? Is not Grace glory in its Infancy, as glory is Grace in its Maturity ? Is it not truly (as well as ufually) laid, That Nature is at a further diftance from Grace than Grace is from Glory ? Na- ture and Grace differing in kind, ■*>«*#- G 2 where- 84 TJie (Inches of Grace. whereas Grace and glory differ ¥ & c - fcription) of the Gmftici, that ]e ^' is, of the true Chriftian under see Mr. that Name, he intended to fb&P^JS? what fuch a one fliould be : But £#$ who is fb? At laid, I will Eg the ftandard as even .as I can, ai?d briefly pofe my Readers. And 1. Are your Heads fancH- fied ? It's clear Spiritual renew- j^wr.12.2. ing is feated in the fpirit of the Ivlincl, or in the Soul as to its ap- prehending faculty ; and as to "many, the firft great deleft is, A dear Light was never fet up in Tern. Doth the fight you have of Sins Odioufhefs, ChrifPs Preci- oirfnefs, and the Beauties of Ho- lincfs abide with you ? Do you fee the Image of God's Wifdom, >/7~y Power, 1 po The Riches of Grace. Power, and Goodncfs pourtrayed and drawn on the Holy Scrip- tures ? Do you fee fiich Excel- lency in the Chfiltian Religion , iTbef. 2. that on thataccount you embrace it? Do you eye God in his Word, that you may receive it as fuch ? Are you for mufmg on the tilings of od,efpecially the great things of his Law, and glorious things of hisGofpel ? •2. Are your Affe&ions fanfti- fied ? As colquj* appears ijr Mens Kovtam Faces , fo doth lanftificjtion in ™ w ^ .their Affe&ions. Theft Ho more ns™* than AQuons fhe\v men to be more than men. More particularly I ask you , Moth Grace help you in the'Go-- vernmentof tiiofe Atfe&jbns that arelefs governable ? Do you watch again ft AniiSaf, left it tranfport you to fpeeehes that are indecent ? Are you for turning your for- row into that Chanel which \\ ill turn it to the beft account ? 2. Are £ y The Riches of Grace. 9 1 2. Are you for letting your guarding and difliking Aife£tions ir ^/- $• (fuchas fear and hatred) againft 2 fin, fbthat youabltain from ap- pearances and occafrons of Evil? £ Are you for being publickly afftfted and fpirited ? inwardly concerning your felves in the joys and for rows of %wn ? 4. Are you defirous tocherifh and increafe I ious Affeftions? Would you fain find your love more moving towards the Lord in defires, andreffing in him by delight? Would you cleave clofer to,and glory highlyer in him, and more referable, pleafe, and honour him ? Would you with more defire defire fpirituals and eternals? Would you gladly feel your hope mere lively and purifying ? Would you more experience what so Donor real (or a well-temperM heat of £ rr< ? w : the) Affections IS ? Sermon. ■ Would you have your Affecti- ons to break out in fenfible and fenGtive 9 z The (^ icbes of Grace. fenfitive expreffions, fb that your fbrrow for fin might be feen in your weeping Eyes , and your love to God be felt in Holy Rap- tures? And if this be lefs attained, Are you (as to the rational part and exercife of your Affecti- ons) moft for God and againft fin, fo that you highly value his favour, and diflike its offers ? Would not the weaker lort of fincere Chriftians have their Af- feftions more at and in God's fer- vice ? Have they not them to an- fwer, and not onely their Con- fciences to filence, when they go upon Duty ? And is it the way of Hypocrites to keeptheir Affeftions diligently, and to mix 'em fb, as to rejoyce with trembling, and to joyn Zeal with Moderation? Some may Jay, Are not the Af- feflions of unfound ProfefTors in 3^.27. man y ca (e S much moved? Did not Judas fbrrow ? and Felix tremble ? The fetches of Grace. y > tremble? and Herod joy? and Jehu fhew zeal ? Anftv. The inftances being Scrip- tural, are not to be denyed ; and our own Obfervation may furnifh us with the like. This is evident, The Eye of Reafbn well opened may in fundry cafes afteft the Heart; and much more may an awakened Conference on one hand, and a Sermon of Free 5 **™'** Grace on the other, work on Mens f^?, fpirits. But the Affections of the un- fbund are rather fenfitive than rational, fudden than fettled, forced than free, temporary than abiding, carnal, than fpiritual. To be fure, there is not in 'em fiich a combination and conjuncti- on as that that was even now °f thu , i tm • Mr. Cot- point£d at : They are not patient ton ^ eak} under fufferings without forbear- on \jok §. ance of fin ; they do not joyn Holy fear and confidence. And 9f The Riches of Grace. And whatfoever they pretend to, God is not higheft in their Love, nor is there in 'em an ha- tred of every faille way. It may further be laid, Are not good Arfe&ions in good Perfons iliSjecl to dyings and decays ? I Anftyer, Alas ! iu's felt they are lb; yet there is not always Inch a decay of Affe&ions for God or agamft fin in drooping Chriftians as they imagine. There may not be fome fuch St? Mr. Natural expreihons of Godly lor- dwnes of YOXV ready in Aged Chriftians, as Gncn. there were in 'em when they were younger ; and yet their Affeftions may te moie pure, fblid, and itrong than they were before. A nd we cannot expe£t thai real ArTe'SHons for God fhoukl be equally exercifed at all times, feeing the Holy Spirit, the firll mover of (and in) 'em, doth, not at all times equally influence 'em \ and if he breath lefs in, the ^anftified can lefs breath out. O i 7 sy The Riches of Grace 9 5 O that they may more breath af- ter him and his influences ! The Third Life is of and for Exhortation. Jhe firft branch relpe£teth the unfanftified. Be they excited to wait on God in his way, that he would magni- fie his Grace towards 'em in their Sa notification. To them the firft Dire£tion is, Be they willing to fee that Sanftification hath not reach'd their Hearts ? Are they San&ified, 1. That lye, vi allow, and delight in the ways of fenfuality ? 