-f Y "I-- *f '¥ T ¥ r¥ Y>~?r ^ ;n!: -^ < te 3t45 S^ '>:>L;^.5li^.JLic..^ •k.9^'kX 83 Baskerville. — The Whole Book of J Psalms in English Metre, finely printed by r^;^ - Baskerville. 12mo, old black morocco^ gilt % ^z edges, Birmingham, 1762 r^ FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY ;7 •^^N. . '■■ ,>> ■- OCT 1 19 A ^^"'/GAL } THE WHOLE BOOK PSALMS, Collefled into En alifh Metre, ^ BY T^homas Sternhold, John Hopkins^ and Others. Set forth and allowed to be Sung in all Churches, of all the People together, before and after Morn- ing and Evening Prayer: and alfo before and after Sermon ; and moreover in private Koufes, for their Godly Solace and Comfort : laying apart all ungodly Songs and Ballads, which tend onlv to the nourifhins? of Vice, and corruntins: of Youth. If any he ajflided^ let him pray; and if any be merry, let him fin g Ff alms, James v. 13. Let the Word of God dwell plenteoujly in you, in all Wif- dom, teaching and exhorting one another in Ifalnis^ Hymns, and Spiritual Songs, Jinging unto the Lord with Grace in your Hearts. Col off. iii. 16. (By PermlfTion of the Stationer's Company.) BIRMINGHAM, Printed by JOHN BASKERVILLE, 17C2. ( Frke One SWiing r.nct Sixpence in Sleets.) An Alphabetical TABLE, fliewing how to find each PSALM by its Beginning. AL L Laud and All People Attend my People Among the Princes All People that B. Be Light and Blefled are they Bleffed art thou Behold and have Bleft be the Lord D. Do not, O God E. Except the Lord G. Give to the Lord Grudge not to Great is the Lord, God fave me for Give Praifes unto Give Thanks unto Give Laud unto H. Help, Lord, for How long wilt Have Mercy on me. Have Mercy ou me. Have Mercy on us. How pleafant is tUy He that within the Hear thou mv Prav'r, I. Incline thine Ears, In God the Lord In Trouble and I lift my Heart to I will give Laud and I faid, I will look 1 wailed long and ] udge and defend my I with ray Voice to It is a Thing both In God the Lord 1 Mercy will and In fpeechlefs Silence I love the Lord Jn Trouble and in 1 lift my Eyes to I did in Hcarc 82 100 134 I '14 83 127 29 »05 107 ,48 Pfalm. L. 30 Lord, in thy 49 Lord, keep mc, 78 Lord, be my J udge. Lord, plead my Like as the Hart ' Let God arife, and Lord, give thy Lord, bow thy Ear Lord God of Health, Lord, unto thee I Lord, fave me from Lord, hear ray M. My Shepherd is My Heart doth My Soul to God lliall My Lord, my God, 2^ My Soul give Laud ^8 My Soul, praife the ^4 My Soul, praife ihou N. Not unto. Lord, Now Ifrael o. 12 O Lord, how are 13 O God that art ^ I O Lord my God, I 56 O God our Lord, 67 O Lord, give Ear 84 O God, my Strength 91 O Lord, how joyful 195; O God, my God, O Lord, I put my 3 Our Ears have 1 1 O Lord, conlider 20 O God, give Ear, 25 O Lord, thou didft ^4 O God, my God, O Lord, unto my O God, to me take O God, the Gentiles O Lord, thou doll O come let us lift O fing ye no\v unto O God, my Heart O all ye Nations of O give ye Thanks i-'o O Thou that in the 121 Oft they, now Ifrael 12-2 O Lord, I am not A 2 39 40 43 7 1 92 I 09 116 Tjalm, 6 16 s6 35 42 68 72 S6 88 »3° J40 M3 23 6s 7 » 103 104 146 115 184 3 4 44 5» 55 Co ^5 64 70 79 94 y3 yS 123 J!2 9 An P. O vi-hat a happy O praife the Lord> O laud the Lord O Lord, thou haft O Lord, upon thee Put me not to Praife ye the Praife ye the Lord, Praife ye the Lord, R. Regard, O Lord, Remember s. Send Aid and favc Save me, O Cod, Sing ye with Praife Such as in God the Sing ye untn the T. The Man is bleft Thete is no The Heav'ns and The Lord is only The Earth is all the The Lord is both my Thou art, O Lord, The Man is bleft, The wicked by his The Man is bleft that The Lord is our The mighty God, The God of Gods, The foolifh Man Take Pity for thy Thy Praife alone, O Truly the Lord is To thee, O God, To all that now Thou Shepherd that Thou haft been Thai City fhall full [pliabetica] TABLE, Sec. Tjalm. Tjalm, 133 To fing the Mercies ^9 ^35 Thou, Lord, haft go 136 The Lord doth reigny 93 97 139 The Lord doth reign,. 141 The Lord doth reign^ 99 The Lord did fay 1 10 38 The Man is bleft 112 J06 Thofe that do 125 136 Thee will I praife J38 147 Thee will I laud, U. Unto the Lord M5 6i 142 132 W. Why did the 2 59 With Heart 9 69 What is the Caufc JO 96 Within thy 15 125 Why doft thou 52 M9 Why art thou, Lord, With Heart I do 74 1 1 1 I When Ifrael by 114 14 When that the 126 »9 When as we did »3' 23 Y. 24 Ye Righteous in 33 -7 Ye People all, 4 7 28 Ye Rulers that arc 5^ 32 Ye Men on Earth, lG 36 Ye Children which ' '3 41 Yield unto God, ISO 46 5" Theje are afUr the FJalms 50 Veni Creator. 53 The humble Suit of a Sinner. 57 The Song of Zacliarias. 65 The Song of the blefied Virgin Mary. 73 The Lamentation of a Simici, 75 A Thankfgiving after the rcceiv ng of 76 The Creed. So Preferve us Lord, ^5 The Lord's Praycs. 87 Gloria Patri. The The PSALMS of DAVID, in Metre. P S A L M I. T. S. T HE Man is bkil -that hath not lent Nor led his Life as Sinners do, 2 But in the Law of God the Lord And in the fame doth exercife 3 He -ihall be like a Tree that is Which in due Seafon bringeth forth 4 Whofe Leaf fliall never fade nor fall. Even fo all Things Ihall profper well 5 As for ungodly Men, with them But as the Chaff which by the Wind 6 Therefore the wicked Men fliall not Nor in Affembly of the Jull 1 For why the Way of godly Men Whereas the Way of wicked Men PSALM 11. I T^r HY did the Gentiles Tumults raife? W Why da the People fliU contrive S The Kings and Rulers of the Earth Againfl the Lord, and Chrift his Son, 3 Shall we be bound to them? fay they, And of their Doflrine and their Law 4 But he that in the Heav'n doth dwell. And make them all his Mocking-flocks, 5 For in his Wrath he fliall reprove And in his Fury trouble them, 6 I have anointed him my King I will therefore, Lord, preach thy Law 7 The Law whereof the Lord himfelf Thou art my only Son, this Day 8 All People I will give to thee, The Ends and Coalls of all the Earth 9 Thou flialt them bruife, even like to thofc And as a Potter's Veffel break o Now ye, O Kings and Rulers all, By whom the "Matters of the World I I See that ye ferve the Lord above, See that with Rev'rence ye rejoice 12 Sec that ye do embrace and kifs Left in his Wrath ye fuddcnly 13 If once his Wrath (but liitle) fhall Then only they that trufl in him, PSALM in. 1 #^\ Lord, how atre my Foes increas'd, \^ They break my Heart when as they fay to wicked Men his Ear-: nor fat in Scorncrs Chair, doth fet his whole Delight : himfelf both Day and Night, planted the Rivers nigh : its Fruit abundamly. but flourlfliing fhall ftand : that this Man takes in Hand, it fhall be nothing fo : is driven to and fro. in Judgment {land uprights fhall Sinners come in Sight. unto the Lord is known : fhall quite be overthrown. T. S. what Rage was In their Brain? a Thing that is but vain ? confpire, and are all bent whom he among us fent. let all their Bonds be broke: let us reje£l the Yoke, their Doings will deride: throughout the World fo wide. their Pride and fcomful Way ; and unto them fhall fay, upon my holy Hill : according to thy Will. hath thus faid unto me, have I begotten thee. as Heirs at thy Requeft : by thee fhall be poffeft. that under Foot are trod ; them with an Iron Rod. be wife therefoic, and learn 'd : are judged and difcern'd. in Trembling and in Fear : v/hcn you to him draw near. his Son without Delav: perifh from the right Way. be kindled in his Breaft : Ihall happy be andblcft. T. S. who vex me more &nd more ! Cod can him not renore. 2 But PSALM IV, V. S Buttliou, O Lord, art my Defence, My Worfliip and my Honour both, 3 Then with my Voice upon the Lord And he out of his holy Hill 4 I laid me down, and quietly For why? I know aCTuredly, 5 If thoufands up againft me rife. For iliou art ftill my Lord and God, 6 Rife up therefore, fave me my God, For thou haft broke the Cheeks and Teeih 7 Salvation only doth belong Who on thy People dofl beflow PSALM IV. 1 A^ God that art my Righteoufnefs, \^_^ Thou haft fet me at Liberty 2 Have Mercy, Lord, therefore on me, For unto thee inceffantly 3 O mortal Man, how long will ye Why wander ye in Vanity, 4 Know ye that good and godly Men And when to liim I make Complaint, 3 Sin not, but fland in Awe thereforc- And in your Chamber quietly 6 Offer to God the Sacrifice And look that in the living Lord - The greater Sort crave worldly Goods, But, Lord, grant us thy Countenance, 8 For thou thereby fhalt make my Heart Than they that of their Corn and Wine <^ In Peace therefore lie down will I, For thou only doll me, O Lord, PSALM V. NCLINE thine Ears, O Lord, and let I To thee, who art ray God and King, Hear me bctime. Lord, tarry not. My Supplication in the Morn 3 And J will patiently ftill truft Thofi art net pleas'd with Wickednefs, 4 Such as the Foolifu Ihall not iland Vain "Workers of Iniquity 3 The Lyars and bafe Flatterer'? Blood'-thirfty and deceitful Men 6 Therefore will I come to thy Houfe, And rcv'rently will worQiip thee 7 Lord, lead me in thy Rightcoufncfs, Alfo the Way that I fhall wnlk, 8 For in their Mouths there is no Truth, Their Throat an open Sepulchre, when I am hard beftead : and thou hold'ft up my Head. I did both call and cry; did hear me fpeedily. 1 flept and rofe again : the Lord did me fuilain. I will not be afraid; my Saviour and my Aid. to thee I make my Pray'i ; of all that wicked are. to thee, O Lord, above: thy Bl effing and thy Love. T. S. Lord, hear me when I call : when I was bound in Thrall, and grant me my Requeft : to cry I will not reil. ray Glory thus defpife? and follow after Lies ? the Lord doth take and chufe; he doth me not refufe, examine well your Heart : fee ye yourfelvcs convert, of Righteoufnefs and Praife: you put your Truft always. and Riches do embrace : thy Favour and thy Grace, more joyful and more glad, full great Increafe have had. taking ray Reft and Sleep : preferve and fafely keep. T. S. ray Words have free Accefs from whom I feek Redrefs. for I will have Refped, to thee for to direft. in thee ray God alone : and III with thee dwells none, in Sight of thee, O Lord: thou haft always abhorr'd. fliall be dcflroy'd by thee : likewife (hall hated be. trufting upon thy Grace: towards thy holy Place. for to confound my Foes : fl before my Face difclofe. " their inward Filth is great : and Tongues full of Deceit. 9 Deftroy P S A L M VI, VIT. Dtilroy their falfe Confpiracics, Subvert them in their Heaps of Sin, J But thofe that put their Trull in thee, And render Thanks for thy Defence, t For thou with Favour wilt increafe And with thy Grace, as with a Sliield, PSALM VI. LO RD, in my Wrath reprove me not, Nor yet correct me in thy Rage, I' Of 1 am weak, therefore, O Lord, And heal me, Lord, for why? thou know'ft My Soul is troubled very fore, But, Lord, how long wilt thou delay Loid, turn thee to thy wonted Grace, O fave me not for my Defcrts, For whv ? no Man among the Dead O wlio'n-.all wcrfhip thee, O Lord, So grievous is my Plaint and Moan, All the Night long I walh my Bed ' Mv Siglit is dim, and waxeth old. For fear of them that be my Foes, ,i Bat now depart from me, all ye Becaufe the Lord hath heard the Voice ) He heard not only the RcqucR Bui it received at my Flands, 10 And now my Foes that vexed me, And faddenly confound them all, PSALM VII. OLord my God, I put my Truft Save me from them that me purfue, ; Leli like a Lion he me tear, "While there is none to fuccour me, : O Lord my God, if I have done Or clie if I be found in Fault, ( Or to my Friend rewarded ill. Who me purfu'd raofl cruelly, ] Then let my Foe purfue my Soul, Unto the Eanh, and alfo lay ) Stand up, O Lord, in Wrath, becaufe Awake for me to the Judgment ; Then (hall great Nations corne to thee. If thou declare for Love of them, i And a3 thou art of all Men Judge, According to my Righteoufnefs, PART II. I Lord, ceafe the Hate of wicked Men By •\\hom the Secrets of all Hearts I take my Help to come of God Who doth prefcrve all ihofc t}ut be that ihey may come to nought : who have Rebellion wrought, let them be glad always : and give thy Name the Praifc. the Juft and Righteous flill : defend him from all 111. T. S. tho' I deferve thine Ire : O Lord, I thee defire. of Mercy me forbear : my Bones do quake for fear. and ve:<.'d exceedingly : to cure my Mifery? feme Pity on me lake : but for thy Mercies fake. remembreth thee at all : that in the Pit do fall? that I grow wond'rous faint : with Tears of my Complaint, with Anguifh of my Heart : and would my Soul fubvcrt. that work Iniquity : of my Complaint and Cry. and Pray'r of my fad Heart : and took it in good Part. the Lord will foon defame: with great Rebuke and Shame. T. S. and Confidence in thee : and ftill deliver me. and rend in Pieces fmall : and rid me out of Thrall. the Thing that is not right : or guilty in thy Sight ; or left him in Diftrefs : and hated me caufelcfs ; let him my Life down thrufl my Honour in the Dun. my Foes do rage fo fafl ; which thou commanded haft. and know thee by this Thing thyfelf as Lord and King. O Lord, now judge thou me and my Integrity. B2 and be the juft Man's Guide: are fearched and defcry'd. in all my Pain and Smart : of pure and perfeil Heart. The PSALM VIII, IX. II The juft Man and the wiclced both So tliat he feels his mighty Hand IS Except he change his Mind, I die, He whets his Sword, he bends his Bow, 13 And doth prepare his mortal Darts, For them that do me perfecute, J 4 But lo, iho' he in Travail be And of his Mifchief cnce conceiv'd, 15 He digs a Ditch and makes it deep, But he fhall fail into the Fit 1 6 Thus wrong feturndth to the Hurt And all the Mifchief that he wrought, I 7 I will give Thanks to God therefore, And with my Song will praife the Name PSALM VIll. 1 ^^^^ God our Lord, how wonderful \^^^ Thy fame furmounts in Dignity . 2 Even by the Mouth of fuckling Babes For in thofe Babes thy Might is fcen, 3 And when I fee the Heav'ns above. The Sun, the Moon ar.d all the Star?, 4 Lord! what is Man, that thou of him Or what the Sou of Man, whom ihou 5 For thou haft made him little lefi Ai\d thou liafl alfo crov.ned him. £ Tliou ha.l preferr'd him to the Lord Hafl iu Subjefticn unto him 7 As Sheep, and Neat, and all Beads elfe. Fowls of the Air, Fiih in the Sea, S O God our Loid, how e.-ycellcni In all the Earth I Tuciefcre v.e do PSALM IX. 1 "X ^ 5^1 T H Heart andMouth to ihee,0 Lord, Y y And fpeak of all thy wond'iouiWoiks, 2 1 will be glad and much rejoice And make my Songs extol thy Name 3 Eecaufe my Foes are driven back, They do fail down, and are dcflroy'd 4 Tliou hall revenged all my Wrong, Thou doft with Juflicc bear ray Caufe, 5 Thou doft rebuke the Heathen Folk, That afterward the Memory i) Dcftrufiions to an End are come. With them likewifc is pcrilhcd 7 Know thou that he who is above, And in the Seat of Equity a Wiih Juftlce he will keep and gulds And fo will yield with E'juity God judgcth by his Pow'i : even ev'ry Day and Hour, for even as he thinks fit aiming wh'cre he may hit. his Arrows keen and fharp : and do at Mifchief harp, of his Dev'lifh Forecaft : yet brings forth nought, at laft. in Hope to hurt his Brother : that he digg'd up for other, of him in whom it bred : fliall fall on his own Head. that JAidgeth righteouny : of him that is moll high, T. S. are thy Works ev'ry wlieiel the higheit Heav'ns that arc. thou wilt confound thy Foes ; thy Graces they difclofc. the Works of thy own Hand : in order as they fland ; tak'ft fuch abundant Care? to vifit doft not fparc? than Angels in Degree : with glorious Dignity. cF all thy W'orks, and tliou put all Things here beluv/. that iu the Fields do feed : and all that therein breed, is thy moil glorious Name piaife and adore the fame. T. S. will I ling Laud and Praife: and iheiii declare alvvavF. in thee, O God, moR high: above the flarry Sky. and turned unto Flight : by thy great Pow'r and Might, lav Grief and all ray Grudge : nioft like a righteous Judge. and Wicked fo confound, of them cannot be found, and Cities overthrown : their Fame and great Rcno'.Mi- for evermore Ihall reign, true judgment will maintain, the World and ev'ry Wight : to cvtiy Man his Right. 9 He PSALM X. 9 He is Proteaor of the Poor, He is in all Adverlity 10 And they that know thy holy Name, For thou forfakefl not their Suit what Time they be oppreft : their Refuge and their Reft, therefore fhall truft in thee : in their Neceffity. PART II. I I Sing Pfalms therefore unto the Lord, Ami)ng the People all declare 1 2 For he is mindful of the Blood Forgetting not the humble Man 13 Have Mercv, I.ord, on me, becaufe Who from the Gates of Death are wont 14 In Sion that I may fet forth And that in thy Salvation great, 15 The Heathen flick faft in the Pit, And in the Net that they did hide, 16 By Judgments great the Lord is known, And faft entangled in the Work 1 7 The wicked and deceitful Men And all the People of the World, iS But fure the Lord will not forget The patient People never look 19 O Lord, arife, left Men prevail And let the Heathen Folk receive 80 Lora, flrike fuch Terror, Fear and Dread, They will be forced to confefs PSALM X. [AT is the Caufe that thou, O Lord, Why hideft thou thy Face in Time 2 The Poor do pcrifn by the Proud, Let them be taken in the Craft 3 For in the Luft of his own Heart So doth the Wicked praife himfelf, 4 He is fo proud, that Right and Wrong Nay, nay, there, is no God, faith he, 5 Becaufe his Ways do profper ft ill. And with a Blaft do puff againft 6 Tufh, tu{h, faith he, I have no Dread, And why ? for all Adverlity 7 His Mouth is full of Curfedncfs, Under his Tongue there Nothing is 8 He licth hid in Ways and Holes, Againft the Poor that pafs by him 9 And like a Lion privily That he may fnare them in his Net, 10 W^ith cunning Craft and Subtihy So arc great Heaps of poor Men made PART II. n Tufh, God forgcttcth this, faith he. His Coumcnaacc is caft afide, B3 ■Ww who dwells on Sion Hill : his noble Ads and Will, of them that be oppreft : that fecks to him for Reft. my Foes do yet remain : to raife me up again. thy Praife with Heart and Voicc< my Soul may ftill rejoice. which they themfelves prepar'd : their own Feet are enfnar'd. whilft wicked Men are caught, which their own Hands have J . u n t 1 (wrouphl. go down to Hell below: ^ ^ that God refufe to know. the poor Man's Grief and Pain s for Help of him in vain. that be of worldly Might : their judgment in thy Sight: into their Hearts, and then themfelves to be but Men. T. S. fo far off now doft ftand ? when Trouble is at Hand? and wicked Mens Defire : which they themfelves confpire, th' Ungodly doth delight : and doth the Lord defpitc. he fetteth all apart : for thus he thinks in Heart, he doth thy Laws negleil : fuch as would him correft. left my Eftate fliould change : to him is very ftrange. of Fraud, Deceit, and Guile : but what is bafe and vile, to flay the Innoccent: his cruel Eyes are bent. lies lurking in his Den : and fpoil poor harmlefs Men. he croucheth down alway : by his ftrong Pow'r a Prey. therefore I may heboid: he doth it not behold. 12 Arifc P S A L M XI 12 Arife, O Lord our God, in whom I.ifi up thy Hand, do not forget 13 Whv fhould the proud and wicked Man Whilfl in his Heart he crieth, Tulh, 14 But thou fcefl. all their Wickednefs, That Friendlefs and,poor Fatherlefs, 1 3 Of wicked and malicious Men That they with their Iniquity I 6 The Lord fliall reign for evermore And he will chafe out of the Land II Thou heareft. Lord, the Poor's Complaint, Their Hearts thou wilt confirm, until 1 8 To judge the Poor and Fatherlefs, That thev mav be no more oppreil , xir. the poor Man's Hope doth rel! : the Poor that be opprcft. blafpheme God's holy Name God cares not for the fame, and well doft underfiand, are left into thy Hand. then break the Pow'r alway : mav perifh and decay, as King and God alone ; the Heathen Folk each one. their Pray'r and their Requefl ; thine Ears to hear be preft. and help them to their Right : by Men of worldly Might. PSALM XI. T. S. 1 T N God the Lord I put my Truft, £ Unto the Mountain fwiftly fly» ; iieliold, the ■Wicke4 bend their Bows, To Ihoot in fecret at thofe who 3 Of worldly Hope all fiays were Ihrunk, Ala?, the juft and upright Man, 4 But he that in his Temple is, • And in the higheft Heav'ns doth lit 5 The poor and fingle Man's Eftate And fearcheih out full narrowly 6 And with a chearful Countenance Eat in his Heart he doih cbhor ■J And on the Sinners cafleih Snares Brimftone and Fire, and Whirlwinds great, 5 Ye fee then hew a righteous God And unto jufl and upright Men PSALM XII. 1 T T ELP, Lord, for good and godly Men J[ _!_ And Faith and Truth from wcrldly Men 2 Wholo doth with his Neighbour talk, For cv'ry Man bethinketh how 3 But Ratt'iing and deceitful Lipr, To fpeak proud Words, and make great Brags, 4 For they fay Ilill, We will prevail. Our Ttngues are ours, we ought to fpeak, t But for the great Complaint and Cry I will arife now, faiih the Lord, 6 God's Word is like to Silver pure. Which hath not lefs than fcven Times in " Now Cnce thy Promife is to help. And fave m now and evermore •f For now the wicked Wcr!d is full Whilft Vanity with worldly Men why fay ye to my Soul, as doth the winged Fowl ? their Arrows they prepare Imcere and upright are. and clearly brought to nought what Evil hath he wrought i* mofi holy and moft, high: in royal Majefty. conliders in his Mind, the Manners of Mankind ; the r'ghteous Man vmU ufe : all fuch as Mifchicf mafc. as thick as H;iil or Rain : appointed for their Pain, doth Righteoufnefs embrace : Ihews forth his pleafaiit Fac«. T. S. do perifli and decay : is parted clean away, 'tis :ill but Vanity : to fpeak deceitfully. and Tongues that be fo ftou* the Lord foon cuts them out. our Lips fhall us e.\tol : what Lord Ihall us controul ? of thofc that are oppreil, and them reftore to Reft, that from the Drofs is try'd, the Fire been purify'd. Lord, keep thy Promife then : from this ill Kind of Men. of Mifchiefs manifold : fo highly is Citol'd. PSALJ PSALM XIII, XIV, XV, XVI. PSALM XIII. 1 TTO W long will thcu forget me. Lord? I I How long doft thou intend to hide 2 in Heart and Mind how long fhall I And how long Ihall my deadly Toe J Behold me now, O Lord my God, Lighten mine Eyes, led I do Ueq) . 4 Left that my Enemy do fay. Left they alfo that hate my Soul, 3 But from thy Mercy and Goodnefs In thy Relief and faving Health 6 I will give Thanks unto the Lord, Becaufe he ha:h heard ray Recjueft P S A L M XIV. , rTp H E R E is no God, do foolifh Men I Their Drifts are all corrupt and vain, 2 The Lord beheld from Htav'n moft high. And faw not one that fought indeed 3 They went all wide, and were corrupt. That in the World did any good, 4 Is all their Judgment fo far loft. Eating ray People even as Bread, 5 When they thus lage, then fuddenly For God doth love the righteous Man, 6 Ye mock the doings of the Poor, Becaufe they put their tiuft in God, 7 But who (hall give the People Health ? Thy Promife made to Ifrael, 8 For when thou (halt reftore again Then Jacob Ihall therc'.in rejoice, PSALM XV. 1 X ^ 7 I T H I N thy Tabernacle Lord , \ \ Or whom wilt thou receive to dwell 3 The Man whofe Life is uncorrupt, Whofc Heart doth think the very truth 3 That to his Neighbour doth no 111, Nor willingly doth Slanders raife, 4 That in his Heart regardeth not But thofe that love and fear the Lord, 5 His Oath and all his Promifcs Altho' he make his Cov'nant fo, 6 That putteth not to Ufury Nor for to hurt the Innocent 7 Whofo doth thefe Things faithfully. Shall never perifh in this World, P S A L M XVI. 1 T ORD, keep uie, for I truft in thee, ]|. J Thou art my God, and ef my Goods T. S. fhall it for ever be ? thy Face away from me? with Care tormented be? thus triumph over me? and hear me fore oppreft : as one by Death poffeft : behold, I do prevail : rejoice to fee me faiL my Hope fhall not depart : right glad fliall be my Heart, and Praifes to him fing ; for cv'ry needful Thing. T. S. affirm in their mad Mood : not one of them doth good, the whole Race of Mankind: the living God to find. and truly there was none no not fo mlich as one. that all work Mifchief ftill ? not one to feek God's Will. great Fear on them fhall fall : and will preferve them all. to their Reproach and Shame : and call upon his Name. and when wilt thou fulfill from out of Sion's Hill? fuch as were captive led, and Ifrael be glad. T. S who fball inhabit ftill? in thy moft holy Hill? whofe Works are juft and flraight: and Tongue fpeaks no Deceit, in Body, Goods, or Name; which might impair the fame, malicious wicked Men : he maketh much of them. that keepeth faithfully, that he doth lofe thereby, his Money and his Coin : doth bribe or elfe purloin. and turneth not therefrom, nor that which is to come. T. S. and do confefs indeed, thou haft not any Need. a Thctc- PSALM XVII. o 2 Therefore I give tliem to the Saints Namely, unto the" faithful Flock 3 Their Sorrows fliall be maltiply'd. To offer to the Idol-Gods, 4 As for the bloody Sacrifice, I will not touch, neither thereof 3 For why ? the Lord the Portion is And he it is that doth preferve 6 The Place wherein my Lot is faU'n, My Heritage affign'd to me, 7 I ihank the Lord that caufed me For by his Means my fecret Thoughts 8 1 fct the Lord flill in my Sight, For he doth Hand on my Right-hand, (J AVherefore my Heart and Tongue alfo Mv Flelh likewife doiih reft in hope 1 o Thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell, Nor yet will give thy holy One 1 1 But wilt me fhew the Way to Life, And where at thy Right-hand there are p s A L M xvn. Lord, give ear to my juft Caufe, And hear the Pray'r 1 offer up 2 And let the Judgment of my Caufe And let thine Eyes behold, and clear q Thou haft well try'd mc in the Night, That 1 have fpokeu with my Tongue 4 As for the "Works of wicked Men, For love of thy moft holy Name, 3 Then in thy Paths that be moft pure That from the Way wherein I walk 6 For I do call to thee, O Lord, Then hear my Pray'r, and weigh right well " O thou the Saviour of all them Declare thy Strength on them that fpurn i O keep me as thou wouldeft keep And under covert of thy Wings PART II. 9 From v/icked Men that trouble me, And from my Foes that go about 10 Who wallov/ in their worldly Wealtli, That in their Pride they do not fpare J 1 They lie in wait where I fhould pafs» And muling Mifchief in their Minds, 12 Much like a Lion greedily, Or lurking like a Lion's Whelp, 13 Up, Lord, in hafle, prevent my Foe, SaTc thou my Soul from the ill Man, that in the World do dwell : in Virtue that excel. who run fo haftily, that are but vanity. and Off'rings of that fort, Ihall ray Lips make Report. of my Inheritance : my Lot from all Mifchance. in Beauty doth excel : doth pleafe me wond'rous well. to underftand the right : do teach tne in the Nieht. and truft him over all : therefore I fhall not fall. tejoice exceedingly : to rife again, for why ? becaufc thou loveft me : Corruption for to fee ; where there is Joy in Store : Pleafures for evermore. T. S. attend unto my Cry : to thee unfeigned ly. proceed always from thee: Truth and Simplicity. and yet could'ft Nothing find, that was not in my Mind, and Paths perverfe and ill, I have refrained ftill. guide me, Lord, and preferve: my Steps may never fwcrvc. furely thou wilt me aid : the Words that I have faid. that put their Truft in thee, againft thy Majefty. the Apple of thine Eye : defend me fecret 1 v. and daily me annoy : my Soul for to deftroy, and are fo full and fat, to fpeak they care not what. with Craft me to confound: to caft rae to the Ground, that would his Prey embrace: within fome fecret Place. and caft him at ray Feet : and with thy Sword him fmitc. 14 Deliver PSALM XVIII. 14 Deliver me, Lord, by thy Pow'r, Who now fo long Time reigned have, 15 I mean from worldly Men, who do That have no Hope or Joy but what 16 Thou of thy Store their Bellies hU'ft, Their Children have enough, and leave 1 7 But as for me, I will behold And fhall be falisfy'd when I PSALM X I ^"^ Cod. my Strength and Fortitude, \^^^ Thou art my Caflle and Defence S My God, my Rock, in whom I trufl.. My Refuge, Buckler, and my Shield, 3 When I fing Laud unto the Lord, Thai from my Foes I am right fure, 4 The Pangs of Death did compafs me ; The flowing Waves of Wickednefs 5 The fly and fubtlc Snares of Hell And for my Life there was prepar'd 6 I thus befet with Pain and Grief, And he forthwith heard my CcmpLiint, 7 Such is his Pow'r that^in his Wrath Yea, the Foundation of the Mount 8 And from his Noflrils went a Smoke, And from his Mouth went burning Goals 5 The Lorddefcended from above. And underneath his Feet he cafl 10 On Cherubs and on Cherubims And on the Wings of all the Wind PART I I And like a Den moft dark he made With Waters black, and airy Clouds, 12 At his bright Prefence did thick Clouds And in the Read thereof did come J 3 The fiery Darts and Thunder-bolts, And with his frequent Lightnings he 14 When thou, O Lord, with great Rebuke The Springs and the Foundations of 13 And from above the Lord fent down And pluck'd me out of Waters great, 16 And me deliver'd from my Foes Yea, from fuch Foes as were too flrcng 1 7 They did prevent me evermore But yet the Lord is my Defence, 18 He brought me forth in open Place, And kept me fafe, becaufe he had I 9 According to my Innocence, And to the Glcanncfs of my Hands out of thefc Tyrants Hands, and kept us in their Bands, in worldly Goods abound ; in this Life can be found, with Pleafure to their Mind : the rcfl to theirs behind. thy Face in Righteoufnefs : awake with thy Likenefs. VIII. T. S. of force I mufl love thee : in my Neceffity. the Worker of my Wealth : the Horn of all my Health. mofl worthy to be ferv'd, that 1 fhall be preferv'd. and bound me ev'ry where : did put me in great Fear. were round about me fet : a deadly trapping Net. did pray to God for Grace; out of his holy Place. he made the Earth to quake, of Bafan for to {hake, w hen kindled was his Ire : of hot confuming Fire. and bow'd the Heav'ns mofl high : the Darkcfs of the Sky. full royally he rode ; came flying all abroad. his hid and fecret Place: encompaffed he was. in Halle away retire: Hail-fiones and Coals of Fire. difperfe them here and there : doth put them in great Fear. thy Anger doll declare, the World difcover'd are. to fetch me from below : that would me overflow, that fought me to enthral: for me to deal withal. in Time of my great Grief: my Succour and Relief, tliat fo I might be free : a Favour unto me. fo did he me regard : he gave me my Reward ; 20 Far P S A L M XVIII. 9 For thai I walked in his Ways, And not departed wickedly PART SI 'But evermore I have Refpeft His Statutes and Commandments 1 ■:i2 But pure, and clean, and uncorrupl, And did refrain from Wickednefs -3 The Lord therefore will me reward. And to the Cleannefs of my Hands •,;4 For, Lord, with him that holy is, And with the good and virtuous Man, ^3 And for the loving and Elefl; And thou wilt ufe the wicked Men ::6 For thou doil favethc limple Folk And dofl bring down the Countenance a] The Lord will light my Candle fo. The Lord my God will make alfo S8 For by thy Help an Heft of Men By thee I fcale and over-leap 29 Unfpotted are the Way^ of God, He is a fure Defence to fuch 30 For who is God, except the Lord? Or clfe who is Omnipotent, and in his Paths have trod : from him that is my God, to his Law and Decree : caft not av;ay from me. appear'd before his Face : and Sin in ev'ty Cafe. as I have done aright : appearing in his Sight. ' wilt thou be hclv too : thou wilt uprightly do : thy Favour wilt refcrve : as wicked Men dcferve. in Trouble when thev lie;, of them that look full high. that it fhall (hinc full bright : my Darknefs to be Light. difcomHt, Lord, I fhall : the Strength of any Wall. his Word is purely try'd : as in his Faith abide, for other there is none : faying our God alone ? PART IV. 3 I The Cod that girdeth me with Strength, That all the Ways wherein 1 walk, 32 That made my Feet like to the Harts, And for my Safety brought me forth 33 He did in Order put mv Hands To break in funder Bars of Brafs, 34 Thou teachelf mc thy faving Health ; Thy Love and Gentlenefs alfo 35 And under me thou makeft plain So that my Feet fhall never flip, 36 And fiercely I purfae and take And from the Field do not return 37 So 1 fupprefs and wound my Foes For underneath my Feet they fall, 58 For thou haft girded me with Strengih Thou wilt throw down my Enemies 39 Lord thou haft giv'n me the Necks Tliat fo I miglit deftroy all thofe 40 They call'd for Help but none gave car, Yea, to the Lord they call'd for Aid, PART V. 41 And ftill like Duft before the Wind, And fwccpthcm out like filthy Dm is he that I do mean r did evermore keep clean. in Swiftnefs of my Pace: into an open Place. in Battle for to fight : he gave my Arms the Might, thy Right-hand is my Tow'r : doth ftill increafe my Pow'r. the Way where I fliould go ; ncr wander to and fro. my Foes that me annoy 'd : till they be all deftroy'd. tliar they can rife no more? 1 wound them all fo fore, unto the Battle, and that do againft me ftand. of all my Enemies : that up againft me rife. nor came to their Relief: yet heard he not their GricL I drive them untler Feet : thai lieth in the Street. 42 Thou PSALM ^i Thou keep'ft mc fron feditious Folk, And thou doft oi' the Heathen Folk 43 A People ftrona, to me unknown. And at the Hrfl obey my Word, ' 44 I fhall beirkfome to my own, JBut wander wide out of the Way, 45 But blclTed be the living Lord, He is my Rock and faving Health, 46 For it is he that gave me Pow'r, And with his holy Word fubdu'd 47 And from my Foe deliver'd me, That cruel and ungodly vfere, 48 And for this Caufe, O Lord my God, And hng out Praifes to thy Name 49 Deliv'rance great thou giv'ft the King, Mercy for thine Anointed, and XIX, XX. that ftill in Strife are led r appoint me to be Head. and yet they fliall me fervc : whereas my own will fwerve. they will not fee my Light and hide them out of Sight. raoft worthy of all Praift, prai fed be h^ always, revenged for to be : the People unto me. and fet me overthofe, and up againll; me rofe. to thee give thanks I fhall ; among the Gentiles all. and dofl; referve in Store, his Seed for evermore. P S A L M XIX. T. S. I f" I ^ H E Heav'ns and Firmament on high 1 God's Glory and Omnipotence, 1 he wond'rous Works of God appear The Nights likewife, which their Race run, 3 There is n,o Language, Tongue or Speech, In all the Earth and Coafts thereof 4 In them the Lord made for the Sun Who like a Bridegroom ready trimm'd, J And as a valiant Champion With Joy doth hafte to take in Hand 6 And all the Sky from End to End Nothing can hide it from his Heat, 7 How perfect is the Laxv of God ! Converting Souls, and making wife 8 The Lord's Commands are righteous, and His Precepts are mofl. pure, and do 9 The Fear of God is excellent. The Judgments of the Lord alfo I And more to be dehred are The Honey and the Honey-comb I I By them thy Servant is forewam'd And in performance of the fame 12 But, Lord, V. hat earthly Man doth know Then cleanfe me from my fecret Sins, 13 And keep me, that prefumptuous Sins And fo lb all I be innocent 14 Accept my Mouth and Heart alfo. For my Redeemer and my Strength, PSALM XX. I N Trouble and Adverhty The Majefly of Jacob's God do wond'roufly declare his Works and what they are. by ev'ry Day's Succefs : the felf-fame Thing exprefs. where their Sound is not heard ; their Knowledge is conferr'd. a Place of great Renown: comes from his Chamber dowQ. who would to Honour rife, fome noble Enterprife. he compaffeth about ; but he will find it out. his Covenant is fure : the Simple and Obfcure. rejoice the Heart -, likewife give Light unto the Eyes. and ever doth endure : mnft righteous are and pure, than much fine Gold alway : are not fo fweet as they. to have God in regard : there fhall be great Reward, the Errors of his Life? which are in me moll rife. prevail not over me : and great Offences flee. my Words and Thoughts each on« : O Lord thou art alone. T. S. the Lord God hear thee ftill : defend thee from all 111. 2 And PSALM XXI, XXII. fi And fend ihce from his holy Place And fo in Sion 'Ilablifh iliec, 3 Remerabring well the SacTifice And fo receive moft gracioufiv ,4 According; to thy Heart's Dcfire, And all thy Counfel and thy Mind, 5 We will rejoice when ihou us fav'ft Unto the Lord, who thy Requefts 6 The Lord will his Anointed fave, And fend him Help by his Right-hand 7 In Chariots fome put Confidence, But we remember God our Lord, $ They all fall down, but wc do rife O fuvc and help us. Lord and King, PSALM I ^"^ Lord, how joyful is the King \^^ Exceedingly he doth rejoice a For thou haft given unto him To him thou Nothing haft deny'd 3 Thou didft, prevent him with thy Gifts And thou haft fet upon his Head 4 And wlieu he a{ked Life of thee, To have long Life, yea, fuch a Life 3 Great is his Glory by thy Help, Great Worfhip and great Honour both € Thou wilt give him Felicity And with thy chearful Countenance 7 Becaufe the King doth ftrongly truft Therefore his Goodnefs and his Grace 8 Thy Fnemies Ihall feel thy Force, Find out thy Foes, and let them feel 9 And like an Oven burn them. Lord, Thy Anger fliall dcftroy them all, 10 Andthou Ihalt root out of the Earth And from the Number of thy Folk, 1 1 For they much Mifchief did contrive Yet did tliey fail, and had no Pow'r 12 But as a Mark iliou flialt them fet And charge thy Bowrftrings readily 13 Be thou exalted. Lord, in thy So Ihali we Cng right folemnly, PSALM XXII. 1 ^"^ God, my God, wherefore doft thou \_^ And helpcft not when I do make 2 To thee, my God, even all Day long, I ceafe not all the Night, and yet 3 Btrt thou that in thy holy Place Thou art the Joy, the Comfort and his Help at every Need : and make thee ftrong indeed. that now to him is done : thy Offerings each one : the Lord grant unto thee : full well perform may he. and Banners (hall difplay fulfilled hath alway. I know well by his Grace: out of his holy Place. and fome in Horfes truft : who keepeth Promife juft. and ftand up ftedfaftly : when we to thee do cry. XXI. T. S. in thy Strength and thy Pow'r in thee his Saviour. his godly Heart's Defire ; of that he did require. . And Bleffings manifold : a Crown of perfefl Gold, therefore thou mad'ft him fuie .- as ever {hall endure. ihy Benefit and Aid : thou haft upon him laid, that never fhall decay : will comfort him alwav. in God for to prevail : to fave him will not fail, and thofe that thee withftand : the Pow'x of thy Right-hand* in fiery Flame and Fume : and Fire Ihall them confume. their Fruit that Ihould increafe : their Seed ihall end and ceafe. againft thy holy Name : for to perform the fame, in a moft open Place : againft their very Face. own Strength,whichis our Tow'r: prailing thy Might and Pow'r. T. S. forfake me uttterly? my great Complaint and Cry? I do both cry and call: thou hearcft not at all. for evermore doft hile Breath doth laft. And in the Houfe of God will I and he that doth me feed : whereof I ftand in Need ? where I do fafelylie: which run raoft pleafantly. then doth he me Home take; ev'n for his own Name's fake, yet would I fear no 111: afford me Comfort flill. in Prefence of my Foe : my Cup doth overflow, thy Grace fliall mc defend; my Life for ever fpend. ■ ]vr.i Another of the fame by T. S. Y Shepherd is the living Lord, Nothing therefore I need : Paftures fair, nearpleafant Streams, he fetteth me to feed. 2 He fhall convert and glad my Soul, To walk in Paths of Righteoufnefs 3 Yea, tho' I walk in Vale of Death, Thy Rod and Staff do comfort me, 4 And in the Prefence of my Foes Thou wait fill full ray Cup, and thou 5 Thro' all my Life thy Favour is That in-thy Houfe for evermore r S A L and bring my Mind in Frame > for his moft holy Name. yet will I fear no III ; and thou art with me ftill, my Table thou Ihalt fpread; anointed haft my Head. fo frankly Ihew'd to me, my Dwelliug-place fliall be. M XXIV. J. H. 1 rnp^HE Earth 13 all the Lord's, with J[ Yea,, his is all the World, and all 2 For he hath faftly founded it And plac'd below the liquid Floods, 3 Who is tlie Man, O Lord, that fhall Or pafs into thy holy Place, 4 Even he whofe Hands and Heart are pure, His Soul not fct on Vanity, 5 Him that i'> fuch a one, the Lord And from his God and Saviour fliall G This is the Generation of ilv'n tlicm that with an upright Heart lU her Store and Furniture : that therein doihenduic. above the Seas to (land : to flow beneath the Land. afcend iinto thy Hill ? there to continue ftill ? which Nothing doth defile: and hath uolfworn to Guile. moft highly will regard: ^ receive a juft Reward, them that do feck his Grace ; O Jacoi ,feck the F.icc. PSALM XXV. Gates and cverladinp; Doors, leii ihall ihe King of glorious State > vVho is the King ot glorious State ? The mighty Lord iu Eattle flrong, <) Ye Gates and everlafiing Doors, T hen fhall the King of glorious Stato M' "Who is the King of glorious State? l he Kingdom and the Royalty PSALM XXV i T Lift mv Heart to thee, J Now fuffer me to take no Shame, t Let not my Foes rejoice. And let them not be overthrown 3 But Shame fhall them befall Therefore thy Paths and thy right Ways 4 Direcl me in thy Truth, Thou art my Saviour and my God, 5 Thy Mercies manifold In Pity thou art pxlentiful, 6 Remember not the Faults Call not to Mind how ignorant 1 Nor after my Defires But of thine own Benignity, 8 Hi-! Mercy is full fweet Therefore the Lord will Sinners teach, 9 The Humble he will leach He will dire£l in all his Paths 10 For all the Ways of Gud To them that do his Covenant I I Now for thy holy Name, To grant me Pardon for my Sin, 12 Whofo doth fear rhe Lord, To lead his Life in fuch a Way 13 His Soul (hall evermore His Seed and his Pofierity 14 All thofe that fear the Lord And unto them he doth declare 13 My Eyes and thankful Heart That pluckt my Feet out of the Snare 16 With Mercy me behold. For I am poor and defolate, 1 7 The Troubles of my Heart Bring me out of this Mifcry, 18 Behold mv Poverty, Remit my Sin and my Offence, 19 O Lord, behold my Foes, Purfuing me with deadly Hate, C 2 lift up your Heads on high ; come in triumphantly, the great and mighty Lord : and Trial of the Sword. lift up yom- Heads on high : come in triumphantly, the Lord of Hofls it is : of glorious State is his. T. S. my God and Guide mofl juft : for in thee do 1 truft. nor make a Scorn of me : thai put ihcir Trull in thee. who harm them wrongfully : unto me. Lord, defcry. and teach me, I thee pray : on thee I wait alway. remember. Lord, I pray ; and fo haft been alway, and Frailty of my Youth : I have been of thy Truth. let me thy Mercy find : Lord, have me in. thy Mind, his Truth a pcrfe£l Guide ; and fuch as go aiide. his Precepts to obey: ihe luwly Man alwav. both Truth and Mercy are, and Statutes keep with Care. PART IL O Lord, I thee intreit, for it is wond'rous great, by himhe fhall be kept, as he doth beft accept. in Coodnefs dwell and Hand: inherit Ihall the Land, know his fecrct intent : his Will and Teftamcnt. to him I will advance, of Sin and Ignorance, to thee I make my Moan : and comfortlefs alone. are multiply'd indeed : Neceflity and Need, my Anguiih and my Fain : and make me clean again. how they do ftill increafe : that fain would live in Peace. 20 Prefcrre PSALM XXVI, XXVII. flo Preferve and keep my Soul, And let me not be overthrown, 2 I Let Truth and Uprightnefs Becaufe my Hope and Confidence 22 Deliver, Lord, thy Folk, I mean thy Chofen Ifrael, and ftill deliver me : becaufe I truft in thee. for ever wait on me : hath always been in thee, and fend them fome Relief: from all their Pain and Grief. PSALM XXVI. T. S. 1 T O RD, be my Judge, and thou (halt fee \^_j I truft in God and hope that he 2 I'love me, my God, I thee delire. As Men do prove their Gold with Fire, 3 Thy Loving-kindnefs in my Sight I ever walked in thy Truth, 4 I do not love to haunl or ufe To come in Houfe I do refufc 5 I in!:ch abhor the wicked Sort, I do not once to them refort G My Hands I wafh, and do proceed Then to thy Altar I make Speed, 7 Tliat I may fpeak and preach the Praife And fo declare how wond'rous Ways S O God, thy Houfe 1 love moft dear, My chief Delight is to be near fj O flxut not up my Soul with them Nor yet mv Life among ihofe Men 10 For in their Hands much Mifchief is. And Nothing elfe in their Right-hand ) I But I lefolve in Righteoufnefs Therefore that I may not traufgref^;, J v: My Foot is (laid for all Affays, Wherefore to God will I give Praife PSALM XXVII ^ 'Tn HE Lord is both my Health and Light, j[ SinceGoddoth give me Strength and Might, 5 \v tiile that my Foes, with all their Strength, Thinking to eat me up, at length 3 Tho' they in Camp againfl: me lie, And if in Battle they will try, 4 One Thing of God I do require, For which 1 pray, and will delire :, That I within his holy Place To fee the Beauty of his Face, i) In Time of Dread he fhall me hide And keep me fecret by his Side, -! At length I know the Lord's good Grace My Foes to foil and clean deface, 5 1 herefore within his Iloufe will I AVwh rfalrns and Songs I will ^Pl>!y my Paths be right and plain ; with Strength willme fuftain. my Ways to fearch and try : my Heart and Reins efpy. I do behold always : and will do all my Days. with Men whofe Deeds are vain, with the deceitful Train. their Deeds I do defpife: that hurtful Things devife. in Works to walk upright ; to offer there in Sight. that doth belong to thee: thou haft been good to me. to me it doth excell : the Place where thou doft dwell,' in Sin that take their Fill ; that feck much Blood to fpill. their Lives therewith abound : but Bribes is to be found. my Time and Days to fpend, let thy Grace me defend, it ftandeth well and right: in all the People's Sight. . J.H. fhall Man make me difmay'd? why fliould I be afraid? bea^an with me to brawl, thcmfelves be caught to fall. my Heart is not afraid ; T truft in God for Aid. that he will not deny : till he to me apply. my Life thro'out may du'cll ; and'vicw his Temple well, within his Place moft pure as on a Reck moft fure. (liall make me ftrong and float, that compafs rae about, give Sacrilice of Praife : to laud the Lord aluays. PARI PSALM XXVIII, XXIX. PART- II. for which to thee I cry ; . rJ, hear the Voice of my Requeft, liave Mercy, Lord, on me opjuefl, 10 My Heart confcfleih unto thee, Then feck my Face, faidft thou to me, 11 In Wrath turn not thy Face away, My Help thou haft been to this Day, 12 When both my Parents me forfake, Ev'n then the Lord himfelf doth take 13 Teach me, O Lord, the Way to thee, For fear of fuch as watch for me, 14 O leave me not unto the Will For tliey furmife againfl. me ftill 13 I utterly fhould faint, but that That in the Land wherein I live 16 Truft ftill in God, whofe Whole thou art, He will fupport and eafe thy Heart. and help me fpcedily. I fue to thee for Grace : Lord, I will feek thy Face. nor fuffer me to Aide : be ftill my God and Guide, and caft me off at large : of me the Care and Charge. and 1 ead me on. forth right : to trap me, if they might, of them that be my Foes : falfe Wimefs to depofc. this Hope fupporteth me, God's Gondnefs I (hall fee. his Will abide thou muft : if thou in him do truft. PSALM XXVIII. T. S. I '' ''HOU art, O Lord, my Strength and Stay, the Succour which I crave J^ Neglefl. me not, left I be like ' ' , ■ , ■ ^ Mv Voice and Supplications hear When I lift up ray Hands unto 3 Repute me not among thofe Men That fpcak right fair unto their Friends, 4 According to thofe wicked Deeds And after their Inventions, Lord, 3 Bccaufe they never mind the Wt^rks , Inftcad of building of them up, 6 To render Thanks unto the Lord My Voice, my Pray'r and my Complaint, 7 He is my Shield and Fortitude, My Heart rejoiceth greatly, and 5 He is our Strength and our Defence, The Health and the Salvation of 9 Thy People and thy Heritage, Increafe them. Lord, and rule their Hearts, PSALM XXIX. I /^ I VE to the Lord, ye Potentates, give ye with one Accord, \jr AH Praife and Honour, Might Sc Strength, unto the living Lord. them that are laid in Grave. when unto thee I cry : thy holy Ark moft higli. in Sin that take their Fill ; but think in Heart full ill. which they did moft regard, let them receive Reward. of God, he will therefore, deftroy them evermore. how great a Caufe have I, that heard fo willingly. my Buckler in Diftrefs : my Song fhall him confefs. our Foes for to rehft : his own Ele£l hy Chrift. Lord, blefs, guide and prcfesvc : that they may never fwerve. T. S. t Give Glory to his holy Name, Give Worfhip to his Majefty 3 His Voice doth rule the Waters all. He doih prepare the Thunder-Ciap>, 4 The Voice of God is of great Force, It is moft mighty in Effeft, 5 The Voice of God doth rend and break The Cedar-trees of Lebanon, 6 And makes them leap like as a Calf, Net ouly Trees, but Mountains greui. and honour him alone : wiihin his holy Throne. a"? he himfelf doth pleafc : and governs all the Seas. ■.evv thyfelf, O God, K.