BX 6331 .H595 Hiscox, Edward Thurston, 1814-1901 . The standard manual for Bapt i st churches XHE ; M '920 Standard Manual for Baptist Churches. BY EDWARD T. HISCOX, D. D., Author of "The Baptist t Short Method," "Star Ministers," "The Star Book Series" "Pastors' Manual," etc. PHILADELPHIA : AMERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY, 1701-1703 Chestnut Street. ftatared. according to Act of Congress, in the year 1800, by tbi American Baptist Publication Society, In the office of the Librarian of Congress, at W&shingtoa. Published June, 1903 CONTENTS. CHAPTEB L A Ch*i8Tiait Church, 11 CHAPTEB IL Chukch Officers, » . 14 CHAPTEB IIL Church Ordinances, It CHAPTEB IV. Church Membership, 23 CHAPTEB V, Chukch Discipline, Tt CHAPTEB VL Case* of Appeal, ft CHAPTEB VTL Church Business, mces is as unjust to him as it is to his brethren. Notb 10. — A church cannot unite in any corporate capacity with other organizations for religious, be- aevolent, moral reform, or other purposes ; but it may Operate with these for any good object, and give to such societies its moral support, sympathy, and pe- cuniary aid. Note 11. — But members of churchee can, aa Indi- viduals, unite with outside organizations, for any purpose, not inconsistent with their profession as Christians, and not injurious to their church rela- tions and duties. Not* 12. — Churches cannot alienate their respon- sibilities, nor delegate their authority to any man, or to any body of men, to act officially for them. But they can appoint persons to bear messages, and te perform services for them, under instruction, and t» report their action to the body. 18 STAND ABD MANUAL CHAPTER III. CHURCH ORDINANCES. Christian ordinances, in the largest sense, are any institutions, or regulations of divine appointment, established as means of grace for the good of men, or as acts of worship for the honor of God. In that sense, not only are baptism and the Lord's Supper ordinances, but preaching, prayer, hearing the word, fasting, and thanksgiving are also ordinances, since all are of divine appoint- ment. But, in a narrower sense, it is com- mon to say that baptism and the Lord 1 8 Sup- per are the only ordinances appointed by Christ to be observed by his churches. These are the only emblematic and com- memorative rites enjoined upon his disciples, by which they are to be distinguished, and he is to be honored. They are the two symbols and witnesses of the New Cove- nant, the two monuments of the New Dis- pensation. FOR BAPTIST CHTJBCHE8. 19 Baptism is the immersion, or dipping, of a candidate in water, on a profession of his faith in Christ and on evidence of regenera- tion ; the baptism to be ministered in, or into the name of the Father, the Son, and Holy Spirit. It represents the burial and resurrection of Christ, and in a figure de- clares the candidate's death to sin and the world, and his rising to a new life. It also proclaims the washing of regeneration, and professes the candidate's hope of a resurrec- tion from the dead, through him into the likeness of whose death he is buried in bap- tism. The Lord's Supper is a provision of bread and wine, used to represent the body and the blood of Christ, partaken of by mem- bers of the church assembled for that pur- pose ; in which service they commemorate the love of Christ exhibited in his death for them, and profess their faith and participa- tion in the merits of his sacrifice as the only ground of their hope of eternal life. Notb 1.— No person can rightfully or properly be- come & church member except he be first baptized, as the distinguishing mark and profession of his disci* pleship. Notx 2. — The Supper is a church ordinance, and therefore is the privilege of church members only. W 8TANDARD MANUAL Therefore, also, since baptism precedes church mem- bership, it must precede and be pre-requisite to the Lord's Supper. Note 3. — Since the Supper is distinctively a church ordinance, it is to be observed by churches only, and not by individuals ; neither in private places, nor in sick rooms, nor on social occasions, and not by com- panies of disciples other than churches. But a church may by appointment, and in its official capacity, meet in a private house, a sick room, or wherever it may elect, and there observe the Supper. Notk 4.— Both ordinances are ordinarily and prop- erly administered by ordained and accredited minis- ters ; but both would be equally valid if administered by unordained persons, should occasion require and the church so direct. As to the qualifications of the administrator, the New Testament is silent, except that he should be a disciple. Note 5. — As to the time, place, and frequency of the ordinances, no Scriptural directions are given. These are left optional with the churches. They are usually observed on Sundays, but not necessarily. As to the Supper, our churches have very generally come to observe it on the first Sunday of each month. Notk 6. — The participation of the elements in the Supper should be done according to the special direc- tion of Christ, the Head of the body. u This do in remembrance of m«." It it not, therefore, a test or token of Christian fellowship, except incidentally. All thought and sympathy in the service should be centered on him who is " the living bread," and not axed on others. Note 7. — The ordinances are not tacramenU, as taught by some, conveying effectual grace to the soul and Imparting spiritual life. But as divinely ap- pointed means of grace, their importance must no* be undervalued. They cannot be neglected without suffering serious harm and incurring the grave*t re- sponsibility. FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES. 21 Notb 6. — Baptism Is not essential to salvation, fer oar churches utterly repudiate the dogma of " bap- tismal regeneration ''" ; but it is essential to obedience, since Christ has commanded it. It is also essential to a public confession of Christ before the world, and to membership in the church which is his body. And na true lover of his Lord will refuse these acts of obedi anee and tokens of affection STANDARD MANUAL CHAPTER IV. CHURCH MEMBERSHIP. It is most likely that in the Apostolic ag« when there was but " one Lord, one faith, and one baptism," and no differing denomi- nations existed, the baptism of a convert by that very act, constituted him a member of the church, and at once endowed him with all the rights and privileges of full membership. In that sense, " baptism was the door into the church." Now, it is different ; and while the churches are desir- ous of receiving members, they are wary and cautious that they do not receive unworthy persons. The churches therefore have candidates come before them, make their statement, give their " experience," and then their reception is decided by a vote of the members. And while they can- not become members without baptism, yet it is the vote of the body which admits them to its fellowship on receiving baptism. FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES. 28 There are three classes of candidates, and modes of reception to membership. 1. By baptism. — The church having lis- tened to the religious experience of the candidate, and being satisfied with the same, and with his Christian deportment, votes to receive him to its fellowship, "on being baptized." 2. By letter. — The candidate presents a letter of dismission and recommendation from some other Baptist church with which he has been connected, for the purpose ot transferring his membership to this. The church, being satisfied, votes to receive him into fellowship. 3. By experience. — Persons having been baptized, but for some reason being with- out membership in any church, wish to be received. They, giving satisfactory evi- dence of Christian character, and substan- tial agreement in matters of faith and prac- tice, are received by vote, as in other cases, Notb 1. — Persons cannot be received to member- ship on the credit of letters from other denominations. 8uch letters are, however, accepted, as certificates of Christian character, and of church standing. Notb 2.— -While the churches do not require candi- dates to sign any creed, confesaion, or articles of faith, yet they do expect a substantial agreement la 34 STANDARD MANUAL matters of faith and practice on their part as essential both to the comfort of the individual, and the har- mony of the body. Notb S. — Should any member object to the recep- tion of a candidate, tuch reception should be deferred, in order to consider the reasons for the objection. Objections judged groundless or unreasonable should not prevent the reception of a suitable candidate ; yet no one should be received except by a unanimous or nearly unanimous vote. Notb 4. It is customary for candidates, after their experience or letters have been presented, to retirs while the church deliberates and acts upon their case. Notb 5. — Any member in good standing, is entitled, at any time, to a letter of dismission, in the usual form, with which to unite with another church of the same faith and order. Notb 6. — Letters are usually made valid for six month* only, during which time they must be used, if used at all. But if held longer, they may be renewed by the church, if satisfactory reasons are given for their non-nse. Notb 7.— Each one receiving a letter is still a mem- ber of the church, and under its watcbcare and dis- cipline, until his letter is actually received by another chsurch. Notb 8. — Letters cannot be given to members for the purpose of uniting with churches with which we are net in fellowship. But any member is entitled, at any time, to receive a certificate of standing, and Christian character. Not* 9. — No member can withdraw from the church, or have his name dropped, or at his own request be mcludcd from the fellowship of the body without due process of discipline. Notb 10. — Nor can a member have a letter voted FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES, 2ft and forced upon him without hi» wish and consent Such would be a virtual expulsion from the body. If worthy to receive a letter, he cannot be forced out of the church against his will. Notb 11. — Members living remote from the church are expected to unite with some Baptist church near their residence ; or give satisfactory reasons for not doing so. When they cannot so unite, they are ex- pected to report themselves to the church at least once each year, and contribute to its support, till they cease to be members. Notb 12. — Letters of dismission may be revoked at any time before being used, if, in the judgment of the church, there be sufficient cause for such action, Notb 13.— Church fellowship will be withdrawn from members who unite with other denominations ; because, however excellent their character, or sincere their intentions, they have broken covenant with the church, and by such act have placed themselvea beyond the limits of its fellowship. Notb 14. — Persons excluded from other churches are not to be received to membership, except after the most careful investigation of all the facts in the case, and not unless it be manifest that the exclusion w« unjustifiable, and that the church excluding persist- ently refuses to do justice to the excluded member. Notb 15.— A letter is usually asked for and addressed to a particular church. This is proper, but not always necessary. It may in certain cases be asked for, and given " to any church of the same faith and order/' Or if directed to one, it may be presented to, and received by another. Notb 16.— It is expected that all pecuniary liability to the church will be canceled, and all personal diffi- culties in the church will be settled by a member, should such exist, before he shall receive a letter « dismission. 26 STANDARD MANUAL Notb 17. — Each member, without exception, it ex- pected to fill Ma place in the church, by attendance on its appointments, as Providence may allow, and also to contribute of his means for the pecuniary support of the body, according to his ability. If in either of these respects he fails, and refuses, he be- comes a covenant-breaker, and is subject to the disci- pline of the body. Notb 18. — Persons excluded from the church may oe again received to its fellowship on satisfactory evidence of fitness. This is called reception by resto- ration, and is usually so entered on the records, and In associational reports. Notb 19. — It is neither a Christian nor an honor- able course for a church to grant an unworthy mem- ber a valid letter, and send him to another church as one in good and regular standing, in order to be rid of a disturber of the peace, or to avoid the trouble of a course of discipline. Notb 20. — No church is obliged to receive a person to membership, simply because he brings a valid letter from another church. Each church Is to be sole judge of the qualifications of persons to be received to its fellowship. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 27 CHAPTER V. CHURCH DISCIPLINE. Church members are supposed to be re- generate persons bearing the image and cherishing the spirit of Christ, in whom the peace of God rules, and who walk and work in " the unity of the Spirit, and the bond of peace." But unhappily, even the saints are sanctified only in part, and troubles sometimes arise among brethren. The evil passions of even good men may triumph over piety, and partisan strife may destroy the peace and the prosperity of the body of Christ. All this should, if possi- ble, be avoided. Corrective discipline seeks to heal offenses ; but it is better to prevent them, than to heal them. It is, however, better to heal and remove, than to endure them. Now these offenses and occasions of dis- sension in the churches arise from various causes, and are largely preventable. Most ZO STANDARD MANUAL frequently they come by the following means: 1. Because of the too suspicious and sensitive disposition of some who imagine themselves wronged, neglected, or in some way injured ; the matter being chiefly imagi- nary, and without any real foundation in fact. 2. Because the pastor, deacons, and in- fluential members do not carefully and con- stantly enough watch the beginnings of strife, and rectify the evil before it becomes serious. 3. Because evil-doers by delay become more persistent in evil, while others are drawn into the strife, and contentious parties insensibly are formed, which tend to divide the church into hostile factions. 4. Because that when the difficulty be- comes chronic and deep-seated, the church is likely to undertake the discipline with judicial severity, and not in the spirit of meekness, in which the spiritual should re- store the erring. 5. Because that a case of discipline un- dertaken under excitement is almost certain to be wrongly conducted. Even if the result reached be just and right, the method by FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHEB. 29 which it is reached is likely to be unwise, unjust, and oppressive to individuals, pos- sibly producing more serious and more last- ing evils than it ha3 removed. Offenses calling for discipline are usually considered as of two classes ; private or per- sonal, and public or general. These terms do not very accurately express the nature of the offenses, but they are in common use, and capable of being understood. In the administration of corrective discipline y the following rules and principles constitute a correct and Scriptural course of proceeding. PBIVATE OFFENSES. Private offenses pertain to personal diffi- culties between individuals, having no direct reference to the church as a body, and not involving the Christian profession at large. In such cases, the course prescribed by our Saviour (Matt. 18 : 15-17) is to be strictly followed, without question or deviation. 1. First step. — The member who con- siders himself injured must go to the offender, tell him his grief, and between themselves alone, if possible, adjust and settle the difficulty. " If thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his 8* 90 STANDARD MANUAL fault, between thee and him alone." Thie most be done, not to charge, upbraid-, or condemn the offender, but to win him. " If he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother." 2. Second step. — If this shall fail, then the offended member must take one 01 two of the brethren with him as witnesses, seek an interview with the offender, and, if pos- sible, by their united wisdom and piety, remove the offense and harmonize the dif- ficulty , " But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses, every word may be established." 3. Tldrd step. — If this step should prove unavailing, then the offended member must tell the whole matter to the churchy and leave it in their hands to be disposed of, as to them may seem wisest and best. " And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it to the church." He has done his duty and must abide by the decision of the body which assumes this responsibility. 4. The result. — If this course of kindly Christian labor proves finally ineffectual, and the offender shows himself incorrigible, excision must follow. He must be cut off FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES. 81 from fellowship in the church whose cove- nant he has broken, and whose authority he disregards. "And if he neglect to hear the church, let hira be unto thee as an heathen man, and a publican." However painful the act, the church must be faithful to its duty, and to its God. Note 1. — While this divine rale makes it obliga- tory on the offended member to go to the offender and seek a reconciliation, yet much more is it obligatory on the offender who knows that a brother is grieved with him, to seek such an one, and try to remove the difficulty. Note 2.— The matter is not to be made public until these three steps have been fully taken, and have failed ; and then to be made public only by telling the church, and no others. Note 8. — When the case comes before the church, tt must not be neglected, nor dropped, but judiciously pursued until the difficulty be adjusted, the offense removed, or else the offender be disfellowshipped, and put away. PUBLIC OFFENSES. Publio offenses are not against any one person more than another, but are such as are supposed to be a dishonor to the church of which the offender is a member, and a reproach to the Christian profession. They constitute a violation of the code of Chris- tian morals, if not of our common worldly morals. 32 STANDARD MANUAL The more common causes of this class of offenses are the following : False doctrine (Gal. 1 : 9 ; 2 John 10), disregard of au- thority (Matt. 18:17; 1 Thess. 6 : 14), con- tention und strife (Rom. 16 : 17), immoral conduct (1 Cor. 5 : 11), disorderly walk (2 Thess. 3 : 6, 9), covetous spirit (Eph. 5 : 5 ; 1 Cor. 5:11), arrogant conduct (3 John 9), going to law (1 Cor. 6 : 6). The following constitutes a proper and Scriptural course of treatment for such 1. The first member who has knowledge of the offense should, as in the case of pri- vate offenses, seek the offender, ascertain the facts, and attempt to reconcile or remove the difficulty. Not till he has done this should he make it public, or bring it before the church. 2. But if no one will, or can, pursue this course of personal effort, or if such a course proves unsuccessful, then any member hav- ing knowledge of the facts should confer with the pastor and deacons as to the best course to Be pursued. 3. The pastor and deacons should, by the best method they are capable of devising, labor to adjust the matter without bringing FOB BAPTIST OHUBCHBS. II it into the church, or otherwise making it public. 4. But if their efforts fail, or if the cast be already public, aud a reproach and scan- dal to religion, then they should bring it to the church, and it should direct a proper course of discipline. 