:?y-i^£m "* ' U JUL 8 191( THIENNIAL ^^6'CAlW mESSLil (JA'J'ALOGLE THEOLOGICAL SEMINak AXDOVER, MASS f 1870 ^ T ^^^'' ,*t^ PRINCETON, N. J. '%. 'A */) 5S: Presented by 0\ (^ (^ ^^ Division ..S^ Section ...../.. TRIENNIAL [* JUL 8 191' CATALOGUE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, ^ ANDOVER, MASS 1870 BV 4070 .A56 T7 1870 Andover Theological Seminary. Triennial catalogue of the ANDOVER: PRINTED BY WARREN F. DRAPER, 1870. Charter Granted, June 19, 1807. Constitution of the Seminary Established, September 2, JSOT. Associate Foundation Established, May 10, 1808. Opened for Instruction, September 28, 1808. The First Class Graduated, September 25, 1810. TRUSTEES Elected. 1778 *IIox. SAMUEL PHILLIPS, M.A. *noN. JOHN PHILLIPS, LL.I). *Hox. WILLIAM PHILLIPS *Hox. OLIVER WENDELL, M.A. *Hox. JOHN LOWELL, LL.D. *Rev. JOSIAH STEARNS, M.A. *Rev. ELIAS SMITH, M.A. *Rev. WILLIAM SYIMMES, D.D. *Rev. JONATHAN FRENCH, M.A. *His HoxoR SAMUEL PHILLIPS, LL.D. *Rev. ELIPHALET PEARSON, LL.D. *Mr. nehemiah abbot fDied or Kesigned. *1790 *1795 1802 *1818 *1802 1781 *1793 1795 - *1809 *1802 *1826 *1808 1781 *Rev. DAVID TAPPAN, D.D. 1786 *EBENEZER PEMBERTON, LL.D. 1791 *His Hoxou WILLIAM PHILLIPS 1795 *SAMUEL ABBOT, Esq. 1795 *MARK NEWMAN, M.A. 1795 *Rev. JEDIDIAH MORSE, D.D. *1803 1793 *1827 1808 1836 *1826 t The star (*) prefixed to the year in this column, signifies that the person died in office. Elected. Ltieil oi 1795 *nox. JACOB ABBOT ISOI *H()N. JOHN PHILLIPS, M. A., of Andover 1802 *IIoN. JOHN PHILLIPS, M. A., of Boston 1802 *H()X. JOSIAH QUINCY, LL.D. 1802 *SAMUEL FARRAR, M.A. 1804 *Rev. DANIEL DANA, D.D. 1809 *Rev. ABIEL HOLMES, D.D., LL.D. 1810 *JOHN ADAMS, LL.D. 1811 *SAMUEL HALL WALLEY, Esq. 1820 *Hox. JONATHAN PHILLIPS 1820 *Rev. JUSTIN EDWARDS, D.D. 1823 *IIoN. SAMUEL HUBBARD, LL.D. 182G *Rev. JOHN HUBBARD CHURCH, D.D. 1826 *Rev. benjamin BLYDENBURG WISNER, D.D. 1827 *H()X. WILLIAM BOSTWICK BANISTER, M.A. 1829 *JEREMIAH EVARTS, M.A. 1831 *His Honor SAMUEL TURELL ARMSTRONG 1833 *OSGOOD JOHNSON, M.A. 1.S35 Rev. EBENEZER BURGESS, D.D. 1837 *Rev. WILLIAM COGSWELL, D.D. 1837 EBENEZER ALDEN, M.D., i\I.A. 1838 S'AMUEL HARVEY TAYLOR, LL.D. 1839 *SAMUEL FLETCHER, M.A. J 839 Rev. BROWN EMERSON, D.D. 1841 Rev. RUFUS ANDERSON, D.D,. LL.D. 1844 *IIox. JOHN AIKEN, M.A. 1846 *Rev. LUTHER FRASEUR DIMMICK, D.D. 1846 Rev. WILLARD CHILD, D.D. lit'signed. 1801 *1820 *1823 1828 1846 1856 *1837 1833 1848 1838 *1853 1843 *1840 *1835 183 7 *1831 *1850' *1837 1846 1845 1858 1856 1847 1863 4860 1849 Kleott'd. - Died or Kesipiied. lS4fi *n(>x. WILLIAM JOSEPH HUBBARD, M.A. *18G4 1847 Rkv. SAMUEL CRAM JACKSON, D.D. 1852 1848 IIox. SAMUEL HURD WALLEY, M.A. 1850 1850 Hkv. SETH SWEETSEPv, I).]). IS50 *DANIEL NOYES, M.A. *1852 1851 Hon. LINUS CHILD, I\[.A. 1852 Rev. JOHN LOKD TAYLOR, D.D. 1868 1852 Hox. WILLIA:\r HYDE, M.A. 1858 1853 Rev. SAMUEL CRAM JACKSON, D.D. 1856 Rev. W1LLIA:\I AUGUSTUS STEARNS, D.D., LL.D. 1858 Hox. REUBEN ATWATER CHAPMAN, LL.D. 1858 Hox. ALPHEUS HARDY 1858 *Rev. AMOS BLANCHARD, D.D. *1870 1861 Rev. DANIEL TAGGART FISKE, D.D. 1863 Hox. EDWARD SILAS TOBEY 1867 1866 Hox. JOHN KINGSBURY LL.D. 186!) 186 7 EDWARD TAYLOR, Es.;. 1868 Rev. ED:\HIND KIMBALL ALDEN, D.D. TREASUIIEIIS 1807 *SAMUEL FARRAR, M.A. 1840 1841 *SAMUEL FLETCHER, M.A. 1850 1850 *DANIEL NOYES, M.A. *1852 1852 Rev. JOHN LORD TAYLOH, D.D. 1868 1808 EDWARD TAYLOR, Esii. VISITORS. By Statute Died or or'Election. Resigned. 1808 *SAMUEL ABBOT, Esq. *1812 *HoN. WILLIAM BARTLET *1841 *MOSES BROWN, Esq. *1827 *Hox. JOHN NORRIS *1808 *Rev. SAMUEL SPRING, D.D. *1819 *Rev. TIMOTHY DWIGHT, D.D., LL.D. *1817 *Hox. GEORGE BLISS, LL.D. 1826 1816 *Rev. CALVIN CHAPIN, D.D. 1832 1819 *Rev. SAMUEL WORCESTER, D.D. *1821 1821 *Rev. JEREMIAH DAY, D.D., LL.D. 1837 1826 *Hox. WILLIAM REED *183 7 1832 *Rev. HEMAN HUMPHREY, D.D. 1849 1837 *Rev. JOHN CODMAN, D'.D. *1847 1837 *Hox. AVILLIAM BOSTWICK BANISTER, M.A. 1843 1843 *IIox. SETH TERRY, M.A. 1850 1848 Rev. RICHARD SALTER STORRS, D.D. 1856 1849 Rev. MARK HOPKINS, D.D., LL.D. 1857 1850 Hox. SAMUEL IIURD WALLEY, M.A. 1870 1856 *Rev. WILLIAM THEODORE DWIGHT, D.D. *l.s(i5 1858 Rev. SELAH BURR TREAT 1865 1865 Rev. ASA DODGE SMITH, D.D., LL.D. 1865 Rev. RAY PALMER, D.D. 1870. THOMAS HASTINGS RUSSELL, M.A. FACULTY. PRESIDENTS. Elected. Died or Resigned. 1827 *Rev. EBENEZER PORTER, D.D. *1834 1836 *Rev. JUSTIN EDWxiRDS, D.D. 1842 PROFESSORS SACRED LITERATURE. 1808 *Rev. ELIPHALET PEARSON, LL.D., 1809 Associate Professor. 1810 *Rev. MOSES STUART, M.A., 1848 Associate Professor. 1848 *Ret. BELA bates EDWARDS, D.D., *I852 Associate Professor. 1852 Rev. CALVIN ELLIS STOWE, D.D., 1864 Associate Professor. 1864 Rev. JOSEPH HENRY THAYER, M.A., Associate Professor. 18.30 *Rev. EDWARD ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D., 1833 Professor Extraordinary. 1837 *Rev. BELA BATES EDWARDS, D.D., "" 1848 Professor of Hebrew. 1853 Rev. ELIJAH PORTER BARROWS, D.D., 1866 .Seminary Professor, to 1858; Hitclicock Professor, 1858 to 1866. 1866 Rev. CHARLES MARSH MEAD, Ph.D., * Hitchcock Professor of the Hebrew Language and Literature. 8 CHRISTIAN THEOLOGY. Elected. Died or Resigned. 1808 *Rev. LEONARD WOODS, D.D., 1846 Abbot Professor. 1847 Rev. EDWARDS AMASA PARK, D.D., Abbot Professor. SACRED RHETORIC. 1809 *Rev. EDWARD DORR GRIFFIN, D.D., 1811 Bartlet Professor. 1812 *Rev. EBENEZER PORTER, D.D., IS.^a Bartlet Professor. 1819 *Rev. JAMES MURDOCK, D.D., 1824 Brown Professor. 183.3 Rev. THOMAS HARVEY SKINNER, D.D., LL.D., 1835 Bartlet Professor. 1830 Rev. EDWARDS AMASA PARK, D.D., 1847 Bartlet Professor. 1848 Rev. AUSTIN PHELPS, D.D., Bartlet Professor. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. 1824 *Rev. JAMES MURDOCK, D.D., 1828 Brown Professor, and Lecturer on Pa.storal Theology. 1829 *Rev. RALPH EMERSON, D.D., 1853 Brown Professor, and Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. 1853 Rev. WILLIAM GREENOUGH THAYER SHEDD, D.D., 18G2 Brown Professor, and Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. 1863 Rev. EGBERT COFFIN SMYTH, D.D., Brown Professor, and, to 1868, Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. SPECIAL COURSE. 1868 Rev. JOHN LORD TAYLOR, D.D., Smith Professor of Theology, Homilotics, etc., and Lecturer on Pastoral Theology. ELOCUTION". 1868 Rev. JOHN WESLEY CHURCHILL, M.A., Jones Professor. ASSISTANT INSTRUCTORS. IKT SACRED LITERATURE. EU'pted. Died or Resijjtiipd. 1821 Rev. THOMAS COGSWELL UPIIAM, T).D., LL.l). 182;i 1823 *r»EV. EDWARD ROBINSON, D.D., LL.D. 182G 1826 *Rev. GEORGE CONE BECKWITH, D.D. 1827 1827 *Rev. JOEL WORTHINGTON NEWTON, M.A. 1829 1828 Rev. CALVIN ELLIS STOWE, D.D. 1830 1830 Rev. LEONARD WOODS, Jk., D.D., LL.D. 1831 18.34 Rev. DANIEL SMITH TALCOTT, D.D. 1836 18.36 *Rev. OLIVER ALDEN TAYLOR, M.A. 1837 1845 Rev. HENRY BOYNTON SMITH, D.D., LL.D. 1847 1848 Rev. EDWARD ROBIE, M.A. 1852 IN SACRED RHETORIC. 1829 ■ Rev. LOAIMMI IVES HOADLY, M.A. 18S0 1831 *Rev. GEORGE CONE BECKWITH, D.D. 18.32 LECTURERS. ON FOREIGN MISSIONS. IS66 Rev. RUFUS ANDERSON, D.D., LL.D. 1869 Pres. SAMUEL HARRIS, D.D. ON CONGREGATIONALISM. 1866 Rev. LEONARD BACON, D.D. 1869 Rev. INCREASE NILES TARBOX, D.D. 2 10 ON BEVIVALS. Elected. Died or Resigned. 1866 Eev. EDWARD NORRIS KIRK, D.D. 1869 ON THE KELATIONS OF CHRISTIANITY TO POPULAR INFIDELITY. 1866 Rev. JACOB MERRILL MANNING, D.D. ON HOME EVANGELIZATION. 1866 Rev. DANIEL PARKER NO YES, M.A. ON INTELLECTUAL PHILOSOPHY. 1869 Prof. NOAH PORTER, D.D. TEACHERS, OF ELOCUTION. 1843 Prof. WILLIAM RUSSELL ' 1866 1862 Prof. LEWIS B. MUNROE ' 1866 OF MUSIC. 18:50 Prof. LOWELL MASON, Mus Doc. 18;57 185.5 Prof. GEORGE F. ROOT 1860 11 LIBIIARIANS. Elected. LtuHl or Resijariicd. 1808 *SAMUEL FARRAR, M.A. 18-14 1844 RENSSELLAER DAVID CHANCEFORD ROBBIXS, M.A. 1S48 1848 Rev. EDWARD ROBIE, M.A. 18.51 1851 SAMUEL HARVEY TAYLOR, LL.l). 1866 1866 Rev. WILLIAM LADD ROPES, M.A. EXPLAFATIONS. The first General Catalogue of the Seminary was publislied in 1815. From tliat date to 1857, one was issued every third year. None was published between 1857 and 18G7. That of 1857 was the first which gave lists of students who did not complete the required course of study. That of 1867 was the first which attempted to give dates of ordination, and continuous records of pastoral and other service, and was necessarily very imperfect. In the present issue, by an extended correspondence, much research, and the val- uable aid of persons well informed in such facts, much additional information is given, and many errors are corrected. To all the living graduates whose residence could be ascertained, who had not given information in 1867, and to very many of those who had done so, letters were sent ; to some of them, four times, each letter " to be returned if not delivered in ten days." That defects still exist in the records of some whose present residence is given, is therefore due to no lack of appeal. In such cases, and in many instances of persons deceased, it has been necessliiy to search the Minutes of Ecclesiastical bodies, Reports of Societies, Triennial Catalogues of Colleges and Seminaries, college histories and records of college classes, published and unpublished, files of weekly, monthly, and (juarterly periodicals, biographies, church histories, local histories, and genealogies ; and to consult the memories of classmates. Manu- script records of the Seminary, and a collection of letters from graduates, obtained in 1845 by Prof. B. B. Edwards, have also been carefully examined. The years of college graduation have been compared with the respective Triennials. A careful collation of the lists has been made with a set of Annual Catalogues, some of which were not known, in 1SG7, to be 12 13 in existence ; with the matriculation book ; anfl with Orders of Exercises at Anniversaries. The result has been, — the re-insertion of names of some graduates which had ceased to appear ; the addi- tion of many to the lists of those not completing the course ; the transfer of many of this kind from one class to another ; and the omission of some who have been found never to have been actually connected with the Seminary. A number hitherto given as " Res- ident Students," have been found to belong to regular classes. A more marked change is made in the lists of the early classes. Names of students leaving prior to 1816, have hitherto been in- serted under the year in which they ceased to be members of the Seminary, and without regard to their connection with their actual Class. The discovery of early Catalogues, the lists in the Panoplist and Recorder, and the records and recollections of early graduates, have secured a rearrangement strictly by classes. The plan of this Catalogue Avill be easily understood with the following explanations : 1, Under each year is first given an alphabetical list of graduates of that year; then, after a dash, the list of those who, although in that class, did not complete the course of study, — including in parenthesis, immediately after the name, the number of years of study, so far as known. Students in the Special Course fol- low the list of members in the full course, in each year ; those who did not complete the Special. Course being below the dash. The year ]869 is the first year of graduation in this Course. " Resident Students," and " Resident Licentiates," are given by themselves, in the latter part of the Catalogue. 2. The first line in each account gives, first, the name ; secondly, the State of birth (occasionally necessarily replaced by the State of residence upon entering the Seminary) ; thirdly, the college ; and, fourthly, the year of college graduation. It is then attempted to give the date of ordination, the successive pastorates, professorships, agencies, etc., in chronological order. The account of each person is to be deemed continuous unless dotted lines appear, — which signify ignorance. Slight intervals of years between two contig- uous terms of service, not thus marked, denote "without charge," and are not usually mentioned. Years found in parenthesis imply 14 certainty as to tlie given year and uncertainty as to other years. Thus, " ('44)-'o0." implies that the minister was in service in '44 and may liave been earlier. o. The name of a church (or place) without designation, imi)lies a pastorate ; "s.s."in such a connection denotes " stated supply"; " w.c." before the name of a place denotes residence without charge ; " s.s." is often equivalent to Home Missionary. 4. A date of ordination immediately followed l)y the name of church (or other service), with no dash intervening, implies that the ordination was to the pastorate of that church, or for such other service as is mentioned ; ivith a dash, it denotes an ordination "y'ith- out charge." o. A period and dash, following a term of service, invariably sig- nifies its completion. Occurring at the close of the account of any person, it implies of coursa .that nothing definite is known after that service. 6. A term of service ended by death, is signified by the half- dash and semicolon, and is always followed by the date of death. Thus, — " Rushville, N.Y., '32-; died there, 28 August 1835, age(l 50." implies that the pastorate begun in 1832 was terminated by death. 7. A half-dash and period, closing the account of any person, signifies that he is still in the service then mentioned. Thus, — " Brain tree, Ms., '11-." implies that the minister is still pastor of that church. 8. Churches are supposed to be Congregational, unless other- wise mentioned; except that when some other denomination is mentioned, either in ordination, or name of church, any following churches are of the same denomination, until another is specified. 9. Few abbreviations are used which do not explain themselves. Among them are the following : Of denominations : Bapt., Baptist. Cong., Congregatioiinl. Epi^c, Episcopal. F. W. Bapt., or F. Bapt., Free Will Baptist. Liitli., Luth- eran. Meth. Episc, Methodist Episcopal. Presb., Preslijtci-ian. Eef. (Dutch), Reformed (Dutch). Unit., Unitarian. Of occupation : Chap., Chaplain. Col., Colporteur. II. I\T., Home Missionary, p., pastor, p.e., pastor elect. Pres., President. PrIn.,PrIn- 15 cipal. Res., Resides. Sec, Secretary, s.s., stated supply, w.c, wftliout charge. Of societies : A. B. C. F. M., American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. Am., American. Am. Ed. Soc, American Education Society. Am. and For. Chr. Union, American and Foreign Christian Union. Am. Home Miss. Soc, American Home Missionary Society. Am. S. S. Union, American Sunday-School Union. Am. Tr. Soc, American Tract Society. Chr. Com., United States Christian Commission. Dep't, Department. San. Com., Sanitary Commission. U. >S. A., United States Army. Vols., Volunteers. Of colleges, etc. : A. C. — Amherst College, Ms. All. C— Allegheny College, Pa. B. C. — Bowdoin College, Me. B. U. — Brown University, R. I. Bel. C — Belolt College, Wis. C. C. — Columbia College, N.Y. C. U. — Colby University. Cal. C. — College of California. Cr. C. — Centre College, Ky. D. C — Dartmouth College, N. H. Dick. C. — Dickinson College, Pa. F. C. — Farmers' College, O. Gen. C. — Geneva College, N.Y. Green. C. — Greenville Coll., Tenn. H. C. — Harvard Colleoe, Ms. N. J. C. — College of New Jersey. N. y. C. — New York College. O. C. — Oberlin College, O. O. I. — Oneida Institute, N. Y. O. U. — Ohio University. O.W.U. — Ohio Wesleyan University. P. C. — Pennsylvania College. R. C. — Rutger's College, N. J. S. C. C. — South Carolina College. Trin. C. — Trinity College, Ct. U.C — Union College, N.Y. U.Ed. — University of Edinburgh, Sc U. G. — University of Georgia. U.Glas. — University of Glasgow, Scot. U. M. — University of Michigan. H. S. C— Hampden Sidney Coll.,A^a. U. N. C — University of N. Carolina. Ham. C. — Hamilton College, N.Y. Hills. C— Hillsdale College, Midi. 111. C. — Illinois College. lo. C. — Iowa College. J. C. — Jefferson College, Pa. K. C — Knox College, 111. Ken. C. — Kenyon College, O. King's C. — King's College, N. S. L. U. — London University, Eng. M. C — MIddlebury College, Vt. Mad. U. — ]\Iadison University, N.Y. Mar. C. — Marietta College, O. Miami University, O. U.N. Y. — University of New York. U. P. — University of Pennsylvania. U. Vt. — University of Vermont. W. C. — Williams College, Ms. W. U. — Wesleyan University, Ct. Wab. C. — Wabash College, Ind. Wash. C. — Washington College, Va. Washb. C. — Washburn College, Kan. Wg. C. — Waynesburg College, Pa. West.Un. Pa. — Western University, Pa. W.R.C.— Western Reserve College,0. Mi. U. Y.C. — Yale College, Ct. The initials of a college in Italics implies that the person was once a member of that college, but did not graduate. 16 10. A star prefixed to a name, denotes tliat tlie person is de- ceased. Additions and Corrections received too late for insertion in tlieir proper place, will be found at the end of the Catalogue. Notice of all errors will be gladly received ; and any person able to correct errors or to supply deficiencies, is requested to communicate at once with llev. Alonzo H. Quint, New Bedford, Mass. CATALOGUE. 1810. Ephraim Abbot, N. II. II. C. 1806. — Home Missionary, Washington Co., Me., '11-12. — s.s. Coventry, Ct., '12. — Agent Mass. Bible Soc., '12-'13. — Ordained 27 Oct. 1813. Greenland, N. H., '13-'28, and Prin. Acad, there, '2.5-'28. — Prin. Acad., Westford, Ms., '28-'37.— s.s. First ch., (Unit'n), Westford, Ms., partially, '31-4 7. — w.c. AVest- ford, Ms., '47-. *WixTHROP Bailey, Ms. II. C. 1807. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '10-11.— Ordained 15 May 1811. Brunswick, Me., '11-'14. — Pelham, Ms., '15-25. — Unit'n ch., Greenfield, Ms., '25-; died, in Deerfield, Ms., 16 March 1835, aged 51. *JoHN R. Crane, d.d., N. J. X. J. C. 1805. — Res. Newark, N. J., occ. pr., '10-18. — Ordained 4 Nov. 1818. Middletown, Ct., '18- ; died there, 17 Aug. 1853, aged 66. *HoOPER Gumming, D.D., N.J. N.J.C. 1805. — Ordained 1811. Second Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '11-14. — Schenectady, N.Y., '15-'17. — Third Presb. ch., Albany, N. Y., '17-'22. — Van- derwater st. ch., New York, '22-'23. — Charleston, S. C, '24- ; died there, 18 Dec. 1825, aged 37. *Abel Cutler, Ms. W. C. 1807. — Home Missionary, N.Y., '. .-'15. — Ordained 24 Oct. 1816, in Ms., to be pastor at Yarmouth, N. S., '16- '33. — Not afterwards settled, nor in regular service. Died, at North- ampton, Ms., 27 Feb. 1859, aged 78. *JonN Field, Ms. W.C. 1807. — Ordained 1811. Home Mis- sionary, Burton, O., '12-13. — H. M., Western Res., O., '13-16. — North Wrentham,Ms., '16-19. — II. M., Western Res., O., '19-23.— s.s. Atwater, O., '23-24. — Teacher, Miss., '24-; died, near Washing- ton, Miss., 7 Aug. 1827, aged 47. *JoHx Frost, Yt. M. C. 1806. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., N. E. and N.Y., '11-'12. — Ordained 17 INIarch 1813. Presb. ch., Whitesborough, N.Y., '13-33. — General Agent Oneida Institute, '33-'34. — Elmira, N. Y., •35_'39._\Vaterville, N. Y., '41-; died there, 1 March 1842, aged 59. 3 1810. *Adoxiram Judsox, D.D., Ms. B.U. 1807. — Ordainod G Feb. 1812. Missionaiy, Maiilinain, Bunnali, '12-; died, at sea, 12 April 1850, aged G2. *Samuel Thomas Mills, Ct., Y.C. 1807. — Ordained 11 Oct. 1811. Litchfield, N. Y., 'Il-'IG. — Onondaga, N. Y., '17-18. — s.s. Moscow, N. Y., '. .-'25. — Peterborough, N. Y., '25-'35. — Chester, Ct., '35-'38. — s.s. Oswego, N. Y.J '40-'41. — Teacher, and some time Chaplain of Penitentiary, Columbus, O., '42-'45. — w.c. Cleveland, O., '46-'52 ; New York, '52 until died there, 27 Feb. 1853, aged 68. *Samuel Newell, Ms. H.C. 1807.— Ordained 6 Feb. 1812. Mis- sionary, Bombay, '12-; died there, 30 March 1821, aged 37. *Samuel NoTT, Ct, U.C. 1808. — Ordained 6 Feb. 1812. Missionary, Bombay, '12-'1C. — Teacher, New York, '16-23. — Galway, N. Y., '23-'29. — Wareham, Ms., '29-'49. —Teacher, Wareham, Ms., '49-66. — w.c. Wareham, Ms., and Hartford, Ct., 'G6 until died, at Hartford, Ct., 1 June 18G9, aged 81. *Gamaliel Smith Olds, d.d., Yt. W.C. 1801. — Tutor, "Williams Coll., '03-'05. — Prof Math., Williams Coll., '06-08. — Ordained 19 Nov. 1813. Greenfield, Ms., '13-'16. — Prof Math., and Nat. Phil. Univ. Vt, '19-'21. — Prof Math., and Nat. Phil., Amh. Coll., '21-'25. — Prof Math., and Nat. Phil., Univ. Geo. — w.c. Saratoga Springs, N. Y. ; Circleville, O., '41 until died there. 13 June 1S48, aged 70. *Samuel Parker, Ms. W.C. 180G. — II.M., N.Y., and Penn., 'lO-'ll. — Ordained 23 Dec. 1812. Danby, N. Y., '12-27. — w.c. and Agent Auburn Sera., '2 7-'30. — Apulia, N. Y., '30-'32. — Middlefield, Ms., '3 2-'33. — Exploring Agent, A. B. C. F. M., Oregon, '35-'37. — Yol- ney, N.Y., occ. sup., '37-47. — av.c. Ithaca, N.Y., '47 until died there, 21 March 18GG, aged 87. *Sylvester Selden, Ct. W.C. 1807. — Ordained 3 July 1811. West- brook, Ct., '1 1-34. — s.s. Prospect, Ct., '34-35.— Hebron, Ct., '35-'41 . — Died, at Hebron, Ct., 24 Oct. 1841, aged 55. Richard Salter Storrs, d.d., Ms. W.C. 1807. — Ordained 3 July 1811. Braintree, Ms., '11-. *Nathaxiel Swift, Ct. W.C. 180G. — Ordained 11 Sept. isii. Skaneateles, N. Y., '1 l-'l 2. — Res. Warren, Ct., Salisbury, Ct., and Pittsfield, ]\rs. — Died, 1833, aged 51. *JoNATnAN Cogswell, d.d. (1—), INls. II. C. ]80C. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '07-'09. — Ordained 24 Oct. 1 SIO. — Saco, Me., '1 0-'28. — New Britain, Ct., '29-'34. — Prof Eccl. Hist., Theol. Inst., East Windsor, 18 1810. ISll. Ct., '34-4-1. — w.c. New Bruuswiok, N. J., '44 uutil died there, 1 Au^^ 18G4, aged 82. *Lewis LkContk Coxgau (1—), N.J. N.J.C. 180(i. — Died,:it An- dover, INIs., while a mciul)er uf the Seminary, G Jan. 1810, aged 21. *LuTnKU liAiii- (1—), Ct. Y.C. 1807. — Ordained 5 Sept. 1810. Ply- mouth, Ct., '10-; died tliere. 25 April 1834, aged 51. Gardiner Spring, d.d., ll.d. (1), Ms. Y.C. 1805. — Ordained 8 Aug. 1810. Brick Presb. oh., New York, '10-. *Hexry Pierce Strong (2—), Ct. Y.C. 1807. — Ordained 1811. Elizabeth st. ch., New York City, ' lO-'l 3. — Woodbury, Ct., '14_'16. — St, Albans, Vt., '17-21. — Presb. ch., Plielps, N.Y., '24-'31. — Eushville, N. Y.,'32-; died there, 28 Aug. 1835, aged 50. *Bex.tamix White (1+), Vt. D.C. 1807. — Ordained 26 June 1811. AVells, Me., '11-; died, at Thetford, Vt., 23 March 1814, aged 33. WoRTHixGTOX Wright (1), Ms. W.C. 180G. — Ordained 30 Jan. 1811. Woodbury, Ct., '11-'12. — H. M., Penn., '12-'13. — Bethany, Pa., '13-'15. — w.c. '15-'33. — s.s. Presb. ch., Churchville, N. Y., '33-'3G. — Cong, ch., Woodstock, Vt., '38-50. — Charlestown, N. H., '51-*58. — w.c. Fredonia, N. Y., '58-. 1811. *JoHN Bascom, Ms. W. C. 1807. — H. M., Western Penn., '13-'14. — Ordained . . Jan. 1814. Presb. ch., Smithfield, Pa., '14-'. . — Genoa, N. Y., '. . -'18. — Lansing, N. Y., '18- ; died,at Genoa, N. Y., . . Feb. 1828, aged 43. *JosErii Ward Ci.ary, N. Y. M.C. 1808. — Ordained 7 May 1812. First ch., Dover, N. H., '12-28. — Cornish, N. H., '28-'34. — w.c. Cor- nish, N. n., '34 until died there, 13 April 1835, aged 48. *PviCHARn Halt., Ct. M.C. TS07. — Ordained 12 March 1812. New- Ipswich, N. n., '12- ; died, at New Haven, Ct., 13 July 1824, aged 40. *Laurix Chittenden Hatch, Ms. W.C. 1810. — Not ordained. — Died, 1812, aged 23. *Josiaii Peet, Vt. M.C. 1808. — s.s. Shoreham, Vt., (one year). — Ordained 4 Aug. 1814. Norridgewock, Me., '14- ; died there, 1 7 Feb. 1852, aged 71. *Bex.iamin PacE, Ms. B.U. 1808. — II. M., Me., '11-'12. — s.s. Stur- bridge, ]\Is., '12. — Ordained 7 July 1813. Presb. ch., Skaneateles, N. Y., s.s. '12-'13 ; p. '13-17. — s.s. Chester, Ms. '18. — Second Cong. ch.. South Deerfield, Ms., '19-'27. — New Gloucester, Me., '28-'35. — 19 1811. Buxton, Me., '35-42. — s.s. Winchendon, Ms., '43-'4C. — w.c. Win- chenciou, Ms., '46 until died there, 12 July 1847, aged C3. *TiMOTHY WoODBRiDGE, D.D., Ms. TF-C. — Ordained 23 July 1.S17. Green River, N.Y., '16-42. — Presb. cli., Siiencertown, N.Y., '42-'51. — s.s. Alford, Ms., '52-53. — w.c. Spencertown, N. Y., '53 until died there, 7 Dec. 1862, ai-ed 78. *WiLLiAM Barker (1), Ms. B. U. 1808. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 20 Nov. 1809, aged 22. *Davip Bates (1+), Ms. H.C. 1807. — Not ordained. — Res. West- borough, Ms., from soon after 1809 until died there, 9 Feb. 1869, aged 84. JoHX Chandler (1 — ), N.J. Y. C. 1808. — Not ordained. — Res. Brooklyn (E.D.), N. Y. *Seth CnAPm (2+), Ms. B.U. 1808. — Ordained 1 Jan. 1812. Hills- boro', N. H., '12-16. — occ. pr., Rowley, Ms., Mansfield, Ct., etc., '16- '19. — Hanover, Ms., '19-'24. — s.s. East Haddam, Ct., '25. — s.s. Hunter, N. Y., '25-27. — s.s. Attleborough, Ms., '..-'.. —s.s. West Granville, Ms., '33-35. — w.c. '35-'42 ; Providence, R. I., '42 until died there, 19 April 1850, aged 67. *Daniel a. Clark (2—), N.J. N.J.C. 1808. — Ordained 1 Jan. 1812. Weymouth Landing, Ms., '12-'13. — Southbury, Ct., '16-19. — First ch., Amherst, Ms., '20-24. — Bennington, Vt., '26-30. — temp, sup., Utica, N. Y., '31-'32. — Presb. ch., Adams, N.Y., '32-'33. — w.c New Haven, Ct., '33-'38 ; New York, '38 until died there, 3 March 1840, aged 61. Noah Coe (1+), Ct. Y.C. 1808. — Ordained 3 July 1811. Chester, N. Y., '11-'13. — Presb. ch.. New Hartford, N. Y., '14-'35. — s.s. Cong, ch., Woodbridge, Ct., '35-'36. — s.s. Southbury, Ct., '36. — West Greenwich, Ct., s.s. '36-37 ; p. '37-45. — w.c. '45-48. — City Miss'y, New York, '48-52. — City Miss'y, Williamsburg, L. I., '52-'54. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., '54-. *JoNATHAN Cone (1+), Ct. Y.C. 1808. — Ordained 22 May 1811. Bristol, Ct., '11-28. — Durham, N. Y., '30-48.- w.c. New Haven, Ct., '48 until died there, 4 Jan. 1850, aged 65. *Matthew Rice DuTTON (1), Ct. Y.C. 1808. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '10-'14. — Ordained 24 Sept. 1814. Stratford, Ct., '14-' 22. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Yale Coll., '22-; died there, 17 July 1825, aged 42. 1811. *Cyuus WiNTiiKOP Gkay (1—), Ct. W.C. 1809.— Tutor, W'ms Coll., '10-'12. — Ordained 4 April 1813. Washington, Ct., '13-'15. — Staf- ford, Ct., '17-; died there, 20 Aug. 1821, aged 37. *Darius Oliver Giu8\yold (1+), Ct. W.C. 1808. — Ordained 1 July 1812. East Bloomfield, N. Y., '12-14. — Presb. ch., Saratoga Springs, N. Y., s.s. '15-'22 ; p., '22-'23. — Cong, ch., Watertown, Ct., '23-33. — s.s. Presb. ch., Saratoga Springs, N. Y., '33-39. — w.c. Saratoga Springs, N. Y., '39 until died there, . . Dec. 1841, aged 54. *GoRDON Hall (1— ), Ms. W. C. 1808. — Ordained 6 Feb. 1812. Mis- sionary, Bombay, '12- ; died there, 20 March 1826, aged 42. *Pi{ESERVED Jp^NNiXGS (1 — ), Ct. Y. C. 1808. — Not Ordained. — Res. Green's Farms,Westport,Ct., '10 until died there, 27 Nov. 183 7, aged 49. *J0HX Wilson Kimball, m.d. (1—), N. H. D.C. 1807. — Not or- dained. — Teacher, Eahway, N.J., '12-'13; Flushing, L. I., '13-14. — N. H. Medical School, '14-'16. — Physician, Bath, N. H., '17-'19 ; Campton, N. H., '20-'45 ; Beaver Dam, Wis., '45- ; died there, 7 March 1868, aged 81. *Jeremiah Mayhew (2-f ), Ms. B. U. 1808. — Died, at New Bedford, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 4 Jan. 1811, aged 22. *JoHN Patten (2—), Me. B. C. 1808. — Not ordained.— Teacher, N. C. — Res. Charlestown, Ms. — Res. Bowdoinham, Me., '21 until died there, 28 Aug. 1866, aged 81. *Ezekiel Rich (1+), Ms. B.U. 1808.— Ordained 1812. Home Missioiiary. — Troy, N. H., '15-'18. — Teacher, or w.c, Troy, N. H., '18-'45. (s.s. East Woodstock, Ct., '30-'31.) — w.c. Rochester, N.Y., '45-'..; Deep River, Ct.,'.. until died there, 22 Nov. 1854, aged 71. *Abraham Miller Smith (1 — ), N.Y. Y.C. 1808. — Not ordained. — Res. Easthampton, L. I. — Died, 1839, aged 49. *Ebenezer Peck Sperry (2), Vt. INI. C. 1808. — Ordained 3 Nov. 1813. Dunstable, N. H., '13-'19. — Wenham, Ms., '20-'36.— Chap- lain, House of Correction, Boston, Ms., '38-39. — Peru, O., '42-46. — Lyme, O., '46-48. -Ruggles, O., '49-52. — w.c. Ruggles, O., '52 until died there, 1 Jan. 1854, aged 67. *WiLLiAM Allen Thompson (2—), Me. B.C. 1808. — — Died, at South Berwick, Me., 3 Oct. 1835, aged 49. *Comfort Williams (1), Ct. Y.C. 1808. — Ordained .. Feb. 1813. Home Missionary, Oneida Co., etc., N. Y., '12-'14. — H. M., Western N. Y., and Pa., '15-'16. — Presb. ch., Rochester, N.Y., '16-'21. — w.c Rochester, N. Y., '21 until died there, 26 Aug. 1825, aged 42. 21 1«12. 1 S 1 2 . *J<).SHUA Deax, Ms. B.U. 1809.— Ordained 30 Nov. 18U. East Groton, N. Y., '14-; died there, 30 Nov. 1824, a^ed 3G. *Joiix AVallace Ellixgwood, D.D., ^l^. — . — Ordained 4 Nov. 1812. Batli, Me., '12-43. — w.c. Batli, Me., '43 until died there, 19 Aug. 18(J0, aged 78. Jacob Ide, d.d., Ms. B.U. 1809.— Ordained 2 Nov. 1814. West Medway, Ms., '14-. *JONATHAN Lee, Ct. Y. C. 1809. — Ordained 28 June 1815. Otis, Ms., '15-'31. — Tecuraseli, Mich., '32. — Weybridge, Vt., '34-'37.— Teacher, Salisbury, Ct., '37-'40. — w.e. Salisbury, Ct., '40 until died there, 13 Oct. 186G, aged 80. *Samuel Joiix Mills, Ct. W. C 1809. — -Exploring agent of Mass. and Conn. Miss. Soc, in West and Southwest, '12-'l 3. — Miss, and Bible Agent, Southwest, '14-15. — Ordained 21 June 1815. — Agent School for Ed. Col. men, '16. — Agent Am. Col'n Soc, to Africa, '17-; died, at sea, 16 May 1818, aged 35. *AxSEL Nash, Ms. AV.C. 1809. — Ordained 21 Jan. 1813. Tolland, Ct., '13-'31. — Bloomfiehl, Ct., '31-35. — Agent Am. Ed. Soc., '35-39. — Rockville, Ct., '3 9 -'4 1. — Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '41-44.— s.s. Colchester, Vt., '45-48. — Died, at Brattleborough, Vt., 11 Aug. 1851, aged 63. *James Richards, Ms. W. C 1809.— Student of Med., Philadelphia, Pa., '12-'14. — s.s. Deering, N. II., '14-'15.— Ordained 21 June 1815. Missionary, Ceylon, '15-; died there, 3 Aug. 1822, aged 38. *RoBERT Chauxcey Robbins, Ct. W.C. 1809. — Ordained (V) — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '16-'17. — II. M., and occ sup., Ct., '17-'22. — s.s. Chester, Ct., '22. — w.c '23 until died, at Darien, Ga., 18 May 1825, aged 39. *JOHX r[REEMANV] ScHERMEUHORX, N. Y. U. C. 1809. — Explor- ing Agent Mass. and Ct. Miss. Soc, in AVest and Southwest, '12-'13. — Ordained Ref. (Dutch) ch. — Home Missionary, N.Y. — Middleburgh, N. Y., '18-29. Also Sec. Western Doni. Miss. Soc, Utica, N. Y., '26-'28. — Gen. Agent Dom. Miss. (R. D.) Soc, '29-'32. — — U. S. Indian Agent, Cherokees, '35-'36. — — Died, at Richmond, Va., 6 March 1851, aged 70. *Edward Warrex, M.i. M.C. 1808. — Ordained 21 June LSI 5. ]\Iis- sionary, Ceylon, '15-; died, at Cape Town, Africa, 11 Aug. 1818, aeed 32. 1812. *SiMEON Woodruff, Ct. Y.C. 180». — Ordained 21 April 1813. Home Missionary. — Tallmadge, O., '14-23. — s.s. Batli, O., '24. — Stronosville, O., '25-'34. — s.s. Wortliington, O., '35-'38. — II. iSI., BainLridge, jNIich., '38-; died there, 28 Aug. 1839, aged 57. Garret Garnsey Brown (2—), Ct. Y.C. 1809. — Not ordained.— Resided in Bethlehem, Ct., in 1864. Xow res. Woodburj', Ct. *JoiiN Brown, d.d. (2), Ct. D.C. 1809. — Ordained 7 Dec. 1813. Presb. eh., Cazenovia, N. Y., '13-29. — Pine st. (now Berkeley st.) eh., Boston, Ms., '29-'31. — Iladley, Ms., '31- ; died tliere, 22 ]\Iarch 1839, aged 52. *J0HN FI.AVEL Clark (1+), N. J. N.J. C. 1807. — Tutor, N. J. Coll., '11-14. — Ordained 1815. Presb. cli., Flemington, N. J., '15_'36. — Paterson, N. J., '37-'41. — Cold Spiring, N. Y., '41-'45. — Oyster Bay, L. I., '45-'4G. — Fishkill, N. Y., '47- ; died there, 7 Oct. 1853, aged G5. *MiCAiAH Fairfield (1) Vt. M.C. 1809.— Ordained — — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Ohio, ('29) ; Indiana, ('31-'32). — Agent Bapt. Miss. Soc. — — Died, at Hillsdale, Mich., 19 Feb. 1858, aged 72. *Alfred Mitchell (1—), Ct. Y.C. 1809. — Ordained 27 Oct. 1814. Norwich, Ct , '14-; died there, 21 Dec. 1831, aged 42. *Luther Rice (1+), jNIs. W. C. 1810. — Ordained 6 Feb. 1812. Mis- sionary, India, '12-'13. — Agent Bapt. Miss. Convention, '1.3-'26 ; Agent Columbian Coll.,.D. C, '20-'2(j. — In volun. labors, '2G until died, in Edgefield District, S. C, 25 Sept. 1836, aged 53. *WrLLiAM Raymond Weeks, d.d. (1— ), Ct. N.J. C. 1809. Tutor, N. J. C, '09-'10. — s.s. Hebron, N. Y., '11. — Ordained 16 Feb. 1812. Presb. ch., Plattsburg, N.Y., '12-14.— w.c. Albany, N. Y., '14-'15. —Teacher, Litchfield, Ct., '15-'18 ; Clinton. N.Y., '18-'20. — s.s. Paris Hill, N. Y., '20-'31. Also, teacher, '29-'3]. — s.s. Third Presb. ch., Utica, N. Y., '31-'32. — Fourth Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '32-'46. — w.c. '46 until died, at Oneida, N. Y., 27 June 1848, aged 65. ♦Stephen M. AVheelock (1), Vt. U.Yt. 1809. — Home Missionary, N.Y. and Vt., '12-'25. — Ordained .. Oct. 1819. — Warren, Vt., '25-'28. — s.s. Wcstford, Ct., '32. — s.s. Sandgate, Vt., '34-'35.— s.s. Derby, Vt., '36-'40. — w.c. Rutland, Vt., '40 until died there, 1 2 Aug. 1847, aged 57. 2.'? 1813 1813. Burr Baldwin, Ct. Y.C. 1809. — Prin. Acatl., Newark, N. J., '14_'16. — H. M., Ohio and West'n Va., '1G-'17. — City Miss'y, New York, '17-'18. — H. M., N. J., '18-19. — Onlalned 2 June 1819. Agent Presb. Ed. Soc, '19-20. — Agent United For. Miss. Soc, '20-'21. — s.s. Presb. clihs., North Hardiston and Frankford, N. J., '21-'23. — H. M., Pa., '23. — Montrose, Pa., '24-'29. — Cong, cli., New Hartford, Ct, '30-33. — Temji. sup., Pt. I., Ct., aod West'n Mass., '33-'36. — Ashfield, Ms., '36-'38. — Teacher, Newark, N.J., '38-47. — H. M., res. Montrose, Pa., '47-'67. Also, Post Chaplain, U. S. A., Beverly, West Va., '6]-'G3. — w.c. Montrose, Pa., 'C7-. *Chauncey Booth, Ct. Y.C. 1810. — II. M., N.IL, 'u-'l.'). — Or- dained 20 Sept. 1815. Coventry, Ct., '1.5-'44. — w.c. Coventry, Ct., '44 until died there, 24 May 1851, aged 68. *WiLLiAM Eaton, Ms. W.C. 1810. — Ordained 30 Aug. 1815. Fitch- burg, Ms., '15-23. — Middleborough, Ms., '24-34. — Charlotte, Vt., '34-'37. — Hardwick, Ms., '37-; died, at West Brookfield, Ms., 15 April 1840, aged 56. *WiL-LiAM Hanfokd, Ct. Y.C. 1808. — Ordained 13 Oct. 1813. Home Missionary, O., '13-'15. — Hudson, O., '15-31. — Windham, O., '31-'40. — Tallmadge, O., occ. sujiply, or w.c, "40-; died there, 31 May 1861, aged 74. *FiFiELD Holt, N. H. M.C. 1810.