\alt tliyfeli" on Earth abroad PSALM '" E Rulers that are put in Trutl ill your V , _£_ Lc all your j udgmcuts tra Xay, in your Hearts ye daily mufe And where ye Ihould true Juflice ufe, The vvicked Sort from their Birth-dav And from their Mothers Wombahvay in theia the Poifon and the Breath Yea, like the Adder that is deal-, B-jtaufe Ihe will not hear the \'^oice Xo, tho' he were the chief of Choice, Ihe Teeth, O Lord, which fafi are fet The Lion's Teeth that are fo great. Let them confame away and wafte. The Shafts that they do flroot in Hafle, As Snails do w^aile within the Siiell, As one before his Time that fell. LVIII d juil, : young ■ flrong Befoie the Thorns that now are 5 Tliy Storms of Anger waxing 'liic Jud Ihall joy, it doth them Good, And they ihall wa(h their Feet in Blood 1 Then fJiall the World fliew forth and tell. And that a Ccd on Earth doth dwell, I fet myfelf full faft : be gone and over-paft. to whom I flick and ftand : the Caufe I have in Hand, to fave me from their Spite : cv'n Mercy, Truth, and Might. all fet on Wrath and Ire: who fret like Flames of Fire. as fharp a? I have feen : like Swords and Weapons keen. ' above the Heav'ns moft bright: thy Majefty and Might, a privy Cave and Pit : but are fall'n into it. in him to joy always : to fing his Laud and Praife. my Lute, my H»rp, and Strin will rife, rejoice, and iing. the Goodnefs of my God : in Heathen Lands abroad, as ihe Heav'ns all sre high : that fhineih in the Skv. above the Htav'ns moft bright: thy Majcfiy and Might. ■ J-H. to judge of Wrong and Ri^hr, regarding no Man's Might ? in Mifchief to ccn.'ent: your Hands to Bribes are bent. have erred on this wife : have ufed Craft and Lyes, of Serpents dtth appear: and faft doth flop her Ear ; of one that charmeth well : and therein did excel, in their Mouih round about: do thou, O Lord, break out. as Water runs forth-right: let them be broke in Flight, and unto Slime do run: and never faw the Sun. as Bufl^.e-i big fliall grow, Ihall take them ere they know, that Cod doth Vengeance take: of them that him forfake. that good Men have Reward : thatjufticc doth regard. PSALM P S A L M LIX, LX. 1 r; E N D l3 Defend PSALM LIX. Aid, and fave me from my Foes, _ ;fend and keep me from all iliofe 8 O Lord, prefeive me from thofe Men And fei me fure and fafe from them 3 For lo, they wait my Soul to take Yea, for no Fault that 1 did make, 4 They run and do ihemfelves prepare Arifc, and fave ine from their Snare, 5 Arife, O God of Ifiael, And pity none that do rebel, 6 At Ni^ht they run and feek about. And all the City quite thro'out, 7 They fpeak of me with Mouth alway. They have contriv'd my Death, and fav, 8 But, Lord, thou haft their Ways efpy'd, The Heaihen Folk thou doft deride, 9 The Strenoth that does our Foes withfland. Thou art, O God, my Help at Hand, 10 The Lord to me doth fliew his Grace That I may fee my Foes in Cafe PART I 11 Deftroy them not at once, O Lord, But with thy Strength drive them abroad, • 12 For their ill Words, and lying Tongue, Their wicked Oaths, with Lyes and Wrongs 13 Confnrae them in thy Wrath, O Lord, That Men may know thio'out the World, 14 At Ev'ning they return apace, Tliro'out the Streets, in ev'ry Place, 15 They feek about for Meat alway, Nor find a Houfe wherein they may 16 But I will fhew thy Strength abroad, For thou art my Defence and God I 7 Thou art my Strength, thou haft me fiay'd, Thou art my Fort, my Fence and Aid, J.H. Lord, I prny to thee: that rife and ftrive with me. whofe Doings are not good : that thirft ftHl after Blood. ihey rage againft me ftill : 1 never did them III. when I no Whit offend : and fee what they intend. fmite every Heathen Land : and in their Mifchief ftand. like Dogs they howl alfo : from Place to Place they go. but iu their Lips are Swords ; There's none doth hear ourW^ords. and thou Ihalt them difgrace: and mock them to their Face. O Lord, doth come from thee : a Fort and Fence to me. in great Abundance ftill : fuch as my Heart doth will. PSALM J ^"^ Lord, thou didft us clean forfake, \^_^ Such great Difpleafure thou didft t 2 Thy Might did move the Land fo fore, The Health thereof, O Lord, reftore, 3 With heavy Things thou plagueft thus And thou haft given unto us 4 But yet to fuch as fear thy Name, That they may triumph in the fame, 5 So that thy Might may keep and fave That they thy Help at Hand may have, € The Lord did fpeak from his own Place, I will diTide Sichem by Pace, LX. take: left it from Mind do fall: and fo ccnfume them all. confound them in their Pride : let all the World deride. that nought of them remain : that Jacob's God doth reign, as Dogs they grin and cry : they run about and fpy. but let them not be fed : be bold to put their Head, thy Goodnefs I will praifc: in Time of Need always. O Lord, I fmg to thee : a loving God to me. J.H and fcatter all abroad: return to us, O God, that it in fundcr brake : for it doth bow and quake, the People that are thine: a Drink of deadly Wine. a Banner thou doft fhew : becaufe thy Word is true. the Folk that ferveth thee : O Lord, grant this to me. this was his joyful Sound: and mete out Succoth's Ground. 1 Gilcad PSALM LXl, LXII. •; Cilead is given to my Hand, Ephraim the Strength ot all jny Land, h In Moab I will v.afh niv Feet, And thoa, PhiliRia, ought'fl to feek n But who will bring me at this Tide Or who to Edoni will me guide, lo Lord, wilt not thou, who didft, forfake Our Wars in Hand thou wouldll not lake, I 1 Give Aid, O Lord, and. us reheve l^he Help that HoRs oF Men can sive, 12 But thro' our God wc Jhall have^Might He will tread down and put to Flight PSALM LXl I TJ EGARD, O Lord, for I complain, Jf^ Let not my Words return in vain, S tvom out the Coafts and ntmoR Parts In Grief and Anguilh of my Heart, 3 Upon the Rock of thy great Pow'r Thou art my Hope, my Fort and Tow'r, 4 ^Vitllin thy Tent I long to dwell, Under thy Wings, I know right Vv-ell, 5 The Lord doth my Delire regard, \\'ith Riches great will he reward 6 The King fliall he in Health maintain, That he from Age to Age may leign, 1 That he may have a Dwelling-pbce O let thy Mercy, Truth and Grace, S And then, O Lord, I ever will That all my Vows Lmay fulul, V S A L M LXII Soul to God fhall give good Heed, Eecaiife my Health andliope lo fpeed, lor he alone is my Detence, He is my Stay, and no Pretence 3 O wicked Folk, how long will ye For as a rotten Hedge ye be, 4 Whom God doth love, ye leek always Ye love lo lye, with Mouth ye praife, ^ Yet flill my Soul doth whole depend From all ill Fates me to defend, € He is mv Rock, my Fort and Tow'r, He doth fupport me, that no Pour ,•; My Glory and Salvation doth He is my Strength, my Stay, my Wealili, 8 O put yourTruft in him alv.ay, Puur out your Hcaits to him, and fay, q The S(ms of Men deceitful aie. With Things mod vain do ilicm compare, I 'I'ruft not in Wrong and Robbery, Tho' Riclics flow in fuddenly, 'Mbc Manaffah mine belidc : mv Law doth Judah guide, o'er Edoin cail thy Shoe: to me for Favour too. unto the City ftrong? fo that I go not Wrong ? thy Folk, their Land and Coafis? )ior go forth with our Hofts. from them that us difdain : is all but weak and vain, to take great Things in Hand: all thofe that us withfland. and make my Suit to thee : but give an Ear to me. of all the Earth I crv, to thee, O God, moll high. my woful Mind repofe: my Fence againft my Foes, there ever to abide : I Ihall me fafely hide. and doth fulfil the fame : all thofe that fear his Name: and fo prolong his Days, with Honour great always. before the Lord alway : defend him from Decay. ihig Praife unto thy Name: and daily pay the fame. -1: ^: and him alone attend: doth whole on him depend, my Rock, my Health and Aid: Ihall make me much difmay'd. nfe Craft ? fure ye muft fall : and like a tott'ring.Wall. to put him to the Worfe : and yet your Heart doth curfe. ' on God my chief Defire: none but him I require, my Health is of his Grace: can move me out of Place. on him alone depend: and flill doth me defend, ye Folk with one Accord: Our Truft is in the Lord. on Balance but a Sleight : for they can hold no Weight. ", let vain Delights be gone: fct not vour Hearts lliercon. PSALM LXIII, LXiV, LXV. 11 The Lord long lince one Thing did. tell, He fpake it oft, I heard it well, 12 And that thou, Lord, art p;ood and kind So that all Sorts with thee Ihall hnd which here to Mind I cail that he alone duth all, thy Mercy doth exceed* according to their Deed. PSALM LXIII. T. S. to come to thee in Hafte : do thirfl of thee to tafle. where Waters there are none, for thee I wilh alone. 1 ^^ God, my God, I early feek \^B For why? my Soul and Body both 2 And in this barren Wildcruefs, My Flefh is parcht for Thought of thee, 3 That I might fee yet once again As I was wont it to behold 4 For why ? thy Mercies far furmount My Lips therefore Ihall give to thee, 5 And whilft I live, I will not fail And in thy Name I will lift up 6 Jly Soul is as with Marrow (ill'd. My Mouth therefore fhall ling fuch Songs 7 When in my Bed I think on thee, I under Covert of thy Wings 8 My Soul doth clofely ftick to thee, And thofe that feek my Soul to (lay, 9 The Sword fhall them devour each one, The hungry Foxes, which do run 10 The King and all Men fhall rejoice. For Lyars Mouths Ihall then be ftopt, P S A L M LXIV. J. H. thy Glory, Strength, and Might, within thy Temple bright, this Life and wretched Days : due Honour, Laud, and Praifc. to worlhip thee alway : my Hands when I do pray, which is both fat and fweet .- as are for thee mofl meet. and in the wakeful Night : rejoice with great Delight, thy Right-hand is m\- Pow'r: Death Ihall them foon devour. their Carcafes Ihall feed tlieir Prey to feck at Need, that do profefs God's Word : and all their Wavs abhorr'd. O Lord, unto mv Voice give Ear, And rid jny Life and Soul from Fear L jny Dcleud me from that And from the frowni Sort of Men ig Face of their 3 Who whet their Tongues as we have feen And (hoot abroad tlieir Arrows keen, 4 They privily do ihoot their Shaft, The Innocent do ftrike by Craft, 5 A wicked Work they have decreed. To ufe Deceit let us not dread: 6 tVhich Way to hurt they talk and mufc They all confult what Feats to ufe, 7 But yet all this ILall not prevail : God 'with his Dart Ihall fure aflail, S Their Crafts and their ill Tongues v.itlial, That thev who then behold their Fail, when I complain and pray : of Foes that threat to liay. who in Deceit do lurk : who all in Feats do work. Men whet and (harp their Sword? : 1 mean moft bitter Words, the upright Man to hit : they care or fear no Whit. in Council thus they cry, for none can it efpy. all Times within their Heart : each doth invent his Part. v.-hen they think lead thereon, and wound them ev'rv one. lliall work themfelve:- fuch Blame : Ihall wonder at the fame. 9 And all that fee fhall know right well. And praife his v^ond'rous Works, and tell 10 Vet j'hall the ]ufl in God rejoice. So Ihall they joy with Mind and Voice, PSALM LXV. T. S. 1 ^ i ^ H Y Praife :ilone, O Lord, doth reign in Sion thine own Hill : J^ Their VovtS to liiCc ihcy do maintain, and Proraifcs fulhl. that God theThing hath wrought: what he to pafs hath brought, fiill trufting in his Might: whofc Hearts are pure and right. 2 For P S A L M LXVI. a For tliat iKou doft their Pray'rs ftill hear, The People all both far and near, 3 Our wicked Life fo far exceeds. But, Lord, forgive our great Mifdecds, 4 The Man is blell whom thou doft chufe Thy Houfe and Temple he fhall ufe 5 Of thy great Juftice hear, O God, The Hope of all the Earth abroad, 6 With Strength thou art befct about. Thou raak'ft the Mountains flrong and ftout, ■J The fwelling Seas thou doft affivage. Thou doft reftrain the People's Rage, 8 The Folk that dwell thro'out the Earth, Morning and Ev'ning, with great Mirth, 9 When that the Earth is chapt and dry. Then with thy Drops thou doft fupplv, 10 The Flood of God doth overflow. The Seed and Corn which Men do fow, 11 With Rain thou doft her Furrows fill. Thy Drops on her thou doft diftil, 12 Thou deck'ft the Earth of thy good Grace, The Clouds diftil their Dew apace, 13 Whereby the Defart fhall begin The little Hills fhall joy therein, 14 In Places plain the Flecks fhall feed, The Vales with Corn fhall fo exceed, PSALM LXVI. 1 XT' E Men on Earth, in God rejoice, j[ Extol his Might with Heart and Voice, 2 How wonderful, O Lord, fay ye^ Thy Foes for Fear fhall feek to thee 3 All Men that dwell the Earth thro'out, The Laud whereof the World about 4 All Folk come forth, behold, and fee Mark well the wond'rous Works thai he 5 He laid the Sea like Heaps on high. On Foot to pafs, both fair and dry, 6 His Might doth rule the World alvvay. All fuch as will him difobey, 7 Ye People, give unto our Gcd With joyful Voice declare abroad, 8 Who doth endue our Sculs withXife, He ftays our Feet, fo that no Strife 9 The Lord doth prove our Deeds with Fire, As Workmen do, when ihev dehie 10 Altho' thou doft us fuffier long And there with Chains and Fetters flrong PART II 11 Altho', I fav, ihou fuffer Men Tho' wc thro' Fire and Water run and doft thereto agree : with Truft lliall come i thee. that we fhall fall therein, and purge us from our Sin. within thy Courts to dwell : with Pleafures that excel. cur Health of thee doth rife; and the Sea-coafls likewife. and corapafs'd with thy Pow'r : to ftand in ev'ry Show'r. making them very ftill : and rule them at thy Will, fhall dread thy Signs to fee : fend Praifes up to thee. and thirfteth more and more, and much increafe her Store, and fo doth caufe to fpring for he doth guide the Thing. whereby her Clods do fall : and blefs her Fruit withal, with fair and pleafant Crop : great Plenty they do drop. full great Increafe to bring : much Fruit in them fiiall fpring. and cover all the Earth : that they fhall fing with Mirth. T. S. with Praife fet forth his Name, give Glorv to the fame, in all thy Works thou art I full fore againft their Heart. fhall praife the Name of God : is fhcw'd and fet abroad. whatThingsihcLordhathwrought: for Man to pafs haih brought. therein a Way they had whereof their Hearts were glad- his Eyes all Things behold : by him fhall be controll'd. due Laud and Thanks always: and fing unto his Praife. and it preferve withal; can make us flip or fall. whether they will abide: to have their Metals try'd. in Prifon to be caft : to lie in Bondage faft. on us to ride and reign : with very Grief and Pain. : Yet P S A L M LXVII, LXVIII. 12 Yet fure thou doft, of ihy good Grace, Bringing us oul into a Place, 13 Unto thy Houfe refort will T, And there I will myfelf apply 14 The Vows, that with my Moutj\ I fpake. The Vows, I lay, which I did make 15 Bumt-offerings I vail give to thee. Yea, this my Sacrifice fhall be 16 Cnme forth, and hearken here full foon, What he for my poor Soul hath done, 17 Full oft I call to MJud his Grace, And thou, my Tongue, make fpeedy Pace 18 But if I fcei my Heart within Or if I have Delight in Sin, 19 But furely God my Voice hath heard, Mv Pray'r alfo he doth regard, 20 All Praifc to him that halh not put, Nor yet his Mercy from me Ihut, difpofe it to the befl r to live in Wealth and Reft. to offer and to pray : my Vows to thee to pay. all my Grief and Smart : in Anguilh of my Heart. of Oxen fat, and Rams : of Bullocks, Goats and Lambs, all ye that fear tlie Lord: to you I will record. this Mouth to him doth cry : to praife him joyfully. in wicked Works rejoice : God will not hear my Voice. and what I do require : and grantcth my Dehre. nor caft me out of Mind: which 1 do ever find. HAVE Mercy on u.5, Lord, 1^0 diew to us do thou accord TliaL all the Earth may know And all the Nations here below A L M LXVII. J. H. and grant to us thy Grace; the Brightncfs of thy Face, the Way to godly Wealth ; may fee thy faving Health. 3 Let all the World, O God, And let the People all abroad 4 Thro'out the World fo wide. For thou with Truth and Right doll guide 5 Let all the Woild, O God, .And let the People all abroad € Then fhall the Earth increafe, .\nd then our God, the God of Peace, 1 God fhall us greatly blefs, The Folk which all the Earth pofiefs, give Praife unto thv Name : extol and laud the fame, let all rejoice with Mirth : the Nations of the Earth. give Praife unto thy Name : extol and laud the fame. great Store of Fruit fnall fall : Ihall ever blefs us all. and then both far and near, of him Ihall ftand in fear. PSALM LXVIII. T. S. L ET God arife, and then his Foes 3 And as Wax melts before the Fire, So in the Prefence of the Lord 3 But righteous Men before the Lord, I They ihall be glad and merrv- all, 14 Sing Praife, ling Praife unto the Lord, E.xtol the great Jehovah's Name, 5 The fame is he that is above That Father is of Fatherlcfs, 6 Houfes and lifue both he gives He bringeth Bondmen out of Thrall, ! 7 When thou didfl march before thy Folk And broaght'Il them ihro' the Wildernefs, will turn themfelvcs to flight : and fcatter out of Sight, and Wind blows Smoke away : the Wicked Ihall decay. Ihall heartily rejoice : and cliearful in their Voice, who rideth on the Skv : and him ftill magnify. within his holy Place: and Judge of VV^idow's Cafe, unto the Comfortlefs : and Rebels to Diflrcfs. ih' Egyptians from among, which was both wide and long. 8 Th-e PSALM LXVIII. S The Earth did (hake, the Hcav'ns did drop, Mount Sinai alfo moed was 9 Thy Heritage w-ith Drops of Rain And if fo be it barren was, ID Thy chofen Flock doth there remain, And for the Poor thou doll provide, PART II. 11 God will give "Women Caufes jufi When as his People Triumphs mike, 12 Puiffant Kings for all their Pow'r, And Women which remain at Home, 13 And tho' ye were as black as Pots, Whofe Wings and Feathers feem to have 14 When in this La.nd God Ihall triumph Then fhall it be like Salmon Hill, 15 Tho' Bafanbe a fruitful Hill, Yet Sion, God's moft holy Hill, 16 Wliv leap ye thus, ye Hills moR high, The Hill of Sion God doth love a 7 God's Army twenty thoufand is The Lord alfo in Sinai 18 Thou didfl, O Lord, afcend on high, Vvho in Times paft thy chofen Fleck 19 Thouhaft received Gifts for Men, Unto the End that God the Lord 20 Now praifed be the Lord, for that From Day to Day he is the God PART III. great Thunder-claps were her: when Ifr'el's God appeared. abundantly was waTird : by thee it was retieih'd. thou haft prepaid that Place: of thy efpecial Grace. to magnify his Name : and purchafe mighty Fame, fhall flee and take the Foil : fhall help to pari the Spoil. your Hue (hall pafs the Dove : Silver and Gold above, o'er Kings both high and lo as white as is ihe Snow. and in height others pafs : doth far excel in Grace, and thus in Pride do fA-ell ? and there will ever dwell. cf Angels great and ftrong : is prefent them among, and captive led ft them all : in Bondage did iuthrall. cv'n for thine Enemies : might dwell with them likcwife. he pours on us fach Grace : both of our Health and Peace. CI He is the God from Avhom alone He is the God, by whom we Tcape 2 2 And he fliall wound the Head of all The hairy Scalp of fuch as on 23 From Bafan will I bring, faid he, And all my own, as I have done, 24 And make them dip their Feet in Blood The Tongues of Dogs they Ihall be red 25 Thy Goings they have feen, O God, How thou my God and King doft go 26 The Singers go before with ]ov, Andjm themidft the Damfels do 27 Now in the Congregations thou, And Jacob's whole Pollerity, 28 Their chief was little Benjamin, With Zebulonand Naphthalim, 29 Thy God hathfcnt forth Strength for thee. The Thing that thou has wrought in us, 30 Then in thy Temple Gifts will wc Aadin thy own Jerufalcm Salvation we obtain : all Dangers, Death and Pain. his Enemies ; alfo in Wickednefs ftill go. my People and mv Sheep : from Dangers of the Deep, of thofc that hate my Name : with licking of the fame. unto their own Difgrace : within thy holy Place, the Minftrcls make no Stay: . with Timbrels fweeily play. O Ifr'el, praife the Lord: give Thanks wilh one .\ccon but Judah made their Hoft : who dwelt about their CoaftJ O God make firm and furc, lor ever to endure, offer to thee, O Lord : praife thee with one accord. 1 PSALM LXIX. PART IV. Vea, and (Irange Kings by us fubdu'd. For unto thee they fhall prefent Ja He fhall deftroy the Spearmen's Ranks, j And make them Tribute pay, and daunt j{3 Then fhall the Lords of Ejivpt come, The Moors alfo flretch out their Hj.nds 14 Therefore, ye Kingdoms of the Earth, Sing Pfalms to God with one Confent, 5 For he dcth ride, and ever did. And by his fearful Thunder-claps 56 Therefore the Strength of Ifrael Whofe Might and Pow'r doth far extend 7 O God, thy Holinefs and Pow'r The God of Ifra'l gives us Strength, PSALM LXIX. SA y E me, O God, and that with Speed, So very nigh mv Soul proceed, 1 link full deep in Mire and Clay, And in deep Waters, where 1 may j With crying I am weary, lo. My Sight doth fail, looking alfo J My Foes that guiltlefs do opprefs In Number fu re they are no lefs Tho' for no Caufe they vex me fore They do compel me to reflore What I thro' my Simplicity f And all my Faults in Privacy, ^ O God of HoRs, defend and f^ay I Let no Man doubt or fhrink away, ] It is for thee, and for thy Sake, \ In Spif^ to thee they would me make 3 My Mother's Sons, my Brethren all, And as a Stranger they me call, io Uoto thy Houfe fucli Zeal I bear. Their Cheeks ^and Taunts at thee to hear, ' P A R T II. II Tho' I do fafl my Flefh to tame, I am reproached for the fame 12 If I for Grief and Pain of Heart Reproachfully they it pervert, 13 Both High and Low, and all the throng They liave me ever in their Tongue, 14 They that fit in the Gale with fpite The Drunkards that in Wine delight, 15 But unto thee, O Lord, I pray. For thy great Truth thou wilt alway 16 Pluck thou my Feet out of the Mire, .Froflx fuch as owe me W^raih and Ire, fliall do like in thofe Days r their Gifts of Laud and Praifc. the Calves and Bulls of Might: all fuch as love to fight. and Prefents with them bring : to God their Lord and King, give Praife unto the Lord: thereto let all accord. above the Heav'ns raofl bright : Men may well know his Might, afcribe to God on high ; above the cloudy Sky. is dread for evermore : ikerefore his Name adore. J. H. becaufe the Waters do and enter thereinto, where 1 can feel no Ground : mofl fuddenly be drown'd. my Throat is hoarfe and dry j for Help to God on high, my Soul, with hate are led : than Hairs upon my Head. they profper and are glad : the IJiings I never had. have done, Lord, thou xanfl tell : to thee are known full well. all thofe that trufl in thee: for ought that chanceth me, that I do bear this Blame: to hide my Face for Shame. rejecl me with Difgrace : they will not know my Face, that it doth vex me much : my very Heart doth touch. yea, if I weep and moan: by Scorners cv"ry one. in Sackcloth ufc to walk : thereof they jefl and talk. that fit within the Gate : of me they talk and prate, againfl me all decree : do make their Songs of me, that when it pleafeth thee ; fend down thy Aid to me. fiom drowning do me keep : and from the Waters deep. 17 Lcil PSALM LXX. £ 7 Left with iKe Waves 1 fliould be drown'd, And left the Pit fhould me confound, x3 O Lord of Hofts, to me give ear. And as thy Mercy is moll dear, 19 And do not from thy Servant hide, 1 am oppreft on ev'ry Side, SO O Lord, unto my Soul dravf nigh, Becaufe of their great Tyranny, PART III 2 1 That I abide Rebuke and Shame, For thofe that feek and work the fame, •2 When with Reproach they break my Heart, But find no Friends to eafe my Smart, 23 But in my Meat they gave me Gall, And gave me in my Thirft withal, 24 Lord, turn their Table to a Snare And when they think full well to fare, 25 And let their Eyes be dark and blind. Bow down their Backs, and let them find i6 Pour out thy Wrath as hot as Fire, Let thy Difpleafure in thine Ire '^ 7 As Defarts dry their Houfe difgrace. That none thereof poffefs their Place, 28 If thou doft llrike the Man to tame, And if that thou do wound the fame. 29 Then let them heap up Mifchief ftiil, That of thy Favour and Good-will 30 And raze them clean nut of thy Book That for their Names they never look PART IV. 9 1 Tho' I, O Lord, v/ith Pain and Grief Thy Help (hall give me fuch Relief 32 That I might give thy Name the Praifc I will extol the fame always 33 y/hich is more jileafant unto thee, Than either Ox or Calf can be, 34 When fimple Folk do this behold. All ye that feek the Lord, your Life 55 For why ? the Lord of Mofts dotli hear His Prifoners are to him full dear, 36 Wherefore the Sky and Earth below, HisPraife they Ihali declare and {how, 37 For furc our God will Sion favc, Much Folk Pofreflion there Ihall have, 38 His Servants Seed fiiall keep the fame And there all they that love his Name, PSALM LXX. me take Hoed, :d of Hofts, v.iih Hade and Speed 1 /^ God u. X^J O Lor and Depth my Soul devour, and fhut me in her Pow'r. as thou art good and kind : Lord, have me in thy Mind nor turn thy Face away : in Hafle give ear, I pray, the fame with Aid repofe : acquit r^e from my Foes. thou know'ft, and thou canft tell: thou fee'ft them all full well, fome Help I fain would fee : not one to comfort me. too cruel for to think : ftrong Vinegar to drink, to take thcmfelves therein r then trap them in their Gin, that they may Nothing fee : themfelves in Thrall to be. that it on them may fall : take hold upon them all. their Seed do thou expel ; nor in their Tents once dwell, on him they lay full fore : they feek to hurt him more. fince they are all pervert : they never have a Part. of Life, of Hoj)e, and Truft : in Number of the Tuft. have been full fore oppreft : that all Ihallberedreft. that doth to thee belong : with a Thankfgiving Song. fuch Mind thy Grace hath born : that hath both Hoof and Horn. ' it fhall rejoice them fure : forever fliall endure. the Poor when they complain: he doth them not difdain. the Sea, with Flood and Stream Ij with all that live in them. and Judah's Cities build: her Streets Ihall all be fiU'd. all .Aiges out of Mind : a Dwelling-place fliall find. J.H. of lielp I ihee require : help me I thee dclire. With Shame ccnfcunJ ihem all, Let ihem be lumcd bucL and fill. Let ihcm rewarded be Wlio when Hcirm happens unto me, But let ihem joylul be Who cnly trull and fcek to ihee, That they may fay always. All Glorv, Honour, Laud and Pvaifc, But I am wcsk and poor. Thou art my Stay and Help, therefore PSALM PSALM LXXr. that feek my Soul to fpill : that think and wilh roe HI. wiih Infamy and Shame, do triumph at the fame, in thee with joy and Wealthy and to thy faving Health. in Mirth and one Accord ; be given to the Lord, come, Lord, thy Aid I lack: make Speed, and be net flack. LXXI. ]. H- my Hope is whole in thee : nor once take Held on me. and rid me out of Dread: and fend me Help at Need. for Aid all Times refon : thou art ray Fence and Fort, and from their Strength S: Pow'r: that cruelly devour. MY Lord iny God, in all Dlflrefs Then let no Shame my Soul opprefs, ■ A^ tiioii aitjuft, defend me. Lord, Give ear, and to my Suit accord, J Be thou my Rock, to whom I may Thy PromHe is to help alvvay, J Save me, my God, from wicked Men, From Folk unjuft, and alfo them ^ : Thou art my St.iy whereon I refl, Ev'n from my Youth 1 thought it beft ^ Thou haft me kept ev'n from my Birth, Wherefore I will thee praife with Mirth T As to a Monfter feldom feen, ; But ihcu art now, and ftill baf^ been Is Wherefore my Mouth for ever (hall Alfo my Tongue fliall never fail ^ Refufe me not, O Lord, I pray. And when my Strength doth waflc away, 1 Amonr themfelves my Foes enquire Aud they agalnfi me do confpire, P A R T II Lav Hands upon him now, tliey faid Difpatch him i{uiie, for to his Aid, 12 Do not withdraw thyfclf away, But that in Time of Grief I may •13 With Shame confound and overthrow Supprefs them with Rebuke alio, 14 But 1 will patiently abide Still more and more, each Time and Tide, 15 My Mouth thy juftice (hall accord. For thy great Bcucfits, O Lord, ,li5 Yet will I go and feek for one. The faving Health ofnhce alone 1 7 For of my Youth thou took'fl the Care, Therefore thy Wonders do decUre J 18 And as in Youth ficm wanton Rage ft Jorf^ike me not in mv old Age, thou, Loid of Kofis, art he : ftill to depend on thee, and I thro' thee was born : both Ev'ning and at Morn. much Folk about me throng : my Fence and Aid moft itrong. be filled with thy Praife : to honour thee always. when Age my Limbs doth take: do not my Soul forfake. to take me thro' Deceit, thai for my Soul hv wait. for God from him is gone : mcft fure there cometh none. Lord, when Need fliall be : have fpeedy Help from ihee. all thofe that feck my Life': that fain would work me Strife: lliy Help at all aflays : 1 will fet forth thy Praife. that daily Help doth fend: no Numbers have nor End. with thy good Help, O God, to Ihew and fet abroad. and doft inftruft me flill : 1 have great Mind and Will, thou didfi me keep and ft ay : end when my Hesdis gray. P .\ R T PSALM LXXII. PART III. 19 That I thy Strength and Might may (hovv And th:it our Seed thy Pow'r may know 20 O Lord, thv Juftice doth exceed, Thy Works are wonderful indeed, jt Thou mad'ft me feel Affliftion fore. Yea, thou didft help and me reftore, J2 And thou my Honour doft increafe. Yea, thou dofi make all Grief to ceafc, • 3 Therefore thy Faithfulnefs to praife My Plarp ihall found thy Laud always, •4 My Mouth will joy with pleafant Voice, Alfo my Soul faall much rejoice, 25 My Tongue thy Righteoufuefs Ihall found, Fur Grief and Shame doth them confound, to them that now be here; hereafter many Year, thy Doinjs all may fee : oh, who is like to thee! and yet thou didft me fave : and took'ft me from the Grave, my Dignity maintain : and comfort'ft me again. I will with Viol ling : Ifr'el's holy King, when I Ihall iing to thee: for thou haft fet me free. 1 daily fpeak it will : that feek to work me lU. ORD, PSALM LXXII. J. H. ive thyjudgmenti to the Kin?, therein inflrufl him well : Lord, let thy Juftice dwell. ' T H t And with his Son m ev'ry Thin^ 2 Ihat he may govern uprightly. And fo defend with Ecjuity, 3 And let the Mountains that are high. Let little Hills alfo apply, 4 Thathe may help the Weak and Poor And fo deftroy for evermore 5 And then from Age to Age fliall they So long as San doth Ihineby Day, 6 Lord, make the King unto the juft And like to Drops that lay the Duft, 7 The Juft (hall flourifK in his Days, Until the Moon fhall ceafe always 8 He Hiall be Lord, and have Coramand And from the Floods within the Land, 9 The People that in Defarts dwell. And all his Foes that do rebel, 10 The Lords of all the IQes alfo Arabia and Saba's Kings PART 11 All Kings (hall feek with, one Accord And all the People of the World 12 For he the needy Sort doth fave, Alfo the limple Folk that have 13 He taketh Pity on the Poor He doth prcferve them evermore, 14 He fhall redeem their Lives from Dread, Alfo their Blood that fhall be Qied 15 But he HkiH live, and they Ihall bring He fliall be honour'd as a King, t S The mighty Mountains of his Land, '1'h.T.i it like'Ccdar-Trccs (hall flaad and rule thy Folk with Right : the Poor that have no Might. unto thy P'olk give Peace ; in Juftice to in<:reafc. ■with Aid, and make tUern ftrong : all thofe that do them Wrong. regard and fear thy Might : or elfe the Moon by Nigbt. like Rain to Fields nevv mown : refrefhing Land new lown. and all fliall be at Peace : to change, wafle, or increafe. from Shore to Shore thro'out : thro' all the Earth about. Ihall kneel to him full thick: the Earth and Duft to lick, great Gifts to him fhall bring : give many coftly Thing. in his good Grace to ftand : obey at his Command, that unto him do call : no Help of Man at alt. ihat are with Nccdoppreft : and bring their Souls to Ref; froiTiFraud,fromWrong, 8c Mi:, is precious in his Siglu. to him of Saba's Cold : and daily be extoU'd. of Corn fliall bear fuch Throng : ia Libanus full longw II. P S A L M LXXIII. 1 1 Tbeir Cities alfo well fhall fpeccl In Ptenty il IKall fo exceed, 18 For ever ihcy fhall praife his Name, And think thfm happy ihro' the fame, 19 Praifeyeihe Lord of Hofls, and ling For lie doth ev'ry wond'rous Thing, 20 And blelfed be his holy Name, Let all the Earth fall piaife the fame, the Fruits thereof furpafs : and fpting as green as GraTs. while that the Sun is lit^hf : all Folk {hall blefshis Mighf. to Ifr'el's God each one: yea, he himfelf alone, all Times eternally : Amen, Amen, fay I. V S A L M LXXIII. T. S. JL And to all fuch as fafcly keep 2 Bat as for nie I almoft flipt. Before that I was well aware 3 For when I faw fuch lOoliQi Men, That wicked Men all Things fhould have 4 Thev never fuffer Pains nor Grief, The:r Bodies are full lioui and flrong, 5 Always free from Adverfi'.y, With ether Men they take no Part 6 Therefore Prefumpiion doth embrace They are ev'n wrapt as in a Robe, 7, They are fo fed, that ev'n with Fat And a5 for woildlv Goods, they have t Their Life is mod licentious, and How they the Poor and Simple have 9 They fet their Mourh again ft the Heav'ns, They proudly boa^l of vvorldly Things, io God's People often do turn back And almoil drink the fclf-fame Cup, PART 1 1 How can it be that God, fay they, •• Thefe wocldly Things, iince v/icked Men 15 For we may fee how wicked Me-.i Rewarded well with worldly Goods, 13 Then why do I fo carefully And walh mv Hands in Innocence, J 4 And fuller Scourges ev'ry Day, And ev'ry Morning from ray Youth 13 Now l had almofifaid as they. But then I Ihould thy Children judge 16 Then 1 bethought me how I might But yet the Labour was too great «] Until the Time I went into I underllood right perfc£lly 18 Nimely, how that thou fettcft them And at thy Pleafurc and tliy Will 15 Then all Men mufe at that {Irange Sight, The/ do ccnfumc, perilh, and come F z and kind to Ifrael : their Confcicnce pure and well. my Feet began to'flide: my Steps did turn aiide. I grudg'd with great Difdaiu : without Turmoil and Pain, as if Death fhould them fmitc : and ever in good Plight. and ev'ry fad Event : of Plague or Punifhment. their Necks as doth a Chain : with Rapine and Difdain. their Eves oft-times out-Aart ; more than can wifh their Heart. theyboaft much with theirTor.gue; oppre.Ted wiih great Wrong. and do the Lord blafpheme : no one they do eileera. to fee their profp'rous State-: and talk at the fame Rate. II. fiiould know or underftand be Lord3 of Sea and Land ? in Riches ftill incvtafe : and live in Red and Peace. from "Wickeduefs refrain ? and clcanfe my Heart in vain? as fubjecl to ail Blame? fuftain Rebuke and Shame ? milliking my Eftate : as inoft utilcrtunate. this Matter underfland : for me to take in Hand ; thy holy Place, and then the End of all thefe Men. upon a fiipp'ry Place : thou doft them foon deface, to fee how fuddenly 10 endlefi Mifery. 2 Much P S A L M LXXIV. 20 Much like a Dream when one awakes, Their famous Names in all Men's Sight, PART III. 2 I Yet thus my Heart was grieved then, So hinple and fu ignorant, 2 2 Neverthelefs by my Right-hand Aud with thy Counfel ihall nie guide fo fiiall their Wealth decay : fhall fail and pafs away. 23 "^Vhat Thing is there th?.t I can wiQi And in the Earth there Nothing rs 24 My Fleih and Spirit both do fall. For of my Heait he is the Strength 23 But lo, all fuch as thee forfake. And thofe thai truft in any Thing, i6 Therefore wi!l I draw near to God, In Gi)d alone 1 put my Truft, PSALM i '^TliT' ^^'^^ ^^^ thou. Lord, fo long fiom u: y y Why doth tliy Anger kindle thus 5 I-iad, call the People lo thy Thought The which thcu hail ledetm'd, and brought cj Have Mind therefore, and think upon, Tliv pleafant Place, thy Mount Sion, 4 Lift up thy Pcct aud conic in Hafle, Who now at Plcafure rob and walie 5 Amidil I'ly Congregations all. They fel as Signs on every vVall, 6 As Men with A>:es hevv down Trees So Ihine the Bills aud Swords of thefc 7 The Cieling fine, and carved Boards, W'lth Axes, Hamniers, Sills and Swords, 8 Thy Places .they confurae with Flame, The Houfe appointed to thy Name, y And thus they fay wiihlu their Heart, 'i'hen burn they up in ev'ry Part 10 Yet thou no Sign of Help doH fend, To tell when this our Plague fhall end, 1 I Ho'.v long; Lord, fiiall thy Enemies Shall they for evermore blafpheme 12 Why doll thou thy Rig'u-haud Avithdraw Out of thy Bofom pluck it foith, P A R T ij O God, thou art our King and Lord, Yea, thy good Grace ihro'out the World, I 4 The Seas that are fo deep and dead, And thou didft break the Serpent's Head, 13 Yea, thou didfl. brenk the Heads fo great. And gav'R ihcin to the Foil; to eat 16 1 hou mad'fl a Spring with Streams to rife I'liy mighty Ilsrid halh made likcwifc my Mind ^va? much opprtft : cv'n as it were a Eeafl. thou hold'il me always fall : to glory at the lall. but thee in Heav'n above ? like thee that I can love, but God v/ill rae reftore : and Portion e^rermore. thou fl:ia!t deftroy e.^ch one: faving in thee alone, and ever with him dwell: his "Wonders I will tell. LXXIV. J. H. in all this Danger deep ? at thy own Pafture Sheep? which have been thine fo long : from Boruiage fore and llrong. remember it full well: where. thou waft wont to dwell, and all thy Foes deface : within thy holy ir'lace. thy Foes do roar, O God; Banners difp'av'd abroad, that on the Hills do grow : within tiiy Temple now. with all the goodly Stones : they beat them down at once, their Rage dcth fo abound : they raze ev'n to the Ground. Difpatch them out of Hand : Gcd's Houfes thro' the Laud, our Prophets all are gone: among us there is none. thus boldly thee defame: thy great and holy Name? from us fo long av.ay ? w iih Speed thy Foes to n.-.y II. and evermore hiH. been : for our great Help is feen. thy Might did make them dry : thai he therein did die. of Whales that arc mofl fell; that in the Dcfarts dwell, from Rucks both hard aud hi; ' deep Rivers to b." dry. PSALM LXXV, LXXVI. I 7 Both Day and Night alfo arc thine. And thou Irkewife prepared haft S Thou didft appoini the Ench and Coails Both Summer Heats, and Winter Frofls, i<) Think on, O Lord, no Time forget And how the fooliih Folk aie fet !0 Deliver not the Soul, O Lord, Into their Hands, but Help afibid Regard, O Lord, thy Covenant, All the dark Places of the Earth ^2 Let not the hmple Man therefore. But let the Needy evermore 3 Arife; O Lord, and plead thy Caufc "Who daily do rejefl thy Laws, k4 The Voice forget not of thy Foes, Is more and more increas'd of ihofe PSALM LXXV. TO thee, O God, will we give Thanks, Since thy Name is fo near, declare I will uprightly judge, when get The Earth is weak, and all therein, fj I did to the mad People fay. And unto the ungodly Ones, |4,I faid unto them, Set not up And fee that with ftifl Neck you do 15 For neither from the Eaftern Parts, Nor from forfaken Wildernefs, 6 But God, who rules both Heav'n and Earth, , It's he that puts down one, and fets 7 For why? a Cop of mighty Wine And all the Mixture of the fame, ^ As for the Lees and filthy Dregs I The Wicked of the Earth IhaU drink 9 But I will talk of God alway, I And will not ceafe to celebrate 10 In funder break the Horns of all , But then the Horns of righteous Men PSALM LXXVI I '' I '' O all that now in Judah dwell, J^ His Name is great in Ifrael, * At Salem he hath pi-ch'd his Tent, In Sicn alfo he is bent 3 And there he brake both Shaft and Bow, His Enemies did overthrow 4 Thou art moll worth/ Honour, Lord, Than in the flrongeft of the World, 5 But now the Proud are fpoil'd thro' thee, Thxo' Men of War no Help can be, F3 by thee they were begun : the Licrht of Moon and Sun. of all the Earth about: thy Hand hath found them out. thy Foes that thee defame : to rail upon thy Name, of thy own Turtle Dove, the Poor, whom thou doll love. beh old our M i fer y : are full of Cruelty, be turned back with Shame : give Praife unto thy Name. againft thy Enemies : and ihem with Scorn defpifc. for the Prefuraption high, that hate thee fpiiefuUy. J.H. we will give Thanks to thee : thy wond'rous Works will we. convenient Time I may: but I her Pillars ftay. Deal not fo furioufly: Lift not your Horns on high, your raifed Horns on high ; not fpeak prefumptuouflv. nor from the Weft likewife: Promotion doth arife. the righteous Judge alone : another in the Throne. is in the Hand of God : himfelf will pour abroad, that do remain of it, and fuck them ev'ry Whit. and his great Name adore, his Praife for evermore, ungodly Men will I : Ihall be exalted high. > J.H. the Lord is clearly known ; a People of his own. to tarty there a Space: to fix his Dwelling place. the Sword, the Spear, and Shield: in Battle in the Field, more Might in thee doth lie: that rob on Mountains high. and they are fall'n afleep : ihemfelves they could not keep. 6 At PSALM IXXVU. 6 At thy Rebuke, O Jacob's Ccd, As half alleep their Chariots floe J, 7 For thcu art dreadful, Lord, indeed. To bide thy Sight, and doth not diead a "When thou doll make thy Judgments he«d Then all the Earth, full fore afraid, 9 And that when tliou, O God, dnfl Rand. To fave th' Affiiaed of the Laud 10 I'he Fury that in.Mau doili reign Htie:;rter, Lord, do thou reilrain I I Make Vows and pay them to our God, Bring Gifts, all ye that dwell abroad, I ; Fcr he doth lake both Life and Miglu And full of Tenor is his Sif^ht P S A L M ,- Voice to God did cry, j^ce I lifted up on high. LXXVII I With , My Vo ; la Time of Grief I fought to God, But lirctcht my Hand to him abroad, 3 When I to think en God intend, I fpAc, but could not make an End. 4 Thuu dofl. my Eyes fo hold from Rtil, "With Fear I am fo fore opprcft, 5 The Days of old in Mind I cafl. The Times and Ages that arc palf 6 By Night my Songs I call to Mind, And with my Heart much Talk I find, 1 Will Gcd, faid 1, at once for all So that jiencefonh no Time he iliall i! What, is his Goodnefs quite dtrcav'd. Or is his Promife now Qelav'd? 9 And will the Lord our God forget Or fliall his Wrath increa'e fo hot, 1 o At laft I faid. This furely is But his Right hand can help all thi% PART v.hen thou didft them reprove, no Horfeman once did move. what Man the Courage hath when thou art in thy Wrath? from Heav'n unto the Ground: in Silence Ihall be found. in Judgment for to fpeak, that feeble are and weak- fhall turn onto thy Praife : their VV rath and Threats always. ye Folk that nigh him be: tor dreadful fure is he. from Princes great of Birlli : to all the Kings on' Earth. J.H. who lent a gracious Ear : and he my Suit did hear, by Night no Rell I tcokr my Soul Comfort forfook. rriy Trouble then is more : my Breath was ft opt fo fore» that I alwa\8 awake: my Sleep doth me forfake. and oft do think upon: full many Years agcne. once made thy Praife to fiiow my Spirits fearch to know. cafl; oil his People thus, be friendly unto us ? and palled clean away ? and doth his Truth decay? his Mercies manifold? his Mercies to withhold? mine own Inlirnrity : and change it fpecdily. I II. i I I will reravd and think upon And all his Wonders paft and gone 12 Yea, all his 'A'orks I will declare. To tell his FaAs I will not fpaie, 1? Thy Works, O Lord, are all upright, ■\Vhai one haih Strcn2;tii to match the Might 14 -Thou an a God that doft forth (how And fo doA m -.ke the People know 13 And thy o\%n Folk thou dod defend Fhofe that from jaccb did dcfccnd, iG The Waters, Lord, perceived thee, And tliev for Fear av.av did iicc, the Working of the Lord ; I gladly will record, and what he did dcvife: and all his Couufcl wife. and holy all abroad : of thee the Lord our God? thy Wonders cv'ry Hour, thy Virtue and thy Pow'r. with an out-flretchcd Aim : and jofeph's Seed, from Harm, the Waters faw thee well: ihc D--pths on Trcmblii?g fell. I : Th< PSALM LXXVIII. I - The Clouds that were both thick and black The Thunder in the Air did crack, i8 Thy Thunder in the Air Vv'as heard, "With Flalhes great, made Men afraid, 19 Thy Ways within the Sea do lie. Yet none can there tliy Steps efpy, 20 Thou ledft thy Folk upon the Land Bv Mofes and by Aaron's Hand r S A L M I A TTEND, my People, to my Law, Yj^ My Mouth (hall fpcak flrange Parables, 8 Which we ourfclves have heard and learn'd, And which for our Inftru^lion 2 Becaufe we fliould not ktep it clofe Who fiioulu God's mighty Pow'r declare, 4 To Jacob he Commandment gave Willing our Fathers fbould the fame 3 That they and their Poflerity Should have the Knowledge of the Law, 6 That they might have the better Ihi-pc And not forget to keep his Laws, 7 Not being as their Father."', who And would not frame their wicked Hearts 8 How went the Sons of Ephraim Shooting their Darts in Day of War, 9 For'why? they d':d not keep v/ith God, Nor yet would walk or lead their Lives 10 But pat into Oblivion And all his Works magnificent, PART T I What Wonders to our Fore-fathers In Egypt Land, within the Field 12 He did divide and pirt the Sea, For them to pafs, and on a Heap 13 He led them fecret in a Cloud And in the Night when it was dark, 14 He clave the Rocks in Wilderiicf:;, As plentiful as when the Deeps 15 He drew forth Rivers out of Rocks In fuch abundance, that no Floods 16 Yet for all this againft the Lord And did piovokc the mo A Higheft 1 7 And in their Hearts thev tempted God, Requiring fuch a Kind of Meat 18 Yea, they again A him fpake, and thus Can God prepare a Table in 1 q Behold, he fm.ote the ftony Rock, t tan he now give to his Folk did rain full plenteouffv : thy Shafts abroad did fly. thy Lightnings from above, the Earth did quake and move, thy Paths in V*"aters deep : nor know thy Paths to keep, as Sheep on ev'rv Side : thou didil them fafely guide. LXXVIII. J. H. and to my Words incline : and Sentences divine, ev'n of our Fathers old : our Fathers have us told. from them that after came : and wcnd'rous Works procIaitH. liow Ifrael Ihould live: unto their Children sive. that were not fprung up then, and teach it their Children, in God that is above: and his Commands in Love, rebelled in God's Sight: to know their God aright, their Neighbours for to fpoil : and yet receiv'd the Foil ? the Cov'nant that was made: according as he faid. his Counfel and his Will : which he declaied ftill." II. did hehirafelf difclofe : that call'd is Thaneos ! thro' which he made a Way : the Water made to ftav. by Day when it was briTht: wiih Fire he gave them Light, and gave the People Drink: do flow up to the Brink. that were both dry and hard: to them might be compar'd. their Sin they did increafe: to Wrath in Wildcrnefs. like People of MiRrufl : as ferved to their Luft. their Boldnefs did exprefs : this barren Vv'ildcrucfs ? and Floods forthwith did f ow : both Bread and Flefh alfo? ■:q When PSALM LXXVIII. so When God heard this, he waxeth Wrath His Indignation alfo did PART III. 2 1 Becaufe they did not faithfallv Could always help and fuccour them 2 2 Wherefore he did command the Clouds, And rain'd down Manna for to eat, sg W^hen earthly Men with Angels Food He made the Eall-VVind blow away, 24 He rain'd down Flefh as thick as Duft, Which he did caft amidft the I'lace 25 Then did they eat exceedingly. Yet more and more they did delire a 6 But as the Meat was in their Mouths, And flew the Strength of all their Youth, 27 Yet fell they to their wonted Sin, For all the "VVonders that he wrought, aS Their Days therefore he fhortned, and Their Years did wafte and pafs away 29 But ever when he plagued them, Remembring that he was their Strength, 30 Tho' with their Mouths they Nothing did And with their Tongues, and in their Hearts, with Jacob and his Seed : 'gainll Ifrael proceed. believe, and hope that he in their NeceflTity. forthwith they brake in funder : a Food of mighty Wonder. did plentifully feafl : and brought in the South-Weft, and Fowls as thick as Sand : where all their Tents did Hand. and all Men had their Fills : to ferve their Lufts and Wills, his Wrath upon them fell : and Choice of Ifrael. and flill they did him grieve : they would not him believe, did make their Honour vain ; ■with Terror and with Pain. they fought him fpeedily : their Help and God moft high, but Hatter with the Lord: diCfembled cv'ry Word. PART IV. 31 For why their Hearts were NoUiing bent Nor yet to keep or to perform 32 Vet was he lliU fo merciful That he forgave them, and would not 33 Yea, many Times he flav'd his Wrath, And would not fufier-ihat his whole 34 Confidering thcv were but Flefli, Palling away, and never dctli 35 How often in the Wildernefs Hovv did they move and ilir him up 36 Yet did they tiirn again to Sin, Prefcribing to the mighty God 37 Not thinking of his mighty Hand, Deliver'd them out of the Hand 31} Nor how he wrought his Miracles In Egypt, and the Wonders that 39 Nor how he turned bv his Pow'r That nn Min might receive his Drink 40 Nor how he fent ihe:n Sv- arms of Mies, And fili'd ihiir Country lull of Frogs, PART 41 Nor how he did f!icir Fruit-; unto And of the Labour of their Hands 42 With Hail iirroi herlc.'iroy'd thc.r Vine?, And likcvvifc ..I iiic r ^•^ca>Jnrt:s to him, nor what he faid : the Covenant he made, when thev defcrvd to die, them utterly deflroy. and did not them furprife : Difpleafure fhould arife. or like to Wind and Rain, leturn and come again. did they the Lord provoke? to plague them with his Stroke ! and tempt him very foon : whatThings they would have done. nor of the Day when he of the fierce Enemy. (as they themfelves beheld; he did in Zoan Field. ihei-r Waters into Blood, at River cr at Flocd. which d.d them fore annoy : ■which did their Land deuroy. the CatPrpillcr give : Loculls did ihera deprive, fo ij'iiit they all were lofl : he did confumc with Lroft. 43 Wi PSALM LXXVIII. 4 3 With Hail-ftones alfo once a^ain And all iheir Flocks and Herds likewife 44 He cafl upon them his fierce Wra.lh, Amongft them evil Angels fcnt, 43 Then to his Wrath he made a AVay, ' But gave unto the Pefi-ilence 46 He fmotc alfo all the Firfl-born And all the Chief of Men and Beafts 47 But as for his own People, hz And carry'd them thro' Wildeinefs, jV Without all Fear, both fafe and found, Whereas their F'oes with Rage of Seas ^0 And brought them out into the Coafls Ev'n to the Mount which he had got 30 And there cafl out the Heathen Folk, And in their Tents he fet the Tribes 31 Yet for all this, the God moft high And would net keep his'Teilament. 32 But as their Fathers turned back, Much like a Bcw that will not bend, P A R T 33 And griev'd him with their nill-altars, Aud with their Idols grievoufly 54 For which his Wrath began again The W^ickednefs of I fiat I 33 The Tabernacle he fovfock Right converfant with earthly Men, 36 Then fuffer'd he his Might and Pow'r And gave the Honour of his Ark 37 And did commit them to the Swcrd, Their young Men were confura'd with Fire, 38 And with the Sword tlic Pricfts alfo And not a Widow left alive, 39 Then did the Lord awake, as one And like a mighty Giant, that 60 With Em'rods in the hinder Parts And put them unto fuch a Shame, 61 The Tent and Tabernacle he Alfo the l^Ibe of Ephiaim 62 But he the Tribe of Judah chofe, Ev'n the moll noble ?»Iouni Sion, 63 And there he did his Temple build like as the Earth, which he hath made 64 Then chofe he David him to ferve, \Vhoni he took up and brought away, 63 From following the Ewes with Young To feed his People Ifrael, 66 Thus David with a faithful Heart And prudently with all his Pow'r the Lord their Cattle fraote : wiili Thunder-bolts full hot. and I^idignation fore: which troubled them yet more. and fpared not the leafl : the Man as well as Beall. that up in Egypt came : within the Tents of Ham. did them preferve and keep, even like a Flock of Sheep, he brought them cut of Thrall ; were overwhelmed all. of his own holv Land -• by his ftrong Arm and Hand, and did tiie Land divide : of Ifi'el to abide. ihcy mov'd and tempted ftill : noi yet obey his Will, ev'n fo they went allray : but flip and Hart av/ay. VI. with Offerings and Fire r provoked him to Ire. to kindle in his Breafl : he did fo much deiefl. of Silo, \^he^e he \vas ev"n as his Dwelling-place. in Bondage for to be, unto the Enemy. wToih with his Heritage: Maids had no Marriage, did perilh ev'ry one: their Death for 10 bemoan. whom Sleep could not confine : refrefbed is v/ith Wine. his Enemies he fmoie : as fhould net be forgot. of Jofeph did refafe : he wouJd in no wife chufe. that he therein might dwell : which he did love fu well. both fumptucufly and fure : for ever to endure. his People for to keep : ev'n from the Folds of Sheep. the Lord did him advance : and his Inheritance, his Flock and Charge did feed : did govern them indeed. PSALM i ^"^^ Cod, ih( \J Jerufale PSALM I.XXIX, LXXX. PSALM LXXIX. J. H. tliy Heritage to fpcll : ihe Gentiles do invade alem a Heap is made, S The Bodies of thy Saints moft dear, TLe Fle[h of them that do thee fear, 3 Their Blood thro'out Jerufalem So that there is not one of them 4 Thus are we made a laughing-flock The Enemies at us do mock 5 How lonor, O Lord, wilt thou retain And {hall thy Wrath and Jealoufy 6 Upon thofe People pour the fame The Realms which call not on thy Name, 7 For they have got tlie Upper-hand, His Habitation and his Land 8 Bear not in Mind our former Faults, And aid us, Lord, in our Affaults, PART 9 O God, that gIv'R all Health and Grace, Weiffh not our Works, our Sins deface, JO Why Ihould ihe Wicked thus alway, In thy Reproach rejoice, and fay, J 1 Require, O Lord, as thou feeft good. Of all thefe Folk thy Servant's Blood 12 Receive into thy Sight in Hafte, Of fuch as are in Prifon caft, 13 Thy Force and Strength to celebrate. Who \into Death are dcftinate, 14 The Nations which have been fo bold Into their Lap^ do thou fcv'n-fold 13 So we thy Flock and Pafture Sheep And teach all Ages how to kecji P S A L M LX ^ H O U Sli^pherd thatcloR Ifr'el keep _ Who le.,left Jofeph like a Sheep, 2 And thou. O Lord, whofe Seat is fet Shew forth thyfclf, and do not let, 3 Before Ephr'im and Benjamin, To fhew thy Pow'r do thou begin, 4 Direft our Hearts by thy good Grace, Shew us the Bfightnefs of thy Face, 5 Lord God ofHofts of Ifracl, AgainR ihy Folk in Anger fuell, 6 Thou doft them feed with Sorrows deep, And drink the Tears that they do weep, 7 Thou haR us made a very Strife Which much doth plcafe our Enemies^ 8 O take us. Lord, unto thy Grace, Shew forth 10 us thy joyful Face, thy Temple they defile, abroad to Birds they Ci».ft ; the BeaRs devour and ■vafic. as Water fpilt they have : to lay their dead in Grave. almoR the World thro'out : who dwell our CoaRs about. thy Anger and thy Rage? not any more alfw age ? who did thee never know : confume and overthrow. and Jacob's Seed deftroy'd : they have laid waRe and void, with Speed fome Pity Ihow : for we are weak and low. II. 