w T m ■~s ^ IO >r M jfi & .<■ / f. of t\xe mtotywt M PRINCETON, N. J. Collection of Puritan Literature. Division Section Nuitiber scc„ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 with funding from Princeton Theological Seminary Library http://archive.org/details/vavasoriOOIond Vavdforis Examen, & ^Purgamen-. OR, iVjL r * Vavasor. Towells Impartiall TRIA.LL: Who being apprehended upon the late HUE and CRT, raifed after him, hath Ap- pealed to God and his Country, and is found The Thanks of the Welflo Itinerants for their pretious Ncr*-years-gfft 7 (being a Chain of blew Beads , above an hundred Lyes on a firing) lately fent themj>y their nawelejf^trHthleffe y andfhameleffeBenefanor, wherein the Calumniators monftrous Draught is ex- , punged) and Mr. Powell drawn out in his proper Colours. P V B LIS H ED, % 5Edward Allen,? r Sjames Quarrell? ^?John Griffith, ^> ^CharlesLloyd. J Pr « Rev. 12. i o. The Accufer of our brethren-, is caft down, &c. Taeit . Si accufari fas eft> nemifti licebit effe imdeenti . Senee. Si vis beaius effe cogita hocprimum contemnere &contemnu iWtftf, Printed for Thomas Brewjier and LivemllChap man % and are to be fold at the three Bibles in Tauls Church-yard, and at the Crown in Pope* -head-alley, To the Redder. ■fi £* T is the duty of hearers to commend t heir iCoj.u.t t Teachers : This moveth us to do our en- deavour to clear, beloved, M. Powcl % from thofe Injuries and fatndals , whereby ei- ther his Verfon or Aiinijiry may become contemptible. Athanafius and Chryfojiome were de- fended by their hearers , which fued even to Regali Thrones, for no greater Indulgence* than the enjoy- ment of them and their labours We alfo could no leffe than appear againft evill men, (being fo loudly cal- led upon by their defaming clamours) wounding the truth ( what they can ) through the fides ofthemef* fengers thereof. Thefe Children in the market arc affe- cted neither with piping nor mourning $ he that is more inilde and fedenwry , (hall be the mark of their difdain* a man of more a&ivity and emminency theobje&of v their envy : who rather than mifle of a fpot on his coat, will take the pains to befpatterit} fo that whofoever h 'udgedby rndns judgemnt , (hall be fure to be on oe un- der blame. If there be no occafion found againft a juft Danish k (hall be yet ftudioufly invented againft him, concerningthe love of his God. This common calamity we both take notice of and lament. There arc three things produced, to calumniate and afperfeour dear Brother 5 his Birth, his Education^ his Worhg , which if not looked upon by an evilleye, or through falfe medi- %wis\ would all diguifie and advantage, rather than de- fame or blemifli him in the leaft. V Ve can extrad from thofe flowers more Honey, then the venemous defa- Hier hath done poyfon. As for his Birth (though we be no Heraulds yet ) we take notice, that Gentlemen, A 2 of To the Reader. of good rank, in the Counties oi Salop and Radnor, and of the beft in Montgomery Jloire^ commonly falute h[m as their kinfman , which isfufficient to demonftrate tv u hisdefcentis not impeachable ^and that none but mt of malevolent naiades canvilifie him on thkaccouaf We plead not this geneallogy as the chief cognizance of his Reputation ( approving of the Ad verfarics poe- tical quotation Genus & proavos s & qu£ nonfecimm ipji vixeanojiravoco Unworthy men may have great Anceftors) but rather look upon his Linage of the chief houfe,Heaven. And foi his Education (though from his childhood brought upas a (c f oler)we meafure ,it not 9 by every ditty way he hath navcllcd , orfoule Dunghill he hath trod upon 5 but by the endowments ofhisminde^ z^2iman^Chrijtian^z Preacher: His dex- terous faculties bo'h natural and acquiredjhis fcripture learning, and gifts of utterance, adorning thofe feveral capacities 5! If that faying be true , Uonm textuarius eft bonus Iheologus, wemayatteft him to be none of the meaneft : we chiefly prize his Nurture and proficiency under Chri& But laftly, we look upon his Worh^ as a flower above all in his garden , for beauty, favour and medicinal vertue. He is an indefatigable labourer in theHarveft, preaching almoft every day in one patifti orother, (and twice or thrice a day often) he hath ' written feverall books, none of which impeded one fer~ mon. His Acceptation is more than ordinary , above many of his fdlew-labouren in the Gofpel 5 as appears by the numerous concourfe of Auditor* to his frequent Lettures,who arc as unwearied in hearing as he in fpea- 1 king. His fucceffe alfo is anfwerablej who fees not his labours profperous , who can blaft that which the Lord bleffethjor dares vilifie what the king delights to hon*nr? Be To the Reader. He hath been no fruitlcfle itincrant,but folly approved fcimfelf a work-in that need not be ajhamed 9 employed by the head of the Church Chrift, to Convert, Comfort, Edifie many fouls,to Reprove, Rebuke, Exhort all. The Author of thofe Fables ( what ihall we call the work, ^e leave it rather to be deleated by his penitent tears, then chara&ered by ourlnke) which intended M. Powell for their moral, looked upon him, as fome do upon the Erratss ot a curious piece, more than upon the well drawn, and comely parts} otherwife he might have feen in him much of the workmanfhip of God, which might have challenged his thankfulneffe, rather tha-n fuch fcurrilous contempt* The thing chiefly in- tended^ Chrijiian Reader) in the enfuing Vindication, which had fooner come forth , but that it was found al- moft a Sy billean task, to colled: leaves at fuch a diftance, as from the hands of feveral perfons of credit, who were thought fit to be called upon to give an accompt of the particular truths, to the which their names are fubferibed 5 is to keep alive in thy breaft xhztfan&uary fire of brotherly love % which fhould ever continue toward good men, to be a right Profpeffive gUJJe to thine Eye, leaft at a diftance thou miftake $ lcaft undefcrved pre- judice and difaffedtion may prevent the benefit of any foule by M. Powells favoury inftruftions , which ends have engaged us to fubferibe our felves, as faith full wit- neffes of thus much of his worth. . Hugh Price Vice comes. Amhrofe Mofton^ Lewis Prtce^ Edmund Hal/, ihomas JSJicols 7 Martinus Grundman^ Edw. Vaughan^ Ej quires* . W^ Leycejier. Thomas Lloyd % Edward Price* . To T To the Reader. Hough our dear Brother M. Powel (worthy of double Honour, for his labours in the Word and Dodtrine) .was minded to lye down infilence under the flight- i° b m' \>o ™& °ff omc f ro I € Jl ors > ar *d tk 6 & reat; contradiction of fin- wfMVc- tteh\ with that refolution of patient Job. That he would qucntfay- take upon hispoulder theBook^oj his Adverfaries writing, Tffiuhme7t anc ^ ^ mc ^ n as a ^ roxt>n t0 hini^ And though we were minded is (eon c- to put our hand upon our mouth s % rather than contend with Tiougb, i8 ffo e ungodly, which multiply words without knowledge 5 yet h'm ami finding onrfiltnce increafing the triumphant noil es of ma- judge ins ny men , who J ay, wit h our tongues, we will prevail 5 Ah ha s ^^ s 6 ' 7 fo would we have it: The light (hall be dark in hisTa- g. bernacles, and his Candle {hall be put oyt with him. The fieps of his firength JJoall be firaitned , and his own counfettfliall cafi him down , for he is caji into a net by his ownfect,andhewalkethupon*fnare. When the juft up- right man is thus mocked of his neighboured laughed 11. 4. to fcorn s when he is fet up as the Butt to (hoot at with (harp Arrows jevcn bitter words, Then,who can refrain himfelffromfpcaking? What (hall be done unto thee D Pf. xxo.i. 3 O thou falfe tongue? Should thy lyes make men to hold . , their peace, and when thou mockpfi 9 full no man make thee afjamed £ Though a conquering fire of zeal may come out Rev.11.?. of t he Witnei&s mouths, againfi that fire of Hell \ which thou belchejl forth, yet we would not for forget that bkffed caution of the Wifeman : Anfwer not a fool according to Prov. 16.1. ^ IS f°'ty> * ea ^ t ' lou a ^° ^ e '^ e unto ^" lm * ^ r t^* h ea ~ venly example of the Arch- Angel ^ who durjl bring no ray- lude?. H n g accufation againfi the contending Devi 11. But t he faith given to the Saints (which we look upon as oppofcd in general, rather than any particular mans p erf on, or doSrine) is to be contended for , and the caufeof Zion not to be plea- ded by holding our peace, we would Avoid fin, both injpeech CY - lul - on the one hand, andfilence on the ether. If we and our Brethren To the Reader. Brethren had not opened our months ttfwallow up this fond which the Dragon had thus caji out of his month after the woman. 5 The very earth would rife up in judgment againjl ns. We can but defire thee(Cbrifiian') tolooh^upon this -reproach and tribulation as thine own Lot ( though chief y our Brothers at prefent ) as the eafieji triall 9 and fight ofaf- fiiUion^ Seeing all that will live godly in Cnrift Jefu$, muft fuffer perfecution : Evillme^'andfeducers growing * TIm -3 •**. worfe & worf$ 9 deceiving and being deceived. The fire oft he tongue k nothing to that of the fagot , which thou mufl not dreadifChrift fhonldfent his Horfcs and Chariots of fire Jo carry thee to Heaven. Thou mufl not turn bachjn thyjourny thitherward $ at the meeting with worfe impediments then Matt.10.24 barking dogs, or foul wayes. The Difciple is not above his Maftcr,nor the fervant above his Lord. If they have called him Beelzebub, how much more fhall they doe to them of his houfhold > Such badges of Chrift the King, art to be worn as none of the meanejl Enfignes of honour. We can but admonifh thee, that thou be not deceived, beware of reprobate filver % flips guilded over with a fa/re tinUure^ takg heed f being gull'd out of the precious merchandizes of Truth andWifdome^for trifles and fables , by the grand 2 cor.u.i+ cheat Satan 2, who as he ufeth to tram form himfelfinto an Angel of light ,fo would he ftill put the foule Vizors of his infernal fpirits upon the faces of the Angels of the Churches. jis of old he prevailed to make them accounted mad* met?, fetters forth of new Doctrine, leaders of the Seff , every Aa^.24. where fpoken againjl, movers offedition, and turners of the v world up fide down. To undeceive thee in thefe things , we would commend to thy view and fear ch, the enfuing Dif- courfe, as a true Glajje wherein thou may eft fee fomething of the deformity offuch, as wouldjuftifie the wicked for a re- E f ay ^ ^ ward, and take away the right eoufnejfe of the righteous from him, andalfo the true Vhyfiognomy of our Brother Powfell. his To the Reader. his face Jbining with a lujlre contracted from the prefince of God in t ho Mounts yot covered too with avaihof mo- deft exprtjfions. F#r whomjwe hcpe 9 thou haji refirved this favsur^at leafti not to pajfefentenccAgainfi him y upon a pri- vate fuggeft ion of this Demetrius \andhis fellow Craftsmen, tiMiherefhal/bcAecufcrs face to face , and Deputies to im- y pleade one another-^ may we not prefume of better meafure from thy hand than Heathens gave? Verily this comming down of the Dragon info great rage^ afjures us that his time l ' is bntjhortty And though he foould draw down the third part of the far s of beavenjoith his poyfonous taile $yet thif is our Comfbrt 9 thit the Eleffjhatl either k^eep their garments undefiled^or bejhortly purified and made white. The gates Niatt.i*,i8 fjHeIl (hall not prevaileagainft the Temple built upon the Hock. Now iniquity doth fo abound^ andthetoveoffo many wax cold$ Now theFig-Treesdobud, we may 24i 2 ? . fay the fummeris nigh at hand 5 And then thefpotsof the Lunar y body of the Church y fl)all be done away 5 And the righteous (hall ffaine as the fun in the kingdome of their J M3. father. In the mean time % it concernes us to appear in our Lords quarrell^for the Vindication oftrutK with the reji of our brethren 3 who being members of Mr. Powells Congre- gation in Radnorfhire , who have known him from his youth^and could afford thee an ample At tefi at ion ofourfweet experiences of his Worth^Grace^ Godlinejfe^ double light of DoSrine andWor\s 9 which hath finned amongfl us ^ to our nofmallnfrejhment'-y for which we glorifie our heavenly Father 9 referringtheetohisenfuing Chara&er^ as a fuller narrative of our Conceptions and efiimatio'nt ofhim^ from which we/hall no longer detain thee 9 butfubferibe cur f elves (in the Name of the Congregation) the lovers and fervants ofChrift his Church and Truth, Iohn Williams,} Owen Morgan,} Iohn Dantfcy, > eiders. Rich: Griffith, > Deacons. Moris (irirEchs,^ Edward Owens. -> VAVAS0R1S Examen & Turgamen. Mr. Vavafor Towels impartial! Triall. OR, The Thanks ofthe^Z/Mtinerants for their lace New-jeers-gift. EE have the bleffed prefidenc of Origi* naUfruth) for our prcfcnt Inqu'fition for inferior n uth, who comes down to ftc and Gen. i8.2i» know whether the (in of Sodom were ac- cording co the Outcry of it : and we- fee how little our Calumniator takes notice of that Pattern > who might have fpa- red the cafting of his fulpfea^oas fire * Cor from hell upon #Ve/,had his Charity *wehave in- found but ten Righteous perfona there : Bur. h feem« he rather relligence chol'e the * God of this world for a copie of Hatred t Envi«jR.e- [ ro "J a good venge $ and faife Accufation- Who indeed very prudently fy*~ Mr i/eLTr red t|>e preiking of his name in the FrontSfpei.ee, (eeing every Griffeth, aMU con**quent page of his Difccurfe prefenfs his name, I >er 3 nifter ejected (wruc it we had faid * Alexander the Great Lycr )tcgetb$t V his pedigree and defcent from the Father of lyes> who hath propagated his kingdom wan the ipoilscf tiu*h ,. and g* himl'elf aparde by being a continual- Lye- .carricryarH make bace between God and man. Bat 'cis ohfgrvedb'e. v tr for fcandal rs ?nd to be he author of «e Pamphlet was of % or , former o( like kird. gr^nd biocU4-t>ocW i luttcri his vbfu-anui robe diw by a g a j r ,(; m x 2 novices to pld^ tricks of Legerdema, B , bctc. J thty VoncL h a -. e ( ») have gotten a handfomc flight of hand ; who like unskil&ill Alchy roifts, fpoil all by over-firing the work,and fo are never able to get the Philofopheri Stone, to turn their Copper prin- ciples or praftifes into Gold ; or like young Jefuits, and Emif- faries from the Seeo*" Borne, who new ad ays ovsrafting tbelr parts in Saint-like difgmzes , betray the Catholick D^fign. He hath befooi'd bimfeif,in drawing out this raw Pupil on the Stage, to encounter the ftron^ Fencing mafler truth, and fo many of his skili'd fticklera. You may beleeve his word, that Ifa.j4.17. no weapov formed agaixft him jhaB projper t but like darts caft agahilt Hs*ven, refleft upon the pate of kins that cafts them. We can but bemoan the difteraper of the jnan, betrayed by his unreasonable abfurditie?, in giving fuch incongruous fti.f. »o. names to perfoni and things, Calling evil good , aid good evih putting efir^ae/r for light and light for dark^efs ; bitter for fmet % andfwetfor bitter : and drawing fuch inconf quent Conclu- sions from his premifed falfities , as that he mould be able to blaft Mr. Towels reputation, or proceedings , among good or rational men by lo irrational nonfenfe* and therefore com- mend him to the Matter of Bethlem RftltaVs charity to fearch. for him, and to try whether he can reftore him to his wits and fenfes. Whereas it is a plain evidence, that Verity is amongft us, when the hell hoand Fafhood thus fpendsupon it , with open mouth. Surely if we may judge of the Caufe by the EfT&&, of theSire,bythe Whelp, we may look upon the Libel, as the bed Encomium fuch a perfon could m ake, the fumme totall of all hi* Items will be this,that Mr. Towel muft ne^ds be a Cham- pion ©f the Lord of Hofis, againft whom Sat m Engineer i*ve!