— Ordained 15 June 1814. Bloom- field, Me., '14-; died there, 15 Nov. 1830, aged 46. *Ben.jamin Clark Meigs, Ct. Y.C. 1809. — Ordained 21 June 1815. Missionary, Ceylon, '1.5-'58. — w.c. '58 until died, at New York, 12 May 1862, aged 72. *Enos Merrill, Me. B.C. 1808. — H. M., Thomaston and vie, Me., '13-'14. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '14-'l 6. — Ordained 6 Nov. 1816. Freeport, Me., '16-'30. — s.s. and Prin. Acad., Wolfeborough, N. H., '31-'32. — Alna, Me., s.s. '32-'34'; p. 34-'41. — w.c. Falmouth, Me., '41-'44. — s.s. Naples, Me., '44. — H. IM., Sweden, Me., '45. —Me- chanic Falls, Me., '46-'55. — s.s. Fairlee, etc., Vt., '55-; died, at Orford, N. H., 22 March 1861, aged 75. *Ephraim Holland Newton, d.d., Vt. M.C. 1810. — Ordained 16 March 1814. Marlborough, Vt., '14-'33. — Presb. eh., Glenn's Fallr N. Y., '33-'36. — Presb. ch., Cambridge, N.Y., '37-'43. — Prin. Acad., Cambridge, N. Y., '43-'48. — w.c. Cambridge, N. Y., '48-'61. — s.s. Cong, ch., Marlborough, Vt., '61-62. — s.s. Wilmington, Vt., '63-'64, — Died, at Cambridge, N.Y., 25 Oct. 1864, aged 77. 24 i8in. David Or-iniANT, N. Y. U. C. ISOJ). — Ordained 25^ May 1815. Keene, N. H., '15-'17. — Third (now Dane st.) ch., Beverly, ]\Is., '18-'34. — Second ch., Wells, Me., '34-38. — s.s. West Haverhill, Ms. (and Plaistow, N. H.), '38-52. — w.c. Audover, Ms., '52 until lately removed to St. Louis, Mo., and, in '70, to Orange, N.J. *TirADDEUS PoMEROY, Ms. W. C. isio. — Ordained 22 Nov. 181 5. Randolph, Ms., '15-20. — Gorhani, IMe., '22-'40. — Presb. ch., Otisco, N.Y.,'41-'43. — w.c. Onondaga, N. Y., '43- '40 ; DeWitt, N.Y., '4;» until died there, 14 April 1858, aged 7G. *Daxiel Smith, Vt. M. C. 1810. — Exploring Agent Mass. JMiss. Soc, at the South, '14-15. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1815. Home Missionary, at South, '15-'19. — s.s. Natchez, Miss., '19-22. — Louisville, Ky., '22-; died there, 22 Feb. 1823, aged 34. *Benjamin B. Stockton, N. Y. M. C. 1809. — Ordained .... Home Missionary, Western States, '13-'18. — Presb. ch., Skan- eateles, N.Y., '18-'22. — Palmyra, N. Y., '24-'27. — Pomiiey, N.Y., '29-'31. — Camillus, N. Y., '31-33. — Leroy, N, Y., '33-3 5. — Mont- gomery, N. Y., '35-38. — Brockport, N. Y., '38-43. — Genesee, N. Y., '43-'48. — W.C-. Rochester, N. Y., '48-'50. — Phelps, N. Y., '50-'57. — w.c. Wilharasburg, N. Y., '57 until died there, 10 Jan. 1861, aged 71. Francis Deiion Wait, m.d.', Ms. B.U. 1810. — Not ordained. — Physician. Hezekiah Woodruff, N. Y. U. C. IS lO. — Ordained IG Feb. 1816. Presb. ch., Elmira, N.Y., 'lG-'20. — Lawyer, Erin, N. Y., "for at least twenty years past." *JusTiN Edwards, d.d. (1), Ms. W. C. 1810.— Ordained 2 Dec. 1812. South ch., Andover, Ms., '12-'27. — Salem st. ch., Boston, Ms.. '28-'29. — Sec. Am. Temp. Soc, '29-'3G. — Pres. Theol. Sem., An- dover, Ms., '36-42.— Sec. Am. and For. Sabbath Union, '42-49. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '49 until died, at Bath Alum Springs, Va., 24 July, 1853, aged 66. *Jacoij E. Vosburgh (1), N. Y. U. C. 1810. — Princeton- Theol. Sem., '12-13. — Ordained — Died, at Kinderhook, N. Y., 183G, aged 49. James Wakeman (1), N. Y. U.C. 1809. — (From Ballst.ni, N. Y.— Said to have been teaciher and planter, at the South.) 1814. 1814. *HoRATio Bardwell, D.D., Ms. — . — Ordained 21 June 1815. Mis- sionary, India, '15-'21.—Holden, Ms., '23-31.— Agent A.B. C.F.M., '31_'36. — Oxford, Ms., '36-64. — w.c. Oxford, Ms., '64 until died there, 5 May 1SG6, aged 77. *Calvin Colton, ll.d., Ms. Y. C. 1812. — Ordained, Presb., 1 July 1817. Home Missionary, N.Y., '17-20. — Presb. eh., Leroy, N. Y., '20-'24. — Batavia, N. Y., '25-'2G. — w.c. and author, '26-'31 ; in England, '31-'35. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 1835; priest, 2 July 1837. — Author, '35-52. Editor, Washington, D. C, '42-44. — Prof. Polit. Econ., Trin. Coll., Hartford, Ct., '52-; died, at Savan- nah, Ga., 13 March 1857, aged 67. *Ralph Emerson, d.d., N. H. Y.C. 1811. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '14- '10.- Ordained 12 June 1816. Norfolk, Ct., '16-'29. — Prof Eccl. Hist., Theol. Sem., Andover, Ms., '29-53. — w.c. '53 until died, at Rockford, 111., 20 May 1863, aged 76. *Jeremiah Flint, Vt. M. C. 1811. — Ordained 31 July 1817. Dan- ville, Vt., '17-18. — w.c. '18 until died, at Eden, Vt., . . Oct. 1843, aged 60. *Thomas Hopkins Gali.audet, ll.d.. Pa. Y.C. 1805. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '08-'10. — In Europe, '15-'16. — Sup. Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford, Ct., '17-'30. — Ordained 23 Sept. 1834. — Res. Hartford, Ct., '30-38. — Chaplain, Insane Asylum, Hartford, Ct., '38-; died there, 9 Sept. 1851, aged 64. fSALMON GiDDiNGS, Ct. W. C. 181 1. — Tutor, Williams Coll., '14-'15. — Ordained 20 Dec. 1814. Home Missionary, Mo., '15-26. — First Presb. ch., St. Louis, Mo., s.s. partially, '17-26 ; p. '26-; died there, 1 Feb. 1828, aged 46. *WiLLiAM Ripley Gould, Ct. Y. C. 1811. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1814. Home Missionary, O., '14-'15. — s.s. Gallipolis, 0., '15-'26. — Tor- rington, Ct., '27-'32. — Barkhamsted, Ct.. '32-38. — Gallipolis, O., '39-46. — w.c. Pottstown, Pa., '46 until died there. 2 July 186 7, aged 78. *Calvin Hitchcock, d.d., Vt. M. C. 1811. — Ordained 15 Aug. 1815. Newport, R. I., '15-'20. — Randolph, Ms., '21-'51. — w.c. Wrcnthani, jNIs., '51 until died there, 3 Dec. 1867, aged 80. *Leonaui) Jkwett, N.H. D. C. 1810. — Home Missionary in Western New York, and in N. II., preaching at Cliester, N. H., Londonderry, N. H., Litchfield. N. H., Wilton, N. II., and Roxbury, N. H. — Or- •26 1814. dained 6 Mairh 1833. Tem])le, N. II., '33-'44. — w.c. Hollis, N. II., '44 until died there, IG Feb. 1SG2, aged 75. ♦David MEAunEC Mitchell, Me. Y.C. 1811. — II. M., Me., '15-16. — Ordained 10 June 1816. Waldoborougii, Me., '16-42. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '42-'45. — s.s. Cape Elizabeth, Me., and City Mission- ary, Portland, Me., '45-'52. — City Missionary, Boston Highlands, Ms., '52-'61. — w.c. South Naticlc, Ms., '61-65; Waltham, Ms., '65 until died there, 27 Nov. 1869, aged 81. *Daniel Poor, D.D., Ms. D.C 1811. — Ordained 21 June 1815. Mis- sionary, Ceylon, '15-; died thsre, 2 Feb. 1855, aged 66. *IsuAEL Warburtox Putnam, D.D., Ms. D.C. 1809. — Ordained 15 March 1815. Portsmouth, N. H., '15-'35. — First ch., Middleboro', Ms., '35-; died there, 3 May 1868, aged 81. David Marsh Smith, Ms. Y.C. 1811. — Ordained 6 July 1817. Presb. ch., Lewiston, N. Y., '17-'28. — s.s. Little Falls, N. Y., '30. — s.s. and Prin. Acad. New Stockbridge, N. Y., '30-35. — Prin. Sem. Stockport, N. Y., '35-39. Also s.s. Newman's Mills, N.Y., '35-36. — Cor. Sec. and Gen. Agent of N. Y. State Soc. for inipr. popular edu- cation, '39-'42. — w.c. (V) '42-'53. — s.s. Big Hollow, N. Y., '53-'54. — s.s. Osceola," N.Y., '55. — H. M., vicin. of Osceola, N. Y., '56-59. — w.c. Princeton, N. J., '60-. *MiLES Powell Squier, d.d., Vt. M. C. 1811. — s.s. Oxford, Ms., '14. — s.s. Vergennes, Vt., '14-'15. — H. M., Western N. Y., '1.5-'16.— Ordained 3 May 1816. Presb. ch., Buffalo, N. Y., '16-'24. — Finan. Agent Auburn Theol. Sem., '24-'26. — Sec. Geneva Agency, Am. H. M. Soc, '26-'34. — Principal Geneva Lyceum, and occ. sup., '31- '41. — Res. Geneva, oCc. sup., '41-49. — Prof. Intel, and Moral Phil., Beloit Coll., Wis, (res. Geneva, N. Y.), '49-'63. — w.c. Geneva, N. Y., '63 until died there, 22 June 1866, aged 74. *JULIUS Steele, Ct. Y. C. 1811.— Ordained 13 March 1816. East Bloomfield, N. Y., '16-'29. — s.s. Warsaw, N. Y., '29-'31. — s.s. West Bloomfield, N. Y., '31-'38. — s.s. AVhite Pigeon, Mich., '38-'40 — w.c. Constantine, Mich., '40 until died there, 20 Feb. 1846, aged 63. *IIerVey Talcott, Ct. Y.C. 1810. — IL M., " various places," '14- '16. — Ordained 23 Oct. 1816. Portland, Ct., '16-; died there, 19 Dec. 1865, aged 74. *Sylvester Woodbridge, dd., Ms. — . — Ordained 23 Aj^ril 1817. Greenfield, Ms., '17-'23.— Greenville, N. Y., '24-'31. — Agent Am. Tr. Soc, '31-38. — Agent Auburn Theol. Sem. — Presb. ch., Hemp- stead, L. L, '38- ' . . — Agent Oakland Coll., Miss. — s.s. Westhamp- ton, L.I., '41-'48. — w.c '49-'51. — Second Presb. ch., New Orleans, 27 1814. 1815. La., '52-'G0. — w.c. New Orleans, La., '(jO until died tlicre, 30 June 1863, aged 72. *WiLLiAM Heed (1—), j\Is. H.C. 1811. — Died, at Burlington, Ms., l)robably while a mendier of the Seminary, 25 June 1812, aged 24. *IIeman Swift, m.d. (1—), Vt. M.C. isil. — Not ordained. — Phy- sician. Res. Bennington, Yt. Died, 1856, aged 65. 1 815. *JoNATHAN Adams, Me. M.C. 1812. — Ordained 26 Feb. 1817. Woolwich, Me., '17-'32. — Deer Isle, Me., '32-'52. — s.s. Boothbay, Me., '52-58. — w.c. New Sharon, Me., '58 until died there, 10 April 1861, aged 79. *Eli.jah Baldwin, Ct. Y.C. 1812. — Nut ordained. — Died, at Derby. Ct, 6 June 1819, aged 30. Ebenezer Burgess, d.d., Ms. B.U. 1809. — Tutor, Brown Univ., 'll_'13._Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Univ. Vt., '15-'17. — Agent ■ Am. Col'n Soc. to Africa, '17-'18, and in U. S., '18-'19. — Ordained U March 1821. First ch., Dedham, Ms., s.s. '20-'21 ; p. '21-. *Josia'H Wait Curtis, Vt. D. C. 1811. — Ordained 5 July 1816. North Yarmouth, Me., '16-'17. — occ. pr. North Yarmouth, Me., '17_'20.— Warren, 0., '20-'32.— Chaplain Vt. Penitentiary, '32-'34. — H. M., Canada, '35. — w.c. Vt., '35-'36 ; Hadley, Ms., '36 until died there, 16 March 1857, aged 67. Eleazer Thompson Fitch, d.d, Ct. Y.C. 1810. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1817. Yale Coll. ch., Nbw Haven, Ct., and Prof. Div., Yale Coll. '17-52 ; Lecturer on Ilomiletics, '52-63 ; Prof. Emeritus, '63-. *Allen Graves, Vt. M. C. 1812. — Ordained 3 Sept. 1817. Mission- ary, Western India, '17-; died there, 30 Dec. 1843; aged 51. Herman Halsey, N. Y. W. C. 1811. — s.s. Soutliampton, L. L, '15- '16. — Ordained 15 May 1816. Home Missionary, Ky., '16-'17.— H. M., North Stonington, Ct , '17-'18. — H. M., Western N. Y., '18-'l9.— Byron and Bergen, N. Y., '19-'30. — s.s. Cambria, N. Y., '30-'35. — s.s. Presb. ch., Middleport, N. Y., '35-36. — s.s. Chalmers ch., Niagara, N. Y., '36-'39. — s.s. Niagara Falls, N. Y., '39-'42. — w.c. since '42, now res. East Wilson, N. Y. *Ebenezer Kellogg, Ct. Y. C. 1810. — Not ordained. — Prof. Lang., Williams Coll., '15-'44. — Died, at Willlamstown, Ms., 2 Oct. 1846, aged 5 7. •• 1815. Cykus KiNGSiJUUV, D.I)., N. II. B.U. 1«12. — Ordaiiieil 29 Sept. 181.5. Home Mtssionarv, Va., and EastTenn., '1.5-'17. — JMissionary, Chero- kee Indians, '17-'18 ; Choctaws, 'IB- Nathan Lord, d.c, ll.d., Me. B. C. 1809. — Ordained 22 May 181(5. Amherst, N. H., 'lG-'28. — Pres. Dart. Coll., '28-'G3. — w.c. Hanover, A^ H., 'G3-. Stkphex Masox, Ct. AV.C. 1812. — Ordained 15 May 1816. Home Missionary, Ky., '1G-'17. — Washington, Ct., '17-29, — Nantucket, Ms., '30-'35. — s.s. Collinsville, Ct., '3o-'36. — Goshen, Ms., '3G-'37.— s.s. Marshall, Mich., '38-'39. — s.s. Eckford, Mich., '39-'42. — s.s. Battle Creek, Mich., '42-44. — s.s. Marengo, etc., Mich., '4.5-'JU. — ^v.c. since '50, now res. Marshall, jNIich. KoiJERT Page, Me. B. C. 1810. — Ordained 22 May 1822. Bradford, N. H., '22-'28. — Durham, N. H., '28-'31. — Hanover, N. H., '31-'33. — Hardwick, Vt., '33-35. — Levant (now Kenduskeag), Me., '35-'45. — s.s. Hillsboro', N. H., '47-'51. — Lempster, N. H., '51-'oG. — West Farmington, O., '57-'C3. — w.e. West Farmington, 0., 'G3-. *1SAAC Parsoxs, ]Ms. Y.C. 1811. — Ordained 23 Oct. 181G. East Haddam, Ct., '1G-'5G. — w.e. East Haddam, Ct., '5G until died tliert'. 22 Aug. 18G8, aged 78. *George Paysox, Ct. Y.C. 1812.— Ordained .. July 1816. Ken- nebunkport. Me., '16-'20. — -w.e. Kennebunkport, Me., '20 until died there, 22 Oct. 1823, aged 34. *Henry Smith, N. H. B. C. 1810. — Ordained 8 Oct. 1817. Camden, N. Y., '17-^ died tliere, 19 July 1828, aged 38. *Jou Sedgwick Swiit, Yt. ]M.C. 1812 —Not ordained.- Preaclied in Me., '15. — s.s. Ptoyalton, Vt., '15-'1C. — A^'ent to Georgia in 1816. — Teacher, Hatcher's Bluff, Ala. — Merchant. — Planter, from near 1824. Died, at Dalton, Ga., . . June 1859, aged 65. *Samuel White, Ms. D. C. 1812. — Ordained 24 Feb. 1818. Presb. ch., Williamson, N. Y., '18-'28. — Starkey, N.Y., '25-'30. — s.s. Pult- ney, N.Y., '30-'32. — s.s. llockstream, N.Y., '32-'35. — Tyrone, N.Y., '3.5-37. — w.e. '37-39. — Pultney, N. Y., s.s. '40-44; p. '44-52.— w.e. Starkey, N. Y., '53 until died, at llockstream, near Starkey, N. Y., 9 June 1864, aged 72. Thomas Pugglks Gold (1+). Ct. Y.C. 180G. — Not ordained. — Died, 1829, aged 42. 29 1816. 181G. David Lathrop Hunn, Ms. Y. C. 1813. — Ordained 17 Feb. 1817. Sandwich, Ms., '1 7-'30. — s.s. South Vernon, Ct., '30-32. — s.s. South Windsor, Ct., '32-35. — Somerset, N. Y., '35-37. — s.s. North Had- ley, Ms., '38-'40. — Presb. eh., Lenox, N. Y., '41-'4-l. — w.c. Roch- ester, N. Y., '4-l-'58 ; BufFalo, N. Y., '58-'G3 ; Angelica, N. Y., '63-. *Lavius Hyde, Ct. W. C. 1813. — Ordained 18 March 1818. Salis- bury, Ct., '18-22. — H.M., Monroe Co.-, N. Y., '22. — Bolton, Ct, '23-30. — Ellliio-ton, Ct., '30-35. — Wayland, Ms., '35-40. — Becket, Ms., '41 -'4 9. — Bolton, Ct., '49-'60. — w.c. Vernon, Ct., '60 until died there, 3 April 1865, aged 76. *William Kimball, N. H. Y. C. 1813. — Not ordained. — Died, near Natchez, Miss., 1823, aged 34. *Alexander Lovell, Ms. D. C. 1813. — Ordained 22 Oct. ' 181 7. Vergennes, Vt., '17-35. — Phillipston, Ms., '35-44. — w.c. West- borough, Ms., etc., '45 until died, at Nashua, N. H., 2 July 1855, aged 68. *JoHN Nichols, N. H. D. C. 1813. — Ordained 3 Sept. 1817. Mis- sionary, Bombay, '17-; died there, 9 Doc. 1824, aged 34. Henry Robinson, Ct. Y. C. 1811. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '16-'l 7.— Ordained 30 April 1823. Morris, Ct., '23-'29. — Suffield, Ct., '31- '37. — East Putnam, Ct., '38-45. — Plalnfield, Ct., '47-'56. — w.c. Guilford, Ct., '56-. Thomas Shepakd, d.d., Ms. B. U. 1813. — Home Missionary, Ga., '16-'18. — Agent Ct. Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, '18-19.- Ordained 16 June 1819. Ashfield, Ms., '19-33. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, '33- '35. — Bristol, R. I., '35-. *Hart Talcott, Ct. D.C. 1812. — Ordained 11 May 1817. Clinton, Ct:, '1 7-24. — AVarren, Ct. '25- ; died there, 28 March 1836, aged 48. Calvin Yale. Ms. U. C. 1812. — s.s. Lynn, Ms., '16-17.— Ordained 7 Oct. 1817. Charlotte, Vt., '17-32. — Prin. Acad., Kingsborough, N. Y., and preacher, '32-'36. — Presb. ch., Martinsburg, N. Y., s.s. '36-37 ; p. '37-'40. Also teacher, '36-38. —s.s. Brownsville, N. Y., '41-'43, and teacher at Watertown, N. Y.- — s.s. in Lewis Co., N. Y., '43-53. — Av.c. Martinsburg, N. Y., '53-. *SoLOMON Metcalf Allen (1), Ms. M. C. 1813. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '14-17. — Prof. Lang., Mid. Coll., '17-; died, at Middlebury, Vt., 23 Sept. 1817, aged 28. 30 181G. *JosErH Kaphakl Axdrus (1), Vt. M. C. 1812. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, 22 April 1817. — Pr. in Marblehead, Ms., and Northern Vt., '1G-'17. — Pr. in Va., '17-21. — Colonization Agent to Africa, '21-; died, at Sierra Leone, 28 July 1821, aged 30. *Elam Calhoun Clarke (1—), Ms. AV.C. 1812.— —Or- dained 13 April 1824. Richmond st. ch.. Providence, R. L, '24-25.— s.s. various places, '25-31. — Prin. Acad., Greenwich, Ct, '31-'3.5. — w.c. Suffield, Ct. '35 until died there, 19 Feb. 1837, aged 48. Nehemiah Cleaveland (1), Ms. B.C. 1813. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Topsfield, etc., Ms., and Me., '14-'l 6. — Teacher, Portland, Me., '16-'17. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '17-'20. — Prin. Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '21-'40. — Prof. Greek, PhiUips Acad., Exeter, N. H., '41. — Prin. High School, Lowell, Ms., '41. — Prin. young ladies' school, Brooklyn, N. Y., '42-'50. — Since '50, res. New York, Westport, Ct., Topsfield, ]\ls., and now Westport, Ct. *Nathan Douglas (2), Ct. M.C. 1813. — Ordained 6 Nov. 1816. Alfred, Me., 'lG-'27. — East St. Albans, Me., s.s. '29-'33 ; p. '33-'46. — H. M., Me., '46- ; died, at Bangor, Me., 16 Dec. 1866, aged 79. *Nathaxiel Hewit, d.d. (1—), Ct. Y. C. 1808. — Ordained 5 July 1815. Presb. ch., Plattsburg, N. Y., '15-'l 7. — Cong, ch., Fairfield, Ct., '18-27. — Agent Am. Temp. Soc, '2 7-'30. — Bridgeport, Ct, '30-'53. — Presb. ch., Bridgeport, Ct,,'53-; died there, 10 Feb. 186 7, aged 79. *Sylvester Larxed (1), Ms. M. C. 1813. — Teacher, Pittsfield, Ms., '14. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1817. — Ordained, Presb., 15 July 181 7. First Presb. ch.. New Orleans, La., '17-; died there, 31 Aug. 1820, aged 24. *HiRAM Foot Mather (1+), Ct. Y.C. 1813. — Not ordained.— Lawyer, Elbridge, N. Y., '19-'44 ; Niles, Mich., '44-'53 ; Chicago, 111., '53 until died there, 14 July 1868, aged 72. *J0HN McKeex ( ), Ms. B.C. 1811. — Not ordained.— Res. Bruns- wick, Me., '02 until died there, 2 Dec. 1861, aged 72. *WiLLiAM Perrin (1—), Vt. M. C. 1812. — Ordained H. M., Vt., N. Y., and Pa. — Christ ch. parish (Cong.), in S. C, ('19). — Died, at Berlin, Vt., . . Feb. 1824, aged 32. *Alfreo WRKiHT (1). Ct. W.C. 1812. — Teacher Acad., Hadley, Ms., '12. — Tutor, Williams Coll., '14-'15. — Res. Raleigh, N.C., '16-'19, Prin. Fem. Acad., '17-'19. — Ordained 17 Dec. 1819. Home Mis- sionary, N. C, '19. — Missionary, Choctaw Indians, 19-; died, at Wheeiock. Ark.. 31 Marcli 1853, aged 65. 31 1817 1817. Samuel Clark Aikkn, d.d., Vt. M. C. 1814. — Ordained 3 Feb. 1818. First Presb. ch., Utica, N. Y., '18-'35. — First Presb. ch., Cleveland, O., '35-58. — w.c. Cleveland, O., '58-. *ELinu Whittlesey Baldwin, d.d., N. Y. Y. C, 1812. — Ordained, Presb., 10 Sept. 1817. — City Missionary, New York, '1 7-.'20. — Sev- enth Presb. ch., New York, '20-'35. — Pres. Wabash Coll., '35-; died, at Crawfordsville, Ind., 15 Oct. 1840, aged 51. *P^HENEZER BowDiTCH Caldwell, Ms. D. C. 1814. — Ordained 10 July 1818. Ind. Cong, ch., Waynesboro', Ga., '18-; died, at Bath, Ga., 6 Aug. 1819, aged 27. *George Albion Calhoun, d.d., Vt. Ham. C. 1814. — H. M.,near Geneva, N. Y., '1 7-'18. — Ordained 10 May 1819. North Coventry, Ct., '19-; died there, 7 June 18G7, aged 79. *Ikah Chase, i>.d., Vt. M. C. 1814.— Ordained, Ba])t., 17 Sept. 181 7. Home Missionary, Va., '17-'1S. — Prof. Lang, and Bib. Lit., Colum- bian Coll., D. C, '18-'25. — Prof. Bib. Theol, Theol. Sem., Newton, Ms., '25-'36 ; Prof. Eccl. Hist., '36-'45. — w.c. Newton, Ms., '45 until died there, 1 Nov. 1864, aged 71. *WiLLiAM Ely, Ct. Y. C. 1813. — Ordained is ]\Iarch 1818. Vernon. Ct., '18-22. — North Mansfield, Ct., '25-41. — w.c. '41 until died, at Worcester, Ms,, 20 Nov. 1850, aged 58. *NoAH Emerson, N.H. M. C. 1814.— Ordained G Nov. 1822. Home Missionary in Me., Vt., and Ms. — Baldwin, Me., '25-'50. — w.c. Hol- lis, N. H., '50-'60. — Missionary, Sliinnecock Reservation, L.L, 'GO-; died there, 8 July 18G0, aged 72. *JoEL Hawes, D.D., Ms. B.TT. 181.]. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., An- dover, Ms., 'IG-'l 7.— Ordained 4 March 1818. First cli., Hartford, Ct., '18-; died, at Gilead, Ct., 5 June 18G7, aged 77. *Willari) Holrrook, Ms. B.U. 1 814. -^s.s. Hudson, N. H., '17-'1 8. — Ordained 22 July 1818. Rowley, Ms., '18-'40. — Millville, Ms.. '41 -'50. — s.s. Linebrook, Ms., '51-'54. — w.c. Rowley, Ms.. '54 until died there, 7 Fel). 18G0, aged GS. EowARD William Hooker, d.d., Ct. INI. C. 1814. — Ordained 15 Aug. 1821. Green's Farms, Ct., '21-29. — Assoc. Gen. Agent Am. Temp. Soc, and Editor, '29-'30. — Bennington, Vt., '32-44. — Prof. Rliet. and Eccl. Hist., Theol. Inst., East AViudsor, Ct., '44-'4S. — South Windsor, Ct., '49-'56. — Fairhaven, Vt., '5G-'G2. — w.c, and occ. pr., since "G2. now res. Newburyjwrt, ]Ms. 32 1817. Jonathan McGee, Ms. AV. C. 1814. — Ordained 13 Jan. 1819. East Brattleboro', Vt., '19-'34. — First cli., Nashua, N. II., '35-42.— Francestown, N. H., '43-'o0. — s.s. Greenfield, N. H., '51-59. — w.c. .Nashua, N. H., '59-. *RiCHARD Gary Morse, Ms. Y. C. 1812.'— Not ordained. — Occa- sional supply, and Editor, '17-'23 ; s.s. Presb. eh., St. John's Island, S. C., '17-'18. — One of the originators of Netv York Observer, in '23, and propr., '23-'57. — Ecs. New York, '57-'63; New Haven, Ct., 'G3 until died, at Kissingen, Bavaria, 22 Sei:)t. 18G8, aged 73. *J()iiN Luke Parkhurst, IMs. B. U. 1812. — Not ordained. — Prin. Acad., Amherst, Ms., '17-19, — Plainfield, N. II., '19-'21,— Gilman- ton, N. H., '21-25. — Teacher,. Monitorial School, Wiscasset, Me.,'25- '2G. — Editor Christian Mirror, Portland, Me., '2G. — Prin. Acad., Gilmanton, N. H., '27-'32. — Teacher, Portland, Me., '32-'34,— Stan- dish, Me., '34-43. — Author. — Res. Gorham, Me., '43 until died there, 20 May 1850, aged Gl. *Levi Parsons, Ms. M. C. 1814. — Ordained 3 Sept. 1817. Mission- ary, Palestine, '17-; died, at Alexandria, Egypt, 10 Feb. 1822, aged 29. *0tis Rockwood, N. H. M.C. 1813.— Ordained 1 July 1818. First ch., Lynn, Ms., '18-'3 2. — Woodstock, Ct., '34-'43. — w.c. '43 until died, at Cambridge, Ms., ao Dec. 1801, aged 70. Jesse Stratton, Ms. W.C. 1814. — Ordained 12 Dec. 1821. Home Missionary, Va.* (Was in Madison, Ga., '30-'3G ; s.s. Strongoli, Miss., '39 ; Panola, Miss., '40 ; Agent, DeKalb, Miss., '4G ; 11. M., Mt. Auburn, Miss., '49-'51 ; Chesterfield, La., '52-'55 ; droj)ped from Presb. Minutes after '55.) *HuTCHiN8 Taylor, Ms. W.C. 1814. — Ordained, Presb., 10 Sept. 181 7. Home Missionary, Pa., '17-'.. — Sallna, N. Y., '22-'2G. — s.s. Camillus, N. Y., '27-'29. — Canaan Centre, N. Y., '31-('33). — Salina, N.Y.,'36-'39. — Presb. ch., Ulysses, N.Y., '39-'44. — s.s. Cong, ch., Joliet, N.Y., '44-'48. — s.s. Udina, III, '48-'49. — s.s. Newark, AVis., and Shirland, 111., '49-'52. — s.s. Presb. ch., Rockton, 111., '52. — w.c. Rockton, 111., '52-'58 ; Belvidere, 111., '58 until died there, 31 Aug. 1868, aged 78. *Carlos AVilcox, N. II. M. C. 1813. — s.s. First ch., New Haven, Ct, '23.— Ordained 1 Dec. 1824. North ch., Hartford, Ct., '24-'26. — Author. — Died, at Danbury, Ct., 29 May 1827, aged 32. *MosES Eaton AVilson, N.H. M.C. 1814.— Ordained Home Missionary, O. — Died before 1824. (AA^as born Aug. 1786.) EiJENEZER Burt AVriout, Ms. AV.C. 1814. — Ordained 8 Dec. 1819. Ludlow, Ms., '19-'33 (dism. '35). — s.s. South Wilbraliam, Ms., '33-'35. 5 33 1817. 1818. — First cb., Chieopee, Ms., '35-';)9. — Iluntinoton, Ms., s.s. '39-42 ; p. '42-48. — s.s. Ludlow Mills, ISIs., r)l-'54.— Chaplain, State Alms- house, Monson,Ms., '54-'59, and 'G0-'64. — w.c. Ilnntington (Norwich P. O.), Ms., '64-. *Alexander Metcalf Fisher (1), Ms. Y. C. lSir>. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '1.5-'17. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Yale Coll., '17-; lost in wreck of the Albion, on the Irish coast, 22 Ajiril 1822, aged 28. *Otto Smith HoYT (1), Vt. M.C. 181.3. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., 'ir)--lG. — Princeton Theol. Sera., 1817.— Ordained 30 Sept. 1818. Ilines- burg, Vt., '18-'29. — — Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '32-'37. — liines- burg, Vt., '38-'.54. — s.s. New Haven, Vt., '57. — w.c. New Haven, Vt., '57 until died there, 13 Nov. 18G9, aged 70. *Ebenezer Perkins (1—), ]\Is. D. C. 1814. — Ordained 17 Feb. 1819. Royalston, Ms. '19-'4G. — w.c. Royalston, Ms., '4G until died there, 2G Nov. 18G1, aged G7. *PHiLANTHRoros Perry (1—), N. Y. M. C. 1814. — Died, at Ando- ver, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 26 May 181.5, aged 22. 1818. *Amzi Benedict, Ct. Y. C. 1814. — Ordained 24 Sept. 1818. Home Missionary. — In H. M. service or teaching, '18-'24. — Vernon, Ct., '24-'30. — Pomfret, Ct., '31-'34. — Manlius, N. Y., '37-'41. — Prin. Fem. Acad., New Haven, Ct. — s.s. Norwich, Ct., '45-'4C. — s.s. York- town, N. Y., '55- ; died, from railway accident, at Brooklyn, N. Y., 1 7 Nov. 1856, aged 65. *Dan Blodgett, Vt. D.C. 1815. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1825. Home Missionary, '25-'30. — s.s. Vershire, Vt., '31-32. — West Fairlee, Vt., '33-'40, and PostlNIills, Thetford,Vt., '33-35. — Agent Vt. Bible Soc, '41-42. — w.c. Randolph, Vt., '4 2 until died there, 16 April 185.5, aged 67. *WiLLiAM J. BOARDMAN, Ms. AY. C. 1 81 5. — Ordained 20 Sept. 1 820. North Haven, Ct, '20-'33. — Northford, Ct., '35-; died, at Northfield, Ct., 1 Oct. 1849, aged 55. Alvan Bond, d.d., Ms. B. U. 1815. — Ordained 1 9 Nov. ISI 9. Stur- bridge, Ms., '19-'31. — Prof. Sac. Lit. Tlieol. Sem., Bangor, ]\Ie., '31- '35. — Second ch., Norwich, Ct., '35-'64. — w.c. Norwicli, Ct., '64-. 34 18 1«. Samuel AVilliams Bkack, N. Y. Ilnin. C. 1.S15. — s.s. Brklgewater, N. Y., '18-'ia. — Ordained 11 Nov. 1819. Prcsb. ch., Phelps, N. Y., 'U)-'24. — Bleecker st. Presb. ch., Utica, N. Y., '2-4-'28. — Skaneateles, N. Y., '28-'4;J. — s.s. Cong, ch., Binghamton, N. Y., '■i-4-'46. — s.s. Bridge water, Paris Hill, Sangerfield, and Norwich Corners, N. Y., '4G-'5(J. — Agent Am. Col'n. Soc, UtIca, N. Y., '57- Amos Wood Bukxham, i>.v., N. H. D. C. 1815. — Prin. Acad., Pembroke, N. H., '19. — Ordained 14 Nov. 1821. Rindge, N. IL, '21- '(57. — w.c. Rindge, N. II., 'G7-'(il) ; Keene, N. H., '09-. *Pliny Fisk, Ms. M.C. 1814. — Ordained 4 Nov. 1818. Missionary tour in Soutliern States, '1S-'19; Syria, '19-; died, at Beirut, 23 Oct. 1825, aged 3.3. *Cali:h IIoiJART, Ms. D.C. 1815. II. M., '18-23. — Ordained 3 Dec. 1823. Second ch., North Yannoiith, Me., '23- ; died there, 9 Dec. 1859, aged (55. *Alpha Milleh, Ct. Ilam.C. 1815. — H. M., Northern Penn., '18-'l 9. — Ordained 20 Oct. 1819. Bridgewater, N. Y., '1 9-'29. — Andover, Ct., '29-'52. — s.s. Grassy Hill, Lyme, Ct., '53-'63. — w.c. Andover, Ct., '63 until died there, 29 March 1867, aged 75. *Tii<)MAS Jkwett Mukdock, Vt. D. C. 1812. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '13-'l 6. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1819. Portland, Me., '19-'21. — Can- terbury, Ct., '21-; died there, 15 Dec. 182G, aged 36. *Alonzo Phillips, Ms. M. C. 1815. — Ordained 7 June 1820. Prince- ton, Ms., '20-35. — w.c. '35 until died, at Newburyport, Ms., 24 April 1838, aged 48. *Chaules Stebbixs Rdiuxsox, Ms. W. C. 1814. — Ordained 24 Sept. 1818. Home Missionary, Mo., '18-'25. — St. Charles, Mo., '25- ; died there, 25 Oct. 1828, aged 37. *Fi!Axklix Siiehkill, Ms. AY. C. 1815. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Mid. Coll.. '18-20.- Prin. Acad., Westfield, Ms., ('21). — Teacher, jNIadison, N. Y^ — — Died, 1850, aged 54. Levi Spauldixg, d.d., N. H. D.C. 1815. — Ordained 4 Nov. 1818. jVIissionary, Ceylon, '18-. *Davii) Tenxey, Ms. H. C. 1815. — Ordained 24 Sept. 1818. Home Missionary. — Died, at Shoal Creek, 111., 21 Oct. 1819, aged 32. *Joux Bi.iss AVamuex, ]Ms. B.U. 1815. — Ordained Home ^lissionary (In Ala. '20-23. Editor New Orleans Protes- tant in '45.) — Died, 1845. *Mii{OX WixsLow, D.D., LL.D., Vt. M.C. 1815. — Ordained 4 Nov. 35 1818. 1818. Missionary, India, '18- ; died, at Cape of Good Hope, 22 Oct. 1864, aged 74. *RuFUS William Bailey, d.d. (1), Ms. D. C. 1813. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '1 7-'l 8. — Ordained 24 Nov. 1819. Norwich, Vt., and Prof. Moral Phil., Mil. Univ., '19-'23. — Pittsfield, Ms., '24-'27.— Teacher, S. C, '27-'39 ; N. C, '39-'42; Va., '42-'48. — Agent Col'n Soc. Va., '48-'54. — Prof. Lang., Austin Coll., Texas, '54-'56 ; Pres., '58-; died there, 25 April 18G3, aged 70. *SiLAS Smith Chipman (1—), Vt. M.C. 1815. — Died, at Shoreham, Vt., 1817, aged 24. *IsAAC C. Day (1+), Ms. — . — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a mem- ber of the Seminary, 5 May 1817, aged 29. *Alfred Finney (1—), Vt. D.C. 1815. — Ordained 4 Nov. 1818. Home Missionary, '1S-'19. — Missionary, Cherokee Indians, '19-; died, at Salisan, Ark., 13 June 1829, aged 31. *HoRATio Gridley (1), Ct. Y. C. 1815. — Not ordained. — Physician. Ees. Berlin, Ct. ; from '52, Hartford, Ct., until died there, 9 Nov. 1864, aged 72. *Alvan Hyde (1—), Ct. W. C. 1815. — Ordained 1 Sept. 1819. Presb. eh., Madison, O., '19-; died, at Lee, Ms., 12 Aug. 1824, aged 30. *Reuel Keith, d.d. (I—), Vt. M.C. 1814. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 1817; priest, — Georgetown, D. C, '19-20.— Prof. Humanity and Hist., William and Mary Coll., '20-'27. — Prof Pulpit Eloq. and Past. Theol., Theol. Sem. near Alexandria, Va., '27- '40. — w.c. '40 until died, at Slieldon, Vt., 3 Sept. 1842, aged 50. *Elisha Mitchell, d.d. (1), Ct. Y. C. 1813. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '16-'l 7. — Ordained 1821. Prof Math, and Nat. Phil., Univ. N. C, '18-'25 ; Prof Clicm., Min., and Geol., '25- ; died, from acci- dent, at Black INIountain, N. C, 27 (prob.) June 1857, aged 63. *David Longavorth Ogden (2), Ct. Y. C. 1814. — Ordained 31 Oct. 1821. Southington, Ct, '21-36. — Presb. ch,, Whitestown, N. Y., '36-44. — Cong. ch. Marlboro', Ms., '48-50. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., '50 until died there, 31 Oct. 1863, aged 71. *LuDOViCUS EoBBiNS (1 — ), Ct. M.C. 1815. — Ordained 26 April 1820. West Avon, Ct, '20-'22. — II. M., Va. — s.s. Clarksfield, FitchviUe, and Euggles, O., '27-'28. — s.s. Sparta, N. Y., '30-'33.— s.s. Eden and West Evans, N. Y., '33-'36. — occ. pr., Mich., '36 until died, at Algansee, Mich., 4 Aug. 1850, aged 59. 3G 1818. 1819. Ebejvkzkr Wasiiiu'rn (1—), Yt. M.C. ]S15. — Ordained 11 Dec ISIG. Iloiue IVIissionary. — Presb.. cli., Blendon, O., '17-'5!). Also, Prof. INIatli., Central Coll., Ohio., '42-'57 ; Prof. Emeritus, since '67. — w.c. Central Colleue, Blendon, O., '59-. 1 819. ♦Raynolos Bascom, Ms. AV.C. 1813.^ Tutor, Williams Coll., 'lo- '17. — INIissionary tour, Southern States, '20-'-Jl. — ^ Ordained 3 Jan. 1821, in S. C — City INIissionary, Charleston, S. C, '21-2G. — Prin. Acad., and s.s. Presb. ch., Camden, S. C, '2G- ; died there, G Oct. 1827, aged 36. *HiRAM BixXGiiAM, Yt. M.C. 181G. — Ordained 2!) Sei^t. 1819. IVIis- sionary, Hawaiian Islands, 'I9-'41, and p. First ch., Honolulu. In U. S. and not released by A. B. C. F. ]M., until '4G. — s.s. Chester, Ms., '48-50. — s.s. Terajile st. ch.. New Haven, Ct., '58-'6U. — Teacher.— w.c. New Haven, Ct, '. . until died there, 11 Nov. 1SG9, aged 80. *Cyrus Byington, Ms. —. — Agent A. B. C.F.]\r,'19-'20. — Ordained 4 Oct. 1827. Missionary, Choctaw Indians, '20-; died, at Belpre, O., 31 Dec. 1868, aged 7G. *Ror)NEY Gove Dennis, N. H. B.C. 181G. — s.s. Brunswick, Me., '19-'20. — II. M., Me., '20. — Ordained 4 Oct. 1820. Topefield, Ms., '20-'29. — s.s. Maiden, Ms., '29-'30. — Somers, Ct, '30-'39. — Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '39-40. — s.s. North Falmouth, Ms., '40-41. — s.s. Fairfield and Greenfield Hill, Ct. '41. — w.c. '41-'55. — occ. sup. the remainder of his life : s.s. Darien, Ga., '55-56. — s.s. Hillsborough, N.H., '57-'59. — s.s. Squan Village, N. J., '59-60. — w.c. South- borough, INIs., '60 until died there, 29 Sept. 1865, aged 74. •' Orville Dewey-, d.d., N.Y. W.C. 1814.— Ordained 17 Dec. 1823. Unitarian ch., New Bedford, Ms., '23-'33. — Second Unitarian ch.. New Y''ork, '35-'48. — New South ch., Boston, Ms., '5 7-'61. — w.c. Sheflield, ]\Is., '61-. *LrTiiER FuASEUR DiMMiCK, D.D., N.Y. Ham. C. 1816. — Ordained 8 Dec. 1819. North ch., Newburyport, JNIs., '19- ; died there, 16 May 1860, aged 69. *Loiiis DwiGiiT, Ms. Y. C. 1813. — Agent Am. Tract Soc, '19-'21.— Ordained 27 Nov. 1822. Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '21-24. — Sec. Prison Discipline Soc, Boston, ^Is., '25- ; died, at Boston, INIs., 12 July 1854, aged Gl. Daniel Hemenway, Yt M. C. 1815. — Tutor, Mid. Coll. '17-'18. — Ordained 29 Aug. 1821. Wareham, Ms., '21 -'28. — Teacher, Nor- 37 1811). wich, Ct., '28-';Jl. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '31-'32. — East Granby, Ct., '32-'42. — TL-ac'lier, Family Selioul, Sullleld, Ct., '42-'Gl. — w.c. Suffield, Ct., 'G1-. *Hkzekiah Hull, Ct. Y. C. isu. — Ordained 13 Oct. I.si9. Home Missionary. Prin. Aead. and pr., Montgomery, O., '19-'20. — Agent of Conn. Miss. Soc., '20. — H. M., and teacher, Alexandria, La., '21-; died tliere, 3 Aug. 1823, aged 27. *AViLLL\]M Poole Kendrick, N. H. H. C. l.SKJ. — H. M., Me., '19- '20; N. E., '20-23. — Ordained 3 Dec. ]S23. Hume Missionary, Western N. Y., '24-'2G. — Presb. ch., Byron, N.Y., '2G-'27. — Shelby, N. Y., '27-'30. — West Bloomfield, N. Y., '30-'31. — Hopewell, N. Y., ■ '31-'32. — Nunda Valley, N. Y., '32-'35. — s.s. Ossian, N. Y., '35-'3G. — s.s. Grove and Allen, N. Y., '36-'37. — H. M., N. Y., '37-'40. — Parma, N. Y., '40-42. — w.c. Parma, N. Y., '42-45 ; in 111., '4G until died, at Bristol, 111., 5 Nov. 1854, aged 64. *JoNAs King, D.D., INIs. W.C. 1816. — Ordained 17 Dec. 1819. Mis- sionary, Jerusalem, '19-25 ; Pi'of. Oriental Lit., Amh. Coll., '22-28; Missionary, Greece, '28-; died, at Athens, Greece, 22 May 1869, aged 76. *Abner Morse, Ms. B.U. 1816. — Ordained 16 Dec. 1819. Nantucket, Ms., '19-'22. — Presb. ch., Sennett, N. Y., '27-'28. — Boundbrook, N. J., ('33). — South Bend. Ind., '. . -'41. — — Died, at Sharon, Ms., 16 May 1865, aged 72. Henry Jones Ripley, d.d., Ms. II. C. 1816. — Ordained, Bapt., 7 Nov. 1819. Home Missionary, Ga. — s.s. North Newport, Ga., '21-'26. — Prof. Bib. Lit. and Past. Duties, Theol. Sem., Newton, Ms., '26-'39 ; Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Duties, '39-'G0 ; Librarian, '60-. *^SEPH Sawyer, Ms. W. C. 1813. — Ordained 30 Oct. 1822. Lev- erett, INIs., '22- ; died there 14 Dec. 1822, aged 30. *WoKTiiiNGTo>f Smith, d.d., Ms. W.C. 1816. — Ordained 4 June 1823. St. Albans, Vt., '23-49. — Pres. Univ. Vt., '49-55. — w.c. St. Albans, Vt., '55 until died there, 13 Feb. 1856, aged 61. *AsA Thurston, Ms. Y.C. 1816. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1819. Mis- sionary, Hawaii, '19- ; died tliere, 11 March 1868, aged 80. *JosEPH ToRREY, D.D., Ms. I). C. 1 .SI G. — Ordained 25 Aug. 1824. Royalton, Vt., '24-'27. — Prof Latin and Greek, Univ. Vt., '2 7-'42 ; Prof Intel, and Moral Phil., '42-62. ; Pres., '62-'G(;. — w.c. Burling- ton, Vt., '66 until died there, 26 Nov. 1867, aged 70. Aai:<>n Warner, d.d., ]\Is. W.C. 1815. — Missionary to Seamen, etc., Charleston, S. C, '19-'23. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1823. — Second ch., Medford, Ms., '24-'32. — Prof Sac. Rhet., Gilmanton Theol. Senu, 38 1819. N. II., '35-'-4.3. — Prof. Iviiet. Anih. Coll., '4 1-'53. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '53-. *J()iix Wheeler, d.d., Yt. D. C. 1 Si 6. — Ordained 1 Nov. 1821. Windsor, Vt., '21-'33. — Tres. Univ. Yt., '33-'49. — w.c. Burlington, Vt., '49 until died there, 16 April 18G2, aged 64. *DAvn> WiLsox, N. Y. J\I. C. 1S16. — Home Missionary, Yt., '19-'20, — Western N. Y., '..-'.. (one year at Essex, N. Y.) — Ordained 16 IM.ay 1832. Rupert, Yt, s.s. '26-'32 ; p. '32-'44. — s.s. IleLron, N.Y., '44-'4C. — w.c. Port Byron, N. Y., and Hebron, N. Y., '46 until died, at Hebron, N. Y., 9 Feb. 18G4, aoed 74. *Jasper Adams, d.i>. (2), ]\Is. B.U. 1815. — Tutor, Brown Univ., '18-'l 9. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 2 Sept. 1819 ; priest, 4 Aug. 1820. — Prof. Math., BroAvn Univ., '1 9-'24. — Pres. Charleston Coll., S. C, '24-'26. — Pres. Geneva Coll., N.Y., '26-'28. — Pres. Charleston Coll., S. C, '28-36.— Chaplain, and Prof. Ethics, U. S. Military Acad., AVest Point, N. Y., '38-'40. — Died, at Pendleton, S. C, 25 Oct. 1841, aged 48. *TnEODORE Clapp (1), Ms. Y. C. 1814. — Ordained 12 Sept 1822. First Presb. ch., New Orleans, La., '22-'34. — Unitarian ch., New Or- leans, La., '34-'57. — ^ w.c. '57 until died, at Louisville, Ky., 17 April 1866, aged 74. *WiLLTAM CoxE (1 ) , Ct. Y. C. 1 81 3. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Phil- lips, Acad., Andover, Ms., '17-'18. — Died, at East Iladdam, Ct., .. March 1819, aged 24. *Charees Brickett Haddock, d.d. (2), N. H. D. C. 1816. — Or- dained 3 Nov. 1824. Prof Rhet.,Dart. Coll., '19-'38; Prof Intel. Phil, and Polit. Econ., '38-54. — Charge d'Aifaires, Portugal, '50-55. — Resided at AVest Lebanon, N. H., supplying neighboi-ing churches, '55-; died, at AVest Lebanon, N. H., 15 Jan. 1861, aged 64. Cfiarees James Hinsdale (2+) . N.J. Y.C.I 81 5. — Ordained 15 June 1823. Meriden, Ct., '23-'33. — Blundford, ]\Is., '36-'63. — w.c. Blandford, Ms., '63-. *James Kimball (3—), ]Ms. Y. C. 1816. — Not ordained. — Died, . . 1821, aged 31. ♦Francis AVaylaxd, d.d., ll.d. (1), N.Y. U. C. 1813.— Tutor, Union Coll., '17-21. — Ordained 22 Aug. 1821. First Baptist ch., Boston, Ms., '21-'26. — Prof Math, and Nat: Phil., Union Coll., '26. — Pres. Brown Univ., '27-'55. — Res. Providence, R. I., (s.s. First Bapt. ch., '57-58), Author, etc., '55 until died there. 30 Sept. 1865, aged 69. 39 1819. 1820. *Allen Porter White (1), Ms. I). C. 1810. — Not ordained.— Went to Buenos Ayrcs, S. A., about 1817, and is said to have died there. (?) 1820. Horace Belknap, Ct. M. C. 181C. — Ordained. Prosb., 2G Sept. 1820. Home Missionary. (Was of Harmony Presbytery, S. C, '25-'29, without P. O. address ; is then dropped. Said to liave become a physician, "at the South," and is prohahhj deceased. AVas boi-u 10 Dec. 1791.) *JoNATiiAN BiGELOW, IMs. B. U. 1 81 7. — Ordained 11 July 1821. Lubec, Me., '21-'2C. — Ptochester, ]\Is., '27-'49.— Euclid, O., V)0- ; died there, 26 Jan. 18.54, aged Gl. Isaac Bird, Ct. Y. C. 181G. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '20-'22. — Or- dained 31 Oct. 1821. Missionary, Syria, '22-'3G. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '3 G-'38. — Acting Prof. Sac. Lit., Gihnanton Tiieol. Sem., '38- '44 ; Prof, same, '44-'45. — Teacher, Family School, Hartford, Ct., '4G-'G9. — w.c. Great Barrington, Ms., 'Gy-. *Elderkix Jkhediah Boaedman, Vt. D. C. 1815. — Ordained 4 July 1822. Bakersfield, Vt., '22-'26. — Danville, Vt., '27-'33. — Ran- doljih, Vt., '34-42. — w.c. Randolph, Vt., '42-56 ; w.c. and occ. sup. '56 until died, at Marshalltown, lo., 21 March 1864, aged 73. *JonN Boaroman, Ms. D. C. 1817. — Ordained 28 Feb. 1821. West Boylston, Ms., '21-'34. — s.s. East Douglas, '35-; died there, 8 Nov. 1841, aged 46. *JosEPii Brown, Ms. M.C. 1817. — Ordained 3 Jan. 1821. Preacher to Seamen, Charleston, S. C, '21-'21). — Agent Am. Seamen's Friend Soc, New York, '29-'32 ; Gen. Agent, '32-'33 ; Sec, '33- ; died there, 16 Sept. 1833, aged 46. WiLLARD Child, d.d., Ct. Y.C. 1817. — Ordained 25 April 1827. Pittsford, Vt., '27-'41. — s.s. North Woodstock, Ct., '41-'42. — Broad- way ch., Norwich, Ct., '42-45. — First ch., Lowell, Ms., '45-54. — Castlcton, Vt., '55-64. — Temp, sup.. First ch., Worcester, Ms., 'G5. — s.s. First ch., North Brookficld, Ms., 'G5-'66. — s.s. First ch.. Crown Point, N. Y., 'G6-. DoRUS Clarkk, D.D., Ms. W.c. 1817. — Ordained 5 Feb. 1823. Blandford, Ms., '23-'35. — Chicopce, Ms., '35-'40. — Editor New Eng- land Puritan, '41-45. — Editor Chr. Parlor Mag., '45-'47. • — Editor Christian Times, Boston, Ms., '45-'51. ■ — w.c.Waltham, Ms., and (now) Boston, Ms., '51- 40 1 S 2 (I . D.VXA Clayks, Vt. ]\I.C!. 1815. — OnliiJned 4 July 1821. ^Sleriileii, X. 11., '21-';3 7. — s.s. Mariners' ch., Portland, IMc, '39-'41. — II. ]M., Vassalboro", Industry, Jetrcrson, etc., JNIe., '41-';")] . — w.c. '51-';")!). — n. M., West Danvers, Ms., '50-'(;5. — w.c. Soutli Reading (now Wake- field), Ms., '65-. *JoNAS CoLBURX, Ms. M. C. 1817. — II. M., and Agent Am. Ed. Soc., Northern N. Y., '20-'21. — Occ. pr., N. II., Vt., and Ms., '21-'24.— Ordained 21 Dee. 1824. I.everett, Ms., '24-'32. — Stoneham, Ms., '32-3 7. — Wells, Me., '37-44. — s.s. New Salem, Ms., '45. — Res. Amherst, Ms., '41-'51, and other places, occ. sup., '51 until died, at Chicopee, Ms., 19 Nov. 1862, aged 73. *AsA CuMMiNGS, D.D., Me. H. C. 1817. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '19-20. — Ordained 14 Feb. 1821. North Yarmouth, Me., '21-'29. — Editor Christian Mirror, Portland, ]\Ie., '26-'55. — Died, at sea, 5 June 1856, aged G6. *Ralph CusiiMAN, Ms. w.c. — Ordained, Presb., 16 Nov. 1821. Home Missionary, Ky., '21-'23. — Pittsford, N. Y., '24-'25. — ]\Ianlius, N.Y., '26-'30. — Agent Am. H. M. Soc., N. Y.. '29; Ohio, '30-; died, at Wooster, O., 27 Aug. 1831, aged 39. Elliah Demond, Ms. D.C. 1810. — Ordained 7 March 1821. West Newbury, Ms., '21-26. — Lincoln, Ms., '27-32. — Holliston, Ms., '32- '36. — Princeton, Ms., '36-39. — Agent Am. Tr. Soc. —s.s. North- bridge, Douglas, Shrewsbury, and Waquoit, jNIs. — s.s. C'hilmark, Ms., '50-'51. — w.c. Westborough, INIs., ' . . -. *JonN DuxCKLEE, N. H. D.C. 1817. — Ordained 26 jNIarch 1823. Wendell, Ms., '23-'30. — w.c. Greenfield, N. II., '30 until died there, 23 Jan. 1869, aged 76. *\ViLLiAM GooDELL, D.D., Ms. D.C. 1817. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '21-'22. — Ordained 12 Sept. 1822. Missionary, Turkey, '22-'65.— w.c. 'Q^y until died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 18 Feb. 186 7, aged 75. *Daniel Gould, N. H. //. C— Ordained, Presb., 26 Sept. 1820. Home Missionary in 111. and Mo., '20-21.— H. M., N. C, '21-; and s.s. Statesville, N. C. ; died there, 20 April 1834, aged 44. LoAMMi Ives Hoadley, Ct. Y. C. 1817. — Ordained 15 Oct. 1823. Calv. ch., Worcester, Ms., '23-'30. — Bradford, Ms., '30-'33. — Orono, Me., '51-53. — Auburn, Ms., '54-57. — s.s. Craftsbury, Vt., '58-65. — w.c. Craftsbury, Vt., '65-66 ; New Haven, Ct., '66-. *Edward ITollister, Ct. M. C. 1S16. — Ordained, Presb., 26 Sept. 1820. Home Missionary, ]Mo. and 111., '20-22. — Danville, Vt., '23- '26. — w.c. Va., '26-27. — s.s. Presb. ch., Buffalo Springs, Va., '28-29. — Teacher, Fem. Sem., Oxford, N. C, '30-'34. — s.s. Griggsville, 111., '34-'. . — w.c. and occ. pr., West Tenn., ' . . -'45. — Presb. ch., AVood- 6 41 1820. ville and Chili, 11!., '45-50. — Agent Am. Bible 8oc., in 111., '51-57.— w.c. Griggsville, 111., and Alton. 111., until . (I — ), :\rs. W.C. ISKi. — Tuloi-, Willi;tnis ('.ill.. "1 7-'li). — Teaclior Acad., Boydtowii, Va. — Ordained l.s_'4. Presb. tli., IIalifa.\ Co., Va., ■24-'2G. — Uidimond, Va., '^C- ■;!.->. — rrof. Eccl. Hist., Tlicol. Sem., Prince Edward Co., Va., ':J.>--;}.S. — Abingdon, Va., '38-43. — Petersbnrg, Va., '43-'47. — Teaclier. Richmond, Va., '4 7-'r»0. — Duval st. ch., Pvlclniioiid, Va.. T/O-; died there, 4 ^lareh IS;-);}, aged 5 7. *JoT[x WiiiTOX (•_>). X. Y. W.C. l.sis. — Ordained 27 Nov. 1822. — — Cirauville, N.Y.. •24--32. — — Enfield, Ms., '37- "41. — West Stockbridge, :\[s., '41-'4!t. — —Died, at Wolcott, N. Y Nov. 18G8, aged 70. 1822. *J.\MF.s Abell, Ct. Y. C. ISU). — Ordained 18 Jan. 1825. Presb. ch., Oswego, N.Y., '25-'30. — Oxfbrd, N. Y., '30-'37. — Ref. (Dutch) ch., Chittenango, N. Y., '38-57. — w.c. Oshkosh, Wis., etc., '57 until died, at Oswego, N. Y.. 7 Mny 18G8. aged /(J. Rrrrs Axdersox, d.o., le.o., ^Ts. B.C. 1818. — Ordained 10 ]May 1826. Assistant to Cor. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., '22-24; Assistant Sec, '24-'32; Foreign Sec., '32-'G(). — Lect. on For. Missions, Andover Theol. Sem., 'G7-'G!). — Resides at Boston Iligldands, Ms. *Bi.:xsox C. B.\LDWix, Ms. M.C. 1816. — Ordained 31 Jan. 1828. Norwich. Ct., '28-30.- s.s. ^Vliddlebury, O., '30-33. —s.s. Cuyahoga Falls, O., '34-'35. — s.s. Medina, O., ' . .- ; died there 1844, aged 48. Joiix Bartox, Ms. Ham. C. 1819. — Ordained, Presb., 2G Sept. 1822. Home ]Missionarv, Hanover and Goochland Counties, Va., '22-23. — H. M., N. Y"., '23. —s.s. Presb. ch., Vernon Centre, N. Y., '23-'2G. — s.s. Orville, N. Y., '26. — Temp, sup., First ch., Geneva, N. Y., '27. — s.s. Elmira, N. Y., '27-'28. — s.s. Camden, N. Y., '28-'?l. — Corning, N. Y., '32-'35. — Camden, N. Y., '35-'45. — Clinton. X. Y., '4G-'4f). — w.c. and occ. sup., Clinton, N. Y., '49—. *Stei'HEX IxGAi.LS Bkad.'^treet, X. H. I). C. isil). — Ordained 2G Sept. 1822. Home Missionary. — s.s. Cleveland, O.. '23-'3(». Also, Euclid, O., '23-'26, and Brooklyn, O., '26-27. — s.s. Vermillion, etc., O., '30-33. Also, Sandusky, 6., '30-'31, and Florence, O., '32-'33. — Editor Ohio Observer, '33-'34. — s.s. Perrysburg. O., '33. — s.s. Stowe, ()., '34-'35. — Perryslmrg, O.. '35-; died there. 9 June 183 7, aged 42. *Eleazar Bkaixerd, Ct. Y.C. 1818. — Ordained Home Mi.s-ionary. O. — s.s. Presb. ch., Portsmouth, O., "2S--C3G). — s.s. Lewis, 7 49 1822. O., ('39-40). — s.s.:Mason, O., ('43-'4G). — s.s. Oxford, O., '..-'40. — Manchester, O., '..-; died there, 24 July 1854, aged til. *JoHN Clark BiuciiiAM, i>.r>., Ms. W. C. 1819. — Bible Agent, Suuth America, '22-26.— Ordained 10 Oct. 1832. Agent Am. Bible Soc, '26-'27; Cor. Sec, 27-; died, at Brooklyn, N. Y., 10 Aug. 1862, aged 68. *Oren Catlin, N.Y. Ham.C. 1818. — Ordained 26 Sept. 1822. Home Missionary, 111., '22-28. — Warren, Ms., '29-'31. — s.s. Presb. ch., Cincinnatus, N. Y., '32-33. — Castleton, N. Y., '34-37. — Fair- port, N. Y., '38-'41. — Newstead, N.Y., '42-'43.— Collins, N. Y., '44- '46. — Died, at Evans, N. Y., 11 Aug. 1850, aged 55. John Clancy, N. Y. M.C. 1818. — Ordained 26 Sept. 1822. Home Missionary, Va., '22. — s.s. Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va., '22-23.— s.s. Presb. churches, Stillwater and Johnstown, N. Y., '24. — Free- hold, N. Y., '25-'45. — Agent Presb. Board of Ed., '45. — Cong, ch., Belchertown, Ms., '46-49. — s.s. Presb. ch., Princctown, N. Y., '49- '50. — s.s. Hamilton, Albany Co., N. Y., '50-'55. — Ref. (Dutch) ch., Florida, N.Y., '55-'60. — s.s. Presb. ch., Little Falls, N. Y., '60-'61. — s.s. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Schenectady, N. Y., '62. — Schenectady, \N.Y., w.c. and occ. supply, '62-. *M0SES Clarke, Ms. H.C. 1819. — Ordained 22 Nov. 1822. Home Missionary, La., '22-; died there, 1823, aged 31. *Calvin Cutler, Vt. D. C. 1819.— Ordained 6 Nov. 1823. Leba- non, N. H., '23-'27. — Presb. ch., Windham, N. H., '28-; died there, 19 Feb. 1844, aged 52. *Francis Danforth, N. H. D. C. 1819. — Ordained 11 June 1823. Greenfield, N. H., '23-'31. — AVinchester, N. H., '31-39. — First ch., Hadley, Ms., '39-'42. — w.c, '42-'44. — Byron and Medina, N.Y., '45. — s.s. Presb. ch., Clarence, N. Y., '46-52. — w.c Clarence, N.Y., '52 until died there, 29 Jan. 1854, aged 60. *Cyrus Downs, Ct. Ham. C. 1819. — Onlained Bowman Creek, N. Y. — Canajoharie, N. Y., '..-; died there, befbrc 1827. *Peter Sidney Eaton, Ms. Ham.C. 1818. — Ordained 20 Sept. 1826. West Amesbury, Ms., '26-'3 7. — Teacher, New Britain, Ct.— Res. Andover, Ms. — Died, at Chelsea, Ms., 13 March 1863, aged 64. Ansel Doan Eddy, d.d., Ms. U.C. 181 7. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1823. — Canandaigua, N.Y., '24-'35. — First Presb. ch., Newark, N.J., '35-48. — Park st. Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '48-55. — Westminster ch., Chicago, 111., '55-58. — s.s. Wilmington, 111., '59-63. — s.s. Sen- eca Falls, N. Y., '64. — Agent Am. and For. Chr. Union, Lansing- burg, N. Y., '65-. 50 1822. *J<>sKiu Fo\vra:i{, Ct. Y.C. LSI?. — Not ovdaim-d. — Died, atMilford, Ct., 1825, aged 25. *Flavkl Stichbins Gaylohp, Ct. AV.C. 181G.— Ordained 6 Nov. 1822. Home Missionary, O., '22-'. . — s.s. Presb. eh., Sparta, N. Y., — — Gorhani, N. Y., '30-'39. — Prin. Acad., Plattsburg, N. Y., '39-'43. — — Naples, N. Y., '47-'5 1 . — s.s. Hopewell, N. Y., '53-; died tliere, 8 Feb. 18(50, aged G4. *J<)XATHAN Lee Hale, Ct. M.C. 1819. — Ordained 23 June 1824. Campton, N. H., '24-'32. — Windham, Me., '32-; died there, 15 Jan. 1835, aged 43. William Allen Hallock, d.d., Ms. W. C. 1819. — Ordained 5 Oct. 183C. Sec. Am. Tract Soc, N. Y., '25-. *Cai{lton Huud, D.D., N. II. D.C. 1818. — Ordained 17 Sept. 1823. Fryebui-g, Me., '23-; died there, 6 Dec. 1855, aged GO. *Henr Y True Kelley, N. H. D. C. 181 9. — H. M., Me. — Ordained 29 June 1825. Newfield and Parsonsfield, Me., '25-'27. — Occ. pr., '27-29. — Presb. ch., Kingsville, O., '29-34. — Cong, ch., Madison, O., '34-'3G.— Teacher, Grand Elver Inst., Austinburgh, O., '36-'37. — w.c. '3 7-'40. — II. M., Col'd people, Can., '40-; died, at Chatham, CM'., 9 Sept. 1840, aged 4G. *James Marsh, d.d., Vt. D. C. KSl 7. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '18-'20.— Ordained 12 Oct. 1824. Prof. Lang, and Bib. Lit., Hampden-Sydney Coll., '24-'2G. — Pres. Univ. Vt., '26-'33 ; Prof. Moral and Intel. Phil., '33-; died, at Colchester, Yt., 3 July 1842, aged 48. Joseph Meriam, Ms. B.U. 1819. — Ordained 26 Se^Dt. 1822. Home Missionary, J^a., '22-23 ; Ohio, '23-'24. — Randolph, 0., '24-. *Jared Reid, Ct. Y.C. 1817. — Ordained 8 Oct. 1823. Reading, Ms., '23-'33. — Belchertown, Ms., '33-'41. — Tiverton, R. L, '41-'5'o. — w.c. Tiverton, R. I., '50 until died there, 17 June 1854, ao-ed GG. *JoiiN Eexxie, Ireland. U. Glas. 1817. — Ordained 9 Aug. 1823, in S. C. (In Cambridge, S. C, in '24. In Liberty, Mo., in '48.) — Died, at St. Joseph, :\In., al»ou( 1859. (Born 8 Aug. 1799.) *WiLLiAM RiciiAUDs, Ms. AY. C. 1 81 9. — Ordained 1 2 Sept. 1822. Missionary, Hawaiian Islands, '22-'38. Res. H. I., '38-42. Ambas- sador to England, etc., '42-'45. IMinister of Public Instruction, Councillor, an 1 Chap, to the King, '45-; died, at Honolulu, 7 Dec. 1847, aged 55. Daxiel Green Si-kague, Ct. B.U. 1819.— Ordained 2 Oct. 1822. Home Missionary, 111., and Mo., '22-'23. — Hampton, Ct., '24-'39.— Colchester, Ct., '39-4-1.- Presb. ch., So. Orange, N. J.' '44-'G0. — w.c. South Orange, N. J., 'GO-. 1H22. ^SE^'K(■A Win T i:, ^[s. 1 ). C. 1 S 1 8. — Ordained 1 Sept. 1 823. Second oh., Bath, IMe.. -iS--;!*). — AVm-asset, Mv., ';;2-;?7. — :\Iarshficld, Ms., '.S8-'50. — w.e. Amherst, N. II., '50 until died tliere, 11 Jan. 1865, a-ed 70. *Westox Bej.a Adams (1), N. H. D.C. 1818. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '20-21. — s.s. N. IL. and Yt. — Ordained 14 Nov. ls;J2. Auburn, Me., '3-2-:iS.— w.c. Danville, Mr., '3.S until died there. 1 Oct. 1841, aged 46. *ISAAC E,iCHMOX3> Baubouk (2), Vt. JSLC.181!). — Ordained 1823. Home Missionary, S. C, '23-25. — New Ipswich, N. H., '26. — Byfield, Ms., '27-'33. — Agent Boston Soc. for Mor. and Rel. Ed. of the Poor, '33-34. — Charlton, Ms., '3G-'39. — w.c. '39 until death. Res. New Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y., in '6 7. — Died, at Gales- burg, 111., 26 Feb. 1860, aged 75. Stephex CoiJUKN (1). Ms. M. C. 18U). — Not ordained. — ^J-'^-^^'^i^'"' Tyngsborough, Ms., Bangor, Me., Hebron, Me., North Andover, Ms., and Ipswich, Ms., '20-'27. — Postmaster, Ipswich, Ms., '32-'60. — Res. Ipswich, Ms., since '24. •=Jacoij Cummixus (1+), Ms. D.C. 1810. — Teacher, Acad., Atkin- son, N. H., '21-23; Hampton, N. H., '23-'24. — Ordained 28 April 1824.. Stratham, N. H., '24-34. — Sharon, Ms., '35-'37. — South- boro',Ms., '38-'41. — Hillsboro' Bridge, N.H., '43-56. — w.c. Exeter, N. H., '56 until died there, 20 June 1866, aged 73. Bekiaii Gueex (2), Yt. M.C. 1819. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., An- dover, Ms., '20-'21. — s.s. East Lyme, Ct., '21-22. — Ordained 16 April 1823. Brandon, Yt., '23-29. — Kennebunk, Me., '29-'30.— Prof. Sac. Lit., West. Res. Coll., '30-'33. — Pres. Oneida Lit. and Thcol. Inst., Whitesboro', N. Y., '33-'43. — s.s. Whitesboro', N. Y., '43-. *^Bex.ja:\iix Hale, m.d., d.d. (1), Ms. B.C. 1818. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '20-'22. — Prin. Gardiner Lyceum, '22-"27. — Prof Chem. and Min., Dart. Coll., '2 7-'35. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 28 Sept. 1828; priest, 6 Jan. 1831. — Pres. Ilobart C'oll., N.Y., '36-56. — w.c. Geneva, N. Y., '56-58; Newburyport, Ms., '58 until died thci-e, 15 July I.S(!3. aged 70. Joseph Hurlisut (1+), Ct. Y. C. Isis. — Pi-incetun Tlieol. Sem., 1822.— s.s. First Presh. cli., Brooklyn, N. Y., '22-'23.— Ordained 25 Oct. 1823. 'J'liinl Presb. ch., Albany, N. Y., '23-26 — w.c. New York, '26-32; New Loudon, Ct., "32-'35. — s.s. Cong, cli.. New Lon- don, Ct- '35-'3S.— Missionary, IMohegan Indians, '38-62. — Chaplain 1822. 1823. U. S. A., Fort Trimibiill, New London, Ct., 'G2-'G7. — Res. New Lon- don, Ct., occ. sup., '(j7-. *WiLLiAJM KiKKLAND (1 — ), N. Y. Ham. C. 1818. — Not ordaincd. — Tutor, Ham. Coll., '-iO-'-io ; Prof. Latin, '2a-27. — Prin. Acad., Goshen, N. Y. — Died, 1846, aged 46. *Eos\VELL Mills (!-}-), N. Y. M. C. 1819. — Died, at Andover. Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 11 April 1821, aged 28. ♦Jonathan Coleman Southmayd (1), Yt. M.C. 1817. — Not or- dained. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '20-23. — Priu. Acad., IVIontpelier, Vt., '23-35. — Teacher, Burhngton, Yt., '35-36. — Rutland, Vt., teacher and occ. pr., '37-; died there, . . Oct. 1838, aged 45. 1823. Solomon Adams, Ms. IL C. 182u. — Ordained 1 March 1825 — Teacher, Portland, ]\Ie. ; Boston, INIs. — — Resides at Au- burndale, Ms. Leonard Bacon, d.d., Ct. Y. C. 1820. — Ordained 28 Sept. 1824. — First ch., New Haven, Ct., '25- ; and, since '66, acting Prof. Rev. Theol., Theol. Dept., Yale Coll. Also, Lecturer on Congregationalism, Andover Theol. Sem., '66-69. Heman M. Blodgett, Vt. U.Vt. 1820.. — Ordained — (At Dawfuskie Island, S. C, in '24. — Agent N. J. Col'n Soc.) Joseph Hunt Breck, Ms. Y.C. 1818. — Ordained .. Dec. 1823. Home Missionary. — s.s. Wadsworth and Harrisville, O., '23-'24. — H. M., West'n Res., O., '24-'2 7. — Andover, O., '27-'29.— s.s. Brecks- ville, O., '29-32. — Teacher, Cleveland, O., '33-35.- w.c. and occ. pr.. Cleveland, O., '35-'43. — w.c. Newburgh, O., '43-. *WiLLiAM Lewls Buffet, Ct. Y.C. 1819. — H. M., Me. and N. Y., '23-25. — Ordained 27 June 1827. s.s. Atwater, O., '25-33. —s.s. Ruggles, 0., '34-'35. — s.s. Franklin, O., '36. — Tamworth, N. H., '37-'42. — H. M., De Peyster, N. Y., '43-'44. — s.s. Sylvania, O., '. .-'. . — s.s. Presb. ch., La Salle, Mich., '45-52. — Presb. ch., Perrys- ville. Lid., '53-; died there, 29 Aug. 1856, aged 57. Joiix L. BuRNAP, \t. :M. C. 1819. — Not ordained. — Agent \t. Dom. Miss. Soc, '23-'24. — II. M.. Western States. '24-25. — w.c. Windham, Vt., '25-. INIosES Chase, N. II. D. C. 1.S20.-- Ordained 22 Feb. 1826. Presb. ch, Plattsburg. N. Y., '26-'. . — Cong, ch., Clinton, N. Y.. '35-'..— West Brookfield, :Ms.. '42-'44. — Gen. Ayent Am. Col'n Soc, for N.Y. 1823. — Brasher Falls and Mooers. — s.s. Mooers, N. Y., '52-'56. — -s.s. Brasher Falls, N. Y., '57-59. — s.s. Stockholm, N. Y., '60-'Gl. — w.c. Plattsburg, N. Y., '61-. Benjamin Franklin Clarke, Me. W.C. 1820. — Ordained 4 Feb- 1824. Biickland, Ms., '24-'39. — North Chelsea, Ms., '39-'42.— Rowe, Ms., s.s. '42-49; p. '49-50. — s.s. North Orange, Ms., '52-54. — Winehendon, Ms., '55-65. — w.c. Wellesley, Ms., (P. O., South Natlck, Ms.),'G5-. *Nathan Welby Fiske, Ms. D.C. 1817. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '18- '20. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1823. Preacher to Seamen, Savannah, Ga., '23-'24. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Amh. Coll., '24-'25 ; Prof. Greek, '25-'33; Prof. Latin and Greek, '33-36; Prof. Moral Phil, and Met., '36-; died, at Jerusalem, 2 7 May 1847, aged 49. *Edmund Frost, Vt. M. C. 1820.— Ordained 25 Sept. 1823. Mis- sionary, Bombay, '2.3-; died there, 18 Oct. 1825, aged 34. *Jacob Cram Goss, N. H. D.C. 1820. — H.M., Ga., '22-'24.— Or- dained 8 Dec. 1824. Topsham, Me., '24-'35. Also, s.s. Second ch., Warren, Me., '31-32. — Woolwich, Me., '35-43. — First ch., Sanford, Me., s.s. '43-'46; p. '46-'50. — Second ch., AVells, Me., '51-'55. — s.s. Randolph, Vt., '56-58. — w.c. '58 until died, at Concord, N. H., 21 April 1860, aged 66. *Elnathan Gridley, Ct. Y. C. 1819. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '23- '24. — Ordained 25 Aug. 1825. Missionary, Smyrna, '25-; died, at Caesarea, Cappadocia, 27 Sept. 1827, aged 31. *JosEPii Hyde, Ct. Y.C. 1820. — Not ordained. — Died, at Litchfield, Ct., 27 Dec. 1824, aged 24. *Chester Isham, Ct. Y.C. 1820. — Ordained 18 Feb. 1824. Trin. ch., Taunton, ]\Is., '24-; died, at Boston, Ms., 20 Ajml 1825, aged 27. *James Kimball, Ms. M. C. 1820. — IL M., Vt., '23-'25. — Ordained 13 Jan. 1825. Townshend, Vt., '25-'30. — City Missy, Boston, Ms., '30-32. — Oakham, Ms., '32r-'60. — w.c. "60 until died, at St. Louis, Mo., 16 March 1861, aged 63. *George Porter King, Ms. Ham. C. 1820. — H. M., WaUerborough and Jacksonborough, S. C, '23-25. — Ordained s.s. Cong, ch., Henrietta, N. Y., '26-29. — — s.s. Hornellsville, N. Y., '32-33. — s.s. Ossian, N. Y., '32-34. — s.s. Portageville, N. Y., '34-35. — w.c. Michigan, '35-41. — s.s. Lima, Mich., '41-42. — s.s. Presb. ch., Brownstown, Mich., '42-'44. — s.s. Cong, ch., Grand Blanc, Mich., '44-46. — s.s. Presb. ch., Fentonville, Mich., '46-'50.— w.c. Jackson, Midi., '51 until died there, . . March 1863, aged . . 54 18 2 3. *WiLLiAM Watsox XiLi-.s, Xt. D. C. 1 820. — Ordaiiiod 13 Aug. 18-23. Home Missionary, 'IViin., '23-24; Ohio, '24-'.. — (In Me., '32.) — Ordained deacon, Ejjise.. 13 April 1834 ; priest, — — Died, at Laporte, Ind., 8 June 1854, aged .57. Isaac Oakes, Ms. W. C. 1820. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1823. Home Missionary. — Presb. cli., Westfield, N. Y., '24-'31. — s.s. Warsaw and East Bethany, N. Y., '31-'34. — Lancaster, N. Y., '34-'39. — s.s. East Evans, X. Y., '40-('41). — s.s. Bethany, N.Y^, ('4fi)-'4a. — s.s. Riga, N. Y., '4 9-'.r2. — s.s. Oakland, N. Y., '53-'58. — w.c. Nunda, N. Y., '5.S-. HoijATio Adams Tarsoxs, Ms. W.C. 1820. — Ordained 28 May 1824. Manchester, Yt., '24-'26. — s.s. Bresb. eh., Niagara Falls, N. Y'., '27-'29. — (Said to have been a merchant in Buffalo, N. Y., and now res. Niagara, N. Y.) SoLOMOX Peck, d.b., Pt. I. B.U. 1816. — Ordained, Bapt., 5 Dec. 1823. City Missionary, Charleston, S. C, '24. — s.s. North Y^'armouth, Me., '24-'25. — Prof. Latin and Hebrew, Amh. Coll., '25-'32. — Act- ing Prof., Brown Univ., '32-33. — s.s. Gloucester, Ms., '34. — s.s. Weston, Ms., '35. — Ass. Cor. Sec. Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, '35-38; For. Cor. Sec, '38-'58. — Beaufort, S. C, '62-'65. — Chap. Disch. Soldiers' Home, Boston, Ms., 'GG-; also. Cor. Sec. Nat. Inst. Ed. Col. Pas., 'G7-. Urjas Powers, N. H. D. C. 1818.- Ordained .. Oct. 1823. Home IVIissionary, S. C, '23-'24. — IL M., Cheraw, S. C, '25-27 ; s.s. Presb. ch., '27-'34. — Agent Am. S. S. Union, "'34. — Agent Presb. Board of Dom. Miss., '34-35. — s.s. Darlington, S. C, '35-37. — Salem and Big Lick, Va., s.s. '37-'39; p. '3!)-'51 ; s.s. '51-'53. — s.s. Big Lick, Ya., '53-55, and 'C2-G4. — w.c. Big Lick, Ya., 'G4-. *William Shedd, N. H. D. C. 1819. — Ordained 13 Aug. 1823. — Seamen's Chap., New Orleans, La., '23-'. . Also, some time Prof. Coll., New Orleans, La., ('24). — First ch., Abington, Ms., '29-'30.— Died, at Abington, Ms., 11 Nov. 1830, aged 33. George Sheldox, Ohio. Y^C. 1819. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1823. Home Missionary. Agent Am. S. S. Union, O., and s.s. Painesville, O., '23-'25. — Franklin, O., '25-'30. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, '29- '36. — Franklin, O., '36-'37. — Agent West'n Res. Coll.. '37-'54.— w.c. Monticello, Ind., '54-'5C ; Bdlefontaine, O., '56-. *Samuel Austix Worcester, D.D., Yt. U.Vt. 1819.— Ordained 25 Aug. 1825. Missionary, Cherokee Indians, '25-; died, 20 April 1859, aged 61. 55 1823. Horace Pcblius Bogue (1), ;N.Y. Ham. C. 1820. — Ordained 6 Jan. 1823. Pi'esb. cli., Gilbertsville, N. Y., '23-'29. — Norwich, N. Y., '29-33. — Vernon, N. Y., '33-40. — Agent N. Y. Col'n Soc, '40-42. — Seneca Falls, N. Y., '42-'50. — Agent Jewish Mission, '50-'.52. — Agent N. Y. Col'n Soc., "52-02.- s.s. Preble, N. Y., 'G2-'G4. — s.s. East Hamburg, N. Y., '(]4-"(;(5. — w.c. Buffalo. N. Y., 'GO-. *JoHN Dickson (1), S. C. Y. C. 1814. — Ordained — Prof. Mor. Phil., S. C. Coll., Colmnbia, S. C Died 1847, aged . . *JuDAH Ely (1+), Ct. W. C. 1820.— Ordained (11. M., Isles of Shoals. Afterwards res. Buffalo, N. Y.) Died, in England, 1841, aged 45. *IsKAEL Newell (1), Me. B.C. 1819. — Ordained Prin. Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N. H., '22-'35. — s.s. New Glouces- ter, ISIe., '37. — s.s. East Durham, ^le., '38- ; died there, 1840, aged 52. -nViLLiAM Page (1), Yt. i\r.C. 1X18. — Ordained Home ISIissionary, Mich., '23-'.. — s.s. Presb. ch., Fredonia, N. Y., '25-26. — s.s. Ann Arbor, Mich., '26-30. — Agent Am. H. M. Soc, Ct. and N. Y., '30. — Poughkeepsie, N. Y., '32-'34. — Village ch.. New York, '34-35. — Agent Am. H. Mis. Soc, jNIich., '35-36. — — Agent Am. H. M. Soc, N. Y.,, '46. — s.s. Chagrin Falls, O., '4 7-48. — s.sT Hillsdale ]\Iich., '48-'49. — s.s. Allegan, Mich., '49-'50. — s.s. Three Rivers, Mich., '51-54. — Died 1850, aged . . (iiDEON Lane Soule, ll.d. (1), Me. B.C. 1818. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., Exeter. N. H., '18-'19; Prof Anc Lang., '22-38 ; Principal, '38-. *Marshal Southard (2), N. H. D. C. 1820. — Ordained 20 Dec 1829. — Never settled. Farmer, Newbury, Vt., '30-'50; Lyme, N. H., '50 until died there, 12 March 1857, aged 01. *Elljah Thayer (1), Ms. AV. C. 182(i. — Not ordained. — Died, 1824, aged .. *JoHX Milton Waldo (1—), Ct. H. C. 1818. — Died, at , while a member of the Seminary, 8 Dec 1820. aged 23. John West (2), 11. L H.C. 1813.— Henry Clark Wkight (2+), Ct. —. — Ordained 21 June 182G. First ch.. West Newbury, Ms., '26-'33. — Agent Am. S. S. Union, '33-34. — Minister to the poor, Boston, Ms., '34-36. — Anti Slavery Lecturer. — 56 1824 1824. Nathaniel Bouton, d.d., Ct. Y.C. 1821. — Ordained 23 May 1825. First cli., Concord, N. H., '25-'67. — Provincial Historian of N. H., Concord, N. H., '67-. Milton Palmeu Bhamax, d.d., Ms. H. C. 1819. — Ordained 12 April 1826. First ch., Danvers, Ms., '26-61. — w.c. Danvers, ]\Is., '61-. Caleb Burbank, N. H. D.C. 1821. — H.M., Warner, Wakefield, etc., N. H., '24-26. — Ordained 5 April 1827. Home Missionary, s.s. Chester and Kirtland, O., '27-29. — Madison, O., '29-34. — s.s. Mesopotamia and Bloomfield, O., '34-'37-. — s.s. Brecksville, O., '38- '40. — Presb. cli., Chatham, O., '40-'55. — w.c. Chatham, O., '55-'68; Stamford, N. Y., '68-. Fkederick Edwards Caxxon, d.d., Ms. U. C. 1822. — Ordained 12 Oct. 182.5. — Ludlow, Vt.,'26-'31. — Presb. ch., Potsdam, N. Y., '31_'36.— Agent and Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M. in N. Y., '36-'63.— w.c. Geneva, N. Y., '63-. *Plummer Chase, Ms. B.C. 1821. — Ordained 1 March 1825.— — Carver, Ms., '28-'35. — Died, at Newbury, Ms., 17 Sept. 1837, aged 43. *George Cowles, Ct. Y.C. 1821.— Ordained 18 Jan. 1826. — South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., '27-; lost at sea, near Cape Hatteras, in wreck of the Home, 9 Oct. 1837, aged 39. *Samuel Hooker Cowles, Ct. Y.C. 1821. — Not ordained.— DieJ, at Farmington, Ct., 1 Feb. 1827, aged 29. Orxan Eastman, Ms. Y.C. 1821.— Agent A. B. C. F. M., N. H., '24-'25. — Agent Am. Tr. Soc, N. Y., '25-26. — Sec. Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, Ms., '27-'28. — Ordained 27 Aug. 1828. General Agent Am. Tr. Soc, N. Y., for Miss. Valley, '2 7-'30. — General Agent Lane Theol. Sem., and A. B. C. F. M., '31. — Sec. Am. Tr. Soc, New York, '32-. Isaac Esty, N. H. Y. C. 1821. — H. M., Cheshire Co., N. H., '26-'29. -Ordained 29 Jan. 1829. Cape Elizabeth, Me., '29-'31. — s.s. Bridgeton, Me., '32. — w.c. '32-43 ; w.c. and occ. suj}., '43-45. — s.s. Westminster East, Vt., '45-'46. — s.s. Bethlehem and Franconia, N. H., '46-'51 . — s.s. Westminster East, Vt., '53-'55. — s.s. Lunenburg, Vt., '55. — s.s. Heath, Ms., '59-'60. — w.c. since '60, now res. Am- herst, Ms. *JosEi'H Ives Foot, d.d., Ct. U.C. 1821. — Ordained 30 Sept. 1824. Home Missionary, S. C, '24-'25. — West Brookfield, Ms., '26-'32.— • - 57 1824. Salina, N. Y., '33-'35. — s.s. Cortland, N. Y.', '35-'37. — Knoxville, Tenn./39-'40. — Chosen Pres. Washington Coll., Tenn., '40-; died, near Knoxville, Tenn., 21 Aijril 1840, aged 43. *Stephen FosTEii, Ms. D.C. 1821. — Ordained 30 Sept. 1824. Home Missionary, Texas, '24-' . . — Prof. Latin and Greek, East Tenn. Coll., '..-'34; Pres., '34-; died, at Knoxville, Tenn., 11 Jan. 1835, aged 37. John Flavel Giuswold, Ms. Y. C. 1821. — Ordained 8 Nov. 1825. Home Missionary, N. H., '25-28. — South Hadley Falls, Ms., '28-32. — Fayetteville, Vt., '34-'39. — Hartland, Vt., '39-'44. — s.s. Wash- ington, N. H., '45-'GG. — w.c. Brooklyn, N. Y. (res. Bernardston, Ms., in sunmaer), '66-. *Lemuel Hall, Ms. B.U. 1820. — Ordained 7 Feb. 1827. Home Missionary, N. Y. — s.s. Presb. ch., De Kalb, N.Y., '26-'28. — s.s. An- nisville, N. Y., '28-29. — s.s. Holland, N. Y., '29-30. — Hamburg, N.Y., '30-'32. — s.s. Bethany, N. Y., '33. — s.s. Sparta, N. Y., '34.— s.s. Mt. Morris, N. Y., '35.— s.s. Centreville, N. Y., '36-'38. — s.s. Geneva, Wis., '38-39. — Virginia Settlement, N. Y., '39-46. — s.s. Geneva, Wis., '46-'. . — w.c. Geneva, Wis., ('49) until died there, 9 April 1868, aged 73. *Orramel Strong Hinckley, Vt. I). C. 1819. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '21-'22. — Ordained (?). — Teacher, Sylvan Acad., Ky. — Prof. Lang., Greenville Coll., Tenn.,'..-'.. — Teacher, Lexington, Ky. — Prof. Lang., Oakland Coll., Miss., '. .-; died, at Natchez, Miss., 14 Sept. 1837, aged 39. Elbridge Gerky Howe, Ms. B.U. 1821. — Ordained 6 Oct. 1824. Home Missionary, 111., '24-28. — H. M., N. E., '28-'31. — Halifax, Ms., '32-'36. — S.S. East Marshfield, Ms., '36-'38. — H. M., Will Co., 111., '38-'41. — H. M. and sup., Lake and Henry Counties, 111., '41-'49. — w.c. Waukegan, 111., '49-. *Ova Phelps HoYT, D.D., Vt. M.C. 1821. — Ordained 18 Jan. 1826. Presb. ch., Potsdam, N. Y., '25-'30.— Agent Am. H. M. Soc, '30-'34. — Editor Western Recorder, Utica, N. Y., '34-'35. — Cambridge, N. Y., '35-'38. — s.s. First Presb. ch., Detroit, Mich., '39-'40. — Kalamazoo, Mich., '40-'49. — Second Presb. ch., Kalamazoo, Mich., '49-'52. — Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., '52-'60. — s.s. Elkhart, lo., '60- '63. — w.c. Kalamazoo, Mich., '63 until died there, 11 Feb. 1866, aged 65. *WiLLrAM WoRTHiNGTON HuNT, Ms. W. C. 1820. — Ordained 7 March 1827. Amherst, Ms., '27-; died there, 5 Oct. 1837, aged 45. Henry Jones, Ct. Y. C. 1820. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1825. New 58 1824. Britain, Ct., '25-'27. — Priii. Young Ladies' High School, Greenfield, Ms., '28-'38. — Prin. Cottage School, Bridgeport, Ct., '38-'G5. — w.c. Bridgeport, Ct., 'Go-. Daniel Lancaster, N. H. D.C. 1821. — Ordained 21 Sept. 1825. Fii-st ch., Gilmanton, N. H., '25-32. — Centre ch., Giluianton, N. H., s.s. '32-35; p. '35-52. — s.s. Fisherville, N. H., '53-54. — Middle- town, N. Y., '55-'5y. — w.c. since '59, now res. New York city. RoDOLPiius Laxdfear, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — H. M., Mayville and Ash- ville, N.Y., '25-'2G. — Agent Conn. Bible Soc, Ct., '28. — Ordained 1 July 1828.— Sab. Sch. Agency, Hartford, Ct., '28.— Montville, Ct., '29- '32. — s.s. Bozrabville, Ct., '32-34. — Westford, Ct., (one year).— w.c. Manchester, Ct., and now Hartford, '. .-. Erastus Maltijy, Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1824. Home Missionary. — s.s. Marietta, O., '24-'25. — Trin. ch., Taunton, Ms., 26-. Samuel Marsh, Vt. D.C. 1821. — Ordained 31 Jan. 1825. Home Missionary. — INIooers, N. Y., '27-'.. — Colporteur, Montreal, Can., '30-'31. — s.s. Sennett, N.Y. — s.s. Walden, Vt., '39. —s.s. Plainfield, Vt., '42-44. — s.s. Wolcott, Vt., '48. — s.s. Second ch.. Underbill, Vt., '52-54.— w.c. Underbill, Vt., '54-. *James Noyes, Ct. U.C. 1821.— Ordained 30 Sept. 1824. Home Missionary, N. H., Vt., and Ct., '24-'2G. — Middlefield, Ct., '29-'39.— Teacher, Haddam, Ct., '40-'41. — s.s. Cutchogue, L. L, '42. — Bur- lington, Ct., '43-46. — Teacher, Haddam, Ct., '47-'60. Also, s.s. Haddam, Ct., '48, — s.s. Hadlyme, Ct., '51-52, — s.s. Hamburg, Ct., '52-53. — w.c. Haddam, Ct., '53 until died there, 11 Oct. 18G9, aged . . Edward Palmer, S. C. —. — Ordained 30 Sept. 1824. Home Missionary. — Cong, ch., Dorchester, S. C, '25-'27. — Presb. ch., Walterborongh, S. C, '2 7-'31. — Prince William's Parish, S. C, '31- '43. — Walterborough, S. C, '43-'55. — Prince William's Parish, S.C, '55-'60. — s.s. Walterborough, S.C, 'GO-. Joshua Payne Payson, Ct. Y.C. 1819. — Ordained 2C June 1828. s.s. Cliilmark and Tisbury, Ms., '27-';>0. — -w.c. Abington, Ct., '30-. *Ora Pearson, Vt. jSI. C. 1820. — s.s. Gaines, etc., N.Y., '24-'25.