'T' on us declare the fame : for Honour of thy Name, to us as People dumb, Where is their God become? before our Eyes in Sight, which they fpilt in Defpite. the Clamours, Grief, and Wrong, and bound in Irons flrong. Lord, fet them out of Band: and in their Foes Rrong Hand, as to blafpheme thy Name, repay again the fame. will praife thee evermore: for thee like Praife in Siore. X.. J. H. give ear and take good Heed: and doR him watch and feed, on Cherubims moft bright, fend dov.n thy Beams of Lighr. Manaffes in likewifc : ccmc help us. Lord, arife. convert us unto thee : and then full fafe are we. how long wilt thou delay : and wilt not hear them pray ? their Bread with Grief they cat: in Meafurc full and great. to thofe that dwell about : they laugh and jell it out. convert our Hearts to thee : and wc full fale Ihallbc. 9 From PSALM LXXXI. 9 From E^j-pt, v.here it grew not well The Heathen Folk thou didll expel, 10 Thou didit piepare for it a Place, That it did grow and fpring apace, PART II 11 The Hills were covered round about Alffi the Cedais ftrong and ftout, 12 Whv tlien didft thou her Walls dellro^? That all the Folk that pafs thereby, 13 The Boar out of the "Wood fo wild, Thj furious Bea(l fiiould ftill obferve the fame, to bring hira from that Land : he did not underftand. the Burden clean away : from burning Brick of Clav. I help'd thee fpeedilv : in Thunder from on high. I did thee tempt and prove : with Murmuring didlt move, what I do promife thee : if thou wilt cleave to me. II. of any Land abroad : a ft range and foreign God. from Egypt fet thee free : and 1 will give it thee. 13 Cu: PSALM 15 But yet my People Tvould not bear And. Ifrael would not obey, 14 Then did I leave them to their "\Vill To walk in their ov;n Couufels fiill, 13 O ihat mv People would have heard And Ifrael with due Regard .16 1 (liould have foon dellroy'd their Foes, And turn'd ray Hand againft all ihofe 1 1 And they that at the Lord did rsge Bjt ior his Folk their Time and A;2;e 18 I would havered them v/ith the Crop And made the Hock with Honey drrp, IXXXII, LXXXIII. niv Voice when that I fpakc : but did Die quite fovfake. in Hardnefs of their Heart : thenifelves they did pervert. tjie Words thit I did faj : had walked in my Way! and brought them down full low : that iought their Overthrow. as Liars fhould be found : ' Ihould with great jots fee crow: .. and Gneft of «he Wheat : that thev their Fills misjlit cat. 1 A MCNG the Princes, Men of Miiht, /"\ Top'ead the Caufe of Truth Sc Right 2 H '.A ^ong, faith he, will you proceed Why have yon partially agreed Whereas cf PJght you fhould defend And wl:en the poor Man doth contend, If ye be wife defend the Caufe And rid the Needy from the Claws They will not learn ncr underiiand, All the Foundations of the Land I had. dec reed alfu redly. Children alio of the moil High, But notwiihftandin? ye Ihall die O Tyrant^;, you deiiruy will I, Up, Lord, "and let thy Strengtli be known. For why, all Nations are thy own, PSALM LXXXIL J. H. the Lord hiinfelf doth flandt wi?h Judges of the Land. falfe ]udoment to award? the Wicked to regard ? the Fatherlefs and "Weak : in Judgment juflly fpeak. of poor Men in their Right : of Tyrants Force and Might. but ilill in Darknefs go : are out of Courfe alfo. as God's to take you all: for Lcve I did you call. as Men, and fo decay: and pluck vou quite awav- and judge the World with Mi; to lake theni as thy Right. PSALM LXXXIII. J. H. t "TPVO not, O God, refrain thy Tonjue, i^ Wuhnold not. Lord, thvf-U io long, 5 tcr why? behold thy Foes, and fee And thofe that bear a Hale to thee, 3 Againft thy Folk they ufe Deceit, For thine iilefl to lie in Wait, 4 Come on, fay they, let us expel So that the Narae of Ifiael They all confpire wi;hin their Hearts Againft the Lord to take a Fart The Tents of all the Edomitcs, The Hagarenes and Moabile?, 7 Gebal and Amnion do likcwife The Philillines againft thee rife, 8 AfTur is alfo join'd to them And is become a Fence and Aid «> As thou didft to the Mdianites, To Jabin and to Sifcra, in Silence do not flay : and make no more Delay, hov.' they do rage and cry « hold up their Heads on high. and craftily require : in Council they confpire. and pluck this Folk away: may utterly decay. how they may thee with (land : they are in League and Band, the Ifin'elites likcwife : their Plots do ftill devifc. with Amaleck confpire : Willi them that dwell at Tvic in iheir Confpiracv : to Lot's Poflerity. to fcrvc them. Lord, each or.c: bclidc the Brook Kifon. I o Whom PSALM LXXXiV. Whom iliou in Endor didft deRroy, That they like Dung on Earth did lie, PART 1 Make (hem now and their Lords appear As Zcba and Zaimunna were, 2 Who faid, let us thro'out the Land, Pollcfs and lake into our Hand, 3 Turn ihem, "O God, with Storms fo fafl Or like the Chalf which Men do call 4 Like as the Fire with Rage and Fume Atrd as the Flame doth c^uite confumc and wafle them ihfo' thy Might : and that in open Sight. II. like Zeb and Oreb then : the Kings of Midian, in all the Coafts abroad; the fair Houfes of God. as Wheels that have no Stay: with Wind do fly away, the mighty Fcrell fpills : the Mountains and the Hills; 5 So let the Tempeft of thy Wrath And of thy W^ind and flormy Breath, 6 Lord, bring them all, I thee delire. That it may caufe them to enquire, 7 And let them daily more and more And in Rebuke and Obloquy 8 That they may know and underftand And that thou doll with mighty Hand. PSALM HOWpleafaiit is thy dwelling Place The Tabernacles of thy Grace •, i Mv boul doth long full fore to go \ My Heart and Flefh cry out alfo ' The Sparrows find a Room to reft, ! The Swallow alfo hath a Ncfl i Thefe Birds full nigh thy Altar may O Lord of Hofls, thou art alway ' O ihey be bleffcd that may dwell I For ihey all Times thy Fa£ls do tell, I, Yea, happy fuve likev/iTe are they, L Who to thy Houfe do mind tiie Way, 1 As they go thro' the Vale of Tears, I That as a Spring it all appears, j From Strength to Strength they go full fift, And fo the God of Gods at laft : O Lord of Hofts, to me give Heed, And let it thro' thine Ears proceed, jo O God our Shield of thy good Grace, 1 Regard, O Lord, behold the Face I For why ? within thy Courts one j Than other where to keep or flay j2 Much rather had I keep a Door I Thanm the Tents of Wickednefs xapon their Necks be laid: Lord, make them all afraid, to fuch Rebuke and Shame, and learn to feek thy Namei to Shame and Slander fall: confound and feek them all. thou art the God moft high : the World rule ccmftautly. LXXXIV. J. H. O Lord of HoO.s, to mel howplcafant. Lord, they be f into thy Courts abroad ; for thee the living God. and fave themfelves from Wrcn^t •5\ herein to keep her Young, have Place to ht and fing: my only God and King. ' within thy Houfe always : and ever give thee Praife. Tvhofe Stay and Strength thou art: and feek it in their Heart. they dig up Fountains flill : and thou their Pits dolt hlL no Fnintnefs there fhall be : in Sion they do fee. and hearkjen to my Cry : O Jacob's God moft high, regard and fo draw near; cf thy Anointed Dear, is better to abide, a thoufand Days bolide. within the Houfe of God, to fettle my Abode. I 3 For God the Lord, Light and Defence, i And no good Thing will he withhold I 4 O Loid of Hofts, 'that Manisbleft, I Tliatisperfv;aded in his Jircafl; AN'ill Grace and Worfliip give: from them that purely live. and happy fure is he, to iruil all Times in thee. PSALM ^H P S A L ISI LXXXV, LXXXVI. r S A L M LXXXy. |. H. 1 ^nr^ H O U haft been merciful indeed, j[ For thou reftoredft Jacob's Seed 2 The wicked Ways that they were in, And thou didft hide thy People's Sin, 3 'And thou thy Anger didft. affwage. And fo didft turn thee from thy Rage 4 O God, our Help, do thou convert Put all thy Wrath from us apart, 5 Shall thy fierce Anger never end. And (hall thy Wrath itfelf extend 6 Wilt thou not rather turn again. And all thy Folk that yet remain, ■J O Lord, on us do thou declare Shew forth to us and do not fpare, 8 I'll hear ^vhat God the Lord doth fay, And to his Saints, that never they cj For why ? his Help is flill at Hand Whereby great Glory in our Land 10 For Truth and Mercy there Ihall meet And Peac£ fhall Juftice with Kifs greet, 1 I Truth from the Earth (hall fpring apace, So Rightecnfnefs fhall Ihew her Face, 12 Yea, God himfelf doth take in Hand And thro' the Coafts of all the Land 13 Before his Face fliall Juftice go, . He (hall direct his Steps atfo. P S A L M LXXXV LORD, bow thine Ear to my Re-^ueft, For with great Pain and Grief oppreft :: I'lcferve my Soul, bccaufc my Ways And fave thy Servant, O my God, 3 Thy Mercy upon me exprefs. For thro' the Day I do not crafe 4 Comfort thy Servant's Soul, I pray, For unto thee I do alway 3 For thou art gbcd and bountiful, Alfo thy Mercy plentiful 6 O Lord, likewifc, when I do pray, Mark well the Words that 1 do fay, n In Ti:ne when Trouble doth mc move for why? 1 know, and well do prove 5 Among the Gods, O Lord, is none, And none can do as thou haft done, O Lord, unto thy I-and : irom Thraldom by fl.rong H . thou didft them clean remit . full clofe thou cover'dft it. that all thy Wrath was gone : •uith them to be at one. thy People unto thee : and angry ceafe to be. but ftill bepour'd on us ? unto all Ages thus ? and quicken us, that wc may glad and joyful be? thy Gooduefs to our "\^ealth : . thy Aid and faving Health : to his he fpeaketh Peace: return to FooliOincfs. to fuch as do him fear : fhall dwell and flourilh there, in one to take their Place : and there they fliall embrace. and flourifh pleafantly : and look from Heaven moft highi to give us each good Thing : the Earth her Fruit fliall bring. much like a Guide or Stay : and keep them in the Way. 1. J. H. and hear me fpeedily : full poor and weak am I. and Doings holy be : that puts his Truft'in thee. and me defend alway : to thee, O Lord, to pray, that now with Pain is pin'd lift up my Soul and Mind. thy Gifts of Grace are free ; to all that call on thee, regard and give an Ear : and my Petitions hear. to thee I do complain : thou anfvvcr'U me again, with thee to becompar'd : the like lias not been heard. 1 PART ir. The Gentiles and the People all, r^ef'j.re thv Face on Knees fhall fall, "\%hom thou didft make a and glorify thy Naruc. id fran^:] P S A L M IXXXVll, LXXXVIII !• For v.hy ? thou art fo much of Mij^lit, Thou workeft Wonders ftill in Sijht, n O teach me, Lord, thy Way, and I. O join my He.irt to theo fo nigh, 12 To ihee will I give Tlianks and Praife, And glorify thy Name alvvay?, ij For why? thy Mercy {hew'd to mc Thou fett'ft my Soul at Liberty 14 O Lord, the Proud acainil me rife, • They feek my Soul, and in no wife 15 Thou, Lord, art merciful and kind. Thy Goodnefs is full great, I find 16 O turn tome, and Mercy ihow, O help and fave thy Servant now, • - On me fome Sign of Favour Oiow, . ue alhdin'd, bccaufe that thou all Power is thv own: for thou art God alone. {hall in ihy Truth proceed : that I thy Name may dread. O Lord, with all my Heart : becaufe my God thou art. is great, and doth excel :' out from the loweft Hell, and Heaps of Men of Might : will have thee in their Sisrht. but very flow 10 Wrath : thy Truth liO meafure hath, thy Strength to me apply : thy Hand-maid's Son am 1. that all my Foes may fee dofl help and comfort i.ic PSALM LXXXVII. 1. H. I ry^HAl 1 Upc. iT City fhall full well endure _ Upon the holy Hills full fure, God loves the Gates of Sion beft, Hcloves them more than all the reft 3 Full (glorious Things reported be Great Things, 1 fay, arc faid of thee, 4 On Rahab I will call an Eye, To Babylon alfo apply, 3 Lo, Paleftinc, and Tyre alfo, A People old full long ago, 6 Of Sion they fliall fay abroad. Have there fpruiig up, and the high God 7 In their Records to them it (hall ^ OfSion, that the chief of all [ "i The Trumpeters with fuch as hng, i My Fountains and my pleafaut Springs PSALM LXXXVl LORD God of Health, the Hope and Stay I call and crv thro'out the Day, i U let my Pray'r with Speed afcend Incline thine Ear, O Lord, attend 3 For why? with Woe my Heart is fiU'd, My Life and Breath doth almoft yield-, 4 I am efleera'd as one of them And made as one among thofe Men 3 As one among the Dead, and free I It were more Eafe for me to be 16 As thofc iliat he in Grave, 1 fay, I The which thy Hand hath cut away, I 7 Yea, like to one Ihut up full fure I In darkfomc Place, and all obfcurc, ' - G2 her Ground-work flill doth ftiy it can no Time decay, his Grace dcth there abide: of Jacob's Tents beiide. in Sion, and abroad : thou Cify of our God. and bear in Mind the fame: and them that know thy Name. with Eihiope likcwife: were born and there did rife, that diveife Men of Fame hath founded faft the fame. by hint be mane appear, had his beginning there, there in great Plenty be : are all contaiu'd in thee. 11. J. H. thou art alcne to me : and all the Night to ihcc. unto thy Sight on high : and hearken to my Cry. and doth ia Trouble dwell: and draweth nigh to Hell, that in the Pit do fall : that have no, Strength at all. from Things that here remain : with them tlie which are (lain, whom thou haft clean forgot ; and thou regard'ft them not. within the loweft Pit : and in the Depth of it. P S A L M LXXXIX. t Thy Anger and ihy Wrath likewife And all ihy Storms againft me rife, g Tliou puit'ft my Friends far off from me, I am ihut up in Prifon fafl, 10 Mv Si-rht doth fail thro' Grief and Woe, 'i'hro'out the Day my Hands alfo PART IT 11 DaR ihou unto the Dead daclare Shall Dead lo Life afjain repair, 12 Or ihall tiiy loving; Kindnefs, Lord, Or fliall vviih them that are defiroy'd, 13 Shall they that lie in Dark full low. Or there Will PSALM XCV, XCVI. 2o "Wilt iliou accuftom, Lord, thyftli Who with Pretence inflead of Lav., 2 1 For they confult aeainfl the Life And in their Couufels they are rife 27 But yet the Lord is unto me To him I flee, becaufe he is 23 And he fhall caufe their Mifchiefs all And in their Malice tlicy fhall fall, P S A L M XCV. 1 ^^"^ Come, let us lift up our Voice, \^^ In him our Rock of Health rejoice 2 Yea, "let us come before his Face In linging Pfalms unto his Grace 3 For why ? the Lord he is no Doubt, A King above all Gods thro'out, 4 The Secrets of the Earth fo deep The Tops of Hills that are moR fleep, 5 The Sea and Waters all are his. The Earth, and all tliat therein is, 6 Come let us bow and praife the Lord. And kneel to him with one Accord, ' For why? he is the Lord our God, We are his flock, he doth us feed, S To-Day if ye his Voice wul hear. As ye with grudging many a Year g Whereas your Fathers tempted me. My wond'rous Works when they did fee, 10 Twice twenty Years they did me grieve, They, err in Heart, and not believe, 1 1 Wherefore 1 fware, when that my Wrath That they Ihould never tread the Path, PSALM XCVI J ^ I N G ye with praife unto the Lord, - 1^ Sing unto him with one Accord, 2 Yea, ling unto the Lord alway Declare and fhew from Day to Day, 3 Among the Heathen all declare To (liew his Wonders do not fpare 4 For why? the I-ord is much of might, And he is to be dread of Right, 5 For all, the Gods of Heathen Folk Whereas our God, he is the Lord 6 All Praife and Honour alfo dwell Both Pow'r and Might likcwife excel •; Afcribc unto the Lord therefore. All Miirht and Worlhip evermore S Afcribc unto the Lord alfo into his Courts with Prefcnts §0, with wicked Men to fit, much Mifchief do commit? of righteous Men and good : to (bed the guiUlefs Blood. a fure and ftrong Defence: my Strength and Confidence. themfelves for to annoy : our God (liall them dcflroy. J.H. and ling unto the Lord : let us with one Accord, to give him Thanks and Praife : let us be glad alwavs. a great and mighty God : in all the World abroad, and Corners of the Land : he hath them in his Hand. for he the fame hath wrought : his Hand haili made of nought, before him let us fall : the which hath made us all. foT us he doth provide : his Sheep, and he our Guide, then harden not your Heart : provck'd him in IDcfart . my Power for to prove : yet ftill they would me move. which caufed me to fay : they have not known my Way. was kindled in my Brcaf^ : to enter in ray Reft. , J.H. new Songs with Joy and Mit all People on the Earth, praife ye his holy Name : Salvation by the fame, his Honour round :ibout : in all the World thro'out. and worthy of all Praife ; above all Gods always. are Idols that will fade : that Heav'n 8c Eartli hath m ever before his Face : within his holy Place. all Men with one Accord : afcribc unto the Lord, the Glory of his Name : and oflcr there the fame. i P A R 1' PSA L M XCVII, XGVIir. II. TART J Fail down and worfliip ye the Lord Let all the People of the World ao Tell all the eWorld, be not afraid, , Yea, he the Earth fo fafl hath flay'd, 1 1 And. that it is the Lord alone To judge the Nations ev'ry one 12 The Hcav'ns Ihall joyfully begin, The Sea with all that is therein, 13 The Fields fhall joy and ev'ry Thinly The "Wood and ev'ry Tree fhall ling 14 Before the Prefencc of the Lord, When he Ihall juflly judge the World, PSALM XCVII. I ^T^ H E Lord doth reign, for which the Earth § Alfo the Ifies with joyful Mirth S Boih Clouds and Darknefs likewife fwell. Yea, Right and J uflice ever dwell, 3 ^Yea, Fire and Heat at once do run, Which all his Enemies Ihall burn 4 His Lightnings great full bright did blaze, W^hereat the Earth did look and gaze 5 The Hills like Wax did melt in Sight They fled before that Ruler's Might 6 The Hcav'ns likewife declare and {how .1 all the World may fee and know aufion fure (hall come to fuch Alfo to thofe that glory much 8 For all the Idols of the World, Shall feel the Power of the Lord, 9 With Joy fliall Sion hear this Thing, For at thy Judgments they fhall ling 10 For thou, O Lord, art fct on high And art exalted wond'rouQy II All ye that love the Lord, do this. For he doth keep the Souls of his 1,2 And Light doth fpring up to the Juft Gladnefs and Joy likewife to them 15 Ye Righteous in the Lord rejoice. And thankfully with Heart and Voice, within his Temple bright : be fearful at his Sight, the Lord doth reign above : that it can never move. who rules with princely Might ; with Equity and Right, the Earth likewife rejoice: Ihall {hout and make a Noifc. that fpringeth on the Earth : with Gladnefs and with Mirth, and coming of his Might : and rule his Folk with Right. J- H- may fing with plcafant Voice; may triumph and rejoice, and round about him beat : and bide about his Seat. and go before his Face : abroad in ev'ry Place, and to the World appear : with Dread and deadly Yezr. and Prefencc of the Lord : who guideth all the World, his Juftice forth abroad 2 the Glory of our God. as worlhip Idols vain : dumb Piclures to maintain, which they their Gcds do call, and down to him Ihall fall. and Judah fliall rejoice : with a mofl. chearful Voice, in all the Earth abroad: above each other God. hate all Things that arc ill : from fuch as would them fpill. with Pleafure for his Part : that are of upright Heart. his Holinefs proclaim : be mindful of the fame. PSALM XCVill. J- H. 1 /"^ Sing ye now unto the Lord a new and pleafant Seng : \^_^ For he hath wrought thro'out the World his Wonders great and flrong, 2 With his Right-hand full worthily ~" And gets himfelf the Vi^ory 3 The Lntd doth make the People kno-vy And alfo doih his Juftice (how 4 His Grace and Truth to Ifrael And all t>he Earth hath fecn right well he doth his Foes devour with his own Arm and Pow'r. his faving Health and Might : in ail the Heathens Sight, in Mind he doth record : the Gcedncfs of the Lord. 5 Be PSALM XCIX, C. 5 Be glad in Kim with joyful Voice, Give Thanks to God, fiug and rejoice 6 Upon the Karp unto liim ling. Rejoice before the Lord our Kinsj, 7 Yea, let the Sea with all therein The Earth likewife let it begin, B And let the Floods rejoice their Fills, Yea, let the Mountains and the Hills 9 For he fhall come to judge and try And rule the People mightil)--, PSALM XCIX 1 »" I ^ n E Lord doth reign, altho' at it J|_ Yea, on the Cherubims doth lit, a Tiie Lord that doth in Sion dwell, Above all Folk he doth excel, 3 Let all Men praife thy mighty Name, And let them magnify the fame, 4 The Princely Power of our King Thou rightly ruleft ev'ry Thing c To praife the Lord our God devife. And at his Foot-ftool worihip him 6 Mofcs, Aaron, and Samuel, When they did pray, he heard them well, 7 Within the Cloud to them he fpake. To keep fuch Laws as he did make, 8 O Lord our God thou didfl them hear, But their Inventions punifhed, 9 O praife our God and Lord therefore For why ? our God whom we adore. i all People on the Earth : to him with Joy and Mirth, give Thanks to him always : with Trumpets found his Praife Joy both roar and fwell : for with all that therein dwell, and clap their Hands apace: triumph before his Face. the "World and cv'ry Wight : with Juilice and with Right. . J.H. the People rage full fore : tho' all the World do roar, is high and wond'rous great : and he aloft is fct. for it is fearful fure : that holy is and pure. doth love Judgment and Right, in Jacob thro' thy Might. and Honour to him fhcw : that holy is and true, as Priefts on him did call: and gave them Anfwer all. then did they labour ftill : according to his Will, and anfwer them again : which foolifh were and vain. upon his holy Hill : is the moft holy ftill. PSALM C. J. H. X All People that on Earth do dwell, fingtotheLi j\^ Him ferve with Fear, his Praife forth tell come ye befi "^1 he l^ord ye know is God indeed. We are his Fleck, he doth us feed, O enter then his Gates with Praife, Praife, laud, and blefs his Name alwaj For why ? the Lord our God is good. His Truth at all Times firmly Hood, .ordwith chearful Voice, fore him and rejoice, without our Aid he did us make: and for his Sheep he doth us take. approach with Joy his Courts unto: for it is feemly fo to do. his Mercy is lor ever fure: and fhall from Age to Age endure. Another of the fame, by J. H. 1 X N God the Lord be glad and light, I Serve him, and come before his Sight a Know that the Lord our God he is, Not wc ourfelves, for we arc his 3 O go into his Gates always, Wiihin liis Courts fct forth his Praife, 4 For why? the Goodri^fs of the Lord From Age to Age ihro'out the World praife him thro'out the Earth: witli Singing and with Mirth, he did us make and keep : own Flock and Failure Sheep. give Thanks wiihin the fame: and laud his holy Name, for evermore doth reign : liis Truth doth flill remain. PSALM PSALM CI, cir. PSALM CI. N. I Mercy will and Judgment fmg;, O let me underRand the Ways ; W'ithin my Houfe 1 daily will And I no Kind of wicked Thing 5 I hste their Works that fall away, From me fliall tro the froward Heirt, I Him I'll deftroy that {landereth The lofty Heart I cannot bear, 5 My Eyes fhall be on them within In perfe£l Way who walkcth, ftiall j I will no guileful Perfon have And in my Prefence he lljall not J Betimes I will deftroy cv'n all That I may from God's City cut PSALM CII. N. I T TEAR thou my Pray'r, O Lord, and let Jj[_ In Time of Trouble do not hide J Incline thine Ear to me, make hafte For as the Smoke doth fade, fo do J And as an Hearth my Bones are burnt. And withers like the Grafs, that I J By Reafon of ray groaning Voice, As Pelican in Wildernefs, 'j And as an Owl in Defart is, I watch, and as a Sparrow on ,5 For daily in reproachful wife And ihem that mad upon me are, 7 Surely with. Afhes, as with Bread, And mingled have my Drink with Tears 8 Becaufc of thy Difpleafure, Lord, For thou haft, fei me up on high, 9 The Days wherein I pafs my Life, And 1 am wither'd like the Grafs 10 But thou, O Lord, for ever doft And ihy Remembrance ever doth PART II. 1 1 Thou wilt arlfe, and Mercy thou t \ The Time of Mercy, now the Time i 12 For in the very Stones thereof i And on the Duft thereof they have 'ij Then (hall the Heathen People fear And all the Kings on Earth ihall dread ! 14 Then when the Lord, the mighty God, 1 And then when he moft nobly in ji5 To Pray'r of the Poor dcftitute When he fliall not difdain unto O Lord God, unto thee : that good and holy be. walk with an Heart upright : will fet before m.y Sight. they fliall not cleave, to mc : no Evil will I fee. his Neighbour privily : nor him that looketh high. the Land that faithful be: be Servant unto me. within my Houfe to dwell : remain that Lies doth tell. the Wicked of the Land: the wicked Worker's Hand. my Cry come unlo thcc^ thy Face away from me. to hear me when I call : my Days confume and fall. my Heart is fmitten dead : forget to eat my Bread, my Bones cleave to my Skia: fuch Cafe now am 1 in. lo, I am fuch an one the Houfe-top am alone, my Foes they do me fcorn : againft me they have fworn. my Hunger 1 have fill'd : that from my Eyes diftill'd. thy Wrath and great Difdain: and caft me down again, are like the fleeting Shade: that foon away doth fade, remain in fteady Place; abide from Race to Race. to Sion wilt extendi forefet is come to End. thy Servants do delight : Gampaffion in their Sight. the Lord's moft holy Name: his Glory and his Fame, again fhall Sion rear: his Glory fhall appear. Avhen lie hirafelf niall bend : their Suits for to attend. I G This ? s A L M cm. 16 This fhall be wruten for ilie Age T^ie People that are yet unborn, 17 Fiom his high Sancluarv he And out of Heav'n moft high he haih 18 That of ihe mourning Captive he And that he might deliver ihofe 19 That they in Sion may declare And in Jerufalem fct forth 80 Then when tlie People of the Land, Shall be ailerabled to perform PART SI Mv former Force of Strength he hath And fhorter he did cut my Days, 22 My God, in midil of all my Days, Thy Years endure eternally, 23 Thou the Foundations of the Earth The Heav'ns alfo they are the Work 24 Thcv all (hall periih and decav, And iLey Ihall all in Time wax old, 25 Thou as a Garment fhalt them change But thou doft Hill abide the fame, 26 The Children of thv Servants fhall And in thy Sight iheir happy Seed that after fliall fucceed ; the Lord's Renown fhall fpread. hath looked down below : beheld the Earth alfo. might hear the woful Cry: that were condemn'd to die. the Lord's moft holy Name : the Praifes of the fame, and Kingdoms viith Accord, their Service to the Lord. abated in the Way : thus 1 therefore did fay ; now take me not away : and never do decay. before all Time haft laid; which thv own Hands have made, but thou remaineft ftill: cv'n as a Garment will. and changed (hall thev be : thy Years do never flee, continue and endure : for ever fhall ft and fure. PSALM cm. T. S. 1 "\ /T Y Soul, give Laud unto the Lord X V A '^"'^ ^^^ ^^^ Secrets of my Heait, 2 Praife thou the Lord, my Soul, who hath And fuffer not his Benefits 3 That gave thee Pardon for thy Faults From all thv weak and frail Dileafe, 4 That did redeem thy Life from Death His Mercy and Compaflion both 5 That fill'd with Goodnefs thy Defirc, Like as the Eagle cafts her Bill, 6 The Lord with Juftice doth repay So that their Sufferings and Wrongs 7 His Ways and his Commandments all His Counfels and his valiant Ads 8 The Lord is kind and merciful The flowcft to conceive a Wrath, g He will not always chiding be. Nor keeps our Faults in Memory, 10 According to our Sins alfo And after our Iniquities I I But as the Space is wond'rous great So is his Goodnefs much more large 12 He doth remove our Sins fiuui u>. As far as the Sun-riiing is my Spirit do tlie fame : praife ye his holy Name, to thee been very kind : to flip out of thy Mind. and thee refior'd again : and heal'd thee of ihy Pain, from which thou couldft not f.'ec: he did extend to thee. and did thy Youth prolong: again becoming young, all fuch as areopprcR, are turned to the beft. to Mofes he did fhow : the Ifr'elites did know, when Sinners do him grieve: and rcadicfl to forgive. <^ho' we be full of Strife ; for all our hnful Life, he doth us not regard : he doth us not reward. 'twixt Earth and Heav'a aho^ to them that do him love, and our Oflences all, full diflant from his Fnll. PART P S A L M CIV. PART II 43 Arid lock what Pity Parents do Like Pity beareth God to fuch 14 The Lord that made us knows cur Shape, How weak and frail our Nature is, ,15 And how th*e Time of mortal Men Oi like the Flow'r right fair in Field, x( Whofe Glofs and Beauty ftormy Winds And make that after their Adaults 17 Bui yet the Gcodnefs of ihe Lord Tiieiv Children's Children do receive iX 1 mean, who keep his Covenant And not forget 10 do the Thing 19 The Heav'ns moft high arc made the Seat And by his Pow'r Imperial 30 Yc Ari2els thai are great in Pow'r, Who to obey and do his Will 21 Ye noble HoRs and Minifters, _ V»''ho ready are to execute 22 Yea, a!l his Works in ev'ry Place, Mv thankful Heart my Mind and Soul, unto iKeir Childrrn bear : as worihip him in Fear, our Mold and Fafhion jufl : and that we are but Daft. i> like thewith'ring Hay : that fades full focn away, do utterly difgrace : fucli Bloffoms have no Pliice. with his Ihall ever fiand : his Righieoufntfs at Hand. . with all their whole Dciirc : that he doth them require. and Foot-ftnol of tlie Lord ; he governs all the World, praifc ve and blcfs the Lord : immediately accord. ceafe net to laud him ftill : his Pleafure and his WiJL praifc ye hi^ holy Name : praife ye alfo the fame. PSALM CIV. W'. K. I TV JT Y Soul praife the Lord, i.VJL ^ ^^^"^ "^^ s'*^^^ ^"'^' ' bo palling in^Glorv, Honour and Majefty a With Lrght as a Robe ^V hereby all the Earth The Heav'ns in fuch fort That they to a Curtain 3 His Cliamber-beanis lie Which ?.3 his Chariots ■>l And there witJi much Swifinefs • ''po-i :Iie Wings ridiU'g ■ s-keih his Spirits Lijhtnings to ferve ...; ^Vlll to accoraplifh i favc and confume Things, 3 He groundeth the Earth 1 hai it once to move The Deep a fair Cov'ring Which by its own Nature 6 Bat at thy Rebuke And fo give due Place At thy Voice of Thunder That in their great raging 7 The Mountains full hieh If ihey do but fpcak, fpeak good of his Name : how doft thou appear! that great is thy Fame , in thee Ihine raoft clear. thou haft thyfelf clad, thy Gresinefs may fee: thou alfo haft fpread, compared may be. in the Clouds full fure, are made him to bear : his Courfe dcth endure, of Winds in the Air. as Heralds to go, we fee alfo preft : they run to and fro, as feemeih hiia bcft. fo firmly and fafc, none Ihall have fach Pow'r for it made thou haft, the Hills would devour. the Waters do flee, thy "SVord to obey : fo faithful they be they hafte foon away. ihcv then up afccn'd, thv Word ihLy fulHl: H2 So PSALM CIV, So likewlfe the ValHes "Where tliou them appointefl 9 Their Bounds thou haA fet, So that in their Rage .. For God hath appointed The Earth to deftroy more, 9 He fendeth the Springs Which run do full fwift "Where both the wild AfTes And Beafts of the Mountains 10 By thefe pleafant Springs The Fowls of the Air Who moved by Nature Among the green Branches 1 1 The Mountains to Moift The Earth with h-is Works So as the brute Cattle But Grafs doth provide them, 12 Yea, Bread, Wine and Oil His Face to refrelh. The Cedars of Liban Which Trees he doth nourifh 13 In thefe may Birds build, In Fir-trees the Storks The high Flills are Succours Alfo the Rock ftony 1 4 The Moon then is fet The Days from the Night, And by the defcending The Cold from Heat alv/ay I 3 When Darknefs doth come Then creep forth do all The Lions range roaring But yet, 'tis the Lord, 16 As foon as the Sun To couch in their Dens That Man to his Work may, Till Night come and call him mofl; quickly defccnd, lemain they do flill. how far they ftiall run, not that pafs they can : they fhall not return which made was for Ma: PART II. to ftrong Streams or Lakes, among the huge Hill? : their Thirft often flakes, thereof drink their Fills. and Rivers moft clear, abide ihall and dwelt : to hop here and there, thtir Songs Ihail excel. the Clouds he doth ufe, is wholly replete : he doth not refufe, and Herb for Man's Meat. he made for Man's fake: and Heart to make flrong: the great Lord did make, that grow up fo long. and all make their Nefis : remain and abide, for wild Goats to reft : for Conies to hide, her Seafon"! to run, thereby to difcern : alfo of the Sun, thereby we do learn. by God's Will and Pow'r, the Beallsofthe Wood their Prey to devour, who giveth them Food. is up, they retire, then are they full fain : as Right doth require, to take Reft a?ain. PART III. I] How fundry, O Lord, With Wifdom full great So that the whole World And as for thy Riches jS So is the great Sea, Where creeping Things fwarm, There mighty Ships fail, The Whale huge andmonllrous are all ihy Works found, they are indeed wrought : of thy Praife doth found, they pafs all Mens Thought, which is large and broad, and Beafts of each fort : and fome lie at Road, there alfo doth fport. PSALM CV. 9 All Things on ihce wait, And ihoii in due Time Now when it doth pleafe ihec They gather full gladty ) Thou open'/l thy Hand, That they with good Things But foie they are troubled For if thou their Breath take, Af^aln, when thy. Spirit ' iiijigs to appoint, ;re they created uoll by thy Goodnefs praifc oT the Lord may in his Works His Look can the Earth make And likewife the Mountains I Ills Lord and God 'S as I live, ara I moil certain I v.ill rejoice iu him, 4 The Sinners, O Lord, Alfo the Perverfe, But as for ray Soul now. And fay with the Faithful, thou doft them relieve, full well doft ihcm feed : tlie fame for to gi'.c, thofe Things which they need. and they find fuch Grace, are filled we fee : if thou hide thy Face, vile DuA then they be. from thee doth proceed, and what fnall enfue as thou haft decreed, the dry Earth renew. fur ever (hall laft, by Right Well rejoice : to tremble full faPi, to fmoke at his Voice. will I ling always, my God praife will I : my Words fhall him pleafc, to him will I cry. confume in thine Ire, them root out with Shame: let it ftill defire, praife ye the Lord's Name, PSALM CV. GIVE Praifes unto God the Lord, Among the People all declare SiuCT joyfully unto the Lord, And talk of all his wond'rous Works. In h(mour of his holy Name And let the Heart alfo be glad Seek ye the Lord, and feek the Strength Yea, feek his Face incelfantly, The wond'rous W^orks which he hath done, Let not the judirment? of his Mouth Ye that of faithful Abraham Ye his Elea, the Children that For why ? 'tis he alone that is And his moft righteous Judgments arc His Promife ?.-nd his Covenant He hath rememb'red evermore PART JI. The Covenant which he hath made And faithful Oath which he hath fworn And did appoint it for a Law And for eternal Covenant 1 When thus he faid, Lo, I to vou The Lot of your Inheritance, H3 N. and call upon his Name r his W^orks to fpread his Fame, yea, ling unto him Praife: that he hath wrought always. rejoice with one Accord : of them that feek the Lord, of his etemtl Might : and Prefence of his Sight. keep Rill in mindful Heart : out of your Mind depart, his Servants are the Seed : of Jacob do proceed. the mighty Lord our God : in all the Earth abroad, which he hath made to hi;, to ihoufands of Degrees. with Abrarn long ago : to Ifaac alfo. that Jacob fliould tbcy : to Ifrael alway. all Canaan Land will give: wherein 'your Seed Ihall live. 12 Ahhg* PSALM J 2 Ahho' their Number at that Time Yea, very fraall, and in the Land 13 While yet they went from Land to Land, And while from fundry Kingdoms they 1 4 Yet wrong at no Opprelfor's Hand But ev'n the great and mighty Kings 15 And thus he faid, Touch ye not thofe Nor do the Prophets any Harm 16 He calTd a Dearth upon the Land, But yet againft the Time of Need PART 1; 1 7 Ev'n Jofeph, who had once been fold Whofe Feet they hurt in Stocks, whofe Soul 18 Until the Time came when his Caufe The mighty Word of God the Lord IQ The King fent and deliver'd him The Ruler of the People then 20 And over all his Houfe he made And of his Subftance made him have 2 I That he might to his Will inflruft And Wifdom teach his Senators •2 Then into the Epptian Land And Jacob in the Land of Ham 23 His People he exceedingly And Itronoer than their Enemies, 24 AVhofe Heart he turned, that with Hate And did his Servants wrongfully PART L • 3 His faithful Servant Mofes then, He did command to 00 to them c6 His wonderful and mighty Signs And Wonders in the Land of Ham 2 - Darknefs he fent, and made it dark. And his Commiffion and his Word 18 He tum'd their Waters into Blood, Their Land brought Frogs ev'n in the Place 29 He fpakc, and at his Voice there came And all the Q^uarters of their Land 30 He gave them Cold and ftony Hail, And fiery flames within their Land 51 He fmote their Vines, and all the Trecj And all the Trees within their Coafts 22 He fpake, then Caterpillars did, Eating the Grafs iu all their Land, PART \ 33 The firfl -begotten in their Land Yea, the beginning an4 Firi\-fruit 34 With Goldai.d Silver caufcd his And iu the Number of ihtii Tribjs cv. did very fmall appear : they then but Strangers were. without a fure Abode : did wander all abroad. he fufier'd them to take : reproved for their Sake, thai my Anointed be : that do pertain to me. of Bread deftroy the Store: did fend a Man before. 1 to live a Slave in Woe : the Iron pierc'd into, was known apparently : his Innocence did try. from Prifon where he was : did freely let him pafs. him Lord, to bear the Swav ; the Rule and all the Stay. the Princes of the Land : rightly to iinderftand. came Ifrael alfo : did fojoum to and fro. in Numbers made to grow ; who fought their Overthrow, they did his People treat : abufe with bafe Deceit. and -A.aron whom he chofe, his Melfage to difclofe. among them he did (how : then did they work alfo. inftead of brighter Day : thev did not difobey. their FHh alfo d:d'llay: where their King Phar'oh lay. great Swarms ofnoifonic P'lies : were filPd with crawling Lice. ^ inlkad of milder Rain : he fent unto iheir Pain. whereon the Figs did grow : alfo did overthroAv. .and Gralhoppers abound: and Fruit ot all iheir Groi- with Death did likewifc fmi'c: of all their Strength and Might, from Egypt Land to pafs ; ■0 feeble One there waj. 35 %r PSALM cvr. 35 Egypt was glaj and joyful then, For Terror and the Fear of them • 6 To fhroud them from the parchino; HcatT And Fire he fent to give them Light, 2 - They alkcd, and he caufed Q^uails And fully with the Bread of Heav'a 38 He opened the ftony Rock, • Alfo the dry and parched Ground when ihey did thence depart : was fall'n upon their Heart, a Cloud he did difplay : when Night had hid the Day. to rain at their Requeft : their Hunger he repreft. and Waters guflied out: like Rivers ran about. 39 For of his holy Cov'nant he Which to his Servant Abraham 40 He brought his People forih wiih'M ' Out of the cruel Land where they 41 , And of the Heathen Men he gave The Labours of the People did 42 That they his holy Statutes might And faithfully obey his Laws, P S A L was mindful evermore : he plighted long before, and his Ele6l v/ith Joy : had liv'd in great annoy. to them the fruitful Lands : they take into their Hands, obferve for evermore : praife ye the Lord therefore. M CVI. N. ^ P^ [RAISE ye the Lord, for he is good, Who can exprefs his noble A6ls, 9 They bleffed are thai Judgment keep, With Favour of thy People, Lord, 3 And with thy faving Health, O Lord, That I the great Felicity 4 And with thy People joy I may, And may with ihy Inheritance 3 Both we and our Forefathers all. We have committed Wickednefs, 6 The Wonders great which thou, O Lord, Our Father?, iho' they faw them all, I Nor yet thy Mercies Multitude But at the Sea, yea, the Red-fea, 8 Neverthelefs he faved them That he might make his Power known, 9 The Red-fea he did then rebuke, As in the Wildernefs, fo thro' 10 He fav'd them from the cruel Hand And from their Enemies he did PART II. II The Waters did them overthrow, Then they believ'd his Word, and Praife la But very focn ungratefully And for his Counfcl and his Will 13 But finned in the Wilderncfs And in the Defart tempted God, 14 Who v;heu tlieir wanton Mmds Defirc, But wafting Leanncfs therewithal, 15 Thea when thev lodged in their Tents, Aaron the holy of the Lord, his Mercy lafls alway : or all his Praife difplav ? and juftly do alway .- remember me, I pray. vouchfafe to viht me : of thine Eleft may fee. a joyful MindpofTefs ; a cheatful Heart exprefs. have finned ev'ry one: and very lewdly done, haft done in Egypt Land, yet did not underftand. did keep in Memory : rebell'd ungratefully, for Honour of his Name : and fprcad abroad his Fame. and forthwith it was dry'd : the Deep he did them guide, of their raoft fpiteful Foe: deliver them alfo. not one was left alive ; in Song they did him give, his Works they quite forgot: they did negletl to wait. with fond and greedy Lufi : their only Stay and Truft. did fuff'er them to have: into their Soul? he gave. at Mofes they did grutch : ihey alfo tnvy'd much. 1 6 There for « PSALM CVI. I S Therefore iKe Eartli did open Avide, And all Abi ram's Company I 7 In their AfTembly kindled was And waiHr.g Flame did then burn up 18 Upon the Hill of Horeb they And there the molten Image they 19 Thus to the Likenefs of a Calf They turned all their Glory, 3.nd ao And God their only Saviour ther Who many great and mighty Things PART 8 1 And in the Land of Ham for them And by the Red-fea dreadful Things 82 Therefore becaufe they Ihew'd ihemfelvcs To bring Deftruclion on them all 25 Had not his chufen Mofes flood To turn away his Wrath, left he 24 They did defpife the pleafant Land Yea, and the Words tliat he had fpoke, 25 But in their Tents with grudging Heart, Nor to the Voice of God the Lord 26 Therefore againft them lifted he Them to deftroy in Wildernefs, a 7 And to deftroy their Seed among And thro' the Kingdoms of the World iH To Baal-pepr they did join The Sacrifices of the Dead 29 Thus they with their Inventions did And in his fore enkindkd Wrath 30 But Phinehas ftood up with Zeal And Judgment he did execute, PART 31 It was imputed unto him And from henceforth fo counted is 32 At Waters called Meribah Yea, fo far forth, that' Mofes then 33 Becaufe they vex'd his Spirit fo, His Lips fpake uudadvifedly, 34 Nor, as the Lord commanded them, But were among the Heathen mixt, 35 They did their Idols ferve, which was To Devils Sons, and Daughters did 36 Yea, with unkind and murd'nng Knife Yea, their own Sons and Daughters Blood, 37 Whom they to Canaan Idols then And fo with Blood of Innocents 38 Ihus were they ftained with the ^Vorks And with their own Inventions did III. and Dathan did devour: did cover in that Hour. a hot confuming Fire : the "Wicked in his Ire. an Idol-calf did frame: did worlhip of the fame. which feedeth on the Grafs, their Honour did deface. \:nthankfully forgot, in Egypt Land had wrought. raoft wond'rous Works had dont : performed long agone. forgetful and unkind, he purpos'd in his Mind. before him in the Way, fliould them deftroy and flay, that he to them did give : they did no Whit believe they vitickedly repin'd : did give a heark'ning Mind, his ftrong revenging Hand, before they faw the Land. the Nations with bis Rod : to fcatter them abroad, ihemfelves mofl wickedly: eating moft greedily. liis Anger much provoke : the Plague upon them broke, the Sinners vile to flay : and then the Plague did ftay. for Ri$;hteoufnefs that Day : from Race to Race alway. they did him angry make : was punifli'd for their Sake. that in impatient Heat his Fervor was fo great, did they the People flav : and learn'd their wicked Way. their Ruin and Decay : they offer up and flay. ^ the guihlefs Blood they fpilt; without all Caufe of Cuiit. offer'd with wicked Hand : drilled was the Land, of their own tilihy W.n- : u whoring go aflray. 