V §881 DEC 11 1885 ^^/j,^ p ^p^- ^^gicalSeg^ Shelf.... Section BV 4070^. W478 W47 TSS^S^ Western Theological Seminar! of the Presbyterian Church Historical and biographical! catalogue of the officers '<'' S ^' - "> *1, '■ Historical and Biographical CATALOGUE OF THE OFFICERS AND STUDENTS OF THE t%tm\ fyfiealagiral $tmintirji PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. AT ALLEGHENY CITY, PENN'A. 1827-1885. Prepared by Order of the Board of Trustees. ALLEGHENY, PA. Published by the Seminary. 1885. PREFACE This Catalogue has been prepared in pursuance of the follow- ing resolution of the Board of Directors of the Seminary, passed April, 1884 : Resolved, That Rev. S. J. M. Eaton, D. D., Rev. John M. Barnett, and Rev. Thomas A. McCurdy, D. D., be appointed a Committee to prepare a Biograph- ical Catalogue of the Students of the Seminary. It is due to the other members of the committee to state that the work having fallen mainly on the chairman, he alone should bear the responsibility of any imperfections pertaining to its execution. The second member of the com- mittee had the cares of other engagements pressing upon him and could give little time to the work. The remaining mem- ber felt that his time was wholly occupied with other cares and duties, and wished to be excused from the work. There were peculiar difficulties connected with the execu- tion of the task. It is the first Catalogue that has been at- tempted, beyond the mere roll of the alumni, and no assist- ance was at hand, save the imperfect histories of some of the classes, prepared for the reunion of 1872. The death of the lamented Dr. S. J. Wilson and the loss of manuscript matter that he had been collecting for many years, with reference to this work, was sorely felt. As it is, almost the entire Catalogue has been the result of original investigation, when oftentimes there was no sympathy with the undertaking amongst those, who should have been specially interested. 4 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885 The Catalogue contains the names of all the students ma- triculated in the Seminary from its origin. The names found under a certain year are the matriculates of that year. Some may be disappointed in not finding the names of the gradu- ating classes together. Such an arrangement, however desir- able in some respects, was impossible. Many entered for a partial course; others passed to or came from sister Seminaries, and the desire was to embrace all. Hence the arrangement on which this plan was carried out. There has been an honest and persistent effort to procure the full record of every student whose name was found on the roll. The plan of this record was: 1. Full name. 2. Date and place of birth. 3. College and date of graduation. 4. Seminary dates. 5. Date of licensure and Presbytery. 6. Date of ordination and Presbytery. 7. Fields of labor and dates of each. 8. Date of marriage and name of wife. 9. Books published. 10. In case of death, date and place. But the lapse of nearly sixty years has caused the dust to gather on many a life history. Many of the early fathers died and left little record, save on the Minutes of the General Assembly. Ministers of other denominations have been stu- dents and some have sought other professions, and in many instances, the simple name was all that could be found. Nearly all the histories are drawn from the individuals them- selves. In the case of a few who could not be reached, resort was had to the old volumes of the Assembly's Minutes. In such cases there may be a few inaccuracies in dates. Every effort has been made, however, to secure accuracy in every particular. The abbreviations not found in the table will be easily understood. The term " Sem." in all cases means the " West- ern Theological Seminary." Other Seminaries are indicated by their usual abbreviations. To avoid repetition, when a State is mentioned in connection with a particular congrega- tion, the State is not mentioned in succeeding charges until a change to a new State occurs. The same is true in regard to the relation, whether P. or S. S.; where either one occurs the relation is not repeated unless a change occurs. Where a re- lation continues up to the time of closing the Catalogue, it is 1827-1885.] GENEKALCATALOGUE. 5 indicated by a dash ; thus, P. '81—, indicating that the relation of pastor commenced in '81 and is still in existence. Thanks are tendered to brethren for promptness in sending their data ; also to Stated Clerks who are always patient under repeated calls for information from their old records. Help was derived from Princeton and Auburn Seminaries and Han- over College Catalogues, whose compilers had gleaned over a portion of the same field. The work is now committed to the officers, alumni and friends of the Seminary and the Church at large, as a contri- bution to the history of an institution that has made a very deep impression upon the character and influence of the Pres- byterian Church in the United States, and whose work to-day is so grandly felt in the great mission of evangelizing the heathen world and in adding to the dominion and glory of Zion's King. S. J. M. EATON. Franklin, Pa., August, 1885. GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885 HISTORICAL NOTE. The General Assembly of 1825 resolved to found a new Theological Seminary for the West, to be called " The Western Theological Seminary." A Board of Directors were elected, and a committee appointed to select a site. This committee consisted of Gen. Andrew Jackson, ofTennesee; Hon. Benjamin Mills, of Kentucky; Hon. John Thompson, of Ohio; Rev. Oba- diah Jennings, D. D., and Rev. Andrew Wylie, D. D., of Penn- sylvania.' Offers of land and money were made from differ- ent localities. From these Allegheny was selected. This site was confirmed by the General Assembly of 1827. The offer from Allegheny consisted of $20,000 in cash and eighteen acres of land. The site selected for the building was the sum- mit of what is now Monument Hill, overlooking the cities of Pittsburgh and Allegheny, as well as the three rivers, Ohioj Allegheiw and Monongahela. In 1849 the land was returned to the city, on condition of retaining one acre for building purposes, and a perpetual loan of $35,000, with a semi-annual interest of $2,100 per annum. The original building on the crest of the hill was occupied in 1831 and destroyed by fire in 1854. The present building was erected in 1854, at a cost of $22,000. Near it are four houses, used by the Professors as dwellings. A short distance from these are three other buildings: A library hall, Me- morial Hall, erected through the munificence of the late Rev. C. C. Beatty, D. D., and his wife, and a building used as a dwelling by one of the Professors. 1827-1885.] GENERA.L CATALOGUE \mvh tal 'Wrmku. OFFICERS. PRESIDENTS. * HARMAR DENNY, Esq., '45-'48 * FRANCIS G. BAILEY, Esq., '48-'70 * JAMES LAUGHLIN, Esq., '70-'83 WILLIAM BAKEWELL, Esq., '83- VICE PRESIDENTS. * FRANCIS G. BAILEY, Esq., '45-'48 * JOHN T. LOGAN, Esq., '48-'59 * JAMES CARUTHERS, M.D., '59-'67 * JAMES LAUGHLIN, Esq., '67-'70 JAMES B. LYON, Esq., 70-74 Hon. JAMES P. STERRETT, 74-78 * Rev. DAVID McKINNEY, D. D., 78-'80 Rev. JOHN KERR, '80- SECRETABIES. ROBERT WRAY, Esq., '48-'57 Rev. RICHARD LEA, S.T.D., '57-' 60 *JOHN T. LOGAN, Esq., '60-'66 JOHN D. McCORD, Esq., '66-'69 * JOSEPH Mcknight, Esq., '69-'72 JOHN A. RENSHAW, Esq., '73- » TREASURERS. * MICHAEL ALLEN, Esq. '45-'50 * THEODORE H. NEVIN, Esq. '50-'84 DAVID ROBINSON, Esq., '84- GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. TRUSTEES. Rev. B. L. AGNEW, D. D., '83-'84 JOSEPH ALBREE, Esq., '81_ * Eev. J.AJNIES ALEXANDER, D. D., '45-'47 * MICHAEL ALLEN, Esq., '47-'52 CHARLES ARBUTHNOT, Esq., '76-78 * FRANCIS G. BAILEY, Esq., '45-70 * SAMUEL BAILEY, Esq., '47-76 WILLIAM BAKEWELL, Esq., '65- * RICHARD BARD, Esq., '52-'67 Eev. JOHN J. BEACOM, D. D., '80- * Rev. CHARLES C BEATTY, D. D., '45-'82 * Rev. WILLIAM T. BEATTY, D. D., '70-'81 * ROBERT BEER, Esq., ' '5l-'80 WILLIAM S. BISSELL, Esq., '61-76 A. F. BROOKS, Esq., '83- * Rev. MATTHEW BROWN, D. D., '45-'47 * Rev. ALLAN D. CAMPBELL, D. D., '45-'6l * JAMES CARUTHERS, M. D., '63-'fi7 * HARVEY CHILDS, Esq., '47-'76 * Rev. JAMES CULBERTSON, D. D., '4-5- •? * ROBERT H. DAVIS, Esq., '6,5-'76 * HARMAR DENNY, Esq., '45-'52 JOSEPH DIL WORTH, Esq., 70-'82 * Rev. ROBERT DUNLAP, '45-'47 * Hon. NATHANIEL EWING, '62-'65 Hoxv. THOMAS EWING, '82- * W. H. FORSYTHE, Esq., '65-'74 * Rev. N. H. GILLETT, '45-'49 * Rev. EBENEZER GRAHAM, '45-'47 Rev. GEO. P. HAYS, D. D., 70-'78 Rev. ISAAC N. HAYS, D. D., '78- * Rev. FRA.NCES HERRON, D. D., '47-'60 Rev. WILLIAM J. HOLLAND, '76- * JOHN IRWIN, Jr., Esq., '47- ? Rev. J. C. IRWIN, '81-'84 * Rev. WILLIAM JEFFERY, ? - ? * Rev. ROBERT JOHNSTON, '4o-'47 W. G. JOHNSTON, Esq.. '82-'84 GEO. A. KELLY, Esq., '76- Rev. JOHN KERR, '49- THOMAS KIDDOO, Esq., '45-'65 * ALEXANDER LAUGHLIN, Esq., . '47-'65 * JAMES LAUGHLIN, Esq., '47-'82 JAMES LAUGHLIN, Jr., Esq. '79- 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. TB USTEES— Continued. Rev. RICHARD LEA, S.T.D., '47-76 * MALCOLM LEECH, Esq., '47-'61 * HENRY LLOYD. Esq., '76-'79 DAVID M. LLOYD, Esq., '81- GEORGE LOGAN, Esq., '70-76 * JOHN T. LOGAN, Esq., '47-'70 * LUKE LOOMIS, Esq., '49-'79 * FREDERIC LORENZ, Esq. '45-'54 JAMES B. LYON, Esq., '65-'76 OLIVER McCLINTOCK, Esq., '76- JOHN D. McCORD, Esq. '51-'76 * Rev. DAVID McCONAGHY, D. D., '45-'47 * POLLARD McCORMICK, E,sq., '47-'60 * Rev. ABSALOM McCREADY, '45-' 47 JOHN R. McCUNE, Esq., '84- * Rev. SAMUEL McFARREN, '45-'47 * Rev. DAVID McK(NNEY, D. D., '65-'79 * JOSEPH MCKNIGHT, Esq., '65-72 * Rev. ALGERNONS. MacM ASTER, D. D., '45-'47 Rev. WILLIAM B. McILVAINE, '47- ? * Rev. GEORGE MARSHALL, '45-'70 * J. K. MOORHEAD, Esq., '70-'84 JOHN MOORHEAD, Esq., '80-'80 * THEODORE H. NEVIN, Esq., '49-'84 Rev. THOMAS X. ORR, '65-'70 * Rev. a. O. PATTERSON, '4,5-'69 JOHN A. RENSHAW, Esq., '70- THOMAS A. REX, Esq., '84- DAVID ROBINSON, Esq., '76- * WILLIAM ROBINSON, Jr., '47-'49 JAMES SCHOONMAKER, Esq., '49-'76 ALEXANDER SEMPLE, Esq., '45-'52 JACOB SLAGLE, Esq., '61-'65 JOHN S. SLAGLE, Esq., '79- JAMES R. SPEER, M. D., '76-'79 Hon. JAMES P. STERRETT, '61 -'82 * Rev. JOHN STOCKTON, D. D., '45-'47 M. B. SUIDAM, Esq., '84- * Rev. E. P. SWIFT, D. D., '45-'64 Rev. WILLIAM G. TAYLOR, D. D., '84- * A. M. WALLINGFORD, Esq., '61-'70 * BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, Esq., '47-'49 GEORGE WOOD, LL.D., '76- ROBERT WRAY, Esq., '47- ? Rev. loyal YOUNG, D. D., '47-'49 10 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. loHrb nf Dinidniis. OFFICERS. PRESIDENTS. * Rev. JAMES W. BLYTHE, D. D., '25-'27 * Rev. FRANCES HERRON, D. D., '27-'60 * Rev. E. p. SWIFT, D. D., '60-'65 * Rev. CHARLES C. BEATTY, D. D., '65-'83 Rev. GEORGE HILL, D. D., '83- viCE presidents. * Rev. FRANCIS HEERON, D. D., '25-'27 * Rev. E. p. SWIFT, D. D., '27-'60 * Rev. CHARLES C. BEATTY, D. D., '60 -'65 * Rev. SAMUEL McFARREN, D. D., '65-'70 Rev. GEORGE HILL, D. D., '70-'83 Rev. JAMES I. BROWNSON, D. D , '83- second vice presidents. * Rev. JOHN THOMPSON, '27-'29 * JAMES LAUGHLIN. Esq., ? -'79 ROBERT Mcknight, Esq., '79- secretaries. * Rev. E. p. SWIFT, D. D., '27-'29 * Rev. THOMAS D. BAIRD, '29-'36 Rev. DAVID H. RIDDLE, D. D., '36-'38 * Rev. ROBERT DUNLAP, '38-'47 Rev. WILLIAM B. McILVAINE, '47- ? Rev. JAMES ALLISON, D. D., ? - ? * Rev. WILLIAM T. BEATTY, D. D., ? -'81 Rev. E. E. SWIFT, D. D., '81- 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 11 DIRECTORS. Rev. B. L. AGNEW, D. D., '62-'84 * Rev. JAMES ALEXANDER, D. D., '42-78 Rev. ROBERT ALEXANDER, D. D., '73- Rev. JAMES ALLISON, D. D., ? - * Rev. JOHN ANDERSON, D. D., '32-'33 * Rev. WILLIAM C. ANDERSON, D. D., '35-'38 FRANCIS G. BAILEY, Esq., '31-' 40 Rev. JOHN W. BAILEY. D. D., '81-'84 * Rev. THOMAS D. BAIRD, '27-'39 WILLIAM BAKEWELL, Esq., '76- Rev. JOHN M. BARNETT, '74- * Rev. THOMAS BARR, '27-'32 Rev. DAVID H. BARRON, D. D., '84- * Rev. CHARLES C. BE ATT Y, D. D., '27-'83 * Rev. WJLLIAM T. BEATTY. D. D., '72-'81 GEORGE A. BERRY, Esq., '67- * BENJAMIN RUSH BRADFORD, Esq., '49-'84 * Rev. GIDEON BLACKBURN, D. D., '25-'27 * Rev. ROBT. J. BRECKENRIDGE, D. D., '46-' 49 * Rev. JAMES W. BLYTHE, D. D., '25-'37 * Rev. ALEX. B. BROWN, D. D., '53-'64 Rev. FREDERIC T. BROWN, D. D., '61 -'65 * Rev. MATTHEW BROWN, D. D., '27-'57 Rev. JAMES I. BROWNSON, D. D., '54- * Rev. EBENEZER BUCKINGHAM, D. D., '70-'74 * Rev. JAMES CALDWELL, '58-'61 * ALEXANDER CAMERON, Esq., '57-'68 * Rf.v. ALLAN D. CAMPBELL, D. D., '31-'62 Rev. WILLIAM O. CAMPBELL, D. D., '81- * HUGH CAMPBELL, M. D., '31- ? * JAMES CARUTHERS, M. D., '61-'67 * Rev. DAVID D. CLARKE, D. D., '62-'66 * Rev. henry G. COMINGO, '45-'62 * Rev. ISAAC MELANCTHON COOK, •52-'54 Rev. EDWARD P. COWAN, D. D., '83- Rev. RICHARD CRAIGHEAD, '71-'82 * Rev. THOMAS CREIGH, D. D., '57-'69 * Rev. JAMES CULBERTSON, D. D., '25-'46 Rev. DAVID A. CUNNINGHAM, D. D,, '78- Rev. CARROLL C. CUTLER, D. D., '74- JOHN DAVIS, Esq., '79-'83 * HARMaR DENNY, Esq., '30-'52 * Rev. CYRUS DICKSON, D. D., 'o5-'72 Rev. ROBERT DICKSON, D. D., '63-'74 WILLIAM DICKSON, E.sq., '56-'59 * Rev. ROBERT DILWORTH, D. D., '39-'40 Rev. ALEXANDER DONALDSON, D. D., '67-'75 * Rev. ROBERT DUN LAP, '37-'47 12 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. DIRECTORS— Continued. * WALTER DUNN, Esq., '25-27 * Rev. JOHN EAGLESON, D. D., '70-'73 Rev. SAMUEL J. M. EATON, D. D., '81- * Rev. JOHN T. EDGAR, D. D., '25-'27 Rev. JAMES EELLS, D. D., '71-74 Rev. THOS. DAVIS EWING, D. D., '75-'81 JOHN K. EWING, Esq., '73-77 Rev. DANIEL W. FISHER, D. D., '66-'81 LUCAS FLATTERY, M. D., '57-'61 Rev. HENRY B. FRY, D. D., '63- SAMUEL GALLOWAY, Esq., '61-'69 JOSEPH GIBSON, Esq., '50-'53 Rev. JOHN GILLESPIE, D. D., '73-'82 * Rev. NOAH H. GILLETT, '40-'46 * Rev. EBENEZER GRAHAM, '39-'45 * Rev. JAMES GRAHAM, '30-'33 J. H. GRAY, Esq., '74- * Hon. ROBERT C. GRIER, '35-' 44 * Rev. ASHBEL GREEN, D. D., '27-'35 ANDREW GREENLEE, Esq., '61-'65 Rev. a. S. HALL, '57-'61 Rev. DAVID HALL, D. D., '84- * JOHN HANNEN, M. D., '37-' 48 * WILLIAM HARTUPEE, Esq., '30-'33 Rev. GEORGE P. HAYS, D. D., '81-'82 Rev. ROBERT HAYS, D. D., ? - * Rev. SAMUEL M. HENDERSON, '78-'79 THOMAS HENRY, Esq., '27-'36 * Rev. FRANCIS HERRON, D. D., '27-'60 ROBERT HILANDS, Esq., '33-'37 Rev. GEORGE HILL, D. D., '47- Rev. OSCAR A. HILLS, D. D., '80- Rev. H. L. HITCHCOCK, D. D., '72-'74 * Rev. JAMES HOGE, D. D., '25-'64 Rev. MOSES A. HOGE, D. D., '64- * Rev. THOMAS HOGE, D. D., '29-'36 * Rev. WILLIAM D. HOWARD, D. D.. '49-'77 * DAVID HUDSON, Esq., '25-'27 Rev. W^ILLIAM E. HUNT, '72-'81 * Rev. WILLIAM JEFFERY, '27-'47 * Rev. OBADLA H JENNINGS, D. D., '27-'30 * Rev. ROBERT JOHNSTON, '27-'47 * ALEXANDER JOHNSTON, Esq., '48-'65 WILLIAM G. JOHNSTON, Esq , '78-'80 * Rev. DAVID X. JUNKIN, D. D., '71-'8(> Rev. SAMUEL H. KELLOGG, D.D., '77-'78 * AARON KERR, Esq., '27-'34 Rev. JOHN KERR, D. D., '45- THOMAS KIDDOO, Esq., '37-'49 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 13 D I RECTO RS— Continued. Rev. J. P. E. KUMLER. D. D., '84- * Rev. R. M. LAIRD, '27 -'29 * JAMES LAUGHLIN, Esq., '37-'83 JAMES LAUGHLIN, Jr., Esq., '83- Rev. RICHARD LEA, S. T. D., '43-'47 Hon. H. H. LEAVITT, '38-'41 MALCOLM LEACH, Esq., '39-'59 JAMES C. LEWIS, Esq., '69- * LUKE LOOMIS, Esq., '45-'80 * Rev. JOHN C. LORD, D. D., '50-'56 FREDERICK LORENTZ, Esq., '37-'65 * Rev. JOHN M. LOWRIE, D. D., '62-'65 * MATTHEW B. LOWRIE, Esq., '27-'30 * Rev. LELAND R. McABOY, D. D., '52-'66 * Rev. SAMUEL M. McCLUNG, '57-'66 * Rev. DAVID McCONAUGHY, D. D.. ''37-'52 * SAMUEL G. McCRACKEN, Esq., '25-'27 * Rev. ABSALOM McCREADY, '42-'52 * Rev. ELISHA McCURDY, '27-'39 Rev. THOMAS A. McCURDY, D. D., '82- * Rev. FRANCIS McFARLAND, D. D., '27-'28 * Rev. SAMUEL McFARREN, D. D., '32-'70 Rev. WILLIAM B. McILVAINE, '41-'73 REDIC McKEE, Esq., '27-'31 THOMAS McKE^^NAN, M. D., '59-'79 Rev. WILLIAM McKIBBEN, '82- * Rev. DANIEL McKINLEY, '51-'o4 * Rev. DAVID McKINNEY, D. D., '66-'69 ROBERT Mcknight, Esq., '59- * Rev. WILLIAM McLEAN, '28-'31 * Rev. ALGERNON S. McMASTER, D. D., '4I-'44 * Rev. GEORGE MARSHALL, '35-'70 * Rev. WILLIAM R. MARSHALL, '70-'72 * JOHN MILLIGAN, Esq., '25-'27 Rev. JAMES D. MOFFATT, D. D., '82- * Rev. JOHN MOORE, '32-'33 ROBERT B. MOW^RY, M. D., '77- * MURDOCK MURPHY, Esq., '25-'27 WILLIAM B. NEGLEY, Esq., '83- * THEODORE H. NEVIN, Esq., ? -'84 Rev SAMUEL J. NICCOLLS, D. D., '80-'82 * Rev. ANDREW O. PATTERSON, '31-'52 * Rev. ROBERT PATTERSON. '33-'34 ROBERT PATTERSON, Esq., '56-'57 Rev. WILLIAM M. PAXTON, D. D., '52-'60 * Rev. JAMES M. PLATT, '58-'72 * GEORGE PLUMER, Esq., '27-'82 Rev. CHARLES S. POMEROY^ D. D., '74- 14 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1827—1885. DtREGl ORS— Continued. * Rev. SAMUEL RALSTON, D. D., '27-'35 Rev. a. M. REID, Ph. D., '83 * JOHN REYNOLDS, Esq., '31-'37 Rev. DAVID H. RIDDLE, D. D., '34-'68 Rev. J. M. RICHMOND, '82 Rev. JOHN ROBINSON, D. D., '52 Rev. THOMAS H. ROBINSON, D. D., '75-'83 JAMES SCHOONMAKER, Esq., '48-'75 Rev. SILVESTER F. SCOVEL, '68-'84 JOHN SCOTT, Esq., '73-'78 * MATTHEW SCOTT, Esq., '62-'73 Rev. JAMES M. SHIELDS, D. D., '84 * THOMAS SKILLMAN, Esq., '25-'27 * Rev. JOSIAH D. SMITH, D. D., '61-'64 * THOMAS P. SMITH, Esq., '25-'27 JOHN M. SNOWDEN, Esq., '27-'30 * Rev. WILLIAM SPEER, D. D., '27-'29 * Rev. JOHN STOCKTON, D. D., '27-'54 * Rev. JOSEPH STOCKTON, '27-'33 * Rev. RANDOLPH STONE, '27-'28 * Rev. JOEL STONEROAD, '48-'74 JOHN SUTTON, Esq., '73-'77 Rev. E. E. SWIFT, D. D., '54 * Rev. ELISHA P. SWIFT, D. D., '27-'65 * Rev. SAMUEL TAIT, '31-'42 Rev. a. a. E. TAYLOR, D.D., '74 * Rev. THOMAS E. THOMAS, D. D., '67-'70 JASPER M. THOMPSON, Esq., '80 * SAMUEL THOMPSON, Esq., '27-'44 * Rev. JOSEPH TREAT, '27-' 28 * H. A. TRUE, M.D '57-'61 Rev. ROBERT B. WALKER, D. D., '70 Rev. DAVID J. WALLER, '66-'69 * Rev. henry R. WEED, D. D., '35-'42 THOMAS WIGHTMAN, Esq., '80 * BENJAMIN WILLIAMS, Esq., '27-'54 * Hon. HENRY W. WILLIAMS, '70-77 ANDREW W. WILSON, Esq., '77 JAMES WILSON, Esq., '35-'37 * Rev. R. G. WILSON, '31-'34 Rev. SAMUEL WILSON, D. D., '46-'70 * EDWARD W^OOD, Esq., '25-'27 * Rev. JAMES S. WOOD, D. D., '58-'Gl ROBERT WRaY, M. D., ? - * Rev. JAMES WRIGHT, '31-'34 * Rev. ANDREW WYLIE, D. D., '27-'29 * Rev. WILLIAM WYLIE, D D, 9 _ Rev. LOYAL YOUNG, D. D., '35-'54 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 15 * PROFESSORS. *Ilev. Jacob Jones Janeway, D. D.— Prof, of Theology, '28-29.— Born, New York City, November 20, 1774; Col. C; ord. 1779; P. 2d Pres. ch. N. Y., 1779-'28; Prof. '28-'29; P. 1st Dutch Ref. ch., N. Y., '29-'32; died, June 27, '58. Pub. "Atonement," "Communicants' Manual." *Rev. Luther Halsey, D D,, LL. D. — Prof. Theology, '29-'37 ; Prof. Ecclesiastical History and Church Government,'36-'44. — Born, Schenectady, N. Y., January 1, 1794; U. C; ord. Aug. 7, '16; P. Blooming Grove, N. J., '16 ; Prof. N. J. C. till '29 ; W. T. Sem., '29-'44; Blooming Grove; inst. Ch. Hist. WrT.-S., '47-'50 ; resident Hammondtown, N. J., '50— '72 ; lee. ex. on prac. theology, W. T. Sem., '72-'77 ; Prof, emeretus, '77-'80; D. D., '31, Wash. C; LL.D., '71, same col.; married, Jan. 1, '18, Mrs. Anna Gard- ner Smith; died, Norristown, Pa., Oct. 29, '80. Rev. John Williamson Nevin, D. D. — Prof. Oriental and Biblical Litera- ture, '29-'40.— Born, Strasburg, Pa., February 20, 1803; U. C, '21; Prince- ton, '23-26 ; inst. Princeton, '26-28 ; S. S. Big Spring, Pa., '29 ; Prof. W. T. S., '29-'40; ord., April 22, '35, Pres. Ohio; Prof. Mercersburg Sem.,'40-'52; Pres. M. C. P., '41-'53 ; Prof. M. C. P., '61 ; Pres. M. C. P., '56-'76 r res. Lan- caster, Pa. *Rev. David Elliott, D.D., LL.D.— Prof. Theology, '36-'54; Polemic, Hist., and Pastoral Theology, '54-74. — Born, Perry co.. Pa., February 6, 1787 ; D. C, '08; lie, Sept. 26, '11, Pres. Carlisle; ord., Oct. '12, same Pres.; P. Mercersburg, '12-'29; Washington, '29-'36 ; Prof. W. T. Sem., '36-'74 ; died, Allegheny, Pa., Mar. 18, '74 ; Mod. Gen. Ass., '37. *Rev. Lewis Warner Green, D. D.— Prof. Oriental and Biblical Litera- ture, '40-47. — Born, near Danville, Ky., January 28, 1806 ; C. C. K.; Prince- ton, '30, stu. med. ; ord., Oct. 4, '38, Pres. Transylvania ; Prof. New Albany Sem.; Prof. W. T. S.; P. 2d ch. Baltimore, '47-'48 ; Pres. H. S. C. '48-'56 . Pres. K. S. N. S., '56-'58; Pres. C C. K., '58-'63 ; died, Danville, Ky., May 26, '63. y J y 16 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Rev. Alexander Taggart McGill, D. D., LL. D.— Prof. Ecclesiastical History and Church Government, '•12-'54. — Born, Canonsburg, Pa., February 24, 1807 ; J. C.,'26 ; law, '26-'31 ; lie. '34 ; ord., '35 ; P. Perry and York Cos., Pa., '35-'38 ; 2d ch. Carlisle,'38-'42; Prof. W. T. Sem.; Col. Sem., '52-'53 ; Princeton, '54-'83 ; em. Prof., '83-; Mod. Gen. Ass., '48. *Rev. Melancthon Williams Jacobus, D. D., LL.D. — Prof. Oriental and Biblical Literature, '51-76. — Born, Newark, N. J., September 19, 1816 ; N. J. C, '34; Princeton, '34-'38 ; ord. Sept. 15, '39; res., N. Y.; P. 1st ch. Brooklyn, N. Y., '39-'51 ; Cent, ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '58-'70 ; Sec. Sust. Com., '71-'74 ; prof. W. T. Sem., '51-'76 ; Mod. Gen. Ass., '69 ; Pub., Com. on Gospels, Acts, Gen. and Ex.; died, Allegheny City, Pa., Oct. 28, '76. *Rev. William Swan Plumer, D. D., LL. D.— Prof.^ Theology, '54-'62. -Born, Darlington, Pa., .July 26, 1802 ; W.C.V.,'25; Princton, '24-'25; ord., May 19, '27, Pres. Orange ; miss, in Va, and N. C, '26-'29 ; S. S. and P., Petersburg, Va., '31-'34 ; P., 1st ch. Richmond, '34-'46 ; Franklin St., Balti- more, Md., '47— '54; Cent. ch. Allegheny, Pa., and Prof. W. T. S., '54-'62; P. 2d ch. Pottsville, Pa., '65-'67 ; Prof. C. T. Sem., '67'-80. Pub. " Com. on Psalms," "Grace of Christ," "Vital Godliness," and other works; Mod. Gen. Ass., '38 ; '71, Died, Baltimore, Md., Oct. 22, '80. *Rev. Samuel Jennings Wilson, D. D., LL. D.— Prof. Biblical and Ec- clesiastical History. (See record in Alumni.) Died, Sewickley, Pa., Aug, 17, '83. Rev. William Miller Paxton, D. D., LL. D.— Prof. Sacred Rhetoric, '60 -'72.— Born, Adams Co., Pa., June 7, 1824; P. C '43; Princeton, '45-'48; ord., Oct. 4, '48, Pres. Carlisle ; P., Greencastle, Pa,, '48— '50 ; 1st ch. Pitts- burgh, '51-'65; Prof. W. T. Sem., '60-'67; lee. Sac. Rhet. W. T. S., '72-'75 ; P. 1st ch. N. Y. City, '66-'82 ; Prof. Princeton Sem., '82 ; Mod. Gen. Ass., '80. Rev. Archibald Alexander Hodge, D. D., LL.D.— Prof. Theology. '64-'77.— Born, Princeton, N. J., July 18, 1823; N. J. C„ '41 ; Princeton, '45— '49 ; ord., May, '47, Pres. N. Brunswick; miss, in Allahabad, India, '47— '50; P. Lower West Nottingham, Md., '51-' 55 ; Fredericksburg, Va., '55— '61; 1st ch. Wilkesbarre, Pa., '61-'64; Prof. W. T. S., '64-'77 ; S. S. 1st ch. Pitts- burgh, Pa., '65 ; P. N. ch. Allegheny, '67-'77 ; ass. Prof. Princeton, '77-78 ; prof. '78 — . Pub. " Outlines of Theology," and other works. *Rev. William Henry Hornblower, D. D. — Prof. Sacred Rhetoric, Church Government and Pastoral Theology, '71-83. — Born, Newark, N. J., March 1, 1820 ; N. J. C, '38 ; law stu.; Princeton, '39—42 ; miss, in Pines, '43 ; ord., Jan. 30, '44, Pres. Elizabethtown ; P. 1st ch. Paterson, N. .7., '44- '71 ; Prof. W. T. Sem., '71-'83; D. D., R. C, '60; died, July 10, '83. Rev. Samuel Thompson Lowrie, D. D. — Prof. New Testament Litera- ture and Exegesis, '74— '77. (See Alumni sketch.) 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 17 Rev. William H. Jeflfei-S, D. D., LL. D.— Prof. Old Testament Literature and Exegesis, '77— . — Born, Cadiz, O., May 11, 1838 ; Gen. C, '55 ; U. P. Sein. Xenia, O. ; lie, '59, U. P. Pres. Sidney ; ord., '62, same Pres.; P. Belle- fontaine and Northwood, O., '62— '66 ; Prof. Latin West. C, '66-67 ; Egypt, Syria, Greece, '67 ; jProf. Greek, U. W., '67-'75 ; P. Euclid St. Pres. ch. Cleveland, '75-'77 ; Prof. W. T. Sem., '77- ; D. D., LL. D. Rev. Samuel Henry Kellogg, D. D.— Prof. Didactic and Polemic Theol- ogy, and Lecturer on Comparative Religions, '77- . — Born, Quiogue, L. I., N. Y., September 6, 1839; N. J. C, '61 ; tea.^rinceton, '61— '64 ; ord., Apr. ^ 20, '64, Pres. Hudson ; miss. Futteghur, India, '64-'71 ; Allahabad, '72-'76; S. S. and P. 3d ch. Pittsburgh, Pa., '76-'77 ; Prof. W. T. S., '77- ; D. D. Rev. Benjamin Breckenridge Warfield, D. D.— Prof. New Testament Literature and Exegesis,'78- . — ^Born, Lexington, Ky., November 5, 1851 ; N. J. C, '71; Europe study ; Princeton, '73-'76 ; W. L. G.; S. S., Concord, v/ Ky., '75 ; 1st ch. Dayton, O., '76 ; 1st ch. Baltimore, '77 ; ord., April 26, '79 Pres. Ebenezer ; inst. W. T. S., '78 ; Prof. W. T. S., '79- ; D. D., '80. Rev. Thomas Hastings Robinson, D.D— Prof. Sacred Rhetoric, Church, Government and Pastoral Theology, '83— . (See Alumni sketch.) INSTRUCTORS. *Rev. Joseph Stockton.— '27-28. * Rev. Thomas L. Janeway.— '28- ? * Rev. Elisha P. Swift, D. D.— '27-'28 * Rev. John W. Nevin, D. D.— '29-'36. * Rev. Allan D. Campbell, D. D.— '36-'40. * Rev. Samuel Jennings Wilson, D. D.— '54— '57. Rev. John H. Kerr.— '82-'83. Rev. Jonathan W. Miller.— '83-'84. Rev. William Oliver Campbell.— '83— Rev. Robert D. Wilson.— '80- Prof. George M. Sleeth.— '83-'85. 18 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. lb J^bmnl 1827— 1S28. Beek, Thomas, D. D.— Born, Northampton Co., Pa., March 22, 1801 ; W. U. P- '27; Sem., '27-'30; lie Oct. 29, '29, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '33, Pres. Wooster ; P. Congress and New Hope, O.. '33—59 ; .Teromeville, O., '61— '71 ; married, Oct. 9, '28, Miss Margaret Cameron ; res. near Ashland, O. D. D., W. U. *Bennett, Isaac T. — Born, Bucks Co., Pa.; J. C, '27; Sem., '27; lie. Addison Ass. Cong., June 4, '29 ; ord. April 13, '33, Pres. Kaskaskia ; Dom. Miss., Carmi and Sharon, Ills., '29-31 ; Pleasant Prairie, '31— '35 ; Pisgah, '35— '51 ; Canton, '51—56 ; married, July 6, '32, Miss Caroline Buchanan ; died. Canton, 111., June, 16, '56. *Hamilton, Alfred, D. D. — Born, Culpepper Co., Va., May 1, 1805 ; J. C. ; (2); grad., W. U. P., '27; Sem., '27-'30; lie. April, '29, Pres. Ohio; miss, in Ky., Tenn. and 111.; P. Elizabethtown, Ky., '33— '35; Fagg's Manor, Pa., '35-'58; Aurora, 111., '58-'62 ; Matoon, 111,, '62-'65 ; '65 ass. ed., dist. Sec. Bd. Dom. Miss. ; married, [Nov. '31. Miss Anna Leech ; died, Chicago,. 111., Sept., 13, '67. *Reed, Joseph.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa. (?) ; J. C. '27; Sem. '27-'30 ; lie. Feb. 2, '31, Pres. Ohio ; Sab. School miss. '32 ; ord. '35, Pres. Ohio ; P. Hilands, Pa., '35— '38 ; S. S. '41-'42, Freedom and Concord, Pa. ; married Miss Kerr ; died, Beaver Co., Pa., Dec. 14, '42. 1828-1829. *Brown,'Alexander Blaine, D. D.— Born, Washington, Pa., August, 1, 1808 ; J. C, '25; taught, Newark, Del., and Princeton, N. J.; Sem., '28-'31 ; lie. Oct. 5, '31, Pres. Ohio; ord. June, '33, Pres. Ohio; S. S. Birmingham and Concord, near Pittsburgh, '33-'34; P. Niles, Mich.,'34-'39 ; S. S. Portsmouth^ O., '39-'41 ; Prof. Bellesletters and Latin, J. C, '41-'47; also, S. S. Chartiers and Center, '41-' 47 ; prest. J. C. and S. S., '47-'56 ; P. Center, '56-'62 ; D. D.^ W. C, '47 ; married, Dec, '33, Elizabeth Finley Nevin ; died, Center, Pa., Sept. 8, '63. ♦McJuNKiN Alexander Moore.— Born, Butler Co., Pa., March 14, 1807; J. C.^ '25; Sem., '28-'33; lie. '33, Pres. Ohio ; taught and preached in New Brigh- ton, '34 ; Michigan, '34 ; teacher at Ft. Wayne, Ind., '36-55 ; married, Miss Eliza Stilwagon ; also, Miss Eliza Root ; died, Fort Wayne, Ind., April 3, '55- 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 19 *ToRRANCE, Adam.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., April 24, 1801 ; J. C, '28 ; Sem., '28-'31 ; lie. Oct. 7, '30, Pres. Redstone ; ord. June 6, '33, Pres. Rich- land ; P. Lexington and Pleasant Hill, O., '33— '37 ; P. New Alexandria, Pa.» '37-'67 ; chap. 11th Reg. Pa. Vol., '()l-'62 ; married, Nov. 5, '32, Miss Eliza Graham; died, Washington, Pa., Oct. 18, '81. *WiLLiAMS, Aaron, D. D. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., November 20, 1807 ; J. C, '26 ; taught, Dover, Del, '27; Sem., '28—31; lie. Oct. 5, '31, Pres. Ohio; taught and preached, Zelienople, Pa., '32; miss. Lawrence ville and Minersville, Pa., '33 ; S. S. Pontiac. Mich., '34; P. Beaver Falls, Pa., '36-' 40 ; S. S. Portsmouth, O., '41—44; Prof. Languages, O. U., '44— '53; Prof. Latin, J. C, '53—59 ; Edgeworth Fem. Sem., '59— '65 ; S. S. various churches, '65— '78; D. D., O. U., '53; Stated Clerk, Prest. ; pub. " History of Harmony Society," " Women of the Bible," " Centennial Memorial ;" married. May 3, '32, Miss Jane Kennedy Herron ; died, Leetsdale, Pa., Dec. 31, '78. 1829-1830. *Anderson, James, D. D.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., 1802 ; W. C, '28 ; Sem., ,29, 1 yr. ; P. West Rushville and Bremen, O.; '32—51 ; Miller Academy and Washington, 0-, and S. S. Cambridge, '51— '52; S. S. Bladensburg and Mt. Pleasant, '52-'54; P. Lexington, O., '54-'64; also, S. S. Bellefield, Bloom- field and Ontario ; S. S. South Ridge and Bethel, Iowa, '64-'71 ; D. D. ; married, '31, Miss Laurane Marvine ; '52, Miss Frances P. Pratt ; '56, Mrs. Abigail D. He; died, Jan. 1, '71. *Caruthers, Thomas A.— D. C. ; Sem , 1829-'32; died, August 31, '32. *Glenn, Robert.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., March 2, 1802 ; J. C, '28 ; Sem., '29 -'30, 2 yrs.; lie. Feb. 2, '31, Pres. Erie; ord. Aug., '32, same Pres.; P. Mill- creek, '32-'57 ; Amity, '32-'50 ; S. S. Sandy Lake, '32-'57 ; Sugar Creek, '50 —'57 ; married, Miss Rebecca Wycoff ; also. Miss Mary Ann McCracken ; also, Miss Harriet Finley ; died, Sept. 6, '57. LowRiE, John Cameron, D. D. — Born, Butler, Pa., December 6, 1808; J. C, '29; Sem., '29-'32; lie. June 21, '32; Pres. Ohio; ord. May 23, '33, Pres. New Castle ; Foreign miss., Northern India, '33— '36; Sec. Bd. For. Miss.; Mod. Gen. Ass., '65 ; D. D.; pub. '"Three Years in Northern India," "Hist. Pres. Missions ;" married, March '33, Miss Louisa A. Wilson , also, '39, Miss Elizabeth Boyd. Pollock, Abraham David. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., January 22, 1807 ; J. C, '29; Sem., '29-'31; lie. Nov., '32, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. '33, Pres. Winchester ; miss. Va., '33— '35; P.Richmond, Va., '35— '43; Wilmington, Del., '52— '55; Bethesda, Va. ; Rapidan ; infirm; W. C; married, '35, Miss Elizabeth Lee. *Reed, William.— Born, Mifilin Co., Pa., 1802 ; J. C, '29 ; Sem., '29-'32 ; lie. '32, Pres. Huntingdon ; ord. May 1, '33, same Pres.; miss. N. India, '33— '34 ;, married, '33, Miss Harriet Wells , died, at sea, Aug. 12, '34. 20 GENEEAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. Williams, Samuel, D. D. — Born, Connellsville, Pa., August 5, 1802 ; Sera., '29 —'30 ; lie. Baptist ch., '23; ord. Oct., '26, Coun. Bap. ch.; miss. Bedford and Somerset Cos., Pa., '24-'26 , P.Pittsburgh, '27-'47; Alvron, O., '47-'55 ; Springfield, '55-'63; New Castle, Pa., '(53-' 66; Castle Shannon, '66-'69 ; Brooklyn, L. I., N. Y., '70 ; Baptist minister ; D. D. *WiLSON, James Greer. — Born, Bucks Co., Pa,, January 3, 1806; A. C, '29; Sem.,'29-'31 ; lie. June 26, '33, Pres. Erie ; ord. Oct. 12, '36, same Pres.; P. Greenville and Salem, '36-'41 ; Cool Spring, '42-'50 ; West Point, Iowa, and Onomoa ; married. May, '30, Miss Sarah Alden ; died, West Point, Iowa, April 29, '73. *Wylie, Joseph Smith. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1812; J. C, '29 ; Sera., '29-'31 ; lie. June 20, '32, Pres. Washington ; S. S. Coshocton, O., '33-'42; Apple Creek, '42— '50; P. E. Cross Roads, Pa., '51—52 ; married. Miss Moore ; died, Florence, Pa., Feb. 10, '52. Young, Loyal, D. D.— Born, Charlemont, Mass., July 1, 1806; J. C, '28; teacher, 1 yr.; Sera., '29-'31 ; lie. June 21, '32, Pres. Ohio ; ord. Dec. 4, '33, Pres. Allegheny ; P. Butler, Pa., '33— '67 ; French Creek and Buekhannon, W. Va., '68-'75 ; Parkersburg, '75-'80 ; S. S. Winfield, Pt. Pleasant and Pleasant Flats, '80—85 ; mod. Synod Pittsburgh and Allegheny ; D. D., '58. W. C; pub. " Commentary on Ecclesiastes," " The Hidden Treasure," "Christian Communion," " Interviews with Inspired Men," " From Dawn to Dusk ;'' res. Washington, Pa.; married, Oct, 25, '32, Miss Margaret Porter Johnston. 1830—1831. *Adair, William A.— Born, Poland, O.; J. C, 1827 ; Sera., '30-'33 ; lie. Jan. 9^ '33, Pres. Hartford (now Shenango); ord. Nov. 7, '33, Pres. Erie; P. Harbor Creek, '33-'34 ; North East. '33-'37 ; 2d ch,, Allegheny, '38-'40 ; miss., '40; business, '44-'69; married, '33, Miss Mary Irwin; died, Sewickley, Pa., Feb. 15, '69. *Allen, Bela S,-Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa.; J. C, '30 ; Sera., '30-'32 ; died, in Sem., March 25, '32, *Cloud, John— Born, Cross Creek, Pa., December 9, 1801 ; J. C, '30 ; Sem., '30- '33; ord. Oct. 11, '33, Pres. New York; For. miss Africa, Liberia, '33-'34 ; died, Liberia, W. Africa, April 9, '34. Graham, John Brasch. — Born, New iork City, October 31, 1806 ; J. C, '29 ; teacher in Va. and law student, 1 yr.; Sem., '30-'33 ; lie. Oct. 1, '33 ; ord. '38, Pres. New Lisbon ; p. Bethel, O., '38-'50 ; S, S, Temperanceville and Pisgah, '51 ; Bible agt., Ohio, '51-'58 ; P. Morristown and Fairview, O., '58-'65; Holi- day's Cove; '65-'83; Three Springs, '65-'78; S. S- Hanover and Champion. '83 ; Christ, com., '64 ; married, Oct, 8, '33, Miss Margaret Graham. 1827-1885.] GENEKAL CA TALOGUE. 21 *JoHNSTON John Watson.— Born, Scrubgrass, Pa., October 16, 1805; J. C, '30; Seni., '30-'34; lie. April 3, '33, Pres. Redstone; miss. 2yrs.; ord. Oct. 12, '36, Pres. Allegheny ; P.;Middlesex, Pa.; S. S. Bull Creek, '36-'39 ; P. Hilands and Pine Creek, '40-'49 ; agt. Bd. Miss., '49-'50. S. S. Deer Creek, Pa., '50-'52 ; P- Mt. Pleasant and Newport, Pa., '52-'61 ; S. S. Hopewell, Pa., '61-'63 ; married, Dec. 15, '42, Miss Sarah Murray; died, Darlington, Pa., Jan. 12, '83. Kerr, Joseph.— Born, Johnstonsburg, N. J., February 4, 1805 ; J. C, '30 ; Sera., '30-'33, lie. June 26, '33, Pres. Ohio; ord. Oct. '33, same Pres.; miss. Wea. Indians,'33-'37; S. S. and P. Two Ridges, 0.,'37-'43; P. Poland and Liberty, O., '43-'54 ; miss, and eolp. Iowa, '54; res. Fairfield, Iowa ; married, Oct. 15, '33) Miss Mary A. K. Caldwell.' . *McCandless, Alexander. — Born, Washington Co., Pa,; W. C, '30 ; teacher, Sem., '30-'33 ; lie. '34, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '36, Pres. Steubenville ; S. S. Woods- field, Malaga and New Castle, O., '36-'48(?); married, Miss Eleanor Gray 5 died, Monroe Co., O., April 10, '48. *MooDY, Samuel.— Born, Northampton Co., Pa., February 14, 1801 ; J. C, '27 ; teacher, 1 yr.; Sem., '30-'33 ; lie. Oct. 3, '33, Pres. Washington ; agt. West. For. Miss, Soe; ord. July 5, '37, Pres. Steubenville ; S. S. and P. Big Springs, O., '34-'43 ; P. Hopewell and Orange, '43-'56 ; married, Feb. 17, '41, Miss Margaret A. Donehey ; died, accidental drowning, April 24, '56. *PORTER, George D. — Born, Juniata Co., Pa., March 1, 1805 ; W. U. P.; Sem.; '30-'32 ; lic.'32, Pres. Huntingdon ; S. S. Monongahela City, Pa.; ord. Nov., '33, same Pres.; P. Newburg and Roxburg ; Center, Upper and Millerstown , Pa.; Tipton and Red Oak, 111., '51-'59; Crow Meadow, '59-'63 ; Blairstown and W. Terry, Iowa, '66-'67 ; died, Blairstown, Iowa, Dee. 17, '67. *WiLsoN, James — Born, Ligonier Valley, Pa., November 24, 1802; J. C, '29; teacher, 1 yr.; Sem., '30-33 ; lie. April, '33, Pres. Redstone ; ord. '34, Pres. Hudson ; For. miss. Agra, India, '34-'52; miss, Va., Tenn., Ga., '53- '60; Ev. '60; chap. C. S., '62-'65; S. S. Lawrenceville, Ga., '66-'67 ; White Bluff, Tenn., '68-'70; Whitney, Ga., '71-'73; miss., '73-78 ; Bible agt., '78 ; miss. Tenn. and Ga., '78-'83 ; Tyler, Tex., '83-84 ; married, Oct. 10, '34, Miss Eliza G. Edwards ; died, Tyler, Tex., Feb. 13, '84. 1831- 1832. Aiken, William. — Born, Gettysburg, Pa., April 25, 1809; J. C, '29; teacher, '29-'31 ; Sem., '31-'34; lie. '32, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. May, '36, same Pres.; P. McConnellsville, O., '36-'61 ; chap. U. S. A., '61-'64 ; S. S. Tenn., '64. *Bowehs, Andrew. — Born, VV^ashington Co., Pa., January 25, 1805 ; U. P., '29 Sem., '29 ; lie. June 26, '32, Pres. Monongahela, Ass. Ref.; ord. March 5, '34> Pres. Ohio, Ass. Ref.; P. Hopewell, 0.,'34-'37 ; Mercer, Pa., '39-'42 ; 2d Ass., Philadelphia, '47-'51 ; married, Mrs. Tabitha Bonner; died, Philadelphia, Dec. 31, '51. Associate Reformed minister. 22 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. *CouLTER, James W. — Born, Pennsylvania; J. C, '31; Sem., '31.'34 ; died, Mifflin Co., Pa., Nov. 6, '33. *Eagleson, John, D. D.— Born, near Cadiz, O., February 12, 1809 ; J. C, '29 ; Sem., '31 ; lie. Jan. 8, '33, Pres. Steubenville; ord. Dec. 24, '34, Pres. Wash- ington; P. Upper Buffalo, Pa., '33-73; D. D.; married, '35, Miss Mary Stewart; also, '43, Miss Mary Gordon ; died, Jan. 23, '73, *FiNLEY, Robert M.— Born, 1806 ; J. C, '29 ; Sem., '31-'34 ; lie. '36, Pres. Red- stone; ord.'39, same Pres.; S. S. Somerset and Jennep, Pa., '36-'42; Armagh, '41-'45; Marshallville, O., '47-'48; Green, '48-'56 ; Lafayette, '58; Ev., W. C; married, Oct. 10, '38, Miss Mary Foy; died Wooster, O., April 3, '82, *Galt, Thomas.— Born, Lancaster Co., Pa., 1806; J. C, '31 ; Sem., '31-'33; lie. May, '34, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '36, Pres. Peroia ; P. Farmington, 111., '36-'41 ; S. S. N. Sangamon and Irish Grove, '42-'50; Providence and Ratten Prairie, '50-'53 ; Center, '53-'57 ; married, Nov., '34, Miss Happer ; died, Sept. 12, '57. *Gray, William.— J. C, 1831 ; Sem., '31-'33 ; died, Huntsville, Ala., Sept. 29, '33. *McAboy, Paradise Lynn. — Born, Dumfries, Va., August 4, 1814 ; O. U.; Sem., '31-'33; lie. '32, Pres. Athens; S. S. Pt. Pleasant, Va., and Galipolis, O., '32-'35 ; ord. '35, Pres. Washington, Ky.; P. Washington and Murphysville, '35-'39 ; married, '39, Miss Mary R. Thornton ; died, Washington, Ky., Aug. 29, '39. Marks, James Junius, D. D. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., January 2, 1809 ; J. C, '30 ; Sem., '31-'34 ; lie. May, '34, Pres. Ohio ; ord. Feb., '38, Pres. Pal- myra ; P. W. Ely and Hannibal, Mo., '37-'40 ; 1st ch. Quincy, 111., '40-'56 ; Egypt, Syria and Palestine; chap. U. S. A., '61-'63 ; hospital work, '63-'65 ; P. Brookville, Pa., '65-'69 ; miss. '69-'72; P. Webster Groves, Mo., '72-'76 ; Fairmount ch., St. Louis, '76-'79; Calvary ch., Springfield, '79-'82; Prest., supt., miss., '82-'84; S. S. Hot Spiings, Ark., '84 ; married, March 16, '35, Miss Evaline W. Marks. Newton, John, D. D. — Born, Griggstown, N. J., October 1, 1810 ; J. C, '30 ; Sem., '31-'34 ; teacher, '30-'31; lie. April, '34, Pres. Steubenville; ord. Oct. 26, '34, Pres. New York ; For. miss. India, Lodiana, N. India, '34; pub. Grammar and Dictionary in Punjabi ; N. T. in same language ; Com. on Eph. in Hindustani; married. Miss Elizabeth P. Janvier; also, March 22, '66, Miss Eliza Hornbuckle. *0rr, William.— W. U. P. ; Sem., '31-'34 ; S. S. Charlestown, Ind, '39 ; .Cov- ington, Ky., '42 ; Richwood, '44 ; teacher, '49 ; S. S. Burlington, '50 ; died, July 6, '57. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 23 1832—1833. *CoE, Silas M.— W. R. C, '32 ; Sera., '32-'34 ; died, Wayne Co., O., June 20, '35, before licensure. *Hair, Samuel. — Born, Monongahela City, Pa., April 1, 1808; J. C, '32 ; Sem. '32-'34; lie. '35; ord. '35; Washington. O.; Reading; Oxford ; Pleasant Val- ley and Carlisle, Pleasant Ridge, Bethlehem, North Branch, Hope, Pa., Martinsburg, W. Va., Manteno, Wyoming and Elgin, 111.; married, April, 22, '34, Miss Eliza E. Semple ; died, Chicago, 111., May 11, '76. *Hall, William McClay.— Born, Harrisburg, Pa., February 16, 1801 ; lawyer at Lewistown, Pa.; Sem., '32-'33 ; lie. '36, Pres. Ohio ; infirm ; agt. A. B. C F. M., '40 ; agt. Bd. Home Miss.; P. Bedford, Pa.; died, Bedford, Pa., Aug. 28, '51. Lea, Richard, S. T. D.— Born, Coventry, England, April 23. 1810 ; Sem., '32- '35 ; lie. Oct., '35, Pres. Ohio ; ord. June, '36, same Pres.; P. Lawrenceville, Pa., '36-'76 ; 43d St. ch., Pittsburgh,'76 ; agt. W. T. S., 3 yrs.; S.T.D., W. U. P.; married, April 23, '36, Miss Mary E. Cameron. *McCarter, DAViD.^Born, Chester Co., Pa., April 16, 1807 ; Sem., '32-'35 ; lie. '37. Pres. New Castle ; ord. '38, Pres. Westminster ; P. Strasburg, Pa., '38- '47 ; prin. Strasburg acad., '48-'52 ; W. C, '53-'55 ; P. Liberty, O., '57-'62 ; S. S. Grove City and Hamilton, '65-'67; H. R., '68: married, Oct. 2, '36, Miss Mary C. Butler ; died, Columbus, O., Dec. 29, '84. -*McCoRMiCK, WiLLiAM.r-J. C, 1832; Sem., '32-'34; died, Newville, June 30. '34. Marshall, William Kirkpatrick, D. D.— Born, Indiana Co., Pa., July 19 1808 ; J. C, '32 ; Sem., '32-'35; lie. Oct., '36, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. '38, Pres' Logansport ; P. Laporte, Ind., '38-'45 ; Van Buren, Ark., '46-'52 ; Hender- son, Tex., '54-'68 ; Marshall, '69- , D. D., '46, Ind. U. *Ralston, James..— Born, Wa.shington Co., Pa.; J. C, '32; Sem., '32-'34 ; died, Washington Co., Pa., March 24, '35, before licensure. Sawhill, Benjamin Franklin— Born, Washington Co., Pa., 1810; Sem., '32 . lie. '35 ; Conf. M- E. Ch.; itinerant min., '35-'64 ; infirm; miss. W. Va.; res. Pittsburgh, Pa., South Side. *Van Doren, W^illiam Howard, D. D.— Born, Orange Co., N. Y., May 4, 1810 ; Sem., '32 : lie. '38, pres. Louisville ; S. S. Mississippi ; P. Ref. ch., Brook- lyn, 10 yrs.; S. S. Piermont, 34th St. ch., N. Y., 2d ch. St. Louis, College. Hill, O., Richmond, Ind.; published '' Mercantile Morals," Commentaries on Luke and John; died, Indianapolis, Ind., Sep. 8, '82. D. D., Rut. C. *Wilson. Samuel M.— O. W. Sem., '32-33 ; died, Athens, O., July, '34. 24 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. 1833—1834. ^Buckingham, Ebenezer D.D. — Born, Newark,0., Sept. 18, 1814; O.U.,'33; Sem., '33-35 ; 2 yrs., teaclier, Edg. Sem.; lie. Sept. '36, Preb. Lancaster ; S. S. Han- over, Sandy Spring, Fairmount and Hebron, '36-46 ; ord. Sept. '38, same Presb.; P. Coshocton, O., '39-'46 ; Canton, '46- ?; D. D., W. R. C.,'69 ; Dir. W. T. S.; married," May 1, '37, Miss Laura L. Horr, June, '68, Miss Eliza- beth N. Horr ; died, Zanesville, O., Mar. 29, '76. *CoPE, Edward.— Born, New Lisbon, N. Y., May 25, 1806 ; C. C; Sem.,'33-'35, Auburn, '35-36; lie. '36; ord. '36; For. miss., India and Ceylon; Madura, afterward Batticotta ; Ceylon, '36-'48; S. S. Nobleville, Mt. Upton, E. Guil- ford, Guilford and Norwich, N. Y,; married, Sept. 26, '36, Miss Emily Kil- bourn, Gilbertsville, N. Y.; died, Oneonta, N. Y., May 10, '84. *Crane, Nathaniel Marcus. — Born, West Bloomfield, N. J., Dec. 12, 1805 ; Wash. C, '32 ; Sem. '33-'34 ; Auburn, '34; lie. Apr. 13, '36; Pres. Cayuga ; ord. July 6, '36, same Pres.; For miss. India, Madura, '36-44 ; New Jer- sey, '45-47 ; Sugar Grove and Irvine, Pa., '48-54 ; Bethesda, New Bethle- hem and Middle Creek, Pa., '54-57; Indiantown, la., '58-59; married, '36, Miss Julia A. Ostrander ; died, Indiantown, Sept. 21, '59. *Critchlow, Benjamin Coe, D. D. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., Dee. 14, 1807 ; W. U. P.; Sem. '33-'36; lie. Sept. '37, Pres. Ohio; ord. Sept. '38, Pres. Bea- ver ; P. Slippery Rock, '38-' 43 ; Beaver Falls, '41- ? ; Beaver, '43-'50 ; New Brighton, '41-'73 ; Greenville, Pa., '74-'81 ; miss. '81-'82 ; married, '36, Miss Eunice Hatch. D. D., West. C, '83. Died, New Brighton, Apr. 21, '82. *GoRDON, George. — Born, near Washington, Pa., Jan., 1806 ; Wash. C, '32 ; Sem. '33-'35, 2 yrs.. lie. Apr. 22, '35, Pres. Washington ; ord. Dec. 22, '36, Pres. Wooster ; P. Millersburg and Hopewell, O., '35-43 ; S. S. South Bend, Ind., '43-44 ; P. Frankfort and Three Springs, '45-'50 ; in '50 left the Pres. ch. for " Free Church," Mercer, Pa.; '67 returned; Pres. Iberia Coll.; pub. " Life of Joseph Gorden" ; married Miss Ann E. Finney : died Salem, O., Dee. 11, '67. *Kerr, James.— Born, Wigton, Scotland, Dec. 23, 1805; G. U. S. Em., '32 ; Sem. '33-36 ; lie. Apr. 27, '36, Pres. Baltimore ; ord. Apr. 22, '37, Pres. Winchester ; P. St. Clairsville, O., '39-55 ; Cadiz ; married, Nov. 17, '37, Miss Margaretta McWhorter ; died, Cadiz, O., April 19, '55. *Knox, John.— Born, Ireland, 1800; Sem. '33-'36 ; lie '37, Pres. Washington ; ord. '38, same Pres.; P. Wolf Run aud Elizabethtown, '38— ; S- S. Hopewell and Middlesex. '43 ; died, Pulaski, Pa., July 6, '57. *McAboy, Leland Read, D. D. — Born, Parkersburg, W. Va., January 5, 1816; O. U. '33 ; Sem. '33-'36 ; lie. April, '37, Pres. Athens ; ord. Sept., '38 ; P. Cross Roads, '3S-'72 ; Plains, '38-58 ; miss. North and South Carolina ; Columbus and Tryone, N. C. '75- ; D. D. '60, O. U.; married, Nov. 17, '36, Miss Mary A. Christy; died, Lynn, N. C, March 25, '85. 1827—1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 25 *McCartney, William DuANE.— Born, Montour Co., Pa., January 20, 1806; Wash. C, '32 ; Sem., '33-'35, 2 yrs.; lic.'35, Pres. Washington ; ord. June 27, '36, same Pres.; P. West Liberty, Ridge, Clarkson and Madison, Holmes- ville. Holiday's Cove ; married, April 25, '37, Miss Maria Jane Stewart ; died, July 29, '63. *McC0MBS, William.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., December 11, 1803; Wash. C, '33 ; Sem., '33-'36 ; lie, '36, Pres. Washington ; ord. '37, same Pres.; P. Can- field, O., and Salem, '39-49; Middle Sandy; agt. Pres. Bd. Colportage, '53- '54 ; married, Miss Mary B. Morgan ; died, Pittsburgh, Pa., Aug. 2, '54. *McDoNALD, D. K.— Born, ? ; M. U.; Sem., '33-'36 ; lie. '36 ; agt., '37 ; P. Hope- well and Somerset, O., '37-42; 5th ch., Cincinnati, '42-49 ; died, Cincinnati, O., Dec. 19, '49. *McGiLL, Thomas F.— Born, ? ; Wash. C, '33 ; Sem., '33-'35 ; lie. April, '36, Pres. Washington; ord. '38, Pres. Stubenville ; P. Island Creek, O., '38-'41; Wellsville, '41-'45; S. S. Urbana, '47-'52; died, Urbana, O., Sept. 24, '52. *McKee, Joseph B.— Born, Shippensburg, Pa., December 2, 1800; Sem., '33- '34 ; lie. '36, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. '40, Pres. Redstone ; P. Sewickley, Pa., '40- '43 ; Mt. Washington and Greensburg, '45-46 ; Indian Cieek and Harmony, '46-'69; died, West Newton, Pa., April 18, '69. Nevin, Daniel E.— Born, Franklin Co., Pa., May 3, 1813; J. C, '33 ; Sem., '33 -'36; lie. '36, Pres. Ohio; ord. April, '38, same Pres.; P. Fairmount and Se- wickley, '38-46 ; U. S. Assessor, 9 yrs.; miss.; teacher ; married, Oct. 10, '36, Miss Margaret Irwin ; res. Sewickley, Pa., '84. Nevin, Edward Henry, D. D.— Born, Shippensburg, Pa., May 9, 1814; J. C, '33; Sem., '33-'36 ; Princeton; lie. ?; ord. June 25, '39, Pres. Mahoning; P. Poland, O., '39-'41 ; Prest. F. C, '40-'45 ; P. New Athens, O-; Mt. Vernon; Cleveland ; Lancaster, Pa.; Philadelphia; pub. "Ministers' Hand-Book," " City of God," "The Men of Faith," "Thoughts About Christ ;" married, July 6, '37, Miss Ruth C. Little. *0rr, Robert Wilberforce. — Born, Clarion Co., Pa., January 18, 1808 ; J. C, '33; Sem., '33-36; Princeton, res. lie; lie. '36, Pres. Allegheny; ord. Nov. 22, '37, Pres. Bedford ; For. miss. China, '37-'41 ; teacher, Clarion, Pa., '42- '44 ; S. S. Greenwood, '43-'44 ; Bethel, '44 ; Center, '44-'52 ; Prof. J. C, '44- '52 ; S. S. Mt. Tabor and Mill Creek, '56 ; Supt. schools, '54-'57 ; married, Sept. 12, '37, Miss Eliza Ann Carter; died, Mechanicsville, Pa., March 30, '57. Shotwell, Nathan.— Born, ? ; N. J. C; Sem., '33-'36; lie '36, Pres. Ohio; ord. '37, same Pres.; p. Mingo Creek, Pa., '37-39; West Liberty, '40-55; East Keshacoquillas, '55-58 ; Rutherfordtown, N. C, '60-70; Little Britain, '60-'74; miss., '74; S. S. Rogersville, Tenn., '74-'75; W. C, '75. L 26 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885- Travelli, Joseph S.— Born, Philadelphia, Pa., April 21, 1809 ; J. C, '33 ; Sem., '33-36; inst. West. Penitentiary; lie Oct., '35, Pres. Philadelphia ; ord. April, '36, same Pres.; For. miss. Singapore, '36-41 ; teacher, '41-64 ; agt. Freedmen, '66 ; teacher West. Penitentiary, '67—; married, March 31, '36, Miss Susan Irwin ; also, Dec. 27, '55, Miss Jane Irwin. 1834— 1S35. Davis, James.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., October 28, 1808; J. C, '34; Sem. '34- '37; lie. April, '37, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Pres. Redstone; P. Morgantown, W. Va., '37-55 ; miss, many years; Stated Clerk, Pres.; Del. Ch. Com.; mar- ried, Sept. 28, '37, Miss Margaret W. Long ; res. Blairsville, Pa. Geary, Edward R., D. D.— Born, Boonesboro, Md., April 30, 1811 ; J. C, '34 Sem., '34-'37 ; teacher, '37-'39; lie. '39, Pres. Wooster ; ord. '40, same Pres. P. Unity, Fredricksburg, O.,'40-'51 ; California, Oregon and Washington,'51 married. Miss Harriet R. Reed ; also, Miss N. M. Woodbridge ; res. Eugene City, Ore., '84. ^Gordon, Thomas Patterson, D. D.— Born, Monongahela City, Pa., July 23, 1836 ; J. C, '33; Sem., '33-'36; lie. '37, Pres. Ohio; ord. '38, Pres. Lancas- ter; P. Cumberland, O., '38-'42; Montour, Pa., '42-'46 ; Manchester, '46-'50 ; Wellsville, O., '50-'56 ; 6th ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '56-'57 ; Terre Haute, Ind., '57-'65 ; married, Dec. 27, '37, Miss Jane A. Conner ; died, Terre Haute, Ind. Aug. 15, '65. *GouLD, Joseph D. — Sem., '33 ; died, Washington Co., O., April 25, '35. Hamiltoh, William. — Born, Lycoming Co., Pa., August 1, 1811; Wash. C, '34; teacher, Sem., '34-37; lie- April, '37, Pres. Northumberland; ord. Oct., '37 ; miss. Sac and Fox Indians, '37-53; Omaha, miss., '53-66; miss, to Indians, Blackbird Hills, '67— ; married, Sept. 11, '37, Miss Julia A. Nor- ton McGiffen ; Sept. 1, '69, Miss Etta D. Hunting; res. Decatur, Neb. ■^Hutchinson, William.— Born, ? ; J. C, '34 ; Sem., '34-'37 ; lie. April, '37, Pres. Blairsville; S. S. Apple Creek.O.; ord.'38(?), Pres. Wooster ; miss. Jack- son, Greene and Wayne, O., '39; P. Bucyrus, O., '40-46; S. S. Sandusky ; Osceola, '47 ; infirm, '52-60 ; died, Feb. 1, '60. *Keating, Thomas I. — Born, Huntingdon Co., Pa.; Sem., '34 ; lie. April 9, '35, Pres. Huntingdon; ord. '37, same Pres.; Home miss., '35-38; died, Peters- burg, Feb. 15, '38. Kerr, John.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., December 25, 1813; Wash. C, '34; Sem., '34-'36; 2 yrs.; lie. '38, Pres. Washington ; ord. April, '40, Pres. Ohio; P. Monongahela City, Pa., '40-62 ; S. S. Raccoon, '65-68 ; miss. Pittsburgh, '68-'69; P. Valley, '69-'74 ; Verona, '74-; Laird ; Natrona, '83-; married, April 8, '40, Miss Anna B. Campbell ; res. Parnassus, Pa. 1827-1885.] GENEKAL CATALOGUE. 27 liEwis, Reuben.— Born, Indiana Co., Pa., January 1, 1807 ; W. U. P., '34 ; Sem., '34-36 ; 2 yrs.; lie. Oct. 6, '30, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Nov. 1, '37, Pres. Erie 5 Home miss. Conneautville, Pa.; P. Harbor Creek, '37-' 40 ; Hopewell, '40- '44 ; East Liverpool, O., '44-'50 ; Salem, Pa., '54-'58 ; Fairmount, W. Va.; New Castle ; New Salem ; West Hanover, '63-'75 ; Ev., '75- ; married, Jan. '38, Miss Anna E. Miller ; res. Coleman's Falls, Va. *McCandlish, William.— Born, Dalbatic, Scotland, September 12, 1810; J. C, '34 ; Sem., '34-36 ; 2 yrs.; lie. Oct., '37, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. June, '39, Pres. Wooster; P. Wooster, O., '39-49; Lewistown, 111., '49-'54; Westminster Quincy, 'o4-'o7 ; S. S. Astoria and Ipavi ; Council Bluffs, Iowa ; miss. Ne- braska ; S. S. Indianola, Iowa ; Sigonary Dist. miss ; agt Bible Soc, '67— ; married, Sept. 10, '38, Miss Hephzibah Maria Howells ; died, Omaha, Neb., Aug. 4, '84. *McGooKiN, William.— Born, County Derry, Ireland, May 3, 1807 ; J. C, '34 ; Sem., '34-'37 ; lie. Sept. 13, '38, Pres. Oxford; ord. '40, Pres. Sidney ; P. Lima, O.; teacher, Sidney, 15 yrs.; Springfield, 18 yrs.; married. May 9, '36, Miss Laura Phelps ; also, July 9, '39, Miss Rhoda M. Bancroft ; died, Spring- field, O., March 20, '76. *Olmstead, Lemuel Gregory, LL.D.— Born, Saratoga Co., N. Y., July 5, 1808; U. C.,'34; Sem,'34-'37; Princeton, 1 yr.; lie. '37, Pres. Beaver ; teacher, Beaver ; Erie, N. Y. ; ord. April 20, '48 ; chap. Alexandria ; Louisville ; Jefl^ersonville ; linguist ; naturalist ; LL.D-, J. C; married, Dec, '38, Miss Sarah Humphrey Marvin ; also, June, '79, Miss Elizabeth Chase; died, Easton, N. Y., March 18, '80. *ScoTT, James H.— Born, ? ; Sem., '34 ; lie. '37, Pres. Cavuga; died, Elgin, 111., May, '44. ■Shadrick, William, D. D.— Born, Swansey, England, December 4, 1804; Sem., '34; lie. Dec. 26, '26, Baptist Ch.; ord. Dec. 10, '28, same body, S. S. Two Lick, Pa., '26-'28 ; P. Mt. Pleasant, '28 ; Loyalhanna ; Peter's Creek ; Alle- gheny ; Pittsburgh ; Philadelphia; Altoona ; Holidaysburg ; Indiana, Pa.; Fin. agt. Bap. Pub. Soc; State Convention ; Univ. of Louisburg; D. D., '53, Mad. U.; married, April, '29, Miss Mary Price. Baptist minister. *Shaw, James, D. D.— Born, Stark Co., O., May 19, 1808 ; W. R. C, '34 ; Sem., '34-'37 ; lie. Dec, '37, Pres. Chillicothe; ord. '39, same Pres.; P. Sardinia, O., '38-'41 ; 1st ch., Middleburg, '41-'45 ; Ed., '47 ; P. Narburg, '49-'59 ; Cong, ch., Windham, '59-'74; D. D., '65, W. R. C; Stated Clerk, Pres. Synod, married, June 24,'38, Miss H. M. Metcalf ; also. Miss Sarah A. Seward, Nov; 20, '52 ; died, Savanah, O., April 5, '75. Waggoner, David.— Born, Dauphin Co., Pa., 1807 ; W. U P.; Sem., '34-'37 ; lie. '37, Pres. Ohio; ord. July 11, '38, Pres. Erie ; P. Georgetown and Fair- field, Pa., '38-'53; Pulaski, '53-'64 ; Georgetown and Greenfield, '64-; Venango ; Mill Village ; Georgetown ; Orleans and Harmony, Neb., '82— ; married. Miss Hatch. 28 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. *Warren, Joseph, D. D.— Born Brunswick, Me., August 30, 1809; Ex, A.; Sera., '34-'37 ; lie. '37, Pres. Oliio ; ord. '38, same Pres.; For. miss. N. India, '38-53 ; also, '72-77 ; P. Greensburg, Ind ; Quincy, 111.; army chap., Freedmens' Bureau, 4 yrs.; P. Salem, 111.; Salino; Princ. Flora Acad.; D. D.; pub. " Urdu Grammar ;" married, June 20, '38, Miss Lydia Dale ; July 2, '40, Miss Mary Potter ; died, Morar, India, March 7, '77. 1835—1836. *Brown, James Caldwell, D. D. — Born, Belmont Co., O., October 1815 ; J. C, '35 ; Sem., '35-'38 ; lie. '38, Pres. Harmony ; ord. '39, Pres. Logansport ; P. Valparaiso, Ind., '39-'59 ; agt. Tract Soc., N. W., '60; P. South Bend, Ind., '61-'62 ; chap. 48th Ind. Vol., '62 ; D. D., W. and J.,'59 ; married, Mareh,'38, Miss Mary Emery ; died, March 23, '62. ^Chambers, Joseph Hartzell. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., November 3, 1809 ; J. C, '35 ; Sem., '35-'38; lie. April, '38, Pres. Redstone; ord. '39, Pres. Steubenville ; P. 2d eh., Steubenville, O., '39-' 44, and Cross Roads, '39 -'50 ; P. E.Wooster, '50 ; married, '38, Miss Mary Jones; died, Wooster, 0.> Sept. 13, '50. *CoPrEY, Addison. — Born, Hiland Co., O., March 5, 1807; O. U., '35 ; Sem., '35 ; lie. Oct., '36, Pres. Chillicothe ; ord.'37, same Pres.; S. S. Pulaski, Tenn., '37 ; P. Lebanon, O., '37-'40 ; Coshocton, '47 ; Peoria, 111., '47-55 ; died, Peoria, 111., April 6, '55. *EwiNG, Alexander.— W. U. P.; Sem. '35-'38 ; lie. '40, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '42, Pres. St. Clairsville ; P. Morristown and Concord, O., former, '42-49, latter ,^ '42-'47 ; died, Morristown, O., Mar. 25, 1849. *Knott, James W.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., October 7, 1812; J. C. '35 ; Sem. '35-'37 ; lie. '38, ? ; ord. Nov. 11, '40, Pres. Richland ; P. Pleasant Hill, O., '41-'42 ; S. S. Haysville, '42-'43 ; Jennerville, '43-'46 ; Keene, '46-'48 ;. Jefferson, '46-'48 ; Eden, '57-'61 ; Shelby, '61-'64 ; died, Shelby, O., Sept.. 3, '64. *Littlefield, Ozias. — Born, Coldrain, Mass., December 23, 1803; U. C; Sem. '35; lie. April 5, '37, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. April 4, '39, Pres. St. Jcsepbs ; miss, in Illinois and Ind., '37-'41 ; Ohio, '41; Ind., '4l-'43; Illinois, '43-' 45;: Wisconsin, '45-'55 ; Iowa, '5.5-'69 ; Seneca, Iowa, '69-'73 ; H. R. '73-'83 ; married, Nov. 11, '51, Miss Sarah A. Watkins; died, Seneca, Iowa, Nov. 23,. '83. Congregationalist minister. *McClean, James.— Born, ? ; Wash. C; Sem. '35-36; lie. '62, Pres. Marion ; died, Nevada, O., '68. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 29 McMiCHAEL, WiLiJAM.— Born, Crawford Co., Pa., March 29, 1808 ; A. C, '35 ; Sem. '35-'38 ; lie. April'SS, Pres. Erie; ord. '43, Pres. Clarion ; P. Richland, Pa., '43-58 ; Rockland, '48-58 ; S- S. Tylersburg and Greenwood, Mt. Tabor and Richardsville, Evansburg ; pub, " Slavery and its Remedy," " Konneaut Lake," "The Minister's Daughter," "Church Government;" married, Dec 23, '41, Miss Sarah McJunkin. *MURRAY, John W.