LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, N. J. G-reen Fund Dirision.^3.\2A5 Section.xA...\^. I O A CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY ON EXODUS. A CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY THE BOOK OF EXODUS. Mifli a jflcfa Kriinslutiou. JAMES G. MURPHY, LL.D., T.C.T)., PROFESSOR OF HEBREW, BELFAST. Al THilR OF ••COMMK.START ON TIIK BOOK OF c;F.NFSI«." EDINBURGH: T. .t T. CLAEK, 38 GEORGE STREET: LONDON : HAMILTON, ADAMS, & CO. ; ITBLIN : J. KOBERTSON & CO. HKI.! AST : C AITCHISON. MDCCCT.XVr. PREFACE. If the one God make a world and write a book, it is to be expected that nature and Scripture will agree. But their in- terpreters may differ. It is notorious that there has been a philosophy that was only vain deceit — a science, falsely so- called. This was simply a false interpretation of nature. It could not be presumed that such would agi'ee with the Bible. It is equally well-known that false principles of interpretji- tion have been applied to the Scripture, the results of which have also been at variance with nature. Admittinsr, however, the word and the work to come both from God, men, with the narrow and partially erroneo\is philosophy of their day, have endeavoured to harmonize them. In doing so, they have in some instances imposed a sense upon Scripture which has eventually turned out to be incongioious with the conclusions of a wider and more exact philosophy. But while the former results of speculative and scientific inquiry have been modified or reversed, it has been generally taken foi* granted that the old meanings attached to those portions of Scripture that touch upon physical or metaphysical phenomena remain true and incontrovertible. It is to be remembered, however, that these meanings flowed from minds otherwise well cultivated, but at the same time imbued with the errors of their day on physical and other questions. Their mistaken preconceptions insensibly guided their interpretation ; and hence they found in Scrip- vi PEEFACE. ture, and fixed upon it, the prejudices of a dogmatic science. And there are actually men of critical and cultivated minds, open to the advancing and astonishing disclosures of modern science, who reject with impatience, and pronounce to be in- genious trifling, any attempt at an interpretation of Scripture free from the prejudices of the past, and in harmony with the science of the present. They assume that the interpreter has already done all justice to these parts of Scripture, and regard it as a settled point that this venerable record of the past is and must have been out of harmony with the present state of science. If the Scripture was a book of merely human origin, we mio-ht acquiesce in this conclusion. In that case, being com- posed, most of it, long before the Christian era, and all of it lono- before the era of physical science, it must have partaken of the errors of its age. And the wonder would be, not that it contains the few errors on physical questions which some interpreters find in it, but that it does not contain a multitude of others common to the ages in which it was produced. The Mosaic cosmogony, history, and philology, even according to the common interpretation, solve questions, which without their aid speculation and science have attempted in vain. It need scarcely be added that the theology and ethics of the Pentateuch, not to speak of the New Testament, far transcend all the attainments of unassisted human reason. The appear- ance of such a volume in such an age is simply unaccount- able on the hypothesis of its human origin. The Scripture, however, claiming and proving itself in so many ways to be of divine origin and authority, is clearly as liable to be misinterpreted as nature. It is positively more so. Nature comes directly from the hand of God, and shows no traces of a human hand, except what havoc sin has wrought in man. Yet it has been long and grievously misapprehended by the haste or pride of its interpreters. But Scripture comes from God through the minds and utterances of men. Hence it expresses the revelations of God in the phraseology of un- prf:face. vii tutored or misinformed man. It presents, therefore, an in- cidental element of relative imperfection in the mode of expression. How much more, then, is it liable to be misun- derstood by an interpreter, who is himself led astray by the errors of his own or past times? A free and fair thinker will feel that a divine communica- tion, if such may be, must achieve the difficult, and to man impossible, task of conveying a system of truth in the imj)er- fcct vehicle of human language, without coming into real conflict with the facts of nature. Now it is j)lain that a com- munication so expressed, though it be in fundamental harmony with nature, may appear not to be so from casual phrases, which convey a fact, indeed, plainly enough, but in terms which involve an old or popular misconception regarding it. Thus when we say, "the sun sets," the event intended is ade- quately expressed, and perfectly understood, though the terms fail to give a strictly accurate account of what actually takes place. And only when we have succeeded in disentangling the error unavoidably belonging to the medium of communi- cation are we at liberty to regard the meaning remaining in the words as the statement intended by the sacred record. Hence, in receiving a divine revelation couched in human words, it is only fair that we discount any error that may incidentally lurk in the ordinary phraseology of the time. This law for the exposition of a divine record, though evident in itself, and demanded by equity, has yet had to force its way in all ages to acceptance and authority. When Galileo, in the seventeenth century, proclaimed that the earth had a diurnal motion on its axis, and an annual motion round the sun, he was condemned for teaching what was contradic- tory to the assertions of the Bible. His judges were not aware, or did not admit of the fair and obvious principle of interpretation which has now received a partial recognition. No one now maintains that the Scriptures assert that the earth stands still, while the sun performs a diurnal revolution in twenty-four hours. Yet there are men in this nineteenth VIU PREFACE. century who regard with hesitation, if they do not turn away with undisguised distrust from any attempt to apply this or any other equally fair rule of hermeneutics to those portions of the Bible which are presumed to be repugnant to the con- clusions of physical science. We could understand this, if its divine authority were to be abandoned. But with its claim to be given by inspiration of God before us, we submit that it is as well entitled to an amended interpretation as nature itself. Natural science receives a constant readjustment as new facts disclose themselves to the enlightened observer. Biblical science has a still more pressing claim to a similar reconstruction, inasmuch as it has long suffered from a defect- ive mode of elucidation, not based on a fair estimate of itself, but biassed by a false view of nature. The interpreter of nature amends his method under the force of accumulated experience. Let the interpreter of Scripture enjoy the same right. Especially let him be released from the bondage which the vain philosophy of a bygone age has imposed upon him. Liberated from the prejudices of the past, and standing in the light of present science, let him at least make the attempt to interpret Scripture as the word of God, that must be in real harmony with the works of God. It will be time enough to abandon the theory of divine inspiration when right principles of hermeneutics, freely and fairly applied, fail to bring out a meaning that will be in harmony with the indubitable facts of nature. The same line of reasoning applies to moral and meta- physical questions as to physical. Let us fully apprehend the foundations of our mental philosophy before we make it the standard by which we are to test the morals of Scripture, And let us be scrupulously faithful in ascertaining what is the precise meaning of Scripture, before we pronounce it to be at variance with any first principle of ethical or metaphysical truth. The interpretation of the Book of Genesis, offered by the present writer to the public in 1868, was the issue of an PREFACE. IX attempt to ascertain the meaning of that venerable portion of lioly writ according to cxegetical rules, which reviewers have admitted to be just, and one has even ])ronounced it to be a series of truisms. Some results of this interpretation were, it" not new, yet sufficiently remarkable. The record of the primeval creation was found to be contained in the first verse of Genesis. The state of at least a portion of the surface of the earth antecedent to the six days of creative effort, is described in the second verse. The creation, narrated in the remainder of the first chapter, is partial in regard both to time and place, being accomplished in six literal days, and confined in range to that portion of the earth's surface which was declared in the second verse to be waste, void, and dark. The deluge is limited to a still narrower area, extending only to the region inhabited by man. The ark was designed and constructed to preserve only such animals of a domestic and harmless kind as might have become extinct, because they were limited in range. It did not, therefore, receive animals residinfj in more distant rejiions, or belon^in" to an earlier creation. The six days' creation, moreover, furnishes an in- stance of a local centre of creation, and consequently favours the presumption of other local and previous centres of creation for different orders of animal and vegetable life. These and other similar results, are elicited from the text, it is submitted, by a natural and unstrained interpretation. It may be said that in both these cases the terms of the descriptions are universal, and the interpretation has been uni- formly so. But it is to be remembered that there was a universality at first both in regard to man and the objcct.«» known to him. And hence the terms of the text agree with the original compass of human experience. But when the terms land, animal, kc, come to have an extent of meaning beyond what was known or contemplated in primeval times, it is manifest that an error may be insensibly imported into the sense ; because what ap])lied to these terms in their original extension may not be true of the new parts of their extension- X PREFACE. And this error will progressively increase in amount until the land becomes the terraqueous globe, and the animals comprise all the species existing thereupon. The present volume on Exodus is a second contribution to the exposition of the Old Testament, and to the practical demonstration, that a just interpretation of the volume of inspiration will obviate supposed difficulties, which have arisen mainly from misapprehension, and bring out more strikingly and uniformly its essential harmony with science, reason, and history. It removes, in the author's apprehension, any im- possibilities that may have seemed to lie in the natural events that are recorded in the narrative. This is a matter of the first importance not only in regard to the credibility of the his- tory, but in reference to the origin and structure of the whole Pentateuch. For while the historical validity of the document stands, the free handling, by which the text is parcelled out and distributed among a succession of authors, the earliest of whom lived centuries after the events occurred, loses the basis on which alone it can be securely erected ; and the evidence for its Mosaic authorship rests upon a foundation which can- not be moved. The resources for the vindication of the historical veracity of the narrative in Exodus are far from being exhausted. The elucidation of Egyptian history by the labours of Lepsius, Rawlinson, Hincks, Talbot, and otherS' — the restoration of its chronology, to which Dr. Hincks has contributed some most interesting and valuable papers — the investigation of the his- torical and anthropological traces which remain of the migra- tions of ancient tribes — and the conclusions of a thoroughly discussed theory of national and social economy, will yet throw a flood of light on the exodus of Israel and the events consequent upon it. The profounder investigations of ethical and political questions, and the prosecution of the abstruse but important and practical inquiry into the mode of training families and nations in the conception, reception, and perpe- tuation of true ideas, beliefs, and cognitions respecting God, PREFACE. xi and their practical relation to liim, will also open tlic way f'»r a juster coinpiehension of the meaning of Exodus, as well an the other books of the Pentateuch. Such, indeed, is the apologetic view of the bearing of those studies on the book. But the real character of the books of Moses, as the primeval portion of the word of God, precisely reverses this bearing. The Pentateuch is the light of revela- tion shedding its salubrious beams on those questionin of the spirit of man, on those themes which have been darkened and confused by the entrance of sin. And when men come to acknowledge the divine authority, and penetrate into the true meaning of this second book of it, this book of moral resolv- ings, and teachings, and doings, they will find in it a safe guide to new and sound views of ethical, political, and educa- tional science. It would not be to exaggerate the im- portance of that book which recounts the separation of the cliosen people of God from the world, the giving of the moral law, and the setting up of the tabernacle, which symbolises the way of reconciliation and communion with God. The method of exposition pui-sued in this volume, as well as in that in Genesis, is the following : —, the general arrangement and division of topics in the book are brought under notice. Next, at the head of each section, a few pro- minent words are quoted and briefly expounded for the sake of readers acquainted with Hebrew, who are supposed to peruse the section in. the original. Then follows a translation of the section, which is designed to be a mere revisi(m of the Authorised Version. This the reader will compare with the ■original, or with the corresponding portion of his English Bible. The commentary then appended is designed to explain the momentous import of the historical facts recor* Zipporah, bird, span^ow. 22. Dbna Gereshom, stranger, exile, r. tna drive out, or compounded of "•?. stranger and DC' = ^^ there. The latter is ] 6 MOSES BORN AND BROUGHT UP. not necessary to warrant the expression of the text ; as the native speakers of the language had a much freer and wider sense of the relation among roots than many of our philo- logers. Paronomasia plays a part in their etymology. They felt a relation between f? and HJi^ Gen. iv. 1, ??3 and ''?3 Gen. xi. 9, i?. and ti'!'?. The rules of philology, instead of cor- recting, should be gathered from these among other pheno- mena. Then went a man of the house of Levi, and took a daughter of Levi. 2 And the woman conceived and bare a son ; and she saw that he was goodly, and hid him three months, 3 And she could not longer hide him, and she took for him an ark of rushes, and daubed it with asphalt and with pitch : and she put therein the child, and laid it in the flags by the river's brink. 4 And his sister stood afar off, to wit what would be done to him. 5 And the daughter of Pharoh went down to bathe in the river, and her maidens walked along by the river's side : and she saw the ark among the flags, and sent her handmaid, and she fetched it. 6 And she opened it and saw the child, and lo the babe wept : and she had pity on him and said. This is one of the Hebrew's children. 7 Then said his sister to Pharoh's daughter, Shall I go and call to thee a nurse of the Hebrew women, and she shall nurse the child for theel 8 And Pharoh's daughter said to her, Go. And the maid, went and called the child's mother. 9 And Pharoh's daughter said unto her, Take this child away and nurse him for me, and I will give thee thy wages. And the woman took the child and nursed him. 10 And the child grew, and she brought him to Pharoh's daughter, and he became her son, and she called his name Moses, and said, Be- cause I drew him out of the water. II And it came to pass in those days, that Moses grew up and came out unto his brethren, and looked on their burdens ; and he saw a Mizrite smiting a Hebrew, one of his brethren. 1 2 And he turned this way and that way, and saw that there was no man : and he smote the Mizrite and hid him in the sand. 13 And he came out the second day, and, lo, two Hebrews were striving : and he said unto the wrong-doer, Why smitest thou thy neighbour? 14 And he said, Who made thee a ruler and a judge over us 1 Intendest thou to slay me, as thou slewest the Mizrite 1 And Moses feared and said. Surely the thing is known. 15 And Pharoh heard this thing, and sought to slay Moses : and Moses fled from the face of Pharoh, and dwelt in the land of Midian ; and he sat by the well. EXODUS II. 17 16 Now the priest of Midian had seven dau^diters : and they camo and drew and fdled the troughs to water their lather's fl(jek. 1 7 Then came the shepherds and drove tlieni away : and Moses stood up and saved them, and watered their flock. 18 And they went to Reuel their father : and he said, AVhy are ye come so soon to-day ? 19 Antl they said, A Mizrite delivered us out of the hand of tlie sheplierds : and he also drew enough for us and watered the flock. 20 And he said unto his daughters, And where is he 1 Why is it that ye have left the man ? Call him and let him eat bread. 21 And Moses was content to dwell with the man : and he gave Zipporah his daughter to Moses. 22 And she bare a son, and he called his name (Jershom ; for lie said, I have been a stranger in a foreign land. H 3. 23 And it came to pass many days after, that the king of Mizraim died : and the sons of Israel sighed by rea.son of the service ami cried : and their cry went up to Clod by reason of the service. 24 And God heard their groaning, and (Jod remembered His covenant witli Abra- ham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25 And God saw the sons of Israi'l, and God had regard unto them. § 1. In the preceding chapters is recorded the extremity of the chosen seed. This hard pressure of affliction was not un- needed. In the abundance and prosperity of Goshen they had well-nigh forgotten the absohite and exclusive claim of God on their homage and obedience. Nothing but the strong hand of oppression could bring them to a sense of their de- pendence and their duty. But they were a chosen race. Much is implied in this. The Most High does not allow them, as he might otherwise have done, to merge into tlie supersti- tion and apostasy of the surrounding nations. He lias, more- over, a purpose to serve by them, an end ulterior to their own spiritual benefit. He intends, through them, to perpetuate the knowledge of God, to bring in the Redeemer into the world, to effect a redemption that will be sufficient for all the nations of mankind, and finally to bring all the world into reconciliation with himself and with themselves. He will not be thwarted in this sublime and benign purpose. He hjis, therefore, laid the heavy hand of chastisement on this people to bring them to repentance. He will not, however, leave them to perish by the murderous devices of Pharoh. He will gradually prepare them to shake off the fetters of JKgypt, and a 18 MOSES BORN. take their departure for the land of promise. And his provi- dence is at work in another direction. Immediately after the issue of the bloody edict for the extermination of the people, the deliverer is born, who is to head the movement of national emancipation, and is preserved from destruction by the indirect influence of the hostile monarch himself. In this chapter, accordingly, we have the parentage, birth, preservation, education, and exile of Moses, the coming deli- verer of God's people. The historian reverts to a point of time anterior perhaps to any of the despotic measures of the sovereign, and enters upon another line of events. v. 1— fc. — The parentage and birth of Moses. A man of the house of Levi, Amram (Ex. vi, 20). A daughter of Levi, Jokebed. Hence it appears that Moses was a Hebrew of the Hebrews. Levi was 44 years old when he came down to Egypt. We may suppose that Jokebed was born to him when he was 100 j^ears of age, and therefore QQ years after the immigration. Amram ma}' have been born about the same time with his aunt, or even somewhat earlier. For his father Kohatli (Ex. vi. 18) may have been 20 years old when he came to Egypt, and consequently 86 when Jokebed was born. About fifty years after, we may suppose, the nephew and aunt were married. There was not yet any law prohibiting the marriage of such relatives. A year after their marriage, the daughter mentioned in the narrative may have been born, and 14) years after the same date Moses, who was 80 years old at the exodus. These numbers (66 + 50-|-14-|-S0) make up 210, the number of years during which the Israelites so- journed in Egypt. V. 2. — Goodly, perfect, as if it had come directly from the hands of God without contracting any outward stain from its parents. Such is the force of Stephen's explanatory phrase, a^^,>}^. It only remains to ascertain what is the meaning of Ehjeh. 1. The verb ^\'^ refers not to the abstract existence of the schoolmen, but to the concrete being of the unsophisticated Hebrew mind, that is, being as active and obvious to the senses. (See on Gen. i. 2). This, when applied to the Eter- nal, means, therefore, not absolute beginning or e-ssential change of being, but that eventual modification of being, which is implied in engaging in a new course of action mani- festinjr the atrent to have being. To be, in a word, is to act in such a way as to manifest one's being to a competent observer. 2. n;ouD saw that he turned aside to see ; and God called unto him out of tho midst of the bush, and said, Moses, Closes. And he said, Hero am I. 5 xVnd ho said, Draw not nigh hither : put off thy shoes from tliy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground. 26 MOSES CALLED. 6 And he said. I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face, for he Avas afraid to look upon God. 7 And the Lord said, I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Mizraim, and have heard their cry by reason of their exactors ; for I know their sorrows. 8 And I came down to deliver them out of the hand of Mizraim, and to bring them up out of that land unto a good and large land, unto a land flowing with milk and honey ; unto the place of the Kenaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite, and the Jebusite. 9 And now, behold, the cry of the sons of Israel is come unto me : and I have also seen the oppression wherewith Miz- raim oppresseth them. 10 And now come and I will send thee unto Pharoh : and bring forth my people the sons of Israel out of Miz- raim. 1 1 And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharoh ; and that I should bring fprth the sons of Israel out of Miz- raim ? 12 And He said. For I will be with thee, and this shall be unto thee the token that I have sent thee : when thou hast brought forth the people out of Mizraim ye shall serve God upon this mountain. 13 And Moses said unto God, Lo, I shall go to the sons of Israel and say unto them. The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you ; and they shall say to me. What is his name, what shall I say unto them? 14 And God said unto Moses, I am, for I am. And he said. Thus shalt thou say unto the sons of Israel, I am hath sent me unto you. 1 5 And God said again unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the sons of Israel, The Lord, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you : this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. 16 Go and gather the elders of Israel and say unto them, The Lord, the God of your fathers hath appeared to me, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, saying, I have surely visited you and seen that which is done to you in Mizraim. 17 And I said, I will bring you up out of the affliction of Mizraim unto the land of the Kenaanite, and the Hittite, and the Amorite, and the Perizzite, and Hivite, and the Jebu- site ; unto a land flowing with milk and honey. 18 And they shall hearken to thy voice ; and thou shalt go, thou and the elders of Israel, unto the king of Mizraim, and ye shall say iinto him, The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, hath met with us ; and now let us go, we pray, three days' journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to the Lord our God. 19 And I know that the king of Mizraim will not let you go, EXODUS III. 27 but l>y a miglity hrtne the affectation of criticism to investigate in every case the ground for the distinctive use of these names. Yet there is no doubt that the writer used them with a clear consciousness of their meaning. In mentioning that the " Lord saw " Moses turning aside to see, he regarded him, we must suppose, as the Great Being who has manifested liiinself and is ])re.sent in the work of creation ; and in adding that " God called " unto him, he had before his mind the supernatural invisible sphere out of which the Eternal Omnipotent uttered his voice, Moses, Moses, as in Gen. xxii. 11. This is the })ersonal call with which the commission of Moses begins. Draw not nigh. Do not intrude with daring heedlessness into the sacred pre- sence of the divine majesty. Put of thy shoes. The custom of putting off the shoes before entering an a})artment, lest they should defile the floor, passed in the East into a mark of respect and then of reverence. Hence it becomes a habitual outward sign of an inward feeling of regard for the place and presence of a superior, or of the Supreme. V. G-10. This passage closes with the commission to After the premonitoiy sentence comes the introduction. lam the God of thy father. " Thy father" is here used in a generic sense to denote any ancestor from his immediate father u}). The nations of the earth had now almost universally forsaken the God of their first father, the knowledge of whom had been clearly handed down to them by Noah, and betaken them- selves to other gods, whom their fathers knew not, and who were no gods. Moses is here reminded of his holy ancestry, and apprised that he who now addresses him is the Gieat Being who made heaven and earth, and created man after his own image. But more particularly he is also the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Avho entered into a special cove- nant of salvation with the fathers of Israel, by means of which the primeval covenant with man may be upheld, and all the Gentiles reconciled to God. Hid his face. The unexpected 30 MOSES CALLED. utterance of his name, the caution against too near an approach, the announcement of the divine presence awakened a solemn awe in the mind of Moses, which discovered itself in hiding his face, lest he should be guilty of any profane gazing upon the apparition of the Holy One (Gen. xvi. 1 3). V. 7-10. After the introduction we have the commission. The preamble recounts the cause which moved the Lord to the present interposition. / have surely seen. I have been deeply concerned to observe the affliction of my people. For I know their sorroiu. The for here is explanatory. I have not been inattentive to them, I have been cognisant of all that was taking place, and therefore I have seen and heard every- thing. / came down (Gen. xi. 5). God is personally inte- rested and active in his people's causeTl, A good and large land, not inferior to Goshen in point of fertility, and affording scope for a growing population. A land floiuing with milk and honey, a proverbial description of a choice land abounding in the grasses and flowering plants from which milk and honey come. The place of the Kenaanite. The Kenaanite and his derivative tribes originally amounted to twelve (Gen. X. 15-18). In the time of Abraham ten tribes occupied the land of promise, of which only five are known to be descend- ants of Kenaan (Gen. xv^ 19-21). Of the six here enume- rated, history traces five to Kenaan. Of the former list the Girgashite has now retired into obscurity, and the Hivite has recovered a prominent position. Of those not traceable to Kenaan only the Perizzite is mentioned. The others were probably beyond the boundary at present contemplated. V. 9, 10. And noiu, behold, the cry of the so7is of Israel. It is noticeable that their oppression had lasted for eighty years. But now at length their cry indicated that affliction had done its work. In the anguish of their hearts they turned from man to God. They longed to be free from the bondage of Egypt, and they now saw no hope of escape but in God. Their cry goes up to heaven, and God appears on earth for their deliverance. I will send thee unto. Fliaroh. The pur- pose of the vision now unfolds itself to the mind of Moses. V. 11, 12. Moses puts in many pleas to be excused from this grave task. The Lord patiently and encouragingly hears all these scruples of his cleature's mind, gives a satisfactory EXODUS III. 11-12. 31 explanation and applies a coujplete remedy to every difficult}', until there is nothing in the mind of Moso.s hut an \nn-ea.son- ahle shrinking from an arduous and honourable task. Even then he provides a full relief for the tiembling heart in the eloquence and company of his brother Aaron. Thus gradually and tenderly he prepares the mind of his servant for accpiies- cing in, and then heartily devoting himself to, the high office to Avhich he is called. cThe first plea is his personal unworthiness. Who am I ? He remembered the grandeur of the coint and the haucrhti- ness of the monarch. He was aware that the ])re.sent .sove- reign was a stranger to hiin. He called to mind the rude reception he had met from one of his own kinsmen, when he formerly interfered in their behalf. All the difficulties of the enterprise crowded on his mind, and he felt himself inadequate to its achievement. ^ For I will he with thee. The Lord is not moved from his pm-posc by the objection of Moses. He obviates it by an undeniable argument. I will be with thee. The power of God with us certainly surmounts all difficulties] This promise will hereafter be embodied in a name, Immanukl — God with us. Here it is framed in a sentence inq)orting the active presence of the Almighty with his chosen servant. This has been the source of the Church's life, stirngth, and hope in all ages. Tliis shall he the token. To find himself and the rest of Israel serving God on this mountain will here- after be to him a proof of his divine commission, and the assurance of this ffict, which will undoubtedly follow the pro- mise now given, is calculated to encourage him to undertake the task with cheerfulness and hope. V. 13, 14. Moses now^ starts a difficulty he might have ■with the people. They might ask him what is the name of him from whom he came. It is important to determine the real bearing of this question. 1. We have repeatedl}^ met with the custom in early times of giving several names to the same individual, as Jacob and Israel, Esau and Edoin, Reuel and Jethro. This was not even peculiar to the cast. Paris and Alexander, Lucumo and Tarquinius, Henry and Beauclerc, are familiar to us in other lands. The rea.son of this custom ■was that names were then significant, and served to mark out the individual by some peculiarity in bis person, some tmit 32 MOSES CALLED. in his character, or some event connected with his history. If several of these circumstances might occur in the case of a finite man, how much more may we expect them to come out in the contemplation of the infinite God. Accordingly, among a primitive people, his names grow in number as the manifold aspects of his all-perfect character break upon their view. He is called Elohim, the Everlasting, when his ante- cedent eternity and absolute independence are contemplated. He is termed Jehovah, the Self-existent, the Author of all existing things, when he is regarded as the free and personal God, manifesting his being to the intelligent universe by the works of his creative power. He is named El 'Elion, the Most High God, when his unattainable pre-eminence above all created things comes into view. He is designated El Shaddai, the Almighty God, when he wishes to set before the mind his unconquerable omnipotence. 2. In the next place, Moses did not require to ask the name of God, if we mean by that the term by which he was commonly known. He was already familiar with his name. If the Book of Genesis was not yet before him in a written form, the traditions of his fathers were graven on his memory. Moreover, God had already an- nounced himself to him as the God of his fathers. And, farther, God does not present in his reply any one of all the names by which he had been previously known. Hence it is plain that the object of Moses in putting this question could not have been to ascertain any of the former names of God. 3. The name, in the conception of Moses, was the title by which the present aspect of God to his people was to be designated. And the meaning of his question is, what is the principle of thy being or movement of thy will which is now to display itself to thy people ? The Lord is prompt in meeting this new difiiculty of Moses. The immediate answer to his question is a new name, in some respect difierent in meaning from all his former designations. Ehjeh (Ehyeh), I AM, in the sense, I now proceed to make myself known to he, by giving being to my promise to Abraham of more than 400 years' standing. Although the phrase I AM do not immediately convey all this to English ears, yet it is so brief and appropriate in its general sense, and so hallowed in our associations, that we would not venture to alter it. EXODUS III. 15-22. 33 And even in this simple form, when coupled with a promise of deliverance such as Moses was comniissioned to announce, it sug-gcsts the thought that his people will soon find that he is ]\y the acts he performs. Still farther, it is probable that the present tense of our English verb originally meant, and it is certain that it still ri'tains among its mcanint, and urges a fourth plea. I am not eloquent, a man of words, competent to lay before the mind of Pharoh the awful* alternative of concession or compulsion. His powers of persuasion had not prevailed with Iiis own country- men. His present interview with the Almighty had not increased them, and he could not expect to maintain the argu- ment worthily in this great cause before the haughty monarch of Egypt, v. 11. Who hath made man's motith? The liOrd is still patient with Moses, and meets his objection with an unanswerable rejoinder. In a series of interrogatories it is intimated that the Lord is an infallible judge of what amount of natural eloquence is requisite for the occasion, and is able and sure to supply the deficiency, if any such exist. V. 12. I ivill be ivith thy mouth. Here the requisite aid is expressly promised. v. 13. Notwithstanding this assuiing rej)ly, Moses prays the Lord to confer this honour on any other than himself, v. 14-17. This rather hasty and impa- tient expression of unwillingness provokes the Lord to anger. Yet, as this backwardness arose not from any unworthy motive, but from an absence of ambition, a love of retirement, or a deep feeling of humility, the Lord does not turn away from his pui^iose, but with a gentle firmness acquaints him with another relief he has provided for his slowness of speech. Aaron, thy brother the Levite. This is put first as tlie pro- minent object of thought. The words in apposition with Aaron are merely intended to designate him fully, according to the Hebrew manner. He is of the same parents and tribe witli Moses, and therefore suitable as an associate in this arduous undertaking. And though he was the elder brother, yet the Lord assures Moses that he will be glad to see him, and of course act under him. Tliou shalf sjwalc to him. Moses is to' perform the higher part still even in speaking, namely, to dictate the words which Aaron is to utter. The promise of Divine aid is accordingly reiterated and extended to both. He shall speak for thee to the people. We learn from this that God does not needlessly alter the natural qualities of his highest servants. The characteristics of mind and will in the individual, though dedicated and adapted to a 42 MOSES OBEYS THE CALL. holy use, are still allowed to remain, and to peep out in all his sayings and doings. And thou shall be to him for God. The figure here is as bold as it is expressive. What God is to Moses, that Moses is to Aaron in regard to the matter and the authority of his message. What Moses is to God, that Aaron is to be to Moses in regard to the delivery of it. And this rod. This wand of authority he recalls to the mind of Moses as another source of encouragement. Wherewith thou shalt do the signs. This staff was to be always with him as the badge of his ofiice, if not the instrument of operation. V. 18-26. All his fears and scruples being at length over- come, Moses prepares for entering on his ofiice. Jether here is Jethro in a subsequent part of this verse. We may learn from this that a mere variation in the orthography of a proper name may indicate a variety in pronunciation, and not a deviation from the autograph of the author. Let me go noiv. Moses asks leave of his father-in-law to depart. Not only common courtesy, but the benefits he had received from Jethro demand this. See whether they he yet alive. The private ends he had in view he is at liberty to disclose to Jethro. Other reasons it was not necessary to state, to warrant his departure. Jethro is just as well as generous, and bids him go in peace. V. 19, 20. In Midian. This implies that the mount of God, west of the wilderness, where Moses saw the burning bush, was not in Midian. For all the men who sought thy life are dead. The present communication has reference, not to the heavenly mission of Moses, but to his personal relations with Egypt. The cause of flight from his kindred was the vengeance of the king and the kinsmen of hira whom he had slain. They were now dead, and he was at liberty to return. The higher reasons for his return did not at present concern the Midianites. His sons. Though the birth of only one son has been recorded, yet we know from the subsequent narrative (Ex. xviii. 4), that a second son was born to him. The ass. This may mean either the single ass, or the species of animal on which they rode. In the former case the two children must have been young. The ass is a much nobler animal in the east than with us. The rod of the Ood, the true and living God, in contrast with the gods of the heathcj^ EXODUS IV. 21-23. 43 The rod after having been transformed by the divine power into a serpent, and from a ser[)ent into a staif of ollice, may justly be termed the rod of God. V. 21-23. Tlie result of the ajoplication of Moses to Pharoh, and of the ])erformancc of all his wonders, -will only be an obstinate refusal to let the people go. This is here again intimated, to prepare the way for the dread ultimatum whieh is to be finally announced to Pharoh. Behold, with the eye of remembrance and attention. TIte luondcrs. Works that are supernatural, or contravene the laws of nature. They are called signs, in reference to their use, as attesting the presence, the message or the messenger of God, or as symbolising any fact or doctrine. "All " the wonders seem to refer not merely to the three signs, but to the first nine plagues with which Egyi)t was visited. In thy hand, in thy power by the rod in thy hand. And I ivill harden his heart. The hardening of Pharoh's heart is in this narrative ten times ascribed to the Lord. But it is also at least twice ascribed to Pharoh himself (viii. 28, ix. 34). In seven other passages it is stated simply as a fact, without assigning any cause. It is evident of itself that this fact is ascribed to God and to Pharoh in different respects ; so that the two assertions are perfectly consistent with each other. It is equally plain that the act in question belongs to Piiaroh, as the moral agent by whose intention it was per- formed. It belongs to God as the Designer, Creator, and Supreme Governor of the existing universe, of wdiich free agents and their voluntary actings form a part. His absolute and universal dominion follows from the act of creation, and was constantly present to the minds of the children of God in ancient days. Its effect upon the mind was solemn and impressive, and never suggested the faintest presumi)tic)n of injustice in God, even when the acts that were sinful in his creatures were traced in another sense to his holy and awful will. The Scripture, accordingly, never hesitates for a moment to ascribe ab.solute holiness to God, and all the guilt of a sin- ful act to the free ajjents. Farther than this it becomes us not to define an administration which we are incompetent fully to conceive, or exactly to express. Then thou shall say unto Pharoh. This is the ultimate message, when all feebler strokes had proved ineffectual. Israel is my son, adopted in 44 MOSES OBEYS THE CALL. sovereign mercy to the inheritance of privileges which to those who appreciate and accept them will be perpetuated and enhanced. My first-horn, and therefore most dear, but not exclusively dear. The first born son suggests other sons born afterwards, and points in the distance to the calling of the Gentiles. And I said unto thee. This refers to the message again and again urged upon Pharoh, and hitherto obstinately rejected. / tvill slay thy son. This is the final stroke on him who persisted to the last in leaving all to the arbitrament of war, even with the Almighty. His first-born, the heir to his throne, and the first-born of all his people, must be slain be- fore he can be induced to let Israel go. V. 24-26. The sacred narrative is not wont to notice inci- dents on the way unless they come within the sphere of the spiritual. Thus Jacob travels from Beersheba to Haran, a distance of nearly 500 miles, and only the occurrence at Bethel is mentioned. So here a single incident is taken up from the ordinary routine of the journey to Egypt on account of its moral import. It contains an element of truth that is of present moment in elucidating the ways of God. The Lord met him and sought to kill him. The Lord had been charging Moses with a menace of the gravest kind to Pharoh. It was well that Moses himself should feel acutely the pang of death, that he may comprehend the terrible meaning of this threat. It appears that his youngest son had not been circumcised through some unexplained fault of Moses. The neglect of the divinely appointed sign of the covenant of peace with God was a serious delinquency, especially in him who was to be the leader and lawgiver of the holy people. It was meet that the austere perfection of the divine holiness should be made known to Moses. It was necessary at this stage of his experience that he should learn that God is in earnest when he speaks and will assuredly perform all that he has threatened. Hence the Lord sought to kill him, probably by some disease or sudden stroke, which threatened immediate death. And Zipporah took. It is probable from her spontaneous prompti- tude that Zipporah was in some way the cause of the delay in circumcising the child. A sharp stone. This was a stone or flint knife, such as was used afterwards by Joshua in circum- cising the children of Israel on their entrance into the land of EXODUS IV. 2G-31. 45 Kenaan (Jos. v. 2). We read that Tubal-caiii tlic eiylith in descent from Adam was a worker in brass and iron, llenee it appears that implements of stone were contemporaneous with those of the common metals. The use of them seems to have prevailed in rural or remote regions into which the arts of smelting and forging metals had not penetrated. The theory, therefore, of the successive ages of stone, bra-ss, and iron, may apply to particular localities, but not to the whole habitable earth. The arts of metalluigy flourished in certain races while the ruder ware, fashioned out of stone, bone, and wood, was prevalent among others. And cad it at his feet. This indicates that Moses had signified his wish that the child should be circumcised. For a sjxmse of blood art thou to me. The word for refers to the significant act of casting the fore- skin at Moses' feet, which implied that her connexion with him had necessitated this bloody rite. Her womanly tender- ness shrunk from the painful operation. And he left him. The Lord who sought to put him to death remitted the penalty now that the neglected duty was performed. Because of the circmncision. This explains her accosting Moses as a spouse of blood, as it was to save him from death that she was con- strained to do herself the masculine part of circumcising her child. This was a salutary and seasonable lesson to Zip})orah as well as to Moses. The occurrence probably took place on the first night of their journey, as they had not reached the mount of God (v. 27). The child was now unfit for travel, and it was easy for the mother to return with the two child- ren to her father. It is most likely, therefore, that this was the point from which she was sent home by her husband (xviii. 2), in order to avoid the dangers and inconveniences which she was w^illing to brave on his account, had nut this provi- dential interposition ordered it otherwise. Moses must have occupied at least a day in returning to Midian with the flock of Jethro, two or three days in making preparations, and a day in setting out with his wife and family. The distance from Midian to Egypt was probably not less than 200 miles, for which we may allow seven days. Starting about the beginning of the year, according to our reckoning he would arrive in Egypt about the 13th of Januar}-. V. 27-31. We have here a summary of the reception which- 46 MOSES APPEARS BEFORE PHAROH. Moses met with from the people. And the Lord said unto Aaron. The nari-ative, as usual, goes back a little to take up another line of things. In the wilderness, the region between the gulfs of Suez and Akabah. In the mount of the God of heaven they met. And kissed him, the eastern mode of salutation. After receiving instructions from Moses, Aaron accompanied him to Egypt. They gathered the elders of the people (iii. 16). And Aaron spake (v. 16). Aaron being eighty three years of age, and having lived constantly among the people, now served to introduce Moses who had been an exile for forty years, and was therefore unknown to the rising generation. And did the signs. As Aaron did the signs before Pharoh, it is probable and accordant with the text that he should also be the performer before the people. This is in keeping with the relation between Moses and himself (v. 16). It is also an example of the rule that a man is said to do what another does in his stead and by his authority (v. 1 7). Bowed themselves down. Bent their bodies as well as their heads in reverence before God. So far all went well with Moses. His brother entered heartily into his mission, and the people acknowledged him as the messenger of God. IV. MOSES ENCOURAGED IN HIS OFFICE, EX. V., VI. CHAP. V. MOSES APPEARS BEFORE PHAROH, 3. ^"^i??. This form here signifies to meet with, as the verb does in several places (Gen. xlii. 4. ; xlix. 1, and always in the form J^^li?"?), and as the context proves (iii. 18). nnj? is the more usual form of the verb with this meaning. 6. "it?b' y^afj./Marsug a scribe, prefect, officer, employed in duties involving the keeping of accounts, lists, and other records. And afterward Moses and Aaron went in and said unto Pharoh, Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel, Let my people go and hold a feast unto me in the wilderness. 2. And Pharoh said, Who is the Lord, that I should hearken to his voice to let Israel go ? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go. 3 And they said. The God of the Hebrews hath met with us : let us go now three da'/s' journey EXODUS V. 47 into the Avildomess, and sacrifice unto the Lord our Cod ; lest he fall ujwn us with pestilence, or with the sword. 4 And the king of IMizraim said unto them, Wherefore do ye, Moses and Aaron, loose the people from their works 1 Get you to your hurdens. 5 And Pharoh said, Lo, the people of the land are now many, and ye make them rest from their burdens. 6 And Pharoh conimandod that day the taskmasters over tho people and their officers, saying, 7 Ye shall not continue to give straw to the people to make biick, as heretofore ; let them go and gather straw for themselves. 8 And the tale of the bricks, which they made heretofore, ye shall lay upon them, ye shall not take from it : for they are idle ; therefore they cry, saying, Let us go sacrifice to our God. 9 Let the service be heavy on tho men, and let them work therein ; and let them not regard vain words. 10 Then went out the task- masters of the people and their officers, and spake unto the people, saying, Thus saith Pharoh, I will not give you straw. 11 Go yo yourselves, get you straw where ye can find it ; for not ought of your service shall be taken off. 12 And the people were scattered throughout all the land of Mizraim, to gather stubble for straw, 13 And the taskmasters hasted them, saying, Fulfil your works, the daily task, as when there was straw. 14. And the officers of the sons of Israel, whom Pharoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, while it was said. Why have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick, as heretofore, both yesterday and to-day 1 15 And the officers of the sons of Israel went in and cried unto Pharoh, saying, Why dealest thou thus with thy servants 1 1 6 No straw is given unto thy servants, and they say to us, !Make brick : and behold thy servants are beaten, and it is the fault of thy people. 1 7. And he said, Ye are idle, ye are idle ; there- fore ye say, Let us go sacrifice to the Lord. 18 And now go, work : and no straw shall be given you, and the tale of bricks ye shall deliver. 19 And the officers of the sons of Israel saw that they were in evil case, when it was said, Ye shall not take off from the daily task of your bricks. 20 And they met !Moses and Aaron standing in the way as they came out from Pharoh. 21 And they said unto them. The Lord look upon you and judge ; because ye have made our savour to stink in the eyes of Pharoh and in the eyes of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to slay us. 22 And Closes returned unto the Lord and said, Lord, wherefore hast thou done evil to this people ? AVhy is this, that thou hast sent me 1 23 And since I went in to Pharoh to speak in thy name, he hath done evil to this people ; neither bust thou delivered thy people at all. 48 MOSES APPEARS BEFORE PHAROH. In further prosecution of their mission, Moses and Aaron now present themselves before Pharoh. But they are dis- missed with contempt, and new hardships are imposed on the people and their officers. Moses returns to God disappointed and complaining. Y. 1-5. The request made by Moses is contemptuously re- fused by Pharoh. And afteriuard. After the people had accepted his authority, Moses was prepared to go before Pharoh, Moses and Aaron, accompanied, no doubt, by the representatives of the people (iii. 18). Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel. Jehovah was the God of Adam (Gen. ii. 7, 16), the God of Noah (Gen. vi. 8, viii. 20, 21), and conse- quently of the whole race descended from him. He is here called the God of Israel, not as if he were one among the national gods, but because the other nations have corrupted the notion and worship of God, and because he has entered into a covenant of grace with Israel. Let ony i^eople go. The request is peremptory, because it comes directly from God himself And hold a feast unto me in the wilderness. To hold a feast is the immediate object of the journey. This is according to the divine manner of teaching. God promises a present seed ; but there is a future seed : a good land ; but there is a better country : an earthly rest, beyond which there is a heavenly rest. He speaks to men of the near and the obvious, and those who hear he leads on to higher powers of understanding and nobler scenes of enjoyment. Besides Pharoh was not entitled to know, and he does not condescend to ask, what were the ulterior purposes of God. In the wil- derness simply means out of Egypt, beyond the jurisdiction of its sovereign, and the interference of its people. A seques- tered scene was often selected by ancient taste for a solemn festival, v. 2. 