— Ordained 7 March 1827. Kingston, N. H., '26-'34. — Barton, Vt., '34-36. — H. M., Compton, C. E., '36-39. — Barton and Glover, Vt., '39-44. — Agent Am. Tr. Soc, '45-51. — w.c. Peacham, Vt., '51 until died there, 5 July 1858, aged GO. *Joiix Richards, d.d., Ct. Y.C. 1821.— Agent A. B. C. F. M.. '25. — Ordained 2 Dee. 1827. Woodstock, Vt., •27-'31. — Asso. Ed. Vt. 59 1824. Chronicle, '31-'37. — Teacher, Woodstock, Vt., '3 7-'4 1. — College eh., Hanover, N. H., '41-; died there, 2!) March 1859, aged 62. *Zacdiel Rogers, Ct. Y. C. 1820. — Ordained 30 Sept. 1824. Home Missionary. — — St. John's Island, S. C, '. .- ; died, at Charleston, S. C, 22 Nov. 1852, aged 57. *Samuel Russell, N. H. D. C. 1821. — Ordained 21 June 1826. Boylston, Ms., '26-32. — Norwich, Ms., '32-35. — Died, at Norwich, Ms., 27 Jan. 1835, aged 35. *Horace Sessions, Ms. Haui.C. 1821.— Ordained 6 Oct. 1824. Agent Am. Col'n Soc. to Africa, '24-; died, on homeward passage, 1826, aged . . John Sherer, Pa. Ham. C. 1821. — Ordained 1825. Presb. ch., Litchfield, N. H., '25-'26. — s.s. Colesville, N. Y., '30-'31. — s.s. Pembroke, N. Y., '31-'33. — s.s. Gibson, Pa., '37-'. . — (In list of Mecklenburg Prcsb'y, Ky., but without P. O. address, '43-'47.) *JosEPii Platt Taylor, Ct. Y. C. 1814. — Not ordained. — Died, at New Haven, Ct., 14 May 1825, aged 25. *RoYAL Washburn, Vt. U. Vt. 1 820. — Tutor, Univ. Yt., '20-22. — Ordained 30 Sept. 1824. Home Missionary, New Orleans, La., '24-25. — Amherst, Ms. '26-; died there, 1 Jan. 1833, aged 35. Samuel Barrett (2), Ms. H.C. 1820. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Charlestown, Ms., '23-25; Cambridge, Ms., '25-2 7; Prin.' Adams School, Boston, Ms., '28-52; Prin. Hawes School, South Boston, Ms., '52-65.— Clerk in U. S. Patent Office, Washington, D. C, 'C5-. *WiLLiAM Case (2), Ct. Y.C. 1821. — Ordained 1 Sept. 1824. Chester, Ct., '24-35. — s.s. New Hartford, Ct., '35-'36. — w.c. East Windsor, Ct., '36-'42. — s.s. Middle Haddam, Ct., '42-'44. — Teacher, Haddam, Ct., '44-'46. — s.s. No. Madison, Ct., '46-'47. — w.c. '47 until died, at Hartford, Ct., 28 April 1858, aged 62. John Payne Cleaveland, D.D. (1 — ), Ms. B.C. 1821. — Ordained 14 Feb. 1827. Tab. ch., Salem, Ms., '27-'34. — First Presb. ch., Detroit, Mich., '35-'38. — Pres. Marshall Coll., Mich., '38-'43, and s.s. at Marshall, etc. — Second Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '44-'4G. — Benef. ch., Cong., Providence, R. I., '4G-'53. — First ch., Northamp- ton, Ms., '53-55. — Appleton st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '55-62. — Chaplain, 30th Mass. Vol., '62. — s.s. Park st. ch., and Salem st. ch., Boston, Ms., '63-64.- p.e. Mattapoisett, Ms., '66-67. — s.s. Biilerica, Ms., '67-69. — w.c. Ipswich, Ms^., '69-. 60 1824. *WiLLiAM CuTTKU (1), Me. B. C. 1821. — Not Ordained. — Died, . . 1807, aged G7. *Hex\ry Edwin Dwigiit (2 — ), Ct. Y. C. 1815. — Not ordained. — Teacher and Author. Died, at New Haveu. Ct., 11 Au^. 18.32, aged 35. *JosrAir Fletcher Goodhue (1), Vt. M. C. 1821. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '22-'23. — Ordained 27 May 1824. AVilliston, Vt., '23-'33.— Shorehani, A^t., '34-57. — w.c. Whitewater, Wis., '58 until died there, 3 May 18G3, aged 71. *RoswELL Goodwin (2+), Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Died, at New Hartford, Ct., Avhile a member of the Seminary, 25 Jan. 1824, aged 25. *JoiiN HoTCHKiN (2), Ms. U.C. 1821. — Notordained. — Prin. Acad., Lenox, Ms., thirty years. — Died, at Lenox, Ms., 10 Feb. 1862, aged G7. *Orsox V. Howell (1+), N. Y. U.C. 1821. — Not ordained. — Law- yer, Nashville, Tenn. Died before 1843. *AViLLiAM McDouGALL, M.D. (1+), Me. B.C. 1820. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '23-'24. — Physician. Died, in Ala., 1852, aged 55. Sajiuel Bulkley Mattocks (1), Vt. M. C. 1821. — Not ordained. — Lawyer, Clerk of Courts, Register of Probate, JMembei' of Vt. House and Senate, Cashier, — Res. Danville, Vt. John Mitchell (1+), Ct. Y.C.. 1821. — Editor C/im/u?« ;>>ec/a^or, '23-'28. — Ordained 8 Dec. 1830. First ch., Fairhaven, Ct., '30-'36. — Northampton, Ms., '38-42. — w.c. Stratford, Ct., '. .-. *Amasa CoRBix Moore (1), N. Y. M. C. 1821. — Not ordained.— Lawyer, Pl.attsburg, N. Y. Died there, 1805, aged . . *SwAN Lyman PoMEROY, D.D. (2+), Ms. B.U. 1820.— Ordained 31 Aug. 1825. Bangor, Me., '25-'48.— One of Sees, of A. B. C. F. M., '48-'59. — Clerk in State Dep., Washington, D. C, and supply colored Presb. ch., '66-'08. — w.c. Sunderland, Ms., '68 until died there, 17 March 1809, aged 70. *\ViLLiAM Augustus Porter (1), N. Y. W.C. 1818. — Tutor, Wil- liams Coll., '19-'21. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '22-23. — Ordained — Prof. Greek and Latin Lang., Univ. Vt., '25-'27.— Prof Mor. Phil, and Rhet., Williams Coll., •27-'30. Died, 1830, aged 31. *Ralph Shepard (2+), R. L B.U. 1821. — Died, at Amherst, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 24 Jan. 1824, aged 24. 61 1824. Elisha Notes Sill (2), Ct. Y.C. 1820. — Not ordained. — Lawyer, Cuyahoga Falls, O. *JoHX SiiiTii (2+), Ct. — . — Ordained — Was phy- sician in early life, — at Groton, Ct., and Mystic, Ct. Died, probably before 1860. JOHX Smith (2), Ct. Y. C. 1821. — Ordained Presb. eh., Trenton, N. J., '26-'28. — Exeter, N. H., '29-'38. — AVilton, Ct., '39- '48. — Kingston, N. Y., '48-'50. — York, Me., '50-55. — s.s. Long Ridge, Stamford, Ct., '56-58. — w.c. Long Ridge, Stamford, Ct., '58-. Samuel Kirby Sxeed (1), Ky. Y.C. 1820.— Ordained, Presb., 10 May 1826, In Ky. — Presb. chhs., Lebanon and S\)ringfield, Ky., '27-29. — Agent, '30-'31. — Presb. ch., New Albany, Ind., '33-('43). — s.s. Evansville, Ind. — Agent, '51-'52. — Keokuk, lo., '53-'55. — Agent '55-58. — s.s. Godfrey, 111., '58.- H.M., Kirkwood, Mo., '59- '61. — w.c. Kirkwood, Mo., '61-. *Wales Tilestox (1+), Ms. U. C. 1822. — Ordained 16 March 1825. Charlemont, Ms., '25-3 7. — Nunda, N. Y., '38- '40. — Res. Nunda, occ. sup. '40-'42. — s.s. Perry Village, N. Y., '42. — s.s. Perry Centre, N. Y., '43. — w.c. Rockford, 111., '44-'49. — s.s. Andover, 111. (res. Galesburg), '49-'50. — w.c. Galesburg, 111., '50 until died there, 22 Feb. 1851, aged 59. *Ehenezer Carter Tracy (2), Vt. D. C. 1819. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '23-'24. — Not ordained. — Prop, and Editor Vermont Chron- icle, Bellows Falls, Vt., '26-28. — Editor Journal of Humanity, An- dover, Ms., '29-'31. — Editor Boston Recorder, '31-34. — Editor Ver- mont Chronicle, Windsor, Vt., '34 until death. Some time Chaplain Vt. State Prison. Died, at Windsor, Vt., 15 May 1862, aged 66. *Edward Turner (2), Ct. Y. C. 1818.— Not ordained. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Mid. Coll., '25-; died there, 27 Jan. 1838, aged 41. Alexander Catlix Twining, i.l.d. (1), Ct. Y.C. 1820. — Not ordained. — Tutor, l^ale Coll., '23-'25. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Mid. Coll., '38-48. — Civil Engineer, etc., res. New Haven, Ct. *Charles White, d.d. (2), Vt. D.C. 1821. — Ordained, 5 Jan. 1825. Thetford, Vt., '25-29. — Presb. ch., Cazenovia, N. Y., '29-33.— Oswego, N. Y., '34-'41. — Pres. Wabash Coll., '41-; died there, 29 Oct. 1861, aged 66. William Withingtox (2+), Ms. H. C. 1821. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 26 Sept. 1824; priest, 10 Sept. 1840. — Aslifield, Ms., '24-'52. — Swanzey, Ms., '52-55. — H. M., Ohio and Mich., '. .-'59. — w.c. Dorchester, Ms., '59-. Now temp. res. Washington, D. C. 62 1825. 18 2 5. *AzARiAii Adams, N. H. iA (". — Died, "at the South," before 1842. Lucius Alden, Ms. B.U. 1«21.— Ordained 29 Sept. 1825. Home Missionary, Dearborn Co., Md., '25-'30. — Third ch., Abington, Ms., s.s. '30-32; p. '32-43. — s.s. East Bridgewater, Ms., '43-44. — s.s. Lancaster, Ms., '45. — s.s. Newcastle, N. H., '46-. Nathaniel Barker, Als. D.C. 1822.— Ordained 1 Nov. 1826. MlUville, Ms., '26-'33. — s.s. Wakefield, N. H., '35-'56. — w.c. Wake- field, N. H., '56-. Luther Goodyear Bingham, Vt. INI. C. 1821. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '24. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1825. Home Missionary. — Marietta, O., '25-38, and Teacher. — Agent Western Ed. Soc, '38-43. — AVilliston, Vt., '43-'51. — w.c. since '51, now res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Charles Boyter, England. — . — Ordained 10 May 1826. Home Missionary, Pottsville," Pa., '2.5-'28. — Springfield, N. H., '28-'30.— w.c. '30-36. — Truro, Ms., '36-43. — s.s. Orange, Ms., '44-48. — s.s. Eastham, Ms., '49-50.— — s.s. Presb. ch., Beverly, N. J., , '55-58.- w.c. Beverly, N. J., '58-. *HiRAM Chamberlain, Vt. M.C. 1822. — Ordained 16 Oct. 1825. Home Missionary, s.s. St. Louis, Mo., '25-27. — Boonville, Mo., '28- ('33). — Editor i/eraW of Relujious Liberty, St. Louis, Mo. — Presb. ch., St. Charles, Mo., ('3 7-'43). — w.c. St. Charles, Mo., '..-'46.— S.S. Somerville, Tenn., '47-'49. — s.s. Brownsville, Texas, '49-; died there, 186 7, aged 70. *Aaron B. Church, Ms. M.C. 1822. — Ordained 21 June 1826.— Calais, Me., '28-'34. — — s.s. Presb. ch., Princeton. 111., '49- '53. — Died, at Princeton, 111., 23 April 1857, aged 59. Moses B. Church, Ms. M.C. 1822.— H.M., Robbinston, Me., ('27). — Ordained 10 Oct. 1827.— — East Stafford, Ct., '31-37. — ■ Nathaniel Cobb. Ms. B.U. 1821. — H. M., Harwich. Ms., '2.5-'26. — Ordained 31 Oct. 1827. s.s. Nantucket, Ms., '27-'29. — H. M., Bloomfield, O., '29-30; Hampden, etc., O., '30-'34. — s.s. Parkman, O., '33-'35.— s.s. Presb. ch.. Clear Creek, O., '35-'37.— Mount Eaton. O., '37-40. — Bible Agent and Colporteur, O., '40-'41.— Salem, O., '41-'45. — Bible Agent and Colporteur, O., '45-'49. — City Missionary, New Bedford, Ms., '49-'50. — s.s. North Falmouth, Ms., '50-'51. — s.s. Chilmark, Ms., '52-'53. — s.s. Monument, Sand- wich, Ms., '53. — Evangelist, res. Kingston. Ms., '53-. 63 1825. *Walter Colton, Vt. Y.C. 1822. — Ordained 5 June 1827. Prof. Moral Phil, and Bib. Lit., Mil. Acad., Middietown, Ct., '25-'30.— Editor American Sjjectator, Washington, D. C, '30-'31. — Chap. U. S. N., '31-; died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 22 Jan. 1851, aged 53. (Also, Author, Editor Colonization Herald, '37. — Editor North American, Philadelphia, Pa., '38, etc. — Alcalde of Monterey, '4G. — Editor A Ita California.) *JoiiN MiLLOT Ellis, N. H. D. C. 1822. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1825. Home Missionary, s.s. Kaskaskia, 111., '25-28. — Jacksonville, 111., '28-'31. — Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '31-'35. — Grass Lake, Mich., '36-'40. — East Hanover, N. H., '40-'42. — Agent for Dart. Coll., '43-44.— Agent for Western College Soc, '44- ; died, at Nashua, N. H., 6 Aug. 1855, aged 62. *Lucius FiELi>, Ms. W.C. 1821. — Tutor, Amh. CoU., 1822. — Or- dained 18 Jan. 1832. — Tyringham, Ms., '33-36. — Not again settled. s.s. various places, '36-39. — w.c. Northfield, Ms., '39 until died there, 1 June 18J9, aged 42. *Daniel Fitz, D.D., N. H. D.C. 1818. — Ordained 28 June 1826. South ch., Ipswich, Ms., '26-; died there, 2 Sept. 1869, aged 74. *Aaron Foster, N. H. D. C. 1822. — Ordained 13 Oct. 1825. Home Missionary in S. C, '25-28. — Presb. ch., Pendleton, S. C, '28-32.— Agent Mass. Dom. Mi^s. Soc, '32-33. — s.s. Fort Covington, N. Y., '33-37. — s.s. East Constable, N. Y., '37-43. — Agent Am. Peace Soc, '44..— s.s. Plymouth, Ms., '45-'49. — East Charlemont, Ms., '49-; died, at Geneva, N. Y., 11 April 1870, aged 76. Wakefield Gale, N. H. D.C. 1822. — Ordained 17 May 1826. Eastport, Mc, s.s. '25-29; p. '29-35. — Rockport, Ms., '36-64. — w.c. Easthampton, Ms., '64-'67. — s.s. West Granville, Ms., '67-. Moses Gill Grosvenor, Ms. D.C. 1822. — Ordained 27 Dec 1826. West Haverhill, Ms., '26-'29. — Acworth, N. IL, '29-'32. — Barre, Ms., '32-34. — Marlboro', N, H., '34-40. — s.s. Medfield, Ms. — s.s. Marshall, N.Y. — s.s. Gardner, Ms. — s.s. Guilford, \"t., '55-'56. — s.s. Clarendon, Vt., '58-'61. — s.s. Guilford, Vt., '63-'64.— Richard Charles Hand, Vt. M. C. 1822. — Ordained 19 Oct. 1825. — Presb. ch., Gouverneur, N.Y., '25-'34. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '34. — Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. INI., ibr Northern N. E., '35-'39. — Dan- ' ville, Vt., '39-46. — First ch., Bennington, Vt., '47-54. — w.c. Brooklyn, N. Y., '54-. Henry Brown Hooker, d.d., Vt. M. C. 1821. — Ordained 10 Oct. 1825. Home Missionary, S. C, '2.5-26. — Lanesboro', Ms., '26-36.— Falmouth, Ms., '37-'57. — Sac. Mass. H. M. Society, Boston, Ms., '57-. 1825. George Howe, d.d., Pa. M.C. 1S22. — Ordainwl 1827. Prof: Theol., Dart. Coll., '27-'30. — Teaclier of Lang., Thcol. Scm., Columbia, S. C, '31 ; Prof. Bib. Lit., '31-. *Samuel Kingsbury, Ms. B.U. 1822. — H. M., New York, '25-'27. — s.s. Shirley, Ms., '27-'28. — s.s. Unity, N. H., '28. — Ordained 14 Jan. 1829. Andover, N. H., '29-31. — Jamaica, Vt., '31-33. — Warwick, Ms., '33-35. — s.s. Middlesex and Worcester, Vt., '35-36. — s.s. Underbill, Vt., '3G-'39. — Teacber, Jericho, Vt., '39-'40. — s.s. Thornton, N. IL, '41. — w.c. Tamwortb, N, H., '41 until died there, 8 Nov. 1867, aged 69. Jacob Little, d.d., N. H. D. C. 1822. — Ordained 7 June 1826. Home Missionary, s.s. Hoosick, N. Y., '25-26. — H. M., AVasbington Co., O., '26. — Granville, O., '27-64. — s.s. Presb. ch., Warsaw, Ind., 'G5-. *JoiiN Maltby, Ct. Y.C. 1822. — Ordained 28 June 1826. Sutton, Ms., '26-34. — Hammond st. cb., Bangor, Me., '34- ; died, at Wor- •cester, Ms., 15 May 1860, aged 65. *David Merrill, Vt. D. C. 1821. — Ordained .. April 1828. Presb. ch., Urbana, O., s.s. '27-'35; p. '35-"41. — Peacbam, Vt., '41-; died there, 21 July 1850, aged 51. Augustus Pomeroy, Ms. W.C. 1821. — Ordained 2 Oct. 1825. Home Missionary, Mo., '26-'29. — Gallipolis, etc., O., '29-32. — Prin. Fem. S^ni., Cbillicotbe, O., and H. M., '32-'36. — Presb. ch., Hamil- ton, O., '36-'41. — s.s. Lacon, 111., '41-'43. — s.s. Cong, churches, llockville and Winsted, Ct., '43-45. — s.s. Presb. cb., Fredonia, N. Y., '45-'46. — Cong, cb., Ashtabula, O., s.s. '46-'48 ; p. '48-'52. — Agent Am. H. M. Soc, Mo., '52-53. — Groton, N.Y., '54-65. — w.c. Groton, N. Y., '65-. Isaac Rogers, Ms. D.C. 1822. — Ordained 9 March 1826. Far- mington. Me., '26-58. — s.s. Enfield, N. H., '59-60. — w.c., and occ. pr., Farmington, Me., '60-. Heman Rood, Vt. M. C. 1819. — Ordained 12 June 1826. Gilman- ton, N. H, '25-30. — New Milfbrd, Ct., '30-'35. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Gilmanton Theol. Sem., N. IL, '35-'43. — Teacher, High School, Haverhill, N. H., and occ. supply, '43-53. — s.s. Queechy, Vt., '53-'58. — s.s. Hartland, Vt., '58-64. — w.c. Hanover, N. IL, 'G4-. *11obert Shaw, Vt. —.— Ordained 27 Oct. 1830. Presb. ch., Hoosick, N. Y., '30-31. — w.c. '31, and then dropped from Presb. Minutes. " Died early." *Cyrus Stone, N. H. D. C. 1822. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '25-'26. — Ordained 10 May 1826. Missionary, Bombay, '26-'41. — Bingham, G5 1825. Me., '41-'44. — Harwich, Ms., '44-'48. — s.s. East Bridgewater, Ms., '49. — S.S. Saugus, Ms., '50. — 'PuhWsher Mothers' Assistant and Happy Home, '50-62. — Beechwood, Cohasset, Ms., '62-'67. — Died, at Co- hasset, Ms., 19 July 1867, aged 74. *Jeremiah Stow, N. H. D.C. 1822. — Ordained 10 May 1826. Home Missionary. — Presb. eh., Livonia, N. Y., '28-; died there, 15 Dec. 1832, aged 36. John Todd, d.d., Ct. Y. C. 1822. — Ordained 3 Jan. 1827. Groton, Ms., '27-33. — Edwards ch., Northampton, Ms., '33-36. — First Cong, ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '36-'41. — First ch., Pittsfield, Ms., '42-. *JosiAH Tucker, Ms. — . — Ordained 10 May 1826. Madison, Me., '26-'37. Also, s.s. Anson, Me., '26-32. — Bingham, Me., '37-'41. Also, s.s. South Solon, Me., '38-'39, and s.s. Madison, Me., '39-42. — South Orange and Erving, Ms., '41-'44. — Colporteur, Am. Tr. Soc, res. Madison, Me., '44-'46 ; res. Milton, Ms., '46-'48. — s.s. Mercer and Industry ,*Me., '49-'51. — Colporteur, Amer. and For. Chr. Union, res. Taunton, Ms.,'..-'.. — Died, at Taunton, Ms., 9 Sept. 1856, aged 65. Isaac Watts Wheelwright, Ms. B.C. 1821. — Not ordained. — Assist. Teacher, Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '22. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '22-26. — s.s. Harwich, Ms., '27. — Assist. Teacher, Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '27-'28. — Teacher, Newbury- port, Ms., '28-('30) ; New Orleans, La., '. .-'. . — Ageflt Am. Bible Soc, South America, '34-'36. — Teacher, Ecuador (four years). — Res. Byfield, Ms. (three years). — Teacher, Valparaiso, Chili (ten years). — Res. Byfield, Ms., '. .-. Jacob Abbott (2), Me. B.C. 1820. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '24-'25 ; Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., '25-29. — Prin. Mt. Vernon School, Boston, Ms., '29-'. . — Ordained 18 Sept. 1834. s.s. Eliot ch., Boston Highlands, Ms., '34. — Author, res. New York. *Curtis Phelps Baker (1+), Ms. W. C. 1821. — Died, at while a member of the Seminary, 15 Aug. 1824, aged 23. Seth Bliss (1—), Ct. — . — Tlieol. Dep., Yale Coll., '. . — Ordained 1 June 1825. Jcwett City, Ct., '25-32. — Sec. Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, Ms., '33-58. — w.c New York, '58-. JosiAH Brewer (2), Ms. Y. C. 1821.— Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1825. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '24-'26. — Ordained 10 May 1820. Mis- 60 1825. sionary, Smyrna, etc., A. B. C. F. M., '26-'28 ; under other organi- zations, '•28-'38. — Chap. Conn. State Prison, '38-'41. — Agent Anti- Shxvery Soc, and Editor, Hartford, Ct., '42-44. — Prin. Female Schools, New Haven and Middletown, Ct., '44-'56. — s.s. Housa- tonic, Ms., '57-66. — w.c. Stockbridge, Ms., '66-. *Abi.tah Cross (1—), Ms. D.C. 1821. — Ordained 24 March 1824. Salisbury, N. H., '24-'29. — West Haverhill, Ms., s.s. '29-'31 ; p. '31- '53. — w.c. "West Haverhill, Ms., '53 until died there, 16 July 1856, aged 63. Pindar Field (2), Ms. A. C. 1822. — H.M., Penobscot Indians, '24-'25. — Ordained 12 July 1826. Home Missionary, s.s. Madison, N.Y., '26-'28. — Hamilton, N. Y., '28-'31. — s.s. Apulia, N.Y., '31- '34. — Oriskany Falls, N. Y., '34-'46. —Marshall, N. Y., '48-'52. — S.S. North Pitcher, N. Y., '52-'56. — s.s. Oriskany Falls, N. Y., '56-'57. — s.s. Munnsville, N.Y., '58-59. — s.s. Madison, N. Y., '59-60.— w.c. and occ. sup., Hamilton, N. Y., '60-'66. — s.s. North Pitcher, N. Y., '66-'68. — w.c. Hamilton, N. Y., '68-. *WiLLiAM Gragg (2), Ms. H. C. 1820. — Ordained 15 Oct. 1828. Windham, Me., '28-'31. — Resided, successively, in Carlisle, and Bedford, and Groton, Ms., and died at Groton, Ms., 19 Nov. 1852, aged GG. *Aaron Hardy (1-f), N. H. D.C. 1822. — Not ordained. — Teach- er, Lempster, N. H. — Died, at Edingsville, S. C, 21 Oct. 1826, aged 30. *Theodore Hinsdale (2), Ct. Y. C. 1821. —Not ordained. — Mer- chant, Winchester, Ct., '26-; died there, 27 Nov. 1841, aged 40. *Stephen Morse (1), Ms. D.C. 1821. — Ordained 6 July 1825. Merrimack, N. H., '25-'28.— Troy, N. H., '29-'33. — Biddeford, Me., '33-'35._Sharon, Vt., '36-'39. — s.s. Post Mills (and Fairlee, '39-'44), Vt., '39-'47. — w.c. Thetford, Vt., '47 until died there, 22 May 1855, aged 61. *Thomas Smith Webb Mott (2), Nova Sco. B.U. 1822. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 25 May 1825 ; priest, — St. Michael's ch., Marblehcad, Ms., '25-28. — Christ ch., Gardiner, Me., '28. — St. James's ch., Wilmington, N. C.,' 28, and Home Missionary, N. C, '28- '36.— Cii. of St. John in the Wilderness, Flat Rock, N. C, '36-'44.— Lenoir, N.C., '44-'52, and H. M. — St. Peter's ch., Charlotte, N. C, 53-'60 (including two years at St. Paul's ch., Columbus, Miss.). — Editor Church Intelligencer, '60-'64. — Resided on plantation, Silver Dale, Catawba Co., N. C, '64 until died there, 20 Sept. 1869, aged . . 67 1825. Joseph Muenscher, d.d. (1), R.I. B. U. 1821. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 7 March 1824 ; priest, 13 March 1825. — Christ ch., CLappville, Ms., '24-27. — St. John's ch., Northampton, Ms., '27-'31. — Trinity ch., Saco, Me., '31-'33. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Episc. Theol. Sem., Gam- bier, 0., '33-'41 ; Instructor in Hebrew, '41-43.^ St. Paul's ch.,Mt. Vernon, O., '41-'55. — Missionary and Author, Mt. Vernon, O., '55-. Also, Sec. Clergy Widows' and Orphans' Soc, '45- GeorG;E WniTEFiELD Lawrence Smith (2), N.Y. U. C. 1818. — Not ordained. — Lawyer, Troy, N. Y. ; New York city. *WiLLiAM Smyth, D.D. (1), Me. B.C. 1822. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '23-'25 ; Asso. Prof. Math, and Nat. Pliil., Bowd. Coll., '25-'28; Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., '28-; died there, 4 April 18G8, aged 71. *Charles Soule (1— ), Me. B.C. 1821.— Ordained 24 June 1824. Belfast, Me., '24-'26. — H. M., Dresden, etc.. Me., '26-'27. — s.s. North Bridgeton, Me., '27-'30. — Denmark, etc.. Me., '31-32. — North Bridgeton, Me., '33-'35. — H. M., Gilead, Me., '35 —Norway, Me., S.S. '35-36 ; p.*'37-'45. — s.s. Scarboro', Me., '47. — Agent Am. Col'n Soc, '48. — s.s. Westbrook, Me., '49-'51. — H. M., Biddeford, etc. Me., '51. — H. M., Patten, etc.. Me., '51-'52. — 11. M., Perry, Mc, '52. — s.s. Amherst and Aurora, Me., '56-'60. — s.s. Standish, Me., 'G3. — Lecturer, etc., Freeport, Me., '63-; died, at Portland, Me., 31 May 1869, aged 75. Joseph Clay Stiles, d.d. (1), Ga. Y.C. 1814. — Ordained, Presb., — s.s. Milledgeville, Ga., ('28). — w.c. Darien, Ga., '. .-'. . — s.s. Concord, Ga., '. .-'. . — — s.s. Versailles, Ky., '36-38. — s.s. Harmony, Ky., '39-'. . — s.s. Midway, Ky., ('43). — Shocco Hill, Richmond, Va., ('46). — Mercer st. ch., New York, '. .-'50. — Sec Am. Bible Soc, for the South, '50-'52. — s.s. South ch., New Haven, Ct., '52-57. — Sec. Southern Aid Soc — Chap., " C. S. A ," ('62). — pr., Ga., Mo., and Va. — w.c Richmond, Va., '. .-. *Abner Towne (2), Ms. U.C. 1823.— Ordained 20 July 1825. Litchfield, N. Y., '25-; died there, 20 June 1826, aged 29. Charles Wadsworth (1 — ), Ct. — . — Ordained Home Missionary. — Presb. churches, \^'arren and Richfield, N. Y., '25-'. . — s.s. Carlisle, N. Y., ('34-'43). — s.s. Westford, N. Y., ('46)- '51. — w.c Cherry Valley, N. Y., '51-'53.— s.s. Richfield Springs, N.Y., '53-'58. — s.s. Cherry Valley, N. Y., '58-'59. — w.c Cherry Valley, N. Y., '59-68 ; Butternuts, N. Y., '68-. *Jonathan Ward (2), N. II. D.C. 1822. — Ordained 26 Oct. 1825. Biddeford, Me., '25- ; died there, 3 Feb. 1826, aged 25. 1825. 1820. *Samuel Melancthon Worcester, d.d. (1), Ms. H. C. 1822. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '23-24 ; Teacher Latin and Greek, '24-'25 ; Prof. Ehet. and Oratory, '25-34. — Ordained 14 Jan. 1832. —Tab. ch., Salem, Ms., '34-60. —w.c. Salem, Ms., 'GO until died there, 16 Aug. 1866, aged 64. 1826. George Eliashib Adams, d.d.. Me. Y. C. 1821. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Bangor Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., '27-29. — Ordained 25 Feb. 1829. — Brunswick, Me., '29-. *JoHN Ripley Adams, d.d., Ct. Y. C. 1821. — H. M., and Teacher, Western N. Y., '26-'31.— Ordained 5 Oct. 1831. Presb. ch., Lon- donderry, N. H., '31-'38. — s.s. Great Falls, N. H., '38-'41. — Brighton, Ms., '42-46. — Gorham, Me., '4 7-'5 8. — Chaplain 5th Me., '61-64; 121st N. Y., '64-65. — w.c. '65 until died, at Northampton, Ms., 25 April 1866, aged 64. *Edwin Barnes, N. Y. Ham.C. 1823. — Ordained 26 Feb. 1829. Booneville, N. Y., '29-32. — s.s. Norway, N. Y., '32-33.— s.s. Fair- field, N.Y., '33-('34). — — Died before 1839. *James Bates, A^t. D. C. 1822.— Ordained 14 Nov. 1827. First ch., Newton, Ms., '27-39.— Granby, Ms., '39-'51. — Plainfield, Ct, '53- '54. — w.c.Granby, Ms., '54 until died there, 9 Dec. 1865, aged 66. George Cone Beckwith, d.d., N. Y. M. C. 1822. ^ Oi-dained 18 July 1827. First ch., Lowell, Ms., '27-'29. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Lane Theol. Sem., '29-30. — Instr. Sac. Ehet., Andover Theol. Sem., '30- '32. — High St. ch., Portland, Me., '32-'35. — Agent Am. Peace Soc, '35-37; Sec, Boston, Ms., '37-. Asahel Bigelow, Ms. H.C. 1823.— Ordained 12 Marcli 1828. Walpole, Ms., '28-'49. — Hancock, N H., '50-. George Washington Blagden, d.d., D. C. Y. C. 1823. — Or- dained 26 Dec. 1827. Brighton, Ms. '27-30.— Salem st. ch., Boston, Ms., '30-'36. — Old South ch., Boston, Ms.. '36-. *Albert Barlow Camp, Ct. Y.C. 1822.— Ordained 24 Jan. 1827. Ashby, Ms., '27-32. — occ. sup., Northfield, Ct., '32-34. — Bridge- water, Ct., '34-'43. — occ. sup., '43-45. — w.c. Bristol, Ct., '45 until died there, 17 May 1866, aged 69. *Eber Child, Vt. D. C. 1821. — Prin. Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '21-'23.— Ordained, Presb., 19 Feb. 1829. — Deering, N..H., '30-'34. — Calais, Me., '34-'37. — Presb. ch., Byron, N. Y., '39-43. — s.s. Varysburgh, N. Y., '. .-'46. — s.s. Newstead, N. Y., '46-'47. — s.s. Fulton, Wis., '47-; died there, 15 Dec. 1847, aged 49. 69 1826. AsAiiEL Cobb, Ms. Ham. C. 1823. — Ordained 13 Dec. 182G. Mat- tapoisett, Ms., '26-'30. — Sandwich, Ms., '31-42. — s.s. North Fal- mouth, Ms., '44-'48. — s.s. North Yarmouth, Ms. — s.s. Little Compton, E. I. — First ch., New Bedford, Ms., '57-'67.— w.c. New Bedford, Ms., '67-68; Sandwich, Ms., '68-. Paul Couch, Ms. D.C. 1823. — Ordained 21 March 1827. West Newbury, Ms.. '2 7-'28. — Bethlehem, Ct., '29-34. — First ch.. North Bridgewater, Ms., '36-59. — s.s. North Cambridge, Ms., '59-'60.— s.s. First ch., Stonington (P. O. Jewett City), Ct., '63-. *Daniel Crosby, Me. Y. C. 1823. — Ordained 31 Jan. 1827. Con- way, 'Ms., '27-33. — Winthrop ch., Charlestown, Ms., '33-42. — Editor Dmjspring, A. B. C. F.M., '42-; died, at Charlestown, Ms., 28 Feb. 1843, aged 43. *David Greene, Ms. Y.C. 1821. — Ordained 14 Aug. 1833. Assist. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., '28-'32 ; Sec, '32-'48. — w.c. from '48, res. West- borough, Ms., '49-'..; Windsor, Vt., '..-'60; Westborough, Ms., '60 until died there, 7 April 1866, aged 68. RoswELL Harris, Vt. M.C. 1821. — Temp, sup., Salisbury, Ms., '26.— Teacher, Hampton, N. H. — Teacher, West Brattieboro', Vt. — Res. West Brattieboro', Vt. Samuel Cram Jackson, d.d., Vt. M.C. 1821. — Ordained 6 June 1827. Westch., Andover, Ms., '27-'49. — Assist. Sec. Mass. Board of Ed., Andover, Ms., '49-. Peter Kimball, N. H. Ham.C. 1822. — Ordained — Presb. ch., Manchester, N. Y., ('28-'30). — s.s. Hamburg, N. Y., ('34). — — Teacher, Boston, Ms. (name in Boston Directory, '45- '56.) — *James Frisbie McEwEN, Ct. D.C. 1823.— Ordained 7 June 1827. Bridport, Vt., '27-'29. — Topsfield, Ms., '30-'41. — Rye, N. H., '41-'46. — w.c. West Brattieboro', Vt., '46 until died there, 14 April 1850, aged 56. *Clark Perry, Ms. H. C. 1823. — Ordained 4 June 1828. New- bury, Vt., '28-35. — s.s. Perkinsville, Vt., '36. — Standish, Me., '37- '40. — w.c. '40 until died, at Gorham, Me., 22 July 1843, aged 43. Miner Giles Pratt, Vt. M.C. 1823.— Agent Am. Tr. Soc, '26- '27. — s.s. East Millbury, Ms, '2 7-'28. — Ordained 22 Oct. 1828. Auburn, Ms., '28-48. — Agent Am. Col'n Soc, Andover, Ms., '48-69. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '69-. Samuel Hopkins Riddel, Ms. Y.C. 1823. — Ordained 27 June 1827. Glastenbury, Ct., '27-'37, and Editor Euang. Mag., Ct., '34-35. 70 1826. — Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '3G-'38. — Editor Conr/reffationalist, Hartford, Ct., '39-40.— Sec. Am. Ed. Soc., Boston, Ms., '42-50, and Editor Quar. Reg., '42-'43. — Editor Puritan Recorder, '53-'58. — Tamworth, N. H., 'GO-. Thomas Riggs, Ct. Ham.C. 1823.— Ordained — Gray, Me., '31-'33. — — Westmoreland, N. 11., '3G-'39. — West Barnstable, Ms., '40-42. — s.s. Presb. ch.. West Mendon, N. Y., '43- '44. — s.s. Honeoye Falls, N. Y., '44-'46. — — H. M., Cong. ch., Bristol, Ferrisburgh, and Monkton, Vt., '49-'50 ; also, s.s. Lewis, N. Y.— —s.s. Stowe, Vt., '52-53. — s.s. Presb. ch.. Con- stable, N. Y., '53-'54. — Baalis Sanford, Ms. B.U. 1823. — H. M., Lubcc, Me., '2G-'27.— Ordained 4 Oct. 1827, East and West Bridgewater, Ms., '27-49.— Trin. ch.. East Bridgewater, Ms., '50-'61. — av.c. East Bridgewater, Ms., '61-. *Eli Smith, d.d., Ct. Y.C. 1821. — Ordained 10 May 1826. Mis- sionary, Beirut, Syria, '26-; died there, 11 Jan. 1857, aged 55. Solomon Jackson Tracy, Ms. W. C. 1823. — Ordained 10 March 1830. — Presb. ch., Nassau, N. Y.,'30-'33.— s.s. Third ch., Troy,N. Y., '33-'36. — s.s. Free ch., Hartford, Ct., '36. — s.s. Canaan Centre, N. Y., '36-'37. — s.s. North Cornwall, Ct., '37-'38. — s.s. Fly Creek, N. Y., '40-'41. — s.s. Presb. ch., Springfield, N. Y., '41-'54. — w.c. Spring- field, N. Y., '54-. *JosEPH PuNDERSON Tyler, Ct. B.U. 1823. — Ordained 3 June 1828. Home Missionary, L. I., '29. — Agent Am. H. M. Soc. — s.s. West Gloucester, Ms., '34. — s.s. Voluntown and Sterling, Ct., '35-36. — — Newcastle, N. H., '41-; died, at North Bridgewater, Ms., 26 Dec. 1844, aged . . ♦Charles Walker, N. H. D. C. 1823.— Ordained 28 Feb. 1827. New Ipswich, N. H., '27-'35. — Windsor, Ct., '36-37. — Medfield, Ms., '37-'38. — Wells, Me., '39-'44. — w.c. Italy, '45 ; Groton, Ms., '46 until died there, 23 Oct. 1847, aged 52. Thomas Winthrop Coit, d.d., ll.d. (1— ), Ct. Y.C. 1821. — Or- dained deacon, Episc, 7 June 1826 ; priest, 15 Nov. 1827. — St. Peter's ch., Salem, jVIs., '27-'29. — Christ ch., Cambridge, Ms., '29-'35. — Pres. Trans. Univ., Ky., '35-'38. — Trin. ch.. New Rochelle, N. Y., '39-'49. — Prof. Feci. Hist, Trin. Coll., Ct., '49-'54. — St. Paul's ch., Troy, N. Y., '54-. 71 1826. *SuTHERLAND DouGLAS (1—), N. Y. Y. C. 18^2. — Gen. Theol. Sem., New York, 1826. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 17 May 1826; priest, 23 Nov. 1828. — Georgetown, D. C, '2 7-'28. — Rochester, N. Y., '28- '29.— Quincy, Ms., '29-30. — w.c. England, '30 until died, at Lon- don, 6 May 1831, aged 26. *Daniel LeBaron Goodwin (1+), Ms. B.TJ. 1822.— Ordained deacon, Episc, 3 May 1825 ; priest, 26 July 1829. — Sutton, Ms., '25-'54. — Missionary, Providence, R. I., '54-; died there, 25 March 1867, aged 67, *J0HN Ingalls (2+), N. H. D.C. 1823. — Not ordained. — Died, at Cambridge, Ms., 5 Sept. 1827, aged 27. William Jones (2+) , N. Y. Ham. C. 1823.— Ordained, Presb., 19 Feb. 1829. — — In business, Neenah, Wis., in '65. Louis McDonald (1 — ), Vt. M. C. 1823. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, 10 Oct. 1827. — Shelburne, Vt., '27-'..— Rutland, Vt. — Shelburne, Vt. — Slieldon and Berkshire, Vt. — Gran- ville, N. Y. — — w.c Brattleboro', Vt. ; now res. Middlebury, Vt. John Nott, d.d. (2), N. Y. U. C. 1823. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1826. — Tutor, Union Coll., '30-'39 ; Assist. Prof. Rhet., '39-'54.— *IcHABOD Plaisted (2), Mc B.C. 1821. — Ordained 6 June 1827. Third ch., Rochester, Ms., '27-'31. — Died, at Gardiner, Me., . . June 1831, aged 35. *George King Pomroy (2+), Ms. D.C. 1822. — Not ordained.— Died, at Boston* Ms., 9 March 1826, aged 23. *Eli Burnham Smith, d.d. (2), Vt. M.C. 1823. — Newton Theol. Sem., .1826. — Ordained 21 Sept. 1826. Bapt. ch., Buffalo, N. Y., '26-'29. — Poultney, Vt., '29-33. — Pres., and Prof. Bib. Theol. and Past. Duties, Theol. Inst., New Hampton, N. H. (and, after its re- moval, Fairfax, Vt.), '33-; died, at Colchester, Vt., 5 Jan. 1861, aged 58. *Daniel Starr Soutiimayd (2+), Vt. M.C. 1822.— Ordained 25 April 1827. Concord, Ms., '27-'32. — Editor, Lowell, Ms.— Editor, New York. — —Died, at Fort Bend, Texas, 13 Jan. 1837, aged 34. John Stevens (2), Ms. M. C. 1821. — Teacher, New Ipswich, N. H., '23-24. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '25-27. — Teacher, South Reading (now Wakefield), Ms., '2 7-'30. — Editor Bapt. Weekly Journal, Cincinnati, O., '31-'38. — Prof. Intel, and Moral Phil, Granville Coll., '38-'43. — Ordained, Baptist, 14 May 1845. Dist. Sec. and Agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, '43-49. — Sec. Western Bapt. Ed. Soc, '49-'50.— 72 182G. 182 Agent Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, '50-'57. — Teacher, Fainnotint, O., '57-59. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Denison Univ., Granville, O., '59- '68 ; Prof. Latin, '68-. *WiLLiAM ToRREY*(2+), Pa. Ham. C. 1823. — Ordained — (At Buenos Ayres '30 ; at St. Catherine's, Brazil, '37.) — Wood- stock, Va. — Died, 1858, aged 60. *James Townek (1—), Vt. U.Yt. 1823.— Not ordained.— Prin. Acad., Wolfeborough, N. H., '27-' . . ; Prin. Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '30-35. — —Died, at Michigan City, Ind., 2 March 1844, aged . . *JoHN Equality Weston (2), N. H. — . — Newton Theol. 8em., 1826. — Ordained 10 Oct. 1827. Bapt. ch.. East Cambridge, Ms., '27-; drowned, at Wilmington, Ms., 2 July 1831, aged 34. 1827. Darwin Adams, N. H. D. C. 1824.— Ordained 16' July 1828. Cam- den, Me., '28-'34. — Alstead, N. H., '34-'42. — Paper Mill Vill., Al- stead, N. H., '42-45. — Fayetteville, Vt., '46-'50. — Dunstable, Ms., '50-57. — s.s. Auburn, Ms., '57-'60. — s.s. Alstead, N. H., '60-67.— w.c. Groton, Ms., '67-. Eli Adams, Ms. W. C. 1824.— Ordained 2 June 1830. Home Mis- sionary, Abbeville and Laurens Districts, S. C, '27-'29. — s.s. Chester and Goshen, Ms., '29. — s.s. Port Bay and Wolcott, N. Y., '29-31. — City Missionary, Charleston, S. C, '31-32. — s.s. Port Bay and Wol- cott, N. Y., '32. — Agent Am. S. S. Union, '32-'34. — s.s. Euclid, O., '34_'36. — s.s. Edenburg, O., '37-39. — s.s. W"illoughby,0., '39-40. — s.s. Brunswick, O., '40-'43. — w.c. Euclid, O., '43-'. . — *JoiiN Adams Albro, D.D., Ct. — . — Ordained 21 Nov. 1827. Chelms- ford, Ms., '27-33. — Fitchburg, Ms., '33-'35. — First ch., Cambridge, Ms., '35-65. — w.c. Cambridge, Ms., '65 until died, at West Roxbury, Ms., 20 Dec. 1866, aged 66. *David Oliver Allen, d.d., Ms. A.C. 1823.