>\ ■ \^ V ^■•^N^S A' A ^ V \A^ A^^ nA ~^\ .^^ I ^\v A \ A ^x >.\ " ^kxvV\#^^\^ ' ^ . 1 /y ,/0, ^ PRINCETON, N. J. *^^ Presented byV/\n\OY^ c)V-\'-''>.tment to the work in Prince Edward. He was then recovering from a severe and protracted illness, and, with a view to recruiting his health, he made a journey by sea to New York, travel-ing thence to Sara- toga Springs and other points, and improving the opportunity thvts afforded to raise additional funds for the proposed Sem- inary, in Albany, Boston, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Fredericks- burg and other places, and therefore did not reach Hampden- Sidney till the autumn. Finding that no accommodations had yet been provided for him, he accepted the invitation of Presi- dent Cushing, of the College, to lodge with him temporarily, and soon after opened his school of the prophets, with three students (Jesse S. Armistead, Robert P'urwell and Thomas P. Hunt), in one end of President Cushing's kitchen. The ser- vices of Professor James Marsh, of Hampden-Sidney College, were secured to teach the Hebrew language. On Thursday, January i, 1824, the Board of Trustees met in the College church, and in the presence of a large congre- gation the Seminary was formally opened ; Dr. Rice was regu- larly installed as Professor of Theology, and delivered a dis- course appropriate to the occasion, based upon 2 Timothy, iii. 16-17. n. Development Under Dr. Rice, i 824-1831. The whole endowment of the Seminary, on the day of its re-opening, consisted of about $10,000. There was in addition a contingent fund of about $1,000 per annum, made up of con- tributions from the churches of the Presbytery. But there was *Memoir of the Rev. John Holt Rice. I>. I),, b.v Wm. Maxwell. lo UxiON Theological Seminary. no building- as yet, nor even a site for one. Both, however, were soon provided, thanks to the ability and energy of the indefatig- able founder. Mr. Martin Sailer, a resident of the neighborhood, was prevailed upon to give about five acres for the purpose in view, and in 1825 what is now the eastern end of the old Sem- inary building was finished. This building, though ample at first, was outgrown in a few years by the increasing number of students. There were only three at first, and four in 1825, ' but there were nine in 1826, fifteen in 1827, twenty-two in 1828, twenty-seven in 1829, and thirty-eight in 1830. From the beginning, Dr. Rice and the Financial Agent, the Rev. Robert Roy, (whom the students playfully called Rob Roy), were industriously adding to the funds, so that in about three years, besides a valuable library, purchased from Dr. Rice at a cost of some $8,000, liberal subscriptions had been secured for the endowment of two professorships, one by friends in New York, and the other by friends in Virginia and North Carolina. The New York Professorship was devoted to the support of the teacher of Oriental Literature. The first incumbent of this chair was the Rev. Hiram P. Goodrich, who came to the Seminary as Dr. Rice's assistant in 1827, and was elected professor in the following year. In 1828 we find Dr. Rice again in the North, raising funds for additional accommodations, and writing back to a friend that the result of his expedition "will be somewhere between $35,000 and $40,000." In 1829 two residences for professors were erected, one by contributions from friends in Boston, and the other by contributions from North Carolina. To the original house erected by Dr. Rice, the old main building was added in 1830. In 1826 the Seminary was taken under the care of the General Assembly, the trustees of that body taking charge of the funds; and in 1827 the Presbytery of Hanover surrendered the institution to the joint management and control of the Synods of Virginia and North Carolina. In commemoration of this co-partnership, its name was changed to Union Theologi- cal Seminary. In 1831 the great founder died. Enough has already been said to show that John Holt Rice was an epoch-making man, Union Theological Seminary. ii a scholar of rich and varied attainments, a prophet of clear and far-reaching vision, a man "that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do," and a leader of extra- ordinary enterprise and skill in practical affairs. The institu- tion began, as we have seen, without buildings or adequate equipment of Any kind, but by his ability, energy, and heroic faith, he carried it to speedy and splendid success, making it in an almost incredibly short time one of the leading theological schools of the country. Within seven years it had secured a fair library, a building for lecture-rooms, chapel and dormi- tories, and two residences, and had nearly forty students and three instructors (the third, appointed in 1831, being the Rev. Elisha Ballantine). III. Two Decades of Depression, 1831-1851. In November, 1831, the Rev. George A. Baxter, D. D., President of Washington College, Lexington, succeeded Dr. Rice as Professor of Systematic Theology, and in April, 1834, the Rev. Benjamin M. Smith was appointed Assistant Instruc- tor, a position which he held for four years. We shall speak of Dr. Smith's services again when we come to the time of his permanent connection with the Seminary, twenty years later. In 1835 the Rev. Stephen Taylor, D. D., was elected Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Polity, being the first incumbent of that chair. The Faculty was an able one, but the hand of Rice was no longer on the helm ; the country was just entering upon a period of industrial depression ; and the church was trembling on the verge of a controversy which was destined to split it asunder. The number of students declined ; in 1835 there were only twenty. On the issue before the Assembly of 1837, the Faculty divided. Dr. Baxter espousing the cause of the Old School, and Drs. Goodrich and Taylor that of the New, "The students almost unanimously determined to leave the institu- tion unless something was done to remedy this state of things." In April, 1838, the Faculty called the attention of the Board to the small number of students (nineteen — nine in the Senior Class, eight in the Middle, and two in the Junior), stating that 12 Union- Theological Seminary. they expected a still smaller number in the next session (and in fact there were only thirteen). Thereupon the Board re- quested Professors Goodrich and Taylor to resign their posi- tions. To supply the vacancies thus made, the Board elected the Rev. Samuel L. Graham, D. D., Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Polity, a happy selection from every point of view; and appointed the Rev. Francis S. Sampson, Assistant Instructor, a position which he held for ten years, winning golden opinions on every hand for nobility of character, fervor of piety, fulness of learning and skill in teaching. In 1849 Dr. Sampson was made Professor of Oriental Literature, and occu- pied this chair during the remaining five years of his life. In the meantime Dr. Baxter died (1841), and was succeeded in the chair of Systematic Theology by the Rev. Samuel B. Wilson, D. D., who spent the rest of his life, twenty-eight years, in the service of the Seminary. During these twenty years, for the reasons already referred to, the number of students was small. The total attendance from 1823 to 1850 was, indeed, 250. But in i850-'5i there were only twelve, in i85i-'52 only eleven, and in i852-'53 the same number. In that year, however, there were eight in the Junior Class, which gave reason to hope that the point of lowest depression had been reached, and that thenceforth there would be a more encouraging attendance. And so it proved. IV. A Decade of Alternating Progress and Decline, 1851-1861. Dr. Graham died in 1851. and Dr. Sampson in 1854. In 1853 the Rev. Robert L. Dabney. D. D., was elected Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Polity, and in 1854 the Rev. Ben- jamin M. Smith, D. D., was elected Professor of Oriental Lit- erature, two acquisitions the value of which it would be difficult to overstate. The increase in the number of students, which had set in during 1852, continued till i854-'55, when there were twenty-eight; then for several years it fell off, until i858-'59, when there were only eighteen. But in the next year it went up with a bound to twice that number, and in i86o-'6i there were thirtv-nine. about the same number that had been enrolled Union Theological Seminary. 13 in the last year of Dr. Rice's life, thirty years before. But at no time before the war, so far as the records show, were there as many as forty students in attendance during a single year. That is to say, the largest attendance in any year before the war was but little more than half as large as the present annual average attendance. In 1856 the Board, having completed the endowment of a fourth professorship, that of Biblical Literature and the Inter- pretation of the Xew Testament, elected to this chair the Rev. William J. Hoge, pastor of the Westminster Church, Balti- more. Dr. Hoge occupied this position for three years, from 1856 to 1859, when he resigned it to accept a co-pastorate with Dr. Spring in New York City, leaving behind him a memory like the fragrance of costly oil. In i860 the Rev. Thomas E. Peck, pastor of the Central Church, Baltimore, wa^ elected Professor of Ecclesiastical History and Polity, Dr. Dabney having been made Adjunct Professor of Systematic Theology. Dr. Peck speedily proved himself the peer of the great men with whom he was associated and for more than thirty years continued to teach successive classes with a wealth of learning, a saintliness of influence, and a perspicuity and power of statement which have never been surpassed in all the history of the institution. V. During the War^ 1861-1865. The prosperity of the institution was rudely checked by the great conflict into which the country was plunged in 1861. In the autumn of that year the num'ber of students fell to twepityi- two, and in the following spring, May 12, 1862, the Faculty's report states that "of the students enrolled, the Board will find present at this time only the following, viz : Messrs. Wharey, Barnett, Flournoy and T. M. McCorkle, all of whom were in the service of their country, were made prisoners at Rich Mountain last summer, were released on parole, and have not been exchanged. The remainder left the Seminary in March under the urgent call of the government for more troops, and are all, or nearly all, now in the army." The days grew darker instead of brighter. In 1863 only 14 Union Theological Seminary. three members of the Board attended the annual meeting. There was no meeting of the Board in the spring of 1864. In December of that year, however, the Board held a special meeting for the purpose of making some provision for the sustentation of the professors, and "taking some steps to pre- serve the buildings of the Seminary from the injury inevitably resulting from their continuing vacant, and with a view to do all in the power of the Board to relieve the wants of those made houseless by the war." The records of this meeting contain various indications of the distress of the time. For example, "It was resolved, that for the purpose of making comfortable provision for the support of Rev. Dr. Wilson, and also of Mrs. Dr. Rice, our agent. Rev. S. J. Price, is hereby instructed to make special and immediate application to such persons as he may deem advisable for donations of money and provisions ; and that Messrs. C. C. Reed, C. C. Lockett, and F. N. Watkins, of Farmville, be a committee to receive and make distribution of these donations to such extent as may be deemed necessary to their proper maintenance.'' "It was resolved, that until further ordered, the professors shall be left to their own discretion as to any engagements for labor elsewhere which they may deem it expedient to make, provided they make such arrangements as they may agree upon among themselves for the instruction of any students who may come to the institution." ■Tt was resolved, that the agent. Rev. S. J. Price, be allowed a salary of three thousand dollars per annum, and that he be allowed to collect the same, if he desires it, in provisions." It is hardly necessary to remind the reader of the fact that this salary was not so munificent as those figures would at first suggest, as not long after men were known to pay $500 for a pair of boots. In 1864-65 only one student attended, Mr. William L. Bailey. General Lee surrendered at Appomattox on the 9th of April, 1865. Dr. Peck, in his report that year as Intendant, informs the Board that the United States soldiers visited the premises on the 7th and nth of April, but did no damage to the property of the institution. On Monday, May 8, 1865, "at the hour appointed by the Union Theological Seminary. ic constitution, divine service was celebrated in the chapel of Union Theological Seminary, Prince Edward. The sermon was preached by the Rev. Wm. Henry Foote, D. D., first Vice- President of the Board of Directors (and the only member present), from Isaiah xxxv. lo: 'And the ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy upon their heads ; they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sor- row and sighing shall flee away.' " Then the exercises of the Seminary were adjourned, to recommence on the second Thurs- day in September, 1865. (Dr. Foote died in November, 1869, after a service of more than thirty years as a director.) VI. First Decade y\.FTER the War — Growth, 1865-1875. During the war the Board had invested $46,000 of the funds of the Seminary in Confederate States bonds. These were, of course, a total loss, as were also the investments in bank stock. ?.'he State securities held by the institution (Virginia and North Carolina bonds), it was thought, would be ultimately productive (as they were), but in that first year of stunning collapse they yielded nothing. The Seminary had not a cent of income. In June, 1865, a kind Christian lady of Baltimore had visited Hampden-Sidney, bringing with her various sub- stantial evidences of the generosity of her noble people and their interest in our stricken community. She proposed, moreover, that one of the professors should accompany her home on her return, assuring the Faculty that by a personal explanation of the conditon of the Seminary important aid could be secured towards keeping the institution open. Dr. B. M. Smith accordingly returned with her to Baltimore, and there and in New York prosecuted an agency extending over two or three months, and resulting in the contribution of nearly $8,000 for the temporary relief of the Seminary; and this sum, together with $1,500 collected in Virginia, did tide the institu- tion over that perilous year. Twenty-four students were en- rolled in 1865-66, most of whom had been in the army. At the meeting of the Board in 1866 the Directors issued i6 Uxiox Theological Seminary. an address to the Christian public, stating that it was desirable to raise $100,000 for the Seminary as soon as possible. During this first decade after the war it became more and more evident that Dr. Smith had come to the kingdom for such a time as this. In 1866 he entered upon that remarkal)le finan- cial agency which, by 1876. resulted in the addition of over $90,000 to the funds. Of this amount $30,000 were given in 1877 by Mr. Cyrus H. McCormick, of Chicago, for the endow- ment of the Professorship of Oriental Literature, and $30,000 by Mr. Henry Young, of New York, in 1871, for the endowment of the Professorship of New Testament Exegesis. Dr. Wilson died August i, 1869, having been for twenty- eight years Professor of Systematic Theology. On the ist of January, 1870, the Rev. Henry C. Alexander, D. D., an ac- complished scholar and golden-hearted gentleman, entered upon his duties as Professor of Biblical Literature and the In- terpretation of the New Testament. During the latter half of this decade the increase in the num- ber of students was very notable, running up from thirty-five in in i869-''7o to seventy-seven in i874-'75, the increase being due in part to the temporary closing of the seminary at Columbia, S. C. Vn. Second Decade After the War — Decline in Attend- ance, 1875-1885. For the next seven years there was a steady falling ofif in the attendance, the number in i88i-'82 being only forty-five. Nor was there any marked improvement in the remaining three years of this decade. The material interests of the Sem- inary, however, continued to prosper, this period being spe- cially notable for the endowment of scholarships for aiding young men in their preparation for the ministry. In 1883 the Rev. W. W. Aloore, pastor of the church at Millersburg, Ky., was appointed Assistant Instructor in Orien- tal Literature. In the summer of the same year Dr. Dabney resigned his position as Professor of Systematic Theology. Dr. Peck was elected to succeed him, and the Rev, James F. Latimer. Ph. D., D. D., pastor of the Second Church, Memphis, Tenn., was elected to the chair of Ecclesiastical History and Polity, made REV. PROF. JOHN HOLT RICE Union Theological Seminary. 17 vacant by the transfer of Dr. Peck, The Presbytery of Mem- phis refused to release Dr. Latimer from his charge and the Board elected another gentleman to the position. He also de- clined, and the chair remained vacant until May, 1884, when Dr. Latimer was again elected. He entered upon his duties in September of the same year. \'nL Third Decade After the War — Gains and Losses, 1885-1895. In May, 1883, the Board had initiated measures for the establishment of a fifth professorship, to be known as the Chair of English Biblical Study and Pastoral Theology. At the meeting of i88g, in consideration of the liberality of the members of the Second Church of Louisville, Ky., it was or- dered by the Board that in accordance with the wishes of some of these generous donors, and in honor of an eminent servant of God and a distinguished alumnus of this Seminary, the new chair, when established, should be known as the "Stuart Robin- son Professorship." In May, 1891, the Rev. T. C. Johnson, pastor of the Third Church, Louisville, was chosen to fill this position, and entered upon the work of the chair in the fol- lowing September. In the meantime. Dr. Alexander had resigned the chair of Biblical Literature and the Interpretation of the New Testa- ment, and at the same meeting (May, 1891) the Rev. C. C. Hersman, D. D., LL. D., Chancellor of the Southwestern Pres- byterian University, was elected to succeed him. Dr. Latimer died February 29, 1892. At the following meeting of the Board (May, 1892), Dr. Johnson was trans- ferred to the chair of Ecclesiastical History and Polity, and the Rev. T. R. English, D. D., pastor of the church at Yorkville, S. C, was elected to the professorship of English Biblical Study and Pastoral Theology. Dr. Smith died (at Petersburg, Va.,) March 14, 1893, having spent more than forty years of his life in the service of the Seminary. In the autumn of the same year Dr. Peck died (October 2, 1893), after thirty-three years of continuous service as a professor. At the request of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees, the Rev. i8 Uxiox Theological Seminary. C. R. Vaughan, D. D., consented to teach Dr. Peck's classes in Theology for the rest of the session, and immediately entered upon the work. In the following spring (1894) Dr. Vaughan was elected Professor of Systematic and Polemic Theology and continued to discharge the duties of the position till May, 1896, when he was succeeded by the Rev. G. B. Strickler, D. D., LL. D., pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church of Atlanta. IX. The Remonal to Richmond, 1895-1898. At the meeting of the Board of Directors in May, 1894, three different propositions were received from as many differ- ent sources, all entirely independent of each other, looking to the removal of the Seminary to a more central and accessible site, in order to arrest the drift of our candidates for the ministry to other institutions and secure the steady and large growth of the Seminary throughout the future. The question was not a new one. Ever since the war the directors had from time to time given it anxious consideration. The great diffi- culty which for thirty years had deterred them from taking decisive action in regard to the removal, which nevertheless they knew to be inevitable sooner or later, was the apparent impossibility of securing the large sum of money which would be required to provide new buildings. But after full discussion at the meeting in 1894, the Board appointed a committee to receive and consider offers of sites and inducements. In May, 1895, the committee reported that twelve sites had been offered, but recommended that no propo- sition for removal should be considered unless accompanied with a guarantee of not less than $100,000 in addition to a site. It was at once proposed that if the people of Richmond, which was obviously the best location for the institution, would raise $50,000, an equal amount would be raised outside of Richmond. This was accomplished chiefly through the munificence of Mr. George W. Watts, of Durham, N. C, a member of the Board of Directors, and Mr. W. W. Spence, of Baltimore, Md., whose generous gifts carried the total amount far beyond the $50,000 at first proposed. The people of Richmond gave a Union Theological Seminary. 19 beautiful site of twelve acres in Ginter Park, a highly improved suburban section, and contributions of money, materials and land, aggregating about $50,000. The Board of Directors promptly recommended the acceptance of this ofifer, and in 1895 the Synods of Virginia and North Carolina ordered the removal to be made. Eight substantial buildings were erected, and in October, 1898, the Seminary took up its work in its new quarters at Richmond. The wisdom of the Board's action in transplanting the institution was quickly justified, the at- tendance of students showing an increase of nearly forty per cent, during the first year in Richmond. The great decline in the number of candidates for the ministry in all branches of the church and in every part of the world set in just at that time, and yet the Seminary has continued to hold its own. Its attendance seems to have been less affected by that decline than that of any other institution of its class. X. A Decade of Progress, 1898-1908. In May, 1903, the controlling Synods were memorialized to empower the Board to create the office of President of the Seminary, provided the way should be clear. The Synods having expressed their concurrence, the Board, at its regular meeting in May, 1904, created the office of President and unani- mously elected the Rev. Prof. Walter W. Moore, D. D., LL. D., to the position, and he was formally inducted into the office in Watts Chapel at the Seminary on Tuesday evening, May 9. 1905- In 1906-1907, through the active agency of the Rev. A. D. P, Gilmour, an endowment of about $50,000 was secured for the Professorship of Systematic Theology, and the chair was named in honor of the late Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D. D., LL. D. In 1908 Dr. Hersman retired from active service as professor and was made professor emeritus ; Dr. English was transferred to the chair of Biblical Literature and Interpretation of the New 1'estament ; the Rev Theron H. Rice, D. D., pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church of Atlanta, Ga., was elected Professor of the English Bible and Practical Theology; and the Rev. A. D. P. Gilmour, B. D., was elected Associate Professor of Hebrew and the Interpretation of the Old Testament. 20 Union Theological Seminary, In the same year (1908) the members of the Presbyterian churches of Richmond began the erection of the large, handsome and well appointed building, which, in commemoration of their generosity, bears the name of Richmond Hall. The value of the buildings and grounds (including West- wood), estimated by actual cost, is $205,365.60. The value of the other assets is $392,990.25 ; so that the gross value of the Seminary's assets, according to the treasurer's report in May, 1908, is $598,355-85- With such advantages of location and equipment, and with the continued blessing of God, the Seminary may well be ex- pected to do a great work for the Church throughout the future. Union Theological Seminary. 21 EXPLANATIONS. 1. The word Alnuini denotes all who have been matriculated and have been students in the Seminary, for any length of time. 2. The time spent in tliis Seminary is indicated by a figure in a parenthesis: (2) denotes two years; ( — i) less than one and (i-f ) more than one year. So fra.ctions of 2 or 3 years are de- noted. If a graduate, Gr., is added to the figure, as (3 Gr.) or (2 Gr.),. &c. If the student has spent any time in some other seminary before coming to this, or after leaving, the name of that seminary is given before or after the indication of time in this, as the case may be, and the time and graduation, (if a graduate,) expressed as above, but not in a parenthesis. The class entered is denoted by mid. or sen. preceding the number of the year, thus (mid. 2) denotes entry in middle class and stay of 2 years. The name of each student occurs with the class with which he was matriculated, and not with the class with which he was graduated. 3. Employment of a student, or means of preparation for the Seminary, or both, are stated just preceding the above notation of time spent in this Seminary. Employment previous to college course, when definitely stated, is inserted just before degree and name of college. 4. In the catalogue of alumni, when the minister's work in any place or places is combined in the time longer spent in another, that work is stated parenthetically, between the date of beginning the longer service and the date of its close. Thus under No. 89 is "P. Clarkesville '40— (S. S. and then P. Shiloh, '40-42) — '46, which means, P. of Clarkesville '40-46, and while thus employed, also S. S. and then P. Shiloh '40-'42. If only one date follows the name of the church or churches, in parenthesis, it denotes the beginning of that service ; then the figures following the dash after the parenthesis shows that this intervening service closed co-incidently with the close of the longer service. Thus No. 655 is "P. Byrd, '81— (Hebron and Rivanna '82—; and S. S. 22 Union Theological Seminary. Powhatan "83 — ) — '84," which means, that the service of Hebron and Rivanna and Powhatan, commencing '82 and '83, respectively, closed with that of Byrd, which commenced '81, and ended '84. 5. In the catalogue of officers, the time when the service com- menced is indicated by the date (in years) opposite the name, in the first or /(?/^-hand column of dates, and the time when the service ended by the date in the second column. 6. An asterisk preceding the name of an officer or student denotes death; an asterisk following the date of the close of an officer's service denotes death zvhile in office, and following the name of a student, death zvhile a student. 7. The catalogue of Directors and Trustees is confined to those who actually served, and makes no note of appointees by the Synods who never attended a meeting and qualified by taking the pledge of office. No notice is taken of the short time in which the Presbytery of Winchester, while belonging to another Synod, was specially entitled to a representative, since during that time the representation of the Synod of Virginia was reduced by one minister and one elder. 8. If a student is not known to have been a graduate, stu. is prefixed tc the name of the college or university. Degrees of A. B. and A. M., when reported, are copied into the Record. 9. When the name of a Presbytery has been given connected with Licensure, if ordination has been by the same Presbytery, its name is not repeated. The same rule is observed in recording other relations of a Minister to Presbytery. The name of the Presbytery is not repeated till a new presbyterial relation may have occurred. 10. In many instances where the place of birth is not reported, the place of residence at the time of entering the Seminary appears, immediatelv followincf the name of the alumnus. Union Theological Seminary. 23 ABBREVIATIONS. 1. Names of ijionths and of States and countries are not in- cluded in this list, inasmuch as all are presumed to be familiar with such. 2. Alternative forms of abbreviation sometimes occur which need occasion no difficulty. A. B. C. F. M., American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. A. B. Soc, American Bible Society. A. T. Soc, American Tract Society. Ac, Academy or Academical. Agt., Agent. A. R. C, Associate Reformed Cliurch. Assoc, Association. Assr. Inst., Assistant Instructor, b., Born. Chapl., Chaplain. Chap., Chapel. Ch., Church. Chs., Churches. C, College Co., County. Cos., Counties. Com.. Committee. C. F. M., Committee of Foreign Missions of Southern Presbyterian Church. C. S. A.. Confederate States Army. C. S. N.. Confederate States Navy. Congr., Congregational. D. D., Doctor of Divinity. D. M., Domestic ^Missionary. Ev., Evangelist. E. Y., Ecclesiastical Year, as '40-'41. F. M., Foreign Missionary. Gr., Graduate. L., Licensed. Lie, Licentiate. Inf., Infirm. H. R., Honorably Retired. Mer., Merchant. My., Missionary. N. S., New School branch of the Presl)yterian Church. O. Ordained. O. Ev., Ordained Evangelist. Or. Organized. P., Pastor. P. E, Pastor Emeritus. P. El., Pastor Elect. P. B. P. M., Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. P. B. P., Presbyterian Board of Publication. P. C. P., Presbyterian Committee of Publication. Ph. D., Doctor of Philosophy. Pby., Presbytery. Pres., President. Prin., Principal. Prof., Professor. R., Rector. Res., Resident. S. S., Stated Supply. Stu., Student. Soc. Inq., Society of Missionary Inquiry. Temp., Temperance. Ter., Territory. U. S. A., United States Army ; also United States of America, used as part title of the Northern Presbyterian Church. U. T. S., Union Theological Seminary in Virginia. 24 Union Theological Seminary. ABBREVIATED FORMS OF NAMES OF COLLEGES. A. and M. C, Agricultural and Mechanical College. Amh. C. Amherst College, Mass. Aus. C. Austin College, Texas. Beth. C, Bethany College, W. \a. C. C. K., Centre College of Kentucky. Col. C, Columbia College, Dist. of Columbia. Da. C, Davidson College. N. C. Dart. C, Dartmouth College, N. H. D. C, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pa. E. and H. C. Emory and Henry College, Va. Fred. C, Fredericksburg College, Va. H. S. C, Hampden-Sidney College, Va. J. C, or .Jeff. C, Jefferson College, Pa. Jackson C, Jackson College, Tenn. K. C, King College, Bristol, Tenn. La Fay. C, La Fayette or Fayette College, Easton, Pa. Maryv. C, Maryville College, Tenn. Mil. C, Military College. N. H., Nassau Hall, i. -iel, 1827-1832 *Kev. H. T. Dakxall, 1892-1894 H. Bradley Davidson, Esq., 1808- Mr. a. F. Dickson, 1873-1874 *Rev. Daniel G. Doak, 1841-1843 *Rev. Jacob Doll, 1851-1854 Rev. N. Donaldson, D. D., 1905- Rev. J. W. Douglass, 1828-1830 *Rev. J. W. Douglass 1834-1837 *Mr. S. p. Downey 1828-1829 *Mr. John Dunn : 1838-1840 *Mr. B. Emerson, 1838-1839 *Rev. T. U. Faucette, 1860-1867 Rev. G. W. Finley, D. D., 1896- *Mu. J. H. Fitzgerald, 1827-1830 *Rev. .Tames H. Fitzgerald 1855-1869 *C0L. J. P. Fitzgerald, 1885-1898 *Rev. William H. Foote, D. D., 1838-1869 Mr. James Garland, 1828-1829 *Mr. James Garland, 1840-1864 *Rev. George M. Gibbs, 1856-1864 Rev. a. T. Graham, D. D., 1905-1907 Mr. C. E. Graham, 1891-1894 *Rev. Samuel L. Graham, D. D 1820-1839 *Rev. John S. Grasty, D. D., 1855-1858 *Rev. John A. Gretter, 1845-1847 Mr. B. F. Hall, 1884- *Rev. James D. Hall, 1841-1842 *Rev. N. H. Harding, D. D 1832-1839 *Rev. Elias Harrison, D. D., 1841-1842 *Mr. Peyton Harrison, 1830-1832 *Rev. Andrew Hart, 1838-1857 *Rev. .John Hendren, D. D 1S3S-1S42 Rev. IIalbert G. Hill. D. D., 1872- *Rev, William Hill, D. D 1831-1S37 *Rev. Edward Hines 1808-1871 *Rev. Moses D. Hoge, D. D., 1854-1806 Rev. p. H. Hoge, D. D, 1891-1900 Rev. a. C. Hopkins, D. D., 1800- *Rev. Samuel R. Houston, D. D 1858-1860 Rev. J. R. HowERTON, D. D., 1901- *Rev. Alexander G. Hughes, 1847-1850 *Deacl. Union Theological Seminary. 29 *Rev. Thomas P. Hunt, 1834-1837 *Dr. E. Nye Hutchinson, 1859-1908 *Mr. L. C. Inglis 1883-1884 *Rev. Cyrus Johnson, 1852-1853 *Rev. F. H. Johnston, D. D., 1866-1902 *Rev. L. B. Johnston, 1896-1907 Rev. R. p. Kerr, D. D. 1899-1904 *Rev. John L. Kirkpatrick, D. D., 1870-1885 *Major Thomas J. Kirkpatrick, 1884-1897 *Rev. Drury Lacy, D. D. 1837-1864 *Rev. William S. Lacy, 1880-1887 *Rev. W. S. Lacy, D. D., 1895-1899. Rev. W. R. Lairu, D. D., 1905- Rev. p. R. Law, D. U., 1899- *Rev. James H. C. Leach. D. D., 18.30-1S3S Mr. C. C. Lewis, 1901- *AIR. Nicholas M. Lewis, 1851-1854 *Mpv. Warner M. Lewis, 1836-1838 *Rev. John Leyburn, D. D 1843-1817 *Mr. J. H. Lindsay 1859-1860 *Rev. D. D. McBride, 1888-1896 *Mr. Robert I. McDowell, 1S75-18S3 Rev. F. T. McFaden, D. D., 1903- Rev. a. McFadyen, 1899- *Rev. Francis McFarland, D. D., 1827-1S32 Mr. E. McGilvary, 1874-1878 *Mr. Arciiicald G. ]\Ic1lwaine, 1847-1874 Rev. W. E. McIlwain, 1884-1892 *Rev. Evander jNIcIver, 1827-1829 Rev. L. McKinnon, 1871-1873 *RE^■. Evander McNair, D. D., 1847-1853 *Rev. G. Wilson McPhail, D. D., 1844-1854 *Rev. B. F. Marable, 1876-1885 *Rev. Alexander Martin, D. D., 1871-1895 *Rev. S. T. Martin, 1894-1901 *Prof. W. J. Martin, LL. D., 1888-1895 *Rev. William N. Mebane, 1851-1854 *Rev. a. D. Montgomery', 1841-1846 *Rev. Gilbert Morgan, 1848-1851 *Rev. James Morrison, 1832-1843 Rev. J. B. Morton 1897-1902 Rev. W. D. Morton, D. D., 1893-1896 Rev. W. D. Morton, D. D., 1903- *Dr. William S. Morton, 1844-1848 *Dead. 30 Union Theological Seminary. *Mr. William Murdock, 1878-1887 Mr. T, C. Murphy, 1871-1876 *Kev. Frederick K. Nash, 1856-1860 *Mr. William N. Page, 1827-1834 Mr. D. W. Gates, 1886-1889 *Rev. Samuel Paisley, 1831-1832 Rev. Daniel A. Penick, 1830-1836 *Kev. Daniel A. Penick, 1851-1853 *Rev. p. Tinsley Penick, 1854-1856 Rev. G. L. Petrie, D. D., 1893-1899 *Rev. Henry N. Pharr, 1838-1841 *Rev. Samuel C. Pharr, D. D., 1855-1859 Rev. Walter W. Pharr, D. D 1856-1863 *Rev. Walter W. Pharr, D. D. 1872-1883 *Mr. Eli Phlegar, 1860-1862 Rev. William S. Plumer, D. D., 1828-1831 *Rev. Wiliam S. Plumer, D. D 1834-1847 *Rev. T. L. Preston, D. D., 1885-1895 *Rev. J. W. Primrose, 1886-1891 Mr. W. S. Primrose, 1902-1903 *Rev. Theodorick Pryor, D. D., 1848-1852 *Rev. James B. Ramsay, D. D., 1859-1864 *Rev. Jesse Rankin, 1830-1839 *Rev. J. M. Rawlings, 1887-1890 *Rev. Charles Read, 1827-1838 *Rev. Charles H. Read, D. D., 1868-1887 *Mr. Clement C. Read, 1838-1871 *Dr. Howell C. Read, 1827-1838 *Mr. Nicholas 0. Read, 1838-1848 Rev. R. C. Reed, 1889-1890 *Rev. William S. Reid, D. D 1827-1834 *Rev. Benjamin H. Rice, D. D., 1827-1830 Rev. C. M. Richards, D. D 19U8- *Rev. William T. Richardson, D. D., 1870-1895 *Rev. Jethro Rumple, D. D. 1863-1906 Dr. Nicholas M. Roane, 1852-1860 Rev. J. M. Rose, 1885-1886 Rev. J. W. Rosebro, D. D., 1896- *Rev. Colin Shaw, 1874-1875 *Rev. B. M. Smith, D. D., 1840-1847 Rev. E. W. Smith, D. D., 1903-1905 Prof. H. L. Smith, Ph. D., 1897-1901 *Rev. Jacob Henry Smith, D. D. 1866-1897 *Rev. P. J. Sparrow, D. D 1834-1836 *Dead. Union Theological Seminary. 31 *Rev. Conkau Sfeece, D. D., 1S30-1832 *Mk. J. J. Speed, 1848-1858 *Mr. Alexander Spkunt 1880-1884 Kev. Alexander Sprunt, 1891-1892 *Rev. James Stafford, 1827-1830 *Rev. Stephen A: Stanfield, 1855-1870 Rev. p. D. Stephenson, 1890-1894 *Rev. Samuel D. Stuart, 1847-1869 *Mr. a. T. Summey, 1871-1873 *Mr. J. M. Sydenstricker, 1873-1901 *Rev. Stephen Taylor 1827-1829 Rev. L. B. Turnbull, D. D., 1888- *Rev. D. McNeill Turner 1838-1839 Hon. J. HoGE Tyler, 1890- *Rev. L. C. Vass, D. D., 1889-1891 *Mr. Abraham W. Venable, 1831-1844 * Judge F. N. Watkins 1873-1885 *Mr. Richard V. Watkins, 1848-1864 *Rev. Albertus L. Watts, 1840-1841 Mr. George W. Watts, 1894- *Rev. James Weatherb\', 1832-1834 *Rev. Frederick N. Whaley, 1854-1864 Rev. T. C. Whaling, D. D., 1901-1905 *Rev. Charles White, D. D., 186&-1892 Rev. Henry M. White, D. D. 1869-1905 *Rev. William S. White, D. D., 183&-1868 *Rev. Alexander Wilson, 1834-1840 *Rev. Samuel B. Wilson, D. D., 1827-1838 *Mr. Samuel Winfree, 1834r-1838 *Rev. John Witherspoon, D. D., ; 1828-1830 Rev. D. J. Woods, 1905- *Dead. 32 Union Theological Seminary. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD. PRESIDENTS. *Rev. Joseph Caldwell, D. D., 1S27-1S32 *Rev. William Hill, D. D., 1832-1838 *Rev. Nehemiah H. Harding, D. D., 1839-1840 *Rev. William S. Plumer, D. D. 1S40-184(} *Rev. Dbl'RY Lacy, D. D., 1847-1858 *Rev. Samuel R. Houston, 1859-1860 *Rev. Drury Lacy, D. D., 1861-18G3 *Rev. William H. Foote, D. D., 1864-1866 *Rev. Stephen A. Stanfield, 1867-1869 *Rev. William Brown, D. D 1870-1874 *Rev. Jethro Rumple, D. D., 1874-1876 *Rev. Charles H. Read, D. D. 1877-1879 *Rev. John L. Khjkpatrick, 1880-1884 *Rev. J. Henry Smith, D. D., 1884-1885 *Rev. J. J. Bullock, D. D 1885-1886 *Rev. W. T. Richardson, D. D., 1886-1888 *Rev. Jethro Rumple, D. D 1888-1890 *Rev. T. L. Preston, D. D., 1890-1892 *Rev. F. H. Johnston, D. D., 1892-1894 Rev. a. C. Hopkins, D. D., 1894-1896 Rev. p. H. Hoge, D. D., 1896-1898 Rev. G. W. Finley, D. D., 1898-1900 Rev. L. B. Turnbull, D. D 1900-1902 Rev. R. p. Kerr, D. D., 1902-1903 Rev. T. Whaling, D. D., 1903-1905 Mr. George W. Watts, 1905- SECRETAKIES. *Rev. William J. ArmstSong; D. D., 1827-1828 *Mr. William N. Page 1828-1830 *Rev. J. H. C. Leach, D. D., 1831-1838 *Rev. Andrew Hart 1839-1846 *Mb. Clement C. Read, 1847-1871 ♦Judge F. N. Watkins, 1872-1884 *Dead. REV. PROF. BEN J. M. SMITH Union Theological Seminary. 33 *Kev. Charles White, D. D., 18S5-1S91 *CoL. J. P. Fitzgerald, 1892-189S * Wm. C. Preston, Esq 1898-1901 Mr. John S. Munce, 1901-1907 Mr. Wm. R. :Miller 1907- TREASURERS. *Mr. Henry E. WATKms, lS27-Res. *Mr. Charles B. Williams, 1827-1828 *Mr. James D. Wood, 1828-1845 * Judge F. N. Watkins, 1845-1884 *CoL. J. P. Fitzgerald, 1885-1897 * WiLLiAji C. Preston, Esq 1898-1901 Mr. John S. Munce, 1901-1907 Mr. William R. Milller, 19u7- *DeacI. 34 Union Theological Seminary. PROFESSORS AND ASSISTANT INSTRUCTORS. I. Systematic, Pastoral and Polemic Theology. *Rev. JoiIxX H. lUcE, D. D., Jan., 1824-Sept., 1831 *Rev, George A. Baxter, D. D., Nov., 1831-April, 1841 *Rev. Samuel B. Wilson, D. D., Nov., 1841-Aug., 1869 *Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D. D., Adj., Sept., 1854^Sept., 1869 *Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D. D., Principal, Sept., 1869-Jau., 1883 *Rev. Thomas E. Peck, D. D., Sept., ]S83-Oct.,1893 Rev. Clement R. Vaughan, D. D., Act. Prof Oct., lS93-May, 1894 Rev. Clement R. Vaughan, D. D., May, 1894-May, 1896 Rev. Givens B. Strickler, D. D., May, 1896- II. Ecclesiastical History and Polity. *Rev. Stephen Taylor, D. D., Nov., 1835-May, 1838 -" *Rev. Samuel L. Graham, D. D., Sept., 1838-Sept., 1839 *Rev. Samuel L. Graham, D. D., Sept., 1849-Sept., 1850 *Rev. Robert L. Dabney, D. D., Sept., 1853-Sept., 1859 *Rev. Thomas E. Peck, D. D. Sept., 1860-Sept., 1883 *Rev. James F. Latimer, Ph. D., D. D., July, 1884-Feb., 1892 Rev. Thomas C. Johnson, D. D., May, 1892- III. Oriental Literature. *Rev. Hiram P. Goodrich, D. D., Nov., 1830-May, 1838 *Rev. Samuel L. Graham, D. D Nov., 1839-Sept., 1849 *Rev. Francis S. Sampson, D. D., Sept., 1849-April, 1854 *Rev. B. M. Smith, D. D., Sept., 1854-May, 1889 *Rev. Benj. M. Smith, D. D., Emeritus, May, 1889-March 14, 1893 Rev. Walter W. Moore, Adjunct, May, 1884-May, 1886 Rev. Walter W. Moore, Associate, May, 1886-May, 1889 Rev. Walter W. Moore, D. D.. Principal, May. 1889- Rev. James Gray McAllister, B. D., Adj. Prof., Sept., 1904~Sept., 3905 " Rev. a. D. p. Gilmour, B. D., Assoc. Prof May, 1908- *Dead. Uniox Theological Seminary. 35 IV. Biblical Introduction and New Testament Literature. *Kev. William J. Hoge, D. D., Sept., 1856- April, 1S59 ■^ *Rev. Henry C. A"lexajvder, D. D., Sept., lS(j9-May, 1891 ' Union Theological Seminary. 37 STUDENTS. 1807-1823. ADAMS, THOMAS J.; A. B., H. S. C, '25; Soc. Inq. AJNDEKSON, KOBTCRT N. ; b. Cumberland Co., Va. ; stu. H. S. C, '18; Li. Han. Pby. July 14, '19; never held a pastoral charge; lived in retirement many years before his death. Died in 1872. 15AKEK, Daniel ; b. Midway, Diberty Co.. Ga., Aug. 17, 1791 ; stu. H. S. C. '11-13; Gr. N. H., '33-15; taught in Winchester Female Ac. and studied theology under Kev. Wm. Hill, '15-'17; L. Winch. Pby. fall '17; O. March 5, '18 ; P. Harrisonburg and New Erection Chs., '18-21 ; P. 2d Ch., \\ ashington. D. C, '21-'28 ; P. Independent Ch.. Savannah, Ga., '28-31 ; Ev. in S. C, Ga., Fla.. Va., O., and Ky., '31-34 ; P. Frankfort, Ky., '34-'3(J; P. Tuscaloosa, Ala., '36-'38 ; Ev. in Texas, '39-'40 : P. Holly Springs, Miss.. '41-'48 : Ev. in Texas ; founder and agent for xVustin Col., '49-57. D. D. LaFay. C. '49. Died at Austin, Texas, Dec. 10, 18.57. BAKEK, John U. ; stu. H. S. C, '18-23. BAKER, John; Soc. Inq. BAPTIST, Ed.„ a. B., H. S. C, '13; Baptist minister, founder Pow- hatan Ac, which became Richmond Col. Died in Ala., in 1863. BROOKS, Jas. H. ; A. B., H. S. C. '19; L. Han. Pby., Aug. .5, '20; O. Mov. 29, '23. CALDWEEL, Hugh ; A. B., H. S. C, '21 ; Soc. Inq. Died young. COCHRAN, ISAAC; b. Londonderry. Vt., Julv 3. 1798; stu. Middlebury Col. ; teacher in Currituck Co., N. C, '18. A. B., H. S. C, '22 ; Soc. Inq. '20 ; L. Han. Pby Apr., '23 ; H. M. in Bedford and Campbell Cos.. Va. ; O ; P. Old Concord Ch., Appomattox Co., Va.. '25-'31 ; P. Buffalo Ch., Prince Ed. Co., '31-73 ; inf. '73-79. Author, "The Influence of Missions on Lit- erature and Civilization." Died Jan. 30, 1879. DAVIS, Tjios. ; A. B., H. S. C, '20 ; Soc. Inq. EJ>1E, Jos. S. ; A. B., H. S. C. '25; Soc. Inq.; seems never to have entered ministry. Died at Christiansburg, Va.. Feb. 27, 1887. ERWIN, John McKee ; b. Mecklenburg Co., N. C, June 7, 17S9: Gr. Athens Col., Ga. ; stu. H. S. C, '13-. . ; L. Han. Pby. Oct. 10. '18; O. Cone. Pby. Feb. 25, '21; P. Concord Ch., '21- (P. Bethany '21-'27)-'28 ; P. In- diantown and Williamsburg, S. C, '28-'34 ; . P. Centre and Prospect Chs., Cone. Pby., '3.>-'39 ; dismissed by Cone, to Ark. Pby., Mar. 8, '39 ; D. My. in and around Elizabeth, Ark., '40. Died Nov. 4, 1840. EWIXG, John D. ; b. in Rockingham Co., Va.. 1788; stu. Liberty Hall Ac. and A. B., H. S. C. '09; L. Lex. Pby., Jan. 27. '10; preached and taught two years at New Market. Va. ; O. Oct. 2. '13 ; P. Lebanon and Windy Cove Chs., '13-'21 ; P. Falling Spring Ch.. '22-'.54 ; inf., res. Fancy Hill, Va., '.54-'77. Died there, Jan. 11. 1877. 38 Union Theological Seminary. FRETWELL, Riciiaed ; stu. H. S. C. ; Soc. Inq. FULTON. John M. ; stu. H. S. C, '16-'22 ; Soc. Inq.; L. llan. Phy. '22; O. '25; P. Maysville, '25-'29 ; P. Fincastle, Lex. Pby. '30-'3-l ; S. S., then P. IJamiltou and Truro Chs.. (near Columbus) O., '30-'40 ; S. 8. 1st Ch., Burlington. la., '41-42; S. S. West Point, la., '43-44; no record '45-'49; S. S. Weston, Mo., '5()-'52. Died E. Y., 1852. GAY, Abner W.; stu. H. S. C, '21-'23 ; Soc. Inq. GORDON, John N. ; stu. H. S. C, '10 Died in Richmond, Va., Oct. 2, ISUO. HAMLET, JAS. H. ; stu. PI. S. C, '22-'24. HAMMERSLY, Wm. ; A. B., H. S. C, '13 ; L. Han. Pby. Apr. 26, '24 ; S. S. Buffalo Ch., Han. Pby., '25-'29 ; Mars Hill, W. H. Pby., '30; O. Ev. W. H. Pby., Nov. 25, '31 ; no record '32-'36 ; P. Concord Ch., W. H. Pby., '37-40; P. Hat Creek, '41-42; P. Rough Creek, '43-'60. Died in Roan. Pby., Oct. 7, 1860. HAMNER, jAS. Garland; b. Albemarle Co., Va.. Jan. 6, 1798; Gr. H. S. C, '19 ; i... Han. Pby., Oct. 16, '22 ; O. July 24, '24 ; P. Old Pole Green Ch. 2 yrs. ; P. Fayetteville, N. C, '26-'29 ; supplied 2nd Ch., Baltimore, part of '30 ; P. Frederick, Md., '30-'33 ; or. and P. 5th Ch.. Baltimore, Oct. 17, '33-52; inf. '52- '55; P. New Haven, Conn., '55-'60 ; P. Park Ch., Newark, N. J., '60-61; Ev. in Md. and Va. 20 yrs. D. D. Died in Baltimore, Jan. 29, 1887. HARRIS, JosiAH; A. B., H. S. C, '20. HOGE, John Blair; b. Jefferson Co., Va., Apr., 1790; A. B., H. S. C, '08 ; tutor in H. S. C. ; studied law ; L. Han. Pby. Apr. 20, '10 ; O. Wine. Pby. Oct. 12, '11; P. Tuscarora and Falling Waters '11 — (travelled in Europe for his health, '14-'16)— '22 ; P. Shockoe Hill Ch., Richmond, '22-26. Died Mch. 31, 1826. HOGE, Samuel Davies ; b. Shephei-dstown, Va., 1791 ; Ac. ; Gr. H. S. C, '10 ; L. Han. Pby. May 8, '13 ; Prof, and V.-Pres. H. S. C. '13-'16 ; O. Han. Pby. '16; P. Culpeper and Madison Chs., '16-'21; P. Hillsborough and Rocky Spring, Highland Co., O., '21-'23 ; Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil. O. U.. preaching occasionally, '23. Died Nov., 1826. HUDSON, Thos. D. ; stu. H. S. C, '20..; Soc. Inq. Died, Bedford Co., Va., Sept. 3, 1822. HUNTER, Andrew; A. B., H. S. C, '22; Soc. Inq.; lawyer; member Va. Senate; prosecuted John Brown; member of House in Confed. Con- gress. Died in Charlestown, W. Va., Nov. 21, 1880. HUTCHISON, Ben.t.; stu. H. S. C. '16—. JACKSON, Matthew W. ; b. 1795; stu. H. S. C, '22-23; Soc. Inq.; rec'd by Han. Pby. from Republican Methodist Church, Oct. 16, '22; W. C. in Han. Pby. '22-'30 ; in W. H. I'by.. '30-55; Ag't '56-'57 ; teacher at Rough Creek, '58; W. C. in Roan. Pby., res. Rough Creek, '59-'80. Died there, Mch. 11, 1880. JOHNSTON, Cyrus; b. Mecklenburg Co., N. C, Dec. 23, 1797: Gr. H. S. C, '21; Soc. Inq.; also studied theology under .John Robinson, D. D. ; L. Cone. Pby., '23; O. '24; P. Bethesda. Cedar Shoals and Mt. Pleasant Chs., S. C, '25-39; P. Providence and Sharon Chs.. Cone. Pby.. '39-'45 ; Princ. Female Ac. Charlotte, '45; 1'. 1st Ch., Charlotte, '46-55. D. D. I>ie(l Jan. 2.5, 1855. Union Theological Seminary. 39 KILFATKICK, Abner Williamson; b. Rowan City, N. C, Mar. 20, n7'J3; Gr. H. S. C, '12; Princ. Sem. 1; L. Han. Pby., May 4, '16; O- Apr. 25, '23; S. S. Dinwiddie C. H., Va., '16-'18; S. S. Boydton, Meck- lenburg C. H., Va., 'lS-'22 ; P. Harrisonburg and Cook's Creeks, Va., '26-37; P. Harrisonburg, (N. S.), '31-'40 ; S. S. Clarksville, Tenn., '40-43; !S. S. Willington, Miss., '43-44. Died in Tallahatchie Co., Miss., Sept. 15, 1844. KlKKPATKlClv, JOHN ; b. Mecklenburg Co., N. C, 1787 ; A. B., II. S. C, '12 ; studied law ; secy, to Gen. Porter in War of 1812 ; L. Han. Pby. fall '14; l\Iy. in Hanover and Chesterfield Cos., '14-'19; O. W. H. Pby., July 14, '19; P. Cumberland Ch., '19-'42. Died Feb. 17, 1842. LEACH, JAS. H. C. ; L. Wine. Pby., May 6, '18; O. Oct. 19, '19; P. Middleton Ch., '19-25 ; W. C. in W. H. Pby., '27-. . . . ; S. S. Guinea Ch., W. H. Pby.. '37-39; P. Guinea (N. S.) '40- ; P. Cumberland Ch., Han. Pby. (N. S.) '43-' 60. METCALF, Allen D. ; b. 1797 ; A. B., H. S. C, '23 ; Soc. Inq. ; O. Ev. Han. Pby., June 28, '28; S. S. Bluestone, Han. Pby,, '29-'30 ; S. S. Timber Kidge and Fairfield, Lex. Pby., '30-36 ; S. S. South River and Locust Bottom Chs., Lex. Pby., '36-'40 ; W. C. '40^4 ; S. S. then P. Big Spring Ch., Louisv. Pby. '53-'54 ; P. Macon, Tenn., '55-'57 ; various supplies in Tenn, and Ky., '58-'73 ; H. R. '74-'77. Died Auburn, Ky., Mar. 2, 1877, MINGE, David; Soc. Inq. NIMMO, Joseph; b. near Norfolk, Va., 1798; stu. H. S. C, '16- ', Princ. «em. 3; L. Han. Pby. Oct. 23, '26; S. S. Portsmouth, Va., '26-28; O. Han. Pby. May 31, '28 ; S. S. Sweet Hollow, N. Y., '29-'39 ; S. S. Fresh Pond, '33-'37; P. Red Mills, '37-'40 ; S. S. Somers, '40-'48 ; S. S. Croton Falls, '46-'49 ; teacher Huntington, N. Y. ; P. Islip, N. Y., '57-60 ; teacher Huntington, '60-'65. Died there Apr. 19, 1865. PENICK, Daniel Allen; b. Cumberland Co., Va., Oct. 27, 1797; A. B., H. S. C, '21 ; Soc. Inq. ; My. Powhatan Co., '24-'25 ; O. Han. Pby., Dec. 3, '25; P. Powhatan, Va., '25-'28 ; S. S. Milton, N. C, '28-'35 ; P. Rocky River Ch., Cone. Pby., '35-'70. Died in Cabarrus Co., N. C, Jan. 8, 1870. PHARR, Henly N. ; stu. H. S. C, '18- ; Soc. Inq.; O. Cone. Pby., June 9, '25; P. Concord, N. C. '36- (Smyrna, '36-'50 ; S. S. Salem, '46-'50)-'54; S. S. Valley Creek Ch., S. Ala. Pby., '55-'57 ; P. Lafayette and S. S. New Harmony, E. Ala. Pby.. '58-60. Died in Cone. Pby., March 15, 1862. PHARR, Walter S. ; L. Han. Pby., Aug. 30, '17; dismissed as lie. to Cone. Pby. Apr., '20 ; O. Nov. 18, '20 ; S. S. then P. Mallard Crk., Cone. Pby., '36-(Ramah, '36 -'51) -'66. Died Dec. 27, 1866. SCOIT; William N. ; b. Augusta Co., Va., 1789; stu. H. S. C, '11-.. ; L, Wine. Pby. '17 ; My. Va. Syn. in western part of State ; preached and taught at Martinsburg, Va. ; O. Ev. Wine. Pby.. Apr. 25, '18 ; preached and taught in Hardy Co. (now W. Va.), where he organized three chs. and became their pastor, '18-'54 ; inf. '54-'57. Died in Hardy Co., Jan. 24. 1857. SILLIMAN,' John; b. Rowan Co.. N. C, Aug. 13, 1786; stu. H. S. C, '14-. . ; Soc. Inq. ; L. Han. Pby. ; O. Cone. Pby., Nov. 12, '25 ; Co P. to Rev. Mat. Lyle at Briery and Buffalo Chs., 1 yr. ; P Morgantown, N. C, '19-'36; P. Sharon, 111., '36-38. Died there Nov. 2, 1838. SMITH, David; stu. H. S. C, '17; Soc. Inq. STAFFORD, Jas. B. ; Gr. H. S. C, '38; L. Han. Pby., Apr., '19; O. Cone. Pby , June 7. '23 ; W. C. Tomb. Pby.. '36-'39 ; S. S. New Hope and Bethany Chs., '40-5-1 ; inf. Danville, Miss., '54-60. 40 Union Theological Seminary. VAN LEAK, John A.; A. B, H. S. C, '21; Soc. luq. ; L. Lex. Pby, Maj-, '24; O. May 30, '25; S. S. Locust Bottom, '25- (Covington, '25-'30)- '30 ; P. Mossy Creek Ch., Lex. Pby. '37-'50. Died Aug. 18, 1850. ' WALTON, William C. ; b. Hanover Co., Va., Nov. 4, 1793; A. B., H. S. C, '15 ; tutor H. S. C. ; L. Wine. Pby., Oct. 22. '14 ; preacTied at Berry- ville and Smithtield while in H. S. C, '14-'18 ; O. Wine. Pbv.. Apr. 25. '18 ; P. Hopewell. '18-'23 ; P. 3rd Ch., Baltimore, '23-'24 ; inf., "'25-"27 ; P. 2nd Ch., Alexandria. Va., '2H-'32 ; P. Free Ch., Hartford, Conn., '32-34. Died Feb. 18, 1834. WHAKEV. .J.\JtES: b. KutherFord Co.. N. C. .Tune 15. 1780; stu. H. S. C, '33-18; L. Han. Pby. fall '18; preached and taught in Amherst and Nelson Cos., '18-'19 ; My. in Eastern, Va.. '19-'21 ; chaplain at H. S. C, '21-'22; preached and taught at Cartersville, Va.. '23; O. E. H. Pby. '24; P. Byrd and Providence Chs., Goocliland Co., Va., '24-42. Died 1842. 1823-'24. 1.* AUMiSTEAD. Jesse S. ; b. Nov. 28 1795; merchant; H. S. C, '23; (3 Gr. ) ; L. Han. Pby., July 8, '26: My. in Cartersville and vicinity and teacher, '26-'27 ; O. Dec. 27. '28 ; P. Maysville Ch., '28-42 ; P. Cumberland, '42-'64 ; inf. '64-'G9. [While P. in Cumberland he was a successful agent in securing an endowment for H. S. C.J D. D. H. S. C. Died at his residence in Cumberland, May 30, 1869. 2.* BUKWELL, Robert: b. in Dinwiddie Co., Va.. June 12, 1802; H. S. C, '23; (3 Gr.) ; L. Han. Pby. Oct. 23. '26; Mv. Franklin Co.. Va.. '27-'28 ; S. S. Salem, Lex. Pby., '29-'30 ; O. W. H. Pby., Nov. 27, '30 ; Assist. Kev. Messrs. Mitchell and Turner. Bedford Co., Va.. '30-'31 ; My. Chester- field Co.. Va.. '31-33; P. Hillsboro. Or. Pby.. •.36-48: teacher and S. S. (part of the time) Hillsboro. '49-'57: Prin. Female College, Charlotte, N. C, '57-'72; [and P. Paw Creek (Caldwell) Ch., Meckl. Pby., '59-*63] ; Prin. Peace Institute. Raleigh. N. C, '72-'92 ; | also S. S. Oakland Ch., Orange Pby.] ; inf. at Raleigh, N. C. '92-'95. D. D., U. N. C. Died at Raleigh, March 5, 1895. 3.* HITNT, Thomas P. : h. Dec. .3. 1794 ; teacher and stu. theology with Dr. Mo.ses Hoge. '17-20; (2 Gr.) ; L. Hari. Pbv. June 17. '24; O. June 27. '26; P. Brunswick Ch.. Han. Pby.. '26-'28 : S. S. Raleigh Ch.. Or. Pby., '28-'30; Agt. Temp. Soey., '30-32; P. Wilmington, Fay. Pby. (Now Wilm. Pby.), '32-34; Agt. Temp. Socy.. "3.")-'7*^^. I REV. PROF. ROBERT L. DABNEY Union Theological Seminary. 41 1825-2G. 5.='= iiAKKSDALE, Johx ; b. Oct. 0. 1798: H. S. C. '25; (0. Gr.) ; L. Han. i'by. Apr., '28; O. Ev. Nov. 10. '28; My. in Amelia and foiindei- of Amelia Ch. Died in Albemarle, 1820. (i.^ BAliTLF/i'T,- Francis ; H. S. C, '25; (3. Gr.) ; L. Han. Pby. Apr. 30, '27: O. June 20, '29; My. in Brunswick, Va.. '27-'31 ; V. Betbel Ch.. l.ancaster Fby., Nov. 28. '32-37; T. Belpre, '37: P. Bethel. '39-40: Agt. Athens Pby. '43-55 ; S. S. Chester, '59 ; probably became P. of Cougr. Ch. ; no further record. Died March 10, 1868. 7. HOWE. NORVAL D. ; Licking Co... O. ; L. Han. Pby. October 27, '29 ; license revoked W. H. Pby., Oct. 17, '34. 8.* MclNTYKE, DUGALD ; Tennessee; L. (probably), Ab. Pby., '27; O. (probably), Ab. Pby., '28; S. S. Royal Oak, &c., Ab. Pby., '28-'32 ; Sharon, &c., '33-35; W. C, '35-38; P. Providence Ch., Crawfordsville Pby.. '39; inf. and W. C. till death, E. Y., •51-'2. 9.* TENNEY, Roswell ; Hanover, N. H. ; Dart. Col. (?); (3. Gr.) ; L,. Han. l»by. Apr. 2G, '28 ; O. Ev. W. H. I'by., Nov. 23, '29 ; S. S. Lebanon and Mountain Plains. '30-'31 ; S. S. Salem and Blacksbury, Lex. Pby., '32-35; S. S. Unity, Lancaster Pby., O. '36-38 ; P. Logan, Athens Pby., '39-40; S. S. Fearing and Salem, '46; S. S. Amesville, '50-'50 ; W. C. '58-'66. Died Marietta. O., Aug. 7, 1866. 10.* WHITE, William Spotswood ; Hanover Co., Va., b. .July 30, 1800 ; H. S. C. ; (2.) ; L. Han. Pby., April 30, '27; My. Amelia. Nottoway and JJinwiddie Cos.. '27-29; O. Ev. Nov. 10, '28; P. Nottoway Ch.. '29-"32 ; P. Scottsville and Mars Hill Chs., '32-34; agent of the Am. Tract Socy., '34-'.36: S. S. South Plains Ch., '37; and then P., '38-'39 ; P. Charlottes- ville, and in the earlier part of rhe time. S. S. of South Plains, '40-'4S : (prin. of a fern. scli. for the same time) ; P. Lexington Ch. Lex. I'by. '48~'67 ; inf. '67-'73. D. D. Author "The African Preacher." Died in the house of his son-in-law, Nov. 29, '73. 182(;-'27. 11.* HART. Andrew ; b. at Sulln.^ Bank. AUiemarle Co.. Va.. Sept 15. 1804: H. S. C, '26; (3. (ir. ) ; L. Han. Pliy.. Mav C. "29: O. W. H. Pby., Sept. 8, '30; P. Vfllage Ch., Charlotte C. H., Va.. '30-'47 ; Agt. of U. T. S., '48-49; S. S. Cub Creek Ch.. '49 — (Old Concord. '51-'.54. and Providence, '55— )— '57; P. Buchanan Ch., Montg. Pby., '58— (and S. S. High Bridge, '60)-'75; inf. '7.5-'77. Died in Buchanan. April 23. 1879. 12.* lllHI). Samuel: Hanover. N. H. : (3. Gr.) ; L. Ilan. Pby.. May ('.. '29; O. Ev. W. H. Pby., .July 10, '30; S. S. Mars Hill, '31; W. C. '32: S. S. Greensburg and Mill Cr. Indianapolis Pby. '34-'36 ; S. S. Holly Springs, '38-'41 ; College '42 ; W. C, '43-46. Died in 1847. 13.* McCALLUM, Angus ; b. Robeson Co., N. C, Oct. 4, 1801 : Bingham Sch.; (4. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., April. "30; O. Oct., '31; P. Euphronia and Buffalo Chs., '31-'38 ; S. S. AVaterford. Hopewell, Greenwood, and Carolina Chs., in Pbys. of Tombeckbee, Clinton and Holly Springs, '39--'48 ; S. S. Union, Miss. Pby., '49-'54 ; Castle Hill, '55 ; Providence, '56 ; Ebenezer and Ited Lake. '57 ; Red Lake, '58 ; Meadsville. '57-"63 ; Providence, '66-'71 and '76-80; Ebenezer, '73-75; inf. '81-85. Died Oct. 27, 1885. 14.* McEWEN, John; b. in Scotland, 1798; (2.) ; L. Cone. Pby., '28; O. Harm. Pby., May, '30; P. Harmony and Sumterville, '31-32; S. S. Har- mony and Williamsburg. '33. Died May 31. 1833. 42 Uxiox Tiii-:oL()(;icAL Si-:MiXARv. lu.* rOLLARD, WiLLiAji H. ; Ac. ; A. B., H. S. C, ^^ ; Res. Lie. ; (1) ; L. Han. I'bv- Oct. y. S^: (). Kv. July 7, '38; My. in Halifax. Campbell and adjoining connties, 'lIS-'oS ; W. C. '38-43; joined the Bap. Cli. in 1813 and died about 1844. IG.* ROBINSON. James; Albemarle, Va. ; L. Lex. Pby.. April 'J.j, "20. J>ied at Prince Edward C. H., July 20, 1829. 17.* ROYALL, John G. ; b. Amelia Co., Va., Dec. 2, 1805; IL S. C. •20; (3. Gr.) ; L. Han. Pby. May 6, '29; O. W. H. Pby. Oct. 24. '32; S. •«. Petersburg, \ a., '29-'30 ; My. Fauquier Co., Va.. '30-'34 ; P. Winchester. '34-'38; united with the N. S. Ch. in '39; S. S. Cedar Run, Bethesda, Cul- peper and Grove Clis., Fauquier Co., Va., '39-'56. Died suddenly at his home, in Fauquier Co., Va., Feb. 17, 1856. 18.* RUSSELL, Daniel Livermore ; Concord, N. H. ; b. Nov. 27, 1800; L. Han. Pby. May 0, '29 ; O. Ev. W. H. Pby., April 2G, '30 ; S. S. Chapel Hill, Or. Pby., '33 ; Washington, '34 ; S. S. and then P. Oxford. Tomb. Pin., '38-42; S. S. Franklin, Clinton Pby., '43-45; S. S. Richland. '48; joineO the Bap. Ch., in the communion of which he died. 19.* WATT, John SmcLAm; b. Richmond, Va., Jan. 22, 1802 ; H. S. C, '26; (3. Gr.) ; L. Han. Pby., May 6, '29; O. Ev. W\ H. Pby., Oct. 24. '31; My. Amelia, &c., and S. S. Staunton, Va., Lex. Pby., '31-' 40 ; S. S. Augusta, Ebenezer Pby., '41-'43 ; after returning to Virginia his health and other causes prevented any regular ministerial work, and he engaged mainly in teaching and preaching, as he had opportunity, till his death, in a friend's home, near Petersburg, Jan. 5, 1879. 1827-28. 20. ALLISON, Robert ; Iredell Co., N. C. ; taken under care of Concord Pby. May 15, 1829, and parts of trial assigned, but no further mention of him. 21.* BLAIN, John Stephen; Rockingham Co., Va. ; b. about 1800; stu. W. C, V. ; (1) ; L. Lex. Pby. April 25. '29; O. Ev. Oct. 23, '30; S. S.« J'ygart's Valley, '30-' 40 ; S, S. Rocky Spring and New Bethany, '40-'57 ; Rocky Spring, '57-'70 ; inf. '71-72. Died Oct. 8, 1872. 22.*BROWN, .Tosei'h; Robeson Co.. N. C, b. Aug. 7. 1705: Ac; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby. May 15, '30; O. May 19, '32; S. S. and then P. Ash- pole, Little Pedee and' Philadelphia. '32-37 ; S. S. Buffalo. '38 ; P. Hopewell, Harmony Pby., '39-5S. Died ilay 17, 1859. 23.«= CALDWELL. Robert L. ; b. Mecklenburg, N. C, 1805; U. N. C. ; L. Cone. Pby. Nov. 15. '28; O. Oct. 8, '31; P. Fourth Cr. Ch., '31-32. Died Nov. 17, 1832. 24. COINER, David H. ; Augusta Co.. Va. ; stu. W. C. V.: (3.); L. Lex. Pby. Oct. 25, '30;- license withdrawn Oct. 8. '42; O. Franklin Pby.. Aug. '48; P. Gejioa Ch., '48-'.58: teacher; chapl. U. S. A.; S. S. Eden and res. Kilbourn, O., '81 ; (no further information obtainable.) 25.* McIVER, Alexander; Moore Co., N. C. ; b. April 3, 1801; Ac; teacher; (2.); L. Fay. Pby., April 3. '29; (). Ev. Dec IS. '30; My. in eastern part of N. C '30-'31 ; S. S. (irove and Fnion ('lis., '31-39. Died Oct. 14, IS-'iO. 20.* RUSSELL. Robert D. ; Guilford Co.. N. C. ; b. Mar. 20. 1793: Ac; (3.) ; L. Or. Pby. April 28. '29; My. in Southwest. '33-'35 ; S. S. Nanafalia. S. Ala. Pby.. '37-'42 ; occasional supply '41-51; inf. '52-'6C. Died at Nan.Tt"ali!i. Ala.. Api'il IC. 18(;7. Uniox Theological Seminary. 43 27.* WATTS, Albektus Leaxder : Ii-eck'll Co.. X. C. : 1). Nov. 25. 1»)1 : U. N. C. ; (2) ; L. Cone. Pby. Nov. 15, '28; S. S. Drusilla Ch., '29; O. Ev. Or. Fby. Dec. 10, '31 ; My. in Caswell Co., N. C, •31-32 ; S. S. Bethany '32 ; P. Nutbush '33 ; My. '34-'35 ; S. S. Emmanuel and Long Cr. Ghs., Morgan- ton (now Concord) Pby., '3o-'3(J. and P. of same '37-38; P. Lincoluton and Long Cr. Chs. '39-'40 ; S. S. Steele Cr. Cli.. Cone. Pby.. '41, and P. of same '42-54. Died at his "home near Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 23, 1855. 1828-'2!). 28.*BALLAXTINE, Elisha ; b. Schodach Landing. Kensclaer Co.. N. Y, Oct. 11, 1809; A. B. and A. M., O. U. : (2.+ Gr.) ; L. Columbus Pby., O., Oct. '31; O. Ev. W. H. Pby., April 18, '34; asst. inst., U. T. S., '31-34; and again, after absence for study in Europe, '36-'38 ; prof. Grk., O. U., '35:)-'40; P. Douglas Ch., P. Ed. Co., Va., (teaching at same time), '40-'48 ; P. 1st Ch., Washington, D. C, '48-'52 ; prof, math., Ind. U., '54-'56; prof, lang., '5G-'63 ; dist. secy, for A. B. C. F. M. for West, '63-'6G ; prof. Heb., Lane Sem., '(J6-'67 ; prof. Grk., Ind. U., '67-79 ; prof. E. Grk., and vfce- pres. Ind. U.. '7&-'86 ; author "Christ His Own Witness." LL. D., Ind. U., '78. Died at Bloomington, Ind., April 20, 1886. 29.* CABLE, JoxATHAX ; b. Hartford, Washington Co., N. Y.. .Tune 15, 1799; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby.. April IS, '31; O. Ev. July 10, '32; W. C. '33-34 ; My. Lancaster Pby. '36-'37 ; W. C. '38 ; P. Reynoldsville, O., and Sand Cr., Ind.; S. S. various churches in Ohio, &c., till '81; res. Danville, Iowa, '84. Died Danville, June 13, 1884. ■30.* GOLLADAY Peter H. ; b. Augusta Co.. Va., April 10, 1802; W. C. V. '28 ; teacher, &c. ; L. Lex. Pby., '31 ; S. S. Kerr's Cr. Ch., '31 ; O. Ev. Oxford Pby. '32; S. S. Eaton Ch. '33-34; Venice '36-37; New Lexington '38; Venice '39; Harrison '40-'55 (and Providence '44-'48) ; Sardinia and Union, White Water Pby., '55-'60 ; Mt. Carmel '61-65 ; Harrison again, Oxford Pby., '67-69 ; Dunlapsville, White Water Pby., '70-'74 ; Centreville '74— '76 ; Harrison again '74-'S3. Died at his home in Harrison, Dec. 16, 1883. 31.* HENDERSON. Daniel C. ; Robeson Co.. N. C. ; Ac; (3. Gr. ) : L. Fay. Pby. Oct. 10, '31; O. Clinton Pby. '36; S. S. Harmonv, Mineral Spring' &c., '31-'33 ; S. S. Pisgah, Miss. Pby.. '34 ; S. S. Pine Grove, La. Pby., '37; S. S. Birdville, Texas. '53-'58 ; S. S. Delhi and Union Chs., C. Miss. Pby., '5S-'69. Died Nov., 1869. 32.* HOWE, Hiram R. ; b. Franklin Co., Vt., May 25, 1798 ; Ac. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. AV. H. Pby. April 18, '31; My. in Buckingham Co., Va. ; O. June, '32 ; P. Huntington and Raccoon Chs., Athens Pbv., '32-'84 ; res. Pine Grove, N. J., '85-88. Died Feb. 11, 1888. 33.* HOWE, TiJiOTiiY W. : b. May 12, 1804; teacher; stu. O. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. II. Pby. Apr. 18, '31; O. E. H. Pby., May, '34; P. Amelia Ch., '34-39; P. Patascala, Lancaster Pby., '41-'91. Died at Columbus, O.. Dec. 23, 1891. 34.* KNOX, .Tames; Carlisle, Pa.; b. June 5. 1807; D. C. Pa.; (1.) ; 2, Princ. Sem. ; L. Car. Pby. '30 ; O. New Castle Pby. Nov. 21, '32'; P. New Castle Ch., '32-'34 ; S. S. Congl. Ch., Norwalk Conn., '34-39 ; S. S. Bethel, Conn.. '40-'42; P. 2d. Ch., Washington City, '43; P. 10th Ch., N. Y., '46-52 ; teacher Sturgis, Mich., '53-'59 ; P. Hillsdale, '60-61 ; P. E. 1st Ch., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, '64-'75. Died Delphos, O., Oct. 10, 1875. 35.* LACY, Dbury ; Prince Edward Co., Va. ; b. Aug. 5, 1802 ; H. S. C. '22; teacher '23-'28 ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 11, '33; Mv. in Amelia, &c., '33-'34; O. Ev. E. H. Pby. April, '33; P. Newbern, Or. Pby., '34-'37 ; P. Raleigh '37-55 : Pres. Davidson Col. '55-'61 ; My. Or. Pby. '61-62 ; 44 Uniox Theological Seminary. Chapl. C. S. A. 'G2-'65; S. S. Melbouru, Oakland. Haywood and Pitt.sboro Ch.s., 't>()-'78. and teacher Peace Institute part of this time; inf. '78-'S4 ; author of "Occasional Sermons." D. U., U. N. C. Died Aug. 1, 1884. ;m* LIXDLEY, Daxiel; b. Washington Co.. Pa., Aug. 24, 1801; U. O. '24; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. Oct. 10, '31; O. Cone. Pby. Nov. 7, "32; P. Korkv River Ch., '32-'34 ; Mv. among the Zulus, under A. B. C. F. M., '34 -'77; Agt. A. B. C. F. M. in N. Y. '77-'80. Died in N. Y., Sept. 3, 1880. 