5. The church, thus having the case be- fore it, should either appoint a committee to visit the offender, or cite him before the body to answer the charge. He should be allowed to hear the evidence against him, know the witnesses, and be permitted to an- swer for himself. 6. If the accused disproves the charges, or if he confesses the wrong, makes suitable acknowledgment, and, so far as possible, reparation, with promise of amendment, in all ordinary cases, this should be deemed satisfactory, and the case be dismissed. 7. But if, after patient, deliberate, and prayerful labor, all efforts fail to reclaim the offender, then, however painful the ne- cessity, the church must withdraw its fel- lowship from him, and put him away from them. 8. If the case be one of flagrant immor- ality, by which the reputation of th* % ^\dy 84 STANDARD MANUAL if compromised and the Christian name ■candalized, on being proven or confessed, the hand of fellowship may be at once with- drawn from the offender, notwithstanding any confessions and promises of amend- ment j but not without a trial. The church's good name and the honor of religion demand this testimony against evil. He may be subsequently restored, if suitably penitent. Notk. 1. — All discipline should be conducted in the spirit of Christian meekness and love, with a desire to remove offenses and win offenders. It must also he done under a deep sense of responsibility to maintain the honor of Christ's name, the purity of his church, and the integrity of his truth. Notk 2. — If any member shall persist in bringing a private grievance before the church, or otherwiae make it public, before he has pursued the course pre- scribed in the eighteenth chapter of Matthew, he becomes himself an offender, and subject to the disci- pline of the body. Not* 3. — When private difficulties exist among members, which they cannot, or will not settle, the church should consider them as public offenses, and aa such dispose of them, rather than suffer the per- petual Injury which they inflict. Notb 4. — When a member refers to the church any private difficulty, which he has been unable to settle, he must submit it wholly to the disposition of the body, and abide by its decision. If he attempt! to revive and prosecute it beyond the decision of the FOR BAPTIST OHUBCHS& 35 church, he becomes an offender, and subject to disci- Not i 5. — Any member tried bj the church has the right to receive copies of all charges against him. the names of his accusers and the witnesses, both of wnom he shall hare the privilege of meeting face to face, hearing their statements, bringing witnesses on his side, and answering for himself before the body. Notb 6.— Every member, on trial or excluded, shall have furnished, at his request, authentic copies of all proceedings had by the church in his case, officially certified. Notb 7. — No member under discipline can have the right to bring any person, not a member, before the church as his advocate, except by consent of the body. Notb 6. — In every case of exclusion, the charges against the member, and the reasons for his exclu- sion, should be accurately entered on the records of the church. Notb 9. — If at any time it shall become apparent, or seem probable to the church that it has for any reason dealt unjustly with a member, or excluded hiss without sufficient cause, it should at once, and with- out request, by concession and restoration, so far as possible, repair the Injury it has done him. Notb 10. — The church should hold itself bound to restore to its fellowship an excluded member when- ever he gives satisfactory evidence of repentance arid reformation consistent with godliness. Notb 11. — The church will exercise its legitimate authority, and vindicate its honor and rectitude is the administration of discipline, even though the member should regard such discipline as unjust •? oppressive. 86 STANDARD MAJTUAL Koth IS.— Nothing can bo considered a just and reasonable cause for discipline, except what is for- bidden by the letter or the spirit of Scripture. And nothing can be considered a sufficient cause for dls- fellowship and exclusion, except what Is clearly con- trary to Scripture, and what would have prevented the reception of the person into the church, had it been known to exist at the time of his reception. FOB BAPTIST CHUBCH] CHAPTER VI. CASES OF APPEAL. Cases of difficulty and discipline do sometimes occur, go aggravated in their na- ture or so complicated in their treatment that it is found impossible to make a satisfactory settlement by ordinary methods ; especially so if discipline has ended in exclusion. The excluded member will be almost sure to think he has been dealt with unjustly, and will wish for some redress ; and if the case has been of long standing and much com- plicated, he will be equally sure to have others sympathize with him and condemn the action of the church. Now, although the presumption is that the church has done right, and is justified in its action, the pos- t&Uity is that the church has done wrong, and is censurable for its action. What can be done in such a case ? Wow 1.— On the New Testament theory of chorea ffoyernment, the action of the indlridual local church 4 S3 STANDARD MANUAL U final. There is no power, either civil or ecclesiaa- tlcal, that can reverse its decision or punish it for wrongdoing. It may make mistakes, but no human tribunal has authority to compel it to confess or cor- rect them. * Notb 2. — Councils, if appealed to for redress, have no authority ; they are simply, always, and everywhere sdvuory — that, and nothing more. They can express an opinion, and give advice ; but they have no au- thority to issue decrees, and would have no power to enforce them if they should. 1 Notb 3. — Any person who believes himself wronged by church action has the inalienable right to appeal to the church for a new hearing, and, failing in this, to ask the counsel and advice ox brethren, should he see fit to do so. Now observe — If an excluded member believes himself unjustly dealt by, and wishes redress, the following is the proper course for him to pursue : 1. Apply to the church which excluded, and ask a re-hearing. State to them the grounds of his complaint and the evidence on which he thinks he can satisfy them, if a fair opportunity for being heard be given him. 2. If they refuse him a re-hearing, let him appeal to them to unite with him in calling a mutual council, before which the 1 For t more oomprehensire disouision of council*— what the* aan, *nd what they oannot do, how to call. and how to cm eo th« " Star Book on Baptist Council*." FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHE8. 89 irhoie case shall be placed, all parties to abide by its decision. 3. If a mutual council be declined by the church, he would be fully justified, should he feel so inclined, in calling an ex parte council, before which he should place the facts and seek its advice. 4. Or, instead of calling an ex parte coun- cil, he could apply to some other church to be received to its fellowship, on the ground that he had been unjustly excluded. Should he be received to another church, that would give him church standing and fellowship again, and vindicate him so far as any eccle- siastical action could vindicate him. 6. If all these resorts fail, there is noth- ing left but for him to wait patiently and bear the burden of his wrong until Provi- dence opens the way for his deliverance. He may, after all, conclude that he himself was more in fault than he at first supposed, and the church less so. Not a 4.— An ex parte council should not be called In su;h a case of difficulty until all efforts hare failed to eecure a mutual council ; as such a council, It called, would probably do nothing more than advise a mutual council and adjourn. Notb 5.— Any church can well afford to grant a re-hearing to an excluded member. It would be Uj 40 STANDARD MANUAL the Interest of peace, justice, and reconciliation. If the church be right, It can afford to be generous. Not» ft. — Any church hag the right to receive a member excluded from another church, since each ehurch is sole judge of the qualification of persons received to Its fellowship. But any church so ap- pealed to would use great caution, and, with due regard to its own peace and purity, ascertain all the facts in the case before taking such action. Not* 7. — If a mutual council be called, one-half the messengers and members are to be chosen by the ihurch and one-half by the aggrieved party ; but the letter* miisiw calling the council are to be sent out by end in the name of the church, and not of the ag- grieved party. But these facts, as to the mutual call, we to be stated in the letters. Nots 8. — A church excluding a member has no just cause of complaint against another church for receiving such an excluded member, since the one ihurch is just as independent to receive one whom it ludges worthy of fellowship, as the other is to exclude one whom it judged unworthy of fellowship. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 41 CHAPTER VII. CHURCH BUSINESS. The business meetings of a church should be conducted as much as possible in the spirit of devotion, and under a sense of the propriety and sanctity which attaches to all the interests of the kingdom of Christ. Meetings for business should not be need- lessly multiplied, nor should they be un« wisely neglected. It may not be wise to insist too rigidly on the observance of par- liamentary rules, yet it is still worse to drift into a loose unbusinesslike way, which wastes time, accomplishes little, and doe* wrongly much that is done. ORDER OF BUSINESS. 1. The meetings to be opened with read- ing the Scriptures, singing, and prayer. 2. The reading, correction, and approval o£ the minutes of the preceding meeting. 3. Unfinished business, or such as the 4* 42 STANDARD MANUAX minutes present, including reports of oom- mittee taken in order. 4. New business will next be taken up. Any member may call up new business. But important matters should not be pre- 1 sented, except on previous consultation with the pastor and deacons. Notb 1. — The pastor is, by virtue of his office, mod- erator of all church business meetings. If he be not present, or do not wish to serve, any one may be elected to take the place. Notb 2. — All business meetings, both regular and special, should be announced from the pulpit one Sunday, at least, before they are held. Notb 8. — Special meetings for business may be called at any time, by consent of the pastor and dea cons, or by such other methods as the church itself may direct. Notb 4.— Though a majority usually decides ques- tions, yet in all matters of special importance a unan- imous, or nearly unanimous, vote should be secured. Notb 5.— Members may be received, and letters of dismission granted, either at the business church meeting, the covenant meeting, or the regular weekly prayer meeting, the church so directing. Some fixed method should be observed. Notb 0.— Candidates for admission to membership will be expected to retire from the meeting when action is taken on their reception. . Notb 7. — No persons, except members, will be presv •nt during the transaction of church business* If present, tcey may be asked to retire. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 48 Not* 8.— Although the church should endeavor to do nothing' which Its members will be ashamed or afraid to hare known by others, yet every member is bound, by the honor of a Christian, not to publish abroad, nor disclose to those without, the private affairs and business transactions of the body. RULES OF ORDER. The following constitute the generally accepted rules of order for churches and other deliberative bodies in business pro- ceedings : Motions. 1. All business shall be presented by a motion, made by one member, and seconded by another, and presented in writing by the mover, if so required. 2. No discussion can properly be had until the motion is made, seconded, and stated by the chairman. 3. A motion cannot be withdrawn after it has been discussed, except by the unani- mous consent of the body. 4. A motion having been discussed, must be put to vote, unless withdrawn, laid on the table, referred, or postponed. 5. A motion lost should not be recorded, except so ordered by the body at the time. 6. A motion lost cannot be renewed at the lame meeting, except by unanimous consent. 44 STANDARD MANUAL 7. A motion should contain but one dis- tinct proposition. If it contains more, it must be divided at the request of any mem- ber, and the propositions acted on sepa- rately. 8. Only one question can properly be be- fore the meeting at the same time. No sec- ond motion can be allowed to interrupt one already under debate, except a motion to amend, to substitute, to commit, to post- pone, to lay on the table, for the previous question, or to adjourn. 9. These subsidiary motions just named cannot be interrupted by any other motion ; nor can any other motion be applied to them, except that to amend, which may be done by specifying some time, place, or pur- pose. 10. Nor can these motions interrupt or supersede each other ,' only that a motion to adjourn is always in order, except while a member has the floor, or a question is being taken, and in some bodies even then. Amendments. 1. Amendments may be made to resolu- tions in three ways : By omitting, by adding, or by substituting words or sentence*. FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHES. 40 2. An amendment to an amendment maj be made, but is seldom necessary, and should be avoided. 3. No amendment should be made which essentially changes the meaning or deiiigD of the original resolution. 4. But a substitute may be offered, which may change entirely the meaning of the res- olution under debate. 6. The amendment must first be discussed and acted on, and then the original resolu- tion as amended. Speaking. 1. Any member desiring to speak on a question should rise in his place, and address the moderator, confine his remarks to the question, and avoid all unkind and disre- spectful language. 2. A speaker using improper language, introducing improper subjects, or otherwise out of order, should be called to order by the chairman, or any member, and must either conform to the regulations of the body, or take his seat. 3. A member while speaking can allow others to ask questions, or make explana- 40 STANDARD MANUAL tions ; but if he yields the floor to another, he cannot claim it again as his right. 4. If two members rise to speak at the same time, preference is usually given to the one farthest from the chair, or to the one opposing the question under discussion. 5, The fact that a person has several times arisen, and attempted to get the floor, gives him no claim or right to be heard. Nor does a call for the question deprive a member of his right to speak. Voting. 1. A question is put to vote by the chair- man having first distinctly re-stated it, that all may vote intelligently. First, the af- firmative, then the negative is called ; each so deliberately as to give all an opportunity of voting. He then distinctly announces whether the motion is carried, or lost 2. Voting is usually done by " aye " and " no," or by raising the hand. In a doubt- ful case by standing and being counted. On certain questions by ballot. 3. If the vote, as announced by the chairman, is doubted, it is called again, usually by standing to be counted. 4. All members should vote, unless for FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHE8. 47 reasons excused ; or unless under dis- cipline, in which case they should take no part in the business. 5. The moderator does not usually vote, except the question be taken by ballot ; but when the meeting is equally divided, he is expected, but is not obliged to give the casting vote. 6. When the vote is to be taken by ballot, the chairman appoints tellers, to dis- tribute, collect, and count the ballots. Committees. 1. Committees are nominated by the chairman, if so directed by the body, or by any member; and the nomination is con- firmed by a vote of the body. More com- monly the body directs that all committees shall be appointed by the chairman, in which case no vote is needed to confirm. 2. Any matter of business, or subject under debate, may be referred to a com- mittee, with or without instructions. The committee make their report, which is the result of their deliberations. The body then takes action on the report, and on any recommendations it may contain. 3. The report of a committee is accepted 48 STANDARD MANUAL by a vote, which acknowledges their services, and takes the report before the body for its action. Afterward, any distinct recom- mendation contained in the report is acted on, and may be adopted or rejected. 4. Frequently, however, when the recom- mendations of the committee are of a trifling moment or likely to be generally acceptable, the report is accepted and adopted by the same vote. 5. A report may be recommitted to the committee, with or without instructions ; or that committee discharged, and the matter referred to a new one, for further considera- tion, so as to present it in a form more likely to meet the general concurrence of the body. 6. A committee may be appointed with power for a specific purpose. This gives them power to dispose conclusively of the matter, without further reference to the body. 7. The first named in the appointment of a committee is by courtesy considered the chairman. But the committee has the right to name its own chairman. 8. The member who moves the appoint- ment of a committee is usually tban^V *-* necessarily, named its chairman FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHBS. 49 9. Committees of arrangement, or foi other protracted service, report progress from time to time, and are continued until their final report, or until their appointment expires by limitation. 10. A committee is discharged by a vote, when its business is done, and its report ac- cepted. But usually, in routine business, a committee is considered discharged by the acceptance of its report. Standing Committee. A committee appointed to act for a given period or during the recess of the body is called a standing committee. It has charge of a given department of business assigned by the body, and acts either with power, under instructions, or at discretion, as may be ordered. A standing commiteee is sub- stantially a minor board, and has its own chairman, secretary, records, and times of meeting. Appeal. The moderator announces all votes, and decides all questions as to rules of proceed- ing, and order of debate. But any member who is dissatisfied with his decisions may 6 Si STAJTDABD MANUAL appeal from them to the body. The mod- erator then puts the question, "Shall the decision of the chair be sustained f" The vote of the body, whether negative or af- firmative, is final. The right of appeal is undeniable, but should not be resorted to on trivial occasions. Previous Question, Debate may be cut short by a vote to take the previous question. This means that the original, or main question under discus- sion, be immediately voted on, regardless of amendments and secondary questions, and without further debate. Usually a two- thirds vote is necessary to order the pre- vious question. 