2. That are ( if not the Firft- born) the Children of Pride, Wrath r and Malice? 3. That are (even on God's day ) with pleafure Rooting in the Earth. 4. That love not to wait at the Ppfts of Wifclom's Gates. 5. 7 hat are not for Sanftifying the Lord in their Hearts, when approaching to him, 6. That cj 6 The (Rjcbes of Grace. 6. That arc not for watching over their Hearts, Tongues, Ears, and Hands, &<\ 7. 1 hat have not the Death of Sin and Life of Righteoufnefs in their defign. How can fuch Per Ions count themfelves among theSan£UHed ? The Second Direction. Study they the miiery of an unfanffi- fled ellate,whilell Self fits upper- moft, and hath the reipeQ: which God fhould have, and that with aljowance ? 1. Are not all their enjoyments Dm. 28. unfanaiHed? Are not their Ta- 2>3* 2 hies, Beds, Fields, and Shops a (hare to 'em? Is not a Curie on their All, even their Bledings ? 2. Are not all Creatures right- ly laid to be Enemies to 'em, as it were envying 'em the help they afford 'em? v o that God caufeth Mr. T. so'BmLrSun tofhine, and Rain to fall oil ( as fbme «;lofs on it ) forceth the \-e^com£ > em : Would they not readily miff**?. ta ' ic a Commiflion to make an end of 'em ? 3. Da The Riches of Grace. 97 5. Do not their doings tend to their undoing, Whilft they blefs themfelves in 'em, and fay, They v ftiall have Peace, though they want Grace? j. Will not their Sufferings be as the Porch of Hell to 7 em ? As they are judged of the Lord, fhall they not be condemned with the world ? 4. May not Death (as the King of Terrors ) be at their Doors ? If they dye as they live, will not $ ob l8e their vain hope be turned into the *' blackeft defpair ? Will not their Vh,& flafhy joy iifue in everlafting fbr- 7 ^' row ? Can they elcape or endure wrath? May they never make t ry a 1 thereof ! The Third Direction. Reft they riot till they find a kindly and deep work of Humiliation on (and in) 'em. May their Hearts wifli that their Heads were as waters ! Is there not a caufe ? Man was inverted with Holi- nefs, he diverted himfelf of it 5 * H there 98 y Ibe Quiches of Grace. j^w.5.12. there is a Spring of unholinefs in him. This matter of Mourning is common to them with others. And hath not their a&ual of- fending been accented and ag- gravated beyond ordinary ? Being aftfer Calls, and againft much Light and Love, againft the ftri- vings both of God's Spirit and their own. Hath not unholinefs cleaved to their holy things ? Hath not their Silver been mixed with drofs ? And their very Praying favoured of the VefTel, and had a tin&ure of the Corruption of their Hearts in it ? Shall not thefe things among others be taken up (and written) for a Lamentation ? The Fourth Dire&ion. Defpair they of fanftifying themfelves, though there are found thefe Ex- hortations , Wajh you, make yon clexn. i\.u 1. 16. Thefe fet forth God's Autho- !**■ l ' rity and Man's Duty, and are ufed The Riches of Grace. 99 as means through which Grace is given, and drive Men to beg it ; but they are not meafiires of mans ftrength, nor do they {peak a natural power to fpiritual good in 'em. Men are to ufe endeavours, and to defire that God would give ef- ^ ficacy. They are to lye at the Pool and wait, that God would put 'em in, and wafh 'era. The Fifth Direftion. They are to rejoyce that though they have not a power tocleanle them- felves, they are under a poffibility of being cleanfed. Graces Arms f£*'* are long, and withall open, and no Heart of ftone is too hard for it to work on. The Sixth Direftion. They are to go immediately to Chrift, and through him as Mediator for the fan&ifyihg fpirit. His Soul was made an Offering that heifefri*! might fee ( and enjoy ) an Holy Seed. May they be earned with the Father, that they may be of H 2 that loo The Riches of Grace. that Seed ! Ple^d they before him their great want, and the de- fire of fupply he hath wrought in 'em, and the Praife that will redound to his great Name. O that they were importunate ! - ■ The later branch of th6 Ex- lafi. hortation is to the truly Sanftified, ml. 4.2. long they that they may be more throughly fb. Firft, That all Graces may be and grow in their Hearts. ' Particularly, 1. The Mother- Grace of Faith. 2. The Rooting Grace of Humility. 3. The Li- beral Grace of Love. 4. The Supporting Grace of Hope. 5. The Enlarging Grace of Joy. 6. The Balafting Grace of Fear. 7. The Quieting Grace of Contentment (that is, that caufeth it.) Secondly, Long they thatHo- lincfs maybe more exercifed in \^ ' V their Lives ; in Clofet, Houfe , and Temple; in Travels and Trades, yea in all manner of Con- ver fation. The more they are San&ified, The Riches ef Grace. x o I Sanftified, i. the more God will be Glorified, 2. the greater Glory will fall to their fhare. ^ - The laft Ufe is for Confblation. May they that have Holinefs take comforf 4 Is it not their Portion- and Peculiar ? Light is fbwn for ( if not reaped by ) the Righte- ous. He that is their San&ification vfarr is their Righteoufhefs, and will be IU their Redemption. He will free 'em from evil, and put 'em into the fulleft fruition of that good that is latisfying, and will be everlafting. His Atigels fhall keep 'em in the way, and carry 'em to Glory at their End./vi^ H ? 7fc 102 The Ninth Inftance O F T H E RICHES F GRACE: T W I T, God the Vathers Com- forting Verfons. 2Thef. 2. 