$ fo many (hots. An Aogel of Michaels, with whom the "Dragon^ of any cf his angels confl &, a Son of Peace , with whom they have war: and fo we can but 'hank 'he Libeller for this fair Rsply to his own Charge, and this Traverfe of his own In* di&ment. And we can but this while wonder, at the fubde Prince of daiknefs 3 fo befooi'd into fre(h attempts, that hath been fo often foil'd at his own weapon , and that fo many of ihe brood of Gathfoould fucc (lively encounter Uauidznd his Worthies, feeing their GolUh flLin by hisownfword. What eminent work of God in any age hath he not oppugned ? and that too in the laying of the foundation (tones e fo Nehemiah fcund found it in his Temple- work. >Tis his counfei to fet upon Re* ligionwhen it is weary and weak-banded , to fall upon the King of Saints, as Coon at he hath fee up his Standard; Co Chrift and his Apodles found it. He does as much fear the Congregating of Siints, by the found of tfae Gofpel- trumpet! as the Pope does a General} Connfel, as a grand Conventicle dan- gerous to his Supremacy; Co Luther found it. And now the Ark cannot be brought home to Wales (which bach been long loft to many parts thereof) ever (ince their old E/w days the tru? Brits on,Biftnps) but he muft fet this ftnrp- tongu'd Micbal (Reproach) to Call them (hamelefs vain fellows, that gird themfelves to dance before it with all their might. Who knows not, that the raoft forward forefront Chriftians have ever born the main (hock of his charge ? 'Tis his word of Com n& and to fight neither with Jhtall nor great, but thofethae have princely leading graces. Peter the mod confident ftickler forChuftmurtbe feiztd by the ftronged Devil ; and courage- ou? PauUQiuktd by -Ephcfun Bfafts, and be mued up by the per fecming feinds, that once poffeft him. He mud be cafting m vft dirt, in that face, where he finds God hath powred mod oyl. And does be dill lUck to his old method ? Then is Mr. Fowel sngaged to his Antagor-ift, for honoring him thus with his contempt, and justifying him by his Accusations, pointing him ou*, for one of the mod formidable heroical fpirits in Chrifts army. You may eafily perceive how the wind dands, Manet dta and from what point the violent blads come ; Chrid hath meme repoflum made a forcible entry into the drong mans houfe,bound him* Judicium, &c and many of h'u refraftary fsrvants,and turn'd est his Chap- lains in Ordinary, and now, if among thefc loofers, he can have no Sollicitors i or Advocates to fpeak in his caufe, he might (as the Spiri* of God hash done) write dumb Doggs Epon their backs* Wrath U crmi anger U outragiow :hut who can p r°v* 27;4 j ftandbefire envie ? ( (aith Soltmon) If the wrath of nun thiis break out into dangerous frerzie,what will be the iffue when the fpirkual man (Co called) is grown mad, and fpirmial wic- kedneft cones down from his high places with great rage* when the blowing up of the double Interedsof evil men and fpirit* s en flames their double wrath; when to that old original antipathy 4 between the Wemans and Serpents feed^htrt is addi- tional fuel miniftrcd, by frefh affronts and foils, thfn we may B 2 expect Initmcum &b- C4) c#pe& to meet them like Bears robbed of their whelp. However we have this advantage from the fury of the manjhisPaffions carry him fo far bey end the bounds of Truth, and Reafonj that hk Rhetorick will rather befpatter>thcn parge bis Caufe among frber men. And verily this is ail the horc we wilh himj that we could fo handle cur Harp firings, as to allay the fay of this evil faint, though with advemuring the hazard of his wor$}avelins. We had rather take up Htraclitttf Tears 3 then Vemocriw Larghter 5 to fee the poorc man put fo many cheats upon himfclf. He intends * Rtvenge upon Mr. P^vre/ ; .(thcu^h ic were bat fcifci vitamac- a pooreone, and unbefeeming a Biack^coat,though an ej &ed dpereeft alte* one, as we further finde him to be by the blatknefs of his ™™- tongue*torail likcafuppreft Alewifeagainftthe Juftice, and mifaJmeftab cowardly to* ftioos in fecret,out of ambufli.) But indeed he ittoUdidequo * revenge* Mr. P^2¥e/iufficiently,and more then enough upon *onpoffis qum. himfclf ; libellir g more dexteroufljr againft himfelf, then * Nequnia ipfa ^inft him 5 and inftead of proving him the Adetrapolitan ef pKnaJm eft. t i, e J teneran ts t proves himfclf an Arch- metropolitan Lyar •-» and hath loll preferment, by concealing himfeif 5 for might not -ejhc Pope have fent for him to have writ new Legends, or correct, ed the old*who hath fuch an Invention for the purpofe^a Fan* cy over-reaching all the bocks of Knight E rancry,Metamor- phofi8,Rabbinnicallor Jefuitlcal Romanes ever yet extant. But M ; P<7R?t// tendernefs to fouls is greater than to triumph itnhe ma n& fintstO fee him write his own Doomsday boo^, in which (without a penkent recantation ) are rec >rded fo nu~ ny fcotescflyefv againllthe day of his account, his own Pen being made a ft fficicnt barr for Heaven gate againft him , -ac Rev.22.15. the which no lyar* enter, neitherhethat makcth orlovcrh & lye. Neither is hi? pretended Vindication of the prefent Car- ver r.ment,l b/ hanging out a bugbear Table, whereon is drawn out a mon- ft cou5 Portrait ure ("with his na me to't) raade up of fragments borrowed from fevera'i ftrangc creatures in Wak$> that fo he might cry : Spe&atum admifci rifum Uneatia amici ? Butchitfl/ toetcandalizs Religion, by puling flbeep into woolve* skint, and putting out the eyes of * Profeflbrs 3 that * Mahiitmnu- they may be brought forth, like Samp fin, to make fport for mquiumfait uncircumcifsd Fhilifiines ; by making a ftalking-hoifc of the tn J umm - Itinerants through which he may ihoot at Commiflioners, Par- liament, Godiinefs, and Truth it felf : fee notwithftanding how poorely his E igin fcrve* to batter the wals of Zioo with- all, when you have read over the Confutation of hit Errors* where you may fee it torn all topeices, by many faithfull hands* which thought good toftrike in to Relieve Mr. Pon>el s * - ... befetwhhacrowdoffcandalt which upon firft view making pe^opttefl^ tome (hew, upon nearer approach, were found but a heard of ennon fuccurit AUxanders Apet which were fuddenly iookc into a rout. And occidit. though himfelf were * contented to become a filenced Mini- * &£ m "}*&' fter at to his own vindication, and to return no other Aofwer l^w;^'/!? to the railing a&zmii* bui Jo let him curfe : yet we nndisg the intern. caufeofChrift, and his difcip!es,fo inseparably united, the Head fympath'zing and furTcring with the lealt and lowcft tnemb.£r,feeing priantive 5 and derivative Truth, are folink'd, that we mult buy and fell both togethcr,(eeing the quarrels of Ghrifts Church, and fo eminent a Patter , arc (o palpably ef- pou fed: If cur tongues Jbou!d cleave to the roof of our mouth vehih tve forget Jentfalem, our v?ry filence would proclaim u* Apo(tates$ if we fhou'd not contend for the wth of fafvation, out of which we have drawn the waters of life with joy, asnuichas the world does for -their wels without water, we defer ve i have them ftopt, or taken from u$. To be bricf,we that appear as Mr- Pe&sls Advocates in this caufe,appeai to all wife and rational (nen(that have not given both ears to the Ac'cufer, but have learnt of Alexander to k'f cp one for the accufed) notonely for cofts and damages to Mr. Famff (6) Towel jbul alfo for Griminal Judgment againft this Malefa&or fat ieaft in the judicature of their mindO« And feeing poore New England- natives ,upon the firft dawning of the Gofpel up- on them 3 impofed five (hillings mu!& upon every lye,by a Law; (furely if this prodigal tongue were among them % he would quickly fpend bis patrimony with riotous lying,) The Perfians andlndians of old condemned Lyars # tothe lofs of al honour, commerce, and fpeech ; the Gymnojophifis , and Chaldeans to dark dungeon*fclitarinefs; and the Egyptians to death it fclf; what deferves this Cent'rmendax among Ckriftian Englilhmen? But as for thofc that through their inbred antipathy co good* nefs, and innocence, will not be beaten off their falfe fcent, and fach as deafnxl by prejudice follow their lowd Cry, we give them lea ve to run on till they tire themfelves out of their follies. And as for fober Christians , we doubt not but they have a Law within them, that condemns no man before it hear him 5 for whofe fatisfa&ion chiefly, many Chriftians, have fubferi bed their names to the enfuing refutation of ma- Vtutiy*6* B y particular untruths, that Out of the mouthes of two or three witnejfes every word may be eftablifhed. J Anus whoQas We find in ftory) wajs the firft founder of New - yearg-gifts*cou!d not be more paganifti then this our Strena* tor) who begins with a barbarous ranfack of the graves of the dead, to dehme the sve thought meet to inferc as followeth. Vavafin William Vavafor l the Son of Andrew Vavjfor Efquire, the Son of . CO of Feter Vavafor Knighr,Son of Sir William Vavafor Knigh^mar* lied the Daughter of Sir Marmaduh^ Gonftabk Knight 5 This William Vavafor married the Daughter of Hugh Fewel of Ednop Efqaire. Andrew Vavafor Married Anne^Nlddow of Richard Trice, of Newtown, ftie was the Daughter & Heir of James Letch% • Son tojames Leech,Son to Sir Kofor* Sconfeild Knight. Sir Feter Vavafor Married Elizabeth the Daughter of Andrew Vavafor Efquir, Son to Tbotnas Windjor, Son to Edward Windfor Knight. Son to George \.ord Windfor* Sir William Vavafor MzrrudElizahetb Gonfiable (utfuprayThc Mother of Ann Leech, was Elizabeth », Daughter of Sir Thomas heighten Knight,Son to jfo&tf heighten. The Mother of the afore* faid Eliztbeth was ^»»e Diughter toKoger Bak$r of S alop>Son to JF0&0 n to £z;j» rth Wales, and part* adjacent are found therein; If you pleafe you may command my Book,which (hai not be lent to any oth?r, it being like to Co m e in qu eft ion r- Sir t 1 amy our affwt a F riend to fervejou wherein I may* 5 obris. 1652. Hjmpbrey J.-r cs> We could further derive thisGeneao^y by the Mothers fide, fro n fome of the belt, and ancientefl .Families in Torl^ jhire^nd Hjufes of B irons there, whence (he Vavtfors (whofe Name fignifies a Lord ) iefcended. And by tne Fathers and M'nhersfide, fromfjmebf the beft Families in the Counties ofr Radnor, Montgomery, and Sd*p. bur thac he would pleafe Fam.p. 1. Mi .'Por^/ as little to have fob Gentility infixed on.as the R:a^ *Mr./W/j der to be troubled with Co Ion* Fedegrees. Bat what faies the " am 5 ^ as Ri ~ r» . 1 chard Poml Pamphleter. f and not Hq> His Father wastalPd M iwei * the po#r Ahman &c. His Mother yveljwho liv'd a Lady, not altogether fo chajl as U ifta his Wife^ foe ktpt a lloufe of*"d his Ance- nogood Report. &c. tandreds 0?* H*s comparison is odious, fcefpeaks of Viffeshh V/ife a? years hnthe confidently as if himfelf had been euhcr her Eunuch , or fer- beftand anci- vant, andwttnefsoftherBeafureof ^erchaftitie, no wonder entefthoufe he takes things fo upon truft from his Countrymen, when he 1 ( J t ]j cB ^ rrow can take them from the hands of fabulous Poets ? which be Vind, may f8) may wei (hake hands wUh,forinventior)|and writing ai ran* dome; the man begin* to write wnh a hair in his pen , which makes blurring work > but (hall be taken out for him , by the hands of two honcCt Presbyterian Profeffors. • We having been neer Neighbors to Mr: Vavajor Powels Fa* ther snd Mother while they lived, can tcftific that they were honed Perfons,and of good reputejiving in an antisnt Houfe, and Lands of their own Freehold » that neither his Mother; nor the Houfes that (he Inhabited wereever tainted wich the leaft report ofunchaftity,orincivillity,that (he was careful in keeping her Son at School, and thai afterward he cams to teach School with us at Lavair' water dine , who Was of a good con verfation, very ftudious, and willing to do good. Fete 5. 