& Psalms.— Barton (Wm. f B.A.) The Book of Psalms in Metre, close and proper to the Hebrew, smooth and pleasant for the Metre, to be sung in usual and known Tunes, newly translated with Amendments, etc., fitted for the ready use and under- standing of all good Christians [with tunes], i2mo, calf, rebdcked, t._._ 1682 FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Dhfcfan S^D * 1 ¥32-1 8cCtIOD ' ^ ^ j SOLD BY THOMAS BAKER, 72 NEWMArt Street London, W., Eng PSA C»M^S*j" IN MEm CLOSE AND PR$ffiL§!j TO THE HEBREW: SMOOTH AND PLEASANT FOR THE METRE: To be fung in ufual and known TUNES. Newly Tran dated with Arnend- ments,and Addition of many frefti Metres, Fitted for the ready ufe , and underftsnding of all good Chriftians. i ■ ■ > ■ ' ■ ■ . ■ ■ ■ By Willi*™ Barton Mr. of Arts, as he left it finifhed in his life time, VSALM 47. 7- 7a Gtorf »7>A understanding praifes fmg y For over all the earth he is the King. He^ekiah commanded the Levitesto fing praife unto rhe LORD, with the words of David t and of ^fopb the Seer, &c. 2 Chron. 29. 30. LONDON, Printed for the Company oiStationtrs^ 1682. PREFACE TO THE READER Courteous and Chriftian Reader , IF the exprefs commandment of God (who hath given all men voices) in- joyning all to fmg his praife aloud, Pfal. 66. i, 2. especially his prof effed people to do this duty jointly andtoge- ther, Pfal. 34. 3. Hi. 1. 149. l\ if this injunction even before the Levitical fervice was infiitntedy Exod. 15. 1,21. and with- out any dependence on that fervice j while it floods 2-Chro. 23. .18. and long after that fervice was aboliflicd-, CoL 3. 10. were duly confidered\ furely, fwging of Pj alms (cj.?v in mixt congregations ) had never been fpoken again SI : nor had occafion been given to fo fnany learned men to Apologise and VtfpnCc A 2 for A Preface to the Reader. thing* by meditation then to nominate rhofe whom we count God^s enemies now on earth \ impofng our fallow conceits upon the jcrvice of God and his Church? often* .times according to the humours and cor- ruptions of men?. It was notably well Ivt indeed of the holy Martyr Barlam, that thrusting his hands into the burn' ing fame? fang that of the Yfdmifl? Thou teacheft my hands to war and rny fin- ; to light : But the falfe and errone- ous irnerpo fit ions and impofitions of Qtir oven ^ I will fpafe to fpe'd^of 'for the cre- dit of others. Only, to know how to apply every Scripture pajfagc of a Pfdm^J re* ftp and commend the . Reader to the godly Sermons of^/r. FORD upon this j abject 3 who .frives no incouragement to co/ipjfe any Pfalms whatfoever befides Scriptural. Do men fay (fill ) that they can fit themfelves better with cxprcffions of their own y and need not the Scriptural ? cer- tainly the holy Prophets and ApoSlles ^ from Samuel ( I may fay ) and after hm to Chrifl , thought not fo> but ufd thefe Vfalms of David. See 1 Sam. 18.6. Ndi. 12. 42/ Mat. 26. 30. Ads 16. 25 ^Tismie indeed , the Primitive Church im- mediately after ChrifPs Afcenfion, and in A Preface to the Reader. in, honour of that , Joh. 7-39- was en- dowed with rare gifts of Prophecy and Pfalmeftry, as alfo of oJlfiracles and Tongues , I Cor. 14. 26. which long fince ceaft : and what manner of gifts men have* now adays t that wc~ JJ obtrude their un- fcriptural raptures, cr compo fares, we may fee with fhame enough : from whence we may undoubtedly conclude that the Scrip- ture-pfalms , ejptcially thofe of the fweet Pfalmift of Ifrael, 1 Sam. 23. 1. ought as- well to he translated into Verfe for fwg- ing, as into "Trofe for reading, 1 Cor. 14. 15, 19. left the Congregations' ftould be wholly, or for the moft part deftitute of Co£s ordinance. As for the new fongj ftoken of in Scripture , thefe were the new Jongs, Pfalm 96. 1. & 98. 1. which con- tained more gofpel matters , and JJwuld be fung with new ajfeffions, as Diodati upon the place. And donbtlefs when o;;ce the Pfalms of David are tran(lated to the life of Scrip- tures, ( fo far as a tranflation can go) and men can endure found doUrine ( for thefe Pfalms bear fo clear wit nefs againft herefy, apoftacy , pride and prophanefs , and all other fruits of the flejh that therefore ma- ny in thefe dayes fo much difuke them) I may conclude with David Tfalm 141. 6. A 4 Then; A Preface to the Reader. Then fhall they hear my words ,. for they are fweet. Fourthly, if it were confidered how ex- aU and accurate the Scripture is in fetting forth Vfalms, as appears in the Acrofticks, where every verfe , or half verfe , or juft yart begins with the orderly procedence of the. Alphabetical Utter , one example where- of ( but all are too hard to follow,) I have exhibited in the fir ft Metre of the in Pfalm, and two examples more in the firB and laft parts 0/ 1 19. / fay, if this and, many other Excellencies of the Hebrew verfe were cbfervcd and confidered , the delicacy of the be ft Poetical compofure would never have been fpoken again}} \ I confefsy I have found but few of that harfh humour ', Nor do I count my labours hi- therto worthy of the honour and favour they have founds when more than forty t)f the eminent eft Scholars and Treacher s of the Land 1 gave me their at t eft and approba- tion , and after them full forty more , a- ptongwbom, the worthy Vice-Chancellor of the Univerfity of Cambridge, the learned Prolocutor of the Aflembly, and divers eminent in Law and Phyftck^ of- fered me their hands and helps to the fur- ther propagation and promotion of my Book^ Nor can I omit an humble acknowledgment A Prerace to the Reader; their tmdeferved refpe&s , that have taken notice of me in their Printed Books. In gratulation of xvhofe noble incouragements, I have ( in this my lafi Tranjlation) cor- rected all the harjh parages, and added a great number of fecond Metres inchoiceft Tunes, having underftood by learned Aden that my lafi Edition had muchfooner , and much more come into requefi, if it had not been deprived of thofe accommodations and accomplifoments. But now I have omitted none of the an- cient Tunes, ( but have added fome new ) except the 104. only^ which is counted too crabbed, and if put into the fame Meafures too light ', which therefore I have done in a Common Time. The Scots of late have put forth a Pfalm- JBook^ moft-what Compofed out of mine and Mr. Rous his, but it did not give full fatisfa- Uion,for fomebody hath been at Charge to put forth a new Edition of mine , and&rinted' fome Thou fends of mine in Holland, as it is reported ', "But whether they were Printed there or no , J am in dottbt , for J am fur e that 1500 of my Books were heretofore Printed by ftealthin England, and carried ever into Ireland. Fifthly, If it be well confider* dhow clofe- tj I have followed the Profe-Tranflation } J " Ay - h A Preface to the Reader. I trttft I jhall never be blarrfd for varyiw- fo much from the old P films ^ for al- though they be very familiar to many, yet a jujt and dm Correction would eft range them again , neither are. men fo well ac- quainted with them as with the Profe-Tran- Jlation nor do they hear them fo often. Confidering alfo , that I have Compiled the, whole Book^ (in all thefirfi Metres efpe* daily) and in a great number of the fecond Metres as near as may be in the fame order of words ? and for the moft fart in as perfect: Profess Verfe. nA$ for fome fecond Metres which in fart are done in Parafhrafe ; Ifs hoped that they are done very confonantly to the Text , and do not put in any thing but what is virtually if not verbally contained in it. And, I received this approbation and ad* vife from a worthy MinifttrfiXL. Mr. Rich, EkiXtt r (which J have followed of mine own accord be fore his Letter came to my hand) m thefe woids following^ Sir, I thank you for affording me the fight of your Pfalms,./ Thofe I faw (ad 26.) are very well done, and your various Metres will be grateful: I confefs I could wilh you had taken more liberty to make them Pleafant & Elegant, by expletive Epithets, as Sandys on Job, feeing fuch are oft not fo much Pai aphra- Itical A Preface to the Reader. ftreal as the very fenfe of the Hebrew words, which are hardly exprefTed by one in Englifl^ fkc. Sixthly and lafily. If it be confideredthat all the Pfalm-Tranjlators do of necejfity add and alter , and fomt times explain and am- plifie the Profe-Tranjlatwn 5 yea^ the Tran- Jlaturs of the Profe it ftlf-> do often- times and of neceffity do the fame*, as ap- pears in a thou f and places by the Ofs , and Hebraifms in the Mar in , and by the words mferted ( in a different Charter ) into the ■ Text : yea , the Scripture it felf ufeth this diver fity and latitude , as may appear by comparing parallel places^ and in particular the i4pfrJm -with the 53. and the 18 Pfalrrr, with the 2 Sam. 22. &c. J trufi I fiall never be blamed for any liberty u fed in my Translation of the Pfalms - Efpecia/ly confidering that whatfoever is found therein^ is either 1 The very wwds of the Profe-- tranjlation and ( mofiwhat ) in the fame order , or 2 Words to the fame ejfett , or 3 An allufion. to a parallel Scripture , or 4 An amplification of th< plain fcope of the Text-) or 5 An explication of the fenfe of it 7 or 6 and laftly, A truer or (atleafi) a fuller- expofmon of the Hebrew. Allow me to in- fen afew injtances* 1 Jipc A Preface to the Reader. Two famous examples are in Plat. 78. V.63. And honourable marriage (al- luding to Heb. 1 3 . 4 .) Their maidens might not have. Heb. their virgins were not prai- fed, viz. with nuptial fongs. And V. 66. A vile difeafe for vile deferts } alluding to the ftory 1 Sam. 5. 9. 6.4. Vide I^SJ? procidentia ani , marifca , ficus ani, the piles, Aureiani, faith Montanus, in the Margin. A 2 Inflame is in Pf. 3. 5» Becaufe 1> knew ajfuredly the Lord did me fufiain. Which being fo eafe and obvious for the f cope, was chofen rather then an Hebraifme in the room : Becaufe Jehovah from on high did firongly me fuftain. Vide TfCD ddTuper fiiftinuit, fulcivit. Sch. to underprop and* fuftain from above. 3. That inflame Pfal. 68.63. Heb:- Their virgins were not praifed, the Tranfla- tors render , Their maidens were not given in marriage i much better may I fay, And, honourable marriage ■, &C. Not e here that the Tranflators often give the fen fe : Pfal. 7. 10. My buckler is upon God^ they render, Cjod is ?ny defence ; fo in many hundred places both of the Old Teft anient and New. Tea, not vnly by alteration of the words, but. by addi* t ion many times: Pfalm 7. 11. Heb. Cjod it an gry -—- — every d#y 7 they put in* with A Frerace to rne iieaaer,. xoith the wicked, Pfalm 94. 10. Heb. He that teacheth man knowledge , they add, jhall not he know ? Ainfworth oftentimes makes the fupplement divers wayes. The Septuagint and Chaldee Paraphrafe go oft far wider, and. add more tm the Text, yet are followed in the quotations of the Old Z>- ftament by the New. 4. s And lafily to infiance in a fuller Tranflation of the Hebrew, take a few of many. From the firfi word "M** Beatitu- dines in the plural number, I put in, Blefled r , O bteffed (doubling is) From fr^DPl erra- vit to wander , ltaki, Such as go aftray r From yy approbavitjfavit, to favour, T\\t Lord with favour knows From 13X fer-- didit abolevit, Perifh quite* All the fe from the firfi Pfalm. So Pfal. 7. 13. from \m Sagitta dividens quod tangit, Sharp arrows; Pfal. 34. Fromlftneftjedtditatis, utfejfio pigritia, tkc.Sch.it oft implies fedulity >Come children with alacrity .- Pfal. 68. from *)lrD Juvenis eUttus, ad militiam & nego- ti&elettus & idoneus, Sch. their choice young men faith Ainfworth : Their young men brave. Pfal. 119. oftentimes from TOp oblitus fuit, efique negligent U Sch. And I will not through negligence , Thy holy word forget. And truly when the Hebrew word is of larger extent then ordinary , al- though A Preface to the Header. though otherwife I content my f elf in following the fcope of the place , which is obvious to every. vidgar eye (whereas Hebraifms are for Scholars only) I can hardly chufe but harp upon it, if I find it , and oftentimes it helps, not My„ to inlarge where the verfe requires it. Pf. 1^9. 32. from DniDila- tari, exhilarari, I take,' WJiefr-ywith thy fweet incouragements^ •.Thou ftek my heart inlarge ; Schindler upon this exam- ple gives this reafon , In trifticia cor con- trahitur, in lsetitia dilatatur, In forrow the heart is ftraiteivd, ii joy enlarged, Pfal. 143. ult. from 13^ relhiof coluity Monachus, Mancp^um, Senituti addi- £tus, an humble gcdly fey vant, I take allth.s \ to be implied in it, For I ferve thsre reli- 'giouflv with al fubmiflivenek , or atten~ tivenefs.. In three places (viz.- Pfal. 17.3. 26. 2. and 105. 19,) .from Snsf.igRc pur- gavit, excoxit, liqucft-cit, tomeltintha fire , I exprefs a trying by fire as Gold- fmiths do. The cor, parifon is followed in Pfal, .66, 10. Thou haft trPd m as /li- ver is tryed^ but more fully in the Tran- Jlation bith of the old Pfalms. and. new. ■ Even as the skilful tryer doth prove his fiver, cafiwg it into the hottest fire* And now to dure an inftance or two of truer' TjanfiationVKft Caput>fons, origo,Sch- .. h A Preface to the Reader. Itranflate the Wel-fpringhead, Pfal.ic6. 16. lylHp confecratus, conftcrate, I ren- der,— Who had the ftamp of confecra- tion : rather than Jehovah*** holy one. Pfal. 105, 18. I^SJHNa^na ferrum ingrefium eft animam ejus, Jrender^ThQ iron pierc'd his foul. The ft 1 count perfe- Eter Tranflations, an amplification upon fitch an account doth rarely. Pfal. 119. 53. Hor- rour hath taken hold,&C. HS^ 1 ??- Schind- ler expounds it tempeftas , ttmpeftates 5 n'JSy^t precelte Buxt. waves and tem- pt ft $ v So I render it , Tet horror great, like florms that beat ., Hath taken hold on me, &c. / will end with one or two more that 1 have demurred upon, but follow the Tranjla- tors Pfalm 31. 23. ffiNJ 7\V>y the proud, doer. A learned friend that was by at the tranflatetg, contended (as pout ly) that it was the ft out doer, the couragious ; and would hav* had me Tranjlated it. And the Ixld heart that never faints, He pl p nteoufly rewards. Indeed coming from HNjI emi- nuit, ftrenuus fuit , ftrtnue egit , to do ftoutly -, not from PHlJI datio, fuperbia, pride, it founds very like, and rarely' well agrees with the context. Thus alfo Pfal. 2. 12. TjTl n^»ni may be conftrued from the pat h 7 viz. of graw andfalvation (and. A Preface to the Reader. (and fo be a Peripbrafis with miffing the way) or in the path , viz. of fin ana de- finition. ( And perifh in your path. ) Ainfw. The Chaldee and Septuagint ad- here to the former which perhaps is the caufe that. ours do fo : here 1 leave the Reader to his choke. Having Several Tunes. Havemercie, &c. ||i|| : |:|[|!||l|:|':lf|j| !iiiIiSiiiit5:t All people, &c. iElii":l':5:i:|:i:||=il|;5i:iill Another for All people, &c. Ilillliiiiiiiill O Lord, Several Tunes* O Lord, confider, &c* My God my God, &c* liiliiilliiillll iiiiiiiiisiiii Ye Several Tunes. m& Ye Children which, &c. I iilifipi-j-iillpiiijl ;55:§:*il:£i:?:5b:l:i:li55$g Give Several Tune*. Give laud unto, &c. liiiilllllllll pi§Igp§fp§§5= O praife the Lord, Off. Several general Tunes. The firft. Siiii^illllliili The Several general Tunes. The fecond. lllllillllllill II:i::J^:£$ii:§:Jr:J:j3:|:M The third. stuiiii :$:$:g: few 39 The, fourth. The Several general Tunes, The fifth. Siiil-iliri-illililzi 1 The fixth. FS:i:?:i:J|:${":5:|:$?~$JE The-feventh. |^3:=x:J:|:x||:|g4;tex:j:=m i i nir — *~ -i i -i "iiii ill 1 -i ° "*"*' The beverMgemtKi, x wws. The eighth. lllllliliSllliIll *» The ninth. lillilllililijfili ispiifepi&pl The Several general Times. The tenth. pffiiiiiggjjliliilp ililiiiiliili ■i ■ ■ " Wl W» —— hm^m mi^m+ «» n ■ ■ — — « 1 1 » i ■ i ■ J— — ^ ^— « ■ i r — — — I !■ i l l ■ i'»l i » n i ■ » >■ ■ ■■■»— ■* > m « r& CO The Tfahnes of David in Metre. PSALM I. Metre i. BLefled, 6, blefied man is he that fhuns the Sinners way : The Counfel and the Company of fuch as go aftray : That hath the fcorners feat abhori'd : 2 But placeth his delight Upon the law of God the Lord , and minds it day and night. 3 He's like a planted Tree whofe root grows by the Rivers fide ; That in his feafon brings forth fruit, whofe leaf fhall frefh abide. And all he doth fhall profper well. 4 Th' ungodly are not fo ', But are like chaflf which winds difpell, and fcatter to and fro. $ Therefore th' ungodly (hall not rtand in day of judgment, clear : Nor with the juft at God's right hand Shall wicked men appear. 6 For Jo, the way of men upright the Lord with favour knows, Whereas the way fhall perffh quite wherein the finner goes. PSALM I. Metre 2. Tune. Lord Confider, &c. THe man is bleft that neither ftrayes by Couofels of ungodly men, Nor ftandeth in the finners wayes, nor fits in fcorners feat with them. 2 But his delight continually is in the Law of God moft high, And in that Law of his delight * he meditateth day aad night, B afH , 2 Pfalm ). 3 He fhall be like a planted tree fet by the dreaming Rivers fide. Which when his timely feafons be with plenteous fruit is ftill fupply'd. Whofe leaf fhall never fade nor fall, and he fhall profper well in all : 4 Ungodly men are nothing fo, But are like Chaff when Whirlwinds blow; 5 Therefore fhall not ungodly men in final day of Judgment ftand, Nor finners have admiflfion then, among the juft at God's right hand. 6 For Io, the Lord with favour knows the way wherein the righteous goes, But paths of all impiety (hall perifh everlaftingly. PSALM. I. Metre. j. (Givs Laud, &c} THrrce blefled men are they that no bad Counfels hear ; Nor walk in Sinners way, nor fit in fcorners Chair, 2 But with delight Do mind the word of God the Lord, both day and night. 3 Such fhall be like a tree by Rivers fpreading root, Which when his feafons be, brings forth his pleafant fruit; Whofe leaf likewife Is always feea moft frefh and green. And never dies. And whatfoever deed he puts his hand unto, Shall profper and fucceed, 4 as fhall no finners do : For furely they Shall be like Chaff which Winds blow off, and drive away. < There- Pfalm j. 5 $ Therefore th* ungodly race in judgment fhall not ftand, Nor finners have a place with Saints at Ch rift's right hand. 6 For God well knows The juft mens path, but theirs in wrath He overthrows. PSALMII. Mttre 1. •\ % 7 Hy do the Heathen rage and fret, V V and people plot vain things ? 2 They rife, and are in Counfcl fet, both Governours and Kings. God and his Chrift oppofe they do, and thus prefume to fay, 3 Come let us break their Bands in two, and cart their Cords away* 4 But God the Lord that dwells on high, and doth in Heaven abide, Shall laugh at this Confpiracy, and their attempts deride, 5 Then alfo fhall He fpeak to thofe in wrath of fulleft meafure j And very forely vex his foes, in his extreara difpleafure. The Second part* 6 Yet have I fet my King on high, according to my will, To reign in Slon glqrioufly, upon my Holy Hill. 7 rie publifh the Decree, and fay, the Lord hath faid to me, Thou art my Son : and !o this day I have begotten thee. 8 Ask me and I will give to thee the priviledge of thy Birth : For thine the Heathen Lands ftali be, and -utmoft parts on Earth. B 2 $ Thine 4. Pfalm i). 9 Thine Iron Rod fhall break diem all, and Lord, thou (hilt not fpare, To dafh thy foes in pi-eces fnaal!, as Potters Veifels are. The Third part. 10 Be wife now therefore, O ye King:. Ye Judges of the Land, Be well inftru&edin the things which ye fhould under ftand. 1 1 See that ye do your felves employ- in God's true Service here. Mix trembling always with your joy, and worfhip him in fear. 12 The Son of God embrace and kifs, left ye provoke his wrath -, And fo fhould take your way amifs, and perifb from the path* ' Fer if his anger ne're fo fmall be kindled in his breft j Then happy, happy are they all, that on their Saviour reft. PSALM H. Mttre 2. ( Tune, Have Mercy, Sec. ) WHy do the Heathen rage, and people plot in vain ? The Kings on Earth themfelyes ingage, with all their pompous Train > The Rulers all accord, and both the Bench and Throne Confult together againft the Lord, and his Anointed One. 3> 4- And thus they fpeak in fpight, with moft audacious words : Break we their Bands afunder quite, and caft from us their Cords, But He that fits in Heaven ; ftall laugh whik they, combine, Thi Pfalra i). 5 The Lord, to whom th' affront is given,- (hall mock at their defign. Then fhall He fpeak to them in anger unappeas'd: And greatly ihall He vex thofe men", when he is fore difpleas'd. Yet have I done my will, and fet my King to reign In Sion my moil Holy Hill, in fpite of their difdeign. The Second part* 7, 8. And now I will declare, what God hath (aid to me, * Concerning Chrift, the Sovereign Heir, according to decree ; Thou art my Son, (aid He, and I the fame difclofe : This Day I have begotten Thee, Thy Refurreition fhows* 8- Then ask it at my hands, I will the Work advance, And give thee all the Heathen Lands, for thine Inheritance : This priviledge of thy Birth I give to thee alone : And utraofl parts of all the Earth for thy PoflefTion. 9. Thou (halt thine Enemies fmite, as with an Iron Rod : And dafh them into pieces quite, Like Potters fhards, O God. The Third part. ic 3 1% Now therefore, O be wife, Ye Kings of Mortal Birth : B 3 Be 6 Pialm i). Be learn'd in Heavenly Myfteries, Ye Judges of the Earth. Serve ye the Lord with fear, according to his Law : Rejoycing with an Heart finccre, and with a trembling awe, % 17. O kifs the Son, I fay, left he fhould angry be : And fo ye perifh from the way, and no falvation fee. For if his angry wrath to kindle once begin, BleiTed are all that keep his path, and put their truft in him. PSALM iij. Metre i< OLord, how much do they increafe, that rife to trouble me ; And they that do difturb my peace, how many, Lord, rhcy be? 2 Haw many of my Sou! have faid he (hail be underrrod ? There is for him no hope of aid, or help to come from God. 3 But thou, O Lord, art my defence, when T am hard beftead : My Glory and my Confidence, and thouiiold'ft up my head. 4 My prayer to thee I did addrefs, andcry'd to God moft high : And from his Hill of Holinef* he heard me gracioufly. 5 I laid me down at reft fecure 5 I flept and rofe again, Becaufe f knew, and was full fure, the Lord did me fujftain. 6 And though ten thoufand of my foes were round about mc laid, I woul Pfalm ji». 7 I would not be afraid of thofe, nor any whit difmay'd. 7 O God my Saviour now arife, for thou haft own'd my Caufe ; And fmitten all mine Enemies upon the very Jaws. Thou brok'ft the Teeth of all the Train that wrought Ungodlinefs : 8 Salvation doth to God pertain, thou dofl thy people blefs. PSALM iij. Meirt 2. LOrd how their number multiplies^ that vex and grieve me fore > Yea they that do againft me rife, way hourly more and more. Many there are, Lord, many a one, that of my Soul have faid. Behold his God from him is gone, he hath no hope of aid. 3> 4- But, Lord, Thou art a Shield for me 3 Thou art my fure defence : By thee my head upheld (hall be with glorious confidence. I cried to the Lord aloud, and found his favour free : For from his Holy Hill he bovv'd his gracious Ear to me. I laid me down and fweetly flepr, and fafely wak'd again ; Becaufe it was the Lord that kept, and did my Soul fuftaim Although ten thoufand of my foes befet me round about, I will not be afraid of thofe, nor of my fafety doubt. B 4 O Lord S Pfalm \\j. 7 O Lord my God, awake, arife, defend my righteous Caufe : For thou haft fmote mine Enemies upon the very Jaws. Thon brok'ft the Teeth of impious men 3 Salvation is of Thee : Upon thy Chofen People then thy Blcffing fure fliall be. PSALM iij. Metre 3. (Xe Children, Sec. ) LOrd how the number multiplies Of my vexatious Enemies that fain would have me undertrod ? 2 Many, O Lord, many are they, That of my Soul prefome to fay, there is no help for him in God. 3 But Lord thou art a Shield for mey Thou art my Glory, and-fhalt be the fure upholder of my Head : 4 Unto the Lord I fent my Cry, And from his Holy Hill on high, lie heard me, and my prayer fped. 5 I laid me down and fweetly flepr; I wak'd and was in fafety kept 5 for God's Good Hand protected me. 6 I will not fear to take repofe, Although ten thoufand of my foes fet round on every fide fhould be* 7 Up Lord my God, and plead my Caufe, Thou fmofft mine Enemies on the Jaws, Thou brok'ft the Teeth of impious men. 8 Salvation is of God aJone ; Thy Blcffing is upon thine own, and thou haft given it uato them. PSALMIV. Metre 1. H Ear me, OGod, my righteoufnefc, when I to thee repair : Tho* Pialm iv. Thou haft inlargM me from diftrels, in mercy hear my prayer. 2 O Sons of Men, how long will ye my dignity defpifc : How long will ye love vanity, and follow after lies ? 3 But know that God hath fet apart, for his own fake alone, The Man that's after his own Heart, to fit upon the Throne. And he will furely hear my prayer, when unto him I call : 4 Then ftand in awe, and have a care not to offend at all. fh your own heart confider ir, upon your fecret bed : And quietly your felves fubmit. unto your lawful Head. $ The Sacrifices offer ye of righteoufnefs alway : And let the Lord Almighty be your only truft and ftay. 6 Many inquire for outward good, and Riches they embrace : But we defireof Thee, O God, the fhining of thy face. 7 For thou haft made this heart of mine, more joyful and more glad, Than when they brought in Corn and Wine, - and great increafe was had. 8 In peace therefore I will lie down and take my reft full well : For thou, O Lord, and thou alone doft make me fafely dvvell. o PSALMIV, Metre 2* God that art my righteoufnefs^ heat when I call to thee : For in the day of my diftrefs thou haft inlarged me. In mercy hear me now agcn, and quell my foes difdain : How long will ye, O Sons of Men, my Glory turn to fliame ? 3i 4- How long will ye vain things affeft, and follow after lies ? Know Godly Men are God's Select* and he will hear my Cries. All finful Courfes fct apart, and (land in awful dread: In filence commune with your hearty upon your fecret bed. For Incenfe offer Innocence, and righteoufnefs prefent : And wholly put your Confidence in God Omnipotent. What way they might themfelves advance^ great multitudes inquire : But Lord thy fhining Countenance is all that wedefire. 7, 8. For thou haft made my heart to feafl with Sacred Comforts more, Than Worldlings when they were increaft with Corn and Wine full ftore. He both lie down fweet reft to take, and^alfo deep fecure : For only thou, O Lord, doft make my dwelling fafe and fare. PSALM IV* Mttrt & To the firft New Tune. HEar me O God my rightcoufnefs, Thou haflinlarg'd me from diftrefs, when? Pialm iv. >*> When plung'd in care i O fnew to me thy mercy tee, and hear my prayer. How long wll ye, O Sons of Men, My Glorious Dignity contemn, And me defpife I How long will ye love Vanity, and follow Lies ? But know that God hath fet apart The Man that's after his own heart, His King to be : The Lord will hear when T draw near with bended Knee. 4* Then Hand in awe, and do not fin, To Commune with your hearts begin, And fileritly Examined, upon your bed in fecrecy. The Sacrifices offer ye Of Righteoufnefs and Puritie, And then be bold To truft upon the Holy One as your ftrong hold. 6. But many men falfe wealth admire, And all for worldly goods inquire : That's their defign \ But Lord advance thy Countenance on us to fhine. Thou haft put gladnefs in my heart, By Comforts which thou didft impart A great deal more, Than in the time their Corn and Wine increaft in ftore> r w!B 12 Pfalm iv. 8. 1 will both lay me down in peace, And ffeep while all my for rows ceafe y. For thou alone ®oft make me dwell full fafe and well, Holy One ! p SAL.M V. Metre i. OLord unto my words give ear* my medication weigh : 2 My King, my God, my Crying hear,, for I to thee will pray* 2 At morning thou (halt hear my Cry, at morning it fhall be, That Tie direft my prayer on high, and will look up to thee. 4 Becaufe thou art a God moftpure^ whom fin cannot deligjit : Nor any evil canft endure to harbour in thy fight. 5 Within the View of thy pure Eye the foolifh fhall not reft : All workers of Iniquitie thy Nature doth deteft, 6 All Lyers fhall be overthrows- efcape they never can : God will abhor the bloody one, and the deceitful man. 7 But I will to thy houfe draw ne#\ in thine abundant grace : And I will worfhip in thy feir towards fchy Holy Place. The Second part. 8 Lord lead me in thy righteoufnefs, becaufe of all my foes : And thy ftraight paths ( left I tranfgrefs ) before my face difclofe. y For in their mouth no truth appears, their heart with mifchigf throngs : Thek Pfa'Inr v. 13 Their throats are open Sepulchers, they flatter with their tongues* 10 Deftroy them Lord, d e fir oy them aH, let them be overthrown, And into ;uft definition fall^ by Counfels of their own. And let thera be cafl out and quelFd" for their exceffive fin : For they have wickedly rebelFd, againft the Lord therein, 11 But let, OLord, alkhofe rejoyce that put their trult in thee : Let them with fhouts lift up their Voice, and ever joyful be. Let them likewife that love thy Name be joyful in thee ftill : ^JBecaule thy power which they proclaim defends them from all ill. 12 For to the righteous man, na doubt, thou wilt thy Bleffing yield : And ever compafs.him about with favour as a Shield. PSALM V. Mttm* Qur Father^ &c. LOrd weigh my thoughts, my words attend 3 my King, my God, my Crying hear : . To thee my prayers and cries afcend, ray voice i'th' morning thou (halt hear : IW morning, Lord, I will direft My prayer to thee, and will expeft, 2> For thou in fin haft no delight, no ill (hall dwell with thee O Lord : The fool abides not in thy fight, all wicked doers thou haft abhor'd %. Falfhood, deceit, and cruelty, Thou doft deteft^ and wilt deftroy, Su? 14 ™im *• 3- But I in thine abundant grace thy Houte will vifit in thy fear, And worfhip in thy Holy PUce, O teach me, Lord, thy Counfels there : Make ftraight thy paths before mine Eyes 3 Becaufe of all mine Enemies. 4- For in their mouth no trurh they have j their inward parts all wickednefs : Their throat is like a gaping grave j foul flattery doth their tongue exprefs : Dcftroy them, Lord, deftroy them all By their own Counfels let them fall. O caft them out as men abhorM for their tranfgreflions multitude : For they have ftill rebelFd, O Lord, againft thee by offences lewd : But let all thofe that truft in thee Be joyful in a high degree. Yea let them ever fhout for Joy in thy defence, which they implore > Let them that love thee, O Mofi High, be joyful in thee evermore , For thou wilt blefs the Juft, O Lord, And make thy grace his fliield and guard 3 PSALM VI. Metre j. OLord my God, rebuke me nor when angry thou flialc^>e-: When thy difpleafure waxeth hot, then do not chaften me. a O Lord have mercy on my Soul, fo weak and fore perplext : Lord, I befeech thee, make me whole, for all my bones are vexe 3 My riai me v;. \$ 2 My Soul is alfo vexed fore, but Lord how long a fpace ? 4 Return, OLord, my Soul refiose, and fave me of thy grace, $ For who can praife or think on thee, when dead in grave they lie ? 6 And now my groaning wearieth me, fo near to death am 1. ^ All night I make my bed to fwim, my Couch with tears o'reflows : 7 Mine Eyes, confum'd. with grief^ wax dim, becaufe of all my foes, 5 Ye workers of Iniquity go from me every one r For God hath heard me gracioufly, when I did weep and moan. 9 The Supplications which I made the Lord did entertain : And he that heard me when I pray M will hear me yet again io Let all mine Enemies therefore be vext and fham'd thereby j Let them return vext very fore, and fhamed fuddenly* PSALM VI. Metre 2. Lerd Confidtt) &c. JN anger Lord rebuke me not, for I am very weak and low : Nor fcourge me when thy wrath is hot> but Lord, to me thy mercy fhow. Lord heal me for my bones are vext, but thou, O Lord, how long a fpace ? My Soul is alfo fore perplext, return, and fave me of thy grace, 4> *i *• My Soul, O Lord, preferve and fave, for none in. death remember* thee ; ig Pfalme vj. Nor any thanks thee in the Grave, fee how my groaning wearieth mc All night I make my Bed to fwim, wat'ring my Couch with weeping Eyes y Mine eye with* grief grows old and dim, becauie of all mine Enemies. 8, 9, io. Ye workers of iniquity, depart from me, depart ye all : For loe the Lord hath heard my Cry, my.weeping Voice, and Tears that fall. The Lord will hear the prayer I frame, the Lord hath heard, and hath reliev'd ; Let all my foes return with fhame, with fudden Oiame, fore vext and griev'd. PSALM VII. The Firft part. OLord my God, I do repofe my Confidence in thee : O fave me from my furiout foes, and now deliver me. 2 Left like a Lion he fh'ould tear, and piece- meal rend my Soul : While there is no deliverer his fury to conrroll. 3 O Lord my God, if I did this 4 if my hands be not free : 4 If I rewarded him amifs that was at peace with me ; ( Yea, Lord, I have delivered, , and let him fafcly go, That caufeJefly hath injured, and us'd me as a foe, ) $ Then let the foe purfue my Soul, take it, and tread it down : Tread down my Life with proud coutroul., and bury my Renown. Ibi Fiaim vi> 1 7 7he Second part. 6 Rife Lord, in wrath thy felf addrefs, mine enemks rage withftand : Awake for me in righteoufnefs, as thou didft give command. 7 So (hall the Congregation great inclofe thee generally : Return then to thy Judgment Seat, for their fakes fit on high. 8 The Lord fhall judge the people, fure^ judge me O Lord, likewife, According as my heart is pure, and upright in thine Eyes. 9 Let finners ways be overthrown,, but ftablifh righteous mens : For God that is a righteous one,, doth try both Heart and Reins. jo All the defence and help I have is of the Lord alone : Who always will be fure to fave the upright-hearted one. The Third part. 1 1 God judgeth even righteous men, but will the wicked flay : So much is God provok'd by them- to anger every day. 1 2 Unlefs he fpeedily repenr, his glittering Sword is whet : His angry bow the Lord hath bent, and hath it ready fa. 13 He hath prepared deadly darts, determining to fhoot fharp arrows at the viperous hearts- of thofe that profecute. 14 Behold he travelleth in birth with his iniquity - 7 Conceiving mifchief, and brings forth no better than a lie. i S He 1 8 Pfalm vij. 15 He made a Pit and digged it, and mighty pains did take : And now is fal'n into the Pit, which he himfdf did make. 1 6 Upon his own head fhall reboim' his mifchief fpite and hate : His violent dealing fhall come down, and light upon his pate. 1 7 Unto the Lord give thanks will I, for all his righteous ways : And to the Name of God mod high fing chearful Songs of praife. PSALM VIII. Mnre 1. OLord our Lord, how Excellent is thy Name every where ? Behold thou haft thy Glory placet above the Starry Spjiere. 3 Weak babes and fucklings thou ordaind'ft thy power and praife to fhow : To ftill thereby the Enemy, and the avengeful foe. 3 When I behold attentively the Heavens which thou didft frame ; The Moon on high and Starry Skie, which by thine Ordinance c*me. 4 What's Man or Man's porter ity, think I, what wond'rous Love He fhould of thee remernbred be, or vifited from above ? 5 For thou haft made him little lower than Angels in degree, And did'ft him Crown with great Renown, and glorious Dignity, 6 Thou mad'ft him have dominion o're „ the Works which thou haft wrought : And by thy care all Creatures are to his fubje&ion brought. All Plalm vi;. 19 7 All Oxen, Sheep and Fowl, with thefe, and Cattle him obey : S All that the Field ot Air can yield, and Fifties of the Sea. What ever is in the paths of Seas, or pafieth through the fame : 9 O Lord our Lord, all Lands record the Glory of thy Name. PSALM VIII. Metre 2. Give Ltud,Jkc, OLord our Sovereign Lord, of how excelling worth Thy Name muft we Record in all the fpacious Earth ? Whofe Glory bears A Stamp Divine, with beams to fliinc above the Spheres. 2. Out of the Infant mouth of babes and fucklings fmall, Thou haft ordain'd thy Truth with flrengtk to conquer all : To lay them low Tkat bear ill will, and for to ftill th' avengeful foe. 3f? Thy Heavens there on high, when, Lord, I think upon, 4. The Moon and Starry Skie, the Works which thou haft done t Lord, what is Man, Or what's his Seed, that thou fhouldfl heed fo poor a (pan ? «;. Thou madeft him to be of an inferior ftate To 20 ¥mm vn;» To Angels In degree, yet to participate : And dicTft him Crown* With Glory great, to fit in feat of high Renown. 6. Thou gav'ft him abfolute dominion over all : And all things at his foot in bound obedience fall, To him they yield, All Oxen, Sheep, and Beafis that keep- iW open field. The Fowls of all the Air, and Fifhes of the S.as : Which have a thorow-fare to pafs there as they pleafe : O Lord our Lord, Th* excelling, fame of thy great Name all Lands Record! PS ALMLV1II. Mttni* Te ck$Urtn> &c. OLord our Lord, of how great worth Is thy great Name in all the Earth, who rnak'ft thy Glory pafs the Skie ? From babes and fucklings mouths thou haft Ordained ftrength thy foes to blaft, and ftill th r avengeful Enemy. When I have Heaven In my thought, And fee the Works thy finger wrought, the Moon and Stars ordairfd by thee y Lord what is Man, or his frail Race, That thou fhoukTft fuch a fhadow grace, with /ifits of thy favour free ? 2« For thou haft made him little lefs, Than Angels in their blcfledhefs s Glory and Grace compofe his Crown t 'Ehou Pfalm riij. 21 Thou mad'ft him have dominion oVe Thy handy- works both lefs and more, and at his feet muftall fit down. All Sheep and Oxen, Birds and beafts, The Waters, Woods, and Fields increafe, and all that through the Ocean glide : O Lord our Lord, of how great fame Is therefore thy Illuftrious Name in all the Earth both far and wide ? PSALMIX. The Flrji part. OLord, Tie praife thy Holy Name with true and hearty Zeal : ^Thy wond'rous works I wiil proclaim, and none of them conceal. 2 I vvill be glad, and much rejoyce in thee continually : I will fing praife with chearful voice to thy Name, O moft high. 3 When as my wicked Enemies arc put to fhameful flight ; Then they fhail fall before thine eyes, and perifh at thy fight. 4 For thou, O Lord, thou haft alone maintain'd my righteous caufe : Thou fateft in thy righteous Throne to judge by righteous Laws. 5 Thou haft rebuk'd the Heathen men, the wicked are deftroy^d : Thou haft put out the name of them, and made it ever void. 6 O Enemy, all's accomplifhed, deftruftions now are done : The Cities thou haft ruined, they and their memory's gone. 7 But God the true Eternal One, for ever fhail abide : He 22 Pfelm ix. He hath prepar'd his Princely Throne juft Judgment to decide. 8 And* he will judge the world throughout in juftice faithfully : And deal to all men round about his Truth and Equity, 9 The Lord moreover will become a refuge for th' oppreft •, In times extreamly troublefome he'l be a place of reft. io All they that know thy faithful Name, will truft upon thy Grace } For never did'ft thou Lord difclaim any that fought thy face. The Second part. 11 Sing praifes to the Holy One, that doth in Sion dwell : The glorious deeds that he hath done among all people tell. 12 When he inquireth narrowly for blood which they hare fpilt ; He calls to mind the poor man's Cry, and their oppreffors guilt. 13 Lord pity me, think on my grief caus'd by mine Enemies hate : Thou that doft raife me with relief from deaths deftruftive gate. 14 That I in Sions daughters gates may all thy praife record •, For thy Salvation confolates my thankful heart, O Lord. 15 The Heathen fink into the pit, which they themfelves prepafd *, And in the net that they did fet ^re their own feet infnar'd. 16 The Lord is known in thefe affairs, by Judgments which are wrought j When Pfalm ix- 25 When fmners hands do make the (hares, wherewith therafelves are caught. 17 The wicked fliall be turnM to Hell, people of 'every kind, Whoever on the Earth do dwell, that have not God in mind. lS For needy Souls may well be fure not (till to be forgot : Thofe Expectations of the poor for ever perifh not. 19 Up Lord, and let not men have leave (till to prevail by might : But let the Hpthen folk receive their judgment in thy fight, ao And ftrike them Lord, with fear fo far, that all the Nations then May know themfelves ( who e're they are } to be but mortal men. PSALMX. WHy doft thou, Lord, fbffld off fo far, and feem'ft thy felf to hide y And feeft what troublous times here are, ; and what opprefling pride? 2 Wherewith the wicked hunt the poor, O let them be furpriz'd, Caught in the fnare they thought fo fure, and which themfelve$ devis'd. 3 For of his hearts ungodly lufts the wicked boafts, O Lord ; And he doth blefs the covetous, that Is of God abhofd. 4 He feeks not after God a jot, fuch is his haughty pride : In all his thoughts G©d cometh not, but is indeed deni'd. 5 He ever loves to tyrannize, Judgment he counts far off : He 24. Pfalm x. He puffs at all his Enemies with a difdainful feoff. 6 He faith in heart, I know that I fhall never be difplac't ; Nor of the leaft adverfity at any time fhall tafh 7 His mouth is full of blafphemy, of fraud, deceit, and wrong j Mifchievoufnefs and vanity fit underneath his tongue. 8 In Villages he fits obfeure, the Innocent to flay : His eyes are bent againfi the poor, but in a private way. 9 He Lion-like lurks in his den the poor to catch and get j Waiting to take poor fimple men, when drawn into his net. io He croucheth and doth lowly bend, humbling himfelf withal ; That fo the poor man in the end by his ftrong ones may fall. 11 He faith in heart God hath forgot, he hides away his eyes ; And willingly beholds it not, 12 but O Lord God arife. Forget not but thy hand forth-ftretch, for poor men undertrod : 1 3 O wherefore fhould a wicked wretch contemn Almighty God ? It fhall not be nequirM at all, thus fpeaks lie in his heart : 14 But of their mifchief, fpite and gall, thou Lord a Witnefs art. And what thou feeft fhall furely be by thy juft hand repay' d : The poor commits himfelf to thee, tbou art the Orphans aid. 15 The Pfalm x. 2ji r$ The arm of Tyrants mercilefs, feord break in (under quite ; Search out his fecret wickednefs, till all be come to light. \6 God reigneth an Eternal King, and he hath purged his Land Of Heathen people, perifcing by his revenging Hand. ^ [7 Lord, the defire of humble men hath pierc'd thine eafie Ear j An Heart thou wilt prepare us then, and caufe thine Ear to hear. l8 To judge the poor and fatherlefs, that are oppreft full fore -, That Earthly men may not opprels, nor vex them any more. PSALM XI. Mitre u r Put my Confidence in God, L why therefore do ye fay, That as a Bird unto her hill my Soul fhould haft away ? ► For lo the wicked bend their Bow, and fit their Shafts with art j Upon their firings, to fhoot unfeea at men upright in heart. ; If the foundations, verily, be ruin'd and deflroy'd, Alas, what can the righteous do the danger to avoid ? . The Lorcf is in his holy place, his Throne's in Heaven on high ; His Eyes behold the Sons of Men, and them his Eye-lids try. By hip the righteous man is try'd, the wicked man abhor'd : And he that loyeth Violence is hated of the lord* 56 Pfalm xj. 6 On (inners he fhaH rain down (hares, and wrath muft they drink up , Brimftone and fire, and horrid (forms the portion of their Cup. ■7 For God that is a righteous one in Juftice takes delight : And with a pleafed countenance beholdeth the upright. PSALM XL Mitre 2* All People, Sec. IN God I put my Confidence, why do ye utter fuch a word ? Why fay ye to my Soul, flee hence unto your Mountain as a Bird ? 2. For k> ! the wicked beiad their Bows, they firing their Arrows, and prepare In fecret for to (hoot at thofe, that upright-hearted perfons *re. 3> 4- If the foundations be deftroyed, what can the Juft do any where ? Heavens Holy Temple (lands not void, for God is ever prefent there. The Lord within the Heavens Jrigh hath (lablifhed his Royal Throne: His Eyes behold, his Eye-lids try the Sons of mortal men each one. TJic Lord the Righteous throughly tries, but he the wicked greatly hates : And him that loveth Cruelties, his righteous Soul abominates. 6, On finners he fhall rain down fnares, Brimftoneand fire mud they drink up j An horrible Temped he prepares to be the portion of their Cup. Pfalm xi. if For God that is a righteous One, doth rlghteoufnefs as much affect : The upright Man he looks upon with very Angular refped. * PSALMXL Metre 5. The Mighty God> Sec. iN God the Lord I put my Confidence, A What means that word unto my Soul,flee hence i Flee to your den, as Birds do to their Hill, For wicked men do bend their Bow to kill: Their Arrows keen are quickly ftrung & darted To (hoot unfeen and hit the upright-hearted. 2. If faith decay, and the foundations too, Where is the flay > what can the righteous do? The Holy One is in his Temple grear, God hath his Throne in Heaven,there's his feat: His Eyes behold, his Eye-lids try mod truly Both Young and Old, and fearch out all men (throughly. 3. the patience of the Juft, they can believe and truft : of tin that have no fenfe, that loveth violence, the Lord abominateth, fuch perfons greatly hateth* The Lord doth try How ftedfaftly But wicked men^ And any of them Such finners fure His Soul mod pure Down doth he pour fnares, fire &brimftone fierce: An horrible fhowV, which to the quick doth pierce, This Cup to fuit with finners he provides, That perfecute him through his peoples fides J For God that is mod juft, juft men affefteth, And beams of his fweet face on them refleftcth. C 2 PSALM go Pfalm xrij. How long fhall my exalted foe bear ore me fuch contraul ? 