7 hnoiv not the Lord. Jehovah, the God of Israel, was not unknown to the predecessors of Pharoh (Gen. xii. 17, 41, xliii. 23). He could scarcely be ignorant that the Israelites had a God. But the import of the name here em- ployed may have been unknown to him, and at all events he refuses to acknowledge the authority of Jehovah. Their reply is explanatory. Tlte God of the Hehi'ews, of which well-known nation (Gen. x. 21, xiv. 13, xli. 15, xli. 1 2) the Israelites were a branch (i. 15-19), is he whose name is Jehovah. Hath met EXODUS V. 1-5. 49 with us, has revealed himself to us in the miracles wrouffht in our presence, and the message communicated to us by Aloscs. Three days journey. See on iii. 18. Lest he fall on us ivllk pestilence or with the sivord. The sword is under the control of Providence as well as the pestilence. This is added to bring out clearly the necessity of their departure. Pharoli will gain nothing by withholding his permission, as these Ijond slaves, whom he values so much, may be destroyed by a stroke from heaven, from which even his own subjects might not escape. There is a clear and unavoidable obligation, there- fore, on the Israelites to make this demand. It dawns upon the mind of Pharoh that this departure involves the emanci- pation and independence of the Israelites. But he will not ask the question, or entertain the thought. He treats their demands with a haughty impatience. Get you to your bur- dens. This is meant for the representatives of the people, as the former part of his reply was addressed to Moses and Aaron. V. 5. The iKople of the land. They^are called the people of the land with reference to Goshen, where they were settled, in con- trast with Pharoh himself, who belonged to the dominant race, which may have been of foreign extraction, or because they were engaged in rural occupations (i. 14). Are now many. They are already so numerous as to endanger the state. And ye make them rest, when they require to be kept down in numbers and in spirit by hard and constant labour. It is evident that Pharoh spurns the thought of letting the people go. V. G-11. He determined to cinish the nascent thoucfht of freedom in the very bud. That day. The case is urgent, and no time is to be lost. The taskmasters. The Egyptian drivers, who had the management of the servile labour. Their officers. The Shoterim were orderlies or managers who kept an account of all matters that came under their charge. They appear to have been pennanent officials in the state of Israel, as Moses makes express provision for their continuance (Deut. xvi. 18), and they are mentioned on various occasions in the subsequent history of the people (Num. xi. 16, Deut. i. 15, Judg. v. 1 4, 2 Chr. xxvi. 1 1). They occupied the highest rank among the people, for we find Moses selecting from among them members of the original Council or Sanhedrin of Israel (Num. xi. IG), and they are included nmonfr the ronre- D 60 MOSES APPEAES BEFORE PHAROH. sentatives of the people in the public assembly (Dent. xxix. 1 0). The very name of this official indicates a literary people. It is judicious in a despotic sovereign, governing a conquered or enslaved tribe, to avail himself of certain parts of the political organization which they have adopted, v. 7. Straw. Straw cut into small pieces was mixed with the clay, apparently to give consistency to the brick until it was baked in the sun. The sun-dried bricks of Egypt are so durable, that many still remain that were made many centuries before the Christian era. On being analysed they are found to contain a portion of straw. The tale of the bricks. The same quantity of bricks was to be produced, though the straw had to be gathered, in addition to their former labours. They are idle. They have not enough to do, and so they have time to think about free- dom. Let thevi work therein, be busy, fully employed. Vai^i words. Pharoh affects to regard the statement that their God had interposed as a falsehood invented by Moses and Aaron. V. 1 ] . Go ye, for no other will any more supply you. For not ought of your service shcdl he taken off. Therefore bestir yourselves to find the straw. V. 12-18. After two days the Shoterim are beaten, because the appointed number of bricks is not supplied ; and on com- plaining to Pharoh, obtain no redress, v, ] 3. The daily task, the rate of a day in its day. v. 1 6. And it is the fault of thy people, who do not supply us with straw as formerly, v. 17. Ye are idle, Pharoh has no new answer for the officers. The intolerable burden he will not remove. V, 19-23, The officers reproach Moses and Aaron for in- volving them and the people in this distress. Moses, deeply dejected, makes his appeal to God. v. 20. They came upon, encountered Moses and Aaron, who were standing in the way, probably awaiting the issue of their application to Pharoh. V. 21. To put a sword in their hand to slay us, to give a gi'ound of offence, provoking Pharoh to such measures as will end in the destruction of the people, v. 22. Moses returned unto the Lord. His mission to Pharoh has entirely failed. It has only added to the misery of the people. He lays this before the Lord in very plain terms. The chapter is abruptly closed -with the earnest expostulation of Moses. The sombre picture of wretchedness is thus left to make its full impression on the mind. EXODUS VI. 61 VI; MOSES ENCOURAGED HIS GENEALOGY. 17. "'J.?:' Libni, luhite. r. he white. *VP^ Sliiraei, hearing. r. hear. 18. Dpoy 'Amraiii, binding, r. hind. '^\}'^] Jitshar, oil. r. shine. ^^""^V Uzziel, Ood my strength. 1 9. ''^'no Machli, sickness, r. be sioh. ''^^ Mushi, yielding. r. yield. 20. *i3?i^ Jokebed, glory to Jehovah. 21. nnp Qorach, /iai?. r. congeal, i^l Nepheg, sprig, r. u. sprout. ^?3t Zikri, remembixi7ice. 22. ^N'f'P Misbael, 'it7fx Eltsaphan, GocZ a hiding-place. ''"?np Sithri, Itiding-place. 23. y?*f^« Elisheba*, GocZ is my oath, ^nrtsj? 'Amminadab, bounteous to my people, p^na Nacbshon, serpentine, ^^r Nadab, bounteous. ^^liT'^K Abihu, Ae a father. *iTy?K El'azar, Gof? 0. /ic?29. "'^ri^^ Itbamar, where the palm. 24. 1''i?S Assir, captive. '^}P/^. Elqanah, gotten from God. tlps-ax Abiasapb, father of gathering. 25. ^^?'pl^ Puticl, abided of God. onrs Pinccbas, brazen mouth. And the Lord said unto Moses, Now shalt tliou see wliat I will do to Pharoh : for by a strong hand shall he let them go, and by a strong hand shall he drive them out of his land. 14 § § § 2. 2 And God spake unto Moses, and said unto him, I am the Lord. 3 And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob as God Almighty ; but by my name Jehovah Avas I not kno^vn to them. 4 And I have also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Kenaan ; the land of their sojournings wherein they so- journed. 5 And I have also heard the groaning of the sons of Israel, whom Mizraim keeps in bondage, and I remembered my covenant. G "Wherefore say unto the sons of Israel, I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of Mizraim, and ileUver you out of their service ; and I will redeem you with a stretched-out arm and with great judgments. 7 And I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God ; aud yc shall know that I am the Lord your God, who bringeth you out from under the burdens of Mizraim. 8 And I 52 MOSES ENCOUEAGED — HIS GENEALOGY. "will bring you into the land, which I lifted up my hand to give to Abra- ham, to Isaac, and to Jacob ; and I will give it to you for a possession : I am the Lord. 9 And Moses spake so unto the sons of Israel, and they hearkened not unto Moses from anguish of spirit and from hard service. ^ 6. 10 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 11 Go in, speak unto Pharoh king of Mizraim, that he let the sons of Israel go out of his land. 1 2 And Moses spake before the Lord, saying, Behold, the sons of Israel have not hearkened unto me ; and how shall Pharoh hearken unto me, who am uncircumcised of lips 1 ^7. 13 And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the sons of Israel, and unto Pharoh king of Mizraim, to bring the sons of Israel out of the land of Mizraim. § 3. 14 These are the heads of their fathers' houses: the sons of Eeuben, the first-born of Israel ; Henok, and Pallu, Ilezron and Karmi ; these are the families of Eeuben. 15 And the sons of Simon ; Jemuel, and Jamin, and Ohad, and Jakin, and Zohar, and Saul, the son of a Kenaanitess ; these are the families of Simon. 16 And these are tlie names of the sons of Levi, according to their generations ; Gershon, and Kohath, and Merari. And the years of the life of Levi were seven and thirty and a hundred years. 17 The sons of Gershon ; Libni and Shimi, according to their families. 18 And the sons of Kohath; Am- ram, and Izhar, and Hebron, and Uzziel. And the years of the hfe of Kohath were three and thirty and a hundred years. 1 9 And the sons of Merari ; Mahli and Mushi. These are the families of Levi accord- ing to their generations. 20 And Amram took him Jokebed his aunt to wife, and she bare him Aaron and Moses. And the years of the life of Amram were seven and thirty and a hundred years. 21 And the sons of Izhar ; Korah, and IS'epheg, and Zikri. 22 And the sons of Uzziel ; Mishael, and Elzaphan, and Sithri. 23 And Aaron took Elisheba, daughter of Amminadab, sister of Nahshon, to wife ; and she bare him Nadab and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar. 24 And the sons of Korah ; Assir and Elkanah and Abiasaph, These are the families of the Korhites. 25 And Eleazar, Aaron's son, took him a wife of the daughters of Putiel ; and she bare him Phinehas. These are the heads of the fathers of the Levites, according to their families. 26 These are the Aaron and Moses, to whom the Lord had said. Bring out the sons of Israel from the land of Mizraim according to their hosts. 27 These are they who spake to Pharoh king of Mizraim, to bring out the sons of Israel from Mizraim. These are the Moses and Aaron. 28 And it was in the day when the Lord s^^ake unto Moses in. the land of Mizraim. § 4. 29 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, I am the Lord: speak EXODUS VI. 1-9. 53 unto Pharoli king of !Mizraim, all that I spoak unto thoc. 30 And Moses sauI before the Lord, IJehold, I am unciicuniciseJ of lips, and how shall Pharoli hearken unto me 1 ^8. The dejected Moses is reassured by a new assertion and exposition of the actual presence of God to perform His pro- mise to Plis people (v. 1-13). The pedigree of Moses, and Aaron, and others wlio are to figure in the future scene is now given, preparatory to the commencement of Israel's deliver- ance (v. 14-30). V. 1. The Lord's reply is directed not to the complaint of IMoscs, of which He takes no notice, but to the contemptuous refusal with which Pharoli had met his rightful demand. To receive a message from his Maker was au unspeakable honour. Even if he suspected the message to be a pretence, yet reverence for Him in whose name the bearers of it pro- fessed to come should have led to the most cautious inquiry before he replied. He was not to act upon a surmise in any case, much less in a case of such moment. Noiv. In the very height of Pharoh's arrogance and oppression, and in the depth of the people's anguisli and despair, will the Lord a])pear. By a strong hand (iii. ] 9). By the hand of the Almighty inflicting stroke upon stroke until the spirit of Pharoh is broken. Thus will he be constrained not only to give them leave, but even to drive them out of his land. The second, " by a strong hand," for which the Sept. has " by a high arm " {sv Zpayjmi {j-\>r,\Cj), is emphatic. The Sabbath lesson of the synagogue terminates here, after having given relief to the anxiety of the hearer by a new promise of God. V. 2-9. The reassurance of the preceding communication is now sustained by a recun'ence to the cheering import of the name Jehovah, and a recapitulation of all the old promises to the patriarchs. And God spake. The Everla.sting and Unchangeable One sj)ake. / am the Lord, Jehovah. The Real, the Self-existent, the Author of all other existence, manifesting my being by my presence in and power over nature for the performance of my long-revealed purpose. This is a name of power and hope to cheer the darkest heart. v. 3. As God, Almifjlity. Tlie-name Jehovah waa made known to Adam by the stupendous works of the six days 54 MOSES ENCOURAGED —HIS GENEALOGY. creation, which were unfolded in all their finished beauty and grandeur before his outward eyes and inmost soul (Gen. ii. 4, ] 6, 22, iv. 1). It was also revealed to Noah in the preser- vation of his own family, and the destruction of the old world by a flood, which were to the Most High but the waving of His hand, though to man they were the majestic doings of Jehovah. But in the matter of the promise made to Abra- ham and his seed of a land of habitation, He was known to them yet only as a promiser, not yet as a performer. Hence He appeared to them as El Shaddai (Gen. xvii. 1), God Almighty, a name expressly fitted to awaken and warrant faith in a promise, inasmuch as it points to the attributes of unchangeableness and omnipotence, which are the guarantees of its ultimate fulfilment. But by my name Jeltovali was I not known to them. As the performer of promise, the giver of existence to that purpose which He had expressed. He was not known, personally and practically known to them. By the voice of history, by the records of the wondrous past, they were aware that He was the Lord, and this name was often actually, on their lips (Gen. xii. 1, 7, 8, xiv. 22, xv. 2, 6, xvii. 1, xviii. 27, xxi. 33, xxii. 14, xxv. 21, xxviii. 13, 16, 21). But in their own experience, and in the matter of the special revelation made to them, and only now to be realised. He was not known to them as JehovaTi the agent, but only as El Shaddai the potent. To know by personal observation, is the primitive meaning of the verb V^l " know." This is evinced by the use of the perfect " I have perceived," to denote what we express by " I know," like novi, o7ha, by the contrast of knowing with hearing, in such sentences as NPn ^mn i6 m irtn (is. xl. 21), and by the frequent occurrence of the verb in this particular meaning (Gen. iii. 5, 7, 22, xviii. 21, xxii. 12, Ex. v. 2). That "name" denotes the nature, the import of the name, the being to whom belongs the attribute signalised in the name, cannot be unknown to the attentive reader of the Bible. (See on Gen. i. 5, ii. 23, iii. 20, xxvii. 36, Ex. iii. 13). The meaning thus assigned to the important verse before us is, therefore, agreeable to the usage of Scripture. It vindicates the veracity and consis- tency of the sacred historian. And it is singularly pertinent EXODUS VI. 10-12. to the context in which it occurs. It affords .also a remark- able illustration of the custom exemplified in the names Bethel (Gen. xii. 8), Dan (Gen, xiv. 14), Jacob and Esau (Gen. xxv. 80), according to which a former name is renewed and perpet- uated by a new occasion occurring for its application. V. 4, 5. These verses are a recapitulation of the past. V. 6-8. The promise now to be realised. Say unto the sons of Israel, I am the Lord. This is henceforth to be the word of encouragement, of authority, and of fellowship to Israel. It reminds them that God is now active on their behalf; that it is God who is thus active, and that He is present to dwell in the midst of them as a father among His adopted children. It guarantees the following promise. A strefchcd-out arm^Ahold figure for the strenuous interposition of Jehovah. Take you to me for a p^oiAe. This is a winning and persuasive argu- ment to a down-trodden people. Ye shall hnow that I am the Lord. They shall know by actual experience that He is all that is implied in the name Jehovah, an actual and there- fore tried deliverer. / lifted up my hand (Gen. xiv. 22), I sware, by lifting up in solemn appeal to God as a witness, the liand, the emblem of power to perform what is sworn; The phrase is transferred with a singular emphasis from the human gestui'e to the divine asseveration. I am the Lord. This sentence is here repeated for the third time in this mes- sage, enhanced by all the emphasis which the distinction made between the divine names (v. 3) has added to its meaning. It is the seal of God thrice stamped upon His promise, v. 9. Notwithstanding the cheering eflfect of this new communica- tion on Moses, the people were so heart-broken that they hearkened not to the comfortable words with which he addressed them. v. 10-12. With a heafvy heart and sorely wounded spirit Moses must have turned from the people. Yet the Lord directs him to go again to Pharoh. Moses pleads his want of persuasive power. If his own people have not hearkened unto him, how will Pharoh hearken ? Uncircumcised of lips. Circumcision is the sign of a renewal of nature. The uncir- cumcised is, therefore, by a natural figure, one who is still in the bondage of a con-upt heart, and incapable of holy doings. By a further turn of the metaphor, he is uncii'cumcised of THE GENEALOGY OF MOSES. lips who is incompetent to speak in a manner fitted to pro- duce conviction and compliance. V. 1 3. It is here stated in summary terms that the Lord now gave a joint command or peremptory charge to Moses and Aaron, unto, that is, to go unto the sons of Israel and unto Pharoh, and to bring Israel out of Egypt. Aaron is joined in the commission as before, to obviate the difficulty of Moses about his failure to ])ersuade the people. The last symptom of reluctance on the part of Moses has now been overruled, and at this point the historian is conscious that it is due to the leaders of this great movement, and to the ends of history, to give an account of the relation in which Moses and Aaron, and some of their kindred, who take a part in the following transactions, stand to the other and especially the elder branches of the now great family of Israel. This is the very moment for introducing this statement, as these ministers of the Lord are on the eve of entering, with- out any more faltering, on the momentous conflict between the powers of light and darkness, which is to end in the deliverance of the children of Israel. Hence, after the sum- mary notice of the positive command now laid upon Moses and Aaron, the genealogical notice is inserted. v. 14-28. The narrative here reverts to a point of time long passed in the general course of events related. These are the heads of their fathers' houses. The twelve tribes (Ci''tp^t^ or nitSD) of Israel were now divided, each into families /n'lns^'p), and the families into fathers' houses (p^ i^% in the plural n'l3X n-n). It is evident that in a nation that had a set of officers whose business it was to keep written accounts of all matters coming under their charge, we may expect to find genealogical lists kept with care and accuracy. Moses, therefore, had no difficulty in finding the register of his family. In quoting from the public records, it was both re- spectful to the two elder tribes and essential to a clear state- ment of the relative position of Moses and Aaron in the nation to give at least the families contained in these tribes. Then follow what are, strictly speaking, their, that is, Moses and Aaron's fathers' houses. The ages of Levi, Kohath, and Amram, the lineal ancestors of the leadersof the people, are given. The second son of Levi is the father of Amram. And Amram, EXODUS VI. 29, 30. 57 tool- hhn Jokchcd his aunt to wife (see on ii. l). "\Vc are here brought to the parents of Moses and Aaron, v. 21. Tlie sons of Izhar are introduced on account of Korah, who afterwards comes to a bad pre-eminence (Num. xvi.). v. 22. The sons of Uzziel are mentioned, because they also recur in the narrative (Lev. x. 4). v. 23. Elisheba, sister of Nahshou, was the fifth (inclusive) in descent from Ju(hil» ; while Aaron was only the fourth from Levi by his father's side, and the third by his mother's. This prepares us to expect great dis- parity in the number of generations in different lines. Aaron's sons will meet us in the narrative hereafter, v. 24. The sons of Korah were the survivors of their father, and became heads of fomilies (Num. xxvi. 11). v. 25. Of Putiel we know nothing farther. Phinehas is the sixth (inclusive) in descent from Levi, and the seventh from Judah. v. 20-28. These are the Aaron and Moses. The design of the preced- ing paragraph was to explain who Aaron and !Moses were. They stand here in the order of seniority. At the end of the next verse they are placed in the order of rank. To ivhom the Lord had said. This refers to the commission he had given to them before their first interview with Pharoli. These are they who spake to Pharoh in the first interview, which is recorded in the fifth chapter. And it was in the day. This was the state of things at the time. This verse seems designed to date the time when the conjunction of circum- stances described in the preceding passage regai'ding the fjimily of Moses had taken place. In accordance with this, the closed section of the Masoretic text terminates with this verse. The connection of such a sentence wdth the preceding context is unusual ; but it occurs in other instances (Deut. ii. IG; Zek. vi. 15). The phrase W? it came to pass, simply indicates a point of time at which a preceding period termin- ates, and the following one begins. The prominent reference is usually to the latter ; but it may be to the former (Gen. i. 7, D, 11, 15, 24, 30). Sometimes the reference maybe equal to both (Gen. iv. 8). V. 29, 30. These verses contain a recapitulation of verses 1 0-1 2, and therefore bring us up, in point of time, to the be- ginning of verse 13, which is itself a summary of what is given in detail in the beginning of the next chapter. The 58 THE GENEALOGY OF MOSES. first seven verses of the seventh chapter might accordingly be regarded as the continuation of the sixth. But in' the exist- ing arrangement they form an appropriate introduction to the record of those ten strokes of judgments by which the resist- ance of Egypt was broken, and the way at length opened for the departure of Israel. We have now perused the record of Israel's servitude in Egypt. It runs parallel with the early part of the life of the deliverer, or more precisely of Aaron, his senior by three years. It commences probably with a new dynasty in Egypt, at a time when the increase of the people was so marked, as to become alarming to a sovereign not very firmly seated on the throne, and exposed to the hostility of neighbouring powers. His policy, though it does not keep down the population, makes him aware of their value as servile labourers. He therefore persists in his arbitrary course until the cry of the oppressed people reaches heaven. The deliverer now appears, but his approach to the monarch is only the signal for a new outburst of violence and oppres- sion. This casts the last shade of gloom and despondency over the scene. SECTION II.— THE TEN PLAGUES. v. the first three plagues. exod. vii ; viii. 0. Chap. vii. water changed into blood. 9. T^^. long creature, sea-monster, serpent, dragon. It sometimes denotes the crocodile, Isaiah xxvii. 1 ; li. 9. The Sept. give dpuy.uv, which we have retained to distinguisli it from ti*n3 seiyent, which is a species of the more general terra T^- Tlie crocodile might be included under either. But the asp or basilisk is more probable, though the term employed is perhaps designedly general. 11. flU'^p sorcerer, magician, enchanter, one who practises hidden or black arts, r. hide. These arts are called D"'pn^= Q^u? enchantments, from L3n!? = t:p to hide. Whether these arts were due to the light of experience or the powers of daikness, we have not the means of determining. And the Lord said unto Mqscs. See, I have made thee a god unto Pharoh ; and Aaron thy brother shall be thy proi^het. 2 Tliou shalt speak all that I conuuand thee : and Aaron tliy brother shall speak unto Pharoh, tliat he send the sons of Israel out of his land. 3 And I will harden Pharoh 's heart ; and multiply my signs and my wonders in tlie land of !Mizraim. 4. And Pharoh will not licarken unto you, and I will lay my hand upon Mizraim : and I will hrijig forth my hosts, my people, the sons of Israel, out of the land of Mizraim by great judgments. 5 And ^Mizraim shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch forth my hand upon ^lizraim, and bring out the sons of Israel from among them. G Aiid thus did !Moses and Aaron ; as the Lord commanded them so did they. 7 And Closes was eighty years old, and Aaron three and eighty yeai-s old, when they spake unto Pharoh. 8 And the Lord spake unto Moses and unto Aaron saying. 9 60 THE FIRST PLAGUE. Wlien Pharoli shall speak unto you, saying, show for you a miracle ; then thou shalt say unto Aaron, Take thy rod and cast it before Pharoh ; let it become a dragon. 10 And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharoh, and did so as the Lord had commanded ; and Aaron cast clown his rod before Pharoh and before his servants, and it became a dragon. 1 1 And Pharoh also called the sages and the sorcerers ; and the scribes of Mizraim, they also did so with their enchantments. 12 And they cast down every man his rod, and they became dragons : and Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. 13 And Pharoh's heart was hardened, and he hearkened not unto them ; as the Lord had spoken. § 5 14 And the Lord said unto Moses, Pharoh's heart is hard ; he refuseth to let the people go. 15 Go unto Pharoh in the morning ; lo, he goeth out unto the water, and thou shalt stand to meet him at the river's brink : and the rod which was turned to a serpent shalt thou take in thy hand. 16 And thou shalt say unto him, The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, hath sent me unto thee to say, Let my people go and serve me in the wilderness ; and behold thou hast not hearkened hitherto. 17 Thus saith the Lord, In this thou shalt know that I am the Lord ; behold I smite with the rod that is in my hand upon the water which is in the river, and it shall be turned into blood. 18 And the fish that is in the river shall die, and the river shall stink ; and Mizraim shall loathe to drink the water of the river. § 6. 19 And the Lord said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Take thy rod and stretch out thy hand upon the waters of Mizraim, upon their rivers? upon their streams, and upon their ponds, and upon every pool of their waters, and they shall become blood : and there shall be blood in all the land of Mizraim, both in wood and in stone. 20 And Moses and Aaron did so as the Lord commanded. ; and he lifted wp the rod and emote the water that was in the river in the eyes of Pharoh and in the eyes of his servants : and all the water that was in the river was turned into blood. 21 And the fish that was in the river died, and the river stank, and Mizraim could not drink water from the river : and the blood was in all the land of Mizraim. 22 And the scribes of Mizraim did so with their enchantments : and Pharoh's heart was hardened, neither did he hearken unto them, as the Lord had spoken. 23 And Pharoh turned and went into his house, neither did he set his heart even to this. 24 And all Mizraim digged round about the river for water to drink : for they could not drink of the water of the river. 25 And seven days were fulfilled, after the Lord had smitten the river. Tj 10. The problem to be solved in this section is the deliverance of a family now grown into a nation, who have been unjustly EXODUS VII. G 1 reduced to a state of servitude, from a liaughty despot who finds his advantage in retaining them by force in his service. Every man, we have no doubt, thinks he can easily solve it ; and the solution proposed by each will depend very much on the character of the individual. All men will also, we con- ceive, acknowledge that the omniscient and omnipotent God could accomplish the end in question in a variety of ways conceivable or inconceivable by man. It is certain, however, that the all-wise God can and will work this problem in one way. This will be the best way. He only knows what is the best way for all ])arties. He has respect in all his doings to the best interests of his rational creatures. This consists in the perfection and culture of their intellectual and moral nature, as the only solid foundation of comi)lete and perpetual happiness. His method of procedure, therefore, will be ex- actly fitted not only to the nature of man, tlie chief rational party concerned, in general, but to the stage of develoi)ment to which at the time he has attained. It is true and impor- tant in one sense that God giveth not account of any of his matters ; but it is equally true and important that he takes account of all matters whatsoever in all his proceedings. Hence he has regard to Israel, to Egypt, to Kenjvm, and to the whole human race in the manner in which he meets this great emergency. He has in view the present state of these parties, and adapts his measures to their instruction in spiri- tual things according to their several attainments in mental and moral truth. The result of the divine wisdom is the best plan of delivering Israel from Egypt, which is accordingly carried into effect, and is here delineated for our learninof. Let us enter upon the study of it, hoping to be illuminated ourselves with many rays of that light which then broke upon the minds of Israel and his contemporaries. We have already read the instructive account of the ap- pointment of Moses to be the prime minister of heaven in this great movement, and the deferential respect with which his credentials have been received by the people. Accompanied with the elders of Israel, he has approached Pharoh and jire- sented the authoritative message of the God of heaven and earth, requiring him to let Israel go and keep a feast to the Lord. In these facts we have strikinir instances of God's 62 THE FIRST PLAGUE. manner of proceeding. He does not appoint a servant with- out removing all bis difficulties, and affording him the fullest instructions. He does not take a step in the emancipation of the people without obtaining their acceptance of the leader he has chosen and their concurrence in the measures he has devised. And, notwithstanding the absence of all equity as well as gratitude in the manner in which the Pharohs had degraded into serfs the free kinsmen of Joseph, he opens the negociations with the reigning sovereign by a simple and moderately worded, yet firm and frank demand of the release of his people for the immediate purpose of a religious festival. It is obvious that so mild a request, so limited in its terms, in circumstances of so grave injustice, coming from the most high God, could not have been rejected by a right-minded man. Enquiries might have been made, difficulties started and claims advanced, if there had been any ; and these would have been all reasonably and satisfactorily met. And thus a negociation opened with forbearance and carried on with equity would have terminated in a peaceful and amicable settlement. Such is the beginning of God's method for the deliverance of his people from Egypt. But upon the proud and arrogant mind of Pharoh this temperate dealing has an opposite effect. He breaks out into instant defiance of God, contempt of his ministers, and revenge upon his people. His heart, practised in the arts of tyranny, gains a new degree of obstinacy from its violent recoil against this modest and seemingly feeble whisper of the bond-slave's God. With unaffected simplicity, the sacred historian records the disastrous consequences of Pharoh's indignation on the people and their officers, and the sad shock it gave to their infant faith. This was, no doubt, very painful to endure and pitiful to contemplate. But it had its pregnant and salutary lessons, and he who has looked into the after history of this people will be persuaded that this and many subsequent cor- rectives were absolutely necessary to bring them to that depth of piety, strength of principle, and decision of character which conferred a moral dignity on the nation, the traces of which are still to be found in the remnant of Israel. Even Moses himself is disappointed by the failure of his first attempt, and distressed by the anguish and despondency EXODUS VII. 1-7. 63 of the people. Accordingly the Lord, in the beginning of this chiipter, opens up to him a new and cheering view of liis rela- tion to Pharoh, and sends him again to him with a mira- culous authentication of his missicm. This second effort of the divine forbearance is also disregarded by the infatuated king. Only on the third appearance of Closes before Pharoh is he authorized to announce and inflict the first j)lague or stroke of judgment upon the recusant monarch. V. 1-7. This passage is the expansion of v. 13 of the pre- vious chapter. A new and encouraging view of his relation to Pharoh is here presented to Moses, inducing him to enter with a willing; and intellijxent interest into the divine mission with which he has been entrusted. A God unto Pharoh. What God was to Moses in point of instruction, that Moses w\'us to be to Aaron (iv. 1 G) ; and what God was to liim in respect of power, that he was now to be to Pharoh. He was to be the revealer of the divine will to Aaron ; the executor of the divine will on Pharoh. God puts his servant in a satis- ftictory position toward the adversary he has to encounter ; and henceforth he proceeds without faltering to carry out the divine intentions. And Aaron shall he thy 'prophet. A prophet is God's spokesman, uttering a message or a prayer by his authority (Gen. xx. 7). Such is Aaron to be to Moses, as explained in the following verse. The plenipotentiary of heaven is now amply furnished for his great undertaking. V. 3. And I will harden Pharoh's heart. We have seen the process already begun. The very patience and moderation which were calculated to subdue a will amenable to reason, only aroused the resistance and vengeance of Pharoh. Every succeeding step in the procedure of God is dictated by a like consideration and forbearance. Though it be true, therefore, that God did harden Pharoh's heart, yet it was by measures that would have disarmed the opposition, and commanded the acquiescence of an upright mind. v. 4. / mill lay my hand vpon Mizraini, because Pharoh is the representative of the Egyptians — because they concur in his sentiments — and because, even when they do not concur, they do not actively dissent from his intentions. Thus nations share the guilt, and therefore the punishment of their erring sovereigns. Moreover, God will touch the consciences of the nation in this 64 THE FIRST PLA.GUE. bigli controversy, and awaken within them that fear of God which ought to regulate and set bounds to the fear of their earthly king (v. 5). / will bring forth my hosts. The hosts of the Lord they were in a literal sense, and a stern work they had to perform in the beginning of their career. Yet they gradually rose to a higher form of warfare, in which they were destined yet with many auxiliaries to endure hardness as good soldiers of the Messiah. The term hosts, however, is sig- nificant even here. It points to the fact that the sons of Israel are to march out of Egypt in battle array, apart from the women, children, cattle, and baggage (xiii. 18). v. 5. Aoid Mizraim shall know. They shall find by experience, whether they take the lesson to heart or not. That I am the Lord. That great master- truth of all theology, that the God of the Hebrews is the one true and living God, the founder and mover of heaven and earth. The nations have inherited the vague notion of God indeed from their common father ; but they have essentially corrupted it, so that their gods are no longer the true God at all, but only a baseless phantom of their imagination. They have lost the historical connection with the God of their remote ancestry. In the one line of Israel, through the providence of God, has the historical reve- lation of God been preserved pure and entire. This would have been Egypt's day of grace, if the nation had only fuUy accepted this one lesson, " I am the Lord ; " but it became a day of judgment on account of its rejection, and this day con- tinued, until salvation began to go forth from Jerusalem, v. 6. And thus did Moses and Aaron. There is henceforward a prompt and constant obedience to the divine command, with the exception of certain grave inadvertencies into which they are betrayed by the remaining infirmities of the old man. V. 7. And Moses was eighty years old. We are now arrived at the point we had reached in the summary of vi. 1 3. It is in place to state the ages of the two brothers. As no men- tion is made of any difficulty in saving Aaron when an infant, it is not improbable that the edict about the execution of the male infants, by casting them into the Nile, was published after his birth, and in fact very shortly before the birth of Moses. Eighty years may seem a ripe age for entering upon an arduous enterprise ; but all the ancestors of Moses lived EXODUS VI I. 8-13. 65 beyond tlie age of 130 yeai-s, so that ('ii^dity was not more in proportion than forty wouhl be now. 'i'his is the proper close of the paragraph beginning with the genealogy (vi. 14), and, therefore, after having expanded vi. 1 3 in the previous ])as- sage, the wiiter is prepared to go on with the main line of the narrative. V. .S-13. Moses now understands the position of advantage in wliich the Lord has put him, and is emboldened to appear the second time before Pharoh. Having armed liis servant witii miraculous powei-s, so that he is a god to Pharoh, the Lord makes a second overture to the haughty monarch. Let it become a dragon. The more general word P?*^ is here employed instead of serpent, (iv. 3), simply because this is not precisely the same sign that was shown to Moses in the mount of God. The latter was to be exhibited before the people for tlieir conviction (iv. 1-5). The wonders to be done before Pharoh (iv. 21-23) were not the same, though two of them were similar, and seem to have included all the plagues M hich were afterwards wrought by the hand of Moses. The dragon is here, therefore, a different species of the scrjient kind from that which appeared before the Israelites. The kind of animal on each occasion is that which would be most significant to the party concerned. The serjjent would recall to Israel the serpent in Eden. The tannin here rendered dragon after the Scptuagint may have been the asp or basilisk, which was the emblem oT royalty, or some other species of serpent equally significant to Pharoli and to Egypt. The sages and the sorcerers; and the scribes. The sages and scribes were summoned to Pharoli in the time of Josej)h, (Gen. xli. 8). It is probable that the .scribes or hieroglyph.s, included all the classes of sages, and that the sages included the sorcerers. They also did so icith tlieir enchantments. It is certain that the charming of serpents has been long practised in Egypt and adjacent countries. The serpent called hage by the Arabs, api)arently the asp, can be made to aj)pear as dead or rigid as a stick, and of coinse restored to its natural state again. Now the Scripture does not care to determine whether a given work be done by natural or jtreteniatural means. It grants merely that the thing in question has been done, when it is pi-ofessed and appears to £ 66 THE FIRST PLAGUE. have been done. It does not concern the sacred writer or his readers how the impression was made on the senses, but only that in fact it was made. And Aaivn's rod swalloived up their rods. This was a plain and palpable proof that the presence and power of God were with Moses. It may- occur to the mind that it would have been as effectual a mode of convincing Pharoh to have restrained his magicians from playing their part before him. And undoubtedly the Almighty could have done so. But it is not his way to in- terfere by physical force with the free agency of his responsible creatures, (see Gen. iii. 1-7). If it had, he would have restrained Satan from entertaining the intention of resisting his Maker, or at least from afterwards intruding into the garden of Eden ; and he would have withheld the woman's hand and desire from the fruit of the forbidden tree, and so actual sin might never have entered into heaven or earth. But where would have been free agency, or by what means would the existence of creature morality have been known? Let us not imagine, therefore, that even in this small matter we can amend God's mode of procedure. And Pharoh' s heart was hardened. It is plain that Pharoh had deluded himself by means of his magicians into the fancy that Moses is onlj?" a more skilful magician than his own. He attaches no proper weight to the disappearance of their rods, which was the testing miracle. As the Lord had spoken. It is the pre- rogative of the Omniscient to predict the conduct of men. Though we cannot explain this mystery, yet from the known character of a man we can sometimes make a shrewd guess at the way in which he will act in given circumstances. The interview with the people, the first appearance before Pharoh, the two days after which the officers were beaten, the second interview with the people, and the second with Pharoh, cannot have occupied less than seven days, and therefore bring us to the 20th January or thereabout. V. 14-24. This second appeal having failed to make any impression on the heart of Pharoh, the Lord, as a third and last resort, directs Moses to the infliction of the first of a series of judicial strokes, increasing in intensity of effect, by which the refractory monarch is at length compelled to let the people go. The Jewish Rabbis have not been slow to EXODUS VII. 14-24. 07 observe the regulai* order in wliicli these successive strokes are arranged, .and the gradual advance which they make fntni the external to the internal, and from the mediate to the innuediate hand of God. They are in number ten ; which is one of the numbers denoting perfection. They are divided first into nine, and one, the hist one, standing clearly apart from all the others, in the awful shriek of woe which it draws forth from every Egyptian home. The nine are arranged in threes. In the first of each three the warning is given to Pharoh in the morning (vii. 1.5 ; viii. 20; ix. 13). In the first and second of each three, the plague is announced beforehand (viii. 1 ; ix. 1 ; x. 1), in the third not (viii, 10 ; ix. 8; X. 21). At the third the magicians of Pharoh acknow- ledged the finger of God (viii. 19), at the sixth they cannot stand before Moses (ix. 11), and at the ninth Phai-oh refuses to see the face of Moses any more (x. 28). In the first three Aaron uses the rod ; in the second three it is not mentioned ; in the third three Moses uses it, though in the last of them only his hand is mentioned. All these marks of order lie on the face of the narrative, and point to a deeper order of nature and reason out of which tliey spring. The gradation in the severity of these strokes is no less obvious. In the first three no distinction is made among the inhabitants of the land ; in the remaining seven a distinction is made betw^een the Israelites, who are shielded from, and the Egyptian;?, who are exposed to, the stroke. In these seven which are peculiar to the Egyptians, the order is the reverse of that in the work of creation. Three refer to the animal creation, and three to the vegetable world, the support of animal life. The last of these six is darkness, the opposite of light, the product of tlie first day ; and the seventh is death. The first three afiect the health and comfort of man ; the next three take away the staff of life ; then comes death itself, and the work of destruction is complete. To understand the deep import of the conflict before us, let us bear in mind that now for the first time since the dis- })ersion of mankind the opjjosition between the children of God and the children of disobedience is coming out into broad daylight. Egypt, that was the kind fosterer of the chosen family, has now become the persecutor of Israel and 68 THE FIRST PLAGUE. the avowed antagonist of God. The present struggle is there- fore no raid for the gathering of booty, nor encounter between two rival nations, nor expedition for the selfish ends of an earthly ambition. It is the controversy between light and darkness, in which the God of heaven and earth manifests his presence and power on behalf of his people and against the defiant nation. This nation is for the time being the repre- sentative of all heathendom, which is the kingdom of the prince of darkness ; and the battle now fought is the model and type of all future warfare between the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent. Hence it rise8-to-^-t}--anBcendent importance in the ways of God with man, and fitly holds a place even in the preface to the ten commandments (xx. 2). V. 14-18. The announcement of the first plague. Pharoh's heart is hard, heavy 0?^), stupid and insensible to right reason and the real state of things. In the jireceding verse it was described as hard, firm (Pirj.'!), obstinate, and infiexible in its own selfish purpose. In the third verse of this chapter we find another word (p''^\^), rendered hard, applied to the heart, having the sense of obdurate, steeled against every tender or unselfish feeling. We have only the one equivalent for all these terms. Go unto Fharoh in the morning. It appears that Pharoh was wont to be out on the banks of the Nile in the morning, either for an airing, or to bathe in its waters. He could scarcely be supposed to visit the magnificent river without presenting to it some form of adoration. To the Nile Egypt owed its soil and its fertility. The inhabitants esteemed its waters the most delicious beverao'e, regarded itself as the source of life and prosperity to the nation, and soon began to venerate it as the deity of their land, identical with Osiris and Apis. Royalty would feel itself specially attracted by such a divinity, and bound to take a leading part in its worship. At this river's brink, therefore, was the fit place to meet Pharoh. Tlie rod which was turned into a serpent, was the wand of power by which Moses was distinguished as the minister of heaven. The Lord. This is the name of present and active power, by which the God of the Hebrews is now to be prac- tically signalised. Pharoh is reminded of the divine message, and of its rejection by him. v. 1 7. In this thou shalt know that I am the Lord. Pharoh is to know, at least experimen- EXODUS VII. 19-2k GO tally, if not submissively and penitently, that grand sontonce " 1 am the Lord." Behold I sinife. This was to take place immediately in the very presence of Pharoh. The vxifrr v:h'ich 'iH in the river, that very river which was the object of all Egypt's praise and veneration ! A nd it shall he turned into blood, blood poured out, and therefore dead, and spreading death instead of diffusing life. Hence the fish shall die, and the river become putrid and loathsome to the smell and the taste. This was sufficient to show, if it was necessary, that the Nile was not a god, but a mere inanimate creature. V. 19-24'. The fulfilment now follows. Say unto Aaron. Pharoh is to learn the dignity of Closes, who commands Aaron his prophet to execute this miracle, and thus Moses is a god to Pharoh. Take thy rod. This is the rod of Moses (v. 1 5) which Aaron bears. Upon their rivers. These appear to be the arms or mouths into which the Nile separates itself in the Delta, of which there were anciently seven. They are called " their rivers," that is, those of Egypt, which is here a collec- tive noun denoting the nation. Their streams {diupvyag Sept.) are the canals by which the land was irrigated. Their ponds are the marshy lakes, such as Mocris and Mareotis. And every pool, every small collection or reservoir for private or special use. In all the land of Mizravni, not only in the river and all its connected waters, but in the land, that is, as explained, in all cisterns, whether of wood or stone, for the filtration or preservation of the water, v, 20. In the eyes of Pharoh, and of his senrtnts. A retinue of his courtiers was present on the occasion, including priests and magicians. And all the water UX18 turned into blood. The Nile begins to rise about the end of June, and attains its highest point at the end of September. About the commencement of the rise it assumes a greenish hue, is disagreeable to the taste, unwholesome, and often totally unfit for drinking. It soon, however, becomes red and turbid, and continues in this state for three or more weeks. In this condition it is again healthy and fit for use. The miracle now performed was totally dificrent from this annual change. For 1 , it occurred after the winter, not the summer, solstice ; 2, the water was turned into blood, and not merely reddened by an admixture of red clay or animalcula ; 8, the fish died, a result which did not follow from the periodical change of 70 THE FIRST PLAGUE. colour ; 4, the river stank, and became offensive, which it ceased to be when the ordinary redness made its appearance ; 5, the stroke was arrested at the end of seven days, whereas the natural redness continued for at least three weeks ; and 6, the change was brought on instantly at the word of command before the eyes of Pharoh. The calamity was appalling. The sweet waters of the Nile were the common beverage of Egypt. It abounded in all kinds of fish, which formed a principal article of diet for the inhabitants. It was revered as a god by Egypt. But now it was a putrid flood, from which they turned away with loathing. And the scribes of Mizraim did so with their enchantments. It has been asked Mdiere they got the water. We read in the 24th verse that "all Mizraim digged round about the river for water to drink." We have no doubt the hieroglyphs of Pharoh had wit enough to make the same experiment. The natives of a country in which the only river becomes periodically unfit for drinking would not be unfamiliar with the expedient of digging for water when the ordinary supply failed. These miracle-mongers confine themselves to the safe experiment of imitating on a small scale the work of God's servants. It would have been a clear demonstration of their superiority if they had countermanded the order of Moses, and converted the morbid mass into a limpid stream. This was what Egypt needed. Their trick was but a wretched mockery of help. v. 23. NeitJter did he set his heart even to this. When the will is strongly bent upon a foregone conclusion, a very small show of proof will beget conviction. The hieroglyphs managed to exhibit the appearance at least of changing a little water into blood. The headstrong monarch is confirmed in his resolve, and retuins unmoved by Egypt's misery to his home. v. 25. And seven days were fulfilled. The "smiting" of the river was not a momentary act, but a process that lasted for seven days, and then was remitted. This carries us on to about the 27th January. We are not informed what length of time was occupied with the other plagues ; but it will serve the pur- pose of order and clearness to suppose that seven days elapsed during the course of each of the seven following. This miracle was not merely a judicial, but a significant act. It marks the retribution of heaven. Pharoh orders the EXODUS VIII, 71 male infants of the Hebrews to be cast into the river, that they might perish there and become food for its fish. That very river is changed into a stream of death. It disphvys also the folly of creature-worship. Pharuh adores the life- sustaining power of nature, as embodied in the majestic river, before him. The God of nature transforms the running water into a river of death before his eyes. It demonstrates, in the way that was most striking to the Hebrew and the Egyptian, that the God of Israel was the true and only God of lieaven and earth, and that all other objects of worship were but the creatures of God or the works of men's hands. The next four verses of the Hebrew text, appended in Van der Hooght's edition to this chapter, are here, fur the sake of convenience, transferred to the beginning of the next chapter, in accordance with a considerable number of MSS. and some early versions, including the Vulgate. This arrangement of the text is adopted in Walton's Polyglott and the English Version. VI. SECOND THREE PLAGUES. EXOD. VIII. 20 IX. 12. CHAP. VIII. 2. FROGS, 3. LICE, AND 4. FLIES. 