1653. Hugh Price, Morgan Malpas* p, Being witling to improve all Games, were they never fo wanton^ or 4 r ' * ' vikjor hU Mothers \jrni, Sifters livelihood. y. , Thofcblot* we can takeoff with a wet finger, who were Neighbours too, and Schoolfellows of Mr: Vavaforfowel 3 we know him to have been brought up in feveral Schools * from * his Chifdhcodjwhich he very diligently, and fuccesfuily fpl- fcllowed, never taken up with any other imployment; This his only Sifter dyed fome few dayes before his Father , w hen he was too young to improve any Games in her behalf, nei- ther did be ufe any Games for his Mothers lively hood , but ^hcjf & an Uncle of his one Mr :Erafattt Powel oiGlunne) main- tained him in good faftiion* till he was call'd to teach School which he did feveral years before he wa* Married. Feb: 27.1653. Ad athew Collie?. Owen Morgan. James Morgan • E dward Williams* We gave more ground to fay, the Libtlitr is willing toim* prove the Game of Ly prjnting,though never fo vile ? and abo» minabIe 3 to his own and his Hoftcfks Hvelyhood- Vamp 2 . . S# became an Ep&kr 1 would fay Groom to Mr. I U a ck Thorn as, an lnkeeper y .and Mercer in Bijhops cafile i &c- Not Mr. Jfacc We who h * ve known the Houie ot' Met * Efay Ihomas (late Tfantaras'thtf f Bifliopj-caftlejfor thefpaceof 24years, theone a* a Set- hathR 1 Ct * van *stheotherasaKinfman, and neer Neighbour in thefaid Town, csn ascertain all that would know therruch, in that particular, upon our fureknou'lcdg that Mr: Vavafor P owtl \i m Bi(b6ps-ca{ e - vcc j noc aS a GrocmjOakr, or any Servant at all in the houfe uf (?) of the faid Mr; 7bomas $ (nor ever had relation to him fare as a Kinfrnan, )wkne(* our hands , WilxMalU 7bo: Majbn Bayliff. 24 Feb: 1653. I at tell the fame alio Efay Thomas Junior. Surely the mam appetite to* and good reliifh of Wine, and ftrong drink made him thus ftrangely dream of a Tavern,and his frequent converfe withfuch creatures, of the falutations of Drawers and Tapfters, welcome Gentlemen, which were no more ufed by Mr: PoB?e/ t then his Mi (iris notes. Hiwasfs t*k$n with fweet^and dear Mr?: Quarrel , fometimes a ^ am f* ** walking Pedlar, and feller ofbot~waters in Preiteign, &c. We hare Aqua forth to eat a way that Ink, we who are the 'tod* Inhabitants of the Town oiPreftigne, wel knew Mc*Pjul§>uar- n/jformtr Husband to Mi : fowels Wife, Freeman of the Cicy of Herefordj^nd Mercer of this Town, to live in very good re- puce ali his day e*,and to bear publick Offi :e with fome of the chiefeft in (he Parifti, leaving the aforementioned Joanhh Widdow fur viving in the efteem»calling,and good Eiiate that he had formerly lived in, which was far from that of a walk- ing Pedlar, neither did we ever hear that her Son raifed any cry at he M«rriage,bue are flue that he had more caufc to re* ?*>yccatit. Prefieigne Fe^.25. 1653. Nicholas? aylor 3 Francis Kiehardi, Peter tayUr % S^V* Nicholas Meredith, >Gent. 7bo:EaUfion t &c j If this pedling Ly- carrier thus loofe bis whole pack of fifti* ons one after another, what will become of the ttot-watert which he intended for the comforting of the Hearts of hit fainting Brethren the ejefted Blackjcoats / And berHujba> djbortljdectafing. though hit dead Corp 1 had not Pam.f. 2. layn a fortnight in the grave &c(be prove j to be hii conJbrt,&e. Tna* Lye needs not iy e a fortnight in a mans thoughts,but VinA* rather be committed to the Grave of Oblivion, for we, of which one was prefent at the Marriage of Mr: Poml and the other wel acquainted with the fevcral circu alliance* thcrof, can knowingly arteftY that Mr : Paul Quarrel was buried the 7. cf March i640.and M '.Porvelw&t not married til the 2 of Feb: followingjwnich was done by Mr; Hart a godly MiniftV of Herefordfbire. John Williams. Ff Winctyindoe. RickGrijfitfa He chat makes fuch fortnights^ihall not have our voices to be encred into the honorable fociety of Aftrologers^he would C hot f to) . not write fo good Almanacks as Lilly, aad Culpepper^ though his Narrations may be a fie match for their Predictions* But what have we nexi»a clufter of lies, which wt fhal ctufh with oneftone. Fam'p: 2 • i . Nofooner becomes he a Scboolmafler , but takes upon him the ha* bitrf Sir John* Vinci* The umru'h whereof appears by the foregoing Certificate^, which (haws how he conthmsd in the nngle imployment of a School ma Iter feveiral years together. 2. Borrowed of a decay edJUinifler bU Letters of Orders. 3. RaZitk cat the other ..and inferts hi? own Name, 4 Vnder colour oft hi Letters miffive he goes unjent* 5. For bit Non conformity , &c. his calling was cfueftiotied. 6- The Orders being well jean 1 d 5 were found jfufious^ &c. 7, He bound to appear at the next great Seffigns* 8, Was with much ado Reprieved from the Gallows;. &c» We who were heretofore Officers belonging to the Coure of the great Stffionsof the County of Radnor, were prefent a^ and iroployed in the Scffions at Pre (fezgtf,in the year of our Ld. 1642. when Mr: Vava for Towel was queftioncd byway ofln* diftment,(among others) for non-conformuy,doknow aflii- redly that he was not Indicted upon the faid Bil, neither was there any thing mentioned in the faid Bill, about the forging of Oj ders,or pre* ching of f editions Dc&rine, which we teftiiie Francii Ricbatdsthen Clerk of the Indi&mentfi. Titer Taylom Atturney in the St (Sons j}dgRdmfcy then one of the Judges therejMr:Gi£>/ ; and Mr; Tostel Counfellors at La w,and Mr: Hugh Trotomtary can juftifie the fame 5 aod that Mr: Towel was invited to Dinner with the Judges the Uft day of the A$z?s, notwkhrrandingthe High Sheriff; f who was Mr: Vowels Kinfman, and Aiieg-man) did then profecote againft him$ and that he had very great iucou^ ragemenf from thefaid Judges. Bat this extrajudicial Cenfu- rer 5 would now ufurp the Offices both of Judg,and Jury, to re- vivr^sud 6nd the Bil of Indietmcntjand unworthily condemn htm for that t of which he is long ago difcharged, what de« fcrves then a take him Jdylor. • ,^^ Tarn- p 3« And fo for meer frame bit Country was ridofhim y &c? Vind* It was neither offence nor (hame,that made Mr: Vowel fly to Englandybut a malicious plot of the Com miffioners of Array in Radnorjhire^hich did confpire to take away his life,for oppo> fing fing their courfes, and for informing fome Members of Parla- ment of their doings and purpofes , which he is not yet aftia- rned to own as the caufe of hi« departure. ljhallpafs over rvitbfiltnce his great cheating and feducing ofpoere T am , p t 5, full inKenti andEffzx, &c. Oportet mendacem ejfe memorem $ well thought on Sir , if you yfaj hadjpoken as largely of Mr Pon^// Doctrine or behaviour in London {and Kent j at you have done in other places, your [heets might long have done penance ere they would have paffedoutof Stationers fhops, amongftfuch , as were fo well acquainted with him,as particularly thefe of Grooved Lane Pa- ring and Antft Parifh neer Woodftreet London^ and feveral other places where he fometirae preached 5 as alfo thofe of Vartford in Ke«f,tc whom he rniniftred above two yeers and a half, who are ready (we are affured) co give a truer and better tefti- mony of. him , where many fcores do yet praife God for his Miniftry and fociety. "Nofooner did thefe late troubles andinteftine wans break, forth in » England, but as foon as Wale? wot reduced under the power of the '*" S Tar lament^ he fiedt hither i &c. The mans Drains were furely intoxicated when he writ Vind* this nonfenfe, which makes the warrs eruption* the reduction of fVakS) and Mr. Towels return thither, to be things coinci- dent, or iramediatly fuccefllve to each other. Whereas Mr. Fo&el remained in England fouxe yetrs and fix months of the Warfeafon, which began in the yeer 1642. Northwales being not reduced till Augu$ 1 644. Mr. P. being at Dartford jn Kent till the 7th: of Jan: 1646. So that the man is txiil out in his computations of time. p Not out of any afJMion to their Caufe y I utfr hU own defign^fecu ■ * rity and advantage. What affection he bare to the Parjaments Caufe hath been ^™ manifefted by bis forwardnefs infpeaking and acting on the behalf of the State all along^and his leaving cf houfe and Eftate, and his voluntary charging ztBeawmcris in Aaglefey, where he had a wound in the head (another in his grind and Hind) whereby he loft the ufeof two of his ti )gers. Kow cor- dially and vertterot fl he carried himfelf at that time>is wdl known to Gen: lUytton^sA'.John Jones , Coll: Carter > Coll: Twizehw. and many others j and alfo in the North the laft C 2 lime • ■ ' - X time the Scott came in is known to Coll: Saunders, &nd hii Offi- cers, who can give the Tradncer the Lye in chat particular. And we know that Mr. Powe/came not into Wales upon any defignofhis own,nor for any felf-advantage, partly by whas we knew of his good accommodations, and free maintenance atDjrfmflaf&inKe/i^theirlovetohim, andunwillingnefs to part with him,as alio of the great offers he had elfewhere^but cfpeciaily by the Letters which were fens by the Commifllori- crs of Nortbwales , and the Church of Radnorfbire, which our felves were the bearers of, who made a journey co Kent pm- pofeiy to bring him to Wales. Richard Trice, JobnWiBiams 9 'E r C[. ♦■ As for the mmeVemetriut which he would beftow on Mr. P 4 i* Towel, hehad better kept it for bimfelf , who appears asthe grand ftickler in the behalf of his fellow Craft f men , who bad their wealth , hy their great goddefie Diana (the Common- Prayer Bookjwho feeing that Mr.Towelh&dperfwaded and turned away much people, faying> that they are no gods , which are made with mens hands, fo that not only their craft was in danger to he fet at nought , hut alfo the Temples of that their Goddeffe to he dejpifed , and her magnifi- cence destroyed whom moftof Wales worfliipped , fee the people in an uproar to cry, Great U the Gommon-T r ay er-book^of the Cbureh ef Englandy and to rufb upon Mr. Towels companions in trttveUy as they did in many parts of . Wales , cfpeciaily Mountgomeryfhire the lad Summer, to the endangering of many mens lives, by beating fome out of their houfes with ftones, and wounding others with fwords,Tucks and Clubs. As face answer ttb face, (o do the hearts and bands, the principles and pra&ifes of thefe men anfwer thofe of the other. He had hit flipend and [alary of i oo /i. a yeer allowed unto him> ram* p.y oui effrehends, Deans , and Chapters, and other Tithes &c. We thought we mould have had nochiDg but Romance,ne* V'md. vcr a WOT d of truth, but loe here is one, which we (ec down for the rarity of it , (not to confuit , but confirm ;) A man fhould not have gone half fo far in Mahomets Ahbaron, but he ihquld have met with fome favory truth} 'Tis true, there was an Order procured by RicbardPrice Efquirc from the Com- mittee for plundred Minifters,'for a falory tobe paid MrMv flon, and Mr: Vowel (for their great pains in the Preaching of the GofpelJ without their cogm>ancc, which Mr:P^e/hath renounced) /C»3) rcnouncedt and voluntarily difclaimed his intereft in, above a year ago,and defired the Agent for Scqueftrations , not to gather it in his behalf,but to return it to the ufeofthe Com- rnon-wealth,to the which he bequeathed it in our hearing William Mils* thomas fudge. Befides the vafi emolument s of many other Sequefired benefices in Fam.p>%. North Wales which were^and continued daily paid unto him. The man is quickly weary of (peaking truth,her payes us a Vind. vait heap of brafs flips , for every peiccof currant truth that heproduceth, I having been Agent for the fequcftrations in the County of Montgomery, into whofc hands the mony for fe. queftred Tiches hath been paid, and to my knowledg-Mr.Pow?. el hath not received one penny of the monies coming infrom ihe faid Tithes ftqueftred,by vcrtue of the Aft for xhtpropaga* Hon oftbeGujfrelin Wales ,nay he is unpaid of the fallary appoint ted him by the Committee of Parliament for plundrcd Minis tiers, above a year, and a Quarter, at which time he told me he intended to receive no more maintenance upon that Or- der, and charged me to gather it no longer for him, but for the Common-wealth. EdwardVaagbav Seq : for the County of Montgomery. » from Njrth- W a les,and South-Wales, to make up his Urge fum of fcandal Vmg Fable*,for ws who were Agents for Scqueftra- tion, and Receivers of the monies iiTuing from all the {que- ftred Tithes in the Counties of Brecon, and Radnor by vertue of the Aft for the propagation of the Gobelin Wales^do whmCs thae We never paid to M. : Vavajor Powel, or any other for his ufe, direftlyjor indirectly, any monies at all, only theCommiflio- ners intended him maintenance out of South wales, till they were informed of his alio //ance elfewhere. There was indeed 20 /. paid by order to foms thac were Probationers for the de- fraying of their charges in travelling to pre jch the Gjfpei in BreclmockjCarmarthen, And Car ligan jkires with Mr : Ported be- fore any maintenance ,-vas Ceded upon them:But for M :£W- el, we well know he never had a groat out of thefeCouuues, orany partof^w/^-^j/e/^as appsareth by t^e account, given into the Commkte of Parliament. WiWiam Joms. Jo: Morgan, Roger 7bmas John Potter. Befides Ci4) Tarn* p* 4* 3e fides the wages of divers of the Itinerants } andS c bDolmaflefs i who are but his Journeymen^ and Stipendaries, s Vind, How can thi* flanderer prove hiinfelf more fully the Jour- nyman 5 annd ftipendary of th« DjvII, then by foch montirous Lies as theGe: The Emperor Tr^jtf, fur named the good Prince, took from the for* ofCebalus the Kingdom of VaceQnow called *■ As ^forcer- ^ rav fi 'vm™ & Valacbia) becaufe he caught hicn in a Lye 3 lefg tainj the Bp: then this. And furefy had he been to deal with this man, he did once fuf- would have judged him worthy of * Ejection oat of a benifice, P n n t1ier m?a fl- d nad ne found him in ft,oroutofaChaplain(hipJiad he found ed°Prfeftof " hi^^h* 8 Army, for fuch vaG emoluments of notorious Lies his Neighbor- as thtfe. For we being of the Itinerant Pre**cher*,and School- hood, for mafters before fpoken of, do bear Mr: Powel wh nefs , that he ng!iting,drun- ncver received either from us, or for us. any part or parcel of Kennels, and r r << 1 * « l c L « » J - uncleanncfs any or our laliarJeSs but we had them from the hands