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., January 29, 1801 ; J. C, '35; Sem. '35-38 ; lie. Oct. 7, '40, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Oct.'41, same Pres.; P. Sharps- burg, Pa., '41-52 ; married. Miss Stewart ; died, Sept. 18, '52. *RiGGS, Stephen Return, D. D.. LL.D.— Born, Stenbenville, O., March 23, 1812; J. C; Sem. '35; lie. Sept. '36, Pres. Steubenville; ord. April, '37, Pres. Chillicothe; miss, to Dacotas,'37-'83 ; D. D., Beloit Coll.; LL.D., J. C; died Beloit, Wis., Aug. 24, '83. *Smith, James M.— Born Butler Co., Pa., June 20, 1806 ; Wash. C, '35 ; Sem. '35-38 ; lie. '38, Pres. Washington ; ord. Dec. '38, same Pres.; P. Upper Ten Mile and Nebo, '38-'43 ; Tarentum, '43-'56 ; Parnassus, '43-48 ; Bull Creek, '48-56 ; Bethlehem and North Branch, Pa., '56-66; Freedom, '67-72 ; married, Dec. 1, '38, Miss Margaret Donahey ; also, Mrs. Maria McBride ; died, Beaver, Pa., Feb. 23, '73. *Templeton, Joseph.— Born,'?; J. C; Sem. '35-'37 ; lie '39, Pres. Hopewell ; ord. '40, same Pres.; miss. Georgia, Kentucky and St. Louis, '41-'50 ; Ed. '50-52 ; suspended ; died St. Louis, Mo., '59.^?) Walker, Robert Brannon, D. D.— Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., May 26, 1808 ; J. C. '35; Sem. '35-'38 ; lie. April 26, '38, Pres. Allegheny ; S. S. Plaingrove, Mill Creek and Bethesda ; ord. April 2, '39, same Pres.; P. Plaingrove, Pa., '38-'72; S S. Portersville, '72-'83 ; H. R. '83—; D. D., '64, Wash. C; mar. ried, Nov. 29, '38, Miss Jane Scott ; res. Whitestown, Pa. 1836—1837. *Beer, Thomas B.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., Nov. 19, 1816; J. C '36 ; Sem. '36-'38 ; died, Pittsburgh, Pa., Mar. 30, '38. *Blake, Edward Spencer. — Born, Westboro, Mass., 1811; Y. C. '35 ; Sem. '36-'38; Andover; lie. '39, Woburn Ass.; ord. April 14, '41, Pres. Erie ; P. Gravel Run and Evansburg, Pa., '41-'42 ; teacher, '43-'73 ; H. R. '73-'81 ; died, Sewickley, Pa., Oct. 26, '81. *Bradley, William.— Born, Franklin Co., Pa., Aug. 21, 1805 ; Wash. C. '34 ; Princeton, '35-36 , Sem. '36-38 ; lie. '39, Pres. Carlisle ; Ev.; teacher, Burl- ington, Iowa, '50-52 ; H. R., '52-71 ; Mt. Pleasant; married. Miss Elizabeth Holiingsworth ; died, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, Sept., '73. V 30 GENEEAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885 *Cameron, James.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 1, 1813 ; J. C. '36 ; Sem. '36-38, 2 yrs.; lie '40, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '42, Pres. Steubenville ; P. Ridge and Center Unity, O., '42-'44 ; teacher; S. S. St. Mary, Salem and Celina, O.; P. Fall Creek, 111., Camp Creek, Brunswick; married, '40, Miss Isabella Ritchie; died, Brunswick, 111., May 1, '66. *Caruthers, John. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 5, 1807 ; Wash. C. '36; Sem. '36-39; lie. April, '39, Pres. Washington ; ord. June, '40, Pres. Blairs- ville ; P. Gilgal, '40-72 ; Perry, '40-'54 ; Manor, '60-'69 ; Rockbridge, '69- '72 ; married. Mar. 24, '40, Miss Sophia Huston ; also, Jan. 1, '67, Miss Mary Kirkpatrick ; died, Washington, Pa., Nov. 27, '80. *Cbabb, John M.— Born, Garrard Co., Ky., 1804 ; M. U. '34 ; Auburn, '34-'36 ; Sem. '36 ; lie. May 15, '38; ord. '39 ; P. New Lexington, O., '39-'41 ; Lima, '42-'47 ; Montpelier, '51-'52 ; Williams Center, '53-'55 ; Bryan, '56-'59 ; married. May 17, '38, Miss Amanda R Root; also. May 31, '49, Miss Mehit- able Ford ; also, May 20, '55, Miss Catharine Reece ; died, Bryan, O., Mar. 17, '59. Craighead, Richard. — Born, near Carlisle, Pa., Oct. 31, 1815 ; Wash. C. '36 ;; Sem. '36-39; lie. June '39, Pres. Erie; ord. Sept. 9, '40, same Pres.: P. Springfield, Pa. '40-43 ; 2d ch. Meadville, Pa., '43-'75 ; married, Jan. 14, '41, Miss Lydia L. Reynolds. FiiEMiNG, James. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., Aug. 5, 1806; Wash. C. '33; Sem. '37, 1 yr.; lie. '38, Pres. Washington ; ord. '39, same Pres.; P. W^est Union, Pa., '40-'56 ; Lower Buffalo, Pa., '58-'69 ; Mansfield, III; '69-'76 ; H. E.; res. Dunlap, 111.; married, Oct. 31, '39, Miss C. B. Parks. Forster, Thomas.— Born, Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 15, 1812; D. C.'29 ; Law. '30- '36 ; Sem. '36-39 ; lie. '40, Pres. Harrisburg ; ord. '41, same Pres.; P. Mar- garetta Furnace, Pa., 2 yrs.; Wellsboro, Pa., 2 yrs.; Mt. Clemens, Mich., '45-'50 ; Moro, '51-53 ; Middletown, Del., '53-56 ; Southfield, Mich., '57- '67 ; married, '48, Miss Hall ; res. Mt. Clemens, Mich. ^Graves, Levi M.— Born, Canaan, N. Y., May 12, 1810 ; U. C. '35 ; Sem. Auburn, '35-'36; Sem. '36-'39; lie. '38, Pres. Washington; ord. May, '40, Pres. Blairsville ; P. Boiling Spring, Pa., '40-41 ; Crooked Creek and Ap- pleby Manor, '41-46 and '50-52 ; Rosston, '62-73 ; married, Jan. 25, '44^ Miss Sarah Smith ; died, Rosston, Pa., Jan. 1, 1881. *Hazlett, George M. — M. U.; Sem. '36. No further record, probably died during his course in Seminary. Hebshey, Andrew Moses. — Born, Franklin Co., Pa., June 16, 1809 ; Wash. C. '36; Sem., '36-39; lie April, '39, Pres. Washington ; ord. Aug., '40, Pres. Kaskaski ; P. Carmi and vie. 111., '40-43; teacher, Washington, D. C, and Hagarstown. Md., '43-'49 ; S. S. Nealsville and Mt. Paran, Md., '49-'52 ; Nokesville, Va., '52 — ; chap, hosp., Richmond., Va., '62- '68; married, Sept. 12, '39, Miss Elizabeth Lee. 1827-1885.] GENEKAL CATALOGUE, 31 Leonard, Aaron Lewis. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., July 3, 1812; Wash. C, '36 ; Sena., '36-'39 ; lie. April,'39, Pres. Columbus ; ord. '41, Pres. Des Moines ; P. Kossuth, Iowa, '41-46 ; S. S. Cong. chs. Columbus City and Crawfords- ville, Iowa, and teacher, '48-52 ; Home miss., Iowa, '52-56 ; Cong, ch., Danville, '56-'6o ; lona, N. J., '66 ; Franklinville, '66-'74 ; lona, '74— ; mar- ried, '42, Miss Caroline R. Chamberlin. Congregational minister. *MiTCHELL, Thomas H., M. D. — Born, ?; Physician, Pittsburgh, Pa.; teacher, Meadville; minister, Waterford and Mercer ; Paris, Ky.; Delaware, O.; died, Delaware, O. Nevin, Alfred, D. D., LL.D. — Born, Shippensburg, Pa., March 14, 1816 ; J. C, '36 ; Sem., '36-'39 ; lie April, '40, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. May, '40, Pres. New Castle ; P. Cedar Grove, Pa., '4(])-'45; Ger. Ref. ch., Chambersburg, '45-52; 2d ch., Lancaster, '52-57 ; Alexander ch., Philadelphia, '57-'6l ; Ed. Stand- ard, '61- d6 ; Presbyterian Weekly; Presbyterian Journal; pub. "Notes on Shorter Catechism," " Parables of Jesus," " Churches of the Valley," " Voice of God," " Guide to the Oracles," " Commentaries on the Gospets, Acts and Exodus," " Men of Mark," " The Age Question," " Infidelity Rebuked," " Presbyterian Encyclopsedia." *Newell, Thomas Marquis. — Born, Washington Co., Pa, October 16, 1815; Wash. C, '36 ; Sem., '36-38, 2 yrs.; lie. '38, Pres. Washington ; ord. '43, same Pres.; P. Wellsburg, Va., '43-51; teacher, deaf and dumb, Jacksonville, 111., '51-57 ; P. Waynesville, 111., '57-65 ; married, '49, Miss Martha Jane Officer ; died, Waynesville, 111., May 10, '65. *RiGGS, Cyrus Carpenter, D. D.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., 1810; J. C, '36 ; Sem., '36-'39; lie. April 12, '39, Pres. Allegheny; ord. April 15, '40, Pres. Kaskaskia; P. Chester and Liberty, Ind., '39-45; Anapolis and Richmond, O., latter, '45-52, former, '45-'50 ; Prest. R. C, '50-52; Sewickley, Pa., '52- '61 ; Sharon, '61-'63; Clarksville, Pa., '61-'68; teacher, '63-'72 ; D. D., '62, J. C; married. May 13, '40, Miss Todd ; died, Beaver Falls, Pa., Aug. 29, '83. Shearer, Frederic Augustus, D. D. — Born, Franklin Co., Pa., January 1, 1812 ; J. C, '36 ; Sem., '36-'37 ; lie. '39, Pres. Carlisle ; ord., June 9, '40, Pres. Richland ; P. Savannah, '40-'43 ; 2d Mansfield, O., '43-' 46 ; Chesterville, '46 -'54 ; Iowa City, Iowa, '54-59 ; S. S. Palmyra, Mo., '59-61 ; Washington, 0.,'61-'68 ; Aledo, Ill.,'68-'73; W. Liberty, Iowa,'75-'79 ; Colfax, '79'-'85 ; D. D., J. C; Stated Clerk ; mai-ried, Miss Martha McVetty ; also, Mrs. Clutter. *Smith, John McNulty. — Born, Canonsburg, Pa., November 13, 1809 ; J. C; Sem., '36-37. 1 yr.; lie. June, '37, Pres. Redstone ; ord. April, '39, Pres. Ohio ; P. Mingo, Pa., '39-'44 ; Warren, Pa., '45-'47 ; S. S. Galena, 111.; teacher, '47-66 ; married, '39, Miss Marry B. Herron ; died, Allegheny Co., Pa., March 19, '72. *Stewart, Ethan A. — Born, ? ; Sem., '36 ; died, Butler, Pa. Baptist minister. J 32 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1827—1885. *Wright, Edward Weekly, D. D. — Born, Lancaster, O., April 23, 1817 ; M. U.; Sem., '36-38 ; Princeton, '35 ; lie. '37, Pres. Logansport ; ord. Oct. 5, '39, same Pres.; S. S. Plymouth and Rochester, Ind., '39-40 ; P. Lafayette, '40- '45 ; agt. Bd. Edu., '45-'46 ; S. S. Delphi, Ind., '46 ; P., '50-'65 ; infirm, Alle- gheny, Pa., '65-66 ; D. D.; married, Oct. 23, '39 ; Miss Henrietta Mary Swift; died, Allegheny, Pa., Sept. 17, '66. 1837—1838. Bracken, Newton.— Born, Butler Co., Pa., November 30, 1812 ; J. C, '37 ; Sem., '37-' 40 ; lie. April, '40, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. '41, same Pres.; P. Porter- ville, '41-'63; Rich Hill, '41-'60 ; 8. S. '71 ; Glasco, Kan., '72-; married, '41, Miss Pamelia Craig; also, '60, Miss Jerusha Craig. Brownson, James Irvin, D. D. — Born, Mercersburg, Pa., March 14, 1817 ; Wash. C.,'36 ; teacher, 1 yr.; Sem., '38-'40 ; lie. Oct., '40, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. Nov., '41, Pres. Redstone; P. Greensburg and Mt. Pleasant, Pa.,'41-'49 ; 1st ch., Wash- ington, '49— ; Prest., pro iem., Wash. C, '52-53 ; Prest pro tern., W. & J. C, '70 ; Trustee Coll. Dir. Sem.; D. D.; author portion Centennial Mem.; married, '4.3, Miss Sarah Ellen Maclay ; also, '55, Miss Ellen Atchinson. Donaldson, Alexander, D. D. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., August 30, 1808 ; J. C, '35 ; Sem., '37 ; lie. April 4, '38, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. June 20, '39, same Pres.; P. Elder's Ridge, Pa., '39- ; Princ. Acad.; D. D.; pub. Ser- mons and Addresses, " History Donaldson Family ;" married. May 30, '39, Miss Mary S. Bracken ; also. Miss S. N. Craighead. Faris, John McDonald.— Born, Ohio Co., Va., May 23, 1818; Wash. C, '37 ; Sem., '37-40; lie. April, '40, Pres. Washington; ord. April, '42 ;1P. Birlow, O., '41-44 . Fredericktown, O., '44-55 ; agt. Col. En. Synod, Wheeling, '55- '57 ; P. Rockford. 111., '58-' 62 ; '64-'69 ; agt. West. C, '69-'73 ; agt. N. W. Theo. Sem., '73-'81 ; S. S. Dongola, '81-'83 ; Ev., '84 ; married, Sept. 24, '40, Miss Anna E, Wallace ; res. Anna, 111. Hill, George, D. D. — Born, Ligonier Valley, Pa., September 18, 1815 ; J. C, '37 ; Sem., '37-'40 ; lie. May, '40, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. Dec. 14, '41, same Pres.; Co. P. Blairsville and Salem; Blairsville,'41-'85; Salem,'41-'48; Fem. Sem., '51-52 ; D. D., J. C, '68 ; Direc. Sem.; married, Miss Harriet Lewis ; also, Miss Abigail Hawes. *Kerr, Thomas Williams. — Born, , Pa., January 20, 1804 ; J. C, '37 ; Sem., '37-39 ; lie. '39, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. '40, same Pres.; P. Middlesex and Bull Creek, Pa.,'40-'47 ; married. Miss Eliza Lourie Porter; died, Oct. 29, '47. -*McLain, William Wylie.— Born, Ripley, O., September 15, 1815 ; H. C, '36 ; Sem., '.37-40 ; lie. '40 ; ord. Nov. 18, '40, Pres. Redstone ; miss. Fayette Co., Pa., and Preston Co., Va., '40-52 ; P. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '52-55 ; married May 18, '41, Miss Mary Miller ; died, Fayette Co., Pa., Nov. 10, '55. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 33 McClintock, John.— Born, Washington, Pa., November 10, 1803; Wash. C, '36; Sem., '37, 1 yr.; lie. April 19, '38, Pres. Washington; ord. Jan. 15, '40; P. New Providence and Jefferson, former, '40— latter, '40-66 ; married, April 17, '34, Miss Mary Orr. McKaig, Clement Vallandigham, D. D.— Born, Columbiana Co., O., July 12, 1815; Wash. C, '37; Sem., '37-'40; lie. April, '40, Pres. New Lisbon; ord. June, '41, Pres. Ohio; P. Raccoon, Pa., '41-'65; miss, and S. S. Pittsburgh, Pa., Bayfield, Wis., East Liberty, Pa., '83 ; D. D., '82, N. W. C; married, '42, Miss Jane Breading Laughlin. *MiLLER, Allen Cowan.— Born, Brownsville, Pa., 1807 ; J. C, '37 ; Sera., '37- '40 ; lie. June 17, '40, Pres. Ohio ; ord. June, '41, Pres. Marion ; P. Mar- seilles, O., '41-'48 ; Eden and Caroline, '48-'51 ; White Rock, 111., '52-61 ; S. S. Rochelle, West Jersey, 111,, '61-'64 ; White Rock, '74 ; married, Nov., '43, Miss Mary Pierson ; died, White Rock, 111., May 12, '74, Murray, Joseph Alexander, D. D.— Born, Carlisle, Pa., October 2, 1815 ; W- U. P., '37 ; Sem., '37-'40 ; lie. Oct. 7, '40, Pres. Ohio; ord. April 13, '42 ; S. S. Marion, O., '40-'41 ; P. Monaghan and Petersburg, Pa.. '42-'58 ; S. S. Petersburg ; D. D., '69, W. U. P.; Mod. Synod ; married, April 25, '43, Miss Blair ; also, Oct. 2, '79, Miss Foster. *Pentzer, Jacob— Born, Bedford Co., Pa., May 28, 1808; J. C, '37; Sem., '37- '39 ; lie. '40, Pres. Redstone ; ord. '42, Pres. Miami; P. Bellbrook, O., '42- '45; teacher, '46-'60; P. Hermon, Iowa, '60-'63; Wilton, '63-'66; W. C, '06 -'84 ; married, '39, Miss Emma Meek ; also. Miss Martha Coon ; died, Wil- ton Junction, Iowa, May 12, '84. Pettigrew, Samuel, M. D.— Born, County Armagh, Ireland, April 5, 1813 ; J. C. '37 ; Sera., '37-'40; lie. May, '40, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. '40, Pres. Car- lisle ; P. Red Mills, Pa., '40-'42 ; Maline, Mo., '42 ; Prin. Fem. Sem.; Prin, High School; co-ed. St. Louis Presbyterian, '49-52; hosp. ch., Jeff. Bar- racks, '61-65 ; infirm ; med. practice, St. Louis, '76-82 ; S. S. Lebanon, Ore., '82—; married, '52, Miss Kate McFlaherty. Riddle, James Pinkerton.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., May 29, 1810 ; F. C; Sera., '37-39; lie. '46, Pres. W. Lexington ; ord. '51, Pres. Paducah ; Ev. '46 -'51 ; P. Salem, Union Point, Ky., and Golconda, 111., '51-'60; Ev. '60—; married, Jan. 6, '52, Miss F. C. Davis. *Robinson, David.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., June 15, 1809 ; Wash. C, '37 ; Sem., '37, 1 yr.; lie. Oct. 6, '41, Pres. Washington ; ord. April 20. '42, same Pres.; P. Mill Creek, Pa., '42-'54 ; Long's Run, '56-'58 ; married. Miss Letitia Ramage ; also, Miss Calhoun ; died, Hookstown, Pa., March 17, '61. 34 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Robinson, John, D. D. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., January 27, 1814; F. C, '37; Sem., '37-'40; lie. April 8, '40, Pres. Steubenville; ord, March 2, '41, same Pres.; P. Corinth and Monroville, O., '41-44 ; Ashland, O., '44-84 ; pub. "Practice of the American Church in regard to American Slavery ;" D. D., '69, W. & J. C.;married, Oct. 22, '40, Mary W. Wilson; res. Oak Park, 111. Semple, Philo Mathes.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., July 7, 1810; J. C, '37 ; Sem., '37-40; lie. June 24, '40, Pres. Beaver; ord. Oct. 5, '41, same Pres.; P. Mt. Eaton and Berlin, O., '42-58 ; Dalton, '58-67; agt. U. W., '70; married, July 29, '46, Miss Sarah Jane Davis ; res. Wooster, O. *Sparks, Samuel McClelland.— Born, Tennesee, 1814; Sem., '37 ; ord. '44, ?; C. P. Ch.; P. Minersville, Pa., '39-61 ; Pleasant Unity, '61-'68 ; Minersville, '68; W. C, '68-74; died, Jonesboro, Tenn., Feb. 25, '74. *Templeton, Samuel S.— Born, West Virginia ; J. C, '37 ; Sem., '37-'38 ; lie. '40, Pres. Louisville ; S. S. Bowling Green and Concord, Ky., '41 ; Princeton, '43-' 44; Greenville, '44; Cadiz, O., '48; Aberdeen, Miss., '49-50; died, Aberdeen, Miss., Dec. 1, '50. *WoRK, William Ramsay.— Born, Lancaster Co., Pa., October 10, 1810; Wash. C; Princeton, '36-'37 ; Sem., '37-'38 ; lie. April 18, '38, Pres. New Castle ; ord. Dec. 3, '40, same Pres.; P. White Clay Creek, Del., '40-46 ; Christiana, '45-46 ; tea. and S. S. Pottstown, Pa., '48-'58; S. S. Trinity ch., Philadelphia, '58-'61 ; Agt. Pies. Bd. Pub., '61-'63; Agt. Lin. U., '63-'67 ; Agt. How. U., '67-'73 ; died, Dec. 27, '82. 1838-1839. *Adams, William Thompson.— Born, Brooke Co., Va., July 4, 1811 ; F. C, '38 ;. Sem., '38-'40 ; lie. Oct. 8, '41, Pres. Steubenville; ord. '42, same Pres.; P. Carrollton and Amsterdam, O., '42-' 47 ; Savannah, '47-' 50 ; Prof., '50-'53 ; P. Deer Creek, 111., '53-'64; El Paso, '64-'82; died. El Paso, 111., May 24, '82. BoNAR, William.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., December 11, 1814 ; Wash. C, '37 ; Sem., '38-'41 ; lie. April 22, '41, Pres. Washington ; ord. April 19, '43, same Pres.; S, S. Sidney, 0.,'41-'42; Sistersville, Va., '42-'50 ; Savannah, O., '50-51 ; miss, in Noble Co., Ind., '51— ; married, Nov. 3, '43, Miss Cathar- ine A. Munn. *Clark, Albert Brown.— Born, Schellsburg, Pa., July 14, 1817 ; D. C, '38 ; Sem., '38-'40 ; lie. April 18, '41, Pres. Carlisle ; ord' Dec, '41, Pres. Blairs- ville ; S. S. Bedford, Pa.; P. Ligonier and Donegal ; agt. Wash. C. to '54 ; P. Altoona, '54-63; teacher Fem. Sem., Ligonier; married. May 11, '41, Miss Mary F. Statler ; died, Altoona, Pa., July 5, '63. "Cummins, David Hays.— Born, Franklin Co., Pa., March 11, 1813; H. C, '38; Sem., '38; lie. '37, Pres. Miami ; ord., '41, Pres. Memphis; P. Mt. Carmel,. Tenn., '41-'60 ; Covington, '60-'70 ; died, Covington, Tenn., Oct. 17, '73. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 35 Dickey, Joseph S. — Born, New Lisbon, Ohio; H. C; Sem., '38-39 ; lie. Oct. '45, Pres. Steiibenville; ord. Oct., '50, Pres. New Lisbon ; S. S. and P. Niles and Champion, O., '45-'52 ; S. S. Savannah, '52-'53; 1st ch., Freeport, 111., '53-'54; Home miss, around Freeport, '54-'6;i ; S. S. Andrew, Iowa, 3yr6.; P. Red Oak, 8 yrs.; S. S. Blairstown, 3 yrs.; Winfield, 3 yrs.; P. Garrison and Big Grove, '83— ; married, Oct. 11, '49, Miss Nancy B. Coon. *Eaton, William.— Born, Franklin Co., Pa., 1812; J. C, '37; Sem., '38-39; lie. April, '40, Pres. Redstone; ord. '41, same Pres.; P. Round Hill and Mc- Keesport, Pa., '42-'44; Two Ridges, O., '45-'53; S. S. Elkhart, Ind., '54-'56 ; Carrollton, '58-'64 ; miss. '64-'70 ; married, '40, Miss Nancy Batchelor ; also, Mrs. Gladden ; died, Pleasantville, Pa., Aug, 31, '70. Gonzales, Benjamin.— A student of Wash. C; cannot be traced. *Hanmer, Henry. — Born, Weathersfield, Conn., January 7, 1815; A. C, '37 • Princeton, '37 ; Sem., '38-40 ; teacher, Uniontown, Pa., '41-'42 ; ord. April 28, '43, Pres. Indianapolis ; miss. Ind.; res. Conn.; S. S. Edenburg, Ind., '49- '50; Sugar Creek, '50-'51 ; Cong, cb., Eastford, Conn., '53-'54; Wautoma, Wis., '60-'77 ; died, Wautoma, Wis., Dec. 16, '77. *Heyer, C. H.— Born, ? ; Sem., '38 ; miss, to India of the Lutheran Church. Deceased. *Jewett, Sylvanus.— Born, Ohio, 1809 ; H. C, '37 ; Sem., '37-'39 ; Princeton, '39-'40 ; ord. '53, Pres. Chilieothe ; P. Bainbridge, O, '52-'53 ; Roscoe, 111.* '54-'55*; teacher, Charleston, O.; S. S. Farley, Ind., '56-57 ; W. C; Epworth '57-'59; Rock Creek, '71-72; died, Grand Island, Neb., Jan, 12, '72. Mason, James Dinsmore.— Born, Cross Creek, Pa., November 15, 1812; Wash. C, '38 ; Sem., '38-'41 ; lie. April 22, '41, Pres. Washington; ord. June 17, '43, Pres. Blairsville ; P. Rural Valley and Glade Run, '43-'48 ; S. S. Ft. Madison and Round Prairie, Iowa, '48-'49 ; P. Davenport, '49-'59 ; Dist. Miss., '59-'64'; S. S. Summit and Eldridge, '64-'69; Red Oak Grove, '69-'74 ; 2d ch. Davenport, '74-'76; Ev. '77-; married, Nov. 10, '42, Miss Annie L. Blaine. *Montgomery, James.— Born, Ireland, March 16, 1811 ; J. C, '38; Sem. '38- '41; lie. April 6, '41, Pres. Allegheny; ord. Feb. 15, '42, Pres. Clarion; miss., 1 yr.; P. Clarion, '41-'71; Richland, '41-' 45 ; Rehoboth,'45-'68; mar- ried. May, '44, Miss Jane C. Jeffery ; also. '54, Miss Margaret Zahniser; died. Clarion, Pa., Aug. 10, '71. Peck, Elias S.— Born, Salem, Conn., January 12, 1812 ; U. C; Sem., '38-39; lie. '41, Pres. Genessee ; ord. '43, Pres. Maumee ; S. S. Albion, N. Y.; Hor- nellsville, '43 ; miss., Perrysburg, O., and other points, '43-45 ; H. M. Wis- consin, '45-' 65; S.S.Juneau, Horicon, Beaverdam, '65 ; H. R.; married, April 9, '45, Miss Julia A. Fenn ; res. Waupum, Wis. 36 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. *RussELL, Moses.— Born, near Xenia, O., February 29, 1812; M. U., '38; Sem. '38; lie. '40, Pres. Miami; ord. '40, same Pres.; P. Clifton, O., '40-'64; mar- ried, Feb., '41, Miss Alethe Clarke ; also, Nov., '42, Miss Nancy J. Jacoby ; Oct. '44, Miss Abigail T. Newell ; Dec. '56, Miss Phebe J. Estle ; died, Mar. 22, '64. *Templeton, Samuel McClean. — Born, West Alexander, Pa., December 11, 1816; Wash. C, '38; Sem., '38 ; lie. '42, Pres. Washington; ord. Pres. Coshocton; S.S.Mansfield, O.; tea.; P. Millersburg, O.; Middleboro, '48- '56 ; Delevan, 111., '56-67 ; married. Miss Dickey ; died, Delevan, 111., May 13, '67. Wilson, David. — Born, Lancaster Co., Pa., April 7, 1813 ; J. C;, '37; tea., Mich. '37-'38; Sem., '38-'39 ; infirm; Prin. Tuscarora Acad., '39-'42 ; '44r-'52 ; Lewistown Acad., '42-44 ; Airy View Acad., '44-59 ; '65— ; Penna. Ag. C, '59-65 ; married, June 29, '46, Miss Jane W. McCullough ; also, Jan. 16, '79, Miss Eebecca A. Lyon ; res. Port Royal, Pa. 1839—1840. Brownlee, Alexander W. — Born, Scotland; J. C, '39 ; Sem., '39-40; tea. in Cherokee Nation, '40-'44 ; Atty. at Law, Ark.; Judge, '52-61; married, Nov. '42, Miss Anna Harrell ; res. Quincy, Mo. Blackburn, Moses T. — J. C, '39. Cannot be traced. *Calhoun, Adley.— Born, January 2, 1821 ; J. C, '39 ; Sem., '39-'42 ; lie. April, '44, Pres. Redstone ; ord. June,'45j same Pres.; P. Round Hill, Pa., '45-48 ; died. Round Hill, April 19, '48. *CooPER, Samuel Milroy. — Born, Center Co., Pa., April 16, 1814; .T. C, '39; Sem., '39-' 40 ; lie. April 16, '40, Pres. Huntingdon; ord. April 18, '40, same Pres.; P. Lick Run, Pa., '40-'52 ; teacher, '52-'53 ; S. S. Clearfield, '53-'56 ; Little Valley, '56-'60; married. Miss Nancy Forsythe ; died, Walker, Pa., July 15, '60. *CouLTER, James.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., 1807 ; J. C, '39 ; Sem., '39-42 ; lie. April, '42, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Sept. 14, '42, Pres. Erie ; P. Concord and Deerfield, Pa., '42-46 ; Sugar Creek, '48-52 ; Harmonsburg and Evansburg, '52-'57 ; S. S. Waterloo, Mt. Pleasant ; Allegheny ch., —'79 ; died, near San- bury, Butler Co., Pa., Sept. 23, '80. DiNSMORE, James Hamilton. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., November 8, 1815 ; Wash. C. '36 ; Sem., '39-' 40; teacher, '36-'43 ; lie. Sept. '43, Pres. Transyl- vania ; ord. April, '49, same Pres.; miss. Ky., '49-'o0 ; Prof. Wash. C, Tenn., '50-'51 ; miss. Ky., '51-'54; S. S. Bethel, Ky., '54-'55; Shiloh and Olivet, '55-58, Goshen, '58-63 ; Hopkinsville, '63-68 ; infirm, '68-79; Europe, '73 ; miss., Texas, Florida, Colorado ; H. R.; res. Ballardsville, Ky., '84. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 37 Donaldson, John. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., March 15, 180G; J. C, '37; Sem., '39-42 ; lie, June, '42, Pres. Columbus ; ord. '42, same Pres.; P. Wash- ington, O., '42-'47; S. S. Ky., '47-'52 ; teacher, Muhlensburg Acad., '52-'57 ; Prin. Paducah Sem., Ky.; Fem. Sem., Cape Girardeau, Mo.; 1st ch., Ironton, Mo., '50-'65; Ev. '65-; A. M. C. C; married, Sept. 15, '42, Sarah Malvina Miner. *McCoNAUGHy, JoH.v M.— Born, 1815 ; J. C, '39 ; Sem., '39-'42 ; lie. '44, Pres. Blairsville; ord. '45, Pres. Ebenezer; S. S. Millersburg, Ky., '45 ; P. Leba- non, Pa., '46-48 ; infirm, '48-69 ; died, Rochelle, 111., Nov. 10, '69, *Marshali., Samuel P. — Born, ?; J. C, Sem., '39-40 ; not lie; died, Westmore- land Co., Pa., Feb. 18, '42. *Paul, Alfred.— Born; St. Clairsville, Ohio, January 17, 1815 ; Wash. C, '38 ; Sem., '39; Princeton, 3 yrs.; lie. '43; miss. '43-44; S. S. Captina and Pipe Creek, O., '44-49 ; ord. April 17, '50, Pres. Washington ; S. S. 3d Wheeling, Va.,'49-'51 ; P. 3d Wheeling,'52-'65 ; Hestonville, Philadelphia, Pa.,'67-'71 ; died, Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 18, '72. Reed, William. — Born, County Antrim, Ireland, August 28, 1809 ; F. C, '37 ; Sem., '39-'41 ; lie June 10, '41, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. April, '43, Pres- Zanesville ; P. Olive, O., '43-'55 ; Cross Roads, '43-'58 ; Barlow, Decatur and Plymouth, '55-'58 ; Beverly Coll., '55-'58 ; P. E. Deerfield, '58-'62 ; miss. Mo., '62-'84. *Smith, Thomas T.— Born, ?; Wash. C, '37; Sem., '39-'40 ; lie '42, Pres. Rich- land ; ord. '43, same Pres.; P. Lexington, and S. S. Eellville, O., '43 ; Sharon, '49-52 ; Zanesfield, '53 ; Union Grove, '55 ; Prospect, 111., '56 ; P. Mansfield, '58-63 ; W. C; Richland and Herraon, '68; died, Chenoa, 111., Aug. 5, '70. *Vallandigham, George Scott. — Born, New Lisbon, O., July 31, 1814 ; J. C; prac. med.; Sem., '39 ; lie. '40, Pres. New Lisbon ; Prot. Ep. Ch., '41 ; preached in Ep. ch., New Lisbon, O., and prac. med., '41-73 ; married, '40, Miss Mary Anne Hamilton ; died, Cincinnati, O., Feb. 14, '73. Episcopal minister. Williams, Louis Buchanan. — Born, Bellefonte, Pa., December 15, 1804 ; Wash. C; Sem., '39-'41 ; tea; Bible agt.; preacher; res. Indianapolis, Ind. 1840— 1N43. *Brown, Moses M. — Born,?; J. C; tea.; Sem., '40; lie '41, Pres. Richland; ord., '42, Pres. Zanesville; P. Buflfalo, O., '42-'53 ; Salt Creek, '44-'46 ; died, Cumberland, O., Feb. 17, '53. *Campbell, Obadiah Jennings. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., May 22. 1814 ; F. C; Sem., '40 ; died Sept. 12. '42, before licensure. 38 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. ^Cunningham, Alexander. — Born, Mercer, Pa., January 21, 1815 ; Wash. C, '40 ; Sem., '40 : lie. Sept. 4, '42, Pres. Erie ; ord. Oct 5, '43, same Pres. ; P. Gravel Run and Washington, Pa. ,'43-51; Mt. Nebo and Muddy Creek,'51-'74; married, Miss Clark ; died, Whitestown, Pa., Sept. 5, '74. Happer, Andrew Patton, M. D., D. D.— Born, near Monongahela City, Pa., October 20, 1818 ; J. C, '35; tea., 5 yrs.; Sem., '40-'43 ; stu. med.; lie. Nov. '43, Pres. Ohio ; ord. April 23, '44, same Pres.; For. Miss. China, '44- ; M. D., '44; U. P.; D. D., '65, J. C; married, Nov. 1, '47, Miss Elizabeth Ball ; also, Oct. 6, '69, Miss Asenath L. Elliott ; also. Mar. 18, '75, Miss H. J. Shaw. Stevenson, Ross, D. D.— Born, Strabane, Ireland; F. C, '40; Sem., '40-' 44; lie. June '43, Pres. Ohio ; ord. June '41, Pres. Redstone; P. Connellsville, Pa., '43-'52 ; Johnstown, Pa., '52-'57 ; S. S. Armagh and Centreville, Pa., '57-'60 ; P. Ligonier and Pleasant Grove, Pa., '60-71 ; Pisgah and Troy, Pa., '72-76 ; Cross Roads, '76-82 ; Lower Ten Mile, '82- ; D. D.; married, Dec. 12, '48, Miss Margaret Taylor; also, Oct. 14, '52, Miss Elizabeth Hurst; also, Jan. 30, '55, Miss Martha Ann Harbison ; res. Washington, Pa. *Taggart, David.— Born, Harrison Co., O.; F. C, '40 ; Sem., '40-41 ; died, Dec, '44, before licensure. 1841—1842. *Carson, James C— Born, Franklin Co., Pa., June 1, 1811 ; J. C, '41 ; Sem., '41 -'43; lie. April 19, '43, Pres. Washington; ord. April 17, '44, same Pres.; P. Maple Creek, and Mt. Olivet, '44-'49 ; Old and New Salem, '49-66; infirm ; died, July 5, '70. Coon, Samuel M.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa.; F. C, '38 ; teacher 2 yrs.; Sem., '41-44 ; lie. '44, Pres. Ohio ; ord. April, '45, same Pres.; miss, to Iowa In- dians, '45 ; A. R. Ch., '46 ; miss, to Canada, '47 ; P. Bethel and Rush Valley, Pa., '48-'55; Vernon and Lisbon, Wis., '55-'62 ; miss. Freedmen, '62-'65; S. S. Savannah, O., '66-'71 ; P. Salineville and Mechanicstown, O-, '71-'82 ; in- ^^1 firm ; married, '45, Miss Jane Jamison ; res. Pittsburgh, Pa. U. P. minister. Elder, Joshua.— Born, Indiana Co., Pa., Sept. 22, 1819 ; J. C, '41 ; Sem., '41- '42 ; lie. M. E. Ch.; Physician ; California ; Oregon. Probably deceased. *G0RDEN, Joseph. — Born, near Washington, Pa., Sept. 28, 1819; Wash. C; Sem., '4]-'42; lie. '42, Pres. Washington ; S. S. Ashland, O., '43; Urichsville, '44; ord. '45, Pres. Ripley ; P. New Athens, O., '45-'48; Prof. F. C, '45-'48 ; Ed. Free Presbyterian, '50-58; married, '44, Miss Sarah A. Robertson; died, Washington, Pa., Feb. 28, '58. Free Ch. minister. *MiLLER, Matthew Reed, D. D. — Born, Muskingum Co., Ohio, February 27, 1S23 ; M. C. O., '41 ; Sem., '41-'44 ; lie. '44 ; ord. '46 ; miss, to Jews, Indiana and N. Y., '44-'o0 ; S. S. Zanesville Pres., '52-'63 ; P. Senecaville and Beu- lah, '63-'67 ; miss. Freedmen, '67 ; D. D.; married, '55, Miss Priscilla DuflF died, Norwich, O., March 19, '83. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 39 MooBR, William D. — Born, Harper's Ferry, Va., January 15, 1824 ; \V. U. P., '41 ; Sam., '41-'44 ; lie. April, '45, Pres. Ohio ; ord. June, '45, Pres. Redstone ; P. Long Run, '45-50 ; Greensburg, Pa., '50-54; Prin. Zion Sern., Miss.; Prof. O. C, '55-'58 ; Prof. U. M., '58-'61 ; Prof. Fern. C, Port Gibson, Miss., '61-64; S. S. Long Run, Pa., '64-'66; since '66, atty. at law, Pittsburgh, Pa.; married, June 25, '45, Miss Elizabeth Bishop. Morton, George. — Born, Derry, Ireland, May 25, 1807 ; O. C, '40 ; Sem., '41- '44; lie. Sept., '44, Pres. Ohio; ord. March 11, '46, Pres. Redstone; P. Unity. Pa., '46-'49 ; Ebenezer, '51-54; Asst. Ed., '54; Ebenezer, '55-'59 ; pub. "Di- vine Purpose Explained," '59 ; also, a work on " Psalmody," '50 ; res. Phila- delphia, Pa. MoRTow, Joseph Washington. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa-, January 3, 1821 ; B. Acad.; Sem., '41-'44; lie. April 13, '43, Pres. Beaver; Ref. P. Ch., '44; ord. April, '46, Pres. Pittsburgh Ref. Ch.; P, Little Beaver, W. Greenville, Pa., and Jackson, O.. '46-47 ; miss. Hayti, '47-'49 ; Seventh Day Baptists, '51 ; teacher, '50-62; army, '62 ; teacher, preacher, business man ; married. May 1, '44, Miss Mary Jane Curry. Robinson, William Marshall. — Born, Saltsburg, Pa., July 14, 1814; J. C '41; Sem., '41-'44 ; lie. June 19, '44, Pres. Blairsville; miss, in Ohio, Heb- ron and Brownsville, '44-54 ; ord. Jan. 14, '46, Pres. Zanesville ; P. 1st ch. Newark, O., '55-'62 ; S. S. Wellsburg, Va., '62-'64 ; P. 2d ch., Mercer, Pa.. '64-'72; Providence ch., Allegheny, '72—; married, Nov. 27, '46, Miss Eliza Caughev. 1842—1843. *CoRNYN, John Kinkead. — Born, Carlisle, Pa., August 16, 1815 ; J. C, '42 ; Sem., '42-'45 ; lie. April 3, '45, Pres. Allegheny ; Home miss., '45-'47 ; ord. Aug. 11, '47, Pres. Erie ; P. Fairview, Girard and Harbor Creek, Pa., '47-50 '< S. S. Troy, Pa.; pub. '• Dick Wilson;" married, March 21, '48, Miss Eliza J. Frost ; died, Jamestown, N. Y., Dec. 22, '53. Davis, Henry. — Born, near Washington, Pa., September 17, 1815; J. C. '42 ; Sem., '42-45 ; lie. June, '45, Pres. Stebenville ; miss. Rock Island Co., HI., '46-47 ; business, res. Cadiz, O. *Gallatin, James.— Born, Pennsylvania; J. C, '42; Sem., '42-'44; lie. April, '46, Pres. Ohio; ord. '47, Pres. Iowa; P. Spring Creek, '47-49 ; Eastern Tenn., '49; Franklin, Ind., '50; Round Prairie, Iowa, '51-'53; S. S. Scotch Grove and Cascade, '53-56 ; married. Miss Hudson ; died, Scotch Grove, Iowa, May 1, '56. *Hanna, Samuel— Born, ? ; F. C; Sem., '42-'44 ; lie. '46, Pres. Wooster ; ord, '49, Pres. Coshocton ; P. Keene and Clark, O., '49-' 50; died, Keene, O., Jan. 23, '50. 40 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Harshe, William P.— Born, ?; Wash. C; Sem., '42-'43 ; lie. '42, Pres. Wash- ington ; ord. '46, Pres. Redstone ; P. Fairmount and Stewart's Run, '47-'54 ; Albia and Crawfordsville, Iowa, '54; Benlonsport, '55-57 ; Monticello, Mo., '57 ; Auburn, '58-'60 ; Louisiana, '60— *Hazlett, John W.— Born, Pennsylvania, 1818; J. C, '42; Sem., '42-45 ; lie. '46, Pres. Huntingdon ; ord. '48, Pres. Beaver; P. North Branch, Pa., '48- '52; Bethlehem, '48-54; Concord, '54-'61 ; teacher, '61-'71 ; Long Island, '71 ; Ev. '71-'81 ; P. Knoxville, '81-'82; died, Carrick, Pa., May 21, '82. *Henderson, James S.— Born, Perry Co., Pa., 1813; J. C, '42; Sem., '42-45 lie. '44, Pres. Beaver; ord. '45, same Pres.; P. Slippery Rock, Pa., '45-'50 teacher, '48-'55 ; N. Sewiekley, '48-'55 ; Mendota, 111., '55-'61 ; married Miss Gracella Henderson; died, Mendota, 111., Feb. 18, '61. *Henry, Ebenezer —Born, Harrison Co., Ohio, March 4, 1816 ; F. C, '41 ; Sem., '42-'45 ; lie. Aug. 27, '45, Pres. St. Clairsville, ().; ord. xMareh 10, '47, Pres. Allegheny ; S. S. Bethlehem and Still Fork, O., '46-'47 ; P. Scrubgrass and Ebenezer, Pa., '47-57 ; S. S. Hopewell and Versailles, Ind., '59-'62 ; in- firm ; Butler Co., O., '59-'81 ; married, Sept. 12, '48, Miss S. A. Salisbury ; died, Butler Co., O., June 20, '81. *HuNTER. William.— Born, Letterkenny, Ireland, 1814 ? ; M. U.,'43; Sem., '42- '44 ; lie. June 18, '44, Pres. Ohio ; ord. Nov. 3, '45, Pres. Donegal ; P. Cedar Grove, '45-'49 ; Hopewell, '52-68 ; Hebron, '69-70 ; married. May, '49, Anna E. S. Heard ; died, Oct. 5, '70. *Knight, Moses G.— Born, ? ; C. C; Sem., '42-'45 ; lie. '47, Pres. Muhlenburg; ord. '48, same Pres.; S. S. W. Salem, Ky,, '48-'50 ; Plum Creek, Ky., '58 ; miss, colored people, '60-67 ; Supt. Colp., '68. *McClelland, a. Craig.— Born, New Alexandria, Pa., December 5, 1815; J. C, '39 ; Sem., '42-'45;; lie. '45 ; ord. '47 ; P. Peru, Ind., '47-'58 ; Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, '58-'61 ; 4th eh. Pittsburgh, Pa., '61-'69; Sec. Freedmen's Com., '69- '70; married, '47, Miss Mary MeMillen; died, April 19, '70. Miller, James We.ston, D. D.— Born, Erie Co., Pa., November 25, 1815; J. C, '42 ; Sem., '42-'44; lie. April, '43, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Oct., '44, same Pres.; miss. Texas; P. Houston, Texas, '44-50 ; teacher; Ev. '50-; S. S.; D. D., '69, Hous. C; married, '47, Miss Elizabeth A. McKennen ; also, '52, Miss Elizabeth S. Stewart. *Reece, Patterson.— Born, ? ; K. C; Sem., '42-'44; lie. '46, Pres. Miami ; ord. '47, same Pres.; S. S. and P. Honey Creek, O.; infirm ; died, Jan. 23, '55. Reid, Samuel Irwin.— Born, Elizabethtown, Pa., April 4, 1819; J. C, '42 ; teacher ; Sem., '42-'44 ; lie. Sept., '45, Pre.s. Transylvania; ord. Sept. '46, Pres. Chickasaw ; P. Oxford and Hopewell, Miss., '46-49 ; miss. Miss., '49— 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 41 *Steel, John.— Born, Bellefonte, Pa., Dec. 11, 1812; J. C, '42; Sera., '42-'45 ; lie. April 16, '46, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. April 8, '49, Pres. Lake; S. S. Bloom and Milmon, O.; P. La Porte, Ind., '50-55 ; S. S. Macorab, 111., '55- '56 ; S. Bend, '56-'59 ; Newton, Iowa, '59-'61 ; chap. 13th Regt. Iowa. Vol., '61-'62; died, Sept. 10, '62. *Stevenson, J. Edgar.— Born, ? ; Wash. C; Sem., '42-43 ; died, Florida, June 29, '44. Probably not licensed. *Stevenson, Thomas.— Born, Ireland, 1818; Wash. C, '42; Sem., '42-45 ; lie. June 11, '45, Pres. Ohio ; ord. June 17, '46, same Pres.; P. Montour, Pa., '46 -'54; Spruce Creek, '54-'64 ; chap. 49th Regt. Pa. Vols., '64-'67 ; died, Brownsville, Texas, Feb. 10, '67. *Stewart, Alexander Morrison, D. D. — Born, Beaver Co., Pa., January 22, 1814 ; F. C; Sera., '42-'43 ; lie. Dec. 18, '41, Pres. Pittsburgh, Ref. Presby. Ch.; miss. Phil.; Vermont ; N. Y., '41-'43 ; Ohio, Ky., Tenn., Ala.. Miss., St. Louis and Chicago, '43-'44 ; 1st R. P. ch., Chicago, 111., '45-'55 ; P. 2d R. P. ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '57-'61 ; chap. 13th Regt. Pa. Vols., '61-64 ; chap, hosp., '64 ; Dist. Sec. A. T. Society, '65; P. E. Whiteland and Reesville, Pa., '66- '68 ; Dist. Sec. Home Miss. Pacific Slope, '68-'71 ; P. Gilroy, Cal., '71-'73 ; Chico, '74^'75 ; D. D.; pub. a work on the war ; married, Oct., '47, Miss M.^ E. Hadley ; also, Feb. 25, '64, Miss Josephine A. Malcom; died, Chico, Cal. Feb. 24, '75. Ward, Israel W.— Born, ?; Wash. C, '42 ; Sem., '42-' 45 ; lie. '45, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '46, Pres. Beaver ; P. Hubbard and Brookfield, O., '46-'49 ; 2d ch., Spruce Creek, Pa., '49-'54 ; Birmingham, '49-'58 ; S. S. Lane, 111., '59-'61 , Center, 111., '59-'63 ; Brush Creek, 111., '73-'75 ; H. R., '75-. *Wells, Robert Ransom. — Born, Clinton Co., N. Y., December, 1812; Mid. C„ '35 ; Andover, '41-'42 ; Sera., '42-' 44; lie. June 18, '44, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '45 ; Pres. Lake ; P. South Bend, Ind., '45-46 ; teacher and preaching, Balti- more and California, '46-'70 ; agt. Bd. Pub.; S. S. Ilealdsburg, Cal., '71 ; Ev. '71-'82 ; married, '47, Miss Mary Blanche Brotherton ; died, San Francisco, Cal., Oct., 18, '82. 1S43— 1844. Braddock, Joseph S. — Born, Greene Co., O., June 27, 1817 ; Wash. C, '42 ; Sem., '43-44 ; lie. April, '47, Pres. W. Lexington ; ord. June, '48, Pres. Louisville ; P. Franklin, Ky., '48-'56 ; S. S. Bethel Union, '56-64 ; Prest. Leb. Fem. Sera., '56-64; P. Middle Creek, 111., '64- ; married, '37, Miss Hannah McBride ; also, June, '50, Mrs. Ella Wilson. 42 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1827—1885. Burton, Lewis, D. D.— Born, Erie Co., Pa., July 3, 1815 ; A. C, '37 ; Sem., '43-44; lie. Oct. 1, '37 ; ord. deacon Prot. Ep. Ch., June l/','47 ; Presbyter, May 9, '48 ; M. E. Ch., New Castle, Pa., '37-'38 ; Franklin, '3S-'39; Wheel- ing, Va., '39-' 40 ; Wellsville, O.,'40-'41; New Lisbon. O., '41-43 ; Allegheny, Pa., '43-'45 ; Canton, O., '45-'46 ; Ep. ch., Cleveland, O., St. John's ch., '47-'71 ; St. Mark's ch., '71— ; D. D., K. C; married, July 8, '84, Miss Jane Wallace. Prot. Ep. minister. *Campbe],l, David R., D. D.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., March 20, 1820 ; J. C, '42 ; tea., 1 yr.; Sem. '43-46 ; lie. April '46, Pres. Washington ; miss. in Ohio, '46-47 ; ord. '47, Pres. St. Clairsville ; P. Beallsville, Malaga and Woodsville, O., '47-'50 ; Mt. Prospect, '50-'55; Cross Creek and Two Ridges, '55-'61 ; St. Clairsville, O., '61-'66 ; 2d ch., Steubenville, '66-'71 ; miss., '71-73 ; D. D.; died, Steubenville, O., Feb. 25, '73. *CoNRAD, Louis L.— Born, Prussia, June 24, 1817 ; H. S. C; Sem., '43-'46 ; lie '46, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. '46, same Pres.; P. Brady's Bend and Lawrence- ville, Pa., '46-'50; Murraysville and Cross Roads, '50-52; Manchester, '52-67; married. Miss Mary Lowther ; died, Manchester, Pa., Nov. 11, '67. Donaldson, Wilson McPherrin. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 23, 1813 ; J. C, '42 ; Sem., '43-' 45 ; lie. June 8, '45, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. April '46, Pres. Ft. Wayne; S. S. Bluffton, N. Lancaster and Pleasant Ridge, Ind., former two, '46-58, latter '46-76 ; Fairfield and Union, Pa.,'76— ; married, Jan. 10, '56, Miss Elizabeth M. Egbert. *Elliott, R. Sample.— Born, Butler Co., Pa.; J. C, '43 ; Sem., '43-'45 ; died, Beaver Co., Pa., June 21, '45, before licensure. EwiNG. William, Ph. D.— Born, Washington, Pa., October 16, 1823; Wash. C; Sem., '43-'46 ; lie. April '50, Pres. Washington ; ord. Jan. 14, '52, Pres. Pitts- burgh; P. Chartiers, Pa., '52-'70 ; S. S. Prosperity and Mt. Pleasant; Mill- er's Run, '79-; prin. Jefi. acad., '71-'84 ; Ph. D.; married, April 14, '53. Miss Isabella M. Quail. *FuLT0N, William R.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., March 1, 1818; F. C, '43 ; Sem., '43-45 ; lie. April, '45, Pres. Washington; ord. '52, same Pres.; P. Deerfield and Bristol, 0.,'45-?; S. S. Independence, Mo., '52; Oregon,'52-'60 ; Greenfield, '60-79; Ash Grove and Pleasant Valley, '79-81 ; married, '49, Miss Mary A. Wilson ; died, Jan. 10, 1881. *Holmes, George B. — Born, ? ; P. C; Sem., '43 ; minister of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. Kerr, Aaron Hervey. -Born, Washington Co., Pa., April 1, 1819 ; J. C, '43 ; Sem., '43-'46 ; lie. April, '46, Pres. Ohio; ord. April, '47, Pres. Lake; S. S. South Bend, Ind., '47 ; La Grange, '47-51 ; Dubuque, Iowa. '51-56 ; St; Peter, Minn., '56-78; Chap. 9th Minn. Vols., '62-65; stew, in hosp. Roches- ter, Minn., '78— ; married, Oct. 13, '47, Miss Elizabeth Craig. 1827-1885.] GENEEAL CATALOGUE. 43 Maclay, Charles B., M. D.— Born, Shippensburg, Pa., April 23. 1824 ; U. C; Setn. '43-44 ; lie, '46, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. '48 ? same Pres.; P. Mouths Juni- ata, Pa., '48; S. S. Gallipolis and Milford, 0.,'51-'52; W. C, '60-; married, Sept. 2, '46, Miss Louisa Irwin ; res. Delavan, 111. *McFart.and, John. — Born, near Pittsburgh, Pa., April 29, 1816 ; Wash. C, '44; Sem. '43-46; lie. '46, Pres. Blairsville; ord. '49, Pres. Upper Missouri; miss., Mo., '49-'72 ; died, Greenfield, Mo., July 21, 1872. McPherson, Robert.— Born, Carlisle, Pa., 1819; J. C; Sem., '43-'46 ; lie. '44, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. June '46, Pres. Ohio ; P. Fairmount, Pa., '46-50 ; Tem- peranceville, '50-'51 ; Mt. Pisgah, '50-'69 ; Mansfield, '51-'69 ; Center and Landisburg, '69-'82 ; S. S. Mt. Carmel and North Branch, '82-'84 ; P. E., Fairmount, '84; Ev.; chap. 139th Eegt. Pa. Vols.; married, Sept. 29, '46, Miss Lillie Beatty. Miller, Obadiah Haymaker. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 22, 1822 ; Wash. C, '43; Sem., '43-46 ; lie. March 11, '46, Pres. Blairsville; ord. June 27, '47 , same Pres.; S. S. and P. Fairfield, Pa., '46-'48 ; Lebanon, '48-'58 ; S. S. Wapello and Oakland, Iowa, '58-60 ; P. Centerville and Armagh, Pa., '60-'63; West Newton, '63-'68 ; chap. 12th Kegt. Pa. Vols.; U.S. C.C; S. C; State lib., 6 yrs.; Chap. Allegheny Co. Work House, '80— ; married, June 23, '46, Miss Julia A. K. Wilson. Moore, John, D. D.— Born, Fairview, W. V^a., Oct. 16, 18,22 ; Wash. C, '43 ; Sem., '43-'46 ; lie April, '45, Pres. Washington ; ord. June, '47, Pres. Alle- gheny ; P. Harrisville, Clintonville and Pleasant Valley, Pa., '47-51 ; Cherry Tree, '51-'56 ; Williamsburg, '56-'63 ; tea., '63-'75 ; P. Galesville, Wis., '76-79; Prof. Galesville U., '76-79 ; Ripon, '79-'81 ; infirm; D. D. Gales. U., '80 ; married, April, '47, Miss Ann E. White ; also, Aug. '79, Miss Abby W. Johnson. *Moore, Franklin, D. D.— Born, Beaver, Pa., February 14, 1822 ; Wash. C, '42 ; Sem., '43-45 ; lie. '45, M. E. Ch. Conf.; ord. '46, ? same body; S. S. Char- tiers, Pa., '45; Steubenville, O., '46 ; New Lisbon, '47-'49; Uniontown, Pa., '49-'51; Washington, Pa., '51-'53 ; Uniontown, P. E,, '53-'56 ; Wheeling, W. Va., '56 ; Philadelphia, Pa., '64-'67 ; Harrisburg, Pottsville, California ; D. D., A. C; married, '64, Miss Rebecca B. Wickersham ; died, California, Jan. 22, '70. M. E. minister. *Pkice, M. Branch.— Born, ? ; C. C; Sem., '43-44 ; lie. '46, Pres. West Lexing- ton ; ord. '50, same Pres.; P. Clear Creek, Ky., '50-'51 ; infirm, '52-57 : died, Nicholasville, Ky., Feb. 7, '57. *Robinson, Nelson Cephas. — Born, Bennington, Vt., January 10, 1818 ; Sem., '43-44 ; lie. June 5, '45, Pres. Cincinnati ; ord. '46, Pres. Sciota; Home miss. Wheelersburg, Jackson and Franklin Furnace, O., '46-49 ; S. S. South Wales and Holland, N. Y., '49-'52 ; Pres. miss. Iowa, '53-'54; P. Vinton, '54 -'71 ; S. M. W. Iowa and Neb., '72-76; married, Nov. 16, '46, Miss Mary Kiddoo ; died. May 14, '76. 44 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. EocKWELL, Abner Otis.— Born, Cambridge, Pa., May 10, 1819 ; J. C, '43 ; teacher, Sem., '43-'45 ; lie. Sept. 6, '45 ; ord. Jan. 15, '48, Pres. N. Lisbon ; S. S. Middlesex and Sharon, '45-' 47 ; P. Hubbard and Coitsville, O., '47-'52 ; Bethlehem and North Beaver, '52-55 ; Miugo and Lebanon, '55-73 ; Frank- fort, '73-'79; Home miss. U. P. Ch., '79-; married, Jan. 15, '46, Miss Sarah Ives. KowE, John.— Born, Emlen, Maine, April 25, 1814 ; J. C, '43 ; Sem., '43-'45 ; lie. April, '46, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Oct., '47, Pres. Hocking; S. S. Bur- lington, O., and vicinity, '47-'55; S. S. Oliversburg, Gallipolis and other points, '55-'61 ; various churches near Springfield, O., '64-'67 ; teacher, '67- '82; infirm ; married, April 18, '48, Miss Lydia Augusta Greene. Skinner, Enoch W.— Born, ? ; M. C; Sem., '43-' 44 ; never licensed. Speer, William, D. D.— Born, Alexandria, Pa., April 24, 1822; K. C, '43 ; Sem., '43-'46; lie. April 21, '46, Pres. Ohio; ord. June 16, '46, same Pres.; For. miss. China ; China and California, '46-'58 ; Home miss. Wis. and Minn., '58-'65; Cor. Sec. Bd. Edu., '65-'76; China and Japan, '76-'77 ; Ev. '77- j D. D., C. C. K.; pub. " China and the United States," "Hist. Kev. 1800," "God's Rule for Church Giving;" married, May 7, '46, Miss Cornelia Brackenridge ; also, Miss Eliza B. Ewing. Swift, Elliott Elisha, D. D.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., September 8, 1824; J. C!,'43; Sem.,'43-'46 ; lie. June 16,'46, Pres. Ohio; ord. June 6,'48, Pres. Miami ; P. Xenia, O., '48-'50 ; 2d ch., Allegheny, '50-'54; 1st ch., New Castle, '54- '61 ; 1st ch., Allegheny, '61- ; D. D., W. & J. C, '70 ; pub. Miss. History in Cen. Mem.; married, June 5, '49, Miss Mary A. Huston; also, Aug. 12, '57^ Miss Francis L. Damon. *Templeton, Milo.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., March 28, 1819 ; Wash. C,. '43;Sem., '43-'46; lie. '46, Pres. Washington; ord. '46, Pres. Sidney; P. Troy, O., '46-'51; St. Mary's, etc., '51-'55; Marseilles, '55-'63 ; married. Miss Agnes Rentoul ; died, Marseilles, O., March 25, '63. 1844- 1845. Babcock, Orville.— Born, ? ; A. C; Sem., '44; Princeton, '45 ; Supt. asylum; res. New Jersey. *Black, Thomas.— Born, Dillsburg, Pa., December 1, 1815; J. C, '44; Sem.,'44 '47; lie. April, '46, Pres. Biairsville; S. S. Leechburg, Pa., '46-'47; died, Leechburg, Pa.. May 23, '47. •*Caldwell, John Patrick.— Born, near St. Clairsville, Ohio, 1819 ; F. C; Sem., '44; lie. June 16, '48, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. '49, Pres. Zanesville ; P. Salt Creek and Blue Rock, O., '49-'53; Olive and Bristol, '53-'57 ; Fred- rickton, '57-60; Cross Roads, Pa., '60-'65; Beech Spring, '65-'66 ; Barnes- ville, O., '65-'69 ; Crab Apple, '69-'72 ; died, Uniontown, O. Jan. 31, '72. 1827-1885.] GENEE A L CATALOGUE. 45 *Cheek, Samuel Best. — Born, Columbia, Ky., May oO, 1824; C C, '43; Setn., '44-45; Princeton, '46-47; ord. Oct. 8, '50, Pres Transylvania; P. Colnin- bia, SJiiloh and Edmonton, Ky., '50-'5I ; S. S. Mt. Pleasant, '63-64; teacher deaf and dumb a.sylum, Danville, '52-69; died, Danville, Ky., May 10, '69. *Edgar, William.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1807?; J. C, '43; Sem.,'45- '48 ; lie. April 14, '47, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Feb. 5, '51, same Pres.; P. Murraysville, '54-63; Harrison City ; Home miss, many yrs., Topeka, Kas.; Ev.; died, Topeka, Kas., Aug. 12, '82. *Hall, Samuel B.— Born, ? ; Y. C; Sem., '44-'45; lie. '48, Pres. Nashville; ord. '49, Pres. Louisiana; P. Madisonville, La., '49-50; S. S. Pine Grove, '50; Covington, '51-54; Reform, Ky., '56; Natchez, Miss., '57 ; Rodney, '58-'61 ; O. C, '61 ; died, '67. *Hawes, Lowman.— Born, Maysville, Ky., Oct. 5, 1825; C. C, '44; Sem., '44-'46; lie. '46, Pres. Allegheny; ord. '48, same Pres.; P. Concord, Pa., '48-'50 ; Huntingdon, '50 ; Waukesha, Wis.; Beloit ; Bloomington, Ind.; Madison, '57-61 ; married, Jan. 14, '47, Miss Mary Jane McGahan; died, Feb. 11, '61. Hart, Joshua — Cumberland Presbyterian minister; probably deceased. Cannot be traced. Jacob, Prosper Hubbard. — Born, Berkshire Co., Mass., October 30, 1808 ; F. C, '43; tea., '43-'44; Sem., '44-'46; lie, April 16, '46, Pres. Beaver; ord. Oct., '46, Pres. Redstone ; P. McKeesport, Pa., '46-'51 ; Coshocton, O., '51-'55; Knoxville, Iowa, '55-73 ; Dallas Center, '73-74; Health failed; H. R. ; res. Knoxville, Iowa. Kennedy, John B.— Born, Columbiana Co., O-, July 22, 1822; W. U. P.; Sem,, '44-45 ; journalist, '45-85 ; res. Allegheny, Pa. *Kean, John Freeman. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., August 4, 1817 ; J. C, '44 ; Sem., '44-'46 ; lie. April, '46, Pres. Blairsville ; P. E., Fairview and Girard, Pa., '46 ; married, '46, Miss Dorcas Estep ; died, Westmoreland Co., Dec. 26, '46. Leason, Thomas Sharp. — Born, Butler Co., Pa., April 29, 1817 ; Wash. C, '44 ; Sem., '44-'47 ; lie. June, '46, Pres. Butler ; ord. June, '48, Pres. Zanesville ; P. Marietta, O., '48-'49 ; Leechburg and Pine Run, Pa., '51-'59 ; Mt. Tabor and outposts, '60— ; married, Mrs. M. M. Stewart. McElwain, Andrew, D. D. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., August 1, 1817 ; Wash. C. '44 ; Sem., '44-'47 ; lie. April, '47, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. '48, same Pres.; H. M., Ebensburg and Summitville, Pa., '47-52 ; P. Indiana, '52-72 ; Hes- tonville, Philadelphia, '72-'S0; agt. Pres. Hist. Soc.; D. D., '84, Par. C; mar- ried, June 22, '48, Miss Mary Haymaker. Ogden, Ephraim. — Born, near Cedarville, N. Y., June 9, 1818 ; J. C, '44 ; Sem., '44-'47 ; lie. April, '47, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Nov. 14, '48, Pres. Allegheny . P. Westminster, Pa., '48-58 ; Middlesex, '48— ; S. S. Summit, '72- 46 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Patterson, James L. — Wash. C, '44 ; Sem. '44-45 ; health failed ; res. Bur- gettstown, Pa. Reed, David Cook. — Born, Calcutta, O., June 24, 1821 ; Wash. C-, '44; Sem., '44-47 ; lie. April, '47, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. Oct. 6, '47, Pres. Beaver ; P. Freedom and Concord, Pa., '47-49 ; W. Middlesex, '49-67 ; Unity, '49-82 •, P. Em., Unity, '82-; H. R.; married, Oct. 20, '47, Miss Isabella A. McDer- mott ; also, April 10, '60, Mrs. M. A. Craig ; res. New Castle, Pa. Shaiffer, George Washington. — Born, Beaver Co., Pa., May 16, 1818 ; J. C, '44 ; Sem., '44-' 47 ; lie. April 22, '47, Pres. Washington ; ord. June 20, '48 ; P. Hopewell, Pa., '47-52 ; Fairmount, '52-55 ; Shinleysburg, '55-65 ; Saxon Lick Run, '65-66 ; tea., 1 yr.; Armagh and Centerville, '67-73; Hookstown, '73-'74 ; North Branch, '74-79 ; Pine Creek, '81-'82 ; Hoboken, '83- ; mar- ried, May 1, '49 ; Miss Mary Linn Stewart. Stewart, William Bell, D. D. — Born, Venaugo Co., Pa., October 10, 1818 > Wash, C, '44 ; Sem., '44-'46 ; Princeton, '48-49 ; lie April, '49, Pres. New Brunswick ; ord. July 28, '50, Pres. Baltimore ; P. Govane chap., Md., '50-52 ; Prest. Sem., '52-'55 ; S. S. Chestnut Grove and Bethel, '52-'53 ? ; Pottstown, Pa., '60-'64 ; Sec. Am. and For. Ch. Un., '64-'70 ; S. S. Cong, ch., Spencer- port, N. Y., '70-'73 ; Port Henry, '73-'76 ; Fort Edward, '76-78 ; S. S. 2d Cong, ch., Coventry, '79 ; married, Oct., '47, Miss Catharine Mitchell ; res. Philadelphia, Pa., '85. 1845—1846. Allison, James, D. D. — Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., September 27, 1823 ; J. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-48 ; lie. '48, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. '49, same Pres.; P. Sewickley, Pa., '48-'64 ; ed. Fres. Banner, '64- ; D. D., J. C; Trustee W. & J. C; Di- rec. W. T. Sem.; married, Aug 20, '51, Miss Mary Anderson ; also, Nov. 6, '56, Miss Caroline Snowden. *Barr, John. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., April 11,1823; J. C, '43; Sem., '45-' 47 ; lie. Sept. 6, '48, Pres. Washington ; S. S. Carlisle, Ind., '49-'51 ; died, July 9, '51. Bingham, William Randolph, D. D. — Born, near Gettysburg, Pa.; J. C, '43 ; tea., '43-' 44 ; Sem., '45-'47 ; he. April 19, '47, Pres. Donegal ; ord. Feb. 28, '48, Pres. Philadelphia ; P. Great Valley, Pa., '48-'59 ; Oxford, '60-'62 ; in- firm, '62-70 ; Lee. Lin. U., '68-70 ; S. S. Fagg's Manor and Brandy wine Manor, '72-'73 ; Avondale, '73- ; D. D., New Windsor C Breck, Robert L, D. D— Born, Kentucky ; C. C. K., '45 ; Sem., '45-46 ; Prince- ton, '46-'47 ; ord. '49 ; P. Versailles, Ky., '49-'50 ; agt. Frankfort, '50-'51 ; S. S. and P. Macon, Ga., '51-'58 ; P. New Albany, Ind., '58-'60 ; Richmond, Ky., '60-'61; S. S. Maysville, '61-'64; Richmond, '65-'66 ; Richmond and Silver Creek, '65-'74 ; Chau. Cent. W. Richmond, '76-'80 ; D. D.; res. San Luis Obispo, Cal. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 47 Davis, John.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., August 11, 1821 ; Wash. C, '45; Sem., '45- '48; Princeton, 1 yr.; lie. '48, Pres. Beaver; ord. '51, Pres. Ohio; P. Con- cord, Pa., '51-52; teacher since '52; married, Sept. 8, '53, Miss Emeline Hays ; res. Allegheny, Pa. DiNSMORE, John Martin. — Born, Greene Co., Pa., May 25, 1821 ; Sem., '45-47 ; lie. April '48, Pres. Washington ; ord. '50, Pres. Steubenville ; S. S. Big Spring and New Cumberland, O., '51 ; P. Utica, '52-55 ; Mt. Pleasant, '55- '58 ; Bladensburg, '55-'61 ; W. C, '61-. *Elliott, John Woods. — Born, Callensburg, Pa., March 23, 1821 ; J. C, '44 ; lawyer, '45 ; Sem., '45-46 ; lie. April, '47; Pres. Clarion ; ord. '47 ; P. Lewis- town, Pa., '47-52 ; Newark, Del., '52-54 ; Tionesta, Pa.; Cowdersport ; Rog- ersville, Tenn., '58-'62 ; Cowdersport, Pa.. '62-'64; Rogersville, Tenn., '64- '67; chap. U. S. A., '67-'68; married, '47, Miss Kate McClelland; died, Washington City, D. C, March 11, '68. *FuLLERTON, James Stewart. — Born, Chillicothe, Ohio, July 4, 1819 ; O. U.; Sem., '45-46 ; lie. '45, Pres. Chilicothe ; ord. '46, Pres. Iowa ; P. West Point and Center, Iowa, '46-49 ; S. S. Marion, '49-55 ; Linn Grove, '49-55 ; P. Penn Grove, '57-58 ; Linn Grove and Linden, '58-59 ; infirm, '59-74 ; married, Sept, 1, '48, Miss Elvira Hobert ; died, Linn Grove, Iowa, May 13, '74. Green, William Lewis. — Born, '■Danville, Ky., November 3, 1825; C. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-46 ; lie. '46, Pres. Louisville ; ord. '56, Pres. Dane ; P. Madison, Wis., '56-65 ; Chenoa, HI.; Bloomington ; Leavenworth, Kas.; Washington, 111.; Peoria ; Poynette, Wis.; married, Aug. 26, '46, Miss Susan M. Weir. *Herron, Robert, D. D. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., April 10, 1817 ; Wash. C; M. C. O., '45 ; Sem., '45-' 47 ; lie., Oct. 4, '47, Pres. Washington ; ord. Dec. 13, '48, Pres. Steubenville ; P. Ridge, '48-'63 ; S. S. Center Unity, '48- '63; miss. '63-84; married, '48, Miss Mary E. MeMurray ; also, '54, Miss Jane Heely ; died; June 17, '84. Hughes, James Rowland. — Born, near Darlington, Pa., March 17, 1819 ; Wash. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-'48 ; lie. Oct. 16, '47, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. June 26, '49, same Pres.; agt. Bd. Colp., '48-' 49 ; P. Rehoboth, Pa., '49-'64 ; Prin. Fem. Sera., '65-67 ; Dayton, O., Memorial eh., '70- ; married. Miss Caro- line Stewart. *Johnston, Robert. — Born, Beaver Co., Pa., August 2, 1813 ; Wash. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-48 ; lie. Oct., '47, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Nov. 17, '48, same Pres.; P. Corinth, O., '48-'49 ; Gettysburg, Pa,, '50-'55; 1st ch., Peoria, III, 55-'64; married, April, 11, '48, Miss Jane G. Waters ; died, Peoria, 111., Aug. 19, '64. *JoHNSTON, Mekvin E. — Bom, Columbiana Co., Ohio, August 17, 1822 ; Wash. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-'48 ; lie. Oct., '47, Pres. Steubenville ; S. S. Bethel and Madison, O., '47-' 48 ; ord. Aug., '49, Pres. Carlisle ; P. 2d eh., Carlisle, Pa., '49-54 ; married, July 7, '48, Miss Julia Waters; died, Carlisle, Pa., July 31, '54. 48 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. Johnston, Thomas Powell.— Born, Wooster, Ohio, March 15, 1819 ; J. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-48 ; lie. June 22, '47, Pres. Beaver ; ord. Oct., '48, same Pres.; P. Clarksville, Pa., '48-'58 ; Lima, O., '58-'64 ; S. S. Central Lima, '64-'70 ; S. 5. Concord, '71— ; S. S. Eastern Ohio, '73 ; miss, work, '73— ; married, Jnly 6, '48, Miss Mary Anne Haskel ; res. Lima, O. Kean, William Freeman. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., September 9, 1815; J. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-'48 ; lie. Jan., '48, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. Oct., '49, Pres. Allegheny ; P. Freeport, Pa., '49-'68 ; Slate Lick, '49-'64 ; Dom. miss. Columbus City and Onomva, Iowa, '69-'70; Egypt, Holy Land and Turkey, '71 ; P. Braddocks, Pa.,'73-'82- ; Ev. '82; married, Sept. 17,'50, Miss Helen Maclean ; res. Smiekleyville, Pa. Lane, John Jay. — Born, Lower Chanceford, Pa., March 21, 1818 ; J. C, '44 ; Sem., '45-'48 ; lie. Jan. 3, '48, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. Oct., '49, same Pres.; P. Fairyiew and Stillwater, O., '49-53 ; Wrightsville, Pa., '53-68 ; New Harmony, '53-57 ; Donegal, '57-68 ; Rockhill, O., '68-79 ; New Har- mony, Pa., '82- Marquis, John. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., March 5, 1809 ; Wash. C; Sem., '45-'46 ; lie. April 23, '46, Pres. Washington ; ord. '48, Pres. Miami ; P. Washington, O., '48-53 ; S. S. Eaton and Camden, '53-55 ; miss. Henry, 111., and vicinity, '55-' 57 ; P. Union Grove, '58-64 ; infirm, '64-'70 ; miss. Cal., several yrs.; H. R.; married, Nov. 26, '74, Miss Sarah J Stewart ; res. Westminster, Cal. *Marquis, James E. — Born, Cross Creek, Pa., November 20, 1815 ; J. C, '44 ; Sem., '44-47 ; lie. '44, Pres. Washington; ord. '48, Pres. Sidney; Kenton, Mansfield, Shelby and Ontario, '44-'54 ; Home miss. Illinois, '58-59 ; Salem, Brunswick and Elmwood, '59-63 ; married, '48, Mrs. Mary DuBois ; died, Feb. 22, '63. *Mason, William Cowper.— Born, Washington Co., 1819 ; Wash. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-48; lie. April 14, '49, Pres. Washington; ord. June 3, '52, Pres. Cedar Rapids; S. S. Nashville, O.; S.; Davenport, Iowa; P. St. Clair, Iowa, '52-62; Albany, '62-'66; Fulton City, '66-'70 ; Farmington, 111., '70-'76 ; army chap., '63 ; agt. Tract Soc.; married, Sept. 4, '49, Miss Mary Osborn ; died, Galesburg, 111., Dec. 13, '71. *MoRTON, Robert Slemmons. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., September 29, 1816; J. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-48 ; lie. June, '47, Pres. Beaver ; ord. June, '48 ; P. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '48-'51 ; Mercer, '51-52 ; Ebensburg and Summit, '52-55 ; Mill Creek and Hookstown, '55-'65 ; Slippery Rock and Newport, '65-'69 ; East Buffalo, '69-70 ; P. E. Chartiers, '72 ; East Palestine, O., '73; Peters- burg, '74 ; Little Beaver, Pa., '75-'81 ; Hookstown, '82-'85 ; married, Oct. 11, '48, Miss Mary J. Miller; also, April 29,'52, Miss Harriet Alexander ; died, Hookstown, Pa., Jan. 12, '85. 1827-1885.] GENEEAL CATALOGUE. 49 *MoTZER, Daniel.— Born, Perry Co., Pa., August 16, 1817; J. C.,''45; Sem., '45-' 48 ; lie. April 12, '48, Pres. Carlisle; ord. May 22, '39, Pres. West Jer- sey ; P. Cold Spring and Cape Island, N. J., '49-'50 ; Madison and Adams Hill, O., '50-52 ; teacher, Fauquier, Va.; P. Neelsville and Darnstown, Md.; married, Aug., '53, Miss Elizabeth B. Williamson ; also, Oct. 14, '56, Miss Fannie S. Washington ; died, Nov. 1, '64. Pawling, William H.— Born, Kentucky ; C. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-'46 ; Princeton, '47-'48 ; ord. '51, Pres. Transylvania ; P. Pisgah, Ky., '51-'52 ; S. S. Colum- bia, '52-53 ; Independence, Mo., '53-55 ; Savannah, '55-56 ; Independence, '56-'57 ; Harrisonville, '60-65 ; Danville, Ky., '57-'65. Smith, Benjamin. — Born, ? ; Sem., '45-46. Independent Baptist. *Smith, James E.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1816 ; 111. C; Sem., '45-'48 ; lie. '48, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '49, same Pres.; P. Hilands, '49-54 ; married, Miss Priscilla Crane; died, on Ohio river, June 17, '55. Thompson, Josiah.— Born, near Canonsburg, Pa., August 24, 1820 ; J. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-47 ; infirm ; labor ; lie Oct. 21, '56, Ass. Pres. Chartiers ; ord. Jan. 14, '58, same Pres.; P. Clinton, Pa., '57-66; Centerview, Mo., '67-76; Four Mile, Pa., '75-'78 ; S. S. Mulberry, '78-'79 ; Ent. Pres. Ch., '80; S. S. Sharon and Freeman, Mo., '81-82; Eaymore and Greenwood, '82-84 ; Olive Branch and Austin, '84— ; married, Oct. 14, '47, Miss E. G. George ; res. Center- view, Mo. *VanBuskirk, Elijah.— Born, Ohio, 1816 ; J. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-' 47 ; lie. Oct. 4, '47 ; died, Ohio, Oct. 27, '48. Van Eman, George.— Born, Washington Co., Pa.; J. C, '45 ; Sem., '45-47 ; lie. '47, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. '48, Pres. Greenbrier ; P. Spring Creek, Ky., '48-'50 ; S. S. Crittenden and Williamsburg, '51 ; Bethel, '52 ; South Fork and Lick Creek, Mo., '6-3-'66; Memphis, '66-'67 ; P. Summit, Iowa, '68-'75 ; 5. S. Sharon, '75-'78 ; Wells' Point, Texas, '78-'79 ; Valley Creek, '80-'81 ; Whitemound, Bethlehem and Shiloh, '82-83 ; Springtown, Bridgeport and Bethlehem, '83-. Wells, James.— Born, ? ; J. C; Sem., '45-46 ; P. Allansville, Ind,, '49 ; Home miss. Maine, '51-54. Congregational minister. Wilson, Joseph Euggles, D. D. — Born, Steubenville, Ohio, Feb. 22, 1825 ; J. C, '44; Sem., '45; Princeton, '46-'48 ; lie. '48, Pres. Steubenville; ord. June 20, '49, Pres. Ohio ; P. Chartiers, Pa.,'49-'51 ; Prof. H. S. C, '51-'55 ; S. S. Walkers, Va.; P. Staunton, Va., '55-'57 ; Augusta, Ga., '57-'70 ; Prof. Colum. Theo. Sem., '70-'74 ; P. Wilmington, N. C, '74-'85 ; Prof. Theo. Sem., '85—; D. D.; Mod. Gen. Ass., '79; Stated Clerk Gen. Ass.; married, June 7, '49, Miss Jessie E. Woodrow. 50 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. 1846—1847. Callen, James Hervey, D. D. — Born, Raphoe, Ireland, August 1, 1824 ; L. C, '-46; Sem., '46-'48 ; lie. April 19, '48, Pres. Washington ; ord. Oct. 5, '48, Pres. Erie ; P. Greenville.. Pa., '48-'52 ; Uniontown, Pa., '52-'55 ; S. S. Tamaqua, '56-'59 ; Morrisville, Pa., '60-'62; Kingston, N. J., '62-'64; City miss., Brooklyn, N. Y., '64—; married, July 24, '48, Miss Amanda J. Hutchinson. '^Campbell, David Elliott. — Born, Mercersburg, Pa., June 7, 1825; Mar. C, '46; Sem., '46-'50; lie. June 21, '48, Pres. Allegheny; ord. June 5, '50; For. miss. India, '50-57 ; married, June 29, '50, Miss Maria Irvine Bigham ; per- ished with his wife and two children at the massacre of Cawnpore ; shot, June 13, '57. *DiNSMORE, Egbert Scott. — Born, Greene Co., Pa., November 14, 1815 ; W A. A.; Sem., '46-' 49 ; lie. '49, Pres. Washington; ord. Oct. 2, '50, Pres. Iowa; S. S. Walnut Creek, O., '50; P. Washington and Brighton, Iowa, '50 -'53 ; married. May 1, '37, Miss Margaret Loughridge ; also, '49, Miss Sarah Whitham ; died, Washington, Iowa, Aug. 27, '53. DooL, William Speers. — Born, County Antrim, Ireland, May 31, 1814; Mad. C; Sem., '46 ; lie. Oct., '47, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. Oct., '48, same Pres.; miss, work ; P. Beech Spring, O., '50-'62 ; S. S. Center ; P. Millersburg, 111., '66-'76 ; John Knox, •72-83 ; Ev. '83- ; married, Oct. 27, '46, Miss Annie Campbell ; res. Aledo, 111. Eaton, Samuel John Mills, D, D. — Born, Erie Co., Pa., April 15, 1820 ; J. C, '45; teacher 1 yr.; Sera., '46-' 48 ; lie. March 16, '48, Pres. Erie; ord. Feb. 7, '49 ; S. S. and P. Franklin, Pa., '48-'82 ; Mt. Pleasant, '48-'55 ; Holy Land, '71 ; Direc. W. T. Sem.; Trustee W. & J. C; D. D., W. & J. C, '68 ; Stated Clerk Pres. and Synod ; pub. "Petroleum," "History Pres. Erie," " Lakeside," " Memorial of Dr. Dickson," portion of " Centennial Mem." Jerusalem the Holy City," " Palestine ;" married, Nov. 5, '50, Miss Clara T. Howe ; res. Franklin, Pa. Elliott, George. — Born, Wellsville, Ohio, October 15, 1825; Duq. C; Sem., ^ '46-'48 ; Princeton, '48-'49 ; lie, April, '48 ; ord. June 27, '49, Pres. Hunting- don ; P. Alexandria, Pa., '49-'58 ; P. E. Kishacoquillas, '58-'68 ; El Paso, 111., '68-'69; P. 2dch., Freeport, '69-'72; McEwensville, Pa., '72-'79 ; Wat- sontown and Warrior Run, '75-79 ; McConnellsburg, Green Hill and Wells Valley, '80-'84; Orbisonia, Robertsdale and S. S. Wells Valley, '84-. Fulton, James Power. — Born, West Newton, October, 1824 ; Wash. C, Pa., '46 ; Sem., '46-'49 ; lie. April, '49, Pres. Ohio ; ord. Oct.,'50, Pres. Washing- ton ; P. Burgett.stown, Pa., '50-57 ; Salem, '57-66 ; Pulaski and Hopewell, '66-'69; McClellandtown and Dunlap's Creek, 'S9-'78 ; S. S. Laurel Hill, '78-79 ; Home miss. Harper and Stations, '79-85 ; married. May, '50, Miss Francis C. Shouse. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 61 Hamilton, William Ferguson, D. D.— Born, Monongahela City, Pa., March 24, 1824; Wash. C, '44 ; Sem., '46-'49 ; lie. April, '49, Pres. Ohio; ord. '50, samePres.; P. Center, Pa., '50-'52 ; Uniontown, '52-'62 ; Salem and Liver- more, '62-'7o ; S. S. Mt. Pleasant, '76-; D. D., W. & J. C; Trustee W. & J. C; married, '58, Miss L. L. Beeson. Irwin, David Cramer.— Born, Wheeling, W. Va., May 2, 1825; F. C, '46- Sem., '46-' 48; lie. April, '47; ord. Sept., '48; S. S. Powhattan, Pipe Creek and Wegee, O., '48-'51 ; Augusta and Sharon. Ky., '51-'53; Louisiana, Mo., '53-'57 ; Harrisonburg, Va., '57-'67 ; Portsmouth, '67-'73 ; Timber Ridge and Bethesda, '73-'81 ; Lexington, '81-'83; Ben Salem, '84; married, May 7, '48, Miss Martha L. Pryor. Johnson, Silas.— Born, Greene Co., Pa., December 31, 1821; Martinsburg Acad.; Sem., '46-'49 ; lie June 22, '48, Pres. Richland; ord. Oct. 2, '49, Pres. Marion; P. Mt. Gilead, O., '49-'52; Bueyrus, '52-'57 ; Worthington' '57-'61 ; Oskaloosa, Iowa, '62-'67 ; Indianola, '67-'79 ; Leon, '79-'84 ; H. R.; married, Feb., '49, Miss Harriet L. Doolittle ; res. Leon, Iowa. King, Obadiah Jenkings.- Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., November 25, 1822 ; Wash. C, '43; teacher; Sem., '46-'49 ; lie. Feb., '49, Pres. Saltsburg; ord! '49 ; S. S. Muddy Run, O., Florence, Pa., '50 ; Ft. Madison and Charleston, Iowa, '50-'52 ; Sharon; act. Prof. Des Moines C; Oquawka, 111., '54-'55; Freemont, teaching ; also, Birmingham and Fairfield ; S. S. Chequest and Fairfield, '67 ; Sharon, '68-'69; Prospect, '69-'70 ; Chequest, Lebanon and Home Prairie, '70-'73 ; Home miss. Moulton, '74-'75; Florence, '75-'76 • Marion, Kas., and other points, '76- ; married, Oct. 29, '51, Miss Caroline e! Bell ; res. Marion, Kas. *Moffatt, John.- Born, Westerhall, Scotland, January 1, 1816; Sem., '46; lie. June, '47, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. June, '48, same Pres.; P. St. Clairsv'ille O., '48-'61 ; Bellaire, O., '61-'63 ; 2d eh , Wheeling, Va., '63-'75 ; married^ Aug, 6, '40, Miss Mary A. McNeelan ; also, Nov. 3, '59, Mrs. Eleanor K.' Carroll; died, Wheeling, W. Va., Dec. 27, '75. *Neel, John J.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., February 4, 1819 ; Wash. C. '46 ; Sem. '46-'49; lie. April, '49, Pres. Redstone; S. S. Ligonie'r, Pa.- died* Feb. 1(1, '52. Newell, Huey.— Born, Center Co., Pa., March 24, 1811 ; J. C, '45 ; Sem., '46 ; lie. April 5, '48, Pres. Clarion ; ord. April, '49, same Pres.; S. S. Greenwood^ Tylersburg and Tionesta, Pa., '49-'53 ; in Iowa, '43-'57 ; Tidioute and Con- cord, Pa., '53-'56; Waterloo, '59 ; teacher; H. R.; married, Miss Louisa Jane Hovey ; res. Franklin, Pa. Parkinson, Michael Angelo.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., July 30, 1821; J. C, '46; Sem., '46-'49 ; lie. April 18, '49, Pres. Ohio ; ord. Sept. 11,' '50, Pres' Erie ; P. Concord and Tidioute, Pa., '50-'53 ; Island Creek, '53-'65 ;' S. s! Wellsburg, W Va., '6o; P. Blcomfield and Center Unity, O., '66-'71; Car- rollton, '71-'75; New Harrisburg, '71-'75 ; Industry, Pa., '75-'80 ; Island. Creek, '80- ; married, Sept. 4, '49, Miss Catharine C. McClelland. 52 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1SS5. POMEROY, Joseph S. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa.; J. C, '46; Sem., '46-'49 ; lie. April, '49, Pres. Beaver ; ord. April, '50, Pres. Washington; P. Fairview, W. Va, '50-72 ; miss. '72-'77; P. Moundsville and S. S. Cameron, '78— ; married, Oct., '49, Miss Isabella Griffiths. Reed, Hugh.— Born, Harrison Co., Ohio, 1816; F. C, '4.3; teacher, '43-' 47 ; Sem., '47-48; lie Aug. 16, '48, Pres. Zanesville; ord. '51, Pres. Hocking; P. Barlow, Decatur and Plymouth, O., '49-52 ; Bible agt.; Home miss. Ohio, Iowa, Mo. and Kas. to '72 ; H. R.; married, June 25, '61, Miss M. E. H. Tarbet ; res. Richmond, Kas. Taylor, William Graham, D. D.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., March 3, 1820 ; J. C, '47 ; Sem., '47-49; lie. May 5, '48, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. April 11, '49, same Pres.; Ev. Hadley, III., Mt. Washington. Pa.; P. Beaver, Pa., '52-'o6 ; Tarentum and Bull Creek, '57-'61 ; Mt. Carmel, '62-'66 ; Ed. Herald oj the Prairies, '49 ; Prin. Soldiers Or. School, Phillipsburg, Pa., '66-'76 ; Ev. '76- '81 ; S. S. Neville and Concord, '81- ; Trustee W. T. Sera.; D. D., '74, Held. C; married, April 15, '49, Miss Charlotte Thompson. *Walker, John W.— Born, Franklin Co., Pa., September 8, 1819 ; J. C, '46 ; Sem., '46-' 49 ; lie. Oct., '51, Pres. Ohio; miss. Ind., '51-'53; ord. Dec. 13, '53, Pres. Blairsville ; P. Fairfield and Union, Pa., '53-'69; S. S. Ligonier and Pleasant Grove, '72 ; miss- Va.; married, June 16, '53, Miss Martha L. Jeffery ; died, Gordonsville, Va., April 5, '84. 'WiLLSON, William.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa.; M. C. O.; Sem., '46 ; lie. June 19, '50, Pres. Ohio; ord. June 11, '51, Pres. Erie; P. Girard, Fairview and Sturgeonville, Pa., '51-'55 ; S. S. Park ch., Erie, '55-'56; Dom. miss. Kas., '57-'60; P. Lecompton, '61-'63 ; Pres. M., '65-'66 ; Stranger, '67-'71 ; Fair- mount, '71 ; Rich Hill, Mo., '73-'75; agt. '75-'77 ; California, Pa., '77-'80 ; Mt. Pleasant, '81-82 ; Ev. '82-; Chap. 6th Regt. Kas. Vols., '63-'65; married, Oct. 28, '41, Miss Lucinda B. McKinney. Williams, Robert Elliott.— Born, Bellefonte, Pa., November 2, 1821 ; N. J. C; Sem., '46-'50 ; lie. April, '51, Pres. Butler ; ord. '52, same Pres.; S. S. Greencastle, Pa., '52 ; For. miss. India ; teacher and Ev., Agra, N. India, '52 -'61 ; Prof. W. U. P.; teacher ; res. Allegheny, Pa. 1847—1848. Armstrong, Robert T., D. D.— Born, Robbstown, Pa., November 17, 1820 ; F. C, '49 ; Sem., '47-'49 ; lie. Oct 1, '50, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. June 21, '51, same Pres.; S. S. Grandview, Barnesville and N. Castle, '51-57 ; Short Creek, '57-'71 ; New Athens and Wheeling Valley, '57-'84 ; Worthington, '84- ; D. D., '82, F. C. Avery, Richard N.— Born, Massachusetts ; Sem., '47-'49 ; Supt. Ref. School, Allegheny Co., Pa.; Big Rapids, Mich.; Rochester, Minn.; married, Miss McMillen. Episcopal minister. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 53 Brown, John.— Born, County Derry, Ireland, 1820 ; L. C; Sem., '47-'50 ; lie. April, '59, Pres. Allegheny; ord '50, Pres. Beaver; P. Freedom, '51-53 ; Concord, Pa., '51-'77 ; Pleasant Hill, W. Va., '77-'79 ; W. C, '79-82 ; res. Neely's Landing, Mo. *Cairns, George.— Born, Ireland, 1817 ; J. C, '46 ; Sem., '46-49 ; lie. '49, Pres. Allegheny; ord. '50, same Pres.; P. Buffalo, '50-'56; Union, Pa., '50-'53 ; Glade Run and Clinton, '53-56 ; S. S. Prineeville, 111., '57 ; P. Prospect, '57 -'63; married, '52, Miss Elizabeth A. Templeton ; died, Prineeville, 111., June 25, '63. Calhoun, John Young. — Born, near Hookstown, Pa., January 9, 1820 ; Wash, C, '45 ; Sem., '47-50 ; lie. April, '48, Pres. Washington ; ord. April, '50, same Pres.; miss. Glennville, W. Va., '48-'49 ; S. S. Waynesburg and Unity, Pa., '49-'52 ; S. S. and teacher, Ashtabula, O., •52-'53 ; P. Cove, W. Va., '53 '56; Three Springs, '53-63 ; infirm and Ev. '63- ; married, July, '48, Miss Charlotte E. Merriman. Grier, Laverty. — Born, Adams Co., Pa., June 4, 1823 ; J. C, '47 ; Sem., '47- '49 ; lie. April, '49, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. Jan. '51, Pres. Clarion ; Reimersburg, Bethlehem and Mill Creek, Pa., '50-53 ; Bacon Ridge and East Springfield, O., '5.3-'61 ; Forks of Wheeling, W. Va., '61-. Hanson, Hezekiah.— Born, Mereersburg. Pa., December 24, 1824 ; M. C, '45 ; Sem., '47-'48 ; lie. Oct. 4, '48, Pres. Carlisle; ord. Aug. 22, '49; P. Dun- canon and Sherman's Creek, Pa., '49-56; S. S. Millerstown ; P. Oquaka, 111., '57—; married, April 17, '49, Miss Nancy T. Dick; also, Feb. 10, '52, Miss Elizabeth B. Roney. Hays, Isaac Newton, D. D. — Born, near Canonsburg, Pa., April 17, 1827 ; J. C, '47 ; Sem., '47-'50; lie. April 15, '50, Pres. Ohio; ord. Oct. 10, '50, Pres. Carlisle; P. Great Conewago, Pa., '50-54; Middle Spring, '54-68 ; Central ch., Chambersburg, '68-74 ; Junction City, Kas., '74-75 ; Central ch., Alle- gheny, Pa., '78- ; D. D., '83, W. & J. C; Trustee W. T. Sem.; married, Dec. 17, '50, Miss Rebecca Horner King. Hays, Robert, D. D.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., March 13, 1821 ; A. C, '48 ; Sem., '47-'50; lie. April, '49, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. June, '50, same Pres.; P. Bethel, O.. '50-'83 ; Long's Run, '50-'54 ; S. S. Salineville, '62-'84 ; Dell Ray, New Cumberland, '83; P. Still Fork and Minerva, '84-; D. D., Mt. U. C; Direc. Sem. Lyons, David W.— Born, ?; F. C; Sem., '47-48; lie. '49, Pres. St. Clairsville ; as licentiate in Iowa and Mo., '49-64. Paynter, Henry Martyn (formerly Painter). — Born, Williamsport, Pa.; J- C, '47; Sem., '47-49; Princeton, '50-'51 ; lie. April, '50, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. June, '52, Pres. Mississppi ; Xenia, O., '51-52 ; Vicksbnrg, Miss., '52- '56; Booneville, Mo., '56-64 ; Ev. Boston, Newberryport, Lynn, Fall River, Mass., Providence, R. I., Va., Ky,, Mo., Iowa, Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland ; pub. " Shadow on the Hearth," " Renovated Earth," " Holy Sup- per," "Holy Sorrow," "Holy Death," "Holy Resurrection;" married, Sept. 23, '52, Miss Alice Moncure ; res. Chicago, 111. 54 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Patton, Franklin, D. D.— Born, Franklin Co., Mc, January 5, 1820 ; M. C. M.; Sem., '47-'48 ; lie. '48, Pres. Chickasaw ; ord. '48, same Pres.; P. Hope- well and Lebanon, Miss., '48-'ol ; Sarepta and Lebanon, '51 ; Cape Girard- eau, Mo., '57-'59; Hopewell and Lebanon, '59-'71 ; Tupelo, Miss., '71-'82; Helena, Ark., '81-82; Clarendon and Holly Grove, '82- ; D. D., '74, U. M.; married, '51, Miss Martha McCord. *Satteefield, Mead.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., October 22, 1819; J. C, '47 ; Sem., '47-'50 ; lie April, '50, Pres. Beaver; ord. Feb. 12, '51, Pres. Alle- gheny ; P. Harrisville and Amity, '51-'55 ; married, Oct. 29, '51, Miss Scott ; died. May 11, '55. Swan, Benjamin Chestnut.— Born, November 27, 1823; M. U., '45; teacher, '45-47; Sem., '47-'49 ; lie June, '50, Pres. Oxford; ord. April, '51, same Pres.; P. Winchester, New Lexington and Salem, O., '50-'52; Carthage, 111., '52-'60; Shawneetown, '60-'68 ; Carmi, '68-'77 ; Enfield, '77-'83 ; Harris- burg, '83-. *SHAirFER, James Hervey.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., December 13, 1820; J. C, '47; Sem., '47-'48; died, Allegheny, Pa., Dec. 13, '48, before licensure. Todd, Oliphant M.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., October 10, 1826; Wash. C, '46 ; Sem., '46-'49 ; lie. '49, Pres. Redstone ; ord. '52, Pres. Washington ; P. Florence, '52-'59 ; New Lisbon, O., '59-'67 ; Muncie, Ind., '67-71; S. S. Union and Selma, 72-'73; Jonesboro and Cumberland, '73-'79 ; Tuscola and Kaskaskia, 111., '79; Pearson and Dalton, '84-; married, '50, Miss A. S. Clarke. 184S-1849. Anderson, Samuel McCullough, D. D.— Born, Butler Co., Pa., December 18, 1823 ; Wash. C, '48 ; Sem., '48-'51 ; lie. April 8, '51, Pres. Butler ; ord. '51, Pres. Wooster ; P, Fredericksburg, O., '51-59 ; Davenport, Iowa, '59-69 ; Hamilton, O., '69-'80 ; El Dorado, Ka.s., '80-; D. D. *Bell, Robert.— Born, ? ; F. A.; Sem., '48-'51 ; lie. '51, Pres. Washington ; ord. '53, Pres. Logansport; S. S. Indian Creek, W. Union and Mill Creek, Ind., '53-55; Florida, '55; S. S. Chambery, Colleeta and Auburn, Ala., '56-'58; Decatur, Miss, and miss, points, '58 ; miss. '58-'69 ; S. S. W. Carlisle, O., '69 -'74; Golden Rule, Texas, '74-77 ; Augusta and Cochineo, '77 ; died, Live- lady, Texas, '78. Billingsley, Amos S.— Born, East Palestine, Ohio, October, 1818; F. C, '48 ; Sem., '48-50; lie '51, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. '54, same Pres.; P. Slippery Rock, '54-? ; Home miss. Neb., ?-'61 ; Denver, Col., '61-? ; P. Iberia, O., '69 ; Home miss. Freedmen, Statesville, S. C, '69— ; pub. " From the Flag to the Cross," "Life of Geo. Whitfield." 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 55 Black, James, D. D., LL.E. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., April 27, 1826; Wash C; teacher; Sera., '48-'49 ; lie. April 3, 'o2, Pres. Redstone ; ord. June, '53, same Pres.; S. S. Jefferson, Pa., '52 ; S. S. and P. Connellsville, Pa., '52, -'58 ; Prof. Greek, Wash. C, '58-'68 ; V. Prest. W- &. J. C; S. S. Lower Ten Mile, Pa., '50-'64 ; East Buffalo, '64-'68 ; Prest. State U., Iowa, •68-'70 ; Prest. Pa. Fem. C, Pittsburgh, Pa., '70-'75 ; Prof. Greek, etc, W. U., '75 - ; V. Prest. same ; D. D., '66, N. J. C; LL.D., '83, S. U., I.; married, April 20, '52, Miss Emily W. R. Foster. Brown, Samuel.— Born, ?; J. C, '46; Sem., '48-49; Kerr's Creek, Va., '66- '73; Millborough, '73-'82; W. C; H. R. *Carson, John Elder. — Born, Beaver Co., Pa., September 21, 1819 ; Wash. C, '46 ; Sem., '48-'50; lie. Feb., '50, Pres. New Lisbon; ord. Nov. 12, '50, Pres. Coshocton; P. Apple Creek, O., '50-59, Chippewa and Marshallville, '60; Canal Fulton, '59-65 ; S. S. Bethesda and Hanoverton, '65-'68 ; P. Red Oak '68-'72; West Union, '72-'73 ; S. S. Winchester and Mt. Leigh, '72-'77 ; Robinson and Palestine, 111., '77-'79 ; P. Brimfield, '79-83 ; S. S. Warren, '83-84 ; married, March 21, '44, Miss Mary Fullerton ; died, Warren, 111., July 4, '84. *Carson, William P.— Born, Center Co., Pa., April 26. 1821 ; J. C, '48, Sem., '48-'51; lie. '50, Pres. Richland ; ord. '51, Pres. Peoria; P. Plain Meadow, 111;, '51 ; teacher, '55; P. Middle Creek, '55-'61 ; Epworth and Peosta, '61- '67; died, Jan. 12, '69. *Clark, Joseph.— Born, Carlisle, Pa., October 11, 1825 ; M. C; Sera., '47 ; lie. June 11, '51, Pres. Carlisle; ord. June 3, '52, same Pres.; P. Chambersburg, Pa., '52-. 65 ; married, Miss Annie M. Fetter ; died, June 7, '65. *DuNCAN, John R.— Born, Fairview, Ohio, July 31, 1826 ; J. C, '48 ; Sera., '48 '51 ; lie. '51, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. April, '52, Pres. Washington ; P. Moundsville, W. Va., '52 ; Allen Grove ; Cumberland, O.; married. Miss Eliza McCurdy ; also, Mrs. Mary R. Scott ; also. Miss Fannie Chapman ; died, Nov. 23, '64. Fleming, William Archer. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., August 29, 1829 ; Wash. C, '48 ; Sem., '48-'53; lie. April 15, '52, Pres. Redstone ; miss. Fay- ette Co., Pa.; ord. May 31, '54, Pres. Peoria; P. Farmington, 111., '54-57 ; Lewistown, '57-59 ; S. S. Center, Allegheny Pres., '60-'61 ; Johnstown, '61 -'62 ; Frostburg, Lonaconing and Boston, Md., '62-63 ; Martinsburg and East Freedom, Pa., '64-'65 ; P. Marietta, Pa., •65-'67 ; Johnstown, '67; Ev.; married, Sept. 23, '62, Miss Lizzie Jane Prideaux ; res. Duluth, Minn. *FullerTon, Robert Stewart. — Born, Bloomiugburg, Ohio, November 23, 1821; O. W.; Sem., '48-'50; lie. April, '50, Pres. Chilicothe; ord. '50, same Pres.; For. miss. India, Futtehghur, Mynpoorie, Agra, Dehra, '50-65 ; mar- ried, '50, Miss Martha White; died, Landour, Northern India, Oct. 4, '65. 56 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. *GoBLE, Gershom. — Born, Sussex Co., N. J., March 22, 1823 ; L. C, '48 ; Sem., '48-51 ; lie. April, '51, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. May 31, '54, Pres. Newton i S. S. and P. Upper Mt. Bethel, N. J., '53-'56; P. New Castle, Va., '57-'64; Treas. Dept., Washington, D. C, '64-'67; infirm; died, Washington, D. C, Dec. 23, '67. Grimes, William M., D. D.— Born, Belmont Co., Ohio, September 16, 1821 ; F. C; Sem., '48-'50 ; lie. April, '50, Pres. St. Clairsvilie ; ord. Nov. 20, '50, same Pres.; P. Concord and Beallsville, O., '50-56 ; Cadiz, '5G-'76 ; 1st eh., Steubenville, '76— ; D. D.; married, March 5, '57, Miss Amanda Simeral. Hazlett, Silas.— Born, Mifflin Co., Pa., May 12, 1824; J. C, '48; Sem., '48- '50; lie. '50, Pres. Oxford; ord. '51, same Pres.; S. S. College Corners and Harmony, O.. '51-56 ; Lake City, Minn., '56 ; S. S. Glasgow and Harmony, '61— ; married. May 4, '69, Miss Sarah Jane Greer ; res. Lake City, Minn. *Lyons, John.— Born, Coshocton Co., Ohio, 1820 (?); J. C; Sem., '48-49 ; not licensed; died, Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 9, '49. McClusky, James W.— Born, Indiana Co., Pa., September 12, 1822 ; Wash. C, '48; Sem., '48-52; lie April, '51, Pres. Blairsville; ord, June, '52, Pres. Ft. Wayne; P. Wabash, Ind., '52-'53 ; S. S. Lexington, '53-'64 ; Somerville, O., '64-'78 ; Paulding, '78-'80 ; Delta, '80-'84. *Merrill, Richard.— Born, 1813 ; F. C; Sem., '48 ; lie. '48, Pres. Steubenville ? ; ord. '52, same Pres.; P. Minerva, Bethlehem, Still Fork, O., '53-58 ; Clarks- ville and Pisgah, Iowa, '60-69; Coldwater, Boylan's Grove, Butler Center; Ind.; died, Butler Center, Ind., Dec. 4, '75. Moore, Joseph Paden. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., August 5, 1820 ; J. C, '43; teacher, '43-'48 ; Sem., '48-'49 ; lie. Oct. 2, '50, Pres. Washington; ord. Oct. 4, '60, same Pres.; Prin. E. Lib. Coll. Inst., '51-'65 ; S. S. Swan, Hope- well and Albion, Ind., '65-84 ; Runnymede, Kas., '84—. Robe, Robert.— Born, Guernsey Co., Ohio, October 10, 1822; Wash. C, '47; Sem., '4S-'49 ; lie. April, '49, Pres. Zanesville; ord. '50, same Pres.; S. S. Coshocton, O., '51-52; Eugene City, Ore., '52-62; Brownsville, '62—; mar- ried, July 18, '54, Miss E. A. Walker. *SC0TT, Hamilton.— Born, ?; J. C.,'47; Sem., '48-'49; lie. '50, Pres. Richland ; ord. '51, Pres. Brazos; miss. Texas, '51-52 ; died, Texas, Sept. 21, '51. Smith, David. — Born, ?; J. C.; Sem., '48-49; Richfield, Miss. No further trace. Stewart, John B., D. D. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., May 7, 1825 ; Wash. C, '48; Sem., '48-'51 ; lie. April, 51, Pres. Washington; ord. '54, Pres. Wooster; P. Wooster, O., '54-'56 ; miss.,'56-'62; P. 5th ch., Cincinnati, O., '62-'70; Calvary eh., Milwaukee, Wis., '72-'81; Des Moines, Iowa, '81- ; D. D. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 57 Torrance, Samuel. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa.; J. C, '48; Sem., '48-'ol. Farmer. Virtue, Andrew.— Born, County Tyrone, Ireland, March 4, 1825; J. C, '48; Sem., '48-51 ; lie. Jan, 15, '51, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. Jan. 14, '52, Pres. Ohio; S. S. Maple Creek, Pa., '51-'53; P. Cross Roads, '53-'60; Apple Creek, O., '60-68; Emlenton, Pa., '68-'72; Center, '72-80 ; Spencer and Elizabeth, W. Va., '82-. Ward, Thomas.— Born, ?; J. C, '47; Sem., '48-'50 ; lie. '50, Pres. New Lisbon ; licentiate, '50-73. West, Nathaniel, D. D.— Born, Sunderland, England, April 21, 1826 ; Mich. U.,'46; teacher, '47 ; Sem., '48-51; Princeton, '54; lie. April, '55, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. '55, same Pres.; P. Central eh., Pittsburgh, Pa., '55; Cen- tral ch., Cincinnati, O., '55- ti2 ; 2d eh., Brooklyn, N. Y., '62-'69; Prof. Sac. and Eccl. Hist. Danville Theo. Sem., '69; Didac. and Polem. Theo., same Sem., '70-75 ; P. Lincoln Park ch., Cincinnati, O., '75-76 ; S. S. Westmins- ter ch., Detroit, Mich., '83-84; Central ch., Louisville, Ky., '74-75 ; D. D., N. J. C; Co-ed. " Anaylsis of the Bible ;" married, Oct. 17, '52, Miss Mary Fleming. Young, William.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., March 2, 1822; Wash. C, '48; Sem., '48-'51; lie. April 22, '51, Pres. Beaver; ord, Sept. 15, '55, Pres. Belle- fontaine; S. S. Cross Creek, O., '52-54; P. Huntsville, '55-58; Blanchard and 2^rcComb, '58-'69 ; S. S. Deep River, Iowa, '69-'72 ; Troy, '73-'81 ; Roy- alton, Minn., '82; Troy, Iowa, '84—; married, Jan. 30, '55, Miss Jennie Van Gilder. 1849—1850. BoLLMAN, Samt' EL Porter. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa.; J. C, '44; Sem., '49-51; lie. April, '51, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Oct., '51; P. Washington and Center, Pa., '51 ; Supt. Com. Schools, 9 yrs.; P. old charge till '70; Va., Neb.; married, Miss McCutcheon ; also. Miss Gamble. Brown, Miltc n W.— Born, Wayne Co., Ohio, May 20, 1821; J. C, '49; Sem., '49-'51 ; lie. April, '51, Pres. Coshocton ; ord. Nov., '51, same Pres.; P. Hope- well and Nashville, O., '51-'71 ; Mt. Eaton, '71-'79 ; S. S. Radnor, '79- ; married, Dec 23, '51, Miss Sarah F. Finney. Elliott, John.— Born, ?; J. C, '49; Sem., '49-'52; lie. '52, Pres. New Lisbon; ord. Nov., '52, Pres. Huntingdon ; P. Williamsburg, Pa., '52-56 ; Itin. Miss. Pres., '56-57 ; P. Spruce Creek and Sinking Valley, '57-'61 ; Belleview and Lincoln, '61-'69; S. S. Ottawa, Kas., '69-71 ; Muscogee, I. T., '75; Oswego, Kas., '80—; married, June 15, '59, Miss^lizabeth Wilson. Grimes, Joseph Smiley, D. D. — Born, Belmont Co., Ohio; F. C, '46; Sem., '49 -b'Z; lie. April 21, (52, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. June 14, '53, Pres. New Lisbon ; P. Salem, O., '53-57 ; Columbia, Pa., '57 -'61 ; New Castle, Pa., '61 -'65; Roekford, 111., 'G6-'69; Alliance, O., '69-; D. D. 58 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. 1827—1885 Hanna, Joseph a.— Born, Mt. Eaton, Ohio, February 14, 1828; J. C.,'49; Sem., '49-52; lie, Sept., '50, Pres. Wooster; ord. Feb., '52, same Pres.; Home miss. Oregon, '52-'84; S. S. Corvallis, Ore., '52-'56; Pleasant Grove, '57-59 ; Brownsville, '60; Home miss. N. Oregon, '61-65; Ashland, '66-67 ; Eugene City, '68-69; agt. Albany Col. Inst., '70-71; Home miss., '72-77 ; Yaquimea Bay, '78-'80; N. Yarnhill and Lafayette, '81-'82 ; Nappa, '83-; married, Feb, 3, '52, Miss Esther Belle McMillen. *Kennedy, Thomas.— Born, Stewartsville, N. J., November 29, 1827; L. C.,'46; Princeton, '46-'48 ; Sem., '49 ; infirm ; died, Stewartsville, N. J., Dec. 21/51. *Marquis, Robert W.— Born, Noble Co., Ohio, 1819 ; F. C; Sem.,'49-'50 ; lie; '51, Pres. Zanesville; ord. '52, Pres. Coshocton ; P. Linton and Evans Creek, O., '52-58; Keene and Clark, '58-75 ; married. Miss Shafier; died, Keene, O., May 30, '75. Maxwell, Alexander Bennett.— Born, near Butler, Pa., November 29, 1826 , J. C, '47; Sem., '49-'52 ; lie. April, '52, Pres. Butler; ord. March 15, '53. Pres. Ft. Wayne; P. Cedar Creek, Swan and Kendall ville, Ind., '53-'56 ; S. S. Alliance, O., '56-58 ; P. Salem, O., '59-'70; Leetonia, '71—; married, Nov. 7, '53, Miss Julia A. Menich ; also, Sept. 9, '80, Miss Mary MacMaster. *McLain, John.— Born, Bloomingburg, O., April 2, 1824; lie. '52, Pres. Chili- cothe ; ord. '53, Pres. Miami ; P. New Market, O., '53 ; Tiffin and McCutch- eonville ; married. Miss Sarah Reid ; died. Tiffin, O., June 24, '62. *McCready, William Ewing.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., August 5, 1824 ; Duq. C, '48; Sem., '49; died, Georgestown, Pa., Jan. 1, '52. *McCullough, William.— Born, near Mercer, Pa., October 15, 1824; J. C, '49 ; Sem., '49-'53 ; lie Sept. 15, '52, Pres. Erie ; ord. Sept. 7. '53, same Pres.; miss, on Lake Superior ; S. S. Fairview, Sturgeonville and Girard ; died, near Mercer, Feb. 1, '58. *McCuNE, John Wesley.— Born, Mercersburg, Pa., March 20, 1825 ; M. C.,'46 ; Sem., '49-'51 ; lie. June 11, '51, Pres. Carlisle; ord. June 23, '53 ; P. Sandy Lake, Pa., '52-'55 ; Cool Spring, '52-'78 ; Salem, '78; Christian Com., '64 .' married, April 23, '52, Miss Rebecca Johnston; died, Mercer Co., Pa., June 19, '78. McFarland, David Fulton. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., March 12, 1820 ; Wash. C, '49; Sem., '49-'51 ; lie. Oct. 8, '51, Pres. Washington ; S. S. Sis- tersville and Marlinsburg, Va.; ord. July 8, '52, Pres. Peoria ; P. Brunds- wich and Salem, 111., '53-'54 ; French Grove, '54-'59 ; S. S. Quiver, Ha- va'nna ; Mattoon Fem. Sem., '61-'66 ; miss. Santa Fe, N. M., '66 ; married, Oct. 20, '57, Miss Amanda A. Reed ; res. S. F. U. P., Santa Fe. *Reed, James Hoge. — Born, Calcutta, Ohio, August 28, 1825 ; AVash. C, '46 ; teacher; Sem., '49-52 ; died, Calcutta, O., Oct. 16, '53, before licensure. 1827^1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 59 Vincent, Wii.i.iam Rea. — Born, Canonsburg, Pa., May 23, 1825 ; J. C, '49 ; Sem., '49-52; lie. April 19, '52, Pres. Washington; ord. June 21, '53, Pres. St. Clairsville ; P. Crab Apple, Pa., '53-'66 ; Island Creek, O., '66-'74; Dell Roy and New Cumberland, '74-'82 ; S. S. Bethlehem and Minerva, '82; Bethlehem and Waynesburg, '83— ; married, Oct. 25, '53, Miss Eliza J. Smith. Wallace, Robert M., D. D. — Born, Northampton Co., Pa., April 17, 1825 ; W. C. v., '49; Sem., '49-52 ; lie. April, '51, Pres. Newton; ord. June 15, '53 ; S. S. and P. Brownsville, Pa., '52-'64 ; Altoona, Pa., '64-'75 ; Strouds- burg, '76-'84 ; S. S. Milroy, '84-; D. D., '79, W. & L. U.; married, June 15, '54, Miss Mary Rogers. "West, William A.— Born, Landesburg, Pa., February 25, 1825 ; M. C, '49 ; Sem., '49-'52; lie. April, '52, Pres. Carlisle; ord. June 5, '53, same Pres.; P. Upper Path Valley, '53-73; Harrisburg, Westminster ch., '73— ; married, Nov. 15, '53, Miss Jane M. Waddell. "Williamson, John. — Born, ?; F. C; Sem., '49-52; teacher. Minister Episco- pal Church. *Wilson, Thomas Brown.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., November 22, 1822 ; J. C, '49; Sem., '49-52; lie. April, '52, Pres. Ohio; ord. '52, same Pres.; P. 6th ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '52-'55 ; Xenia, O., '55-'58 ; married, Miss M. B. Saunders ; died, Canonsburg, Pa. Young, James.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., November 5, 1824 ; Wash. C, '49 ; Sem., '49-'51 ; lie. '52, Pres. Erie; ord. '53, Pres. Greenbrier; P. French (."reek, W. Va., '53-'58 ; New Salem, O., '58-'63 ; Chap. 81st Ohio Vols., miss. Freedraen ; S. S. High Point, Mo.; married, April, '57, Miss Rosanna McAvoy. ^ 1850—1851. -Amrine, Alexander Harvey.- Born, Scotch Bridge, Ohio, March 4, 1825 ; J. C, '48; teacher; Sem., '50; lie. Oct. 8, '51, Pres. St. Clairsville; miss, and teacher, '51-57 ; infirm ; license returned April 23, '67 ; married, Feb. 26, '56, Miss Rebecca Jane Stanley ; also, Dec. 31, '63, Cynthea Isabel Henderson. Boyd, John Fulton.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., May 8, 1826 ; Wash. C, '49 ; teacher ; Sem., '50-'53 ; lie. April 12, '53, Pres. Allegheny ; S. S. Muncie, Ind., 1 yr.; ord. June 8, '54, Pres. Muncie; P., '54-56; S. S. Lake Branch, Hopewell and Hartford, '54-56; Harrisville and Amity, Pa., '56-66; Bull Creek and Natroua, '66-'70; Prospect, '70-80; Pleasant Hill, O, '70-74 ; Bloomfield, '74-79 ; S. S. Evansburg and Harmonsburg, Pa., '82— ; married Nov. 2, '64, Miss Mary Eleanor Brown ; res. Steubenville, O. 'Geary, John M.— Born, ? ; J. C, '50 ; Sem., '50-53 ; lie. '54, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. '55 ; P. Plains, La., '55-69 ; Camden and Concord, Miss., '69-74 ; La- mar, Spring Creek and Corinth, '74—. 60 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Grove, Thomas Augustus.— Born, York C^o., Pa., August 23, 1823; M. C. O., '48 ; Sem., 'o0-'o3; lie. June, '53, Pres, St. Clairsville; ortl. Jan., '55; S. S. Wegee and Powhattan, Pipe Creek, Bethel, O.; P. Woodsfield, '59-'68; S. S. New Castle and Bachanan, '59-68, i time; Bd. Co. School Ex., '62— ; Supt. Schools, '63-'67-'70; P. Smithfield and and Center, O., 73-'75; teacher, '75 -'79 ; Olivet and Mt. Pleasant, S. C, '80- ; married, March 27, '57, Miss Lizzie Stewart. Hays, John Smith, D. D.— Born, near Canonsburg, Pa., August 2, 1830 ; J. C, '50 ; Sem., '50-'53 ; lie. '53, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '53, Pres. New Albany ; P. Charlestown, Ind., '53-'57 ; 2d ch., Nashville, Tenn., '57-'61 ; Frankfort, Ky., '62-'67 ; Walnut street ch., Louisville, '67-'74 ; Prof. Bib. and Eccl. Hist., Danville Sem., '74-'83 ; P. Quincy, 111., '83-'85 ; D. D,, '69, C. C. Ky.; married, March, '54 ; Miss Fannie Maria Dickey ; also, Dec. 25, '79, Miss Carrie S. Ritchie. *Herve\', McKinley W.— Born, Ohio Co., Va., July 12, 1823; Wash. C, '50 ; Sem., '50-52; died, Parkersburg, Va., Aug. 7, '52. Livingston, William Samuel.— Born, ? ; J. C; Sem., '50-52; lie. '53, Pres. Wooster ; teacher; miss. Miss., Ky., Ohio, and Pa.; P. E. Coitsville, O., '72. March, William Gilmore, D. D.— Born, Columbiana Co., Ohio, April 4, 1826 ; J. C, '48 ; teacher ; Sem., '50-'53; lie. April 4, '53, Pres. New Lisbon; S, S. Hubbard and Liberty, 0., '53 ; ord. Dec. 13, '54, same Pres.; P. Can- field, '54-'67 ; Rehoboth, '53-'58 ; Chap. 115th Regt. Ohio Vols,, '64; P. Marysville and Milford Center, O., '68-'78, latter '68-'80 ; S. S. Cardington. '80-'83; York and Jerome, 'SO- ; D. D., O. C C, '78 ; married, Dec. 13,'54. Miss Elizabeth Jane Elder. *McCuLLOUGH, Robert.— Born, Harrison Co., Ohio; J. C, '50; Sem., '50-53; lie. '53, Pres. New Lisbon ; P., '54-55 ; Mt. Zion and Hopewell, O.; S. S. Champion, Alliance, Dark Co., Indiana, '52-'58 ; Chinese Camp, Cal., '58 ; married, Miss Lucy Woolcot; died, Chinese Camp, Cal., Aug., '58. *McElravy', John W.— Born, ? ; F. C; Sem., '50-'51 ; not licensed; died,. April 24, '51. *McKay, William.— Born, Columbiana Co., Ohio, July 7, 1825 ; J. C, '50 ; Sem., '50-51 ; lie. '62, Pres. New Lisbon ; miss, work ; died, Jan, 19, '63. MuNN, Charles Anderson.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., November 17, 1828; J. C, '49; Sem., '50-'52; lie. May, '52, Pres. Coshocton: ord. June 8, '54, Pres. Muncie; P. Muncie, Ind., 3k yrs.; Frankfort, 3J yrs.; Chap. 100th Regt. Ind. Vols.; P. Kendallville, Ind., '71; S. S. Big Rapids, Mich., '71-; Stated Clerk, Pres.; married, Oct., '55, Miss Annie Maclean; res. Big Rapids,. Mich. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 61 Orr, Franklin. — Born, Clarion Co., Pa., September 27, 1825 ; J. C, '50; Sein., '50-'53 ; lie. June '52, Pres. Clarion ; ord. Nov. 3, '53, Pres. Blairsville ; P. Bethel, O., '53-57 ; Curries Run, '5o-'58 ; Jacksonville, '58—; Tunnellton, '57 ; married, March 20, '55, Miss Margaret Craighead ; also, April 2, '57, Mrs. Martha M. Curtis. Porter, John W.— Born, ?; A. C, '48; Sem., '50-53; lie. '53, Pres. Clarion ; S. S. Greenwood and Tylersburg, Pa.; teacher, '57 ; Concord, Mo., '59-62 ; miss.; W. C, '62-'66. Reid, Alexander McCandless, Ph.D.— Born, Economy, Pa., April 20, 1827 ; J. C, '49; Sem., '50-'51 ; lie. April 24, '57, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. April, 25, '60, same Pres.; S. S. Holiday's Cove, W. Va., '60-63; teacher, Sewick- leyville, '56-57; Prin. Fem. Sem., Steubenville, '67-84; Ph.D., W. & J.C, '69 ; married, Oct. 18, '55, Miss Sarah Lambert ; res. Steubenville, O. RosBOROUGH, Hugh Orr. — Born, Washington, Pa., September 29, 1827 ; Wash. C , '49 ; teacher; Col., '50 ; Sem., '50-53 ; lie. April 20, '53, Pres. Washington ; S. S., Waynesburg, LTnity and George's Creek, '54 ; ord., June 5, '55 ; P. George's Creek and Spring Hill Furnace, '55— ; S. S., Spring Hill ; Greens- boro, '76— ; married, Dec. 12, '54, Miss Mary Jane Jones. Sample, Robert Fleming, D. D. — Born, Painted Post, N. Y., October 19, 1828 ; J. C, '49 ; Sem., '50-53 ; lie. June 8, '52, Pres. Northumberland ; ord. Oct. 18, '53, Pres. Erie ; P. Mercer, Pa., '53-'56 ; Bedford, '56-'66 ; S. S. St. Anthony, Minn., '66-68 ; P. Westminster ch., Minneapolis, '68— ; trav. Holy Land, '70 ; pub. " Early Dawn," " Clouds after Rain," " Memoir of Thorn ;" D. D.; married. Mar" 31, '53, Miss Nannie M. Bracken. *Smith, Daniel Fitch.— Born, Ellsworth, O., September 22, 1828 ; J.C, '49; teacher; Sem., '50-; died, Ellsworth, O-, May 22, '51. *Smith, Hiram N. — Born,. ? ; J. C, '49 ; Sem., '50 ; died at the Seminary, April 23, '51. Torrence, Aaron Freeland. — Born, ? ; R. C. O., '50 ; Sem., '50-53 ; never licensed ; lecturer. *Waggoner, Josiah. — Born, Richmond, O., April 16, 1824 ; R. C. O., '50 ; Sem.' '50-52 ; died, Sept. 27, '52, before licensure. ^Wallace, Jesse Shaw. — Born, Northampton Co., Pa., 1826 or 7 ; L. C, '48 ; Sem., '50-'51 ; died, April 15, '51. *WiNTERS, Jacob. — Born, Canonsburg, Pa., 1826; J. C, '45; Princeton, '49-50; Sem., '50-'52 ; lie. '52, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. '53, Pres. Greenbrier; P. Par- kersburg, W. Va., '53-'56 ; Macon City, Mo., '61; Palmyra, '63 ; ed., '63-'7af, Trinidad Enterprise. Col.; died, Trinidad, Col., Juue 20, '7^. 62 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. 1851— 1S52. *Bates, John Hoskins.— Born, 1818 ; U. V.; Sem., '51-'52 ; P. Antrim, N. H., 'o3-'67 ; S. S., Wallingford and John's Island, S. C, '68-'71 ; died, Glen Springs, S. C, May 10, '71. Barnett, John Morrison.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 20, 1826; J. C, '51 ; Sem., '51-54; lie. April, '54, Pres. Blairsville; ord. April, '55, same Pres.; Home miss, at Ontonagon, Lake Superior, '54-'61 ; P. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '62-'69 ; Connellsville, '69-'82 ; Fin. Sec. W. & J. coll., '82- ; married, April 17, '55, Miss Martha E. Elder ; res. Washington, Pa. *Braddock, Cyrus Greene. — Born, Greene Co., Pa., November 24, 1824 ; J. C, '51 ; Sem. '51-53 ; lie. June 15, '53, Pres. Washington ; ord. '56, Pres. Ohio ; P. Bethany, Pa., '56-74 ; married, Oct. 24, '54, Miss Sarah B. Bailey ; died, June 29, 1874. Caldweli,, James. — Born, Elizabeth, Pa., December 19,, 1824; J. C, '51; Sem. '51-54 ; lie. April, '54, Pres. Redstone ; ord. June '55, Pres. Iowa ; P. Liberty ville, Iowa, '55-67 ; Perry, Pa., '67-76 ; S. S. East Union, '76- ; married, Sept. 2, '69, Miss Isabell Martin. Coulter, Jonathan Redick. — Born, near Butler, Pa., April 23, 1829; J. C-, '51 ; Sem., '51-53 ; teacher, '53-56 ; lie. June 25, '56, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Aug. 25, '57, same Pres.; P. New Salem, Pa., '57-'70 ; Scrubgrass, '57— ; married, Aug. 12, '56, Miss Margaret Jane Cunningham. *C0UTTS, Jacob.— Born, August 20, 1825; F. C; Sem., '51-53; died, Island Creek, O., Feb. 4, '53. Hall, David, D. D. — Born, Armstrong Co , Pa., December 13, 1828 ; J. C, '50; Sem., '51-54; Princeton; lie. June 20, '54, Pres. Allegheny ; P. E. 1st ch., Columbus, O., '55-'56 ; ord. Nov. 5, '56, same Pres.; P. Union and Brady's Bend, '56-'67; Mansfield, O., '67-'74 ; Indiana, Pa., '74-; D. D., W. & J. C. Hanna, James W. — Born, Wayne Co., Ohio, January 4, 1827 ; J. C, '51 ; Sem., '51-'55 ; lie. May, '53, Pres. Wooster; ord. Oct., '54; P. Canal Fulton, O., Laporte, Ind.; S. S. Wareland ; Haysviile, O.; agt. Wooster U.; S. S. Big Grove, Iowa; Prin. Lyons Col. Inst.; S. S. Grundy Center, Iowa; Armor- dale, Kas., '85— ; pub. " Celestial Dynamics." Linn, Alonzo, LL.D.— Born, Butler, Pa., September 27, 1827 : J. C, '49 ; Sem., '51-'54; lie. May 3, '54, Pres. Redstone; Prof. L. C, '54-'57; J. C, '57-'65"; W. & J. C, '65-; Ph.D., '69 ; LL.D. Marquis, John Stevenson. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., May 19, 1825 ; Wash. C, '48; Sem., '51-'53; lie. April 20, '53, Pres. Washington; ord. April 18, '55 ; S. S. Sistersville, W. Va., '53-'57 ; S. S. Big Spring, New Cumberland and Fairmount, O., '57-'61 ; P. Richmond, Bacon Ridge and E. Springfield O., '62-'6o ; Pigeon Creek, Pa., '68— ; married, June 8, '53, Miss Margaret Bryant McConaughy. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 63 *MoRGAN, William Finley. — Born, Lancaster Co., Pa., May 19, 1822; J. C, '51; Sein., '51-54; lie April 13, '54, Pres. Ohio; ord. Jan. 31, '56, Pres. Blaii'sville; P. Rural Valley, '56-75; Elderton, Pa., '56-73 ; Christian com., '63 ; married, Nov, 3, '57, Miss R. A. Gillespie ; also, Aug. 20, '63, Miss Mary Hervey ; died, Rural Valley, Pa., April 25, '75. Paxton, James Wilson. — Born, in Gettysburg, Pa., December 21, 1827 ; J. C, '48 ; Princeton, '51, Sem., '52-53 ; lie. April, '53, Pres. Carlisle ; S. S. Dickinson, Pa.; invalid ; business, Minn.; Chambersburg, Pa., '72 ; married, Dec. 3, '57, Miss Margaret D. Smith. Robinson, Thomas Hastings, D. D. — Born, North East, Pa., January 30, 1828 ; O. C; Sem., '51-'54 ; lie. June 13, '54, Pres. Ohio ; ord. Jan. 21, '55, Pres. Harrisburg ; co-P. and P. Harrisburg, '55-84 ; Prof. W. T. Sem., '84— ; D. D., '68, Ham. C. *Shand, William G.— Born, Scotland ; G. U. S.; Sem., '51-'52 ; lie. '57, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. '58, same Pres.; P. Washington and Center, '58 ; miss. 111.; died, Davenport, Iowa. Smith, James Irwin, D. D.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., Mar. 31, 1827; J. C, '51 ; Sem., '51-54; lie. Sept. 8, '53; ord. Aug. 27, '54; Ontanagan, Mich., with Rosedale and Greenland, '53-65 ; Syn. miss., '65-66 ; P. La Crosse, Wis., '66-81; Galesville, '81— ; Prof. Galesville U.; pub., "Dedication of Chil- dren," '' Parents part in God's Covenant ;" married, Oct. 13, '54, Miss Martha O. Bracken ; also, June 3, '73, Miss Sophie H. Green ; D. D., '83, Lenox C. Smith, Henry Martyn, D. D. — Born, Carlisle, Pa., June, 1828 ; J. C, '51 ; Sem., '51-53 ; lie. April '54, Pres. Charlestown ; ord. Mar., '57, Pres. New Orleans ; P. 3d ch. New Orleans, '57- ; ed. S. W. Pres., '69- ; D. D., '6Q, Oak. C; married, '59, Miss Lucy M. Coleman. Wilson, William Swan. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 16, 1831 ; J. C, '51; Sem., '51-54; lie. June 21, '53, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. May, '55, Pres. Ft. Wayne; P. Warsaw, Ind., '54-'67; Owatona, Minn., '68-72; S. S. Dun- das, '73-'77 ; Carmi, 111., '77-'81 ; Vincennies, Ind., P. M., '81-'82; Home miss., Northfield, Minn., '82-'84 ; P. Flora, 111., '84-. Wilson, James L. — Born, York Co,, Pa., January 20, 1824 ; J. C, '51 ; Sem., '51-54 ; lie. June 7, '53, Pres. Donegal ; ord. Jan. 3, '55, Pres. Crawfords- ville ; P. and S. S. Jefferson and Sugar Creek, Ind., '54-56 ; S. S. Scotch Grove, Iowa, '56-73; Linn Grove and Springville, '73-78; Scotch Grove, '79—; Center Junction, '82 ; res. Center Junction, Iowa. 64 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. 1852—1853. ^Alexander, William J.— Born, Mercer, Pa., July 15, 1825; J. C, '52 ; Sem., '52-54 ; lie. Jan. IS, '54, Pres. Erie ; ord. Dec. 17, '55, same Pres.; P. Con- cord and Deerfield, '55-'57 ; W. Utica, W. Va., '58-'68 ; East Buffalo, Pa., ** '68; married, May 16, '54, Miss Nannie J. Griffiths; died, Jan. 28, '69. Campbell, William.— Born, Columbiana Co., Pa., August 24, 1825 ; J. C, '50 ; Sem., '52-54; lie. June, '55, Pres. New Lisbon; ord. Feb., '58, Pres. Woos- ter; P. Northfield, O., '55-'65 ; S. S. Bedford, '55-'65; P. Manteno, 111., '66- '70; Home miss., Beneventura, Cal., '70-71; P. Goodland, Ind., '71-79; S. S. Manteno, 111., '80- DoDDER, Edward Lanning.— Born, Newton, N. J., August 28, 1826 ; J. C, '52 ; Sem., '52-54 ; lie. April, '55, Pres. Philadelphia; ord. Oct. 7, '56, Pres. Dubuque; S. S. 111., '56; Fort Dodge, Iowa, '56-60; Linn Grove and Mt. Vernon, and Nengora, '68-'70 ; P. Tipton, Iowa, '70-73 ; S. S. Centerville, '73 -'75 ; S. S. and P. Knoxville, '75-'79 ; S. S. Wahoo, Neb., '79- ; married, Sept. 10, '70, Miss Ruth N. Baker. Forbes, Hugh W.— Born, Wayne Co., Ohio, December 10, 1821 ; Wash. C.,'47 ; Sem., '52-'53; lie. April, '53, Pres. Wooster; ord. '61, Pres. Toledo; S. S. West Ewing, Iowa, '60-62 ; Millersburg and South Ridge, '62-'65 ; Agree- ola, '65-'70; St. Charles, '70-'71 ; iowa Center, '77-'78; H. R., '79; married, July 27, '49, Miss Mary Broadwell ; res. Carroll, Iowa. Fry, Henry Bash, D. D.— Born, near Fremont, Ohio, October 22, 1832; Sem., '52-55 ; lie, '55, Pres. Ohio ; miss. Cincinnati, O., '55 ; ord. '56, Pres. Lima ; P. Lima, O., '56-'60; Marion, '60-'70; S. S. Upper Sandusky; P. Salem, '71 -'84; D. D.; Chap. 82d Regt. Ohio Vols., '61-'62; married, '55, Miss Mary Ann McFadden. Guthrie, Hugh Wylie.— Born, Mt. Vernon, Ohio, November 22, 1827 ; O. W.; Sem., '52; lie. April 10, '55, Pres. Allegheny; ord. April 9, '56, same Pres.; miss. Indians, Mich, and Kas., '55-60 ; S. S. Goshen, O., '60-64; Mt. Car- mel, Ind., '65-'68; Russellville and Sardinia, O., '68-'70; New Holland and Mt. Sterling; agt. Freedmen, '70-75; Chilicothe, neighborhood, '75—; married, June 22, '57, Miss Martha McLaughlin ; also, Jan. 1, '62, Miss Sarah J. Duval. "* Johnson, Albert Osborne. — Born, Cadiz, Ohio, June 22, 1833; J. C, '52; Sem., '52-55; lie. May 12, 55, Pres. Ohio; ord. May 12, '5-5, same Pres.; miss. Futteghur, India, '55-57 ; married. May 12, '55, Miss Amanda Joanna Gill; himself and wife shot at Cownpore massacre, June 10, '57. *Lanius, Jacob W.— Born, Baltimore Co., Md., July 8, 1826; J. C, '52; Sem., • '52; teacher, '52-53; lie. '54, Pres. Ft. Wayne; S. S. Baton Rouge, La.; preached and taught; miss., '57 ; S. S. Waveland and New Hope, Ind., '58; P. Edgefield, near Nashville, Tenn., '58-59 ; married. Miss J. A. Gorden ; died, Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 9, '59. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 65 Lyons, Walter Lowrie. — Born, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, April, 1820 ; J. C, '48 ; teacher, '48-'52; Sem., '52; lie. '54, Pres. Schuyler; ord. '56, Pres. Cedar,' S. S. Winterset and Indianola, Iowa, '57-'59 ; Des Moines, S. Henderson and Fall Creek, '59-'63 ; Franklin Grove, 111., '64-'65; Dom. miss. Pres.,'65 -'78 ; S. S. Prairie and Fanners' Creek, Zion, '78-80; S. S. and miss. Water- loo, Renwick and other points, '80— ; married, July 7, '56, Miss E. M. Hollister. Leavitt, Edward Howe, D. D.— Born, Steubenville, Ohio, November 18, 1829 ; Wash. C, '48; Princeton, '51-'52; Sem., '52-'o4; ord. '54, Pres. Steuben- ville; For. miss. India; Lahore, India, '55-'57 ; agt. Bible Soc. for Tenn., '58-'61; P. Zanesville, O., '62-'65; Cincinnati, '65-'66; Chap. U. S. A., '66- '70 ; Prot. Ep. Ch., '79-. Episcopal minister. Lowrie, Samuel Thompson, D.D.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., February 8, 1835 ; M. U.,'52 ; Sem., '52-'56 ; lie. Jan., '56, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '58, Pres. Huntingdon ; P. Alexandria, Pa., '58-63 ; trav. Europe and the East, '63-'64 ; City miss. Philadelphia ; P. Bethany ch., Philadelphia, '65-69 ; Abington, '69-73 ; Prof. W. T. Sem., '73-'78 ; P. Ewing, N. J ., '79- ; D. D., '74, W. & J. C; pub. " Com. on Hebrews," " Trans. Lange's Isaiah ;" married, Sept. 6, '60, Miss Sarah Hague ; also, March 5, '67, Miss Lizzie Dickson. *Mateer, Joseph, D.D.— Born, County Down, Ireland, 1823; B. C.,'46 ; teacher, '46-'51; Princeton, '51-'52; Sem., '52-'54, lie. April, '53, Pres. Redstone: ord. Dec. 6, '54, Pres. Clarion ; P. Licking, '54-'75 ; Leatherwood. '54-83 ; Sligo, '75-'81 ; New Bethlehem, '81-'83 ; D. D., '73, W. & J. C; married, Mrs. E. J. Russell ; died, Oct. 1, '83. McCuNE, Robert Lewis.— Born, Mercersburg, Pa., November 26, 1826 ; M. C, '48 ; Sem., '52-'55 ; Princeton, '55-'56 ; lie. June, '55, Pres. Carlisle ; miss., colp., Alabama, '56 ; ord. Oct., '56, Pres. East Alabama ; Supt. colp., '56- '57; Va., '57-'61; teacher, '58-'59 ; S. S. Front Royal, '58-'60 ; Dom. miss. South 111., '62-'65; Shade Gap and Tuscarora, Pa., '65-'67 ; Bethel, '67-70 ; Henvelton, N. Y., '70-72; Hamburg, Ind., '72-'73; St Thomas and Rocky Spring, Pa., '74-'75 ; Fayetteville, '75-'77 ; res. Mercersburg, Pa. *M0RR0W, Richard Heterick.— Born, Huntingdon Co., January 13, 1823; J. C, '51; teacher; Sem., '52-'54 ; Princeton; lie. April, '54, Pres. Hunting- don ; ord. April 14, '56, Pres. Cedar; P. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, '55-'59 ; mar- ried, Sept. 2, '56, Miss Nannie C. Haraan ; died, McVeytown, Pa., June 10, '59. Potter, James Hair.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., October 3, 1828; J. C, '51 ; Sem., '52-'55; lie. April 18, '55 ; Pres. Beaver; S. S. Dunleith, 111.; Center, Iowa; ord. Dec. 13, '55; P. Maquoketa, Iowa, '56-'58 ; Bethel, O., '58-' 60 ; Light street ch., Baltimore, Md., '60-'67 ; Delafield and Ottawa, Wis., '67- '69; Winterset, Iowa, '70-'83; Eustis, Fla., '83-; married, April 29, '56, Miss N. I. Taylor; also, Jan. 24, '61, Miss Sibyl Stevens. 66 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Shields, James Marshall, D- D. — Born, Indiana Co., Pa., January 27, 1829 ; Wash. C, '52 Sem., '52-'55 ; lie. April 11, '54, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. Aug. 29, '55, Pres. Erie; P. Georgetown and Fairfield, Pa., '55-64 ; Bridgewater, '64- '74 ; Millvale, '74-'84 ; Orrville. O., '84- ; D. D., N. W. C, '83 ; married, May 11, '55, Miss S. Anna Donahey. *Taylor, Thomas Jefferson. — Born, Indiana, Pa., September 23, 1828 ; Wash, C, '52 ; Sem., '52-'55 ; lie. 55, Pres. Steubenville ; S. S. Coshoeton, O., '55 ; Montezuma, Iowa, '56-59 ; ord. Ev., Nov., '66, Pres. Cedar; P. Winterset, Iowa, '59-'62 ; Chap. 37th Regt. Iowa Vols., '62; Toloma, 111.; married, Aug., '56, Miss Sue F. Alrich ; died, Winterset, Iowa, Jan. 18, '65. Thorne, Alexander Smith. — Born, Butler, Pa., Oetober 30, 1825 ; W. R. C, '53; Sem., '52-55; lie. '55, Pres. Allegheny; ord. '57, Pres. Marion ; S. S. Linn Grove, Iowa, '57 ; Lisbon and Mechanicsville, Iowa ; miss. Kickapoo Indians, Kas.; Cincinnati, 9th ch., 1 yr.; Pleasant Run, Kingston; teacher; Home miss., '62-71 ; Licking and Pleasant Valley, Pa., '73-74 ; teacher ; Ed. '76-78; miss. Mo. and Dak.; married, '53, Miss Elizabeth B. Godfrey. *WiLLiAMS, Daniel, M. D.— Born, Merthyr-Tydvil, Wales, March 31, 1826 ; W. R. C.,; Sem., '52-55; lie. '55, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. '55, Pres. Redstone; P. West Newton, Pa., '55-57 ; Schellsburg, '57 ; Fem. Sem., '60 ; Physician, 2 yrs.; Mineral Ridge, O-, '68-72; Wheeling, Va., 3d and 4th ehs., '72-'74; M. D., U. Pa., '65 ; married, '49, Miss Jemima Evans; also, '59, Mrs. Caro- line L. Williams ; died, Dec. 28, '80. *WiLSON, Samuel Jennings, D. D., LL.D. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., July 19, 1828 ; Wash. C, '52 ; Sem., '52-'55 ; lie. April 18, '55, Pres. Washing- ton ; ord. Oct. 20, '57, same Pres.; S. S. Sharpsburg, Pa.; P. 6th eh., Pitts- burgh, '66-? ; tutor Hebrew and Ch. Hist., W. T. Sem., '55-'57 ; Prof. Bib. and Eccl. Hist., '57-'83 ; D. D., Wash. C; LL.D.; Mod. Gen. Ass., '74, Syn- od Pa., '82 ; Trustee W. & J. C; married, Dec. 22, '59, Miss Mary E. Davis ; died, Sewiekley, Pa., Aug. 17, '83. Wilson, Robert Fleming.— Born, Mifflin Co., Pa., April 22, 1825 ; J. C, '50 . Sem., '52-54 ; Princeton, '54-'55 ; lie. June, '54, Pres. Huntingdon; S. S. Bloomfield, Pa,, '55 ; Marion, Iowa., '55-56 ; ord. Nov. 20, '56, Pres. Red- stone ; P. McKeesport, Pa., '56-67; S. S. Logan's Valley, '67-68; P. Bed- ford, '68-'78 ; S. S. Bloody Run, '68-'78; Perrysville, '79-; married, Sept. 26, '56, Miss Elizabeth C. McCullough. White, John White.— Born, Saltsburg, Pa., October 31, 1828 ; Wash. C, '51 ; Sem., '52-54 ; Princeton, '54-55 ; lie April 10, '54, Pres. Blaiisville ; ord. Dec. 25, '55, Pres. Carlisle ; P. Middletown, Pa., '55-'58 , Milroy, '58-'83 ; withdrew from Pres., '83 ; married, Nov. 9, '59, Miss Mary M. Beaver. M. E. minister. 1827-1885.] GEN EE A L CATALOGUE. 67 1S53— lSo4. Caldwell,|John David. — ^Born, Mercer Co., Pa., May 10, 1828; J. C, '53. Sem., '53-56 ; lie. Dec. 19, '55, Pres. Erie ; ord. April, '57, Pres. Dubuque . S. S. Pleasant Grove, Iowa, '56-58 ; miss, in three counties, '58-84 ; now P. Pleasant Grove and Hazelton, 111.; married, May 8, '56, Miss Anna E. Hastings. *Clark, John Henry. — Born, Schellsburg, Pa., November 29, 1831 ; J. C, '52 ; Sem., '53-56; lie. '57, Pres. Ohio; ord. '58, Pres. Carlisle; P. Landisburg, Center and Upper, Pa., '58-63 ; S. S. and P. Tyrone and Birmingham, '63- '70 ; died, Sept. 23, '70. Craig, William Boyd. — Born, Campbellstown, Pa., June, 1827 ; J. C; Sem. '53-'56 ; lie. June, '55; Pres. Carlisle ; ord. Jane, '57, same Pres. ; P. New Bloomfield, Sherman's Creek and Mouth of Juniata, Pa., '57-68 ; Congruity, '70-'80 ; married, March 18, '58, Miss Catharine H. Singer ; res. Shippens- burg. Pa. CuLBERTSON, WiLLiAM F. — Born, ? ; J. C, '53 ; Sem., '53-54 ; cannot be traced. *FiNLEY, Caleb Woodward. — Born, Dunlap's Creek, Pa., January 15, 1827 ; J. C, '50 ; Sem., '53-55 ; lie. May, '55, Pres. Redstone ; ord. Sept., '55, Pres. Columbus; P. London, O., '55-?; marrried, Sept. 14, '62, Miss M. E. Wil- son ; also, July 3, '69, Miss Mary Cowling ; died, April 14, '77, Hunt, William Ellis.— Born, Salem Co., N. J., February 24, 1833 ; J. C, '53; Sem., '53-56 ; lie. 55, Pres Steubenville; ord. May, '57, Pres. Coshocton ; P. Coshocton, O., '57—; Stated Clerk, Pres.; .married, April 26, '55, Miss Caro- line A. Totten. Jones, John Molton. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., June 3, 1821 ; Wash. C, '51 ; teacher; Sem., '53-55; lie. Jan. 10, '55, Pres. Blairsville ; miss. Iowa; ord. June, '57, Pres. Cedar; P. Walcott, Iowa; S. S. Bluegrass, '57-'6I ; P. Smicksburg, Pa., '61-68 ; Prin. Glade Hun Acad.; S. S. Plumville ; P. Union, '68-73; Pine Run, '73—; married, Sept. 25, '55, Miss M. A. Thompson. -*Lyons, Nathaniel Barr. — Born, Donegal, Ireland, November 5, 1822 ; Wash. C, '53; Sem., '53-56 ; lie. April 12, '55, Pres. Redstone; ord. '56, Pres. New Lisbon ; P. Hubbard, Liberty and Brookfield, O., '56-'59 ; Upper Ten Mile, Pa., '59-68 ; married, May, '56, Miss Mary Jane Sample ; died, Pros- perity, Pa., May 19, '68. Marshall, Alexander Stewart.— Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., April 29, 1829. Wash. C, '53 ; Sem., '53-54 ; Princeton, '54-'55 ; lie. June, '55, Pres. Blairs- ville ; ord. April, '57, Pres. Cedar ; S. S. Port Washington and vicinity, Wis., '55-'56 ; P. Marion, Iowa, '56—. 