37.* McCUTCHAN, .John S. ; b. Augusta Co., Va., .July 0, 1807; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby. April 30, '31; O. Ev. Or. Pby. June 22, '33; S. S. Nut- bush, '33-34; S. S. Morganton Ch., Morganton (now Concord) Pby., '3G-'39 ; S. S. and then P. Goshen and New Hope, '40-'45 ; S. S. and then P. Bethany and Tabor '46-'48. Died in Salem, Va., on his way to Rock- bridge Va , June 29, 1848. 38.* MAHON. Joseph; b. in Cumberland Co., Pa., June 25, 180.5; Jef. C. '24; teacher; (2. Gr.) ; Princ. ; L. Carl. Pby. '31; O. N. Bruus. Pby. April, '30 ; agt. Board of Education, '31-'35 ; P. Lawreuceville, N. Y., '30-48; agt. Board of Publication, 'o0-'54 ; agt. Pa. Col. Socy., '.56-00; Chapl. U. S. A., '62-'G4; S. S. Petersburg and Irish Grove Chs., 111., '71-72; Ev. '74-'84 ; res. Shippensburg, Pa., '84. Died there, Nov. 2, 1884. 39.* MEBANE. Alexander; b. Orange (now Alamance Co..) N. C, Sept., 1806 ; L. Or. Pby., Oct. 10, '31 ; O. Ev. E. H. Pby. May 19, '32 ; S. S. 3rd Ch., Richmond, '36-'38 ; P. '39-'46. Died in Richmond, Jan 29, 1846. 40.* MORRISON, James Elijah ; Cabarrus Co., N. C. ; b. Sept. 5. 1805 ; U. N. C. ; teach; (3.) ; L. Cone. Pby. April. '32; O. Sept.. '.34: S. S. '36-'.37 ; then P. Bethphage and Concordtown, '28-52 ; My. Cone. Pby. '52-'69 ; S. S. Lebanon, '69-'80 ; teacher six years in Concord and Principal Anson Ac, '65-84; inf. at Morven, N. C, '85-92. Died Feb. 18. 1892. 41.* RAMSAY, Jesse T., Alexandria, Va. ; L. Dist. Col. Pby., '51 ; with- drew from the ministry with consent of Pby., '34. Died, 1860. 1829-'30. 42.* AGNEW, Johx Robinson; McConnelsburg, Pa.; b. .Tune 8, 1810; D. C. Pa.. '29; (2.) Princ; L. E. Han. Pby., Apr. 16. '34: O. Ev. Allegheny Pby.. April 3, '38 ; My. Choctaw Indians, '34-36 ; S. S. and then P. Scral)- grass. Lawrenceburg and Harrisville Chs., Pa.. '37-45 : agt. Lafayette Col. '46 ; W. C. '48 ; S. S. Welsh Run Ch. '49-'51 : agt. Board of Colportage. Synod of Pittsburg. '51-'.52 : S. S. Pine Cr., Deer Cr.. &c., '52-".53 : Chestnut (irove Ch., Bait. I'by.. '.53-'55 : Smithtield and Richmond, r^ar Steubenville, O., and prof. Female Seminary '5.5-59 ; S. S. Monnaghan Oh., &c, '60-'61 ; agt. Lincoln Univ.: supt. of Cl'd Scliool and Ch.. Cohinih'a, Tenn., '(i7-'(>9 : Chapl. Missouri Penitentiary, '69-'71 ; agt. Am. Bible Socy. '71-72 ; W. C. Greencastle, Pa., '73-'S8. Died there Feb. 3, 1888. 43. BARR, Absalom K. ; Rowan Co., N. C. ; U. N. C. ; (2.) ; L. Cone Pby., Oct. 5, '32; O. Nov. 5, '.34; S. S. 1st Ch., Cato, Cayuga Pby. '36;, S. S. 2nd Ch., Marcellus '37; S. S. Borodina '39; S. S. Greenfield, Huron Pby., '46-'.50: S. S. Steuben, O., '51-53; W. C. '54; suspended Sept. 0, '54. 44.* BISHOP, PiEKKi'ONT Edwakds; b. Amherst. Va. : April 11, 1803; H, S. C, '29; (.3. Gr.) ; L. W. II. Pby. April 19, '33; O. Ev. Bethel Pby., April 26, '33; S. S. Ebenezer Ch.. Bethel Pby., '3.5-37 : I', of same, '38-46; S. S. Yorkville '47: S. S. '.50. and I', of Bethesda, ■.50-'.5(i; S. S. Bennettsville and Great Pedee, Harm. Pby., and then P. Great Pedee, '56-'57, and Bennettsville. '.58-'.5!>. Died IMarch 5. 18.59. Union Theological Seminary. 45 45.* BROWN. Henry : Rockbridge Co., Va. : b. Nov. 28. 1804 ; W. C. V., '27; Priuc. ; (2.) ; L. Lex. Pby. April 25, '29; O. Aug. 27, '31; M.v. and, S. S. Shemariah, '31-37 ; Wilmington, N. C, '38-'40 ; Harrisonburg, Va., '40-52: P. Goshen and Pisgah. '53-'57 ; Lake Cit.v, Fla.. '57-59; S. S. in Cherokee Pby.. Ga., '59-'61 ; Chapl. C. S. A., '61-'65 ; S. S. Mars Hill, Lebanon and Pleasant Forest, Tenn., Knoxv. Pby., ■6G-73 ; S. S. Palatka and Enterprise, Fla., St. John's Pby., '73-77 ; Ev. Rockbridge Co., Va., • '77-'80. Died Marlin, Tex.. Jan. 14, 1881. 4G.* CALHOUN. Philo ; Green Co., N. Y. ; b. Sept. G, 1805; Un. Col. '25; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 22, '32; O. Ev. April 19, '33;' S. S. Washington. N. C, '33 ; Finneywood, Lacy-Hoge and Bluestone, '34-'3G ; prof. W. C. V., '37-'53 ; prin. Female School, Christiansburg, '55-'59: teacher Selma, Ala., '.59; Thibodeaux. La.. 'G0-"61 ; Houma 'Gl-'62; in various places '62-'G5 ; prof. Oakland Col.. Miss., '66-'G8 ; S. S. Bethel. Ark. Pby., '69 ; Osark '70 ; Jefferson, Tex., '71 ; S. S. Vienna, La., '72. Died in Vienna, July 29, 1872. 47.* COCKE. Stepheint Frederick ; Springfield. Washington Co.. Ivy. ; b. Jan. 1, 1810; (2.) ; Princ. ; L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 22, '32; O. Ev. June 14, '34; P. Bethany '3.5-37 ; S. S. Fincastle. Lex. Pby.. ■37-"38 and P. same '30-44 ; res. Little Rock. Ark., '45 -"4G; S. S. Victoria, Texas, '46-49; My., res. Port Lavaca. '49-52 ; agt. Indiauola. '52-'5G. Author "Funeral Sermon of Col. Wm. Anderson," 1839. Died at his home in Texas, July, 1856. 48.* FOREMAN, Stephen; Oo-you-giligee, Cherokee Nation, Ga. ; b. Oct. 22, 1807 ; Ac. ; (1) ; Princ. ; Theol. Depart., Mary v. C, Tenn. ; L. Union Pby., '33 (?) ; O. '34; S. S. Candy Cr. Ch., Cher. Nat., '34-'38 ; My. ijn Cher. Nat. '38-61; res. Tahlequah. Ark., '62-64; Park Hill. Cher. Nat. Indian Ter. ; Mv. '6.5-67; res. Tahlequah, Ark., '67-'70 ; S. S. Park Hill, '71-'74 ; F. M. '75-80 ; S. S. Park Hill, '81. Died E. Y., 1881-'82. 49.* JOHNSTON. Thomas P., b. Rowan Co.. N. C, Oct. 28, 1808; U. N. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby. Oct. 5, '32; O. Ev. Oct. 4. '33; My. Trebizond. Turkey, '33-'53 ; IVIy. in Cone. Pby. and agt. A. B. Soc. in Miss., '54-'.59; Mv. again and colporteur, "60-82. Died, Fort Mills, S. C, Mav 31, 1883. 50.* Mcintosh, John R. ; Richmond, N. C. ; Ac. and stu. H. S. C. ; (4. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby. Oct. 4, '34; O. Nov. 24, '36- S. S. Centre '37-38i and P. '39-'46; W. C. '47; pres. Laurel F. Col. '48; S. S. Laurel Hill, '49-'54; S. S. Eufaula, Ala., '55-57; and again, '60-'62 ; teacher '63-66; teacher, Columbus, Ga., '67-'76 ; W. C. '77-'80. Died E. Y. 1880-'81. 51.* McINTYRE, James; b. Oxford, Pa.; J. C, Pa.; (1+.) ; Andover Gr. ; L. N. Cas. Pby. ; O. same ; P. Elkton and Glasgow Chs. 12 yrs.. and Ashland 4 yrs. ; res. Elkton, Md., many years. Died there, Nov., 1884. 52.* ]McLEAN, Hector; b. Ilandlesville, Robeson Co., N. C. Aug. 7, 1807; stu. H. S. C. ; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., Nov. 6, '32; O. Dec, '.33; S. S. Bethel, Pedee, and Bennettsvillle Chs.; P. Antioch Ch., and Philadelphus, of the former, '33-89. Died at Melrose, N. C, Julv 3, 1889. .53.* McNAIR, Evander; b. Robeson Co.. N. C. April 7, 1814; Ac; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., Nov. 6, '32; O. Dec 21, '33; P. Bethesda, Long St. and Cyprus, '33-'51 ; P. Galveston, Tex., '52-55 ; S. S. Fayetteville, N. C, '56; P. Eufaula '59-'66 ; (also Chapl. C. S. A.) ; S. S. Pine Bluff, Ouachita Pby., '67-'79; S. S. Lebanon and Bethesda, Fay. Pby., '81-86. D. D. Died January, 1886. 46 Union Theological Seminarv. 5-1.* McNeill, hector; Richmond ('0., N. C. ; L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 9, '33: O. June 6, '35; P. Averasboro and Shiloh, '3G-'38 ; S. S. Bethel, Lumber Bridge, &c., '39-"41 ; and P. '4.5-71. Died Melruse. N. C, Nov. 21, 1871. 55.* MANN, Royal; b. Oxford, N. H., Nov. G. 1805; Dartm. CoL. '29; (2.); Andover Gr. ; teacher six yrs. ; O. Congr. Asso. at Marion, March 10, '39; P. Cong. Ch., Marion, Wayne Co., N. Y., and teacher Marion CoL, '39-'42 ; P. Congr. Ch., Cliili, then Presby. Ch., Webster ; then at Marion again ; then Presby. Ch.. Hector, and afterwards at Penfield, '.i9 ; and in N. y., engaged in farming, res. Marion, where he died, Aug. 10, 1875. 5(i.* MASON, John; b. Nassau, N. Y., Dec. 4, I8(»7: Un. CoL. '28; Princ. ; (1.+) ; O. N. Y. Pby. Nov. 13, '33; P. Rondout, N. Y., '33-'35 ; P. New Rochelle, ■36-'37 ; P. Bridesburg, Pa., '3S-'40 ; deposed June 21, '42. Died, 1844. 57.* PATTON, John; b. May 18, 1808; J. C. Pa.; (2.) ; L. W. H. Pby., Oct., '31; O. N. Cast. Pby.. Dec. 25, '32; S. S. Chestnut Level and Little Britain, 32; and P. '32-35; P. Western Ch., 4th Pby., Phila., (N. S.), '85-'43; P. 1st Ch., Northumberland, Harrisburg Pby. (N. S.), '43-47; agt. Phila. Ed. Socy. and S. S. Logan Sq. Ch., (N. S.), '47-'65 ; P. Forest Ch., Wilmington Pby., (N. S.), '65-'80 ; W. C. Res. Phila., '81-94. Died in Phila. March 26, 1894. 58* PHARR, Dion Cassius ; Mecklenburg, N. C. ; b. Feb. 2.5, 1800; H. S. C, '29; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 21. '32; O. Lex. Pby. Aug, 22, '36 ; S. S. Covington Ch., '36-51 ; and Locust Bottom '52-54. Died Cov- ington, Nov. 20, 1854. 59.* PIERSON, Philip; Granville, N. C. ; b. ISIav, 1801; Ac; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. Oct. 11, '31 ; O. Ev. June 22, '32 ; S. S. Lex. Ch. '34-'35 ; S. S. Harmony Ch., Harm. Pby., '37 ; P. Midway '38-73. Died in his pulpit, Nov. 9, 1873. 60.* PRICE, Samuel Joseph; Prince Edward Co.. Ya. ; b. Sept. 30, 1809: H. S. C, '29; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 22. '32; O. Or. Pby., Oct., '33; P. Hillsboro. '33-35; S. S. Peaks and Pisgah, W. H. Pby.. '36; prin. Female School, Charlotte C. H., Ya.. '37-' 40 ; S. S. Hat. Cr. and My. Campbell Co., Va., '40-43; S. S. Bethlehem and Walker's Chs., '43-'51 : P. Bethlehem and Little Concord, '52-57; agt. U. T. S., '58-'60, and '63-64; Mv. '62-65; teacher Yancevville. N. C, '6.>-'66 : ])rin. Female Col. Laurens C. H., S. C, and S. S. Friendship Ch., S. C. Pby., '66-69; teacher Laurens C H.. '70; P. liancasterville and Douglass Chs.. Bethel Pby., '70-'71. Died Lancasterville, Nov. 1, 1871. 61.* SMITH, Aristides Spyker ; b. Abingdon, Ya., Mar. 18, 1809; Y. C, '28; (1+.) ; Princ. Gr. ; L. E. H. Pby. '32; O. Ev. '33: My. Brunswick Co., Va., '33-34, and Southampton, '35 ; P. Drummondstown '37-39 ; teach. Abingdon, '39-' 40 ; O. deacon in P. Episcopal Ch.. Oct. 18, 1840. and Pres- byter, Nov., '41; R. Brandon Parish, '41-45; S. S. and Prin. School, Tus- caloosa, Ala., '4.5-47; prin. Norfolk F. Institute, '47-'61 ; R. ChrLst Ch., Nashville. '61-62; Chapl. C. S. A. '62-'64 : S. S. and prin. School, Balto., '65-67: R. St. Paul's Parish. Q. Ann Co.. Ya.. '67-72: teacher Petersburg. Va., '72-'73: R. Ringwood. N. C, '73-'92. D. D., U. N. C, '79. Died, Beldon, N. C, April 16, 1S92. 62. SMITH, Vinal; Albany, N. Y. ; L. W. H. Pby., '37-39; W. C. ; no further trace. 63. TOWLES, John Wolcott, Montgomery, ^Nlass. ; (-1.) : no effort to ♦■vace him has succeeded : probably entered the ministry of the Cong. Ch. Union Theological Seminary. 47 64. WILLIAMS, Caleb Steadman ; Wiiithrop, Mass. ; S. S. in Amelia ; united with Congr. Ch., in Maine, '32 ; never ordained ; deposed for unsound- ness of doctrine, '42. Oo.* YATES, William Black: Charleston, S. C. ; b. Feb. 19, 1809; (1.) ; Princ. and then. Col. Sem. ; L. Charleston, Union Pby.. 'oS ; O. Dec. 2, 'S5; S. S. 1st Ch., Charleston, '33; Chayl. Seaman's Chapel, '36-82. Died July 12, 1882.- 1830-'31. 66.* BALLANTINE, Henry; b. Schodach, Rensselaer Co., N. Y., March 5, 1813; (1.) ; Princ. and Andover ; L. Portsmouth Pby.; O. (?) ; O. Colum- bus Pby., April 6, '35 ; My. A. B C. P. M. in India, Ahmednuggur, '36-49, '52-'65. Died at sea, off Cape St. Vincent, Portugal, on return to U. S., Nov. 9, 1805. 67.* CALDWELL, JoH>f M. M. ; b. near Charlotte, N. C, July 17, 1812 ; stu. U. Ga., '29; (3.) ; L. Cone. Pby. Sept. 5, '34; My. in Rutherford and Anson Cos. '34-'37 ; O. Oct. 30, '35; P. Sugar Creek, '37-45; My. in Western Ca., '45^'52 ; P. Rome, Ga., '52-'57 ; pres. Synod F. Coll., Rome, '57-'63; pres. F. Co), of Cone. Pby. Statesville, '64-67; pres. Edgeworth F. Col. (ireensboro, N. C, '68-'71 ; pres. Fem. Col., Rome, Ga.. '71-"91 ; W. C. Sanford, Fla., '91: Tallaliassee, Fla., '92. Died, Franklin, Ky., Sept. 21, 1892. 68.* CAMPBELL, Alexander Wheeler ; b. Fleets, Chesterfield Co., Va.. May 4, 1803; Ac; (2.) ; L. W. Lex. Pby.: O. W. H. Pby. Sept., '31; S. S. New Loudon, Va., '33-34; Ev. Wine. Pby. '3.5-'.36 ; P. Lovettsville, '36-'37 ; seceded to N. S. Ch., '39; D. xMay, '41 Wine. Pbv. (N. S.) to Green River Pbv. (V) N. S. ; S. S. Paducah Ch., '43-'48. Died Paducah, Ky., .Jan. 9, 1848. 69.* DUTTON, Francis; b. Lebanon, Conn.. June 28, 1790; L. Lex. Pby.. Oct. 23. '26; (3. Gr.) ; O. Lex. Pby. Apr. 28, '35; S. S. Point Pleasant '34-'38. Died there Aug. 15, 18-39. 70.* HALL, James Davidson ; b. near Statesville, N. C, March 17, 1806; U. N. C, '28; teacher in Washington, N. C, '28-'29 ; (2.) ; L. Cone. Pby. March 6, '33; O. Ev. Or. Pby. Nov. 8, '34; P. Thyatira and Frank- lin Chs., Cone. Pby., '3(>-'46 ; S. S. Goshen, New Hope and Olney '46-'58 ; P. Goshen '58-76; inf. and W. C. '76-'92. Died in Gaston Co., N. C, Aug. 25, 1892. 71.*McCORMICK, Duncan S. ; Richmond Co., N. C. : L. Fay. Pl)y. Nov. 9, '33 ; O. S. Ala. Pby. Oct. 1, '38 ; P. Pea River Ch., S. Ala. Pby., '38-'40. Died between Oct. 15, '40, and April 1, '41. 72.* PEABODY, David ; ' b. Topsfield, April 16, 1805 : Dart. C. '28 ; Andover (mid. 1.) ; O. Nov. 5, '32; P. 1st Ch., Lynn, Mass., '32-35; P. Worcester '35-38; prof. orat. Dart. C. '38-39. Died at Dart. Col., Oct. 17, 1839. 73.* PRYOR, Theodorick Bland, Dinwiddle ; b. Jan. 5. 1805 ; H. S. C. '28; lawyer; (1.) ; Princ. 2. Gr. ; L. E. H, Pby., April, '32; O. Nov. 18, '32; P. Nottoway Ch., '32-53; P. 3d Ch., Baltimore, '5.3-'54 : P. 2d. Ch.. PeterslHirg, '54-'63 ; My. C. S. A. '64-65 ; P. Brunswick '66-'67 ; P. Notto- wav, '67-'90 ; D. D., H. S. C. ; Mod. G. A., '83. Diea in Nottoway Co., Va., July 27, 1890. 74.* RICE, Samuel Davies ; Bedford. Va. ; b. 1795; Ac.; (2.) ; L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 19, '33; O. Ev. Oct. 29. '42: S. S. Chestnut Ch., '43-'48 ; teacher '49-'52 ; S. S. Diamond Hill, '53-'(j3. Died Feb., 1863. 48 Uxiox Theological Seminary. 75.* SMITH. Leoxidas L. : b. Chesterfield. Feb. 1, 1812; II. S. C. '29; (1.+) ; Piiuc. Yale and Audover, '31-35; L. and O. 3d Pby., N. Y. ; teacher ; O. Deacon Ep. Ch., '43 ; and Presbyter. "45 : U. Emmanuel Ch., Warrenton, N. C, '53-57; K. Christ Ch., Nashville, '57-61; teacher, Bal- timore, '01-65. Died in Baltimore Nov. 11, 1865. 76.* SPOTSWOOD, Joiix Boswell : Dinwiddle Co.. Va. ; I1. Feb. S, 1808: Amh. C, '28; teacher; "(l) ; Princ. 2 Gr. ; L. E. H. Pby., April, (?) '33: O. Ev. Oct. li>, '34; S. S. '34, and P. Sussex Ch., '35-'4U : S. S. Mt, Paran and Ellicott Mills, Bait. Pby., '40-' 42 ; P. New Castle, N. Castle Pby., '42-'85. D. D. J. C, '48. Died at New Castle, Feb. 10, 1885. 1831-'32. 77.* HOUSTON, Samuel Rutherford; b. Rural Valley, Va., ]March 12, 1806; D. C. Pa., "25; instr. Inst, for Deaf and Dumb, Philadelphia, Pa.. '25-'31: I'rinc— 1.; (2.) ; L. Lex. Pby. June 24. and O. Ev. June 26, '34 ; My. A. B. C. F. M. Scio, Turkey, '34-37 ; Areopolis, Greece, '37-'41 ; Prin. Academy. Cnion Monroe, '45-'67 : S. S. '42; Union and Mt. Pleasant. Grb. Pby., and P. '45-'Sl ; D. D. W. and L. U. ; author "Discourse on Eldership" and "Discourse on Temperance." Died in Monroe Co., Va., Jan. 2S, 1887. 78.* MATTHEAVS, Samuel; b. Chester, Mass., Feb. 20, 1803; Amh. Col., '29; L. W. H. Pby., Apr. 19, '34; O. New River Pby. (N. S.) ; teacher; voice too weak to preach ; rec'd. by Lex. Pby. Dec. 29, '34 ; Prin. Augusta F. Seminary, Staunton, Va., '48-53. Died at Perth-Amboy, N. J., Dee. 30, 1853. 79* McNeill, James Alexaxder: Robeson Co., N. C. ; b. Feb. 8. 1809; L. Fay. Pby. Oct. 4, '34 ; O. Ev. June 13, '35 ; S. S. Wilmington, '36 ; W. C". '37. Died in Mississippi, Sept. 27, 1837. 80.* MORROW, Thomas; b. Greenville Dis., Ala., July 31, 1808; A. B. of C. C. Ky.. '28; teacher 2 years; printer; (2.) ; L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 19, '33; O. Ev. Tombeckbee Pby. Apr. 2, '37; My. Creek Nation, E. Ala., '83-37; My. and teacher, Pickens Co., Ala., '37-5(5 ; Sup. Public Schools and My. Morgan Co., Ala., '56-'85 ; author "Blow at the Root of Scientific Infidelity," &c. D. D. Died at Hartsells, Ala., March 12, 1885. 81.* PHILLIPS, James W. ; Winchester, Va. ; b. May 16, 1804; Col. C, D. C. ; (2.) ; L. Winch. Pby. Oct. 21, '33; O. Ev. April 25, '35; My. Winch. Pby. '36; P. Salem, Ind., '3ii-'37 : P. Cook's Ch. and Harrisonburg, Winch. Pby. (N. S.) ■37-'40: in Harrisonburg Pby. (N. S.) '41-'53 ; P. First Ch., Hannibal, Mo. (N. S.), '53-60; S. S. Marion. Enterprise, &c., in North Mississippi, '60-'64 ; S. S. Demopolis, Livingston and Bladen Springs, '66-75. Died Demopolis, May 9, 1875. 82.* SHANE, John D.\bney; Cincinnati, O. ; b. 1812; stu. II. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; I^. Cine. Pbv. INIav 27, '42; O. W. Lex. Pby. Aug. 31, '44; S. St, Versailles, Ky., '4.3-'44 ; S. S. '44, and P. North Middloton, '45-'54 : (and also S. S. Green Cr. Ch., '51-'54) ; AV. 0. '56-'59 ; S. S. Loveland. Pby. Cinn., '60-'62. Died Cincinnati. Feb. 7, 1864. 83.* SHAVER, Adolpiius C. ; Abingdon, Va. ; b. March 12, 1812 ; Metho- dist Reformed; (1.); preaclied in Northumberland Co., &c., '33-35. Died in Abingdon, Va., Aug. 2, 1836. 84.* SMITH. Benjamin Mosby : b. Powhatan Co.. A'a. : June 30. 1811; II. S. C. '29 ; teacher ; (2.4 ) ; L. AV. H. Pby., Apr. 19. '34 ; O. Ev. Oct. 19, '35 ; S. S. Guinea Ch., '35-'36 ; assist, instr. U. T. Sem., April, '34, April, '36 ;| in Europe, '36-'37 ; P. Danville, A'a., Or. Pby., '38-40; P. Tinkling Spring and Waynesboro Ch., Lex. Pby., '40-'45 ; P. Staunton Ch., '4.5-54; Secy, of Hoard of Publication, '.53-54; Co. P. College Ch., AV. II. Pby., '58-74; REV. PROF. THOMAS E. PECK Union Theological Seminary. 49 prof. Oi'iental Languages, U. T. Sem., '54-'93 ; (Supt. Public Schools, P. Edward Co., 'Tl-'SIJ) ; author several printed addresses and sermons; "Commentary on Psalms and Proverbs ;" an "Introduction to Poetical Books of O. T.," published in Glasgow, Scotland, and Philadelphia, and republished in "Bible Commentary," Knoxville, Tenn. : "Family Religion." P. B. P. ; and "Questions on the Gospels," P. C. P., Richmond, Va. ; Mod. G. A., '7G. D. D. and LL. D., H. S. C. Died in Petersburg, Va., March 14. 1893. 85.* VENABLE, Henry Isaak ; Shelby Co., Ky.. b. .Tune 28, 1811: C. C. K. ; (2.+ ) : L. W. H. Pby. April 19, '34; O. Ev. Transylv. Pby. Oct. 10, '34; My. A. B. C. F. M. in Zululand, Africa, '34-'39 ; S. S. Paris, 111. a •39-'41 ; Prin. Ac, Paris, 111., ';U-'50 ; S. S. Charleston, 111., '53-5(3 ; Bethel '56-'59 ; P. same '60-'G5 ; S. S. Newton 'G5-'67 ; Carlisle, Claiborne and Smyrna, 'GT-'TO ; prin. Edgar Col. Inst., Paris, '70-78. Died Paris, 111., May 22, 1878. 86.* WILSON, Samuel Plain Owen ; b. May 6, 1809, in the "Martha Washington House," Fredericksburg. Va. ; A. B., Prlnc. U., '28; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. Apr. 19, '34 ; O. June 15, '35 ; S. S. '34-'35, and then P, Mars Hill and Scottsville, '35-'38 ; P. Hopewell and Six Mile Cr. Chs., Beth. Pby., '39-'41 ; prof, of languages in Davidson Col.. ■41-".53 ; P. 3d Creek Ch.. Cone. Preby., '53-'61 ; P. Mt. Carmel, Memph. Pby., 'Gl-'83 ; in 1883, re- tired to Woodville, Haywood Co., Tenn.. residing with his family, till his death, July 14, 1899. 87. WITHEROW, William Edgar; Lewisburg, W. Va. ; withdrew from ill iiealth ; engaged in secular business and removed to Illinois. lS32-'33. 88.* CUNNINGHAM, David H. : Rockingham Co., Va. ; b. Dec. 30. 1794; Ac. ; (—1) ; L. Lex. Pby. April 27, '33; O. June 18, '3G ; P. Pisgah, '36-41; S. S. Diamond Hill, AV. H. Pby., '42-46; Walker's Ch., '47; P. Summer- ville, Greenb. Pby., '50-'52 ; inf. '53-'G0. Died Mt. Meadow Bluff, Greenb. Co., W. Va., Dec. 28, 18G1. 89.* DOAK, Daniel G. ; b. near Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 30, 1806; U. N. C. ; (2.) ; L. Or. Pby. Sept. 20, '34; O. Ev. Nov. 21, '35; S. S. Little River, Eno, &c., '36-'39 ; P. Clarksville, '40— (S. S. and then P. Shiloh, '40-'42)— '46; S. S. Salem and Hopewell, W. Tenn. Pby., '48-'49 ; Mt. Pleasant. Maury Pby., '50-'53 : S. S. Zion '51, and P. '52-'55 ; College Ch., Chick. Pby., ',56 (or College Hill, N. Miss., '57-'6S;) S. S. Sardis '69-'71, and teacher, '72; inf. '73-77. Died in Sardi.s, Miss., Feb. 24. 1877. 90.* DUTT'ON, Warren Backus; Lebanon, Conn.; b. Sept. 16. 1803; Yale C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 18, '35; S. S. Farmville Ch., and agent U. T. S., '36-'42 ; O. Winch. Pby. Nov. 20, '42; P. Charlestown, '42-'4G; inf. '67; S. S. Harper's Ferry, '68-'70. D. D. of Un. Col. Died, Charlestown (from injuries received in a flood at Harper's Ferrv), Sept. 5, 1874. 91.* JACOBS, Ferdinand; Alexandria; b. Aug. 10, 1807; A. B., A. M., H. S. C, '32; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; O. Lewes Pby. '36; Prin. Wash. Ac. '36-'37; P. Princess Ann and Salisbury Chs., '37; S. S. Yorkville, Bethel Pby., '41-'45; Prof. Oglethorpe U. '45-'49 ; Prin. Female Sem., Charleston, '49-'61 ; S.. S. Fairview Ch., S. Ala., Pby., '62 ; pres. Laurensville Female Sem., '63-65; teacher Washington Co., Ga., '66; P. Waynesboro and Bath Chs., Augusta Pby., '67-68 ; prin. Lacey Cobb. Inst. '69-'71 ; P. Tallahassee, Fla. Pby., '74-76 ; teacher and S. S. Third Ch., Atlanta, '77 ; pres. Laurens- ville Female Sem.. '78-'80 ; P. James Island Ch.. Charleston Pbv.. '80-87; D. D. U. Ga. ; inf., res. Nashville, Tenn., '87-'94. Died there, March, 1894. 50 Union Theological Seminary. 92.* KLIPSTINE, Louis F. ; Winchester; H. S. C, '32; (3.) ; L. Wiuc. Pby. Oct. 17, '35; S. S. Leesburg Ch., '35; seceded to the Wine. Pby. (N. S.), then went to Charleston and to N. Y. and engaged in literary pursuits; his license was revoked by Wine. Pby., Oct. 3, '40 ; author "Grammar and Reading Book of Anglo-Saxon." Died Aug., 1879. 93.* LAMBERSON, Samuel Lewis ; Jamaica, L. I., N. Y. ; b. Sept. 14, 1809; U. (J., '28; Princ. ; (2. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 18, '34; S. S. S. Plains and Gordonsville, '35; ill health, '3G-'43 ; teacher, Princeton, 111., '41-'44 ; O. Rock River Congr. Asso., Jan. 8, 1843 ; teacher and occasional supply. Galena Pljy., '4.5-'48 ; helpless in Pittsfield, Mass., '49-75. Died there July 17, 1875. 94.* McCORKLE, Alexander B. ; b. near Lexington, Ya., Oct. 1.5, 1806 ; A. B., W. L. U. ; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., Oct. 17, '35; O. EvL Oct. 28, '36; My. Rockingham Co., '35-'36 ; S. S. Shemariah, '36-'37 ; P. Bethel, '37-'40 ; My. Chattooga Co., Ga., '41-'44 ; S. S. Talladega, E. Ala. Pbv., '45-'71 ; inf., res., Augusta Co., Va., '71-'81 ; La Grange, N. C, '82 ; Albe- marle, N. C, '83-'84 ; Talladega, Ala., '81-'8G. Died Sept. 4, 1886. 95.* OWEN, Thomas R. : b. Owen Hill, Bladen Co., N. C, INiar. 9, 1810 ; U. J\. C. : (2j ; L. Favetteville Pby. Oct. 4, '35; O. June 4. '36; P. Black River and S. S. Hunt's '37 ; W. C. '38 ; S. S. '39 ; P. Washington, Or. Pby. '40-'42; S. S. Gilead '43; W. C. '44-'48 ; teacher Tarboro '49-'59 ; not re- ported 'GO, and after ; joined the Baptist Church. Died in Tipton Co., Tenn., July 2, 1882. 96.* PAINE, Henry H. ; Lexington, Va. ; Ac. (1+.) ; L. Lex. Pby., June 21, '34 ; O. June 17, '37 ; S. S. High Bridge '37-38 ; Buchanan '39-'40 ; Lou Bottom '41; P. Fincastle '48-55; P. Holly Springs '56-69; Prin. Female Col. H. Spring, '70 ; S. S. II. Springs, 71 ; teacher Memphis, and then in, Texas, 1872. 97. ROYSTER, Alfred W. ; Mecklenburg, Va. ; Ac. (2+.) "Honorably dismissed" in ill* health, Sept. 5, 1835 ; no record of any licensure. 98.* SHAW, William A.; M. D.. Washington, N. C. ; b. March 9, 1804 ; T:. N. C. ; Gr. Med. Sch. Philadel. ; L. Or. Pby. March 3, '34 ; O. Ev. June 27, '35; P. Washington, N. C, '36-39; S. S. Clarksville. Tenn.. '40; (of the period '40-'70 no account can be obtained) ; S. S. Galatin and Round Top, Brazos Pby. '71-72; P. Hempstead '73; S. S. same '74; res. Raleigh '74-'80 ; Hempstead '81-84. Died at Hempstead, Tex., in 1885. 99.* STEELE, John A.; Lewisburg, W. Va. ; U. O. ; (1.) ; L. Lex. Pby. Oct. 18, '33 ; O. June 20, '34 ; P. Staunton Ch. '34-'37 ; D. to Palestine Pby. ; delays occurred in his settlement (for which he was not responsible) till '43;* S. S. Hebron, Palestine Pby. '43-45; Charleston. '46; Grand View '47-'59 ; Topeka, Highland Pby. '62-'64. Died April, 1865. 100.* VAN RENSSELAER. Cortland; Albany, N. Y. ; b. May 26, 1808; Y. C. '27; Princ; (1. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 23, '33; O. Ev. April, '35; My. to Slaves, '33-35; P. Burlington, N. J., '37-'40 : S. S. 2d Ch.. Wash- ington, D. C, '41-'42; agt. Princ. Sem., '44; Sec. Board of Ed. '46-'60; D. D. ; Mod. G. A.. '57; editor of "Home, School and the Church." and of "Pi-esbyterian Magazine." Died, Burlington, N. J., .luly 25, 1860. 101.* WILSON. Alexander Erwin ; M. D. ; Cabarrus Co., N. C, b. Dec. 11, 1803; U. N. C, '23; L. Cone. Pby. Sept. 18, '34; O. Ev. Sept. 19, '34; My. to Africa, Capetown, So. Africa, '35-'38 ; in U. S., '38; My. Cape Palmas '39-'41. Died Fair Hope, Cape Palmas, Oct. 13, 1841. 102.* WILSON, Samuel; Athens, O. ; U. O. ; (L) ; Western Theo. Sem. Died June, 1834. Union Theological Seminary, 51 1833-'34. 103.* BARNES, Stephen; Blairsville, Pa.; b. Sept. 3. 1806; stn. Jeff. C, Pa., left the Sem., Nov., '34, in ill health ; went to Liberia, Africa, with Gov. Pinney to be a My., but died there, 1834 ; he had never been licensed. 104.* CADWELD, Benjamin Hayes; Auburn, N. Y. ; b. 1813; from Auburn Sem.; (2.)-; Gr. Auburn Sem.; teacher Fulton, N. Y., '53-54; re- ported to have died in 1859. 105.* ELY, Jonathan Trumbull; b. Lebanon, Conn., Sept. 25, 1802; merchant; Princ ; (Mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., April 22, '36; O. Oct. 20', '37 ; S. S. Lexington, N. C., '37-38 ; teacher Lebanon, Conn., and Rahway, N. J., '39-'51. Died Rahway, N. J., Sept. 2, 1851, 106.* HAMNER, Thomas L. ; Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. 1806; stu. U. Va. ; (2.) ; L. Baltimore Pby., Oct. 5, '36; S. S. Sykesville, Lisbon and Ridgeway, '36-39; O. Dist. Col. Pby. (X. S.) Oct. 14, '39; P. Lisbon and Ridgeway, '39-'40; S. S. and then P. Harrisonburg and Cook's Cr., AVinc. Pby. (N. S.) '43-44; teacher Baltimore, '45; agt of Am. S. S. Union, '45-'54. Died Philadelphia, Aug. 2, 1854. 107.* HARRISON, Peyton; Cumberland Co., Va. ; b. Nov. 19, 1800; stu. W. C. v.; lawyer five years; (2+.) ; L. W. H. Pby., Oct. 20, '35; S. S. Bethel Ch., Lex. Pby., but for only a few months ; ill health led to a withdrawal from the work ; O. Wine. Pby., Sept. 29, '37 ; P. Martinsburg, '37-44 ; health failed and disease of throat led to give up all fartheil ministerial work, except part of a year during the war ; S. S. Lebanon Ch., W. H. Pby. ; W. C. and infirm ; res. Baltimore, '65-'87. D. D. of H. S. C, 1884. Died in Baltimore, Md., Sept. 10, 1887, 108.* HOLLADAY, Albert L. ; Spottsylvania Co., Va. ; b. July 14, 1805 ; stu. U. Va. ; teacher Richmond. Va., and in Charlottesville; Prof. Anc. Langu., H. S. C, April, '31. to Sept., '33; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., April, 18, '36 ; O. Ev. E. H. Pby., Nov. 6, '36 ; My. in Persia under A. B. C. F. M.; '36-49 ; P. So. Plains Ch., W. H. Pby., '52-'56 ; pres. elect of H. S. C, '56. Died Oct. 12, 1856. 109.- KiMG, JUNIUS. BAYARD; Iredell Co., N. 0. ; b. Nov. 18, 1810; U. N. C ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby. Oct. 14, '36 ; S. S. Valley Or. Ch., S. Ala. Pby., '38; O. Oct. 2, '38; P. Valley Cr. Ch., '38-'50. Died Selma, Ala., Nov. 18, 1850. 110.* LEIBURN, George William; Lexington, Va. ; b. Jan. 2, 1809; N. H. '29; (1+.) ; Princ. Gr. ; L. Lex. Pby., Nov. 18, '34; O. Ev. Apr. 30, '36 ; My. A. B. C. F. M., Areopolis, Greece, '37-42 ; teacher Bedford, Flu- vanna, &c., '42-47; agt. Coin. Socy., '48, and also '54-'55 ; S. S. 'Piedmont, Leesville and Castle Craig, Montg. Pby., '57-58 ; Ed. "Presb. Witness," Knoxville, Tenn., '58; agt. Am. Tr. Socy. and My. C. S. A., '61-'65 ; S. S. Appomattox C. H., '66, and P. '67-75; My. Salonica, Turkey, 75; author "Message to the Young" and Tracts. A. M. Died Salonica, Turkey, Aug. 14, 1875. 111.* LEYBURN, John; b. Lexington, Va., April 25, 1814; W. C. V. and N. H. ; (2+.) ; L. Lex. Pby., Aug. 27, '36; S. S. Oak Grove, '37; O. Tusc. Pby., April 4, '38; S. S. Gainesville, Ala., '38-39; P. Petersburg, '40-'48; Secv. Bd. of Publication, '49-'52 ; Ed. "Presbyteri^in," '52-'61 ; Secy. P. C. P., '60-'65 ; S. S. Indep. Presb. Ch., Bait., '66-69 and P. '70-'93. D. D. Died at Waynesboro, Va., July 13, 1893. 112.* MORRISON, William Newton; Cabarrus Co., N. C. ; b. July 2, 1810; W. C. v., '28; teacher; Princ, 1+.; (2.) ; L. Cone. Pby. April 30, '35; O. Ev. Morganton (now Cone.) Pby., Nov. 11, '37; S. S. Goshen and New 52 Union Theological Seminary. Hope, '3G-'37 ; P. Goshen, '37-40 and S. S. New Hope, '37-41 ; S. S. Swannanoa, Ream Cr. and Flat Cr., ■41-'54 ; My. in Buncombe, Henderson, Madison, Macon, McDowell and Watanga Cos., '54-75 ; My. and colporteur. Buncombe Co. ; res. Asheville, N. C, '76-85. Died there, Jan. 2, 1885. 113.* KANKIN, Jesse; b. Guilford Co., N. C, May 5, 1802; Ac; teacher; O. minister of Or. P'oy. ; ( — 1.) ; L. Or. Pby. Oct., *24 ; O. Ev., May 15, '25 ; S. S. Harmony Ch., '2G-'27 ; Salisbury and Concord town. Cone. Pby., '27-'31 ; My. Rockingham Co., N. C, Or. Pby., '31-34 : S. S. Oxford, '35-"37; Nutbush, '38; Lexington, N. C, '39-'43 ; D. My., '44-47; teacher, '48-'49 ; S. S. of various cliurches and teacher; res. Lexington, '50-'54 ; teacher Salisbury. '54-57 ; Ev. Cone. Pby. and S. S. Lenoii; and Newton, '57-'69 ; P. Lenoir, 'G9-'74 ; inf. '74-'76. Died in Lenoir, Oct. 18, 187G. 114.* RICE, William Bkanham ; b. Jessamine Co., Ky., March 5, 1807 ; C. C. K. ; L. of Louisv. Pby., '31; O. Louisv. Pby., May 19, '36; S. S. Elizabethtown, '37 ; Pennsylvania Run, '38 ; Goslien '39 ; S. S. Carrolton Ch., Madison Pby., '40. Died Carrolton, Ky., Sept. 15, 1840. (?) 115.* STRAITON, James; b. Bridgeton, Cumberland Co., New Jersey, Aug. 10, 1810; N. H. '30; Prluc. — 3; (1.) ; O. Ev. Fl. R. Pby., Ga., April, '30; S. S. Macon, Ga., '36-38; Eufaula, Ala. '39; P. Portsmouth, Va. ; P. Washington. N. C. '50-'54 ; S. S. Summerville, S. C, '55-'5G ; P. Carmel Ch., Miss., '56-'60 ; P. Jackson, La.. '60-84. Died Dec. 6, 1884. 116. TAPPAN, Samuel S. ; Boston, Mass. No efforts to trace him have succeeded. 117.* THOME, A. E. ; Guilford Co., N. C. ; b. Oct. 20, 1808 ; U. N. C. : teacher; (4. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. April 22, '36; O. Greenb. Pby. Nov. 10. "39; S. S. Western Ch., '41-'42 ; Oak Grove '42-'43 ; 1st Ch., Covington, Eben. Pby., '43; Cynthiana '44; W. C. '45-46; Russellville, Bowling Green Pby., '47 ; agt. Nashville Pby. '48-50 ; prest. and S. S. Bethesda, Maury. Pby., '51-52, and Fountain Hill and Betliesda '53 ; prof. Huntsville, Texas, '54-'58 ; teacher, Thibodeaux, '59 ; My. Highland, Kansas, '60. Died 1860. 1834-'35. 118.* BLAIN, Samuel Wilsox ; Lexington, Va. ; b. Feb. 9, 1807; W. C. V. '25; stu. of law and lawyer, '26-34; (2.) ; L. Lex. Pby. Apr. 28. '37; My. in Amherst, Albemarle and Fluvauua Cos. '37-'40 ; O. W. H. Pby. Nov. 13, '41 ; P. Lebanon '41-'54 ; teacher '54-59 ; My. James City Co., '59-'62 ; Chapl. C. S. A., '63-'65 ; S. S. Ashland, and preaching as opportunity allowed, 'G5-'71 ; P. Carrolton, Ky., '71-77 ; inf. but preaching occasionally '77-'91 ; res. Louisville, Ky., '84-'91. Died Dec. 15, 1891. 119.* BARD WELL, Horatio J. ; b. Hertford Co., N. C, Nov. 21, 1813 ; N. H. '30; (3. Gr.) ; L. Tomb. Pby. Oct. 20, '38; S. S. Starkville (then,' Mayhew) '39; O. Dec. 11, '39; P. Mayhew '39-'46 ; P. Bethlehem, Lebanon and Louisville '46-'52 ; S. S. Kosciusko and Olney and Ed. "Miss. Presby- terian," '52-53. Died in Kosciusko, June 20, 1853. 120.* FAIRCIIILD, John; b. Georgia, Vt., Aug. 21, 1804; Un. Vermont; (2+.) ; L. Congreg. Asso., Vermont, fall of '34; teacher and My. Buckingham and Bedford Cos.. Va., '36-40 ; O. Pby. Crawfordville, spring, '41 ; ' P. Newton and Rodney Chs., '41-53: My. Indianopolis Pby. '53-57; S. S. Huntington and other places in Fort Wayne Pby. '57-63; S. S. Marinette, Wis., '63-'71 ; My. at large, too infirm for regular service, ■71-'84 ; res. Marinette, Wis., '84. Died in Marinette, April 24, 1885. 121.* KIRKPATRICK. John Lycax : b. in Mecklenburg Co., N. C, Jan. 20, 1813: H. S. C. *32 ; teacher '33-34 : (3.) ; L. W. H. Pby. March, '37; O. Nov., '37; P. 2d Ch., Lynchburg, '37-41; P. Gainsville, Ala., '41-53; Union Theological Seminary. 53 p. Glebe St. Ch., Charleston, S. C. '53-'G0 ; pres. Davidson Col., N. C, '6()-'66; prof. Moral Philosophy W. L. U., '66-'85; Mod. G. A., '62. D. D. Died June 24, 1885. 122.* McLAUKIN, Hugh; Marlb. Dist., S. C. ; L. Fay. Pby., Nov. 24. '36; U. Ev. Sept. 15, '37; S. S. Harmony, Bensalem, &c., '37-38; S. S. Bensalem, Mineral Spring, &c., '39-51. Died Upstoie, Ga., Aug. 31, 1852. 123.* MCPHERSON, James Pinckney, Iredell Co., N. C. ; b. Mar. 30, 1808; Ac; (1+.) ; L. Cone. Pby. Oct., '36; O. Ev. Oct., '37; P. Lebanon '38-'41; S. S. Darlington and Great Pedee, Harm. Pby., '41-44; P. Indian- town '44-'52 ; S. S. Bethcar and St. Pauls, Fay. Pby., '52 ; P. St. Pauls and S. S. Lumberton and Bethcar '54-'55 ; S. S. Laurel Hill and Montpelier '56-'59; P. Laurel Hill and S. S. Montpelier '60-66; S. S. Montpelier, iiCbanon and McPherson '67 ; McPherson and Galatin '68 ; and Sandy Grove added '6!>-'71 ;' Galatia, McPherson and Lumber Bridge '72-77; same, except McPherson, 78 ; then Salem added '79 ; S. S. Lumber Bridge and Salem '80, and Long Street '81-'S2 ; Lumber Bridge, Long Street and Barbacue '83-'84 ; S. S. Barbacue 'S5-'89 ; inf. at Joneseboro, N. C, '90-94. Died Dec. 26, 1894. 124.* MURRAY, Lemuel; h. Orange Co., N. C, near Old Cross Roads Ch., Sept. 27, 1808: stu. U. N. C. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., April, '37; S. S. Rutherfordton, Little Britain and Duncan's Creek Chs., N. C, '37-38; O. Ev. Morg. Pby., for same chs., '38; Ev. in Miss., at Brooklyn, etc. ; S. S. Lincolnton and Long Creek Chs., N. C, '50-'51 ; at Lamar and Hudsonville, Miss., '51-'56 ; Mt. Pleasant and Ripley, Tenn., also teaching ; the rest of bis life was spent in Arkansas and Texas, '56— '94, chiefly at Batesville, Monticello and Hamburg, Ark., and Bonham and Honey Grove, Texas. Died near McKinney, Callin Co., Tex., October, 1894. 12.5.* NASH, Frederick Kollock ; Hillsboro N. C. : b. Feb. 11, 1813; stu. U. N. C; laAvyer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. April 22, '37; O. Morg. Pby., Nov. 17, '38; P. Unity, Morg. Pby., '39-'42, and S. S. Bethel, '41; S. S.' Rutherfordton and Little Britain '43-45; P. Centre, Fay. Pby., '47-'61. Died there Dec. 31, 1861. 126. PAXTON, .Tames H., Rockbridge Co., Va. ; W. C. V. ; (1.) ; with- drew and entered the legal profession. 127.* ROBINSON, Samuel E. ; Tenn.; (1.); Princ. Gr. ; S. S. ITchee Valley Ch., Fla., '40-'51 ; Colp. Milton '53-57; probl. died 1»57. 128.* WHITE, Robert B. ; Winchester, Va. ; b. March, 1816 ; H. S. C. '34; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby. Sept. 30, '37; O. Sept. 28, '38; P. Romney '38-44 ; P. Tuscaloosa, Tusca. Pby., '44-'6(5 ; P. Greenwich. Chesap. Pby., '67-76; S. S. Augusta Ch., Lex. Pby., '77-'78; res. Greenwich, Va'., '77-94; author "Reason and Redemption," '73. D. D. Died Greenwich, Va., Sept. 26, 1894. 1835-'36. 129.* ARMSTRONG, George D. ; b. Mendham, Morris Co., N. J.. Sept. 15, 1S13; N. H. '32; teacher; (2+.) ; L. Lex. Pby. Sept. 15, '38; O. Ev. Oct. 8. '43; prof, physical science, W. C. V. '37-55; S. S. Timber Ri,lge Ch. '39-'51 ; P. 1st Ch., Norf. '51-91 ; P. E. '91-'99. D. D. ; author "Summer of the Pestilence," 1850; "Doctrine of Baptisms," 1857; "Christian Doctrine of Slavery," 18.58; "Theology of Christian Experience," 1860; "The Sacra- ments of the New Testament," 1880 ; pamphlets — "Study of Natural Science a Means of Intellectual Culture," 1841 ; "Two Discourses on Infant Baptism," 1852; "The Lessons of the Pestilence,'' 1855; "Polities' and the Pulpit," 18.56 ; "Thanksgiving Sermon on the Victory of Manassas," 1861 ; "Historical Discourse of Twenty-five Years' Ministry in the 1st Ch., Norfolk, Va.," 1876; "The Higher Criticism and its Conclusions.' Died Norfolk, Va., May 11, 1899. 54 Union Theological Seminar v. 130.* ATKINSON, John Mayo Pleasants ; b. Mansfield. Dinwiddle Co., Va., Jan. 10, 1817; H. S. C. '35; (3. Gr.) ; Princ. 2 Gr. ; L. E. H. Pbv. May 5, '38; S. S. Kent St. Cli., Wine, Va., '38; S. S. Lebanon, W. II. Pby.i '40-'41; O. Ev. E. H. Pby. May 5. 1841; My. in Texas '41-'42 ; S. S. Houston, Tex., '43; P. Warreuton, Wine. Pby., '43-'50 ; P. Bridge St. Ch., Georgetown. D. C, 'SO-'HG ; pres. H. S. C. '57-June, '83. D. D. TI. S. C, Died at his residence, H. S. C, Va.. Aug. 28. 1883. 131.* BAXTER, Joseph Fleming ; b. Lexington, Va., Sept. ."). 1S14 : II. S. G. '35; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 20, '38: S. S. So. Plains Ch., '38-'40; O. June 20, '40; P. So. Plains '41-'43 ; S. S. Amherst Ch., '44-'45. Died at Amherst C. H., Va., March 22, 1845. 132.* BKOWN, W^iLLiAM ; Rockbridge Co., Va. : b. Sept. 11. 1811 : W. C. v., '28; teacher; Princ. Gr. ; (1.); L. Lex. Pby., Oct. 17, '35; O. Oct. 28, '30; P. Augusta Ch., '3G-'G0 ; Ed. "Central Presbyterian" 'G0-'7I;); res. Fredericksburg, Va.. '80-83; Colignv, Fla.. '83-'84 ; Dunedin, Fla., '84-'85; De Soto, Fla., '86-'88 ; Bay View, Fla., '89-'94. D. D., H. S. C, '57. Died at Bay View, April 22, 1894. 133.* BUELL. William Plumer ; Marietta. O. ; b. July 30. 1815; H. S. C. and N. H. ; (3.) ; L. E. H. Pby. Sept. 22. '38; O. Ev. Sept.- 22, '39^ Mv. under P. B. F. M. to Bangkok,. Siam, '39-'44 ; P. Tallahassee, Fla., '45-'46; S. S. Hermitage, Nash. Pby.. '4S-'49 ; Smyrna '50-'51, and Mt. A'ernon '52-53 ; P. E. Mt. Bethany. W. Dist. Pby. Died there June, 1854. 134.* CONOLLY, Malcolm ; b. near Lumber Bridge. Robeson Co., N. C, Aug. 20. '07; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 7. '39; S. S. Sliiloh '39-'40 ; O. Nov. 10, '40; P. Shiloh. Union and Grove '40-'49 ; S. S. of same '50-51; My. Brazos Pby. '52; P. Columbia and teacher '53-'58 ; teacher, Rich- mond, Tex.. '58~"G0 ; teacher, Breuham, Tex., 'OO-'OS : teacher. Lexington, Tex., '09-70; S. S. Bethel. Georgetown &c-.. Cent. Texas Vhy., '72-'7(i ; S. S. Mizpah, '78. Died, Rockdale, Sept. 21, 1878. 135.* JONES, Elisha Cowles ; b. Barkhamsted, Conn.. July 14. 1807; y. C, '31; tutor Y. G. '34-'35 ; (1.); O. Southington, June 28, '37; P. Southington '37-72. Died in Southington, Conn., March 9, 1872. 13(!.* McPHATLL. (^'EORf;E Wtlsox : Norfolk. Va. ; b. Dec. 2(i. 1815; Y. C. '35; (2.); L. E. H. Pby., May 5, '38; O. Apr. 21, '39; My. Prince George Co., •39-41 ; P. Trinity Ch., W. II. Pby.. '3i>-41 ; P. Fredericksburg, '42-54 ; P. Brainard Ch., Easton, I'a.. '55-61 ; pres. La Fayette, Col., '60-'62 ; teacher and S. S. Belmont Ch.. W. Phil.. ■()-l-T)5 ; Priu. Fem. Sem. Norfolk, 6t)-'67; Pres. Davidson Col., 'G7-'71. Died there June 28, 1871. 137.* MCPHERSON, John Erskine; Iredell Co.. N. C. ; b. Aug. 17. 1800; Ac; (1.) ; L. Cone. Pby.. Marcli 23, '38; O. Ev. Aug. 27, '42; My. Cherokee Co., N. C, '42-'60. Died in Macon Co., N. C, April 9, 18G0. 138.* MARQUESS, William H. ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; b. April, 1810; stu. U. O. and Kenyou Gol., O. ; (1.); Prine. ; from convictions of duty, became a teacher for life, as a Christian work. Died Port Gibson, Miss., June. 18G7. 139.* MATHES, Archibald Alexander; Jonesboro' Tenn. ; b. Jan. 14, 1812; W. C. T.; (1.) ; Princ; L. Hoist. Pby., Oct. 13, '38; O. Ev., April 6, '39; pres. W. O. T. and S. S. Salem and Leesburg, '38-'39 ; S. S. Pleasant Forest and Lebanon, '39-'45 ; S. S. Madisonville, '45-'50 ; Hopewell, '51-52; Bellevue, Mo., '52-57 ; Brazeau. '57-'G4 ; Sigourney, Martinsville and Kirk- ville, La., 'G4-'G9 : Leon. 'G9-'72 ; Golconda. 111., and Marion. Ky., '72-77 ; Mariposa, Mo., '79-85; Ev. Oregon. Mo.. 'SG-'87 ; S. S. Villisca. la., '88; S. S. Canton, 111., '89; W. C. Cateline, Tex., '90. Died Independence Mo., Nov. 17, 1891. Union Theological Seminary. 55 140.* ROSS, John B. ; M. D. ; Bladensburg, Md., b. Jan. 2G, 1S13 ; Ac. ; Gr. Med. Col., Bait.; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., Sept., '38; S. S. Cove Ch., '38-39; O. June 20. "40; P. Scottsville, Va., '4(3-'44 ; P. 1st Ch., Savannah, '45-54 ; P. Koanoke Ch., Koau. Pby., '54-'5T ; P. Frederick, Mtl., "oT-'G^ ; S. S. Laurel and Bladensburg and teacher, '63-70; inf. '70-71. Died in Baltimore, Oct. 25, 1871. 141.* THOMPSON, .John C. ; Granville, N. C. ; b. — . : U. N. C. ; L. Koan., (N. C.) Pby., April 0, '38; O. Sept. 22, '38; P. NTitbu.sh, '38-'41. Died E. Y., 1840-1841. 142.* WKIGHT, Austin Hazen ; b. Hartford, Vt.. Nov. 11, 1811; Dart. C, '30; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., May 5, '38; Gr. U. Va., M. D., '39; preached two years in vicinity of U. Va. ; O. Ev. E. H. Pby., Sept. 22, '39; My. of A. B. C. F. M in Ooroomiah, Persia, '40-'60 ; in U. S. for health, '60-'64 ; author "Transl. of N. T. and Psalms into Syriac ;" eminent as an oriental scholar and skilful physician. Died in Smyrna, Jan. 4, 1865. 1836-'37. 143.* ANDEKSON. Samuel J. P.; b. Prince Edward Co., Dec 2.j. 1S14 ; S. Han. Col., Ind. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., March 29. '39: O. Or. Pby., Nov. 9, '39; P. Oxford and Grassy Cr., '39-'40 ; P. Danville, ■41--4G ; P. Norfolk, '47-52; P. Central Ch., St. Louis, '52-'G9. Owing to disease of throat resigned ; teacher Nashville, 111., '70-72. Died there, Sept. 10, 1873. 144.* BELL. Robert S. ; Winchester, Va. ; b. Nov. 3, 1813 ; S. Han. Col.. '35 and stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., Aug. 30, '39; O. July, '41; P. Rappahannock Ch., '41-45; W. C. and inf., '4G-'88. Died in Rap- pahannock Co., Va., Oct. 25, 1888. 145.* BOCOCK, John H. ; Buckingham (now Appomattox) Co., Va. ; b. Jan. 31, 1813; Amh. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., Oct. '38; O. Ev. June* '39 ; P. Amherst Ch., '40-41 ; P. Union, Appom. Co., '41-44 ; S. S. Parkers- burg, W. Va.. '45-'47 ; P. Providence, W. H. Pby., '48-'53 ; P. Harrisonburg, Lex. Pby., '54-'56 ; P. liridge St. Ch., Georgetown, D. C, .'57-'62 ; S. S. Union, Appom. Co., '63; S. S. Halifax C. H., 'G4-'66; P. Pincastle, Va., '67-'70 ; inf., res. Lexington, Va., '70-'72. Died in Lexington, July, 1872. 146.* CALDWELL, Andrew H. ; b. Mecklenburg, N. C, Nov. 20, 1814 ; O. U., A. B. ; teacher; (2+.) ; L. Cone. Pby., March, '39; O. Bethel Pby., Oct. 10, '40; P. Bethesda, '40-46; S. S. '47; and P. Philadelphia, Chicka- saw Pby., '48-'54 ; S. S. Lamar and Hud.sonville, '55-'59 ; agt. '60-'63 ; S. S. Sardis, &c., N. Miss. Pby., '63-'8G ; res. Senatobia, '73-93 ; author '"Christian Baptism by Local Application, Not by a Total Covering," 1898. Died at Senatobia, April 28, 1899. 147.* DUDLEY, Jacob D. ; b. Guilford, Conn., March 4, 1816; A. M., U. Va.; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pbv., Sept. 22, '39; O. Nov. 7, '40; P. Sussex Ch., '40-'49; P. Namozene, 49-'51 ; S. S. and then P. Cooksville, Phila. Pby., '53-'54; P. Hebron and Byrd, W. H. Pby., '55-'67 ; P. (again) Namo- zene, '68-84. Died suddenly at his residence, April 12, 1884. 148.* GIBBS, George M. ; b. Brown Marsh, Bladen Co., N. C, Dec. 13, 1807; Jeff. Col., Pa.; (1.+ ) ; teacher, '38-'42 ; L. Fay. Pby., fall, '42; O. Ev. Cone. Pby., '48; My. Burke and Yancey Cos.. '42-43; S. S. Drusilla, Marion and Siloam Chs., '44-'52 ; S. S., '53, and P. Black River Chapel:, '54-'59; Ev. Pay. Pby.. '60-'61 ; S. S. Clinton, Oak Plains. &c.. '62-'67 ; S. S. Mockville and Tabor. Cone. Pby.. '67-'72 ; My. and S. S. Gibb's Mission, '73-77; P. :McPherson Ch.. Fay. Pby.. and S. S. Cypress and China Grove, '78-'85. Died in 1885. 56 Union Theological Seminary. 14y. HAMNEK, William Clifton; Charlotte, Co., Va. ; b. 1816; N. H. ; (1.) ; withdrew and was never licensed. 150. JONES, Thomas; Chesterfield, Va. ; L. E. H. Pby.. April 21. 39; dism. to Wino. Pby., May 27, '39 ; license was revoked by Wine. Pbv., April 17, '40. 151.* LUNGHKIlXiE. William; Mansfield. Ohio; assoc. Kef. Sera, of i'itt!«burg ; (1. ) ; left with certificate of "good standing." Sept., '37 ; L. and O. Mansfield Pby., A. R. Ch., '39 ; P. Newville, O., '39-'40. Died January 10. 1840. 152.* PALMEK, I. S. K. ; M. D. ; b. Beaufort, S. C, Feb. 6, 1813: stu. Y. C. ; M. D. of Charleston Med. Col.; (1.) ; withdrew in ill health. Died, Havanna, Ala., Feb. 10, 1839. 153.* KOBINSON, Stuart; b. Strabane, Ireland. Nov. 14. 1814; Amh. Col., '36; (1.) ; teacher Princeton, '39-'40 ; L. Greenb. Pby., April, '41; O. Oct. 8, '42; S. S. and then P. Kanawha Salines, '42-'47 ; [S. S. Louisville, 2d Ch., 9 mo. of this time] ; P. Frankfort, Ky., '47-52 ; S. S. Favette St. Ch., (Assoc. Kef.), Bait., '52-'53 ; P. Central Ch., '53-'54 ; Prof. Danville Sem., '56-58; P. 2d. Ch., Louisville, '58-'81 ; [in Toronto, Canada, preach- ing, lecturing, &c., '62-66]. D. D., C. C. K. ; Mod. G. A., '69: author "Discourses of Redemption," "Slavery as recognized in the Jew. Civil Code;" Co. Ed. "Critic." Died in Louisville, Ky., Oct. 3, 1881. 154.* SAMPSON, Francis Smith; Goochland Co.. Va. : b. Nov. 5 (?i. 1814; A. M., V. Va. ; (2.) ; assist, instr. F. T. S., '38-'48 : L. E. IL I'by.. Sept. 22, '39 ; O. Ev. Oct. 24, '41 ; Prof. Orl. Lit., U. T. S., '49-54 ; absent in Europe, June. '48, Sept., '49. D. D., H. S. C. ; author "Commentary on the Epistle to the Hebrews." Died April 9, 1854. 155.* SHEPPERSON. John G. ; b. Hanover Co.. Va.. April IS, 1814; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April. '40: O. June 5, '41: P. Peak;} and New London, '41-'70 ; P. Liberty, '70-'79 ; P. Leesville and S. S. New London, June 13, '79-93. D. D., H. S. C. : W. C. Langdon, Mo.. "94. Died there, Aug. 20, 1894. 156.* STRATTON, Daniel; Princeton, N. J.: b. Sept. 28. 1814: N. H., '33; Princ. 1; (2. Gr.) ; L. Karitan Pby. (?) ; O. Roan. Pby., N. C, May 5, "38; P. Newberne. N. C, '38-'52 ; P. Salem. N. J., '52-"66. Died there, Aug. 24, 1866. 1837-38. 157.* BAKER. Archibald ; 1). in S. C, 1812: Jackson Col.. Tenn. : (3.) ; L. Fay. Pby., Oct. 17, '40; O. May 15, '41; P. Ashpole '41-'45, and Laurel Hill, '41-47; P. Salisbury, Cone. Pby., '4S-'59 ; S. S. and then P. Fernan- dina, Fla., '59-73 ; P. Centre, Fay. Pby., '74-'7S. Died Oct. 2, 1878. 158.* HOBSON, Benjamin Mosby ; b. Halifax Co., Va., Oct. 7. 181t); H. S. C; (3.) ; L. Or. Pby. Oct. 10. 1840; O. E. H. Pby. Dec. 12. 1841; P. Amelia Ch., '41-'46; P. 3d (now Walnut St.) Ch., Louisville, '46-54; agt. '54; P. Lexington, Mo., '55-74; P. Augusta and Sharon, Eb. Pby., ■64-'73 ; P. Cynthiana '74-'78 ; S. S. Mt. Hope and various churches, according to opportunity, '79-84; res. Belton, Mo., '84-'85 ; W. C. Walker, Mo., '86. Died in Walker, Mo., Dec. 20, 1886. 1.59.* KELLY, David; b. Galway. N. Y., Jan. 3. 1811; V. C. "37: (1.) 2. (ir. Princeton; L. : S. S. Trenton. N. Y.. '41-42: W. (ialway '42-43; Johnstown '43; Galway •44-"45 ; O. Ev. Schuyler Pby., Ai)ril 3. '46; S. S. Galena, 111., '46; Tuscumbia, Ala., '47; Byron Ch., '4S-'53; Montpelier and Laurel '53-'55 : Rock Island. 111., '55 : Camden INIills '55-56 ; Cambridge ■57-60: Morrison ■tiO-"62 ; Andnver '66-'6S : Sisourney. Ind.. '70--71 • inf. res. Rhode Island. III.. ■71-S(t. Dird then'. Feb. 7. 1880. REV. PROF. HENRY C. ALEXANDER Union Theological Seminary, 57 160.* SCOTT, WiLLiA,M C; b. Martinsburg, W. Va.. Jan. 13. 1817; So. Han. C. '37; (8. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby.. April, '40; S. S. Providence. Halifax, \a.. Cub Creek and Bethesda. Charlotte Co., Va., '40; O. W. H. Pby. May, '42; P. of same chs. '42-'46 ; P. Farmville Ch. '46-49; P. Bethesda '50-53. Died Oct. 23, 1853. 1838-39. 361.* DAME, George Washington; b. Rochester, N. H., July 27, 3812 ; A. B. and A. M., H. S. C. ; prof. H. S. C. a short time; (1) ; O. deacon irj P. E. Ch. by Bishop Richard Channing Moore, '40 ; O. priest by Bishop' Wm. Meade. '41; R. Camden Parish, Danville, Va., '40 — (Prin. Danville Fern. Ac, '40-"64) — '95; first Co. Supt. of Schools in Pittsylvania Co., '70-82. D. D., H. S. C. Died Dec. 24, 1895. 162.* DOLL, Jacob; Martinsburg, W. Va. ; b. June 27, 1812; Jeff. C, Pa.; merchant; (3.) ; L. Wine. Pby. July 17, '41; My. Fauquier '40-'42 ; O. Or. Pby. July 8, '43; P. Oxford and Lewisburg '43-48; S. S. Miltonj '49 — (Bethesda '51-52) — '53; S. S. Snow Cr. and teacher Madison '54 -'56 ; P. ianceyville '57-'74 ; P. Bethesda '67-78; S. S. Reidsville '75-78. Died suddenly at Presbytery in Newbern, Aijril 27, 1878. 163.* HINES, Edward; b. Charlotte Co., Va., May, 1811; U. N. C. ; (3.) ; L. Or. Pby. May 2, '41; O. May 29, '42; S. S. Oxford '41-'42 ; P. Shiloh and S. S. part of the time, Nutbush, '42-'79. Died at home, Gran- ville, Co., N. C, Nov. 27, 1879. 164.* SHAW, Colin; Fayetteville, N. C. ; b. Aug. 16, 1812; U. N. C, '39; Col. Sem. ; (1-1-.); L. Fay. Pby. MarcTi 27, '41; O. Dee. 19, '41; P. Black River Chapel '41-'48 ; S. S. Howe, South River, &e., '49-'62 ; Chapl. '63-65 ; S. S. Moore's Cr. Keith, &c.. '66-78 ; Evang. '79-'80 ; S. S. Moore's Cr., &c., '81-'84 ; S. S. Gravel Hill Group, '85-'86 ; S. S. Oak Plain '86-87 ; S. S. Magnolia Group '87-'95 ; S. S. of other weak churches ; inf. at Klon- dyke, N. C. Died at Ivanhoe, N. C, July 8, 1905. 165.* SMITH, Charles Roane; b. Botetourt Co., Va., Feb. 24, 1811; Princ. ; (2.); L. Lex. Pby. Oct. 3, '40; S. S. Rutlierfordton and Littlte Britain, N. C, '41-'42 ; O. Ev. Cherokee Pby. '43; S. S. Carmel and New Lebanon, E. Ala. Pby., '44-'58 ; Six-mile Cr. and Fort Mill, Bethel Pby., '58-'61 ; S. S. (and teacher) Scotland, Ouach. Pby., '61-'67, and Vienna, Red Riv. Pby., '68-'70; S. S. Grenada, N. Miss. Pbv., '71-72. Died there, Feb. 4, 1872. 166. WELTOX, Felix Branson; Hardy Co., Va. ; b. Feb. 1, 1816; Jeff. C. Pa.. '38: (2.); Princ. 1; withdrew in ill health; never licensed; res. Front Royal and ruling elder '42-'45 ; Member Va. Legislature '48-*50-'56 ; ruling elder Moorfield, W. Va., '45. 167.* WILLIAMS, Albert; b. Eatonville. Ga.. 1817; U. (Ja. ; L. of the Bap. Ch. ; Col. Sem.; left this Sem. Sept. 16, '39; preached in Savannah, Macon, &c.. Ga.. and in last years of his life, inf. ; res. Montgomery, Ala. Died there 1876. 168. WILLIE, Lewis R. ; Granville, N. C, of the Methodist Ch. ; dis- missed at his request, Sept. 5, 1839. lS39-'40. 169.* FITZGERALD. .Tames H. : Nottoway Co., Va. ; b. Jan. 4, 1821; H. S. C. '38; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby. fall of '42; preached in Amelia Istj Ch . Richmond and Florida. '42-'43 ; O. W. H. Pby.. Dec. '43 : P. Maysville and S. S. New Store '43-'56 ; Ev. W. H. Pby. '57-'58 ; S. S. Scottsville and My. in Fluvanna Co.. '59-69; P. Nicholasviile, Ky., ■69-'71 ; P. Ilillsboro, 58 Union Theological Skmixakv N. C, and S. S. Little River and Eno '73-'7G: P. Durham. Or. Pby., •77-80; P. Hillsboro again 'S0-'81 ; inf.; res. Buckingham C. H. '81-85; inf. at his home in Buckingham Co., Va., '85-93. Died there July 11, 1893. 170.* (4KEENLEAF, J. Parsons ; b. Wells. Maine, Nov. 3, 1818 ; Rutg. C. '37; teacher '38-'39; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April 24, '42; ill health in France '42-'43. Died on his way home, Feb. 22, 1843, and buried at sea. 171.* HICKMAN, William P.; b. Back Creek, Feb. 23. 1810: farmer and teacher; W. C. V.; (3.) ; L. Lex. Pby. April 23, '42; O. Ev. Nov. 12, '42 ; My. Pulaski Co., '42 ; S. S. Blacksburg '43-'45 ; S. S. Wytheville '46-47 and P. El. '48-49; S. S. White Glade '46-'50; P. Wytheville '50-'52; S. S. Bell Sp. '53-54 ; S. S. Blacksburg '55, and P. Bell Sp. and Blacksburg '5ti--'ti3. Died of wounds received in battle near Dublin, INIay 0, 18; S. S. Lycoming Centre. Northumberland Pby., '70-'90. Died at Camptown, Pa., March 11, 1890. 202. COCHRAN, Warren ; Winhall, Vt. ; Olierlin Col. P. Congregational Ch., Baraboo, Wisconsin, 1840. No farther trace can be found. 203.* CURRIE, Archibald ; Moore Co.. N. C. ; b. Oct. 15, 1817 ; Donald- son Acad.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby. Nov. 1, '45; O. Or. Pby. Aug. 30, '46; P. Eno; S. S. Fairfield and Little River '46-'56 ; S. S. Graham '50-'00 and I'. "(;0-'78 ; teacher Reidsville "80-'8l and Caldwell Inst. '82 ; S. S. Fairfield '83-84; res. Hampden-Sidney '84-'00. Died there June 17, 1900. 204.* RICHARDSON, William T., Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. June 18, 1820 ; H. S. C. and stu. U. Va. ; tutor H. S. C. (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. Oct. 0» 1845; O. Lex. Pby. April, '47; P. Waynesboro '47-70, (also teacher part of the time) ; P. Warrenton '71-73; prof. Augusta F. Sem. '73-79; editor "Central Presby'n" '79-95 ; author of an address to Soc. Inquiry, "Choice of a Field of Labor." D. D., H. S. O. Died in Richmond, Aug. 14, 1895. 205.* SCOTT, John A., Sr. ; Hardy Co., W. Va. ; b. Martinsburg, Jan. 7, 1820; Jeff. Col. Pa.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., April 1, '45; O. W. 11. Pby.. Aug.. '40 ; P. Halifax C. II. '40-02 ; Chapl. C. S. A., 'e3-'65 ; prin. Ann Smith Acad., Lex. Va., '65-'70 ; P. Elk Branch, Win. Pby. '70-'90 ; (no regular charge after '90. because of wife's ill health). D. D. Died in Fincastle, Va., Dec. 17, 1895. 62 Union Theological Seminary. 1843-'44. Ii0(j.* CALDWELL. Cyrus K. ; Mecklenburg. N. C. ; b. 1821; Da. Col. '41; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., Sept. 29'. 1846; O. Or. Pby., Dec. 19, '47; P. Buffalo and Bethel, '48-59; P. Pittsboro, '60-'66 ; P. Denmark, Westn. Distr. Pby. '67-'76. Died there March 29, 1876. 207.* HOGSHEAD, Alexander Lewis ; Monroe Co., W. Ya. : b. Oct. S, 1816; W. C. V. (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., Oct., '46; S. S. and My. Amelia and Appomattox Cos. '46-50 ; agt. Colport. Com., Synod of Va. '50-'51 ; O. Moutg. Pby., Sept. '52; P. Covington, Va., '52-'56; S. S. Beaver Cr. and Green Sp., Ab. Pby. '56-61 ; S. S. Collierstown and Oxford, Lex. Pby. '61-T.6; P. Rock Spring. Ab. Pby. '66-'70; S. S. Green Spring, '70-'80 ; Supt. Pub. Schools '70-79. Died suddenly at his home, Dec. 2, 1880. 208.* HUMPHREYS, Daviu C. : Augusta Co., Ya. ; b. Oct. 2, 1817; stu. W. C. v.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby. Aug. 24, '46; My. Appomattox Co., Va., '46-'47 ; inf., winter '47-'4S. Died at his father's residence Sept. 21, 1848. 209.* HUMPHREYS, Jame.s Moore: Augusla Co.. Ya. : b. Fel). 12. 1816; stu. W. C. v.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby. April 4, '46; My. So. West Va., '46-'49; O. Montg. Pby. Oct. 15. '50; teacher, '50-'84 ; W. C. Newberu, Ya., '85-'90. Died there, Feb. 0. 1890. 210.* RICE, James :\[. ; Franklin Co., Ya. ; b. Bedford Co., Ya., 1821 : H, g. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. AY. H. Pby. May 4, '46; My. Patrick Co. and S. S. New Castle '46-48; O. Montg; Pby. Oct. 29, '47; P. Mountain Union '48-55; P. Locust Bottom '55-59; P. Covington '59-'S0 ; inf. '80. Died in Covington, Aug. 10, 1880. 211.* SMITH, J. Henry ; Lexington, Ya. ; b. Aug. 13, 1820 ; W. C. V. ; teacher; L. Lex. Pby. Aug. 24, '46; O. W. H. Pby., July, '47; P. Pittsyl- vania C. H. '47-'50 : prin. S. Davies Inst. '51-54; P. Charlottesville '54-*59 ; P. Greensboro. N. C, '59-'97. D. D., H. S. C. '72 ; U. N. C. '77. Died in Greensboro, Xov. 22, 1897. 1844-'45. 212.* DABNEY, Robert Lewis ; Louisa Co.. Ya. ; b. March 5, 1820 ; stu. H. S. C. ; A. M. U. Ya. ; teacher; (2. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. May 4, '46; OJ Lex. Pby. July, '47 ; P. Tinkling Spring '47-52 ; Prof. Ch. Histy. and Polity. U. T. S., '53-'69 ; Adj. Prof. Theology '66-69 ; Prof. Theology '69-'83 ; Prof. Moral Philosophy, U. Texas, '83; also Co.-P. College Ch. '58-74; founder and prof, in Austin Sch. of Theology, '84-'95 ; Mod. G. Assembly '70; author "Defence of Virginia and the South." "Life of Maj.-General Thos. J. Jack- son," "Theology," "Sensualistic Philosophy," "Sacred Rhetoric," "Life of Dr. Sampson," "Collected Discussions," 4 vols. D. D. and LL. D., H. S. C. Died at Victoria, Texas, Jan. 3, 1898. 213. KIMMONS, Hugh H. ; b. Cabarrus Co., N. C, July, 1818; Da. C. ; (2.) ; discontinued studies for ministry; teacher, '45-'60; M. D. '65 — . 214.* McPHAIL, Benjamin G. ; Norfolk, Va. ; b. Jan. 26, 1818; .Teff. Col. (1.) ; L. E. II. Pby. Sept. 27. '45; My. Louisa, Goochland, &c., '47-'4S; S. S. Scottsville '49; Rockfish '50; teacher, Scottsville, '51-52; P. Snow Hill Ch., E. Shore Pby., '53-'57. Died there, May 9, 1857. 215. PHARR, Samuel C. ; b. near Sugar Cr. Ch., March 19, 1825; Dav. Col. and N. H. (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby. April 10, '47; O. May 28, '48; P. Providence and Sharon, ■48-'55 ; Prof. Knoxville and S. S. Lebanon, Knoxv. Pby. '56-'57; P. Hopewell. Cone. Pby. '58-'66 ; S. S. and then P. Thyatira and Franklin, '67-'73 ; severed connection with Presbn. Ch., and joined the Methodist, 1874. Union Theological Seminary. 63 216. RODGERS, William M. ; Prince Edward Co., Va. ; b. October 29, 1815, of Baptist family; stu. H. S. C. : L. New Salem (Baptist) Ch., Char- lotte Co., Va. ; O. by a Presbytfery of Baptist Ch., Sept. 22, '52; My. in Lunenburg, Prince Edward, Nottoway, Pittsylvania and Halifax, and teaching ; pastoral relation with Banister Ch., held for a short time, ■ '52-'S4 ; (no further record.) 217.=:^ STANFIELD, Stephen Aa^derson ; Halifax Va. ; b. Feb. 20. 1823; U. N. C; (3, Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., April 17, '47; O. Ev. Dec. 8, '48; P. Spring Hill '50-57 ; S. S. Red House '47-68 ; P. Milton '57-68 ; S. S. Red House '70-'71 ; Ev. Eastern N. C. '71-74 ; agent and teacher 6 yrs. Died at home, near Milton, Jan. 15, 1874. 218.* STODDERT, William ; Prince William Co., Va. ; b. Nov. 5, 1824 ; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L.W. H. Pby. May 14, '47; O. N. Ala. Pby. Oct., (?) '73 ; S. S. of various churches in N. Ala. Pby., and for a short time of New Store, W. H. Pby., from '47-77 ; P. Cumberland Ch., 7S-'S2 ; S. S. Mexico, Mo. Pby., '85. D. D. W. and M. Col. Died there Jan. 20, 1885. 219. VAIJGHAN, Clement REiU) ; b, Charlotte Co., Va., July 15, 1827 ; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. May 14, '47; My. to negroes and S. SJ 1st Ch., Lynchburg, '47-49 ; O. Dec. 23, '49 ; P. 1st Ch. Lynchburg, '49-57 ; inf. '57-'71 ; S. S. Macon, Ga., '71-'72 ; 3d Ch„ Richmond '73 ; Prof. K. Col. '74 ; S. S. 1st Ch., Raleigh, N. C, '77-78 ; Central .Ch., Atlanta, '79 ; Chapl. Un. Va. '79-81; P. New Providence Ch., Lex. Pby., '81-91; S. S. Briery Ch., '92 ; asst. prof, theology, U. T. S., '94 ; prof, didactic and polemic theol.. Union Sem., '95-'90 ; res. Roanoke. Va., '96..; author "Gifts of the Holy Spirit," "Sermons, Doctrinal, Apologetic, and Miscellaneous." D. D., W. L. U. 220.* WILSON. jA^rES M. ; b. in Fredericksburii-. Va., 1821; W. C. V. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. May 14, '47; O. Montg. Pby. Aug. 28, '49; My. in Henry and then Floyd Cos. '48-52 ; S. S. Jacksonville '53-'60 ; S. S. and teacher, Rogersville, Tenn., '60-62; S. S. Wattensaw, Ark. '62; killed by fall from a buggy, July 2, 1862. 1845-'46. 221.* GRASTY, John Sharshall ; b. Mt. Airy, Pittsylv., April 24, 1825 ; stu. W. C, Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., May 6, '48; O. Or. Pby., July. 5, '50 ; P. Yanceyville and S. S. Grier's' '50-56 ; P. Fincastle and Mt. Union, '56-'67 ; P. Shelbyville, Ky., '67-74; P. Austin, Texas, '74-'76 ; S. S. Columbia, Mo., '76-'79 ; S. S. Mexico, Mo. Pby., '79-'82 ; inf. '82-'83 ; D. D. ; author tracts, "Way to Zion," "Sin and its Wages," "Jehovah our Home," "Faith and Assurance of Faith ;" vols., "Faith's Battle and Vic- tories," "Life of Rev. Samuel Brown McPbeeters." Died Kansas Citv, April 18, 1883. 222.* HUGHES, James E. ; Cumberland Co., Va. ; b. Jan. 27, 1824; H. S. C. (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., May 6. 1848 ; D. My., '48-'49 ; O. \yinc. Pby., April 19, '50 ; P. Salem, P'auquier Co., Va., • and S. S. and then P Frooit! Royal, Va., '50-'55 ; P. 12th Ch., Baltimore, '56-'58 ; inf. '59-'64 ; P. Mar- tinsburg, Va., '66-'67. Died in Martinsburg, Sept. 23, 1867. 223.* MOREHEAD, Thomas Hungerford ; b. Maury Co., Tenn., Feb. 15, 1819; C. C. K., '44; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. Dist. Pby.. March 31, '49. Died oS cholera, Danville, Ky., May 22, 1849. 224. RUFFNER, William Henry; Lexington, Va. ; b. Feb. 11, 1824; W. C. v., '42; (1.) ; Princeton; L. N. Brunsw. Pby., Feb. 2, '48; S. S. Charlotte, C. H., '49; chapl. U. Va., '50-'51 ; O. Phil. Pby. Jan. 14, '52; P. 7th Ch., Phil., '52-53; inf. '54-63; S. S. Bensalem '68-69: sup. public instruction in 64 Union Theological Seminary. Va., '70-'82 ; demitted ministry with consent of Lex. Ph.v.. April 24. '74; practical geologist ; res. Lexington, Va.. '83-84 ; prin. F. Normal School. Fanuville, Va., '84-87; geologist, 'S7-'94 ; res. Lexington, Va., since, '94; author "Histor.v of W. &. L. University," "Charit.v and the Clerg.v :" co- editor "The Educational Journal of Va.," and of "The New England Jour-« nal of Education;" compiled the University lectures on "The Evidences of Christianity ;" issued various educational reports, and numerous special reports for commercial purposes. LL. D., AV. L. U. 225. STURGESS, Henry; Danville, Va. ; (1.) ; withdrew; never licensed. lS46-'47. 226.* DALTON, Pleasant Hunter; b. Rockingham Co., N. C. March 4, 1821; U. N. C. '44; Princeton; (Sen. 1. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. April, '47; O. Cone. Pby., Dec, '48 ; S. S. and then P. Bethany and Tabor '18-'40 ; My. Anson. Co., N. C, '50; P. 4th Creek and Bethesda '51-'5G ; teacher, Madi- son. '51-58; Ev. Or. Pby. and S. S. High Point '59-'66 ; P. Washington, N. C, '67-'72; agt. '73-'74 ; S. S. High Point, Durham. &c., '75-'81 ; P. High Point and S. S. New Hope, &c., 'S2-'89 ; S. S. Mockville, N. C, '89- 9G; Died there July, 1896. 227. SCOIT, Alexander ; Congress, O. ; b. near Richmond, Jefferson Co., O., Feb. 14, 1822; A. B., A. M., Jeff. C. ; teaching; (2.) ; L. W. H. Pby.. April 14, '49 ; O. IMiy. Itichl., June 18, '51 ; P. Oliverburg and Rome. 'o1-".j4 ; P. Savannah, '54-68; D. M. Syn. of Ohio, '69; P. Kossuth, Iowa, '7U-"S0 : 5. S. Clifton Heights, Des Moines, '80- (S. S. Grimes Ch.)-'S3; S. S. Dallas, Center, Grimes, Perry, '83-'84 ; S. S. Russell, '84-'85 ; P. Mediapolis '85-87; P. Hopkintou, '87-89; S. S. Onslow and Bethel, '89-91; S. S. Littleton, Central City, and Black Hawk, Colorado, '91-94 ; res. Congress, O., '94 — ; pamphlets. "His. of the Church of Savannah, O.," "Instrumental Music in Public Worship." D. D. Parsons, Col., VM)(). 228.* SHEETS, William C. ; b.'Shepherdstown, April 13, 1819; Jeff. C. Pa.; (3. Gr.) ; teacher; L. Wine. Pby., April 25, '49; My. Rappahannock Co., Va., '49-'52; O. Cone. Pby. May 15, '52; P. Morganton, N. C, '52-'70. Died Morganton, Feb. 28, 1870. 229.* WHALEY, Frederick N. ; Frederick Co.. Va. ; b. Fairfield. Va., Sept. 7, 1819; Jeff. C. Pa.; clerk; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby. April 22, '49; O. April 19, '41; P. Clarksville, Or. (now Roan.) Pby. '52-172; re;--. Chatham, Va., '92-'00. Died April 28, 1900. 1847-'48. 230.* BROWNE, William Bkaye; b. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1818; Jeff. C. Pa., '47; (2.) ; asst. instr. U. T. S., '48-'49 ; L. Pby. N. Y. Oct. 10. '49: O. Or. Pby. Aug. 11. '50 ; P. Hillsboro '50-'51 ; prin. Aug. F. Sem. '51-55 ; Prof. Transvlv. U. Ky. '56; teacher Walnut Hill, Ky., '57; teacher. Paris. '58-'62 ; P. Wabash, Ind., '6.3-69 ; S. S. Bel Air, Harford Co., Md., '69-'71 ; S. S. Lancaster, Pa. ; teacher, Oxford, Chester Co., Pa. ; S. S. Stewartstown, York Co., Pa., '72-'80; W. C. at Columbia, Pa., '81-89; Ev. Milton, Pa., '90-'92. Died at Milton, June 23, 1892. 231. CO('IIRAN. Edward L. ; Prince Edward Co., Va. ; b. Feb. 19. 1827 : stu. H. S. C. ; (2.+ ) ; L. W. H. Pbv. April 30, '50; S. S. Pittsylvania C. H. •51 ; Patrick C. H. '52 ; O. June 5, '53 ; P. Scottsville '53-'54 ; W. C. '55 ; S. S. Amherst C. H. '56 ; teacher '57 ; W. C. '58-59 ; res. Prince Edward Co. '60—. 232. COCHRAN, John Morton; Prince Edward Co.. Va. ; b. Nov. 8, 1825; stu. H. S. G. ; (2.+ ) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 30, '50; O. Montg. Pby. REV. PROF. JAMES F. LATIMER Union Theological Seminary. 65 Aus. 1, '50; P. Loc. Bottom '50-'52 ; S. S. Indianola. Texas, '52-'54 ; P. Victoria '55-'62 ; P. Iluutsville. Texas, '63-68; S. S. Indianola '69; S. S. Koanoke, Koan. Pby., Va., '70-'71 ; S. S. Christiansville and Bluestone '72; P. and then S. S. Navasota. Texas, '72-'80 ; S. S. Hearne, Brazos Pby. '80-82; S. S. Abilene, Texas, '82-84; since '84 has held pastorates' at Cleburne, Marshall, Robinson, Waco, Mt. Pleasant, Pittsburg, and served as Ev. in several Presbyteries. H. R. res. Mersta, Tex., '02— 233.* FAUCETTE, Thomas U. ; b. Alamance Co., N. C, Dec. 10, 1821; farmer and cabinet-maker; Ac; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr. ) ; L. Or^ Pby., June 24, '50; O. Ev. July 10, '52; S. S. Oxford (and part of the time Grassy Cr. ). ■.j2-'-'81 ; (also teacher) ; teacher 'S2-'05 ; prin. Andrew Small Ac. Dannstown, Md., for 23 yrs. ; prin. John Stephenson Fern. Sem., Charlestown, W. A-'a., until his death. D. D. Died June 6, 1905. 253.* CAMPBELL, Samuel B. ; b. June 10, 1827 ; A. B. and A. M.. W. C. v.; teacher; (3 Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., April, '54; O. Ev. Montg. Pby., Oct. '55 ; S. S. Pleasant Grove, Ab. Pby. '54-'58 ; S. S. Rogersville, Teun., '5S-'ei ; S. S. and teacher near Wittsburg, Ark.. '01-'02 ; S. S. Mt. Bethel group, Tenn., '02-'e4 ; S. S. Rich Valley group, Ab. Pby., 'e4-'e5 ; S. S. Leesburg, Rheatown and Providence, Tenn., '05-07 ; Ev. Hoist. Pby., '11-12 ; S. S. Mt. Carmel, Rose Hill, etc., and pres. Cumberland Col., Lee Co., Va., '72-'85; S. S. Honey Grove and Clarkville. Tex., '85-'87 ; P. Lan- caster, Tex., '87-91 ; S. S. Duanah and Childress, Tex., '91-93 ; S. S. Lan- caster, Tex., '93— (Ferris. '93-98; City Park Ch., Dallas, '94-'95)— '02 ; W. C. '03-'00 ; author "Address on the Sabbath." D. D., K. C. 1880. Died at Dallas, Tex., Jan. 13, 1900. 254.* ROSE, Henry Bates; b. March 0, 1825, Pott's Creek, near Cov- ington, Allegheny Co., Va. ; W. L. U., '50; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 28. '53; O. Greenb. Pby., Oct. 10, '59; D. M. for i\rontg. Pby., to Mercer Co., Va.. "54-58 ; teaching ad interim ; S. S. for Carmel Ch.. at Gap :Nrills, Monroe Co.. (now W. Va.), '58-07; P. Beaver Creek Ch., Washington Co., Va., '07-74 ; D. M. in Williamson Co., Texas, to the chs. of Georgetown and Bagdad (now Leander) ; teaching at Burnet; Ev. C. Tex. Pby.; S. S. Burnet Ch., '74-'8e ; P. Highland Ch.. Austin, '93-97; S. S. East Austin Ch. for two vrs. Died at Austin, Texas, May 18, 1905. 1852-"53. 255.* CAMPBELL. William A.; b. Rockbridge Co., Va.. Nov. 14. 1829; M. A., W. C. v.: teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., June 1. "55; O. E. H. Pby., June 1, '50 ; P. Powhatan Ch. and tea'cher, '50-'71 ; S. S. Man- chester, '71-'82; Ev. E. H. Pby. '82-'91 ; S. S. Williamsburg and York River '91-94; gen. agt. Bible Soc. of Va., '94-'96 ; prin. Classical Sch. in Powhatan '50-'05. On ed. staff of "Earnest Worker" "81-90 ; author "Com- meniary on the Gospel of Mark." D. D., W\ L. U. Died in Richmond, Va., June 9, 1896 68 Union Theological Seminary. liOG.* HARRISON, Dabney Carr ; Cumberland. Ya. ; b. Sept. 12, 1830; N. H. (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April 8, '54; O. April 18, '57; asst. instr, U. T. S., April, '54, April, '56; chapl. U. Va. '57-'59 ; S. S. Bethesda, E. H. Pbv. '59-'61. Died from wounds in the battle of Fort Donaldson, Feb. 16, 1862. 257.* McMASTER, Robert B. McKee; Rockbridge Co., A'a. ; b. Oct. 19. 1829; W. C. V.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., June 1, '55; My. Louisa Co.» '56-'57. Died at tis father's residence, Nov. 13, 1858. 258.* MARTIN, Alexander; Richmond, Va. ; b. Julv 10. 1822; stu. W. C. v.; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby.. April 9. '54: O. Oct. 19, '56; P. Bethle- hem Ch., '56-'58 ; P. El. Pittsylvania C. H. Ch., Roan. Pby., '58 ; P. Roanoke Ch., '59-'69 ; P. Danville '69-95. D. D. Died in Danville, March 4, 1895. 259.* PORTER, Edward Ethel; b. Lincolnton, March 27, 1832; So. Han. Col. (3. Gr.) ; L. Memi>his Pbv. Sept. 21. '55; O. Mav 7, '56: S. S. and then P. El. Third Ch., Memphis, '56-'61 ; in C. S. A. '61-65; inf. '66-'67. Died October 7, 1867. 260.* SAWTELLE. Bexjamin Niles ; Bingharapton. N. Y. : h. Dec. 19, 1830; So. Han. Col. '52; Princ. ; (—mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. Memp. Pby., Sept. 21, '55; O. Ark. Pby., Oct. 12, '56; P. Batesville, Ark., '56-'ai ; S. S. Tuscumbia, Ala., '61-70; and P. '70-72; [prin. State Normal School, Tus- curabia]. Died Tuscumbia, Feb. 13, 1872. 261.* SEE, Charles S. M. ; Preston Co ., W. Va. ; b. Sept. 15, 1826 ; W. C. v.; std. law; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby. June 1, '85; S. S. Bethesda and. Hermon W. H. Pby., '55-56 ; O. Lex. Pby. Nov. 20, '56 ; P. Tinkling Spring Ch. '56-'70; My. Barbour and Randolph Counties, W. Ya., '70-'71 ; S. S. Pisgah and Vvah Bottom. '71-72, and P. '74 — (and Monterey '79) — '81; S. S. Cleburne, Dallas Pby., '81, and P. '82-'92 ; P. Williamsville and Mc- Dowell 1 yr. : P. Buchanan, W. Va., 2 yrs ; P. Union Ch., Va., 4 yrs. ; P. Philippi, W. Va., '99-'03. D. D., W. L. U. Died March 19, 1903. 262.* TUCKER, Alfred B., M. D. ; Winchester, Va. ; b. Oct. 4, 1830; left in ill health, and by consent of Pby. withdrew from its care as a candi- date ; returned to practice of medicine in Winchester, then Savannah, then in the army. Died at Marietta. Ga., September 25, 1862. 1853-'54. 263.* CARUTHERS, William; b. Fredericksburg, 1821; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., Sept. 5, '56; withdrew from ministerial duties, '58. Died at Fredericksburg, Va., July 18, 1889. 264.* DAVIS, John Henry; b. Hardy Co., Ya., Oct. 9, 1827; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. AVinc. Pby. May 29, '56; O. Sept. 5, '57; P. Yellow Chapel' (Hartwood) '57-62; P. Bethlehem and Concord, Roan. Pby. '62-'73 ; P. Spring Hill, '73-'00. Died Oct. 26, 1900. 265.* DAVIS. Samuel Hamner; Frederick, Md. ; b. Oct., 1833; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Bait. Pby. April, '56; O. E. H. Pby. May, '57; P. Amelia Ch. '57. Died at Amelia C. H. July 19, 1857. 266.* GOUL, John M. ; Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. March 28, 1829 ; farmer ; W. C. v.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby. June 10. '57: O. Ev. May 10, '62; S. S., New Providence, then Providence, Louisa, W. H. Pby. and Chapl. C. S. A. Died in Rockbridge Co., Va., Aug. 9, 1862. 267.* .McCLELLAN, James II.: Cabarrus Co.. N. C. : b. 1835; Da. C. '53; (1+.); left in ill health and discontinued farther preparation for the ministry ; teacher ■54-'G8. Died in Bethphage Congr., Dec, 1868. Union Theological Seminary. 69 2C.8. MILLER, Willis L. ; Wake Co., N. C. ; Ac. ; (1.) ; dismissed at his request ISov. 30, '54; L. Or. Pby. Oct. 27, '55; O. Dec. 3, '57; P. Pittsboro '57-58; S. S. Alamance '59t-'67 ; joined the Presbyn. Ch. U. S. A.; prof, and S. S. Lloyd, Catawba Pby. '68 ; S. S. Carthage, Ozark Pby. '73 ; Salem, Shiloh. &c., '74-'76; Palo Pinto and Bellville, Trinity Pby., Tex., '79; S. !S. Gaine.sville aiid Saint Jo., N. Texas Pby., '80-82; S. S. Salem and Shiloh, Ozark Pby. '83-84 ; H. M. Tahleqiiah, I. T., '85-90 ; Muldraw, I. T.. '91-'00; res. Saliisaw, I. T., '01—. 269. MORRISON. William Walker; 1). Rockbridge Co.. Va.. Feb. 24. 1831: A. B. and A. M., W. C. V.; teacher; (2); L. Lex. Pby., June 1. '55; O. E. Ala. Pby., April 19, '57; S. S. LaFayette and New Harmony;, E. Ala.- Pby., '56-'57 ; S. S. New Harmony and Auburn, '57-58; S. S. Hayuesville, Lowndsboro and New Hope, '58-"59; P. Hatchet Creek and Lebanon. '59-'61 ; S. S; New Harmony and LaFayette, '61-65 ; S. S. Lake City, Fla., '66-67; S. S. Sweetwater and Madisonville, Tenn., '67-72; S. S. Jonesboro and Johnson City, '72-'74 ; S. S. Greenville, E. Ala. Pby,' '74-'75 ; S. S. Maryville and Rockford, Knoxv. Pby.. '75-'79 : W. C. in Knox- ville, Tenn., and Statesville, N. C, since '81 ; author "A Child's Catechism," since translated into Chinese. 270.* OGDEN, Thomas Spencer ; b. near Pennington. N. J., Jan. 9, 1832; U. Mich.; (1.) ; Princ. Gr. ; L. N. Bruns. Pby., April 20, and O. Ev., Aug. 10, '57 ; My .Corisco, Africa, '57-61. Died there. May 12, 1861. 271. PHARR. William Walter; b. Cabarrus Co., N. C, Jan. 1, 1832; A. B., Da. C, '53; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., July 31, '56; O. May 14, '58; S. S. Taylorsville and Wilkesboro, '56-57; P. Bethphage Ch., '58-84; P. Centre Ch., '58-07; P. Prospect Ch.. '84 to Oct. 18, '07; pastoral relation dissolved because of ill health. D. D., Ersk. Col., 1890; res. Mooresville, N. C. 272. PUGH, John William ; b. Moorefield, Hardy Co.. W. Va., April 18, 1829; lawyer; (2. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby. Sept., '55; O. Wine. Oct., '55; P. VV'arrenton, Va., Oct. '55-'69 ; P. Owensboro, Ky., '69-'77 ; P. Frankfor); Ky., '77-83; P. "Hopewell," near Franklin, Ind., '83-'90 ; P. Philo, 111., '90-95; P. Farmer City, 111., '95-99; P. Fountain Green, 111.. '99-'04 ; H. R. Blandinsville, 111., R. F. D. No. 2, '04—. D. D. Han. C, Ind., 1888. 273.* SCOTT, Joseph Morton; Hardy Co.. W. Va. : b. .Tan. 18. 1830; H. S. C, '52: teacher; (2.) ; Danville Sem. Gr. : L. W. Lex. Pby.; called to Winchester and ordained and installed in '57 ; "since then, P. of Carrollton, Mo., Joseyville, 111., Waverly, Mo., and Point Pleasant, W. Va. ; serving, in intervals, as S. S. Clintonville and Cherry Run, Carlisle and Sharpsburg Chs. in AV. Lex. and Ebenezer Pbys." Died at Point Pleasant, W. Va., Nov. 27, 1885. 274.* WALKER, Robert C. ; b. ; W. C. V.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby. April 11, "57; O. Nov. 9, '57; P. Union in Augusta Co., Va\ '57-'76; W. C. Res. Augusta Co., Va., '77-'93. Died in Augusta Co., Va., Feb. 6, 1893. lS54-'55. 275.* BARR, John Andrew; Rowan Co., N. C. ; b. Sept. 5, 1832; Da. C. '52; (2.+.) ; L. Cone. Pby. .Jan. 17, '57; O. Ark. Pbv. April 8, '60; S. S. Searcy, Ark., Pby. '59-'63. Died at Searcy, July 18, 1863. 276. BLANTON, Lindsay Hughes; b. Cumberland Co., Va., Jan. 29, '32; A. B., H. S. 0. ; teacher; (Mid. 1.) ; Gr. Danville Sem.; L. Louis. Pby. April, '57 ; O. W. Lex. Pby. April, '58 ; P. Versailles. Kv.. '57-'61 : P. Salem. Va., April 1, '62— (Chapl. 54th Va. Reg. '63. and 26l:h Bat., '64)— '68: P. Paris, Ky., '6.S-'80 ; Chanc. C. U. Kv.. '80-'01 ; v.pres. C. .U Kv (con-" solidated), '01-'07; D. D., LL. D., H. S. C. ; res. Danville, Ky. 70 Union Theological Seminary. 277.* BOWMAN. Francis Henry; b. Charlottesville, July 9, 1833; Oglethorp U., '51; stu. U, Va. '54; (1.) ; Princ. Sem. ; (—mid. 1+Gr.) ; L. Hopewell Pb.v. April 5, '56; O. Ev. Ga. Pb.v., March 29, '57: S. S. and Co.-P. Congr. Ch., Kiceboro, Ga., '57-59; S. S. Pres. Ch., Greensboro. Ala., '59-'(j2 ; P. Augusta Ch., Lex. Pby. '62-68; P. Memphis 1st Ch., '68-73. Died of yellow fever, in Memphis, Oct. 6, 1873. 278. MEACHUM, John Henry, Susquehanna Co., Pa. ; U. C. ; Epis. Theo. Sem. at Alexandria, Va. ; (2.) ; left and subsequent history cannot b,> traced. 279 PENICK. Daniei, Allen; b. Cabarrus Co., N. C, April 15, 1834; stu. Da. C. ; A. B.. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pb.v. April 18, '57: O. Jan. 28. '58; S. S. Poplar Tent, Cone. Pby., ■57-'58 ; P. of same '58-73 5 P. New JNIonmouth, and S. S. Kerrs Creek, Lex. Pby., '74-'07 ; since P. E. D. D., H. Si. C. ; res. Lexington, Va. 280. PITZER, Alexander White: b. Salem. Va.. Sept. 14, 1834; A. B., H. S. C; (1.) ; Danville Sem.; (Mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby, Sept., '56; O. Highland Pbv.. Kansas, April 5. '58 ; S. S. and then P. Leavenworth. Kansas, '58-'61 ;" S. S. Sparta, Ga., '62-'64 ; My. of G. A. to the C. S. A. of Tenu., '64-'65; S. S. Liberty and Cave Spring Chs., Montg. Pby., '65-66; 1'. Libertv, '67; P. Central Ch., Washington, D. C, '68-'07 ; Prof. Bible Stud.v, Howard U., Washington, D. C. ; A. M., H. S. C. ; LL. D.. Howard^ U. ; D. D. Ark. Col. ; author "Ecce Deus Homo," "Christ the Teacher of jNIen," "The New Life," "Confidence in Christ," "Manifold Ministry of the Holy Spirit," "The Blessed Hope of the Lord's Return," "Predestination." 281. PRICE, William Thomas; b. near Marlinton, W. Va., July 19, 1830; A. M., W. C. V.; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) : L. Greenb. Pby., April, '57; O. Lex. Pby., April, '58; S. S. Warm Springs and Williamsville Chs., '57-'59 ; S. S. Crawley Ridge and contiguous points. '59-'60 ; S. S. Williamsville, McDowell, Pisgah and Stony Run Chs., '60-'69. teaching meantime; P. Cocke's Creek, '69-'85 ; meanwhile published paper, "The Young Virginian;" P. Huntersville and Marlinton Chs., Pocahontas Co., W. Va., 'S5-'00, with teaching ad interim ; then W. C. D. D., W. L. U., 1904 ; author "History of Pocahontas Co.," '02 ; "Memoirs of Rev. John Pinkerton, Pastor of Mossy Creek Church," "Edward Herndon Scott, M. D.. of Beverly, W. Va.," and the "Sacramental Meditations of Capt. Hugh White," the "Semi-Centennial Ili.story of Greenbrier Pby.." "On To Grafton," "Gone To Be With Jesus," "With Christ or Against Him," "Two Letters on Berean Studies of the Bible." 282.* RUSSELL, George Alexander; b. Orange Co., N. C, Sept. 20, 1827; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., Oct., '57; O. Fay. Pby., '59; P. Carthage and Union, N. C, '59-'63 ; P. Summerville, N. C, '63-67; I\ Somerville, Tenn., '67-'70 ; P. Brownsville. Tenn., '70-*79 ; P. Franklin, Tenn., '79-'85 : S. S. Westminster Ch.. Nashville, '85-'86 ; P. Wesson, Miss., '87-'91; 1'. McKinney, Texas, •91-'9(i: 1'. Gainesville, Tex., '96-'02. Died Jan. 16. 1902. 283.* SELDEN, Samuel; Norfolk, Va. : b. 1834: on account of ill health withdrew ; on partial recovery, became a physician of exemplary benevolence and high Christian character. Died in Norfolk .Jan. 7. 1880. 284.* WHAREY. Thomas; b. (Joochland Co., Va., March 22, 1833; H. S. C; tutor H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. II. Pby. April, 57; O. Sept. 18, '.58; Ev. Eastern Shore, Va., '57-'.58 ; cliapl. C. S. A. '61 -'62; P. Briery '58-78; Drake's Branch and Briery '78-81 ; Briery '81-84 ; asst. instr. U. T. S. '.59-60; prin. Princp Edward Academy ■81-'85: P. Corsicana '8.5-88. D. D., H. S. C . Died March 24, 1888. Union Theological Seminary. 71 285.* WILSON, John Davies ; b. Fredericksburg, IMarcli 1, 1836; Da. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Tby. June 17, '54; S. S. Bethesda '58-59; O. Aug. 27, '50; P. Taylorsville '59-"(jl ; S. S. Wilkesboro '62-67. Died, Mt. Carmel, Tipton Co., Tenn., April 7, 1868. lS55-'50. 286.* ALEXANDER, James Calvin; b. Lincolnton, N. C, Oct. 2..1S31; Da. C; teacher; (1); Col. Sem. Gr. ; L. Cone. Pby., April, '59; S. S. Ramah, '59-'61 ; O. Or. Pby., July 21, '61; P. Buffalo and Bethel Clis.. '61 -'86. Died in Guilford Co., N. C, Nov. 15, 1886. 287.* ARNOLD, Edward Penick ; Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. May 5, 1834; stu. \V. C. v.; (3.) ; L. Montg. Pby.. Oct. '58; never ordained; preached in independence. Mo., where he died, Feb. 17, 1861. 288. HARDING, Ephraim Henky ; b. Oxford, N. C, Nov. 3. 1832; stu. H. S. C. ; (2.) ; L. Or. Pby.. April, '58; O. July 8, '59; P. Spring Hill.. '59-62; chapl. C. S. A. '62-65; teacher, Milton, '65-'66 ; P. Cone. Ch., Cone. Pbv., '67-'70; S. S. Milton, '71-74; P. 2d Ch., Charlotte, N. C, '74-'81 ; P. Sharon and Augusta Chs., Eben. Pby., '82-'84 ; P. Graham. N. C, '85-90; P. I'armville, Va., '90-'02 ; S. S. of same till '03; S. S. Milton, N. C, '04—, D. D., H. S. C, 1879. 289. HOLMES, Samuel; Convoy, Ireland; L. Dane Pby., Wise, '57; license Avithdrawn Oct. 9, '57. 290. HOOPER. Thomas Williamson; b. Hanover Co., Va.. Nov. 2, 1832; A. B., II. S. C, '55; U. Sem., N. Y. ; (2.) L. Han. Pby. (N. S.) Sept., '57; O. March, '58; P. Salem and Pole Green. '58-63; P. Liberty, Montg. Pby. '63-'65, (and chapl. C. S. A. same time) ; P. Christian.sburg, Va., '65-70; P. 2d Ch., Lynchburg, '70-'76 ; P. 1st Ch., Selma, Ala., '76-88; P. Christians- burg, Va., '88-'06. D. D. Roan. Col. Author "Lead Me to the Rock ;" tracts ■'Joseph Tate Meredith," "'Jesus Only," "None but Jesus," "Mose, the Sex- ton," "Memphian's View of Europe ;" retired, '06 ; res. Mitchell's Va. 291.* JOHNSTON, Frontis Howe; b. in Constantinople, Turkey, Aug. 8, 1S34: Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby. May 13. '58: O. Or. Pby. July 30, '59; P. Lexington, N. C, '59-'77 ; P. Winston, N. C, '77-87; Ev. Or. Pby. '87-'01. M. A., b. D., Da. C. Died Nov. 14, 1901. 292. McILWAINE, Richard; Petersburg, Va. ; b. May 20, 1834; A. B., H. S. C. ; stu. U. Va. ; (2.) ; stu. Free Ch., College, Edinb. ; L. E. H. Pby. April 10, '57; O. Dec. 12, '57; P. Amelia Ch. '58-61 ; chapl. C. S. A. •61-62; P. Farmville '62-'70 ; P. First Ch., Lynchburg, '71-72; Secy. Home Mis- sions '72-83 ; pres. and prof, moral philosophy and Bible studies, II. S. C, '83-'04 ; member Constitutional Convention of Va., '01-'02 ; author Sermons and Addresses on Educational Subjects, and "Memoirs of Three Score Years and 'Jen ;" A. M., H. S. C. ; D. D., Stewart Col., Tenn. ; LL. D., Da. C. ; res. Richmond, Va., '05 — . 293. SHEARER, John Bunyan ; b. Appomattox Co., Va. ; A. B. iind A. M., H. S. C. '49-'51 ; and A. M., U. Va., '51-54 ; teacher at Gordons- ville, A^a., '54-'55 ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April, '57 ; S. S.Bethle- hem and Concord Chs., '57-58; O. Or. Pby., Feb., '59; P, Chapel Hill, N. C, '58-'62; S. S. Spring Hill and Mt. Carmel Chs., Halifax Co., Va., '62-70 ; taught meanwhile, and founded the Cluster Springs High School ; pres. Stewart C, Ciarksville, Tenn., '70-75 ; provisional ,pres. of S. W. P. U., '75-'79 : prof, of Bib. Instr., '79-'88 ; pres. Da. Co., and' prof. Bib. Instr. and Phil., '88-01 ; vice-pres. and prof, of same. '01 — . D. D., H. S. C. ; LL. D., S. W. P. U. ; author "Bible Course Syllabus," 3 vols. ; "Modern Mys- ticism." "Sermon on the Mount." "Studies in the Life of Christ." Review- articles ; other vols, in preparation, 1907. 72 Union Theological Seminary. 294.* WHITE. George William; b. Nottoway Co., Va., June 22, 1830; stu. U. Va. ; teacher; (2.) ; L. W. H. Pby., spring, '57; O. E. Han. '58; Lie. at Buckingham C. H.. Va., 9 mos. ; and D. M. in Brunswicli and Dinwiddie Cos., Va. ; P. Brunswick Ch., '58-66 ; P. Moorefield Ch., Wine. Pby., W. Va., '6G-'04; P. E., preaching occasionally, '04-06. D. D., H. S. C. Died May 23, 1906. 1856-'57. 295.* CALDWELL, Robert Houston ; Mecklenburg, N. C. ; b. Jan. 25, 1829; Da. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby. July '59; S. S. Bethany '66-'6S ; O. July, '68; P. Bethany and Fifth Cr. Chs. '68-71; S. S. Greenwood, Forest Grove and Carthage, C. Miss. Pby., '71-77; S. S. Reilly Spgs,, Sulphur Spgs., Pleasant ^'aIley, &c., Paris Pby., Texas, '77-84; W. C. at Reilly Springs, Tex., '85-90; S. S. Reilly Springs and Campbell, '91-'92 ; W. C. at Reilly Springs, '93-'97 ; withdrew to Cumberland Church before his death some years ago. 296.* CRAIG, John Newton; b. Rockingham Co., Va., May 14, 1831; W. C. V. and U. Va. ; teacher; (2.) ; Col. Sem. ; L. Lex. Pby., Sept. 16, '58 ; O. Bethel Pbv. April 20, '60 ; P. Lancasterville, Waxhaw and Wouglass, '60-'70; chapl. C. S. A. '61-'65 ; P. Holly Springs, Miss., '70-'83 ; Secy, of Home Missions '83-00. D. D., U. Miss. Died while addressing the Synod of Va., at Newport News, Oct. 24, 1900. 297.* McNAIR, Malcolm; b. near St. Paul's Ch., Sept. 11. 1823; U. N. C. ; teacher; Robeson Inst.; (1.+) ; Danville Sem.; L. Transylv. Pby., June 9, '58 ; O. Fay. Pby. Nov. 22, '60 ; P. Mt. Tabor '00-'08 ; Co-P. Bethel and Lumber Bridge '69-70 ; S. S. Montpelier '71 ; P. Bethel '72-'74. Died July 20, 1874. 298.* MOORE, John Augustine; Newville, Pa.; b. about 1832; N. H. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 28, '59; O. Roan. Pby., April 21, '60; P. Rough Cr. and Cub. Cr. Chs. '60-'63. Died Feb. 7, 1863. 299.* MOSELEY, Bennet W. ; Bedford Co., Va. ; b. Sept. 19, 1836 ; W. C. v.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., April 18, '59; O. April 21, '60; P. Blue Stone and Wyliesburg (formerly Finneywood) Chs., '60-'75 : 1'. New Loudon, Montg. I'by., '78-'84 ; prin. of New London Academy '81-'S6. Died Sept. 11, 1886. 3(10. ]MIJRRAY, James; b. Southampton Co.. Va., Aug. 27, 3834; A. M.. U. A^'a. (1+) ; L. E. H. Pby., spring '59; O. spring '60; H. M. in Isle of Wight and Sussex Cos., Va., several mos. after licensure ; P. Sussex Ch., '60-65; S. S. Cumberland C. H., '65; S. S. Portsmouth, '65-66; P. Bethel Ch., Lex. Pby., '68-'91 ; prof, in Agnes Scott Inst., Decatur, Ga., '91-92 ; S. S. Bedford City, Va., '93-95 : P. College Ch., Hampden Sidney, Va., '95-'07; res. Warreuton, Va., D. D., H. S. C. 301. NEAL, John Prichabd ; Caswell Co., N. C. ; withdrew on account of ill health, after two months in the Sem. ; it does not appear that he was ever licensed. 302.* PRESTON, Thomas Lewis ; Lexington, Va. ; b. June 2, 1835 ; W. C. v.; stu. U. Va. ; tutor W. C. V.; (2.+ ) ; Princ. Gr. ; L. Lex. Pby. Aug. 19, '59; O. Ev. April 19, '61; My. Tygart's Valley '61-'62 ; P. Hebron, Lex. Pby. '62-68: P. Salem Montg. Pby. '(>8 ; P. 1st Ch.. Richmond, '(;S-'83 : P. Lexington, Va., 'S3-'95. D. D., W. L. U. Died at Lexington, Va., May 28, 1895. 303. PRIME, Wendell; b. Matteawan, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1837; A. B. Colb. C. ; (1.) ; Princ. Gr. ; L. N. Y. Pby. April 26, '60; O. Michigan Pby. Oct. 23, '61; P. Westminster Ch., Detroit, '61-07; P. Union, Newburg, N. Y., '69-'75 ; ed. "N. Y. Observer" '76-85 ; ed-in-chief, '85-93 ; author "Fifteenth Century Bible — A Study in Bibliography ;" "Autobiography and jNIemorials of Samuel Irenaeus Prime." D. D.. Fnion Col.. N. Y., '80; living in retire- ment at Herrliberg (Zurich). Swit/erland. and in New Y'ork. Died at Zurich, Nov. 28, 1907. MR. CYRUS H. McCORMlCK Union Theological Seminary. J-^ 304* TRAVIS, JouN McCutchan ; b. Estaline Furnace, Augusta Co., Va., Dec. 5, 1S27 ; stu. W. C. V.; (1.) ; L. Palm. Pby., Aug. '58; O. E_v. Oct '00; P. South Fork and New Hope Chs., Monroe Co., Mo., '61-85 1 5. S. Monroe City, Mo., '85-95. Dl D. Westm. Col. Died in St. Josephii Mo., 1899. 1857-'58. 3U5. CARRINGTON, Alexander Bkoadnax ; b. Cliarlotte Co., Va., Aug. 23, 1834; stu. U. Va. and W. L. U. ; lawyer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby. April 19. 'GO; O. Ev. Montg. Pby.. Nov. 3, '60: chapl. C. S. A. '61-65; S. S. Sinking Sp. (Abingdon), Ab. Pby., '66; S. S. Providence and Hat Cr., Roan, Pby., '67-'71; P. Hat Cr. '71-80; S. S. Rough Cr. '71-77; Diamond Hill '78-'80; Rustburg and Concord '79-80; P. Berryville. Wine. Pby., '81-83; P. Greenwich, Chesp. Pby., and S. S. Litchfield, '83-98 ; since '98 on H. R. and invalid list ; res. Greenwich, Va. 306. GRAVES. Robert .Johnston; Alexandria; (3.) ; L. AVinc. Pb.v. Oct. 20, '59 ; O. Or. Pbv. Nov. 25, '60 ; P. Bethlehem '60-'64 ; S. S. Saxtou, Hunt- ington Pby. Pa.. ''68-'70 ; P. Sharon, Shenango Pby. '71-73 ; P. 2d Ch. Sharon '74-'76 ; W. C. '77; agent '78; suspended by Shenango Pby., '78. D. D. 307. HOPKINS, Abner Crump; b. Powhatan Co.. Va., Oct. 24, 1835; H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby. April 6, '60; O. Wine. Pby. Dec. 6, '60 ; P. Martinsburg and chapl. C. S. A. '60-'65 ; P. El. '65 of Willis Ch. ; W. H. Pby. and P. '66 ; P. Charlestown, Je£E. Co.. W. Va., '66— ; ch'm. G. A. Com. on Retrenchment and Reform, '79-'Sl ; Mod. G. A., Lexington, '03. D. D., H. S. C. 308. LACY, Matthew Lyle ; b. Prince Edward Co., Va.. Aug. 6. 1833; A. B. and A. M., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Han. Pby., (N. S.), Sept.. "59; O. April, '60; S. S. Mercy Seat, Providence, Rough Creek and Cub Creek, Roan. Pby., '62-'60 ; teaching at different times at Charlotte C H.; P. Lewisburg, W. Va., '69-82; health failing, resigned and became prin. Lewisburg Female Inst., '82-87 ; P. Union and Mt. Pleasant Chs., Monroe Co.. '87-02 ; prin. Greenbi-ier Pres. School, '02-'06 ; prof, moral phil. and Bible in G. P. S. and L. F. I., and preaching at Old Ft. Spring Ch., '06—. D. D., W. L. U., 1880. 309. Mcdonald, Euward henry; Botetourt Co.. Va. ; H. S. C. ; (2.) ; never licensed ; Pby. of jNIontg. dropped him from roll of candidates, Oct., 1858. 310.* MOORE, Samuel Miller; b. Norristown. Pa., Sept. 15. 1836; Lafay. C, '57; teacher; (1.) ; Princ. ; L. Second Phila. Pby., April 19, '59; O. Huntington Pby. Dec. 6, '59 ; P. Pine Grove. Pa.. '59-"03 : P. Bald Eagle '60-62 ; P. Alexandria *63-'70 ; P. Tyrone '70-88 ; res. Tyrone, Pa., '88-95. D. D., W. & M. C, 1877. Died Oct. 14, 1895. 311. PANNILL, David H. ; b. Halifax Co.. Va., Oct. 10, 1832; stu. U. Va. ; (1.+ ) ; D. to Episcopal Theol. Sem., Alexandria, Oct. 6, '58; Gr. ; honorablv withdrew from the ministrv ; teacher four vears ; practicing law '66—. 312. THOMPSON, Silas Hugh; b. Bucks Co., Pa., March 4, 1826; Ac; (2.) : L. Phila. Pby. Oct. 2, '50; O. L. Isld. Pby. Dec, '61; P. Holbrook '62-64 ; P. Tuckerton, N. J. '65-'66 ; teacher '71 ; teacher, Camden, '74 ; Holbrook '75 and S. S., Holbrook, '76-84; S. S. Table Rock, Neb., '85-86. (no further record obtainable.) 313. WHITE, Henry Martyn ; Richmond. Va. ; b. .Tulv 19. 1836: A. B., W. L. U.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May, '60; O. :\rontg. Pby., Oct., '60; P. Big Lick, now 1st Roanoke Ch., '60 — (S. S. Mountain Union 74 Union Theological Seminary. Ch., 'G2)— 'OG; P. Glade Spring Ch., Ab. Pby., '06-75 ; P. Loudoun St. Ch., Winchester, Va.. '75-'0!»; Ev. in Roan. Pby.. '00-01; chapl. C. S. A. '03-'65 ; autlior "Memoir of Kev. Wm. S. White, D. I)., and his Times,*' "The McClanahans."' D. D., W. L. U. ; res. Kernstown, Va., 1007. 1858-'59. 814. HOUSTON, Rutherford Rowland; b. Smyrna, Asia. May 20, 1836; A. B., W. C. V.; (3. Gr.) ; asst. instr. U. T. S. 'G0-'61 ; L. Greenb. Pby. July 5, '61; O. Ev. July 10, '63; S. S. Muddy Cr. and Salem ■63-«6 ; S S Salem and Carmel '67-71 ; S. S. Fincastle and Mt. Union. Montg. Pliy. '71-'80 and I', of same "Sl-'90 ; (teaching most of time while in (ir^enb. Pby., united with ministerial work) ; S. S. New Castle, Va., '00-'!l3 ; S. S. Roan- oke, Cub Creek, Brook Neal and Hat Creek. '94-'95 ; S. S. of same, except Hat Creek, Nov. *00— (S. S. Bethany, Roanoke City '03-05) — ; res. Am- sterdam, Va. 315. KlI.rATRICK. AVilliam Morto.v ; Ilarrisonlnirg. Va. : b. Aug. 18. 1835 : stu. Samuel Davies Institute, Halifax C. H., Va., '50-52 : teacher ; (3. Gr.) L. Or. Pby., June 18, '01; O. Cone. Pby., May 10, '62; P. Concord Ch., N. C, '62-(;4 ; S. S. Mocksville. N. C. '64-66 : S. S. Franklin, Rowan Co., N. C. '65-'60 : S. S. St. Mary's and Brunswick. Ga., '07-68 ; S. S. Columbus, W. Texas Pby.. '68; Gonzales, '69-'72 ; Halbettsville, 3 yrs. ; Goliad. 1 yr. : S. S. Ft. Worth '74-76; Flatonia, '78-'81 : Wf.mar, 4 yrs.; . Navidad. '82-83 ; Indianola, 3 yrs. ; Augusta and Cedar Pt., 3 vrs. ; Old Waverly, '88-'01 ; New Waverly, '89-'01 ; inf., 1905—. 316. KIRKLANI). Alexander; b. Orange Co.. July 15, 1839; A. B., U. N. C. (2.+.) ; L. Or. Pby., June, '61; O. Ev. Wilm. Pby., Oct., '79; S. S. Mt. /ion, etc., '62-'66 ; S. S. Chapel Hill, etc.. '67; S. S. Oak Plain, etc., '68-78; S. S. Clinton, '78-'Sl ; Whiteville '82 -'87 ; S. S. Geneva, Ga.. •87-88; S. S. Whitney '89-'01 ; Leesburg, '90-'08 ; Cordele, '92; Pleasant Hill and Smyrna, •92-'01 ; S. S. Mt. Tabor '02-'03 ; teaching at Rochelle, (Ja.. '04; Tifton and Adel •05-06; res. Valdosta, Ga. 317.* NIVEN, Thornton McNess ; b. Newburg, N. Y.. Aug. 23, 1830; A. B., Wms. C. ; teacher; Assoc. Ref. Theol. Sem. 1+ ; (—mid. 2. (ir.) : L. B. II I'by, April 6, '00 ; My. Madison Co., Va., '(W-'Ol ; chapl. C. S. A., '61-63 ; O. Ev. Roanoke Pby., July 29, '(M) ; S. S. and then l\, Mercy Seat, '63-67 ; I'. Dobb's Ferry (now (ireenburgh, Westchester), 2d N. Y. I'by.. '67-'02 ; 1'. E. '02 I). L)., II. S. C. Died in New York City, Feb. 12, 1908. 318. SMITH, James Power; b. New Athens, Ohio, July 4, 1837: Jeff. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., Dec. 29, '63; O. Montg. Pby., Oct. 13. '(JC; P. Roanoke, Va., '66-'69 ; P. Fredericksburg, A'a., '09-"92 : Ev. Syn. of Va,. '92; editor "Central Presbyterian" since ^'ov. 2, '92: S. C. Syn. Va., since 1870 ; Chapl. C. S. A. ; author "A King and a Father ;•' "Re- ligious Character of Stonewall Jackson," "Jackson at Chancellorsville," "Brightside Idyls." "Lee at (Jettvsburg ;" "Quit You Like Men." sermon at V. M. I. I). 1)., H. S. C. 319.* VASS, Lachlan Gumming; b. Fredericksburg, Va., Mar. 20,1831; N. H. Danville Sem. (—mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. W. II. Pby., June 1, '(iO ; S. S. Amherst C. H., '00-'61 : O. April 19. '61 ; P. Amherst. '01-05 ; chapl. C. S. A., '02-'05; S. S. Tabb St. Ch., Petersburg. '65-'66 : S. S. '66 and P. New Berjie, N. C, '66-91; P. 1st Ch., Savannah, Ga., '91-96; chapl. U. Va. ; author "The New Triumph." D. D. Died in Charlottesville, Va., Sept. 28, 1890. 320.* WHITE. Tii().MA.s Ward ; b. in Virginia, Tan. IS. 1838: stu. H. S. C. ; (2.); L. E. II. I'by.. April 4. '(;<»: O. Roan. Pby. July 10. '02: chapl,- Union Theological Seminary. 75 C. S. A. ; P. Ebeuezei- Cb., 'G2-'6S ; S. S. Heleua, Ark. Pby., 'G8-'T1 ; pres. Female CoL, Feudleton, S. C, '71-75; pres. Greensboro Fern. Col., Ala., '75 -80; Ev. N. Miss. Pby., '80-'84 ; Ev. E. Texas Pby., '84-00. Died at Winnie, Texas, Dec. 21, 1900. 1859-'60. 321. ARMISTEAD, Charles James; Cumberland Co.. Va. ; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 25, '02; license revoked Nov. 26, '09; inf. '68-'84. 322.* CAKKINGTON, Edgar Wirt ; Charlotte, W. Va. ; b. Oct. 12. 1835 ; St. 11. S. C. (1.) ; killed in battle, Seven Pines, May 31, 1862. 323.* DENNY, George Hutchinson ; Richmond, Va. ; b. June 11, 1834 ; stu. H. S. C. (3.) ; L. E, H. Pby. April 20, '63; C. S. A. '64-'65 ; O. July 14, '66 ; P. Bethlehem and Pole Green and Salem Chs., ■66-72 ; P. Horeb Ch., Lex. Pby., '72-78 ; P. Amelia, E. H. Pby., and S. S. Jamestown, W. H. Pby. '78-89; S. S. Chester Ch., '89-93. Died near Amelia C. H., March 14, 1893. 324.* GILMER, George H. ; b. Charlottesville, Va., July 31, 1836; W. C. V. and stu. U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April 25, '62; O. Roan. Pby. July 4, '68; P. Mercy Seat '68-74; S. S. Draper's Valley and Dublin, Ab. Pby., '74-83; P. Draper's Valley '83-'91 ; (fifteen years teaching in connection with ministerial work). Died March 7, 1891. 325.* GILMER, Thomas Walker; b. Charlottesville, July 26. 1834; U. Va.; lawyer; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 25, '62; O. July 17, '66; P. Fredericksburg '66-69. Died suddenly in Fredericksburg, April 5, 1869. 326.* GILMORE, James Harvey ; Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. Feb. 7, 1838 ; W. C. V. (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., March, '63; chapl. C. S. A., 63; S. S. Fairfield '64-69; O. Jan., '68; S. S. Fairfield and Shemariah '70-74; P. Shemariah '76-'78 ; P. Tuscarora and Falling Waters '78-89 ; inf. at Staunton, Va., '89-00. Died there July 27, 1900. 327.* HAYNES, James ; b. Monroe Co., W. Va.. Aug. 16, 1833 ; W. C. V. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby. April 19, '62; S. S. Anthony's Cr. '62-63; O. Ev. April 16, '64 ; chapl. C. S. A. '63-65 ; P. Muddy Creek and McElhenny '65-'70; Ev. Greenb. Pby., '70-'90 ; Ev. Holston Pby. '90-92; P. Meadow Creek and Mt. Zion Chs., '92-'95 ; Ev. in mines of W. Va., '95-97 ; preaclied in mountains of Tennessee, '97-99. Died near St. Clair, Tenn., April 25, 1900. 328. ISLER, Simmons Harrison; b. Jones Co., N. C, Aug. 31, 1838; A. B. U. N. 'J.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., March 16, '61; O. Ev. April 10.. '63 : S. S. Goldsboro '61-65 ; S. S. Beaver '66, and P. '67-69 ; S. S. Rich- land, Pollocksville and Cobb's Mills, AVilm. Pby., '70-84 ; for several years agt. of H. M. in Wilm. Pby. ; at present Ev. of Wilm. Pby. A. M., U. N. C. 329.* LACY. William Sterling; b. Raleigh, N. C, March 25, 1842: Da. C. ; (2.+ ) : L. Koau. I*by.. April 2.5. '62; chapl. C. S. A. '62-'65 : teacher and S. S. various vacant chs., '6.j-'68 ; O. Ab. Pby., Oct. 2, '69; P. Anchor of Hope and Cove Chs., '69-'73 ; S. S. Buffalo and Euphronia Chs., Fay. Pby., '73-74 ; P. same '74-84 ; P. also at Jonesboro ; P. 2nd Ch., Norfolk, Va., '88-'99. D. D. Died Oct. 14, 1899. 330. LIFE, George M. ; Highlajid Co., Va. ; W. C. V.; no reply to re^ peated applications for information ; present address Eureka, Kan. 331.* LIGIITNER, Samuel Milton; b. Pocahontas Co.. Va.. Dec. 27, 1832; stu. U. Va. ; (2.) : C. S. A. Died of camp fever in Standardsville, Green, Co., Va., May 18, 1862. 76 Union Theological Seminary. 332. LYLE. George Tate; b. Buchanan, Va.. June 18, 1836; A. B., W. C. Y. ; (2.+) ; C. S. A. ; L. Ab. Pby., Sept. 8, 'G5 ; O. Montg. Pby., March 6. '71; P. Loc. Bottom, '71-73; S. S. Salem and Carmel. Greenb. Pby., and teacher part of the time, '73-70; S. S. Providence, New Provi- dence, Lee and Concord, Hoist. Pby., '80-82; teacher Kingsport, Tenu., '83— '84; S. S. St. Albans, W. Va., '84-'94 ; S. S. Muddy Creek, Green Sul- phur and McElhenny Chs., '94-'00 ; inf. '00-'07 ; author "The Christian Church." 333 * LYNCH, James Montgomery,* Chesterfield ; b. Laurel Branch, near Petersburg, April 11. 1838; H. S. C. (2) ; C. S. A. '61-'62. Died at home of camp fever, June 29, 1862. 334.* McCOWN, John Wilson ;* Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. April 12, 1836 ; W. C. Y. ■ (2.) ; left in ill health. Died at home. May 28, 1862. 335. McCOY, Henry Pendleton Rose; b. in Fauquier Co., Va., Feb. 2, 1830; U. Va.: teacher; (3.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April 25. 'G2 ; O. Oct. 21, "OG ; chapl. C. S. A.. 'G3-'G5: P. Providence (Louisa), 'GG-'81 ; P. Kirk of the Cliff '76— (P. Cartersville Ch., '88-01; S. S. Byrd Ch., at various times; S. S. Providence Ch., '93-'03 ; Ev. several yrs. at Old Fork Ch., Louisa Co., Va.)— . 336. INIORROW, Calvin Newton; b. at Oaks, Orange Co.. N. C. Sept. 19, 1832: A. B., Q. N C. ; farmer and teacher; (mid. 1.) ; L. Or. Pby., Oct. 22, '60 ; O. Apr. 12. '(>2 ; Ev. Randolph Co., N. C, '60-64 ; S. S. Bethlehem, Oaks and Bingham School, N. C, '65-'73; P. Hawfields and Cross Roads, '73-82 ; Ev. in Tenn., 'S4-'85 ; invalid, but recovering, again took up work for eight years ; health failing again, no regular appointments ; A. M., U. N. C. ; res. Hawthorne, Fla. 337.* MORTON, Paul Carrington ; b. Halifax Co., Va.. Oct. 33, 1837; etu. W. C. v.; chapl. C. S. A.; (3. Gr.) ; L. in Va. '67; O. in Ga., "68; prof. Oglethorpe C. ; Clarksv., Woodstock, Bath and Waynesboro Chs.. Ga. ; P. Tuskegee, Ala.; Ev. Syn. Ala.; Roxboro, N. C, '95; Ev. Wilm. Pby., and P. Immanuel Ch., Wilmington, N. C. Died there Feb. 28, 1902. 338.* POAGUE, James Wilson ;* Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. April 28, 1834 ; W. C. v.; (2.) ; C. S. A. Died (from wounds received May 7,) at home. May 26, 1864. 339.* SHANKS, Davtd W. ; b. Fir.castle, Va., Dec. 11, 1830; stu. W. C. V. and stu. law and Gr. U. Va. ; merchant and lawyer; (3.) ; L. Montg. Pby. April 27, '61 ; O. E. H. Pby., Nov. 29. '64 ; S. S. Amelia Ch. '62-'64, and P. '64-'68 ; P. Falling Springs, Montg. Pby. '68-'83 ; inf. ; res. Lexington, Va., 83-94. Died at Falling- Spring.^, Va., March 4, 1894. 340. SHEARER, James W. ; b. Appomattox Co., Va., Oct. 4, 1840 ; stu, H. S. C and U. Va. ; C. S. A. and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., Va., April 38, '70; O. Or. Pby.. May 12, '71; S. S. Madison. Wentworth and Leaksville, N C. '71-72; P. Gallatin, Tenn.. '73-74; P. Liberty Corner, N. J., '74-'78; P. Huntington, W. Va., '79-'81 ; P. DeLand, Fla., '82-'85 ; Gen. Ev. of St. John's Pby., '86-87; S. S. Micanopy and Center Point, Fla., '88-'90; P. 2nd Ch.. Birmingham, Ala., '91-'94 ; S. S. Grace St. Ch., St. Louis, Mo., '9G-'98; S. S. Washington and Pacific Chs., Mo., '99-'01 ; S. S. Delaware and Knowlton Ch., N. J., '02-'04 ; P. Audenried Ch., Pa.. '05-'07 ; author ''The Combination Speller," "Pictured Outline of Gospel Narrative;" "Harmony Studies in the Gospels," "Journeys of Jesus," "The Harmonized and Subject Reference New Testament," "Anglophone, or the Science of Alphabetics." "The Anglophone Academic Dictionary," "The Anglophone School Dictionary," "Harmonic Studies in Acts," "Harmonic Union Theological Seminary. 'j'j Studies ill Old Testament," "Time anu its Measurement, Corroborations," "Commentary on the Gospels," 2 vols. 4 large wall maps, '"Journeys of the Bible ;" res. Audenried, Pa. 341.* AVALKUP, Joseph W. ; Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. Dec. 28, 1826 ; W. C. V. '44 and stu. U. Va. ; teacher; (2.) ; agt. Am. Tr. Soc. in Rockbridge and Augusta Cos. and Lynchburg and Norfolk '46-61 ; L. Montg. Pby. Aug. 17, '61 ; O. Roan. Pby. Sept. 8, '67 ; P. Old Concord '67-73 ; Ev. Wine. Pby. '73-90; res. Hampden-Sidney, Va., and Oklahoma Ter., '90-'08. Died Dec. 30, 190g'. 342. WHAREY, James Morton; b. Goochland Co.. Va.. Jan. 28. 1839 1 A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April, '62; O. Ab. Pby., '66; S. S. Wytheville Ch., '62-'63 ; chapl. C. S. A.; after the war, S. S. and P. at Cove and Galena Chs., Wythe Co., Va., until fall of '67 ; P. Cumberland Ch., '67-76 ; P. Rocky River Ch., Cone. Pby., N. C, '76-'86 ; P. Mooresville, Iredell 'Co.; N. C, '86-Dec. 31, '05; S. S. Taylorsville, Shearer, Salisbury, and Hickory in Cone. Pby. since '05. D. D., H. S. C. 343.* WILHELM, William Franklin; Rockbridge, Va. ; b. April 25, 1837; stu. W. C. V.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby. April 13, '62; O. June 2, '67; P. Blacksb. Va., '67-80 ; asso. P. Lewisburg, Greenb. Pby. '80-82 ; P. Ron- ceverte and Richlands '82-'83 ; -P. Chapel Hill and Hillsboro, Or. Pby. '83-88; P. Hillsboro and S. S. Little River, Fairfield and Eno, '89-93.. Died Oct. 24, 1893. 344.* WHITE, Hugh Augustus; Lexington, Va. ; b. Sept. 6, 1840; W. C. v.; tutor W. C. V.; teacher; (2.) ; C. S. A. '61-'62 ; killed at the head of his company, Aug. 30, 1862. 1860-'61. 345.* PLAIN, Daniel; b. Cumberland Co., Va., Nov. 30, 1838; A. B., W. C. v.; teacher; C. S. A.; (2.-H '60-'61, '65-'66 ; course interrupted by war); L. Lex. Pby., Sept. 22, '66; O. Nov. 30, '67; S. S. Collierstown, '66-'67; P. '67 to Aug. 16, '71; P. Christiansburg, Oct. 1, '71, to Aug. 8, '88 ; S. S. Williamsburg, July '88, to Aug. '89 ; taught private school at- Williamsburg, '88-'89 ; prin. Kenmore High School, '89-90 ; princ. Cove Acad., P. Cove Ch., and S. S. Riverside '90 — (S. S. Amherst and Tye River, '90-'94; S. S. Lovingston '90-'99)— '06 ; editor "The Southern Evangelist," '82-83: "Montgomery Messenger," "The Home Church." '82; author "His- toi-y of Christiansburg Church." D. D., W. L. U., '96. Died at Coves- ville, Va., Oct. 5, 1906. 346.* BROWN, Henry Clay ; b. Floyd Co., Va., Apr. 8, 1832 ; stu. W. C. V. and H. S. C. ; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr. '60-'02, '65-66) ; C. S. A., '61-'65; L. Montg. Pby., Oct. 6, '63; O. Ark. Pby., Oct., '67; H. M. in Bedford and Botetourt Cos.. Va., '66; H. M. and P. Caledonia, Clarendon, Indian Bay and Park's '67-'70 ; Ev. Syn. of Memphis, '70 ; P. Bolivar, Tenn., '70-'73; S. S. Tuscarabia Ala., '73-74; S. S. Shepherdstown, W. Va., '74-'75; P. Falling Waters and Tuscarora, '75-'77; S. S. Darnestown, Md., '78-'83 ; H. M. Cumberland and Appomattox Cos., '83-'85 ; S. S. Belvue and P. Belvue, Mo., '84 ; P. Bethel and Sardis, Ga.. '84-'88 ; H. M. Fort Gaines, Dawsonville and Mt. Tabor, '88; P. Centerville, Ala., '89-'90 ; H. M. Pby. Ab. Va., '91-'92; P. Samuel Davies Ch., '92-'98 ; W. C. in Bedford Co.. '98^'00; H. M. and Sab. Sch. Colp. in N. Bedford, Mont. Pby., '01-'08- Died in Bedford Co., Jan. 9, 1908. 347.* DARNALL, Henry Thomas ; Waynesboro, Va. ; b. July 28, 1837 ; A. B. and A. M.. W. C. V. ; teacher; C. S. A.; (1.+ ) ; L. Montg. Pby. April 19, '67; O. Sept., '68; P. Pearisburg '68-'70 ; P. Amelia, E. H. Pby., '70-'75; 78 Union Theological Seminary. S. S. Milton, N. C. '75-'80 ; P. Durham '80-03 ; T. Hampton. Va., Jan. '94-'U7 ; P. Albany, Ga.. '97. to June, '02 ; inf. '02-04 ; P. ludiantown, S. C, '04—. Died at Atlantic City, N. J., Jan. 27, 1908. 348.* GREENLEE, James Samuel; Rockbridge Co., A'a. ; b. May 30, 1834: \V. C. v.; teacher; (2.) ; teacher till L. C. Texas Pby., '83; S. S', Dublin, Tex., '85; res. Meridian, Tex., '87; W. C. Coleman, Tex., '88-89 ; W. C. Talpa, Tex., •90-'93 ; W. C. Alvin Tex., '95-'01. Died in Brazos Pby., E, Y., 1901. 849.* HOUSTON, AVilliam W. ; b. Sept. 21, 1839; teacher; stu. W. C. v.; (1.) : L. Lex. Pby. July 10, '63; chapl. C. S. A.; O. Sept. 21, '60; I'. Warm Springs and Windy Cove '66-'69 ; P. Salem, Roanoke Co., Va.,. '69-'79 ; S. S. 2d Ch., Memphis, and then N. Providence Ch., Lex. Pby., (each C mos.) '80-81; P. Wyoming, Cincin. Pby., '82-'88 ; P. 1st Ch., Talladega, Ala., '88-'91. D. D., Miami U. Died at Montgomery, Ala., Oct. 18, 1891. 350.* LUNSFORD, J. B. ; Fredericksburg, Va. ; b. June 4, 1838; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3.) ; D. Palmyra Pby., April 17, '69; O. Sept. 18, '70: S. S. Paris and Pleasant Hill, '71; S. S. Florida '72-'73 ; P. Etna (now Granger) and S. S. Alexandria and Des Moines (also teacher '72-73), '74-'77; S. S. Philadelphia, Mo., and Warren '77-84; P. LaBelle, Zion's Hill, La Grange, '84-'88 : P. Big Spring and Mt. Bethel, '88 -'92 ; Ev. Washbourne Pby., '92-'95 ; S. S. Springdale and Hazel Glen. '95-'96 ; Ev. Washbourne Pby., '96-'98 : supt. Ass. School, Cameron, I. T., '98-'00. Died at Springdale, Ark., 1900. 351. McINTYRE, Kenneth Murchison; b. in Buffalo, Feb. 10. 1830: stu. U. N. C. ; teacher U. Va. ; Col. Sem. '6l-'62; (mid. 1.-); C. S. A. '01-65 ; L. Fay. Pby., Aug. 1, '63: O. April. '68; P. Jackson Springs, Pee Dee, Sharon and ^Macedonia, '68-85 ; P. Bensalem, Pee Dee, Sharon and Macedonia '85-87 ; inf. '87-'S9 ; S. S. Bensa. & Maced. '89-'99 ; S. S. Maced. and Troy, Fay. Pby., N. C, '99—; author '"The Key to Truth," "The Re- ligion of the Sinner, as Developed from Natural Religion by the Covenant in two Forms," "The Adamic and the Christian Covenant." D. D., Da. C, 1903. 352.* MARTIN, Stephen Taylok ; b. Richmond. Va.. Jan. 24, 1835; stu. U. Va. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; capt. C. S A.; L. E. Han. Pby., Apr. 13. '67: O. W. H. Pby., July 5, '68 ; P. Byrd and Hebron Chs., '68-'70 ; inf. '71-72 ; pres. Statesville Fern. C. '72-75; and Charlotte Fem. 0. '75-78; Ev. West- ern, N. C, '78-'84; financial agt. for U. T. S., raising $50,000 for endow- ment of a fifth professorship, '84 ; P. New Dublin, Bell Spring, and River- view Chs., Va., '90-'01. Died Nov. 19, 1901. 353. MILLER, William Henry ; Roan. Col. ; dismissed at his own re- quest to Zion Luth. Ch., Shenandoah. 354. SLAUGHTER, John William ; Culpeper Co., Va. : I'. Wis. ; withdrew ; never licensed ; merchant. 355. VENABLE, Paul Caijrington ; withdrew, afterwards ruling elder, Danville, Va. 356.* WINFREE. James Henry Harrison; b. Powhatan Co., Va., Aug. 4. 1841; II. S. C. ; C. S. A. '62-'65 : (3. Gr.> : L. E. H. Pby., April 11. '68; O. Lex. Pby., June 17, '69; P. New Bethany and Stony River, '69— (Rocky Spring, '72 — )-'81: Rocky Spring and Shemariah, ■81-82; R. Spring and Lochwillow, '82-'99 ; R. Spring '99-03. Died at West View, Va., May 26, 1903. 357. YEAR(tAN, Leonidas H. ; C. S. A., and ceased to be a candidate of Or. Pby., '65, and returned the money ($500) expended for him — 1876. Union Theological Seminary. 79 lS61-'62. 358. Kachman, Nathan ; b. Sullivan Co., Tenu., Dec. 13, 1832 ; A. B., E. & H. C. ; Princ. ; Union, N. Y. ; (—mid. 1.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., Apr. 14, '62; O. same; S. S. Kingsport '(!2-G6; P. 2d. Ch., Knoxville, 'GG-'76 ; since that time in general evangelistic work. D. D., S. W. P. U. 350.* BARNETT, Edward Hammet, Christiansburg, Va. ; b. Oct. S, 1840; H, S. C; C. S. A., '62-'(35 ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 19, '67; Asst. Dr. Ramsey 1st Cb., Lynchburg, '67-69; O. Jan. 14, '70; P. Sinking Spring Ch., Ab. Pby., '70-82 ; P. First Church, Atlanta, '82-'9S. D. D. ; Ed. Pre.slx Quarterly. Died in Atlanta, Sept. 13. 1898. 360.* BLAIR, Brice Beiston ; Dillsburg, Pa.; b. March 9. 18.30; Jeff. C. ; teacher; Princ; (1) ; L. Greenb. Pby. Sept. 22, '62; chapl. C. S. A. '62-65; O. Oct. 12, '67 ; P. Point Pleasant '67-'71. Died near Shippensburg, Pa., June 19. 1871. 361.* COMFORT, David; b. Prince Ed. Co., July 29, 1837; H. S. C; teacher; Princ. (1..); L. Roan. Pby., April 17. '63; S. S. Valdosta anc!| Bethany, Ga., '64-'66 ; O. Fla. Pby., May 20, '66 ; P. same churches '66-73. Died Boston, Ga., Jan. 22, 187.8. 362. FLOURNOY, Parke Poindexter ; b. Chesterfield Co., Va., Sept. 25, 1839; A. B. ; H. S. C. ; C. S. A.. '61-'65 ; (2. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April' 26, '66; Asst. Dr. McFarland, Bethel Ch., Lex. Pby., '66-'67 ; S. S. Salisbury, Md.. '67-68; O. Louisville Pby., May 5, '69; P. Elizabethtown, Ky., '69-'75 ; P. Rockville and Bethesda, Md., '75-'S2 ; P. Springfield and Lisbon, iMd., '82-'90; P. Bethesda, Md., '90—; author "The Searchlight of St. Hip- polytus ;" "New Light on the New Testament." D. D., H. S. O. 363.* HEISKELL, Isaak P.; b. Hardy Co., AprilS, 1834; stu. U. Va. ; withdrew in ill health; teacher Moorfield and in Kentucky; inf. '62-'77. Died in Hardy Co., Nov. 19, 1877. 364. HILL. Halbert Green ; b. Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 20. 1831 ; H. S. C. : teacher; (1.+ ) ; L. Or. Pby. April, '62; chapl. C. S. A. '62-63; O. June 1, '64 ; P. Hillsboro '64-' 66 ; S. S. Oxford and Grassy Cr. and Princ. of Fem. Seminary, Oxford, N. C, '67; P. Fayetteville, '68-'86 ; P. Maxton and Centre Chs., '86—; Mod.G. A. '89. D. D., Da. C, 1881. 365. HITNER, John Kennedy; b. Carlisle, Pa., Jan. 25, 1839; stu. D. C. and U. Va. ; merchant: teacher; C. S. A. Stonewall Brig.; (3 Gr.) j L. W. H. Pby., April 27, '67; O. Knox. Pby., Sept. '68; S. S. New Store' and Appomattox, Va., '67; Ev. Soddy, Tenn., '68; S. S. Cleveland, Tenn.. '68-'70 ; S. S. Taylorsville. Ky., '70-77 ; Ev. Georgetown. Ky., '79-86 ; S. S. Somerset. '86-'8S : P. Palmyra, Kahoka and Paris. Mo.. '88-98; P. Mont- C. and U. Va. ; merchant; teacher: C. S. A. Stonewall Brig.; (3. Gr.) ; gomery and Glenwood, W. Va., '98-08: P. Winfield and Buffalo Chs., W. Va., '08—. 366. LUPTON, J. W. : b. near Winchester, Va. ; Ac. ; stu. West. Theol. Sem., Pittsburg, 1 yr. : (1).; L. Wine. Pby., April 25, '62; S. S. Round Hill, etc., '62-'64; O. Ev. April 25, '64; Asst. P. to Dr. Boyd, '65-67; P. Leesburg, '67-72; P. Clarksville, Nashville Pby., '72-98; P. Leesburg, Va., '98-'07; resigned Sept. '07; res. Winchester, Va. D. D., S. W. P. U. 367.* McCORKLE, Samuel Valentine; Greenville, Tenn.: b. May 8, 1841; Greenv. C. and N. H. ; stu. med. ; teacher; ( — 1.) ; L. Holston Pbv., '65 ; O. Pby. of Galena and Belvidere, 111., '66 ; P. El. Mt. Carroll Ch., '67- '68 ; S. S. and then P. Greenv. Hoist. Pby.. '68-'75 ; S. S. Kingston, '7.5-'78 ; S. S. and then P. Rogersville. '78-84; S. S. Maitland. Fla., '85-87; P. Lake Maitland, '88— (S. S. Apopka and Oakland, '90— )— '91; P. Ocala. '92-'93; S. S. Lake Maitland. Apopka and Oakland. '04-97. D. D. Died at Maitland, Fla.. Dec. 1. 1807. So Uxiox Theological Seminary. o«8. McCOKKLE, Tazewell :Morton ; b. LyiK-hbiu-g. Va.. June 5, 1837; stu. W. C. v.; clerk; H. S. C. ; C. S. A., '61-'65 ; farmer; (2.) ; L. Montg. Pby., Sept. 8. '11 ; O. Oct., '91 ; S. S. Pearisburg, Giles Co., Va., '72 ; inf. P. 3rd Ch., Lynchburg Va., '91-'02 ; S. S. Peaks and Laurel Grove Chs., Bedford Co., Va., '02—. lS62-'63. 30y. BROOKS, AViLLiAji Chauxcey ; Louisville, Ky. ; N. H. ; (1.); L. W. H. Pby., April, '04 ; license revoked April 29, 1871. 1863-'64. 370.* BAILEY, William L. ; b. Nelson Co., Va stu. H. S. C. ; farmer; teacher; (3) ; L. W. H. Pby. spr. '67; O. Muhlen- burg, fall '68; H. M. Muhlenburg Pby., '68-'69 ; S. S. Potosi, Mo., '69-'70 ; S. S. Mt. Hope (now Odessa), Wellington, and Six Mile Chs., '70-'72 ; S. S. Point Pleasant, W. Va., '72-'7o; S. S. Augusta and Sharon, Ky.. '73-'74 ; S. S. Crittenden and Lebanon, '74-'79; S. S. Point Pleasant, '81-'S3 ; S. S. Brunswick. Mo., and H. M. '83-'85 ; S. S. Bethany and Swan Creek, Tenn., '85-87; S. S. Farnwell, Alvie and Middleburg, '87-89; H. M. in New Kent and Queen Anne Cos., Md., '90-'91 ; S. S. Mcnoken. '92-93; S. S. Basic and Smyrna, •94-"95 ; S. S. AVoodside '94— (S. S. Oxford, •94-'95 ; P. '96-02) — '02; S. S. Staunton 2nd and Olivet and other supplyships, '02-'06. Died at Staunton, Va., May 5, 1907. 371. SLAUGHTER, George ; Dinwiddle Co., Va. ; Ac; (1.+.) ; left the seminary and united with Methodist Ch. ; local preacher. 1864-6"). No students added. 1865-'66. 372.* DINWIDDIE, John Calvin; b. New Concord Manse, July 1, 1834; A. B., U. Va., and stu. H. S. C. ; teacher fifteen years; (1 month) ; L. Montg. Pby., May 5, '71 ; O. W\ H. Pby., Oct. 28, '71 ; P. Orange C. H. and Gordonsville, '71-77; P. Big Lick (now Roanoke), '78-'81 ; P. Concord (Old and New), '81-'86; P. High Point, N. C, '86-'95; P. Bethany Ch., Roanoke City, '95-'97. Died at Greenwood, Va., July 19, 1898. 373. FINLEY, George AVilliamson ; b. Caswell Co., N. C, Dec. 1, 1838; stu. H. S. C. ; A. B., AV. C. V.; bank clerk and farmer; C. S. A.'„ '61-'65; (2.) ; L. Or. Pby.. Oct. '67; O. AVinch. Pby., Oct. 20, '68; S. S. Gerardstown, '69-'70 ; P. liomney and Springfield, '70-92; P. Tinkling Spring, Lex. Pby., '92—. D. D., W. L. U. 374.* HOUSTON, Matthew Hale ; WTieeling, W. Va. ; b. Jan. 19, 1841 ; AV. C. V. ; tutor in W. C. A'., and teacher ; L. Lex. Pby., May, and O. Ev. July, '68; My. China, '6S-'75 ; agt Com. Missions, '75-77; P. Jeffersonville and Liberty Hall, Ab. Pby., '77; Acting P. Prytania Ch.. N. Orl.. '78; P. Taylorsville and Cave Run. Louisv. Pby., '78-81 ; My. in China, '81-S3 : Sec. Foreign Missions, Baltimore, Md., '83-89; Nashville, Tenn, '90-93; F. M. Hang Chow, China, '04; Shanghai, '9.V97 ; W. C. Waynesboro, Va., '98-'00 ; suspended from ministry by Louisv. Pby., in '01, because of peculiar doctrinal views. D. D., H. S. C. Died Jan. 18, 1905. 375. HUNTER, Joshua L. ; Appomattox Co., Va. ; b. Aug. 26, 1844 ; Ac. ; (3.) ; L. Meth. Ch. Conference, Nov. '70; on circuit two years each, Bedford, Prospect, and four years each Louisa, Centenary, (Lynchburg) and Farm- ville, '83-84; (no further record.) MR. GEORGE W. WATTS Union Theological Seminary. 8i oTG.* LANE, Edward ; b. Dublin, Ireland, 1837 ; stu. Ogleth. U. ; teacher ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., May 2, and O. Nov. 17, '68; My. W. H. Pby., '6y_'09 ; p. My. Campinas, Brazil, S. A., '69-'92 ; founder of Protestant schools at Campinas; P. Pres." Ch., at Campinas; Ev. in State of Sao Paulo; editor "Pulpito Eva.agelico ;"' author of various Portugese religious pamphlets. D. D., Da. O. Died at Campinas of yellow fever, March 2C, 1892. 377. LEYBURN, George Lacon ; b. Areopolis, Greece, ]\Iay 21, 1839 ; A. B., W. L. U. ; teacher; Union Sem., N. Y., (—mid. 2. Gr.) ; C. S. A., '61- (35; L. Piedmont Pby., (N. S.), Feb., '04; O. Wine. Pby., Nov. 14. '67; P. Loudoun St. Ch., Winchester, Va., '67-75 ; My. to Greece, Athens, '75-78 ; P. J^exington, Mo.. '78-88; S. S. Springfield, Mo., '88-89; P. Boonville, Mo., '89-96; P. Newbern, N. C, '96-00; supt. H. M,. Synod of Mo., '00-04 ; Ed. Presbyterian Standard, Charlotte, N. C, '04-'05 ; P. Lexington, N. C, '05 — ; delegate to Pan-Presbyterian Council in Liverpool, '04. D. D., Westm. Col. 378. McIVER, John McMillan ; b. Nov. 6, 1838 ; stu. U. N. C, C. S. A. '63-65; teacher; (1.) ; released by Fay. Pby., on account of diseased ej^3s ; afterwards ruling elder in Gulf Ch., Or. Pby.- 379. MORTON, George Nash; b. Marshall Co., Miss., April 14, 1841; H. S. C. ; L. Roan. Pby., May 1, and O. Aug. 15, '68 ; My. 0. F. M. Pbn. Ch. to Brazil, '68-79 ; teacher, Sao Paulo, Brazil, and occasional supply as My. at large in that region, '80-'82 ; W. C. res. N. Y., '84-86; teacher, Passaic Bridge, N. J. ; teacher, Dobbs Ferry, N. Y., '87-"92 ; AV. C. Dol)bs Ferry, '93-'03 ; demitted ministry by permission of Roanoke Pby., April 14, '04. 380.* MURKLAND, William Urwick ; b. at Demarara, British Guiana, South America, Nov. 17, 1842; stu. H. S. C. ; C. S. A.; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., Nov. 4, '67 ; O. April 9, '69 ; S. S. then P. Centre Ch., W. H. Pby.. '67— (S. S. Amelia C. H., '69)— '70; P. Franklin St. Ch., Baltimore, Md.. '70-99; was delegate to many councils of note, as Pan Pres. Council, World's Peace Congress, etc. D. D., H. S. C. Died May 13, 1899. 381.* MURPHY, Robert Thomas; b. Sampson Co., N. C, 1836; (1.) ; L. Fay. Pby., spring of "66. Died Nov., 1866. 382. NALL, Robert H. ; b. Marion, Perry Co., Ala., Jan. 19, 1842; Oglth. U. Ga. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E., Ala. Pby., June 10, '68; O. Oct. 16, '69; S. S. LaPlace, Tuskegee and Greenville, '68-69 ; P. Tuskegee, '69-'71 ; S. S. Griffin, Atlanta Pby., '71-77; P. Greenville, Enoree Pby., '78-'84; P. 1st Ch., Fort Worth, Tex., '85-'93 ; Ev. and supt. H. M., Dallas Pby.. July 1, '93. to July 16, '95 ; mission work in New Orleans, '95-'96 ; P. Greenwood. S. C, Oct. 1, '96—. D. D., Austin Col., 1887. 383. SWOOPE, Francis McFarland ; Augusta Co., Va. ; b. April 18, 1839; stu. W. C. V. and U. Va. ; (2.) ; L. Lex. Pby., April 23, '69; S. S. McDowell and Mingo Flats in succession ; license withdrawn Sept. 26, '79. 384.* YOUNG, John Su.as; McMinnville, Tenn. ; b. Feb. 9, 1840; Cumb. U.; C. S. A.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., May 1, '69; O. S. 0. Pby., spring, '71; P. Roberts and Good Hope Chs., '71-75; P. 2d Ch., Nashv. '76-'83 ; (also S. S. Ninety-six and Smyrna Chs., '70-'71) ; W. C, '84; various sup- plies, but infirm and in retirement most of the time after '84. Died in Nash- ville, Tenn., Oct. 13, 1899. 1866-67. 385. CONVERSE, James Booth; b. Philadelphia, Apr. 8, 1844; A. B. and A. M., N. H. ; clerk; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., April 8, '68; O. April 8, '70 ; S. S. and P. Makemie Ch., E. H. Pby. '69-'71 ; ed. "Christian Observer," Louisville, '72-'79 ; Ev. Hoist, and Knox. Pbys. '79-'81 ; P. Blountville, 82 Union Theological Seminary. Tenn., and S. S. of several chs., '81-'87 ; Ev. Hoist. Pby. '88; S. S. Kutledge, Mt. Horeb, Rnsselville, White Pine, Mooresburg and St. Ulair, Hoist. Pby., '90-'92 ; circulator of petition asking churches to acknowledge Christ's supremacy in civil affairs '00-07 ; mountain missionary for the Society of Soul Winners, '03-'0T ; editor of the "Christian Patriot ;" the "Patriot Phalanx ;" author "A Summer Vacation," "The Bible and Land," "Uncle Sam's Bible," "The American Bible" in newspapers ; "There Shall Be No Poor!" 'dm. CONVERSE, Thomas Edwards; b. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1841; N. JrJ.; teacher, (2 Gr.) ; stu. Med. Sch., Richmond, Va., '68-'G9 ; My. in China '(59-70 : P. Woodstock and Strasburg, Wine. Pby., '71-76 : P. Bards- town, Ky., '76-79; Ed. "Ch. Observer," '79-"04 ; ed. "Southern Pres- byterian," '05—. D. U., K. C. 387.* COWAN, Alexander; Shelbyville, Tenn.; b. Jan. 2, 1839; Jeff. Col., Pa.; Western Theol. Sem. '59-'60 ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Nash. Phy., spring, '69; O. summer, '70 ; P. Hendersonville and S. S. Shiloh '70-'79 ; teacher ; P. McMinnville '79-80; My. Nashv. Pby. '80; S. S. Hendersonville and Madi- son '81-90; H. M. Nashville Pby., '90-94; P. Hermitage '95-02. Died June 19, 1902. 388.* CURRIE, Lauchlin Washington; Moore Co., N. C. ; Ac; (3.) ; L. April 15, '72 ; S. S. Moscow, Livingston and Woodville, E. Tex. Pby.. '83-'S5; S. S. Indian Village, Woodville and Village Mills, '85-87; gov- ernment teacher at Klawock, Prince of Wales Archipelago, '87-88. Died at Tacoma, ^Vash., Sept. 1. 1888. 389. GLASS, Harvey; Taylorsville, Ky. ; b. Feb. 20, 1843; C. C. K. ; Danville Sem.; ( — mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. Louisv. Pby. June, '68; O. West Lex. Pbv. June. '70; P. Cythiana '70-'74; P. New Providence. Transylvania Pby., '74-'79 ; P. Richmond. Ky., '79-'87 ; in ill health, '87-88 ; P. Somerset, Ky., '88—. D. D., H. S. C. 390. HELM, Ben.; Elizabethtown, Ky. ; b. Dec. 18, 1844; C. C. K. ; Danville Sem.; (—mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. Louisv. Pby. June 13, '67, and O. Ev. July 5, '68; My. in China '68-'78; P. Carrolton, Ky., '8(>-'83 ; S. S. andJ P. El. Ocala, Pla., '83-84 ; W. O. for several years ; dismissed at bis own request to Meth. E. Ch., Sept., '03; res. Danville, Ky. 391.* HILL, William Ezekiel ; b. Roanoke Co., May 22, 1837 ; teacher ; officer C. S. A. '61-'65 ; stu. V. M. I. and stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) : L. Mont. Pby. May. '(i9 ; O. E. H. Pby. Nov. 1, '69; P. 3d Ch.. Richijiond. '69-71': S. S. Lebanon, W. H. Pby., and stu. U. Va., '71-'72 ; P. El. Buffalo, Greenb. Pby., '73 ; P. Point Pleasant and S. S. Pleasant Flats '74-'79 ; P. Newbern, Montg. Pby.. '80-'82 ; (teacher '74-'79) ; teacher, Covington, '83; S. S. Cov- ington '83-'88; P. Fulton, Ky. ; '88-'95 ; 2 yrs. not in active work; Pj DeKalb, Miss., '97-'00. Died at DeKalb, Dec. 21, 1900. 392. LAIRD, Henry Ruffner ; b. Aug. 10. 1842 ; stu. W. C. V. ; C. S. A> '61-'65: (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby. April. '69; O. Ev. Hoist. Pby. April. '70; S. S. Rose Hill, Tazewell, Tenn., '70 ; P. Spring Hill and Mt. Carmel, Roan. Pby., '71-'76; S. S. Arbuckle and Buffalo, '75; S. S. Alderson, Fort Spring, &c., '76-'79; P. Alderson, '79-'83 ; P. Gonzales, Tex., '83-'89 ; P. Tinkling Spring '89-'9] ; P. Beeville— (S. S. Goliad), Tex.. '91-'97 ; P. Millersburg, Ky., '97-'07; P. Goshen and Springdeal, July 1, '07—. 393.* LAPSLEY, William Johnston ; b. Mercer Co., Ky., May 20, 1844 ; C. C. K. ; Dan. Sem. 1 yr. ; (—Sen. 1. Gr.) ; L. Transylv. Phy. April. '66; O. Ev. St. Louis Pby., June 4. '68; S. S. Mizpah '68-'74 and P. '75; P., Troy, Ky., '76-'81 ; P. 1st Ch., Shelbyville, Ky.. '82-'86 ; Ev. Kan.sas City, '86; Ev. Brownesville. Mo., '87 "88 ; II. K. Browne.sviUo, Mo.. '90-93. Died at Brownesville, E. Y., 1893. Union Theological Seminary. 83 394. MacFADYEN, Archibald; b. Fayetteville, N. C, Apr. 6, 1838 ; A. B.. U. N. C. ; lieut. Co. A., 5th N. C. Cav., C. S. A.: teacher; (2.) : L. Fay^ Pby., April 11, '68 ; O. Ev. Wilm. Pby., April 16, '70 ; S. S. Beth Car, Eliza- bethlown and Lumberton, '68-70 ; S. S. Monroeville and Scotland, So. Ala. Pby., '70-71 : S. S. Beth Car, South River. ]Mt. Horeb and Brown Marsh (now Clarkton), N. C. '71-81: P. same till 1905; P. Clarkton '05— (P. Bladenboro '05-'07) — ; S. C. Wilm. Pby. '85—. 395. MORTON, William Dennis ; b. Botetourt Co., Va., June 7, 1843 ; H. S. C. ; soldier and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., May, '68; O. Muhl. Pby., Dec. 11, '70 ; Ev. Muhl. Pby., preaching regularly at Green- ville, Mt. Zion and Mt. Pleasant Chs., and Paradise, Muhl. Co., Ky. ; P. Morsanfield, Kv., '72— (S. S. Uniontown, '72)— '82; Ev. Syn. of Ky.. '82-'84 ; P. Boonville, Mo., '85-'89 ; Ev. Syn. of N. C, '89-'91 ; P. Hender- son Ch., Albm. Pby., '91-'96 ; Ev. Syn. of Miss., '96-'99 ; P. Rocky Mount, N. C, '99—. D. D., Westm. C, 1890. 396.* SHANE, Washington Cosby; b. Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 11, 1838; Ac; (1.) ; never licensed; lived a pious life, and died June 14, 1879. 397.* SMITH, JosiAH Morrison;* b. Rockbridge Co., Va., Sept. 13, 1840; H. S. C. ; teacher: C. S. A. '61-65; (1) : inf. '67-68. Died at Union Seminary, Oct. 10, 1868. 398. WOODS, Francis Marion ; b. in Belmont Co., Ohio, Aug. 22, 1843 ; A. B. and A. M., W. C. P. ; Seminary of the Northwest, Chicago, 111., 2 yrs ; (1. Gr.) ; L. Chic. Pby.. Feb. 20, 'm; O. E. H. Pby., Nov. 3, '67; P. Hart- wood, E. H. Pby., '67-72 ; P. West Middlesex, Shenango Pby.. Pa., '72-'79 : P. Martinsburg, W. Va., Wine. Pby., '79— (S. S. Tuscarora, Wine. Pbv., '89)—. D. D., H. S. C. 1867-'68. 399. BASKERVILLE. Henry Coleman ; U. Ga. ; L. Roan. Pby. May 1, '69; S. S. Rappahannock '72; O. Chesapeake Pby. Dec. 5, '72; P. Laurel, Md., '73-75 ; withdrew and joined Meth. Ch., '76. 400. HOGE, Edward T. : b. Oct. 24, 1841: Ac.: teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby.. May 25, '71 ; O. Lex. Pby. June, '72 ; P. Oxford '72-'77 ; S. S. Homer, Bethany, &c., E. Texas Pby., '82; res. Christiansburg, 83; W. C. Banks, Va., '84-'86 ; teacher at Fairfields, Va., '87; W. C. Pilot, Va., '88-'94; colp. Ab. Pby., '95-'97 ; W. C. '98-'99 ; divested of office without cen.sure by Ab. Pby., Sept. 15, '99. 401. HUNTER. John Gabniss ; b. Maysville, Ky., Nov. 13, 1840 ; A. B.. C. C. K. ; lawyer and capt. in C. S. A. '60-'65 ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Eben. Pbv.. July 20, '70; O. W. Lex. Pby. Sept. 14, '71; P. Georgetown, Ky., '71-''88 ; P» Harrodsburg, Ky., '88 — ; pres. trustees Louisville Theo. Sem. D. D., Westm. C, '82. 402.* LEWIS, Jacob H. ; Greenbrier Co., W. Va. ; b. Sept. 6, 1832; Ac; teacher; (2.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., Sept. 10, '70; O. Oct. 15, '71; P. Muddy Cr., '72-'84; Richlands, '72-82: :McEIhenny. '73-'S4 : Green Sulphur, '8.3-'S4; P. Alderson. 84-94: inf. till his death, at Miuldv Creek. W. Va., Sept. 3, 1905. 403. SCOTT, Charles Henry; Fredericksburg, Va. ; b. Oct. 16, 1843: stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; teacher; L. E. H. Pby. Oct. 7, '70; surrendered his license honorably Oct. 21, '71 ; engineer '71-84. 404. SYDENSTRICKER, David Spotts ; b. Greenbrier Co., Va., Jan. 2, 18.35; stu. Lew. M. Ac; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., 84 Union Theological Seminary. July 23, 'TO; O, May 13, '71; S. S. Richlands, Muddy Creek and McEl- heuny Chs., '70-'Tl ; S. S. Huutersville and Liberty, and P. El. Oak Grove Ch., '73; S. S. Searcy and Searcy Valley Chs., '74; P. Oak Grove Ch., '75. D. D., H. S. C, '91. 