of the unfit to be' Treafurer,or Agentj according to the Gommiffi jners Orders, mentioned: as and wholly at our own difpofal. NeTghbotrs in ^ Evanj ' James ^turreL Henry William. Lannwrogin J ames HydocJ^ Afartinus Grundmaa. JobnVavies* Mountgomery Natbanael Ravens. Rice Jones* Henry Parry. ^ ire ("where Moris Griffith. Richard Lucas. open Morgan. tom^JdT Eda,ard0mi2U 7h ° maS £? arrel - lohn Vayies ' yet well re- Charts Price. RicePowcb lohn Hammer r &c» member, and Having fur chafed jome of jhe late Kings s7 eer farm Ren ts % and frefhly report. Urdfbips. j/ m ,P' ^ 1 hough Mr:?on>elw3L% (by a formerTamphlet of the fame m&, forgers as we believe) reported to have bought 300 L worth per annum } oi Kings Revenues^ yet Mi : Powel hath profeffed to usjthat any of his Advcrfarie? s iTui have the whole benefit of his purchafeforo'6 I per annum, which was paid for in the year 1 649. before the recne of ap.y money, by force of the AU for propagation^ as is ypeli known to the Gentlemen who were the Corura£tor§,particularIy (so that faithful Gentleman) Coll: 'Taylor, who ha d M> : P^rrg«ge, and ,05) and wasiaign to fell much good Hou(hoIdftuff,and to take up fome debts due to hLs~Wifc. And wc arc perfwadedthat he could fave little or nothing of his yearly Sailary towards ic 8 his expences have been fofre?, and large upon a Gofpel ac- count j thus y ou fee how the Libellers uintei'd Lord/hips are ftuunk in the wetting with our Ink, j.uft fo will the rdiofthe peice,his Lordlhip of Forgeries. And to perpetuate bii memory ^and hath built for himfelf a very fair t Pam.p. 4, and fumptHQM Houfe in Kerry, &c» It fcems this envious man would have Mr: Voxel be neither Vind* Itinerant^nor Rendenr,neither be poor, nor wealthy, neither have a handfome > nor mean dwelling 5 indeed we perceive if he had his defire^he (hould have no being upon tht E ;rth: He that fo rcfL&ed before upon the Father lor his low E tate 3 fals foul upon the Sjn for his fuppofed height, and thriving con- dition. Alas 'tis a poor thing to carp at a fmal living taken foryears^apjor ruinous Country-houferepaired^and a little augmented,the Landlord bearing the one half of the charge, by bargain>& Covenant, which we were prefene ar, the whole charge (as we are given to underftand 3 bsing neer Neighbors) not amounting to 50 or 6c pounds at moft^And wedarepro- raife this malicious Accufer,that he (hal have Mr: Fomls bar* gdinyetj upontherepaimentofhis disburfements, having heard him often proftfshimfelf minded to reiinqu (h ic. Char I j Jones, Lewu Trice. "David Philips. What a nut beandbn Jur,&o made.ofall the Minivers in Wales, Pamlp. 4, {except fome few who either fed them^depended upon them, or had form correfyondence with them, &c, For your tiyaiin this particular we (hall refer you Sir, to Find. your Peers,no lefs then a Jury of 12 of your Brethren,ivhoare yet unejefcd Incumbents in the County of Montgimeiy , who neither fed,dependcd cn ; or had corre%onder>ce with the Ici- nerant8 $ come forthjand give in your V:rd ctjshe guilty, vc not guiity of Lying.{lander>and faife accufation. Mr: TZr'ayne of Kerry, Mr: Bright of Lamrewig, Mr: Loyd ciLanidlos, Mr: Rirdingof Lmghig, Mil Rowlands oi Lmwring- Mr: Evans of HiJJwgton, Mil Loydoi Berewe, Ms :EHtio{ Pennant, Mr : Foulkcs of Lanvehan* M r ; Davie s f Myvod Mr: Pugh of Tnveglwys, Mr: Evans of For den. The -fiO Pam. p. 4< The great cabal of the Itenerant* InpuUionswMto ntahithe Mini* fiersperfonsodioftt t ind their CaSingin its very bafu Jnticbriflian. y. i The I;enc rants know how to make diltin&ions between perfons and fins,a nd did labour to make a reparation between them by their doarinc,invking the worft of Minifter^co come in to Chrift, and to give teftimony of their converfation, and Re f ormation,and they (hould be chcarfaliy embraced. Wnich when they would not hear, the taking away the fuel of their iins,was thought a good way to extinguiih them, and to make their perfons (not odious, butj acceptable to God and good men ; but ic fceriis the keeping of R biopians at a lowe diet avails not to make them change their hue. We doubt not but theLibeiler goes a more effectual way to make himlclf and his fellows odious then ever the Itinerants did. ¥am: p: 1< Fqe& *^ em eHt f*b e * r Freehold/} and being without any re$e& ei- ther to their fidelity and ability in teachings orjobriety in their conver* fations : &c. or turn Afofiates to their Ordinatien. Vind* | c appears by the fore- mentioned Jury of Minifters 3 whether this be true ; and it will better appear hereafter by the publi- cation of the depositions againft the ejtfted Ministers, wherein it will be manifeft, that Infobriety of converfation was the grand c ufc of their ejeftrnenc. And that there was no nee ffky laid upon any to fall upon either of thofe two R cks , to be zpboBy deprived offubfiftence, or turn Apostates to their Ordinatiou % is known to divers Minuter* who were admitted into the Con* gregational focieties in Wales % without any declaiming of their E nfcopal ordination* fam ft 4, < . Ibmgh he and the Itinera* ts cried down Tithes \&c*yet be and they &c< have bad the diftfbig of above forty thoujand pomdayeer in Tithes, Gleabes, Impropriations % &c. Vind* His He and they might her? have been leftout,who fas is be- fore cleared^) had neither the receiving nor difpofing of a far* thing but their own fallaries, which they had out or the Trea« fury, according to the tenor of the Aft. But though the Out- cryer look upon the Rcceits and Incomes of that Treafury through the augmenting end of his Perfpt&tve, yet 9 he turns the diminiflring end for others to fee its large vent>& disburf- ments thorow.This Urea m (though not now fo big as former- ly when Tithes were higher rackt, 8c better payed for, then of latejis divided into many channels,w ch he takes no notice of, as the C 5 7) the hands of Itinerant M/nifiers, The Widows of ^ceafed godly Miniftersjhe Wivet of ejefted Minifters , (who have a tifth part) The Commijfieners, Treasurers, Agents, Clerks, (who had their convenient Salaries allowed them by the A&) ihe Collectors of Contributions^ (which have ac leaft the tenth of the Tidies; The Schoolmafters. ( who are no lefs than twelve in this County of Mountgomery) and fome honcft hopeful Univerftj SchoLrs, have had a little; to convince you, that neither Commiffioners, not Iti- nerants, are enemies to Learning. As yet to oar Knowledge unaccounted for, &c* Pam. p. y, It is fufficiently known, That the South Wales Commiflioners Vind* have two years fince given in a punftual account to the Committee of Parliament , appointed to receive it ; and that thofe of North Wales have feveral times tendered their Accounts both to the Parlia- ment and Council of State, which wedoubt not will be fatisfaftory, When they (hall be yet called for, and feen. There ate above feven hundred Partjhesl in the thirteen Conn- p a m. p. 5* ties, unfupplied with any Miniflers. There is his Multiplying Glafs now ; we defire to fee this Multi- Vind* pliers Catalogue , for we cannot hear, that there were half (o many Minifters ejefted ; but we are fure their places are not fo unfuppli- ed ; for fin this County of 'Mountgomery ', to fpeak within compafs) we know no lefs than a dozen of Itinerants together with the Preaching Schoolmafters (which we could here nominate, were it needful,) befides the dozen of unejefted Mi nifters before named, and at leaft two dozen of ejefted Minifters who do yec Preach ; and there is not fifty Parifhes in tha County. Compare now Preachers and Pulpits, and fee how many are unfupplied. And you may ride ten or twenty miles on the Lords day y when p arn> p. j j there is twenty Churches, and not one door opened, &c. We doubt not, but the abfurd Relator may ride ten or twenty Find* miles in many parts of Wales t and not fee one Church ; but if he will tell us, in what coafts thereof we may finde twenty Churches in twenty miles riding, Erit nobis magnns Apollo* Perhaps he can better inform us of fo many Alehoules within fuch limits in fome parts* And f err mo ft of the Itinerants, they are fuch ignorant perfons > Pam, p. $• that they can neither ready nor under /land Engliffj, We are fure, the Major part of Teachers and Schoolmafters are Vind* Univafity-men 3 we know but one that hath net perfeft Englifli, D but (18) but he is a man of fuch excellently gifts, and dexterous faculty, & bis ownLarguage, that the Lord hath made him inftrumental in the convening of divers Welfh people (which is more than any of the ejected Minifters can make appear they have fucceeded in though they have been often urged to it, with promifes of reftiju- tion of their Living, if theycouid any of them produce one real Convert of theirs J And we have heard fome underftand no Gen- tlemen, andthofe no friends of the Itinerants, affirm, They had much rather hear a Wel(h Sermon from him, than from fome Ma- Iters of Arts, profeflfed Welfh Preachers 5 they were fofarfhortof him in the true Idiom^ and propriety of the Language. Pnm. p. 5. Nay^ fome of them more fcandalotis than any of the ejetJed Minifters* Find. They will not be fo eafily proved fuch, as the Accufer, and the reft of his Brethren were ; but it is eafie to fay fo, though we are confident, he knows none fuch, unlefs it be f#me of his ejected fra- ternity, who were for meer pi:y employed in teaching School, to get them a Livelihood. But as we fay, It if a forry bird that de- files his own nesTr. Pam. p. 5 . And all of themjn their Principles and VoBrines, deftruBive to Government. Yind. The man is venturous Rill in judging of Principles, and private opinions, ere he be acquainted with the pcrfons of men, and to judge of Doctrines that he never heard : For he muft be an Itine- rant General of Wales, to attend all the reft, if he fpeak knowing- ly of their Qualities; Parts, Principles, or Doclrines. Whether this be a truth or falfriobd, we appeal to Authority, which is already acquainted \vith fome of our thoughts of Govern- ment. Pam. p. 5. His chief work^ is to Preach and advance Chrifts perfonal reign on Earth t being the antient Error, &e. Hi/fed and ex* -ploded out of the Church of Chrift tn the very infancy thereej \ tire. jr in A There he hath confuted him indeed with a (JWentiris Vavafor ; but it had been fair to have taken in hand the Books of Jttftin Mar- tyr, Lall ant ins y &c. And of Modern Learned Men, Alfledius y Mede^ Archer, Twijfc, Burroughs, Bridges^ and Dr. Homes f &c. who write for it, and give the matter the folemnity of a weighty, confiderabie Controverfie. It had been fair, we fay 3 for a Grave Divine to have confuted thefe Writers, eiehehad fain foul upon (IP) upona Speaker for it, or given ''the Opinion fuch titles at a vesture. It is more our part here, to return ,him a MentirU Strenulator 9 who are frequent hearers of Mr. *Powel, and finde the publication of that opinion, fo far from being his chief wor^ that he never made it the fubject of one whole Sermon among us, and doth very feJdom, and then fparingly, touch upon it. At Welfhpool, &c< he taught, That Chrift was to reign a than- Patn p. $• [and jean upon theEarth^and that he was to (it next unto him>&c. We have been conftant hearers of Mr. Powel in Pool, and never heard fuch an exprelTion, as that he was to fit next untoChrift,Vtnd. come from him. If the Author repent not of fuch Relations, he may juftly fear that coming of Chrift to judgement, of which, he is one of the mockers. At Llundetty^c.he pre ached, That at London.a Girl of twelve Pam. p„6. years old fold her CM other foe J aw (fhrift in the Chamber ', &c. We heard Mr. Powel there relate what he had beard from a pre- Find. cious Godly Minifter of London, that a yong childe being in the Mothers arms, cryedout, ^Mother, Mother, 1 fee J e fas Chrifl ; whom the Godly Mother being not able to filence, brought to that., H€m ^r Minifter living in the houfe ; and he asking, Whzrc^and what man- u ' ner of one is he ? was anfwered, Tender, and he is a white \ white ene. From whence,that good, fober man, conceived the child might have a vifion. Hereby you may pleafe to correct the Errat/s of the former Relation, Jenkjn Jones, William Watkjns. John Davis &c. told a Justice of Peace ,&c. that he had^ am 'V^° feen Christ >and was togoe the next morning to fee him again. ^ • , We have heard John Davis profeffe he remembers no fuch ' word, though the expreflion be very juftifiable as a Metaphor, for we fee Chrift in his Ordinances by Faith. If we had but the parti- cular circumftances of place where, and perfons to whom , this and the infuing ftory of WtWilliams rcla e,we fhould more readily cafhier them. Sed latet dolns in Hnivcrj alibis* But he makes us amends in the next. At the fame Town of Pool, Mi .Bowel openly delivered before P* m « P« & , the Bailiff and the refl of the Corporation*, that let them repent or notrepeht.both Priefl and People were all damned. Mr. Powel was then anfwering to this Objection about Repen- Vind. tance. T# true, most [hallperijb and be damm d except they re- Objec>_ pent. Nay faith he, Chrift tcb you, Z^.13,5, Except y$e repent je Anfw* V 2 jhali fka& aRperijh. It is a truth that moft men will never repent, and fo abfolucely perifh, repent or not repent it is furethe greateft part will be damned, according to Chrifls words, Luk^ 1 3 ,2 3 . but except ye repent ye will be all damned ; yet ("faith he) let this be no dif- cotiragement to you to feek after repentance^ for as many as truly re- pent {hall be faved, This is the truth of the ftory ; and as for thofc additional expreflions, Both Priefi and People were all damned, we know them to be forgeries. Does not the Relator read of the repentance of Judas, and o« ther Reprobates, which kept them not from d amnation.but brought them to it, whereas true repentance is contradiftin6t 3 and not to be rz~ fented of} We befeeeh him to mark ic. William Rollins. Rich, IVtlliams Lewis Turner, Howe I Thomas * roc thu bet- Pam.p.tf.