3 9 Therefore IV. PSALM cvir. 1 /^ I V E Thanks ui^ \jr And that his Me 39 Therefore againft his People was and ev'ii his own Inheritance 40 Into the Hands of Heathen Men And made their Foes their Lord, whom they PART V. 41 Yea, and their hateful Enemies And they were humbly made to Aoop 42 Full uftentimes from Thrall had he But thev rcbell'd againll him, and 43 Therefore they by their Wickednefs Yet when he faw them in Diftrcfs, 44 He call'd to Mind his Covenant, And by his Mercies Multitude 45 And Favour he tliem made to find That led them captive from their Land, 46 Save us, O Lord, that art our God, And from among the Heathen Folk, 47 Tliat we may triumph and rejoice That we may glorv in thy Praife, 48 The Lord the God of Ifrael Let all the ?eople fay, Amen, PSALM CVII. unto the Lord cur God, 5 Mercy hath no End, Si.ch as the Lord redeemeth hath, And Ihew how they from Foes were freed, 3 He gatherd them forth of the Lands From Eaft to Weft, from North to South, 4 They wand' red in the Wildcrnefs, Finding no City where to dwell, 5 "Whofe Thiril and Hunger was fo great That Faintnefs them aflTaulted, and 6 Then did they cry in their Diflrefs Who did remove their troublous State 7 And by the Way which Avas moft right That they might to their City go, i Let them therefore before the Lord And Ihew the Wonders that he doih 9 For he their emptv Souls fuftain'd, Their hungry Souls with Goodnefs fed, 10 Such as do dwell in Darknefs deep, Fall bound to bear fuch grievous Fains PART I ir Eecauf: againft the Words of God, Eftceraing light his Counfel high, 12 But when he humbled them full low, . And none was found that could them help, 13 Then did they cry in their Difirefs ^^ ho did remove their troublous Siat« his Anger kindled fore: he did abhor therefore, he gave them for a Prey, were forced to obey. oppreft them in their Land : as Subjefts to their Hand, delivcr'd them before : provok'd him evermoie. were brought full low to he : he heark'ned to their Cry. which^ic to them had fwore: lepenmi him therefore. before the Sight of thofe, tho' they had been their Foes, we do thee humbly pray : Lord, gather us away. iii thy moft. holy Name: and founding of thy Fame, be bielTed evermore: praife ye the Lord therefore, W. K. for very kind is he : all mortal Men may Tee. with Thanks (hall praife his Name ; and how he wrought the fame. that lay fo far about : his Hand did find them out. ^and ftrayed from the Wav : that ferve might for their Stay. within thofe Defarts void, their Souls greatly annoy'd. unto the Lord for Aid : according as they pray'd. he Ud them like a Guide : and fafelv there abide. conf::fs his Goodnefs then : before the Sons of Men. whom Thirft hsd made to faint r and heard their fad Complaint, where they on Death do wait : as Iron Chains do threat. they proudly did rebel : which doth fo far excel, they then fell down with Grief: or give them fome Relief. unto the Lord for Aid : according as they pray'd. 14 For PSALM CVII. 14 For he fiomDarknefs brought them out, Burfling with Force the Iron Bands 15 Let Men therefore before the Lord And (hew the Wonders that he doth I 6 For he threw down the Gates of Brafs . The Iron Bars in fuuder brake, X 7 The foolilh Folks orreatTlaffue do feel. And for the great Tranfgreifion which 18 Their Soul abhorr'd all Sorts of Meat, By which Means they were almofl brought 1 9 Then did they cry in their Dillrefs Who did remove their ti;oublou3 Stale so For then he fent to thWi his Word, And brought them from thofe Dangers deep PART 111 2 1 Let Men therefore before the Lord And Ihew the Wonders that he doth Ha And let ihem oiicr Sacrifice And fpesk of all his wond'rous Works 83- Such as in Ships and brittle Barks Their Merchandize thro' fearful Floods 24 Thefe Men are forced to behold And in the dieadful Deep the fame £5 For at his Word the fLormy Wind And iiirreth up the Surges fo, 26 Then are they lifted up fo high. And plunging down the Depth until 27 And like a Drunkard to and fro. As Men that h-d their Reafon loft, *8 Then did they cry in their Diftrefs Who did remove their troublous State 20 For with his Word the Lord doth make So that the Waves from their great Rage 2© Then are they glad when Reft is come, And to ihe Haven by him arc brought, PAR ;;, 1 Let Men thisre fore before the Lord And (hew the VV'onders that he doth ^5 Let them in Prefence of the Folk And where the Eiders ufe to fit, 35 The Wildernefs he often makes And Water-fprings he often turns 34 A fruitful Land with Plcafurcs deckt When on their Sins thai dwell therein 35 Again, the Wildernefs full rude With clear and pleafant Watcr-fprings, 36 Wherein fuch hungry Souls arc fet That llicy a City might them build J 7 That they rnay fow their pleafant Land, To yield ihcm Fruits of fuch Increafc, and from Death's dreadful Shade : which them beicte did lade. confefs his Gocdnef- theii : before the Sons o'f'Mcn. with ftrong and niij^hiv Har. ; . Nothing could him -.vithftand. by Reafon of their Sin : thev ftill continue in. no Relilh they could have : unto the very Grave. unto the Lord for Aid : according as they pray'd. which Health did foon reilorc •. wherein they were beFv.»re. confefs his Goodnefs then : before the Sons of .Men. to him moft ihankfullv : with Gladnefs and with Jcy. into the Seas defcend, to corapafs and to end : the Lord's W^orks whai they be; mofi; marvellous they fee. arjfeth in a Rage, that nought can them alTw^ge. the Clouds they fcem io gain : their Souls confume with Pain ; now here and there thev reel : and had no Senfe to led. unto the Lord for Aid : according as they pray'd. the flurdy Storms to ceafe: are brought to Reft and Peace, which they fo much did crave: which they fo fain would have. IV. confefs his Goodnefs then : before the Sons of Men. with Praife extol his Name: there let them do the fame. with Water to abound: to dry and parched Ground, full barren doth he make: he doih juft Vengeance take. he makcih Fruit to bear: iho' none before were there. as he hath freely chofe : lo dwell in fafc from Frtcs. and Vineyards alfo plant: that they may have no Want. 3i> The PSALM »8 They- multiply exceedinglv. Who alfo tnaketh the brute Beads when the Fsithful are brought low lifhing thro' many Plagues 40 Then doth the Princes bring to Shame, And likcwifc eaufed them to err, lifed up iin auginent 59 But Dimir 4 I But yet the Poor he 12 And often doih his Tr; 48 The Rightebu!! (hall behold this Sight, Whereas the 'Wicked and Pen'erfe 43 But who is wife, thit now full well For certainly fuch (hall perceive GVIII, CIX. the Lord doth blefs them f» s . in Numbers great to grow. bv the Opprefors ftout, that compafs them about : which did them fore opprefj when in the Wildernefs. out of his Troubles deep, much like a Flock of Sheep, and alfo much rejoice: with Giief fnali liop their Voice. he may ihefe Things record: the Kindnefs of the Lord. PSALM CVIII. J. H. 1 ^^'\ Cod, my Heart prepared is, y^^ I will advance my Vcice in Song, i Awake my Viul and my Harp, And in the Maining I myfelf 3 Bv me among ihc People, Lord, And I among the Heathen Folk 4 B.ecaufe ihy Mercy doth afcend Alfo thy Truth doth reach the Clouds 5 Above the high and flarry Heav'ns Uifplay likewife upcm the Earth 6 That thy Beloved alfo may Help, O my God, with thy Right-hand, 7 God in his Holinefs hath fpoke, Sichem I will divide and mete S And Gilcad Ihall be my own, My Head-flrength Ephraim, and I-a\r 9 Moab my Warn-])ot is, my Slioe Upon the Land of Paleftine 10 Who to the City flrong (hall be Alfo bv whom to Edom's Land H Is it not thou, O Lord, who late And wilt not thou, Lord, alfo go 13 Give us, O Lord, thy faving Aid For all the Help of Man is vain, 13 Thro' God we IKalldo valiant Acls, He ihali fubdu'e our Enemies, • PSALM CIX. N fpeeclilefs Silence do noE hold, Ev'n thou, O Lord, Ijccaufe thou art 2 The wicked and the guileful Mouths And they with falfe and lyiixg Tongues 3 They did befet me round about Without all Caufc of my Defert 4 For my Good-will they were my Poes, My Good with 111, my Friendl:ni.f« I my Tongue is likewife fo : that I thy Praife may Ihovf. fweet Melody to make: right early will awake- Ilill praifed fhalt thou be: will Praifes ling to thee, above the Fleav'ns molt high : within the lofty Sky. exalt thyfelf, O God: thy Glory all abroad, be fet at Liberty, and hear me fpeedily. wherefore my Joys abound: the Vale of Succoih's Ground. ManaflTes mine fhall be: fhali Judali. give to me. o'er Edom I will throw ; in tnuinph v/ill I cto. Leader and Guide to me : conveved ^isli 1 ht ? had' A us forfaken quite? forthwith cur Hofts to fighl ? when Troubles do affail : and can no Whit avail. and worthy of Renown : yea, he fliall tread ihcin dowii. O God, thy Tongue always: the God of all my Praife. on me difclofed be : have fpoken unto me. with W^ords of hateful Spite: ag:ord, am I : and keep it faithfully, whenever they me fee : to put my Truft in thee. moft juft and righteous be : thou haft afflifted me, fome Comfort to me fend : Lord, ftill me defend. then Ihall I furely live :^ thy Law to me doth give. perverily to deftroy : 1 will myfelf employ. to me let them retire : and them alone delkc. let on thy Laws be bent : nor any Difconteut. C A r H. PSALM CXIX. C A V H. PART XI li My Soul doth faint, and ceifeth not And (or thy Word's Sake flill I truR, 8u My Eyes do fail with' looking for Oh when wilt thou me comfort, Lord? 83 Like a? a Botile in the Smoke, Yd will I not out of my Heart 8,1 How long, O Lord, fhall I yet live. That on my Foes who me torment, 85 Prcfumptuous Men have digged Pit?, Thus quite contrary to thy Law, 86 But thy Commandments are all true, To thee iherefore I do complain, 87 Almoll they had me quite deRroy'd, Yet by thy Statutes I abode, 88 ReRore me. Lord, again to Life, And fo fhail I thy Statutes keep, LAMED. PART XIL 89 In Heav'n, O Lord, where thou dofl dwell, thy Word is flsbliHi'd fure : And ihall to all Eternity go Fiom Age to Age thy Truth abide% Whofe Ground-work thou hall laid fo fure. thy faving Healtli to crave: my Heart's Defirc to have, thy Word, and thus 1 fav, why dofl thou thus delay? fo am I parch'd and dry'd : let thy Coraraandments flide. before I fee the Hour, thy Vengeance thou wilt pour? ihinkiiig to make me fure: mv Hurt they do procure, and caufelefs they me grieve ; that thou may'fl me relieve. and brought me to the Ground : and therein Succour found. thy Mercies do excel : till Death my Life expel. ^1 Ev'n to this Day we may well fee According to thy Ordinance, 92 Had it not been that in thy Law, Long Time ere now, in my Diftrefs, 93 Therefore will I thy Precepts keep, Becaufe that thou by them, O Lord, 94 No Man to me can Title make. Save rne therefore, for to thy Laws, '95 The wicked Men that feek,«ny Bane, But I will meditate upon 96 For Nothing in this World I fee. But thy Commandments and thy Word MEM. PART i97 What great Defire and fervent Love On it my daily Study is, 98 Thy Word hath taught me to exceed For they are ever with me, and 55 My Teachers who did rne iullruft, Becaufe I dn thy Statutes keep, 100 In Wifdom I do far furpafs And that becaufe I keep thy Laws, 10? My Feet I have refrain'd likewife, That fo I might thv Word obfervc |i02 I have not from thy Judgments fwerv'd, i Becaufe thou hafl me taught thereby 103 O Lord, how fwcet unto ray TaRe * Doubthfs no Hcney in my Mout.h fa ft ftttled there endure, as doth the Earth wiinefs : as no Tongue can exprefs. how thou deft them preferve : for all Things do thee ferve. my Seal had Comfort fought: I had been brought to Nought. in Memory full faft : my Life reRored haR. for I am only thine : my Ears and Heart incline. for me do lie in Wait : thy Teftimonies great, which hath at length no End : beyond all Time extend. XIII. unto thy Law I bear : that fo I mav thee fea,r. in Wifdom ail my Foes : do give me fweet Repofe. in Knowledge 1 excel : and them to others tell, the ancient Men alfo : and fo refolve to do. from ev'ry evil Way : and keep \vithout Delav. nor [hrunk, as thou canfl tell: to live godly and well, I find thy Words alway ! doib laRe fo fwcet as they. 104 Thy PSALM CXIX. 04 Thy Lawsliave me fuch Wifdom learn'd All wicked and. ungodly Ways, that I do hate therefore: and will do everiuere. N U N. PART XIV. 103 Ev'n as a Lantern to my Feet, And to my Paths where 1 do go, J 06 1 have both fworn, and will perform That I will keep thy Judgments juft, 107 AfHi^lion hath me fore ogprefs'd, O Lord, as tliou haft promifed, io3 The Free-will-offerings of mv Mouth Accept, and teach me how I may I Of) My Soul is ever in my Hand, Yet do I not thy Law forget, 1 10 Altho' the Wicked laid their Nets Yet from thy Precepts did I not iii Thy Law, O Lord, I taken have Becaufe fuch great Delight and Joy, ^ 11 '2 For evermore 1 have been bent Ev'n fo likewife unio the End S A M E C H. PART 113 AU Thoughts that vain and wicked are Eut for ihy Precepts and thy Laws, ti4 Thou art my hid and fecret Place, Theiefore have I thy Propaifes X 15 Therefore ye Evil doers alL For the Commandjnents will I keep I i6 As thou ha'l promis'd, fo perform, Never afhamed of the Hope I I 7 Uphold me, and I fhall be fafe. And in thy Statutes Pleafure take, 118 Under thy Feet thou haft trod fach Foi Nought avails their Subtlety, 1 19 Like Drofs thou cafts the Wicked out Therefore can I as thy Commands, 120 My Fleflii doth quake for fear of thee, By Reafon of thy Judgments great A I N. PART 121 I do the Thing that lawful is, Rehgn me not to them that would 122 But for thy Servant Surely be And never let the Proud opprefs 123 My Eyes do fail with waiting for And for thy righteous Promife, Lord, 124 Entreat thy Servant lovingly, And thy Commands moft excellent I2j; Thy humble Servant, Lord, I am, How by thy Statutes 1 may know 126 It is now Time, J>ord, to begin, Tby Law like wife they have made void, fo doth thy Word fliine bright it is a flaming Liiiht. in Truth and Faithful nefs : and them in Life exprefs. and brought me to Death's Bo> fo me to Life reilore. v;hic!i I to thee do give : after thy Judgments live. great Dangers me affail : nor it to keep will fail, to make of me a Prey : once fwerve or go aftray. my Heritage to be : it doth adoid to me. thy Statutes to fulfil: I will continue ilill. XV. I do always deleft r I ever love them beft. my Shield and ftrnng Defcr.ce iook'd for with Confidenct.. away from me be gone : of Gud my Lord alniie. that I may live and be which thotf haft given mc. for ought they do or far: I will both Night and Day. as do thy Statutes break: their Counfel is too weak. wherever they do dwell : love Nothing half fo well, my Soul is much difmay'd : my Heart is fore afraid. XVI. and give to all Men Rig^; opprefs me with their M., in that Thing which is ng!:'. : ^ me with their Rage and Spite. thy Health which I do cn^e whereby thou wilt me f . and Favour to him (how : leach nie alio to know. grant me to underftand, bell what to take in Hand, for Truth doth (juitc decas- : und noac doth it obey. PSALM CXIX. ;■; This is tlie Caufe wherefore I Jove Or le'.vels fine, which are efleem'd :;■; I ihought thy Precepts all mofl jufl. All crafty and malicious Ways r E. PART ;■ Covenants are wonderful, - ul therefcie doth keep ihem furi, r ic Entrance of thy ^Vord doth give 11 TJie Simple likavife underfland, |j{i My Mouth I cpen'd, and did pant, l! For thy Commandments, which always I's With Mercy and CompalTion look li As thou art wont fuch to behold |1,3 Dircft my Foot-fteps by thy Word, tj And never let Ini4Uity thy Laws much more than Col^, mofl; coRly to be fold- and fo them knpt in Store: I greatly do abhor. XVII. and full of Things profound : when they are iry'd and founds to Men a Light mofl clear : when they it read or hear. becaufc my Soul did Ions; do guide myJIeart and Tongue; upon me from above : as thy Name fear and love. that I thy Will may know : thy Servant overthrow. ;4 From fland'rous Tongue, and deadly Harms, preferve and keep me fare : Thy Precepts then will I obferve :5 Thy Countenance, which doth furpafs Let liiine on me, and by thy Law 6 Rivers of Waters from my Eyes Becaufe I fee how wicked Men jZADE. PART I; 7 In cv'ry Thing, Lord, thou art juft, [And when thou doft Sentence pronounce, t{8 To render right and free from Guile And fuch as thou haft in thy Law Ijg M\' Zeal hath ev'n confumed me, i Becaufe my Foes thy Word forget, [o Thy Word is very pure, and doth Therefore thy Servant Nothing more \i And tho' I be Nothing fet by, 'Yet I do not thy Laws forget, '\2 Thy Truth and Righteoufnefs, O Lord, Alfo thy Law is Truth itfelf, 13 Anguifh and .Grief liath feiz'd on me, Yet of thy Precepts do I ftill }4 The Righteouinefs of thy Commands Then teach them me, becaufe in them C O P H. PART 15 With fervent Heart 1 call'd and cry'd. That thy Commandments to obferve J 6 To thee, m.y God, I make my Suit, Thy Teftimonies then will I \1 To thee do I cry in the Morn, For in thy Word I put my Truft, l8 My Eyes prevent the Night-watches, That meditating on thy Word, \i) Incline thy Ears to hear my Voice, As thoj v.aft wont, fo q^uickcn me. with Heart upright and pure. the Sun in its bright Hue, teach me what to efchew. inceflantly do fall : thy Laws keep not at all. XVIII. altho' the Wicked grudge : thou are a righteous Judge, are two chief Points m.oft high : commanded us ftriflly. and I am pin'd away : and will it not obey, greatly my Heart rejoice : can love, or make my Choice: as one of bafe Degree : nor Ihrink away from thee. forever fliall endure : moll conftant and moft pure. and brought me wond'rous low r delight to hear and know, doth laft for evermore : my Life lies up in Store. XIX. now anfwer me, O Lord: I fully may accord, fave me, 1 humbly pray : always keep and obey. before the Day appear : and thee alone do fear, before they call I wake : I might feme Comfort take. and Pity on me take : left Life Ihould me for fake : PSALM CXIX. J 50 My Foes draw near, and greedily Far from thy La\v they are gone back, 131 Therefore, O Lord, approach ihou near, For all thy Precepts are moft true, i32 Concerning thy Commandnients I That thev remain for evermore, do after Mifchief run : and wickedly it flmn. fince Need doth fo require then help I thee delirc. have learned long ago : thou hail them grounded fo. RES H. PART XX. 133 Mv Trouble and A fBi£lion, Lord, Deliver me, for of thy Law 134 Defend my good and righteous Caufc, From Death, as ihou hail: promifcd, 133 As for the Wicked, they are far Becaufe the Way ihv Law? to know 156 Great are thy Mercie«, Lord, I grant, According to thy Judgments good, 13 - Tho' many Men did trouble me, Yet from thy Laws I never Ihrunk, 138 The great TranfgrefTors I behold, Becaufe they do not keep thy Word, 139 Behold, how I do love thy Laws, Then quicken me, O Lord,, for thou x6o Thy Word from the Beginning hath. Thy righteous judgments cv'ry one S C H I N. PART 161 Princes have perfecuted me It was in vam, for of thy Word 162 And furcly of thy "^Vord 1 was Than he that of rich Spoils and Prey 163 But -as for Lies and Fallities, Eecaufe ihv hnly Law 1 do 164 Sev'n Times a Day I praife thee, Lord, Becaufe tliv righteous Judgments do 163 Great Peace and Reft Ihall all fuch have No Danger fliall their quict Slate 166 Mv only Health and Comfort, Lord, And therefore have I done thofe Things 167 Thy Laws have been my Excrcife, So much to them mv Love was bent, 168 I'hy Statutes and Commandments I For all my Doings and luy Ways T A U. FART 169 O Lord, let my Complaint ar.J Cry, And as ihou hafl ujc Promife made, 170^0 let my Supplication, Lord, And let me be delivered, 1 7 1 Then fliall my Lips thy Praifes fpcak When thou thy Statutes haU me taught, 172 My Tongue (hall freely preach tl^y Wo: Thy famous Afis and noble Laws conlider and behold: I ever take faft Hold. with Speed fome Succour fend: Lord, ever me defend. from faving Health and Grace, they enter not the Trace, what Tongue can them explain "* let me my Life obtain. and perfecuie me fore : nor went alide therefore, which is a Grief to me: nor ever feek to thee. with a mnft upright Heart : moft good and gracious art, been ever true and juft : always continue mud. XXL without a Caufe, but faw my Heart did Hand in Awe. more joyful and more glad great Store and Plenty had. them I.liate and deleft : above all Things love beft. finging with Heart and Voici greatly my Heart rejoice. , Avho do thy Statutes love: impair or once remove. I look for at thy Hand : which thcu didft me command. which my Soul moft delir'd : that nought elfe I recjuir'd. have kept with Heart upright . are prcfent in thy Sight. XX I L before thy Face ai)pear : fo leach me thee to fear, have free Accefs to thee : as thou liafi promis'd me. after moft ample Sort : wherein ftauds my Comfort, rd, and evermore confefs : are Truth and Righteoufucr • 173 Si..,. PSALM cxx, cxxr, cxxir. -3 Streak out thy Haitcl, I thee bcfeech, For thy Commandments to obferve j4 Of thee alone, Lord, I crave Health, And in thy Law to meditate and fpeedily mc fave : chofen, O Lord, I have. ior other I know none : I do delijrht alone. J 5 Grant me therefore long Days to live. And of thy Judgments wonderful, J 6 For I was loft and went aftray, O feek me, for I have not fail'd PSA IN Trouble and in Thrall And he doth me comforts Deliver me, 1 prav. And Tongues of falfe Reports What 'Vantage, or what Thing Thou falfe and Hatt'ring Liar? Thy Tongue doth hurt, 'tis feen. Or hot confuming Fire. Alas I that 1 am fain Which Kedar are by Name: By whom the Flock Eleft Are put to open Shame. With ihem that Peace do hate. And fet a quiet Life: But when my Mind was told. By thera that loved Strife. PSALM I T Lift my Eyes to Sion Hill, \ From whence I do attend, I The mighty God me fuccour will. Who Heav'n and Earth did frame. Thy Foot from Slip he will preferve, 'And will thee fafely keep, Lo, he that Ifr'el doih conferve, I Sleep never can furprize, The Lord thy Keeper is alway. On thy Right-hand is he. The Sun fhall not thee parch by Day Nor Moon, fcarce half fo bright. The Lord will keep thee from Diflrefs, And will thy Life fure fave : In all thy Bufinefs good Succefs ; When thou go'ft in or out, P S A L M CXXII. I Did in Heart rejoice. In Ottering fo willingly: For let tis up, fay they. Thus fpake the Folk with Amity. Our Ftet that wand'red wide, O thou Jerufalem full fair : thy Name to magnify : let mc the Favour try. much like a wand'ring Sheep ; thy Statutes for to keep. L M CXX. T. S. Unto the Lord I call. Fjom lying Lipj alway, Ceit'ft thou thus for to fiin^. No leXs than Arrows keen. In thofe Tents to remain. And all of Ifaac's Seft, 1 came to meditate, Caufelefs 1 was controU'd. CXXI. w. w. Till God me Succour fend : And all Things therein name. For he doth never flcep. Nor r.umber clofe his Eves, A Shade to cover thee. With Cold thee hurt by Nin-ht, Yea, thou {halt alfo have He'll coTipafs thee abou-t. W. K. To hear the People's Voice, And in the Lord's Houfe pray. Shall in thy Gates abide, Which PSALM Which art fo fcemly fet, "Whither the People do repair. 3 ^he Tribes with one Accord, Are thit]ier bent their "Way to take; So God before did tell, Their Pray'rs they fhould together make. 4 For there are Thrones ereft, To fct forth Juflice orderly: Which Thrones right to maintain. His Folk to judge with Equity. 3 To pray let us not ccafe, Thy Friends God keep in Amity : Peace be thy W'alls abont. Thy Palaces continually. 6 For my Friends Sake will I Mav everranre abide in thee: God's Houfe doth me allure. So much as liej in me. CXXIIT, CXXIV. Much like a City neat. o P S A L M CXXIII Thou that in the Heav'ns doft dwell, Ev'n as a Servant lifteth his, As Handmaids watch their Miflrcfs Hand, So we behold the Lord our God, 3 O srant to us Compaffion, Lord, For-" we are hll'd and overcome 4 Our Minds are fill'd with great Rebuke, Do make of us their Mocking-flocks, To give Thanks to the Lordr That there his Ifrael And that for this Refpe^, To David's Houfe remain^ For Jerufalem's Peace, And profper thee thro'out Wifh that Profpcrity Thy Wealth for to procure, . T. S. I lift my Eyes to thee: his Mafter's Hand to fee. fome Grace for to atchievc: till he do us forgive. and Mercy in thy Sight : with Hatred and Defpite. the rich and worldly wife the Proud do us defpife. PSALM CXXIV. W. W. ^JOW Ifrael ^ If that the Lord It that the Lord When all the World Made their Uproars, ,: Then long ago And fwallnw'd quick. Such was their Rage, And as the Floods So h^d they now 3 The raging Streams, Had long ago Piaifed be God, • . From bloudy Teeth, Who as ^'Prcy, 4 Ev'n as a Bird Efcapes away. Broke are the Nets, God who made Heav'n jfciii N.arac hath lav'd may fay, and that truly, had not our Caufe maintain'd: had not our Right fuflain'd, againft us farioufly and faid we fhould all die. they had devour'd us all, for all that we could deem; as we might well efteem, with mighty Force do fall, our Lives ev'n brought to Thrall. mofl proud in roaring Noifc, o'erwhelm'd us in the Deep : who doth us fafely keep and their moft cruel Voice, to eat us would rejoice. from Fowlers Gin or Pen, right fo it fares with us : and we cfcaped thus, and Earth is our Help then, us from tliefc wicked Men. P S A L T S A L M CXXV, CXXVI. P S A L M CXXV. W. K. ■s UCH as in Gcd the Lord do tmft, Siou Mount Jhall (irmly (tand, The Lord will count them right and jail, So that they ihall be fure 2 A" many Mountains fure and great, lerufalem about do clofe, VVho on his godly Will do wait : Such are to him fo dear, J For till)' the Righteous try doth he, By making wicked Men his Rod, It Hi all not always their Lot be. Give, Lord, to us thy Liglit, 4 But as for fuch as turn alide Bv crooked Ways which they cut-fought, With Workers vile they fhall abide: But Peace with Ifrael. And be removed at no Hand : , For ever to endure. So will the Lord do unto thofii They ncrer need to feat. Lefl they tliro' Grief fcrfake their Gcd, WhofeHcaits are true and right. The Lord will fureiy tring to nought. Lor evermore fliall dv.cll. w. v/. Another of the fin~.e, by THOSE that do place their Conl;- Upon the Lord cur Cod only, dcnce And Cce to him for their Defence In all their Need and Mifery: Their Taiih is fure ftill to endure, Grounded on ChriR the Corner-flcne, Mov'dwithno ill, butftandeih fure, fiedfaft like to the Mount Sion. I And as about Jcriifalem So that no Foes can cume to them So Cod indeed in ev'ry Need Standing ihem by aduredly, j Ri^ht wife and good is our Lord Gcd, The Sinners and Ungodly's Rod ■ Left they alfo from God fhould ftray, O Lord, defend both Night and Day ; Lord, do Good to Chrifiians all, But fuch a-, fro?n the Lord do fall, Theia will the Lord fcatter abroad, .•:11 ihem fend Pains without End, PSALM WHEN that the Lord ag; From Bondage great, ; His "Work was fuch I So that we were ; I Our Mouths were all ; Alfo our Tongues : The Heathen Folk How tl-.at the Lord But much more we, , Wherefore to joy ! O Lord, go forth, - !' Who to Dcfarts The mighty Hills do it compafs. To hurt that Town in any Cafe: His faiihful People doth defend. From thisTiraeforthWorld v/iihout Eaci. And will not fuffcr certainly. To Tcfl upon his Family : Falling to Sin and Wickedncfs : Thy little Flock, and them ftill blefs. That fledfaA in thy Words abide : And to falfe Dofirine da.lv Hide, With Hypocrites thiown dovai to Hell : But, Lord, grant Peace to Ifrael. CXXVI. w. w. n his Sicn had forth brought and alfo Servitude extreme. as did furmount Man's Heart and Though much like to them that ufe to dream. with Laughter liiled then, did Paew u^ joyful Men. were forced then for to conFefs for them alfo great Things had done, and therefore can confefs no lefs : we have good Caufc, as we begun, thou canft our Bondage end, doft flowing Rivers fend. K 2 3 Fall PSALM CXXVII, CXXVIII, CXXIX. tbat ihey which fow in Tears indeed. Full tvue it is, A Ti'.ne will come They went .ind •vvept, For that ilieir Foes, But iLeir Returu Their Sheaves b-rin;:;; 1 they fliall reap in Mirth and Joy. in bearing of their precious Seed, full oftentimes did them annoy : ihev jovfallv fhall fee, g h-ome^ and not impaired be. PSALM CXXVII. ^\\ w. i ■E^" A C EPTiheLoiJ the Houfe doth make. And tiiereunto doth fet his Hand; i.iKewife in vain Men undertake. Cities and Holds to watch and ward, J The' in the Morn ye rife early. And fn at Night go late to Bed, Your Labour is but Vanitv: ■ But they wlioin God doth love and keep, 3 Therefore mark well when you do fee Th?t Men have Hcir^ t'ei.Jo'y their Laud, For God doth muhiplv to thae, Oi' Lis great Liberality, 4 And v/hen the Children come to Age, Thcv grou' in Strength and Aa;venef<, So that a Shaft (lioi with Couraj;e Of cne that hath a molt ftrong Arm, 3 O well is hs that haih his O^uivcr furnilh'd with fuch Artillery: Such ofieihall never quake or fniver. When iie doth plead before tlie Jud^c, P S A L >I What Men do build it cannot ila Except the Lord be their Safe'jiuai Eating with Carefulnefs vour Brc Enjoy all Things with quiet Slee It is the Gift of God's own Hand The iBlelTing of PoRerity. In Pe.:fcu and in Comelineo : Flie* not fof\vift, nor doth like Hai For when in Peril he fhall be 1 T> LESS ED an thou that feared God Jj For of thy Labour thou Ihalt eat, 2 1-ike fruitful Vines on. thy Houfe-lidc, Thy Children fiand like Olive-plants 3 Thus art thou bleft that fcareft Gcd, The promifed jerufalcni, 4 Thou Ihalt thv Children's Clvldren fee, And likewifc Grace cu Ifrael, ;c, Againfi hlsFoes tbat bear himCrud CXXVIII. T. S. and walkeil in his Ways : happv fhall be thy Days. PSALM 1 ^''\ FT thev, now Ifrael may fay, \^_^ Oft they alfaiPd me from iny Yo S Upon my Back the Flowers plovv'd, The righteous Lord hath cut the Cords 3 Tiicy that liate me fliallbe afliam^d, And made as Grafs upon the Houfr, 4 Whereof the Mower cannot ilr.d Nor can he hil his Lap that goes 5 Nor PaPcrs-by pray God on them Nor Lt'. , wc lilcfs vca in his Nan.e fo choth thy "Wife fprin thy Table round about. and he fliall let thee fee and her Felicity, lo thy great |oys increalc : Profperity and Peace. CXXIX. N. me from my Youth affaird* yet never have prcvail'd. and Furrows long did cali of wicked Men at laft. and turned back alfo: which withers ere it grc\. enough to lill his Hand: to glean upon the Land; to let his Bheffing fall : that Lord is over all. Y PSALM CXXX, CXXXI, CXXXII. PSALM CXXX. W. W. when Dauf^ers me opprefs : truflinsT.to (incl Rcleafe. O ." 1 T ORD, unto thee I make my Moan 1. J I tall, I lisjh, coiTiplain and groan, 2 Hearken, O Lord, to mv Rcqued, And let iliineEars, O Lord, be pre (I J O Lord our God, if thou fiirvey Who (hall efcipe? or who dare fay, 4 But thou an merciful and free. That we may always careful be J. In Cod the Lord I put my Truft, His Promife is for ever juft, 6 My Soul to God hath great Regard, Much more than they that watch and ward J O Ifrael truft in the Lord, And he doth pleniioully afford 8 Ev'n Ileitis that Ifr'elfhall, Redeem from his Offences all, PSALM Lord, I am ncft puft in Mind, do not exercife myfelf But as a Child that weaned is. So have I, Lord, behav'd myfelf 3 O Ifrael, truft in the Lord, From this Time forth for evermore, P S A L M 1 T>EMEMBER David's Troubles Lord, Jj\_ And vow'd a Vow to Jacob's God, a I will not come within my Houfe, Nor let my Temples take their Reft, 3 Till I have found out for the Lord A Houfe for Jacob's God to be 4 We heard of it at Epkrata, And in tlie Fields and Forefls there 5 We will affay and go into Before his Footftool to fall down, f Arife, O Lord, arife, I pray. Thou and the Ark of thy great Strength, 7 Let all thy Priefls be clothed, Lord, Let all thy Saints with Songs of Praife, 8 And for thy Servant David's Sake, The Face of thy Anointed, and unto my Suit incline: to hear this Pray'r of mine. our Sins, and themperufe, I cm myfelf excufe? and boundlefs in thy Grace: to fear before thy Face. my Soul waits on his Will: and I hope therein ftill. wifhing for him alway: to fee the dawning Day. with him their Mercy is J Redemption unto his- thro' his abundant Grace, and wholly them deface. CXXXI. N. I have no fcornful Eye: in Thing? that be too high, ev'n from his Mother's Breaft : in Silence and in Reft. let him be all his Stay: from Age to Age altfay. CXXXII. N. PAR 5 The Lord to David fwore in Truth, The Fruit that from thy Loins proceed, 10 And if I'ny Sons my Laws will keep, Then fiiall iheir Sons for ever fit n The Lord himfclf hath Sion chofe. Saying, This is my Reftin^-placc, T 11. K3 how unto thee he fwore, to keep for evermore, nor climb up to my Bed : nor Eyes within my Head : a Place to fit thereon: an Habitation. there did we hear this Sound : thefc Voices firft were found. his Tabernacle there; and worfhip him in Fear, into thy Refting-place: the Prefence of thy Grace. with Truth and Righteoufntfj : their Joyfulnefs e-iprefs. rcfufenot, Lord, I pray, turn not from him away. and will not fhrink from it : upon thy Seat fhall fit. that I fhail learn each one: upon I hy princely Throne. and loves therein to dwell : 1 love and like it wclL 12 And PSALM CXXXVlf. S The Lord of Lords praife ve, Great Wonders only he. 3 Which God omnipotent Tlie Heav'n and Firraaaaent Whofe Mercies ever dure: Doth by his Power fine, Fo By his great 'vVifdojn he, Did frame, as we miV fee: i* 4 Yea, he the heavy Charge Upon the Waters large. OF ail the Earth did lav Reiaaining lj this Day, For, Sec. 5 Gi'eat Lights he made, for why His Mercy lafts alway: The Sun moft glonouQy To rule the lightforne Day; For, Sec. 6 Alfo the Moon fo clear. Which Ihinelh in our Sight : And Stars that do appear. To guard the darkfome Night ; For, Sec. 7 With grievous Plai;ues Sc Sores, All Fgypt fmote he then : The Firfl-born, lefs and more. He flew of Beafts and Men ; For, Sec. His Ifrael forth brougiit t And out-r:retch"d Arm hath wrought ; For, Sec. Which flood up like a Wall : His chofen Children all ; For, Sec. The haughty King Phar'oh, And Chariots alfo; For, Sec. His People fafe and found: Great Kings he brought to Ground : For, Sec. Slew Kings of mighty Fame : Sehon the King by Name; For, Sec. Of Bafan King alfo : He gave his People to; For, Sec. His Servant dear, I fay: And there abide alv.ay : For, Sec. In our moft low Degree : In Safety us fet free; For, &:c. 8 And from amidft their I-and Which he with m ghty Hand, 9 The Sea he cut id two. And made thro' it to go TO But overwhelm'd there then. With his huge Haft of Men, 1 1 Who led thro' Wildernefs And for his Love endlefs 12 And With puiiTant Hand As of the Ani'ritcs Land 13 And Og the Giant large, Whofe Land of Heritage 14 Ev'n unto Ifrael That he therein might dwell, 1 5 Who U5 rernembred when And from Oppreifors then 16 Who doih all Flefh with Food Abundantly fupply : Wherefore let God moft good Be prais'd inceflantly. For certainly His Mercies dure Both firm and fure Eternally, PSALM CXXXVII. 1 ^ 71 7^ ^^ ^ ^"^^ ^'^ ^' the Lord, mo'^l vvortliy Praifo, From Race to Race they ihall thy W orks 3 1 of thy glorious Majefly And meditate, upun ihv Woiks, 4 And ihcy (hall of thy Pow'r, and of And I to publilh i'll abroad 5 And tliey into the Mention fliall And 1 aloud ihy Rightcoufucfs with flatt'ring Words doth treat, of Falfhood and Deceit. O God the Lord moft high praife thee moft joyfully. Deliverance to Kings : from hurtful Sword he brings, whofe Mouth talks Vanity : of Guile and Subtlety. which growing Youth doth r«ar; like to a Palace fair, of fundry Sorts be found: ten Thoufands may abound. that none may us invade: within our Streets be made, fuch Bleflings great arc ftor'd : whofe God is Gcd the Lord. CXLV. N. and blcfs thy Name alway : and blcfs thee Day by Day. his Greatnefs none can reach : Praife, and ihy Power preach. thy Beauty will record : moii wonderful, O Lord, thv fearful Afts declare : thy Greatnels will iiot fparc. bicak of thy GooHucfs great: in linging will repeal. 6 The PSALM CXLVI, CXLVII. 6 The Loid our God moft gracious is, Of great abounding Mercy, and 7 Yea, good to all, and all his Works Lo, all thy Works do praifc thee. Lord, 8 Thy Saints do blefs ihee, and they do And blaze thy Pow'r, to caufe the Sons PART II. g And of thy Kingdoms Majefty Thy Kingdom, Lord, a Kingdom ij 10 And thy Dominion thro' each Age The Lord upholdeth them that fall, 1 1 The Eyes of all do wait on thee, And thou to each fufficing Food, 12 Thou openefl thy plenteous Hand, All Things whatever that do live, 13 The Lord is juft in all his Ways, And he is near all thofe that do 14 He the Deiires which ihey require And he will hear lliem when they cry, 15 The Lord preferves all thofe to him But he all them that wicked are 16 My thankful Mouth Ihall gladly fpeak All Flelh to praife his holy Name and merciful alfo : to Anger he is flow. his Mercy doth exceed : and honour thee indeed, thy Kingdoms Glory fhow : of Men the fame to know. do fpread thy glorious Praifc : that doth endure always, endures without Decay : their Sliding he doth flay. thou doft them all relieve: ia Seafon due doll give, and bounteoufly doft till with Gifts of thy Good-will, his Works are holy all ; in Truth upon him call, that fear him will fulHl : and fave them all he will, that bear a loving Heart : will utterly fubyert. the Praifes of the Lord ; for ever fhall accord. PSALM CXLVI, M J.H. While Breath and Life prolong rayDays, my Tongue no Time (hall ceafc. Trult not in worldly Princes then, Nor in the Sons of mortal Men. 3 For why? their Breath doih foon depart. And then the Counfels of their Heart 4 Bleffcd and happy are all they. And he whofe Hope doth not decay, 5 Who made the Earth and Waters deep, Who doth his Word and Promife keep h6 With Right always doth he proceed The Poor and Hungry he doth feed, 1 The Lord doth fend the Blind thei;r Sight, He loveth all that are upright, •:-8 He doth defend the Fatherlefs, He frees the Widow from Diftrefs, ^ The Lord thy God eternally, In Time of all Ppfterily, PSALM 1 T) RAISE ye the Lord, for it is good J"^ Fur it is pieafant, and to praife A The Lord his own Jerufalera And the Difpers'd of Ifrael - He heals the Broken in their Heart, ' i^: counts the Number of the Stars. tlio' they abound in Wealth in whom there is no Health, to Earth anon they fall : decay and perifh all. whom Jacob's God doth aid: but on the Lord is ftaid. the Heav'ns mofl high withal ; in Truth, and ever ftiall. for fuch as fuffer Wrong : and loofe the Fetters flrong. the Lame to Limbs reAore : and juft: Men evermore, and Stranger fad in Heart : and ill Men's Ways fubvcrt. O Slon, fliU fliall reign for ever to remain. CXLVII. N. unto our God to ling : it is a comely Thing, he buildeth up alone : doth gather into one. heir Sores up doth he bind : and names them in their Kind. 4 Grcftt P S A L M CXLVIII. 4 Great is the Lord, great is his Pow'r, The Lord relieves the Meek, and throws 5 Sing unto God the Lord with Praife, And to our God upcn the Harp 6 Ke covers Heav'n with Clouds, and for And on the Mountains he doth make 7 He gives to Beafts their Food, and to His Pleafure not in Strength of Horfe, S But in all thofe that do hira fear, And fuch as do depend upon PAR 9 O praife the Lord, Jerufalem, For he the Bars hath forged flrong, 10 Thy Children in thee he hath bleft, Doth fettle Peace, and with the Flour T II. 1 1 And his Command likewifc upon Alfo his Word with fpeedy Courfe 12 He giveth Snow like Woo], and Froft Like Morfels caft his Ice, the Cold X2 He fendeth forth his mighty Word, His Wind he makes to blow, ^nd then 14 The Doftrine of his holy Word His Statutes and his Judgments he 13 With any Nation he hath not His fecret Judgments, ye therefore PSALM 1 /'"^ I V E Laud unto the Lord, yji" Praife him in Deed and Word, And alfo ye. His Angels all, ^Armies Praife joyfully. 2 Praife him both Moon and Suu, his Wifdom infinite: to Ground the wicked Wight. unto the Lord rejoice : advance your linging Voice, the Earth prepareth Rain : the Grafs to grow again. young Ravens when they cry ; nox in Man's Legs doth lie. the Lord hath his Delight : his Mercies Ihining Light. thy God, O Sion, praife: wherewith thy Gates he flays. and in thy Borders he of Wheat hefilleth thee. the Earth he fendeth out : doth fwiftly run about. like Afhes fcatters wide : thereof who can abide. and melteth them again : the Waters flow amain. to Jacob he doth fhow : gives Ifrael to know. fo dealt, nor have they known praife ye the Lord alone. CXLVIII. J. H. From Heav'n that is fo high Above the ftarry Sky; roy; The fame of you be done, And you no lefs. Ye Heav'ns moft fair. His Laud exprefs. 3 For at his Word they were Ai his Voice did appear. Which he fet fail: To them he made Always to laft. 4 Extol and praife God's Name All Deeps do ye the fame, The fame do ye. Fire, Hail, Ice, Snow, At his Decree. 5 The Hills and Mountains all, The Cedars great and tall, Bcafis and Cattle, Yea, Birds of Wing, That en Earth dwell. Which are fo clear atid bright > Ye glitt'ring Stars of Light. Clouds of the Air, All formed as we fee: All Things in their Degree. A Law and Trade On Ear-th, ye Dragons fell, For it becomes ye well; And Storms that blow And Trees that fruitful are: His worthy Praife declare; And Worms creeping, 6Ai PSALM CXLIX, CL. ^ings boih great and fmall, ;eff and Judges all, Exalt his Name : mg Men and Maids, Do ye the fame. his Name Ihail we prove ,ofc Praife is far above For fure he lb all it wiiU Blifs And help them all. Saints all fhall forth tell iC Sons of Ifrael, And alfo they t with Good-v.ill And him obey. PSALM SING ye unto the Lord our God, And let the Praife of him be heaid Lti ilracl rejoice in God, And ici the Seed of Sicii be Let them found Praife with Voice and Lute And V. ith the Timbrel and the Harp For why? the Lord his Pleafure all And by Deliv'rance he will raife With Glorv and with Honour now Aloud upon their Beds alfo And in their Mouths let be the high And in their Hands likewife a iliarp To plague the Heathen, and correal To bind their flately Kings in Chains, To execute on them the Doom This Honour all jiis Saints Ihall have, PSALM CL. YIELD unto Cod the mighty Lord, And in the Firmament of his Advance his Name, and praife him in. According to his E:tceHence His I'raifes with the princely Noife !i:m upon the Viol, and ':im with Timbrel and with Flute, W .... iounding Cymbals praife ye him, "Whatever hath the Beneht To praife bis great and holy Name, With all their pompous Tr: That in the World remain, Old Men and Babes, To be moft excellent, The Earth and Firmament ; The Florn of his. His Praife and Woithir:cfs : Eacli one both more and lefs \ His Words fulfil, CXLIX. N. a new rejoicing Song : his holy Saints among. s;id f'raifes lo him ling: mufl joyful in their King. unto his holy Name: fmg Praifes to the f.tme. hath in his People fct : the Meek to Glory great. let all his Saints rejoice : advance their linging Voice, Praife: of God the Lord : and a two-edged Sword. the People with their Hand,;: their Lords in Iron Bandj. that written was before: praife ye the Lord therefore. N. Praife in his Holinefs : great Pow'r praife him no lefs. his mighty Afls always : and Grcatnefs give him Praife. of founding Trumpets blow : upon the Harp alfo. Organs and Virginals : praife him with loud Cymbals. of Breathing, praife the Lord: agree with one Accord. L The End of the P S A L M S. L? r E 7{ r V E A' I CREATOR. c O M E Holy Choft, eternal God, Both from the Father and the Son, Viht our Minds, and into us That for all Truth and Godlinefs Thou art the very Comforter The heav'nly Gift of God mofl high, ' luntain and the living Spring lie fo bright, the Love fo fvveet, , Ihou in thy Gifts art manifold, I In faithful Hearts writing thy Lawr, According to thy Promife made, rliro' thy Help the Praife of God !v Ghofl, into our Souls £.r.:.ame our Hearts with fervent Love I Our Weaknefs flrengtlien and confirm I That neither Devil, World, nor FleOi, ! Our Enemies put far from us, I Peace in our Hearts with God and Man, \o And grant, O Lord, that thou being, I We may efchew the Snares of Sin, t To us fuch Plenty of thy Grace, I That thou may'A be our Comforter I Of Strife and all Diflention, Lord, Tye faft the Knots of Peace and Love J Grant us, O Lord, thro' thee to know, That of his dear beloved Son 4 And that with pcrfefl Faith alio The Spirit of them both alway. proceeding fioni above: the God of Peace and Love, thy heavSily Grace infpirc : we may have true Dclire. in all Grief and Diftrefs : which no Tongue can exprefs . of Joy celeftial : and Unclion fpiritual. wherebyChrift'sChurchdoilifland: the Finger of God's Hand, thou givell Speech with Grace: may found in ev'ry Place. fend down thy heav'nly Light : to ferve God Day and Night. which feeble is and frail : againll us may prevail. and grant us to obtain the heft and trueft Gain, our Leader and our Guide, and never from thee Hide. good Lord grant, we thee pray, at the laR dreadful Day. do thou diffolve the Bands : thro'out all Chriliian Lands. the Father moil of Might : we may attain the Sight, we may acknowledge thee, one God in Perlons three. The humble Suit of a Sinner. OLord, on whom I do depend. And when thy Will and Pleafure is, Then f^eR mv Sorrows what they are, •'-.'" 'iiere is none that can remove, 1 ,- thou whofe Aid I crave, - all ihofe that come to thee ice thou feed; my reftlcfs Eyes, : into my Suit, O Lord, loi : )n hath fo enclofed me, That 1 am nov/ remcdilefs. For mortal Man cannot releafe. But only Chrifl, my Lotd and Gjd, "Whofe bloody Wounds are yet to lee, Yet do thy Saints behold them. Lord, Tho' Sin doth hinder me a W'hile, I fliall crjoy the Sight of him L3 bcrhcld my careful Heart : releafe me of my Smart. my Grief is known to thee: or take the fanr.c from me; w hofe Mercy flill is preft, for Succour and for Reft, my Tears and grievous Groan, mark my Complaint and Moan. and compafs'd me about, if Mercy help not out. or mitigate rxy Pain : Avho for my Sins was flain. tho' not with mortal Eye: "and fo I trufl Ihall I. when thou (lialt fee it Good, who Ihed for me his Blood. ) Ai:el g And as thy Angels and ihy Sal;:-.? So truil I topoirefs that Flace, io But whillt I live here in this ^ale AlUfl me ever with thy Grace 1 1 Left that I tread the Sinners Path, To dwell with them in Wickednefs, 1 2 Only thy Grace muft be my Stay, ForiM fail, then of myfelf 13 "vVhercfore this is yet once again, 1 o grant me Pardon for my Sin, 14 Then (hall my Heart and Tongue alfo And in thy Church and Moufe of Saints The Song of Zacharias, 1 'T^KE only Lordoflfrael JL For thro' his Vihtation and i; ilii People now he hath redeemed, And fpread abroad his faving Heilth 3 In David's Houfe, his Servant true. And alfo his anointed Kinjj, 4 As by his holy Prophets all The which were lince the "World be^ran, 3 Thr.t we might be delivered Ev'n from the Hands of Enemies, 6 The Mercv which he promifcd And think upon his Cov'nant made 7 And alfo to perform tlie Oath To Abraham our Father dear, 8 That lie would give himfcH for us. Out of the Hands of all our Foes Q A-nd that without all Kind of Fear And Likewife (or to lead our Lives 10 And thou, O Child, wlio now art born, Sh-Jt Pri'plict of the Higheft be, I I For ilicu fliali go before his Face, And alfo for to tc;icu his Will 12 To give them Knowledge how that their And that Remiffion of their Sins 15 Whevtby the Day-fpring from on liigh To give Light unto them that fat I 4 To lighten thofe that (hadow'd be And alfo for to guide our Feet 1 he Song of the BlefTed Virgin I TV If Y Soul doth magnify the Lord, |\'J[_ Rejolceth in the Lord my God, z And ihalbecaufe he did regard, I'iic low Edaie ot his Hand-maid, 3 For now behold all Nations, and From this Tinie forth fui tvcrmorc 4 Bccaufe hr halh nic magnify'd, \N'hofv' Narno be ever fauflily'd. do now behold the fame : with them to praife thy Name. where Sinners do frequent, my Sins ftill to lament. and give them my Confcnt whereto Nature is bent, let that with me remain : I cannot rife again. my Suit and rny Requcfl, : ihat I in thee may reft, be Inttruments of Praife: iing Pfalms to thee always, called Benedi£lus. be praifed evermore : his Mercy kept in Store, that long have been in Thrall : upon his Servants all, according to his Mind : as we in Scripture find. he often did declare, liis Way for to prepare. from thofe that make Deba'e, and all that do us hate, our Fathers to fulfil : according to his Will. which he before had fworn for us that were forlorn : and us from Bondage bring to fervc our hcav'nly King. alfo in Righteoufncfs : in lledfalt Hr.linefs. and of the Lord el eel, his Way for to direct. for to prepare his Ways ; and Pleafure all thy Days. Salvation now is near : is thro' iiis Mercy dear. dcfcended from his Seat : in Darknefs very great, with Death, and are opprefs'dt the Way to Peace and Rsll. Marv, called ISIagnificat. mv Spirit evermore who is my Saviour^ and had Refpecl unto and let the Mighty go. the Generations all, Ihall mc right bleflcd fail who is the Lord of Mighi and praiftdD:!y and Nigl.i. ^3 For vihh. his Mercy and his Grace Thro'out the Generations all 6 He fliew'd Strength with his mijjhty Arm, With all Imaginations that 7 Ke hath put down the mighty Ones And did exalt the meek in Heart, 8 The Hungry he replenifhed And tliro' his Pow'r he made the Rich 9 And calling to Remembrance his Hath holpcn up raoft gracioufiy jo According to his Promife made And to hi3 Seed fucceflively The Lamentation of a Sinner. all Men he did inflame : that fear his holy Name, and madethe Proud to ftart : were in their wicked Heart. from their fupcmal Seat : cv'n from their low Eflate. with all Things that weie good : Oft-tiiTies to want their Food. great Mercy very well, his Servant Ifrael. to .Abraham before: to ftand for evermore. 1 ^'^ Lord, turn not thy Face away \^^ Lamenting fore his linful Life 2 "y^hich thou doit open wide to thofe O Ihut it not againft me, Lord, 3 Call me not to a flrift Account For then 1 know right well, O Lord, 4 I need not to confefs my Life, What I have been, and what I am, 5 O Lord, thou know'ft what Things be paft, Thouknow'ft alfo what is to come, 6 Before the Heav'ns and Earth were made. As allTJiings elfe that have been done 7 And can the Things that 1 have done No, no, thou know'ft them all, O Lord, 8 Wherefore with Tears I come to thtc, Ev'n as a Child that hath done 111, 9 So come I to the Throne of Grace, Dehring Mercy for my Sin, 10 O Lord, I nted not to repeat For thou doll know before 1 alk, 11 Mercy, good Lord, Mercy I afk, For Mercy, Lord, is all my Suit, from him ihat lies proilrate, before thy Mercy Gate, that do lament their Sin : but let me enter in. how I have lived here : moft vile I fhall appear, for furely thou cauit tell thou knowcft very well. alfo the Things that be; Nothing is hid from thee, thou kneuft whatThings were then: among the Sons of Men. be hidden from thee then? where they were done and when, to beg and to entreat : and leavetii to be beat. where Mercy doth abound: to heal my ui^suly W^ound. what I do beg or crave: the Thing that I would hcvc. this is the total Sum : O let thy Mercy come. The Lamentation, Lord, in thee is all my Truft, give ear unto my woful Cry: \^^ Refufe me not that am unjufl. 2 Beuold how I do flill lament Shall 1 for them have Punifiiment, 3 No, no, thy Will is not fo bent But when in Heart they do repent, 4 To thee therefore Hill will 1 cry. Thy Blood, O Lord, is not yet dry, 5 Haftc then, O Lord, therefore 1 pray, That when this Life Ihall paCj away, G Wlitreihou doll reign eternally Where Angels do iucelTantly I but caft on me thy heav'nly Eve. my Sins wherein I do offend: hnce thee to pleafe I do intend. to deal with Sinners in thine Ire : with Speed thou granleft their DeUre ; to walh away mv linful Crimec but thit it may help me in Time. to pour on me the Gifts of Grace in Heav'n with thee I may have Place. with God, who once thee down did fend: ling Praife to thee W^orld without End. A Thankfgiving after the Receiving of the Lord's Supper, 1 "TP* HE Lord be thanked for his Gifts 1 That he doth Ihevv unto his SaintS; 2 Our Tongues cannot fo praife the Lord Our Hearts cannot of him fo think and Mercies evermore, to him be Laud tlicrefore. as he doth right deferve : as he doth us prefer ve. 3 His BeneRts they be fo great That at our Hands a Recompencc ^ O hnful Man, that thou fhouldfl have Who doft defeive moft worthily 5 Nought elfe bat Sin and Wretchednefs And ftubbornly againft the Lord 6 The Sun that in the Firmament Doth Ihew itfelf more clear and pure •j The Heav'ns above, and all therein. They fcrve the Lord in their Eftate, 8 They do not ftrive for Mafterfhip, But ferve the Lord, and do his Will, 9 Alfo the Earth, and all therein, Obferving the Creator's Will, 10 The Sea and all that is therein Spirits beneath do tremble all, 1 1 But we [alas !) for whom all thefe Do not fo know or love the Lord 12 A Law he gave us for to know He would us Good, but we would not 13 Not one of us that feeketh out Nor doth the Thing that might us lead 14 Thus we are all his Enemies, And he again of his Good-will 15 Therefore when Remedy was none The Son of God our Flcfh did take 1 6 And all the Law of God the Lord And for •our Sins upon the Crofs I 7 And that wc never fhould forget A Sign he left our Eyes to tell, J 8 In Bread and Wine here vihble His Mercies great thou may'i'l record, 19 As once the Corn did live and grow. And threflied out with many Stripes, 30 And as the Mill with Violence And make it like to earthly Daft, 21 And as the Oven with Five hot And all this done, as I have faid, 82 So wa; the Lord in his ripe Age His Suul he gave in Torments gieat, 23 Becaufe that he to us might be With much Reproach and Troubles great, 24 Atid as the Grapes in picafant Time And plucked dov\n v.hcn they be ripe. to us who are but Sin, lie cannot hope to win. fuch Mercies of the Lord I of him to be abhorr'd. doth reft within our Hearts : we daily aft our Farts, is fet for us a Light, than we be in his Sight. more holy are than we : each one in his Degree, nor light their Office fet : , there's Nothing can them let. of God doth (land in Awe, by {kilful Nature's Law. doth bend when God doth beck, and fear his wrathful Check. were made them for to rule, as dolh the Ox and Mule, what was his holy Will : avoid the Thing that's ill. the Lord of Life to pleafe : to Chrift and quiet Eafe. we can it not denv : would not that we Ihould die. to bring us unto Life, to end our mortal Strife. he fully did obey : his Blood our Debts did pav. what Good for us he wrought, that he our Bodies bought, unto thy Eyes and Tafte : if that his Grace thou haft. and was cut down with Siihe, out of his HuTk to drive i did tear it out fo fniall, not fparing it at all. doth clofe it up with Heat, that it Ihould be our Meal : cut down by cruel Death : and yielded up his Breath. an everlafting Bread : on Earth tiis Life he led. are prcftcd very fore, and let to grow no more : -5 EecaiJ' 25 Bccaufe ilie Juice that In them is We might receive, and joyful be 86 So was the Blood of Chrift prefs'd out The Juice thereof doth fave all thofc 27 And as the Corns by Unity So is the Lord and his whole Church, 28 As many Grapes make but one Wine, In Faith and l.ove in Chrift above, 29 Leading a Life without all Strife, From Envy and from Malice both, 30 Which if we do, then fhall we fhow By Faith in him to lead a Life 3 I And that we may fo do indeed, Then after Death we fhall be fure as comfortable Drluk when Sorrows make us fhrin alfo with Nails and Spear: that rightly do him fear. into one Leaf are knit : tho' he in Heav'n do fit. fo fhould we be but one and into Chrifl alone. in Quiet, Reft and Peace : our Hearts 8c Tongues fhould ceafc. that we his Chofen be : as always willed he. God fend us all his Grace : with him to have a Place. ■ A^^. The Twelve Articles of the Chriftian Faith. my Relief and Confidence is in the Lord of Might: The Father who all Things hath made the Day and alfo Night. The Heav'ns and Firmament likewife, The Earth and all that is therein, 3 And iia like Manner 1 believe Co-equal with the Deity, 4 Conceived by the Holy Ghofl, And of his Mother Mary born, J Becaufe Mankind to Satan was He came and offer'd up hirafelf 6 And fuffering moft grievous Pain, Was crucify 'd upon the Crofs, 7 And fo he died in the Flefii, His Body then was buried, 8 His Soul did after this defcend A Dread to wicked Spirits, but 9 And on the third Day of his Death, That fo he might be glorify'd, 10 Afcending up above the Heav'ns, On God's Right-hand his Father dear, 1 1 Until the Day of Judgment, when With Angel's Pow'r, tho' of that Day 12 T(i judge all People righteoufly, The Living and the Dead alfo, 13 And in the Holy Ghoft alfo, In Trinity the Third I'erfon, 14 The Catholick and holy Church, And holy Scripture doth allow, 15 And alfo I do truft to have Releafe and Pardon of my Sins, 16 What Time all Flefh fhall rife again And fee him with their outward Eyes 17 Then fhall our Saviour Jefus Chrifl, That he may give cteraal Life and alfo every Sia: which pafs Man's Reafon far. in Chrift our Lord his Son, and Man in Flefh and Bone, his Word doth me affure, yet flie a Virgin pure. for Sin in Bond and Thrall, to Death to fave us all. then Pilate being Judge, and thereat did not grudge. but cjuick'ned by the Spirit : that we might Life inherit, into the lov/er Parts ; Joy unto faithful Hearts. he rofe to Life again, and freed from Grief and Pain, to fit in Glory flill, according to his Will. he fhall return again : we ignorant remain. whom he hath dearly bought : whom he hath made of Nought. Author of Purity: believe I ftedfaflly: that God's Word doth maintain: which Satan doth difdain. by Jefus Chrift his Death, and that only by Faith : before the Lord of Might : which now do give them Light ; the Sheep and Goats divide, 10 thofc whom he hath tr\''d. 1 8 Within ti Within his Realm celefllal, With all his holy Company 19 Who ferve the Lord Omnipotent, To whom be all Dominion, and PRESERVE usLord,bythyclearWord Both which would thruft out of his Throne Lordjefus Chrift, fliew us thy Mis;ht, Thy poor afflicted Flock defend, God, Holy Ghofl:, the Ccmfoiter, Give us one Mind, and perfed Peace, Thou living God in Perfons Three, In all our Need fo us defend, ih dory for to reft : of Saints and Angels bleft, and him always adore : all Praife for evermore. From Turk and Pope defend us, Lord .