— Ordained 21 May 1827. Missionary, Bombay, '27-53. — w.c. '53-57. — s.s. Westford, Ms., '57-'58. — s.s. Wenham, Ms. (two years). — w.c. '. . until died, at Lowell, Ms., 17 July 1863, aged 63. Spencer Field Beard, Ms. A.C. 1824. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '27-28. — Ordained 14 Jan. 1829. Methuen, Ms., '29-32. — s.s. Norton, Ms., '32-34. — s.s. Greenville, Ct., '35-36. — Montville, Ct., '38-46. — s.s. East Falmouth, Ms., '48-53. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '53-. 10 IS 1827. *Calvin Butler, N. Y. M. C. 1824. — Ordained Home Missionary, Princeton and Evansville, Ind., '27-'31. — Presb. ch., Evansville, etc., {nd., '31-35. — s.s. Washington, Ind., '35-38. — s.s. Boonville, Ind., '39-49. — Marine, 111., '49-; tHed there, 2 Dec. 1854, aged 58. *SuMNKU Gallup Clapp, Ms. Y.C. 1822. — Ordained 9 Jan. 1828. Enfield, Ms., '28-'37. — Third ch., Chicopee, Ms., '37-'50.— s.s. Orono, Me., '50.— St. Johnsbury, Vt., s.s. '50-52; p. '52-55.— Sturbridge, Ms., '55-'()2. — s.s. Lyndon, Vt., '64-65. — w.c. Dorchester, Ms., '65 nntil died, at Boston, Ms., 26 Jan. 1869, aged 69. Ei'JiKAiM Weston Clark, N. II. D.C. 1824. — Ordained 3 Oct. 1827. Missionary, Hawaiian Islands, '27-50; p. Honolulu, '50-. In U. S. since '64, superintending, at New York, the stereotyping of Hawaiian Scriptures. *Samuel Wallace Clark, N. II. D.C. 1823. — Ordained 5 Aug. 1829. Greenland, N. H., '29-; died there, 17 Aug. 1847, aged 51. William Clark, N. H. D.C. 1822. — Ordained 30 April 1828. Agent A. B. C. F. M., '28. — Wells, Me., '29-'35. — Agent Am. Tract Soc, Boston, Ms., '35-'36 ; Dis. Sec. for N. E., '36-'40. — Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M. for N. E., '40-'56. — Sec. N. H. Miss. Soc, Amherst, N. H., '56-. Leander Cobb, Ms. B.U. 1824.— Ordained 7 Sept. 1827. Home Missionary. — s.s Presb. ch., Charlestown, Ind., '27-'38. — Cong, ch., Marion, Ms., s.s. '39-'41 ; p. 41-. *J0HN Crosby, Me. B.C. 1823. — Ordained 11 June 1828. Castine, Me., '28-32. — w.c. '32 until died, at Barbadoes, W. I., 26 May 1833, aged 30. *Thoma^ Russell Durfee, Ms. B.U. 1824. — Ordained 10 Nov. 1827. Home Missionary, s.s. Calloway, Mo., '26-'31. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Mo., '31- ; died, at St. Charles, Mo., 15 July 1833, aged 32. Lyman Gilbert, d.d., Vt. M. C. 1824. — Ordained 2 July 1828. Second ch., Newton, Ms., '28-'58. — Maiden, N. Y., '. . -'. . — w.c. Brooklyn, N. Y., '. .-. Jonathan Smith Green, Vt. —. — Ordained 3 Oct. 1827. Mis- sionary, Hawaiian Islands, '27-. Of A. B. C. F. M., until '42; since then, of Am. Miss. Association. *Alfred Greenwood, Ms. II. C. 1824. — s.s. Cheviot and Cleves, O. (six months). — s.s. Plainfield and Big Rock, 111. (one year). — s.s. Martinsburg, Ind., '33-34.— Ordained 15 May 1836. AVest Barnstable, Ms , '36-'40. — Cincinnati, O. — — w.c. '. . until died, at GrantvIUe, Ms., 20 April 1868, aged 6 7. 1827. *SoLOMOX IIaudy, N. II. M.C. 1824=. — Ordained lU Nov. 1827. Ilonie Missionary. — Presb. churches, Greenville and Shoal Creek, Ill.,s.s.'27-'28 ; p. '28-'30. — Agent Am. Bible Soc.,'31. — s.s. Quincy, 111., '32. — Mendon, 111., '33-'36. — s.s. South Wellfleet, Ms., '37-40. — s.s. Eastham, Ms., '40-; died there, 18 Sept. 1842, aged . . *Am.\sa Au.stix Hayes, Ct. Y. C. 1824. — Ordained 25 June 1827. Presb. ch., Londonderry, N. II., '27-; died there, 2.5 Oct. 1830, aged 33. (ioiiDOX Hayes, Ct. Y. C. 1824. — Ordained 30 July 1828. Presb. ch., Cambridge, N. 1'., '28-20. — Cong, ch., Washington, Ct., '29-5 1 . — w.c. Bennington, Vt., ('53-'54). — -s-s. Pownal, Vt., '55-'56. — s^s. East Arlington, Vt., '56-'59, — s.s. Brighton, Jo., '60-'G5. — w.c, now res. Muscatine, lo., 'G5-. *WiLLiAM HoRTON, D D., Ms. II. C. 1824. — Ordained deacon, Episc, . . Nov. 1827; priest, 15 Oct. 1830. — St. Paul's ch., Windsor, Vt.— Trinity ch., Saco, Me., '35-'. . — St. Thomas's ch., Dover, N. H., '39- '4 7. — St. Paul's ch., Brookline, Ms., '49-'. .— St. Paul's ch., New- buryport, Ms., '53-; died there, 29 Oct. 18G3, aged 58. *Hexky Cusiiixcf Jewett, Ms. B. U. 1824. — s.s. Kennebunkport, Me., '28. — Ordained 29 April 1829. Westbrook, Me., '29-'34. — Winslow, Me., '35-42. — s.s. West Gloucester, Ms., '43-; died there, 4 Nov. 1846, aged 43. Cephas Hexry Kext, Vt. M.C. 1824. — Ordained 22 Oct. 1828. Barrington, N. H., '28-'30. —Kennebunkport, Me., '30-32. — Free- port, Me., '32-'3G. — Bradford, Vt., '37-'42.— Sec and Agent Vt. Dom. Miss. Soc, '42. — occ pr. '42-'4G.— Agent Vt. Bible See, '4G-'48. — s.s. East Poultney, Vt., '48-'ol.— Enosburg, Vt., '52-'61. — Ripton, Vt., 'G1-. Asa Mahax, D.D., N. 1^ Ham. C. 1824. — Ordained 10 Nov. 1829. Pittsford, N.Y., '29-'31. — Sixth Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '31-'35.— Pres. Oberlin Coll., Assist. Prof. Theol., and Prof Int. and Moral Phil., '35-'50. — Pres., and Prof Mental and Moral Phil., Cleveland Univ., Jackson, Mich., '50-'54. — Cong, ch., Jackson, Mich., '55-'57. — Adrian, Mich., '57-'G0. — Pres., and Prof Mental and Moral Phil., Adrian Coll., Mich., 'GO-. Joseph Marsh, Vt. D. C. 1824. — Ordained 24 Sept. 1828. Pomfret, Vt, '28-'31. — s.s. Waitsficld, Vt., '31-'34. — Hinsdale, N. H., '35- '38. — S.S. Bath, N. IT., '39-'40. — s.s. Orford, N. II. (three years). — — s.s. Whitefiehl, N. H., '4G-'47. — — s.s. Tun- bridge, Vt., '57-'G4. — s.s. Bradford, N. H., 'G5-'G7. — s.s. Nelson, N. H., '67-'69.— w.c. Thetford, Vt., 'G9-. 75 1827. *JoEL WoRTiiiNGTON Newton, Ct. Y. C. 1818. — Assistant Teacher, Andover Theol. Sem., '27-29. — Prin. Mt. Pleasant School, Amherst, Ms., '..-'. . — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Ind., '33.— Ordained 29 Oct. 1834. Norwich, Ct., '34-37. — w.c. Philadelphia, Pa., etc., '37-44. — Chaplain, U. S. N., '44-; died, at Mare Island, Cal., 4 Nov. 1865, aged 67. David Perry, Ms. D:C. 1824. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '27-'29. — Ordained . . May 1828. — Cambridgeport, Ms., '29-'30. — Hollis, N.H., '3 1-'42. — Lancaster, N. H., '43-'4 7. — Danville, Vt., '47-'50. — Teacher, Peppercll, Ms., '50-'54 ; Brookfield, Ms., '54-'60. — s.s. Brookfield, Vt., '60-'65. — s.s. Worcester, Vt., '65-'69. — s.s. Hollis, . N.H.,'69-. *DuDLEY Phelps, Ms. Y. C. 1823.— Ordained 9 Jan. 1828. Haver- hill, Ms., '28-33. — Editor Salem Landmark, '34-'35. — Groton, Ms., '36-; died there, 24 Sept. 1849, aged 50. *JosiAH W. Powers, N. H. U.Vt. — Ordained Home Missionary, S. C, '27. — H. M., Yates Co., N. Y., '28. — H. M., Gran- ville Co., N. C, '29-'30. — Kingston, Ms., '31-34. — Kennebunk, Me., '34-37. — s.s. Scituate, Ms., '..-'.. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, O., '40-; died, at Putnam, O., 31 March 1840, aged 41. Austin Richards, d.d., Ms. A. C. 1824. — Ordained 7 Nov. 1827. Francestown, N. H., '27-'36.— Olive st. ch., Nashua, N. H., '36-'G6. — s.s. Francestown, N. H., '66-. *Henry Augustus Rowland, d.d., Ct. Y. C. 1823. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, N. Y., '27-'29 ; Ct., '29-'30.— Ordained, Presb., 24 Nov. 1830. — s.s. Presb. ch., Fayetteville, N. C, '31-'34.— Pearl st. ch.. New York, '34-43. — Honesdale,' Pa., '43-55. — Park Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '55-; died, at Boston, Ms., 4 Sept. 1859, aged 55. *George Shepard, d.d., Ct. A. C. 1824. — Ordained 5 Feb. 1828. Hallowell, Me., '28-'36. — Prof. Sac. Rhet., Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., '36-; died there, 23 March 1868, aged 66. ♦Frederick Adolphus Strale, Sweden. Univ. Upsala, 1809. — Ordained, Presb., 16 Sept. 1829. Home Missionai-y, Germans in Pa., '29-'.. — Teacher, Great Bend, Pa., '..-'32; Binghamton, N. Y., '32. — w.c until died, at Brooklyn, N. Y., 24 July 1849, aged 55. Taylor Oilman Worcester, N. H. H. C. 1823. — Not ordained. — Farmer, Hollis, N. H. Milton Badger, d.d. (2+), Ct. Y.C. 1823. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '26-27. — Ordained 3 Jan. 1828. South ch., Andover, Ms., '28-'35. — Sec Am. H. M. Soc, New York, '35-. 76 1827. 1828. Edward Beecher, d.d. (2), Ct. Y.C. 1822. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '25-26. — Ordained 27 Dec. 1826. Park st. cli., Boston, Ms., '26-31. — Pres. 111. Coll., '31-'44. — Salem st. ch., Boston, Ms., '44-'55. Also, Assoc. Editor Congregadonalist, '49-'53. — Galesburg, 111., '55-. *IIenry Davis (1), Ct. W.C. 1824. — Ordained 8 June 1827. — — LaAvyer. Res. Syracuse, N. Y., '29 until died, at Graefenberg, Austrian Silesia, . . Sept. 1844, aged 39. *Ebenezer Davenport Maltbie (2), Ct. Ham. C. 1824. — Tutor, Ham. Coll., '26-31. — Ordained —Teacher, Hamilton, N. Y. — Died, at Syi-acuse, N. Y., 16 July 1858, aged 59. *Sylvester G. Pierce (1), N. Y. C/.C. — Ordained 11 June 1828. . — Dracut, Ms., '29-32. — Methuen. Ms., '32-; died there, 8 May 1839, aged 42. *Archelaus Fuleer Putnam, m.d. (1), Ms. D. C. 1819. — Not or- dained. — Physician, Beverly, Ms., '29 until died there, 11 Aug. 1859, aged 6 7. Ezra Scovee (1), Vt. M. C. 1822. — Ordained 21 Nov. 1827. Pittsfield, N.H., '27-'29. — S.S. Presb. ch., Chili, N.Y., '31-'32. — Warsaw, N. Y., '33-'35. — s.s. Cong, ch., Covington, N. Y., '36-'38.— Presb. ch., Phelps, N.Y., '38-'40. — Groton, N.Y., '41-'44. — Mexico, N. Y., '45-53. — s.s. Marathon, N, Y., '54-55. — s.s. Triangle, N. Y., '56-'57. — s.s. West Newark, N. Y., '58-'62. — s.s. Spencer, N. Y., '63-64. — W.C. New Haven, N. Y., '64-. Charles Huntington Weld (2), Ct. Y.C. 1822. — Not ordained. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Miss., '30. — (Resided at Belleville, N. Y., in 1860. " Near Boston," Ms., 'G9.) *JoHN AVilliam Yeomans, d.d. (2-f), N. Y. W.C. 1824. — Tutor, Williams Coll., '26-'2 7. — Ordained 12 Nov. 1828. North Adams, Ms., '28-'32. — First ch., Pittsfield, Ms., '32-'34. — Presb. ch., Tren- ton, N. J., '34-'41. — Pres. Lafayette Coll., Pa., '41-'45. — Presb. ch., Danville, Pa., '45- ; died there, 22 June 1863, aged 63. 1828. *Harrison Allen, Ms. B.C. 1824.— Agent A. B. C. F. M., '28-'29. • — Ordained, Presb., 24 Sept. 1829. Missionary, Choctaw Indians, '29-; died, at Eliot, 19 Aug. 1831, aged 39. James Anderson, Ct. A.C. — Ordained 12 Aug. 1829. Manches- ter, Vt., '29-58. — Manchester, Vt., occ. supply, '58-. 77 1828. *ELisirA Gulliver Babcock, Ct. A.C. 1825. — Ordained 22 April 1820. Wisca?set, Me., '29-'31. — Tlictford, Vt., '31-; died there, 21 Sept. 1848, aged 48. *Amos Blanciiaud, Vt. — . — Agent Am. Tr. Soc. for Western N. Y., '28-'29. — Editor Cincinnati Christian Journal, '30-31. — Ordained 27 July 1831. — Lyndon, Vt., '32-'35. — Agent Indiana Com. Sch. Assoc'n, '35. — s.s. Chicopee, Ms., '36. — Warner, N. H., '37-39. — Meriden, N. IL, '40-65. — w.e. Barnet, Vt., '65 until died there, 6 Jan. 1869, aged 68. *HAPa{isoN Gray Otis Dwight, d.d., N. Y. Ham. C. 1825. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '28-'29. — Ordained 15 July 1829. Missionary, Tur- key, '29- ; died, by railway accident in Vermont, 26 Jan. 1862,aged 58. *Ciiarles Robinsox Fisk, Ms. B.U 1824. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1828. — Holden, Me., '31-'33. — Poland,Me., '34-'35. — Editor, Gales- burg, 111., '. .-'51. — Presb. ch., Mendota, 111., '53-55. — — Beardstown, 111. — — Editor, Delavan, 111., '. .- : died there, 28 Dec. 1869, aged 65. *Samuel Hezzelton Fletcher, Vt. Y.C. 1824. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1828. Home Missionary, s.s. Ibberville, La., '28-'. . — North- bridge, Ms., '32-34. — (Res. Illinois, '42; New York, '44. Said to have become a former, in Western N. Y., and to have been shot, at Nevada City, in 1856.) Brainerd Kent, Vt. W.C. 1824. — Prin. High School, Fishkill, N. Y., '28-'31.— H. M., Sandgato, Vt., '3 1-'32. — Ordained . . Sept. 1833. s.s. liinesburg, Vt., '33-36. — s.s. Housatonic, Ms.', '37-'39. — Presb. ch., Canaan, N. Y., '39-'50. — Teacher, N. Y., '51-'53.— City Missionary, New l^ork, '53-58. — Sup. R. R. Mission, Chicago, 111., '58-'66. — W.C. Evanston, 111., 'GQ-. *James Lawtox Kimball, Vt. B.C. 1824.— Ordained — Sec. Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, Ms., '31-32. — w.c. '32 until died, at Lyndon, Vt., 8 Sept. 1833, aged 34. Addiso.v Kingsbury, d.d., Ct. A.C. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1828. Home Missionary, O., '28-29. — Presb. ch., Warren and Belpre, O., '29-39. — Putnam, O., '40-. *Abner Johnson Leavenworth, Ct. A.C. 1825. — s.s. Orange, Ct., '28-'29. — Ordained 16 Dec. 1829. Bristol, Ct., '29-'31. — Presb. ch., Charlotte, N. C, and Prin. Sem., '32-'. . — Teacher, Warrenton, Va., '39-'40. — Second Presb. ch., Petersburg, Va., '40-('43).— Teacher, Petersburg, Va., '50-; died there, 12 Feb. 1869, aged 65.' Leonard Luce, Ms. B.U. 1824. — Ordained 8 April 1829. West- ford, Ms., '29-52. — s.s. Littleton, Ms., '52. — s.s. Bo.xborough, Ms., '53-'58. — W.C. Westford, Ms. (res. tlierc since '29), '58-. 78 1828. *Lyman Matthews, Vt. M. C. 1822. — Agent Am. Ed. Soc, 'S'J.- Ordained 4 Aug. 1830. South Braintree, Ms., '30-44. — w.c. Corn- wall, Vt., '44 until died there, 17 Aug. 18GG, aged G5. Calvix Noyes Kansom, Ohio. O U. 1825. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1828. Home Missionary, Southern Ohio, '28-32. s.s. Hamilton, O., '29-'32. — Berlin, O., '32-'37. — Agent Am. Bible Soc., Ohio, '37-'3'J. — Agent Western Ed. Soc., '39-40. — Presb. ch., Hebron, O., '40-'4C. — First Presb. ch., Scipio, O., s.s. '46-48; p. '48-50. — s.s. Cong. ch., Bennington, N. H., '50-'53. — s.s. Westbrook, Me., '53-54. — Poultney, Vt., '55-'5[). — Lowell, O., 'G4-. David Shepley. d.d., Me. B.C. 1825. — Ordained 18 Fel). 182!). North Yarmouth, Me., '29-49. — s.s. Winslow, Me., '51-'G0. — w.c. Yarmouth, Me., '60- JOHN Spauldixg, D.D., Ms. M.C. 1825. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1828. Home Missionary. — Presb. ch., Athens, O., '28-33. — Cor. Sec Western Ed. Soc, '.33-'3 7. —Peoria, 111., '37-'41.— 'Cor. Sec. Am. Seamen's Fr. Soc, New York, '41-'57.— -w.c. New York, '57-. *Samuel Horatio Stearns, Ms. H. C. 1823. — Ordained 16 April 1834. Old South eh., Boston, Ms., '34-'3G.^ — av.c. '3G until died, at Paris, France, 15 July 1837, aged 36. Amasa Stewart, Vt. M. C. 1824.— Ordained 15 Sept. 1829. Essex, Vt, '29-32. — s.s. Hampden, O., '34-35. — ,. — Teacher and pr., Lowndesborongh, Ala., ('51). — 111. — w.c. Pittsford, Vt., 'GO-. Calvin Ellis Stowe, d.d., Ms. B.C. 1824. — Assistant Teacher Sac. Lit, Andover Theol. Sem., '28-30. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Dart Coll., '31-'33.— Ordained 24 May 1833. — Prof. Bib. Lit, Lane Theol. Sem., '33-'50. — Prof Nat. and Eev. Rel., Bowdoin Coll., '50-52. — Prof Sac. Lit., Andover Theol. Sem., '52-'G4. — av.c Hartford, Ct., 'G4-. Samuel AVilliams, Ms. H. C. 1824. — Ordained 25 April 1832. Brewster, Ms., '32-'43. — Presb. ch.. South Onondaga, N. Y., '45- '47.— ^Alexander Aikmax (1), N.J. N.J.C. 1821. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '23-'25. — Licen., New York, '28.— Ordained 1828 or '29.— H.M., Tallahassee, Fla., '29 ; St. Augustine, Fla., '30-; died, 1830, aged . . ' Joiix BOYNTON (1—), Me. B.C. 1822. — Ordained 19 Sej)!. 1827. i'liippsbiirg, 'Me., '27-'40. — w.c, now res. Plymouth, Del., '40-. 7y 1"828. *Eber Carpexter (2), Ct. Y.C. 1825. — H.M., Me., and R. I., '..-'. .—Ordained 17 Feb. 1830. First cb., York, Me., '30-35.— Southbridge, Ms., '35-64. Also, Editor National Preacher, '53-57. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '64 until died there, 21 Oct. 1867, aged 67, *Ephraim Eveleth (2+), Ms. A.C. 1825. — Ordained, Bapt., .. .... .^. . . Agent Am. S. S. Un., '. .- ; died, at New York, 5 March 1829, aged 26. Caleb Sprague Henry, d.d. (1+), Ms. D. C. 1825. — Ordained 21 Jan. 1829. Greenfield, IVIs., '29-31. — West Hartford, Ct., '33-35. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 28 June 1835; priest, 27 Nov. 1836.— Prof. Moral and Nat. Phil., Bristol Coll., Pa., '35-'38. — Prof. Moral and Intel. Phil., New York Univ., '38-'52, and Rector St. Clement's ch., '47-'50. — w.c. Pouglikeepsie and Newburg, N. Y., '50-68; Hartford, Ct., '68-'70. — St. Michael's ch., Litchfield, Ct., '70-. Henry Herrick (2+), Ct. Y.C. 1822. — s.s. Middleton, etc., Ms., '28-29. — Ordained 14 April 1830. Home Missionary, Carrollton, 111., '30-'31. — Sab. Sch. and other Agencies, N. E., and N. Y., '32-'35. — Prin. Fem. Acad., Knoxville, Tenn., '35-'. . ; Prin. Acad., Somer- ville, Ala., '. .-'42. — occ. sup., '42-'44. — H. M., C. E., '44. — Clin- tonville, N. Y., '45-49. — s.s. Ticonderoga, etc.,-N. Y., '49-53. — s.s. Middlefield,Ms., '53. — s.s. Archbold, N.Y., '54-'55. — s.s. Colchester, N. Y., '56-'58. — s.s. Exeter, etc., N. Y., '58-67. — w.c. North Wood- stock, Ct., '67-. JoNATiiAX Leavitt, D.D. (2+), N. II. A.C. 1825. — Ordained 24 Sept. 1828. Home Missionary. — s.s. Lincolnton, Ga., '28-'. . — Bed- ford, Ms., '3 7-'40.— Richmond St. ch.. Providence, R. I., '40-63.— w.c. Providence, R. I., '63- Abram Marsh (2), Vt. D. C. 1825. — Prin. Acad., Thetford, Vt., '27-'28. — Ordained 25 Jan. 1829. — s.s. Reading, Vt., '29-31.— Tolland, Ct., '31-'69. — Agent Conn. Bible Soc, Tolland, Ct., '69-. *SoLOMON Maxwell (1+), Ct. A.C. 1824. — Not ordained. — Prin. Acad., Amherst, Ms., '26-; died, at Lebanon, Ct., 21 July 1828, aged 30. *Alvan Nash (2), Ms. W. C. 1825. — Ordained 3 Sept. 1829. Presb. ch., Ravenna, O., '29-'35.— Sandusky City, O., '36-39. — Ravenna, O., '39-'41. — Chester, O., '41-45. — s.s. Chagrin Falls, O., '45-'47. — s.s. Conneaut, O., '47-60, and Prin. Young Ladies' Sem., Willough- by, O. — s.s. Islip, L. I., '60-65. — s.s. Garland, Pa., '66-67. — s.s. Corry, Pa., '67-; died there, 18 March 1868, aged 69. John Adams Nash (1), Ms. A.C. 1824. — Prin. Hopkins Acad., '26-27. — Ordained 1836. — Presb. ch., Binghamton, N. Y., '36-39. — Teacher, Pittsfield, Ms.— Teacher, Amherst, Ms., '47-'. . 80 1828. — — Teacher Agriculture, Amh. Coll., '52-56. — — Now res. Passaic, N. J. Jeremiah Porter (2+), :Ms. W. C. 1825. —Princeton Theol. Sem., 1831. — Ordained 3 Oct. 1831. Home Missionary, St. Ste. Marie, Mich., '31-33. — s.s. First Presb. ch., Chicago, 111., '33-'35. — s.s. Peoria, 111., '35-'37. — Farmington, El., '37-'40.— Green Bay, Wis., '40-'58. — Edwards Cong, ch., Chicago, EL, '58-'62.— Chap. 1st El. Light Artillery, '62-65. — Agent U. S. San. and Chr. Corns., Texas, '65-66. — s.s. Prairie du Chien, Wis., '66-68. — Brownsville, Texas, '68-. Samuel Rockwell (2), Ct. Y. C. 1825. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1828. — Ordained 11 April 1832. Plainfield, Ct., '32-'42. — New Britain, Ct., '43-'58. — w.c since '58, now Probate Judge, New Britain, Ct. David Sanford (2), Ms. B.U. 1825. — Ordained 22 May 1828. Newmarket, N.H., '2 7-'30. — Village ch., Dorchester, :Ms., '30-'38.— Village ch,, Medway, Ms., '38-. Lucius Linsley Tildex (1—), Vt. M. C. 1823. — Ordained 17 March 1830. West Rutland, Vt, '30-'40. — Prin. Fem. Sem., Mid- dlebury, Vt., '40-'45, and s.s. Weybridge, Vt., '42-'43. — Sup. Com. Sch., Addison Co., Vt., '46-48, and s.s. Cornwall, Vt., '47. — Since '48 to date. Bank Cashier, Vt., Assist. Libr. Congressional Library, and Clerk in Treas. Dep't, Washington, D. C. William Twixixg (1—), Ct. Y. C. 1825. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1828.— Ordained 6 Jan. 1830. s.s. Great Falls, N. H., '30-'31.— Appleton St. ch., Lowell, INIs., '31-'35. — Res. Ind. (including Prin. Fem. Sem.), '36-'43. — Prof. IMath. and Nat. Phil., Wabash Coll., '43- '54. — — s.s. Beardstown, 111., '59-'62. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., and now St. Louis, Mo. ♦Russell Whitixg (1), N. Y. U.C. 1825. — Ordained — Batavia, N. Y., '29-31 — — s.s. Elba, N. Y., '38. — — Presb. ch., Volney, N. Y., '45-47. — Cong, ch., Chapinsville, N. Y., '47-49. — Oswego, 111., '49-'51. — Lockjwrt, 111., '51-52. — s.s. Rich- mond and West Ilebi'on, 111., '52. — s.s. Bristol, 111., '52-54. — Died, at Sugar Grove, 111., 25 Nov. 1855, aged 59. *HuBBARD WixsLOW, D.D. (1—), Vt. Y. C. 1825. — Tlieol. Dej)., Yale Coll., 1828. — Ordained 4 Dec. 1828. First ch., Dover, N. H., '28-32. — Bowdoin st. ch., Boston, Ms., '32-44. — Prin. Mt. Vernon Inst., Boston, Ms., '44-53. — First Presb. ch., Geneva, N. Y., '57-'59. — Teacher, New York, '59-'61. — Fiftieth st. ch., N. Y., '61. — w.c. Brooklyn, N. Y., '61 until died, at Williston, Vt., 13 Aug. 186 <. aged 65. 11 81 1828. 1829. *Dennis Marvin Winston (1+), N.Y. Ham. C. 1825. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, N.C., '27-'28. — Ordained, Presb., 7 Aug. 1829, in Ga. — — w.c. Darien, Ga., (';>0-'o2). — Died, aged . . 1829. John Stevens Cabot Abuott, Me. B.C. 1825. — Ordained 27 Jan. 1830. Calv. ch., Worcester, Ms., '30-35. — Eliot ch., Boston Highlands, Ms., '36-41. — Nantucket, Ms., '41-43. — Howe st. cli., New Haven, Ct., '61-'6G. — Res. Fair Haven, Ct., Author, since '66. Also, s.s. Second ch., Fair Haven, Ct., '69-. JuDAH Isaac Abraham, England. — . — Ordained 12 May 1830. Missionary among Jews, New York, '29-'30 ; London, etc., England, '30- (?) Nehemiah Adams, I). i>., Ms. H. C. 1S26. — Ordained 17 Dec. 1829. First ch., Cambridge, INIs., '29-34. — Union ch., Boston, Ms., '34-. Cyrus Williams Allen, Ms. B.U. 1826.— Agent Am. Tract Soc, 111. and Mo., '30-'33. — Ordained, Presb., 6 Oct. 1833. Home Mis- sionary, s.s. Potosi, Mo., '33-34. — Cong, ch., Norton, Ms., '35-'42. — Pelham, N. H., '43-47. — Coleraine, Ms., '49-52. — Hubbardston, Ms., '52-60. — w.c. Hubbardston, Ms., '60-63. — s.s. East Jaffrey, N. H., '63-. Calvin Washington Babbitt, N. Y. A. C. 1826. — Ordained, Presb., 24 Sept. 1829. Home Missionary, Tenn., '29. — H. M., Taze- well Co., III., '30-'.. s.s. Prince's Grove, 111., '. .-'37. — s.s. Grand Detour, 111., ('39-'40). — w.c. Bloomington, 111., ('43); Washington, 111., ('46); Metamora, 111., ('50-'51). (Disappears from Presb.. Min- utes after '51.) *Elijah Coleman Bridgman, d.d., Ms. A. C. 1826. — Ordained 8 Oct. 1829. Missionary, China, at Canton and Macao, '29-'4 7; at Shanghai, '4 7-; died there, 27 Oct. 1861, aged 60. John White Chiokering, d.d., Ms. M. C. 1826. — Ordained 14 April 1830. Bolton, Ms., '30-'35. — High st. ch., Portland, Me., '35- '65. — Sec. Suffolk Temp. Un., res. Wakefield, Ms., '65-. Ansel Russell Clark, Vt. D. C. 1826. — Ordained, Presb., 24 Sept. 1829. Sec. Western Reserve Branch Am. Ed. Soc, '29-36. — Editor Ohio Observe?', '36-^37; Editor Cleveland Observer, '37-'40. — w.c. '40-'44. — s.s. Presb. ch., AVellington, O., '44-'57. — s.s. Cong. ch.. Huntington, O., '58-. Walter Follett, Vt. M. C. 1825. — Sec Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, Ms., '29-'31.— Ordained 17 Oct. 1832. Southboro', Ms., '31-'37. — 1829. Dudley, IMs., '3 7-'41. — Temple, N. II., '4ry-t>-i. -^ w.c. Temple, N. II., '")4-. IIervky Owkn IIiglky, Vt. M. C. 1.S2.5. — Ordained, Presb., 24 Sept. 1829. Home ]\Iissionary. s.s. Presb. cli., Georgetown, O., '29-'30. — s.s. Cong, ch., Hartford, O., ','il-'3(j. — w.c. since '3G, res. Castleton, Vt., '40-. Isaac IIosford, Vt. B.C. 1820. — II. M., Vt. and Ms., '29-'38. — Ordained 14 Feb. 1838. Saxonville, Ms., '38-48. — City Missionary, Lowell, Ms., '49-'5G. — Chap. Insane Asylum, Worcester, Ms., '57-'60. — s.s. North Thetford, Vt., 'GO-. Si'OFFORD Dodge Jewf.tt, N. II. D. C. 182G. — Ordained 4 Feb. 1830. Griswold, Ct., '30-'3G. — Windsor, Ct., '39-'43. — Westchester, Ct., '44-'58. — s.s. Mid.'. II. .I.e. — s.s. ]\Iartha's Vineyard, Ms., '30. — S.S. Orleans, Ms., '30-'3 2. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1836. Hampstead, N. H., '36-58. — s.s. York, Me., '59. — s.s. Kittery, Me., '59- ; died there, 2 June 1860, aged 61. *JOHN Batchelder, N. H. D. C. 1827. —s.s. Barrington, etc., R. 1., '31-33. — Ordained 1833. Jacksonville, 111., '33-"38. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, — Christ ch., Burlington, lo., '40-'50. — H. jM., 111. and Iowa, res. Burlington, lo., '50-; died there, 25 March 186 7, aged 65. CiEORGE Barrell Cheever, D.D., ^NIc. B.C. 1825. — Ordained 13 Feb. 1833. Howard st. ch., Salem, Ms., '33-'36. — Allen st. Presb. ch.. New York, '39-44. — Editor New York Evangelist, '45. — Cong. Ch. of the Puritans, New York, '46-67. — w.c. New York, '67-. *Bkla Bates Edwards, D.D., Ms. A. C. 1824. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '27-29. — Assist. Sec. Am. Ed. Soc, '28-33; Editor Am. Quarterly Register, '28-42. — Ordained 3 Oct. 1837. — Editor A7n. Quarterly Observer, '33-34 ; Bib. Repository, '35-38 ; Bibliotli. Sacra, '44-52. — Prof. Hebrew, Andover Theol. Sem., '37-'48 ; Prof. Bib. Lit., '48-; died, at Athens, Ga., 20 Aiaril 1852, aged 50. »J()HN S. Emersox, M.D., N. H. I). C. 1826. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '30-'31.— Ordained 19 May 1831. Missionary, Hawaiian Islands, '31-; died, at Waialua, Oahu, 28 INIarch 1867, aged 66. LuciAx Farxham, Ct. A. C. 1827. — Ordained, Presb., 23 Sept. 1830. Home Missionary, Fulton Co., 111., '3()-'31. — s.s. Jacksonville, 111., "3 2-'33. — Princeton, III, '35-'38. — s.s. Hadley, 111., '40-'42. — s.s. Presb. ch., Batavia, and Cong, ch.. Big Grove, 111., '42-44 ; Big Woods, 111., '42-'4 7. — Batavia, 111., '48-'49. — s.s. Lockport, 111., '49-'50. — s.s. Newark, 111., '51-5 7. — occ. sup. for destitute chhs., res. Newark, 111., '57-. *Ferris Fitch, Vt. M.C. 1826. — Ordained 20 Oct. 1830. Belfiist, Me., '30-'31. — s.s. Castlne, Me., '32. — s.s. Eliot, Me., '32-'34.— Palnesville, O., '34- 36. — Presb. ch., Richmond, O., '36-37. — s.s. 87 1830. Huron, O., '37-'3S. — Lower Sandusky, O., s.s. '38-'39 ; p. '39-43.— s.s. Avon, O., '44- ; died, at Brownhelm, O., 30 June 1847, aged 44. Joseph Fuller, Vt. M.C. 1827.^ Ordained 29 Sejrt. 1830. Kenne- bunk. Me., '30-'34. — Brimfield, Ms., '35-'3 7. — Ridgefield, Ct., '38- '42. — w.c. Versliire, Vt., '43-53. — s.s. Vershire, Yt., '53-60. —w.c. Vershire, Vt.,'60-. Daa^d Downs Gregory, N. Y. W.C. 1827. —s.s. Ripley, N.Y., '30-'31. — Ordained 10 Nov. 1831. s.s. Prcsh rh., Fredonia, N. Y., '31-'32. — AVestfield, N. Y., '33-'38. — Bingliamton, N. Y., '38-'47. — Tab. cli., Cincinnati, O., '47-53. — s.s. North East, Pa., '53-58. — s.s. Tab. ch., Cincinnati, O., '58-59. — Cong, ch., Prattsburg, N. Y., '59- '66. — s.s. Presb. ch., Apalacliin, N. Y. (res. Binghamton), '66-. ICHABOD Anduxjs Hart, NY. Ham. C. 1826. — Ordained 23 Sept. 1830. Home Missionary, s.s. Adams, N. Y., '30-'31. — Agent Am. Ed. Soc., Central NY., '31-33. — s.s. Cooperstown, N. Y., '33-'35. — Franklin, N.Y., '35-'39. — Sandusky City, O., '39-'44. — s.s. Kenosha, Wis., '45-'47. — s.s. Greenwood, etc.. 111., '47-'57. — Agent Walworth Co. Inst., '. .-'. . — Agent Western Tract and Book Soc, Wheaton, 111., '. .-' . . ^ Treas. Wheaton Coll., and Assoc. Editor Christian Cyno- sure, '. .-. George AVhitefield Hathaway, Ms. W.C. 182 7. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., and Assist, at rooms, '30-'31. — s.s. Canton, Ms., '32. — s.s. West Bridgewater, Ms., '32-33. — Ordained 20 March 1833. Bloom- field (now Skowhegan), Me., '33-'60. — s.s. Grinnell, lo., '60-'61.— S.S.Bingham, etc., Me., '61-63.— Chaplain 19th Me. Vols., '63-65. — occ. pr., '65-'69. — Supervisor of Schools, Somerset Co., Me., '69- '70. — Skowhegan, Me., occ. pr., '70-. *OsGOOD Herrick, N. H. D. C. 1826. — Ordained 9 Dee. 1830. Mill- bury, Ms., '30- ; died there, 16 March 1837, aged 37. Edwin Jennison, N. H. D. C. 1827. — Ordained 17 Aug. 1831. Walpole, N. H.„ '31-'35. — Mount Vernon, N. H., '36-'41. — Ash- burnham, Ms., '42-46. — Hopkinton, N. H., '47-49. — s.s. Paper Mill Vill., Alstead, N. H., '50-52. — s.s. Langdon, N. H., '52-55. — w.c. Walpole, N. H., '56-'60 ; Winchester, N. H., '60-. John Ballard Kendall, Ms. A. C. 1827. — Ordained Home Missionary. — Easton, N. Y., '32-' . . — Bethany, Ct., '34-36. — Farmer, Washington Co., N. Y., '36-'. . — (Said to have been in Eckford, Mich.) *MosES Kimball, N. H. D.C. 1826. — s.s. Haverhill, NIL, '30.— Ordained 25 Jan. 1832. Randolph, Vt., s.s. '31-32; p. '32-'33.— Hopkinton, N.IL, '34-'46. — Tewksbury,Ms., '47-'49. — s.s. Ascutney- ville, Vt., '49-'68. — s.s. East Haverhill, Ms., '68-; died there, 17 Sept. 1868, aged 69. 1830. *Chakli:s IIekbert Little, X. II. D. C. 1827. — Not ordained. — Editor N. II. Observer, '33-'35. — w.c. Boscawen, N. H., '35 until died there, 1 Jan. 1836, aged 31. *Alexander Wilson McCh i:e, d.d., JNIs. A. C. 1827. — Ordained 19 Dec. 1832. First cb., Maiden, Ms., s.s. '30-'32 ; p. '32-'43. — s.s. Presb. cb., St. Augustine, Fhi., '44-46. — Editor Christian Ohsercalori/. Boston, Ms., '4 7-50. — First Cong, cb., AEalden, Ms., '48-'51. — Ref. (Dutch) cb., Jersey City, N. J., '51-'54. — Sec. Am. and For. Chr. Un., '55-'57. — Died, at Canonsburg, Pa., 20 Sept. 1865, aged 57. *Jedediah Clark Parmelee, Vt. M. C. 1827. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '30-'31. — Ordained ' — s.s. Presb. ch., Westfiekl, N. y., '32-33. — s.s. TaUmadge, O., '33-40. — w.c. '40 until died, at Sandy Hill, N. Y., 28 June 1841, aged 38. *Abel Patten, Ms. D.C. 1827. — Ordained 7 Feb. 1832. — Billerica, Ms., '33-'35. — Monument, Sandwich, jMs., '35-'38. — s.s. Hanson, Ms., '38-'30. — s.s. Jamaica, Vt, '30-42. — s.s. Wilmington, Vt., '44- '47. — s.s. Marlborough, Vt., '47-52. — s.s. Pittsfield, Vt., '53-55. — s.s. Burlington, Ms., '56-'57. — w.c. Burlington, Ms., '57-'58. — s.s. Alstead, N. H., '58-'59. — w.c. Billerica, ^h., '5!) until died, at Lowell, Ms., 23 Feb. 1864, aged 58. *WiLLiA.M Richardson, N. II. — .— Ordained 15 Dec. 1880. Second cb., Wilton, N. H., '30-'40. — s.s. Lyndeborough, N. IL, '40-41.— Deering, N. H., '42-46. — w.c. Manchester, N. H., '46 until died there, 6 Sept. 1860, aged 68. * William Matticks Rogers, Ms. II. C. 1827. — Ordained 16 Feb. 1831. To'wnseud, Ms., '31-35. — Central eh., Boston, Ms., '35- ; died, at Dorchester, Ms., 11 Aug. 1851, agc(l 45. *Ch-vrles Gil.man Safford, M.D., X. 11. D.C. 1827. — Ordained 28 Sej)t. 1831. Gilmanton, N. H., '31-'36. — Physician, Southborough, Ms. ; Rutland, Ms., until died there, 27 April 1847, aged 42. William Gottlieb Schauffleu, d.d., Stuttgart, Ger. — . — Or- dained 14 Nov. 1831. Missionary to the Jews, Constantinople, '31-55 ; to the Moslems, '55-'61. — Translator of Bible into Turkish, Constan- tinople, Am., and British and For. Bible Socs., '60-. *Orsamlts Tinker, Ms. W. C. 1827. — Ordained 8 Dec. 1830. New- market, N. II., '30-33. — Ashby, IVIs., '34- ; died there, 13 Oct. 1838, aged 37. Moses Winch, Ms. A. C. 1827. — Ordained 21 Sept. 1831. Paxjton, Ms., '31-33.— occ. sui)., '33-'37. — w.c, now res. Wellesley, Ms., '37-. LEOx.\Rr) Woods, D.D., Ms. U. C. 1827. — Teacher of Hebrew, An- dover Theol. Sem., '31. — Ordained 1833. — Editor ZtV*'?-'//./ 12 «1) 1830. and Thtul. Revkw, New York, '34-'37. — Prof. Sac. Lit.,Theol. Sem., Bano-or, Me., '3G-'39. — Pres. Bowd. Coll., '39-'G6. — w.c. Brunswick, Me.,'GG-. *Hexry AxTELL (1), N.Y. Ham.C. 1823. — Tutor, Ham. Coll., '25- '26. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1830. — Ordained 16 June 1830. Presb. ch., Lawrenceville, N. Y., '30-35. — Second Presb. cli.. Orange, N. J., '35-'38. — w.c. and occ. pr., St. Augustine, Fla., '38-43. — Chaplain, U. S. A., Tampa Bay, '43-'50 ; New Orleans, La., '50-53. — w.c. Philadelphia, Pa., '53 until died there, 15 July 1854, aged 52. James Taylor Dickixson (2), N. Y. Y.C. 1826. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1830. — Ordained 4 April 1832. Norwich, Ct., '32-'34. — Stuil. Med., '34-'35. — Missionary, Singapore, '35-'40. — Teacher, "Singapore, '40-'43. — -Res. Middlefield, Ct., since '44, teacher, occ. pr., etc., '45-'56 ; w.c. '56-. *JoHN HuBBAKD Eaton (1), :\[s. H. C. 1827. — Tlicol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1831. — Not ordained. — Teacher, New York. Died, at New York, ..July 1863, aged .. *Henry K. Greex (1—), N. Y. U. C. 1822. — Ordained, Bapt., 12 Sept. 1828, to be s.s. Bapt. ch., Halifax, N. S. — — Tutor, Wash. Coll., ('43). — — First Bapt. ch., Trenton, N. J., '50- '53. — First ch.,'"Brooklyn, N. Y., '. .-'. . — Second ch., Danbnry, Ct., '58-'59. — (Then Avent '• West," and died there.) Charles Paysox Grosvexor (2), Ct. Y.C. 1827. — H.M., 111. — Ordained 16 July 1834. Waterford (now Blackstone), Ms., '34- '35. — s.s. Kingston, E. I., '35-38. — Scituate, R. I, '38-47. — s.s. Rehoboth, Ms., '47-'56. — s.s. Stoneham, Ms., '57-58.— Canterbury, Ct., '58-. Henry Pearl Hickok (1—), Vt. U. A^t. 1827.— Ordained 25 June 1 832. Home Missionary, s s. Georgia, Vt., '31-32. — s.s. Peru, N. Y., '33-'34. — In business, since '34f Now Pres. Merchants' National Bank, Burlington, Vt. *GeorCxE Huntlngtox, (1—), N.Y. Y.C. 1827. — Died, at New York, while a member of the Seminary, 25 March 1828, aged 21. *CiiARLES Colcock Joxes, o.d. (2+), Ga. — . — Princeton Theol. Sem., '29-30. — Ordained .. Nov. 1831. Presb. ch.. Savannah, Ga., '31-'32. — H. M., Liberty Co., Ga., '32-'36. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Theol. Sem., Columbia, S. C, '36-'38. — H. M., Rlceboi^ough, and vie, Ga., '38-48. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Theol. Sem., Columbia, Ga., '48-'50. — Sec. Presb. Board of Missions, '50-'53. — s.s. Pleasant Grove, Ga., '53- ; died there, 16 March 1863, aged 59. 90 183,0. 1831. *JoHx Taylor Joxks, i>.d. (2+), Ms. A. C. 1825. — Ordained, Bapt., 28 July 1830. Missionary, Biirmali, '30-32; Siam, '32-; died there, 13 Sept. 1851, aged 49. Georoe Farrar Moultox (1 — ), Me. B. C. 1827. — Not ordained. — *Amos Augustus Phelps (2+), Ct. Y. C. 182C. — Thcol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1830. — Ordained 14 Sept. 18;]0. Hopkinton, Ms., '30-32.— Pine St. ch., Boston, Ms., '32-34. — Agent Am. Anii-Slav. Soc, '34- '36. — Editor Emancipator, '3C-'37. — Gen- Agent Mass. Anti-Slav. Soc, '3 7-'39. — Marlborough Chapel, Boston, Ms., '39-'40. — City Missionary, Boston, Ms., '40-'42. — Maverick ch.. East Boston, Ms., '42-'45. — Sec. Am. and For. Anti-Slav. Soc, '45-; died, at Boston Highlands, Ms., 30 July 1847, aged 42. *Barnabas Piiinxey (1), Ms. AY.C. 1827. — Auburn Theol. Sem., '28-29. — Ordained 3 March 1830. Hanover, Lisbon, Ct., '30-32. — Pawtucket, R. I., '33-'3G. — Westborough, Ms., '30.