-^ Manavon^f .he taught^That aR our fore- fathers Kr°than./fto mre damned , blafphemoufljr abufng that place >&c* (i Cor. 15* Gv'ijjiib proved 1 8» in TQngton.toKis Vtn.^Nt remember that Nlx.Kiffm the eje&ed Mmifter of Man** Mr. Alexanders Von fa& that to lay in Mr. P owe Is difh at the cloze of the Difpute at ^hwlTmcn- 1 Ne ^'- Cha P eI withDr.CrijprA,and-that M.Pw*/then produced two j"oned, that honeft men that heard that Sermon, who proved to his face the un- there is no truth of it, and that they heard Mt.Kiffin much commend Mr./W- iepararion e [ f or that Sermon, when he was newly come out of the Pulpit. Yet froniHcatiieni, ^ ere t ^ s B ac kbiter hath it up again; thus indeed he verifies his own tiT'tft^day 111 ^ a y' ln » ( a ^ tc * e P rece ding) That the Afpe receives his poyfonfrom cf judgement. the Viper , and what he /pits thefe lick^ up. We that were hea- But Mr. Fornixes of Mr. Vowel whenever he preached at CManavon 9 never baffled him not heard fuch an expreffion from him, as that all our Fore-Fathers wily cut of his wrr dam , it A % Argument, but r . m -,, fm oatQftheplaec, - , *>*»'" r ^ s ftingui(hing character of Chriftians 5 or fuch as depend upon it,as in- Wif*m< €n * t * tu ^ n 8 l ^ €m Efficiently to Heaven, as fome Jews did upon Circurrr cumcifion, and in that fenft wc heard him urge that Scripture, Gal* ( 21 ) (jal. J i 6 t InChrifl Jefus neither ciwumcijjott, &c<, John Griffith %^He%y Williams. ss4t Guilsfieldj &c. That ChriJI was net the Redeemer efV*n\> p. 7. the world. The word World in Scripture is taken in many fenfes.By divers V in( *+ Figures {Mettnomias, Metaphoras, and Synecdoches ) for the whole Creation, for the Earth oneJy , for the Inhabitants of the Earth \ And that fometimes univerfally including alUometimes fpe- cially excluding tome, and thofe excluded are fometimes the E- lectj as J oh. 17. 9. 1 fray for them^I pray not for the World ; fome- times the Reprobate, as John I. 29. Beheld the Lamb of Cjod that taketh away the fins of the world* 'And pray Sir what need Nti.fowel be reprehended then, or charged now of no leiTe a crime than Blafphemy ? why may you not as well charge the Angell with Blafphemy for faying, Thou (halt call hit name Jefus^ for he (hall Mat. p-tut, fave his people(w\\ich are not the world* taken in any other fenfe than |or the Eleft ) from their fins. And how modeft the Gentleman is .may appear by his obfeene ex- ™ am * P* «j preffions at Llandynam^r. We have heard that ^.Alexander Griffith then Vicar of Tre- Vind* veylwys^nd the Vicar ofLlandynam^ac both fufpended by the Bifhops for fpeaking fuch filthy words , and we find the baudery of his pen ( amongft other things) difcovering him to be the Libeller. We were alwayes prefent at Llandynam when Mr. Powell preached there 3 and never heard him fpeakin juftification of any Sifter that had flipped, nor utter the obfeene words mentioned by the Libeller, either in Welch or Englifh. But we remember he modeftiy anfwered a common fcandal which idle people caft upon the private mestings of Chriftians 9 viz.. That they fhould out Randies to commit leudnefs. To which he faid, That its TertuJlian jufiified the Pri- mitive Saints againfi their Affterfors^fo he could experimental* lyfay. That having frequent edfttch meetings thefe fifteen years ? he never faw, nor heard of the leafl tendency to any fuch wicked* ttefs. John Griffith, Lewis Price ^ Efquires James Williams , William Matthews. This man hath fuch a Core againft Mr. Towel, that he muft *^§ ? *r needs take a vagary into Brecknockshire to meet with his name faks Mr. Richard Powel> whom he charges with an obfeene coropari- D 3 &*! .("■> . - .... fon about the Spirits catering into his head, which appears to be a forgery, by the following Certificate under the Hand of an honeft Gentleman, then Juftice of Peace of that County. Thefe are to certifie, That one Alexander Griffith (who was ejected out of the Vicaridge of Glafsbury, for Drunkennefs) did inform me^ that one Pvichard Powel had preached blasphemy 5 he had fourteen days time given him to bring Witnefles before me to prove it : Which time expired, and no Witneffes came. Where- upon the Accufer wasfentfor, andthreatned to be punifhed for his flandering of the faid Preacher, except he made good his charge ; Whereupon one David Jones was brought before me, and Henry Williams, Efq; (another Juftice of Peace of our County) who being fworn, and examined whatblafphemyhe heard the faid K. P. fpeak, anfwered, That two of his neighbors had told him, that he faid, That the Spirit did enter into his head, as^ &c* But that he did not hear him fa) any fuch words ; though the faid Mr. Gr. were prefent , and did endeavor to prompt him what to fwear, but when he could not prevail, he was much aftiamed; but fuch was the faid Mr, Towels charity. That he was let pafs with im- punity for that fcandal, and falfc charge : And that eafie fcape fit feems) hath made him return to his vomit. And further I can fay in Mr. Richard Towels behalf, That though I was one of his next neighbors, I never heard that he went a gainft Sir William Waller, fas is related ) and I know that he doth not receive Tithes at all (though the Vicaridge of Glafsbury was once fettled upon him) and chat he is an honeft painful Preacher of the Gofpel. Ihomas Watkins. Qui alter um incufat probri t &c* O Sir, do you that fo blamed Mr. Vavafot Powel, for Preaching you and your fellows out of your Free holds, think thus to rail anhoneft manout of your late Vica- ridge ; as the Fox fouls the Badger out of, his hole ? you may be deceived. Pam.p. 8. Mr. V. P. to iuftife another ft ft er of his own Congregation* which drowned her felf in a Draff-well near to Wel(hpool a &c* VinL There was indeed at Red- Caftle^ a Woman, who after childe- bearing, being Feavourifti and Light-headed (whether by reafon of her diftemper , or the violence c f temptation, or both together) did caft her felf into a Draw- well. And it was then ( and ft ill is) Mr. Vowels charitable opinion, That £be might be a Saint in Heaven, not- nocwithftanding her death, her life was foholy, barmlefs, and uf> defi/ed with any known fins. Thus far the trutn goes} but it is not for the Pamphleters purpefe, unlefs he may adde falfirjes to it, As that Mr* P. ]uflified her att % that (he wasafijhr of his Congregation, (who was one of the re- baptized people, which much differ from Mr. P. Judgement and Practice) That they who thought her not to be a Saint in Heaven, were wicked people and ac cur fed ; that /he came to her end by the motion of the holy Spirit, &c. Which we that were prefent when Mr. Powel taught at the burial of the woman, know to be abomi- nable untruths, Ambrofe Mofton, Lewis Trice* At LUnervil,&c. he taught , that it were a good deed to cut p am „ -> the throats of all the old Minifters 3 &c. We have been prefent when ever Mt.Powel preached at Llancr- VindU vil, and never heard from him fuch words, but rather the contrary ; for we have often heard him fay, He much pittied the ejected Mini- fters wives and children, and wifhed them all the Tithes for their good, might their husbands ceafe from deluding the people, and obftru&ing the progrefs of Religion ; and as for the like following words fpoken to a private (namelefs) Gentleman (which therefore we cannot otherwise difprove) Mr. Powel profeffeth before th§ Lord he never fpake them. Edward Price, John Davis a Richard Buxter* But what have we here next ? a bundle of Lies, a flheaf of Ar- rows, which though bound together, we (hall break at once. *A s ( i ) that he pretended, &c. That two and forty ef the Pam. p. $\ godly party were (lain at the hearing of the e jetted Minifters Ser- mons. (2) That fine 'e the diffolutton of the former Parliament, he obtained a Commifsi on, &c. (3) lhat he tyrannised over the Inhabitants of the Nation. (4.) Carried himfelf infolently towards the High Sheriff* (5) Took^Mr, Owens c/'Machynleth, ejre. (4) Seised on Mr. Herbert of Dolegyog, &c. Mr, Powel profeffeth, That he never complained of the flaying pr;#d, of any of the godly party , but that they were in danger of their lives, we know very well ; and that Mr. Powel had a Comraiflion from the Lord General, bearing date about the time of the diffolu- tion of the Parliament above named. That Mr. Powel did not (hew the leaft infolency or incivility towards the faid Sheriffs neither was Mr» Herbert of Dolegyog, or any ejefted Minifters feizedonby him* (*4) Wen : But it is true, fome of the faid Mr. Owe*}, and Mr. Her- berts ferrants, with others who had committed a riot mMachyn- leth (breaking the houfe where fome godly people were at prayer, and beating them out with ttones) and difobeyect the Juftices War- rants, and beaten the Conftablcs, Mr. P- wasdefiredtoaffiftthofe Officers with fome of his lifted men ; which accordingly he did, ap- prehending fome of the Riotters> and bringing them unhurt to the Juftices of the P^ace, who defervedly were by them bound to their good behaviour j neither were any of Mr. towels Troop within Sit. Herberts d we! ling- houfe,but onely an out- houfe : And though the Gentlewoman, great with childe, did mifcarry , yet we hear (he told the Widwife, and two other Gentlewomen, that thatbufinefs was no caufe of her untimely Labor, as indeed it needed not to be, her fervant onely being apprehended 5 (he continued well about a fortnight after* I ewis Price, Efq; Cap. Lewis Price* Richard Baxter, Henry Williams. Pam, p. and blood came out of the wine-prefs , even to the horfe-br idle s y by the [pace of a thou f and and fix hundred fur longs : And it may be might apply it for a warning to all that in thefe latter days continue enemies to Chrilt, and his people ; but not as this falfe Relator cites it. His proceedings again ft Mr. Hugh Lloyd in Brecknock, #4#pam. p.il* evident testimony of his unspeakable oppreffion, &c* A likely thing, that he being a Gentleman of that quality, could Vi n d % net have found bail for loo 1. had the Action been meerly Mr. Pow- els ; but the truth is, Mr. Lloyd when he was Commiflioner of Ar- ray, and High Sheriff of the County of Radnor, did drive away (or rather plunder J the Cattle oifViltiam ap John, Richard Griffith (and another) becaufe they were Friends to the Parliament. After the War, the faid Mr. Lloyd b-ing in London^ we fent to Mr. Pow- el (then there alfoj to demand fatisfa&ion of the (aid Mr. Lloyd, for the faid Cattle, which if he refufed to give, we defired he mighc be fued > and to that purpofe fent our Letter of Attumey to MaHer ^Powel : Upon a- Reference of the bulinefs to pjdward Ramfey 3 Ef- quire , he adwarded Mr. Lloyd to pay to Mr. Powel a hundred pound, which he entred in bond to do: Upon the forfeiture of which bond, we caufed him to be arretted in Brecknock^ where- upon he paid the moneys, but Mr. Powel had no hand in the Arreft, neither any (hare of the money^onely he did us this friendly courtefie* E Nay 8 06) Nay> fucb wa* Mr. Powels charity to the faid Mr. Lloyd , that though he had falfly imprifoned, andotherwife greatly injured him formerly, yet he freely forgave him thole wrongs in our hearing, and yet behold, How he is requited evil for good, and his merciful deeds ?ebr % !}♦ called Opprefion. 1653* John Williams, Richard Griffith. And now behold, we are put to it, to receive the charge of a troop of Lies, which this«their Mufter- matter brings up againft Mr. Towel and his Troop, in a full body, which you {hall fee routed in a moment. We &all wave the high character given Mr, Humphrey Jones of Peel, in hopes of him for the future. Pam.p.io, fi) He faith, Mr* Powel request ed the Copies of fome Revc- II. rend Divines } ft nee e jetted, that he might frame Articles a~ gainftthtm. (2) That Mr. Powel too^the faid Mr. Jones his burning of thofe Notes in high contempt. (5) That Mr. Powel malicioufly framed fixty Articles againft him. (4) That Mr. Powel did by the mediation of friends agree with him. ( 5) That Mr. Powel produced fever a I witneffes againft him, (6) And among the reft one of his own Congregation, (jj That he fed htm the whole week^ in ToVen with Venifon. (8) That be iu~ flruBedhim for hi* purpose. (9) That the Honorable Judge 'checked Mr. Powel. (10) That Mr. Jones was vindicated in the face of the County, fil) That Air. Powel wad checked, &c find. ^ or *e ^ rcc ^ of tr, efe particulars., Mr. Vowel dare appeal to Mr. Jones himfelf, who (as we hear) doth utterly deny the giving out of fuch reports of the bufinefs. To the reft we can fpeak 3 who were prefent at the great Seifions at Pool , when a Sadler of the Town exhibited Articles of the behavior againft the faid Humphrey Jones ? and be therefore put beilde his Attumey-fhip in the faid Court, and fined by the Honorable Judge Mackworth for his {'wear- ing and drunkennefs : To whom Mr. Powel was fo favorable, that being called upon by the Judge to fpeak his knowledge, he anlwer- cd (not before the iecond call) that he was unwilling to accufany man, but that there was an heneft man, if his Lordfhip pleafed to examine htm, (Pointing at one that faw Mr. Jones dilbrdered,) that he had rather might fpeak in the bufinefs. Neither was the wit- nefs aforementioned (//>* /»/5* 0/ Guilsfield ) ever any member of the Congregation in Mountgomeri(hire, or one that made any pro- feffion of that way j neither did Mr. Powel feed him, or converfe with (*7) I • with him as Is before related ; neither did the Judge then give Mr. Ju Jge Jtf<*fc' Pc^tf/the leaft check , but then did, and fince hath, exprefled much wmh. refpccl unto him. Edward Price, Lewis Trice \ Efquircs. jimbrofe Mefton, James Williams. In the next Scene enters the Dyer of New Town , who furely Pag.ir. hath feed this man (well verfed in iuch iwatters) for his Council and Advocate, to whom he is beholding for putting fo fair a T>je upon fo foul a piece of bufinefs ; he calls her that was