186S-'69. 405. BOURNE, Morton Lewis; b. Jessamine Co., Ky., 1838; stu. C. C. K. ; apothecary; (2.); L. Transylv. Pby. Sept. 17, '70; license withdrawn April 7, '76. 406. BROWN, George Langhorne; b. Salem, Va., Sept. 7, 1845; A. B., Roan. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Mont. Pby., May, '71; O. Lex. Pby., Oct. 5, '72 : S. S. Academy, Huntersville, Dunmore and Liberty, W. Va., Sept. 6. to June 1, '72; P. Warm Springs, Oct. 5, '72— (P. Windy Cove, Oct. 5, '72, to June 1, "80; P. Greenwood, June 1, 'SO, to June 1, '86) — '80; P. Massanutton, June 1. '86 — (P. Bridgewater, June 1. '86, to June 1, '95; S. S. Broadway. '04-'05 ; S. S. Elkton '06— )— '07. A. M., Roan. C. June, 1871. 407. DYER, W'lLLiAM C. ; L. St. Louis Pby. ; teacher in and about St. Louis, '72-'84 ; no further record obtainable. 408.* JOHNSTON, Lewis Burwell ; b. Salem, Va., Dec. 26, 1847 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby. May 22, '71; O. W. H. Pby. Aug. '71; P. Byrd and Hebron Chs.. Goochland Co., Va., '71-'80, and supplied Rivanna Ch., '78-'80; P. Gordonsville and Orange '80-83; P. Henderson and Nut- bush, N. C. '83-84 ; P. Hebron, Augusta Co., Va., '84-'87 ; P. Harrisonburg, Va., '87-92; P. South Boston, Va., '92— (S. S. Elon '94-98: Rustburg '99-'02; Spring Hill '02-04; ed. "Presbyterian Record" '94-'9S. D. D., H. S. C, '04. Died June 9, 1907. 409. JONES, Alfred; Ohio Co., W. Va. ; b. Mav 6, 1844; A. B., Beth. C. ; Allegheny Sem. ; (—mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 14, '70; S. S. Big Lick (now Roanoke) and Mountain Union '70-'71 ; O. Lex. Pby. May 14, '72; P. Collierstown '72-'74; in Europe, St. Free Assembly, United Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian and Independent, Theological Halls, Edinburgh, also of Leipsig Univy., '76-'77 ; S. S. Old St. Ch., Petersburg, E. H. Pby., '77-81; P. Fairfield and Timber Ridge, Lex. Pby., 'Sl-'89 ; P. Pulaski, Va., '89— (P. Draper's Valley '89-'96)— '02 ; Ev. Syn. of Va., '02. D. D., K. C. 410. McCluer, Uncas ; b. St. Charles Co., Mo., March 13, 1843 ; A. B.. H. S. C. ; (3.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 16, '70; O. Ev. Ab. Pby. Oct. 7, '72; S. S. Rich Valley. Va., '72-'77 ; Ev. Potosi Pby. '78-'79 ; P. Greenwich, Va., '79--80; S. S. Bethel. Ab. Pby., '81-'92 ; S. S. Mt. Bethel, Wash. Pby.^ '93-03; retired; res. Cane Hill, Ark. 411.* PRIMROSE, John W. ; b. Newbern, N. C, Nov. 22, 1838; A. B. and A. M. Princ. U. ; C. S. A.; (prisoner part of the time) '62-'65 ; teacher and stu. law; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. April 7, '71; O. E. April 8, '72; Ev. of Or. Pby. in eastern part of N. C. '72-'82 ; P. Oxford, Grassy Cr. arid Shiloh, '82-'84; P. St. Andrews Ch., Wilmington. N. C, '84-'9] ; Ev. Syd. of Mo., '91-'93; pres. Synodical Col., Fulton, jNIo., '93-96: P. Green- ville, Miss., ]st Ch., '96-04; P. 1st Ch., Texarkana, Tex., '04-'05 ; author "Presbytery and Prelacy." D. D. Da. C, '90. Died at Greenville, Miss., Feb. 13, 1907. 412. ROTHROCK, John Thomas; b. Franklin Tenn., Dec. 20, 1843; W. and M. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. N. Ala. Pby., June, '71; O. Colb. Pby., April. '7:i ; S. S. Brick Ch., Tenn., '72-80: S. S. Bethany, '7.3-74; P. Lewisburg, '7l5-'80: P. Trenton, '80-'94 ; P. New Providence, New Hope. Concord and Milan, '94-'00 : P. Somervilie and Rehoboth Chs.. Tenn., 'OO-'OO ; P. Somer- ville, (Ki— . Union Theological Seminary. 85 413. SMITH, John Rockwell; b. Lexington. Ky., Dec. 29, 1846; stu. U. Va.; (3.) ; L. W. Lex. Pby., June, '71; O. Dec. 18, '72; S. S. Winchester, Ky., Oct., '71, to April, '72 ; My. at Pernarabuco, Brazil, '72-92 : theological professor at Nova Friburgo '92-'95 : teaching Theo. Sem. of Syn. of Brazil at Sao Paulo '95 — . D. D., Cent. Un. Ky., '91. 414. STRICKLER, Givens Brown ; b. Strickler's Springs, Rockbridge Co Va April 25, 1"840 : stu. W. C. V. ; farmer and printer ; Capt. C. S. A. ; (—mid. 2. Gr.) : L. Montg. Pby., Sept. 2. '70; O Lex. Pby., May 19, '71: P Tinkling Sp.. '71-83; P. Central Ch., Atlanta, '83-96; prof, systematic theol., U. T. S., '90—. D. D., W. L. U. ; LL. D., Da. C. ; Mod. G. A., St. Louis, '87. 415. WALKER, George W. ; Berkeley Co., W. Va. ; H. S. C. ; (1.) ; with- drew to secular pursuits, on account of ill health ; now professor in V. P. L, Blacksburg, Va. 416.* WALLACE, James A.; b. Soddy, Tenn., Aug. 29, 1836; Maryv. €. ; C. S. A.; law.ver ; (1.) ; L. Knoxv. Pby.. June 23, '68: O. July 18, '69; S. S. Soddy Ch., Tenn., '08-70; S. S. Cleveland, Tenn,' 71-72; P. Sweet- water and Madisonville. Tenn., for 17 yrs. ; P. at Cleveland again : Highland Park, near Chattanooga, then, health failing, at Braidentowu, Fla. D. D. Died at Bristol, Tenn, July 9, 1900. lS09-'70. 417. COOK, George Lewis ; b. near Hebron Ch., March 0. 1846 ; stu. U. Va.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., April 27, '72; O. Dec. 12, '74; S. S. Broadway, Lex. Pbv., '72-73; S. S. Lebanon. W. H. Pby., '73-74; P. Collierstown, Lex. Pby.. '74-'77 ; S. S. Paw Creek, Meek. Pby., '77-'88 ; Ev. Bethel Pby., '88-'90 ; Ev. S. C. Pbv. '90-'91 : P. Wallace Ch.. Atlanta, '91-'93 ; Ev. Colb. Pby., '93-'94: S. S. Poulan, Adel. Moultrie '94-'95 ; P. Bainbridge and S. S. Climax and Faceville, '95-97 ; P. Poplar Tent and S. S. Shearer Mem., '97— (S. S. Thyatira and Back Cr. '99)— "00; P. Paw Cr. 'OO-'OO ; H. M. Browuwood Pby. '06-'07 ; S. S. Stony River and Beulah, Lex. Pby., '07—. 418. CRANE, Julius Mentor; b. Newark, N. J., Feb. 12, 1840; telg. operator, '63-'67 : stu. U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. So. Ala. Pby., Nov. 5, '71; O. Ev. Nov. 8, '72; S. S. Monroeville and Scotland Chs.. '72-74; S. S. Shiloh, (ieneva, Montpelier and Hopewell '74-'84 ; stricken from roll of Tuscaloosa Pby., Nov. 6, '88, under sec. 4, ch. 12, R. of D. 419. DAVIS, John Wright; b. Salisbury, N. C, July 25, 1849; stu. U. Va. and M. A. Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., Nov. 7, '72; O. F. Ev. Cone. Pby. Aug. '73; F. Ev. Soochow, China, Oct. '73 to Dec, '99; prof. N. T. Lang, and Lit. Col. Theo. Sem., Sept., '00, to May, '02; F. Ev. Soochow, July '02, to May, '05 ; Prof. Pres. Theo. Sem., Nanking, China, May, '05— ; autlior "'Com. Gospels and Acts" in Soochow Colloquial ; Hymn Book with Annotations in Mandarin dialect ; member on com. on translation of ^T. T. in Soochow Colloquial and Chinese literarv stvle ; "Political Geography" in Chinese. D. D., Da. C, '85 ; LL. D., Da. C, '08. 420. DAVIS. William Henry; b. Salisbur.v, N. C, Aug. 11, 1845: A. B. and A. M., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby.. April, '71; O. Meek. Pby., Oct.. '72; Ev. Meek. Pby., '72-'74 ; P. Sharon Ch., '74-'78; P. Davidson River Ch., '78-'90; P. Drake's Branch and the Village Ch., Roan. Pby.. '00-'93 ; P. Richwood and Union Chs., Eb. Pby., '93-'00 ; P. Providence and Banks Chs., Meek. Pby., '00-03; P. Sharon (2d time) '03-00; P. Davidson River ch., (2d time) '06—. M. A., Da. C. 421. GORDON, Edward Clifford ; b. Richmond. Va., Sept. 1, 1842 ; stu. U. Va., W. C. v.; soldier; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pbv. Mav 5, '71: O. June 14, '72 ; S. S. Lebanon Ch., Lex. Pby., '71 ; P. '72-'74 ; Jr. P. Ind. Pros. Ch., Savannah, Ga., '74-'80; P. Salem, Va.. '80-'88 : P Lexington. Mo., '88-(prof. Bib. Hist, in Westm. Col. '92— acting pres. '92-'94 ; 86 Union Theological Seminary. pres. '94 — ) — '98; P. Lexington, Mo., '9.8 — : contributed "Hints to Teach- ers" in "Earnest Worker" '89-03; author "The Sunday School Teacher's Work ; What it is and How to Do it." D. D., H. S. C. 422.* GRAYBILL, Anthony Thomas ; b. Feb. 24, 1841 ; farmer ; A. B. Roan. C; {?,. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 27, '72; O. Ev. Sept. 13, '73;- My. in Mexico; teacher Ac. and Theol. students, and P. Matamoras, San Juan, '74-88 ; Linares '88-05. D. D. Died suddenly Jan. 21, 1905. 423. HODGE, Benjamin Templeton ; L. Lex. Pby., Sept. 23, '75 ; teacher; occasional supply for various chs. in Greenb. Pby., and elsewhere '75-84 ; never ordained ; dropped from roll of Greenb. Pby. ; teaches school. 424.* JOHNSON, William S. ; Memphis, Tenn. ; b. Aug. 27, 1845; U. Miss.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Merap. Pby., Mav 8, '73; O. Ev. C. Texas Pby., May 31, '74 ; S. S. Waxahachie '73, and P. '74-'78 ; Ev. C. Texas Pby., '79-'81 ; S. S. Gainsville and Pilot Point '81-82 ; S. S. Alab. St. Ch., Memphis, '82. Died in Memphis Oct. 6, 1882. 425. PAINTER, Joseph Crockett; b. Pulaski Co., Va., July 10, 1845; H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., June 12, '72; O. E. H., April 25, '74 ; Home My. in Hampshire Co., W. Va., Wine. Pby., '72 ; P. Hart- wood Ch., E. H. Pby., '73-79; P. Waddell and Mitchell's Chs., Orange Co., Va., '79-'90; P. Cook's Creek Ch., Rockingham Co., Va., '90-93; P. Tabor, Olivet and Bethel Chs., in Albemarle Co., '93 — . 426.* PAYNE, Charles Montgomery, M. D. ; Lexington, N. C. ; b. Oct. 19, 1843: stu. Da. G. and in C. S. A. '60-'65 ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. April 6, '72 ; O. April 17, '73 ; P. INIadisou and Wentworth and S. S. Leakesville, '73-'74 ; P. 2d Ch., Wilmington, N. C. '74-'84 ; P. Concord Ch., Cone. Pby., ♦84-'94; P. Washington, N. C, '94-'00. D. D., Da. C, '90. Died sud- denly Sept. 13, 190. Haverhill. N. H., Dec. 1, 1843 ; Bethel Pby. April. '76; prof, and S. S. Reidville, S. C, '73; teacher Union Acad. S. C., '74-'81 ; pres. Clifford Sem.. Union. S. C, and S. S. of various groups of churches '81—. Ph. D.. State Nor. Col. of Ala. ; D. D.. Pres. Col., A. B. and A. M., Da. C. ; (2.+ ) ; L. Cone. Pb.v. April 22, '72; O. Ev. South Carolina. 441. COCHRANE, William Samuel; b. May 12, 1851; stu. Coleraine, Ireland; (3. Ur. ) ; L. W. Dist. Pb.v. June 4, '73; O. May 1, '74; S. S^ Marl Bluff, Sarrillo and Bethel Springs, Teun., '73-77: S. S. Hickory Val- ley, Grand Junction, Saulsbury and Ebenezer, '77-80; P. Somerville, Tenn., '80-83; Ev. Memph. Pby., '83-84; S. S. Grand Junction, Saulsbur.v, La Grange, Ebenezer '84— (S. S. Collierville '84-'88)— . 442.* DOWNEY, William Walton; Charlestown, Jeff. Co.. W. Va. ; b. Feb. 13, 1849; H. S. C. ; (2.) ; L. Wine. Pby. May 20, '72; O. May 0, '73; Falling Waters '73-74 ; P. Paxton, Carlisle Pby., '74-77 ; P. Duneannon '7S-'81; W. C. res. near Martinsburg. W. Va., '81-88; P. Havre de Grace, Md.. '88-89. Died at Port Deposit, Md., IMay 21, 1889. 443.* GAMMON, James Polk; b. Sullivan Co., Tenn., Oct. 19, 1842; 6tu. U. E. T. (Knoxville) ; stu. law; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby. June 12, '73; O. Knoxv. Pby. Dec. '73; S. S. 3d Ch., Knoxville Pby., '73-'74 ; S. S. Pisgah, etc.. '75-'77; S. S. Ashevillc, N. C, '77; and P. '7S-*87 ;' P. Smithville, Va., '87-'S9 ; P. 3d Ch., Richmond, Va., '90-'95. Died Sept. 11, 3895. 444. GRAVES, Joseph Akmstrong ; b. Hillsboro, Albemarle Co.. Va., Sept. 28, 1846; B. P. W. C. V.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby. May 29, '73; O. C. Miss. Pby. May 28, '76 ; P. Raymond '76-'78 ; S. S. Lebanon and Bethesda '7G-'80 ; S. S. Cape Girardeau and Jackson, Potosi Pby., "81 : S. S. Madrid and Clarkton '82; S. S. Mt. Pleasant and Green Hill, Paris Pby., Texas. '83; W. C. ; res. Liberty, Va., '84-'92 ; Ev. and supplied various points in Montg. #md Greenb. Pbys., '92-'04 ; res. Bedford City, Va. ; prin. Palmer Ac, '03 ; author "The History of Bethesda Pres. Ch." and '"The History of the Bed- ford Light Artillery." 445. HAMILTON, Augusti:s Houston ; b. Monroe Co., W. Va., Jan. 26. 1846; W. C. V.; A. B. ; C. S. A., '64-'65 ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby.. July 4, '73; O. Sept. "74; S. S. Huntersville, Baxter and Liberty Chs.. Greenb. Pby., '73-'7."i : P. Mt. Carmel Ch.. Lex. Pby.. '75 — ; trustee W. & Greenb. Pby., '73-75 ; P. Mt. Carmel Ch., Lex. Pby., '75—. 446. HENSLEY, Phillip Henry, Sr. ; b. June 16, 1850; stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) : L. E. Tex. Pby. Nov. 4, '73; O. W. Tex. Pby. April 2. '75; S. S. Osage and Columbus '77 ; S. S. Concrete. Live Oak, etc., '78-'79 ; teaching '80-81 ; S. S. Leesville, Belmont and Shiloh, '82 ; S. S. Weimar, Columbus and Bothanv '83-'87 ; S. S. Decatur, Tex., 'S8-'89 ; W. C. Ft. Worth, Tex.. '90; 1". El. Rocky Mt., and Alden's Bridge, La., '91-'96; S. S. Benton. La., group, '97-'99 ; res. Newport, Ark.. '00; teacher, Shreveport, La., '01-*02 ; S. S. Camden, Miss., group '03; res. Belcher, La., '04; P. El. Forrest City, Ark., '05—. 447.* HOGUE, Charles Lehman; Danville. Ky. ; b. June. 1849; A. B. and A. M. ; C. C. K. ; Danv. Sem.; (—mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. Transylv. Pby. Sept. 13, '72; City My. Louisville and S. S. Beulah Ch.. '72-73; 6. Ev. Louisv. Pby. Nov. 17, '74; P. Lebanon. Lex. Pbv.. '77-84; H. M. Paducah Pby, '84-86; P. Memphis. Mo., '80-'98 ; 1'. Denton. Tex., '98-'06. D. D.. Westm. Col. Died at Denton. Dec. 29. 190(;. MR. WILLIAM WALLACE SPENCE Union Theological Seminary. 89 -148. IRVINE, William; b. near Danville, Ky., Aug. 16. 1848; C. C. K. ; teacher Danville Sem. ; (—mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. Transylv. Pby. June, '72; O. Louisv. Pby. Nov., '72; P. Mulberry Ch., '72-90; P. Anchorage, Ky.. and teacher in Bellewood Sem., '90-90; P. Bowling Green, Ky., '9G-'07 ; P. Greenwood, Miss., 07—. D. D., C. U. K., '90. 449. LAIRD, Alexander Fkanklin ; b. Kerrs Creek, Va., .Tan. 1. 1847 ; stu. AV. C. v.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., Sept. 4, '73; O. June, '74; P. Green- wood and Mountain Grove '74-77; S. S. Rehoboth, '76-77; P. Beulah, '78-'S2; INIountain Grove, '7S-'80 ; (ireenwood, '78-79; S. S. Pisgah and Monterey and Crab Bottom '82 ; P. Mt. Horeb, Lex. Pby., '82-93 ; P. Front Roval and Neneveh Chs., Wine. Pby., '93-'01; P. Winona Ch., C. Hiss; Pby.. '01— (S. S. West Ch., '02)— '07; S. S. Magnolia and Summit Chs., Miss. Pby., and pres, McComb Fern. C, '07 — . 4r.O. MCCUTCHAN, Frank; b. Augusta Co., Va., March .SO. 1845; farmer and C. S. A.; W. C. V.; (3. Gr.) : L. Lex. Pby.. Aug. 2. '73; O. Mav 24, "74: S. S. Wavnesboro, Va., '73-'74 ; P. same, '74-8.5: P. Glade Spring and Rock Spring Chs., Ab. Pby., 'S5-'91 ; P. Rogersville Ch.. Hoist. Pby., Tenn., '91—. D. D., K. C. 451. PAINTER, George Whitfield ; Wythe Co., Va. ;" b. Sept. 9. 1839 : stu. Maryv. C, Tenn. and U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. and O. by evangelist inl China, June, '79 ; confirmed by G. Assem. '79 ; My. Hangchow, China, '73-'06 ; now res. in Va. D. D., Pres. C, S. C. '06. 452.* PINKERTON, John Dandridge ; b. Covesville, Albemarle Co., Dec. 29, 1848; stu. W. C. V.; (3.) ; L. E. H. Pby. April 25, '74; de.signated as My. to China ; died hemorrhage of lungs, in Staunton, July 2, 1874. 4.53. PLANCK, David Andrew; b. Fleming Co., Ky., April 5, 1846; stu. C. C. K., '69; Danville 1.; (mid. 1.) ; Princ. Gr. ; L. Transylv. Pby., '72; O. Miss. Pby., Oct. '73: P. Port Gibson, '73-89: P. Central Ch., Mobile. '89—. D. D. S. W. P. U. 4.54.* PRICE, Joseph John;* Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. Sept. 12, 1847; H. S. C. : (2.). Died by stroke of lightning, on his way to engage in Chris- tian work, June 22, 1872. 455. ROSE, John McAden ; b. Fayetteville, N. C, Oct. 16, 1849 ; Da. C. and U. N. C. ; refused diploma (of A. B.) from "Reconstruction" facultv : teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., June 5, '72; O. E. H. Pby., Dec. 7, '73: City My.. Charlotte, N. C, '73; P. First Ch., Portsmouth, Va., '73-'81 : P. Second Ch., Memphis, Tenn., '81-'83 : P. Goldsboro. N. C, '83-86 ; P. First Ch., Greenville, S. C, 'S6-'91 ; Gen. Ev., Synod of N. C, '91-'93 ; P. Mor- ganton, N. C, '93-99; P. Laurinburg and Ida Mills Chs., Oct. 16, '99—. D. D., Da. C, '95. 450. SUMMEY, George ; b. Asheville, N. C. .Tune 3, 1853 ; A. B. and A. M., Da. C. : (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., Aug. 29, '72; O. Memph. Pby., Oct. 14, '73 ; P. Bolivar, Tenn., '7.3-75 ; P. Covington, Kv., '75-'S0 ; Ev. Asheville, N. C, '80-'81 ; P. Graham and Burlington, N. C. '81-'84 ; P. Chester, S. C. '84-'92; Chancellor S. W. P. U., Clarksville, Tenn., '92-'02 ; ed. "South- western i'resbyterian," New Orleans. La., '03 — ; S. S. 3rd Ch., New Or- leans. '03— ; managing ed. Pres. Quarterly, '87-89. and '02-'04 : mgr. "Pres. and Reformed Review," '89-02. D. D., S. W. P. U. ; LL. D., Da. C. 4.57. TURNBULL, Lennox Bieckhead ; b. Baltimore Co., Md., February 19, 1850; stu. H. S. C. and U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Chesap. Pbv., Nov. 11, '74; O. Nov. 7, '78; P. Farmwell Ch., Va., '7.S-'84 ; P. Catoctin Ch., Va., '8,3-'89; P. Hoge Memorial. Richmond. Va., '89-'93 : P. 1st Ch., Durham, N. C, '94-'01 ; res. Lexington, Xa.. '01 — . D. D., Da. C. 90 Union Theological Seminary. 458.* WIGGINS, James Hannibal; b. Oxford, N. C, Jan. 20, 1S'?S; stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. Tex. Pby., '73; O. '74; P. Longview '74-'80; S. S. and P. Texarkana, '80-'92 ; P. Bonham and Honey Grove Chs., Tex., '92-'01. D. D.. Methodist Col., Sulphur Springs, Tex. Died at Sherman, Tex., June 8, 1901. 1871-'72. 459. ALLISON, Thomas Johnston; b. Cabarrus Co., N. C. May 30, 1849; A. B. and A. M., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., April. '74; O. Or. Pby., Nov. 8. '75; S. S.- then P. Tarboro. '74-'77 ; S. S. Rockingham and Lumberton. '78-79; S. S. then P. Mebaneville, '79-87: P. Third Creek and Fifth Creek. '87-'91 ; Ev. Sav. Pby.. '91-'93 ; P. Decatur. •93-96 : P. Sugar Creek. '9G-'04 ; Ev. Meckl. Pby., '04-'07 ; S. S. Belmont Ch.. '07-'08 ; coed. "Presbyterian Standard," '06-'07 ; P. Bryson and Murphy Chs., Ashev. Pby., '08 ; address Bryson Cily, N. C. 400. CALDWELL. John Livy; b. Rome, Ga.. April 2.5. lS.5(t: X. H. ; (2.); Princ. Gr. ; L. and O. Ev. N. Mo,; S. S. Independence, Mo., '74-'7f ; S. S. Pleasant Hill and Liberty '76 : S. S. 1st Ch.. Bowling Green, Ky., '77, then P. '78-91; asst. P. 1st Ch., New Orleans, '92-93; res. Pine Bluff, Ark., '94-07. 461. COWAN, .James Chalmers; Nashville, Tenn. ; b. Jan. 13, 1848; A. B. and A. M., K. C. ; tutor K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., June 13, '73 ; O. May 2, '74 ; S. S. Ripley, Tenn., '74-'76 ; S. S. Rogersville '76-'81 ; P. McKinney, Tex., '81-'83 ; prof. K. C, '84-'88 ; S. S. Concord. Holston, Paperville and Pleasant Grove Chs., '84-87 ; P. Johnson City '87-94 ; P. Morristown '94-'01 ; P. 2d Ch., Nashville, '01-'07 ; H. M. in Nash. Pby. '07—. 462. EWING, Cecil Lee; b. Rose Hill, Va., May 3, 1851; stu. U. T., A. B. and A. M., K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby. May 3, '74; O. Nasli^ Pby. Nov. '74; P. Madison '74 — (S. S. Shiloh, Hermitage, '77, and Hender- sonville '78)— '79; res. with aged father. Rose Hill, Va., '79-'84 ; P. New Providence Hoist. Pby., '90-'96 ; P. Ballinger, Tex., '90— (S. S. Coleman, Comanche and Dublin)— '96; P. Van Alstyne and Ev. Dallas Pby.. '96-01; P. Hutte. Tex., and S. S. Bartlett and Rock Dale '01-04 ; II. M. Brownwood Pby., at Miles, Paint Rock, Ft. Chadbourne, Winter, Talpa and other points. 463. FLEMING, Robert Hanson; b. Oct. 12, 1846; W. L. U. ; C. S. N. and farmer, '61-71; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby. April 11, '74; O. Oct. 3, '74: P. Pendleton '74-'76 ; P. Woodstock '76 — (P. Strasburg, '76-77) — '86; S. S. Gurley Ch., Washington, D. C, '86-87; P. 2d Ch. (now West- minster), Lynchburg, Va., '87-'07 ; member Victoria Inst., London. D. D., W. L. U. 464. GROVES, William Henry ; b. Wilmington, N. C. ; stu. Da. C. and H. S. C. ; C. S. A.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wilm. Pby., '73; O. Ab. Pb^., Aug. 28, '75; P. Royal Oak, Marion, Va., '74-'80 ; P. Fayetteville, Tenn., '80-'84 ; P. Lynnville and Memorial, Tenn., '84-'91 ; P. Bethany, Roanoke, Va., '91-'93; P. Windy! Cove and Millboro, Bath Co., Va., '93-97; supply 1st Ch., Winston, N. C, Feb. to Sept., '98; P. Gloucester and Severn Chfe., '98 — ; author '"The Rational Memory." 465. HENRY, Hugh; b. Front Royal, Warren Co., Va., May 11, 1847; Roan. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby.. April. '74; O. W. H. Pby., May, '75; P. Lebanon, '75-'80 ; S. S. Tabor, '80— (Olivet, '83— )— '89; P. Hat Creek, Diamond Hill and Rustburg Chs., '89-93; P. Briery and Meher- rin Chs., Keysville, Va., '93 — . 466. HOLLIS Carson Wilson; b. Gerardstown, W. Va., Jan. 4. 1850; A. B., IT. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., April 2.5, '74; O. Dec. 11, '75; S. S. Oakland and Piedmont. W. Va.. '71; S. S. Front Royal and Harper's Ferry, '75; P. Front Royal '7(i— (S. S. Cedar Creek '76-'77 ; P. Strasburg Union Theological Seminary. 91 '77-81; P. Nineveh '81 — ) — '93; P. Springfield, Mt. Bethel and Patterson's Creek ''93-94; P. Davis Ch., '9J-'98 ; P. Parsons, Hendricks and Holly Meadows '98-'01 ; Ev. Chesap. Pby., in Rappah. Co., '02-03 ; P. Greenwich, White Hall and Oakland '03—. 467. HUMPHREYS, Cavet Wiley; b. Greenbrier Co., W. Va., April 9, 1844; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher, soldier and farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. May 1, '75 ; O. Lex. Pby. Oct. "75 ; P. Bethesda '75-80 ; S. S. Paris. Pleas- ant" Hill, Florida, Mo., and other mission points, '80-87 ; P. Douglas, S. C, "88 — (P. Lancaster '89 — ) — '99; P. Jackson, Fellowship and Bethany, Ga., '99 — ; author "Biblical Ethics," "Review of Dabney's Practical Philosophy," and several review articles. D. D., Da. C, '95. 4(58. KERR, Robert Pollok; b. Greensboro, Ala.. July 19, 1850; A. B., Wm. Jewell C, Mo. ; (2.Gr.) ; L. Nashv. Pby., May,'72 ; O. Lafay. Pby., Oct. '74 ; P. Lexington, Mo., '73-76 ; P. Thomasville, Ga., '76-79 ; P. Independent Ch. Savannah, Ga., '79-82; P. Tabb St. Ch., Petersburg, Va., '82-'84 ; P. 1st Ch., Richmond, Va., '84^'03 ; P. Northminster Ch., Baltimore, Md., '03— ; author "Presbyterianism for the People," "People's History of Presbyterian- ism," "Voice of God in History," "Land of Holy Light," "Will the World Outgrow Christianity V" "Hymns of the Ages," "The Blue Flag, a History of the Covenanters of Scotland," "Predestination and Free Agency," "The Dance, Theatre, Card Table and Wine Cup." D. D., W. L. U. 469. MILLER, Cornelius; b. at Columbus, Miss., Mav 11, 1847; A. B.. U. Miss.; C. S. A., 6th Miss, cavalry; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April 17, '74; O. Or. Pby., Oct. 30, '75; S. S. Madison, Wentworth and Leakesville, Rockingham Co., N. C, '74-75 ; P. same, '75-82 ; P. Bonham and Honey Grove, Fannin Co., Texas, '82-83 ; S. S. Madison, Wentworth and Leakes- ville, N. C, '83-'S5 ; P. Alamance Ch., Guilford Co., '85-'91 ; P. Burlington and Springwood, '85-88; S. S. Jamestown and Speedwell, '88-90; S. S. Asheboro and Worthville, '90-'91 ; P. Unity, Franklin and South River, Rowan Co., N. C, '91-92 ; Ev. Stokes Co., N. C, '92-97 ; P. Rocky River, Zion and White Hall, Cabarrus Co., N. C, '97-99; again Ev. Stokes Co., '99-'03; P. Soddy, Sale Creek and Washington, Knoxv. Pby., Tenn., '03-'04; S. S. and P. Dallas, Mt. Holly, Cherryville, Hephzibah and Waco, N. C, '04-'05; P. Dallas, Cherry viile, Hephzibah and Waco, N. C, '05—. 470. MOFFETT, Alexander Stuart; b. Augusta Co.. Va., Sept. 32, 1847; stu. W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; teacher; L. Lex. Pby., April 24, '75; O. Aug. 3, '77; S. S. Pine Ridge and Fayette Chs., Miss., '75: S. S. Loch Willow, Va., '76-'77 ; P. same, till '81; P. Round Hill, '81-85; P. Stanford, Ky., '85-'88 ; P. JNIidway, Ky., '88-'93 ; P. Lexington, Mo., '93-'97 ; P. Lebanon, Ky., '97—. D. D., C. U. Ky. 471. MOORE, John Henry; b. Charlestown, Va., June 29, 1849; stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) : L. Eb. Pby., May 29, '72; O. June, '74; P. Sharpsburg. Ky., '74-'75; H. M. Washington, Ky.. '75-'77 ; P. 3d Ch., Louisville, Ky., '79-84 ; P. Berryville. Va., '8.5-'90 ; P. Keyser, W. Va., '91-'05 ; P. Pocomoke City, Md., '06-07; P. Hat Creek group, Roan. Pby., '08—. 472. MORTON, John Booker ; b. Botetourt Co., Va., Aug. 31 1847 • B. S., H. S. C; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 18, '73; O. Aug. Pby. Oct. 11, '74; P. New Hope and Lexington, Ga., '74 — (S. S. "Daniels- ville, Elbertson and Clarksviile)— '83 ; P. El. Sparta and Mt. Zion '83-'86; P. El. Fernandina, Fla., '86-'91 ; S. S. Sanford, Fla., '91-'95 ; P. Tarboro, and S. S. Greenville, N. C, '95-02; P. Pulaski, Va., '02-'07 ; inf. '07—. D. D., K. C. 473. PHARR, Dion C, Jr.; b. Oct. 1-5, 1845; stu. H. S. C. ; (1.) ; with- drew on medical advice, and became practicing physician. 92 Union Theological Seminakv, 474.* RAWLINGS, James Minor; b. Louisa Co.. Dec. 19, 1846; stu. U. Va. ; (2. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April 12, '73; O. Sept. 20, '73; P. Ap- pomattox C. H. Ch., '73-77; P. 2d Ch., Lynchburg, 77-87; chapl. U. Va., '87-'W; Ev. at Charlottesville, Va., '90; P. Spartanburg, S. C, '91; inf. Clarksville, Tenn., '93-'94 ; editor, Wilmington, N. C, '95; W. C. Char- lotte.sville, '90; S. S. Scottsville. Va., '97. D. D., U. S. C. Died at Char- lottesville, Feb. 1, 1808. 475. SCOTT, John Addison; b. Halifax Co.. Va., July 9, 18.52: W. C. v., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., April, '74; O. Chesap. Pby., Sept. '74; P. Warrenton and Salem Chs., Chesap. Pby., Va., '74-'81 ; P. Hat Creek, Diamond Hill and Rustburg Chs., Roan. Pby., W. Va., '81-89; P. Point Pleasant and S. S. Pleasant Flats, Greenb. Pby., W. Va., '89-'93 ; P. Uniontown, Tusc. Pby., Ala., '93-98 ; P. Gainesville, Bethel and Cedar Grove Chs., Tusc. Pby., '98-'00 ; president of Statesville Female College, 'GO—. D. D., PI. S. C, '04. 476. WALLACE, Jesse Albert; b. Soddy. Tenn., Jan. 16. 1846; A. B., and A. M., K. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Knoxv. Pby., April, '72; O. Hoist. Pby., April, '74 ; P. Jonesboro and Johnson City, '74-'76 ; P. Mossy Creek, Tenn., '76-79 : prof, metaphysics in King Col., '69-'85 : pres. and prof, metaphysics. '85-98 ; prof, metaphvsics '98-05 ; S. S. Cold Spring Ch.. '85 — . D. D., C. U. Ky. 477.* WILSON, Daniel Love ; Augusta Co.. Va. : b. Feb. 16, 1849 ; W. and L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., April 25, '74; O. Sept. 18, '74; P. Broadway '74-'80 ; P. Pulaski, Colum. Pbv. '80-'91 ; P. Brist^, 1st Ch., '92-'93. Died there, E. Y., 1893. 478. WOODS, Neander Montgomery ; b. Harrodsburg. Ky.. Sept. 4. 1844 ; stu. C. U. Ky., U. Mich., and Wash. U., St. Louis ; druggist and lawyer; (2.) ; L. E. H. Pby., April, '73; O. Oct., '73; P. 2d Ch., Norfolk, Va., '73-'81; P. First Ch., Galveston, Tex., '81-'82 ; P. 2d Ch., Charlotte, N. C, '82-'86; P. 1st Ch., Columbia, S. C, '86-'89; P. 2d Ch., Memphis. Tenn., '89-'02 ; P. 2d Ch., Louisville. Ky., '02-'05; chancellor S. W. P. U., Clarksville, Tenn., '05-'08 ; P. Centr. Ch., Montgomery, Ala., '08—.; author "Tlie Woods— McAfee Memorial ;" Mod. G. A. at Little Rock, Ark., in 1901. D. D., C. U. Ky. ; LL. D., S. W P. U., '05. 479. YEHGER. Hknry Sale; b. Washington, Co., Miss.. Julv 24. 1849; stu. U. Miss, and W. L. U. ; (2.+ ) ; L. Memp. Pby. May, '73; O. May, '74; P. Palestine, E. Tex. Pby.. '74-'75 : P. Murfreesboro. Tenn., '7.5-'78 ; S. S. 2d Ch., Edgefield, '80 ; P. El. of same '81 ; S. S. Fernandina, Fla., '81-85 ; P. Pensacola, Fla., '85-94; Bib. Supt. Talladega. Ala.. '94-'95 ; S. S. Fer- nandina, Fla., '96-04; S. S. Barnesville, Ga., '05—. I). I). 1872-'73. 480.* ARMSTRONG, James Andrew; b. Romnev. W. Va., Sept. 7, 1849; H. S. C. ; teacher; (2.+) ; L. Ark. Pby., April 19, '75; O. Oct. 10, '75; S. S. Shepherdstowu and Kearneysville, Wine. Pby., '76-80, and P. of same, '80-83. Died at his father's home, near Salem, July 14, 1883. 481.* BOOKER. Samuel Robert; Prince Edward Co.. Va., b. Nov. 19, 1850; H. S. C. (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby. April 24. '75; S. S. Cotton Plant. Ark. Pby. '75. Died at Pass Christian, Miss., on his wav home, Jan. 26;, 1876. 482. BROWN. Paul Frederick; 1). Madison. Ind.. April 18, 1850; stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., April 24. '75; O. April, '80; Ev. Roan. Pl)y., .June, '75-82; Ev. Syn. of Ky.. and S. S. (irayson. "82-'83; P. Buck- Union Theological Seminary. 93 ingham and S. S. New Store, '83-'86 ; P. Brunswick, Ga., '86-'91 ; P. St. Elmo and Lookout Mt., Tenn., '92-'96 ; P. Bartow, Fla., '9G-'98 ; S. S. Central Ch., Knoxville, '99-01; P. El. Jacksonville, '02—. 483. CHESTER, Samuel H. ; b. Mt. Holly, Union Co., Ark. ; Jan. 17, 1851; farmer and teacher; W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ouachit. Pby., April, 75; O. Meckl. Pby., Nov. '75; P. Castanea Grove and Unity Clis., '75-82; stu. Un Sem., N. Y. and then res. Maysville, Ky., '83-84; P. Hawfields and Cross Koads Chs., '83-'88 ; P. Franklin, Tenn., '88-'91 ; P. 2d Ch., Nash- ville, '91-92 ; Sec. Foreign Mis., '93 — ; author "Lights and Shadows of Missionary Work in the Far East." D. D., Da. C. 484. CLARK, William C. ; b. Chattooga Co., Ga., Sept. 28, 1849; stu. Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cher. Pby.. April 24, '75; O. N. Or. Pby.f Nov. 2, '75 ; P. Pass Christian, '75-81 ; S. S. and P. Greensboro, '81-'S9 ; P. Shelbyville, Tenn., '89-'97 ; P. Augusta and Sharon, Ky., '97-'04 ; Ev. Supt. Syn. Ky., '04-'07 ; P. Livingston, Ala., '07 — ; pres. Fern. C, Greens- boro, Ala., in connection with pastorate. D. D., S. W. P. U. 485.* CURRTE, James Lauchlin ; b. Orange Co., N. C, June 17, 1849; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., April, '75; O. fall, '75; P. Fair- field, Eno and Little River '75-83; Chapel Hill '80-83; P. Griers, Stony Cr., Eno and Little River Chs., '83-90; P. Burlington, Springwood and Stony Creek '90-'94. Died at Burlington, July 17, 1894. 480. DOAK, Algernon Sidney ; b. Washington Co., Tenn., Sept. 10, 1846; stu. Stewart C, and K. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., April 11, '75 ; O. Sept. 11, '75 ; S. S. New Bethel, Tenn., '75-'76 ; S. S. Weather- ford and Graham City, Tex., '76-77; S. S. Cleburne, '78; S. S. Unity, N. Bosque and Hamilton '78-'81 ; Ev. Cent. Tex., Pby., '82 ; S. S. Robinson and Carolina, Tex., '83-'85 ; P. Eatonton and S. S. Monticello, Ga., '85-88; P. and S. S. Valley Creek and Mt. Pleasant, Ala., '88-90; S. S. Alabama St. Ch., Selma, '90-93; S. S. Woodlawn, East Lake and Pratt City, Ala., '94; S. S. Mossy Creek, Tenn., '94-'99 ; S. S. Bethel Ch., Tenn., '00-'03 ; S. S. Bethany and Young's Chapel, Tenn., '03-'06 ; P. Kingston, Waccamaw and Bayboro, S. C. '06—. 487. ERVIN, Erasmus Ellerbe ; b. Clarendon Co., S. C, March 10, 1847; A. B., Da. C. ; (2.-^) ; L. Harm. Pby., spring, '74; O. Ev. Meckl. Pby., fall, '75 ; S. S. Rutherfordton and Little Britain, N. C, '75-'76 ; S. S. Salem and Union '76; then Salem and Walnut Hill, W. Lex. Pbv., '79-'80 ; S. S. Washington, Eb. Pby., '80-'83 ; S. S. Paint Lick, Trausylv. Pby., '83-88; S. S. Shelby, King's Mt., Grover and Rutherfordton, ■88-89; P. Demopolis and Fawnsdale, Tusc. Pby., '89-'90 ; P. Pisgah, W. Lex. Pby., '90-'96 J S. S. De Funiak Springs, Fla., and other points '96-05; P. Williamsburg, Union and Central, S. C, '05 — . 488. FISHBURN, James A.; b. April 10, 1850; W. and L. U., 1870; teacher; (1.); withdrew '73; teacher. 489. HOWISON, William Thomas; b. Calloway Co., Mo., May 30 1851; B. A. and M. A., W^estm. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Mo. Pbv., Mav 10. '75;' O. June 17, '76 ; S. S. Augusta, E. Tex. Pby., '77 ; Texarkana '78 ; Hope; Ouachita Pby. '79 and P. 'S(>-'82 ; S. S. Arkadelphia and Carolinasville, '83-'S5; P. St. Charles, Mo., '85-'88 ; P. Potosi. Mo., '89-'93 ; pres Wood- lavrn Sem., O'Fallon, Mo., '93-'01 ; P. Calhoun, Mo., '02—. 490.* LAFEVRE, John Speck ; b. Berkeley Co., Va., June 4, 1848 ; Gr H. S. C. ; stu. U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., April 24, '75; O. Mont. Pby., Dec. 12, '75; P. Big Lick '7.5-'77 : res. Berkeley Co., '77-'80 ; in ill' health ; preached to various churches in Wine. Pby., till his death, at Rock- bridge Alum Springs. Aug. 22, 1888. 94 Union Theological Seminary. 491. LEWIS, Francis Walton; b. Big Lick (Roanoke.) Va.. Jan. !.">. 1851 ; A. B., W. L. U.. '71: teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., April 25. "74: O. E. H. Pby., Oct. 7, '75; Ev. E. H. Pby., '75-'78 ; S. S. Catlettsburg, Ky., '78-82 : Ev. Louisiana Pby., and S. S. Opelousas and Lafayette, La., '82-90; S. S. Clinton. La., and Woodville, Miss., '90-95; P. Clinton, La.. '95 — ; co.-prin. Opelousas Fem. Inst., '84-'90 ; prof. • mental and moral science, Silliman Col. Inst., '90-99; pres. same '99-06; cor. ed. South- western Pres., '85-'00. D. D., W. L. U., and S. W. P. U. 492. LINGAMFELTER, Charles Scott; b. Hedgesville. Va., April 1. 1852; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., April 24, '75; O. Nov. 11. '75; P. Berryville, Va., and S. S. White Post Ch., '75-'S0; teacher in Andrew Small Ac, Darnestown, Md., '80-81; P. Poolesville, Md., 'SO-'Oli; P. Davis Mem. Ch., Elkins, W. Va., '90-'01 ; Ev. Lex. Pby., '01-''52 ; Ev. Synod of Va., '02-05; P. Armstrong Mem., Norfolk, Va., '05 — . 493.* Mcdonald, Kenneth ; b. Cumberland Co., N. C, May 24, 1840 ; stu. Da. C. ; C. S. A. '61-'65; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby. April 17, '74; O: AVilm. Pby., July, '7G ; P. Black River Chapel '76-79; S. S. Keith and Moore's Cr. Chs., '78, and B. Riv. Chap. '79; S. S. Moore's Cr. '80: S. S. White Hall, etc., '81; Ev. '82-'91 ; P. Black River and Caswell, '92-99. Died in Sampson Co., N. C, May 19, 1899. 494.* MORRISON, Alfred James; b. Lincoln Co., N. C, Dec. 11, 1849; Da. C. ; (2.+ ) ; L. Meckl. Pby., April 18, '74; O. Ev. April 15. '75; S. S. Franklin, N. C, '75-76 ; P. Selma, Ala., '76. Died in Memphis, July 6, 1876. 495. PRITCHETT, Elias F. ; b. Guilford Co., N. C, June 2, 1844; Da. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., April 24, '75; O. Ev. Ark. Pby., Oct. 19, '75; S. S. Powhatan and Walnut Ridge '75-'76 : res. Lawson, Mo., '77-'79 : allowed by Prcsby. to demit the ministry; ruling elder in Robinson Ch., Tex., at one time ; farmer. 496. RICHARDSON, AVilliam Hall; b. April G, 1849; stu. U. Va. ; (2.) ; L. Eb. Pby. '76; O. Ev. S. Ala., Pby. Oct., '77: S. S. Salem, &c., '78: P. S. Franklin St. Ch., Mobile, '79-'Sl ; prof. Tuscaloosa lust. (Col'd) and P. El. Uniontown, S. Ala. Pby., '81-'S2 ; P. '82-'S6 : P. Marion. Ala. 'S6-'90 ; P. (4adsden, Ala., '91-98 ; P. McKiuney, Tex.. '99-'U5 ; Ev. Nashville, Tenn., '05—. 497.* SCOTT, Isaac Van Meter ; Charlotte Co.. Va. : b. Sept. 16, 1850 : stu. W. L. U. and H. S. C. ; L. Roan. Pby. April 24, '75 ; S. S. Old St. Ch., Petersburg, summer of '75. Died in Charlotte Co., Va., Sept. 25, 1875. 498. SMITH, Nicholas Keffer : b. New Market. Tenn., Jan. 19, 1S51 : stu. Tusc. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., April 29, '74; O. Sept. 14, '75; P. Boliver, Tenn., '75 ; P. Moore Mem., Atlanta Ga., '79 ; Ev. Aug. Pby., '84 ; P. Moore Mem. (2d time), '85; P. Darien, Ga., '89: P. Ebenezer Ch.. Charles- ton, S. C, '92; P. 3rd Ch., New Orleans. '94; P. Ocean Springs and Biloxi Chs., Miss., '95; P. Elizabethtown, Ky., '98; recalled to Darien, Ga., '01—; co-editor of "Thankful Songs." D. D., Tusc. C. ■ 499. STEPHENSON, Philip Daingekfield ; b. St. Louis. Mo., Sept. 7, 1845; C. S. A.; bookkeeper, '67-70; stu. Westm. C. : (3.) ; L. St. L. Pby.. April 28, '75; O. W. Dist. Pby., Nov. 21, '75; P. Trenton, Tenn.. '75-79: P. Sedalia, Mo., '79-'81 : S. S. Hancock, Md.. '81-84 ; Ev. Pby. Carl., and as such, serving Warfordsburg and Bucks Valley Chs., Pa., '81-'82 ; Ev. Md. Pby., '82-'S4; P. Sinking Spring Ch., Abingdon, Va., '84-94; P. Wood- stock Ch.. '9-^^-. D. D., H. S. C. 500. THOMSON, Alexander; Toronto. Canada: (1.) ; L. Pbv. ; O. Highland Pby. Oct. 2. '72; S. S. Holton. Highland Pbv., Svn. Kan.. '7^-'74 ; S. S. I'aoli '75-'76 : S. S. Troy '81-'82 : Toledo, O., '82-'S3 ; W. C. '84; no further record obtainable. Union Theological Seminary. 95 501 TRIPLETT, John Edwin : b. Mt. Jackson, Va., Nov. 27, 1846 ; A. B.," H. S. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pb.v., April 25, '74; O. Montg. Pby..' May 22, '76; P. Pearisburg aud AValber's Creek Chs., Giles Co., Va., '(5— (S. S. Princeton Cb., Mercer Co., W. Va., '75-76)— '79 ; P. Cynthiana Ch., W Lex. Pby., '79-'81 ; Syn. Ev. of Ky., '81-86; P. Unioutown Ch., Tnsc. Pby., Ala., '86-'91 ; Ev. Syn. of Miss., '91-92 ; Ev. Syn. of Nashv., '92-93 : P. 'Elk Branch Ch., Wiuc. Pby., W. Va., '93— (S. S. Harper's Ferry Ch., "Jo-'02; S. S. Kearueysville Ch., '03)— '07. 502.* WASHBURN, Edward Davis ; b. Savannah, Ga., Jan. 13, 1848 ; Harvard U., and U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., May 1, '75; O. Ev.. Sept. 2, '76; S. S. then P. Maysville '76— (S. S. New Store '79— )— '82: P. Bedford City, '83-'93 ; P. Romney, W. Va., '93-'05 ; P. El. Augusta, Ky., '0,5. D. D. Died at Johns Hopkins Hospital, March 22, 1905. 1873-74. 503.=' BETTS, Barbee ; b. Richmond, Va., July 1, 1850; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., May 0, '76; O. Ev. Eb. Pby. Sept. 30, '76; Ev. Eb. Pby. '77-'S0; P. New Providence, Transylv. Pby., '80-82. Died in New Provi- dence_Manse, Nov. 14, 1881. 504. BISHOP, William Frost ; b. Petersburg, Va., Oct. 1, 1853 ; A. M., H. S. C. ; Ph. D., Westm. Col. ; stu. Uni. Edinburgh and Uni. Jena ; teacher ; 1 yr. at Free Ch. Col.. Edinburgh; (2.) ; L. E. H. Pby. fall, '76; O. spring '77 ; P. Ashland, Va., '77-84 ; P. Central Ch., Kansas City, '84-'SS ; retired on farm in Va., from ill health '89-'91 ; P. Liberty. Mo., '91-00; P. West- minster Ch., Carthage, Mo., '01-04 ; S. S. Greenfleld, Mo., '03 ; S. S. Glas- gow, Mo., '03-06; S. S. Clifton Heights Ch., St. Louis, Mo., '07—. D. D., Samson Col., Mo., 1895. 505. COPPEDGE, Walter RiiXEiGH ; b. Lynchburg, Va., Aug. 1, 1851; A. B. and A. M., H. S. C. ; teacher; (2+) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 21, '77: O. June 27, '78 ; S. S. Decherd, Tenn., May, '77 ; P. Catawba, Bethel, New- castle, Va., '78-82; P. Jacksonville and Turtle Rock, Va., '83-87 ; S. S. Yanceyville, Bethesda and Grier, N. C, '87— (S. S. Stony Cr. '87-'88 ) — '90 ; P. Graham, N. C, '90-95 ; P. Hamlet, Cameronian and Roberdell '95 — (S. S. Rockingham '95-00; P. Jackson Springs '00-'04)— . Prin. Oxford Ac, Va., '83-87; financ. agt. Red Spr. Sem. (now So. Pres. Col.,) '00-04. 506. DABNEY, Williaji Anderson; b. Decatur, Ga., Oct. 15, 1845; stu. W. L. U. ; C. S. A. ; 1 Col. Sem.; (2. Gr.) ; L. Atl. Pby., June 29, '75; O. June 7, '76; P. Hunter St. Ch., Atlanta, Ga. ; P. Covington, Va. ; P. Oxford, Va. ; P. El. Maysville, Va., ten years ; P. Providence Ch., Va. ; brief supplies at Pine Bluff, Ark., Unity and Castanea Chs., N. C, Brownsville, Tenn., and Thomaston, Ga. ; address, '08, Shalfar, Va. 507. DUPUY, Benj^amin Hunter; b. Prince Edward Co., Va., Aug. 11, 1845; stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby. May 6, '76; O. E. H. Pby., Aug. 6, '76 ; P. Powhatan and S. S. Willis, Va., '76-'83 ; Ev. W. Dist. Pby., '83-'84; P. 2d Ch., St. Joseph, Mo., '84-"86 ; P. Carrollton, Mo. (U. S. A.) '86-'88; P. Higgiu-sville, Mo., '88-93: P. El. Waxahachie, Tex., '94; P. Water Valley, Miss., '94-'98 ; S. S. Marion, Ky., '00-02; S. S. Bloomfield and Big Spring, Ky., '02-'03 ; P. Davis, W. Va., '04-'06; P. Beverlv and Midland Chs., '06—. 508.* DUPUY, Joseph ; Prince Edward Co., Va. ; b. June 30, 1851 ; H. S. C. ; (1.); withdrew; teacher in Northern Va., and Maryland '74-82. Died Frederick Co., Md., May 12, 1883. 509. GAINES, Frank H. ; b. Monroe Co., Tenn., July 25, 1852 ; A. B., Cumberland U. (Lebanon, Tenn.); med. stu.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Knoxv. Pby., April 17, '75 ; O. Eb. Pby. Sept. 30, '76 : P. Hopewell and Clintonville Chs., 96 Union Theological Seminary. Eb. Pby., '76-'TS; P. Hebron, Lex. Pby., '78-'S3 ; P. Falling Spr., Mont. Pby., '83-88; P. Decatur, Ga., '88-'0G ; pres. Agnes Scott Inst., "96—; author "Bible Course ; Outline and Notes." D. D., Da. C. 510. GROVER, Alfked Evans; b. Henrico Co., Va., June 5, 1848; stu. H. B. C. and U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby. April 15, '76; O. St. Louis Pby. Sept., '76; P. Mizpali Ch., St. L. Pby., '76-'77 ; S. S. Shelbyville, Tenn., '77-'80; P. McMinnville, Nashv. Pby., '81-82; S. S. Humboldt, Tenn., '82-'84; Mt. Carmel, Tenn, '84-88; P. Helena, Ark., '88-93; P. Point Pleasant, W. Va., '93-05; P. Oak Grove, Pleasant Ridge and Bethesda, Tusc. Pby., '05—. 511. GUERRANT, Edward Owings ; b. Sharpsburg, Ky., Feb. 28, 1838 ; A. B., C. C. K. ; Danville Sem. ; C. S. A., '62-65 ; stu. med. Jeff. Col., Phila., and M. D. Bellevue Hosp. Col., N. Y. ; practiced med. '67-73; (2.) ; L. W. Lex. Pby. April 10, '75 ; O. Oct. 30, '75 ; P. Salem and S. S. Union '75-76 ; P. Mt. Sterling and S. S. Springfield and Owingsville '76-'78; P. 1st Cli., Louisville, Ky., '79-'82 ; Ev. Synod of Ky., '82-'85 ; P. Troy, Ky., '86-'90 ; P. Wilmore, Ky., '86-'01 ; Ev. since and pres. America Inland Mission ; author "The Soul Winner;" editor of the "Soul Winner," (monthly). D. D., Austin Col. 512. McCULLOl'GII, .Tames; Louisville; stu. Assembly's Theol. College, Belfast, Ireland ; L. Louisv. Pby. ; preaching and teaching in Louisville and other points, '75-'85 ; O. '85 ; P. New Haven, New Hope and S. S. Boston Chs., '86-'91; S. S. Beulah Ch., '93; W. C. '94-01; S. S. Cane Run, '02- '05; D. M. at Fern Creek, Ky., '05—. 513. Mcdonald, Angus; b. Pleasant Hill, N. C, Feb. 11. 1846; stu. D. C. ; C. S. A.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., April, '76; O. Louisv. Pby.. spring, '77; S. S. Mission Chap. Louisville, Ky., '76-'77: P. Elizabethtown, Ky., '77_'84 ; P. 2d Ch., Henderson, Pad. Pby., *S4-'91 ; P. Moore Memorial Ch., Nashville, Tenn., '91-03; P. 1st Ch., .Tackson, Tenn., '03—; author "The Old Paths;" tracts on Predestination; "'Why Was Jesus Baptized?" "The Spirituality of Christ's Kingdom," etc. D. D., S. W. P. U. 514.* McGILVARY, William Malcolm; Moore Co., N. C. ; b. Feb. 27, 1847; Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby. April 22, '76; S. S. Bethle- hem and Buffalo, Roan. Pby. '76-'77: S. S. Rutherfordton and Little Britain, Meckl. Pby. '77-78; O. June 1, '78; P. Little Britain and S. S. Ruther- fordton '82 -'83. Died Feb. 12, 1883. 515. MUNROE, Colin Alexander; b. Troy, Montgomery Co., N. C:, Oct. 11, 1844; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., April 15. '70; O. Miss. Pby., April 15, '77 ; S. S. Luraberton and Rockingham Chs., Fay. Pby., '76-'77; P. Crystal Springs, Miss., '76-'82 ; Ev. Cone. Pby., '82-83; S. S. First Ch., Huntington, till :\rarch, '85; P. El. Huntington. W. A^a., till May, '85 ; P. Lenoir and Hickory Chs., Cone. Pby., '85-'91 ; P. Lenoir, '91-'03 ; Ev. Cone. Pby., '03 — ; author "Pioneers of Presbyterianism in North (-arolina." 516. MUNROE, Dugald ; b. Troy, N. C, Aug. 21, 1840; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., April, "76; O. Knoxv. Pby., April, 77; S. S. Soddy, Sale Creek and Washington Chs., Knoxv. Pby., '76-77; P. Soddy, '77— (S. S. Sale Cr. and Washington Chs., '77)— "89; S. S. Newlon, Shiloh and Sherrill's Ford Chs.. Cone. Pby., till following spring; P. 'Newton '90— (S. S. Sherrill's Ford and Shiloh,''00)— '05 ; P. Soddy, a second time, '95 — (S. S. Sale and Washington, '95) — '00; Ev. work summer of '00, in mts. of N. C. ; Ev. Albni. Pby., '01-'(»3; P. Big Rockfish and Hope Mills Chs., Fay. Pby., 'O2-'07 ; Ev. Concord Pby., preaching at Quaker Meadow, Glen Alpine, Bridgewater and Anderson Chapel, '07 — . 517. REED. Richard Clark; b. Hamilton Co.. Tenn., Jan. 24, 1851; A. B., K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Knoxv. Pby. May 4, '70; O. Memp. Pby. Sept. '76; > H H m n X > n r > z D H z "^ m ?o I > r r Union Theological Seminary. 97 S. S. Somerville, Tenn., 'TG-'77 ; P. Village Ch., Smithville, Va., '77-'S5 ; P. Franklin, Tenn., '85-'S9 ; P. 2d Cti., Charlotte, xNT. C, '89-'92 ; P. Woodland St. Cb., Nashville, Tenn., '92-'9S ; prof. Ch. History in Col. Theol. Sem., '98 — ; editor of "Pres. Standard," '05; asso. Ed, '07 — ; asso. ed. *'Pres„ Quarterly," '02-04; author "The Gospel as Taught by Calvin;" "Class Koom History of the Presbyterian Churches of the World." D. D., K. C, '91; LL. D., K. C, '06. 518.* RUFF, Andeew Wallace ; b. near Lexington, Va., Feb. 26, 1847 ; farmer; W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 22, '70; O. Sept. 27,', '77; P. Loc. Bottom Ch., '77— (S. S. Carmel "78, and Rich Patch '81) — '82; S. S. Mountain Grove and Beulah, Lex. Pby., '83-'84. Died at Mill Gap, Highland Co., Va., Dec. 22, 1884. 519. SAMPSON, Thornton Rogers; b. Union Seminary, Oct. 9, 1852; H. S. C. and U. Va. ; teacher; (2.); New Col., Edinburg and Leipzig '74-'77; L. W. H. Pby., April IS, '78; O. Aug. 3, '78; Ev. (Miss.) tlo> Greece '78-92; Sec. For. Missions, Syn. N. C, '92-94; Pres. Assembly's Home and School, Va., '94-97 ; Pres. Austin Col., Sherman, Tex., '97-'00 ; Pres. Pres. Theol. Sem., Austin, Tex., '00-'05 ; Prof. Church History and Polity '05 — ; author "Form of Government," for Greek Ev. Ch. ; "Com- mentary on the Epistle to the Galatians," Modern Greek. D. D., and LL. D., Da. C. 520. SEXTON, James Wittin ; b. July 7. 1850; stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby. April, '76; O. Ev. Braz. I'by., April, '77; S. S. Huntsville, Willis and Waverly Chs., '77-89; P. Bryan Ch., '80-84; P. Longview and Alpine, Tex., -85— (S. S. Kilgore '86-'88)— '90 ; P. Bryan and Wheelock, Tex., '91; S. S. Calvert, Tex., '92— ( Prospect '93)— '93; S. S. Brenham, Pi-ospect, Bremond and Hempstead, '94-95; P. Ennis, Tex., '96 — (S. S. Ferris, '99) — '00; S. S. group of six chs., near Ennis, '01; S. S. Alabama, and Frost, "02; AV. C. at Ennis, '03-05; S. S. Houston, Tex., '06; S. S. Gulf Prairie, Velasco, Aldine and Madisonville, '07 ; now S. S. Alvin, Gulf Prairie and Madisonville, Tex. 521. SHAW, John Sumter ; b. Anisto Co., Miss., Feb. 9, 1848 ; A. B., Da. C. ; planter; (3.) ; L. N. O. Pby., April 14, '76; O. Miss. Pby., April 12, '77; P. Rodney, Miss., '70-'79 ; P. Fayette, Miss., '79-89; P. Winona, Miss., '89-'91 ; P. Delhi, La., '91-90 ; P. Paw Cr., N. C, '96-'99 ; P. Austin, Tex., Jan. to Nov., '00 ; Ev. Ark. Pby. 'OO-'Ol ; P. Dublin, Tex., '01-'02 ; P. Plantersville, Ala., '02-'07 P. Karnes City, Tex., '07—. 522. SMITH, Samuel Macon; b. Hampden-Sidney, Va., July 26, 1851; stu. U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. April 22. '76; O. Ev. Nov. 16, '76; Ev. Or. Pby., '76-'77; P. Washington, N. C, '77-89; P. 1st Ch., Columbia, S. C. '89—. D. D., Da. C, '87. 523. SPEARS, William Thompson; b. .July 13, 1848; A. B., K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Knoxv. Pby., May, '75; O. Ev. W. Lex. Pby., April, '77; Ev. W. Lex. Pby.. 3 yrs. ; P. Richwood Ch., Boone Co., Ky., '79-'84 ; P. George- town, Tex., '84-'S5; S. S. Mayslick, Eb. Pby., '85-'90 ; S. S. Washington, Ky., '86-'90; P. Washington, '90-'05 ; P. Vanceburg, '06 — . 524. TADLOCK, Alexander Doak; b. Washington Co., Tenn., May 27, 1851; A. B., K. C. ; (3.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., April 6, '76; O. Eb. Pby., Oct. 1, '76; P. Grayson and Greenup Union, '76-80; Ev. Muhl. Pby.. '81-89; P. Richwood and Union Chs., '89-93; P. Clintonville and Hopewell Chs., '93-'05 ; P. Sharon Ch., Augusta Ky., '05—. 52.5. WALDEN, Julius Walker; b. Centre, Cherokee Co., Ala., Feb. 28, 1851; stu. W. L. U. ; teacher; stu. law; (1.) ; L. S. Ala., Pby., April, '75; O. Oct. '75; P. S. Franklin St. Ch., Mobile, '75-'78; P. Dayton, O., '78-'Sl; P. 1st Ch., Covington, Ky., Eb. Pby., (of U. S. A.) '82-'87; P. 2d Ch., Newark, O., '88-'91 ; P. Prytania St. Ch.. New Orleans '92-'96 ; P. 1st Ch., Athens, Ga., '96-06; P. De I'uniak Springs, Fla., '07—. D. D. 98 Union Theological Seminary. 52(j. WALLACE, William Ckaig ; Hamilton Co., Teuu. ; b. July 9, 1S4S ; K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Knoxv. Pby., May 2, '76; O. Ev. Oct., '76; S. S. Soddj and Bethel '76-77 ; S. S. Graham, Dallas Pby., '78-79 ; S. S. Beaumont. E. Tex. Pby. '79-'84 ; W. C. at Lone Tree, Kan., '84 ; in trans. '85 ; S. S. Lees- burg, Kan., '86-87; S. S. Pleasant Grove, '88 — (Cairo, Mineral Springs, Ga., '88-'90; Faceville, '89-90)— '93 ; S. S. Galva, Kan., '94-'95 ; S. S. Cold- water, '96; (no further record obtainable). 1874-"75. 527. BKANTLEY. Erski.ne; b. Giles Co.. Tenii., Feb. 1, 1850: A. B., Stewart C, (Tenn.) ; teacher; (3.) ; L. Nashv. Pby. April 23, '77; O. Bethel Pby. April 13, '78; P. Zion Ch. and S. S. Olivet '78-80; S. S. Woodbury^ Hall Ch., Stones River and Cripple Creek, Tenn., '80-'82 : taught school and preached at Collinsville, Tex., ■83-85 ; S. S. Waxahachie '86 — (S. S. Lancaster '86-'88) — "91; P. Decatur and S. S. West Fork and Chico. Tex., '92-'94 ; H. M. and Ev. Eddy and Roswell, N. M., and Pecos, Tex., '95-97 ; H. M. and Ev. Ellis Co., Tex.. '97-'01 ; S. S. Antlers '02— (S. S. Potiail and Hugo '02-03) — : priu. Antlers High School since Sept. '02. A. M., S. W. P. u. 528. CAMPBELL, Isaac Newton ; b. Augusta Co., Va., Aug. 15, 1846 ; stu. W. L. U. ; farmer; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., April 28, '77; O. W. H. Pby. Sept. 23, '77; P. Appomattox C. PL, Va., '77-78; S. S. Union and Shemariah, Lex. Pby.. '78-79 ; P. Union '79-82 ; P. Strasburg and Ev. at Mt. Jackson and Luray, Va., '82-84; P. Rutherfordton, N. C, '84— (S. S. Little Britain '84-'87 ; Ev. in Rutherford and Polk Cos., '87— )— '88; S. S. Unity, Franklin and South River '88-'90 ; P. Patterson Cr. Ch., '91-'93; S. S. Burlington and Petersburg, W. Va., '93-94: P. Marshall, Delaplane and Aldie '94-'07 ; P. Berkeley Springs, W. Va., '07 — . 529.* CHANEY, Leonidas Beverly ; b. New Roe. Ky., May 4, 1847 : stu. W. L. U. ; teacher; (3.) ; L. C. Tex. Pby. June 27, '77; O. Dallas Pby^ April 15, '78; P. Weatherford, Tex., '78-'85 ; S. S. Abilene, Tex., '86: P. Rogersville, Tenn., '87-'91 ; P. Bethlehem Ch., at Wartrace, Tenn., '91-96; preaching also at Tullahoma and Decherd ; P. College Hill, Miss., '96 — (S. S. Shiloh and Scottsville '98-99 ) —'00 ; P. Central City and Greenville, Ky., '00-'02. Died at Greenville, Sept. 12, 1902. 530.* CONVERSE, Charles S. ; b. Phil. Jan. 1, 1847; N. H. ; teacher and lawyer; (—Mid. 1.) : Princ. Gr. ; L. N. Bruns. Pby. April 25, '76: O. May 8, '76 ; P. Amwell, N. J., '76-'81 ; S. S. Morris Ch., Rawlins, Wyoming Ter. '81-'83 ; S. S. Westminster Ch. Dakota Ter. '83-'86 ; S. S. and P. Con- necticut Farms Ch., Union, N. J., '86-'99 ; resigned on account of ill health, and lived at Clifton Springs, N. Y., where he died June 28, 1903. 531.* CREWS, James Richard; Charlotte Co., Va. ; b. Nov. 24, 1845; C. S. A.; wounded; stu. H. S. C. ; (3.) : L. Roan. Pby. April 28, '77: O'. Sept. 22, '77; P. Buffalo and S. S. Bethlehem '77— (P. '79)— '84; P. 3d Ch.. Lynchburg, '84-'88 ; P. Anchor of Hope and Galena, '88-'97 ; inf. at Cub Creek, '98. Died in Charlotte Co., Va., June 16, 1898. 532. FOGARTIE. James Edward; b. Charleston, S. C, Feb. 10, 1850; A. B., Da. C. ; A. M. and Ph. D., U. N. C. : merchant; (2.) ; Col. Sem. Gr. ; L. Charles. Pbv. April. '77: O. July, '77; P. Edisto Island, S. C. '77-'81; S. S. Thomasville, Ga., '81-'82 ; Ev. Meckl. Pby. '82-86; P. Walhalla, '86-'90 : P. Chapel Hill. N. C. '90-'93 : P. Greenwood. S. C, '93-'96; prof. S. W. P. U. '96-04; P. Ilopkiusville, Ky., '04-07; P. Bain- bridge, Ga., '07—. D. D.. Pros. Col. S. C, and Da. C. Union Theological Seminary. 99 533 JOHNSON, Charles William; Wytheville, Va. ; b. May 18, 1852; A B. and A. M., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., April, '77; O. July. TS; S S Kich Valley, Va., '77-78 ; P. Tazewell C. H. '78-83 ;' S. S. Jonesboro, Tenn., '83-'85 ; S. S. Cornersville, Tenn., '85-89 ; S. S. Fayetteville, Tenn., '89-'03 ; S. S. Dermott, Ark., '03—. 534.* KELLER, William Edwin ; Harrodsburg, Ky. ; b. Feb. 12, 1840 ; lawyer and judge, 'G0-'72 ; stu. privately '72-'73 ; (1.) ; L. Transylv. Pby., April 6, '70 ; O. Aug. 17, '70 ; Ev. in mts. Ky., '76-'77 ; P. Bloomfleld, Ky.„ and Big Spring Chs., '77-80 ; P. Mt. Sterling and Springfield, Ky., '80-83 ; P. Bardstown. Ky., '83-90; P. Meridian, Miss., '90-'93 ; inf. S. S. Mt. Sterling and Springfield Chs., '94-'96 ; P. Parkland Ch., Louisville, Ky., '96-98; P. Woodland Ch., Louisville, '98. Died Dec. 4, 1898. 535. KING, KUTLEDGE F. ; b. Piney Flats, Tenn., Feb. 2, 1849 ; A. B., K. C. ; farmer and teacher; (2.+) ; L. Hoist. Pby. April 30, '77; O. May 5, '79; S. S. Newport and Meadow Creek Chs., Tenn., '79-'80 ; S. S. New Bethel and Meadow Creek '81-83 ; S. S. Holston, Pleasant Grove and Con- cord Chs., '84-'89 ; teacher '90-'95 ; Mount. Ev. in Ga. '96 ; Ev. and Colp'r. in mountains of Hoist. Pby. '96 — . 536. LAW, Patrick Redd ; b. Martinsville, Va., Dec. 7, 1849 ; A. B., Da. C; law student; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., April 13, '77; O. August 28, '77 ; Ev. and S. S. Pittsboro. Haywood, and Mt. Vernon Springs Chs., Chat- ham, Co., N. C. '77-85; P. Monroe Ch.. '85-87; ed. in chief, CharlotHe' Daily Morning Chronicle, '87-'89 ; P. Lumberton Ch., '89-'93 ; S. S. Lumber Bridge, '90-'01 ; S. S. Big Rockfish and Hope Mills Chs., '94-'01 ; S. S. Rockingham Cb.. 'OO-'Ol ; S. S. Rockingham again, '0l-'U4 ; organized and S. S. Shannon Ch., '93-06 ; S. S. Mt. Vernon Springs Ch., and also financial agent of the So. Pres. Col. and Conservatory of Music, to '06 ; ed. Presbyterian Standard, Charlotte, N. C, '07—. D. D., Da. C. 537. McCONNELL, Thomas Maxwell ; b. Washington Co., Va., July 13, 1851; A. M., K. C. ; Col. Sem. ; (—Sen. 1. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., April 21, '75 ; O. Nashville Pby. June 29, '75 ; S. S. Decherd and McMinnville, Tenn., '75 ; P. McMinnville, '76-'79 ; P. Westminster Ch., Nashville, Tenn., '79-84 ; P. McMinnville (2d time), '84-'88 ; P. Wytheville, Va., '88-'92 ; P. 1st Ch., Greenville, S. C, '92-'02 ; P. Gainesville. Ga.. '02-'05 ; P. Camden. S. C, '0.5-'07; P. Morristown, Tenn., '08 — ; author "The Last Week With Jesus," ■"Eve and Her Daughters ;" Tracts on "Repentance," "Presbyterian Polity," and "Claims of the Ministry." D. D., Pres. Col., S. C. 538. McCOWN, James Hauvey ; h. Rockbridge Co., Va., April 7, 1852; A. B., W. L. U.. '74: (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., April 28, '77; O. Greeub. Pby., Sept. 15, '77 ; P. Huutersville, Baxter and Liberty, Greenb. Pby., '77-82; inf.; teacher '92-93; and '97-98; Temporary S. S., New Mon- mouth Uh., Lex. Pby., Colp. ; farmer ; and continued ill health, '05. 539.* McLELLAND, William Rankin; b. Feb. 13, 1849; teacher; Da. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., April 25, '76; O. E. Texas Pby., Nov. 6, '78; S. S. Tyler, '79; Troupe, '80-'81 ; P. Tyler, '82-'84 ; P. Tabor, Bethany, Bethesda and Troutman, Cone. Pby., N. C, '86-05. Died at Grandview, Tex., May 31, 1905, while commissioner to the Gen. Assembly. 540. McMURRAY. .Toiix Addison; b. Alamance Co., N. C, Oct. 21, 1849; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. C. Tex. Pby., April, '77; O. Nov. '77; P. Corsicana, Tex., '77-'S0 ; Ev. C. Tex. Pby., '80-85; Ev. Roan. Pby. 'S5-'8e; P. Roanoke Ch., Roan. Pby., '86-'92 ; Ev. Fay. Pby., '92-'98 ; P. Philadelphia and Robinson Chs., Meckl. Pby., '98-'05 ; P. Woodlawn Ch., Beth. Pby., '05 — . loo Union Theological Seminary. 541. MOLLOY, JoHX Caluoux ; b. Holly Spi-iugs, Miss., Nov. 23, I800 ; S. W. P. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Loiusv. Pby., April 20, 'XT; O. Sept. 21, '77; S. S. Bethlehem'and Buffalo, Roan. Tby., '75; S. S. Mission Chapels of 2d Pres. Cli., Louisville, Ky., and was financial agent for Pres. Orphanage and Seminary, Anchorage, Ky., '75-'76 ; P. Owensboro, Ky., '77-97 ; raised $25,000 to found the Owensboro Female College, church and chapel at Owensboro ; P. Maysville, Ky., '"J7-"U5 ; P. Lauderdale St. Ch., Memphis, Tenn., 'Or> — ; author, "A Tract on Presbyterianism," and articles for theoi. magazines. 542. MORROW, Robert Oulaxdo Baxter; b. Aug. 28, 1846; A. B., U.- Miss.; farmer and C. S. A.; Col. Sem. ; (1.+ ) ; L. Chick. Pby., -Tune, '75: O. W. Dist. Pby., Dec, '7G ; H. M. Louisv. Pby., '7G ; P. Brazil, '76— (S. S. Eaton and Dyersburg, '76)— '78; S. S. Brandon, Miss., '78-79; S. S. Durant. Miss., '80-81 ; S. S. Hendersonville and Mills River, N. C, '83-85 ; P. Mallard Creek, N. C, '85-89 ; Ev. Ouachita Pby., '89-'93 ; S. S. Oxford and Anniston. Ala., '93-'95 ; S. S. in Marengo Co., Ala., Demopolis, Farus- dale and Dayton, '95-02 ; P. El. West Point, Ga., '02—. 543. MUNROE. Edmind M-^kshall; b. Troy. N. C, May 16, 1S50 ; A. B., Da. C. : teacher; (3. (ir.) ; L. Fay. Pby., Oct. '76; O. Ouach. Pby., Oct.. '78; S. S. Camden and Mt. Holly Chs., Ouach. Pby., Ark., '77-78; P. Camden and Mt. Holly Chs.. '78-'93 ; S. S. Milford, Tex., '93; P. Milford, '93— (S. S. Meitens, '93)—. D. D., Ark., Col., '94. 544. QUIGLEY, John H. ; Shepherdstown, W. Ya. ; stu. H. S. C. ; (1.) ; withdrew with consent of Wine. Pby. ; never licensed. 545.* RAMSAY, James Alston; b. Salisbury, N. C, August 6, 1852; A. B.. Da. C, '74; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., April '76; O. May 17, '77; P. Thyatira and Back Creek Chs., '77-91; P. Hickory '91 — (P. Newtou '95)— '00. D. D., Clin. Col. Died at Hickory, N. C, Jan. 11, 1900. 546.* RAMSEY, Emmet A.; b. Catoosa Co., Ga., Dec. 9, 1849; A. B., Da. C. ; farmer and teacher; (1.+) ; L. Knoxv. Pby., Sept. '76; O. June '76; S. S. London Ch., Tenn.. '76; P. London Ch., and S. S. Athens, Tenn., '78-84; S. S. Westminster Ch., Nashville; P. Murfreesboro, '84-93; 1\ First Ch., Memphis, '93-98. D. D.. S. W. P. U., '93. Died at Excelsior Springs, Mo., Jan. 13, 1898. 547. RUFF, John; b. Rockbridge Co., Va., Feb. 18, 1851; W. L. U.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April, '77; O. Nov., '77; S. S. Peaks Ch.. Bedford Co., Va., '77 ; P. Peaks Ch., '77-'97 ; P. Montvale, Laurel Grove and Otter- ville in connection with I'eaks ; P. Monterey, Pisgah and Crabbottom Chs., Lex. Pby., ':)7 -'01 ; P. Cook's Creek Ch., '02—. 548. SHERRARD, Joseph L. ; Crozet, Va. ; b. Hampshire Co., W. Va., Feb. 21. 1813; A. B., W. C. V.; civil engineer; (3. Gr. ) ; L. Wine. Pbv., April, '77; O. S«pt. '79: S. S. Petersburg, W. Va., '77-'S2; P. Lebanon Ch., Va., E. H. Pby. '84-01 ; S. S. Rockfish Ch., W. H. Pby., '88-01 ; ^nf. and W. C. '01—. 549. SLOAN, Joseph Milton; b. Humboldt, Tenn., Sept. 12, 1845; U. Miss.; teacher; (2.-I-) ; L. W. Dist. Pby., April 9, '76; O. Oct. 18, '76: P. Ripley, Tenn., '76-85 ; P. Huntington. W. Va., '85-93 ; Ev. Greenbrier Pty., '94-'96 ; S. S. Lewisburg part of '96 ; P. Alderson, W. Va., '97 ; at same time Ev. Syn. of Va., since '99, for one half time. 550. STmsON. RouERT Delanson ; b. Statesville, N. C, April 23, 1849: Da. C. : (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., May 9, '77; O. E. Han. Pby.. Nov. 27, '77; P. Holmes Ch., Northampton Co., Va., '77— (S. S. Belle Haven. '79)— '91; P. Collierstown Ch.. Rockbridge Co., Va., '91-'94 ; P. Hopewell Ch., Mecklenburg Co., N. C, '9.5-02; S. S. Climax, Attapulgus, Donalson- ville and Blakeley Chs., Ga., '07 — . Union Theological Seminary. ioi 551.* STRATTON, William M. ; Jackson, E. Feliciana Parish, La.^ b. Portsmouth, Va., Sept. IG, 1846; stu. Centenary C, Ala.; C. S. A.; Co!. Sem.- (2.) ; L. Louisiana Pby. April 3, '75; O. St. L. Pby., April 13, '78; P. Mi'zpah '78— (and S. S. Potosi, Potosi Pby. '80— )— '82; res. Potosi, Mo., '83 ; S. S. Bladdn Springs, S. Ala. '83-84 ; P. Demopolis and York '84-85 ; S. S. De Soto, Mo., '86. Died there Jan. 20, 1886. 552.* STUART. Ebenezer Erskine;* Rockbridge Co.; b. March 29, 1848; stu. W. L. U. (1+) ; left in ill health and died at his father's residence, «ept.'24, 1879. 553.* TRENHOLM, Geoege Alfred ; b. Charleston, S. C, Mar. 30^ 1845 ; , 1850; teacher; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby.. April 26. '79; O. April 24, '80; S. S. and P. El. Harper's Ferry, W. Va., '79-'81 ; P. 1st Ch., Koauoke, Va., •81—. D. D., H. S. C, '92. 589. CATTANACH, Joiia' C. ; Quebec, Canada ; withdrew in a few week^j. 590. CAVE. William Edward ; b. Luray, Va.. Feb. 25, 1851 ; A. B.. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Md. Pby.. May 3, '79; O. Loui.sv. Pby. Oct., '81 ; P. Bloomfield, Ky., '81-'S3 ; P. Paducah, Ky., '83—. D. D., C. U, Ky. 591. CAVITT. C'LAKENCE Volney ; b. Wheelock. Robertson Co.. Texas, March 5, 1855; A. B., Roan. C. ; (1.) ; Col. Sera.; (2. Gr.) ; L. Braz. Pby., Nov.. '79 ; O. Pi. Bl. Pby. ; S. S. Giddings, Tex. ; S. S. Waverly. Tex. ; S. S. Brenham and Caldwell, Tex. ; P. Warren, Ark. ; S. S. Pine Prairie. Avk. ; S. S. St. Joseph, Pt. Pleasant and Trinity Ch., R. Riv. Pby. ; S. S. Buskie, Marksville and Atchafalaya Chs., La. Pby., April, '07 — . 592.* COSNER, William Francis; Hardy Co.. W. Va. : b. Nov. 29, 1845; farmer and teacher; W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby. April 20, '79; O. Ev. Oct. 4, '79. Died in missionary work Nov. 17, 1880. 593.* DABNEY, Joim William ; H. S. C. ; teacher. 5 yrs. in Va. ; 2 yrs. at Campinas, Brazil; (2.) ; L. and O. E. 11. Pby., April 28, '78; F. M. in Campinas and prin. of the International Col., '78-'90. Died there of yellow- fever, March 7, 1890. 594.* DALTON, Archie Carter;* High Point, N. C. ; b. Statesville, Dec. 4, 1853 ; Da. C. ; ill health. Died in a few weeks, Sept. 19, 1876 595. DAVIES. George Whiting; b. Iluntsville, Ala., Aug. 3, 3S53; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 19, '80; O. Ouachita Pby. . Engaged in secular pursuits, '82 — . 596. EPES, Theodorick Prtor ; b, Nottoway Co., Va., Jan. 4, 1854: A. B., W. L. U. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby. May 3, '79; O. W. H. Pby., April 23, '80; teacher, Madison C. II.. and Ev. Madison, Greene and Rappahannock Cos., '79-'Sl ; P. Greenwich and Litchfield Chs., Chesap. Pbv.. '81-'84; P. Manchester, Va., '84-'87 ; P. Woodstock. Va.. '87-'90 ; P. Notto- way Ch., Blackstone. Va.. E. H. Pby., '91—. D. D., H. S. C. 597. GRAl'BILL, J. Walton-; b. Salem, Va., Aug. 2, 1853; stu. H. S. 0. ; Med. Dept., C. U. Ky. ; M. D., Med. Sch. of Ky. ; post grad. course in Hisi. and Sciences at Stanford U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby.. April 17, '80; Mv. near Louisville. '80-'81 ; O. Montg. Pby. Sept. 30. '81 ; Mv. to Mexico, '81-'83; P. Richwood, Ky., '84-'89 ; P. Brighton, Col., '90-'93'; P. Trinidad, Col., •93-'98; P. Palo Alto, Cal.. '98-00; head master Mt. Tamalpio Mil. Ac, San Rojene, Cal., '00-'03 ; Ev. Stockton Pby., Syn. Cal.. '03 -'06; P. Westminster Ch., Louisville, Ky., '07 — io6 Uxiox Theological Seminary. 