3 Behold and hear me, Lord my God, that am fo fore oppreft : Lighten mine eyes left that I fleep, as one by death pofiefl 4 And left my foes lift up their voice* ^nd fay we do prevail : And they that trouble me rejoyce, when I begin to fail. 5 But from thy mercy and thy grace my hopes fhall not depart : Thy fweet relief and faving health fhall greatly glad my heart. 6 And I will iing unto the Lord, beeaufe I find that he Hath dealt, according t© ; his word, mod bounteoufly with me. PSALM XIII. Metre t. HOw long wilt thou forget me, Lord 3 and from me hide thy face ? Shall I for ever feem abhor'd, and taft no more thy grace ? Kow long fhall I fit mafihg fo+ with hearts continual grief? How long fhall my exalted fee be made the head and chief ? 3> 4- Confider, Lord my Gcd, and hear, - enlighten thou mine eyes ^ And let thy fuccour foon appear, left death my Soul furprize. And left-mine enemies boaft fhould be againft me to prevail j And they rejoyce that trouble me, when I begin to fail. <>, 6. But I, O Lord, fuch hopes have ha J thy mercy ftill to find ; Th Pfalm xiij. 1* That thy Salvation makes me glad, and cheers my heart and mind* And I will fing unto the Lord, becaufe I prove and fee, How bounteoufly he doth afford his favour unto me. PSALM XIII. Mttre 3. Have Mercy, &c. HOw long, O Lord, ef thee forgotten fhall I be ? How long a fpace wilt hide thy face for evermore from me ? 2. : How long (hall I condole, take counfel in my Soul, And daily bear fuch griefs and care, and enemies proud controul I 1 ? Confider, hear my Cries,^ my God, clear thou mine eyes, Left ileep of death exhauft my breath amidft my miferies* 4- And left mine enemy fay, Lo .' I have got the day : And glad they be that trouble me, when put befide my flay, , But I thy mercy made the Rock whereon I ftay'd : My heart in me right glad fhall be in thy Salvations aid, 6. Unto the Lord will I fing praifes cheerfully \ Becaufe that he hath dealt with me exceeding bounteoufly. C4 PSALM: j2 Pfalm xiv # PSALM XIV- Metre i. THe fools affirm there is no God, for fo in heart they fay : Vile deeds they do, and none doth good^ fo quite corrupt are they. 2 For lo the Lord from Heaven view'd the race of all mankind, To fee if any underflood, or fought his God to find. 3 But they were all corrupt and naught, all turn'd afide and gone ; Not one that any good hath wrought; no verily not one. 4 Are wicked workers fo milled, fo blind and bruitifh all, That they fhould eat my folk like bread, on God they do not call ? 5 But yet in all their jollity great fear upon them fell -, For in the fweet Society of good men God doth dwell. 6 Ye mock the wifdem of the poor, and would his Counfcl fhame ; Becaufe he makes himfelf fecure by faith in God's great Name. 7 But O that all which we hear tell the Lord would once fulfill j With faving health to ifrad from out of Sion hill. When God his peoples bondage turns, that freedom once is had, Then Jacob fhall rejoyce that mourns, and lfrtel fhall be glad. FSALM XIV. Metre 2. Give Laud, &c. I^He fool hath faid in heart there is -no God at all : They Pfalm xiv« 3$* They are in every part corrupted by the fall : There's none doth good, But they have wrought things vile and naught, and grace withftood. The Lord did caft his eye from Heaven, his Holy Throne, On man's Pafterity, to fee if any one He might difcern, That underfiood the things of God, or fought to learn. Bur all are gone afide, they do themfelves tiefile * They all are wand'red wide, become exceeding vile : And there is none Of all mankind to good inclin;d ; no fure not one. **• Have wicked workers all no knowledge generally, Who have not grace to call upon the Lord moft high ? But they are fed, Devouring here my people dear ; like unto bread. But yet they were in fear, arid great the fear mud be ; For God doth ftill appear in juft mens progenie : And keepeth them In every place, I mean the R,i; of righteous men. 6. But ye have put to fliame the Couofels Qf the poor, C s Sccauie U Pfcim xiw Becaufe the Lord became - ■ his refuge fo fecure : O that there might Gome fuccour ftilLfrom sion hilt" •-* to th' ifmlite. 7- When as the Lord brings back our hard Captivity; And lets not ifrael lack fo great a caufe of joy: Jacob* np doubt, Shall thenrejoyce with cheerful-voice,, and ifrael ftiout, PSALM XV. Metre 1. LOrd, who fhall have a blcfl abode within thy Tents of grace ? And wha fhall dwell with thee, O God,'. in thy moft holy place ? x The man that walketh uprightly; . and worketh righteoufnefs, And doth from hearts integrity the very truth txprefs. 3 That hurts his neighbour in no^fert nor flandereth with his tongi^ ]^©r taketh up a falfe report to do his neighbour wrong* 4,, The man inwhofe di-fceming eyes ' vile perfons are abhor'd ; But them he highly magnifies that truly fear the Lord. That keeps his Covenant faithfully, though he :»he lofe fuftain ; 5, And puts not out to Ufury to get unlawful gain. That will not for a world be bribed to make the; Innocent fall : He that doth thefe things here prefcrib'd foftU DQt be moved at all* PS AIM Pfalm xv. 3$- PSALM XV. Mm 2\ Ml People, &c. LOrd who (hall have a dwelling place In Tabernacles of thy Grace ? Thy holy hill who fhall pofTefs? fare he that worketh righteoufnefs y Tliat walks upright, and fpeaks the truth And this even from his heart he doth : He that backbites not with his tongue, nor doth his neighbour any wrong. That takes not up a falfe report To's neighbour's hurt in any fort : Vile men are in his eyes abhor'd, but honour'd they that fear the Lord, 5- That changeth not what once he fwears, Though he the Iofs and damage bears : That puts not out his Coy a,- whereby to get his wealth by Iffurj. Nor takes reward to circumvent. Or prejudice rhe Innocent: He that doth thefe things is approved, and never fhall that 5 man be mov'd. PS A L M XV. Metre 3, re children, 8rc. LOrd who fhall have a dwelling place 1th 1 Tabernacle of thy grace ? thy holy hill who fhall goilefs ? The man that walketh uprightly* And worketh no iniquity, fhall furely have that happinefs. The man that walks In God's true fear, And fpeaks the truth with heart fincere according to his juft intent ; He. tliat backbites not with hb* tongue, 3$ Pfalm xv. Nor doth his neighbour any wrong* is fuch a man as here is meant. 2. That takes not up an evil fame Reproachful to his neighbour's name, , nor ufeth an opprobrious word : He that doth look with juft difdain Upon vile perfons and profane, but honours them that fear the Lord.: That to his promife goes not crofs, Although engaged to his lofs, nor puts out Coyn to Ufury : Nor takes reward againft the Juft',. He that doth thus may boldly truft not to be mov'd eternally. PSALM XVI. Metre ft. LOrd fave me for I truft in thee, fincerely from my heart, Confefling thee my Lord to be, and fo indeed rhou art. My goodnefs cannot have extent 5 to thee, but to th' upright : The Saints on Earth, the excellent, in whorrfs all my delight. 4 But they flrall forrows multiply, t and be in woful cafe, That haften to Idolatry, and other Gods embrace. The blood of their Drink-offerings Tie not prefeut, O Lord ; Nor move my lips to name the things fo much to be abhor'd. $ The Lord is mine Inheritance, and portion of my Gup : Of mine allotted maintenance thou art the holder up. 6 The Lines are fall'n fucceffiyely^ and happily to me i Pfalm xvjt 33 A goodly heritage have I, and pleafant for to fee. The Second part, 7 I blefs the Lord, becaufe that he did counfel me aright -, So that my reins inftrufted me in feafons of the night. 8 I ftill conceived the Lord to fhnd before me as my Guide : Since he doth ftand at my right hand I know I fhall not Aide. p Therefore my heart and tongue are glad, and both rejoyce in this, The certain hope my flefh hath had of everlafting blifs. 10 Thou wilt not leave my Soul in Hell, nor wilt thou fuffer me Thy holy one belov'd fo weil Corruption for to fee. 1 1 The path of Life thou WILT fhew M E ; for thou haft all thofe Treafures: Full joys at thy right hand chere be, and everlafting pleafures. PSA L"M XVI. Metre 2* All Veofle* &c. OGod the great and mighty one, be thou my fure and fafe defence^ Becaufe in thee and thee alone I put my truft and confidence. O thou my Soul, thou didft report the Sovereign Lord thy Lord to be^ But Lord, my goodnefs in no fore can ever reach to profit thee. But to the Saints that are on Earth, and co the truly excellent ; $g Pfalra xv: # Id whom I find abundant worth, in whom I place my great contentv They (hall their forrows multiply, that after other Gods do run : Their Blood-drink-offerings I defie, their Idol-names I hate and fhun»~ *> tf. r The lord is mine Inheritance r he is the portion of my Cup : As for my lot, thou doft advance, and ever ftrongly bear it up. The Lines are fallen unto me in places pleafant for abode 5 Yea, and I have obtain'd of thee a goodly heritage, O God. The Second part. '* f I blefs the Lord, by whofegood means I was advis'd and counfePd right t For by thy Counfel have my reins wifely inftrufted me by night. 8 I fcrthe Lord ftill in mine eye, and boldly truft him over all: Ac my right hand he is fo nigh, that, doubtlefs, I fhall never fall. 9 This therefore doth my hearT refrefh, and joys abundant fill my breft : Glad is my glory, and my flefh in fure and certain hope fhall reft. 10 For lord; thou, wilt not leave alone my precious Soul in Hell to be-; Nor wilt permit thy holy one corruption in the Grave to fee* 11 Thou wilt* OLord, to me declare the blefied parh of Life and Light : For in thy pretence Jays there are, and of a fulness infinite. And there, O Lord, at thy right hand ; are fuch delights as never die 3 And; Pfalffl xvi/» if 1 And plcafures at thy full Command, that Iaft to all, Eternity. PSALM XVII. Metre i* LOrd hear the right attend my Cry, unto my prayer give heed ., That doth not in hypocrifie from feigned lips proceed. 2 And let my fentence uncontrolled proceed with power from thee : And let thy righteous eyes behold the things that equal be. 3- My heart thou haft examined, by night thou.didft enquire : Thou haft me proved and vifited,. and try'd me as by fire. Yet by thy fearching thou ftialtfind in me no wickednefs : For I am porpofedirimy mind my mouth fhall nortranfgrefs. 4^ Concerning works of men profane^ thy lips did guide me fo, That from the paths I did.refrain, wherein Oeftroyers go. 5 Uphold my goings, Lord my guide,. \n all thy paths Divine , So that my foot fteps may not Aide out of thofe ways of thine. 6 I have with comfort calFd on thee^ for thou O God, wilt hear : Iodine thy fclf to anfwer me, and to rqy fpeech give ear. 7 Thy wonderful kind love difclofe, O thou whofe ftrong right arm Saves all believers from their foes, that rift to do them harm? . 4© Pfelm xvij. The Second part* S Preferve me, Lord, from hurtful things^ as th' apple of thine eye , And under covert of thy wings defend me fecretly. 9 From wicked men that tyrannize*, let thy hand help me out, And from my deadly Enemies that compafs me about. 10 In their own fat they are inclosed, and bear themfeives fo high, That with their mouth they are difpos'd^ to fpeak prefumptuoufly. 11 They have encompafled us round in our own foot-fteps now : And down unto the very ground they bend their frowning brow. 12 Like th' greedy Lion that doth loag,. to take his prey inchace: And as it were a Lion young, that lurks in fecret place. 13 Arife and difappoint Him then, and cafl him down, O Lord, 14 Defend my Soul from wicked meE, which are thy fharp'ned Sword. From worldly men thy help I crave, from men which are thy hand j Which in this life their portion have, and do not fee beyond* Thy hidden ftores their bellies fill, with many Children bleft, They fpend their fubftance at their will, and leave their Babes the reft. 15 But I in righteoufnefs abide, beholdinr *-?iy fweet face ; And waking ttiall o? fatisfy'd with th' Inrage of thy grace* PSALM: Pfalm xvij. 41 PSALM XVIL Metre 2. All People, &c. LOrd hear the right, attend my Cry And prayers put forth unfeignedly : My fentence let come forth from thee, And let thine eyes things equal fee. For thou haft prov'd my heart upright. Thou vifitedft me in the night : Thou try'dft me, and fhalt nothing find, But blamelefnefs of heart and minc^ As fcr the works of bloody men, Thy Counfels kept me fafe from them : Hold up my goings in thy way, So that my fieps may never ftray. 6. I calPd on thee whofe paths I trod, For thou wilt hear me, O ray God : Thy gracious goodnefs I befeech To bow thine ear and hear my fpeech, The Second part. 7. Shew me thy marvellous kind love, O thou that fiv'ft us from above: Thou fav'ft believers from furprize Of thofe that do againft them rife. 8, 9. Keep me as th' apple of the eye, And make thy wings my Canopie, From deadly foes that do opprefs. And circumventing wickednefs. 10, 11. They are inclos'd in their own fat, And proudly fpeak they care not what ; In our own paths rhey hem us round, Their low'ring looks bow to the ground. Like 42 Pfalm xvij. tike Lions greedy of their prey, Or Lions whelp in fccret way : O Lord arife, defeat my foe, His enterprifes overthrow. The Third part. U- Save me from men that are thy Sword, From men that are thy hand O Lord j From wicked worldlings ( men of ftrife "J Which have their portion in this life. Whofe bellies thy hid treafures fill, They fpend their fubftance at their will, And leave unto their Babes the reft. With many Children being bleft. But I fhall have a near accefs To view thy face in righteoufneft t And waking fhall thy vifage fee, And therewith fatisfy'd fhall be. PSALM. XVIII. OLord my flrength I will love thee, the Lord's my rock and fort : My fafe Deliverer is he, my God and my fupport. My ftrength and buckler mofl fecure, in whom my truft fhall be -, The horn of my faivation fure, and my high Tower is he. 3 Upon the Lord's Name I will call, who is mofl worthy praife ; So fhall I fcape mine enemies all with fafety all my days. 4 The pangs of death did me inclofe, whereby I was difmay'd : The floods of wicked men arofe, and made me much afraid. 5 The Pfalm xviij. 43 5 The pangs of Hell, which dreadful be, did compafs me about : The fnares of death prevented me, and made me to cry out. 6 Then did I call in my dirtrefs upon the Lord mod high : And to my Ged with earneftnefs I did fend out my cry. And from his Temple gracioufly f ~?5 the Lord my voice did hear : Before him alfo came my Cry, yea even to his ear. The Second part. 7, 8. Then trembled all the Earth for fear, the hills, foundations (hook : And very greatly mov'd they were at his fierce angry look. Out of his noftrils went a fmoak, and from his mouth there came Devouring fire, which did provoke the fulphurous Coals to flame. ? Th* Almighty Lord the Heavens bow'd^ and downward did defcend : Beneath his feet a fable Cloud of Darkoefs did extend* 10 A Cherub-Chariot did him bear, whofe plumes he made his fail; The winds his winged Courfers were, and darknefs was his vail. 1 1 Dark his Pavilion, dark the Skie, dark Waters, dusky Clouds Compofe an airy Canopie, wherein himfelf he fhrouds. 12 A brightnefs did before him flame, which did thick Clouds difpell : Then down the battering Hailftones came, and Coals of fire there fell. ilTte 44 Pfalm xviij. 1 3 The Lord from Heaven in Thunder fpoke,. the Voice of God mod high Did make the ftormy Halftones fmoke, and Coals of fire to fly. 14 And he did make his arrows fpread, and put his foes to flight ; He fhot out Lightnings to their dread, difcomfiting them quite. 15 Then were the Water-channels feen, and Earth's foundations vaft, Difclos'd at thy rebuke fo keen, and at thy noftrils blaft. the Third part* 16 The Lord did fend from Heaven high* he took and drew me out From waters of adverfity that compafs me about. 17 He fav'd me from my potent foe, and fafely fet me free From fuch as fought my overthrowj and were too flrong for me. 18 They did prevent me craftily in that moft dangerous day. That threatned my calamity, but God was then my flay. 1 p He brought me to a fpacious place, by his great power and might * And fav'd me freely of his grace, for I was his delight. 20 According to mine innocence was my reward made fure : The Lord did give me recompence, becaufe my hands were pure. 21 For in the ways of God have I continually trod ; And have not ever wickedly departed from my God. 22 For Pfalm xviij. 45 22 For unto all his Statutes ftilt I had a great refpeft ; And no part of his holy Will did I at all rejeft. 23 Yea I was alfo moft upright before the Lord moft high ; And kept my felf as in his fight from mine iniquity* 24 Therefore the Lord rewarded me, as I had done aright 5 And as my hands were clean and free from fin In his eye-fight. The Fourth part. 2 that ever doth abide ; And let the Lord my Saviour be highly magnifi'd. 47 'Tis God that hath avenged ipe, my people he fubjefts ; My Saviour from my foes is he, ray perfon he protefts. 48 Yea thou haft fet me oVe them all that did my hurt confpire ; And 48 Pfalm xviij. And favM me from the rage of Saul, whom fury fet on fire. 49 Therefore will I give thanks to thee in heathen Lands O Lord : In Songs of praife with melody will I thy Name record. <$o Deliverance great he gives indeed, and mercy keeps in (lore, For David and his facred feed, and that for evermore. PSA LM XIX. Metre 1: THe Heavens give to underftand the Glory of the Lord : The operations of his hand the Firmaments record. 2 Day unto Day hath made it known, and Night to Night dedar'd ; 3 And Speech and Language there is none where their Voice is not heard. 4 Their Line is gone throughout the Earth, the like their worcfe have done : And there's his Royal Tent fee forth to hold the fhining Sun. $ Which as a Bridegroom bravely dad, doth leave his lodging place , And Gyant-like with geflure glad fers out to run a race, 6 He reacheth Heaven's vaft Extreams, making his Courfe compleat ; And nothing can by any means be hidden from his heat. Tit Second part. 7 The Law of God is very pure, the Soul it rectifies : His Teftinaonies are mod fure, making the firoplc wife. 8 The Pfalm xix. 4P 8 The Statutes of the Lord are right, and confolate the mind : , His precepts pure affording light : to eyes by nature blind. 9 The fear of God is fpotlefs too, and doth endure for ever : The Judgments of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. 10 Far more than many treafur'd Sun* of Gold to be embraced : " \ i Far fweeter than the Honey-combs, i or Honey to the taft. ii Thy Servant is fore-warn'd thereby thy Precepts to regard 5 And he that keeps them carefully fhall have a great reward. - The Third part* 12 But who can all his errors fee, and what lies hid within ? Lord cleanfe me and deliver rac from all my fecret fin. [$ Thy Servant alfo Lord reflrain from each prefumptuoue crime : And let none fuch nave power to relga ia me at any time. And then fhall I be mod upright, ; being reftrain'd by thee *, ! I fhall be blamelefs in thy fight, i and great tranfgreffions flee. \l± O let my mouth, O let my heart in all I think or fay, Be pleafing to thee, Lord, that art j my Saviour ftrength and ftay. t> PSALM 50 Pfalm xix. PS A L M.XIK. Metre 2. The Mighty God, &e, I'TpHeHeavens declare the glory of God mofl wife, A His handy-work the Firmament defcries : 2 Day utters fpeech td Day, and Night to Night fliew forth the knowledge of his power & might: 5 There is no fpeech or language,tongue or nation, But hears their voice and makes interpretation. 2. 4 Their Line is gone quite throughout the Earth, Their words to thf end of all the world go forth : In them the Lord this mighty work hath done to fee a Tabernacle for the Sun. 5 Which as aBridegroom from his chamber coming Rejoyceth as a ftrong man to be running. 3- 6 His going forth is from the Heavens end, His Circuit all the Skie doth comprehend, And there is nothing be it fmall or great, That can be hidden from its burning heat : So vaft a Volume is the Book of Nature, Much more the Scripture (hewing the Creator. The Second part. 4, $. 7 The Law of God hath power to controul, Inflruft, admonifh, and convert the Soul : The Teftimony of the Lord is fure, And wifdom to the (imple doth procure : 8 His Statutes right and heart-exhilarating, His Precepts pure and eye-illuminating. 6. , p God's fear caucleanfe the Soui,8t keep it bright, j His Judgments they are true and wholly right : 10 Sweeter than Honey or the Honey-comb, Richer than Gold which fire cannot confu me: 11 Moreover by thefli is thy fervant warned, And great reward have thefe things if performed* Tht Pfdm xix. 5! The Third part. j. 12 But who can fee the error of his thoughts ? 13 O cleanfe thou me from all my fecret fau'ts* Thy Servant from prefumptuous fias reftrain, And let them have no power in me to reign j And fo (hall I be free from fins oppreflion, And ever blamelefs from the great tranfgreflioB. 8. 14 Lord let the words which from my mouth pro- And meditations which my heart doth heed,(ceed, The meditations of my heart, I fay, Let them be pleafing to thee night and day : Let them be now and always fo efteemed, O Lord my ftrength who haft my Soul redeemed* PSALM XX. Mitre 1. THe Lord now hear thee gracioufly in this diftrefsful day : The Name of Jacob"* mighty God be thy defence and flay* 2 And from the Sanfluary fend affiftance in thy need : And out of sion ftrengthen thee, and make thee ftrong indeed. 3 Remember all the Offerings which thou haft brought entire y And now accept the Sacrifice, which thou haft made by fire. 4 Thy hearts defire he grant to thee, and all thy Counfeis blefs ; And make them be accomplifhed with futable fuccefs. 7k Second part. 5 We will rejoyce in thy defence, O God our health and ftay : And in the Name of our great God eur banners we difplay. D t The $a Pfalm xx. The Lord fulfill all thy defire, and grant what thou doft craye .• 6 And now I know that God moil high doth his Anointed fave. And he will hear him gracioufly from his moft Holy Heaven 5 With faving flrength of his right hand, which fhall to him be given. 7 Some truft in Charets, fomein Horfe, but we will think upon The Name of thee the Lord our God, and truft to that alone. 8 For we do rife and fiand upright, but they bow down and fall : 9 Save Lord, and let our heavenly King now hear us when we call. P S A L M XX. Mtre a. Give Laud, Sec. 1 T Ord hear thee in the day JLi of danger and diftrefs : Great Jacob's God, we pray defend and give fuccefs j 2 Aflift thee ftill With powerful grace from's holy place in Sion hill. 2. 3 Thine Offerings all likewife let ia his mind be kept, And thy Burnt-facrifice he gracioufly accept 1 * 4 Grant thee fuccefs To thine own will, and fo fulfill all thy requefls. 3- j We will our Joy proclaim to thy fwect firing aid, Andl Pfatrn xk. $5 And in our God's great Name our banners are difplay'd : The Lord our fhield Grant thy requefts, whatever refts to befulfilFd. Toe Second part. 6 Now know I that the Lord faves his Anointed one, And hears^him with regard from Heaven his holy Throne : And will command For him that pray'd the faving aid of his right hand* 7 In Charets fome repofe, and fome put truft in Horfe j But far above all thofe, or any outward force, We will record, And ftill proclaim this mighty Name OUR GOD THE LORD. 6. 8 They are brought down, and bow, yea they are fallen quite : But we are rifen now, and alfo ftand upright : Lord fave us all, Great King give ear our prayers to hea* now when we call. PSALM XXI. Mitre i. TTUe King rejoyceth to record -*■ the Comforts of thy might ; And in thy faving health, O Lord, how much fhall he delight ? 2 For what his heart defir'd to have thou grantedft every thing 5 *> i And $4 Vfalm xx;. And what his ligs of thee did crave was hoc deny'd the King. 5 With thy good bleffings manifold thou hafl him early fped ; And fet a Crown of perfeft Gold upon his Royal Head. 4 And when he asked Life of thee thereof thou mad'ft him fure $ And gav'ft it to Eternity • for ever to indure. 5 His glory is exceeding great in thy Salvation's aid : Honour and Majefty compleat thou haft upon him laid* 6 Thy bleffings ever-flowing fireams i to him thou didft Impart -> Thy Countenance with chearful beams, doth greatly glad his heart. . 7 Becaufe the King unfeignedty doth put his truft if* thee: And through thy mercy, OMoft High, remov'd he fhaJl not be. 8 But thine Almighty hand, O Lord, fliall find out all thy foes : And all that have thy Nanqe abhor'd thy right hand (hall difclpfe. 9 And make them like a fiery: hearth fn thy moft angry hour : The Lord (hall AyaJlow tbem in wrath, and fire fliall them devour. io Their fruit (halt thou abolifh then, deftroying their increafc •, And from among thc&pns of Men fhalt caufe their feed to'ceafe. II Againfl thee they intended ill, and mifchicf tliey did plot 5 which they endeavoured to fulfill, but fpeed it they could aot. 12 For riaim xxj. 55 12 For thefe things thou fhalc make them fly, turning their backs in chace, Charging thy bow-firings readily againft thine enemies face. ^j In thy peculiar ftrengrh, O Lord* thy marchlefs glory raife : So fhall our chearful Sengs record thy powers deferved praife. PSALM XXI. Mure 2. Now Ifrael may fiy. *THe King (hall Joy in thy great flrength.O Lord* and in thy faving health life up his voice, and how exceedingly fhall he rejoyce ? His hearts defire thou didft to him afford, And not hold from him what his lips implofd. 2. For thou prevented him as heretofore with Wettings of thy- goodnefs largely fpread, and fefft a Crown of pure gold on his head : He askt thee Life, thou gav'ft it in great ftore, Even length of days to live for evermore. 3. He greatly glories in thy faving aid, Honour and Majefty do him invert j for thou haft made him to be ever blefl ^ Exceeding glad thou alfohaft him made With thy fweet Countenance oft him difplay'd. 4* For, Lord, in thee the King doth ftill repofe, and through the mercy of the Lorfi raoft high he fhall not be remov'd undoubtedly 5 Thy hand ftall find out all thy bitter foes, Thy right hand all thy haters fhall difclofe: And thou (halt make them as a fiery flame of fome hot Oven when thy wrath fhall fall \ the Lord (hall fwallow and confume them 9]!, E 4 Their tfi, Pfalm xxj. Their whole increafe,their off-fpring,& their name fliall feel thy wrath, and perifh in the fame, 6. For they intended evil againfl thee, they had imagin'da mifchievous plot, but fpeed it and perform it they could not : And therefore quite difperfed they fliall be, For thou fhalt make them turn their back and flee* 7- When thou fhalt fit thine arrows for the flight, when thou fhak make them ready on the firings againfl the face of them, O King of Kings r Be thou exalted, Lord, in thine own might, So fhall we fing, and praife thy power aright. M PSALM XXII. The Flrjl faru Y God >my God, wherefore haft thou forfook me, O wherefore, And art fo far from helping now, when I fo cry and roar I 2 My God I cry in time of day, yet am not heard of thee, And all the night, O Lord, I pray, and filent cannot be. 3. But Lord thou art the Holy One, and in that place doft dwell, Where always thou inhabited, the praife of Ifrael. 4 Our fathers in the time forepart did put their truft in thee : They trufted, and their faith held fad, and thou didft fct them free. $ They were delivered evermore hv calling on thy Name : a i for the faith they had in thee, thty Vv ere not put to fhame. 6 But Pfalm xxi;. f? 6 But I, alas, am not a man, a defpicable worm, A nieer reproach of men I am, whom all the people (corn. 7 All they that fee me laugh at me, and in a fcornful way Shoot out the lip, and fhake their head, and thus prefume to fay, 8 He trufted that the Lord would be his Saviour by his might : Let him deliver and fee him free if he in him delight. 9 But Lord thou know'ft me from the Mflt^ and thou didft take me thence, When i was on my mothers bread thou waft my Confidence, io And I was caft upon thy care from my birth-day till how : And from the Womb that did me bear my God and guide art thou. The Second part. it O Lord depart not now from me in this my prefent grief j Since I have none my help to be, none elfe to fend relief. 12 For many Bulls have compared, and all befet me round ; The ftrongeft Bulls that have been fe# on Bafhan's fat'ning ground. 1 3 They gape upon me greedily mkill me if they may, Much like a Lion ravening, ' ^ and roaring fbr> his prey. 14 Like water lam port red out, J2f* my joynts afunder part: As wax with fire runs all about, & forrow melcs my heart. ■ $? Pfalm xxij. 15 My ftrength Is like a potfherd dry'd | my tongue cleaves to my /aws : I am brought down to dufr of death, and thy hand is the caufe. 16 And many dogs do compafs me, the wicked joyntly meet, They compafs me with treachery, they piere'd my hands .and feet. 17 Yea I may reckon levery bone, on raethey gaze andfkre : 18 Upon my Yefture:I,otsare thrown* and they my Garments fliare. 19 Therefore I pray thee be not far from me in my great need : But rather, fince thou art my ftrength* to help me, Lord 3 make fpeed. 20 And^ fa ve me from the cruel fword. by thine Almighty Power, Preferve my dear and darling Soul from dogs that would devour. *l And fave me from the Lypns mouth, as thou haft anfwered me, When from the horns of Unicorns I made my prayer, to thee. 22 I will declare thy Name 3 O Lord,, unto my Brethren dear : Amidfl the Church 1 will record thy praife that they may hear. %l O ye his Saints that fear the Lord fet forth his praife and fame, let if Ms and Jacob's feed for ever praife hi* Name. *4 For he defpi&Uno poor manYCafiy nor fet his caufe afide \ y Nor from him ever hid his face, Vwt beard him when he cry'd* 2$ There Pfalra xxlj. J} 25 Therefore in Congregations great r 5 my praife fhall be of thee : And I will pay my vows, O Lord, where all thy Saints (hall fee. 'fht Fourth f&L 25 The meek (hall eat and be fuffie'd ; and thofethat do endeavour To know the Lord, (hall praife his Name, your hearts fhall live for ever. 27 And all the ends of all the Earth fhall readily record, And call to mind his works fet forth, and turn unco the Lord. The kindreds of the Nations all (hall worfhip in his fight : 28 For he muft govern great and finall, all Nations are his right. 29 AH fat ones of the Earth fhall eat, and worfhip the molt high : They that go down to duft fhall bow before him reverendy. And there is no man rich or poor, however he may drive, Can by himfelf, himfelf fe. 4- Who fhall afcend the Hill of God, that holy Hill of Sanftity ? And who ftiall have his bleft abode within his holy place on high. That grace to him will God impart, That's clean of hand, and pure of hear% That lifts not up to vanity his Soul, nor fwears deceitfully. 5, 6. He fhall receive what fhall him blefs, and all that bleffing he fhall have, That rich reward of righteoufnefs from God the Lord who doth him fave^ This is the Generation pure Of them that feek hin>t6 before: O Jacob's God, thisls the race of them that truly feek thy face, m ^4 Pfilm xxiv. Tfa Second part. 7, 8; Ye everlafting doors and gates lift up your heads and hearts for him : And then the Prince of Potentates and King of Glory fhall come in. Who is this King of Glory bright ? The Lord moft ftrong and full of might 2 The mighty and viftorious Lord in Warand tryal of the Sword* v Ye everlafling doors and gates lift up your heads and hearts for him: And then the Prince of Potentates, and King of Glory fhall come in* Who is this King of Glory bright ? The Lord of Hofts of Sovereign might t The Lord of Hofts, and none but ne the King of Glory ftil'd may be. PSALM XXV. Mart i» Have Mtrcy % &c. LOrd I lift up my Soul to thy mbft holy Name : 2 My God, I put my truft in thee } O put me not to fhame. Let not my foes rejoyce, nor triumph over me : 3 Yea let not any be afham'd that duly wait on thee. Let them be all afhamM which caufelefly tranfgrefc : 4 SHew rae thy ways, Lord teach thouiae thy paths of righteoufnefs. 4 Lord lead hie in thy truth, and teach me in thy way : Thou art my God and Saviour^ en thee I wait a(l day. Pfalm xxv. 6$ 6 Remember, O good Lord, thy mercies manifold * And tender loving-kindnefies which ever were of old* 7 My youthful fins and faults O keep not on record : In mercy, for thy goodnefs fake, remember me, O Lord. 8 The Lord is good and juft, and therefore takes delight To teach poor finners in his way, that they may walk aright* 9 The meek ones God will guide in judgment not to fwerve : The meek and humble he will teach his ways how to bbferve. 10 For all the ways of God are truth and mercy ftill To them that keep his Covenant and do obey his Will. Tie Second part* 1 1 And now for thy Name fake, O Lord I thee intreat To pardon ray iniquity* for it is very grear. 1 2 Whoever feare the Lord, the Lord will let him know The perfeft path of righteoufoefs wherein he ought to go. 1 3 In goodnefs evermore his Soul fhall fweetly reft : And by his good and godly feed the Earth (hall be pofleft. 14 The fecret of the Lord fhall all that fear him know, His Counfel and his Covenant he to his Saints will fhow; 15 Mine 66 Pfdlrn xxv. 15 Mine eyes continually upon the Lord are (laid, To pluck my feet out of the net which for ray Soul is laid. \6 Turn to me, Lord, in love, and pity my diftrefs \ For I am very defolate, and left quite comfortleft. 17 The troubles of my heart do every day increafe : O bring me out of mifery, and let my forrows ceafe. 18 See mine affliftion Lord, my anguifh and my pain , And take my fins-fo clean away, that none of them remain* 19 Confider, Lord, my foes, for many fuch there be, Which bear a hate inveterate, and cruel unto me. 20 Okeep my harmlefs'Soul, and Lord deliver me : And let me never be afham'd, becaufe I truft in thee. 21 Let mine integrity and uprightnefs defend And keep me fafe, becaufe, O Lord, on thee I do depend. 22 And now, O Lord, redeem, and bring thine Jfrael out Of all the flraits and miferies that compafs him about* PSALM XXV. mm 2. To the Tune of the Tenth Command raemv nrO T H E E, L O R D, I life up my Soul, x O Lord my Cod I truft in tliee : Olec Pfalm xxv. 6 j O let no fhame my trufl controll, nor enemies triumph over me. 3> 4- Yea, fhame thou none that wait on thee, fhame fuch as caufelefly tranfgrefs : Declare thy ways, O Lord, to me, teach me thy paths of righteoufnefs. O lead me, Lord, at I have pray'd, teach me thy truth and holy way : For thou art God my faving aid, on thee do I wait all the day. Remember thou, O gracious Lord, thy tender mercies manifold j Thy Ioving-kindnefles afford, for they have ever been of old* the Stcond part. 7. Remember not my fins of youth, nor my tranfgreffions once record : Think on me in thy grace and truth, and for thy goodnefs fake, O Lord. ■8, p. • Good and upright is our Lord God, therefore his way he'l finners fhow ; The meek in -judgment he will guide, the meek he'l teach his way to know. 10. For all the paths of God mod high are grace and truth which they receive^ Which keep his Covenant fairhfulJy, and to his TefHmonies cleave* 11. For thy Names fake, Lord, hear my Cries, which beg it ac thy Mercy Seat, To pardon my iniquities, for I acknowledge them full great, 7h 6% Pfalm xxv. Xht Third part. J 2, 13. What man is he that fears the Lord him fhall he teach what way to choofe ?' His Soul ftiall be with goodnefs ftofd, his feed (hall have the Earth to ufe. 14.. Thefecret of the Lord's with thofe that have his Name in awful fear : And unto them he will difclofe his Covenant, and make it clear. 1$, 16. Mine eyes are ever towards the Lorcf, to pluck my feet out of the fnare : Turn thou to me, thy grace affoFd, for I am defolate and in care. 17, 18. Enlarg'd my hearts afflidions be, O bring me out of all diftrefs : My pain and my affiiftion fee, and pardon all my finfulnefs. tht Fourth part. 19* Confider thou my Enemies, becaufe they very many are, In whom a cruel hatred lies, which unto me they ciufeleft bean 2e. O let my Soul be fafc fuftain'd, and, Lord, do thou deliver me: And let mc never be afham'd, for I do put my truft in thee, 21, O Lord, let that Integrity and uprightnefs which is in me, Preferve me fafe continually, for I do always wait on thee. 22. Redeem O God thy Church abroad, to ifrael thy Redemption fend j And Pfalm xxvj. $p And bring all his Adverfities unto a very happy end. PSALM XXVI. Metre i. JUdge me t * O Lord, for I am juft, and blamelefs I abide : In thee Iikewife I put my truft, therefore I fhall not Aide. 2 Prove me, my God, I thee defire, and fearch me thoroughly : Try me with thy refining fire ; my heart and reins, O try. 3 Thy loving kindnefs, Lord my God, before my face I lay : And in thy paths of truth have trod, and kept that holy way. 4 I do Dot hold fociety with men whofe deeds are vile : I will not come in company with them that pra&ife guile. 5 The congregation of the lewd I do deteft and hate : And with the wicked multitude will not affociate. 6 In innocency I will wafh, and purifie ray hands : Then will I haften to the place where thy pure Altar (lands ; 7 That I may publifh and proclaim, with voice of joy and pnrife : And tell of thy mofl worthy fame, in all thy works and ways. 8 The habitation of thy houfe, Lord, I have loved well : And that fame place fo glorious, where thy renown doth dwell. 9 O gather not my Soul with them in fin that take their fill : Nor jo Pfalm xxvj. Nor yet my life among thofe men that feek much blood to fpill. io Within whofe hands nrifchievoufiaefs, and wickednefs abides : And their right hand ts fill'd no lof^n with Soul- corrupting bribes. ' ii But as for me walk on I will in mine integrity : Redeem me, and be merciful unto me, O moft high. £ 2 My foot ftarids in an even place, thy Name I will record, And fhew before the Churches face, the praifes of the Lord. PSALM XXVI. Metre 2* Ye Children, &c. MY righteous Judgment, Lord, decide, For I in uprightnefs abide, T truft in God, and (hall not Aide* 2 Examine me, O Lord moft high, And prove my Souls integrity, my heart and reins, O fearch and try. 3 For thy kind love is night and day Before mine eyes without decay, and I have walk'd in thy true way. 4 I have not fat With per fons vain, The grofs diifemblers I difdahi, and joyn not with the men profane. 5 I hate th* Aflemblies of the lewd, Nor have I followed or purfu'd with the ungodly multitude. 6 He wafh my hands in innocence, And compafs then, with confidence thine Altar with pure Confcience \ 7 That I may publifhand declare With thankfulnefs what THY Works are, and tell of all thy Wonders R A fl E. 8 Lord Pfalm xxv;. 7I 8 Lord I have lov'd part all things elfe Thy dwelling houfe, which moft excells, even THAT place where thine honour dvvells # 9 My Soul with fmners gather not, Nor yet my Life to (hare a Lot with men whom bloody crimes do blot, 10 Within whofe hands are mifchiefs great, and their right hand it is compleat with bribery and bafe deceit. 1 r But as for me refolv'd am I To walk in mine integrity, redeem me of thy clemency. 12 My foot ftands in an even place. And I before the peoples face will blefi the Lord that fhews us grace. PSALM XXVII. HTHe Lord's my faving health and light, why fhould I be difmaid ? He is my life, my ftrength and might, why fhould I be afraid ? 2 When as the fons of wickednefs, my foes and enemies all Came on me, to eat up my flefh, they ftumbled and did fall. 3 Though hofts againft me pitch their tent, my heart (hall fear no foes : But in this cafe be confident, though wars againft me rofe. 4 One thing I have defir'd of God, which I willfeek for ftill : That I may have a bleft abode in Sions facred hill. That I may there fpend all my days, beholding God's fweet face : Inquiring after blefled ways within his holy place. $ For he (hall in the evil hour, mc Itfs pavilion hide : And 72 Pfahn xxvi;. And make has ftcret tent my towV, where I fkall fafe abide. 6 And now behold, my head fhall be exalted and renown'd Above my foes that compafs me, in all the circuits round. Therefore will I bring to his tent the facrifice of joy : And fongs of praife will I prefent unto the Lord rood high. 7 Hear me, O Lord, when as I cry with earned voice to thee : Have mercy, on me, O moft high, and kindly anfwer me* 8 When as thou faid'ft, my face feek ye : inftrufted by thy grace, My heart made anfwer unto thee, Lord, I will feek thy face. 9 Hide not thy face, O Lord, I pray, hide not thy face from me : In anger do not put away thy fervant, Lord, from thee. Thou waft my helper heretofore, O do not leave me quite : Forfake me not for evermore, O God my faving might. io When parents caft their care afide, and leave me defolate -, Then will the Lord for mc provide in my forlorn eftate. 1 1 Teach me, O Lord, thy way to know, and gracioufly difpofe, That in a plain path I may go, becauft of all my foes. 12 Give me not over to my foes, fcr moft malicioufly Falfe witnefs are againft me rofe, that breath out cruelty. 1 3 And Pfalm xxvij* 75 13 And furely I had fainted quite, but that I hop't to fee Thy goodnefs in the land of light difpen fed unto me. 14 Wait on the Lord continually, he is rhy ftrength and ftay : Thy heart with faith to fortifie, wait on the Lord, I fay. PSALM XXVIII. Mttn 1. 'T'O thee I cry, O Lord, my rock, thine anfwer let me have : Left by thy fikncc I be like to dead men in their grave. 2 O hear the voice of my requeft, now that to thee I cry *, When towards thy holy Oracle I life my hands on high. 5 O draw me not with wicked men to aft the finners part That fpeak unto their neighbours peace^ while mifchief fills their heart. 4 Give them according to their deeds, and mifchief of their hearts : O recompence their handy-works, and render tfteir deferts. 5 Since they regarded not God's works, nor what his hands have wrought y He (hall not build, but break them down, and bring them all to nought* 6 Blefled for ever be the Lord, becaufe that he hath heard My voice and fupplications, which I to him preferr'd. 7 The Lord's my ftrength and fortitude, my fafeft fhield is he : My heart repofed truft in him, ( lie hath holpen me. E There- 76 Pfalm xxix. 7 God's voice divides the fiames of fire, ic makes the dcfart (hake : 8 It makes the wildernefs entire, it makes all l^adtjh quake. 9 It makes the Hinds to calve for fear, it makes the forreft bare : And in his Temple, all men there his glory do declare. 10 The Lord fits Kmg on floods that {well, his Kingdom fhall not ceafe: 11 He will give ftrength to ifrael, and blefs his Church with peace. PSALM XXIX. Mart 2. Yi Childrtri) &e. 1 /■> Ive to the Lord ye mighty ones, vJT Give to the Lord your Crowns and Thrones : his flrength and glory to confefs. 2 Afcribe due glory to his Name, Worfhip the Lord, his praife proclaim in beauty of his holinefs. 3 Heark, you may hear his ratling cloud, The God of glory thunders loud, this is the voice of God moft high. The Lord on many waters is, 4 Afid that loud founding voice of his, is full of power and majefty, Heark how his voice with terror fpeaks • $ The Lord the lofty cedars breaks, the cedars of Mount Libinon, 6 Like wanton Calves he makes them skip, Like a young Unicorn they trip, Mount Lebanon, and Syrion. 7 The flames of lightning they divide, The fire doth flam on every fide, his thundering voice effects no lefs. 8 The thundering voice of God doth make The mighty defarts move and quake, it (hikes all Varan wildernefs. 9 The Plain* kx'ix. 77 $ The voice of Go3 ( Co very ftrong) Doth caufe the Hinds to cad their young, and the bare forrefts to appear: While his renown by every tongue, Is through his holy Temple fang, and thefe works celebrated there. 10 For God fits King upon the flood, Yea, from the firft his Kingdom flood, and it (hall never, never ceafe. 11 The Lord that is our flrength and tower, Will give his people ample power, the Lord fall biefs his Church with peace. PS A L M XXX. Metre U i Will extoll thee, O meft high, * for I am rais'd by thee : Thou haft not made mine enemy to triumph over me. 2 O Lord my God, to thee I cry'd for fuccour and relief : And gracioufly thou didft provide to heal me of my grief. 3 Thou brought'ft my Soul up from the pit,, thou kept'ft me, Lord, alive From them that are gone down to it, while dfefy I furvive. 4 Sing to the Lord ye Saints of his, and thanks to him confefs, Upon the due remembrances of his pure holinefs. Alt Viople* &c. or, Lord cozfider, &c. THe man is bleft whofe pardon's fealtf, And all his trefpafs hid and heal'd To whom the Lord imputes no fin, Whofe fpirit hides no guile thereio:. For while I no confeffion made, My ftrength with daily grief decay 'd, thine anger burn'dthe day throughout, my moifture turned to Summers dioughCt Then I confeft my wickednefi^ I fa id I will my fins coafefs, 94: Plaint x*xfi. and thou forgavlt immediately my gitilt and great I N I qu I T Y. lor this caufe ali the godly race Shall feek thee in a time of grace, that when great floods of waters roul, no danger may come nigh thy Soul The Second part.. An hiding place I have of thee, Songs of deliverance compafs me : I tell and teach the faithful fo, mine eye fhall guide them how to go. © be not like the horfe and mule, Whom undemanding doth not rule ; whofe fliibborn mouth we muft re/train from. violence with bit and rain. The wicked fhall be curbed fo, And be referv'd to many a woe ; but them that in the Lord confide, fhall mercy clofe on every fide. Be joyful therefore in the Lord Ye righteous men with one accord, and fhout for joy with great delight all ye that are in heart upright. PS A'LM XXXIII. Metre u \7E righteous in the Lord re Joyce, JL for praifc becomes che Saints : 2: PraifeGod with pfaltery, harp, and voice^ and ten*ftring'd inftrumeats. 