1 6. Jnd given us evtrUfling QcnfoU- tion through Grace. Herbert^ ^ nifters in their Preaching Met to fliould fbmetimcs intermix * Ex- toTcmpie. h or tations to Men, with Suppli- cations The (Riches of Grace. i o 5 cations to God ? Did not BlefTed Paul that hath long been thought an excellent Example to (and for) 'em, lead in this good way of Preaching ( in part ) Prayer^ wife? Should not they that are ifa. 48.17, Teachers throughly learn (and bear in mind) that God onely teacheth their Hearts to Profit ? As we in the Text and Context find St. Paul at his Prayers, fo we will firft note the Perfbns Prayed to, to wit, more than one of the Perfbns in the God- head, our Lord Jefus Cbrifl^who is God, and God the Father. Here the Lord Jefus, the Se- cond Perfbn in the Trinity, is placed before the Father, who yet i in order is the Firft Perfon. And hence one of the Ancients takes Chryfc- upthofe who argued againft the \^ d Deity of Chrift, becaufe in th&mfw form uled in Bap x tifm, the Father ] l ^ l f is named before him ; and is not^^ the Proof ( here found ) that &c. Chrift is very God, very ftrong ? H 4 Is 1 04 The Riches of Grace. Is he not mentioned as, 1. The Obje&of Prayer. And 2. The Fountain of Grace? And who can be fo that is not God ? The Second thing we fhall ob- ferve, is the matter of the Prayer, or things Prayed for : To wit, 1. Comfort; and that fuch as will reach and reft in the Heart. 2. Eftablifhment in Holinefs. * Peace and Power are a lovely Couple. The Third Ohfervable is, the great ground on which was Built the good Iran's Confidence, that he fhould prevail in and by his Prayers ; that is, the love ( and free grace } of God ; which did break forth, 1. In the beftCon- fblation. 2. In the hope of the Glorification of the believing TbtfjalomAns. 1 he pre lent Point or Do&rine is, The free rich Grace of God the Father dotli fhew jt felf in the Conlolations he gives to his People. It The (Riches of Grace. 105 i It cannot well be doubted, that the Grace we here read of hath cowep relation to the Conioiation as well eao as to the good hope that Hands near it : Both are free gifts. The Comforter is given, as through the Son, fb from ( and j bn 14. by) the Father; and furely then 16. hisComforts are fb. As God the Father is the God of all Comfort ? *£• u his Grace moves him to be fb. f And of this there are feveral Dc- monftrations. The tirft whereof is drawn from the very Nature of Com- ,-fort. 1. Comfort is the ftay, ftaff, c^firw fupport, and uphold of a Perfbn, %$%$* of his Heart efpecially. t)oth aifc/iz? not the Word favour this faying, '}£ ^ whileft it carries in its Notion^, ftrength of (or to) the Heart? And\io we not in the Context read of the Heart as the (eat and fubjcct of Comfort, in the Prayer . put up by the Apoftle, when the • Lord laid. He would fhcak com- fortably 1 06 The Riches of Grace . Htf-Ln. fortably to bit Church \ feme reatf it, (peak to her Heart. Is not this Wine generous ? Is not this Cordial reviving ? 2. Comfort (as far as it goes) 2cot. 74. carries the Heart above weights (and preffures) that have Jyen on it. The ftate out of which the Comforted come is not feldom a troubled ftate. This Oyl is poured into broken Veffels , or Spirits. They who are come to it have gone away by the 94 , weeping-crofs. Hear a Man of Experience telling you, that a- midft his troubleibme thoughts , and many of 'em, God's Com- forts delighted his Soul. This Sun-fhine is in and after Winter : This Tree of Life fweetens Wa- ters of Mar ah. Are not the Con- folations of Martyrs noted as emi- nent ? Have not their Joys been feen by the light of confiiming Flames ? Now, what hand fhort of that Free Grace can reach mens hearts, and that in their deep di- ftreffes? The The (Rjches of Grace. 107 The Second Demonftration is fetch'd from the neareft and mod immediate Spring of Comfort, to wit, the Holy Ghoft. Did not the Father and the Son fend 3°** U- Comfort by the Spirits hand? &i 5 . 7> & He, he (in a way of eminency) o^*W is ftyled the Comforter. Joy is ™* 22> not cuiely a Fruit of the Spirit , but one of the firft-fruits there- of. Now, it is clear as the day, the Spirit is a moft free Agent ; he is the Wind that blows when . (and where) helifteth. And as f^. I4 * he proceeds from the Father to tG7 [ are more meet for Comfort. I fay, they'are made lb, not Born lb; and Graces hand is in it. True it is, in order to being comforted, . i: Perfbns are humbled , fow- ?hii.i?6. ffig rii Tears before they reap in . - And 2. They "are cleanfed ; ~jj% Purity fore-runs Peace. Tilth and The Riches of Grace. 115 and not onely guilt is taken away, ^ m - *4* that anguifh may be fb. 3. They have fbme confidera- ble Victories. To him that is in ^ 2 ' 7 ' the way or overcoming, is the Promile of hidden Manna made. Yet this hinders not Comfort's being from Rich Grace, feeing- Humility, Purity, and Viftory are all from it. Is it not double Grace to give prepared Hearts and joy into 'em ? l And fb the fir ft Inference is L They who know from Experience what it is to be comforted, fhould be great Admirers of Free Grace. Are they not great Debtors to it ? They have before been fhewed , that they are ; and the more they give glory to Grace, the more hopes there are they fhould jvalk in the fhine, and not in the fhade, and that their Light fhould be more lafting. The Second Inference is, They that are mod Comforted, and can fay (as the Martyr did) He is I come I 114 ^ e ^ches of Grace, come! He is cornel with chcar- ing, fhould walk humbly and thankfully. i. Should not Humility be i *«• 5-5- their daily Cloathing? What have they that they have not re- i cor- 4.7. ceived freely ? Are Comforts the improvements of ^Nature ? Are they not the vouchfafements of Grace ? The higher they are as to their advancement from God, the lower they fhould be as to the abatement of themfelves. Do not the Boughs that are laden with Fruit bend towards the ground ? Who made them to dif- fer ? They will not oiler to fay, they themfelves did. If they p'i! -0.6. ft roa k themfelves becaufe their Mountain ftands ftrong, may not the next Nevvs.be, that God hides his Face, and they are troubled ? Will God endure to fee Comfort made fuel for Pride ? 