68 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. McGregor,, Jasper W.— Born, ?; U. N. Y.; Sera., '53-'56; lie. '56, Pres. Alle- gheny ; ord. '57, Pres. Richland ; W. C, '57-'61 ; S. S. Plymouth, Mich., '61 -'63; 2d ch.. Independence, '63-'66; Oakland, '66; Corunna, '68; School- craft, '70-74 ; Milford, '75; P.Dearborn and East Nankin, '78-80; S. S. Independence, '81—. Mitchell, Robert.— Born, Ireland ; Sem., '53-56 ; lie. '56, Pres. Ohio; S. S. Pres. Clarion, '57-59 ; returned to Ireland, '59. Newell, George B.— Born, ?; J. C, '51 ; Sem., '53-'55 ; lie. '57, Pres. Wash- ington ; L. N. Y. City, '72. Patterson, Samuel.— Born, Jefferson Co., Ohio; June 2, 1827 ; J. C, '53 ; Sem., '53-56 ; lie. April, '56, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Oct., '56 ; P, Deersville and Feed Spring, '56— ; married, Oct. 28, 56, Miss Sabella Campbell. *PowER, Francis Herron.— Born, Elizabeth, Pa., July 14, 1829; Wash. C, '53; Sem., '53-56; lie. '56, Pres. Redstone; miss, work; Christian Com.; died, Nashville, Tenn., Oct. 17, '63. *Reed, Alexander, D. D. — Born, Washington, Pa., September 28, 1832; Wash. C, '53; Sem., '53-'56 ; lie. April, '56, Pres. Washington; ord. Oct. 8, '57, Pres. New Castle ; P. Upper Octorara, Pa., '56-64; Central ch., Philadel- phia, '64-73 ; S. ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '73-75; Europe, '75-76; Central ch., Denver, Col., '76-78 ; D. D.; married, June 3, '59, Miss Mary Watson ; died, Denver, Col., Nov. 18, '78. Kiddle, Matthew Brown, D. D. — Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., October 17, 1836 ; J. C, '52 ; Sem., '53-'55 ; lie. May 26, '59, Classes Bergen Ref. Ch.; ord. April 15,'62, same body; Asst. Prof, J. C, '57-58 ; N. Bruns. Theo. Sem., '58-'60; Student Germany, '60-'61 ; Chap. 2d Regt. N. J. Vols., '61 ; P. Hoboken, N. J., '62; 2d eh., Newark, Del., Ref. Ch., '62-'69 ; Prof. Hartford Theo. Sem., 71— ; D. D.,'70, F. & M. C; pub. trans. " Lange's Ephesians and Colos- sians," edited " Lange's Romans and Galatians," " Notes on S. S. Lessons," " Pop. Com. on Matthew, Mark and Luke, Romans, Ephesians and Collos- sians," International Rev. Co., " Mark, Luke and Romans," Ed. " Megee's Com. Mark and Luke," "Robinson's Greek Harmony," "English Har- mony;" Member Am. Com. Trans. N. T.; married, Aug. 21, '62; res. Hart- ford, Conn. Rice, George Sherman. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., September 1, 1829 ; J. C, '53 ; Sem., '53-56 ; lie. April, '56, fres. New Lisbon ; ord. Sept., '58, Pres. Hiland ; S. S. Hiland, Kas., '57-'60 ; P. Iberia, '60-'66 ; Hubbard, O., '66-'72; S. S. Coitsville and Concord, 72-'74; P. Slippery Rock and New- port, Pa., '74—; married, April 1, '52, Miss Elizabeth M. Elder. Van Eman, Thomas Bracken. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., January 31, 1820; J. C; Sem., '53-'56 ; lie. April, '56, Pres. Ohio; ord. '57, same Pres.; P- Maple Creek, Pa., '57-'61 ; Congress, Mt. Hope and Salem, O., '61-67 ; Clin" tonville. Pa., '67-? ; agt. A. & F. C. U.; married. Oct. 2, '44, Miss Mary Ful ton ; also, March 2, '58, Miss Rachel Stewart. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 69 Williams, Samuel. — Born, Scnibgrass, Pa., October 25, 1820; Wash. C, '53; Sem., '53-56; lie. June 15, '5G, Pres. Allegheny; ord. April 14, '57; P- Centerville, '56-69 ; Muddy Creek, Pa., '56—; Unionville, '78—; married, March 12, '63, Miss Sarah Dunlap ; also, May 22, '67, Miss Margaret Stewart; also, Nov. 16, '69, Miss F. A. Patterson, *WooDS, John E.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., May 29, 1831 ; J. C, '53 ; Sem., '53-'56 ; lie. April, '56, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '57, Pres. Fairfield ; P. Bentons- port, Iowa. '57-58 ; Lithopolis, O., '59-62 ; married, '57, Miss Caroline KingI; died; Lithopolis, O., Aug. 25, '62. 1854-1855. Agnew, Benjamin Lashells, D. D. — Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., October 3, 1833 ; Wash. C, '54 ; Sem., '54-'o7 ; lie. April 8, '56, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Feb. 8, '58, Pres. Blairsville ; P. Johnstown, Pa., '58-67 ; Westminster ch., Philadelphia, '68-70 ; North ch., Philadelphia, '70-'82 ; East Liberty, '82- '84 ; Bethlehem ch., Philadelphia, '84- ; D. D. *Belden, Edward L.— Born, ? ; Wash. C, '54; Sem., '54-'57 ; lie. '56, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. '58, Pres. Cedar ; P. Muscatine, Iowa, '58-65 ; teacher, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa ; S. S. Mt. Pleasant and New London, '65-'71 ; died, St- Paul, Minn., Aug. 22, '71. *Carothers, Robert. — Born, near Turtle Creek, Pa., October 18, 1831 ; J. C, '54; Sem., '54-'57; lie. June 18, '56, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Oct. 7, '57, same Pres.; S. S. Millersburg, O., '58 ; P. Tipton, Iowa, '60-'66 ; Cross Roads, Pa., '66-77 ; Prin. Iowa Coll. for Blind, Vinton, Iowa, '66-82 ; married, June 17, '58, Miss Emeline E. Milligan; died, Vinton, Iowa, March 17, '82- *Craig, James F. — Born, Venango Co., Pa.; Wash. C; Sem., '54; died, Venan- go Co., Pa., April 23, '55. Cunningham, David Ayres, D. D. — Born, near Wooster, Ohio, February 5, 1830 ; J. C, '54 ; Sem., '54-'57 ; lie. Sept., '56, Pres. Wooster ; ord. Oct., '57> Pres. Allegheny City; P. Bridgwater, Pa., '57-64 ; Scot's ch., Philadel- phia, '64-'66 ; Spring Garden ch., Philadelphia, '66-'76 ; 1st ch.. Wheeling, W. Va., '76- ; D. D., '73, W. & J. C; married, Aug. 26, '58, Miss Annie C. F. Sinclair. *Dannels, Ellis W. — Baptist minister. Cannot be traced. *Elder, Thomas R. — Born, Indiana Co., Pa., November 13, 1833; J. C, '54 Sem., '54-57 ; lie. '56, Pres. Blairsville; ord. April, '57, Pres. Saltsburg Home miss., Bayfield, Wis., '57; married, May 21, '57, Miss Maria J. Elder died, Bayfield, Wis., vSept. 7, '57. Flannegan, James H. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., September 22, 1832 . Wash. C, '51 ; teacher, '51-54; Sem., '54-57 ; lie. Nov. 19, '56, Pres. Red- stone ; ord. Oct. 7. '57, same Pres.; S. S, Kingwood, Va., '57-62 ; P. Fair- mount, '62-'72; Grafton, '72- 70 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Haynes, Alfred W. — Born, near Canonsburg, Pa., November 28, 1832 ; J. C, '53 ; Sem., '54-57 ; lie. April, '57, Pres. Washington ; ord. '58, Pres. Iowa ; S. S. Keosauqua, Iowa, '57 ; P. Crawfordsville, '58-61 ; Eddysville and Kirk- ville, '61-'66 ; Crawfordsville, '66-'72; Brooklyn, '72-'75 ; Pleasant Plain and Salina, '75-'79 ; S. S. Crawfordsville, '79- ; married, April 22, '58, Miss E. J. Bebout. Kennedy, John Porter. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., October 25, 1825; J. C, '54; Sem., '54-'57 ; lie. June, '56, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. July, '58, Pres. Saltsburg ; P. Cherry Tree, '58-'68 ; Pine Grove, 'o8-'60 ; S. S. Bethesda. '60-' 68 ; Parnassus, '69-'76; Armagh, '76-'81 ; Centerville, '77-'80 ; Ev. work' '81—; married, Jan. 1, '62, Miss Mary Jane McCartney. *Kerr, Thomas.— Born, ?; J. C; Sem., '54-'56; died, Allegheny, Pa., Feb. 27, '56. Not lieensed. *Large, James Kain.— Born, near Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, February 15, 1825 , Sem., '54; Princeton; lie. April 22, '57, 2d Pres. Philadelphia ; Home miss; Webster City, Ind.,'57; P. E. Prospect, 111., '57-'58 ; died, Prineeville, Ill- March 18, '58. Mechlin, George Washington, D. D. — Born, Butler Co., Pa., July 25, 1825 ; J. C, '53; teacher, '53-54; Sem., '54-'57 ; lic^ April, '56, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Feb. 20, '57, Pres. Saltsburg; P. Concord, Pa., '57-' 65; Glade Eun, '57 - ; Prin. Glade Eun Acad., 18 yrs.; D. D., '74, W. & J. C; married, Oct. 23, '56, Miss Eliza D. Beard. *McIntire, James A. — Born, near Allegheny, Pa., February 15, 1831 ; Sem., '54-'56; lie. June 16, '57, Pres. Allegheny; ord. Jan., '60, Pres. Ft. Wayne; P. Decatur, Ind., '60; Sugar Grove and Irvine, Pa., '66, Callensburg, '68; Perrysville, '70; married, Sept. 27, '59, Miss Barbara Langdon ; died, near Charleston, S. C, Aug. 15, '72. PiNKERTON, John Alexander, D.D. — Born, Mercer Co., Pa., January 10, 1826 ; J. C, '54; Sem., '54-'57; lie. Sept., '56, Pres. Erie; ord. Sept. 14, '57, Pres. Sangamon; P.Petersburg, 111., '57-'70 ; Chillicothe, Mo., '70-'79; Beloit, Kas., '79-; D. D.; Stated Clerk, Pres. Solomon. Posey, David E, M.D.— Born, Chester Co., Pa., 1832 ; Wash . C; Sem., '54 ; health failed; Physician, Arch street, Philadelphia. *SiNCLAR, James Hall. — Born, Tyrer, Scotland, November, 1827 ; teacher ; Sem., '54-'57 ; lie. April, '57,, Pres. Ohio; ord. Oct., '57, Pres. Fayetteville ; P. Smyrna and Ashpole, N. C., '57-62 ; married, '49, Miss Mary MePher- son ; also, '59, Miss Mary McQueen ; died, N. C, Aug. 5, '77. 1827-188;).] G E N E R A L C A T A L OG U E . 71 ^Sinclair, Alexander. — Born, Kinlock, Isle of Mull, Scotland, March 14, 1834 ; P. E. C; Sem., '54-57 ; lie. April, '55, Pres. Ohio ; ord. June, '56, same Pres.; S. S. and P. Sharpsburg, Pa., '55-57 ; P. 1st ch. Charlotte, N. C, '57 -'64; Titusville, Pa., '69-'73 ; S. S. Aiken, S. C, '75-'76; Barnesville, O., '76 -'78 ; Marion, '78-81 ; P. Wicomico ch.. Salisbury, Md., '82-85.; married. Miss Nellie Plummer; also, Aug. 10, '58, Miss Mary Laura Davidson ; died, Salisbury, Md., Feb. 20, '85. Thompson, Albert Egnew. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., May 10, 1831 ; J. C, '53; Sem., '54-57 ; lie. Dec, '56, Pres. Beaver; ord. June, '58, Pres. Chicago ; P. Oswego, 111., '57-60; Marysville and Milford Center, O., '60- '67; Gallon, '67-'68 ; Apple Creek, '68-'74 ; Rushville, Ind., '74-'81 ; Lam- ed, Kas., '81-'84; Spearville, Kas., '84-. WoRTMAN, Martin Luther. — Born, St. Johns, New Brunswick, June 12, 1828 ; J. C, '53; Sem., '54-57 ; lie. June 8, '56, Pres. Steubenville; ord. Jan. 29, '58, Pres. Allegheny City ; S. S. Hilands, Pa., '56-57 ; Crawfordsville, lowai '57-'58; S. S. and P. Hilands, '58-'69 ; Long Island, '58-'66 ; Emsworth, '58-'64; S. S. Industry, '69-'74; Emsworth, '69-72; P. Freedom, Long Island, '72- ; Hilands, '80-; married, Oct. 12, '60, Miss. A. J. Wood; also> Dec. 6, '77, Mrs. M. J. Young. 1855-1S56. A KEY, James B. — Born, County Antrim, Ireland, 1820; F. C, '54; Sem., '55 -'57 ; lie. '57, Pres. Coshocton ; ord. '59, Pres. Maumee ; S. S. Linton and Evans Creek, O., '57 ; West Bethesda and Eagle Creek, '59 ; Jefferson Val- ley, Mo., '65-'69 ; miss, Bd. Pub., '71-'75; W. C; H, E.; res. College Springs, Iowa. *Annan, John Emerson. — Born, Mifllin Co., Pa., August 21, 1823; N. J. C, '55; Sem., '55-58 ; lie. Jan. 11, '58, Pres. Washington ; taught Sem., '59 ; S. S. Xenia, O., '59 ; ord. June, '60, Pres. West Hanover ; P. Charlottesville, Va., '59-'61 ; S. S. Central eh., Pittsburgh, Pa., '61 ; P. 1st ch., Cincinnati, O., '62-'64; Fortieth Street ch., New York, '64-'67 ; married, Dee. 15, '63, Miss Elizabeth Culbertson ; died, June 26, '70. Barr, John Calvin. — Born, Washington Co., Pa.; November 11, 1823; J. C, '55; Sem., '55-'58 ; lie. Feb., '57, Pres. Ohio, ord. April, '58, same Pres.; Ev., W. Va., '58-'59 : P. Lewisburg, W. Va., '59-'69 ; Charleston, '69- ; married. May 10, '59, Miss Maria B. Smith. Barron, David Henry, D. D.— Born, Center Co., Pa., August 29, 1828 ; J. C. Sem., '55-58 ; lie. '57, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. June, '58, Pres. Redstone ; P. Mt. Pleasant and Pleasant Unity, Pa., '58-'61 ; Holidaysburg, '61- ; D. D.; married, Miss Mary J. McCullough. 72 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Boyd, James Shields.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., August 3, 1830 ; Wash. C, '55; Sem., '55-59; lie. April 13, '58, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Sept., '63, same Pres.; P. Plains, Pa., '63-'66 ; S. S. and P. Kirksville, Mo.. '66-'85 ; Prin. Witherspoon Inst., '64-'65.; married, Jan. 25, '59, Miss Mary Jane Shryock. *BuRROW, Aaron Alexander.— Born, Madison Co., Tenn., July 23, 1832; Beth. C, '54; Sem., '55-57 ; lie '52, Pres. Madison; ord. '54, same Pres.; miss. Philadelphia, '57 ; Evansville, Ind., '58 ; Tenn., '62 ; died, Jackson, Tenn., Sept. 6, '62. Cumb. Presby. minister. ^Cunningham, William,— Born, Blairsville, Pa., June 14, 1827 ; J. C, '52 ; teacher; Sem., '55; Princeton, '56-58; lie. '57, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Nov. 5, '61, same Pres.; Chap. U. S. A., '61-'62; S. S. and P. Princeville, 111., '63 -'70; P. Fairfield and Union, Pa., '71-'76 ; Denver, Col., '76-77 ; Blairsville, Pa., '77-78; married, Sept., '67, Miss Laura Aldrich ; also, Jan., '72, Miss E. W. Latham ; died, Blairsville, Pa., April 21, '69. Denny, Harmar. — Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 15, 1833; M. U., '52; Sem., '55; Princeton; ord. Eoman Catholic Priest, Nov, 1, '60; London, Eng., '60; Pau, France; Pittsburgh, Pa.; Frederic, Md., '71-'72; Woodstock Coll., Md., '72-73; P. St. Ignatius ch., Baltimore, Md., '72- R. C. Priest. Elder, James S.— Born, Elder's Ridge, Pa., May 30, 1829 ; J. C, '55 ; Sem.,'55 -'58 ; lie. Jan. 7, '58, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. Sept. 6, '59, same Pres.; P. Green- ville and Bethlehem, Pa., former '59-68, latter '59-60 ; Bethlehem, '60- '68; Clarion and Rehoboth. '68—; Europe, '82; married, Dec. 22, '58, Miss Nannie C. Barnett. EwiNG, James Alexander. — Born, Indiana Co., Pa., January 30, 1828 ; J. C. '55 ; Sem., '55-58 ; lie. Jan., '58, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. Dec, '58, Pres. Clarion ; teacher ; S. S. Presbyteries Washington, West Virginia and Cin- cinnati ; married, Oct. 28, '58, Miss Martha Burt ; res. Sistersville, VV. Va. Frances, David.— Born, ?; M. U.; Sem.; '55; Episcopal Church. Fredericks, James Turner. — Born, February 22, 1827; J. C, '55; Sem., '55- 58; lie. '57, Pres. Richland ; ord. '58. Pres. Washington ; P. Burgettstown ; Pa., '58— ; married, March 15, '59, Miss Mary Patterson. Graham, George. — Born, Marti nsbnrg, Ohio, December 13, 1826; J. C, '55 ; Sem., '55-58 ; lie. June, '57, Pres. Richland; ord. '58, Pres. Marion; P. Bucyrus, O., '58-61 ; S. S. Clarksville, Iowa, '64— ; married, Nov. '57, Miss A. E. Rose, Graham, Grafton Hamilton. — Born, New Market Md., March 10, 1818 ; Sem., '55-57; lie. '42, A. M. E. Ch.; ord. '47, same body ; Circuits in Ohio, '55-'59; Cincinnati, '63; Columbus, '66; Lexington, Ky., '69; Frankfort, '70-'73; Louisville, '73-'76; Harrodsburg, '76-'77 ; Zanesville, O., '79; Mid- dleport, '82 ; Portsmouth, '84—. A. M. E. Church minister. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 73 Harmer, Jacob P. — Born, ? ; Seni., '55. A. M. E. Church minister. Cannot be traced. Hamilton, Jesse Wells. — Born, Carroll Co., Ohio, January 5, 1827 ; J. C. '55 ; Sem., '55-58; lie. '57, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. '60, same Pres.; teacher. New Hagerstown Acad., '62-'65 ; S. S. Waterford and Bellville, O., '60-'()2; P. Lower Ten Mile, Pa., '65-'70; Witherspoon Inst., Pa., '73-75; Sharps- ville, '73-'75 ; S. S. Mingo, O., '75-'80 ; P. E. Springfield and Bacon Ridge, '82—; married, '60, Miss Sarah A. Chaddock. *Hamilton, John Reyburn. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., March 17, 1833; Wash. C, '53 ; 8em., '55-'58; lie. '57, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. '58 ; P. Fair- view, Girard and Westminster, '58-63 ; Chap. 111th Regt. Pa. Vols., '63- '65; P.Newark, Del., '66-'70 ; Red Bank, N. J., '70 ; married, June, '60, Miss Maria M. Hamilton ; died, Jan. 12, '76, Harris, John Hughes. — Born, Middlebury, Ohio, May 22, 1832; M. U., '56; Sem., '53 ; Assoc. Ref. Sem.; W. T. S., '56; lie. April 21, '57, Pres. Wooster; ord. April, '58, same Pres.; teacher ; miss.; agt. A. and For. Ch. Un., '63- '68; S. S. Taylorville, 111.; Chatham and Auburn, '70-'73; New R '73-'76; Bethany, Ind., '76-78; Monteno, 111., '79-80 ; H. R., Los Angeles, Cal., '84— ; married, May 31, '57, Miss Harriet Newell Miller. Irwin, Robert, D. D. — Born, Oxford, Ohio, January 1, 1833 ; H. C, '54 ; Sem., .'55; lie. April 5, '56, Pres. Muncie; ord. April, '57, Pres. Logan sport ; P. W. Union and Bethlehem, Ind., '56-'64; Waveland, '64-'68; 1st ch., Kan- sas City, Mo., '68-'73; Chap. U.S. A., '61-'62; Dist. Supt. Bd. Pub., '73- '80; Prest. Lindenwood Fem. C, '80- ; D. D., H. U., Kas. Irwin, John C. — Born, Morgan Co., Ohio, January 24, 1831 ; J. C, '55 ; Sem., '55-58 ; lie. '57, Pres. Richland ; ord. '61, Pres. Logansport; P. Logansport, Ind., '61-67 ; Greensburg, Ind., '67-72; Chatanooga, Tenn., '79 ; Wilkins- burg, Pa., '79-84 ; Albert Lea, Minn., '84— ; married, '58, Miss Jennie E. Burgett. JuNKiN, Benjamin Oliver. — Born, Mercer Co., Pa., March 17, 1826 ; J. C, '55 ; Sem., '55-58; lie. June, '57, Pres. Clarion; ord. June, '60, same Pres.; S. S. Salem, Sandy Lake and Milledgeville, Pa., '59 ; Ridgeway and Elkton, '60-'61 ; Westminster and Buffalo ; Union and Hicksville, O., '65-69 ; Dex- ter, Iowa, '69-72; miss,. Pa., '72-75 ; P. Concord, Pa., '76-'80 ; Fairmount, '76-83 ; Los Angeles, Cal., Ev., '83— ; married, Dec. 15, '58, Miss Jane Mary McClean. *Keeling, William Bltler. — Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 4, 1828 ; J. C, '55 ; Sem., '55-'58; lie. April, '57, Pres. Ohio; ord. Oct., '58 ; P. Mt. Prospect, Pa., '58-'63; S. S. Crow Meadow and Reading, 111., '63-'75 ; Streator, '70; Wenona, '75-78 ; married, Aug. 15, '54, Miss Mary L. Henderson ; died, Wenona, 111., April 29, '78. 74 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. *McCARTNEy, John Young.— Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., June 22, 1835 ; J. C, '55; Sem., '55-58; lie. April, '57, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. Oct., '58, Pres. Ohio ; P. Mt. Washington, Pa., '58-64 ; S. S. Temperanceville, same time ; S. S. Central ch., Pittsburgh, '64 ; P. 12th ch., Baltimore, Md., '65 ; married. Miss Jennie M. Warner ; died, Baltimore, Md., May 14, '65. McKean, John. — Born, Ireland ; Sem., '55-56; lie. '55, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. '57, Pres. Clarion; P. Perry, Pa., '57-'61 ; S. S. Emlenton, '61-'63; Mt. Ver- non, '64-'67 ; Olathe, Kas., '70 ; P. Little Valley, Pa., '75-'78 ; S. S- Middle Tusearora, '78 ; Bethel, '80 ; Ev., Kas., '81— McKee, William Bergstresser. — Born, Boalsburg, Pa., May 22, 1829; Mt. Pleas. C; Sem., '55-58 ; lie. April, '57, Pres. Allegheny City ; ord. April, '58, same Pres.; Home miss., Ashland and Bayfield, Wis., '58-'61 ; P. Bald Eagle, Pa., '62-' 68; Silver Springs, '68-'70; Sparta, N. J., '71-75; Home miss., Franklin Furnace, '76-78 ; MeCune, Kas., '78-83 ; Arlington, 111., '83-. *McMiLLAN, Robert. — Born, Washington Co., Pa.; teacher; J. C; Sem., '55- '56; lie. April 17, '56, Pres. Washington; ord. Aug. 25, '57, Pres. Salts- burg ; P. Warren and Pine Run, Pa., '57-64 ; married, '56, Miss Lizzie White; died, Apollo, Pa., Aug. 1, '64. Moore, William Porter. — Born, Tarentum, Pa., June 27, 1830; J. C, '55; Sem., '55-'58 ; lie. Oct., '57, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. '58, Pres- Clarion; P- Bethesda, Pa., '58-'60 ; S. S. Connellsville, '60 ; Chap. 142d Regt. Pa. Vols., '62-'63 ; Oil City, Pa., '63-'68 ; 2d ch., Allegbenv, '69-'76 ; Long Run, '76- '83; Fredericksburg, O., '83—; married, April 8, '58, Miss Rosie M. Fulton. Moore, Robert Ralston.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., Aug. 16, 1830; J. C, '55; Sem., '55-'58 ; lie. '58, Pres. Beaver ; ord. April 15, '59, Pres. Richland ; P. Shelby, O., '59-'64 ; S. S. Shelbyville, Tenn., and Harrodsburg, Ky., '64-'69 : P. Wellsburg, W. Va., '69-'73 ; 6th ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '73-'79; Newark, O., '79-'83; P. E. Urichsville, '84-'85; P.Conneautville, Pa., '85- ; married, Aug. 17, '65, Miss Emma C. Dunlap. *MoRGAN, Pollard McCormick.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., 1834; M. U., '55; Sem., '55-58 ; ord. Roman Catholic Priest, '60 ; Prof. Rhet. and Theo.. St. Michael's C, '61 ; England ; P. St. Andre^v's, Manchester, Pa., till '70 ; died, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 16, '72. R. C. Priest. ^Patterson, William David. — Born, Mercersburg, Pa., July 22, 1838 ; M. C, '55; Sem., '55-58 ; lie. June 17, '58, Pres. Carlisle; P. E. Dillsburg and Petersburg, Pa.; died. Lake City, Minn., Nov. 24, '61. Schereschewsky, Samuel Isaac Joseph, D. D. — Born, Taurreggen, Russian Lithuania, 1831 ; Z. R. S. & B. U., '53; Sem.,'55-'58 ; Ep.Theo. Sem., N. Y., '58; lie. April, '-58, Pres. Allegheny; ord. Dec., '59; Priest, '60; Prot. Ep. Ch.; Bishop of China ; Shanghai, '59— ; pub., " O. T. in Chinese," " Book of Prayer,'' "Gospel by Matthew in Mongolian," "Dictionary of Mongolian." Bi.shop of Episcopal Church. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 75 Scott, George Kerr. — Born, Washington, Pa., August 17, lSo7 ; Wash. C, '•'35 ; Sem., '55-58 ; lie. April, '58, Pres. Washington; ord. April, '59, same Pres.; P. Lochart, Texas, '60 ; S. S. Wayne and Chester, O., '61-'62 ; Virginia, 111., '63-65; Independence, Mo., '65-66; P. Appleby Manor, '67-71; Crooked Creek, '67-'70; Cherry Run, Pa., '67-'70 ; Curry's Run, '69-'70 ; P. Harrison City, '71-73 ; Sewickley, '73-75 ; Clarksburg, W. Va., '75-77 ; S. S. Hughes River and Pennsboro, '77-81 ; teacher, '82 ; Schellsburg, Pa., '84— ; married, Nov. 24, '59, Miss Ella Taylor Beatty. *Sharpe, Samuel M. — Born, West Middletown, Pa., November 23, 1834; J. C, '55 ; Sem., '55-58 ; lie. and ord. '58 ; For. miss., S. A.; Bogota, S. A., '48- '60 ; married, Miss Martha Jamieson ; died, Bogota, S. A., Oct. 30, '60. Simpson, John Akchibald Erastus. — Born, New York City, December 19, 1827 ; J. C, 55 ; Sem., '55-'59 ; teacher ; lie. April, '59, Pres. Ohio ; ord. Dec. 27, '59, Pres. Coshocton ; P. Millersburg, O., and S. S. Holmesville, '59 -'63 ; Paxton and Oilman, 111., '63-'64 ; Prospect, 111., '64-'66 ; S. S., '67 ; P. Reimersburg, and S. S. Oak Ridge and Middle Creek, Pa., '67-'70 ; P. Corinth, '70-'78 ; S. S. Monroeville, O., '70-'72 ; S. S. Stillfork, '72-'75 ; S. S. Minerva and Bethlehem, '79-80 ; Clark. Bloomfield, '80-'83 ; Ev., '83- ; married, Aug. 6, '57, Miss Maggie A. Hill. Slagle, Bernard Woj-ff. — Born, Washington, Pa., December 27, 1832 ; VVash. C, 54; law student; Sem., '55-58; lie '58, Pres. Washington; ord. '59, same Pres.; S. S. Monticello and Canton, Mo., '59-'61 ; P. Defiance, O., '62-. Sloan, George Washington. — Born, August 30. 1825; J. C, '49 ; Sem., '55- '58 ; lie. .Ian. '58, Pres. Ohio , ord. April, '58, same Pres.; P. Steilacoom, Puget Sound ; married. Miss Rebecca M. Cokain. Smith, James Power. — Born, ? ; W. R. C; Sem., '55-57 ; Baptist minister ; cannot be traced. *Spargrove, George Meredith. — Born, Guernsey Co., Ohio, February 18, 1836; Wash. C, '55; Sem., '55-'58 ; lie. '57, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. '60, same Pres.; P. Plum Creek, Pa., '61-65; Murraysville, '67-'80; married, '58, Miss Sarah Emma Crane ; died, Pittsburgh, Oct. 30, '81. "*Staicos, Nestor A., M. D. — Born, Argos, Greece, August 15, 1828; A. F. C, '55 ; teacher, Richmond, Va.; Sem., '55-56 ; lie. '56, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. April 9, '56, same Pres.; For. miss. Greece ; married. Miss Ellen Smith ; died, Salem, Mass., Sept. 1, '56. loAVNSEND, Daniel W. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 29, 1834; J. C, '55 ; Sem., '55-58 ; lie. '57, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. June, '58 ; Pres. Salts- burg ; P. Parnassus, Pa., '58-67 : Alliance, O., '67-'69 ; Unity, Pa., '69- ; married. Miss Lizzie M. Kier. 76 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Veeder, Peter Vrooman, D. D.— Born, Rotterdam, N. Y., June 23, 1825 ; U. C, '46; teacher, '46-56 ; lie. April, '57, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. Oct., '57, same Pres.; S. S. Kingsboro, N, Y., '57 ; Sacramento, Cal., '58 ; P. Napa, '58 -'65 ; Prest. U. C. Cal., '65-'71 ; Prof. Imperial Un., Tokio, Japan, '71-'79 ; Prof. W. U. P., '80-'82 ; Prof. Lake Forest Un., 111., '82- ; D. D., U. C; pub. Papers read before Asiatic Society, Japan ; married, Jan. 9, '61, Miss Amelia W. Jacks. *WoLCOTT, John J.— Born, Addison Co., Vermont; Mid. C; Sem., '56-'58 ; lie. '57, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. '63, Pres. Marion ; P. St. Charles, Mo.; Bu- cyrus, O., '63-65; Milwaukee, Wis.; P. Depere, '71-'74; died, April 30, '74. 1856—18.57. BLAcavFORD, Alexander Latimer. — Born, Jefferson Co., Ohio, January 6, 1829; Wash. C, '56 ; Sem., '56-'59; lie. April. '58, Pres. Washington ; ord. Oct., '59, same Pres.; For. miss. South Am.; Sao Paulo, '63-67, and Rio de Jenerio, '60-75*; Gen. Agt. Bible Soc, '76-'80 ; S. S. Bahia and Cachoeira, Brazil,'81— ; Ed. Imprensa Evangelica ; P. O. Bahia, Brazil ; married, March 12, '60, Miss Elizabeth W. Simonton ; also, May 24, '81, Miss Nannie J. Gaston. Burchfield, William A. — Born,?; J. C; Sem., '56; lie. '59, Pres. Ohio;, licentiate, '59-73; teacher. BuRCHiNAL, William Jarrett, — Born, Stewartstown, W. Va.; Sem., '56-57 ;. health failed ; teacher 3 yrs., Iowa ; 11 yrs., Mo.; 7 yrs.. Pa.; 5 yrs., mer- chandize; married, Nov. 2.5, '56, Miss S. J. Chalfant. Burgett, James Ralston, D. D. — Born, ? ; J. C, '53 ; teacher, '53-56 ; Sem., '56-'57; He. June 16, '57, Pres. Richland ; ord. May, '58, same Pres.; S. S. and P. Mansfield, O., '57-59 ; Government Street ch.. Mobile, Ala., '60— ;. D. D., Og. U.; married, July 26, '5-5, Miss Martha A. Vance; also, June 6, '60, Miss Sarah V. V/heeler. *Campbell, Thomas Cochran. — Born, on the Indian Ocean, March 12, 1836;^ J. C, '56 ; Sem., '56-59 ; lie. April 7, '58, Pres. Ohio ; S. S. Sandusky City, '59; ord. Nov., '60, Pres. W^. Reserve ; Westminster ch., Cleveland, O., '61- '62 ; Marion, '62 ; married, Jan. 24, '60, Miss Jennie Gormley ; died, June 8, '62. Campbell, William Ward. — Born, Uniontown, Pa., December 28, 1832; Wash. C, '53 ; Sem., '56 ; lie. April, '59, Pres. Redstone ; ord. '59 ; P. Fair- mount, W. Va., '59-62 ; Parkersburg, '62-' 64; Seventh Street ch., Wash- ington, D. C, '64-'67 ; Nashville, Tenn., '67-'70 ; S. S. Delphi and Crawfords- ville, Ind., '70-'71 ; 1st cli., Plymouth, '72 ; S. S. 2d ch., New Castle, Pa.; Gettysburg, '72-'75 ; S. S. Hunt. Pres., '75-'79 ; Prof Pa. Ag. C, '79-'81: Grove ch., Aberdeen, Md., '81-84; married, May 29, '61, Miss C. Chandler. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 77 CoNDiT, Ira Miller. — Born, Mercer Co., Pa., January 14, 1833 ; J. C, '55 ; Sem., '56-'59 ; lie. April 14, '58, Pres. Erie ; ord. Sept. 24, '59, same Pres.; For. miss. China; Canton, '58-65 ; Chinese miss. California, '66 ; S. S. Girard, Pa., '67-70 ; Chinese miss. San Francisco and Oakland, '70— ; mar- ried March 6, '60, Miss Laura E. Carpenter ; also. Miss Knox. Edgerton, John Mills — Born, ?; M. C. P; Sem., '56. GiLLAM, Jeremiah C. — Born, Elizabeth, Pa., November 30, 1826; J. C, 56; Sem., '56-59; lie. April 12, '59, Pres. Coshocton; ord. Jan. 19, '60, same Pres.; P. Mt. Eaton and Berlin, O., '60-' 68 ; teacher, '61-'64 ; S. S, and P. Holmesville, '68-'72 ; Holmesville and Berlin. '72-'73 ; Canal Fulton and Marshallville, '73-'80; Mt. Eaton and Berlin, '83—; married, March 26, '52, Miss Ann Eliza Christy ; also, Dee. 12, '69, Miss Louisa M. Lecky. *Green, David D.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., August 12, 1828; J. C, '56 ; Sem., '56-59 ; lie. April, '58, Pres. Richland; ord. April, 59, same Pres.; For. miss. Ningpo, China, '59-66 ; Hangchow, '66-69 ; Home miss. Doni- phon, Kas, '70-72 ; Nathena, '72 ; married, May 17, '59, Lydia J. Good- rich ; died, Doniphon, Kas., Oct, 24, '72. Hill, John Franklin. — Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., February 20, 1835 ; Wash. C , '56 ; Sem., '56-'57 ; lie. June 24, '57, Pres. Pittsburgh, Ref. P. Ch.; ord. Dee. 29, '58, same body ; P Bethel and Ebenezer, Pa., '58-'69; Shelbyville, Tenn., '72-'76 ; Bethany, Pa., '76-84; Chartiers, '84-; married. Dec. 29, '59, Miss Margaret G. Guthrie. Howey, John Dagg. — Born, Carrollton, Ohio, November 22, 1821 ; J. C, '56; Sem., '56-59; lie. June, '58, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Sept. 21, '59 P. Sugar Creek and Mill Creek, Pa., '59-65; S. S. Worthington and Liberty, O., '65-'69; Vermont, 111., '69-'71; Prairie City, '71-76 ; Kewanee, '76-79; Altona, '80-83; Raymond, Neb., '83-; married. May 2S, '61, Miss Lina I. Bowman. *HuGHES, John Watson. —Born, Summit Co., Ohio, November 18, 1836 ; Wash. C, '56 ; Sem., '56-59 ; died, Allegheny Pa., March 1, '59 ; before lincensure. Hume, Robert. — Born, Canada West ; U. T.; Sem. '56. Minister in Canada. KiER, William. — Born, ? ; U. P. C; Sem. '56-57 ; in '72 minister at Prince- town ; Prince Edward Island. Probably deceased. Lawson, Orr, D. D. — Born, Clarion Co., Pa., October 17, 1831 ; J. C, '56 ; Sem., '56-59 ; lie. April, '58, Pres. Clarion ; ord. April, '59, same Pres.; P. Bu- chanan and French Creek, W. Va., '59-61 ; S. S. and P. Sinking Valley and Logan Valley, Pa.,'61-'67, former '69; P. Sunbury, '69-'70; Oxford, '70- ; D. D., '83, W. & J. C; married, Oct. 27, '69, Miss Mary E. Marshall. 78 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1827—1885. Marshall, William Rice, D. D. — Born, Guernsey Co., Ohio, August 18, 1831 ; M. C , '56; Sem., '56 ; Princeton, '57-59 ; lie. May 18, '59, Pres. Zanesville ; ord. June 20, '59, Pres. Baltimore; P. 12th ch., Baltimore, Md., '59-65 ; 1st ch., Columbus, '65-70; Fin. Sec. W. U. O., '70-71 ; P. 1st ch., Dubuque, Iowa, '71-74 ; D. D.; married. May 31, '59, Miss Catharine Henderson ; died, Dubuque, Iowa, Dec. 26, '74. Morrow, Nicholas Van Eman. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., March 8, 1830 ; J. C, '56; Sem., '56-59 ; lie. Dec, '58, Pres. Beaver ; ord. Nov. '60, Pres. Findley ; P. West Union and Enon Valley, O., '60-'70 ; S. S. Troy, Iowa, '71- '72; Fairview, '72-74; Union City, '72-73; Lenox, '73-'78 ; miss., 78-; married, May 26, '59, Miss Mary Jane Smith. Myers, Benjamin Franklin. — Born, Cumberland Co., Pn., January 28, 1823 ; J. C, '54; teacher, '54-56; Sem., '56-59; lie. Jan., '59, Pre". Allegheny ; ord. June, '59, same Pres.; P. Somerset, Pa., '59-'60; S. S. Chestnut Grove, Md., '61-'70 ; P. Bethel, '64-'71 ; S. S. Mt. Paran and Quarries, '71 ; Snow Hill, Md., '72-'77 ; New London, Pa., '77-79 ; Darby, '79-'82 ; Slatington, '82-'83; Prin. acad., '83-'84; Prin. Sem., '84; Ev., '85; married, Dec. 26, '61, Miss Virginia Bull. *McKiNNEY, Isaac Newton.— Born, Erie, Pa., October 20, 1828; J, C, '49 teacher, '49-'52 ; Princeton, '52-'53 ; Sem., '56-'57 ; lie. '57, Pres. Pittsburgh ord. April 14, '57, same Pres.; P. Montour, Pa., '57-'60 ; Prof. J. C, '60-'61 Europe, '62; Ed. Family Treasure, '62-'64; died, Sewickley, Pa., Nov. 21, '64. *McMillan, John, D. D. — Born, Chester District, S. C, December 30, 1826; Sera., '56-57 ; lie. '56, Pres. Ass. Presb. Ch.; ord. same body ; entered the Presb. Ch., June 16, '70 ; P. Reunion ch., Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '70-'78 ; 15th ch., Philadelphia, '79-'82 ; died, Nantucket, Mass., Aug. 3, '82. Peairs, Henry Robinson. — Born, Duncan Falls, Ohio ; J. C, '56 ; Sem., '56- '59; lie. April, '58, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. '59, Pres. Zanesville; S. S. Allen Grove, Va.; P. Brownsville and Uniontown, O., '59-'61 ; S. S. Rushville and Bethel, '61-'62 ; P. Kenton, '64-'70 ; Harrison, '70-73 ; Heyworth, 111., '73- '82 ; S. S. Normal, '82— ; married, June, '60, Miss Sarah A. Hope. Reed, James Armstrong, D. D. — Born, Huntingdon, Pa., May 22, 1830 ; J. C, '56 ; Sem. ,'56-59 ; lie. May,'59, Pres. Huntingdon ; S. S. Cedar Rapids, Iowa ; ord. Oct., '60, Pres. Wooster; P. 1st ch , Wooster, '60-'68 ; S. S. Minn.; Washington, D. C; P. Springfield, 111., '70; married. Miss Cornelia M. Ker. Roi'DEBUSH, George Shotwell, D. D. — Born, Washington Co., Pa.; J. C, '56 ; Sem., '56-'57 ; miss. Woodville, '63-'66 ; Carmel, '66-'69 ; teacher, Natchez, '69-'73 ; Crystal Springs, '74-77 ; teacher, Starckville, '80 ; Jackson, '84— ; D. D. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 79 *ScoTT, George. — Born, Hancock Co.. W. Va., December, 1831; J. C, '56; Sem., '56-59 ; lie. April, '59, Pres. Washington ; ord. June 27, '60, Pres. Erie ; P. Greenwood, Evansburg and Harraonsburg, Pa., '60-'62 ; Minerva, O., '63-?; Tarentum, Pa., '71-?; Concord, ?-83; married, April 1, '61, Miss Harriet N. Murray; died, Tarentum, Pa., July 28, '83. Smith, John M. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., March 6, 1831 ; J. C, '56 ; Sem., '56-59 ; lie. April 7, '58, Pres. Ohio ; miss. 2 yrs.; ord. April 28, '60 ; P. Wellsburg, W. Va., '60; Sbarpsburg, Pa., '61-'67 ; St. Charles, Mo., '67- '70; P. Hilands, '71-74 ; Cent, eh., Pittsburgh, '74-'76; Canonsburg, '76- -, married, Sept. 29, '59, Miss Margaret Patterson. Travis, Mordecai Moore. — Born, Columbiana Co., Ohio, October 22, 1827 '" J. C, '56 ; Sem., '56-'59 ; lie. '59, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. '65, Pres. Zanes- ville ; miss. Athens and Hocking Co., O.; teacher and preacher, Brownsville, '62-'68 ; P. Chenoa, 111., '68- ; married, July, '59, Miss Mattie A. Croxton. Watson, Samuel. — Born, ? ; J, C, '55 ; Sem., '56-'57. Merchant, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wykoff, Benjamin DuBois. — Born, Carlisle, Ohio, May 15, 1835 ; H. C, '55 ; Sem., '56-'59 ; lie. Dec. 27, '58, Pres. Miami ; ord. June 19, '60, same Pres.; S. S. Granville and Gettysburg, O., '59-'60; For. miss. India; Mynpoorie, India, '60-'75; P. Archibald, N. Y., '76-'79; Pres. miss., '79-'84; married, May 31, '60, Miss Melissa Johnson ; res. East Durham, N. Y. WiSHART, Marcus. — Born, Washington, Pa., February 4, 1836 ; Wash. C, '56 ; Sem., '56-59; lie '60, Pres. Washington; ord. '61, same Pres.; S. S, Maline Creek, Mo., '60 ; 3d eh.. Wheeling, W. Va., '61-'62 ; 1st ch., Meadville, Pa., '63-'64; P. Tarentum, '68-'70 ; S. S. Miuersville, '71; Rehoboth, '74- '77 ; Waterford, '77-; married. May 15. '61, Miss Elizabeth W. Bell. WoRTABET, Gregory M., M. D. — Born, Syria ; Sem. '56-57 ; Bombay, India, '72. Physician. 1857-1858. Allison, James William. — Born, Augusta Co., Va., May 23, 1828 ; H. C.,'56 ; Sem., '56-57 ; lie April, '57, Pres, Palestine; ord. April, '59, same Pres.; Home miss. '58-'62 ; P. Areola, 111., '62-'69 ; S. S. Grandview, '69-'71; Hickory Grove and Humboldt, '74-77 ; Kansas and Redmore, '78-'80 ; H. R.; married, May 4, '58, Miss Anna Nelson ; also, '62, Miss Mary Howell ; res. Kansas, 111. *B0YD, Andrew W. — Born, Mechanicstown, Ohio, March 4, 1834 ; J. C, '56 ; Sem., '57-'60; lie. '59, Pres. Steubenville; ord. '60, Pres. Beaver; S. S. Darl- ington, Pa., '60-65 ; P. Florence, '65-66 ; P. Leesburg, '67-69.; married, April 24, '60, Miss Rachel E. Brugh.; died, June 18, '69. 80 GENEEAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. *Cartjthers, James Ewing.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 6, 1821 ; J. C, '57; Sem., '57-59 ; lie, April 7, '58, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. May 12, '59, same Pres.; S. S. Livermore and Clarksburg, Pa.; P. Boiling Spring, '59-'67 ; Leechburg, '59-'70 ; Yates City, 111., '71-'74 ; married, Dec. 22, '58, Miss Matilda E. Brucej died, Poland, O., March 7, '75. Cooper, Daniel William.— Born, Knox Co., Ohio, September, 2, 1830; M. U., '57 ; Sem., '57-'59 ; lie. '58, Pres. Kichland ; ord^ '59, same Pres.; P. Olivesburg and Bloomington, O., '59-'65 ; Ottawa, 111., '65-'72; P. West Point, Ind., '72 '78 ; S. 8. N. Baltimore, Wassakonet and Harrison, '78-'82 ; Mc- Comb, O., '82- ; married, Oct. 6, '59, Miss Jane Skinner COLMERY, David R.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., May 4, 1829; M. U., '54; teacher, 3 yrs.; Sem., '57-'60; lie. April 20, '59, Pres. Columbus; Waveland Col. Inst., '61 ; ord. Sept. 23, '62, Pres. Cincinnati; S. S. and P. Pleasant Eidge, '62-'64; P. Clifton, O., '64-'69 ; Yellow Springs, '69-'72 ; Thorntown, Ind., '72-'75 ; Jersey, O., '76-'82 ; Columbus, '82- ; married. Miss Anna N. Burns ; also, May 3, '60, Miss Mary J. Hanna. Downs, Caleb Bracken.— Born, Fayette Co., Pa., June 20, 1830; J. C, '57 ; Sem., '57-'58; lie. June 20, '60, Pres. Eichland ; ord. Oct., '61, same Pres.; P. Utica and Homer, O., '60-'74 ; Lithopolis, '74-'82 ; S. S. Frazeysburg, '82-'83; Hanover, '83-; married, March 28, '60, Miss Martha M. Dayton. ^DuNLAP, Silas Glenn.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., November 1, 1832; J. C, '57; Sem., '57-'60; lie. April 13, '59, Pres. Eichland; ord. June 13, '60, same Pres.; S. S. Waterford and Belleville, '60 ; P. Monongahela City, Pa., '62-'66 ; S. S. McKeesport, Pa.; agt. Wooster U., O., '67-'68 ; S. S. Orrville, '69 ; married, May 15, '60, Miss Jennie L. Goodrich ; died, Orrville, O., Feb. 8, '70. *EvANS, EiCHARD J.— Born, Ebensburg, Pa., 1834 ; J. C, '57 ; Sem., '57-'60 ; lie. '59; Pres. Allegheny City; ord. '59, same Pres.; miss. Washington Terri- tory; S. S. Olympia, W. T., '61-'63; married, Feb. 7, '60, Miss Sarah F. Woods ; died, Olympia, W. T., June 15, '63. Fisher, Daniel Webster, D. D.— Born, Blair Co., Pa., January 17, 1838 ; J. C, '57 ; Sem., '57-'60 ; lie. April '59, Pres. Huntingdon ; ord, April, '60, same Pres; Home miss., Va., '59; S. S. Thalia Street ch.. New Orleans, '60- '61; P. 1st ch., Wheeling, W. Va., '61-'76 ; 2d ch., Madison, Wis., '76-'79 ; Pres. H. C; — D. D.; married, April 25, '60, Miss Amanda D. Kouns. Fitzgerald, James D. — Born, Franklin Co., Pa., October 25, 1831 ; J, C, '57 ; Sem., '57-60 ; lie. June, '59, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. Aug., '60, Pres. St. Clairs- ville ; P. Martinsville, O., '60-'63 ; Bellaire, '63-'66 ; 1st ch. Cumberland, Md., 'm ; Frostburg and Ellenslie, Md.; Southern Ohio, to '81 ; Clarks- burg and Weston, W- Va., '81-83 ; P. Light Street ch., Baltimore, Md., '83 ; married, April, '60, Miss Mary Lucetta Witherspoon. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 81 *French, Charles Porter. — Born, Fayette Co., Pa., March 15, 1829 ; Wash. C, '57 ; Sera., '57-' 60 ; lie. April 20, '59, Pres. Washington; miss. Lake Superior, '59 ; ord. April 24, '61, same Pres.; miss, work; S. S. Williams- burg and Monterey, O., '62; Buckliannon and French Creek, W. Va., '61- '66; Farm Ridge, 111., '66-'70 ; married, Aug. 14, '61, Miss Mary J. Brown ; died. Farm Ridge, 111., Feb. 8, '76. Greenough, William. — Born,?; U. N. Y; Sera., '57-60; lie. April, '60, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '61, same Pres.; P. Mingo, Pa., '61 -'63 ; Piqua, O., '63-'69 ; P. E. Logansport, Ind., '69-'71 ; P. 4th ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '71-'73 ; Co- hocksink, Philadelphia, '73—. Hair, Samuel G.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., November 9, 1828 ; Mt. U. C; Sem. '57-58 ; N. W. T. '59-'61 ; lie. May 15, '61, Pres. Chicago ; ord. Oct., '68, Pres. Rock River; S. S. Franklin Grove, '61-'64; teacher, '64-'65 ; New Boston, '66-71 ; P. 1st oh., Sigourney, Iowa, '71-79 ; Belmont ave. ch., Youngstown, O., '79-'84 ; P. E. 3d ch.. Wheeling, W. Va., '84-; married. Jan. 11, '66, Miss K. H. Tuttle. Heagan, John Wesley. — Born, ? ; Sem. '57 ; lie. 62, Pres, Louisville ; teacher, '65 ; S. S. Cane Creek and Plum Creek, Ky., '66-69 ; Lawrenceburg, '69 ; Dardanelle, Ark., '82. Jackson, Richard H. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., January 24, 1829 ; J. C. '57 ; Sem. '57-'60 ; lie. Jan. 4, '60, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Dec. 6, '61, Pres. Ft. Wayne ; S. S. Ebenezer, Pa., '61; New Lancaster and BlufTton, Ind., '61-65; taught and preached, Crawfordsville, Ind., and Gettysburg and Bloomington, O., '65-70 ; supt. schools, Atchison, Kan., '70-'76 ; S. S. Oak- ford, 111., '76-'77 ; Appleton, Mo., '77-'82 ; Westfield, '77-; married, Dec. 27, '60, Miss Mary S. Kerr. Johnston, William F., D. D.— Born, Cadiz, O., March 16, 1838 ; J. C. '57 ; Sem. '57-60 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. '60, same Pres.; For. miss, India, '60—; D. D. *Kennedy, Robert Peebles.— Born, Canonsburg, Pa., February 3, 1831 ; J, C, '57 ; Sem., '57-60 ; lie. March, '60, Pres. Ohio; ord. '61, same Pres.; S. S. Liberty, Baxter and Pisgah, W. Va., '61-'68; Lebanon, '68-'70 ; P. Warm Springs and Windy Cove, '70-72; Red Clay Creek, Del., '72-'81 ; died, Faulkland, Del., Dee. 3, '81. King, Cotjrtlen.— Born, December 25, 18£6 ; Wash. C, '54; Sem.. '57-'58 ; dentist ; manufacturing dentist ; res. Uniontown, Pa., '85. *KiNKEAD, Samuel Porterfield.— Born, Butler Co., Pa., May 24, 1827 ; Wash. C, '57 ; Sem., '57-60 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Allegheny ; S. S. Academia and Rockland, Pa.; ord. Nov. 13, '60, Pres. Clarion ; P. Academia, Rockland and Richland, Pa., '60-'63 ; taught, same time; Callensburg and Concord, '6.3- '66 ; married, '61, Miss H. J. McFarland ; died, Callensburg, Pa., March 24, '66. 6 82 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1827—1885 Latjnitz, John, (full name, John Edward Ferdinand Schmidt von der LaunitzV —Born, Tivoli, near Rome, Italy, August 20, 1829 ; G. F. M.; Sem., '57-60 ; lie. April 15, '59, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. April, '60, same Pres.; German ch. Allegheny, '65—; S. S. German ch., Bridgewater, '60-62; Freedom, '61- '62 ; Ed. German S. S. paper, monthly paper ; married, Sept. 15, '59, Miss A. R. Rade. Lee, Charles H. — Born, ? ; U. M.; Sem., '57. Cannot be traced. Lynn, Fbancis.— Born, ? ; U- C; Sem., '57-'58 ; lie. '59, Pres. Miami; ord. '63, Pres. Ft. Wayne ; S. S. Hilands, Ind., '63 ; P. Columbia City, '64-' 65 ; S. S- Rock Creek and Colfax, '65-'66; Rock Creek, '65-'68; Oxford, '68 ; Millers- burg, '69-'71 ; Columbus Grove and Rockport, O., '71-'73 ; Roanoke, Ind., '73 ; La Gro and New Hope, '74-'75 ; Hoopston and Pellsville, 111., '76 ; Marseilles, O., '78; De Graff, '80-'81 ; Liberty, Ind., '82 ; New Cumberland, '83-. *LoGAN, David Swift. — Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., December 4, 1834 ; J. C, '57 ; Sem., '57-59 ; lie. '58, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. '59, Pres. Coshocton ; P. New Philadelphia and Urichsville, O., '59-62 ; Tiffin, '62-'64 ; married, Feb. '60, Miss Lizzie Spear ; died, Rochester, Pa., Sept. 16, '64. McDonald, Noah A., D. D.— Born, Franklin Co., Pa., June 30, 1830 ; J. C, '57 ; Sem., '57-' 60 ; lie. April, '59, Pres. Huntingdon ; ord. April, '60, same Pres.; For. miss. Bangkok, Siam, '59— ; pub. volume on Siam ; married, April 19, '59, Miss Eliza Dickson. McFarland, Samuel Gamble, D. D. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., December 11,1830; Wash. C, '57.; Sem., '57-'60; lie. '60, Pres. Washington; ord. '60, same Pres.; For. miss. Bangkok, Siam, '60-62; Petchaburi, '62-78; Supt. of English Edu. for Goverment of Siam, '80-; D. D., '78, VV. & J. C; pub. " Evidences of Christianity," " Com. of Church History," Transla- tion of Pentateuch, Minor Prophets and Confession of Faith, all in Siamese ; married, May 3, '60, Miss Jane E. Hays. McLaren, William Edward, S. T. D., D. C. L. — Born, New York, December 31, 1831; J. C, '51 ; Sem., '57-'60; lie. '59, Pres. Allegheny City ; ord. '60, same Pres.; For, miss. S. A.; Bogota, New Grenada, '60-63 ; P. 2d ch., Peoria, 111., '63-'67 ; Westminster ch., Detroit, Mich., '67-'72; Prot. Ep. Ch., '72; Rector, Trinity Ep. ch., Cleveland, O., '72-75; Bishop 111., "75- '83; Bishop Chicago, '83-; S. T. D., '73, Rac. C ; D. C. L., '84, U. South ; pub. " Catholic Dogma, the Antidote of Doubt," " The Inner Proofs of God." MoFFATT, Francis Irvine. — Born, New Castle, Pa., September 8, 1835 ; West. C, '57 ; Sem., '57-'60 ; lie. June 20, '60, Free Pres. Mahoning ; ord. Nov. 11^ '63, same Pres-; S. S. Coleraine, Pa., '60-'61 ; miss. Western Pa., '61-'66 Presb. Ch., '66; S. S. Irish Grove, 111., '66-'71; P. E. Calvary, 111., '71-'82 ; S. S. Red Oak Grove, Iowa, '82—; married, Nov. 12, '78, Miss Elizabeth A. Orr; res. Shiloh, Iowa. 1827-1885.] GENEKAL CATALOGUE. 83 MoFFATT, William James.— Born, Xew Castle, Pa., September 8, 1835 ; West. C, '57.; Sem., '58-'60; lie. June 20, '(JO, Free Pres. Mahoning; ord. Nov. 11 '63, same Pres.; S. S. Mahoning Pres., 'G0-'63 ; miss. Freedmen, '63-'64 ; s! S. Pres., '64-'65; Presb. Ch., '66; S. S. Ft. Dodge, Iowa, ' 66-' 67 ; miss. 111. and Mo., '68 ; business, '68-'76 ; S. S. Dennison and Vail, Iowa, '67-'77 ; S. S. Belleville and miss, points, '78-'80; Cheever and Willow Dale, with out stations, '80—. Moore. Robert Braden, D. D.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., September 13, 1835; J. C, '57; Sem., '57-'60 ; lie. Oct., '59, Pres. Redstone; ord. Dec.', '60, Pres. Huntingdon ; P. West Kishacoquillas, Pa., '60-'66; Tiffin, O., '70 -'72; P. E. Upper Sandusky, '73-'76; miss. '76; teacher, Green Spring; Ev. '85 ; D. D., '82, W. U.; married. Miss Louise Paull. Neely, William Cowper.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., July 3, 1835; J. C. '57- Sem., '57 -'60 ; lie. June, '59, Pres. Allegheny City ; ord. June, '60, Pres! Greenbrier ; P. Uhrichsville, O., '62-'68 ; Piper City, 111., '69- ; married Nov. 16, '65, Miss Mary Davis. ' ' NiccoLLS, Samuel Jack, D. D.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., August 3, 1838; J. C.,'57 ; Sem., '57-'60; lie. '59, Pres. Redstone; ord. '60, Pres. Carlisle ; P. Chambersburg, Pa., '60-'65; 2d ch., St. Louis, Mo., '65-; D. D., '65, C.'c. Ky.; Mod. Gen. Ass., '72 ; married, Aug. 14, '60, Miss Margaret A. Sh'errick! *Ramsay, Samuel.— Born, Harrison Co., Ohio, July 13, 1832 ; Wash. C, '57 • Sem., '57-'60; lie. Oct. 4, '59, Pres. St. Clairsville ; S. S. Washington, Belle- brook and Carrollton, O., '59-62 ; ord. June 17, '62, Pres. Allegheny; P. Tarentum, Pa.,'62-'64 ; Lima, O.; Napoleon, O.; city miss., Columbus; miss, in the West ; married, June 28, '64, Miss Nannie J. Randolph ; died. Tar- entum, Pa., Sept. 18, '72. , Stevens, Lawrence Monfort.— Born, Butler Co., Ohio, January 9, 1835 ; M. U., '55; teacher, 'o5-'57 ; Sem., '57-'60; lie. Dec. 27, '58, Pres. Miami ; ord. Feb. 6, '65, Pres. Chicago ; S. S. Pleasant Valley and Bath, O., '59 ; P. Marengo, 111., '60-'67 ; S. S. Brookville, Ind., '67-'68; P. 1st ch., Laporte^ '69-'71 ; P. E. Delphi, '71-'73; S. S. Cedar Grove, Pa., .73-'74; P. Sturgis^ Mich., '75-'77 ; S S. Constantine, '77-'79 ; Prattsburg, N. Y., '79— ; mar- ried, Feb. 6, '65, Miss Mary E. Perkins ; also, May 5, '70, Miss Kate M Taylor. Stockton, John P. P.— Born, Cross Creek, Pa., March 17, 1838 ; Wash. C, '57 • Sem., '57-'60; lie April 20, '59, Pres. Washington; ord. April 29, '63, Pres! Maumee ; S. S. Defiance, O., '60-'62 ; P. West Unity and Mt. Salem, '62— • married, Nov. 18, '08, Miss Ella Dinsmore. Swift, Edward Pay.son.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., December 2, 1834 ; J. C. '54 - Sem., '57-'60; lie. April 20, '60, Pres. Allegheny City; license recalled. 84 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Tanner, Benjamin Tucker, D. D. — Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., December 25, 1835 ; Avery C; Sera., '57 ; lie. '55, A. M. E. Cli.; ord. April, '61, Pres. Dis. Col.; 15th Piesb. ch., Washington, D. C, IJ yrs.; A. M. E. Ch., '62-'68 ; Ed. Christian Rec, Philadelphia; pub. "Apology for African Methodism," "Negro Origin," "Outline of our History ;" married, Aug., '59, Miss Sarah E. Miller. Van Eman, Craig Ritchie. — Born, Canonsburg, Pa., August 26, 1826 ; J. C, '57 ; Sera., '57-'60; Danville, '60-'61 ; lie. April 13, '61, Pres. Transylvania; ord. '65, Pres. Des Moines; S. S. Rockport, O., '61-'67; Summit, Iowa, '67- '74 ; Garden Grove, '74 ; entered C. P. Ch., '78 ; W. C; teacher, '78— ; mar- ried, May 5, '61, Miss Kate McClanathan. Walker, William E.— Born, ?; Ob. C; Sem., '57-'59 ; A. M. E, Ch., Trenton, N. J., '72. Wallace, Thomas Freeman. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., December 28, 1823; J. C, '57 ; Sem., '59-'60; lie. April '60, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. Nov., '61, same Pres.; For. miss. S. A.; Bogota, N. Gren., '61-75; Zacatecas, Mexico, '78— ; married, Oct. 31, '61, Miss Martha Torrence. Waxjgh, Joseph Moore. — Born, Brooke Co., Va., November 19, 1835 ; Wash. C, '57; .Sem., '57-'60; lie. April, '59, Pres. Washington ; ord. Nov., '60, Pres. Mississippi ; P. Carmel, Miss.,'59-'61 ; Prof. Math. Wash.C, '61-63; Steub. Fem. Sem., '64— '66 ; Holidaysburg, Pa., Fem. Sem., '66-'77 ; Wash- ington, '77-'81 ; Delaware, '82—; married, April 12, '64, Miss Arabella S. Todd ; res., Camden, Del. Wood, William Shadrach. — Born, Fayette Co., Pa., November 10, 1839 ; J. C, '57 ; Sem., '57-'59; lie. Feb. 11, '59, Baptist ch., Allegheny ; ord. April 18, '61, Bap. Ch., Harrisburg; S. S. Waynesburg, Pa., '59-'60; Harris- burg, '61-'63; , '64-'66 ; Doylestown, '68-'70; miss. West. Pa., '71-'78; Smithfield, Pa., '79-'84; Connellsville, '85-; married. May 11, '59, Miss E. I. Ray. Baptist Minister. 1858—1859. Barclay, Hugh Aretas. — Born, Greene Co., Pa., December 28, 1837 ; J. C, '58; Sem., '58-61 ; lie, '60, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '63, Pres. Cedar ; P. Summit, Kossuth, Iowa, '63-'68; Oswego, 111., '68-'70; Council Blufts, '68; name dropped from roll, '75 ; married, Oct. 29, '67, Miss Jane Chapman. Farmer, Neb. *Beatty, William T., D. D.— Born, Rushville, O., June 1, 1834 ; M. U., '54; teacher, 1 yr.; Danville Sem., 1 yr.; business, 2 yrs.; Sem., '58-'60 ; lie. April, '59, Pres. Zanesville; ord. '61, Pres. Carlisle; P. Greencastle, '61-'63; 1st ch. New Brunswick, N. J., '6.3-'67 ; Shady Side, Pittsburgh, Pa., '67-'81 ; married, March 21, '61, Miss Sarah C. Fulton; died, Minneapolis, Minn., April 10, '82. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 85 Beer, Egbert.— Born, Allegheny, Pa., November 14, 1830 ; J. C; atty. at law, '53-'58 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. April, '(iO, Pres. Ohio.; ord. July, '62, Pres. Milwaukee ; S. S. Utica and Homer, O., '60 ; P. Westminster, Beloit, Wis., '61-65; Home miss.. Knoxville, Tenn., '65 ; P. Valparaiso, Ind.. '65-84 ; Garden Grove and Grand River, Iowa, '84—; married, Oct. 10, '54, Miss Eleanor Morrison. Birch, George Washington Fi^eming, D. D. — Born, Claysville, Pa., March 26, 1837 ; Wash. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. April 19, '60, Pres. Washing- ton ; ord. Jan. 17, '62, Pres. Sangamon ; P. 3d ch. Springfield, 111., '61-69 ; S. S. Carr Place ch., St. Louis, Mo., '70; taught, '59-'60; P. 2d ch. Lexing- ton, Ky., '70-73; 3d ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '73-76 ; Bethany, N. Y. city, '78—; married, June 17, '74, Miss Louisa J. Papker; D. D., '85. Bliss, John Collins, E. D.— Born, Florence, Alabama, May 20, 1837 ; Sem., '59-'62; lie. Oct. 20, '62, Pres. Central Philadelphia; ord. May 13, '63, Pres. Carlisle ; P. 2d ch., Carlisle, Pa., '63-'67 ; 2d ch., Plainfield, N. J., '67- '83; D. D.; married. May 6, '84, Miss Mary Newton; res., Philadelphia, Pa. ^Bratton, William Stavely, M. D.— Born, York District, S. C, July 21, 1822 ; M. U.; prac. med ; Sem., '58-'60 ; lie, '58, Pres. Ohio, R. P.; ord. Dec. 15, '59, Pres. West, R. P.; P. Grande Cote, 111., '59 ; Aug. 30, '70, joined U- P. Ch.; married Miss Cora Dille; died, Jan. 11, '73. U. P. min- ister. BuRTT, Robert Johnson.— Born, Salem, N. J., October 3, 1825; Cin. C, '42; Sem., '58-60 ; lie. Aug. 10, '58, Indian Pres.; ord. June 10, '60, Pres. Om- aha; miss. Indians, '60-'68; P. Woodstown, '68; S. S. Swedesboro, N. J., '70-'72; P. South Amboy, '72-'79; P. Marksborough and S. S. Hope, '79-, married. May 4, '53, Miss Cynthia G. Bateman. Campbell, Samuel L.— Born, Uniontown, Pa.; J. C, '64 ; Sem., '64-66 ; lie. '64, Pres. Redstone ; L. Pres. Allegheny ; infirm, '85. Clarke, John Peterson.— Born, Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 9, 1824 ; L. C, '56 ; ! teacher; Sem., '58-'60; Princeton, '60-'61 ; lie. April 11, '60, Pres. New ^ Castle; ord. Oct. 2, '61, Pres. Huntingdon; S S. Phillipsburg, Morris and Moshanon, Pa., '61-'63 ; Moshanon, '03-'65 ; P. Doe Run, '6()-'68 ; S. S. and P. Little Valley, '68-'73 ; P. 2d ch., Mansfield and Danville, '73-'81 ; Still- water and S. S. Svvartswood, '81—. CoMPTON, Andrew Jackson, M. D.— Born, near Cincinnati, O., April 10, 1834 ; Farm. C; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. April 30, '60, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. May 12, '61, same Pres.; miss. A. h F. Ch. Un. S. Am. Rio Brazil, '62 ; S. S. Bentons- port, Iowa, '63-'64 ; ChrLstian Com.; S. S. Ascota, Cal., '65-'67 ; Watsonville, '67-'72 ; P. Vacaville, '72-'78 ; Westminster, Col., '78-79 ; S. S. Bethel Woodhridge, '80-; M, D.; married, March 25, '57, Miss Jennie Amelia Harris. 86 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. CoNDiT, John Gorden.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., August 10, 1829 ; .J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-61; lie. April 11, 'GO, Pres. Erie; ord. June 26, '61, same Pres.; P. Sandy Lake, Pa., '61-'63; Prospect, Iowa, '71-'73 ; Viola, Edwards and Camp Creek, 111., '73-'80 ; Perlee, Birlee, Birmingham, Salina, Summit, Lebanon and Chequest, '85; married, May, '62, Miss M. J. McCurdy. CoNKMNG, Nathaniel, W. D. D.— Born, Coshocton Co., O., December 31, 1835 ; N. J. C, '57 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie '60, Pres. Allegheny City ; ord. '61, Pres. Philadelphia; P. Scot's eh., Philadelphia, '61-'63 ; Arch Street, '63-'68 ; Rutgers Street ch.. New York City, '68-83; married, 1858, Miss Sarah M. Burleigh ; res. New York ; D. I). Dickey, John B.— Born, Richmond, O., May 15,1833; F. C, '58; Sem., '58- '61 ; lie. April 26, '60, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. May 25, '62 ; P. Livermore, O., '62-'63 ; Sharon, Pa., '63-'66 ; Two Ridges, O., '66-'70 ; S. S. Raccoon, Pa., '70-'71; Round Hill, '72-'77 ; Morgantown, W. Va., '78-'83; Brad- docks, '83-. Dickson, William, D. D.— Born, County Down, Ireland, March 25, 1830 ; J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. '60, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. '61, same Pres.; P. Long's Run and Madison, O-, '61-'66 ; S. S. East Liverpool, '65-'66 ; P. Deerfield, '66-'76 ; Prin. Poland Ac, '76-'81 ; S. S. Canfield, and Prof. N. E. Normal School, '81-; D. D., '75, Mt. U. C; married, April 27, '57, Miss Hetty Neiswonger. Dobbins, Hugh Hillis.— Born, Poland, O., April 13, 1833 ; J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. '60, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. '61, Pres. Omaha ; P. Brownsville, Neb., '61 ; Achison, Kan.; Jack.son, Col.; S. S. San Bonaventura, Cal., '84 ; married, July 12, '65, Miss Eloise Trowbridge. DoDD, Cyrus Morris.— Born, Broadalbin, N. Y., November 19, 1826; Wms. C, '55; Sem., '58-'61 ; Prof. Latin, J. C, '61-'66; Prof. Math., Ind. State Uni., '66-'69; Prof. Math. Wms. C, '70; married, '57, Miss Mary C. Latham. EwiNG, John, D. D.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., October 8, 1834 ; J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. Dec. 24, '60, Pres. Ohio; ord. Dec. 31, '61, same Pres.; P. Munntown, Pa., '61-'63 ; Trinity ch., Philadelphia, '63-69 ; Clinton, N. J., '69-'83; Plymouth, Pa., '83-; D. D., '82, N. W. C. *Faris, William Brown.— Born, Ohio Co., Va., July 11, 1834 ; Wash. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'61; lie, April, '60, Pres. Washington; ord. '62, Pres. Marion; P. Mt. Gilead, O., '62-'64; Marshall, 111., '64-'68 ; Neoga, '68-71; married, Sept. 13, '60, Miss Ada E. Birch ; died, Neoga, 111., Nov. 5, '71. Fisher, George W. — Born, Harrison Co., Ohio, December 12, 1834 ; F. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'01 ; lie. Oct., '60, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Oct., '62, same Pres.; P. Evans' Creek and Linton, O., '61-'68; Trenton, 111., '68-81 ; Sugar Creek, '75-81 ; S. S. Casey, Greenup and New Hope, '81—; married, Nov. 13, '62, Miss Mary Jane Gaskill. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. S7 FuLLERTON, George Humphrey, D. D. — Born, Bloomingburg, Ohio, February 27,1838; M. U., '58; Sem., '58-'60 ; Princeton, '01 ; lie. '60 ; Chap, 1st Eegt. O. Vols., '61-'62; ord. May 4, '63, Pres. Columbus; P. E. and P. Lancaster, O., '62-64; 1st ch., Sandusky, '64-67 ; Lane Sem. ch., Cincinnati, '67-'74; 2d ch., Springfield, '74-79; Walnut Hills, '79—; married. May 12, '63, Miss Mary Work. Gaston, William.— Born, Columbiana Co., Ohio, April 19, 1835; Wash. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. April 13, '60, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. Oct. 18, '61, same Pres.; P. Glasgow, Pa., '61-'66 ; Clarkson, O., '61-'64 ; Bellaire, '66- '80; North ch., Cleveland, '80—; married. May 4, '65. Miss Julia Cunninsham. George, Samuel Carr.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., July 8, 1832; W. U. P., '58; Sem., '58-'61; lie. April, '60, Pres. Allegheny City; ord. '61, same Pres.; For. miss. Siam ; Bangkok, Siam, '61-63; Home miss. '73-75; P. Rocky Spring and St. Thomas, Pa., '75—. Graham. Loyal Young, D. D.— Born, Butler, Pa., October 22, 1837 ; J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'61.; lie. April, '60. Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Oct. 11, '61, Pres. Blairs- ville; P. Somerset, Pa., '61-65; RehoLoth, '65-'71 ; Olivet ch., Philadelphia, '71-; trav. Egypt, Syria, Greece, '84; D. D., '85; married, April 25, 1861, Miss S. J. McCoy. Gray, William S.— Born, Fayette Co., Pa., April 7, 1824 ; Sem., '58-'60 ; Dis- ciples Ch. Preacher, '45 ; Liberty, Ky., '47-49 ; Youngstown, O., 5 yrs.; Akron, 5 yrs.; teacher, Pittsburgh, Pa., 10 yrs.; N. Y. City, '70— ; married, Oct. 26, '45, Miss Elizabeth A. Briggs. Mmister Disciples Church. Hays, George Price, D. D. — Born, near Canonsburg, Pa., February 2, 1838 ; J. C, '57 ; Sem., '58-'60 ; lie. April, '59, Pres. Ohio; ord. March 5, '61, Pres. Baltimore; P. 2d ch. Baltimore, '61-'68 ; Fiscal Sec. Wooster U., '68-69; P. Central ch., Allegheny, Pa., '69-'70 ; Prest. W. & J. C, '70-'81 ; S. S. 2d ch., Washington, Pa., '70-'71 ; P. Central ch., Denver, Col., '81-; D. D., L. C, '71 ; Mod. Gen. Ass., '84; pub. "Every Day Reasoning;" Ed. Earnest Presbyterian ; married, Aug. 1, '60, Miss Eleanor S. Wherry. HoLCOMB, James Foot. — Born, Granby, Conn., January 20, 1837; J. C, '58; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. '60; ord. '66; P. E. Hopewell and Nashville, O., '66-'68 ; Athens, '68-'70 ; For. miss. India, Lodiana, '70-'71 ; Ferrukhabad, '71-'72 ; Allahabad, '73—; married, June 28, '66, Miss H. Harriet Howe. Holiday, Samuel Henry. — Born, Lancaster Co., Pa, August 9, 1833; J. C, '58; Sem., '58-'62 ; lie. April 25, '61, Pres. Washington; ord. June 16, '63, Pres. Clarion ; P. Brookville, Pa., '63-' 68 ; Brady's Bend, '68-'75; Belle- view, '75— ; married, Jan. 13, '63, Miss Sophie M. Haft. 88 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Hooper, Washington A. — Born, Springfield, Ohio, November 10, 1884; J. C, '58; Sem., '58-61; lie. April, '60, Pres. Miami; ord. Oct., '61, Pres. Hunt- ingdon; P. Tyrone and Birmingham, Pa., '61-64; Morgantown, W. Va., '64-'67; EUicottCity, Md,, '68-'81; N. Providence, N. J., '82-; married, Aug. 8, '61, Miss Eunice H. Critchlow. Hughes, Samuel Adams. — Born, Freeport, Pa., March 4, 1835 ; J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'61; lie. '60, Pres. Butler; ord. April, '61, Pres. Columbus; P. Grove City, O., '61-'62; Leesburg and Rich Hill, Pa., '64-'65; Center, '65- '70; Parker, '70-'74 ; S. S. Brady's Bend, Mahoning and Middle Creek, '74 - ; married, May 5, '63, Miss Seffie W. Breck. Irwin, David Johnston, D. D. — Born, Kittanning, Pa., November 30, 1832; J. C, '58; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. '61, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. June, '61, same Pres.; P. Ebenezer, Pa., '61—; Clarksburg, '70—; D. D.; married, April 18, '61, Miss Sarah H. Coe. *Jeffery, William A. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., May 15, 1830; J. C, '54; teacher, '54-'58 ; .; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. '60, Pres. Ohio ; S. S. Unity, '60-'61 5 died, Clinton, Pa., Feb. 6, '64. Jelly, Alexander Melancthon, D. D. — Born, Beaver Co., Pa., August 15, 1831; Wash. C, '57; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie '61, Pres. Ohio; ord. '61, Pres. Central Philadelphia: P. Belmont, Pa., '61-'63;. Richmond, '65-'70; Wash- ington, N. J., '70-74 ; 12th ch., Baltimore, Md., '75-79 ; Prest. New Wind- sor C, '77— ; S. S. Windsor, Mt. Paran and Granite, '79— ; D. D., '78 ; mar- ried, June 9, '68, Miss Clara C. Smith. Johnston, George Newell. — Born, Hancock Co., W. Va., March 31, 1835; Wash. C, '58; Sem., '58-'60; N. W. S.; lie. April 26, '60, Pres. Steuben- ville; ord. Sept., '61, Pres. Beaver ; P. New Salem, Pa., '61-63; Knoxville, 111., '63-'69; S. S. Carthage, '70; P. New Lisbon, O., '72-'78; old ch., Steu- benville, '78-'80; McKeesport, Pa., '80— ; Lebanon, '84—; married, April 17, '61, Miss Emma Coffin. *Jones, Addison.— Born, Lawrenceville, Pa., 1838 ; J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58 ; writer ; never licensed ; died , New York City, Feb. 23, '64. Kerr, Boyd Mercer. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., July 26, 1822 ; law student ; teacher, '41-54; Supt. Com. Schools, '54-57 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. Jan. 17, '60, Pres. Ohio; ord. April 24, '61; P. West Elizabeth, Pa., '60-'64; Mechanics- burg, '64-'68; Ebensburg, '08-'71 ; 2d ch.. New Castle, '71-'72; 2d ch., Mercer, '72-'77 ; Corry, '77-'80 ; Doylestown, O., '80- ; A. M., J. C, '54 ; married, July 1, '45 ; Miss Anna E. Morris; also, Nov. 1, '52, Miss Margaret A. McKaig. Lambe, Henry Bruen. — Born, Ireland ; F. C; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. Sept., '60, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. July 11, '66, Pres. Erie ; P. Milledgeville, Pa., '66- '67; Mich.; Chap. U.S.A. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 89 *LiPPERT, Heinrich Emmanuel Ludwig. — Born, Tessel, Prussia, December 5, 1830; R. B., '49; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. '60, Pres. Allegheny City ; ord. '61, same Pres.; S. S. German ch., Allegheny, Pa., '61 ; teacher, '61-65; P. 2d ch., St. Anne, 111., '65-70 ; teacher. Hoi. Fem. Sem., '70— ; Pa. Fem. C, '76 ; married, '51, Miss Mary Lewin ; also, '57, Miss Gertrude G. Spring ; also, '65, Miss Mary B. Griffen ; died, Braddocks, Pa., Jan. '15, '76. Lloyd, William Artemas. — Born, Blandford, Mass., December 2, 1832; Wms. C. '58; Sem., '58-59; lie. '61, Elgin Cong. Ass.; ord. '62, same body; P. St, Charles, 111., '62-'65; Plymouth ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '65; Morris, 111., '66-'69 ; Ravenswood, '70— ; married, Jan. 8, '62, Miss Helen M. Chamber- lain. Congregational minister. LowRiE, Newell Samuel. — Born, Montour Co., Pa., Jan. 27, 1832; J. C, '58; Sem.,'58-'60; Princeton, '61 ; lie. '60, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. Oct. 22, '63, Pres. Erie; P. Conneautville, Pa., '63-68 ; Gorham, N. Y., '68— ; married, Aug. 22, '61, Miss Mary L. Page. McElhenny, John James.— Born, Lewisburg, W. Va., April 23, 1832; Sem., '58-59 ; teacher ; business ; res. St. Louis, Mo., '85. McKee, Samuel Vigo. — Born, Vincennes, Ind., October 27, 1833 ; J. C, '57 ; teacher, '57-58 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. April, '62, Pres. Vincennes; P. Indiana, Ind., '61-63 ; S. S. Clermont and Pros- pect, '63-'64 ; 2d ch., Peru, '64-'65 ; P. Kendallville, '65-'67 ; Argola, '67- '68 ; Waynesville, 111., *68-'72 ; Oilman, '72-'76 ; Buckley, '76-'78 ; S. S. Mishawaka, Ind., '78-'81 ; Port Austin, Mich., '81—; married, June 28, '58, Miss Susanna C. Vanatta. McKiNNEY, William Wilson. — Born, Boalsburg, Pa., May 14,1837; L. C, '57; Sem., '58-61; lie. April, '60, Pres. Ohio; ord. Oct., '61, Pres. Alle- gheny ; P. Center, Pa., '61-'65 ; Ed. Family Treasure, '65-'67 ; P. Mt. Pleas- ant, O., '67-70; Mingo, '71-76 ; Conneautville, '76-84; married, Sept. 9, '62, Miss Eliza B. Glenn ; res. Wooster, O. *Magill, Charles Beatty.— Born, Wellsville, Ohio, October 3, 1840; M. U., '58 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. April, '61, Pres. Washington ; ord. May 13, '64, Pres. Fairfield; P. Birmingham, Iowa, '64 ; Christian Com., '64 ; died, Birming- ham, Iowa, Aug. 27, '64. Marshall, James Abram. — Born, Lancasiiire, England, .January 23, 1834; J. C, '57; Sem., '58-'60; lie. April, '59, Pres. Sidney; ord. May, '60, same Pres.; P. Lanesfield, O., '60-'63; Saline, Mich., '63-'67 ; Beulah, Pa., '()7- '73 ; Chandler Mem, ch., Philadelphia, '73-79 ; Upper Octorara, '79— ; married, March, '60, Miss Ellen B. Taylor. Mateer, Calvin Wilson, D. D.— Born, Cumberland Co., Pa., January 9, 1836 ; J. C, '57; Sem., '59-'61 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Allegheny; ord. Nov. 11, '62, Pres. Marion ; S.S.Delaware, O., '61-63; For. miss. China; Tung ('how, China, '64— ; D. D.; married, Dec. 30, '62, Miss Julia A. Brown. 90 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. MoNOD, Theodore.— Born, Paris, France, November 6, 1836 ; U. Paris ; law student; Sem., '58-'60; lie. Jan. 8, '61, Pres. Allegheny City; ord. July 2; '62, Pres. Chicago; P. 2a ch., Kankakee, 111., '61-'63; Chapelle du Nord, Paris, France, '61-74; agt. Home miss. France, '75-77 ; P. Ref. Ch., Paris, '78— ; pub. " Looking unto Jesus," " The Gift of God," " Life More Abun- dant," "Crucifies avic Christ," "Le Chretien et le Croix;" married, Feb. 15, '67, Mad. Gertrude Monod ; also, Nov. 18, '71, Mad. Emilie Lindop. MowRY, Philip Henry, D. D.— Born, Allegheny, Pa., March 6, 1837 ; J.^C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'6l ; lie. April, '60, Ref. Presb. Pittsburgh ; ord. Oct., '61, Pres. Philadelphia ; P. 4th ch.. Philadelphia, '61-'63; Big Spring, Newville, Pa., '63-'68; 2d ch., Springfield, 0., '68-'73; Chester, Pa., '73-; D. D., '82, W. U. P.; married, Oct. 23, '61, Miss Kate H. Richardson. Nesbit, John Harvey.— Born, Indiana Co., Pa., August 20, 1834 ; J. C, '58 Sem., '58-'60; lie. April 11, 'GO, Pres. Chicago; ord. Oct., '61, same Pres. S. S. Oswego, 111., '61-'64 ; P. Macomb, '64-'69 ; Frankfort, Ky., '69-'76 , Mingo, Pa., '77-'81 ; P. E. Owensboro, Ky., '81- ; married, May 25, '64, Miss Agnes R. Rankin. Patterson, James Barnes.— Born, Dayton, Ohio, March 20,1838; M. U.; Sem., '58-'59 ; lie. Dec, '58, Pres. Miami; ord. '60, Pres. Steubenville ; P. 2d ch., Steubenville, O., '60-65 ; 2d ch., Elizabeth, N, J., '66-'76; Sus., '76; mar- ried, April 19, '60, Miss Mary Forsyth; res. New York City. Pollock, Garnett Adrian. — Born, Harrison Co., Ohio, .June 8, 1834 ; M. U., '58; Oxford, '57-58 ; Sera., '58-'59 ; lie Sept., '61, Pres. Sidney; teacher, '59-'68; ord. June, '67, Pres. Wabash; P. P;i-airie Bird, III, '66-'69 ; S. S. Effingham, '69-77 ; P. E. Mendota, '78—; married. Dec. 25, '60, Miss Mar- cella Gertrude De Courcey. Schneider, Frances Joseph Christopher. — Born, Erfurth, Germany, March 29, 1832; J. C, '58; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. Pres. Ohio; ord. Oct., '61, Pres. Saltsburg ; For. miss. Brazil ; Sao Paulo, Brazil, '61-77 ; New York, trans- lator, '77-81 ; Brazil, '81- ; married, Brazil, March 2, '64, Miss Ella G. Kinsley. Sherrard, John H. — Born, near Steubenville, Ohio, March 24, 1830; Wash.C, '57; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Steubenville; ord. Sept., '61, Pres. Clarion ; P. Bethesda, Oak Grove and Middle Creek, Pa., '61-67 ; Bocyrus, O., '67-'78 ; Upper Ten Mile, Pa., '78-'82 ; Delphos, O., '82-; married, Oct. 13, '57, Miss Kizzie N. Fulton. Smith, John Buck.— Born, Union Co., Ind., August 29, 1836; M. U., '58 ; Sera., '58-'61 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Allegheny ; Chap. 19th Regt. O. Vols., '62-' 65 ; U. S. A., '61-'65; Edinburgh. Scotland, '65-'66 ; ord. '67, Pres. Oxford; P. Green Spring and Clyde, O., '67-'69 ; Kentland, Ind., '69-'73 ; Prest, Farm. C, '77-79 ; P. Monticello, Ind., '79— ; Stated Clerk ; married, March 17, '68, Miss Adaline E. Doisy. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 91 Smith, Ne7.son Horace.— Born, Blairsville, Pa., May 9, 1830 ; J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-61 ; lie. '60, Pres. Ohio; ord. '61, Pres. Kansas; P. Oregon and Forest City, Mo., '63-'68 ; Cameron, '68-69 ; Albany, '71-'72; Filniore, '73-'80; S. S. Gainsville, Ga., '80— ; married. May 1, '66, Miss Jennie N. Lloyd. Stewart, Robert Crafn. — Born, Dauphin Co., Pa., March 14, 1830; J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie April, '60, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. April, '64, Pres. Hock- ing ; S. S. Hagarstown and New Castle, Ind., '62-'70 ; West Columlna and Upper Flats, W. Va., '70— ; Point Pleasant, '71-'74 ; Syracuse, Bashan, Chester, Decatur, Tuppers Plains, Carthage, O., '74— ; married, Oct. 27, '64, Miss Mary Fulghum. Taylor, Augustus.— Born, Columbus, Ohio, April 20, 1829 ; H. C, '58.; Sem., '58-'61; lie. April 12, '60, Pres. Madison; ord. Nov. 12, '62, Pres. Sidney; P. St. Mary's, O., '61-'65 ; Lawrenceburg, Ind., '65-'67 ; Washington, '67- '70; Mt. Vernon, '70-'73 ; Plymouth, '73-'75 ; Manchester, O., '75-' 80 ; Renssleaer, Ind., '80-83 ; Princeton, '83— ; married, June 26, '62, Miss Nina Schleich. Taylor, William Mercer.— Born, Enon Valley, Pa., March 4, 1834 ; J. C, '58; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Beaver; ord. '61, same Pres.; P. Westfield, Pa., '61-; tourist, Egypt, Greece, Holy Land; married, May 2, '61, Miss Lorinda Packer ; also, Sept. 24, '85, Miss Sophie Loving. Thompson, Henry Adams, D. D.— Born, Center Co., Pa., March 27, 1837 ; J. C, '58 ; Sem., '58-'60; lie. Jan. 7, '60, Con. U. Breth. Ch.; ord. Jan. 7, '61, same Con.; teacher Ind. C, '60; Ligonier Acad., '60 ; Prof. Math. Western C, '63 ; Prof. Otterbein C, '63-'68 ; Supt. Schools, '68-'71 ; Prof. Western C, '71-'72; Prest. Otterbein Uni., O., '72- ; D. D., '73, W. & J. C; mar- ried, Aug. 7, '62, Miss Harriet E. Copeland. United Brethren in Christ minister. *TiBBS, John.— Born, ? ; Sem., '58-'59 ; lie. A. M. E. Ch.; ord. same body ; labored in Ohio ; died, Ohio, '65. A. M. E. minister. Vance, Joseph, D. D.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., October 8, 1837 ; Wash. C, '58; Sem., '58-'61; lie. April 20, '60, Pres. Washington; ord. June, '62, Pres. Winnebago ; S. S. Beaver Dam, Wis., '61-65 ; Christian Com.; Supt. Freed. Schools, '65 ; P. 2d ch., Vincennes, Ind., '65-'74; 1st ch., Carlisle, Pa., '74-; D. D., '84, W. & J. C; married, April 17, '66, Miss Mary H. Maddox ; also, Sept. 22, '80, Miss Sarah II. Maddox. Wallace, Samuel H., D. D.— Born, Harrison Co., Ohio, September, 1823; F. C, '58; Sem., '58-'61 ; lie. June, '60, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. April, '62, same Pres.; P. Concord, O., '61 -'80; Barnesville, '80-; D. D., '79, F. C; married, May 15, '62, Miss Minnie C. Laughlin. y 92 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. 1859—1860. Anderson, William Wylie. — Born, West Riishville, Ohio, November 6, 1839 ; Wash. C, '59; Sera., '59-'62; lie. April, 'til, Pres. Richland; ord. April, '64, same Pres.; P. Chesterville, O., '62-'69 ; S. S. Waterford, '66-'69 ; Shelby, '69-77 ; Belleville, '77— ; married, June 29, '65, ]\liss Helen Elizabeth Urie. Annan, William Wirt.— Born, Mfflin Co., Pa., August 21, 1835; W. U. P., '58 ; Princeton ; Sera., '59-'62; lie. April 14, '63, Pres. Allegheny ; res. Alle- gheny, Pa. Bakewell, John. — Born, ? ; T. H. C; Sera., '59. Minister Episcopal Church. BoLAR, Andrew J. — Born,?; J, C; Sera., '59-61; lie '61, Pres. Saltsburg ; licentiate and teacher, '61-'68 ; U. S. A. Cowan, Alexander.— Born, January 2, 1839 ; J. C, '59 ; Sera., '59-63 ; U. T. Sera., '67-'70; lie. '69, Pres. Nashville; ord. '70; P. Henderson, and S. S. Shiloh, '70-'79; teacher; P. McMinnville, '79-'80 ; miss. Nashville Pres., '80; S. S. Henderson and Madison, '81— ; married, July, '72, Miss Tabitha Donnelson. Day, Alanson Ritner. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., October 2, 1835; Wash. C, '58; Sem., '59-'62; lie. April, '61, Pres. Washington; ord. Sept., '62, Pres. Highland ; S. S. W^nesburg, Pa., '61-'62 ; Denver, Col., '62-'65 ; Brodhead, Wis., '65-'67 ; Denver, Col., '67-'73 ; Brodhead, Wis., '73-'76; near Waukeshaw, '76-'80; P. Marshalltown, Iowa, '80-84; married, Dec. 28, '58, Miss Lydia M. Cort. DiNSMOKE, John Walker, D. D. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., March 13,1839; — W.C, '59 ; Sera., '59-'62 ; lie. April 25, '61, Pres. Washington ; ord. June, 28, '63, Pres. Winnebago; S. S. '61-'63; P. Cambria, Wis.; Prairie du Sac, '63-'70 ; Bloomington, 111., '70- ; Dire. N. W. S.; Bd. Aid to Col.; D. D.J married, Dec. 23, '62, Miss Ada Vance. Donahoo, Elijah Ramsey.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., April 11, 1839; Wash. C, '59; Sem., '59-62 ; lie. April 24, '61, Pres. Washington; S. S. Connellsville, Pa., '61; business, '61-68; ord. Oct. 15, '69, Pres. Ohio ; P. 8th ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '69—; married, '62, Miss Maria J. Patterson. Evans, Daniel Henry.— Born, Ripley, Ohio, 1838 ; M. U., '59; Sera., '59; lie. '61, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. '63, Pres. Monro; P. Blissfield aad Palmyra, Mich., '62-'66; Grand Haven, '66-69; Minersville, Pa., '69-'70; Youngs- town, O., '70—; raarried, '63, Miss Sarah J. Livingston. Farrar, Robert Buchanan.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., July 7, 1836 ; Wash. C, '59; Sera., '59-'62; lie. April 25, '61, Pres. Washington; ord. April, '63, Pres. Toledo ; S. S. Montezuma and Deep River, Iowa, '62-68 ; P. West Union, W. Va., '69-'76; S. S. Cameron and Unity, Pa., '76-'81 ; Volga and Bainbridge, Dak., '81—; married, Dec. 22, '64, Miss Mattie E. Thompson. 1827-1885.] GENERALCATALOGUE. 93 Fox, John P.— Born, Knox Co., Ind., October 15, 1831 ; H. C, '59 ; Sem., '59- '62 ; lie. April 13, '61, Pres. Vincennes ; ord. '62, Pres. Palestine ; S. S. Newton and New Hope, 111., '61-66 ; Plattsburg, Crooked River and Mira- bile, Mo., '66-'68 ; P. Hamilton, '68-69 ; S. S. Carlisle, Ind., 70-74; Spen- cer, '74-'76 ; Indiana, '76-79 ; Ro.val Oak and Smyrna, '79-'80 ; Carlisle and Ohio, '81. Fulton, Henry.— Born, Licking Co., Ohio, November 8, 1833; D. U. S., '59; Sem., '59-62; He. May, '62, Pres. Zanesville; ord. June, '64, same Pres.; P. Duncan's Falls and Salt Creek, O., '64-'70; West Newton, Pa., '70-'74; Prin. Verona Acad., '75-78 ; P. Millersburg, O., '78-83 ; Lexington, '83- ; mar- ried, June 5, '66, Miss M. Gulie Hunter. ^ Gibson, William N.— Born, Pennsylvania, 1826; U. C, '52; Sem., '59-'60 ; teacher, Garretsville, Md. Gray, James Hervey.— Born, Ross Co., Ohio; M. U.; Sem., '59-'62; lie. '61, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. Oct. 22, '62, Pres. Erie; S. S. Fairview, Pa., '62; C. P. Ch., Rockland, Pa., '72 ; Ep. Ch., '85; married, Miss Woodburn; res. Pittsburgh, Pa. Episcopal minister. Hervey, Dwight B.— Born, Martinsburg, Ohio, June 4, 1834; J. C.,'59 ; Sem., '59-62 ;• lie. June 13, '62, Pres. Richland ; ord. June 16, '62, same Pres.; P. Mt. Vernon, O.. '62-'71 ; S. S. Millwood, '71-'73 ; P. Jersey, '74-'75; Gran- ville, '75-'81 ; South Alabama, '81-'82 ; Prest. Granville C, O., '82-; mar- ried, Sept. 19, '61, Miss Mary E. Reeder. Hills, Oscar Armstrong, D. D.— Born, Brownsville, Ind., December 13, 1837 ; Wash. C, '59 ; Sem., '59-'61 ; lie. May 1, '61, Pres. Crawfordsville; ord, Nov. 25, '62, Pres. Huntingdon; P. Spruce Creek, Pa., '6I-'65; Central ch., Cin- cinnati, O., '65-'78 ; North ch., Allegheny; Pa., '78-'81 ; S. S. Santa Bar- bara, Cal., '81-'82 ; 1st ch., San Francisco, '82-'84; P. Wooster, O., '85-; D. D.; Direc. Sem.; maried, Aug. 21, '62, Miss Miriam Wright; also, Oct. 26, '69, Miss Louise Esther Freer. *PIusTON, Columbus De Witt. — Born, New Philadelphia, Ind., October 13, 1831; H. C.,'59; Sem., '59-'62 ; lie. '61, Pres. New Albany; S. S. New Middletown and Valley City, Ind., '63-65; teacher, '65-76; ord. same Pres.; S. S. Rehoboth, Laconia, Valley City and New Middletown, Ind., '76 -'79 ; married, Sept. 3, '62, Miss Margaret E. McRea ; died, Rehoboth, Ind., Nov. 10, '79. *Jackson, George Washington.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., December 15, 1834; J. C, '59 ; Sem., '59-'62 ; lie. April 17, '62, Pres. Beaver ; ord. June, '63, Pres. Allegheny ; P. '63 ; S. S. Sheffield, 111., '64-'66 ; infirm, Minn., '66 - '73; married, Dec. 30, '62, Miss Henrietta A. Givin ; died, Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 27, '73. H GENEEAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. KiRKWooD, William Reside, D. D.— Born, ^Voodsfield, Ohio, November 22, 1837 ; Wash. C, '59 ; Sem., '59-'61 ; lie. April, '61, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. June, '62, same Pres.; P. Barnsville and Wegee, O., '62-'63; S. S. Beech Springs, '64 ; Cross Creek and Center, '64-70 ; Smithfield, '62-72 ; P. New Philadelphia, '72-'80; P. E. Carrollton, '80-'83 ; Fis. agt. W. U., '83; P. Winfield, Kas., '83-'85; Prof. McCal. C; D. D.,'72, W. U.; married, Sept. 4, '62, Miss Rebecca Gray. Matchett, Alexander. — Born, ?; W. C. M.; Sem., '59-'60; lie. '61, Pres. Mis- souri ; S. S. '61-'62. Madden, Samuel W.— Born, ? ; Sem., '59-62 ; lie. and ord. Baptist Church. Baptist minister. Magill, John Fulton, D. D.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., June 22, 1835 ; Wash. C, '59; Sem., '59-'62 ; lie. April, '61, Pres. Washington; ord. '62, Pres., Peoria; P. Lewistown, 111., '62-84; 2d ch., Washington, Pa., '83— ; D. D., '82, Par. C; married, June 3, '62, Miss Nellie S. McCalie. Marshall, James Harvey.— Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., November 28, 1836 ; Wash. C, '59 ; Sem., '59-'61 ; lie. '61, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. '62, same Pres.; teacher, Rock Island, 111., '63 ; P. Concord and N. Butler, '65—; married, July 21, '64, Miss Maggie H. Bernard. Mayo, Benjamin Edwards. — Born, Cincinnati, Ohio, June 7, 1831 ; M. U.; Sem., '59-'61 ; lie. April, '67, Pres. Oxford ; ord. '61, Pres. Whitewater ; S. S. Dunlapsville and Fairfield, Ind.; Clermont and Prospect ; P. Assump- tion, Ind.; Waynesville and Elm Grove; Williamsville and Dawson, 111., Table Rock, Kas.; S. S. Oxford, Pleasant Unity and Hunnewell ; married, Jan. 1, '55, Miss Madeline D- Warne. McCombs, John Caldwell. — Born, Wheeling, W. Va., March 9, 1838; J. C, '58; Sem., '59-'61 ; lie. '61 ; Law Student, '62; Lawyer, '64-; Elder Presby. Ch.; married, June 15, '65, Miss Lucy E. Swift; res. Allegheny, Pa. *McKean, James W.— Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., April 30, 1832 ; J. C, '59 ; Sem., '59-62; lie. April, '61, Pres. Ohio; ord. '62, same Pres.; S. S. Hough- ton, Mich.; teacher and S- S. Wayne, Iowa ; Prest. Lennox G; Capt. U. S. A.; died, Memphis, Tenn., July 10, '64. *McMillan, Milton. — Born, Beaver Co., Pa., Sept. 21, 1832 ; J. C, '59 ; Sem., '59-'62; lie. April 17, '61, Pres. Beaver; S. S. Plains, Pa.; ord. Jan., '65, Pres. Marion ; P. Delaware, O., '65-67 ; Mt. Gilead, and S. S. Cardington, '67-74 ; married, Sept. 2, '62, Miss Nannie Van Eman ; died, June 19, 76. Miller, David McConaughy. — Born, North Benton, Ohio, May 24, 1832 ; Wash. C, '59; Sem., '59-'62; lie. April 10, '61, Pres. New Lisbon; ord. June 18, '62, same Pres.; P. Alliance and Bethesda, O., former '62-67, lat- ter '62-65 ; Cross Roads, Pa., '67-71 ; Lock Haven, '71-74 ; Johnstown, '74-83 ; Ev. '83- ; married, Aug. 28, '62, Miss Marian Wines. 827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 95 *MooRE, Richard Johnston. — Eorn, Washington Co., Pa., 1S39; J. C, '59; Sem., '59-62 ; died, Allegheny City, Pa., March 23, '62 ; before licensure. M iLLiG AN, Thomas Vincent, D. D. — Born, Tuscarawas Co., Ohio, May 15, 1829 ; J. C-, '46 ; teacher and farmer, '46-'59 ; Sem., '59-61 ; lie. April 26, '60, Pres. Steuhenville ; ord. April 25, '61, same Pres.; P. Minerva, '61-63; Bethlehem, '61-72 ; AVaynesburg, '61-73 ; old ch., Steubenville, '73-77 ; East Liverpool, '77—; D. D., '71, F. C; Stated Clerk Synod ; married, Oct, '49, Miss Ellen Swaney. Patton, William Dickey. — Born, New Castle, Pa., June 5, 1830 ; J, C, '59 ; Sem., '59-'61 ; lie. April 4, '60, Pres. Pittsburgh R. P.; ord. '62, Pres. Phil- adelphia R. P.; P. 3d R. P. ch., Philadelphia, '62-'66; Harrisville and Amity Presby. ch., '66-'80 ; Carrollton, Mo., '80-81 ; Chillicothe, '81-'84; Osage City, Kas., '84— ; married, April 24, '60, Miss Mary L. Tidball. *Paull, George. — Born, Fayette Co., Pa., February 3, 1837 ; J. C; Sem., '59- '62 ; lie. April, '61, Pres. Redstone ; ord. Oct., '63, same Pres.; Dom. miss. '61-63; For. miss. Africa; Corisco, Benita, '63-65; died, Benita, West Africa, May 14, '65. •Phelps, Stephen, D. D. — Born, Lewistown, 111., February 6, 1839 ; J. C; Sem., '59-62; lie. April, '61, Pres. Ohio ; ord. April, '63, Pres. Missouri River; P. Sioux City, Iowa, '62-'64 ; Waterloo, '64-'69 ; Cedar Valley, '70-'71 ; Vinton, '71-'82 ; Prest. Coe C, Iowa, '82- ; D. D., '82, W. & J. C; married, June 20, '62, Miss Amelia McComb ; also, Dec. 25, '82, Miss Sarah F. Miller. *Potter, John Wilmot.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., July 30, 1830; J. C, '59; Sem., '59-62; lie. April, '61, Pres. Allegheny City; ord. Sept., '63, same Pres,; P. Plains, Pa., '63-66, and Fairmount, '64-66 ; married, July, '64, Miss Angle McCune ;' died, June 10, '66. Potter, Gilbert Mitchell. — Born, Beaver Co., Pa., March 7, 1834 ; J. C, '59 ; Sem., '59-62 ; lie. April, '61, Pres. Allegheny City ; ord. June, '63, same Pres.; P. Pine Creek, Pa., '63-'80 ; Springdale, Plains and Evans City, '81—; married, Oct. 13, '68, Miss M. J. Smith; also. May 7, '77, Miss Mary A. Johnson ; res. Sharpsburg, Pa. Preston, Thomas Lewis, D.D. — Born, Lexington, Va., June 2, 1835; W. C. Va., '54 ; U. S. Va.,'56-'58 ; Princeton ; Sem., '59; lie. Aug. 19, '59, Pres. Lexing- ton ; ord. April 19, '61, same Pres.; miss. Tygart Valle}', Va., '61-62; P. Hebron, '62-'68 ; Salem, '68; 1st ch., Richmond, '68-'83; Lexington, '83-; D. D., '72, W. & Lee U.; married. May, '62, Miss Lucy G. Waddell. Price, William H. — Born, ? ; F. W. U.; Sem., '59. Cannot be traced. RiSHER, Levi.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., May 18, 1836 ; J. C„ '59 ; Sem., '56- '62; lie, April, '61, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '62, same Pres.; P. Montour, '63-'64 ; S. S. various chs., '64-70 ; P. Plains and Fairmount, '70-76 ; Amity, '76- '82; S. S. Martinsburg and Duncansville, '82—; married, June 17, '62, Miss Almira P. Alexander. 96 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. *Shriver, John Conrad. — Born, Hunterstown, Pa., May 4, 1836 ; J. C, '59 ; Sem. '59-'62; lie. April 24, '61, Pres. Ohio; died, Pittsburgh, Pa., Jan. 31, '62. *Shoemaker, Robert Bruce. — Born, Lycoming Co., Pa., January 30, 1830; J. C, '59 ; Sem., '59-60; secular business ; married, July 4, '64, Miss Sophia Dorworth ; died, Clinton Co., Pa., March 21, '80 *SiBBETT, William Ryan. — Born, Cumberland Co., Pa., June 3, 1830; J. C, '59.; Sem., '59-'62 ; lie. April, '61, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '63, Pres. Marion ; S. S. Caledonia,©., '62-63; Frostburg, Md., '63-'67 ; Newburg, W. Va., '67-'71 ; miss. W. Va., '71-79 ; married, Sept. 16, '62, Miss Sarah E. "Witherspoon ; died, Burnsville, W. Va., Jan. 8, '78. *Stuchell, Joseph St. Clair. — Born, Indiana Co., Pa., August 20, 1835 ; J C, '59 ; Sem., '59-'62; lie. April 10, '61, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. Nov. 20, '62; P. Aisquith Street ch., Baltimore, Md., '62-67 ; Monongahela City, Pa., '67 '70 ; Hazelwood, '70-75 ; married, Sept. 9, '62, Miss Josephine Martin . died, Hazelwood, Pa., Oct. 12, '75. ' Thompson, David.— Born, ? ; F. C; Sem., '59-62; lie April, '61, Pres. Alle- gheny; ord. '63, same Pres.; For. miss. Japan ; Tokio, Japan, '63— . Vawter, John Bacon.— Born, Franklin, Ind., May 26, 1836 ; H, C, '59 ; Sem., '59-'62; lie. April 13, '61, Pres. Indianapolis; ord. '63, Pres. Dubuque; P. Prairie and Buneomb, Iowa, '63-67 ; S. S. Minn., Mo. and Kas., '67-77 ; Alexandria, Neb., '77-81 ; Home miss. Mo., '81-84 ; res. Sedalia, Mo. Woods, Henry, D. D.— Born, Marion Cd., Mo., July. 2, 1838; Wash. C, '57; teacher, '57-'59 ; Sem., '59-'62 ; lie. April 11, '61, Pres. Baltimore ; ord. Oct. 22, '62, Pres. Steubenville ; P. 1st eh., Steubenville, O., '62-'67 ; Prof. Anc. Lan., W. & J. C, '67-'69 ; Prof. Lat., W. & J. C, '69- ; D. D., West. C, '59 ; Stated Clerk Synod; married, Jan. 16, '63, Miss Mary Lyon Ewing. WoTRiNG, Frederic Rahauser. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., January 26, 1836 ; Wash. C„ '59; Sem. '59-62; lie. April, '61, Pres. Washington; ord. Oct. 26, '63, Pres. Winnebago ; P. Portage City, Wis., '63-'66 ; S. S. Van Wert, O., '66-'68; P. Mansfield, Pa., '68-'78; Knoxville and 9th ch., Pittsburgh, '78-'80 ; S. S. and P. Wenona, 111., '80-'85 ; Plum Creek, Kas.. '85- ; mar- ried, Jan. 10, '65, Mrs. Martha S. Ege. 1827-188.-).] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 97 ISOO-ISGI, Allen, .John W.. D. D.— Born, Belmont Co., O., Fel)riuiry 1, 1837 ; Wash. C, 'GO; Sem. '60-'G2 ; N. W. T. S.. 'G8, lie. April, 'G2, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. '64, Pres. Lima; P. Van Wert, ()., 'G3-'66 ; Lake City, Minn., '6G ; Young America, 111., 'G6-'G8 ; Kansas City, Mo., 'G8-'71 ; Pres. Miss., '71- '72 ; Syn. Miss., '72-'80 ; Snp. Pub. work, '80- ; D. D., '79, W. U. O. Ander-son, Matthew Lowrie. — Born, Butler Co., Pa., January 1, 1837; Wash. C, '60; Sem. '60-'63; lie. April, 'G2, Pres. Butler ; ord. Nov. 10, '63, Pres. Wooster ; P. Millersburgand Holmesville, O., former, 'G3-'66, latter, '63-69 ; S. S. Orrville, 'G6-'G9 ; Rosendale, Mo., '69 ; S. S. Bainard, '84—; married, Mar. 12, '64, Miss Fannie A. Gamble ; also. Dee. 3, 'G7, Mrs. 8. F. Evans ; also, Feb. 7, '72, Miss Maggie T. Guthrie. *Armstrong, Martin. — Born, ? ; Wash. C, '56 ; teacher, '5G-'60; Sem., 'G0-'61 ; U. S. A., '61-'63 ; died. Annapolis, Md., Get. 4, '63. Barrett, John. — Born, New Market, O., September .'>, 1832; M. U., '60; Sem., '60-'G2; lie. Sept., '62, Pres. Chillicothe ; ord. Sept., '63, same Pres.; P. Pisgah, O., '63-; married, April 9, '74, Miss Anna C- Wilson. *Barstow, Joseph Dole. — Born, Chester, O., January 1, 1834; Wab. C, '59 ; Lane., '59-'60 ; W. T. S., '60-'62 ; lie. '60, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. '62, Pres. Erie ; S. S. Birmingham, Pa., '61-'63; 2d eh. Quincy, 111., '62; Springfield, Pa., '63-'6.5; Du Quoin, 111., '65-'67; married, Aug. 24, '6-5, Miss EmmaC. Barr; died, Du Quoin, 111., Dee. 29, '84. Beacom, John J., D. D.— Born, W^estmoreland Co., Pa., April 27, 1837 ; F. C, '60; Sem., '60-'63; lie. April, '62, Pres. Blairsville; ord. April, '64, Pres. Ohio; Mingo, Pa., '64-68 ; P- Montours and Forest Grove, '68— ; D. D.; mar- ried, Jan. 14, '68, Miss Maggie A. Happer. Beinhaur, John Charles. — Born. Hesse Cassel, Ger.; G. C. '54; Sem. '60-62 Princeton, '63 ; lie. '62, Pres. Allegheny City ; ord. '63, Pres. Nassau ; P. Williamsburg, N. Y., '64-'66 ; Ger. ch., Williamsburg, '66 ; Ger. Ref. Ch., Bridesburg ; miss., Newark, N. J.; teacher, Penn., '85. BlXney, John McClusky, D. D.— Born, Ohio Co., W. Va., February 21, 1841 ; Wash. C, '60; Sem., '60-'63 ; lie. April, '62, Pres. Washington; S. S. Charleston, W. Va., 'G4-'68 ; ord. April, '64 ; S. S., 2d eh., Frankfort, Ky., '68-'69 ; S. S. and P. 1st ch. Albany, N. Y., '68-'80 ; 1st ch., Frankfort, Ky., '80-; D. D.,'77, U. U., N. Y.; married, Nov. .3, '70, Miss Lucy W. Lindsey. 98 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1S27-18S5. BiiANEY, Henry Giles. — Born, Ohio Co., Va., March o, 1839 ; Wash. C, '60 ; Sem., '60-'63; lie. April 24, '62, Pres. Washington ; U- S. A., Tith Regt. W" Va. Vols., '62-'65 ; ord. April 28, '69, Pres. St. Clairsville ; S. S. Mt. Gilead, O., '66-'67 ; Madison, '67-'68 ; Graysville, '68-'69; P. Martinsville, '69-'72; S. S, Grantsville, Spencer and Elizabeth, W. Va., '73-75 ; Kingwood, '75- '79; Point Pleasant and Pleasant Flats, '79-'80 ; P. and S. S. Ravenswood, '79- '84; P. Lower Buffalo, Pa., '84— ; married, Sept. 25, '67, Miss Carrie M. Todd. Boyd, William Logan. — Born, Irwin's Station, Pa., August 17, 1833 ; Wash. C, '60; Sera., '60-'63 ; lie. April 23, '62, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. Nov. 3, '63, Pres. Redstone; P. Sewickley, Pa., '63-'67 ; Round Hill, '67-'70 ; S. S. Dwight, 111., '71-73 ; P. Elgin, '76 ; S. S. Centralia, '76-'78 ; Normal and lowanda, '78-'80 ; P. Prairie City, '80-'84 ; S. S. Libertyville and Birming- ham, Iowa, '80— ; married, April 28, '63, Miss M. J. Rose. Cain, George Faires. — Born, New Cumberland, Pa., 1830 ; D. C; atty. at law, '52-'58 ; Sem., '60; lie. Nov. 19, '61, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. May 28, '63, Pres. Newton; P. Stroudsburg, Pa., '63-64 ; Park ch., Erie, '64-'70; Alexander eh., Philadelphia, '70-71 ; 1st ch., Springfield, O., '71-'72 ; Williamsport, Pa., '74-'80; Albion, N. Y., '83-; married, Dec. 11, '62, Miss Eva C. Attick. Chalpant, George Wilson. — Born, near Brownsville, Pa., March 29, 1836 ; J. C, '56; Sem., '60-'61 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. June., '01, Pres. Carlisle; P. Mechanicsburg, Pa., '6l-'63 ; Martinsville and Kirkwood, O., '63-'81; Park Avenue ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '81-; Chap. 130th Regt. Pa. Vols.; marrried, Dec. 27, '59, Miss Sarah E. Moore. Coleman, William.— Born, Carrollon, Ohio, November 29, 1836; M. U.,'60; Sem., '60-'62; lie. April, '62, Pres. Chillicothe; ord. '62, same Pres.; S. S. West Newton, O., '62-'67 ; teacher; S. S. Pleasant Hill, Mo., '72-75; teacher, '75-76 ; miss. Cherokee Co., Kas., '76-81 ; P. Garnett, '81— ; mar- ried, May, '64, Miss Elizabeth Smith. CoRBiTT, Hunter. — Born, Clarion Co., Pa., December 8, 1835 ; J. C, '60 ; Sem., '60-'62; Princeton, '62-'63 ; lie. April, '62, Pres. Clarion ; ord. June 9, '63 ; For. miss. China; Chefoo, China, '63—; married, June 4, '63, Miss Lizzie Culbertson. Crissman, George T.— Born, Milroy, Pa., May 6, 1836 ; M. U., '60; Sem., '60- '62; lie. April, '62, Pres. Chillicothe; ord. April, '64, Pres. Rock River; S. S. and P. Morrison, 111., '63-78 ; miss. Kearney, Neb., '78-82; Supt. Home miss. '82— ; married, Aug. 31, '65, Miss Augusta E. Osborne; res. Omaha, Neb. DiLWORTH, Albert. — Born, near Darlington, Pa., December 8, 1840; J. C, '60 ; Sem., '60-63 ; lie. April, '62, Pres. Beaver; ord. Aug., '63, same Pres.; P. New Salem, Pa., '63-'65 ; Beaver Falls, '68-'71 ; Orrville, O., '71-'74; S. S. Homewortli, Waterford ; infirm ; married, Aug. 21, '66, Miss Retta D. Smith. 1827-1880.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 99 DiNSMORE, Andrew Alexander. — Born, Wayne Co., Ohio, August 7, 1835 ; J. C, '60 ; Sem., '60-'63 ; lie. April, '62, Pres. Wooster ; ord. Ang. '64, Pres. Winnebago; S. S. and P. Neenali, Wis., '64-'66; Des Moines, Iowa, '67-'72 ; S. S. Milford, Del., '73-'7r) ; P. Bridesburg, Pa., '75-; married, Oct. 13, '64, Miss Maggie A. Woodburn. *DoNAi,DSON, James Henry. — Born, Elder's Kidge, Pa., May 18, 1840 ; J. C, '58; teacher, '.58-'60 ; Sem., '60-'63; lie. April, '62, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. Dee., '63; P. Schellsburg, Pa., '63-' 67 ; U. S. A., '63 ; died, Oct. 1, '68. Eagleson, William Stewart.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., January 15, 1840 ; Wash. C, '60; Sem., '60-63; lie. April 28, '63, Pres. Washington ; ord* May 5, '64 ; S. S. and P. Fredericktown, O., '63-? ; P. Mt. Gilead, O.; mar- ried, Oct. 28, '69, Miss Clarissa E. Pentecost. *Ellis, Dariu-s H.— Born, ? , J. C; Sem., '60-'fil ; died, April 29, '61. Fife, Noah Hallock friLLETT. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., February 19, 1840 J. C, '59 ; teacher, '59-'60 ; Sem., 'C0-'63 ; lie. April 27, '63, Pres. Redstone ord. '63, same Pres.; P. Connellsville, Pa., '63-'67 ; Long Run, '68-'73 Sterling, III., '73— ; married, June 9, '69, Miss Elizabeth Paull. Gould, Calvin Curtis.— Born, Albion, III., November 28, 1832; W. C. Va., '60 ; Sem., '60-'63 ; lie. Aug., '62, Pres. Ohio ; ord. Nov., 'G3, Pres. Wooster ; P. Wayne and Chester, O., '63-66 ; S. S. Chippewa and Canal Fulton, '66- '68; P. Canal Fulton and Marsliallville, '68-72; S. S. Holmesville and Ber- lin, '73; Sago and miss, points, '73-74 ; Glennville and miss, points, '74- '80; Sutton, W. Va., with ten preaching points, '80— ; Ed.; married. Aug- 2, '66, Miss Elvira C. Reid ; also, June 19, '74, Miss Lydia R. Taylor. Geckler, George. — Born, ? : Ft. W. F. I.; Sem. '60 ; lie. and ord. Luth. Ch.; Lutheran minister. Graham, Samuel. — Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., January 15, 1830 ; Wa,sh. C, '60 ; Sem., '60-' 63; lie. April, '62, Pres. Clarion ; miss , 'r)2-'65 ; ord. Nov. 20, '65, Pres. Wash.; P. Mill Creek, '65-'66 ; Allen Grove and Wolf Run, '66-'69 ; H. S., Unity, and teacher, '69-72 ; Cameron, W, Va., and teacher, '73 ; New- bnrg and Kingwood, '73—; married. May 28, '62, Miss Nancy Jane Jolly ; also, Nov. 7, '70, Miss Melinda Jane Archer. *Hervey, Henry Martyn. — Born, Martinsburg, O., October 28, 1838; K. C, '60; Sem., '60-'63; lie. '62, Pres. Richland; ord. Dec. '63, Pres. Zanesville; P. 1st ch., Newark, O., '63-'75; died, Zanesville, O., Sept. 1, '75. *Henderson, Samuel McFarren.— Born, N. Ilagerstown, O., December 24, 1839; Wash. C, '60; Sem., '60-63; lie. April, '62, Pres. Steubenville; ord. Nov. 4, '63, Pres. Wasliington ; P. Pigeon Creek, Pa., '63-67 ; Wilkinsburg, '67-'78 ; Florida, '78 ; Prof, Biddle Inst., '78-'79 ; married, Oct. 22, '63, Miss Jennie C. C Mateer ; died, April 2, '79. loo GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. Hunter, James Hollister. — Born, Bethel, N. Y., May 12, 183 J; H. C, '55 ; Sem., '60-'62 ; lie. April, '62, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Oct. .20, '64 ; P. Rock- ford, Minn., '64-'69; S. S. and P., Dundas and Forest, '69-74 ; Beulah, Pa., '74-77; S.S.Cameron, Lothrop and Osborn, Mo., '77-78; miss, in Kas., '78-'83; S. S. Cherokee and Weir City, '83-; married, '56, Miss Rachel S. Harvy. *HiLL, Robert W. — Born near Canonsburg, Pa., December 20, 1834 ; M. C. O.; Sem., '60-62; lie. '62, Pres. Zanesville; ord. '63, same Pres.; S. S. Fostoria and Perrysburg, O., '63-65 ; married, Miss Martha Stone ; dit'd, N. Concord, O., Mar. 3, '65. L.A.VERTY, David Hull.— Born, Clearfield, Pa., June 20, 1833; Wash. C, '58; Sem., '60-'62 ; lie. April 26, '62, Pres. Washington ; ord. June 16, '63, same Pres.; P. Frankfort Springs and Paris, '62-65 ; Rock Hill, O., '65-67 ; miss. Weger, Bethel, Pipe Creek, O.; Cameron, Allen Grove and Wolf Run, Pa., '67-72; Barnesville, Fairview and Summerton, O., '72-74 ; Enon, Pales- tine and Waterford, '74-'81; Crestline, '81-83; Scottsville, '83—; married, Oct. 27, '64, Miss Kate E. Smith. ' Lloyd, William Artem as. — Born, Blandford, Mass., December 2, 1832; W. H.; Sem., '60-62 ; lie. '61, Elgin Ass.; ord. Nov. 8, '62, Cong. Council ; S. S. Ringwood and Greenwood, 111., '61-'62; St, Charles, '62-'64; Plymouth ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '65 ; Morris, 111., '66-'69 ; P. 1st Cong, ch.. Ravens- wood, '70— ; married, Jan. 8, '62, Miss Helen M. Chamberlain. Congrega- tional minister. *LowARY, David Proudfit. — Born, Florence, Pa., April 4, 1826 ; Sem., '60- '63 ; lie. April, '62, Pres. Ohio ; San. Com., '60 ; ord. '63, Pres. Allegheny City; P. Freedom, '63-65; Beaver, '63-73 ; Fin. agt. W. T. S.; married, Jan. 16, '55, Miss Mary A. Wishart ; died, Beaver, Pa., March 31, '73. Lowes, Abraham Brower. — Born, Warren Co., Ohio, March 9, 1836 ; M. U., '60; Sem., '60-'63 ; lie. Sept. 6, '65, Pres. Cincinnati ; ord. June 6, '67, Pres. Ft. Wayne; P. Decatur, Ind., '67-'68 ; S. S. Tidioute, Pa., '69-'70; P. Mason, O., '71-74 ; Belle Vernon, Pa., ,'74-'82 ; teacher, Canonsburg, Pa., '82-84; S. S. Cool Spring and Fredonia, '84—; married. Miss Belle Elliott; res. Washington, Pa. LuPTON, Jonas W- — Born, Winchester, Va., December 19, 1833 ; Sem., '60-'61 ; U. T. S., '61-62 ; lie. April 25, '62 ; ord. April 25, '64 ; Asst. P. Winches- ter, Va., '65-67 ; P. Leesburg and Catoktin, "67-72; Clarksville, '72—; mar- ried. Miss Julia McClusky. Maxwell, James McCluskey. — Born, Hancock Co-, W. Va., August 1, 1837 ; Wash. C, '60; Sem., '60-62; N. W. S., '62-63; lie. April. '62, Pres. Zanes- ville; ord. Oct., '63, Pres. St. Louis; P. Kirkwood, Mo., '63-65, 12th ch., Baltimore, Md., '65-'74; 2d ch., Belvidere, N. J., '74-'80; S. S. Harmony, Md.; Europe, '83; Ed. Baltimore Preaby., '82—; married, Oct. 26, '65, Miss Gertrude A. Appleget. 1S27-1S85.] UENP:KAL CATALOGUE. 101 McCooK, Henry Christopher, D.D.— Born, New Lisbon, Ohio, July 3, 1837 ; J. C, '59 ; teacher ; Sem., '60-63 ; lie. '61, Pres. Steubenville ; ord, '61, same Pres.; S. S. Clinton, 111.; Home miss. St. Louis, Mo.; 1st Lieut. U. S. A. and Chap. 41st Regt. III. Vols.; P. Tabernacle, Philadelphia, '70-; D. D., L. C. C; pub. "Object and Outline Teacliing," "Life of Christ," 2 vols., "Ter- centenary Eook," " Pan-Presby. Council," "Garfield Memorial Sermons," "Agricultural Ants of Te.xas," "Honey and Occident Ants," " Mound- making Ants of the Alleghenies," "Tenants of an Old Farm," "Natural History of the Orb-Weaving Spider of North America;" married, Sept. 11, '61, Miss EmmaC. Herter. McMahan, Robert Todd.— Born, Morgan Co., Ohio, November 8, 1832; J. C, '60; Sera., '60-'66 ; U. S. A., 3 yrs.; lie. June 14, '66, Pres. Schuyler; ord. Oct. 67, same Pres.; S. S. Wythe, 111., '67-'69 ; Bushville, '69-'71 ; Bar- dolph, '71-72; Ellsworth and N. Jackson, O., '73-75; liong's Run, '76- '79; Colman, Dak., 'S3— ; married, Feb. 22, '66, Miss Maria A. Walk- inshaw. Marquis, David Calhoun. D. D. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., November 15, 1834; J. C, '57; teacher, '57 -'60 ; Sem,, '60-'62; N. W. S., '62-'63 ; li.c. April, '62, Pres. Beaver; ord. Nov., '63,'Pres. Sangamon ; P. Decatur, 111., '63-'66 ; N. ch., Chicago, '66-'70 ; Westminster ch., Baltimore, Md., '70-'78 ; Lafayette Park ch., St. Louis, Mo., '78-'83 ; Prof. N. W. Sem, '83-; D. D., W. & J. C, '75.; married, Oct. 8, '63, Miss Anna M. Kennedy ; also, July 16, '79, Miss Helen M. Pearson. *Melvin, James W.— Born, Pennsylvania ; J. C, '60 ; Sem., '60-'61 ; Ref. P. Sem., '61-64; lie. A.pril, '61, Ref. Pres. Pittsburgh; S. S. Pres. Pittsburgh ; Pres. Ohio, '62 ; died, near Cedar Hill, O., July, '64. R. P. mini-ster. Miller, Robert Thompson. — Born, Finleyville, Pa., January 11, 1835 ; J. C, '60; Sem., '60-'61 ; lie. March, '61, Pittsburgh Conf. M. E. Ch.; ord. Dea., March 22, '63 ; Elder, March, '65, M. E. Ch.; S. S. Claysville, Pa., '61 ; Canonsburg, '62; Wellsburg, W. Va., '63; Carmichaels, Pa., '64 ; Du- quesne, '64-66 ; Braddocks, '66-'69; Pittsburgh, '69-'71; Temperanceville, '71-'74 ; Pittsburgh, '74-'76; Greensburg, '76-78; Uniontown, '78-'81 ; Connellsville, '81-84; Allegheny, '84— ; married, June 11. '62, Miss Vir- ginia Ritchie; also, June 2, '74, Miss Mary E. Wood. M. E. minister. Miller, George Marquis. — Born, Muskingum Co, Ohio, September 5, 1826 ; M. C. O., '50; business, '50-'6() ; Sem., '60-63; lie. April, '62, Pres. Zanes- ville; ord. April 30, '65 ; S. S. West Bethesda, O., '63-; Eagle Creek, 2 yrs ; married, .June 28, '65, Miss Mary E. Henderson. MiLHOLLAND, ALEXANDER Small, D. D. — Born, Muskingum Co., Ohio, June 7, 1834 ; M. C. O., '60 ; Sem., '60-63; lie. May 7, '62, Pres. Zanesville; ord. April, '64, Pres. Marion; P. Bucyrus, O., '64-66; S. S. and P. Millersburg, '66-'77 ; Supt. Schools, '67-70; Europe, '77; S. S. Brownsville, Pa., '78-'80 ; P. Uniontown, '80— ; D. D., '85; married, Sept. 11, '66, Miss Anna Zillah Fulton. MooRE, Richard C. — Dismissed. 102 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. MooRHEAD, William Wallace, D. D. — Born, Blairsville, Pa., February 28, 1837; J. C, '60; Sem., '60-'63; lie. April, '62, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Oct, '64, Pres. Bureau; S. S. and P. Beulah and Camden, 111., former '62-68, latter '62-'71 ; P. Greensburg, Pa., '71-; D. D., '8-5 ; Trustee W. & J. C; married, Oct. 27, '63, Miss Martha J. Donaldson. Orr, Thomas X., D. D.— Born, Franklin Co., Pa., August 10, 1836 ; J. C, '57 ; atty. at law; Sem., '60-63; lie June, '62, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. July '63, Pres. Allegheny City ; P. Central ch., Allegheny, '63-'69 ; 1st Ref. ch., PhiladeI-> phia, '69-'83 ; 2d ch., Peoria, III., '83-; D. D., '85, W. & J. C; married. May 4, '63, Miss Mary V. Reilly. Paine, David Brainerd. — Born, ? ; N. J. C; Sem., '60 ; in '72, at Soraerville, Tenn. Probably deceased. Patterson, Reuben F. — Born, Butler Co., Oliio, February 14, 1832; H. C, '60; Sem., '60-'62; lie, Sept. 11, '59, Pres. Whitewater; S. S. Bethel and Donaldson, Ind., '60-'63 ; U. S. A., '63-'64 ; P. Bethel and Donaldon, Ind., '64-'66; Thorntown, '66-70 ; Charleston, 111., '71; Grace, La., '79; Baton Rouge, '80—; married, Sept. 19, '54, Miss P. A. Gregg. *Patton, David. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., November 29, 1837 ; J. C, '60 ; Sem., '60; Capt. U. S- A., '61-'64; Ref. Sem., '64-'65 ; lie. May, '65, Ref Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. June, '66, same Pres ; P. Cochranton and Shenango, latter '66-'67, former, '66-'69 ; entered Presby. Ch., '67; S- S. Cochranton, '67-69; St. Anthony, Minn., '69-70 ; P. Petroleum Center, '70-'72 ; Butler Pres.; infirm ; married, Nov. 10, '63, Miss S. C. Tidball ; died, Feb. 22, '75. Powelson, Ben.jamin Franklin. — Born, Hampshire Co., Va., September 10, 1840 ; Wash. C, '60 ; Sem., '60-'62, '66-'67 ; lie. April, '62, Pres. Washing- ton ; U. S. A., '62-'65; S. S. Deep Water and Little Osage, Mo., '67-71 ; ord. Sept. 9, '68, Pres, S. W. Mo.; S. S. Montrose, '70-'74; P. Neosho, '74-77; teacher, '77-79; S- S. Ebenezer and Ozark Park, '80-82; Lyons, Kas., '82— ; married, July 26, '70, Miss Mersylvia J. Austin. Reed, John Brice. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., April 29, 1839 ; Wash. C, '60; Sem., '60-63; lie. April, '62, Pres. Washington ; ord. April, '64, Pres. West Virginia; S. S. and P. Parkersville, W. Va., '62-'71 ; Si.stersville, '71 -'82; Fairmount, '82—; married. May 12, '64, Miss Isabella J. Shields. Shriver, Samuel Smith. — Born, Uniontown, Pa., January 20, 1822; Sem., '60 '62; lie. April 9, '62, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Oct. 31, '62, Pres. New Bruns- wick ; P, Hightstown. N. J., '62-69 ; Fin. See. Van Rensselaer Inst.; P. Lebanon, Pa., 'f)9-'76 ; Mont Alto, Md., '77-82 ; married. May 7, '50, Miss Caroline McCluskey ; res. Baltimore, Md. Sloan, David Harvey. — Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., January 26, 1836; Wash. C, '59 ; Prof. Latin, pro tern., '59-'(')0; Sem., '60 ; teacher, '60-64 ; lie. April, '64, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. July 2, '72 ; teacher and S. S. Clifton, '67-'69 ; Prin. Slate Lick Inst., '67-'72 ; P. and S. S. Leechburg and Clinton, '73- \ Stated Clerk Pres.; married, Oct. 12, 'iS^^, Miss Cynthia A. Jones. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 103 SjfiTii, Joseph Norris. — Born, Frederick, Md., February 2, 1840 ; J. C, '60 ; Sem., '60-61 ; poor health ; teacher, Pa., New Mexico ; now at Rockbridge Baths, Va. *Stockton, WiLi-iAM Alfred Frederic. — Born, Cross Creek, Pa., February 23,1840; M. C. O., '69 ; Sem., '60-'62; lie. April, '62, Pres. Washington; U. S. A., '62-'65 ; returned lie. '65, res. Poplar Branch, N. C; died, New Orleans. Sutton, Robert.— Born, Indiana, Pa., April 10, '28; J. C, '47 ; atty. at" law ; Sem., '60-'61 ; lie. June, '60, Pres. Clarion ; ord. Nov., '63, same Pres.; P. Rushville, Ind., '61-'(i3; Central ch., St. Paul, Minn., '64-66; Goshen, 0., '68-70 ; Ev. and agt., Cincinnati, '70- ; married, Nov. VA, '56, Miss Elizabeth B. Andrews. *TAYLOh, RoBERT.^ — Boro, Ballynarig, Ireland, August 12, 1830 ; U. P.; Lawyer; Sem., '60; lie. May 8, '61, Pres. Erie; ord. Nov. 13, '61, same Pres.; P. Warren, Pa., '61-62 ; 2d ch., Germantown, '62-64 ; married, Mi.ss Christiana Pearson ; died, Germantown, Pa., April 15, '64. *ToDD, Martin Luther. — Born, Wheeling, Va., January 9, 1840; J. C, '60; Sem., '60-'63; lie. '63, Pres. Washington ; miss. S. S. U.; 8. S. Point Pleas- and, W. Columbia, W. Va.; Vernon, Ind.; Richmond, Ky.; married, Mav 19, '68, Miss Genevieve Sheppard ; died, Aug. 14, '70. Warren, William H.— Born, ?; O. C, '60; Sem., '60-'61 ; lie. '65; in '72 at Livonia, La. Probably deceased. Woods, John.— Born, Hamilton, Ohio, June 19, 1838; M. U., '60; Sem., '60- '61 ; Princeton, '61-'62; ord. Sept. 25, '61, Pres. Oxford; Chap. U. S. A.; P. Urbana, O., '65-68 ; Bloomingburg, '68-'72 ; P. E. 9th ch., Chicago, 111., 72 -'73; S. S. Ft. Wayne, Ind., '7.3-'75 , P. Chico, Cal., '7.5-'76; S.S.Cedar Falls, Ind., '77-'78 ; White Bear Lake, Minn., '79-81 ; Wilmot and Dia- mond Lake, '83 ; Merian Park, 111, 'S4-. Wilson, John.— Born, ?; Mar. C; Sem., '60-63; lie. '62, Pres. Ohio; ord, 'i'li^, Pres. Bloomington ; P. Deer Creek, 111., '67-'70 ; S. S. Marengo, '71-78; P. Georgetown, Cal., '78 ; S. S. Longmont, '80—. * Wilson, Thomas Mitchell. — Born, near Saltsburg, Pa., August 2.5, 1837 ; med student; Sem., '60-'63; lie. April, '62, Pres. Schuyler; ord. Oct., '63, same Pres.; S. S. Edgington, 111., '63-'64 ; P. Ebensburg, Pa., '6.5-'67 ; Sharps- burg, '67-70; S. S. llandet. 111.; P. Rochelle, '72-74; married, April 16, '63, Miss Lizzie Johnston ; died, Rochelle, 111., Feb. 22, '74. Wightman, James Wallace, D. D.— Born, near Pittsburgh, Pa., December 22, 1837 ; J. C. '60 ; Sem., '60-63 ; San. Com., '62 ; lie. April, '62, Pres. Ohio ; ord. Nov, 12, '63, Pres. Carlisle ; P. Greencastle and Waynesboro, Pa., '63-'70 ; V. Prest. Wilson C, '70-72 ; P. McKeesport, Pa., '72-'77 ; Prest. Ogden C, Ky., '77-'83 ; Prin. Steubenville Fem. Sem., '83-; P. old Presby. ch., Steu- benville. O., '83—; married, April 26, '64, Miss Emma Jaynes. 104 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Wkight, Williamson Swift.— Born, Lafayette, Ind., August 7, 1840 ; J. C, '60; Sem., '60-'63 ; lie. April 30, '63, Pres. Logansport ; ord. Sept. 6, '65, same Pres.; S. S. Bryan, O., '64-'65 ; S. S. and P. Delphi, Ind., '65-'68 ; S. S. Clarksville, Pa., '()9-'70; P. Westminster, Pa., '70-'84; Pearsoll, Texas, '84 — ; married. May 22, '66, Miss Annie M. Davis. Whiten, Isaac J.— Born, ?; Sem., '60-'61. A. M. E. Church minister. Waters, James QuiGLEY.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., September 16, 1835; P. C; Sem., '60-'61 ; lie. June 2, '61, Pittsburgh Synod Ev. Luth. Ch.; ord. June 6, '64, same body; Salem, Pa., '61-'62; Bethlehem, '62-'65 ; St. Peter's, Montgomery Co., '65-'67 ; St. Peter's, Philadelphia, '67-69; Christ ch., Pittsburgh, '69-'75; Butler, '75-'84 ; Westview, Allegheny, '84- ; married, Oct. 15, '61, Miss Annie C. Price. *Watts, Samuel.— Born, ? ; Sem., '60-62 ; lie. and ord. by A. M. E. Ch.; now deceasd. A. M. E. Church minister. Williams, Richard G.— Born, ? ; Sem., '60-61 ; minister in Owen Sound, Canada, in '72. 1861-1862. Atkinson, John Snodgrass— Born, Delaware, Ohio, July 14, 1835; W. U. O., '61 ; Sem., '61-64; lie. April 16, '03, Pres. Marion; ord. Oct. 18, '66, Pres. Wooster; P. Wayne and Chester, '66-'74; Lower Ten Mile, Pa., '74-'80 ; Buffalo and Westminster, '80—; married. May 4, '64, Miss Lida Kerr Thomson. "Barber, William H.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., 1835 ; A. C; Sem., '62- '63 ; died; July 17, '63, before licensure. Beale, David J.— Born, Juniata Co., Pa., July 1, 1835 ; J. C;, '61 ; Sem., '61- '62; Princeton, '62-'64 ; lie. April 11, '03, Pres. Huntingdon; ord. April 11, '64, same Pres.; P. Middle Tuscarora, Pa., '64-'69 ; St. Georges, Del., '69-72; Light Street ch., Baltimore, Md., '72-83 ; .Johnstown, Pa., '83— Belden, Luther Martin.— Born, Sandisfield, Mass., November 14, 1837 ; Wash. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-64; lie. April, '63, Pres. Redstone; ord. Dec. 12, '64, Pres. Erie; P. Sturgeonville, Pa., '64-70; Chatsworth, 111., '71-'75 ; teacher, '75-'77 ; S. S. Centerville, Iowa, '77-'81 ; Elk Rapids, '81-'84 ; Ev.; married, Oct. 12, '64, Miss Margaret A. Knight. *BoGGS, Wilberforce Kerr.— Born, Bucyrus, Ohio, April 17, 1839; Ot. U., '61; Sem., '61-'63; Auburn, '64; lie. '62, 4th Pres. Philadelphia; ord. April 22, '65, Pres. Iowa City ; P. Ottumwa and Marengo, Iowa, '64-'66 ; teacher, '66; P. Wichita, Kas., Emporia, Oxford, Belle Plain aud Welling- ton, Kas., '66-72 ; married, April 18, '05, Miss Ellen Thompson ; died, Ox- ford, Kas., July 26, '72. 1827-1885.] GENERA L CATALOGUE. 105 Blackford, Robert Allen. — Born, Martin's Ferry, Ohio, August 5, 1832 ; Wash. C, '61; Sem., '61-'62; lie. April '62, Pres. Allegheny City; ord. April 20, '64, Pres. West Virginia; S. S. Callensburg and Concord, Pa., '63; S.S. and P. Clarksburg and Gnatty Creek, W. Va., '64-'73 ; Croton Falls, N. Y., '74-'80; P. White Lake, '80-; married, '69, Miss Annie E. Davis. Campbell, Charles McFreters. — Born, Bloomington, Ind., March 10, 1842 ; Ind. U., '61 ; Sera., '61-64 ; lie. April 6, '64, Pres. Allegheny City; ord. April 26, '64 ; Dom. miss. Boulder Valley, Col., '64-66 ; Dom. miss. Den- ver, '69-'70; St. Vrain, '70-'71 ; Boulder Valley and St. Vrain, '71-'72; Valmont, Col., '72 ; Boulder Valley, '73 ; W. C, '73-'81 : S. S. Valmont, Col., '81—; married, Aug. 24. '69, Miss Mary M. A. Chambers. Campbell, John J.— Born, .Juniata Co., Pa., October 5, 1840 ; .1. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-64; U. S. A., '62-'65; teacher, Tuscarora Acad., '67-'70; Supt. Schools, Warrensburg, Mo., '70-75 ; teacher State Normal School, Warrensbnrg Mo.; married. Miss Annie R. French ; also, Aug. 18, '80, Miss Eliza Mans- field Smith; res. Warrensburg, Mo. Carr, William T.— 8orn, ?; Cem., '61-64; lie. '64, Pres. Baltimore; ord. '65, same Pres.; P. Madison Street, ch., Baltimore, Md., '65-67 ; S. S. Wilming- ton, N. C, '69-73 ; New Haven, Conn.; P. Siloam ch., Elizabeth, N. J., '73-. *Clarke, Robert Alexander. — Born, Schellsburg, Pa., November 13, 1839; J. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-62; Ruling Elder; Merchant; died, McVeytown, Pa., Aug. 24, '79. Crissman, Samuel M. — Born, Mifflin Co., Pa., March 19, 1834; S. S. A.; Sem., '62-'63 ; lie. April 8, '63, Pres. Chilicothe; ord. Oct. 11, '65, Pres. Bureau ; P. Canton, III., '64-'65 ; Arlington, '65-'66 ; Rossville, Ind., '66-68 ; At- lanta, 111., '68-'72 ; S. S. Elkhart, Ind., '72-'73 ; Depere, Wis., '73-'77 ; Williamsburg and Monterey, O., '77-'80 ; 2d ch., Freeport, 111., '80—; mar- ried, April 10, '62, Miss M. E. Beatty. Dagnault, Pierre S. C. — From Canada; A. C; Sera., '61-62; last res. Can- ada East. Davis, James Smith. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., December 5, 1841 ; W. A. A.; Sem., '61-63 ; health failed ; in business. Davis, David S,— From Wales; W. S.; Sem., '61-62; last re.s. Abardara, Wales. *DixoN, John Edgar.— Born, Columbia Co, Pa., July 28, 1832; J. C, '61 ; Princeton; teacher; Sem , '()l-'62 ; married. Miss Maggie Boon; died, St. Paul, Minn., March 13, '68, before licensure. 106 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 1827—1885. DcNLAP, Cyrus H— Born, Butler Co., Pa., October 12, 1834; West. C, '61; Sera., '61-'64; lie. April 12, '63, Pres. Beaver; ord. April 26, '64, Pres. Allegheny City ; N. ch., Allegheny City, '64-'65 ; Carondolet, Mo., '67-'68 ; Serlalia, '68-'72; Springfield, '72-'79 ; New Castle, Pa., '79-; married, April 12, '58, Miss A. B. Johnson. *Edgar, Moorhead.— Born, New Alexandria, Pa., 1821 (?); Sem., '62-65 ; lie. 'Q6, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. '67, same Pres.; S. S. Tyrone and Harmony, Pa., '68-'60 ; Kingwood, W. Va., '71-72; miss. West.; agt. S. F. Society; died, Topeka, Kas., Jan. 16, '83. Falconer, William Campbell, D. D.— Born, ? ; Wash. C, '61 ; Sem., '61- '64; lie. June 10, '63, Pres. New Lisbon; ord. '64, same Pres.; Christian Com., '64-65; P. East Palestine and Columbiana, O., '65-66; Sharon, Pa., '66-70; Sharpsburg, '7(>-'71 ; 1st ch., Parkersburg, W. Va.. '71-'74 ; Prest. Hi. U., '74-'78 ; North ch., St. Louis, '76-'80 ; 1st. ch., Springfield, O., '80- ; D. D, '77, Wab. C; married, Jan. 31, '67, Miss Bessie W. Dickson. *FouLKE, Henry C— Born, near Hagarstown. Md., April 15, 1835; Wash. C, '69; Sem., '61-'64; lie. April '63, Pres. Zanesville ; ord. June, '64, Pres. Ohio ; P. Forest Grove and Montour, Pa., '64-'67 ; Cumberland, O., '67-68; Hagerstown, Md.; infirm; married, '64, Miss Lizzie M. Alrich; died, near Hagerstown, Md., July 15, '79. *Gage, Alfred Francis.— Born, Haverhill, Mass., May 11, 1836 ; Wm. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-62; U.S. A.; teacher, business; study; writing; married, Sept., '68, Ellen E. Shedd ; died. Waltham, Mass., March 28, '72. *Hays, Henderson.