3 Sing to the Lord aloud with praife, with skilful fongs and new : 4 For lo his word, his works, and. way* are faithful,* juft, anci crue. § Juftice and judgment he doth love, even this aioft righteous Lord : And with his goodnefs from aboye the Earth is richly ftor'd*. 6 Tile- Pfalm xxxiif; g^ 6 The word of his eternal truth compos'd the fpangled skie : And by the breathing of his mouth the hofh of Heaven on high, 7- The waters of the Sea he keeps confin'd within the fhore : He layeth up the liquid deeps, as in a houfe of ffore. 8 Let all the Earth fubmit with fear to this Almighty Lord : And all the Nations every where, let tremble at his word. 9 For he but fpake, and it was done,, and when his word was part, His Ordinances thus begun, for evermore flood fart. io The counfei of the nations rude. the Lord dorh bring to nought i He doth defeat the multitude, of their device and thought. li But God's own counfels do remain, They fland for ever fure : The thoughts which his hem dotfi retain.' from age to age endure. Tie Second fxrt. 1-2 That nation's b'efl whofe God's the Lord^ for - known in his decree ; And chofen of his own accord, his heritage to be>. 13 The Lord from Heaven cafl his eye. on men of mortal bLYn \ 14 Beholding from his feat oahigh all dwellers on the Earth. 1 $ Alike he frames and fafhioneth the hearts of great and fmall ; Their works he well confidcredv and. judgcth of diem ail, 16 iNfc> 86" Pfalm xxxiij. \6 No numerous hoft can favea King $ it is not ftrengch that can Deliverance from danger bring unto a mighty man, 17 A horfe is vain, and never can give fafety in the fight : Nor fhall deliver any man. by his great ftrength and might. 18 But lo, the Lord doth fcthis eye with favour on the juft, And thofe that fear him faithfully* and in his mercy truft : 19 To fave their precioas Souls alive from death's deftru&ive power : And ftore of wholefcme food to give* when famine would devour. 20 Our Soul doth wait with patience for God the holy one : He is our help and our defence, he is our fhield alone. 2.1 For lo, our heart in him fhall joy 3 becaufc we can proclaim, That we have trufted ftedfafily in his mod holy Name. 22 Lord, let thy mercy and thy grace upon us ever be : Accordingly as we do place our confidence in thee. PSALM XXXIII. Metric Our Father, &c. REjoyce ye juft in God moft high, for praife is cornel v for th' upright* With Harp, and Song, and Pfaltery, and ten-ftring'd Lute his praife recite. Sing to him a new Song of Joys, Play skilfully with loudeft noife. For Pfalm xxxifj. 87 For Io .' the Word of God is right, and all his Works are done in truth, In righteoufnefs he rakes delight, and juft he is in all he doth, nd with the goodnefs of the Lord "ie fpacious Earth is richly ftor'd. And by the Word of God fupream the Heavens were made from North to Souths And all the glorious Hofts of them by the free breathing of his Mouth : He heaps up waters on the Seas, And lays the deeps in ftore houfes. The Second part. Let all the Earth ftill fear the Lord, and all that dwell from Sun to Sun Have him in awe and great regard, for he but fpake, and it was done : The Word from him no fooner paft, But all at his Command flood faft. The Lord doth Waft and bring to nought the Counfels which the Heathens take ^ The peoples fond device and thought of none effect the Lord doth make. But his own Counfels never fall, His thoughts endure to ages all. The 'third fa.ru That Nation's bleft whofe God's the Lord* that people whom he doth advance., And choofeth of his own accord to be his own Inheritance : The Lord from his Coeleltial Throne Beholds the Sons of Men each one. He from his holy dwelling place looks down and doth exactly know ; Beholding all of humane race, who ever dwell .on Earth below ; Their. §& Pfalm xxxijj. Their hearts alike he fafhioneth, And all thei? works confidereth. No King is fav'd by a numerous hod, nor mighty man by ftrength of limb; Aa horfe is vain whereof to boaft, and no man's (afety lies in him : By his great ftrength he never can, Deliver any Mortal Man. The Tounb part. Behold the Eye that beft can guard; the watchful Eye of God above Is fixt on them that fear the Lord, and them that truft in his free love : Their Sou's from deatb.for to reprieve,. And them in famine to relieve* Our Soul waits for die Lord our God^ he is our help, he is our fhield *. For in him fhall our hearts be glad, fince on his holy Name we build : Lord let thy mercy on us be, According as we truft in thee. PSALM XXXIV, AT all times I will magnifie, and blefs the living Lord :. My thankful mouth continually his praifes fhall record. 2 My Soul, mall boafl in God's great Name,. with gLu; and glorying voice : The humble - .en, (half hear the fanr?, and mightily rejoyce. & O magnifie the Lord with Hk : an. 1 let us all endeavour Him oo exalt in high degree, and praifc hit Name together. 4; I fought the Lord with fervent crk#> and he my voice did hear ;, Pfalm xxxiv. 89 The Lord delivefd me Rkcwifif from all ray painful fear. «j The Saints Iookt up to him en high, from whom their comforts came > And were enlightened glorionfly, their faces took no fhame. 6 This poor man cry'd, the Saints fhai! hy> the Lord did hear his calf: And all his troubles took away, and helpt him out of all. 7 The Angel of the Lord moft high encampeth every where } Delivering them continually that walk in God's true fear. 8 O tafle, ye Saints, and tafting fee that God's a gracious one ; O happy, happy man is he, that trufts in him alone. $ O fear the Lord,, ye Saints of h^> fear him with one accord j For never any want there is to them that fear the Lord. 10 Young Lions lack, and fhall endure fharp hunger's mortal fling : But tney that fear the Lord are fure to want for no good thing. Ihi Second pin. 1 1 Come, Children, with alacrity, unro my words give ear : And I will teach you perfectly the Lord's true filial fear. 12 What man unto long life afpires, and Ioveth many days j. To fee the good that he defires, let him obferve thefe ways. *3 All evil muft thy tongue exclude, thy lips mull guile efchew : 14 De- 90 Yhlm xxxiv. 14 Depart from evil, and do good, feek peace, and peace purfue. 15 For on the righteous every where the Lord doth fee his eye : And opens his attentive ear to their unceflant cry. 16 The Lord hath fet his countenance againft the wicked race : To cut off their rememberance on earth from every place. 17 The righteous cry, the Lord doth hear, and ends their troubles quite. 18 To broken hearts the Lord is near, and faves the Sou! contrite. 19 Full many are the miferies of juft and righteous men ; But out of all adverfities the Lord delivereth them. 20 And by efpecial providence he keepeth every bone t That none by any violence is broken, no not one. 21 But evil (hall the wicked flay, and whofoever hate The righteous for their righteous way, fhall foon be defolate. 22 The Lord doth gracioufly redeem his fervants Souls each one ; And none do put their truft in him that fhall be overthrown. PSALM XXXV. LOrd, plead my righteous caufe with thofe that are with me at ftrife : O fight againft my mortal foes, that fight againft my life, 2 Lay hold, O Lord, upon the lance, the buckler, and the fhield : Stand Pfalm xxxv. pi Stand up for my deliverance, and for me fight the field. 3 Draw out the fword, and Jlop the way of thofe that follow me : And to my Soul in mercy fay, thy Saviour I will be. 4 Confound tl» m with rebuke and blame, that feek my Soul to kill : Let them turn back and fly with fhame, that think to work me ill. 5 As chaff doth fly before the wind, fo let them fly apace : And let God's Angel come behind, to profecute the chafe. m 6 Set them in dark and flippery way, that they may furely fall : And let God's Angel make no ftay, but perfecute them all. 7 For caufelefly within a pic a net for me they hid ; Even for my Soul they digged it, and this they caufelefs did. 8 Lee him be ruin'd unawares, and taken in the Ret: Yea taken in thofe very fnares which his own hand hath fee. 9 And then my Soul fhall joy in thee, thy help, O Lord, to find : Afid thy falvation then fhall be as muftck to my mind. io And ail my bones (hall thus confefs, Lord, who is like to thee, That fav'ft the poor man from diftrefs, when foes too powerful be ? Y^a, thou delivered by thy power the poor and needy man From him that feeketh to devour and fpoil him if he can. Tht $2 Pfalm xxxv. The Second part. 1 1 Falfe witnefs did againft me rife with evidence untrue \ And charg'd me with iniquities, whereof I nothing knew. 12 For good they did reward me ill, to th' fpoiling of my Soul : But as for me IufedfHH their forrows to condole. 13 I put on ftckcloth for thefe men, my Soul did fafi and mourn : And into mine own hofome then my prayer did return. 14. I for my foe did make my moan, as for my friend or brother : I bow'd down heavily as one that mourneth for his mother. 1 $ But they rejoyced in my woe, vile abje&s met toplot: They gatherM when I did not know, they tore me ceafing not. 16 With mocking hypocrites at feafts, they gnafht their teeth at me. 1 7 O Lord, how long fhall thefe vile beafts both feen and fuffered be ? Refcue my Soul in this fad ftate, from their ddrruftive paws: And bring my darling defolate fafe from the Lions jaws. 18 And then will I give thanks te diee in great AfTemblies, Lord : And in the thickeft throngs that be, will I thy praife record * The Third ptrtS 19 Let not my wrongful enemies Life up their horn on high : Nor Pfalm xxxv. cj Nor let them wink with (cornful eyes, that hate me caufelefly. ^ 20 For not a word of peace they fa_v, but rake deceits in hand, Contriving how they may betray men quiet in the land. 21 Yea and the!r mourhs arc opened wide againft me fpirefully : Aha, aha, mine enemies cry'd, we faw it with our eye. 22 O Lord, thou canft not choofe but fee, O do not hold thy tongue : O Saviour, be not far from me, Lord, be not abfent long. 23 Stir up thy felf, and undertake my judgment to decide : My God my Lord, even now awake, and let my caufe be rry'd 24 According to thy equity, judge me, O Lord, my God: Let them not triumph over me, while I -am undertrod. 2$ Nor fuffer them in heart to fay, ah ! we would have it thus : i Nor let them fay, he's made a prey, and fwallow'd up by us. 26 Let bafhful fhame upon them fall, and let confufion fad Be brought at once upon them all that at my hurt are glad* Let them be cloath'd with infamy, let fhame confound their face., That do fo proudly magnifie themfelves in my difgrace, 27 But let them fhout and triumph flfll, with gladnefs and applaufe, That favour me, and bear good will uuto-my righteous caufc. Yea 94 Pfelm xxxv. Yea let them fay continually, extoll'd be God aB&ve, His fervants true profperity that doth fo* truly love. 28 And I mod gladly will expr^Ts thy praife with grateful tongue : And celebrate thy righteoufnefs with praifes all day long. PSALM XXXVI. Mnrc u THe wicked man's iniquities fay thus within my heart, God's fear is not before his eyes, that afts the fmners part. 2 For in his own deluded eye felf-flattery doth abound, Until that his iniquity an hateful thing be found. 3 His words are full of wickednefs, and framed to deceive . But wifdom, truth, and righteoufnefs he doth forfake and leave. 4. He plotteth on his bed by night, his mifchiefs to fulfill : He fets himfelf in ways not right, and he abhors no ill. $ O Lord, thy mercy doth afcend above the Heavens high : So doth thy faithfulnefs extend unto the Starry Skie. 6 Thy truth may with great hills compare, thy judgments are moft deep : And, Lord, thy providential care both man and beaft doth keep. 7 How excellent, Lord, is that grace, and love that from thee fprings ! Therefore the Sons of Men do place their truft in thy fpread wings. 8 With Pfalm xxxv j. 95 8 With fatnefs of thine houfe oh high ' thou (halt thy Saints fuffice ; And make them drink abundantly the river of thy joys* . 9 Becaufe the fpring of life moft pure doth ever flow from thee : And in thy light we fhall be fure eternal light to fee* 10 O then continue thy fweet grace to them that have thee known ; And let thy righteoufnefs embrace the upright- hearted one., 1 1 But let not, Lord, the foot of pride againft thy fervant ftand j Nor let me ever fall or Hide by any wicked hand. 12 Lo, there the wicked workers falf, they fall before our eyes ; They are caft down, and never fhall be able more to rife. PSALM XXXVI. Metre 2. Hive Mercy*, &c» TRanfgreffions of the lewd have whifpered to my heart; And plainly fhevv'd he fears not God 3 but fets that care apart. In his own blinded eyes felf-fiattery bears the Avay, Until the fin he liveth in be found an hateful way. The words of his foul mouth are wickednefs and guile: Good things to do and wifdom too he leaves for things moft vile* He ftudieth on his bed foul mifchiefs to fulfill 3 He $6 Pfidm xxxvj. He doth delight in ways not right, and he abhors no ill. But yet thy mercy, Lord, is in the Heavens high : Thy truth no lefs and faithfulnefs doth reach the cloudy Skie. Thy juftice, Lord, is like the Mountains of the Eaft ; Thy judgments found like deeps profound, thou faveft man and beaft. The Second part. Thy love and kindnefs, Lord, how precious are thofe things ? Therefore the Sons of mortal ones truft in thy fliady wings. The fatnefs of thy houfe fhall fill their appetites, And thou (halt make them drink thy River of delights. For, -Lord, the Well of Life doth ever flow from thee $ And in thy light and prefence bright, all comforts fhall we fee. Thy loving kindnefs, Lord, always do thou impart, And (till exprefs thy righteoufnefs to men of upright heart. Let not the foot of pride againft me come, I pray, Nor hand of thofe my wicked foes remove me from ray (lay. But all thofe wicked doers deflruftion fhall furprize : ' Lo ! there they fall, and never /hall be able more to rife. PSALM P&hn xxx'vij. 97 PSALM XXXVII. FRec not thy felf, nor be incens'd, for fach as will tranfgrefs : Nor he thou envious againft the fons of wickednefs. 2 For they fhall foon be cut away, like to the tender grafs : And like green herbs they fhall decay, and wither as they pafs. 3 Truft in the Lord, and put thy hand to aftions that be good : So fhalt thou dwell within the land* .and be afTufd of food. 4 Alfo delight thy felf in God, and he fhall let thee have i Thy hearts defire accompljfhed, what -ever thou doft crave. 5 Commit thy way unto the Lord, truft: alfo in his Name : And then, according to his word, he will eftecT: the fame. 6 And he flu II puilifh and difplay thy juftice as the light; And make thy judgment as noon- day, to fhine exceeding bright. 7 Reft on the Lord, with patience flay, fret not thy felf a jot For him that profpers in his way, and fpeeds his wicked plot, 3 Let not rafti anger in thee rite, ■ all wrath forfake and fhun : I Fret not thy felf in, any .-wife I that evil fhould be done. ? For evil-doers (hail be def)rpi by Gocf s revenging hand But they that daily wait o , ^ s they fhall poflefs the hnr* ^ $8 Fsc 5S Pfalm xxxvij. 10 For Io, within a little fpace the wicked {hall be gone : Yea, and thou fhalt not find his place, though pondering thereupon. 1 1 But meek men fhall poflefs the Earth, with all her rich increafe ; And fhall delight themfelves in mirth, and moft abundant peace. 1 2 The wicked plots againft th'upr jght, devifing what he can j And grates his teeth for very fpite, againft the righteous man. 13 The Lord (hall laugh at his lewd way, beholding from on high, How unawares his fatal day doth haflen and draw nigh. 14 The wicked men their fword have drawn, prepared their bow and quiver., The poor and needy to caft down, and flay the upright liver. 15 Their fword /hall enter at their heart, and pierce themfelves quite through : And eVe they can difcharge their dart, their bows fhall break in two. The Second part* 16 A little that the juft enjoys, is better far to them Than all the wealthy treafuries of many wicked men. 17 For God will furelv break the arm of finners by his might : But he will ftill uphold from harm, and ftablifh the upright. 18 God knows the days of upright men, and he referves in ftore, u A rich inheritance for them, ' *H lafts for evermore* 19 They Pfalm xxxvlj. 9$ 19 They (hall notbe afham'd at all, when evil doth betide : But in the day of famine (hall be fweerly fatisfi'd. 20 But wicked men fhall perifh foon, and fuch as God provoke : As fat of lambs they fhall confume, and vanifh into fmoak. 21 The wicked man a borrowing goes* but cares not to repay : Whereas the righteous mercy fhewso and freely gives away. The third part* 22 By fuch as God pronounceth blert, the Earth fhall be enjoy'd ; And fuch as he hath curft, fuppreft, cut off, and quite deftroy'd. 53 A good man's fleps the Lord dothblefe, and orders them aright : And in his way of godlinefs he greatly doth delight. ^4 And though he fall, he falls not qufre, but fhall be made to ftand * For God upholds him by the might of his raoft mighty hand. 35 I have been young, and now am old, yet, to my hoary head, The juft, nor his, did I behold, caft off, to beg their bread. 26 Still he is merciful and kind, and out of kindnefs lends : A blefling ( too 3 he leaves behind, which to his feed defcends. 27 Depart from evil and do well 5 lay up good works in ftore: And then thou fhalt be fure to dwell in peace for evermore. F z $8 Fcr soo - Ffalm xxxvij. 28 For God loves judgment,, and will not r forfake his Saints at need : For ever he preferves their lot, but flays the tinners feed. 29 To all the earth the juft are heirs, it is their heritage, To dwell therein both they and theirs/ even from age to age. 30 The mouth of righteous men hath force deep wifdom to exprefs : Of judgment doth his tongue difcourfe, and talk of righteoufnefs. 31 The Law which his great God did make, doth in his heart abide 5 And of the fleps that he doth take, not one fhall ever Aide. 32 The wicked watcheth narrowly, to catch the righteous roan* And feeketh opportunity to kill him if he can. 33 But God will never let him fall into his wicked hands ; Nor let him be cbndemtfd at ell, when he in judgment ftands. The Fourth part. 34 Wait on the Lord and keep his path, he fhall exalt thee then To dwell on earth, and fee his wrath upon ungodly men. 3§ The wicked in great power and pride, with terror I have feen, Spreading himfeif on every fide, like to a Iawrel green. 36 Yet pafled he avvay like wind, and lo, he was quite gone: , Yea and I fought him, but could find s no figa of fuch a one* 37 Mark Pfal-m xxxvij. ioi 37 Mark aad behold the perfeft man, and mark till his deceafe : Forfure the end of fuch a one is everlafting peace. 38 Bur they -that wilfully offend, (hall be deflroy'd together : And this fiiall be the wicked's end, to be cut off for ever* 29 But righteous mens falvatioti is from the Lord above: He, in their tribulation, their ftrength and flay doth prove. 40 And God fhall help and fuccour them, and he (hall fave the juft j Delivering them from wicked men, becaufe in him they truft. PSALM XXXVIIL ME, Lord, in wrath do not controul, nor fcourge In fury fierce ; 2 Thy heavy hand finks down my Soul, thine arrows deeply pierce. 3 My flefh no foundnefs hath within, becaufe thou art difpleas'd : My benes by reafon of my fin, by no means can be eaiTd. 4 The weight of mine iniquities, which oVe my head doth roul, Like to a heavy burden lies, too heavy for my Soul. 5 My wounds corrupt and putrirle, my folly makes it fo : 6 And much bow'd down with mifery, all day I mourning go. 7 My loyns are fiil'd with loathfomnefs, my flefh hath no found part : 8 I'm vveak and bruis'd in fuch excefs, I roar for grief of heart. F 3 9 Bur 102 Pfalm xxxviij. 9 But, Lord, thou know'ft my whole defire, my groans are in thy fight ; 10 My heart doth pant, my ftrength doth tiffc, mine eyes have loft their light. 1 1 My lovers and my friends fo dear ftand diftantfrom my fore ; My kinfmen unto me fo near, come at me now no more* 12 Yea they that feek my life lay fnires, and they that feek my wrong \ Speak mifchief, and their heart prepare* deceits, even all day long, 13 But as a man both deaf and dumb, that neither fpeaks nor hears, 14 From whom no contradictions come, I ftcpt both mouth and ears. 1.5 For, Lord, my hope againft my foe is wholly fixt on thee : And thou, O Lord my God, I know, wilt hear and anfwer me, 16 For hear, faid I, left they fhould be puft up with wanton pride : And rnagnifie themftlves on me, when once my foot doth Aide. 17 For I am ready now to halt, my forrows ftill I fee : 58 Wherefore I will declare my faulty my fin fhall humble me. 19 But ftill my enemies are in heart increaft, and waxen ftrong 5 They hate my Soul without deferr, and do me all the wrong* 20 They are my adverfaries too, that good with ill repay j Becaufe I carefully purfue a good and godly way. 21 Pfalm xxxix. loj 2 1 O Lord my God, forfake me not, far from me never be. 22 My Saviour, O defer no Jot to help and fuecowr me. PSALM XXXIX. Mttrt i> I Will take heed unto my ways, and keep my tongue, faid I j Bridling my mouth from finful words, while wicked men ftand by. 2 As dumb with fiknce thus I flood, and did not fpeak a word : I held my peace from fpeaking good, & then was my forrow ftifd* »e 3 My heart within me waxed hot, while bufied here about : 3 And as I mus'd the fire did burn, at laft thefe words burft out. 4 Lord, make me underftand my end, and days uncertain date ; That I may fully apprehend the frailty of my ftate, •5 Lo, thou haft macfe my days a fpan, mine age as nothing deem'd : } Sure all men are meer vanity at beft eftate efteem'd. 6 Sure each man walks in vaincft fhow, they vex themfelves in vain : Be heaps up weakh, and doth not know to whom it fhall pertain* The Second part. 7 And now, O Lord, what wait I for ? my hope is fixM on thee. 8 Save me from all my fins, left I a fcorn to fools fhould be. $ But I was filent at thefe things, I fpake not, but was dumb t F 4 Becaufe *o4 P&lm xxxix. Brcaufe I knew my fufferings from thy good hand did come. 10 remove from me thy fcourge and plague* which I cannot withftand : I* am confurned by the blow of thy correcting hand. 11 When thy rebukes correct for fin, h makes man's beauty dye, Like garments where the moth hath bin ' r fure all are vanity* 12 Lord, hear my prayer, attend my cry, regard my tears that fall: I fojourrrd like a ftranger here, as did my fathers all. 1 3 O fpare me, Lord, and give me breath, my flrength to me reftore 5 Eefore I go from hence by death*, and fliall be feen no more. PSALM XXXIX. jittuL All Fecple, &c. ] Said I would my ways obferve, * And keep my tongue left that fhould fvverve: Tie bridle up my mourh with care, while wicked men before me are. As dumb with filence thus I flood, I held my peace, yea even from good 5 My fo/row being fo reprefl, was greatly ftirred in my breft. My heart within me waxed hot, The fire did burn and ceafed rot, whilft I was muting here about, and at the laft thefe words burftout. Lord make me know and apprehend* How fhort a time I have to fpetld ; and that within a little while I (hall he rid of all my toyl. Lord. Pfalm xxxix; io{ Lord, thou haft made the life of man To be contra fted in a fpan ; And ail mine age m thy account fcarce to a moment doth amount. And every man, undoubtedly, Is alcogcther vanity ', And at his very beft eflate is reckoned at no higher rate. Man vvalketh in a fhadovv vain, Ani toils himfelf with needlefs pain : He heaps up wealth widi wretched care* 1 . and knows not who fhill be his heir. Tm 'Second part* Now, Lord, for what do I attend ? Truly my hopes on thee depend 5 Pardon my fins, that am brought low, and let not fools deride my woe. Fwas as dumb, and fpake no word, Becaufe thou did'ft it, O my Lord ! Remove thy ftroke, I cannot (land to bear the blow of thy ftrong hand*. When thou rebukeft man for fin, A fad condition he is in 5 Thou mak'ft Ills beauty like a clath 5 fretted and earen by die moth. Sure every man, how great foever, Is vanity, yea altogether ; And reckoned at no higher rate when valu'd at his beft eftatc. Lord hear my prayer, attend my cry, Slight not my tears j for what am I ? A ftranger and a fojourner with thee, as all my fathers were ? 2 fpare me, Lord, a lirtle fpace, That 1 may gather ftrength and grace, F5 before iop iniquity, and tells it where he goes. f My hatefdl foes lie whifpering., and joyntty they combine Againft me, to devifc my hurt is all their main defign. % An evil and mifchievdus thing, fay they, cleaves to him fore j Audi Pfaim xlj. 1©^. And now that he lies languifhing, he fhall rife up no more. 9 Yea, Lord, my peaceful friend, of whor T was fo confident, That at my table ate my bread, his heel againft me bent, io But, Lor^, be merciful to me, and raifeme up agen j That I may juftly recompense the doings of thefe men. 1 1 And that thou favoureft me, O Lord> by this good fign I fee ; Becaufe my foe may not infulr, nor triumph pver me. '12 But I in my integrity am ftablifht by thy grace : And thou for ever fettefi me before thy glorious face, 13 The Lord the God of ifratl be prais'd eternally, From age to age for evermore 5 Amen, amen, fay I. PSALM XLI. Mart 2, THe man is bkfi by whom the poor is duly thought upon : The Lord will fu re his peace procure when troublous times come on. The Lord will his preferver be, and him alive will fave j Great bleflings he, O Lord, from thee on earth is fure to have. He fhall not be delivered , unto his enemies will . But on his bed be ftrengthened, wfan he lies weak and ill. In my difirefs, I faid, therefore . be gracigus. Lord, to me, My. no Pfalm xI/\ My Sou! reftore, and heal my fore, though I have err'd from thee. The Second part. Mine enemies fpeak ill of me, when comes his dying day ? And when fhall we furvive to fee his blafted name's decay ? He vifits me with complements, his heart he fills with fraud And vile intents, all which he vents when c're he goes abroad. My haters all lie whifpering, againft my Soul combined, Some hurtful thing on me to bring, devifing in their mind. An ill difeafe doth him furprize, and cleaves to him fo faft, That there he lies, and (hall not rife* but breaths, fay they, his laft. My trufted friend fed at my board, againft me lift his heel : But help me, Lord, that when reftor'd they may thy juftice feel. Pity me, Lord, for well I know I am belov'd of thee : I find it fo, becaufe my foe triumphs not over me. I am upholden by thy grace in mine integrity : Thou giv'ft me place before thy face, and that perpetually. The Lord the God of ifraefo Name be ever praifed then ; And all his fame let us proclaim for evermore, Amin% PSALM Pfalm xli/; in PSA'^M XLII. Mitre u Like as the Hart doth pant and bray, the well-fprings to obtain : Even fo my Soul doth pant and pray to fee God's houfe again. 2 I thirft fcrGod, the living God ; when (hall 1 draw near The place of his raoft bleft abode, and in his fight appear ? 3 My tears have been both night and day my meat, wherewith I pine, While conftantly to me they fay, where is that God of thine ? 4 Remembring this my grief rcnew'd, and melts my Soul in woe : For with the zealous multitude 1 had been us'd to go* I went with them to Godfs own houfe^ with voice of joy and praife m y Where multitudes did follow us, obferving holy-days. 5 O then my Soul, why fhould'ft thou be caft down in thy diftrefs ? O wherefore art thou mov'd in me, with fuch unquietnefs ? Hope ftill in God's deliverance, for yet again fhall I Praife him forhisfweet countenance^ and help I havethereby. 6 My God, my Soul in forrow finks, yet think on thee I will, From Hermon and from Jordan $ brinks, and from, the little hill. The Second part. 7 Deep calls to deep, as waves do roul, and clouds come down in fhowers* i\% Pfalm xli). And floods of forrpw drown m^joul, and all my vital powers. § Yec will the Lord-command fcr-mc. his kindeft fove by day j His fong fhali be by night with me, to God my life Fie pray. 9 Tie fay to Cod my rock moft ftrong, why haft forgot me fo ? Why go I mourning all day long, oppreffed by my foe ? 1.0 ha, Lord, methinks there doth abide, within my bones a fword 5 While daily they do thus deride, where is thy God, thy Lord ? 11 Why art. thou then caft down my Souf, and troubled in my breft ? God is thy rock whereon to roul, in him take up thy re/1. For yet again fiiall I advance that glorious Name of his; The comfort of my countenance, and my dear God he is. PSALM XLII. Metn 2.: Ye Children, &c. I-T Ike as the thirfry Hart doth pant, J i When he doth brooks of water want \ fo fighs my Soul, O Lord, for thee. 2 My Soul thirds for the living God 3 When fhall I enter his abode, his beams of- beauty there to fee ? 3 Tear* are my food both night and day, While, where's -rhy God ? they daily fay, 4 My very Soul in tears I fhed, . When I remember how in throngs We fUFd his hoiife with praife and Tongs, „ and I their folemn dances led. 5 My Pfalm xli j. 1 1 5 5 My Sou!, why arc thou fo depreft, So toft and troubled in my breft? O hope in God for evermore. For yet again fhall I confefs His favours with much thsnkfulnefs, and. comforts which he fhall reftore. 6 Yet now my Soul within me faints. My God, confider my complaints $ for I will think upon thee ft ill 5 Even from the vale where Jordan flo vs, Where Htrtkon his high forehead fhows* and alfo from the little hill. The Second part* . 7 Deep unto deep with noife do calf, When as thy fpouts of water fall, and while thy dreadful tempeft raves : For all thy floods fall from the SkieSj The billows after billows rife, to (wallow me amidft the waves. 8 Yet will the Lord by day command His loving kindnefs near at hand \ his fongs by night fhall lodge with me j A mufick fweet amidft my cares : And then will I prefent my prayers, Gcd of my life, even unto thee j c And fay, my God my rock, O why Am I forgot and mourning dye, and by my foes am brought to duft ? 10 Their words like weapons pierce my bone%. While ftiJl they eccho to my grones, where is thy God, thy only truft ? 1 1 My Soul, why art thou Co depreft, Troubled and toft within my breft ; bow'd down and funk beneath thy load > O hope in God, and on him wait, For I his praife fhall celebrate, who is my Saviour and my God. PSALM 114 Pfalm xlii;. PSALM XLIII. Metre u JUdge me, O God, and plead my caufe againft a nation vile : O fave me from the tyrants jaws, and fuch as praftife guile. 2 For of my ftrength thou art the God : why do I mourning go, Caft off by thee, and undertrod by my imperious foe ? 3 O fend out light and truth divine, to lead and bring me near Unto that hoJy hill of thine, and tabernacles there. 4 Then to thine Altar I will prefs, O God, my wondVous Joy : O God my God, thy Name to blefs my harp I will employ. 5 Why art thou then difcouraged within me, O my Soul ? And why art thou difquieted ? let faith thy fears controul. Hope ftill in God thy help to be, whom I fhall ever praife : My health of countenance is he, and my dear God always. PSALM XLIII. Metre 2, O praife the Lord, &c# j TUJge me, O G<^d, and plead my cafe J Againft a nation void of grace : O fave thou me From men unjuft, and thofe that truft in treachery. 2 God of my ftrength, thou art my flay, Why doft thou, calt me clean away ? why do I go So mournfully, oppreffed by my cruel foe? 3 Send Pfalm xlii;. 11$ Send out thy light and word moft true, And let them lead and bring^fie to thy holy hill ; That dwelling pkee, wherein thy grace abideth ftill. Then to God's Altar I will go, To God from whom my comforts flow? there Tie give laud, And honour thee with pfaltery, O God, my God. Why art thou then caft down my Soul ? Why do fuch waves within thee roul I and why art thou With fear and dread difquieted within me now ? Hope in the Lord thy God always * For I fhail ever give him praife for his great aid, ^ Who doth advance my countenance* and is my God. PSALM XLIV. "T tt 7E have, O God, heard with our eaf^ V V our fathers have us told What works thou didft in days of theirs, and in the times of old. 2 How thy hand drove out heathen men, and quite caft out they were, Thy hand fo fore afflifted them, to plant our fathers there. 3 For by their fword they never got poffeflion of the land : Their own puifTance fav'd them not, but it was thy right hand. It was thine arm and fhining face, from whence their help did rife ; Becaufe our fathers found fuch grace, and favour in thine eyes. 4 My 116 Pfalm xlivs 4 My great and powerful King art thou, even thou alone, t) God : Command thou that deliverance now for Jacdb may be had. 5 Through thee we will pufii down our foes* and through thy Name, O God, Whoever have "again ft us rofe, fhall quite be under trod. 6 For I will never truft, O Lord, unto my bended bow ; Nor yet conceive I that my fword. . can fave me from my foe. 7 But thou haft fav'd us from our foes, and fully fet us free: Yea, thou haft put to fhame all thofe of whom we hated be. The Second part. 8 In God we all daylong do boaft, and ever praife thy "Name: 9 Yet now thou goYt not with our hofr* but carts us off with fhame. 10 Thou mak'ft* usl from the foe to.fly, turn back, and quit the foil: And they that hate us mortally, inrich themfelves by fpoil. Ii Thou gaveftus Into their hands, as fheep ordain'd for food y And fcattered'ft us in heathen lands, among a barbarous brood. 12 Thou feirft thy people now for nought, taking no price nor pay : So that thy people are not bought, but wholly given away. 13 Thou makeft us a meer reproach unto our neighbours near 5 Yea a derifion unto fuch as round about us are- 14 Among Pfilmxliv. 117 14. Among the heathen wearefpread, as by-words of difgrace * A fcornful making of the head, before all peoples face. i<; My fore confufion and difgrace before meftill I fee: The fhameof m^abafhed face hath alfo covered me. 16 Becaufe the voice of bkfph^cny | we hear with many taunts, By reafon of the enemy, and the avengers vaunts. Yht third fart. 17 All this is come upon us, Lofd, yet we forgat not thee 5 Nor in the covenant of thy word have dealt deceitfully. - 18 Our heart is not turn'd back, O God, nor have we gone aftray : Nor any other path have trod, but only in thy way. 19 Though thou haft crufht us in the place where Dragons draw their breath *, And covered us in this f^dc^fc with darkfome (hades of death. 20 Had we forgot ciir God's great Name, and help of Idols fought* 21 Should not our God fearch out the fame, fince he doth know bur thought-? 22 Yea, for thy fake, Lord, all the day are we kill'd up as fheep : And counted as the ! flock which they for common (laughter keep. 23 Awake, O mighty Lord, awake, why fleep'ft thou altogether ? Arife for thy dear fervant's fake, caft us not off for ever. 24 M it 8 Pfalm xlv. 24 O wherefore doft thou hide thine eyes, forgetting our diftrefs; And look'ft not on the miferies which do our Souls opprefs ? 2$ For down to duft our Soul is trod, on earth as worms we craul : 26 Rife for thy mercies fake, O God, aid and redeem us all. PSALM XLV. Metre u Y ftudious heart contemplating, good matter doth indite > Touching the King I made a thing, which here I will recite, , My tongue is as a writer's pen, that writes with fwifteft fpeed. 2 Much fairer than the Sons of Men, I fay thou art indeed. For grace is pouf d in plenteous ftore into thy lips divine : And God therefore for evermore hath Weft thofe lips of thine. 5 O gird thy Sword upon thy thigh, thou that excell'ft in might j Appear in thy great majefty, and in thy glory bright. 4 And ride on in thy majefty, with profperous fuccefs 5 Becaufe of thy humility, thy truth and righteoufnefs. And thy right hand, O mighty King, fhall unto thee declare Th' accomplifhing of many a thing moft terrible and rare. 5 Thine arrows very (harp fhall be In all thy enemies hearts -, Subdjiing people under thee, fore wounded with thy darts* 60 Pfalm xlv. 119 6 O God, thou haft a lafting Throne, that nevermore decays : And thy alone dominion a righteous Scepter fways. 7 Thy Soul loves truth, and Iewdnefs hates, and God thy God therefore Thee confecrates above thy mates, with Oyl of gladnefs ftore. 8 Of Caffia, Myrrhe and Aloes, do all thy garments fmell \ Which out of thefe thy Palaces of Ivory pleafe thee well. 9 Among thy noble female band Kings daughters were enrolPd : At thy right hand the Queen did ftand in pureft Ophir-gold. The Second fart. 10 Hearken, O daughter, bow thine ear, confider and incline : Forget what were thy people there, that fathers houfe of thine* H So (hall the King defire to fee thy beauty then much more : For only he thy Lord fhall be, whom thou muft needs adore. 12 And there fhall Tyrus daughter be, and many rich and great ; Prefenting thee with gifts moft free, thy favour to intreat. f 3 The daughter of this Royal Line, within for to behold, Doth with divine perfeftion fhine, her cloathing's all wrought gold. 14 Be brought unto the King fhall fhe in needle-work array'd : And unto thee her Tram fhall be, and Virgin-mates convey'd. j 5 With "1 20 Vlklm xlv. i ^ With nuptial joys and feftival they fhall thcfe Virgins bring ; Where met, they fhall have entrance all, iW Pallace of the King. 1 6 In fathers ftead thou fhak have Tons, by new and heavenly birth : And make thofe fons mod mighty ones, and chief in all the Earth. 17 To ages all Tie keep in flore the memory of thy Name : Thy praife therefore for evermore fhall all the Earth proclaim. PSALM XLV. Metre 2. To the proper Tune. MY heart indites good things, To praife the King of Kings: More fwifcly than the writer's pen ray tongue his praifes fings. O fair'ft of humane race, Thy lips are full of grace : Therefore the Lord has bleft thy word for ever to take place. Thy Sword gird on thy thigh, O mighty and molt hi^h y Wear thou the Crown of bright renown, and ride on profperoufly. Truth, meeknefs, juftice fprings From thee, O King of Kings;: And thy right hand fhall underftand to teach t|iee terrible, thirigs, , Full fharp fhall be thy darrs In the Kings enemies hearts, Whereby the people under thee fall by their own deferts. Thy Throne, O God, abides, Thy Rule a Scepter guides Moft excjuifite, for thou lov'A right, aud Iiateft all befides; And Pfalm xlv« HI And God thy God therefore Anoints thee in fuch (lore With Oyl of joy, like Saints on high, but infinitely more. With all perfedions clad Thy gifts from Heaven had, Like Caffia, Myrrh, and Aloes are, whereby to make thee glad. Kings Daughters appertain To thy mod noble Trai», At thy right hand the Queen doth ftaad, deekt in her Gphir Chain. 71?* Second part. Hearken, O Daughter dear, Confider, and give ear •, Forget thy land, thy people, and thy fathers houfe mofl dear. So dull thy beauty fair Affeft the King for care 9 Since he's thy Lord to be ador'd, and that muft be thy care. And Tyrian Converts too Shall bring their gifts to you ; The rich among the populous thr ong (hall fop thy friendfhip fue. The Daughter of the King Within all glittering, You may behold in Cloth of Gold ; of God's cmbroydering. The King fhall have her brought In Robes with needle wrought ; Her Fellow-Vir-gins following her, fhall all to thee be brought. With mirth fhall they refort, And in triumphant fort, With joys enougli be led into the King's Coeleftial Court. G Thou 122 Pfalm xlvj. Thou fhalt have Sons brought forth By new and heavenly birth, To fit in feat of Princes great, and rule o're all the Earth. And I will leave thy Name For ages to proclaim ; • Therefore (hall people honour thee with everlafting fame. PSALM XLVI. Mitre u GOd is our hope on whom we wair, our ftrength and refuge 'near,. A prefent help in every (Irak ; 2 Therefore we will not fear ; No though the Earrh fhould be difplac't, and though the Mountains fteep Into the very Sea be caft, and buried in the deep. 3 Yea, though the Sea great noife doth make, and reftlefs roars and raves ; And though the very monntains fhake, with fwelling of her waves. 4 There is a River flows apace, - and jnaketh glad thereby The City of God, the holy pkce, and Tents of the moft high. $ The Lord is in the midft of her $ be mov'd fhe never may : The Lord fhall help her, and confer that help by break of day. 6 The Heathen raged furioufly, the Kingdoms moved were : His voice he uttered from on high, the Earth did melt for fear. 7 The Lord of hofts of ifrael is evermore with his : And lo, our tower impregnable the God of Jacob is. Tie Pfalm xlv;\ «2? Tin Second fun. 3 Come fee, and ponder in your thought the works of God's own hand : What defolations he hath wrought in fight of all the land. 9 Heceafeth wars now every where, which Kingdoms did confpire : He breaks the bow, he cuts the fpear, the chariot burns with fire. 10 Be (till, and underftand, faith he^ that I am God alone : Among the heathen I will be the high exalted one ; On Earth I will be magnified, in all my .might and power. 11 The Lord of hofts is on our fide, and JacePs God our tower. PSALM XLVI. Mitrt 2+ GOd is our ftrength and ftay when dangers do furround, A prefent help alway, and ready to be found : Therefore we (hall Not be afraid though tif Earth be nj to wit their houfe and land* 12 Neverthelefs if man poflefs great honour for a day, 'Tis quickly ceaft, and like the beafl | he perifheth ftraightway. 13 This way of theirs plainly appears \ a foolifh way and weak : Yet are they by pofterity approv'd in all they fpeak, 14 Like ffceep in fold the grave fhall hold I and death fhall them devour : G 5 : Ai4< 138 Pfalm xlix. And over them fhall upright men at morning have the power. And in the grave their beauty brave fhall quite confume away, And perifh from their ancient home, which alfofliall decay. if But God will fure ray Soul fecure, when I this world fhall leave : On me the grave no power fhall have, for God will me receive. S6: Be not afraid when one i&made exceeding rich and great : When forae great name augments the fame of his fair dwelling feat. if Who once by death deprived of breath, fhall no poffeffions have 2 His pomp fhall end, and not defeend with him into the grave* 18 '•> Though till he dy'd he magnified his Soul for worldly pelf : . Asd worldly men will praife thee then, when thQu befriend'ft thy felf. 3f But he fhall go to them below, unto his fathers old: And take his place wirh their vile race, and never light beho'd. no Man being high in dignity, yet underftanding not, In hisdeceafeis like the beads which quickly die and rot. PSALM L. Atom, THe mighty God, the Lord fpakeoui*, and gave the EartH a call, From Suns up-rife, and round about to his far-dmant fall. % From Sion beauties faireft fair fettb GQd in glory flaaU. 3 Our Pfotm V I Si 3 Our God fhall come, and (hall not fpare to utter all his mind. A flame of fire devouring quick fhaH go before his face : Tempeftuous ftarms fhall gather thick about his judgment-place. 4 He to the Heavens from on high, and to the Earth fhall call ; Gathering his people generally, that he may judge them all. 5 Gather to me my Saints, faith he, bring thofe before mine eyes. That have a covenant made with me by folemn facrifice. 6 And then the Heavens fhall record and make his juftice known ; Becaufe that God, the righteous Lord, is Judge himfelf alone. 7 Hear, O my people, what I tell, and what I teftifie To thy reproof, O ifrat! : God even thy God ami. 8 I will not fay that thou did ft fna for want of facrifice : Thy burrtt oblations ftill have bin: renew'd before mine eyes. 9 No bullock will I take at all out of thy houfe to me -, Nor any he-goat from thy flail, my facrifice to be. 10 For mine alone are all the beads wherewith the forrefl fills : And all the cattel and incrcafe upon a thoufind hills. ii What ever fowls the mountains yield, are all to me well known : And all wild beafts throughout the field; they alfo are mine own* 1 2 If t$T PfilJH I, 12 If any hunger I fuftain'd, . I would not cell it thee : The world and all therein contam'd : belongeth unto me. . 13 Wi!J I defire to eat the flefh of ftrong bulls, doft thou think ? Qr will it God hirafclf refrefh, the blood of goats to drink ? 14 Offer to God injacrifice thankfgiving chearfully : And £e thou pay thy vows likewife unto the Lord mod high. 25 And then with courage call on me : in any dangerous days ; And I will fure deliver thee, and thou fhalt give me praife. Dedroy, O Lord, do thou divide and feparate their tongues : For I have in the city fpfd ftrife, violence and wrongs. Both day and night they go about upon the city wall : Mifchief and forrow both break out within the midd of all. 1 There is abundant wickednefs within her very heart : And from her dreets, deceicfulnefs and guile do not depart. 2 For it was not an enemy thatus'd me with fuch fcorn ; For then I cculd more eafily the injury have born. Nor was it he that hated me, that lift his horn fo high -, H ' Vol 14$ Pfalm.lv. For then I would have hidden me where he fhould not efpie. 13 But it was thou, a man, that haft thy feif fo magnifi'd •, Though my acquaintance once thou waft, my equal and my guide, 14 We did confult with fweet content, in moft familiar kind : And to the houfe of God we went, in company combin'd. The Third part. 1$ Let death feizeonthem fpeedify, and fend them quick to hell * For there is all iniquity among them where they dwell. j6 But as for me, my care fhall be upon my God to call : And then fhall he give ear to me, and fend me aid withal* 17 Evening and morning and at noon Tie pray and cry aloud j And doubt not to be heard as foon, his ear's fo eafily bow'd. 18 He hath prefer vM my foul in peace, from battel in array -, For there was found a great increafe of ftrength with me that day. 19 My God (hall hear and punifli them, he that of old abides : But God's not fear'd of wicked men, becaufe no change betides. 