proved to be married to ti\m,Whore and lend woman ; the woman after married to him, contrary to the Law, an hone ft- woman. Says, That upon the bare evidence of the wicked woman, the Dyer was convifted. And are not both Judge and Jury, beholding to him for that > And affirms, The former wife to become one of Mr, Powels Congregation, and that CMr. Powd fides with the one party or other in every Law- fute and difference in thefe parts. Which three latter particulars to our knowledge, are very falfe fuggctiions. Edward Trice, Lew it Trice* Efquires jimb. Moflon, I could teH you, how he would have undermined a poor widow p am , p, t-jfc in New Town {called Widow Rofe) from her houfe^&c. but tha thegoodnefs of her Landlord, who wmld not confent to his wicks ed motions ^prevented his defigns: Becaufe you have been fo friendly, as to fpare the relation of that yind. bufinefs, we fhall impartially do it for you, having met withfome Letters of her Landlord Sir John Trice, Baronet , which feem pro- vidently preserved for the vindicating of Mr. Towel for rather truth) from this falfc impeachment. We who were prefent when Matter Powel 9 and Mr. Edward Clunne (Son-in-law to Sir John Trice) came together to the Widow Rofe of New Town t with Letters from Sir John Price, written by his own hand , one to Mr. Towel, an- other to Mr. dunne^ a third to Mr. Davis (a Tenant of Sir Johns) and a fourth to the Widow Rofe 5 all of them requiring her to de- liver up the houfe above mentioned to Mr. Vavafor Towel, which (he was willing to do, upon confederation of repayment of her dif- burfements, which Mr. P^j^/counfelled her to infift upon with her Landlord before fhc delivered up pofTefllon of her houfe; affuring her alfo, That he would never meddle with the faid houfe, until her Landlord had fully fatisfied her, yea, and afterwards, If (he were defirous to continue there, flhe fliould have any part of the E 2 houfe (i8) Houfe for her ufe. There were three Letters written by Sir John Price to Mr, Poxel about this bufinefs j all which we faw,and know to be his own hand- writingrln which Letters he exprefieth very much affection to his Kinfman Mr. Porrel, and his defires to have him there fettled" for the good of the Town i We refer the Contents hereof to Sir John Price himfeif, forbearing to infert the faid Let- ters (though we have them by us) for brevity fake. Jolon Griffith, Efquire. James Williams ^ Char Is Lloyd, Thomas Tady, We have hitherto clofely purfued this Fox in his wikfe race over Hills and Dales, and we finde him (hi I hotter and ftronger fented, we fhall not leave him till we have him unkennelled. Fam.p.I2. Lofty, for his malignancy, and Seditious inciting of the peo- ple againft all fab ordinate Magifiracy here on earthy under the King of Kings, Chrifi Jefus \&c* ina* Wonderful ! Here is ftrangc news indeed ; that Mr. Towel fhould be a Malignant to fubordinate Governors , who by his humble Addreffes to Chrift for them, and to them for Chrift , his ready tongue, and martial hand, hath fo fully expreft the faith- fulnefs of his heart to them thefe many years. But how is this proved ? Pam. p, 12. His unfuffer 'able exprefftons, for the fupplanting, and under- mining thereof, is a clear demon(lration } ihdt he is the firebrand and incendiary of the whole Nation, VincL And what cxpreflions are thofe ? p £2, iAt Llandynam he publickjy delivered, That he \niw not who were the Keepers of the Liberties of England, rjrc yi u £ Truly Sir, a fair Demonftration, he did not know who were meaBi by the Keepers of the Liberties^ Ergo, He is a Malig- nant, Seditious^ a F ire brand , and Incendiary. Sic diffutas domine, negatur cenfequentia. Should we put the Riddle to your ielf, whether., the Parliament, the Counfel of State, the Keepers of the Great Seal, or the Army, were meant by the Keepers of the Liberties; or another Riddle concerning the Church of England^ whether the fower of the Keyes lie genuinely in theBifbops, or the Presbytery, or a Paftor, and his Congregation*, and you could not readily and fully rcfolve them both, would you be content to be concluded an Adverfary bo:h to Church and State-Govern- ment i* By By your Rule, he that is not compleatly verfed in Politicks, can be no Loyal Subject. It is faid, ihe Difcifles as yet knew not the Scriptures , that Chrifi {loon Id rife from the Ae.id : Will you John ao 9. infer' therefore they were enemies to Chrilt, all Judafcs ? you have too much of the Sophifter , tco little of the Logician. It is no new thing, for Go^s people to be charged with Sedition and Re- S ce Ezra r 4 1 i bellion agatnft Authority; but we mud needs fay, The Wheel Acts 24 1. is ftranoejy turned, when fuch men as Mr. Powel , and Mr. Jenkjn Jones, are branded for Malignants, and difaffe&ed perfons, and fuch as your felf accounted ( either by your felf, or others) wel* af- fected Friends to Government. But MafterVwfois unjaralleld raptures at Chrilt Church, p am . p tI ^ &c 9 In anfwering hereof, we (liould be loath to come (o near the Vind. borders of Treafon, as this bujte body in others mens matters hath done, who rufhes into the Chair of State, takes upon him to recriminate and condemn Mr. Powel, for what he was freely acquit- ted, and fully difcharged by His Highnefs and His Honorable Council* He is at leait a faucy fubject, that take matters criminal out of the hand of the Supream Judges, cenfuring him whom they have freed. He {pared not His Highnefs, the Lord TroteZlors Per/on or Pam.p.13. Government* We conceive His Highnefs to be of that Chriftian difpofition, Vind* that he better likes the wounds of a faithful friend, than the applaufe of an Enemy to Religion, and ttat he accepts the words of fuch a Remembrancer, rather than the Plea of fo fabulous an Advocate 3 for his Government. And we leave the Cenfurer to fpur this Quefti- on to his own Conference, Whether he dare venture fofar as Mr. Powel didy in the best caufe he can chufe f Mr, Vavafor, had you betn a true Mini ft cr of Chrifl> &c. you p am p l ■% would have learned Chrift far better* So would you (Sir) have learned Chrift better, had you been^'/W, his true Minifter ; he never Libelled againft any, but did good to them that perfecuted and defpightfully ufed him ; and hath command- ed all his to do the like. And truly, we are very forry we have any neceiTicy laid upon us, to reflect upon your perfon, which is not done out of maliceCwecanaffureyouJ or for revengeful recaliation, but for the ftrengthning of our Caufe,and the invalidating of yours 5 looking upon the rule of dgefilav* the Lacedemonian King, E 3 who ... <3<0 • ,. _ who when he heard any one difcommended, would fay, That hs was as well to weigh the behaviour of him that fpake, as hU of tihom hpftoke. We had rather counfel you ( as you doe Maftcr Towel) that henceforth you would better remember the Ninth Commandement, and that God is not well pleafed with thofe that Lcvit 19. ii dealefal/ly, or lye one to another ; that Kay ler s fhall not inker it e 2. Cor. %• 9 the Kingdome of Gods that all bittewejfe, and anger ^ and wrath 9 Ephcf- 4- 3 l crying, and evilfpeakjngs 7 with all malieioujntjfe is to be 'put away. Saint Augufiine faith, the truth hath written this Principle in mens naturall hearts, Vac atteri quod tibi fieri veils, which fcemes to be deleted out of yours; for though your advife here have a Chrifti- an appearance, yet your praftife would fall under the lafti. of Hea- thens, for we finde Plato in his Common-wealth, greatly commerr- ding theLawes of Lydia, which punifhed Backbiters, as Mur- p therers. iCr'J " Ob ferve moreover, how that in the Chapter which you cited* verf. 4. you are wifhed not to be wife above that which is writ- ten, &c. Vmd* The text is verf. 6. Thatyee might learnt of us, not to think of men above that which is written^ the meaning is, That they (hould not be foolifh, ( rather than wife, as you fay ) to judge more highly of men than they ought, which text makes not againft 3 but for Mr. Powel, who thinkes fohighlyof.no man, as that his intereft is to be preferred above that of Chrift, and therefore you fay wel , that none fhould by his vaine difcourfes^ as you doe 3 adulterate the p fenfeof the Scripture > exoretuo 5 &o Vind X ^ is you that reign as Kings Joeing j *til s and rich, &c. let us in* treat you to readthat Scripture ,Dan. 5. 2J, %6> 27, &c. Sir, we have read Dan. 5. over, and find there that Betfhazz,ar was drinking wine with his Concubines, ( playing the good Fel- low, as you terme it ) when the fingers came forth of the wall and writhisdoome; he was juft in the pofture that Propagation found you, and many of your Brethren -in, ■ but Mr. Powells no member of your College^ neither does any thing in the twenty firth verfe, &c. make againft, but very much for him 5 Daniel, though he were the faithful Interpreter of that hard fentence upon a King- Mene y mene, &c. yet he furfered not the lealt penalty for it, but was much honou- red there tor, cloathed withfcarlet,&c. And we doubt not but our pious Rulers, that difmiffed Mr. Towel upon fo favourable termes, retaine refpe&full thoughts of him for his well-meaning fidelity. Ton You are caught* pu are caught (virus dum vomis ipfe vores) p^ p t , ,. your f lace in Timothy, is I Tim.g.d. We muft have the patience to read the words as joh delivered them, with cryirg Victoria ; not a'Hovice 1 lefl being lifted up with pride, he fall into the con- demnation of the Devil, &c. Sir, before you cry Victoria over Mr. Vowel, from this one claufe jTi«d> of the Chapter, youfhouid take along. with you the context, (like a grave Divine) you forget what went before, &A Bijhop twfl be blamelefs, &c. Vigilant, fober, of good conver fatten, crc. Nat given to Wine % &c. Patient, no brawler 9 one that ruleth well his own houfe, &c For if a man know not how to rule his own Houfe , how (hall he take care of the Church of God ? And furely, he that hath learned all thefe Ieflbns in the School of Chrift, is No Novice. See upon a fecond view^whether the whole character agree more fully with Mr. Powel, or your felf,or any o:her ejected Mmifter in Wales ; and whether your defects in all; or fome of thefe particulars, and the defires of the Commiffioners to walk according to that Apoftolical Rule, have not been the true grounds of your exclunon from the Offices of Presbyters and Dea- cons, who had too forwardly intruded into them, though moft of you the verieft Novices that ever defamed thofe Callings ; which if you had not been lift up with pride, conceiting your felves to be Lu- cifer s, and bright morning Stars, (when indeed the light in you was but darknefs) your fall had not now been lb great as you ac- count it, at the fides of the pit of your own miftakfs : Neither had you fain into tbis condemnation of the Devil, either by penary ejection:, or wicked calumniation. You triumphed too foon, in the conceit that you had a twig toftrikeat Mr. Vowel withal, notob- ferv'ing , that the whole Chapter is Chrifts whip of many (mall Cords, made purpofely to drive you out of the Temple: The Devil had quickly enough of yourkindeof quoting Scripture by incohe- rent fragments, and fo we hope will you. Extolling your felves above the true Min'flers of Chrifl^as Pam, p. 14 Kings* they being mprifoned, desfi'tfed, and ignominiouflyexpo- fedto mifery andfeoxn, &c. And here we have you again complaining of the calumniating ptyj and traducing of the true Minifters of Chrift fefus ', by which p aoe ' r we finde you mean your felf, and your ejected Brethren. How true c Minifters of Chrift you were, may (hortly appear, by the publica- tion of your trials to the world ; In the mean time, a little tafte of ' i fuch ($0 fuch unfavoury Salt, of iuch four Grapes (which (rial be given in aniwcr to your falfe defection of Propagation J may ferve to caufe all Chriftian people to fpic you out of their mouthes, as the Lord hath fpued you out of his. 'Pam. p, 21. We know very well you \*ould rather have dyed gtoriovfly in the City of 'London/ han to be ignominioufly packed home into your owne Count rj, asyguwere. find* How difagrees this man with himfelfe, who in his Epiftle ( />♦ 2. ) fayes, That Mr. Powel was afhamed to ft ay in London, that he betrayed his Brethrenstruft, and violated his owne promi\e % &c. How could he be afhamed to ftay, and yet chufe to dye olorioufly there ? We are forry for the weakneffe of your memory, you are grown old it feemes, you fpare us the labour when yon «nye your j* ielfe the Lye. To give an account of Mafter Powels returne from London , I thought convenient, who was a knowing witneffe of his Doctrine, behaviour, trouble, and releafe, becaufe fome Country people are no wifer than to imagine the Pamphlet called the Hue and Cry* to be a reall thing, fent out after him by Authority, becaufe he made fome efcape without a difcharge from them, as is reported. Hee being examined before the Counfel a firft and fecond time, fpake very boldly and freely, confeffing ingenuoufly more than was charged a- gainft him, and was difmifled ; and being againe ferved to appear before the Counfel, by vertue only of a former Warrant, or Order, came before them, to whom they had little to fay, but that he called the Court MeiTengers Catch-poles, and would have fixed another ; mans words upon him ; which miftake he eafily difcovered, and fo was freely, publickly, and honourably difcharged, with promifc of k protection in his worke of the Gofpel in Wales ; and fo he having twice publickly taken his leave of his godly friends, returned with me homeward, this is the truth of the ftory in briefe. J. Williams. Parr. ^ ut M r - fo^ei is a! fo charged with falfe Prophefies, as that Tyths /hould be no longer paid, that no enemy jhould henceforth appear tn the Land s and that the Statues in White-Hall jhould b* pulled downe by fuch a time, &C, Vi->3 ^ e aie ^ ure ^ e S ave u * Predictions of many things, which accor- dingly hapned ; as trie fucceffe of Col. Jones before Dublin, the Vidory at Dunbar , the conquefl of Angle fey by Gen. Mytton* and the overthrow of the Scots at Worcester^ which he aflerted in many (3?; -. , mafiy places, before and after he went out ot Wales ; now whether thefe chinos did proceed from a Propr etical Spirit, or a prudent fore- fight of confequences from premifes, we fhall not determine* But thus much we may affert, That the failing of Prediftions in circum- ftance of time onely, does not prove them to be falie Prophecies ; for by that rule, If at ah in fpeaking fo pofidvely of Hcz,ekjahs fud- if^g ,; den- death ; and Jonah of TS^Jnivehs fpeedy deftru6tion 3 fhould be Jonah 3 . 