- Oui Lord Chrilt Jefus, thy dear Son. That thou art Lord of Lords by Ric;h'. : That we may praife thee v.'ithout End. Be our Patron, Help and Succour : All Gifts of Grace in us increafe. Thy Name be prais'd in Unity : That we may praife thee without End. The Lord's Prayer, or Pater Nofter. Lord, Hallowed be thy Name. in Earth, ev'n as the fame our daily Bread this' Day. forgive our Debts we pray : from Evil keep us from : thine to Eternity. 1 ^^"^ UR Father which in Heaven art, \^ Thy Kingdom come. Thy Will be done, 2 In Heaven is. Give us, O Lord, As we forgive our Debtors, fo 3 Into Temptation lead us not. For Kingdom, Power, and Glory is GLORIA PATRI. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghofl, As in Beginning was, is now, A N O To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, As was, and is, and fiiall be flill. all Glory be therefore : and fhall be evermore. immortal Glory be : to all Eternity. ANOTHER. All Glory to the Trinity, To God the living Father, and As it hath been in all the Time As it is now, and fo Ihall be. that is of Mighties mnfl : the Son and Holy Ghoft. that hath been heretofore : henceforth for evermore. To the HUNDREDTH PSALM Tune. To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, As in Beginning was, is now» all Praife and Glory be therefi.i and fo Ihall be for evermore. FINIS. A New Verfion OF THE PSALMS O F DA r I D, itted to the TUNES ufed in CHURCHES. B Y Y, BRADY, D. D. Chaplain in Ordinary, and K TATE, Efq; Poet-Laureat to His Majefly. (With Perxniflion of the Stationers Company.) BIRMINGHAM, Printed by JOHN BASKERVILLE, 1762. f Price One Siiilin^ and Sixpence in Sheets. J ^^c^^^^^r^^c^^a:^^<:^^^c^:^cc^ May the 23^, 1698. T TIS Majejly having Allowed and Termitted the life jn ^J ^ New Verfion of the Pfalms of David ^ by Dr. Brady and Mr. Tate^ in all Churches, Chapels and Congregations ; / cannot do lefs than wijii a good Succejs to this Royal Indulgence ; For I find it a WORK done with Jo much Judgment and Inge* nuity, that I am perfnaded, it may take off that unhappy Ohjedlion, which has hitherto lain againjt the Singing Pfalms ; and dijpoje that Fart of Divine Service to much more Devotion. And I do heartily recommend the life of this Verfion to all my Brethren within my Diocefe, H. LONDON, A 2 An An Alphabetical TABLE, fliewing how to find each PSALM by its Beginning. AGAINST allthofe As pants the Hart At iengtli by certain B. Behold, O God Blcfs God, my Soul Blefs God, ye Servants D. Defend me, Lord Peliver me, O Lord Do thou, O God F. For ever blefs'd For thee, O God From loweft Depths From my Youth G. Give ear, thou Judge God in the ereat God is our Refuge God's Temple crowns H. Had not the Lord Happy the Man Have Mercy, Lord Hear, O my People He's bleft, whofe Sins He that has God Hold not thy Peace How bleft are they How bleft is he Huw good and pleafant How long wilt How num'rous, Lord How vaft mufl. I. Jehovah reigns, let all Jehovah reigns, let therefore I'll celebrate thy In deep Diftrefs lu Judah the In thee I put In vain, O Man Judge me, O Lord Juft Judge of Hcav'n 1 waited meekly L. Let all the Juft Let all the Lands Let ill the lift'ning P/alm 3 5 42 73 79 104 134 31 59 56 144 130 129 55 87 124 51 9» 83 119 1 92 '3 3 M3 97 99 30 120 76 7» 52 36 43 Let David, Lord Let God, the God Lord, hear my Cry Lord, hear my Pray'r Lord, hear the Voice Lord, hear the Voice Lord, let thy juft Lord, not to us Lord, fave me, for Lord, thou haft Lord, who's the M. My crafty Foe with My God, my God My Soul for Help My Soul, infpir'd My Soul with N. No Change of Times O. O all ye People O come, ioudAaUieins Of Mercy's never O God, my gracious O God, my Heart O God of Hofts O God, to whom O God, who haft O God, whofe O Ifrael's Shepherd O Lord, I am not O Lord, my God O Lord, my Rock O Lord, our Fathers O Lord, the Saviour O Lord, that art my O Lord, to ray On thee v.ho dvvell'ft O praife the Lord with O praiie the Lord, for O praife the Lord in O praife the Lord and O praife the Lord with Hymns O praife the Lord with oncConfent 13] O praife yc the Lord 1 4« O render Thanks O render Thanks to O thou, to whom all O 'twas a joyful An Alphabetical TABLE, kc. Thy Prefencc why To celebrate thy To God I cry'd To God, in whom To God our never To God the mighty To God with mournful To God your grateful To my Complaint To my juft Plea To thee, my God To thee, O God To thee, O Lord To Sion's Hill W. We build with When I pour out When Ifr'el by When Sion's God When wc our While I the King's Whom fhould I fear Who place on Sion's Why haft thou caft With chearful With Glory clad With my whole With one Confent With reftlefs and Y. Ye boundlefs Realms Ye Princes that Ye Saints and Ser?anis P. P/alm Fraife ye the Lord III Freferve me. Lord 140 Proteft me from my i6 R. R.efolv'd to watch S. Save me, O God 39 69 Since godly Men 12 Since I have plac'd I I Sing to the Lord 96 Jing to the Lord 98 Speak, O ye Judges 58 Jure, wicked Fools 14 T. rhee ril extol M5 rhe Heavens declare ^9 rhe King, O Lord, 21 rhe Lord hath fpokc 50 rhe Lord himfelf 23 rhe Lord, the only 48 rhe Lord to thy 20 The Lord unto my 1 10 That Man is bleft who flands 112 rhe Man is bleft who fears 128 rhe wicked Fools 53 rhis fpacious Earth 24 rho' wicked Men 37 rhou, Lord, by ^39 rhy chaft'ning Wrath 38 Fhy dreadful Anger 6 rhy Mercies, Lord 89 rhy Mercy, Lord 57 rhrough all the 34 Tb blefs thy chofea «7 rjaim Id 9 77 25 81 136 142 107 86 17 88 75 i4t i2i 127 lo? 114 126 137 45 27 »25 74 117 93 138 100 148 D I R E G- DIRECTIONS ABOUTTHE TUNES and MEASURES, ALL Pfalms of this Verfion in the Commoi Meafure of Eights and Sixes (that is, wher( the firft and third Lines of the fingle Stanza confil of eight Syllables each, the fecond and fourtl Lines of fix Syllables each) may be fung to an] of the moft ufual Tunes : namely, Tork-tune^ Wind for-iune^ St. David's^ Lichfield, Canterbury^ Martyrs St. Marys^ alias Hackney^ St. >4?2n's-tune, Sec. As the Old 25 Pfalm, may be fung the Nev 25. 31. 5^ 67, 130, 142. As the Old 113, the 37, 46, 50, 63, 76, 91 no, 113, 120. As the Old 148, the 136, 148. As the Old 104, the 149. The Pfalms in this Verfion of four Lines in ;l fingle Stanza, and eight Syllables in each Line (i Pfalms of Praife or Chearfulnefs) may properly b fung as the Old 100 Pfalm, or to the Tune of th Old 125 Pfalm, fecond Metre. The Penitential or Mournful Pfalms in the fam Meafure, may be fung as the Old 51 Pfalm; whic Tunes, with all the fore-mentioned, are printed i: the Supplement to this New Verfion. A Nei A New Verfion of the PSALM S, 8cc. PSALM I. HOW bleft is he who ne'er confciits Nor ftands in Sinners Ways, nor (its 2 But makes the perfefl Law of God Devoutly reads therein by Day, J Like feme fair Tree, which fed by Streams He ftiU Ihall flourifh, and Succefs 4 Ungodly Men and their Attempts Untimely blafted and difpers'd J Their Guilt (hall hri\e the Wicked dumb No formal Hypocrite fhall then 6 For God approves the juft Man's Ways, But Sinners and the Paths they tread. by ill Advice to walk ; where Men profanely talk, his Bufincfs and Delight ; and meditates by Night, with timely Fruit does bend, all his Defigns attend, no lafting Root Ihall find ; like Chaff before the Wind. before the Judge's Face ; amongfl the Saints have place, to Happinefs they tend ; Ihall both in Ruin end. PSALM II. WITH. Whyi reftlefs and ungovern'd Rage, in fuch ra(h Attempts engage 2 The great in Counfel and in Might, Againft the Lord they all unite, J Muft we fubmit to their Commands? No, let us break their flavifh Bands, I But God who (its inthron'd on high. Does their confpiring Strength defy, 5 Thick Clouds of Wrath divine (hall break And thus will he in Thunder fpeak t " Though madly you difpuie iny Will, I " Whofe Throne is lix'd on Sion's Hill, I Attend, O Earth, whilft I declare " Thou art my Son, this Day my Heir *' Afk and receive thy full Demands, *' The utmofl Limits of the Lauds " Thy threat'ning Sceptre thou fhalt fhake, " As mally Bars of Iron break Learn then, ye Princes, and give ear, 1 Worfhip the Lord with holy Fear, 2 Appeafe the Son with due Refpeft, Left he revenge the bold Negle£l, 3 If but in part his Anger rife. Then bleft are they whofe Hope relies why do the Heathen ftorm ? as they can ne'er perform, their various Forces bring ; and his anointed King, prefumptuoufly they fay r and caft their Chains away, and fees how they combine, and mocks their vain Defign. on his rebellious Foes : to all that dare oppofe. " the King that I ordain, " fhall there fecu rely reign." God's uncontrol'd Decree ; " have I begotten thee. " thine Ihall the Heathen be; " fliall be poffefs'd by thee. " and crufh them ev'ry where; " the Potter's brittle Ware." ye Judges of the Earth; rejoice with awful Mirth, your timely Homage pay ; incen">'d by your Delay, who can endure the Flame ? on his moft holy Name, PSALM III HO W num'rous. Lord, of late are grown the Troubler'. of thy Peace! And as their Numbers hourly rife, fo dees their Rage increafe. Infuliing they my Soul upbraid, ' ' ' ' " ' The God in whom he trufts, fay they, But thou, O Lord, art my Defence ; Thou art my Glory, and flialt yet ■ Since, whenfoe'er in my Diftref? He heard me from his hcly Hill, 3 and him whom I adore ; {hall rcfcue him no more, on thee my Hopes rely; lift up my Head on high, to God I made my Prav'r, why Ihould I now defpair? 5 Gu aided 5 Guatdecl by Kim, I laid me down For I througli him fecurely fleep, 6 No Fcrce nor Furv of my Foes Were they as many Hufts as Men 7 Arife and fave me, O my God, And fcatter'd oft thefe Foes to mc 8 Salvation to the Lord belonajs. His Blefling he extends to all PSALM IV, V. « ^"^ Lord, that art my righteous Judge, \__y Thou ftill redeem'ft me from Diftrefs, S Hcv long will ye, O Sons of Men, Hov,- long your vain Ddign? purfue, 5 ConCder, that the righteous Man A-hen to hin '. make i ly rray r, And 4 Then (land in aive of his Commands, Commune in private with your Hearts, 5 The Place of ether Sacrifice And let your Hope, fecurelv fixt, 6 While v.-orldly Minds impatient erow Still let the Glories of thy Face 7 So Tnall my Heart o'erflow with Joy Than theirs, who Stores of Corn and Wine 8 Then down in Peace I'll lay my Head, No other Guard, O Lord, I crave, PSALM I T ORD, hear the Voice of my Complaint, 1. J -2 To thee alone, my Kin?, my God, 3 Thou in the Morn my Voice {halt hear; To thee devoutly I'll look up, 4 For thou the "Wrongs that I fuftain Who from thyfacred Dwelling place 3 Not long fhall ftubborn Fool 5 remain All fuch as 3.0. unrighteous Things 6 The fland'ring Tongue, O God of Truth, Who hat'll alike the Man in Blood 7 But when thy boundlefs Grace Ihall me On thee I'll hx my longing Eyes, 8 Conduft me by ihv righteous Laws, Therefore, O Lord, make plain the Way g Their Mouth vents nothing but Deceit, Their Throat is a devouring Grave, 10 By their own Counfels let them fall. For they againft thy righteous Laws I I But let all thofe who truft in thee. Let them rejoice whom thou preferv'ft, 12 To righteous Men, the righteous Lord y\nd with his Farour all his Saints, my {\\cet Repofe to take • through him in Safety wake. my Courage fhall confound, that have befet me round. who oft haft own'd my Caufc, and to thy righteous Laws. he only can defend; that on his Pow'r depeni: F S A L M IV. to my Complaint give Ear ; have Mercy, Lord, and hear. to blot my Fame devife ? and fpread malicious Lies ? is God's peculiar Choice ; he always hears my Voice, flee ev'rv Thins: that's ill ; and bend them to his Will, let Righteoufnefs fupply ; on God alone rely. more profp'rous Times to fee, fhine brightly. Lord, on nic. more lafling and more true, fucceflively renew, and take my needful Rcfl ; of my Defence polTeft. V. accept my fecret Prav'r; will I for Help repair, and with the dawning Day to ihee devoutly pray, canfl never, Lord, approve; all Evil dofl remove, tinpunilh'd in thy View : thy Vengeance fhall purfue. by thee fhall be deftroy'd, and in Deceit employ'd. to thy lov'd Courts reftore, and humbly there adore, for watchful is mv Foe : wherein I ought to go. their Heart is fet on Wrong; they flatter with theii Tongue, cpprefj'd with Loads of Sin; have harden'd Rebel '5 b'^en. with Shouts their Joy proolaim and all that love thy Name. his BlefTing will extend, as with a Shield defend. PSAL PSALM VI, VII. I 'THHY dreadful Anger, Lord, reflrain, I Correal me not in tliy fierce Wrath, i Have Mercy, Lord, for I grow faint, Thd Anguilh of my aking Bones, 5 My tortur'd Flefh diflra£ls my Mind, But, Lord, how long wilt thou delay 4 Thy wonted Goodnefs, Lord, repeat. Lord, for thy wond'rous Mercy's fake, ^ For after Death no more can I No Pris'ners of the lilent Grave < Quite lir'd with Pain, with groaning faint, • The Night, that quiets common Griefs, 1 My Beauty fades, my Sight grows dim, Old Age o'ertakes me, whilli I think 8 Depart, ye Wicked ; in my Wrongs For God, I find, accepts my Tears, 9, 10 He hears, and grants my humble Pray'r Shall bluih and rage to fee that God P S A L M 1 /^ Lord, my God, fince 1 have plac'd \^ From all my Perfecutors Rage 2 To fave rae from my tlireat'ning Foe, Left, like a favage Lion, he 3, 4 If I am guilty, or did e'er Nay, if I have not fpar'd his Life, V Let them to perfecuting Foes I Let them to Earth tread down my Life, 5 Arife, and let thine Anger, Lord, ^ Exalt thyfelf above thy Foe?, \ A'.vake, awake, in my Behalf, Which thou haft righteoufly crdain'd 1 So to thy Throne adoring Crov.ds O ! therefore for their Sakes refume S Impartial Judge of all the World, According to my juft Deferts, Let wicked Arts and wicked Men, But guard the Juft, thou God, to whom xa, II God he prote£ls, not only me. And daily lays up Wrath for thofc 18 If they perfift, he whets his Sword, 13 Ev'n now with fwift Deftruftion wing'd, 14 The Plots are fruitlefs which my Foe 13 The Pit he digg'd for me has prov'd 16 On Ills own Head his Spite returns, On him the Violence is fall'n, J7 Therefore will I the righteous W'avs I rU Ung the Praife of God moft Higlx, PSALM VI. and fpare a Wretch forlorn ; too heavy to be borne. unable to endure which thou alone canft cure. and fills my Soul with Grief; to grant me thy Pvclief ! and eafe my troubled Soul ; vouchfafc to make me whole. thy glorious Afts proclaim ; can magnify thy Name. no Hope of Eafe 1 fee ; is fpent in Tears by me. my Eyes with Weaknefs clofc ; on my infulting Foes. ye fhall no more rejoice ; and liftens to my Voice. and thev tliat wUh my Fall, protecls me from them all. VII. my Truft alone in thee, do thou deliver me. Lord, interpofe thy Pow'r; my helplcfs Soul devour, againft his Peace combine ; Avlio fought unjuftlymine, Jay Soul become a Prey ; in Duft my Honour la in my Defence engage ; and their infulting Rage : the Judgment to difpenfe, fur injur'd Innocence, fhall fliU forjuflicefly; thy Judgment-Seat on high. I truft my Caufe to thee; fo let thy Sentence be. together be o'erthrown ; tlie Hearts of both are known, bat all of upright Heart : who from his Laws depart, his Bow ftands ready bent ; his pointed Shafts are fent. unjuftly did conceive : his own untimely Grave, whilft I from Harm am free! which he dclign'd for mc. of Providence proclaim ; and celebrate his Name. Bi PSALM P S A L M VIII, IX. PSALM VIII. 1 ^'\ Thou, to whom all Creatures bow \_^ Thro' all the World how great art thoi In Heav'n thy wond'rous Afts are fung, 5 And yet thou mak'ft the Infant-Tongue Thro' thee the Weak confound the Strong, And fo thoii quell'ft. the wicked Throng, within this earthly Frame^ ! how glorious is thy Name ! nor fully reckon'd there ; thy boundlefs Praife declare ; and crufh their haughty Foes that thee and thine oppofe. When Heav'n, thy beauteous Work on high, employs my wond'ring Sight ; The Moon, that rightly rules the Sky 4 What's Man (fay I) that, Lord, thou lov'fl Or what his Offspring, that thou prov'ft 5 Him next in Pow'r thou did'ft create 6 Ordain'd with Dignity and State, 7 They jointly own his pow'rful Sway ; 8 The Bird that wings its airy Way, 9 O thou, to whom all Creatures bow Thro' all the World how great art thou ! PSALM 1 'T^ O celebrate thy Praife, O Lord, X To all tlie lifl'ning World thy Works, 2 The Thought of them fliall to my Soul W^hilfi to thy Name, O thcu moft High, 3 Thou mad'ft my haughty Foes to turn Struck with thy Prefencs down they fell, 4 Againft infulting Foes advanc'd My Right afferiing from thy Throne, 3 The Infolence of Heathen Pride Their wicked Offspring cjuite deliroy^d, 6 MiflakenFoes! your haughty Threats Our City flands, which yoix dciign'd •J, 8 The Lord for ever live:, who has Impartial Juflicc to difpenfe, 9 God is a conftant fure Defence As Troubles rife, his needful Aids io All thofe who have his Goodnefs prov'd Whofe Mercy ne'er forfook the Man 1 1 Sing Praifes therefore to the Lord ; Proclaim his Deeds, till all the World PART II. with Stars of feebler Light to keep him in my Mind? to them fo wond'rous kind? to thy celeftial Train ; o'er all thy Works to reign, the Bcafts that prey or graxc ; the Fifh that cuts the S-as. within this earthly Frame, how glorious is thy Name! IX. I will my Heart prepare ; thy wond'rous Works declare, exalted Pleafures bring ; triumphant Praife I hng, their Backs in fh^meful Flight; theyperifh'd at thy Sight, thou did'ft my Caufe maintain ; where Truth and Juftice reign, thou haft yeduc'd to Shame j and blotted out their Name. 9 are to a Period come : '^ to make our common Tomb. his righteous Throne prepar'd, to punifh or reward, againft oppreffing Rage; in our Behalf engage, will in his Truth confide; that on his Helprcly'd. from Sion his Abode, confcfs no other God. I 2 When he enquiry makes for Blood, The injur'd humble Man's Complaint 13 Take pity on my Troubles, Lord, Thou that haft refcu'd me fo oft I 4 In Sion then I'll ling thy Praife, And with loud Shouts of grateful Joy 15 Deep in the Pit they digg'd for me Their guilty Feet to their own Snare iC Thus by the juft Returns he makes While wicked Men by their o\\n Plots he'll call the Poor to mind i Relief from him Ihall find, which fpiteful Foes create, from Death's devouring Gate, to all tliat love thy Name ; thy faving Pow'r proclaim, the Heathen Pride is laid ; infcnhbly bctray'd. the mighty Lord is known; acc'lharaefully o'crtbrown. PSALM X, XI. 1 7 No fingle {inner (Kail efcape Nor Nation from his juft Revenge 18 His fuff'ring Saints, when nioft diftreft. Their Expeftation Ihall be crown'd, 19 Arife, O Lord, afTert thy Pow'r, Defcend to Judgment, and pronounce 3o Strike Terror thro' the Nations round. They to each other, and themfelves, PSALM by Privacy obfcur'd ; by Numbers be fecur'd. he ne'er forgets to aid ; though for a Time delay'd. and let not Man o'ercome ; the guilty Heathen's Doom. till, by confenting Fear, but mortal Men appear. X. HY Prefence why withdraw'ft thou, Lord? why hid'ft thou now thy Fac», '■ ' call for thy wonted Grace? have made the Poor their Prey, which they for others lay. their thriving Crimes atterul : perverfly they commend, their haughty Pride difdains ; no Thought of God remains. T- When difmal Times of deep Diftrcfs 5 The wicked, fwell'd with hwlefs Pride, O let them fall by thofe Deligns 3 For ftraight tliey triumph, if Succefs And fordid Wretches, whom God hates^ 4 To own a Pow'r above themfelves And therefore in their ftubborn Mind 3 Oppreffive Methods they purfue, Becaufe thy Judgments unobferv'd 6 They fondly think their profp'rous State They think their vain Deiigns fhall thrive, 7 Vain and deceitful is their Speech, By which the Mifchief of their Heart 8 Near public Roads they lie cnnceal'd, The Innocent and Poor at once g Not Lions, couching in their Dens, With greater Cunning, or exprefs 10 Sometimes they z& the harm lefs Man, That fo deceiv'd, the Poor may lefs PART II. 11 For God they think, no Notice takes He never minds the futf'ring Poor, la But thou, O Lord, at length arife; And, by the Greatnefs of thy Pow'r. 13 No longer let the Wicked vaunt, *' Tuih, God regards not what we do, 14 But fure thou feeft, and all their Deeds The Orphan therefore and the Poor gns, 15 Defencelefs let the Wicked fall. Confound, O God, their dark Defi; 16 Affert thy juft Dominion, Lord, Thou who the Heathen didft expel 17 Tliou doft the humble Suppliants hear Thou firft prepar'ft their Hearts to pray, x8 Thou in thy righteous Judgment weigh'ft That fo the Tyrants of the Earth PSALM and all their Foes they flight ; are far abbve their Sight, {hall unmolefted be; from all Misfortune free. with Curfes fiU'd and Lies ; they ftudy to difguife. and all their Art employ, to rifle and deftroy. furprife their heedlefs Prey more favage Rage than they, and raodeft Looks they wear •, their fudden Onfct fear. of their unrighteous Deeds ; nor their Opprefhon heeds, ftretch forth thy. mighty Arm; Yet thou whofe Love excels them all, 11 Inftruft me in ihy Paths, O Lord, Lefl envious Men, who watch my Steps, 12 Lord, difappoint my cruel Foe?, Whcfe lying Lips aiwl bloody Hands 13 I irufled that my future Life Or elfe my fainting Soul had funk 14 God's Time with patient Faith expecl. With inward Strength ; do thou thy Part, PSALM XXVIIf. whene'er to thee I cry; nor my Re^ueft deny ; thou kindly doft advife ; my gratcFul Heart replies- nor me in Wrath rejeft ; thou didft fo oft proieft. their helplefs Charge forfakeJ wilt Care and Pity take. nay Ways direfily guide, Ihould fee me tread ahde. defeat their ill Defire, agaiufl my Peace coufpire. fhould with thy Love be crown'd with Sorrow compafs'd round, and he'll infpire thy Breaft and leave to him the reft. 1 ^"^ Lord, my Roek, to thee 1 cry, \^P O anfwer, or I fliall become 5 Regard my Supplication, Lord, With weeping Eyes and lifted Hands % Let me efcape the Sinners Doom, And ever fpeak the Perfou fair, 4 According to their Crimes Extent, Relentlefs be to them, as they 5 Since they the Works of God defpifc. His Wrath Ihall utterly deflroy, 6 But I, with due Adknowledgraenf, From whom the Cries of my Diftiefs 7 My Heart its Confidence repos'd. In him I trufted, and return'd As he has made ray Joys complete. The chearful Tribute of my Thanks, 8 " His aiding Pow'r fupports the Troops " 'Twas he advanc'd me to the Throne, 9 Preferve thy Chofen, and proceed With Plenty profper them in Peace; PSALM E Princes that in Might excel God'sgloriousAflions loudly tell, his wond'rous Pow'r to all declare. 2 To his great Name frelh Altars raife, devoutly due Refpeft afford; Him in his holy Temple praife, wherehe's with folemn State ador'd. 3 'Tis he that with amazing Noife the watVy Clouds in funder breaks ; The Ocean trembles at his Voice, when he from Heiv'n in Thunder fpcaks 4, 5 How fullof Pow'r his Voice appears ! with what majcltic Terror crown'd! Which from theirRoots tallCedars tears, and ftrews their fcatter'd Branches rouadj 6 They, and iheHills on which they grow, arc fomctimes hurried far away ; And leap, like Hinds that bounding go, or Unicorns in youthful Play. 7, 8 Wbe[ 'Y: in Sighs confume thy Breath like thofe that flesp in Death, the Cries that I repeat, ^± before thy Mercy Seat. jH who make a Trade of 111, v.hofe Blood they mean to fpill. let Juftice have its Courfe ; have linn'd. without Remoifc. nor will his Grace adore, and build them up no more. his Praifes will rcfound, a gracious Anfwer found. in God, my Strength and Shield... triumphant from the Field, 'tis juft that 1 Ihould raife and thus refound his Piaife : " that ray juft Caufe maintain: " 'tis he fecures my Reign, " thine Heritage to blefs ; in Battle with Succefs, XXIX. your grateful Sacrilice prepai PSALM XXX, XXXI. 8 When God in Thunder loudly fpeaks, and fcatter'd Flames of Lightning fends, the Foreft nods, the Defart quakes, and flubborn Kadclh lowly bends, Hemakes the Hinds to caft their Young, and leaves the Beafts dark Coverts barr; While ihofe that to his Courts belong, fecurcly ling his Praifcs there. , 1 1 God rules theangryFloods onhigh; his boundlcfs Sway Ihall never ceafe. His People he'll with Strength fupply, and blefs his own with conftant Peace. PSALM XXX. I'LL celebrate thy Praifes, Lord, To raife thy drooping Head, and check I 3 In my Diftrefs I cry'd to thee. And from the Grave's expefling Jaws Thus to his Courts ye Saints of his With me commemorate his Truth, His "Wrath has but a Moment's Reign, Your Night of Grief is recompens'd But 1 in profp'rous Days prefum'd ; Whilil in thy Sun-fhine of Succefs But foon I found thy Favour, Lord, For when thou hid'li thy Face, I faw Then, as I vainly had prefum'd. And thus with fupplicating VoicCj " What Profit is there in my Blood, •* Can lilent Afhes fpeak my Praife, Hear me, O Lord, in Mercy hear, " Do thou fend Help, on whom alone 'Tis done! thou haft my mournful Scene ilnvefted me in Robes of State, Exalted thus, I'll gladly ling And, as thy Favours endlefs are. who didil thy Pow'r employ my Foes infulting Joy. who kindly didil relieve, my hopelefs Life retrieve. with Songs of Praife repair ; and providential Care, his Favour no Decay ; with Joy's returning Day. no fudden Change 1 fear'd, no low'ring Cloud appeared, my Empire's only Truft ; my Honour laid in Duft. ray Error I confefs'd, thy Mercy's Throne addrefs'd : *' conjeal'd by Death's cold Night^ *' thy wond'rous Truth recite? " thy wonted Aid extend; •' I can for Help depend." to Songs and Dances turn'd; who late in Sackcloth moun\"d, thy Praife in grateful Verfe; thy endlefs Piaife rehearfe. PSALM XXXI. DEFEND me, Lord, from Shame, As juft and righteous is thy Name, Bow down thy gracious Ear, Do ihou my ftedfaft Rock appear, Since thou, when Foes opprefs, To guide me forth from this Diftrefs, Rekafe me from the Snare Since I, O God, my Strength repair To thee, the God of Truth, (For thou preferv'dft me from my Youth) All vain Deligns I hate, And ftill my Soul in ev'ry State, PART Thofe Mercies thou haft Ihown For thou haft feen my Straits, and known When Keilah's tieach'rous Race Thou gav'ft my Feet a larger Space C3 for ftill I truft in thee ; from Danger fet me free, and fpeedy Succour fend ; to (heller and defend. my Rock and Fortrefs art, thy wonted Help impart . ■which they have clolely laid, to thee alone for Aid. my Life, and all that's miiir, I willingly rehgn. of thofe that truft in Lyes ; to God for Succour fli^s. I'll chearfully cxprcfs; my Soul in deep Diftrefs. did all my Strength cnclofc. to Ihua my watchful Foes. Tli', P S A L M XXXH. •1 Thy Mtrcy, Lord, difpUv, Foi both my Soul and FleHi dcca} , 10 Sad Thoughts my Life oppvefs My Sins have m:ide my Strength dtcieafe, 1 I Mv Foes my Suff'rings motk-'d. My Frieudi at Sight of me were fhock'd, 12 Forfook by all am I, And like a fhattcr'd Vefiel lie, 13 Yet fland'rous Words they fpeak, Whilil they together Counfel take, 14 But ftill my fledfaaTruf), That thou, my God, art good and jufi, PART in. •• j "^Vhatc'er Event'- betide, Then, Lord, thy Servant fafely hide : (: The Brightnefs of thy Face And, :'.s thy Mercies ttill incrcafe, 1 - Me from DiihonouT fave Lee that, and SilenCe in the Grave, iS Do ihou their Ton2[ues rcflrain, Who falfe Reports, with proud Difdain, ig How great thy Mercies arc Which thou, for thofe that trufl thy Care, •^o Thou keep'ft them in thy Sight, Fxom Tongues that do in Strife delight 2 1 With Glory and Renown Whofe Love in Keilah's well-fenc'd Town 22 1 faid in hafly Flight, Yet ftiii thou keep'fl me in thy Sight, S3 O all ye Saints, the Lord Who to the Jull will Help afford, i\ Ye that on God rely. For he will Rill your Hearts fupply and hear my jufl Compiaii with Grief and Hunger fau. riy Years are fpent in Groans ; and ev'n confum'd my Bones. , ray Neighbours did upbraid; and fled as Men difraay'd. as dead, and out of mind: whofe Parts can ne'er be ji; * and feem my Pow'r to dre my guihlefs Blood to fl.ed I on thy Help repofe; my Soul with Comfort l.n^ thy Wifdom times them all ; from thofe that feck his Fall. to me, O Lord, difclofe; preferve me from my Focs. who ftill have call'd on thee; .: the Sinner's Portion be. ■whofe Breath in Lyes are fpent againft the Righteous vent. to fuch as fear thy Name ' doft to the World, proclaim, from proud Oppreifors free ; ihcy are ])referv'd by thee. God's Name be ever blefs'd; was wond'roufly exprefs'd! " I'm banifli'd from thine Eyc$ and heard'll my cameft Cries. with eager Love puifue, aixl give the Proud their due. couragioufly proceed : with Strength in Time of Need p S A L M XXXII. W \ E's blefl, whofe Sins have Pardon gain'd Whofe Guilt Remiffion has obtain'd. While I conceal'd the fretting Sore, All Day did I with Anguilh roar. Heavy on me thy Hand remain'd, T ill quite of vital Moifturc drain'd. No fooner 1 ray Wound difclos'd, But thy Forgivenefs interpos'd, ; True Penitents il.all thus fucceed. And from the common Deluge freed, Thv Favour, Lord, in all Dillrefs, 1 hou Ihalt my haughty Focs fupprtfi, 1 In my Inftruflion then confide. Your I'ingrtfs I'll Iccurclv [^uidc, no more in Judgment 10 appear; and whofe Reptntance i% finccre. mv Bones ccnfLim'd without Relief but no Complaint alfwag'd mv Grief. by Day and Night alike diftrcfs'd : like Land with Summer's Drought opjirc the Guilt that toriur'd me within, .avA Mcrcv's healing Balm pour'd in. who fcek thee whilfl thou may'ft be foui Ihall fee lemorfelcfs Sinners drowu'J. my Tow'r of Refuge I muft own ; and inc with Songs of Triumph crown. yuu jhat would Truth's fafc Path dcfci and keep you in my watchft.l Lvt. PSALM XXXIII, XXXIV. 9 Submit yourfelves to "Wifdom's Rule, like Men that Rcafon have attain'd ; Not like ih'ungovern'dHorfeandMule, whofe Fury muft be curb'd and reigu'd. 10 Sorrows on Sorrows multiply'd, the hardeu'd Sinners fliiU confound; But them who in his Truth conllde BlefTmgs of Mercy fliall furround. 11 HisSaints that have perform'dhisLaws, their Life in Triumphs Ihall employ; Let them (as they alone have Caufcj in grateful Raptures ihout for Joy, PSALM XXXIII. I T ET all thejuft to God with Joy 1. J For well the Righteous it becomes 2, 3 Let Harps, and Pfalieries, and Lutes And new-made Songs of loud Applaufc 4, 5 For faithful is the Word of God, He Juflice loves, and all the Earth 6 By his Almighty Word at hrft And all the beauteous Hofts of Light 7 The fwelling Floods, together roll, And lays, as in a Storehoufe fafe, 8, 9 Let Earth and all that dwell therein For when he fpake the Word, 'twas made, 10 He, when the Heathens clofely plot, His Wifdom ineffeflual makes II Whate'er the mighty Lord decrees The fettled Purpofe of his Heart PAR T II. 12 How happy then are they to whom Whom he from all the World belldes 13, 14, 15 He all the Nations of the Eai their chearful Voices raife, to iing glad Songs of Praife. in joy^ful Confort meet; the Harmony complete. his Works with Truth abound; is with his Goodnefs crown'd. Heav'n's glorious Arch was rcar'd at his Command appear'd. he makes in Heaps to lie ; the wat'ry Treafures by. before him trembling ftand : 'twas Hx'd at his Command. their Counfels undermines ; the People's rafli Dehgns. fhall il.and for ever fure ; to Ages fhall endure. the Lord for God is known ! has chofen for his own! from Heav'n hisThrone furvey'd ; He faw their Works, and view'd thcirThoughts, by him their Hearts were maJc. j6, 17 No King is fafe by num'rous Hofts, their Strength theStrongdeCeives; No manag'd Horfe, by Force or Speed, 8, 19 'Tis God, who thofe that trull in him He frees their Soul from Death, their Want 20, 21 Our Soul on God with Patience waits Then, Lord, let ftill our Hearts rejoice, 22 The Riches of thy Mercy, Lord, Since we for all we want or wilh, PSALM His warlike Rider fav( beholds with gracious Eyes ; in Time of Dearth fupplies. our Help and Shield is he I becaufe we truft in thee. do thou to us extend ; on thee alone depend. XXXIV. I '^ I ^ H R O' all the changing Scenes of Life, in Trouble and in Joy, X The Praifes of my God fnall ftill n "' * ~ Of his deliv'rance I will boaft. From my Example comfort take, 3 O magnify the Lord with me, 4 When in Diflrefs to him I call'd, 3 Their drooping Hearts were foon refrefii'd, Deiir'd Succefs in ev'ry Face 6 " Behold (fay they) behold the Man *' So dangeroufly with Woes befet, 7 The Hofts of God encamp around Deliv'xa^cc he aiTordt io all my Heart and Tongue employ. till all that are diftreft, and charm their Griefs to reft. ■with me exalt his Name : he to ray Refcue came, •who look'd to him for Aid ; a chearful Air difplay'd. •* whom Providence reliev'd : " JTo wond'rouflv retriev'd." the Dwellings of ihejuft; ^'Uo on his Succotu tsuii. 8 O PSALM XXXV. S O make but Trial of his Love, How blefs'd they are, and only thev, 9 Fear him, ye Saints, and you will then Make you his Service your Delight, 10 While liungry Lions lack their Prey, For luch as put their Truft in him, T 11. P A R 11 Approach, ye piouQy difpoi'd, I'll teach you the true Difcipline 12 Let him who length of Life delirc?, 13 From fland'ring Language keep his Tongue, 14 The crooked Paths of Vice decline, Ertablii'h i^eace where 'tis begun, 13 -The Lord frnm Heav'n beholds the Jull And wh^n diflrefs'd, his gracious Ear 1 6 But turns his wrathful Look on thofe To cut them oflp, and from the Earth 1.7 Deliv'rance to his Saints he gives, 18 He's nigh to heal the broken Heart, 19 The Wicked oft, but ftill in vain, 20 For under their Aftliflion's Weight 2 I The wicked from their wicked Arts Whilft righteous Men, whom they deteft, 22 For God preferves the Souls of thofe To them and their Poftcrity. Experience will decide who in his Truth coutide. have nothing elfe to fear ; he'll make your Wants his Care, the Lord will Food provide and fee their Needs fupply'dj and my Infiruclion hear, of his religious Fear. and profp'rous Days would fee, his Lips from Fallhood free. and Virtue's Ways purfue ; and where 'tis loft renevv, with favourable Eyes ; is open to their Cries : whom Mercy can't reclaim, blot out their hated Name, w hen his Relief they crave : and contrite Spirit fave. againft the Juft confpire ; he keeps their Bones iniire. iheir Ruin Ihall derive; Ihall them in theirs furvivc. i who on his Truth depend, his BlefTmgs ihall defcend. PSALM XXXV. 1 A GAINST all thofe that flrive with me, O Lord, alTert my Right ; yV With fuch as War unjuftly wage do thou my Battles fight. 2 Ttiy Buckler take, and bind thy Shield upon thy warlike Arm ; Stand up, my God, in my Defence, and keep me fafe from Harm. 3 Bring forth thy Spear, and ftop their Courfe that hafte my Blood to fpill : Say to my Soul " I am thy Health, " and will preferve thee ftill. 4 Let them with fhame be cover'd o'er, who my Deftruftion fought ; And fuch as did my Harm devife be to confuiion brought. 5 Then (hall they fly, difpers'd like Chaff - God's vengeful Miniftcr of Wrath 6 And when thro' dark and flipp'ry Ways His vengeful Minifters of Wrath 7 Since unprovok'd by any Wrong, And for my harmlefs Soul a Pu 8 Surpris'd by Mifchieis unforefeen, Their Feet (hall fall into the Nrt, before the driving Wind : (hall follow clofe behind, they ftrive his Rage to Ihun, ihall goad them as they run. they hid their treach'rous Snare , did without Caufe prepare, bv their own Arts betray'd ; which they for me had laid. 9 Whilft my glad Soul ihall God's great Name for this Deliv'rance- blefs ; And by his faving Health fecur'd, My very Bones Ihall fay, O Lord, Who fcii'ft the poor and helplefs Man PART 1 Falfc WiinelTcS with forg'd Cofnplaints, And to my Charge fuch Things ihcy hid its grateful Joy cxprcfs. who can compare with ther, from ftrong OpprciTors free? r. againft my Truth combin'd ; *> 1 had ne'er ddign'd. PSALM XXXVI. with Evil they repaid; my harmlefs Life invade. I flill in Sackcloth mourn'd : to my own Bread letum'd. I could have done no mote; a Mother's lofs deplore. in Times of my Diftrefs? did Savage Joy exprefs. by their Examples came ; to wound my fpotlefs Fame. and earn their Bread with lyes, malicioufly devife. on my Behalf appear ; like rav'ning Bealis would tear. 15 The Good which I to thee hath done. And did, by Malice undeferv'd, 13 But as for me, when they were fick, I pray'd and fafted, and my Pray'r 14 Had they my Friends or Brethren been, Nor with more decent Signs of Grief, 1.5 How diff 'rent did their Carriage prove, "When they, in Crowds together met, The Rabble too in num'rous Throngs, And ceas'd not with reviling Words, 16 Scoffers that noble Tables haunt. Did gnafli their Teeth, and fland'rous Jefl 17 But, Lord, how long wilt thou look on? And favc my guilllefs Soul, which they, PART III. 18 So I before the lift'ning World, And where the great Alfembly meets, 19 Lord, futfer not thy caufelefs Foes, With open Joy, or fecret Signs, ao For thev, with Hearts averfe to Peace. Againft the Men of quiet Minds ji Nor with ihcfc private Arts content, And fay " At laft we found him out, 22 But thou, who doft both them and me Affen my Innocence, O Lord, 33 Stir up thyfelf in my Behalf, Thy righteous Servant's Caufe, O God, t4 Lord, as my Heart has upright been. Nor let my cruel Foes obtain 25 O let them not amongft themfelves, " At length our Wilhes are complete, S6 Let fuch as in my Harm rejoic'd, And foul Difhouour wait on thofe J 7 Whiltt they with chearful Voices Ihout, And blefs the Lord, who loves to make a8 So fhall my Tongue thy Judgments fing, And chearful Hymns in Praife of thee, PSALM XXXVI. 1 "1^ /TY crafty Foe with flatt'ring Art, his wicked Purpofe would difguife ; J^Y^ ButReafon whifpers torayHeart, no Fear of God before his Eyes. fhall grateful Thanks cxprefj ; thy Name with Praifes blcfs. who me unjuftly hate, 10 mock my fad Eftate. induftriouCy devife, to forge malicious Lyes, aloud they vent their Spite , *' he did it in our Sight." with righteous Eyes furvey, and keep not far away, to Judgment, Lord, awake ; to thy Dccifion take. let me thy Juftice find; the Triumph they deiign'd. in boalling Language fay, " at lift he's made our Prey." for Shame their Faces hide; that proudly me defy'd : who my jufi Caufe befriend : Succefs his Saints attend. infpir'd with grateful Joy •, fhall all iny Days employ. fecare he thinks his treach'rous Game; their falfe Contriver brand with Shame. 2 He fooths himfelf, retir'd from Sight Till his dark Plots expos'd to Light, 3 In Deeds he is my Foe confefs'd, TrueWifdom's banifli'd from his Breaft 4 His wakeful Malice fpends the Night His obftinate ungen'rous Spite, 5 But, Lord, thy Mercy, my fure Hope, ^the highefl. OrbofHeav'n tranfcends. Thy facrcd Truth's unmeafur'd Scope beyond the fpreading Skies extends. 6 Thy whilft with his Tongue he fpeaks me fair; and Vice has fole Dominion there, in forging his accurft Deligns ; no execrable Means declines. PSALM XXXVII. unfathom'd Depths thy Judgments are; the whole Creation is thv Care, r 6 Thy Juflice like the Hills remains ; Thy Providence the World fuftains, 7 Since of thy Goodnefs all partafke, with what Affurance fhould the Juft Thy Ihelt'rinsrWinas tlieir Refuge make, and Saints to thy Proteftion truil ? 8 SuchGuefls fhall to ihy Courts be led, to Banquet on thy Love's Repaft, And drink, as from a Fountain's Head, of Joys that Ihall for ever laft. 9 With thee the Springs of Life remain, thy Prefence is eternal Day; . 10 O let thy Saints thy Favour gain; to upright Hearts thy Truth difpiay. 1 1 WhilftPride's infultingFootwouldfpurn and wicked Hand my Life furprize ; 12 Their Milchiefs onthtmfelves return; down, down they're fall'n no moretorifc. PSALM XXXVII. ^HO'wickedMen grow rich or great, 7 With ^uiet Mind on God depend, Yet let not their fuccefsful State T Thy Anger or thy Envy raife : i For they, cut down like tender Grafs, Or like young Flow'rs, away ftiiillpafs, Whofe blooming Beauty foon decays. 3 Depend on God, and him obey. So thou within the Land fhall flay. Secure from Danger and from Want: 4 Make his Commands thy chief Delight, And he, thy Duty to requite, Shall all thyearneft Wilhes grant. 5 In all thy Ways trull thou the Lord, And he will needful help aiFoid, To perfecl ev'ry juft Defign : 6 He'll make like Light, ferene and clear, Ihy clouded Innocence appear, And as a mid-day Sun to Ihine. PAR 12 Withfmful Crowds with falfcDcfign, Againft the righteous Few combine. And gnafh their Teeth, and threai'ning ft and, I 3 God fhall their empty Plots deride. And laugh at their defeated Pride; He fees their Ruin near at han.l. I 4 Theydrav.' theSword, and bend iheBow, The Poor and Needy to o'erthrow, And Men of Upright Lives to flay : 15 But theirflrongBows fhall foon be broke, Their fharpen'd Weapon's mortal Stroke Thro' their own Hearts fhall force its Way. 16 A little, with God's'Favour bleR, Tliat's by one righteous Man polfcfl, The Wealth of many bad excels : PAR 21 While Sinners brought to fad Decay, Still borrow on, and never pay, Thejuft have Will and Pow'r to give; And patiently for him attend; Nor let thy Anger fondly rife, Tho' wicked Men with Wealth abound. And with Succefs the Plots arecrownd, Which they malicioufly devifie. 8 From Anger ceafe, and Wrath forfake, Let no ungovern'd Paffion make Thy wav'ringHeart efpoufetheirCrime; 9 For God fhall linful Men deflroy, "Whilft only they the Land enjoy, Whotruft on him, and wait his Time. ID How foon fhall wicked Men decay! Their Place fiiall vanifh quite awav. Nor by the ftriftefl Search be found : 1 1 Whilft humble Soulspoffefs the Earth, Rejoicing ftill with godly Mirth, With Peac^ and Plenty always crown'd. T II. 1 7 For God fupports the juft Man's Caufe, But as for thofe who break his Laws, Their unfuccefsful Pow'r he quells. 18 His conftant Care the Upright guides. And over all their Life prelides. Their Portion fhall for ever laft ; 19 They, when Diftrefs o'erwhelms the Earth, Shall be unraov'd, and e\'en in Dearth The happy Fruits of Plenty tafte. 20 Not fo the wicked Men, and thofe. Who proudly dare, God's Will oppofe : Deftruclion is their haplcH Share: Like Fat of Lambs, iheirHop:s and they Shall in an Inftant melt away. And vanifh into Smoke and Air. T III. 2; For fiich as God vouchfafes tn blefs, • Shall peaceably the Earth pofTcfs. And thofe he curfcs fhall not live. 23 The PSALM xxxviir. 23 The goodMan'sWay is God's Delight, He orders all the Steps aright Of him that moves by his Command; 84 Tho' he fometimes may be diflrefs'd, Yet Jhall he ne'er be quite opprefs'd. For God upholds him with his Hand. 25 From my Grft Youth tJl Age prevail'd, I never faw the Righteous fail'd. Or ^Yant o'ertake his num'rousRace ; a6 Becaufe Compaflion fill'd his Heart. And he did chearfully impart, (creafe. God made his Offspring's Wealth in- 27 "With Caution fliun each wicked Deed, In Virtue's Ways vrith Zeal proceed, And fo prolong your happy Days : 58 For God, vvhojudgment loves, doesftill Preferve his Saints fecure from HI, While foon the wicked Race decays - 29. 30, 31 The Upright fhall poffefs the His Portion (hall forAges ftand; (Land His Mouth withWifdomis fupply'd. HisTongue byRules of Judgment movet , His Heart the Law of God approves, Therefore his Footfteps never tlidc. PART IV. 3s In wait the watchful Sinner lies. In vain the Righteous to furprife ; In vain his Ruin does decree; 33 God will not him defencelefs leave, To his Revenge e.xpos'd; but favc, And when he's fentenc'd, fet him free. 04 Wait ftill on God, keep his Command, And thou exalted in the Land, Thv bleft PoffelTion ne'er Oiall quit : The Wicked foon deftroy'd (hall be. And at his difmal Tragedy, Thou fhalt a fafe Speftator fit. J ^ The Wicked I in Pow'r have feen And like a Bay-tree frefli and green, That fpreads its pleafant Branches round : 36 But he was gone as fwift as Thought, And tho' in ev'ry Place I fouglit, No Sign or Track of him I found. 37 Obferve the perfeft Man with Care, And mark all fuch as upright are : Their rougheil Days in Peace Ihall end: 38 While on the latter end of thofe Who daie God's facred Will oppofc, A common Ruin fhall attend. 59 God to the Juft will Aid afford. Their only Safe-guard is the Lord. Their Strength in Time of Need is hc; 40 Becaufe on him they ftill depend. The Lord will timelv Succour fend. And from the Wicked fet them free. PSALM XXXVIII. « ^T^ H Y chaft'ning Wrath, O I-ord, reflrain ^ Tsor let at once on me the Storm S In ev'rv wretched Part of me Thy heavy Hand's afflifting Weight J My Flefh is one continu'd Wound, Betwixt my Punifhment and Guilt 4 My Sins whicli to a Deluge fwell. And for my feeble Strength to bear 5 Stench and Corruption fill my Wound? 6 With Trouble I am warp'd and bow'd, 7 A loath'd Difeafe afflifts my Loins, 8 With Sicknefs worn, I groan and roar, PART II. 9 But, Tord, before thy fearching Eyes And fure my Groans have been too loud, id My Heart's oppreft, mv Strength decay'd, 11 Friends, Lovers, Kinfmen gaze aloof 12 Mean while the Foes that feek my Life, , Vfut Slanders, and contrive al! Day , Tho' I deferve it all ; of thy Difpleafurefall. thy Arrows deep remain ; I can no more fuftain. Thy Wrath fo fiercely glow! ; my Bones have no repofe. my finking Head o'erfiovr, too vafl: a Burden grow. my Folly's juft Return, and all Day long I mourn, infeding ev'ry Part : thro' Anguifli of my Heart. all mv Defires appear : not to have reach'd thine E:it, my Eyes depriv'd of Light : on fuch a difmal Sight. their Snares to take me fet : to forge fome new Deceit. • PSALM XXXIX, XL. 15 But I, a? if both deaf and dumb, 14 Quite deaf and dumb, like one v. hofe Tongue 13 For, I-nrd, to thee I do appeal, AfTur'd that thou the riirliteous God, 16 " Hear me, faid I, left my proud Foes •' Infulting if they fee my Foot, X 7 And with continual Grief oppreft, 18 To thee, O Lord, I will confefs, 19 But whilft I lanp;ui{h, my proud Foes And they who hate me without Caufe, 2 Ev'a they, whom I oblig'd, return And are my Enemies, becaufe 2 I Forfake me not, O Lord, my God, 22 Make hafte to my Relief, O thou. nor heard, nor once leply'd ; with confcious Guilt is ly'd. my Innocence to clear; my injur'd Caufe wilt hear. " a fpiteful Joy difplay, *' but once to go aftray." to think I now begin : to thee bewail mv Sin. their Strength and Viejour boall ; aie grown a dreadful Hoft. my Kindnefs with Defpite ; I choofe the Path that's right, nor far from me depart ; who my Salvation art. PSALM XXXIX. I "DESOLV J|r\^ 1 curb'd m 'D to watch o'er all ray Ways, r hafty Words when I Like one that's dumb I hlent ftood. From good Difcourfe ; but that Reftraint 3 My Heart did glow, which working Thoughts And warm Refleclions fann'd the Fire, 4 Lord, let me know my Term of Days, The num'rous Train of Ills difclofe 5 My Life, thou know'ft i'; but a Span, And ev'rv Man in beft Eftate, 6 Man, like a Shadow, vainly Walks, He heaps up Wealth, but cannot tell ■; Why then Ihould 1 on worth! efs Toys On thee alone my ftedfaft Hope 8, 9 Forgive my Sins, nor let me fcom'd For I was dumb, and murraur'd not, 10 The dreadful Burden of thy Wrath Left my frail Flefli too weak to bear 1 1 For when thou chaft'neft Man for Sin (So vain a Thing is he] like Cloth 12 Lord, hoar my Cr)', accept mv Tears, Who fojourn like a Stanger here, 13 O fpare me vet a little Time, Before I vanilh quite from hence. I kept my Tongue in awe ; the profp'rous Wicked faw. and did my Tongue refrain increas'd by inward Pain. did hot and reftlefs make, till thus at length I fpake ; how foon ray Life will end ; which this frail State attend. a Cypher fums my Years ; but Vanity appears, with fruitlefs Cares opprefs'd; by whom 'twill be poftefs'd. with anxious Care attend? fhall ever, Lord, depend, by foolifh Sinners be; becaufe 'twas done by thee. in Mercy foon remove ; the heavy' Load fhould pro^i thou mak'ft his Beauty fade, by fretting Moths decay'd. and liften to my Prayer; as all my Fathers were, my wafted Strength reftorc; i and fhall be feen no more. PSALM XL. 1 T" Waited meekly for the Lord, Jl^ W)io did his gracious Ear aKord, 2 He took nic from the difmal Pit, On folid Ground he plac'd my Feet, 3 The Wonders he for me has wrought And others, to his Worfhip brought, 4 For Blcflings Ihall that Man reward Wfeo treats the Proud with Difregard, 'till he vouchfaf'd a kind Reply ; and heard from Heav'n my humble Crjr. when founder'd deep in miry Clay , and fufTer'd not my Steps to ftray. fliall fill my Mouth with Songs of Prai&{ to Hopes of like Dcliv'rancc raifc. who on th' Almighty Lord relics ; and hates the Hvpocrite's Difguifc. 