9. "i^snn. This foi-m elsewhere denotes to glory or vaunt oneself. Hei-e, however, the Sept. gives "rd^ai, the Vulg. con- stitiie, and the Targum of Onkelos, " set thou a time." The former meaning must, in the present passage, be taken in a pregnant sense, and include the latter. The radical significa- tion of the verb, namely, to be hrifjht, clear, however, will naturally 3'ield the latter as a secondary meaning. IG. D33, D'33 lice.. In the Talmud n33 a louse. The Jewish interpreters (including Onkelos and Jo.sei)hu.s), the Syriac, the Arabic, and the Talmud, give this meaning, which is supported by Bochart. The Sept. gives cy.ufi;, which Gescnius and others take to mean gnats. But y.'Jj'^ui-^ or t.aWs is the gnat, llie cxmi-^ is said to be an ant that preys on figs, or an insect that lives under the bark of trees. Either of these bears more analogy to the louse than to the gnat or most|uito. The louse is also found " on men and beasts," 72 THE PLAGUE OF FROGS. while the gnat flies in the air. The former is also more clearly distinguished from the y^V than the latter. 21. ^'^^ fly. The Sept. gives 7(.vi/6f/,via, dog-fly; Aquila 'TTcc/jb/nuia, all hinds of flies. It seems probable that as the ^33 is a parasitical animal without wings, so the 3nj; is a fly that has a long proboscis, piercing the skin, sucking the blood, and leaving a painful and highly inflamed wound. It may derive its name from 3"iy ilie evening, when it becomes most troublesome, or from 31^ to mix, because the whole class of flies is included. Kalisch is strongly in favour of the beetle (Blatfa Orientalis) ; but this does not attack men. In the absence of any very distinct aid from usage, the word being found only in this passage and in Ps. Ixxviii. 45, cv. 31, it seems better to adhere to the generic term, fly, which accords best with all the circumstances noted. It fastens on man, enters houses, and infests fields. And the Lord said unto Moses, Go in to Pharoh, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go and serve me. 2 And if thou refuse to let them go, behold, I Avill smite all tliy border with frogs. 3 And the river shall swarm Avith frogs, and they shall come up and go in to thy house, and to thy sleeping room and upon thy bed, and into the house of thy servants, and on thy people, and into thine ovens and into thy kneading troughs. 4 And on thee and on thy people and on all thy servants shall the frogs come up. 5 And the Lord said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch forth thy hand with thy rod over the rivers, and over the streams, and over the ponds, and bring up the frogs upon the land of Mizraim. 6 And Aaron stretched forth his hand over the waters of Mizraim, and the frogs came up and covered tlie land of Mizraim. 7 And the scribes did so with their enchantments, and brought up frogs upon the land of Mizraim. 8 And Pharoh called for Moses and Aaron, Intreat the Lord and let Him take away the frogs from me and from my people ; and I will let the people go and sacrifice unto the Lord. 9 And Moses said unto Pharoh, Prescribe unto me, when I shall entreat for thee and for thy servants and for thy people, to cut off the frogs from thee and thy houses : only in the river shall they remain. 10 And he said, To- morrow. And he said, Be it according to thy word ; that thou mayest know that there is none like unto the Lord our God. 11 And the frogs shall depart from thee, and from thy houses, and from thy ser- vants, and from thy people j only in the river shall they remain. 12 EXODUS VIII. 73 And ^Toscs and Aaron Avont out from Pliaroli : and ^fosos criod unto llic Lord on account of the frogs which ho had brought on Pliaroh. 13 And the Lord did according to the word of Moses : and the frogs died out of the houses, out of the courts, and out of the fields. 14 And tlicy gathered them together in heaps ; and the land stank. 15 And Pliaroh siw that there was respite, and he hardened his heart and hearkened not unto them, as the Lord had spoken. § 6. IG And the Lord said unto Moses, Say unto Aaron, Stretch forth thy rod, anil smite the dust of the hind, and it shall become lice in all the land of Mizraim. 17 And they did so : and Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and smote the dust of the land, and it became lico on man and on beast : all the dust of the land became lice in all the land of ^lizraim. 18 And the scribes did so with their enchantments to bring forth the lice, and could not : and the lice were on man and on beast. 19 And the scribes said unto Pharoh, This is the finger of Clod. And Pharoh's heart was hardened and he hearkened not unto them ; as the Lord had spoken. § 7. 20 And the Lord said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning, and stand bef(jre Pharoh, lo, he conieth forth to the water : and say unto him. Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go and serve me. 21 For if thou wilt not let my people go, behold I send upon thee and upon thy servants, and upon thy people, and into thy houses, tho lly ; and the houses of Mizraim shall be full of the fly, and even the ground whereon they are. 22 And I will sever in that day the land of Goshen, on which my people stand, that the fly may not be there ; tliat thou mayest know that I am the Lord in the midst of the land. 23 And I will put a division between my people and thy people : to- morrow shall this sign be. 24 And the Lord did so, and there came a grievous fly into Pharoh's house and the house of his servants; and in all the land of ^lizraim the land Avas destroyed by reason of the fly. 25 And Pharoh called Moses and Aaron, and said. Go ye, sacri- fice to your God in the land. 2G And Moses said, It is not meet so to do ; for we shall sacrifice the abomination of Mizraim to the Lord our God : lo, we shall sacrifice the abomination of Mizraim before their eyes, and will they not stone us ? 27 Wo will go three days' journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to the Lord our God, as Ho shall say unto us. 28 And Pharoh said, I will let you go and sacri- fice to the Lord your God in the wilderness ; only ye shall not go very far away : entreat for me. 20 And Moses said, Behold, I go out from thee and entreat the Lord, and the fly shall depart from Pharoh, from his servants, and from his people to-morrow : only let not Pharoh deal falsely any more, not to let the people go to sacrifice to the Lord. 30 And Moses went out from Pharoh, and entreated 74 THE PLAGUE OF FROGS. tlie Lord, 31 Aud the Lord did according to the word of Moses, and removed the fly from Pharoh, from his servants, and from his people : not one remained. 32 And Pharoh hardened his heart at this time also ; neither did he let the people go. IF l^l- In this chapter we have the plagues of the frogs, the lice, and the fly grouped together, probably because tlieyall belong to the smaller tribes of animals. In the conception of the author, however, it is evident that the two former, with the change of water into blood, constitute the first triad of judicial visitations, as two of them are announced beforehand and the third not, according to a law which is observed in each triad. v. 1-15. The plague of frogs. Go in to Pharoh. This in- fliction is to be announced to Pharoh in his palace, as the former was by the river side (vii. 1 5). The request for leave to depart is repeated, and in case of refusal the plague of frogs is threatened, v, 3, 4. The river shall swarm tvith frogs. Frogs abound in Egypt. They appear, when the river overflows the country, in all the pools of water. The common frog, the green or edible frog (rana esculenfa), and the speckled frog (r. punctata), are found in Egypt. The number of eggs in the spawn of a single frog varies from 1000 to 1500. The appearance of these animals in considerable numbers on land is generally preceded and accompanied by heavy storms of rain (Kitto's Cyclop.). Such an accompaniment would render the visitation more appalling to the Egyptians. The phraseology here is similar to that employed in the six days' creation (Gen. i. 20). Miracles are not the less supernatural, because their products are natural objects pre- viously well-known, as frogs, or are placed in ordinary circumstances, as frogs in the standing water of a river, or are even arranged in natural succession, as frogs in the Nile after its change of colour. The author of nature does not put himself out of all relation with the laws he lias imposed on nature, when he introduces a new effect of his power into the sphere of nature. His wondrous deeds come under the law of reason, and therefore fall in with the law of nature. The miracle consists in the event described, 1. happen- ing accordingly ; 2. in the circumstances pi'edicted or at the word of command ; 3. without any ordinary causes either existing or having had time to operate ; and 4. EXODT'S VIII. 1-15. 75 farther, it may 1)C at an nnu.sual season, and in an un- usually magnified fi)rm. The hist condition, however, i.s not absohitely necessary. The event is described witli con- sidoraLlc minuteness in two verses. It is evidently aggravated beyond the usual form. The frogs venture into the houses, the sleejjing apartments, the very beds. They j)cnetrate into the ovens and kneading troughs. The baking oven was often a round hole, three feet 'y^ fine dust, ov 2^oiuder. r. turn, ivldrl. 1 0, T^^ boil, enflavied siuelling. nys^nN blains, 'pustules ; fiXuxTidi; (Sep.) r. burst or gush forth. Tlien tlie Lord said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharoh, and tell him, Thus saith the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, Let my people go and serve me. 2 For if thou refuse to let them go, and wilt hold them still, 3 Behold, the hand of the Lord is upon thy cattle which is in the field, upon the horses, upon the asses, upon the camels, upon the oxen, and upon the sheep, as a very grievous pestilence. 4 And the Lord shall sever between the cattle of Israel and tlie cattle of Miz- raim, and nothing shall die of all that belongs to the sons of Israel. 5 And the Lord appointed a set time, saying. To-morrow the Lord shall do this thing in the land. G And the Lord did this thing on the morrow, and all the cattle of Mizraini died : hut of the cattle of the sons of Israel died not one. 7 And Pharoh^sent, aud, behold, not F 82 PESTILENCE, BOILS, AND HAIL. even one of the cattle of Israel was dead. And Pliaroli's heart was hardened, and he did not let the people go. H ^^• 8 And the Lord said unto Moses and unto Aaron, Take to you the hands full of ashes of the furnace, and let Moses sprinkle it toward the sky in the sight of Pharoh. 9 And it shall becoroe dust in all the land of Mizraim ; and shall be a boil breaking forth with blains upon man and upon beast in all the land of Mizraim. 10 And they took ashes of the furnace and stood before Pharoh, and Moses sprinkled it toward the sky ; and it became a boil breaking forth with blains upon man and upon beast. 11 And the scribes could not stand before Moses because of the boil : for the boil was upon the scribes and upon all Mizraim. 12 And the Lord hardened Pharoh's heart, and he hearkened not unto them ; as the Lord had spoken unto Moses. §8. _ 1 3 And the Lord said unto Moses, Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharoh, and say unto him. Thus saith the Lord, the God of the Hebrews, Let my people go and serve me. 14 For at this time I will send aU my plagues into thy heart, and on thy servants, and on thy people ; that thou mayest know that there is none like me in all the earth. 15 For now I had stretched out my hand and smit- ten thee and thy people with the pestilence ; and thou wouldst have been cut off from the earth. 16 But for this have I raised thee up, to show thee my power, and to declare my name in all the earth. 17 As yet thou exaltest thyself against my people, that thou wilt not let them go. 18 Behold at this time to-morrow I will rain a very griev- ous hail, such as hath not been in Mizraim from the day of its founda- tion even until now. 1 9 Send now, therefore, and bring in thy cattle and all that thou hast in the field : for upon every man or beast which is found in the field, and is not gathered into the house, the hail shall come down, and they shall die. 20 He that feared the word of the Lord among the servants of Pharoh made his servants and his cattle flee into the houses. 21 And he that set not his heart to the word of the Lord, left his servants and his cattle in the field. IF 13. 22 And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch forth thy hand toward heaven, and let there be hail in all the land of Mizraim, upon man and upon beast, and upon every herb of the field in the land of Mizraim. 23 And Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven ; and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and fire fell upon the earth ; and the Lord rained hail upon the land of Mizraim. 24 And there was hail, and fire flashing amidst the hail, very grievous, such as was not in all the land of Mizraim since it became a nation. 25 And the hail smote in all the land of Mizraim all that was in the field from man to EXODUS IX. 1-7. 83 beast, and the hail smoto every herb of the field, and brake every tree of the field. 20 Only in the land of Goshen where the sons of Israel were, was there no hail. 27 And Pharoh sent and called Moses and Aaron, and said unto them, I have sinned this time : the Lord is rif^hteous, and I and my people are wicked. 28 Entreat the Lord, and let there be no more thunderings of God and hail : and I will let you go, and ye shall stay no longer. 20 And Moses said unto him, When I come out of the city, I will spread abroad my hands unto the Loud : the thumlerings shall cease, neither shall there be any more hail, that thou mayest know that the earth is the Lord's. 30 And as for thee and thy servants, I know that ye do not fear the Lord God. 31 And the flax and the barley were smitten : for the barley was in the ear, and the fla.K was boiled. 32. And the wheat and the spelt were not smitten, for they are late. 33 And Moses came out of the city from Pharoh, and spread abroad his hands to the Lord ; and the thunders and hail ceased, and raiu was not poured on the earth. 34 And Pharoh saw that the rain and the hail and the thunders were ceased, and he ginned yet more, and hardened his heart, he and his servants. 35 And Pharoh's heart was hardened, neither did he let the sons of Israel go ; as the Lord had spoken by the hand of Moses. 15 m 14. In this chapter we have the plagues of pestilence, boils, and liail. The first two complete the second triad and close the section in which they are contained. V. 1-7. The plague of pestilence. Go in unto PJuiroh. As in the second plague of the former triad (viii. 1). And wilt hold them still. This is added to mark the pertinacity of Pharoh, notwithstanding the severe chastisements he had already suffered for his obstinacy, v. 3. The hand of the Lord. This will be the more manifest, as no waving of the rod or hand precedes the appearance of the miracle. Ujwn thy cattle (^}\>P), a general name for all domestic animals, that constitute a great part of the projjerty of a pastoral or agri- cultural people. Which is in the field. This limits the extent of the pestilence to the animals that were in the open-air. Horses. The first notice of these is in Gen. xlvii. 1 7. Kgypt was celebrated for its horses, which appear on its sculptur&s. They were employed in t])e chariot of war or state. The ob- ject of worship at Memphis, Heliopolis, and Hermonthis was 84 PESTILENCE, BOILS, AND HAIL. the hull ; at Thebes the 7mn, at Mendes the goat. The sheep here (JSX) are the small cattle, including the goats. Asses are mentioned on the monuments of Egypt. They were used for riding or draught. The Bactrian camel has two humps, the Arabian one. The latter was known and employed on the border land between Egypt and Arabia ; but has not been found on the ancient monuments of the former country. Its presence here favours the supposition that the north-east part of Egypt was at the time under a dynasty of the Shepherd kings, who came from Arabia. A very grievous pestilence. We follow the original here in using the more general term, pestilence 0^'ij), as we find it also employed in reference to the human species (v. 1 5). The miracle consists in its being very grievous, in being sent, at an appointed time (v. 5) and in being limited to the cattle of the Egyptians. A severance takes place here as in the preceding plague (viii. 22.) To-morrow. A set time of inflicting the stroke is as significant of the Divine intervention, as a set time of withdrawing it (viii. 29). V. 6. All the cattle of Mizraim. This is to be limited to the kinds already mentioned, and also to those of them that were in the field (v. 3). Wilkinson (Anc. Eg. 2nd series, v. I. p. 96) informs us that some animals were stall-fed among the Egyptians. This explains the limitation, " in the field," and the existence of some cattle among the Egyptians, after the pestilence had done its work (v. 19). v. 7. And Pharolis heart ivas hardened. We may suppose that the pestilence among the cattle did not much affect him personally, and that he was irritated to find that the cattle of the Israelites had escaped. Hitherto the plagues had given great personal annoyance, but had not involved much loss of property. But now the hand of the corrector comes down upon the main branch of the country's wealth. Cattle, besides being a chief means of food and clothing, were employed by the Egyptians in tread- ing the seed into the ground, in treading out the corn, and in conveying the produce of the country to the place of storage. The destruction of cattle was therefore a serious loss to the Egyptian farmer. The hand of the Lord was manifest here in distinguishing the cattle of Israel from that of Mizraim. v. 8-12. The plague of boils. This third plague of the EXODUS IX. 8-12. 85 second triad is not announced to Pharoh. Ashes of the fur- nace. This is taken to be the fine ash or soot of some of the furnaces for tlie purposes of art, that stood in the open-air, Dasf, a fine powder floating in the air, and pregnant with disease. A boil (ri^')- This is afterwards mentioned as the boil of Mizm'im, and seems therefore to be an endemic disease. Vai-ious conjectures have 1)een offered as to its nature, but none of them is satisfactory. The description of it bears some resemblance to elephantiasis, a dreadful form of leprosy, prevalent in Egypt, so called because it makes the feet swollen and stiff like the elephant's feet. But this disease does not attack the bi-ute creation. The scribes could ijot stand before Moses. At the third plague the magicians of Pliaroh failed in their enchantments, and acknowledged the finger of God. At this the second third, they hasten away from Closes covered with shame and humiliation. The punctilious attention of the Egyptians to personal cleanliness is noted by Herodotus. In particular, the priests shave their whole body every other day. Their dress is entirely of linen. They bathe twice every day in cold water, and twice each night (Herod. II. 37). Their confusion and distress therefore must have been great to find themselves now covered with an eruptive disease, that mocked all their precautions, and rendered them unfit for their sacerdotal duties. And the Lord hardened Pharoh' s heart. Here it is to be observed that the very means that would have brought an unbiassed and unclouded mind to conviction and submission, only begat a stolid and infatuated obstinacy in the monarch of Egypt. The course of the divine interposition has been one of uniform mildness and forbear- ance, only proceeding to judicial chastisements when ncgocia- tion would not avail, and advancing gradually to severer mea.sures only wlien the more gentle were disregarded. His obiluracy is now come to such a pitch of stupidity, that we cannot catch a shadow of reason for his conduct. Hitlierto the Lord has tried to move the heart of the king by a sei'ies of external privations and penalties. The want of water, the presence of a loathsome reptile, the creeping and biting of a nauseous insect, the fierce stinging of the fiy swarm, and the I0.SS occasioned by the pestilence among the cattle, have been all in vain. Now the life is menaced. A boil 86 THE HAIL THREATENED. breaking out in blains or open sores, has fallen upon man and beast. We may be sure that the sacred animals that were objects of worship would not escape this plague ; and we may imagine what consternation this would create throughout all Egypt. This closes the second section relating to the plagues. Allowing a week for each of the six plagues already recorded, and twenty days for the previous transactions, we are brought to the 3rd of March at the end of the sixth plague. ch. ix. 13 — X. This section contains the record of the next three plagues, the hail, the locusts, and the darkness. These rise in terrific severity above all that precede them. V. 13-21. The hail threatened. As usual in the first of each triad, Moses is to meet Pharoh at the usual time, and probably in the usual place, to demand the release of the people, and announce the immediate consequence of refusal. All my plagues. This expression occurring in the announce- ment of the first of another three, is an indication of the ternary arrangement. It refers to all the following manifesta- tions of the divine power, at least to those which form the third series of plagues. Into thy heart. By the following judgments Pharoh will be at length brought to feel in his heart the folly and guilt of resisting the Almighty. None like me in all the earth. The Egyptians, like the other Gentiles, had now wandered away from the true notion con- cerning God which had come down from their forefathers. The false gods, fashioned after the vain fancies of a disorderly imagination, bore no moral resemblance to the true God. Pharoh is now to learn this great fact in his experience, if not in his understanding and his heart. / had stretched out 'my hand. I might have smitten thee and thy people with the pestilence, as easily as I smote thy cattle ; and thou wouldest have been annihilated, thyself and all thy opposition to my reasonable demands. The Lord here gives us some insight into the theory of his admiuisti'ation. It is instructive, cor- rective, and in the last resort punitive ; but in no case merely destructive of moral agents. He that would sweep into in- stant annihilation all the opponents of his will has no idea of EXODUS IX. 22-2G. 87 God's principle of action or mode of dealing witli his rational creatures. Not even a particle of irrational matter is bidden out of existence by the great God who called it into being. Still less will his moral and responsible creatures be sent out of existence, or at once forced into submission by the high hand of an irresistible despotism. He will approach them with love, with reason, with justice. Only when such methods fail, will he have recourse to a patient and duly tempered correction. And Pharoh will be an example to all contem- porary nations, and through the books of Moses to all succeed- ing generations, of the mercy, patience, forbearance, justice, and holiness of God. But for this have I raised thee up, not stricken thee down with the pestilence, but preserved thee from it in ray long-suffering patience. To show thee my iwiccr. To convince thee while thou livest, and there is yet time to repent, if thou wilt be convinced, of my power, my etenial power and godhead, in contrast with all impotent and imaginary gods in whom thou hast heretofore trusted. And to declare iny name in all the earth, to make thy history a perpetual lesson for the instruction of all mankind in the knowledge of my name, my real nature, which has come to be so grievously and fatally misai)p]ehended. As yet thou exaltest thyself. Thou still persistest in thy haughty re- fusal. There is a sublime dignity in the continued modera- tion which this expostulation displays. V. 17-21. At this time to-morrotu. Pharoh might have learned by this time that the Lord is punctual to his time. A very grievous hail. Showers of hail in the winter season were not unknown in Egypt, as even the present passage in- forms us. But this is to be such as had not been since Egypt was founded, that is, since it became a nation (v. 24'). Send noiu, therefore, and bring in thy cattle. The Lord here re- members mercy, and leaves an opening for faith to assert itself. He looks for believers even among the Egyptians. And he did not look in vain. This warning divided them intx) two classes, the one fearing the Lord, and the other still disregarding him. V. 22-26. On the moiTow the performance comes. Stretch forth thy hand, with the wand of power (v. 23). Moses is described as the agent in these three plagues (x. 12, 21). 88 PHAROH CONFESSES HIS SIN. Thunder, voices (^^?), voices of God, as Pharoh expresses it (v. 28). The primitive mind regarded the thunder p6al as the subliraest utterance of the God of nature. Philosophy and theology alike bow to the solemn sentiment that the. heavens declare the glory of God. The thunder is but one note in the great accord of universal nature in which he speaks to us of himself Fire fell upon the earth, the light- ning flash, of which the thunder clap was the accompaniment. Flashing, darting suddenly and seizing upon its object. S^note every herb, and brake every tree. The lightning and hail that killed every man and beast were suflicient to destroy the green leaves and stalks of the herbs, and the branches as well as foliage of the trees. Only in the land of Goshen. Here again Israel is exempted from the effects of this judgment, as we have no doubt they were from the preceding one, though it be not mentioned. V. 27-30. Pharoh is again overwhelmed by this judgment and for the third time promises submission. I have sinned this time. Now at length I acknowledge that I have sinned. The loss of his servants and cattle with the awful lightnings and thunderings, brings a dawning conviction into his mind that God is right and he is wrong. The expression of this in words is needed after having twice asked and obtained re- mission and as often falsified his word. Let there be no more thunderings of God. Let it be enough (3"}) and no more of these awful voices. And ye shall stay no longer. A pro- mise of immediate dismissal. True to his character of giving heed to the latest and feeblest appeal to his mercy, the Lord is ready to withdraw his heavy hand. When I come out of the city. We learn here incidentally that Pharoh dwelt in a city. The probability is in favour of On or Bubastis from their proximity to the Nile and the situation of the Israelites. That thou mayest know that the earth is the Lord's. Another proof of this great fact is to be afforded to Pharoh, if he have only the heart to understand the lesson, v. 30. J knoiv that ye do not fear the Lord God. Moses has learned much since he entered upon the task of delivering the Lord's people. He can now speak with fluency and precision. The Lord hns enabled him to judge of the character of Pharoh and his courl. Here for the first time since Gen. ii. 3 have we Jehovah EXODUS IX. 31-35. 89 fallowed by Elohim in the absolute fonii. Tliis is not with- out its significance. The grand primeval tioith that the God of tlio Hebrews is the absolute and eternal God (°^'?''^.) antece- dent to all creation and theretbre the only Creator and Upholder of heaven and earth (p]'^]) has been presented in the most conspicuous manner to the mind of Pharoh. Moses therefore seasonably intimates by the juxtajjosition of the two names that Jehovah, the God of the Hebrews, is no local or national God, but the sole and absolute God. He at the same time intimates that the mere acknowledgment of this vital truth in words is not suflicient. It is tlie acknowledgment of the heart only that will influence the conduct and issue in spontaneous obedience to the will of God. V. 31-35. The remission effected. The ffax and the barley. Egyjjt was celebrated for its linen. Its mummies we find swathed in this fabric. Barley was extensively sown in this country, and was used for feeding cattle, and making bread and a kind of ale. The sowing time was in October and November. The flax and barley were ripe about the end of March, and therefore the one was in the ear and the other boiled about the beginningr of that month. The luheat and the spelt. Egypt was most prolific in wheat, which was often seven-headed, and yielded a hundred fold. It was in some measure the granaiy of the ancient world, as well as the great mart for flax or linen. Rye was not a grain cultivated in Egypt, as it belongs to colder countries. The grain here rendered spelt may have been that which is now known as doora. These grains ripened a month later than the barley and flax. This crop was therefore only injured not destroyed by the hail. He sinned yet more. Pharoh had confessed his sin, but it appears that this confession was extorted from hini not by a penitent heart, but by an overpowering terror, v. 30. A s the Lord Jmd spoken by the hand of Moses. This announce- ment of Moses (v. 30) was calculated to convince Pharoh, if he had been disposed to give heed to it, that he with whom he had to do was the searcher of heai'ts and could not be de- ceived by a hypocritical pi-etenca By this act of judgment a moiety of the crop of Egypt was destroyed, while the minds of Pharoh and his courtiera were evidently awe-struck by the thunder storm. It is manifest 90 LOCUSTS AND DARKNESS. that the Lord is step by step advancing to the universal desolation of Egypt. The supernatural character of this storm is demonstrated by its coming at the time predicted, ceasing at the intercession of Moses, and confining itself to the land of the Egyptians. CHAP. X. 8, LOCUSTS ; AND 9, DARKNESS. 4. 1^?"]^ locust. This is so called from its numbers, r. be Tnany. It is supposed to be the gryllus gregarius, or passage-locust. And the Lord said unto Moses, Go in unto Pharoh : for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may put these my signs upon him. 2 And that thou mayest tell in the ears of thy son, and of thy son's sou, that which I wrought in Mizraim, and my signs which I put upon them ; and ye shall know that I am the Lord. 3 And Moses and Aaron went in unto Pharoh, and said unto him, Thus saith the Lord, the G-od of the Hebrews, How long dost thou refuse to humble thyself before me 1 let my people go and serve me. 4 For if thou refuse to let my people go, behold, to-morrow Avill I bring the locust into thy border. 5 And they shall cover the face of the land, so that one cannot see the land, and they shall eat the residue of that which is escaped, which remained unto you from the hail, and shall eat every tree which groweth for you out of the field : 6 And they shall fill thy houses and the houses of all thy servants, and the houses of all Mizraim ; which neither thy fathers nor thy father's fathers have seen since the day that they were upon tJie ground unto this day. And he turned and went out from Pharoh. 7 And Pharoh's servants said unto him, How long shall this man be a snare unto us 1 Let the men go and serve the Lord their God : knowest thou not yet tliat Mizraim is destroyed 1 8 And Moses and Aaron were brought back unto Pharoh, and he said unto them, Go, serve the Lord your God : who are they that go 1 9 And Moses said. With our young and with our old will we go ; with our sons and with our daughters, with our flocks and with our herds will we go : for we hold a feast unto the Lord. 10 And he said unto them. The Lord be so with you, as I will let you and your little ones go : look ye that evil is before you. 1 1 Not so : go now ye men and serve the Lord ; for that ye did deshe. And they were driven out from Pharoh's presence. § 9 CHAPTER X. 91 12 Aiul the Lord said unto !Moscs, Stretch out tliy liand over tho land of ^lizraini for the locust, and they shall come up on the land of Mirzaim ; and eat every herb of the land, all that the hail hath left. 13 And Closes stretched out his hand over the land of Mizraim ; and the Lord sent an east wind upon tho land all that day and all tho night : tho morning came and the east wind brought the locusts. 14 And the locusts came up over all the land of Mizraim, and rested in all the border of Mizraim : veiy grievous were they, before them were no such locusts as they, neither after them shall be such, 15 And they covered the face of tho whole land, and the land was darkened ; and they ate every herb of tho land, and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left : and there remained not any green thing in the trees or in the herbs of the field in all the land of Mizraim. IG Then Pharoh hastened to call Moses and Aaron : and he said, I have sinned against the Lord your God, and against you. 17 And now forgive, I pray, my sin only this once, and entreat the Lord your God ; and let him take away from me this death only. 18 And he came out from Pharoh and entreated the Lord. 19 And the Lord turned a very strong west Avind, and took away tho locusts and cast them into the Eed Sea : there remained not one locust in all the border of Mizraim. 20 And the Lord hardened Pharoh's heart, and he did not let the sons of Israel go. IF ^^ 21 And the Lord said unto Moses, Stretch out thy hand toward the sky, and let there be darkness over the land of Mizraim ; and let the darkness be felt. 22 And ISIoses stretched out his hand toward the sky : and there was a thick darkness in all the land of ^Mizraim three days. 23 They saw not one another, neither rose any from his place for three days : and all the sons of Israel had light in their dwellings. 24 And Pharoh called Moses and said, Go ye, serve the Lord ; only your flocks and your herds shall be stayed : even your little ones may go with you. 25 And Closes said. Thou must also give into our hand sacrifices and burnt-offerings, and we shall sacrifice unto the Lord our God. 26 Our cattle then also shall go with us, not a hoof shall be left behind ; for thereof must we take to serve the Lord our God : and we know not with what wo shall serve the Lord until wo go thither. 27 And the Lord hanlened Pharoh's heart, and he would not let them go. 28 And Pharoh said unto him, Get thee from me : take heed to thyself, see my face no more, for in the day thou seest my face, thou shalt die. 29 And Moses said, Well hast thou spoken ; I will see thy lace no more. H 1 G This chapter completes the record of the third group of plagues. 92 LOCUSTS AND DARKNESS. ' V, 1-20. The plague of locusts. Go in unto Pharoh, into Lis palace in the city, as in the second of each series (viii. 1, ix. 1). For I have hardened his heart. A mode of treat- ment calculated to have a salutary effect on a reasonable mind has produced an opposite effect on a proud and un- reasonable temper. That I may init these my signs upon him. To put here (IT'C') is to set before the view of all for their instruction. In him (13"iip3) means in his inmost expe- rience, so as to touch his feelings to the quick (ix. 14). A7id that thou mayest tell. These marvels of Egypt are to be a lesson not only for the present, but for all future generations, who may hearken to the recollections of their fathers, or read the books of Moses. And ye shall know that I am the Lord. The grand scope of all these signs was to reveal the Creator in His true character to man. This is the lesson of nature, of providence, and of grace, to those who read and understand. V. 3. Hotv long dost thou refuse to humble thyself before me ? Eight signs, one of them instructive and seven corrective, had already been given to him. His haughtiness of spirit is not subdued ; to humble himself even before God he has not yet learned, v. 4. The locust. The descriptions of Joel (Jo. i. ii.) and many other eye-witnesses, have made us familiar with the locust and its desolating progress. The class to which they belong is described by Moses in Lev. xi. 21, 23, and four species, including the one here mentioned (i^^"}^) are pro- nounced clean and edible. The native place of the locust is the south of Asia and the parts of Africa south and west of Egypt. These insects are about three or four inches long, have four wings and four feet, the hind legs being adapted for springing. They resemble in form the common grass- hopper. The locust, after leaving the egg, exists in three states — the larva, the pupa, and the perfect insect. The larva has no wings, the pupa has only the rudiments of them, and they are fully developed only in the perfect insect. Of these three the larva is the most voracious. They breed in October, laying each about 300 eggs, which they bury in the ground. They make their appearance in March or April, when the verdure is on the gi'ound. Their numbers are immense, and in their flight they are said to cover thousands of square EXODUS X. 7-11. 93 miles, and consume every green thing where they alight. They arc used as food, being either cooked whole or ground into meal. Into thy border. They came into Egypt, generally from the south, hut also from the east. v. 5. The face of the land. The eye (pV) of the land is the surface which looks as it were towards us. That ivhich remaineth unto you from the hail, the wheat, and the spelt, the other moiety of the crop, and whatsoever fruit was left on the trees, v. G. Th( y shall fill thy houses (Joel ii. 9). They consume every thing that comes before them in the house as well as in the field, 117iic7t neither thy fathers. The miracle consists in the extra- ordinary number, size, and destructiveness of these insects, as well as in their coming and going according to the word of Moses. V. 7-11. The suggestion of Pharoh's servants. How long shall this man be a snare ? A pitfall of inevitable destruc- tion to us. The magicians and other courtiers of Pharoh understand the state of matters better than himself. Let the inen go. Let this people depart. They feel that they cannot contend with omnipotence. Knoiuest thou not yet ? The sovereign, especially if he be despotic, is often the last to learn the wretchedness of his country ; as it may be at the risk of life that his servants venture to hint at so unwelcome tidings. Pharoh seems to have been in a great measure unconscious of the ruin of Egypt. He now condescends to ask who shall go ? a question that should have been proposed at the very first. Moses promptly replies that all must go, as it was a feast, a solemn assembly of the whole nation before the Lord. Look ye that evil is before you. Pharoh, refusing to let go "the little ones" — a phrase including the young of both sexes, and implying tlic full-grown women, Avarns them that " evil is before them." This may mean either that evil is in store for them, or that evil is in their minds. The former is a menace of the effects of his displeasure, if they insisted on all going ; the latter a charge of forming a design of leaving the country. The former is more in keeping with the expression, " Look ye." The men alone are allowed to go, and witli this concession they are di'iven out or ignominiously dismissed. Pharoh has become more irritable and violent in his manner. V. 1 2-1 5. The locusts sent. The Lord raised an cast wind. An east wind, in common phrase, means any wind from the 94 LOCUSTS AND DARKNESS. sun-rising, though it may be a good many points north or south. This indicates merely that the present swarm of locusts came not from Ethiopia or Lybia, but from Arabia. All that day and all the night. The locust appeared in the morning, and therefore may have come from a considerable distance. " Before them," or " after them," were no such locusts. This statement applies to Egypt, and refers to the extraordinary extent of the present visitation. The land vjas darkened. It is said that the locust swarm, like an opaque cloud, intercepts the light of the sun, and leaves the earth in darkness (Plin. H. N. ii. 29). There remained not any green thing. What the hail had left, the locusts devoured, and the land was left desolate, a waste and a void (in^l ^in), desti- tute alike of the vegetation which adorns and furnishes it, and of the cattle which form a part of its inhabitants (Gen. i. 2, Jer. iv. 2y). v. ] 6-20. The locusts removed. And Pharoh hastened to call. The awful nature of this devastation strikes terror to the heart of Pharoh. His will also has become more restless and liable to sudden change. I have sinned. This is the second confession of sin, and the fourth time he has been led to entreaty. This death only. Death only seems now to await the Egyptians, as their crop has been destroyed and their cattle have been greatly diminished. A very strong west wind. A moderately blowing east wind carried the locusts in safety over the Red Sea into Egypt. A storm or hurricane sweeps them out of the country and precipitates them into the waters. This is the usual history of these insects. A wind of the sea, that is the Mediterranean, taken as a whole, though due west of Palestine, would be north-west of the Delta, especially the eastern part of it, and, therefore, exactly fitted to carry the locusts to the Red Sea. And the Lord hardened PharoKs heart. The very long-suffering of the Lord only adds to the infatuation of his ingrate heart. v. 21-29. The plague of darkness. This is the third of this series and as usual no announcement of it is made to Pharoh. Let the darkness he felt ; a strong figure to describe the intensity of this darkness. Similar is " a thick darkness," literally a darkness of gloom. Three days. The only natural phenomenon resembling this darkness is the Simoom or CHAPTER X. 21-29. 95 Clianisin, wliicli is a hot wind rising altout tlie vernal equinox and blowing for about three days. It rises often to a storm, imparts a yellow dimness to the air, and raises such a quantity of dust as to have a stifling effect and produce a sondjre gloom. During these days the inhabitants are wont to descend to the lowest rooms of their houses or hide themselves in pits and caverns in order to avoid the inconvenience and danger that attend this tempest. This darkness differs, however, from the Simoom in these essential points : that it is intense in its degree, that it falls upon the land at the will of Moses, and that it does not extend to the region where the Israelites dwelt. After all the disasters that had just befallen the land we may imagine the dismay and terror that total darkness Avould produce in the minds of the Eg3'ptians. It was equivalent to a universal blindness which would unfit the nation for making any effort to attend to the business of life or provide for its continuance. In case of its perpetuation they could only await in despair the slow approach of death by starvation. Pharoh quails before the appalling darkness. He yields another point. The women and children may go with the men, but not the flocks and the herds. Moses, how- ever, cannot go to hold a national festival unto the Lord without sacrifices. Not a hoof of their cattle must be left behind. Pharoh is again exasperated. His proud heart be- comes hard as the nether millstone. A reckless madness takes possession of him. He forbids Moses to appear before him again on pain of death. There is something ominous in the reply of Moses. " Well hast thou spoken ; I will see thy ffice no more." He means, as we shall see, more than is here expressed. There is an awful significance in this plague of darkness. The sun was a leading object of adoration among the Egyptians under the name of Osiris. The very name Pharoh means not only the king but also the sun, and characterises the king him.self as the representative of the sun and entitled in some sort to divine honours. But now the very light of the sun has disappeared and primeval chaos seems to have returned. Thus all the forms of Egjqjtian wiU- worship have been covered with shame and confusion in those nine plagues. Allowing a week for each of the two previous plagues, and 96 DEATH OF THE FIRST-BORN CHILDREN". four days for this one, we are brought to the 21st of March, and perhaps to the eve of that night on which the paschal lamb was eaten and the first born of Egypt were slain. The narrative becomes now excited and abrupt as the great crisis approaches. VIII. THE TENTH PLAGUE. PASSOVER. EX. XL XIL CHAP. XL 1 0, DEATH OF FIRST-BORN THREATENED. And the Lord said unto Moses, Yet one plague will I bring upon Pharoh and upon Mizraim ; afterwards he Avill let you go hence : when he shall let you go altogether, he shall actually thrust you out hence. 2 Speak now in the ears of the people ; and let them ask every man of his neighbour, and every woman of her neighbour, jewels of silver and jewels of gold. 3 And the Lord gave the people favour in the eyes of Mizraim : moreover the man Moses was very great in tlie land of Mizraim in the eyes of Pharoh's servants, and in the eyes of the people. 4 And Moses said, Thus saith the Lord, About midnight will I come out into the midst of Mizraim. 5 And all the first-born in the land of Mizraim shall die, from the first-born of Pharoh that sitteth upon his throne unto the first-born of the maid-servant that is behind the mill ; and all the first-born of beasts. 6 And there shall be a great cry in all the land of Mizraim, the like of which has not been, and the like shall not again be. 7 And against any of the sons of Israel shall not a dog move his tongue, from man to beast : that ye may know that the Lord doth sever between Mizraim and Israel. 8 And all these thy servants shall come down unto me and bow down to me, saying, Go out thou and all the people that follow thee ; and after that I wOl go out. And he went out from Pharoh in great wrath. § 11 9 So the Lord said unto Moses, Pharoh shall not hearken unto you, that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Mizraim. 1 And Moses and Aaron did aU these wonders before Pharoh : and the Lord hardened Pharoh's heart, and he did not let the sons of Israel go out of his land. § 12 The section now before us recounts the tenth and last stroke inflicted on Pharoh and his people, and in essential connec- tion therewith the institution of the Passover. In the ele- Exop. XI. V. l-H. 97 ventli chapter the aiuionncement of the slaying of the first- born is made, as the hist words of Moses to Pharoli. V. 1-3. There was in the words of Moses at the close of the last chapter a foreboding of something not explicitly stated. This is a plain indication that another line of events w;\s going on concurrently with that which the historian was encjajxed in narrating:. While the long train of interviews and transactions with Pharoh has been passing, we are not to suppose that the communication of Moses with his own kin- dred and people, opened on his return fromMidian(iv. 29-3 l,vi. 1-0), wjis entirely suspended. On the other hand we are to presume that the whole of the instructions given to Moses (iii. G-22), together with the signs of his Divine authority (iv. 1-9), were in due time, and with full explanations, laid before the people ; that when the first barbarities of Pharoh were re- laxed, these messages from heaven received a respectful hearing, and that when the hand of the Lord was repeatedly displayed in inllicting chastisements on the Egyptians from which they themselves were exempted, they began gradually to take coui'age, to trust in the Lord and make the necessary pre})a- rations for their departure. Indications of this concurrent ])rocess and result nOw begin to appear in the narrative. We have only to call to mind the law of Hebrew narrative, that "when one line of events is brought to a suitable resting-place, the author is at liberty to go back and take up another line which is necessary to the full elucidation of his theme. The words of final parting between Moses and Pharoh, though not perhaps the absolute close of the conversation between them, form a striking pause, whether we regard them from a logical or a rhetorical point of view. Accordingly, in the pa- ragraph now before us, we revert to a point of time before the interview with Pharoh just recorded, and after the plague of darkness. This we infer from the intimation in the last words of Moses of something that was in his memory more than what is expressed. This allusion could only be to tiie com- munication recorded in the present paragraph ; which is there- fore now introduced to explain what was hinted at in the words of Moses already given, and in the remaining part of his last address to Pharoh (v. -t-S). V. 1. Yet one plague. This places the coming judgment in G 98 DEATH OF THE FIRST-BORN CHILDREN. the same class witli the nine that had preceded it, though it differs from them in the mode of its infliction, and transcends them all in the wound it gave to the heart of the nation. Altogether, men, women, and children, with all their cattle and moveable property so far as it was convenient or necessary for them to remove it. Actually thrust you out, not merely per- mit, but constrain you to depart, v. 2. In the ears of the people. We are evidently got into a new line of narrative. This is part of the intercourse of Moses with the people. Aoid let them ask (iii. 21, 22). It is now plain that asking, not borrowing, is here intended, seeing that this step is to be taken when Pharoh was on the point of driving them out of the country, never to return. There could be no pretence of a return being made in such circumstances, Pharoh indeed repented of this course, and returned, as he was wont, to his old policy. But this does not alter the character of his pre- sent procedure, v. 8. The Lord gave the people favour. The people of Egypt saw the past scenes of tyranny, obstinacy, and prevarication on the part of Pharoh, of suffer- ing on the part of the Israelites and themselves, and of for- bearance and yet decision in the judicial proceedings of God in a very different light from that in which they were re- garded by their sovereign. Many of them would sympathize with the persecuted serfs ; many would stand in awe of the reiterated strokes of the divine judgment ; and all would feel the calamities that befel the nation far more acutely than Pharoh. Accordingly, when the warning was given to bring in the cattle and servants, lest they should be destroyed by the hail, not a few were found with so much faith in the word of the Lord as to attend to it and save their property. And on a subsequent occasion the very courtiers ventured to tender the advice to Pharoh that he should save his country from utter destruction by dismissing the chosen people. Thus in the unsearchable wisdom of God the same train of events that was hardening the heart of Pharoh, and reviving the faith and courage of his own people, was inclining the Egyptians to commiserate the suffering people, and help them to make pro- vision for their journey. Moreover the man Moses. The modesty of the writer is plain in the unadorned simplicity of the epithet, " the man," not the minister of God, or the leader EXODUS XI. t-S. 09 and deliverer of the nation, but "the man Moses." Was very ^ is generally intransitive, taking some pre- position before the place of abiding, and here it has I^P.XP^ and therefore does not admit iCi'X. 3. When it has a direct object, that object is the place of abode, which it could not be here. 4. ^{i'i?^ after ^'^\ signifies a seat, (Ezek. xxviii 2), which it cannot do here. 5. The cognate objective after ^K'^ would be nn'^ti^ or ri3^" rather than 2'd^'O. For these reasons we adhere to the former rendering. 49, '"''^"'"^ doctrine, law, principle, r. cast, hiph. teach. And the Lord spake unto Moses and Aaron in the land of Mizraim, saying. 2 This month shall be unto you the chief of months : it shall be first to you of the months of the year. 3 Speak ye unto all the assembly of Israel, saying, In the tenth day of this month they shall take to them every man a lamb, according to fathers' houses, a lamb for the house. 4 And if the house be too little for the lamb, let him and his neighbour next unto his house take it, according to the number of souls ; every man accord- ing to his eating ye shall count for the lamb. 5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year; from the sheep or from the goats ye shall take it. 6 And ye shall keep it until the four- teenth day of this month ; and the whole congregation of the assembly of Israel shall kill it between the evenings. 