1. If the motion for the previous ques- tion be carried, then the main question must be immediately taken, without further de- bate. 2. If the motion for the previous ques- tion be lost, the debate proceeds, as though no such motion had been made. 3. If the motion for the previous ques- tion be lost, it cannot be renewed with refer- ence to the same question, during the session. FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES. 51 To Lay on the Table. Immediate and decisive action on any question under discussion may be deferred, by a vote to lay on the table the resolution pending. This disposes of the whole sub- ject for the present, and ordinarily is in effect a final dismissal of it. But any mem- ber has the right subsequently to call it up; and the body will decide by vote whether, or not, it shall be taken from the table. 1. Sometimes, however, a resolution is laid on the table for the present, or until a specified time, to give place to other business. 2. A motion to lay on the table must apply to a resolution, or other papers. An abstract subject cannot be disposed of in this way. Postponement. A simple postponement is for a specified time or purpose, the business to be resumed when the time or purpose is reached. But a question indefinitely postponed is considered as finally dismissed. Not Debatable. Certain motions, by established usage, are not debatable, but when once before the body, must be taken without discussion. 52 STANDARD MANUAL These are : The previous question, for wv definite postponement, to commit, to lay on the table, to adjourn. But when these motions are modified by some condition of time, place, or purpose, they become debatable, and subject to the rules of other motions ; but debatable only in respect to the time, place, or purpose which brings them within the province of debate. A body is, however, competent, by a vote, to allow debate on all motions. To Reconsider. A motion to reconsider a motion pre- viously passed must be made by one who voted for the motion when it passed. If the body votes to reconsider, then the motion or resolution being reconsidered stands before them as previous to its passage, and may be discussed, adopted, or rejected. A vote to reconsider should be taken at the same session at which the vote reconsid- ered was passed, and when there are as many members present. Be Discussed. If, when a question is introduced, any member objects to its discussion, as foreign, FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHE8. W profitless, or contentious, the moderator ihould at once put the question, " Shall this motion be discussed f " If this question be decided in the negative, the subject must be dismissed. Order of the Day. The body may decide to take up some definite business at a specified time. That business therefore becomes the order of the day, for that hour. When the time men- tioned arrives, the chairman calls the busi- ness, or any member may demand it, with or without a vote ; and all pending ques- tions are postponed in consequence. Point of Order. Any member who believes that a speaker is out of order, or that discussion is pro- ceeding improperly, may at any time rise to a point of order. He must distinctly state his question or objection, which the moder- ator will decide. Privileges. Questions relating to the rights and priv- ilege* of members are of primary import- ance, and, until disposed of, take precedence 6» 54 STANDARD MAJtTUAL of all other business, and supersede all other motions, except that of adjournment. Rule Suspended, A rule of order may be suspended by a vote of the body, to allow the transaction of business necessary, but which could not otherwise be done without a violation of such rule. Filling Blanks. Where different numbers are suggested for filling blanks, the highest number, great- est distance, and longest time are usually voted on first. Adjournment. 1. A simple motion to adjourn is always in order, except while a member is speak- ing, or when taking a vote. It takes pre- cedence of all other motions, and is not debatable. 2. In some deliberative bodies, a motion to adjourn is in order while a speaker has the floor, or a vote is being taken, the busi- ness to stand, on reassembling, precisely as when adjournment took place. 3. A body may adjourn to a specific FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 56 tune; but if no time be mentioned, the axed, or usual time of meeting, is under- stood. If there be no fixed, or usual time of meeting, then an adjournment without iate is equivalent to a dissolution. M BTATOABD MANUAL CHAPTER VIII. CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE. All evangelical churches profess to tak* the Holy Scriptures as their only and suffi- cient guide in matters of religious faith and practice. Baptists, especially, claim to have no authoritative creed except the New Testa- ment. It is common, however, for the churches to have formulated statements of what are understood to be the leading Chris- tian doctrines, printed and circulated among their members. These are not uniform among the churches, but are in substantial agreement as to the doctrines taught. In- deed, each church is at liberty to prepare its own confession, or have none at all ; no one form being held as binding and obligatory on the churches to adopt. Members, on being received to fellowship, are not re- quired to subscribe or pledge conformity to any creed -form, but are expected to yield substantial agreement to that which the church with which they unite has adopted. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 57 Inere are two Confessions which have gained more general acceptance than any others, and are now being widely adopted by the churches over the country. As to substance of doctrine, they do not essentially differ. That known as the New Hampshire Confession is commonly used by the churches North, East, and West ; while that known as the Philadelphia Confession, is very gen- erally in use in the South and Southwest. The former is much more brief, and for that reason preferred by many. The other it substantially the London Confession of Faith, published by English Baptists in 1689. It is much more full in statement than the other, and is higher in its tone as to the doctrines of grace. American Baptists are decidedly Calvin- istic as to substance of doctrine, but moder- ately so, being midway between the ex- tremes of Arminianism and Antinomianism. Though diversities of opinion may incline to either extreme, the " general atonement M view is for the most part held, while the " par- ticular atonement" theory is maintained by not a few. The freedom of the human will is declared, while the sovereignty of divine grace, and the absolute necessity of the 58 STANDARD MANUAL. Spirit's work in faith and salvation are maintained. They practice " strict commu- nion," as do their mission churches in foreign lands. In Great Britain Baptists are sharply divided between "strict and free communion," and between the particu- lar and the general atonement theories. The New Hampshire Confession with a few verbal changes, is here inserted. A part of the proof texts usually accompany- ing these articles are, for want of space, omitted. 1 AKTICLES OF FAITH. I. THE SCRIPTURES. We believe that the Holy Bible was writ- ten by men divinely inspired, and is a perfect treasure of heavenly instruction j 1 that it has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth without any mixture of error for its matter;* that it reveals the principles by which God will judge us ;• and therefore is, and shall remain to the end of the world, the true centre of Christian union, and the i For a fuller account of these Confeuions, eee the Church Direotory." FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES. 59 supreme standard by which all human con- duct, creeds, and opinions should be tried. 1 2 Tim. 8 : 16, 17. All Scripture Is given by Inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness ; that the man of God mar be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. Also, 2 Pet. 1 : 21 ; 2 Sam. 23 : 2 ; Acts 1 : 16. * ProT. 30 : 5, 6. Every word of God is pure. Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar. Also, John 17 : 17; Rev. 22 : 18, 19; Bom. 3 : 4. * Rom. 2 : 12. As many as hare sinned in the law, shall be judged by the law. John 12 : 47, 48. If any man hear my words— the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. Also, 1 Cor. 4 : 3, 4 ; Luke 10 : 10-16 ; 12 : 47,4* II. THE TRUE GOD. We believe the Scriptures teach that there is one, and only one, living and true God, an infinite, intelligent Spirit, whose name is Jehovah, the Maker and Supreme Ruler of Heaven and Earth: 1 inexpressibly glo- rious in holiness, 2 and worthy of all possible honor, confidence, and love; 8 that in the unity of the Godhead there are three per- sons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost; 4 equal in every divine perfection, and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption. * John 4 : 24. God is a Spirit. Ps. 147 : 5. His understanding b infinite. Ps. 88 : 18. Thou whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the Most High over all the earth. Heb. 8:4; Bom. 1 : 20 ; Jer. 10 : 10. * Exod. 16 : 11. Who is like unto thee— glorious in holiness f Urn. f : 8 ; 1 Peter 1 : 16, 16 ; Bev. 4 : 6-8. 00 STAHDABD MANUAL •Murk 12 : 80. Thou •halt lore the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with ell thy soul, end with ell thy mind, end with ell thy strength. Ber. 4:11. Thou art worthy, O Lord io receive glory, end honour, end power. Matt. 10 : 87 ; Jar, 2 : « Matt 28 : It . Go ye therefore end teach all nations, baptla- kng them in the name of the Father, end of the Son, end of the Holy Ghost. John 15 : 26 ; 1 Cor. 12 : 4-6. JUL THE TALL OF MAN. We believe the Scriptures teach that man was created in holiness, under the law of his Maker; 1 but by voluntary transgresson fell from that holy and happy state;* in conse- quence of which all mankind are now sin- ners, 1 not by constraint but choice ; being by nature utterly void of that holiness re- quired by the law of God, positively inclined to evil ; and therefore under just condemna- tion 4 without defense or excuse.* 1 Gen. 1 : 27. God created man in hie own image. Gen. 1 : 8L And God taw everything that he had made, and behold, it wae rery good. EocL 7 : 29 ; Acta 17 : 26 ; Gen. 2 : 16. • Gen. 8 : 6-24. And when the woman aaw that the tree wae good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise ; she took of the fruit thereof and did eat ; and gare also unto her husband with her, and he did eat. Bom. 5 : 12. * Bom. 5 : 19. By one man's disobedience many were made sinners. John 8 : 6; Ps. 51 : 5; Bom. 5 : 15-19; 8 : 7. * Eph. 2 : 8. Among whom also we all had our oonYersation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the aesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath even as others. • Back. 18 : 19, 20. The soul that sinneth it shall die. Bom. 1 : ». So that they are without excuse. Bom. 8 : 19. That every mouth may be stopped and all the world may become guilty before God. Gal. 8 : 22. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. fl IV. THE WAY OF SALVATION, We believe the Scriptures teach that the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace j J through the mediatorial offices of the Sod of God ; * who, according to the will of the Father, became man, yet without sin ; • honored the divine law by his personal obedience, and by his death made a full atonement for our sins-; 4 that having risen from the dead, he is now enthroned in heaven ; and uniting in his wonderful per- son the tenderest sympathies with divine perfections, he is every way qualified to be a suitable, a compassionate and an all-suffi- cient Saviour. • i Eph. 3:8. By grace ye are sayed. Matt. 18 : 11 ; 1 John 4: 10; 1 Cor. 8: 8-7; Acts 15: 1L I John 8 : 16. For God so lored the world that he gare hie onlr begotten Son, that whosoever heliereth in him should not perish, oat hare everlasting Ufa. • PhiL 2: 6, 7. Who being in the form of God. thought It not robbery to be equal with God: but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a ■errant, and wai made In the likeness of men. • lea. 88: 4, 8. He was wounded for ear transgressions, he waa bruised for our iniquities ; the chastisement of our peso* was upon him ; and with his stripes we are healed. • Heb. 7 : 26. Wherefore he is able also to sure them to the uttermost that oome unto God by him, seeing he •rex lrreth te make intercession for them. CoL 2 : 9. For in him dwellath all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. 6 €3 STANDARD MANUAL V. JUSTIFICATION. We believe the Scriptures teach that the great gospel blessing which Christ * secures to such as believe in him is justification ; ' that justification includes the pardon of sin/ and the gift of eternal life on principles of righteousness ; that it is bestowed, not in consideration of any works of righteousness which we have done, but solely through faith in Christ ; by means of which faith his perfect righteousness is freely imputed to us by God ; * that it brings us into a state of most blessed peace and favor with God, and secures every other blessing need- ful for time and eternity. 8 i John 1:18. Of his fulness hare all we receded. Bph. 1:8. « Acts 13 : 89. By Mm all that bclierc are justified from all things. Is*, 8:11, 12; Rom. 5: 1. > Rom. 5 : 9. Being Justified by his blood, we shall be eared from wrath through him. Zeoh. 18 : 1 ; Matt. 9:8; Act* 10: 48 « Bom. 8: 19. By the obedience of one shall many be made righteous. Bom. 8: 24-28; 4: 28-36; Uohn 2: 12. • Bom. 5 : 1, 2. Being justified by faith, we hare peace with God, through our Lord Jesus Christ : by whom also we hare access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. VI. THE FKEENESS OF SALVATION. We believe the Scriptures teach that the blessings of salvation are made free to all FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHE8. 63 by the gospel : l that it is the immediate duty of all to accept them by a cordial, penitent, and obedient faith ;* and that nothing prevents the salvation of the great- est sinner on earth but his own determined depravity and voluntary rejection of the gospel; 8 which rejection involves him in an aggravated condemnation. 4 1 Is*. 66 : 1. Ho. every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters. Bev. 22 : 17. Whosoever will let him take the water of life freely. * Acts 17 : 30. And the times of this ignorance God winked at, hut now commandeth all men everywhere to repent. Bom, 16: 26 ; Mark 1 : 15 ; Rom. 1 : 15-17. 8 John 5 : 40. Ye will not oome to me, that ye might hare life. Matt. 23: 37; Bom. 9:32. « John 3: 19. And this Is the condemnation, that light is oome into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil. Matt 11 : 20 ; Luke 19 : 27 ; IThess. 1:8. VH. REGENERATION. We believe the Scriptures teach that in order to be saved, men must be regenerated, or born again; 1 that regeneration consists in giving a holy disposition to the mind ; * that it is effected in a manner above our comprehension by the Holy Spirit, in con- nection with divine truth, s so as to secure our voluntary obedience to the gospel ; 4 and that its proper evidence appears in the 64 STANDARD MANUAL holy fruits of repentance, faith, and newness of life. 1 1 John 8 : 3. Verily, rerily, I say unto thee, except a ma& he born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. JohnS: 6, T; 1 Cor. 1: 14; Ber. 8:^-9; ReT. 21: 27. * 2 Cor. 5: 17. If any man be in Christ, he la a new creature. Back. 36 : 28 ; Dcut, 30: 6 ; Bom. 2 : 28, 29. • John 8 : 8. The wind blowetb where it listeth, and thoo bearcat the sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth ; so is every one that is born of the Spirit John 1 : 13 ; James 1 : 10-18 ; 1 Cor. 1 : 80 ; Phil. 2 : 13. « 1 Peter 1 : 22 : 26. Ye hare purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit. 1 John 5:1; Eph. 4 : 20-24 ; Cot 3 : 9-11. » Eph. 5 : 9. The fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness, and truth. Bom. 8:8, Gal. 5: 18-23; Enh. » 14-21 ; Matt. 3 : 8-10 ; 7 : 20 ; 1 John 5 : 4, 18. VIII. REPENTANCE AND FAITH. We believe the Scriptures teach that re- pentance and faith are sacred duties, and also inseparable graces, wrought in the soul by the regenerating Spirit of God ; l where- by being deeply convinced of our guilt, danger, and helplessness, and of the way of salvation by Christ, 1 we turn to God with unfeigned contrition, confession, and suppli- cation for mercy ; at the same time heartily receiving the Lord Jesus as our prophet, priest, and king, and relying on him alone as the only and all-sufficient Saviour. * » Mark 1 : 15. Repent ye, and beliere the gospeL Acts 11 : 18. Then hath Goo also to the Gentiles granted repentanet FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES 65 ■ato life. fiph. 2:8. By grace ye are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves ; it is the gift of God. 1 John 8 : L * John 16 : S. He will reprove the world of sin, and of right* eousness, and of judgment. Acta 11 : 38. Then Peter eaid unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of yon in the of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins. Acts 16 : 80, 81. • Romans 10:9-11. If thou shalt confess with thy m the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thy heart that God hath ra'-wjd him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Acts 3 : 22, 28 ; Heb. 4 : 14. ix. god's purpose op grace. We believe the Scriptures teach that elec- tion is the eternal purpose of God, accord- ing to which he graciously regenerates, sanc- tifies, and saves sinners ; * that being per- fectly consistent with the free agency of man, it comprehends all the means in con- nection with the end ; * that it is a most glorious display of God's sovereign good- ness ; s that it utterly excludes boasting, and promotes humility ; 4 that it encourages the use of means ; that it may be ascertained by its effects in all who truly accept of Christ * ; that it is the foundation of Chris- tian assurance ; and that to ascertain it with regard to ourselves demands and deserves the utmost diligence. 6 1 2 Tim 1:8.1. But he thou partaker of the affliction* of the gospel, according to the power of God ; who hath saved as and sailed us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but to his own purpose and grace which was gWen as i» Oerist Jesus before the world beean. 8* STANDAKD MANUAL >S Thee*. 2 : 13, 14. Bat we are bound to fire thanks aiwayt to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation, through aanetification of the Spirit and belief of the truth ; w hereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 8 1 Cor. 4 : 7. For who maketh thee to differ from another f and what hast thou that thou did«t not receive? Now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory as if thou hadst not re- ceived it ? 1 Cor. 1 : 26-31 ; Rom. 8 : 27. « 2 Tim. 2 : 10. Therefore I endure all things for the electa' sake, that they also may obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory. 1 Cor. 9 : 22; Rom. 8 : 28-30. * 1 These. 4 : 10. Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God. • 2 Peter 1 : 10, 11. Wherefore the rather, brethren, giTe dill- Ssnce to make your calling and election sure. PhiL8:12; eh 6 : 11. snce to make your calling and election sure. X. SANGTIFICATION. We believe the Scriptures teach that sanc- tification is the process by which, according to the will of God, we are made partakers of his holiness ; * that it is a progressive work ; * that it is begun in regeneration ; that it is carried on in the hearts of believ- ers by the presence aud power of the Holy Spirit, the Sealer and Comforter, in the con- tinual use of the appointed means — espe- cially |the word of God — self-examination, self-denial, watchfulness, and prayer ; 8 and in the practice of all godly exercises and duties. 4 i 1 Thees. 4 : 8. For this is the will of God, even yoor sanotift- Ation. 1 Thees. 