5!:)8. MORRISON, James Haudy ; b. Buncombe Co., N. C, Feb. 2, l.MIJ ; A. B. and A. M. Da. C. ; teacher; (2.) ; L. W. Lex. Pb.v., May 7, '7S; O. Ev., Sept. 11, '78; Ev. in Owingsville and Mt. Sterling, Ky., '78-79; P. Portland Ave. Ch., Louisville, Ky., '7I3-'8S ; Ev. for Syn. of Ky., '88-'ni, building 11 cbs. in Ky. ; Ev. Syii. Nasbv., '91-94; Ev. in Texas, Miss, aud Ark., '94-'9G; P. 2d Cb., Nashville, Teun, '96-'00 ; financial agt. Daniel Baker Col., Brownwood, Tex., ■00-'02 ; same for INIonroe Harding Orphanage. '02-'04; P. McLemore Ave. Cb., Memphis, Tenu., '04; author "History of Portland Avenue Pres. Ch." D. D., Holbrook Normal, O., '95. 599. SCOTT, Lyttleton Edmunds; b. Halifax C. H., (Houston,) Va., March 1, 1855; H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pbv., April, '79; O. E. H. Pby.. Nov. 14. '79; S. S. Suffolk, Hampton and Berkelv. '79-'S3 ; S. S. Bayliss Mem. and Olive Hill Cbs., Carter Co., Ky., '83-'S4 ; P. Round Hill, Va., '85-92; P. Fairview and Marion Junction, Ala.. '92 — (S. S. Friendship . Ch., '92)— '01; P. Pryor Mem. Ch., Crewe, Va., '01-'06; S. S. King Mem., Bristol, Va., '06—. «;on.* THOMPSON, Ballard Fraxklin ; b. AVilson Co.. Tenn.. Oct. 10, 1847: Stewart ('. ( S. W. P. U.) ; teacher: (3 Or.) ; L. Nasbv. Pby.. April 23. '79 ; O. Ev. Jan. "80 ; My. to Pernambuco 'S0-'81. Died there April 27, 1881. 601. WASSON, John B. ; M. D., Lexington, Ky., at last report. 602. WEAVER, James Hexry ; b. Hardiman Co., Tenn.. Dec. 15, 1848; S. W. P. U. ; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Mempb. Pbv.. April, '79; O. Oct., '79 ; P. Atoka and Big Creek, '79-81 ; P. Big Creek and Kerrville, '81-85; P. Mason and Center, '85-87; P. Jeffersontown and Beulab, Kv., '87-91; P. Campbellsville and Bethel, '91-'97 ; S. S. Smyrna, Graham and Monroe, Ind., '98-04; P. Brownstown, Ind., '04 — . 1)03. WHALING, Hor.\ce Morland ; stu. Da. C, then R. C. ; (1.) ; L. Charleston Pby.. April 26. '79; O. Memphis Pby.. Nov. 28. '79; P. Park Ave. Ch., Memphis, '80-81 ; S. S. Lake City, Puel)lo Pby., '82 ; S. S. Deni- son, Texas, '83-84 ; El Paso, Tex. ; entered Me.tbodist ministry and has since held pastorates in Waco, Tex., Baltimore, Md., Austin, Tex., and San Marcos, Tex. Pb. I). Metb. Col. in Texas. 1877-78. 604. BEALE, Weisel ; b. Cumberland. Md., Dec, 1849; IL S. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., spring meeting, '80; O. Potosi Pby., fall '82; S. S. Union City, Hebron and Dyersburg, Tenn., Cbs., '80; S. S. Brazeau and 1st Apple Cr. Chs., Potosi Pby., '81-82; P. 1st Ch.. Apple Cr., 'S2-'85 ; S. S. New Madrid, Mo., '86-'87 ; S. S. Clarkton, Mo., '88-'90 ; in trans. Louisiana, Mo., '91 ; S. S. Jackson and Oak Ridge, Mo., '92-'95 ; S. S. La Belle, Mo., '96-'98; S. S. Fairfax, Mo., '99-'01 ; S. S. Caruthersville, Mo., '02; S. S. Laddonia, Mo., '03-05 ; H. M. in Ok. or Ind. Ter., '06—. 605. BRIDGES, James Robertson; b. St. Louis, Mo., Sept. 29, 1852: A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April 28, 'SO; O. W. Tex., Nov. 17, '81 ; S. S. Eminence and Pleasureville, Ky., '80 ; Salem and Walnut Hill, '80-'81 ; Ev. Uvalde, Del Rio, Bandero. Tex., '81-83; S. S. Mission Chapel, Assoc. Ref. Pres. Ch., Balto., Md., '83-'85 ; P. Leesburg, Va., '85-89 ; Salem, '89-'95 ; Columbia, Md., '95-98 ; Orlando, Fla., '98-99 ; Pres. Presb. College for Women, Cliarlotte, '99 — ; ed. St. Louis Prcsb., '96-'97 ; ed. Trans-Miss. Pres., "97-'98. D. D., H. S. C. 606.* CAMPBELL. James F.* Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. Dec. 27, 1854; A. B., W. L. U. ; (1.). Died at his home Aug. 12, 1878. Union Theological Seminary. 107 GOT. CHINN, William; b. Fauquier Co., Ya., Sept. 1, 1854; A. B., H S. C; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Chesap. Pby.. April 22, '80; O. April 15v '81; S. S. Hartwood and Grove Chs., '80-81; P. '81-'84 ; P. Makemie. Onancock and Powelton Chs., E. H. Pby., '84-92; P. Rockville Ch., Md. Pby., '92-'95; inf. '95; S. S. Suffolk, Va., '96-'99 ; inf. '99-'03 ; S. S. Warrenton, Va., Nov. '03-04 ; P. '04—. 608. DIXON, JOHX Howie; b. Mecklenburg, N. C, Sept. 1, 1852; stu. U. N. C. ; farmer and teacher; (3.); L. Meckl. Pby., April 10, '81; O. Louisv. Pby., Dec. 4, '84; S. S. and teacher Rutherfordton, N. C, '81-'S2 ; S. S. Gaffney City, S. C, '82-'83 ; S. S. Munfordville, Ky., '83-'85 ; S. S. Carrollton, Mo., 'S5-'86 ; S. S. Gainesville, Ga., '86-'88 ; S. S. Sparta, Ga., Jan. to Nov. '88; P. Florence, S. C, '88-98; H. M. Meckl. Pby., April to Aug., '98; P. Sharon and Blacksburg. S. C, '98-'01 : P. Waxhaw, N. C, '01 — (P. Matthew '02 — ) — '06; P. Laurel Hill, Aberdeen and Smyrna Chs., N. C, '07—. 609. GHISELIN, Charles ; b. Jan. 26. 1853 ; A. B. and A. M., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby. May 3, '79; S. S. 4th Ch.. Richmond, Va., '79-80 ; O. Ev. Wine. Pby. May 7, '81 ; S. S. and then P. Berkley Springs, '81-83; P. Shepherdstown and Kearnoysville '83-'03 ; P. Shepherdstowu '03—. D. D., H. S. C, '95. 610.* HARRELL, Frank Pierce ; Lumberton, Robeson Co., N. C. ; b. Nov. 6, 1852; Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., April 26, 'SO; O. Cone. Pby., Dec. 4, '80 ; S. S. and then P. Prospect Ch., '80-83. Died June 29, 1883. 611. Mcelroy, Isaac Stuart ; b. Lebanon, Ky., July 30. 18.53 ; A. B.. Dan. Ky. Mil. Ac; teacher and law student; ( — Sen. 1.) ; L. Transyl. Pby., April, '76; O. Mo., Pby., Sept. '78; S. S. Keytesville and Brunswick, Mo., '78-'80; P. Stanford, Ky., '80-'S4 ; P. Mt. Sterling, Ky., '84-'90 ; agt. Ky. Syn. to secure funds to establish Louisv. Sem., '90-'93 ; P. Maxwell St. Ch., Lexington. Ky., '94-'02 ; P. Columbus. Ga., First Ch., '0.5 — . Gen. Assem- bly's Sec'y of Ministerial Relief, '02-'04 ; author ''Infant Baptism." D. D. C. U. Ky., '94. 612. McLEAN, Lauchlin Archibald ; b. Cumberland Co., N. C, Dec. 7, 1849; farmer; stu. H. S. C. : (3. Gr.) ; L. Fav. Pbv., April, '80; O. Greenb. Pby., Nov. '81; Ev. Grenb. Pby. '80-'84 ; P. Chatham, Va., '84- (in charge of mission in N. Danville '84-88 ; org. and S. S. Stonewall Ch. ; S. S. Old and New Concord Chs., '88 — ) — '89; P. Ronceverte and Saleni, Greenb. Pby., '90-'92 ; Ev. Syn. Va., '92-99 ; P. Dickey Mem. Ch., near Baltimore, '99—. 613. PHIPPS. Joshua; Hawkins Co., Tenn. ; b. May 27, 1856; K. C. ; L. and O. Ev. Hoist. Pby. April 23 and 24, '80; My. in Greece (Salonica^ Macedonia) '80-85; res. Bristol, Tenn., '85-'00 ; S. S. Wagoner, I. T., '01-'06; Austin, Tex., '07—. 6M. RUFF, WiLLCAM W. ; b. Rockbridge Co., Va., Dec. 24. 1853; stu. W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 17, '80: O. Cent. Tex. Pby., Sept., '81; S. S. then P. Mexia, Tex., '81-'84 ; S. S. Oak Island, C. Texaa Pby., '82-'85; P. Pt. Pleasant and S. S. Pleasant Flats, W. Va., '86-88 i P. Hillsville and S. S. Grayson, Va., '88-92 ; S. S. Rich Valley, Saltville and Chatham Hill, A'a.. '92-95; P. Tazewell '96— (P. Burks Garden '96-99) — '01 ; P. Fairview and Lickville, S. C, '01-'05 ; inf. res. Lexington, Va., '07—, 615.* SMITH, James Henderson; b. Lexington, Va., Nov. 5, 1856; Gr. V. M. I., '76, and stu. W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., Mav 1, '79; O. May 15, 'SO; S. S., then P. Fairfield, '79-'80 ; P. Leesburg, Chesap. Pbv.,. '81-'84 ; P. Harrisonburg, Va., '84-'87 ; teacher in V. M. I. '87-89. Died in Lexington, Nov. 8, 1889. io8 Union Theological Seminary. 610. SMITH, Joseph Addison ; b. Lockhai-t, Texas, July 29, 1854 ; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. St. L. Pby., April, '80; O. April. '81; S. S. Bonhomme Ch., '80-81 ; Ev. St. L. Pby., for St. Louis and Jefferson Cos. ; also S. S. for Des Peres Ch., '82-89 { P. Aisquith St., Ch., Baltimore, Md., 'S9-'90 ; returned to home mission work and S. S. Mizpah, Bonhomme and Des Peres Chs., St. Louis Co., with Festus, in Jefferson Co., St. Louis Pby.; P. 1st Ch., Richmond, Ky., Oct., '05 — ; author "Brilliant Religious Possibilities of the Twentieth Century." D. D., H. S. C. 017.* STOKES, C0Li>f Jr. ; b. Lunenburg, Va.. Aug. 27, 1854 ; farmer ; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April 23, '80; O. Oct., '81; P. Amherst C. H., '81-83 ; P Collierstown, Lex. Pby., '83-'90 ; P. Covington, Va., '91-04. Died there June 25, 1904. 018. SUMMERELL, James North How^ard; b. Salisbury, N. C, Aug. 31, 1854; Da. C. ; teacher; (2. Gr. ; '77-'78, '79-'80, with mid, yr. at Free Col., Edinb., Scotland) ; L. Cone. Pby., Nov., '79; O. June, '81; S. S. Pisgah Ch.. and at I'aris, Ky., part of '80; P. Poplar Tent Couc, Pby., '80-83 ;•. P. Tarboro, N. C, '83-'95 ; P. Rocky Mount Ch., '83-00 : Ev. at AVilson, N. C, '83-87 ; Ev. Pitt Co., '90-95 ; P. Anderson, S. C, '95-00 ; P. Wash- ington, N. C, '00-02; P. Ghent, Norfolk, Va.. '02—. A. M., and D. D., Da. C. 019. SYDENSTRICKER, Hiram Masox ; b. Lewisburg, W. Va., Aug. 20, 1858; farmer; W. L. U. ; Ph. D., Woos. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., June, '79; O. St. L. Pby., May, '81; P. Montgomery City, Mo., '81-82; P. Water Valley, Miss.. '83-85; P. Pleasant Hill. Mo., '86-'92 ; P. Brown- wood, Texas, '92-'00 ; S. S. Memphis, Mo., '97-00; Ev. Syn. of Nashv., '01-'02; P. Corinth, Miss., '02-'07 ; P. 1st Ch.. West Point, Miss., '07—; prof. Philosophy and German in Daniel Baker College, Texas, '93-'90 ; Prof. Bible and Mod. Lang., Belvirino Col., West Point, Miss., '07 — ; author "The Epic of the Orient," "Nameless Immortals ;" Del. to I'au.-Pres. Council at Liverpool. 020.* WAILES, Robert Austin; b. May 11, 1855: H. S. C. : (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April 23, '80 ; S. S. My. Chapel, Lynchburg, '80-81 ; O. Or. Pbv., Dec. 11, '82; 1'. Tarboro and Rocky Mount, '82-83. Died in Tarboro June 14, 1883. 021. WALTON, Thomas Pevton ; b. Cumberland Co.. Va.. May 23, 1853 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby. April '80; O. Mo. Pby., Sept., 'SO; Ev. Chariton Co., Mo., '80-82 ; S. S. Ashley and Ebenezer Chs., Pike Co., Mo., '82-'84; P. Court St. Ch., Portsmouth, Va., '84-85; Prin. Watson Sem.. Ashley, Mo., 'S5-'87 ; P. Mizpah Ch., St. Louis Co., '87-'92 ; Pres. Elizabeth-.\ull Seminary, Lexington, Mo., '92-'90 : pres. Synod. Female Col., Fulton, Mo., "90-'01 ; pres. Rogersville, Tenn., Synod. Col., Vl-'03 ; pres. Ala. Synod. Col. for Women '03 — . 1878-'79. 022. BARKS, Horace Bushnell; b. Warsaw, Mo., Oct. 4, 1849; A. B., Westm. Col.; (2.) ; L. Palm. Pby., April, '80; O. Sept. '80; S. S. LaBelle, Mo., '80-'82; S. S. Caledonia, Mo., '82-'$4 ; P. Conder, Mo., '84-'89; P. Odessa, Mo.. '89-'94 ; S. S. Waverly, Mo., '94-'98 ; S. S. Auxvasse, Mo., '98-05; S. S. Centralia, Mo., '05—. 023.* COCKE. Alonzo Rice; b. Campbell Co., Va., Jan. 7, 1858; A. B., W. L. U.; (2. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pb.v. April, '80; O. Lex. Pbv., Jan. 10. '81: P. Windy Cove '81— ( Millboro, '83)— '84; P. Waynesboro, Va., '85-01; author "Studios in Ephesians." "Studies in Epistles of .Tohn." I). D. Died as result of an operation, in Chicago, Aug. 23, 1901. (524.* COWAN. Joseph McLaurin ; Telford Co.. Tenn! ; b. April 14, 1853; K. C. : (2.) ; inf.; never licensed. Died in San Antonio, Texas, Nov. 7, 1883. Union Theological Seminary. 109 625. FETZER, Hexry ; Wayne Co., O. ; of the Canaan German Ref. Ch. ; (1.) ; no further record. 626.* HEISKELL, Charles James ; b. Rogersviile, Tenn., June 22, 1858 ; A. B., U. E. Tenn., (now U. Tenn.) ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Memph. Pby., spring '81; S. S. successively, Augusta, Ark.. Memphis, Tenn.. and Longview, Tex., '81-83 ; studied in Edinburgh, '83-84 ; S. S. Brunswick, Mo., 'S5-'91 ; S. S. group of •chs. at Chresney, Ind., '91-92. Died at Cliresney, Jan. 21, 1892. 627. HOLT. James William; b. Craig Co., Va., Aug. 17, 1853; stu. W. L. U. : clerk; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., May 7, '81 ; ^D. Oct. '81; S. S. Hillsdale and Carmel '81— (S. S. Salem '81-84— )— '89 ; P. Hinton, W. Va., '89-'00; with :Macdonald Mission as S. S. '00 — . 628. KENNEDY. Mapjon Sawyer; b. Green Co., Tenn., Nov. 17, 1854; A. B., W. M. C, Va.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Colb. Pby., Aug. 27, '81; O. April 1, '82; S, S. Beth Birei '81— (S. S. Lewisburg, Marshall Co., Tenn., '81-82)— '88 ; P. Lewisburg '82— (P. Beth Birei, '88— )— '92; P. Pulaski, Tenn., '92—. 629. LAIRD, William Ramsey; b. Kerr's Creek, Va., Sept. 30, 1855; stu. H. S. C. and W. L. U. : (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May, '81; O. Memp.^ Pby., Oct. '81 ; P. Mason, Tabernacle and Center Chs., Memp. Pby., '81-83 ; P. iMillersburg, Ky., '83-87; P. Nicholasville, Ky., '87-93; P. 1st Ch., Bristol, Tenn., '93-'96 ; P. 1st Ch., Danville, Va., '96—. D. D., K. C, '95. 630. LANCASTER, James Leach; b. Cumberland Co., Va., Feb. 10, 1854; stu. H. S. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Md. Pby., May, '81; S. S. 2d Ch., Norfolk, and then My. Boone Co., Mo., '81-'82; S. S. Old St. Ch., Petersburg, '82-'83 ; O. N. Miss., Pby., Nov. 8, '83; P. Holly Springs Ch., '83-84 ; went into Prot. Epis. Ch. ; res. Perth Amboy, N. J. 631. MCLEAN, James DunniiXG ; b. Mobile, Ala., Jan. 2, 1856 ; Ox. Col., A. B.; (3.) ; L. S. Ala. Pby., April, '80; O. Tusc. Pby., May 1. '81; P.. Gadsden, Ala., '81-84 ; S. S. Moss Point and Handsboro, Miss., '85 ; S. S. Anniston, First Ch., Ala., '85-87; Ev. Tusc. Pby., '87-'89 ; P. Gainesville, Ebenezer and Bethel Chs., Tusc. Pby., '89-'91 ; Ev. Dallas Pby., '91-93 ; P. El. Westm. Ch., Dallas, Tex., '93-94; P. El. Livingston, Ebenezer and Bethel Chs., Tusc. Pby., '9.>-'02 ; P. First Ch., Tyler, Tex., '02-'06 ; pres. T. P. Orphanage '06 — ; author "Bible Studies on Baptism," "Bible Studies on Election," "Bible Studies on Woman's Position and Work in the Church," "Bible Catechism for Children." D. D., Rutherford Col., N. C. 632. MILLARD, :\Iarshall Wallace; b. Sullivan Co., Tenn., .Tan. 20, 1853; A. B., K. C. ; farmer and pres. of flour barrel factory; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., April, '81; O. Ev. Sept. '81; S. S. Mossy Creek, Tenn., '81-'83; S. S. Greenville, Texas, '83-'84 ; S. S. Temple, Texas, '84-'86 ; S. S. Stanton, Tenn., '87-91; S. S. Adams Mission, Nashville, Tenn., '91-92 ; P. New Hope and Bethesda Chs., Williamson Co., Tenn, '92—. 633. MOORE, Walter William; b. Charlotte, N. C, June 14, 1857; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., April 16, '81; O. Aug. 30, '81; S. S. Swannanoa and Oak Forest Chs.. Buncombe Co.. N. C, '81-82; P. Millersburg, Ky., '82-'S3 ; asst. inst. U. T. S., '83-84; adjunct prof. Hebrew, 'S4-'86 ; associate prof. Hebrew and O. T., '86-'89 : prof. Hebrew and O. T.. '89 — ; pres. U. T. S., "04 — ; Stone Lecturer at Princeton, '97; delegate to Pan-Pres. Councils in Toronto, '92, and Glasgow, '96 ; Mod. Syn. of Va., Huntington, '99 ; Mod. Gen. Assem., Greensboro, '08 ; author "A Year in Europe ;" asso. ed. Semi-Centennial Catalogue of Da. C. ; ed. Centennial Catalogue, U. T. S. ; D. D., C. U. Ky. ; LL. D., Da. C. no Uxiox Theological Seminary. 634. MORTON, Oscar Gilchrist; b. Trenton, Teun.. June 29, 1855; stu S. U. and Vanderb. U.': (1.) ; Lane Theo. Sem. 2. Gr. ; L. Pad. Pb.v., April 25, '80; O. Alton (III.) Pb.v.. May 10, '82; P. Chester, 111., '81-84; S. !S. Greenville, 111., '84-'ST ; P. Holden, Mo., '87-91; P. Sunbury, Penn., '92—. 635. MURRAY, James T. ; Sweetwater, Tenn. ; stu. K. C. ; (1.) ; dropped from roll of candidates of Knoxville Pby. (•,36.* OCHILTREE. William H. ; Rockbridge Co., Va. ; b. June 28, 1842; stu. Inst, for Blind, and W. L. U. ; teacher; (3.); L. Montg. Pby., April 17, '80; O. July 31, '81; P. New River '81-84; subsequently preached at Locust Bottom, High Bridge and Collierstown, Va., and taught school ; was supplying Broad Creek Associate Reform Ch., at time of his death, Jan. 2, 1890. 637. PRAIGG, John Grant; b. Louisville, Ky., June 27, 1840; C. C. K. ; teacher and lawyer; (Mid. 2. Gr.) ; L. Knoxv. Pby., Oct., '80; O. Tusc. Pby., July 1, '81 ; S. S. Carrollton, Bethesda, Mt. Olivet and Hebron, Tusc. Pby., '81-'S6; S. S. Bethsalem, '90,-'93 ; S. S. Carthage, '98-'01 ; S. S. York, '99-02; S. S. Bethsalem, '00-03; prof, in Stillman Inst,, Tuscaloosa, Ala., '86-'93 ; prin. Pres. High Sch., Selma, Ala., '04-'05 ; S. S. Carrollton, Gordo and Mt. Olivet, '05. A. M. and D. D., C. C. K. 6.38. RANKIN, Joseph K. ; Lenoir, N. C. ; Da. C..; allowed by Pby. to withdraw from its care as a candidate ; res. Mecklenburg Co., N. C. 639. RAYMOND, Thomas Ware ; b. Marion, Ala., June 23, 18.58 ; A. M., Howard Col., Ala.; (2.+) ; L. S. Ala. Pby., April, '80; O. Cher. Pby., Oct. '81;- P. Cave Spring and Silver Creek C'hs., and S. S. South Rome, Ga., '81-83; P. Brownsville, Tenn., '83-88; P. Holly Springs, Miss., '88-91; Ev. Syn. Memphis, '91-94; P. Holly Springs, Miss, '94-'96 ; finan. agt. S. W. P. U. '96-98; pres. Miss. Syn. Col., Holly Springs, '98—. D. D., S. W. P. u. 640.* ROBERTSON, Walter H. ; b. Amelia Co., Va.. June 7, 1847 ; stu. U. Va. ; Capt. C. S. A.; gov't employee, Wash'n, D. C. ; (l.+ »; L. Ab. Pby., April 20, '80 ; O. E. H. Pby.. April 15. '81 : P. (Gloucester Co., 4 yrs ; P. Warrenton and Litchfield Chs., Fauquier Co., '85-'03. Died July 2, 1903. 641.* SIMRALL, T. Smith; b. Shelby Co., Ky., May 11. 1848; stu. James C, Shelbyville, Ky. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Louisv. Pby., June 15, '81; O. Ev. W. Lex. Pby., April 10, '82; S. S. Owingsville, Ky., '81; P. Robinson Memorial Ch., Louisville, Ky., and S. S. First Ch., '82; P. Troy Ch., Woodford Co., Ky., '82-'86 ; P. Keytesville and Brunswick Chs., Mo.. '86-88; S. S. California, Mo., '88-93; P. First Ch., Pettis Co., Mo., '93— (S. S. Sweet Springs, Mo.)— '98. Died Nov. 24, 1898. 642. SMITH, Hugh Calvix : b. New INIarket, Tenn.. Dec. 4, 18.54 ; Tusc. C; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., May 6, '81; O. Ev. April 9, '82; S. S. Old St. Ch.. Petersburg. K. IT. Pby., 'S1-'S3 : P. El. Calvert, Braz. Pby. '83-'S4 ; S. S. Corsicana. Tex., 'S4-'S5 ; P. Carrollton and S. S. West- port and Lagrange, Ky.. 'S(3-'88 ; P. Morganfield and Spring Grove, Ky., '89 ; P. Good Hope and S. S. Sandersville and Philadelphus Chs., Miss.. '90-91 ; P. Brownsville, Tenn., '92-'93 ; fin. agt. Union City, Tenn., '94-'96. 643.* SMITH, James :M. ; li. Covington, Co., Miss., June 26, 1853; Stewart C. (S. W. P. U.) : farmer; (2.) ; L. Miss. Pby., April, 'SO; O. Ev. Oct., '80 ; S. S. Rodney and Bethel. '81 ; Aenon, '82 ; Pass Christian .'83-85 ; S. S. Hattiesburg, Shiloh, Ellisville and Euon, Miss., '85-93; S. S. Cisco, Tex., '94 ; S. S. Itasca, Grandview and Files Valley, Tex., '95-02. Died in this charge, July 9, 1902. Union Theological Seminary. hi 644. SYDENSTRICKER, Absalom ; b. near Lewisburg, W. Va., Aug. 13, 1852; A. B. W. L. U. ; farmer; (2.) ; L. Greeub. Pby., May 5, '80; O. Aug. 3, '80; F. M. Chinkiang. China, '80 — ; author '"Exposition of Idioms and Construction Mandarin Language," and "Brief Statement of Gospel Truth" (in Chinese.) 045 THOMPSON, George Eagleton ; b. Shop Spring, Wilson Co., Tenn., July 13, 18.52; stu. S. W. P. U. ; (3.) ; L. Nashv. Pby., '81; O. Sept. 16', •82'; P. Hopewell Ch., Milton, Tenn., '82-89; P. Spring Creek, '82-87; P. Stone's River, •87-'80 ; P. New Hope, Bethesda and Hall, "SO-'Ol ; P. Smyrna, '91-98; D. M. for Syn, of Ky., '98-'04, at Elkton, Madisonville, Guthrie, Earlington and Gracey ; D. M. Suwanee. Pby., '04 — ; in connec- tion with the other fields served at various times, Mt. Vernon, Dukerd, Wood- bury, Stone River, Cripple Creek and Florence, Nashv. Pby. (J4(i.* VANCE, James Nicolls ; Kingsport, Tenn. ; b. Dec. 18, 1857 ; K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby.. May 6. '81; O. Cent. Miss. Pby., Oct. 7, '81; P. Lebanon and Bethesda, '81. Died there Dec. 29, 1881. 647. WARDLAW, De Lacey ; b. Paris, Ky., Nov. 5, 1856; N. H. ; (—2. Gr.) ; L. Nashv. Pby., April, '79; O. Ev. June, '80; My. Peruambuco (Brazil), '80-82; Ceara, ' '82-'01 ; present address Bell Buckle, Tenn. 648. WHITE, William Donaghe ; b. Tuscaloosa, Ala., Nov. 21, 1851 ; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher; stu. U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., June 10, '81; O. Oct. 7, '82; P. Harper's Perry Ch., '82-86; P. Marshall and Delaplane, Va., for a number of years, when, his health failing, he retired to his farm, near Staunton, Va. ; res. Staunton. ' 649. WILSON, Thornton Samuel ; b. Albemarle Co., Va., Oct. 29, 1855 ; stu. Westm. C. and U. Va. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby. May, '81; O. Aug., '81 ; P. Mercy Seat, Oak Level, Meadville and Mt. Carmel Chs., Hali- fax Co., Va.. '81— (S. S. Chatham 'Sl-'82— ) — ; Ev. Syn. Va., '91; pastoral relation not dissolved, returned after one year; founded Presbyterial Sch. fi r Boys, Cluster Springs, Va., '92-'96 : asso. ed. "Central Presbyterian," 'OS — ; D. D., H. S. C, '08. 1879-'S0. 650. BUCKNER, Albert Gallatin; b. French Broad. N. C. Jan. 17, 1850; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meek. Pby., May, '82; O. Dec. '82 ; S. S. and P. Wadesboro and Morven. N. C, May, 'S2-'90 : P. Cynthiana, Ky., '90-99; pres. King College, Bristol, Tenn., '99— [S. S. 2d (now Central Oh.), Bristol, 1 yr. ; New Bethel, Tenn., 1 yr.]— '02 ; P. Palling Spring and Glasgow, Va., '02-'06 ; P. Kentyre group Nov. '06—. D. D., Aust. C. .'01. 651, CUMMINS, Thomas; b. Tyrone, Ireland. 1854; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3.) ; L. S. Ala. Pby. April, '81; O. April, '82; Ev. in South Ala. at Cam- den, etc., April to Nov., '82; P. Vicksburg, Miss., '82— (stu. Un. Edinburgh, '87-'88— )— '89; P. Richmond, Ky., '89-'91 ; P. 1st Ch., Henderson, Ky., '91—. D. D., C. U. Ky. 652.* FLEMING, William Calvin ; Monterey, Highland Co., Va. ; b. March .3. 1853; stu. W. L. U. ; teacher and farmer; (—1.) ; ill health; Col. Sem., '82-'83 ; Gr. L. Charles. Pby., April 14, '83 ; S. S. Summerville, S. C, '83. Died Columbia, S. C, Feb. 5, 1884. 653.* LEE, Thomas J.; Richmond, Ky. ; b. Millersburg, Ky., Feb. 19, 18.55; C. U. Ky. ; Col. Sem.; (—Mid. 1.) ; health failed; residing at Lyon Mountain, N. Y, Died there Aug. 1, 1881. 654. McCLUER, Edwin Brown; b. St. Charles, Mo., Dec. 20, 1854; Dardenne Ac. 4 yrs. ; stu. Westm. C. ; (3.) ; L. Montg. Pby., May 10, '82; 112 Uniox Theological Seminary. O. E. H. Pby., April IS. 'S4 : S. S. Falling Sp. Cli., Lex. Tby. '82-'83 ;' S. S. Mission Chapel, 1st Ch. Norfolk '83-'S4 ; P. Park Ave. Ch., Nor. Pby., 't>5-'U.5 ; asso. ed. Central Prcshyterian, '06 — . D. D., Westm. Col., June, '01 ; D. D., H. S. C, June, '01. 655.* MCLEAN, Henry Herxdox ; b. Mobile, Ala.. March 1.3. 1858 ; Oxf. Col.. Ala. ; teacher; (2.+) ; L. S. Ala. Pby., May 7, '81; O. W. H. Pby., Nov. 27, '81; P. Bvrcl '81 — (Hebron and Kivanna '82, and S. S. Powhatan '83— )— '84. Died April 18, 1884. 6.56. PITMAN. Francis W. L. ; b. near Midway, Rockbridge Co.. Va., Jan. 20, 1851; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., April 7, •82 : O. Wine. Pby., Sept. 23, '82 ; Ev. Wine. Pby. in Alleghany field, '82-87 ; P. Westminster and Grace Chs., N. Cas. Pby., '87-'90 ; S. S. of Warfords- burg and Buck Valley Chs., '90-01, in Svn. Penn. ; P. Poolesville, Md., '92-"()2 ; S. S. Cartersville, Willis and Rivanna Clis., in W. H. Pby., '02-04 ; P. Green Spring, Bethel and Rock Spring Chs., '04-'06 ; P. York River Chs., Nor. Pby., '06—. 657. STEWART, John Calvin; b. Gerardstown, Va., Sept. 28, 1848; stu. H. S. C. : (3. Gr.) ; L. Chesap. Pby., May 5. '82; O. May 10, '83; P, Marshall. l>elaplane, Rectortown and Upperville, Va. ; also preaching at Little Washington and Middieburg, '82-85; S. S. W\'iverley, Baltimoi-e Co., Md., '85-86; P. Church of the Covenant, Richmond, Va., '87—. D. D., R. C, June, '02. 658.* THOM, William Francis ; b. N. C. ; farmer and teacher ; stu. H. S. C. ; (2.+ ) ; L. Or. Pby., April 29. '82; O. May 24. '83; Ev. Or. Pby., '83-'89; P. Pittsboro Ch., Chatham Co., N. C. '90-'94 ; P. Euphronia Ch., Moore Co.. N. C, '96-'04 ; P. Gulf Ch.. Chatham Co.. N. C. "90— (S. S. Pittsboro Ch.)— '08. Died at Gulf, N. C, March 20, 1908. 1880-8]. 659. BEJ>1NGER, William Lucas; b. Boone Co., Ky., July 16. 18.56; stu. H. S. C. and A. B., C. U. Ky. ; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. Louisv. Pby., Dec, '83; O. .Tan. '85: P. Beulah, Louisv. Pby., '85-'86 ; S. S. Corydon and Ridgewood, Ky., '86-87 ; F. M. in So. Brazil at Campinas '87-95 ; S. S. Woodlawn and East Lake, Ala., 3 mos. in '95 ; S. S. McHenry and Rock- port, Ky., '95-'98 ; S. S. La. Faj ette. New Harmony and Lebanon Chs., Ala., and West Point, Ga., '98-99; P. Appomattox C. H.. Walker's, Union, Evergreen and Stonewall, Va., '01-'03 ; P. Frankford and Lacev, W, Va., '03—. 660. BOHBACK, I'iiilip Thukeson ; h. Philiptown. Philipstad. Sweden, April 27, 1842; stu. Da. C. ; Col. Sem. 2.; (—Sen. 1.); L. S. Ala. Pby., May 7, '81; O. Utah Pby. Sept. '85; supplied Washington City, INIo., Ch., May to July, '81; H. M. (Pres. Ch. U. S. A.) in Cash Valley. TTtah. ait Hyrum, Millville, Welsville and outlying stations '81-'S7 ; S. S. Hyrum Ch., '87-'02, until loss of hearing ; res. Santa Cruz, Cal. 661. BOOZER, Thomas Frederick ; stu. Adger Col. ; (—Mid. 2. i ; L. S. C. Pby., '83; O. Harm. Pby., '85; P. New Harmony and S. S. Concord and Brewington Chs.. '8.'>-'87 ; S. S. Tillers Ferrv and Hartsville, S. C, '88-'89; W. C. Kershaw, S. C, '90; S. S. Westville and Oakhurst, S. C, '91-'94; W. C. '95; S. S. Sunshine group. N. C, '9(i ; W. C. '97—; res. Gaffney, S. C. 662. BROCKINTON, James S. ; Kingston, S. C. ; H. S. C. ; called home within a week providentially ; ill health prevented a return. REV. PROF. W. W. MOORE Union Theological Seminary. 113 mo. BUCKLE. Geo. ; b. Bristol, England, Nov. 10, 1855 ; stu. Westm. Col., Mo.; law reporter and stenographer; (4.) ; L. Lex. Pb.v., spring '82; O. Md. Pby., fall '84; supplied group of chs. in Highland Co., Va., summers of "ISU' and "So ; P. Haufoek, Md., and outlying mission points '84-'S7 ; P. Little Britain Ch., Lancaster. Pa., '87-88; P. Marshall St. Ch., (now Grevstone) Elizabeth. N. J., '88-'04 ; P. Clover Hill (Dutch Kef.) •04—. D. D., Alfred Un. of N. Y., '02. 664. DAVIS, William Y. ; b. Bloomfield, Ky., Dec. 11, 1853 ; A. B., S. \V. P. U. and Princ. U. ; Col. Sem. 2.; (—Sen. 1.) ; L. Louisv. Pby.^ June 16, '81; O. Transylv. Pby. June 4, '82; P. Pleasant Grove and Mack- ville, Ky., and Ev. Transyl. Pby., '81-86; S. S. Taylorsville and Cane Run, Ky., '86-1)1 ; P. Lawrenceburg and Salvisa. Ky., "Ol-'OS ; supplied various chs. and missions '95-'01 ; in charge Flora Heights Mission, Louisville, Ky., '01-04 ; sec. and treas. Grundy Pres. Orphans' Home, '04 — . 665.* EIIVIN. Samuel B. ; b. Glenville, Gilmer Co.. W. Va.. June 12, 1853; A. B., Ark. C. ; teacher; (2.) ; L. Ark. Pby., June 15, '82; O. Ev. April 21, 'S3 ; S. S. Van Buren, Alma and Charleston, '83 ; Mt. Zion and Prosperity, Ark. ; Clebui*ne, Tex. ; Walker, Mo. ; Westminster and Concord, Mo. : Laddonia. Vandalia and Bethel, Mo. ; engaged for several years in printing and distributing religious tracts, with res. at Mexico, Mo. Died Oct. 7, 1900. 666. FRENCH, Junius Butler; b. San Antonio, Tex., Jan. 20, 1858; A. B.. Roan. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. West Tex. Pby. fall, '83; O. spring '84; P. San Marcos, Tex., '84— (S. S. Kyle, Lockhart and Buda)— '87; P. Tustin, Cal, '87-'90 ; P. Broadway Ch., Fort Worth, Tex., '90—. A. M., Roan. C, '75 and D. D., '02 ; D. D. Daniel Baker Col., '00. 667. FULTON, William A.; Big Spring, Ky. ; C. C. K.; (1.) ; withdrew; never licensed. 668. GAUSS, Joseph Hexry; b. Chariton Co., Mo., Aug. 30, 1855; stu. Westm. Col.; merchant; (1.) ; L. Mo. Pby., April 7, '82; O. La Fay. Pby. May 10, '83; P. Brownsville and Prairie Chs., La Fay. Pby. U. S. A., '83-'85; F. M. to Brazil, Pres. Ch., U. S., '85-'87; P. Odessa, La Fay. '87-89 ; P. Carondelet Ch., St. Louis, '89 — ; author ''The Bible's Authority Supported by the Bible's History." D. D., Westm. Col., '03. 669. GRAHAM, Alfred Thruston ; b. Winchester, Va. ; A. B.. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby. May 10. '83; O. Md. Pby. Nov. 22, '83; supplied Kent St. Ch.. Winchester. Va.. May to Oct. '83 ; P. Rockville and Bethesda. Md., '83-'89 ; P. Rockville alone till May, '91; estab. chs. at Kensington and Linden, Md. ; P. Davidson, N. C, '91-'07 ; P. Lexington, Va.. '07 — ; author tracts : "Our Candidates" and "'The Call to Ministry." D. D., H. S. C, '00. 670. HODGE, Robert Bruce; b. New Bethel, Sullivan Co., Tenn., Oct. 31, 1856; stu. K. C. and S. W. P. U. ; farmer: (3.) ; L. Hoist. Pbv. April, '83; O. Brazos Pby., May, '84; S. S. Comanche Ch., Tex., May to Oct., '84; S. S. Columbia Ch., Tex., '84-'85 ; P. Columbia, '85-'91 ; P. Quintana, Tex., '91-'94; S. S. Humboldt. Tenn., Aug. to Nov., '95; S. S. Cornersville and Brick Chs., '95-'97 ; S. S. Athens, Tenn., '97-98; S. S. Newton group. Miss., '98-'99 ; S. S. McKinley group, Ala., 'OO-'Ol ; S. S. Decherd and Tulla- homa. Tenn., •01-'02 : S. S. Cleveland, Wash.. '02-03 ; S. S. Palouse. Wash., '0.3-U5 : S. S. Natchez and Wenas, Wash., '0.j-'06 ; S. S. Central Ch., Helena, Mont., '07—. 671. HOGE, Peyton Harrison; b. Hampden-Sidnev, Va., Jan. 6, 1858; A. B. and A. M., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; U. Chicago, '96; L. E. H. Pby. April 7, '82; O. Oct. 1, '82; P. Fourth Ch., (now Ch. of the Gov- 114 Union Theological Seminary. enant), Kichmond, Va.. 'S2-'85 ; P. First Ch., Wilmington, N. C, '85-99; P. Warren Memorial, Louisville, Ky., '99-07; P. Pewee Valley, Ky. ; prin. Home School for Boys, '07 — ; author "Moses Drury Hoge ; Life and Letters ;" "ITie Divine Tragedy : A Drama of the Christ." D. D., H. S. C. 672. HOKE, Edmund Floyd ; b. Gerardstown, W. Va., Sept. 6. 1850 : stu. Westm. Gol. ; clerk and bookkeeper; ( — Mid. 2. Res. Lie.) ; L. E. Tex. Pby., May 23, '78; O. Louisv. Pby., '86; S. S. Washington, Ky., '80-82; Union Sem., '82-'84 ; S. S. Catlettsburg, Ky., '84-'86 ; P. Bloomfield, Ky., '86-88 ; P. Chicago, 111., '88-91; P. Chicago Heights '91-01; P. Chenoa,. 111., '01—. 673.* JOHNSON, James Francis; b. Fermoy, County Cork, Ireland. March 7, 1854; S. W. P. U. : (—Mid. 2.) : L. Nashv. Pby. May 11. '82; O. Ev. Sept. 16, '82; My. in China (Hangchow) '82-'88; returned to U. S. in impaired health, and died at Los Angeles, Cal., Dec. 21, 1888. 674. LAPSLEY, Robebt Alberti; b. Selma, Ala., Oct. 18, 1858; A. B.. Da. C. ; Col. Sem. 2.; (—Sen. 1.) ; L. S. Ala. Pby., April, 'SO; O. Memp^ Pby.. June, '81 ; P. Lauderdale St. Ch., Memphis, Tenn., '81-82 ; P. Ebene- zer Ch., Charleston, S. C, '82-85; P. Vinehill, Ala., '85-88; P. W. Annisron. Ala.. '88-'91; Ev. N. Ala. Pby., '91-'92 ; P. Bethel Ch., Lex. Pby., '92-01; P. Ashland, Va., and ed. S. S. literature, 04 — ; author tract: "Scriptural Holiness." 675. LESLIE, John Douglass ; b. Statesville, N. C, June 1, 18G0 ; S. W. P. L.; (3.) ; L. Memph. Pby., April 14, '83; O. Sept. 13, 'S3; P. Atoka and Centre. Memph. Pby., '83-86 ; P. Water Valley, Miss., '86-94 ; P. Weather- ford, Texas, '94-'98; P. Paris, Texas, '98-'03 ; P. Temple, Tex.. '03-04; P. Ballinger and Brownwood, Tex., '04 — ; author "Second Coming of Christ" (a tract). 676. LYONS, John Sprole ; b. Tazewell C. H., Va., Feb. 8, 1861 ; A. B., K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby. May. 'S3: O. Transyl. Pby., 'S3; P. Lawrence- burg and Salvisa, Ky., '83-'90 ; P. Mt. Sterling, Ky., '90-'91 ; P. 1st Pres. Ch., San Antonio, Tex., '91-92; P. 1st Pres. Ch., Louisville, Ky., '92—. D. D., C. U. Ky. 677. McLIN, James Lindsay; b. Anderson Co., S. C, Aug. 12, 1849; A. B., Ersk. Col.; farmer and teacher; Col. Sem. 2.; (Sen. 1. Gr.) ; L. S. C. Pby., April 10, 'SO ; O. Harm. Pby., April .30, '82 ; S. S. Roberts Ch., S. C. Pby., '80 ; S. S. Centre Point and Turkey Ck.. S. C, '81-'82 ; P. 'S2-'86 ; P. Catholic and Pleasant Grove Ch., Bethel Pby., '86-95; P. Willington, S. C. Pby., '96-'97; S. S. Rocky River Ch., '96-'00 ; S. S. Midwav '97— (S. S. New Willington '97-'02 ; Mt. Carmel '98-'02 ; Mt. Ziou '98-'03 ; Flat Rock Jan. to Sept. '01; Broadway '00— )— '03; S. S. Darrah. New Harmony and Rocky Spring '03-'04 ; P. '04— (S. S. Todd Memorial "03)-. 678. MILLER, James P.; Chester C. H., S. C. ; Adger C. ; (—Mid. 2.) ; divested of his ministerial office at his own request, on account of bad health and other discouragements, by Tuscaloosa Pby., Oct. 15, 1891. 679. TANNER. .James G. ; b. May 7, 1859; Va. A. and M. C. ; book- keeper: (3.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 20, '83: O. Ev. N. Ala. Pby., Nov. 2.5, '83; S. S. Decatur 'S3; S. S. Goliad, C. Texas Pby., '83-86; S. S. Rusk, Tex., '87-'88 ; P. 2d Ch.. Houston, Tex., 'S9-'92 ; P. Navasota, Tex., '93-'04 : Ev. San Angelo Tex., '05 — ; ed. Texas Presiyterian one vear; now inf. at Gladys, Va. 080. THOMPSON, Charles Talbutt ; b. Bourbon Co., Ky., May 31, 1858 ; A. B. and A. M., C. C. K.. and Ph. D.. Wcos. Tonii. V.: teach(>r : (3. Gr.) ; L. W. Lex. Pby., June 4, '83 ; O. Sept. 22. '83 : P. Mt. Pleasant Ch.. '83— (S. S. Beard Ch., '83-'90 ; S. S. Lair Ch., '83-'91 ; S. S. Bovers Ch., '90) — Union Theological Seminary. 115 '91 ; P. Maxwell St. Ch., '91-94 ; P. Bethel and Mt. Horeb Chs., since Jan. '94; editor of "Southern Evangelist," Lexington, Ky., '99-03; author "Cen- tennial History of West Lexington Presbytery ;" "Religions Hallucinations." D. D., C. U. Ky. 681. VanDEVANTER, James N. ; b. Loudon Co., Va., Aug. 20, 1857; stu. H. S. C; farmer; (3.) ; L. Lex. Pby. June 13. '83; O. Oct. 12, '83; S S. Philippi, Holly Meadows and Leading Ck. (P. Philippi short time), '83-'86; P. Beverly '87— (P. Leading Ck, '87-'90)— '91 ; P. Augusta Ch., Va., '91 — ; author "History of Augusta Church, 1737 to 1900." 682. WHITE, A. Walker; b. ; Da. C, 1880; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., May, '83 ; O. Sept. '83 ; P. 3rd and 5th Creek Chs., '83-86 ; P. Taylors- ville and Wilkesboro, N. C, '86-88; P. Corpus Christi, Texas, '88-97; D. M. in Asheville Pby., '97-'00 ; Ev. Meckl. Pby., '00-'03 ; P. Piedmont, S. C, April, '04, to Jan., '07; P. Jefferson, S. C, Jan. '07—. 683. ZERNOW, Horace Binney; b. Charleston, S. C, March 15, 1858; A. B., Da. C. ; (2.) ; Col. Sem. 2 Gr. ; L. Charles. Pby., April 14, '83; O. Hoist. Pby., May 6, '87 ; S. S. Somerset, Ky., '83-84 ; S. S. Browns Ch., Cumberland Co., Va., '84-'85 ; tern. sup. 6 raos. Collierstown. Va., '85-'S6 ; S. S. .Johnson City, Tenn., '86-87; P. Academy Ch., Va., '87-'91 ; P. Marion, Dumbarton, Little Pee Dee and Conway, S. C, '91-98: P. Kirksville, Ky., '98-'02 ; P. El. Unioutown, Ridgewocd, Corydou and Powell Mem., '02 to Sept. 15, '07;.S. S. Humboldt and New Hope Chs., Tenn., '07 — . 1881-'82. 684. ALLEN, Junius W. : b. near Water Valley, Miss.. Feb. 5. 18.>5 ; A. B., U. Miss.; (3. Gr.) ; L. N. Miss. Pby., June 12, '84; O. Dec, '84; P. Batesville. Miss., group '85-'88 ; P. College Ch.. Oxford, Miss., '89-'93 ; S. S. Clarksdale and Blythe, Miss., '94-'96 ; res. Ripley, Miss., '96-'98 ; S. S. Ripley group, '99 ; S. S. Booneville group, '00 — . 685. BLACK, Malcolm ; b. Austin Co., Tex., Dec. 10, 1854 ; stu. A. and M. Col. of Tex.; (2.) ; Gr. Col. Sem.; L. Tex. Pby.. June 25, '84; O. Oct. 22, '84; S. S. Marlin group, Tex., '84-'85 ; S. S. Hamilton group, '85-'88 ; Colport, Syn. Tex., '88-89; finan. agt. Austin Sch. Theol., '89-90; S. S. Graham, Tex., '90-^91; S. S. Lyunville and Mem., Tenn., '92-95; S. S. ♦Sylvania and Desarc, Ark., '95-99 ; S. S. Sterling City group, Tex., '99 — . 686.* CALDWELL, Robert Ernest ; b. Greensboro, N. C, Oct. 18, 1858 ; .stu. U. N. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. April 2.5, '84; S. S. Staunton and then Vicksburg '84; O. Lonisv. Pby. Dec. '84; P. South Frankfort '84-'88 ; P. Highland Ch , Louisville '88-92; Ev. Syn. Ky.. '92; P. 1st Ch., Winston, N. C, '93-'04. D. D., C. U. K., '01. Died from operation in Philadelphia, Jan. 3, 1904. 687. CHEATHAM, Alfred Johnson; b. April 12, 1854; A. B., Ark. C. ; (2.) ; Princ. Sem. 1.; L. Ouach. Pby., April, '83; O. Oct. '85; P. Hope, Ark., '84-'94 ; P. Potosi, Mo., '94-'03 ; P. Fordyce, Ark., '03—. 688.* CTJRRIE, John Duncan; b. Robeson Co.. N. C. June 26. 1854; ■Gr. Da. C. ; (—3.) ; L. Fayettevill? Pb.v., April 11. '84: O. May 7, '85; P. Mineral Spring, Mt. Carmel, Harmony and Mark's Creek ciis., '85-86. Died in Richmond, Va., Dec. 2.5, 188(> 689.* DEVAULT, John B. ; b. Leesburg, Tenn., July 26, 18.58: A. B.. K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., .June 4. '84; O. My. Estill Co., Ky., '84; P. Salem and Mt. Tabor, Ky.. '84-'87 ; P. Clintonville and Hopewell, Kv., '88-'90; S. S. Fernandina, Fla., '91; S. S. Lake Maitland. Oakland and Apopka, Fla., '92-93. Died at Leesburg. Tenn., Dec. 29, 1894. Ii6 Union Ti-ieological Seminary. 090. DOUGETT, Marshall Wellixgtox ; b. Morell's Mill, Tenn.. Apr. 14, 1S55; A. B., K. C. ; (3.) ; L. Ab. Pby. May 10, '84; O. April, '85; S. S. Tazewell, Liberty Hill and Thompson's Valley '84-'85 ; P. '85-'91 ; Ev. Ga. Syn. '91-94; P. 1st Ch., Ft. Worth, Texas, '94-'96 ; in ill health and not preaching '9U-'97 ; P. Bnrliugton, N. C, '97-00 ; P. Chatham, Va., 'OO-'Ol ; P. Central Ch., Knoxville, Tenu., '01-05; S. S. Westminster Ch., El Paso^ Texas, '05-'06; Ev. W. Tex. Pby. '06—. D. D., Ark. Col. 691. DUCKWALL, John McCarty ; b. Martinsburg, W. Va., Feb. 24, 1855; clerk and lawyer; (2.+ ) ; L. Wine. Pby., April '84; O. fall, '84; P, Petersburg, W. Va., '84-'89 ; S. S. Patterson's Ck. and Burlington, W. Va., '89-90; P. Bluefield, W. Va., •90— (S. S. Graham and Pocahontas, Va., '90-91, and Bramwell, W. Va., '90 -"93 ; P. Princeton, W. Va., '90-94 ) —'95 ; in ill health since "95 ; practicing law ; author hymn "The Bible." 692. HALL, SAiiuiiL Oscar; b. Munford, Ala., Nov. 6, 1856; A. B., Howard Col., and A. M., U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., May 10, '84; O. Nov. 9, '84; P. Pearisburg and Walker's Creek Ch^j., '81— (S. S. Hoge's Chapel, part of time) — '87; P. ^ladison and Loak.sville Chs., Or. Pby., N. C, '87 — (S. S. Wentworth Ch., '87 — ) — '93; P. Westminster Ch.. Greensboro, N. C, '93-98 ; P. Govdonsville and Wills Memorial Chs., W. H. Pby., '98 — (S. !S. Barboursville and Soutii Plains Chs., '98 — ) — '02; P. Tazewell and Burke's Garden Chs., Ab. Pby., '02—. 693. LATHAM, Charles William; b. Sullivan Co., Tenn., July 21, 1S57; stu. K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Palm. Pby., June 8, '84; O. Sept. 24, '84; S. S. Big Creek and Paris, I'alm. Pby., '84-'90 ; S. S. Van Buren and Alma, Ark., Washburn Pby., ".Kj- 91 ; P. Troy and Olivet, St. L. Pby., '91-'99 ; P. 1st Ch., Jackson, Mo., Potosi Pby., '99-06 ; S. S. Bradentown, St. John's Pby., '06-'07 ; P. Kennett, Potosi Pby., since April, '07. 694. LAYTON, David Martin; b. Rockingham Co., Va.. Aug. 19, 1838; stu. U. Va. ; C. S. A.; farmer and merchant till '82; (3.) ; L. Lex. Pby., spring '84 ; My. Gilmer Co., etc., W. Va., '84 ; P. Beulah and Stony Run Chs., Highland Co., Va., till '88 ; P. Frankfort and Spring Creek Chs., Green- brier Co., W. Va., till '98 ; inf. since 1898. 695. LINK. Luther ; b. Macon, Ga., March 7, 1851 ; A. B., Mercer U., Macon, Ga. ; bookkeeper; (3.); L. Mac. Pby., spring '84; O. Sav. Pby., fall '84 ; S. S. at various times of Quitman and Climax, Ga., Reidville, S. C, Richmond, Ala., Perdue Hill and Brewton, Ala., Willington, S. C. Lamar and Newport, Mo., Ponlan and Ft. Valley, Ga. ; residence now at Macon, Ga., and serving Leesburg. A. M., Mercer U. 696.* McCLUNG, James Crawford; b. Deerfield. Augusta Co.. Va.. Jan. 25, 3859; stu. W. L. U. ; (3. Gr. ) ; L. Lex. Pby., May 2, '84; labored at' Franklin, W. Va., sum. '84; S. S. Gordonsville, Va., Jan. to Mar., '85. Died at .* KICHARDSOX. William Wharet ; b. Charlotte Co.. Va.. July 1, 1859; Gr. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., spring '85; O. Mo. Pby., '85; P. Keytesville, Mo., '85; inf. at home in Smithville, Va., '86; S. S. Troy, Ala.. "86; seeking health in various places. Died in Richmond. Va., March 1, 1887. 700 SHIVE Waltee Evandeu; b. Guilford Co., N. C, Feb. 9, 1856; A. B.."Da. C; teacher: (2.) ; L. C. Tex. Pby., April. 'S3; O. April, '84; My. in Central, Tex., '83-84; in H. M. work in Texas. Fla., Miss.. Tenn. and L,a., and taught school at Orwood, Miss., '89 ; and at Oxford,^ La., '95 : now state representative for Vhristiati Observer, since April '06 — ; res. Fort Worth, Tex. 701. STEPHEN, AVilliam O. ; b. Clarke Co., Mo., Jan. 25, 1855; B. S., Westm C. ; (3. Gr;) ; L. W. H. Pby. May, '84; O. S. Ala., Pby., Nov. 2, '85 ; P. Stockton, Ala., '86-'87 ; Ev. Russellville, Ky., '88-'91 ; P. El. Rock- port, Ind., '91; S. S. Carlisle, O., '92; P. '93-'96 ; S. S. Macon. Mo., '97-00; in trans, at Mo.ss Point, Miss., '01; S. S. Moss Point and Scranton '02; S. S. Henry Mem., Ch., Dublin, Ga., '03-04; S. S. Butler. Ga., group, '05-06; S. S. Ft. Valley, Eastman and Perry, Ga., '07 — . 702. WILLIAMS, Charles C. : b. Williamsburg, S. C, April 12, 1856; stu. Ark. Col.; (2.) ; L. Ouach. Pby., April 20. '83; O. C. Miss., Pby., Jan. 2, '84; S. S. Prescott, Marlbrook and Bingen Chs., Ouac. Pby., anu Augusta Ch., Ark. Pbv., each for a short period; P. Brandon, Miss., '84 — (S. S. Forest and Bethel, '84— )— '86; P. Tyler, Tex., Pby. of E. Tex.. '86-95; P. Hope, Ark., Ouach. Pby., '95 — (S. S. Columbus and Washington €hs., '95—)—. 703. WILLIS, Richard Baxter: b. Leaksville, N. C. May 30. 1855; stn. Cluster Springs Ac, Va. : Bingham Sch.. N. C. and U. Va. : teacher; <3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., June, '84; O. Oct. '85; assist. P. Rev. T. R. Welch, D. 1)., Little Rock, Ark., '84-85 ; S. S. Oxford and Geneva Chs., N. C, 1885 ; P. Oxford and Geneva, '85-'88 ; Ev. Ark. Pby.. '88-89 : P. Searc:^> and New- port Chs., '89-94; P. Searcy Ch., '95 — (prin. military school for boys, '95-03; P. Newport a second time, '05) — . D. D., Ark. Col. 704. WOODS, Hekry McKee ; b. Columbus. O., Aug. 14, 1857; stu. U. Va. : prof. Lat. and Gr. Ogden Col., Kv., 'S0-'81 ; 1 U. Ed. and Free Ch. Theo. Col.; (2. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby.. Aug. '82; O. Oct., '83; F. M. Chin- kiang, China. ■84-87; Tsing Kiang, '87-'04 ; Hwai an fu '04 — ; memb. Man- darin Revision Com. trans. N. T. ; author "'Christian Commentary on the Chinese Classics." D. D., H. S. C, June, 1893. lS82-'83. 705. BEDINGER, Benjamin Franklin ; b. Boone Co., Ky., Oct. 13. 18.54 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher ; farmer ; m.erchant and R. R. agt. ; Lan#3 Sem. 1.; (Mid. 2.+) ; L. Louisv. Pby., Mav 2, '83; O. Pad. Pby., March 5, '85; P. Fulton, Ky., '85; P. 3d Ch., Louisville, Ky., '86-'89 ; Ev. N. Ala.' Pby., '89-'95; Supt. H. M. Ala. Syn. '9.5-'98 ; Supt. Palmer Orphauagie '99-'00; Gen. Ev. Va. Syn. •00-'04 ; P. Lunenburg and Ebenezer Chs.. Roan. Pby. (half time) ; H. M. (half) '04—. 706. BITZER, George Leese ; b. Clark Co.. Va.. Dec. 21. 1800: stu. W. L. U. and U. Tex.'; teacher; (2.+); L. Wine. Pby., Sept. 11, '84; O. Lex. Oct. 10, '85; teacher Heb. and N. T., Grk.. Austin Sch. of Theol.. '8t-'85; S. S. Round Rock, '84-'S5 ; P. Augusta, Va., '85-89; P. Portland Ave.. Ky.. 'W>-'92 ; P. Leesburg. Va.. '92-98: P. Huntsville. Ala.. '98-'02 ; P. Corsicana, Tex., July, '02—. D. D., Aust. C, '08. ii8 Uxiox Theological Seminary. TU7. CA:MrBELL, Kodert Fisiibuexe ; b. Lexington, Va.. Dec. 12, iSo8; A. M., W. L. U. ; teacher: (2.+ ) ; L. Lex. Pb.v.. Aug. 30, '84; O. May 18, '85; P. Millboro and Windv Cove Chs., Va., '85-89: P. Davidson Col. Ch., '8!>-'90: P. Buena Vista, Va., '90-92; P. 1st Ch., Asheville, N. C, '92—; author pamphlets "The Kace Problem in the South ;" "Mission Work among the Mountain Whites ;" "Classification of the Mountain Whites ;" "The Church P\iir and Its Congeners;" "The Dog in Literature and Life;" "The Use and Abuse of Animals." D. D., Da. C, '93. 70S.* EDMISTOX, Samuel H. ; b. Giles Co., Tenn.. Aug. 29, 1854 ; stu. S. W. P. U. ; (2. mo.) ; ill health. Died Wildwood, Fla., Oct. 29, 1883. 709.* EPPERSON, John Rufus ; b. Morgan Co., Ala., Nov. 1, 1850; stu. Ala. Nor. Sch. ; ill health. Died Aug. 30, 1883. 710.* GREGORY, Edward Davis; b. Grayson Co., Va., Nov. 12, 1861; A. B., K. C. ; (2.+) ; L. Louisv. Pby., April 25, '85; O. June 7, '85; took charge of ch. at Ft. Smith, Ark., in Oct., '88. Died.' in San Antonio, Tex., July 3, 1890. 711. GRINNAN, Randolph Bryan; b. Brampton, Madison Co., Va., April 21, 1860; stu. H. S. C. and U. Va. : (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., May 7, '85; O. Aug. 19, '85; My. Ev. Kochi, Japan, '86-91 ; at Kobe •91-94; teacher Ch Hist, and Grk. Exeg. in Theo. Dept. of Steele Col., Nagasaki,, '95-'97; My. Ev. at Okasaki '97-'98 ; P. Woodland Ch., Louisville, Ky., '99-'03; P. Hendersonville, N. C, '03 — ; author "An Exposition of Ephe- sians," in Japanese. D. D., H. S. C. 712. HAGAN, William Campbell ; b. Christiansburg, Va., July 28, 1855 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., June, '85; O. Pad. Pby., '86 ; S. S. Owingsville, Ky., S. S. Morganfield. Clarendon and Holly Grove Chs.. Pi. Bl. Pby., Ark. ; P. Franklin, W. Va., '90-'93 ; P. Cook's Creek Ch., Lex. Pby., -'!>4-'01 ; P. Amity and Newell Chs., Meckl. Pby., N. C, '01-03; P. Fitzgerald, Sav. Pby., '03-'05 ; P. Cuthbert and Ft. Gaines, Macon Pby., April, "05, to July, '07 ; P. Vernon. Tex., Dal. Pby., July, '07—. 713. HERBENER. .Toiix H. : b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Feb. 10, 1862; H. S. C; (1.) ; O. Sav. Pby.. Jan. 7, '86; P. Thomasville, Ga., '85-'92 ; P. College St. Ch., Louisville, '92-95; P. Northville, Mich., '96-99; demitted ministry and engaged in secular pursuits, '01 ; residence Boston, Mass. 714. HOBSON, Benjamin Lewis ; b. Lexington, Mo., July 31, 1859 ; A. B., C. U. Ky. and A. M., Johns Hokp. U. ; teacher; (1.) ; Princ. Sem. ; 3. Gr.; U. Berlin 2.; L. La Fay. Pby., Sept. 19, '85; O. Sept. 10, '80; P. Westm. Ch., Springfield, Mo., '86-87; P. Orescent Hill Ch., Louisville, Ky., '90-'93 ; prof, apologetics and missions in McCormick Theo. Sem., Chicago, '93—. D. D., C. U. Ky. 715. JEFFRIES, Elias D. ; b. Monroe Co., W. Va., Nov. 29. 1854; A. B., W. Va. U. ; farmer; (2.+ ) ; S. S. and P. Alderson, Fort Spring and Lowell, W. Va., for 11 yrs. ; since then in ill health, residing at Aldereon, West Virginia. 716. LAMBDIN, Milton Bennett; b. Baltimore, Md., Feb. 27. 1850; stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Md. Pby., May, '84; O. W. H. Pby., '85; P. Trinity Ch., New Canton, Buckingham Co., Va., W. H. Pby.; Hancock Ch., Md.: (Jo.shen Ch.. Va.. Lex. Pby.; St. Albans Ch.. W. Va., Kan. Pby.; Col- lege Ave. Ch., Fort Worth, Texas ; Keyser, W. Va., '07 — . 717. McCLURE, Millard Fillmore; b. Spring Place, Murray Co., Ga., Sept. 17, 1854; stu. Ala. Nor. Sch.; (2.) ; no further record obtainable. Union Theological Seminary. 119 718. Mcdonald, William G. ; b. Cumberland, Co., N. C, Nov. 22, 1855; Ac; (2.) ; L. Cent. Tex.. Pby., Oct. '84; O Sept., '85; preached lor a time in Texas; then in Ark.; has since returned to Texas; now practicing law at El Campo. 719. MOORE, Cakr; b. Norfolk, Va., July 28. 1857; A. B., H. S. C. ; druggist; (8. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby. Aug., '85; O. Or. Pby., Oct. '85; P. Nut- bush. Shiloh, Grassy Creek and Oak Hill Chs., Or. Pby., '85-93; P. Nicholasville, Ky., '93-95; S. S. P.ridgewater and Dayton, Lex. Pby., '95-'96; P. '96-04; P. Warrenton, Ev. Littleton and Louisburg Chs., Alb. Pby., '04-'06; Ev. Young Memorial, '06 — . 720. NEWMAN, Henry Harrison; b. Nov. 8, 1851; Mossy Creek (now Jefferson City), Tenn. ; K. C; farmer; (1.) ; Col. Sem., Gr. ; L. Colb. Pby., Sept. 12, '85; O. Sav. Pby., Nov.. '85; S. S. Quitman and Valdosta, Ga.„ '8.>-'87 ; S. S. Mikesville, Pla. ; Ev. in Suwannee Pby., and recalled to Mikesville, and while there built chs. at Mikesville, New Hope, Branford, Fort White, preaching at each monthly ; S. S. Newport, Hoist. Pby., 8 mos. ; S. S. Archer and High Spring, Suwannee Pby., Fla.. 4 yrs. ; (built ch. ati High Spring) ; supt. Monroe Harding Orphanage, since Jan. 1, '02. 721. PENDLETON, Baldwin Alexander; b. Richmond, Va., Dec. 5. 1856; R. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., Sept. 25, '85; O. June 18, '86; P., McDowell and Williarasville, Va., '85-89 ; S. S. Glen Elk and Montgomery City, W. Va. ; P. Richlands and Williamsburg; P. Central Ch., Bristol, Tenn. ; S. S. Ashland, Va., Calhoun and Windsor, Mo., Lee's Summit, Mo.. Lookout Mt., and St. Elmo, Tenn. ; P. Meridian, Miss. ; S. S. for Childersburg, Ala., Macon, Ga., 1st Ch., and O'Fallon, Mo., '02—. 722. RALSTON, Calvin, J. ; b. Harrisonburg, Va., June 7, 1851 ; minister Christian Ch., South; (2.) ; received as an ordained minister by Lex. Pby., May 2, '84 ; My. in Highland and Bath Cos., '84-85 ; P. Clinton and S. S. Columbus, Ky., '86; I*. Mossy Creek, Tenn group, '87; S. S. Denton, Tex., '88-'89 ; H. M. in Ind. Ter., '90— ; present address Caney, I. T. 723. RICHARDSON, James McGavock; b. W^the Co., Va., March 16, 1860; stu. H. S. C. ; (2.+ ) ; sickness prevented graduation; L. Ab. Pby., '00; O. I'la. Pby., '90; P. Tallahassee. Fla., 2 yrs.; S. S. Mossy Creek, Tenu.„' 2 yrs. ; S. S. Plains ; S. S. Dandridge, Tenn., 4 yrs. ; S. S. Delhi, La., 2 yrs. ; S. S. Bennsville, Miss., 2 yrs.; S. S. Orrwood, Miss., 4 yrs.; now at Den- mark, Tenn. 724. ROBINSON, Richard Arthur; b. Robinson, Texas; stu. S. W. P. U.; U. Va. ; (1.) ; Union Sem., N. Y., Gr. ; L. W. H. Pby., June 13, 'So; O. April 26, "86; P. Cove Ch., '86— (S. S. Rockfish Ch., '85-'90 ; S. S., Lovingston and Amherst '88-'90 ; Ev. at Tve River and Riverside Chs.,' '88— )— '90; P. Colley Mem., Norfolk, Va., '90-'97; S. S. 1st Cb., Congr. at Willianistown, Mass., '97-98 ; Headmaster of Margaret Ac, Onancock, Va., '98-'01 ; S. S. Belle Haven and Powellton Chs., '99-00; P. Mauokin Ch., Princess Anne, Pby. of Newcastle, '01-'03; P. Colley Mem. Ch., Norfolk Pby., 2d time), '03— . 725. SINNOTT, William Isidore; b. Mobile, Ala., Nov. 24, 1855; U. Miss, and Princ. U. ; teacher; Princ. Sem. 2; (1. Gr.) ; L. C Miss. Pby., May 3, '82 ; O. Chick. Pby., Jan. 28, '84 ; S. S. Durant, Madison and Mt. Hermon, Miss., "82; S. S. Cumberland and Jamestown, Va., '82-'83 ; S. S. Hopewell. Tallahatchie and Philadelphia, Miss., '83 ; P. Hopewell and Talla- hatchie. Miss.. '84— (S. S. Bamaes. Miss.)— '87; S. S. Birmingham 2nd Ch., South Highland of Birmingham and Jasper, Ala., '88-89; Ev. Columbiana, Calera, Childersburg and Harpersville. Ala., '89-91; P. Piedmont and Carmel, Ala., "01-Tt2; P. Columbiana, Ala.. '92-'04 ; supt. of Orphans' Home, 120 Union Theological Seminary. Syn. of Ala., "J2- 93 ; Ev. Calera and Wilsonville, Ala., '92-04; Ev. Muu- ford and New Lebanon, Ala., '94-97, also '99-'04 ; Ev. Childersburg and Harpersville, Ala.. '94: Ev. Harpersville, '98; Ev. Oxmoor, Ala., '90-97; Ev. Montevallo, Ala., '97-"U0 ; Ev. Carmel, '00-04; assistant superintendent of Stillman Institute, '04-05; S. S. Centreville, Ala., 'OG— . 726. SPENCEK. James Morton; b. Charlotte County Va.. April 7, 1854; stn. Fincastle Ac. (2.) ; L. nnd O. Montg. Pby.. Spring '84: P. Sinking Creek, New Castle, Roanoke and Red Sulphur Springs, '84-'86 ; P. Princeton, Pocahontas, Bramwell, and Graham, '86-'87 ; Ev. Ab. Pby., '87-'88; P. 1st Ch.. St. Charles, Mo., '88-'90 ; Ev. Syn. of Mo., '90-97; P. People's Ch.,; St. Louis, Mo., '97-01 ; president of Synodical Female College. Fulton, Mo., '01-'07; Pres. Sayre Inst., Lexington, Ky., '07 — ; author "The People's Church and Its Mission ;" "'The Bible and Wage Earners." 727.* STOVER, Edwin Hakvey; b. Chnrchville, Augusta Co., Va., Oct. 4, 1859; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr. ; withdrew in ill health soon after entering Sem., but returned and completed course, '88-'91) ; L. Lex. Pby., May 9, '91; O. W. H. Pby., Sept. 20, '91; P. AVaddell Ch., Rapidan, Va.. '91— (S. S. MadiPon, Orange, Mitchell, Chesap. Pby.)— '04. Died Feb. 1, 1904. 728. TIDBALL. Cjiarle.s M. ; b. Millersburg, O., Aug. 3, 1854; stu. Da. C. and Johns llopk., and U. Va. ; (2.) ; L. C. Miss. Pby., May 3, '82; O. Cher. Pby. Jan. 28, '84; S. S. Durant and Madison, Miss., '82; S. S. Cum- berland and Jamestown, W. H. Pby., 'S2-"83 ; S. S. and then P. Hopewell group. Chick. Pby., '83-'84 ; res. Fancy Hill, N. C, '80; P. '87-90; S. S. Plainview, Tex., '91-92; S. S. Charleston and Ozark, Ark., '93-95; D. M. Charleston and Alma. Ark.. '90-00; teacher Altus, Ark., '01-'03 ; D. M. Baldwin, Ark., '03-05; D. M. Fayetteville, Ark., '06 — . 1883-'84. 729.* BEAR, James Edwin; b. Augusta Co., Va., Mav 8, 1859: A. B., W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby. May 8, '80; O. fall, '86; P. Glenville,; Va.. '86-'87 ; F. M. at Chinkiang, China, '87-03. Died at Hsuchoufu. China, Oct. 9, 1903. 730. CAMPBELL, William Spencer; b. Montrose, Va., Feb. 5, 1859; A. B. and B. S., W. L. U. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby. May, '86; O. Oct., '86; P. Gloucester and Severn Chs., Va., '86-'89 ; Mizpah and Fair- field Chs., E. H. Pby., '88-'91 ; Milton and Griers Chs., Caswell Co., N. C, '91-96 ; sec. and gen. agt. Bible See. of Va., Richmond, Va.. '90-'07 ; P. Montrose and S. S. Glen Echo, near I\ichmond, '07 — ; author tract, "The Christian and the Dance." 731. JL'NKIN. Damel Penick ; b. New Providence Manse. Rockbridge Co., Va., Aug. 20, 1801; A. B., W. L. U. ; clerk; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby.. May. "80: S. S. Henderson, Texas. '8(t-'S7 : O. E. Texas Pby., May. '87, as Ev. to Japan; F. M. to Kochi, Japan, ■S7-"90 ; P. 3rd Cli.. Louisville. Ky., ■91--95: P. Mt. Horeb Ch., Lex. Pby., Va., '95-01; S. S. Port Arthur and Sabine, Texas, Pby. of E. Tex., '01 ; P. Huntsville, Braz. Pbv., Texas, '02-'06 ; P. Gatesville and Unity, C. Tex., Pby., '06—. 732.* KIMMONS, Levi Hope; b. Jnne 27, 1852; U. Miss.; (1.) ; L. at Macon, Ga., '86; S. S. Van Buren, Ark.. "87; S. S. Ziou and Nazareth. Tex.. '88; S. S. New Bloomfield, Mo., '89; S. S. Edmondson. Miss., '90; S. S. White Haven, Tenn., '91; S. S. Lancaster and Palmer, Tex., '93; S. S. Camden. Concord and Forest (Jrove. Miss., *94 — (I'pper (ireenwood, '95 — ) — '97; S. S. Bethel, Hebron, Raleigh. New Hope, Oak Hill, and Carthage. '98. Died at Oxford, Miss., Nov. 21, 1898. REV. PROF. C. C. HERSMAN Union Theological Seminary. 121 78o. LITTLE, Archibald Alexander ; b. Richmond, Va.. April 28, 18G0 ; A B,' H. S. C. ; teacher; (2.): Aus. Sem. Gr. ; L. Roan. Pby., Aiig._12, '85-6 W H Pby., Aug. 22, '86 ; P. (Tordonsville and Orange, Ya., '86-'S8 ; P 3rd'ch, Atlanta,' Ga., '89; P. Gordonsville, Wills Memorial and Barbour- vi"lle Va.. '90-92 ; Ev. Syn. of Va.. '92-95 ; P. Steele Creek, N. C. '95-'01 ; P I'st Ch Selma, Ala., '01—; author "History of Steele Creek Church to 1900." A.' M., H.' S. C, and D. D., S. W. P. U., '06. 734. MOWBRAY. Thomas ; b. Edinburgh, Scotland, July (i, 1850 ;^ stu. Bingham's School, N. C. and II. S. C. ; seaman "and mechanic; (3. Gr.) ; L Ab. Pby., Sept. '86; O. Sept. '87; P. Sharon and Bland Chs., Ab. Pby., '86— (S. S. Burke's Garden, '86)— '90; P. Beaver Creek and Green Spring Chs Ab. Pby., '90-94; P. Thompson Valley and Cove Creek Chs., Ab. Pby ' '94_'02 ; P. Oxford Ch., Lex. Pby., '02-'O4 ;P. Fiucastle and Mountain Union Chs., Moutg. Pby., Va., '04 — . 735.* PALMER, Robert BkAxNCh ; b. Corsicana, Tex., Aug. 20, J«857 ; stu H. S. C. ; (2. Gr.) ; L. C. Tex. Pby., Nov. 15, '86; O. April '87; P^ San Saba, Tex., '87-89 ; S. S. Westclifife, Col., '89. Died at Corsicana, Tex., Oct. 28, 1889. 736. PAUL, Lamartine Houchens ; b. AVaynesboro, Va., Aug. 20, 1857 ; W. L. U.; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May 8, '86; O. July 9, '86; P. Pendleton Ch., W. Va., 'S6-'88 ; P. Mossy Creek Ch., Augusta Co., Va., '88-97; P. Clifton Forge, V^a., '07—. 737. SMITH, Egbert Watson ; b. Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 15, 1862 ; A. B.. Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby. JNIay '86; O. Oct. 2, '86; asso. P. 1st Ch., Greensboro, N. C, '86-87; P. AVestminster Ch., Greensboro,., and S. S. Mt. Airy and oth'?r points, 'S7-'90 ; Ev. N. C. Syn. '91-92; supt. Syn. Mis., '92-'93 ; asso. P. 1st Ch., Greensboro, N. C, '93-97 ; P. '97-'05 ; P. 2(1 Ch.. Louisville, Ky., '06 — ; author "Creed of Presbyterians." D. D. Da. C, '94. 738. SPURLIN, AA'illiam Dexter; b. Camden, Ala., July 24, 1860; stu. A. and M. of Ala., and A. B.. H. S.- C. ; jeweler; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pbv., spring, '85 : O. Knox. Pby.. spring. '86 ; S. S. Cleveland. Tenn., 'S6-'87 ; S. S. Demopolis. Ala., '87-89: S. S. Monroe and An adia. La.. '89-90: P. Monroe, La., '90-94; Ev. Miss. Syn. '94-'95 ; P. Gloster, Miss., '95-98; P. Weatherford, Tex., '98-00 : Ev. Syn. Miss.. Aug., to Nov., '00 : P. Monroe, La., '00-'04 ; financial agt. No. Miss. Fern. Col. '04 ; in ill health, supplying chs. in Tuscaloosa Pby., '05-'06 ; in trans, at Demopolis, Ala., '07 — . 739. TIDBALL, AA'illiam J.\ked ; b. Prince Edward Co., A^a.. 1856; A. B., Da. C. ; stu. Johns Hopk., and U. Tex. (1.) ; Aust. Theo. Sem. 2.; L. and O. C. Tex. Pby. Mav, '88; S. S. Round Rock and Ilutto, Tex., '88-'89 ; H. M. in N. AV. Texas '89-91; Prof. Heb. and N. T. Ex. Austin Sch. off Theol. '91-'95 ; S. S. Gurdon and Carolina, Ark., '95 ; S. S. Tavlorsville and Mocksville, N. C, '96-05 ; D. AI. (ilenville. W. Va., '00—. 740. VANCE, James Isaac; b. Arcadia, Sullivan Co., Tenn., Sept. 25, 1862; A. B. and A. AL, K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., June, '84; O. Ab. Pby.. June,' 86; P. Wylheville. Va., '86-87: P. 2nd Pres. Ch., Alexandria. Ya., •87-90 ; P. 1st Ch., Norfolk, Va.. '90--94 ; P. 1st Ch., Nashville, Tenn.. '94-'00; P. North Reformed Ch., Newark, N. J., '00—; author, "The Young Man Foursquare,"' "College of Apostles," "Church P'ortals," "Royal Manhood," "Rise of a Soul." "Simplicity in Life," "A Young Alan's Alake- Up," "The Eternal in Alan." D. D., K. C, and H. S. C. 741. AVALTON, Robert Augustus; b. at Morningside, Cumberland Co., Va., June 30, 1857; farmer; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pb.v.. spring 86; O. \V. Lex. I'by., Ky., spring, '87; P. Owingsville, Bath Co.. Ky., '86-'01 ; 122 Union Theological Seminary. 1*. Georgetown, Kj-., '91-96 ; Ev. nnder direction of Gen'l Assein.'s Ev. Com., Nor. Ch., '96-'0G; Ev. of "The Voluntary Asso. of Evang. Missions" in I'res. Ch., South, 'OG — . D. D., U. T. ; author "The Holy Spirit Our" Teaclier in Prayer," "The Present Tense of Salvation." 742. WHARTON, Turner Asiiby ; b. Greensboro, N. C, July 8, 1862; stu. U. N. C, Chapel Hill; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., '86; O. Meckl. Pby., '86; Ev. Meckl. Pby., located at Waynesville, N. C, '86-89; P. Steele Creek, N. C, '89-'94; P. Abingdon, Va., '94-'99 ; P. Alabama St. Ch., Memphis, Tenn., '99-'02 ; P. 1st Ch., Columbia, Tenn., '02—, D. D., K. C. 743. WHITE, William Chester; b. at Salem, Mass., Oct. 25, 1858; A. B., H. S. C, and stu. U. Va. ; teacher at Charles Town Ac, W. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., May 7. '85; O. Lex. Pby., June 19, '87; S. S. Warm Springs, Va., Greenwood, Hot and Healing Springs, Va., '86-87 ; P. Warm Springs, Va., '87 — (P. Greenwood, '87-92? P. Healing Springs, \S9-'94; P. Hot Springs '86-99) — ; division supt. public schools, Bath Co., Va. 744. WOOL, John E. ; b. Nyack, N. Y. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., May, '86; O. Roan. Pby., Oct.. '86; P. Briery Ch., Prince Edward Co.. Va., '86-'90; Ev. Ab. Pres., '90-'96; Ev. Syn. of Va., '96-'01 ; P. Oxford, N. C, '01-06; P. Wilson, N. C, '06--. 1884-'85. 745. ALEXANDER, William McFabdin ; b. near Union. W. Va.. Nov. 7, 1861; W. L. U. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Sav. Pby., June, '87; O. June '87; P. Bainbridge, Ga., '87-90 ; P. Alabama St., Memphis, Tenn., Oct. '90--'99 ; P. Prytania St., New Orleans, '99—. D. D., S. W. P. U., and W. L. U. tory of the Westminster Pres. Church, (pamphlet). D. D., K. C. and A. N. C. 747. ARMENTROUT, Thomas Sitlington ; b. Monroe Co., W. Va.. Apr, 12, 1860; stu. Roan. C, H. S. C, and W. L. U. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., May, '87; O. N. Cas. Pby., (U, S. A.), Oct, '87; P. Buck- ingham Ch., Berlin, Md., '87-88; P, Felton and Harrington, Del., '88-92; tory of the Westminster Pres. Church," (pamphlet). D. D., K. C. and Ark. Nor, Col, ^ 748. CARSON, William Walter; b. Charlotte Co., Va., Aug. 14. 1867; A. B., K. C; (3.) ; L. Roan. Pby., '87; O. '88; S. S. Bethlehem and Buffalo Chs., Va., '87-'88 : P. Bethlehem and S. S. Concord '88-'93 ; P. Milden '93— (S. S. Campbell Mem. '93-'94)— '96 ; P. Walker's Crk. '96- (P. Shemariab '97 — ) — '99; S. S. Mountain Grove, Greenwood and Sinking Spring '99-00; S. S. Crab Bottom '01-'02 ; Prin. Sraithville H. S., '92-'93 ; Highland H. S. '00-'03; Shenandoah Col. '03 -'05; Monterey H. S. '05-'06 ; Tazewell H. S. '06—; S. S. Thompson Valley and Liberty Hill, '07—. 749. CLARK, Peter Cunningham; b. Washington Co., Va.. Aug. 7, 1862; A. B. and A. M., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., Sept. '87; O. Nov. '87: P. Rooky Mt. and Piedmont Chs.. '87-'91 : (at same time teaching at Rocky Mt.) ; P. Fincastle, Mt. Union, Glen Wilton and Galatia Chs., '91-97; P. Biuetield. W. Va.. '97— Uxio>^ Theological Seminary. 123 750. CKAWFORD, Alexander Warwiciv; b. Dunmore, W. Vn., Sept. 15, 1857- stu. U. Va. ; Colptr. A. B. S. in mountains of W. Va., '80-84; (.3. Gr ) ;' L. Trans. Pby., May 13, '87 ; O. July 17, '87 ; P. Campbellsville and Bethel Clis . Ky., '87-90; P. Woodlawn and East Lake, Ala., '91-93; S. S. Silver Urk. Chapel, Ky., '93-'94 ; P. Paint Lick, Ky., '94-'01 ; P. franklin and S. S. Scottsville and :Mizpah Chs., Ky., ■01-'02 ; Ev. in Texas, Pan- handle, '02-'0r. : P. Madill 1st Ch., I. T., '06-07; P. Rowland and Ashpole Chs., N. C, March 1, '07—. 751. CROOKS, Charles Graham ; b. Scott Co., Ky.. Oct. 3, 1860 ; A. B. and A M, C U. Ky. ; (2.) ; L. Louisv. Pby., summer "86; instr. in Math, and Lat., C. U. Ky., '86-'90 : prof. Lat., '90-'94 ; prof. ISIath. '94-'01 ; prof. Math. Cen. Col. of C. U. Ky., '01—. 752.* FULTON, Robert Lee ; b. Catoosa Co., Ga., 1858 ; stu. U. of Ky. ; (1.) ; Col. Sem. Gr. ; L. S. C. Pby.. '86; O. Athens Pby. '86; P. Gainesville, Ga., ''86-88 ; P. Blackshear and Waycross, Ga., '88-'89 ; S. S. Reid :Me- morial and Sibley Chs., Augusta, Ga., '89-'90 ; P. East Jacksonville, Fla., '90-93: P. Rock Spring Ch., Atlanta, '94-'01 ; retired in ill health. Died at Thomasville, Ga., Jan. 31, 1902. 753. HOFFMEISTER, Charles Chalmers; b. Rogersville, Tenn. ; A. B., K. C. ; stu. Col. Sem. and Princ. Sem.; (1.) ; L. ; O. R. Riv. Pby., Nov. 11, '86 ; S. S. Axtell, Kan., '87-'90 ; S. S. Afton, la., '90-'91 ; H. My. in Mo. and Kan., '91-95 ; S. S. Brookings, S. Dak., '95-'96 ; S. S. Crystal Lake, Minn., '96-'99 ; S. S. Lakefield, Minn., '00-'02 ; S. S. Thorpe, Minn., '03 ; S. S. Olivia, Minn., '04; P. Wills Point and Forney, Tex., '05—. 754. JOHNSON, Thomas Gary; b. Monroe Co.. W. Va., July 19, 1859; A. B., H. S. C. : stu. U. Va.. and Yale C. ; teacher; Yale Div. Sch. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., May, '87; O. C. Tex. Pby., Aug. '90; prof. Grk. and Hebrew Exeg., Austin, Tex., Sch. of Theol., and asst. prof. Ment. and Mor. Philos., Tex. U., '88-'90 ; S. S. and P. El. 3rd Ch., Louisville, Ky., '90-'91 ; prof. Eng. Bib. and Past. Theol. U. T. S., '91-'92 : prof. Ecc. Hist, and Polity '92 — ; member Am. Hist. Ass'n. ; author "Hist, of the So. Pres. Ch. :'" sketch of "Synod of the South ;" "John Calvin and the Genevan Refor- mation ;" "'Life and Letters of Rev. R. L. Dabney, D. D., LL. D. ;" "Life and Letters of Rev. Benj. Morgan Palmer, D. D., LL. D. ;" also numerous sketches and discussions in periodicals, etc. ; ed. "Collected Writings of Rev. Prof. Thomas E. Peck, D. D., LL. D." D. D., LL. D., H. S. C. 755.* JONES, Charles Richard ; b. Clifton, Ala., June 10, 1862 ; A. B., Ox. Col., Ala.; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., June 4, '87; O. Sept. 2, '87; P.. Cumberland Ch., W. H. Pby., '87-88; P. Frankfort, Ky., '88-'90. Died at Frankfort, Ky., April 12, 1890. 756. JONES, Willis; b. El Dorado, Ark., Feb. 19, 1856; (dropped by Ouachita Pby., from roll of candidates, April 9, 1887.) 757. LANCASTER, Richard Vexable ; b. Cumberland Co., Va.. March 29, 1863: A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April 9, '87: O. June 5, '87 ; My. to Hangchow, China, '87-92 ; P. Rocky River Ch., Cone. Pby., N. C, '93-'96 ; Ev. in Duplin Co., Wilm. Pby., N. C, '97-'99 ; pres. Jajnes Sprunt Inst., at Kenansville, '98-'00 ; P. Sinking Spring Ch., Abingdon, Va., '00-'08 ; P. McComb, Miss., '08— ; author "The Creed of Christ." 758.* MOSBY, SxocKTOisr Terry;* b. Lynchburg. Va., Dec. 1, 1863; A. B., H. S. C. ; (2.) Died at beginning of Sr. year, Sept. 24, 1886. 759. PATTON, .Taaies GODFREi"; b. Watertown, Tenn., Sept. 25, 1855; teacher; S. W. P. U. ; (Jr. 1.) ; S. W. P. U.. 2. Gr. ; L. Nashv. Pby., April. 124 Union Theological Seminary. '87 ; O. Sept.. '87 ; P. Westminster Ch., Nashville, Tenn, '87, for 18 mos. ; P. Orlando, Fla., 3 jrs. ; P. Henderson, Ky., 5 yrs. ; P. Decatur, Ga., '96 — . D. D., S. W. P. U. 7G0.* PRICE. Charles Dabxey ; 1). Riclimond. Va., INIarch 3, 1862 : stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., spring, '87; O. Oct. '87; P. Warrenton, Weldon and Littleton, N. C. "87-'88 ; P. Hampton, preaching at ^ame time at Newport News and Williamsburg, Va., '88-91 ; P. Newport News '91. Died in Johns Hopkins Hospital July 23, 1891. 761. KICHAKDSON, Lee Hutchings ; b. Grenada, Miss., Aug. 28, 1864 ; 5. W. P. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Memph. Pby., May 14, '87; O. June, '87; P. Park Ave. Ch., (now Idlewild Ch.,) of Memphis, '87-'88 ; P. Trumansburg, N. Y., '88-92; P. iJardstown, Ky.. '92-97; S. S. Helena and Holly Grove, Ark., '97-'00; P. Newport, Ark.. '00-'03 ; P. Orwell, Ohio, '03-06; P. Mayflower Ch.. Cleveland, O., '06—. 762. SAWYER, Marion Mortimer; (one yr. in Sem. ; dropped by Meck- lenburg Pby., April 23, '86.) 763. SHAW, Angus Robertson ; b. Haywood. Chatham Co., N. C, Dec. 6, 1858; stu. U. N. C. ; teacher; (2.) ; Princ. Sem. Gr. ; L. Fay. Pby., Sept. 28, '87; O. Sept. 28. '87; P. Jackson Springs and Carthage Chs.. '88-90;. Ev. for Fay. Pby., '90-'91 : Ev. C. Tex. Pby., '92-'93 ; P. 2nd Ch., Waco, Tex., '93-96 ; P. Main St. Ch., Cleburne, Tex.. '96-97 ; P. Henderson. N. C, '97-'02 ; P. 1st Ch., Portsmouth, Va., '02-'06 ; P. Tenth Ave. Ch., Charlotte, N. C, '06 — ; author "Theology for the People," "Security of the Believer." "Excuse Making, or Reasons for not Becoming a Christian." 1885-'86. 764. ALEXANDER, William Clawson ; b. Chester, S. C, Mav IG, 1864; stu. S. C. Mil. Ac; Col. Sem. —1; (2.+ Gr.) ; L. and O. Memp. Pby., Sept. 13. '88; P. Bolivar, Tenn., '88-'92 ; P. Mt. Airy, N. C, and Ev. in, Surry Co.. '92— (S. S. Madison, N. C, '93— )— '94; P. Concord, N. C, '94-'99; P. Maryland Ave. Ch., Baltimore, '99-03; P. Idlewild Ch., Mem- phis, Tenn., '03 — . 765. AMIS, Eugene Henry; b. Granville Co., N. C. June 11. 1855; stu. Bing. Sch. and U. Va. ; teacher Bing. Sch. ; Col. Sem. 1.; (2. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., June 23, '87; O. Lex. Pby., Nov. 19. '87: P. Monterey, Pisgah and Crab Bottom, '87-90 ; P. Goshen. Harrod's Creek and Springdale, Louisv. Pby., '90-'05; P. Lott, Rosebud and Chilton, Tex., '05—. 766. BAILEY, Edward; b. near Statesville, N. C. Mav 31, 1852: stu. S. W. P. U. ; farmer; Col. Sem. 2.; (1.); L. Cher. Pl)v., Sept., '84; O. April '88: S. S. Euharlee, Ga.. '85-'93 ; S. S. Philadelphia, Jonesboro and Flat Rock Ch., '93-95: S. S. Bethel and Walnut Grove '95-00; S. S. Burnet, Llano and Leander Chs., Tex., '00 — . 767. "BROWN, Cyrus Givens ; b. Rockbridge Co., Va.. Aug. 30, 1859; stu. W. L. U.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May 11. '88; O. Aug. 30, '88; My. to Japan, '88-'92 : H. M. Kanawha Pliy.. '93 : P. Montgomery. W. Va.. '93-98 : P. 2d Ch., Birmingham, Ala., '98-99; P. Pleasant Grove. Catholic and Hebron. S. C, '99—. 768. CAMPBELL, Henry Clay Van Metre; b. Gerardstown (now W. Va.). April 19. 1853: stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) : L. Wine. Pi)v.. Mav 17. '88; O. May 18, '88; P. Harper's Ferry and Berkelev Springs. W. Va.. •88-93; 1'. Berkeley Springs, '93-96; P. Salem. Va.. '96—. Union Theological Seminary. 125 769. CULBERTSON, Richard Watt; b. Woodleaf, N. C, March 2G, 1860; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (2.) ; L. Cone. Pby., June 8, '87; O. Or. Pby., Nov. 19. '87; P. Buffalo and Bethel Chs., Or. Pby., '87— (P. Midway '88— )— '92; P. Hawfields, Cross Roads and org. Bethany Chs., '92-06; P. Stony Creek and Griers Chs., '06 — . 770. CUMMING, Calvin Knox; b. Hampton, Va., July 1, 1854; mer- chant and teacher; stu. Princ Col. and U. Va. ; (2+ Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., Mav 4, '88 ; O. same date ; F. M. Tokushima '89-'90 ; Nagoya '90-01 ; Gifu '01-' 03; Nagoya '03-05; Kobe '05— . 771. CUMMING, William; b. Baltimore, Md., July 24, 1859; stu. Johns Hopk. U.; Gen. Sec. Y. M. C. A.; Ref. Pres. Sem., Alleghany, Pa.; (Mid. 1.) ; L. Moutg. Pby., April, '86; O. May '87; S. S. Longdale, Va., April to Dec. '86; P. Blacksburg, Va., '8G-'87 ; P. Waverly Ch., Baltimore, Md., '87-91; P. 2d Ch., Staunton, Va., '92-96; P. Waverly Ch. (2d time), '96-'02 ; P. 1st Ch., Winchester, Ky., '02—. 772. DUNCAN, Harold M. ; b. Oct. 29, 1864; stu. U. Pa.; (1.) ; candi- date of Louisv. Pby., but no record after 1st yr. in Sem. 773. HENDERLITE, Robert Eugene, Sr. ; b. Smyth Co., Va., July 19, 1860; A. B., K. C. ; Col. Sem. — ].; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., April 19, '89; O. Ev. Meckl. Pby., June, '90; Ev. Meckl. Pby. and S. S. Waynesville and Bryson City '89-'90 ; S. S. group of chs. in Eno. Pby., '90 ; P. Fountain Inn, New Harmony and Dorroh, '91-'93 ; P. 3d Ch., Greenville, S. C, and S. S. Nazareth '93-96; P. Beaver Creek and Walnut Grove, Ab. Pby., '96-02; S. S. Oxford and Jacksonville, Ala., '02 ; P. 2d Ch., Anniston, Ala., '02-'06 ; P. Fairview and S. S. Fountain Inn, S. C, '06 — . 774.* KENNEDY, Richard Marcus; b. Camp Creek, Green Co., Teno., Aug. 26, 1864; S. W. P. U. ; S. S. Springfield, Tenn., '86-'S7 ; (2.) ; Princ. Sem. Gr. ; L. Colb. Pby., April, '89; O. and installed as P. of Zion Ch., Colb. Pby., Oct., '89; P. Franklin, Tenn., '92-'95 ; inf. Died at Fort Reed, Fla., March 11, 1896. 775. LACY, J. H. ; b. Nov. 1, 1863; U. Va. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. and O. Or. Pby., May, '90 ; P. Mebane, N. C. ; Westminster Ch., Greensboro, N. C. ; Florence, Ala. ; Clarksville, Tenn. ; P.. Winchester, Va., '05 — . D. D., S. W. P. U. 776. LAPSLEY. James; b. June 12, 1860: stu. U. Ala.; Col. Sem. 1; (Mid. 1.) ; L. Tusc. Pby., '86; O. Ev. N. Ala. Pby., Dec. 17, '86; S. S, Hartselle, Somerville and Fairview, Ala., '86-88; S. S. Vine Hill, Ala., '89-92 ; S. S. Leesburg, Ky.. "93 ; S. S. Waynesville, N. C, '94-'95 ; S. S. Anniston, Ala., '96 ; D. M., Dawson. Ala., '97-99 ; W. C. '00—. 777.* LAPSLEY. Samuel Norvell; b. Selma. Ala., April 14, 1866; Gr. U. of Ala.; teacher; (1.) ; Gr. McCor. Sem.: supplied in vacations chs. at Decatur and Birmingham, Ala., Royalton, IMinn., and Anniston, Ala. ; L. Tusc. Pby., '87; O. Dec. 4, '89; sailed as F. M. to Congo Valley. Feb. 26, '90, where he continued until his death at Underbill, March 26, 1892. 778. McLEAN, John Ephraem ; b. Fayetteville. Ala., March 18. 1866; A. B., Ox. Col. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. Ala. Pby., April 18, '87 ; O. Tusc. Pby., May .5, '88; P. Fairview and Friendship Chs., Perry Co., Ala., '88-'90 ; Ev. N. Ala. Pby., '90-'91 ; P. Bainbridge, Ga., '91-'92 ; P. Gainesville, Tex., '92-'93 ; S. S. City Park Ch., Dallas, Tex., and Waxahachie, Tex., part of '93; P. 1st Ch., Marshall, Tex., '03-'06 ; P. 1st Ch., Tvler. Tex., '06—. S. C. and Treas., Paris Pbv., '06—. 126 Union Theological Seminary. 779. MILEY, William II.; b. Rockbridge Co., Va., Nov. 28, 1859; W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. and O. Pad. Tby., '88; Ev. Corydon, Ky.. '88-'89 ; P. Marion, Ky., '90-99 ; P. Portland Ave. Ch., Louisville, Ky., '00— ; chm. H. M. Louisv. Pby. and Ex. Com. Min. Ed. and Relief; author "Bible Baptism for the People," (pamphlet). D. D., H. S. C, '06. 780.* MOORE, Chalmers; b. Franklin. N. C. ; Gr. Da. C. ; Col. Sem. : (Mid. 2.) ; O. E. H. Pby., '87; S. S. Old St. Ch., Petersburg, Va., '87-88; P. Laurinburg, N. C, 'S9-'91 ; P. Hopewell '92-'94 ; S. S. Bryson City group '95-"0G; P. Heath Springs, Liberty Hill and Calvin, S. C, '97-00. Died at Heath Springs, March 10, 1900. 781. NEWMAN, Charles Sydney; b. Knoxville, Tenn., March 19, 1863; farmer; A. B., K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., May 7, '87; O. La Fay. Pbv.. Aug. 31, '88; P. Blackburn, Maplewood and Pisgah Chs., La Fay. Pby., '88-90 ; S. S. Fort Payne, Ala., '90-'92 ; P. Canton, Miss., Dec, '92—. 782. PELL, Robert Paine ; b. Washington, N. C, June 12, 1860 ; A. B., U. N. C. ; Inst. U. N. C. ; (—1.) ; L. Or. Pby., fall, '84; O. spring, '87; S. S. Nutbush, N. C, '85 ; S. S. Carrollton, Ky., '85 ; S. S. Harrisonburg, Va., '86 ; Ev. Or. Pby., '87-91 ; Ev. N. C. Syn. '91-'95 ; P. Newberry, S. C, '95-'96 ; pres. Pres. Col. for Women, Columbia, S. C, '96-02 ; pres. Converse Col., '02—. Lit. D., U. N. C. 783. PORTER, Matthew Branch ; b. Powhatan Co.. Va., Dec. 5, 1861 ; stu. H. S. C; (2. '85-'86; '89-'90) ; L. E. H. Pby., May, '87> O. Louisv: Pby., Nov. '87 ; My. work in Muhlenberg Co., Ky., '87-'00 ; P. Crescent Hill Ch., Louisville, Ky. ,'00-'0G ; Dist. Supt. S. S. and Y. P. S. '06; Sec. Am. B. S., Richmond, Va., for the South Atlantic agency, '07 — . 784. RENNIE, Joseph; b. Henrico Co., Va. ; H. S. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H., April, '87; O. Roan., June, '88; S. S. Chase Citv, Va., '87-88 :' P. same '88— (S. S. Oxford Ch., N. C. '89-90)— '90 : P. of Oxford '90-'92 : P. Ebenezer Ch., and S. S. of Boydton, Va., 'S8-'90 ; P. Stuart Robinson Mem. Ch., Louisville, Ky., '92-'95 ; P. Madison Ave., Pres. Ch.. Covington, Ky., '95-'02 ; P. 1st Pres. Ch., Norfolk, Va., Oct., '02—. D. D., C. U. Ky. 785. SILER, Jesse Weimar; b. Franklin, N. C, Feb. 9, 1863; Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., May, '88; O. Oct., '88; S. S. Murphy, N. C, and Ev. in Cherokee and Clay Cos., '88-'S9 ; City My. in Charlotte, N. C, '89-'90 ; P. Shelby and Rutherfordton, N. C, '90-'91 ; S. S. Cameron, Tex.. ■91-92 ; P. I'rovidence and Banks. Chs., in Meckl. Pby., N. C, '92-00 ; S. S. Hendersonville, part of '00; teacher at Gastonia, N. C, 'OO-'Ol ; P. La- vernia, Tex.. '01— (S. S. Floresville, Tex.)— '02; P. Sequin, Tex., '02— (S. S. Luling and Waelder, Tex.,)— '03; P. San Angelo, Tex., '03—. 786.* SPENCER, Samuel H. ; b. March 11, 1843; C. S. A.; merchant and farmer; (2.) ; L. Meek. Pby., '88; O. '88; S. S. Mulberry Ch.. Meek. Pby., '88; P. Swannanoa group. N. C, '88-'90; P. Humboldt, Brazil and Shiloh, Tenn., '90-'97 ; inf. at Morven, N. C, '97-06. Died June 19, 1906. 787. VANCE, Joseph Anderson; b. Sullivan Co., Tenn.. Nov. 17. 1864; A. B., K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., May 7. '87; O. Louisv. Pby., fall, '88; P. Woodlawn Ave. Ch.. Louisville, Ky.. '88-'91 ; P. Maryland Ave. Ch.. Bal- timore, Md., '91-99; P. Hyde Park Pres. Ch.. Chicago, 111.. '99— ; author "The Westminster Assembly and Its Confession for God ;" "Home ;" "Re- ligion and Money ;" "The True and the False in Christian Science ;" "Ameri- can Problems." D. D., Huron Col., S. D, and K. C. Union Theological Seminary. 127 1886-87. 788. BELK, Geokge Washington ; b. Walkersville, N. C, Sept. 30, 1859 ; A. 13.', Rutherford, Col.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meek. Pby., May 17, '89 ;i . O. May 21, '89: P. Amity and Robinson, N. C, '89-91; P. Chatham, Va.. '91 (S S Sprin? Garden. Weal and Hai-pin Creek, to '98; P. Spring Gar- den, '98— )— '00; P. Graham St., Charlotte, '00-'02 ; P. Tenth Ave., '02-'05 ; P. Albemarle, N. C, '05 — ; author tract, ""The Baptism of John, or The Scriptural Mode of Baptisna." 789.* BIAS, J. W. Warwick ; b. Red Sweet Springs. Va., June 1. 1859 ; stu. VV. L. U. ; (2.) ; H. M. Western, N. C, summer '88. Died at Charles- ton", N.' C, Aug. 20, 1888. 790.* CARTER, Robert Washington; b. June 20, 1858; (3.) ; L. ; O. Knox. Pby. '90 ; in trans. '91 ; P. Howardsville, Va., 92 ; P. Chambers- ville, Va., '93'-'9G ; P. Davis, W. Va., '97-03. Died May 7, 1903. 791. CLARK, John M. ; b. Jackson Springs, N. C, June 30, 1858 ; A. B., Da. C. ; farmer, clerk and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; McCor. Sem. and Moody Bib. Inst; L. Fay. Pby., June 6, '89; O. July 4, '89; P. Antioch, Philadelphus and Red Springs, Fay. Pby., '89-'93 ; P. Bolivar, Tenn., '93-'96 ; P. Denton, Tex., '9(J-'97; P. 1st Ch., Texarkana, Tex., '97-99; P. Corinth, Miss., '99-'01 ; P. Morristown, Tenn., '01-'07 ; Supt. H. M. Hoist. Pby., '07 — . 792. DAVIS, John Henry; b. Charlotte Co., Va., Oct. 23, 1862; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; New Col., Edinburgh; L. Roan. Pby., Aug. '89; O. Knox. Pby., '90; P. Soddy, Tenn., '90-'91 ; P. Timber Ridge, Va.; '92-98; S. S. Hot Springs, Va., '99; P. Cumberland and Jamestown Chs.. near Farmville, '00 — ; supt. schools Prince Ed. Co., '05 — . 793. DUNCAN, Millard Fillmore; b. Grayson, Ky., Aug. 24, 1866; stu. C. U. Ky., (2.) ; L. Eb. Pby., April 21, '88; O. Pad. Pby., '89; Ev. '90-'91; S. S. Jackson, Ga.. group, '92-'93 ; S. S. Forsythe, Ga., '94-'98 ; in trans, and W. C. since '99 ; present address not known. , 794. FRIEND, William Sharpe ; b. Drake's Branch, Va., Feb. 28, 1864 ; A. B., H. S. C. : farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., April, '89; O. Fay. Pby., '89 ; P. Jonesboro, N. C, '89 ; S. S. Chatham, Va., '89 ; S. S. in Halifax Co.. V a., '90 ; priu. Cluster Springs H. S., '92-95 ; prin. Potomac Ac, Romney, W. Va., '95-'99 ; Hoge Ac, Blackstone, Va., '99 ; ins. and real estate agt. at Covington, Va., since '00. 795. FULTON, Samuel Peter; b. Williamsburg Co., S. C, Aug. 17, 1865; A. B., Pres. Col., S. C. ; Col. Sem. 2.; (Sen. 1 Gr.) ; L. Enoree Pby., April 9, '8(): O. April 13. '88: S. S. Zion Ch.. Bethel Pby.. '87-88; F. M. Nagoya, Japan, '88-'89 ; Okazaki, '90-01 as teacher and Ev. ; prof. N. T. Lit., Exeg. and Bib. Theol, in Theol. Dept. of the Meiji Gakuiss, Tokyo, '01. D. D., Pres. Col., S. C, '03. 796. GAMMON, Samuel Rhea; b. Bristol, Va., March 30, 1865; A. B. and A. M., K. C. ; clerk; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., May 10, '89: O. same time; F. M. to Brazil '89 to present time ; engaged in evangelical and educational work; now at head of the Evangelical Institute, Lavras, Brazil, and Prof, of Hist., Grk. and Bible; author "Notes on the Epistles of Jude and Peter." D. D., K. C, '03. 797. GRAHAM, James Robert, ,Tr. ; b. Winchester, Va., Oct. 19, 1863; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine Pby., June, '89; O. July, '89; F. M. in T^ng Kiang Pu, China, from '89—. 798. GWYNN, Price Henderson ; b. Lowell. W. Va., Oct. 8, 1861 ; A. B., H. S. C. and stu. U. Va. ; (2.) ; L. W. H. Pby. summer. '88; O. fall, '88; stu. U. Va., '88-'90 ; teacher in Charlottesville, Va., and P. South Plains and 128 Uxiox Theological Seminary. Bethel Chs. ; S. S. Tabor and Olivet Chs., in Albemarle Co. ; P. Glade Spring, Va., '92-01 ; P. Steele Crk., N. C, '01-'06 ; P. Spray, N. C, '06—. 799. HALL, J. Cleveland; b. San Francisco, Cal., April 20, 1854; U. S. Mil. Ac, West Point, N. Y. ; busine&s ; (2.) ; L. and O. E. H. Pby., '88;^ P. Manchester. Va., '88-90; joined Episcopal Church and accepted by Bishop Whittle as a candidate for orders, '90; O. deacon, '91; O. priest, '91; in charge of Zion and Falls Ch., Va., '9U-'92 ; charge of Christ Ch., Roanoke, Va., '92-'95; charge of Epiphany Ch., Danville, Va., '95 — . 800. HALL, Robert McAlpixe ; b. Talladega, Ala., Nov. 27, 1863 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; Austin Sch. of Theol. 1; (Mid. 2 Gr.) ; L. W. Tex. Pby., June '88 ; O. same date ; Ev. W. Tex. Pby. in Goliad, Bee, Karnes and Jackson Cos., '88-91 ; P. Westm. Ch., San Antonio, Tex., '91-92 ; S. S. Blacksburg and Roan. Val., Va., '92-93; S. S. Edna and Port Lavaca, 'Tex., Jan. tio July. '94; P. Westm. Ch., (2d time), '94-"03 ; P. Ballinger, Tex., '03-04; P. Galveston 1st Ch., '04 — ; ed. and prop. "The San Antonio Presbyterian," '96. D. D., Aust. Col., May 30, '06. 801. IRWIN, Leonidas Wilson; b. Harrisonburg. Va., Sept. 15, 1862; stu. W. L. U.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May 11, '88; O. Memph. Pby.,. May 3, '90; S. S. Franklin, W. Va., May to August, '89; P. Mt. Carmel, Tenn., '90-92 ; P. Kayser IMemorial, Iron Gate., Sharon and Low Moor, '92-'96; P. Radford Central and Radford, Va., '96— (S. S. Bell Spring, '97-'01)— . 802. KENNEDY, Byry Daniel; b. Camp Creek, Tenn., Sept. 12» 1861; A. B., K. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., '90; O. '92; S. S. Mt. Zion and Jonesboro. Tenn.. '90-92; P. Meadow Creek, Tenn., '92— (S. S. Russell- ville and Mt. Zion, '92)— '97; P. Brick Ch., and Corncrsville, Tenn., '98-'00 ; P. Troy, Mo., '00—. 803. LINK, Adam Gibson ; b. Daffields, Jefferson Co., W. Va., March 27, 1863: H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) : L. Wine. Pbv.. June .'), '89; O. Oct. 13. '89; P. Strasburg and Cedar Cliff Chs., '89— (P. Cedar Crk. '89-'04; S. S., '04—)—. 804. McCUE, Frank Love; b. Fort Defiance, Va., Aug. 13, 1863; H. S. C. ; (2. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May H, '88; O. Sept. 9, '88: P. Glenville and Woodville, W. Va., '88— (S. S. Burnsville and Sutton, W. Va., '88)— '91; P. Burnsville and Sutton, '91-94; P. Kanawha Salines, W. Va., '94-'99 ; P. West Side, Jackson, Miss., '99-'04 ; prin. French Camp (Pres.) Ac, '04 — (S. S. Ackerman, Bywy, McCool and Weir, '04—)—. 805. McFADEN, Frank Talbot; b. Salisburv, Nicomico Co., Md., Feb. 5, 1864; A. B., and B. Lit., II. S. C. (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine Pby., June 5, '89; O. Ab. Pby.. Nov. 3, '89 ; P. Marion, Va., •89-'96 ; P. 1st Ch., Lynchburg, Va., '96-'03 ; P. 1st Ch., Richmond, Va., '03—. D. D., W. L. U. 806. Mcleod, Kenneth Alexander; b. Richmond, Co., N. C, 1858; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., .Tune, '89: O. Aug. '89; P. Pee Dee and Sharon Chs., Fay. Pby., '80- (S. S. Norwood. Elleree Spgs., and Mt. Carmel, '89) — '93; P. .Tonesboro, St. Andrews, and Salem, and S. S. Mt. Pisgah, Barbecue and Pocket, N. C, '93-'08 ; P. Cornelius, N. C, '08—. 807. MILLARD, Joseph Rhea; b. Bluff Cit.v, Tenn., Jan. 24, 1856; 6tu. K. C. ; farmer and clerk; S. W. P. U. : (Mid. 1.) ; Col. Gr. : L. Hoist. Pby., May 5, '88; O. Charles. Pby.. Oct. '88; P. Richland and Fort Motte, '89; P. Tirzah Ch., '90— (S. S. Waxhaw and Beulah, '90)— '91; P. Rich- burg and Fishing Creek, '92-'95 ; S. S. Fishing Creek and Oakland, •9G-*98 ; P. King's Mountain and Long Creek Chs., N. C, '99-02; S. S. Bessemer City, '00-'02; P. Salem, Lebanon and Union Chs., '03—. REV. PROF. T. C. JOHNSON Union Theological Seminary. 129 808.* PAISLEY, James Pokier ; b. Jan. 24, 1858 ; Gr. Da. C. ; teacher ; -*91 ; P. Lexington. N. C, '91-'93 : assist. P. First Ch.. Danville, Va.. ■!!4-"!l(;; V. Collcy Meiuorii-.l. Norfolk, Va., ■97-'03 ; supt. Pres. Orphans' Home, Lynchburg, Va., '03-07; P. Sou. Boston, Va.,^ '08—. 828. McMURRAY, Joseph Alexander; b. Union Springs, Ala., Aug. 2,. 1866; A. B. Da. C. ; teacher; (2 Jun. and Sen. Gr.) ; McCor. Sem. 1.; L. N. Ala. Pby.. April 19, '89; O. Oct. 5, '89; Ev. and S. S. .Tasper, Carbon Hill and Russellville Chs.. N Ala., Pby., '89-'90 ; P. West End (now Floyd Si. I Ch.. Lynchburg. Va.. '91 — . Union Theological Seminary. 13^ S'xj* MEBANE, James Edwin; b. Jan. 21, 1858; stu. Da. C. and U. N C • (2 ) • L Or Pbv., '90: O. Greenb. Pby., '92; V. Cliff Top and S. b. Ansted W Va '92--'.):V. P. Beekwith, W. Va., group. "93: P. Fayetteville and S."S. Ansted and Beekwith, W. Va., '94-'01 ; W. O. at laeger W. Va '02; and at Fayetteville, '03-'05 ; teacher, Sandy Huff, W. Va., Ob. Died at P'aynesville, W. Va., Aug., 190G. 830 PRICE. Benjamin Luther; b. (near Farraville), Cumberland Co., Va. Oct. .1, 18UT; H. S. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Koan. Pby., April 26, '90- O C :Miss I'by July 23. '90; P. Glen Allan Ch., Washington Co., Miss., '90-'92 ; s'. S. Morrilton Ch., Ark., '92-'94 ; S. S. 1st Ch., Alexandria, La.. '94—. 831 * SANDERS, Alexandek Pieece; b. near Wytheville, Va., June 12, 1865; A. B., E. and H. C.;. (3. Gr.) ; My. to Greeks in Turkey, '90-'91 ; S 8. Alexandria, Va., '91; P. Fredericksburg, '92-'98; and later founded Assembly's Home and School. Died at Wytheville, Va., March 21, 1900. 832. SILER, Eugene Leon ; b. Franklin, Macon Co., N. C, Dec. 25, 1867; farmer; stu. Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., May 15, '90; O. C. Tex. Pby., Aug. 29, '90; P. Caldwell, Texas, '90-'93 ; S. S. Sharon Ch.. Mecklenburg Co.', N. C, '93; P. Wadesboro and Morveu. N. C, - 194-'97 ; P. Lexington and Durant, Miss., '97-00; P. Baton Rouge, La., '00-'03 ; P. High Point, N. C, '03—. 833. SMITH, Letcher; b. Campbell Co., Va., Feb. 24, 1858; stu. H. S. C. ; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., April, '90; O. Wilm. Pby., Oct. '90 ; S. S. Topsail Ch., Pender Co., N. C, Jacksonville and Richland Chs., in Onslow Co., N. C, '90; Ev. of same till Oct., '91; S. S. Cumberland and Jamestown Chs., Va., '91-'93 ; P. same, '98-'98 ; S. S. Hillsville, Dinwiddie and Bethesda Chs., '98-'99 ; P. Hillsville, '98— (S. S. Dinwiddie and Bethesda)— '03; also P. Newbern, Va., '98-'03 ; S. S. Dunn, Cypress and Manly '03— (S. S. Bluff and McMillan, N. C, '04; Cameron Hill, '05; and Godwin '06)— '06; S. S. Mt. Gilead, Wadeville, Pee Dee and Troy, '06—. 83J.* STRICKLAND, Going Andrew; b. Greene Co., Ala., Jan. 10, I860; Ac. at Oxford, Ala.; physician; (1.); L- and O, Tusc. Pby., '89; P. York, x^la., '89-"95 ; P. Scooba, Miss., '95-98 ; P. Okolona, Miss., '9S-"02 ; P. Springfield, Ky., '02, till death, Nov. 3, 1903. 835. SULLIVAN, Charles Eugene; b. Bethany, Giles Co., Tenn., 1860; E. and H. C, and W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., May, '90; O. Colb. Pby., Oct., '90; P. Spring Hill Ch., Columbia, Pby., '90-94; P. 2nd Ch., Nash- ville, Tenn., '94-'96 ; P. McMinnville. Ch., Nashv. Pby., '96-'99 ; P. Smyrna Ch., Nashv. Pby., '99 — (S. S. Florence and Walter Hill Chs., Nashv. Pby., '99)— '01 ; P. 1st Ch., Galveston, Texas, '01-'03; Ev. Braz. Pby., '03-04; Ey. Nashv. Pby., "04; I'. McNeilly Ch., Nashville, Tenn., '04 — . 836. TELFORD, Robekt Lee ; b. May 23, 1863; stu. H. S. C. ; (3.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., '90; O., '90; P. Lewisburg, W. Va., '90-'94 ; prin. Lewisburg Female Seminary '95 — . D. D. 837. THOMPSON, William McQuown ; b. Riverside, Rockbridge, Co., Va., Dec. 4, 1864; stu. W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. and O. Lex. Pby., May 10, '90 ; F. M. to Brazil ; dismissed to Pby. of Pernambuco, Syn. of Brazil, arriving in Maranham, Nov. 21, 1890; at Caxias, '96-05; at Belem, '05-07 ; furlough and P. G., U. T. S., '08. 838. WADE, Joel Taylor ; b. CampbeJlsville, Ky. ; A. B., C. U. Ky. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Beth. Pby., Sept.. '89; O. Meckl. Pby.. April, '91; S. S. Augusta Ch., Valley of Va., '90 ; P. Pineville and Pleasant Hill, Meckl. Pby., "Dl-'Jo ; P. Franklin and Morrison Chs., '93-'96 ; Ev. at Highlands, 132 Union Theological Seminary. N. C, 'UG-'Ol; p. New Hope Cli.. Meckl. Pby.. '01-03; P. Easley and Pickens, S. C, '03; Pres. Nacoochee Institute, Santee, Ga., '03-'08; S. S. Nachoochee Ch., Athens Pby., Nov. '03 — . 839. WHITE, Henry Alexandek; b. Greenbrier Co., Va., April 15, 1861; A. M. and Pli. D., W. L U. ; (1.) ; Princ. Sem.. Gr. ; L. Lex. Pby.. May, '89; O. Ev. August, '89; S. S. Timber Ridge Ch., Lex. Pby., '90-94; S. S. Collierstown Ch., '95-08; S. S. Buena Vista Ch., at various times; S. S. Oxford Ch., '00-'02; prof. History, W. L. U., '89-'02; prof. New Tost. Lit. and Exeg., Col. Sem., '02 — ; author "The Pentateuch in the Light of the Ancient Monuments." "The Gospel of Comfort." "Robert E. Lee and the Southern Confederacy." 'School History of the United States :" "School History of North Carolina," "A Harmony of the Gospels, with Map.s and Notes," "Beginners' History of the United States," "The Making of South Carolina," "Life of Stonewall Jackson," "Southern Presbyterian Loaders." D. D., C. U. Ky. ; member Victoria Inst., London, '95 ; member Ex. Com., Scotch-Irish Society of America. 1888-'89. 840.* ARMSTRONG, David Gibson, Jr.; b. Salem, Va., Feb. 3, 1868; Gr. Roan. C. ; teacher and R. R. engineer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Mont. Pby., spring, '91; O. Ev. Sept. '91; F. M. Brazil '91-94; served First (Scotch). Ch.. Charleston. S. C, 3 mos. in '95; P. Albany, Ga., '95-'97 ; P. Inman Park Ch., Atlanta, Ga., '97-'01. Died Aug. 23. 1901. 841. BANKS, FiTZHUGH Lee; b. Rocky Mt., La., June 24, 1860; Lie. of Inst. Peabody Norma! Col. of U. Nash.; teacher; (2.) ; Col. Gr. : L. Red River Pby., June '91; O. April, '92; P. Royville group, Red Riv. Pby., '91-93; P. Wilson group, '93-95; P. Tunica group, N. Miss. Pby., '95-96; P. Mt. Zion group, Pine Bluff Pby., '96-97; P. Ackerman group, C. Miss., Pby., '97-'01; P. Courtland, N. Miss. Pby., '02-'03 ; P. Mansfield, La., '03-'06: S. S. Princeton, Ark., '07—. 842. BRIDEWELL, Charles Percy; b. Camden, Ark., March 30, 1867; A. B.. Ark. C. ; (2.) ; McCor. Sem.; L. Ouach. Pby., fall '90; O. fall '90; S. S. Malvern, Ark., June to Oct., '90; P. '90-'92 ; P. Paris, Tex.. '92-96; P. 1st Ch.. Fort Worth. '96-'99 : P. 1st Ch.. Atlanta, '99-'06 ; res. Hope, Ark., '07-'08 ; P. Arkadelphia, Ark., '08—. D. D., Ark. C, '03. 84B. BUCHANAN, Wiliam Gumming ; b. Hillhead, Glasgow, Scotland, July 18, 1865; B. L., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., spring, '91; O. Sept. '91; S. S. Arkadelphia, '91; Ev. in Kobe, Japan, '91-92; Nagova, *93-'99; Takaraatsu, '99—. 844. CRANE, Arthur James ; b. Darlington, S. C, May 20, 1866 : A. B., Ark., Col.; (2.); L. W. H. Pby., April, '90; O. Nashv. Pby.. April. '92; S. S. Arcadia. Minden and Homer. La., '90; S. S. Highland Park and Mis- sion Ridge, Chattanooga, Tenn., '90-91 ; P. Milton, Stone's River, Cripple Creek, and Mt. Vernon, Tenn., '91-02; P. Bethpnse and Gilwood. Cabarrus Co., N. C, '02-'05; P. Newell and Amity, N. C, '0.5— (P. EI. Robinson Ch. '06—)—. 845. DOGGET, .James Polk ; b. Arcadia. Tenn., Jan. 4, 1844 ; stu. K. C. ; teacher; (2.) ; L. Ab. Pby. '89; O. Hoist. Pby., '90; P. New Providence. Tenn., '90-'92 ; S. S. Jonesboro, Leesburg and Providence. Tenn.. '92-'96 ; P. Kershaw and Beaver Creek Chs., S. C, '96-98: S. S. 5Ieadow Creek, Mt. Zipn, Blue Spring and Rheatown. Tenn.. '98-'01 ; S. S. New Bethel and Pleasant Grove 'Ol-'O.'?: S. S. INIeadow Creek. Mt. Zion. Rheatown, Blue Spring, White Pine, Rutledgo and Mooresburg, Tenn., ■03-07; S. S. New Bethel, Pleasant Grove. Piney Flats, and Bertha King Mem. '07 — . LiNioN Theological Seminary. 133 84G EGGLESTON, Richard Beverly ; b. March 4, 1867 ; stu. H. S. C. Ph D Cent. U. Indianapolis; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby.. April, '91 O Oct. '91: H. M. in Nelson Co., Va., '91-92; P. Gordonsville, Va., 92- 9o P.' Bedford City, Va., '95-'9T ; P. Portsmouth, Va., ■97-01 ; P. 3d Ch., Rich- mond, Va., 01—. 847 ENGLE, Shadia Moore; b. near Haider's Ferry, W. Va., June 1, ISUo- A B., H. S. C. ; (3.) ; L. Wine. Pby. June, '91; O. June, '91; P^ Falling Water Ch., '91-94; P. Oakland and Piedmont Chs., '94-'01 ; P. I'arsons Ch., '01-04; P. Berkeley Springs, '04—. 848. FORD, Edwin William; b. Kosciusko, Miss., Jan. 4, 1865; A. B., S VV. P. TT. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. C. Miss. Pby.. June 23, '91; O. Sept. 9, '91; P. Winona and Carrollton, Miss., and S. S. Teoc, '91-98 ; P. Fayette and S. S. Pine Ridge and Hermanville, Miss., '98-'03 ; P. McComb City, Miss., '03—. 849. GILKESON, Charles David; b. Augusta Co., Va., June 30, 1863; stu W. L U. ; teacher; (2.) ; Princ. Sem. Gr. ; L. Lex. Pby., May, '90; O. July 5, '91 ; P. Beverley, W. Va., '91-98 ; S. S. Lambert's Pt., Norfolk, Va., '99-'01; P. Richlands and Clifton. W. Va., '01-04; P. Moorefield, W. Va., '04 — ; author tract "Whole-Hearted Service." 850.* GORDON, John ; b. Jessamine Co., Ky., July 31, 1856 ; stu. Rich- mond, Ky. ; salesman and teacher; (2.) ; L. W. Lex. Pby., spring, '91; O. Louisv. Pby., March 29, '91 ; S. S. Pisgah, Woodford Co., Ky., '90 ; S.^ S. Mulberry, Shelby Co., Ky., '90 ; P. Eminence and Pleasureville, Ky., '91-92. Died in Fayette Co., Ky., May 2, 1892. 851. GRAHAM, Henry Tucker; b. Winchester, Va., Aug. 21, 1865; A B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., May 21, '91; O. June 21, '91 ; S. S. Rockville, Md., '91 ; F. M. to Japan '91-'96 ; P. Fayetteville, N. C, '97-04 ; P. Farmville, Va., '04 — . 852. HALL, Joseph Kirkland ; b. Jan. 1, 1865; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meekl. Pby., June, '91 ; O. E. H. Pby., Feb. '92; S. S. Ashland, Va., '91-'92; S. S. Samuel Davies, Hanover Co., Va., '91-93; P. Ashland Ch., '92-93; S. S. Long Creek, King's Mountain, Shiloh and Hephzibah, King's Mountain Pby., '93-94; P. Bethesda Ch., Beth. Pby., '94— (S. S- Smith's Ch., '05 — ) — . 853. HARRIS, John Abner; b. Iredell Co., N. C, Oct. 6, 1862; farmer; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., fall, '91; O. '91; S. S. and then P. Thyatira and Back Creek '91-98 ; Ev. in Yancey and Mitchell Cos., C^nc. Pby., '99—. 854. HENRY, Alex. ; b. Lodiana, Panjaub, N. India, Apr. 8, 1865 ; A. B., C. U. Kv. ; (1.) ; teacher; McCor. Sem.; O. W. Lex. Pby. '90; S. S. Roslyn and Chalum, Wash., '89 ; S. S. Midway, Ky., '90-'91 ; S. S. Franklin, Ky.. '91 ; H. M. Beatyville, 2 yrs. ; My. to Brazil '93-95 ; S. S. Crittendon and Lebanon, Ky., '95-'97 ; has since joined Swedenborgians. 855. JONES, Arthur Gray; b. Memphis, Tenn., Dec. 19, 1868; A. B., Ark. C. ; (2. Gr.) ; O. Ark. Pby. Nov. 23. '90; P. Batesville, Ark., '90— (teacher of Heb., Ark. Col., '90-'92)— '95; P. 1st Ch., San Antonio, Tex., '95— ; A. M., Ark. C, '92 ; D. D., Ark. C, '03 ; D. D., Dan Bak. Col., '03. 856. LUTHER, Martin; b. Marion, Va., Feb. 26, 1864; stu. U. S. C. ; (2.) ; L. Eb. Pby., '92; S. S. Mayslick. Ky., '93-94; O. Chic. Pby., '95; P. 7th Ch., Chicago, '95-'96 ; Ev. Chicago, 111., '97; P. 60th St. Ch., Chicago, •98 ; in trans. '99 ; P. Valparaiso, Ind., '00-06 ; P. Pullman, 111., '06—. 134 Union Theological Seminary. S5T. McAKN, Arcuiuald Hugh; b. Cheraw, S. C Sept. 21, 1865; A. B., Da C; (1.); Priuc. Sem. Gr. ; L. Fay. Pby., May, '91; O. Albm. Pby., July. '91 ; S. S. Wilson, N. C, '91-'93 ; P. Cheraw, S. C, '93—. 858. McKELWAY, Alexander Jeffrey; b. iu Pennsylvania, Oct. G, 18G6; H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., spring, '90; O. Albm. Pby., June, '91; S. S. Buffalo, Walkers, Pamplin City and Briery, '89-'91 ; Ev*. in Johnston Co., N. C. '91-'92 ; P. Fayetteville, N. C, '92-'98 ; supt. Home Missions, Syn. N. V.. '97-99 : editor "Presbyterian Standard.'' (formerly the N. C. Pres.), '98-05: ed. '^Charlotte Evemog News," '03: Sec. of the National Child Labor Committee, '04 — ; S. S. Statesville and Sugar Creek, N. C, with Rock Hill, S. C, at intervals; ed. Pres. Quarterly, 1)9-02 ; author of tracts and pamphlets, such as 'Calvinism and the Love of God," "The Distinctive Principle of the A. R. P. Church," "Child Labor and Race Supremacy,' "Tlie Southern Awakening on Child Labor," "The Scotch-Irish of North Carolina." D. D., Da. C. 859. MITCHELL, Joel Tunstall ; b. Greene Co., Ky., June 20, 1851 ; stu. H. S. C. ; farmer and teacher; (2.); Baptist Theol. Sem.. Louisville, Ky., '90-'91 ; L. Louisv. Pby., May 12. '90 ; O. Sept. 30, '92 : S. S. Hebron Ch., Louisv. Pby., '90-92; S. S. Ohio Co. and Rockport Chs., Louisv. Pby., '92; S. S. of Rockport and P. Ohio Co.. '92-'95 ; P. Silver Creek Chapel, Madison Co., Kv., '96; S. S. Whitesburg, Mts. of E. Ky.. '97-'99 : H. M., W. Lex. Pby.. in Perry Co., Ky.. '99-'02 ; Flat River. Mo., '02; P. Fred- ericktown. Mo., and Syenite Ch.. with ad.jacent missions. '03 — . 86(». PALMER. Wallace Thornwell : b. Marietta. Ga., Nov. 24. 1867; S. W. P. U.; (3. Gr.) ; L. N. Miss. Pby.. June. '91 ; O. Aug. Pby., Nov. '91; S. S. then P. Eatonton and Monticello, Ga., '91-'93 ; S. S. Brownsville, Tenn., '93; P. Trenton, Tenn., '94-'96 ; P. Dyersburg. Tenn., '96-'00 ; assist. P. to Rev. B. M. Palmer, D. D., 1st Ch., '00 ; co-pastor Dec. *00-'02 ; P. '02-'08 ; P. Westminster Ch., Lynchburg, Va., '08—. D. D., S. W. P. U. 861. PATTERSON. Brown Craig; b. Barterbrook, Augusta Co.. Va.. June 26, 1865; W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., IVIay, '91; O. May. '91; asst Bethel Ch.. Lex. Pbv., summer, '91 ; F. M.. at Tsing Kiang Pu. China, 2 yrs. ; Suchien, '93—. 862. ROGERS. David Philip; b. Prattville. Ala.. March 3. ISGO : A. B., Oxford Col., Ala.; (3. Gr;). L. S. Ala. Pby. May 28, '90; O. Nov. 3, '90; S. S. (ieneva, Ala., '90-'91 ; P. Wetumpka. Ilaneville and Pine' Flat Chs., Ala., '91-92 ; P. New Concord group, Va., '93-'04 ; Ev. Princeton and in Mercer Co., W. Va., '04, to June, '07 ; Ev. South Bedford, Va., July, '07—. 863. SECHREST, William Jasper ; b. High Point. N. C, Dec. 27, 1853 ; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. Tex. Pby., April 20, '93; O. Sept. 15. '93; S. S. Waterford, P\aith's Chapel and Purcellville, Va., '91-'92 ; S. S. Bennett's Sch. House and Ev. and P. Rusk, Jacksonville. New Birmingham, Alto. Lufkin, Cedar Point. Sulphur Springs. Concord. jNIoscow. Corrigan. Troupe, Willard. Jossernnd. Livingston. Naccogdoches, Orange. Tex.. '92-'97 : S. S. Moscow, .losserand, (Jroveton, Oakland. Nevell's, Prairie. Crockett and Con- cord. March to November, '97; P. New Orleans '97-99: S. S. Lake diaries. LaFayette and Opelousas, La., '99-'01 : Ev. Josserand. Lovelady. Liggett, Groveton. Willard. Westville, Rockland, Camden, Hampton, Daucett. Wood- ville, Warren. Timpson. Village Mills. Leveretts, Hyatt, Zevalla. Sulphur Springs. Lufkin, Diball. Trinity, Votary. Kinnard. Kuntz, Indian Village. Tex.. '01 ; P. Naccogdoches. Tex.. '<)2-'04 ; S. S. Nashville. Bingen. lona and Kirby, Ark., Nov.. '04, to Nov., '06; P. Belcher and Dixie. La., Nov., '06 — . 8(54. SOMERVILLE, Henderson Middleton. Jr.; Tuscaloo.sa, Ala.; b. July 1, 1864; Gr. Ala. U. ; ( — 1.) ; health failed during first year in Sem.; now prin. Somerville High Sch., Tu.scaloosa, Ala. Union Theological Seminary. 135 StJo. THOMAS, FUEDEKic'K Dunca^^ ; b. New Berne, N. C, Dec. 2. 1867 ; s^i. U, N. C; (2.) ; L. Lex. Phy. ; O. Albm. Pby., Dec. 13, '01; S. S. Springfield, Mo., '90; S. S. Ba.sic City, Va., '90-91; S. S. Warrenton, Louis- burg and Geneva, N. C, '91-'93 ; S. S. Rocky Mount, N. C, '93-'94 ; P\ Roclty Mount. '94— (S. S. Littleton. N. C '93-90; S. S. LaGrange, N. C., '96)— '99; P. Elberton, Ga., '99— (S. S. Toccoa, Ga., '02— '03 ; S. S. Easley. 8. C ■(»3-"04 ; S. S. College Park. Ga., "O-l- 05 ; P. Brunswick. Ga., 'Oo— . 8G6. TIMS, William Fbancis Bradford ; b. Kosciusko, Miss., Au*. 2. 1861; A. B., S. W. P. U. ; (2.) ; S. W. P. U., 1.; L. C. Miss. Pby., April, '91 ; O. Sept., '91 ; S. S. Raymond, Bethesda and Lebanon '91-95 ; P. VV'etumpka, Ala., '95-98; S. S.' Camden group, C. Miss. Pby., '98-'01 ; S. S. Danielsville group, Athens Pby., '02-'03; P. El. Betbsalem and Mt. Zion, and S. S. Louisville, Miss., '04^. 867. WATiKER, William Townes ; b. Dover, Goochland Co., Va. ; stu. H. S. C. ; (3. '88-'90; •93-'94) ; L. Montg. Pby., April. '90: O. May, '90; P. 3rd Ch.. Lynchburg, Va., '90-'9] ; P. Hampton. Va., '91-93 : P. Nutbush. Oak Hill and Shiloh Chs.. '94 — (S. S. Grassy Greek. Geneva and Young Memorial) — '00; Ev. in Albm. Pby., and S. S. Nahalah, Roanoke, Weldon, Roanoke Rapids and Scotland Neck Chs., 'OO-'Ol ; P. Ashpole, lona. Hill- side and Rowland Chs., N. C, "01— (S. S. Beth Car Ch.)— '06; Ev. Fay. Pby., '06-07; P. Antioch and Shannon Chs., Red Springs, N. C, '07 — . 868. WINECOFF, John Eugene Lee; b. Cabarrus Co., N. C, May 2, 1863; stu. Da. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Potosi Pby., June, '91; O. Sept., '9J ; S. S. Clarkton and Kenneth Chs.. Mo., '90-92 ; Ev. in Lenotr Co., N. C, and S. S. LaGrange, Kinston and Dover Chs., '92-94 ; P. Woodlawn and Calvary Chs., York Co., S. C, '95-97; Ev. Columbus Co., N. C, '97-'07 ; and S. S. Whiteville and Chadbourne Chs., '97— (S. S. Mt. Horeb and White Plains Chs., '98-'03)— . 809. TEAMAN, Marion A'an Pradelles ; b. Henderson, Ky.. April 28. 1867; stu. S. W. P. U. ; (2.) ; L. Pad. Pby., .Tune 2. '90: O. June 13, '90 S. S. Hawesville, Ky., '90-'91 ; S. S. Walnut Hill, Lexington, Ky., '91-'94 P. Vanceburg, Ky., '94-'98 ; P. Ferguson, St. Louis, Mo.. ( U. S. A.) "98-'05 P. Assembly Pres. Ch.. Harrodsburg, Ky., (U. S. A.), '05—. 1889-'90. 870.* ALEXANDER. Edgar Floyd; b. Cabarrus Co., N. C, Sept. 18, 1806; Gr. Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., '91; O. '92; S. S. and then P. Liberty, Baxter and Frost, W. Va., '91-95. Died at Green Bank, W. Va., May 6, 1895. 871. ARMENTROUT. David McGuffxn ; b. Monroe Co.. W. Va., March 26, 1857; stu. H. S. C. and W. L. U. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby.. May, '91; O. Columb. Pby., Nov.. '92; engagements as follows (dates not reported): Frankford, Ocean View and Blackwater, Del.; Ca.scilla. Miss.; Charleston, Miss.; Friendship and Houlka, Miss.; Phelps, Ky. ; brief sup- plies at 2d Ch., Columbia, Tenn., Kesler Memorial in W. Va. ; Clarksville, Texas ; now at Chatham, Va. 872. BARNEY, Joseph Nicholson; b. April 27. 1867; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher; took a few classes; now practicing medicine in Fredericksburg, Va. S73. BYRD, Samuel Craig ; b. Laurens, S. C, Oct. 24, 1868 ; A. B., and A. M., Pres. Col., S. C. ; (1.) ; 2 Gr. Col. Sera.; L. Eno. Pby., April 11, '92: O. N. O. Pby.. July 8, '94; tutor Heb. Col. Theo. Sem.. '92-'93 : asst. P. 1st Ch., New Orleans, Dec. to March, '94 ; S. S. LaFayette Ch.. N. O., 136 Union Theological Seminary. April to July, '94; and P. to '97; Mg. Ed. Pres Quar. and the Relig. Out- look, '98; Lee. in Eng. Bib. and Tut. in Heb. Col. Sem., '98-01; adj.-prof. Past. Theo., Horn, and Eng. Bib. '01-02; P. Sion Ch., Winusboro, S. C, '03-06; Pres. Chicora Col., '06—. D. D., Pres. Col. S. C. 874. CHRISTIAN CirUKCHiLL Gordon; b. New Kent Co., Va., Marcb 12, 1860; stu. H. S. C. ; lawyer; (2.) ; L. E. H. Pby., April, '94; O. Palmyra, Mo., April 23, '96 ; H. M. Versailles and Tuscumbia, Mo., May to October, "94; S. S. Madison St. Ch., St. Charles, Mo., '94-'95 ; S. S. Kahoka and Granger, Mo., '95-'98; S. S. Shelbino and Shelbyville, Mo., '9S-'99 ; P.. Kanawha Saline Ch., Maiden, W. Ya., '99-'02 ; P. Utica Ch., San Antonio, Tex., '02-03 ; S. S. Livingston, Liggett, Willard and Groveton, Tex., '03-06 ; S. S. Oxford, N. C, '06-07; S. S. Scotland Neck, Nahalah, Hobgood and Joyner's Mission, "07—. D. D., Volant Col., Volant, Pa. 875.* HAKKELL, William Lee; b. Robeson Co., N. C, July 1, 1866; H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cher. Pby., May 6, '92; O. July 13, '92; S. S. 2nd> Ch.. Rome, Ga., '92— (S. S. Euharlee, '94— )— "95; P. 1st Ch.. High Point, N. C, '95-98 ; P. Toccoa, Ga., '98-'01 ; P. Buford, Lawrenceville and Winder Chs.. Atlanta Pby.. '01-'04 ; P. Monticello, Ga., '04 ; editor of "The Witne.ss," '99-'01; author "The Presbyterian Principle in Scripture and History." KiUed accidentally, Feb. 16, 1906. 876. HERNDON, John Gilchrist; b. Jacksonville, Fla., Jan 24, 1869; A. B., K.-M. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., Sept. 9, '92; O. May 28, '93; S. S. Tazewell, Va., '92— (S. S. Liberty Hill and Thompson's Valley '92)— '93; P. Tazewell '93-95; P. Aimwell Ch., Ridgeway, S. C, and Longtown, and S. S. Simpson's and Flint Hill '96-'00 ; P. LaGrange, Ga., and S. S. Lloyd's '00—. 877. HOLLADAY, James Minor; b. Orange Co., Va., Feb. 12, 1866; clerk; stu. H. S. C. ; (3.) ; L. Mont. Pby., May 13, '92; O. June 29, '92; P. Piedmont and Rocky Mt. Chs., Va., '92-'&4 ; P. Blacksburg and Roanoke Vallev Chs., Va., '94-'98 ; S. S. Southside Ch., Asheville, N. C, '98-'99 ; P. Fincastle and Mt. Union Chs., Va., '99-'03 ; P. Manning, S. C, '03-'06 ; P. Winnsboro, S. C, '06— ; author '"Partial Hist. Fincastle Ch." 878. HYMES. Hamilton Andrew; b. Darlington, S. C. April 19, 1863; A. B. and LL. B., U. S. C, and :M. A. and Ph. D.. Wesleyan U., 111.; lawyer; (2) ; Princ. Sem., Gr. ; L. Memp. Pby.. June. '92; O. July 24, '92: P. idlewild Ch., Memphis, Tenn., ■92-'94 ; P. Webster Grove Ch.. St. Louis, (U. S. A.), '94-'96; P. Clinton, Mo., '95-98; P. 2d Ch., New Albany, Ind.. '98-06; P. Grace Ch., Evansville, Ind., '07-. D. D. 879. JOHNSON, Cameron ; b. Richmond, Va.. Dec. 1, 1869 ; stu. H. S. C, U. Sch. of Richmond and Columbia Col.. Wa.shington, D. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; never licensed or ordained; F. M. at own charges. Korea, '92-'93 ; prof, at Doshisha U., Kyoto, Japan, '93-'94 ; Bonin Islands '94-'95 ; furlough, '95-'97 ; Kobe, Japan, '97-'04 ; world tour of missions '04-'05 ; lecturing in Amei'ica, '05 — . 880* JrXKIN. Wtt.itam l\rcCLEERY: b. Dec. 1.3. 1865; W. L. U. ; teacher and civil engineer; (3. Gr.) ; L. and O. Montg. Pby., May, '92; My. to Seoul, Korea, '92-96; Kunsan, '96-'04 ; Chunju, '04-'07. Died there, Jan. 2, 1908. 881. LYMAN, Charle.s W. : b. Now Orleans, La.; S. W. P. U. : (2.); Princ. Sem. 1 Gr. ; L. and O. La. Pby.; S. S. and then P. Lake Charles, La.. ■92-"9'.»: dpmitlcd the ministry. "99; now a merchant at Rayne, La. REV. PROF. T. R. ENGLISH Union Theological Seminary. 137 SS2. MCLAUGHLIN, Dugald Neil ; b. Vass, N. C, May 2G. 1SG3 ; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (2.) ; L. and O. Fay. Pby. '91; P. Sanford, Jonesboro, Buffalo. Fay. Pby., N. C, '91-'92 ; P. Purity Ch., Chester, S. C, '92-03 ; P. First Ch., Anniston, Ala., '03-05; P. Tatnall Square, Macon, Ga., '06-08; P. 1st Ch., Austin, Tex., '08—. D. D., Da. C. 8S3.* MOOKE, PvOBERT Edward ; b. Richmond, Va., Oct. 17, 1867 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; in ill health and never L. or O. ; supplied at; Keswick, Va., summer, '91 ; taught Grk. and Lat. in U. Fla., '93-94. Died at Tallahassee, June 4, 1894. S84. NEWKIKK, Timothy Haywood; b. New Hanover Co., (now Pender Co.), 1856; stu. Da. C. ; farmer and miller; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wilm. Pby., '92; O. '93 ; Ev. Whiteville and White Plains, N. C, '91-96 ; Elizabethtown, N. C, '91-'92 ; Mt. Horeb, N. C, '95-'97 ; South River Ch., and Harmony, '97 ; P. Marion and Dumbarton, S. C, '97-'05 ; P. 4th Ch., Atlanta, Ga., '06—. 885.* REES, Henky John ;* b. Aug. 24, 1862 ; entered from Waynesville Ch., Meckl. Pby. Died in Sem. at end of first year, April 9, 1890. 886. RICE, Thekon Hall; b. Wetumpka, Ala., July 8, 1867; S. W. P. U. ; (2+. Gr.) ; L. Memph. Pby., May 11, '92; O. Chesap. Pby., June 2, '02; P. 2d Ch., Alexandria, Va., '92-'96; P. Central Ch., Atlanta, Ga., '96-'08; prof. Eng. Bib. and Practical Theol., U. T. S., '08—. D. D., Da. C, and C. U. Ky. 887. SCROGIN, George B. ; Cincinnati, O. ; license recalled by Louisville Pby., April 10, '01 ; engaged in business. 888. SIIIVE, Benjamin Milam : b. Houston, :Miss.. Fel). 19, 1862 ; A. B., Ark. Col.; teacher; S. W. P. U. Sem. 1; (3. Gr.) ; Free Church Col. and U. of Edinburgh, '95-'96 ; L. Ark. Pby., June 8, '92; O. Colb. Pby.,, Sept. 3, '92; P. Lewisburg and Bethbirei Chs., Colb. Pby., '92-'95 ; P. Green St. Ch., Augusta, Ga., '95-'97 ; P. Campbellsville and Bethel Chs., Transyl. Pby., Ky., '98-'04 ; P. 1st Ch., Joplin, Mo., '05. D. D., Ark. Col. 889. SMITH, Jasper Keith; b. Newton Co., Ga., Oct. 19, 1869; A. B., Da. C. ; (2.); L. Atl. Pby., April, '91; O. Oct. '91; S. S. Barnett Ch., Atlanta, Ga., May to Oct. '91; P. to July, '92; P. 2d Ch., Augusta, Ga., '92-'95; P. 1st Ch., Richmond, Ky., '95-'00 ; P. 2d Ch., Little Rock, Ark., '00-'04 ; P. 1st Ch., Shreveport, La., '04—. 890. SWEETS, David Matthis ; b. Elizabethtown, Ky., Jan. 31, 1868; C. U. Ky.. ad-prof. Lat. and Grk.. C. U. Ky. ; (2. Gr.) ; L. Louisv. Pbv., May 12, '90 ; O. Pad. Pby., June 26, '91 ; P. Morgaufield, Ky., '91-'94 ; P. Portland Ave. Ch., Louisville, Ky., '94-99; P. 1st Ch., Shelbyville, Ky., ■99 — ; author, (pamphlets), "The Grace of Giving;" "A Plea for the Ser- vices of the Sanctuary." D. D., Pres. Col., S. C. 891. TAYLOR, Huston Rochester; b. Morganfield, Ky., March 31, 1867; B. S.,C. U. Ky. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Padu. Pby., May, '92; 6. Merap. Pby., Aug. '92; P. Stanton and Daneyville, Tenn.. '92— (S. S. Mason, Tenn., ■04—)—. 892. THOMAS, Joseph Aaron ; b. Nov. 3, 1860 ; stu. W. L. U. ; (3. (Jr.) ; L. Lex. Pby.. May, '92; O. June, '92; P. Shemariah and Walkers Creek Chs., Lex. Pby., '92-96; P. Westminster, Bloomery. North River, Capon, and Rio Chs., Wine. Pby., '96-99 ; P. Beverly, Lex. Pby., '99-02 ; P. Windy Cove and Millboro Chs., '02 — . 893. VENABLE, Albert Sidney; b. Victoria Co., Texas, Sept. 3, 1862; A. B., Aust. C. ; farmer and stock raiser; (3. Gr.) ; L. Washb. Pby., July 15, '92; O. Sept. .30, '92; P. Van Buren, Ark., '92-'95 ; P. Alma, Ark.,, 138 Uniox Theological Seminary. '92-'94; P. Holmes Ch., Bayview, Va., '95— (S. S. Eastvilie, Va., '04— ; P. Cape Charles, Va., '07— )— "00; P. Falling Spring and Glasgow Ch., '07-08; P. College Park Ch., Sherman Tex., '08 — ; princ. Bayview High School, '96-'00. 894. WOODWORTH. Robert Bell; b. Winchester, Va.. April 28, 1S»J8 : A. B., H. S. C. ; civil engineer: (2.) ; L. Wine. Pby., May 21, '91; O. May 27, '91; P. Elk Branch Ch., Uuffields, W. Va., '91-93; resumed civil en- gineering, and at his own request, was allowed to demit ministry, April 17, 1896; has since served as draftsman and civil engineer in Pa., Ind., N. Y., Canada, and is now with Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburg, Pa. 1890-'91. S9.J.* ADAMS, Robert Hexry ; b. Xenia, O.. Dec. 21, 1853 ; A. B., A. M., and Ph. D., Miami. U. ; teacher; (2.) ; L. Padu. Pby., May, '92; O. Sept. '92 ; Ev. at Corydon, Madisouville, Sturgis and Ridgewood, Ky., '92-'94 ; S. S. Corj'don, Ridgewood and Sturgis, '94-95 ; S. S. Corydon, Ridgewood and Smith's Mills, '95-'00 ; Bowling Green, Mo., 'OO-'Ol ; author Latin Gram- mar, Mental Arithmetic, and Chart of Poisons and Antidotes. Died at Princeton, Ky., Sept. 9, 1901. 89G. AUSTIN, Henry; b. Galveston, Te.v., Dec. 20, 1866; stu. Tex. U. ; in hardware business; (3. Gr.) ; L. Braz. Pby., fall, '94; O. Oct. 11, '95; S. S. Mem. Chapel, Galveston, Tex., '94-95; P. Broadway Mem. Ch., Gal- veston, Tex., '95-'01 ; P. 1st Ch., Cisco, Tex., Feb. to Nov., '01 ; P. 1st Ch., Weatherford, Tex., '01 — . 897. BASCOM, Frank Dinwiduie; b. LaFayette Co., Mo.. May 16, 1860; A. B., Westm. Col.; (2.) ; Gr. McCor. Sem. ; L. Schuyler Pby,, (U, S. A.) '93; O. Oct. 3, '93; P. Fountain Green, 111., '93-95; S. S. Houstonia. Mo., '96-97; P. Van Buren, Ark., '98-'99; S. S. Festus, Mo., '99-00; H. M, Lone Wolf, Okla., '02-'00 ; P, G. McCor. Sem., '06-'07 ; H. M. at Tenstrike, Minn., '07 — . 898. BULL, Griffin William; stu. H. S. C. ; Ph. D., Cent. U., Ind.; (2.) ; L. E. H. Pby., spring, '92; O. Macon Pby., '93; P. Cuthbert, Ga., '92-'93; P. Opelika, Ala., '94-96; P. West End, Atlanta, Ga., '96-04; P. Moore Mem. Ch., Nashville, Tenn., '04-'06 ; P, 1st Ch., Scranton, Pa., '06—; author "Modern Language Systems," French, German, Spanish ; ed. work in German, French and Spanish. D. D., Leb. U., '06. 899. CHEATHAM, Adolpiius Whitfield; b. Henderson, N. C, Sept. 11, 1870; Gr. Da. C. ; (2.) ; Princ. Sem, 1 yr. ; L. Alton Pb.y., Sept. 13, '93; O. Nov. 1, '93; P. Chestei-, 111., '93-94; pastorate dissolved and name dropped from roll of Alton Pby., on information that he had left Pres. Ch., and was preparing to take orders in Prot. Episcopal Ch. noo. CLARK, Byron; b. Clarkton, N. C, Feb. 17, 1870; A. B., Da. C, and A. M., Princ. I'.; (—1.) ; 2 Gr. Princ. Sem.; L. Wilm. Pby., Aug. or Sept. '93; O. E. II. Pby., Sept. '93: P. Makemie and Onancock Chs., Acco- mac Co., Va., '93-96; P. Mt. Washington Ch., Baltimore, Md„ '9G-'07; P. 1st Ch., Salisbury, N. C, 'OS— ; author "The Church that Conquers." D. D. Prov. U., '05. 901. CRAIG, Edward Marshall; b. Craigsville. Va., ]May 2(5, 1867: stu. H. S. C. and W. L. U. ; (.3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pl)y., May 7, '92: O. Roan. Pby.. May 19, '03 ; P. Pamplin and Concord, and S. S. Walkers, Appomattox C. H. and Union, Va., '!)3-'94 ; P. Cuthl)ert and S. S: Ft. (iaines and Daw- son, Ga., '94-98: P. Cartersville, Ga., '98-01: P. Bessemer, Ala.. "Ol-'OS ; Sec.-Ev. N. Ala. Pby., '03-'05; P. Dothan and S. S, Columbia, Ala., '05; P. Ozark, '05—. Union Theological Seminary. 139 9U2. FOSTER, Sterling Johnsox ; b. Union Springs. Ala., Oct. 22, 1867- A B S W. P. U. : A. M. Princ. Col.; (Mid. 1.) ; 2 Gr. Priuc. Sem. ; L Colb PbV., June, '92; O. June, '92; P. Mt. Pleasant, Tenn., '92-'93;- stu New Col . Edin., '98-94 and Un. Berlin '94 : and traveled same yr. in Palestine and Egypt; P. Idlewild Ch., Memphis, Tenn., '95-'03 ; S. S. Highlands Ch., Birmingham, Ala., '03—. D. D.. S. W. P. U.. 03. y03. GILLON, William Albeut; b. Concord, N. C, July 27, 1869; stu. Da. C; (2.+ ) ; L. Or. Pby., Dec. 23, '97; O. April 15, '98; S. S. Covington Ch Memp Pbv., JNIav to Nov.. '97; P. Lexington Ch., Or. Pby.. •9<-'01 ; P. McKinnon Ch., Cone. Pby., '01-'04 ; P. Cameron, Tex., '04-'06; P. Coleman, Tex., '07 — . 904. GRILLE, George Adam; (formerly Grillbortzer) ; b, Fairfax Co., Va Dec 4. 1859; stu. S. W. P. U. ; clerk; reporter; telephone inspector, and Y. M. C. A. Sec; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cher. Pby., May 6, '92; O. E. H. Pby^, April 14, '93 ; F. M., in Brazil, '93-95 ; returned because of ill health ; P. Springfield and Patterson's Crk., W. Va., '9»-'02 : S. S. Indianola, Moore- head and Belzona, Miss., '02 -'03 ; S. S. Bealeton and Litchfield, Va., '03-04 ; S. S. Academy, Otterwood and Leesville, Va., '04-05; P. luka. Miss., '05-'06 ; P. Jackson, La., '07—. !K.>5. HARTMAN, Francis Garpiner; b. near Scottsville, Albemarle Co., Va., Aug. 17, ISGS; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May, '92; O. June, '93 ; P. Broadway and Woodlawn Chs., Lex. Pby., '93-'99 ; P. Frank- fort and Falling Springs Chs., Greenb. Pby., '99-02; S. S. Williamsburg Ch., in connection with previous charge; P. Greenville Ch., Albm. Pby., N. C, S. S. LaGrange, Falkland, '03-05; P. Geneva and S. S. Andalusia, Ala., Nov. 1, '05—. 900. HAWES, Samuel Percy; b. Dinwiddle Co., Va.. Aug. 2.5, 1869; A. B.. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May. "92; O. Colb. Pby., Nov. '93 ; P. Zion Ch., Maury Co., Tenn., '93—. 907. HOLLINGSWORTH, William Frank; b. Rockdale Co., Ga., Mar. 22, 1867; A. B., Da. C. ; (1.) ; 2 Gr. Col. Sem.; 1 Free Ch. Col.; L. Atl. Pby.. April, '92; O. Har. Pby., Oct., '93; P. Mt. Zion, Har. Pby., '93-95; St. Edinburgb '9.5-'96 ; S. S. Ist Ch.. Cartersville. Ga., '97-'98 ; P. 1st Ch., Brunswick, Ga., '98-05; P. Morganton, N. C, '05—. 908. HUDSON, George; b. London. Eng., Dec. 25. 18G6 ; stu. U. Tex.; clerk; 3 Aust. Sem.; (1. Gr.) ; L. Braz. Pby., May 10. '91; O. same date; F. M. Wusit, China, '91-94 ; Haugchow, '94 — . 909. JONES, Oliver Greene; b. Izard Co., Ark.. Feb. 1, 1862; A. B., Tusc. C. ; farmer; (1.) ; L. and O. Hoist. Pby., fall, '91; S. S. Erwin, Em- breeville and Elizabethton, Tenn.. '91-95 ; assist. P. 1st Ch., Rock Hill. S. C, '95-96; P. White Memorial, Rock Hill, S. C, '96-99; P. Newport. Tenn., '99-'00 ; P. Burlington, N. C, 'OO-'Ol ; P. Big Springs. Tex., '0i-'02 : Ev. Ft. Worth Pby., '02-'05 ; Ev. El Paso Pby., '0.5—. 910. KLSTLER, Adolphus ; b. Schussenried, Ger., June 18, 1864; stu. S. W. P. U. ; 1 S. W. P. U.: (2. Gr.) : L. St. L. Pby.. May 30. '92; O. Sept. 28, '92; Ev. Madison, HI., '92-'93 ; P. Festus. Mo., '93-'98 ; P. G. Princ. Sem., '98-99; P. Brownsburg and New Hope, Pa., '99-00; P. Albany, Tex., '00-'02 ; P. Barberton. O., '02-'04 ; traveled '04-05 ; P. Cape Girardeau. Mo., '05—. 911. LOGAN, Sandford McBrayer ; b. Harrodsburg. Ky., Aug. 21, 1864; A. B., C. U. Ky. ; stu. Law Sch. Col. U. ; LL. B., U. Va. ; (2.+ ^ ; L. and O. Roan. Pby., May, '93; My. Ev. Pittsylvania Co., Va., *93 ; P. Stanford. Ky.. '94-'97; P. Middlesboro. Ky.. •97-03 : P. Wilmore. Ky., "0.3—. 140 Uxiox Theological Seminary. 012. McCALL, JOHX A'ALLAXDIXGHAJI ; b. Waco, Tex.. April 11. 1SC.4 ; A. M.. W. L. U. : prof. Grk. Ausr. CoL. 'SS-'OO ; (3. Gr.) ; Prino. Sem. 1.; L. Dal. Pby.. June 10. '03 : O. Oct. 13. "03 ; S. S. Wichita Falls group, Tex., "03-05 : S. S. Mineral Wells group, Ttx., "OS-'OT ; P. Cleburne, Tex., '07-'0G ; P. Gainesville, Tex., '06. 013. McIVER. Da>-iel Massillox ; A. B. : Da. C. : (2.) : L. Fay. Ph.v., April, '02; O. Oct., '02; P. Mt. Pisgah, St. Andrews, White Hill Chs., Fa.v. Pby.. '92-04: S. S. Lexington and Worthville, '04-'06 ; 1'. Bolivar, Tenn., '06-'00 ; P. Hcndersonville, N. C, '00-'02 ; P. Westminster, Charles- ton, S. C, '02—. 014. NICKELL, Geobge William; b. Sinks Grove. W. Va., May 26, 1861; stu. H. S. C. ; fanner and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., spring, '02 ; . O. spring. '03 : P. Carniel and Hillsdale Chs., Greenb. Pby., W. Va., '93-'00; P. Marliuton and Hunlersvllle Chs., Greenb. Pby., '00—. 015. POOL, JOHX Miles; (in Seminary only short while; never entei-ed ministry.) 016. REYNOLDS. William Davis, Jr. ; b. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 11, 1867 ; A. B. and Lit. B., H. S. C. ; stu. Johns Hopk. U. ; teacher: (2.) ; L. E. H. Pby., spring. '02 ; O. F. My., same date : Ev. and studying Jang. '04-'O7 ; member of Official Board of Bible Translation ; Ev. Chunju, baptizing first seven Christians there, '07-02; furlough to U. S., '01-'02 ; at Mokpo, '02; at Seoul, as Bible Translator and Co-P. of Central Pres. Ch. (North), '02-'05 ; at Chunju '06 — ; assisted in translation of two eds. of N. T. and part of O. T. ; D. D., H. S. C, '08. 017. SHIELDS, Malcolm McGilvary : b. Moore Co., N. C. Oct. 0, 1865: U. N. C. ; teacher; (1.—) ; L. Fay. Pby., April 11, '01; O. May 22, '01 ; P. Union, Cameron and Cypress Chs.. Fay. Pby., '01-'92 ; Ev. Or. Pby., Person Co., '92-05; P. Burlington Ch., Or. Pbv., '"05-'O7 ; P. Gastonia Ch., Meckl. Pby., '07-'O4 ; Ev. Albm. Pby., '04-'06 ; P. Park Ave. Ch., Nor. Pby., 'OG— . 018. SMITH. Addisox Melvin ; b. Leesburg. Va., July 3, 1859; slu. H. S. C. and W. L. U. ; (2.) ; Louisv. Sem. 1.; L. Louifev. Pby., (C. P.), April, '01; O. Logan Pby., (C, P.), '01; S. S. in Tazewell Co., Va. ; S. S. C. P. Ch., Morgantown, Ky., 1 yr. ; ?I. M. into Mts. of S. E. Kv. in Pres. Ch., U. S. A. 019. SMITH, Hay Watson; b. Greensboro, N. C, Feb. 18, 1868; Gr. Da. C. ; (2.) ; L. Or. Pby. June 3, '07; never ordained; S. S. Roanoke. Va., Charlotte N. C. Little Rock, Ark., and Wilmington, N. C. ; dropped from roll of licentiates of Or. Pby., Sept. 24, '00, at his own request; united with Congregational Church. Now at Port Chester, N. Y. 020. SMITH, JosiAH Spencer; b. Powhatan Co., Va., Feb. 5, 1845; H. S. C, not graduating on account of war; C. S. A.; teacher; insurance agent; (1.4-) ; L. E. H. Pby., April 6, '02; O. April 14, '03: S. S. Bvrd, E. H. Pby.. and Old Providence, W. H. Pby., '02-03; P. Byrd, '03— (S. S. Providence and Hebron) — '04; P. El. Powhatan, '04-05; S. S. Pendleton Ch.. Lex. Pby.. 'm-VO : P. Pendleton Ch.. '(Vt-'Ol : Ev. Syn. N. C, '01-'02 ; also S. S. Cann Mem. Ch., Albm. Pby., P. Fairfield, Lex. Pby., '02-'07 ; S. S. Pea River; Clio and Union Chs., E. Ala. Pby., '08 — . 921. SOMMERVILLE, Charles William; b. White Post, Clarke Co., Va.. May 22. 1867 ; A. M., H. S. C, and Ph. D.. Johns Hopk. U. ; clerk ; teacher: (4. (ir. with special studies) ; L. Wine. Pby., July 31, '05; O. Bait. Pby., April 26, '01; S. S. Reid Mem. Chapel. Baltimore, part of '07; Mt. Washington, part of "08: S. S. Laurel. Md., "OO-'OO : S. S. Reid Memorial. Baltimore, part of 'OO-'OO; S. S. Durham, N. C, and Farmville, Va., part Union Theological Seminary. 141 of '00; P. Church of the Covenant, Balto., '00-05 ; P. St. Albans, Kanawha Co., W. Va., '05-07 ; P. Crescent Hill Ch., Louisville, Ky., July, '07 — ; lec- turer at St. Timothy's School, Baltimore, and also at Johns Hopk. U. : asst. prof. Lat. and Ger., H. S. C, '91-96 ; prin. St. Albans Latin Sch., '05-07 ; Latin Master, School for Boys, Baltimore, '99-'00 ; editor of the "Covenant Chronicle," Baltimore Ch. paper ; author "Robert Goodloe Harper," "Some Tendencies in Modern Education." U. D., H. S. C, 'OS. 922. SYDN(3R, Giles Granville; b. Halifax Co., Va., Dec. 10, 1864; H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., May 10, '93: O. Sept. 26, '93; P. Academy, Otterwood and Leesville Chs., '93-98; P. 2ud Pres. Ch., Augusta, Ga., '98-01 ; P. 1st Pres. Ch., Rome, Ga., '01—. 923. TAYLOR, Maurice Carlyle ; b. Clarksville, Teun., March 10, 1867 ; stenographer and ass't. sec. Y. M. C. A.. Louisville, Ky. ; (3. Gr. ) ; L. Louisv. Pby., Oct., '93 ; O. C. Tex. Pby.. April 0, '95 ; S. S. Caldwell. Tex., '93-95 ; P. Caldwell, Tex., '95-97 ; P. Hico, Tex., '97-02 ; P. Gurdon, Ark., '02-'05; P. Calvert, Tex., '05—. 924. THACKER, James Ernest ; b. Columbia, Mo., Dec. 14, 1869 ; A. B., Da. C. ; mercantile business; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., '92; O. spring, '93; P. Oxford, N. C, '92-96; P. Stuart Robinson Memorial, Louisville, Ky., '96-'97 ; P. Alexandria, Va., '97-00 ; P. 2nd Ch., Norfolk, Va., Jan. 1, '00—. 925. TYLER, James W. ; b. Bloomfield, Ky.. Dec. 6, 1869 ; A. B., A. M., and Ph. D., C. U. Ky. ; (2. Gr.) ; L. Louisv. Pby.. June, '91; O. W. Lex.i Pby., June, '92; P. Broadwell, Ky., '92-94; P. Oxford, Ky., '94-96; P. Lawrenceburg, Ky., '96-00 ; financial agt. C. U. Ky., 'OO-'Ol ; P. West- minster Ch., Louisville, Ky., '01-'06 ; P. Midway, Ky., '06 — ; author "Affusion the Only Scriptural Baptism." 926. WELLFORD, Edwin Taliaferro; A. B.. H. S. C. : (2. ) ; L. E. H. Pbj\, April, '92; O. May 10, '92; P. 1st Ch., Newport News, Va., May 1, '92 — ; author '"The Lynching of Jesus." 927. WELLS, John Miller; b. Hinds Co., Miss., July 16, 1870; A. M., S. W. P. U., and Ph. D., 111. Wes. U. ; abstracter of land titles, Kansas City, Mo.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Chesap. Pby.. June 13, '93; O. Lex. Pby., Oct. 29, '93; S. S. Buena Vista Pres. Ch., part of '93; P. '93-'96 ; P. 2nd Pres. Ch., Staunton Va., '96-'01 ; P. 1st Ch., Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 23, '01—. ' D. D.. Da. C. 928. WHARTON, Ch.vrles Newton; b. Greensboro, N. C, Aug. 14, 1867; A. B., Da. 0. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., April 8. '92; O. Albm. Pby.. June 10, '93; Ev. Albm. Pby.. '93-'04, serving Warrenton. '93-94; Louis- burg, '93-94, Geneva, '93-'95, Grassy Creek '94-95, Young Memorial '95-'02, Littleton '96-'04, Louisburg '02-'04 ; P. Morgaufield and Spring Grove Ch., Pad. Pby., '04—. 929. WHITE, Robert Ashlin ; b. Moorefield, W. Va.. April 23, 1867; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., May 10, '92; O. Nov. 15, '93; P. Gerardstown, W. Va., '95 — . 930. WHITE, William McClanahan ; b. Washington Co., Va., June 20. 1867; W. L. U. ; teacher; (2. .Jun. and Sen.) ; L. Wine. Pby.. '90: O. E. H. Pby., '93; P. Mizpah Ch.. Richmond, Va., '93-'95 ; P. Lewisburg Ch., '95-'02 ; P. 2d Petersburg, •02-'08 : P. 1st Ch., Raleigh, N. C, '08—. D. D., W. L. U. 142 Union Theological Seminary. 1891-92. 931. ARKOWOOD, Milton Chalmeks ; b. Bessemer City, N. C, June 7, 1859; farmer and teacher; (1.) ; 2 Gr. Col. Sem. ; L. Meckl. Pby., April. '93; O. April, '94; Ev. Meckl. Pby., in T'niou and Anson Cos., supplying Barclay (now Marshville), Foikton, Beulah and Alton Clis., '94-'9T ; P. Wadcsboro and Morvm Chs.. and S. S. Norwood '97-'98 ; Ev. Stanley Co.. N. C, '99-'U(); P. Burlington, N. C, 'Ol-'Oo ; P. Kougemont group, N. C, '06—.' 932.* BOCOCK, Walter KEMrEK ; b. Feb. 10, 1858; M. A., W. L. U. ; journalist; (1.); stu. Gen. Theo. Sem.. N. Y. ; ordained to priesthood of Prot. Epis. Ch. ; held pastorates in Detroit, Mich., Darlington, Md., and West Washington, D. C. : member of staff of "Church Standard" and ed. periodical of the Christian Social Union. Died in Philadelphia, Feb. 15, 1904. 933. BUCHANAN, Walter MacSymon : b. Glasgow, Scotland, Sept. 6, 18G8; M. A., R. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., '93; O. '94; supplied West- minster Chapel, Richmond, Va., '94-95 ; F. M. Takamatsu, .Japan. '95 — ; author tract in Japanese, ''The Universal Lord." 934. BURTON, George Fialei' ; b. Nov. 29, 1803 ; stu. Westm. Col. ; (1.); 1 McCor. Sem.; held short pastorates at Au Sable, Mich., and Cedar Grove, la. ; now an osteopath in Los Angeles, Cal. 935.* BURTON, John Stuart ; b. Brownsville, Tenn., Nov. 2G, 1872 ; stu. S. W. P. U. ; (2.); never licensed or ordained; served church at Gerardstown, W. Va., after 2d yr. in Sem. Died at Brownsville, Tenn., Dec. 14, 1894. 930. COOK, William Arthur ; b. Monroe Co., Mo., Jan. 7, 1870 ; A. B., U. Mo., and Westm. Col.; A. M., Princ. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Palmyra Pby., Aug. '93 ; O. Mo., Pby., Sept. '94 ; S. S. Auxvasse City and Concord, Mo., '.3-'05 ; P. Live Oak, Luraville. White Springs, Fla., '06 — . 940. GILMER, George Hudson; b. Chatham, Va., Jan. 31, 1866; studied privately; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., May, '93; O. June, '95; P. Riverview Ch., New River, Va., '95— (P. Hillsville, '95-'96 ; P. Draper's Vallev, '96—)—; chm. H. M. Com., Ab. Pby., '02—. Union Theological Seminary. 143 9-11. GILMORE, Robert Campbell; b. Rockbridge Co., Va., July 12, 1867; (3.