■'.•(^ m EHH i O^tcliHuiicej hfidi io 6c ' 7^ /id th 940- 9?/ ^ ■■.*-K, ■> L^aI/. jtf..^^^. ^tSC' %h. HAROLD HUGOK <2 Gofpel Treafures, OR THE >^^^-^^^ HOLIEST OF ALL UNVAILING; Difcovering yet more the RICHES OF GRACE akh GLORY To Thi VESELS OF MERCY, Unto whom it is given to know the Myfteries of that Kingdom, and the Excellency Spirit 1 "] Letter OF Power > above S Forms Truth J J Shadows In feveral Sermons, preached at Kenfington and elfewhere, By JOHN EFERARD D. D. London printed in the Year 1^53. And now Reprinted in Germantown, by Christopher Sower. 1757. ^0 all tlofe^wbo are faiiSlifie^in Clrift JefuSy called to he Samtt-, hcthBa^ bes-) ftrong Men and Fathers-, who through the Power of Chnft-, in thetny bave attained to efleem it their Wifdom and Glory to he defpifed-, and ac^ cou J7ted Fooh-, by the f/^orld^ for his Sake and the Gofpel's: fVhofe Kftorv" Udge-, fVifdom and Gifts hath made themnot Csve^iand Something, (accord^ ingto the Ciiftom of the IVorld ) but Lirrle, jy^/z Nothing i7j their own EJieein, who jiotwithfta?iding are the true OfF-fpring of God, the only Right- Wife and Honourable with him^ and the Excellent upQji Earthy Qracg and Peatd he multiplied. TO fuch only are thefe Sermons dedicated, (they knowing what thefe Things mean) but not to the 'Great and wife Men of this World; for faith our Saviour Mat. 19, ii. 12. •^// Ma7t cannot receive tbefe fayingSy a rich Man can hardly enter into the Kingdom 9f Heaven-, for he, efpecially, who is rich, or great in his own Efleem ; nay, it is eafier for a Ca?nel (or Cable) to go through the Eye of a Akedle-, then for a rich Man to enter into the Kingdom of God '^ and, faith our Lord : Ferily^ f^erily-i I fay unto you-, except ye be converted and become as little Children^ ye cannot enter therein; but whofoever lliall humble himfclf as a little Child, the fame faith he (mark the Word) and no others fhall he gi'eatefl in the Kingdom of Heaven. Thefe only are they, that can deny themfelves in all Things, and take up their Crofs, daily following their Lord and Mafler in the fame Path he hath trod out before them, being baptized with his own Baptifme; they wait upon him as his Servants, and covet to be like him. In all his Affliftions, Reproaches and Death, how meek, how lovdy, how cur- teous, how comely, how amiable, how gracious was he in all his Behavi- our ! How ready to pardon and pray for his Enemies ! TI.Kre was ;;• Guile found in his Mouth-, he never reproached the vilelt Sinner, how Pa- tient, meek and lovinq was he to them, and weep over them, becaufe diey ^ere fb fail bound in Satans Chains i Only he fell very foul on the X 2 Hypocriiic IV Tk Epiftle Dedicatory. Hypocrifie and difTembling out-fide Religion of the Pharisees, their gilded feemingly holy Outiides, he could never endure ; becaufe, though there was an unreproveable and glorious Outfide, yet within, nothing but Stenches, Rottenncft and dead Mens Bones, like unto gilded and ftately Sepulchers without, but within full of all Manner of Rottennefs andloath- fome Stench; he chofe rather to keep Company with the grofTefl Sinners, the Publicans, rather then with thefe, becaufe themfeives and Others had fo high an efteem of them, and thought them righteous by Reafon of their grave and demure Outfides, to make others believe it was fb, or rather better within, when it was quite otherwife. He fought not, himfelf nor his own glory, but the Glory of his Father, he endureth the- Crofs-) defpifed the Jl?ame ; His Life was, to go about doing good, even to his Enemies; He would gladly have done good to the proud Phari{ees,., but they could not endure him, becaufe he did not reverence and ad- mire them, ( as others did ) but difhonour them, and di{cover their Nakednefs and loathfome Infides. Thofe that are his Sei*vants, they ia their Meafure ftrive to follow their Mafter in all good Things, have the: fame Spirit, full of Meekneft and Tenderhearted nefs to all; tree and rea- dy to do good, they love all Creatures for his fake, they can (ee no Crea- ture in Want, but their Bowels yearn to help them, being much troub- led, if they have not wherewith to flipply their Wants. Thefe indeed like their Mafter, can welcome the Croft, yea kiCs the Crofs every Day, and expe£l bearing the Croft in every Thing they do;, whether they be Adions civil or fpiritual, in their Alms or Charities to Men, or their religious Worfhip and Duties to God ; I'hey in all bear the Croft always about them. Thefe Souls, they willingly and freely have departed from the Love of this World, and cxpeft no Love from it, but rather Hatred ; they having found the