5 Wlw PSALM XLI. Wto can tKc wondrous Works recount, The Treafures of thy Love furmouut I've leam'd. that thou haft not deHr'd Nor Blood of guiklefs Beafts requird, I therefore come — come to fulfil 'Tis my Delight to do thy Will ; PAR In fall Afiemblie"? I have told Nor did, thou kno\v'ft,myLip5 with-hold ) Nor kept withiii my Breall confin'd. But preachM thy Love for all delign'd, [ Then let thefe Mercies I declar'd Thy Loving-Kindnefs my Rev/ard, I For I with Troubles am diilreft. Nor lefs with Loads of Guilt opprefl, As foon, alas ! may I recount My vanquilht Courage they furmount, PAR ; But, Lord, to my Relief draw near, In mv Deliv'rance, Lord, appear, 4 Confulion on their Heads return, Let them, defeated, blulh and mourn, 5 Their Doom let DelTolation be, Who mock'd my Conlidence in thee, 5 While thofewho humbly feekthyFace And all who prize thy faving Grace, 7 Thus, -".vreLched tUo' I am, and poor, Thou, God, who only can'ft reftore. which thou, O God, for us haft wrought? thePow'r of Numbers, Speech andThought. Off 'rings and Sacrifice alone; for Man's TranfgrefRon to atone. the Oracles thy Books impart : thy Law is written in my Heart. T II. thyTruth andRighteoufnefs at large? from utt'ring what thou gav'fl in charge. thy Faithfulnefs and faving Grace ; that all might that and Truth embrace. to others, Lord, extend to me; thy Truth my lafe Proteftion be. too vaft and numberlefs to bear ; that plunge and fink me to Defpair. the Hairs on this affli£led Head : and fill my drooping Soul Avith Dread, T III. for never was more prefling Need ! and add to that Deliv'rance Speed, who to deftroy mv Soul combine ; enfnarM in their own vile Defign. with Shame their Malice be repaid, and Sport of my AffiiSion made, to joyful Triumphs Ihall be rais'd ; with me refound. The Lord be prais'd. of me ih'' Almighty Lord takes care, to my Relief with Speed repair. PSALM XLI. HAPPY the Man, whofe tender Care relieves the Poor diftrefl : When he'sbyTroublescompafs'drounxl, the Lord fhall give him ReO;. iiic Lord his Life, with BlefTing^ crowr/d, In Safety fhall prolong ; And difappoint the Will of thofe that feek to do him Wrong. If he in languifliing Eflate iThe Lord -will eafy make his Bed, Secure of this, to tliee, my God, ■• Lord, for thy Mercy, heal my Soul, My cruel Fees, with fland^rous Words, When fhall he die (fay they) and Men Suppofe they formal Vifits make. They gather Mifchief in their Hearts, 8 With private Whifper^ fuch as thcfe, " A fore Djfeafe afflifts him now. My own familiar Bofom Friend, Has me, whofe daily Gueft he was. But thou, ray fad and wretched Stale, And raife me up, that all their Crimes By this, I know, thy gracious Ear Bccaufe ihou fuffer'ft not mv Foes D oppreft with Sicknefs lie; and inward Strength fupply, I thus my Pray'r addrefs'd ; *' tho' I have much tranfgrefs'd *, attempt to wound my Fame ; " forget his very Narnl:':'" it^s all but empty Show; and vent it where they go. to hurt me they devifc; " he's falPn, no more to rife." on v.hom I raoft rely'd, with open Scorn defy'd. m Mercy, Lord, regard; may meet their jufl Reward, is open when I call ; to triumph in my Fall. i.Tfcy P S A L M XLII, XLIII, XLIV. i;: Tliy tender Care fecures my Life from Danger and Dif^rrace; And thou vouchfaf'fl to fet me flill before thy glorious Face. 13 Let llierefore Ifr'el's Lord and God from Ajre to Age be blefs'd; And all the People's glad Applaufe with loud Amens cxprcfs'd. PSALM XLII. I ^ S pants the Hart for cooling Stream"? when heated in the Cha<:e, y \ So longs my Soul, O God, for thee, 9 l-or uiee, my God, the living God, O when fliall I behold thy Face, 3 Tears are mv conftant Fond, while thus *' Deluded Wretch, where's now tuv God? 4 I ligh when-e'er my muling Thoughts When I with Troops of pious Friends When I advanc'd with Songs of Praife, And led the lawful facred Throng 5 Why reftiefs, why caft down, my Soul ? His Aid for thee ; and change thefe Sighs and ihv refrefhing Grace, ray thirfty Soul doth pine; thou Majefty divine ! infultihg Fees upbraid, " and where his promis'd Aid; thofe happv Days prefent, thy Temple did fraquent. 6 My Soul's caft down, O God, but thinks From Jordan's Bank, from Herman's Heights 7 One Trouble calls another on. Fall fpouting down, till round my Soul S But wlien thy Prefence, Lord of Life, To thee I'll midnight Anthems ling, q God of my Strength, how long Ihall I Forlorn, forfaken, and expos'd 10 My Heart is pierc'd, as Avith a S^vord, " Vain Boatter where is now thy God ? 1 1 Why reftiefs, why caft down, my Soul ? The Praife of him who is thy God, PSALM my folemn Vows to pav, that kept the Feftal Day. iTuft God, and he'll emp!or tt thankful Hymns of Joy. on thee and Sion ftill; and MiiTar's humbler Hill, and burfting o'er my Head, a roaring Sea is fpread. has once difpell'd this Storm^ and all my Vows perform, like one forgotten, mourn? to my Oppreftor's Scorn. whilft thus my Foes upbraid, " and where his promis'd Aid? hope ftill, and thou (halt ling thy Keal-th's eternal Spring. XLIII.. J TUST Judge of Heav'u, agaiaftmyFoes do thou a.Tcrt ray injur'd Right J O fet me free, my God from thofe that in Deceit and Wrong delight, why Jeav'il thou me in deep Diftrcfs? whilft me infulting Foes opprefj ? be thefe my Guides and lead the Way and in ihy f-icred Temple prav, to God, who is my only Joy ; c Since thou art ftill my only Star, Why go I mourning all the Day, 3 Let me with Light and Truth be bleft Till on thy holv Hill I reft, 4 Then will I there frelh Altars ralfe And well-tun'dHarpswiihSongs of Praife fliall all my grateful Hours employ. 5 Whythehcaft down, my Soul, and why fo much oppreft with anxious Care? Qn God, thy God, for Aid rely, who will thy ruin'd State repair. P S A L M XLIV. Lord, our Fathers oft have tcJd ' Thy \Vonders in their Days perform "d How ihou, to plant them here, didft drive Difpeoplcd bv repeated Strokes For, not their Courage, nor their Su'ord, Nor Strength, that from unequal Foice But thy Right-hand and pow'rful Arm, 7~hy Piefcncc with the choftn Race, O in our attentive Ears, and elder Times than theirs: the Heathen from this Land; of thy avenging Hand. to them PoffelTion gave, their fainting Troops could {iJ<\ whofc Succour thcv iir.plor'd, who thy great Name ador'd. PSALM XLV. ! At ihce their Gcd our Fathers own'd, O ihereFore, as thou didfl to them, . Thro' thy victorious Name our Arms And crulii 'em with repeated Strokes ; I'll neither trufl. my Bow nor Svord, But thee, who haft our Foes fubdu'd, ; To thee the Triumph we afcribe, lu God we will rejoice all Day, PART II, ; But tliou haft caft us off, and now For thuu no more vouchfaF'ft to lead Since when, to every upftart Foe And with our Spoil their Malice ieaft 1 To Slaughter doom'd, we fall like Sheep, Or (whai's more wretched yet) furvive 2 Thy Tcople thou hail fold for Slaves, That not thy Treafure by the Sale, J, 14 Reproach'd by all the Nations round, Whofe Scorn of us is both in Speech 5 Confulion ftrikes me blind, ray Face 6 "While we are fcoif' d, and God biafphera'd PART III 7 On us this Heap of Woes is fall'n, Yet have not, Lord, renounc'd tiiy Name, 8 But in thy righteous Paths have kept 9 Tho' ihou haft broken all our Strength, 10 Could we, forf^ctting thy great Name, 'I And not the SearclLCr of all Hearts 2 Thou feeft what Sufi^'r'nirs for ihy Sake, I All llaughter.'d, or referv'd like Sheep 13 Awake, arife; let feeraing Sleep Nor let us. Lord, who fue to thee, ;4*0 wherefore liideft thou thy Face 5 Whofe Souls and Bodies Gnk to Earth, \6 Arife, O Lord, and- liinely hafte Redeem us, Lord, 'if net for ours. thou art our Sov'rcign King; to us Deliv'rance bring. the proudeft Foes fhall quell, as oft as they rebel. when I in Fight engage ; and fhara'd their fpiteful Rage. from whom the Conqueft came; and ever blefs his Name. moft fliamcfully we yield; our Armies 10 the P'ield. we turn our Backs in Fight; who bear us ancient Spite, into their butch'ring Hands : difperft thro' Heathen Lands, and fel their Price fo low, but their Difgrace might grow. the Heathen's By-word grown, and mccking Geftures fhown,. in confcious Shame I hide, by th'-'ir Ikentious Pride. all this v/e have endur'cL; or Faith to thee abjur'd. our Heart and Steps with Care ; and we aloioft delpair. on other Gods relv, the treach'rous Crime defcry ; we ev'ry Day fuflain ; appointed to he (lain. no longer thee detain; for ever fue in vain. from our aiBided State? with Grief's opprcfTive Weight. to our Deliv'rance make; yet for thy Mercy's Salis. PSALM XLV. HILE I the King's loudPraiferehearfe, indited by my Heart, Y y My Tongue is like the Pen of hi Hew matchlefs is thy Form, O King I Becaufe frefh Bleflings God on thee Gird on thy Sword, moft mighty Prince, With glorious Ornaments of Pnv-'r Ride on in State, and ftill prote^l Whilft thy Right-hand with fwift Revenge How fharp thy Weapons arc to them Down, down they fall, while thro' theirlieart But thy firm Thrcoe, O God, is lix'd Thv Scepter's Sway fhtU alv/avj Uft, D 2 that writes with ready Art. thy Mouth with Grace o'erflow eternally beftows. and clad thy rich Arrav, majeftic Pomp difplav. the Meek, thejuft and True; does all thy Foes purfue. that dare thy Pow'r oppofe ! the feather'd Arrow goes, for ever to endure ; by ri^ihteous Laws fecure. Be- PSALM 7 Bccaufe tby Heart, by Juftice led, And hated ftill the crooked Paths Therefore did God, thy God, on thee And has above thy Fellows round 8 With CafTia, Aloes and Myrrh Which from the ftately Wardrobe brought 9 Among the honourable Train The Q_ueen was plac'd at thy Right-hand, PART II. JO But thou, O Royal Bride, give ear, Fckf^^ct thy Native Country now, i 1 So fnall thy Beauty charm the King, For he is now become thy Lord, I 2 The Tyrian Matrons rich and proud And all the wealthy Nations fue J 3 The King's fair Daughter's beauteous Soul Her Raiment is of purefl Gold, 14 She in her Nuptial Garment drefs'd, Attended by her Virgin Train, 15 With all the State of folemn Joy Till with wide Gates the Royal Court l5 Thou, in thy Roval P'ather's Room, Whom thou to diff'rent Realms mav'H. fend 1 7 Whilft this my Song to future Times And makes the World, with one Confent, XLVI, XLVII. did upright Ways approvr, where Avand'ring Sinners rove» the Oil of Gladnefs fhed i advanc'd thy lofty Head. thy Royal Robes abound ; fpread grateful Odours roun did princely Virgins wait : In Golden Robes of State. and to my Words ailend ; and ev'ry former Friend, noi {hall his Love decay ; to him due Rev'renec pay. fhall humble Prefents make ; thy Favour to partake, all inward Graces fill; adorn'd with coftly Skill. with Needles richly wrought, Ihall to the King be brought, the Triumph moves along, receives the pompous Throno*. mud princely Sons expe£l ; to govern and protcft. tranfraits thv glorious Name; thy lalling Praifc proclaim. PSALM XLVI. I ^^ O I> is our Refuge inDiftrefs, 7 The Lord of Hofls condufls our Arms, ^JITAprefenlHelp whenDangersprefs; Our Tow'r. of Refuge in Alarms, In him undaunted we'll confide: Our FathersGuardian-God and ours, 2, ? Tho' Earth were from herCenter tofl, y^ r .v t\r j i. u l t. ' "^ . 1 -^ in 8 Come, lee theWondcrs he hath wrought And Mountains in the Ocean loft Torn piece-meal by the roaringTide. 4 A gentler Stream with Gladnefs flill The City of our Lord fhall fill, The Royal Seat of God moft high : 5 God dwells in Sion, whofe fairTow'rs Shall mock th'Affauhs ofearthlyPcw'r^, While his Almighty Aid is nigh. 6 In Tumults when the Heathen rag'd, i And Kingdoms War againft us wag'd. He thunder'd and difpers'd their Pow'rs : PSALM clap you On Earth what DelTolation brought; 9 How he has calm'd the jarring World ; He broke the Warlike Spear and Bow; Withthemthe thund'ring Chariots too Into devou'ring Hames were hurl'd. ID Submit to God's Almighty Sway, For him the Heathen Ihall obey, And Earth her Sov'ieicn Lord confefj, 1 1 TheGodof Hofts conduces our Arms, Our Tow'r of Refuge in Alarms, As to our Fathers in Diflrefs. XLVII. and with triumphant Voices fing ; 1,2 y"^ All ye People, yj Hands, No i'orceihe mighty Pow'r wiihftands of God the univerfal King. 2,4 He lliall oppoling Nations quell, and with Succefs our Battles light ; bhall fix thcPlacewhcrcwenaull dwell, the Pride of Jacob, his Delight. y 6 God P S A L M XLVIII, XLIX. J, 6 God is gone up, our Lord and King, with Shouts of Joy and Trumpef; Sound ; To him repeated Praifes fing, and let the chearful Song; go round. 7,8 Your urmoft Skill in Praifebe Oiown, for him who all the World cojTimands ; Who lits upon his righteous Throne, andfpreads his Sway o'er Heathens Lands. g OurChiefs andTribes, that far from hence t'adore the God of Ab'rara came, Found him their conftant fure Defence, How great and glorious is his Name! I ^' I ^ H E Lord, the only God, is great, I In Sion on whofe happy Mount I Her Tow'rs, the Joy of all the Earth, On her Norih-fide th' Almighty King's 3 Cod in her Palaces is known, 4 Confed'rate Kings withdrew their Siege, 3 They view'd her Walls, admir'd and fled, 6 Like Women whom the fudden Pangs 7 No wretched Crew of Mariners When Fleets from Tarfhilh wealthy Coafts, 8 In Sior we have feen perforni'd In Pledge that God, for Times to come, 9 Not in our Fortrcffes and Walls, Eut on the Temple fix'd for Hopes 10 According to thy Sov'reign Name, Thy pow'rful Arm, as Jufiice guide?, II Let Sion's Mount with Joy refound, In Songs his Judgments to extol, 12 Compafs her Walls in folemn Pomp, I Count all her Tow'rs, and fee if there 13 Her Foits and Palaces furvey. That with AlTurance, to her Heirs, 14 This God is ours, and will be ours, 'V\''ho as he has preferv'd us now, PSALM XLVIII. and greatly to be prais'd ; His facred Throne is rais'd. with beauteous Profpc£l rife: Imperial City lies. his Prefcnce is her Guard, and of Succefs defpair'd. with Grief and Terror flruck, of Travail had o'ertook. appear like them forlorn, by Eallern Winds are torn, a Work that was foretold, his City will uphold. did we, O God, confide, in which thou doll relldc. thy Praife thro' Earth extends ; chaftifes or defends. her Daughters all be taught, who this Deliv'rance wrought, your Eyes c^uite round her caft ; you find one Stone difplac'd. obferve their Order well ; this Wonder you mav tel!. whilft we in him confide ; 'till Death will be our Guide. P S A L M XLIX. I, 2 T ET all the lifl'ning World attend, 1^ J Let High and Low, and P^ich and Poor, 3 My iviouth with facred Wifdom nll'd, Tiie found Rcfult of prudent Thoughts, 4 To Parables of weighty Senfe, Whilfl to my tuneful Haip I fing 5 Why ihould my Courage fail in Times When Sinners that would me fupplant 5 Thofe Men that all their Hope and Truft And boall and tiiumph when they fee 7 Are yet unable from the Grave Ncr can by Force of coftly Bribes 5, 9 Their vain Endeavours they muft quit, No Sums can purchafe fuch a Grant, »o Not Wifdom can the Wife exempt, ' fiut both mufl perifh, and in Death D ■ and my Inilru^Lions hear ; with joint Confent give Ear. Ihall good Advice impart, digelted in my Heart. I will my Ear incline ; dark Words of deep Defitrn. of Danger and of Doubt ? have compafa'd me about? in Heaps of Treafure place, their ill-got Wealth increafc. their de; Friend to free : reverfe God's firm Decree. the Price is held too high; that Man fiiould never die. nor Fools their Folly favc ; their Vi'^ealth to others leayc. 1 1 for P S A L M L. 1 1 For iho' tKe>' ihinV their {lately Seats But their Remembrance laft, in Lands 12 Yet Ihall their Fame be foon forgot, With Beafls their Memory and they PART fhall ne'er to Ruin fall ; v.hich by their Names they call ; how great foc'er their State; Ihall fhare one common Fate. II. 13 How great their Folly is, -who thus And yet their Children unreclaim'd, J 4 They all, like Sheep to Slaughter led. Their Beauty, while thejuft rejoice, 13 But God will yet redeem my Soul, His greater Pow'r fhall fet me free, 16 Then fear not thou, when worldly Men Nor tho' their profp'rous Houfe increafe, 1 'J For when they're fummon'd hence by Death No Shadow of their former Pomp 18 And yet they thought their Slate was bleil, Who praifes thofe that flight all elfe, 19 In their Forefather's Steps they tread; Their wretched Anceflors aud ihey so For Man, how great foe'er his Slate, As, like a f-nfuai Beail he live^, P S A L abfurd Conclufions make ! repeat the grofs Miftakc. the Prey of Death are made; within the Grave ihall fade. and from the greedy Grave and to himfclf receive, in envy'd Wealih abound, ■with Slats and Honour crown'd. they leave all this behind ; within the Grave they find : caught in the Flait'rer's Snare, and of themfelves take care. and when, like them, they die, in endlefs Darknefs lie, unlefs he's truly wife, fo, like a Bcall he dies. 1, 2 '' I "^HE Lord hath fpoke,the inighty A God Haih fent his Summons all abroad. From dawningLiffht, tillDay declines-, The liR'niugEarthhisVoice hath heard. And he from Slon hath appear'd. Where Beauty in PerfeSion Ihines. 3,4 Out God fhall come, and keep no more ^lifconftru'd Silence as before ; But waRing Flames before him fend ; Around fhall Teinpefls fiercely rage, While he does Heav'n and Earth engage His jufl Tribunal to attend. 5, 6 Afferable all my Saints to me, (Thus runs the great Divine Decree) That in my lafling Cov'nant live ; AndOiF'rings bring with conftant Care; (The Heav'n his juftice fliall declare. For God himfelf fliall Sentence give.) 7 AiteEd my People, Ifra'l, hear; Thv ftrong Accufer, I'll appear; Thy God, the only God am 1 ; 8 'Tis not of Otf'rings I complain, Which, daily in my Temple llain, My facred Aliar did fupply. 9 Will this r.lone Atonement make? No Bullock Iro:a thy Stall I'll take. Nor He- Goal from ihy Fold accept ; M L. 1 The Foreft Beafls that range alone. The Cattle too are all my own, That on a thoufand Hills are kept. 11 I know the Fowls that build their Nefls In cragsry Rocks ; and favage Beafls, . That loofely haunt the open Fields : 12 If feiz'd with Hunger I could be, I need not feek. Relief from thee, Since the World's mine, aiid all it )delds. 1 "^ Think'il thou that I have any n«ed On flaughter'd Bulls, and G oats to htd. To eat their f lefh, and drink their Blood? 14 The Sacrifices I require Are Hearts which Love andZcal infpiie, Aud Vows which ftrictefl Care make good. 15 In Time of Trouble call on me. And I will fet thee fafe and free; And thou Returns of Praife fhall make: I 6 But to the Wicked thus faith God, How dar'ft thou teach my Laws sbroad. Or in thy Mouth my Cov'nant take:* I I For flubborn thou, confirmed in Sin, Haft Proof againll Inllruclion been. And cfaiy Word didll lightly fpcak: 18 Wh« PSALM LI. j8 When thou a fubtle Thief did fee. Thou jrladly didft with him agree. And with Adult'rers didft partake. 19 Vile Slander is thy chief Delight, Thy Tongue, by envy mov'd, and Spite, Deceitful Tales doth hourly fprcad : 2 Thou doft with hatefulScandals wound Thy Brother, and with Lyes confound The Offspring of thy Mother's Bed : a I Thefe Things didfl thou, whom ftill I ftrove To gain with Silence and with Love; PSALM LL J XJfAVE Mercy, Lord, on me, I I Let me oppreft with Loads of Guilt, S, 3 Walh off my foul Offence, For T confefs my Crime, and fee 4 Againft thee. Lord, alone, Have I tranfgrefs'd, and tho' condcmn'd, 5 In Guilt each Part was form'd In Guilt I was conceived, and borii 6 Yet thou, whofe fearching Eye In fecret did with Wifdom's Laws, 7 With Hyffop, purge me. Lord, I fhall with Snow in Whitenefs vie, S Make me to hear with Joy, That fo the Bones which thou haft broke, §, 10 Blot out my crying Sins, Create in me a Heart that's clean, Till thou didu. wickedly furmife. That I was fuch a one ai thou ; But I'll reprove and (liame thee novr. And fet thy Sins before thine Eyes. 22 Mark this, ye wicked Fools, left I Let all my Bolts of Vengeance fly, Whilft none fhall dare your Caufe to own: 23 Who praifes me due Honour gives ; And to the Man that juftly lives My ftrong Salvation fiiall be fhown. as thou wert ever kind ; thy wonted Mercy find, and cleanfe me from my Sin ; how great my Guilt has been. and only in thy Sight, muft own thy Judgments right. of all this finful Frame ; the Heir of Sin and Shame. doth inward Truth require, my tender Soul infpire, and fo I clean fliall be: when purify'd by thee. thy kind forgiving Voice ; may with frefh Strength rejoice, nor me in Anger viev^r ; an upright Mind renew. PART II. 1 1 Withdraw not thou my Help, Nor let thy holy Spirit take 12 The Joy thy Favour gives And thy free Spirit's firm Support 13 So 1 thy righteous Ways Whilft my Advice fhall wicked Men 14 My Guilt of Blood remove, And my glad Tongue fhall loudly tell 15 Do thou unlock my Lips, So fliall my Mouth thy wond'rous Praife 16 Could Sacrifice atone, But on fuch Oft 'rings thou difdain'fl 1 •; A broken Spirit is By him a broken contrite Heart J 8 Let Sion Favour find. And thy own City flcurifh long, 19 The Juft fliall then attend, And Sacrifice of choiceft Kind nor caft me from thy Sight ; its everlafting Flight. let me again obtain; ray fainting Soul fuftain. to Sinners will impart, to thy juft Laws convert, my Saviour and my God ; thy righteous A£ls abroad. with Sorrow clos'd and Shame; to all the World proclaim, whofe Flocks and Herds f hould die; to caft a gracious Eye. by God moft highly priz'd ; fhall never be defpis'd. of thy Good-will affur'd ; by lofty Walls fecur'd. and pleafing Tribute pay : upon thy Altar lay. PSALM PSALM LII, LIU, LIV, LV. PSALM LII. I TN vain, O Man of lawlefs Miglit, ^ Since God, the God in whom I truft, C Thy wicked Tongue doth Cand'rous Tales And Iharper than a Rdzor .fet, S, 4 Thy Thoughts are. more on 111 than Good, Thy Tongue delights in Words, by which 5 God iliall for ever bl aft thy Hopes, Nor in thy Dwelling-Place permit, 6 The Juft, with pious Fear, {hall fee And'at thy fudden Ruin laugh, 7 " See there the Man that haughty ■was, " Who truiltd in his Wealth, and flill S But I am like thofe Olive-Plants, And hope with his indulc^ent Grace 9 So fhall my Soul with Praife, O God, And on thy Name with Patience wait ; PSALM thou boaft'ft thyfelf in 111 : vouchfafe's his Favour ftiU. maliciouQy devife : it wounds with treach'rous Lyei, on Lyes than Truth cmploy'd; the Guiltlefs are deflroy'd. and fnatch thee foon away ; nor in the World to Hay. the Downfall of ihy Pride; and thus thy Fall deride : *' who proudly God defy'd, *' on wicked Arts rely'd." that Ihade God's Temple round ; to be for ever crown'd. extol thy wond'rous Love ; for this thy Saints approve. LIII. THE wicked Fools muR fure fuppofe that God is but a Name : This grofs Miftake their Practice (hows liuce Virtue all difclaim. Tne Lord took'd down from Heav'n'shighTow'r the Sons of Men to view; To fee if any But all he faw. own'd his Pow'r, were backwards gone, None for Religion car'd, not one 4 But are thofe Workers of Deceit That they, like Bread, my People eat, 5 Their caufclefs Fears fliall ftrangcly grow; Shall foon be foil'd ; his Hand ihall throw 6 Would he his faving Pow'r employ, Loud Shouts of univerfal Joy PSALM LIV. 1,2 T O RD, fave me, for thy gloriousName, and in thy Strength appear, 1 ^ f To judge my Caufe , accept my Pray'r, and to my Words give Ear. or Truth or Juilice knew. degenerate grown , and bafc ; of all the finful Race, fo dull and fcnfelefs grown, and God's juft Pow'r difown? and they, defpis'd of God, their Ihatter'd Bones abroad, to break our fervile Band, fhould eccho through the Land. Mere iirangers, whom I never wrong'd, And cruel Men, that fear no God 4, 5 But God takes Part with all my Friends, The God of Truth Ihall give my Foes 6 While I my grateful Off 'rings bring, And in his Praife ray Time to come. 7 From dreadful Danger and Diflrefs Thro' him fliall I of all my Foes P S A L I\I LV. IVE car, thou Judge of all the Earth, Nor from thy humble Suppliant turn Aucnd to this my fad Complaint, Whill't I my mournful Cafe declare J Hark! how the Foe infults aloud, Whofcfland'ious Tongues with wrathful Ilite to ruin me delign'd ; againll my Soul combin'd. and he's the fureft Guard; their Falfhood's juR Reward; and Sacrifice with Joy; delightfully employ. the Lord hath fet me free; the juft Deftruftion fee. and liften when I pray; thy gloiious Face away, and hear my grievous Moam J with artlcfs Sighs and Groanu how fierce OpprclTars rage ! agiiall iny Fame engage. 4.51 PSALM LVr. 4, 5 My Heart Is rack'd with Pain, my Soul With Fear and Trembling compafs'J round 6 How often wifh'd I then, that I That I might take my fpeedy Flight, ^, 8 Then would I wander far fiom hence. Till all this furious Storm were fpent, PART I 9 Deflroy, O Lord, their ill Defigns, For through the City my griev'd Eyes 10 By Day and Night en ev'ry Wall And in the Midft. of all her Strength, 11 Whoe'er thro' ev'ry Part (hall roam. Deceit and Guile their conftant Pofls It For 'twas not any open Foe For then I could with Eafe have borne 'Twas none who Hatred had profeft. For then I had withdrawn myfelf 13 , 14 But 'twas cv'n thou, my Guide, my Friend, Whofe fweet Advice 1 valu'd moft, 13 Sure, Vengeance equal to their Crimes And fuddcn Death requite thofe Ills, x6, 17 But I will call on Cod, who ftill At Morn, and Noon, and Night I'll pray, PART III J 8 God has releas'd my Soul from thofe And made a num'rous Hoft of Friends 19 For he who was my Help of old, And~f5trrrifli them whofe profp'rous State 80 Whom can I truft, if faithlefs Men To ruin me, their peaceful Friend, ti Tho' foft and melting are their Words, Their Speeches are more fmooth than Oil, 82 Do thou, my Soul, on God depend. He aids the juft, whom to fupplant 23 My Foes, that trade in Lyes and Blood, Whilft I for Health and Length of Days PSALM LV with deadly Frights diilrcft ; with Horror quite opprefl. the Dove's fweet Wings could get ; and feek a fafe Retreat! and in wild Defarts ftray, this Tempefl palt away. 1 TP\0 thou, O God, in Mercy help, 2^ J To crufh me with repeated Wrongs, a Continually my fpiteful Foes Thou fee'ft, who lit'ft enihron'd on high, 3 But tho' fometimes furpriz'd by Fear, Yet flill for Succour I depend 4 God's faithful Promife I (hall praife. In God I truft, and trufting him, 5 They wreft my Words, and make 'em fpeak Their Thoughts are all with reftlefs Spite, € In clofe Affemblies they combine. They watch my Steps, and lie in wait, k their Counfels foon divide: have Strife and Rapine 'fpy'd. they walk'd their confl ant Round; are Grief and Mifchief found. will frefli Diforders meet ; maintain in ev'ry Street, thai falfe Refjeftions made; the bitter Things he faid : that did againft me rife ; from his malicious Eves, whom tend' reft Love did join ; whofePray'rs were mix'd with minr fuch Traitors muft furprife ; they wickedly devife ! fhall in my Aid appear; and he my Voice ihall hear, that did with me contend; my righteous Caufe defend, ftiall now his Suppliant hear; makes them no God to fear. perfidioufiy devife and break the firongcftTies ? their Hearts with War abound ; and yet like Swords they wound. and he Ihall thee fuftain ; the Wicked ft rive in vain. Ihall all untimely die; on thee, ray God, rely. I. for Man my Life purfues ; he daily Strife renews, to ruin me combine; what mighty Numbers join. (on Danger's Hrft Alarm) on thy Almighty Arm. on which I now rely : the Arm of I lefli defy, a Senfe they never meant: on my Dcftruclion bent, and wicked Projects lay ; to make my Soul their Prey, - Shall PSALM ■; Sl-iall fuch Injufticc fiill efcape ? Let ihy juft "VVratli (too Icng provok'd) 8 Thou Tiumb'ieR all my wand'ring Steps, My verv Tears are treafur'd up, 9 When therefore I invoke thy Aid, For 1 am well affur'd that God 10, I I I'll trufl Cod's Word, and fo defpife 12 To thee, O God, my Vows are due, 1 3 Thou haft retriev'd my Soul from Death The Life tUou haft fo oft preferv'd. That thus protefied by thy Pow'r, And in the Service uf mv God P S A L M LVII, LVIII. O righteous God, arffc : this impious Race chattifc. llnce hrft compelTd to lice : and regifter'd by thee. my Foes fhall be o'erthrown ; my righteous Caufe will own. the Force that Man can raifc : to thee I'll render Praife : and thou wilt ftill fecure and make my Fooifteps furc. I may this Light enjoy, my leugth'ned Days employ. LVII. I '' g "^ H Y Mercy, Lord, to ms< JL And to thv Wings for Shell ns extend, lelierhafte To thy Tribunal, Lord, I'll fly, Who Wonders haft for me begun, 9 FromHeav'n proteft me by thine Arm, To my Relief thy Mercy fend, 4 For I with favage ]\lcn converfe, With Men whofe Teeth ire Spears, tlicir inv W'ords 3 Be thou, O God, exalted high; So let it be on Earth difplay'd, 6 To take me they their Net prepared. But fell ihemfelves, by juft Decree, 7_0 God, my Heart is fix'd, 'tis bent And with my Heart, my Voice I'll raife 8 Awake mv Glory; Harp and Lute, And I, my tuneful Part to take, 9 Thy Praifes, Lord, I will refound 10 Thy Mercy hi gheftHeav'ntranfcends, 11 Ee thcu, O God, exalted high; So let it be en Earth ciifplay"d, On thy Proteftion I depend : 'Till this outragious Storm is paft. Thou fov'reign Judge and Godmoft high ; And wilt not leave thy "SVork undone. Andlhame all ihofe who feekray Harm ; And Truth, on which my Hopes depend. Like angry Lions wild and tierce, enom'd Darts, and two-edg'd Swords. And, as thy Glory fills the Sky, 'Till thou art here, as there, cbey'd. And had almoft my Soul enfuar'd. Into the Pit they made for me. Its thankful Tribute to prcfent : To thee, my God, in Soiigs of Praife. No longer let your Strings be mutt; Will with the early Dawn awake. To all the lift'ning Nations round: Thy Truth beyond the Clouds extends. And as thy Glory fills the Sky, Till thou art here, as there, obcv'd. PSALM 1 ^ PEAK, O ye Judires of the Earih, I^J Or, niuft not innocence sppe.d 2 Your wicked Hearts and Judgments are Y'^our griping Hands, by weighty Bribes 3 To Virtue Strangers from the Wcmb, They prattled Sla.nder, and in Lyes 4 No Serpent of parch'd Afric's ]3rv.cd The drowfy Adder will as fcon 5 Unraov'd by good Advice, and deaf From whom the fkilful Charmer's Voice C Defeat, O God, tiieir threat'ning Rage, Difarm tliefe growing- Lion'j Jaw:, 1 Let now their Infolencc, at Height, Tiicir {biver'd Darts deceive their Aim, LVIII. if juft your Sentence be, to Heav'n from your Decree ? alike by Malice Iway'd : to Violence bciray'd. thei-r Infant-fleps went wrong ? employ'd their lifping Tongue. docs ranker Poifon bear ; unlock his fuUen Ear. as Adders they remain ; can no Attention gain, and timely break tlieirPpw'r: ere pratSis'd to devour. like ebbing Tides be fpcnt; vsheu ihcy their Uow hase bent. :i Like P S A L M, LIX, LX. ■ t Like Snails let ihern diffblve to Slime: Unworthy to behold the Sun, 9 Ere Thorns can make the Flefh-pots boil, From God, and fnatch 'cm hence alive, 10 TJie Righteous fhall rejoice to fee And Saints in Perfecutors Blood, 11 Tranfgseffors then with Grief fhall fee And own a God, whofe Juflice will D like hiifly Births becoiuff, and dead within the Womb. ^ tempeftuous Wrath fhall come to their eternal Doom, their Crimes fuch Vengeance meet, fliall dip their harmlefs Feel. jufl Men Rewards obtain; the cruillv Earth arraign. PSALM LIX. I EL TVER me, O Lord my God, In ray Defence oppofe thy Pow'r ' a Jt'icxcrve me from a wicked Race, Protect me from reraorfelefs Men. 5 They lie in vait, and mighty Pnw''r? implacable; yet. Lord, thou know'fl 4 In hafle they run about, and watch Look down, O Lord, on my Dif^refs, 5 Thnu, Lord of Hoils, and Ifr'el's God, Relentlefs Vengeance take on thofe 6 At Ev'ning to befet my Houfe "While others thio' the City range, 7 Their Throats envenom'd Slander breathe. Who hears (fay they) or hearing dares S Eut from thv Throne thou Ihalt, O Lord, And ioon to Scorn and Shame expofe g On lliee I wait, 'tis on thy Strength 'Tis thou, O God, art my Defence, 10 Thy Mercy, Lord, which has fo oft Shall crown my Wifhes, and fubduc 1 1 Deflroy 'em not, O Lord, at once, Lcil we, ingratefully, too foon Difperfe 'era thro' the Nations round Do thou bring down their haughty Pride, 1'2 Now, in the Height of all their Hopes, from all my fpiteful Foes ; to theirs who me oppofe. who make a Trade of III ; who fcek my Blood to fpilL againft my Life combine : for no Offence of mine, my guiltlefs Life to take: and to my Help awake ! their Heathen Rage fupprcfi : who llubbornly trajifgrefs. like growling Dogs they meet ; and ranfack ev'ry Street. theirTongues are fharpen'dS word?; reprove our lawlefs Words ? their bafHed Plots deride; their boafted heatheii Pride. for Succour 1 depend: who only canfl defend, from Danger fet me free, Mv haughty Foes to mc. leRrain thy vengeful Blovr, foi;:^et their Overthrow. by thy avenging Po\v'r. O Lord, our Shield and Tovr'r. their Arrogance chaflife ; Whofe Tongues have finn'd without ReRraint, and Curfes join'd with Lyes. 13 Nor flialt thou, whihl their Rnce endures. That diflant Lands, by their jufl Doom 1 4 At Ev'ning let them ftill perfift Still wander all the City round, 15 Then, as for Malice now they do. And yell their vain Complaints aloud, I 5 WhilR early I thy Meicy fing. For thou hafl been my fure Defence, 1 ] To tliee with never-ceafing Praife, Thou art my God, the Rock from whence thine Anger, Lord, fupprefs, may Ifr'el's God confefs. like growling Dogs to meet, and traverfe ev'ry Street. ^ for Hunger let them flray, defeated of their Prey. thy wond'rous Pow'r confefs ; my Refuge in Diflrefs. O God, my Strength, I'llflng; my Health and Safety fpring. P S A L M LX. I if^ God.whohailourTroopsdifperfl , Forfzking thofe who left thee lirfl, \^_^ Asw.ethyjuflDtfpleafuremourn, To us in Mercy, Lord, return. PSALM LXVf. 5 Our Sins (tho' numberlefs) in vain Whilrt ihou o'erlook'ft theffuiltyStain, 4 Blefl is the Man, wlio near tlieeplac'd, Whilft we at humbler Diilance tafle 5 By wond'rous Afts, O God, moft jufl. In thee reraotefi: Nations trufl, 6,7 God, by hisStrengthjfetsfafttlie Hills, WithwhichtheSeasloudWavesheftills, PAR 8 TKou,Lord,do{lb3rb'rou<;Landsdir)nay, With Joy they fee the Night and Day, 9 From out thv unexhaufled Store Makes Lands, that barren were before. To flop thy flowing Mercy iiv; And walheft out the crimfon Dvc. Within thy facred Dwelling lives ! The vail Delights thy Temple gives. Have we thv gracious Anfwer found ; And thofe whom flormy Waves furround. And does his matchlefs Pow'r engage, And angry Crowds tumultuous rage. T II. When they thy dreadful Tokens view : Each others Track by Turns purfue. Thy Rain relieves the thitlly Ground; With Corn and ufeful Fruits abound. 10 On riling Ridges, down it psurs, And ev'ry furrow'd Vallcv fills ; Thou mak'Il them foft with gentle In which a bleft Increafe difiils. Show'rs 1 1 Thy Goodncfs does the circling Year And where thy glorious Paths appear, I 2 They drop on barren Forefts , chang'd The Hills about in Order rang'd, 13 Large Flocks with fleecy Wool adorn A plentious Crop of full-ear'd Corn, P S A L With frefli returns of Plenty crown; Thy fruitful Clouds drop Fainefs do-., By them to Paflures frelh and green : In beauteous Robes of Toy are fcen. The chearful Downs ; the V allies brin And feem for Joy to Ihcut and ling. M LXVI. I, 2 IT ET all the Lands \v'ith Shouts of Joy- g^ J Sing Pfalrns in Honour of his Name, 3 Ana let them fay, how dreadful. Lord, To thy great Pov*''r thy llubborn Foes 4 Thro' all the Earth the Nations round And with glad Hymns their awful Dread 3 O come, behold the Works of God, That he to all the Sons of Men, 6 He made the Sea become dry Land, Whilfl to each other of his Might •J He by his Pow'r for ever rules ; Let no prcfumptucus Man rebel i PART 11' to God their Voices raife; and fpread his glorious Praifd in all thy Works art thou I lliall all be forc'd to bow. ftiall thee their Good confefs ; of thy great Name exprefs. and then with me, you'll own^ has wond'rous Judgments Ihowif thro' which our Fathers walk'd ; with Joy his People talked, his Eyes the World furvey; againil his fov'icign Sway. 8, 9 O all ye Nation^;, blefs our God, Who keeps our Soul alive, and flill 10 For thou haft try'd us. Lord, as Fire 1 1 Thou brought'ft us into Straits, where v 12 Infuliing Foes did us, their Slave^;, But yet at lall thou brought'ft us forth 13 Burnt-Off'rings to thy Houfe I'll bring 14 Which I with folemn Zeal did make 13 Then (hall the riclicft Inccnfc fnolce. The choicelt Goats irom out the Fold, iC O come, all yc ihat fear the Lord, Wiiilll I what G'jd for mc has doiic, and loudly fjjcak his Praife; confirms our liedfaft Ways, does try the precious Ore; oplJrcfTing Burdens bore. thro' Fire and Water chace; inio a wealthy Place, and I here my Vows I'll pay, in 7>ouble's difmal Day. the futeft Rams Oiall falj; and Bullocks from the Stall, attend with heedful Care; with grateful Joy dedaTC. 17, if PSALM LXVII, LXVIII. 17, 18 A? I before his Aid implor'd, Who, if my Heart had harbour'd Sin, 19 Eut God to me, whene'er I crv'd. And to the Voice ot my Requell 30 Then blefs'd for ever be my God, With-holds his Mfrrcy from my Soul, fo now I praife his Name ; would all my Pray'rs difclaim, his gracious E:^r did bend; with conftant Love attend. who never, wlien I pray, nor turns his Face awav. P S A L M LXVIT. 1 np' O bicfs thy chofen Race, _|_ And caufe the Brightnefs of thy Fas 2 That fo thy wond'rous Ways W'hillt diflarir Lands their Tribute pays, 3 Let diff'ring Nations join Let all the World, O Lord, combine 4 O let them Ihout snd fing, For iliou, the righteous Judge and ICing, 5 Let difiF'ring Nation? join Let all the World, O Lord, combine € Then fliall the teeming Ground And we with Plenty fhall be crown'd, 1 Then God upon our Land And all the World in Awe Ihall Rand in ?»Iercy, Lord, incline; y on all thy Saints to fhine : may thro' the World be known; and thy Salvation own. to celebrate thy Fame; to praife thy glorious Name. diflblv'd in pious Mirth, fhall govern all the Earth. to celebrate thy Fame ; to praife thy glorious Name. a large Increafe difdofo; which God, our God, bci'lov.?. Tnall conflant Bleflings Pnow'r, ^ of his re'ifllefs Pov.-'r. PSALM LXVIII. 1 X ET God, the Gcd of Battle rife 1^ ^ Let fliaraeful Rout their Hoft fur- prife, 2 As fmoke in Tempeft's Rage is loft, So let their facrilegious Hoft 3 But let the Servants of his Will Their upright Hearts let Gladnefs fill, 4 To him your Voice in Anthems raife. In him rejoice, extol his Praife, 5 Him, from his Empire of the Skies, The Orphan's Claim to patronize, 6 'Tis God, who from a foreign Soil, Makes Captives free, and fruitlefs Toil 7 'Twas fo of old, when thou didft lead, Strange Terrors thro' the Defartfpread, 8 The breaking Clouds did Rain diftil. How then Ihall Sinai's humble Hill, And fcatter his prcfuraptuou- Foes ; Who fpitefully his Povv'r oppofe. Or W'ax into the Furnace caiL, Before his wrathful Prefence wafte. His Favour's gentle Beams enjoy ; And chearful Songs theirTongues employ. Jehovah's awful Name he bears. Who rides upon high rolling Spheres. To this low World Compafilon draws. And judge the injur'd Widow's Caufe. Reflores poor Exiles to their Home, Their proud Opprefibrs righteous Doom. In Perfon, Lord, our Armies forth, ConvuHions fl-iook ih' aRonifird E.iith. AndHeav'n's hijhArches fhook with Fear: Of Ifr'el's God the Prefence bear ? 9 Thy Hand at famifht Earth's Complaint, Reliev'd her from celeflial Stores : ("r-. And when thy Heritage was faint, Affwag'd theDrought wiihplenteousShow- 10 Wliere Savages had rang'd before. At Eafe thou mad'ft our Tribes reHdc ; And in the Defart, for the Poor, Thy gen'rous Bounty did provide. ^ P A R T II. ii Thougav'fttheWord, we fally'd forth. And in that pow'rful Word o'ercamc; WhileVirgin-troops withSongs of Mirth In State our Conqueft did proclaim. la Vaft Armies, by fuch Gen'rals led. As yet had ne'er receiv'd a Foil, Forfook their Camp with fudden Dread, And to our Women left the Spoil. Es isThft' P S A L M LXVin. 13 Tho' Egypt's Drudges you have been, As Doves in GoIJen Sun-fhine feen, 1 4 'Twas fo when. God's Almighty Hand OurTroops drawn up onJoidan'sStrand, 13 From thpnce to Jordan's farther CoaR, No more her Height Iliall Bafhanboall, 16 But wherefore (tho' the Honour's great] For Sion is his chcfen Seat, 1 - His Chariots numberlefs, his Pcw'rs Hiii Prefence now Hlls Sion's Tow'rs, i8 Afcending high, in Triumph thou And on thy People didft bellov/ Ev'n Rebels fhall partal;e thy Grace, To worlhip at thy Dwelling-Plsce, J 9 For Beneiits each Day beftow'd, £o Who is our Saviour and our God, CI But Juftice for his harden'd Foes To wound the hoary Head of thofe 22 The Lord has thus, in Thunder fpokc; " Once more I'll break mvPeople'sYoke, 23 " TheirFeet ffcall with aCrimfonFIood " Nor Earth receive fachimpiousBIood, Your Acmy'sWings fhall fhine as bright Or filver'd o'er with paler Light. O'er fcatter'd Kings the Conquefl won ; High Salmon's glitt'ring Snow out-lhonc. And Baihan's Hill we did advance: But that {he's God's Inheritance. Should,this,OMountaiu^,fvvell yourPride; Where he for ever will relide. Arehcav'nly Hofis that wait his Will ; As once it honour'd Sinai's Hill. Captivity haft Captive led The Spoil of Armies, once their Dread. And humble Profelytes repair And all the World pay Homage there. Be daily his great Name ador'd ; Of Life and Death the fov'reI.gn Lord. Proportion'd Vengeance hath decreed, "Who in piefumptLicus Crimes proceed, " As I fubdu'd proud Baflian's King, " And from the Deep my Servants bring. " Of flaughter'd Foes be cover'd o'er, •' But leave for Dr>gs th' unhallow'dGore. PART III. 24 When marching to thy blefl Abrde, The pompous State of thee O God, 25 Sweet- finging Levitcs led the Van, Betv,-een both Troops a Virgin Train 26 This was the Burden of their Song, " All, who to Ifr'el's Tribes belong, 27 Nor little Benjamin alone Nor only Judah's nearer Throne, But Zebulon's remoter Seat, (The grand Proceflion to compleat) sS Thus God to Strength Sc Union brought This V\'ork, which thou, O God, haft wrought, 29 To vilit Salem, Lord, defcend. Where Kings with Prcfents Ihall attend, 50 Break dov.-n the Spearmen's Ran'fc3,who threat Their Silver'd-armour'd Chiefs defeat, 31 Egypt fhall then to God ftrctch forth 32 The fcatter'd Kingdoms of the Earth 33 Who mounted on theloftieft Sphere From whence his dreadfulVoice we hear, 34 Afcribe ye Pow'r to God moft high, WhofeStrength from out thedulkySky 33 How dreadful are ihe facred Courts, His Strength his feeble Saints fupporls; The wond'ring Multitude furvey'd In Robes of Majefty array'd." Loud Inftruments brought up ihe Rear; WitiiVoice and Timbrel charm'd the Ear. " In full Afferablies blefs the Lord, " The God of Ifr'el's Praife record." From neighb'ring Bounds did there attend. Her Counfellors in State did fend. And Naphthali's more diftant Coaft, Seat up their Tribes a princely Hoft. Our Tribes, at Strife till thatblefl Hour ; ConSrm with frefh Recruits of Pow'r. And Sion thy terrcnrial Throne; And thee with ol?cr'd Crowns r.ione. Like pamper'd Herds of favage Might, Who in deftruftivc War delight. HerHinds, and Afric Homage bring: Their common Sov'reign's Praifes Un;. Of ancient Heav'n, fublimelv rides; Like that of warning Winds and Tia Of humble Ifr'el he takes Care; Darts fhining Terrors thro' the Air. Where God has fix'd his earthly Tlironc ! To God give Praife, and him alone. PS A I ^' r S A L M LXIX. PSALM LXIX. SAVE me, O God, from Waves that And prefs to overwhelm my SouL roll, • With painful Steps In Mire I tread. And Deluges o'erflow my Head, ; With reftlefs Cries my Spirits faint, My Voice is hoarfe with long Complaint, My Sight decays with tedious Pain, Whilft for my Good I wait in vain. . My Hairs, tho' numerous, are but few, Compar'd with Foes that me purfuc Witli groundlefs Hate, grown now of To execute their lawlefs Spite, Might They force, mc guiltlefs, to relign As Rapine, what by Right was mine. Thou, Lord, my Innocence doft fee, Nor are my Sins conceaPd from ihec. Lord God of Hofts, take timely Care, Left for my Sake thy Saints defpair ; Since I have fulfer'd for thy Name , Reproach, and hid my Face in Shame, A Stranger to my Country grown; Nor to my neareft Kindred known ; A Foreigner, expos'd to Scorn By Brethren of my Mother born. For Zeal to thy lov'd Houfeand Name Confumes me like devouring Flame, Concerned at their Affronts to thee, More than at Slanders caft on me. My very Tears and Abftinence They conftrue in a fpiteful Senfe ; 1 When cloth'd with Sackcloth for their They me their common Proverb make. fake, sTheir Judges make my Wrongs their Jcft, Thofe Wrongs they ought to have redrcfl. ! How Ihould I then expeft to be From Libels of lewd Drunkards free. 5 But, Lord, to thee I will repair For Help with humble timely Pray'r : Relieve me from thy Mercy's Store, Difplay thy Truth's deferving Fow'r. 4 From threat'ning Dangers me relieve. And from the Mire my Feet retrieve ; ; From fpiteful Foes in Safety keep, And fnatch me from the raging Deep. 3 Controul the Deluge e'er it fpread, And roll its Waves above my Head; ' Nor deep Deilruflion's yawning Pit To clofe her Jaws on me permit. 5 Lord, hear the humble Pray'r I make, For thy tranfcending Goodncfs Sake; Relieve the Supplicant once more From thy abounding Mercy's Store. ^7 Nor from thy Servant hide thy Face; Makf^ liafte, for defp'rate is my Cafe: i Thy timely Succour interpofe. And fhield me from remorfelefs Foes. ) Thou kuow'il what Infamy and Scorn, I from my Enemies have born. Nor can their clofe diflembled Spite, Or darkeft Plots efcape thy Sight. ,) ReproachSc Grief have broke myHeart, 1 look'd for fome to take my Part ; 'To pity or relieve my Pain, But look'd (alas I) for botJi in vain! . With Hunger pin'd for Food I call, Inftead of Food, they gave me Gall ; And when with Thirfts my Spirits hnk, They gave me Vinegar to drink. Their Table therefore to their Health Shall prove a Snare, a Trap their Wealth ; Perpetual Darknefs feize their Eyes, And fudden Blafts their Hopes furprife. On them thou fhalt thy Fury pour, Till thy fierce Wrath their Race devour, And make their Hcufe a difmal Cell, Where none will e'er vouchfafe to dwell. For new AfHiflions they procur'd. For him who had thy Stripes endur'd; And made the Wounds thy Scourge had To bleed afrelli with Iharper Scorn, torn Sin (liall to Sin their Steps betray, Till they to Truth have loft the Way. From Lifethoulhalt exclude theirSoul, Nor with the Juft their Names eniol. But me, howe'er diftreft and poor. Thy ftrong Salvation Ihall reftore : Thyl'ow'rwithSongs I'll then proclaim, And celebrate with Thanks thy Name. E ? 31 Our PSALM LXX, LXXl. 3 1 Our God Qiall lliis more liigTily prize 52 Whicli humble Saints v.ilh Jcyfliall fee, 33 For God regards the Poor's Complaint, 34 Let Hcav'n, Earth, Sea, tljeirVoicesraife, 35 For God will Sion's Walls ereft, Till all her fcatter'd Sons repair 36 This Bleffingthev (hall, at their Death, And they to endlefs Ages more, P S A I. 1 ^"^ Lord, to ray Relief draw near, \J^ For my Deliv'rance, Lord, appear, 2 Confulion on their Heads return, Let theiTi, defeated, blufh .lud mourn, 3 Their Doom let Defolation be. Who n[iock'd my Confidence in thee, 4 While thofewho humbly feek thy Face, And all v.hoj)rize thy faving Grace 5 Thus wretched tho' I am and poor, Thoa God, -vvho only can'ft reflore, Than Herds or Flocks in Sacrifice; And hope for like Redrefs with mc. SetsPris'ners free from clofe Reftraiiit ; And all the World refouud his Praifc. Fair Judah's Cities he'll protect, To undiflurb'd roflTclTion there. To their religious Heirs bequeath; Of fuch as 'nis bleft Name adore. M LXX. for never v.as more prefTmg Need ; snd add to that Deliv'rance Speed, ■who to deflroy my Soul combine; enfnar'd in their own vile Dehgn. with Shame their Malice be repaid, and Sport of ray Affliftions made, to joyful Triumphs Ihall be rais'd, with me fhali hng. The Lord be praii'd. the mighty Lord of me takes care, to my Relief with Speed repair. PSALM LXXI. r N thee I put my ftedfaft Truft, 3 Be ttiou my ilrung abiding Place, 'Tis thy Decree that keeps me fafe ; 4, 5 From cruel and ungodly Men For from my earlieft Youth 'till new 6 Thy conilant Care did fafelv gu,ird Tho ok'il ] : from i r Mother" 3 Womb, -J, 8 While fnme on me with Wonder gaze, Thy Honour therefore and thy Praife ft Rejefl not then thy Servant, Lord, Forfake me not, when worn with Years, 10 My Foes, againfl my Fam.e and me, Againft my Soul, they lay their Snares, 1 1 His God, fay they, forfakes him now, Puifue and take him, v.hilft no Hope 12 But thou, my God, withdraw not far, 13 To Shame and Ruin bring my Foes 14 But as for me, my ftedfaft Hope And 1 in grateful Songs of Praife, defend me. Lord, from Sliarne;. ior righteous is thy Name. 1 which I may refort •, ihou art my Rock and Fort. proteft and fet me free, my Hope has been in thee, my tender infant Days ; to iing thy conilant Praife. thy Hand fapports me ftill ; ray Mouih (hall always liU. when I with Age decay, my Vigour fades away. with crafty Malice fpeak; and mutual Counfel take, on whom he did rely : of timely Aid is nigh. for fpeedy Help I call ; that feck to work my Fall, fliall on thy Pow'r depend, my Time to come will fpend. PART n. 15 Thy righteous A^is and faving Health Unable yet to count them all, iG While God vouchfafcs me his Support, All other Righteoufnefs difclaim, 17 Thou, I-ord, haR taught mc from my Youth And ever iincc thy wond'rous Works my Mouth fhall ftill declare; tho' fumm'd with titmoft Care. Til in his Strength go on ; and mention his alone. to praife thy glorious Name? have been my conftant Theme. X S Then PSALM LXXII. 1 8 Then now fotfakc mc not when I 'Till I 10 ihefe and future Times, 19 How high thy Juftice foais, O God I The mighty Works >vhich thou haft done I ao Me, whom thy Hand had forely prefs'd, And from the lowed Depth of Woe a I Thro' thee my Time to come fhall be And me, who difmal Years have paft, 82 Therefore with Pfalter)' and Harp To thee, the God of Jacob's Race, 23 Then Joy fhall fill my Mouth, and Songs My grateful Soul, by thee redeera'd 84 My Tongue thy juft and righteous A£ls Becaufe thou didft confound my Foes, am gray and feeble grown, thy Strength andPow'rhave (howtl. how great and wond'rous arc who may with thee compare? thv Grace fhall yet relieve; with tender Care retrieve. wilhPow'r andGreatnefs crown'd, thv Comforts fhall furround. thy Truth, O Lord, I'll praife; my Voice in Anthems raife. employ my chearful Voice ; fhall in thy Strength rejoice, fliall all the Day proclaim ; and brought'ft them all to Shame. PSALM LXXII. I TT ORD, let thy juft Decrees the King 1. J And let his Son throughout his Reign 5 bo ihall he ftill thy People judge Whilft all the helplefs Poor fhall him 3 Then Hills and Mountains fhall bring forth Which all the Land fhall own to be 4 Whilft he the poor and needy Race And from their humble Necks fhall take 3 In ev'ry Heart thy awful Fear As long as Sun and Moon endure, 6 He fhall defcend like R:iin that chears Or like warm Show'rs, whofe gentle Drops 7 In his bleft Days the Juft and Good The happy Land fhall ev'ry where 8 His uncontrol'd Dominion fhall Begin at proud Euphrate's Streams, 9 To him the favage Nations round His vanquifh'd Foes fhall lick the Duft 10 The Kings of Tarfhilh and the Hies From fpicy Sheba Gifts fhall come, II To him fhall ev'ry King on Earth And dift'ring Nations gladly join 12 For he fliall fet the Needy free, Shall fave the Helplefs and the Poor, PART II 13 His Providence, for needy Souls, And over their defencelcfs Lives 14 He fhall preferve and keep their Souls, And in his Sight their guiltlefs Blood 15 Therefore fhall God his Life and Reign Whilft Eaftern Princes Tribute pay. For him (hall conflant Pray'rs be made, His Jail Dominion fhall atiord in all his Ways diicQ. ; thy righteous Laws refpefl. with pure and upright Mind, their juft Froteftor find. the happy Fruits of Peace ; the Work of Righteoufnefs ; fhall rule with gentle Sway; oppreflive Yokes away. fhall then be rooted fafl, or Time itfelf fhall laft. the Meadows fccond Birth, refrei'h the thirfty Earth. fhall be with Favour crown'd, with endlefs Peace abound, from Sea to Sea extend, at Nature's Limits end. fhall bow their fcrvile Heads, Avherc he hisConquefts fpreadi fhall coftly Prefents bring ; and wealthy Saba's King. his humble Homage pay, to own his righteous Sway, when they for Succour cry, and all their Wants fupply. fliall due Supplies prepare : fhall watch with tender Care, from Fraud and Rapine free, of mighty Price fhall be. to many Years extend, and golden Prefents fend, ihro' all his piofp'rous Days, a lafting Theme of Praife. 