5 : 23. And the very God of peace sanctify ron wholly. 2 Cor. 7 : 1; 18 : 9; Eph. 1 : 4. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 67 •FroY. 4 : 18. The path of the just is as the shining light, which shine th more and more, unto the perfect day. •Phil. 1 : 12, 13. Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do, of his good pleasure. Eph. 4 : 11, 12 ; 1 Peter 2 : 2 ; 2 Peter 8 : 18; 2 Cor. 13 : 5; Luke 11 : 35; 9 : 23; Matk 26 : ilj Eph. 6 : 18 ; 4 : 30. * 1 Tim 4 : 7. Exercise thyself unto godliness. XI. PERSEVEKANCE OF SAINTS. We believe the Scriptures teach that such as are truly regenerate, being born of the Spirit, will not utterly fall away and perish, but will endure unto the end ; * that their persevering attachment to Christ is the grand mark which distinguishes them from superficial professors ; 8 that a special Provi- dence watches over their welfare ; ' and that they are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation. 4 J John 8:81. Then said Jesus, If ye contiue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. 1 John 2 : 27, 28. > John 2 : 19. They went out from us, but they were not ©J us ; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have con- tinued with us ; but they went out that it might be made mani- fest that they were not all of us. 8 Rom. 8:28. And we know all things work together foi good unto them that love God, to them who are the called ac- cording to his purpose. Matt. 6 : 80-83 ; Jer. 32 . 40. * Phil. 1:6. He who hath begun a good work in you wiB perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. PhiL 2 : 12, 18. in. THE LAW AND GOSPEL. We believe the Scriptures teach that the law of God is the eternal and unchangeable 6fe STANDARD MANUAL rule of his moral government ; l that it if holy, just, and good ; ' and that the inability which the Scriptures ascribe to fallen men to fulfill its precepts arises entirely from their sinful nature ; ' to deliver them from which, and to restore them through a Medi- ator to unfeigned obedience to the holy law, is one great end of the gospel, and of th« means of grace connected with the establish- ment of the visible church. 4 I Bom. 8 : 81. Do we make roid the law through frith r God forbid. Yea, we establish the law Matt. 5 : 17; Luke 18 : 17 j Rom. 8:20; 4:15. * Rom. 7 : 12. The law is holy, and the commandment holy, and jnst, and good. Rom. 7 : 7, 14, 22 ; OaL 8 : 21 ; Ps. 119. •Rom. 8 : 7, 8. The carnal mind is enmity against God ; tot It is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. « Rom. 8 : 2, 4. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh : that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in ns, who walk not alter the flesh bat after the Spirit. XIII. A GOSPEL CHURCH. We believe the Scriptures teach that » visible Church of Christ is a company of baptized believers, 1 associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel • l observing the ordinances of Christ;* gov- erned by his laws ; 4 and exercising the FOB BAPTIST CHUBOHBS. 68 gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by his word ; * that its only scriptural offi- cers are bishops or pastors, and deacons,* whose qualifications, claims, and duties are defined in the Epistles to Timothy and Titus. » Acts 2 : 41. 42. Then they that gladly received Ma word were baptized ; and the same day there were added to these about three thousand souls. *2 Cor. 8 : 5. They first gave their own solve* to the Lord, and unto us by the will of God. » 1 Cor. 11 : 2. Now I praise you, brethren, that ye remain- ber me in all things, a ad keep the ordinances as I delivered them to you. « Matt. 28 : 20. Teaching them to observe all things what- soever I have commanded you. John 14 : 15. * 1 Cor. 14 : 12. Seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church. •Phil. 1 : 1. With the bishops and deacons. Acta 14 : 28; 15:22. lTim.3. Titus 1. XIV. CHRISTIAN BAPTISM. We believe the Scriptures teach that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer in Christ, i into the name of the Father, and Son, and Holy Ghost;* to show forth in a solemn and beautiful em- blem his faith in the crucified, buried, and risen Saviour, with its effect, in his death to sin and resurrection to a new life ; 8 that it is prerequisite to the privileges of a church relation, and to the Lord's Supper. 4 Hi) STANDARD MANUAL i Acts 8:36-39. And the eunuch said, See, here is what doth hinder me to be baptized? And Philip said, If thon believest with all thy heart, thou mayest. . . . And they went down into the water, both Philip ana the eunuch, and he bap- tised him. Matt. 3 : 5, 6 ; John 3 : 22, 23 ; 4 : 1, 2 ; Matt. 28 : 19. •Matt. 18 : 19. Baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Acts 10 : 47, 48: Gal. 8:27,28. • Rom. 6 : 4. Therefore we are buried with him by baptism Into death ; that like as Christ was raised from the dead by the ' the Father, even so we also, should walk in newness Col. 2 : 12. rlory of of life. * Acts 2 : 41, 42. Then they that gladly received his word were baptized, and there were added to them, the same day, about three thousand souls. And they continued steadfastly In the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. Matt. 28 : 19, 20. XV. THE LORD'S SUPPER. We believe the Scriptures teach that the Lord's Supper is a provision of bread and wine, representing Christ's body and blood, partaken of by the members of the church assembled for that purpose, 1 in commemora- tion of the death of their Lord, 8 showing their faith and participation in the merits of his sacrifice, their dependence on him for spiritual life and nourishment,* and their hope of life eternal through his resurrection from the dead ; its observance to be pre- ceded by faithful self-examination. 4 i Lake 22 : 19, 20. And he took bread, and gave thanks and brake, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body, which Is given for you ; this do in remembrance of me. Likewise the tup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in ay blood, which is shed for you. Mark 14 : 20-26 ; Matt. 26 : 27-30; 1 Cor. 11 : 27-80 ; 1 Cor. 10 : 16. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES, 71 ■ i Cor. 11 : 36. For as oft as ye eat this bread, and drink this ©up, ye do shew the Lord's death until he come. Matt. K:90. » John 5 : 85, 54, 56. Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life. Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life. He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleta in me, and I in him, * 1 Cor. 11 : 28. But let a man examine himself, and so let trim eat of that bread, and drink of that cup. Acta 2 : 42, 46 ; 20 : 7, 11. XVI. THE LORD'S DAY. We believe the Scriptures teach, that. the first day of the week is the Lord's Day, 1 and is to be kept sacred to religious pur- poses s by abstaining from all secular labor, except works of mercy and necessity ; * by the devout observance of all the means of grace, both private and public; 4 and by preparation for that rest that remaineth for the people of God. * Acts 20 : 7. On the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached to them. > Exod. 20 : 8. Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep It holy. Rev. 1 : 10. I waa in the Spirit on the Lord's Day. Ps. 118 : 24. » lea. 58 : 13, 14. If thou turn away thy foot from the Sab- bath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day ; and call the Sabbath a delight, the holy of the Lord honourable ; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own Bleasure, nor speaking thine own words ; then shall thou de- ght thyself in the Lord, and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob. Isa.56:2-8. * Heb. 10 : 24, 25. Not forsaking the assembling of yourselYea together, as the manner of some is. Acta 13 : 44 The next Babbath Day came almost the whole city together to hear th* word of God. 78 STANDARD MANUAL XVII. CIVIL GOVERNMENT. We believe the Scriptures teach that civi government is of divine appointment, for the interest and good order of human so- ciety ; * and that magistrates are to be prayed for, conscientiously honored, and obeyed ; * except only in things opposed to the will of our Lord Jesus Christ, 8 who is the only Lord of the conscience, and the Prince of the kings of the earth. 4 1 Bom. 13 : 1-7. The powers that be are ordained of God For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil • Matt. 22 : 21. Render therefore unto Csesar the things that are Csesar's, and unto God the things that are God's. Titus 1:1; 1 Peter 2: 13; lTim.2:l-8. » Acta 5 : 29. We onght to obey God rather than man. Matt. 10 : 28. Fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul. Dan. 8 : 15-18 ; 6 : 7, 10; Acts 4 : 18-20. *Matt. 23 : 10. Ye have one Master, even Christ. Rev. 10: 14. And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name writ* ten, Krse or kings and Loan op lords. Ps, 72 : 11 ; Pi. 2 ; Rom. 14 : 0-13. XVIII. RIGHTEOUS AND WICKED. We believe the Scriptures teach that there is a radical and essential difference between the righteous and the wicked ; 1 that such only as are regenerate, being justified through faith in Jesus Christ and sanctified by the Spirit of God, are truly righteous in his esteem ; * while all such as continue in im- FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 73 penitence and unbelief are, in his sight, wicked and under the curse ; * and this dis- tinction holds among men, both in and after death. 4 1 Mai. 8 : 18. Ye shall discern between the righteous and tut wicked ; between him that servetb God and him that serretlt him not Prov. 12:26; Isa.5:20; Gen. 18 : 23 ; Jer. 16 : 19 : Acts 10: 84, 85; Bom. 6 ; 16. a Bom. 1 : 17. The just shall live by faith. 1 John 2 : 29. It re know that he is righteous, ye know that every oue that doeth righteousness is born of him. 1 John 3:7; Bom. 6 : 18, 12; 1 Cor. 11 : 82; Prov. 11 : 31; 1 Peter 4 : 17, 18. * 1 John 5 : 19. And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness. Gal. 3 : 10. As many as are of the works of the law, are under the curse. John 3 : 36 ; Iaa. 67:21; Ps. 10:4; Isa. 56 : 6, 7. « Prov. 14:32. The wicked is driven away in his wicked- ness, but the righteous hath hope in his death. Luke 16 : 25. Thou in thy lifetime receivedBt thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things ; but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. John 8 : 21-24 ; Prov. 10 : 24 ; Luke 12 : 4, 6; 11 . 13-26 ; John 12 : 25, 26: Eccl. 3 : 17. XIX. THE WORLD TO OOME. We believe the Scriptures teach that the ~ of the world is approaching ; x that at the last day Christ will descend from heaven, 8 and raise the dead from the grave for final retribution j 3 that a solemn separ- ation will then take place ; * that the wicked will be adjudged to endless sorrow, and the righteous to endless joyj* and that this judgment will fix forever the £nal state of 74 STANDARD MANUAL men in heaven or hell on principles of right- » 1 Peter 4 : 7. But the end of all things is at hand ; t» ye therefore sober, and watoh unto prayer. 1 Cor. 7 : 29-81 : Hab. 1: 10-12; Matt. 24:36. 1 AoU 1 : 11. This same Jesus which is taken up from yon into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him So into heaven. •Acts 24: 15. There shall be a resurrection of the dead, both of the just and unjust. 1 Cor. IS : 12-58; Luke 14 : 14; Dan. 12 : 2. *Matt. 18:49. The angels shall come forth, and sevr- Whitefield says : " It is certain that in the words of our text (Rom. 6 : 4) there is an allusion to the manner of baptizing, which was by immersion" Eighteen Ser- mons, p. 297. Meyee says : " The candidate says to him- self, now I enter into fellowship with the death of Christ; I am to be buried with Christ in the immersion, and in the emersion I rise with Christ to newness of life." Com. on Rom. 6 : 4,. Add to these the names of Bishop FelL, Dr. Doddridge, Adam Clark, Estius, Mai- donatus, Fritsche, Benson, Diodati, Tur- retin, Zwingli, Whitby, Samuel Clarke, with others equally good in authority, and what no one ought to question seems to be put beyond doubt. FOE BAPTIST CHURCHES. M THE WITNESS OF HISTORY. Learned and devout men have studied with care the early records of Christianity, and have written histories of the doctrines and customs of the churches, during the ages immediately succeeding the Apostles. What do they tell us as to the use of bap- tism during the first centuries after Christ? Barnabas, the companion of St. Paul, Hermas, writing about a. d. 95; Justin Martyr, about A. D. 140 ; Tertullian, about A. D. 204 j Hippolytus, about A. D. 225 ; Gregory, about a. d. 360 ; Basil, about a. d. 360; Ambrose, about a. d. 374; Cyril* about A. D. 374 ; Chrysostom, about A. D. 400 ; all speak of being dipped, or buried } or immersed, or plwiged in the water in baptism ; and none of them make the least allusion to any application of water to the person for baptism, by sprinkling, pouring, washing, or any other mode whatever. Dr. Wall, whose learned and laborious researches in connection with his exhaustive work on the History of Infant Baptism left little for others to discover in this field of scholarship, says : " The Greek Church in all its branches does still use immersion, and 96 STANDARD MANTJAjl so do all other Christians in the vorld, except the Latins. All those nations that do now, or formerly did submit to the Bishop of Rome, do ordinarily baptize their chil- dren by pouring or sprinkling. But all other Christians in the world, who never owned the Pope's usurped power, do and ever did dip their infants in the ordinary use. All the Christians in Asia, all in Africa, and about one-third in Europe are of the last sort." Hist Inf. Bap., Vol. II, p. 876, 3d ed. Bingham, in his Origines, the ablest work we have in English on Christian An- tiquities, says : " The ancients thought that immersion, or burying wnder water, did more lively represent the death, burial, and resur- rection of Christ, as well as our own death to sin and rising again unto righteousness." Christ. Antiq., B. XL, Ch. XL Mosheim says : " In this century {the 1st) baptism was administered in convenient places, without the public assemblies, and bv immersing the candidate wholly in water." Eccl. Hist. Cent. L, Part IL, Ch. 4. Neander says : " In respect to the form of Baptism, it was in conformity to the origi- nal institution, and the original import of FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 97 the symbol, performed by immersion, as a sign of entire baptism into the Holy Spirit, of being entirely penetrated with the same." Ch. Bid., Vol. I., p. 810. Also, Plant, and Train., Vol. L, p. 222. Schaff says : " Finally, so far as it re- spects the mode and manner of outward baptizing, there can be no doubt that immer- sion, and not sprinkling, was the original normal form." Hist. Christ. Ch., p. 488. Pressestse says : " Baptism, which was the sign of admission into the church, was ad- ministered by immersion. The convert was plunged beneath the water, and as he rose from it he received the laying on of hands." Early Years of Christianity, p. 874- Kurtz says : " Baptism took place by a x>mplete immersion.^ Church History, p. n. Kraus says: "Baptism was performed by immersion in the name of the Trinity." Church History, p. 56. 1882. Ellicott says : " Jewish ablutions arrived at a ceremonial purity in the Levitical sense, and had nothing in common with the figur- ative act which portrayed through immersion the complete disappearance of the old nature, and by the emerging again the beginning of 08 STANDARD MANUAL a totally new life." Life of Christ* «. 110. FOR THIRTEEN CENTURIES. It is proven that, not only was immer- sion practiced for baptism by Christ and his Apostles, but that for many ages after nothing else was known as baptism ; and that for thirteen hwndred years it was the common and prevailing form over the whole Christian world, with only exceptional departures, hereafter to be noticed. And that though the Latin or Roman Church did finally adopt sprinkling, claiming the right to change ordinances, the Greek and all the Oriental churches retained dipping, as they do to this day. Dr. Stackhouse says : " Several authors have shown and proved that this manner of immersion continued, as much as possible to be used for thirteen hwndred years after Christ?" Hist Bible, B. 8, Ch. 1. Bishop Bossuet says : " We are able to make it appear, by the acts of councils and by ancient rituals, that for thirteen hundred years baptism was thus administered [by immersion] throughout the whole church, FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 99 as far as possible." OUed f Stennd ad Bussen p. 176. Hagenbach says : " From the thirteenth oentury sprinkling came into more general use in the West. The Greek Church, how- ever, and the church of Milan still retained the practice of immersion" Hist. Dod. Vol. IL y p. 8h note 1. Van Oostekzee, says : " This sjtrinUmg y which appears to have first come generally into use in the thirteenth century in place of the entire immersion of the body, in imita- tion of the previous baptism of the sick, has certainly this imperfection, that the sym- bolical character of the act is expressed by it much less conspicuously than by complete immersion and burial under the water." Christ Dogmat., Vol. IL, p. 7jB. Coleman says : " The practice of immer- sion continued even until the thirteenth or fourteenth century. Indeed, it has never been formally abandoned." Anc. Christ, JExemp Gi. 19, Sec. W. To the same effect is the testimony of Drs. Brenner, Yon Colin, Winer, Augusti, Bingham, and others. 100 STANDARD MANUAL AS TO THE GREEK CHURCH. It is a notable fact, and worthy of record in this discussion, that the Greek Church has always retained immersion in baptism This church extends over Greece, Russia, Arabia, Palestine, Abyssinia, Siberia, and other Oriental countries. Like the Latin Church, it has corrupted the primitive purity of gospel doctrine and practice with many absurd glosses and superstitious rites. It practices infant baptism, yet it is by dip- ping, even in the severe climate of Siberia ; and it uses trine immersion, or dipping the candidate three times, once to each of the names iu the sacred Trinity. But in all its branches immersion is retained. The Edinburg Encyclopedia says : " The Greek Church, as well as the Schis- matics in the East, retained the custom of immersing the whole body ; but the Western Church adopted, in the thirteenth century, the mode of sprinkling, which has been continued by the Protestants, Baptists only excepted." Ency. Edin., Art. Baptism. These statements are fully confirmed by Stourdza, Ricaut, Deylingiua, Buddeus, Wall, King, Broughton, Stanley, Coleman, FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHE8. 