20 He hath put forth his treacherous hands againft his peaceful friends * And broke his covenants folemn bands, to ferve his wicked ends. a 1 While he gave forth fmooth butter'd words, his heart was bene to fpoil j And Pfalm Iv. 147 And though his words were naked fwords, they feem'd more foft than oyl. 22 Caft on the Lord thy burthen then, he (hall thy Soulfuftain: For he will not let righteous men be mov^d, but ftill remain. 23 But they fhall all be overthrown that wickednefc commit : For thou, O God, wilt briftg them dowi into deftruftions pit. To bloody and deceitful ways they that addifted be, Shall not continue half their days 51 but I will truft in thee. PSALM LVL Metre i ; HAve mercy. Lord, on me, whom man would make a prey 1 Behold how he opprefleth me, contending every day. 2 They that mine enemies be, would daily me devour > For many fight againft my right, ] G thou of higheft power. 3 What time foever, Lord, .;"" I am of foes afraid, Lo then will I truft faithfully in thy allured aid. 4 In God Tie praife his word, in God my truft fhall be : And fixed there I will not fear what flefh can do to me. 5 My words they utter wrong, and wreft them every day : Their thoughts are ftill to work me 21, in every kind of way. $ They all together throng, they fade themfelyes likewife : H 2 Vf 1 4? Pfalm Ivj. My fteps they watch, and lye at catch my Soul for to furprize. 7 Shall they efcape (b well in this their wicked path? Upon them frown, and, Lord, caft down this people in thy wrath. 8 Thou doft my wand'rings tell ; let down thy bottle, Lord, And put in there each briny tear 5 are they not on record ?. 9 When I fhall cry to thee, it puts to fudden flight My daunted foe, and this I know, for God defends my right* 10 In God enabling me, his word will I proclaim : Yea, in the Lord will I record his words due praife and fame'. 1 1 In God alone have I reposed my trufl for aid : Let mortal man do what he can, I will not be afraid* 12 Thy vows upon me lie, Lord, I muft pay the fame : ' And I always will render praife unto thy holy Name. 13 For thou my Soul haft freed from death fo near at hand -, And wilt not thou uphold me now, and make my feet to ftand ? That I may ftill proceed to walk as in thy fight *, And fpend my days unto thy praife, with them that Jive in light. PSALM Pfalm Ivj. H9 PS A L M LVI. Mttrti. All People, fcc- t E merciful, O God, to me ;■ Man would devour rae but for thee j He daily doth againft me fight By power ro opprefs my righr. My watchful enemies each hour My life aflail, and would devour : J thou rnoft high, many there are That have ccnfpired in this war. Yet though encompaft and afraid^ I fly for fhelrcr to thy aid 5 For trufting to God's Word and Arm, 1 know no flefli can do me harm. My words and meaning flili they wreft, Plotting clofe mifchief in their breft : They joyn themfelves ; my fteps they mark To overthrow me in the dark. Shall they efcape by wickednefs ? This wicked people, Lord, fupprefs 5 In angry wrath upon them frown, See how they hunt me up and down. O bottle up my tears, and look, Are they not written in thy book ? So foon then as to thee I cry, I know my foes fhail faint and fly. God's Word I praife and truft thereto, Fearlefs I am what rmn can do j To thee, O Lord, Tie pay my vows, My knee in adoration bows : For thou haft kept me from the grave, My feet from falling th^u didft fave, That with the living in thy fight I may enjoy the cheerful light. PSALM i$o Pfalm Ivij. PSALM LVIL BE merciful to me, O Lord, be merciful to me \ JBecaufe my Soul believes thy word, and puts her truft in thee, Yea, to the fliadow of thy wings I will for refuge fly, Until thefe lamentable things fliall quietly pafs by. 2 Tie cry to God with earnefl breath, even unto God mod high * Who faithfully accomplimeth all things for my fupply. 3 And he from Heaven above fhall fend, 2nd fave me ( by his power ) And me from his reproach defend, that would my Soul devour. God fhall fend forth his truth and grace ; 4 Though now my Soul doth dwell, And lodge among a wicked race, (etail on fire of hell. Degenerate fons of men I mean, whofe malice being ftirr'd, Their teeth are fpears and arrows keen, their tongue a fharp'ned fword. Toe Second puru 5 Be thou exalted, O great God, above the Starry Skie : And far above the earth abroad thy glory fet on high. 6 My enemies have prcpar'd a ner, my fteps to overthrow : My Soul for which the fame was fet, is bow'd down very low. And they have alfo digg'd a pic before me in the way ; But Pfalm Ivi;. 151 But falling in the midft of ir, themfelves arc made the prey, 7 My heart is fixed ftedfaftly, my heart is fixt, O God : And I will fing with melody, and fpread thy praife abroad* & Awake my glory, up I fay, my Harp and Lute awake 5 And I will wake before the day, fweet melody to make, 9 Thy praife, O Lord,- will I fet forth, where throngs of people be : Among the nations of the earth will I fing praife to thee. 10 Becaufe thy mercy doth afcend unto the Heavens high \ Thy truth as largely doth extend unto the cloudy Skie. 11 OGod, let thy exalted Name above the Heavens (land : Advance thy glory and thy fame above the Sea and Land, PSALM LVIII. Mttre U O Congregation put in trufl, and men of mortal feed, Are all your judgments true and juft ? and are they fo indeed ? 2 Nay, in your hearts ye do devifc to bind the cruel bands : And in the earth ye exercife the violence of your hands, 3 The wicked from the very womb have erred on this wife $ Into the world no fooner come, but go aftray by lies. 4 Such as the ferpent's poifon is s fuch poifon juft i> theirs : *$£ Pfalm lviij. And as the addar ftoppeth his, j-ufl fo they flop their ears, $ For the deaf addar will not hear the charmer's charming voice j But deaf to all his charms appear, though they were ne're fo choice. 6 Lord, break their teeth within their mouth, the great teeth of the ftout, Of the fierce Lions in their youth, O Lord God break, them out. 7 As weak as water let them be $ and when he aims to fhoot, Let all his whole artillery drop broken at his foot. 8 As fnails within the fhel! confute, fo, Lord, confume them quite s And like abortives from the womb, which never fee the light. $ Before the pots can feel the thorns, his fury fhall let drive ; And with his whirlwinds angry ftorms take them away alive, jo The juft fhall joy, it doth them good to fee the vengeance then ; And he fhall wafh his feet in blood of the ungodly men. 11 So that a man fhall boldly fay, fure jufl men have reward ; Sure there's a God that doth repay, and juftice doth regard. PSALM LVIIL Mttn % All People, Sec. DO ye, O Congregation, do ye fpeak righteoufnefs indeed ? O mortal Generation, do ye with uprightnefs proceed ? Yea, PAlra ftiij. sii Yea, ye in heart work wickednefs, ye greatly tyrannize on earth \ Prone are the wicked to digrefs, , eftranged from their very birth. As foon as they be born they err, by wicked lies they go aftray j Such as a ferpent hath in her, fuch poifonous ill breath have they* Deaf, addar-like, that as fhe lies fhe ftoppeth clofe her wilful ear, That charm a charmer ne're fo wife, his voice, be fure, fhe will not hear. O ht the eager tusk that hangs on each fide of their mouth be burfi: 3 jBreak out, OGod, the cruel fangs of thefe young Lions, keen and curft. Melt them "as running waters flow, and when the tyrant mifchief heeds, j And fhoots his fhafts from bended bow 3 let them -become as broken reeds. So let them pafs away on earth, as fqualid fnails to flime do run , Or as a womans timekfs birth, that they may never fee the Sun. "/:> Before they feel your thorns to prick, the living Lord '(hall them difperfe, The dead and dry, the keen and 'quick., as with a whirlwind very fierce. The juft fhall fee the vengeance then^ rejoycing the revenge to fee, And in the blood of wicked men ( viftorious ) wafli his feet fhall he : Sure righteous men reap Vertue's fruitSj and all men fhall acknowledge fo \ Sure he is God that executes moft righteous judgment here below. H5 PSALM: f' no The 156 Pfalm lix. id The God from whom my mercy flaws, fhall me betimes prevent * And let me fee upon my foes ray very hearts content. Ihe Second part* III Lord, bring them down ? but flay them not, difperfe them by thy power; And let it never be forgot, O Lord our fhield and tower. 12 For their vile words and blafphemies, O trap them in their pride ; And for the curfes and the lies which from their Jips do Aide. 2 % Confume in wrath, confume them quite 3 that they may apprehend Thou rul'ft in Jacob by thy might, to tV earths rernoteft end. 14 Let them return at evening-tide, and like a hungry hound Make a great noifeon every fide, and range the city round : r I$ Wandring abroad with weary kct 9 . feek up and down for meat j And howl when .they are hunger-bit, , and have not what :o eat. 16 But. 1 with early diligence will ting alcud thy praife, Who waft my refuge and defence, in all my dangerous days. 17 O thou my ftrength, Tie fing to thee,-, to praife thy love and power j Who art a gracious God to me, my ftrong defence and tower. PSALM LIX. Mttn 2- Rom all my eruel enemies^ my God, deliver me j , ' l^rom Pfalm lix. 157 From them that do againft me rife* defend, and fet me free. And fave me then from bloody men-, and lewd men making ftrife : For lo, they lie in fecrecy to trap and take my life. The mighty men with one accord,, againft me do combine ; Yet not for my rranfgrefTion, Lord, nor any fin of mine. They have begun, prepar'd to run in haft, without my fault: Awake and fee, and fuccour me againft their fierce affault. Thou therefore ifraePs righteous God, the Sovereign Lord of Hofts, Awake and vifit with thy rod, ev'n all the heathen Coafts. And do not, Lord, thy grace afford-, nor let them mercy find, That do tranfgrefs by wickednefs, with a malicious- mind. the Second part. Let them return at evening- tide, as howling dogs are woijt ; And round about on every Tide in every corner hunt. Behold and fee what blafphemy their belching mouths bewray ; Their lips have words as (harp as fwords^ for who fhali fee, fay they ? But thou, O Lord, (hair laugh at them, and thou fhalt entertain Th' uncircumcifed heathen men with laughter and difdain. As for my foe that braves it fo 3 with yower and inlblence 5 Oa r*8 Pfalm !hg On thee will I wait patiently, for God is my defence. The third part. My gratious God fhall me prevent with his compaffions free, Atid let me fee my hearts content on enemies hating me : Subvert them quite, and by thy might * difperfe, but flay them not : G Lord our fhield, fome fign to yield, that may not be forgot. For finful words which mouths profain*.. and curfing lips let Aide, And for their lies, let them be ta'ne in height of all their pride. Gonfume them Lord, as men abhorred, confume them quite and clean, That every Land may under/land great Jacob's God to reign. The Fourth part* Let them return at evening-tide, as howling dogs are wont, And round about on every fide in every corner hunt. Where wandVing wide snfatisfv'd for meat, let them repine 3 But lo, my tongue fhall fing a fong to praife thy power divine. Yea in the morning Tie begin to fing aloud to thee ; And fhew thy mercy which hath been a flrong defence to me. Thou waft my flay i'th dangerous day, to thee my ftrength I le fing ; God's my defence, and rock from whence my mercy hath her fpring* FSALM o Pfalm Ix. PSALM LX. God, thou didft us once forfake; 159 and we were fcattered then : Such great difpleafure thou didft take y O turn to us agen. 2 The earth fore broken with thy hand doth tremble, Lord, and quake : O heal the breaches of our land, for it doth bow and (hake. 3 Things that were hard and rigorous thou haft irapos'd on thine : And thou haft given drink to us of ftupifying wine. 4 Yet gav'ft thou them that feared thee the banner of thy aid, Becaufe of truth and verity, to be on high difplay'd. 5 Now, Lord, that thy beloved land delivered may be \ Save with the power of thy right hand, and hearken unto me. 6 In holinefs Jehovah fpake, my joy then (hall not fail, All Shicbemxo divide and take, and mete out SuccotWs Vale. 7 Manaffih muft to me fubferibe, and Gilead ftand in awe : My chiefeft ftrength is Ephraims tribe, and Judah gives my Law. 8 On Edom I will fet my foot, my wafh-pot Moab (lull be : And thou, O Talejitna, fhout, a«nd that becaufe of me. 9 But who will lead me all the Way unto the city ftrong ? And who will guide me, that I may to Edem go along ? 10 Thou y6o Pfalm Ixj. io Thou, Lord, that had ft caft off our coaft, and thou, O God, even thou That lately wentft not with our hoft; wilt thou not guide me now ? ii The help of man is vanity * Lortf, help us in diftrefs. 1 2 Through God we fhall do valiantly* he fhall our foes fupprefs. PSALM LXI. Metre i. REgard, O Lord, when I complain, and make my fuit to thee : Let not my prayer afcend in vain, but give good ear to me. 2 For from the earths remoteft part I cry for fome rejief To thee, O Lord, when as my heart is overwhelm'd with grief. Conduct me to that rock of power, that higher is than "I: 3 For thou waft my fafe hope and tower againft ths enemy. 4 And in thy tabernacle ftill I gladly will abide; llader thy fecret wings I will continually confide. '«; The vows that did my foul engage, i Lord, thou haft heard the fame : And gav'ft to.me. the heritage of thofe that fear thy name. 6 To thine anointed thoudidft give prolonged days to fee :' The many years that he fhall live, like many an age fhill be. 7 Before the Lord he. fhall abide, forever to endure : Thy truth and mercy O provide, which may prefcrve him furc. 8 So Pfklm h). 16 1 8 So will I fing from day to day the praifes of thy name : That having vow'd, I daily may to thee perform the fame. PSALM LXI. Metre 2» jrbere righUoufmfS) Sec. Ord hear my cry put forth, attend unto my prayer j From th' ends of all the earth I now to thee repair. My heart o're-whelm'd, I cry, O lead me to the rock, That higher is than I, and can fuftain the fhock. For thou haft been my fence, my fhelter and my tower, Againft the violence of th' adverfaries power. Who drives me from thy tent, to wander far about, ( A kind of banifhment unto a. Soul devout. 3 For fain would I abide within thy houfe for ever, And fo to have enjoy \i thy prefence altogether. And ftill I truft unto the fhadow of thy wings, That thou wilt bear me through my foreft fufferings. For thou, God, haft heard my vows and my complaints, And haft on me conferred the heritage of thy Saints. . The King's dear life defend, and thou, O Lord, engage To 162 Pfalm Ixi-;. To make his time extend to many a joyful age. Before thy Welled face he ever fhall remain ; Prepare thy truth and grace- his Soul for ro fuftain* So will I fing always, (" as Jong as life allows ) Thy names deferved praife, and daily pay my vows. PSALM LXII. Mart t. MY Soul with expeftatlon depends on God indeed j Becaufe my whole falvatlon doth ftill from him proceed. 2 He only is my rock of power, my faving health is he : He is my high defence and tower, much mov'd I fliall not be. 3, How long a time will ye devife 3 and labour what you can To aft mifchievous villanies againflan harmlefs man ? Ye fhall be fure of recompenee, for God fliall (lay you all; - Ye fhall be like a tottering fence, and as a bowing wall. 4 His excellency to fubyerc they only do devife : They blefswith mouth, but curfe in heart, and take delight in lies. 5 But thou, my Soul, (till wait upon the high and holy one : Becaufe my expectation doth come from him alone. 6 He only is my rock of power, and my falyation prov 1 d : He Pfalm Ixij. 15? He is my high defence and tower, I fhall not once be mov'd* In God is my falvation, and glorious dignity : God is my ftrength and ftaticn, my rock and refuge nigh. B At all times truft in him alone,. ye Saints, with one accord :^ Four out your hearts before his throng our refuge is the Lord. p Sure mean men are but vanity, and great men are a lye ; Wholly more light than vanity, if them you vveigji and try. 10 Truft not in wrong and injury,, in robbery be not vain : If wealth and riches multiply, fet not your heart on gain. 1 1 Once God hath fpoke, and made it known, and often have I heard, That power belongs to God. alone, and he muft give reward. 12 And alfo that compaffioa belongs, O Lord, to thee : And thou rewarded every one, juft as his aftions be, 9 S A L M LXIL Metre 2. To the Tune of the old nw TRuly my Soul doth wait on God,. Becaufe from him alone Comes my falvatlon j He only is my fafe abode, My rock and refuge proved, I fhall not much be moved. How long will ye plot villany To make the righteous fall ? Ye fhall be flaughteref all * Yc 164 Pfalm Ixij. Ye like a bowing wall fhall be, And as a fence that totters, So perifh allfuch plotters. How to caft down the excellent, They only do devife; They take delight in lies ; They blefs with mouth in complement, But inwardly are nurfing Malicicufnefs and cu-rfing. My Soul wait thou on God alone, For from that hand of his My expectation is ^ He only is my rock of ftone, My health my refuge proved, I /hall not once be moved, Ihe Second part. In God is my falvation, He is to me a Crown Of honour and renown. My rock, my ftrength, my ftation, And all my refuge ever Is God, that faileth never. O truft in him, in him alone At all times evermore, Ye people rich and poor 5 , Pour out your hearts before his Throne^ In all your fears and forrows 5 God is a refuge for us. Surely the men of low degree Are mcerly vanity. And great men are a lye : If in the ballance laid they be, Th' are lighter altogether Than vanity whatever. Truft not in wrong and robbery, Think not a thought fo vain, To thrive by ill-g and read, i O thou i are, The God that heareft prayer, JIm nc, to thee wc de rc^ir, in Pfilm Ixv. 3 Our fins have born great iwajr, and much againft us fay : * But as for thefe, Lord, thou (halt pleafe to purge them all away. 4 O blefled man is he, whom thou doft choofe to thee, And mak'ft refort unto thy ccurt, a dweller there to be. Where all that do abide, fhall fully be fupply'd With grace, of which the houfe is rich which thou haft fanftifVd. 5 By fearful things difplay'd in juftice for our aid, O God of our protefting power, thy anfwer fliall be made 5 Who art our confidence, and all the earth's defence ; And alfo theirs whom Bf ocean bears, and all the coafh far hence. 6 Whofe ftrength fets fa ft the hills, and girt with power, he ftills 7 The Sea that raves with boiftcrous waves, and mens rebellious wills. S Thy figns affright the ftout, that dwell the earth throughout : Thou doft difplay the break of day, and mak'ft the evening fhout. 9 Thou vifitaft the land, watering it with thine hand : God's river which makes earth fo rich, pours down at thy command : It dorh with warmer flow, . and Corn thou doft beftow, When as rhou haft by thy fore-cafl; provided for it fo. to Her adges from alofr ;t ; thou wwreft very oft ; Her 1 Pfalm lxv.' 173 Her furrows all thou rnak'fl to fall, with fhowers thou mak'ft it fofc Her fpringing thou doft blefs, 1 1 thou crown'ft the year no lefs With goodnefs free that comes from thee, thy paths drop fruitfulnefs. 12 They drop on defarts wide, the paftures are fupply'd : The rain diftills on little hills made glad on every fide. 1} The paftures flocks forth bring, with Corn the valleys fpring : And covered o're with flock and ftore^ they fhout for joy and fing. PSALM. LXVI. OAU ye lands, in God rejoyce ; % 2 Sing forth his praife and fame ; Extol him both with heart and voice, and glorifie his Name. 3 How terrible, O Lord, fay ye, in all thy works thou art ! Thy foes are fore'd to yield to thee, though with a feigned heart. 4 To thee fhall all the earth bow down, and fmg to thee, O Lord : Thy holy Name's deferv'd renown in fongs (hall they record* 5 The works of God O come and fee j ye fhall acknowledge then, How terrible his aftions be among the fons of men. 6 He turn'd the Sea to firm dry land, and where the Ships do fwim, We went on foot as on the fand, there we rejoye'd in him. 7 He rules with power for evermore, his eyes all lands efpie ; I 3 Lee X?4 Pfalm Ixvj. Let not rebellious men therefore exalt themfelves on high. the Sicond part* $ O all ye people, blefs our God, and let the chearful voice Of his due praife be heard abroad, while we in him rejoyce. 9 Who fetting dangers all afide, our Soul in life doth ftay , Aod fnfferlng not our foot to flide, upholds us in our way* I© But thou haft try'd and proved us yct^ as doth the skilful tryer, That proves his filver, cafting it into the hotteft fire* 11 Thou broughteft us into the net, where we intangled were : And laid'ft affiiftions very great upon our loins to bear. 12 Thou mad'fi fierce men rideo're our heads, we went through flames and floods : But now thou haft thy people led to places ftor'd with goods. 7k Third part. 13 Lord, I will go inro thy houfe, burnt- offerings I will bring : And I will pay thee all my vows, fulfilling every thing. 14 The vows which with my mouth I fpake, in all my grief and fmart : The vows I fay which I did make in anguifh of my heart. 15 Tie offer thee burnt- facrifice, incenfe and fat of rams : And I will offer thee likewife fct bullocks, goats, and lambs. 16 Come Pfalm Ixv;\ 17| 1 6 Come forth and hearken, every one thac fears the living Lord : What he for ray poor Soul hath done, I will to you record* 17 I call'd upon his facred Name, this mouth to him did cry : My tongue Iikewife extolfd his fame with great alacrity. 18 I aJfo watch'd left any way my heart fhould fin regard : For then I knew when I did pray, my prayer fhould not be heard. 19 But God hath heard me verily, and did full well attend Unto my prayer and fervent cry, which did to him afcend* 20 All praife to him, to him I fay, that always had regard ; And never put my prayer away, nor fenc me home unheard. PSALM LXVII. Man i. HAve mercy on us, Lord, and grant to us thy grace * And unto us do thou arfbid the brightnefs of thy face. 2 That all the earth may know the way to gctdly wealth ; And all that live on earth below, may fee thy faving health. 3 Let all the world, O God, give praife unto thy Name : O let the people all abroad extol and laud the fame* 4 Throughout the world fo wide, let all rejoyce with mirth : For thou (halt juftly judge and guide the nations of the earth. 5 4 $1tet 176 Pfi'Im Ixvij. j Let all the world, O God, give praife unto thy Name : OJet the people all abroad extol and laud the fame, 6 Then fhall the earth increafe, great ftore of fruit fliall fall : And God our God fhall grant us peac^ and greatly blefs us all* 7 Yea, God fhall bkfs us all, and earth both far and near : And people all in general of him fhall' ftand in fear. PSALM LXVII. Metre'*: AUVtople, &c. OGod fhew grace, aad blefs all thine, And caufe thy face on us to fhine : Make known thy way to great and fmall, Thy faving health co nations all. Lord let the people praife thy Name, Let all the people fpread thy fame : O let the Nations of the Earth Be glad and ftng for joy and mirth. For thou (halt rids* ***« righieoufly, And govern all with Equity : Wherefore let all men praife thy Name, Let ail the people fpread thy Umej Then fhall the earth yield plenteoufnefs, And God our own God fhall us bkfs : God fhall us blefs, and all men then Shall fear his HqJy Name* Amen* PSALM LXVIL Metre %, Give Laud, &c. LOrd blefs us of thy grace, be merciful to thine. And let thy plea fed face upon thy fervants fhine, ThJ Pfalm Ixvij. iff That all may fee The faving health and heavenly wealth that flows from thee. Thy praife let all rehearfe with one united voice, Sing in- melodious verfe, exceedingly rejoyce *, Thy power obey, Whofe juftice (hall difpofe of all, and bear the fway. Let all extol thy worth 5 then ftore of fruits fhall fall, The Earth fhall bring them forthy and God fhall blefs us all : God fhall us blefs, And Earth's whole frame fhall fear his Name with awfulneft. PSALM LXVI1L IEt God omnipotent arife, j his fcattered foes to chafe % And let his hateful enemies fly from his angry face. % As driven fmoke difpel them quite 5 as fire melts wax away ; So let the wicked in his fight quite periili and decay. 3 But let the juft be fill'd with joy, rejoycing in his fight : Yea let them raofl exceedingly rejoyce with all their might. 4 . Sing unto God, fing forth his fame, extol him with your voice, That rides on Heav'n by I A H ( his Name} before hk face rejoyce. % A father of the fatherlefi, and judge of widows cafe ft 1 7$ Ffilm Jxviij. Is God, whole throne of holinefi is in the higheft place. 4 He ft ores the folitary cell, he frees the chain'd and bound ; But lets xebellious people dwell and ftarve in barren ground. TJ)t Second part. j O God, when thou waft in the head of all thy peoples hoft. When marching. thou their camp didft lead along the defart coafh 8 The earth did at thy prefence quake, in drops the Heavens fell : Thy fight made Sinai $ hill to fhake, O God of jfml. 9 O God, thou didft the drought affwage, fending a plenteous rain: Whereby thy weary heritage was well refrefht again, i-o Thy congregation fetled there, for thou didft it reftore : Thou of thy goodnefs didft prepare a dwelling for the poor. 11 God gave the word of viftory, and prefently there came Innumerable company, that publifhed the fame; 12 The Kings of Armies ( overcome V were forcM to flee away: And even fhe that ftaid at home helpt to divide the prey. Me Third part. 13 Though ye have liea among the pot*; ye fhall be to behold As wings of doves with filver fpots, mi plum'd with yellow gold, i a When,! PialiB IxviiJ. iyj| 14 When the Almighty in out fight gave Kings the overthrow, Viftorious Ifrael fhin'd as bright as doth the Salmon (how. j 5 The hill whereon Jehovah dwells, as Btzfoan hill we count : A lofry hill, that parallels the height of Bajhan mount. 16 Ye higher hills , why leap ye fo ? for this mult be the hill Which God doth for his dwelling know ? and fo he ever will. 1 7 God's chariots twice ten thoufand fold, are Hofts of chief account : The Lord's among them as of old in Sinai's facred mount. 18 Thou haft afcended up on high, and thou, O Cbrift, didft then Lead captive our captivity, receiving gifts for men. Yea aifo for rebellious men thou didft thofe gifts receive • That God the Lord might dwell with then^ and they rebellion leave. 19 BlefTed be God that doth us load with daily favours thus : Even that God that hath beftow'd falvation upon us. 20 For our God is the God alone that doth falvation give : And thofe that under death do grooe, by him alone do live* 21 But God fhall wound his .enemies heed, and in his kindled wrath Shall make his hairy fcalp to bleed^ that holds his finful pach. Its Pfalm Ixviij. T»e Fourth part. 22 Tie bring again, the Lord did fay, from Baft an when Ipleafe: Tie bring my people fafc away, even from the deepeft Seas/ 23 That thou mayeftdip thy foot in blood: of adverfaries ilain t And bathing in the crimfon flood, thy dogs their tongues may ftain. 24 For they have feen, O God, this thing,, they faw thy fteps of grace, The gdngs of my Lord, my King, within his holy place. 2$ Before them went the finging men, the Minftrels at their feet j Amongft them, were the Damfels then that tun'd the Timbrels fweet. #6 God's prarfe in great AfTemblies tel! 5 blefs him with one accord j Ev'n from the fpring of ifiatU O praife and blefs the Lord. 27 There's little Benjamin their heacfj and JudaVs Councel by; And Zabulorfs Princes gathered, and thofe of Napth/zli* 38 Thy God by his fupream command hath ftrengthened thee thus : Strengthen, O God, by tliy good hand what thou haft wrought for us, 39 Thy Temple at Jtrufalm (hall forreign Kings allure. To come and bring tMir gifts with them, favour to procure. **ht Fifth parti x- the fpear-meas companies, ic multitude. Of Pfalm fxvlij. 1S1 Of bulls and brutifh enemies, that are fo fierce and rude. Till all fubmit with one accord,. and tributes bring from far } O fcatter thou thofe people, Lord, that take delight in war. 31 Then Princes out of J£-*ypt Lands to thee (hall prefents bring : The Black mocres fhall flretch out their hands to Chrift our heavenly King. 32 Sin° unto God mod joyfully, ye Kingdoms of the earth: O fing unto the Lord mofl high, and praife his Name with mirth. 33 To him that rides on th' utmort Heaven, the Heavens that were of old : Lo, there his thund'ring voice is givea, a mighty voice, behold ! 34 Afcribe ye ftrength to our great God, whofe excellency rare Is over ifratl plainly fhew*d, whofe firength the clouds declare; 35 O God, thou art a dreadful one, and fo thou doft appear From Heaven thy high and holy Throne* and in thy Tempte here. For ifrsefs God and Saviour, . he is the very fame That gives his people fhrengch and powers and bleffed be his Name, PSALM LXIX. SAve me, O God, of thy free grace-, for now the billows roul ; And prefling on come in apace unto my very Soul. I fink in deepeft mire and mud, where is no (landing. ground; lam i%2 Pfalra Ixix* I am oVewhelm'd with the floods whofe waters do abound. 3 Unceflant crying wearieth me, my throat is hoarfe likewife : While, O my God, I wait for thee with fick and famifht eyes. 4 And they that hate me caufelefly, I reckon to be moe Than are the very hairs ( think I ) which on my head do grow. And they that would deflroy me, Lord, my wrongful foes are they, And mighty, fo that I reftor'd what I took not away. $ O God, thou know'ft my foolifhnefs, and thou doft fully fee : If I have done unrighteoufnefs, it is not hid from thee. 6 Let none that wait upon thy Name 3 Lord God of hofts, I pray, Let none of them be put to fhame for my fake any way. 7 Becaufe for thy fake, O moft high, I fuffer this difgrace : For thy fake, Lord, efpecially hath fhame o'refprcad my face. 8 A ftranger now I am become to brethren of my own : One mother bare us in her womb, yet am I as unknown. 9 For zeal hath quite confumed me ? which to thy houfe I bear : And the reproaches caft at thee, are falFn to be my (hare. The Stcond part. 10 When I did weep, when I did &ft for chaftening of my SquI ; Tfofcv j Pfalm lxix. 185 That in a feoff at me they cart, and did reproach me foul. 11 I put on fackcloth to my fhame, for they my deed condemn : And when I wore it I became a proverb unto them. 12 They that did fit within the gate, difcourft of thefe as crimes : And drunkards as they quaffing fate, did put me in their rhimes. S3 Buc as for me, O Lord, my prayer waits the propitious hour : Lee me thy bounteous mercies /hare, and prove thy faving powert 14 Deliver me out of the mire, and me from finking keep; From thofe that do my hurt defire, and from the waters deep, 15 Let not the flood prevail a whit, whofe water overflows j Nor deep devour me, nor the pit her mouth upon meclofe* 16 Hear me, O Lord, for thou art good, and of a Joving mind : Turn to me in the multitude of thy companions kind. 1 7 And from thy fervant do not hide thy face in this my need ; I am opprefton every fide, O hear me, Lord, with fpeed. 18 Unto my troubled Soul draw nigh, redeem and fet it free : And from mine enemies tyranny do thou deliver me. 39 Thou know'ft all my reproach and fliame, thou feeft my great difgrace : Mine enemies which procure the fame are ail before thy face. Thi i84» Pfalm Ixix. Tht Third part. 20 My heart is broke with obloquy > and I am full of grief : I look'd for fome to pity me, but no man gave relief. 21 In vain on comforters I think, when gall they gave for meat: And gave me vineger to drink, when as my thirft was great. * 22 O turn their table to a fnare ; and that which mould have bin For to have made them well to fare, a trap to take them in. 23 Let darknefs be before their eyes, and let them ftill miftake : And caufe their guilty loins likewile continually to (hake. 24 Pour out thine indignation ftill,; with force on them to fall : And let thine anger terrible take hold upon them all. 2$ And let their habitation be defolate and waft : And in their empty tents not one inhabitant be plac'd. 26 For lo, they perfecute him much whom thca haft fmote before : And talk unto the grief of fuch, as thou haft wounded fore. 27 And therefore fin unto their fin, and let them ftill tranfgrefs ; And let them never enter ia into thy righteoufnefs. 28 O let the book of life be rac'd, and thence their names be took, And never with the juft be plac'd in that moft bkfied book, £? Bia* Pfalm Ixix. 18$ 29 But I am poor and full of grief, Lord, to my Soul draw nigh : Let thy falvation give relief, and fet me up on high. 50 I will take up a joyful fong, God's praifes to proclaim \ Extol him with a thankful tongue, and magnifie his Name. 31 And this fhall pleafe the Lord likewifc, and make a better proof Than oxe, or bull in facrifice, that hath both horn and hoof, 32 Hereat the humble fhall be glad, , to fee it with their eye; And lo your heart that feek for God, fhall live and never die. 33 For lo, the Lord doth hear the cries which his poor fervants make ; Thofe prisoners he doth not defpife that fuffer for his fake. 34 Therefore let Heaven his praifesfing, the Earth and all the Seas : And ulCo every* fcipd cf thing tint lives and moves in thefe. 3$ For furely God will Sion live, and Jit&atis Cities rear : That dtvciling-houfes men may have, and large poffeflions there -, 36 His fervants (ced (the faithful race ) inheriting the fame : And it fhall be the dwelling-place of them that love his Name. M PSALM LXX. Autre 1. Have Mtrcfr &c. Ake haft, O God, make haft my Saviour for to be : And -1 86 Pfalmlxx. And let no longer time be part, before thou fuccour me. 2 Let fhame confound them all that for my Soul inquire : Let them by juft confufion fall that do my hurt defire. 3 And turn them back, O Lord, their fhame for to repay : And let repulfe be their reward that fay, aha, aha. 4 Let them that feck thee, Lord, be glad in thy great Name; And let them all with one accord be joyful in the fame. Let them that love to be with heavenly help fupply'd, Continually fay thus of thee, let God be magnifTd. $ But lam weak and poor, for fpeedy aid I call : Thou art my help and Saviour fure, Lord, make no ftay at all. PSALM LXX, 'Metre 2. Lord confidtr, &c« 1 1 X Ake haft, O Lord, and fet me free, I VjL make haft, O God, and fuccour me* % Confound them with confounding fhame, that feek my Soul, to hurt the fame. Let them be turned backward ftiU, turh'd back with fhame that wifh me ill. 3 Reward their fhame that fay, Aha, and let confufion be their pay. 4 All that feek thee, and all that love falvation coming from above, Full glad in thee let them abide, ftill faying, God be magnift'd. 5 But Pfalm Ixxj. 187 $ Bat I am needy, weak and poor, make haft to help me, Lord, therefore : My help and my deliverer thou art, O Lord, do not defer. PSALM LXXI. OLord, I put my truft in thee, when plunged in diftrefs : Let bo confufion feize on me, nor fhame my Soul opprefs. 2 Defend me in thy righteoufiief% and refcue me with fpeed : , Encline thine ear with readinefs, and fave me at my need. 3 Be thou my rock, where I may have all times a fafe refort : 'Twas thy command thy Saint to farc, O thou my ftrength and fort. 4 Save me, my God, from wicked men, and from their ftrength and power * From folk unrighteous, and from them that cruelly devour. 5 Oh thee, O God, my hopes attend, and upon none befide: My youth did upon thee depend, as its moft faithful guide. 6 Thou haft upheld me from my birth, thou tookeft care of me Even from the womb, thou brought'ft me forth, my praife ftill waits on thee. 7 Indeed I feem a prodigie to many carnal eyes : But my ftrong refuge is on high, on him my hope relies. 8 Therefore my mouth fhall daily fing the glory of thy Name: And let it not fpeak any thing, but of thy praife and fame, 2*1 iSS Pfalm Ixxj. The Second part. 9 My God, O caft fne not away when age my limbs doth fhake ♦* And when my vigour xioth decay, do not my Soft 1 for fake. 10 For they that bear me cauflefs hate, againft me fpeak full ill : And they that for my Soul lay wait, confpire againft me (till. 11 Lay hands upon him now they faid, and let us all fall on : For there is none to he his aid, his God from him is* gone. 12 Therefore, OGod r chat feeft my need, far from me do not be : But Lord my God, make haft, make fpeed to help and fuccour me, 1 3 Confound them and confume them all, that do againft me rife : Let fcorn and fhame upon them fall, that do my hurt devife. 14 But I on thee my hopes have fet, and laid them up in ftore : Nor will I ever thee forget, but praife thee more and more, 15 My mouth (hall all along the day (hew forth thy righteoufnefs : All day thy faving joys difpiay, for they are numberlefs. 16 Affifted by thy ftrength, O God, I will go fafely on : Thy righteoufnefs Tie fpread abroad, thy righteoufnefs alone. 1 7 For from my tender infancy, O God, thou haft me taught : And I have told continually what wonders thou haft wrought. 18 For fake Pfalm Ixxj. i8p 1 3 For fake me not now I am old, now that my hairs grow white : Till I unto this age have told, and fhew'd the next thy might* 7bt trjlrd part. 19 Thy rightecufnefs, O God, exceeds in the mofthigh degree : Thou haft performed wondYous deeds, who can compare with thee ? 20 Thou who haft fhew'd me troubles fore, even thou my life fhak fave : And though I were intomb'd, reftore and bring me from the grave. 21 My greatnefs thou (halt much increafe, my comforts fhalHbound : And with thy comforts and thy peace thou fhalt iaclofc me round. 22 I will inftrufteach warbling ftring to make thy praifes known : Yea, O my God, thy truth fie fing, O jfraeCs holy one* 23 A multitude of joys frail throng about my lips to lit 5 While my glad Soul breaths out a fong to him that ranfom'd it. 24 My tongue (hall alfo now proclaim thy juftice^ll day lung : For they are quell'd and brought to fhame, that feek to do me wrong. PSALM LXXII. LOrd, give thy judgments to the King, that juftice may be done : And give the skill of governing unto his Winccly Son. 2 Then fhall he govern uprightly, and do thy people right ; Then I ja Pfalm lxxij. Then fhall he judge with equity the poor that have no might. 3 The lofty mountains he fhall blefs, to bring the people peace : The little hills by righteoufnefs fliall yield a great increafe. 4 And he fhall judge the indigent, and fave the poor and weak : And the oppreflbr fraudulent in pieces he fhall break. $ And then from age to age fhall they regard and fear thy might : So long as Sun doth fhine by day, or elfe the Moon by night. 6 He fliall defcend as foaking rtln upon the mowen grafs : Asfhowers that water hill and plain, whatever way they pafs. 7 The jufl fhall flourifh in his days, and all fhall be at peace : Until the very Moon decays, and all its motions ceafe. 8 He fhall be Lord of Sea and Land, from fhore to fhore throughout i From Sea to Sea on either hand, and all the Earth about. 9 AH thofe that in the defarts dwell, before him bow they muft: His enemies he will compel to ftoop and lick the dufl. 10 The Kings of Tar(hi(h 9 and the Ifles, Sbeba, andf Seba's King, Shall come with prefents many miles, and gifts to him fhall bring. 1 1 Yea all the Kings and higher powers fliall kneel before his Throne: All nations and their governours (hall fern this King alone* 12 For Pfalm Ixxij. 191 12 For he the needy one fhall fave, when unco him they call ; The poor I fay, and them that have no help of man at all. the Second part* 13 Moft mercifully he fhall fpare the poor whom power controuls ; And he will ever have a care to fave poor needy fouls. 14 From violence and fraud fhall he their abjeft fouls redeem ; And in his fight their blood fhall be of lingular efteem. 15 And he fhall live, and they bring fiore to him of Shtbas gold : He fhall be pray'd for evermore, and daily be^xtoFd. \6 HandfuIIs of Corn fhall grow upon the pregnant mountains tops ; The fruit fhall fhake like Lebanon* fo rich fhall be the crops. The Citizens of Sion hill fhall flourifh as the grafs } And in great peace and plenty dill their happy days fhall pafs. 7 His name fhall laft, and be in mind till Sunnes furceafe and reft : And as a bleffing to mankind;, all Lands fhail call him bleft. 8 Praife ye the Lord of hofls, and fing to ifraeCs God each one ; For he doth every wond'rous thing, yea he himfelf alone. 9 And bleffcd be his glorious Name to all eternity : L«r th' earth be filled with his fame * Amen, amen fay L P5ALM 192 Pfalm Ixxiij. PSALM LXXIH, O lfratl truly God is good, -r to each pure- hear ted one* 2 But as for me I fcarcely flood, my feet were almoft gone. 3 Fori was galled grievouily, and raov'd with envy then, Beholding the profperity of thefe ungodly men. 4 For in their death no bands there are, their ftrength is firm and fure: 5 They have no plagues, no grief, no care, which other men ihdure. 6 Pride therefore, like brave ornaments, doth cotnpafs them about ; And like a garment, violence doth cover them throughout, 7 Their eyes (land out with very tat, of wealth they have fuch ftore j What heart can wifh, nor only that, but even a great deal more, 8 Corrupt they are and very vain, they fpeak with impious tongue ; OpprefTion proudly they maintain, and highly boaft of wrong, 9 Againft the Heavens all along their daring mouth dares talk : And their unbridled lavifh tongue . throughout the earth doth walk. 10 Therefore God's people oft come up, and here they turn about, Since waters of fo full a cup to them are poured out. The Second part. 11 And thus they fay, how can it be that God fhould fcver know ? And Pfalm lxxiij. 19 2 And the moft high difcern and fee the things that are fo low ? 12 Behold 3 thefe the ungodly are, that feem to live In peace 3 And profper in the world fo far , whofe riches ftill increafe. 13 Thenfaid I, I may gather hence, that I with too much pain Have wafht my hands in innocence, and cleans'd my heart in vain. 14 For I was plagued for my fin, even all day long , O God : And every morning I have bin chaftifed with thy rod. 15 But when I had conceived all this, I ftill rcfrain'd my tongue j Left I fhould cenfure faints amifs, and do thy children wrong. 16 Then I bethought me how I might This matter underftand .* But lo, the labour was too great for me to take In hand. 17 Till in thy houfe I did attend, and there, O Lord, and then I underftood the wretched end of thefe ungodly men. 18 For furely in a flippery place thou caufed'ftthem to fit : Tocaft them down with great difgrace into deftruftion's pit. 19 A moment brings their mifery, O great and wondrous change ! They are confumed utterly with terrours great and ftrange. 20 Juft as a dream when men awake fo Thou, O Lord, likewifc K Awaking I?4 Pfalm lxxiv. Awaking for juft Judgments fake their image (halt defpife. The Vjird pxrt. 21 Yet thus my heart was griev'd hereby, and pain my reins oppreft. 22 So rude and ignorant was I, and in thy fight a beaft. 23 Neverthelefs I do remain continually with thee : By thy right hand thou doft fuftain, and ftill upholdeft me. 24 Thy Counfels, Lord, which I regard, Thou mak'ft to be my guide : And fhalt receive me aiterward in glory to abide. 25 For whom have I in heaven but thee ? nor is there any one In all the earth defir'd of me, except thy felf alone. 26 My flefli and heart do fail me fore, but God upholds my heart : He is my ftreugth for evermore, my portion and my part. 21 For they that farr eftranged be, Io, they and every one That go a whoring, Lord, from thee, (hall quite be overthrown. 28 But it is good for rae alway that I to God draw near ; - I truft in God , that fo I may His wondrous works declare. PSALM LXXIV. WHy haft Thou Lord, rcjefted us and doft thine anger keep And keep'ft it ever fmoaking thus ft rhy pafturc fhccp ? Pfalm lxxvi. 1 95 2 From times of old remember ftill where thy polTefTions fell : The purchase place of Sion hill, where thou waft wont to dwell. 3 Perpetual ruines are begun ; come help, O come apace : See what thy foes have lewdly done within thy holy place. 4 Amidft thy congregations here, thine enemies rage and roar j And fet for figns their enfigns there where thou waft lerv'd before. 5 A man was famous formerly, for hewing down thick trees, By lifting up his ax on high, to fetch his blow at thefe. 6 But now they rend and rafe as faft, and all at once are broke : The curious carved work defoc't, with ax and hammers ftroke. 7 Thy holy houfe they fet on flame, defil'd, and caft to ground : The dwelling-place of thy great name ? where once thou waft renowri'd. 8 They faid in heart, come on, let us deftroy them out of hand : And they hare burnt up every houfe of God in all the land. . 9 Our figns are loft, our Prophets gone, thine oracles are dumb : Among us all there is not one knows when an end fhall come. Tht Second part. 10 How long, Lord, fhall the enemy breath fuch reproach and fbame i K 2 I$6 Pfalm ixxiv. Lord, fhall our foes perpetually blafpheme thy facred name ? 11 Where-fore, O Lord, withdraweft thou thy hand, even thy right hand ? O from thy bofom pluck it now, thine enemies to withftand. 12 For God is JfraeVs king of old, who hath falvation wrought : And all the earth may well behold what help to his he brought. 13 Thou by thy ftrength didft part the feas, where liquid water fpreads : And in the very depth of thefe thou brok'ft the dragons heads. 1 4 Leviathans heads thou didft divide, although his ftrength was great ; And thus thy people werefuppli'd iW wildernefs for meat. 15 The flood and fountain, Lord moft high, thy power did cleave in two : And mighty rivers thou mad'ft dry, that Ifrael might go through. 