16 Of P S A L M LXXIII. I 6 Of uferul Grain, thro' all the Land, A Handful fown on Mountain Tops Its Fruit, like Cedars fliook by Winds, The City too {hall thrive, and vie 1 7 The Mem'ry of his glorious Name His fpoilefs FarAc fliall flaine as bright In him the Nations of the World And his unbounded Happinefs 1 8 Then blefs'd be God, the mighty Lord, Who only wond'rous in his Works, 19 Let Eaith be with his Glory hll'd; Whilft to his Praife the lift'ning World r S A L M 1 A T length, by certain Proofs, /~V plain great Plenty (hall appear; a mighty Crop fhall bear. a rattling Noife fliall yield; for Plenty with the Field. thro' endlefs Years fhall run ; and lafting as the Sun. fliall be completely bleft, by ev'ry Tongue confeft. the God whom Ifr'el fears; beyond compare appears, for ever blefs his Name ; their good Affent proclaim. LXXIII. that God will to his Saints be kind •, 1 hat all, whofe Hearts arepure Sc clean, 2, .jTill this fuftainiug Truth I knew fliall his protefling Favour find, my flagg'ring Feet had almofi: fail'd ; I griev'd the Sinners Wealth to view, and envy'd when the Fools prevaiTd. 4, 3 They to theGrave in Peace defcend, andwhilfl. they live are hale and flrong No Plagues or Troubles them offend, which oft to other Men belong. 6, 7 With Pride, as with a Chain, they're and Rapine feera their Robe of State ; held, TheirEyes ftand out witliFatnefs fwell'd, they grow beyond their Wifties great, 8, 9 With Hearts corrupt and lofty Talk, oppreflive Methods they defend ; TheirTonguethro'all theEarthdoeswalk, their Blafphemies to Heav'n afcend. 10 And yet admiring Crowds are found, who fervile Vilits duly make, Becaufe with Plenty they abound, 1 1 Their fond Opinions thefe purfue, *' How fhould the Lord ourAftions view 1 2 Behold the W^icked ! thefe are they ^ of which their fiatt'ring Slaves partake. till they with them prophanely crv, " Can he perceive who dwells fo higl who openly their Sins profefs; Andyet theirWealth's increas'deachDay, and all their A£lions meet Succefs. 13,1 4ThenhaveI cleans'd myHeart[faidI) and wafli'd my Hands from Guilt in vain J If all thfrDay opprefs'd I lie, and ev'ry Morning fuffer Pain. 13 Thus did I once to fpeak intend; but if fuch Things I rafhly fay. Thy Children, Lord, I muft offend, and bafely fliould their Caufe betray. PART II. 16. r -J To fathom this my Thoughts I bent, but found the Cafe too hard for rae, 'Till to the Houfe of God I went, then I their End did plainly fee. iS How high foe'er advanc'd, they all on flipp'ry Places loofely Hand; Thence into Ruin headlong fall, caft down by thy avenging Hand. 19, 20 How dreadful and how quick their defpis'd by thee, when they're deft roy'd a Fate ! As waking Men with Scorns do treat the Fancies that their Dreams cmploy'c II, 22 Thus was my Heart with Grief op- my Reins were rack'd with rclUcfsPain»l prcfs'd, So flupid was I, like a Beaft, who no reflecling Thought retains. 23,24 Yet Hill thy Prefence me fupply'd, and thy Right-hand Afliflance gave, Thou llrft (halt with my Counfel guide, and then to Glory me receive. 23 Whom then in Heav'n, but thee alone, have I, whofe Favour I require? Throughout the fpacious Earth there's tlut I belides thee can delirc. none aC 1 PSALM LXXIV. 26 My trembling Flefh and aking Heart But Godfhall inward Strength impart, 37 Fnr they that far from thee remove, If after other Gods they rove, for me, 'tis good and juft. I always put my Truft, PSALM 88 But In hi may often fail to fuccout Tiie ; and my eternal Portion be. fliail into fadden Ruin fall ; thv Vengeance fhall deftroy them all. tiiat I fliould fiill to God repair; and will his wond'rous Works declare. LXXIV. •W"o Y haft ihcu caft us off, O God ! O why againft thy chofen Flock, 2 Think on thy ancient Purchafe, Lord, By thee redeem'd; and Sion's Mount, 3 O come, and view our ruin'd State! See ! how the Foe with wicked Rage 4 Thy Foes blafpheme thy Name ; where late The Heathen there, with haughty Pomp, 3, 6 Thofe curious Carvings which did once With Ax and Hammer they deftroy, 7 Thy holy Temple they have burnt ; Has been prophan'd, and 4uite defac'd. 8 Thv Wcrflifp wholly to deftroy, And all the facred Places burn'd 9 Yet of thy Prefence thou vcuchfaf'ft We have no Prophet now that knows PART 11. 10 But, Lord, how long wilt thou permit Shall all the Honour of thv Name 11 Why hold'ft thou back thy ftrong Right-hand' When Vengeance calls to ftretch it forth, 1-2 Thou heretofore, with kingly Pow'r, For us, throughout the wand'rin* World, 13 'Twas thou, O God, that didd the Sea Thou break'ft the wat'ry Moniler's Plead, 14 The greateft, fierceft of them all, Was by thy Pow'r deftioy'd, and made 15 Thou clav'ft the folid Rock, and mad'll Again, thou raad'ft thro' parting Streams 1 6 Thine is the chearful Day, and thine Thou haft prepar'd the glorious Sun, 17 By thte the Borders of the Earth The Summer's Warmth, the Winter's Cold, PART III. 18 Remember, Lord, hov/ fcomful Foes And how the foolilh People have 19 O free thy mourning Turtle-Dove, Nor the AfTcmbly of thy Poor. 80 Thy ancient Cov'nant, Lord, regard, FciT now each Corner of the Land SI O let not the Oppreft rctuni, But let the Hclplcfs and the Poor wilt thou no more return? does thy fierce Anger burn ? the Land that is thy own ; where once thy Glory fhcne. how lonri2:ht Heart, a fcatter'd Remnant came^ of cvcrlafting Sliame. and Ephraim's Tribe fi;rfook for liis lov*d dwelling took. wiih Spires exalted hieh,, . the rtrong Foundations lie. he for liis Choice did own, to lit on Judah's- Throne. he brousht him forth to feed, of Ifr'els chofeu Seed. > a faithful Shepherd ftill; and guided them ■with Skill.- 1 i B 1 hy facred Floufe thev have dedrd, PSALM LXXIX. have thy Pofleflion feiz'd : Th^ir Fielh expos 'd to favage Beafls, Q_iiite thro' Jeruf 'lem was their Blood And none were left alive to pay 4 Tlie neighb'ring Lands our fmall Remains And we a Laughing-ftock are made 5 How long wilt thou be angry. Lord, Shall thy devouring jealous Rage, C On foreign Lands that know not thee, Thofe fmful Kingdoms let it crulh 7 For their devouring jaws have prev'd And to a barren Defait turn'd S O think not on our fismitr Sins, l^he utter Ruin of thy Saint":, Q Thou God of our Salvation, help, So Ihall ojr Pardon and !i! -fence 10 Let Inlifiels, thai fcoffing Hiy, la Vengeance for thy flaught.er'd Saints, 1 1 Lord, hear the ughing Pris'ners Moan, Prefer ve the Wretches doom'd to die, 12 On them, v/ho us opprcfs, let all Make their Confulion fi;v'n Times more 13 So we, ihv People and thy Flock, .A.nd v.iih glad Heaits our grateful Thanks. thy holy City ra/.'d. abroad unburv'd lay ; and rav'nous Birds of Prey. like common Water Ihed ; laft Duties tn the Dead, with loud Reproaches wound; to all the Nations round. muft v.-e for ever mourn? like Fire, for ever bum? thy heavy \'^eugeance fliow'r, that have not own'd thy Pow'r. on Jacob's chofen Race ; their fruitful dwelling placc^ but fpsedily prevent almoft with Sat row fpent. and free our Souls from Blame; fxalt thy glorious Name, where is the God.ihey boaR ? perceive thee to their Coft. thy faving Pow'.r extend : from tjiat untimely End. our Suit 'rings be repaid; than what on us they laid. fliall ever praifc thy Name;! from Age to Age proclaim. A L M LXXX. o 2 Bciiol In ou ^, Do th And .1 i Oih Hww Ifr-cl's Shepherd, joHph's Guide, I hou ihatdofloutheChcrubaridc, d how Bjnjamiu expefls, iDcIiv'rance, the Lllefls on convert u;, Lord, do thou II the Ills we fafler now iu whom Ilejv'uly Hofts obev, long thy fuH'ring PcopU* pray i hci^ ourPrnv'rs to thee vouchfafet again in folemn State ap})enr. with Ephraim .md Manallch joln'dvl of thy relilllefs Strength to llnd. ihe LuRie of thy Face difplay; like fcatter'd Clouds Ihall paf- away, how long Ihail thy (icrcc.^ngcr burn?* and 10 'rs have no Return? ^ When PSALM LXXXr. 5 Vv'^hen hungry, wc are fort'd todiench our fcanty Food in Floods of Woe ; When dry, our ragingThirft we quench with Streams of Tears tliat largely ilo\ 6 For us the H«athen Nations round, as for a common Prey, conteft ; Our Foes with fpiteful Joy abound, and at our loft Condition jeO. 7 Do thou convert us, Lord, do thou the Luftre of thy Face difplay ; And all the Ills we fuHer now, like fcattcr'd Clouds fhall pafs awav. P A R T II. 8 Thou brought'ft a Vine from Egypt's and cafling out the Heathen Race, Land, Didft plant it withlhy ownRight-hand, and firmly fix it in their Place. 9 Before it thou prcpar'd'il the Way, and mad'ft it take a laflingRout; Which, bleft with thy indulgent Ray, o'er all the Land did widely Ihoot. its goodly Boughs did Ce4aT3 feem ; und reach'd to proud Euphrate's Stream, which thou haft made fo firm and ftionir 10,1 I TheHillswerecovei'dwithitsShade Its Branches to the Seas were fpread, lU Why then haft thuu its Hedge o'ei th rown , While all itsGrapes,defencelefs grown, are pluck'd by thofe that pafs along. »3 See hov/ the briftling Foreft-Coar with dreadful Fury lays it wafte ; Hark how ihe favage Monfters rear, and to theirhelplefs Pxey make hafle. PART III. ji4 To thee, O God of Hofts, we pr^y ; thy wonted (Goodnefs, Lord, renew : FroniHeav'n ihyThroiiethisVinefurvey, and her fad State with Pity view.? ' 15 Behold the Vineyard, made by thee, which thy Right-hand did gu.nd fo lontr ; And keep that Branch from Dangerfree, which for thyfslf thou mad'ft fo flrong. ■J 6 To wafting Flames 'tis made a Prey, And all its fprcfding Boughs cut di At thy Rebuke ihej loon decay, 17 Crown thou I he King witligoodSuccefs, ' The Son of Man in Mercy blefs, J 8 So ftiall we ftill continue free And if once more raviv'd by thee, »0 Do thou convert us. Lord, do thou And all the Ills we fuffer now, PSALM fprcfdingl And pcriih at thy dreadful Frown. 'By thyRig'iit-hand fccur'd from Wrong; Whom for thyfelf iliou mad'ft fo ftrong. From whatfoe'er deferves thy Blame; Will always praife thy holy Name, the LuRre of tliy Face difplay; Like fcatter'd Clouds, fhall pafs away- LXXXI. 'Ta God, our never-failing Strength, Let Pfalteries and pleafant Harps 3 Let Trumpets at the great New Moon To celebrate th' appointed Time, 4 For this a Statute was of old, To be with pious Care obferv'd 5 This he for a Memorial fix'd Strange Nations barb'rous Speech we heard, 6 " Your burthcn'd Shoulders I reliev'd, " Your L-rvile Hands by me were freed 7 " Your Anceflors with Wrongs oppreft, " With Pity I their Sutf'rings faw, " Tliey fought for me, and from the Cloud ' At Meribah's contentious Stream F2 wiih loud Applaufes hng ; to Jacob's awful King., your Inft.rumcnls of Joy; your grateful Skill employ. " their joyful Voices raife, the folemn Day of Praife. which Jacob's God decreed, by Ifr'el's chofen Seed. when freed from Egypt's Land, but could not underftand. (thus feems our God to fay) " from lab' ring in the Clay. " to me for Aid did call ; " and fet them free from all. '' in Thunder I reply'd ; " their Faith and Duty try'd. PART P S A L M LXXXII, LXXXIII. PART II. ^ *' While I ray folemn Will declare, * ** If thou, O Ifr'el, to my Words * g " Then fhavid lie. " fhall, like his Courfe, cftablifht fee; " in Heav"ji my faithful Witnefs be." but fhou h?.{\. now our Tribes forfook, and turn'd on him thy wrathful Look. the Cov'nant v/iih thy Servant made, and in the Duft his Honour laid, and brought his Bulwarks to Decay, a public Scorn and common Prey. to Fees advanc'd by thee to Might ; his Valour turn'd to Ihameful Flight. his Throne is levell'd with tht Ground : with Shame o'erwhelm'd and Sorrow drown'd. wilt thou for ever. Lord, retire? till that and we at once expire? thou doft for mortal Life ordain; but loading it with Grief and Pafti. Death's ft ji£l, unalterable Doom? the Grave that muft Mankind intomb? The Oath p vyhich thy Truth did feal, the Grant whichTimefhouldnc'er repeal? with Infamy, Reproach and Spite; from Nations of licentious Might, have made thy Servant's Hope theirjcft J and ever iing, the Lord be bleft. Araen, Amen, PSALM XC. 1 #'~\ Lord, the Saviour and Defence \^_^ From Age to Age thou ftill haft been 2 Before thou brought'ft the Mountains forth. Thou always wert the mighty God, 3 Thou turneft Man, O Lord, to Duft, And when thou fpeak'ft the Word, Return, 4 For in thv Sight a tJioufand Years Or like a Watch in Dead of Night, 5 Thou fweep'ft us off as with a Flood, At hrft we grow like Grafs that feels 6 But howfoever frcfti and fair 'Tis all cut down, and wither'd quite, 7, S We by thine Anger are confum'd. Our publick Crimes a^d fecret Sins of us thy chofen Race, our fure abiding Place. or th' Earth andWorlddldft frame, and ever art the fame. of which he Grft was made; 'tis inftantly obey'd. are like a Day that's paft, whofe Hours unminded wafle. we vanifli hence like Dreams; the Sun's reviving Beams, its Moniing Beauty fhows ; before the Ev'ning clofe. and by thy Wrath difmay'd : before thy Si^ht are laid. 9 Be- PSALM XCI. 5 Beneath thy Anger's fad Effects Our unregarded Years break off, 10 Our Term of Time is feventy Years» But if, with more tlian common Strength, Yet then our boafted Stren2;th decavs, So foon the flender Thread is cut. PART II. 1 1 But who thy Angler's dread Effefls And yet thy Wrath does fall or rife, 12 So teach us. Lord, the uncertain Sum That to true Wifdom all our Hearts 13 O to thy Servant, Lord, return. As we of our Mjfdeeds, do thou 14 To fatisfy and chear our Souls, That we may all our Days to come, 13 Let happy Times, with large Amend?, Or equal at the leaft tlie Term 16 To all thy Servants, Lord, let this And to our Offspring, yet unborn, I 7 Let thy bright Rays upon us fljine, The glorious Work we have in Ha.nd our drooping Days we fpend ; like Tales that t^uickly end. an Age that few furvivej to Eighty we arrive ; to Sorrow lurn'd and Pain ; and we no more remain. does, as he ought, revere? as more or lefS we fear, of our Ihort Days to mind, may ever be inclin'd. and fpeedily relent! of cur juil Doom repent. thy early Mercy fend; in Joy and Comfort fpend. dry up our former Tears ; t)f our afHiflcd Years, thy wond'rous Works be know thy glorious Pow'r be (hown. give thou ourWork Succcf? ; do thoii vouchfafc to blcfs. r S A L M XCI. 1 TJTE that has God hisGuardian made, JLJ^ ^^^^ '-index the Almighty Shade, Secure and undiftuib'd abide, 2 Thus to ray Soul, of him I'll fay, He is my Fortrcfs and my Stay, My God, in whom I will conBde. 3 His tender Love and watchful Care Slriilfree tliee from the Fowler's Snare, And from the noifome Peftilence : ^ He over thee his Wings (hall fpread, And cover thy unguarded Head : His Truth fhall be thy flrong Defence. 5 No Terrors, that furprifeby Night, Shall thy undaunted Courage fright. Nor deadly Shafts that fly by Day •, 6 Nor Plague of unknown Rife, that kills In Darknefs, nor infe^ious Ills, That in the hotteft Seafon fiay, 7 A thoufand at thy Side Ihall die, At thy Right-hand ten thoufand lie, While thy firm Health untouch'd re- ipains : U Thou only fhalt look on and fee The Wicked's fad Catailrophe. And count the Sinner's mournful Gains, 9 Becaufe (with well-plac'd ConfidenCf Thcu mak'ft the Lord thy fureDefa And on the Highefl dofl rely ; 10 Therefore no 111 fliall thee befall/ J Nor to thy healthful Dwelling (hall Any infeftious Plague draw nigh. 1 1 For he, throughout thy happy Da}^^ To keep thee fafe in all thy Ways, Ihall give his Angels ftriftCommands : J 2 And they, leil thou {hou-l'dli chance to meet With fome rou-gh Stone to wound thy Feet, Shall bear thee fafelyin their Hands. 13 Dragons and Afps that thirfl forBlocJ, And Lions roaring for their Food, Beneath his conqu'ring Feet (liall lie, 14 Becaufe he lov'd and honour'd mc. Therefore (fays God] I'll fet him free. And fix his glorious Throne on high. 15 He'll call; I'll anfwer when he call And refcue him when III befalls : Increafe his Honour and his Weahii iC And when with undifturb'd Contcut, His long and happy Life is fpent. His End I'll c:ov>n v.-ithfavingHcaUh, PSALM PSALM XGIT, XGIII, XCIV. J I And with repeated Hymns of Praife, 2 With ev'iy Morning's early Dawn, And ot his conftant Truth each Night, 3 To ten-{lrincr'd Inftruments we'll fing;, And to the Harp, with folenin Sounds, 4 For Lhro' thy wond'rous Works; O Lord, The Thoughts of them fhall makfe mc glad, 5, 6 How wond'rous axe thy Works, O Lord, Whof€ winding Tracks in fccrct laid, •J He little thinks, when wicked Men, How foon their Ihort-liv'd Splendor mufl: 8^ 9 But thoii, my God, art ftill moR high; Who thought they might fecurely fin, 10 Whilft thou exalt'fl my fov'reign Pow'r, And with refrefliing Oil anoint'ft 1 1 1 foon fhall Cee ray ftubbbrn Foes And hear the difmal End of iho'fe 12 But righteous Men, Tike fruitful Palms, As Cedars that on Lebanon 13, 14 Tliefe planted in the Houfe of God, Their Vigour and their Ludre both 15 Thus will the Lord his Juflicc Ihew ; Shall due Rewards to all the World PSALM XCII. ' \ uft it be to thank the Lord moft hi^h ; his Nam.e to magnify ! his Goodncfs to relate; the glad EfFecls repeat. with tuneful Pfalt'ries join'd ; for fa'cred Ufe delign'd. thoumak'fl'my Heaxt rejoice ; and ihtout \yith cheaiful Voice. liow deep are thy Decrees ! no flupid- Sinner fees, like Grafs, look frcfh. and gay, for ever pafs away. and all thy lofty Foes, fliall be o'erwhelm*d withW'oes, and mak'fl it largely fpread ; my confecrated Head. to utter Ruin brought ; who have againfl; me fought. ' Ihall'make a^glorious Show ; in ftately Order grotv. within his Courts fliall thrive; fliall in old Age revive, aud God, my itrong Defence, impartially difpenfe. xcin. PSALM 'W ITH Glory clad, with Strength the Lord, that o'er all Nature reign; array'd. The World's Foundation flrongly laid, 2 How furely fiablilht is thy Throne! FoT thou, O Lord, and thou alone, , 4 The Floods, O Lord, lift up their Voice, But Cod above can ftill their Noife, Thy Proruife, Lord, is ever fure ; That happy Station to fecure. and the vail Fabiic ftill fuftains. which (hall no Ciiange of Period fee; art God from all Eternity. and tofs the troubled Wave 3 en high ; and make the angry Sea comply. and they that in th)- Houfe would dwell, mud flill in Holinefs excel. PSALM xcrv , 2 ^'~\ God, to wham Revenge belongs, \J Arile, ihoujudgeof all the Earth, , 4 How long, O Lord, IhaU hnful Men How long their wicked Aclions boaft. ? thy Vengeance now difciofs; andcrufli thy haughty Fees, their folemn Triumphs make and infolently fpeak ? 5, 6 Not only they thy Saints opprefs. The Widows aud the Strangers Blood, 7 " And yet the Lord fliall ne'er perceive, " Ncr any Notice of our Deeds 8 At length, ye flupid Fools, your WantJ In Folly will you ftill proceed, 9,10 Can he be deaf who frrm'd the Ear, . Shall Earth's great Judge tioi punHh thou but unprcvok'd they fpill and helplefs Orphans kill. " (prophanely thus they fpcakj " the God of Jacob take." endeavour to difcern, and Wifdom never leani? or blind who fiam'd the Eye? v.'ho hi.; knov.n Will defy ? t H^ PSALM XCV. 1 1 He fathoms all tlie Thoughts of Men, His Eye furveys them all, and fees PART 12 Blefl is the Man whom then, O Lord, And by thy facred Rules to walk 13 This Man fhall Rell and Safety find Whilfl God prepares a Pit for thofe 14 For God will never from his Saints His own PoflTefTion and his Lot, 1 3 The World Ihall then confefs thee juft, And thofe that choofe thy upright Ways, 16 Who will qippear in my Behalf, Or who, when Sinners would opprefs, 17, 18, ig Long hnce had I in Silence flept. To ftay me when I dipt ; when fad, so Wilt thou, v/ho art a God mofl juil, Who make the Law a fair Pretence ai Againft the Lives of righteous Men And Blood of Innocents to fpill, 22 But my Defence is firmly plac'd He is my Rock, to which I may 23 The Lord dial I caufe their ill Defigns He in their Sins fnall cut them off, P S A L ]\I I ^"^ Come, loud Anthems let us ling-, \^M ForweourVoiceshi2;hlhouldraife t Into his Prefence let us haftc, To him addrefs in joyful Songs, 3 For God the Lord, enthron'd in State, A King fupericr far to all, 4 The Depths of Earth are in his Hand to him their Hearts lie bare; how vain their Cnunfels are. n. in Kindnefs doft chaftife ; doft lovingly advife. in Seifons of Diilrefs ; that ftubbornly tranfgrefs. his Favour wholly take; Le will not quite forfakc. in all that thou haR done; fhall in thofe Paths go on. ■when wicked Men invade? my righteous Catife fhali plead? but that the Lord v/as near, my troubled Heart to chear. their hnful Throne fuflain, their wicked Ends to gain ? they form their clofe Dellgn ; in foicmn League combine. in God the Lord moft High ; for Refuge always fly. on their own Heads to fall ; our God fliall flay them all. XCV. Loud thanks to our Almighty King, When our Salvation's Rock we praifc, To thank him for his Favours pall ; The Praife that to his Name belongs. Is, with unrival'd Glory, great ; Whom, by hi? Title, God we call. Her fecret'Wcalth at his Cojumaud; TheflrcngthofHiU.uhai threat the Ikies Subjc£lcd to his Empire lies. The rolling Ocean's vaR Abvfs By the fame fov'reign Right is his ; lliat form'd and lix'd the folid Land. And bow with Adoration there, Before the Lord our Maker fall. 'Tis mov'd by his Almighty Hand, 6 O let us to his Courts repair, Down on cur Knees devoutly all ■J For he's our God, our Shepherd he. If then you'll (like his flock) draw near, 8 Let not your hardcn'd Hearts renew Nor here prnvcXe ray Wrath, as they 9 When thro' the Wildernefs iheymov'd. And me with frcdi Temptations prov'd ; They Rill, thro' UnbchcF, rebell'd, Whileihey my wond'rous Work? beheld. 10, II They, forty Years, my Patience Tho' daily I their Wants reliev'd ; grie^-'d,' Then — 'Tio a faithlefs Race, I faid, Whofe Heart from mc has always Aray'd; They nc!cr will tread my right«?ousPath, Therefore to them in fettled Wraih, Sinccihey dcfpi:'(I my Kcl, I fwear, That they fliall never enter there. His Fleck and PaRure-fhecp are vc; To-Day, if you his Voice will hear. YourFathersCrimes and Judgments too ; In Dcfart Plains of Meribah I r S A 1. M PSALM XCVI, xcvii, xcviir. I Q INC PSALM XCVI. C to ilie Lord a new-made Song, Which he, and he alone, can claiat, Earih, in one a{fembled Throng, g To worfhip at his facred Cou Ker common Patron's Praife rtfound. - to the Lord, and blefs his Name, : 1 Day to Day hii Praife proclaim, 'v .'ho us has with Salvation crown"d. 3 To heathen Lands his Fame rchearfe. His Wonders to the Univerfe. 4 He's ^reat, and greatly to be prais'd; In Majedy and Glory rais'd Above all other Deities : 5 For Pageantry and Idols all. Are they whom Gods the Heathen call ", He only rules v.ho made the Skies, 6 -With Majefly and Honour crown'd. Beauty 8c Strength his Thronefurround; "J Be therefore both to him reftor'd By you who have falfe Gods ador'd, Afcribe due Honour to his Name; S Pcace-Off'rings on his Altar lay, Before his Throne your Homage pay, PSALM Let ail the trembling "»Vorld refoit. Proclaim aloud, Jehovah reigns, Whofe Pow'r the Univerfe fuilains. And baniflit Juflice will reftore ; : 1 Let therefore Heav'nnewjoys confefs, And heav'nly Mirth let Earth exprefs. Its loud Applaufe the Ocean roar; It5 male Inhabitants rejoice. And for this Triumph Bnd a Voice. 12 For Joy let fertile Valleys fing. The chearfulGroves theirTribute bring; The tuneful Choir of Birds awake, [3 The Lord's Approach to celebrate, Vv ho now fets out, with awful State, His Circuit thro' the Earth to take: From Hcav'n to judge the World he's come. With Juftice to reward and Doom. XCVII. I T EIIOVAH reigns, let all the Earth in his juft Government rejoice; J Let all thellles, with facred Mirth, in his Applaufe unite their Voice. :; Dnrknefs and Clouds of awful Shade his dazling Glory fhroud in State; ]uflice and Truth his Guards are made, and fix'd by his Pavilion wait. Gurinfx Fire before his Face, ^ Lightnings fet the World on Blaze. ■ proudeil Hills his Prefence felt, J proudeft Hills like Wax did melt : Heav'ns,uisRighlecufnefs to (liov/, .1 all the trembling World below, rounded be their impious Hofl, XX. 1 who of Pageant Idols boafl, 8 Glad Sion of thy Triumpli heard, his Foes around with Vengeance ftrook ; Earth faw it, and with Terror ihook. theirlicight nor Strength couldHelpaHord, in Prefence of th' Almighty Lord, Avith Storms of Fire our Foes pirrfu'd ; have his defcending Glory vicw'd. who make the Gods to whom they pray ; to him, ye Gods, your Worlhip pay. and Judah's Daughters were o'erjoy'd; Eccaufethv rightecusjudgments, Lord, have Pagan-Pride and Pow'r deftroy'd. 9 For thou, O God, art feated high, above Earth's Potentates enthron'd; Thou, Lord, unrivaU'd in the Sky, Supreme by all the Gods art own'd. 10 You, Avho to ferve this Lord afpirc, abhor v/h at' s ill, and Truth e:leem t He'll keep his Servants Souls ent're, and them from wicked Hand:? redeem. 11 For Seeds are fown of glorious Light, a future Harvefl for the Juft ; And Gladnefs for the Heart that's right, to recompenfe his pious Truft. 12 Rejoice, ye Righteous in the Lord, Memorials of his Holinefs, Deep in your faithful Bieads record, and with your thankful Tongues confefs. I ING P S A L M XCVIII. to the Lord a new-made Sonjc, who woud'rous Thing has do; With his Right-hand and holy Arm the Conqueft, he has won. 2 The PSALM XCIX, C, CI. 2 The Lord has thro' th' aPioniflit World And iTiadc his righteous A6ls appear 3 Of Ifr'el's Houfe his Love and Truth Wide Earth's remcteft Parts the Pow'r 4 Let therefore Earth's Inhabitants And all with univerfal Joy, 5 W^ith Harp and Hymns foft Melody, 6 The Trumpet and ihrill Cornets Sound, 7 Let the loud Ocean roar her Joy, , The Earth and Jier Inhabitants 8 With Joy let Riv'lets fwell to Streamy And echoing Vales, from Hill to Hill, 9 To welcome down the World's great Jud: And, with impartial E.]uitv, P S A L ^I reigns, let therefore i. 11 gs he iits enthron'd : .ceps his Court, Yet thente his Sovereignty extends 3 Let therefore all with Praife addrefs And with his unrefifted Might, 4 Lor Truth andjuflice, in his Reign, His Judgments are with Righteoufnefs 5 Therefore cxaU the Lord ourGcd, And with his unrefilled Might, 6 Mofes and Aaron thus of old, Araongfl his Ptophets Samuel thus Diftrefi., upon the. Lord, thev call'd, J3ut, as with Rev'rence they implor'd, 7 For with their Camp, to guide tlieir March, They kept his Laws, and to his Will S He zniwci'd them, forgiving oft And thofe who rafhly them oppos'd, 9 With Worlhip at his facred Courts :he, who Qnlv holy is, difplay'd his faving Might, in all the Heathens Sight. have ever mindful been : of Ifrel's God have feen. their chearful Voices raife, refound their Maker's Praife, into the Confort bring, before the Almighty King, with all that Sea? contain ; join Confort with the Main.. to fpreading Torrents they ; redoubled Shouts convey; who does with Juflice come, both to Reward and Doom. 1 JEHOVAH reign I On Cherubs Wins '_' On Sicu's Hill he kce XCIX. the For , 2 T X 71 TH one Confent let all the VV ^"^^ Glad Homage pay with awful Mirth, Convinced that he is God alone, We, whom he choofes for his own. O enter then his Temple-Gate, And ftill your grateful Hymns repeat. For he's the Lord, fupremely good, His I'ruth which always Hrmly flood, P S A L '' Mercy's never-failing Spring, ^ And lince they both to thee belong, When, Lord, thou (halt with merelide, W'l h blaaiclcfs life mvldl I'lliwake Ity Nations quake; let Earth's Foundation (hake, his Palace makes her Tow'rs ; fupreme o'er earthly Pow'rs. his great and dreadful Name; his Holinefs proclaim, of Strength and Pow'r take PI a difpens'd to Jacob's Race. before his Footfcool fall ; his Holinefs extol, among his Priefts ador'd: his facred Name implor'd. who ne'er their Suit deny'd ; he gracioudy reply'd. the cloudy Pillar mov'd : obedient Servants prov'd. his Peop'e for their Sake, did fad Examples make. exalt our God and Lord ; alone Ihould be ador'd. P S A L M C. Gcd their chearful Voices raifc; "O- and fing before him Songs of Praife; from whom both We and all proceed.; tlie Flock that he vouchfafes to feed. thence to his Courts devoutly prefs, and flill hi? Name with Praifes blcfi. his Mercy is for ever fure, to endlefs Ages fl\all endure. M CI. And lledf.ifl Judgment I will fing; To thee, O Lord, addrcfs my Song. Vv'ife Difciplinc my Reign fliall guide , A Paiicru for mv Coiut to take. PSALM cir. 3 No ill Defign will I purfue, 4 Who to Reproof bears no Regard, 3 The private Slanderer fhall be From haughty Looks I'll turn afide, 6 But Honefty, call'd from her Cell, Who Virtue's Pruftice make their Care, 7 No Politics fliall recommend None e'er fhall to my Favour rife ■ S All thofe who wicked Courfe'? take. Cut off, deilroy, till none remain P S A L 1 "^TCTlrlEN I pour out my Soul in Piay'r, y y To thy eternal Throne of Grace 2 O hide net thou thy fflorious Face Incline thine Ear, and when I call 3 Each cloudy Portion of my Life, My fhrivel'd Bcncs are like a Hearth, 4 My Heart like Grafs, that feels the Blall Does languifh fo with Grief, that fcarce 3 By reafcu of my fad EUate, My Plelh is worn away, my Skia 6 I'm like a Pelican become, Or like an Owl, that fits all Day 7 In Watching or in refilefs Dreams As by thofe folitary Birds 8 All Day by railing Foes I'm made Who all, poifeU with furious Rage, g When grov'ling on the Ground 1 lie, Mv Bread is flrew'd with Afhes o'er, 10 Becaufe on me with double Weight For thou, to make my Fall more grc;it, 11 My Days, jufl haft'ning to their End, My Beauty does, like wiih'red Grafs, 12 But thy eternal State, O Lord, The Mem'ry of thy wond'rous Works, ^3 Thou Ihalt arife, and Sion viev/ For now her Time is come, thy own 14 Her fcatter'd Ruins by thy Saints They grieve to fee her lofty Spires 15, 16 The Name and Glory of the Lord * When he fliall Sion build again, 17, 18 When he regards the Poor's Requell, Our Sons for this recorded Grace, I 9 For God, from his Abode on high. The Lord from Hcav'n his lofty Throne, io He lill'ned to the Captives Moans, And freed by his relifllefs Pow'r SI That they in Sion, where he dwells, And through the holy City hnj Nor thofe my Fav'riie? make that do, Him I will totally difcard. In public Juftice doom'd by me : And mortify the Heart of Pride; In Splendor at my Court fhall dwell : Shall have the lirfl Preferments there. His Country's Foe to be my Friend : By flatt'ring or malicious Lyes. An early Sacrifice I'll make; God's holy City to profane. M CII. do thou, O Lord, attend, let my fad Cry afcend. in Times of deep Difirefj, my Sorrows foon rediefs. like fcatter'd Smoke expires ; that's parch'd with conilant Fires, cf fome infe^icus Wind, my needful Food 1 mind. G 2 I fpend my Breath In Groans ; fcarce hides my flarting Bones, that does in Defarts mourn; on barren Trees forlorn. the Night by me is fpent ; that loncfcme Roofs frequent, the Subject of their Scorn; have my Deftruflion fworn. oppreft with Grief and Fears, rny Drink is mix'd with Tears. thy heavy Wrath dees lie ; didft lift mc up on high. are like an Ev'aing Shade; wit'n waning Luflre fade, no Length of Time fliall waflc} from Age to Age fhall lail. with an unclouded Face; appointed Day of Grace, with Pity are furvey'd ; in Duft and Rubbilh laid, all Heathen Kings fhall fear; and in full State appear, nor flights their earneft Pray'r ; fhall his jufl Praife declare. his gracious Beams difplay'd; has all the Earth furvey'd. he heaid ikeir mournful Cry, the Wretches doom'd to die. might celebrate his Fame, . loud Praifcs to his Name. 2 2 V/he« PSALM cm, CIV. 22 "When all the Tribes aiTerabling there. And neighb'ring Lands, with glad Confent, 23 But ere my Race is run, mv Strength He has, when all my "NVifhes blcom'd, £4 Lord, end not tlicu my Life, faid T, Thy Years from worldly Changes free, 23 The flrong Foundations of the Earth Thy Hands the beauteous Arch of Hcav'n c6, 27 Whilft thou for ever fhalc endure, And, like a Garment often worn. their folemu Vows addrcfs, J the Lord their God coufefs. 5 thro' his Eerce Wrath decays ; cut Ihort my hopeful Days, when half is fcarcely pall ; to endlefs Ages laft. of old by thee were laid ; Avith w'ond'rous Skill have made, they foon Ihall pafs away; fhall tamifli and decay. Like that, when thou ordain'ft their Ch But thou continu'ft ftill tlie fame, 28 Thou to the Children of thy Saints "^Vhofe happy Race, fccurely fixt, ? S A L M ange, to thy Command they bend 5 nor have thy Years an End, ihalt lading Quiet give; ihall in thy Prefence live. M cm. Y Soul, irifpir'd v.ith facred God's Holy Name for ever blefs : Ot ail his Favours mindful prove, 3, 4 'Tis he that all thy Sins forgives, From Danger he thy Life retrieves, 5 , 6 He with good Things my Mouth fup- plie?. He, when the guililefs Sufi'rer cries, 7 Cicd made of old his righteous "Ways His Works to his eternal Praife, S The Lord abounds with tender Love, His waken'd Wrath does llowly move; e, 10 God will not always harfhly chide, And loves his Punirnnient3 to guide, 1 1 As high as Heav'n its Arch extends. So much his boundlefsLove traafcend?, 12, 13 As far as 'tis from Eafl to W eft, Who with a Father's tender Breaft, 14,15 ForGod, whoall our Frame farvevs, How freJh foe'cr we feem, our Dayi 16, 17 Whilft they are nipt with fuddcn Blafts, God's faithful Mercy ever lads, 18 This {hall attend on fuch as Hill And who not only know his Will; 19, 20 The Lord, the univerfal King, To him, ye Angels, Praifes ling. Ye that his jufl Commands obey, c I Yc Hofts of his, this Tribute pay, ■^:2 Let every Creature jointly bids With galcful Joy thy Thanks expiefs, 1> S A L i Tl LESS Gcd,ir.y Soul; thou, Lord, tW alone, Wi:li Honour ilnii ort crown'd.ihyTluoiie and ftill tliy grateful Thinks expref?. and after Sicknefs makes thee found ; by him with Grace and Mercy crown'd* thy Vigour, Eagle-like, renews ; his Fee with juft Revenge purfues. to Mofes and our Fathers known; were 10 the Sons of Jacob fhown. and unexampled Ads of Grace : his willing Meicy flows apace, but with his Anger quickly part ; more by his Love than our Defert, above this little Spot of Clay; the fmall Refpefts that we can pay. fo far has he our Sins remov'd ; has fuch as fear him always lov'd, conliders that we are but Clay; like-Grafs or Flow'rs muft fade awa7. nor can we lind their former Pluce; to thofcthat fear him, and iheir Race. proceed in his appointed Wav; but to his jufl Obedience pay. in Heav'n has H.\t liis lofty Ihrone : in whofe great Strength his Pow'rislho\vn. and hear and do his facred Will ! who ftill what he ordains fulfil, the mighty Lord; and ihou my Heart and in this Gonfort bear thy Pan. M CIV, poircfTcft Empire without Bounds ; cicmal Majcfly furrouiK; I PSALM CIV. t With Light thnu doft ihyfelf enrobe, Heav'n's Curtains flretch beyond the Globe 3 God builds on li-juid Air, and forms The Clouds his Chariots are, the Storms 4 As bright as Flame, and fwift as Wind, To have their fundry Talks afTign'd ; 5, 6 Earth on her Center fixt he fet. Nor proudeft Mountains dar'd, as yet, 7 But when thy awful Face appear'd When once thy Thunder's Voice they heard, and Glory for a Garment lake: thy Canopy of State to make. his Palace-Chambers in the Skies ; the fwift-wing'dSteeds w-ith which he flies. his Miniflers Heav'n's Palace fill, all proud to ferve their Sov'reign's Will. her Face with Waters overfpread : to lift above tJie Waves their Head. th' infulting Waves difpers'd;- they fled, and by their Halle contefs'd their Dread. 8 Thence up, by fecret Tra£ls they creep, and, gufhingfrom the Mountain's Side, Thro' Valleys travel to the Deep, appointed to receive their Tide. 9 Therehaft thou fixt theOcean's Bounds, the threat'ning Surges to repel ; That they no more o'erpafs their Mounds, nor to a fecond Deluge fwell. PART II. 10 Yet thence in fmaller Parties drawn, the Sea recovers her loft Hills; And flarting Springs from ev'ry Lawn, furprize the Vales withplenteous Rills. 11 The Field's tameBcafts are thither led, weary with Labour, faint with Drought And Affes on wild Mountains bred, have Senfe to find thefe Currents out. J 2 There IhadyTrees,from fcorchingBeams They drink, &: to the bounteous Streams 13 His Rains from Heav'n parcht Hills recruit. Till Earth is burden'd with her Fruit, 14 Grafs for our Cattle to devour. Herbs for Man's Ufe, of various Pow'r, 13 WiihcluflerGrapeshecrovvns theVine, Gives Oil that makes his Face to fliine, yield Shelter to the feather'd Throng ; return the Tribute of their Song, that foon tranfmit the liquid Store ; and Nature's Lap can hold no more. he makes the Growth of ev'ry Field ; that either Food or Phyfick yield, to chear Man's Heart opprcft with Cares; and Corn, that waRed Strength repairs. PART III. 16 The Trees of God, without the Care The Mountain-Cedar looks as fair 17 Safe in the lofty Cedar's Arms The hofpitable Pme from Harms i8 Wild Goats the craggy Rock afcend, Whofe Cells in Labyrinths extend, 19 The Moon's inconftant Afpefl. Ihows Th' inflruded Sun his Duty knows, 20, 21 Darknefs he makes the Earth to Ihroud, Young Lions roar their Wants aloud 22 They rangeaIlNight,onSlaughter bent. To fculk in Dens, with oneConfent, 23 Forth to the Tillage of his Soil, Commencing with the Sun his Toil, 24 Ho w various, Lord, ihvWorks are found ThcEarthis with thvTreafurecrovvn'd, or Art of Man, with Sap are fed : as thofe in Royal Gardens bred, the Wand'rers of the Air may reft : protefts the Stork, her pious Gueil. its tow'ring Heights their Forirefs mak; where feebler Creatures Refuge take. th' appointed Seafons of the Year ; his Hours to rife and difappear. when Forell-Beafts fecurely ftray ; to Providence that fends them Prey, 'till fummon'd by the riling Morn, the confcious Ravagers return. the Hufbandman fecurely troes, with him returns to his Repofe. for which thy Wifdom we adore ! 'till Nature's Hand can grafp no more. PART r S A L M cv. PART IV. of Wonders a new Scene fupplie^, of ev'ry rorm and ev'ry Size, there cut their -unmolefted Way; ihou 7nad'ft, has Compafs there to play. in Scnfe of common Want agree ; and have their daily Alnis from thee, without tlieir Trouble to provide; the craving World is all lupply'd. ihenum'rous Ranks of Creatures mourn: forthwith to Mother-Earth return. t'infpire the Mafs with vital Seed ; fmiles on her new-created Breed. hrm hxt, thy providential Care; thou dofi. the Waftes of Time repair. Earth's panting Breafl with Terror HIls ; in Darknefs Ihrouds the proudell Hills. 23 But flill the vafl unfathom'd Main, Whofe Depths Inhabitants contain 26 Full-freighted Ships from ev'ry Port, Leviathan, whom there to fport 2 7 Thefe various Troops of Sea and Land, All wait on thy difpenhng Hand, ■iB They gather what thy Stores difperfe. Thou op'il thy Hand, the Univerfe, ^9 Thou for a Moment hid' ft thy Face, Thou tak'fl their Breath, all Nature's Race ^o Again thou fend'fl thy Spirit forth, Kature's refior'd, and Parent-Earth 31 Thus ihro' fucceihve Ages flands rieas'dwith iheWcrk of thyownHands, 32 One Look of thine, one wrathiul Look, One Touch from thee with Clouds of Smoke, 35 In pruiling God, while he prolongs my Breath, I will that Breath employ; J 4 And join Devotions to my Sengs, hncere, as in him is my Joy. 55 While Sinners from Earth's iace are my Soul, praifc thou his holy Name, hurl'd. Till, with thy Song, thelill'ning World join Confort, and his Praife proclaim. PSALM CV. invoke his facred Name : his ma'.chlefs Deeds proclaim, his wond'rous Works rehearfe; and Subjefl of -your Verfc. alone to be ador'd ; that humbly feek the Lord. devoutly Hill implore; his Face for evermore. keep thankfully in Mind ; and Laws to us affign'd. and Jacob's cliofcn Race, throughout the Earth take Place. O Render Thanks, and blefs the Lord, Acquaint the Nations with his Deeds, tn\, Or clfc to be by Heathens Hands PAR 28 Yet unrcclaim'd this flubborn Race, Became his impious Gucfts and fed 29 Thus they pcrliflcd to provoke Tis coine; — the deadly pcft is come The Fountain of eternal Love ; Has itood, and (hall for ever lafl. Not only vail but numberlefs ? Kio Tribute of immortal Praife? Who from thy Judgments never flray, But always practice what they know. Thou to thy Chofen doft afford; Let thy Salvation vilit me. Thy Saints in full Profperity I And count thy People's Triumph mine. 1 Of Parents vile, the viler Race; And with new Crimes increas'd the Score" On all his Works in Egypt wrought; But they their bafe Diftruit renew'd. Once more to their Deliv'rance came, Thu he is God, and he alone. The parting Deep difclos'd her Sand ; As through fome parch'd and defart Way. 'Who clofely prefs'd upon the Rear ; That prov'd the rafh purfuers Graves. O'erwhelm'dproudPharaoh, Holland all, To own God's Truth, and praife his Love. T TI. And for his Counfcl waited not ; Did him with frefh Temptations prefs. But made their Sin their Puniihment ; The Prielt and Prophet whom he chole. Her vengeful Jaws extending wide, ^V'ith proud Abiram's factious Crew. To kindle wild Sedition's Fire, A Prey to Heav'n's devouring Flame. And to the molten Image pray'd ; They chang'd their Glory to their Shame. And all his Works in Egypt wrought ; And where proudPharaoh'sti oops wereloll. But Mofes in the Breach appear'd ; And turn'dHeav'ns kindled Wrath away. Nor his repeated Promife piiz'd ; But when God faid,Go up, would flay. To perifh in the Wildcrnefs ; O'erthrown and feat tcr'd thro' iJie Lands. T III. Baal-Peor's Worfliip did embrace-, On Sacrifices to the Dead. C» d's Vengeance to the iinal Stroke : To execute their gen'ral Doom. PSALM CVII. 50 ButPliIncas, fir'd vvltli lioly Rage, Did by two bold Offenders fall,' 31 As him a heav'nly Zeal had mov'd, To liim continuing, and his Race, 3a At Meribah God's Wrath they mov'd, 33 Whofc patient Soul they did provoke, 34 Nor when poffeft of Canaan's Land, Nor his commillion'd Sword employ 35 Nor only fpar'd the Pagan Crew, 36 And worlliip to ihofe Idols paid 37, 38 To Devils they did SacriHce Approach'd their Altars thro' a Flood, No cheaper Vi^ims would appeafe No Blood her Idols reconcile, PAR 39 Nor did thefc favage Cruelties For after their Hearts Lufl they went, 40 But Sins of fach infernal Hue Till he, their once indulgent Lord, 4 1 He then defencclefs did expofe And made them on the Triumphs wait, 42 Nor thus his Indignation ceas'd, Till thev,whoGod's mild Sway declin'd, 43 Yet when difireft, they did repent, But freed, they did his Wrath provoke, 44 Nor yet implacable he prov'd, 45 But did to mind his Promifc bring, 46 Compaffion too he did impart And Pity for their Su/f 'rings bred 47 Still fave us. Lord, and Ifr'ePs Bands So to thy Name our Thanks we'll raife, 48 Lei Tfr'el's God be ever bleft. Let all his Saints with full Accord, P S A L I *^ I *0 God your gratefulVoices raife, J[_ And let your never-ceafing Praife 2 , 3 Let thofe give Thanks whom he from Bands And brought them back from difiant Lands, 4, 5 Thro' lonely dtfart Ways they went, Till quite v/iihThirf: andHunger fpent; 6 Then foon to God's indulgent Ear Who gracioufly vouchfaf'd to hear, 7 Ftom crooked Paths he led them forth, To wealthy Towns of great Refort, 8 O then that all the Earth with me. And for the mighty Works which he 5 For he from Heav'n the fad Eft ate To hungry Sguls that pant for Meat, (Th' Almighty's Vengeance to afTwage) Th' Atonement make ihct ranfom'd all. So Heav'n the zealous Aft approv'd ; The Priefthood he fo well did Grace. Who Mofes for their Sakes reprov'd : Till rafhly the meek Prophet fpoke. Did they perform their Lord's Command, The guilty Nations to deftroy. But, mingling, learnt their Voices too ; Which them to fatal Snares betray'd. Their Children with relentlefs Eyes, Of their own Sons and Daughters Blood- Canaan's remorfelefs Deities ; But that which did the Land deHle. T IV. The harden'd Reprobates fuffice; And daily did new Crimes invent. God's Wrath againfi his People drew , His own Inheritance abhor'd. To their infuking Heathen Foes ; Of thofe who bore them greateft Hate. Their Lift of Tyrants he increas'd. Were made the Vaffals of Mankind. His Anger did as ofi relent ; Renew'd their Sins, and he their Yoke. Nor heard their wretched Cries unmov'd. And Mercy's inexhauited Spring. E'en to their Foes obdurate Heart, In thofe who them to Bondage led. Together bring from Heathen Lands ; And ever Triumph in thy Praife. his Name eternally confeft ; Sing loud Amens — Praife ye the Lord. M CVTI. who does your daily Patron prove; attend on his eternal Love. of proud opprefTmg Foes releas'd ; from North and South, andWeft and Eail. nor could a peopled City find ; their fainting Soul within them pin'd. did they their mournful Cry addrefs, and freed them from their deep Diftrefs. and in the certain Way did guide, where all their Wants were well fupply'd. would God for this his Goodnefs praife ! ihro'out the wond'iing World difplays ! of longing Souls with Pity views ; his Goodnefs daily Food renews. PART PSALM cvir. PAR toSo-me lie,witliDarknefscompafs"drouml And with unvveildy Fetters bound, 11, 12 Becaufe God's Counfel they dety'd, "With thefe Affli£lions they were try'd ; 13 Then foon to God's indulgent Ear, Who gracioufly vouchfaf'd to hear, I 4 FromdifmalDunireons, dark as Night, He brought them forth tochearfulLight, 15 O then that all the Earth, with me And for the mighty Works which he 16 For he with his Almighty Hand Nor could the maffy Bars withRand, PAR i"] Remorfelefs Wretc]ies, void of Senfe, And for tlieir multiply'd Offence, I 8 Their Soul, a Prey to Pain and Fear, And they by faint Degrees draw near 1 9 Then flrait to God's indulgent Ear, Who gracioufly vouchfafes to hear, 2 He air their fad Dillempers heali, And when all human Succour fails, 21 O then that all the Earth, with me. And for the mighty Works which he 22 With OS'rings let his Altars fiarae, And with loud Joy his holy Name PAR T II. in Death's uncomfortable Shade; bv pielfing Cares more heavy made ; and lightly priz'd his holy Word, they fell, and none could Help afford. did they their mournful Cry addrefs ; and freed them from their deep Diftrefs. and Shades as black as Death's Abode, , and welcome Liberty bellow'd. would God for this his Goodnefs piaifej thro'out the wond'ring World difplaya| the Gates of Brafs in Pieces broke; or temper'd Steel refill his Stroke. T III. with bold TranfgrefTions God defy, oppreft with fore Difeafes lie : abhors to tafle the choiceft Meats, to Death's inhofpitable Gates. do they their mournful Cry addrefs ; and flees them from their deep Diftrefs. his W^ord both Health and Safety gives :. from nearDeftruftion thsm retrieves. would God for this his Goodnefs praifc ! ihro'cut the wond'ring ^Vorlcl difplays ! whilil they their grateful Thanks cxprefs ! for all his Ads of Wonder blefs. T IV. 23,24 They that in Ships, with Courage o'er fwtUing Waves their Tizdc purfue ; bold. Do God's amazing Work"; behcild, and in the Deep his Wonders view. 25 No fooncr his Command is paft:, but forth a dreadful Temped Hies, Which fweeps the Sea with rapid Hafte, and makes the ftormy Billows rife. 2 6 Sometimes theShips,tofs'd up toHeav'n, on Tops of mounting Waves appear; Then down the fteep Abyfs aredriv'n, 27 They reel and ftagger ^00 and fro, Nor do the {kilful Seamen know. hilft ev'ry Soul dlffolves with Fear. like Men with Fumes of Wine oppreft ; which Way to ileer, what Courfe is beft. they do their mournful Cry addrefs; and frees them from their deep Diftrefs. and makes the Billows calm and ftill : and their intended Courfe fuKll. would God for this his Goodnefs praifc; 28 Then ftrait to God's indulgent Ear Who gracioufly vouchfafes to hear, -9» 3° ^^ does the raging Storm appeafe With Joy they fee their Fury ceafe, 31 O then that all the Earth, with me. Anil for the mighty Works, which he thro'out the wond'ring World difplays 32 Let them, where all thcTribes refort, advance to Heav'n his glorious Name, And in the Elders Ibv'ieign Court, with one Confcnt his Praife proclaim. PART V. here Streams God's juft Revenge, where Pcoule (in, 2 3, 34 A fruitful Laud, abound. Kill uira to dry and l)arrcn Ground to punifli thofc that dwell therein. PSALM 35,36 The parcht and defart Heaih he makes "SVhkli for his Lot the Hungry takes, 37, 58 He fows ihc Field, tlie Vineyard plants, Nor can,\vhilil Cod his BlefTmg chants, 59 But ■when his Sins Heav'n's Wrath provoke, He feels th' OpprcGor's gaulingYoke, 40 The I'rince that flights what God ccin- mands, Ar.d over wild and defart Lands, 41 Whilfl God, from all affliaing Care?, And makes in Time his iium'rous Heirs 4 2 ,43ThenSinners fhallhavenought to fay TheWifethefcftrangeEvculs Ih all weigh, CVIII, CIX. to flow with Streams and fpringingWclk r and in ilrong Cities fafely dwells, which gratefully his Toil repay ; his fruitful Seed or Stock decay, his Health and Subflance fade away ; and is of Grief the wretched Prev. expos'd to Scorn, muft quit his Throne ; where no Path offers, ftray slone. fets up the humble Man on high : with his increafing Flocks to vye. the Jufl a decent Joy fhall fhow ; and thence Cod's Goodnefs fullv know. PSALM CVIII. I ^f'^\ Cod, my Heart is fully bent, \^^ M y Tongu e w i t h ch earfu I S on gs o f Praife , a Awake, my Lute; nor thou, my Harp, Whilft I with early Hymns of Joy, 3 To all the liPL'ning Tribes, O Lord, Andfto thofe Nations iing thy Praife 4 Becaufe thv Mercy's bcundlefs Height And far beyond th' afpiring Clouds 5 Be thou, Cod, exalted high And let the World, with one Confent, ■6 That all thy chofen People Thee Let thy Right-hand proteft me flill, 7 Since Cod himfelf ha% faid the "Word, Widi Joy I Sechem will divide, S Cilend is mine, Manafieh too; Their Strength my Regal Pow'r fupports, 9 Moab I'll make my fervile Drudge, And thro' the proud Philifline Lands 10 By whofe Support and Aid Ihall I ^Vho will my Troops fecurely lead II Lord, wilt not thou affift cur Arm-;, And will not thou, of thefe our Hofls, 12 O to thy Servants in Diftrefs For vain it is on human Aid 13 The valiant A£ls fliall we perform, FoiCod it is, and God alone. to magnify thy Name ; fliall celebrate thv Fame, thy warbling Note? delays prevent the dawning Day. thy Wonders I will tell ; that round about us dwell : the higheli Heav'n tranfcends ; thy faithful Truth extends. above the flarry Frame; confefs thy glorious Name, their Savioiir may declare, and anfwcr thou my Pray'r- whofe Promife cannot fail, and meafure Succoth's Vale : and Ephraini owns my Caufc : and Judah gives my Laws. on vanquifht Edom tread ; my contiu'rinjj Banners fpread. their well-fenc'd City gain? thro' Eaom's guarded Plain? which late thou did fl forfake * once more the Guidance take? thy fpctdy Succour fend : ior Safety to depend. if thou thy Pow'r difclofc; tluit treads down ail our Foes. P S A L M CIX. OGod, whofe former Mercies make Hold not thv Peace, but my fad State Tor hnful Men, wfih lying Lip<;', Arid jvirb tlicir f.ud' 'd Slanders icek mv conflant Praife thy due, with wonted Favour view, deceitful Speeches frame, to wound m" fpoilcfs Tame. ; Theli PSALM CIX. 3 Their rcftlefs Hatred prompts them fiill, And all agHiafl, my Life combine, 4 Thofe whom with tend'reft Love I us'd, Whilft I of other Friends beieft, 5 Since MifchieF, for the Good I did, And Hatred's the Return they make 6 Their guiltv Leader fliall be made And when he's try'd, his mortal Foe 7 His Guilt w^hen Seriience is prcnounc'd, Whilfl. his rejefled Pray'r but ferves 8 He, fnatch'd by fome untimely Fate, Another, by divine Decree, g, 10 His Seed fhall Orphans be, his "^Vife His vagrant Children bes; their Bread, 11 His ill-got Riches fhali be made TheFiuit of all his Toil fhall be 12 None ihall bs found, that to his Wants Or to his helplefs Orphan-Seed 13 A fwift Dellruaion focn {hall feize And thef next Age his hated Name 14 The Vengeance of his Father's Sins God on his Mother's Crimes Paall think, 15 All thefe, in horrid Order rank'd. Till his iieice Anger quite cuts ofi" PART IL 16 Becaufe he never Mercy fliew'd, And fought to flay the helplefs Man, 17 Therefore the Curfe he lov'd to vent. And BleiTmg, which he ftiU abhor'd, 18 Since he in Curling took fuch Pride, Thro' all his Veins, and ilick like Oil, ig This, like a poifon'd Robe, fliall ftill Or an euvenom'd Belt, from which 20 Thus {hall the Lord reward all thofe That with malicious falfe Reports 21 But for thy glorious Name, O God, And for thv gracious Mercy's Sake, 22 Fur I, to utmoft Straits reduc'd. My Heart is wounded v.'i?h Diiirefs, 23 I, like an Ev'ning Shade, decline, Like Locufls up and down I'm toft, 24, 2 5 My Knees with failing are grown weak, All that behold me Ciakc their Heads, 26, 27 But for thy Mercy's f^^kc, O Lord That all may fee 'tis thy own Act, 28 Then let them curfc, fo then butblefs ; Of all that my Deftruftion fcek, 29 My Foe Ihall with Difgrnce be cloaih'd, His own Confulion, like a Cloak, malicious Lies to fpread; by caufelefs Fury led. my chief Oppofers are ; Tcfort to thee by Prav'rr their flrange Reward does prove : for undiiTembled Love : to fome ill Man a Slave; for his Accufer hare. fliall meet a dreadful Fate; his Crimes to aggravate. flian't live cut half his Dajs ; Ihall on his Ofnce feize. a Widow plung'd in Grief; where none can give Relief, to Ufurers a Prey ; by Strangers borne away. their Mercy will extend, the leafx Affiflance lend, on his unhappv Race ; Ihall utterly deface. upon his Head fhall fall : and pun i ill him for all. before the Lord fhall ftand, their Mem'ry from the Land. bat ftill the Poor opprefs'd ; with heavy Woes diftrefs'd. Ihall his own Portion prove; Ihall far from him remove. like Water it fliall fpread with which his Bonei are {cd. his conRant Cov'ring be, he never Ihall be free. that III to me defign ; againR my Life combine, do thou deliver me ; prefcrve and ftt me free. am void of all Relief; and quite pierc'd thro' with Grief. which vauiflies apace; and have no certain Place. my Body lank and lein ; ai.d treat me with Difdain. do thou ray Foes wilhiland ; the Work of thy Righthnud. let Shame the Portion be while I rejoice in thee, and fpite of all his Pride; the guilty Wretch fiiall hide 3«But PSALM CX, CXI, cxir. 50 But I to Cud, in grat-eful Tliaiik?;, And where the greui Adembly meefs, 3 I For him the Poor fliall always liiid. And he ihull from uiirighieous Doom^ P S A I- 1 '' I ^HE Lord unto my Lord thus fpake, X " Till I thy Toes thy Fooi-flool make, " lit thou, in State, at my Right-hand; 2 " Supreme in Sion thoufhaltbe, " and all ihy proud Oppreffors fee " fubjecled to thy juft Command. 