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May, '93; O. Sav. Nov., '94; S. S. Bruuswick, Ga.. May to Nov.. '94 ; P. '94-98 ; P. Olivet Ch., Staunton, Va., '98-'02 ; P. Livingston and Boligee, Ala., '02-'04 ; P. Bessemer, Ala., '04-'08 P. 1st Ch., Portsmouth, Va., '08 — . 942. KEAN, Frank Henry; b. Sept. G, 18G9 ; stu. C. U. Ky., (2.) ; L. Louisv. Pby., '94 ; O. ; P. .Taylorsville and Jeffersontown and S. S. Cane Run, Ky., '95 ; suspended by Louisv. Pby., '96 ; divested of office with- out censure, by Louisv. Pby., Oct. 3, 1900. 943. LAMBERT, Alonzo Newton ; b. Long Glade, Augusta Co., Va., Sept. 1, 1866; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (2.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May, '93; O. Ev. Oct.. '93: S. S. Monterey, Pisgah, Crab Bottom, in Highland Co., Va., '93; P. Severn and Gloucester, Norfolk Pby., '94-'96 ; S. S. Festus, Mo., St. L. Pby., '97 ; P. Belview Ch., Potosi Pby., '97-'03 ; teacher in public schools of Missouri, '04-'06 ; S. S. Maiden and Clarkton, •07—. 944. LAWSON, RuFus Eleazar Chalmers; b. Iredell Co., N. C, Sept. 28, 1861; stu. Da. C. ; teacher; studied theol. privately 2 yrs ; (1.); L. Cone. Pby., April 11, '92 ; O. Oct. 3, '92 ; Ev. Stanley Co., N. C, '92-'93 ; P. Alamance, N. C, '93-94 ; P. Belle Haven and Powellton Chs., Accomac Co., Va., '95-'96; P. Springfield, Ky., '96-'02 ; P. 2d Ch., Henderson, Ky., '02-'07; Springfield, Ky., '07—. 94.5. McGEACHY, Archibald Alexander : b. Robeson Co., N. C, March 3, 1869; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., April 21, '94; O. LaFay. Pby.. summer, '94; P. Pleasant Hill, Mo., '94-'95 ; P. Fulton, Mo., '95-03; P. Sherman, Texas, '04-'08 ; P. El. 2d Ch., Charlotte, N. C, '08. D. D., Aust. Col., '07. 946. MORRISON, Richard Columbus; b. Pioneer Mills, N. C, July 6, 1862; stu. Da. C. ; merchant; farmer; teacher; (2.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., May 9, '93; O. Nov. 24, '93; P. Matthews, N. C, and Stevens Ch., '93-'97 ; P. Carmel Ch., '96-97; S. S. Bethlehem, '94-'96 ; P. Brittain Ch., Wildemere, N. C, and of Duncan's Creek Ch., '98— (S. S. Drusilla, '98—; P. Union Mills '05—; S. S. Bethany '06-'07 ; teacher of Bible, Westm. Sch., '02—)—. 947.=^ MORTON, Charles Read;' b. at Compostella, Charlotte Co., Va., May 20, 1865; V. M. I.; (3. Gr.) ; O. Roan. Pby., June, '94; F. M. fo Araguary, Brazil ; labored at Casa Branca, where he died of yellow fever, April 5, 1903. 948. MORTON, John Blair ; b. Charlottesville, Va., April 32, 1868; A. M., Roan. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., May, '94; O. Oct. 6, '94; P. Beaver Creek Ch., Ab. Pby., '94-'95 ; H. M., Hoist. Pby., Tenn., '95-96; P. Green Spring, Rock Spring and Bethel, Ab. Pby., '96-01 ; P. New Providence Ch., Hoist. Pby., 'Ol-'OG ; ., H. S. C. ; bookkeeper and ooinmeroial traveler; (3. Gr. ) : L. Mont. Pby., '94; O. Roan. Pby., '96; P. Concord and Pamplin (now Beale Mem.), Roan. Pby., '90 — (S. S. Walkers, Union and Appomattox, W. H. Pby., '96; Evergreen, '97— )— '98; S. S. Macdonald Ch., Greenb. Pby., '99; S. S. Mis- sion Chs., Roanoke and Vijiton, '99-'02 ; P. Falling Waters, Wine. Pby., '02—. 975. LEl'BURN, Edward R. ; b. Lexington, Va., March 18, 1865 ; A. B., W. L. U. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May 10, '94; O. Wine. Pby,, June 16, '95; P. Falling Waters, and S. S. Tomahawk Chs., Wine. Pby., '95-02 ; P. 1st Ch., Durham, '01—. 976. McILWAIN, Robert James; b. Union Co., N. C, March 10. 1800; farmer; (2.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., May, '94; O. Aug., '95; P. Long Creek and Shiloh Chs., S. S. King's Mountain and Hephzibah, '94-'98 ; D. M. Fla. Pby., '98-01; P. Pea River, Clio and Louisville, Ala., '01 — (P. Union Ch., '01-04)—. 977. McNAIR, Lindsay Evandee ; b. Jackson, Tenn., Nov. 17, 1871 ; Wm. Jew. Col.; (2.) ; Louisv. Sem., Gr. ; L. Up. Mo. Pby., June 15, '94; O. June 10, '95: P. Platte City, Mo., '95-96; P. Pleasant Hill, Mo., '90-'98; P. Victor, Colorado, '98-'01 ; P. Second Ch., St. Joseph, Mo., '01—. 978. McPIIEETERS, Colin Allen; b. Concord, Mo.; A. B. and A. M., Westm. Col. ;• teacher: (2.) : 1 Col. Sem.; L. Mo. Pby., Sept. '95: O. Dec. 20, '98; S. S. Mt. Olivet, White Cloud, Ebenezer and New Bloomfield, Mo., '95--'96; S. S. Mt. Pleasant and McClellanville, S. C, '97-98; P. Bethel '98_(S. S. Perry, Mo., '98-'01)— '02 ; teacher Bible and Philos., Synod. Col. of Mo., '03-'05 ; teacher Latin and Philos. and dean Lindenwood Col., St. Charles, Mo., '05 — . 979. MECKLIN, .John Moffatt; b. January 21, 1871; A. B. and M. A., S. W. P. U. : Ph. D. Leipzig U. ; (Mid. and Sen. 2); Gr. Princ. Sera.; L. Cher. Pby., '96; O. '96; S. S. and P. Dalton, Ga., '96-'97; stu. in Ger< many '9(>-'o"o ; Fellow, Johns Hopk., 'OO-'Ol ; instr. in Lafayette Col., •01-'"02; prof. Grk. in W. and J. Col. '02-'05 ; prof. Philos. in Lafay. Col., ■95 — ; (not identified with any Pb.v., since 1901). 980. RACHAL, Adolphe Sylvestre; b. New Orleans, La., Jan. 5, 1867; B. S., Cent. Nor. Col., and stu. C. U. Ky. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Eb. Pb^., June 1, '05; O. Montg. Pby., Sept. 6, '05; P. Bethesda Ch., Lynchburg, Va., '95-'9G; S. S. Bethany, Vinton and Woodside, '97-'98 ; P. Peaks Ch.. '99-'00 ; P. Montvale '99— (S. S. White House Ch., '99-'00)— '05 ; P. White House Ch.. Ol— (S. S. Bonbrook Ch.. and D. M..- '0(1— )— . Union Theological Seminary. 147 981. ROBBINS. FRA^"K Ernest ; b. Matagorda, Texas, July 29, 18G7 ; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., May 3, '95; O. E. Tex., Mav 7, '96; asst. Millboro aud Windy Cove (Va.), May to October, '95; S. S. 1st Ch., Beaumont, Texas, '95-96 ; P. Beaumont, May, '96—. 9S'J. KOLiSTON, Holmes; b. Mt. Clinton, A^a.. July 8, 1864; H. S. C. ; farmer and stocl^mau ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May 10, '94; O. May 11, '95 ; Ev. Lex. Pby., in Randolph, Co. ; twelve preaching places, with Sunday Schools, organized ; P. Hebron, '00 — . 983. VAN LEAR, John; b. Mt. Horeb, Fayette Co., Ky., A. B., C. U. Ky. ; teacher; theol. class C. U. Ky. ; (2. Gr.) ; L. W. Lex. Pby., May, '93; O. E. Tex. Pby.. April, '95; S. S. Bethany Ch., Roanoke, Va., summer, '94; P. Henderson, Texas, '95— (S S. New Danville Ch., Paris Pby., '97; S. S. Harmony Hill Ch., '95— )— '00; P. Tuscaloosa, Ala., April, '01—. 984.* WICKER, Jesse Lakence ; b. Moore Co., N. C, Feb. 7, 1857 ; mer- chant ; (2.); L. Fay. Pby., April 21, "94; O. Meckl. Pby., Oct. 19, '94; P. Brevard and Davidson River Clis., N. C, '94— (P. Mills River, '97)— '99; ass't. P. 1st Ch., Durham, N. C, Dec. '99, to April 15, '00. Died April 15, 1900. 985.* WILSON, John Robert; b. Fort Mill, S. C, June 7, 1870; Gr. Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., May, '95; O. Tusc. Pby., '95; P. Mt. Zion. Concord and Carthage Chs.. '95-'96. Died March 0, 1896. 1898-'94. 986. BROWN, Edward Douglas; b. Dixie, N, C, January 27, 1869; A. B., Da. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meek. Pby., May 15, '95; O. Albm. Pby., Oct. 11, '96 ; S. S. Washington, N. C, 2 mos., '94 ; H. M. in Mitchell Co., N. C, 3 mos., '95 ; Ev. Albm. Pby., in Lenoir, Craven and Pitt Cos., '9(>-'00; P. Atkinson Mem. Ch., Kinston, N. C, '00-'05 ; P. Hopewell Ch., Meckl. Co., '05-'07 ; P. Loray, N. C, Dec. 1, '07—. 987. BROWN, Rossa A. ; b. Buffalo Fords, N. C, June 11, 1867 ; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher and H. M. ; (2) ; L. Or. Pby., Apr. 24, '96; O. Savan. Pby., Oct. 16, '96; S. S. Madison and Mt. Airy, '96; P. 1st Ch., Waycross, Ga., Oct., '96—. 988. BROWN, William Caeson ; b. Carthage, N. C, March 8, 1867; A. B., Da. C. ; (.3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., June 2, '96; O. Cone. Pby., Dec. 12, '96; P. Concord and Salem, July 1, '96 — (S. S. Front St., Statesville, July 1, '96, to Aug. 1, '04; S. S. Clio June 1, '97-07)— '07; P. Reaford, Bethel and Montpelier, May 1, "07 — . 989. CALDAVELL, John Williamson, Jr. ; b. New Orleans, La., Dec. 25, 1872; A. B., Tulane; 1 yr. P. G., Tulane; (3. Gr.) ; L. N. O. Pby., June 19, '95 ; O. June 28, '96 ; P. Carrollton N. O., June, '96—. 990.* DAVIS, Edmond McMillan; b. Knoxville, Tenn., June 21, 1869; A. B. and A. M., U. Tenn.; teacher; (2.) ; Gr. Princ. Sem. ; L. Knox. Pby., June, '95 ; O. Ashev. Pby., Nov. '97 ; instr. in Eng. Bible, U. Tenn., '96-'97 ; H. M. Ashev. Pby., '97-04 ; P. McDonough, Ga., '04-'05. Died Aug. 6, 1905. 991. FIX, John Josiah ; b. Greenville, Va., 1869 ; farmer and clerk ; stu. W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., May 28, '96; O. Nov. 29, '96; supplied Petersburg and Burlington, W. Va., June to November, '96 ; P. '96-'99 ; S S Round Hill Ch., Va., '99-'01 ; P. '01-'02 ; S. S. Opequon Mem. Ch., Va., 'OO-'Ol ; teacher in Fairfax Col., '01-'02 ; P. 1st Ch., Manchester, Va., '02— (S. S. Lakeland, Fla., Feb. to June, '05)—. 148 Union Theological Seminary. 992.* FORSYTH, William Kenneth; b. Rosshire, Scotland, Sept. 2G, 1866; A. B., Da. C. ; (2.); Gr. Louisv. Sem. ; L. Trans. Pby., June. '96; O. Jul.v, '96; P. Corbin and Pineville, K.v., '96-99; retired in ill health. Died at Greensboro, N. C, April 14, 1901. 993. HALL. Arnold ; b. Jacksonville, W. Va., Aug. 8, 1870 ; stu. H. S. C. ; (2.) ; Col. Sem. Gr. ; L. Lex. Pby.. Ma.v. '96; O. Sept. '96; P. Shemariali Ch., Augusta Co., Va.. '96-97 ; Ev. of Syn. Va., '97-'99 ; P. 2nd Pres. Ch., Newport News, Va., '99-'02 ; P. Park Place Pres. Ch., Norfolk, Va.. '02-06; Ev. Nor. Pby., '07—. 994. HOWARD, Albert Franklin; minister in M. E. Ch. ; (took short special course) ; now at Farmville, Va. 995. KING, William John ; b. Port Hope, Canada, Jan. 6, 1864 ; K. M. C. and Princ. U. ; printer, stenographer and physical director; (3. Gr.) ; Princ. Gr. ; L. E. H. Pby., spring, '95 ; O. Nor. Pby., Oct. 9, '97 ; P. York River ('h., '97-05; physical director. W. and M. Col., '00-05; P. Rocky Spring and Williamsville, '05-'08 ; P. College Ch., Hampden-Sidney, Va., 'OS—. 996. LACY, Joel Watkins; b. Lewisburg, AV. Va., June IS, 18G9 ; stu. H. S. C. ; farmer and clerk; (3.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., May 25, '96; O. Atlanta Pbv.. April 16. 'OS; H. M. Greenb. Pby., vacations '95-96; H. M. in Fayette and Raleigh Cos., W. Va.. and S. S. Galena. Wythe Co., Va., '97; P. Greenville group, Atlanta Pby., '97-99 ; P. Tait Mem. Ch., Port Norfolk. Va., '99-'01; P. Harmony and Ridge Chs., Md., '01—. 997. LINGLE. Walter Lee ; b. Mill Bridge, N. C. Oct. 3, 1868 ; A. B. and A. M., Da. C. ; (3. Gr. and 1 P. G.) ; L. Cone. Pby., spring, '95; O., spring, '96; asst. instr. Heb. and Grk., U. T, Sem., '96-98; again 'OO-'Ol ; P. Dalton, Ga.. '98 -'02 ; P. 1st Ch., Rock Hill, S. C, '02-'07 ; P. 1st Ch., Atlanta, Ga., '07—. D. D., Da. C, '06. 998. LOWRANCE, Eugene Stewart; b. Tupelo, Miss., Dec. 25, 1867; A. B., Aus. Col.; (2.) ; under Dr. R. L. Dabney, Victoria,, Tex., 1 yr. ; L. Dal. Pby., June 5, '95 ; O. Ft. Wth. Pbv., May 13, '96 ; P. Abilene Ch.. Tex., '96-'06 ; 999. McCLUNG, John Louis ; b. Franklin. W. Va., Dec. 25, 1867 ; stu. Johns Hopkins U. ; (2.) ; L. '95; O. • ; S. S. Culpeper and Greenwich, '97— (Oakland '00; Whitehall '01)— '02; P. El. Paint Lick, Ky., '02; Ev. Memphis, Tenn.. '03; S. S. Batesville, Tunica and Clarksdale. Miss., '03-'05; dismissed by Trans, to Montg. Pby., April 19, '05; but has not yet appeared with letter to latter Pby. 1000. McDANALD, Charles AVilber; b. Millboro Springs, Ya.. May 30, 1870; A. B., H. S. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr. ; and P. G. '04-'05) ; L. W. H. Pby., May G, '96 ; O. Montg. Pby., May 29, '98 ; S. S. Olivet Chap., Staunton, Va., '96-97 ; P. Iron Gate. Va., '98-03 ; Ev. Albm. Pby., at Washington, N. C, '03-'04 ; P. Parsons, AV. Va.. '05-'08 ; P. Tygart's Valley, W. Va., '08—. 1001. MCLAUGHLIN, Archie; b. Antioch, N. C. ; stu. Da. C. ; (3. (Jr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., May 26, '06; O. Oct. 16, '96; S. S. Pee Dee group June to Oct., '96; P. Pee Dee and Ellerbe Springs, and S. S. Mt. Carmel.,, Sharon and Wadeville ■96-'03 ; P. Camilla and Newton, and S. S. Pelham and Elmodel. '03 — . 1002. Mclaughlin, ITenry AA'oodS; b. Marlinton. AA^ Va., June 13, 1869; A. B., H. S. C. ; farmer; (2.) ; Louisville Sem., Gr. ; L. Greenb. Pby., May, '95; O. May, '96; S. S. Prince and Fire Creek, W. Va.. '96-'98 ; P.) Hampton. Va., '98-'00 ; P. Liberty and F.axUn- Chs.. (^.reenb. Pi)y., AA^ Va., '00-'03 ; P. Stuart Robinson Mem., Louisville, Ky., '03 — . Union Theological Seminary. 149 1003. McNAIR, Robert Lee ; b. Gaston Co., (now Gastonia), N. C, Jan 30, 1805; A. B. and A. M., Da. C, N. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Md.- Pby June 23, '96; O. Oct. 7, '96; P. Rockville, Md., '96— (S. S. Boyd's Pres! Ch., Washington City Pby., '98-'02 ; S. S. Forest Glen Ch., '00-02 ; S. S. Poolesville ,'02 — ) — '06; P. Village and Drake's Branch Chs., '06 — . 1004. MCNEILL, Malcoae Daniel; b. Moore Co., N. C. Oct. 17, 1862; teacher; (1.); L. Fay. Pby., April 20. '94: O. May 31, '94; P. Sanford, Buffalo and White Hill '94— (P. Rocket Ch., '94-'97 ; S. S. Mt. Vernon '97-98; S. S. Union '98-02; S. S. Cameron '95—)—. 1005. OVERCASH, Hinton Raleigh; b. Statesville, N. C, Feb. 25, 1867; Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., May 3, '95; O. Roan. Pby., Sept. 13, '96 ; H. My. in W. Pittsylvania Field, Roan. Pby. ; P. Harpen Creek Ch., '90-'9S; dismissed to Ashev. Pby., '98; P. Swannanoa, '98; S. S. Oak Forest, P. Mills River '99-01 ; Preston Ch. added to group ; moved to China Grove ; traveled for Fres. Standard, '01 ; H. My. in Atl. Pby., '02 ; P. Mt. Pleasant and Boyers Chs., W. Lex. Pby. ; S. S. Lair Ch., under H. M. Com., '08-06; P. Crittenden and Lebanon Chs., Eb. Pby., Ky., '06—. 1006. OWEN, Clement Carrington ; b. Halifax Co., Va. ; A. B., H. S. C. ; New. Col., Edinb. 2; (Sen. 1 Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., April 14, '94; O- Ev. June 18, '94; F. M. at Kwangju, Korea, '98 — . 1007.* POOL. Alonzo Knox; b. Keyser, N. C, .Lin. 10, 1866; A. B., Da. C. ; (1.) ; 2 Louisv. Sem. ; L. ; O. Cone. Pby., Oct. 27, '96; served Cannonville, Patterson's Mill and White Hall Chs. in Cone. Pby., a few mos. ; assisted Rev. Wm. Black, Syn. Ev. Died at Democrat, N. C, Aug. 7, 1899. 1008.* PRICE, Joseph, Jr.; b. Jan. 11, 1861; stu. H. S. C. ; (1.) ; (never entered ministry; dropped from roll of candidates of Wine. Pby., Sept. 10, 1897.) Died Oct. S, 1900. 1009. ROBERTSON. Ivanhoe ; b. Somerset, Va., Sept. 20, 1864; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3.) ; L. W. H. Pby., May 6, '96; O. Wilm. Pby., Nov. 20, '96; S. S. Burgaw group, Wilm. Pby., '96— (P. Pike. Mt. Williams and Keith 97)— '97; S. S. and P. Capon, Rio and Ivanhoe Chs., Wine. Pby., '97-'00; P. Pendleton Ch., Franklin, W. Va., '02-04; S. S. Lakeland, Fla., (U. S. A.), '05-'06; res. Lynchburg, Va., '07. 1010. WAKEFIELD, Jojin ; b. Ontaria, Canada, Aug. 25, 1864; A. B., Da. C. ; merchant; (3. Gr.) : L. Or. Pby., May 20, '96; O. Wilm. Pby., Nov. 1, '96 ; Ev. Brunswick Co., •96-97 ; S. S. Spencer and China Grove, '96-'02 ; P. Cannonville and Patterson Mills. '02-"04 ; P. Cannonville and White Hall, Nov., '04 to Nov., '06; P. Philadelphia Ch., Nov., '06-'07 ; supt. Barium Spgs. Orphanage, N. C, '07 — . 1011. WALTHALL, David Barclay Kirby ; b. near Lynchburg, Va.; salesman ; A. B., R. C. and Double M. A. and Ph. D., 111. Wes. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., May 3. '95; O. May 31, '96; P. Fairfield Ch., •96-99; P. Mizpah Ch., Richmond, Va., '96 — (P. Overbrook Ch.. Barton Heights, Va., '02-'07) — ; pres. Southern Pres. Col., '97-98; ed. "Onward," '07 — ; acting prof. Church Hist. U. T. Sem., '06; author "The Value of the Study of Ch. Hist," '01 ; "Everlasting Punishment," '06. 1012. WHARTON. Robert Leslie ; b. McLeansville, N. C. 1871 ; A. B., Da. C; teacher: (2.4 Gr. "93-94; '96-"98) ; L. and O. Or. Pby., May 25, '98; teacher, Cardenas. Cuba, '99-'01 ; Ev. Caibarien, '01-'03 ; Ev. Car- denas. 03 — : 150 Union Theological Seminary. 1013. WOODS. David Juxkin : b. New Castle, Pa., Aug. 9, 1868; B. S. and A. M., W. & J. C. P.; civil eiigiueer; (3. Gr.) : P. G. Princ. ; L. Wine. Pby., May 9, "95 ; O. Ft. Wth. Pby.. Dec. 5, '97 ; S. S. Chs. in and around Berryville, Clarke Co., Va., '97; Ev. Ft. Worth Pby., Texas. '97-98; preacher to mission S. S., St. Louis, part of '98 ; asst. P. Charleston, W. Va.. .Tune to Sept., '98; P. Blacksburg, Va., Montg. Pby., '99—; author "The Relation of the Old Testament and the New, and How It Bears on the Sacraments and the Family Covenant." 1014. WOODWORTH, Malcolji Graham; b. Burlington. W. Va., Feb. 28, 1870; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., spring '96; O. Roan.! Pby., Aug. 28, '9G ; P. Hat Creek Ch., '96— (S. S. Roanoke, Brookneal. and Cub Creek Chs., Roan. Pby., '96) — '97; taught private school, '97-'99, near News Ferry, Halifax Co., Va. ; S. S. Dade City, Floral City, Bloomingdale and Port Tampa City Chs., St. Johns Pby., Fla., '99-00; teacher in private school, Richland, Va., 'OO-'Ol ; prin. of Manatee County High School, Braden- towu, Fla., '01-02; prof. English and History, Pres. Col. of S. C, Clinton. S. C, '02-'04; prof. Eng. in Davis and Elkins Col., Elkins, W. Va., '04-'06 ; returned to position in Pres. Col., S. C, '06 — . 1894-'95. 1015. BAKER, Adolph Elhart ; b. Jerseyville, 111., Aug. 13, 1871; stu. Balto. City Col.; A. B., Johns Hopk. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Md. Pby., June 14, '97; O. Oct. 17, '97; P. Sykesville, Md., '97-'00 ; P. Laurel, Md., '00-04; P. Lumberton, N. C, '05—. 1016. BORTHWICK, Henry Richardson; b. Dumfries. Scotland. Jan. 25, 1869; stu. Hulme Cliff Col., and 2 yr.s. at London Col., Eng.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., '97; O. '98; P. Max Meadows and Galena Chs., Ab. Pby., '98-'05 ; P. Plant City, Fla., '06 ; S. S. Pineville, N. C, '06—. 1017. BOULDIN, James Wood; Danville, Va. ; b. ; L. Roan. Pby.. Aug. 28, '97; (never O.) ; F. M. under China Inland Mission •9S-'00; returned in ill health '00; H. M. in Patrick Co., Va., '00-02; voluntarily surrendered license April 9, 1903. 1018. CAMPBELL, Robert Douglas; b. Rogersville, Tenn., Jan. 17, 1870; A. B. Aust. Col.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ft. Worth Pby., Sept. 19, '96; O. Oct. '98; S. S. Haskell and Anson, Tex., '96-97; P. EI. Childress, Tex., '98 ; Ev. to Mexicans in W. Tex. Pby., '99—. 1019.* DUNCAN, John Jacod ; b. Baltimore. Md., Nov. 24, 1860; stu. H. S. C. ; (I spec, but never formally mati'iculated") ; no subsequent I'eport until '05; P. McGuffey, O.. '05; P. Mansfield, 111., '06. Died in Chicago^ HI., Nov. 24, 1906. 1020. FLOURNOY, William Cabell; b. Prince Edward Co., Va., June 5, 1866; stu. H. S. C. and law stu. U. Va. ; lawyer; (3.) ; L. W. H. Pby., April, '97; O. .\ug. "97; P. Trinity, Arvon, Scottsville and Howardsville Chs.. W. H. Pby., '97-02 ; P. Hillsdale and Carmel Chs., Monroe Co., W. Va., •02-06 ; ass't. P. 1st Ch., in charge of Burton Mem., Danville, Va., '07-'08. 1021. FORBIS, James McCombs ; b. Mecklenburg Co., N. C. Nov. 22, 1868; A. B. Ruther. Col.; (2.+ ) ; L. St. .Johns Pby., April 14. '97; O. Dec. 10, '97 ; S. S. Plant City, Fla., April to Dec, '97 ; P. '97-03 ; P. King's Mt., Bessemer City and Long Crk., '03 — . 1022. FRIEND, Charles; b. Petersburg. Va., Dee. 9, 1862; stu. McCabe's U. Sch. ; tobacco and insurance business; (3. Gr.) ; O. Mont. Pby., April 22, '97; O. May 15. '98; S. S. Glen Wilton and Galatia Chs.. '97-"98 ; P. Union Theological Seminary. 151 '98-'99 ; p. Buchanan and High Bridge '99-'03 ; Ev. Ab. Pby., Jan. to Sept. '03: ministerial work at Abbeville, S. C, '03-04; P. Belle Haven and Powelton Chs., '04 — . vyj'A. GILLP]SPTE. Ernkst Eugene; b. Greensboro, N. C, Oct. 4. 1869; A. B. Guilf. Col. and U. N. C, (3.+ Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., June 2, '97; O. Sept. 9, '97 : Ev. Or. Pby., '97-98 ; supt. H. M. of N. C. Syn. '99-'04 ; P. G., U. T. S., .Jan. to May, '05; P. 1st Ch., Yorkville, S. C, '05—. 1024. GPtEY, John Hunter; b. Boston, Ga., July 10, 1872; A. B., Da. C; teacher; (3. Gr. ) ; L. Meckl. Pby., June 3, '97; O. Eno. Pby.. April 24. '9S; li. M. in Ashe Co., N. C, •97-98; P. and S. S. Woodruff. Mt. Shoals, Old Fields and Bethany, S. C, '98-'01 ; P. Lexington, N. C, '01-'04; asst. P. Salisbury, N. C, '04-'06 ; P. '06-'07 ; P. Liberty Ch., Bedford City, Va., '07—. 1025. HARPER, Louis Feuilleteau; b. Baltimore, Md., Dec. 13, 18GS ; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., Aug., '98; O. Montg. Pby., April, '99 ; S. S. Academy, Leesville and Otterwood Chs., Montg. Pby., '98-99; P. '99-'03; taught sell, at Waterford and Spring Garden, Va., '03-04; P, Bealeton and Litchfield Chs., '05—. 1020. HODGIN, Charles Edward; b. Autioch, N. C, Dec. 23. 1869; farmer and clerk; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., June 8, '97; O. Pee Dee Pby., Oct. 14, '97; P. Bennettsville, Red Bluff, Tatum and Clio' S. C, '97-98; P. Westminster Ch., Greensboro, N. C, '99—. 1027. KEE, John Allen; b. Richburg, S. C, Dec. 7, 1866; stu. S. W. P. U. ; (2.) ; L. Nashv. Pby., '97; O. ; S. S. Nacogdoches and Liv- ingston, Tex., '98-99; S. S. Lett and Durang, Tex.. 'OO-'Ol ; S. S. Mart. Tex., group, '02; W. C. New Waverley. Tex., '03; (forced to enter secular work to feed and clothe family.) 1028. MILNE. William Lorimer ; b. Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 8, 1868; Gordon Col., Aberdeen, Scot., and Cliff Col., Derbyshire, Eng. ; carpenter; Cliff Col., (Mid. 2.) ; L. Roan. Pby., '95; O. N. Miss. Pby., '99; S. S. Lunen- burg and Millboro Chs., Va. ; S. S. Kimrae and Brewster, Minn. ; P. College Hill, Miss., and S. S. Byhalia group ; S. S. Soddy, Tenn., group, '07 — . 1029. PAISLEY, John Alexander; b. Tulip, Ark.. Oct. 11, 1867; stu. Ark. Col., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., June 4, '97; O. Sept. 9. '97; S. S., then P. Madison, N. C, '97— (S. S. Mt. Airy, N. C, '97— )— '98; P. Mt. Airy, '98-99; Ev. in Indian Pby., Choctaw Nation, I. T., '99-'02 ; S. S. Cameron, Poteau, Shady Point and Spiro ; S. S. for Concord, Buffalo, Beale Mem. (Pamplin City. Va., ) Ebenezer and Lunenburg C. H., Roan. Pby., '02; P. Concord. Beale Mem. and Buffalo, latter part of "02; P. Rough Creek, from Jan. 1, '03, to July, '07 ; S. S. Madisonville, '07—. 1030. PARKER, Newton Alexander; b. near Pickaway, Monroe Co., W. Va., Sept. 21, 1867; H. S. C, (3. Gr.) : L. Greenb. Pby., July 12. '97; O. Ev. Sept. 10, '97; S. S. Fayetteville, '97-04; Cliff Top, '97; Kesler's Mem. '97; Fire Creek, '9S-'04 ; Kanawha Falls, '01-'04 ; Muddy Creek, McElhenney and Green Sulphur, '04-'06 ; Welch and Vivian, (Ab. Pby.,) '06 ; Sharon, '06 ; P. Iron Gate, Glen Wilton and Galatia, Montg. Pby., '06 — . ' 1031.. PRESTON, Cochran- b. Charlottesville, Va., May 9, 1871 ; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., May 28, '96; O. Ju'ne 26, '97; P. 2d Ch., Bristol, Va., '97-99; P. Cannonville and Patterson's Mills, N. C, '99-02 ; S. S. Chatham, Va., June to Sept., '02 ; Ev Kanawha Pby., '02— (S. S. Maiden, W. Va., '02-'03)— '04 ; P. Frierson Mem. and S. S. Ebenezer Chs., Columbia Pby., '04-'07 ; P. Batesville, Ark., Oct., '07 — . 152 Union Theological Seminary. 1082. QUEKr, Luther Hakrison: b. Query's N. C, Aug. 26, 1807; stu. Dfi. C. and S. W. P. U.; enarineer: (3. Gr.) ; L. MeckL Pby., June, '97; not yet O. : S. S. Little Brittain, N. C, '97 ; S. S. Franklin. 'OS ; My. Coiport. Syn. N. C, '98-04; res. Westminster, S. C, then Glass, N. C, '08. 1033. KANKIN, Charles Franklin; b. Greensboro, N. C, June 17, 1809; Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., June 6, '97; O. Cone. Pby., Oct. 4, '97; P. Cannonville and Patter.son's ]Mill Chs., '97; and S. S. White Hall and Forest Hill '97-"90 ; P. Red Springs '99— (P. Antioch Ch., '99-'01)— '05 ; and teachei.' Bible, etc., in So. Pres. Col. ; P, 1st Cb. Portsmouth, Va., '07-08. 1034. REYNOLDS, James McDowell; b. Lynchburg, Va., July 29, 1857; (3.) : L. W. H. Pby., ; O. Montg. Pby., May 22, '98; P. Laurel (Jroye, Otterville and Jennings Creek '98-'00 ; S. S. Bethesda, Lynchburg, A'a.. "Ul ; divested of office Avithout censure, 1902. 1035.* ROANE, Robert Arthur; b. near Covington, Tenu., June 2, 1SG7; S. W. P. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., May, '90; O. Roan. Pby., June, '90 : P. Ebenezer and Lunenburg Chs., '90-'98 ; labored in Hawkins Co., Tenn., and at Leesburg Ch., Wash. Co., Tenn. ; D. M. under Pby. Mer., ]Miss. Died at Brooklyn, Miss., Aug. 10, 1901. 1030. SHIVE, James Cowan; b. Searcy, Ark., Jan. 12, 1869; H. S. C. ; farmer; (Jun. and Sen. Gr.) ; Col. Sem. 1.; L. Montg. Pby., Sept., '97; O. April, '98; P. Fincastle, Va., '97-99; P. Piedmont, S. C, '00-'02 ; D. M., Westminster, S. C, '02-'03 ; P. Upper Long Cane Ch., Abbeville, S. C, '03-'07 ; P. El. Alamance and Bethel Chs., Or. Pby., '08—. P. G.. U. T. S., '07-'08. 1037. SMITH, Vivian Gray; b. Hat Creek, Campbell Co., Va. ; mer- chant; stu. H. S. C. ; (3.) ; L. Roan. Pby., April, '90; O. Wine. Pby., Oct. 15, '97 ; P. Alleghany Ch., Wine. Pby., '97-02 ; also of Petersburg, '99-02 ; assist. P. Fayetteville, N. C, '02 — (S. S. MacPherson and Sunny Side Chs., '02)— Dec. 1, '07; P. Hartsville, S. C, Pee Dee Pby., '07—. 1038. SOUTHALL, Thompson Brown ; b. Albemarle Co., Va.. Dec. 17, 186(!; stu. H. S. C. ; travelling salesman; (2.) ; McCor. Sem. 1.; L. C. Tex., Pby., Oct. '07 ; O. spring, '98 ; P. Highland Ch., Austin, Texas, '97-'04 ; P. McDowell '04— (P. Williamsville, '04)— '07; P. Lexington, Va., '07; Amarillo, Tex., '08. 1039. TUFTS, Edgar ; b. Kirkwood, Ga., Dec. 4. 1869 ; A. B., W. L. U. ; clerk; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., May 18, '97; O. Sept. 15, '97; Ev. Cone. Pby., '97-'01; Ev. Sav. Pby., '01-'02 ; Ev. Cone. Pby., '02—: founder and teacher of Bible in Lees McRae Inst., Banners Elk, N. C. 1040. VOILS, Watts Monroe ; b. Concord. N. C, Jan. 29, 1800 ; Gr. Da. C. ; (1.) ; L. Dallas Pby., '98; never ordained; preached at Maloney, Tex., one year ; now teaching school in Washington State. 1041. WASSUM, Joseph Shipley; b. Pulaski Co., Va., Dec. 24, 1860; (2.) ; L. Nor. Pby., '97; H. M. Norton, Va., '97-'98 ; res. Sharp's Wharf, Va., '99-'00; S. S. Norton, Va., '01-'02 ; license withdrawn by Ab. Pby., Sept. 12, '02. 1042. WINN, (JUY Westmoreland; b. March 28, 1871; Gr. U. Ala.; (3.) ; (had no charge; demitted ministry.) 1895-'96. 1043. ANDERSON, Charles Chesterman ; b. P. Ed. Co., Va., Jan. 21, 1871; A. B.. H. S. C. ; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ft. Worth Pby., July 13, '98; O. Oct. 22, '98; S. S. and then P. Anson and Haskell. Tex.. •!)S-(>0: P. Anson "00— (S. S. Sweetwater, '00-01; S. S. Stamford REV. PROF. A. D. P. GILMOUR Union Theological Seminary. 153 '01 ) '04; S. S. Sweetwater, Snyder, Lubback and McCauly, Chs.. '04; S. S. Sweetwater and Merkel '05 ; P. El. Sulphur Springs, Tex., 'OG ; P. El. Bethlehem and Douglass Chs., Va., '06 — . 1044.* ARNOLD, -ToHN David: b. Jonesboro, N. C, Nov. 24, 1869; Gr. Da. C. Died at Jonesboro, N. C, in summer of 1896, after one year in Seminary. 1045. AKTllUK, James ; b. in England, Dec. 15, 1872 ; Gr. Hulme Cliff Col., Eng. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., '98; O. '98; P. 2d Ch., Roanoke, Va., '98-'02; P. Chatham and Spring Garden, '03-05; deposed from ministry by Roan. Pby., for contumacy, Aug. 22, '06. D, D. 1040.* BOSTON. Louis Edgae ; b. Statesville, N. C, Oct. 5. 18G6 ; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; McCor. Sem. 1.; (2. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., May IS, 1897; 0. Enoree Pby., Oct. 5, '00 : Ev. Watauga Co., N. C, '95 ; Ev. Murphy, N. C, '98-'00; S. S, and P. Bethany and Rocky Springs Chs., 'OO-'Ol. Died Statesville, N. C, Nov. 17, 1901. 1047. BRADLEY, Edward Paschal; b. Williamsburg Co., S. C, Nov. 11, 1869; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr., '95-'96 ; '97-'99) ; L. Ab. Pby., Dec. 2, '99: O. April 12, '00; S. S. Mt. Holly and Stanley Creek, '96-97; S. S. Nutbush. and Ev. Roanoke Rapids, June to Oct. '98 ; S. S. Windy Cove and Millboro, June 1, to Oct. 15, '99; S. S. Nutbush and Shiloh, Oct. 15, '99, to June 1, '00 ; P. Nutbush and Oak Hill and S. S. Grassy Creek, June 1, '00—. 1048. BROWN, George La^ghorne, Jr. ; b. Warm Springs, Va., May 6, 1874 ; A. B., L. I. and B. S., Bridgewater Col., Peabody Nor., U. of Nashv. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May, '98; not O. ; S. S. McDowell, W. Va., '98-'99; S. S. Cleveland, Tenn., '99-'00 ; teacher in Braxton Co., W. Va., '01-'03 ; Ev. Ft. Worth Pby.. '03-04 ; teacher in Highland Co., Va., '04-'06 ; S. S. Stony River Ch., '06 ; P. Shemariah Ch., Lex. Pby., '07 — . 1049. CARSON. Robert Dabney ; b. Abingdon, Va., July 15, 1876; A. B., K. C; (3. Gr. '95-'97 ; '99-'00) ; L. Lex. Pby., Oct. 14, '97; O. July 1. '00 ; S. S. Sinking Spring, Greenwood and Mt. Grove Chs., Lex. Pby., *97-'99 ; Sen. Tr. in Sem., '99-'00 ; P. above Chs., '00-'02 ; P. Rocky Spring Ch., Lex. Pby., '03-05 ; Ev. Syn. Va., '05—. 1050. CATHEY, Samuel Lee ; b. Sandifer, N. C, Oct. 26, 1867 ; A. B., Da. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., May 17, '98; O. Dec. 9, '98; S. S. and P. Cherryville, Waco, Henrietta, Forest City and Mooresboro, '98-'00 ; P. Rutherfordtou, Cherryville, and S S. Waco and Forest City, '00-'03 ; P. Rutherfordton and S. S. Forest City, Henrietta, Mooresboro and Bethany '03-"06; P. Rutherfordton, '07—. 1051. GOODMAN, James William ; b. Rowan Co., N. C, Dec. 26, 1867 A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., June 14, '98; O. Or. Pby. Sept. 29. '98 ; P. 1st Ch., High Point, N. C, and S. S. Jamestown Ch. '98-'00; P. Hillsboro, Fairfield and Eno, N. C, '01— (S. S. New Hope, '03 — ) — '05; P. Buffalo Ch., in Guilford Co., and Bessemer Ave. Ch., Greens boro, N. C, '05—. 1052. Hamlett, John C. ; b. Halifax Co., Va., Feb. 5, 1876 ; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher; ( — 1.) ; ill health prevented further service. 1053. HAMMOND, Hexry Clay; b. Shelbyville, Tenn., Nov. 8, 1870; A. B.. and A. M.. Da. C. : clerk; (3. Gr.) : L. Atl. Pby., Oct. 8, '98; O. Dec. 12. '98 : Ev. Pryor St. Mission, Atlanta, '98 ; prof. Bible at Agnes Scott Col- lege, •02-'05 : P. Prvor St. Ch., '02—. 154 Union Theological Seminary. 1054. HANKAHAN, George Byrox ; b. Brooklyn, N. Y., July 30, 1870; clerk and asst. sec'y Y. M. C. A.; stu. New Windsor Col. and H. S. C. : (3. Gr.) ; L. Nor. Pby.', May 13, '98; O. Roan. Pby., Aug 22. '98; P. Hat Creek. Roanoke, Brookneal, and Cub Creek Chs., Roan. Pby., '98-99 ; Ev. in Nash- ville, Tenn., '99-'01 ; P. Lambert's Point, Va., Nor. Pby., '01; P. Thompson Valley and Liberty Hill Chs., Ab. Pby., '02-'04 ; P. Beaver Creek Ch., Ab. Pby., '04— (P. Meadow View Ch., '04-05)—. 1055. HUDSON, Robert Bowmax ; b. Dublin. Va., Feb. 9, 1873; A. B., Roan. C. ; (1.) ; 2 Gr. Louisv. Sem. ; L. Ab. Pby., May, '98; O. Sept. '98; P. Sharon, Leyburn and Crockett's Cove and S. S. Bland, Ab. Pby., '98-'02 ; P. Seven Mile Ford '02— (P. Beaver Crk. and S. S. Meadow View '02)— '04; P. Bland, Leyburn and Sharon Chs., '03-06; P. Petersburg, W. Va., Dec, 'Otj— . 1050. HUDSON. William Ejimit ; b. Ceres, Va., June 24. 1873: A. B., H. S. C. : (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., '9G ; O. Lex. Pby.. fall. '98: P. T.vgarf» Valley and Mingo Chs., W. Va., Lex. Pby., '98-00; Ev. Kan. Pby., Oct. 1, '06—. 10.57. JOPLING, Robert Ware; b. near Bedford City. Va., May 11. 1809; A. B., W. L. U. : A. M., Princ. U. : farmer and drummer: (3. Gr.) ; Princ. Sem. Gr. ; L. Montg. Pby., Aug. 27. '98; O. Oct. 7. '00; P. Gleu Wilton and Galatia Chs., '99-'06 ; P. Red. Springs, N. C, '00—. 1058. OLIVER, Samuel Smith; b. Rockingham Co., N. C, Aug. 26, 186G; stu. Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., May 25, '98; O. May 26, '98 ; Ev. Stokes Co., N. C, '98-'99 ; P. Broadway Ch., Lex. Pby., '00-02 ; P. Petersburg Ch., Wine. Pby., '02-'08. 1059. RICHARDSON, Hilary Goode ; b. Farmville, Va., Mafrh 17, 1874; A. B., H. S. C. ; stu. U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May, '98; O. '98; P. Central Pres. Ch., Clarksburg, W. Va., '98—. 1060. SHIPLEY, George Wilbur ; b. Harman, Md., Nov. 27. 1868; stu. Dick. Col. ; entered M. E. ministry, '91 ; served Tennallytown, D. C. 1 yr. ; Wheeler Centre, N. Y'., 1 yr. ; Lawrenceville, Pa., 2 yrs. ; O. by Bishop Fowler, Oct. 2, '92; (1 spec); rec'd by Md. Pby. from M. E. Ch.. as ordained minister, May 11, '90 ; P. Laurel, Md., '96-99 ; P. 12th Ch., Balti- more, '99-'02; P. Suffolk, Va., '02-'07 ; P. St. Albans, W. Va., '07—. 1061.* SLAUGHTER, Madison Pearson ; b. Green Hill, Titus Co., Tex., March 29, 1872; Aus. Col. '90-95; (1.) ; Louisv. Sem.. 1; L. and O. Paris Pby., '97; S. S. Green Hill, Mt. Pleasant, Pittsburg and Winfield Chs., for 2 yrs. Died at Mt. Pleasant, Oct. 7, 1899. 1062. STOKES, John William; b. Atlanta. Ga., Aug. 3, 1871; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Atl. Pby., June 10, '98; O. Oct. 23, '98; S. S. and then P. Austell and Tallapoosa, Ga., '98-99 ; P. Conyers and Lithonia, Ga., '99— (S. S. Morris Grove, '99-'01 ; Flat Rock, '00-01; Smyrna, Jan. to April, '04; P. Smyrna, May to Dec '04)— '04; P. Dublin, Ga., '05—. 1063. UNDERWOOD. William Clarence ; b. Lowell. Gaston Co.. N. C, Aug. 19. 1869; A. B., Da. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., spring, "99; O. Fort Worth Pby., May 1.5, '01; S. S. Bethesda Ch., Lynchburg. Va., '97-'98; S. S. Appomattox, Union and Walker's Chs.. W. H. Pby., '9S-'99 ; S. S. Rock Hill, S. C, '00-01 ; P. Grand View, and S. S. Venus Chs., Ft. Worth Pby., Texas, '01-'02 ; S. S. Denmark, Union and Saltillo Chs., W. Dist. Pby., Tenn., '02-'05 ; P. Carrollton, and S. S. Sylvan Hall and Taic, Cent. Miss., Pby., '05 — . Union Theological Seminary. 155 1064. WELLS, LuciAN ELO^-zA ; b. near Teacheys. N. C. March 3. 1867 ; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher: (3.) ; L. and O. Ev. Pi. Bl. Pby.. Ark., Nov. 10, '98; S. S. Dermott, Wilmot and Pine Prairie Chs., Pi. Bl. Pby., '98-99; S. S. Oak Plain Ch., Wilm. Pby., and teacher in West Duplin Inst., 'OO-'Ol ; Ev. work in lower Duplin field, with Chinquapin, Hallsville, Hebron, Smith's, Boulah and Teacheys Chs., '01 ; and also principal of Pres. H. Sch., at Teacheys, '01-'02. 10(>5. WILLIAMSON, Samuel Hill; b. Yauceyville, N. C, Nov. 25, 1859; stu. U. S. Naval Ac, Annapolis; teacher and supt. pub. instr. ; (2.) ; L. Or. Pby., May 31, '97; O. Sept. '97; S. S. Yanceyville. Ptoxboro, Stony Crk., and Bethesda '97-04 ; P. Front St., Ch., Statesville, N. C, and S. S. Shiloh Ch., '04-'06 ; P. Euphronia and Pocket Chs., Fay. Pby., '07—. 10(36. YANDLE, John Lycon ; b. near Charlotte, N. C, Oct. 1, 1870; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., N. C, May 17, '98; O. as Ev., Fay. Pby., May 23, '98; Ev. Fay. Pby., '98-'01 ; S. S. Marlow and Statesboro, Ca., '01-'03 ; assist. P. First Pres. Ch., Columbus, Ga., '04; P. Holly Springs, Miss., '04-'07 ; P. Stanford, Ky., '07—. 1896-'97. 1067. BALLOU, James Eustace ; b. Winston, N. C. June 24. 1874; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., Oct. 19, '99; O. July 29. '00 ;t H. M. Elkton and Basic City, Va., June, '99, to June, '00; P. Bethany, June, '00, to Sept., '06; P. 1st Ch., Middlesboro, Ky., Sept., '06 — . 1068. BULL, William Ford ; b. Norfolk, Va., Feb. 2, 1876 ; stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Nor. Pby., July 2, '99; O. same date; F. M. Kunsan,; Korea, '99 — . 1069. DeVANE, Thomas Wyatte ; b. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 9, 1872; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3.+Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., June 12, '00; O. Ashev. Pby., June 21, '00; Ev. Graham Co., at Robbinsville, N. C, '00-'04 ; P. Morven, and S. S. Polkton and Lilesville, N. C, '04, to Oct. 1, '07 ; H. M. at Chatta- nooga, Texan, Mt. Park and Manitou, Okla. 1070. FICKLEN. James Burwell; b. Red House. Va., July 31, 1875; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Mont. Pby., April 26, '01; O. Cher. Pby.. Sept. 28, '01 ; S. S. 2d Ch., Rome, Ga., and Lindale, '01-02 ; P. '02-'04 ; P. Inman Park Ch., Atlanta, Ga., '04—. 1071. GREEN, James Edward; b. Hartsville, S. C, May 5, 1868; stu. S. W. P. U. ; pharmacist; S. W. P. U., 1; (—1.) ; L. Ark. Pby., Oct. 21, '95; O. Washburn Pby., April 11, '97: S. S. Russellville and Dardanelle! '95-'96; S. S. Springdale and Hazel Glen, March to Sept., '97: S. S. Mor- rilton. Ark., '97-'9S ; P. '98-'00 ; S. S. Gurdon '00-'02 ; P. Arkadelphia, '02-'07; P. 1st Ch., Temple, Tex., '07—. 1072. HALL, Joseph Porter; b. Dec. 12. 1873; Gr. Austin Col.; (3. Gr. '96-'98; 'OO-'Ol) ; L. Dallas Pby., '00; S. S. Wichita Falls and Iowa Park, Tex., '00 ; last yr. in Sem. 'OO-'Ol ; O. Cone. Pby., '01 ; Ev. Banner Elk, N. C, '01-'03 ; Ev. Plum Tree, N. C, '04—. 1073. JONES, Allen, Jr. ; b. Pocket, N. C, Sept. 8, 18ri5 ; (3.): L. Or. Pby., '99 ; O. '00 ; Ev. at Jefferson, N. C, '00-02 ; ministerial work sus- pended '02 ; resumed '06 ; P. Green Spring group, Ab, Pby., '06 — . 1074. LAFFERTY, John Wilson ; b. near Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 4, 1862 ; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; Col. Sem. 1; Princ. Sem. 2 Gr. ; (—1 spec.) ; L. Cone. Pby., Sept. 19, '87 ; O. Lex. Pby., Dec. 10. '87: P. Union Ch., Va., '87-90 ; ill 3 yrs. : short supplies at Clarksburg, Hot Springs and Staunton. 156 Union Theological Seminary. Va.. and Charleston, W. Va., '93-95; P. Piedmont Ch., Va., '95-97; short snpplies at Fredericksburg and Belle Haven. Va., and Back Creek, N. C, '99; P. El. Jacksonville, Fla., 'OO-'Ol ; P.lMarianna, Fla., '01-04; P. Eaton- ton, Gr., '04-05; S. S. Quitman, Ga., ■05-'0(} ; P. MoKinnon Ch., Concord, N. C, '06—. 1075. LANE. Edward Epes ; b. Campinas, Brazil, Feb. 3, 1S73 ; A. B., H. S. C, and stu. U. Va. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., June 15, '99; O. Wilm. Pbv., Oct, IS, '99; S. S. Immauuel Ch., Wilmington, N. C, '99-01; P. Liberty Ch., Bedford City, A'a., '01-06 ; P. Christiansburg, Va., '06—. 1076. LAWSON, John Fkakklin ; b. Powhatan, Ark.. Dec. 29, 1868; A. B., Ark. Col.; salesman; Louisv. Sem. ; (1.) ; L. Pi. Bl. Pby.. Sept. 30, '97; O. same; P. Warren, Ark.. '97-02; P. Fayetteville, Ark., '02-'08 ; P. Warren, 'OS—. A. M., Ark. Col. 1077. McCLINTIC, Hugh Peyton; b. Bath Co., Va., Oct. 16, 186S; stu. H. S. C. ; telegraph operator, stenographei-, teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Nor. Pby., June 15, '99; O. Lex. Pby., July 8, '00; S. S. Sliemariah and Walker's Creek, Lex. Pby., '99-'00 ; P. Basic City, Lex. Pby., '00-'02 ; P. Shelbina, Mo., Palm. Pby., '02-04 ; P. Plattsburg, Mo., Up. Mo., Pby., '04, to Nov., '06 ; P. Liberty, Mo., Up. Mo. Pby., Nov. '06—. 1078. McGEACHY, Daniel Patrick; b. St. Paul's, Robeson Co., N, C, Jan. 3, 1872; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wilm. Pby., June 20, '99; Oi Sept. 29, '99; P. Burgaw, Pike, Hopewell and Mt. Williams, '99— (S. S. Keith and Maple Hill, '99; supt. schools of Pender Co., N. C, '01-'03 ) — "03 ; agent 'IVentieth Century Fund, Syn. of N. C, '03-'04 ; P. Lenoir Ch., N. C, '04—. 1079. MAUZE, Joseph Layton ; b. Montevideo, Va., Feb. 2, 1873; stu. H. S. C. ; merch.int, (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., June 6, '99; O. Nov. 5, '99; P. Timber Ridge and Fairfield Chs., '9&-'02 ; P. Central Ch., St. Louis, '02—. 1080. MORTON, William Scott; b. Sept. 30. 18.59; stu. H. S. C. ; farmer; planter; (3. Gr.) ; L. Dal. Pby., Sept. '99; O. Cim. Pby., Okla.. Sept. 12, '00; S. S. Avalou, Wood's Chapel, Italy, Johnson and Slay Mem., Dal. Pby., '99-'00; S. S. Geary, Calumet and Calvary, Cim. Pby., 'OO-'Ol; since June, '01, no charge; living on farm, near Charlotte C. H., Va. 1081. PACE, George Thomas; b. Clarksville, Tenn., 1866; S. W. P. U., — 1; (3. Gr.) ; L. P'ay. Pby.. Sept. 14, '99; O., '00; S. S. Philadelphus Ch., '99-'01; S. S. Barbecue Ch., '99-00; P. Parkton Ch., '01-03; S. S. Euphronia, '04-'05 ; pi-in. of Philadelphus H. S., '99-'02 ; teacher of English Bible, Red Springs, So. Pres. Col., '02-'04 ; teacher of Philadelphus H. S., '04-'07; prin. Westm. Sch., '07—. 1082. REVELEY, John Gh3SON; b. Timber Ridge, Va., Feb. 2, 1872; stu. W. L. U., and Ph. D., C. U. Ind. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby, May. '991 O. Aug.. '01; P. Shemariah and Immanuel Chs., '01-'04 ; S. S. Beulah, Stony Run and Mt. (Jrove, '04-'05 ; P. East Lake, Ala., '06-'07 ; S. S. Bland group, Ab. Pby., '07 — . 1083. SEVIER, (iEORGE Field; b. Richmond. Mo., July 30, 1872; stu. C. C, Mo.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Up. Mo. Pby.. '97; O. Ariz. Pby., April 26, '04; asst. P. 1st Ch., Phoenix, Ariz.; in ill health; preached for a time in mining camps of Congress and Wickenburg, Ariz.; supplied Albuquerque, N. M., '04; P. Sante Fe, 'OS-'Oe ; P. Lamar, Colo., '07 ; P. Salida, Colo., '07—. 1084. SNEDDON, Charles; b. Broxburn, Scotland, Nov. 2, 1871; stu. Dunoon Col.; ( — 1) ; abandoned studies after 1st yr. on ac. weak eyes. Union Theological Seminary. 157 1085. TIMS, John Chapel; b. Kosciusko, Miss., Aug. 23, ISTO ; A. B., S W. P. U.: S. W. P. U., 1: (2.) ; L. Macon Pby., '98; O. Nov. '98; asst. P. 1st Ch., Macon, Ga., '9S-'99 ; P. Lalie City, Fla., '99-02; P. Moultrie, Ga., '02-07 ; P. 1st Ch., Tampa, Fla., '07—. 1086. VINSON, Robert Ernest; b. White Oak, Fairfield Co., S. C, Nov. 4, 187(i; A. B., Aus. Col.; (3. Gr.) ; spec, course in U. of Chicago Div. Sch. ; L. Kan. Pby., April 13, '99 ; O. June 15, '99 ; co-pastor 1st Ch., Charleston, W. Va., '99~'02 : prof. O. T., I^ang. and Exeg., Pres. Theol. Sem., Austin, Tex., '02-06; prof. Eng. Bible and Pract. Theol., '06—. D. D. 1087. WILLIAMS, IIazael Joseph ; b. near Middlebrook, Va. ; stu. W. L. U., and H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Kan. Pby., June 15, '99; O. April 13, '00; S. S. and P. Glen Elk Ch.. (now Bream Mem.). '99— (S. S. Glenwood, '99-04; and Lick Branch, '99-05) — '06; P. Georgia Ave. Ch., Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 1, '07—. 1088. WILLIAMS, Kobeut Mvrphy ; b. Cumberland, Co., N. C, June 24, 1868; farmer; stu. A. and M. ; B. S., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wilm. Pby., Oct. 7, '98 ; O. June 20, '99 ; P. Wallace, Warsaw, Rockfish and Mt. Zion Chs., N. C, '99-04 ; Ev. Wilm. Pby., '04-'06 ; P. Walker Ave, Ch., Greens- boro, N. C, '06—. 1897-'98. 1089.* ALEXANDER, Kyle; b. Beaumont, Tex., Nov. 19, 1874; A. B., H. S. C. ; (1.+ ) ; (did not complete course, because of ill health). Died of tuberculosis at Ashevillo, N. C, July 29, 1903. 1090. ALLEN, Fkancis Maury; b. Ford. Va.. Feb. 6, 1873; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr. ) ; L. E. H. Pby., April 9, *00 ; O. Cone. Pby.,, June 9, '01 ; S. S. Oxford, N. C;, June to Dec, '00 ; S. S. Cooleemee, N. C, Feb. '01— (P. Mocksville, N. C, June 9, '01)— '07; P. Namozine and Haw- kins Mem., E. H. Pby., '07—. 1091. BROWN, .John Edmunds. Jr.; b. Charlotte, N. C, May 6, '75; A. B. Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby.. Sept. '00; O. Or. Pb.v., Nov. "00 ; P. Mt. Airy and S. S N. Winston, N. C, June. '00. to Aug. '02 ; P. First Ch., Johnson City, Tenn., Aug. "02-. 1092. BROWN, Robert Hall Morrison; b. Charlotte, N. C, Dec. 7, 1872; A. B., Da. C. ; lawyer; (3.+) ; L. Meckl. Pby., fall, '01; O. Memp. Pby., spring, '02; P. Bolivar, Tenn., '02; P. Goodman, Miss., '03-'05 ; P. Jeanerette, La., '0(5 — . 1093. DRUEN, Emmett Beverly; b. Cumberland Co., Va., Jan. .5, 1873; A. B., H. S. C. ; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., April 1,3. '00; O. Lex. Pby., Oct. 7, '00; S. S. Glenville, W. Va., July to Oct., '00; P. '00-'04; P. Olivet Ch., Staunton, Va., '04— (S. S. Basic City, '04. '05; P. '05—)—. 1094. ESKRIDGE, Randolph Shotwell ; b. Cleveland Co., N. C, Aug. 6, 1871; A. B. Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby.. May, '98; O. Ashev. Pby.. June, '00 ; P. Swannanoa and S. S. Oak Forest, '00-'05 ; P. Swannanoa and Ev. Ashev. Pby., '05-08; Richwood, W. Va., '08—. 1095. PAIRLEY, Watson Mumford; b. Manchester, N. C. Jan. 24, 1873; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., June 10, '00; O. Ft. Worth, Pby., June 26, '00; S. S. and Ev. Carlsbad, N. M., and at Pecos, Tex./ '00-'03 ; S. S. El Paso. Tex., '03-05 ; P. Favetteville, N C. '05—. 158 Union Theological Seminary. 1096. FRAZER, William Henry; b. LaFayette. Ala.. Sept. 16, 1873; A. B., S. W. P. U. : druggist; S. W. P. U., 1; (2. Gr.) ; L. AtL Pby., July 12, '99; O. Oct. 23, "99; P. Georgia Ave. Ch., Atlanta, Ga., '99-01; P. Tattnall Square. Macon, Ga., '01-06; P. 1st Ch., Anderson, S. C, '06 — . 1097. JOHNSON, Jacob Coart : b. Pamlico Co., N. C, Feb. 20, 1865; A. B., U. N. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., June 12, '00; O. Lex. Pby. Nov. 11, '00; P. McDowell and Williamsville, Va., '00-'03 ; P. Richwood, W. Va., '03-'05 ; P. Oak Grove Ch., Academy, W. Va., '05—. 1098. KENNEDY, John Foster ; b. Camp Creek, Tenn., May 27, 1860 ; A. B., C. U. Ky..; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby.; teacher of Greek in Bethany H. S.. Bryson, Tenn., bookkeeper; res. Pulaski, Tenn. 1099. McCASKILL, Kenneth; b. Sumter, Co., S. C, Oct. 3, 1874; A. M., Clin. Col.; teacher; (2.) ; Columbia Sem., '99-'00 ; L. and O. Charles. Pby.. fall of '00; Ev. Charles. Pby., '00-02; S. S. Richmond, Corinth, Brewington and New Harmony, Harm. Pby., '03-'04 ; S. S. and P. Caswell, Black River, Harmony and South River, '04 — . 1100. MacFERRIN, Marvin Melanchthon ; b. Tusculum College, Tenn., Jan. 30, 1877; A. B., K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., Sept. 29, "00; O. same ; P. Jefferson City, Tenn., '00 — ( S. S. Sevierville and Rocky Springs, Tenn., "OO-'Ol ; S. S. Strawberry Plains, '01)— '02; P. Itasca, Tex., '02— (S. S. Handley, Tex., "04)- '05; P. Salida, Colo., '05-07; P. Cameron, Tex., '07—. 1101. McIVER, Kenneth Littleton ; b. Vass, N. C, March 12, 1869 ; stu. Med. Col., Va. ; (3.) ; L. Fay. Pby., June 15, '01; O. Macon Pby., April 19, '01 ; P. Climax. Ga., '01-'02 ; asst. P. Columbus, Ga., '02 ; S. S. Butler, Ga., '02-'03; P. Plant City and Palmetto, Fla., '03-05; P. Opelika, Ala., '05—. 1102. MORROW, William Horne ; b. DesArc, Ark., July 18, 1875 ; B. S., Ark. Col.; bookkeeper; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ark. Pby., June 21, '00; O. Oct. 5, '00; S. S. Forest City and Brinkley '00; S. S. DeValls Bluff and Hazen, '00-'03; P. Cotton Plant, '00, and P. Augusta, '03— (S. S. McCrory, '03) — '07; P. Springdale, Ark., '07—. 1103. MURRAY, William Andrew ; b. Greensboro, N. C, Nov. 13, 1874 ; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. and O. Or. Pby., June 12, '00; Ev. Alleghany Co., N. C, '00-'03 ; P. Lincolnton and Ironton, N. C, '03-'06 ; P. 1st Ch., Griffin, Ga., '06—. 1104. PEABODY, Morris Elmore; b. Bainbridge, Ga., Aug. 16, 1S71; stu. H. S. C. ; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. Sav., Pby., Oct., '00; O. Augusta Pby., Oct. 26, '01; P. INIadison, Union Point and Woodstock Chs., '00-'05 ; P. Hartwell, Lavonia, Royston and Pleasant Hill Chs., '05 — . 1105. PERRYMAN, Alexander Napier; b. New York, N. Y.. Oct. 22, 1873; A. B., Da. C. and P. G., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. I'hy.. June 8, '00 ; O. Ouch. Pby., Dec. 1, '00 ; P. Malvern Ave., 'OO-'Ol ; P. Dermott, and S. S. Lake Village and Mist, Ark., '01-'02 ; P. Bethesda and S. S. Jehovah- Jireh, Lynchburg, Va., '02-04; P. Bryson City and S. S. Andrews and Rob- binsville, N. C, '04-06 ; P. Marion, '06—. 1106. PONTON, Andrew Jackson; b. Nelson Co., Va., July 20, 1868; stu. H. S. C. ; mechanic: (3. Gr.) ; L. Mont. Pby., April 26, '00; O. Roan. Pby., Oct. 7, '00; P. Weal and Harpin Crk., and S. S., and then P. Mat- thews Mem., '00— (P. Cascade Ch., '00-05)—. Union Theological Seminary. 159 HOT SCAXLOX. David Howakd ; b. Staunton, Va., March 27, 1875; 111 Wes. Un. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., Sept. 8, '99; O. Sept. 8, '00 : P. Berryville, Stone's Chapel and Clearbrook Chs., June, '00. 1108. STOXEHAM, Hets-ry B. ; b. Grimes Co.. Texas, April 22, 1867 ; A and M., of U. Tex.; lawyer; (2.+) ; L. Broadway Bap. Cb., Louisville, Ky. : O. Jan. 2, '00; P. Leitchfield, Ky., and Hinton, W. Va., and S. S. Fi'oiit Royal, Xatural Bridge and Glasgow, Va. 1109. THOMAS, John Theophilus Jr. ; b. Bristol, Tenn., Feb. 14, 1877 ; B. S., K. C. ; (1.) ; 1 Gr. McCor. Sem. ; L. Logansport Pby., (U. S. A.), May, '01; O. same date; P. Chalmers, Ind., '01-02; P. Goodland, Ind., '02-03 ; P. Canon City, Col., '03—. 1110. THOMPSOX, French W. ; b. Monticello, Ark., April 16, 1875; A. B., Ark. Col.; clerk; (1.) ; Louisv. Sem.; McCor. Sem.; L. and O. Pi. Bl. Pby., Oct. 11, '00; S. S. Dermott and Lake Village Chs., Pi. Bl. Pby., 'OO-'Ol; S. S. Rockford and Delano Chs., Minneapolis Pby., '02; S. S. Hot Springs, Ouach. Pby., '02-'03 ; P. Hot Springs, '03—. 1111. TROSTLE, John Adams; b. Kearneysville, W. Va., April 10, 1874; stu. Shep. Col., State Xor. Sgh. and H. S. C. ; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., Sept. 8, '99; O. Md. Pby., Sept. 11, '00; asst. at Thomas and Davis, W. Va., summer, '99 ; P. Springfield Ch., Sykesville, Md., '00-'02 ; P. Elk Garden, Gormania, Bayard and Dobbin, Wine. Pby., '02-'04 ; P. Timber Ridge, Va., Lex. Pby., '04 — . 1112. VARXER, John Gkier; b. Rowan Co., X. C, Aug. 21, lgB9 ; Da. C, A. B. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., N. C, Oct. 24, '99; O. Fort Worth Pby., Nov. 1. '00; S. S. Decatur, Chieo, and West Fork, Texas, '00-08; S. S. Mt. Pleasant. Pittsburg and Green Hill, Texas, '03-'06 ; P. Mt. Pleasant and Pittsburg, '06 — . 1113. WATSOX, Lewis Randolph ; b. Charlottesville, Va., Oct. 2, 1871 ; stu. U. Va.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., June 12, '00; O. Lex. Pby., Oct. 3, '00; P. Windy Cove and Millboro, Bath Co., Va., '00-'02 ; P. Arm- strong Mem., Berkley, Va., '02-'05 ; P. Manokin Ch., Prin. Anne, Md., '05 — . 1114. WILSOX, Willis Sherrard ; b. Romney, W. Va., Jan. 29, 1867; farmer and bookkeeper; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 26, '00; O. Cone. Pby., Oct. 28, '00; S. S. Marion, Old Fort, Siloam and Greenlee Chs., June to Sept., '00 ; P. El. Marion, Old Fort and Siloam Chs., '00; P. of this group, '00-'04 ; P. Marion, '04-'05 ; P. Mooresville, N. C, Jan. '06—. 1115. YOUXG, WiLLiAii Caskey; b. Chicago Heights, III., Sept. 13, 1872; stu. Westm. Col., Pa.; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Atl. Pby., June 19, '00; O. Ft. Worth Pby., June 26, '00; S. S. Haskell, Tex., '0a-'04 ; P. Ingleside, Ga., '04-06 ; P. McDowell, Va., "06—. 1898-'99. 1116. BAIRD, Joseph Simon; b. Hempstead Co., Ark., Oct. 22, 1869; A. B., Aus. C. ; teacher; Louisv. Sem. 3.; (1 — ) ; L. Paris Pby., May, '98; O. Paris Pby., May, '99; P. Brockton, Petty, Sylvan and Ambia, Tex., '99-'02; P. Port Arthur '02 -'04; P. Bridgeport, '04-'05 ; P. 3d Ch., Louis- ville, Ky., '06 ; P. Longview, Tex., '07 — . 1117. BARTH, Cakl; b. Atlanta, Ga. ; A. B., Da. C. ; typewriter and clerk; (3. Gr.) ; L. Mont. Pby., April. '01; O. summer ,'02; S. S. New Castle and Craig's Crk., Valley Va., '02-'04 ; Ev. Har. Pby., '04-'05 ; P. Point Pleasant, W. Va., '05 — . .i6o Union Theological Slmixarv. ni8. BELL, Benjamin Charles; b. Hillsboi-o, N. C, April IG, 1870; Hillsboro H. S. ; A. B., Pres. Col of S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. LaFay. Pby., Aug. 29, '01 ; O. Sept. 14, '01 : S. S. Hughesville, Houstonia and Range Line, Mo., to Sept. '01; P. '01-03; P. 1st Ch., St. Charles, Mo., '03-07; P. 1st Ch., Cisco, Tex., '07—. nil). BROWN. Joshua Robert Callaway; b. Lynchburg, Va. ; A. B., H. S. C, and P. G. Johns Ilopk. IT.; teacher; (3 Gr. '98-'99, '04-'06) ; stu. and instr. Johns Hopk. U., '99-01 : Gov'mt teacher in Philippines '01-'03 ; instr. V. P. I., '03-04 ; asst. to pastor 2d Ch., Staunton, '99 ; supplied Glen- ville and Burnsville, W. Va., '05; L. Potosi Pby., April 23, '07; O. July 17. '07 ; S. S. and then P. New Madrid, Mo., '07—. 1120. BROWN, Samuel Wood; b. Drew Co., Ark.. Dec. 5, 1874; A. B.. Ark. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Pi. Bl. Pby., June 10. '01; O. Oct. 2, '01; H. M. Pi. Bl. Pby., '01 ; Ev. '01-02 ; P. Ruston, La., Oct. 1, '02-'06. 1121. BURKHEAD, William DeWitt; b. Anderson Co., S. C, June 16. 1801; stu. U. of Ala.; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. Ala. Pby., May, '01; O. Lex., May, '02 ; P. Mt. Horeb, Va., '01—. 1122. CALIGAN, James Alexander; b. Coffer, N. C, July 26, 1860; teacher; (3.) ; L. Fay. Pby., Oct. 4, '01; O. May 4, '02; S. S. Antioch and Sandy Grove. '01-'02 ; P. Antioch and S. S. Lunaber Bridge, May '02-'00 : res. Spout Springs, N. C, '07 — . 1123. CLARKE, George W. ; (minister of Baptist Ch. ; took short special course.) 1124.* DOUGLASS, Eugene ; b. Roanoke, Va., Nov. 22. 1874 : Gr. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 20. '01 ; O. August, '01; P. Princeton. W. Va., '01. Died .it Princeton, Nov. 10. 1901. 1125. FORSYTH. James Fulton; b. Paris. Mo., Oct. 24, '75; B. L. Westm. Col.. Mo.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Palmyra Pby., June 14, '01; O. LaFay. Pbv., Aug. 31, '01; S. S. Sparta group. Mo.. '01-'03 ; D. M. LaFay. Pby., '0i-'06 ; S. S. DesArc and De Vall's Bluff, Ark., '06—. 1126. GILMOUR, Abram David Pollock; b. Helensburgh. Scotland, Oct. 5, 1870; A. B. and A. M.. H. S. C. ; and P. G. Princ. U. : teacher; (.3. Gr.) ; 1 Princ. Sem., L. E. H. Pby., April '01; O. Cher. Pby.. June. '01; Ev. Cher. Pby., June to Sept.. '01; P. Windsor Ave. Ch.. Bristol. Tenn., '01-05; finan. agt. U. T. Sem., '05-'00 ; Asst. Prof, of Heb. and field sec. U. T. Sem., '06-'08 ; assoc. prof. Heb. and Old Testament, '08—. 1127. GLADNEY, Richard Lamar; b. Arcadia, La., Feb. 9, 1876: stu. U. Va. ; (2.) ; L. Red Riv. Pby., Dec. 11, '00; O. April 5, '01; S. S. Mans- field, Smyrna and Oxford, Miss., 'OO-'Ol ; divested of office by Red Riv. Pby.. at his own request, April 7, 1906. 1128. GREEN. James Ben.jamin : b. Lexington. Ala.. May 10, 1871 : A. B. Peabody Col. and U. of Nash.; teacher; (3.) ; L. Colb. Pby., Oct. '01 : O. May, '02 ; S. S. and P. Frierson :Mem. Ch., Columbia. Tenn., '01-04 : P. Fayetteville, Tenn., '04 — . 1129. HANSEL, Matthew Ernest; b. Crab Bottom, Va.. June 9, 1873; stu. W. L. U. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., April 27. '01; O. Sept. 13. '01; H. M. in Lex. Pby.. as Ev. and S. S. of Alpena and Gladv. W. Va.. '01-'06; H. M. Kanawha Pby., and S. S. Logan-Holden Ch., W. Va.. '06—. 1130. HOLLINGSWORTH. David Wills; b. Atlanta. Ga., May 2. 1874; stu. 3 yrs., S. W. P. U. ; postal service; (3. Gr.) : L. E. Ala. Pby., iVIay 23, '01 ; O. Cher. Pby.. June 11. '01 : Ev. Cher. Pby.. June to Oct.. '01 ; Ev. Ab. Pby. at Stonega. Va., '01-'04 ; P. Hinton. W. Va.. '04 — . REV. PROF. T. H. RICE Union Theological Seminary. i6i llol. JOHNSTON, Thomas Dabney; b. Lexington, N. C, June 5, 1873; A. B., Da. C; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Alb. Pby., May 29, '01; O. Cone. Pby., Sept. 26, '01 ; P. Quaker Meadows and Ev. Burke Co., '01-'03 ; P. Burgaw, Pike, Hopewell, Mt. Williams and S. S. Keith, S. C, '03-06; P. Summer- ville, S. C, '06—. 1132. JONES, Francis Fitzgerald; b. Dinwiddle Co., Va., March 29,. 1875: A. B., H. S. C. ; farmer, teacher and dyer of silk; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby.. May, '01 ; O. Ashev. Pby., Nov. 13, '01 ; Ev. in Clay Co., N. C, '01-'03 ; P. Brunswick group, E. H. Pby., '03 — . 1133. KENNISON, Jacob Summers; b. Academy W. Va., March 19, 1873: stu. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. Tex. Pby., Aug. 22, '01; O. Oct. 8, '01; H. M. in Houston, Trinity and Polk Cos., Tex., '01-'03 ; P. Yoakum, Tex., '03-'06; Aug. to Nov., '06, H. M. in Charleston, W. Va. ; S. S. Rose Hill Ch., Columbus, Ga., '06 — . 1134. KIRKPATRICK, Robert Foster; b. Opelika, Ala., Sept. 8, 1877; A. B., Da. C. ; Princ. Sem. ; (2. Gr.) ; L. Beth. Pby., July 26, '00; O. Sept. 24, '00 ; P. Lebanon, Salem and Union, S. C, '00-'02 ; P. Wapanucka, I. T., '02-'04 ; P. Highland Ch., Austin, Texas, '04—. 1135. DEEPER, James Frank; b. Secessionville, James Island, S. C, Jan. 25, 1876; stu. Ersk. Col.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Charles. Pby., May, '01; O. Lex. Pby., June, '02 ; S. S. Summerton, S. C, May to Oct. '01 ; Ev. Horton, W. Va., '01-'04 ; P. Piedmont, W. Va., '04—. 1136. LINGLE, Thomas Wilson; b. Mill Bridge, N. C, Dec. 11, 1871; Da. C, A. B., and A. M. ; Cornell, Strasburg, Ph. D., Leipsic ; (2.); L. Cone. Pby., June 1, '01 ; prof. Phil, and Hist., Mackenzie Col., S. Paulo,^ Brazil, '01-'04 ; prof. Phil. Blackburn Col., Carlinville, 111., '04 — ; author "Die Bedentung der Entwickelungsgeschichte fiir die Ethik, mitbesonderer Rilcksicht auf Huxley." 1137. MCALLISTER, James Gray; b. Covington, Va., Nov. 27, 1872; A. B., H. S. C. ; ed. Bath News, Warm Springs, Va., '94-'95 ; bus. mgr- "Central Presbyterian," Richmond, Va., '95-'98 ; (3. Gr.) ; Hoge Fellowship, '01-'02; L. Montg. Pby., April 26, '01; O. W. H. Pby., Oct. 18, '03; asst. prof. Hebrew Lan. and Lit., U. T. S., '02-'03 ; P. Farmville, Va., '03-04; adj.-prof. Heb. Lan. and Lit.. '04-05; pres. Hampden-Sidney Col., '05 — . adj.-prof. Heb. Lan. and Lit., U. T. S., '04-'05; pres. Hampden-Sidney Col., '05-'08. D. D., W. and J. C, '05. 1138. McCUTCHEN, Luther Oliver; b. Bishopville, S. C, Feb. 21, 1875; A. B., and A. M., Da. C. ; teacher; (2.) ; 1 Gr. Col. Sem.; L. Har. Pby., spring, '01; O. Bethel, fall, '01; P. Blacksburg, S. C, group, '01-02; Ev. Powers received and exercised in Chunju Station, Korea, '02 — . 1139. McINTURFF, Robert ; b. Erwin, Tenn., Sept. 11, 1875 ; stu. Tusc. Col. and A. B., K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Hoist. Pby., summer, '01; O. Nor. Pby., Nov. 18, '01; P. Belle Haven and S. S. Powellton Ch., Wachapreague, Va., '01-03; P. Grandview and S. S. Venus, Tex., '03-'05 ; P. Anson and S. S. Stamford, Tex., '05 ; P. Gate City, Va., '06—. 1140. McREE, Joseph Richard; b. Soddy, Tenn., Sept. 7, 1872; A. B., K. C. ; teacher; (1.) ; Col. Sem., 2 Gr. ; L. Knox. Pby. June, '00; O. Hoist Pby., May. '02; S. S. Newport, Tenn., "02; P. '03-'04 ; P. Highland Park Ch., Chattanooga, Tenn., '05 — . 1141. MASON, George Frederick; b. New York City, Dec. 7, 1872; stu. Rich. Col.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ouach. Pby., Sept., '01; O. Knoxv. Pby., April', '03; S. S. New Lewisville and Stamps, Ark.; S. S. Athens and Concord, Tenn. i62 Union Theological Seminary. 1142. MEKKELL, Vincext Palen : b. Lynchburg. Va., Oct. 4, 1874 ; stu. H. S. C, and LaFay. C. ; clerk; Prin. Sem. and U., 1; (3. Gr.) ;" L. Chesap. Pby., April 10, '02; O. Pad. Pby., Sept. 18, '03; S. S. Greenwich group. Chesap. Pby., Va., '01-02 ; S. S. Catherine group. Mobile Pby., part of '02 ; P. Princeton group, Ky., '02-'05 ; P. Prattville, Ala., '05 — . 1143. PKATT, Haery Waddell ; b. Lexington, Va., Sept. 7, 1873 ; A. M., W. L. U. ; asst. prof, math., W. L. U. ; (3.) ; L. E. H. Pby., May 20, '01; O. Oct. 15, '01; P. Old St. Ch., Petersburg, Va., '01-'04 ; P. Second Ch., Washington, D. C, '04—. 1144. SAYAU. Michael Yo>ax: b. Urumia, Persia, Aug. 29, 1870; stu. Urumia Col.; book-binder and trader; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., April 12, '01; O. ; travelled in interest of For. Mis. iu South, '01-03; Ev. at Urumia, Persia, '03-'0G ; visiting U. S., '07: returned to Urumia under Pres. Ch., U. S. A., '07. 1145* SCOTT, Joseph Charlton; b. Wisacky, S. C, March 4, 1872; Clin. Col.; Col. Sem. 2; (1. Gr.) ; L. Brown. Pby., '00; P. Bon Air, Va., '99; D. M. to Texas, '99. Died at Wisacky, S. C, April 2G, 1901. 1146. SEARIGHT, Henry Brown; b. Nashville, Tenn., Aug. 27, 1878; A. B., S. W. P. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; 1 Gr. Princ. Sem.; L. Nashv. Pby., Sept., '01; O. Cher. Pbv., Sept. 12, '02; P. Acworth group, Ga., '02-'08 ; P. Washing- ton, N. C, '08—. 1147. SPKINGALL, Herbert Swain ; b. Folkestone. Kent, Eng.. Dec. 3, 1872; A. B., Tex. U. ; clerk; Aust. Theo. Sch., 1; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. Tex. Pby. Aug. 24, '01 ; O. Oct. 8, '01 ; P. Jacksonville and S. S. Rusk, Tex., "Ol-'OS ; P. Ennis, Tex., '05-'06 ; P. Corpus Christi, Tex., '06—. 1148. SQUIRES, William Henry Taitey ; b. Petersburg, Va., April 14, 1S75; H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., June 6, '01; O. Oct. 20, '01; P. Central Ch., Bristol, Va., '01 — . 1149. STUART, C. E. (Baptist minister; took short special course, now P. Venable St. Baptist Ch., Richmond, Va.) 1150. SULLIVAN, John Aaron ; b. Richmond, Va., Aug. 10, 1871 ; A. B., R. C. ; (2.) ; Crozer Sem. 1 Gr. ; licensed and ordained in Baptist Ch. ; P. West Point Bap. Ch., '01—. 115L VAN HOUTEN, Charles Nicholas; b. Nannet, N. Y. ; law Gr. N. Y. City Col.; lawyer; (1 spec.) ; L. Christ. Ref. Classis of Hackensack, April. 1884 ; O. E. H. Pby.. May 23, 1885 ; P. Georgetown. Ky., 1 yr. ; P. Manchester, Va., 11 yrs. ; P. People's Ch., Chick. Pby., '03-05 : rec'd into N. Y. Pby., March 13, '05 ; dismissed to Christ. Ref. Classis of Haekeu.sack, April 6, '06. 1152. WATKINS, Thomas Henry; b. Stovall, N. C. 1875; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Albe. Pby., '01; O. Lafay. Pby., '01; P. Tuscumbia, Mo., '01-05 ; P. Calhoun and Longwood, Mo., '05 — . 1153. WOODS, Thomas Edward Peck ; b. Belfast, Marshall Co., Tenn., June 2, 1875; A. M., S. W. P. U. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. Ala. Pby., May, '01; O. Dal. Pby., Sept., '01; P. Van Alstyne, Tex., '01— (teacher in public school) — '02; P. West Nashville Ch., and assist. P. First Ch '02-03; in charge of the Y. P. S. Dop't Christian Oh-serrcr summer of '03 P. Bolivar, Tenn., '03-'07 ; prof, science and math., Lees-McRae Inst., Plum tree, N. C, '07 — ; author "The Biblical Warrant for the Sabbath School.' 1154. WOOLEY, W. H. ; stu. Emory Col. ; Episcopal clergyman ; re- mained but a few weeks. Union Theological Seminary. 163 1155 YOHANNON, Isaac Esho; b. Urumia, Per., in July, 1864; stu. Iji-umia Mission Col. ; in mission yiiblisliing liouse 19 yrs. and did ev. woi-k ; (3 Gr ) ; L. Urumia I'by. as Ev. in '8S ; O. E. H. Pby.. April 24, '01; Ev. work in interest of For. Miss., in Va., '01-'03 ; F. M. Ev. at Urumia, Per., ■ 03— ; author "A Short Sketch of My Life." lS9U-'00. '03— (S. S. Maysville and New Store '03-'04 ; P. '0-4— )— '05; P. this group, '05 — . 1157. BP]LL, George Fisher; b. Shelbyville, Ky., July 21, 1877; A. B., C C. K. ; teacher; (1.); Louisv. Sem. 2.; L. Trans. Pby., Oct. '02; O. Muhlenburg, Jan. '03; S. S. Salvisa, March to Sept., '02; P. Greenville and €entral City, '02-'05 ; P. Anchorage, Ky., '05 — . 1158. CARMACK, Samuel Vandellen ; b. Sullivan Co., Tenn., Jan. 2, 1873; A. M., K. C. ; ( — 1) ; (abandoned studies during first yr. in Sem., on account of weak eyes; teaching school in Texas.) 