7 And they shall take of the blood, and put it on the two posts, and on the lintel, upon the houses in which they shall eat it. 8 And they shall eat the flesh on this night j roast with fire and with unleavened bread, on hitter EXODUS Xli. 103 herbs shall ye eat it. 9 Ye shall not cat of it raw, or sodden at all Avith -vvator ; but roiist with fin.', its head witli its Ic^'s and its inwanls. ] And ye shall not leave of it until tlie morning, and that which is left of it until the morning ye shall burn with fire. 1 1 And thus shall ye eat it, with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your stall" in your liand ; and ye shall cat it in haste, it is tlTe Lord's passovor. 12 And I will pass through the land of Mizraira this night, and will smite all the first-born in the land of Mizraim, from man to beast, antl on all the gods of Mizraim I will execute judgments; I am the Loud. 13 And the blood shall bo to you for a token upon the houses where ye are, and I will look upon the blood and pass over you : and there shall be no stroke of destruction on you, when I smite the land of Mizraim. 14 And this day shall be unto you for a memorial, and ye shall keep it a feast to the Lord ; in your generations ye shall keep it as an ordinance for ever. 15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread ; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses : for whosoever eateth leavened bread, that soul shall be cut off from Israel from the first day until the seventh day. IG And in the first day shall be a holy con- vocation, and in the seventh day a holy convocation to you : no work shall be done in them : only that which every soul must eat, that alone may be done of you. 17 And ye shall observe the feast of unleavened, breiul; for in this self-same day I shall have brought your hosts out of the land, of Mizraim : and ye shall observe this day in your generations as an ordinance for ever. 18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month, at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one-and-twentieth day of the month at even. 19 Seven days leaven shall not be found in your houses : for whosoever eateth that which is leavened, that soul shall be cut off from the assembly of Israel, whether he be a stranger or born in the land. 20 Nothing leavened shall ye eat ; in all your dwellings ye shall eat unleavened bread. IT IG. 21 Then Moses called for all the elders of Israel and said unto thi'm, Draw out and take you a lamb according to your families, and kill the passover. 22 And ye shall take a bunch of hyssop and dip in the blood which is in. the bason, and strike the lintel and the two jiosts with the blood that is in the bason: and none of you shall come out from the door of his house until the morning. 23 And the Lord will piuss through to smite ^Mizraim, and shall see the blood upon the lintel, and on the two jjosts : and the Lord will pass over the door, and will not suflfer the destroyer to go into your houses to smite yo' 24 And ye shall observe this thing, for an ordinance to thee and thy sons for ever. 25 And it shall come to, when you go into the land which the Lord will give you as He hath spoken, that ye he ^ 104< EXODUS XII. shall keep tliis service. 26 And it shall come to pass Avhen your sons shall say unto you, What mean ye by this service ? 27 Then ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the Lord's passover, who passed over the houses of the sons of Israel in Mizraim, Avhen He smote Mizraim and delivered our houses. And the people bent the head and worshipped. 28 And the sons of Is:^ael went and did so ; as the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron so did they. § 1 3. 29 And it came to pass at midnight, that the Lord smote all the first-borii in the land of Mizraim, from the first-born of Pharoh that sat on the throne unto the first-born of the captive that was in the dungeon, and all the first-born of cattle. 30 And Pharoh rose up in the night, he and all his servants and all Mizraim ; and there was a great cry in Mizraim : for there was not a house where there was not one dead. 31 And he called for Moses and Aaron by night and said, Eise up, go forth from among my people, both ye and the sons of Israel : and go, serve the Lord, as ye have spoken. 32 Take your flocks also and your herds, as ye have spoken, and go ; and bless me also. 33 And Mizraim urged the people to send them out of the land in haste ; for they said, We shall be all dead. 34 And the people took up their dough before it w\as leavened, their kneading troughs being bound up in their garments upon their shoulders. 35 And the sons of Israel did according to the word of Moses ; and they asked of Mizraim jewels of silver and jewels of gold, and garments. 36 And the Lord gave the people favour in the eyes of Mizraim and they gave them; and^they spoiled Mizraim. 1[ l*^- 37 And the sons of Israel journeyed from Eameses to Sukkoth about six hundred thousand foot, the men apart from the little ones. 38 And a mixed multitude also Avent up with them, and flocks and herds, even very much cattle. 39 And they baked the dough which they brought out of Mizraim into unleavened cakes, for it was not leavened : because they were thrust out of Mizraim and could not tarry, and they had not made for themselves any provision. 40 And the sojourning of the sons of Israel, who sojourned in Mizraim, was thirty and four hundred years. 41 And it was after the end of thirty and four hundred years, and it was on the self-same day that all the hosts of the Lord came out from the land of Mizraim. 42 It is a night of observance unto the Lord for bringing them out from the land of Mizraim : such is this night of the Lord to be observed by all the sons of Israel in their generations. *I[ IS- 43 And the Lord said unto Moses and Aaron, This is the ordi- lumce of the passover, no alien shall eat thereof. 44 And every man's servant that is bought with money, when thou hast circumcised him, then shall he eat thereof. 45 A sojourner, and a hireling, shall not eat thereof. 46 In one house shall it be eaten : thou shalt not bring EXODUS xir. 1. 105 aiiglit of tlio fli'sli out of tlic liouse ahroad, and a bone thereof yc sliall ]iot break. 47 All the assembly of Israel shall keep it. 48 And Avhon a stranger sojourneth with thee and will keep the passover to the Lord, let all his males be circumcised and then let him come near to keep it, and he shall he as one born in the land : and no uncirciim- cised person shall eat thereof. 49 One law shall be to the hoine-lioru and to the stranger that sojourneth among you. 50 Thus did all the sons of Israel ; as the Loud commanded Moses and Aaron, so did they. § 14. 51 And it came to pass in the self-same day, that the Lord brought the sons of Israel out of the land of Mizraim by their liosts. II lU. Tl)is chapter contains the divine order for the institution of the passover, tlic directions given by Moses to the peo])le and their compliance witli them, the death of the first-born in Egypt, and the dismissal of the enslaved people, the date of their departure, and the determination of the parties who are admissible to the passover. V. 1-20. The divine ordinance concerning the passover. The parting interview between Moses and Pharoh may have taken place on the 1 4tli Nisan. In the present chapter a now line of events is taken up. It belongs to the intercourse, not of Moses and Pharoh, but of Moses and the people. We, therefore, go back to the beginning of Nisan, which we have supposed to be about the 8th of March at the earliest. At this time it may be presumed the plague of hail had been removed, and those of the locusts and the darkness had yet to come on. v. 1. In the land of Mizvahn. This note of place would liave been unnecessary if the writer had not passed from Egypt into the wilderness since the preceding chapter was indited. It is, therefore, an intimation that this portion of the narrative was not conuuittcd to writing till after the exodus had taken place. It thus affords an incidental presumption that tlie narrative was composed by an eye witness. This ononfli. Tlie term here employed denotes the new moon, and hence the day of the new moon or first day of the month, and lastly the month as defined in its commencement by the new moon. It appears to denote here the beginning of the month. 2'lie chief of moutJdi ; the most important among the months on account of the great event which was about to take place in 106 THE PASSOVER INSTITUTED, it. It shall he first. Israel was henceforth to have a sacred year beginning with this month, which was the seventh of the old civil or common year (see on Gen. ii. 6, vii. 11). From this accordingly the months are henceforth counted, so that the old first month becomes the seventh of the sacred year, though its first day is still distinguished as a festival by the blowing of trumpets and certain special sacrifices (Lev. xxiii. 23-25 ; Num. xxix. 1-6). V. 3. All the assembly. Three words are with more or less constancy rendered congregation in our English version, niy, -'^i^ and "^Vp. We shall by way of distinction translate them respectively by the words assembly, congregation, and meeting, which are already used without exact discrimination in our present version. By assembly or convention we understand a body of men organised for common counsel or action. By congregation or community we understand a more general body or gathering of men, women, and children, having common privileges, civil and sacred, but not all called upon or entitled to vote or act in public aflTairs. In the former term, regular organization is the prominent characteristic ; in the latter the custom of assembling together. The commonwealth of Israel may be designated by either, according to the different way in which it may be viewed. It is obviously regarded in our text as a unity, having its natural centre in Jacob and its spiritual centre in Israel, and in him of whom Israel was the type. By meeting or appointment is to be understood a stated meeting or gathering for a great solemn occasion (xxxix. 42, 43). In the tenth day of this month. From the third to the tenth of Nisan the plague of locusts ran its course. The days intervening between the tenth and the fourteenth were probably the days of darkness. This was perhaps the proximate reason for choosing the lamb on the tenth. At the same time ten is the symbol of completeness ; and the tenth day completes the third of the month, as the night of (that is, before) the fifteenth completes the half of the month. The day of atonement was in like manner on the tenth day of the seventh month (Lev. xxiii. 27). Every man a lamb, a young animal of the sheep or of the goats (v. 5, 2 Chr. xxxv. 7), though in latter times it came to be invariably the young of a sheep. According to fathers houses, or smaller families. EXODUS XII. 5. 107 The family organization was very exact among tlie Israelites. Under the twelve tribes were the clans or families (ninec'tp) ; under these the father's houses (J^i^S rT'a) or smaller families, and under these the several distinct households of which they consisted. A lamb fm' the house. This is the single house- hold, which forms the social unit in the subdivisions of Israel, v. 4. And if the houae he too little for the lamh. The Jewish tradition was that a man ate the size of an olive of the ])aschal lamb, in which case a whole lamb would be sufficient for a very large household. In the Targum Jonathan, ten is given as the least number for a paschal company. Josei)hus assigns ten as the least number and twenty as not uncommon. (Wars of the Jews, vi. 9, 3). The Mi.shna says, " A paschal sacrifice may not be slaughtered for a single individual only. It may not be slaugh.tered even for a party of a hundred individuals, if each of them cannot eat thereof the minimum quantity of the size of an olive." This implies that a hundred might par- take of the one lamb. At the last supper of our Lord and his disciples, thirteen full-grown men were present. This would give an average of about twenty person.s, if women and child- ren were included. V. 5. Without blemish. The lamb is the substitute, at least in type, of the first-born, and is, therefore, to be perfect of its kind. A male of the first year. The male ranks be- fore the female, and is therefore employed to figure a sufficient sacrifice. The jihrase " son of a year," means of any age from a month to a full year (Gen. vii. 6, 11). Until the fourteenth day. If, as we presume, the three days of darkness came between the tenth and the fourteenth, though the Israelites had light, as in ordinary days, it was desirable that the lamb should be set apart on the tenth day, that there might be nothing to do on the fourteenth day but prepare it for sacrifice. During those awful days, when dark- ness, the symbol of chaos, brooded over Egypt, the Israelites had the lamb as the sign and pledge of the divine })n), that this darkness would spread no farther, but would at length give way to a now period of light, and life, and hope. And doubtless they would have occasion on contemplating this devoted victim to converse with one another concerning the great deliverance which was before them (see Fa[/ius in Crit. 108 THE PASSOVER INSTITUTED. Sac.) But instruction and edification were not limited to those three days. They pervade all time, but especially those great occasions on which God manifests his power in the works of justice and mercy. Hence every event in this great deliverance has its definite lesson to all parties concerned, if they will but learn it. The luhole congregation of the as- seonhly of Israel. A congregation is any gathering or num- ber of people that may be gathered. The congregation of an assembly is the company of those who belong to an organ- ised or orderly community, having a common head, a repre- sentative assembly, and a law of action. The word Israel defines the nation, and the word all embraces every member of it. Not to partake of the passover on this occasion was to be excommunicated, unless there was some in\'incible hind- rance. The whole congregation are here priests unto God. Shall kill it, as a typical substitute for the first-born, a symbol of propitiation by the death of another. Between the even- ings. The lamb seems to have been slain before sunset and eaten after (see on Gen. i. 4.) v. 7 Put it on the two i^sts and on the lintel. By the door the destroyer enters to slay the first-born. Hence the blood that indicates faith and represents atonement is sprinkled on the fixed boimdaries of tlie doorway, except the threshold on which the foot treads. It is not sprinkled on the door-leaf itself, which may have been in many cases altogether want- ing, and was always less permanent than the lintel and posts in the booths and other slight habitations of a pastoral people (v. 8, 9). And they shall eat. As the sacrificing of the paschal lamb is a symbol of the redemption, by which the death- penalty due by one is paid by another, so the eating of it is a figure of the participation of pardon, acceptance, and full blessedness consequent upon the atonement being made, and the law being satisfied. Roast ivith fire : not raw, that is unfit for use, and thei'efore for representing spiritual enjoy- ment ; nor sodden with water, deprived of any portion of its savour, and thus not so well adapted to express complete happiness ; but roast with fire, submitted to the direct influence of fire, retaining the integrity of its strength and flavour, consequently shadowing forth not only the completeness of the sacrifice, but also the perfection of the salvation thereby obtained. Uideavened bread. Bread EXODUS II. 10. 101) is the staff of life (Lev. xxvi. 2G). Leaven is a mass of sour cloiiirh ill Avliich decomposition lias set in, and is therefore the symbol of corruption (1 Cor. v. 8). Hence unleavened bread is the emblem of })urity and life. On hitter herbs. These apj^ear to form the basis of the repast, on which the other materials rest. In the Mishna five different kinds of bitter herbs are mentioned, among which aie lettuce and en- dive. Tlie bitter herbs convey no obscure allusion to the bitterness of Egyptian bondage, and of the bondage of sin in general. Its head, with its legs and its imuards. It is plain that it was to be roasted whole without breaking or severing any of the bones. This involved the necessity of its being roasted on a spit before the fire, as the people could not be generally provided with vessels large enough to contain it whole. And it was strikingly expressive of the unity of the sacrifice, — of the salvation which it prefigured, and of the people who partook of it (Psal. xxxiv. 20; J Cor, v. 7 ; x. 17.) V. 10. Ye shall not have of it until the morning. It was, if possible, to be entirely consumed. But if any portion was left, it was to be burnt with fire. This was the rule for all sacrificial meals, except the vow or voluntary oflering (Lev. vii. 15-17). This seems to indicate that they were sacred to the one purpose, and therefore not to be applied to any profane or farther use. The atonement and the salvation following are to be all-sufficient, yet not more than suflicient. And thus shall ye eat it, ivltlt your loins girded, as those who are equipped for expeditious travelling, your shoes on your feet, as those who are prepared for rough and untrodden paths ; your staff in your hand, as a protection and a supjiort on the journey ; in haste, as those who do not know the moment when they must set out. Here we have a reality which is a true type of the readiness with which the redeemed should wait for other and higher journeys than that which was now before the Israelites. It is the Lord's jxissovcr. The festival now described is a feast of passing over in sparing mercy, instituted by the Lord himself, and to be observed by all his people in obedience to his word. As is usual with the first observance of any institution there are many incidental circumstances that do not occur in the subsequent oUservance of it. The essential parts of this solemnity are the lamb, the 110 THE PASSOVER INSTITUTED. <■«• time of sacrificing: and eatincr jt, the unleavened bread and bitter herbs, the seven days' feast of unleavened bread. The keeping up from the tenth day was afterwards omitted ; the domestic observance by the men, women, and children, was succeeded by the celebration at the place which the Lord had chosen (Deut. xvi. 6) by the men only or chiefly ; the lamb was slain by the house father or the priest ; the blood was sprinkled, not on the lintel and posts of the house, but apparently on the altar (2 Chron, xxx. 16, xxxv. 11); and the attire and attitude of haste and readiness for travelling were afterwards omitted. 1 . Of the three things essential to the salvation of a fallen creature, two are represented by circumcision and the passover, regeneration and redemption. 2. Circumcision denotes the new birth, without indicating any of its fruits. The passover, like all sacrificial feasts, points out not only the act, but the effect of redemption. The slaying of the lamb is the act, being the giving up of the life of one for another : the eating of the sacrifice is the effect, being the reception of the rights and enjoyments recovered on its death. 3. Circumcision signifying that which is inward, applies to each individual apart, and is therefore a solitary ordinance : the passover, standing for that which is outward, is equally adapted to all who are circumcised, and is therefore a social ordinance, exhibiting the communion of saints. Hence the former began suitably with Abraham, when he was alone, before he became the father of the faithful : the latter appropriately with Israel, after he had become a nation. 4. In circumcision, whicli shadows forth the new birth, the recipient is passive ; in the passover, which implies the voluntary partaking of the sacrifice, the recipient is active. 5. Circumcision, symbolizing the new birth, is not to be repeated : the passover, as a sacrifice, repre- sents that sacrifice which is to be offered once for all ; but as a feast, it sets forth the constant fare by which the soul is sustained, and is therefore repeated from year to year. 6. Circumcision, the symbol of the new nature, was not preceded by any other sign of like import. The passover, being a kind of sacrifice, was preceded by the sacrifices of Habel, Noah, Abraham, and other patriarchs, all prefiguring that great re- deeming sacrifice which was to be offered in the fulness of time. EXODUS xir. 1-20. J I 1 r 7. Circumcision was to continue as long as the visible Cliuich was limited to the natural or adopted descendants of Israel : the passover was to Le observed until the true Lamb of (Jcjd should come, of which it was only the type. 8. Regeneration and redemption are necessary to the salvation of man from the date of the fall to that of the resurrection, and therefore be- longed to the experience of the saints before these symbols were instituted. We have seen that the S3Mnbol of redemp- tion varied according to the varying aspects which its historical ]n-ogress presented. The passover answers to a new phase of redemption not within the experience of tlie patriarchs. This leads us toexpectthat other symbols maybe substituted forthose of the law of Moses, when the realities for which they stand reach a new stage of development. 9. The event which gave occasion to the institution of the passover was a temporal re- demption, and therefore itself but a type and foretaste of that eternal redemption wliich transcends all its temporal forms as far as the bondaixe of inward laco M-here an effectual barrier could be put between them and a pursuing enemy, as the event will show, v, 3. And Pharoh will nay. This very position of Israel, which is eventually to 138 THE PURSUIT OF PHAROH. relieve tliem from a harassing and overwhelming foe, seems of all others the most certain to leave them an easy prey to the destroyer. Tltey are entangled in the land. They have fallen into a snare from which it is impossible to escape. It is still in my power to detain them in the land from which their leader has not been able to extricate them. The wilder- ness has shut them in. They have been afraid to face the wil- derness, which does not naturally affoi'd the means of supporting so vast a host of men, in addition to the concourse of flocks and herds, for which it might yield a scanty subsistence. Pharoh will conjecture that the fear of perishing by famine has been the cause of their turning back. v. 4. And I will harden Pha- roh' s heart. See on iv. 21. A7id I will he honoured upon Pharoh. The Lord has been already honoured in the eleven manifestations of his power before Pharoh. His glory will be still more signally displayed in the twelfth. Shall hnoiu that I am. the Lord. See on vi. 2. And they did so. This brief sentence sums up their compliance. V. 5-9. The pursuit of Pharoh. The third day had now ai-rived. The panic which had seized the Egyptians had now given way to other feelings. Pride, ambition, and revenge again took possession of the breast of Pharoh. But the nar- rative reverts to the first or second day after the escape of Israel. It was told the Icing of Mizraim that the -people fled. This may have taken place on the second day after their departure. On the first day they must have been too busy with the mournful task of caring for the dead (Num. xxxiii. 4). The heart of Pharoh and of his servants was turned against the people. The sight of their own dead, and the thought of those making their escape who had been the occa- sion of this domestic, as well as national, calamity, aroused the spirit of enmity in their hearts. What is this ive have done ? The fierceness of their disappointment now exceeds the bitterness of their grief v, 6, 7. 'Made ready his cha- riot. Orders for instant preparation were not long in follow- ing this exasperation on the part of Pharoh and his servants, and the military part of the nation would be constrained to a prompt acquiescence. On the second or third day, therefore, Pharoh and his people set out in pursuit. Six hundred EXODUS XIV. 5-9. 139 chosen chariots, ho\ongh\g to the king himself; (ill the rhu- r'lots belonging to the state. Horses were imported into Egypt from Asia. They are firet mentioned on the monuments in the reign of Ames or Amosis, the first of the 1 ^^ 4^,11 fo^* eating on the following da}^ Hence Moses says on tiiv>3abbath (v. 25) not, "bake or seethe," but "eat it." V. 24. It did not stink. That it should have be- come putrid the day after being cooked is no new difficulty, when we are in the region of the miraculous, v. 25, 26. Directions are now explicitly given regarding the days on EXODUS XVI. 28-31. 169 which the manna was to bo gathered, v. 27. Some of the j)cople, from inadvertence or ignorance of tlie directions given, make the experiment, and find the prophet's word good. V. 28-31. The tran.sgressors are now rebuked through ;Moses for their heedless disobedience. My covimandmenta and my Imvs (see on Gen. xxvi. 5). The former probal^ly refer to tlie special regulations concerning the manna ; tiie latter to the standinf; institution of the Sabbath, v. 29. The Lord hath given you the Sabbath. There is in the previous passage no express giving of the Sabbath, but rather a tacit assumption that it has been already given. This is in accordance with its institution at the creation of man recorded in Gen. ii. 1-3. It is here to be noted that the Sabbath is a gift to man, who is doomed to labour in his fjillen state (Gen. iii. 17-19). A periodical recurrence of relief from labour and leisure for fellowship with God and with one another is a pre- cious boon of heaven to the toil-worn in body or mind. Abide ye every man in his place. Come not out for any business, such as gathering manna. They were at liberty to go abroad for any purpose accordant with the Sabbath, such as attendance on the holy convocation (Lev. xxiii. 3, Acts xv. 21). Even works of necessity or mercy, that cannot be put off till tlie next day, are not regarded as a real bieach of the Sabbath (Matt. xii. 1-13, Mark ii. 23-28). There seems to have been no limit to the distance to be walked on the Sab- bath beyond that of convenience, leisure from business, and release from toil. The Rabbinical rule of later times, how- ever, was that a Sabbath day's journey should consist of two thousnnd cubits, about five or six furlongs. This was imagined to be the distance of the remotest part of the camp from the tabernacle. It was the distance of the Mount of Olives from Jerusalem (Acts i. 12). v. 30. Rested, ^na^h, kept the Sabbath, or day of rest. v. 3 J . We have already seen that the manna from heuven (Ps. Ixxviii. 24, cv. 40) was like a fine grain, as small a>s the hoar-frost. We are now informed that it was like coriander seed in form, of a whitish colour, and of the taste of a cake made with honey. It could be also baked or seethed ; and this is in accordance with the statementin Num. xi. 7, 8. " And the manna was like coriander seed, and the colour 170 THE PROMISE OF BREAD. thereof as the colour of bdellium. And the people M^ent about and gathered and ground it in the mill, or beat it in the mortar, and baked it in the pan, and made cakes of it; and the taste of it was as the taste of oil cates." From the de- scription given above, it will be apparent that the miraculous manna bore such a resemblance to the natural pi'oduct so called, as to lead to the employment of a name common to both. But the natural manna differed from the supernatural in its chemical ingredients ; the former being of a gummy or resinous nature, and the latter containing a farinaceous ele- ment. Hence the latter could be ground and baked into bread or boiled into pottage, for which the former was only a condiment. The natural manna also could be kept for years ; the supernatural became putrid in a night. Other differences have been noted on verses 14, 15. The taste of the "cake made with honey " was probably much the same as that of the " oil cates." But the one may refer, as some think, to the taste of the raw and the other to that of the baked manna. The colour of bdellium when fresh and pure was probably whitish. v. 32-36. This great gift of bread from heaven to the chosen people during forty years in the wilderness was worthy to be had in perpetual remembrance. It was in itself a mar- vellous boon ; it taught the grand lesson of entire dependence upon the Almighty Father of all ; and it was a striking type of the bread of God, which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world. Hence the command to lay up an omer-full of the manna to be kept for the generations to come. v. 33. A pot The word in the original occurs only here, and probably denotes a more permanent vessel than a mere basket. In the Sept. we find gtuimov j^jcoZv, a golden jar, a rendering which is adopted in the epistle to the Hebrews (ix. 4). Before the Lord. This is explained in the next verse by the phrase, " before the testimony." This tes- timony of God to the great principles of morality was the law written on the tables of stone and deposited in the ark (xxv. 1 6), thence called the ark of the testimony. "Before the testi- mony," therefore, means in the ark of the testimony (Heb. ix. 4), whence, however, it had disappeared in the time of Solomon (1 Kings viii. 9). v. 34. So Aaron laid it up. .This act of Aaron must have been performed after the ark was made and EXODUS XVI. 31-3G. " 171 the tables of stone were deposited in it. Tlie record of it, though not written till after these events, is appended here to complete all that is necessary to ho told concerning tlie manna. v. 35. Ate 7nanna forty years. We are told in Jt)shua V. 1 2, that the manna ceased on the morrow after they had eaten of the new corn of the land, which was on the mor- row after the passover. As the 'manna commenced on or after the fifteenth day of the second month, and therefore a month after the passover in Egypt, the people ate of the manna forty years wanting a month. Until they came to a land inliahltcd. In contrast with the wilderness, in which were only wanderers and not settled inhabitants. This verse determines, in a general way, the place as well as the time of the ceasing of the manna, more widely in the phrase quoted, and more strictly in the words, " until they went to the bor- der of the land of Kenaan." There can be no doubt that the people had in most places, and especially when they had made the conquest of Persia, some ordinary supplies of food. But those who needed would still go out to gather, until the supply of the new corn of the land satisfied the demands of all. This verse was no doubt added when Moses was revis- ing and completing his materials for Exodus, in the plains of Moab, by Jordan, near Jericho (Num. xxxvi. 13), or in the valley over against Beth-peor (Deut. iii. 29). The sentence is evidently such as might be written by a prophet who was aware that the forty years of wilderness life were drawing to a close, and perceived the supply of manna waning to its end, according as the natural products of the land were approaching to a full satisfiiction of the people's wants. V. 3G. The oracr. This name of a measure seems to have gone out of use in the space of forty years. Moses, tlure- fore, in the revising of the book of Exodus at the end of tiiat period, takes occasion to add that the omer was the tenth [tart of an ephah. Josephus (viii. 2. 1 1) assumes the bath or ephah, to be equal to 72 xestai. Now, it was estimated by Bertheau that a bath or metretes =12 choes = 8.GG9G gal. chous = G xestai = .7225 ,, sextary or xestes=: 2cotyla;= .1204 „ cotyla = .0G02 „ 172 WATER FROM THE ROCK, Theomer would thus be .8669 gal, or about 7 pints. Ac- cording to the Rabbins, however, a log was equal to the contents of six eggs ;and, therefore, a bath, orephah, containing 72 logs, held according to theestimateofThenius, 4.4286 gal., and conse- quently the omer .4428 gal., or above 3| pints. Now, 3 pints of meal is sufficient, on an average, for the daily support of each member of a family. As the manna, then, would be pure nutriment, without any considerable loss in the prepara- tion, we must regard the Rabbinical estimate as a close approxi- mation to the truth, and that of Josephus as an exaggeration. This author is not precise in his identifications ; as he makes the fourth part of a cab =xestes= .1204 gal, cab = .4816 6 cabs =seah = 2.8896 8 seahs = bath =8.2688. His value is thus only approximate. But in III. vi. 6, the omer is made = 7 cotylae = .4214 gal., and therefore the bath = 4.214. This, we perceive, deviates much from his other estimates, and approaches very nearly to that of the Rabbins. We subjoin a table of Hebrew measures of capacity: — Gal. Quart. Pint. Homer =10 ephahs or baths = 44 Ephah = 3 seahs = = 10 omers = 4 1.4 Seah = 6 cabs =. 1 1.8 Omer = : 1.54 Bath = 6 bins 4 1.4 Hin =12 logs = 2 1.9 Log = 6 eggs =^ 0.5 XVII. ROCK STRICKEN. AMALEK SMITTEN. 1. D''TDi Rephidim, r. spread out, rest tipon. Piel. sup- port. 6, ^jn Horeb. Drought, waste. 7. i^sp Massah, irnpaei/.hi, temptation. •"'^'''lO Meribah, Xoibi- friSig, chiding, strife. 9. J?^cnn^ Jehoshua, Jehovah saves. See Num. xiii. 1 6. EXODUS XVII. 173 15. *B3n^n^ Jehovah -nissi, the Lord my banner. 2. ^3ri Give ye, referring to Mcses and Aaron. Some SISS., the Sam., Sept., Targ. and Vulg. have njn^ agreeing with Moses alone. It is an easier reading. 11. Iiv VT in both cases is the reading of tlie Sam., Sept., Targ., Syr. and Vulg. This also is an easier reading. 11. '^'^^ ChuT, noble. '^J'^^N either ^?'77i9ie«s, the substantive for the adjective, or firm, the singular, not the plural, because Moses held up only one hand at a time. 13. ^ns lurile. "^^'^ has occurred in Exod. v. C, denoting a scribe or accountant. IG. >^1 D3 throne of Jah. D3 is here supposed to be for HD3^ which is indeed the reading of the Sam. for these four letters. This meaning of the word is found in the Targ., Arab., Pers. and Vulg. The Sept. has ev '^u^] y.^v^paicf, evi- dently reading ^'03. One M.S. is said to have D3, which is a favourite reading with many expositors. It is, however, without support, and besides affords no better sense than the common readincj. And all the assembly of the sons of Israel set out from the wil- derness of Sin, after their journeys, according to the mouth of the Lord ; and they pitched in Rephidim ; and there was no water for the people to drink. 2 And the people chid with Moses, and .said, Give us water to drink. And Moses said unto them, "Why chide ye with me 1 Why tempt ye the Lord ? 3 And the people thirsted there for water, and the people murmured against Moses ; and they said, AVlierefore is this that thou hast brought us up out of Mizraim to kill mo and my sons, and my cattle with thirst 1 4 And Moses cried unto the Lord, saying. What shall I do unto this people ? They are almost ready to stone me. 5 And the Lord said unto Moses, Pass before the people, and take with thee of the elders of Israel ; and thy rod wherewith thou sniotest the river, take in thy hand and go. 6 Be- hold, I stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb ; and thou shalt smite the rock, and water shall come out of it, and the people shall drink. And Moses did so in the eyes of the elders of Israel 7 And he called the name of the place Massah and Meribah, of the chiding of the sons of Israel, and of their tempting the Lord, saying, Is the Lord in the midst of us or not ? T -^ 8 Then came Amalek and fought with Israel in Pojiliidim. And Moses said unto Joshua, Choose us out men and go out, fight with 174 THE KOCK IN HOREB STRUCK. Amalek : to-morrovv I will stand on the top of the hill and the rod of God in my hand. 10 And Joshua did as Moses said to him, and fought with Amalek : and Moses, Aaron and Hur went up to the top of the hill. IT And it came to pass, when Moses held up his hand, that Israel prevailed ; and when he let down his hand, Amalek pre- vailed. 12 And the hands of Moses were heavy, and they took a stone and put it under him and he sat upon it : and Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands, the one on this side and the other on that side ; and his hands were steady until the going down of the sun. 13 And Joshua discomfited Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. IF 29 14 And the Lord said unto Moses, Write this for a memorial in the book, and rehearse it in the ears of Joshua : for I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. 15 And Moses built an altar, and called its name JehoA'ah-nissi. 16 And he said. Because a hand was upon the throne of Jah, the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. 1 7 ^^^ 30 V. 1-7. The striking of the rock in Horeb. All the assembly. The attention of the reader is still kept to the marshalled host. Set out They had passed two Sabbaths, and the intervening week at the stations in the wilderness of Sin. After their journeys. There may be here a passing allusion to the two stations, Dophkah and Alush, which, as they were included in the wilderness of Sin, and were not the scenes of any new event of importance, are therefore omitted from the present narrative. According to the mouth of the Lord, who by the pillar of cloud and fire undertook their guidance (xiii. 21, 22). Pitched in Rephidim. This is to be sought in the Wady Sheik, which runs in the form of an arc around the north of that cluster of mountains to which the general name of Horeb appears to have been given. It was certainly arid and waste as its name implies. Rephidim was a wide-spreading plain at the base of the mountain, fit for encampment, but destitute of water. It is placed with some probability on the north-east of the mountainous block. V. 2. The ijeople chid with Moses. They had probably en- dured the almost intolerable thirst for some time in silence, expecting that Moses would find means to extricate them out of this new difficulty. At length, impatient of delay, they break out into unmerited reproaches, as if he were EXODUS XVII. 8-13. 175 trifling with their sufferings. Give us wafer. They evi- dently recognise the divine eonmiission of Moses, and ex- pect hira to have interlercd on their behalf before now. Why tempt ye the Lord ? He reminds them that he was but an agent, and that the Lord alone was to determine the time and way of their deliverance. Against him therefore they were really nnninuring. v. 3. And the peojjle thirsted. Their distress became every moment more insufferable. To kill me. Each in his impatience begins to speak for himself, as he pines after the refreshing draught for himself, his household and his flocks, v. 4. And Moses cried unto the Lord. The occasion for importunate supplication is come. Moses was in perplexity and danger. " It is only to wait a little, and they will stone me." v. 5. The Lord is not slow to answer. Fass before the people. Go on in advance of them. TaJce with thee of the elders of Israel, as concurrents and witnesses of thy acts ; that no one may say that the Lord did not work by him, but that fountains were there from of old, (Ra.shi). And thy rod, wherewith thou smotest the liver, wherewith he was now about to smite the rock for water, v. 6. Behold, I stand before thee there. The Lord was to be there, probably in the pillar of cloud to manifest his power. Upon the rock ill Iloreb. The mountain was towering on the right of the people. Toward this Moses was to approach till he reached " the rock," the projecting cliff which he was to strike. Re])hidim was a day's march from Mount Sinai (xix. 1). This is sufHcient to prove that the rock in Horeb was no the large boulder in the valley below Mount Sinai which tra- dition points out to the traveller. And Moses did so in the sijht of the elders. And the Lord was -.there to give forth the reviving streams even from the hard rock. It was there demonstrated that the Lord was indeed in the midst of them to make their bread and their water sure, and to reaftirm the heavenly mission of his servant. At this now blessed spot they abode for the remaining days of the week. V. S-1 3. Amalek smitten. Then came. The country of these noraades lay south of the Philistines (Gen. xiv. 7). They went therefore out of their own territory to assail the Israelites. As their pasture-grounds penetrated far into the land of Kenaan (Judg. v. 1 4- ; xii. 1 5), they would regard with a 176 AMALEK SMITTEN". hostile feeling a people who were on the way to take posses- sion of that country. With them, accordingly, first after the political independence of Israel was established, began the Gentile antagonism to the people of God (Num. xxiv. 20) to make its appearance. And fought with Israel. It appears from Deut. xxv. 17, 18, that this was an attack upon the rear of Israel when they were faint and weary. In Rephidim, a part of the great plain er Ramleh, where there was space for a military encounter, v. 9. Joshua is here mentioned for the first time. His original name was Hoshea (Num. xiii. 8, 1 G), but Moses changed it to Joshua, partly we may suppose, in allusion to the event now about to be recorded. He is the ninth in descent from Joseph, and of course the eighth from Eph- raim(l Chr. vii. 20-27). He is thus the representative of one of the most important tribes of Israel. Choose us out men. Israel was now to gird on his sword and contend for his national independence. This was evidently no flying raid of the Arnalekites, but a war of conquest. To-morrow the enemy awaits them in battle array. / will stand on the top of the hill. Moses with the rod of wonder-working power takes his station on the neighbouring eminence (not inn but nv^^n), there to take his appropriate part in the approaching conflict. V. 1 0. Hur was the fourth in descent from Judah, and the grandfather of Bezaleel (xxxi. 2, 1 Chron. ii. 9-20). As he was the grandfather of a full-grown man, and a member of the distinguished tribe of Judah, he was the meet companion of Aaron in attendance upon Moses, v. 11, 12. Israel or Araalek prevails according as the hand of Moses is held up or let down. Accordingly, Aaron and Hur stayed up his hands alternately, so that they were steady till sunset. The rod is not mentioned here. This is not a miraculous interposition, but an ordinary exercise of faith in God accompanying the use of means. The lifting up of the hand or hands is among other things a gesture in prayer (Lev. ix. 22, Ps. xxviii. 2, Ixiii. 4, 1 Tim. ii. 8). It is here, therefore, a figure for prayer. The continual holding up of the hands denotes perseverance in prayer. Aaron and Hur joining in the upholding of Moses' hands present a striking emblem of common prayer, v. 1 3. There is power in this prayer of Moses. Joshua conquers. Amalek and his people. The one field suffices to vanquish EXODUS XVII. It- 10. 177 Anialek's army and his nation; .is tlicy had put furtli their whole might in this effort. The next effort was not offensive, but defensive, and in alUance with the Kenaanites (Num. xiv. 45). V. 14-1 C. The importance of the victory over Amalek is set fortl). Write. Here for the first time tliis singularly in- teresting word occurs. It is implied, indeed, in the noun "book " ps?), which appears in Gen. v. 1 as well as here. It indicates that writing was now become so common that the word for it wius used in no other sense. This refers to the assault of Amalek, the victory over him, the manner in which it was obtained, and the purpose expressed in the close of the verse. This was the first encounter with the heathen ; and every particular liere enumerated was only a type and an earnest of what should take place in every future conflict between the children of repentance and the children of dis- obedience. For a inemorial. Writing is a necessary help to recollection when life is short and memory feeble. In the hook. The article before this word indicates either that the book in question was well known, or that a book was then a well-known object. In the ears of Joshua, who was to be the leader of the people, and the conqueror of their enemies. There was special adn)onition and encouragement for him in the mode and issue of this battle. Blot out the remembrance of Amalek. The fate of Amalek may be read in Deut. xxv. 1 9, 1 Sam, XV. 30, 2 Sam. i. 1, viii. 12, from which we learn that they were subdued partly by Saul and wholly by David, after which they are no more mentioned. Such will be the end of all God's adversaries, v. 15. An altar. This is the first altar the erection of which is on record, since the time of Jacob. It marks a new aspect in the affairs of the people of God. They have now asserted their independence, and through the grace of God gained the first victory over ^their enemies. This is an omen for all time to come. The erec- tion of an altar is always in scripture a confession of the pei-sonal unw^orthiness of fallen man, of the assured hope of an atonement, and of humble and grateful reliance on the grace of God. Hence the grace of God in giving the victory, and the gratitude of the people in receiving it here appro- priately meet. Jehovah-nissi. The name of the altar is ex- M 178 AMALEK SMITTEN. pressive of thanks for the past and trust for the future (Ps. XX. 5-7). V. 16. We have given a literal version of this obscure verse. The meaning turns upon the person to whom the word hand is referred. If it refer to God, the sentence is an oath, as in the Targ. Onk. and the A. V. But the form of oath is unusual, and the connexioa with the context is far from being obvious. If it refer to Moses (Bush) or to Israel (Keil) the meaning is, " because the hand of faith and prayer is toward the throne of God," &c. This has the advantage of reference to the context ; but the meaning here given to the preposition ^V is unusual, and the first clause does not afford a good reason for the second. If the hand refer to Araalek (Kalisch), the sentence runs thus, " because his (Amalek's) hand was against the throne of Yah (the kingdom of God, which includes his people), &c." The meaning is here sim- ple and easy ; the connexion with what goes before is sufii- ciently plain ; and the reason assigned for pei-petual war until Amalek be extirpated is intelligible and suitable. CHAP. XVIII. JETHRO. 2. cn'ipti' dismissal. 4. ^rr^x Eliezer, God-help. 6. ''?^5. The Sam. Sept. and Syr. have nan. The sentence then runs, " And one said unto Moses, Behold," &c. 1 8, ^nb'V an old form equal to inc'^. 26. 'i^^^^\ an unusual form and pointing for itiStp^. It seems to arise from the proximity of a pause falling on a very short word. And Jetliro, the priest of Midian, Moses' father-in-law, heard all that God had done for Moses, and for Israel his people ; for the Lord had brought Israel out of Mizraim. 2 And Jethro, Moses' father-in-laAv, took Zipporah, Moses' wife, after he had sent her back : 3 And her two sons, of whom the name of the one was Gershom ; for he said, I have become a stranger in a foreign land ; 4 And the name of the other Eliezer ; for the God of my father Avas my help, and delivered me from the sword of Pharoh. 5 And Jethro, Moses' EXODUS XVIIT. 17 9 father-in-law, and his sons and his wife came unto Moses into the wilderness where ho encamped at tlic Mount of God. 6 And ho said iinto Mosps, I thy father-in-law Jethro come unto thee, and tliy wife, and her two sons with her. 7 And Afoses cam(! out to meet liis father-in-law, and bowed himself, and kissed him, and they asked each, other of their welfare : and they went into the tent. 8 And Moses told his father-in-law all that the Lord had donts unto Pliaroh and to Mizraim for the sake of Israel, all the travail that had come upon them by the way, and how the Lord delivered them. 9 And Jethro rejoiced over all the good which the Lord had done to Israel, whom he had delivered out of the hand of Mizraim. 10 And Jethro said, Blessed be the Lord who hath delivered you out of the hand of Miz- raim, and out of the hand of Pharoh ; who liuth delivered the people from under the hand of Mizraim. 11 Now I know that the Lord is greater then all the gods, for he has prevailed in the thing wherein they dealt proudly with them. 12 And Jethro, !Moses' fither-in-law took a burnt-offering and sacrifices for God : and Aaron went, and all the elders of Israel, to eat bread with Moscvs' iather-in-law before God. 13 And it came to pass on the morrow, that Moses sat to judge the people : and the people stood by JMoses from the morning unto the evening. 14 And Moses' father-in-law saw all that he did to the people, and he said, What is this thing that thou doest to the people? "Why sittest thou thyself alone, and all the people stand by thee from morning unto evening 1 And Moses said unto his father-in-law, liecause the people come unto me to inquire of God. IG When they have a matter they come unto me, and I judge between one and another, and I make known the statutes of God and his laws. 17 And Moses' father-in-law said unto him. The thing that thou doest is nut good. 18 Thou wilt surely wear away, thou and this people that is with thee : for this thing is too heavy for thee ; thou canst not do it thyself alone. 19 Now hearken to my voice, I will advise thee, and God shall be with thee ; be thou for the people before God, and bring thou the causes unto God, 20 And thou shalt teach them the statutes and the laws, and show them the way wherein they must walk, and the work that they must do. 21 And thou shalt provide out of all the people, able men, fearing God, men of truth, hating cuveteousuess, and place over them rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. 22 And they shall judge the people at all times ; and it shall be that every great matter they shall bring to thee, and every small matter they shall judge them- selves : and thou shalt relieve thyself, and they shall bear with thee. 23 If thou do this thing and God command thee, then thou shalt be able to endure, and also all this people shall go to their place in 180 JETHRO'S VISIT TO MOSES. peace. 24 And Moses hearkened to the voice of his father-in-law, and did all that he had said. 25 And Moses chose able men out of all Israel, and made them heads over the people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. 26 And they were to judge the people at all times; the hard cause they were to bring to Moses, and every small matter to judge themselves. 27 And Moses let his father-in-law depart, and he went his way unto his own place. 1[ 31. Moses had formerly led the flock of Jethro as far as "the mount of God in Horeb." As soon as he arrives at this point, therefore, he is in the neighbourhood of Jethro, who accord- ingly pays him a visit, accompanied by Zipporah and her two sons. The chapter contains the reception of Jethro, and the advice he tenders to his son-in-law concerning' tlie frovern- ment of the people. It is probable, as we shall see (v. 5), that this visit took place after the assembly had encamped before the mount. The record of this collateral occuiTence is placed here at a convenient pause, that it may not interfere with the main current of the narrative, (see on "'p^^'5 Gen. i. 3). V. I -1 2. The arrival of Jethro. Heard all. The spread of intelligence is much more rapid among nomadic tribes than in a settled population. v. 2. Took Zrpporah. He received her when she returned from Moses ; but now he takes her to bring her back to him. After he had sent her hack, ^^^p^. '^This word occurs twice elsewhere (1 Kings ix. 1 G ; Micah i. 14). In the former passage it denotes a present to a daughter sent away in marriage. In the latter it denotes a figurative dismissal. It is here applied to the dismissal of his wife and children, most probably when the youngest child was circumcised on the way to Egypt, and was there- fore unable to proceed (see on iv. 2G). v. 3, 4. Gershom, (see on ii. 22). Eliezer. This is the second son indicated in iv. 20, 24. "'"}ty3 in or for my help. Moses had a grateful remembrance of his deliverance from the sword of Pharoh. V. 5, G. Encamped at the mount of God. " The mount of God " is that mount in Horeb on which the law was delivered. This we take to be an indication that Moses had left Rephi- dim, and was now encamping C^Jn) within sight of Sinai. Hence the visit of Jethro takes place after the arrival of the EXODUS XVIII. 7-12. 