16 Thefhiningday and fhady night, peculiarly are thine : Thou haft, O Lord, prepafd the light, and caus'd the fun to fhine. 1 7 The earth with all the ends and coafts, thy mighty hand did frame : Both fummers heat and winters frofts By thine appointment came. The third part. 1 8 Remember this O Lord Supream, and keep it on recotd, How foes reproach and fools blafpheme thy (acred Name , O Lord. 19 Thy turtles foul which many hate, do not to them deliver : T! Pftlm Ixxiv. ' §97 Thy congregations poor eftate do not forget forever. so Regard thy covenant, rid and clenfe dark corners of our land, 5o full of cruel robbers dens, as every where they ftand. 21 O let nor thofe uat are oppreft return again with fhame : But help the needy and diftrefs'c, and let them praife thy name. 22 Arife, O Lord, and dill maintain the caufe that is thy own : ■ Remember well how fools difdaio, and daily fcorns are thrown. 23 Think, Lord, how great their fury grows* how infolent, how high : Tiie tumults of thy rebel foes increafe continually. PSALM LXXIV, Metre 2. TsrA&vp&fiKui, Te Children, &c. A Re we, O Lord, then quite forlorn, And ean'ft Thou thus for ever fcorn , the people which Thou once did' ft prize ? DidftThou in thy fair Paftures keep, And with fuch care preferve thy fheep to be thine angers Sacrifice ? Didft thou redeem us with fuch pain Only to fell us back again, a People which Thou bought' ft fo dear * Thefe didft Thou purchafe, and the Place, That thou might'ft both at once deface and never more inhabit there I O do not fo remember ftill Thy Sion, thy beloved Hill the dwelling place which did theepleafe : Lift up thy feet and come in hafte K 3 i See m 198 Pfalm lxxiv. See how thine Enemies rob and wafte within thy facred Palaces. The barbarous Soldier now doth roar Where thou haft been ador'd before, their Enfigns in thy Temple are : A man was famous formerly For timber-work to bnild on high, but now is all Iay'd waft and bare. The Second part. Thy Sanftuary ?s fet on flame The houfes facred to thy Name are all demoliftft to the ground ; Their cruel hearts have all confpir'd, The Synagogues of God are fifd, and whatfoever was renownd. No more thy wonted figns appear, No more our Prophets can make clear the deftinies that are to come, Not one can fo much as forecaft How long thefe woful times may laft, but thine own Oracles are dumb. How long, Lord, fhall the foe reproach. How long fhall Enemies incroach forever to blafpheme and dare ? Thy hand no longer now withdraw, Thy hand that keeps the world in awe* O pluck it out and make it bare. For, Lord, thou art my King alone, From everlafting is thy Throne, and was eftablifhed of old : Thou work'ft falvation in the midft Of all the earth, and this thou didft in fight of Ifrael to behold. The Third fart, The fea thou parted'ft at one ftroke, And the fierce Dragons heads haft broke, Pfalm lxxiv. ' i$? the Dragons which purfu'd thy fheep : Pharaoh that proud Leviathan And hisftout Captains every man were Overwhelmed in the deep. Thou gaveft hin>and all his Hoft To feed thy flock in defert Coaft which faw them tumbled on the fand i Thou did°ft at once fas thou faw'flgood) Divide the fountain and the flood, and change large rivers into land. The day that doth the world difclofe, The night ordain'd for our repofe were formM by thee, and both are thine, On this great work thy pencil la>'d, - The colours both of light and (hade and by thy beams the Sun doth fhine. And thou with an exaft furvey The frontiers of the Earth did'fl lay incroaching Nature fo to bound : Thou didft the pleafant Summer make And Winter (which with frofts doth quake,) to run in a perpetual round. The 'Fourth part. Remember this, O Lord fupream How foolifh foes thy Name blafpheme, and fcornthee with reproaches rude* Do not forfake thy Turtle fo, Nor let her foul ftill mourning go among the wicked multitude ; Though flie fhould merit thy negleft Yet thine own Covenant refpeft which thou in her defence didfl fwear : For the dark places of the land Full of the dens of robbers ftand, and cruel men inhabit there. O let not thine that are diftrefs'd Be doubly at one time opprefs'd, K 4 add 200 PSALM Ixxv. add not unto their lofles fhame : As they are needy and more poor So if relieved their thanks are more 5 O lee them therefore praife thy Name ! Arife OGod in thine own caufe. Plead in defence of thine own Laws, and force the fool his fcorns to ceafe: Can'fi: thou at once hold ofFand hear Wbirft all their Tumults gather near, and do continually increafe* PSALM LXXV. OGod, we render thanks to thee, to thee we give the fame : For by thy wondrous works we fee thenearnefsof thy name. 2 When I the congregation call, an upright judge I'le be. 3 The earth's diffblv'd, the men and all, • her pillars hold by me. 4 BtttI admonifht them the while, ye wicked fools, faid I, Ee not fo vain, be not fo vile, nor life your horn fo high. 5 Prefumptuous horns do not advance, nor fpeak with haughty mouth : 6 Promotion doth not come by chance, from eaft, or weft, or fowl?. 7 But God is foveraign judge alone, and there can be no other : He at his pleafure pulls down one, and fetteth up another. 8 For in God's hand there is a cup, the Iiquour that it hath Is wine as red as blood, fill'd up with mixtures of his wrath. He pours it out , and he will make the wicked of the land Wrii w Pfalm Ixxv. 20 1 Wring out the very dregs, and take, and drink them at his hand. 9 To Jacob** God I will each day declare frefh fongs of praife* io The wicked's horns Tie cut away, but righteous mens Tie raife. PSALM LXXY. Mttrt 2. TO thee, O God we bring a Crown of living praife, To thee our thanks we ling, and hearts devoutly raife •, Though thou art high^ Thy wonders fhow that we may know Thy Name is nigh. When people flock to me, Tie be an upright judge : And make them all agree and bear ho kind of grudge ; The Earth would fall, Did not my reign with power fuftain her pillars all. The fool I did correft, and did his folly fhame, The wicked man I checks, his haughty pride to tame i From his high brow The horn I broke j and to my yoke his neck did bow. For neither from the Eaft promotion doth betide, Nor from the South or Weft, or anycoaft befide: That God bellows, Whofe foveraign power can in an hour Crown or rkpofe. I 5 SVirf? MM 202 Pfalrn Ixxv). With red and mixed wine a golden bowl he fills, Whofe virtue is Divine where-ever it diftills : But of this cup The dreggs remain for the profane to drink them up. But I will ftill declare and fpread thy praife abroad. That (hall be all my care to fing of Jacob's God ; Like him, I will Debafe rhe bad, but honour add to good men ftill, PSALM LXXVL THe Lord is known in Judah well, and his moft glorious name Is very great in Ifrael, which doth excoll his fame. 2 The tabernacles of his grace at Salem you may fee ; At Sion is the dwelling-place where he defires to be, 3 The burniffct arrows brake he there, the arrows of the bow : The battel, fword, and fhield and fpear> the weapons of the foe. 4 Much brighter is thy glorious crown, more excellent each uy, And worthy of much more renown, then all the mounts of prey. 5 Lo, thou haft fpoilM the flout of mind, and they have flept thtir fleep : Their hands the mighty could not find, their lives they could not keep, £ O God of Jacob f thy reproof fcnt many a daring head, Chari< PfalttHxxvJ^^^^^^^lOj Chariot, and horfe with thundring hoof, to deep among the dead, 7 Thou, thou alone commanded fear* as worthy of the fame : And who may in thy fight appear when once thy wrath doth flame ? 8 When thou didft make thy judgement come from heaven fhining clear, The earth that heard it was firuck dumb,. And all fat ftill for fear: 9 When as the Lord to judgment rofe , and fefit his judgments forth, To fave from their incenfed foes all meek ones of the earth. io The fury that in man doth reign, unto thy praife redounds : Remaining wrath thou (halt retrain, and fet mens paffions bounds. 1 1 Vow to the Lord your God, and pay, : let all about his throne Bring prefents to him every day, for God's a dreadful one, 1 2 He tames the pride and jollity of princes in their mirth : And very terrible is He to all the kings on earth* Thefpirit of princes his proud foes, he cuts it clean away : And terrible he is to thofe that earthly fcepters [way. H. Metre. All people, or, O Lord, confijer, &c* I In Judah God is known :o his, Hu name is great in Ifiacl : % His 304 Pfalm Ixxvij. 2 His fanftu'ry at S A L E M is, He d#th in Sion-moumam dwell. 3 The bows and arrows brake he there, The battel, fhleld, and fword and fpear* 4 Thou art more glorious every way, And excellent then mounts of prey. 5 The flout of heart are over-thrown, And they have flept their fleeps laft night : And of the mighty men, not one Hath found his hands wherewith to fight. 6 O Go4 of Jacobs thy reproof SpoiPd rattling wheel, and thundring hoof: Chariot and horfe, at thy fierce blafV Into a fleep of death are cart. 7 Thou, thou alone art worthy fear* For who may ftand before thine eyes ? Who dares approach, who dares appear, When once thy burning wrath doth rife ? ? From heaven thou mak'ft judgment heard y The filent earth was fore afeard 9 When God.grofe to judgment then, To fave on earth all humble men. jo Man's wrath fhall furely praife thy name, Henceforth held in by thy reftraints. 11 O make your vows, and pay rhe fame Unto the Lord your God, ye faints. 12 Let all about him prefents bring To him that daunts the proudeft king ; To him, I fay, whofe fearcompells, And princes fpirirs curbsand quells* PSALM LXXVII, IWith my voice to God did cry, Even with my voice aloud ; I cry'd to God, who gracioufly to me his ear hath bow'd. ft. I fought him in my woful 4Uyj »y fore flill ran all night ; * My Pfalm lxxvi^ 205 My weary foul did put away all comfort and delight. 3 I thought on God in my diftrefs, yet trouble did remain : And overwhelm'd with heavinefs, my foul did fore complain. 4 Mine eyes from fleep thou doft reftrain, and mak'ft me ftill to wake : I am fo vext and full of pain, my fpeech doth me forfake. $ Then thought I on the days of old, the years of ancient times \ Wherein God's mercies manifold did overflow our crimes. 6 My fong by night I call'd to mind, I comraun'd with my heart: My foul made earned fearch to find fome word to ea ferny fmart. 7 Alas faidl, what, will the Lord caftoff, and not reftore ? And from henceforth will he afford no favour any more ? 8 Is all his mercy ceas't and gone ? muft that no more prevail ? The promife of the holy one 3 (fall that for ever fail ? 9 Hath God forgotten to exprefs his mercies wonted meafure ? Is his dear love and tendernefs fhut up in his difpleafure ? 10 ThenfaidI, my infirmity doth caufe thefe doubts and fears % I will recall what God moft High hath done in former years. The Second part* 11 I will retain in memory thy wonders manifold ; . Pfalm Ixxvi). I will remember certainly thy wondrous works of old. 12 And I will alio meditate of all thy works of fame : And I will chearfully relate how thou haft wrought the fame. 13 Within thy fanduary bright thy way, O God, is known : And there is none to match the might of our Almighty one. 14 Thou art the God by whofe great might are wrought fuch wonders rare ; And plainly in thy peoples fight * thy works thou didft declare. 15 All Ifraels whole pofterity are thy redeemed indeed : Thy arm did fet at liberty Jacob and Jofeptfs feed. 16 The waters did thy vifage fee, they faw and were afraid : And at the very fight of thee the depths were fore difmai'd. 17 Excefilve ftorms the clouds poufd our, the skies fent forth a found: Thy arrows alfo walk't about, and were difperfed round. 1 8 Thy thundering voice was heard on high, and from the heavens fpake : Thy lightnings lightned earth and sky ; the earth did move and quake. 19 Great waters and great feas there be, which thou didft tread and trace : Though none can now thy foot-fteps fee, nor know the certain place. 20 Thou ledft thy people on the faad amidft the feas fo deep , By Mofes and by Aaron's hand like to a fleck of fheep* PSALM Pfalm Ixxviij, PSALM LXXVIII. HEarken, my people, to my Jaw, encline your ears to hear : And kt my fpeech attention draw, and win a liftning ear. 2 My mouth fhall fpeak a parable, and fayings dark of old : 3 Which we have heard and kaown fo well, and which our fathers told. 4 We will not from their feed conceal the wonders God hath done : His praifeand power we will reveal unto the age to come. 5 For God himfelf eflablifhed in Jacob this decree : This ftatute he determined in Ifraelhr to be. And charg'd our fathers every one, to hear what he decreed. And to declare, and make it known to their enfuing feed. 6 That th'age to come and following race, his teftaments might know : Who fhould arife in fathers place, and them to theirs fhould fhow. 7 That they thereby might learn to fet their hope in God above: * And might not God'sgreat works forget, but keep his law in love. 8 And like their fathers might not be> degenerate and bafe : A ftiff and ftubborn progenle, and a rebellious race. A generation fure they were, whofe heart was not fet right : Whofe foul like wife was not fincere, and perfeft in God's fight, Dfc 2c3 JPfalm IxxviiJ. The Sicond part. 9 The fonV of Ephraim, carrying bows r nor did they armour lack, In day of battel with their foes, were forc'c to turn their back. lp God*s covenant they obferved nor, nor would his laws regard : 1 1 His works and wonders they forgot, which he to them declar'd. 12 Great marvails had their fathers known* all afted' in their fight : In Egypt and the field ofZoan, performed by his might. 1 3 The fea fcr them he did divide, and did the chanel drain .• He heap'c the waters on each fide, and made for them a lane* 14 He led them with a cloud by day, and with a brighter light Cf flaming fire he fhew'd the way, and led them all the night. 3 5 The ftronger rocks he alfo clave within the defart dry : And, drink as frorrrgreat depths, he gave to them abundantly.. 16 He made the ftony rock to drown the defart where it flood, And made the waters to run down like to ahafty flood. 17 Yet did they fin exceedingly, and more and more tranfgrefs, Greatly provoking the moft High within the wildcrnefs. iS Yea in their heart their fin was great, for (outofdeepdlftruft) They tempted God, by asking meat to fathfie their luft. Pfalm lxxviij. acp 19 Yea agamfl God they fpake no lefs, and faid profanely thus, A table in the wildernefs can God provide for us ? The Third pxrt. 20 Eebold he fmotc the rock indeed, and thence gufht waters great : But can he give his people bread, and fend them flefh to eat ? 21 Therefore the Lord this thing difcern'd* and causM his wrath to fwell : His anger againft Jacob burn'd, and fcorched IfracL 22 Since they did not on God rely, por on that faviour wait, 23 Though he had charg'd the lofty sky, and opened heaven gate. 24 And fhowers of Manna he did raio, for them to eat their fill : And gave them of the. fined: grain that heaven couJd diftill. 2' } So mortal man did freely eat the food of angels rare : For God fent down that heavenly meat, enough and yet to fpare. 25 A wind to blow in heaven he fent from Eiftern parts defign'd, And by his power omnipotent brought in the fouthern wind. 27 He rain'dupon them living flefh, like fummers duft for ftore : And feacher'd fowl he brought them freffc, as fand upon the more. 28 In midft of ail the camp throughout he let it gently fall : And hedifperft it round about their habitations all 29 So 2io . Pfairn Ixxviij. 29 So they did eat their greedy fill 5 neir own defire he gave ; 30 Nor were eftrang'd from their own will, nor what their luft did crave. But while the meat was in their mouth, 31 God's wrath upon them fell, And flew the flower of ail their youth, and choice of Ifrael. 32 Yet for all this they finned ftill, their gracious God they grieve : And let his works be what they will, they never would believe. 33 Therefore he made their defliny their miferies to double \ Spending their days in vanity, and all their years in trouble. The Fourth part. 34 But when he (lew thefe wicked men, they back to God retir'd j And fought him very early then : and after God inquired. 3 5 Remembring then that God alone was all the rock they had And that redeemer they had none, except the higheft God. 36 Yet they difiembled all along and flatter'd with their mouth They ly'd unto him with their tongue, and fought him not in truth. 37 For ftill their hearts hypocrify was manifeftly fhew'd : And that they walk'r not ftedfaftly in covenant with their God. 38 But he fo full of clemency, their injuries forgot ; And pardon'd their iniquity, and overthrew them not. Yea Pfilm Jxxviij. 211 Yea, many a time he pleas'd to turn deftruftion from their path : And would not let his anger burp, nor ftir up all his wrath. 39 For gracioufly he cali'd to mind how that they were but flefh \ And like a tranfitory wind, • that doth not come afrefh. 40 How often in the wildernefs • did they provoke him fore: And in the defarts did tranfgrcis, and grieve him more and more ? 41 Yea they turn'dback, ns always prone to tempt the Lord moft high : And limired the holy one of 7/?^/(hameful!y. 42 They were unmindful of his hand, and of that famous day, When from the foe in fcrrein land he brought them fafe way. 43 Nor did they keep his figns in thought, which were in Egypt fhown, And mighty wonders he had wrought within the fields oiZomu 44 How he had turn'd the rivers there to loathfom ft reams of blood ; So that no beaft or paffenger could drink of lake or flood. The Fifth p art. 4$ He fent of flies of divers forts, amongftthem to devour : And to deflroy them in their courts, he joyrfd the frogs in power. 45 He let the caterpillars eat the frui: of all their foil : An J gave their labours hopeful fweat to be the lecufts fpoil. 47 Their 2i2 Pfalm Ixxviij. 47 Their pleafanc vines with hail-flone fhowers were beaten down and loft : And all their fpreading fycamores were periffrt with the froft. 48 Their cattel alfo he aflaults with battering fhowersof hail : And with the burning thunder-bolts he did their flocks afiail. 49 Fierce anger, wrath, and difcontent he let as fiercely fall By evil angels, which he fent to vex and plague them all. to He making way for his fierce wrath, fpar'd not their foul from death : But made the peftiknee a path to force their dying breath. 5 1 All Egypts firft-born in one night He fmote with dreadful hand, The verv chief of all their might, in Cham's accurfed land. 52 But made his people fafely pafs the danger of the deep : And led them in the wildernefs, like to a flock of fheep, 5 3 He Iedrhem fafe and free from fear, amidft the briny waves : But overwhelmed their enemies were, thefea became their graves, 54 And them unto the borders brought of his moft facred land : The mountain which himfelf had bought by power of his right hand. 55 The heathen folk he did expel, and did their lands aflign An heritage to Ijrael, dividing it by line : And made his tribes dwell in their tents. 56 Yet tempt they God moft high, An Pfalm Ixxviij. 213 And kept not his commandements, but griev'd him vehemently; 37 Unfaithfully they backwards Aide, their fathers dealt jufl fo : And they likewife were turn'dafide, like a deceitful bow, $8 With places which they built on high, they did tfie Lord difpleafe; And moved him to jealoufie with graven images* the Sixth part. 59 When God heard this, (as he muft needs) he was exceeding wrath % And Ifrael which had donefuch deeds, he did abhor and loath. 60 So that the tents oiSbiloh were forfaken by him then : The tents which he had placed there among rebellious men. £ 1 And fent into captivity his ark in forrain land : And gave his beauteous dignity into his enemies hand. 62 He gave his people to be flain by the devouring fvvord • And caus'd his wrath to fcorch amain the heritage of the Lord. 63 The fire of his incenfed rage confumes their young men brave : And honourable marriage their maidens might not have. 54 Yea, by the fvvord their priefts did faMJ, and yet, alas ! there went No widows to the funerall, their fad deaths to lament. i s tf j But then the Lord awoke anon, as one from fleep doth ftart ; And 214 Pfalm Ixxix. And fhouted iike a mighty man, when wine hach chear'd his heart. 65 And fmote his foes i'th hinder parts to rheir perpetual fhame : A vile difeafe for vile deferts, which on his enemies came. 6 j And Jofeptfs tabernacle was wholly refus'd by him : And yet he chafe not in thofe c'ays the tribe of Ephraim, 6$ But chofe the tribe of Judith there, even Sions focred mount ; Above all other places dear, and high in his account. 69 And there his holy temple -placY, like Pullaces en high : And like the earth, which he fctfafr to perpetuity* 70 He chofe his fervant David too, took him from folds of fheep, And fet him other work to do, a flock of men to keep : 71 From following the great-bellied ewes, the Lord's own flock to feed j His people jfrael, and the Jews^ that were of Jacob's feed. 72 So David fed them faithfully, and govern'd all the land After his hearts integrity, and with a skilful hand. PSALM LXXIX. ""T*He Heathen, Lord, come in amain, JL thine heritage to wafle: Thy holy temple they profane, Jerufalem is rac't. 2 Dead bodies of thy fervamsdear t.tu Pfalrn Ixxix. 215 And thy faints flefh hurl r d here and there, to every favage beaft. 3 Their blood about Jerufalem like water they have fhed : And none was left to bury them when they were (lain and dead, 4 Our neighbours near do us deride, and mock us to cur face : And round about on every fide they load us with difgrace. 5 How long, Lord, fhall thine anger be ? wilt thou (till keep the fame ? Andfhail thy fervent jealoufie burn like unto a flame? 6 On Heathens pour thy fury our, which know thee not at all ; And on thole kingdoms round about that on thy Name neV call. 7 For they have greedily devour d thy fervant Jacob's race. And quite hid wafte with fire and fword his ancient dwelling-place. S O think not on our former crimes, prevent us ( be not flofv ) With tender mercy fhcwM betimes, for we are very low. The Second part. 9 Help us, O God our ftrength and flay, and that for thy names fake, • Save us, and purge our fins away and all the glory take. 10 Why fay the heathen, where's their God ? be known then in their fight : Revenge on them thy fervants blood, which they have fpilt in fpite. 1 1 The p r iforer? throbbing fi ;l 216 Pfalm lxxix. And by thy foveraign power reprieve the men condemn'd to die. 1 2 And let our neighbours have reftorM into their bofoms bold, The (corns they cart on thee, Lord, reftore them (even- fold. 13 So we thy flock and heritage will ever blefs thy Name : And fpread thy praife from age to age, and celebrate thy fame. PSALM LXXIX. Metre 2. Give Laud, &c. HEathens are come, O God f thine heritage to fpoil, And have profanely trod On Shn's facred foil, and now, at once, Jerufalem is made, by them, an heap of ftones. Thy fcrvants they have (lain, and their dead bodies given, For meat to entertain the ravenous fowls of Heaven : and they have thrown Thy Saints dear flefh for favage beafts to feed upon. Their blood have they fhed round about Jerufalem, As water on the ground, and none to bury them, We are fet out A fcorn to thofe our neighbouring foes all round about. the Pfalra Ixxix. li? Ibt Stconi firu How long wilt thou, O Lord, be wroth, and not return ? Shall Jealoufie be ftin'd perpetually to burn ? O let it bee Poufd out on them (thofe Heathen men) that know not thee. The Kingdoms let it fcorch that call not on thy Name, For they have rent thy Church, and quite devour'd the fame : All Jacob's race They have defac't, and quite laid wafie his dwelling place. Remember in no cafe \ againft us former crimes, But let thy tender grace prevent us Lord betimes 5 For we with wo And great decay, are, at this day, brought very low. Thy help, O God, we claim now we are humbled thus : For honour of thy Name O Saviour fuccourus : O purge and take Our fins away, we humbly pray for thy Names fake* Why fiiould the Heathen fay What ! is their God now" loft ? Be known Lord, !n a way of Judgment, to their coft. And, in our light, Revenge, O God, thy Servants blood fpilt by their fpite* ft L Tfx 2i8 Pfalm lxxx. The Third part. O let the Prifoners fighs before thee have accefs, And (peak Lord by the voice of thine Almightinefs j O rhou raofl high, Deliver them whom they condemn, and doom to die* And Lord repay it back witli payment fevenfold Into our neighbours lap Whoever durfl be bold To caft one word Of fcornful fbame upon thy Name O mighty Lord. So we, O God, that are thy pafture, flock and ftore Shall thankfully declare thine honour evermore j And ever (hall Thy praife proclaim, and fpread thy fame to Ages all* PSALM LXXX. O Shepherd, thou that dofl provide for IfraeTs tribe and flock, And dofl the feed of Jacob guide, and le'ad'ft him like a flodk ; Thou glorious God, that dwelffl between the cherubims on high. Give ear, and let thy light be feen to fhine forth glorioufly. 2 In Ephraim\ and ManaJJetfs fighc, and Benjamin's appear : In all our fight ftir up thy might, to fcre us, Lord, draw neai;. 3 Turn I Pfalm Ixxx. si? 3 Turn us, O God, to thee again, for we too long have fweiVd : Caufe thou thy face on us tofhine, and we fhall be preferv'd. 4 Lord God of hofts, how long (hall we be left tothisdefpair? How long, Lord, wilt thou angry be at thy own peoples prayer ? 5 Thou giv'ft thy people rears for bread, and tears likewife for drink : Their table thus is overfpread, their cup filTd to the brink, 6 Thou mak'ft us in our neighbours *yes mere fubjefts of debate : With laughter do our enemies behold our fad eftate. 7 Turn us again, Lord God of hofts, and caufe (as we have craved,) Thy face to fhine on IfraePs coafts, and then we (hall be fav'd. The Second part. 8 A noble vine of Ifrael thou didft from Egypt bring : The heathen folk thou didft expell, and plant it there to fpring. i Thou rnad'fl it room for IfraeVi fake, by thy almighty hand : And caufed'ft it deep root to take, and lo it filfd the land. The hills and mountains all abroad were covered with its (hade : And like the cedar-trees of God, 1 her branches were difplay'd. |l Her boughs extending far and wide, unto the fea (he fent : Vnd to Euphrates river fide her other branches went. L 2 it Why K 220 Pfalm Ixxx. 12 Why haft thou then with great decay broke down her hedges fo, That all that pafs along the way do pluck her as they go ? 1 3 And it is wafted by the boar that cometh from the wood : The wild beads of the field great ftore, devour it for their food. The Third part* *4 Lord God of hofts, we beg of thee, return again to thine : Look down from heaven, behold and fee, and vifit this thy vine. i $ The viaeyard and the branches young, which thy right hand hath fet, And for thy felf haft made fo ftrong, do not, O Lord, forget. 16 It's burnt with fire, it is cut down, and in a wafting cafe, At thy rebuke, Lord, at the frown of thy difpleafed face. 17 Uphold, Lord, in his high degree the man of thy right hand ; The fon of man made ftrong by thee, and for thy caufe to ftand. 18 So will we not go back at all from thee, O Lord moft high : Then quicken us, and we will call on thy name conftantly. 19 Lord God of hofts, our hearts incline, and turn us now again : And caufe thy face on us to fhine, and fafe /hall we remain. PSA Pfalm Ixxxi. 221 PSALM LXXXL OSiag aloud with chearful voice to God our ftrength and (lay : And make a very joyful noife to Jacob's God this day. 2 O take a pfalm for melody, and bring the timbrel! hither, The pleafant harp and pfaltery, and joyn them all together. 3 Blow up the trumpet this new-moon^ (a duty not the lcart) At times appointed to be done, upon our folemn feait. 4 For this was made a fiature-IaiY- for Lrael of old j And fuch as God himfelf did daw,. for Jacob's fons to hold. { This he ordain'd in Jofeph's houfe, paffing through Eg)pt land : Where I did hear the barbarous, but did not underftand. 6 Ieas'd him of the burden there, that on his fhouldcrs lay : His hands likewife delivered were from making pots of clay. 7 O Ifraely thou didft call on me in thy diftrefsful cafe : Trefcu'd, and I anfwer'd thee in thunders ferret place. I prov'd thee alfo in the way, where thou would'ft needs prove me :: Even at the ftrearasof Meribah I cry'd and proved thee. The Stcond part. 8 O my dear people, come and hear, and Fife declare to thee ; ti. L.3 O 222 Pfakn lxxxj. Ifrael, if thou wilt give ear, and hearken unto me 5 9 There fhall be in thee no ftrange god, nor ever at all fhak thou Adore the gods that are abroad, to whom the Gentiles bow. 10 For 1 the Lord thy God am he who thee from Egypt led : Open thy mouth in prayer to me, and thou (halt fure be fped. 1 1 But though that I did Ifrael chufe, my own feleft to be: Yet Ifrael did ray voice refnfe, and would have none of me. 1 2 So then I gave them up unto their own hearts wandring thought, To walk as they defir'd to do, as their own counfels taught. 13 O that my people had complied, and hearkened unto me : And Ifrael had not walk't afide, but kept to my decree. 34 I fhould have foon fubdu'd their foes, and turn'd my powerful hand To the fubverfion of all thofe that durft againft them ftand. i$ The haters of the Lord (be fure,) had low fubmiflion made : But IfraeW time fhould ftill indure, and never have decay'd. 16 With fineft of the wheat fhould he have fed his chofcn flock : 1 would have fitisfied thee with honey from the rock. PSALM Pfalm Ixxxij. 223 PSALM LXXXII. IN the aflembly of the Great, the Lord himfelf doth (land : And fitteth in the judgment-feat with judges of the land. 2 Flow long fhall partiality prevail among you then, To make you judge unrighteoufly, and favour wicked men ? 3 Defend the poor and fatherlefs, opprefs'd by worldly might: Aid fuch as fuffer great diftrefs, and fee ye do them right. 4 The weak and poor deliver ye, and needy of me land : And rid them from the tyrannic of every wicked hand. j They know not, nor will undcrftand, in darknefs they walk on •, All the foundations of the land out of their courfe are gone, 6 I faid indeed that ye were gods, and fons of God moil high : And that ye had a mighty ods by princely majefty. 7 But ye as common men fhall die, and ye fhall fall one day As fell thole people formerly, whom vengeance fwept away, % Arife, O Lord, thy felf advance juft judgment to purfue : The earth is thine inheritance, all nations are thy due. PSALM LXXXIL Mitrt 2i /*^Od ftandeth in the throng with all the men of might, L 4 Thfl 224 V&l™ Ixxxij. Ixxxii), The Gods he fits among determining the right : Why do ye then* (So long a fpace) accept the face of wicked men ? The fatherlefs defend, and plead ye for the poor, The hand of Juftice lend th* opprefled to fecure : To poor men ftand, And thofe that need let them be freed from lewd mens hand. They do not, will not know, but in the dark walk on, The Earth's foundations go to mine, every one. Ye are\ faid I, As Gods and sons (the mighty ones) of the moft High. Eur like to other men ye fhail be in your death, And no more Princes then, after this mortal breath : G God arife, Judgment make known, for thou doft own all Monarchies. PSALM LXXXIIT. OGod, no longer hold thy peace* but now thy filence break ; This ftill tranquillity furceafe, and raife thy felf to (peak. 2 For now behold, thine enemies do rage tumultuouffy : And thofe that hate thee do arife, and lift their heads on high. SIj Pfalm Ixxxiij. Z2$ j. Sly confutations they did take againftusallatonce: And they their Plots together make agaioft thy hidden ones. 4 Come let us cut them off, faid they, and leave no root behind : So chat the name of Ifrael may no more be had in mind. $ For they have all with one confent, confulted as one man : Confederate, and againft thee bene with all the power they can. ■6 The tents of all the Edomices, and many other mens : J The Ifhmaelites and Moabkes, and all the Hagarens. 7- Gebal and Ammon do confpire, and Amalek combines With the inhabitants of Tyre, and with the Philiftines. [) Afiur is alfo joyti'd with thercij and all of them indeed . Have joyn d againft Jerufalen* with Lots inceftuous feed. The Sicond fart Do to them, Lord, as in that day when Midians hoaft was ft rook : As Jabin fell and Sifera, o'rerhrown at Kifhon brook : o Which miferably perifhed at Endor, and were found - [With carcafes all fcattered as dung upon the ground. [ Like Zeeb andOreb, O compel] their noble peers to fall : Ks Zeba and Zalmunna fell : foJet their princes all. L 4 5 !2..Thbfc.? $26 P&lm Ixxxiv. 12 Thofe namely that have fpoken thus, come on, and let us take The houfes of the Lord to us, and them our houfes make, 13 Make them I pray thee, O my God, like wheels that ftill turn round ; Or like the flubble blown abroad, when whirlwinds fweep the ground. 14 And as the fire confumes a wood with fierce and furious flame \ And mountains where the trees once flood, are finged with the fame : 1^ So let thy whirlwind furioufly purfuethem, Lord, fullfaft: And let thy tempefts terrify, and fright them with thy blaft. 16 Cover, O Lord, and fill their face with their deferved fhame : That they may humbly beg thy grace, and feek thy glorious name. 17 Yea, let them all confounded be, and troubled day and night : Yea bring them all to infamy, and let them perifh quite. 18 That men may know that thou alone* whom we Jehovah call, In all the earth the onely one, art higheft over all. PSALM LXXXIV, HOw lovely is thy dwelling place, O Lord of hofts, to me 1 The tabernacles of thy grace, how pleafant, Lord, they be ! 2 My foul doth long, yea faiets to fee the courts of thy abode : My heart and flefh cry out for thee, the ever-living God. 3 Pfalm Ixxxiv, %zq 3 The fparrow finds a room to reft, and fave her felf from wrong : The fwallow makes her felf a neft> where fhe may lay her young. Even nigh thine altars, Lord of hofls f my God and King moft high : While I ambanifh't from thy coafis, and forc't farr off to fly. 4 But oh, how happy men they be, that may dwell all their dayes Within thy houfe to honour thee, and ever give thee praife ! 5 And likevvife blefTed men are they, whofe flay and ftrength thou art *, That to thy houfe do mind the way> and feek it in their heart. 6 Who pafllng through the defartsdry^ Do take unwearied pain, In digging wells for their fupply, or ufe the pools of rain : , 7 And fo go on from ftrength to ftrength, till every one of them Appear before the Lord at length • hi his Jerufalem. the Stcond part. 8 O God of hofts, vouchfafe to hear < when I to thee do pray : O God of Jacob, lend an ear to that which I (hall fay. 9 O Lord our fhield, of thy good grace be pleas'd to look upon, And gracioufly behold the face of thine anointed one, 10 For in thy courts thy name to prails, I count a day fpent there Far better than a thoufand daye^ a thou&nd dayes elfewhere i The 223 Pfaim Ixxxivv The very threfhoJd of thy houie preferring far befoe The tents of the ungracious ; to dwell there evermore. 1 1 For God the Lord is fun and ftiield, he grace and glory gives : And no good thing (hall he withhold from him that purely lives. 1 2 O Lord of hofk, that man is blefy. and happy fure is he, Whofe heart by faith doth ever reft with confidence in thee. PSALM LXXXIV. Metre 2. Ye Children, Sec. * /*"\ Lord of hofts, how lovely fair V^l thy facred tabernacles are : 2 And there my fonl doth long to be Yea and my fpiric pines away, Within thy courts to come and pray : my flefh and heart cry out for thee. 3 O living God, methinks I mifs The fparrows and the fwallows blifs, fo happily inhabiting : For they may build their nefis full throng. And near thine altar lay their young* O Lcrd of hofis, my God, my King. 4 O blcffed are all thofe that may Dwell in thy houfe both night and day ; for they will ever give thee praife. 5 And bleft the man whofe ftrengthfs in thee,-. Who though he cannot prefent be, yet fets his heart on thy fweet waves. 6 That patting on by Baca's vale, Digg wells to ferve when, waters fail, or ufe the pools which rain doth fill. 7 From Pfalm lxxxv. 229 7 From ftrength to ftrengrh they travel there, Until at lafl they all appear before the Lord inSion hill. The fecond part: 8 G thou that art the God of war, Whofeall the hoafts of creatures are, depending on thy foveraignty, Vouchfafe thou, Lord, my prayer to heaiy Liften and lend a gracious ear, O God of Jacob's family. 9 O God our faviour and our fliidd, That doft to us protection yield, behold us with a kind afpeft : And now be pleas'd to look upon The face of thine anointed one, and let thy beams on him reflect. 10 For in thy courts I count one day A thoufand others to out- weigh : nay I had rather keep a door Within the houfeof the mod High,. Then dwell with all profperity in finners tents for evermore. 11 For God's a fun andfhteld divine, And doth with grace and glory fhiae,. and gives ail good things to the juft. 12 Bleft is the man, O Lord of hoafts,. That only thine affiftance boafts, And hath in thee repos'd histruft. PSALM Ixxxv. LOrd, thou haft dealt moft favourably with thy beloved land } And Jacobs hard captivity brought back with powerful hand, t Thy peoples foul iniquities, which they have lived in, Tho^ 23* Pfaltn lxxxv;. Mark well the words that I do fay, my fupplication hear. 7 In time when trouble doth memove,,, to thee I do complain : Becaufe I know and plainly prove, thou anfwef ft me again. 8 For like to thee, O Lord, is none among the powers divine ; Nor are the works of any one to be compared with thine. Tfo* Second p&rt. 9 .AH nations made by thy great might, all whom thy hands did frame, Shall come and worfhip in thy fight, and glorify thy name, io For, Lord, thouart a mighty one, and thou doft wondrous deeds : 4 And thou, O Lord, art God alone, from whom fuch power proceeds. 1 1 Teach me thy way of truth mod right* and Tie obferve the fame : And unto thee my heart unite 3 . that I may fear thy name. 12 I will praife thee unfeignedly, . O Lord, my God, that art $ And I will ever glorify thy name with all my heart : * 13 Becaufe thy mercies fhew'd to me in greatnefs do excel : My foul by thee hath bin fet free out from the lowed hell. 14 OGod, theproudagainft me rife, and throngs of violent men Have fought to make my foul their prize* but thee they mind nqt then. . 1$ But Pfalm Ixxxvii. 23 j 15 But, Lord; thou art a God moft kind, fuffering no little fpace : 1 Companions (lore in thee we find, and plenteous truth Jhd grace. 16 O turn to me, andpitty me, and let thy fervant have The ftrength that is beftow'd by thee, Thy hand-maids fon to fave. 1 7 And fhew me fome good token now, that hateful foes may fee And be afham'd, becanfe that thou do ft help and comfort me. PSALM LXXXVIL THe ground- works of God's city fair are very ftrongly ftai'd : Upon the holy mountains are his firm foundations laid. 2 God Toves the gates of Sion beft, his grace doth there abide : He loves them more then all the reft cf Jacobs tents befide. 3 Moft glorious things are faid of thee, Ocity of the Lord* 4 Rahab and Babylon fhall be thy converts on record. All thofe that know me, with defire hereof fhall hear me tell : How Ethiope, Paleftine, and Tyre, were born in Ifrael. 5 And it fhall be of Sion faid, this and that man (he bore : And the moft High will be her aid, and ftrengtrfnher evermore: 6 Counting the Gentile with the Jew, Recording every heir. 7 The 2j4 Vfa\m Ixxxvi;; 7 The fingers and muficians too, and all my fprings are there. II. mm. LO ! there the firm foundation lies Of Sion's facred EDIFICE upon the hills of holincfs, The Gates whereof the Lord doth love AH other buildings far above whatever Jacob doth poffefs. Moft glorious things are' fpread abroad. Of thee, O city, lovV of God, fpoken to thy Eternal fame % Thou fhalt have Convert many a one, ./Egypt, and alfo Babylon, hear, O my friends ! what I proclame. Behold, both Tyre and Paleftinc With Ethiopia fhall be thine Sion brought forth this forreigner , And faid of Sion it fhall be This and that man was born in thee, And God moft high (hall ftabiifhher. The Lord in his eternal fcroli Shall Sion's citizens inroll, This man was born in Sion hill : There's he that plays 4 there's he that fiogs, And all my pure fpiritual fprings are found to flow within thee ftilL III. Metre. <£& By reafon of my mifery mine eyefheds many a tear: Lord, I have daily call'd on thee, to thee my hands I rear* io Intend'ft thou, Lord, faid I, to fhow thy wonders to the dead ? Shall dead men rife from graves below to make thy praifes fpread ? 1 1 Shall we thy Ioving-kindnefs, Lord, within the grave exprefs ? Or can deftruftion beft record thy truth and faithfulnefs ? 12 Shall we in darknefs underftand thy wonders manifold : And in oblivion's cloudy land, thy righteoufnefs behold ? i ; But thefe my prayers and my criesj jp to thee, O Lord, I fent : And early ere the morning rife, my prayers fhall thee prevent. 14 Why then, Lord, is my foul, I fay, thus long caft off by thee ? And wherefore doft thou hide away thy gracious face from me ? 15 I am affliftedlike to die* fuffering from youth to age : I am dtftrafted whilft that I indure fuch wrath and rage. \6 The fiercenefs of thy furious wrath is gone quite o're my head : And Pfalm Ixxxviij. 237 And I do feem as one cut off with daily fear and dread. 17 They came about me every way, as waters breaking out : And altogether every day they compafs'd me about. 1 8 And thou haft feparated far from me my friends and lovers : And thofe that mine acquaintance are, a cloud of darknefs covers. II. Metre. All Ptople, Sec. or s Lord Cwfidtr* LOrd God of my fal vation dear, I cry'd before thee day aad night : Unto my cry incline thine ear, And let my pray'r come in thy fight. For, Lord, my foul Is filFd with wo, My life draws nigh unto the grave Reck'ned with them that fink fo low, And very little ftrength I have. A freeman in this dead cftate, As flain, and buried, and forgot : As whom thy hand hath feparate, And fuch as thou regarded nor. Thou lay'fl me in the loweft ward, Where dark and deepeft dungeons are ; Thy wrath upon me Iyeth hard, And all thy bitter ftorms I bear. My friends from me thou haft reftrain'd, And made me loath'd in lovers eyes: In prifon I am faft detained, Mine eye laments my miferies. O Lord, I daily calfd on thee, My humble hands I meekly raife.* Shall dead men, Lord, thy wonders fee, Shall dead men rife to give theepraifc? Idrd, 2%% Pfalm lxxxix. Lord, can the grave thy grace exprefs, Thy faithful truth deftruftion teach ? Thy wonders and thy righteoufnefs Can dark and dumb oblivion preach ? Betimes, O Lord, will I direft My humble fuits and cries to thee : Why doft thou Lord my foul rejeft, Why doft thou hide thy face from me ? My tortur'd foul is pain'd to death, while from my youth I always bear The heavy burdens of thy wrath, Thy terrours and diftrafting fear .• They closed me round as waters deep, They compafs'd me at once, I fay : From me my lovers thou doft keep, And mine acquaintance hid'ftaway. PSALM LXXXIX. TH* eternal mercies of the Lord my fong (hall ftill exprefs : My mouth to ages fhall record thy truth and faithfulnefs. 2 For mercy (hill be built, faid I, for ever to endure : In heaven it felf thy verity (hall be eftabliftft fure. 3 I made a covenant, faith the Lord, with David mine cleft ; And to my fervant pad my word, and fware to this effeft .• 4 Thy feed will I eftablifh faft, that it can never fall : And build thy throne that it (hall lafl to generations all. 5 The heavens (hall praife thy wonders, Lord, and all thy faithfulnefs Thy Pfalm lxxxix. 239 Thy congregations fhall record, and all thy faints confcfs. 6 For who in heaven can any way with our Lord God compare ? Which of the glorious angels may fo bold comparifon dare ? 7 In faints aflemblies evermore mud God have awful fear : With reverence muft they all adoie, that unto him draw near, 8 Lord God ofhofts, what lord is he with whom fuch ftrength is found > Or who has faithfulnefs like thee wherewith thou art girt rouad? 9 The reftlefs raging of the feas thou ruled at thy will : Their fwelling waves thou doft appeafe, and mak'ft them calm and ftill. 10 Thou brok'ft in pieces Egypts land, like one that flaughtered lies : Thou haft with thy almighty hand difperft thine enemies* Tbt Stcondfaru it The heavens and the earth are thkie, the world fo richly ftor'd, With all the fulnefs found therein 5 thou founded'ft them, O Lord. 12 The north and fouth no being had, before thou didft them frame : Tabor and Hermon fhall be glad, rejoycing in thy name. 13 O God, thou haft a mighty arm of foveraign command : Strong is thy hand, thy power is firm, and high is thy right hand. 14 Juftkc 240 Pfalm Ixxxlx. 14 Juftice and judgement on thy throne retain their dwelling-place : Mercy and truth, ccajoyn'd in one, (hall go before thy face. 15 Bleft is the people that doth know, and hear the joyful found : Thy beams fhall light them as they go, and fhine about them round, 1 6 They in thy name fhall all the day rejoyce exceedingly .• And in thy righteoufnefs (kail they be lifted up on high. 1 7 For of their ftrength thou art the crown, and of thy grace thou canft And wilt procure (with great renown) our horn to be aavanc't. 18 For, Lord, thou doft defend us well from every hurtful thing ; The holy one of Ifrael is our almighty King. The Third part. 1 9 In vifion to thy faint was faid, (for then thou mad'ft it known) Lo, I my helping hand have laid upon a mighty one. I have exalted very high one that is chofen forth Of all the people generally, and one of greateft worth. 