4. put in the rank of falfe Prophets. Rut to fat is fie all unbyaffr.d Judges, I fbaKsnd with afiofyofVzm* your own invention, when you were in fome fart of Worcefterfhire, where fome of the late Kings Levy lay in the field, you fent a iJWeffenrer over night to give you intelligence of the end of the battle ; and being informed before you went to bed, that they were dtfeomfittedy you wrote a Letter diretled your felf, dif covering the truths &c. manner of the fight, and delivered this Letter to your man, commanding hjm to tak^ horfe the next morning and ride three or four miles from the place you quartered, and to re- turn with fpeedy and deliver the Letter unto you, as you came out of the Palp it, being to preach there the next morning. In your Sermon you encouraged the people, affuring them, That it was revealed unto you that night > that the enemy foould be de- firoyed, and wifhed them never to believe that you were a Pro' phet fent from the Lord, unlefs they fhould be very (hortly cer- tified thereof $ yea, you hoped before you parted from that place. o'wels)yi n £ % invention ; we applaud your fancy, and faculty of imagination, but not your judgement, in chufing a tranfa&ion for your purpofe, which was beleagured with fuch a throng of witneffes ; you are no Pro- phet we fee (what ever Mr. Powel is, ) but a ftrange dreamer of dreams : But who informed you of all thefe private circumftances, that mift to acquaint you of the place where Mr .Powel quartered, when the news of fVorcefler fight came to him, which was no part ef Worcestershire, as you fay, but Ludlow Town ; where he up- on the Lords day preceding that fight, foretold the routing of the Seets in his Sermon* as he had before done at Ghcefier, and othet F places | (34) , places; neither did Mr. Towel Preach ztbudltwtht day imme- diately afcer the fighc, but it was three days before ; this we can at- teft, and the falficy of your whole ftory, who were then upon the place with Mr. Powel. Neither are you well informed, when you fay Mr. Powel loft his money at Jfcrcefter, you iliould have faid Warrington Bridges but that you reel like a drankard, and cannot tread one ftrait ftep in the way of trutk, without fome digreflion. It is juft as true, That Mr* Powel and his Companions ran away at Worcefter 5 whereas it is well known, that Mr. Powel being in the Rear, came the word of command, to Face about, when the enemy charged us in the Rear in the City ; and afterwards we drew up in a Fallow-field by St. Johns, expecting the enemy, and rcfolving to receive him ; and feeing he came not on, we marched away order- ly towards Gloceflor % obferving all the way, Rank and File, Vau and Rear-guard : But we think (by this time) you will findc your Squadron of Figments, will not fo well ftaad the field , being now put to a total rout. Cap. Lewis Price. i Edward Aden, JohnGriffith^EfqmxCi John Dantefie, Junior. \ Henry rVi Mams, James Williams. Thus have we had a large Mefs of Alexander Pottage, which howfocver (Reader) it may be naufeous to thy ftomack, beingfo ill eonco&ed, yet we hope may have a good Phyfical operation up- on Mr. Powel, and Caution him in point of vigilance and prudence, that henceforth no juft occafion may be given to an aecufcr* And the iVtt. 1.1% Lord hel p us all, Thai we may have our convex fation honefi among thefe Gentiles , that whereof they fpeak^againft u* at evil doers, they may by our good workj, which they JhaU behold, glori fie God in the day of vifitation. • 1 We hope alio chat thofe who have bec» very curious and inqui * fitive, in prying into the mifreports of other men, may be convinced of their credulity and lightnefs of belief upon fuch rumors as thefe : And that they may hence learn to be more deliberate in their Judge- ments,cnorc referved in their Cenfures, and more charitable in their Opinions; To fuch we fhali onely put up that Petition, which a Ro- wan Knight did to Angufius Cafar t when he had cleared himfelftc* him of falfe accufations given in againft him, he befought him, 7hatfrm thenceforth he would objerve wkatfhmld be charged ■M againft A/a'mtt an) perf on of quality y whether it were done by good men and true, Gods Law forbids Judgement upon a fingle witnefs, though never fo credible ; thofe that hare paffed rafhfentence, upon the word of fuch a namelcfs one as this, will be accountable to it. If our fenfes be fo deceivable by flights of Art, how much more our ^cpraved Judgements ; unlefs we covet to be deluded, we muft ex - iunineandtry all Mediums, or we are inevitably befooled. Wc leave our felves and the Accufer open to all unprejudiced and un- byaffed men. If the Pagan King 1)artus, could punifh Darnels falfe accufers iflith the Lyons Den, the Emperors Theodofius and Honorin* enaft Laws, that the Accufer failing to make good his charge, (houid undergo the penalty he would have brought the tccufed iintos If falfe Suggcftors were in old time burnt in the Fore -heads with Vim. paBtgyr, an hot iron, whipped in the dayes of Titus, Vefyafiau,Ncrva, p-dccalamni- and Traan, and thruft out of the Empire by < Domitiart i Anto- 1 *' . n nivu and Macrinut^ which faid, He that punifhed them @ot 5 en- f^J R f J"' couraged them : We hope all honeft men can do no kCs than trans- fer thefe hard Ccnfures from Mr. Powel upon this his Antagoni(\ who is thus foiled with his own weapon. And in the Net which he hath privily laid for another, are his oivnfcct taken. F % You Y: 'Ou have had a fufficient fight of the Monfter, pleafenowto turn your Eyes upon the Man , and though people naturally af- fected with Novelties (and now adays more lAtheniarAkz than ever, having eyes and ears itching to take in tome ftrange and novel objects ) will give money for the fight of fome extraordinary mif- {hapen fpe&aclc, rather than the moft beautiful Man or Woman, being more delighted wi-h the faults and prodigeous miftakes of Nature, than with her moft perfect Draughts : Yet we hope you may judge this wonder, as worthy of your money, as the former, to fee Nebuchadnezzar returned from the Wildemefs , the poor man newly come out of the Metamorphofis of a Beaft. Mr, Poxvel is indeed a Man, honored as much of the Lord, as defpifed of the world , in that he noted him with his eye , took him up with his hand, furbuflied, and fet him apart as a chgfen vejfel fitted for the Mafters nfe, even to bear the iwcet Oyntment of his Name, and the Oylof his pretious Grace to the Gentiles, and to the lfraelof (jod. But it feems the envious man thought to ileal him in his pu- pillage, from his Guardian, forefeeing what ufe he could make of him, to contribute to the defigns or his Kingdom of 'Darknefs* who a$ he ftrove with the Angel for Mofes his body, (o he ftruggled with the Angel of the Covenant for this poor Soul. Neither muft it be thought (trange, that he that could Lure our fir ft Parents in their primitive diicretion, and perfect manhood, with lb childifli a prey as an Apple, could cheat alfo a forward youth with the Honeyr bait of the pleafures, and vanities of the world. But who is this man without fin, that c aft s the fir ft [lone at him, who hath already caft fo many at himfelf for it ? What temptation hath be fain him, but what is common unto man** How few that know themfelves, ¥Wxqnifq*M will not confefs as much as he, *that they have offered the fir ft in bouum nip ex fruits of their ftreng^h, and parts to the God of this world ? As mMo tnnfy* our bodies live firft the lives of meerFVg^w^before that of Sen~ fitives, fo there be few fouls aft the parts, of men, till they have put off the habits ofunreafonable brutes, feeing it was the confeffi- Pkl 7i* i*\ on of the man after Gods own heart, I was even as a Beaft before the, (57) thee. Do wc not fee renowned Father Auguftjne doing penance, in fo many fheets of his own ConfeJJlons, for his youthful wanton- nefs ? Waldu4 fequeftred from the *tews to b£ the Ghoftly Father of lb numerous and gracious an Ojf-fprmg as the tValdenfes in France} Luther coming out of his Super ftttioM Cl°)fi er i co van " qu^fh fo many Garifons, and over-run fp many Territories of Anti- chrift ? Nay, wholbever (ball cake the pains to read over the Lives of thofe Centuries of Converts of our own, and other Nations,fhall finde in the Lift-roll, Room left for Mr. Powelsnaine* Who does thence collect what honor he hath received from the Lord, and what olory he is to return co him (wh'ch indeed is the Jpur co all his alli- i'ity ) that fo foon delivered him as a Bird out of thefnare of the Fowler, and hath given him rtrong Eagles wings to foar aloft, and ever iince to keep out of the reach of thofe earthly fnares : When that Thoenix for JVifdom and Greatnefs i Soloman > was no wifer than to tire himfelf in the fearch after fruitleis vanities, the eye of whole Soul, beheld not his madnefs and folly, till age had bcdimned his. bodily eyes, It is true, Mr. Vowel plaid the Truant in Cbrifts School , in his minority \ neither is he now to be lafht for that 3 which long fince colt him Co many (tripes and tears : Four or five years was the poor foul caftinto the K tag of Saints CorreBion~Houfe, under the hands, of that hard Task-malter, the (pint of bondage. All this while was he fed with bread of adverfitj, and with water of affliction, till the King of Glory returned again in peace. He came not into the King- dom of Heaven, but through a fiery Purgatory ; he was long in the School of the Law ere he came to the Vniverftty of Chrift. The fad. experience of which School-makers feverity, hath made him fearful to commend any of his friends tohim* All this while was God boiling him in his Furnace, that he might come forth favorf Salt ; refining him in his fire, that he might come out a bright San: fin/try Veffel: That with his Matter Chrift 3 being tempted him-* felf, he might be able to fuccor them that are tempted* And now being raifed frorruhe Gates of death and Hell, he calls to minde tha; Valley of dead-bones^hls Native Country ; and that he fhould not do well (with the Samaritan Leapers) onely to hide up for him- felf, fuch plency of Spiritual food, and rich fpoilsofthe fledS/ri- ans of his fins ; but that he ought to communicate to hunger-pining Samaria* That he might comfort thofe which were in any trouble y i Cor. u 4 mth the comfort wherewith he himfelf •was cwforted of the Luk, 11.3. F J lord 1 (38) '* Tu ^rimm Lord ; and befog * converted might jtrettgthen his Brethren* cxh/betebsmum H;saffe&ions to God and his* Countrey, were the wings that car- %'i U *fi\*^ ^im c hither, which he found fleering 2 dangerous courfebe- km. '" c wcen the 5r;if4 of fomc pernicious Efr^r/ on the one hand, and the * 7^em9 nsfcituf Chary bdis of Heathenifm and Su perftitiori on the other. Where he fibi fed fitrU is welcomed by all Friends to the Parliament , whether morally civil, fed parentibut, r truly religious people. The quicknefs of his Imagination , Plurai ch. jfoength of his memory, falncfs of his conceptions, variety of dif- courfes, and readinefs of utterance, challenging more than ordinary refped: from the former, and the exemplarineli of his piety, the tendcrnefs of his affe&ions, the forwardnefs of his zeal, the livelinefs of his doctrine, and eminency of all his graces, endearing him to the later. Ondy the Royalifts hated him, becaufe he never prophecied good concerning them, but evil, together with thcir^rhoftfy Fa« thers, thatcryed up the Diana of their Old Liturgy* becaufe they heard her preached down, and ti\z\i livelihood, which came in by her ilirines. Such men, by how much the greater their rage was, or is, againft him, give the ftronger teftimony for him, that he k not of the world, which never hated, but is ever fond of her own brood. And now finding his Native foyl, all in rubbifh, like the mines of a " Monaftery , he faw there was no building upon the old rotten Foundation 5 and fo onely taking up what choice ftones he could finde fit for the work, he goes to hew more out of the Rocks, and to cut down and fquare thefturdy Oaks in the Mountains ; which very undertaking, with fo fmall affiftance as he had at firft,gives full evidence of the Faith, and Courage of the Man, fceiag how many difficukies he was to encounter , feeing the people naturailized to fin, by long continuance, grown old in blindness and ignorance their Difeafes even fettered and gangreened, and their Quack~fal vers, un- skilful Surgeons, and Phyficians of no value ; the Priefts fnarling a£ every one that fihould come to vifit their Patients y left they fliouid lofe the profit of the cure.But the tafte of the fmal Clufter of Grapes (the handful of Saints) made him go on without fearing thofe fons of Anak^ or their Cities walled up to Heaven. When indeed find- ing many of them Champions of Satan, Factors ef Hell, Sticklers for Superftition, and Enemies to Reformation , he faw the neceflity of following the (reps of our BleiTed Saviour , who having re- proved the abufe of Sacred things by the words of his mouth, does ncverthelefs finde it needful to ufe hands, and to get a fcourge to drive thefe buyers and fillers out of the Temple. Which had they been Uf) been but as ingenuous as ?. Adrian VI. might have acknow- ledged as Epidemical a Difeafe to lye at that time on the * w .. , , Welch Priefthood, * a* he on the Roman in his time, and a fpcc- parent^ h $ P " dy Remedy bchoveful for fo defperate a Malady. infhuftlons t© his Lfgat» for the Convention of Hormberg t 1515. whic'i run thus, 'Dices nee ivgenum f\tiri quod Deus bane fer/tcutiemm Ecc/efi*fu*i*ferre fermitut, propter facet a hminum, mximi 54- eeriotum & Ecclefi* Pr*Uterum } ifr. Profterca (ut lit Chryfoft.) fatvin¥ nejla- curunrus in- frmnm Cixiuum Hierofolymam'«£>*/7*fjc/t friut Tmflum, utpecc^i fieer4»ium primbcifligA- ret. Inflar btui Medici, quimerbumariikeium. Scimus in b*nc fAnfidftds, aJiquotjananuit, mult a abbominanti fuife, AbufusinfpmtuAlibuf, txctjjui'inmxnd^th, & §mnii denique in ferv.r- (mmutAti, &e. Sleid Com. 1. 