101 wnd others, who have written on the state and history of the Greek Church. THE DESIGN OF BAPTISM. Whi.t was baptism intended to represent? As a religious rite it meant something, had some symbolic force, and represented some moral or spiritual fact or truth. Its mean- ing was clearly this : to show forth the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, who died for our sins, and rose again for our justification. And every believer who receives this ordinance, professes thereby to have faith in the merits of Christ's death, as the ground of his own hope of salvation ; to have fellowship also with his sufferings, and makes a declaration of his own death to sin, and rising to a new life in Christ It also typifies the washing of regeneration ; it further declares the candidate's hope of a resurrection from the dead, even as Christ, into the likeness of whose death he is buried, was raised up by the glory of the Father. Chiefly death, burial, and resur- rection ; the great facts of redemptive grace are by it set forth. Immersion in baptism does teach all this, and immersion alone can teach it Careful students of the New 102 STANDARD MANUAL Testament have clearly seen this, and very generally confessed it, whatever may have been their practice. Bishop Newton says : " Baptism was usually performed by immersion, or dipping the whole body under water, to represent the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ, and thereby signify the person's own dying to sin, the destruction of its power, and his resurrection to a new life." Pract. Expos. Cate., p. 297. Bloomfield, Barnes, Schaff, Poole, Hammond, Barrows, Baxter, MacKnight, Olshausen, Grotius, Saurin, Buddeus, Pic- tetus, Fran ki us, Wall, Towerson, Adam Clark, Tyndale, and others, bear similar tes- timony as to the design of the ordinance, and how it is answered in immersion only- A SUFFICIENCY OF WATER. There have been found persons so igno- rant, or so weak, or so perverse in their opposition to immersion, as to assert that the Jordan was a small stream, so nearly dry in the summer, that it had not sufficient depth of water for the immersion of the multitudes of the disciples of John and of Jesus said to have been baptised in it ; and FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 103 dso that Jerusalem had no sufficient accom- modation for the immersion of the thou- sands of converts at the Pentecost, and on subsequent occasions. People are becoming more intelligent, and more candid, and it is possible that such puerile objections are no more heard. But it may be well to give passing notice to the facts. Dr. Edward Robinson, at that time professor in the Union Theological Semi- nary, New York City, in 1840, made a careful survey of Palestine, including the Jordan valley and river. His published statements corroborate those of others pre- viously made, as to the abundant supply of water, both in the Jordan, and in the city of Jerusalem. He cites the published statements of earlier explorers, whose works are known to the reading public. Seetzen, who visited that country in 1806 ; Burk- hardt, who explored it in 1812; Irby and Mangles, in 1818 ; and Buckingham, who traveled through it about the same time. See Robimcm's Bib. Research, Vol. II. See. 10, pp 257-867. Lieutenant Lynch, of the United States Navy, was, in 1848, sent out by our government in charge of an expedition te 104 STANDARD MANUAL explore the river Jordan and the Dead Sea. Dr. Thomson, for a quarter of a cen- tury missionary in Syria and Palestine, traversed the land in 1857, and Dean Stanley in 1853, and others more recently. For a complete refutation of such puerile objections as those above mentioned, and a confirmation of Baptist claims, 6ee the fol- lowing works : Robinson's Biblical Re- searches, Vol. II. Sec. 10, pp. 257-267. Lynch's Dead Sea Expedition, Ch. 10 and 11. Thomson's The Land and the Book, Vol. II. pp. 445-6. Stanley's Svria and Palestine, Ch. 7, pp. 306-7. Barclay's The City of the Great Kings, Ch. 10. An^ other citations in " Baptist Church Direct ory." THE RISE OF SPRINKLING. The question will naturally arise, and very properly, when did sprinkling for baptism first come into use? And ho\t came it to pass, that a human device super- seded and took the place of a divine insti- tution? These questions are fully and satisfactorily answered, by Pedobaptisf scholars themselves, whose testimony w€ aooept as a justification of Baptist views. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 106 For two hundred and fifty years after Christ we have no evidence of any depart- ure from the primitive practice of immer- sion. At length the idea came to prevail that baptism possessed saviug virtue, and had power to purify and sanctify the soul, making its salvation more secure. It was consequently thought unsafe to die unbap- tized. Here was the germ of the peroicious dogma of " baptismal regeneration," the foundation alike of infant baptism, and of sprinkling instead of immersion. The first authenticated instance of sprink- ling occurred about the middle of the third century, or A. D. 250. This was the case of Novatian. The historian Eusebius gives this case, and Dr. Wall in his laborious researches could find no earlier instance ; good evidence that no earlier existed. Novatian was dangerously sick, and believ- ing himself about to die, was anxious to be baptized. The case seemed urgent, and as he was thought to be too feeble to be immersed, a substitute was resorted to, water was poured profusely over him as he lay in bed, so as to resemble as much as possible a submersion. The word used to describe this action (perichutheis, perfustu) 106 STANDARD MANUAL has usually been rendered besprinkle; it rather means to pour profusely over and about one. This it was thought might answer the purpose in such an emergency. From this time onward pouring and sprinkling were resorted to at times of extreme illness, or feebleness, where persons could not leave their beds, and hence was termed clinic baptism, from clina, a couch. But it was always regarded as a substitute for baptism, rather than baptism itself; and its validity was doubted. Novatian himself having recovered from his sickness, was objected to when his friends proposed to make him bishop, because, it was said, he had never been properly baptized. It was not, however, until the seventeenth centur' that sprinkling became common in Europe in France first, and then extending through those countries over which the pope held sway. At length, accepted by Calvin and the Genevan Church, it extended into Scot- land, by John Knox, and other Scotch refugees, who had found in Geneva a shel- ter from the persecution to which they had been exposed in their native country ; then into England ; and in 1643 it was adopted i* the exclusive mode of baptism by a FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES. 107 majority of one in the Westminster Assem- bly of Divines, and sanctioned by Parlia- ment the next year. All of which is veri- fied by Eusebius, Valesius, Wall, Salma- sius, Venema, Taylor, Towerson, Grotius. " Ency. Brit." ; " Edin. Eney," and other reliable historical authorities. * 1 For more numerous citations on this subject, see the u Star Book on Christian Baptism/' and " The Baptist Church Dtreo- tery." 1M STANDARD MA27UAI. CHAPTER XL THE LORD'S SUPPER. The Lord's Supper, called also tne " Eucharist," and the " Communion," \s the most sacred act of Christian worship, and the highest expression of the mysteries of our holy religion. It is a service in which bread and wine — the loaf and the cup — are used to represent the body and the blood of Christ, the Lamb of God, slain foi us. The bread is broken, distributed, and eaten ; the wine is poured, distributed, and drunk by the members of the assembled church, to show the sacrifice of Christ, his body broken, and his blood shed for their redemption ; and that by his death they have life. Being begotten of God through the operation of the Spirit, their new life is sustained and nourished by mystically feed- ing on him who is the Bread of God, which came down from heaven to give life to the world. He said : " This do in remembrance FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 109 of me." " As oft as ye eat this bread and drink the cup ye proclaim the Lord's death, till he come." " Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, re have no life in you." " Whoso eateth my * flesh and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life." " He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him." It is a divine reality, though a sublime mystery. OPEN AND CLOSE COMMUNION. The controversy between Baptists and other denominations, so far as the Lord's Supper is concerned, has no reference to its nature, the purpose for which it was insti- tuted, the manner of its administration, or the effect of the elements on the participants. It has reference simply to the proper sub- jects for participation in the privilege. Who may, and who may not properly and of right come to the Lord's Table ? On the question of what are the Scriptural qualifications of participants, Baptists and Pedobaptists differ — differ not as to the general rule to be applied, but as to its par- ticular application. And this particular application leads to the controversy on 10 110 STANDARD MANUAL what is called " close communion," as prac- ticed by Baptists, and to what is called " open communion" as practiced by Pedo- baptists. Wliat is open communion f Open, tree or mixed communion is, strictly speaking, iiat which allows any one who desires, and relieves himself qualified, to come to the Lord's Table, without any questions being asked, or conditions imposed by the church in which the ordinance is observed. But ordinarily the term is applied to the prac- tice of the greater part of the Pedobaptist churches, which hold that sprinkling is law- ful baptism, and invite, not all persons, but members of all evangelical churches, what- ever be their view of church order and ordinances ; holding them all as being bap- tized because they have been sprinkled. What is close communion f Close, strict, or restricted communion is, properly speaking, that which does not invite all indiscriminately to the Lord's Table, but restricts the privilege to a particular class. But ordinarily the term is applied to the practice of Baptist churches, which invite only baptized believers, walking in orderly fellowship in their own churches. And by FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. Ill baptized believers, they mean, of course, immersed believers ; not admitting sprink- ling to be baptism at all. ONE AND THE SAME RULE. Observe further : That Baptists and Pedo- baptists have one and the same rule in theory as to the proper qualification for participants, namely, they all hold that baptism is a prerequisite. That unbaptized persons have no legal right to the Lord's Supper, and cannot consistently be invited to it. Pedobaptists would not invite unbap- tized persons to the Lord's Table, however good Christians, since such could not become church members, and the Supper is for those within the church, not for the outside world. For though a few churches and a few pastors, who in their extreme liberality might be disposed to invite every- body to the sacred ordinance, yet such a course would be contrary to their denomi- national standards, and opposed to the usages of tb^ir churches generally. Further observe: They all practice a restriction, nince they restrict the privilege to a part r <;ular class ; namely, baptized believers, Talking in orderly church fellow- U2 STANDARD MANUAL ship. But Baptists and Pedobaptists differ as to what constitutes baptism, the one rejecting, and the other accepting the valid- ity of sprinkling. Thus Baptists' custom is nWe " close" and Pedobaptists' is more " open" by the difference between their views of baptism ; and by that difference only. Therefore, it is manifest that the question so called of " close " and " open '' communion is really not a question of " communion " at all, but of what consti- tutes Scriptural baptism. Let that be settled, and the controversy as to the restric- tion of the Lord's Supper will cease. THE BAPTIST POSITION. Baptists hold that there are three impera- tive conditions precedent to the privileges of the Lord's Supper. 1. Regeneration. No unconverted person can with pro- priety, or of right, eat and drink at that sacred feast, in commemoration of Christ's death. They must be persons dead to sin, and alive to God ; born again, through the operation of the Spirit. 2. Baptism. Bur- ied with Christ in baptism on a profession oi faith in him. No person, however good, and however manifestly regenerate, is pre- FOB BAPTIST CHUKCHES. 118 oared without baptism, according to the divine order, to receive the Supper. With- out baptism he cannot enter the fellowship of the church, where the Supper alone is to be enjoyed. 3. An orderly walk is neces- sary. An upright and consistent Christian walk, and godly conversation among the saints, and before the world. For though one may be truly regenerate, and properly baptized, yet if he be a disorderly walker, violating his covenant obligations, living in sin, and bringing reproach on the Christian profession, he has no right to sit at the Lord's Table. The ordinances are a sacred trust which Christ has committed to the churches as custodians, and which they are to watch and guard from all profane intrusion, and improper use, with the most sedulous fidelity. Baptists believe that in order to maintain the purity and spirituality of the churches, it is necessary to maintain the ordinances pure ; and especially necessary to restrict the Supper to regenerate and godly persons, baptized on a profession of their faith, into the fellowship of the saints. To adopt any other rule, or to allow any larger liberty, would break down the dis- 10* 114 STANDAKI) MANUAJL tinction between the church and the world ; would bring in a carnal and unconverted membership, and transfer the sacred mys- teries of the body and the blood of Christ from the temple of God to the temple of Belial. This would be disloyalty to Christ. The apostolic plan was as follows : Those who believed, and gladly received the ivard, were baptized. Then they were added to the chwrch. Then they continued steadfast in the apostles' doctrine, and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayer. Notice, they were not baptized till they had received the word and believed. They were not added to the church till they had believed and been baptized. They did not engage in the breaking of bread (that is, the Supper), till they had believed, been baptized, and were added to the church. This is the divine order ; and this is the order which Baptists maintain and defend. PEDOBAJPTIST CLOSE COMMUNION. It has already been shown that Pedobap- tiste themselves practice a restricted or close communion, limiting the privilege to bap- tized (as they call them) members of evan- gelical churches, and that their communion FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHES. 116 is more liberal than that of the Baptists only, and only by so much as their baptism (so- called) is more liberal than that of Baptists. But in some respects Pedobaptists practice a " close communion," restrictive in its con- ditions, far beyond anything known to Bap- tists whose illiberality they are accustomed to magnify. They exclude a large class of their own members from the Lord's Table — namely, baptized children! Baptists do not deny the Lord's Supper to their own members in good standing. If children are suitable subjects for baptism, it seems most unreason- able and unjust to deny them the Supper. If they can be benefited by one ordinance, can they not be equally benefited by the other ? If they can receive the one on the faith of sponsors, can they not receive the other in the same way ? Who has authorized parents or ministers to give baptism to unconverted and unconscious children, and refuse them the Lord's Supper? By denying the Sup- per to baptized children, Pedobaptists art contrary to the traditions of the ancient churches, which they are accustomed to cite with so much assurance, in defense of infant baptism. Do they not know that those ancient churches (not the primitive churches) 116 STANDARD MANUAL gave the Lord's Supper to infants for many centuries? And the Greek Church, through all its branches, continues still the same practice. Dr. Coleman says : "After the general introduction of infant baptism, in the second and third centuries, the sacrament continued to be administered to all who had been bap- tized, whether infants or adults. The reason alleged by Cyprian and others for this practice was, that age was no impediment. Augustine strongly advocates the practice. The custom continued for several centuries. It is mentioned in the third Council of Tours, a. D. 813; and even the Council of Trent, A. D. 1545, only decreed that it should not be considered essential to salva- tion. It is still scrupulously observed by the Greek Church." Anc. Christ. JExemp. f Ch. 28, Sec. 8; Bing. Orig., B. 16, Ch. 4, Sec. 7. Many other writers bear the same Itstimony. THE POWER OP 8YMPATHY. There is a small class of Baptists who are at times inclined to desire, and it may be, to seek a wider liberty at the Lord's Table FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES. H7 than they find accorded in their own churches. The one prevailing argument with them is tympathy. To them it seems kindly and fraternal to invite all who say they love our common Lord and Saviour to unite in com- memorating his death in the Supper. Even if they have not been baptized, they them- selves believe they have, and they are good Christian people. "Why stand upon a technicality ? " they say. To such the ser- vice is merely a sentimental service ; a kind of love feast to show Christian fel- lowship, rather than an instituted com- memoration of their dying Lord. They have neither Scripture, logic, expediency, the scholarship, nor the concurrent practice of Christendom, either past or present, to sustain their position. But sympathy influ- ences them ; yet sympathy should not con- trol conduct in matters of faith, or in acta of conscience. It is a grave perversion when affection for his disciples sways us more than fidelity to our Lord. We should not be so kind to them as to be untrue to him. Sincere Christians will honor those who are loyal to Christ, even though they differ in opinion. 118 STANDARD MANUAL THREE FACTS EXPLAINED. Baptists give the following reasons in justi- fication of their course in the following cases : 1. They do not invite Pedobaptists to the Lord's Supper with them, because such per- sons are not baptized, as has been shown, they being simply sprinkled. They may be true converts, and have the spiritual qualifications, but they are destitute of the ceremonial qualification — baptism. The "buried in baptism" comes before the " breaking of bread." 2. They do not accept the invitation of Pedobaptist churches to eat at the Lord's Table with them, for the same reason ; they are not baptized Christians. And while they appreciate their Christian fellowship, they could not accept their church fellow- ship, and sit at the Lord's Table with them, without accepting their sprinkling and in- dorsing their baptismal errors. 3. They do not invite immersed members of Pedobaptist churches to the Lord's Supper with them, because such persons, though they may be truly regenerate and properly bap- tized, are walking disorderly by remaining b\ and giving countenance to churches which FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHES. 119 hold and practice serious errors as to both the ordinances. These churches use sprink- ling for baptism and administer the ordi- nance to infants, both of which are unscript- urai. And yet such persons, by remaining in them, encourage and support these errors, instead of protesting against them by leaving them. They insist on immersion for them- selves, and yet by a strange inconsistency give their fellowship and influence to per- petuate and sanction sprinkling for others. This is inconsistent and disorderly Christian walking ; and, therefore, very properly, Baptists decline to invite them to the Lord's Supper. PEDOBAPTIST WITNESSES. In further proof that the position of Baptists as to the Lord's Supper is correct and Scriptural ; that the difficulty lies with baptism, and not with the Supper ; and that they must still continue to restrict the ordi- nance to baptized believers, or else admit that sprinkling is baptism, we cite the concessions of distinguished Pedobaptist scholars and divines in evidence on our side. Justin Maktyk, one of the early Christian Fathers, says of the Supper: "This food is 120 STANDARD MANUAL called by us the Eucharist, of which it is not lawful for auy one to partake but such as believe the things taught by us to be true, and have been baptized. " Apol. 1. C. 65, 66. See Schafs Church Hist Ch. 2, p. 516. Mosheim, in his Church History, says : " Neither those doing penance, nor those not yet baptized, were allowed to be present at the celebration of this ordinance." Eccl. Hist., Cent 3, Part 2, Ch. 4, Set. 3. Neander, the great Church historian, says : " At this celebration, as may be easily concluded, no one could be present who was not a member of the Christian Church, and incorporated into it bv the rite of bap- tism." Ch. Hkt, Vol. L, 327. Boston, 1849. Cave, one of the ablest writers on Chris- tian Antiquities, says the participants in the primitive church were those " that had embraced the doctrine of the gospel, and had been baptized into the faith of Christ. For, looking upon the Lord's Supper ad the highest and most solemn act of religion, they thought they could never take care enough in the dispensing of it." Prim. Christ, Part I.. Ch. 11, p. 333. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 12) Bingham, in his able work on the An- tiquities of the Christian Church, says of the early Christians : " As soon as a man was baptized he was communicated " — that is, admitted to the communion. Baptism, therefore, essentially preceded the Supper. —Christ Aniiq. B. 19 y Ch. 4, Sec. 9, B. 16. Ch.3. Dr. Wall, who searched the records of antiquity for facts illustrating the history of the ordinances, says : " No church ever gave the communion to any persons before they were baptized. Among all the absurdities that were ever held, none ever maintained that any person should partake of the com- munion before he was baptized." Hist. Inf. Bap , Part 1L, Ch. 9. Dr. Coleman says of the early churches : ' None indeed but believers in full commu- nion with the church were permitted to be present." " But agreeably to all the Jaws and customs of the church, baptism jonstituted membership with the church. •All baptized persons were legitimately num- bered among the communicants as members of the church." Anc. Christ. Exemp., Ch. 21 Sec. 8. Dr. Sch aff says : " The communion was n 122 STANDARD MANUAL a regular part, and, in fact, the most import- ant and solemn part of the Sunday worship, .... in which none but full members of the church could engage." Ch. ffisL, Vol. L, p. 392. New York, 1871. Dr. Doddridge says : " It is certain that so far as our knowledge of primitive antiquity reaches, no unbaptized person received the Lord's Supper." Lectures, pp. 511, 512. Dr. Dick says : " An uncircumcised man was not permitted to eat the Passover ; and an unbaptized man should not be permitted to partake of the Eucharist." TheoL, Vol. II, p. 220. Dr. Baxter says : " What man dares go in a way which hath neither precept nor example to warrant it, from a way that hath full current of both ? Yet they that will admit members into the visible church without baptism do so." Plain Scripture Proof, p. 2£ Dr. Dwight, President of Yale College, and author of " Systematic Theology," says: " It is an indispensable qualification for this ordinance that the candidate for communion be a member of the visible church in full standing. By this, I intend that he should ) « a man of piety ; that he should have FOB BAPTI8T CHURCHES. 123 made a public profession of religion, and that he should have been baptized." Syat Theol, Ser. 160, B. 8, Ch. 4, Sec. 7. Dr. Griffin, one of the fathers of New England Congregationalism, says : " I agree with the advocates of close communion in two points: 1. That baptism is the initia- tory ordinance which introduces us into the visible church ; of course, where there is no baptism, there are no visible churches. 2. That we ought not to commune with those who are not baptized, and of course not church members, even if we regard them as Christians." Letter on Baptism, 1829 ', cited by Ourtis on Com., p. 125. Dr. Hibbard, a leading Methodist scholar and divine, says : " In one principle Baptist and Pedobaptist churches agree. They both agree in rejecting from communion at the table of the Lord, and in denying the rights of church fellowship to all who have not been baptized." And with admirable frankness, he adds : " The charge of dose communion is no more applicable to the Baptists than to us [Pedobaptists] ; inso- much as the question of church fellowship with them is determined by as liberal prin- ciples as it is with any other Protestant 124 STANDARD MANUAL churches, so far, I mean, as the present sub- ject is concerned — i. e., it is determined by valid baptism" Hibbard on Christ. Bap., P. II, p. 17 % Dk. Bullock, another Methodist divine, says : " Close communion, as it is generally termed, is the only logical and consistent course for Baptist churches to pursue. If their premises are right, their conclusion is surely just as it should be." And he com- mends the firmness of Baptists in not invit- ing to the communion those whom they regard as un baptized. He says : " They do not feel willing to countenance such laxity in Christian discipline. Let us honor them for their steadfastness in maintaining what they believe to be a Bible precept, rather than criticise and censure because they differ with us concerning the intent and mode of Christian baptism, and believe it to be an irrepealable condition of coming to the Lord's table." What Christians Believe. The Independent, one of the most widely circulated, and perhaps the most in- fluential Pedobaptist paper in the country t in an editorial, says : " Leading writers of all denominations declare that converts mast be FOB BAPTIST CHUBCHE8. 125 baptized before they can be invited to the communion table. This is the position generally taken. But Baptists regarding sprinkling as a nullity — no baptism at all — look upon Presbyterians, Methodists, and others, as unbaptized persons." "The other churches cannot urge the Baptists to become open communionists till they them- selves take the position that all who love our Lord Jesus Christ, the unbaptized as well as the baptized, may be invited to the communion table." Editorial, July, 1879. The Congregationalist, the organ of the New England Congregational Churches, in an editorial, says : " Congregationalists have uniformly, until here and there an ex- ception has arisen of late years, required baptism and church membership as the pre- requisite of a seat at the table of the Lord. It is a part of the false ' liberality ' which now prevails in certain quarters, to welcome everybody ' who thinks he loves Christ ' to commune in his body and blood. Such a course is the first step in breaking down that distinction between the church and the world, which our Saviour emphasized ; and h seems to us it is an unwise and mistaken 11* 12«5 STANDARD MANUAL act for which no Scriptural warrant exists,* Editorial, July 9 y 1879. The Observer, of New York, the oldest and leading Presbyterian journal of this country, said : " It is not a want of charity which compels the Baptist to restrict his invitation. He has no hesitation in admit- ting the personal piety of his unimmersed brethren. Presbyterians do not invite the unbaptized, however pious they may be. It is not uncharitable. It is not bigotry on the part of Baptists to confine their com- munion to those whom they consider the baptized." The Interior, of Chicago, the organ of Western Presbyterians, said : " The differ- ence between our Baptist brethren and our- selves is an important difference. We agree with them, however, in saying that unbap- tized persons should not partake of the Lord's Supper. Their view compels them to think that we are not baptized, and shuts them up to close communion. Close com- munion is, in our judgment, a more defensi- ble position than open communion, which is justified on the ground that baptism is not a prerequisite to the Lord's Supper. To charge Baptists with bigotry becanse they FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 127 •bide by the logical consequences of their system is absurd." The Christian Advocate, of New York, the leading journal of American Methodists, said : " The regular Baptist churches in the United States may be considered to-day as practically a unit on three points — the non- use of infant baptism, the immersion of believers only upon a profession of faith, and the administration of the holy commu- nion to such only as have been immersed by ministers holding these views. In our opinion the Baptist Church owes its amazing prosperity largely to its adherence to these views. In doctrine and government, and in other respects, it is the same as the Con- gregationalists. In numbers, the regular Baptists are more than six times as great as the Congregationalism. It is not bigotry to adhere to one's convictions, providing the spirit of Christian love prevails/' The Episcopal .Recorder said : " The close communion of the Baptist churches is but the necessary sequence of the funda- mental idea out of which their existence has grown. No Christian Church would willingly receive to its communion even the humblest and truest believer in Christ who 128 STANDARD MANUAL had not been baptized. With Baptists, im- mersion only is baptism, and they therefore of necessity exclude from the Lord's Table all who have not been immersed. It is an essential part of the system — the legitimate carrying out of the creed." Bishop Coxe, of the Episcopal diocese of Western New York, says : " The Baptists hold that we have never been baptized, and they must exclude us from their communion table, if we were disposed to go there. Are we offended ? Do we call it illiberal ? No ; we call it principle, and we respect it. To say that we have never become members of Christ by baptism seems severe, but it is a conscientious adherence to duty, as they re- gard it I should be the bigot, and not they, if I should ask them to violate their discipline in this, or in any other particu- lar." On Chris. Unity, in " Church Union," July, 189L FOR BAPTIST CHUBCHE& 129 CHAPTER XII. INFANT BAPTISM. One of the customs held and upheld by Pedobaptist churches, which Baptists seri- ously condemn, is infant baptism. It is practiced by both Roman Catholics and Pro- testants as a religious institution; and though not held as sacredly, or practiced as widely as formerly, it still prevails to a wide extent throughout the Christian world. And yet it was not instituted by Christ, nor practiced by his apostles, nor known in the primitive churches, and has neither sanction nor recognition in the word of God. It is for this reason that Baptists utterly reject and condemn the custom, as not simply use- less and without authority, but as a most pernicious and hurtful usage ; that it is in- jurious both to the child that receives it, and to the church which allows it, can be easily shown. Baptism before faith, and without a profession of it, contradicts and 180 STANDARD MAJSUAL doea violence to all New Testament teach- ing. NOT OF SCRIPTURAL AUTHORITY. Now, that infant baptism is not of Script- ural authority, and was not known in the first Christian ages, nearly all its advocates and defenders have with considerable can- dor admitted. Only a few of their historians and scholars can be cited here. Dr. William Wall, a learned divine of the English Church, who wrote the His- tory of Infant Baptism, a work so able that the clergy in convocation assembled gave him a vote of thanks for his defense of the custom, says : " Among all the per- sons that are recorded as baptized by the Apostles, there is no express mention of any infants/' Hist. Inf. Bap., Intro., pp. 1,65. Thomas Fuller, the historian, says : "We do freely confess there is neither ex- press precepts nor precedent in the New Testament for the Baptism of Infants/' Infant* Advoc, pp. 71, 160. Luther says : " It cannot be proved by the sacred Scriptures that infant baptism was instituted by Christ, or begun by th© fir^ FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 131 Christians after the Apostles. Vanity of Inf. Bap., Part II., p. 8. Neander says : " Baptism was adminis- tered at first only to adults, as men were accustomed to conceive of baptism and faith as strictly connected. We have all reason for not deriving infant baptism from apos- xolic instltution. ,, Ch. Hist., Vol. /., p. 311 ; Plant, and. Train, Vol I., p. %22. Prof. Lange says: "All attempts to make out infant baptism from the New Testament fail. It is totally opposed to the spirit of the apostolic age, and to the funda- mental principles of the New Testament." Inf. Baptism, p. 101. Prof. Jaoobi says: "Infant baptism was established neither bv Christ, nor by the Apostles." AH. Bap. Kvao'a Oycl Bib. Lit. Dr. BLanna says : " Scripture knows nothing of the baptism of infants." North Brit. Review. Aug., 18SS. Prof. Hagenbach says : " The passages from Scripture cited in favor of infant bap- tism as a usnage of the primitive church are doubtful, and prove nothing." Hist. I**L, pp. 190, 193. Bishop Burnett, Baxter, Good -in, 132 STANDARD MANUAL Limborch, Celarius, Field, and many others bear similar testimony. WHEN DIB IT RISE? Since the New Testament knows nothing of infant baptism, and since it was neither instituted by Christ, nor practiced by his Apostles, what was its origin, and when did it come into use ? Tertullian is the first who mentions the custom, and he opposes it. This was at the close of the second century, or about a. d. 200. His opposition to it proves two thi ngs : First, that it was in occasional use, at least. Second, that it was of recent origin, since had it been long used some earlier record of it could be found. Neander, Ch. Hist, Vol. L, p. 311. Bingham could find no earlier allusion to it than that of Tertullian, though he be- lieved it arose earlier. It must, therefore, as is generally agreed, have had its origin about the beginning of the third century. Curcelljeus says : " The baptism of in- fants in the two first centuries after Christ was altogether unknown ; but in the third and fourth was allowed by some few. In the fifth and following ages it was generally FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES, 133 received." Inst. Christ. Religion, B. I. f Ch. 12. Sajlmasius says : " In the first two cen- turies no one was baptized, except, being instructed in the faith and acquainted with the doctrines of Christ, he was able to pro- fess himself a believer." Hist. Bapt. Suicer. Thesawr., Vol IL, p. 1136. Such testimony is conclusive, and quite sufficient, though much more of a similar character might be added. Bvi observe : That when the baptism of children began, it was not that of uncon- scious infants at all, as is now practiced, but, as Bunsen declares, of " little growing chil- dren, from six to ten years old." And he asserts that Tertullian "does not say one word of new-born infants." Cyprian, an African bishop, at the close of the third cen- tury, urged the baptism of infants proper, because of the saving efficacy of the ordi- nance ; and he is called the inventor, or father, of infant baptism. BvmsevUs Hxppol and His Age, Vol. III. , pp. 19%-6. WHY DID IT RI8E? There is even less difficulty in tracing the cause than in finding the origin of infant 12 184 STANDARD MANUAL baptism. It originated in a perversion of Christian doctrine, and was itself the per- version of a Christian ordinance. All students of ecclesiastical history know that at an early period corruptions per- verted Christian faith and practice. Among these, one of the earliest was that of an undue efficacy attributed to baptism. Its sanctity wms so exalted that it was believed to have power to wash away sins, and cleanse the soul for heaven. By it the sick were supposed to be prepared for death, and salvation made more certain by its effi- cacy. Anxious parents therefore desired their dying children to be thus prepared — " washed in the laver of regeneration," as it was termed — that they might be sure of salvation. And here came in that perni- cious error of " baptismal regeneration," which gave rise to infant baptism, and which has through all these ages clung with more or less pertinacity to the clergy and laity of all churches which have practiced it. Salmasius says : " An opinion prevailed that no one could be saved without being baptized; and for that reason the custom arose of baptizing infants." Epid. Ju%. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 135 Pae. See Booth's Pedo. Exam., Ch. III., Sec. 3. Vekema declares that " the anciente con- nected a regenerating power with baptism." He cites Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Clemens, Tertullian, and Cyprian as holding that opinion. Eccl. Hist., Vol. If., p. 3, Sees. 2, 3,k Chkysostom, writing about a. d. 398, as cited by Suicerus, says : " It is impossible without baptism to obtain the kingdom," and as cited by Wall he says : " If sudden death seize us before we are baptized, though we have a thousand good qualities, there is nothing to be expected but hell." Suicer., Thesaur. Eccl., Vol. I., p. 3. Waddington, in his Church History, says, in reference to the third century : " A belief was gaining ground among the con- verts, and was inculcated among the hea- then, that the act of baptism gave remission of all sins committed previously." Hist. of Chwrch, Ch. II, p. S3. Prof. Fisher says: "Very early baptism was so far identified with regeneration as to be designated by that term. This rite was considered essential to salvation. A virtue was believed to reside in the bap- 136 STANDARD MANUAL tismal water itself." Hist. Christ. Ch. f p. 83. Do its advocates and supporters hold the same view now ? Do parents and ministers still believe that the baptism of unconscious infants secures, or makes more sure, their salvation ? If not, why do they practice it ? Prof. Lange's words are weighty, and should be carefully pondered by Protestant defenders of this Papal emanation. He says : " Would the Protestant Church fulfill and attain to its final destiny, the baptism of new-born children must of necessity be abolished. It has sunk down to a mere for- mality, without any meaning for the child." History of Protestantism, p. S %. Many good people, familiar with infant baptism and surrounded by its influences, have naturally learned to reverence it as of divine appointment, and some of them really believe it is taught or sanctioned by the New Testament. But Baptists are right in rejecting it as something utterly without foundation in the word of God. HOUSEHOLD BAPTISMS. Much stress is laid by some of the advo- cates of infant baptism on the fact that in FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 137 the Acts of the apostles several cases of household baptism are mentioned. And it is asked with an air of assurance : " If en- tire households were baptized, must there not have been children among them ? And were they not baptized also ? n To this it is sufficient to reply, that nothing is said of children, and we have no right to put into the Scriptures what we do not find in them. All inference that such households contained infants, and that such infants were baptized, is the purest fiction in the world. If Chris- tian institutions could be built on so slight a foundation as that, we could bring in all the mummeries of the Greek or the Roman Church, and all the ceremonies of the Mo- saic ritual. One thing is certain : if in those house- holds any children were baptized, they were old enough to receive the gospel and to be- lieve on Christ, and were thus suitable sub- jects for the ordinance, and for church fel- lowship. For it is said, " They believed, and gladly received the word. 17 There are thou- sands of Baptist churches into whose fellow- ship whole households have been baptized — parents and children, and perhaps others connected with them. But all were old 12* 1S& STANDARD MANUAL enough to believe and to make profession of their faith. So evidently it was in these households. The more prominent of these households are that of Lydia, mentioned in Acts 16 ; that of the Philippian jailer, mentioned also in Acts 16 ; and that of Stephanas, men- tioned in 1 Cor. 1. Now note what a few distinguished Pedobaptist scholars say of these cases. Dr. Neander says : " We cannot prove that the Apostles ordained infant baptism ; from those places where the baptism of a whole family is mentioned, we can draw no such conclusion." Planting and Training, p. 162, N. F. Ed., 1866. Prof. Jacobi says : " In none of these instances has it been proved that there were little children among them." Kxttds Bib. Oyc, Art. Bap. Dr. Meyer says : " That the baptism of children was not in use at that time appears evident from 1 Cor. 7 : 14." Comment, on Ads 16 : 16. Dr. De Wette says : " This passage has been adduced in proof of the apostolical authority of infant baptism ; but there is no proof here that any except adults were FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 139 v baptized." Com. New Test., Ads 16: 16. Dr. Olshauses says : " There is alto- gether wanting any conclusive proof text for the baptism of infants in the age of the Apostles." Com. on Acts 16 : 15. Bishop Bloomfield says of the jailer : " It is taken for granted that his family became Christians as well as himself." Com. on Acts 16: 31. Calvin, Doddridge, Henry, and other commentators declare that in this case the household all believed, and therefore were baptized and did rejoice. MacKnight con- siders the case of the household of Stephanas as giving no countenance to the baptism of infants. And with him agree Guise, Ham- mond, Doddridge, and others. As to the argument used by some, that baptism came in the place of circumcision, it is too weak and puerile, too far fetched and destitute of reason, to claim the serious regard of intelligent and candid minds. 