2. Should not their Hearts be raifed in thankfulnefs ? Should not their Tongues be finging ? Should not The Riches of Grace* 1 1 5 not Comfort that rifeth from God's grace be returned to his ...glory ? Miould not they who have * in 'em the Oyl of gladnefs, have on 'em the Garment of Praife? When they have the fweet,fhould not God have the honour of their chearfulnefs ? Are not Mercies 2C6r ' l $> moft likely to be lading that are 4 * worn with moft gratefulnefs ? Is vecurfus not Thankfulnefs the ready road & 1 "!** re ' to thriving r They who having tiartm.. gone down to the deeps , have f een the Wonders of Heart-chear- ing Grace, fhould cry out, O that Men would praife the Lord for his goodnefs ! Songs of Thankfgi- p I a1 - I0 7- ving become thofe that with joy - draw the Water of Life. The Third Inference is,It is no wonder they are unacquainted with Comfort, and have none worth having, with whom thr, Grace of God (and its bleffed workings in his peculiar ones ) is at an undervalue. Do not Grace . and Peace go hand in hand ? Can &p a jjil'. I 2 Aran- 1 1 6 TJ?e Riches of Grace. ftrangers to the former intermed- dle with the later ? i. Can they have Peace with God, that are at Peace with any fin,be it Pride,Worldlinefs, or Vo- luptuoufnefs ? The Spirit (peaks exprefly, There is no Peace ( none of the right kind) to the nicked. 2 . Is their Comfort right,whofe Comfort hath its firft (and chief) rife from nether Springs ? Is their Note worth hearing,who fing the Song of that deluded Worldling ? Souls be of good cheer , yon have Goods liid up for many Tears* Are they not ( as he was) wrong in reckoning ? May not a Day ( or Night) bring forth the drying up of the ft Wells ? Whileft they run, can they throughly refrefh the Soul ? Doth a Man's Life lye in the abundance of what is un- laftipg and tmfatisfying ? 3. Is their Confolation Heaven- bDrn, who know not what Con- v r iftion of and Contrition for fin jmeaneth ? Who that is Spiritually wife The Riches of Grace. i ! 7 wife values that Peace that is taken up at a Man's Feet? Is it not dangerous to follow fparks of ones own kindling? The further they are followed, the greater the #*• ^°- danger is ; will not the upfhot be lying down in lorrow? God's way is to heal the broken in heart. ? ^ I4?t It is fad when all the joy that 5. Perfbns have is from their not heeding the fadnefs of their Con- dition ? 4. Is all Comfort to be refted in, which had fbme troubles be- fore it ? Do all come out of Pri- fon at the right Door ? 1. May not that which with fome paiieth for Comfort, be the Bridges. Daughter of Time, and not of Grace ? Troubles may wear off, that are not by Graces Hand fetch'd off? 2 . May not the ftream of trou- ble ceafe to run, though Grace be not caff into ,the Fountain of the Heart ? May not fome that are , Wounded run to the World ( if I 3 n° c nS The Riches of Grace. not to a worfe place ) for a Cure ? nciucmt'i ; ^ ome drown their troubles in ex- &c. ceflive Cups. 3. May not fome have a Com- fort that is rather from their for- row than from Grace ? Do they not fet up their forrow in Chrift's place, as if it could fatisfie God, or fave them ? 4. May not fbme rather like Philofbphers Argue themlelves out of trouble from lower Topicks or ways of Reafbning, than like Chriftians, pray and wait that God would fend the Comforter to 'em. What (fay they) to be troubled is to be poor Spirited ; it becomes not Men of our Birth, Place, and Parts. Is it not well written,thatmany upright ones fee not the ground they have for comfort, and un- fbund ones fee not their matter of forrow. Be it known, 1 . Graces way is to give Joy to fuch as will highly prize it, and be loath to.abule it : J" y* Tlie Riches of Grace'. 1 1 9 It foftens the Heart, that it may P/i/.s**. be readier to receive and retain Joy better. 2. Grace keeps thole from over- minding vain Jollities, that are filPd with pure joys.TheJovialneli of many is compared to fired ftraw, which makes fbme flafhes, but leaves black afhes behind it. O that all thofe who have layen out of the Road of Grace, were willing to bring what is called Comfort to the Tryal ! And fb the Fourth Infererence is, All of us fhould enter into a moft ferious fcrutiny ( and en- quiry) whether Grace hath come in a comforting way to us. Some may wonder at this word, gidd /«* and fay, this Life is lefs ufeful, if jft*f* not ufelefs- Is not Comfort eafily difcernable ? Doth it not ftrikeon fenfe ? Will it not like fire fhew itfelf? To which I fay, As thefe are falfe fires, lb there are falfe joys. There may be fire that holds in s -/ I 4 when 1 2 o The (Riches of Grace. when it flames not out ; and there may be flafhes, where there is no abiding fire. Accordingly, there may be the truth of Comfort without the height of it , and there may be appearances of it without the truth thereof. Left God's Children fhould ^*x throw away their Bread, I lay V down fome Rules. i. They may have Comfort , that make no great noife of it. Waters may be deep (and fweet) that are ftill. 1 here may be good Wine where v no Buflh is hung forth. Manna may be hidden. ^ 2. They that arc Comforted are not always wrapt up and Ra- "vilhed. There are (laid one whole Book excells) three de- grees of Comfort, Peace, Joy, and Triumph. They may fiand on th£ Ipweftftair, that ftundat a diftance from the hfgheft. Every Saint is not (as St. Paul was) taken up into the third Heaven. The Riches of Grace. 