Pearl of great Price, of invalluable Price, therefore they can flight all, fell all for this Pearl ; for they have refblved and conclu- ded in their Souls, in good Earnefl:, as it is Pro v. 4. tVifdom is the prin- cipal Tlrngj therefore fay they: I muft, whatever I do, get Wimom; for all my other Gctringslmuft getUnderftanding; for the Merchandize of it is better then the Merchajidize of Silver ^ and the Gain thereof then fine Gold. This is that Wifclom, which is more precious then Riihies, and all the Tinngs thou can ft deftrc-, is not to he compare J unto Pier. Prov. 3, 14.15. Thou once having gotten this high Elleem of this fiiper- excellent, (u- per-eminent Life, thou wile fearch tor it, as Men fearch for Silver, and dig The Epiflle De3icatoYy. v dig for it, as forbid Treasures; for, believe it, thefe are of infinite more Value, thefe are everlafting, eternal durable Riches; the Other are not fb; but the Men of the World they efteem Silver and Gold and flich like to be their higheft Riches; and therefore all their Loves, Mights and Endeavours are to dig deep for them, but thefe Souls are quite contrary, and put Worth upon Things of Worth indeed, the Violent take this King- dom by Force-, faith our Saviour, nor cannot be gotten other Ways; this Life cannot be obtained without fh-ong Affections to it; not with fitting ftill ; nor in a general and formal RoacT of Profeflion, it will not fall into our Laps, nor is it gotten by pattering over a few cold Prayers; but it mult be efteemed, prized and loved above all Things, elfe it will never be laid hold on, none el(e fhall ever come near it; if any other Thing rake off your Eye, or your Love from the purdiit thereof, you immediately lofc the very Sight of it. He th^z fi/ideth this Life^ he indeed findeth Life. fVifilom loveth them-, that love her-, and thofe^, that feek her early-, fljall find her. Riches and Honour were with her-, yea, durable Riches and Righteoufnefs ; And this is the final Concluiion he makes Prov. 8, 3^^. But he "that finnetb againft her, (or neglect her) hateth his own Soul, and all that hate her, love Death. Yet kno>v : It is the Lord, that worketh all our JVorks in us Ifti. 26 V. 12. And it is he, that worketh in you both to will and to do of his good Plea- fare. Phil. 2, 1 3.. Thofe laborious Sermons doAveedy difcover this Life, this Pearl; but till you come to experience them, you will find them full oFParables and hard Sayings, not only to fuch, as are void of Undcrltanding, and to the Men of this World, but to all (iich, ( though filled with Kno\vlcdge ) who ^re without the ti'uc Knowledge of God, even to All out of Chrill; for as the Apoftle Paul (airh: TIk natural A fan receiveth not the Things of the Spirit of God; for they are Foolijhncft unto hint, neither can he know them; for they arc fpiritually difcerned. iCor. 2, 14. The worldly Wife, or Men only litterally learned, are uncapahle of fuch ])o(f;trines ; for St. Paul fiit h of {uch, that God will defiroy the IVfdom of the l^lfe, and will bring to nothing the Underftanding of the Prudent ; and as it were, looks about him and cries our: IVhcre is the IVife ? U^here is the Scribed Whcveis the Difputcr of the JVorld.^ Hath not God made Foolijhiefi the U^ifdom of this iVorUU I Cor. 1, 19.20. And it is certain, that the profound Rabbies and Philofo- phers re(]uirc a Sign, and feek after Wifdom, that is, fuch as is but hu- mane, ox fenfual, carnal and devilijh Jam. 3,15. and therefore, if Chriit crucified be preached, he is to the Jews and moil learned Men ajiuwbling X 3 Block, vl Tf)e Epiftle Dedicatory, Block-, and unto the Gentiles Foolijhnefi. And St. John Tairh of thofe great and learned Men of rhe Jews-, that they plainly expreffed (b much, in {aying: Do any of our Rulers believe on Himf No, no, they did not, nor coulcf not, they wanted the feeing Eye and hearing Ear, to know and receive him ; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of Life. Thefe Labours then are fit indeed, and only fitforfiich, as are weak in themfelves, meek and lowly, poor anddelfpifed of the World, yet are the Called of God and Precious, becaufe they hold out Chri^ the Power vf God, and the JVifdom of God i Cor. 1,24. And of a Truth, rhe great and the wife Men, nor the learned, are not called (or very few of them ) to the Knowledge of God by the Gofpel, and thereupon unfit for fiich fpiritual Doftrine: Nay, is it not true, as the Apoftle faith? Te fee your Calling-, Brethren ! How that not many wife Men after the Flefh, not many Mighty-) not many Noble are called, but God hath chofen the foolifl) Tl.nngs of the IVorld, to confound the JViJe; and God hath chofen the weak Tfjings of the TVorld-) to confound the Things-, that are mighty, and bafe Tlnngs of the World, and Things that are defpifed, God hath chofen ; yea-, and Tl.nn^ which are not-, to bring to nought Things that are, that no Flejh jhould glory in his Prefence. 