— Born, December, 1835 ; Wash. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-'63 ; died, Whitestown, Pa., Feb. 21, '63. Hendren, William Turner.— Born, Franklin Co., Ohio, December I'J, 1834; D. U., '61; Sem., '61-'64; lie. May 8, '53, Pres. Columbus; ord. May 11, '64, same Pres.; Home miss. Lake Superior, '64-65; P. Sheldon, Minn., '66 -'70; Caledonia, '66-72 ; Home miss, and P. Neillsville, Wis., '72; mar- ried, Oct. 9, '66, Miss Lorinda M. Wright. Hunter, Cyrus J., D. D.— Born, Cadiz, Ohio, May 21, 1836; F. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-64; lie. April, '63, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. April, '65, Pres. Steuben- ville; P. New Philadeldhia, O,, '65-'75; Dennison, '71-'80; P. E. North East, Pa.; '80-; D. D., '80, F. C; married, Oct. 13, '64, Miss Eliza F. Kerr. *JoHNSTON, Daniel O'N.— Born, ?; Wash. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-64; lie. '64, Pres. Steubenville ; licentiate to '70 ; probably died at that date. Jones, Sugars T.— Born, ? ; Sem., '61. A. M. E. Church. Kelly, Joseph Clark.— Born, Juniata Co., Pa., March 31, 1838 ; J. C, '59 ; Sem., '61-'62 ; lie. June 17, '63, Pras. Huntingdon; ord. Feb. 14. '65, Pres. Winnebago; P. Cambria, Wis., '64-67 ; Neena, '67-70 ; Spruce Creek, Pa., '70—; married, April 18, '66, Miss Mary G. Webber. 1827-1885.] G P: N E R A L ( ' A T A L O G U K . 107 Kerr, James Dinsmore.— Born, near Horence, Pa., November 28, 1839 ; Wash. C, '61 ; Setii., '61-'64 ; lie. April 26, '64, Pres. Washington; ord. June lo, '65, Pres. Sangamon ; P. Farmington, 111., '65-'70; Nebraska City, Neb., '70 -'78; Denver, Col., '78-'81 ; P. E. Chestnut and Erie, Pa., '81-'83; Kear- ney, Neb., '83- ; married, Aug. 15, '65, Miss Sarah A. Lyman. KiNKEAD, James John.— Born, Butler Co., Pa., November 5, 1837 ; Wash. C, '61 ; Sem., '59-'60 ; business ; Supt. Schools, Oil City, Pa., '67-'75 ; teacher ; Illinois, '75-'77 ; Oil City, '77-79 ; atty. at law, Bradford, Pa., 'SO-. KuHN, William Ca yen.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., July 25, 1839; J. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-'65 ; lie. April, '65, Pres. Bedstone ; ord. June, '68, Pres. Hunt- ingdon ; S. S. Somerset, Pa., '65-'66 ; Walcott and Fulton, Iowa, '66-'67 ; P. Shade Gap, Pa., '68-'78 ; S. S. Pine Grove, '80- ; married, Nov. 27, '66, Miss Lizzie S. Roberts. Leyenberger, Joseph Anderson. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., December 7, 1834; J. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-64 ; lie. April 22, '63, Pres. Wooster , ord. June 28, '64; For. miss. China; Ningpo, China, '65—, marrried, Sept. 14, '65, Miss Susan Fugate. Lewis, Edward Payson.— Born, Indiana Co., Pa., March 14, 1841 ; Wash. C, '60; Sem., '61-'64; lie. April, '64, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. April, '65, Pres. Highland ; P. Atchison, Kas., '64-'68 ; S. S. Brownsville, Pa.. '68-'72 ; Waynesburg, Pa., '73-'75 ; Rochester, '75-'78 ; Fairfield, 111., '80-'85 ; Mt. Vernon, '85— ; married, Oct. 18, '6(5, Miss Almira Fulton. Luckey, George J.— Born, ?; Sem., '61-'62 ; Supt. Common Schools, Allegheny Co., Pa.; res. Pittsburgh, Pa. Lyon, James Harrison.— Born, Woodstock, Conn., December 28, 1839 ; Wms. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-'64 ; lie. Oct., '62 ; ord. Feb. 12, '63, Cong. Ass. W. Pa.; S. S. Plymouth Cong, ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '62-'65 ; Woodstock,'; Conn., '65-'67 ; Central Falls, R. I., '67- ; married, Jan. 10, '55, Miss Annie H. Smith. Congregational minister. Miller, Samuel W., D. D.— Born, Hickory, Pa., May 3, 1835'; J. C, '60; teacher, '60-61 ; Sem., '61-'64 ; lie. Dec. 27, '63, Pres. Ohio ; ord. April 26, '65, Pres. Cedar Rapids; P. Cedar Rapids, Iowa, '65-68 ; Wooster, O., '68- '74 ; Mansfield, ':4-'80 ; Saltsburg, Pa., '80- ; D. D., '80, W. U. *MoNFORT, Cornelius V.— Born, Franklin Ind.; K. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-64; lie. '63, Pres. Schuyler; ord. '66, Pres. Ka.skaskia; S. S. Butler, 111., '66-69 ; Oswego, Kas, '69-70 ; Labette, '72; died, Labette, Kas., Aug. 10, '72. *NuGENT, Edwin Ruth yen. — Born, Jefferson Co., Ohio, April 27, 1834 ; West. C, Mo., '60; Sem., '()l-'64 ; lie June, '64, Pres. Allegheny City ; ord. April, '65, Pres. Topeka ; S. S. Mapleton, Kas., '65-'71 ; Pleasant Hill, Bethel, Fairview, Oakwood, Elk Creek, '65-'71 ; Auburn and Sharon, '71-'75 ; Up- per Indiana and Bruceville, '75-'77 ; married, July 7, '64, Miss M. Sherrard ; died, Humboldt, Neb., Nov. 26, '77. lOS GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. *Peaiks, Benjamin Franklin.— Born, ? ; M. C. O.; Sem., '61-'62. No further traces. Price, Robert Thompson.— Born, New Hagarstown, Ohio, June 2, 1836 ; Wash. C, '61; Sem., '61-'64; lie. April, 28, '64, Pres. Steiibenville ; ord. June, '66, Pres. Washington ; P. Wellsburg, W^ Va., '66-68 ; Prospect, Pa., '68-73; Belleview, '73-75; Dunbar, '75-'84 ; Shreever and Hopewell, O., '84—; married, May 24, '64, Miss Nannie Fulton. Pringle, James V.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., September 9, 1845; Den. U.. '61 ; Sem., •61-'63 ; lie. May 13, '63, U. P. Pres. Allegheny ; ord. May 11, '65, U. P. Pres. Mansfield ; P. U. P. ch., Martinsburg and Mt. Vernon, O., '65-68 ; Pana, 111., '68-77; Clayton, '77—; married, Dec. 25, '71, Miss Ida Hoopes. U. P. minister. Ramsay, James Smith. — Born, Washington, Pa.; Wash. C, '61 ; Sem. '61-63 ; lie. '64, Pres. Washington ; ord. '64, Pres. Carlisle; P. Perry Co., Pa., '64- '67; Baltimore, Md., '67-'71 ; Harlem, N. Y., '72-. *RicHARDSON, David K.— Born, 1836 ; V. Inst.; Sem., '61-64; lie. '63, Pres. Maumee ; ord. '65, same Pres.; S. S. Napoleon, O., '65-68; 1st ch., Bryan. '68-'70; P. Middle Spring, Pa., '70-72 ; Greencastle, '72-'77 ; died, Green- castle, Pa., Aug. 20, '77. Sloan, Barkley Shields. — Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., April 16, 1831 ; Wash. C. '60; Sem., '61-'64; lie. July 30, '63, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. >pril 11, '66, Pres. Bureau ; Home miss. Pleasant Ridge, Preemption and Edwards, 111., '64-67 ; S. S. Perry, Pa., '67-68 ; Home miss. Edwards and Viola Station, 111., '68-'71 ; S. S. Greenville and Mechanicsburg. Pa., '72-75 ; P. Harmony, and S. S. Bethesda, '72-'S2; Ev. '82-; married, Oct., '60, Miss Cynthia S. McComb. *Smith, James H.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., 1837 ; W. A. A,; Sem., '61-63 ; he. April 16, '64; ord. Sept. '64, Pres. Peoria; P. Elmwood, 111., '64-'66 ; Yates City, '67-'70 ; French Grove, '71-'73; died, Yates City, 111., Nov. 15, '73. Smith, William Henry. — Born, Knox Co., Ind., September 10, 1840; H. C, '61; Sem., '61-'64; ord. '67, Pres. Saline ; S. S. Wabash and Timberville, Ind., '67-'70; H. R., '73; res. De Soto, Kas. Stevenson, Joseph H. — Born, Bellefontaine, Ohio, October 3, 1831 ; M. U.,'59 ; teacher, '5i)-'61 ; Sem., '61-64 ; lie. April 16, '63, Pres. Sidney; ord. Oct. 14, '64, Pres. Redstone; P. Brownsville, Pa.. '64-'68 ; Birmingham, '68-'69 ; Ev., '69-'70; Groveport, O., '70-'73 ; Fairview, W. Va., '73-'75; Tyrone and Sewickley, Pa., former '75-'82, latter '75-'76 ; Scottdale, '75-'82 ; Nash- ville, 111., '83-; married May 24, '64, Miss Sarah Fulton. 1827-1885.] GEN ERA L CAT A LOG UE. 109 Stevenson, James Boyd. — Born, Cross Creek, Pa., January 22, 1828 ; Wash. C, '56; Sem., '61-'(54; lie. '63, Pres. Washington ; ord. '70, Pres. Steubenville; S. S. Unity, '65; Linton ankford, '67- '69; Lower Marsh Creek and Great Conewago, '69; married, Oct. 4, '64 Miss Annie E. McCormick. *Withero\v, Ben.iamfn Howard. — Born, Fairfield, Pa., February 23, 1840 ; J. C, '59 ; teacher, '59-'61; Sem., '61-62 ; Princeton, '62-61; lie. June 8, '62, Pres. Carlisle; ord. Aug. 30, '64, Pres. Burlington ; P. Cream Ridge, N. J., '64-'69; Columbia, Pa., '69-73; Shippensburg,'74-'76 ; married, April 18, '66, Miss Mary E. Phillips ; died, Shippensburg, Pa., Feb. 7, '76. White, William McCrea. — Born, Fairview, W. Va.; J. C, '61 ; Sem., '61-64 ; lie. April 27, '64, Pres. Washington ; ord. April 25, '66, same Pres.; P. Hooks- town, Pa., '66-'72 ; suspended, '72 ; M. E. Ch., '85. M. E minister. Woodbury, Frank Porter, D. D.— Born, Beverly, Mass., March 18,^ 1839 ; Wms. C. '61 ; Sem., '61-64; lie. '64, Cong. Ass.; 3rd, '()4, Cong. Council; P. New Hampshire ; Mich.; Rockford, 111., '70- ; D. D., '82, 111. C; mar- ried. Miss A. L. Richards. Congregational minister. 1802-1 S6:J. Bridge, Daniel J.— Born, Butler Co., O.; Ind. U.; Sem., '62-65 ; lie. Oct. '62, Pres. Ohio; ord. '65, Pres. Sidney; P. Sidney, O., '65 ; in business; married, Sept. 7, '65, Miss Margaret M. Craft ; res. Franklin, Pa. *Brown, David.— Born, ? ; Wash. C, '62 ; Sem. '62-63 ; Christian Com.; died, July 8, '63. Brown, Faris.— Born, Ohio Co., Va., April 24, 1836; Wash. C, '56; Dan., '60 -'61; Sem., '60; lie. April, '61, Pres. Washington; ord. April, '63, Pres. Ebenezer ; P. Greenupsburg and Greenup Union, Ky., '63-66 ; S. S. Mus- kingum, O., '66-75 ; P. Norwich and New Concord, '75— ; married, Sept. '60, Mi.ss Belle Waddell. Brown, Edward Williams. — Born, Llanidlaes, Wales, August 19, 1832; D. U., '63; Sem. '62-'65; lie. '59, Pres. Ohio, W. C. Meth.; ord. Oct., '66, Synod N. Y., same body; P. Fairhaven, Vt., '65-68; Pres. Ch., '70; S. S. Chester- ville and Waterford, O., '70-72; Irondale, '72-78; Ebensburg, Pa.,'78-'80; Chesterville, O., '80-84 ; Pomeroy, '84— ; married, Oct. 6, '6i», Miss Cathar- ine James. 110 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885, Caldwell, Albert J. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., April 25, 1838 ; J. C, '62 ; teacher, 2 yrs.; Sem., '62-'G5 ; lie. April 25, '66, Pres. Redstone ; ord. '08, Pres. Palmyra; S. S. Osltaloosa, Kan., '67-'68 ; Washington, Mo., '68 ; La Clede and Grantvilie, '68-'70; Carondolet ; teacher, '70-83 ; Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit. Blackburn U., '83—; married, July 16, '73, Miss Marietta E. Phillips. Caldwell, John Calvin, D. D. — Born, New Athens, O.; Wash. C; Sem. '62- '63 ; lie. May 3, '64, Pres. Richland ; ord. Oct. 9, '64, Pres. Washington ; S. S. and P. Mt. Prospect, Pa., '64-68; 2d ch., Washington, '68-69; Lycoming, Newberry, '70-74; Central ch., Chambersburg, '74-83 ; 1st ch., Westchester, '84—; married, Feb. 10, '63, Miss Alice Dieffendorf. Campbell, Elgy Van Voorhis. — Born, Ohio, March 25, 1836; Wash. C, '62; Sem., '62-65 ; lie. April, '64, Pres. Washington ; ord. Dec, '66, Pres, St. Paul ; P. St. Cloud, '66-'75; Butler, Mo., '75-'77 ; St. Cloud, Minn., '77-. Davis, William.— Born ? ; Wash. C, '62 ; Sem., '62-'65 ; lie. '64, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '66. Cetera desunt. Dickey, David L.— Born, February 15, 1825 ; Wash C, '62 ; vSem.. '62-'65 ; lie. April 13, '64, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Sept. '66, Pres. Beaver; S. S. and P. New Salem, Pa., '65-'67; P. Mahoning, '67-'70; Irwin, '71-'73; S.S.Ar- magh and Centerville, '73-76; P. Hookstown and Bethlehem, '76-'82; Ev. '82-; married, Feb. 16, '54, Miss Jane S. Marshall ; also, Oct. 24, '65, Miss Mary R. Mitchell. *Dewing, .John Richmond. — Born, Pennsylvania ; N. J. C; Princeton ; Sem., '62-'63 ; died, July, '64. EwiNG, Thomas Davis, D. D.— Born, Indiana Co., Pa.; Wash. C, '60; Sem., '61 -'64; lie. June, '63, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. May 15, '64, same Pres.; P. Kit- tanning, Pa., '64-'80; Prest. Parsons C, Iowa, '80-; D. D., '80, W. J. & C; married, June 5, '67, Miss Annie Graham. Foster, Alexander S. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., May 2, 1837 ; J. C, '57 ; Sem., '62 ; lie. April 15, '63, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. April 23, '67 ; S. S. Ar- magh, Centerville and Mechanicsburg, Pa., '66-67 ; teacher, '67-69; P. Litchfield, 111., '69-'73; Austin, Minn., '73-'74 ; Freemont, Neb., '74-'77 ; Cedar Valley, Iowa, '77-'80; Sac City, '81-'82; Miller, Dak., '82— Ferguson, William Adams. — Born, Mt. Jackson, Pa., Feb. 27, 1838 ; J. C, '62; Sem., '62-64; Princeton, '64-'65 ; lie. April, '64, Pres. Beaver; ord. Oct. 16, '65, , Pres. Nassau ; P. Franklin Avenue ch., Brooklyn, L. I., N. Y., '65-67; 1st ch., Dubuque, Iowa, '67-68; Waynesburg, Pa., '69-72; Pitts- grove, N. J., '72-82; Marysvilie, O., '82— ; married, Sept. 7, '67, Miss F, Olivia French. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. Ill GiFFix, John. — Born, Argyleshire, Scotland, June 27, 1884; N. J. C, '62 ; Sem., '()2-'64; lie. April 14, '64, Pres. Chicago; ord. June 'I'.i, '65, Pres. S. W. Mo.^ S. S. White Rock, 111., '64-'65 ; Springfield, Mo., '65 ; P. Camp Creek, 111.; '66-'68; S. S. Altona, '68; Albany, '70-'72; P. Freeport, '74-'80 ; Home miss. Weatherford, Tex., '80—; S. S. Lampasas, '80—. Gillespie, John, D. D. — Born, Edinburgh, Scotland, February 26, 1839; Wash. C, '62; Sem., '62-'65; lie. April, '64, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. April 26, '65, Pres. Pittsburgh; P. East Liberty, Pittsburgh, Pa., '65-'82; West- minster ch., Elizabeth, N. J., '82— ; D D., Wooster U. GiLMORE, John. — Born, Merrittstown, Pa., October 25, 1835 ; Wash. C, '62 ; Sem., '62-65 ; lie. '64, Pres. Redstone; ord. June, '65, Pres. Washington; S. S. Moundsville, W. Va., '65-'67 ; 3d ch.. Wheeling, '65; Wegee, O., '65- '67; P.Columbiana, '67-'69 ; Andrew and Farmers Creek, Iowa, '69-'71 ; Belleview, '71-76; Hanover, 111., '74; Elizabeth, '78— ; married, '64, Miss Fannie Louisa Stone. Hill, Charles.— Born, ? ; Mar. C; Sem., '62-63 ; lie. '64, Pres. Zanesville ; P. Zanesville, O., '67-'68; Whitehall, N. Y., '70-?. Jones, Ben.tamin T. — Born, ?; Sem., '62-63; lie. '61, Pres. Memphis; S. S. Walnut Grove, Ark.; ord. '66, Pres. Lewes; P. Berlin, Md., '66-68. Johnston, Thomas Ray. — Born, Strattonville, Pa., February 12, 1837; Wash. C, '62 ; Sem., '62-'65 ; lie. April 26, '65, Pres. Clarion; ord. Oct. 9, '66, Pres. Bureau; P. Edgington, 111., '65—; S. S. Pleasant Ridge, '69—; married, Oct. 12, '55, Miss Margaret J. Sloan. Kemerer, Duncan McVicker.— Born, Sehellsburg, Pa., August 7, 1838 ; P. C, '62; teacher ; Sem., '62-'63 ; lie. June, '64 ; ord. Oct, '65, Luth. Ch.; P. Saegertown, Pa., '65-'77 ; Jewett, O., '77-'81 ; Fin. agt. Tliiel C, '81-'84 ; P. Saltsburg, Pa., '84— ; married, June 25, '67, Mrs. C. A. Delo. Lutheran minister. Knight, William Sims. — Born, New Castle, Ohio, August 17, 1839; Wash. C, '62; Sem., '62-'65; lie. April, '64, Pres. Richland ; ord. April 8, '66, Pres. Schuyler; P. Carthage, III., '66-'70 ; Augusta, '70-75; Carthage, Mo., '75-; married, Aug. 7, '71, Miss Anna M. Mack. Linn, Samuel Pollcck. — Born, near Washington, Pa., March 5, 1842 ; Wash. C, '62; Sem., '62-'65; lie. April, '65, Pres. Washington; ord. May, '66 Pres. Western Reserve; Westminster, Cleveland, O., '65-'67 ; Wayne, Pa., '70-'71 ; Shamokin, '72-73; Baton Rouge, La., '77-78; Lincoln Park, Cin- cinnati, O., '79-80; P'irst Avenue ch., Evansville, Ind., '84 ; pub. "Leading , Thought, Etc.," "Gleams of Thought," " Words that Burn." LuTZ, John S.— Born, Fayette City, Pa., October 18, 1837; Wash. C, '62; Sem., '62-'65; he. Oct. 20, '64, Pres. Redstone; ord. Oct. 1, '66, Pres. Bureau; P. Aledo, 111., '66-'69; S. S. and P. Center, '69-'76 ; S. S. Buflalo Prairie, '76 — ; married, May 11, '69, Miss Martha A. Thornton. 112 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. McClintock, John Calvin. — Born, Green Co., Pa., August 20, 1843 ; Wash. C, '62; Sem.,'62-'()5; lie. April, '65, Pres. Redstone; ord. Sept. 18, '65, Pres. Iowa; P. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa, '65-'71 ; Burlington, '71—. McClure, Samuel Thompson. — Born, Vincennes, Ind., September 9, 1836; H. C, '62; Sem., '62-'65 ; lie. '65, Pres. Crawfordsville ; ord. '68, Pres. Neosho ; S. S. Topeka, Kas., '65-'66; Junction City, '66-'68; Girard and Cherokee, '68-77; Carlisle, '77-78 ; Glenwood, Mo., '77-80; Allerfon, Iowa, '80-81 ; Milan, 111., '81-'82; Lyons, Iowa, '82-. McCuKDY, Thomas Alexander, D. D.— ^Born, Indiana Co., Pa., .Tanuarv, 18, 1839 ; Wash. C, '62 ; Sera., '62-'65 ; lie. Dec. 30, '64, Pres. Saltsburg ;' ord. July 26, '65, Pres. Steubenville ; P. Wellsville, O., '65-'68 ; 1st eh., Steuben- ville, '68-'75; Wooster, '75-'84; Prest. McCallister C, 'S4— ; D. D., '78, Wit. G; married, Jan. 9, '66, Miss Lizzie S. Woodend. Moorhead, James D. — Born, Ligonier, Pa., July 24, 1840; Sem., '64; lie. April, '64, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. Nov. 2, '65, Pres. Saltsburg; P. Plum Creek, Pa., '6o-'72 ; Beaver Falls, '72— ; married. Get 10, '66, Miss Margaret J. Elder. Muse, Eben.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., Oct. 31, 1839; C. C; Sem., '62-'63 ; Dan., '63; lie. April 16, '63, Pres. Ebenezer ; ord. May, '64, Pres Chillicothe ; P. Eekmanville and and Mt. Leide, O., '63-65; Warrensburg, Mo., '66-'70; Centerville, Ind., '70-72; Lewisville, '71-72; Findley, O., '72-75 ; S. S. Gallipolis, '75-79 ; Columbia St., Newport, Ky., '79-81 ; 1st eh., San Fran- cisco, Cal., '81-'82 ; Mt. Vernon, 111., '82-'84; Snpt. Miss, in Massie and Pulaski counties. 111., '84—; married, Feb. 16, '64, Miss Laura Jones. NoYES, Henry Varnum.— Born, Seville, O., April 24, 1836 ; W. R. C, '61 ; teacher, '61-'62 ; Sem., '62-'65 ; lie. April, '64, Pres. West. Reserve; ord. '65, same body ; For. miss. China ; Canton, China, '66— ; pub. " Chinese Con- cordance" ; Portions New Testament in Chinese; married, Oct, 12, '65, Miss Cynthia Crane ; also, June 29, '76, Miss Arabella Anderson. Park, William Jeffery. — Born, Washington Co., Pa.; J. C, '62; Sem., '62- '65 ; lie. April, '65, Pres. Washington ; ord. '66, Pres. Wooster ; P. Freder- icksburg, 0.,'66-'74 ; Canton, '74-'80 ; suspended, '80. Patterson, James T.— Born, Peru, Pa., April 28, 1823 ; H. C.,'62 ; Sem.,'62-'65; lie. April, '64, Logansport; ord. Sept. '65, same Pres.; S. S. Monticello, Ind., '64 ; Bethlehem and W. Union, '65-'67; Sugar Creek and Jefferson^ '68-70; Oxford, '70-'74; P. Buffalo and Westminster, Pa., '74-79 ; S. S. N. Salem, '80-'83; P. Two Ridges and Cross Creek, O., '83-'84 ; Congress, '84-; mar- ried, April 26, '65, Miss Bella Ann Sterritt. Potter, Henry N.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., April 6, 1837 ; J. C, '62 ; Sem., '62 -'65; lie. April 26, '65, Pres. Ohio ; ord. May 7, '67, Pres. Miami; S. S. Clarkson and Madison, 0., '65 ; Plains and Fairmount, Pa., '66 ; P. Dick's Creek, 0., '66-'68 ; S. S. Epworth and Peosta, Iowa, '69-'70 ; P. Mount Pleasant, Pa., '70~, 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 113 Rabe, William Lewis, M. D.— Born, Steubenville, O., May 8, 1839; Sera., '62 -'63; lie. '65, Pres. Chicago; ord. '67, Pres. Clinton; P. Eloomington, 111., '67-'69; Normal, '69-'71; El Paso, '71 ; Wapella, '71-72; Dwight, '72-'79 ; Ev.; M. D., Rush Med. C, '66 ; married, Sept. 24, '67, Miss Emma Clay- Temple. Reed, Carson.— Born, Alleglieny Co., Pa., .January 16, 1834; J. C, '62; Sem., '62-'65; lie. April, '64, Pres. Sahsburg; ord. Nov. 7, '65, Pres. Peoria; Can- ton, III., '65-'68 ; Fairfield, Ind., '68-78; New London, '80-'84 ; Stanberry, Mo., '84— ; married, Mar. 15, '56, Miss Nancy P. McCall ; also, Nov. 7, '71, Miss Mary E. Wilsou. *Reid, James Marion.— Born, ? ; V. Ins.; Sem., '62-'65 ; lie. '65, ? ; ord. '66, Pres. Wisconsin River; P. Richland Center, Richland City and Fancy Creek, Wis., '66-'72; Richland Center, '73-'7o ; PL R., '75-'77 ; died, Con- gress, O., Sept. 22, '77. Reed, James Stuart.— Born, Tarentum, Pa., July 24, 1837 ; J. C, '62; Sem., '62-'65; lie. April, '64, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. Sept., '65, Pres. St. Paul; Hud- son, Wis., '65-'69 ; Eddyville, Iowa, '69-71; Chariton, '71-84; Neosho Falls, Kan., '84- ; married, Oct. 3, '65, Miss C T. Miller. Roth, Henry Warren, D. D.— Born, Butler Co., Pa., April 5, 1838 ; P. C, '61 ; Sem., '62; lie. June 8, '63, Synod Pittsburgh, Ev. Luth. Ch.; ord. June 2, '65, same body; S. S. Grace miss., Pittsburgh, Pa., '61-'70 ; Prof. Thiel C, Greenville, Pa., '70-'75 ; Prest. same, '75- ; D. D., '84, West. C. Roberts, Thomas.— Born, Canonsburg, Pa., April 9, 1833 ; W. C. R.; Sem., '62 -'63; lie. '60, Hartford N. Ass. Cong. Ch.; ord. '63, Pres. Mahoning ; S. S. Thompson, O., cong., '61-62 ; Andover, '62 ; Ellsworth Pres., '63; Chap. 12th regt. O. V., '64; teacher, Tenn., '66 ; Wartburg, '67 ; Kingston, '69 ; Knoxville, E. T. U., '72 ; Philadelphia, Tenn., '72 ; Concord, '73 ; Wart- biarg, '79— ; married, April 4, '73, Miss Mary H. Jones. Schofield, Levi M.— Borq, ? ; H. C, '62 ; Sem., '62-'65 ; lie. '65, Pres. Ebene- zer; ord. '66; P. Truro and 1st eh., Logansport, Ind., '71-'80 ; Groveport, Ind.; S. Charleston, '68-'71 ; P. Lafayette, '80; Stockton, Col., '81-'83 ; Grand Rapids, Mich., '83-'85 ; Emporia, Kan., '85—. *-TuRPiN, J. H.— Born, ?; Sem., '62-'65 ; lie. '66, Pres. Ohio. Minister A. M. E. Ch. Smyth, George PIutciiinson. — Born, County Antrim, Ireland, March 20, 1839; N. Y. U., '62 ; Sem., '62-'63 ; Princeton, '63-'64 ; ord. Oct. 16, '64, Pres. Dist. Col.; P. 6th ch., Washington, D C, '64-'69; W.ch.. Wilmington, Del., '69-'72 ; Chap. House of Refuge, Randall's Island, N. Y., '73-. 114 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. WooDBURN, Benjamin Franklin, D. D. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., March 23, 1832; J. C, '62 ; Sem., '62-'65 ; lie. Sept. 11, '62, Sandusky street, Alle- gheny Bap. ch.; ord. Sept. 5, '65, Council Bap., Mt. Pleasant ch.; P. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '65-'70 ; Sandusky street Bap. ch., Allegheny, '70— ; D. D., '81, P. U.; married, Sept. 7, '54, Miss Margaret A. Shouse. Baptist minister. Wycoff, Cornelius William. — Born, Carroll Co., O., October 14, 1837 ; Wash. C, '62 ; Sem., '62-65 ; lie April 25, '65, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. April 25, '66, same Pres.; P. Bacon Ridge, E. Spiingfield, and Richmond, O., latter, '65-66, others, '65-73; Bethel, Pa., '73—; married, Dec, '65, Miss Martha B. Merriman. Ycungman, Benjamin Chambers. — Born, Mifflinburg, Pa., March 9, 1840; L. C; Sem., '62-63, '67-68; lie. '63, Pres. Northumberland; licentiate, '63 -'73; teacher, '63 - ; married, '74, Miss Mary D. Bunting; res. Clearfield, Pa., '85. 1863—1864. *Barnes, William Guthrie. — Born, Fredericksburg, O., July 31, 1841 ; J. C, '63 ; Sem., '63-65 ; Princeton, '65-'66 ; lie. '65, Pres. Richland ; ord. July 17, '66, Pres. Long Island ; P. Islip, L. I., N. Y., '66-'67 ; Sag Harbor, '67- '72; Ft. Greene, Brooklyn, '73-'74 ; S. 4th street ch., Brooklyn, '74-'77 ; Fla., '78 ; 1st ch., Williamsburg, '82 ; New York, '84-; died, Dec. 9, '84. Brown, Christopher R. — Born, New York City, February 20, 1840; Sem., '63 -'64 ; U. T. S., N. Y., '64-'67 ; lie. April 2, '67, Pres. New York ; ord. May 21, '68 ; S, S. New Haven, Conn.; Troy, N. Y., '69-'70 ; Melrose, '71 ; P. Newtown, '74-77; married, Nov. 30, '62, Miss Mary N. Stewart; res.. New York. *Brown, Thomas Madison.— Born, ? ; J. C, '63 ; Sem., '63-'66 ; lie. '66, Pres. Richland; ord. '67, Pres. Blairsville ; P. Beulah, Pa., '67-69; married, Miss Kate Sharp ; died, Beulah, Pa., Mar. 16, '69. *CALHOtJN, John Alexander. — Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., January 31, 1833 ; Glade Run Acad.; Sem., '63-'66 ; lie. April, '65, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. '68, Pres. Fairfield ; S. S. Batavia and Libertyville, Iowa, '68 ; P. Kirkville, '70 '77; Palmyra, Mo., '77-'80; Le Claire, Iowa, '80 : married, April 16, '57, Miss Elizabeth J. Walker ; died, Le Claire, Iowa, Sept. 10, '80. Campbell, Richard Morrow. — Born, Juniata Co., Pa., January 4, 1842 ; J. C, '63 ; Sem., '63-'66 ; lie. April 12, '65, Pres. Huntingdon ; S. S. Moshan- non. Pa., '66-'67 ; ord. June, '67, same Pres.; P. West Kishcoquillas, '67- ; married, Dec. 15, '70, Miss Almira McFarlane. Campbell, William Oliver, D. D. — Born, Middlesex, Pa., November 14, 1841 ; J. C, '62 ; Capt. U. S. A., '62-'63 ; Sem., '63-'64 ; Princeton, '64-'66 ; lie. Pres. Butler ; ord. April 17, '67, Pres. Winnebago ; S. S. and P. Depere, Wis., '66-'69 ; P. Monongahela City, Pa., '70-'85; Sewickley, '85-; Inst. W. T. S.; Direc. W. T. S.; D. D., '85. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 115 Cooper, Henry.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., February 24, 1827 ; Roch. U., '63 ; Seru., '63-64; Union, '64-66; lie. April 9, '6G, Pres. 4tli New York; ord. May 11, '66, same Pres.; P. Blue Earth, Minn., '66-'67 ; Rochester, '68 ; Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '69; McConnellsville, O., '70-72; Neshannock Fails, Pa., '72 -'77 ; Marion, N. Y., '77-79; Suspension Bridge, '79-83 ; Bowling Green, O., '83-85; Edinboro, Pa., '85-. CuMMiXGS, Philander J. — Born, ?;Wash. C; Sera., '63-66; lie. April, '66, Pres. Washington; ord. '67, Pres. Ohio; P. Mount Carmel, '67-78; North Branch, '67-'74; Ev. '78-'80; S. S. Mount Carmel and North Branch, '81- '83 ; P. Industry and Bethlehem, '83—. *Cu.MM!NGS, William H.— Born, ?; Wit. C; «em., '63-64; Oregon, Mo., '70- '71 ; Osborn, '72-75 ; Bath, '76 ; died, Springfield, O., Feb. 20, '79. Forbes, Samuel. — Born, Guernsey Co., Ohio, August 2, 1835 ; Mad. C; Sera., '63-'64; lie. Oct. 14, '66, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. Oct. 1, '67, same Pres.; P. Grand View, O., '67-71 ; S- S. Bethel and Beech Grove, '71-73; P. Cross Roads, Pa., '73-76; Island Creek and Sorento, O., '76-79; S. S. Potter Chapel, and S. S. and P. Bloomfield, '79-. GOETTMANN, John G.— Born, ?; P. C; Sem., '63-'64; P. Allegheny, Pa., '72; Trinity Luth. Ch., Allegheny, '85. Lutheran minister. Glenn, Samuel M. — Born, Utica, Pa., September 14, 1837 ; J. C, '63 ; Sem., '63-'66 ; lie. Jan., 66, Pres. Erie; ord. Nov. 14, '66, Pres. Columbus; P. Lithopolis, O., '66-'69 ; Upper Ten Mile, Pa., '71-'78 ; Sandy Lake, '78- '79; Clintonville, '79-84; Mt. Zion and High Hill, O., '85—; married, Oct. 24, '67, Miss Eliza Irwin Travelli. *Haselton, William A. — Died probably during his course. Hench, John Campbell. — Born, near Millerslown, Pa., January 22, 1833; J. C, '63; Sem., '63-66 ; lie. April 26, '65, Pres. Redstone; ord. Sept., '66, same Pres.; Home miss. Pleasant Co., W. Va, '65; S. S. Bull Creek, Pa., '65— '66 ; P. Trent, and S. S. Mt. Washington, '66-'67 ; P. Springfield, O., '67- '70; Nickleville and Rockland, Pa., '71-76 ; Home miss. W. Va., '71-'81 ; P. Concord, O., '80-'84 ; S. S. Dell Roy, '84-. Jones, J. Frederic. — Born, ?; Wash. C, '63; Sem., '63-'64 ; atty. at law,. Wheeling, W. Va., '85. *JoRDAN, John J. — Born, ? ; J. C; Sem., '63-'64 ; died probably during his coure. *Kinkead, Moses S. C — Born, Monongalia Co., Va., August 23, 1842; Wash. C, '63; Sem., '63-66; lie. April 26, '65, Pres. Redstone; died, March 24,. '66. 116 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. Laird, Thomas Reid. — Born, Ohio, October 26, 1826 ; A. C; teacher ; Sem., '63 '65; U. S. Revenue service; married, June, '55, Miss Linda Morrison; res.- Wheeling, W. Va. '^^Lapsley, James Erasmus. — Born, Indiana, Pa., March 16, 1839 ; O. U., '61 ; Princeton, '6l-'63; Sem., '63-'6-l; ord. June 28, '64, Pres. Saltsburg; S. S. Bethel Cleveland, O., '6^'65 ; P. East Tiffin, '65-'66 ; Mattoon, 111, '66-'70 ; S. S. 1st ch., Terra Haute, Ind., '70-72 ; P. E. Aisquith Street ch., Balti- more, Md., '72; married. Miss Caroline Tc-wer; died, Baltimore, Md., July 5, '72. McCoNNELL, Alexander Stockton. — Born, Belmont Co., Ohio, November 5, 1838 ; F. C; Sem., '63-'66 ; lie. April, '66, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. April 29, '68, same Pres.; P. New Athen.s, O., '68-'69 ; Hiland, Kas, '69-'72 ; Cong. Ch., Hiland, '72-'73; Macon City, Mo., '73-75; Cresco, Iowa, '76— ; Prof. F. C, '67-69 ; married, Sept. 5, '67, Miss Mary E. Garven. Congregational minister. McPherrin, Josiah. — Born,Butler Co., Pa, October 16, 1830; W. S. A.; Sem. '63-64; lie. June 23, '63, Pres. Allegheny; ord. Nov. 7, '65, same Pres.; P. Buffalo and Westminster, Pa., '65-'73; S. S. Richland,','73-'74; P. Emlen- ton, '73-84; S. S. St. Petersburg, '79-80; P. East Harmony and Mechanics- burg, '84; Kansas, '85; married, May 9, '52, Miss Maria J. McMahan; also, May 25, '61, Miss Sarah McElvain. -^Morrison, Alexander F.— Born, ?; J. C, '63 ; Sem., '63-65 ; lie. '67, Pres. Donegal ; ord. '69, Pres. Rock River ; S. S. Franklin Grove and Ashton, 111., '69 ; P. New Harmony, Pa., '71-75 ; died, Chanceford, Pa., March 16, '75. Newton, John. — Born, ? ; Og. U.; Sem. '63 ; lie. '66, Pres. Benecia ; ord. '6S, same Pres.; S. S. Knox Hill, Fla., '68-'69 ; Pensocola, '71 ; Mary Esther, '72-. Noble, William Brown, D. D.— Born, Bedford, Pa., April 13, 1841 ; J. C, •63; Sem., '63-'66; lie. April, '65, Pres. Huntingdon; ord. May 30, '66, same Pres.; Home miss. Glenwood, Iowa, '66-67 ; P. Fort Madison, '67-'71 ; P. E. Mattoon, '71-'72; P. Faggs Manor, Pa., '72-'81 ; 1st ch., Norristown, '81 - ; D. D., Par. C. Scott, George Robert White. — Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., April 17, 1842; Mid. C., '64 ; Sem., '63-64 ; lie. Dec, '66, Essex Ass. Cong. Ch.; ord. Sept. 17, '68, same body ; S. S. and P. Newport, N. H., '69-'73; S. S. Boston, Mass., '73-75 ; P. Rollstone Cong. Ch., Fitchburg, '75— ; married, Sept. 22, '69, Miss Marv E. Dow. Congregational minister. Sharpe, Iohn Henry, D. D. — Born, Steubenville,Ohio, August 8, 1842; Wash. C, '63; Sem., '63-66 ; lie April, '66, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. '67, Pres. Allegheny; P. Valley, Pa., '67-'69 ; Wharton Street ch., Philadelphia, '69- '74; Asst. P. 10th ch., '74-76; Holland Mem. chapel, '76-'81 ; West Park ch.,''81-; D. D. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 117 Shekley, Virgil G.— Born, Millersbiirg, Ohio, September 13, 1839 ; M. U., '63 ; Sem., '63-60; lie. April 12, '65, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. April 12, '66, Pres. Dubuque; S. S. Harmony and East Union, Pn., '65; Harrison City, '66 ; P. Waverly, Iowa, '66-'09; S. S. Red Oaii, '69-'70; P. Dalton, O. '71-. Smith, Alexander Ewino. — Born, Jefl'erson Co., O., October 19, 1836; Wash. C, '63; Seni., '63-66 ; lie. May, '66, Pres. Richland; ord. May, '67. same Pres.; S. S. Sioux City, Iowa, '66-'69; P. Warrensburff, N. Y., '70-'75 ; S.S. Vernon Center, '76-77 ; P. Ida Grove, '78— ; married, Jan. 2, '68, Miss Jennie C. McDougall. *Steel, Thomas C— Born, ? ; Y. C, '63; Sem., '63-'64 ; lie '63?; ord. June 20, '71, Pres. AVestchester ; P. White Plains, N. Y., '71-'73; infirm; mar- ried, Miss Kate Porter; died, Mar. 29, '77. Stewart, Thomas Calvin. — Born, Alexandria, Pa., July 28, 1839; J. C, '63 ; Sem., '63-'65 ; Princeton, '65-'66 ; lie. Jan., '65; ord. June 10,'67, Pres. New Lisbon; P. Liberty, O., '67-'72; Niles, '67-'76 ; S. S. Concord and Jackson, '76-'77 ; P. E. Solon, '78-'81 ; Brazil, Ind., '81- ; pub., " The Sol- dier's Grave," "Sabbath Observance," " Martin Luther." Thompson, Benjamin.— Born. ? ; N. J. C; Sem., '63-'6i ; lie. April 28, '68, Pres. Allegheny; license withdrawn, April 12, '70. Torrance, William. — Born, Lanarkshire, Scotland, October 12, 1839 ; H. C, '63; Sem., '63-'66 ; lie. '65, Pres. Crawfordsville ; ord. Nov., '66, Pres. N. Albany; S. S. Corydon, Ind., '66-'67 ; P. Charlestown, '67-'71 ; Harrods" burg, Ky., '71-77; Franklin, Ind., '77—. Woods, Robert. — Born, ?; Wash. C; Sem., '63-66; res. Pittsburgh. Young, A. Z.— Born, Transylvania Co., N. C, January 3, 1829 ; Ind. C, '60 ; LaneS., '60-'62; Sem., '63-'64 ; lie. '63, Pres. Cincinnati; ord. '66, Pres. Louisiana ; W. S. F. Soc, '64 ; S. S. Rockport, Ind., '65-'66 ; Bethany miss, in connection with Woodville, Liberty and Coraite, '66-'70; Louisville, Ky., '70-'72 ; Plains, La., '72-'75 ; Plains and Little Plains, '75- ; married, '64, Miss Anna A. Fonts. 1864—1865. Beatty, Samuel Jamieson. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., 1839 ; J. C, '63 ; Sera., '63-'66; lie. '67, Pres. Pittsburgh; teacher; ord. '77, Pres. Catawba; Prof. Heb., Biddle U., Charlotte, N. C; miss, in neighboring churches ; married, '70, Miss Hattie N. Hughes. *Bridells, Samuel Jones —Born, Philadelphia, Pa., April 25, 1841 ; N. J. C, '64; Sem.,'64-'67; lie. May 1, '67, Pres. Philadelphia ; ord. Oct. 21, '08, Pres. Donegal ; P. Marietta, Pa., '68-78 ; S. S. Lehigh Avenue ch., Philadelphia, '79 ; dep.. April 20, '80; died, 1882. 118 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Brown, Robert Madison.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., August 11, 1839 ; J. C, '64 ; Sem., '64-'07; lic.April 10, '66, Pres. Allegheny City; ord. Oct. 6, '68, Pres. Beaver ; P. West Middlesex, '68-'71 ; Rouseville, '71-'73 ; Irwin, '73-'77 ; Central City, Col., '77 ; Emsworth, Pa., '77-'80 ; Bellaire, O., '81- ; mar- ried, Oct. 8, '68 ; Miss Kittie J. Blane. Cunningham, Robert Henry. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., October 8, 1840 ; Wash. C, '641; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie April 26, '66, Pres. Redstone ; ord. Nov. 11, '67, Pres. South Minnesota; S. S. Owatonna, Minn., '67-'68 ; Rushford, '68-'71 ; C. miss. Pittsburgh, Pa., '71-'73; Middletown, Iowa, '73-75; P. Afton, '75-'80; S. S. Griswold, '80-'82; P. Mt. Sterling, O., '82-; married, June 4, '64, Miss Virginia A. Loy. Harbolt, John H.— Born, Clarke Co., Ind., February 5, 1839 ; H. C, '36 ; Sera.i '64-67 ; lie. Sept., '66, Pres. Madison ; S. S. Utica and Henry ville, Ind.; res. Charleston, Ind. HippARD, Samuel M.— Born, ?; Sem., '64-'66; in '72 at Vandalia, O.; cannot be traced. Iravin, James Perry. — Born, Northumberland Co., Pa., November 13, 1839 ; Wash. C, '64 ; Sem., '64-'67; lie. May 8, '67, Pres. Erie ; ord. July 1, '68, Pres. New Lisbon ; P. Canfield, O. '68-79; Pulaski, Pa., '81—; married, Dec. 22, '68, Miss Nannie B. Jewell. Knight, Hervey B.— Born, New Castle, Ohio, July 20, 1841 ; Wash. C, '64; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie. June, '66, Pres. Saltsbiirg; ord. April 14, '68, Pres. Iowa; S. S. West Point, Iowa, '68-'70 ; P. Otumwa, '70-'81 ; Fin. Sec. Parson's C, '81-'84; Prof. Math. Parson's C, '84-; Stated Clerk, Pres. Iowa, '69-; married, March 14, '71, Miss Jane M. Simonson. Kerr, W^illiam A. C. — Born, W^ashington Co., Pa., December 16, 1836; Wash. C, '62; U. S. A., '62-'63 ; wounded ; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie April 12, '66, Pres. Carlisle; ord. Nov. 19, '67, Pres. Philadelphia, 2d; P. 1st ch., Easton, Pa., '67-'70; 1st ch., Williamsport, '70-'73; Sus., '73. Kerr, Samuel Carrick. — Born, Harrison Co., Ohio, September 9, 1838; Wash. C, '64; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie. April 24, '67, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. Oct., 7,'68, same Pres.; S. S. Turtle Creek, O., '68-'73; Mt. Jefferson, '68-'74; Red Oak, '74-'79; Decatur, '79-83; Mt. Leigh, '81-; married. May 11, '71, Miss Lizzie N. Rowley. LiTTELL, Levi Clark. — Born, Newark, N. J., February 1, 1831 ; Am. C; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie. '65, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Dec. 4, 67, Pres. Ft. Wayne ; Home miss., '67—. Magill, Hezekiah. — Born, near Steubenville, O., September 12, 1842 ; J. C, '64 ; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie April 25, '66, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. May 9, '67, Pres. Kittanning ; P. Concord and Mahoning, Pa., '67-'72 ; Apollo, '72-'79; Union and Midway, '79-84; Prairie City, 111., '84—; married, June 25, '67, Miss Alice A. Neems. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 119 MacCauley, Clay.— Born, Chambersburg, Pa., May 8, 1843; N. J. C, '64 ; Sem., '64-'65; N. W. S., '()5-'r)7 ; lie. '67, Pres. Chicago; ord. '68, Cong. Council ; S. S. Unitarian Soc, Rocliester, N. Y., '68-69; P. Walthani, Mass., '69-'73; student in Germany, '73-'75 ; Washington, D. C, '76-'81 ; Helena, Mont., '81-'84; St. Paul, Minn., '84— ; pub. " Seminole Indians," '"Psychol- ogy ;" married, July 25, '69, Miss Annie C. Deane. Unitarian minister. Moore, John McAffee.— Born, Tarentum, Pa., May 19, 1833 ; J. C, '64 ; Sem., '64-67 ; not licensed; teacher. Mills, William James. — Bom, Morgantown, W. Va.. May 22, '1841 ; W. C, '62; teacher, '62-'64; Sem., '64-'65 ; lie. '63, M. E. Conf.; ord. '68, Phila- delphia M. E. Conf.; P. in and near Philadelphia, '68—; married, June 23, '69, Miss Laura V- Boileau. M. E. minister. ^MoNTELius, William P. — Born,?; L. C, '64; Sem., '64; not licensed ; died, Mifflinburg, Pa., June 16, '65. McCoNKEY, William James. — Born, Cambridge, O., June 28, 18 — ; J. G, '64 ; Sem., '64-67 ; lie. April 26, '66, Pres. Zanesville ; ord. Dee. 5, '67, same Pres.; P. Mt. Zion, O., '67-75; Grove City, Pa., '75— ; married, June 23, '70, Miss Hetty H. Pringle. Mealy, John McCaskey. — Born, Claysville, Pa., January 17, 1843 ; Wash. C, '64; Sem., '64-'67; lie. April, '66, Pres. Washington ; ord. Oct. 25, '67, Pres. Beaver; P. Neshannock, Pa., '69— ; married, Oct. 3, '67, Miss Ida C. Wil- martli ; also. Miss Pomeroy. McFetridge, Nathaniel S., D. D. — Born, Ireland, August 4, 1842; L. C, '64 ; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie. April, '66, 2d Pres. Philadelphia; ord. '68, Pres. Erie ; P. Oil City, Pa., '68-'74 ; Germantown, '74-'85 ; Prof. MeC. C, '85- ; pub.. " Calvinism in History ;" D. D.; married, Aug. 4, '68, Miss Jennie R. Sutton. Newton, Charles Beatty. — Born, Northern India, February 3, 1842; Wash. C, '64; Sem., '64-67 ; lie. '67, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. '67, fame Pres.; For. miss., India ; Rawul Pundi, India, '67— . married, '71, Miss Margaret B. Thompson. OxTOBY, John Thomas.— Born, ? ; Wash. C, '64 ; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie. April, '66, Pres. Butler; ord. July 1, '67, Pres. Erie ; P. Petroleum Center, Pa., '67-'70 ; North East, '70-79; P>ast Saginaw, Mich., '80—; married, June 9, '68, Miss Mary E. Veech. *Pbingle, Henry Clovi.s. — Born, New Concord, O., November 12, 1844; Mus. C.,'63; Sem.'64-'67; lie. April 26,'66, Pres. Zanesville; ord. Nov. 26, '67, Pres. St. Clairsville ; P. Murristown, O., '67-'78; died, Morristown, O., Feb. 21, '81. 120 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Patton, William A.— Born, Juniata Co., Pa., August 23, 1839 ; H. C, '64 ; Sem. '64-67 ; lie. April, '66, Pres. Logansport ; ord. Sept., '67, same Pres.; S. S. Remington, Ind., '66-68 ; Cambridge City, '68-'71 ; teacher and S. S. Wallingford, Charleston, S- C, '71-'79 ; S. S. Brandt, Pa., '79-81 ; agt. Bd. Pub. and S. S. 6th ch., Inaianapolis, Ind., '81. RiGGLE, George Washington. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., Julv 8, 1839 ; Wash. C, '61 ; teacher, '61-'64 ; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie- Oct., '66, Pres. Wasiiing- ton; ord.Oct.,'67, Pres. New Lisbon; P. East Liverpool, O., '67-75; teacher, Santa Fe, N. M., '76-'77 ; S. S. Newcomerstown, O., '78 ; Santa Fe, N. M., '79-'80 ; ill health, '80-'83 ; S. S, Silver City, N. M., '83-. Reed, James.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., November 27, 1834 ; Wash. C, '61 ; teacher, '61-'64 ; Sem., '64-'67 ; lie. Oct. 3, '66, Pres. Washington; S. S. Millwood, '67-'70; Mt. Pleasant, '67-68 ; miss, in Mo., '70-'71 ; ord. April 5, '72, Pres. Palmyra ; S. S. La Clede, Mo., '71-82 ; Grantville, Bethel and Wheeling ; Avalon and Dawn, '82—. Tappan, David Stanton.— Born, Steubenville, Ohio, April 2, 1845 ; M. U., '64; Sem., '64-'67; lie. April, '66, Pres. Allegheny; teacher, 't55-'66; ord, April, '68, Pres. Des Moines; P. Chariton, Iowa, '67-71 ; Mt. Pleasant, '71 — ; A. M., Wooster U. Williams, Meade Creighton, D. D.— Born, Indianapolis, Ind., December 18, y 1840; M. U., '61; Princeton, '61-'64; Sem., '64-'65 ; lie. April, '65, Pres. Ft. Wayne ; ord. Jan. 15, '66, Pres. Rock River; S. S. 2d ch., Circleville, O., '64; S. S. and P. Sterling, 111., '65-'73 ; P. Sandusky, O., '73-'77 ; P. W' illiamsport, Md., '79-'80 ; Princeton, 111., '80- ; D. D. 1865—1866. Bain, Henry.— Born, Greene Co., Ohio, August 10, 1840; Wash. C, '65 ; Sem., '65-68; lie. April, '67, Pres. Findley ; ord. June, '69, Pres. Blairsville; S, S.Somerset, Pa., '68; P. Pine Run, '69—; married, Sept. 1, '74, Miss Mary H. Stewart. Brown, William F. — Born, Pennsylvania; J. C, '65; Sem., '65-68 ; lie. April, '69, Pres. Ohio ; ord. '72, same Pres.; P. Cannonsburg, Pa., '72-75 ; New- ■ ark, O., '75-79 ; teacher, Prin. Canonsburg Acad., '84—. BoiCE, Evan.— Born, ? ; A. C; Sem., '65-66 ; in business. Creath, JoiiN.—Born, near Mt. Sterling, Ohio, January 15, 183B; O. W. U.; Sem., '65-'68 ; lie. April, '67, Pres. Columbus; ord. Oct,, '68, Pres. W. Va.; S. S. Morgantown, W. Va., '68 ; P. Groveport and Truro, O., '69 ; S. S. Neosho Falls, Kas., '70; North Washington, Ind., '71-72; Vernon and North Vernon, '72-73 ; Home miss. Merced. Cal., '73-74 ; teacher, '75-77 ; S. S. Georgetown and Taylorsville, Tex., '77-79; Summit, Mt. Union and Eldridge, Iowa, 85— ; married, May 2, 71, Mrs. Kate M. Brown. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 121 Caldweli-, Ebemezer Byram.— Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., May 2-'), 1814; J. C, '65; Sem., '65-'68; lie, Jan. 22, '08, Pres. Redstone; ord. June 8, '69, Pres. Wooster; S. S. and P. Hopewell and Nashville, O., '68-'78; Hope- well and Shreve, '68-'83; Fin. Sec. W. U., '83-'84 ; S. S. Shiloh, Min., '84 — ; married, April 13, '75, Miss Nettie Laylander. EwiifG, Thompson R., D. D.— Born, Indiana Co., Pa , July 24, 1837 ; Wash. C, '63; Christian Com., U. S. A., 'G3-'65; Sem., '65-'68 ; lie. May 10, '67, Pres. Washington; ord. April 30, '68, Pres. Blairsville ; P. New Alexandria, Pa^., '68-'78 ; Ev., and Prin. Blairsville Fern. Sem., '78-; D. D., W. & J. C, '85, Gill, William Hugh.— Born, Ireland, February 27, 1841 ; J. C, '64; Prince- ton, '65 ; Sem., '66-'67; lie. April, '66, Pres. Ohio ; ord. June 26, 67, Pres. Blairsville; P. Greensburg, Pa., '67-'70 ; St. Joseph, Mo., '70-'72 ; Central eh., Allegheny, Pa., '72-'78 ; Westfield, N. J., '78-'82; Otsego, N. Y., '83-. Hillis, William Henderson.— Born, Jeflerson Co., Ind., July 22, 1841; M. U.; Sem., '6.5-'68 ; lie. April, '67, Pres. Allegheny; ord. June, '69, Pres. Carlisle ; P. Gettysburg, Pa., '69-'72 ; S. S. Warrensburg, Mo. '73-'76; P. Rockville, Ind., '77-80; Greenville, III., '80-'83; Carlinville, '83- HiLL, WiNFiELD EucLiD.—Born, East Liverpool, Ohio, June 2, 1842; ^- ^■> '64; Sem., '65-'68 ; lie. April 29, '68, Pres. New Lisbon ; ord. May 11, '75, Pres. Lima; S. S. Gettysburg and Fletcher, O., '69-'70; Gettysburg, '70-'72 ; Wapakoneta, '72-'76 ; Ottawa, '76-'79 ; P. Fairview, W. Va., '79-. Hough, Abia Allen.— Born, Fayette Co., Pa., March 29, 1838; Wash. C.,'63; teacher ; Sem., '65-'68; lie. April, '67, Pres. Redstone; teacher, Aledo, HI, '68-'70; S.S. Center, 111., '68-'70; Limestone, '70-'72 ; ord. April 23, '74, Pres. Peoria ; S. S. West Jersey, '72-'75 ; P. Smitlifield, O., '7o-'81 ; Pleas- ant Unity, Pa., '81- ; married, Sept. 17, '63, Miss Mary Atkinson. Johnston, Henry C— Born, ? ; M. U.; Sem., '65-'66 ; lie. '67, Pres. Chilicothe ; licentiate, '67-71. Jones, Thomas R.— Born, Pittslurgh, Pa., August 2, 1841 ; Sem., '65 ; lie Nov. 27, '65, Welsh Cong. Ass. of Pa.; ord. Jan. 27, '67, same body; P. Evans- burg, Pa., Cong, ch., Welsh and English, '67-'84 ; Windham, O., '84-; mar- ried, Aug. 31, '68, Miss Grace Williams. Congregational minister. Jennings, Philip Sydney.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., August 25, 1839 ; J. C, '62 ; Princeton, '62-'65 ; Sem., '6o-'66; lie. April, '64, Pres. Ohio; ord. Dec. 24, '65, same Pres.; P. Temperanceville, Pa., '65-'69 ; Mt. Washington, '66-83 ; S. S. Mt. Pisgah, '77-'85 ; Crafton, '85-. King, Joseph.— Born, ? ; Beth. (;.; Sem., '65-'66 ; Pittsburgh, Pa., many years. Disciple Church minister. McFarland, George M.— Born, ?; J. C, '65; Sem., '65-' 68 ; lie. '67, Pres. Washington ; licentiate, '67-69, then license recalled. 122 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. McKiNNEY, William H.— Born, ? ; M. C. O.; Sera., '65-'67 ; cannot be traced. MiLFORD, Thomas J., D. D.— Born, Venango Co., Pa., 1837 ; U. S. A., 1 yr.; Wash. C, '65; Sem., '65-'G8 ; lie. April, '67, Pres. Allegheny; ord. '68, Pres. Clarion ; P. Callenslmrg and Concord, Pa., '68-73; Crab Apple, O., 73-'82; S. S. Wheeling, Valley and Farminglon, '83-; Ph. D.; D. D,; married, Sept. 1, '69, Miss Mary Ellen Francis. Morton. Samuel Mills.— Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., April 20, 1840 ; J. C, '64; Sera., '65-'67 ; lie. April -lb, '66, Pres. Beaver ; ord. Murch 22, '68, Pres. St. Louis; P. 2d ch., Sr. Louis, Mo., '67 ; North ch., St. Louis, '67-71 ; Urbana, III., '71-74 ; Westminster ch., Jacksonville, '74— ; married, Oct. 2, '61, Miss Julia Allen. Newell, James M.— Born, H^uicock Co., W. Va., November 12, 1840; U.S.A., '61-'64; J. C, '65; Sem., '65-'68 ; lie. May, '67, Pres. New Lisbon; ord. Oct. 10, '68, Pres. San Francisco; P. Placerville, Cal., '68-'78; Santa Clara, '78; married, Aug. 5, 'Qi, Miss Harriet Atwood Newell. Patterson, James Given. — Born, near Brownsville, Pa., March 31, 1843; Wash. C, '65; Sem., '65-67; lie. .4pril 24, '67, Pres. Redstone ; ord. Oct. '68, Pres. Southern Minnesota; Home miss., Waseca and Claremont, Minn., '68-'70; P. Waverly, Iowa, '70-72 ; Fort Madison, '72-'76 ; L mdon, O., 77-81; Urbana, '81-84; ¥A. Presbyterian Observer, "i^~; married, June 10, '69, Miss Maria N. Graham. Parks, Hugh Wiiiteford. — Born, Uniontown, O., August 6, 1841 ; F. C, '63 ; teacher, '63-'64; Sem., '65-'68; lie. June 21, '70, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. Nov. 1, '70, same Pres.; P. Sliort Creek and York, O-, '70-'81 ; P. E. and P. Beech Springs and Hopedale, '81—. Rea, John.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa , December 31, 1843 ; J. C, '65 ; Sem., '65- '68; Princet(m, '68-'69; lie. April, '68, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. May 6, '69, Pres. Chester; P. Downingtown, Pa., '69-'72; Home miss.. Port Townsend, Wash. Ter., '72-'78 ; Oakland, Cal., '78-'80 ; P. E. Watsonville, '80-'83; Asst. P. Cong, ch., Oakland, '83-. Richards, John. — Born,?; Dart. C; Sem., '65-'66 ; attorney at law, Wilkes- Barre, Pa., in '72. Ritchie, John Hamilton. — Born, Ganges, O., June 26, 1840; J. C, '65; Sem., '65-'68 ; lie. May 9, '67, Pres. Richland ; ord. June 28, '69, Pres. Winnebago ; P. Portage, Wis., '69-'74 ; S S. Quincy, Mich., '74-'75; Rockford, 111., '75- '78 ; S. S. 1st ch., Canton, O., '80 ; P. 1st ch., Independence, Iowa, '80—. Roberts, James M. — Born, ?; Sem., '65-'68; lie. '68, Pres. Richland; ord. '69, same Pres.; For. miss. Indians, New Mexico, '69-73 ; miss. Taos, '73-83 ; Arnaheim, Col., '83—. 1827-1S85.] GENEKALCATALOGUE. 123 Snodgrass, Horace S.— Born, Eichland Co., O., April 8, 1839 ; Wash. C., '65 Sein., '65-68 ; lie. April, '67, Pres. Marion ; ord. June, '68, Pres. Columbus P Lancaster, O., '68-71; Oskaloosa, Ind.. '73-'78 ; Sigourney, '78-82 S. S. Stockton, Cal., '82-'83; Monterey, '83-. Thomas, Wilijam H.— Born, New York City, June 27, 1847 ; Lin. U., '69 ; Sem., '65; lie. '69, Pres. Chester ; ord. '71, Pres. Utica ; S. S. Princeton, M. J., '69-'70 ; Utica, N. Y., '70-'73 ; Pittsburgh, Pa., '73-'78 ; Providence, K. I., '78-'79 ; Newport, '79-83 ; Brooklyn, '83- ; married, '66, Miss Chris- tina Hasbrouck. *Wasson, Luke J.— Born, Ireland; J. C, '65 ; Sem., '65-'68 ; lie. '68, Pres. Allegheny; S. S. Long's Run, O., '68; ord. '70?, Pres. Pittsburgh ; P. Fair- view, Pa., '70-'73 ; married, '68, Miss Crawford ; died, Minneapolis, Minn., June 14, '73. *Watson, W. B. — Born,?; Wash. C; Sem., '65. Baptist minister. Deceased. W^ooDSiDE, Nevin. — Born, County Antrim, Ireland ; Queen C, Belfast ; Sem., '65-'66 ; lie. April' '66, Pres. Pittsburgh, R. P. Ch.; ord. '67 ; P. 1st R. P. ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '67-'79; R. P. ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '79-. 1866-1867. DoDD, Reuel.— Born, Licking Co., O., December 3, 1837 ; Wit. C, '66 ; Sem., '66-'68; Danville, '68; lie. May, '68, Pres. Richland; ord. April 22, '69, Pres. Fairfield; P. Bloomfield, Iowa, '69-'71 ; Macon City, Mo., '71-'74 ; Clinton, '74-'78 ; S. S. Trinidad, Col., '78-82 ; Stonewall and Vincent, '82-. Davis, Samuel Miller, D. D. — Born, Saltsburg, Pa., December 29, 1839 ; W- & J. C, '66 ; Sem., '66-'69 ; lie. April, '68, Pres. Saltsburg; ord. June 8, '69, Pres. Blairsville; P. Latrobe, Pa., '69-'75; Wellsville, O., '75-'84 ; Newton, Kas., '84—; D. D.; married. May 25, '69, MissLydia A. B. Robison. Elliott, Francis M.— Born, Butler County, Ohio, November 13, 1838 ; H. C; U. S. A., '62-'63 ; Sem., '66-'67 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Logansport ; S. S. Rnssellyille and Jeflferson, Ind., '66 ; teacher; ord. April, '68, same Pres.; S. S. and P. Bethel eh., Union Mills, '68-'71 ; P. Kokomo, '71-'72; Roches- ter, '72-76; Piereeton, '77-82; S. S. Montague, Mich., '83—; married, Aug. 23, '62, Miss Mary J. Fisher ; also, July 11, '67, Miss Nancy P. McKee. Fisher, Jesse Emory.— Born, Wayne Co., Ohio, November 24, 1838; V. Ins., '66; Sera., '66-'69; lie. April 26, '68, Pres. Maumee ; ord. '72, Pres. Huron ; S. S. Savannah, Mo., '69-'70 ; Lathrop and Marabiie, '70-'71 ; Kendall- ville, Ind., Elkhart, '71-'72; Fost .ria, O., '72-'73 ; Auburn, Ind., '73-'75 ; Woodstock, 111., '75-'77 ; Mineral Point, Wis., '77-78 ; miss. '78-'79 ; Colum- bus Grove, O., '79-82 ; P. E. Quincy, Mich.; married, Nov. 24, '73, Miss Linda E. Fostei*. 124 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. FoY, John.— Born, near Cambridge, Ohio, May 9, 1844 ; M. C. O., '66 ; Sem., '66-'69; lie. '68, Pres. Zmesville ; ord. Dec. 22, '69, same Pres.; S. S. and P. West Carlisle and Jefferson, O., '69-'74 ; P. Martinsburg, '74-'80 ; S. S- Salem, Neb., '80-'84 ; P. Cameron, Mo., '84-. Francis, John JuNKiN.— Born, New Wilmington, Pa., June 12, 1847; West. C, '65; U. S. A., '63; teacher, '65; Sem., '66-'69 ; lie. April 29, '68, Pres. Beaver; ord. Oct. 22, '69, Pres. Allegheny ; P. Freeport, Pa., '69-79, Bir- mingham, '79-85; Central ch , Cincinnati, O., '85-; married, Oct. 26, '69, Miss Louise Cummins. Grier, John B.— Born, ?; W. & J. C, '66 ; Sem., '66-'69 ; lie. April, '68, Pres. Allegheny; ord. '74, Pres. Wellsboro; Prof., '72; P. Lawrenceville, Pa., '74 -'79 ; Grove ch., Danville, Pa., '8l-'84. Hamilton, John Milton.— Born, Rowsburg, Oh'"o, May 16, 1842; W. & J. C, '66; Sem., '66-'69; lie. June, '69, Pres. Richland; ord. June, '69, Pres. Clarion ; P. Corsica and Greenville, Pa , '69-'71 ; Plum Creek, '71—. Kelso, Alexander Pekbles.— Born, near Oakville, Pa., October 4, 1840; J. C, '65 ; student med.; Sem., '66-'68 ; Princeton, '68-'69 ; lie. ?69, Pres. Carlisle; ord. Aug., '69, same Pres.; For. miss. India, '70—. Lyon, David Nelson.— Born, Salisbury, N. Y., July 9, 1842 ; V. Ins., '66 ; Sem., '66-'69; lie. April, '68. Pres. Wooster; ord. Oct., '69, same Pres.; S. S. Doylestown, O., '69; For. miss. China; Hangchow, China, '70-'80 ; S. S. Marshallville, O., '84- LuTY, Adoi.phus E.— Born, Allegheny, Pa., October 5, 1845 ; Ad. C; Sem., '66 -'70; lie. Sept. 21,'63, Conf. M. E. Ch.; ord. Sept. 12, '68, same body; S. S. Braddocks, Pa.; Coultersville; Allegheny; res. Allegheny, Pa. M. E. Ch. minister. McElroy, James C— Born, Morgan Co., Ohio, October 18, 1831 ; H. C; teacher, 9yrs.; StudentTheol. 3 yrs.; Sem., '66-'67 ; lie. May, '67, Pres. Vincennes; ord. Sept., '68| Pres. Fairfield ; P. Troy, Iowa, '68-'70; Martinsburg, '70- '71; Spring Hill, Kas., '71-'74; Earned, '74-'78; Chase and Ellenwood, '82-. McMartin, John A.— Born, ?; Sem., '66-'68; Canada West; cannot be traced. Montgomery-, Joseph H.— Born, April 25, 1844; West. C, '66 ; Sem., '66-69 : lie. April 29, '68, Pres. Ohio ; ord. June 11, '59, Pres. Miami ; P. Xenia, O., '69-'71 ; Third Street ch., Dayton, '71— ; married, Sept. 20, '69, Miss Carrie Dawson. Paxton, John R., D. D.— Born, Canonsburg, Pa., September 18, 1843 ; W. <& J. C, '66; Sem., '66-69 ; lie. April, '68, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. June, '71, Pres. Baltimore; P. Churchville, Md., '71-'74; Pine Street ch., Harrisburg, Pa., '74-'78; New York Avenue ch., Washington, D. C, '78-'82 ; West ch.,. New York City, '82- ; D. D., W. C. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 125 Smith, George Gardner.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., November 22, 1838; Wras. C, '61 ; Priv., Lieut, and Adj., U. S. A., 'C3-'65; Sem., '61-'63, '66-'67 ; lie. Sept. 17, '67, Pres. Alllegbeny; ord. Aug. 19, '68, Pres. Carlisle; P. Wil- liamsport, Md., '68-'74; Santa Fe, N. M., '74-'79; Helena, Mont., '79-'80 ; Tennent, N. J., '81— ; married, Dec. 10, '78, Miss Harriet Pritcliard. Stewart, Robert Laird. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., August 11, 1840; W. & J. C, '66; Sem., '66-'69 ; lie. April 28, '68, Pres. Blairsville; ord. July 6, '69, Pres. Erie; P. Conneautville, Pa., '69-73; Golden, Cal., '73-79; Euro- pean tour '79-'80 ; Mahoning, Pa., '80-. *Thompson, Alexander Scroggs. — Born, Big Spring, Pa., April 28, 1834 ; J. C, '64 ; Princeton, '64-'66 ; Sem. '66-'69 ; lie. '66, Pres. New Brunswick ; ord. Nov. 20, '67, Pres. Allegheny ; P. Worthington, Pa., '67-'78 ; died, Worth- ington, Pa., Dec. 4, '78. Wells, Elltah Bradner.— Born, Orange Co., N. Y., May 12, 1840; L. C, '66 ; Sem., '66-'69 ; lie. 'GS, Pres. Hudson ; ord. '69, same Pres.; P. White Lake, N. Y. '69-'71 ; S. S. Tyrone, '71-'76 ; Monterey, '76-'83; Troy, Kas., '83-. Wilson, John Nesbit.— Born, ?; W. R. C.;'Sem., '66-'69; Home miss. '69-71 ; S. S. Animosa and Wayne, Iowa, '71-75 ; Middle Sandy and Clarkson, O., '78-'81 ; P. Salineville, and S. S. Monoreville, '82-. 1867-1868. Adams, Robert Newton. — Born, Fayette Co., Ohio, September 15, 1835 ; M. U.; U. S. A., '60-'64; Brig. Gen.; Sem., '67-'69 ; lie. April, '69, Pres. Chilli- cothe; ord. April, '70, same Pres.; S. S. McArthur and Hamden, O.; '69- '75 ; P. Ottawa, Kas., '75-78 ; Piketon, O., '78-'81 ; S. S. Fergus Falls, Minn., '81- ; married, Dec. 27, '66, Miss Nellie M. Whipple. Alexander, Athelbert James, M.D. — Born, Belmont Co., Ohio, February 11, 1840; C. C. M,'65; Sem., '67-'68; lie. June 18, '67, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. Oct. 26, '69, same Pres.; P.Scotch Ridge, O., '67-85; prac. medicine many yrs.; M. D.; married, Dec. 14, '64, Miss Louisa A. Pickens ; res. Wash- ington, Pa. Black, John Knox.— Born, Allegheny, Pa., March 8, 1842 ; W. & J. C. '65 ; Sem., '67-'70; lie. June 13, 'G9, Pres. Allegheny; ord. July 27, '70, Pres. Erie; S. S. Hazelwood, '69-'70; P. Waterford, '70-'71; S. S. Mt. Vernon, Iowa, '71-73 ; P. Lonaconing', Md., '73-77; Parnassus, '77-82; Bucyrus, O., '82-; married, Feb. 23, '70, Miss Mary E. Moody, Blackford, John Hosack. — Born, Belmont Co., Ohio, September 3, 1834; W. & J. C, '65 ; teacher, '65-'67 ; Sem., '67-'70 ; lie. April 27, '69, Pres. St. Clairsville; ord. Jan., '71, Pres. Steubenville; P. Beech Spring, O., '71-76; Yellow Creek, '76-'84 ; Linton, O., '84-'85 ; Yellow Creek, '85 ; Coshoc- ton, '85— ; married, July 28, '75, Miss M. J. Sloan ; res. Lafayette, O. 126 GENEEAL CATALOGUE. 1827—1885. BoLLMAN, William James, Ph. D. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., November 13, 1841 ; W. & J. C, '67 ; Sem., '67-'70; lie. April 13, '69, Pres. Saltsburg ; ord. June, '70, Pres. Blairsville ; P. Congriiity, Pa., '70-73; Farmington, 111., 73-75 ; Middletown and Spring Creek, '76-'80 ; teacher, '80-83 ; Bur- lington, Iowa, '83; Belleview, Neb., '84—; married, Dec. 23, '69, Miss Mar- garet J. Caruthers. Brown, David. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., February 14, 1838 ; W. & J. C, '67; Sem., '67-'70 ; lie. April, '69, Pres. Kittanning ; ord. April, '70, Pres. Fairfield; S. S. Kirkville, Iowa, '70-73; P. Oxford, '73-'83;"Newton, '83— ; married, July, '69, Miss Mattie G. Calhoun. ^Cellars, Joseph Villers. — Born, Carroll Co., Ohio, October 10, 1845; W. & J. C, '67; Sem. '67-'70; lie. April 28, '69, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. June 23, '70, Pres. Allegheny; P. Providence ch., Allegheny, Pa., '70-72 ; teacher of Hebrew, W. T. Sem., '70-'72j married. May 24, '70, Miss Emma Huston ; died, Carrollton, O., Sept. 20, '72. Chichester, William James.