1159. EARLE, Alexander Miller; b. Milldale, Va., Aug. 20, 1873; stu. W. L. U.; teacher; (3+. Gr.) ; L. Wine. Pby., June 3, '03; O. Ab. Pby.. April 20, '04 ; S. S. Gate City, Va., '03-'04 ; F. M. at Kunsan, Korea, '04—. IIGO. GALBRAITH, William Frederick; b. Camilla, Ont., Can.. July 20, 1874; A. B. and A. M., Aust. Col.; teacher; (3.4- Gr.) ; Princ. Sem., 1 Gr. ; L. Dal. Pby., June 8, '03 ; O. Sept. 27, '03 ; Ev. for Ellis Co., Tex., June to Sept., '03; P. 1st Ch., Ennis, Tex., '03-'04 ; Ev. for Okla. in Gen. Assem. H. M. work '05-'07 ; field sec'y, Austin Col., '07 ; P. Oak Cliff €h., Dallas, Tex., '08—. 1161. GARRISON, Walter Jackson ; b. York Co., S. C, May 17, 1873 ; stu. Da. C. ; farmer and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meek. Pby., May 19, '02; O. Ft. Worth Pby., June 5, '02; S. S. Bridgeport and Saginaw, Tex., '02; P. Sinks Grove. W. Va., '02—. 1162. GILMER, John Adams ; b. Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 4, 1857 ; A. B. and A. M., Da. C. ; teacher; stu. in private; (1.) ; L. Albm. Pby.. April 12, '00 ; O. Cone. Pby., Aug. '00 ; S. S. Nutbush and Louisburg, N. C, '98-'99 ; P. Thyatira and Back Creek, N. C, '00-04 ; P. Newton, N. C, '04—. 1163. KINNAIRD, Robert Leslie ; b. Midway, Woodford Co., Ky., Sept. 1, 1876 ; A. B., C. C. K. ; clerk and volunteer to army ; Louisv. Sem., 1 ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Up. Mo. Pby., May 30, '02; O. Nov. 30, '02; S. S. Bethel Ch., ■02-'03; S. S. Barbee Mem. Ch., '02; P. Barbee Mem. '02— (S. S. Bethel till '03)— '05; My. P. 1st Ch., Joplin, Mo., '05-06; P. Bethany Ch., Joplin, Mo., '06-'07 ; asst. P. Versailles, Ky., '07—. 1164. LACY, Clarence Read ; b. Lewisburg, W. Va., Sept.' 4, 1875 ; stu. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., Oct. 1, '03; O. Nov. 8, '03; P. Centreville Ch., Greenb. Pby.. '03 — . 1165. MacLAUCHLIN, Andrew Muldrow ; b. Antioch, N. C, March 22, 1871: A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., June 3. '02: 6. Dal. Pby.. Oct. 4, '02; S. S. Childrebs and Quanah, Tex., '02-'04 ; P. Fort Worth, Tex., '04-'05 ; P. Hillsboro, Tex., '05—. 1166. McCLURE, James Alexander; b. Spottswood, Va., Dec. 12, 1872; A. B., W. L. U.; (3. Gr.) ; Princ. Sem., Gr. ; L. Lex. Pby., May 10, '02; O. Wine. Pby., June 3, '03 ; P. Front Royal and Nineveh Chs., Wine. Pby., '03-06 ; P. Buena Vista, Va , '06—. 164 Union Theological Seminary. 11H7. MATTHIS, George JIclNTOsn ; b. Clinton. N. C. ; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Chesap. Pby., April 10, •02; O. Sept. 19, '02; P. Cul- peper and Mitchell's Chs., '02-06 ; P. 1st Cb., Texarkana, Tex., '06—. 1168. jNIAXEY, R. S. ; (Meth. minister; took short special course.) 1169. MYERS, Charles Franklin ; b. Lexington, Va., Jan. 11, 1875 ; stu. W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; Princ. Sem. 1; L. Lex. Pby., May 9, '02; O. Ka- nawha Pl)y., Nov. 13, '03; Ev. Williamson, W. Ya., '03—. 1170.* NEEL, Ross; b. Pendleton, S. C, July 31, 1874; A. B., Westm. Col.; clerk: Lonisv. Sem. — 1; (2); not licensed; in charge of work at Excelsior Springs. Up. ^Nlo. Pby., '01. Died in Kansas City, Mo., March 31, 1902. 1171. OSB()RX. Fk.\nk Wootton ; b. Lawrenccville, A"a. ; merchant ; stu. R. C. and W. and M. C. ; (3.) ; L. and O. E. H. Pby., '02; P. Samuel Davies Ch., E. H. Pby., '02—. 1172. PAXTON, JoHX Wardlaw : b. Dan vi lie, Ya., Dec. 10. 1866; lay missionary in China; (1.) ; L. Roan. Pby., June 14, '99; O. June 14, '99 ; S. S. 1st Ch., Wilmington, N. C, 'OO-'Ol ; S. S. 1st Ch., Selma, Ala., March to June, '01 ; F. M. Chinkiang, China, '01 — . 1173. PAYNE, Joseph Albert; b. Yancey's Mills, Ya., Aug. 27, 1865; stu. H. S. C. ; (1.) ; retired to secular pursuits after first yr. in Sem. 1174. PHILLIPS, Marcus Leroy ; b. Ora'ood, Miss.. Feb. 23. 1876; planter; stu. S. W. P. U. and Princ. U. ; (3.) : L Chick. Pby., May 23. '03; 0. May 25, '03 ; S. S. New Hope Ch., Corinth, Miss., '03-05 ; P. East Lake Ch., Birmingham, Ala., '05-'06 ; P. Lacy's Springs, Ala., '06 — . 1175. ROGERS, Clem Lipscomb; b. in North Carolina; stu. Da. C. ; farmer; (3.) ; Louisv. 1. Gr. ; L. Louisv. Pby. (U. S. A.) ; O. Platte Pby.; P. three country chs. in Platte Pby. ; now S. S. Osmond. Neb. 1176. ROSEBRO, John Riddle ; b. Hampden-Sidney, Ya., April 29, 1874 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher and prof. Eng. at Aust. Col.; (2.+ ) ; L. E. H. Pby.,. April, '02; O. Bait. Pby., June 20, '02; P. Waverly Ch., Baltimore, Md., '02-'05 ; asst. to pres. of Fredericksburg Col., and instr. in Eng., '05 — . 1177. SEDGWICK, James Mason; b. Houston, Tex., July 26, 1876; A. B. Aust Col.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ft. Worth Pby., June 5, '02; O. same date; S. S. Toyah and Yan Horn, Tex., '02-'03 ; P. Wortham, and S. S. Frost and Pnrden, Tex., '0.3-'05 : P. Brandon and Forest. Miss., '05-'06 ; P. Forest and S. S. Pelahatohie, Miss., '06-"()7 ; P. S. Franklin St. Ch., Mobile Ala., Nov, 1, '07—. 1178.* SMITH, Samuel Calvin ; b. Pleasant Grove, Alamance Co., N. C, March 29, 1870; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., Sept. 25, '02 ; O. Sept. 25, '02 ; Ev. Ashe Co., '02-'05 ; S. S. Yanceyville,, N. C, '06 ; P. Pine St. Ch., San Antonio, Tex., '07-'08. Died there Jan. 29, 1908. 1179. STARBUCK, YiRGiL Hadley ; b. Hyattville, Kansas, May 31, 1871; A. B., and B. L., H. S. C. : agriculture and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. St. Johns Pby., July 31, '01; O. AYilm. Pby., June 3, '02; P. Caswell Ch., Wilm. Pby., '02-04; also P. Black River. South River, and Harmony Chs., '02-04; Ev. in Ashev. Pby., as city My. to Asheville, N. C, '04-'05 ; S. S. Franklin, Morrison and Center Chs., Ashev. Pby., '05-'06 ; Ev. Morgan Co., Ky., and prin. Matt. Scott Inst., W. Liberty, Ky., '06 — . 1180. STORY, James Cameron; b. Guilford Co., N. C, Sept. 17, 18'08; A. B.. Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wilm. Pby., June 4, '02; O. Oct. 10, '02; Ev. Brunswick Co.. N. C. '02-03, at Southport, New Hope. Sweet House and Bethbirei ; Ev. Allegliany Co., N. C, '03-'06 ; P. 1st Ch., Walter, Okla., '06—. Union Theological Seminary. 165 llSl. STUART, John Leighton ; b. Hangchow, China, June 24. 1876; A. B., H. S. C. ; teaching at Pantops Ac; (3. Gr.) ; L. and O. E. H. Fby., Ma.v, '02; special representative of the "Forward Movement," Ex. Com. of For. Miss., '02-'04 ; F. M. in Mid-China Mission, in Hangchow, China, '05 — . 1182 WILLIAMS, John Augustus ; b. Limestone Co., Texas, Aug. 11, 1871: A. B., Aus. CoL ; sec'.v Y. M. C. A.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Dal. Pby., May 28, '02 ; O. Dur. Pby., Aug., '02 ; P. Madill and Ada, I. T., '02-'04 ; P. Ada, '04— (S. S. Star Grove and Stonewall Chs., '04)— 'OG; P. Durant, Okla., '06—. 1183.* WOLL, John J. ; b. Tracy City, Tenn. Dec. 14. 1864 ; A. M., S. W. P. U. ; B. D., S. W. P. U. Sem. ; L. Nashv. Pby., '92 ; O. Louisv. Pby., '92 ; P. Hawesville, Morrison and Lewisport, '92-96; P. Opelika and Auburn Chs., Ala., '96-99 ; P. G. U. T. S., '99-'00 ; Ev. Syn. of Va., at Williamson, W. Va., in '00. Killed on Dec. 5, 1900, by a lawyer who had taken offence at his preaching. 1184.* YOUNG, James Augustus; b. Eatonton, Ga., Feb. 22, 1860; S. W. P. U. : (1 spec.) : L. Atl. Pby., '93; O. Ath. Pby., spring, '95; S. S. Euharlee and Adairsville, Ga.. ■93-94; P. Gainesville, Ga., '95-99; special <•our.se in U. T. Sem. '99. Died there Feb. 15, 1900. 1900-'01. 1185. BARNES, Fkank Aethuk ; b. Mooresville, N. C, Jan.J.8, 1877; A. B. and A. M., Da. C. ; teacher; (1) ; short course at Col. Sem. and one and one-half yrs. at Aust. Sem. ; L. W. Tex. Pby., April 18, '02 ; O. Dec. 14, '02 ; S. S. Cotulla, Tex., April to December, '02 ; P. Cotulla, Tex., '02-07 ; H. M. Brown. Pby., '07—. 1186. CASSADY, Henry Harrison; b. Randolph Co., N. C, Jan. 31, 1870; stu. Da. C. ; farmer; (3.) ; L. Cone. Pby.. April, '04; Ev. Roan. Pby., Sept. 12, '06; S. S. Morganton, N. C, '04r-'05 ; Ev. in Patrick Co., Va., '06-'08. 1187. CLEGG, Isaac Newton; b. Pittsboro, N. C, April 1, 1868; stu. Da. C. ; farmer; (2.-f) ; L. Fay. Pby., Oct.. '03; O. Or. Pby., Dec. 1, '03; S. S. High Point and Thomasville, N. C, '03-'04 ; S. S. Mt. Olive, Memorial and Nelson, Mo., '04-'05 ; S. S. Saltillo, Unity and Mound Springs, Miss., '05— (S. S. Guntown '06)— '06; P. Macon and S. S. Shuqualak, Miss., '07; S. S. Duncan, Okla., Nov. 4, '07—. 1188. CURRIE, William Pinkney Martin ; b. West End, N. C, March 15, 1863; A. B., U. N. C. ; teacher; (3.+ Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., June 6, '04; O. Wilm. Pby., Oct. 20, '04 ; P. Duplin Roads, Rockfish and Mt. Zion, and S. S. Teachys, N. C, '04—. 1189. FLOW, John Eldred ; b. Mecklenburg Co., N. C, Nov. 14, 1874; A. B., Da. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meek. Pby., May 21, '03; O. U. Mo. Pby., Oct. 15, '03 ; S. S. Bethel Ch., Kearney, Mo., July to Oct., '03 ; P. '03—. 1190. MARTIN, Mott'e; b. Marlin, Texas, Jan. 1, 1879 ; A. B., Aus. Col.; (3. Gr.) ; L. and O. Dal. Pby., June 8, '03; F. My. to Africa at Luebo, Southern Ch., '03 — ; on furlough, '08. 1191. MASSEY. .James Buckner; b. Craigsville, N. C. ; A. B., U. N. C, <3. Gr. and Hoge Fellowship) ; L. Or. Pby., May 24. '04; O. Greenb. Pby., March 22, '05; S. S. Lawson, Mo., '04-'05 ; P. Richlands and Clifton Chs., W. Va., '0.5-'07; P. Mossy Creek Ch., Va., '07—. 1192. MOFFETT, Lacy Irvine; b. Churchville, Va., Feb. 10, 1878; A. B.. C. U. Ky. ; Loui-sv. Sem. 2.: (2. Gr.) ; L. and O. Transyl. Pby., '02; special representative "Forward Movement," '02-'04 ; Mv. Ev. Soochow, China, '0.5—. i66 Uxiox Theological Seminary. 1193. PHIFER, WiLLiAAi EvERETTE ; b. Statesville, N. C, Dec. 14. 1874 : Da. C; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Couc. Pby., May 28, '03; O. Mac. Pby., Oct. 14, '03; P. Rose Hill Ch., Columbus, Ga., '03-05; P. Brookhaven, Miss., '05 — . 1194. RAINE, MiCHEAUx; b. Danville, Va., April 17, 1880; A. B.. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., June 1, '03; O. Oct. 13, '03; P. Namozin.- Ch., Amelia Co., Va., and Hebron Ch., Dinwiddie Co.. '03-05; P. Rustburg^ (Campbell C. H.), Diamond Hill, New Concord, Old Concord, Roan. Pby., '05-07; P. Norton, Va., '07—. 1195. ROSS, Ly.\n Francisco; b. Pilot Grove, Mo., Sept. 18, 1870; A. B., Westm. Col.; (3. Gr.) ; L. LaFay. Pby.. May 27, '02; O. June 2, '03 ; S. S. Edwards and Calvary '03-'04 ; S. S. Warsaw, Calvary, Sunnyside, '04-'05 ; P. Lamar, Mo., '06—. 3196. ROSS, William Alfred; b. Greeneville, Tenn., July 19, 1873; A. B., U. Ala.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Washb. Pby.. Oct. 2. '03; O. April 13, "04 ; S. S. Alma and Charleston Chs., and City Mission work in Fort Smith, Ark., '03-'06 ; F. M. at Linares, Mexico, '07 — . 1197. SEE, Robert Gamble ; b. Fort Defiance. Va., Aug. 15, 1878 : A. B.. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; O. Lex. Pby., as F. Ev., June 7, '03; F. M.»' Southern Brazil, '03-'07 ; P. Marshall group, Chesap. Pby., '08 — . 1198. SEVIER. Joseph Ramsey; b. Greeneville, Tenn., Dec. 18, 1877; A. B., K. C. ; teacher; (3.) : L. Montg. Pby., Sept. 4, '03; O. Oct. 13, '03; P, 3rd Ch., Lynchburg, Va., '03-'06 ; P. 2d Ch., Alexandria, Va., '07—. 1199. SIMPSON, Edwin Wilcox; b. Newcastle, Pa., Oct. 28, 1870; A. B., H. S. C, and A. M., Princ. U. ; civil engineer and teacher ; McCoi*. Sem. 1.; Princ. Sem. 1; (1. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., '01; O. N. Miss.. '02; under H. M. Com., Montg. Pby., '01 ; Ev. N. Miss. Pby., '02 ; My. to India Pres. Ch., U. S. A. ; Kolhapun, '02-"05 ; Sangli, as acting principal of Boys' Boarding Sch., '05-'0G ; Kolhapun, Bombay, '07- — . 120(J. WALTON. Richard Lee ; b. Cumberland Co., Va.. Feb. 28, 1861; stu. Nor. Dept. Nash. IT.; pharmacist; (2.) ; L. Chesap. Pby., May, '02; O. Balto. Pby., April 29, '04; supplied 1st Ch.. Richmond, May to Oct., '02; asst. P. 1st Cii., Balto.. Md.. '02-()3 ; S. S. and then P. Ashland, Md., '03-00; Ev. in Syn. Va., '07 ; P. Suffolk, Va., '08—. 1201. WATKINS, Asa Dupuy ; b. Prince Edward Co., Va.. March 14, 1873; A. B., H. S. C. and Harvard U. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby., Sept., '03; O. April, '04; Ev. Cass., W. Va., Greenb. Pby., '03-05; P. Windsor Ave. Ch., Bristol, Tenn., '05—. 1901-'02. 1202. ARMSTRONG, John Irvine ; b. Salem, Va., July 10, 1872 ; A. B. and A. M., H. S. C. ; teacher 6 yrs. in Univ. Sch., Nashville, Tenn., and sec. to pres. Ward Sem., 3 yrs.; (3. Gr.) : L. W. H. Pby., Oct. 28, '05; O. Atl. Pby.. Oct. 28. '06; prof. mor. pliil. and Bible in H. S. C, '04-06; prof. phil. and Bible in .\gnes Scott Col., and I'. Kirkwood, Ga., '06 — . 1203. BARBER. William Lee ; b. Athens. Ga., March 4, 1805; farmer; Col. Sem.; (1.) ; L. Ath. Pby., Aug., '95; O. '96; S. S. Homer and Hebron Chs.. Ga., '96-'97; S. S. in Madison Co.. Ga., '97-01: S. S. Saline. Mo., '02-'(t3; P. Saline '03— (P. Waverly '03— )— '06: P. Homer and Hebron, Ga., '06—. Union Theological Seminary. 167 1*^04 BIRD A^'DKEW Reid : b. Baltimore. Md., March 5, 1880 ; A. B., Johns Hopk. u". { (S. Gr.) ; (yr. bet. Jun. and Mid., spent in travel) ; L. Md. Pby., June 12, '05; O. Oct. 31, '05; P. Laurel, Md., 'Oo— . 1205. BLANKENSHIP, Charles E. ; (Methodist minister; took short special course). 1206. CALDWELL. Eugene Craighead; b. Rock Hill, S. C, Aug. 17, 1876- A B. and A. M., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr. and Moses D. Hoge Fellow '04-'05) ; L. Or. Pby., May 30, '05; O. .July 10, '05; P. Leaksville and VVentworth Chs., Or. Pby., '05-'06 ; Ball Prof. O. T.. Lang., and Exeg., Aust. Theo. Sem., Oct., '06 — . 1''07 DOAK, Alexander Hunt; b. Russellville, Tenn., Nov. 13, 1879; A. B., k. C; (—1.) ; 3 Col. Sem.; L. Hoist. Pby., '04; O. '04; P. 1st Ch., Jonesboro, S. S. Leesburg and Providence Chs., Tenn., '04-'06 ; P. Shelbyvllle, Ky., '06—. 1208. DUFF, Guy B. ; b. Stickleyville, Va., Nov. 6, 1880; A. B., K. C. ; (2.) ; 1 Gr. Louisv. Sem.; L. Up. Mo. Pby., July 6, '04; O. Sept. 14, '04; Ev. I"p. Mo. Pby., '04-'05 ; P. Morton-Hardin Ch., '05 — . 1209. DUNGLINSON, Joseph; b. Cockermouth. Eng., May 2, 1880; A. B., S. W. p. U. ; (3.) : L. N. Ala. Pby.. July 27, '04; O, Oct. 21, '04; S. S. and then P. Montevallo, Columbiana and Calera, Ala., '04 — . 1210. PTTLTZ, Robert Emerson; b. Sangerville, Va., April 20, 1872; A. B., H. S. C. : teacher; (3. Gr.) : L. Lex. Pby., May 25, '04; O. Greenb. Pby., April 21, '05; supplied Lost City, Rio and Capon, summers, '02-03; S. "s. Liberty. Baxter and Kerr Mem. Chs., '04-'05 ; P. same '05-'06 ; S. S. Granville and New Berne, Albm. Pby., '07 ; prin. Estill Col. Inst., Irvine, Ky., '07-08; P. El. Rocky Spring and Williamsville Chs., Lex. Pby., '08—. 1211. HAWLEY, Frank Morton; b. Polkton, N. C, Aug. 21, 1876; stu. Ua. C. ; teacher; (2.) ; 1 Gr. Louisv. Sem.; L. N. Ala. Pby., June 9, '04 ; O. Aug. 21, '04; S. S. and then P. El. Florence; S. S. Sheffield, and Ev. at Lexington, Ala., '04-'05 ; S. S. Clinton and Columbus, Ky., and Ev. at Pierce, Tenn., '05 ; P. I'ulton, Ky., '05-'07 ; res. Charlotte, N. C, '08. 1212. IRWIN, Percy Crawford ; b. Oakland, Tenn., A. B., S. W. P. U. ; farmer; S. W. P. U. ; (2.) ; L. Memp. Pby., '01; O. Durant Pby., '04; H. M. Syn. N. C. in Yadkin Val., June to Dec, '03 ; H. M. for Gen. Assem. at Poteau group, I. T., '04 — 1213. JONES. Plummer F. ; b. New Store, Va., Aug. 29, 1875; A. B., W. and M. C. ; journalist; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., Aug. 25, '04; O. May 21, '05; S. S. and then P. Arvou and Trinity, '04 — (Howardsville and Scotts- ville '04-06)—. 1214. LINEW*EAVER, Jesse Luther; b. Harrisonburg, Va., Feb. 15, 1872; H. S. C. ; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., June 3, '04; O. Ev., .June 12, '04; P. Pickens, W. Va., '04—. 1215. LOWE, W. E. ; (Baptist minister; took short special course). 1216. LYNCH, Ernest Carlyle; b. Evening Shade, Ark., June 29, 1878, A. B., Ark. Col.: (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., Dec. 14, '04; O. May 21, '05; S. S. and P. Buchanan, High Bridge and Carmel, '04-'08 ; P. El. Covington Va., '08—. 1217.* MOSELEY, Thomas Lowe ; b. Mexia. Tex., Sept. 25, 1875 ; A. B., C. U. Ky. : stenographer; (3. Gr.) ; L. W. Lex. Pby.. Sept. 22, '04; o! April 20, '05 ; Ev. in Letcher Co., Ky., July 15, "04-'06. Died at Whitesburg Ky., March 7, 1906. i68 Union Theological Seminary, I'JIS. MUNROE. IlAKRY Have.xeu: !>. Baltimore. Md., Nov. 20. 1877; A. B., H. S. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Md. Pby., June 14, '04; U. Sept. L'l, '04; S. S. Ashland. Va., May to Oct., '04; S. S. Hot Springs, Va., '04-05; F. M. to Jai)an, '06 — . 1219. ORR. Robert Huie ; b. Acworth, Ga., July 28, 1871; farmer; A. B., S. W. P. U.; clerk; (3. Gr.) ; L. Albm. Pby., Sept. 22, '04; O. April 20, '05 ; S. S. group of chs. at Weldon, Scotland Neck and Manson, N. C, '04-'06; S. S. Canton. Hickory Flat and Toonigh, Ga., '06-07; P. El. Buford and Norcross, Ga., '07 — . 1220. PATRICK, Holly Hunter; b. near Russellville, Ark.. Sept. 12, 1872: A. B., Ark. C. ; photographer; (3. Gr.) : L. Ark. Pby., Feb. 24, '05; O. April 20, '05; S. S. Des Arc and DeVall's Bluff Chs., '04-05; P. Des Arc, Ark. Pby., '05-'06 ; P. Florida, New Hope and Stoutsville Chs., Palmyra Pby.. Mo., Oct. '06—. 1221.* PILSON, Matthew Finley; b. Staunton, Va., June 29, 1877; A. B.. H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May 25, '04; O. June 19, '04; S. S. Coalton, W. Va., '04-'05. Died at Elkins, W. Va., April 3, 1005. 1222.* RAMSAY, William Arthur ; b. Sumter Co., Ala., near Sumter- ville, Dec. 7, 1873; stu. S. W. P. U. ; S. W. P. U. Sem. 1; (—1). Died in Sumter Co., Ala., Dec. 19, 1902 1223. RHODES. Paitl Simp.son ; b. Siloam. Ga., Dec. 10, 1876; B. S. Ga. Mil. Col.: teacher: (1 Mid.) ; Col. Sem. 2.: L. Augusta Pby.. April, '03; O. Oct., '03: S. S. Hartwell, (ia., group. May to July, '03: P. Sibley Ch., Augusta, Ga., '03-04 : S. S. Alexander City, Ala., group, '04-'05 ; P. Provi- dence, Beards and Bethesda, Ky., '05-06 ; P. Washington, Ky., '06 — . 1224. ROBINSON, Edward Bryce ; b. Charlotte, N. C. ; Da. C. ; (2.); Louisv. Sem. 1 Gr. ; L. Meckl. Pby., May 31, '04; O. Oct. 30, '04; P. Marshville, N. C, '04r-'06 ; P. Ala. St. Ch., Selma, Ala., '06—. 3225. SIEG, James McClung; b. Monterey, Va., July IS, 1873; stu. W. L. U. : farmer;, (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May, '04; O. Oct. 8, '04: F. M. Ibanj. Africa, '05 — . 1226. SIKES, William Marion ; b. Greensboro, N. C, Jan. 20, 1875 ; Da. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Or. Pby., May 24, '04 ; O. Cone. Pby.. Oct. 30, '04; P. Old Fort and Siloam Chs.. Cone. Pby.. '04-'05 ; P. Madison and S. S. Pine Hall. Stoneville and Weutworth, '05-08; P. El. Burgaw, Pike, Mt. Williams and Keith Chs., N. C, '08—. 1227. SIMPSON, John Alexander; b. Toccoa, Ga., June 19, 1878: A. B., Clin. Col.; machinist': Col. Sem.; (2. Gr.) ; L. Transyl. Pby., Sept. 30, '03; O. Nov. 11, '03 ; S. S. and then P. Corbin and Moore Mem. Ch.. Pineville, Kv., '03-'07; P. McDonough, and S. S. Timber Ridge and Kelley's Chs.. '07—. 1228. SMITH, James Power, Jr.; b. Fredericksburg, Va., June 7, 1878; stu. U. Va. : teacher; (3. Gr.) : L. E. II. Pby., Oct. 6. '04; O. Lex. Pby.. Nov. ]]. '04; P. Oxford Ch., Rockbridge Co., Va., '04-'08 ; P. Aldie and Floris Chs. Cliesap. Pby., '08—. 1229. WALSH, Walter Miller: b. Charlotte, N. C, Aug. 14. 1879; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; and mission work: (3. Gr.) ; L. Meckl. Pby., May 21, '03; O. June 5, '04; appointed My. to Cuba, but prevented from going by ill health: S. S. Stanley. Machpelah, Castanea and Unity, '05-'06 ; P. Thyatira and Back Crk.. N. C, '06—. 1230. WOOD, Sam. Cleaves ; b. Wytheville. Va., Aug. 23, 1879; A. B., K. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., June 29, '04; O. Mo. Pby.. May 20, '06; S. S. Nine Mile Prairie and Augusta Chs.. Mo. Pby.. '05-06: S. S. Auxvasse (vitv and Westminster Chs., Jan. to Mav, '06: P. Auxvasse City, '0(}— . Union Theological Seminary. 169 1002-'03. 1231. ASKEW, Jacob B. ; (Melh. minister; took short special course.) 1232. BROWN, Fkancis Augustus ; b. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 4, 1876 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; (2.+) ; College Sec. Y. M. C. A., of A^a., '04-'06 ; special represen- tative of "Forward Movement," '06 — . 1233. CLARKE, Arthur Harris ; b. Danville, Va., Jan. 26, 1883 ; A. B., H. S. C. and stu. Johns Hopk. U. ; (3.+ Gr.) ; L. Roan. Pby., Aug. 1. '06; O. Ev. Montg. Pby., Oct. 16, '06; asst. P. 1st Ch., Lynchburg, Va., '06 — . 1234. HENSLEY, Leighton Beaumont; b. Texarkana, Tex., June 9, 1879; stu. S. W. P. U. ; (2.+ ). 1235. HiLLj Pierre Bernard ; b. Richmond, iVaj, March 4, 1876 : telephone inspector; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby.. May 29, '05; O. Kuoxv. Pby., July 30, '05; P. St. Elmo and Lookout Mt., Tenn., '05-07; P. Rivermont Ave., Ch., Lynchburg, Va., '07 — . 1236. HILL, William Edwin; b. Wilmington, N. C, June 20, 1880; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wilm. Pby., Oct. 12, '05; O. Jan. 25, '06; S. S. and then P. Hot Springs, Va., '05-'08; P. Gadsden, Ala., '08—. 1237. JOHNSON, Clyde; b. Senatobia, Miss., Dec. 2, 1879; A. B., U. Miss.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. N. Miss. Pby., June 27, '05; O. Fla. Pby., April 4, '06 ; P. Marianna and Chipley, Fla., '05 — . 1238. McCONNELL, Thomas Jasper; b. near Abingdon, Va., July 10, 1865; A. B.. K. C. ; teacher; merchant; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., July '05; O. Greenb., fall, '05 ; P. Spring Crk. and Anthony's Crk. Chs., Greenb. Pby., '05-'07 ; Ev. in Carroll and Grayson Cos., Va., '07 — . 1239. MATTHEWS, Carl Stanley ; b. Winnsboro, S. C, Sept. 18, 1873 ; A. M., Da. C. ; teacher; Princ. Sem. 1; (2. Gr.) ; L. W. H. Pby., Aug. 25, '04: O. April 14, '05; S. S. Waddell (Rapidan), Orange and Madison, '04; P. Waddell and Orange, '05— (S. S. Madison '05)— '08; P. Pulaski, Va., '08—. 1240. MATTHEWS, Orlandoe Howard; b. Athens, Ga., Dec. 7, 1879; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Cone. Pby., Nov. 20, '05; O. July 1, '06; S. S. and then P. Gilwood and Bethpage Chs., '05-'07 ; P. Bethpage, N. C, '07-'08; P. Geneva group, Ala., '08—. 1241. MOFFETT, Harry McClellan ; b. Churchville, W. Va., Nov. 30, 1879; A. B., C. U. Ky. ; travelling salesman; (3 Gr.) ; L. Trausvl. Pby.. July 12, '05; O. Lex. Pby., Sept. 10, '05; Ev. Lex. Pby., Sept. to Nov. '05; P. Westminster Ch., Horton, W. Va., and P. Harman, W. Va., '0.5-06; Ev. Transyl. Pby., '06-07; P, Glenville and Coal Valley Chs., W. Va., '07—. 1242. MOORE, Lloyd Carlton; (Methodist minister; took short special course.) 1243. PRATT, Charles Henry; b. Saltville, Va., Jan. 20, 1881; A. B., K. C. ; M. A., Princ. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ab. Pby., July, '05; O. E. H. Pby., Sept. '05 : P. Hoge Mem. Ch., Richmond, Va., '05-'06 ; P. G. course Princ. U. '06-'07 ; special representative of "Forward Movement," May, '07 ; El. "Laymen's Miss. Movement," Athens, Ga. 1244. RHEA, Alfred Long; b. Somerville, Tenn.. Dec. 5, 1879; A. M, 5. W. P. U. ; (3. Gr., '02-'04 ; '05-'06) ; L. Memp. Pby., July 18, '06: O. N.' Miss. Pby., April 23, '07; P. Tunica, and S. S. Ciark.sdale and Dublin, Miss., '06-'08 ; P. El. Orwood, Miss., group, '08—. 1245. ROSS, Hervey Leondias ; b. near Greeneville, Tenn., Feb. 3, 1879; A. B. U., Ark.; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Washb. Pby., Sept., '05: O. Dec. 5, '05 ; H. M. Washb. Pby., June to Dec, '05 : F. M. Mexico, '05—. I/O Union Theological Seminary. 124G. STUART, ^YARREX Hokton ; b. Ningpo, China. Dec. S. 1S79; A. B. and A. M., U. Va. ; teacher: (3. Gr. and Moses D. Hoge Fellow., '05-"00) ; L. E. H. Pby., May 29, Do; O. For. Ev. Nov. 5, '05; F. M. Hangehow, China, '06—. 1247. VIEHE, Fredekick Da^- a ; . b. April 29, 1878 ; stu. Lehigh U. ; city reporter and analytic chemist; (3. Gr.) ; L. Albm. Pby.. Oct. 24. '05; O.'Nov. 16, '05; P. El. Greeneville and LaGrange, and S. S. Falkland, '05-06 ; P. Elizabeth City, N. C, '06-08 ; author "Proof Texts to Dabney's Theology." 1248. WILHELM. AY alter Scott; b. Davie Co., N. C, Feb. 23, 1878; A. B.. Da. C. ; (3. Gr,) ; L. Cone. Pby., Sept. 8, '05; O. June 10, '06; sup- plied Shearer's Ch.. Davidson. N. C. June to Sept., '05; S. S. Bethesda, Troutman and Fifth Crk. Chs.. '05-06: P. Fifth Crk and Bethesda. and S. S. Troutman and Barium Springs Chs., '06 — (S. S. Elmwood. '07—) — '07 ; P. Cleveland, N. C, '07—. 1249. WRIGHT, Samuel Otto; b. Canton, Pa.; A. B., R. M. C. : Yan- derbilt U. : 2 Gr. : (—1 spec.) ; O. deacon Ya. Conf. M. E. Ch., S., Nov., '03; O. Elder, Nov.. '05 ; P. Powhatan Mission. 'OO-'Ol ; P. Blandford Ch., Peters- burg, Ya., '02-'04; P. East Halifax. June to Nov., '05; P. Sledd Mem., Danville, Ya., '05-'06 ; P. Wachapreague, Va., '06—. 1903-'04. 1250. AKERS, Simon Cas.^.biaxca ; b. Campbell Co., Va., Oct. 12, 1869 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; (2.) ; abandoned studies at end of Mid yr. on account of ill health ; Ry. business. Concord, Va. 1251. BEATY. Henry Frank; b. Iredell, N. C. Jan. 13, 1879; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Concord Pby., June 5, '06; O. Sept. 26, '06; S. S. Marion, N. C, July to Sept., '06 ; Ev. at Hazelwood, Waynesville, N. C, Oct. to Dec, '06 ; teacher and Ev. at Plum Tree, N. C, Jan. to Nov., '07 ; F. M. at Placetas, Cuba, Dec. 1, '07 — . 1252. BLACKBURN, Frederick Willl\m : b. Grottoes, Va., June 7, 1880; clerk; stu. U. Va., '04-'06; (2; '02-'03 ; '06-'07) ; teaching '07—. 1253. CHEDESTER, William Pearce ; b. Asheville, N. C, Sept. 28, 1879; A. B.. Da. C. ; Y. M. C. A. sec. and teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. A.shev. Pby., Sept. 27, '06 ; O. Oct. 7, '06 ; P. Brevard, N. C, '06—. 1254.* CRAIG, David Schenck; b. Begonia, N. C, April 25, 1875; A. M., Da. C. ; teacher; (2.). Died at Dardanelle. Ark., at end of Mid. vacation, Oct. 5, 1905. 1255. CROWLEY, J. Stephen; b. Dunnianway, County Cork, Ire., Dec. 25, 1862 ; teacher and bookkeeper ; stu. S. W. P. U. ; S. W. P. U. Sem. 3 ; (1 spec.) ; L. R. Riv. Pby., Oct. IT, '96; O. Ev. Oct. 19, '96; F. Ev. in Congo Free State, '96-'00 ; furlough, '01; P. Lake City, Fla.. '02-'03 ; S. S. Ashland, Va., and spec, course at U. T. Sera. '03-'04 ; P. Immanuel Ch., Wilmington, N. C, '04—. 1256. DUDLEY. Albert Cassell ; b. Crystal Springs, Miss., Julv 22. 1883; stu. S. W. P. U. ; (2.) ; Priuc. Sem. 1 Gr. ; L. Md. Pby.. Sept. 18. '07; O. Balto. Pby., Dec. 23, '07; P. Relay, Md., and stu. Johns Hopk. U., '07—. 1257. EYERSOLE. Finley Monwell; b. Honey Grove. Tex., Jan. 28, 1879; A. B.. and A. M.. H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Ashev. Pby., Sept. 26, '06; O. Ev. same date; asst. P. 1st Ch., Asheville. N. C. '06— (S. S. Oak Forest '06 — ; Swannanoa. '07 — ) — '07; S. S. Robbinsville and Andrews, N. C, and prin. Robbinsville Ac, '07 — . Union Theological Seminary. 171 125S. GRESHAM, LeKoy ; b. Madison. Ga., Sept. 21, ISTl ; A. B., A. M. and LL. B., Princ. U., Johns Hopk. and Md. U. ; lawyer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Md. Pby., May 15, '06 ; O. Or. Pby., Nov. 7, '06 ; P. Chapel Hill, N. C, '06—. 1259. JOHNSON, Albert Sidney ; b. Tuscumbia, Ala., Sept. 11, 1881 ; stu. Ala. P. I. and Gr. Bryant and Strat. Bus. Col., Louisville, Ky. ; real estate and ins. and mgr. for lumber co. ; (3.) ; L. N. Ala. Pby., May 31, '06 ; S. S. 1st Ch., Huntsville, Tex.. '06-'08. 1260. LEP]. William Shaki'e ; b. Lunenburg Co., Va., Dec. 25, 1877 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., fall, '06 ; H. M. in Western Tex., '06—. 1261. McCASLIN, Robert Horace ; b. Monroe Co., Tenn., June 2, 1883 ; B. S. Sweetwater Mil. Col.; A. B. Maryville Col. (3.) ; L. Knox. Pby., June 15, '06 ; O. June 15, '06 ; P. Cleveland, and S. S. Charleston, Tenn., '06 — . 1262. McFADYEN, Henry Richard; b. Eiizabetbtown, N. C, Feb. 1, 1877; A. B., U. N. C. ; clerk; (3. Gr.) : L. Wilm. Pby., '06; O. El Pasb Pby., '06 ; P. Westminster Ch., Ei Paso, Tex., '06—. 1263. RANKIN, Frank Bisaner : b. Gaston Co., N. C, A. B., U. N. C. ; farmer; teacher; supt. schools; (3.) ; L. K. Mt. Pby., April, '06; Y. M. C. A. Sec, U. N. C, Chapel Hill, '06-'08 ; P. Hamlet and Rockingham Chs.. N. C, '08—. 1264. SASAKURA, Yakichi ; b. Harima, Japan, May 29, 1867 ; stu. pri. col. in Osaka; teacher; Tokyo, Japan, 4; (3.) ; L. Naniwa Pby., Japan, '95; O. '97 ; P. Nagoya, Japan, '95-'03 ; taught Eng. and ed. of religious paper, the "Hikari ;" author "Popular Christianity ;" P. 1st Ch., Yokohama, Japan, '06—. 1265. SCHERER, Tilden ; b. Independence Co., Ark., Dec. 24, 1876; printer; M. A., K. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., June 4, '00; O. July 8, '06; P. Iloge Mem. Ch., Richmond. Va., '06— (P. Fairmount Ch., 'OS—)—; asso. ed. "Cent. Gen. Cat.," U. T. S., '08. 1266. SHOLL, William Nace ; b. Gainesville, Ala., Nov. 25. 1882; stu. 5. W. P. U.; teacher; (3.) ; L. Cher. Pby., Sept. 27, '06; O. Oct. 9. '06; P. LaFayette, Ga., '06-'07 ; P. G. Princ. Sem., '07-'0S ; P. Narapa, Idaho, 'OS—. 1267. WAUCHOPE, Arthur Douglas; b. Capon Bridge, W. Va., July 11, 1878; A. B., H. S. C, '98: gen'l secy Y. M. C. A.; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., Oct. 22, '06; O. Dee. 16, '06; S. S. and then P. Bridgewater and Dayton Chs., '06—. 1268. WEST, William Edward; b. Campbell Co., Va., March 2, 1875; A. F... H. S. C. ; farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Meek. Pby., Sept. 27. '06; O. Dec. 6. '06; P. Huntersville and Ramah Chs., N. C, '06-'08 ; P. Williams Mem,, 'OS—. 1209. WOOD. Albert Ward; b. Moorefield, W. Va., Nov. 26, 1S79 ; farmer; A. B., H. S. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., Aug. 21, '06; O. Ev. Dec. 9, "06 ; S. S. Belingtou and Philippi, W. Va., '06-'07 ; P. '07—. 1904-'05. 1270. ANDERSON, Alfred Scott; b. Ivy Depot, Va.. Feb. 14, 1S7S ; stu. W. and M. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. E. H. Pby., May, '07; O. King's Mt. Pby., Sept. 15, '07 ; asst. P. 1st Ch., Gastonia, N C. ; P. Loray Ch., Gastonia. 1271. BAIN, Walter Washington; b. Wade, N. C, Aug. 11, 1876; A. B., Da. C. : teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., May 28, '07; O. Greenb. Pby., Aug. 22, '07 ; P. Cass, Liberty and Baxter Chs., W. Va., '07—. 172 Union Theological Seminary. 1272. BELL. Ceorge Fraxcis ; b. Prince Edward Co., Va., Nov. 7, 1876; A. B., H. S. C. ; farmer: (3. Gr.) ; L. Lafay. Pby., Sept. 23, '07; S. S. Crocker and Swedeborg Chs., Mo., '07 — . 1273. BOYLE, Gaston; b. Mogy Mirim, Brazil, Oct. 31, 1882: A. B., Fred. C: teacher: (3. Gr.) : L. E. H. Pby., April 10. '07; special agent in "Forward Movement," '06-'08 ; F. M. to Brazil, '08—. 1274. CAKR, Eugene Black; b. Wallace, N. C, Sept. 2, 1878; A. B. and B. S., Da. C. : farmer; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wilm. Pby., June 28, '07; O. Ev. Oct. 10, '07, for Brunswick Co., N. C, group of mission chs. 3275. CLARK, Pleasant Linwood ; b. Hat Creek, Va., Jan. 28, 1879; A. B., H. S. C; (3. Gr.) ; L. Wilm. Pby., June 28. '07; O. Oct. 9, '07; S. S. and then P. Clinton, Warsaw and Oak Plains, Wilm. Pby., '07 — . 127G. DEAL, Ralph Carroll; b. Greenville, S. C, March 20, 1880; A. B. and A. M., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Albm. Pby., Sept. 18, '07; O. same date ; P. Atkinson Mem. and S. S. La Grange and Dover Chs., Allim. Pby., '07—. 1277. GIBBS. John jNIilton ; Statesville. N. C. ; b. Huntersville, N. C, Aug. 23, 3857; farmer and mechanic; (1 spec.) ; L. Cone. Pby., spring, '05; O. May 20, '06; S. S. Yadkinville Ch., May to Oct. '04; S. S. and then P. Bethany Ch., and S. S. Tabor and Yadkinville Chs., '05 — . 1278. GRAU, Edwin Ltsander; b. Dante, Tenn., Aug. 20, 1874; A. B., Mary v. C. ; (1.) ; (in H. M. work in N. C, after 1st yr. in Sem.) ; Gr.^ Louisv. Sem., '08 ; city mission., Asheville, N. C, '08 — . 1279. GWALTNEY, Leslie Lee; b. ; stu. R. C. ; farmer and salesman; (1. spec); Louisv. Bap. Sem.; O. in Richmond, Va., in 1902; member of Dover Asso., Baptist Ch. 1280. HOOPER, Thomas William, Jr.; b. Selma, Ala., Nov. 2, 1880; A. B. and B. S., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Montg. Pby., April 23, '07 : O. Sept. 20, '07 ; S. S. Princeton, W. Va., '07 ; P. Culpeper, Va., '08—. 1281. HUDSON, Hugh Hardin ; b. Glenlock, Tenn., July 5, 1884 ; B. S., Greenv. Tusc. Col. ; A. B., Maryv. C, and stu. Princ. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Knox. Pby., July 12, '07 ; O. W. II. Pby., Dec. 10, '07 ; S. S. and then P. Gordons- ville and Wills Mem., W. H. Pby., '07—. 1282. McCALLIE, Douglas; b. Chattanooga. Tenn.. April 16, 1881; A. B., U. Va. ; (1.) ; Princ. Sem. 1283. McFADYEN, Robertson ; b. Kingston, Prince Ed. Is., Canada, April 17, 1874; stu. Prince of Wales Col. and Grant U. ; teacher; Grant Theo. Sch., 1.; Lane Sem. 1.; (Mid. 2.) ; L. E. H. Pby., fall, '06. 1284. MCQUEEN, Angus R. ; b. near Carthage, N. C, Feb. 10, 1876; A. B., Da. C. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Fay. Pby., May 28, '07; O. Oct. 11, '07; S. S. Dunn, Godwin, Bluff and McMullen Chs., '07—. 1285. MOORE, Lynford Lardner; b. Charlotte, N. C, April 22. 1869; A. B., Da. C. ; A. M., Princ. U. ; M. D., .Jefferson; Med. My. in China for 5 yrs. ; Princ. Sem. 1.; (2.) ; L. Lex. Pby., Mav 10, '07; O. July 21, '07 ;i S. S. and then P. Craigsville, Va., '07—. 1286. PATTERSON. William Sanford ; b. Winston-Salem, N. C. May 16, 1882; A. B. Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; L. Greenb. Pby.. June 20, '07; O. Aug. 2], '07; P. Raleigh and Bockley. W. V;i.. niid mission points, '07 — . Union Theological Seminary. 173 1287. PROSKOWETZ, Charles Edward; b. Hayda, Spikow Co., Goiiv. Podolska, Ru.ssia, Dec. 8, 1874; stu. Military Col., Vienna; 2cl. lieut. 70th Austro-Hungarian Infantry, and mining eng. ; (2.) ; (dropped from roll of candidates by Ab. Pby., because of heretical views, spring, '06.) 1288. QUARLES, James Cowardin ; b. Henrico Co., Va., April 8, 1883; A. B., R. C. ; (1 spec.) ; Gr. Louisv. Bap. Sem., L. at North Run Bap. Ch., Sept. '98 ; O. at same June 7, '03 ; P. Concord Ch., Caroline Co., Va., '05—. 1289. ROLSTON, David Hopkins; b. Harrisonburg, Va., Oct. 28, 1878; A. B., W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) ; L. Lex. Pby., May 18, '07; O. Lex. Pby., May 24, '07 ; Ev. of Lex. Pby., at Glady, W. Va., '07-'0S. P. El. 2d. Ch., Peters- burg, Va., '08 — . 1290. SEWARD, E. H. 1291. SILER, John Calvin; b. Berkeley Co., W. Va., April 14, 1876; A. B., H. S. 0.; (3. Gr.) ; P. El. Shenandoah J'ct, W. Va., '08—. 1292. SL'BLETT, Hugh WntsniNo; b. Richmond, Va., July 17, 1880; A. B. and A. M., R. C. ; pastor; (3.) ; O. by pastors of Richmond (Disciples of Christ), Feb. .3, '06; P. Fairmount Ch„ D. of C, '03—. 1293. THOMPSON, George Braziek; b. New Orleans, La., Jan. 29, 1873; actor; (3.) ; L. Durant Pby., Sept. 19, '07: O. Oct. 6, '07; S. S. 1st Ch., Hugo, and Ft. Towson, Okla., '06-'07 ; P. '07-'08; P. Oxford, N. C, '08—. 1294. WAUCHOPE, William Crawford ; b. Capon Bridge, W. Va., Sept. 4, 1880; A. B., PL S. C, and Yale U. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) ; (at Yale 1 yr., bet. Jun. and Mid. Sem, course.) 1905-'00. 1295. ARROWOOD, William Waddell; b. Norwood, N. C, June 12, 18S3; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr. and Moses D, Hoge Fellow., '08-'09.) 1296. CHRISTIAN, Joseph Allan; b. Willcox Wharf, Va., Sept. 19, 1880; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) 1297. CLARK, James Frank Emmet; b. Green Spring, Va., May 6, 1882; A. B., H. S. C; (3. Gr.) 1298. CLARKE, Jack Holman ; b. Greystone, Va., Dec. 30, 1882 ; A. B., Pres. Col., S. C. ; printer; (3. Gr.) 1299. DAVIS, Dowry; b. Abbeville Co., S. C, Sept. 19, 1881; A. B., S. W. P. U.; teacher; (3. Gr.) 1300. DELANEY. Frank Lee ; b. Bristol, Tenn., Feb. 18, 1881; A. B., K. C; (3. Gr.) 1301. GLASGOW, Samuel McFheeters : b. Fincastle, Va., March 18, 1883 ; A. B., W. L. U. ; teacher; (3. Gr. and Moses D. Hoge Fellow. '08-09.) 1302. GRAY, Frederick William; b. Anson Co., N. C, Jan. 7, 1878; A. B., Catawba Col.; (3. Gr.) 1303. GRUVER, J. Harlin ; b. Reliance, Va., 1881; A. B., W. L. U. ; teacher; (3 Gr.) 1304. HETHORN, John William ; b. Lunenburg Co., Va., Dec. 22, 1879 ; stu. H. S. C. ; tobacconist; (3.) 1305. JENKINS, Harry Moseley; b. Kemper Co., Miss., Feb. 24, 1882; A. B., K. C; (3. Gr.) 174 Union Theological Seminary. 13()G. LAPSLEY, Robert Albekti, Jr.; b. Charleston, S. C, Sept. 19, 1884; A. B., W. L. U. ; (3. Gr.) 1307. McCHESNEY, James M. ; b. King's Mill, Va., Aug. 15, 1884; A. B.„ K. C, (3. Gr.) 13US. MacLAUCHLIN, Murphy Betiiune; b. Robeson Co., N. C, Feb. 28, 1876; stu. Da. C. ; (3.) 1309. MOFFETT, Lyle Moore ; b. Staunton, Va., Oct. 25, 1882; A. B.. W. L. U.; (3. Gr.) 1310. MOORE, George Coit ; b. Sherman, Tex., Aug. 29, 1883; A. B., Aust. Col.; stenographer; (3. Gr.) 1311. NELSON, Henry Clay; b. Nunn, Va., Nov. 8, 1867; farmer; (3 spec.) 1312. OFFIELD, Robert Long; b. Holston Valley, Tenn., May 18, 1882; A. B., K. C; (2) ; asst. P. Ft. Worth, Tex., '07—. 1313. SHANNON, Henry Ward; b. Gastonia, N, C, Dec. 25, 1870; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (3. Gr.) 1314 SHAW, Augustus Worth ; b. Lumber Bridge, N. C, Jan. 16, 1881 ; A. B., Da. C; (-3. Gr.) 13]o. SHEPPERSON, Flournoy ; b. Columbus, Ark., Jan. 10, 1883; A. B., Ark. Co.; (3. Gr.) 1316. SMITH, Leland Watts; (Baptist minister; short special course.) 1317. SQUIRES, Charles Tappey ; b. St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 13, 1878; ins. agt. ; (3.) 1318. TELFORD, George McAllister; b. Toccoa, Ga., Sept. 23, 1883; A. B., Ga. U.; (3. Gr.) 1319. WALKER. James Gary; b. Martinsburg, W. Va., Jan. 23, ISSl ; Gr. Md. Sch. for Blind; (3. Gr.) 1906-'07. 1320. CAIN, Walter Stephen ; b. Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 21, 1879 ; stu. U. N. C. ; bookkeeper; (2.) 1321. CATHEY, Herman Lewis; b. Charlotte, N. C, July 1, 1878; A. B., Da. C. ; farmer and teacher; (1+.) . 1322. COLEMAN, James Franklin; b. Soddy, Tenn., Dec. 31, 1876; B. S., Da. C; (2.) 1323. COXE, Simeon Oliver; b. Hartselle, Ala., Aug. 20, 1877; Ph. B., N. Ala. Bap, Col.; read law 2 yrs. ; clerk; (2.) 1324. DICKSON, Rufus DeVane ; b. Raeford, N. C, Jan. 5, 1883; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (2.) 1325. GORRELL. John Frank; b. Greensboro, N. C, March 20, 1882; B. S., Da. C. ; teacher; (2.) 1326. GROVER, William Wesley; b. Henrico Co., Va.. Jan. 31, 18S2 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; manufacturing; (2.) 1327. HARRISON. Allen Reece ; b. Huntersville, N. C, Feb. 6. 1880; A. B., Da. C. ; Col. Sem. 1. ; (Mid. 2. Gr.) 1328. HASSELL, Andrew Pierson ; b. Lynchburg, S. C, :March 10. 1881; A. B., Da. C. ; telegrapher; (2.) 1329. MATTHEWS, Leonard Walker; b. Matthews, N. C, July 20, 1878; A. B., Pres. Col., S. C. ; A. M., Princ. U. ; teacher; (2.) Union Theological SEMINARY^ 175 1330. McBRIDE, Samuel Hamilton ; b. Carthage, Miss., June 20, 1882 ; A. B., S. W. P. U. ; bookkeeper; (2.) 1331. McIVER, Dudley William; b. Tuskegee, Ala., Feb. 18. 1880; stu. Da. C; (2.) 1332. RAY. ^Martin Alexander ; b. Raeford, N. C, Feb. 12, 1880 ; A. B.. Da. C; (2.) 1333. REVELEY, William Alexander; b. Brownsburg, Va.. Dec. 16, 1877; A. B., W. L. U. ; (2.) 1334.* RODRIGUEZ, Flaminio Augusto; b. City of Limelea, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Aug. 5, 1856 ; A. B., H. S. C. ; teacher and Ev. ; studied theology under Dr. Ed. Lane in Brazil; part of 1 yr. in Col. Sem. ; ( — 1) ; L. Minas Pby., Brazil, July, '92 ; O. Aug., '93 ; F. M. to Brazil ; appointed '83 ; left Sem. in '00 in ill health ; res. Fredericksburg, Va. Died Aug. 13, 1907. 1335. SMITH, Fred. Bkuce ; b. Atlanta, Ga., June 14, 1881; clerk; (1) ; Col. Sem. 1336. SMITH, James Hoge; b. Danville, Va., Sept. 12, 1882; A. B., Pres. Col., S. C. ; teacher; (2.) 1337. THOMPSON, William Taliaferro, Jr. ; b. Charleston, S. C, Apr. 28, 1886; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (2.) 1338. WHITE, Raymond Chester; b. Albany, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1880: Ph. B. Hamilton Col.; teacher; (2.) 1339. WILLIAMS, Leander McCormick ; b. Greeneville, Va., June 12, 1882; A. B., W. L. U. ; farmer; (2.) 1340. WILLIAMS, William Twyman, Jr.; b. Woodstock, Va., July 5. 1884; A. M., H. S. C. ; teacher; (2.) 1341. WOOD, John Ambrose; b. Bristol, Tenn., Dec. 1, 1884; A. B., K. C; (2.) 1342. WOODY, John Waldo ; b. Oskaloosa, la., March 18, 1879 ; A. B., K. C. ; (2.) 1342. WOODY, John Waldo ; m. Oskaloosa, la., March 18, 1879 ; A. B., Guilford Col. in N. C. ; teacher ; Friends Bible Training Sch., Cleveland, O. ; 1 ; P. Blue River Friends Ch., near Salem, Ind., '03-'04 ; O. by Blue River Monthly Meeting of Friends Ch., Aug. 13, 1904; (2. Gr.) 1343. ZAIDAN, Joseph-; b. Icktaneet, Sidon Co., Syria, April 1. 1876: stu. Sidon Ac, Syria, and Davis and Elkins Col., W. Va. : merchant; (2.) 1907-'08. 1344. ANDERSON, Theodore Brooks; b. Accomac Co., Va., March 29, 1868; solicitor; (1.) 1345. BLUE, Duncan Archibald; b. Carthage, N. C, April 6, 1874; stu. Da. C. ; teacher; (1.) 1346. DENHAM, William; b. Monticello, Fla., Nov. 19, 1882; stu. Da. C; Ry. clerk; (L) 1347. HAMILTON, William Hugh ; b. Winnsboro, S. C, Sept. 25, 1875 ; A. B., Da. C; teacher; (1.) 1348. HILL, Walter Reynolds; b. Bedington, Berkeley Co., W. Va., Dec. 21, 1872; stu. Shepherd Col.; (1.) ; teacher and druggist. 176 Union Theological Seminary. 1349. HOLLADAY, Dupuy ; b. Raccoon Ford, Va., Aug. 17, 1880 ; A. B., U, Va. ; teacher; (1.) ]ooO. LEEFER, George Howe; b. Columbia, S. C, July 21, 1S86; stu. Carson-Newman Col. ; (1.) 1351. McCONNELL, David Franklin Bruce ; b. King's Mill, Va., April 22, 1878; A. B., K. C. ; farmer and teacher; (1.) 1352. MclLWAiNE, William Baird; b. Petersburg, Va., Feb. 6, 1885; A. B., H. S. C; stu. U. Va. ;' (1.) 1353. McKEE, George Taylor; b. Hope, Ark., Dec. 12, 1887; B. S., Ark. C. ; bank clerk; (1.) 1354. MCLEAN. Augustus Alexander; b. Gastonia, N. C, Oct. 22, 1S84; A. B.. Da. C. ; (1.) 1355. MANN, John Oscar; b. Union County, N. C, June 26, 1886; A. B., Da. C. ; (1) ; physical director T. M. C. A. Gym., City of Mexico. 1356. PHILLIPS, Sam Knox; b. Burgaw, N. C, Sept. 29, 1886; A. B., R. C. ; physical director; (1.) 1357. SMITH, James Porter ; b. Recife, E. de Pernambuco, Brazil, Aug. 19, 1882; stu. C. U. Ky., and U. Vs.; (1.) 1358. THOMAS, George Nathan; b. Emmett, Tenn., May 1, 1884; farmer; (1.) 1359. THOMPSON, Willis ; b. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 11, 1887; stu. Johns Hopk. U. ; (L) 1360. TIMMONS, Redden Kirby ; b. Darlington, S. C, Oct. 14, 1876; A. B., Da. C. ; teacher; (1.) 1361. WHITMORE, Jacob Harry ; b. Charlottesville, Va., Oct. 17, 1881 ; A. B., U. Va. ; teacher; (1.) INDEX OF STUDENTS Adams, R. H., S95 Adams, T. J., (p. 37.) Akers, S. C, 1250 Akers, W. W 955 Agnew, J. R., 42 Alexander, E. F., 870 Alexander, J. C, 2s6 Alexander, K., 1089 Alexander, W. C, 7G4 Alexander, W. McF 745 Allen, F. M., 1090 Allen, J. W., 684 Alley, R. B., 560 Allison, J. L., 746 Allison, J. M 817 Allison, R., 20 Allison. T. J., 459 Altfather, C. L., 950 Amis. E. H., 765 Anderson, A. S., 1270 Anderson, C. C, 1043 Anderson, H. M., 435 Anderson, I. S., 56 1 Anderson. J. G., 562 Anderson, R. C, 818 Anderson. R. N. ( p. 87.) Anderson, S. J. P., 143 Anderson, T. B., 1344 Andrew, J. B., 957 Armentrout, D. McG 871 Armentrout, T. S., 747 Armistead. C. J., 321 Armistead. J. S 1 Armstrong, D. G., Jr., 840 Armstrong, G. D., 129 Armstrong, J. A., 480 Armstrong. J. I. 1202 Arnold, E. P., 287 Arnold. J. D 1044 Arrowood, M. C, . 931 Arrowood, W. B., 587 Arrowood, W. W., 1295 Arthur, .T 1045 Askew, J. B., 1231 Atkinson, J. M 130 Austin, H., Jr., 896 Bachman, N 358 Bailey, Ed., 766 Bailey, W. L., 370 Bain, W. W 1271 Baird, J. S., 1116 Baird, W. G., 436 Baker, A., 157 Baker, A. B., 1015 Baker, Daniel (p. 37. ) Baker, John O (p. 37. ) Baker, John, (p. 37. ) Ballantine, E., 28 Ballantine, H., 06 Ballon, J. E., 1067 Banks, F. L., 841 Baptist, Ed (p. 37. ) Barber, W. L 1203 Bardwell, H. J liy Barks, H. B 622 Barksdale, John, 5 Barnes, F. A. 1185 Barnes, Stephen, 103 Barnett, E. H., 359 Barney, J. N., 872 Barr, A. K., 43 Barr, J. A., 275 Barr, J. S 248 Barrel!, CM 1156 Barth, C, 1117 Bartlett, Francis 6 Bascom, F. D., 807 Baskerville, H. C 399 Baxter, J. F 131 Beale, AVei.sel 604 Bear. J. E 729 Beard, AY. S 200 Beaty, H. F !l251 Bedinger. B. F 705 Bedinger, W. L 659 Belk, G. W., 788 Bell, B. C 1118 Bell, Eugene, 958 Bell, G. F., 1157 Bell. G. F., 1272 Bell, R. S., 144 Betts, Barbee, 503 1/8 Union Theological Seminary. Bias. J. W. W., . Bigger, E. E Bingham, J. A., . Bird. A. R Bishop, P. E Bishop, W. F., . . Bitzer, G. L., . . Black, D. B., ... Black. M Blackburn. F. W., Blain, Daniel, . . . Blain, J. S Blain, S. W., Blair, B. B. Blankenship, C. E Blanton, L. H., • • Bhie, D. A Bocock, J. H., . . Bocock, W. K., Bohback. Philip T Bondurant, A. L., Booker, J. E., ... Booker, S. R., ... Boozer, T. F., . . Borthwick, H. R.. Boston, L. E., . . Bonldin, J. W., . . Bourne, M. L., . . Bowman, F. H.. . Boyle, Gaston, . . Boyle, .John, .... Bradley. E. P.. . . Brantley, Erskine. Bridewell. C. P., . Bridges, J. R., . . Brockington, J. S.. Brooks, .Tas. H.. . Brooks, W. C, . Brown, C. G., ... Brown, E. D., . . Brown, P. A., . . Brown, G. L., ... Brown, G. L.. Jr., Brown, Henry, . . Brown, H. C, . . Brown, .Toseph, . . Brown, .T. E., Jr., Brown, J. R. C., Brown, P. F., ... Brown, R. A., ... Brown, R. H. M., Brown, S. W., . . Brown, Wm Brown, W. C, . . lirowne. W. B., . . Buchanan, W. C. Buchanan, W. McS Buckle, Geo., . 789 . 56.3 . 189 .1204 . 44 . 504 . 706 . 178 . 685 . 12.52 . 345 . 21 . 118 . 360 .1205 . 276 .1345 . 145 . 932 . 660 . 819 ..564 . 481 . 661 .1016 .1046 .1017 . 405 . 277 . 1273 . 437 . 1047 . 527 . 84'.i . 605 . 662 p. .37.) . 369 .767 . 9Sfi .1232 . 406 .1048 . 45 . 346 22 .1091 .1119 . 482 . 987 .1092 .1120 .132 . 988 . 230 . 843 . 933 . 063 Buckner, A. G., 650 Buell, W. P., 133 Bull, G. W., 898 Bull. W. F 1068 Burkhead. W. D., 1121 Burton, G. F., 934 Burton. J. S., 935 Burwell, Robt 2 Burwell. R. S., 565 Byrd, S. C, 873 Cable, .Jonathan, 29 Cadwell, B. H., 104 Cain. W. S., 1320 Caldwell, A. H., 146 Caldwell. C. K 206 Caldwell, E. C, 1206 Caldwell, Hugh, ...(p. 37.) Caldwell, J. L., 460 Caldwell, J. M. M 67 Caldwell, J. W., Jr., . . 989 Caldwell, R. E., 686 Caldwell, R. H., 295 Caldwell, R. L., 23 Calhoun, Philo, 46 Caligan, J. A., ........ 1122 Camp. Philander, 201 Campbell, A. W 68 Campbell, C. N '. . . 252 Campbell, H. C. V 768 Campbell, I. N., 528 Campbell, J. F 606 Campbell, K. A 959 Campbell, N. B., 960 Campbell, R. D 1018 Campbell, R. F., 707 Campbell, S. B 253 Campbell, W. A 255 Campbell, W. C 588 Campbell, W. S 730 Cannon. .J. F 438 Carmack, S. V 11.58 Carr, E. B 1274 Carringcon. A. B 305 Carrington, E. W 322 Carson, J. C, 439 Carson, R. D., 1049 Carson. W. W 748 Carter. R. W 790 Caruthers. Wm. 263 Cassady. H. H., 1186 Cathey. H. L., 1321 Cathey, S. L 1050 Cattaiiach. .T. C .^89 Cave. W. E., 590 cavitt. c. y .591 Chandler. G. T 566 Chane.v, L. B 529 Union Theological Seminary. 179 Cheatham, A. J., 687 Cheatham, A. W., 899 Chedester, W. P., 1253 Chester, S. H., 483 Chinn, Wm., GOT Christian, C. G., 874 Christian, J. A., 1296 Chumbley, C. M., 9G1 Clark, Byron, 900 Clark, J. F. E. 1297 Clark, J. McC 791 Clark, P. C. 749 Clark, P. L, 1275 Clarke, A. H. 1233 Clarke, G. AV., ..: 1123 Clarke, J. H. 1298 Clarke, W. C 484 Clegg, I. N 1187 Clifford, Branch G., 440 Cochran, E. L., 231 Cochran, Isaac, ...(p. 37.) Cochran, J. M., 232 Cochran, Warren, ...... 202 Cochrane, W. S 441 Cocke,, A. R., 623 Cocke, S. F., 47 Coiner, D. H., 24 Coit, A. B., 567 Coldwell, J. C, 568 Coleman, J. F., 1322 Comfort, David, 361 Conolly, M 134 Converse, C. S., 530 Converse, J. B., 385 Converse, T. E., 386 Cook, Geo. L 417 Cook, J. E., 962 Cook, W. A., 936 Cooke. J. R 963 Coppedge, W. R., 505 Cosby, J. v., 179 Cosner, W. F., 592 Cowan, Alex., 387 Cowan, J. C 401 Cowan, J. McL., 624 Coxe, S. 0., 1323 Craig, D. S., 1254 Craig, E. M., 901 Craig, J. N., 296 Crane, A. J., 844 Crane, J. M 418 Crawford, A. W 750 Crews, J. R., 531 Crooks, C. G., 751 Crowley, J. S. 1255 Culbertson, R. W., 769 Gumming, C. K., 770 Gumming, Wm 771 Cummings, Thos., 651 Cunningham, D. H., 88 Currie, Archibald, 203 Currie, J. D., 688 Currie, J. L., 485 Currie, L. W., 388 Currie, W. P. M., 1188 Curtis, D. B., 241 Dabnev, J. W., 593 Dabney, R. L., 212 Dabney, W. A., 506 Dalton, A. C, 594 Dalton, P. H., 226 Dame, G. W., 161 Darnall, H. T., 347 Davies, G. W., 595 Davis, B. McM., 990 Davis, J. H., 264 Davis. J. H., Jr., 792 Davis, J. W 419 Davis, L., 1299 Davis. R. N., ISO Davis, S. H„ 265 Davis, Thomas, (p. 37.) Davis, T. E 190 Davis, W. H., 420 Davis, W. Y 664 Deal, R. C., 1276 Delaney, F. L., 1300 Denham, Wm 1346 Denny, G. H., 323 De Vane, T. W., 1060 Devault, J. B., 689 Dickson, R. D., 1324 Dinwiddle, J. C, 372 Dixon, J. H., 608 Doak, A. H 1207 Doak, A. S 486 Doak, D. G., 80 Dobbs, C. H 937 Doggett, J. P 845 Doggett, M. W., 690 Doll, Jacob 162 Douglass, Eugene, 1124 Douglas, R. E., 964 Downey. W. W., 442 Druen, E. B., 1003 Duckwall, J. M., 691 Dudley, A. O., 1256 Dudley, J. D., 147 Duff, G. B 1208 Duncan, J. J 1019 Duncan, H. M., 772 Duncan, M. F., 793 Dunglinson, Joseph, 1209 Dunlap. M. D., 191 Dupuy, B. H., 507 i8o Union Theological Seminary. Dupuy, Joseph, 508 Dutton, Francis, 69 Dutton. W. B.. 90 Dyer, W. C, 407 Earle, A. M., 1159 Edie, Jos. S (p, 37.) Edmiston, S. H., 708 Eggleston, R. B., 846 Elder. J. M. W., 938 Eldridge, W. M., 820 Elv, J. T., 105 Engle, S. M. 847 Epes, T. P 596 Epperson, J. R., 709 Ervin, E. B 487 Ervin. S. B 065 Erwlu, John M., (p. 37.) Erwin, T. W 242 Eskridge. R. S., 1094 Eversole. F. M., 12-57 Ewing, C. L 462 Ewing, D. B 192 Ewlng, John D., (p. 37.) Fairchild. John, 120 Fairley, W. M. 1095 Faucette, T. U., 233 Fetzer, H., 625 Ficklen, J. B 1070 Finley, G. W., 373 Fishburn. Jas. A 488 Fitzgerald, J. H 169 Fix. J. J 991 Fleming, R. H 463 Fleming, W. C, 652 Flow, J. E., 1189 Flournoy, P. P., 362 Flournoy, W. C 1020 Fogartie, J. E 532 Forbis, J. McC, 1021 Ford, E. W., 84S Ford, J. F., 930 Foreman, S., 48 Forsyth, J. F., 1125 Forsyth, W. K 992 Foster. S. J 902 Frazer, W. H., 1096 French, J. B., (MMi Fretwell, Richard, (p. 38.) Friend. Chas., 1022 Friend, W. S 794 Fulton, John M (p. 38.) Fnlton, R. L 7.52 Fulton. S. P., 795 Fulton, Wm. A., (MM Fultz, R. E 1210 Gaines, F. H. 509 Galbraith, W. F., 1160 Gammon, J. P 443 Gammon, S. R., 796 Garrison, W. J., 1161 Gauss, J. H 668 Gay, Abner W (p. 38.) Ghiselin, Chas., 609 Gibbs, G. M., 148 Gibbs, J. M., 1277 Gilkeson, C. D., 849 Gillespie, E. E., 1023 Gillon, W. A 903 Gilmer, G. H., 324 Gilmer. G. H 94(1 Gilmer, J. A., 1162 Gilmer, T. W., 325 Gilmore, J. Harvey, 326 Gilmore, R. C 941 Gllmour. A. D. P., 1126 Gladney. R. L., 1127 Glasgow, S. McP 1301 Glass. Harvey 389 Golladay, P. H., 30 Goode, B. E., 569 Goodman, J. W 1051 Gordon, E. C, 421 Gordon, John N (p. 38.) Gordon, John, 850 Gorrell, J. F., 1325 Goul, J. M 266 Graham, A. T., 669 Graham. H. T., 851 Graham. J. R.. Jr 797 Grastv, J. S., 221 Gran, E. L 1278 Graves, J. A., 444 Graves, R. J 306 Gray, F. W 1302 Gravbill, A. T 422 Graybill. J. W., 597 Green. J. B 1128 Green. J. E., 1071 Greenleaf, J. P., 170 Greenlee, J. S., 348 Gregory. E. D., 710 Gresham, LeRoy, 12.58 Grey, J. H 1024 Grille. G. A 904 Grinnan. R. B 711 Grover. A. E 510 G rover. W. W., 182r, Groves, W. II 404 Gruver. J. H 1.303 Guerrant. E. 511 Gwaltnev. L. L 1279 Gwvnn. P. II 798 Union Theological Seminary. i8i Hagan, W. C 712 Hall, Aruokl 998 Hall, J. C 799 Hal., J. D 70 Hall, J. K 852 Hall, J. P 1072 Hall. R. McA 800 Hall. S. 692 Hall, W. A.. 9Go HaiDilton, A. H 44r> Hamilton. W. H 1347 Hamlet, Jas.. H., (p. 38.) Hamlett, J. C 1052 Hammersle.v, Wm. (p. 38.) Hammond. H. C, 1053 Hamner, J. G (p. 38.) Hamner, T. L 106 Hamner. W. C 140 Hancock. W. S., •. 966. Ham-ahan. (t. B 1054 Hansel, M. E 1129 Harding, E. H. 288 Harper, L. F 1025 Harrell, F. P., 010 Harrell, J. J., 821 Harrell, W. L.. ^5 Harris, J. A 853 Harris, Josiah (p. 38.) Harrison, A. R., 1327 Harrison, D. C, 256 Harrison, P 107 Harri.son, W. B 967 Hart, Andrew 11 Hartman, F. (4 905 Hassell, A. P 1328 Hawes, S. P 906 Bawley, F. M 1211 Hawthorne. D. IM 822 Ha.vnes. Jas 327 Heiskell, C. J 626 Heiskell, I. P., ; . 363 Helm, Ben., .390 Henderlite, G. E 823 Heuderlite, R. E 773 Henderson, D. C, 31 Henry, Alex 854 Henry, Hugh, 465 Hensley, L. B 1234 Hensley, P. IT., 446 Herbener, J. H., 713 Herndon, J. G 876 Hethorn, .T. W 1,304 Hickman W. P., 171 Hill, H. G., .3(54 Hill, P. B., 1235 Hill, W. E., 391 Hill, W. E. 1236 Hill, W. R., 1,348 Hines, Ed., Hines, R. W., . . Hitner, J. K., . . Hobson, Boiling, Hobson, B. L., . . 163 . 9(38 . 365 . 969 . 714 Hobson, B. M 158 Hodge, B. T., 423 Hodge, R. B., 670 Hodgin, C. E., 1026. Hoffmeister. C. C 753 Hoge, E. T., 400 Hoge, J. B., (p. 38.) Hoge, M. D., 181 Hoge, P. H., 671 Hoge, S. D., (p. 38.) Hogshead, A. L 207 Hogshead, W. H., 182 Hogue, C. L., 447 Hoke, E. F., 672 Holladay, A. L., 108 Holladay, D., 1349 Holladay, J. M 877 Hollingsworth, D. W., 1130 Plollingsworth, W. F 907 HoUis. C. W., 466 Holmes. S 289 Holt, J. W., 627 Hooper. T. W 290 Hooper, T. W., Jr., 1280 Hopkins, A. C, 307 Hopkins, A. C, Jr 970 Houston, M. H 374 Houston, R. R., 314 Houston, S. R 77 Houston, W. W 34!) Howard, A. F., 994 Howe, H. R., 32 Howe, N. D., 7 Howe, T. W., 33 Howison, R. R 193 Howison, W. T 489 Hudson, Geo 908 Hud.son, H. H., 1281 Hudson, R. B 1055 Hudson, Thos. D., (p. 38.) Hudson, W. E., 1056 Hughes, A. G., 183 Hughes, J. E 222 Humphreys, C. W., 467 Humphre.vs, D. C, 208 Humphreys, J. M 209 Hunt, T. P., 3 Hunter, Andrew, (p. 38.) Plunter, J. G., 401 Hunter. J. L., 375 Hurd, Sam., 12 Hutchison, Benj., (p. 38.) Hutton, J. B 824 1 82 Union Theological Seminary, Hutton, S. G., 971 Hymes, H. A.. 8TS Irvine, Win., 448 Irwin, J. L. 972 Irwin, L. W., 801 Ii-win, P. C, 1212 Isler, S. H., 328 Jackson, Matthew W., (p. 38.) Jacobs, Ferdinand, 91 Jeffries, E. D., 715 Jenkins, H. M., 130.J Jennings, J. H 172 Johnson, A. S., 12.59 Johnson, Cameron 879 Johnson, Clyde, 1237 Johnson, C. AV., 533 Johnson, J. C, 1997 Johnson, J. F., 073 Johnson, T. C 7.54 Johnson, W. S., 424 Johnston, Cyrns, (p. 38.) Johnston, F. H., 291 Johnston, J. H., 825 Johnston, L. B., 408 Johnston, T. D., 1131 Johnston, T. P., 49 Jones, Alfred, 409 Jones, Allen, Jr., 1073 Jones, A. G., 8.55 Jones, C. R., 755 Jones, E. C, 135 Jones, F. F. 1132 Jones, O. G., 909 Jones, P. F., 1213 Jones, Thos., 150 Jones, Willis, 75(! Jopling, R. W., 10.57 Julian, K. P. 570 Junkin, D. P., 731 Jiinkin, W. McC, 880 Kean, F. H 942 Kee, J. A., 1027 Keller, W. E .534 Kelly, David, 159 Kennedy, B. D., 802 Kennedy, J. F., 1098 Kennedy, M. S., 028 Kennedj', R. M., 774 Kennison, J. S. 11.33 Kerr, R. P 408 Kilpatrick, Abner W (p. 39.) Kilpatrifk. W. M 315 Kiniinons, II. H., 213 Kinimons, L. H., 732 King, J. B 109 King, R. F 535 King, W. J., 995 Kinnaird, R. L., 1103 Kirkland. A., 310 Kirkpatrick, John, (p. 39.) Kiikpatrick, J. L 121 Kirkpatrick, J. M 23i Kirkpatrick, R. F., 1134 Kistler, Adolphus 910 Klipstine, L. F., 92 Knobel, Abraham, 826 Knox, Jas., 34 Lacy, C. R., 1164 Lacj', Drury, 35 Lacy. .T. H 775 Lacy, J. W 996 Lacy, M. L 308 Lacy, W. S 329 LaFevre, J. S 490 Lafferty, J. W 1074 Laird, A. F., 449 Laird, H. R 392 Laird, W. R 029 Lambdin, M. B., 716 Lambersou, S. L., 93 Lambert, A. N 943 Lancaster, J. L., 0.30 Lancaster, R. V 757 Lane, Ed 370 Lane, E. E 1075 Lapsley, Jas., 770 Lapsley, R. A 074 Lapsley, R. A., Jr 1.306 Lapsley, S. N 777 Lapsley, W. J 393 Latham, C. W., 093 Latham. J. E 571 Law, P. R .536 Lawson. G. W 973 Lawson, J. F., 1076 Lawson. R. E. C, 944 Layton, D. M 094 Leach. J. H. C, (p. 39.) Lee, T. J 0.53 Lee, W. S 1200 Leeper. (i. II 13.50 Leeper. J. F. 1 135 Leps, J. C, 974 Leps, J. A < ?) Leslie, .7. D 075 Lewis. F. W 491 Lewis. J. H 402 Lewis, J. N 1 73 Leyburn, E. R., 975 Leyburn, G. L 377 Leyburn, G. W. 110 Leyburn, John Ill Life, G. M .3.30 Union Theological Seminary. 183 Lightner, S. M., 331 Lilly, D. C Lindley, Daniel, 36 Lineweaver, .J. L 1214 Lingamfelter, C. S 41)2 Lingle, T. W., 1136 Lingle, W. L., 907 Link, A. G., , 803 Link, Luther, 6r>» Little, A. A 733 Logan, Sandford, 911 Longhridge. W., l.")l Lowe, W. E., 1215 Lowrance, E. S., 998 Lunsford, J. B., 3.50 Lupton, J. W., 366 Luther, Martin, 856 Lyle, G. T., 332 Lyman, C. W., 88I Lynch, E. C 1216 Lynch, Jas. M 333 Lyons, J. S., 676 McAllister, Hector 194 McAllister, .T. (i 1187 McArn, A. H 857 McBride, J. B., 195 McBride, S. H., 1.330 McCall. J. v., 912 McCallie, Douglas 1282 Mc-Callum, Angus, 13 MeCaskill, Kenneth, ''099 McCaslin, R. H., 1261 MrChesnev, J. M., 1307 McClellan, J. H 267 MfClintic, H. P., 1077 McCluer, E. B., .- 6.54 McCluer, Uncas, , 410 McClung. J. C, Gn(^ MrClung. J. L., 090 McClure, J. A., 1166 McClure. M. F 717 McConnell, D. F. B 1351 McConuell, T. J.. . 12.38 McConnell, T. M., : .537 McCorkle, A. B 94 McCorkle, E. W 572 McCorkle, S. V., 367 McCorkle, T. M., 36S McCormick, D. S.. 71 McCormick, R. M 235 McCown, J. H., .538 McCown, J. W .3.34 McCoy, H. P. R 335 McCue, F. L SO-I McCullough, .L, 512 MrCutchan, Frank 450 McCutchan, J. S 37 McCutchen, L. O., 1138 McDanald, C. W., 1000 McDonald, Angus 513 McDonald, E. H., 309 McDonald, Kenneth 493 McDonald. Neill 196 ]\rcDonald, W. G., 718 McElroy, I. S., 611 McEwen, John, 14 McFaden, F. T 805 McFadyen, A 394 McFadyen, H. R., 1262 McFadyen, Robertson, 1283 McFerrin, M. M 1100 McGeachy, A. A., 945 McGeachy. D. P 1078 McGeachy, D. P., 1088 McGilvary, W. M. 514 Mcllwaine, R., 292 Mcllwain, R. J 976 Mcllwaine, W. B 13.52 JNfcIntosh. John R., 50 Mclnturfif, Robt •. . . 1139 Mclntyre, Dugald, 8 Mclntyre, Jas 51 Mclntyre, K. M., 351 Mclver, Alex 25 Mclver, D. M., 913 IMcIver, J. M 378 Mclver. D. W., 1331 Mclver, K. L 1101 McKay, M. M., 573 McKee, G. T 13.53 McKelway, A. J., S5S McLauchlin, A., 1001 McLauchlin, A. M., 1165 MacLauchlin. M. B., 1.308 McLauchlin, D. N S82 McLaughlin. H. W 1002 INlcLaurin, Hugh, 122 McLean, A. A., r:>54 McLean, H. H 655 McLean, Hector ,52 McLean, J. D 631 McLean, J. E 778 McLean, L. A., (n2 JNlcLelland. W. R., .5,39 McLeod, K. A., 806 McLi'n, J. L 677 McMaster, R. B., 257 McMillan, Andrew, 197 McMurray, J. A., 540 McJIurray J. A 828 McNair, Evander, 53 McNair, L. E 977 McNair, Malcolm 297 McNair. R. L., 1003 McNeely, O. D 184 i84 Union Theological Seminary. McNeill, A. C 1!18 McNeill, Hector r)4 McNeill, J. A 79 McNeill, M. D., 1004 McPhail, B. G., 214 McPhail. G. W 136 Mcrheeters, C. A., 978 McPheeters, W. M., 574 McPherson, J. E., 137 McPherson, J. P., 123 McQueen, A. R 1284 McRee, J. R., H-tO Malion, Joseph 38 Mann, J. O., 1355 Mann, Royall, 55 Marquess, W. H., 138 Martin, Alex., 258 Martin, Ed. 230 Martin, Motte, 1190 Martin, S. T., 352 Mason, G. F., 1141 Mason. John, 50 Massey, J. B., 1191 Mathes. A. A 139 :^ratthews, C. S 1239 Matthews, L. W 1329 Matthews, O. H., 1240 Matthews, Sam., 78 Matthis, G. McI., 1107 Mauze, J. L 1<»7'> Maxev, R. S., 11G8 Maxwell, C. W., 827 Meachum. J. H., 278 Mebane, A., 39 Mebane, B. W., 575 Mfbane. J. E • 829 Mecklin, J. M., 979 Merrell, Y. P 1142 :Metcalf, Allen D ( p. 39. ) Milev, W. H., 779 Millard, J. R 807 Millard, M. W., 032 Miller, Cornelius 409 Miller, C. A 239 Miller, Henry, 097 Miller, J. P 37 Thomson. Alex 550 Tidball, C. M., 728 Tidball, W. B., 240 Tidball, W. J., 730 Timmons, R. K 1300 Tims. J. C, 1085 Tims. W. F. B 800 Towles. D. T., 245 Towles, J. W 63 Travis, J. M 304 Trenholm. G. A., 553 Trimble, W. S 554 Triplett, J. E 501 Trostle, J. A Ill I Tucker, A. B 262 Tucker, W. S 951 Tufts. E 1030 Turnbull, L. B., 457 Tuttle, R. M., 430 Tyler. J. W., 925 Underwood, W. C, ..1063 Vance, J. A., 787 Vance, .T. I., 740 Vance, .7. N., 640 VanDevanter, J. N 681 Van Houten, C. N 1151 Van Rennsselaer, C, 100 A'an Lear. .Tohn, 983 Van Lear, John A (p. 40.) Varner. J. G., 1112 Vass. L. C, 319 VauKhan, C. R 219 Venable, A. S., 893 Venable, H. I., 85 Venable, P. C, 355 Viehe, F. D. 1247 Vinson, R. E., 1086 Voils. W. M 1040 Waddell, G. R., 585 Wade, J. T 838 Wailes, R. A <)20 Wakefield. John 1010 Walden, J. W., 525 Walker, G. W., 415 Walker, J. C, 1310 Walker, R. C 274 Walker, W. T 867 Walkup, J. W 341 Wallace, J. A 416 Wallace. .1. Albert 47(! Wallace. W. C 526 Walsh. W. M 1229 Walthall. D. K 1011 Walton, R. A 741 Walton, R. L 1200 Walton, T. P., 621 Walton, Wm. C, (p. 40.) Wardlaw, DeLacy, 647 Washburn. E. D., .502 Wasson, J. B., 601 Wassum, J. S., 1041 Watkins, A. D., 1201 Watkins, J. S., 431 W^atkins, S. V., 187 Watkins, T. H 1152 Watson, L. R., 1113 Watt, J. S 19 Watts, A. L 27 Wauchope, A. D 1267 Wauchope, W. C 1294 Weaver, J. H., 602 Webb, F. B., 432 Wellford, E. T., 926 Wells, J. M., 927 Wells, L. E 1064 Welton, F. B., 166 West, W. E., 1268 Whaley, F. N 229 Whaling, H. M., 603 Wharey, J. M., 342 Wharey, James, (p. 40.) Wharey, Thos 284 Wharton, C. N., 928 Wharton, R. L., 1012 Wharton, T. A 742 Wharton, W. P 246 White, A. W., (>82 White, Chas 247 ^Miite, G. W., 294 White, H. A., 8.39 White, Hugh A. 344 White, H. M., 313 White, H. W. 9.53 White, R. A., 929 White, R. B., 128 White, R. C 1338 White, T. W., 320 White, W. C 743 White, W. D., 648 White, W. McC 930 White. W. S 10 Whitmore, J. H., 1361 Wicker, J. L 984 Wiggins, J. H 458 Wilhelm, W. F 343 Wilhelm, W. S 1248 Williams, Albert 167 Williams, C. C 702 Williams, C. S., 64 Williams. H. J 1087 Williams, J. A., 1182 Union Theological Seminary. ib'9 L. L., A., Williams, L. McC, Williams, R. M., . Williams. W. T., Jr Williamson, S. H., Willie, L. R.. Willis. R. B.. Wilson, A. E., Wilson, D Wilson, E. Wilson. G. Wilson, J. D. , Wilson, J. M., . Wilson, J. R., . Wilson, L. T., . Wilson, O. B., . Wilson, R. W., Wilson, Sam., . Wilson, S. B. O Wilson, T. S., . Wilson. W. H., Wilson, W. S.. . Wilson. W. v., Winecoff, J. E. L Winfree, J. H. H Winn, G. W., . . Winn, S. K. ... Wissner. C. H., . Witherow, T. S., Witherow, W. E., Woll, J. J., Womeldorf, C. R., .1339 .1088 .1340 . 1065 . .IGS . 703 . 101 . 477 . 433 . 555 . 285 . 220 . 985 , 55G . 814 . 586 , 102 . 86 , 649 , 815 ,1114 , 188 , 868 356 1042 557 816 251 87 1183 952 Wood, A. W 1269 Wood, J. A. 1341 Woods, S. G., 1230 Woods, D. J., 1013 Woods, F. M., 398 Woods, H. M 704 Woods, J. A., 434 Woods, N. M., 478 Woods. T. E. P., 1153 Woods. W. H., 558 Woodworth, M. G 1014 Woodworth. R. B., 894 Woody. J. W 1342 Wool, J. E., 744 Wooley, W. H., 1154 Wright, A. H., 142 Wright. S. 0., 1249 Yandle. J. L., 1066 Yates. W. B 65 Yeamau, M. V. P., . . . . 869 Y'eargau, L. H., 357 Yerger, H. S 479 Yerger. 0. M., 559 Y'ohannon, I. E., 1155 Young. H. A., 954 Young. .T. A., 1184 Y'ouug. J. S., 384 Young, W. C 1115 Zaidan, J 1343 Zernow, H. B., 683 Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries 1 1012 01250 9867 ^"■^^ X.-, ^Nji ^«rj