1 i 1 All cannot well deal w 7 ith Rap- tures; one that had s;reat ones , see the up cry'd, Hold thine hand, Lord! tht™£g*f Clay Vtjfel mil break^ Soul-rtfl is Lives, fweet, and pure Joy folid.^nd ChrrJPs P- 2l 3« ■Banqnetting-hou>fz h * /*s/:is /v^kA j The Riches of Grace. 125 in the fear of the Lord ? Is not the joy of the Lord the Souls ( and Keh w- 8 Saints) ftrength ? Holding up I0 ' the hands that hang down, and putting Power into feeble knees. It's falfe Joy that is a Neighbour and Friend to loofhefs : In Hea- ven full Joy takes away fin, on Earth true Jov abates it vigour. 6, Is our Comfort much op- pofed by Satan ? As an eafie get- ting, fo an eafie keeping of Corn- fort renders it fufpicious. He that Accufeth the Brethren to God, will Accufe 'em to them- felves. Do not God's comforted F{ - v ' l2# ones find this Lion and Serpent in the way ? : ' *— ~ 7. Are wc for exercifing depen- dence on God the Father through $ ohn I4 , the Son, that he will pour his 16. Spirit on us, who is the imme- diate Author, and withalfthe up- holder of true Comfort ? Do not weak Chriftians Hearts work (at leaft breath) this way? Are any Hypocrites follicitous a- bout thefe things ? The / 1x6 The Quiches of Grace. The Fifth Inference is, Thefe doubting, drooping Chriftians, to whom Moneths (it may be Years ) of trouble Jiave been ap- pointed, fhould not draw this harfh conclusion, That they fhall go down in fbrrow to theirGraves. Have they ftudyed the Doftrine of ■ Grace throughly? And well weighed that Grace is the Source and Spring of Comfort ? Though their back-flidings look on 'em ^ p with a frightful face, and they 0;.H'4« cr y ?we nave finned agairift Grace ; yet having Godly grief and fear wrought in 'em, they muft not Jay, they have finn'd it away, it will never afford 'em one glimpfe of Comfort. It is true, in Ju- ftice God might deal fo, but to determine he will fb deal, i. Is point-blank contrary to Holy Writ. Hath not God, who 3^.3.22. faith, Return ye back-flidm? Chil- dren , fa id, / mil heal your back- (lUingSy and for encouragement added, and love you freely? 1 *'f-i? 2 o, the love ot" God, are to look for Or . r Btpp Eternal Life as a Mercy. One Davenant that excelled obferv'd that Eter- nal Life is a free gift. s ■ i. If the Original (or firft lev's Hi- rife) of it be refpetted, to wit, fwy% God's defigning and deftinating Kwi.11.5. p^j^^s; t0 ltj was not t h e Foun- dation thereof of Free-ftone ? Is not the Election own'd in Scrip- ture an Election of Grace ? 2. If refpeft be had to the pre- paration that is for it, which I may ftyle the initials, or entrance of it, Co wit, erledtual Vocation, together with unification and San&ification, the laft named gi- virg a capacity for Heaven, as tiicit next named before it gives a Tile to it. Have I not before p ov'd all three to be ilfucs of Grace ? 1 -; / ?• If The Riches of Grace. 159 3. If we regard the comple- tion, confummation, and per- fecting of it, is not that own- ing to Grace ? Is not the Crown of Glory a&ually fet on the Heads of the Heirs (and Inheritors) thereof, by the hand of Grace ? Grace opens Heavens Gate, or ( i Lyou will ) is Heavens Gate. %> m; 9- ~Are not the PoiTelTors of Glory 23 * ftyled Veffels of Mercy?**- The Doftrine needs no further proving, but we need Aids from Heaven, that we may improve it, which we will endeavour to do, 1. In laying down fbme Infe- rences of truth. The firfc whereof is, They are far out,whoarefor that Doftrine, That Eternal Life is owing,, or to be afcnbed.to Man's Merit. The Advocates and Pleaders for that Merit,which is laid to be of Con. Merituk dignity, if they will open their ds c(m ~ Eyes, and look well on the Text, may fee themfelves confuted. Are 1 4-0 The Riches of Grace. Are not Mercy and Merit, Debt, , j^w.4.4. and Grace, Gift and Defert op- pofite to one another ? Though as fundry of the Learned see Pe- judge, fe vera l of the Ancients by tries Hi- Meriting meant no more than ob- ftorjy&Q. taining; yet with us, the word obtains the fignification of de- ierving, and is not that a proud word for a Creature ( yea, a fal- se le- ^ en Creature) to ufe when a Blank, claim is made from his Creator, and that of no lefs than Heaven and Glory ? If Man could not properly Me- rit when he was innocent,as great Divines hold, furely there is no room for it, fince he is an Apo- pr.Ciif- ftate. If (as a late Worthy toiEvl*. writes) it is not poflible for a Creature to deferve any thing at the hands of God, we may eafily (and warrantably ) infer, Tin- ners cannot deierve fuch tranfcen- dent favours, as being made the Sons of God, and made partakers of their Heavenly Inheritance. 'Jacob The Riches of Grace. 1 4 1 Jacob counted himfelf below the Gen. 32. loweft, and lefs than the leaftof 10 * God's Mercies, and fhall any that are of his Seed count themfelves Meriters of the greateft Mercies ? If any fay, Eternal Life hath the name of a Reward, I do not^ OT<4<4 , gain- fay 'em ; nor will they ( I hope) gain-fay both me and the Scripture, when I fay with it, that this Reward is not of Debt, but of Grace ? If it be faid, we read of Per- fbns worthy to walk with Chriit in white, which fbme Interpret of Glory. I do after my betters diftinguifh qev* 3, 4, of worthinefs ; it is either of meet- nefs, or of merit ; meetnefs for „ , , CO' 01. X Heaven God's Word mentions, t2 , [-." merit of it it oppofeth. ^ Who among us oppofeth that jm faying of one reckoned amongft 3 Fathers, That good works are the BerRard - way wherein Men go to the King- dom of Heaven, but they are not the caufe for which he confers it ? 