— Born, Baltimore, Md., October 20, 1849 ; Bal. C. C, '67 ; Sem., '67-'70; Princeton, '70-'71 ; lie. June 9, '69, Pres. Balti- more; ord. June 12, 71, Pres. Huntingdon; P. Altoona, Pa., '71-78; Titus- ville, '78-'80 ; 1st ch., Germantown, '80—. Elliott, Obeen A.— Born, near Callensburg, Pa., August 8, 1842 ; W. & J. C, '66 ; teacher; Sem., '67-'70 ; lie. April, '69, Pres. Clarion ; ord. '72, same Pres.; P. Greenville, '72-'78; Eehoboth, '72-'79 ; Farmington, 111., '79-83; Car- son, Iowa, '83—; married. May 18, '75, Miss Bell Lowrie. Elliott, Samuel Wilson. — Born, Tippecanoe Co., Ind., November 29, 1844 ; W. &J. C, '67; Sem., '67-'70; Danville 8.; lie. April, '70, Pres. Logansport; ord. June, '71, Pres. Des Moines; P. Woodburn,Iowa, 71-74; S. S. Russell, '71 ; Louisville, Ky., '75 ; Wilmington, O., '77-80 ; Thorntown, Ind., '81- '83 ; West Union, O., '83-. Fisher, Sanpord George. — Born, ?; W. & J. C, '66 ; Sem., '66-68 ; lie. April, '67, Pres. New Lisbon; ord. Sept., '69, Pres. V^incennes ; P. E. Mt. Vernon, O., '69; Hudson, Wis., '69-'73 ; S. S. Grand Ridge, Ind., '73-'79 ; P. Ter- rell, Tex., '80— ; married, May 5, '68, Miss Louie Jane Drury. Fleming, Joseph Henderson. — Born, Mifflin Co., Pa., June 18, 1841 ; W. & J. C; teacher, '65-66 ; Princeton, '66-67 ; Sem., '67-69 ; lie. April, '69, Pres. Huntingdon; ord. June, 71, Pres. Northumberland; P. and S. S. Centralia and Mt. Carmel, Pa., '71-'73 ; Welsh Run, '73-. GiLSON, Samuel Smith. — Born, New Derry, Pa., October 28, 1843 ; W. & J. C, '66 ; teacher, '66-'67 ; Sem., '67-70 ; Union ; lie. April, '69, Pres. Blairs- ville; ord. Oct., '71, Pres. Louisville; P. Bowling Green, Ky., '71-74 ; Uniontown, Pa., '74-'79 ; Dennison, O., '80-'83 ; Ed. Her. and Presb., '83-; married, Oct. 4, '71, Miss Agnes M. Pollock. 1827-1885.] G E N E R A L C A T A L O G U E . 127 Heany, Ezra. S.— Born, Bucks Co., Pa., June 23, 1839 ; L. C, '67 ; Sem.,'67-'70 ; lie. April 21, '69, Pres. 2d Piiiiadelpliia ; onl. May 10, '71, Pres. Pittsburgh; P. Mt. Pisgah, Pa., '71-'72; Center, '72-'78; S. S. and P. Nebo and Stras- burg, '78-83 ; Bakerstown, Pa., '83—; married, May 10, '70, Miss Esther J. McClelland. Johnson, Samuel Loy. — Born, Perry Co., Pa., February 13, 1833 ; L. C; Sem., '67-70; lie. June, '69, Pres. Carlisle; ord. Nov., '70, F'res. Butler; P- Portersville, Pa., '70-72; Mt. Nebo and Zelienopie, '70-82; Black Jack, Kas., '82—; married, Sept. 7, 71, Miss Annie M. Walker; also, July 1, '74, Miss Rebecca C. Stewart. Jones, James Alfred. — Born, Ohio Co., Va., August 6, 1844; BI. C; Sem., '67 -'68 ; U. T. S., v., '68-'70 ; lie. April 14, '70, Pres. West Hanover; ord. May 14, '72, Pres. Lexington ; S. S. Big Lick and Mt. Union, Va., '70-'71 ," P. Collierstown, '72-74; Europe, study, '75-77 ; S. S. Old Street ch., Peters- burg, Va., '77-81 ; P. Fairfield and Timber Ridge, '82-. Knipe, Samuel Worman. — Born, Bucks Co., Pa., April 9, 1840 ; L. C, '67 ; Sem., '67-70; lie. April 13, '69, Pres. Donegal; S. S. Millvale, Pa., '69-'70 ; ord. May 10, '70, 4th Pres. Philadelphia; P. Delaware Water Gap, '70-'83 ; Oceanic, N. J., '83— ; married, April 25, '70, Miss Sadie A. McEwen. Larimore, John K. — Born, Delmont, Pa., April 2, 1845 ; W. & J. C, '67 ; Sem., '67-'68 ; teacher; merchandise; res. Philadelphia. MacNulty (now Converse), Rob Roy MagGregor. — Born, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 10, 1844; W. & J. C, '67; Sem., '67-'70; lie. '70, Pres. Pitts- burgh; ord. Nov. 14, '72, Pres. Columbus; P. Westminster ch., Columbus, O., '72-75 ; Demitted, Minn., Dec.14,'75 ; business ; ord. Dea., Prot. Ep. Ch., '79; Priest, '80; Waterbury, Conn.; Corning, N. Y., '84—. Episcopal minister. Marcellus, Algernon. — Born, Amsterdam, N. Y., March 31, 1840 ; N. J. C, '63 ; Princeton, '66-'67 ; Sera., '67-'68 ; Danville, '68 ; lie. Oct. 28, '68, Pres. West Lexington ; ord. April 25, '69, same Pres.; S. S. Hopewell and Bethel* Ky., '68-'69 ; For. miss. Canton, China, '69-'71 ; S. S. New Egypt, N. J., '72 -'75; Oliphant, Pa., '75-76 ; Livingstonville, N. J., '76-77; P. Berwyn, Pa., '79-'84; Charleston, '80-84 ; Atglen, '84-; Christiana, '85- Nesbit, David Kirkpatrick. — Born, New Bedford, Pa., September 12, 1838; V. Ins., '67 ; Sem., '67-70 ; lie. April 28, '69, Pres. Beaver ; ord. April 28, '70, same Pres.; S. S. and P. Corvallis, Or., '70-'74 ; S. S. Mendocino, Col., '74-'75 ; P. Hazelwood, Pa., '75-'84 ; Cong, ch., Greenfield, Mass, '84—. Newton, Francis Janvier, M. D. — Born, Sabathu, Northern, India, July 24, 1847; W. &J. C, '67; Sem., '67-'70 ; lie. April, '69, Pres. Steubenville; ord. July, '70, same Pres.; For. miss. India ; Lahore, North India, '70-79 • Ferozepur, '79— ; pub. "Treatise on Christain Evidences in Urdu ;" married, Sept. 27, '71, Miss Fannie C. Reed. 128 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Kiddle, David Hoge.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., January 27, 1846; W. & J. C, '67 ; Sem., '07-79 ; Princeton, '69-70; lie '70, Pres. Allegheny; ord. April 10, '71, Pres. Washington City ; P. Falls ch., Va., '71-. *EoBiNSON, David Gill.— Born, Greenville, Ohio, May 9, 1841; V. Ins., '66; Sem., '67-'70 ; lie. April, '70 ; ord. Sept., '70, Pres. Indiana ; P. Black Lick, Pa., '70-'73; married. May 26, '68, Miss Nora E. Brookholder ; died, Green- ville, O., April 2, '73. ^RuBiNKAM, Henry Wilson. — Born, Warrington, Bucks Co., Pa., November 15, 1845; W. & J. C, '67; Sem., '67; died, Germantown, Pa.,", Nov. 13, '67. EuTTEK, LiNDLEY Charles. — Born, Chestnut Level, Pa., November 7, 1847; L. C, '67 ; Sem., '67-'70; lie. April, '69, Pres. Donegal ; ord. Oct., '70, Pres. St. Clairsville; P. Caldwell and Olive, O., '70-'72 ; Nottingham, Pa., '72— ; married, Dec. 1, '70, Miss Rittie R. Clark. Savage, Edward.— Born, Ogdensburg, N. Y., September 16, 1841 ; Ca. C, '60 , Farming, '60-'65; N- W. Sem., '65-'67 ; Sem., '67-'68; lie. April 10, '67, Pres. Milwaukee; ord. Sept. 23, '68, Pres. S. Minnesota; miss. Jackson, Minn., '68-'79 ; Windom, '71-'81 ; S. S. Cottage Grove, Wis., '82-'83; Ev. Weyanwega, '83—. *SeHWEFEL, Ernest W.— Born, Germany, 1834 ; Ra. H. S.; Sem., '67-68 ; lie. '68, Pres. Columbus ; ord. '69, Pres. Wooster ; P. Dalton, O., '69-'71 ; Athens, '71-74 ; died, Athens, O., Jan. 11, '74. *Stevenson, William L.— Born, ? ; Y. C; Sem., '67-70; lie. April 14, '69, Pres. Allegheny ; license surrendered to Pres. April 22, '73 ; ditd, . Wallace, Thomas Davis. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., October 10, 1843; W. &J. C, '67; Sem., '67-'70 ; lie. April 28, '69, Pres. Blairsville; ord. April 23, '71, Pres. Iowa City; P. and S. S. Washington, Iowa, '71-'79; P. Hannibal, Mo., '79— Wilson, Aaron.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., March 9, 1842 ; Mt. U. C, '62 ; Sem. '67-'70; ord. Jan., '70, U. B. in C; P. Mt. Pleasant, '70-'71; Baptist Ch., '72; P. Salem, Pa., '72— ; married, April 21, '70, Miss Mary M. Bell. Bap- tist minister. *WiLSON, Jesse Brown. — Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., August 15, 1842 ; U. S. A.; W\-1.S7«. Alexander, Adolphus Franklin. — Born, Mifflin Co., Pa., Xovember 7, 1844; Sem., '75-'78 ; lie. April, '78, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. June, '80, Pres. Rock River; S. S. and P. Preemption and Beulah, 111., '79-82; P. Cross Roads, Pa., '83- Anderson, Robert Elder. — Born, Leechburg, Pa., February 26,1853; W. & J. C, '75 ; Sem., '75-'76 ; '77-'78 ; X. W. T., '76-'77 ; lie June, '77, Pres. Kittanning ; ord. August 24, '79, Pre.s. Mankato ; S.S.Lake Crystal .and Garden City, Minn., '79-'81 ; Redwood Falls, '81—; married, August 24, '82, Miss Alice L. Burton, 150 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885 Bailey, Malachi Curtis. — Born, Sandy Lake, Pa., July 31, 1848 ; A. C, '75 ; Sem., '75-78 ; lie. '77, Pres. Shenango ; ord. April, '78, same Pres.; P. Middletown, Pa., '78-'81 ; Tent, Fairchance and McClellandtown, '82- ; married, '78, Miss Brightie Murdock. Black, William Henry. — Born, Centerville, Ind., March 19, 1854 ; Wa. C, '76 ; Sem., '75-'78 ; lie. April 10, '75, Pres. Miami, C. P.; ord. Sept. 14, '76, Pres. Pennsylvania, C. P.; S. S. Old Concord, Pa., '75-'76; Centerville, Ind., '76-'77 ; P. Pittsburgh, Pa., '77-'81 ; St. Louis, Mo., '81—; pub. "Ser- mons for the Sunday School." Cumberland Presbyterian minister. Blaney, Charles Philander — Born, Ohio Co., W. Va., November 21, 1848; W. &. J. C, '69 ; Sera., '75-'78 ; lie. Sept. 26, '77, Pres. Washington ; ord. Dee. 5, '78, Pres. Osage ; P. Olive Branch and Austin, Mo., '78-84 ; Eay- more, '84—; married, Oct. 4, '81, Miss Maggie S. Wallis. Brown, Alexander Blaine. — Born, Pennsylvania; W. & J. C, '75; Sem., '75-78 ; lie. April '79, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. 'SO, same Pres.; P. Center, Pa., '80-. Cheeseman, Joseph Redic. — Born, near Porlersville, Pa., July 4, 1845 ; W. & J. C, '75 ; Sem., •75-'78 ; lie. April 24, '77, Pres. Butler ; Ev. '77-. Clark, Egbert Lorenzo. — Born, Chestnut Level, Pa., July 22, 1849 ; L. C, '74; teacher, '74-'75 ; Sem., '75-'78 ; lie. April 11, '77, Pres. Westminster; ord. Sept. 16, '79, same Pres. ; S. S. Le Claire and Princeton, Iowa, '78 ; P. Center, Pa., '79—; married, March 20, '79, Miss Letitia N. McMillen ; also Sept. 3, '84, Miss Anna Letitia Stewart. Danley, Philip Robison. — Born, Good Intent, Pa., August 13, 1848 ; Wa. C, '75; Sem., '75-'78 ; lie. '75, Pres. Pennsylvania, C. P. Ch.; ord. '78, same Pres ; Rock Lick, W. Va., '78 ; Sandy Lake, Pa., '78-83 ; Browns- ville, '83-84. Cumberland Presbyterian minister. Dinsmore, James Monroe.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., February 19, 1851 ; West. C; Sem., '75-'76; San Francisco T. S., '76-'78 ; lie. '77, Pres. San Francisco ; ord. '78, Pres. Benecia ; S. S. California, '77-80, ; infirm. Ferguson, Thomas James. — Born, Franklin Co., Pa.; West. C, '75 ; Sem., '75- '78 ; lie. April, '77, Pres. Shenango; ord. April, '78, same Pres.; P. Silver Spriug, Pa.. '78— ; res., Hogestown, Pa. Gorden, Seth Reed. — Born, Mercer Co., Pa., October 31, 1852 ; West. C, '74 ; Auburn, '74-'75 ; Sem., '75-'77 ; lie. April 25, '76, Pres Shenango ; ord. June 19, '77, same Pres.; P. Pulaski, Pa., '76-'80 ; Sharon, '80-'82 ; Par- nassus, '82— ; married. May 8, '78, Miss Fannie E. Torrance. ^Henderson, Samuel Tucker. — Born, Fallston, Pa., November 19, 1850; w. •& J. C, '75; Sem., '75-'77 ; died, Beaver Co., Pa, Feb. 18, '80, before licensure. 1827—1885. GENERAL CATALO<^UE. 151 HoLLiDAY, John Cunningham. — Born, Martins Ferry, O., December 29, 1850 ; Mon. C, 74; Sem., '75-78; lie. April 25, 77, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. April 25, 78, same Pres.; S. S. Unity, Pa., 78-79 ; P. Broadway, Rock Island, 111., '80-'84: 1st ch., Zanesville, '84-. Jeffries, Cyreneus Delano. — Born, Wooster, O., February 12, 1851 ; O. W. U.; teacher, EI. and Or.; Sem., '75-79; lie. April, '78, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. '81, Pres. Nebraska City ; P. Tecumseh, Neb., '81— Kreusch, Joseph Carl,. — Born, Treves, Prussia, December 31, 1830 ; Reihn, Tr., '55; Sem., '75-'76; lie. April 24, '76, Pres. Mahoning; ord. Sept. 17, '77, same Pres.; S. S. New Bedford, Pa., '76-'80 ; Lowell, O., '81 ; Coitsville, '76-'82 ; E. Palestine and Clarkson, '82-84 ; Niles and Mineral Ridge, '84- ; married, Oct. 3, '61, Miss Mary H. Lockard. Lawrence, Alonzo Watts — Born, Centerville, Pa., August 9,1850; W. R. C, '75 ; Sem., '75-78 ; lie. April, '77, Pres. Butler; ord. April, '78, same Pres.; P. Pleasant Valley, Pa., '78-'80 ; Cameron, Mo., '80-'83 ; Moberly, '83—; married, June 24, '78, Miss Margaret A. Tidball. McClelland, Henry Thom. — Born, AVestmoreland Co., Pa., June 7, 1849 ; W. & J. C, '75 ; teacher; Sem., '75-78 ; lie. April, '77, Pres. Clarion ; ord. August, '78, Pres. Pittsburgh ; S. S. and P. Montour, Pa., 78-'81 ; 6th ch., Pittsburgh, '81—; married. May 29, 1878, Miss E. P. Marshall; also, Feb. 1, '83, Miss L. D. Ewing. McCoy, John Nokris. — Born, Indiana Co., Pa., October 21, 1849 ; Mar. C, '75 ; Sem., '75-'79; He. April 4, '77, Pres. Kittanning ; ord. Dec. 10, '80; Pres. lona; P. West Point, Iowa, '80-84; Trenton, 111., '84-; married, August 5, '80, Miss Sarah F. White. McCracken, John Calvin.— Born, Leechburg, Pa., March 23, 1850; W. & J. C, '75; Sem., '75-'78 ; teacher; lie. April 3, '77, Pres. Kittanning; ord. May 6, '79, Pres. Steubenville ; P. E. and P. Two Ridges and Pleasant Hill, O., '79-82 ; P. Slate Lick and Shrader's Grove, '82— ; married, June 20, '78, Miss Emma Hill. McGoGNEY, Albert Zacharia. — Born, Coal Valley, Pa., February 6, 1852 ; W. U., '75; Sem., '75-'78 ; lie. April, '77, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. May, '78, Pres. Erie ; P. Cocliranton, Pa., '78-'81 ; Irwin, '81-'82 ; Connellsville, '82— ; married, May 1, '77, Miss Maggie Lyons. McLain, W. J. E. — Born, ? ; Sem., '75; res., Dravosburg, Pa. Mercer, John Moore. — Born, New Wilmington, Pa., August 23, 1854 ; West. C, '74; teacher, '74-75; Sem., '75-78 ; lie. April 25, '77, Pres. Shenango ; ord. Dec, '78, Pres. Mahoning ; P. Mineral Ridge, O., '78-84 ; Sharon, Pittsburgh Pres., '84—; married. May 19, '80, Miss Lida W. Smith. Miller, William Sydney. — Born, Port Perry, Pa. September 20, 1852; N. J. C, '75 ; Sem., '75-'78 ; lie April 25 '77, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. June 28, '78, same Pres.; S. S. and P. Beulah, Pa., '77—. 152 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885 MoKRis, John Thomas. — Born, Rhymney, South Wales ; Mt. U. C; Sera., 75- '78; ord. June 11, '79, Cal. Methodist Ch.; P. Picatoma, Wis., 78-81 ; Itonia and Watertown, '81-84; Bellevue, Scranton, Pa., '84— ; married, April, '79, Miss Nellie W. Morris. Welsh Calvinistic Methodist minister. Nkese, William David.— Born, ? ; N. J. C, '75; Sem., '75-78 ; lie. April, 77, Pres. Allegheny ; licentiate, 77-80, Episcopal Church. Oller, William Emery. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., January 13, 1852; W. and J. C, 75 ; Sera., 75-78 ; lie. April 25, 77, Pres. Washington ; ord. Sept. 10, '78, Pres. Allegheny; P. Tarentum, Pa., '78-82; Butler, '82- ; married, Oct. 10, 78, Miss Ella D. Creigh. Patterson, David H. — Born, ? ; W. &. J. C, 74 ; Sera., 75 ; discontinued. Phillis, T. W. — Born, ? ; Mt. U. C; Sem., '75 ; business ; res., Boswell, O. Plumer, John Smith. — Born, Centerville, Pa., September 18, 1853 ; N. J. C, '71 ; Sem., 75-76 ; teacher, '76-82 ; Sem., '82-84 ; lie. April 10, '83, Pres, Allegheny; ord. Oct. 10, '84, Pres. Pittsburgh ; P. Hazelwood, '84—. Pollock, John Henry.— Born, Wood Co., W. Va.; M. C. O., '75 ; Sem., '76- '79; lie. April 27, '77, Pres. West Virginia; ord. Oct. 12, '79, Pres. Chip- pewa; S. S. Independence and Blais, Wis.; Shelden, Dak., with miss.; S. S. Lake George and Bay Road, N. Y., '84— ; Price, Benjamin McCauley. — Born, Feed Spring, O., May 27, 1852 ; F. C, '73 ; teacher, 73-'75 ; Sem., '75-78 ; lie. April 25, '77, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Aug. 28, '78, same Pres.; P. Bethesda. O., '77-85; Alliance, '85— . Eeese, James William.— Born, Monmouthshire, England, January 23, 1849 ; Mar. C, '74; teacher, '74-75; Sem., '75-78; lie. '77, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. April, '79, Pres. Mahoning; P. Ellsworth and N. Jackson, '79—; mar- ried, Nov. 13, '79, Miss Maggie Hair ; also. May 16, '83, Miss Emma Johnston. Sawhill, Thomas Alexander. — Born, Claysville, Pa., February 3, 1851 ; Am. C, '74; teacher, '74-75; Sem., '75-76; asst. Prin. Jamestown Acad., Pa., '75-'77 ; Prin. Savannah Acad., O., '77-79 ; Supt. Schools, Concordia, Kansas, '79— ; married, March 29, '80, Miss Nora Whitmarsh. Simpson, John Wilson. — Born, Altoona, Pa., May 7, 1852; W. U.; Sem., '75- '76; lie. April 24, '77, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. June, '79, Pres. Genessee Val- ley ; S. S. Rouseville, Pa., '76-'78 ; Gilmour, '78-'80 ; Clean, N. Y., '80-'81 ; Asst. P. 1st ch., Cleveland, O., '82-84; S. S. Cong. Ch., Walnut Hills, Cin- cinnati, O., '85— ; married, Sept. 12, '78, Miss Minnie L. Strong. Snowden, James Henry. — Born, Hookstown, Pa., October 18. 1852; W. & J. C, '75; Sem., '75-'78 ; lie. April 24, '77, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. May 6, 79, Pres. Huron ; P. Huron, 0., '79-'83 ; S. S. Plymouth, '83 ; Sharon, Pa.. '83— ; married, Aug. 1, '78, Miss Mary A. Eoss. 18;i7-1885.] GENEKAL CATALOGUE. 153 Stewart, Orlando Vance. — Born, Mercer, Pa., February 17, 1853 ; West. C, '74 ; teacher, '74-75 ; Sem., '75-78 ; lie Sept. 26, '77, Pres. Erie ; ord. June 10, '79, same Pres.; P. Hadley ana Atlantic, Pa., '79-81 ; Greenville, '81 — ; married, Sept. 22, '81, Miss Lyde H. Bentley. Thomas, Isaac Newton. — Born, Camden, Ind., September 10, 1847 ; Wit. C, 75; Sem.,75-'76; lie. April, '76, Pres. Allegheny; ord. May 6, 79, Pres- Marion ; S. S. Cardington, O., '78-80 ; Plains City, '80— ; married, Oct., '80, Miss Ella R. Mosher. Wallace, Thomas McElwaine. — Born, Franklin Co., Pa., April 11, 18515; West. C, '73 ; Sem., '75-76 ; health failed. Warnshuis, Henry William. — Born, Clymer, N. Y.; Sem., '75-76; lie. April 21, '75, Pres. Dubuque? ord. June 21, 77, Classis Congregational Ref. Ch. in America; P. Nuremburg, N. Y., '77-80; West Leyden, '80 ; Lenox. Dak., '81-83; Centerville, '83 — ; married, May 25, '76, Miss Louisa Anna Buck. Refurmed Church minister. Young, John C— Born, ? ; F. C, '75; Sem., '75; lie. '80, Pres. Platte ; ord. '82, same Pres.; P. Hamilton, Mo., '82-'83 ; Breckenridge and N. Y. Set- tlement, '82-'84. 1876-1877. *Beaver, Reuben. — Born, Greenville, Pa., April 25, 1849 ; Sem., '76-79 ; lie. June 18, '78, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. April 24, '79, same Pres.; P. Bethel ch., Allegheny, '79-82, married, Nov. 2, '72, Miss Austa Woods ; died, Alle- gheny, Pa., June 9, '82. *Bronson, James Henry. — Born, Blairsville, Pa., February 16. 1839 ; Sem., '76-'79 ; lie. '70, A. M. E. Conf.; S. S. Homewood, Pa., '72-74 ; Mansfield and Washington, '74-'78 ; Ev., '78-'84 ; married. May 3, '83 ; died, Mans- field, Pa., March 16, '84. Buchanan, George Davison. — Born. Oscaloosa, Iowa., November 9, 1853 ; Wa. C; Sem., '76-79 ; lie. '78, Pres. Marion ; ord. Nov., '79, Pres. Balti- more ; S. S. Elizabeth, Pa., '78 ; P.Aisquith street, Baltimore, Md., '79-83; Melbourne, Australia, '83 — . Caldwell, Milton Etsil. — Born,?; W. U., '75; Sem., '76-79; lie. April '78, Pres. Chilicothe ; ord. '80, Pres. Cleveland ; For. miss, to S. A ; Bogota, Brazil, South America. '81 — . Chapin, Melancthon Elder.— Born, Northfield, O., June 11, 1850; W. R. C, 76; Sem., '76-'79 ; lie. June 12, '78, Pres. Cleveland; ord. June 11, '79, same Pres.; Home miss., Mitchell, Dak. Ter., and vicinity, '79-83; For. miss, to Indians, Poplar Creek, Montana, '83 — ; married, Aug. 17, '82, Miss Flora Moyer. 154 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Crawford, Frederick S. — Born, Covode, Indiana Co., Pa., 1850; West. C. 76; Sem., 76-79; lie. April, 78, Pres. Kittanning; ord. 79, Pres. Woos! ter; P. Londonville, O., 79-81; Groveland, New York, '81 — ; married, Dec. 18, 79, Miss Mary E. Rippey. Creighton, Andrew Eagleson. — Born, New Castle, O.; U. M.; Sem., 76- 77; teacher, 77 ; attorney at law, Columbus, O., 78 — ■. Grouse, Nathaniel, Perce. — Born, near Selin's Grove, Pa., January 14, 1853 • M. S. N. S., 73; Sera., 76-79; lie. April 11, 78, Pres. Allegheny; ord'. Dee. 17, 79, Pres. Erie ; P. Georgetown and Fairfield, Pa., 79-'81 ; Phoe- nixville, '81 — ; married, Jan. 2, 75, Miss Jennie E. Kauffman. Deffenbaugh, George L.— Born, Fayelte Co., Pa., October 26, 1850; Wa. C, '76 ; Leipsic, Germany, '73-74 ; Sem., '76-'78 ; lie. Oct., '77, Pres. Red- stone; ord. Oct., '78, same Pres.; Nez Peree miss., '78 — ; married, Oct. 29, '81, Miss Kate Reppert; res., Lewiston, Idaho. ^Donaldson, Alexander H. — Born, Elders Ridge, Pa., March 12, 1849 ; W. & J. C, '69 ; Sem., '76-'79 ; lie. April 25, '78, Pres. Kittanning; ord. July 2, '79, same Pres. ; Ft. Defiance, miss, to Indians ; married, Feb. 10, '73, Miss Dora E. Donaldson ; died, Ft. Defiance, April 30, '80. EwiNG, James Caruthehs Rhea. — Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., June 23, 1854 ; W. & J. C, '76 ; Sem., '76-'79 ; lie. April 24, '78, Pres. Kittanning; ord. Sept. 4, '79, same Pres.; For. miss, to India; Futtegurh, N. India, '79-81 ; Allahabad, '81-84 ; Prof. Theo. Sem., Saharanpur, India, '84— ; pub. '"Zanana Reader," "Seven Times Victorious ;" married, June 24, '79, Miss Jennie H. Sherrard. Fleming, James Samuel.— Born, "Washington Co., Pa.; W. & J. C, '76 ; Sem., '76-'79 ; lie. April 25, 78, Pres. Washington ; ord. April 2, '80, Pres. Earned ; res., Dallas, W. Va. Grant, Henry Albert. — Born, Uniontown, Pa., September 8, 1849 ; Wil. U., '74; Sem., '76-'79 ; ord. Oct. 27, '78, A. M. E. Ch. Conf.; Monongahela City, Pa.; Washington ; Allegheny. A. M. E. Church minister. *HowARD, Samuel King. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 28, 1851; W. & J. C, '74 ; Sem., '76-78 ; lie. '78. Pres. Blairsville ; ord. May 10, '78, same Pres.; P. Irwin, Pa., '78-'80 ; P. E. Mansfield, O., '80-'81 ; died, Murrays- ville, Pa., Nov. 26, '82. DE Jesi, Luigi M., Ph. D., M. D.— Born, Benevento, Italy, February 18, 1850; R. C, Rome, '70 ; Prof. Odessa, Russia ; Sem., '76-'79 ; lie. June 3, '78, Pres. Philadelphia, Central ; ord. Oct., '80, same Pres.; For. miss. Mexico ; Zacatecas, Mexico, '82-; M. D., '82, Jeff. Med. C; married, May 21, '79, M. Forest Mazurie. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 155 Kerlinoer, Charles Cyrus. — Born, Pennsylvania; P. C, 75; Princeton, '75-76; Sem., 76 ; N. W. T., '84. LowRY, Walter S.— Born, McKee's Eocks, Pa., December 5, 1848; Wilb. U.; Sem., '76-'78 ; lie. Jan. 1, '68, Conf. A. M. E. Ch.; ord. Aug. 28, '75, same body; S. S. Bellefonte, Pa., '69 ; Union Village, O., '71-'74; Altoona, Pa., '74-'75 ; Carthagena, O., '75 ; Steubenville, '76 ; Newark, '77 ; Sewickley, Pa., '78-'80; Uniontown, '80-'83; Canonsburg, '83-. A. M. E. Church minister. McJuNKiN, James Montgomery-.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., September 21, 1847 ; W. & J. C, '76 ; Sem., 76-79 ; lie. April 24, '78, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. ]May 27, 79, Pres. Pittsburgh ; S. S. Cool Spring, Pa., '78-'79 ; P. Oak- dale, '79— ; married", Dec. 21, '71, Miss Lizzie J. Alter. Martin, Samuel Albert. — Born, Canonsburg, Pa., November 1, 1853 ; L. C, '77; Sem., '76-77; '78-'79; Edinburgh, '77-'78; Princeton, '79-80; lie. April, 78, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. Jan. 10, '82, Pres. Westminster; S. S. Hampden, Md., '81 ; P. Christ ch., Lebanon, Pa., '82-; married, Feb. 24, '81, Miss Katharine K. Porter. Milligan, James Vincent.— Born, Ohio Co., W. Va., November 29, 1850; W. & J, C, 76; Sem., '76-'79 ; lie. April, '78, Pres. Washington; ord. June 10, '79, same Pres.; S. S., Astoria, Oregon, '79-'84 ; Ashland, '84- ; married, July 3, '79, Miss Alice M. Crisswell. Ralston, Joseph Hughes.— Born, Fairview, W. Va., June 25, 1851 ; W. & J. C, '76 ; Sem., '76-'79 ; lie. April 25, '78. Pres. Washington ; ord. Nov. 5, '79, Pres. Emporia; S. S. and P. Burlington, Kans., '79-'83; Belle Plain, '83- ; married, Maich 25, '80, Miss Mary E. Adams. Robinson, Edgar Sutton.— Born, Wheeling, W. Va., April 21, '54; W. & J. C, '76; Sem., '76-79; lie. April, '78, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. June 24, '79, Pres. Blairsville; P. Congruity, Pa., '79-84; Scottdale, '84— ; married. May 1, '79, Miss Alice Smith. Ruble, Jacob.— Born, Fayette Co., Pa., May 12, 1846 ; U. S. A.; Wa. C, '79 ; Sem., '76-79 ; lie. May 24, '78, Pres. Redstone ; ord. June 11, '79, same Pres.; S. S. and P. Sewickley, Pres. Redstone, Pa., '79-81 ; W. C, '81- ; married, '67, Miss Virginia I. Nicholson. Scott, Winfield C— Born, Fayette Co., Pa., April 6, 1851 ; Wa. C, '75 ; teacher; Sem., '76-'77 ; Lane, '77-'79 ; lie. May 24, '78, Pres. Redstone; ord. Oct. 1, '79, Pres. Solomon ; S. S. Bluffton and Wapakoneta, O., '78 ; Bennington and Culver, Kansas, '79-83; Elk Grove, Cal., '84—; mar- ried, July 11, '78, Miss Ada J. Rusk. Smith, John Andrew Livingston. — Born, Cross Roads, Pa., March 3, 1853 ; N. J. C, '76 ; Sem., '76-77 ; Princeton, '77-79 ; lie. April 16, '79, Pres. New Brunswick; ord. June 24, '79, Pres. Monmouth ; P. Englishtown, N. J., '79-'81 ; Payson, Utah, '81-'85 ; Cross Roads, Pa., '85—; married, Aug- 26, '79, Miss Mary Louisa Johnson. 156 GENERAL CATAL'OGUE. [1827-1885. Thompson, Thomas Milton. — Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., May 26, 1852; W. U., \J '75 ; Princeton, '75-'76 ; Sem., 76-78 ; lie. 77, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. 78, Pres. Butler; S. S. and P. Martinsburg and New Salem, Pa., 77-80 ; North Washington, '80-'83 ; Freeport, '83—. Wakefiej:.d, Charles Benjamin. — Born, Fayette Co., Pa., October 15, 1852 ; Wa. C, 73 ; teacher, 73-76 ; Sera., 76-79 ; lie. April, 78, Pres. Bedstone ; ord. June 8, '80, same Pres.; Home miss. Somerset, Jenner and Mt. Wash- ington, Pa., '79-'81 ; Fairchance 'and Spring Hill, '81 ; Coehranton and Milledgeville, '81 — ; married, Dec. 25, '79, Miss Anna Benford. Waterman, Isaac N. — Born, ? ; W. & J. C, '76; Sera., '76-79; lie. April '78, Pres. Baltimore; ord. '81, Pres. Sacramento; S. S. Reddiug, Cal. '81 — . *White, Johnston D.— Born, Salina, Pa., March 6, 1852; W. &J. C, '76; Sem., '76-79 ; lie. '79, Pres. Kittanning ; ord. '79, Pres- Iowa City ; P. Wash- ington, Iowa, 79-84 ; died. New Mexico, June 2, '84. Wilson, Calvin Dill. — Born, Baltimore, Md., July 12, 1857 ; W. & J. C. '76 ; Sem., '76-79 ; lie. April, '78, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. May, '80, Pres. Ches- ter ; P. Atglen, Pa., '79-'83 ; Churehville, Md., '83-. Wilson, Maurice Emery. — Born, Baltimore, Md., April 2, 1855 ; W. & J. C, '76 ; Sem., '76-'79 ; lie. April, 78, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. Dee., '79, Pres. Athens; S. S. and P. Gallipolis, O., '79-'81 ; P. Emsworth, Pa., '81-'84 ; Westminster, Baltimore, Md., '84— ; married. June 19, '79, Miss Fannie L. McCombs. Wilson, Robert Dick. — Born, Indiana, Pa., February 4, 1856; N. J. C, '76; Sem., '76-79 ; lie. Dee., '79, Pres. Kittanning ; instr. in W. T. S., '80- ; ord. June, '85, Pres- Kittanning ; res., Allegheny, Pa. Wilson, Samuel Graham. — Born, Indiana, Pa., February 11, 1858 ; N. J. C, J '76; Sem., '76-'79 ; Princeton, '79-'80 ; lie. April 4, '78, Pres. Kittanning ; ord. July 1, '80, same Pres.; For. miss, to Persia ; Tabriz, Persia, '80—. Young, Samuel Hall. — Born, Butler, Pa., September 12, 1847 ; W. U., '75 ; ^ Princeton, '75-76; Sem., '76-78; lie. April 29, '77, Pres. West Virginia ; ord. May 5, '78, same Pres.; Home miss. Ft. Wrangall, Alaska, '78— ; mar- ried, Dec. 15, '78, Miss Fannie E. Kellogg. 1877-1878. Boyd, Joseph Newton. — Born, Tarentum, Pa., November 4, 1852 ; Mon. C; civil engineer, '74 ; Dan. Sem., '76-'77 ; Sem. '77-79; lie. May 9, '78, Pres. Schuyler; ord. Sept. 14, '79, Pres. Peoria ; P. French Grove, 111., 79-'80 ; S. S. Evans, Col., '80-'81 ; Longmont, '81- ; married, Aug. 3, '76, Miss Mary Louise Bennett. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 157 Caldwell, Stewart Smith. — Born, Crawford Co., Pa., November 15, 1847 ; O. U., '77 ; Sem., '77-79 ; San Francisco Sem., '79-81 ; lie. '80, Pres. San Francisco; ord. '82, Pres Oregon; Home miss. Lakeview, Oregon, '81— ; married, Miss Otilla Dunn. Caldwell, Thomas Bevekidge. — Born, Canonsburg, Pa., April 8, 1844 ; bar- ber ; Sera., '77-'80 ; lie. '76, A, M. E. Ch.; ord. '79, same body ; S. S. Blooms- burg, Pa.; Pittsburgh ; Allegheny ; Louisville, Ky.; Paducah ; Nashville, Tenn., '84— ; married, May, '75, Miss Eliza B. Arnold. A. M. E Ch. min- ister. Calhoun, Joseph Painter.— Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., February 15, 1852 ; Sem., '77-'80 ; lie. April 23, '79, Pres. Kittanning ; S. S. LeClaire and Princeton, Iowa, '79-81 ; infirm, '81-84; S. S. Crooked Creek and Cherry Run, '84— ; married. May 9, '79, Miss Madge Stockdill. Dickinson, Edwin Hastings. — Born, Amherst, Mass., September 10, 1843 ; A. C, '65; teacher, '65-'73; Sem., '77-'80; lie. April 23, '79, Pres. Blairs- ville; ord. Dec. 21, '82, same Pres.; P. Pleasant Grove, Pa., '82- ; Prof. Lat. and Math. Greensburg Sem, '82— ; married, Aug. 23, '83, Miss Abbie Gibbs Pope. Duff, Albert James. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 15, 1857 ; W. U. P., '77; Sem., '77-'80; lie. April, '79, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. Dec, '81, same Pres.; S. S. and P. Verona, Pa., '81-'82; S. S. Mercersburg, '82-'83 ; P. Knoxville, Pa,, '84-. Eggert, John P^dwin. — Born, Butler Co., Pa., November 20, 1855 ; W. U., '77 ; Sera., '77-'80 ; lie. April, '79, Pres. Wooster ; ord. Oct., '80, Pres. Iowa City ; P. Columbus Junction, Iowa, '80—; married, Sept. (5, '81, Miss Anna T. Robinson. Fulton, John W.— Born, Claysville, O., July 15, 1852; M. CO., '77 ; Sem., '77-'80 ; lie. April, '79, Pres. Zanesville ; ord. Sept. 13, '81, Pres. Butler ; S. S. West Carlisle, O., '80; Marshall, 111., '80-'81 ; P. Harrisville and Am- ity, Pa., '81-'82 ; Falls City, Neb., '82-; married, Sept. 28, '82, Miss Laura Kerr. HiCKLiNG, Thomas.— Born, Hempwall, Norfolk, England, July, 1845 ; Sem., '77-80 ; lie. April, '78, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. '82, Pres. Waterloo ; S. S. Eldorado, Iowa, '82 ; St. Lawrence and Wessington, Dak., '83 ; W- C, '84. Irwin, John Coleman. — Born, Indiana, Pa., October 31, 1853 ; L. C, '76 ; N. W. S., '76-77 ; Sem., '77-78 ; lie. May, '79, Pres. Freeport ; ord. May, '79, same Pres.; P. Cedarville and Dacota, III., '79-82; S. S. Fullerton, Neb., '82-. Jolly, Austin, Howell.— Born, Venango, Co., Pa., December 14, 1852 ; Wa. C, '77 ; Sem., '77-'80 ; lie. April 9, '79, Pres. Clarion ; ord. Aug. 5, '80, Pres. Kittanning ; P. Marion, Pa., •80-'85 ; married, Oct. 19, '80, Miss Ella Hays. 158 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. KuMLER, Francis Marion.— Born, Butler Co., O., December 24, 1845; Ot. C, 72; Sera., '77-'80 ; lie. April, '79, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. July 6, '80, Pres. St. Clairsville; P. Buffalo cli., Cumberland, O., '80—. Lehmann, Adolph.— Born, Savannah, O., November 6, 1847 ; W. U., '83 ; Sem., '77-'80 ; lie. June 14, '77, Pres. Wooster ; ord. April, '80, Pres. Zanes- ville; S. S. and P. Dresden and Adams' Mills, O., '79—; married, Nov. 29, '79, Miss Anna Mary Blayney. Lyons, George Washington.— Born, Harrison Co., O., December 18, 1848 ; F. C; Sem., '77-'80 ; lie. April 24, '78, Pres. Steubenville; ord. May 6, '79 ; S. S. lone and Amador, Cal., '79-'80 ; Home miss., Indians; Sitka, Alaska, '80-'81 ; S. S. and P. Merced, Cal., '81- ; married, June 12, '71, Miss Mary E. McFadden. McCarrell, Thomas Calvin.— Born, Claysville, Pa., September 29, 1856 ; W. & J. C, '77 ; Sem., '77-'80 ; lie. April 23, '79, Pres. Washington ; ord. July 21, '80. Pres. Carlisle ; P. Waynesboro, Pa., '80- McClelland, Charles Samuel.— Born, Franklin Co., Pa., September 16, 1852 ; W. U., '77 ; Sem., '77-'80; lie. April 2, '79, Pres. Wooster ; ord. Sept. '80, same Pres.; For. miss. Siam ; miss. Petchaburi, Siam, '80-82 ; infirm, '82-83 ; P. Bethel, O., 83- ; married, Sept. 28, '80, Miss Mary R. Parry. Mealy, Anthony Alexander.— Born, Claysville, Pa., December 6, 1855 ; West. C, '77 ; Sem. '77-'80 ; lie. April, '79, Pres. Shenango ; ord. Oct., '80, Pres. Mahoning; P. Niles, O., '80-'81 ; Enon Valley, Pa., '81- ; married, June 22, 1882, Miss Madeline L. Dalzell. *Murray, Abthur Daniel. — Born, Georgetovrn, D. C, November 19, 1856 ; Bait. C. C, '73; law student; Sem., '77-'80 ; lie. '78, Bait. M. P. Conf.; ord. Mar. 13, '81, Md. Conf. M. P. Ch.; P. Eutaw, Md., '78-'79 ; Frederick, '80 ; Broadway. Baltimore, '81-82; Georgetown, D. C.,'83-'84 ; died, Nov. 17, '84. Ramsay, Francis Asbury. — Born, Augusta Co., Va., January 30, 1846 ; Ot. U. '73; Sem., '77-'80 ; lie. Sept., '72, Sciota Conf., U. B. in C; ord. Sept. 26, '75, same body ; miss, work, '73-'80 ; P. Gallon, O., '80-'81 ; Westerville, '81-84 ; S. S. Radnor and Prospect, '84—; married, June 5, '73, Miss Anna Hanby. Robertson, Alexander Thomas. — Born, near Waynesburg, O., September 14, 1849; U. H., '75; W. U., '77 ; teacher; Chinese miss.; San Francisco Sem., '75-'77 ; Sem., '77-'78 ; lie. April 26, '77, Pres. San Francisco ; ord. Sept. 11 '79, Pres. Osage ; S. S. Olivet, San Francisco, '76 ; Loudonville, '78-79 ; N. ch. Pleasant Hill, Mo., '79-'82; Raymore, '79-'82 ; P. Main St., Lima, O., 'S3— ; pub. " Education and Christian Faith" ; married, June 26, '78, Miss Laura J. Milligan. Steiner, John Goodwin.— Born, Knoxdale, Pa., March 26, 1851 ; Leb. Val. C. '82 ; Sem., '77-'79 ; U. B. '80 ; lie. '75, U. B. Conf.; ord. '80, same body ; S. S. various places, 75-'80 ; P. Shamokin, Pa., '80-'83 ; Gordonville, '83-'84; Clearfield, '84— ; married, Dec. 25, 1883, Miss Ada Musser. U. B. Minister! 1827-1885.] GENEKAL CATALOGUE. 159 *Stitt, James Manara. — Born, Fayette Co., O., 1850; W. U., '73 ; teacher, '73-'77; Sera. '77-'80 ; lie. April, '79, Pres. Washington ; ord. June, '81, Pres. Erie ; P. Coolspring and Fredonia, Pa., '80-84 ; married, June 28, '81, Miss Laura Ada Shaiffer ; died, Nashville, Tenn., ilay 2, '84. Swan, William Linville. — Born, Columbia, Ind., September 29, 1855 ; W. R. C, '77; Seni., '77-78; lie. April 23, '79, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. June 8, '80, same Pres.; P. Bethlehem and Waynesburg, O., '80-82 ; Milan, '82 — ; married. May 11, '81, Miss Lou Osborne. Wilson, Andrew Bloomfield. — Bern, Enon, Pa., March 23, 1856; Sem., '77 -'80 ; lie. April 15' '79, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. May '80, Pres. Steubenville ; P. Newcomerstown, O., '80-'82 ; Sharpsville, Pa., '83-. Wilson, GEoroE Porter. — Born, Masontown, Pa., September 9, 1853; W. & J. C, '77 ; Sem., '77-'79 ; Princeton, '79-'80 ; lie. April, '79, Pres. Washing- ton ; ord. Oct. 14, '80, Pres. Ebenezer ; P. Lexington, Ky., '80. 1878—1879. Blackburn, John Irwin. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa„ 1852; W. & J. C, 78; Sem., '78-'81 ; lie. '80, Pres. Redstone; ord. Jnne 21, '81, Pres. Blairs- ville; P. Murraysville, Pa., '81—; married, Oct. 5, '81, Miss Celia Murphy. Brownson, Marcus Acheson. — Born, Washington, Pa., June 24, 1859; W. & J. C, '78 ; Sem., '7S-'81 ; lie. April 28, '80, Pres. Washington ; ord. April 29, '83, Pres. New Castle; S. S. Hebron Mem. chapel, Philadelphia, '79-'83; Asst. P. Central ch., Wilmington, Del., '83-'84 ; P. 1st ch., Camden, N. J., '84-. Bruce, Charles" H.— Born, New Sheffield, Pa., July 19, 1852; A. C, '78; Sem., '78-'81; lie. April 14, '80, Pres. Erie; ord. Oct. 18, 82, Pres. Council- Blufls ; S. S. and P. Menlo, Iowa, '81-'84 ; Union City, Pa., '84-. Bryan, Arthur Vernon. — Born, Rye, Westchester Co., N. Y., May 11, 1856 ; N. J. C, '78; Sem., '78-'81 ; lie. April, '80, Pres. Wa-shington; ord. '82, same Pres.; For. miss. Japan; Tokio, Japan, '82-; married, Oct. 11, '82, Miss Maimie Dashiell. Carson, Chalmers F.— Born, Wayne Co., O.; W. U., '77; Sem., '77-80; lie. April, '80, Pres. Wooster ; ord. April, '81, same Pres.; S. S. Yates City, 111., '81-83 ; P. Milan, 111., '83- ; married, June 26, '83, Miss Adda Stewart. Carson, David Gibson. — Born, Beaver,^©., Pa., January 13, 1852; W. & J. C., '78; Sem., '78-81; lie. April 20, '80, Pres. Shenango ; ord. June 29, '81, Pres. Wooster; P. E. Canal Fulton, O., '81-'84 ; Upper Sandusky, '84— married, July 6, '81, Miss Laura R. Rose. Crabbs, William Ralston. — Born, Richland Co., Ohio, May 4, 1850 ; W. U., '77; tutor, '77-'78 ; Sem., '78-'81 ; teacher, '81- : res. Pittsburgh, Pa. 160 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Fkaser, Charles McLean. — Born, Glasgow, Ohio, February 25, 1854; W. & J. C, 78; Sera., '78-'81 ; lie. April 28, '80, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. April 28, '81, same Pres.; S. S. Walton, Kas., '80; Home miss. Nephi, Utah, '81 -'84; P. Manor Station and Harrison Cit3', Pa., '84- ; married. May 12, '81, Miss Lillie Ruple. Gault, William Chambers.— Born, ?; W. «& J. C, '78; Sem., '78-'81 ; lie. April, '80, Pres. Steubenville; ord. '80, same Pres.; For. miss., Africa; Benito, W. Africa, '80-. Helm, John Stewart. — Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., January 14, 1851 ; W. '78 ; teacher ; Sem. '78-'81 ; lie. April 26, '80, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. May 24, '81, Pres. Erie ; S. S. Mt. Pleasant, Pa., '81-'84 ; Waterloo, '81- ; P. Utica, '81- ; married, Aug. 19, '75, Miss Mary F. McConnell. Willard, Eugene Shaw.— Born, Wilmington, 111., October 10, 1856 ; West. C; Sem., '78-'81 ; lie. April, '79, Pres. Shenango ; ord. '81, same Pres.; Home miss, in Chilcat country, Alaska, '81—. Williams, William Asbury.— Born, Bealsville, O., May 30, 1854 ; F. C, '76 ; Sem., '78-80 ; lie. April, '8(t, Pres. St. Clairsville; S. S. Freeport, Stillwater, Westchester and Birmingham, '81- ; Prof. Franklin College ; married; June 7, '77, Miss Mary Lanning. 1879—1880. Anderson, Joseph McCullough.— Born, Carroll Co., O., February 20, 1850; F. C, '79; Sem., '79-82; lie. April, '81, Pres. Sleubenville ; ord. May 23, '82, Pres. Lima ; P.Celina and Shanesville, O. '82-85; Cumminsville, '85—; married, Sept. 5, '83, Miss Lou. M. Godfrey. Baugh, Walter Henry.— Born, Harrodsburg, Ind., October 5, 1852 ; Wab. C; Sem., '79-82 ; lie. '76, ? Cumb. Presb. Pres.; ord. April, '82, Pres. Penn- sylvania, same Church ; S. S. Bethel, Van Buren, Pa., '82- ; married, May 8, '84, Miss Anna Bell Sumner. Cumberland Presbyterian minister. Beall, Marion E., M. D.— Born, Keene, O., March 9, 1856 ; F. C, '79; teacher ; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April 26, '81, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. June 20, '82, same Pres.; P. Kirk wood, O., '81-84 ; For. miss. Mexico ; Saltillo, Mexico, '84— ; married, June 26, '79, Miss Jennet E. Porter. Buchanan, Aaron Moore.— Born, Beaver Co., Pa., July 7, 1856 ; W. & J. C^ '79 ; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April 27, '81, Pres. Washington ; ord. Oct 4, '83, Pres. Pittsburgh ; P. Clinton, Pa., '83- ; married, June 28, '83, Miss Sarah Wylie. Caldwell, William Elliott.— Born, Elizabeth, Pa., July 1, 1857 ; W. U., '79; Sem., '79-'82; lie. April, '81, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. July 13, '82, Pres. Ft. Dodge; S. S. Union, Mo., '81 ; Marcus, Iowa, '82-'83; Sanborn, '83-. Day, Edgar Willis.— Born, Washington Co., Pa., February 21, 1855; W. & J. C, '79 ; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April, '60, Pres. Pennsylvania, C. P. Church ; ord. Oct. 8, '82, Pres. Red River ; miss. Stump Lake Co., Dak., '82 ; Bis- mark, '82; Lisbon and Shelden. '82-'83 : S. S. Lisbon, 'S3-; married, May ,30, '83. Miss Anna B. Wade. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 163 Day, William Henry.— Born, New Athens, O., January 28, 1855 ; F. C, '79 ; Sera., '79-'82 ; Lane, '82-'83 ; lie. June 14, '81, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. June 14, '83 ; same Pres.; P. Green City, '83 — ; married, May 8, '84, Miss Albertia McComas. Donaldson, Wilson Egbert. — Born, Wells Co., Ind., November 14,1856; Wab. C, '79; Sem., '79-82; lie. April 27, '81, Pres. Kittanning; ord. Oct. 11, '83, Pres. Pittsburgh ; P.California, Pa., '83-'84 ; Bethel eh., Allegheny, '85 — ; married, June 8, '82, Miss Margaret J. E. Brown. *DuNCAN, George Alexander. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., November 13, 1855; W. & J. C, '79 ; Sem., '79-'81 ; lie. April 27, '81, Pres. Washington ; died, Washington Co., Pa., Jan. 11, '82. Eckels, Mervin Johnston. — Born, Cumberland Co., Pa., June 18, 1854; L. C, '77; teacher, '77-'79 ; Sem., '79-'81; lie. June, '81, Pres. Carlisle ; ord. Oct., '82, Pres. Baltimore; S. S. and P. Havre de Grace, Md., '82-'85 ; mar- ried, Dec. 11, '83, Miss Sue T. Kenley. Elliott, Addison Stewart. — Born, Callensburg, Pa., February 2, 1847 ; W. & J. C, '79 ; Sem., '79-'82; lie. April 22, '80, Pres. Clarion ; ord. June 21, '83, Pres. Kittanning ; P. Covode, Pa .,'83-'84 ; Miller, Dak., '84-'85 ; mar- ried, Aug. 14, '83, Miss Lizzie E. Foster. Evans, William McClung. — Born, South Salem. O., January 7,1856; W. U., '79; Sem., '79-82; lie. April 7, '81, Pres. Wooster ; ord. April 5, '82, same Pres. S. S. Zion, Iowa, '82-84 ; P. Manchester, '84 — . Good, Adolphus C. — Born, Indiana Co., Pa., December 19, 1856; W. & J. C, '79; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April 27, '81, Pres. Kittanning; ord. June 28, '82, same Pres.; For. miss, to Africa ; Gaboon, West Africa, '82 — ; married, June 21, '83, Miss Lydia Belle Walker. Granger, William Rufus, M. D — Born, Ashtabula Co., O., Augnst 17,1847 ; C. E. M. C, '75; Sem., '79-'80 ; medical practitioner, Cleveland, East Pal- estine, O.; married, Sept. 8, '77, Miss Naomi Helen Bell : also, March 16, '82, Miss Mary A. Asdell. Greenlee, Thomas Beaver. — Born, Fredericksburg, O., December 31, 1855 ; W. U., '79; Sem., '79-82 ; lie. April 14, '81, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. April 25, '82, Pres. Shenango ; S. S. and P. Mahoningtown, Pa., '81-84 ; S. S. Hope ch., Minneapolis, Minn., '84— ; married, Oct. 12, '76, Miss Mary Belle Struble. Hackett, George Stuart. — Born, Altoona, Pa., February 10, 1855 ; W^. & J. C, '79; Sera., '79-'82 ; lie. June 22, '81, Pres. Huntingdon ; ord. June 12, '83, Pres. St. Clairsville; P. Uniontown, O., '83— ; married, Nov. 29, '82, Miss Lizzie A. Morel and. Hayes, William McClement. — Born, Butler Co., Pa., December 7,1852; Wa. C; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. Sept. 24, '79, Pres. Allegheny, Cumb. Presb. Ch.; ord. April, '81, same body. Cumberland Presbyterian minister. 164 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Hayes, Watson McMillan.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa, November 23, 1857; West. C, '79 ; Sein., '79-82 ; lie. April 26, '81, Pres. Shenango ; ord. Aug. 15, '82, same Pres.; For. miss, to China; Chefoo, China, '82—; married, July 5, '82, Miss Maggie Ellen Young. Heakst, John Pressly.— Born, near Ashland, O., November 12, 1856; W. U., '78 ;' Sem., '79-'81 ; lie. April, '81, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. '82, same Pres.; For. miss, to Japon ; Osaka, Japan, '83—; married, Aug. 17, '82, Miss Cora E. Peoples ; res., No. 30, Hill Kobe, Japan. Hunter, Rice Vernon.— Born, Cumberland, O., June 22, 1851 ; W. U., '79 ; teacher, '77-'79 ; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. Sept. 14, '81, Pres. Crawfordsville ; ord. May 3, '83, Pres. Bloomington ; S. S. and P. Philo, HI., '82-'84 ; P. E. 7th ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '84-; married, June 21, '82, Miss StelU Kritz. Johnston, Charles Haskell.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., January 21, 1855 ; W. & J. C; Sera., '79-'82; lie. Dec. 6, '81, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. Nov. 2, '82, Pres. North Texas ; S. S. Coryell, Texas, '82 ; Decatur, '82-'83 ; Wichita Falls, '83- ; married, AprU 25, '82, Miss Mary B. Smith. Kelly, James Manton.— Born, Findley, O., February 10, 1855 ; W. U. C, '79; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April 24, '81, Pres. Mahoning ; ord. June 28, '82, Pres. Kittanning; P. Concord and Plumville, Pa., '82-; married, July 26, '82, Miss Arabella B. Busselle. Kyle, James Henderson.— Born, Greene Co., O., February 24, 1854 ; Ob. C, '78 ; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April 25, '81, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Aug. 28, '84, Council Congregational Ch., Salt Lake City, Utah ; Mt. Pleasant Presb. ch., Utah, '82-'83 ; Eclu City Cong, ch., '83-'84 ; P. Plymouth Cong, ch.. Salt Lake City, '84-; married, April 27, '81, Miss Annabel!© Dugot. Langfitt, Obadiah Thompson.— Born, Fairview, W. Va., March 11, 1852 ; W. &J. C, '79; Sem., '79-82; lie. April, '81, Pres. Washington; o-rd. July 12, '82, Pres. Fort Dodge ; S. S. Storm Lake, Iowa, '82-'84 ; West Lib- erty, '84—. Laughlin, Calvin E.— Born, Jefferson Co., O., September 17, 1854 ; W. & J. C, '79 ; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April 25, '81, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Oct. 16, '83, Pres. Fort Dodge ; S. S. Randolph, Iowa, '82-'83 ; Manning, '83-. Lewis, David.- Born, ? ; Sem., '79; lie and ord. A. M. E. Ch.; Waverly, Pa., '85-. Lewis, Leander MiLES.-Born, ? ; West. C, '79; Sem., '79-'82; lie. April, '81, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Nov. 3, '82, Pres. Pittsburgh ; P. Fairview, Pa., '82-. Lewis, Thomas Reed.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., September 19, 1856 ; West. C. '79 ; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April 27, '81, Pres. Shenango ; ord. April 25, '83, Pres. Council Bluffs; S. S. and P. Shelby and Neola, lowk, '83-. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 166 LowRY, Houston Walker.— Born, Coitsville, O., January 2, 1854; West. C, '78 ; Princeton, '7S-'79 ; Sem., '79-'81 ; lie. April 28, '80, Pres. Mahoning ; ord. July 12, '81, Pres. Kittanning; P. Parker City, '81-'85 ; Wellsville, O., '85—; married, June 14, '82, Miss Blanche Lee. Lyle, James Prestley. — Born, Cross Creek, Pa.; W. & J. C, '79 ; Sem., '79- '82 ; lie. April 27, '81, Pres. Washington ; ord. April 27, '82, same Pres.; P. Taylor, Texas, '82—. McClelland, Samuel Boyd. — Born, Upper Strasbnrg, Pa., July 22, 1850 ; W. U., '79; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie April 8, '81, Pres. Wooster ; ord. April 5, '82, same Pres.; Pomeroy, Iowa, '82-83; Ashton, 'S3 — . Marks, Samuel Ferree. — Born,?; W. & J. C; teacher; Sem. '79-82; lie. April 27, '81, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Sept., '82, Pres. Ft. Wayne; S. S. and P. 3d ch. Ft. Wayne, '82 — ; married, Oct. 17, '83, Miss Sarah E. Fred- ericks. MiNTON, Henry Collin. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., May 8, 1855 ; W. & J. (;., '79 ; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April 27, '81, Pres. Washington ; ord. June 15, '82, Pres. St. Paul ; P. Duluth, Minn., '82-83 ; P. E. 2d ch., Baltimore, Md., '83-'84 ; S. S. San Jose, Cal., '84--. Nelson, Emery Alden. — Born, Cochranton, Pa., August 28, 1855 ; A. C, '79 ; Sem., '79-80; Union, '80-'82 ; lie. June, '82, Pres. Lehigh; ord. June, '82, same Pres.; P. Alburtes, Pa., '82-85 ; S. S. Sandy Lake and Stoneboro, Pa. , '85—. Paden, Robert Akey. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., December 25, 1852 ; M U., '76; Sem., '79-'82; lie. April 13, '81, Pres. Zanesville ; ord. July 12, '82, Pres. Fort Dodge ; miss. Kossuth Co., Iowa, '82-83 ; Emmet Co., Iowa, '83—; married, Sept. 24, '84, Miss Eva L. McMath. Patterson, John Fulton. — Born, Columbiana Co., O., November 13, 1856 ; Mt. U. C, '78 ; teacher, '78-'79 ; Sem., '79-'82 ; lie. April 27, '81, Pres. Steubenville ; ord. Nov. 2, '82, Pres. Pittsburgh ; P. Mingo, Pa., '82— ; married, Sept. 13, '82, Miss Ida O. Brown. Sheerer, James Cooper. — Born, Somerset Co., Pa.; Ot. U., '78; iSem., '79-82 ; lie, Conf. U. B. Ch.; ord. Jan. 22, '79, same body; Presb. Ch., Sept. 24, '84. Stewart, David Harrold. — Born, Dallas, W. Va., February 15, 1855 ; W. & J. C, '79; Sem., '79-'82; lie. April, '82, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. May 9, '82, Pres. Des Moines ; P. Seymour and Promise, Iowa,'82-'84; Hutchinson, Kansas, '84 — ; married, Oct. 10, '83, Miss Anna M. Jeffrey. Stophlet, Samuel Williams. — Born, Fredericksburg, O., September 15, 1854 ; W. U., '78 ; Sem., '79-'82; teacher,' 78-'79; lie. April 6, '81, Pres. Wooster ; ord. April, '82, same Pres.; Home miss., Iowa; S. S. Lake City and Rock- well City, '82 — ; married, Aug. 18, '83, Miss Alice L. Braden. 166 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. Thompson, William Oxley. — Born, Cambridge, O., November 5, 1855 ; M. C, '78; Sem., '79-82; lie April 13, '81, Pres. Zanesville; ord. July 13, '82, Pres. Fort Dodge ; S. S. and P. Odebalt, Iowa, '82-85; married, April 1, '82, Miss Rebecca J. Allison. West, Chakles Samuel.— Born, Lima, Ind., February 19, 1850 ; Wab. C, '79 ; Sera., '79-'S2; lie. Oct., '81, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. Nov. 22, '82, Pres. At- lantic; mis?, to Freedmen, Sumpter, S. C, '82 — . White, Joseph Pollock.— Born, New Castle, Pa., August 24, 1856; Mon. C, '79 ; Sem., '79-82 ; post. grad. Harvard, '82-'83 ; lie. '80, Pres. Shenango ; ord. Aug. 28, '83, same Pres.; S. S. Baird, Texas, '83—; married, Sept. 12, '83, Miss J. Eva Merrill. Wolff, G. R.— Born, ? ; Mt. U. C, '78 ; Sem., '79 ; business, Frederick, O. *YouNG, James Theophilus. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa., July 10, 1854 ; W. & J. C, '79; Sem., '79-82; lie. April, '81, Pres. Blairsville; ord. Dec. 19, '82, same Pres.; P. Conemaugh, Pa., '82-85 ; married, Aug. 16, '82, Miss Lizzie M. Phillips ; died, Conemaugh, Pa., Jan. 11, 1885. ZucK, William Johnston. — Born, Mt. Pleasant, Pa., January 10, 1858 ; Ot. U., '78; Sem., '79-'80 ; lie. Feb., '80, Allegheny Conf. U. B. Church; ord. Sept. 17, '84. same body; P. Somerset, Pa.; S. S. Industry ; Prin. Shenan- doah Sem., Va., '80-82; Prof. English language and Lit., Lebanon Val- ley College, Annville, Pa., '82-84 ; same chair, Ot. U., Ohio, '84 — ; mar- ried, Aug. 18, '81, Miss Jessie M. Zent. 1880—1881. Baxjsman, Joseph Henderson. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., December 26 1854 ; W. & J. C, '80 ; Sem., '80-'83; lie. April 27, '82, Pres. Washington ; ord. April 26, '83, same Pres. S. S. and P. Homer and Bethel, '83—. BoNSALL, Adoniram Judson. — Born, Sharpsburg, Pa., December 30, 1850 ; Lon. U.; Sem., '80-'83; lie. and ord. March 19, '72, Baptist Conf.; P. Thirty- seventh street Bap. ch., Pittsburgh, Pa., '72-'75 ; Erie, '75-'78 ; Rochester, '78— ; married. May 12, '74, Miss Sophia A. Hoyer. Baptist minister. Cheeseman, Charles Payson. — Born, Portersville, Pa., July 1, 1851; W. U.; Sem., '80-'83; lie. April 19, '81; ord. June 25, '83, Pres, Redstone ; P. Long Run, Pa., '83—; married, July 5, '81, Miss Florence J. Cochran. Clark, James* B.— Born, Manor Dale, Pa., October 28, 1855 ; W. & J. C, '80 ; Sem., '80-'83 ; lie. April, '82, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. Oct. 16, '84, Pres. Ches- ter ; p. New London, Pa., '84 — . 1827—1885. GENERAL CATALOGUE. 167 Cochran, William Swan Plumer. — Born, Butler Co., Pa., April 23, 1856 ; W. U., '79 ; Sem., '80-'83 ; lie. June 12, '83, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. May 19, '84, Pres. Pittsburgh; P. Middletown, Pa.. '84—; married, Dec. 17, '84, Miss Ellen D. Shively. Cooper, John H.— Born, ? ; L. C, '80; Sem., '80-'83; lie. '82; ord. April 25, '83, Pres. Clarion ; P. Upper Center and Buffalo, Pa., '84. Donaldson, Newton. — Born, Venango Co., Pa., December 13, 1853; W. & J. C, '79; teacher, '79-'80 ; Sem., '80-'83; lie. April 26, '82, Pres. Clarion ; ord. April 27, '83, Pres. St. Clairsville ; P. Washington, Senecaville and Lope City, Pa., '83 — ; married. Sept, 25, '83, Miss Lizzie J. Martin. Farrand, Fontaine Eothwell. — Born, Danville, Ky., December 24, 1858 ; C. C. K., '78; teacher; law student, '78-'79; Sem., '80-'83; lie. April, '82, Pres. Ozark ; ord. May 8, '83, same Pres.; P. Joplin, Mo., '83-'84 ; P. 1st eh., Clinton, '84— ; married, Oct. 7, Miss Mamie Jones. Fracker, George Herbert. — Born, Zanesville, O., April 14, 1853 ; W. U., '78; Sem., '80-'81 ; U. T. S., N. Y., '82-'83 ; Princeton, '83-'84; lie. July 10, '84, Pres. St. Clairsville; teacher, Spencer Academy, Choctaw Nation, Indian Ter., '84—; res.. Nelson, Indian Territory. Garroway, William Thompson.— Burn, ? ; West. C, '79 ; Sem., '80-83 ; lie. June 28, '82, Pres. Kittanning; ord. Jan. 15, '84, Pres. St. Clairsville ; S. S. Rayne Center, Harmony ana Mechanicsburg, Pa., '82-'83 ; P. Woodsfield and Buchanan, O., '84— ; married, June 26, '73, Miss E. D. Hawk. Gabver, James Clayton. — Born, Franklin Co., Pa., October 21, 1850 ; Wa. C, '80; Sem., '80-'83; lie. April, '82, Pres. Washington; ord. April, '83, same Pres.; S. S. Landisburg and Shermansdale, Pa., '82-83; Pennfield and Winterburn, '84— ; married, June 13, '83, Miss Maggie A. White. Hazlett, W'ili.iam Joh^. — Born, County Antrim, Ireland, June 2, 1848 ; Q. C G. and W. U., '82; Sem., '80-'83; lie. April 11, '82, Pres. Allegheny ; ord. Sept. 18, '83, Pres. Butler; S. S. Hoboken, Pa., '82-'83 ; Chestnut St. Erie; P. North Washington and New Salem, '83— ; married. May 8, '84, Miss Maggie A. Lyle. HoEY, Newton Stewart. — Born, Murraysville, Pa., September 7, 1856 ; W. & J. C, '80 ; Sem., '80-'83 ; teacher ; lie. May 15, '83, Pres. Blairsville ; ord. Jan. 22, '84, Pres. Pittsburgh ; S. S. and P. Mt. Washington, Pa., '83— Hunter, Alexander Stewart. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., March 30, 1857; W. & J. C; Sem., '81-83 ; lie. Dec. 9, '84, Pres. Washington. Hunter, Robert Armstrong. — Born, Clinton, Pa., June 25, 1860; W. & J. C, '80; Sem., '80-'83; lie. April, '82, Pres. Washington ; ord. June 25. '84, Pres. Clarion ; P. Beechwoods, Pa., '84—; res., Rockdale Mills, Pa. 168 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Johnson, Neill Da vies. — Born, Leroy, 111., January 1, 1853 ; Wab. C, '80 ; Sem., '80-'83 ; lie. Aug. 30, '79, Pres. Mackinaw, C. P. Ch.; ord. April 24, '83, Pres. Union, C. P. Ch.; S. S. Ten Mile, Pa., '83-'84 ; Hopewell, '84-. Cumberland Presbyterian Church. McCarthy, William Brainerd. — Born, Huntingdon Co., Pa., May 9, 1853 ; W. & J. C, '80 ; Sem., '80; not licensed ; teacher; Prin. Poland Academy, Poland, O. Marquis, Rollin Ruthwin. — Born, Murray, Ind., December 28, 1853 ; W. U., '80; Sem., '80-'83 ; lie. April 5, '82, Pres. Wooster; ord. June 12, '83, Pres. Cleveland ; P. Northfleld, O., '83- ; married. May 8, '83, Miss Clara J. McCormick. Miller, Jonathan Walker. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., December 29, 1855 ; W. U. P., '78; Sem., '80-'83 ; lie. June, '82, Pres. Pittsburgh ; tutor, Sem., '83-'84 ; ord. Oct. 28, '84, Pres. Butler ; P. Portersville and Mt. Nebo, Pa., '84— ; married, Jan. 3, '84, Miss Mary E. Evans. Reynolds, William R. — Born, Chambersburg, Pa., April 17, 1851 ; Sem., '80- '81 ; N.W.T. S.,'82-'84; lie. March 21,'83, Pres. Peoria ; S. S. Hudson, Wis., '85-. Robertson, Alexander Waters. — Born, Blair Co., Pa., August 28, 1850 ; Sem., '80-'83; lie. Sept., '76, Pittsburgh Conf. Meth. Prot. Ch. ; ord. Sept., '77, same body; S. S. Allegheny, Pa., '76-'83 ; S. S. Pittsburgh, '83—; mar- ried, Nov. 25, '79, Miss E. Kate PhilliiJS- Methodist Protestant minister. Taylor, Zackary B. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., December 24, 1849 ; W. & J. C, '80; Sem., '80-'83 ; lie. April, '82, Pres. Washington; ord June 24, '84, Pres. Clarion ; P. Reynoldsville, Pa., '84—; married, Sept. 10, '84, Miss Ida P. Glefier. Thayer, Henry Ernest. — Born, Freedom, O., February 1, 1850; Ob. C, '78; teacher, '78-'80 ; Sem., '80-'81 ; Ob. S., '81-'83 ; lie. May, '83, Cong. Coun- cil, Cleveland ; ord. June 26, '83, Cong. Council; S. S. Spartansburg, Pa., '81; Olivet miss., Cleveland, O., '82; Nelson, '83; Ogdeu, Utah, '83- ; married, June 20, '80, Miss Louise M. Singer. Congregational minister. Weaver, Joseph Lawrence. — Born, Freeport, Pa., June 20, 1855 ; W. & J. C, '80 ; Sem., '80-'83 ; lie. June, '82, Pres. Kittanning ; ord. Nov. 6, '83, Pres. St. Clairsville ; P. Morristown and West Brooklyn, O., '83—. Yates, Rudolph Clay. — Born, Frederick Co., Va., 1848 ; U. Va.; teacher ; Sera., '80-83 ; lie. June, '82, Pres. Baltimore ; ord. June, '83, Pres. Butler ; P. Zelienople, Pa., '83— ; S. S., also, North Sewickley, '83—. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 169 1881— 1S82. Allen, David Dinsmore.— Born, Uniontown, O., 1856; F. C, '80; teacher, '80-'81 ; Sem.,'81-'84; lie. April 25, '83, Pres. St. Clairsville ; ord. April 17, '85; Pres. Idaho; S. S. Rockford, Farmington, Spangle and Truax Mill, Washington Territory. Barr, Lewis William.— Born, West Liberty, W. Va., January 15, 1857 ; Wa. C; Sem., '81-'83; lie. April 24, '83, Pres. Wnshington ; ord. April 24, '83, Pres. Clarion ; S. S. and P., New Bethlehem and Leatherwood, Pa., '82 — Barton, Joseph Hughes. — Born, Jelferson Co., Pa., April 2, 1856 ; W. & J. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'84 ; lie. April 24, '83, Pres. Clarion ; ord. June 23, '84, same Pres.; S.S.Warsaw and Sunnyside, Mo., '83; Com. Home miss, to Boise City, Idaho, '84 — ■ BoYCE Isaac— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., December 14, 1855 ; W. & J. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'84 ; lie. April 24, '83, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. Sept. 9, '84, same Pres.; For. miss. Mexico ; miss. Monterey, Mexico, '84 — ; married, May 15, '84, Miss Annie S. Rapp. Chalfant, William Parker. — Born, Saltsburg, Pa., September 3, 1860; L, C, '81; Sem., '81-'84; lie April 24, '83, Pres, Pittsburgh; ord. Sept. 9, '84 ; For. miss. China, '85—. CoMPTON, Elias.— Born, Glendale, O., August 3, 1856 ; W. U., '81 ; Sem., '81- '83; lie. March, '82, Pres. Wooster; Home miss. Meriden, Marcus and Liberty, Ind., '83 — . Devok, William Mackey. — Born, Franklin Co., Pa., October 5, 1852 ; W. U., '81 ; Sem., '81-'84 ; lie. June 10, '84, Pres. Carlisle; S. S. Sandy Lake, Pa., '84 ; Corydon and Humeston, Iowa, '84 — . Edwards, Charles Eugene. — Born, Philadelphia, Pa., May 1, 1860 ; H. C, '79 ; sem., '81-'83 ; Princeton, '83-'84 ; lie. April 17, '83, Pres. Pittsburgh ; P. E. Mifflinburg and Hartleton, '85—. Edwards, Chauncey Theodore. — Born, Philadelphia; Pa., May 15, 1862; H. C, '79; teacher, '79-'81 ; Sem., '81-'83; Princeton, 'S3-'84 ; lie. April 17, '83, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. June, '84, Pres. Monmouth ; P. Toms River, N. J., '84—. Elliott, John William. — Born, New Wilmington, Pa,, August 18, 1858 ; West. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-84; failure of sight; teacher; res.. New Wilming- ton, Pa. Forsyth, Clarence Jane. — Born, Hickory, Pa., October 10, 1857 ; W. & J. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'84 ; lie, April 24, '83, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. Oct. 7, '84, Pres. Mahoning; P. Hubbard, O., '84—. / J 170 * GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Funk, Abraham L. — Born, West Newton, Pa., January 2, 1848 ; Ot. U.; Sem., '81-'82 ; lie. June 12, '79, Conf. U, B. Ch.; ord. Sept. 17, '84, Allegheny Conf. U. B. Ch.; P. Scottdale, Pa., '82— ; married, June 2, '81, Miss Mary Gardner. United Brethren in Christ minister. Hays, Calvin Cornwell. — Born, Cumberland Co., Pa., May 21, 18G1 : W. & J. C, '81; ed. work; Sem., '81-'84; lie. April 10, '83, Pres. Allegheny; ord. April 27. '85, Pres St. Clairsville ; S. S. Bethel ch., Allegheny, '83- '85 ; P. Bridgeport, 0., '85-. Herries, Archibald James.— Born, Seneca Co., N. Y., December 9, 1855 ; West. C, '80 ; Sem., '81-'84; lie April 27, '83, Pres. Eedstone ; ord. April 23, '84, same Pres.; P. Leisenring, Pa., '84—. Hopkins, John Thomas.— Born, Hillsboro, O., May 2, 1856; Par. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'S3 ; N. W. T.S.;83-'84; lie. April,'84. Pres. Iowa ; ord. April,'85, Pres. Bloomington; S. S. El Paso, 111., '83-; married, May 15, '84, Miss Mary I. Hymer. Kelly, Newton B.— Born, ? ; Mt. U. C, '81; Sem., '81 ; res.. Alliance, O. LwERTY, L. FiNLEY. — Born, Finleyville, Pa., May 5, 1857 ; L. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'84;lic. April 24, '83, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. '85? ; P. Apple Creek, O., '85-. Lowe, Cornelius Marshall. — Born, Warren Co., N. J., February 23, 1850 ; Ob. C, '78; teacher, Dayton, O., '78-'82; U. B. Theo. Sem., '81-'82 ; Prof. Latin, Heidelburg Col., Tiflfany, O., '83-; married, Dec. 25, '78, Miss Emma Faulkner. McElhinny, Christian Shaffer. — Born, Fairfield, Iowa, September 10, 1856; Par. C, '80; Sem., '81-'84 ; lie. April 19, '83, Pres. Iowa; ord- April 25, '85, Pres. Des Moines; S. S. Manning and Cook Eapids, Iowa ; Char- iton, '83- Marshman, David McGill.— Born, Nashville, O.; W. U., '81 ; Sem., '81- '83; Princeton, '83-'84; lie. June 19, '83, Pres. Wooster ; ord. '83, same Pres.; S. S. De Graff, Zanesfield and East Liberty, '83 ; Royalton, Minn.. '84-. Palm, William J.— Born, Sheakleyville, Pa.; W. U., '71 ; Sem., '81-'82 ; N. W. T. S.,'83; lie. April, '83, Pres. Shenango ; ord. Sept. 25, '84, Pres. Rock River ; P. Alexis, 111., '84-. Peepels, Henry Clay.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., January 7, 1857 ; B. U., '81 ; Sem., '81-'84; lie. '84; ord. '84, Bap. Ch.; P., E. Av. Bap. Ch., Rochester, N. Y., '84—. Baptist minister. Porter, Thomas Jackson.— Born, Mercer Co., Pa., May 3, 1860; West. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'84 ; lie. April 25, '83, Pres. Shenango ; ord. Aug. 26, '84, same Pres.; For. miss. Persia, '84—. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 171 Todd, Milton Es^mett. — Born, near Slireve, O., August 1, 1857; W. U., '81 ; Sem., '81-'83; N. W. T. S., '83-'84 ; lie. Sept. 12, '83, Pres. Wooster ; ord. May 28, '84, Pres. Fort Dodge ; S. S. Rock Lake and Lyons, Minn., '82 ; Scranton and Churdan, Ind., '83; Monticello, 111., '83-'84 ; Meriden, '84- ; married, Sept. 9, '84, Miss Katie J. Work. Wachter, Egon.— Born, Prussia ; St. V. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'84 ; lie. April 24, 'S3, Pres. Pittsburgh; ord. May 11, '84, same Pres.; For. miss, to Siam ; Bangkok, Siam, '84—. Walker, Alexander Franklin.— ^Born, Shelocta, Pa., February 21, 1856 ; W. & J.- C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'84; lie. April 25, '83, Pres. Kittanning; ord. June 24, '84, Pres. Allegheny; P. Tarentum, '84— ; married, Sept. 3, '84, Miss Annie B. Bovard. Ware, Samuel Miller. — Born, Richmond, Ky., August 20, 1852; III. W. U., '79 ;Supt. Pub. Schools, '79-81; Sem.,'81-'83 ; N.W. T. S., '83-84 ; lie. April 10,^83, Pres. Allegheny; ord. May 6, '84, Pres. St. Louis; Home miss. Ferguson, Mo., '83 ; S. S. Somonauk, 111., '83-'84; P. Ferguson, Mo., '84-; married, July 20, '80, Miss EolineO. Blazer. Wilson, James Makquis. — Born, New Wilmington, Pa., March 23, 1858 ; N. J. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'83, res.. New Wilmington, Pa. Winger, Charles Newton. — Born, Venango Co., Pa., June 18, 1857 ; West. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-84; teacher; res. New Wilmington, Pa. WisNER, Oscar Francis. — Born, Fredericktown, O., September 26, 1858; W. U., '81 ; Sem., '81-'84 ; Princeton, '84-'85 ; lie. June 13, '83 ; S. S. Orwell and North Bloorafield, O., '83 ; Elmira, 111., '84. 1882-1883. Banker, William George. — Born, Jackson, Michigan, September 8, 1859 ; Sem., '82-85 ; lie. April 28, '85, Pres. Fort Dodge ; S. S. Denman, Iowa, '85—. BoGGS, John Marshall. — ^Born, New Athens, O., February 9, 1857 ; F. C, '81 ; Sem., '82-'85 ; lie. April 23, '84, Pres. St. ClairsviUe. Bbaddock, William Paxton. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., Jan. 3, 1856; Sem., '82-'85 ; lie. April 22, '84, Pres. Pittsburgh. Carlisle, Allen Douglas. — Born, Clarksburg, W. Va., April 1, 1859 ; Park. C; Sem., '82-'85 ; lie. April 26, '84, Pres. West Virginia ; ord. '85 ; P. Brocton, Mass.; married, April 28, '85, Miss Margaret Weyer ; res., Brocton, Mass. Congregational minister. CoAN, Frederic Gaylord. — Born, Oroomiah, Persia, May 23, 1859 ; W. U., '82; Sem., '82-'84 ; Princeton, '84-'85 ; lie. Sept., '84, Pres. Columbia ; ord. June, '85, same Pres.; For. miss. Persia, '85 — . 172 GENEKAL CATAL'OGUE. [1827-1885. • Grosser, John Eoach. — Born, near Millport, O., February 18, 1856 ; W. & J. C, '82 ; Sera., '82-'84 ; U. T. S.. N. Y., '84-'85 ; lie. April, '85, Pres. Steu- benville. Earsman, Hugh Eraser. — Born, Allegheny, Pa., March 2, 1858 ; Mt. U. C.> '81 ; Sera., '82-'85 ; lie. April 23, '84, Pres. Steiibenville ; ord. June 30, '85, Pres. Pittsburgh ; P, North Branch and Phillipsburg, Pa., '85 — . Ely, Egbert Wesley. — Born, near Washington Pa., September 12, 1852; W. & J. C, '82 ; Sera., '82-'85 ; lie. April 25, '84, Pres. Washington. Ferguson, Henry Clay. — Born, Newark, Del., January 6, 1853; W. & J. C, '82; Sem., '82-'85; lie. April 22, '84, Pres. Pittsburgh ; ord. June 18, '85, Pres. Allegheny ; P. Emsworth, '85—. Freeman, John William. — Born, Pompton Plains, February 22, 1860 ; How. U., '82 ; Sem., '82-'85 ; lie. April 22, '84, Pres. Pittsburgh. Gregg, Andreav Jackson. — Born, Saltsburg, Pa., September 10, 1855 ; W. R. C; Sera., '82-85; lie. April 23, '84, Pres. Kittanning ; ord. '85, same Pres.r P. Worthington and West Glade Run, Pa., '85—. Hays, George Smith. — Born, Canonsburg, Pa., February 22, '1861 ; W. & J. C, '82; Sem., '82-'85 ; lie. April 21, '84, Pres. Washington ; ord. June 30, '85, Pres. Mahoning; P., E. Palestine, O., '85—. KuHN, Lewis John.— Born, Northfield, 0., October 22, 1860 ; W. R. C, '82 ; Sera., '82-'84 ; Lane, '84-'85. Lowe, Edson Alloway.— Born, Keokuk, Iowa, April 10, 1859 ; Col. C, '82 ; V/' Sem., '82-'84; Princeton, '84-'85 ; lie. March 2, '85, Pres. Washington City, D. C. *McCuNE, Elwood Clyde. — Born, Martin's Ferry, O., March 14, 1862 ; F. C, '82; Sem., '82-'85; lie. April 23, '84, Pres. St. Clairsville ; died, April 14, 1885. Morris, Jeremiah Morton. — Born, Highland Co., O., March 1, 1840 ; Wit. C, '71 ; Sera., '82-'83 ; lie. A. M. E. Ch.; ord. April 27, '73, same body ; S. S. Monongahela, City, Pa., '71-'72 ; Wheeling, W. Va., '73 ; Meadville and Oil City, Pa., '74-'76; Wylie st., Pittsburgh, '80-'81 ; Brown Chapel, Allegheny, '82-'83 ; Uniontown, '84-'85 ; married, March 21, '72, Miss Re- becca Wallace. A, M. E. Church minister. Patterson, James McCready. — Born, Guernsey Co., O., December 11, 1857 ; W. U.,'81 ; Sera.,'82-'83 ; N. W- T. S.,'83-'84 ; lie. April, '84, Pres.Wooster ; ord. Nov. 7, '84, Pres. St. Paul ; Minneapolis, Minn., '84 — ; married, Sept. 29, '81. Shepard, Simon Peter.— Born, ? ; Lin. U., '82; Sera., '82; lie. and ord. A. M. E. Ch.; P. Catskill, N. Y., '85—. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 173 Snook, Ernest McCune. — Born, Fairfield, Oowa, July 1, 1859 ; Par. C, '81 ; Sem., '81-'84 ; N. W. T. S„ '84-'85; lie. April 10, '84, Pres. Iowa. Walker, Edward Franklin. — Born, Steubenville, O., January 20, 1852 ; U. Pac; Sem., '82-84 ; lie Sept. 8, '79; Pres. San Francesco ; ord. same date and Pres.; S. S. 3d Cong, ch., San Francisco, Cal., '79-'81 ; 1st Presb. ch., Virginia City, '8I-'82; P. Glenfield and Long Island, Pa., '82-'84 ; P. E. Martin's Ferry, O., '84— ; married, April 8, 1875, Miss Eliza Ann Ben- nett. Woods, David Walker, Jr. — Born, Lewistown, Pa., December 28, 1860 ; W. & J. C, '82 ; Sem.,'82-'84 ; Princeton, '84-'85 ; lie. April 8,'84, Pres. Hunt- ingdon. West, Albert Marshall. — Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 24, 1859 ; W. U. P., '82 ; Sem., '82-85 ; lie. Feb. 10, '85, Pres. Pittsburgh. Young, Quillen Loyal. — Born, French Creek, W. Va., December 4, 1851 ; Mar. C, '79; Sem., '82-84; lie. April 27, '84, Pres. West Virginia ; ord. Oct. 5, '84, same Pres.; married, March 24, '85, Miss Ida L. Mann. 1883-1884. Aller, Absalom Toner. — Born, Carrollton, O., August 31, 1849; Wab. C, '75 ; Sem., '83-'86 ; lie. April 29, '85, Pres. Steubenville ; married, Nov. 12, '78, Miss Mary F. Butler. Anderson, J. Philander. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., March 13, 1856 ; W. & J. C, '83 ; Sem., '83-'85 ; lie. April 29, '85, Pres. Shenango. Boston, Samuel. L. — Born, near Mercer, Pa., November 8, 1859 ; W. U., '83 ; Sem., '83 — . Breckenridge, Walter Lowrie. — Born, Mercer Co., Pa., March 16, 1856 ; W. U., '83 ; Sem., '83-'86 ; lie. April 29, '85, Pres. Butler. Collins, David Ghormley. — Born, Huntsville, O., September 18, 1855; W. U., '83; Sem., '83-. Donehoo, George Patterson. — Born, Connellsville, Pa., December 21, 1862 ; W. U-. P., '83 ; Sem., '83- ; lie April 28, '85, Pres. Pittsburgh. Fish, Frank.— Born, Allegheny, Pa., April 8, 1862; W. U. Pa., '83 ; Sem., '83-; lie. April, 28, '85, Pres. Pittsburgh. Gray, Thomas Jefferson. — Born, Kirkersville, O., July 7, 1854; W. U., '83; Sem., '83-. Johnson, Hubert Rex. — Born, Jefferson Co., O., July 1, 1858; R. C; Sem., * '83- ; lie. April 29, '85, Pres. Steubenville. 174 GENEKAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Miller, John Hoffman. — Born, Harmony, Pa., September 5, 1856 ; A. C, '82; Sem., '83-; lie. '82, Pittsburgh Conf. M. E. Church. M. E. Church minister. MoRLEDGE, Howard Cassidy. — Born, Carroll Co., O., May 3, 1859 ; W. U., '83 ; Sera., '83— ; lie. April 29, '85, Pres. Steubenville. NoTESTEiN, William Lee. — Born, Canaan, O., April 15, 1859 ; W. U., '83 ; Sem., '83- Kestler, John Isaac Lewis. — Born, Westmoreland Co., Pa.; Ot. U., '79 ; U. B. Sem.; Sem., post grad., '83-84 ; lie. Aug., 22, '77, Conf. U. B. in Christ ; ord. Feb. 16, '79, same body; New Paris, Pa., '78-'79 ; Johnstown, '79-82 ; Greensburg, '82-83; Braddock, '83-; married, Feb. 27, '79, Miss Mary Sammis. Minister United Brethren in Christ Church. RiALE, Franklin Neiman. — Born, Tipton, Iowa, Feb. 23, 1859 ; W. U., '81 Sem., '83- Stevenson. William Patton. — Born, West Alexander, Pa., December 24, 1860 ; West. C, '82 ; Sem., '83-. Stiles, Henry Howard. — Born, Baltimore, Md., August 9, 1858 ; W. U., '83 ; Sem., '83—. Verner, Oliver Newton. — Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., August 7, 1856 ; W. U. P., '84 ; Sera., '83- ; lie. April 28, '85, Pres. Pittsburgh. VuLCHEFF, MiNDO George. — Born, Yambol, Eastern Roumelia (Thrace), May 18, 1864; N. J. C, '83; Sem., '83—; lie. April 28, '85, Pres. Pitts- burgh. Williams, Boyd F.— Born, Pennsylvania, March 4, 1861 ; W. U.; Sem., '83 — ; lie. April 29, '85, Pres. Butler. Wilson, Henry B. — Born, Walthoursville, Georgia, May 3, 1860; Lin. U., '83; Sem., '83—. 1884-1885. Ambrose, John C— Born, Armstrong Co., Pa., February 2, 1860 ; W. & J. C, '84; Sem., '84— . Anderson, Thomas Alexander.— Born, Claysville, Pa.,'September 10, 1860? ; W. & J. C, '82 ; Sem., '84-. Armstrong, Frank Elmer. — Born, West Alexander, Pa., December 24, 1862; W. & J. C, '84; Sem., '84-. Benham, De Witt Miles.— Born, Marysville, Cal., September 8, 1862; West. C, '80; Sem., '84-. 1827-1885.] GENERAL CATALOGUE. 175 Bente, Christopher H. — Born, New Greenville, O , July 4, 1858 ; Wa. C; Sem., '84—; lie. Oct. 5, 79, Pres. New Lebanon C. P. Church. Cumberland Presbyterian minister. Boone, William Judson. — Born, Washington Co., Pa., November 5, 1860 ; W. U., '84 ; Sem., '84-. Campbell, Howard Newton. — Born, Hancock Co., W- Va., November 8, 1859; L. C, '84; Sem., '84-. Caruthers, James Bruce. — Born, Leechburg, Pa., July 4, 1865; W. U., '84; Sem., 'S4-. Chalfant, Frank Herring. — Born, Mechanicsburg, Pa., May 29, 1862 ; L. C, '81 ; Sem., '84-. Collier, Francis Marion. — Born, Fayette Co., Pa., April 29, 1858 ; W. & J. C, '81; Sem., '84-. Eakin, John Anderson. — Born, Lawrence Co., Pa., February 28, 1854 ; W. & J. C. '79 ; Sem., '84.- Hamilton, William Beeson. — Born, Uniontown, Pa., September 10, 1864; W. & J. C, '83 ; Sem., '84-. Herron, Charles.— Born, Pittsburgh, Pa., June 29, 1863 ; W, U. P., '83 ; Sem., '84—. Hubbell, Earl B.— Born. Salem, O., November 10, 1864 ; Sem., '84 — . Irvine, James Elliott.— Born, Ickesburg, Pa., March 25, 1858 ; W. & J. C, '83 ; Sem., '84—. Jenkins, George Willard Washington. — Born, Frederick Co., Md., Jv.ly 26, 1855 : Sem., '84-'85 ; lie. '74, M. E. Ch.; ord. '78, same body ; S.S. Pitts- burgh ; married, '76, Miss T. F. M. Dixon. M. E. minister. Johnson, Columbus Oren. — Born, Wayne Co., O., October 17, 1855; W. U., '83 ; Sem., '84—. JuNKiN, Clarence Mateer. — Born, Grove City, Pa., August 26,1859; W. U., '84f; Sem., '84— . McAyeal, Howard Sharpe. — Born, Oskaloosa, Iowa, November 8, 1860 ; G. C, '83 ; Sem., '84—. McDowell, Edmund Wilson. — Born, Altoona, Pa., March 13, 1857 ; W. U., '84; Sem., '84. Means, Henry Fulton.— Born, Allegheny Co., Pa., September 20, 1856 ; W & J. C, '83 ; Sem.. '84— 176 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827-1885. Mechlin, John Caruthers. — Born, Dayton, Pa., May 15, 1859; W. & J. C, '83; Sem., '84-. EuTHERFORD, Matthew. — Born, Washington, England, December 22, 1858 ; W. &J. C, '84; Sem., '84—. Sangree, William. — Born, near Perrysville, Pa., July 29, 1857 ; West. C, '84 ; Sem., '84—. Sinclair, Brevard Davidson.— Born, Charlotte, N. C, October 31, 1859 ; attornevv at law, '76-84 ; Sem., '84 — . Smith, Robert Futhey.— Born, Belmont Co., O., Oct. 29, 1853 ; W. & J. C, '76 ; Sem., '84 — ; married, June 1, '82, Miss Eliza F. Porter. Wallace, William. — Born, Bogota, United States of Colombia, S. A., April 5, 1864 ; W. & J. C, '84 ; Sem., '84— 1885—1886. Boyle, William.— Born, Taylorsville, Ky., 1850 ; W. & L. U., Va., '74 ; Sem., '85—. Cotton, Jesse Lee.— Born, Pulaski, Pa., April 28, 1852 ; West. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. Criswell, Joseph White. — Born, Cambridge, Ohio, August 30, 1860 ; W. U., '85 ; Sem., '85—. Donaldson, Robert McMorran. — Born, Ossian, Ind., September 29, 1860 ; W. U., '85 ; Sem., '85—. DuNLAP, John Barr. — Born, New Alexandria, Pa., September 12, 1860 ; W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. Etterich, William Otto. — Born, Shaffhausen, Switzerland, March 25, 1865 ; W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. Farrand, Edwin Samuel. — Born, Garrard Co., Ky., January 9, 1861 ; C. C, Ky., '85 ; Sem., '85—. Fredericks, William James. — Born, Burgettstown, Pa., March 6, 1865; W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. GiLSON, Harry O.— Born, West Point, O., October 25, 1859; W. U., '85 ; Sem. '85—. Gordon, Edwin Warren. — Born, Lordstown, O., August 9,1854; Hiram C; Sem., '85—. Harrop, Ben.— Born, Staley Bridge, England, 1860 ; W. U., '85 ; Sem., '85—. 1827—1885.1 GENERAL CATALOGUE. 177 Haymaker, Edward Graham.— Born, Miirraysville, Pa., November 25, 1859 ; W. & J. C, Sem., '85—. Hunter, Joseph Lawrence.— Born, Beaver, Pa., June 9, 1864 ; Gen. C, '85 ; Sem., '85-. Johnston, Edgar Francis. — Born, New Jackson, O., January 19, 1859 ; Am. C, '85; Sem., "84— . Jones, U. S. Grant.— Born, Nexvark, O., June 16, 1864; W. U., '84; Sem., '85-. Kerns, Francis A. — Born, New Washington, Pa., March 27, 1860 ; W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85-. Kettler, Isaac Conrad. — Born, Northumberland, Pa., January 21, 1854; W. U., '84 ; Sem., '85-. Lbe, John Ll,oyd.— Born, Crestline, O.. July 3, 1859 ; W. U., '85 ; Sem., '85-. Lewis, Samuel Theodore. — Born, Locust Lane, Pa., July, 1860; W. & J. C, '85; Sem., '85-. Lyle, James B.— Born, Cross Creek, Pa.. July 6, 1860 ; W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. Marquis, John Abner. — Born, Burgettstown, Pa., December 27, 1861 ; W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85— Marshall, James Trimble. — Born, Saline, Mich., August 9, 1865 ; L. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. McCracken, Charles Raymond. — Born, Utica, Pa., April 18, 1861 ; W. U., '85 ; Sem., '85—. McKamey, John Andrew. — Born, McDonough Co., 111., February 21, 1858; Lin. U., 111., '82 ; Sem., '85— Montgomery, George William. — I^orn, Greenfield, Mo., August .30, 1858; Wa. C, '84; Sem., '85— . Phipps, Robert Jackson. — Born, Kennerdell, Pa., January 31, 1859; L. C, '83 ; Sem., '85-'86. Pickens, John Caldwell.— Born, Martin's Ferry, O., August 31, 1.S59 ; W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. Rose, James Gray. — Born, Grove City, December 24, 1858 ; Grove C. C.; Sem., '85—. Richards, Thomas Davis. — Born, Rising Sun, Md., August 29, 1857 ; W. U., '85 ; Sem., '85—. 12 178 GENERAL CATALOGUE. [1827—1885. Sawhill, Elden Oliphant. — Born, Clavsville, Pa., May 30, 1861 ; W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. Spriggs, James Donahoo. — Born, Washington, Pa., March 16, 1856 ; W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. Swan, T. W.— Born, Richmond, O., January 16, 1860; West. C.,' 84; Sem.; '85—. Van Eman, Robert Clarence. — Born, Grove City, Pa., July 13, 1857 ; M. W., '83 ; Sem., '85—. Vaughn, Bert Clifford. — Born, Rock Creek, O., March 19, 1862 ; Sem., '85—. Welsh, Warren Sedgwick. — Born, McConnell's Mills, Pa., March 26, 1864 W. & J. C, '85 ; Sem., '85—. K^pr^s^f|tatl0ri. COLLEGES, ETC. Jefferson Col lege 47 Washington College 197 Washington and Jefferson College 145 Total 812 Wooster University 49 Ohio University 19 Miami University 38 Western University, Pa 20 Westminster College 34 Franklin College 37 Lafayette College 38 New Jersey College 34 Otterbein University 16 Western Reserve College 7 Muskingum College 15 Allegheny College 10 Hanover College 15 Yale College 5 Other Institutions 380 DENOMINATIONS. Methodist Episcopal 9 Methodist Protestant 5 Baptist 10 Congregationalist 10 Protestant Episcopal 12 Lutheran 8 Cumberland Presbyterian 8 African Methodist Episcopal 21 Associate Presbyterian 3 United Presbyterian 3 Roman Catholic 2 United Breth ren 7 Disciples 2 Unitarian 1 Presbyterian 1430 Foreign Missionaries 78 TOTAL. Whole Number of Alumni 1565 Deceased 334 HKbr^niationa, Sto. A. C Allegheny College, Pa. Ad. C, Adrian College. Amh. C, Amherst College, Mass. Bait. C. C, Baltimore City College, Md. B. C, Belfast College, Ireland. Bel. C, Beloit College, Wis. Beth. C., Bethany College, Va. Bl. C, Bethel College. B. U., Brown University, R. I. Ca. C, Carroll College. Cassel, (Elec. Hesse,) Hanover. Col. C, Columbia College, N. Y. Com. C.,Comer'sCollege, Boston, Mass. Cor. U., Cornell University, N. Y. Dart. C, Dai-tmouth College. D. U., Dennison University, O. D. C, Dickinson College, Pa. Duq. C, Duqiiesne College, Pa. F. C., Franklin College, O. F. W. U., Florence West Union. F. W. L I., Fort Wayne Lutheran In- stitute. G. U. S., Glasgow University,Scotland. Ham. C, Hamilton College. H. C, Hanover College, Ind. H. S. C, Hampden Sidney College, Va. Heid. C, Heidelberg CoUge, O. Hi. U., Hiland University. lb. C, Iberia College, O. 111. C, Illinois College. 111. U. W., Illinois Western University. Ind. C, College of Indiana. Ind. U., Indiana University. J, C, Jefferson College, Pa. K. C, Kenyon College, O. Kn. C, Knox College, 111. L. C, Lafayette College, Pa. L. S. D. C, Law School, Dickinson College, Pa. Leb. V. C, Lebanon Valley College. Mad. C, Madison College, O. M. A., Martinsburg Academy, O. M. C, Marshall College, Pa. M. C. M., Marion College, Mo. M. C. O., Muskingum College, O. Mt. U. C, Mount Union College, O. M. U., Miami University, O. Mar. C., Marietta College, O. Mich. U., Michigan University. Agt., Agent. Chap., Chaplain. Colp., Colporteur. Com., Commission. Ed., Editor. Ev., Evangelist. For. miss.. Foreign missionary. H. R., Honorably Retired. Lie, Licensed. Miss., Missionary. Ord., Ordained. Mid. C, Middlebury College, Vt. Mon. C, Monmouth College, 111. N. H., Nassau Hall, N. J. N. Y. U.. New York University. Ob. C, Oberlin College, O. O. C, Oakland College, Miss. Og. LT., Oglethrope University, Ga. Ot. U., Otterbein LTniver.sity, O. O. U., Ohio University. O. W. U., Ohio Wesleyan University. Par. C, Parson's College, Iowa. P. C, Pennsylvania College. P.U.E., Pennsylvania University, Easton. P. E. C, Prince Edward College. Qu. C. B., Queen's College, Belfast, Ir'd. Ra. H. S., Racine High School. R. C, Richmond College, O. Roch. U., Rochester University, N. Y. Rut. C, Rutgers College, N. J. R. B., Reahchule, Breslau, Ger. S. S. A., vSouth Salem Academy, O. T. C, Trinity College, Conn. T. A., Tuscarora Academy, Pa. U. C, Union College, N. Y. U. P. C, United Presbyterian College, Prince Edward Island. U. L. G., University of Leipzic. Ger. U. M., University of Mississippi. U. Pac, University of Pacific. U. Va., LTniversity of Virginia. U. v., University of Vermont. V. Ins., Vermillion Institute, O. W. A. A., West Alexander Academy, Pa. W. C, Washington College, Pa. W. & J. C, Washington and Jefferson College. W. C. v., Washington College, Va. W. R. C, W^estern Reserve College, O. W. S- A., West Sunbury Academy, Pa. W. S., Wyoming Seminary, Pa. W. U. P., Western University, Pa. Wab. C, Wabash College, Ind. West. C, Westminster College, Pa. AVms. C, Williams College, Mass. Wa. C, Waynesburg College, Pa. Wit. C, Wittenburg College, O. Y. C, Yale College, Conn. L. R. S., Lytonic Rabbinical Seminary, Russia. P., Pastor. P. E., Pastor Elect. Prest., President of a College. Prin., Principal of an Academy. Prof., Professor. R. C, Roman Catholic. S. miss., Synodical missionary. Supt., Superintendent. S. S., Stated Supply. W. C, Without Charge. *, Deceased. INDEX. *Adair, Wm. A 20 *Adams, Wm. T 34 Adams, Bobert N 125 Agnew, B. L., D. D 69 Aiken, Wm 21 Akey, James P 71 Alcott, A. N 129 Alexander, Adolphus F 149 Alexander, Athelbert J 125 Alexander, Thomas B 134 ^Alexander, Wm. J 64 *Allen, Bela S 20 Allen, David D 169 Allen, F. M 146 Allen, John W., D. D 97 Allen, Perrv S 146 AUer, A. Toner 173 Allison, James, D. D 46 Allison, James W 79 Ambrose, J. C 174 Amrine, Alex. H 59 *Anderson, James 19 Anderson, Joseph M 162 Anderson, J. Philander 173 Anderson, Matthew L 97 Anderson, Bobert Elder 149 Anderson, Samuel Mc, D. D 54 Anderson, Thomas A 174 Anderson, Thomas B 129 Anderson, Wm Wylie 92 Andrews, J. Elbridge 138 *Annan, John E 71 Annan, Wm. Wirt 92 *Armstrong, Martin L 97 Armstrong, Bobert T., D. D 52 Armstrong, Thomas Chalmers 147 Armstrong, F. E 174 Arney, Wm. J 132 Arthur, Bichard 129 Asbury, Cornelius 134 Asbury, Dudley E 132 Asdale, Wilson 143 Atkinson, John S 104 Avery, B. N 52 Axtell, John S 137 Babcock, Orville 44 Bailey, M. C 150 Bain, Henry ; 120 Baker, A. G 134 Baker, Perrin 140 Bakewell, John 92 Banker, Wm. G 171 Barclay, Hugh A 84 Barber, J. Park 137 *Barber, Wm.H 104 *Barnes, W. Guthrie 114 Barnett, John M 62 Barr, Frank A 143 *Barr, John 46 Barr, J. Calvin 71 Barr, Lewis Wm 169 Barrett. John 97 Barron,' D. H., D. D 71 Barstow, Joseph D 97 Barton, Joseph Hughes 169 Bates, J. Haskins 62 Baugh, Walter Henry 162 Bausman, Joseph H 166 Beacom, John J., D. D 97 Beale, David J 104 Beall, Marion E., M. D 162 Bean, George W 137 Beatty, Samuel J 117 *Beatty, Wm. T., D. D 84 Beaver, Beuben 153 Beebe, Wm. C 146 Beer, Bobert 85 Beer, Tiiomas 18 *Beer, Thomas B 29 Beinhaur, John C 97 *Belden, Edward L 69 Belden, Luther M 104 Bell, Abram T 132 *Bell, Bobert 54 Benham, D. M 174 *Bennett, Isaac T 18 Bente, C. H 175 Billingsley, A. S 54 Bingham, Wm. B., D. D 46 Birch, George W. F., D. D 85 Birch, John M 143 Black, James, D. D 55 Black, John K 125 *BIack, Thomas 44 Black, Wm. Henry 150 Blackburn, John J 159 Blackburn, Moses T 36 Blackford, Alexander T 76 Blackford, John II 125 Blackford, Bobert A 105 *Blake, Edward S 29 182 INDEX. Blaney, Charles P 150 Blaney. Henry G 98 Blaney, John McCluskey. 97 Bliss, John C, D. D 85 Bosgs, J. M 171 *Boggs, Wilberforce K 104 Boice, Evan 120 Bolar, A. J 92 Bollman, S. P 57 Bollman, Wm. J 126 Bonar, Wm 34 Bonsall, A. Judson 166 Boone, W.J 175 Boston, S. L 173 *Bowers, Andrew 21 Boyce, Isaac 169 Boyd, A. Fulton 137 *Boyd, Andrew W 79 Boyd, James S 72 Boyd, John F 59 Bovd, Joseph Newton 156 Boyd, Wm. L 98 Boyle, B. Frank 134 Boyle, Wm 176 Bracken, Newton 32 Bracken, Theodore 146 *Braddock, Cyrus G 62 Braddock, Joseph S 41 Braddock, Wm. Paxton 171 Bradley, M. H 137 *Bradley, Wm 29 *Bratton, Wm. S 85 Brack, Robert L 46 Breckenridge, Walter L 173 *Bridells, Wm. J 117 Bridge, D.J 109 Britt, Frank P 146 *Bronson, J. H 153 *Brown, Alexander B., D. D 18 Brown, Alexander B 150 Brown, Christopher R 114 *Brown, David 109 Brown, David 126 Brown, Edward W 109 Brown, Faris 109 Brown, Henry J 132 *Brown, James C, D. D ' 28 Brown, John 53 Brown, Milton W 57 *Brown, Moses M 37 Brown, Robert M 118 *Brown, Samuel 55 *Brown, Thomas M 114 Brown, Wm. F 120 Brown, Wm. Henry 146 Brownlee, Alexander W 36 Brownson, James I., D. D 32 Brownson, Marcus A 159 Bruce, Charles H 159 Bruce, Jesse C 141 Bryan. Arthur V 159 Bryan, Edward 141 Buchanan, A. M 162 Buchanan, George D 153 Buchanan, Thomas N 146 *Buckingham, Ed., D. D 24 Burchfield, Wm. A 76 Burchinal, Wm. J 76 Burgett, J. R., D. D 76 *Burrow, Aaron A 72 Burton, Lewis, D. D 42 Burtt, Robert J 85 Cain, George F 98 *Cairns, George 53 Caldwell, Albert J 110 Caldwell, Ebenezer B 121 Caldwell, James 62 Caldwell, John C 110 Caldwell, John D 67 *Caldwell, John P 44 Caldwell, James Douglas 141 Caldwell, Milton Etsil 153 Caldwell, Stewart S 157 Caldwell, Thomas B 157 Caldwell, Wm. Elliott 162 *Calhoun, Adley 36 Calhoun, John A 114 Calhoun, John Y 53 Calhoun, Joseph Painter 157 Callan, James H., D. D 50 *Cameron, James 30 Campbell, Charles M 105 *Campbell, D. Elliott 50 *Campbell, David R 42 Campbell, Elgy V 110 Campbell, H. N 175 Campbell, John J ... 105 *Campbell, O.Jennings 37 Campbell, Richard M 114 Campbell, Samuel L 85 *Campbell, Thomas C 76 Campbell, Wm 64 Campbell, Wm. O., D. D 114 Campbell, Wm. W 76 Carlile, Allan Douglas 171 Carothers, James S 135 *Carothers, Robert 69 Carothers, Thomas A 19 (See Cai-utliers.) Carr, Wm B 135 Carr, Wm. T 105 Carson, C. F 159 Carson, David G 159 *Carson, James C 38 *Carson, John E 55 *Carson, Wm. P 55 Carter, Wm. J., M. D 132 *Carnthers, James E 80 Caruthers, James S 135 INDEX, 183 ■*Caruther8, John 30 Caruthers, James Bruce 175 Caruthers, Thomas A 19 *Cellars, Joseph V 126 Chalfant, Frank H 175 Chalfant. George W 98 Chalfant, Wm. P 169 ^Chambers, Joseph H 28 Chapin, M. E 153 *Cheek, Samuel B 45 Cheeseman, Charles P 166 Cheeseman, Joseph E 150 Chichester, Wm. J 126 *Clark, Albert B 34 Clark, James B 166 *Clark Joseph 55 Clark, R. Lorenzo 150 Clarke, John P 85 *Clarke, John H 67 ^Clarke, Robert A 105 *Cloud, John 20 Coan, F. G 171 Cochran, Wm. S. P 167 *Coe, Silas M 23 *Coflee, Addison 28 Coleman, Wm 98 Collier, F. M 175 Collins, David G 173 Colmery, David R 80 Coraingo, N. B. C 135 Complon, A. J., M. D 85 Compton, Elias 169 Condit, Ira M 77 Condit, John G S6 Conkling, N. W., D. D 86 *Conrad, Louis L 42 Cook, James A 143 Cooke, Silas 137 Coon, Samuel M 38 Cooper, Daniel W 80 Cooper, Henry 115 Cooper, John H 167 *Cooper, Samuel M 36 *Cope, Edward 24 Copeland, George G — Corbitt, Hunter 98 Cornelius, M. N 129 ^Cornyn, John K 39 Cotton, Jesse L 176 *Coulter, James 36 *Coulter, .James W 22 Coulter, Jonathan R 62 *Coutts, Jacob 62 Cowan, Alexander 92 Craig, J. E 137 *Craig, James F 69 Craig, Wm. B 67 Craighead, Richard 30 *Crabb, John M 30 Crabbs, Wm. R 159 *Crane, N. M 24 Crawford, F. S 154 Creath, John 120 Creighton, A. E 154 Crist, Asahel C 135 Crissraan, George T 98 Crissman, Samuel M 105 Crissweli, Joseph W 176 *Critchlow, B. C, D. D 24 Grosser, John R 172 Grouse, N. P 154 Crowl, Theodore 132 Culbertson, Wm. F 67 *Cummings, D. H 34 Curamings, Philander J 115 *Cummings, Wm. H 115 *Cummins, David H 34 *Cunningham, Alexander 38 Cunningham, David A., D. D 69 Cunningham, Robert H 118 *Cunningham, Wm 72 Dagnault, Pierre S. C 105 *Dannels Ellis W 69 Danley, P. R 150 Danley, Warren S 141 Davies, Enoch 1 147 Davis, David S 105 Davis, Henry 39 Davis, James 26 Davis, James Smith 105 Davis, John 47 Davis, R. M 147 Davis, Samuel M., D. D 123 Davis, Wm HO Day, Alanson R 92 Dav, E. Willis 162 Day, Wm. Henry 163 Deffenbaugh, George L 154 DeLong, D. D., D. D 137 Dennv, Harmar 72 *Dewing, J. R HO Devor, Wm. Mackey 169 Dickev, David S HO Dickey, John B 86 Dickey, Joseph S 35 Dickev, S. L 132 Dickinson, E. H 157 Dickson, John E 105 Dickson, Wm., D. D 86 Dilworth, Albert 98 Dinsmore, A. A 99 Dinsmore, James H 36 Dinsmore, James M 150 Dinsmore, John M 47 Dinsmore, John W., D. D 92 *Dinsmore, Robert S 50 *Dixon, John E 105 Dobbins, Hugh H 86 Dodd, Cyrus M 86 184 INDEX Dodd, Keuel 123 Dodder, Edward L 64 Dodge, Henry A 135 Donahey, Martin L 132 Donahey, Joseph A 138 Donehoo, E. E 92 Donehoo, George P 173 Donaldson, Alexander, D. D 32 *Donaldson, Alexander H 154 Donaldson, John B 147 Donaldson, John 37 ^Donaldson, James Henry 99 Donaldson, Newton ". 167 Donaldson, Kobert M 176 Donaldson, Wilson Egbert 163 Donaldson, Wilson M 42 Dool, VVm. S 50 Douglass, Wm 132 Downs, C. B 80 Duff, A. James 157 Duff, Joseph M , 143 *Duncan, Geo. A 163 *Duncan, John E 55 Duncan, Thomas D 135 Dnnlap, Cyrus H 106 Dunlap, John Barr 176 Dunlap, Eugene P 138 *Dunlap, Silas G 80 Eagleson, A. G 129 *Eagleson, John, D. D 22 Eagleson, Wm. S 99 Eakin, John A I75 Ealy, Taylor F 132 Earsman, Hugh F 172 Eaton S. J. M^, D, D 50 *Eaton, William 35 Eaton, William M 141 Eckles, Mervin J 163 *Edgar, Moorhead 106 *Edgar, William. 45 Edgarton, John M 77 Edwards, Charles E 169 Edwards, Chauncey T 169 Eggert, John E....". 157 Elder, James S 72 *Elder, Thomas E 69 Elder, Joshua 38 Elliott, A. Stewart 162 Elliott, Frances M 123 Elliott, George 50 Elliott, John ' 57 *Elliott, J. Woods 47 Elliott, John Wm 169 Elliott, Orren A 126 *Elliott, E. Sample 42 Elliott, Samuel E 143 Elliott, Samuel W 126 *Ellis, Darius H 99 Ely, J. Calvin 147 Ely, Eobert W 172 Ely, Taylor Filmore 132 Etterick, Wm. 176 Evans, Daniel H 92 *Evans, Eichard J 80 Evans, Wm. M 163 *Ewing, Alexander 28 Evving, John, D. D 86 Ewing, James A 72 Ewing, J. C. E 154 Ewing, Thos. Davis, D. D 110 Ewing, Thompson E 121 Ewing, Wm., Ph. D 42 *Ewing, Wm Fl 138 Fairfax, Isaac 141 Falconer, Wm. C, D. D 106 Faris, John M 32 *Faris, Wm. B 86 Farrand, Edward S 176 Farrand, Fontaine E 167 Farrar, Eobert B 92 Ferguson, H. C 172 Ferguson, Thos. Jas 150 Ferguson, Wm. A HO Fields, S. G. A 143 Fife, N. H.G 99 Fiison, W. H 130 *Finley, C. W 67 *Finley, Eobert M 22 Fish, Frank 173 Fisher, D. W., D. D ' 80 Fisher, George W 86 •Fisher, Jesse E 123 Fisher, San ford G 126 Fitzgerald, J. D 80 Flanagan, J. H 69 Fleming, D. B 129 Fleming, Joseph H 126 Fleming, James S 154 Fleming, James 30 Fleming, S B 138 Fleming, Wm. A 55 Forbes, H. W 64 Forbes, Samuel 115 Forster, Thomas 30 Forsyth, Clarence J 169 '■ Forsy the, McNary 130 Foster, Alex. S..... 110 *Foulke, II. C 106 Fox, John P 93 Foy, John 124 Fracker, Geo. H 167 Francis, David 72 Francis, John Junkin 124 Eraser, Chas. M 160 Fredericks, Jas. T 72 Fredericks, Wm. J 176 Freeman, John W 172 *French, Charles P 81 INDEX, 185 Fry, Henry B., D. D 64 Fnllerton, Geo. H., D. D 87 *Fullerton, James S 47 *Fiil]ertoii, Eobert S 55 Fulton, Henry 93 Fulton, Eobert H 130 Fulton, Eobert Henry 147 Fulton, James P ' 50 Fulton, John W 157 *Fulton, Wm. E 42 Fulton, Wm. S 141 Funk, A. L 170 Funkhauser, G. L., D. D 129 *Gage, A. F 106 Galley, E. E I35 Galbraith, John M 138 *Gallatin, James 39 Gait, Thomas 22 Garver, Jas. Clayton 167 Garroway, W. T 167 Gaston, Wm 87 Gault, Wm. C ...........! 160 Geary, Edward E., D. D 26 Geary, John M 59 Geckler, George 99 George, Samuel C 87 Gibbons, H. O., D. D ."..'.' 135 Gibson, Joseph T 132 Gibson, Wm. Francis 147 Gibson, Wm. N 93 Gibson, Wm. Tate ; 135 GifJen, John Ill Gillespie, John, D. D Ill Gill, Wm. H '. 121 Gillam, Jer. C 77 Gilmore, John M II4 Gilson, Sam'l Smith 121 Gilson, Harry 176 *Glenn, Eobert ..." 16 Glenn, Sam'l M II9 *Gob]e, Gershom 55 Gonzales, Benj 36 Goettman, John G 115 Good, Adolphus C 165 Gordon, Edward W 173 *Gordon, George 26 *Gordon, Joseph 34 Gordon, Seth Eeed [ 158 *Gordon, Thomas P., D. D 20 Gosweiler, A. V. H., M. D 136 Gould, Calvin C 98 *Gould, Joseph D 29 Gourley, John 146 Gourley, John C 147 Graham, George 74 Graham, G. H. 72 Graham, John B 22 Graham, John Joseph 140 Graham, Loyal Young 87 Graham, Samuel 99 Graham, Thomus L 130 Granger, Wm. E 163 Grant, Henry A 154 *Graves, Levi M 30 Gray, James H 93 Gray, Thomas J 173 *Gray, Wm 22 Gray, Wm. S 87 Graybeill, John. H 144 *Green, David D 77 Green, Wm. L 47 Greenlee, Thos. B 16S Greenough, Wm 81 Gregg, A. J 172 Grier, John B 124 Grier, Laverty 53 Grimes, J. S., D. D ." 57 Grimes, Wm. M., D. D 56 Grove, Thomas A 60 Guthrie, Hugh W 64 Hackett, George S 163 Hail, John Baxter 141 Haines, Alfred W 70 *Hair, Samuel.. 23 Hair, S. G 81 Hall, David, D. D 62 *Hall, Samuel B 45 *Hall, Wm.M ■■■ 23 *Hamilton, Alfred, D. D 18 Hamilton, James Franklin 141 Hamilton, Jesse W 73 *Hamilton John E 73 Hamilton, Milton J 124 Hamilton, Wm 26 Hamilton, Wm. Beeson 175 Hamilton, Wm. F., D. D 51 *Hanmer, Henry 35 Hanna, James W 62 Hanna, Joseph A 58 *Hanna, Samuel 3<) Hanson, Hezekiah 53 Happer, Andrew P., D. D 38 Harbolt, John H 118 Harmer, Jacob P 73 Harshe, Wm. P 40 Harris, John Hughes 73 Harrop, Ben 176 Hart, Joshua 45 Hartzell, Wm. H 138 *Haselton, W. A II5 *Hawes, Lowman "45 Hawk, James H 138 Hawk, J.J 132 Hay, Lewis 147 Haymaker, Edward G 177 Hays, Calvin C 170 Hays, George P., D. D 87 Hays, George S 172 186 INDEX *Hays, Henderson 106 Hays, Isaac N., D. D 53 Hays, J. Smith, D. D 60 Hays, Robert, D. D 53 Hays, Watson M 164 Hays, Wm. Mc 163 Hazlett, Dilwyn M 142 *Hazlett, George M 30 *Hazlett, John W 40 Hazlett, Silas 56 Hazlett, Wm. John 167 Heagan, J. W 81 Heany, Ezra S 127 Hearst, John P 164 Helm, J. S 160 Hench, John C 115 *Henderson, James S 40 *Henderson, Samuel M 99 Henderson, Samuel T 150 Hendren, W. T 106 *Henry, Ebenezer 40 Herries, A.J 170 Herriott, C. C 144 Herron, Charles 175 *Herron, Robert, D. D 47 Hershey, A. M 30 Hervey", Dwight B 93 *Hervey, Henry M 99 *Hervey McKinley 60 *Heyer, C. F 35 Hickling, James 160 Hickling, Thomas 157 Hill, George, D. D 32 Hill, Charles Ill Hill, John F 77 Hill, Robert W 100 Hill, Winfield E 121 Hills, Oscar A., D. D 93 Hillis, Wm. H 121 Hippard, S. M 118 Hoey, Newton S 167 Holcomb, J. F 87 Holliday, John C 151 Holliday, Samuel H 87 *Holmes, George B 42 Hooper, W. A 88 Hopkins, John T 170 Hornblower, W. B 141 Hough, Abia A 121 Houston, J. T 138 ^Howard, S. K 154 Howey, John D 77 Howey, Robert H 138 Hubbell, E. B 175 Hughes, James R 47 Hughes, John Watson 77 Hughes, Samuel A 88 Hume, Robert 77 Hull, J. J 133 Humphrey, G. H 133 Hunt, Wm. E 67 Hunter, Alex. S 167 Hunter, Cyrus J., D. D 106 Hunter, James H 100 Hunter, Joseph L 177 Hunter, Robert A 167 Hunter, Rice Vernon 164 Hunter, S. A. Douglass 144 *Hunter, Wm 40 Hunter, Wm. Heard 147 *Huston, C. DeWitt .' 93 Hutchins, John 144 *Hutchinson, Wm 26 Hyde, E. Fletcher 139 Hyde, Wesley M 147 Irvine, James E 175 Irwin, A. F 148 Irwin, David C 51 Irwin, D. Johnston, D. D 88 Irwin, James P 118 Irwin, John Coleman 157 Irwin, John C 73 Irwin, Robert, D. D 73 ''^Jackson, George AV 93 Jackson, Richard H 81 Jacob, P. H 45 *Jeffery, W. A 88 Jeffries, C. Delano 151 Jelly, Alexander M., D. D 88 Jenkins, G. W. W 175 Jennings, Philip S 121 *Jewett, Sylvanus 35 de Jesi, L. M 148 *Johnson, Albert 64 Johnson, Columbus 175 Johnson, Henry C 121 Johnson, Herbert Rex 173 Johnson, Neill D 168 Johnson, Samuel L 127 Johnson, Silas 51 Johnson, Thomas R Ill Johnston, Charles H 164 Johnston, D. O'Neal..... 106 Johnston, Edgar Francis 177 Johnston, George N 88 *Johnston, Mervin E 47 *Johnston, J. Watson 21 *Johnston, Robert 47 Johnston, Thomas P 48 Johnston, Thomar Ray Ill Johnston, Wm. F., D. D 81 Jolly, Austin H 157 *Jones, Addison v 88 Jones, James Alfred 127 Jones, Benjamin T HI Jones, E. R 142 Jones, John Molton 67 INDEX. 187 Jones, J. Fred 115 Jones, S. T 106 Jones, Thomas R 121 Jones, U. S. Grant 177 *Jordan, John J 115 Junkin, B. Oliver 73 Junkin, Clarence M 175 *Kean, John F 45 Kean, Wm. F 48 *Keating, Thomas 1 26 ^Reeling, Wm. B 73 Kellogg, Robert 139 Kelly. Joseph Clark 106 Kelly, James Manton 164 Kellv. N. B 170 Kelsey, Joel S 139 Xelso, Alexander P 124 Kemerer, D. M Ill Kennedy, John B 45 Kennedy, John P 70 *Kennedy, Robert P 81 *Kennedy, Thomas 58 Kerlinger, Cyrus C 155 Kerns, Francis A 177 Kerr, Aaron H 42 Kerr, Boyd M 88 Kerr, David R 144 Kerr, Grier M 130 *Kerr, James 24 Kerr, James Dinsmore 107 Kerr, J. Horner 133 Kerr, John 26 Kerr. John Henry 160 Kerr, Joseph 21 Kerr, Samuel Carrick 118 Kerr, Thomas 70 *Kerr, Thomas W 32 Kerr, Wm. A. C 118 Kettler, Isaac C 177 Kier, Wm 77 Kinkead, J. J 107 *Kinkead, Moses S. C 115 *Kinkead, Samuel P 81 King, Courtlen 81 King, Joseph 121 King, Obadiah J 51 Kirkwood. Wm. R., D. D 94 Knight, Hervev B 118 *Knight, Moses G 40 Knight, Wm. S Ill Knipe, S. W 127 *Knott, James W 28 *Knox, John 24 Kohr, Thomas H 148 Kreusch, J. C 151 Kuhn, L.J 172 Kiihn, Wm. C 107 Kumler, F. M 158 Kyle, James Henderson 164 Kyle, John Merrill 160 Laird, Thomas R 116 Lambe, Henry B 88 Landis, J. P., D. D 130 Lane, John Jay 48 Langfitt, O. T 164 *Lanius, J. W 64 *Lapslev, James E 116 *Large,"J. K 70 Larimore, J. K 127' Laughlin, C. E 164 Launitz, John 82 Laverty, D. H 100 Laverty, L. Finley 170 Lawrence, Alonzo W 151 Lawson, Orr, D. D 77 Lea, Richard, S. T. D 23 Leason, Thomas S 45 Leavitt, E. H 65 Leclere, George F 148 Lee, CharlesH 82 Lee, John Loyd 177 *Leftwich, P. A 160 Lehman, Adolph 158 Lehman, C. K 133 Leonard, A. L 31 Lewis, David 164 Lewis, Edward P 107 Lewis, Leander M 164 Lewis, Reuben 27 Lewis, Samuel T 177 Lewis, Thomas Reed 164 Leyda, James E 148 Leyenberger, J. A :•• 107 Linn, Alonzo 62 Linn, Samuel P HI *Lippert, Henry E 89 Little, L. C 118 Little, John W 133 Littlefield, Ozias 28 Livingston, W. S 60 Lloyd, Wm. A 100 Logan, Thomas D 139 *Logan. David Swift 82 Love, R. Buell 160 *Lowary, D. P 100 Lowe, C. M 170 Lowe, E. A 172 Lowe, Edson A 172 Lowes, Abram B 100 Lowrie, John C, D. D 19 Lowrie, Newell S 89 Lowri-, Samuel T., D. D 65 Lowry, H. W 165 Lowry, Walter S 155 Luccock, G. N 160 Lucky, George J 107 Lupton, Jonas W 100 Luther, B. D 148 Luty, Adolphus E 124 188 INDEX Lutz, John S Ill *Lyle, J. G 135 Ly le, James B . . 177 Lyle, James Prestly 165 Lynn, Francis 82 Lyon, DaviH N 124 Lyon, James H 107 Lyons, D. W 53 Lyons, George W 158 *Lyons, John 56 *Lyons, N. B 67 Lyons, Walter L 65 Mackey, W. A 144 MacCauley, Clay 119 Maclay, C. B., M. D 43 Madden, S. W 94 *Magill. Charles B 89 Magill, Hezikiah 118 Magill, John F., D. D 94 Magill, Thomas F 25 Marcellus, Algernon 127 March, Alfred 142 March, Wra. G 60 Marks, James J 22 Marks, Samuel Ferree 165 Marquis, David C, D. D 101 *Marquis James E 48 Marquis, John S 62 Marquis, John 48 Marquis, John Abner 177 Marquis, R. Ruthven 168 *Marqui8, Robert W 58 Marshall, Alexander S 67 Marshall, James H 94 Marshall, J. A 89 Marshall, James T 177 ^Marshall, S. P 37 Marshall, Wm. K 23 *Marshall, Wra. R., D. D 78 Marshman, D. M 170 Martin, Samuel A 155 Mason, James D 35 *Mason, Wm. C 48 Matchett, Alexander 94 Mateer, C. W 89 *Mateer, Joseph, D. D 65 Mateer, W. Newton 161 Maxwell, Alexander B 58 Maxwell, James M 100 Mayo, Benjamin E 94 Mays, Dallas V '. 130 *McAbov, Leland R., D. D 24 *McAboy, P. L 22 McAyeal, Howard S 175 *McCandlass, Alexander 21 *McCandlish, Wm 27 McCarrell, J. J 139 ! McCarrell, T. C 158 | McCarrell, Wm. A 130 *McCarter, David 23 McCarthy, Wm. B 168 *McCartney, John Y 74 *McCartney, Wm. D 25 McCaslin, Robert 139 McCaughey, Wm. H 148 McCauley, Clay 119- McCauley, James M 139 *McClean, James 28 ^McClelland, A. C 40 McClelland, Charles S 158 McClelland, Henry T 151 McClelland, Raymond G 160 McClelland, Samuel B 165 McClelland, Thomas J 133 McCIintock, John 33 McClnitock, J. Calvin 112 McClure, S. T 112 McCluskey, James W 56 McComb, J. Mason 161 *McCombs, Wm 25 McCombs, John C 94 *McConaughey, John M 37 McConkey, Wm. J 119 McConnell, Alexander S 116 McCiinnell, Samuel D 133 McCook, Henry C, D. D 101 *McCormick, Wm 23 McCoy, John N 151 McCracken, John C 151 McCracken, Charles Raymond 177 McCrae, Wm. E 136 *McCready W. E 58 *McCu Hough, Robert 60 *McCullough, Wm 58 McCune, C. E 172 McCune, R. Lewis 65 *McCune, John W 58 McCurdy, S. O. B 130 McCurdy, Thomas A., D. D 112 McDonald, D. K 25 McDonald, Henry R 139 McDonald, N. A., D. D 82 McDowell, E. W 175 McElhenny, C. S 170 McElhenny, John J 89 *xMcElravy, J. W 60 McElroy, J. C 124 McElwain, Andrew 45 McFarland, D. F 58 McFarland, G. M 121 *McFarland, John 43 McFarland, Samuel G 82 McFarland, Wm. Harvey 144 McFetridge, N. S-, D. D 119 *McGill, Charles B 89 *McGill, Thomas F 25 McGogney, A. Z 151 ^McGookin, Wm 27 McGregor, J. W 68 INDEX. 189 McGonigle, John N 139 ^Mclntire, James A 70 *McJunkin, A. M 18 McJiinkin, James M 155 McKaig, Clement V., D. D 33 McKallip, J. K 130 McKamv, John A 177 *McKay, Wm 60 *McKean, James W 94 McKean, John 74 *McKee, Joseph B 25 McKee, Samuel V 89 McKee, Wm. B 74 McKibben, Wm 136 McKinley, E. G 133 McKinley, Russell A 144 *McKinney, I. N 78 McKinney, Wm. H 122 McKinney, Wm. Wilson 89 McLain, J. E 151 *McLain, John 58 *McLain, Wm. W 32 McLane, Wm. W 142 McLaren, Wm. E., D. D 82 McLean, James 139 McMahan, Robert T 101 McMartin, J. A 124 McMichael, Wm 39 *McMillan, John. D. D 78 *McMillan, Milton 94 *McMillan, Robert 74 McNeil, B. F 142 McNnlty, R. R. M 127 McPherrin, Josiah 116 McPherson, Robert 43 McQuown, J. R 161 McVitty,|Isaac W 136 Mealy, John M 119 Mealy, Anthony A 158 Means, Henrv F 175 Mechlin, Geo'rge W., D. D 70 Mechlin, John C 176 Mechlin, Lycurgus 148 *Melvin, James W 101 Mendenhall, H. G 139 Menaul, James A 142 Mercer, J. Moore 151 ■■Merrill, Richard 56 Michael. Alonzo 145 Milford, Thomas J., D. D 122 Milholland, Alexanders 101 *Miller, A. C 33 Miller, David M 94 Miller, George M 101 Miller. James W., D. D 40 Miller, John H 174 Miller, Jonathan W 168 ^Miller, Matthew R., D.D 38 Miller, Nelson 11 140 Miller, Obadiah H 43 Miller, Robert T 101 Miller, Samuel W., D. D 107 Miller, Wm. S 151 Milligan, James V 155 Milligan, Thomas V., D. D 94 Mills, Wm. J 119 Minton, Henry C 165 Miron, Francis H 133 Mitchell, Robert 68 *Mitchell, Thomas H., M. D 31 Moflatt, Francis 1 82 *Moftatt, John 51 Mofiatt, Wm. James 83 Monod, Theodore 90 *Montfort, C. V 107 *Montelius, W. P 119 *Montgomery, A.J 145 ■^Montgomery, Beriah C 133 Montgomery, George Wm 177 *Montgomery, James 35 Montgomery, Joseph H 1 24 *Moody, Samuel 21 *Moore, Franklin, D. D 43 Moore, John, D. D 43 Moore, John M 119 Moore, Joseph Paden 56 Moore, Richard C 101 Moore, Richard J 95 Moore, Robert Braden, D.D 83 Moore, Robert Ralston 74 Moore, Wm. D 39 Moore, Wm. Porter 74 Moore, Wm. Reed 130 Moorhead, James D 112 Moorhead, W^m. W 102 *Morgan, Pollard Mc 74 *Morgan, Wm. F 63 Morledge, H. C 174 Morris, J. M 172 Morris, J. T 152 *Morrison, A. F 116 Morrow, Nicholas V 78 *Morrow, Richard H 65 Morton, George 39 *Morton, Robert S 48 Morton, Joseph W 39 Morton, Samuel M 122 Morton, W. W 142 *Motzer, Daniel 49 Mowry, P. H., D. D 90 Mnnn, Charles A 60 *Murrav, A. D 158 * Murray, John W 29 Murray, Joseph A., D. D 33 Murray, S. Reese 145 Muse, Eben 112 Myers, B. F 78 *Neel, John J 51 Neely. W. C 83 190 INDEX. Neese, Wm. D 152 Nelson, Emory A 165 Nesbit, David K 127 Nesbit, J.H 90 Nesbit, James Harvey 148 Nevin, Alfred, D. D.". 31 Nevin, Daniel E 25 Nevin, Edwin H., D. D 25 Newell, David A 134 *NeweIl, George B 68 Newell, Hiiey 51 Newell, James M 122 *Newell, Thomas M 31 Newton, Charles B 119 Newton, Edward P 136 Newton, Francis J 127 Newton, John, D. D 22 Newton, John 116 Niccolls, Samuel J., D. D 83 Noble, W. B., D.D 116 Noyes, Henry V 112 Notestine, W. L 174 *Nugent, Edwin R 107 Ogden, Ephraim 45 Oiler, Wm. E 152 *01mstead, L. G., L. L. D 27 Orr, Franklin 61 *Orr, Robert W 25 Orr, Thomas X 102 *Orr, Wm 22 Owens, John Dyer 148 Oxtoby, John T 119 Paden, R. A 165 Paine, David B 102 Paisley, George M 148 Palm, Wm. 1 170' *Palraer, James C 149 Park, W.H 136 Park, Wm. J 112 Parks, Hugh W 122 Parkinson, M. A 51 Patterson, D. H 152 Patterson, James B 90 Patterson, James G 122 Patterson, James L 46 Patterson, James M 172 Patterson, James T 112 Patterson, John Fulton 165 Patterson, Reuben F 102 Patterson, Samuel 68 *Patterson, Wm. D 74 *Patton, David 102 Patton, Franklin, D. D 54 Patton, Wm.A 120 Patton, Wm D 95 *Paull, Alfred 37 *Paull. George 95 Pawling, Wm. H 49 Paxton, John R, D. D 124 Paxton, James Wilson 63 Paynter, H. M 53 *Peairs, B. F 108 Peairs, Henry R 78 Peck, Elias S 35 Peepels, Henry Clay 170 Peirce, David A 142 Pentzer, Jacob 33 Peoples, Samuel C 161 Pickens, John C 178 Pettigrew, Samuel, M. D 33 Phelps, Stephen, D. D 95 Phillis, T. W 152 Phipps, Robert J 177 Pinkerton, John A 70 Piper, O. P 131 Plumer, John S 152 Pollock, A. D 19 Pollock, Garnet A 90 Pollock, George W... 161 Pollock, John Henry 152 Pollock, Wm. Gilmore 161 Pomeroy, Joseph S 2 *Porter, George G 21 Porter, John W 61 Porter, Thomas J 170 Posey, David R., M. D 70 Potter, Gilbert M 95 Potter, Henry N 112 Potter, James H 65 *Potter, John Wilmot 95 Powelson, B. F 102 *Power, F. H 68 Preston, Thomas L., D. D 95 Price, Benj. M 152 *Price, M. Branch , 43 Price, Robert T 108 Price, Wm. H 95 *Pringle, Henry C 119 Pringle, J. V 108 Pringle, Samuel W 149 Rabe, Wm. L., M. D 113 *Ralston, James 23 Ralston, Joseph H 155 Ramsay, Francis Asbury 158 Ramsay, J. Smith 108 *Ramsay, Samuel 83 Rea, John 122 *Reece, Patterson 40 *Reed, Alexander, D.D 68 Reed, Alvin M 142 Reed, Carson 113 Reed, David C 46 Reed, Hugh 52 Reed, James 120 INDEX, 191 Reed, James A., D. D 78 *Reed, James H 58 Heed, James Stuart ]13 Reed, James Linn 136 Reed, John Brice 102 *Reed, Joseph 18 *Reed, Wm 19 Reed, Wm 37 Reese, James W 152 Reid, Alexander M., Ph. D 61 *Reid, James Marion 113 Reid, Samuel 1 40 Restler, J. I. L 174 Reynolds, W. R 168 Riall, F. N 174 Rice, George S 60 Richards, John 122 Richards, Thomas D 177 *Richardson, D. K 108 Riddle, David H 128 Riddle, James P 33 Riddle, Matthew B., D. D 68 Riggle, George W 120 *Riggs, Cyrus C, D. D 31 *Riggs, Stephen R., D. D 29 Risher, Levi 95 Ritchie, James A 145 Ritchie, John H 122 Robe, Robert 56 Roberts, James M 122 Roberts, Thomas 113 Robertson, Alexander T 158 Robertson, Alexander Waters 168 ■'^Robinson, David 33 *Robinson, David G 128 Robinson, Edgar Sutton 155 Robinson, John, D. D 34 Robinson, John M 142 *Robinson, Nelson C 43 Robinson, Thomas Alexander 136 Robinson, Thomas H., D. D 63 Robinson, Wm. Harvey 161 Robinson, Wm. M 39 Rockwell, Abner 44 Rogers, D. B 140 Rose, James Gray 177 Rosborough, H. 61 Roth, Henry W., D. D 113 Roudebush, G. S., D, D 78 Rowe, John 44 *Rubinkam, H. W 128 Ruble, Jacob 155 Russell, John E 161 *Russell, Moses 36 Rutherford, Matthew 176 Rutter, Lindsey C 128 Sample, R.F., D. D 61 Sampson, George C 149 Sampson, J. P 131 Sanders, D.J 140 Sangree, Wm 176 Satterfield, D. J 136 *Satterfield, Mead 54 Savage, Edward 128 Sawhill, B.F 23 Sawhil), Elden 177 Sawhill, Thomas A 152 Schereschewsky, S. I. J 74 *Schwefel, Ernest 128 Schneider, F. J. C 90 Schofield, Levi M 113 *Scott, George 79- Scott, George K 75 Scott, George R. W 116 *Scott, Hamilton 56 *Scott, James H 27 Scott. Winfield C 155 Semple, Philo M 34 Shadrick, Wm., D. D 27 *Shand, Wm. G 63 Shanks, James D 131 Sharpe, John H., D.D 116 *Sharpe, Samuel M 7& Shaiffer, George W 46 *Shai9er, James H 54 Shaver, Thomas A 131 *Shaw, James, D.D 27 Shearer, Frederick A., D.D 31 Sheeley, Homer 145 Sheeley, Virgil G 117 Sheerer, James C 165 Shepard, Simon P 172 Sherrard, John H 90 Shields, James H 134 Shields, James M 66 *Shoemaker, R. B 96 Shotwell, Nathan 25 *Shriver, John C 96 Shriver, Samuel S 102 Shrom, Wm. P 131 *Sibbett, Wm. R 96 Simpson, J. A. E 75 Simpson, John W 152 '^Sinclair, Alexander 71 Sinclair, Brevard D 176 *Sinclair, James Hall 70 Skinner, Enoch W 44 Slagle, Bernard W 75 Sloan, B. Shields 108 Sloan, David H 102 Sloan, George W 75 Sloan, Wm. Niccolls 136 Smith, Alexander E 117 Smith, Benjamin 49 Smith, David 56 *Smith D. Fitch 61 Smith, George B 131 Smith, George Gardiner 125 Smith, Henry M., D.D 63 192 INDEX. *Smith. Hiram N 61 *Smith, James M 29 Smith, James Mease 145 *Smith, James H 108 Smith, James I., D.D 63 Smith, James P 75 *Smith, James R 49 Smith, J. A. Livingston 155 Smith, John Buck 90 *Smith, John McNultv 31 Smith, John M ' 79 Smith, Joseph Norris 103 Smith, Nelson H 91 *Smith, Thomas T 37 Smitli, Robert F 176 Smith, R. Leard 161 Smith, VVm. Henry lOS Smyth, G. H 113 Smoyer, Charles K 131 Snodgrass, H. S 123 Snook, E. M 173 Snowden, James H 152 *Spargrove, G. M 75 *Sparks, S. M 34 Speer, Wm., D.D 44 Spriggs, James D 178 ■*Staicos, Nestor A 75 *Steel, John 41 *St_eel, Thomas C 117 Steiner, John G 158 Stevens, Laurence M 83 Stevenson, James B 109 Stevenson, Joseph H 108 ^Stevenson, J. Edgar 41 Stevenson, Ross, D.D 38 Stevenson, Samuel B 136 *Stevenson, Thomas 41 *Stevenson, Wra. L 128 Stevenson, W. Patton 174 *Stewart, Alexander M., D.D 41 Stewart, David Harold 165 Stewart, David J 143 *Stewart, Ethan A 31 Stewart, John B 56 Stewart, Orlando Vance 153 Stewart, Robert Laird 125 Stewart, R. L 125 Stewart, Robert C 91 Stewart, T.Calvin 117 Stewart, Thomas Dickson 145 Stewart, Wm. B., D.D 46 Stewart, Wm. Grove 131 Stiles, H. Howard.., 174 Stites, Winfield S 136 *Stitt, James M 159 Stockton, J. Rea 140 Stockton, J. P. P 83 Stockton, John Vance 143 ^Stockton, Wm. A. F 103 Stonecipher, J. F 149 Stoops, Philip D 161 Stophlet, S. W 165 Street, David 143 Street, Samuel T 145 *Stuchell, Joseph S 96 Sutton, Robert 103 Swan, Benjamin C 54 Swan, T. W 178 Swan, Wm. L 159 Swift, Edward P 83 Swift, Elisha Elliot 44 Symington, Charles ; 145 *Taggart, David 38 Tanner, B.T., D.D 84 Tappan, David S 120 Taylor, Augustus 91 *Taylor, Robert 103 *Taylor, Thomas J 66 Taylor, William G., D.D 52 Taylor, William M 91 Taylor, Zachary B 168 *Templeton, Milo 44 *Templeton, Joseph 29 *Templeton, Samuel M 36 *Templeton. Samuel S 34 Templeton, W. R 140 Thayer, Henry E 168 Thomas, Benjamin , 117 Thomas, Isaac N.... 153 Thomas, T. Bennett 149 Thomas Wm. H 123 ■^Thompson, Alexander S 125 Thompson, Albert E 71 Thompson, Benjamin 117 Thompson, Daeid 96 Thompson, Francis E 137 Thompson, Henry A 91 Thompson, Jacob L 134 Thompson, Josiah 49 Thompson, Thomas M 156 Thompson, T. A 149 Thompson, VVm. Oxley 166 Thomson, Albert E 71 Thorne, Alexander S 66 *Tibbs, John 91 Todd, Milton E 171 *Todd, Martin L 103 Todd, Oliphant M 54 Torrance, Aaron F 61 *Torrance, Adam 19 Torrance, Samuel 57 Torrance, William 117 Townsend, Daniel W 75 Travelli, Joseph S 26 Travis, Mordicai M 79 *Tiiest, Lesco 131 Turner, Joseph B 162 *Turpin. Jeremiah H 113 INDEX. 193 *Vallandigam, George S 37 *Van Biiskirk, Elijah 49 Van Cleve, Wm. S 109 *Van Doren, Wm. H., D. D 23 Van Eman, C. Ritchie 84 Van Eman, George 49 Van Eman, John Wm 140 Van Eman, Robert Clarence 178 Van Eman, Thomas B (38 Vance, Joseph, D.D 91 Vaughn, B. C 178 Vawter, John B 96 Veeder, P. V., D.D.. 76 Verner, Andrew William 162 Verner, Oliver N 174 Vincent, Wm. R 59 Virtue, Andrew 57 Vulchefi; Mindo G 174 Wachter, Egon 171 Waggoner, David 27 * Waggoner, Josiah 61 Wakefield, Charles B 156 Walker, A. Franklin 171 Walker, Edward F 173 *Walker, John W 52 Walker, Robert B.. D. D 29 Walker, Wm. E 84 *Wallace, Jesse S 61 Wallace, Robert M., D. D 59 Wallace, Samuel H 91 Wallace, Thomas D 128 Wallace, Thomas F 84 W^allace, Thomas M 153 Wallace, Wm 176 Wallace, Wm. D 145 Ward, Israel W 41 Ward, Thomas 57 Ware, Samuel M 171 VVarnshuis, H. W 153 *Warren, Joseph, D. D 28 Warren, Wm. H 103 "Wasson. Luke J 123 Waterman, Isaac N 156 AVaters, James Q 104 Watson, Robert A 140 Watson, Samuel 79 *Watson. W. B 123 Watt, John C 149 *Watts, Samuel 104 Waugh, Joseph M 84 Weaver, Joseph L 168 Weaver, Willis 140 Wells, Elijah B ; 125 W^ells, James 49 *Wells, Robert R 41 Welsh, W. S 178 Welty, Frederick B 134 West, Albert M 173 West, Charles Samuel 166 West, Nathaniel, D. D 57 West, Wm. A 59 White, John W 66 *White, Johnson D 156 White, Joseph P 166 White, William M 109 Whiten, Isaac J 104 Wightman, James W., D. D 103 Willard, Eugene S 162 *Williams, Aaron, D. D 19 Williams, Bovd F 174 Williams, Daniel, M. D 66 Williams, Louis B 37 Williams, Meade C, D. D 120 Williams, Richard G 104 Williams, Robert Elliott 52 Williams, Samuel, D. D 20 Williams, Samuel 69 Williams, Wm. Asbury 162 Williamson, John.... 59 Willson, Wm 52 Wilson, Aaron 128 Wilson! Alexander C 149 Wilson, Amzi 134 Wilson, Andrew B 159 Wilson, Calvin Dill 156 Wilson, David 36 Wilson, George Porter 159 Wilson, Henry B 174 Wilson, Hugh Porter 143 "•'Wilson, James 21 *Wilson, James G 20 Wilson, James L 63 W^ilson, James M 171 *Wilson, Jesse Brown 128 Wilson, John 103 Wilson, John N 125 Wilson, Joseph Rodgers, D. D 128 Wilson, Joseph Ruggles, D. D 49 Wilson, Maurice E 156 Wilson, Robert Dick 156 Wilson, Robert Fleming 66 Wilson, Samuel G 156 *Wilson, Samuel Jennings, I). D... 66 Wilson, Samuel M 23 *Wilson, Thomas B 59 Wilson, Thomas M 103 Wilson, Wm. James 146 Wilson, Wm. Swan 63 Winger, Charles N 171 ^Winters, Jacob • 61 Wishart, Marcus 79 Wisner, Oscar F 171 *Witherow, Benjamin H 109 *Wolcott, John J 76 Wolf, George R 166 Wood, Wm.S 84 Woods, David W 173 Woods, Henry, D. D 96 Woods, John 103 194 INDEX *Woods, John E 69 Woods, Robert 117 Woodburn, B. F., D. D 114 Woodbury, Frank P 109 Woodside, Nevin 123 *Work, Wm. Ramsay 34 Workman, A. D 134 Wortabet, Gregory M 79 Wortman, Martin L 71 Worrall, John B 146 Wotrin^, Frederick R 96 *Wright, Edward W., D. D 32 Wright, Williamson S 104 Wyckofi; J. L. R 131 Wycoff, Cornelius W 114 Wykoff. Benjamin DuBois 79 *Wylie, Joseph Smith 20 Wylie, Samuel S 129 Yates, Rudolph C 168 Young, A. Z 117 Young, James 59 *Young, James Theophilus 166 Young, John C 153 Young, Loyal, D. D 20 Young, Quillen Loyal 173 Young, Samuel Hall 156 Young, William 57 Youngman, Benjamin C 114 Zuek, Wm. Johnston .^. 166 Note. — Rev. George Hill, D. D., is represented on page 32 as terminating his pastorate in 1885. This is a mistake. Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries 1 1012 01252 0120 'jmr^^^ M^M