181 people at tlie wilderness of Sinai, (see on xix. 1). And he said unto Moses, by a messenger in advance. This is a frequent expansion of the meaning attached to this phrase (xii. 3, 21). V. 7-12. The reception of Jcthro. Moses came outtooneet. He pays all honour to Jethro as his father-in-law, and as the priest of Midian. He natuially rehearses to him the wonders of the short period during which they had been separated. V. 9-11. Jethro gives expression to the joy he felt in the deliverance of Israel. Blessed he the Lord. Jethro here ex- plicitly acknowledges Jehovah as God. He was no doubt acquaijited by the tradition of his Hebrew ftithers with the being and the mercy of God, and he might have learned the significant name Jehovah from Moses, if not before. Tlie Lord is greater than all the gods. A man in Jethro's position could not be ignorant of the polytheism that had now resulted from the division of human interests and opinion.s. Yet his spon- taneous confession may convey simply the conviction of the infinite pre-eminence of Jehovah. For he has prevailed, or showed himself greater, in the very thing in which the Egyp- tians dealt proudly with the Israelites. The authorised ver- sion gives precisely the same sense, though with a different application, of the word ^!}yV. v. 1 2. Jethro gives a prac- tical exhibition of his acknowledgment of the Lord by offer- ing sacrifice. The burnt-offering is the com])letest symbol of the atonement for sin (Gen. viii. 20). The sacrifice being eaten partly by the woi-shipper expresses communion with God as the result of atonement. The common participation before God of the sacrifice is the emblem of the communion of the worshippers in the blessings of the divine ftvvour. V. 1.3-27. The counsel of Jethro concerning the adminis- tration of justice. On the morrow. The day after the sacri- fice, which was offered on the day of or the day after Jethro's arrival. Moses sat. Sitting is the posture of the judge, standing that of those who come to receive judgment. From the moriiiiKj unto the cvenhuj. During the whole of that part of the day assigned to public business, v. 14-16. explains to Jethro the necessity of this ccmstiint sitting. To enquire of God, is to come to his minister or rcprosontative to obtain an answer to any enquiry which is beyond human 182 JETHRO'S VISIT TO MOSES. solution. In the present ease the object of the enquiry is a judicial decision in a dispute between man and man. In a theocracy this proceeds fi-om God through his ministers. Hence to appeal to them is virtually to appeal to God (xxi. 6). And I onake knoivn. This was a process of instruction espe- cially necessary for a new nation for which a code of juris- prudence had not yet been provided. At the same time it was not possible for one person to instil the principles of law into the hearts of all the people, much less to administer jus- tice iso a community of at least 1,600,000 individuals. The statutes of God and his laius (xii. 24, 49), his occasional decisions and edicts, and his general laws and principles of rectitude. V. 17-28. The plan suggested by Jethro. He disapproves of the present practice of Moses as too laborious and tedious. Thou wilt surely wear aivay. The causes that will arise among the people will occupy all thy time to the exclusion of needful leisure for recreation and for other duties. And the people that is with thee. They will be wearied in waiting for the decision of their litigations which will be delayed in con- sequence of thy inability to determine them as fast as they arise. And this delay may tempt them to take the law into their own hands, and so anarchy and outrage may pave the way for their gradual annihilation, 27iou canst not do it thy- self alone. Hence a division of the labour is necessary, that it may be done promptly and efficiently, v. 19, 20. And God shall be ivith thee, approving of thy course, and aiding thee in its execution. Jethro means that he should not proceed with- out the divine concurrence. Be thou for the people before God, between God and the people, to represent him to them, and their causes to him. Thou shalt teach them,, expound the regulations and principles of civil and religious law. The ivay, the moral principle of their conduct. TJie ivork, the conduct which they are to pursue in the way which the law directs. Moses is thus to be, under God, the great teacher of the people, the promulgator of law, and the director of its administration, V. 21, 22. Provide out of, look out among you. This was done by the people themselves proposing men to be approved and appointed by Moses, as he himself explains (Deut, i, 1 3, 1 5), " Give ye wise men, and understanding, and known among EXODUS XVIII. 13-27. 183 your tribes, and I icill make them rulern over you!' " And 1 took," accepted at the hand of the people. Able men, hav- ing the requisite abilities for the olhce. This is the first qualification. Fearuu) God, men of piety. Men of truth, whose word may be trusted. Hating covdoasness, that will not therefore be bribed to pronounce unjust decisions. An admirable clioice and order of ([ualifications. Rulers of thou- sands. It has been calculated by the Tahnudists and even by Grotius that according to this arrangement 78,C00 judges would be required for 000,000 men. But we cannot suppose that the patriarchal rule, which is a law of nature, was to be superseded by this regulation. A father was still to be acknowlede;ed as the fjoverninj' head of his descendants durinfj liis life, especially when they dwelt with him in the same house or tent. And he is the unit intended in the thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens here mentioned. Thus in Joshua vii. lU-24; we find Israel divided into tribes, the tribe of Judah into clans (nins'J'O), the clan of Zarhi into m,en (°^?93), individuals or units, of whom Achan was one. But Achan has sons and daughters and a tent, and is therefore the father of a house. Such a house, including children, might contain from five to fifty individuals. We may take twenty as a reasonable average of a grandfather's family. Ten such fami- lies would in that case amount to 200 individuals, and ten such heads are the smallest number allowed by the Talmud ists to constitute a synagogue. In a people of at least 1,000,000 there would thus be 8000 rulers of tens, 1000 rulers of fifties, 800 rulers of hundreds, and 80 rulers of thousands, and therefore 10,480 rulers in all. The number of appeals from rulers of tens would be ])roportionately greater than from the higher judges, because they were not much in rank above the fathers of houses ; and hence the rulers of fifties seem to be introduced to distribute the burden which would otherwise fall on the rulers of hundreds. Every great matter would come up to Moses either by appeal, where the parties were dissatisfied with the judgment of the inferior courts, or by reference, when these courts were deterred from judging by the difiiculty of the cause. The latter is the mode expressly recog- nised in the text, and was probably, in the custom of the people, inclusive of the former. A nd God command thee. Jethro 184 JETHRO'S VISIT TO MOSES. submits his proposal to the decision of God. Oo to their place in peace. Prompt and impartial administration of justice will allay quarrels and beget that mutual confidence and good feel- ing which tends to peace. Jethro presents his modest pro- posal as a temporary expedient, until the people sliould arrive in a country where they might have settled institutions. V. 24-26. And Moses hearkened to the voice of his father- in-laiv. This sentence throws light on the ways of Provi- dence and on the character of Moses. The practical mind of Jethro, on the first glance at a great evil, is prompted to sug- gest an immediate remedy. Moses, on the other hand, being a man of a more educated mind and more deferential spirit, and aware that this evil has only lasted for a month or two, and will very soon be removed by the promulgation of a com- plete code of laws, waits in reverential pa.tience, as is his wont, for the intimation of heaven to initiate the needed change. But the suggestion of Jethro he receives with that respectful attention which was then paid to age, acknowledges to be agreeable to the dictates of his own reason, and accepts as the mode presented in the dispensation of Providence for tlie removal of the present difficulty. The method of the pro- vidence of God, is evidentl}^ out of the given emergency to elicit the required measure, either by an immediate communi- cation from heaven, or by a suggestion of human reason adequate to the occasion, and approved by God. Neither the disposition nor the past training of Moses inclined him to step before the Almighty in devising a remedy for ordinary difficulties ; and even this meekness was no small qualifica- tion for his high office, v. 25. And Moses chose. By a common figure he is said to do that which he caused to be done. The people chose at Moses' direction. V. 27. And Moses let his father-in-law depart The sacred writer, as usual, brings one line of events to a close before passing to another. We are not bound, therefore, to conclude that Moses completed the introduction of his new measures for the administration of justice, and parted with his father-in-law before the series of events recorded in the follow- ing chapters had commenced. So far as the form of the nar- rative goes, we are at liberty to suppose that the interview with Jethro took place any time during the encampment at EXODUS XVIII. 27. 185 the "mount of God." The parallel passage (Deut. i. 9-18) referring to tlie institution of civil magistrates, dates this measure with precisely the same latitude. On the other hand, we are not constrained to suppose these proceedings untinished, if the time suffice for their accomplishment. Now the assembled host arrived at the wilderness of Sin on the 1 5th of the second month. If this was the first day of the week, and the whole of this week was spent at the three sta- tions in this wilderness, eight days would remain for the journey to llephidim, the smiting of the rock in Horeb, and the battle with Anialek. It appears from the following chapter that the journey to the wilderness of Sinai took i)lace on the first of the third month. It is possible that the interview with Jethro, and the tendering of his counsel, may have taken place on the second and third, and the carrying of this })ro- posal into effect on the fourth and fifth. And it seems reason- able that Moses should be at once relieved of the burden of personally hearing and deciding upon every case of litigation that might arise among the people. Jethro, however, may have taken leave for a time on the third day. It is most probable that, during the eleven months and twenty days of the sojourn of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai, there were frequent interviews between Moses and his relatives by mar- riage, as they were in the immediate neighbourhood. The passage in Numbers x. 29-32, however, refers to the farewell and final parting between them, when the marshalled host set out for the wilderness of Paran on their wa}' to the promised laud. SECTION IV.— THE LAWGIVING. XI. THE MORAL LAW. EXODUS XIX., XX. CHAP. XIX. PREPARATION FOR LAWGIVING. 1 3. P^'' The hloivev, horn, cornet, r. flow, blow, go. It is equal to ^?'n HP. the horn of blowing or sounding, and "iS'ib' cornet. It differs from '^'J^'^'^ ^^^ straight trumpet. It is probable that it was originally a ram's horn. The Rabbins and others affirm that ''?*' signifies a ram. In Phoenician in- scriptions it is said to have this meaning. In the third month of the departure of the sons of Israel from the land of Mizraim, on this day were they come to the wilderness of Sinai. 2 And they set out from Eepliidim and went to the wilder- ness of Sinai, and pitched in the wilderness : and there Israel pitched before the mountain. 3 And Moses went up unto God, and the Lord called unto him out of the mountain, saying. Thus shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, and tell the sons of Israel. 4 Ye have seen what I did unto Mizraim, and how I bare you on eagles' wings, and brought you unto me. 5 And now if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all the peoples : for all the earth is mine. 6 And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the sons of Israel. 7 And Moses went and called for the elders of the people, and laid before them all these words which the Lord commanded him. 8 And all the people answered together and said, All that the Lord hath spoken we will do. And Moses returned the words of the people unto the Lord. 9 And the Lord said unto Moses, Lo, I come unto thee in the thick cloud, that the people may hear when I speak with thee, and so believe thee for ever. And Moses told the words of the people unto the Lord. 10 And the Lord said unto Moses, Go imto the people, and sanctify tliem EXODUS XIX. 187 to-day ana TuXiv 'xaqivsZaXov ug Fa^pidh, ug tyiv vZv "KiyoiMsviriv ^apdv. This merely intimates that Rephidim was in the region then called EXODUS XIX. 2. 101 Pharan. Hcnco, he says, Moses proceeds to mount Horeb, whicli is in the Sinaic (range) about six miles from Pharan (ili Xupr,Z t6 o'ffo$, Touridriv, cv r^ 2ivai(fj iyyxji; ovri T^g aoav ui arrh (LtVitJiv i'l). The present ruins of the town Feiran are about sixteen miles from Jebel Musa, and about six miles from the nearest point of the granitic block to which it belongs, while it cannot proj'ierly be said to be any distance from Serbal, at the foot of which it lies. Cosmas regards Horeb as a part of the Sinaic cluster of hills, and hence he speaks loosely of the inscriptions, which he says are found in all the stations of the IsraAites, as existing in the desert of the Sinaic range {h ixti- vr, T/j igrjfitjj Tov livaiox) opovc h rruaaig xara'xavaicfi). We may here observe, indeed, that these inscriptions are found to be due, not to the Israelites or the Christians, but to the inhabitants, or the pilgrims of a heathen superstition, and therefore afford no ground for determining the mount of the law. (See Beer, Inscr. Vet. ; Credner, Heidelb. Jahrb. 1841, p. 980 ; Fr. Tuch, Versucheiner Erklarung von 21 Sin. Inschr. ; Kurtz on the Covenant, v. iii., p. 6 J ). The fact then seems to be that these three authors have been misunderstood, and are really in har- mony with the general tradition, indicated, even in the name Jebel Musa, the mount of Moses. v. 2. And they set out from Rephidim. As the previous verse looks back to the events of the foregoing chapter, so this veree looks forward to the continuance of the narrative from chap. xvii. Then we were at Rephidim, and now we depart from it. The luilderness of Sinai is a phrase com- prehensive of the mount of the law-giving, and the surround- ing desert. It seems to be co-extensive with Horeb, the central granitic block of mountain and glen now called Jebel et Tur. Before the mountain. This expression signifies over against, or within sight of it, but not necessarily close by or contiguous to the mountain. We may imagine the main body of the encampment to be in the Wady es Sheik, and its wings or straggling outskirts in the adjacent glens, partly it may be in the plain es Sebayeh, and generally with- in view of some part of Sinai. V. 3-15. The directions for the preparation of the peoj)la And Moses ivent up unto God. The pillar of cloud now rested on Mount Sinai, and was conspicuous before the eyes 192 ISRAEL ARRIVES AT SINAI. of all the people. The going up of Moses unto God means, not that he ascended the mountain, which is not here asserted, but that he drew nigh to God in the customary way. And as the Lord now manifested himself on a mountain top, the approach of Moses was an ascent, even though he only reached the base. This interpretation of the words is mani- fest from the following sentence : " And the Lord called unto him out of the mountain." This implies that Moses was not on the mountain, but at such a distance from the Divine presence as to warrant the word "called" instead of "spake." V. 3-(). The words of the Lord here contain a tendering again of his covenant to the people, for formal and final acceptance. They indicate, first, the party who are to enter into covenant with God. The " house of Jacob " is the parallel of the "sons of Israel," the former, however, pointing to their natural, the latter to their spiritual relations, (see Gen. xxxii. 23-33), Secondly, the keeping of the covenant on God's part is put forward in a short and striking appeal to the people. Ye have seen. This was a matter of personal experience with them. What I did iyi Mizraim. The eleven manifestations of his power on their behalf in that country. And hoiv I bare you on eagles wings. In the twelfth miracle at the Red Sea, he delivered them from the perils of the surrounding waters and the pursuing Egyptians with as much care as the eagle takes in teaching its nestlings to make the first essay in flight among the beetling heights where it has its abode (Deut. xxxii. 11). The parent bird it is said sweeps gently past the young ones perched on a ledge of rock, and when one venturing to follow begins to sink with drooping wing, glides underneath, and bears it aloft again (Duns, Bibl. Nat. Sci. II. 46). This beautiful figure strikingly illustrates the patient tenderness with which the Lord laboured to train his people for the escape from Egypt, and guarded them from the hazards of the way. And brought you unto one. brought you home to adoption and inheritance with your God and Father, Thirdly, the accept- ance of the covenant is lovingly proposed to the people. If ye tvill obey, obey my voice. The repetition is emphatic, " if ye obey me promptly and heartily," And keep my covenant, the parallel of the previous clause ; " be faithful to me as I EXODUS XIX. 3-G. 103 have been to you" a toudiing appeal tliat wins a ready assent from a true heart. Ld^llij, comes the promise in new and expressive terms. It contains the three elements of salvation, appropriation, propitiation, and sanctification. Here for tiie first time occur three remarkal)Ie phrases, wliich become household words in the cliurch. Tbey throw a new light on the privilege and responsibility of the believer. 1. A 2>e('iill((r treasure unto rue. To belong to God is an inesti- mable blessing. How much more to be his in a special sense above all others, Xah^ ■-rivio-jgio;, a peculiar people ! For all the earth is mine. This is to exphiin the phrase, " above all peoples." All the inhabitants of the earth belong to God by right of creation and general benefaction. But ye belong to iiim, over and above all this, by special grace and covenant. And out of his free grace flows to you all that is comprised in remission, redemption, and regeneration. This part of the promise is therefore a com})rehensive summary of all the blessings of salvation. 2. A kingdom of priests. This is a pregnant sentence. It presupposes the people to be themselves the objects of priestly intercession and royal pro- tection. It expressly elevates them into the dignity and authority of performing priestly functions, and dispensing royal favoui^s to others. " A kingdom of priests," the Sep- tuagint renders by ^aalKnov ,'iipdTeu/j.a a priesthood of kings. This is sufficient to shew that a kingdom was here understood to be a community of persons invested with the powers of sovereignty, such as commanding, judging, defending, punish- ing and rewarding, and bound to exercise them, under God, for the good of mankind. The benignity of their sway is indicated by the facts that they are to be priests as well as kings. They find mankind under the ban of disobedience, the doom of death. Their office calls them to make atone- ment for the sins of the world, intercede for the returning penitent, and reconcile him to God. This fmiction of sublime beneficence involves questions of the deepest import in the salvation of mankind, which do not meet their full solution until we apj)roach the end of the volume of ins})iration. Who can independently mediate between God and man ? What can be an all-sufficient propitiation for sin ? We abstain from anticipating the answer to these questions, which does N 194 PlIEPAllATION FOR THE LAW GIVING, not belong to tlie interpreter, and is familiar to every reader of the New Testament. Meanwhile we contemplate with pro- found admiration the nation that has a mission to discharge these benign functions, and a history pregnant with a great kino-, priest, and sacrifice that will be able to accomplish the salvation of the soul. 8. A lioly nation. Along with a free pardon and an all-prevalent intercession, the third requisite for salvation is a sanctified nature. But this is introduced here not merely as an element of their own salvation, but as a qualification for that high function of reigning and reconcil- incr which they are to exercise for tlie salvation of the world. There is a beautiful unity given to this ideal when we regard Israel as the son, the first-born of God (Ex. iv. 22). This son is the king and priest, the holy one of the present passage. This collective or national Israel contains within its bosom the individual and actual Son of God, of which it is the type in its regal and sacerdotal dignity, as it is the emblem of the Church in its peace and purity. Thus God sets before his chosen people a new ideal, which is to be represented for their instruction in the typical institutions of the ceremonial law. It is to have a twofold realization, on the one hand in the grateful reception of salvation from age to age by a grow- ing numlier, until at length the whole of mankind are gathered into this kingdom ; and on the other hand in the gracious dispensing of this salvation until the Messiah have come once to make atonement for sin, and again to bring in the new heavens and the new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness. These are the words which thou shalt speak unto the sons of Israel. These pregnant words ai'e to take root in the hearts of the people, and bear fruit in all future ages, V, 7, 8. The consent of the people to the covenant is warm and prompt; Moses ivent and called for the elders of the people. Here we have the usual order of communication with the people. The elders are the representatives of the people, who convey to them the message of the Lord by Moses, and act as their spokesmen in replying to it (xii, 21). Aiid all the people answered together. They gave a unanimous re- sponse. All that the Lord hath spoken we ivill do. They freely close with the gracious terms of the covenant, Moses reports their favourable answer to the Lord. EXODUS XIX. ,']-15. ]95 V. 0-1 3. The directions to the i)eoi)le to sanctify themselves, and keo|) at a distance from the mountain. Lo 1 coma unto Uu-e. This is the usual phrase for an intended action. In iJie thick cloud, in which my presence is usually manifested. That the people viay hear ichen I speak with thee. The Lord does not demand confidence in his messenger and minister without irivinj:! abundant evidence of his commission. He had before given the signs of the rod turned into a serpent, and the hand changed from soundness to leprosy, and again to soundness ; but these were exhibited before the elders as the representa- tives of the peoj)le (Ex. iv. 29-31). He had also wrought the miracles of the deliverance from Egypt by the hand or the word of Moses ; but many of these were not under the eye of the people. But now he will answer Moses in the audience of all the pebple, that they may believe him for ever. The Lord knew the inconstancy of the people, and therefore con- descends to give them a universal and personal attestation to the authority of his prophet and delegate. For ever, without interruption. The luords of the people. This was the proper j)lan for introducing the formal and unanimous assent of the people to the covenant of the Lord. v. 10. Sanctify them to-day and to-morroiu. These days were supposed to be, according to tradition, the fourth and fifth of the third month. It is probable that the fifth w^as the sabbath or closing day of the seven weeks after the passover. This rests on the two- fold assumption that the 1 5th of Nisan coincided with the weekly Sabbath, and that the first month contained twenty- nine, and the second thirty days. The "sanctifying" con- sisted in washing their clothes and abstaining from conjugal intercourse (v. 15, Lev. xv. IS). These serve for the outward form of sanctification in the absence of any ceremonial enact- ment. V. 11. And he ready for the third day. According to the supposition already mentioned, the 0th of the third month would be the fiftieth day after the Sabbath in the seven days of the feast of unleavened bread. We know that this fiftieth day was afterward one of the three great annual festivals of Israel ; and as the other two had special reference to momentous events in the history of the people, tlie fca^t of weeks may have had reference to the giving of the law. This aftbrds an additional argument in favour of the fiftieth day 196 PREPARATION FOR THE LAW-GIVING. being that of the lawgiving, v. 1 2. Set hounds to the people. These bounds were at some distance from the base of the mountain, Beivare ye of going up to the mount. This for- bids not merely ascending the side, but going up to the foot of the mount. Or touching the border. The}^ were not to pass the bounds marked out by Moses, or approach the border or skirt of the mount. There shall not a hand touch hirn, who transgresses the bounds and touclies the mount. No one shall cross the bounds prescribed in order to drag him back or punish his presumption. He shall only from a distance be stoned or shot through. Whether man or heast. The owner is punished for his carelessness by the loss of his beast. But, even apart from this consideration, the awful sanctity of the divine presence is not to be violated by any unseemly intru- sion. When the trumpet soundeth long. When the cornet gives a long and swelling note, they shall go itp to the mount. As we are said to go up to the capital of a country, so here they go up to the mount, when they draw nigh to it without either ascending it or touching its skirts. "They" ('^'^n^ is emphatic in the original, and refers to the people in con- trast with Moses, who was authorised to come into contact with the mountain. At the sounding of the trumpet they are to approach to the boundaries that have been marked out ; but they are on no account and at no time to proceed farther. V. 14, 15. And Moses went doiun from the mount. He had drawn nigh, but not necessarily ascended, to the summit, to hold converse with God. Sanctified the p)eople, gave the iie- cessar}'- orders for their sanctification. Come not at your ivives. See v. J 0, and Lev. xv. 1 8. v. 16-25. The descent of the Lord on Mount Sinai. A thick cloud. A heavy dark mass of clouds. In the camp, in view of, but at a considerable distance from, the mountain. We do not deem it necessary to determine forther than the text warrants, even with all the light tliat modern ti'avellers have cast upon the locality, the precise spot in which the people w^ere encamped, v. 17. And Moses brought forth the people. On the given signal (v. 1 3), namely, the long and swelling blast of the trumpet, Moses leads forward the tremb- ling people to hear the giving of the law. We must here bear in mind that Moses issued his commands, as the general EXODUS XIX. 3-15. 1D7 of a groat army, by means of the elders or acknowledged leaders of the people (v. 17). Tliey stood at tlte ndker 'part, or foot of the mountain, outside of the barrier which had erected to prevent intrusion. A scene of ineffable gran- deur now presented itself before them. v. 18. All asmoke. The disengaged and partly unconsuraed matter arises, and. envelopes as usual the fire in which tlie Lord descends. The ivhole mou)itaui treruhled greallj with the reverberations of the thunder, v. 19. The trumpet sound waxed louder and louder, as the people were gathering into their appointed sta- tion before the mount. The origin of this sound we leave, as the text does, undetermined. On the sudden silence which followed this awful trumpet blast, Moses spake, a)id God an- swered lilm by a voiee, by an audible and articulate form of words. This is the fulfilment of the promise made in v. D. What were the words uttered on this sublime occasion we cannot venture to determine. The statement may refer to, or at least include, the whole of the following communications so far as they were audible to the people. This is favoured by the discernible pause which the narrative here makes. Tiie recognition of this pause gives point and emphasis to the present statement, and imparts a solemn stateliness to the progress of the narrative. V. 20-25. And tlte Lord came down. This sublime event has been as yet only incidentally indiciited to account for P'^'^ V.?P V. 1 8) the smoking of Mount Sinai. It now comes forward in a direct statement with the precise intimation that the Lord descended on the top of the mount. He now called to Closes ('^P*'3p) to go up to the top of the mount. Here for the first time we conceive Moses proceeded farther than the foot of the mountain, and advanced some distance on its slopes with- out however reaching or even approaching the actual summit. It is only asserted that Moses vjent up, without adding how far. V. 21. Go down, charge the people. We may conceive that the ]^eoj)le from the camp were pressing forward under the direction of tiieir leaders, and that there was some danger that the front ranks of this multitudinous host should be urged over the barriers that had been set to the ))eople. Without for a moment imat^ininr; that the women and chil- dren were all within the valleys immediately around the 198 PREPARATION FOR THE LAW-GIVING. mount, we can easily understand that the vast mass of deeply- agitated men would need the reiterated directions of their supreme commander to prevent any involuntary intrusion from the pressure in the rear. In these circumstances the Lord mercifully sends down Moses to charge the people, lest they break through the boundaries, gaze upon that which no eye is to behold, and many of them perish, v. 22. The pHests also. We know that Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob erected altars and offered sacrifices to the Lord, and that Moses in- formed Pharoh that Israel was commanded to go three days' journey into the wilderness to sacrifice unto the Lord. The presumption is, that there were some among them who were appointed to act as priests. Every head of a family killed the first paschal lamb for his own household, thereby practi- cally evincing that the people were all kings and priests unto God. And we read (xxiv. 5) before the appointment of Aaron and his sons, that " Moses sent young men of the sons of Israel who offered burnt-offerings." Here we perceive that the nation was not without sacred ofiicers who discharged the functions and were entitled to the name of priests. Who they Avere we do not learn from the narrative, probably because their service at the altar was merely temporary, until Aaron should be called to the priesthood. Who come near to the Lord to intercede for the people. Sanctify themselves, keep themselves apart outside of the boundary, observing the same rules as the people. These occasional priests have no privi- leges beyond the rest of Israel, who are all priests unto God. V. 23. Moses here intimates that the people cannot touch the mountain on account of the bounds by which it is separated and sanctified, v. 24. But the Lord directs him to go down and prevent the people and the priests, who had not yet got any special charge, from breaking through tlie barrier. It is intimated that Moses and Aaron are to come up to the mount. But this seems not to have taken place until a second intima- tion of the proper time is given (xxiv. 1). v. 25. Moses accordingly goes down and reiterates the charge to the people and the priests. EXODUS XX, 199 CHAP. XX. THE MORAL LAW ; AND THE ALTAR. V. 2-17. The reader of the orij^'inal will ol)serve that these vei-ses are provided with a rlouhle aeeeiituatioii, the one re- ferring to the vei-ses, the other to the comuiandments, and called the lower and upper accent. Where only one accent stands the two coincide. Where a principal pause of the one concui-s with a minor pause of the other, a double vocalization may occur, the short vowel being lengthened by the one accent and not by the other. For the same cause a letter of double power at the beginning of a word is read as a semi- vowel with the one accentuation, and as a mute with the other. In some copies, v. 13, 14, 15, are included in one. S is found at the end of the seventh verse, indicating the pri- mary division of the Decalogue. D is found at the end of vv. G, 1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 15, 1 G, and after the tirst clause of v. 17, marking the subdivisions. This is plainly the primary form of the Decalogue. The deviations of the copy in Dent. v. will be best considered there. In some copies of the Sept. vv. 1 3, 11, 15, stand in the order 14, 15, 13. V. 9. i^^^^^P ^v&)'k, business, mliLtstry. r. un. employ. It is more comprehensive than ni2J? labour, service, bondservice, r. to labour, till the ground, serve. V. 1 2. After /MrjTega aov, the Sept, has ha il eoi yiir,Tui, xaJ, corresponding v/ith a similar clause in Deut. v. I G. v. 1 7. At the end of this verse the Sam. Pent, has a long passage agreeing mostl}'^ with Deut. xxvii. 2-7. It is not found in Onk. or the Sept. v. 1 9. The Sam. Pent, here omits nj;DC'3^ ^3BV nm la^i and inserts a passage contained in Deut. v. 21-24. It is not fol- lowed however by Onk. or the Sept. 1 And God spake all these words, saying, §21. 2 1 am the Lord thy God, who have brought thee out of the land of Mizraitn, out of the house of bondage. 3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me. 4 Thou shalt not make unto tliee any graven image, or any likeness of anytliing that is in the heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the eartli. 5 Thou shalt not bow down 200 THE MORAL LAW ; AND THE ALTAR. to them, nor serve tliem : for I the Lord thy God am a- jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the sous, upon the third and upon the fourth generation of them that hate mc ; 6 And showing mercy unto thousands of them that love me and keep my command- ments. § 22. 7 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain : for the Lord will not acquit him that taketh his name in vain. ^ 32. 8 Eemeniber the Sabbatli day to hallow it. 9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work. 10 But the seventh day is a Sabbath to the Lord thy God : in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy man-servant, nor thy maid-servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates : 1 1 For in six days the Lord made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day : wherefore the Lord blessed the Sab- bath day, and hallowed it. § 23. 12 Honour thy father and thy mother; that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee. § 24. 13 Thou shalt not kill. § 25. 14 Thou shalt not commit adultery. § 26. 15 Thou shalt not steal. § 27. 16 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. § 28. 17 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house ; § 29. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-ser- vant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbour's. § 30. 18 And all the people saw the thunderings, and the lightnings, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mountain smoking : and when the people saw it, they drew back and stood afar oif. 19 And they said unto Moses, Speak thou with us, and we will hear ; but let not God speak with us, lest we die. 20 And Moses said unto the people, Fear not ; for God is come to prove you ; and that his fear may be before you, that ye sin not. 21 And the people stood afar off: and Moses drew near to the thick darkness where God was. § 31. 22 And the Lord said unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the sons of Israel, Ye have seen that I have spoken with you from heaA'en. 23 Ye shall not make with me any idol ; gods of silver or gods of gold shall ye not make unto you. 24 An altar of earth thou shalt make unto me, and thou shalt sacrifice thereon thy burnt-offerings, and thy peace-offerings, thy sheep and thine oxen : in every place Avhere I record my name I will come iinto thee and bless thee. 25 And if thou make me an altar of stones, thou shalt not build them with hewing : for if thou lift up thy tool upon it, thou dost pollute it. 26 And thou shalt not go up by steps unto mine altar, that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon. 18 T] T[ T[ 33. EXDFUS XX. 1-17. 201 The clmpters xx.-xxiii. contain that code of laws which is called the book of the covenant (xxiv. 7). It is clearly distin- guishable into two pai'ts — thegeneralprinciplesof raoralityconi- mon to all mankind, and the special en.ietinents pertaining to the pe()j)le of God. The forn)er are called " the words of the Lord," which He spake with an audible voice, and wrote upon the two tables of stone (xxiv. .'3, xx. 1, xxiv. 12). In refer- ence to their nnnd)er, they are called the ten words or com- mandments (xxxiv. 28). The latter are described as the "judgments," or determinations of right between man and man. These are conmiunicated to Moses, by whom they are delivered to the people by word of mouth, and also in wiiting for their permanent guidance. The ten commandments, with certain arrangements preliminary to the special legislation, are contained in the present chapter. V. 1-17. The Decalogue. The Masoretic mark for an open section at the end of the seventh verse, indicates the primary division of this grand compend of law in the estimation of these venerable annotators. If the j)rinciple of division be the essence of the Deity, this distribution is undoubtedly cor- rect. The previous paragraph, referring to the unity, spi- rituality, and deity of God, which belong to the essence of His nature, is of univeisal and eternal moment, and is thus fundamentally distinguished from the following one regarding the Sabbath and the relative duties of men, which are inci- dental to that efiect of his creative action to which man belongs. The former of these paragraphs the authors of the Massorah sub-divide into two close sections, and the latter into eight. The first commandment thus apparently includes verses 2-6, on the principle that polytheism and idolatry are identical, or two modes of apostasy from the one true God. But in fact, these two are not less distinct from one another than each of them is from that mode of degrading God, which is noted in the 7th verse. The true principle is, that there are three ways of dishonouring God, or robbing Him of His glory — the first referring to His unity, the second to His spirit- uality, and the third to His deity. Hence v. 2, 3 must be regarded as the first commandment ; v. 4-G as the second ; and V. 7 as the third. The Talmud, the Targum of Jonathan, several Jewish rabbis, Peter Martyr, and others, hold v. 2 to 202 THE MORAL LAW. l»e the first commandment. But the second and third verses are plainly distinguished as the positive and negative sides of the one commandment. The propriety of this threefold sub- division is farther demonstrated, by its obviating the necessity of sub-dividing the l7th verse into two commandments, in order to make up the number ten. If these two errors of sub-division be corrected, " the ten words " are divided into three and seven on a tenable and intelligible principle— the three referring to the immutable essence of God, the seven originally to man, the intelligent part of the six days' creation, and ultimately to the people whom God has taken for His peculiar treasure. It is well known that three has also a typical or mystical reference to God, and seven to the Church. If the two tables of stone were to contain, as nearly as possi- ble, the same quantity of matter without breaking up a com- mandment, the Masoretic division makes the nearest approach to this arrangement, the numbers of letters in each portion being respectively (ei-rors excepted) 277 and 348 ; whereas, if the commandment concerning the Sabbath, containing 203 letters, were transferred to the former side, the numbers would be 480 and 140. The Masoretic division, however, though it have a basis in the structure of the text, is founded on the idea of God, and not on the nature of law. It has a deep metaphysical import : but it regards the document before us rather as a chapter of philosophy than a corapend of law. Considered as a summary of law, this document bears on it only one obvious piinciple of primary division, namely that of the party to wliom the duty is owed. In this, its natural aspect, it contains two great divisions — the duty of man to God, in four commandments, and the duty of man to man, in the remaining six. It is strange tliat Augustine, having adopted this primary division, yet retained the two glaring fiults of sub-division to which we have already adverted. In this way, though making his primary division at the end of the lltb verse, he still con- ceives that there are three in the first table and seven in the second. In this he has been followed by the Latin and the Lutheran Churches. He generally makes the prohibition to ccn^et another man's wife the ninth commandment, according to the arrangement of Deut. v. 21 ; in which he is not followed EXODUS XX. 1-17. 203 by those Churches. Other Jewish and Christian interpreters, inchifling Philo, Josephus, Ji-ena3us, Orij^'on, Jerome, the Eastern and Reformed Churches, agree in correcting the errors of sub-division which arc exhibited in the Masoretic text. The primary division here under consideration was adopted not only by Augustine, but by Origen, and subsequently by Cal- vin and liis foHowcrs, and lience ajipears not only in tlie Latin and Lutlicran, but also in tlie British Churches and the documents of the Westminster Assembly of Divines. A third ground of primary division is the relati(»n of equa- lity or inequality between the parties to whom the duties rofer. In this respect the Decalogue is divided into duties to superiors and duties to e(pials. Here the father and mother are associated with God as superiors, and all men including parents are classed together as equals. The point of division is carried forward to the end of the 12th verse, and each taljle contains five of the " ten words." This is the primary divi- sion of Philo, Josephus, and the modern Jews, of the Eastern and .some Reformed Chuiches. It has the advantage of giving a numerically equal partition of the ten commandments, and of bringing out into prominence the dignity of jiarents as the natural representatives of God to their children. Nevertlie- less it appears to be a more superficial groinul of distribution than either of the others. Between God and man the line of demarcation is much more tr(Michant than between superiors and inferiors when men are found on both sides. The mere numerical equality of the two tables is a consi- deration of no moment ; and the dignity of parents is suffi- ciently indicated by the position of the 5th commandment in the Decalogue. For these reasons we adhere to the second of the fundamental divisions described, as the most logical and suitable for common use. Which of them was exhibited on the two tables of stone we need not speculate. But it is obvious that the "second corresponds with that grand classifica- tion of all law which our Lord brings out into conspicuous prominence from the Old Testament, " the first and great com- mandment," to "love the Lord thy God" with all thy powers, and the second like unto it, to " love thy neighbour iis thy- self" (Matt. xxii. 35-40). V. 1. And God. The use of this name of God here (the 204 THE MORAL LAW. Everlasting, Eternal, Almighty) intimates that the fundamen- tal principles of law have their standing in the abstract I'ela- tions of theoretic truth antecedent to the actual creation of a universe of things. Spake. Whatever media, whether ele- mentary or angelic, God was pleased to employ on this occa- sion, it is manifest that the speech was his own, not merely as to the words spoken, but as to the articulate sounds actually perceived by the ear. We are aware that vibrations of the air are the usual medium for affectinsj the sense of hearing and we have no reason to doubt that these were employed on the present occasion. We are informed that Moses stood be- tween the Lord and the people "to show them the word of the Lord ; " yet it is expressly said that it was the Lord that talked with them face to face in the mount (Deut. v. 4, 5). It appears from the Old and New Testament (Deut. xxxiii. 2, 3 ; Ps. Ixviii. 18 ; Acts vii. 53 ; Gal. iii. 19, and Heb. ii. 2) that angels were present and active at the promulgation of the law. The passages in the Old Testament merely intimate their pre- sence. Those in the New point to some kind of agency. The phrase of Stephen QxdQsrs rov vo/utyov Big diarayug ayyl'Koi"/) "received the law by the arrangements" or ministry "of angels," may be regarded as equivalent to that of Paul (hiarayiig di dyyiXuv) " arranged" or ministered " through angels." Atten- tion is to be paid to the preposition did " through," which is used in the New Testament to denote the medium or inter- mediate agent, while the ultimate or proper agent is intro- duced by i/To "by" (Matt. i. 22 ; ii. 15 ; xxii. 31 ; Acts ii. xvi., xxviii. 25, Pom. i. 2). This serves to elucidate the his- torical description of the law in Heb. ii. 2 (6 di' dyyeXuv XaXrj- hig Xcyog) "the word spoken through angels." It is plain from the narrative now before us, that God was the actual speaker, in accordance with which the angels are here described as intermediate agents in the accomplishment of the act. We recognise the instrumentality of the atmospheric vibrations in the formation of ai'ticulate sounds. And as we notice the agency of the lightning flash in exciting those re- verberations which produce the inarticulate sound of thunder, we may be prepared to hear of the agency of angels who ai-e spirits and ministers wdio are a flaming Are (Ps. civ. 4), in awakening or regulating those discrete pulsations which con- EXODUS XX. 2. 205 stitiito the articulate utterance of speech. How this was eti'ecteJ, wliat was the arranging or dispensing part of the angels in this great drama, as it is not revealed, we do not pretend to sa}'. But as tlie performer is the source of the music, notwithstanding the concurrence of tlie bellows-blower, the organ pipes, and the ambient air, so we can understand that God was the real speaker of the ten words, notwith- standing the intervention of the dispensing angels and the vocal atmosphere. All these words. This oral communica- tion consists of ten words or axioms of moral truth, that form a complete and orderly whole, and afford a: broad basis fur a system of ethical science. It is composed in the scriptural method of stating not a bare abstract princijtle, but a circum- stantial concrete example, embodying the principle, ruling all like cases, and making a deeper and stronger impression on the mind. It presents the law, also, in the aspect of right- eousness rather than goodness (Rora. v. 7), because it is designed to restrain those who have already fallen into dis- obedience. And hence it generally takes a negative form, and deals in prohibitions rather than requirements. It must be understood, however, that the prohibition involves the re- quirement, and we find that the requirement itself is given, when it admits of equal or greater brevity of expression than the prohibition. THE FIRST COM>LA.NDMENT. V. 3, 4. The more closely we examine these two verses, the more surely will we come to the conclusion of the Jewish Rabbis that the former is an essential part of the first com- mandment. It states a positive fact in the conviction and for the acknowledgment of the people, to which the latter verse merely adds the negative precept that gives strict precision and exclusiveness to the previous statement. The latter verse presupposes the former, and is incomplete without it. The coiiS('(pient " thou shalt have no other gods " needs the ante- cedent " thou hast me." Yet in the admirable econoni}- of this address, the former of these verses serves at the same time for the preface to the whole. It has therefore a twofold bearing on what follows — it is an integral part of the first 206 THE MORAL LAW. commandment, and it is an introduction to the whole deca- logue. V. 2. As an introduction to the whole law this verse iden- tifies the parties to the covenant in the present instance. These are Jehovah and his people. It also lays down the only solid foundation of all obligation to keep this law. This is threefold. 1. He who commands is the Lord, Jehovah, the Self-existent, the Creator, the absolute Author, and therefore Governor of all persons and things. This is the primaiy rock on which all authority on his part and all obligation on ours rest. It is, moreover, not limited in its range, but co-exten- sive with the universe of responsible being. It is therefore the fitting term to stand at the head of a code of law. 2. He is thy God. Here " thy " is the characteristic word. " God " (D^ri^i^) the Everlasting, Almighty, antecedent to all creation, is presupposed as common to the whole definition of the great Being. The possessive word " thy " points to the covenant between God and his people. When taken in the utmost depth of its meaning it involves two things — 1. That God has chosen them to be his people ; and 2. That he has sent his Spirit into their hearts, in consequence of which they have taken him to be their God. He that is born of the Spirit is become capable of spiritual acts. This is the sole ground of human ability to keep the commandments. To have God in this full sense for our God is, therefore, the meet prepara- tion for doing his will. He is the Regenerator. He gives ability. Ability begets obligation. Will tenders obedience. III. He is the Redeemer. He has brought his people out of the Imd of Mizraim, out of the house of bondage. This in the manner of Scripture and of Providence is the earnest and the guarantee of their deliverance from all other and greater kinds of bondage. The present is the type of a grander future. We must descend the stream of revelation to the New Testa- ment before we fathom the depths of this great deliverance. But the redemption from Egypt is the immediate benefit be- fore the minds of this people. It obviously binds them to gratitude and devotedness. Thus the appeal of God touches the inmost springs of their moral nature, and draws them by the threefold tie of creation, sanctification, and redemption, to reverence, obedience, and afifection. EXODUS XX. 2. 207 The attentive observer will note tlie unity of the i»<'iity addressed indicated by tlie singular pronoun " thy, thee." God's people are one in a very profound sense, as they have one Creator, Regenerator, and Redeemer (Gen. xvii. 7, Ex. iv. 22, Gal. iii. 1 G, Eph. iv. 2-1 G). But tliis pointed form of address at the same time brings home the obligation of the law of heaven to the individ\ial as well as the connnunit3\ It is another instance of the happy choice of words in this piece. As the affirmative part of the first commandment this verse admonishes the people that Jehovah, the Creator, who has singled them out as his own, and has redeemed them from bondage, is their God. This is itself the root of all oblio-a- tion, and this obligation is expret^sed in the word " thy," which asserts the connection between creature and Creator. This brings out the relation of right. God had the ri xxi. 33 — xxiL 14, , 8th )> xxii. 15-30, . 7 th ,, xxiii. 1-9, . . 9 th V xxiii. 10-19, . 4th »» xxiii. 20-33, . 10th » 232 THE CIVIL LAW. on the observance of set times, finds its germ in the fourth word of the decalogue. The seventh, on the acknowledging, worshipping, and serving of Jehovah alone, who searches the hearts and estimates the motives, is closely allied with the tenth commandment. It follows that the civil code is capable of being divided into seven sections con-esponding with the last seven precepts of the decalogue, though exhibiting a different order. The order depends in each case on the material to be arranged and the end to be attained. There the matter was the moral relation between the Creator and a race of intellio-ent creatures, and the end a compend of universal law. Here the matter is the moral relation between the Sovereign and his subjects, and the end a code of civil jurisprudence. Here the subject of law is regarded — 1, as a master ; 2, as a neighbour ; 3, as an owner ; 4, as a consort ; 5, as a speaker ; 6, as a disposer of time ; and 7, as a child of God. The basis of this arrange- ment appears to be a gradation in the rights and responsibili- ties of man. It is manifest that the first section touches upon his lowest stage, and tlie last upon his highest. The serf is one who is denuded of some part of his natural rights. The neighbour is in possession of that great original right of one creature against every other, namely, the inviolability of his person. The owner is invested with certain additional rights, acquired originally by the grant of the Creator, which is the onljT- just title to property. The consort indicates a still higher degree of responsibility, as the social compact which it involves brings into view reason and will, and fidelity and trust. The speaker as endowed with the organ of that so- ciality which is implied in the consort. The occupant of time has within his power the set time of meeting, private or pub- lic, which affords the possibility of social conference. The child of God rises to the highest privileges of social happiness in the great family of heaven and earth. A piece of composi- tion that admits of such analysis must have an internal har- mony and unity. Bertheau, and after him Baumgarten, maintain that as the " ten words " constitute the m-eat decaloo-ue, so each of these sections forms a minor decalogue. There is, we conceive, some tenable OTound for this subdivision. This briuirs out in a EXODUS XXI. 12-32. 