1 hey 142. The Riches of Grace. Tfiey are pleadable again ft that falfe Acculation, thit true Be- lievers have not doled with Chriil ; but at the higheft Tri- bunal, as to taking away the guilt of fin, anfwering the demands of God' > wronged Law and Ju- ftice, and procuring his forfeited favour ; this Plea that a Man hath N done fuch and fuch good deeds, is not to be infilled on, nor will it hold good. Is not the Word 11 ' exprefs, that what is of Works can- amwode not be of Grace? Thele two being gr.uuiLi. inconfiftcnt, for ib Grace would ^not be every way free. Is it not required of him that pleads Merit, to produce Works I of a good fort, that are, 1 . Purely %tfnori\ his own. And 2. Such as he was ** b ■ not bound to do. And 3. Such > as carry a proportion to Glory; £ which 4. will add lomething to S^V' God., ^ 5\\ ^ Now, which of us have fuch A^sV works to produce ? Are not the LJ N beft we do, 1 . done by the afli- ^ fiance \ The Riches of Grace. 145 ftance of Grace ? And 2. No more than part of our Duty. 3. Being *£Z'\'f* not to be compared with the 10." Glory that fhall be revealed. *&&*<*■* 4. Not adding one Mite to the Elfential Glory of God. And though one of the Roma- dx mbi nifls is charged with that arro- ^ 6 [ mm gant fpeech, Lord, give me Eter^um debts nd Life , which thou owejl me ; others of 'em,w 7 hen they come to dye, are for dying Proteftants in this particular, and have follow-' ' ed their great Difputer , not in Tuti I^ his Arguments for Merit in them- ™ c ™ t( ** felves, but in his AiTertion, that It was fafeft to truft to the Merit of Chrift. A great Emperour, Charts when in the fight of Eternity, '* d Fi i thi could not ftand on the bottom of Popery, which he had too much flood for, but profeffed he look'd to be faved from Mercy, and not J Jg! from Merit, not for his own Merit, but for ChrifPs pleading lelf-de- lert, he counted the way of per- fidioufnefs, not of Faith. If 1 44 The Riches of Grace. If any one cry, wherefore is all this wade? Will »- apifts read what you write ? And do not all Protectants difclaim the Doftrine of Merit ? I humbly offer this, that the Seeds of all Errors (and fo of this Popifh ones ) are in Prote- ftartt Natures ; and their Hearts may warp from the Doftrine which their Heads receive. Lu* ' lcd \ thtr faid, Brethren, we do flamly " play the G&Utians\ meaning, they laid too much ftrefs on their own w orks. Is it not too ordinary to fake much to our felves, and give fittle to Grace ? Is it eafie to work as if we could earn Heaven by working, and yet to deny all, fb far as to give due Glory to Rich Grace ? The Second Inference of Truth % There is no reafon that fenfible broken hearted finners fhould de- fpair of attaining Eternal Life. Though they think it too great a The Riches of Grace. 145 a gift for them to receive ; I am fure it is not fo great a one for God the Father ( and his Grace ) to give. Though they have been finners ingrain, their fins cannot be an abiolute bar to Divine ; Graces though they have abus'd Grace, fome that have done fo fhare »,ff^- it. Defpair tends to harden their Hearts, and ftrengthen their fins* Come they in now, fall they at Grace's feet ; be they wiping it fhould San&ifie, and it will with- out fail fave 'em. Should they not confent that it fhall be Glo- rified to and on 'em ? The Third Inference of Truth There is great reafpn the Gracs of God fhould put all Men ( and efpecially the fpecial fubje&s o£ it) to the wonder. Had we only this Inftance of Grace to admire which I laft treat of, we might fee caufe to cry out, the depth! and rvithaS the heightb, dpqttreadth) \ - 146 The Riches of Grace. and length of Divine Grace ! That this dole of Eternal Life fhould be dealt at Graces door : That fuch an Inheritance fhould be be- * queathed as- is incorruptible, un- defiled, and unfading ; that fuch a Crown fhould be put on Per- fons as is moft pure and maffy , ttoti 4. anc j {^ r j n g S no ^h or p a j n w j t i 1 - lt . that fuch a Kingdom as is unfha- ken ( and lyes above ) fhould be beftowed on multitudes, multi- tudes, every one whereof (in himfelfconfidered) is an unwor- thy one ; that he who gives the v polfeflion of, gives alfb prepared- nefs for it ; this is worthy and favours of admirable, infinite Grace. And who that gives this thing the thoughts due to it can forbear admiring ? Rules of Duty are to conclude this SubjeQ: and Treatife. The Firft is, Be we fully per* fuaded that there is certainly fuch a life as is treated of, and that Gra.ee is free to beftow it. If any fay, The Riches of Grace. i 47 fay, this is one of the Articles of our Faith, and none of us can doubt of it; I fay, our naughty see Mr. Hearts can make Ihift to dis-be- Garbutt lieve what our Mouths profefs to }&%&*! believe; and a notional, tradi-- **<*/& £- tional common affent to this truth Vf^^ is quite another thing from a fpi- ritual powerful belief of it. Weigh we well, 1. God that r/Vot ^ cannot lye, hath promifed Eter- Heb.u& nal Life. "2 . It is worthy of his Goodneft, as well as a Proof of his Truth, that his Servants fhould have a future recompense. I add , Hath not the Father 2 cor: $. prepared fuch a ftatein his pur-^w/ pofe? Hath not the Son paid 2lj ac u fni- valuable purchafe for it? Doth/'*- not the Spirit fit Perfons that they may poiTefs it ? Doth he not work in 'em defires,which nothing Ihort thereof can fatisfie ? Hath not fbme light concern- ing fuch a life fhone into the Eyes of Heathens ? So that they have L 2 written! 