- w.c '36 until died, in Ohio, 1848, aged 49. George Jeffrey Tillotsox (1+), Ct. Y.C. 1825. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1830.— Ordained 25 May 1831. Brooklyn. Ct., '31-'58. — s.s. Putnam, Ct., '58-. James WiLSOX Ward (1), Me. D. C. 1826.- Teacher Acad., South Berwick, Mc, '29-'31. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll:, 1832.— Ordained 21 May 1834. First ch., Abington, Ms., '34-'56. — w.c Madison, Wis., '56-'57. — In Mass. Leg., '57. — w.c. Madison, Wis., '57-'62; Davenport, To., '62-63. — s.s. Lakeville, Ms., 'G3-'69. — w.c. Lake- ville, Ms., '69-. 18 31. Silas Bakkr, Me. B.C. 1828. — Ordained 7 March 1832. Truro, Ms., '32-'.'U. — Hampden, Me., '34-'3 7. — s.s. Kennebunkport, Me., '38-40. — s.s. Standish, Me., '41-43. — w.c. Standish, Me., '43-. Gamaliel Carter Beamax, Ms. U.C. 1828. — Ordained 7 Oct. 1831. Home Missionary. — s.s. Presb. ch., Croton, lo., '31. — Piketon, O., '31-3 7. — s.s. Burlington, O., '37-45, and Prin. Acad, there, '40- '45. — s.s. Montrose, To., '46-'52. — s.s. Croton, lo., '52- Daniel Cole Blood, N. H. D.C. 1828. — Ordained 26 Sept. 1831. Home Missionary, Tecumseh, Mich., '31-34. — H. M., Cleveland, O., '34. — Strongsville, O., '34-50. — s.s. Presb. ch., Massillon, O., '51-66. — w.c. Collamer, O., 'GG-. *AsAPH BouTELLE. Ms. A. C. 1828. — Ordained, Presb., 26 Sept. 1831. Home Missionary, O., '31-'43. — Alexandria, O., '43-47.— 91 1831. Lunenburg, Vt., '48-'50. — Pcacham, Yt., '51- ; died tliere, 12 Jan. 18(36, aged Gl. William Thurston Boutwell, N. II. 1). C. 1828. — Ordained 7 June 1831. Missionary, Ojibwa (etc.) Indians, '31-'4C. — Stillwater, Minn., occ. pr., '45-'54 ; -vv.c. '54-. *Tn()MAS Bi? AiNERD, D.D., N. Y. — . — Ordained, Bresb., 7 Oct. 1831. Home Missionary. Fourth Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '31-33. — Editor Cincinnati Journal, and Youth's Magazine, '33-36. — Third Presb. ch., Philadcljihia, Pa., '37-; died, at Scranton, Pa., 21 Aug. 1866, aged 62. *jA(iON CiiAPiN, N.H. A. C. 1828. — Ordained 26 Sept. 1831. Home Missionary. — s.s. Madison, O., '31-'33. — s.s. Jefferson, O., '33-'34. — s.s. West ch., Farniington, O., and Teacher, '34-'. . — Died, 1846, aged 15. *JosEPH Sylvester Clark, d.d., Ms. A. C. 1827. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '28-'29. — Ordained 21 Dec. 1831. Sturbridge, Ms., '31-'39. — Sec. Mass. II. M. Soc, '39-'57.- Sec. Cong. Lib. Ass'n, '53-; Editor Cong. Quarlerhj, '59-; died, at South Plymouth, Ms., 17 Aug. 1861, aged CO. Samuel WooDWoRTii Cozzexs, d.d., IMs. M. C. 1828.— Ordained • 8 Aug. 1832. Second ch., Marblehead, Ms., '32-37. — First ch., Milton, Ms., '37-'47. — s.s. Second ch., Milton, Ms., '4 7-'51. — s.s. Kingsboro', N. Y., '52. — Presb. ch., INIount Yernon, N. Y., '53-59. — s.s. Cong, ch., AVeybridge, Yt., •59-'6S. — s.s. South Plymouth, Ms., '68-. Edward Francis Cutter, Me. B.C. 1828. — Ordained 8 May 1833. Warren, Me., '33-46. — Second ch., Belfast, Me., '46-'55. — Editor Christian Mirror, Portland, Me., '56-57. — s.s. Beardstown, 111., '57-59. — w.c. Belfast, Me., '59-63. —s.s. Rockland, Me., 63-. *JoHN QuixcY Adams Edgell, A't. U.Yt. 1827. — Ordained 19 Sept. 1832. Second ch.. West Newbury, Ms., '32-53. — Agent Soc for Prom, of Coll. and Theol. Ed. at the West, Ajidover, Ms., '53-65. — w.c. Bm-lington, Yt., '(^G until died there, 15 Sept. 1S(;7, aged 65. JosiAii FisiiER, Me. B.C. 1828.— Ordained 15 March 1832. Orono, Me., '32-'35.— H. M., Me., '35-'36. — Clyde, N. Y., '36-'40. — s.s. Huron, N. Y., '40-'42.— Heath, Ms., '42-'45.— Greenbush, N. Y., Teacher and occ. sup., '4.5-'50. — Presb. ch., Succasunna, N. J., '51- '65. — w.c. Succasunna, N. J., '65-. N.^TnAMEL Smith Folsom, N.H. D.C. 1828.— Ordained, Presb., 26 Sept. 1831. Home IMissionary, Ga., '31-'32. — s.s. Presb. ch., Clcvehind, O., '32-33. — Prof Lang., Lit. Dep., Lane Theol. Sem., 1831. '.'53. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Wcstorn Ros. Coll., '33-'3G. — Francestown, N. H., '3G-'38. — High st. ch., Providence, R. I., '38-'40. — Unit'ii oh., Haverhill, Ms., '40-'4G. — Minister at large, Charlestown, Ms., and Editor Christian BerjiMer, '46-48. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Theol. School, Mcadville, Pa., '48-'Gl. — Teacher, Concord, Ms., 'G2-. Also, s.s. Cong, ch., Concord, Ms., '(i7-'C8. Edward Jostaii Fclleii, Ct. A.C. 18-28. — Ordained 1 1 Jan. 1X32. Chelsea, ]\Is., '32-35. — Ilardwick. Ms., '35-'36. — s.s. Piermont, N.IL, '36-'40.— ♦William Gaoe, Ms. A.C. 1828.— Ordained, Presb., 14 Oct. 1831. Home Missionary. — Concord, ()., (and Pisgah, O.. '32-'5.')), '32-; died there, July 1SG3, aged Go. Edmund Gaulaxd, JVIe. D.C. 1828. — Ordained, Presb., 14 Oct. 1831. Home jNIissionary. s.s. Stoney Creek and Liberty, O., '31-'32. — s.s. New Richmond, 6., '33-'34. — Teacher, Granville, O., '35-'3G. — s.s. St. Albans and Harttbrd, O., '37-39. — s.s. Unity and Lexing- ton, O., '40. — s.s. Watertown, O., '41-47.- s.s. Baltimore, O., '48- '49. — Teacher, Central College, O., '50-'G0,and s.s. '50-'52, and s.s. Johnstown, O., '52-'G0. — w.c. Johnstown, O., 'G0-'67;. Granville, O., 'G7-. SnKRMAX Hall, Vt. D. C. 1828. — Ordained 7 June 1831. Mission- ary, Ojibwa Indians, La Pointe, Lake Superior, '31-'52; Crow AVing, ]\[inn., '52-54. — s.s. Sauk Rapids, INTinn., '54-. *Cyrus Hol:\ies, Ms. D.C. — Not ordained. — Prin. Acad., Woburn, Ms. — Prin. Acad., Hanover. ]Ms.. '40-'4S. — Died, 'at Hanover, INIs., 16 Aug. 1849, aged 49. Samuel Hopkins, Ms. D.C. 1827. — Ordained 26 Oct. 1831. Mont- pelier, Vt., '31-35. — Saco, Me., '36-'45. — w.c. Northampton, Ms., '45-66. Author. — s.s. Standish, Me., 'G6-. Edmund Otis Hovey, d.d.; Vt. D.C. 1828. — Ordained, Presb., 2G Sept. 1831. Home Missionary. — s.s. Presb. ch., Coal Creek, Fountain Co., Ind., '31-'34. — Finan. Agent Wabash Coll., Ind., '34-'35 ; Prof. Rhet., '34-'36; Prof Cliem.. Min.. and Geol., '36^. Also, Treasurer Wabash Coll., '38-'G4. Thaddeus Beman Huulhut, X. Y. Ham.C. 182.s. — Agent Am. Tract Soc, Va., '31-32. — Gen. Agent Am. Ed. Soc, for Ohio and Ky., res. Cincinnati, O., '33-34. — Ordained . . Sept. 1834. — Agent Am. Tract Soc, for 111. and Mo., '34-37. — Assoc. Editor Alton Ob- server, 111., '37-'38. — s.s. Edwardsville, 111., '38-'39. — II. M. and Teacher, Alton, 111., '39-'43. — s.s. Presl). chhs., St. Charles and Lowell, 111., '43-47. — Upper Alton, etc.. 111., s.s. '47-'52; p. '53-'5G. — Res. Upper Alton, 111., s.s Concord, Plainview, Brighton, etc., 111., 93 1831. '5 7-'60. — s.s. Cong, clihs., Hammond and West Salem, Wis., '60-'G5. — Upper Alton, 111., occ. pr., 'G5-. *JonN W. luwix, Pa. — — Ordained, Presb., 7 Oct. 1831. Home Missionary. — Presb. ch., Sackett's Harbor, N.Y., '32-35. — Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '35. — Teacher, Danbnrv, Ct., ('45). — Died, at Branch- port, N. Y., . . July 18C1, aged 55. Benjamin Labaree, d.d., ix.d., N. H. D. C. 1828. — Ordained 2G Sept. 1831. Home Missionary, Tenn., '31-32. —Prof. Anc. Lang., Jackson Coll., Tenn., and Pres., '32-'37. — Sec. Central Am. Ed. Soc, '37_'40._Pres. Mid. Coll., '40-66. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '67-69; Hyde Park, Ms., '69-'70. (s.s. South Weymouth, Ms., '69). — Now res. West Roxbury, Ms. *Henry J. Lamb, Ms. —.— Ordained 6 June 1833. Southbridge, Ms., '33-'35. — Chelsea, Ms., '36-'38. — — Peterboro', N. H., '47_'52. — West Suffield, Ct., '53-'57. — s.s. Windsor, Ct., '57-'59. — w.c. '59 until died, at West Springfield, Ms., 31 Oct. 1862, aged 61. David Belden Lyman, Ct. W.C. 1828. — Ordained 25 Oct. 1831. Missionary, Hawaiian Islands, '31-. Giles Lyman, Ms. A. C 1827.— Ordained 11 Jan. 1832. Jaffrey, N.H., '32-37. — s.s. Fowlerville, N.Y., '37-'38. — s.s. Ashburnham, Ms., '38-'39. — s.s. Gardner, Ms., '39-'40. —Marlboro,' N. H., '40-'69. — W.C. Marlboro', N. H., '69-. ■*AYiixiam Loomis Mather, N. Y. Ham. C. 1828. — Ordained 28 Sept. 1832. Sec. N. W. Branch Am. Ed. Soc, '32-'37. — Wiscasset, Mc, '37-'43. — Concord, Ms., '43-'48. — Mattapoisett, Ms., '49-'55.— Temp, labors in Wis., '56-'61.— Chap. 3d Wis. Vols., 'Gl-'62 ; Hospital Chaplain, U. S.A., '62-65. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '65 until died there, 15 April 1868, aged 62. John Morrill, N. H. A. C. 1826. — Ordained, Presb., 1 7 Oct. 1831. Home Missionary, Vevay, Ind., '31-33. — H. M., Connersville and Brownsville, Ind., '33-34. — H. M., Laporte and [Michigan City, Ind., '34-36. — H. M., Rockford, and vie. 111., '37-'41. — H. M., Lamoille, 111., '41-'43. — II.M., Gap Grove, 111., '43-44. — II. M., Ridotts and vie, 111., '4G-'56. — w.c. since '56, now res. Pecatonica, 111. *JoHN Jason Owen, d.d., ll.d., N. Y. M. C. 1828. — Ordained, Presb., 14 Oct. 1831. Sec. Presb. Ed. Soc, '31-34. — Prin. Corne- lius Institute, N.Y., '35-48. — Prof. Latin and Greek, and Vice Pres., College of the City of New York, '48-; died there, 18 April 1869, aged 65. Edwards Amasa Park, d.d., R. L B.U. 1s2G. — Ordained 21 Dec. 1831. First ch., Braintree, Ms., '31-'31. — Prof. Mental and Moral 91 1831. Phil, and Hebrew Lit., Amh. Coll., '34-36.— Prof. Sac. PJiet., An- dover Theol. Sem., '36-'47; Prof. Chr. Tlieol., '4 7-. John Usher Parsoxs, Me. B.C. 1S27. — Ordained, Presb., 12 .Sept. 1 831 . Home Missionary. — H. M., Indiana, '31-34. — Berkley. M.*?., '.36_'38. — H. M., Wisconsin, '38-42. — H. M., Georgia, '44-52. — s.s. Hyannis, M^., '52-'55. — In Kansas, 'o5-'57. — s.s. Bristol, Me., '58- '61. — s.s. Sanford, :Me., "Gl-'CS. — Evangelist, North Acton, Me., '63-. *CnARLES SuMMERFiELD PoRTER, Ms. A. C. 1827. — Ordained 1 Aug. 1832. Gloucester, Ms., '32-'3.j. — Second Av. Presb. ch., Xew York, '35-'41. — Utica, N. Y., '41-'45. — Cong, ch., Plymouth, Ms.. '45-'53. — Phillips ch.. South Boston, Ms., 'o4-'57. — s.s. E street ch., South Boston, Ms., '57-62. — w.c. '62-'66; res. Boston, Ms. (supply- ing North Beverly, Ms., 'G6-'67). "iKl until died there, 10 April 1870, aged 65. John Bronsox Richardson, Ct. D. C. 1828. — s.s. Portland, Me., '31-32. — Ordained 30 May 1832. Home Missionary, s.s. Nauga- tuck,Ct., '32-33. — Presb. ch., Pittsford,N.Y., s.s. '33-'31 ; p. '34-50. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Geneva, N. Y., '50-. *SiMEON Salisbury, Vt. —.— Ordained, Presb., 14 Oct. 1831. Home IVIissionary, Woodford Co.. Ky., '31-'o(). — H. M., near Madi- son, Ind., '36-('38). — — Died, before 1845. *Preserved Smith, N. H. A.C. 1828. — Ordained 12 June 1832. s.s. Pittsfield, N. H., '32-'34. — — Carlisle, Ms., '38-'46. — — Died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 29 Dec. 1853, aged 52. *Ephraim Spaulbixg, A^t. M.C. 1828. — Ordained 21 Nov. 1831. Missionary, Hawaiian Islands, '31-'36 ; died, at Westborongh, Ms,, still connected with A. B. C. F. M., 28 June 1840, aged 37. William Augustus Stearns, d.d., ll.u., Ms. II. C. 1827. — Or- dained 14 Dec. 1831. Prospe<.H st. di.. Cambridj^eport, Ms., '31-54. — Pres. Amherst CoU., '54-. BEN.JAMIN Perkins Stone, d.d., Vt. M. C. 1828. — Ordained 26 May 1831. Franklin, N. H., '31-'32. — Campton, N. H., s.s. '32-'33 ; p. '33-37.— Sec. N. H. Miss. Soc, '3 7-59.- Editor Congregational Journal, '54-'62. — Editor Christian Reporter, '65-'66. — Treasurer N. H. Miss. Soc, since '53, and N. H. Bible Soc, Concord, N. II., '54-. *Samuel Talbot, Me. B.C. 1824. — Ordained 1 Feb. 1832. Wilton, Me., '32-42. — Alna, Me., '42-; died, at Waldoborough, Me.. 15 Nov. 1859, aged 58. Sewall Tenney, D.D., N. H. D. C. 1827. — Ordained .. Aug. 1831. — s.s. Gorham, Me., '31-'32. — Bethel ch., Portland, Me., '32-35. — Ellsworth, Me., '35-. 95 1831. Alvax Touey, D.D., ]Ms. A. C. l«-2«. — Ordained 20 Nov. 1833.— Durham, N. H., '33-. John Adams Vinton, Ms. D.C. 1828. — s.s. Bloomfield, Me., '31-'32. — Ordained 16 May 1832. New Sharon, Me., '32-'34. — H. M., Me., '34-35. — s.s. , Exeter, Me., '35-36. — s.s. Chatham, Ms., '36-38.— s.s. Kingston, Ms., '38-39. — s.s. Stoneham, Ms., '39. — s.s. West Randolph, Vt., '39-'42. — s.s. Willianistown. Vt., '42-'44. — Agent Am. Soe. for Mel. Cond. of Jews, '4G-'47. — s.s. IJristol, Me., '48-'49. — w.c. Stoneham, Ms., '50-'52. — Chap. Slate Almshouse, Monson, Ms., '59-'G0. — w.e. South Boston, Ms., since '60, In literary pursuits. *MoKKis Edward White, Ms. D.C. 1828. — Ordained 20 June 1832. Southampton, Ms., '32-'53. — w.c. Northampton, Ms., '53 until died, at Florence, Italy, 15 Oct. 1861, aged 58. *JoHN Wilde, Ms. M. C. 1827. — Ordained 20 Juno 1832. Grafton, Ms., '32-38. — Conway, N. H., '39-'45. — Second ch., Falmouth, Me., '45-'52. — Topsham, Me., '53-'55. — w.c. Brewer, Me., '55-'56 ; Brunswick, Me., '56-57. — Agent Am. S. S. Union, '57. — Teacher, Deposit, N.y., '58-'60 ; Stamford, N.Y., '61-'64. — w.c. '64 until died, at Alexandria, Va., 9 Feb. 1868, aged 64. Asher WriCxHT, N. H. D. C. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1831. Missionary, Seneca Indians, Buffalo Creek Res., '31-'45 ; Cattaraugus (P.O., Versailles, N. Y.), '45-. GoRiiAM DuMMKR AiJBOTT, LL.D. (1+), Me. B.C. 1826. — Or- dained — Prin. Spingler Inst., New York, '. .-' . . — w.c. New York, '. .-. Henry Adams (1+), Ms. A. C. 1828. — Teacher, Ohio, '29-'. . — Ordained 25 Dec. 1833. AVorthington, Ms., '33-38. — w.c. West Andover, Ms., '38-'41. — Bolton, Ms., '41-'43. — Berlin, ]\Is., '43-'52. — s.s. Peoria, 111., '54-'58. — • Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, — Chicago, III. — Akron, O. — w.c. Milford, Ms. — Independence, lo., '65-'. . — Lyons, lo. — Passaic, N. J., '68-'69. — w.c. Brooklyn, N.Y., '69- Thomas Bellows (1+), N. II. D.C. 1827. — Tl.eol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1831.— Ordained 12 March 1833. Second ch., Greenfield, Ms., '33-'34. — w.c. Walpole, N. II., '34-. •^Ebenezer Green Bradfoiid (1), N. 11. A. C. 1827. — Ordained 29 Feb. 1832. Colebrook, N. II., '32-'36. — Wardsboro', Vt., •36-'42. — s.s. Presb. eh., Platteville, Wis., '42-43. — s.s. Cong, ch., Prairie du Sac, Wis., '44-'47. — s.s. AVaupun, Wis., '47-'50. — s.s. Princeton, 1831. 1832. Wis., '50-58. — w.c. '58 until died, at Leverctt, Ms., 29 Aug. 1861, aged GO. *GuRDON Saltokstall Coit, d.d. (1), Ct. Y. C. 1828. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 8 Aug. 1830 ; priest, — — St. John's ch., Bridgeport, Ct., '. .-'63. — Christ ch., West Haven, Ct., '64-65. — St. JNIichael's ch., Naugatuck, Ct., '66-'. . — occ. pr., '. .- ; died, at Southport, Ct., 10 Nov. 18G9, aged 60. Edmund Allburn Crawley, d.d. (1 — ), Nova Sco. King's C. 1828. — Ordained, Bapt., 16 May 1830. — Teacher, Cincinnati, O. — Prof. JNIental Phil., etc., Acadia Coll., Wolfville, N. S., '. .-. Josiah Davis Crosby (1), Ms. U.C. 1826. — Ordained 4 Oct. 1837, Jaffrey, N. H., '37-'44. — -Teacher, and occ. sup., Ashburnham, Ms., '46-. Isaac Foster (2), ]Ms. D.C. 1828. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Portland, Me., '30-'31 ; Exeter, N. H., '34-'36 ; Kingston, R. T., '36-39. — Res. North Andover, Ms., '39-. HosEA KiTTREDGE (2+), Me. A. C. 1828.— Ordained 10 July 1832. — Prin. Acad., '30-'44. — s.s. Presb. ch., Sodus, N.Y., '44-'50. — Sec- ond Presb. ch.. Red Creek, Wolcott, N. Y., '50-'56. — s.s. Eckford, Mich., '56-'60. — H. M., Mason, Mich., '60-'69. — s.s. Delhi, Mich., '69-. *DAyiD Peabody (1), Ms. D.C. 1828. — Union Theol. Sem., Va. — Ordained 15 Nov. 1832. First ch., Lynn, Ms., '32-35.— Worcester, Ms., '35-'38. — Prof. Orat., Dart. Coll., '38-; died there, 17 Oct. 1839, aged 34. James Allwood Shitpi (1), Ct. Y. C. 1826. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1831. — Ordained 17 April 1832. Great Falls, N. H., '32-'37. — Glastenbury, Ct., '3 7-'58. — Unionville, Ct., '58-'61. — w.c. Union- ville, Ct., '61-. 1832. AsHER Bliss, Vt. A. C. 1829. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1832. Mission- ary, Seneca Indians, Cattaraugus, N. Y., '31-'51. Also, Alleghany Reservation, '32-'37. — s.s. Corydon, Pa., '51-'54. — Miss'y Senecas, '54-'5G. — s.s. Stockton, N. Y., '56-'57. — s.s. Alleghany Mission ch., Oldtown, and H. M., South Valley (P. O. Onoville, N. Y.), '57-'67.— w.c. South Valley (P. 0. Onoville), N. Y., 'C7-. *Thomas Boutelle, Ms. A. C. 1829. — Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '33-'34. — Ordained 21 May 1834. Third ch., Plymouth, Ms., '34-37. — East Woodstock, Ct, '37-'49. — Bath, N. II., '50-'56. — s.s. Ashburnham, Ms., '57-'G3. — w.c. Fitchburg, Ms.. '63 until died there, 28 Nov. 1866. aged 60. 13 97 1832. Daniel Craxe Burt, Ms. B.U. 1828. — Ordained 1 July 1835. First ch., New Bedford, Ms., '35-'r.7. — w.c. Berkley, Ms., '57-'65; Fairhaven, Ms., '65-. Moody Chase, N. H. D. C. 1829. — Ordained .. Aiig. 1833. Home Missionary, s.s. Paoli, etc., Ind., '32-'35, — s.s. Presb. eh., Danville, etc., Ind., '35-'41.-^-s.s. Parkersbnrg, etc., '41-'47; p. Parkersburg, Ind., '4 7-'54. — w.c. Parkersburg, Ind., '54-. *Elisha Lord Cleaveland, d.d., ]\Is. B.C. 1829. — Ordained 24 July 1833. Third ch.. New Haven, Ct., '33-; died there, 16 Feb. 1866, aged 59. *Samuel Austin Fay, Ms. A. C. 1828.— Ordained 16 Oct. 1832. Northborough, Ms., '32-36. — Agent Am. Tr. Soc, '36-37.— Barre, Ms., '37-'40. — Priik Acad., Monson, .Ms., '40-; died there, 19 Dec. 1842, aged 33. Albert William FiSKE, Ms. B.U. 1829. — Ordained 8 May 1833. s.s. Alfred, Me., '32-'44. — s.s. First ch., Scarborough, Me., '44-'48.— s.s. Houlton, Me., '48. — Kittery, Me., '50-57. — Fishersville, N. H., '57-'63. — s.s.. Centre Harbor, N. H., '64. — s.s. Boscawen, N. H., '65. — s.s. Warner, N. H., '65. — s.s. Barnstead, N. H., '66-'68. — s.s. Groton, N. II. (res. Fishersville, N. H.), '69-. *Charles Forbusii, Ms. A. C. 1829. — Ordained 21 Aug. 1833. Marlborough, Ms., '33-'34. — Northbrldgc, ]\Is., '34-; died, 9 Sept. 1838, aged 33. Jeffries Hall, Vt. A. C. 1829.— Ordained 5 June 1833. Hopkin- ton, Ms., '33-39. — occ. sup., '39-41. — Teacher, Hopkinton, Ms., '41- '42. — s.s. Wolfeborough, N. IL, '43-51, and Prin. Acad, there, '43-45. — s.s. Eliot, Me., '52-57. — s.s. Chesterfield, N. H., '58-69. — w.c. Chesterfield, N.H.,'G 9-. *OcHrs Graves Hubbard, Ms. A.C. 1829. — Ordained 23 May 1833. Leominster, Ms., '33-51. — s.s. East Falmouth, Ms., '51-; died there, 15 Aug. 1852, aged 47. AViLLiAM Albert Hyde, Ct. A.C. 1829. — Ordained 2 June 1833. Yorktown, N.Y., S.S. '32-'33; p. '33-'38. — Westbrook, Ct., '38-'54.— s.s. Greenwich, Ct., '54-'64.— Grassy Hill, Lyme, Ct., s.s. '64-'6 7 ; p. '6 7-. CoRBiN Kidder, Yt. A. C. 1828. — Ordained 30 July 1834. Saxon- ville, Ms., '34-'37. — In revival work, Hatfield, etc., Ms., '37-'38.— Agent Am. Tr. Soc. (Boston), '38-39. — Brattleboro', Yt., '39-'45. — Warsaw, N.Y., s.s. '47-48; p. '48-49. — s.s. Groton, N.Y., '50-53. — Prin. Boys' High School, Owego, N.Y., and temp. sup. neighbouring chhs., '53-59. — s.s. Spencer, N. Y., '59-62. — s.s. Churchville, N. Y., 'G2-'65. — s.s. Orland, etc., Ind., '66-. 1832. Charles Baker Kittredge, N. H. D.C. 1828. — Ordained 16 Oct. 1833. Groton, ]\Is., '33-35. — Westborough, Ms., '37-45. — Monson, Ms., '46-53. — occ. sup., Worcester, etc., Ms., '53-56. — s.s. South •Coventry, Ct., '56-'57. — s.s. South Wilbrahara, Ms., '5 7-'59. — w.c. Monson, Ms., '59-63 ; Westboro', Ms., '63-. *SoLOMON KiTTKEDGE, N. H. — . — H. M., Salcm, etc., Ind., '32-33. — Ordained, Presb., 19 June 1834. — s.s. Bedford, Ind., '33-; died, at Indianapolis, Ind., 12 Nov. 1847, aged 46. Giles Leach, Ms. A. C. 1829. — Ordained 5 Feb. 1833. Sandwich, N.H., '33-'40; s.s. '4 0-'41. — Meredith Village, N. IL, s.s. '41-'42 ; p. '42-'54. — s.s. Wells, Me., '54-'67. — s.s. Rye, 2s. H., '67-. *James Davis Lewis, Ms. Y. C. 1828. — Ordained 4 June 1834. North Reading, Ms., '34-37. — East Falmouth, Ms., s.s. '38-42; p. '42-47. — Prin. Fern. Acad., Schenectady, N. Y. — Collector, U. S., at Falmouth, Ms., '. .-; died, at East Falmouth, Ms., 7 May 1854, aged 48. *Henry Lymax, Ms. A. C. 1829. — Ordained 11 Oct. 1832. Mission- ary, Malay Archipelago, '32-; killed, in Sumatra, 28 June 1834, aged 24. '*Samuel MuNSOX, Me. B.C. 1829. — Ordained 10 Oct. 1832. Mis- sionary, Malay Archipelago, '32-; killed, in Sumatra, 28 June 1834, aged 30. *Warrex Nichols, Ms. W. C. 1828. — s.s. Chelmsford, Ms., '32. — Ordained 21 Nov. 1832. Home Missionary, s.s. Leominster, Ms., '32-'33. — H. M., Loudon, N. H., '33. — H. M., St. Charles, Mo., '33- '34. — H. M., 111., '34-'35. — s.s. Atlas, 111., '35-'37. — s.s. Columbus, 111., '38-'40. — w.c. Quincy,Ill., '40-'45. — s.s. Hillsgrove, 111., '46-'49. — s.s. Presb. ch.. La Ilarpe, 111., '49-'50. — s.s. Genoa, O., '50-52. — -s.s. New Lexington, O., '53-54. — s.s. Rosevillc, O., '55. — s.s. Lima, O., '56-57.- Agent Am. Bible Soc. '58-61. — w.c. '61 until died, at Lima, O., 7 June 1862, aged 59. William Pomeroy Paixe, d.d., Ms. A. C. 1827. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '30-'31. — Ordained 24 Oct. 1833. Ilolden, Ms., '33-. Benjamin Wy.max Parker, Ms. A. C. 1829. — Ordained 13 Sept. 1832. Missionary, Hawaiian Islands, '32-. John Charles Phillips, Ms. H. C. 1826. — Ordained 18 Dec. 1833. First ch., Weymouth, Ms., '3.3-37. — Methuen, M^., '39-'60. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '60- Elias Riggs, D.D., N. J. A. C. 1829. — Ordained 20 Sept. 1832. JVIissionary, Athens, Greece, '32-'34 ; Argos, '34-38 ; Smyrna, '3'- '53 ; Constantinople, '53-. 99 1832. Joseph Washburn Sessions, Yt. B.C. 1829. — Ordained 2 Oct. 1833. West Needham (now Wellesley), Ms., '33-'43. — West Suf- field, Ct., '43-'52. — West Woodstock, Ct., '54-'63. — s.s. Durham Centre, Ct., '63-68. — s.s. Westminster, Ct., 'G8-. Samuel Francis Smith, d.b., Ms. H. C. 1829. — Editor Baptist Miss. Magazine, '32-33. — Ordained 12 Fob. 1834. Bai^tistch., Waterville, Me., and Prof. Mod. Lang., Colby Univ., '34-'42. — First Baptist ch., Newton, Ms., '42-'54, and Editor Christian Review, '42- '48. — Editor of publications of Am. Bapt. Miss. Union, and in liter- ary pursuits, Newton, Ms., '48-. William Thompson, d.d., Ct. U. C. 1827. — Ordained 17 Sept. 1833. North Bridgewater, Ms., '33-'34. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Theol. Inst., Hartford, Ct., '34-. Ira Tracy, Vt. D.C. 1829. — Ordained 28 Sept. 1832. Missionary, China, '32-'34 ; Singapore, '34-39 ; Southern Hindostan, '39-'41 ; ret. to U. S., '41, released, '46. — s.s. Franklin (now Kent), O., '46- '49. — s.s. Streetsborough, 0., '49-'51. — Blake's Prairie (now Tafton), Wis., '51-'56. — Spring Valley, Minn., '56-'61. — w.c. Bloomington, Wis., '61-. James Franklin Warner, Ms. A. C. 1829. — Ordained 31 July 1833. Morris, Ct., '33-'34. — Athol, Ms., '35-37. — Teacher of Mu- sic, New York. — *Samuel Washburn, Me. —. — Agent Am. S. S. Un., Mo., '32-37. — Ordained 2 Aug. 1837. Second ch., Greenfield, Ms., '37-'41.— Agent For. Evang. Soc, ,'43. — Fall River, Ms., '44-48. — — Fifth Presb. ch., Baltimore, Md., '51-; died, at New York, 15 Sept. 1853, aged 45. William Perkins Apthorp (2), Ms. Y. C. 1829. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1832. — H. M., Raleigh, N. C, '32-'33. — s.s. Quincy, Ms., '34. — s.s. Mendon, Ms., '35. — Ordained 20 April 1836. Home Missionary. — Teacher, Mission Institute, Quincy, 111., '37-47. — s.s. Oskaloosa, lo., '49-52. — s.s. Port Byron, 111., '52-54. — Moulton- borough, N. IL, '55-'59. — — Polk City, lo., '62-'65. — Bowen's Prairie, lo., '65-66. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Fairfield, lo., '67-. Asa BuLLARO (2), Ms. A. C. 1828. — Ordained 13 Jan. 1832. Agent and Sec. Maine S. S. Union, '31-34. — Cor. Sec. and Gen. Agent Mass. S. S. Soc, now Cong. S. S. and Pub. Soc, Boston, Ms., '34-. 'John Parker Bullard (1), Ms. II. C. 1829.— Not ordained. — fvawyer. — Died, 1845, aged . . 100 1832. *George Whitefield Coffin (1), Ms. B.C. 1820. — Died, at Newbury, Ms., while a meiii1)er of tlie Seminary, 1 Sept. 1830, aged 28. *George Edwix Delavax (2), X. Y. Y. C. 1827. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '31. — Theol. Dep., Y^-ile Coll., '33. — Ordained 1833. s.s. Hamden, Ct, '33-34. — Presb. ch., Hammond's Port, N. Y., '3i- '37. — Sherburne, N. Y., '37-'39. — — Lafayette, N. Y"., '45- '49. — Wilson, N. Y., '50-56. — s.s. Maquoketa, lo., '56-57. — s.s. AVyoming, lo., '57-; died there, 18 March 1861, aged 57. *JoHX DiELL (2), N.Y. Hani.C. 1826. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '30-'31. — Agent Am. Seamen's Fr. Soc, '31-32. — Ordained, Presb., 19 Sept. 1832. Seamen's Chaplain, Honolulu, H. I., '32-'39.— Died, on the Pacific Ocean, 18 Jan. 1841, aged 32. *Edavard C. Eells (1— ), Vt. M.C. 1828. — Died, at Orwell, Yt., wjiile a member of the Seminary, 31 May 1830, aged 22. Allen Gannett (2+), N. H. D. C. 1826. — Ordained 20 Jan. 1836. Conway, N. H., s.s. '34-36 ; p. '36-38. — s.s. Edgartown, Ms., (two years). — Fourth ch., Beverly, Ms., '4 7-'53. Also, Editor Walchtower, '47-'48. — Ptes. Nahant, Ms., '53-57. — s.s. Second ch., Lynnfield, Ms., '58-'. . — w.c. Boston, Ms., '..-. Thomas Douglas Gregg (1), Ms. A.C. 1828. — Not ordained.— (Said to have lived at Adell, lo.) Sheridan Guiteau (2), Ct. M.C. 1829. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '32. — Ordained . . April 1834. Presb. ch., Montgomery, N. Y., '34- '35. — s.s. Fourth Presb. ch., Baltimore, Md., '36-37. — Newburgh, N.Y. — Agent Am. Tr. Soc, Baltimore, Md., '42-. Edwin Francis Hatfield, d.d. (2), N.Y^ M.C. 1829. — Or- dained, Presb., 14 May 1832. — Second Presb. cHi., St. Louis, Mo., '32-35. — Seventh Presb. ch.. New York, '35-'56. — North Presb. ch.. New York, '56-63. — Agent Union Theol. Sem., '64-66. —New York, in literary pursuits, '66-68.— Sec. Presb. H.M. Com., '68-70. — Special Agent Union Theol. Sem., New York, '70-. William L. Keyes (1), O. Wash. C, Va. 1828.— *Da viD Tappan Lane (2+), Ms. A.C. 1 829. — Not ordained. — Died, at Sterling, Ct., 2 Dec. 1832, aged 27. *Henry Blake McLellan (2), Ms. H.C. 1829. — In Europe, '31- '32, stud. Theol. Scotland. — Not ordained. — Died, at Boston, Ms., . . Sept 1833, aged 22. *Samuel Maxwell (2), Ct. A.C. 1829. — Not ordained. — Prin. Prep. Dep., Marietta Coll., '3 3-'54. — Teacher, Marietta, O., '54-64. 101 1832., 1833. — Agent Freedinen's Aid Com., '65-; died, at jMarietta, O., "24 .Jan. 1867, aged 62. *ZiBEOX Packard (2+), Me. — . — Not ordained. — Died, at Hebron, Me., 11 Feb. 1833, aged .. *J0HN Otis Payson (1— ), Ct. Y.C. 1828. — Died,at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 24 Jan. 1830, aged 22. *Lewis Maro Pukdy (2), Vt. M. C. 1827. — Gen. Theol. Sem., — Tutor, Trin. Coll., Ct., '32-'33. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, . . Feb. 1834. — Sharon and Salisbury,Ct., '. .-'37. — Editor Southern Clmrchnan, Va. — Scottsville, Va. — Wells, Vt. — Christ ch., Hampton, N. Y., '40-'43. — In Turkey, '43-'. . — In La. and S.C, partially, '..-'51.— St. Mary's, Ga., '51-; died (there?), 27 April 1853, aged 47. .John Chapin Thompson (2), Ms. A. C. 1821).- Ordained 28 Oct. 1835. Rowe, Ms., '35-'37. — Goshen, Ms., '37-'42. — Agent Franklin Co. Bible Soc., '46. — s.s. Halifax, Ms., '46-47. — s.s. Montgomery, Ms., '52-53. — w.c. Holyoke, Ms., '53-'0O. — s.s. Cummington, Ms., '60-'61.— • 18 3 3. William Arms, m.d., Pa. A.C. 1830. — Ordained 4 Aug. 1833. Missionary, Patagonia, '33-34; Batavia, Singapore, and Borneo, '35_'38. — Physician (m.d. 1839), Westminster West, Vt., '39-'40; in Wis., '40-46 ; in 111. (now Du Quoin, 111.), '56-. *LuKE C. Baker, Ms. Y.C. — Not ordained. — Died, at Chatham, Ms., 1834, aged .. ♦Thompson Bird, N.C. U.N. C. 1827.— Ordained, Presb., 9 Sept. 1833. Home Missionary. — .s.s. Presb. ch.. Spring Garden and Gilead, N.C, '33-'40. — s.s. Thorntown and Bethel, Ind., '40-47. — s.s. Cen- tral Presb. ch., Des Moines, lo., '4 7-'65. — w.c. Des Moines, To., '65 until died tlioi-c, 4 Jan. 1869, aged 65. Charles Backus Dana, d.d., N. H. D. C. 1828. — Instr., Mount Hope Coll., Md., '29-'31 ; Prof, llhct. and Belles Let., '33-'. . — Or- dained deacon, Episc, ; priest, 30 May 1834. — . . . . Md. — Christ ch., Alexandria, Va., '. .-'60. — St. .James's ch., Port Gibson, Miss., '60-'. . — Trinity ch., Natchez, Miss., '. .-. *George Eastman, Ms. A.C. 1 830.- Ordained, Presb., 9 Sept. 1833. Home Missionary, Troy, etc., Mich., '33-'36. — Presb. ch., Farmington, Mich., '36-; died 1845, aged 48. 102 1833. *Ephraim Fobks, Ms. A. C. 1830. — Ordained 20 Oct. 1834. Edge- comb, Me., '34-'3G. — Weld, Me., '3 7-43. — Patten, Me., occ. snp. (s.s. Patten, Me., '52-60), '43-'G9 ; Chrystal Plantation, Me., 'C9 until dierl there, 11 Jan. 1870, aged Go. Job Hall, Ct. A. C. 1830. — Ordained 14 Jan. 1834. Asliford, Ct., '34-'37. — Agent Am. Ed. Soo., '37-'40. — w.c. Orwell, Vt., '40-. Israel Hills, Ct. A.C. 1830. — s.s. Saxon vlUe, Ms., '34. — s.s. Frankfort, Me., '34-35. — s.s. Jackson and Brooks, Me., '35-'36. — Ordained 31 May 1836. — Lovell, Me., '37-'45. — Dixmont, Me., '46-54. — w.c. Bolton, Ct., '54-. John Holmes, Yt. — . — (From Ryegate, Vt.) Edward Porter HuMi'HREY, D.D., LL.D., Ms. A.C. 1828. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '32-'33. — Ordained, Presb., 21 Nov. 1834. s.s. JefFerson- ville, Ind., '33-'35. — Second Presb. ch., Louisville, Ky., '35-'53. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., Theol. Sem., Danville, Ky., '53-'C6. — s.s. College St. cli., Louisville, Ky., 'G6-. *Daniel Hunt, Ct. A.C. 1828.— H.M., Gardiner, Me., '33. —s.s. Goshen, Ct., '34. — Ordained 8 April 1835. First ch., Pomfret, Ct., •''34-'61. — w.c. Pomfret, Ct., '61 until died there, 2 July 1869, aged 63. Nathan Strong Hunt, Ct. AV. C. 1830. — Ordained 12 Feb. 1834. Abington, Ct,, '34-'45. — s.s. Montville, Ct., '46-'4 7. — Preston, Ct., '47-'58. — s.s. Bozrah, Ct., '58-. MiLO Parker Jewett, ll.d., Vt. D. C. 1828. — Prof Teachers' Dep., Marietta Coll., '33-'35 ; Prof Rhet. and Polit. Econ., '35-38. — Ordained, Bapt., 26 June 1842. — Founder, and Prin., (seventeen years), Judson Fem. Inst., Marion, Ala. — Prin. Fem. Sem., Pough- keepsie, N. Y. — Pres. Vassar Female Coll., Poughkeepsie, N. Y. — w.c. Milwaukee, Wis., '. .-. George Washington Kelley, Va. O. U. 1830. — Ordained 3 July 1834. Hamilton, Ms., '34-'50. — w.c. Haverhill, Ms., '50-. *FREEiMAN Lane, Vt. M. C. 1828. — Ordained deacon, Episc, . . . . ; priest, — Manchester, Vt. — Springville, Pa., ('36- '40).— Troy, Pa., ('44-50). — Huntington, Pa., ('51). — Died, 1852, aged .. Joseph Loring, Me. B.C. 1828. — Ordained, Presb., 9 Sept. 1833. Home Missionary. — s.s. Cong, ch., Bainbridge, O., '34. — s.s. Andover, O., '34-'35. — Lebanon, Me., '36-'54. — Pownal, Me., '55-'59. — s.s. Monson, etc., Me., '59-60. — s.s. West Falmouth, Me., '61-62. — s.s. Raymond and Casco, INIe., '62-63. —s.s. West Falmouth, Me., '63- '64. — s.s. North Edgecomb, Me., '65- 103 1833. Stephen Noyes Manning, Vt. D. C. 1830. — Ordained, Presb., 12 Sept. 1833. Home Missionary, s.s. Watertown, O., '33-34. — s.s. New Richmond, O., '35-'3G. — Teaclier, Covington, Ky., '37-'39; Lancaster, Ky., '39-'43. — H.M., Trumbull Co., O., '43-'48. — s.s. Presb. ch., Fairport, O., '48-50. — Elkhart, Ind., '50-52. — s.s. Cong, chhs., Otisco and Greenville, Mich., '52-54. — s.s. Momence, 111., '54-'5G. — s.s. Kankakee, 111., '56. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Kan- kakee, 111., '5G-'f;8. — w.c. Kankakee, 111., '68-. Caleb Mills, ll.d., N. H. D. C. 1828.— Ordained .. Dec. 1835. Prof. Latin and Greek, Wabash Coll., Crawfordsville, Ind., '33-'41 ; Prof. Latin, '41-. Also, Sup. Pub. Instr'n, Ind., '54-'56. *Sendol Barnes Hunger, Vt. M.C. 1828. — Ordained 12 Feb. 1834. Missionary among the Mahrattas, India, '34- ; died, at Bombay, 23 July 1868, aged 65. Lewis Pennell, Me. B. C. 1830. — Ordained 17 Sept. 1833. Home Missionary, Me., '33-36. — H. M., West and South, '36-38. — North- bridge, Ms., '39-43. — s.s. Weston, Ct., '44-49. — New Fairfield, Ct., '49-53. — West Stockbridge, Ms., '54-69. — w.c. West Stockbridge, Ms., '69-. Asa Putney, N. H. A.C — — s.s. A'ershire, Vt., '42-'47. — (From Warner, N. 11.) Ben.jamin Schneider, d.d., Pa. A.C. 1830. — Ordained, Presb., 2 Oct. 1833. Missionary, Turkey, '33-. Henry Smith, d.d., Ct. M.C. 1827. — Prof. Lang., Marietta Coll., '33-'46; Pres., '46-'55.— Ordained 14 Jan. 1855. — Prof Sac. Rhet. and Church Hist., Lane Theol. Sem., '55-'62. — North Presb. ch., Buffalo, N. Y., '62-'65. — Prof Bib. Lit. and Sac. Rhet., Lane Theol. Sem., Walnut Hills, O., '65-. *WiLLiAM Boyd Adams (1—), Me. B.C. 1829. — Died, at , while a member of the Seminary, 4 Jan. 1832, aged 22. *JosEPH Welch Barr (1), O. W.R. C. 1830. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1832. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1832. Died, at Richmond, Va., while under appointment as missionary to Westei-n Africa, 28 Oct. 1832, aged.. James Radcliff Davenport (2), N. Y. Y. C. 1830. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '32-'33. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '33-'35. — Ordained 1836. Presb. ch.. Rye, N. Y., '36-'. . — — Frances- town, N. H., '39-42. — Cazenovia, N. Y., ('46). — Ordained deacon, Episc, — Grace ch., Albany, N. Y., '49-'. . — — Assist. Min., .... ch.. New York, '. .-. 104 1833. Erasmus Darwin Eldredge (1 — ), N. H. A. C. 1829. Ordained 4 April 1838. First ch., Hampton, N. H., '38-49. — Salisbury, N. H., '49-'54. — s.s. Alton, N. H. — s.s. Presb. ch., Monticello and Perry, Ga., '. .-'. . — Prin. Acad., Milledgeville, Ga., '56-60. — Kensington, N. H., '64-. Daniel Hopkins Emerson, d.d. (2), Ms. D.C. 1830. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1836. — Ordained 19 Oct. 1836. Northliorough, ^ Ms., '36-'40. — Presb. ch.. East Whiteland, Pa., '40-'45. — York, Pa., '45-55. — St. George's, Del., '55-69. — Mariners' ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '70-. Leverett Griggs, d.d. (2), Ct. Y.C. 1829. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '3 2-'3 3. — Ordained 30 Oct. 1833. North Haven, Ct., '33-'45. — Chapel St. ch.. New Haven, Ct., '45-'47. — Millbury, Ms., '47-'56. — Bristol, Ct., '56-'69. — w.c. Bristol, Ct., '69-. Isaac William Hallam, d.d. (1—), Ct. Trin.C. 1830. — Theol. Sem., Alexandria, Va., 1832. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 20 May 1832; priest, 18 Dec. 1833. — St. James's ch.. New London, Ct., '32- '34. — Missionary, Chicago, HI., and, afterwards, St. James's ch., there, '34-'43. — w.c. '43-46. — St. Stephen's ch., Lynn, Ms., '46-'60. — St. Peter's ch., Clarksboro', N. J., '60-'69. — St. Paul's ch., Windham, Ct. (and Missionary, Willimantic), '69-. *George Felix Heard (1), Ga. U.G. 1829. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1833. — Ordained 1834. Bapt. ch., Black Swamp, S. C, '34-'35. — Mobile, Ala., '35-'41. Also, Editor of Monitor, '38-'41.— Harrison Co., Texas, '41-; died there, 1844, aged 32. Erastus Hopkins (1), Ms. D.C. 1830. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1834.— Ordained, Presb., . . April 1835.— s.s. Presb. ch.. Beech Island, S. C, '35-'3 7. — Second Presb. ch., Troy, N. Y., '37-'41. — w.c. North- ampton, Ms., '41-. *Alfred Hough (1), N.Y. Y.C. 1830.— Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1833. — Ordained 20 May 1835. Presb. ch., Vernon Centre, N. Y., '35-; died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 28 May 1839, aged 37. *Peter Lanman Huntington (1), Ct. Y.C. 1828. — Died, at Nor- wich, Ct., while a member of the Seminary, 24 Dec. 1832, aged 23. *GiLBERT Hall Marsh (2), Me. B.C. 1828. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 6 Jan. 1832, aged 31. ♦Stephen Caldwell Millett (2), Ms. A. C. 1830. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 8 March 1833 ; priest, 26 June 1834. Clappville, Ms., '33-34.- Saco, Me., '34-'. . — Pompey and Janesville, N. Y., '39-40. — Stafford, N. Y., '40-'50. — Beloit, Wis., '45-'. . — w.c. '. . until died, near Beloit, Wis., 28 May 1867, aged 57. 14 105 1833. 1834. William Whiting Newell, d.b. (2), Ms. Y. C. 1830. — Ordained 15 July 1833. — Brighton, Ms., '34-37. — Maverick ch., East Boston, Ms., '37-42. — Presb. ch., Montgomery, N. Y., '42-47. — Syracuse, N. Y., '47-'C0. — Allen st. Presb. cb., New York, '60-. Benjamin Ober (2+), Ms. A.C. — Ordained 1 Jan. 1834. First ch.. West Newbury, Ms., '34-35. — s.s. West Attleborough, Ms., '36- '38. — West Woodstock, Ct., '39-'46. — s.s. Holland, Ms., '46-'50.— Alstead, N. H., '54-'5G. — s.s. Saxton's River, Vt., '57-'59. — s.s. Wardsborough, Vt., '59-'62. — s.s. Fayetteville, Vt., '63-'68.— *JUSTIN Pekkins, d.d. (2+), Ms. A.C. 1829.— Tutor, Anih. Coll., '32-33. — Ordained 7 July 1833. Missionary, Persia, '33-; died, at Chicopee, Ms., 31 Dec. 1869, aged 65. Alanson Scofield (1), N.Y. U.C. 1830. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1834. — Sec. Western Ed. Soc, Auburn, N. Y., '34-'39. — Ordained 3 Oct. 1839. Presb. ch., Fayette, N.Y., s.s. '37-'39 ; p. '39-'45. — s.s. ■ Eed Creek, N. Y., '45-48. — Augusta, Mich., '48-55. — s.s. Corunna, Mich., '56-60.- s.s. Fremont, Mich., '62-63. — s.s. California, Mich, (and Quincy, Mich., '64-'68), '64-. *JoHN Jay Slocum (1), N. Y. — . — Ordained — Presb. cli., Manhattan Island, N. Y., '34-'36.— — s.s. Presb. ch., Manlius, N. Y., '40-'.. — s.s. Boonville, Mo., ('44). — s.s. Salina, N. Y., '50. — Agent, '51-55. — w.c. Chicago, 111., '55-56 ; New York, '56 until died there (?), 1862, aged . . 1834. Samuel Oilman Appleton, Ms. A.C. 1830. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, 10 Dec. 1835. — St. Andrew's ch., Hanover, Ms., '35-38. — — Christ ch., Ansonia, Ct., ('54). — Assist, min. .... ch.. New York, '..-. *Henry Ballantine, Ohio. O.U. 1829. — Ordained, Presb., 6 April 1835. Missionary among Mahrattas, Western Hindostan, '35 - ; died, off Cape St. Vincent, on passage home, 9 Nov. 1865, aged 52. *JoHN Ballard, Me. B.C. 1831. — Ordained Home Missionary, O. — Unity ch., Warren Co., O., '36-'38. — Griggsville, 111., '40-'43. — S.S.Perry, 111., '43-; died there, 13 Feb. 1857, aged 51. *Nelson Barbour, Vt. M.C. 1831. — Agent Am. S. S.Union, '34- '35. — Ordained 13 Nov. 1836. Saxton's River, Vt., '35-39. — Dum- merston, Vt., '40-'46. — Agent Am. Prot. Soc, '46-'.. — s.s. Lang- don, N.H., '49-52. — Wolfeborough, N. H., '62-54. — s.s. Cumming- 106 1834. ton, Ms., ('57)-'58. — s.s. Jamaica, Vt., '59-60, — s.6. Sullivan, N. H., '(31-63. — s.s. West Fairlee, Vt., '64-67. — s.s. Georgia, Vt., '6 7-; died there, 31 July 1867, aged 62. Homer Barrows, Ms. A. C. 1831. — Ordained 1 June 1836. Lake- ville, Ms., '36-42. — s.s. Norton, Ms., '42-45. — First ch., Dover, N. H., '45-'52. — Wareliam, Ms., '52-'59. — s.s. Plaistow, N. H., '59-'69.— s.s. Lakeville, Ms., '69- *Samuel Dickinson Barton, Ms. A. C. 1831. — Not ordained. — Agent Am. S. S. Un., '34-; died, at Jacksonville, 111., 14 April 1836, aged 32. *Nathan Benjamin, Ms. W.C. 1831. — Ordained 21 April 1836. Missionary, Argos and Athens, Greece, '36-'45; Smyrna and Con- stantinople, '45-; died, at Constantinople, 27 Jan. 1855, aged 43. *WiLLiAM James Breed, Ms. Y. C. 1831. — Ordained 10 June 1835. Nantucket, Ms., '35-'39. — Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Miss. Valley, »40_'41. — Bucksport, Me., '41-'45. — s.s. First Cong, ch., Cincinnati, O., '45-46. — High St. ch., Providence, R. I., '46-52. — Finan. Agent Yale Coll., '53~'58.— Southborough, Ms., '58-63. — s.s. Hamilton, Ms., '64-'65. — s.s. Raynham, Ms., '65-69. — Died, at West Taunton, Ms., 12 April 1869, aged 59. *George Champion, Ct. Y.C. 1831.— Ordained 19 Nov. 1834. Missionary, South Africa, '34-; died, at Santa Cruz, W. I., 17 Dec. 1841, aged 32. David Quimby Cushman, Me. B.C. 1830. — Ordained 23 June 1836. s.s. Millville, Ms., '35-'37. — Boothbay, Me., '38-'43. — s.s. Richmond, Me., '43-'44. — s.s. Newcastle, Me., '44-'55. — s.s. Bristol, Me., '56. — Warren, Me., '57-63. — s.s. Bremen, Me., '63-65. — s.s. Hubbardston, Ms., '65-68. — w.c. Bath, Me., '68-. *R0BERT Ogden Dwight, Ms. — . — Ordained 28 Aug. 1835. Mis- sionary, Madura District, Southern India, '35-; died, at Madura, 8 Jan. 1844, aged 38. Joshua Emery, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ordained 13 May 1835. Calv. ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '35-'38. — First ch., Weymouth, Ms., '38-. Aldin Grout, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ordained 19 Nov. 1834. Mission- ary, South Africa, '34-. Horatio Balch Hackett, d.d., ll.d., Ms. A.C. 1830. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '31-32. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Brown Univ., '35-38; Prof Hebrew, '38-'39. — Ordained, Bapt., 8 Dec. 1839. — Prof Bib. Lit., Theol. Inst., Newton, Ms., '39-'68. — In literary labors, res. Newton, Ms., '68-. 107 1834. *Story Hebard, N. H. A.C. 1828. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '30-'31.— Ordained 21 Oct. 1835. Missionary, Beirut, Syria, '35-; died, at Malta, 10 June 1841, aged 39. Samuel Storrs Howe, Vt. M.C. 1829. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '35- '36. — Teacher Acad., Canandaigua, N. Y., '36-38. — s.s. Presb. ch., Dresden, N. Y., '38-'39. — Ordained G May 1841. Presb. ch.. Painted Post, N. Y., s.s. '40-'41 ; p. '41-42. — s.s. Cong, ch., Ticonde- roga, N. Y., '43-44. — Presb. ch., Brasher Falls, N.Y., s.s. '44-45; p. '45-48. Also, s.s. Cong, ch., Stockholm, N.Y., '44-45. — Sec. West. Ed. Soc, Auburn, N.Y., '48-'49. — Iowa City, lo., '49-'51. — Sec. Presb. Ch. Erection for Iowa, '51-'54. — Editor Temperance Journal, '54-'55. — s.s. Iowa City, '56. — Sec. Iowa Col'n Soc, '57-. Also, Editor i«7. Advertiser, '59-'60. — s.s. Cong, ch., Elizabethtown, N.Y., '60-'61. — s.s. Presb. chhs., Scott and Atalissa, lo., 'G3-'64. — s.s. vac. chhs., lo., '64-'66. — Presb. Missionary of Iowa City Presbytery, '66- '68. — occ. sup., '68-. Res. Iowa City, lo., since '49. *Daniel E. Jewett, N. H. D. C. — Ordained, Bapt., 25 Dec. 1834.— — Died, at Philadelphia, Pa., 28 May 1844, aged 40. William Reed Jewett, Ms. A.C. 1831. — s.s. First ch.. Brain- tree, Ms., '35. — Ordained 18 Jan. 1837. Griswold, Ct.,''37-'43.— Plymouth, N. H., '45-'62. — Fishersville, N. H., '63-. Ezra Joxes, Vt. M.C. 1831. — Ordained 18 Sept. 1834. Greenfield, N. H., '34-'38. — Dorset, Vt., '38-'41. — Johnson, Vt., '41-'44. — s.s. Clarendon, Vt., '46-'50. — s.s. Junius, N. Y., '51-55. — s.s West Fay- ette, N. Y., '56. — s.s. Somerset, N.Y., '57. —s.s. Sherman, N. Y., '58- '59.— S.S. Bristol Centre, N. Y., '60-'61. — s.s. Canoga, N. Y., '62-65. — s.s. West Groton, N. Y., '66-68.- s.s. North Evans, N. Y., '68-. *Thomas Kidder, N.H. —. — Ordained 10 Jan. 1838. Windsor, Vt., '38-'42. — Chap. Vt. State Prison, (6 years). — Private in 9th Vt. Vols., '63. — Died, at Bermuda Hundred, Va., 29 Nov. 1864, aged 63. David Tenney Kimball, Ms. M. C. 1829. — Not ordained. — Teacher. — Leavis Flanders Laine, N. H. D. C. 1830. — Ordained 18 Feb. 1835. Brunswick, O., '35-'38. — Bath, O., '38-'4 7. — Portland, N. Y., '47- '61. — s.s. Presb. ch., Canisteo, N. Y., '61-. *JonN Jay Lawrence, N.Y. U.C. 1829. — Ordained 24 Feb. 1835. Missionary, Madura District, Southern Hindostan, '35-; died, at Tranquebar, 20 Dec. 1846, aged 39. *Chester Lord, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Not ordained. — Died, at Williams- burg, Ms., 8 Nov. 1834, aged 22. 108 1834. James McTntire, Pa. J. C. 1827.— Ordained 22 Jan. 1835. Hop- kinton, Ms., '35-'38. — Presb. ch., Elkton, Md., '39-'49. — w.c. Elkton, Md., '49-'G0. — s.s. Presb. ch., Elkton, Md., '60-'Gl. — w.c. Elkton, Md., 'Gl-. Israel Taintor Otis, Ct. W.C. 1828. — Ordained 10 June 1835. Goshen, Lebanon, Ct., '35-44. — Chap.,U. S. Navy, '45. — Rye, N. H., '47-66.- Res. Exeter, N. H., '66-. s.s. Brownington, Vt, '70-. (res. Exeter, still.) Philander Oliver Powers, 'Ms. A.C. 1830. — Ordained 29 Oct. 1834. Missionary, Armenians in Brusa, Treblzond, etc., '34-'G2. — s.s. South Windsor, Ct., '64-'66. — Missionary, Armenians, Southern Turkey, 'G8-. *Stillman Pratt, Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ordained 22 April 1835. Orleans, Ms., '35-39. — s.s. Eastham, Ms., '39. — South Adams, Ms., '39-'48. — Melrose, Ms., '4 9-'51. — Carver, Ms., '5 1-'54. — Editor Mother's Assistant, '50-'52. — s.s. North Falmouth, Ms., '57. — Editor Middleboroiigh Gazette, 'Ms., '54-; died, at Middleborough, Ms., 1 Sept. 1862, aged 58. Daniel Ford Richardson, N. H. D.C. 1831. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Wake Forest Institute, S. C, '34-'39. — Ordained, Bapt., 8 April 1838. — Bapt. ch.. Wake Forest, N. C, '38-'39. — — Cavendish, Vt., '43-'44. —Mason Village, N. H., '45-'4 7. — Hanover, N. H., '48-52.— s.s. Plainfield, N. H.,'53-'63. — w.c. Hanover, N.H., 'G3-. Charles Rockwell, Ct. Y.C. 1826.— Ordained 23 Sept. 1834. Chap., U. S. Navy, '34-'3 7. — Chatham, Ms., '38-45. — s.s. Pontiac, Mich., '46-'47, — In Ky., '47-'49. — s.s. Sharon, Ct., '50-'51. — — Pelhara, N, H., '54-'. .— Ref. (Dutch) ch., Catskill, N. Y., '60-. As-A Dodge Smith, d.d., ll.d., Vt. D.C. 1830. — Ordained 2 Nov. 1834. Brainerd Presb. ch., which in 1851 was reconstructed as the Fourteenth st. Presb. ch.. New York, '34-63. — Pres. Dart. Coll., Hanover, N. H., '63-. BuEL Willoughby Smith, Vt. M.C. 1831. — s.s. Irasburg, Vt., '34-35. — Ordained 24 Sept. 18^6. Montpelier, Vt., '36-'40. — s.s. Plainfield, Vt., '40-'41. — Prin. Acad., Keeseville, and s.s. Port Kent, N. Y. — Teacher, Fern. Sem., Burlington, Vt. — w.c. Newton, Ms., '. .-. *Alvah Spaulding, N. IL A.C. 1831. — s.s. Troy, N. IL, '34. — s.s. Chesterfield, N. H., '34-'35. — Ordained 1 Oct. 1835. Cornish, N. H., '35-65. — Weathersfield Centre, Vt., '65-; died there, 11 May 1868, aged 60. 109 1834. Seth Sweetskr, D.D., Ms. H. C. 1827. — Tutor, Harvard Coll., '29-'31. — Ordained 23 Nov. 1836. Gardiner, Me., '3G-'38. — Calv. ch., Worcester, Ms., '38-. Daniel Smith Talcott, D.D., Ms. A. C. 1831. — Teacher Hebrew, Andover Theol. Sem., '33-'36. — Ordained 7 Dec. 1836. Sherborn, Ms., '36-'38. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Theol. Sem., Bangor, Me., '39-. Hiram Averill Tracy, Ct. — . — Ordained 1 Jan. 1835. Sutton, Ms., '35-'50. — Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Ohio, '51-'60. — Sec. Com. for Sabbath Observance, Cincinnati, O., '60-'61. — Presb. ch.. Glen- dale, O., '61-'67.— s.s. Eagleville and Taftville, Ct., 'G7-'G8. — Sec. Sab. Com., Cincinnati, O., '69-. John Whitney, Ms. A.C. 1831.— Ordained 15 Oct. 1834, First ch., Boxford, Ms., '34-'37, — Waltham, Ms., '37-'58. — s.s. Westford, Ms., '59. — s.s. West Boylston, Ms., '60. — s.s. Robbinston, Me., '61-62. — s.s. Presb. and Cong, chhs., Canaan Four Corners, N. Y., '62-'6 7. — w.c. Newton Centre, Ms., '67-, DiARCA Howe Allen, d.d. (2+), N, H. D.C. 1829. — Ordained 1834. — Teacher, Marietta, O., '33-'35. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Marietta Coll., '35-'38 ; Prof. Rhet. and Polit. Econ., '38- '40. — Prof. Sac, Rhet. and Past. Theol., Lane Theol. Sem., '40-'51 ; Prof. Sys. Theol., '51-'67. — w.c, now res. Granville, O., '67-. John Chester Backus, d.d. (1 — ), N. Y, Y. C. 1830. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '33-34. — Ordained . . — First Presb, ch., Baltimore, Md., ' . .-. "^Oliver Baker (1), Ms. Y. C. 1829. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., and died, while a member of that Seminary, at Rahway, N. J., 15 March 1834, aged . . John Abeel Baldwin (1), N. Y, Y.C. 1829.— Princeton Theol. Sem., 1834. — Ordained 22 March 1836. Ref. (Dutch) ch.. Flat Lands and New Lotts, N. Y., '36-'52. — First Presb. ch., Lancaster, Pa., '52-56. — New Providence, N. J., '57-'63. — w.c. Brooklyn, L. I., '. .-'. . — s.s. Woodhaven ch., Brooklyn, Ct., '. .-. Charles L. Bartlett (1 — ), N. H. — . — Princeton Theol. Sem., '31-33. — Ordained — s.s. Rising Sun and Unia, Lid., '35-39. — s.s. Pleasant Ridge, Ind., '39-44. — Central ch., Jefferson Co., Ind., '44-'46. — s.s. Newark, 111., '46-50. —Presb. ch., Du Page, 111., '51-'56. — H.M., Du Page, 111., '58. — H. M., Lake Forest, 111., '60-62. — w.c. Lake Forest, 111. — 110 1834. James Boutelle (2+), Vt. — . — (From Townsend, Ms.) HiLLiARD Bryant (2), Ms. A. C. 1831. — Episc. Theol. Sem., New York, 1835. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 28 June 18Sr); priest, 22 Sept. 1835. — Assistant, Mission Scliool, Athens, Greece, '35-37. — Trinity ch., Litchfield, Ct., '37-'40.— St. Paul's ch., Wallingford, Ct., '41-50.— Teacher, Acad., Cheshire, Ct., '50-52.— St. Peter's ch., Cheshire, Ct., '5 2-'64. — Hebron, Ct-, 'G5-. Edward Coleman Bull (1), Ct. Y. C. 182G. — Ordained deacon, Episc., 1834; priest,.. May 1838. — Brookfieid, Ct., '38-'41. — Westport, Ct., '41-47. — Rye, N. Y., '47-58. — w.c, now res. Brooklyn, N. Y., '58-. Alpheus Crosby (2), N. H. D.C. 1827. — Not ordained. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Dart. Coll., '33-'37 ; Prof. Greek, '37-'49; Prof. Emeritus, '49-. — Prin. State Normal School, Salem, Ms., '57-65.— Res. Salem, Ms., '65-. John Jay Dana (2), N. Y. U.C. 1831. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1834. — Ordained 9 Sept. 1835. Home Missionary. — s.s. Pittstown, N.Y., '35-'36. — s.s. Blissfield, Mich., '36-'38. — Canaan Four Cor- ners, N. Y., S.S, '38-'40 ; p. '40-48. — South Adams, Ms., '48-58. — s.s. Cummington, Ms., '61-'65. — s.s. North Becket, Ms., '66- WiLLiAM Coombs Dana, d.d. (1), Ms. D.C. 1828. — Columbia Theol. Sem., S. C.,— Princeton Theol. Sem., 1835. — Ordained 14 Feb. 1836. Central Presb. ch., Charleston, S. C, '36-. Nathaniel S. Dodge (1), N. H. D. C — Teacher, Pittsfield, Ms. Joshua Trowbridge Eaton (1), Ms. Y. C. 1830. — Ordained dea- con, Episc, 7 Sept. 1834; priest, 11 Sept. 1836. — — Ordained, New Jerusalem Church, 13 June 1860. — — Yarmouth Port, Ms., '66-'.. — w.c. Shrewsbury, Ms., '. .-. *Albert Mirabeau Egerton (2), Vt. D.C. 1829. — Columbia Theol. Sem., S. C, .... — Ordained — Teacher, Au- gusta, Ga., '. .-; died there, 7 AjM-il 1839, aged 32. David Fosdick, Jr. (2+), Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ordained 3 March 1841. Unit'n ch.. Sterling, Ms., '41-45. — Ilollis st. ch., Boston, Ms., '46-'4 7. — — South Groton, Ms., '54-'60. — Minister at large, Groton, Ms., '60- *JoHN NoRTHEND GooDHUE (1), Ms. A.C. 1831. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1834. — Ordained 4 May 1836. Marlborough, Ms., '36-; died there, 13 Sept. 1839, aged 29. Frederick West Holland (1), Ms. H. C. 1831. — Harvard Div. School, 1834. — Ordained 11 April 1838. Unit'n ch., Brooklyn, 111 1834. N. Y., '38- . . — E.ast Cambridge, Ms., '51-59. — Neponset, Ms., '59-'62. — North Cambridge, Ms., '62-65. — Rochester, N. Y., '65-'. . — Missionary, res. Cambridge, Ms., '. .-. Henry Augustus Homes (1), Ms. A.C. 1830. — Theoh Dep., Yale Colh, 1833. — In Oriental studies, Paris, France, '34-'35. — Ordained... June 1835. Missionary, Constantinople, '35-'51. — In- terpreter, and Charge d' Affaires, U. S. Legation, Constantinople, '51-53. — Librarian, State Library, Albany, N. Y., '54-. *Elbridge Hosmer (2+), N. H. D.C. 1831. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Craftsbury, Vt., Newton, Ms., Auburn, N. Y., Glenn's Falls, N. Y., and Cleveland, O., and died, at Cleveland, O., 14 Sept. 1852, aged 45. *Franklin Jones (1), Ms. A.C. 1829. — Not ordained. — Died, . . 1846, aged 45. William Vaughan Jordan (2-f-), Me. B.C. 1831.— Ordained 13 Sept. 1836. Dixfield, Me., '36-'41. — Pownal, Me., '42-'51. — s.s. Deer Isle, Me., '52-54. — s.s. Mechanics' Falls, Me., '55-58. — s.s. Dixfield, Me., '58-59. — s.s. Andover, Me., '59-67. — Daniel Kimball (1), Ms. M.C. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Stock- bridge, Ms., etc. — Daniel Leach (1), Ms. B.U. 1830. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 1833 ; priest, 1835. — Northampton, Ms., (five months). — Quincy, Ms., (five years). — Teacher Classical School, Boston Highlands, Ms., (five years). — Agent Mass. Board of Education, '51-'55. — Supt. of Public Schools, Providence, R. I., '55-. *Clement Long, d.d., ll.d. (2), N. H. D. C. 1828. — Tutor, West- ern Res. Coll., '..-'..^Ordained — Prof. Intel, and Moral Phil, Western Res. Coll., '34-'44 ; Prof. Theol., '44-'52.— Prof. Theol., Theol. Sem., Auburn, N. Y., '52-'54. — Prof. Intel. Phil, and Polit. Econ., Dart. Coll., '54-; died, at Hanover, N. II., 14 Oct. 1861, aged 54. Elias LooMis, LL.D. (1+), Ct. Y. C. 1830. — Not Ordained. — Tutor, Yale College, '33-'36. — Prof Math, and Nat. Phil., AVest. Res. Coll., '36-'44. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil, N. Y. Univ., '44-' 60. — Prof. Nat. Phil, and Astron., Yale Coll., '60- WiLLiAM McLain, d.d. (1-f), O. U. M. 1831. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1834. — Ordained 11 Jan. 1837. First Presb. ch., Washington, D. C, '37-'40. — Sec. Am. Col'n Soc, Washington, D. C, '40-. *Daniel Eddy Manton (1), N.Y. A.C. 1831. — Princeton Theoh Sem., 1834. — s.s. Fayetteville, N.Y., '36. — s.s. Redding, Ct.,'36-'3 7. 1834. 1835. — Ordained, Presb., 1 April 1838.— s.s. near Kinderhook, N. Y., '39. — Died, at Kinderhook, N. Y., 5 March 1841, aged 29. *EzEiciEL Marsh (1), Ms. B.C. 1831. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1834. — Ordained 29 April 1835. Ellington, Ct., '35-44. — Died, at , .. Aug. 1844, aged 36. Charles Mathews (1), O. O.U. 1830. — (From Putnam, O.) Edward W. Mitchell (1), N. Y. — . — (From Mexico, N.Y.) JoHX Humphrey Noyes (1), Vt. D. C. 1830. — Not ordained.— Oneida Community, Oneida Co., N. Y. Joseph Lyman Partridge (2), Ms. W. C. 1828. — Tutor, Will. Coll., '32-'33. — Not ordained. — Prin. Acad., Leicester, Ms., '34-'46. — Assoc. Editor of Puritan Recorder, '..-'. . — Merchant, New York. — Sup't Schools, Lawrence, Ms., '58-60. — Dep. Collector Internal Revenue, res. Lawrence, Ms., '62-. Samuel Porter (1), Ct. Y. C. 1829. — Not ordained. — Instructor, Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Hartford, Ct., (eighteen years). — In- structor, New York Institution for Deaf and Dumb, '..-'.. — Prof, National Deaf Mute Coll., Washington, D. C, '. .-. George Thomson Todd (1), Ct. Y. C. 1829. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1835. — Ordained — Presb. ch., Gilead, N. Y., '36_'.._Ballston Spa, N. Y. — Smithfield, N. Y., '48-'54. — w.c. Smithfield, N. Y., '54-'55 ; Fond du Lac, Wis., '55-. .ToiiN Ellery Tyler (1), Me. D.C. 1831. — Theol. Inst, of Conn., 1836.— Ordained 11 Oct. 1837. Windham, Ct., '3 7-'51.— w.c. East Windsor, Ct., '51-'G4 ; Vineland, N. J., '64-. Seth Hardin Waldo (2+), Ct. A.C. 1831. — Prin. Oberlin Coll. Inst.,0., '34-'35. — s.s. Mansfield, O., '35-'36. — s.s. Ravenna, O., '36. — S.S. Kinsman, O., '36. — Lecturer, Acad., Farmington, O., '36-'37. — Ordained 6 Aug. 1839. Home Missionary, s.s. Farmington, O., '37-'42.— s.s. Ashtabula, O., '42-45. — s.s. Dover, O. — Teacher, Bcllevue, O., ('53). — s.s. Geneseo, 111., '55-57. — s.s. Vienna, 111., '59-'60. — s.s. Gardner, 111. — Prin. Select School, Geneseo, 111., '61-. 18 3 5. *JuLius C. Anthony, ISIs. — . — (From Taunton, Ms.) — Ordained — — Planter, Wheelock, Texas, and died there, 10 Jan. 1864, aged 59. Abijah Richardson Baker, Ms. A.C. 1830. — Teacher, Phillips A(!ad., Andover, Ms., '36-37. — Ordained 25 April 1838. First Trin. 15 ll;J 1835. ch., Medford, Ms., '38-'48. — Agent Ms. S. S. Soc, '49. — Central ch., Lynn, Ms., '50-56. — West Needham, Ms., '57-63. — s.s. E st. ch., SoutliBoston,Ms.,'64-'66. — W.C.Boston (Dorchester P.O.), Ms., '66-. Ariel Parish Chute, Ms. B.C. 1832.— Ordained 16 March 1836. Oxford, Me., '36-39. — Pownal, Me., '3 9-'41. — Harrison, Me., '47- '49. — Teacher, Woburn, Ms. — Teacher, Duinmer Acad., Byfield, Ms. — s.s. Lynnfield, Ms., '54-57. — Ware, Ms., '57-'61. — Fractional Currency and Revenue Stamp clerk, U. S. Treas., Boston, Ms. (res. Sharon, Ms.), '61-. Philip Sidney Cleland, Ky. Cr.C. 1830. — Ordained 17 Nov. 1836. Presb. ch., Jeffersonville, Ind., s.s. '35-36 ; p. '36-39. — Presb. ch., Greenwood, Ind., s.s. '39-'40 ; p. '40-'66. Also, s.s. Southport, Ind., '58-'65. — Agent Western Freedmen's Aid Com., '67. — s.s. Bur- lingame, Kan., '69-'70. — s.s. Topeka, Kan., '70-. LoAMMi Sewall CoBURN, Ms. D. C. 1830.— Ordained 2 Oct. 1839. Fayetteville, Vt., '39-42. — Prin. Classical School, Prince Edward and Charlotte Counties, Va., '. .-'. . — Prof. Latin and Greek, Norwich Univ., Vt., '51-'57. — s.s. Weston, Vt., '58-'66. — James W. Dale, d.d.. Pa. U.P. 1831. — s.s. Fifth Presb. ch., Philadel- phia, Pa., '36. — Ordained 29 Aug. 1837 —s.s. Thirteenth Presb. cli., Philadelphia, Pa., '37-'38. — Agent Penn. Bible Soc, '38-'45.— Ridley and Middletown, Pa., '45-'66 ; charge divided, now Media, Pa., '66-. *Henry Edwin Eastman, Ms. A. C. 1830.— Ordained 9 Dec. 1835. Brookline, N. H., '35-'38. — — s.s. Farmington, Mich., '46-'. . — — Presb. ch., Somerset, Mich., '49-; died there, 15 Oct. 1853, aged 46. John Erskine Edwards, Ct. Y.C. 1828. — Ordained 6 April 1840. Stonington, Ct., '40-43. — — Blackstone, Ms., '62-. Ben.tamin Ela, N. H. D.C. 1831. — Ordained 29 May 1841. s.s. Billerica, Ms., '41-42. — w.c. New York ; Merrimack, N. H., '. .-. Edward Brown Emerson, Ms. D.C. 1832. — H. M., Anson, etc.. Me., '35-'36. — s.s. Presb. ch., Stoney Creek, Mich., '36-'37. — s.s. Northville, Mich., "3 7-'38. — Ordained, Presb., 13 Sept. 1838.— Brownstown, Mich., '38-'39. — s s. Farmington, Mich., '40. — Cong, ch.. South Canaan, Ct., '41-43.- II. M., Western Penn., '43-'45.— North Norwich, Vt., '46-'53. — s.s. West Randolph, Vt., '53-'55. — Heath, Ms., '55-57. — s.s. Monroe, Ct., '58-62. — Teacher, Family School, Stratford, Ct., '62-. Joseph Emerson, N. II. Y.C. 1830. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1836.— Agent Am. Ed. Soc, '36-49. — Agent West. Coll. Soc, '49-53.— 1835. Second Cong, cb., Rockford, 111., '54-'y9. — Dlst. Sec. Am. and For. Chr. Un., Andover, ]Ms., '.J9-. *LuTiiEK Emerson, Ms. A. C. 1831. — Teacher, Wethei-sfield, Ct., '35-36. — H. M., Ms. and Ct., '36-37. — Preacher and Teacher, Amherst Co., Va., '3 7-'43. — Ordained 1843. Presb. chhs., Pisgah and Goshen, Highland Co., Va., '43-'52. — Presb. ch.. Middle- brook, Va., '52-; died there, 9 Feb. 1867, aged 56. Bela Fancher, N.Y. M.C. 1831. — Ordained.. Oct. 1836. Presb. ch., Troy, N, Y., '36-'42. — North Bergen, N. Y., '42-'48. — Oakfield, N.Y., '48-'52. Also, Prin. Cary Coll. Sem., Oakfield, '51-'52.— Barre Centre, N. Y., '52-55.— s.s. Homer, Mich., '55-'G4. Also, Prin. Acad., Homer, '55-58. —s.s. Concord,. Mich., 'G6-'69. — County Sup. of Schools, Homer, Mich., '69-. *Jarvis Gregg, N. H. D. C. 1828. — Ordained — Prof. Math., Western Res. Coll., '35-'3G. — Prof. Horn, and Past. Theol., '36-; died, at Hudson, O., 28 June 1836, aged 27. Setii Hardy, Ms. A.C. 1832. — Ordained 12 July 1837. Vassal- borough, Me., '37-'3<». — H. M., Pinckney and vie, Mich., '40-43. — s.s. Presb. chhs., Owasso, etc., Mich., '43-'47. — s.s. Presb. ch., Byron, and Cong, ch., Shiawasse, Mich., '47-'50. — s.s. Presb. ch., Com- stock, Mich., '50-'51. — s.s. Cong, ch., Vei'montville, Mich., '51-'54. — s.s. Presb. ch., Springport, Mich., '54-'56. — w.c. Ypsilanti, Mich., '56-. Ephraim Scudder High, N.J. U.C. 1832. — (H.M., N. E. and N. Y., " four years." At Elizabethtown, N. J., in '42 and '45. Was H. M. in 111., in '48 and '49.) — Ordained 1849 or 1850. Presb. ch., Osceola, 111., '49-53. — Arispe,Ill., '54-55. — H.M., Tonica, etc., '56-57. — s.s. Presb. ch., Tonica, 111., '57-. George C. Hyde, N.Y. M.C. 1831. — Ordained 14 July 1836. Readfield,Me., '36-'38. — — Presb. ch., Castleton, N. Y., ('43). — Teacher, Elmira, N. Y., ('46). — — s.s. Presb. ch., Onon- daga Hollow, N. Y., '51.— H. M., N. Y., '51-55. —s.s. Atchafalaya, La., '55-('62). (O. S. Presb. Min., '62. At Baton Rouge, La., in '66.) WiLLiAA^ Chamberlain Jackson, N. H. DC. 1831. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1835. Missionary, Turkey, '35-'45. — Lincoln, Ms., '48-'58. — Dunstable, Ms., s.s. '58-'59 ; p. '59-'67. — w.c. South Acton, Ms., '68-. *Abram Kaufman, Pa. Dick. C. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 12 July 1835; priest, 7 Oct. 1837. — Assist. Min., St. Philip's ch., Charleston, S. C, '37-; died there, 28 Aug. 1839, aged 28. 11.) 1835. John Keep, Ms. A. C. 1829.— Ordained 30 Sept. 1835. Telham, N. H., '35-'41. — w.c. '41-'44. — Dana, Ms., '44-'Gl. — s.s. Bristol, Wis., '61-68. — s.s. Sheboygan Falls, Wis., '68-. Daniel Ladd, Vt. M.C. 1832. — Ordained .. June 1830. Mission- ary, Western Turkey, '3G-'6 7; in U.S. till released 'G9. — w.c. Middlebury, Vt., 'G9-. *James Woods McLane, D.D., N. C. Y.C. 1829. — Ordained 4 Nov. 1836. Madison st. Presb. ch.. New York, '36-44. — First Presb. ch., Williamsburg, N. Y., '44-63. — w.c. Williamsburg, Brooklyn, N. Y., '63 until died there, 26 Feb. 1864, aged 63. *Nathan MuNROE, Me. B. C. 1830.— Ordained 10 Feb. 1836. Brad- ford, Ms., '36-'53.— Sec. Am. S. S. Un., for N. E., '53-'58. — Editor Boston Recorder, '58-'63. — w.c. Bradford, Ms., '63 until died there, 8 July 1866, aged 62. Benjamin Ball Newton, Vt. U. Vt. 1831. — Ordained 27 July 1836. Plattsburg, N. Y., '30-'. .— — Chelsea, Vt.,'41-'46.— Teacher, St. Albans, Vt. — w.c. ('53-63).— Christopher Mardenborougii Nickels, d.d.. Me. B. U. 1830. — Tutor, Brown Univ., '32-33.— Ordained 29 Sept. 1835. Gloucester, Ms., '35-48. — ... — Barre, Ms., '51 -'5 6. — Central Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '56-64. — w.c. Newark, N. J., '64-'. . — Jesse Page, N. H. D.C. 1831. — Ordained 16 Sept. 1835. North Andover, Ms., '35-43. — s.s. Atkinson, N. H., '45- Calvln Emmons Park, Ms. A. C. 1831. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '35- '37. — Ordained 31 Oct. 1838. Waterville, Me., '38-'44, and Inst. Khet., Colby Univ. — West Boxford, Ms., '46-59. — Teacher, West Boxford, Ms., '59-. *Francis Vergnies Pike, Ms. Y.C. 1831.— Ordained 20 Feb. 1839. Rochester, N. H., '39-'41. — occ. pr., '41 until died, at Newburyport, Ms., 4 Sept. 1843, aged 30. *ToBiAS Pinkham, Me. —. — s.s. Parsonsfield, Me., '35-36.— Or- dained 18 May 1836. Dracut, Ms., '36-39. — Ordained, Bapt., 24 Sept. 1840.— — Died, at Tioga, Pa., 17 Aug. 1843, aged 42. *Samuel Prince Bobbins, Ohio. O.U. 1830. — Ordained 8 May 1836. Missionary, Borneo, '36-'38 ; Siam, '38-'40. — H. M., Waldo Co., Me., '42. — H. M., Naples and Raymond, Me., '44. — — w.c. Marietta, O., and died before '48. Ezekiel Russell, d.d., Ms. A.C. 1829. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '31- '32. — Ordained 22 June 1836. North Adams, Ms., '30-'39. — Second 116 1835. ch., Springfield, Ms., '39-'4y. — East Randolph, Ms., '.50-57. — Win- tbrop ch., East Randolph, Ms., '5 7-. *Albert Smith, d.d.., Vt. M.C. 1831.— Ordainod 10 Feb. 1836, WilHamstown, Ms., '3G-'39. — Prof. Lang., Marshall Coll., Pa., '39-'40. — Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. Coll., '40-'45. — Vernon, Ct., '45- '54. — s.s. Peru, Lid., '54-55. — H. M., Duquoine, 111., '55. — Prcsb. ch., Monticello, 111., '55-; died there, 24 April 1863, aged 59. Horatio Southgate, d.d.. Me. B.C. 1832. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 12 July 1835 ; priest, . . Sept. 1839. Consecrated Bishop (Missionary), 26 Oct. 1844. — Exploring tour, Persia, '36-38. — Mis- sionary, Constantinople, '40-'44. — Missionary Bishop for Turkish Dominions, '44-'50. — Church of the Advent, Boston, Ms., '52-58. — Zion ch.. New York, '59-. James Leonard Tiiompsox, Ct. U.C. 1832.— Ordained 18 Nov. 1835. Missionary, Cyprus, '35-'41. — (In New York, '52 ; in Astoria, N. Y., '53.) Selah Burr Treat, Ct. Y. C. 1824. — Ordained 23 March 1836. Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '36-'40. — Editor Bih. Repos., and Eclectic, '40-'42. — Editor, Missionarij Herald, '43-'56 ; Daijspring, '43-'49 ; Journal and Dayspring, '56. — Rec. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Boston, Ms., '43-'47; Cor. Sec, '47-. Jonx Calvin Webster, N. IL D. C. 1832. — Ordained 15 March 1837. Seamen's Chap., Cronstadt, Russia, '37-'38. — liopkinton, Ms., '38-64. — Prof. Rhet., Logic, and Belles Let., Wheaton Coll., 111., '64-. *Jacob White, N. H. B. U. 1832.— Ordained 13 Jan. 1835. Lynde- borough, N.H., '35-'40. — Orleans, Ms., '41-'61. — w.c. Orleans, Ms., '61-'65 ; Bridgewater, Ms., '65 until died, at Lyndeborough, N. H., 3 April 1866, aged 59. *JoHN Baker (2+), Me. B.C. 1831. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1835.— Ordained 16 Sept. 1835. Monson, Me., '35-39. — s.s. Kennebunk- port. Me., '39-46. — s.s. Eliot, Me., '46-49. — Kennebunkport, Me., '49-56. — s.s. Wilton, Me., '56- ; died, at Edgecomb, Me., 27 Oct. 1859, aged 48. Samuel Beman (1), Me. B.C. 1832. —Not ordained. — (From Bridgeton, Me.) *Zenas Bliss (2), Vt. U.Vt. 1831. — Assoc. Prin. Acad., Fredonia, N.Y., '34-'35. — Ordained, Presb., 28 Oct. 1835. s.s. vie. of Fre- donia, N. Y., '35-37. — s.s. Queechee, Vt., '37-39. — s.s. Jericho 117 1835. Centre, Vt., '40-42. — s.s. Winooski, Vt., '43-44. — Teacher and occ. pr., Alabama, '44-48. — s.s. Richmond, Vt., '49-'o4. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '54 until died there, 9 Dec. 1865, aged 57. Jonathan Brace, d.d. (1), Ct. A.C. 1831. — Princeton Theol. Seni., 1835. — Ordained 12 June 1838. Litchfield, Ct., '38-'44. — Milford, Ct., '45-63. — Editor Religious Herald, Hartford, Ct., '57-. *Thomas Bronson (1), Ct. Y. C. 1829.— Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1838. —Not ordained. — — Teacher, Smithfield, Va., '43-'47 ; Quincy, III, '47-; died, at Waterbury, Ct., 20 April 1858, aged 42. JosKPH Warren Cross (2—), Ms. H.C. 1828.— Ordained 1 Oct. 1834. Boxborough, Ms., '34-'40. — West Boylston, Ms., '40-'59. — w.c. West Boylston, Ms., '59- GiDEON Dana (1—), Ms. B.U. 1830. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '33- '34. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1836. —s.s. North Falmouth, Ms., '37-'38. — Ordained 3 Jan. 1838. South Amherst, Ms., '38-'40. — West Springfield, Ms., '41-'44. — Harman, O., s.s. '45-'47; p. '47-'50.— Agent Western Seamen's Friend Soc, '50. — s.s. Delaware, 0., '51- '52. — s.s. Strongsville, O., '52-'55. — DIs. Sec. Am. and For. Chr. Union, fiDr Northern Ohio, '55-'58. — s.s. Bucyrus, O., '60-'61. — s.s. North Ridgeville, O., '62. — s.s. Wauseon, 0., '63-'65.— w.c. '65-'67. — s.s. Rochester, O., '67-'68. — s.s. West Farmington, O., '69- Henry Eddy, M.D. (2), Ct. Y. C. 1832. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1836. — Ordained 16 Feb. 1836. Granville, Ms., '36-'39. — Stough- ton, Ms., '40-44. — H. M., Turner, Me., '44-46. — Kennebunkport, Me., '46-48. — s.s. North Guilford, Ct., '4 9-'51. — Physician (m.d. 1851). Now res. North Bridge water, Ms. John Fairchild (2), Vt. U.Vt. 1831. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1836. — Ordained 1841. s.s. Presb. chhs., Newtown and Robroy, Ind., '41-44; p. Newtown, '44-'51. — Missionary of Indi- anapolis Presb'y, '51-'53. — s.s. Presb. eh., Franklin, Ind., '53-'56. — s.s. Wabash, Ind., '56-'63. — s.s. Menominee, Wis., and Marrinette, Wis., '63-. William Henry Hoyt (1), N.H. D. C. 1831. — Gen. Theol. Sem., 1836. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 31 July 1836 ; priest, . . Sept. 1837. — St. Luke's ch., St. Albans, Vt., '38-'46. — — Lawyer, St. Albans, Vt., '..-'59; Burlington, Vt., '59-61. — Editor Burlington Sentinel, Burlington, Vt., '61-68. — Merchant, N.Y., '68-. Cortland Lucas Latimer (1), Ct. Y.C. — Lawyer, Norwalk, O. ; Cleveland, O., '. .-. Harmon Loomis, d.d. (2), Vt. U.Vt. 1832. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1835.— S.S.Union Presb. ch.. New York, '35-'36. — Ordained 31 118 1835. 1830. Aug. 1836. Chaplain Am, Seamen's Fr. Soc.,New York, '36-40. — s.s. Presb. ch., Williamsport, Pa., '40-'41. — s.s^. ]\It. Joy, Pa., '41-'45. — Cor. Sec. Am. Seamen's Fr. Soc, New York, '45-. *AuRELiAX HuLBURD PosT (1+), Vt. M. C. 1832. — Not Ordained. — Teacher, Natchez, Miss., '33. — Died, at Logansport, Ind., 5 Oct. 1834, aged 26. Lkwis Sabin, d.d. (2), Ms. A.C. 1831.