233 striking liglifc tlic wonderful system lying in the structure of tliis seemingly unconnected collection of injunctions. Seven groups of ten precepts each form the fundamental polity of the commonwealth of Israel. The judgrtieyits. These arc decisions on points of law that may arise between man and man. They are therefore autho- ritative sentences or precepts for the regulation of civil society. I. LAWS OF SERVITUDE. V. 2-1 1. Here are ten verses containing the first decade of laws. They relate to serfdom, or the degraded state of man in which he is stripped of some of his natural rights. The only natural rights are rights of person, such as liberty, life, and inviolability of person. Offenders against the law are in all states deprived of some or most of these rights as the penalty of their offence. Even insolvency in some states has involved the loss of liberty and life. Captives in war have been often treated as offenders against the state, and consigned to bondage for life. It must be admitted that the withdrawal of freedijm, or the imposition of labour for a term of years, or for life, according to the degree of the offence, is a legitimate mode of state punishment. Hence serfdom and forced labour are warrantable in the case of crime. Even the apprenticeship of six years for the acquisition of handicraft, or any other craft, such as domestic service, with proper restrictions, might be an improvement on our social sj'^stem. And in ancient times, when servitude merely meant the performance of service with the understood condition of receiving food and raiment in return, many were glad to accept the terms without stipu- lating for a personal freedom which was to them of no prac- tical value. The present decade of laws does not institute servitude, or commit itself to the approbation of eveiy kind of bondage. It merely implies that some form of it, such as that of criminals under correction, or the dependent who volun- tarily enters into it, is admissible. It recognises the fact of its existence, without entering into the origin of this degraded condition. The decade of precepts is divided into two fives, each beginning with when (^3, v. 2, 7), followed by four ifs 234 LAWS OF SERVITUDE. (DS), The former five relate to the man servant, the latter to the maid-servant. V. 2. If thou get, acquire in any way, it may be by the voluntary offer of the individual, who sometimes sold himself into servitude, such as is here contemplated, as a means of improving his temporal condition (Lev. xxv. 39, Deut. xv. 12). A Hebrew servant A servant is merely a labourer. The term does not of itself indicate the loss of freedom. We see no reason why the term Hebrew should not be taken here in its full extent of meaning as a descendant of Heber, at least as far as this relationship still lived in the memories of men, and no disturbing event interfered with its application. We have no doubt that in process of time the term was gradually narrowed in application until it came to be of the same extent, though not precisely of the same meaning, with Israelite or Jew, This first decision limits the period of servitude for a Hebrew to six years. As, however, all the Hebrew servants became free in the jubilee, or fiftieth year (Lev. xxv. 10, 40), this period would be shortened if it commenced within the six years immediately before the jubilee. It is plain frora this sta- tute that the involuntary servitude of a Hebrew could not be prolonged beyond six years. He then goes out free/o* nothing, or without any redemption. Nay, it is further enjoined in Deut. XV. 12, 18, that he shall be furnished with a stock to enable him to enter upon a life of self-dependence. V. 8. This verse contains two enactments, that are the com- plements of one whole. He that comes in hy himself with his body only, shall go out by himself But if he come in married, his wife also shall go out with him at the end of the six years. This includes no doubt the family, if any, as they go with the mother. V. 4. The fourth decides that in case his master give him a wife, she and her children shall remain with the master, when the husband goes free. The wife belonged to the master. The children go with her who can tend them in their infant years, and sustain them out of her master's abundance. The difference in condition between the husband and his wife does not however necessarily dissolve the tie of wedlock between them. The husband's " going out by himself," simply means that his wife does not share his freedom with him. It does Exoijus XXI. 7-1 1. 235 not of itself dissolve the marriage bond. Tlicy may continue to live as husband and wife, tliough it is possible that in the loose mannci"s of the times, the connection would be sometimes entirely broken off. The liberation of the husband may have made it inconvenient, difficult, or sometimes impossible for them to live together. Such a case is provided for in the fol- lowing enactment. V. 5, 6. The fifth clause of this section presents a very agreeable aspect of servitude as existing in Israel. Shall plainly say, declare in all the earnestness cind warmth of his heart. / love, I have learned to love my master. / loill not go Old free. Here is a case of voluntary servitude and that not for a limited term of years, v. G. Shall bring him unto God. Here is the first mention of the magistrate in the com- monwealth of Israel. The supreme ruler in this singular community is God himself. His rainisteis, governors, and juilges, therefore, speak with an authority paramount to all other. The Sept. aptly renders rrphg ri y.piTr;piQv roij ©toD, to the court of God. The freed man is to make his solemn declara- tion " I will not go free" before the authorities of the land, who will see to it that the act is of his own free will. To the door or to the post, whichever is the more suitable. The latter is always available, but the door-leaf may sometimes be wanting. His master shall do the act as the chief party concerned. Bore his ear through ivith an aui. The awl through the ear is to be driven into the door or the post (Deut. xv. 17), to signify the permanent attachment of the bondsman to the fomily of his master. And he ahall serve for ever. Josephus and the Rabbins explain this to be a service till the next jubilee. This seems natural, as the i)hrase "for ever" is to be explained according to the nature of that to which it is applied. It could not in this case extend longer than the natural life of the servant. v. 7-11. These five verses contain the law of the maid- servant. To sell his daughter to he a maidservant was partly the resource of poverty and partly the custom of the country. It is plain that the maid-servant so bought was to have the place of a wife or a concubine either to her purchaser or his son. In either case she is not to go oid us the men-scit^ants do. If she please her master, she has an acknowledged posi- 236 LAWS OF PERSONAL SAFETY. tion of right in his house, which the marriage bond secures to her. V. 8. If she please him not, and accordingly he do not be- troth her or give her this rightful place, he shall let her he redeemed by some of her kindred. He is not at liberty to sell her to a foreigner, when he has deceived her by refusing her the rights of marriage. This last clause is only a circumstance necessitating her release. The illegality of selling her to a foreigner rests on the fact of her Israelitish descent. V. 9. If he hetroth her to his son, she shall be treated as a daughter and not as a bondsmaid. She is to have all the privileges of a wife. V. 1 0. If he take him another tvife. This may refer either to the father or the son. The latter seems preferable. A second wife is not to exclude tl:»e former from the rights of food, raiment, and conjugal intercourse. Here again we find the law not instituting either polygamy or concubinage, but guard- inof the rights of the wife. V. 11. If these three rights be withheld, the bondsmaid is to go free without any redemption. A servitude in which the bondsmaid raio-ht become the honoured wife of the master or of his son, or in case of neglect, be released from her bond- age was thus secured for the poor daughter of Israel. II. LAWS OF PERSONAL SAFETY. V. 12-32. From man divested of the natural right of free- dom we advance to man invested with the natural right of personal inviolability. This is the most fundamental right that belongs to intelligent creatures. As they come from the hand of the Creator, one individual has no right to harm another, and each has a right to be left unharmed by every other. The Cieator has the authority and the obligation to enforce this law upon the intelligent portion of His creatures ; and in a fallen state civil government is instituted on the ulti- mate basis of the patriarchal authority to check its infringe- ment and guard personal safety. The special form of personal violence prohibited in this set of judgments is injury to life or limb. It is therefore an expansion of the sixth command- ment. The injury may come directly from our neighbour (v. 12-27), or indirectly from his ox (v. 28-32). EXODUS XXI. 12-32. 2 37 V. 12-14. Intentional killing, or murder, is placed first. The general rule is first laid down. The murderer shall surely be put to death. No satisfaction or ])ecuniary fine was to bo taken for the life of a murderer. The rich and the poor were to stand here on a footing of perfect equality (Num. xxxv. 31). Then the two cases of ])renieditated and unpremeditated man- slaying are distinguished. // a man lie not in wait. If the intention be not harboured in his mind, if a plot be not laid. But God deliver him into his hand. Here the particular providence of God is recognised in the most emphatic manner. This clause is merely the complement of that which precedes. If the slayer had no hand in bringing about the meeting, then it falls under the general head of the divine administration. It is only the meeting of the parties that is here referred to this head. The broader question of the occurrence of all events moral and physical in subordination to divine provi- dence is not here mooted. A place luhither he shall fiee. This contains a reference to the avenger of blood (''^'3, ^^i ^^^ Num. xxxv. 9-32), the nearest of kin, who was by primeval custom antecedent to all statute law entitled and bound to maintain the cause of the deceased in general, and in the case of death by violence to pursue the slayer, and, if he overtook him, to put him to death. The life of man is infinitely precious, both because he has been created in the image of God, and because he is responsible hereafter for what is done here. Hence even unintentional homicide is regarded as an awful deed, which is not to be passed over without check or censure. But though the avenger of blood is recognised as the minister of a prompt and natural justice, yet a w\ay of escape is opened for the un- intentional man-slayer by the institution of six cities of refuge (Josh. XX. 7, 8), so situated that the fugitive had not more than twenty-five or thirty English miles at most to flee. And as in most cases he would have a start of from one to twenty- four hours, he would generally be beyond the reach of his pur- suer in the course of a day. The cities of refuge were all Levitical, and therefore in a peculiar sense belonging to God, ■who shields the unintentional man slayer. The elders or council (^7^) of the city of refuge shall receive him, and not surrender him to the avenger of blood (Josh. xx. 4, 5). They shall hand him over to the council (nny) or elders of his own 238 LAWS OF PERSONAL SAFETY. city (Num. xxxv. 24, 25, Deut. x. 1 2), who shall decide whether he be guilty of manslaughter or murder, and in the former case " restore him to the city of his refuge," and in the latter " deliver him into the hand of the avenger of blood that he may die." v. 14. The murderer, as he acts from malice pre- pense, with presumptuous daring, or unmanly guile, is here, by way of contrast with the milder sentence of the unpreme- ditating man-slayer, emphatically condemned to death, from which not even the altar of God, much less the city of refuge, shall shelter him. This indicates both the fact that the altar was already regarded as a sacred and almost inviolable asylum for the defenceless on account of its intimate connection with Supreme Being, and the reason why Levitical cities, which belonged specially to God, were selected as cities of refuge. V. 15, In this second enactment we pass from the murder- ous stroke to the blow of violence inflicted on a father or a mother. To strike a parent, even though the blow be not fatal, is to lift the hand of violence against the author of our being. It is akin to rebellion against God himself, the great Father of all. It is here regarded with such abhorrence as to be visited with the penalty of death. We learn from this and other passages (v. 17, Deut. xxi. 18-21) that wilful and ob- stinate disrespect to parents was a crime that came under the cognisance of the civil judge. V. 16. The third judgment condemns the man-stealer to death. From the violent blow we proceed to the violent seizure. To steal a man and make merchandise of him is by its present connection regarded as aiming a blow at his life. It is, at all events, doing violence to his person, and therefore comes naturally under the sixth commandment. It differs entirely from the treatment of one who has come into legiti- mate bondage, to which the previous section is devoted. This enactment leads to the remarkable conclusion that the stealing or selling of a free man without his fault, or against his will, was in the polity of Israel a crime of the deepest dye ; and accordincrly that lawful servitude could only arise from the consent or the crime of the serf (see on v. 2-11). This form of the, law differs from the corresponding one in Deut. xxiv. 7 in the universality of its application. V. 17. The preceding enactments refer to the hand of me- EXODUS XXI. 12-32. 239 ditatcd violence ; the fourtli to tlie tongue. Some copies of the Sept., regarding the parents as the point of connection, transpose the 10th and 17th verses. But the Hebrew ai*- rangement rests on the more fundamental gradation from the hand to the tongue. Cursing father or motlier is a crime cojrnate with the breach of the third commandment. Tlie legislator evidently takes a comprehensive view of the prin- ciple involved in the sixth commandment similar to that of our Lord in the sermon on the Mount (Matt. v. 21-20). Hence " cursing," wishing evil to a parent, is treated ns a most flag- rant breach of this commandment. It violates the majesty of God, of whom the parent is the natural representative. V. 18, 19. In this fifth "judgment" from malice prepense, we proceed to sudden outbursts of violence arising from strife or passion. The present case refers to strife or angry debate between equals. From words they come to blows. A bruise is inflicted with a stone or the fist, which does not cause death, and yet confines the sufferer to his couch. Here both parties may be culpable ; and if the disabled man so far recover as to walk about on his staff, the striker is only to pay for the loss of time and the costs of the remedy. If, however, death ensue, either in the strife or before he leave his bed, the case is pro- vided for by the first enactment of this section (v. 1 2-14). It will come under the head of manslaughter, unless malice pre- pense can be proved. V. 20, 21, The sixth law refers to sudden violence on the part of a master. The chastisement of a servant or even a child with a rod was in perfect harmony with the allowed custom of the times. If, therefore, death under his hand should follow, it was to be presumed that the master did not intend to kill his servant. He filudl surch/ he imnislted. If he had without intention slain a free man, he would have fled to the city of refuge and remained there till the death of the high priest. In the case of a bondsman, then, we cannot suppose with the Talmud, that the penalty was death by the sword. In the absence of an avenger of blood we presume the elders of his city would examine whether the act was murder or manslaughter, and deal with him according to the spirit of the first enactment (v. 1 2-1 4j. This would involve at least banish- ment to the nearest city of refuge for the usual time. But it 240 LAWS OF PERSONAL SAFETY. is possible that death resulting ffom the excess of a legitimate mode of chastisement was punished by a fine of thirty shekels or upwards, the average value of a slave, along with the cost of burial and the maintenance of the surviving family. This is favoured by the decision that, if the slave survive a few- days, it is to be presumed that he did not intend to compass his death, and the loss of the slave is to be counted as a fine for the abuse of power. V, 22-25. This seventh decision passes to bodily injuries that fall short of the loss of life. In the case of strife or bodily conflict, it is not unnatural for the softer sex to interfere by their intreaties or personal efforts to restore peace or protect the party in whom they are interested. A woman with child may thus be injured and abortion take place without any farther mischief resulting. The offender is in this case to be fined according to the damages laid on by the husband and regulated and enforced by the judges. The rendering of the Sept. /x£-a a^i(LiMaTog is free but according to the sense. Some understand " her fruit departing from her " of premature birth and refer the "mischief" to the loss of either the mother's or the child's life. v. 23. If mischief follow, the decision is, " thou shalt give life for life." The lex talionis or law of re- taliation is here laid down as the great principle by which the magistrate is to be guided in the administration of justice. A great deal of unreasonable obloquy has been heaped upon this law, as if it inculcated or implied the right of private revenge. A little reflection will show that it is the simple and only principle of all retributive justice. If two men were the only intelligent beings in existence, neither would have any right to hurt or apply any force to the other. On the other hand the law of self-love would suggest the obligation to love the other as himself. If the one did injure the other, the latter would not thereb}^ acquire any right to injure the former to the same or to any amount, or to quench or abate the feel- ing of benevolence already entertained towards him. But he would have the right of laying his cause before the ultimate fountain of all authority. And it is clear as day that the Crea- tor is the supreme judge of all his creatures, and is bound by the simple law of equity to indemnify the sufferer and to im- pose an adequate penalty on the offender. This, and this EXODUS XXI. 12-32. 241 alone, is the true import of the lex talionis. It is merely the law of equity expressed thus : as is the offence, such is to he the penalty. But its administrator is not the private in- dividual, hut the duly authorised magistrate. Tlie error of many Jews in our Lord's time (Mat. v. 38-48), and of the carnal mind in all times, is to assume the rif^^ht and induh^e the spirit of private revenge to the extinction of that spirit of love which ouirht to actuate the breast of one intelli'cent being towards another. But this does not touch the abstract principle of equity, or the authority and obligation of the civil magistrate to maintain it between man and man. v. 24. ^rhe arrangement of the members here is obvious, v. 25. The fire, the sword or other sharp instrument, and the fist or some blunt instrument inflict these injuries. It is expressly stated (Numb. xxxv. 31, 32) that no satisfaction (iSS, expiation, redemption), is to be taken for the penalties of murder and manslaughter. This implies that satisfaction or commutation of punishment was known and practised, and that it was admissible in other cases. V. 2G, 27. The eighth enactment provides for the case of a slave being mutilated by his master. The loss of an eye or a tooth by violence is to be compensated by the emancii)a- tion of the shive. This is a clear case of commutation. These verses in the Hebi'ew close an open parasha or greater section, obviously because the legislator now passes from injuries done hi/ men to injuries inflicted by cattle. But we conceive that injuries done to men and injuries to property f(jrm the funda- mental basis of division. V. 28-31. The ninth judgment refers to the goring of a free man by an ox. If death ensue, the ox is to be stoned, and his flesh is not to be eaten. The loss of the ox is to stand for the penalty of the owner, if he be otherwise blame- less. The law is remarkably earnest in the protection of human life. v. 29. If the ox be danrjerous, and the owner have been advised of it and have not kept him in, then tiie ox is to be stoned and the owner also put to death, v. 30. But a commutation of punishment is expressly allowed in this case. v. 31. The child is to be equally protected with the full-grown man. v. 32. The tenth, and last of this group of laws, applies to Q 2 42 LAWS OF PROPERTY. the case of a slave being gored by an ox. The redemption price is in this case fixed at thirty shekels of silver. Esti- mating the shekel at 220 grains of silver, or about 2s, 3d., we find thirty shekels equal to £3, 7s. 6d, If the relative value of silver was formerly greater than now, the estimated value of a slave must be proportionately increased. Some suppose it was, in the time of Moses, ten or twenty times its pre- sent value. A freeman above twenty and under sixty years of age was estimated at fifty shekels of silver, a woman at thirty. For other ages, the estimates varied according to a fixed rule (Lev. xxvii. 1-8). A close section, or minor paragraph of the Hebrew text, here terminates, because the laws relative to the ox are not yet completed. The laws referring to the defence of life, however, are at this point separated from those treat- ing of the protection of property. This is, therefore, the second break in this civil code. It is here to be noted, that the distinction of intentional or unintentional, which is signalised in the first of these enact- ments, runs through the whole, and modifies the degree of guilt and the amount of the penalty. III. LAWS OF PROPERTY. V, 83 — chap, xsii. v. ] 4 (15). From man invested with the bare rights of nature, we now rise to man endowed with the acquired rights of property. Adam, as soon as he came from his Maker's hand, had the right of personal inviolability. As soon as his Maker made him a formal grant of all the trees of the garden that were suitable for him, he had received the right of property, which assumed an endless variety of forms in the progressive development of the race. V. 33, 34. The first "judgment" refers to the case of a man opening a pit already made and covered, or digging a pit, and in either case leaving it uncovered. If an ox or an ass fall therein and be killed, the owner of the pit shall make it good. The money value he shall give to the owner of the animal, and himself retain the dead. This is a good instance of the lex tallonis, varied by commutation, and exhibited as in principle the return of an equivalent. V. 35, 30. In the second enactment it is provided, that EXODUS XXII. 18. 2i3 wlierc an ox gores another to Joatli, tlic owners sliall divide etiually tlie value of" the living and the dead animals. But if the live ox was addicted to goring, his owner shall ])ay ox for ox, and the dead shall be his. It is obvious that to \y,iy ox for ox, is to give either an ox of equal value, or the fair price of the ox killed. In the English veision this chapter ends here. This divi- sion corresponds with a minor section of the Masoretic text, and with the sense. But a more ajjpropriate ending for the chapter would have been at v. St, where the legislator passes from the subject of personal safety to that of property. CHAP. XXII. LAWS OF PROPERTY AND CONJUGAL FIDELITY. 1 8. It^^o enchanter or sorcerer (vii. 1 1 ). ''pjri^ ivizard, one wise in black arts. 3lk the ghost of the departed conjured up to give answers concerning the future. These two terms generally occur together, and refer to the necromancer. 20 Q")n to prohibit from common use, to devote to God without possibility of redemption (Lev. xxvii. 28, 29), and hence utterly to destroy and exterminate. 29 ^^?J^ ^Ae /u^jiess of the corn harvest ; the first-fruits of this fulness offered to God in grateful acknowledgment. Vt^l the tear, the trickling juice of the fruit-tree harvest, of which the first fruits were also to be presented to the Lord. 1 If a man steal an ox or a sheep, and kill it or sell it, lie shall re- store five oxen for an ox and four sheep for a sheep. 2 If the thief be found breaking in, and be smitten that he dio, there shall be no blood for him. 3 If the sun be risen upon hiui, there shall be blood for him ; he shall make full restitution ; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft. 4. If the theft be certainly found in his hand alive, be it ox, or ass, or sheep, lie shall restore double. § 4o. 5 If a man graze on a iield or vineyard, and put in his beast and graze on another's field, of the best of his field and of the best of his vineyard shall ho restore. § 40. 6 If a tiro break out and catch on thorns, and a stack of com, or 244) LAWS OF PROPERTY AND CONJUGAL FIDELITY. the standing corn, or the field be consumed, he that kindleth the fire shall surely make restitution. § 47. 7 If a man shall deliver unto his neighbour money or stuff to keep, and it be stolen out of the man's house ; if the thief be found, he shall restore double. 8 If the thief be not found, then the master of the house shall be brought unto God, to swear that he hath not put his hand unto his neiglibour's goods. 9 For all manner of trespass, for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, for anything lost, if one say that that is it, the cause of both parties shall come uuto God ; and whom God shall condemn, he shall restore double to his neighbour. § 48. 10 If a man deliver unto his neighbour an ass, or an ox, or a sheep, or any beast to keep, and it die or be hurt or taken away no man see- ing ; 11 An oath of the Lord shall be between them both, that he hath not put his hand to his neighbour's goods ; and the owner of it shall accept this ; and he shall not make it good. 1 2 And if it be stolen from him, he shall make it good to the owner thereof 13 If it be torn in pieces, he shall bring it for witness : he shall not make good that which was torn. T '^^• 14 And if a man borrow aught of his neighbour, and it be hurt or die ; if the owner thereof be not with it, he shall surely make it good. 15 If the owner thereof be with it, he shall not make it good; if it be hired, it went for its hire. § 49. 16 And if a man entice a maid that is not betrothed and lie with her, he shall surely endow her to be his wife. 17 If her father utterly refuse to give her unto him, he shall pay money according to the dowry of virgins. § 50. 18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live. 19 Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death. § 51. 20 He that sacrificeth to any God, save unto the Lord onlj^, shall be devoted to death. 21 And thou shalt not vex a stranger or oppress him ; for ye Avere strangers in the land of Mizraim. 22 Ye shall not afflict any widow or fatherless child. 23 If thou afflict them in any wise, and they cry at all unto me, I will surely hear their cry. 24 And my wrath shall wax hot and I will slay you with the sword : and your wives shall be widows and your children fatherless. ^ 36. 25 If thou lend money to any of my people, that is poor by thee ; thou shalt not be to him as a usurer : thou shalt not lay upon him usury. 26 If thou at all take thy neighbour's raiment to pledge, thou shalt restore it to him at the going down of the sun. 27 For that is his only covering ; that is his raiment for his skin : wherein shall he EXODUS XXII. 5. 2 is sleep? and it Avill como to pass that he sliall cry unto me and T will liear ; for I am merciful. § 52. 28 Thou shalt not revile God nor curse a prince among thy people. 29 Thou shalt not delay the first i'ruits of thy corn and of thy wine : the first-horn of thy sons shalt thou <;ive unto me. 30 So shalt thou do with thine ox, and thy sheep: seven days shall it he with its dam; on the eighth day shalt tiiou give it me. 31 And yo shall be holy men unto me ; neither shall ye eat flesh that is torn of beasts in the fields ; ye shall cast it to the dog. § 53. V. 1. Ill this third law we proceed from injuries to property ari.sing from inadvertence or negligence to those which are in- tentional. The case of the thief having got off with his booty and killed or sold it is placed first. The fivefold and fourfold restitution is intended to cover the time, trouble, and cost which the theft may in this case have occasioned over and above the mere loss of the animal stolen. The theft of an ox involves in this respect a somewhat greater accompanying loss than that of a sheep, and this is allowed for in the fivefold restitution. This verse is attached to the preceding chapter in the ori- ginal, seemingly because, like the previous verses, it treats of oxen. But as it treats of theft it is preferable with the Eng- lish version to connect it with the following verses which refer to the same subject. V. 2-4. The fourth enactment treats of a thief caufjbt in the act. This gives rise to three cases. 1. He loses his life by night. In this case no blood is to be shed for him. By his nightly intrusion he endangers life directly or indirectly. His life is the forfeit of his intended crime. 2. If he be smitten by day, the slayer shall suffer ; because there is no necessity for his death. He has been seen, and if he fjet off, he can be overtaken by justice and compelled to make restitution as alread}' prescribed. If he have nothing, and therefore cannot make the required restitution, he is to he sold for his theft. This is a clear case of servitude being the judicial penalty of crime. 3. If the thing stolen be found alive in his hand, and therefore without the trouble and cost of a tedious search, lie shall restore double. V. 5. The fifth decision regards the introduction by fraud 246 LAWS or property. or negligence of cattle into the field, especially the grain-field or vineyard of a neighbour. It is presumed that the damage occurs by carelessness. At all events compensation to the full amount is to be made from the best of the trespasser's field or vineyard. V. G. The sixth refers to the breaking out of fire in a stack, or standing corn, or a field. It is customary in pastoral dis- tricts to kindle fires in the fields at all seasons ; and it is not unusual to set fire to the herbage for the purpose of promot- ing the fertility of the soil. If the wind and the lie of the field are not attentively considered, there is much danger of the fire spreading either to the standing or to the garnered grain. The careless kindler of the fire is to make restitution for the damage done. This is analogous to the preceding case. The other cases also in this section go together to a certain extent in pairs. v. 7, 8. The following determinations refer to the entrust- ing of property, either as a deposit or a loan. In the present case, money or articles of any kind are entrusted to another. If the thing entrusted be stolen, and the thief be caught, he shall restore double. If not, the trustee is called upon to make oath before God that he has not put his hand to his neighbour's goods. If he can do so, he is acquitted. V. 9. But if he do not clear himself in this way, he comes •under the present regulation. This applies to an}'- kind of thing missing, or said to be missing, that is found with a man who denies it, while it is challenged by another as that very thing which he has lost. This is evidently a case of some complication and difficulty. It is to come before the delegates of the Most High for adjudication, and he with whom the article missing is adjudged to be found, though denied, is to restore double. V. 10-18. This regulation refers to animals committed to the keeping of another. The Rabbins make a distinction be- tween paid and unpaid trustees ; the latter being entrusted merely with money or articles that require only house-room, the former with cattle that require sustenance. It is obvious that in this case the caretaker must be remunerated at least for the cost of the animal's keep. If the animal die, or be maimed, or carried off secretly, and the guardian make oath EXODUS XXII. 9, 13. 247 tliat he is innocent of the loss, he shall not make it good, V. 1 3. If it be torn })y a wild beast, and he bring the remains of it as a proof, he is to be acquitted. This verse terminates a major .section of the Masoretic text, because the next refers not to trusteeship, but to lending. But the two following verses relate to property as well as the preceding; while the subsequent verses relate to conjugal fidelity. The major division should in this view bo placed after the 1 oth verse of the English version, or the 1 tth of the Hebrew text. V. 1 4, 1 5. The tenth regulation of this law section refers to borrowing any article or animal from a neighbour. If it be injured or killed in the absence of the owner, it is to bo made good. But if the owner be present, the thing borrowed is not to be made good ; and if hired, it is to go for its hire. IV. LAWS ON CONJUGAL FIDELITY. V. lG-31. The regulations under this head are somewhat miscellaneous. To give a unity to them we must suppose the relation between God and his people to be S3'^mboli.sed by that between husband and wife ; and we must reijard God as the avowed guardian and representative of the stranger, the widow, and the orphan. The covenant between God and his people (Gen. ix. 9-17, xv. 18, xvii. 1-24, Ex. vi. 4, 5, xix. 5, G) in which he engages to be their God, and takes them to be his people, warrants the f jrmer symbol, which becomes fre- quent in the later scriptures. The stranger (Gen. xv. 1 3, Ex. XX. 10), the widow, and the fatherless, arc special classes of the unprotected, whom God wuU hear if they be oppressed and cry unto him (Ex. ii. 23, 24, iii. 9). V. lG-17. The first precept affords protection to the unbe- trothed female who is enticed or beguiled into uncluistity. The enticer shall einloiv her to he Jcis wife. The dowry was a portion given by the bridegroom for his bride to her jjarents (Gen. xxix. 18-20, xxxiv. 1 2, 1 Sam. xviii. 25). The present passage favours the suppo.sition that it was originally intended for the use of the bride. If the father refuse to give her, he sJuill pay money according to the doivry of virgUis. To pay money is here to weigh silver, which was not yet c»jiued. 248 LAWS ON CONJUGAL FIDELITY. The sum afterwards fixed by law was fifty shekels of silver (Deut. xxii. 29). V. 18. The second judgment. A wizard {'')Vy) is one who endeavours to accomplish a selfish end b}^ the powers of dark- ness. The masculine form of the term here employed ('""SL'bpN denotes a sorcerer or enchanter, who employs the charm or muttered chant to bring a preternatural power to his aid (Ex. V. 11). The practiser of such arts, or the pretender to them, is by the very fact an apostate from God, a breaker of that solemn and gracious covenant which he has made with his people, and a traitor to the theocraty under which he lives. And his example at least would tempt the people to all these crimes. Such a one is, accordingly, not to be suffered to live. The penalty for witchcraft is stoning (Lev. xx. 27), and this, no doubt, extended to all its forms. The phrase n>nri N? is employed to denote the immediate and extreme necessity of exterminating this lurking form of enmity against God and man. The male and female are no doubt included in this judgment ; but the wizard seems to have been less common than the witch. V. 19. The third rule condemns an unnatural crime of the kind that rendered Sodom infamous. Such a crime implies a being dead to all fear of God as much as to the very instincts of nature. v. 20. Tlie fourth law declares the man who sacrifices to any being but the true God to be accursed, and therefore given over to extermination. V. 21-24. This fifth provision, as well as the two follow- ing, has reference to the unprotected classes, the stranger, the widow, the fatherless, and the poor. TJiou shalt not vex. This word signifies to harass by unworthy treatment, and is followed by another implying a greater degree of violence and injustice. A stranger. While the Lord is constrained by the ungodliness of the world to select for himself a people whom he may teach and bless, the stranger is to be peculiarly wel- come among this people, and every facility afforded for their admission into all the rights and privileges of the theocraty. "Whatever, therefore, may have been the conduct of Israel in different periods of her history, it is clear that the God of EXODUS xxir. 19-24. 249 Israel and his niinistcrs are to be completely exonerated from the charge of exclusiveness. The stranger is not to be dis- couraged or oppressed, but welcomed to sojourn and even to be incorporated in the coniinonwealth of Israel. Foi' ye vjcre tttrdiigers. An afi'ecting appeal is here made to the bondage which seven weeks could not have effaced from their me- mories. A ]>rovision was made, as we have already seen, for the stranjrer beinir admitted to tlie ordinance of the Passover (xii, 48), and allowed and required to observe the Sabbath (xx. 1 0). We shall meet with other tokens of consideration for the stranger as we proceed (Lev. xix. 9, xxiii. 22, Deut. xiv. 28, 29, xvi. 11-14, xxiv. 17-22, xxvi. 11-13). v. 22. Ye shall not afflict, tread down or oppress. Any vj'idow or fatherless child. Tliere is a touching nicety and correctness in the use of fatherless child for orphan in the English ver- sion ; inasmuch as the decease of the father leaves both the widow and tlie child without their natural protector and sus- tainer, whereas the motherless child has still the father as its stay. V. 23, 24. God threatens to be the avenger of the widow and the fatherless by bringing the sword of war on the ruthless oppressors. V. 25. The sixth ordinance requires that no usury or interest be taken upon money lent to the poor. The poor may be regarded as a fourth class of the dependent who were exposed to base and cruel wrong in ancient times. The Lord declares himself the affectionate and resolute guardian of the poor, and inculcates upon his people a regard for the feelings of humanity which had been almost extinguished in the heathen world. The lending of money for a percentage to the wealthy for coramei'cial operations is not contemplated in this precept. V. 26, 27. Tlie seventh is the law of pledges which was much restricted in consideration of the poor. The receiver was not at liberty to enter the house but must wait at the door for the pledge (Deut. xxiv. 10-13). He must also re- store it at sunset. The garment referred to was a large shawl or plaid, now called haik, which was worn by day, and was the covering of the poor man, who threw himself on his couch with his clothes on by night. The " merciful," God will hear the cry of the wretched poor. 250 LAWS OF VERACITY, SET TIMES AND PIETY. V. 28. The eighth precept condemns the blasphemer. God is here contemplated as the author of that providence which dispenses the affairs of men. He is virtually a breaker of covenant with God who rails at his providential dealings. The selfish heart is prone to murmur against the Almighty, whether he be regarded as the withholder of prosperity or the restrainer of crime. But the afflicted poor and the disappointed oppressor, are alike warned against the temptation to blas- pheme the name of God. The prince is conjoined with God as the minister of his law and the magistrate of his people in a theocratic state. The responsibility to rule for God belongs to all sovereigns, and the obligation to honour the ruler rests upon all subjects. V. 29, 30. The ninth is the general law of first-fruits and firstlings. Tliou shalt not delay, keep back or withhold. The first-fruits of thy corn and of thy vjine, the fulness of the harvest and the trickling juice of the vintage were to come in the first fruits to God who gave them. This is more fully ordered afterwards (Lev. xxiii. 10-21 ; Deut. xviii. 4). Tke first horn of thy sons. This has been already ananged (xiii. 2). V. On the eighth day. After seven days the oflfspring has a hold of life and individuality (Gen. xvii. ] 2). It is then fit to be presented to God. The offering of the first of everything is the acknowledg- ment that all is due to God and the token of a soul in cove- nant with him. This precept, therefore, comports with the general principle of faithfulness to covenant engagements. V. 3J. The tenth ordinance inculcates sanctity. Sanctity of the outward person is symbolic of that purity of heart that ought to characterise those who are in communion with God. That which was torn was imperfectly separated from the blood which is the life and was otherwise unclean. The dog was the emblem of the unbeliever. CHAP. XXIII. LAWS OF VERACITY, OF SET TIMES AND OF PIETY, G. lV25< the needy, who feels the pinchings of want. r. de- sire, want. >*!! the dependent, r. hang, swing. EXODUS XXIII. 251 11. COC* to remit or release from oultivation. Hence n^Q'j' release, cessation from agricultural labuur. 1 Tliou shall not l)oar a false report: put not thy hand willi tlio -wickeil to he a wron^'fiil witness. 2 Thou shalt not follow a inulti- tuilt! to evil. Neither slialt thou answer in a to lean after a nuiltitutle to wrong. 3 Neitlier shalt thou countenance a poor man in his cause. § 54. 4 If thou meet thine enemy's ox or his ass going astray, thou shalt surely hring it back to him again. § 55. 5 If thou see the ass of him tliat hateth thee lying under his burden, then thuu shalt forbear to leave him, thou shalt surely leave with him. § oG. Thou shalt not wrest the judgment of thy needy in his cause. 7 Tliou shalt be far from a f dse matter : and the innocent and righte- ous slay thou not; for I will not justify the wicked. 8 And thou slialt not take a gift ; for the gift blindcth tlie open eyed, and ])er- verteth the words of the righteous. 9 And thou slialt not opfiress a stranger : and ye know the heart of a stranger ; for ye were strangers in the land of Mizraim. 10 And six years shalt thou sow thy land and gather in the fruit thereof 11 J5ut the seventh year thou shalt let it rest and lie ; and the needy of thy people sliall eat, and what they leave the beast of the field sliall eat. So slialt thou do to ihy vineyard and thy olive. 12 ISix days shalt thou do thy work, and on the seventh day thou shalt rest ; that thine ox and thine ass may rest, and the son of thy handmaid and tiie stranger may be refreshed. 13 And in all that I have said to you, be ciicuraspect : and mention not the name of other gods, nor let it be lieard out of thy mouth. 14 'J'hree times shalt thou keep a feast unto me in the year. 15 Thou shalt keep the feast of unleavened bread : seven days shalt thou cat unleavened bread, as I commanded thee in the set time of the month Abib ; for in it thou earnest out from Mizraim : and none shall ajipear before me empty : 16 And the feast of harvest, the first-fruits of thy labours, which thou sowest in the field : and the feast of in- gathering in the end of the year, when thou gatherest in thy labours out of the field. 17 Three times in tlie year all thy nudes shall a])pear before the Lord Jehovaii. 18 Thou shalt not olfer the blood of my sacrifice with leavened bread : neither shall the fat of my feast remain until the morning. lU The hrst of the lirst- fruits of thy ground thou bhalt bring into the 252 LAWS OF VERACITY. house of the. Lord thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in its mother's milk. H 36. 20 Behold I send an angel before thee : to keep thee in the way ; and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. 21 Beware of him, and hear his voice, provoke him not : for he will not pardon your transgressions ; for my name is in him. 22 For if thou indeed hear his voice and do all that I speak ; then will I be an enemy unto thine enemies and an adversary to thine adversaries. 23 For mine angel shall go before thee and bring thee to the Amorits and. the Hit- tite, and the Perizzite and the Kenaanite, the Hivite and the Jebusite ; and I M'ill cut them off. 24 Thou shalt not bow down to their gods nor serve them, nor do after their works ; but thou shalt utterly over- throw them and quite break down their pillars. 25 And ye shall serve the Lord your God : and he shall bless thy bread and thy water ; and take away sickness from the midst of thee. § 57. 26 None shall miscarry or be barren in thy land : the number of thy days I will ful- fil. 27 I will send my fear before thee, and confound all the people to whom thou comest ; and make all thine enemies turn their back unto thee. 28 And I will send the hornet before thee ; and it shall drive out the Hivite, the Kenaanite, and the Hittite from before thee. 29 1 will not drive him out from before thee in one year ; lest the land become desolate, and the beast of the field multiply against thee. 30 By little and little I will drive him out from before thee, until thou be fruitful and inherit the land. 31 And I will set thy border from the Red Sea even to the sea of the Philistines, and from the wil- derness unto the river : for I will deliver into your hand the inhabi- tants of the land ; and thou shalt drive them out before thee. 32 Thou shalt make no covenant with them nor with their gods. 33 They shall not dwell in thy land, lest they make thee sin against me : for thou wilt serve their gods ; for it will be a snare to thee. ^ 38. V. LAWS OF VEKACITY. V. 1-9. This group of precepts relates chiefly to sincerity in speech, and integrity in judgment. By a natural expan- sion, however, it includes two precepts, which refer to honesty and kindliness of purpose, and are therefore quite in harraony with truthfulness of language. V. L The first precept refers to witness-bearing, with an intent either to deceive or to wrong. To bear a false report is either to raise or to carry it, but especially the latter. A EXODUS XXIII. 8. 253 wrongful ivitness is one who testifies falsely so as to inflict a wrong upon another. V. 2. This verse contains two precepts which are connected by the common reference to a multitude. The former is general, prohibiting the following of a multitude in anything that is evil. The latter is special, prohibiting a similar com- pliance in bearing witness so as to wrong the righteous in his cause. V. 3. To countenance or honour the poor man in his cause is to connive at his criminality from a mistaken compassion for his poverty. This rule is extended to the rich as well as the poor in Lev. xix. 15. V. 4. The fifth injunction transcends the obligation to .speak the truth. He that meets his enemy's beast going astiay is not only not to be silent on the subject, but not to refrain from interfering. He Is to beat down the exasperated feeling of his heart, and bring back the straying animal to his enemy as if he were a friendly brother. This would be a happy means of softening many asperities. V. 5, The sixth precept comes in here on the principle of association. Then thou shall forbear to leave him. This seems to be the ."simplest mode of rendering this somewhat obscure phrase. It enables us to give the usual meaning of ^[V (leave) consistently throughout. Thou shall surely leave iviih him. Leave the place with the owner and his ass re- lieved. two precepts breathe the spirit of forgiveness and brotherly kindness. In this, as in every other revSpect, the Old Testament is in harmony with the New (Matt. v. 4 4). V. G. In the seventh precept of this series we again return to truthfulness of speech. The needy and dependent are ex- posed to oppression and injustice in a .selfish world. But the man of God is not to wrest the judgment of the needy. Tlij ncfdy, thy brother who is needy. This touches the feelings of a common humanity. V. 7. The eighth inculcates the avoidance of all connection \\\i\\ a false matter, particularly in lawsuits, where it may involve the judicial slaying of the innocent and the righteous. / icilt not just if u, 1 will most assuredly condemn, (he ivickcd. V. 8. The ninth refers to bribery. The acceptance of a 254 LAWS REGARDING SET TIMES. gift is forbidden on the ground that it blinds the eyes and perverts the tongue. V. 9. In regard to judicial truth, the stranger is entitled to the same equitable treatment as the home-born. On this sub- ject the appeal is made to their own past experience. It is evident that this series of precepts finely enforces truth of pur- pose and honesty of heart, and forms a noble commentary on the ninth commandment. VI. LAWS REGARDING SET TIMES. V. 10-19. The set times of the Lord are here treated in their bearing: on civil affairs. This series of ordinances forms a brief but comprehensive development of the commandment that introduces the element of sacredness into the disposal of our time. v, 10, 1 J . The first precept regards the Sabbatical year. " Six years " of sowing and reaping are to be followed by a seventh year, in which men are to rest from sowing, and leave off' gathering in that which grows of itself. The spontaneous growth is to be for the needy and for the beast of the field. The same rule is to apply to the vineyard and the oliveyard. This is one of the most distinctive institutions of a theocratic state. No merely human legislator could venture to enact a law suspending the cultivation of the soil for a year, because he has not the power to secure the subject from the famine that might thereby ensue. It is otherwise, however, with the Author of all things, who can command an extraordinary fer- tility in the previous year that will sustain his people for two years (Lev. xxv. 20-22). The scriptural use of the number seven in sacred things is to be deduced not from the division of the natural month into four periods of seven days, which is not exact in itself, nor from the seven planets, from which some nations have derived distinctive names for the daj^s of the week, but from the six days of creative work and the seventh daj'- of rest, with which the present order of things was introduced. This historical fact the Scripture records, and makes the base of a weekly commemoration. The other fancies of a later age it does not recognise, and must not be forced to accept. In that great event God came into immediate and EXODUS XXIII. 10-19. 255 manifest contact with the heavens and the eartli, reconstituted tlie system of physical things, clothed the dry land witli vege- tation, and peojiled it with animated nature. On this occa- sion, for the time, a rational inhabitant was placed upon the earth. The cycle of seven days during which this creative process was completed and celebrated imparted an association of sacredness to the nuniber seven. The Sabbatical year, which is here mentioned for the first time, is also called the year of release. In this year — 1. the land was to be left uncultivated, and its spontaneous growth made common to the servile, the })oor, the stranger, and the wild animals. Several remarkable effects would follow from the honest carrj'ing out of this arrangement. The spirit of avarice would be kept in constant and effectual check. The opposite feelings of compassion, charity, benevolence, and brotherly kindness would be brought into play. The original equality of all men in point of biith and right would rise to the surface of iiuman observation. The habits of prudence and economy would be cherished, as the produce of six years must be so husbanded as to serve for seven years. A profound and practical sense of dependence upon the Lord of provi- dence would be awakened in the breast (Lev. xxv. 2-8, Joseph. Antiq. iii. 1 2, 3), This institution thus harmonises with the Sabbath in breaking down the nan-ow selfishness of the fallen nature, and fostering the disinterested kindliness that springs up in the new heart. 