140 STANDARD MANUAL CHAPTER XIIL CHUBCH GOVERNMENT. A Christian church is a society with a corporate life, organized on some definite plan, adapted to some definite purpose, which it proposes to accomplish. It has, therefore, its officers and ordinances, its laws and regu- lations, fitted to administer its government and carry out its purposes. The question then arises, What is the true and proper form of church organization and govern- ment ? We do not care to inquire as to the various and contradictory forms, as we see them about us in the different denomina- tions, but what was the organic form and government of the first churches, planted by and moulded under the hands of Christ'g inspired apostles. There are three special and widely differ- ent forms of church government which havf fained prevalence in Christian communities uring past ages, and which are still main FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 14i fcained with varied success, each of which claims to have been the original primitive form : 1. The prelatical, in which the governing power resides in prelates, or diocesan bish- ops, and the higher clergy ; as in the Roman, Greek, English, and most Oriental churches. 2. The presbyterian, in which the govern- ing power resides in assemblies, synods, pres- byteries, and sessions ; as in the Scottish Kirk, the Lutheran, and the various Pres- byterian churches. 3. The independent, in which the body is self-governing, each single and local church administering its own government by the voice of the majority of its mem- bers ; as among Baptists, Congregational- ists, independents, and some other bodies. Now which of these modes of church life and administration is taught in the New Testament, if either ? or which best accord? with the constitution and government of the apostolic churches ? Baptists hold that each separate, local church is an independent body, governing itself according to the laws of Christ, as found in the New Testament. That each inch church is independent of all other 142 STANDARD MAFCAL churches, and of all other persons, so far as administration is concerned, owing comity and fellowship to all, but allegiance and submission to none. The government is administered by the body of the members, *vhere no one possesses a pre-eminence of mthority, but each enjoys an equality of rights, and in which, in matters of opinion, ■;he majority decides. That this style of churoh structure is according to the New Testament appears evident from a study of the sacred records themselves. The apostles treated the churches as independent bodies. Their epistles were addressed to the churches as such ; they reported th«ir doings to them ; enjoined upon them the duty of discipline ; exhorted, instru'^ted, and re- proved them as independent and responsible bodies. They recognized the right of the churches to elect their own teachers and officers, a primary and fundamental right, which, when conceded, supposes all other rights and powers necessary to a self-gov- erning community acting under divinely given laws. Neander, the distinguished historian* says of the first age: "The churches w«ra ta ^ght FOR BAPTIST CHUBCHE8. 143 to govern themselves." '* The brethren chose their own officers from among them- selves." " In respect to the election of church officers, the ancient principle was still adhered to: that the consent of the community was necessary to the validity of every such election, and each one was at liberty to offer reasons against it." Introd. Coleman's Prim. Christ y, p 19; Ch. Hist., Vol. I., p. 199; Plant and Train., p. 166. Mosheim says of the first century : " In those primitive times, each Christian Church was composed of the people, the presiding officers, and the assistants, or deacoiu. These must be the component parts of every so- ciety. The principal voice was that of the people, or of the whole body of Christians." " The assembled people, therefore, elected their own rulers ana teachers." Of the second century, he adds : " One president, or bishop, presides over each church. He was created by the common suirrages of the people." " During a great part of this cen- tury, all the churches continued to be, as at first, independent of each other. Each church was a kind of small, independent republic, governing itself by its own laws, enacted, oi at least sanctioned, by the people." EocL 144 STANDARD MANUAL fl«*., Cent. 1, Part i, Ch. 2, See. 5, 6; Cent, g, Ch. 2, Sec. 1, 8. Coleman says : " These churches, where ever formed, became separate and independ- ent bodies, competent to appoint their own officers and administer their own govern- ment without reference or subordination to any control, authority, or foreign power. No fact connected with the history of the primitive church is more fully established or more generally conceded." Prim. Christ Exempt., Ch. 4, Sec. 4, p. 95. Archbishop Whately, Dr. Barrow, Dr. Burton, Dr. Waddington, — all of them Church of England divines, — fully agree with this testimony, and confirm the evi- dence cited. Geiselek, the historian, says, concerning early changes : " Country churches, which had grown up around some city, seem, with their bishops, to have been usually, in a certain degree, under the authority of the mother church. With this exception, all the churches were alike independent, though some were especially held in honor, on such grounds as their apostolic origin, or the im- portance of the city in which they were ■touted." Period 1, Div. 1, Ch. S, See. 58. FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES. 146 situated." Period 1, Div. 1, Ch. 3, Sec. 62. Farther discussion on this subject is not needed. The point is proven, and the inde- pendent form of church government is man- ifestly primitive and apostolic, as advocated and practiced by Baptists. 146 STANDARD MANUAL CHAPTER XIV. CHURCH OFFICERS. How many, and what are the Scripturaj officers of a Christian church? For a church, being a society, must have not only laws, but officers to execute them. How many orders are there in the ministry? These are questions which have at times greatly divided the Christian world. Baptists assert that the officers of a church are two, — and of right, can be no more, — pastor and deacons. In this opinion agree some other denominations, while the various Episcopal sects insist that there should be three sects — deacons, priests, and bishops, to which the Church of England adds arch- bishops. Others add to this number in- definitely ; and the Romish Church carries the list up to ten or twelve, ending with the pope. Now it is not so much what this church teaches or practices, but on wb*$ basis were the primitive churches — tb« FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 147 churches of inspiration — organized. Qui Lord did not live to shape, and model, and put in order all things for the full equip- ment of his people, that they might be thoroughly furnished unto all good works, but he did give to his apostles a spirit of wisdom by which they should be able to do all this, and carry out his plans, in the or- ganization oi his kingdom after he had left them. We assume that the first churches were organized on the divine plan, and seek to ascertain what that plan was. In the New Testament, the words bishops presbyter, elder are used to designate church officers. They all, however, designate the same office, and tnerefore officially mean the same thing ; indeed, they are not unfre- quently applied to the same individual. The bishop — called also presbyter, or elder — was the pastor, or overseer of the spiritual flock, watching, guiding, and feeding it, as the shepherd does his sheep. The deacons were chosen to attend to the temporal inter- ests of the church, as appears by the election of the seven, recorded in the sixth chapter of Acts. This was done in order that the apostles might be free from the temporal cares, and thus able to give their attention 148 STANDARD MAJTUAIi more exclusively to the spiritual welfare of the people. The word deacon means a mirv- ister, a servant. It is sometimes applied to the apostles, and even to Christ himself, in that general sense as one who " came, not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many." Some of the first deacons were also efficient preachers of the gospel, but their work as deacons pertained to other service in the churches. While, therefore, the deacon is a church officer, his office does not constitute an order in the ministry at all, its functions belong- ing to temporal concerns, and not to a spir- itual service. The service usually performed by clerks, trustees, and the like, it may be presumed, so far as such service was needed in the first churches, was devolved on the deacons. Pastors, by whatever name they may have been known, had the same service, and were of the same grade, dignity, and authority. In the first churches there were no high orders of clergy placed over lower grades, and over the churches ruling with superior authority. All were equals among equals, and all equally ministered to the churches. If in the same church there FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 149 might chance to be several to whom the titles bishop, presbyter, or elder were applied, they were all of equal rank or authority, though one might be selected to serve a# the pastor of the church, and devote him self to its local interests ; while the others might give themselves to more general mis- sionary work. Neander says : " The word 'presbyter, or elder, indicates rather the dignity ol the office, since presbyters among the Jews were usually aged and venerable ; while bishop, or episoopos, designated the nature of their work as overseers, or pastors of the churches. The former title was used by Jewish Chris- tians as a name familiar in the synagogue; while the latter was chiefly used by the Greek and other Gentile converts, as more familiar and expressive to them." a They were not designed to exercise absolute au- thority, but to act as presiding officers and guides of an ecclesiastical republic : to con- duct all things, with the co-operation of the communities, as their ministers, and not as their masters." Introd. to Cole. Prim. Ch., p. 20; Ch. Hist. Vol. 1., p. 18+; ^tcurd. and Train., p. H7. Mosheim says: "The rulers of tht 1* 150 STANDARD MANUAL churches were denominated sometime* pres- byters, or elders, a designation borrowed from the Jews, and indicative rather of the wisdom than the age of the persons, and sometimes also bishops; for it is most mani- fest that both terms are promiscuously used in the New Testament of one and the same class of persons." " In these primitive times, each Christian church was composed of the people, the presiding officers, and the assist- ants, or deacons. These must be the com- ponents of every society." EccL Hist., Cent. 1, p. 2; Ch., 2, Sees. 6, 8. Gieseler asserts: "The new churches everywhere formed themselves on the model of the mother church at Jerusalem. At the head of each were the elders {presbyter, bishop), all officially of equal rank, though in several instances a peculiar authority seems to have been conceded to some one individual from personal considerations." Ch. Hut., Part 1, Div. 1, Ch. 2, Sec. 29. Waddington declares : " It is also true that in the earliest government of the first Christian society, — that of Jerusalem, — not the elders only, but the 'whole church/ were associated with the apostles ; and it is even certain that the terms bishop and elder, FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 151 or presbyter , were in the first instance and for a short period, sometime used synony- mously, and indiscriminately applied to the same order in the ministry." Hist. Christ, Church, Ch. <2, Sec. 2. Archbishop Usher says that " bishop and presbyter differed only in degree, and not in order." See Cole. Ano. Christ Ezemp., Ch. 8, Sec. 6. Bishop Burnett says: "As for the notion of distinct offices of bishop and pres- byter, I confess it is not so clear to me." Vindie. Ch. of Sects, p. 366. Dr. Coleman says : " It is generally ad- mitted by Episcopal writers on this subject, that in the New Testament, and in the earliest ecclesiastical writings, the terms bishops and presbyters, or elders, are synony- mous, and denote one and the same office." "The office of presbyter was undeniably identical with that of bishop, as has been shown above." " Only two orders of officers are known in the church until the close of the second century. Those of the first are ityled either bishops or presbyters ; of the second, deacons." Ano. Christ. Ezemp., Ch. 8, Sec. 6; Ch. 6, Sec. 5. This author cites many of the early Chris- 152 8TANDAKD MANUAL tian Fathers who bore the same testimony, among whom are Clement of Rome, Poly- carp, Justin Martyr, Iren®us, Jerome, Chrysostom, Theodoret, and others. Many prelatical writers, besides these above quoted, frankly admit the same facts. The Apostle Paul, it is stated (Acts 20 : 17, 18), called together the elders (presby- ters) of the Ephesian Church. But in verse 28 he calls these officers overseers (episco- pous). Here the terms presbuteros and episco- pos were certainly used interchangeably. Paul and Timothy, in their address to the Philippian Christians, specify three classes as evidently constituting the entire body of disciples. They say : " To all the saints in Christ Jesus, which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons." Saints, bishops, and deacons embraced the whole church. Timothy was instructed by Paul as to the qualifications of pastors to be placed over the churched. (1 Tim. 3:1.) Par- ticular directions are given as to both bishops and deacons, but no mention is made of elders — clearly because they were the same as bishops. Titus is likewise enjoined to secure pa#- FOB BAPTIST CHURCHES. 168 tors for the church in Crete. (Titus 1 : 6, 7.) These pastors are called elders in verse 6 and bishops in verse 7. Pastors and deacons, therefore, are two orders, and these officers simply were known or needed in the apostolic churches. In this, also, the views held by Baptists are in harmony with the customs of the churches in the first and purest age of Christian his- tory. 154 STANDARD MANUAL CHAPTER XV. BAPTIST HISTORY. It is sometimes asked : " When and where did the Baptists originate? Who were their founders? What is their his- tory?" These are questions of interest; but a more important one would be : " Are they right ? Is their faith according to the teachings of the New Testament ? n Many things which are old are not true. Creeds and sects may boast a venerable antiquity, while the word of God utterly condemns them. Any organization that cannot rea- sonably claim Christ for its founder has small right to the name of a Christian church, no matter how old it may be. Baptists claim to be built on the founda- tion of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief Corner Stone. If this claim be well founded, whether they have a written history of one century or of twenty, matters little. Yet whatever of the FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 155 past belongs to any, it may be well to know. And Baptist history constitutes one of the most interesting chapters in the records of Christianity. During the apostolic age even, the doc- trines of the gospel became corrupted, and its ordinances soon after. Both Jewish and Gentile converts brought into the churches many of their old religious notions, and incorporated them with the faith of Christ. These, together with the many philosophical ideas of the times and the perversions to which the truth is always exposed from the ignorance and selfishness of men, very early turned the churches aside from the faith once delivered to the saints. Still there were many who in simplicity and humility maintained the doctrines and customs in their original purity. Those churches which were strongest and most prosperous were most exposed to corruption by alliances with the world. When at length the period of martyrdom and persecution terminated ; when a nom- inal Christianity took possession of a throne, and Church and State became united, then religion, in its prevailing forms, lost its sim- plicity, its spirituality, and its power, and a 156 STANDARD MANUAL temporal hierarchy took the place of the church of Christ. This was the great apos- tasy of the early times. But all the churches and all disciples did not follow in the wake of this sad departure from the truth. Many congregations and communities of true wor- shipers kept the doctrines of the gospel, and practiced its ordinances, nearly, or quite, in their primitive purity. And this they con- tinued to do through all the ages of dark- ness and corruption which followed. They were never identified with the Roman or Greek churches ; they never were in alliance with States ; never formed hierarchies. As independent congregations, or small commu- nities, with no other bond of union than a common faith, fellowship, and sympathy, often obscure and unobtrusive, taking the word of God as their guide, they sought to realize the idea, not of a temporal, but a spiritual kingdom in the gospel dispensa- tion. These religious communities were by the dominant hierarchies called secto, and stig- matized as heretic*. As such they were traduced and persecuted continuallv And though they may have had their errors they were the best and purest defenders o* FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 157 the Christian faith, and the truest representa- tives of the first disciples of Christ then existing. The State churches were the heretics ; while