20 My fervant David I have found, and on his honoured head, In token that he fliould be crown'd, my facred oyl I fhed. 21 With whom my hand fhall go along, to ftablifh him full fure : My Pfalm Ixxxtx. 24? My arm fhall alfo make him ftrong? that he may ftill indure. 22 The enemy fhall not opprefs, nor make of him a prey : Nor fhall the fon of wickednefs afflift him any way. 23 I will beat down his furious foes, and quell thera in his fight : And I will greatly plague all thofe that bear him hate and fpite. 24 But lo, my faithfulnefs and grace to him fhall be the fame : His horn ftiall have the higheft place, exalted in my name. 2$ And I will make his power to reach unto the ocean wide : And his right hand of power fhall flretch unto the rivers fide. \6 Thou art my father, he fhall cry, thou art my God alone : Thou art my rock to which I fly for my falvation. ' And I will make fc im my firft-born, by priviledge of birth: And will exalt his glorious horn above all kings on earth. 8 My mercy will I make to laft, preferv'd for him in ftore : My covenant alfo fhall ftandfafi with him for evermore. >9 His feed will I perpetuate, that it fhall laft alwayes : His throne fhall bear as long a date, as heavens eternal dayes. The Fourth part. ;o If David's feed forfake my law, and walk not in my way : M 31 I* 242 Pfalm Ixxxix. 31 If from my precepts they withdraw, ; and from my ftatutes ftray .• 32 They (hall be furethat I their God tovifit will begin -, And fcourge them with a fmarting-rod, for their offence and fin. 3} Yet wholly to withdraw my love, their fin fhall not prevail : Nor fhall they fo much anger move, to make my truth to fail. 34 My covenant I will never break, it fhall contiaue ftill : And that which once my lips did fpeak, Tie certainly fulfill. 3 5 Once by my holinefs I fwore, that facred oath and high ', That having promifed before to David, Vk not Iy. 35 His feed forever fhall endure, while time it felf fhall run : His throne fhall be eftablifh'c fure before me, as the fun, 37 And as the moon within theskie for ever ftandeth faft, A faithful witnefs there on high * fo (tall his kingdom laft. The Fifth fart. 38 But now thou haftcaft off, O Lord, and left me all alone; Yea in thy wrath thou haft abhorfd me thine anointed one. 39 Thy covenant with thy fervant made, thou haft again unbound : His crown thou haft ignobly laid and caft upon the groynd. 40 Moreover thou haft broken down his hedges every one*' And Pfalm lxxxix. 24? And his ftrong holds in every town thy hand hath overthrown. 41 All they that pafs along the way^ do fpoil him every where *, He is a meer reproach and prey unto his neighbor's necr* 42 Thou haft exalted the right hand of all his bitter foes, And made his hatefu1enemi.es ftand, rejoycing at his woes. 43 Moreover, Lord, his fword fo keen, thou now haft blunted quite ; Nor art thou in the battle fe-en, to make him (land in fight. 44 His glory thou haft made to ceafc, and caft his throne to ground : 4^5 His youthful dayes thou did' ft decreafe, and him with fhame confound. 46 Wow long, Lord; wilt thou hide thy face^ and not again return? Shall thy fierce wrath fo long a fpace, like fire, confume and bum ? 17 Remember, Lord, how fhort an hour I have for to remain : Wherefore haft thou impIoyM thy powes, to make all men in vain ? ^8 What man alive fhall not fee death, but ftill his life fhall fave. And flay the- hand that ftop6 his breath, to bring him to the grave I 9 Lord, where's thy former clemency ? thy kindnefs in our youth, Which thou haft fworn fofolernnly to David, in thy rrurh. * * o Remember. Lord, what great difgracc, v is by thy fervants born M 2 And 244 Pfalm xc. - And how my bofom doth imbrace the mighty people's fcorn. $ i Reproaches which thine enemies, on me, O Lord, have thrown, And do the foot-fteps fcandalize of thine anointed one. 52 But bleft for ever be the Lord, and bleft be God agen ; And let the church with one accord refound amen, amen. PSALM XC. LOrd thou haft been our dwelling-place from age to age on earth } 2 Thou waft before the time and fpace, which gave the mountains birth: Or ever thou had'ft fram'd or form'd the earth, or fmalleft clod, Or any part of all the world ; thou art eternal God. 3 Thou grindeft man through grief and pain to very duft, and then Thou fafft return to duft again, return ye fons of men. 4 Though life a thoufand years do laft, it feemeth in thy fight, As yefterday when it is part, or as a watch by night. <; As with the^floods that fwiftly pafs, thou carried them away •, Even like a fleep, or like the grafs which quickly doth decay *, 3 Which in the morning grows upright, but fadeth by and by j And is cut down ere it be night all withered, dead and dry. 7 For Pfalm xc. 24$ 7 For by thine anger Lord our God are we confum'd and fpent; And troubled with thy flinging rod of wrathful punifhment. 8 Thou fetteft our iniquities plainly before thy face, And thy clear countenance defcries our fins in fecret place. 9 For all our days are part away, thine anger taking hold We fpend our years from day to day as when a tale is told. I o The date of all our dayes appears but threefcore years and ten ; And they that live to fourfcore years arc furely ftrongermen : Yet pain and grief is all the flrength which then they count upon * And alfo that cut off at length 3 and we as Wafts are gon. I I To whom O God doth it appear what power thine anger hath, Even according to thy fear, fo is thy dreadful wrath. 12 Lord teach us this religious art of nurabring out our dayes y That fo we may apply our heart to facred wifdom's wayes. 13 Return, O Lord j how long ere thou compaffion on us take ? I O let it, Lord, repent thee now, for thy dear fervant's fake. 14 O fill us early with thy grace, that fo we may rejoice } And all our lives continued fpaee, triumph in heart and voice. M ? 1$ Accord- 24$ Pfolra xc- 15 According to the days whereia thou plagu'ft us, make us glad \ After the years which we have feefr fo forrowful and fad : \6 let thy blefled work appear 4into thy fervants true, And let thy glory fhine moft clear onto their children's view. 17 Shew us the beauty of thy face - r and what we take in hand, Eftablifh, Lord, of thy good grace, And make it firm to /land. lit Metre. <$£$$£$& Kat$* The Firft part. lord thou haft been our dwelling-place, ki generations all: Thou waft ere there was form or face of creature great or fmall, Before the mountains had their birth the world or fmalleft clod Of ail the vaft and fpacious earth, thou art eternal God. But as for man that* s made of clay he's foon unmade agen : And falls to duft, when thou doft fay, return, ye fons of men. Whereas again, a thoufand years to thy eternal fighr, Asyeftcrday that's paft, appears, or as a watch by night. Like to a fwifr or hafty ftream, thou mak'ft man's life-time pafs ; Or like a tranfitory dream , Or like the fpringiag grafs. Which in the morning ttourifheth, moft pleafontly up-grown: Pftlm xc. 147 And in the evening withereth, foon afcer it is mowen. For in thine anger we are fpent, and thus our time goes o're, And in thy wrath fo vehement we are affii&ed fore. Thou marked our iniquities as in the open Sun : And thy clear countenance defcries our fins in fecret done. For through thy wrath we faint and die, and all our days do fail, •Our years are fpent as ufelefly as when men tell a rale. The Second part. The time's but threefcore years We fpend our years as idle blafts , as if a tale were .told. The Second 'pm. : ic. Wans age is threefcore years and tee y And if a fironger fort of men - can fourfcore count upon ; Yet is their ftrength but grief and toil, I For all's cut off within a while, and quickly we are gone. H) 12. Who knows what power thine anger hath ; r ?or as thy fear fo is thy wrath, [ and greater if we knew ; Jo teach us, Lord, to count our dayes* That we may follow wifdom's waves,, and bring our hcara thereto. M 5 &5C P&lm xc;. 133 14-' Return, O Lord, no tarrying make, Repent thee for thy fervant's fake, whofe fufferings have bin fad : O fatisfie us fpeedily With thy fweet grace, that we may ;oyv and ail our dayes be glad. O comfort us, and give relief According to our dayes of grief and years that made us grone ; Thy work, Lord, Jet thy fervants know. Thy glory to their children fhow, when we are dead and gone. 17- And let the beauty all abroad, The beauty of the Lord our God be on us ftill to fliine .- And flablifh, Lord, our handy-works The handy- work of thy true church, eflablifh it to thine. PSALM xa WHo dwelleth in the fecret place of him that is moft high* in fhadow of th' Almighty's grace abides continually ? 2 Thus of the Lord I will report, my gracious God is he j He is my refuge and my forr, in whora my truft fhallbe. 3 He furely (ball be thy defence, both from the fowler's fnare, And from the noifom peftilence ? which doth infeft the air : 4 His. Pftlm Ixxir. 2$ I 4: His feathered wings fhall cover thee, and be thy confidence -, His truth thy trufty fhield fhall be, and buckler for defence. 5 Thou fhalt not need to be afraid, for terrors of the night ; Nor for the arrow be difmaid, that in the day makes flight. 6 Nor fhalt thou fear the peftilence, that walks in darkfom way *, Nor that deftrudive violence that wails at height of day. 7 And at thy fide as thou docfi ftand, a thoufand dead fhall be/, Ten thoufand ftrook at thy right hand, , and yet thou fhalt be free. 8 Only fhalt thou (land by and fee, beholding with thine eyes. What wicked mens reward fhall be, for their iniquities. tm Second purr, 9 Becaufe thou mad'ft, the Lord moft higfry thy dwelling-place to be j The fame to whom I alwayes fly, to fhield and fuccor me : 10 There fhall no evil thing befall to thee in any cafe j I Nor fhall there any plague at all ! come nigh thy dwelling-place. 1 1 For he fhall charge his heavenly Ik) ft to bear thee in their arm \ And watch the way' wherein thou goeft: and keep thee fafe from harm. 12 And they fhall be thy guard and guide* 1 O dear beloved one, Left that thy foot fhould flip afide or dafti againft a flane. 252 Pfalm xcfc 13 The lion thou (halt tread upon theafpeand lion's whelp, The dragon thou (halt trample on by God's great power and help, 24 Becaufe he fet his Jove on me, therefore faith God will I Deliver him, and fet him free from all adverfity. Tie fet him up in high degree, becaufe he knew my name : 15 With prayer he (hall call on me I anfwering the fame. His horif with honor I will raife, be with him in temptation, 16 Suffice hira with the length of dayes, and fhew him my falvation. II. Metre. Te Children, Sec. The fecret place of God moft high, Whoever dwells in faithfully, Shall in tte Almightie's fhadc abide: Thus of the Lord I will report, He is refuge and my fort, My God, in whom I will confide* Sure he fhall keep .thee by his care , Both from the fowlefs fubtil fnare, And from the noifom, Peftilence : His feathers fafc .fhall cover thee, Under his wings thy truft mail be, His truth thy fhield and fure defence. Thou fhalrnot need to take a fright For any terror of the night, Nor for the fhaft that flies by day : Nor darktiefs-walking reflilence, Nor the deftruftivc influence That doth at Noon- tide w.ifl and flay. Pfalm xcj. 2^3 A thoufand, and ten thoufand fhall At thy left fide and right hand fall y Yet fhall it not come nigh to thee : Only (when dangers do furprize") Thou (halt behold it with thine eyes, What wicked mens reward fhall be. The Second part. Becaufe the Lord, that is mod high, (Who is my refuge, conftantty) , Thou haft thy habitation made j , r There fhall no evil thing befall, Nor fhall there any plague at all, Thee, or thy dwelliag-place invade. For to his blefled Angels, He, Shall give a charge concerning thee, In all thy wayes to have thee kept j That ftill upholden in their arm, Thou fbalt not dafh thy foot for harm, Againft a flone where thou haft ftcpt; Upon the lion thou fhalt tread, And trample on the Dragon's head. The Adder, and the Lions whelp 3 Becaufe he fet his love on me. Fie fet him high, Tie fet him free, Becaufe he knew where lay his help* Upon me boldly he fhall call, And I will anfwer him in all, I will be with him ii diftrefs : 1 will relieve, and raife him high, Suffice him with long life will r : And fhew him endlefs happlnefs. PSALM XCII. TO praife the Lord moft thankfully it is an excellent thing, And 2$ 4 Pfalm xci;\ And to thy name, O thou moft h!gh y fweejt pfalms of praife to fing. 2 To ftiewthe.kindnefsoftheLord before the morning light, Thy truth and juftice to record when it doth draw to night. 3 Upon an inftrument likewife whereto ten ftrings are bound, Upon your harps and pfakeries with fvveet and folemn found.; 4 For thou haft made me to rejoice in things archiev'd by thee, And I triumph in heart and voice thy handy work to fee. 5 How great, O Lord, who can exprefs thy works and thoughts profound, Which are a deep fo boccomJefs that none can fearch or found : 6 The bruitifh man difcern's no whit nor fee's thy mighty hand ; And fools profane are far unfit this thing to underfland. 7 When wicked men as grafs do fpring^ and evil doers all Appear moil fat and flourifhing, it (hews their utter fell. Then is their final ruine nigh, and at the very door ; 8 But thou, O Lord, thou art moft high, , and that for evermore. The Stcond part. 9 For lo, O Lord, behold and ke r behold thy foes (hall fall. The workers of iniquity fhallbedifperfedall xo Rut Pfalm xcl;* 2£$. .10 But like unto an unicorn, with high advanced head -, So (halt thou, Lord, exalt my horo, and frefh oil on me fhed. 1 1 My own defire upon my foes, mine eye fhall furely fee : The fame mine ear fhall hear of thofc that rife to trouble me. 12 But like the palm the juft (hall be, fo flourifh and come on : And like unto the cedar tree, that grows in Lebanon. 13 Thofe that within the houfe of God are planted by his grace, In our God's courts (hall fprcad abroad, and flourifh in that place : 14 And in their age much fruit fhall brings and far, as e're was feen ; And pleafantly both bud and fpring, with boughs and branches green. 1$ The Lord's uprightnefs to exprels, who is a rock to me j And there is no unrighteoufnefs in him, nor none cro be. II. Mttrt* '14 Haw mrcy> &o Toblefs and praife the Lord it is an excllent thing, To magnifie thy Name moft high, in praifes when we f«ig> Fth' morning to record thy loving kindncft dear , And to exprefs thy faithfulnefs when jhf evening draweth nea* 2*6 PfalnTxdj. On lure and pfaltery, and harps moft folemn found y For Lord through thine own works divine, thou mad'ft my joyes abound. I triumph todefcry the works which thou haft wrought , How great and rare, O Lord, they are, how deep is every thought ? A bruitifh man knows not, no fool perceives this thing : For often when ungodly men, as morning grafs do fpring, Then is the final lot of their definition nigh, But thou doft reign the moft fupream.. to all eternity. For lo ! O ^.ord, thy foes, . for lo thy foes fhall fall : Thy truth allures of wicked doers> they fhall be fcarered all. But like the horn that grows on Unicorn's bold head ; So Lord thou fhalt, my horn exalt, , and frefh oyl on me fpread. The Sicond part. Mine eye his wifh fhall fee, upon mine enemies : The fame mine ear, of them fhall hear, that do againft me rife. But like a Cedar tree which Lebanon forth-brings , The juft fhall grow •, and ftourifh fo as laden Palm-tree fprings. His Temple-plants fhall fpring in our God's courts each one, And flill produce, their. fruitful Juice in age, when they are grown. Still Pfalm xciij. 257 Still fat and flourifhing, God's juftice to exprefi, My Rock is He, mod pure and free from all unrighteoufnefs. PSALM XCIII. THe Lord doth reign with royalty* array'd in beauty bright 5 The Lord is cloath'd with majefty, and girds himfelf with might. The world is fixt, and ftill mud hold, for thou decreed'ft the thing. 2 Thy throne's eflablifhed of old ; thou art eternal king. 3 The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the floods, (whofe tempeft raves Have lifted up their voice, and roar'd* 4 The floods lift up their waves. The Lord on high is mightier far, than many water's noife 5 Yea, mightier than the waters are, when foaming billows rife* 5 Thy teftimonies precious are kept on fure record ; And holintfs becomes thy houfe for evermore, O Lord. II. Metre. The mighty God ,&c* The Waves fufprtjfed. The Lord doth rule and reign triumphantly, The Lord is cloath'd with robes of majefty ' 7 The Lord iscloathfd wich ftrength, With ftrength throughout, Wherewith he girts, and binds himfelf about: The world is ftablifht't on a fure foundation, That it can not be moved from its ftation. Thoa 2^8 Pfalm xciv. Thou haft of old eftablifhed thy throne, For Lord thou art the everlafting one ; The floods ? Lord, the floods have lift aloft. The floods have lifted up their waves full oft j The floods have lifted up their waves and waters But what's their power compar'd to their Creator 1 The Lord on high is mightier evermore Than all the noife of waters when they roar ; . Yea 5 mightier farthan all the waves combin'd, When feas are chafed by the eaflernwind : His tcftimonie's fure, and ftill perfever •, Hoiinefs decks thy houfe,0 Lord, for ever. PSALM XCIV. OLord, to whom k doth belong, juft vengeance to repay : G God r the punifher of wrong, do thou thy felf difplay. 2 Thou judg of all in general, thy felf no longer hide : Arjfe, difpenfe a recompence to all the fans of pride* 3 How long, O Lord, how long, I fay, fhall wicked men opprefs ! How long a time fhall fuch as they triumph in wickednefs : 4 How long (hall they pronounce and fay hard things not to be born, And all that plie iniquity ftill boaft themfelves with fcorn. 45 Thy people, Lord, they break and bray, thy heritage they opprefs, 6 Widows and Grangers they do flay, and kill the fatherlefs. j And yet dare they prefume to fay the Lord fliall never, fee. This tmm xciy* 2^9 this Jacob's God whom they applaud fhall no difcerner be, J O underftand ye people rude, fome knowledg now difcern, Ye fools among the multitude when will ye wjfdom learn ? ■) Shall he not heaf that plants the ear, and alfo fhall not he That formM the eye fo curioufly be able for to fee ? 10 He that doth Heathen menchaflife fhall not that God correft ? He that doth teach man to be wife is there in him defeft ? 1 1 The Lord can fed! and knows full well what thoughts we entertain For he doth fcan the thoughts of man and finds them all but vain. ttf Sieond pAtt, 12 Bleft is the man whom tbou, O Lord, dort fatherly chaftife, And out of thy moft holy word doft teach him to be wife. 13 That thou (mofl bleft) may'ft give him reft till ftormy times be part, And till the ditch be diggM in which the wicked fhall be caft. 14 For fure the Lord will not rejeft the people whom he takes, The heritage to him felett at no time he forfakes. 1 5 But fure regrefs to righteoufuefs fhall judgment have again, And joymly then true-hearted men fhall wait upon her train. \6 Who 26o Pfalm xciv. 16 Who will rife up in my defence againft the vile and leud } Wlio will for me ftand up againft the wicked multitude f 17 But that the Lord did help afford agaiaft thefe wicked men, I had almoft given up the ghoiV and dwelt in filence then. 18 But when I faid my foot doth Aide, I now am like to fall, Thy mercy, Lord , thou didft provide, to ftay me therewithal. l j AmkPft the crowd and multitude of various thoughts which roul Within my breft, thy comforts reft and do delight my foul. 20 Lord, (hall the throne of wickednefs have fellowfhip with thee? Which frameth mifchief toopprefs, by law and flat decree ? 21 They gather all againft the foul of righteous men and good : And as for "them they dare condemn the irinocenteft Wood. 22 But lo, the Lord that faves all his, is my defence on high : My God my rock and refuge is y and unto him I fly. 23 He'll recompence their own offence, and take them in their fin .• The Lord, I fay, our God (hall flay, and cut them off therein. BSAU Pulm xcv. , 201 PSALM. XCV. COme let us fing with joyful noife j to our falvation's rock. * M i With Pfalms of praife and fhouts of joys, into bis prefence flock. I A God, a king of great command, a king of gods He is, ^ The Earth's great deeps are in his hand ; theftrength of hills is his. 5 Dry land and feas, Io ! both of thefe, his hands did form and frame. 5 O come adore with bended knees the Lord our maker's Name. 7 For he's our God, and we the flock, of whom he hath command j His people and his pafture-ftock, and fheep of his own hand. 5 If ye will hear God's voice to day then harden not your heart, As Ifrael did at Meribah, within the defert part. 9 When tempting infidelity did in their bofomes lurk, What time your fathers tempted M E. prov'd me, and faw my work. io Twice twenty years they griev'd my mind, and I of them did fay, This people errs with heart fo blind, they have not known my wav. II To whom I fware it in my wrath, then kindling in my breft, That they fhould never tread the path that leads into my reft. If. Metre 262 Pfalm xcv. II. Mttru Hare mercy, && O come fing We a fong, a Joyful noife be made With joynt accord before the Lord, our rock of faving aid. Into his prefence throng, hearts truly thankful bring, And make a noife exciting jays, fweet pfalms unto him Ting. Great King; great God he is, whofe power all Gods tranfee nds, The fpacious lands are in his hands, the deeps he comprehends. The ftrength of hills is his, the fea ia his command, He made the fame : His hands did frame the dry and folid land. come bow down all we, before him let us fall ; Let us adore and kneel before the Lord that made us all. For our great God is he, we are his people dear, The pafture fheep which he doth keep, his voice this day now hear. And harden not your hearty as once at Meribah Ye did tranfgrefs rflff wildernefs, - in that temptation-day. As in the defart part your fathers tempted ME, And prov'd my might ; each Ifraelite, when they my works did fee. 1 forty years was grieved with this lewd race, and fay'd, Pfalm xcv. 263 "hey are indeed an erring feed, in heart and judgment itray'd. Jor have they yet bdiev'd wherefore I did proteft, 'hat never they fhould find the way, of entrance to my reft. III. Mare. All People, fcc ome let us fing with joyful noife, to God our rock of faving might : /ith pfalras of praife and (hours of joys, now let us come before his fight, or he's a God of higheft throne, a King above all Deities : he earth's deep places are his own, the flnngth of hills is his likewise* he fea is his, he did it frame, his hands did form the folk! land : come adore our maker's Name, with bended knee and ralfed hand, or he's our God, and none but he, we are "his paflure people choice ; he fheep of his own hand are we, to day if ye will hear his voice. hen harden not your heart, as they i'th' provocation did tranfgrefs, nd as in that tempation day, within the defart wildemefs. /hen as your Fathers tempted M E, prov'd me, and faw my work difplay'd: ull forty years I griev'd to fee this generation, and I faid.- : is a people errs in heart, and hath not known my way mofl bleft, uch as I fware fhould have no part nor entrance into my reft. 2^4 P/alm xcvj. PSALM XCVT. Sing ye with praife unto the Lord, new fongs of joy and mirth ; Sing to the Lord with one accord, all people of the earth* 2 Yea, fing unto the Lord, I fay, and magnifie his name j From day to day his praife difplay, his faring health proclame. 3 Declare his glory, do not fpare, but let the heathen know, How great and rare his wonders are, and this to all men fhew \ 4 For God a great God doth appear, and greatly prais'd rauft be j And every where be had in fear above all gods mud He. 5 For all the gods of heathen lands dumb idols do appear : But God's own hands and guide command? made the celeftial fphere. 6 Before him honor (lands in fight with majefty and grace : Adored might and beauty bright are in his holy place. 7 Ye people give unto the Lord, let every (lock and tribe Unto the Lord with joynt accord glory and flrength afcribe. 8 Give glory to the Lord the King, due to his name on high .- Devoutly bring an offering, and to his courts draw nigh. 9 O Worfhip ye the Lord with fear in beauties holy place : n Pfalm xcvij. 2#> O eanh appear from far and near before his awful face. 10 Tell heathen men the Lord doth reign, the world confirmed fhall be i Nor (hall again a fhake fuftein, fo juft a judg is He. 11 O let the heavens rejoice therefore and let the earth be glad ; The fea fhall rore and all her ftore triumphant joys fhall add. 12 Yea let the field and every thing therein lift up their voice : The trees fhall Ting, the woods fhall ring and mutually rejoice. 13 Before the Lord forlo he comes the earth to judg and try, To us he comes with righteous dooms of truth and equity. PSALM XCVIL TRe Lord doth reign as fovereign king> let all the earth rejoice : The multitude of Ifles fhali Ting with glad and plea (ant voice. 2 Dark pitchy clouds and fiiady night are round about his throne : Moft perfect judgment, truth and righc dwell with the holy one. 3 A dreadful fire before him goes 3 which fiercely burning out, With furious flames confumes his foes and enemies round about. 4 His lighrnings did moft brightly blaze, and to the world appear : Whereat the earth did look and gaze, amaz'd with deadly fear. .256 Pfalm xcvij. 5 The hills like wax did melt and thaw and could no longer ftand : When they God's glorious prefcnce faw, the Lord of Tea and land. 6 The heavens high declare and fhew his jufticc all abroad j That all the world may fee and know the glory of our God. 7 Corfufion to all thofe fhallcomc, on graven gods that call. That boaft themfelves of idols dumb : ye gods adore him all. 3 Mount Sion heard with great applaufe, and was affefted much ; And Judah's daughters joy'd, becaufc ?hy judgments, Lord, were fuch.

Wich righteoufnef6 and judgment then, (hall he the people try, I And juftly judg a world of men with truth and equity, II. Metre* i Give Laud, &c. Now fing a new-made fong to Chrift the King of Kings, Whofe arm and right hand ftrong, hath wrought fuch wondrous things 5 His hand, I fay, His holy and victorious hand hath got die day. The Lord hath now made known his faving health and might, ■ His righteoufnefs is fhewn in all the heathens fight, To Jacob's race His truth extends : the earth's far ends, have feen his grace. Let all that dwell on earth their high affeftions raife, N 2 With 270 Pfalm xcix. With univerfal mirth, and loudly fing his praifc ', In God rejoice With harp, I fay, with harps fwect play, and Pfalms fweet voice. The chearful trumpet found, the fhrill-voic'c cornet bring : Let all with joy abound before the Lord the King: Roar out ye feas, The world and all the dwellers (hall rejoice with thefe. Floods clap your thronging waves, ye hills exafsyour mirth, He, who his people fares, now comes to judge the earth* The fbrld He fhall With judgment try, and equity difpence to all. PSALM XCIX, HpHe Lord doth rergn is king of kings 5 I. let all the people quake, He fits upon the Cherubims y let th* earth be mov'd and fhakc, 2 The Lord that doth in Sion dwell, is wondrous high and great : The people he doth far excell and fits in foveraign feat. 3 Let all men praife and magnify thy great and dreadful name : For it excels in fan&ity, and moft deferveth fame. 4 The princely power of our king loves judgment, truth and right, Thoy rightly ruleft every thing ui Jacob through thv might. 5, The Pfalra xcix. ; 271 .5 The Lord our God exalt ye now, and vvorfhip him alone : Before his footftool bend and bow, for he's a holy one* 6 Mofes and Aaron with hispriefte, and Sa:nuel on him call : Among his Saints thefe made requefts, and he did anfwer all. 7 He in the cloudy pillar fpake and fhewed to them his^ill : The laws and ftatutes he did make they laboured to fulfill 1 8 O Lord our God thou didfl them hear, and waft a pardoning God : Thy mercy did to them appear though thou didfl ufe thy rod. 2 The Lord our God exalt ye ftill, bow down before his throne, And worfhip at his holy hill, for He's a holy one. II. Man. All People, &c> The Lord doth reign, Jet people quake, on Cherubims he fets his feat : O let the earth be movM and fhake. 2 The Lord in Sion is fo great. Above all people he is high. 3 His greatnefs let them magnifie ; „ And let them praife his dreadful name, for high and holy is the fame. 4 The king's firm flrength doth judgment lore, thou doft eflablifh equity : Thou execut'/l it from above, and rul'fl in Jacob righteoufly. $ The Lord our God exalt therefore and reverently his name adore j N 4 At 272 nairn c. At footflool of his holy throne '? for he's a high and holy one. 6 Mcfes and Aaron alfo were among his prieftsand men of fame. And Samuel among them there that callM upon his holy name. They caifd, and he did anfwer make ^ 7 In cloudy pillars to them fpake, They to his teftimonies clave, m . and kept the ordnance that he gave. $ Thou anfwerecTfl them, O Lord oup God, thou waft a pardoaing God likewife, Though thou took'ft vengeance with thy rod, and their inventions did* ft chaftifc. 9 The Lord our God exalt ye fiili, and worfhip at his holy hill j Becaufe the Lord our God alocc, he is the high and holy one. PSALM C, ALL people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with chearful voice : 2 Him ferve with fear, his praife forth*tell 5 Come ye before him and re joice, 3 The Lord ye know is God indeed, ■ ' Without our aid he did us make t We are his Hock, he doth us feed, And for his fbeep he doth us take. 4 O enter then his gates with praife, And in his courts do )'e proclame Your thankfulnefsto himalwaycs, And ever blefs his holy name. 5 Becaufe the Lord our Gcd is good, His mercy is for ever fure : His truth at all times firmly flood. And fhall from age to age endure. II. Metre. Pukn c, 273. II. MttTU Have mercy , &c. All men of mortal birth, that dwell in all the earth, 2 G make a noife to God with joys, andferveche Lord with mirch : O come before his throne with finging ev'ry one : 3 For certainly the Lord moft high , cv'n he is God alone. He made us, and not we, not we our felves, but he, We are his flock, and pafture-ftock, < he made us fo to be. \. With praife come.to his gate, and in his courts relate His laud and fame, and blefs his name, > his honor celebrate. t, For God is good for ever, his mercy fa leth never : His truth doth laftall ages part, and fo abideth ever. III. Mure. Now lfrael gld. 124. Vlake joyful nolfe taGod, O all ye lands, Obferve the Lord with gladnefs and delight With chearfui iinging come before his fighr. Snow that the Lord is God who all command?* Tis He that made us, and not our own hands, £is people and his pafture fheep are we, Enter his gates, your gratitude proclame, Come to his courts with praif<; ; 8c blefc hh Name i N 3 Her i 274. rlaim cj. For God is good, his mercies couflant be, His truth endures to all eternity. PSALM CU MErcy and judgment are my fong which Lord Tie fing to thee ; 2 And wifely walk in perfeft way, until thou vifit me. And I will walk with upright heart, within my houfe, O Lord } 3 Not any thing will I behold that is to be abhorr'd. I hate their work that turn afide, to me it (hall not cleave. 4 I will not own a wicked man, the froward heart I leave ; 5 Tie cut him off that flandereth his neighbour privily : Tie not endure the proud in heart, nor him that looketh high. 6 I will look out the faithful men, that they may dwell with me : And whofo walks in perfect way my fervant he fhall be. 7 Whofo is bent to ufe deceit, I will abandon quite: The liar I will not abide to tarry in my fightw 8 The wicked I will foon deftroy, and rid the land of them ; And cut away the wicked ones from God's Jerufalem. M II. Metre. All People, &c. Ercy and judgment now I fing To thce^ O Lord, from whom they fpring, i will behave my felf each day With prudence in a perfect way, when wilt thou draw near to me That Ieftablifhed may be : Then will I walk in thy true fear, Within my houfe with heart fincere. 1 will not fet before mine eye Temptations to iniquity. I hate their work that, virtue leave, It /hall not to my confcience cleave. The froward heart from me fhall go, I will no wicked perfon know : I will cut off the flandering tongue That doth his neighbour fecret wrong,. The proud in heart I will not brook, Nor him that hath a lofty look : My fixed eye fhall ever ffcnd Upon the faithful of the land. Tie mark the men that moit excel!, That they may in my prefence dwell t : For He that walks in perfeft wayes Shall be my fervant all his dayes. My houfe fhall harbour none that cheat;, So .much do I abhor deceit : And him that doth in lies delighr, . I will not fuffer in my fight. Yea, all the wicked of the land 1 will deftroy with timeiy hand : And purge the city of our Lord, Of all that arc to be abhorred. PSALM CH. LOrd hear my prayer and let my cry, v. come fpeedily to thee, 2 In day of my calamity kide not thy face from mev 3nclin«*?c Incline thy gracious ear to nag in this my day of need, And when I cal! and cry to thee Lord anfwer me with fpeed. j For like as fmoke confumes away* fodo my dayes exfpire, My bctaes are burnt and do decay like to a hearth with fire. 4 My heart is fmitten like the grafsr quite withered and dead ; And I, alas ! do quite let pafs ro eat my needful bread-. 5 Byreafon of my doleful grones and pain that I am in, My grief breaks forth, fothatmybon^ do cleave unto nay skin. 6 Lo, I am like a pelican, in mournful wildernefs, And like a hated owl lam in defer ts comfortlefs. 7 I watch and am quite defolate and fparrow-like aloae, Which feparated from her mate on houfes top doth mcme. 8 Mine enemies have all the day reproached me with fcorn, And mad men in their frantick. way. -.are all againft me fworn. f 3o that I have in (lead of bread, the afhes eaten up, And with my drink the tears I fhed are mingled in my cup. IP Becaufe of thy feverity and of thy angry frown ; For thou haft hked me on high and then haft cafl me down. 1 1 The days wherein my life doth pais, are like a flitting (hade $ And \nd I am like the withering grais, which inftandy doth fade. 12 But thou, O Lord, fhalt ftill endure for ever conftantlyy And thy remembrance fhall ftand fure to all pofterity. • L ; Thz fecond part. 13 Thy tender bowels now fhall ftir, to bring poor Sion home } For lo, the time to favor her, yea, the fet time i§ come. 14 For even in her very ftone^ thy fervants take.delight } The ruins under which (he groans, find favour in their fight. 15 And fo the heathen every where, fhall reverence thy name * And all the kings on earth fhall fear thy glory and thy fame. \6 Whenas the Lord builds up agaia- fair Sion's broken wall, His glory fhall appear moft plgia and vifiblc to all. 17 The prayer of the deflitute he fhall regard and prize, Their earnefi; and their humble fuk - the Lord will not defpife. 18 And this for ages yet to come, fhall reft upon record ; People created in the.womb fhall one day praife the Lord, 19. For frona his fanftuaries height the Lord hath caft his eye ; From heaven did his perfeft fight the fpacious earth defcry* so T* 273 Pfalm cij. 20 To hear the prifoners doleful groncs and lamentable cry , And to relieve oppreffed ones that are condemned to die. 21 That fo the L O R D's moft holy name may be declar'd to them ; And they proclaim his praifeand fame throughout Jcrufalem 22 Whenas the people far and nigh fhall all be gathered there. And kingdoms meet unanimoufly to fcrve the Lord in fear. 23 But while I waited in the way, my ftrength he hath decay 'd > Yea, ,he hath fhortened my day, then thus to him I faid : 24^ Oh ! take me not away, my Lord, inmidflofall my dayes .• Thy years all ages (hall record, thy time no whit decayes* 2$ The earth's foundation thou haft laid of old, as now it funds •, The glorious heavens thou haft made the work of thine own hands* 26 But they (hall perifh and decay , while thou continued ftill , They fhall wax old and wear away, juftas a garment will. As veftures thou flialt change their frame, and changed they fhall be 5 27 But thou art evermore the fame, Thy years no end fhall fee. 2% And Lord thy faithful fervant's race for ever fhall endure ; Their feed likewife before thy face fhall becftabliflu fure. PSALM Pfalm ciij. 279 psalm era. BLefs thou the living Lord, ray foul, his glorious praife proclaim. : Let all ray inward powers extol, and blefs his holy name. : Forget not all his benefits, but blefs the Lord, my foul : ; Who all thy trefpafles remits, and makes thee found and whole. 4 Who did redeem and let thee free from death's infernal place : With loving kindnefs crowned thee, and with his tender grace. ; Who fills and fatisfies thy mouth with all good things of his, And makes thee to renew thy youtfv juflas the Eagles is. I The Lord doth fully execute juftice and righteoufnefs, And judgment, for the deftitute whom wicked men opprefs. 7 To Mofes he did firft reveal the wayes that they fhould go y And made the fons of Ifrael his mighty atts to know. 6 The Lord is merciful we know, and gracioufly enclin'd j To anger he is very flow, companionate and kind. 9 Continually he will not chide, nor evermore contend \ His anger (hall not long abide, but quickly have an end. io He doth not unto as difpence, « our defrm have bin ; Nor 2%q. Pfalrn ciij. Nor giveth us a recompence according to our fin. it For as the heaven is far above % the earth's inferior frame * ? So is his mercy and his love to them that fear his name. 12 As far as is the fun's uprife in diftance from his fall, So far our foul iniquities he feparates from us all; Thi Second paru 13 As fathers are companionate unto their children dear, So doth the Lord commiferate. his faints, that do him fear, 14 For he doth, know our brittle frame 3 our mould and fafhion juft j He well remembers whence we came, and that we are but duft. 1 5 And as for man his day es (alas 1) do foon decline and yield ; He flouriflieth but as the grafs, or flower of the fieid. 16 For it is gone, and quickly too, when fome bleak wind goes o're j , And then the place whereon it grew . (hall never know* it more. 17 But unto all eternity God's goodnefsdoth endure j To ages all fucceflivcly his righteoufnefs ftands fure. 18 To fach as keep his, covenants, and fear his holy name j Remembring hiscornmandernents to execute the fare. 19 Trie* Pfalm civ. 281 1 9 The Lord within the heavens high hath firmly fixt his throne ; And over all things generally his kingdom rules alone* 20 All ye his angels blefs the Lord, ye that in firength excell y That do his precepts with regard, minding his word fo well. 21 Blefs ye the Lori, O! blefs him .(till, Oall yehoftsofhis.; His minifters that do fulfil what ever his pleafure is. 22 O blefs the Lord ye works cf his, wherewith the world is ftor'd y Where ever his dominion is, my foul blefs thou the Lor J. PSALM CIV. O Blefs the Lord, my foul, and fay, my God thou art full great j Bright honour is thy rich array, and majefty thy feat. 2 With light thou covered thee aboue> as with a princely robe * And like a curtain ftretcheft out the bright celeftial globe. 3 With watery feas his roof he ceils, and there his rafters bin^s, He makes the clouds his chariot- wheels, and walks on winged winds. 4 He makes his winged meffengers of pure fpiritual frame: He makes his glorious minifters a burning fiery flame. $ He laid the whole foundation, of all the earth fo fur e, That 282 Pfalm civ. That ftill it keeps its ftation, and ever (hall endure. 6 Which firft was covered with the flood as with a garment large, The waters o're the mountains flood, until they heard thy charge. 7 And then at thy rebuke they fled, thy thundering voice they fearM m 7 Halting away for fear and dread, and ftraight, dry land appeared. 8 And now difperfed far and wide, by hill and dale they go, Unto the place thou didft provide, to that fame place they flow. 9 Their paflagethou doft now reftraitt, and fetceft them their bound, That they may never turn again to cover all the ground. The Suond fart 10 The Lord doth fend the fruitful fprings into the vales below j And all along the hills he brings their fruitful ftreams to flow. u And they give drink to every beaft, which in the field doth ly : Wild ailes there, among the reft, do quench their thirft thereby. 12 By them the feathered nation do comfortably houfe, And have their habitation to fing amongft the boughs. 1 3 And from his chambers richly ftor'd, he watereth all the hills. The fruit which thefe thy works afford, the earth with plenty fills. 14 For Pfalm civ. 283 14 For cattcl he makes grafs to fpring, and herbs, for man's own ufe \ Convenient food for every thing, he makes the earth produce. 15 To glad man's heart he makes the foil bring forth the grape for wine } Heart's (lengthening bread and fuppling oil, to make his face to fhine. \6 The trees of God (though many a one) no moifture ever want ; The Cedars of mount Lebanon, which he himfelf did plant. 1 7 Wherein the birds do make their nefts, the flork too (as for her) She hath her houfe wherein (he refts, ; upon the (lately firr. 18 For wilder goats, the mountains tops are made a refuge fit j And in the clefts of hollow rocks the little conies fit. 19 He did appoint the changing moon the fcafons for to fhcw j And when his time is to go down the fun doth likewife know. 20 Thou makeftdarkaefs, and behold dark night is over-fpread ; And then the forreft beads arc bold, to creep forth to be fed. 21 The lion aud the lions whelp come roaring all abroad After their prey, and feek their help and fufleuance from God. 2 1 The fun arifeth in the sky, they flock together then, And lay them down moft quietly within their fecret den. 23 Then man goes forth with cheerful mind his labors to begin, And 284 Plalm civ. And plies his work of every kind, till evening calls him in. Tie third part. 24 How many are thy works, OLord, in wifdom all composed j The earth by thee is richly dorM withtreafures there hiclos'd : 2$ So is this great and fpacious deep replenifht therewithal^ Where things innumerable creep, and beads both great and fmal-L 26 The Slips go alfo here away, Leviathan here keeps. Whom thou had made to fport and play within the tumbling deeps. 27 On thee do all thefe creatures wait, expreffing their defires, That thou maid give them needful meat, when-as the time requires. 28 That which thougiv'ft (as thou feed bed) they gather for their food $ . Thy liberal hand thou opened, and they are filPd with good. 29 Thou hid'ft thy face, and by and by - in mifery they mourn ; Thou tak'd away their breath, they dye and to their dud return. 30 Thy fpirits power thou fended forth, they are created then -, And fo the face of all the earth thereby renews agen. 31 The glory of the Lord mod high for evermore fhall be ; And in his works of raajefty greatly rejoice fhall he. 32 His Pialm cr. 285 )2 His look can make the earth to quake, His gentle tcuchand ftroke Can caufe the folid earth to (hake, and make the mountains fmoke. 53 Unro the Lord will I ling praife, while I have life and breath*, And glorify him all my days, and honour him till death. 34 My thoughts of him fhall be fo fiveer, as nothing elfe can be, And all the ftreamsof joy fhall meet when, Lord, I think on thee. 35 Let finners perifh from the earth, and Jeud men be no more ; But kt my foul God's praife fet for*, praife ye the Lord therefore. ^ PSALM CV. O Render thanks unto the Lord, and call upon his name , Among the people, O ! record his deeds deferring fame. 2 Sing unto him whofe power exceeds, fing pfalms to him with joy : To talk of all his wondrous deeds, your bufy tongues imploy. 3 O make your boafts with one accord in Gocfsmofi holy name s Let every foul that feeks the Lord be joyful in the fame. 4 Seek ye the Lord, for him inquire, his ftrength and power implore; His face and favor O ! defire and feek it evermore. $ What he hath wrought, to mind recall in eachmyfterious deed •. His 285 Pfalm cv. His wonders and the judgments all, which from his mouth proceed. £ O ye the feed of Abraham, who ferv'd him with refpeft ; Ye children which of Jacob came, hischofenandfeleft. 7 He is indeed the Lord our God, his judgments are fet forth, And manifefted all abroad throughout the fpacious earth. 8 He calls to mind his covenant , and never he repents ; The word of his commandement to thoufands of defcents. p Which covenant the Lord did mate fet o Abraham and his heir ; Thefolemn oath which he did take, and unto Ifaack fware. to And he confirm'd the fame as well to Jacob for a Law, A covenant which from Ifrael he never would withdraw. 1 1 Saying, I will my Church advance, and give into her hand The lot of her inheritance all Canaans fertile land. i 2 When they of faithful IfraeFs feed but few in number were, Yea, but a very few indeed, and alfo ftrangers there. 1 5 When fhifting habitation they went at God's command, From nation unto nation, flitting from land to land. 14. He did not fuffer any man to wrong them where they came, But for their fakes he foon begaa the mighty kings to blame. 