4 Let the Libelling Prolocutor of the Aflembly of the c- jefted WeUh Divines, lake tois Looking Glafs, to {hew him his brazen face, that hath more impudency, and lefs ingenuity than a pope. Was Xsme rhen fo ben tired, and was Widti now fpotlefr ? Ii is not the wiping of the Ecclcfiaftick? mouths onely, that will make the«» clean. Now might have been taken upttirb him that of the Pro- phet l[aith b Ibe white bead kfico\* and the Xtbole bean is faint > from tbc€rWnofthe bead 9 &c. Wait* tkerefore had need (atleaft) of fome PiffuU luoit majaris> for the purging Gephalaick humors, that the fight might be cleared. No marveli if fo diligent a Bee as Mr. PoVrcl, carried a King to drive out fuch idle Drones, as lived upon the fpoyl of that Honey that fhould be rcferved for better Laborers $ Who like a skili'd Gardiner, (w it was much better have the Coleworts removed, than the Vine marred. •Neither was this done out of enmity to the Calling *f ibt (JHiniftry of Wales > bus meerly to tkeir fins , which ap- pears both by Mr./We/jopenProfeffion, in his Dictation with Dc* many a dead foul. There are many fervants of God in Wales, that can fay of him (as Paul does of himfeif) that though they have many Teachers* yet they have not many Fathers m Chrift. He hath been a daily Miner at the Works of Chrift, about fourteen years ; and we are confident^ there is not this day in England, a Laborer of his time, that can fhew more right Silver Oar of his own railing, than he hath gotten out of thele Welft) Mines ; witnefs his gathered Congregations in Mount- gomery arid Radnor Shires (and of late in Cardigan/hire) abound- ing with hopeful and viable Converts, to whole M in It iy molt in thofe Affemblies have acknowledged themfdves toow their blcfled changes, who would be ready to atttli the fame unto the world, by annexing hereunto a Lift of their Names, were it thought neceiTary ( befidea what fuccefs the Lord gave him formerly in London Kent, and other places, where there remains many living Monuments, of his powerful undeceiving Miniftvy.) Now is that promife fulfilled among! t us, That many ft) all run to and fro, and knowledge /halluin 12.4. be increafed ; lb that though of late years, when there was a Mini- fter or Curate in every Parifh, you might have ridden twenty miles, and not have met with a knowing Spiritual Chriftian^ * yet now * invidiattqui- therc being fcarce a Church door open in twenty miles upon the tuynmqutieji, Lords day (if you will believe the PamphleterJ yet I know but f^^wlfttbcfi. fcwParifties, wherein you maynotfinde ibme favoiy Chrift ians. And fo the antecedent Promife in Daniel, remains yet tobeac- Dan.n. 3, compliflied, That they that turn marq to Right eoufne(s> (hall fhine as the Stars for ever and ever. If Hercules for his counter- feit Labors, could gain a Monument amcr.g the Aimi ng C°nft e ^ a r' Yions \ what deferves Mr. Powel (as from good men) that hath car- . j ried the flag from Epifcopanans^ Free-wilier s> Monftrous Ranters, Snd Dtmonaick Quakers > Me thinks our Pre] byterian Brethren, fliould be engaged to him, forthisoppofingof Errors^ Hertfies, 8ind Blasphemies, and not deal worfe with him, than the Scribes and Phmfees with our Savitur who denied him not accefs to their G Synagogues^ C4») . . _ - Fpmsguss, though they -were filled with envy towards him when they cryed: Bihold, the World is gone after him. Yet he being above discouragements, is Hill ftriving to fellow his Mafler^ as near asmaybe. Going about continually to do good , and to heal every Soul-difeafe among the People, ft ill laboring and endeavoring to caufc the flceping to awake, the deaf to hear, the blinde to fee, the iTh'.f 5.14. lame to walk , To comfort the feeble minded^ and fupport the vrcakj as he is commanded. Many fuch good work* is he ftill do- ing amongft us, and for which of thefe muft he be thus ftoned with fcandah ? Well, if it muft be fo, he rnuft be content to follow him alio Without the Xlamp, bearing his reproach. Thus hath the Detra&or by his unworthy fubftraBion forced from as, the Addition of iomt few parcels of Mr. Towels worth, rcferving a fupply of the like fruit, to call into the ballance, as he {hall C according to his promife) caft in his leaden pieces. Mr. Powel h&k golden grace enough , to anfwer, and counterpoise all his brafs. He is currant Coyn for the Temple Treafury, and let him but have bis grains of allowance, which where lives he that needs not ? Die qmbui in ten is, &c ? We (hall conclude with a word to the enemies of Truth and Right ecu fnefs, that they would reflect an eye inward uponthem- iclves, and fee how their Pajfions dz&ioy their Reafon 5 that they would rather ftrive to come out of the rank of Beafts, into the order of Men, than expect that others fhould climb into the ftation, and perfection of heavenly Angels^ while they dwell in Earthy Taber- nacles ; that they would not make over-much hafte to trample upon Mr. Pavel, as a Meteor fain to the ground, but rather note him yet as a burning a?:d fhining light, bearing witnefs of that light* And to our honored Neighbors of the Presbytery , that they, though fix- ed Stars themfeives, would not difpife the Itinerant Lights, but confefs lather, that both maybeufeful in the lower Region of the Churchy as well as the upper Firmament ; feeing both derive their Beams from the fame bright Fountain. From them we hope, that :hough at the leaping of this 'Poyjonotu l r iptr upon this Pauls hand ( fo lately efcaped fhipwrack) they may have hard thoughts of him; yet feeing the Worm thus fhak en off without harm, they will not be worfe then B^rbarians^ but aker their inindes. And thus much to the Suprcam Authority of the Nat ion , That tley would take care, that the Caufe of Religion, which hath I '^.jight them to the Stcrn^m^y not now be £hut up under Hatches, that (43) that they would not flight fuch (mail leaks of bnnldi reproach^ but ufe means to flop them betimes, leart they fweil up to their own C abb ins y and that they would not mini Her fuel to this Fire of the Tongue \ but rather quench it betimes, leallit come too foon to their own houfcs j for it is able to [et on fire the whole courfrof nature : j am , 3 ^ That they may know by whom they reign % and, for whom they are to decree Juftice ; that as they have the name Gods, (6 they may own Gods Wordy and fay of the Icaft of his little ones, He that 2cch. 2.8. toucheth you, toucheth the apple of our eyes* And finally to the Lord, 7 hat he that hath purified the heart s % •would alfo wajh the faces , and anoint the heads of his people with the oyl of gladnefs \ that he that hath written upon them the golden characters of his own new Name, would take off the fxains of theirs ; that they may ft ill haft en out of Egypt^tfd not fo much a* a Dog bejuffered to move his tongue at them $ that they may be of one hearty to love one another ^ and of one tongue, to fpe>\ to 9 and for one another , that good Nehemiabs may proffer* and the mouths of Sanballats may be flopped ; that his lemple may be rebuilt in its Primitive glory \ that the voices of thofe that fh out for joy y may be louder than the cryes of thofe that mourn in Zion ; and that he would jhew himfelf as the glory of Ifrael his glory. Amen. A Reply to the Libellers Satyrical Rythmes. Propagation, as awaked out of fleep by his noife , thus fpeaks : WHo calls > —What's there ? —How now ? Can't Propagation Tir'd withtheferviceof the Britifh Nation, Porting long o'r their numerous Bills > down lay Her head to gain ftrength for another day : Cannot (he take a nap of Innocent fleep* But Rampant Rats this noife and ftir muft keep t O Sirs ! —What Sot hath all this vomit cart Upon my Cloaths, while I was fleeping fart ? G a Was'c (44 > Was'c dot fome drunken Prieft ? Beyond ail doubt • He'd Article thus Propagation out. Where's he, that would blaft 'Propagations name , (Who needs notb]u(h)but hides his own for fhame ? Moft hopeful Modetty ! Could he be found Biufhing or palcnefs might his face confound. He cane me Slut or idle Hufoife call, Thac rid my houte of Rubhi } h } rvvepc out all. Good Hufwtvesufe to give a Wormwood PUT, To f warms of Pleas that do their Chambers fiil^ And with a fat at fmikj to purge the Moths Which they rinde fpitcrully eat out their Cloaths : And wing down Spiders that i'ch* Cobwebs lurk, Aad was not all this Propagations work ? Aials poor Prietts I Mutt Gofyel fall with you ? As much as't by your riling Rofe, and grew. Which was, as by the Frotts in May*, we know Thetender Buds of knotting fruit to grow : Its gain by you was tuch as Blafiing yeilds, Or Mildew to :he Trees, and new car'd Fields, Ox does Religion fuffcr by this Wind Tnac blew away (6 many ? So we f nd Plagu*d Egypt s fuffring by th' Eaft wind that blew Awiy the Locufts, thac devouring crew, Wept it at parting with Frogs* Lice> or Plies y So does your lofs water Devotions eyes, And the gain of clear lights reftor'd to chafe Away Might, which kept fianers in cheir place. That thicker, fadder darkr t e[s 3 which fouls ne'er Felt, until they in utter darknefs were. Have you this reward of my mercy (hewn, That in my latter days am milder grown ? 1. did not now put Levi 's Sons to draw Their Swords upon their Brethren^ which I fa\v After the Devils pipe dance at the rife OW Golden Calf, true Worftips obfequks. Not now as heretofore at Kifyon> flay „ 'Bads Prietts, permitting none to fcape away*. Though to their Sacrifices no fire was given, Jhough they kept off ^.Ucflcd Dew of Hm'i& And C4?) ArtdyetfliallJ^^^p^wncnefsfay, • She'll Sacrifice me for a fudden prey ? Where is the furious Jehn now thac makes Baals Temple, either Slaughter-houfe, or Jakes ? Or where the Henry, thatcafhiers all Monks, Slighting all Forts of Fryers, and their Punks > Did then one Cromwel, give fo brave a rout To Popifh Priefts, and think you to recruit Now by another, that againft you hath Tr o Jden fo far his noble Name-fakes path i . No, no j To's Principles you'll finde nim true, A zealous Jehn 'gainft fuch things as you : That will be careful to fearch, and put oddes 'Twixt falfe adoi-ers, and thofe that are Gods ; Nor Qiallfrom henceforth our Prot e for choofe Not to binde Dragons, but to let them loofe. Falfe railing tongues fhall have no quick releafe, But rather Bridles, keep their Writs of eafe. Such Levites don't fo good a Patron merit, FilFd with their TudMe ^4le^ not with the Spirit. The Dregs whereof caft to the people, fome More drunk, and fwinifh then themfelves become 5 Such as are better skiH'd, and rather choofe To court their Hoftifs, than Chrifls beauteous Sfoafe. That have known fpurious Jefues to beget No Goffd-Babes, S fir it Hal Children , yet Such as had better luck, at Dice, Cocks, Bowls, Than th' Apoftoltkf game, for winning Souls, Which their own Tythes, and Fronts labor'd more To Inn, than to get Wheat into Chrifts floore. That Freewil-0 firings from the people gain'd, But gave them none, did what they were conftrairfd. Stewards that challenged a full allowance, But fed the Children with a poorbsftowance, Dry fcraps, and cruris, fnatcht from fome neighbors Table*, {Decking their Sermons like the "Darv i*th* Fable.) Such as can fell the Body of our Lord At cheaper rates, than Jndas could afford. Two or three pence, as many as have paid, Have had him to their wfck$4 hands betray 'd ; G J Such Such as by ari Mrument* ealPd CommsH trAytV* Could get che wages of five pounds a year* By Churching^ Weddings Chrifimng^ of which fome, The Long-coat, more than Blackrcoat rrrght become. Say not that T, that fnatcht away } am cruel, But your felves, that would keep your finful fuel. The Devils powder, that your ielves had blown Up, and more with you, had I let alone. And (Gentle Reader) becaufe this foet after (ball not fay we are yet in his debt for his medley "Epitaph , beftowed on Mr. P, Itine- rant ,g\ye us leave (without the imputation of fcurrillity) to repay him in his own coyn. In perpetuam Mr. */(, G. perpotantis memoriam. a Mad pranks. f*\Ui fit cantavit,fed non fine Drwkjfine a Pranko, b Having fpent K^Ebrius infoveam jacittsr,fine b Chink* fine 'Banko> all his money, Et qHi dormivitjed nan fine c C^k 9 fine Clan^p, reported, he MortHU*> exfurgit, viva fine d Thin^fine Than\o. fell drunk into z Difch full of water j and leaves, there flept, and waking, Asked the Hoftifs, why flic lefefo many Hops in her dcinlj. c Tmthubulis. d Without any re- membrance of, or thankfulnefs for his deliverance \ who was fo drunk 5 and in fuch a dead ftccpztTreveglvpys m Moiintgomerijhire, t hit the Sexton did ring a peal for hi?n, thinking verily he had been dead indeed. Matth 7. 33,24. With what meafnre ye meaty it (hall be mea- [wed to you again. And why fee ft thou the mote in t hy brothers eye y and feefi not the beAm that k in thine own eye ? Efth.9.7. Behold aifo the Gallows fifty cubits high > which Harnan^*^ made for Mordecai, who had fpokjn good for the King* fiandeth in the henfe of Haman ; then the King fatd, Hang him thereon ; fo they hanged Hainan^ &c* ■^ j -■- i~if~ ■ ■ mi t nil ■ >-m 11 FINIS. ^ 3? :?r~* W* *- "tf s f^4 Tyc *^*'lf "'" rt *• ts. ■J&* r mm* fe^n )^ r? -r^Ss^"" £3 1 |K H