those so-called sects were the true successors of the first Christians. They were defamed and oppressed. Ca- lumniated and martyred because they bore witness to the truth of God and testified against the errors and vices of the so-called churches. History has never done them justice, and perhaps never will; because history has been too much written in the interest of their enemies, or from their standpoint. Tortured and tormented by those who should have been their defenders, crowns and mitres alike pledged to their destruction, they could do nothing but suffer. And this they nobly did as Christ's faithful witnesses. They were known by various names in different ages and in dif- ferent lands, but retained the same general characteristics. In the first and second centuries, Messa- lians, Montanists, Euchites, were terms which distinguished some of these sects. In the third, fourth and fifth centuries arose the Novatians. Increasing with ex- ceeding rapidity, they quite overspread the 14 168 STANDARD MANUAL Roman empire, in spite of the cruel and destructive persecutions which they suffered. In the fourth century the Donatists ap- peared, as a new form of existing sects, or a new phase of the old faith. They multi- plied rapidly, spread extensively, and long survived. In the seventh century appeared the Pauli- eians, attracting much attention, and calling down upon themselves the wrath of the Romish Church. Still they increased greatly, notwithstanding their many perse- cutions. That these Christian communities should have been faultless could not be supposed. But they were the best of the ages in which they lived, and maintained the purest forms of gospel truth and practice. Without the advantage of organization and association, they differed somewhat among themselves. But in general they all professed to take the New Testament as the rule of their faith and practice. They held to a spiritual church membership, and received only pro- fessedly regenerated persons to the ordi- nances. Denying the orthodoxy of the Romish Church, they re-baptized persons received from that body, and hence were FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES, 1&9 called Anabaptist*. Infant baptism they rejected, according to Allix, Mosheim, Rob- inson, and other historians. Baptism they administered by immersion, as indeed did all Christians during those ages. Robinson calls them "Trinitarian Baptists." It is said that the Empress Theodora, aftei having confiscated their property, caused to be cruelly put to death no less than one hundred thousand Pauiicians, for no other feult or offense than their religious faith. About the close of the tenth century ap- peared the Paterines; substantially the same people, no doubt, as had previously existed under other names. They too re- jected infant baptism, and protested against the corruptions of the Romish Church ; in consequence of which they suffered long and severe persecutions. In the eleventh century, and the ages fol- lowing, were the Waldenses, Albigenses, Yaudois, Cathari, and Poor Men of Lyons These were new names, and names usually given by their enemies. They increased. even under their persecutions, to a won- derful extent, and attracted the notice if not the sympathy, of all Europe. It is not pretended that these ancient 160 8TJLXDARD MA2TOJLL sects were known by name as Baptists ; bat in general they held the more prominent and distinctive principles which have always characterized the Baptists ; thus : 1 . They declared and defended the rights of faith and conscience and the freedom of worship. 2. They denied the authority of popes and the right of kings and States to interfere with the people in matters of religion. 3. They rejected infant baptism. 4. They baptized by dipping. 5. They held the Bible to be the only rale and authority in concerns of religious faith and practice. 6. They ad- mitted none to the churches except sach as professed to be regenerated and godly per- sons. Now it is conceded by all historians of note that such churches and communities did exist, separate from and persecuted by, the prevailing State churches and civil authorities during all the ages from the Apostles to the Reformation. When the Reformation under Luther and bis coadjntors broke out, these sects to a £reat extent fraternized with, and were lost in the multitude of the reformers. 8uch as continued their separate existence, as the Waldenses of Piedjnont, yielding to the in- FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 161 flue nee of the reformers, did from sympathy what the persecutions of the Papist* had never been able to compel them to do — abandon dipping for sprinkling in baptism, adopted infant baptism, and took the gen- eral forms of religious life, into which P«- -lobaptist Protestantism grew. THE WELSH BAPTISTS. Few denominations have a better claim to antiquity than the Welsh Baptists. They trace their descent directly from the Apostles, and urge in favor of their claim arguments which have never been confuted. When Austin, the Romish monk and missionary, visited Wales, at the close of the sixth century, he found a community of more than two thousand Christians, quietly living in their mountain homes. They were independent of the Romish See, and wholly rejected its authority. Austin labored hard to convert them — that is, to bring them under the Papal yoke ; but en- tirely failed in the effort. Yielding things in general, he reduced his demand upon them to three particulars. 1. That they should observe Easter in due form, as or- dered by the church. 2. That they should 162 8TAKDABD manual give Christendom, or baptism, to their chil- dren. 3. That they should preach to the English the word of God, as directed. 1 These demands of Austin prove that they neither observed the Popish ordinance of Easter, nor baptized their children. The) however rejected all his overtures, where- upon he left them with threats of war and wretchedness. Not long after, Wales was invaded by the Saxons, and many of these inoffensive Christians cruelly murdered, as was believed, at the instigation of this bigoted zealot, the exacting Austin. THE PUTCH BAPTISTS. The Baptists of Holland have a history that reaches back to a very remote period, if not to the apostolic age, as some con- fidently assert. And this antiquity is con- ceded by historians who have no sympathy with their denominational sentiments. Mosheim, in his church history, says; "The true origin of that sect which acquired the name Anabaptist is hid in tht remote depths of antiquity, and is conse- quently extremely difficult to be ascer- igee Benedicts Hist. Bap., p. 343, and authorities there cited. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 16$ tained." Eod. Hist. Vol IV., p. &7. Mac. Ed., 1811. See Introd. Orchard** Hist. Bap., p. 17. Zwingle, the Swiss reformer, contempo- rary with Luther, declares : " The institu- of Anabaptism is no novelty, bnt for thirteen hxmdred years has caused great dis- turbance in the church." Introd, Orchard?& Hist. Bap., p. 17. Thirteen hundred years before his time would have carried it back to within two centuries of the death of Christ. Dr. Dermont, chaplain to the king of Holland, and Dr. Ypeij, professor of theology at Groningen, a few years since received a royal commission to prepare a history of the Reformed Dutch Church. That history, prepared under royal sanction, and officially published, contains the follow- ing manly and generous testimony to the antiquity and orthodoxy of the Dutch Bap- tists. " We have now seen that the Baptists, who were formerly called Anabaptists, and in later times Mennonites, were the original Waldenses, and have long in the history of the church received the honor of that origin. On this account, the Baptists may be consid- ered the only Christian community which has 1$4 STANDARD MANUAL stood since the apostles, and as a Christian society, which has preserved pure the doctrines of the gospel through all agesP Hist. Bef. Dutch Ch., Ed. Breda, 1819. See Ency. Relig. Knowledge, Art. Ifennonites. Mosheim says of the persecutions o/ this people in the sixteenth century : " Vast numbers of .these people, in nearly all the countries of Europe, would rather perish miserably by drowning, hanging, burning, or decapitation, than renounce the opin- ions they had embraced." And their innocency he vindicates thus : " It is indeed true that many Anabaptists were put to death, not as being bad citizens, or injurious members of civil society, but as being incurable heretics, who were condemned by the old canon laws, For the error of adult baptism was in that age looked upon as a horrible offence." That was their only crime. Eccl. Hist, Cent. 16, Sec. S, part 0, Ch. III. Fallens Ch But., B. i. This testimony is all the more welcome, because it comes from those who have no ecclesiastical sympathies with Baptists, but who, in fidelity to history, bear honest testi- uony to the truth which history teaches. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES. 166 The circumstances under which theii evi- dence was produced give it additional force. Cardinal Hossius, chairman of the oouncil at Trent, says : " If the truth of religion were to be judged of by the readi- ness and cheerfulness which a man of any sect shows in suffering, then the opinions and persuasions of no sect can be truer or surer, than those of the Anabaptists; since there have been none, for these twelve hun- dred years past, that have been more griev- ously punished." Orchard's Hist. Bap., Sec. 12, part SO, p. 364. Many thousands of the Dutch Baptists, called Anabaptists, and Mennonists, miser- ably perished by the hands of their cruel persecutors, for no crime but their refusal to conform to established churches^ 1 THE ENGLISH BAPTISTS. At what time the Baptists appeared in England in definite denominational form, it is impossible to say. But from the twelfth to the seventeenth century, many of them 'Benedict's Hist. Baptists, Ch. IV. NeaTs Hist Puritans. Vol. II., p. 855. Supplement Fuller's Cfc Hist., B. 4. 166 STANDARD MANUAL suffered cruel persecutions, and death by burning, drowning, and beheading, besides many other, and sometimes most inhuman tortures. And this they suffered both from Papists and Protestants, condemned by both civil and ecclesiastical tribunals, only because they persisted in worshiping God according to the dictates of their consciences, and be- cause they would not submit their religious faith and worship to the dictates of popes and princes. 1 In 1538, royal edicts were issued against them, and several were burnt at the stake in Smithfield. Brajstde writes that : " In the year 1538, thirty-one Baptists, that fled from England, were put to death at Delft, in Holland ; the men were beheaded, and the women were drowned. " Hkt. Reformers. See Bene- dict } s Hut Bap., p. SOS. NeaVs Hist. Puri- tans, Vol. I, p. 138. Note, Vol. II., p. S65, 8up. What crime had they committed to merit such treatment as this ? Bishop Latimer declares that: "The Baptists that were burnt in different parts of the kingdom went to death intrepidly, and without any fear, during the time of Henry 1 See Histories of Baptists, by Crosby, Irimey, D*n- ▼ore, and Benedict. FOR BAPTIST CHUBCHE8. 167 VIII." Lent Sermons. NeaF 8 Hut Purity Vol II, p. 366. Under the rule of the Popish Mary, they suffered perhaps no more than under that of the Protestant Elizabeth. During the reign of the latter a congregation of Baptists was discovered in London, whereupon several were banished, twenty-seven imprisoned, and two burnt at Smithfield. 1 Dr. Featley, one of their bitter ene- mies, wrote of them, in 1 633 : " This sect, among others, hath so far presumed upon the patience of the State, that it hath held weekly conventicles, rebaptizing hundreds of men and women together in the twilight, in rivulets, and in some arms of the Thames, and elsewhere, dipping them all over head and ears. It hath printed divers pamphlets in defence of their heresy ; yea, and chal- lenged some of our preachers to disputation." Eng. Bapt. Jubilee Memor., Benedict* Hist Bapt.,p.30^. Bailey wrote, in 1639, that: "Under the shadow of independency they have lifted up their heads, and increased their numbers above all sects in the land. They have xWall, cited by Neal, Hist. Puiltar*, Vol. L, p. 187. Vol. II., p. 358, Supplement. 168 STANDARD MANUAL forty-six churches in and about Ijondon. They are a people very fond of religious liberty, and very unwilling to be brought under bondage of the judgment of others." Benedicts History, p. 804. The first book published in the English language on the subject of baptism was translated from the Dutch, and bears date 1618. From this time they multiplied rapidly through all parts of the kingdom. The first regularly organized church among them, known as such in England, dates from 1607, and was formed in London by & Mr. Smyth, previously a clergyman of the established church. In 1689, the Particular Baptists, so called, held a convention in London, in which more than one hundred congregations were repre- sented, and which issued a confession of faith, still in use and highly esteemed. The last Baptist martyr in England was Edward Wightman, of Burton upon Trent, condemned by the Bishop of Coventry, and burnt at Litchfield, April 11, 1612. 1 AMERICAN BAPTISTS. The history of American Baptists runs 1 Sng. Bap. Jubilee Memor., Benedict's Hlat. Bap. FOR BAPTIST CHURCHES, 169 back a little more than two and a quarter centuries. In this country, as elsewhere, they were cradled amidst persecution, and nurtured by the hatred of their foes. This has been their fortune in every age, and in every land. Rogeb Williams, a distinguished and an honored name, was identified with the rise of the denomination in America. He has been called their founder, because he or- ganized the first church, and was intimately connected with their early history. Wil- liams was born in Wales, 1598, educated at Oxford, England, came to America in 1630, and settled as minister of the Puritan church in Salem, Massachusetts. Not long after he adopted Baptist views of doctrine and church order, on account of which he was banished by his fellow Puritans, and driven out of Massachusetts, in the depths of a rigorous winter, in a new and inhospitable countrv. Having wandered far and suffered much, finding the savage Indians more generous and hospitable than his fellow Christians, he finally reached and fixed his future home at what is now Providence, R. I. Here, with a few associates of like faith, he founded a new colony, calling both the city and the 16 170 STANDARD MANUAL colony Providence, in recognition of the divine guidance and protection, which he had in so remarkable a manner experienced. In 1639, Mr. Williams received baptism from one of his associates, there being no minister to perform that service. He in torn baptized his associates, and a church was organized, of which he was chosen pastor. He was also appointed first Gov- ernor of Rhode Island. Full liberty was granted in matters of religion. Thus Roger Williams became the first ruler, and Rhode Island the first State which ever gave entire freedom to all persons to worship God, according to their own choice, without dic- tation or interference from civil or ecclesi- astical authorities. On account of this unrestricted liberty many Baptists, as well as other persecuted religionists from other colonies, and from Europe, collected in considerable numbers at Providence, and spread through the colony. It is a mistake to suppose that all the Baptist churches in America grew out of the one which Roger Williams founded, It is even doubtful whether any single church arose as an outgrowth of that As immi FOE BAPTIST CHURCHES. 171 Eatioa increased, other churches grew up, ving no connection with that ; and with considerable rapidity the sentiments of Bap- tists spread into adjoining colonies, particu- larly west and south. For a long time, bowever, they were sorely persecuted, espe- cially in Massachusetts and Connecticut Persecuted even by those who had them- selves fled from persecution in their native land, to find freedom and refuge in these distant wilds. In 1644, the present First Church in Newport, R. I., was organized. But whether the present First Church in Provi- dence was constituted before this date is still a disputed point. Both claim priority. In 1656, the Second Church, Newport, was formed. Then followed in order of time, the church in Swansea, Massachusetts, 1663; First, Boston, 1665; North King- stone, It. I., 1666 ; Seventh Day Church, Newport, 1671 ; South Kingstone, R. I., 1680; Kittery, Me., 1682; Middletown, N. J., 1688 ; Lower Dublin, Pa., 1689 ; Charleston, S. C, 1690 ; Philadelphia, Pa., 1698 ; Welsh Tract, Del . 1701 ; proton, Ct., 1705. Others, not mentioned, arose within this period in these and other Colo- 172 8TANDJLRD MAKT7AL nies. With the increase of population, Baptists rapidly increased and widely spread over the country. Edward?* Tables gives the number of American Baptist Churches in 1768, as only 137. Asplund's Register for 1790, reported 872 churches, 722 ordained ministers, with 64,975 members. Benedict's History states that in 1812, there were 2,633 churches, 2,143 ordained ministers, and 204,185 members. Allen's Register for 1836, puts them at 7,299 churches, 4,075 ordained ministers, and 517,523 members. The Baptist Year Book gives the follow- ing figures : Dste. Churchea. . Miniitan. Mciaben. 1840 7,771 6,208 571,291 1860 12,279 7,773 1,016,134 1880 26,080 16,569 2,296,327 1890 33,588 21,175 3,070,047 The Year Book gives the Sunday-school statistics for 1890, as follows: For United States — Schools, 17,696 ; officers and teach- ers, 132,186 j pupils, 1,211,698. It must be borne in mind that the figures given in all these cases are less than the FOR BAPTIST CHUBCHES. 173 actual facts would warrant, since full report* from associations, churches, and schools can never be obtained. OTHEK BAPTISTS. Besides the regular Baptist brotherhood, there are in the United States more than a milium of other and smaller denominations, which practice immersion, but are not in fellowship with, nor reckoned as a part of the great Baptist family. The Seventh Day Baptists, so-called on account of their observing Saturday, or the seventh day of the week, as their Sabbath, on the ground that the Jewish Sabbath was never abrogated. They are estimated at about 9,000. The Free Will Baptists, who take their name from their views of the freedom of the human will. They practice open com- munion. Their number is about 114,700. The Six Principle Baptists, thus desig- nated because their doctrinal confession is based on the six points mentioned in Heb. 6 : 1, 2. Estimated at 1,450. The Anti-Mission Baptists, called also Old Baptists, and Ironsides ; found chiefly in the southwest. They do not favor mis- 174 STANDARD MANUAL. nous, Sunday-schools, or other religions or moral reform movements) lest they should seem to interfere with the divine decree*. They are Antinomian in doctrine, and are said to number 45,000. The Campbellites, Disciples, Reformers, or Christians, as they are variously called, estimated at 850,000. The Winebrennorians, or Church of God Estimated at about 30,000. The Tunkers, or Dunkards, at 100,000 ; and the United Brethren at 200,000. BAPTISTS ELSEWHERE. In North America, aside from the United States, but including Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Jamaica, and Cuba, about 140,000. In Europe, including England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, and Sweden, about 405,000. In Asia, including Burmah, and India, About 76,000. In Australia, about 15,000. In Africa, about 3,000. THE EEB. Date Due r JUIH ^HflUfy © PRINTED IN U. S. A.