15 Saying Pfalm cv. 287 [15 Saying to thofc that fate on thrones, let no prefumptuous arm Once touch my dear anointed ones, nor do my Prophets harm. \6 He calPdfor famine on the land,, and brake the flaffof bread; |l.7 But he beforehand fent a man, by whom they fliould be fed. Even Jofeph for a fervant fold, fubjefted to controul ; 18 Whofe feet the heavy chain$ did hold, the iron pierc't his foul. 19 Until the time and period, which Jofeph had foretold, ! Try'd was he, by the word of God, as fire doth try the gold. 20 Then gave the king comraanderaent that loofed he fliould be, The ruler of the people fent to loofe and fet him free. 2 1 He made him ruler of his houfe ; and Lord of Egypt Land 5 And all his fubftance precious committed to his hand. Yi To bind his difobedient Peers, his Princes to compell, And for to teach his Senators the way to govern well. 23 And then did aged Ifrael ftir, and into Egypt came ; And Jacob was a fojourner within the land of Ham. 24 And he did greatly mulriply his people Ifrael there, And made them ftronger, verily, than all their enemies were. 25 He turnM their hearts to be as foes, * his people they abhorf d^ And 233 Pfalm cv. And craftily they dealt with thofe, the feryants of the Lord. 26 His fervant Mofes then he fenr, and Aaron whom he chofe : 27 His figns and wonders eminent in Egypt they difclofe. 28 Darkuefs he fent where they did dwell, and made it dark indeed j His meffengers did not rebel againft his word decreed. «p He turn'dtheir waters into blood, and flew their fifh thereby : 30 The-land brought forth a loathfom brood of frogs abundantly. Kings chambers fwarmed with the fame, 3 1 Then fpake the Lord of hofts, And dirers forts of flies there came, and lice in all their coafts. 32 He gave them hail in all the land, and flaming fire for rain ; 3 3 He let no vine nor figcree fiand unfmitten in the plain. He brake the trees in all their coafls ; 54 He fpake, and locufts came, And caterpillers, mighty hofts, whofe number none can name ; "3-5 And are up every herb and flowr which in the land was found , And utterly they did devour the fruits of all the ground. 36 He alfo fmote within one night The firft-born in the land, The very chief of all their might he fmote with dreadful hand. 37 He brought them forth, and fumifh't well with filver and with gold, Noi Pfalm cv. 2% Nor did the tribes of Ifrael one feeble perfon hold. L;8 All Egypt was exceeding glad, [ when they did thus depart, So mucli the fear of Ifrael had I furprifed every heart. ;9 He fpread a cloud in open fight [ to be a fhady tent; I And all the night did fire give light [ to Ifrael as they went. •p He brought them quails whereon they fed, I for flefh they askt to have, [ And fatisfi'd them v;ith the bread which he from heaven gave. hi He opened the rock from whence i frefh waters guftit apace | (As if a river ran from thence) I in dry aed defert place. \yi For into his remembrance came | the holy promife made Unto his fervant Abraham, Which promife cannot fade. J3 And then he brought his people forth with joy for their releafe ; And all his chofen ones with mirth and fhouts of joyfulneft. 14 And unto them delivered the heathen people's lands, And they alone inherited the labor of their hands. 45 That they the better might obferre the ftatutes of his word, And from his precepts might not fvvervc, O ! magnify the Lord. PSALM m 290 Pialrn cvj. PSALM CVI. PRaife yc the Lord, to htm give thanks, for good and kind is he, For lo, his mercy doth indure to all eternity. 2 His mighty aas who can recite according to their worth, H!s praifes that are infinite who fully can fet forth I 3 Blefied are they that judgment keep, and he that doth obferve The perfeftjrule of righteoufnefs, and doth at no time fwerve. 4 Think on me Lord with favor free* fuch as thy people find \ With thy talvation vifit me, and have me in thy mind. 5 That I may fee that nations good, whereof thou hafl mad? choice, And glory with thy heritage, and in their joy rejoice. 6 But we have finned grievoufly, the father and the fon, We all have wrought iniquity, and lewdly we have done. 7 Our fathers, though they faw thy works, yet did not under/land Thy wonders and thy miracles, perform'3 in Egypt land : Nor did they keep in memory thy great abundant grace : But did provoke hin? at the fea ; tht red fca was the place. Pfclm cv;. 29 * The Stcond part* 8 Yet did he fave them every one, for honour of his name : That he might make his power known, and fpread abroad his fame, 9 The red fea alfo dried up at his fevere command , And fo he led them through the deep, as through the defert land. ro He fav'd them from their haters hand, and fafely let them go : Redeeming them from Egypt land, and from their cruel foe. 1 1 The waters overwhelmed their foes, not one efcap'c away : 12 Then they bdiev'd the word he fpake t and faflg his praife that day. 1 3 But all his works fo wonderful they prefently forgot j And for his counfel and hiswitf they duly waited not. 14 But being in the wilderGeis, did luft exceedingly, N And in the defert place no left they tempted God moft high. i<5 He gave them alfo their requeft at full, without conrrou! j But wafting leannefe therewithal he fent into their foul. \6 I hey ecvied Mofes in the camp, and yet not him alone, But Aaron too, who had the ftamp of confecration. 17 The earth then opened fuddainly, proud Dathan to devour O 2 AeJ fl9* Pfolm cv;\ And all Abiram's company ic covered in that hour. 1 8 And in their congregation a fire was kindled then, The very breath and flame whereof burnt up thofe wicked men. 19 They made a calf their deity, when rhey in Horeb were, And worfhip'd fuperftitioufly the molten image there. 20 And thus they chang'd their glorious God into a molten mafs, Form'd in the likenefs of an ox that feedeth upon grafs. 21 But God, that was their Saviour, they utterly forgot, The works which he in Egypt did, they now remembred not. 2 2 Moft wondrous works he brought to f>afs in Ham's accurfed land \ And dreadful things by the red fea performed by powerful hand. 23 Therefore he thrateto ruine them, and would have made it good, Had not his chofen Mofes then before his prefence flood. He flood before hira in the breach to turn his wrath away ; Or clfe'he had deftroy'd them quite, and they had fallen that day. 24 Yea, they defpis'd the pleafant land, and trufted not his word j a 5 But murmuring in their tents they (land, not hearkening to the Lord. 26 Therefore he lifted up his hand againft them every one, That in the defert wildernef* they might be overthrown. 57 To Pfalm cvj. *9« 27 To overthrow their feed alfo among the nations rude, And fcatter them in all the lands among the multitude. 28 For now they join'd themfclves likewife to filthy Baal Peor, And are the dead God's facrifice, for fuch thofe Idols were. 29 Thus they provok'd the Lord to wrath, with that abhorred fin, Of new-found eut idolatry, and fo the plague broke in: 30 Then flood up zealous Phinehas, and did thofe finners flay By judgment juft (for fuch it was) and fo the plague did flay. 31 And it was counted unto him a righteous aft indeed, To all the generations of his enfuing feed. 32 They vext him alfo at the lake, fo called from their ftrife , That Mofes fuffered for their fake the fhortning of his life : 33 Becaufe their provocations his patient fpirit ftirr'd, So that he utt'red with his lips an unadvifed word. 34 They did not utterly deftroy the nations of the land, Concerning whom the Lord moft high did give a Arid command. 35 But were among the heathen fpread, whofe works they learned there, 36 And all their idols worfhipped, which were to them a foare. O 3 37 Yea 294 P&to* cy h 37 Yea, they did flay in facrifice their daughters and their fons: Offering to divel-deities their harmlefs little ones. 38 Their fons and daughters blood they fhed, and them with guilty hand To Canaan's idols offered, and blood defiPd the land. 39 Thus was it their own works and deeds that did defile them fo, And with their own Inventions a whoring they did go. 40 Therefore the anger of the Lord againft his folk did flame : His own inheritance he abhorr'd by reafon of the fame. 41 Into the hands of heathen men he gave them for a prey : Their hateful foesrul'd over them, and forc't them to obey. 42 Their enemies with cruelty opprefl them in the land ; And they were humbled fliamefuHy under their enemies hand. 43 He did releafe them many times , but they provok't him fo, What with their counfels and their crimes, that they were brought full low. •44 He did regard them ne'rethelefs, and had a gracious eye To their affliftion and diftrefs, whenas he heard their cry. 4$ His covenant he for them rcuew'd repenting in his mind, According to the multitude of his companions kind. 46 He Pfalm cvij. 29$ 46 He made them to be favored and pitied of all thofe, By whom they were as captives Jed, when they were bitter foes. 47 Save Lord our God and gather us from heathens now adayes, That we thy holy name may blefs, and triumph in thy praife. 48 Blefs IfraeFs God, the Lord moft high, and let all flefh record His praifes to eternity, Amen, praife ye the Lord. ; PSALM CVII. O Render thanks unto the Lord, for good And kind is he > Becaufe his mercy doth endure to all eternity. 2 Let the redeem'd in every land, the Lord's redeemed, fey fo : Thofe whom he refcu'd from the hand i of their injurious foe. 3 And gathered them out of the lands both from the eaft and weft. And from the north, and from the fouth? unto a place of reft. 4 In wildcrnefs they wandered in folitarv way y And found no place inhabited, nor town wherein to ftay. 5 Hungry and thirfty all the while, not having what to eat ; So that their very foul began to faint for want of meat. ,6 Then did they cry unto the Lord* when trouble did opprefs ; O 4 Whofc 2g6 Pfirirn cvij. Whofe favour did relief afford to them in thefr diftrefs. 7 And led them forth the readied way, a dwelling-place to ftnd, A city for their fafe abode, according to their mind. 8 Let them therefbrepraife God's great name, for his great goodnefs then, And for his works of wondrou* fame, to all the fons of mem 9 For he doth fully, fatisfy the longing foul with food, And filleth every hungry foul with bleffings that are good. ': io Such a$ in fhades of darknefs Iy, where death doth fecm to reign, Bound in the bands of miferyy as with an iron chain* 1 1 Eecaufe they did rebclliouffy rranfgrefs againft GocTs word , And did contemn that couhfelJorj who rs the higheft Lord. i 2 Therefore he did their heart bring down, wich labour and with pain; And down they fell, and there was none to help them upagain. 1 3 Then did they cry unto the Lord, whenanguifh did opprefs, And he did favc rhem fpeedily out of their deep diftrefs. 74 From (hade of death and darkfom night, which they could not break through, He brought them out to life and light, and brake their bands in two. rbt Pfalm cv);. 2?7 The Second part. if O! that all men would praife the Lord for his great goodnefs then, And for his wondrous works declar'd unto the fons of men. \6 For fee hath broken by his might the brazen doors and gates, And he hath cut in funder quite the iron barrs and grates, - 17 Fools fall into affliction ». by falling into fin 5 And through their own iniquities they are infnar'd therein. 18 Their foul whom thy hand vifiteth,- abhors all kind of meat ; . And they draw near the gates of death, - their ficknefs is fo great. 19 Then in their trouhle do they cry unto the Lord fir aid, Who faveth them from their difee£ 5 according as they prai'd. 20 Hefcnt hiswordof po^rfuprenift. and did them heal and fare - y And gracioufly delivered them, even from the very grave. 21 Oh! that all men would praife the ItflrAxij for his great goodnefs then, . And for his work* moftwonderfiri, ! unto the fons of men* 22 And4et them offer. (Sacrifice of praife unto the Lord \ And with the flioitts of joy likewife k hi* woadroos works jeeorrf. ' ©f > tStfrte 2f 8 Pfalm cvij* The Third fsrt* 23 They that dcfcend to fea in fhips, imployed for their gain In neceflkry merchandize upon the watery main j 24 Thefe men do God's rare works behold, and no men more than thefe Do fee his wonders manifold within the deepeft feas. 25 For by the word of his command he makes fierce winds to rife, And lifteth up the rouling waves unro the very skies. 5,6 They mount to heaven, then they roul down to the deeps below ; And by and by their very foul doth melt becaufe of woe. 27 They reel and ftagger to and fro, like drunkards in their fits, ' And like unto diftrafted men are put befidcs their wits. 28 Then in their troubfc did they cry unto the Lord for aid--; Who did redrefs their mifery, according as they prai'd. 29 The ftorm is cbang'd into a calm by his command and will ; So that the raging waves thereof are now exceeding ftill. 30 Now winds and waves do rage no mo?e> which they are glad to fee, And fo he brings them to the fhore *hcre they defied to be. 31 Oh ! render praifcs to the Lord far tu* great goedodfttbest Pfalm cvi). 2)9 And for his works rooft wonderful, unto the fons of men, 52 And in the congregation great let them exalt his name } And In the honorM Elders feat advance his praife and fame, 7fte Fourth part* 33 The Lord did make it barren foil, where floods did once abound, And turns the very water-fprings to dry and thirfty ground. 34 A fruitful land to barrcnnefs he turn's, becaufe of fin, When he reward's the vvickcdnefs of thofe that dwell therein. 3$ Again the very wildemefs to (landing pools he brings, And turns the dry and defert ground to plenteous water-fprings. 36 And there he makes the hungry dwell, that fo they may provide, And get them cities furnifht well, wherein they may abide. 37 That they may plant the pleafant vhicsj and fow the fruitful field ; And may receive the rich incrcafc, which every year (hall yield. 38 Such bleflings are on diem conferfd that they are much increaft ; So that of all the numerous herd they do not lofc a bead. 39 Yet for their fin they are brought lo\v> and minifhed again \ Enpos'd to wicked tyranny, affliction, grief, and pain* 300 Pfalm cviij. 4c He powres on great- ones great difgrace, and caufeth them to ftray In folitary defert place, where is no beaten way, 41 Yet fetteth he the poor on high* and him from harm doth keep : And multiplies his family like to a flock of (heep. 42 This thing the righteous fball defcry> rejoycing in the fame : And it (hall force iniquity to flop her mouth with fhame. 43 Whofo hath wifdom from above thefe matters to record, Even they fhall underftasd the love and kindnefs of the Lord, PSALM CVIIfc God, my heart is now prepar'd, fo alfo is my tongue : I will advance my voice, O Lordy and praife thee with my fong. 2 Awake my viol and my harp, fweet melody to make : And in the morning I my felf right early will awake. 3 Among the people fhall thy praife be publifhed by me : Among the heathen folk, O Lord, will I fing praife to thee, 4 Becaufe thy mercy, Lord, is great unto the heavens high .• Alfo thy truth extends it felf unto the cloudy sky. 5. Above the ftarry firmament, cxcoll thy felf, O God, : AiKi** Pfalm cviij. 301 And, Lord difplay upon the earth, thy glory all abroad. And that thy dear beloved ones delivered may be .• Save them, Lord, by thy right hand, and therein anfwer me* Tie Sumi'paru- 7 God in his holinefs did fpeak, my joy I cannot hide .- The vale of vSuccoth Tie mete out, and Shechem He divide. S Gilead is mine, Manafleh mine, and Ephraims tribe together Shall be the chief of all my ftrength, and Judah ray law-giver. p My fervile wafh-pot Moab is, on Edom I will tread : And in my triumphs with a fhbur, Philiftiafhallbeled. I o But who will undertake to be> my leader a*d my guide- To Edom, and the city there fo ftrongly fortiffd ? I I Lord, wilt not thou that didft call off our armies heretofore ? And with the hefts of Ifrael wilt thou go forth no more ? 12 Lord, give us help from trouble then,, becaufe no other can : And it is very vanity co hope forhelp from man. 1 3 We fliall do very valiant afts, affifted by our God. And by his power our enemies fhall all be under-trod. . PSALM }02 Pfalox cbc. PSALM CIX. OGod my praifc, hold not thy peice \ 2 For falfe and wicked tongues Agaioft me fpeak, and never ceafe their ctamours, lies, and wrongs. 3 With words of fpite and cauflefc fight; they compafs me alway ; 4 Even for ray love my foes they prove, but I make haft to pray. $ They did reward me ill for good, ancThace for love they Qiow. 6 Therefore fet thou fome tyrant leuc^ to triumph oVc my foe. Let Satan Hand at his right hand, 7 And when his doom coraes in, Appoint that he condemned be, and turn his prayer to fin, 8 His office let another take, cut fliort his wicked Jife : $ His children wretched orphans make, with widow-hood vex his wife. jo Let all his fons be vagabonds, and beg for to be fed : In places that are defolate, let them feek out their bread. 1 1 Let tlie unjuft extortioner catch all he hath away: And that which he hath laboured for, let be the ftrangers prey. 12 Stfr up no friend that may extend relief in his diftrefs : And let there none have pity on his children fatherlefc. 13 Cutoff his whole pofterity, > before thy wTath aitwage ; ThMr Pfalm cix. 395 Their name extinguifh utterly, intheenfuingage. 14. His fathers fault let that be brought before the Lord for ever : His mothers crime by length of time, let be extinguifht never. 1 5 Before the Lord continually let them be all brought forth : That he may cut their memory for ever from the earth. 16 Since he forgot and cared not, compaffion to impart ; But fought to break the poor and weak, and (lay the broken heart. 17 As he Iov'd curfing and defpite, let it come to him fo ; As blefling did not him v delight, fo let it from him go. 18 And as he had arrai'd and clad himfelf with curfes vile : Let it like drirk within him fink, and foak his bones like oyl. 19 Let it be to him like the coat, that never is laid by : And like the girdle girt about his loins continually. 20 Let God difpenfe this recompence, mine enemies toccntroul: That are incens't to fpeak againft mine inoffenfive fcul. the tocond fart 21 €> God the Lord, do thou for me, even for thine own names fake: Becaufe right good thymcrcksbe, my freedom undertake. 22 For 304 Pfc'm ctx* 22 For I indeed do ftand in need, with mifcry fore diftreft .• My grieved heart with wounds doth fmart, and bleeds within my breaft, 23 I'm gone like funs declining (hade, like wandring locufts toft : 24 My knees through falling weak are made^ my flefh its fat hath loft. 25 Yea, I became to them a fhame,. on me they gaze and ftare : 26 Their heads they nod, help, Lord my God, and me in mercy fpare. 27 That they may know this is thy hand, that thou haft done the deed. 28 And when they curfe, do thou command « a bleflfing to fucceed. Let fhame furprizc my foes, that rife my foul for to deftroy .• But yet afford thyfervanr, Lord,. abundant caufe of joy. 29 And let mine adverfaries all be cloathed with difgrace : Let fhame and felf-confufion fall upon mine enemies face. . So that their own confufion . may cover them throughout* As if it were a mantle there, to compafs them about*. 30 And I will greatly praife the Lord^; with joyful mouth and tongue : Yea, and I will his praife record amidft the thickefl throng, gi For he fhall ftand at our right hand, and for our lake controul The doom of them that would condemn , {he , pqor mans harmlefc fouL PSALM Ffalm ex. 305 PSALM CX. THe Lord unto my Lord thus fpake^ Sit thou at my right hand, Till I thy foes a foot-ftool make, whereon thy feet (hall ftand. 2 The Lord fhall out of Sion fend thy kingdom's powerful rod : Amidft thy foes fhalc thou extend thy government, O God< 3 Thy people fhall come willingly in that thy day of grace *, Yielding a fruitful progeny in beauties holy placer Thy converts there (hall not be few, which in thy youth fhall come, As plenteous as the pearls of dew, that drop from mornings womb. 4. The Lord hath fworn, what he did fpe*k;> repent him he will never : By order of Mclchizedek thou art a pried for ever. 5 The Lord that is at thy right hand, (hall in his wrath make way : And ftrike through kings that dare withrtand, in his revengeful day. 6 He fhall fit judge of heathen men, and fmire great numbers dead, And wound thevery chief of them, o're many Countries fpread. 7 And he fhall drink of that fame brook, which runneth in the way : Therefore fhall he his head lift wp, ro triumph and bear fway If. bum* jo6 Pfakn ex. II. Metre. All People, or, O Lord Confidcr, &c. The Lord unto my Lord thus faid, Sit thou at my right hand on high, Until thine Enemies be made a footftool for thy majefty. The Lord fhalJ fend fromSion hill the fcepter of thy foveraign might, Rule thou amidft thine enemies ftill, thy people yielding to thy right. Thy holy beauteous church, O Chrift, fhall bring thee ftore of Converts true, As when the womb of morning moift o're-fpreads the earth with drops of dcw> For thus the Lord Almighty fwore and this his oath lie will not break, Thou art a Prieft for evermore, By order of Melchifedek. The Lord that Hands at thy right hand in day ofs wrath fliall kings confound, Judging in many a Heathen land, and heads of many countries round. And he fhali fill, in that fame day, each place with bodies of the (lain, Drinking the torrent in the way, and fo lift up the head again. III. Man. Ye Children, &c. The Lord unto my Lord thus fpake, Sit at my right hand till I make a very foor-ftool of thy foes. 2 The Lord fhall fend from Sion's tower The foveraign fceptreof thy power : rule thou amidft them that oppofe. a Tiff Pfalm cxi. 307 I j Thy people (hall come willingly, ! In day of thine authority, wichin fair Sions facred walk : Where thy firft converts (hall abound, , As thick as dew upon the ground, which from the womb of morning falls* 4 The unrepentmg God thus fwore, Thou art a pried for evermore, by order of Melchizedek. 5 And God at thy right hand fhall flay Proud kings in that his wrathful day: 6 And all the heathen he fhall check, With corpfes he fhall ftrew the ground, And heads of many countries wound, filling the places with the dead. 7 And he fhall make no longer flay, ! But drink the torrent in the way : therefore fhall he lift up the head. PSALM CXI. K A Pplaud theLerd, whom I will praife AY with my whole heart and might ; 2 Both in the fecret of the juft, and in the churches fight. 1 2 Great are the works of our great God, and every one no doubt "1 Delighting in rhera from their heart, with care do fearch them out. H $ His work mofl honourable is, and glorious no lefs : Unto eternity endures his truth and righreoufnefs, T 4 Surely he made his wonderous works, ftill to be had in mind: H Choice favours hath the Lord in flore, and he is good and kind. 308 Pfalra ex:}. 13 <; To them that fear' his holy name he giveth meat good ftore : * Jehovah will be mindful of his covenant evermore. D 6 Clearly hath he declar'd to his, t his works of powerfulnefs : 7 Leaving to them the heritage, which heathens did poflefs. £ 7 p Mofi perfeft are his handy- works, his judgments very pure : 3 Not one of his commandements, but are exceeding fare. D 8 Stabliflit they are for evermore, fo that they cannot fade : y And even in truth and righteoufneft each one of them is made. S 9 Plenteous redemption he hath fent, to make his people free : 5? $o is his covenant evermore confirmed by his decree, p Know ye that holy is his name, and to be had in dread. 1 io Religious fear ofGodlikewifef is wifdoms well- fpring head. \if Sound nnderftanding have they all, that carefully indeavour D To praftifehis commandements \ his praifc endures for ever. PSALM CXII. PRaife ye the Lord, for bled are fuch as fear the Lord aright, And love his laws exceeding much, and do them with delight. 2 His feed (hall multiply on earth,, and profper mightily : Pfalm cxij. 309 And God fhall pour his bleffings forth on his pofkrity. ; Of wealth and riches in hishoufc, there fhall be plenteous ftore : His memorable righteoufnefs endures for evermore. I Unto the man immaculate, in darknefs rifeth light : Gracious he is, companionate, and every way upright. ; A good man (hews much kind refpeft, and lends to him that needs : And with difcretion will direft all his affairs anideeds. 6 Surely he fhall not moved be, while time to time can add; In everlafling memory the righteous fhall be had. 7 For any evil tidings told, he fhall not be afraid : His faithful heart which makes him bold, ' on God is firmly ftai'd. 8 His heart is fo eftablifhed, afraid he fhall not be ; Till his defire accomplifhed upon his foes he fee, 9 He hath difperfed liberally, and given to the door : He fhall to perpetuity be ftird a righteous doer. Exalted high his horn fhall be, with honour thus atchiev'd \ 10 The wicked man this thing fhall fee, and be extreamly griev'd. Yea, he fhall gnafh his teeth for fpite; and pining melt away; jl o Pfalm cxij. And his defire flial! perifb quite, the wicked jmans, I fay, II. Metre. All People, &c. Praife ye the Lord with one accord The man is bleft that fears the Lord : That takes delight continually In the commands of God enoft high. His feed on earth fhall have great place And he be happy in his race : Riches and wealth his houfe fhall flore, Renown'd for goodnefs evermore. Unto the upright man likewife Great light in darknefs doth arife : Gracious is he in God's own fight, Full of companion and upright. A good man favour fhews and lends, And withdifcretion fpares and fpends: Surely he never fhall be mov'd That hath his wealth fo well ImprovM, The righteous perfon hud fhall be In Everlafting M E MO R I E : No tidings ill fhall him affright, His faith is fixt on God's great might. His heart is well eftablifhed, He fhall not be difmay'd with dread ; Until he faithfully difclofe His expeftation on his foes. He gives with bounty co the poor His Name endures for evermore His horn (hall be exalted high With honour and with dignity; The wicked man this thing (hall fee, And very greatly griev'd fhall be , Yea gnafh his teeth and pine for fpire, a i u:. a~/i n— n :n : Pfalm cxij. 311 III. Mitre. To the proper Tune. The man is Weft that fears the Lord Delighting greatly in his word : Mighty on earth his feed (hall be, And blefled his Pofterity : Riches and wealth hit houfe fliall fill. And his renown continue (till. Unto the man that is upright, In darknefs there arifcth light, (He is a gracious righteous one And full of kind corapaffion ; A good man's kind, he lends and fpares, Discretion guidinghis affairs* For certain mov'd he flull be never, The juft fhall be in fame for ever ; His (lablifhM heart on God is ftaid, Df evil tidings not afraid, His faith is fixM, his pain is paft, Until he fee his enemies caft. He hath difperfed ofhisftore, And given plenty to thc^oor, His righteoufnefs remaineth fure, And ITiall for evermore endure : His horn (hall be exalted high With honour and with dignity. The wicked man fhall fee this thing And it fhall wound him like a fling ; Yea, it fhall make him gnafh his teeth And pine away for very grief: Thus wicked mens dcfires fhall die, The Lord then praife and magnific. PSALM 312 P&Im cxiij. PSALM CXIII. PRaife ye the Lord, praife ye his Name ye fervants of the Lord, His Name be now and ever bled, of all wkh one accord From Sun's uprife within the Skies, unto the going down, Muft we proclaim the Lord's great fame* and give his Name renown. The Lord is high o're nations all, His fame furmounts the slcy, And who is like the Lord our God, whofe dwelling is on high ? Yet from that place he doth abafe Himfelf to fee and know The things that move in Heaven above, and in the Earth below. He lifts the poor out of the duft, and from the dunghil bripgs The needy fort to Princes feats, to fit withlfrael's kings. The barren he doth make to be a houfe-keeper well ftor'd, With joy to breed her fruitful feed j wherefore praife ye the Lord. II. Metre. Ye children which do ferve the Lord, Praife ye his name with one accords 2 Both now and ever blefs his name. 5 Even from the rifing of the fun, Till it return where it begun, extoll and magnifie his fame. 4 The Lord all people doth furmounr, Ml* Pfalm cxiv. His glittering glory we may count above the heavens to extend, $ For who in all the world abroad. Is like unto the Lord our God, whofe dwelling doth all height tranfeend . 6 He doth abafe himfelf we know, Things to behold both here below, and alfo in the heavens high. 7 The poor and needy fort he brings Even from theduft to fit with ki-ngSy in thrones of princely majefty. 8 Among his people thus doth he Place them with princes in degree, that lately from the dunghil came. - 9 The barren he doth make to bear, And with great joy her feed to rear : praife ye therefore his holy narae, PSALM CXIV. WHen Ifrael out of Egypt went, their dwelling to exchange t And Jacob's houfe removed their tent from folk of language ftrange : 2 His fantfuary Judah was, he ruTdin Ifrael. 3 The fea faw that and fled apace, and Jordan backwards fell. 4 The mighty mountains then did skip, like joyful flocks of rams ; The little hills did Iikewife trip, like little wanton lambs. ^ What ail'dthee, O:hou fea, to fly? why didft thou courage lick ? And why waft thou fo. hidden!' O Jordan, driven back ? 6 Ye mighty mountains, that ye skipt, Ujcc to the nimbje rams : 3(4 Pfalm cxiv. Ye little bills, becaufeye tript, like to the wanton lambs ? 7 O earth, in God's great prefencc quake, even Jacob's God that brings 8 The (tony rock to (landing lake, the flint to water-fpriogs. IL Mart, Te Children, &c. When Ifrael went from Egypt land, And Jacob's houfe by powerful hand from people of a barbarous tongue j 2 Judah was then his holy place, And Ifrael his dominion was, who led them fafely all along, % The fea faw that and fled amain, And Jordan wheel'd about again, and forced back his waves profound : 4 The rocky mountains skipt like rams, The little hills like timorous lambs, and could not (land their ftedfaft ground, 5 What ail'd thee, O thou fea, to fly ? What drove you back fo haflily, ye rouling waves of Jordan's noud ? 6 What made you mountains skip like rams ? And you, O little hills, like lambs, to quake and tremble as ye flood ? 7 Tremble, O earth, before the face Of that great God of Jacob's race, tremble before him awfully. 8 He turns hard rocks to (landing lakes, And fountains of hard flint he makes, by his great power and majefty. PSALM CXV. LOrd, not to us, Lord, not to us, do thou the glory take : Pfalm cxr. 315 Even for thy mercy marvellous, and for thy truths dear fake. Why fhould the heathen utter this, now where's their God, fay they I But our God in the heavens is, what he will do he may. Their idols gold and filver be, which mens own hands did make. Lo, they have eyes, but cannot fee, and mouths, bat never fpake. Have ears, but do not hear a jot, nofes, but feci no fcent : r P»portion'd hands, but handle not, and feet, but never went. Nor ever fpeak they through their throat* Such arc their makers f/uft) And fo are all that on them dote, and in them put their truft. O Ifrael, truft thou in the Lord, thy help and fhicld is he. o O Aaron's houfe, truft in his word, a help and fhicld to thee. And ye that fear the Lord each one, be careful that ye build Your confidence on him alone, who is your help and ftrield. t The Lord hath thought upon us well. his people he will blefs : LvenaJl the houfe of Ifrael, and Aaron's houfe no lefs. ( Whoever fear the Lord therefore, he'll blefs them great and fmall : 4 God fhall increafe you more and more, you and your children all. J You are the blelTcd of the Lord, whofc truft in him, ^ your help and fhield is God moft high. 2 Mindful of us the Lord hath becn 5 and he will blefs us bounteoufly. It'll bleft the houfe of Ifrael, and all that fit in Aaron's feat ; 3 All that fear him may know full well, that God will blefs them fmall and great. 14 God fhall increafe you more and more, you and your children (from the birth) 15 Ye are the blefled flock and ftore of him that made both heaven and earth. 16 The heavens even the heavens high fpheres they arc the Lord's, each one of them, But all the earth and all it bears he giveth to thefonsof men. 1 7 The dead do never praife the Lord, : nor any that go down to th' pit , 18 But we will his high praife record . henceforth for ever, So be it. PSALM CXVI. I Love the Lord unfeignedly, becaufe he pleas'd to hear My Application and my cry, withanatcentiveear. 3*8 Pfahn cxvj. 2 Becaufe he hath inclined the fame fo gracioufly to me : Therefore will Icall on his name, whil'rt I alive fhall be. 3 The pangs of death did me infold, and compared me round : The pains of hell on me gat hold, I grief and trouble found. 4 Then did 1 call moft earneftly upon the Lord's great name : Releafe mj foul, O Lord, faid I, I humbly crave the fame. 5 The Lord's a rery gracious ohe, and full of righteoufnefs : And tenderer compaffion no bowels can cxprefs. 6 The Lord preferveth carefully all thofe that fimple be : For I was funk in mifery, and he recovered me. 7 Return, my foul, that art fet free, return unto thy reft : For largely hath the Lord to thee his benefits expreft. 8 Eccaufe that thou my foul haft freed, which elfe in death had flept : Mine eyes from tears delivered, my feet from falling kept. 9 Now will I walk before the Lord, as alwayes in his fight : Among the living to record his praife in land of light. io For I believed help would come, therefore I fpake no lefs : Though I was plunged for a time, in very deep diftrefs. Pfalm cxvj. 3x9, The [teond part. n At O'her times ia haft I faid, tulh, all men liars be. 12 O then what (hall I give to God, for all his gifts tome? 1 1 3 The cup of fweet falvation, lo, I will take it up : I And God's great name Tie call upon, with that fame bleffed cwp. 1 14 The folemn vows which I did vow unto the Lord moft high, Thofe will I pay and offer now, whirft all his faints ftand by, i$ Of great account undoubtedly, and precious in God's eyes The death of his dear faints ftiall be, when any of them dies. 16 Truly I am thy fervant, Lord, I am thy hand-maids fon, Thy fervant that obeys thy word, whofe bonds thou haft undone. 1 7 To thee, Lord will I facrifice the facrifice of praife : To call upon thy name likewife, my thankful voice Tie raife. 18 The vows I fay which I did vow, unto the Lord moft high, I will among his people now , perform them openly. 19 In God's own courts Fie offer them; there in thy houfe, O Lord, Iti mMft of thee jerufalem : his praife do ye record. P.CATM J2C Pfalfn cvij, PSALM CXVII. PRaife praife the Lord with one accord^ all nations tongues and lands, Whofc marvailous kind love to us for ever firmly flands. So likewife doth his blefled truth it lafts for evermore, That faithful word of God the Lord, praife ye the Lord therefore. ■ II. Metre. Have mercy , &e. Praife God ye nations all, all people praife his name Whofe grace ro us fo marvailoiK* deferves eternal &me. His trnrh to great and fmall abides on fure record: For evermore, do ye therefore give praife unto the Lord. llL.Metre. One Laud, Sec. A praxis fir thlM'itf P/ 4}ive laud and praife the Lord, ye lands and nations 3JI - 9 For he confirms his word with grace to great and fmall *, On firm record His truth abides, and never flidt- Praife ye the Lord. Ffiim cxvi 311 iv. ; APrtxisfotbt old 124 1 Praife ye the Lordall narions,coEgues a~d lands, Becaufe svefind His mercies marvailous, And loving kind— nefs very great to us : . :rul word for ever firmly (hods, Praife ye the Lord. a!lna::cns ::ngjes and bfi P S A L 11 cxvin. Give thanks to God. for he is good, his re-. ; odure : 2 Le: Ifraei fo\ this vcrv day his m. D are fare 3 Lee Aaronshoufe confefs this day, his mercy ftiil prevails. 4 Let them that fear rhe Lord- now iV his mercy sever fails. 5 I cadPd on God in my cfiftre£ and largely he reply*! [6 I fear no: man do what he can, for God is en my fj r Whoe're they be v.uz i^ccy^r me. the Lord cakes par: And I my fell defire AaH fee upon my hatei S It is far upon the Lord alone, . Then to rcpofe bur : ( .- in any mortal - 9 Better it is to trull in<3od, and call on hi:: ::'. |22 Pfakfl CXvii;. Then to repofe our truft in thofc that powerful Princes are. The Second Part ; 10 All nations compafs me about, but in Gods name alone I truft that I (ball eafily deftroythem every one. 1 1 They compaft me about, I fay, they compaft me about : But in the name of God fhall I deftroy and root them out, 12 TheyfwarnTd like Bees butareextinft as thorns that fiercely flame: For foon I (hall deftroy them all, in Gods almighty name. 13 My foe, thou haft thruft fore at me, thinking to make me fall : But fo the Lord aftifted me, that I efcaped all. 14 The Lord is all my fortitude, he is the fong I fing : And is become the rock from whom my faving health doth fpring. 1 5^ The voice of faving health and joy, in juft mens dwellings is : The Lords right hand doth valiantly, that ftrong right hand of his. j 6 The right hand of the Lord, I fay, it is .exalted high : The Lord's right hand none can wiihftand, it works fo valiantly. 17 I (hall not die, for I fhall live, and living fhall declare The works of our almighty Lord, bow wonderful they aret Pfalm cxvii;. §r{ Tut Third p*rt. . 1 8 The Lord Indeed that chafteneth me* hath chaftened me fore: Yet hath not he abandon'd me to death, when at death's dore, 1 9 Open to me the facred court, the gates of righteoufnefs : And thither I will now refort, God's praifes to confefs. 20 This is thebleft and facred gate of God the Lord, I fay, Where righteous men fltall enter in, to praife the Lord alway. 21 Lord, I will praife thy holy name, for when to thee I pray'd, Thou heard'ft my voice, and art become my rock of favingald. 22 The ftone which by the builders was refufed with dilgrace, Is now become the corner ftone, andfetin chiefeft place. 2} This is the work of our great God, and wondrous in our eyes. *4 This is the day the Lord hath made, to fill our hearts with joyes. 2$ Save now, I do befeech thee, Lord, I pray thee earneftly, Now to afford thy help, O Lord, and fend profperity. 26 BlefTed be he that comes to us in God's great name done \ And we from Sions facred houfe, do blefc you everyone. 37 God is the Lord who light affords. which this high day adorns : '324 Pfalm ckix. Come, bind the facrifice wich cords unto the altars horns. 28 Thou art my God whom Tie exalr, my God whom I will praife, 2£ Give thanks to God for he is good, his mercy lafis alvvayes. PSALM CXIX. L Metre., The Firft part. N A Bleffed people fure arc they IX that undefiled are ; And walk in GorTs unfpotced way, and keep his Laws with care. & And bleft are they that care to keep- his Teftaments entire, And they that for the Lord do feek with all their hearts defire. K AfTuredly they do no fin of purpofefotodo : But Jove God's laws and walk therein, and clofely cleave thereto I H A ftrift command thou giv'ft us hcnce 5 from which we may not fwerve, That we with care and diligence thy ftatutes fhould obferve. K Aflift me therefore, O my Lord, and fo direft my way, That I may keep thy holy wofd, and never go aflYay. K And then can no confufion fall nor fhame on me refleft : While unto thy Commandments all I have a due refpeft. X An upright heart fhall be prepared for thy fincerer praife, When unto me tliou hafideclar'd Pialm cxix. 32,$ „< All care that can be will I take to keep thy holy word : G do not utterly, forfake nor leaye me quite, O Lord* The Second part. ? What may a young man think to do, to cleanfehis way, O Lord ? Surely by taking heed thereto, according to thy word. 10 Lord, I have fought thee from my heart, and from, my heart I pray, That I may not at all depart, or wander from thy way. i I hid thy word within my heart from fin to keep me free : }a A blefled one, O Lord, thou art, thy ftatutes teach thou me. 3 The judgments of thy mouth divine^ I with my lips have told : 14 Rejoycing in thofe wayes of thine, more then in heapsof gold,. te$ Upon thy precepts I will mufa, thy wayes I will refpeft : 16 Thy ftatutes with delight perufe, and not thy word negletf. Tht Third part, if Deal bounteously in gifts of grace with me thy fejrvant, Lord : That I may Jive arid run my race, and keep thy holy word. 18 Open, O Lord, and clear mine eyes, that I n^y then behold What wonderful great myfteries thy ftatutes do unfold. to'l fif Pfclm cx!x. 19 Idoconfefsrayfelfrobe a firangcr here below 1 O do not hide thy laws fronvme, which I fliould fully know. 20 My foul doth break with fervency, and only for this caufe, f Of longing fo continually after thy (acred laws. 21 As for the prond prefamptuous men, which from thy ftatutes ftray, Thou haft, O Lord, rebuked them* and curfed is their way. 22 Remove reproaches and contempts, remove them, Lord, from me : For I have kept the teftaments which I have learnt of thee. 23 And though great princes alfo fate, thy fervant to condemn : Thy ftatutes I did contemplate, and boldly fpake of them. 24 Thy teftimonies alfo are my very hearts delight : Nor need I other counfeller, to guide my wayes aright. . The Fourth part. 25 My foul doth cleave unto the duft, vouchfafe thou, gracious Lord, To quicken me as thou art juft, and baft ingag'd thy word. 26 O Lord I have acknowledged my fecret ways to thee ♦, And thou thereto haft hearkened : thy ftatutes teach thou me. 27 Make me, O Lord, to fee indfearch thy precepts perfctt way : Pfalm cicht. fij Jo fhall I have thy wonderous works to talk of every day. t8 But now my (but doth melt away for heavinefs, O Lord : Vouchfafe to be my ftrength and ftay, according to thy word. if The way of lying vanity from me, O Lord, withdraw : And grant me very gracioufly the knowledge of thy law. 30 For I have chofe the way mod true r thy judgments are my aim .* 3 r Thy tcftaments I ftuck unto, Lord, put me not to (hame # 32 And I will run with full confent, the way thou giv'ft in charge ; When with thy fweet incouragemenr thou (halt my heart inlarge. The Fifth part. 33 Inftruft me, Lord, to apprehend thy precepts perfeft way : And I (hall keep it to the end, even to my dying day. 34 Make me, O Lord, to under (land, and I (hall keep thy law : Yea to obferve thy full command, my heart fhall not withdraw. 35 Thy path- wayes let me never mifi, but keep thy laws inrire .• No other pleafure do I wifti, nor greater thing defire. 36 Unto thy precepts bend my mind, as unto things of price ; And let me never be inclined to wicked avarice. 3*3 Ffilm cxix. 37 Avert mine 81 My foul for thy falvation faints, but in thy word is all my flay : 82 My failing eyes urge fad complaints, when wilt thou comfort me ? they fay. 83 A wrinkled bottle fet in fmoke, I;rightly am compar'd unto ; Pfalm cxix. 335 But lo the word which thou haft fpoke, I have not yet forgot to do. 84 How many are thy fervants days ? when wilt thou righteous vengeance take On perfecutors of my wayes, . and judge them for thy fervants fake ? 85 The proud have digged pits for me, which with thy law doth not accord j 86 For all thy laws are equity , » they perfecuteme, help me, Lord. €7 They had confumed mealmoft, with cruel and injurious hands, Here upon earths defpkeful coaft, yet I forfook not thy. commands. 88 Thy loving kindnefsjet be fent to quicken up my fainting mind : So (hall I keep .the teftament which thy mbft holy mouth Tiath figtvd. The Twitfth pdrt. %9 The word which thou haft fpoken, Lord, is permanent and fure : And like to heavens conftant courfe for ever doth endure. 90 All ages find thy faithfulnefs, which never flacks nor flides : Like as thou haft eftablifhed the earth, and it abides. 91 According to thy ordinance • continuing to this day : For all are fervants unto thee and do thy word obey. 92 If in thy law and faithful word I had not found delight : In my extream affliftion, Lord, 334 Pfrta cxix. 93 Therefore I never will forget thy precepts to exprefs : For thou thereby haft quickened me in all my heavfnels. 94. Continue then to fare me, Lord, for I am one of thine : And I have fought with diligence, thy precepts mod divine. 93 Though wicked men laid wait for me to kill and to deftroy : Yet I confider of thy laws, and think of them with joy. 96 For Lord, I fee there is an end of all perfeftions here : But only thy commandements far larger do appear. The Tbirttentb part. 97 O How I love the facred word which doth thy law difplay ! It is my meditation, Lord, and ftudy all the day. 98 Thou mak'ft me by thy laws to be far wifer then my foes : For that thofe laws abide with me and I abide by thofe. 99 With all my teachers I compare, excelling them in skill : I Becaufethy testimonies arc my meditation ftill. 100 In underftanding I out-go the ancients (full of dayes:) Becaufel do not only know, but alfo keep thy wayes. &i* n 169 To thee, Lord, let my cry come near, and gracioufly do thou afford To give me underftanding clear, according to thy faithful word. n 170 The humble fuit which I prefer Lord let thy gracious face accepr, And be ray fure Deliverer that promife may as fure be kept, JT> 171 Then (hall I dare to promife thee my thankful fongs of cheerful praife, <^4 When ^44 Pfrlm c xx. When thou haft fully taught to me thy natures and thy holy wayes. fl 172 Then (hall my tongue thy truth exprefs, and utter knowledge very much, £ caufc thy lawes are righteoufnefs, Yea all thy laws, O Lord, are fuch. D 173 Then let thy helping hand on high be powerfully for me difplay'd : For I have chofen prudently thy righteous precepts for my aid. JTl 1 74 Thou know'ft that I have long'd, OLoflfc that 1 thy favlng health might fee, Thy laws therefore I have preferred the chief of my delights to be. D 175 Then let my foul infafety live, and it fhall give thee grateful praife, And unto me thy judgments give, to help me on in all good wayes. JD 176 Thy fervant feek, though gone aftray, like to a wandringfheep, by kind, For I forget not all thy way, but bear thy precepts ftill in mind. PSALM CXX. ICri'd in my extream diftrefs, to God that heard my cries. a Save me from tongues deceitfulnefs, and lips inur'd to lies. 3 But what fhall be thy fhare, thy fee, falfe tongue thus us'd to err ? 