1 Cor. i, And therefore to you, even to all you, whofe Life is hid with Chrift in God, the feed or Abraham, Children of Faith, and of the Promifes, ■who are begotten and defcended of the Blood and Seed royal, is this Piece of heavenly Dire£tions prefented,who are experienced and buildedupon the Rock Jefus Chrifl", and who know what that Annihilation, Mortifica- tion and Self-denial is, which is taught in thefe Sermons, and by Chrifl was alio wrought in the Author himfelf and others, and tends to the Confufion of the myflical Babel in Mens Spirits, fo flrongly ere£ted in Mens Hearts, fb that very few yet fcarce know truly, what the Con- founding of that Language means in themfelves. Oh how rare, how Excellent and fweet is this fpiritual, practical, experimental Life! But where to be found ? Where are the living Monuments of it, and where arc the Books of it? Where are thofe choice ones, that know it and do it? How few in thefe Days (though Chriftians in Profellion) do prefs toward the Mark for the Price of the high Calling, and who a£l true Mortifica- tion ! How few enjoy thofe true and fure Treafures, Pleafiires, Raptures, Riches and Pollellions, which are in Chrifl! How few do difcern the true Way to that high, rich, fupereminent Life ! But indeed few are the Preachers of it, and few be ihe Labourers in diis Harvelt: Oh! There- fore The Eprftle Dedicatory. vii tote f^eirtg the Harveft is great, and the Labourers few, howr fhould we IncefTantly pray, that the Lord would fciid forth luch Spiritual and Monified Labourers into his Harveft. But what may be the caufe of this Scarcenefs? Certainly 'tis, bccaufe the pra£lical Part and the contemplative alfo, are clean contrary to Flefh and Blood, unpleafant to the carnal Man^ few Men defire to take up much lefs to bear the Crofs of Chrift, which is the only Way thereunto ; and if Men travel not in the right Way, how can they come to their journeys End them(elves, or how can they dircift or encourage Others to enter into it? Oh! . This great Idol, felf corrupted felf, is too much ierved and worfhipped : Men are Lovers of themfelves more then God ; very few pra£li(e now anfwerable to the primitive Chriftians, who de- lighted in Self-denial, and fpirifual Love ; very few prize the Crofs of Chrift in themfelves, but rather defpife it : We afcend not, nor Cot our Feet aright on thefe fix Steps, a(cending up to the Throne of Grace, Peace and Reft, truly and lively explained in this Book, to wit: i. Condeith- nation. 2 Annihilation^ 3. Abdication. 4. Indifferency. 5. Conformity. 6. Union or Deiformity-, the very Throne it felf; and compared by the Author (as you ftiall find in this Book) to the fix Steps leading up to Solomon's glorious Throne. In Brief, nere you have drawn to the Life, the comely and beautiful Portraiture of the New-Man, the inward Man, the true Image of the heavenly Man, drawn according to the Pattern from the Scriptures, and liiat by the Holy Ghoft. Where are the Men now, who defire to climb thefe Steps? But gene« rally all Men account them mighty, difficult and painful, as the unbeliev- ing Jews thought the Walls of Jericho-, reaching to Heaven ; and look upon them, as they lookt upon the mighty Giants there, the Sons ofAnack^ whom they thought they mould never conquer, and therefore decline them :Men rather defcend them, and run far from them, then feck to a- fcend any of them: How low, and how poorly do moftMen (yea moft ProfefTors) live! How bound up to the World, and to beggerly Rudi- ments; they live altogether unto Pleafures or Profits, and to themfelves, not unto the Lord : And yet 'tis,'certain, he that will be my Difciple, mufi deny himfelf, and take up his Crofs daily : A«n:ions not forced or coiru puHatory, but free and voluntary: Few now feek the Glory of God, or the Good of others ; but mind themfelves, love themfelves, provide for €hemfdves> ^ chat diey are ilveued inco aad fiUlened unco die Earth, viii The Epiftel Dedicatory. and are in Bondage to Forms, and to Men : Is this to live by the Faith t To live to Chriff: Can fuch Men fay with the Apoftle? I die daily I Cor. i5j 31. or-) I am crucified to the World-, and the U^orld unto vie? Or can they juftifie that they live not, butChriftlivethinthem? Or can they plead, that they have crucified the Old-man, with the A