2. A debt owed by a poor man who had nothing to pay was to be remitted, or at all events not exacted. This is a natural consequence of the intermission of cultivation during the seventh year. He that receives no fruits from the soil is not in a condition to j)ay debt. This carries the liberality of the affluent brother to its ultimate ex- tent. The poor man is not to be allowed to perish though he have nothing to pay (Deut. xv. 1 , 2). S. On this year, during the feast of tabernacles, the law was to be read aloud in the audience of all the people. On this Sabbath-year it was appropriate that the great principles of morality should be solemnly presented to the minds of the people. The septen- nial Sabbath thus bore a complete analogy to the hebdomadal, Avhich was to be celebrated by a holy leisure for the offices of public worship. 256 LAWS EEGARDING SET TIMES. V. 12, 13. The seventh day sabbath is here introduced in its relation to civic rights. The cattle, the servile, and the stranger are to be partakers in this rest. v. 13. And in all that I have said to you, be circvbmspect. This admonition appears to refer to the precept concerning the Sabbath. And 'mention not the name of other gods. The import of this in- junction is to be ascertained from the nature of the enactment to which it refers. The fourth commandment belongs to that table which contains our duty to God. It prescribes, more- over, the day on which religious exercises are to be statedly observed. It is the only precept in the decalogue which involves the ordinances of a perpetual worship, and keeps alive in the breasts of the people the remembrance of God, of his will and of his grace. Hence it is natural that the people should be guarded against devoting themselves or any of their thoughts on this day to any false god. This is therefore not a separate precept, but an incidental warning in regard to the special solemnities of the Sabbath. Some have regarded this verse as a concluding formula of admonition referring to the preceding part of the chapter and marking it off from that which follows. But it is remarkable that the Masoretes have no division whatever at this point of the text. This plainly indicates that they regarded this verse merely as the completion of the precept concerning the Sabbath, and not an independent rule or closing exhortation. V. 14-17. The next five precepts refer to the annual festi- vals. The first determines that there shall be three such festivals in the year. v. 1 5. The second enjoins the feast of unleavened bread. As 1 commanded thee. The passover or feast of unleavened bread has been already instituted (xii). A nd none shall appear before m,e empty. This applies to all the three festivals, and refers to the obligation of all without ex- ception to provide the things requisite for the celebration of each. Freewill-offerings might be presented on such occasions ; but they are not implied in these words, v. 1 6. The third relates to the second festival (Lev. xxiii. 15-22 ; Num. xxviii. 26-31; Deut. xvi. 9-12). It wiis called the feast of harvest, because the ijrain harvest was drawing to a close at the time of its celebration ; the day of first-fruits, because then the two loaves made of the new corn were presented (Num. xxviii, 26) ; bXODTts xxiii. 18, 19. 257 and the feast of iveclcs or Pentecost, because it was kept on the morrow after the seventh Sabbath from tlie Sabbath of the feast of unleavened bread (Deut. xvi. 10). The fourth refers to the third festival (Lev. xxiii. 33-43 ; Num. xxix. ] 2-31) ; Deut. xvi. 13-15). This is called the feast of in-gathering, because the fruit harvest was then comj)leted and the whole produce of the ground gathered in ; and the feast of tabernacles, because the tabernacling of the people in the wilderness was then commemorated. These three festivals correspond in the main with the three elements of salvation : the passover with the atonement ; the pentecost with the new birth ; and the feast of ingathering with pardon and its accompanying pleni- tude of blessings. The pentecost is regarded as the com])letion of the passover ; and so sanctification invariably accompanies justification. Mercy flows forth in pardon as the end of which the atonement and the new birth are the means. So the feast of ingathering in the beginning of the ancient year is mediated by the feasts of the passover and of weeks in the beginning of the new year. v. 1 7. The fifth precept affirms the obliga- tion of all males to appear at each of the three festivals. V. 18, The two directions in this verse are united into the eighth regulation by their common reference to tlie piissover. TJie blood of Tny sacrifice, of the passover lamb, which was peculiarly God's sacrifice and pre-eminently the type of the Messiah (Jo. i. 29). Leavened bread. Leaven is that which dissolves and corrupts. It is, therefore, a fit emblem of sin which is to be excluded from the service or the offerings of God (xii. 1 0). I'he fat of my feast. The paschal lamb was to be wholly consumed in the evening and no part left till the morning. This is the rule, whether we understand " the fat of my feast " to be the best of sacrifices, that is, the passover,- or, what is more likely, the fat of the paschal lamb, which was to be offered to the Lord, while the flesh was eaten by the worshippers. v. 1 9. This verse contains two regulations. That con- cerning the first-fi-uits refers to the feast of weeks, when the two wave loaves, which may be called the first of the first- fruits of the ground, were offered unto the Lord (Lev. xxiii. 1 7). And next the eastern custom of occasionally seething in milk here comes into view and lias survived to this day. The R 258 THE LAWS OF PIETY. prohibition to seethe a kid in the mothers milk has reference to all the festivals or set times of the Lord. It appears from the regulations concerning these (Num. xxviii. 29), that one kid of the goats for a sin-offering was to be offered in the beginnings of the months, on each of the seven days of the feast of unleavened bread, on the day of the first fruits, on the first and the tenth days of the seventh month and on each of the eight days of the feast of tabernacles. The flesh of this kid was to be dressed and eaten by the priests in the holy place (Lev. vi. 26). Hence the general precept comes in here that a kid is not to be seethed in its mother's milk. The dam is the natural mother and nurse of the kid, and the milk is the natural aliment by which life is sustained. To employ the milk of the very dam to aid in cooking the kid for food is a rude violation of the order of nature, and to pro- hibit such a custom is to cultivate those feelings of considera- tion and tenderness in the daily routine of our thoughts which sin tends to quench and moral training is intended to rekindle. This minute regulation on behalf of right feeling, involves the great principle that the course of human feeling and conduct ought in its finest as well as its broadest lines to be broujilit into harmony with the law of universal benevolence. VII. THE LAWS OF PIETY. V. 20-83. It is manifest that the law of moral thought can- not be spread out into the same distinguishable branches as that of external action. Accordingly, this passage, which is marked off in the Masorah, both at the beginning and the end, as a major section, is not very obviously divisible into ten rules or judgments. It bears also a temporary aspect, inasmuch as it treats of matters that come to a termintition wdien the people are settled in the land of promise. And it consists very largely of promises, which scarcely enter into the other sections of this code of civil jurisprudence. Never- theless, it evidently forms an integral part of the common law of Israel. It is appropriate and essential that promises should have a direct or indirect part in " the book of the covenant." Accordingly, in this conclusion of the civil code, promises are intermingled with injunctions ; and though some of them are EXODUS xxiii. 21, 22. 259 terminable, yet tliey prefigure blessings of a liiglier order, aiul of perpetual duration. And a decade of commands sccmiis to be here intermingled with a decade of promises. V. 20-23. This portion contains three commands and threo promises, v. 20. Behold. This word is frequently used to introduce an important intimation concerning the future. / send cm awjel before thee. The angel here ]iromised is very closely allied with the speaker and sender. He has power to " pardon transgressions." The reason assigned for this high prerogative is, " For my name is in his inmost;" my nature is in his essence. This intimates a substantial identity. We conclude that the angel here is God manifest in angelic offices to His people. They are to "beware of him, to hear his voice, and provoke him not." To " hear his voice," and to "do all that I speak," appear to be of the same import. All these phrases corroborate the conclusion that the angel is God. He is sent before the people for the important purposes of keeping them in the way, and bringing them to the place prepared for them. This is the great promise of the passage. It is in continuance, and at the same time in advance of former assurances (iii. 8, xiii. 21, 22). It intimates, at the same time, a certain distance in point of moral condition between God and His people, which is bridged over by means of His angel (Gen. xvi. 7). V. 21. This verse contains three injunctions regarding this angel. Beware of him. Give reverent heed to him, as the Supreme God is in him. Hear his voice. Understand and obey him, as the Lord revealing himself by his word. Pro- voke him not. Let not your will come into conflict with his will, as he is the Great Spirit, who is to be worshipped in sj)irit and in truth. V. 22. The central command is recapitulated and elucidate.l in the condition, " If thou indeed hear his voice, and do all that I speak." This verse presents a second promise, conse- quent upon the former. Then will I he an enemy unto thine enemies. This phrase refers to the inward feeling, as the fol- lowing one does to the outward display of hostility. It is liere intimated, in general terms, that the Lord and His peo- ple, while they weie one in feeling and intei-est, have common enemies in this world. 2G0 THE LAWS OF PIETY. V. 23. A fuller specification of the end of their journey is here followed by a third promise. The Aniorite, and the Hittite, and the Kenaanite, the Hivite and the Jebusite, are among the twelve tribes to which Keuaan gave rise, eleven being named after his descendants and one after himself (see Gen. XV. 19). The Perizzite makes his appearance along with the Kenaanite in the history of Abraham (Gen. xiii. 7). These six tribes were the prominent inhabitants of Kenaan in the time of Moses (iii. 8). The Amorite is now placed first, as the most prominent in transgression, and the first with whom the Israelites are to come into contact. And I will cut them off. This promise is in accordance with a purpose long .since announced. Four hundred years before, the Lord had informed Abraham, that " the iniquity of the Amorites was not yet full" (Gen. xv. 16). This is no arbitraiy pro- cedure on the part of the Most High Possessor of heaven and earth. It is an act of retributive justice. What was the original offence of the Kenaanite, whether it was an early apostasy from the living God, the ruthless invasion of a pre- occupied country, and the barbarous oppression of the Shemite inhabitants, among; whom the knowledge of the true God still lingered, we are not informed. But we perceive that the original crime had been aggravated by a course of transgres- sion which made the nation ripe for a penal extirpation. V. 24-26. These three verses contain four injunctions and four promises, v. 24. TJiou sJialt not how down to their gods nor serve thera. These nations are manifestly idolaters, apos- tates from the livino- and true God, and therefore ranking among those that hate him (xx. 5). Their idols will come under the notice of Israel when they enter the land. The idea of local or national gods had become familiar to thera in Egypt. And a superstitious dread of entering into possession, without propitiating the supposed gods of the land, might still lurk in their breasts. Hence the reasonableness of this precept reiterating the prohibition of the second command- ment. Nor do after their works. These are the works of the people of the land ; and chief among these, the making and worshipping of idols, and the licentious vices which accom- pany the service of their national deities. It is only neces- sary to reflect, that the principal objects of their worship were EXODUS xxiir. 23, 24. 261 a male deity, Baal, the sun god, coinciding in attributes with the Apollo and Jupiter of the Greeks and Romans ; and a female, Beltis, Ashtoreth, the moon goddess, resembling in her character and worshii) the Aphrodite or Venus of these natii)ns, in order to understand the revolting nature of the bloody and lascivious rites and customs by which the very name of religion was jMofaned. Human sacrifice and prosti- tution, in tlie national worship, were sufficient to bury all moral feeling in the grave of carnality. Tluni shalt utierhj overthrow them. The people and their gods seem to be here associated as one great system of evil, to be overwhelmed with destruction. "Their pillars " are the monumental stones, connected in a rude uncivilised age with the worship of these fallen gods. V. 25. And ye shall serve the Lord your God. This is the fourth of this group of injunctions, forming the counterpart of the three that went before. It is followed by the four promises of this passage. He shall bless thy bread and thy water. Bread and water, the main elements of subsistence, stand for all the rest. The divine blessing gives these all their value to a rational creature. And take away sickness from the midst of thee. Next to the means of life, is kealth to enjoy them. Without the latter the former are of no avail V. 2G. None shall miscarry or be barren in thy kind. This secures the perpetuation of the race. The number of thy days will I falfil. Length of life in peace and prosperity is here ensured to the ftiitliful nation. The sum of all earthly prosperity here described, is at the same time an earnest and type of still greater blessings in an advanced stage of exist- ence. God begins with the present, and will never fail His confiding people through an endless future. V. 27-33. This passage adds the remaining triad of pro- mises and commands. / will send my fear before thee. The fame of the mighty deeds by which Egypt was humbled in the dust, and Israel delivered and kept in safety through the wilderness, would awaken a sense of alarm in the nations who were living in rebellion against the living God. Discouraged and troubled in mind, they would make only a feeble effort at resistance, and ultimately turn theii- backs to the victorious invader. 262 . THE LAWS OF PIETY. V. 28-SjO. And I vnll send the hornet before thee. The hornet is here used collectively for a plague of hornets infest- ing the laud. This plague is again mentioned (Deut. vii. 20), and a passing allusion made to its fulfilment (Jos. xxiv. 1 2). Some suppose this to be a figurative description of certain cthei-wise unknown calamities that befel these nations in the war of extermination. But Bochart (Hieroz. iii. p. 40U) has shown that frogs, mice, and other small animals have been the means of annoying and banishing whole tribes from their set- tlements. And the rapid conquest of two such powerful kinirdoms as those of Sihon and Os;, and the immediate occu- pation of their cities (Num. xxi. 21-35) by the invaders, are explained by the fact, that they had been enfeebled and dimi- nished by a plague such as that here described. There is no reason whatever, therefore, to retire from the ground of plain matter of fact, historically recorded, into the region of a dark figurative unknown, which cannot be filled up even by the imagination. The Hivite, the Kenaanite, and the Hittite, are to be the chief sufferers from the plague of hornets. But the Amorites also were exhausted by their inroads (Jos. xxiv. 1 2), v. 29, 30. A gradual removal of the former inhabitants is here ^ntimated, on the ground that the land without occu- pants would be infested by wild beasts, as was the case at the time of the exile of the ten tribes (2 Kings xvii. 25). If the former nations had been instantly exterminated, a people consisting of 1,600,000 could not have at once occupied the whole land. Besides, the territory here promised was much more extensive than the land of Kenaan. V. 31. The boundaries of the promised land are here indi- cated. The "wilderness" is that of Etham and Shur. The " river" is the Phrat. The extent of territory within these bounds cannot be less than 490 miles by 100, and therefore four or five times the area of Palestine proper. It is to be remembered that these promises are here made conditional on obedience ; and therefore their fulfilment was in some degree modified b}' the subsequent conduct of the people. And thou shall drive them out before thee. This is the injunction laid on Israel as the executioner of the judgment of God. V. 32. The second injimction is to make no covenant with the people or their idols. EXODUS XXIV. 2(53 V. 33. The idolatrous people are to be banished from the land, that they may not be a temptation to the children of Lsiaol. The order of thought is ; their dwelling in the land will be a snare to thee, and thou wilt serve their gods, when thou hast tolerated themselves and their idolatrous ways. This com])lctes the book of the covenant in four chapters, containing the ten commandments for the moral government of man, and the seventy judgments for the regulation of civil life. chaA xxiv. the law accepted. And to Closes he said, Come up unto the Lord, thou and Aaron, Nadal) and Abilui, and seventy of tlie eldy the voice, but written by the finger of God, who herein disjdays a wondrous caie of his chosen people. To teach them. In the 268 MOSES ASCENDS THE MOUNT. original we have here the same root that is contained in the word rendered " law." God's law is a doctrine, a philosophy, a theology. V. 1 3. And Moses rose up, from a state of rest and con- templation. And Joshua his minister. Joshua has already come before us as captain of the host against Amalek (xvii. 0). He is described here as the minister, attendant, or adjutant of Moses. His presence has not been noticed among those who went up to the mountain. He must have been in attendance upon Moses. Some suppose he was one of the seventy elders, but his youth militates against this view. v. 14. Before leaving them, Moses commanded the elders to await his return where they were, and pointed out Aai'on and Hur as his repre- sentatives to the people, v. 15. He now at length ascends into the mount, accompanied by Joshua alone to the very verge of the cloud which covered the mount, v. 16. Six days he waits in the precincts of the cloud, and on the seventh day he is summoned into the presence of the Majesty on high. If the giving of the law fell on the sixth of the third month, and a day be allowed for the ratification of the covenant, the seventh day after, on which Moses at length ascends into the mount, will be the fourteenth of the third month, v. 17. The sons of Israel contemplated with solemn awe the glory of the Lord displayed on Mount Sinai, which appeared to them as a vast flame of devouring fire, v, 1 8. Into this flaming mount Moses, at the call of God, ascended, and abode in that won- drous scene forty days and forty nights. The stately march of the narrative throughout this passage corresponds with the unparalleled grandeur of the occasion. SECTION v.— THE TABERNACLE. XIII. PLAN OF THE TABERNACLE. EXODUS XXV.-XXXL CHAP. XXV. THE ARK, TABLE, AND CANDLESTICK. 2. nonn gift, arrapyji, that which is lifted up or heaved, and hence denoting specially the heave-offering, whicli got its name from the manner in which it was heaved up when pre- sented. 4. npari hay.ivdoi violet or blue, a dark blue obtained from the niurex, a shell-fish of the coasts of Phcenicia, Laconia, and north Africa. The dye is originally white, then green, and lastly a blue purple. |p3~iN r70ff!vpa red, i^urple, obtained from the purpura, a fish of Syrian and Peloponnesian shores. r\]pr\ worm. VB' crimson, from a root signifying to sJiine. The two words denote the Kermes worm, or the dye obtained from it. This worm or insect is found on the ilex or hohn oak in Palestine and the south of Europe, ^^ /Sjffo-os, Jiax, the sheuti of old Egyptian, which was fine flax, not cotton. 5. tj'nn is variously conjectured to be the badger, the seal, the dolphin, and the tacasse, a species of antelope found in Africa, r. nrn he silent, it is said from its hibernation. 6. Db'3 or Db'3 sv)eet smell, spice. D^'? the balsam, by the insertion of I in the Arabic form of the word. This plant is common in Palestine. DVi)p spices, 2^crfames, from the sweet smell. IG. r\r}]} testimony. "^^V to he fast, fii-m, sure. '^''V'} assure, attest. *iy ivitness. "i^ fix, airpoint. nnj^ appointed meeting, regularly constituted assembly. 270 THE ARK, TABLE, AND CANDLESTICK. 17. ni33 iXadT/jpiov, l-Tt'ikiui, propitiatorium, mercy-seat. r. in Kal, lay on (pitch); in Piel, expiate. 29. i^ipyi? rpvZXiov, a large dish or plate for bread. Those presented by the princes of Israel weighed each 180 shekels, or about five pounds troy weight (Num. vii. 1 3). ^3 'pahn, sole. In pi. dulffKai, hoivls or smaller plates for holding frankincense, which were placed upon the bread. Each of those pi'esented by the princes weighed ten shekels, or about four and a half ounces. nilbip srodiTa, bowls or flagons holding wine for libations. ni»'i'30 y.xja&oi, cups used in drink-ofierings. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying : 2 Speak unto the sons of Israel, that they take for me an offering : of every man whose heart is wilHng ye shall take my offering. 3 And this is the offering which ye shall take of them ; gold and silver and brass. 4 And blue and purple and crimson ; and fine linen and goats' hair ; 5 And rams' skins dyed red, and badgers' skins ; and shittah wood ; 6 Oil for the light ; spices for the anointing oil and for the incense of perfumes ; 7 Onyx stones, and stones for the ephod and for tlie breastplate. 8 And they shall make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell among them. 9 Accord- ing to all that I show thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle and the pattern of all its instruments, even so shall ye make it. § 59. 10 And they shall make an ark of shittah wood : two cuhits and a half shall be its length, a cubit and a half its breadth, and a cubit and a half its height. 11 And thou shalt overlay it with pure gctld, within and without shalt thou overlay it : and thou shalt make upon it a crown of gold round about. 12 And thou shalt cast for it four rings of gold, and put them on its four feet : and two rings shall be on the one side of it and two rings on the other side of it. 13 And thou shalt make staves of shittah wood, and over- lay them with gold. 14 And thou shalt put the staves in the rings on the sides of the ark, to bear the ark with them. 15 The staves shall be in the rings of the ark ; they shall not depart from it. 16 And thou shalt put into the ark the testimony which I shall give thee. 17 And thou shalt make a mercy- seat of pure gold : two cubits and a half shall he its length and a cuhit and a half its breadth. 18 And thou shalt make two cherubim of gold ; of beaten work shalt thou make them, on the two ends of the mercy-seat. 19 And make one cherub on the one end and the other cherub on the other end ; out of the mercy-seat shall ye make the cherubim on its two ends. 20 And EXODUS XXV. 271 tlio olicrultiin .sh;ill spread out two wings abovo, covpriiifj tho iiicirv. scat with their wings, and their faces each to the other; toward tho mercy-seat sljall the faces of the clieruhini he. 21 And thou shalt ])ut the nierey-seat on the ark from ahove : and in tlie ark shidt tliou jiut the testimony that I shall give thee. 22 And I XVill meet with thee there, and speak with thee from above the mercy-seat, from be- tween the two cherubim which are upon tlie ark of the testimony, of all that I command thee concerning the sons of Israel. ^ 40. 23 And thou sludt make a table of shittah wood : two cubits shall be its length, and a cubit its breadth, ami a cubit and a half its height. 24 And thou shalt overlay it with i>ure gold, and make for it a crown of g(dd round about. 25 And thou shalt make for it a border of a hand-breadth round about, ami make a crown of gold for the border thereof round about. 2G And thou shalt make for it four rings of gold ; and put the rings on the four corners of its four feet. 27 Over against the border shall be the rings for jilaces for the staves to bear the table. 28 And thou shalt make the staves of shittah wood, and overlay them with gold ; and the table shall be borne with them. 29 And thou shalt make its dishes, and its bowds, and its flagons, and its cups, to pour out withal : of pure gold shalt thou make them. 30 And thou shalt set on the table shew bi-ead before me alway. ^ 41. 31 And thou shalt make a candlestick of pure gold : of beaten work shall the candlestick be made ; its block and its shaft, its cups, its knops and its flowers, shall l)e of the same. 32 And six branches shall come out of the sides of it ; three branches of the candlestick out of the one side, and three branches of the candlestick out of the other side. 33 Three almond-shaped cups in one branch, a knop and a flower ; and three almond-shaped cups in another branch, a knop and a flower : so for the six branches coming out of the candlestick. 34 And in the candlestick shall be four almond-shaped cups, its knops and its flowers. 35 And there shall be a knop under two branches of the same, and a knop under tw*o branches of the same, and a knop under two branches' of the same ; for the six branches coming out of the candlestick. 30 Their knops and their branches shall be of the same; all of it shall be one l)eaten piece of pure gold. 37 And thou shalt nuike the seven lamps thereof; and he shall set up the lamjis there- of and give light over against it. 38 And its snuflers and its snufl*- dishes shall be of pure gold. 39 Of a talent of pure gold shall he make it with all these vessels. 40 And see that thou make them after their pattern which thou shown in the mount. § GO. The substance of the covenant muJe in the previous siclion 272 THE AEK, TABLE, AND CANDLESTICK. may be conve3'-ed in the formula : " I will take you to me for a people, and I will be to you a God," (vi. 7, xix. 5, 6, xx. 2) The natural consequence of this is tlmt he \\'ill take up his abode among them and enter into all the intercourse of sacred fellowship with them. For this purpose an abode is to be prepared for God and provided with the needful furniture. But inasmuch as the people belong to a fallen race upon whom the curse of disobedience has descended, a type at least of pro- pitiation and intercession must form a pai-t of the ceremonial intercourse between God and his people until the reality of these priestly functions has at length arrived. The tabernacle is the home of God among his ransomed people. It is in general an adumbration of the great primeval dwelling place of God where he holds converse with the mani- fold ranks and estates of his rational and righteous creatures. We are wont to imagine this to be some central place whither the myriads of the intelligent universe, may convene for the business of heaven, and for the recreations of hospitable and friendly intercourse in the heaven of heavens. But we are not to bind the Omnipresent to this habitual conception of our minds. For aught we can know there may be as many cen- tres of home for the supreme as there are spheres of spiritual beings susceptible of the unutterable joys of the divine home and presence and converse. Hence there may be a broad basis of truth in all the varying interpretations which the prolific imaginations of thoughtful men have put upon this profoundly interesting portion of scripture. But with a due regard to the occasion on which the tabernacle was instituted, the stage at which human knowledge had then arrived, and the life and freshness of the truth which it shadows forth, it is best to adhere to the simple idea of a home, where God dwells on terms of affectionate and familiar intimacy with his re- deemed and reconciled people. This is the generic conception of the tabernacle. Yet we should come far short of a correct apprehension of its nature, if we did not bring out into con- spicuous prominence its specific difference. It is to be re- membered as a fact of essential moment that the people among whom God is here to dwell are undergoing a process of sancti- fication, which is begun in each individual b}' accepting a pardon freely bestowed, and a propitiation typically made on EXODUS XXV. 1-9. 273 liis behalf. Hence the paternal house or heaven, which the tabernacle represents, is not merely the general home of the intelligent universe, but the heaven of the redeemed, where the liamb will be a conspicuous figure, and the psalm of praise will be the new song of redemi)ti()n, transcending in its revela- tion of the divine nature the older song of creation. Hence the whole service of the sanctuary is typical of the higher blessings of salvation, of the true high priest, of the really atoning sacrifice, of the heaven of redemption, and of that spiritual fellowship which the saints will have with the Lord in glory. It is the flower of the whole economy of grace, giving fair promise of the fruit in due season. Hence we can understand the place and space given to the tabernacle in this book of the exodus. The tabernacle expands and completes what was represented in brief by the lan)b of the passover. It sets foi'th the blessinirs which flow from reconciliation. It is the glorious end to which all the pieliminary steps of the deliverance and the covenant lead. It occupies a proportion- ate amplitude of space in the records of God's dealings with his people. Seven chapters are devoted to the specifications of the tabernacle, and six to its construction and erection, between which are three chapters giving an account of a lamentable act of unbelief and apostasy on the part of the chosen people. Of the seven chapters of specification three are assigned to the tabernacle itself, three to the priest of the tabernacle, and one to the ag-angcments for having the whole carried into effect in an efficient and irreproachable manner. The present chapter contains directions concerning the con- tribution of the materials, and the construction of the ark, the table, and the candlestick. V. 1-9. The order for the contribution of materials to con- struct the tabernacle. An offering is here a gift called by the name of the heave-offering (xxix. 27). Of every man whose heart is willing. A forced service is ordy a bodily ser- vice. A free-will oflfering is alone accej)table to the Searcher of hearts, v. 3-7. The materials of the offering and of the tabernacle are all definitely presciibed. There are three metals ; three colours of animal origin ; two textile fabrics, the one vegetable, the other animal ; two sorts of skins ; one species of wood ; oil from the olive ; spices ; onyx stones, and S 274; THE MATERIALS FOR THE TABERNACLE. other precious stones twelve in number for setting. Reckon- ing spices as one class, and precious stones as another, we have here twice seven kinds of material, of which four are from the mineral kingdom, four from the vegetable, and six from the animal. Blue is a purple colour from the murex ; purple is the red purple obtained from the purpura ; and crimson the red extracted from the coccus or kermes, sup- posed by some of the ancients to be a berry, but in reality an insect adhering to the holm-oak. Fine linen, a product for which Egypt was celebrated. Rains' shins dyed red. This cannot be naturally rendered skins of red rams. Badgers sJcins. The badger is a native of Europe. It is probable that the animal here intended is different. But whether it be the seal, dolphin, tacasse, or some other animal, is a matter of con- jecture. The familiar word badger may be retained with the understanding that it is used for an unknown animal easily obtained in the peninsula of Sinai. Shittah wood. This is the Egyptian and Arabic shant, or acacia, which must have been large and abundant in the time of Moses. It is now employed by the Arabs for making charcoal, and is therefore seldom allowed to attain to a great age. Oil is obtained from the olive tree, a native of Asia, and abounding in the south of Europe. Spices. Arabia is celebrated for its spices, which are here comprehended under a generic term. The precious stones are afterwards enumerated (xxviii. J 6), and the ephod and breastplate described (xxviii. 6, 15). V, 8, 9. A sanctuary. A holy place, where God might dwell among his people. Its chief distinction was its holiness, as it was to be among the children of the fall, who were morally impure. According to all that I shoiu thee. I am about to show thee the pattern of the tabernacle, and of all things connected with it. The tabernacle itself was a type of the dwelling-place of the Most High in the heaven of heavens. But the pattern of it was the ideal form or plan according to which it was to be constructed for earthly use. The divine origin of this plan proves the profound significance of the tabernacle and all its appurtenances. It is obvious that there is an analogy between the taber- nacle service and the ritual of the Egyptians and other Gen- tiles. But it is equally obvious that the resemblance between EXODUS XXV. 10-lG. 275 tliem is not the result of servile imitation or simple adoption oil the part of Moses. It is founded on deeper and more recondite principles. In the first place, the constitution of the human race involves a fundamental similitude in the modes of human worship. This race Avas in its head created after the image of God in reason, will, and power, and then by an act of disobedience plunged into the abyss of guilt and sin. The common reason, though stunned by this fall, will arrive at certain common principles of religious truth, mingled and dis- torted, no doubt, by dark and fatal misconceptions. In the next place, tradition has left indelible traces of primeval facts and thoughts upon the mind of man, which have entered into combination with the thousand strange and grotesque vagaries of a wanton imagination. And lastly, Moses was, in the pro- vidence of God, learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians of that day, and equall}^ familiarised with all the experience of the Midianites in the wilds of Arabia. Through a mind so trained for twice forty years the Lord was pleased to convey to his people the written revelation of his will, the fundamen- tal principles of his law, and the minute specifications of his worship. These facts are sufficient to account for the origin- ality and independence of the Mosaic economy, and for the resemblances and differences which may be traced between it and the religious institutions of surrounding nations. It is to be expected, not that the early customs of the Egyptians and Midianites will throw much light on those of the Israel- ites, but rather that the latter in their plainly written form will contribute to the elucidation of the former. And accord- ingly this expectation has already been in a very signal man- ner realised. The antifpiities of Eastern nations, from Egypt to Assyria and Babylonia, are constantly receiving illustration from the Bible. V. lO-lG. The ark of the testimony. The ark, like the tabernacle itself, derives its whole importance from that which it contains. It is a box or chest of sluttah wood. The shant of Egypt and Arabia grew to the height of twenty or twmty- five feet. Its wood was light, durable, and capable of taking a polish and of resisting damp. The cubit is the length from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger, and is variously estimated at a foot and a half and upwards to a foot and three 276 THE MERCY-SEAT. quarters. It contains two spans, and each span three palms or handbreadths. The Babylonian cubit, which consisted of seven palms, seems to have been sometimes employed (2 Chron. iii. 3, Ezek. xl. 5), but only after the captivity, v. 11. And thou shalt overlay it. This was not a mei'e gilding, but a covering of the surface with thin plates of gold, as we infer from 1 Kings vi, 16, and 2 Chron. iii. 6. The Talmud goes so far as to conclude that three chests were made, an outer one of gold plate, a middle one of shittah timber, and an inner one of gold plate. Ujjon it a crown of gold. This was a border or cornice of pure gold round the upper edge of the ark, adorning and at the same time strengthening it for the sup- port of the mercy-seat. v. 1 2. Four rings or staples of gold are to be fastened on the two sides or ends of the ark. They are to be attached to the feet or supports by which the ark was raised above the level of the floor, v. 13-15. The staves or poles were of acacia wood overlaid with gold. They passed through the rings at the ends of the ark, and as these were attached to the feet the ark was elevated above the bearers (1 Kings viii. 8). v. 16. Thou shalt init into the ark the testimony. This testimony is the ten commandments engraven on the two tables of stone (xxxi. 1 8). These ten words are the testimony of the Lord to the people concerning the relation subsisting between them, and the duties conse- quent thereon. The contents of this cabinet distinguish it from all heathen chests of a similar kind in which were de- posited certain symbols of the powers of nature which man regarded with a superstitious veneration. Here are placed the two tables, on which are traced in plain and literal char- acters the great principles of eternal rectitude, not as an object of worship, but as the basis of all moral dealing in the inter- course between God and man. There is a significance in the very order in which the portions of this symbolical structure are specified. The moral law is the very centre of the whole system of moral things ; and accordingly this is first defined and located. The ark in which it is to be deposited is the first article provided for the house of God. V. 17-22. The 'mercy seat. The ark is but a part of a greater whole ; and hence there is rightly no break here in the Hebrew text. The mercy seat is not the mere covering EXODUS XXV. 21, 22. 277 of the ark, wliicli had most probably a lid forming a consti- tuent part of itself It is a separate piece, composing, with the ark, a unity not so much in outward form, as in inward design. It is of pure gold, to denote that expiation maintains the unalterable sanctity of the moral law ; jis everything must be absolutely perfect which proceeds from or comes into contact with God. Its length and breadth correspond with those of the at'k which contains the testimony, as the propi- tiation must satisfy the law in all its length and breadth. Two cherabirii. For a description of the cherubim, see on Gen. iii. 22-24. The cherubim here are symbolic figurations of those celestial attendants on the divine majesty. They are to be of gold, as representative of pure and peifect beings. Of beaten ivork. Tliey are to be formed by the hammer of mal- leable gold. V. 1 9. Out of the mercy seat shall ye make the cherubim on its two ends. It appears from this that the cherubim on the two ends, and the mercy seat, formed one piece of workmanship, either by being beaten out of one mass, or by being permanently fastened together into one whole. The former seems the more natural sense of the words, v. 20. These figures have wings, spread out so as to oveishadow the mercy seat; and their faces are towards one another, and towaids the mercy seat. These cherubic figures had two wings and only one face. They had the attitude of observant attention, and guarded with their wings the place of the divine manifestation, as became the intelligent and potential ministers of the divine presence. These figures, then, are the symbolic indication of the Shekinah, or dwelling of God among men ; an abstiaction which is often applied in Rab- binical style to the present Deity. V. 21, 22. The mercy seat on the ark from, above. The mercy seat, with the attentive overshadowing cherubs, is placed above the ark which contains the testimony. This arrange- ment is significant of the intercourse of God with fkllen man, being founded on the basis of immutable rectitude, through a propitiation which meets all the demands of the violated law. And I will meet thee there, appoint a meeting and meet thee by appointment. Hence the tabernacle is called the tent of meeting by appointment. And S2^eak with thee . . . . of all that I command thee concerninj the 278 THE TABLE. sons of Israel. This is to be the place of revelation. A defi- nite place is necessary for man, especially in his infantile state, though not for God, who is omnipresent. The cherubim, however, are no part of deity, and their figures no semblance of God. They merely indicate and mark the boundaries of the place where God manifests His presence. Hence we perceive, that the ark, mercy seat and cherubim form one piece of emblematic workmanship, symbolising not God, but the atonement ; the holiness of God expressed by the law, and His mercy indicated by His manifested presence between the cherubim being mediated or brought into har- mony by the proi)itiation figured by the mercy seat. The great fundamental principle of reconciliation is mooted here, to be afterwards developed and illustrated in the other parts of the tabernacle. From this centre of communication with God we proceed in this remarkable specification of the parts of the tabernacle toward the circumference where the commu- nicating people assemble. V. 23-30. The table. The table is of acacia, two cubits lonaf, a cubit broad, and a cubit and a half hioh. It is over- laid with pure gold. A border rises a handbreadth from the leaf This seems to be an addition to the table, and not the upper part of the trestle on which the leaf rests. The edge of this table, and that of the border upon it, are adorned with crowns or wreaths of gold, the one of which, therefore, appears at the top, and the other at the base of the border. Four rings are attached to the legs over OAjainst the harder, and therefore beneath the leaf, as keepers for the staves or poles on which it is to be borne. These staves, like the table, are to be overlaid with gold. V. 29. Its dishes were bread-plates, of which two were placed on the table, containing six cakes each (Lev. xxiv. 5, 6). These cakes cannot have been ten hand-breadths by five, according to Jewish tradition, as one dish holding such a cake would have occupied the whole table, which was only twelve handbreadths by six. Its howls were smaller vessels for hold- ing pure frankincense (Lev. xxiv. 7), which were placed upon the two piles of cakes. Its flagons were large cans or decanters, in which a supply of wine was kept for pouring into the cups or smaller vessels used for making libations or EXODUS XXV. 30. 279 drink-offerings. The drink-ofiering varied from tlic fourth part to the half of a hiu of ^vine — that is, from a ])int and a half to three pints, according to the value of the victim (Num. XV. 1-1:^). The dihhes, flagons, and cups must have been of such a size that two of each could stand conveniently on the table. The bread trays might have been five by two and a half or three handbreadths. V. 30. SJieiu-breud. The shew-bread was to consist of twelve cakes, each made of two tenth deals, about three and a-half quarts of fine flour (Lev. xxiv. 5, G). This is called shew bread, or bread of the face, because it was on the table in the Lord's house, and brought God and man face to face on terms of reconciliation and communion. The table is the place of paternal and hospitable entertainment. The twelve cakes correspond in number with the twelve tribes of Israel. They may be called in one resi)ect the united meat offering of all the people ; but they have a higher significance when they are actually partaken of by the piiests in the holy place (Lev. xxiv. 8, 0). In this respect they represent the abound- ing and all-sufticing blessings of eternal life, dis[)ensed by God, as he manifests himself, and dwells among his people. The priest partaking of the bread represents the fan)ily of God bountifully and constantly regaled by him at his paternal board. The tabernacle swells to its true significance as the type of the heavenly home when God is surrounded by his intelligent creatures enjoying, each according to the measure of its capacity, the precious sweets of a susceptible moi-al ex- istence. This home, however, is here presented in that aspect which alone is real and at the same time comfortable to the ransomed sons of a fallen race, the salvation of whom, through the superabounding grace of God, gives a touching character to, and sheds a mild lustre on the heaven of man. It has its table spread with heavenly fare. The dishes are constantly replenished with bread, and the flagons and cups are not there without beinfj filled with wine, which was the drink offerinfj accompanying every sacrifice. Bread and wine are the blood- less fe:ust after the sacrifice, and are emblematical of all the blessings of those who are pardoned and accepted as righteous through the atoning sacrifice on the altar of propitiation (see on Gen. xiv. 18-20). 280 THE CANDLESTICK. V, 31-40. The candlestick. This was to be made of pure gold, beaten with the hammer. Its block, or pedestal ; its shaft, or stalk ; its cups, its knops, and its floivers, ornaments on its branching stalks, shall be all of one piece, v. 32. Six branches come off, two and two from the main shaft, at three separate points, in the same plane, and curved in the form of a quadrant, so that the lamps, resting on their extremities, are all in the same horizontal line with that on the central stalk, V. 83. Three cups, in the form of an almond nut, were on each branch. These appear to have been surmounted by a knop or ball, like the apple of the pomegranate, and a flower which is not specifically described, v. 34-36. And in the candlestick, that is, the main shaft, shall be four cups, knops, and flowers. Under each pair of branches, and under the central lamp, a cup, knop, and flower : and all these beaten out of the one mass of gold. v. 37. The seven lamps rest on the flowers at the extremities of all the stems. He who sets on the lamps shall place the candlestick with its lamps parallel to the south side of the tabernacle, so as to throw its whole radiance on the opposite side where the table is situated, v. 38. The snuff'-tongs and snuff'-dishes explain themselves, v. .39. The whole is to be made of a talent, about 120 pounds of gold. Jewish tradition fixes the height of the candlestick at three cubits, or twice the height of the table. This fits it for thi'owing light over the table, and is therefore more pro- bable than the conjecture of Bahr, that its height was a cubit and a half, or equal to that of the table. The same tradition estimates the breadth at two cubits, the same as that of the table. The candlestick was placed on the south side of the holy place, probably at the middle, opposite the table of shew bread. As a piece of furniture, the candlestick evidently serves to give light to those who are in the tabernacle or home of God. It is an emblem of spiritual light. The seven-fold light is the sanctifying efiicacy of the Spirit, as seven is the number of holiness. The three pieces of furniture already described are evidently regarded by the divine revealer as forming one whole, since at the close of their specification Moses is solemnly admonished in these words : " and see that thou make them after their pattern, which thou wast shown in the mount." EXODUS XXVI. 281 Tliis ideal unity rests in tlic sjilvation of the sinner tliat re- turns to God, wliich consists of i)eacc with God, rej)resentcil by the mercy seat ; proj)itiation, the benefits of which are set forth in tlie table, with its bread and wine ; and purification, which is s3'inbo]ized by the candlestick. The nundier three ai)pears not only in the mercy seat, with the tables of the law beneath ami the cherul»im of the divine presence above ; but also in the ark, the table, and the candlestick. It points to a trinity of persons in the unity of the godhead. CHAP. XXVI. THE TABERNACLE. 1. |3tr"P dwelling, abode, habitation, mansion. This con- sists of the inner curtains or set of curtains, the tabernacle proper or booth n3p^ and the tent ^'^^ the outer set of curtains or awning of goats' hair. The two additional coverings of rams' skins and liadgers' or seals' skins are designed to protect the inner fabric from the weather. yy^ a weaver who raises figures in the web. 0^< a plaiter or wca>'er in general. DpT an embroiderer who works fi\)6o\i&(j<;. A gem of Tarsbisli or Tartessus in Spain. Dnb* oi-ug, as the Sept. elsewhere gives. It is of a pale colour like the human nail. nsc';^ 7affT/g. r. shine, he smooth. A stone of a bright green colour. 22. n^723 a bordering or connecting, r. border. Others render it a twisting or wreathing. 80. D''T'^ lights. D''Sn perfections, rights. And thou bring near for thee Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him, from among the sons of Israel, to act as priests unto me ; Aaron, Nadah and Abihu, Eleazar and Ithamar, Aaron's sons. 2 And thou shalt make holy garments for Aaron thy brother for glory and for beauty. 3 And thou shalt speak unto all the wise of heart, whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom ; and they shall make Aaron's garments to consecrate him to act as priest unto me. 4 And these are the gar- ments which they shall make ; a breastplate, and an ephod, and a robe, and a chequered coat, a mitre and a girdle : and they shall make holy garments for Aaron thy brother, and for his sons to act as priests unto me. 5 And they shall take gold, and blue, and purple and crimson, and fine linen. ^ 43. 6 And they shall make the ephod of gold, blue and purple, crimson and twined fine linen, with cunning work. 7 Tt shall have two shoulder straps joining it ; at the two edges thereof shall it be joined. 8 And the belt for fastening it, which is upon it, according to the work thereof, shall be of the same ; of gold, of blue and purple and crimson and twined fine linen. 9 And thou shalt take two onyx stones, and grave on them the names of the sons of Israel. 10 Six of their names on the one stone, and the names of the other six on the second stone, according to their birth. 1 1 With the work of an en- graver in stone, the engravings of a signet, shalt thou grave the two stones with the names of the sons of Israel : inclosed in ouches of gold shalt thou make them. 12 And thou shalt put the two stones upon the shoulders of the ephod, to be stones of memorial for the sons of Israel : and Aaron shall bear their names before the Lord upon his two shoulders for a memorial. § 66. 13 And thou shalt make ouches of gold. 14 And two chains of pure gold, attaching shalt thou make them of wreathen work, and thou shalt fasten the wreathen chains on the ouches. § 67. 15 And thou shalt make the breastplate of judgment with cunning EXODUS XXVIII. 295 ■work ; after the work of the cphod shalt thou mako it : of golil, of bhie, ami purple, and crimson, and twined fine linen, shalt thfiu make it. 16 It shall be square, doubled : a span shall be its length, and a 6j)an shall be its breadth. 17 And thou shalt set in it settings of stone, four rows of stones ; a row of sardius, toj)az, and emerald shall l)e the hrst row. 18 And the second row a carbuncle, a sapphire, and a diamond. 