148 TI?e Riches of Grace. written of ( and for ) a place of pleafure in another World ? Have not bad Men wifhed that they might dye the death of the Righ- h f umb. 23. teous, for the fake of that Life that would follow -it ? Have not good Men in hopes of it parted with all they had in their Hands ? iAnd have they not had in their Hearts fore-tafts and beginnings of it? Wait we that God would work ftfcxii in us that Faith that is the evi- Ip den'ce of things not feen. The Second Rule of Duty is, Meditate we on their Blifs and Bleflednefs that are in the pofTeC lion of Eternal Life. Do we fo every day ? Do we ib eminently on the Lord's Day ? Whileft we cannot enter Canaan, go we up to the Mount in our thoughts, that w r e may have a P//gv*Z>-fight of it. 1. This will tend to fill us \vith forrow and fhame for flighting it. And The Riches of Grace. 149 And 2. Drive us to feek Union toChrift, that we may have In- tereft in it. 3. It will raife our valuations of Free Grace. And in reference to fuch rai- see Mr. fing , though we cannot take a ? haw /i iuil mealure or it, enter we on Ugion y lome particular Confiderations ?• 2 7<*. concerning it. /acf ^ pB . The hrft whereof inall be by uu way of Comparifbn. Compare we Eternal Life with Natural Life, asconfider'd, 1. in it felf; and 2. with its Com- forts. As to the firft, the Compart fbn is as folio weth. 1. Natural Life, though a real . ( yea and railed ) Mercy, over- topping lower Mercies, doth con- fift in the Union of the Soul to ( and with ) the Body ; but Eter- nal Life lies in the Union of the Soul ( yea, at laft of the whole Perfon ) to God ; yea , in the moil near and immediate Union L 3 to 1 50 The (Rjcbes of Grace. to him that can be attained : And is not God infinitely above, and to be preferred before a Body ? The Union betwixt the Soul and Body will be broken ; but upon this Union between the Soul and God can be no breach. There Perfbns are ever with the Lord, 1 7W*. 4. and he is ftill in all of 'em. 2. Natural Life is a life of for- row. This Vale (or lower ftate) is known to be a Vale of Jacah and weeping. Clouds return after the Rain ; one fhower is ri- job 14. 1. f] n g w } len another is fallen ; and lometimes there is but a little N time between fhowers : When the Eyes are dryed on one account, ?™*f? r'"* Tears are ftruck into 'em on ano- Ju.fbiicwm. . . . n r , , _ tner. The belt orten teed on the Bread of Adverfity, and have the Water of Affliftion to drink. But in Eternal Life there's no- thing of (or like) lorrow: In that upper Region are no ftorms, fbrrows and fighings have there no place. There is Joy, fulnefs The Riches of Grate. i y i as well as truenefs of Joy ; yea, *M i& all Joy. W* 3 . Natural life is a life of chan- ges : There is in it a continual flux and fiicceffion of Affairs. Is it not like the Moon unchange-^/^ able in its changes ? Things con- 4»5« tinue not in one ftate. But Eter- s £™$ nal l^fe knows nothing of altera- Eternity. tion : That Day hath no Night , that Light is without Darknefs or Dimnels. The Sun there neither fets nor fufters Eclipfes: The Stars in that Firmament are all fixed. 4. Natural life is a life of fears. -^ .When evil (great evil) came on Job, it was but what he had?^3- 2 ^ feared. It is no fmall part of Mens Affli&ion, that when they are not under thefenfe of prefent Sufferings, the dread of fiich as may be future comes on 'em. In a Calm they are thinking how fuddenly a Storm may arife ; and I need not tell fiindry that fear l ^ qH . hath torment. But the poffeffors i8> of Eternal life are out of the L 4 reach 1 § Z Ylx Riches of Grace. reach as of dangers, fo of fears. 5 . Natural life is a life of Temp- tations. Will not Satan as Pha- raoh purfue Ifraelites to the Sea- fide?. Will he not as a Pirate fet on 'em as they are Sailing ? The Miu 4. 1, Captain of your Salvation was ? ' c by him affaulted , and can the Souldiers - expeft he will npt let fly e his Poy fonous Arrows at 'em ? If he leave 'em, it will onely be (as he left him) for a feafon : And on many it is a great Temp- tation, that they are not fenfible of Temptations. But into Hea- ven the Tempter cannot come. .Mr. Hoi- One faid, he is fallen from thence * n ' as Lightning, and Lightning can- not hurt upwards. They that are above are out of the Gun-fhot, and above his attempts. 6. Natural life is (alas!) a life of fin. This is not our Reft, it is polluted. Till the Death of the Body, the Body of Death will %om. 7-24.be fetching groans from Holy •fW. Is any part of the Chuich The Riches of Grace. iyg on Earth without fpot or wrinkle? ; Do not weights hang on, and fins ' befet the beft ? Do not the Feet of their Affections gather duft as they are walking on the Earth? But in the future life. Spirits are ( and Bodies fhall be ) made per- fefr. There is no flaw in thofe Diamonds: N<*ie there think a H ** fallings, there fhall be no decli- mngs, 7. Natural life is a life of wants, and fb of wifhes and defires. There are ftill complainings in our ftreets, and cravings in our Souls. Is not fbme corner ftill empty? Can Earth fatisfie? Did not Solomon , one of Wifdom's Ecch ^ eldeft Sons, after all his abun- 1,2. dance and experiments, fee Va- nity written in large letters on feen things? But Eternal life is a life of enjoyment and fitisfa&ion. Is not every Veffel of Mercy full to the brim ? Above there's light, & & and life, and love enough. Is UCI0 " there 1 54 The Riches of Grace. there not plenty and variety of the beft Fruits ? Even all that a good Heart can wifh. We will (now) look a little on the prefent life in its bell: drefs, as attended with its Comforts , and hint, that it is far fhOrt of Eternal life. i. Are the Comforts of this life wholly pure ? Is no ftain on the ufe or enjoyment or 'em ? Do not valued Delights go off with a tang of Jefs pleafantnefs ? Is not the abufe within a ftepof the ufe of em ? But in the beft Wine that is kept till laft, there is nothing ■ la 3-of dreggs : Eternal life is ftyled light for its pure purenefs. f he Rivers of Pleafure have no Mud, 2. Are the Comforts of this life at all lure ? Are they not on the wing ? Will not Honours with * So f dtl Riches flieaway as Eagles,* which ttwfmith. return not ? Will the good things that are feen, be long feen ? Is not the glory of Man as the flower of the Field, loon lading ? But 23 Dr. Ar- The ^ches of Grace. 