4 Sharp fhafts of his that mighty is, with coals of juniper. 5 O woe Is me, that I am fain in Mefhech to refide : And muft In Kedar's tents remaia, and therein ftili abide. Ffalm ckx, 34 1 6 My foul hath much convert with fuch as unto peace are foes 1 7 Peace I would make, but when I fpake, , they ftraight to warsarofe. II. Metre. Te children, &c* . I cry'd to God, in my diftrcfs, Who did a ready ear addrefs, to hear my prayer and fend me aid. Lord, fave my. Soul, I tike intreat, From lying lips and tongues deceit ; : thus fervently to him I pray'd. But ah/ whatfhall be done to thee, Thou tongue as falfe as fklfe can be ? what (hall be given thee for thy part ? . Sharp arrows of the mighty fure. With burning coals of juniper * fiich fhaltthou have, fuch as thou ar**u cBut wo is me that muft perforce As far as Mefhech have recourfe, to be a tedious fo journer, ibanifhed from Ifrael, That I muft be conilrain'd co dwell ; within the tents of Kedar here. .My foul hath dwelt this many a day With him that hates a peaceful way, and is to quietnefs averfe. •I am for peace I love no jars , But when I fpake they were for wars* and by diffwaiion grew more fier ce> PSALMCXXL . |~TP tariie hills I lift mine eyes^ 1*1. ftom-whcncernry fuccourcan»*> 3*6 Pfalm cxxj. cxxij. 2 My help from God the Lord doth rife, that heaven and earth did frame. 3 And not a whit will he permit thy foot to Aide or fall, For furely he that keepeth thee, he numbers not at all. 4 Lo, he that keepeth Ifraef, he flumbers not nor tteeps : 5 The Lord thy keeper fhades thee well, at thy right hand he keeps. 6 That neither may the fun by day, have any power to finite : And hurt thee by malignity, nor yet the moon by iyght. 7 The Lord fhall fave thee from all harm, thy foul fhall he fecure : The Lord, I fay, with powerful arm, fhall keep thee fafe and furc. 8 Thy going out is brought about 3 with fafety by his power ♦ Thy coming in fecufd by him henceforth for evermore* PSALM CXXIL U&vt mercy 3 &e. I Did rejoice that d ay^ when they to me did fay : Unto the houfe of God let us together take our way. Z The feet of all our train now fhortly fhall remain, In full reforts within thy courts^ O thou ]e rufalem. 3 Jerufalem's buildings are like to a city fair; :ii. Pfalm cxxij. 54$ In form exaft and all compaft together every where. 4 The tribes to that place came 3 the tribes of God by name : To tlf oracle of Ifrael God's praifesto proclaim. 5 For at Jerufalem, are fet the thfoaes for them, The judgment thrones, thofe royal ones of David's diadem. 6 Pray earneftly with me, Jerufalems peace to fee : O Salem fuch (hall profper much as bear true love to thee. 7 Let all tranquillity, be in thy walls, faidl t Alfo in thefe thy pallaces as much profperity. 8 Now for my brethren here, and my companions dear : Even for their fake this prayer I make, peace be within thee there. 9 And for the neighbour-hood ofSion, where harh flood The bleft abode of our great God, lie alwayes feck thy good. II. Metre, Ye children, <&c. '. 1 did exceedingly rejoice, To hear the forward peoples voice D in offering of their own accord V For in this man&er did they fay. Come, let us up, and take our way unto the temple of the JLord* 2 WIthffi 3 Pfalm cxxiij. i& Ithin thy gates, Jerufalem, Our feet fhall come and /land in them* to worfhip and to offer there. 3 Jerufalem is built fo neat, CompaS together and compleat, the like there is not any where. 4 Thy holy tribes with one accord, The tribes, I fay, of God the Lord to IfraeFs teftimony came ; Thither they went on folemn dayes, To worfhip, and to offer praife unto the Lord's moA holy name. 5 For there are (lately thrones ered, Erefted there for this refpeft, for judgment and for equity : Which thrones of right do appertain To David's houfe, which there mufl reign* . to judge the people righteoufly. 6 O pray therefore and do not ceafe. But pray for our Jerufalems peace, they that love thee fhall profper well, . 7 Peace be within thy walls, fayl f I wifh as much profper ity within thy palaces to dwell. 8 My brethren and companions dear > Make me now fay, let peace be her c^ , I wifh it heartily to thee, $ The temple of our God no left Makes me to feek thy happinefs, as much as ever lies in me, PSALM CXXIIL TO thee, OLord, to thee alone 5 do I lift up mine eyes: (D thou the high and lofty one* that dwell 'ft above the skies, % Bcftolc^ Pfalm cxxlij. 349 z. Behold, as fervants look unto their lord and mailers hand ; And as the eyes of maidens do their miftrifles attend : So do our eyes attend and wait upon the Lord our God, Till he do us commiferate, that here are under trod. 5 Have mercy on us, O moft higb ? - have mercy on our woes : For we are fill'd exceedingly with foul contempt of foes. 4 Our foul is filFd exceeding much with feornings and contempt , Of thofe that are at eafe, and fuch asare.mofllnfolent. II. Metre. Give laud, V 3j£ Pfalm cxxv# Juf! as a bird deludes the fowlers game And fcapes away, right fo it fares with us % The fnare is broke, and we are fcaped thus ; Our help is in the Lord our Saviour's Name, Whofe powerful word did earth and heav'n frame* PSALM CXXV # A LI they that^truft in God fhall prove^ as firm as Sion hill i . Which never can be made to move, , butrtandethftedftilftill. n As hills fur round Jerufalem, . fo God is altogether, About his people, guarding them, . from this time forth for ever. 3 No finners rod fhall have command on juft mens lot to lie, Left righteous men put forth their hand unto iniquity. 4 Do good, O Lord, do good to them - that are good by thy grace; And to the upright hearted men ftiew forth thy Aiming face. 5 But thofe whom wilful Iuft allures to fin and not to ceafe , God (hall lead forth with evil doers* but Hrael flwll have peace. II. Metre. To tbt Trtyr Tim> Whoever in the Lord confide, like Sion Hill fhall firmly ftand. And be removed at no hand $ For evermore it doth abide. So are believers furc Forever to endure. r Pfalm cxxvj. 355 \\n& as the mountains huge and high I are round about Terufalem, So doth the Lord encompafs them, That are his flock and family : He will (as heretofore) Proteft them evermore. 3od fhall reftrain the finner's rod from refting on the juft mens lot ; Left work, which he approveth not, Should draw the righteous from their God* Lord fhew thy goodoefs then, To good and upright men. 3ut fuch as turn malicioufly, to crooked wayes of their own hearts, The Lord fhall give them their deferts, ith workers of iniquity : But peace on Ifrael, for evermore fhall dwell. PSALM CXXVI. \\J Hen as the Lord brought back again, A ' V the bondage mofl extream l Wherein poor Sion did remain, we were like thofe that dream. Our mouth was filPd with laughter then, and finging fill'd our tongue : Among amazed heathen men thefe fpeeches part along. Great things for them and marvellous the Lord hath done indeed : Yea, God hath done great things for us, which makes our joy exceed. , Now, Lord, our thraldom turn again, as ftreams in fouthern parts : S For they that fow in tears, obtain to reap with joyful hearts, 6 He $66 Pfalm cxxvii;, cxxix. 5 Happy is he and free from flume, Whofe quiver's furnifht with the fame, in court and camp to foil his foes. PSALM CXXVIII. BLefied are all that fear the Lord, and walk as God commands : 2 For thou fhalt eat the plenty ftor'd by labours of thy hands. All welfare fhal! to thee betide, and happy be thy life. 3 Like fruitfulvlne on thy houfe-fide, Io, fuchfhallbethywife; Thy children round about thy board, like plants of olive tree. 4 Behold the man that fears the Lord, thus blefled fhall he be. 5 FrQjn Sion God (hall profper thee, and bkfs thes every way i , And thou Jerufalem's good fhalt fee unto thy dying day. 6 Yea, with great joy thou fhalt behold a plentiful increafe Of childrens children (being old) and Ifraels ftablifht peace. PSALM CXXIX, MAny a time and oft have they diftreft me from my youth, Now Ifrael may fpeak and fay, and fpeak it of a truth. 2 Oft from my tender infancy afflifted me have they : Yet have they not prevail'd thereby againfl me any way * 3 The Pfalm cxxix. 3^7 3 The plowcrs on my back did plow, and made their furrows long. 4 The righteous Lord hath cut in two the wickeds cords fo flrong. 5 All Sions hateful enemies flop, confound, and overthrow : 6 Make them like grafs on houfes top, which withereth eVe it grow. 7 Whereof the mower ne're receives fo much as hands can gripe : Nor he that bindeth up the (heaves, a bofomful grown ripe. 8 Which never invites the paflengers, at gathering of the fame, To fay thus much, God fpeed you firs, we blefs you in his name. IL Mttrt. Te Children, &c. I Many a time and oft have they Afflifted me may Ifrael fay, from my youth up unto this day. i Oft from my youth they did afiail And fet me hard, yet did they fail, and could not poflibly prevail j The tyrants plow'd me like the ground, My back with furrows they did wound, fuch bloody cruelty I found. But the juft Lord and moft upright, Hath cut their cords afunder quite, theirs that in wickednefs delight. And let them be confounded ftill. And turned back that bear ill will ■ and hatred unto Sion hill. Like to the grafs let them be made, That on the houfes top doth fade, and withers even in the blade : -» * ¥ Whereof 368 Pfalm cxxx« Whereof the mower ne're receives A handful, nor a lapful leaves for him that bindeth up the flieaves. Neither do they which there go by Say, firs, God fpeed you heartily, we blefs you from the Lord moft high. PSALM CXXX. " /*"\Ut of the depths I criM to thee, V/2 Lord, hear my voice, faid I ; And let thine ears attentive be to my regueft and cry. 3 If thou ^WoukTft mark iniquities, then whq fhould (land, O Lord ? $ But tlfere^s forgivenefs in thine eyes 3 that thou maift be ador'd. $ I earneftly expeft the Lord, my very foul attends, Inexpe&ationofhis word, whereon my hope depends. 6 My foul waits for the Lord, I fay, more then the watch by night: Yea, more then they that wait for day, and for the dawning light. 7 Let Ifrael hope in God alone, for with the Lord there is Moft plentiful redemption, and mercy for all his. 8 And this moft gracious Lord /hall pleafe his Ifrael to redeem From all their fins and trefpafles, how great foe're they feem* II. MM Ffalm cxxx. 559 II. Mart. Give Laud, &c. )ut of the depths of wo I cr'fd to thee, Lord, ,ord bow thine ear fo low and let my voice be heard. bow thine ear ttentively unto my cry my prayer to hear. f thou fevere fhouldft be, then Lord, who fhould be cleafd, ut mercy is with thee that fo thou maiftbe fear'd. 1 wait, I tend Fpon the Lord, and on his word my hopes depend, ly foul waits for the Lord, more earneftly than thofe "hat wait with great regard, till day the light difclofe. Yea, more I fay, )efires difpatch than they that watch for break of day. ,et Ifrael hope in God for with the Lord is found ilercy to fpare the rod, redemption to abound. Ey him liBhvife U Ifrael is redeem'd from his iniquities. III. Metre. The mighty God, &c. tat of the hoirors of the dreadful deep Vhere feaxs and forrows never ceafe nor fleep. To %6o Pfalm cxxxj. To thee, O Lord, I fent my woful cries, Lord hear the accents of my miferies. O bow thine ear with kind commiferation, And pleafe to hear mine earneft fupplication. O Lord, if thine inquiry (hould be ftrift, To mark our fins, and judgments to inflift; who may abide it, or, when tri'd they are, Stand uncondemned at thy judgment bar : But there is mercy with thee richly ftored, That thou with filial fear maift be adored* Hy foul waits for the Lord, in him I truft, Whofe word is faithful, and whofe promife juft J On him I wait more earneftly than they That wait the comforts of the rifing day. Yea, more than thofe that have the day defired, With tedious watchings of the night time tired. Let Ifrael in the Lord alone repofe, For with the Lord abundant mercy flowes, And with the Lord (however fins abound) Is plentiful redemption to be found : And by his grace fhall Ifrael be acquitted, From all his Sins whatever he committed. PSALM CXXXI. OLord, I have no fcornful eye, no proud or haughty mind : I feek not things that are too high, but humbly am inclined. 2 My foul is like an infant wean'd even from his mothers breft. 3 And Ifrael fo to be fuftein'd, on God fhould alwayes reft. II. Mtt Pfalm cxxxj. c*xxij. 3* 1 II. Metre. Cive land, #ft No haughty heart have I, nor lofty fcornful eyes •, Nor wade prefumptuoufly into deep myfkries : I do not deal In things thac be too high for me. Lord, thou know'ft well. 2 Surely I have contain'd, and fhew'd my fclf as mild As is the child that's wean'd, as is the weaued child. 3 Ifrael therefore Hope thou in heaven, henceforth andcvei for evermore. •" PSALM CXXXII. King David, Lord, remember now, and all his cares record •, How he did fwear to God, and vow to Jacob's mighty Lord. Is Surely, faid he, I will not corrie, nor ever put my head Into my houfe and lodging-room, to go up to my bed : j. I wDl not give one wink of deep unto my weary eyes .• Nor fuffer Dumber once to creep mine eye-lids to furprize \ Until I do find out a place, a place wherein may dwell. The mighty God of Jacob's race, the Lord of Ifir&d. 3*2 Pfalm cxxxij. 6 The firft news of his bleft abode, lo, Ephratah did yield : After, we found the ark of God plac't in the wood-land field. 7 Now therefore will we all go in, unto his dwelling-place : And humbly we will worfhip him at foot-ftool of his grace. 8 Arifc, O Lord, and come at length into thy place of reft, Thou and the ark of thy great ftrength, thy temple to invert. c O let thy priefis be all arrai'd with righteoufnefs throughout: And let thy gracious faints be made for very joy to fhout. 10 For David's fake thy fervanc known, O do not turn away The face of thine anointed one, jj| that unto thee doth pray. The fecondpart. I r The Lord in truth to David fware, and will not turn from it: Out of thy loins (hall come thine heir, upon thy throne to fit. 12 If thy feed keep my covenant, and laws that I make known : Thy children then (hall never want heirs eo enjoy the throne. 1 3 For God hath chofen Sion hill, - defiring there to dwell. 1 4. This is my reft and dwelling flill, for I have lik't it well. J : 1 i- j Her meat Fie blefs abundantly, |fy; wherewith (he (hall be fed : • Pfajm cxxxiij. 3^? And I will alfo fetj^fie ■ ■■■ < her poor with ftqre of breach 1 6 Apd •£. vriH alfo clothe- her prrefi* i withfaving health and grace ; And with thev^ice of jojfulnefs her faints fhafi (hqut apace, [ 7 Thercwill I m&ke hisrhorn ro tnrci even David's honsto fpring : I have ordain'd a lamp fo good, for my anointiil king. • - 1 18 His adverfariesaUof them then will I clothe with fhame : But on himfelf his diadem fhall flourifh with great fame* PSALM CXXXIIL BEhold how much it doth excell, and what great joy to fee, When brethren do together dwell, in perfect unity. ; It's like the precious ointment whfclt ' was pour'd on Aaron's croivn ; That to his beard and garments rich., even to the skirts, ran down; ; Like pearly dew of Hermon hill, or Sion's filver fhowers : Where God commands the blefling filll, and life upon triem poures. t\^ Metre. AH People, fyc. Behold how good and full of blifs, And what a pleafant thing it is, When brethren do moft lovingly ! together dwell in amity. 3^4 Pfalm cxxxiv. 2 It's like the precious ointment flied upon the top of Aaron's head : Which drencht hfs beard, and from his crown even to hi? garments skirts ran down. g Like pearly dew of Hermon hills, or which on Sion mount diftills : Where God ponrs dowa his bleflings (lore, bleflfings of life for evermore. PSALM CXXXIV. %t Havi mercy , &c. BEhold ye here at hand, ye fervants of the Lord, Which in his houfe by night do ftand, praife him with one accord. 2 Lift up your hands on high with'n his holy place: And kneeling in humility, blefs God, the God of grace. 3 The Lord (do ye fay (till) that made both heaven and earth, Blefs Ifrael out of Sion hill with favours thence pour'd forth. II. Metre. All people, fyc. -Behold ye fervants of the Lord, which in his houfe by night do fland, Blefs ye his name, his praife record, devoutly lifting up your hand, 2 Teh fanftuary blefs his name , Then let the Levites thus reply, The Lord that heaven and earth did frame, from Sion blefs thee plcntcoufly. Pfalm cxxxr, 3$$ ' III. Metre. A Praxis for the Tune of the 1 12 TfiL 2. M. the fame that was for Our father, &c. Behold ye fervants of the Lord, which in his houfe (land night and day, With rais'd-up hands his praife record, and in his fan and Og of Bafhan too : for certainly His mercies (hall, Sec. And gave ("in open view) the land where they did dwell An heritage unto his people Ifrael' : for certainly His mercies fhall, Sec. Who did remember us when our eftate was low, And hath redeemed us from the opp reding foe j for certainly His mercies (hall, &c« To him give praifes due, who gives all flefh their food, O give ye thanks unto the God of heaven fo good : for certainly His mercies (half, &c. PSALM CXXXVII. WHen as we fat in Babylon, and by the rTvers fide, Remembring Sions fad eftate, tears from our eyes did Aide. 2 As for our harps and inftruments, of mufick us'd before ; We hung them on the willow trees, that grew upon the (hore. 3 Where they to whom we prifoners were, did ask us eagerly, Cfcmc* 37$ Pfalm mxvij. Come, let us hear your Hebrew fongs ? and plea fane melody. 4 Alas ! faid we, who can difpofe his forrowful heart to fing The praifes of a loving God, under a forrain king ? 5, No no, if ever I forget the thoughts of Sion hilf, Let my right hand forget her harp, and forfeit all her skill. 6 Yea, let my tongue cleave to my Jaws, if that Jerusalem Be not preferr'd in all my Joyes above the chief of them. 7 Remember Edom's childrefi, Lord, that in Jerufalem's day Said, raze it, raze it to the ground, even to the ground, faid they* 5 And thou, O daughter Babylon, thy ruine is defignM : And happy fhall that man be eall'd, that ferves thee in thy kind. y Yea, bleffed fhall that man be caffd^ that takes thy little ones, And dafhes them with violence againftthe pavement ftones. IL Mitre. Hard by the brooks of Babylon, we fat down weeping there : When Sion hill we thought upon, each thought infbre'd a tear. 2 Amidft it there green willows were, whereon our harps we hung : For they that led us captives there, required of us a fongt II Pfalm cxxxviij. 377 I And they that wafied us that day, did ask and urge us thus, Sing one of Sion's fongs, faid they, and make fome mirth for us. \ How fhall we ever tune our tongue to fing, at your command, The Lord Jehovah's facred fong, here in a forraign land ? 5 If I forget thee in my heart, O Salem's facred hill, Let my right hand forget her art, and forfeit all her skill. 5 Yea, let my tongue cleave to my jaws. if thou (halt be forgot .• Yea, and above my chiefeft joyes if I prefer thee not. 7 Lord, think on Edom's fons, we pray, whom we fo fpiteful found : That faid in fid Terufalem's day, rafe, rafelt to the ground. : Daughter of Babel, thou muft be deftroyM and ruin'd thus : Happy is he that doth to thee as thou had done to us. . He fhall be hlcfied for hh paios f that takes thy little ones, And dafheth out their infant brains agalnft the pavement flones. PSALM CXXXVHI. nWill extol thee willingly with my whole heart in me, n prefence of the Gods will I fing praifes unto thee. I will tdore thee bowing down towards thy holy pkee : 378 Pfalra cxxxviij. And give thy bleffed Name renown for thy fweet love and grace* And for thy faithfulnefs, O Lord 3 I will extol thy fame : For thou haft magnify 'd thy word Yea more than all thy Name. The day whereon I cry'd ro thee, thou didft, O Lord, reply : And thou didft alfo ftrengthen me with comforts inwardly* AH kings on earth fhall give thee praife when they fhall hear and know What promifes thy word difplayes where-e're the tydings go. Yea, they fhall fmg triumphantly In God's mod holy waves, Eccaufe our God's great Ma jefty deferves fo great a praife. Though God be high he likes the low the lofty he difdains / And though I walkinmidft of wo my quickning hope remains. Thoufhalt, O Lord, ftretch out thy hand which fhall for me engage : And thy right hand for me fhall (land I againft mine enemies rage. What me concerns will God fulfil, fo firm thy mercy ftands, Forfake not/ Lord, but fuccour Jtill the work of thine own hands. II. Mure. All people, or, O Lord^onfider^r. With my whole heart I praife thee now, before the gods thy praife I fiog, Pfalm cxxxix. 37? 2 Towards thy holy houfe I bow to praife thy name, O heavenly king. Even for thy loving kindnefs, Lord, and for thy truth fo often tri'd : For thou haft magnified thy word, yea, more then all thy name befide. 3 Thou anfweredft me that very day wherein I did fo call and cry : Thou ftrengthened'ft me and waft my ftay, my foul thou ftrengthened'ft inwardly. 4 All k'ngs on earth (hall give thee praife, when from thy mouth they hear thy words: 5 Yea, tinging walk^long thy wayes : fuch fame, fuch great fame is our Lords. 6 Though God be high above all things, the Jowly he regardeth much : But on the proud contempt he brings, and afar off he knoweth fuch. 7 Although I walk in dangers path, thou (halt revive me, and extend Tlhy haod againft my enemies wrath, and thy right hand IhaU me defend. S The Lord will perfevS my affairs, fo firm and fure thy mercy ftands : Negleft not thou thy wonted cares, to keep the works of thine own hands. P S A L M CXXXIX. OLord, thou haft mefearch'd and knswn : 2 Thou feeft me fit and rife, My fartlu ft thoughts thouknow'ft, each one whatever I devife. 3 Thou compafleft my path, my bed, and all my wayes doft note. 4 There's not a word my tongue hath kid, but thou doft fuJJy kno\w. < EchmrL 3?o Pfalm cxxxix. 5 Behind, before, thou haft belet, and on me laid thy hand. 6 Such knowledge is too great to get, too high tounderftand. 7 Whither, O whither fhall I go, and from thy fpirit flie? Where fhall I hide me high or low, from thy all-feeing eye ? 8 If I fhould climb to heaven on high, or make my bed in hell * Thou art in heaven afluredly, thou art beneath as well. 9 If on the morning wings I fled, the utmoft feas beyond : io There, by thy hand I fhould be led, and held by thy right hand* 11 And if I fay, the darknefs fure fhall hide me from thy fight : The darknefs which is moft obfeure, about me fhall be light. 12 Yea, darknefs hides not from thy fight; but p*ght n day fhines clear : To thee the darknefs and the light do both alike appear. 13 For, Lord, my reins moft fecret room poffeffed is by thee j And in my mothers narrow womb, Lord, thon hafl covered me. 14 Tie praife thee that haft made me thus, of rare and fearful franrc : Thy handy-works are marvellous, my foul well knows the fame. 15 MyTubftance was not hid from thee, when fecret ly compos'd : t And curioufly thou formed'ft me, in earth's dark caves inclos'd. Pfalm cxxxix. 3 8 t |o* Thine eye did fee my fubftance rude, I thy book nairfd every lirab, I Which by degrees were fafhioned, I when yet was none of them. g 7 How precious alfo unto me I are thy fweet thoughts become ! tO God, how very great they be, I in grofs and total fumme ! 13 If Iftiould count them, they are more I in number then the faad : |And I when I awake therefore, i am ft ill at thy right hand. \ 9 Surely thou wilt the wicked flay, O God, fpare none of them : Therefore from me depart, I fay, O all ye bloody men. o For lo, they utter all their fpite, Lord, in thy difdain .• Thine adverfaries fet thee light, and take thy name in vain. i Do not I hate thine enemies ; and that for hating thee ? And thofe that do againft thee rife, am not I griev'd to fee ? 2 Yea, Lord, I hate them perfectly, 1 count them my own foes. 3 Search me, O God, my confeknee try, my heart and reins difclofe. , And fee if I do go aftray in any courfe of fin : Shew me the e verlafting way, and lead me, Lord, therein. H. MOT!. 382 Pfalm cxxxix. II. Mitre. All People, &c. Lord thou haft fearch't and known me well Thou feed me fit, thou feeft me rife : •My thoughts a far off thou canit xd], my path, my bed, and all my guife. There's not a whifper in my tongue' but rhou doft fully untterftand : Thou haft befet me all along, and lay'd on me thy mighty hand. Such knowledge is too great, too high ' for me to apprehend and know : For whither, whither canT fiy 3iol? thine omniprefence. to out£o. Climb I to heaven above my head, Thou dwelFft in that celeftial fphere j Or if in hell I make my bed, 'tis all alike, for thou art there. If on the mornings wings I ride beyond the feas that are fovaft, . Even there thy hand (hall be my guide, and thy right hand fball Hoklme (aft.*. If fure, I fay, the dusky night (hall cover me from thy furvey, The night about me (hall be^ light j as cleer as funfhine in the day. Yea, darknefs hideth not from thee, but night as day with glittering fia(pje, Are both of them alike to thee, . darknefs and light to thee the fame. The Second part. O Lord, thou haft pofleft my reins, and clos'd me in my mothers womb : rii II Pfaim cxxxix. 383 fie praife thee, Lord, by whofe good means I did ray native (hapeaffume. Thy workmanfhip that made me thus for dregd and wonder doth excell : Thy handy works are marvailous, and that my foul doth know right well. My fubflance was not hid from thee when madei'th' womb before my birth 1 : Mofl curioufly thou formed'ft me, 'as 'twere in caverns of the earth. Thine eyes faw my rude fubflance there, thy book had all my members nam'd 3 Which in continuance fafhion'd were e're there was any of them fram'd. The Trird part. How precious are thy thoughts likewife to me, O God ! How great a fumme ! If I fhould count towhat they rife, the finds to no fuch number come. When I awake I'm ftill wirh thee, and fuj-e thou wilt the wicked flay, Wherefore, I fay, depart from me, ye bloody men, get far away. Forlo, they fpeak againft thee ftill, and their difcourfe is all propjiane. Thine enemies in proud felf-will do take thy (acred name in vain. .The Fourth fart. Do not I hate them, O mofl high, them that bear hatred unto thee ! Am not I griev'd exceedingly their bold impieties to fee ? Thofc 334 Pfe' m cy ^' Thofc namely, thofe ungodly men that rife againfl thee, and oppofe 3 With perfeft hatred hate I them, I take them for my greateft foes* Search me, O God, and know my heart, Try me, and know my thoughts, I pray, See if I ought from thee depart, and (hew me th' everlafting way. PSALM CXL. FRom workers of iniquity, O Lord, be my defence ; Preferve thou me, and fet me free from men of violence. 2 Whofe hearts imagine villany, and gathered they are, And do comply continually in purpofes of war. 3 They whet their tongues as darts of death like to theferpent fly .• The poifonous breath of adders deaf under their lips doth ly. 4 Keep me, O Lord, from wicked hands, and from my furious foe : Thofe fire-brands whofe purpofe (lands my ftepsto overthrow. 5 A fnare for me the proud did hide, and they have fpread a net .- And cords they ti'd by th' high-way fide, and grins for mc they fet. 6 Therefore unto the Lord, faid I, thou art my God alone. O Lord moft high, attend ray cry and fupplication. 7 O God the Lord, thoudofl beftead ray foul with faving might ; And Pfalm cxli 385 And thou my head haft covered in day of bloody fight. 8 Grant not, O Lord, grant not a jot the wicked man's defire : O further not his wicked plot, left that fhould lift them higher. 9 As for the head of all their throng, that compafs me about, Let mifchief fprung from their own tongue quite cover them throughout. 10 Let burning coals upon them fall, and caft them in the fire : ; And let them all in deep pits fall, whence they may not retire* 11 Let there be no eftablifhment for leud tongues, here below, Evil (hall hunt the violent unto his overthrow. 2 I know God will maintain, by might, the caufe of the diftreft : And will not flight the poor man's right, but help him, when oppreft. 1 3 Surely the righteous every where thanks to thy name (hall give : And all that bear a mind fincere 3 fhall in thy prefence live. II. Mitre. d fave me from the violent, and from the evil doer ; hofe hearts are bent with ill intent, my mine to procure. Continually for wars they throng, with adders fting they ftnke, With fharp'ned tongue and poifon ftrong, the fubtle ferpeat-like. S Lord ■ m Pftlm cyA. Lord fave me from my wicked foe and from the furious man, Who would my goings overthrow, and aim it all they can. Proud men have fought my foul to get, their cords and fnares they ti'd, They fpread a net, their grins they fct hard by the high-way-fide. But then unto the Lord, faid J, Thou art my God moft dear : The voice of my requeft and cry, O Lord rouchfafe to hear. O God the Lord (my faving might) Thou covered'ft my head In day of fight to (land uprighr, and fave my blood unfhed. Tbt Second part. Lord grant not wicked mens defire* O fpeed not men in fault ; For wickednefs that they confpire, left they themfelves exalt. As for the head of all thofe men that compafs me abour, Let the dire curfes cover them, which their own lips gave out. Let burning coals fall or* their head, and caft them in the flame : To be as people buried, no mifchief more to frame. Let th' earth afford no fettlement for any wicked tongue : Evil (hill hunt the violent to ruine him e're long. For fure I know God will maintain the caufe of men oppreft : The i Pfalra cxlj. 5S7 The poor man's right he will fuftain, and have their wrongs redrefs'd. And furethe juft with great delight (hall give thy Name the praife, And in thy fight fhall men upright live fafely all their dayes. PSALM CXLL TO thee, OLord, I call and cry, make haft and come to me : And bow thine ear attentively, now when I cry to thee* 2 O let my prayer be now fet out as incenfe in thine eyes : And lifting up of hands devout, as evening facrifice. 3 And fet a careful wateh before my hafly mouth, O Lord ; And of my lips keep thou the dore, againft each evil word. 4 Incline my heart to no mifdeed, with them that wicked are : Nor let me ever cbrc to feed of their delicious fare. 5 But let the righteous fmite me, Lord. for that is good for me : And his reproof and fharpeft word, a foveraign b^Im fhall be. Such fmiting fhall not break my head, for their reproofs I prize, And ftill my pray'rs are offered, in their calamities. 6 Their judges being overthrown, as on the! tony ftreet } Then (hall they hear my words each one, for they are very fweet. S 2 7 Bit 328 Pfalm cxlj. 7 But now about the graves they leave cur bones, all (battered round ; As wood which one doth cut and cleave* lies fcattered on the ground, 8 But, Lord, mine eyes are unto thee, my truft is in thy grace : O God the Lord, then leave not me in fo forlorn a cafe. 9 O keep me fafely from the fnare, they laid to take me in : And from the grins of thofe that are fuch pra&ifers of fin. io And in their own devifed net, Lord, lee the wicked fall : Even in the net which they did fet, whifft I efcape them all. II. Metre. All people, &c. To thee I cry, O Lord make hafte, And hear me e're the time be paft .• As incenfe my devotions prize, Or as the evening facrifice. A watch before my mouth prefix. And keep the dores of both my lips : My heart to no bad thing incline In wicked courfes to combine. Nor of their dainties let me eat, That are allufd by fins deceit, But let the righteous fmite me, Lord, A kindnefs which I (hall record. For his reproof fo meek and calm Breaks not my head, but proves a balm: And I (hall with like amity Pray for them in calamity. When Pfalmcxlij. 389 When as their wicked leaders fhall Upon the rocks of vengeance fall ; The reft fas vvarn'd) my words fhall hear, And fweet my counfel fhall appear. But now alas our bones are found As chips all fcatter'd on the ground : Such inhumanity they have, They leave our limbs without a grave. But though in darknefs clos'd I lie On thee, O God, I fix mine eye .- In thee I trufi, Lord hear my fuit, Leave not my darling deftitute. O keep me from the cruel net Which wicked men for me have fc^: : Let them be faafd in their own trap Whiles I efcape fo great mifliap. PSALM CXLII. ICri'd unto the holy one, with earneft voice and cry : I made my fupplication known unto the Lord moil high, 2 I pour'd out my complaint and cry before his gracious face : I fhew'd before him readily my deep diftrefsful cafe. 3 When, Lord, my fpirit funk in woe, my path was known to thee : And in the way where I did go, they laid clofe fnares for me. 4 I look't on my right hand and faw, but none would know me there : Refuge did fail and quite withdraw', none for my foul did care. $ Icri-d to thee, O Lord, and faid, thou art my refuge then : S 3 Thou 39o Pfalm cxlij. Thou art my portion and my aid, iW land cf living men. 6 Attend my cry for I am low, and;, Lord, deliver me From them that perfecute me fo, and are too ftrong for me. 7 My foul from prifon, Lord, fet free, thy name to glorify : The righteous then fhall flock to me, when I thy bounty try. II. Mem. O Lord confider, fyc. With earned voice 3nd cries devour, ' to God the Lord I made reqaeft ; My deep complaint I poured out and fhew'd the Lord my cafe diftrcfh My fpirit overwlielm'd and fpent, my private path was known to thee, How'in the way wherein I went, they lay'd a fecret fnare for me. The right hand-way I looked hard, but there was no man would me know ; All refuge fail'd, and no man car'd whether I fcap'd with life or no. I crfd to thee, O Lord, and faid thou art my refuge neer at hand ; Thou art my portion and my aid, while I am living in the land. Attend unto my earneft fuit, for I am brought exceeding low : Save me from them that persecute, too hard for me, too ftrong a foe .• My foul from prifon, Lord bnng out , that I may render praife to thee ; The Pfalm cxliij. '391" The juft fhall compafs me about, when thou deaFft bountcoufly with me, PSALM CXLHL LOrd, hear my prayer and humble fuit,. thy willing ear addrefs : And anfwer me in equity, in truth and faithfulnefs. 2 And into judgement or difpute, thy fervantdo not call : For with thee can no mortal man be juftifi'd at all. 3 My foes to death do perfccute, my life to ground is trod : My dwelling made in d3rkfom fhadc, as men long dead, O God. | 4 Therefore my burdened fpirits ftirink, my heart is defolate j % But wifely weighs the ancient days : thy works I meditate. € On all thy handy-works, I think, to thee I firetch my hands : My foul in me thirds after thee, as do the thirfly hnds. 7 Lord, hear mefoon, my fpirits fink, hide not thy face from me, Left I fhould go to th' pit below, and like dead men fhould be. 8 Caufc me to hear of thy kind love before the break of day : Caufe me to know what way to go, for thou art all my ftay. 9 I lift my foul to thee above, Lord fave me from my foe : I fly to thee to Chelcer me, none other God I know, S 4 io Teach 392 Ffalm cxliij. io Teach me thy holy will to prove, O God whom I confefs ; Thy fpirit is good, be thou my guide to th' land of uprightnefs. 1 1 Lord for thy Names fake quicken me, and bring my foul from wo, So to exprefs thy righteoufnefs, and thy free grace to (how. 12 And of thine own benignity, and for thy gocdnefs fake, CutofTall thofe that are my foes, and vengeance on them take. Deftroy'd and ruin'd let them be that do my foul opprefs ^ For I ferve theerdigioufly, with all fubrniffivenefs. ]I. Metre. All People, &c. Or, O Lord confider, &c» i Vouchfafe, O Lord, my prayer to hear* And to my humble fuits give ear ; Anfwer me in thy faithfulnefs, And in thy perfeft righteoufnefs* 2 And into judgment do not all Thyfervant, Lord, no, not at all : For in thy fight feverely tri'd, None living fhall be juftifi'd. 3 For trT enemy hath befet me round, And trod my life down to the ground $ Hath made me dwell in darknefs deep, As thofe that in their graves do fleep, 4 Therefore my foul is fore oppreft And overwhelmed in my breaft : My heart in this fo fad eftate Within me is rnofl defolate. * Pfalm cxliij. 3>j The Second part. [ y I call to mind the dayes of old, I weigh thy wonders manifold : I mufe vvirh moft intentive thought Upon the works thy hands have wrought. I 6 To .thee, Lord, I ftretch forth my hands, I My foul doth thirft as thirfty lands, It thirfls for thee, O Lord moft high, 7 Vouchfafe to hear me fpeedily* I My fpirit waxeth wondrous faint, Hide not thy face from my complaint:: Left I fhould be (by thy fad frown) Like them that to the grave go down. jfife Third -part. 8 Caufe me of thy kind love to hear Before the morning doth appear : For in thee do I put my truft, Caufe me to know thy way moft juft. And how to walk. Lord, fhew to me, or I lift up my foul to thee : 9 O fave me from mine enemies , My foul to thee for fafe-guard flies. io O teach me, for thou art my God, To do thy will : thy fpirit is good : Lead me, and let me find accefs Unco the land of uprightnefs. ii Lord, for thy Names fake, cheer mv mind, Thy quickning comforts let me find : And for thy righteoufaeflesfake, My foul out of thefe troubles take, , s 5 J2.Ai*l; a 594 Pfakn cxliv. 1 2 And of thy mercy flay my foes, Deftroy them, Lord, deftroy all thofe That vex my foul malicioufly, For thy meek fervanr, Lord, am I. PSALM CXLIV. I BLeffcd for ever be the Lord who is my ftrength and might : Who taught my hands to ufe the fword, my fingers how to fight. 2 My goodnefs and my fort likewife, my fhield of faving power, My Saviour from mine enemies, and my exalted tower. In whom I put my confidence, for he, and none but he Subdueth to obedience , my people under me. 3 Lord, what is mm that thou fhould'ft take fuch knowledge of him here/ Or fon of man that thou (hould'ft make account of him fo dear ? 4 Sure man is like to vanity, his dayes decline and fade ; And pafs away moft haftily, like to a flitting fhade. 5 Lord, bow the heavens and come down, the mountains gently itroke Look on them with an angry frown, and they fhall quickly fmoke. 6 Caft forth thy lightning from the skies, and all thy foesdifperfc : And to deftroy thine enemies, BhODt out thine arrows fierce. j Send from above thy hand that faves I rid me by thy command, And Pfalm cxliv. 39$ And free me from the mighty waves, and from ftrange childrens hand. 8 Whofe mouth doth utter words devis'd, and fraught with falfhood great : And their right hand is exercis'd in cunning and deceit. 9 New fangs to thee willlprefent, my pfaltery fhall agree ; And on a ten-ftringMinftrurnent will I fing praife to thee. 10 'Tishe that unto kings extends y falvations welcome pledge; His fervant David he defends : from fwords offenfive edge. 1 1 ReJeafe and rid me fpeedily, from handsof finners vile. Whofe fubtle mouths fpeak vanity, their right hand's full of guile. 12 That fo our fons may thrive apace as plants in youth do grow } Like polifht (tones of feme fair place fo may our daughters (how. 13 Our garners full as they can hold with every kind of thing : And in our ftreets the flock and fold may many thoufands bring. 14 Let not our labouring oxen faint, nor enemy invade : No leading captive, no complaint within our flreets be made. 1$ O bleffed people, would we fay 3 with fuch like bleflings flofd: Yea, rather bluffed people they, whofe God is God the Lord. PSALM: %f£ Pfalm cxliv* II. Metre. The mighty God, &c. ElefTed be God my ftrength that taught me war, my hands and fingers how to fight the field, My goodnefsfortrefsmy DELIVERER, and my high tower my fafety and my fhield. *Tis he in whom I rruft for my protection, Who brings my people under due fubjeftion. Lord what is maa that thou fhouldft knowledge take of one fo far inferior unto thee, What is the fon of man, thaj thon fhouldft make fohigh account offuch a one as he? Man's like to vanity, his dayes defigred, Are like unto afhadow far declined* Lord bow thy heavens, and come down below, O tnuch the Mountains ;) Lord,& they fhall fmoke:. Caft out thy lightnings, and difperfe the foe , fhoot out thine arrows for a deadly ftroke : Thy hand fend from above, O great Creator, And rid and fave me from the floods of water. O fave me from the hands of children ftrange, whofe mouth fpeak vanity at every word.* Their hand,their right hand is a meer exchange of fraud and fal(hood,as thou know'fi,0 Lord; New fbngs Fie utter with renown to raife thee> With instruments of mufick I will praife thee, The Szcondpavt. 'lis God that gives falvarion unto Kings, his fervant David faves he from the fword : Lord fave me from flrange peoples quarrellings, whofe mouth fpeaks vanity at every word ; And, Lord, their right hand, while their tongue is Is a right hand of f He helps the widows in diftrefs, and Grangers fad in heart ; He doth defend the fatherlefs, and ill mens wayes fubverc. io The Lord fhall raign eternally,. thy God, O Sion hill Shall raign to all pofterity, O praife him, praife him ftilL II. Metre. All people, foci. The Lord's due praife do ye proclame, Q thou my foul, do thou the fame : All my life long fhall my glad tongue Give praifes to his holy Name. I will unto my God fmg praife, While life and breath prolong my dayes : Truft not in kings, nor mortal things, Which cannot help you any wayes. For quickly pafleth forth their breath, And they return to duft by death : In that fame day their thoughts decays And every projeft perifheth. Pfalm cxlvj. 401 O bleffed then, and happy one, Who hath the God of Jacob known ; Whofe hope is flayM and firmly iay'd Upon the Lord his God alone. Which made the heaven, the fca, and fhore. The earth and all the numerous ftore, Whatever hath bin, or is therein y And keepeth truth for evermore. Which worketh judgment righteoufly, For men opprefs'd with injury *, Food doth he find for th' hunger-pin d, And prifoners fets at liberty* the Second part. The Lord doth make the blind to fee, He raifeth them bow'd down that be j The Lord above, juft men doth love, And Grangers poor, prefer ve doth he. -The Lord relieves the Fatherlefs, And aids the widows in diftrefs: Butfinners path fubverts in wrath, And doth it utterly fupprefs. The Lord fhall reign eternally, Thy God, O Sion rules on high ; Through ages ftill bear fway he will, His Name forever magnify. III. Metre. Give laud, fac. Praife God : Praife God, my foul, Praife to my God Tie give : Mv long fball him extol, So long as I do live. 402 Pfalm cxlvij. No credit place In earthly kings, or fuch vain things as humane race. Breath fails, they fall to duft, that day their thoughts all fade : But bled are they that truffc in Jacob's God for aid. And hope in him That made all thefe : Heav'n, earth, and feas, and all therein. That keepeth covenant Rill, The righteous Judge is he. He doth the hungry fill, and fets the prisoners free : Gives blind men £ght, Raifcth from ground the bowed dowu, and loves th* upright. Strangers doth God fecure, Relieves (in all their woes) Orphans, and Widows poor i But leud mens wayes o'rethrows 3 Thy God, thy Lord, OSion, reigns while th' earth remains, His praife record. PSALM CXLVII, PRaife ye the Lord, for it is meet Our God's high praife to ting, For the employment is mod fweet, and praife a comely thing. The Lord builds up Jerufalern, bring's IfraeFs out-cafts home : He healeth broken-hearted men, bindes up their wounds each one. The number of the flars he tells, and doth their names recite, Pfalm cxlvij, 403 I Ireat is our God, his power excells, [ his wifdom 's infinite. i'oor humble fouls the Lord doth raife, I the wicked treads to ground, [ ing to the Lord our God, fing praife [I with harps harmonious found. IVho with thick dcuds o'refpreads the sky : I and rain on earth diftills : le makes the earth to fruftify I with grafs on higheft hilL«. [lloth beaft and bird he kindly feeds, I young ravens cry to him, le takes no joy in firength of fteeds, I nor in a flrong man's limb. Kut Io ! the Lord's delight and joy I is ever in the juft : In them that feajr him faithfully, V and in his mercy truft. Tkc Second fart. |) praife the Lord Jerufakm. 1 thy God, O Sion praife : Raife God, praife God moft high within his facred tower : I'th firmament of large extent, where he declares his power. a O praife him thankfully, for his almighty deeds .• His praife forth (hew according to his greatnefs which exceeds. 3 O magnify the Lord with (lately trumpets found % WitR PfaJmcl m With pfaluries and harps likewife, that he may be renowtfd. 4 Do ye his praife record among them in the dance : With timbrels, flutes, organs andlitte^ his praifes to advance. 5 Let the loud cimbals ring, his praife to magnify : Praife him upon the filver one, that foundeth loud and high, 6 Let every breathing thing, be ready to record The praife and fame of God's great name, Amen, praife ye the Lord II. Man. All people, 0/, O Lord consider, &c* Praife ye the Lord : Praife God on high, * Praife him within his Sanftuary ; O praife him in the firmament Of his great power omnipotent. 2 O praife him for Hs mighty deeds, After his power which exceeds : 3 Praife liim with found of Trumpet ffyrpv Praife him with pfaltery and harp. 4 Your timbrels in his praife employ 5 And let your hearts even leap for joy : Praife him with Inftruments well ftrung. And quavering Organs founding long, T * < Pfidfe 4U> Pfalm? * 5 Praife him, 0* praife him-xheerfuHjr, With Cymbals founding loud and high $ 6 Let every creature that has breath, Applaud and praife the Lord till death*. £ J N J &.