19 And the third row, a ligure, an agate, and an amethyst. 20 And the fourth row a chrysolite, and an onyx, and a jasper ; they shall be mounted with gold in their settings. 21 And the stones shall be with the names of the sons of Israel, twelve, jujcording to their names ; with the engravings of a signet each with its name shall they be for the twelve tribes. 22 And thou shalt make upon the breast- plate attaching chains of wreathen work, of pure gold. 23 And thou shalt make upon the breastplate two rings of gold, and put the two rings on the two ends of the breastplate. 2-1 And thou shalt put the two cords of gold in the two rings on the ends of the breastplate. 25 And the other two ends of the two cords thou shalt fasten on the two ouches, and put them on the shoulders of the cphod, in front of it. 26 And thou shalt make two rings of gold, and put them upon the two ends of the breastplate, on the border thereof, which is on the side of the ephod inward. 27 And thou shalt make two rings of gold, and put them on the shoulder straps of the ephod beneath, in the iront of it, over against the joining thereof, above the belt of the ei)hod. 28 And they shall bind the breastplate by its rings to the rings of the ephod with a lace of blue, to be upon the belt of the ephod, that the breastplate be not looseil from the ephod. 29 And Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel in the breastplate of judgment upon his heart, when he goeth into the holy place, for a memorial before the Lord continually. 30 And thou shalt put in the breastplate the Urini and the Tummin ; and they shall be upon Aaron's heart when he goeth in before the Lord : and Aaron .shall bear the judgment of tlie sons of Israel upon his heart before the Lono continually. § G8. 31 And thou shalt make the robe of the ephod all of blue. 32 And there shall be a hole for the head in the midst thereof: it shall have a binding round the hole of it of woven work, as it were the hole of a habergeon, that it be not rent. 33 And thou shalt make upon the hem of it pomegranates of blue, and purple, and crimson, round about the hem thereof : and bells of gold between them round alntut. 34 A bell of gold and a pomegranate, a bell of gold and a pomegranate upon the hem of the robe round about. 35 And it shall be upon Aaron to minister : and his sound shall be heard when he goeth into the holy place before the Louu, and when he comcth out, and he shall not die. 8 09. 290 THE ATTIRE OF THE PRIEST. 36 And thou slialt make a plate of pure gold, and grave upon it with the engravings of a signet, holiness to the Lord. 37 And thou shalt put it on a lace of blue, and it shall be upon the mitre ; upon the fore front of the mitre shall it be. 38 And it shall be upon Aaron's fore- head, and Aaron shall bear the iniquity of the holy things, Avhich the sons of Israel shall hallow in all their holy gifts : and it shall be upon his forehead continually, that they may be accepted before the Lord. 39 And thou shalt weave in figures the coat of linen, and thou shalt make a mitre of linen, and thou shalt make a girdle of needle- work. 40 And for Aaron's sons thou shalt make coats, and thou shalt make for them girdles, and bonnets shalt thou make for them for glory and beauty. 41 And thou shalt put them upon Aaron thy brother, and his sons with him ; and thou shalt anoint them, and fill their hand, and sanctify them, and they shall be priests unto me. 42 And make for them linen breeches to cover the flesh of nakedness ; from the loins even imto the thighs shall they be. 53 And they shall be upon Aaron and upon his sons, when they go into the tent of meet- ings, or when they draw nigh to the altar to minister in the holy place ; and they shall not bear iniquity or die : a statute for ever to him and to his seed after him. § 70 As soon as we arrive at the altar we feel the need of the priest who is to officiate thereat. The priest stands at the middle point between God and man in this description. Hitherto we have come forth from God to man. Witli the priest we shall presently return from man to God. From God the priest comes to man, authorized to invite the sinner to return with penitence, confession, and faith, to God, and to make the propitiatory sacrifice for all who return. From man he returns to God, having made propitiation, to make pre- vailing intercession for all whom he represents. His generic character then is to be the mediator between God and man, authorized on the one hand, and accepted on the other. His specific difference is that, inasmuch as man is sinful, he has to make the expiation that satisfies for sin, and renders his mediation effectual. Tiie present chapter enjoins the calling and clothinsr of Aaron and his sons in official robes. The garments of the priests are so minutely specified, not because the outer covering is of an}^ importance in itself, provided it EXODUS XXVIII. 1-5. 297 be only decent nnd comely, but because it is intended to be syuibolic of the various duties which the piiest has to per- form. This design comes out again and again in the descrip- tion, and cfives an instructive siojnilicance to matters whicli would otherwise have been left to the taste of the individual. Teaching by figures was peculiarly appropriate in the infantile state of the world, when men had their very ideas yet to form, and oral instruction and literary education were open to a very few, V. 1-5. The call to the priesthood, and the general enume- ration of the priestly garments. And ihoiL Moses has been hitherto the plenipotentiary of heaven, including all offices and powers in himself To him then all commands are iysued. Bring near for thee. For thy part bring near unto me. From among the sons of Israel, who are all in a larger sense, " unto me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation " (xix. G). To be priests unto me. The term ]*}? (Kohen) is sometimes applied to a civil officer, bearing the same relation to the king that the priest does to the king of kings (2 Sara, viii. 18, XX. 26, 1 Kings iv. 8, 1 Chr. xviii. 17). Hence it originally means a mediator, advocate, or intercessor appointed by the sovereign. The element of sin in the case of man in- volves the office of expiation in an efficacious mediator, and this is the priest strictly so called, v. 2. Holy garments. Holy because divinely prescribed, and having a holy signifi- cance. They figured the righteousness which is the outward garb of a soul loyal to God. For glory and for beauty. Glory is the outshining of intrinsic excellence. Beauty is that pleasing characteristic which distinguishes the glorious from the shameful. For evil has its sensible outgoing of shame and ugliness. The inward cannot but have its corre- sponding outward show to an all-penetrating eye. The high- est of all excellence is moral rectitude, the glory and beauty of wliich are shadowed forth by the priestly garments. 2. Tlie wise of heart. The heart is the term for the whole mental faculties in the metaphorical usage of Hebrew speech. Tlte spirit of iviadom here is that pre-eminent mechanical skill, which is competent to conceive and realise the design in hand. v. 4, 5. Six parts of the sacerdotal attire are here enumerated, three of which are peculiar to the high priest — 298 THE EPHOD. the breastplate, the ephod, and the robe. The other three are common with him to the other priests — the chequered coat, the mitre, and the girdle, with this difference, that in place of the mitre, the common priest has the bonnet or turban (v. 40). The number three is conspicuous here, as in the structure of the tabernacle. The doubling of this number in the high priest's attire indicates his pre-eminence in priestly rank. The materials of which they are to consist are the same that were used in making the inner curtains of the sanctuary. V. 6-1 4. The ephod. The materials and workmanship of the ephod and the curtains of the mishkan are the same, with the exception of the cherubim, v. 7, 8. A patient considera- tion of the description of the ephod leads to the conclusion that it was a shoulder-piece Q'^uf/,!; Sept.) or single lappet covering the back and reaching under the arm. This was kept in its place by two contrivances : First, two shoulder- straps extending from the upper part behind were attached to the side pieces under the arms that came out in front immedi- ately above the waist-band : Secondly, the belt along the lower part of the ephod went round the waist, and so fastened it on. The Rabbins, indeed, and many commentators after them, hold that there were two lappets, each a cubit in length, one in front and one behind, connected by two shoulder-straps. But this is against the text, and against Josephus, who expressly states that the ephod left the breast uncovered (Antiq. iii. 7, 5). The lappet, straps, and belt, were all of the same materials, and apparently of the same piece. The gold was beaten into thin plates, and cut into wires in oi'der to be interwoven with the blue, and purple, and scarlet, and fine linen (xxxix. 8). v. 9-12. Tivo onyx stones are to be set in ouches of gold on the shoulders of the ephod. The names of the sons of Israel are to be engraven, six on each stone, according to their birth. The names of the elder six sons, according to Josephus, were on the right shoulder, and those of the other six on the left. The probable arrange- ment is — Reuben, Simon, Levi, Judah, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Issakar, Zebulun, Joseph, Benjamin. These stones are to be sto7ies of memorial for the sons of Israel before the Lord. The engraven names, like all writings, perpetuate the remem- EXODUS XXVIII, G-1 4. 209 brance of the persons or tliinf^s named. This, therefore, intimates that the descendants of Israel are on the memory of the high priest when he appears before the Lord. And the direction concerning these names indicates that in all this tlie God of mercy has Israel in perpetual remembrance. The office of the high priest has a twofold aspect, as he is the j)lenipotentiary of heaven to man, and as he is the propitiator of heaven for man. The badge of official authority was car- ried on the shoulder. Hence the ephod with its onyx-stones sliadows forth on the one hand the authority of the high priest as appointed of God to his high office. On the other liand, the bearing of the names on the shoulder indicates the propitiatory power of the high priest's office. The shoulder is the scat of bearing power. And bearing the names of the sons of Israel is a forcible Hebrew symbol for saving them by an interposition, which prevails in virtue of a proper atone- ment. By a familiar expansion of the figures, the high priest appears as the shepherd (Gen. xlix. 24) who bears the lanjbs on his shoulders. He thus becomes the significant type of the great High Priest, whose everlasting arms are under- neath his people. The onyx-stones are two, simply because the shoulders are two on which the people are borne. The names are in a group upon these stones to indicate that the one atonement is made for the whole body of the ffxithful. v. J 3, 1 4. These two verses stand by themselves in the original text, and form the transiticm from the description of the ephod to that of the breast-plate. The ouches of [/old seem to be those in which the onyx-stones are set. Attach- ing. The word 0^^533 is very obscure. The meaning, "twisted," now generally given to it, is implied in the following word. It appears to refer to the use made of the chains. They were formed not of rings, but of gold threads twisted in the man- ner of a cord. These are fostened on the ouches, and serve to suspend the breast- piece, and form a close connexion between it and the onyx-stoucs. V. 15-30. The breast-plate of judgment, /.oyiTov rr,; xpIsiu; (v. 30) is not a plate strictly so called, but a piece of figured stufiT like the ephod ; which, when doubled, formereliminary arraiigenients. v. 1-3. First, the bringing forward of the articles for sacrifice. The offering consists in its fullest form of three parts ; the animal or proper saci"ifice, in which the blood that makes atonement was shed, the meat-oflering, and the drink-offering. In these two the thanksgiving and self- devotion of the offerer aie jointly expressed ; and hence the meat-offering only is sometimes employed, as in the present instance, to denote this state of mind. The three animals for sacrifice are a young bullock and two ram.s. Wifhovt blemish. This outward freedom from fault is symbolic of that intrinsic integrity or perfection which must belong to the real sacrifice for sin. Three kinds of bread made of wheaten flour are employed for the meat offering. Bread baked in the usual manner ; cakes mingled with oil, a kind of short bread, per- forated, as its name indicates ; and wafers with oil spread upon, them. These indicate the fulness and variety of the feelings and duties acknowledged. They are all unleavened in token of the sincerity of the worshipper. They are put into one basket as beinrj one offering, and are brought forward with the bullock and the rams. V. i. The second preliminary is the bringing forward of Aaron and his sons, the parties to be set apart for office. Uyito the door of the tent of meeting. The tent has been already described (xxvi. 7-1 5). It was stretched over the tabernacle. It is called the tent of meeting, because it is the appointed place of meeting with God on the part of the high priest, and also on that of every stated assembly of the people on solemn occasions (v. 42, 43. See on xii. 3). At the door of the tent means in a circle, the circumference of which touches the door, be the same more or less according to the number constituting the meeting. It is obvious that a door ten cubits wide and a gate to the court of twenty cubits will allow a wide scope for the phrase at the door of the tent of meeting. And shalt icash them ivith water. At the time when this direction would be carried into execution the laver (xxx. 17- 21) would have been constructed and placed between the altar and the door of the tent (xl. 11, 12), say twenty-five feet fiom each. Hence Aaron and his sons were at the door of the tent of meeting, when they were twenty-five feet from the 310 THE FORM OF CONSECRATION. entrance. The washing with water is one of the figures for personal cleansing or sanctification, while the sprinkling with blood shed at the altar was typical of legal cleansing or justi- fication. V. 5, G. The investiture is the third preliminary. The coat is first put on over the shirt, then the robe, then the ephod and breastplate, with the belt of the ephod, and lastly, the mitre, with the crown of holiness on the head. We have already seen the typical significance of the articles of dress. Aaron being now present in his official attire, and accom- panied with the offerings, the consecration or solemn ordina- tion is to take place. V. 7. The first part of the proper ordination is the anoint- ing. The composition of the anointing oil is afterwards ])re- scribed (xxx. 22-25). The mode of application is pouring upon the head. He thus becomes a mashiach, a representa- tive of the great Messiah. The anointing denotes qualification for oflSce by the enlightening and sanctifying operation of the Spirit of the Lord. V. 8, 9. The sons of Aaron are now brought forward. Their investiture is summed up in the direction to clothe them with coats. And then girdles are put on Aaron and his sons. It appears from this that the girdle was put over the belt of the ephod. The bonnets are bound on their heads, and must therefore be furnished with ties for this purpose. The priestly office shall be theirs for a perpetual statute. The priesthood, in its virtue and effect, is absolutely perpetual. In its present form, it lasts as long as the Levitical economy, And thou shalt Jill the hand. After the qualification, comes naturally the institution, described as the filling of the hands with the instruments of office that they may be used in some initial ser- vice. But in proceeding to this we meet with the propitiation or atoning sacrifice, by which they become recti in curia, right in point of law. V. 10-28. The second part is the removal of legal disquali- fication by a series of sacrifices. The first is the sin-offering (v. 10-14). Here is the direct recognition of sin in the in- tended officials, and therefore of the need of an atonement. The bullock is to be brought before the tent of meeting. Aaron and his sons are to put their hands on its head in token EXODUS XXIX. 1 5-28. 311 that their sins are laid on it. This symholic action takes place in all the offerings (v. 15, 10). Moses is to slay the animal in the presence of the Lord. He is to sprinkle of the blood upon the horns of the altar, and pour the rest at its base. It is the blood, which is the life, that makes atone- ment. All the fat covering the inwards, the caul or midriff, the kidneys and their fat, are to be burnt upon the altar. The fat is the best, and this is to be consumed on the altar, as a satisfaction to justice beyond the mere ])rivation of life. The remainder of the sin-offering is to be carried without the camp, as an unclean thing, and there consumed with fire, to indicate that that in which sin resides must be given over to destruction. Such is the awful, yet hopeful significance of the sin-offering. V. 15-18. Next is the burnt-offering. The victim is in this case wholly burnt on the altar, to denote that a full pro- pitiation is to be made for guilt. The blood of the one rara is to be sprinkled on the altar round about. Its body is then to be cut in pieces, perhaps into quarters, the inwards and legs to be washed, and laid upon the pieces and the head on the altar. The burnt-offering is as old as Noah's day (Gen. viii. 20). The offering of the whole victim on the altar gives prominence to the idea of a complete substitution of one for another. It is a sweet savour, because it scents the air with the flavour of savoury meat, and thereby vividly expresses how pleasing to the Almighty is the satisfaction to justice which opens the way to remission and restoration. It is an offering hy fire, because this brings to view the utter destruc- tion that awaits every thing tainted with sin. V. 19-28. The third is the rara of consecration. Touching the body with the blood figures tlie application of that which expiates to the person purged from guilt. The ear is the organ of hearing, and therefore understanding and willing. The hands and the feet are the two great organs of nearer and more distant outward act. All these channels of true obedi- ence needed propitiation. The sprinkling of the blood upon the altar noted to whom the expiation was made. v. 21. This was followed by a remarkable sprinkling of the persons and garments of the priests with both the blood upon the altar and the anointing oil, to symbolize at the same time the 312 THE FORM OF CONSECRATION. outward and legal, and the inward and moral purification which was essentiiil to the priestly office. V. 22-25. The filling of the hands here begins. This simple but significant act is the third and crowning part of the induction of the priests into ofiice. The fat and fatty parts of the ram, with one of each kind of cakes in the basket, are taken by Moses. The rump. This is the tail of the sheep, which in the broad-tailed species often weighed twenty pounds, con- sisting chiefly of fat, and was so valuable that a little cart was sometimes placed under it to preserve the fat, and relieve the animal, v. 24. All these are to be |>wi in the hands of Aaron and his sons. From a comparison of the present pas- sage with others in the trial of jealousy and the institute of the Nazarite (Num. v. 18, vi. 19), it appears that to put an ofiering into the hands of the offerer is to cause him thereby to take a part in the offering and in all its consequences. The significance of this taking in hand depends on the nature of the offering in question. Here it is the ram filling the hand (v. 22). Aaron and his sons, then, here take the first step in offering, and are thereby initiated in the priestly office. But Moses is further du-ected to wave them for a wave offering, while they are in the hands of the priests. This seems to be accomplished by Moses placing his hands beneath those of the priests, and convejnng to them a motion to and fro. Waving is explained by Maimonides and Rashi to be a going and coming ; that is, a going towards the altar in token of dedication to the Lord, and a coming again towards the priest in token of transference to the priest as his share. This, however, does not suit the present case, in which the things waved are afterwards consumed on the altar. Later rabbins describe it as a movement towards the four quarters of heaven, to denote a consecj'ation to the omni- present God. But the horizontal movement probably indi- cates equality of rank, while heaving, a vertical movement, points to superiority and inferiority of rank. On this suppo- sition, while either movement may denote an active part in the sacred service, waving may shadow forth the communion of the worshippers with one another, and heaving the com- munion of the worshipper with the Being worshipped. In the present case, the waving will indicate the communion of Aaron EXODUS XXIX. 2G-29. .313 niul Ins sons witli Moses in the act of sacrifice. After the waving Moses is to take the things waved out of their liands and burn them upon the altar. As the ram is here paren- thetically called "the ram of filling" of the hand, it is mani- fest that this is the first act of that official initiation which is continued through the seven days of consecration (v. 35). V. 2G-28. The part of the sacrifice usually assigned to the priest. The first victim offered on this occa.sion is a sin- offering, the second a burnt-ofFeiing. After sin has been expi- ated, and complete satisfaction made, reconciliation and com- munion with God naturally follow. Hence the third victim, the ram of consecration, is of the nature of a peace-offering, in which the worshipper, still acknowledging his need of atone- ment, yet advances to the end of all i)roj)itiation, peace with God, communion with Him, and all the joy of salvation. Hence the peace-offering included a feast upon a sacrifice, shadowing forth the communion of the worshippers with God. The priests were partakers in this communion ; and accord- ingly the wave-breast was assigned to them, and the heave- shoulder to him who officiated on the occasion (Lev. vii. 32- 84;). Here, then, the breast of the ram of consecration is assigned to Moses, who for the present sums up the whole priesthood in himself. He is to wave it for a wave-offering, in token of his communion with the offerers in the blessings of peace and privilege, v. 27. He is to Judlow, or set apart to a sacred use, the shoulder of the heave-ofFerinriest. The ])lace of meeting is to be hallowed by the glory of the Divine presence (v. 44). The tent of meeting, tho altar, and tho priests, are to partake alike of this sacred character, v. 45, 4G. God will dwell among them and be their God, and by all their past exj)erience shall the people know that he is ilie Lord Uwir God, the self-existent Author of all being, who is Eternal and Almighty, and who has deigned to have mercy on them, and adopt them to be his people; and in pursuance of this gracious determination has hroujltt theiti forth out of the land of Mizraim, that he might dwell among them. To this glad announcement of his grace, he sets the seal of promise and assurance by adding, / am the Lord their God. These specifications of the tabernacle service are no mere dry detail, but a record of heavenly life and promise. CHAP. XXX. THE REMAINING ARTICLES FOR THE TABERNACLE. 23. "io Myrrh, an aromatic plant of Arabia, li^^ "io flow- ing or liquid myrrh, r. fioui pD3ip y.ind/MUfji.ov, Cinnamon is of the best quality in Ceylon. r. perhaps n^P reed. ^}_P xaXa/xog grows in Arabia and India. 24. ^"^p of the same class with ^^^P cassia, r. split. 34. c;tj3 oTaxTTi a gum spontaneously distilling from the myrrh-plant. Others take it to be storax, a plant growing in Syria, Arabia, and other countries, which yields a fragrant gum. r. drop. rhn:^ oi>u^ onycha, the crustaceous covering of the shells of the trochus and conus. r. scrape of. n33^n p/aXCanj, the gum of the stagonitis growing in Arabia, Syria, and Abyssinia, r. fat or milky. 816 REMAINING FURNITURE OF THE TABERNACLE. nyn? xiZavog, frankincense, the native place of which is Arabia Felix, r. he white. And thou shalt make an altar to hurn incense upon ; of shittah •wood shalt thou make it. 2 A cubit shall be the length thereof, and a cubit the breadth thereof; square shall it be; and two cubits shall be the height thereof : its horns shall be of the same. 3 And thou shalt overlay it with pure gold, its top, and its sides round about, and its horns : and thou shalt make for it a croAvn of gold around about. 4 And two golden rings shalt thou make for it under the crown of it on the two flanks thereof ; on the two sides of it shalt thou make them : and they shall be places for the staves to bear it withal. 5 And thou shalt make the staves of shittah- wood, and overlay them with gold. 6 And thou shalt set it before the vail that is by the ark of the testimony, before the mercy-seat that is over the testimony, where I will meet with thee. 7 And Aaron shall burn thereon incense of spices : every morning, when he dresseth the lamps, shall he burn it. 8 And when Aaron setteth up the lamps between the evenings, he shall burn it : a perpetual incense before the Lord throughout your generations. 9 Ye shall burn upon it no strange incense, nor burnt-offering, nor meat-oft'ering ; neither shall ye pour drink-offering thereon. 10 And Aaron shall make an atonement upon the horns of it once in a year : with the blood of the sin-oflfering of atonement once in the year shall he make atonement upon it through- out your generations ; it is most holy unto the Lord. 2 1 . T[*[f ^ 45. 11 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 12 When thou takest the sum of the sons of Israel who are numbered, then shall they give each a ransom for his soul unto the Lord, when they are numbered ; and there shall be no plague among them when they are numbered. 13 This they shall give, every one that passeth among the numbered, half a shekel after the shekel of the sanctuary : the shekel is twenty gerahs ; half a shekel is the offering unto the Lord. 14 Every one that passeth among the numbered, from twenty years old and above, shall give the offering unto the Lord. 15 Tlie rich shall not give more, and the poor shall not give less than half a shekel, when they give the offering unto the Lord to make atonement for their souls. 16 And thou shalt take the money of atonement from the sons of Israel, and shalt give it for the service of the tent of meet- ing ; and it shall be a memorial for the sons of Israel before the Lord to make atonement for your souls. ^ 46. 17 And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 18 Thou shalt also make a laver of brass, and its stand of brass, to wash withal : and thou shalt set it between the tent of meeting and the altar ; and thou shalt EXODUS XXX. 317 put wator therein. 19 And Aaron and his sons shall wash thorcnut their hands and their feet. 20 When they go into the tent of nieet- inf:^, tliey shall wash with water, and shall not die : or when they come near to the altar to minister, to burn an offei'ing hy fire unto the Lord. 21 So they shall wash their hands and tlieir feet, and not die : and it shall be to them a statute for ever, to him and to liis seed throughout their generations. 1[ 47. 22 And tlio Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 23 And thou take for thee principal spices, of i)ure myrrh five hundred shekels, and of sweet cinnamon half so much, two hundred and fifty, and of sweet calamus two hundred and fifty, 24 And of cassia five hundred, after the shekel of tlie sanctuary, and of olive oil a bin. 25 And thou shalt make it an oil of holy ointment, a perfume compounded after the ai-t of the perfumer : it shall be a holy anointing oil. 26 And thou shalt anoint with it the tent of meeting and the ark of the testimony, 27 And the table and all its vessels, and the candlestick and its vessels, and the altar of incense, 28 And the altar of burnt-offering and all its vessels, and the laver and its base. 29 And thou shalt hallow them, and they shall be most holy : whatsoever toucheth them shall be holy. 30 And Aaron and his sons thou shalt anoint, and hallow them to act as priests unto me. 31 And thou shalt speak unto tho sons of Israel, saying, This shall be a holy anointing oil unto rao throughout your generations. 32 Upon man's flesh shall it not bo j)Oured ; nor shall ye make any like it in its proportion : holy is it, holy shall it be unto you. 33 Whosoever compoundeth any like it, or whosoever putteth of it upon a stranger, shall even be cut oil' from his people. § 72. 34 An(l the Lord said unto Moses, Take unto thee spices, stacte, and onycha, and galbanum ; spices with pure frankincense : part by part shall there be. 35 And thou shalt make it an incense, a perfume, the work of the perfumer, salted, pure, and holy. 30 And thou shalfc beat of it fine, and put of it before tho testimony in the tent of meet- ing Avhere I will meet with thee : it shall be unto you most holj^ 37 And the incense which thou shalt make in its proportion ye shall not make for yourselves : it shall be for you holy unto the Lord. 38 Whosoever shall make like unto it to smell thereto, shall even be cut off from his people. We have already hinted at the order oKserved in this spe- cification of the tabernacle and its appurtenances. The author of this remarkable document proceeds from God to man; from tho centre, the ark of the testimony and the holy of holies, to the circumference, the altar of sacrifice and the court (xxv.-xxvii). 318 THE ALTAR OF INCENSE. He next determines the official attire, mode of consecration, and stated functions of the priests (xxviii., xxix.) And then in a closing chapter he returns with the high priest from man to God, from the altar of sacrifice to the altar of incense, adding certain things' of essential moment that occur on this blessed return. The starting-point is the altar of propitiation, then the laver of purification, and lastly the altar of praise, includ- ing confession, adoration, prayei', and thanksgiving. Parallel with the two latter are the ointment of sanctification, with which all things are to be hallowed, and the incense of sup- plication, which is to be presented before the mercy-seat. The progress and regress here are the prophecy and the history of salvation. First God comes forth to man with the mighty purpose of mercy in his heart and on his lips for four thou- sand years. Then the Great High Priest makes atonement, and returns to the Father to send forth the spirit of sanctifi- cation, and to make intercession for all who accept his media- tion. So the awakened sinner finds the atonement for sin and the cleansing of the heart to be on the way to the Father. V, 1-10. The altar of incense. It is called an altar, a place of slaughtering for sacrifice, though no such offering was to be made on it, to intimate that all acceptable worship or ser- vice is only through an atonement previously made. It there- fore presupposes, and is itself a monument of the altar of burnt-offering. To hum incense upon. Incense in regard to the priest is only the merit of obedience for another, and to burn it is to make intercession for that other. In regard to the general worshipper, the off*ering of incense symbolises every act of prayer, thanksgiving, or obedience, which is accepted through the intercession of the high priest. For the propitiation has already been made on the altar of sacrifice, and the sanctification has been shadowed forth by the laver. And the redeemed and regenerate man, now filled with the Spirit of adoption, loves to speak and to walk with his heavenly Father, v. 1-5. The altar is made of the same wood as the other parts of the tabernacle. It is overlaid with gold, and so is in keeping with the table, and stands in close rela- tion with the candlestick and the ark of the covenant. It is adorned with a crown of gold, like the table and the ark. It EXODUS XXX. 1-10. 819 is furnished with rings and staves, with wliich it may be moved from place to ])laee. v. G. It is to he placed before the vail that hangs before the ark of the testimony, he/ore tlte onercy-seat, with which it stands in intimate correspondence of meaning. Both presuppose an atonement made and accepted ; and over the mercy-scat is the presence of God merciful and gracious, and at the altar of incense is the high priest present- iug the ransomed peo))lc, that they and their service may be accepted. Hence the addition, ichere I luill meet xoitk thee. In accordance with this intimate connexion, the altar of incense was probabl}' placed close to the vail. In this way the candle- stick, the altar, and the table would stand at the middle points of the inner side of tb.e holy i)lace, and the altar would be in closest proximity with the mercy-seat. v. 7-10. Incense of spices is to be burned on it morning and evening contin- ually. No strange incense, none but that prepared by divine a]ipointment (v. 34-38), no burnt-offering, meat-offering, or drink-ofiering is to be burnt on it. Once every year Aaron is to make atonement upon the horns of it by sprinkling upon it with his finger seven times the blood of the sin-offerincr of atonement, to cleanse it and to hallow it from the uncleanness of the sons of Israel (Lev. xvi, 1 9). This was directed to be done also when a sin-offering was to be presented for the hifdi priest or the congregation (Lev. iv. 7, 18). It is most holy unto the Lord. This character is ascribed to the inner sanc- tuary (xxvi. 33), to the altar of burnt-offering (xxix. 37), to all the furniture of the tabernacle when anointed (xxx. 29), to all the offerings that were appropriated to the priests, and to the place in which they were to be eaten (Num. xviii. 9, 10). In the first of these instances it distinguishes the most holy from the holy place : in the others it expresses emphatically the exclusive holiness of that which belongs to God. V. 11-lG. A regulation is here introduced concerning those who are to be enrolled as the host of the Lord (Num. i. 3). Tliey are to give each a ransom for his soul unto the Lord when they are numbered. Here is the constantly recurring intimation that all were guilty before God. They cannot, therefore, be received into his service as the host of the Lord without a ransom. A plague must fall on the unransomed soul that was enrolled in the sacred hst. The ransom money 320 ' THE LAYER. is a bekah, or half shekel. This is directed to be after the shekel of the sanctuary. The standard is fixed at twenty gerahs. We have not the means of ascertaining the value of the coins before the captivity. But the approximate value of the shekel was 2s. 3d. (xxi. 32). The shekel of the sanctuary may be one of full weight in contrast with that of commerce, which may have been of less weight. We have here the fol- io win cj table of coins or weights : Gerah or hean. I Beka (Gen xxi v. 2 2), or half shekel, = 10 gerahs. Shekel, or weight, = 20 gerahs. Every one from 20 years old and upwards passed among the numbered or registered host, and paid the half shekel. The rich and the poor give alike, because their souls are of equal value, and the beka is the money of atonement for each. The offering is to be for the service of the tent of meeting (xxxviii. 27-31). v. 17-21. The laver was to be made of brass, and its stand of the same material (xxxviii. 8). Its place was between the altar and the door of the tabernacle. If the interval be- tween the door of the tabernacle and the gate of the court (see on xxvii. 19) were 50 cubits, or 75 feet, the altar and the laver may have divided this into three equal spaces of 25 feet. The Talmud supposes the laver to have been placed a little south of the middle line of the court. This will depend very much on the degree of importance attached to the laver. If it be merely a means of cleanliness, it may be set aside. But if its use be a symbol of sanctification, it will stand in the same line with the altar. Its purpose is washing, that Aaron and his sons may wash thereout their hands and their feet. The phrase thereout indicates that water was taken out of the laver into a smaller vessel for washing. The washing itself indicates that the priests were unclean not only by mingling with the people, but by their own inherent sinful- ness. The feet and hands with which they go and minister are to be cleansed, lest they die. Death is the penalty of sin, and therefore this outward cleansing is an emblem of that in- ward purity which must characterize him who is to make EXODUS XXX. 17-21. 321 atonement for the sins of the people. This cleansinj:^ is a perpetual statute. This is in keeping with its intrinsic im- portance as the symbol of sanctification. V. 22-33. The holy anointing oil. This is to be composed of five ingredients: 500 shekels of pure myrrh, 250 of sweet cinnamon, 250 of sweet calamus, and 500 of cassia, and a hin, about 3 (quarts, of olive oil. It is said to be compounded after the art of the perfumer. It is probable, therefore, as the Rabbins suppose, that the three spices were soaked in water, and boiled, and their essence extracted and mingled with the myrrh and oil. v. 26-30. With the anointing oil are to be anointed the tent of meeting, the ark of the testimony, the table, the candlestick, and the altar of incense, the altar of burnt-offering, the laver, and all their appurtenances. Being thus anointed, they are hallowed, and are accounted most holy (v. 10). Aaron and his sons are to be anointed and consecrated to their priestly office, v. 31-33, This is to be a standing oil for anointing, not to be used for common purposes, not to be imitated in ordinary compounds, on pain of excom- munication (Gen. xvii. 14). The anointing oil is an impres- sive symbol of sanctifying grace. It is analogous to the water of the laver, which cleanses. The latter points to the quality required ; the former to the end contemplated. That which is dedicated to God must be cleansed from stain. v. 34-38. The incense. This also contains five simples. Stacte, onycha, galbanum, frankincense, and salt. Stacte is the natural dropping of some sweet-scented plant, probably the storax. Onycha is probably the operculum, claw or lid of the shell of a strombus, or other fish, emitting a scent, which, if not agreeable in itself, enhances the sweet odour of the other ingredients combined with it. Galbanum is the gum of a species of ferula {/xiru'riov Dioscor.) or stagonite (Pliny), of a sharp bitter taste, fitted to add to the strength and dura- tion of the other components. Frankincense is the odori- ferous resin of a plant that grew in Arabia Felix, and India, which was frequently used in religious oft'ering.s. Pure, free from adultciation. Fart by part shall there he, each prepared apart from the others, or an equal part of each shall enter into the compound, v. 35. An iiiceoise for burning on the golden altar. A iierfume diffusing an agreeable fragrance. Tlie X 322 THE MASTER OF THE WORK. woo'k of the perfumer, prepared according to the rules of a well-known art. Salted, as every meat-offering was. Salt is the emblem of incorruptibility. Pure, free from foreign ad- mixture. Holy, dedicated to the holy use for which its purity fits it. V. 36. Beat of it fine, reduce it to a powder, that it may burn freely. A nd put of it before the testimony, on the altar of incense, which stood close to the veil that separated the holy from the most holy place, containing the ark of the testimony. In the tent of meeting, tuhere I will meet with thee. Where the Lord meets with the representative of the people, there is the place of conference, and tlierefore of prayer, adoration, confession, and inquiry on the one hand ; and on the other hand of hearing, granting, accepting, and answering. Incense is accordingly the emblem of prayer and praise, v. 37, 38. This incense is not to be applied to any ordinary use, or imitated, on pain of excision. CHAP. XXXI. THE MASTER OF THE WORK. 1. Pxpva Betsalel. This is usually explained, in the shadow of God. ^i>' Uri, light. 6. :i5<'^nx Oholiab, tent-father. '=19?''0^ Achisamak, help-brother. 10. "i^ip separation, distinction, official distinction, r. separate, escape, remain. And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, 2 See, I have called by name Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah : 3 And filled him with the Spirit of God, iu wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all workmanship, 4 To devise designs ; to work in gold, in silver, and in brass. 5 And in cutting of stones for setting, and in carving of wood, to work in all workmanship. 6 And I, behold, I have given unto him Aholiab, son of Ahisamak, of the tribe of Dan ; and in the heart of every wise-hearted one I have put wisdom ; and they shall make all that I have commanded thee : 7 The tent of meeting, and the ark of the testimony, and the mercy-seat that is thereupon, and all the vessels of the tent, 8 And the table and its vessels, and the pure candlestick and all its vessels, and the altar EXODUS XXXI. 323 of incfinse, 9 And tho altar of Inirnt-ofrorinj^ and all its vessels, and the laver and its stand, 10 And tlio garments of ollice, and the holy garments for Aaron the priest, and the garments of his sons to servo as priests : 11 And the anointing oil, and the sweet incense for tho lioly place : according to all that I have commanded thee shall they do. Tl 47. 12 And the Loud spake unto Moses, saying, 13 And thou speak \into the sons of Israel, saying, Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep ; for it is a sign between me and you for your generations to know that I am the Lord that halloweth you. 14 And ye shall keep the Sabliath, for it is holy unto you : he that defileth it shall surely be put to death; for whosoever doeth any work therein, that soul shall be cut off from among his people. 15 Six days shall Avork be done; and in the seventh is a Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord : whosoever doeth any work on the Sabbath day shall surely be put to death. IG And the sons of Israel shall keep the Sabbath, to observe the Sabbath in their generations for a perpetual covenant. 17 It is a sign between me and the sons of Israel for ever : for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed. § 74. 18 And he gave unto Moses, when he made an end of speaking with him upon mount Sinai, the two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the linger of God. The seventh chapter completes the specifications by naming the chief workman with his second, and assigning to him the execution of all the works. This is followed by an injunction concerning the Sabbath : and then the scene is closed by- handing over to Moses the two tables of the law written with the finger of God. V. 1 • 1 1 . The calling of BezaleL / have called hy name, appointed to ofiice by naming the man. BezaleL The order of descent is Judah, Parez, Hezron, Kaleb, Hur, Uri, Bcznlel. (1 Chr. ii. 1-20). Hence Bezalel belongs to the seventh geueni- tion after Jacob, and it is evident that he was now at man's estate and may liave been the fatlier of a family. For Kalob, his great grandfather, is at least three generations before Kak-b the son of Jephunneh, the companion of Joshna, and probably of the same generation with Bezalel. Hur, the son of Kaleb, belongs to the fourth generation from Judah, and is therefore parallel with Moses and Aaron who are in the third from Levi. V. 3. Filled him with the Spirit of God. His natural powers 324< THE SABBATH ENFORCED. are hereby exalted for the works he has to perform. Wisdom to devise, understanding to apprehend, knoiuledge to explain, and workmanship to make expert, v. 4, 5. To devise designs, from a mere verbal explanation. To ivork in the various materials employed in the tabernacle, v. 6. A companion and deputy is provided in Aholiab of the tribe of Dan, whose qualifications are described in xxxviii. 23. And all the wise- hearted men are required to take part in the work. v. 7-11. The various works to be executed are now enumerated, v. 1 0, And the garments of office. The phrase thus rendered occui-s only in three other places (xxxv. 19, xxxix. 1, 41), in two of which it is followed by the words, " to minister in the sanc- tuary." It appears to denote, not the cloths for covering the furniture (Num. iv. 6-1 4), as they were not strictly for minis- tering in the sanctuary, nor the inner curtains of the sanctuary, as they are previously mentioned in xxxix. 40, but the special parts of official array worn by the high priest to dis- tinguish him from the others. V. 12-17. The keeping of the Sabbath is here reinforced, because it might be supposed that so holy a work as the con- struction of the tabernacle might supersede the weekly rest. Verily my Sabbaths ye shall keep. They are by no means to be remitted even on this extraordinary occasion. It is a sign betiveen me and you. As the Sabbath was a Divine institu- tion commemorative of that creation in which the progenitor of the human race came into being, the observance of it by any remnant of the human family was a token that amidst the general apostasy they had retained or returned to their allegi- ance to the God of their being. For your generations. The commemorative rest is to continue as long as the intelligent race whose origin it celebrates. To know that I am the Lord that halloweth you. The people called to his favour and hallowed to his service know themselves and are known by others to be his by the Sabbath which they receive, under- stand, and sacredly observe, v. 14, 15. The civil penalty of death, as well as the hierarchical one of excision from the people of God, is attached to its desecration, v. 1 6, 1 7. The perpetuity of its obligation, and the significance of its obser- vance are then reiterated. In referring to its origin the sacred historian employs the remarkable expression, " on the seventh EXODUS XXXI. 18. 325 clay he rested and was refreshed." The "refreshment" must be understood in a sense w.nthy of him who " famtctli not neither is weary." It incUides at all events the pure deli-ht arising from the consciousness of a design accomplished, and from The contemplation of the intrinsic excellence of the work. V. 1 8. At the end of the connnunication made to Moses, the two tables of stone on which were written the ten com- mandments by the finger of God. To receive these he was summoned to appear before the Lord on the mount (xxiv. 12). The tu'O tables were, when placed side by side, somewhat less tlian two and a half cubits by one and a half, if they were to lie beside each other on the bottom (^f the ark (xxv. 1 0). If they were each a cubit square they might easily contain on the four surfaces which they present, the G20 letters contained in the Decalogue, and could be readily carried by Moses. Of testimony. The ten words contain the testimony of the Lord rco-ardinc^ the relation of the people to Him and their consc- quljut obligations (xxv. 1 G). Tables of stone. Stone was the native material for a monumental inscription. It %\as m constant use for the purpose among the ancients. Written with the finger of God. As these ten words were proclamied by the voice, so they are here said to be written by the finger of God. But as they heard on that dread occasion " the voice of words, but saw no similitude," so the engraving on stone implies no visible finger of God, but only the putting forth of His power for the production of an authentic and perma- nent copy of the moral law. XIV. THE rraST BREACH OF THE COVENANT. XXXII.-XXXIV. CHAP. XXXII. THE ACT OF APOSTASY. And the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount, and the people gathered unto Aaron and said unto hun, Up, make us gods, who shall go before us : for this Mosos, the man that brou<'ht us up out of the laud of ^li/.raim, we know not what is be- come of him. 2 And Aaron said unto them, Thick oif the gold rings which are in the ears of your wives, your sons anirit. His purifying work is here typified by the anointing with oil. V. 17-22. We have then an orderly detail of the execution of the first part of this command, v. 17-19. The date of the rearing of the tabernacle is the first day of the first month of the second year (see on xxxiv. 28). v. 20, 21. After the rearing of the tabernacle, the testimony, that is, the two tables of stone with the ten commandments engraven on them, is placed in the ark, and the ark with the mercy-seat in the most holy place, v. 22, 23. The table is placed on tlie north side of the holy place probably at the middle of the wall. The shew bread is set in order upon it. v. 24, 25. The candlestick occupies the corresponding place on the sout^ side. 360 THE TABERNACLE SET UP. Its lamps are set on. v. 26, 27. The altar of gold is placed before the vail at the middle points. The incense is kindled upon it. V. 28, 29. The altar of brass in the middle between the two sides, say twenty-five feet from the gate of the court. The burnt-offering and the meat-offering are offered upon it. V. 30-32. The laver we may suppose to be twenty-five feet from the altar, and from the door of the tent of meeting. 8hall wash, will have washed whenever they proceed to the altar or the sanctuary, v, 32. Wash. This expresses the rule and custom of those engaged in the service of the tabernacle, v. 33. The whole is completed by the erection of the court. We observe in the rearing up of the tabernacle that every part of the ritual service is declared to be commenced, as the cor- responding part of the furniture is put in its place, the bread laid on the table, the lighted lamps set on the candlestick, the incense kindled on the altar of gold, and the appropriate offerings made on the altar of brass. This may mean either that these acts were done on the instant or in the due course of events. In the absence of any reason to the contrary we may presume the former to be the fact. In this case the setting up of the service corresponds with the history of salvation. The ark with its inclosed testimony, mercy-seat and overshadowing cherubim, indicates the purpose of salvation in the mind of the present Deity. The bread, the light, and the incense shadow forth the actual blessings and privileges of the saved on account of the atonement yet to be made. The altar of brass and the laver are the emblems of atonement and renewal eventually accomplished in the history of mankind. The process for the individual is now reversed. When the burnt-offering and meat-offering have ascended the altar, the atonement has been typically made and accepted. When the priest cleanses himself at the laver the internal holiness is symbolised. Then follows the intercession represented by the incense on the golden altar. After that the full communion of holiness and blessing. And lastly the union with God is sealed for ever. V. 34-38. Then follows an event of solemn import, which is best expressed in the sim])le language of the text. Moses was not able. In the first overwhelming display of the divine glory, the tabernacle was not to be approached by man. The KXdDIS XI,. !jf;i after proceedings, however, are not here recorded. We have to wait for them till we reach the subsequent books. Thi.s manifestation of the divine glory indicates the acceptance of the tabernacle and of the worship that is now commenced in it. V. 36. When ike cJond was lifted tip. This intiniatINni!RCH. In Demy Sc.»., I'rirr KM 0,/. A CRITICAL AND EXEGETICAL COMMENTARY ON TUK BOOK OF GENESIS, WITH A NEW TRANSLATION, JAMES G. MURPHY, LL.D.; T.C.D. FR0FES30K OF HEBREW, DKLFAST. " This Commnntary, by Hr Murpliy, is one of the most vahiabh) and edifyinpf con- tributions to a right interpretation of Genesis with which it lias heen our privih'fre to meet. Without any unnecessary parade of learninfr, it is r(])Ieto with tlio rieliest Hebrew scholarship ; and wo can unhesitatingly assure many of our reaiU-r-s that they will tind it a work of most massive scholarship, abounding in rich and noble thought, and remarkably fresh ami sugt:estivo."—Kvano'jnd expositor of Scripture to a wide circle of readers in England and Scotland.'" — Monthly Messenger. " This is emphatically a great work. 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