155 in Heaven there are no moveables, Mount Z^on is firm. 3. Do the Comforts of this life fully reach and fatisfie the Soul ? Is it not often uneafie in the midft of 'em ? Doth not the Holy Ghoft,that mifcails no man, call him Fool, that when he had abundance, bade his Soul take its Lu i e I2 - reft ? Can it fleep on thefe Beds ? But in Eternal life, Perfbns live at the Fountain of Life, where all is fweeteft as well as fureft and fulleft, and they know they fhall ever do fb. Having compared Eternal Life with that that is Natural, we'll carry the Comparifon to that that is Spiritual I grant the life of Faith is ex- cellent, but that of fight excells it. For, 1. T hough Faith be as an 2 cor. ^.8. Eye, and have a fort of fight, yk|f mra ^ it onely fees the greatcft and bed on tint thingsasatadiftanceandafaroff; [ Cor - ! 3* it fees as through a glafs, and fb but 1 56 The Riches of Grace. *soMr. but darkly, and fees * rather the appearances of things than things themfelves. ButVifion (or the fight in Heaven ) is as in the beffc and faireft light, being moft clear, ftyled a feeing face to face. 2. Though the Eye of Faith 1 John 3. doth affeft the Heart, yet fight 2. in Heaven caufeth the pureft and ftrongeft afle&ions ; fuch as are wound up to the higheft pin : There Love and Joy are corn- pleat. 3. The Eye of Faith ; as it fees but Chrift in part, ib it not fel- dom lofeth its fight of him : But the fight in Heaven,as it is of him as he is, fb it is abiding and per- manent. 4. Faith when it difcovers to Perfons Chrift's Excellency, may not always difcover their Interelt in him : But in Heaven Saints fee him as their All and their own. Eternal Life is now to be con- fidered abfblutely : And firft, we'll look on fbme of its choice appen- dents. 1. Though The (Rjches of Grace. 1 5 7 1. Though an acute Writer gives it under his hand, that the Sh £ w , place of the glorified fcarce de- ferves to come into the defcription of their Glory ; yet we are to take his fpeech as a comparative one ; for neither he nor others think the place inconfiderable. Is it not written of as a Paradife, an 2 cor. 5. r. higher Houfe, an Houfe not made with hands ? A City that hath the beft Foundations, whofe Buil- der and Maker God himfelf is. Are there not in it many, very rf , x* r ' c r J John l$-2 many Manfions, or places or Set- tlement ? Is it not as the Palace of the King of Glory, which he made from the Foundation of the World, that therein he might dif- play his Glory ? Do not fome ap- ply to it thofe lofty expreffions by which the New jerufakm is fet ^ 2l « forth. And if thefe be exprefc five of what fhall be on Earth , how Glorious then is Heaven ? 2. Is there not there the moft noble add amiable Society ? (as to i $8 The Riches 6f Grace. to Creatures) even an innume- // * 12. not a right to it. O that Mens Underftaridings were opened to fee the things that concern their Eternal Peace and Profperity ! O that their wills wete opened, that they gave ain hearty conftnt that Chrifrs Government fhould be fet up in 7 em ! O that Men were ftriving,even Lu i e l P to an Agony, to enter the ftraight X^kM Gate ! >; O that tliey waited for the Spi- rits influences to and on 'em ! Be it known, i. If Men mifs of Eternal Life;, it will no little tm 'errs to' the Heart to 4 fee what M 2 21 1 64 The Riches of Grace. a Prize they have loft, and others obtained; what it coftChrifttq procure they fhould have offers of it, how Honourable the terms L £* l3 ' propounded to 'em were ! What bafe Lufts they loved ! 2. Will not Eternal Death be a dreadful Portion ? Is it not dread- $*• ft- 1 ** f u i t0 think of being driven from God's Pretence, and tormented from his wrath for ever ? The Fourth Rule of Duty is, Thofe who are right ( and Righ- teous) Heirs of Eternal Life, fhould be for getting and keeping good Evidences that they are fb. 1 . May their Humility be Emi- Mauiu nent. The low way (or way of 29- the lowly ) leads to Everlafting Reft. jpiiz.3-.2c. 2. May their Con verfations be in Heaven ! soDoclor (1.) Materially; whileft they Whtch a r e doin^ (and delighting to do) sermon, the work or Heaven, Glorifying their Creator, Redeemer, and San&itier. / Ut '■ hKl The 'Inches of Grace. 165 (2.) IntelleStually ; May their ckUjH* Minds and Medications be onHea- mediumr * ven ! ( j.) AffefHonately ; May they by thefe Wings fbar upwards ! 3. May their adherence to,and p& mtM4 dependance on Chrift, as to his Merit and Spirit, be continual ! What are they but what he makes 'em ? 4. May the word £toW, which is in my Text, be much in their Souls ! Is it not the Crown of the Crown of Glory that it is Eter- nal ? And fo admits Of no Conclufion. Of no Intei viiffion. Of no Abatement. May they in their Services and Sufferings much eye Eternity ! O that they who will vouch- fafe to read what I have written of the Riches of Grace, would weigh what they read, and wait that 1 66 Tlie Riches of Grace*- that Grace may work in (and for ) 'em as they are reading ! God doth nit (and fbme of them will not ) dcfpife the day of fmall things. Upon their 1 er- fbns, and their Reading may the Bleffing of Rich Grace defcend ! *£ FINIS. V