3 " Thee,in thy Fow'r's triumphantDay, " the willing Nations Ihall obey, " andwlien thy rilinirBcams they view, " Shall all(redeein'dfromError'sNightj " appear as numberlefs and bright " asChxyllal Drops of Morning Dew." P S A L M my cheat ful Voice will raifei fet forth his noble Fraife. their fure and conllaut Friend ; their guiltlefs Souls defend. CX. 4 The Lord has fworn, nor.fworn in vain, that likeMclchi/.edeck's, thy Reign and Priefthood (hall no Period know : 5 No proud Competitor 10 lit at til'/ Right-hand will he permit : but in his Wrath crown'd Heads o'er- thiow. 6 The fentenc'd Heathen lie fliall flay, and BU with CarcaGfes his Way, tiUlic lias flruckEartli'sTyrant dead; 7 But in the High- way Brook fhall Hrft, like a poor Pilgri-.n flake his Thirfl, and then inTriumph raife his Head. M CXI. 1 13 R A I S E yc tlie Lord ; our X P"ife With private F"riends, and in theThrong 2 HisWorks, for ?reatnefs, tho' renown'd, Bv thofe who feek for them aright, 3 His Works are all of maichlefs Fame, His Truth, cnnHrm'd thro' Ages paft, 4 By Precept he has us enjoin'd, And to Poflcrity record, 5 His Bountv, like a fiov.ing Tide, And lie will ever keep in Minrt j€ At once aftonifht and o'erjov'd, Vy'liereby the Heathen were fupprcfs'd, I7 Juft are the Dealings of his Hands, 8 Bv Tiuth and Ejuity fu{lain"tl, jg He £ct his Saints from Bondage free, For jever to remain the fame: lo'Who'^/Vifdom's facrcd Prize would \An, I Immcrtal Praifc, and heav'nly Skill P S A L HALLE 1 r-f-\ HAT Man is bleftwho Lands in 1 , Awe 2 Flis Seed on Earth fliall be renown'd, } His Houfe, the Seat ofWeahh, fliall be His Juftice free from all Dscay, 1 The Soul that's filPd withVirtue'sLight, To pity the DiRrefs'd inclin'd, ; Hi^ iib-'ral Favours he extend;, Yet v.hat Iiis Charity impair-. God to Mv Soul her utmoft Fow'i fliall raife. Of Saint=! niv Praife fliall be my Song. Kis wona'rous Works with Eafe are found And in the pious Search delight. And univerfal Glcry claim ; Shall to eternal Ages laft. To keep his wond'rous W'orks in Mind, That good and gracious is our Lord. Ha; all his Servants Wants fupply'd; His Cov'nant wuh our Fathers li^^n'd. Ilievfaw his matchlefs Pow'r employ'cJ ; And we their Heiiiage poflefs'd. Immutable are his Commands : And for eternal Rules ordain'd. And tlien eilablifli'd his Decree, Holy and Rev' rend is his Name. Mull" with the Fear of Gnd begin: Have they who know and do his 'Wiil. M cxn.' L U J AH. cf God, and loves his facred La^v ; And with fuccefllvc Honours crown' J, An inexhauRed Trcafury ; Shall Blelflngs to his Heirs convcA'. Shines brightefl in Afflifi ion's Night : As well a'! JuU 10 all Mankind. To fome he gives, to others lends: He favcs hy Prudence i^i Afi'air?. H ' C Belt r S A L M CXIII, CXIV, cxv. Unmov'd Oiall he maintain his Ground ; Shall flourKh wheii he fleeps in Duil. Heart that, Hx'd, on God relies : H The Shipwreck of his Enemies. His Glory's future Harveft fow'd ; 6 Befet with threat'ning Dangers round The fweet Rememb'rance of the Juft, 7 III Tidings never can furpiife S On Safety's Rock, he lits, and fees 9 His Hands ,while they IxIsAlmsbeftowM Whence, he fhall reap Wealth, Fame, A temp'ral and eternal Crown. Renown, m The Wicked Ihall his Triumph fee. And gnafh their Teeth in Ao^ony, While their unrighteous Hopes decay, And vanidi, with themfelves, away. V S A L M CXIII. I X TE Saints and Servants of the Lord, JL the Triumphs of his Name record, t His facred Name for ever blefs. 3 Where'er the circling Sun difplays. His riling Beams or fettingRays, DuePraife to his great Name addrefs. 4 God thro' tke World extends his Sway, the Regions of eternal Day ; but Shadows of his Glory are. 5 To him, whofe Mnjelty excels. Who made theHeav'n wherein he dwells, let no created Pow'r compare. Tho' 'tis beneath his State to view in Itigheft Heav'n v^hat Angels do, yet he to Earth vouchfafe? his Care : He takes the Needy from his Cell, advancing him in Courts to dwell. Companion to the greateft there. When chi'dlefs Families defpair, he fei>ds the Blefilng of an Heir, to refcue their expiring Name; Makes her that barren was to bear, and joyfully her Fruit to rear ; O then extoll his matchlefs Fanwl PSALM CXIV. I T^THEN Ifr'el by th' Almighty From Egypt march'd, andjacob's Seed 5 Jehovah, for his Reiidence, His Manfion-Royal, and from thence 3 The diftant Sea v. ith Terror faw, Oldjordan's Streams, furpiiz'd with Awe, 4 The taller ?Jountains (kipp'd likeRams, TheHills flcipp'd after them, likeLanibs, ^ O Sea, what made yourTide withdraw, W-hv, Jordan, againft Nature's Law, 6 Why,Mounrains,didye{kiplikeRani'?, Why afte-r you the Hills like Lambs, 7 Earth, tremble ont wellmay'A thou fear, W^hen Jacob's awful God draws near, 8 To Hce from God, uhofe Nature's Law, \Vho Springs from flintyRocks can draw P S A L (enrich'd with their OpprefTor's Spoil) from Bondage in a foreign Soil; chofc out imperial J udah's Tent, tliro' Ifr'el's Camp his Orders fent. and from th' .Almighty^s Prefencc fled; retreated to their Fountain's Head, when Danger near the Fold they hear ; affrighted by their Leader's Fear. and naked leave your ouzy Bed? rccoild'fl thou to thy Fountain's Head? when Danger does approach the Fold ? when they their Leader's Flight behold f ihy Lord and Maker's Face to fee; 'lis Time for Earth and Scis to flee; canfirms and cancels at his Will ; and thirfiy Vales with Water filU M CXV. I TT OPvD, not to us, wc claim no Share, 1^ J Give Glory for thy Mercy's Sake, li Why fhould the Heathen cry, Where's now 3 Convince them tliat ii) Heaven thou art, 4 Their Gods but Gold and Silver are, 3 With fpc^chiefs Mouth, and lighilcfs Eyes, G The Pagc:int has both Ears and Nofc, -] J[,>-3 Hanii and Feet nor fccl,.por move, but to thy facred Name and Truth's eternul Fame, the God whom we adore •* and uncontroul'd thy Pow'r. the "Works of mortal Handj;. the molten Idol (lands, but nciiher hears nor fiucllr; uo Life \\riihiu it dwells. a Such PSALM CXVI, CXVII. S S^uch fenfelefs Stocks they are, that we Eut thofe who on their Help rely, f) O Ifi'eJ, make the Lord your Truft, I Priefls, Levites, truft in him alone, 1 I Let all, who truly fear the Lord, Who them in Danger can defend, i:, 13 Of us he oft has mindful been, Priefls, Levites, Profelytes, ev'n all 14 On yon, and on your Heirs, he will 1 5 Thrice happy you, who Fav'rites are iu Heav'u's highcft Orb of Glory, he And gave this lower Globe of Earth I - Th<"v who in Death and Silence flecp il- But we will blefs for evermore can noihino; like them fiiic. and them for God's dclifn'd. who is your Help and Shield ; who only Help can yield. on him they fear, rely ; and all their Wants fupplr. and Ifr'el's Knufe will blefs, who his great Name confefs. increafe of ElefTmgs bring ; of this Almighty King. his Empire's Seat delign'd; a Portion to Mankind. to him no Praife afford ; cur cver-liviiicr Lord. M' P S A L M CXV Soiil with grateful Thoughts of Love ir Secaufe the Lord, vouchfaf'd to hear 2 Since he has now his Ear inclin'd, Eut flill in all the Straits of Life 3 With deadly Sorrow-s compafl round, When Troubles feiz'd my aking Heart, 4 On God's Almighty Name I calPd, ** Lord, I befeech thee fave my Soul, 3» 6 How juil and merciful is God, Who faves the Harmlefs, and to me 7 Then^ free from penfive Cares, my Soul, For God has wond'roufly to thee 8 When Death alarm'd me, he remov'd My Feet frcrn falling he fccur'd, 9 Therefore rov Life's remaining Years, Will I injraifcs to his Name, JO, II In God I irufled, and of him (For in my flight all Hopes of Aid j£, 13 Then what Return to him fliall I I'll praife his Name, and with glad Zeal, 14, 15 rU pay my Vows amongfl his Saint?, By wicked Men) in God's Account 16 By various Ties, O Lord, mufl I Thy humble Handmaid's Son bcfcre, 17, 18 To thee rU Off 'rings bring of Praife,- The juft Performance of ray Vows xg They in Jerufalem (hall meet, To blefj thy Name with one Ccnfcnt, : intirely is poffeft ; the Voice of my Rcjueft. I never v.iirdefpair ; to him addrcis myPra^'r. with Pains of Hell cppreft, and AnguiPa rack'd my Breafl ; and thus to him I pray'd; " with Soricws quite difmay'd." how gracious is the Lord ! does timely Help affcid. refume thy wonted Reft ; his bounicous Love expi-e{i. my Dangers and mv Fear' ; and dry'd my Eyes fram Tears, which God to me {hall lend, and m his Service fpend. m greateu Straits did boaft ; from fai^hlefs Men were ioft.) for aVl his Goodnefs make? the Cup of Bleffing take. whofs Blood, (howe'er defpis'd is ahvavi; highly priz'd. to thy Dominion bow ; tliy ranfom'd Captive now ! and whilfl I blefs thy Name, To all thy Saints proclaim, and in thy Houfc fhall join, and mix their Soncs wiih mine' PSALM CXVII. I 'I ^ 7 ITH chearful Notes let all the Earth Y \ Let all infpir'd with godly Mirth, a God's tender Mercy knows no Bound, Then let the willing Nations round H2 to Hc^v'n their Voices raife ; {ing folemn Hymns of Praife: his Truth Ihall ne'er decay, their grateful Tribute par. P S A L M PSALM o P S A L Praifc the Loid, f(.r he is aood. That his Itind Favours ever lafl, 3, 4 Their Senfe of his eiema.1 Lovs And that it never faih, let all 5 To God I made my hiimhle Moan, And he releas'd me from my Straits, 6 Since therefore God does on my Side Why fliould ihe vain Attempts of Men Since God with thofe that aid my Caufc To all my Foes I need not doubt , 9 Fur better 'tis to trufV in God, Thau vix the greatefl human Pow'r o, 1 I Tlio' many Nations clofely leasu'd, Yet by his bouudiefs Pow'r fuPaind, : They fvvainid like Bee«, and yet their Raa;e lor whiia on God I flill rely'd, 3 When all united prefs'd me hard, The Lord vouchfaf d to take my Part, i The Honour of my ftrani^e Efcapo He ii my Saviour and my Slren^tJi, 3 Joy fills the Dwellings of the Jufl, I'm woud'rous Things are brought to pafs 6 He, by hii own rthRlefs Pow'r, The faving Strength of his Riahl-hand 1 God will not fuffer me to fall, That by declarinij all his Works, 3 When God had fcrely m.e chaAii'd, His Mercy from the Gates of Dcaih ') Then open wide the Teijipje-Gates Thitt I may enter in and pralfs 0. :i Within thofe Gates of God's Abode Since thou haft heard and fct me fafe, ;, 23 That, which the Builders once refus'd, Thij is the wond'rous Work of God, 2^,33 This Day is God's ; let ail ih; Laud i-ord, we belecch thee, fave us now, •^ G Him tliat approaches in God's Name, •' We, that belong to God's own Houle, i - God is the Lord, through whom we all fail to the Altar's Horn, with Cord', iS Thou art my Lord, O God, and ilill Bccaiife thou only art my God, O then, with me, give Thanks to Gi.d, And let the I'ributo of our Praife cxviir, cxix. u CXVIII. , his Mercies ne'er decay: let thankful Ifr'el fay. let Aaron's Houfe exprcfs ; that fear the Lord confef?. -"} S A L A L with Troubles c^uite opprcft ; and granted my Requelt. fo gracioufly appear, polfefs my Soul with Fear ; vouchfafes my Part to take, a jiilt Return to make, and have the Lord our Friend, for Safety to depend. did oft befet me round ! I did their Strength confound, was but a fliort-liy'd Blaze : I vaniuifh'd them with Eafc. in Hopes to make me fall : and fav'd me from them all. to him i;.lone belongs ; he only claims my Songs. whom God has fav'd from Harnr, by his Almighty Arm. has endlcfs Honour v/on : araa/.ing Works has doi^. but ftill prolongs my Days ; I may advance his Praife. till quite of Hopes bereav'd; my fainting Life rcpriev'd. to which the Juft repair; my great Deliv'rer there, to which the Righteous prefs ; thy holy Name I'll blefs. is now the Corncr-Stone ; the W'ork oi God alone, exalt their chcarful Voice : aiid make us flill rejoice. let all th' AfTembly blcfs ; " have wifii'd you good Succcfs." both Light and Comforts llnd; the chofcn Viflim bind. ni praife thy holy Name; I'll celebrate thy Fame. Vvlu) Hill docs gracious prove ; be endlcfs as his Love. CXIX. P H. H OW blcfl are they who .ilways kerp Who never from the facrcd P:iihs the pure and pcrfefl Way ! of God's Commandment 5 firav ' J T1-: PSALM CXIX. J Thrice blefl who to his righteous Laws And have with fervent humble Zeal 3 Such Men their utmofl Caution ufe But in the Path which he direfls 4 Thou ftriflly hafl enjoin'd us, Lord, And all our Diligence employ 5 O then that thy moft holy Will And I the Courfe of all my Life 6 Then with Aflurance Ihould I walk, Convinc'd, with Joy, that all my Ways 7 My upright Heart, fhall my glad Moulh When by thy righteous judgments taught, 8 So to thy facred Laws flaall I, O then forfake me not, my God, BET 9 How fhall the Young preferve their Ways By making ftill their Courfe of Life 10 Willi liearty Zeal, for thee I feek, O fuffer not my carelefs Steps I 1 Safe in my Heart, and clofely hid. To fuccour me with timely Aid, 12 Secur'd by that, my grateful Soul O teach me then by thy juft Laws 19 My Lips, unlockt by pious Zeal, How well the Judgments of thy Mouth I 4 Whillt in the Way of thy Commands, Than had I been with vail Increufe ij Therefore thy juft and upright Laws And thofe found Rules which thou prefcrib' if) To keep thy Statutes uudefac'd, The ftricl. Remembrance of thy Word, G I M E 1 7 Be gracious to thy Servant, Lord, That I, according to thy Word, 1 o Enlighten both my Eyes and Mind, The wond'rous Things which ihey behold 1 r) Tho' like a Stranger in the Land, Thy righteous Judgments from my Sight :o My fainting Soul is almofl pin'd, Whilft always on the eager Search - 1 Thy Iharp Rebuke n>all cruDi the Proud, Since they to walk in thy right Ways 2 2 But far from me do thou, O L;vote my zealous Heart. to which thy Precepts lead ; thy righteous Paths to tread, incline my willing Heart: from ihce my Thoughts divert. which this falfe World difplay> to keep thy righteous Ways, and give thy Servant Aid, is awfully afraid. in Mercy, Lord remove ; are full of Grace and Love, my lon§ii»g Heart does pant ; and promis'd Succour grant. A U. to cheer my drooping Heart ; ihy faving Health impart, this ready Anfwer make; " his faUhful Promife break." be from my Mouth remov'd ; thy juft Decrees have prov'd. with all my Study bend; in their Obfervjncc fpend. from all Incumbrance free; with tjiy Commands agree, and Princes Ihall attend, with Contidciice defend. 47 My P S A L M CXIX. 4 7 My lonoing Hcait and ravifh'd Soul When in thy lov'd Commandmenis I 48 Then will I to thy juft Decrees, Mv Care and Buiincfs then Ihall be fhall both o'ernow vrith Joy; my happy Hours employ, lift up my willing Hands ; 10 iludy thy Coinmandi. I N. Z A 49 According to thy promis'd Grace, Make good to mc the Word, on which 30 That only Comfort in Diftrefs Thy Word, when Troubles hem'd me round, rcviv'd my fainting Soul. nd all my Hopes deride ; thy Favour, Lord, extend; thv Servant's Hopes depend, did all mv Griefs controul j 51 Infuiting Foes did proudly mock, Yet from thy Law, not all their Scoffs 52 Thy Judgments then, of ancient Date, 'Till ravifh'd with fuch Thoughts, my Soul 33 Sometimes' I ftand amaz'd, *like one To think how all my linful Fees 34 But I thy Statutes and Decrees, Whilfl thro' llrange Lands and DeHirts wild 53 Thy Name that chear'd my Hearl by Day, I then refolv'd by thy juft Laws, 36 That Peace of Mind, which has my Soul By flria Obedience to thy Will could make me turn afide. I quickly call'd to mind ! did fpeedy Comfort find. with deadly Horror fliuck, have thy jull Laws forfook. my chearful Anthems made; • I like a Pilgrim ftray'd. has fili'd my Thoughts by Night ; to guide my Steps aright. in deep Diftrefs fultaiu'd, I happily obtain'd. C H E T H. 37 O Lord, my Gcd, my Portion thou, Thy Words I ftedfafily refolve 38 With all the Strength of warm Dehres Difclofe, according to thy Word. 59 With due Refletlion and (Irift Care And fo, reclaiju'd to thv juil Paths, 60 I lofl no Time, but made great hafte. To watch, that 1 might never more bi Tho' num'rous Troops of linful Men Yet I thy pure and righteous Laws 62 In Dead of Night I will arife, Convinc'd how much I always ought 63 To fuch as fear thy holy Name To all who their obedient Wills 64 O'er all the Earth thy Mercy, Loid, O make me then, e.\aflly learn, T E T 63 With me, thy Servant, thou halt dealt Repeated Benefits befto^v'd, 6 6 Teach me the facred Skill, by which Who in Belief of thy Commands €7 Before Affliflion ftopt my Courfe, But I have fince been difciplin'd 68 Thou art, O Lord, fupremely gocd, On rnc, thy Statutes to dilcern, t'T The Proud have fcr^'d malicious Lies ituvray t.x: ttcart, witbovit Rcl'-ivc, and fure PoHTcffion art ; to treafiire in my Heart, I did thy Grace implore; thy Mercy's boundlefs Store. on all my Ways I thought ; my wand'ring Steps I broucrht. refolv'd, without Delay, from thy Commandments Ilray. to rob me have combin'd ; have ever kept in Mind, to ling thy folemn Praifc; to love thy righteous Ways. myftlf I clofely join, to thy Commands refign. abundantly is Ihed ; thy facred Paths to tread. moft gracioufly, O Lord, according to thy Word, right Judgment is attain'd, have Itedfaflly remain'd. my Footficps went aftray ; thy Precepts to obev. and all thou doR is f o -, the faving Skill bellow. mv fpntlefs Fame to ftain; thy Precepts Ihall retain. 70 While P S A L M CXIX. 70 While pamper'd iKey, with profp"rous Ills, My Soul can reliili no Delight 7 I 'Tis good for me that I have felt That 1 may duly lean\ and keep 72 The Law that from thy Mouth proceed? Than untouch'd Mines, than thoufand Mines J O D. 75 To me, who am the Workmanlhip The heav'nlv Underflanding give 74 My Prefervation to thy Saints To fee Succefs attend ray Hopes, 75 That right thv Judgments are, I now And that in Faithfulnefs, O Lord, 76 O let thy lender Mercy now According to thy Promife, Lord, 7 7 To me thy faving Grace reftore. Whofe Soul can relidi no Delight 78 Defeat the Proud, who, unprovok'd, "Who only on thy facred Laws 7 9 Let thofe that fear thy Name efpoufe Who have by flri£i and pious Search 80 In thy bleft Statutes let my Heart That Guilt and Sliame, the Sinners Lot. C A P H. 81 My Soul with long Expefiance faints Yet Rili on thy unerring Word 82 My very Eyes coufame and fail i when wilt thou thy kind Relief B^ My Skin like fhrivel'd Parchment Hiows, Yet no Affliftions me can force S4 How many Days mull I endure When wilt ihou Judgment execute 83 The Proud have digg'd a Pit for me. But fuch as aie averie to thee, $6 With Right and Truth's eternal Laws Men perfecute me without Caufe, 87 Witli clofe DeGgns againft my Life But in Obedience to thy Will 88 Thy wonted Kindnefs, Lord, reftore. That by thy righteous Staute?, I L A M 89 For ever and for ever. Lord, Thy Word, eRablifh'd in the Keav'nj, 90 Thio' circling Ages, I-ord, ihv 'l>uih As doth the Earth, which thou uphold'ft 91 All Things the Courfe by thee ordaiu'd, The/ arc tliy faithful Subjefls all, 9a Unlcfs thy facred Law had been 1 muft have laintcd and cxpii'd in fenfual Pleafures live, but what thy Precepts give. AffliSion's chall'ning Rod, the Statutes of my God. of more Efleem they hold, of Silver and of Gold. of thy Almighty Hands, to learn thy juil Commands. Urong Comfort will atlord, who trufled in thy Word. by fare Experience fee, thou hafl alflifted me. afford me needful Aid; to me, thy Servant, made. that I again may live; but what thy Precepts give, to ruin me have fought ; employ my harmlefs Thought. my Caufe, and thofe alone, thy facred Precepts known, continue always found, raav never me confound. to fee thy faving Grace; my Coniidence I place, with waiting for thy Word : and prnmis'd Aid aiford ^ that long in Smoke is fei ; thy Statutes to forget, of Sorrow and Diftrefs ? on them who me opprefs ? that have no other Foes, and thy juft Laws oppofe. all thy Commands agree : ibou Lord, my helper be. they had alraoft prevailM ; my Duty never fail'd. my drooping Heart to cheer ; my Life's whole Courfe mayflccT. D. nnchang'd thou doft remain; does all their Orbs fullain. immoveable fhall fiand, by thy Almighty Hand. ev'n to this Day fulfil : and Servants of thv Will, my Comfoil and Delight, in dark AfBifticns Night I 93 ThV PSALM CXIX. 9^ Thy Precepts therefore from ray Thoughts For thou, by them, haft to new Life 94 As 1 am thine, entirely thine, Who have thy Precepts fought lo know, 93 The Wicked have their AmbuHi laid But in the Midft of Danger I 9G I've feen an End of what we call But iliy Commandments, like ihyfelf, M E M. 97 The Love that to thy Laws I bear, They with frefh Wonders entertain • S Through thy Commands I wifer grow I'ur thy fure Word does me direct, 99 From nie my former Teachers now Becaufe thy facred Precepts I 100 In Underflanding I excel Becaufe by thy unerring Rules 101 My Feet, with Care, I have refrain'd, That to thy facred Word I might 10-2 I have not from thy Judgments ftray'd, For, Lord, thou haft infiru£led me 105 How fweet arc all thy Words to me; How much. more grateful to my Soul 104 Taught by thy facred Precepts, I Thro' which the treach'rous Ways of Sin NUN. fliall never. Lord, depart ; reftor'd my dying Heart. proteft me, Lord, from Harm ; and carefully perform. my guiltlefs Life to take : thy Word my Study make. Perfection here below ; no Change or Period know. no Language can difplay ; ir.y ravifh'd Tho'nghis all Day. than all my fubtle Foes -, ard ail my Ways difpofe. my abler Counfcl take; myconftant Study make, the Sages of our Days ; 1 order all my Ways. from ev'ry hnful Way, intire Obedience pay. by vain Delires milled ; thy righteous Paths to tread. what divine Repaft i than Honey to my Tafle. with heav'nly Skill am blefl ; 1 uttcily deteft. I 05 Thy Word is to my Feet a Lamp, A Watch-light to point out the Path, iu6 I fwear (and from ray folemn Oath That in thy righteous Judgments 1 I 1 7 Since I with Griefs am fore oppreft According to thy Word, do thou 108 Let ftill my Sacrihce of Praife And in thy righteous Judgments, Loid, 109 Tho' ghaPily Dangers me furround. Nor, with continual Terrors, keep I 10 My W'icked and invct'rate Foes Yet I have kept the upright Path, I I I Thy Teflimonies I have made For they, when other Comforts fail, J 1 2 My Heart with early Zeal began And till my Couife of Life is done, S A M \\% Deceitful Thoughts and Pra£liccs But 10 ihv Law AHeclion bear 114 My Hidiug-Place, my Refuge-Tow'r, 1 Hrmly Anchor all my Hopes \ 13 Hence ye that trade in Wickcdncfs, For firmly I refolvc to keep the Wny of Truth to fhow; in which I ought to go. v/ili ne"er flart ahde ;) will ftedfaftly abide. th&t I can bear no mere, my fainting Soul reftorc. with thee Acceptance hnd ; inilru^l my v.-iiling Mind. my Soul they cannot awe : from thinking on thy Law. for me their Snares have laid; nor from thy Precepts ftray'd. my Heritage and Choice; my drooping Heart rejoice, thy Statutes to obey ; {hall keep thy upright Way. E C H. I utterly deteft? too ereat to be expreft. and'Sh;eld art iKou, O Lord-, on thv unerring Word. approach not my Abode. the Precepts of my God. PSALM CXIX. 1 16 According to tliy gracious Word, Nor make me of thofe Hopes afliam'd 1x7 "Uphold me, fo 1 fhall be fafe, To lliy Decrees continually 118 The Wicked thou haft trod 10 Earth, Their vile Deceit the juft Reward 1x9 The Wicked from thy holy Land I tJierefore, with fiich J ufticc charm'd, 120 Yet with fhat. Lnve they make me driad When on TraiifijreQors I behold A I N. X2i Judgment and Juftice I have lov'd ; In my Defence, nor give me up -18 2 Do thou be Surety, Lord, for me; Prove good for me; nor fhall the Proud 133 My Eyes, alas! begin to fail, Till thy Salvation they behold, 124 To me, thy Servant, in Diftiefs Aad diicipline my willing Heart 125 On me, devoted to thy Fear, That of thy Terximonici I X26 'Tis Time, high Time for thee, O Lord, When Men with open Violence 1127 Yet their Contempt of thy Commands In ray Eftecm, who pureft Gold, 128 Thy Precepts therefore I account They teach me to difcera the right, P E. X29 The Wonders which thy Law? contain, Therefore to learn and praflife them, 130 i he very Entrance to thyWord And Knowledge of true Happinefs 131 With eager Hopes I waiting ftood. Thai of thy wife Commands I might 132 With Favour, Lord, look down on rac, As thou art wont to vilit thofe 1 33 Direfted by thy heav'nly Word, Nor Wickednefs of any Kind X34 Releafe, inlirely fet me free That unmolefted 1 may learn 135 On me, devoted to thy Fear, Thy Statutes both to know and keep, 136 My Eyes to weeping Fountains turn, To fee Mankind agaiuft thy Laws T S A D D J37 Thou ait the righteous Judge, in whom And, like thvfelf, thy Judgments, Lord, 138 Mofl jul{ and true thofe Statutes were, And all with Faithfulncfs pcrform'd, from Danger fet me free ; ' that I repofe on thee. and refcu'd from Dif^^refs ; my juft Rcfpefts addrefs. who from thy Statutes ftrav'd ; of their own Falfhcod made. thou doft, likeDrofs, remove, thv Teftimonies love. left 1 fhould fo offend. thy Judgments thus dcfcend. O theiefore, Lord, engage to mv OpprefTcrs Rage, and fo fhall this Diftrcfs my guihlefs Soul opprefs. in long Expedlance held, and righteous Word fulHl'd. thy wonted Grace difplay, thy Statutes to obey. thv facred Skill beflow, the full Extent may know*, ihy Vengeance to employ, thy facred Law deftroy. but makes their Value rife compar'd wiih them defpiic. in all Refpects divine; and all falfe Ways decline. no Words can reprefent ; my zealous Heart is bent, celeftial Light difplays : to fimpleft Minds conveys. and fainted with Defire, the facred Skill acquire, who thy Relief implore : tiiat thy bleft Name adore. Jet all my Footfteps be : Dominion have o'er mc from perfecuting Hand;, and prailife thy Commands. Lord, make thy Face to fhinc ; my Heart with Zeal incline, wlience briny Rivers flow, in bold DeHance go. I. wrong'd Innocence msy truft : in nil Refpcfls arc juU. which thoudidll lirft decree; fuccecdin? Times Ihall be. 139 Wi P S A L M CXIX. 1^9 With Zeal jny FleQi confumes away, To iee ray Foes contemn, at once, 140 Yet each neolefled Word of thine, Is pure, and for eternal Truth i^x Brought, for thy Sake, to low Eftatc, Yet no Affionts or Wrongs can drive 142 Thy Righteoufnefs Ihall tlien endure. Thy Law is truth itfelf, that Truth 145 Tho' Trouble, Anguifli, Doubts and Dreads Befet with Dangers, flill I naake 144 Eternal and unerring Rules Teach me "the Wifdom that will make K O P H. 145 With my whole Heart to God I call'd. And 1, thy Statutes to perform, 146 Again more fervently 1 prayM, Thy Teftiraonies truly know 1 47 My earlier Prav'r the dawning Day To him on whofe engaging Word 14S With Zeal have I awak'd before That I, of thy myfierious W^ord, i.\q Lord, hear my fupplicating Voice, O quicken mc, and io approve 130 My perfeculing Foes advance What Treatment can I hope from ihem 15 t Tho' they draw nigh, my Comfort is. Thou, whofe Commands are righteotis all 1 y: Concerning thy divine Decrees That they were true, and fhall their Truth R E S C my Soul with Anguifh frets, thy Prnmifes and Threats, (howe'er by them defpis'd) by me, thy Servant, priz'd. Contempt from all I find ; thy Precepts from mv Mind, when Time itfelf is pafl ; which {hall for ever laft. to compafs me unite, thy Precepts my Delight, thy Teflimonies give : my Soul for eyer live. h'^rt Coniider mv Affliflion, Lord, Think on thy Servant in Diftrefs, 134 Plead thou mv Caufe; to that and mc With Beams of Mercy quicken me 153 From harden'd Sinners thou remov'ft 'Tis juft thou ihouldfi; withdraw from them 156 Since great thy tender Mercies are According to thy Judgments, Lord, t*7 A num'rcnis Holt of fpiieful Foes But all too few to force my Soul 158 Thofe bold Tranfgrelfors I beheld. To fee w^ith what audacious Pride 159 Yet while they flight, conhdcr, Lord, O therefore quicken me with Beams 160 As from the Birth of Time thy Truth So fliall thy righteous Judgments, firm, S C H 161 Tho' mighty Tyranf?, without Caufe, Thy facred Word has Pow'r alone Lord, hear my eamcA Cry; will all my Care apply. O fave me, that I may, and ftedfaflly obey. prevented, while 1 cry'd my Hope alone rely'd. the Midnight Watch was fet, might perfect Knowledge get, and -ivonted Favour {how ; thy Judgments ever true, and hourly nearer draw ; who violate thy Law ? thoti, Lord, art yet more near, thy Promifcs iincere. ray Soul has known of old, to endiefs Ages hold. H. and me from Bondage draw: who ne'er forgets thy Law. thy timely Aid afford; according to thy Word, Salvation far away; who from thy Statutes flray. to all who thee adore ; my fainting Hopes reftore. againft my Life combine; thy Statutes to decline, and was vsiih Grief opprefs'd, thy Cov'nant they tranfgrefs'd, how 1 thy Precepts love : of Mercy from Above, has held through Ages pa ft, to cndlefs Ages lafl. I N. confpire my Blood to fhed, to lill my Heart with Dread. iSi And PSALM CXX: CXXT. 162 And yet that Word my joyful Breatl Nor Conqueft, nor the Spoils of War, 163 Perfidious Prafiices and Lies But to thy Laws Affection Bear, 164 Sev''n Times a D»v, with oraleful Voice, Eecaufe I find thy judgments all 165 Secure, fuhflautial Peace have they No fmiling 'Mifcliief them can tempt, 166 For thy Salvation I have hop'd, With cliearful Zeal and flriilell Care 167 Thy Teftimonies 1 have kept, Becaafe the Love I bore to them 168 From ibia Obfcrvaiice of thy Laws Ccnvinc'd tliat my mcR fecret Ways T A U. 169 To my Rcq'ieft and earneft Crv Infpire my Heart Vv-ith heav^Rly Skill, 170 Let my repeated Pray'r at lafl According to thy pKghted Word 171 Then Ihall mv grateful Lips return When thou thy Coanfcls haft reveal'd, I 72 My Tongue the Fraifes of thy Word Becaufe thy Pxomifes are all with heav'nly Rapture warms, have fuch tranfporting Charms. J utterly deteft ; too vaA to be expreft, thy Praifes I refound, with Truth and Juftice crovs-n'd. who truly love thy Law : nor frownir;g Danger awe. and tho' fo long delay'd, all thy Commands obey'd. and conOanily obey'd ; thy Service eafy made. I never yet withdrew, are open to thy View. J 73 Let thy Almighty Arm appear For I the Laws thou haft ordain'd 174 My Soul has waited long to fee Nor Comfort knew, but what thv Laws, I -J Prolong my Life, that I may fing Wliofe juftice from the Deptli of Woes 7 76 Like fomc loft Sheep I've ftray'd, till I Tliou, therefore, Lord, thy Servant feek, PSALM ' X N deep Difirefs I oft have cry'd 5 B To God, who never yet dcny'd Forcfcueme cpprel-'d with Wrongs ; " Once more, O Lord, Dtliv'rance fend, from lying Lips my Soul defend. And from the Rage of flaud'ring Tongues. 3 What little Prolit can accrue? And )et what heavy Wrath is due, O thou perfidious Tongue, to thee? 4 Thy Sling upon thyfcK Ihall turn ; 7 0( lalling FlaTfies thnt fercely burn. The conftant Fuel thou {halt be. PSALM 1 r-|-^ O Siou's Hill I lift my Eves, I 2 From Siou's Hill, and Sion's God I'licn, thou my Soul, in Safety reft, , 1 lis watchful Care, that Ifr'el guirds, attend, O gracious, Lord; according to thy Word, before thy Throne appear ; for my Relief draw near. the Tribute of their Praife, and taught me thy jufl Wars, fhall thankfully refound, with Truth and Juftice crown'd, :tnd bring, me timely Aid ; my Heart's free Choice have made. thy favins: Grace reftor'd ; thy heav'nly Laws afford. my great Reftorer's Praife; my fainting Soul (hall raife. defpair my Vv'^ay to fmd ; who keeps thy Laws in mind. cxx. But O ! hov.' wretched is my Doom, Who am a Sojourner become In barren Mefcch's defari Soil i With Kedar's wicked Tents enclos'd. To lawlcfs Savages expos'd, Who live on nought bu: Theft ar.d Spoil. 6 My liaplefs Dwelling is whh. ihofe Who Peace and .\mity oppofe. And Pieafure take in others Harms : 7 S^vcet Peace is all I court and feck ; But v>hen In them of Peace I fpeak, they flralght cry out, to Arms, to.\rms. CXXI, from thence c.vpecling Aid ; who lleav'n anit Fifth has m.-dc. thy Gtiatdian will nnt llccp ; xvill I /r'clj Monarch keep. ; ShcU PSALM cxxii, cxxiri, CXXIV, cxxv. Shcher'd beneath th' Almighty's "VVi'ngs, Where neither Sun nor Moon (hall thee From common Accidents ot Life From the blind Strokes oF Chance and Foes, thou {halt fecurely reft, by Day or Night moleft. his Care fhall guard thee ftill : that lie in wait to kill. 5 At Home, Abroad, in Peace, in War, Conduft thee thro' Life's Pilgrimage PSALM 1 ^"^^ 'Twas a joyful Sound to hear \^M Up Ifr'el, to the Temple hafte, 2 At aalem's Courts we muft appear 9 In flrono^ and beauteous Order rang'd 4 'Tis thither by divine Command, Before his Ark to celebrate 3 Tribunals ft and erefted there. There ftands the Courts and Palaces 6 O, pray we then for Salem's Peace^ (Thou holy City of our God I) 1 May Peace within thy facred Walls With Plenty and Profperity 8 For my dear Brethren's Sake, and Friends I'll pray, — May Peace in Salem's Tow'rs 9 But moft of all I'll feek thy Good, For Sion and the I'emple's -fake, P S A L M t, 2 /'^N thee, whodwell'ft above th^ \J Skies, As Servants watch their Mafters Hands, 3,40 then have Mercy on us, Lord, To HS whom cruel Foes cpprcfs. thy God fhall thee defend ; fafe to thy Journey's End. CXXII. our Tribes dcvoutiv fay, and keep your feftal Day. with our affembled Pow'rs ; like her united Tow'rs. the Tribes of God repair, his Name withPraife and Pray'i where Equity takes Place, of Roval David's Race. for they {hall profp'rous be, who bear true Love to thee, a conftant Gueft be found, thy Palaces be crown'd. , no lefs than Brethren dear, a conftant Gueft appear, and ever wilh thee well , where God vouchfafes to dwelL CXXII I. For Mercy wait my longing Eyes; I And Maids their MiftreflTes Commands. Thy gracious Aid to us afford. Grown rich and proud by our Di fire fs. CXXIV. been pleas'd to interpofc.; when Men againft us rofe. and rag'd without Control; had quite o'erwhelm'd our SouL who refcu'd us that Day, our threai'ned Lives a Prey, from out the Fo'Ailer's Net; and we ^l Freedom fet. our Confidence remains, of both fole Moiaarch reigni. PSALM CXXV. place on Sion's God their Truft, like Sion's Rock {hall ftand, by his Almighty Hand. Jerufalem enclofe : to guard them from their Foej. but ne'er too long opprefs, bafe Means for his Redrefs. who righteous Deed> aifeS, kt Innocence proted. 5 All PSALM s TTTAD not the Lord, (may Ifr'tl fay) § £ 2 Had he not then efpous'd our Caufe 3,451 heir Wratli had fwallow'd us alive, Their Spite and Pride's united Floods £ But prais'd be our eternal Lord, Nor tt) their favage Jaws gave up 7 Our Soul is like a Bird efcap'd The Snare is broke, their Hopes arc croft, 8 Secure in his Almighty Name, Who, as he made both Heav'n and Earth, Like her inunov^^able be fixt 2 Look how the Hills on cv^'ry Side So ftands the Lord around his Saints The Wicked may afflia the Juft. Nor fo^rce him by Defpnir to feek Be good, O righteous God, to thofe The Heart that Innocence retain*. p s A L M cxxvr, CXXVII, CXXVIIl, cxxix. the Lord fhall foon dcftroy, with lading Peace and Joy. _5 All tliofe whowalk in crooked Paths, Cut off ih' Unjuft, but crown the Saints P S A L M CXXVI. 1 'T yl THEN Sion's God her Sons recall'd from long Captivity V' y It feem'd at firft a pleafing Dream 2 But foon in unaccuftora'd Mirth And fung our great Creator's Praife Our Heathen Foes repining flood, That great and wond'rous was the Work 3 'Twas great, fay they, 'twas wond'rous great. The Lord has done great Things, whereof 4 To us bring back the Remnant, Lord, More welcome than refrefliing Show'is K That we, whofe Work commenc'd in Tears, Till finifh'd with Succefs, to make 6 Tho' he defpond that fows his Grain, To bind his fuU-ear'd Sheaves, and bring PSALM of what we wifh'd to fee. we did our Voice employ, in thankful Hymns of Toy. yet were compell'd to own, our God for us had done, much more fhould we confefi ; we reap the glad Succefs. of Ifr'el's captive Bands, to parcht and thirfty Lands, may fee our Labours thrive, our drooping Hearts revive. yet doubtlefs he fhall come his joyful Harvefl; home. CXXVII. 1 "\ 7L 7^ ^ build with fruitlefs Cofl, unlefs Y y Unlefs the Lord, the City keep, 2 In vain we rife before the Day, Allow no Refpite to our Toil-, Supplies of Life, with Eafe to them. He crowns their Labours with Succefs, 3 Children, thofe Comforts of our Life, He gives a num'rous Race of Heirs 4 As Arrows in a Giant's Hand, Ev'n fo the Sons of fprightly Youth, 3 Happy the Man, whofe Quiver's fill'd He needs not fear to meet his Foe, PSALM the Lord the Pile fuftain, the Watchman wakes in vain, and late to Reft repair, and eat the Bread of Care. he on his Saints beftows ; their Nights with found Repofe. are Prefents from the Lord : as Piety's Reward. when marching forth to War ; their Parents Safeguard are. with thefc prevailing Arms ; at Law, or War's Alarms. CXXVIII. TH E Man is bleft who fears the Lord, nor only Worfliip pays ; But keeps his Steps conlin'd with Care, to his appointed Ways. 2 He Ihall upon the fweet Returns Without Dependance live, and fee 3 His Wife, like a fair fertile Vine, His Children, like young Olive Plants, 4, 5 Who fears the Lord fhall profper thus And grant him all his Days to fee He fliall live on, 'lill Heirs from him Much blefs'd in his own profp'rous State PSALM of his own Labour feed : his Wilhes all fucceed. her lovely Fruit fliall bring; about his Table fpring. ; him Sion's God Ihall blefs; Jerufalem's Succefs. defcend with vaft Increafe; , and more in Ifr'el's Peace. CXXIX. I TT'ROi X^ '2 Re M my Youth up, may Ifr'il fay, Reduc'd me oft to heavy Straits, liicy oft have plough'd my patient Back 4 But our jufl God has broke their Chains, 5 Defeat, Confuhon, fliameful Rout Their righteous Doom, who Sion hate, 6 Like Corn upon our Houfes Tops, Which too mudi Heat, and want of Root, they oft have me affail'd; but never quite prevai I'd. with Furrows deep and long; and refcu'd us from Wrong. be flill the Doom of thofe, and Sinn's God oppofe. untimely let them fade : Jus Llafted in the Blade : ' 7 Which cxxx, cxxxi, cxxxir. but unregarded leaves : to fold it into Sheaves : vouchfafes a Minute's Stop, Heav'n's Blefllng on ihe Crop. M CXXX. 10 God I fent my Cry : and gracioufly reply.- who can the Trial bear ; and ({uite renounce thy Fear. for thee the living Lord : thv never-failing Word, for thy enliv'ning Ray ; to 'fpy the dawning Day. no Bounds his Mercy knows ; eternal Succour fiows. fupplies in Want convey; and wafh our Guilt avvsy. PSALM ' >"hich in his Arms no Reaper takes, \' or Binder thinks it worth his Pains • • ^'o Traveller that pafTes bv, I o give it one kind Look, or crave P S A L 1 XT' ROM lowcft Depths of Woe, J^ 2 Lord I hear my fupplicating Voice, 3 hhould'ft thou feverely judge, .1 But thou forgiv'ft, left we defpcnd, ■ ^^.' Soul with Patience waits Iv Hopes are on thy Proinife built, :\ longing Eyes look out ■ I ere duly than the Morning Watch, t Ifrel trufi in Gcd, ! he plenteous Source and Spring from whence • hole friendly Streams to us I healing Spring, a Spring to clear.fe PSALM CXXXI OLord, I am not proud of Heart, Nor my afpiring Thoughts employ 2 With Inlant-Innoccnce thou know'fl Compos'd to Quiet, like a Babe, ^ Like me let Ifr'cl hope in Gcd, his Aid alone implore : Both now and ever truft in him who lives for evermore. nor caO. a ftornful Eye; in Things for me too high. I have myftlf demean'd : that from the Breaft is wean'd. PSALM CXXXII. 1 T ET David, Lord, a conftant Place \^ ^ Let all the Sorrows he endur'J, 2 Ktmember what a folemn Oath Ifow to the mighty God he vow'd, 5,4 I will not go into my Houfe, i\o foft Repofe (hall clofe my Eyes, 3 rill fcreaih to Duft they turn. And all their Thoughts and vain Dcligns 5 Then happy he, who Jacob's God Who ftill with well-plac'd Hope, the Lord 6 The Lord who made both Heav'n and Earth, Will never quit his ftedfaft Truth, 7 The Poor opprefs'd from all iheir Wrongs He gives the Hungry needful Food, for ever blefs his Name; my conftant Praife (hall claim, let none for Aid rely ; nor timely Help apply. and there neglefted lie; together with them die. for his Prote£lt)r takes : his conftant Refuge makes. and all that they contain, nor make his Promife vain, arc eas'd by his Decree : and fcis the Pris'ners free. 8 Bv PSALM CXLVII, CXLVIir. ii By him the Blind receive iheir Sight, With kind Regard and tender Love 5 The Strangers he preferves from Harm, Defends the Widow, and the Wiles JO The Cod, that docs in Sion dwell. From Age to Age his Reign endures, PSALM X A"^ Praife the Lord with Hymns of Joy, \^^ For pleafant, good, and comely 'tis 2 His holy City Cod will build, Bring back his People, tho' difpers'd 3, 4 He kindly heals the broken Hearts, He tells the Number of the Stars, 5, 6 Great is the Lord, and great liis Pow'r, The Meek he raifes, and throws down ^ To Cod, the Lord, a Hymn of Praife To Songs of Triumph tune the Harp, S He covers Heav'n with Clouds, and thence Thro' him, on Mountain Tops, the Crafs 5 He, favage Bftafts, that loofely range. He feeds the Ravens tender Brood, 10 He values not the warlike Steed, 1 he nimble Foot that fwiftly runs, : I But he, to him that fears his Name, To him that on his boundlefs Grace 12, 13 Let Sion and Jerufalcm Who fenc'd their Gates with mafTy Bars, 14, I 5 Thro' all their Borders he gives Peace, He fpeaks the Word, and what he wills, 16 Large Flakes of Snow, like fleecy Wool, And hoary Froft, like Afhes fpread, i 7 When join'd to thefe^ he does his Hail Who can againft his piercing Cold a 8 He fends his W o d which melts the Ice ; And loon the Streams, congeal'd before, 19 By him his Statutes and Decrees And dill to Ifr'el's chofen Seed, SO No other Nation this can boaft. To Heathen Lands his Oracles, PSALM I, 2'\T E boundlefs Realms of Joy, j[ Exalt your Maker's Fame, His Praife your Song employ Above the flarry Frame ; Your Voices raife. Ye Cherubim And Seraphim, To iing his Praife. the Weak and Fall'n he rears; he for the Righteous cares. the Orphan kindly treats, of wicked Men defeats. is our eternal King : let all his Praifes linj. CXLVII. and celebrate his Fame ; to praife his holy Name. tho' level'd with the Ground; thro' all the Nations round. and all their Wounds doth clofe ; their feveral Names he knows, his Wifdom has no Bound ; the Wicked to the Ground. with grateful Voices fing ; and firike each warbling String, refrefhing Rain beftows ; with wond'rous Pientv grows. with timely Food fupplles : and flops their hungry Cries, but does his Strength difdain: no Prize frorn him can gain. his tender Love extends ; with ftedfaft Hope depends, to God their Praife addrefs \ and does their Children blefs. with linefl; Wheat they're fed i is done as foon as faid. defcend at his Command : is fcatter'd o'er the Land. in little Morfels break; fecure Defences make. ; he makes his Wind to blow ; in plenteous Currents flow. to Jacob'* Sons were fiiown ; his righteous Laws are known, nor did he e'er afford and Knowledge of his Word. HALLELUIAH. CXLVIII. 3, 4 Thou Moon, that rul'fl the Night, And Sun, that guid'ft the Day ; Ye glitt'ring Stars of Light, To him your Homagre pay ; His Praife declare. Ye Hcav'ns above. And Clouds that move lu liquid Air. 5, 6 Let PSALM CXLIX, CL. ' 5 , 6 Let tliem adore the Lord, And praife his holy Name, By -whofe Almighty Word They all from nothing came; And ail fhall laft From Changes free; His firm Decree Stands ever faft. 7, 8 Let Earth her Tribute pay; Praife him ye dreadful Whalci, And Fifh, that thro'' the Sea Glide fwift, with glitt'ringScales; Fire, Hail, and Snow, And mifty Air, And Winds, that where He bids them blow. ■5, lo By Hills and Mountains, fall In graceful Concert join'd) By Cedars flately tall. And Trees for Fruit delign'd ; By ev'ry Beaft, And creeping Thing, And Fowl of Wing, His Name be hldi^ II, 12 Let all of Royal Birth, With thofe of humbler Frame, And Judges of the Earth. His maichlef- Praife proclaim; In this Deiign I^t Youths with Maids, And hoarv Heads With Children join. a I United Zeal be fliown, His woncTrous Fame to xaife, Whofe glorious Name alone Deferves our endlefs Praife. Earth's utmoft Ends His Pow'r obey ; His glorious Sway The Sky tranfcends^ 14 His chofcn Saints to grace. He fets them up on high. And favours Ifr'el's Race, Who ftill to him are nigli. O therefore raife Your grateful Voice And ftill rejoice The Lord to 2)raife. PSALM CXLIX. 1, 2 ^'''\ Praife ye the Lord, \^ His Praife in the great In our great Creator And Children of Sion 3, 4 Let them his great Name With Timbrel and Harp Who always takes Pleafure And with his Salvation 5 , 6 With Glory adorn'd To God, who their Beds Their Mouths lill'd with Praifes ; Whilft a two-edged Sword 7, 8 Jufl Vengeance to take To punifli thofe Landj With Chains as their Captives, With Fetters of Iron prepare your glad Voice, Aflembly to ling. let Ifrcl rejoice ; be glad in their King. extol in the Dance; -his Praifes exprefs ; his Saints to advance, tlie Humble to blefs. his People fiiall fing with Safety docs fhield ; of him their great King; their Right-hand fhall wield. for Injuries pafl ; for Ruin delign'd ; to tie their Kings fafl, their Nobles ^to bind. 9 Thus fliall they make good, The tl read ful Decree Such Honour and Triumph O therefore for ever when -them they dcftroy, which God does proclaims his Saints fliall enjoy, exalt his great Name. P S A L M CL. Lord in that bleft Place, from whence his Goodnefs largely flows j unveil'd in pcrfefl Glory fliows. 1 y"^ Praife the Lore \^^ Piaifc him in Hcav'n, where h his Face 2 Praife him for all the mighty Afls Hij Kindnefs this Return exa£ls. which he In our Behalf 4ias done; with which our Praife fliould equal run. 5 Let 1 PSALM CL. 3 Let the fhrill Tiumpel's v.-arlike Voice Praife him with Harp's melodiousNoife, 4 Let Virgin-Troops foft Timbrels bring, Let Inftrumcnts of various Strings, • -, Let them ^vho joyful Hymns compofe, Cymbals of common Ufe, and thofc , Let all, that vital Breath enjoy, In jufl returns of Praife employ, make Rocks and Hills his Praife rebound : and gentle Pfalt'ry's filver Sound, and fome with graceful Motion dance ; with Organs join'd, his Praife advance to Cymbals fet their Songs of Praife ; that loudly found on folemnDays. the Bieath he does to them afford, let every Creature praife the Lord' The End of the P S A L M S, GLORIA P A T R I, kc. COMMON MEASURE. J npO Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, Jl^ the God whom we adore, Be Glory, as it was, is now, and (luill be evermore. As" PSALM 25. Q To God the Father, Son, '^ and Spirit, Glory be; As 'twas, and is, and fhall be fo to all Eternity. As the 100 PSALM. 3 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, the Cod whom Earth and Heav'n adore, Be Glory, as it was of old, is now, and Ihall be evermore. As the old ii2th, and the lafl Part of the PSALM Tunc. 4 To Father, Son, and Holy Ghoft, The God whom Heav'ns triumphant Hoft, and fulf ring Saints on Earth adore, Be Glorv^, as in Ages paft. As now it is, and fo Ihall laft when Time itfelf muft be nu more. As PSALM 148. - To Cod the Father, Sou, J And Spirit, ever blcft, Eurnal Three in One, All Worfhip be adcireft. As licretol'ore. It was, is notv, And fhall be fo F(.i evermore. As P S A L M I 49». fZ By Angels in Heav'n -^ of ev'ry Degree, And Saints upon Erath, All Praifc be add reft To God in three Perfon;, One God ever blcft ; A ; it has been, n(>^v i?. And always ll:all be- jf-' / J\ I S. , ^ ^ O CO t! ^ ^ krH ^ M-( r^ 03 C^ (/5 biO o ^ X3 03 ^ d ,y ^ p