— Ordained 8 June 1836. Home Missionary. — H. M., Stanstead, C. E., '36-37. — Templeton, Ms., '37-. Alexander Joseph Sessions (2), Ms. Y.C. 1831. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1835. — Ordained 6 June 1838. Crombie st. ch., Salem, Ms., '38-49. — — Melrose, Ms., '54-58. — w.c. Salem, Ms., '58-63. — North Scituate, Ms., '63-'69. — w.c. North Scituate, Ms., '69-. *JosEPH Sherman, ll.d. (2), Me. B.C. 1826.— Ordained 1836 or '37. — Prof. Lang., Jackson Coll., Tenn., '37-'..; Pres.,('43) ; Prof. Lang,, ('46)- ; died, 1849, aged 49. Jonathan French Stearns, D.D. (1), Ms. H. C. 1830. — Ordained 16 Sept. 1835. Presb. ch., Newburyport, Ms., '35-49. — First Presb, ch., Newark, N. J., '49-. John Orville Taylor (1), Pa. U. C. 1830. — Not ordained.— jNIerchant, New York, in '53. — Farmer, Burnt Hills, N. Y., and later, of New Brunswick, N. J. John Spencer Wallis (1), Ms. Y.C. 1832. — (From Sudbury, Ms.) — Not ordained. — Lawyer. 1836. *Sereno Timothy Abbott, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ordained 12 July 1837. Seabrook, N. H., '37-; died there, 28 March 1855, aged 49. Nathaniel Beach, N.J. W. C. 1832. — Ordained 22 Nov. 1837. Millbury, Ms., '37-57. — Little Compton, R. I., '57-'G7. — s.s. Wood- stock, Ct., '68-. *P0MER0Y Belden, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ordained 8 Aug. 183 7. s.s. Deerfield, Ms., '37-42, — Second ch., Amherst, Ms., '42-; died there, 2 March 1849, aged 37. Levi Brigham, Ms. W. C. 1833. -Ordained 15 March 1837. Duns- table, Ms., '37-'49, — Saugus, Ms,, '51-'68. — Troy, N.H., s.s. '68- '70; p. '70. 119 1830. *RoBERT Carver, Ms. Y. C. 1833. — H.M., C. E. and Vt., '36-'37. — Ordained 21 Nov. 1838. Berlin, Ms., s.s. '37-'38 ; p. '38-'42. — s.s. Lancaster, Wis., '43-44, — s.s. Pittston, Me., '44. — s.s. Cutcliogue, L. 1., '44-'46. — Raynham, Ms., '47-'57. — s.s. South Franklin, Ms., '59-61. — Chaplain 7th Mass. Vols., '61-'62. — w.c. '62 until died,at Orient, L. I., 25 Feb. 1863, aged 52. Lucius Root Eastman, Ms. A. C. 1833. — Ordained 15 Nov. 1837. Sharon, Ms., '37-40. — s.s. Berkley, Ms. — s.s. Cornwall, Ct. — s.s. Provincetown, Ms., '43-'44. — Pilgrim ch., Boston, Ms. — s.s. Berkley, Ms.— James Bryant Hadlky, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ordained 20 Sept. 1837. Union ch., Amesbury and Salisbury, Ms., '3 7-'4.s. — Bible Agent, Essex Co., Ms., '49-'50. — Standish, Me., '51-58. — Campton, N. H., '58-'G3. — s.s. Wentworth, N.H., '63-'64. — w.c. Campton, N. H., '64-. Eli Whitney Harrington, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ordained 26 April 1837. Lunenburg, Ms., '37-'47. — — Rochester, Ms., '50-59. — s.s. North Beverly, Ms., '59-'62. — w.c. North Beverly, Ms., '62-. *Daniel Mansfield, Ms. A.C. 1833. — Ordained 26 July 1837. Wenham, Ms., '37-; died there, 8 April 184 7, aged 40. Clarendon Fay Muzzy, N. H. M.C. 1833.— Ordained 1836. Missionary, Madura District, Lidia, '36-5 7. — — Now res. Amherst, Ms. Daniel James Noyes, d.d., N. H. D. C. 1832. — Ordained 3 May 1837. South ch., Concord, N. H., '37-'50. — Prof. Theol., Dart. Coll., '50-'69 ; Prof. Intel. Phil, and Polit. Econ., '69-. George Waters, D.D., Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 31 July 1836 ; priest, 11 Jan. 1838. — Christ ch., Lynn, Ms., '37-'39. — Trinity ch., Lenox, Ms., '40-'42. — St. John's ch., Delhi, N.Y., '42-49. — St. John's ch., Kingston, N. Y., '49-69. — Res. Cambridge, Ms., since '69, sup. St. Peter's ch., Salem, Ms., '70-. Reed Wilkinson, Vt. A.C. 1830. — Prin. Acad., Vincennes, Ind., '36-38. — Prin. High School, St. Louis, Mo., '38-42. — Ordained, Presb., 10 Nov. 1842. Home Missionary, Mo., '42-'43. — s.s. Presb. chhs., Reading and Sharon, O., '43-'46. — s.s. Pomeroy, O. (and Teacher, '52-'54), '46-'56. — Cong, ch., Fairfield, lo., '56-'63. — Prin. State Listitution for the Blind, Vinton, lo., '64-'66. — Toledo, lo., '67-'70. — w.c. Fairfield, lo., '70-. James Ad<;eu (1), S. C. C.C. 1831. — Ordained Mis- sionary. — 1836. Fkfderick Augustus Barton (1), Ms. D. C. 1831. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., Andovcr, Ms., '..-'.. — Ordained 6 Nov. 1839. s.s. CoUinsville, Ct., '38-'43. — Chicopee, Ms., '43-'46. — w.c. '46-'58.— s.s. Indian Orchard, Springfield, Ms., '58-'61. — Chaplain 10th Mass. Vols., '61-62. — w.c. Nashua, N. H., '62-. Amos Browx, ll.d. (2), N. H. D.C. 1832. — Prin. Acad., Fryeburg, Me., '33-34. — Prin. Sem., Gorham, Me., '35-47. — Ordained 11 April 1848. Machias, Me., '48-'51. — Prin. Sera., Ovid, N. Y., '52- '57. — Pres. People's Coll., Havana, N. Y., '5 7-'64. — w.c. Havana, N. Y., '64-. *Mahlon Pomroy Chapman (2), Ms. A.C. 1832. — Died, at Ando- ver, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 1 Sept. 1835, aged 28. KendalE Flint, M.D. (2), Ms. A. C. 1831.— Not ordained. — Harv. Med. School, M.D. 1839. — Physician, Haverhill, Ms. Alfred Goldsmith (2), Me. B.C. 1835.^ Ordained 12 Sept. 1837. Great Falls, N.H., '3 7-'38. — Little Compton, R. I. — Princeton, Ms., '45-49. — — s.s. South Abington, Ms., '53. — s.s. Walpole, N. H., '53-55. — w.c. Groton, Ms., '55-'58. — s.s. Peterboro', N. H., '58. — w.c. Groton, Ms., '58-66. — s.s. Lunenburg, Ms., '66-69. — w.c. Lunenburg, ]VIs., '70-. Frederick Jordan Goodwin, d.d. (1), Me. B.C. 1832. — Or- dained deacon, Episc, 3 July 1836; priest, 2 July 1837. — Prof. Lang., Bristol Coll., Pa., '36-'37. — Temp. Prof. Latin, New York Univ., '37.— St. George's cli., Flushing, L. I, '37-'44. — Ch. of the Holy Trinity, Middletown, Ct., '45-. Also, Prof. Evidences of Christianity, Berkeley Div. School, Middletown, Ct., '54-. *Jeremiah Jay Greenough (1), Ms. D.C. 1828. — Union Theol. Sem., '36-37. — Not ordained. — Teacher, New York. — Died, at Great Barrington, Ms., 18 July 1860, aged 52. *SoLOMON BoLTWOOD Ingram (2), Ms. A.C. 1831. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '35-36. — Ordained 28 Dec. 1836. Sunderland, Ms., '36-; died there, 2 June 1840, aged 33. Mark Ives (2), Ct. U.C. 1833. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1836.— Or- dained . . Sept. 1836. Missionary, Hawaiian Islands, '36-'51. — *Samuel Lamson (1), INIs. B.C. 1828. — Prin. Abbott Acad., An- dover, Ms., '32-('34). — Ordained 20 Sept. 1837. Brighton, ISIs., '37-41. — s.s. Tewksbury, Ms., '..-'..— — Nashua, N. H., '46-48. — w.c. New York, or vie, ('56) until died, at Jersey City, N. J., 24 Jan. 1864, aged 57. Walter Raleigh Long (1), N. Y. U.C. 1832.— Ordained 28 Aug. 1839. Fourth Presb. ch., Troy, N.Y., '39-('43). — Whites- 16 121 183G. borough, N. Y., ('46)-'50. — p.e. Pine st. ch., St. Louis, Mo.,'50-'52. — Cong, ch., Mystic Bridge, Ct., '52-64. — p.e. Montville, Ct., '64- '65. — Agent Am. Freedmen's Un. Com., '65-69.— Agent Freed- men's Dep't, Presb. H. M. Conim. (res. Saratoga Springs, N. Y.), '69-. John Milton Mackik (1), Ms. B.U. 1832. — Tutor, Brown Univ., '34-'35. — Not ordained. — Author. *Charles Mason, d.d. (1), N.H. H.C. 1832. — Gen. Tlieol. Sem., New York, 1836. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 31 July 1836; priest, — St. Peter's ch., Salem, Ms., '37-47. — Grace ch., Boston, Ms., '47-; died there, 23 March 1862, aged 49. Joseph Packard, d.d. (1), Me. B. C. 1831. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 17 July 1836 ; priest, 29 Sept. 1837. — Prof. Sac. Lit., Theol. Sem., near Alexandria, Va., '36-. *JosEPH Lewis Biggs (1), N.J. A. C. 1831. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1836. — Teacher, '36-38. — Res. Grad., Andover Theol. Sem., '38-39. — Teacher, '39-'43.— Ordained, Presb., 27 Aug. 1845. s.s. Presb. ch.. Wells, Pa., '43-54. — s.s. Millerstown, Pa., '. .-'.. — s.s. Cumber- land, 111., '58. — City Missionary, Elmira, N. Y. — Died, at Elmij-a, N.Y., 20 Aug. 1865, aged 56. *Theodore Sayres (2), N.Y. W.C. 1833. — Teacher, Lowndes- borough, Ala., '36-39. — Editor, Haynesville, Ala., '40-'41.— Or- dained . . Oct. 1842. s.s. Haynesville, Ala., '41-44. — s.s. Oak Grove, Ala., '44. — Teacher, '44-'50 ; Prin. Fem. Acad., DemopoHs, Ala., '50-; died there, 21 Nov. 1853, aged 48. Samuel Salisbury Tappan (1), Ms. A. C. 1833. — Ordained 11 Nov. 1835. Winterport, Me., '35-'41. — Bridgewater, Ms., '42-44. — s.s. Holmes' Hole, Ms., '46-48. — Conway, N. H., '49-52. — w.c. since '52, now res! Providence, 11. L William Tracy (1), Ct. TF. C — Princeton Theol. Som., 1835.— Ordained 12 April 1836. Missionary, Madura District, Southern Hindostan, '36-. Anson Yale Tuttle (2), Ct. A.C. 1833. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1836. — Ordained 2 Dec. 1840. Rootstown, O., '40-44. — s.s. Charlestown, O., '45-'47. — s.s. Palmyra, O., '47-'51. — s.s. Edinburg, O., '52-53. — s.s. Troy, O., '53. — w.c. Edinburg, O., '53-. William Seymour Tyler, d.d. (2), Pa. A.C. 1830.— Ordained 5 Oct. 1859. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '32-34 ; Prof. Latin and Greek, '36-'47; Prof Greek and Hebrew, '47-. *Aaron Kinne Wright (2), O. W.R.C. 1832. — Ordained — — Presb. ch., Rootstown, O., '. .-'39. — s.s. Wadsworth, O., '40. — Died, 8 July 1842, aged . . 122 1837. 1837. Charles Edward Abbott, Me. B.C. 1832. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Pittsfield, Ms. ; Hartford, Ct. John Wheelock Allex, Me. B.C. 1834. — Ordained, Presb., 27 Dec. 1838. s.s. Presb. cli., Homer, Mich., '38-39. — s.s. Trenton, N. Y., '39-'41. — Cong, ch., Wayland, Ms., '41-'48. — H. M., Mar- quette Co., Wis., '50-53. — s.s. Sheboygan Falls, Wis., '53-57. — s.s. Chesterfield, Ms., '59-'62. — Chaplain, U.S.A., Baton Rouge, La., '62-'63. — occ. pr., Woodstock, etc., Ct., '63-'66. — s.s. Brandon, Wis., 'G6-'G8. — S.S. Ripon, Wis., '68-. Stephen Thompson Allen, Ms. A. C. 1833. — Ordained 18 April 1838. — Charlemont, Ms., '38-'39. — Merrimack, N. H., '39-50.— Editor Mother's Magazine, New York, '50-56. — — Ordained deacon, Episc, 10 Aug. 1861 ; priest, 14 Sept. 1862. — Trinity ch., Aurora, 111., '61-'65. — Trinity ch., Muscatine, lo., '65-68. — Trinity ch., Aurora, 111., '68-. John H. Avery, Ms. U. C. 1834. — Ordained, Bapt., . . Oct. 1839. — — Plymouth, Ms. — Danvers, Ms. — Austinburgh, O. — North-East, Pa. (?) Philander Bates, Ms. A. C. 1833. — Ordained 18 Feb. 1840. Home Missionary, s.s. Presb. ch.. Grand Blanc, Mich., '38-'41. — s.s. Utica, Mich., '41-44. — s.s. La Peer, Mich., '44-46. — Cong, ch., Greenfield, N. Y., '47-'50. — s.s. Oriskany Falls, N. Y., '50-'52. — s.s. Virgil, N. Y., '52-55.- s.s. East Groton, N. Y., '55-57. — s.s. Truxton, N. Y., '57- '58. — s.s. Moravia, N. Y., '58-62. — s.s. North Truro, Ms., '63-66.— s.s. Cornish, N. H., '6^^-. Charles C. Beaman, Ms. — . — Ordained 20 June 1839. — s.s. Houl- ton, Me., '37-'40. — — s.s. Edgartown, Ms., '45. — Wellfleet, Ms., '46-'51. — s.s. North Scituate, R. I., '54-5 7. — Howard st. ch., Salem, Ms., '57-'64. — Cambridge, Ms., occ. sup. (and Agent Mass. Temp. Alliance ten months), '64-'(i9. — s.s. Westford, Ct., '69-. Hubbard Beebe, Ms. W.C. 1833.— Ordained 18 Nov. 1837. Long- meadow, Ms., '37-43. — Prin. Westfield Acad., and s.s. Chester Fac- tories, Ms., '44-'48.— s.s. South Wilbraham,Ms., '48-52. — Sturbridge, Ms., '52-55.— West Haven, Ct., '55-57. — Dis. Sec. Am. S. S. Un., Ct., '57-'60. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, New Haven, Ct., '61-'68.— Assoc. Sec. Am. Seamen's Fr. Soc, New Haven, Ct., '68-. ^Ben.jamin Franklin Brown, Ms. A. C. 1834. — Died, 1842, aged 32. 1837. *IsAAC Brown, Ms. A. C. 1833.— Ordained 11 Nov. 1840. Glouces- ter, Ms., '40-; died, at Hamilton, Ms., 14 Sept. 1841, aged 31. Samuel Oilman Brown, d.d., ll.d., N. H. D. C. 1831. — Prin. Abbott Acad., Andover, Ms., '35-38— Ordained 6 Oct. 1852. Prof. Orat. and Belles Let., Dart. Coll., '40-'63 ; Prof. Intel. Phil, and Polit. Econ., '63-'67. — Pres. Ham. Coll., 'G7-. *Ebenezer Burgess, Vt. A.C. 1831. — Tutor, Amli. Coll., '33-'35. — Teacher Hebrew and Greek, Un. Theol. Sem.,New York, '37-'38. — Ordained 19 March 1839. Missionary, Mahrattas, "Western Hin- dostan, '39-54. — Agent A. B. C. P.M. — s.s. Centreville, Ms., '57-59. — s.s. Lanesville, Ms., '61-63. — Lecturer, Lowell Inst., Boston, Ms., '65 and '67; s.s. South Franklin, Ms., '64-67. — Lecturer, etc., '67 until died, at Newton Centre, Ms., 1 Jan. 1870, aged 64. Calvin Butler, N. H. D. C. 1834. — H. M., Richmond, N. H., '37- '38. — Ordained 31 Oct. 1838. Heath, Ms., '38-'40. — s.s. Burlington, Ct., '40. — s.s. Salisbury, Vt., '4 0-'41. — Bristol, Vt., s.s. '41-'42; p. '42-45. — Prin. Washington Acad., Salem, N. Y., '45-48. — Prin. Acad., New Paltz, N. Y., '48-'51. — Prin. Somerset Young Ladies' Inst., Somerville, N. J., '51-'62 ; Prin. Somerset Classical Inst, '63-64. — Prin. Acad., Salisbury, Ct., '64. — w.c. '64-66. — s.s. Eastport, Me., '66-67. — w.c. Mendon, Ms., '6 7-. Hiram Carleton, Vt. M.C. 1833. — Ordained 4 Jan. 1838. Stowe, Vt., '38-52. — West Barnstable, Ms., '52-'62. — s.s. Stoneham, Ms., '62-63. — Teacher and s.s., Fairmount, Ms., '63-65. — Ordained dea- con, Episc, .. March 1866; priest,.. Feb. 1867. — Wood's Hole, Ms., '66-. William Symmes CoCxGin, Ms. D. C. 1834. — Ordained 9 May 1838. First ch., Boxford, Ms., '38-'68. — w.c. Boxford, Ms., '68-. *Pliny Butts Day, d.d., Ms. A.C. 1834.— Ordained 4 Oct. 1837. First Cong, ch.. Deny, N. II., '37-'51. — Ilollis, N. II., '52-; died there, 6 July 18G9, aged 63. Henry' Luce De ane, Ms. — . — Ordained — — Griffin, Ga., w.c. ('46)-'56. — s.s. Presb. ch., Waynesville, Ga., '56- '59. — s.s. Mount Vernon, Ga., '60-('62). — At Griffin, Ga., Presb. ch., ('64-'66). Cyrus Bryant Drake, d.d., Vt. M.C. 1834.— Ordained 12 Oct. 1837. Koyalton, Vt., '37-. Samuel Hopkins Emery, Ms. A.C. 1834. — Ordained 23 Nov. 1837. Winslow ch., Taunton, Ms., '3 7-'40. — Bedford, Ms., '41-'46. — Winslow ch., Taunton, Ms., '46-55. — First Cong, ch., Quincy, 111., '55-69. — s.s. Richmond st. ch., Providence, R. L, '69- 124 1837. *Henry Sewall Gerrish French, N. H. Y. C. 1834. — Ordained 19 Sept. 1837. Mls^sionary, Bangkok, Siam, '37-; died, 14 Feb. 1842, aged 3.). *OzRO Frexcii, Vt. W.C. 1834. — Ordained 7 Nov. 1838. Mission- ary, Malirattas, Western Hindostan, '39-'49. — s.s. Bentonsport, lo., '51-56. — Knoxville, lo., '56-'G3. — Franklin, lo., '(53-; died, at Blairs- town, lo., 28 Sept. 1865, aged 58. Henry Solomon Greene, Ms. A. C. 1834. — Ordained 27 Dec. 1837. Lynnfield, Ms., '3 7-'50. — Ballardvale, Ms., s.s. '50-'55 ; p. '55-. *Edward Joseph Hallock, N. Y. M. C. 1833. — Ordained .. Oct. 1844. — Prin. Castleton Seni., Vt., "many years." — Died, at St. Louis, Mo., 1866, aged . . *WiLLiAM BuRNHAM Haskell, Me. B. C 1834. — Not ordained. — Died, 1856, aged 49. John Lord, ll.d., N. H. D.C. 1833. — Notordained. — Agent Am. Peace Soc, '38-39. — In literary pursuits. Lecturer on History, Dart. Coll., etc. Res. Stamford, Ct. *WiLLiAM Henry Lord, N. H. D.C. 1832.— Ordained .. Sept. 1838. Unit'n ch., Southborough, Ms., '38-42. — — Milwau- kee, Wis., '45-'47. — U. S. Consul at St. Thomas, W. L, '. .-'. . — Clerk in U. S. Treas'y Dep't, Washington, D. C, '61-; died there, 30 June 1866, aged 54. John Wesley Merrill, d.d., Ms. W.U. 1834. — Ordained deacon, Meth. Ejiisc, 11 May 1834; elder, 10 Sept. 1838. — Pres. and Prof., McKendree Coll., Lebanon, 111., '37-'41. — East Boston, Ms., '41-42. — Ashburnham, Ms., '42-43. — South Boston, Ms., '43-'44. — Boston Highlands, Ms., '44-'46. — Lynn Common, Ms., '4G-'48. — Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '48-'50. — East Cambridge, Ms., '50-'52. — Saxonville, Ms., '52-54. — Prof. Nat. and Hist. Tlieol., and Mental and Moral Phil., Bibl. Inst., Concord, N. H., '54-'68. — Quincy Point, Ms., '68- '69. — Southampton, Ms., '69-. Edward Wolcott Noule, Ms. W.C. 1831. — Teacher, Pittsfield, Ms., and other places. — Ordained 26 Dec. 1849. Truro, Ms., '49-. Lyman Bert Peet, Vt. M.C. 1834.— Ordained 13 Dec. 1837. Missionary, Singapore, '39-'40; Bangkok, Siam, '40-'46 ; Amoy and Fuh-Chau, China, '46-. John Pike, d.d., Ms. B.C. 1833. — Ordained 25 April 1838.— Rowley, IVIs., '40-69. — w.c. Rowley, Ms., '69- 125 1837. Alonzo Sandersox, Ms. A. C. 1834. — H. M., Canada, ♦37-'38.— Ordained 1 Jan. 1839. Ludlow, Ms., '39-'43. — Tolland, Ms., '43- '52. — Wellington, O., s.s. '52-54 ; p. '54-'5G. — s.s. York, O., '5G-'59. — Goodrich, Mich., '59-'Gl. — s.s Owosso, Mich., '61-'62. — Grand Blanc, Mich., '62-'67. — s.s. Goodricli, Mich., '6 7-. nViLLiAM Scales, N. H. M.C. 1832.— Ordained 27 Dec. 1837. Lyndon, Vt., '37-41. — Rochester, Vt., '41-47. — s.s. Brownington, Vt., '47-'51. — Teacher and occ. snp., Conneaut, O., '51-55. — s.s. Lyndon, Vt., '55-; died there, 24 Jan. 18G4, aged 58. ^Timothy Stearns, Ms. A. C. 1833. — s.s. Presb. ch., Athens, O., '37_'38. — Ordained 2 July 1839. Worthington, O., '38-'42. — Kingston, O., s.s. '42-43 ; p. '43-55. — s.s. Mt. Pleasant, lo., '55-'58. — w.c. '58 until died, at Fort Madison, lo., 19 July 18C1, aged 51. Samuel Harvey Taylor, ll.d., N.H. D. C. 1832. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '33-35. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '3G-'3 7. — Prin. Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., 38-. Also, one of the Editors BiUiotheca Sacra, since '52. George Fraxklix Tewksrury, Me. B.C. 1833. — Ordained 31 Jan. 1838. Albany, Me., '38-52. — s.s. Benton and Fairfield, Me., '52-53. — s.s. Oxford, Me., '53-55. — s.s. West Minot and Mechan- . ics' Falls, Me., '55-58. — s.s. Gorham, N. H., '59-'G5. — s.s. Naples and Casco, Me. (residing in Oxford), 'G5-'69. — s.s. Gorham, N. H., 'G9-. Thatcher Thayer, d.d., Ms. A. C. 1831. — Tutor, Audi. Coll., '33- '35. _ Ordained 13 Feb. 1837. South Dennis, Ms., '37-41. — New- port, R.L, '41-. Samx'el Wolcott, D.D., Ct. Y.C. 1833. — Assist, to Sees. A. B. C. F. M., Boston, Ms., '37-39. — Ordained 13 Nov. 1839. jMissionary, Beirut, Syria, '39-43. — Longmeadow, Ms., '43-47. — Belchertown, Ms., '49-'53. — High st. ch., Providence, R. L, '53-'59. — N. E. ch., Chicago, III., '59-'Gl.— Plymouth cli., Cleveland, O., 'G2-. Daxiel Bates Woods, Ms. U. C. 1833. — Ordained 19 Sept. 1839. Presb. ch., Springwater, N. Y., '39-'. . — pr. Cumberland and Prince Edward Counties, Va., '. .-'45. — Teacher, Philadelpiiia, Pa., Cincin- nati, O., and St. Louis, Mo.,'..-'.. — Res. St. Louis, Mo., chiefly. *Charles Baker Adams (2), INFs. A. C 1834. — Not ordained.— Tutor, Audi. Coll., '3G-'37.— Prof. Chem. and Nat. Hist., Mid. Coll., '38-4 7. — Prof. Zoiil. and Astron., Audi. Coll., '4 7-'52. — Died, at St. Thomas Island, 19 Jan. 1853, aged 39. 126 1837. Frederick Augustus Adams (2+), N. IL D. C. 1833. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '36-'37. — Ordained 15 Nov. 1837. Amherst, N. II., '37- '40. — Prin. Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '40-'46. — Teacher, Orange, N. J., '47-'57.— Prin. Acad., Newark, N. J., '5 7-'59. — Teacher, Orange, N. J., '59-. Kinsman Atkinson (2), Me. H.C. 1834. — Ordained 21 Nov. 1838. Millville, Ms., '38-'40. — AVashington, Ms., '4 1-'42. — Joined Metho- dist Conference, '43. ]Meth. ch., Belchertown, Ms., '43-44. — Topsfield, Ms., ('49). — — Hubbardston, Ms., ('5G). — w.c. Cambridge, Ms., '57-'58. — City Missionary, Cambridge, Ms., '58-'Gl. — w.c. Cambridge, Ms., '61-. *JosiAH Baixard (1— ), Ct. y.C. 1833. — Ordained 5 Aug. 1835, Chesterfield, N. IL, '35. — Nelson, N. H., '36-'40. — Sudbury, Ms., '41-'52. — New Ipswich, N. H.; '52-55. — s.s. Plympton, Ms., '55-'59. — Carlisle, Ms., '59-; died there, 12 Dec. 1863, aged 57.. *KoBERT BiKCii (2+), N. Y. Dick. C. 1829. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1837. — Ordained 17 Sei)t. 1837. North Presb. ch.. New York, '37- '38. — First Presb. ch.. New Brunswick, N. J., '38-; died there, 12 Sept. 1842, aged 34. Jonathan Blanciiard (2). Yt. M. C. 1832. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ordained .. Oct. 1838. Sixth Presb. ch., Cincinnati, 0., '38-'46. — Pres. Knox Coll., III., '46-'60. Also, Presb. ch.. Gales- burg, III, '47-'49. — Pres. AVheaton Coll., 111., '60-. *Jesse Caswell (1), Vt. M.C. 1832. — Lane Theol. Sem., '35-'37. — Ordained City Missionary, Cincinnati, O., '37-38. — Agent A. B. C. F. ]M., '38. — Missionary, Siam, '39-; died there, 25 Sept. 1848, aged 39. Henry Theodore Ciieever (1), Me. B. C. 1834. — Bangor Theol. Sera., 1839. — Teacher, La., and "travelling," "five years." — Or- dained, 4 June 1847. Lodi, N.J., '47-'48. — Free Cong, ch.. New York, '48-49. — Editor, etc.. New York, '49-52. — Greenport, L. L, '52-55. — s.s. Westbrook, Ct., '55-56. — Jewett City, Ct, '56-'61.— s.s. South Royalston, Ms., '62-63. — s.s. Trin. ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '63-64. — Mission Chapel ch., Worcester, Ms., 'G4-. RuFUS Chapman Clapp (2), ISl^. A.C. 1833.— Ordained 18 Sept. 1839. Tinmouth, Vt., '39-'4G. — Teacher, Chester, N. Y., '47-'6] .— w.c. Chester, N. Y., '61-. Ben.jamin Clark (1 — ), N. H. D. C. 1834. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Urbana, O., '. .-'58. — Res. Bloomfield, 111., '58-. Josiah Bartlett Clark (1), N. II. M.C. 1834. — Lane Theol. Sem. — Ordained .. Dec. 1838. Rising Sun, Ind., '38-40. — s.s. 127 1837. Sharon, Vt., '40-'42. — Eliot, Me., '42-'45. — s.s. West Eandolph, Vt., '46. — Pittsfield, Vt., '47-'50. — s.s. Clarendon, Vt., '51-'56. — s.s. Rupert, Vt., '57-'()9. — s.s. Pittsford, Vt., 'G9-. George Cooke (l), N. H. D.C. 1832. — Ordained 16 Jan. 1839. North eh., Amherst, Ms., '39-52.— Pres. Univ. Tenn., '..-'..— Teacher, Yonkers, N. Y., '..-'.. — w.c. Amherst, ISIs., '. . -'. . — Now res. Winchester, Ms. Thomas Douglass (2+), Ct. Y.C. 1831. — Not ordained. — Now Farmer and Teacher, San Jose, Cal. *JosEPH Bartlett Eastman (1), N. H. D.C. 1821. — Ordained, . Presb., 1844. — s.s. Caldwell, N. Y. — s.s. Sandy Hill, N. Y. — ss. Greenfield, N. Y., ('53). — s.s. Windsor, N. Y. — Teacher, Princeton, N. Y. ; Windsor, N. Y., '56-; died there, 31 Dec. 1864, aged 60. Philip Eveleth (1), Me. C. L^. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '34-'35. — H. M., Eaton, L. C, '37-'. .—s.s. Weybridge, Vt., '40-'41. — — s.s. Fairfield, TIL, '44-'. .— Thomas Kendall Fessexden (1), Vt. W.C. 1833. — Princeton Theol. Sem.,-'36. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1838. — Ordained 16 Nov. 1839. — Second ch., Norwich, Ct., '39-'41. — Homer, N. Y., '43-'53. — Ellington, Ct., '55-'64. — Farmington, Ct., w.c. *HiRAM Gibbons (2), N. Y. U. C. 1834. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary,, 10 April 1836, aged 27. Daniel Raynes Goodwin, i).D.,LL.r>. (1), Me. B.C. 1832. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '35 ; Prof. Mod. Lang., '35-'53. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 13 July 1847; priest, 10 Sept. 1848. — Pres. Trin. Coll., '53- '60. — Provost of Univ. Penn., '60-'68. — Prof. Apologetics, Div. School, Philadelphia, '62-'65 ; Prof Syst. Div., '65-. *Alfred Kimball Gould (1), N. H. Y.C. 1833. — Died, at Con- cord, N. H., while a member of the Seminary, 29 July 1835, aged 24. AzARiAH R. Graves (1), Vt. M. C. 1833.— Ordained Home Missionary, Miss. — s.s. Zion, Miss., and Zion Seminary, INIIss., ('46-'63). — (Rodney, Miss., '66.) Seth Parsons Merwin Hastings (1), N. Y. Ham. C. 1833. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1837.— Ordained, Presb., 1837. Home Missionary, s.s. Cong, ch., Bridgewater, N. Y., '37-'38. — Vernon, N. Y., '39-41. — s.s. Moravia, N. Y., '42-45. — s.s. Summer Hill, N. Y., '45-'. . — s.s. Pompey, N. Y., '48-'55. — Ref (Dutch) ch., Chit- tenango, N. Y., '55-'59. — First ch., Coxsackie, N. Y., '60-. 128 1837. *RoBF.RT AViL!?ox IIuME (1), N. Y. U. C. 1831. — Princeton Theol. Seni., 1837. — Ordained, Presb., 18 March 1839. Missionary, Mali- rattas (and Editor of Dnffanoddyu, '^^-j)) '39-; died, on passage home, east of Cape of Good IIoiJC, 2G Nov. 1854, aged 44. *Leuxai{d Salmox Matthews (1), N. Y. M. C. 1832. — Died, while a member of the Seminary, 1835, aged . . *James Meacham (2), Yt. M. C. 1832. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '36-'38.— Ordained 29 May 1838. New Haven, Vt, '38-'46. — Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. Coll., '46-50. — IMember of Congress, '49-; died, at Middlebury, Vt., 23 Aug. 1856, aged 46. Calvix Morrill (1—), N. 11. D.C. 1829. — Not ordained. — Far- mer, Webster, N. II., '3 7-. *HuMPHREY Morse (2), Ms. A.C. 1834.— Died, at Newbury, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 4 April 1836, aged 27. *Charles Packard (1), Me. B.C. 1817. — Lawyer, Brunswick, Me. — Ordained 1 Jan. 1840. Lancaster, ]Ms., '40-'53. — Cambridgeport, Ms., 'o4-'55. — North Middleborough, Ms., '55-'57. — Biddeford, Me., s.s. '57-58 ; p. '58-; died there, 17 Feb. 1864, aged 03. *Lucius Parker (1), Ms. H.C. 1834. — Theol. Dep., Oberlin Coll., O., 1838. — Ordained 6 Sept. 1838. Home Missionary — s.s. Bloomington, 111., '41-'54. — s.s. Copper Creek, lo., '54-55. — s.s. West Java, N. Y., '57-59. — s.s. Buda and Neponset, III., '59-'60. — Presb. ch., Montello, Wis., '62-64, and Cong, ch., Princeton, Wis., '62-65. — s.s. Palmyra, Wis., '65-'6 7. — w.c. Nebraska, '67 until died, at Lar- amer Mills, Neb., 24 Sejjt. 186S, aged Gl. William Henry Parker (2), N.Y. M.C. 1830. — Not ordained.— Teacher Lang., Acad., Potsdam, N. Y., '36-46 ; Prin. Acad., '46-48. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Mid. Coll., '48-. Ebenezer Greenleaf Parsoxs (1), ]\Ie. B.C. 1833. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1837. — Ordained 4 Oct. 1837. Freeport, Me., '37-'51. -First Cong, ch., Deny, N. H., '51-'69. — Prin. Pinkerton Acad., Deny, N. H., '69-. David Charles Perry (1), Ct. Y. C. 1833. — Ordained 12 Dec. 1838. NcAV Fairfield, Ct., '38-'44. — Barlow, O., '46-'48. — w.c. Barlow, O., '48-. Royal Reed, m.d. (1), N.Y. W.C. 1834.— Theol. Inst. Conn., 1837. — s.s. First ch., Windsor, Ct., '3 7-'38. — Ordained 14 Sept. 1839. Cummington Village, Ms., '39-'42. — Goshen, Ct., '42-'48. — s.s. Joliet, III., '48-'51. — m.d. 1851. Physician, Joliet, III., '51-65 ; Chicago, 111., '65-. 17 129 1837. Bexjamix WAsmxcTox Reynolds (2), S. C. 11. C 1 85 2.— Or dained Home Missionary. — — s.s. lilooaiingdale, 111., '44-45. — s.s. Fairfiuld, 111., '45-'48. — s.s. Pleasant Grove, 111., '48-'. . — II. M., Wabashaw, Wis., '52-'. . — Benjamin Gilbert Riley (1), N. Y. "W.C. 1834. — Union Theol. Seni., 1839. — Ordained 25 Feb. 1840. Presb. eh., Hartwiek, N. Y., '40-'42. — Livonia, N. Y., '43-'55. — Teacher, Lima, N. Y., '55. — s.s. Ilorseheads, N. Y., '56-'57. — s.s. Lodi, Wis., '57-'G3. — s.s. Berlin, Wis., 'G3-'G4.— Syn. Miss., Lodi, Wis., 'G4-'66. — Dis. Sec. Presb. H.M. Com., Lodi, Wis., 'G6-. Edwin David Sanbokn, ll.d. (1), I^. H. D. C. 1832. — Not or- dained. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., 1835; Prof. Latin and Greek, '35-37; Prof. Latin, '37-59. — Prof Hist, and Class. Lit., Washington Univ., St. Louis, Mo., '59-'63. — Prof Orat. and Belles Let., Dart. Coll., 'G3-. David Sylvester Sheldon (1), Vt. M.C. 1831. — Teacher Math., Acad., Potsdam, N. Y., '35-40. — Teacher, Northampton, Ms. — Far- mer, Rupert, Vt., '..-'50. — Prin. Prep. Dep., Iowa Coll.,'..-'..; Prof Chem., '53-'54, and '55-'58. — Edwin J. Sherrii.l (2), N. Y. Ilam. C. 1833.— Ordained 1838. Eaton, C. E., s.s. 'S7-'38 ; p. '38-. Asa Bowen Smith (2), Vt. M.C. 1834. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1837. — Ordained 1 Nov. 1837. Missionary, Oregon Indians, '37-43 ; Oahu, Hawaiian Islands, '43-'4G. — s.s. South Amherst, Ms., '47. — Buckland, Ms., '48-59. — s.s. Southbury, Ct., 'GO-. Henry Boyntox Smith, d.d., ll.d. (1), Me. B.C. 1834. — Baa- . gor Theol. Sem., 183G. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '3G-'37, and '40-41.— Ordained 29 Dec. 1842. West Amesbury, Ms., '42-47. — Prof Moral Phil, and Met., Audi. Coll., '47-'50. — Prof Ecel. Hist., Union Theol. Sem., New York, '50-'54 ; Prof Syst. Theol., '54-. John Derby Smith, m.d. (2), N. H. Y. C. 1832. — Theol. Dej)., Yale Col'., 183G. — s.s. Athol, Ms., '38-39. — Ord,;ined 20 Nov. 1839. Charlemont, Ms., '39-44.— Stud. Med., Baltimore, Md.— Resettled, Charlemont, Ms., '48-52. —s.s. First ch., B-.;rkley, Ms., '54-58. — s.s. Douglas, Ms., 'G0-'G3. — In the Army, 'G3-'. . — Clerk in Treas. Dep't, AVashington, D. C, ('G7). — Acting Assist. Surgeon, U.S. Navy, 'G7-, (Now on duty at U. S. Naval Hospital, Pensacola, Fla.) »^William II. Smitti xm). (1), D. C. P.C. 1834. — Not ordained.- Physician. Res., in later life, in London, Eng., and died there, since 18G0. 130 1837. 1838. Erastus William Tiiaykr (2), Ms. A.C. 1831. — Ordained 18-10. s.s. Prcsb. ch., Palcstino, 111., (eight years). — s.s. Paris, III., '. .-'Jl. — w.c. Paris, 111., 'ol-'o;]; Springfield, 111., '53-'p5. — s.s. Decatur, 111., '55-'5G. — av.c. Decatur, 111., '57-'G0. — s.s. Chatham, 111., ('G2)-. *Eli TiiURSTOX, D.D. (1), Ms. A.C. 1834. — Ordained 3 Jan. 1838. Hallowell, Me., '38-48. — Central eh., Fall River, Ms., '49-; died there, 10 Dec. 1861), aged 61. *David Tiltox (1), N. H. Y.C. 1833. — Ordained 14 Oct. 1835. Edgartown, IMs., '35-38. — Lanesville, Gloucester, Ms., '40-50. — Agent ibr publishing houses, and latterly for Mason Brothers (res. Woburn, Ms., since '62), '50 until died, at Woburn, Ms., 10 Feb. 1869, aged 62. *Chaklks Tukxer Tourey (1), Ms. Y. C. 1833. — Ordained 22 March 1837. lv"chmond st. ch.. Providence, R. I., '37. — Howai'd st. ch., Salem, Ms., '38-39. — Agent Anti-Slavery Soc., '39-; died, in Maryland Penitentiary, 9 May 1846, ageil 32. *Abner Barxard Waijxer (2), Ms. W.C. 1833. — Gilmanton Thcol. Sem., 1838. — Ordained 6 Feb. 1839. Milford, N. H., '39-'46. Mystic ch., Medford, Ms., '4 7-; died there, 26 May 1853, aged 39. *Theodore Sedgwick Wood (1), Ms. A.C. 1832. — Died, at...., while a member of the Seminary, 20 Aug. 1835, aged 26. 1838. LuciEX Cyrus Boyxtox, A^t. M.C. 1834. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Wilmington, Del., '38-'39;in Va., '40-41; Heathsville Acad., Northumberland Co., Va., '41-44. — Res. Weathersfield, Vt., *4 5-46. — Lawyer, Uxbridge, Ms., '46-59 ; Springfield, 111., '59-. William Craige Burke, m.d., Vt. D. C. 1833. — Ordained .... — s.s. Lancaster, N. 11. — Teacher, Moor's Charity School, Han- over, N. II., '42-44. — Physician, New York, '44-56 ; Skaneateles, N. Y., '56-'62 ; Norwalk, Ct., '62-61. — Res. Skaneateles, N. Y., '64-. Daxiel Butler, Ms. Y. C. 1835. — Ordained 13 Oct. 1838. Village ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '38-'45. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, '45-'52. — Sec. Mass. Bible Soc, Boston, Ms., '52-. Aarox Merrick Coltox, Vt. Y.C. 1835. — Res. Lie, Andover, Ms., '3S-'40. — Ordained 10 June 1840. First ch., Amherst, Ms., '40-*52. — First ch., Easthampton, Ms., '53-. 131 1838. *George Washington Cressey, Ms. B.C. 1835. — Ordained 9 July 1840. Union ch., Kennebunk, Me., s.s. '39-40; p. '40-51. — s.s. Buxton, Me., '52-; died there, 12 Feb. 1867, aged 56. Charles Dame, Me. B.C. 1835. — Ordained 29 May 1839. Fal- mouth, Me., '39-'53. — Brentwood, N. II., '54-57. — w.c. Exeter, N.H., '57-. Allen Washington Dodge, N. Y. H. C. 1826. — Not ordained. -^ County Treasurer, Essex Co., res. Hamilton, Ms. David Eastman, Ms. A. C. 1 835. — Ordained 12 Feb. 1840. Lev- erett, Ms., s.s. '38-40; p. '40-59. —s.s. Slmtesbury, Ms., '60-61.— s.s. Minneapolis, Minn., '61-62. — s.s. New Salem, Ms., '63-. *JonN Phelps Foster, Ms. A. C. 1834. — Ordained 21 Sept. 1842. Fowlerville, N. Y., '42-'43. — Oconomowoc and Summit, Wis., '43-'. . — Sweden, Me., '48-'50. — w.c. '50 until died, at Oxford, Ms., 27 April 1851, aged 44. Daniel Goodwin, N. H. D.C. 1835. — Ordained 27 Feb. 1839. Brookline, N. H., '39-'55. —Mason, N. H., s.s. '57-'60 ; p. '60-. *Alonzo Gray, ll.d., Vt. A. C. 1834. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '37-'43. — Prof. Cliem., Mar. Coll. — Prin. Brooklyn Heights Fern. Sem., Brooklyn, N. Y., '. .- ; died there, 10 March I860, aged 52. , Samuel Harris, D.D., Me. B.C. 1833. — Teacher Acad., Machias, Me., '38-'41. — Ordained 22 Dec. 1841. Conway, Ms., '41-'51.— South ch., Pittsfield, Ms., '51-'55. — Prof. Theol., Bangor Theol. Sem., '55-'6 7. — Pres. Bowd. Coll., Brunswick, Me., '6 7-. Asa Hemenway, Vt. M. C. 1835. — Ordained 22 Jan. 1839. Mis- sionary, Bangkok, Siam, '39-50. — s.s. Ripton, Vt., '51-'60. — — s.s. Keeseville, N. Y., '63. — s.s. Mooers, N.Y., •64-'69. — s.s.. West Hartford, Vt., '69-. Thomas Swan Hubbard, Vt. M. C. 1834. — Ordained IS June 1839. — Stockbridge, Vt., '39-'46. — Chelsea, Vt., '47-'54. — s.s. Stockbridge, Vt., '55-56. — Res. Stockbridge, Vt., occ. sup., '56-62. Also, Member Vt. House of Repr., '57-'58, and State Senate, '60-'61. — s.s. Presb. ch., Dunton, 111., '62-64.— s.s. Cong, ch;, Gaysville, Vt, '64-'68. — s.s. Rochester, Vt., '68-. John Jones, N. H. D. C. 1834. — Ordained 1 July 1841. Chitten- den, Vt, '41-'44. — H. M., Danville, Ind., '44-'. . — H. M., Earlville, 111., '..-'51. — Teacher, Sandusky, O., '51-55.— Agent Am. Bible Soc, 111., '5.5-'62. — w.c. Merlden, 111., '62-. (?) i8;}8. Edward Ai.kxandkk Laavrence, d.d., Vt. I). C. 1834. — Or- dained 8 May 1839. Centre cli., Haverhill, Ms,, '39-44. — Second ch., INIarblehead, Ms., '45-'54. — Prof. Eccl. Hist, and Tast. Duty, Theol. Inst., East Windsor, Ct., '54-'(;5. — s.s. Orford, N. IT., 'G5- '08. — Third ch., Marblchead, Ms., 'C8-. Edwin Leigh, m.d., Me. B.C. 1835. — Ordained — Woonsocket, R. I. — Physician. *James Means, N. II. B. C. 1833. — Ordained 8 Jan. 1840. Concord, Ms., '40-44. — Teacher, Groton, Ms., '45-53; New York, '5.'>-'57 ; West Lebanon, N. IL, '59-'Gl ; Auburndale, Ms., 'r)l-'62. — Hospital Chap., '62-'G3. — Sup't Contrabands,' Newbcrn, N. C, '63-; died there, 6 April 1863, aged 50. Washington Adams Nichols, Ms. A. C. 1834. — Ordained 12 Sept. 1838. Brookfield, Ms., '38-'42. — Teaclier, Family School, Brookfield, Ms., '42-54. — Edwards ch., Chicago, 111., '54-57.— Salem ch., Chicago, 111., '58-'62. — w.c. Lake Forest, 111., 'G2-. Dennis Powers, N. H. A.C. 1835. — Ordained 5 Dec. 1838. East Randolph, Ms., '38-41. — South Abington, Ms., '42-'50.— Clerk, Dep't of Interior, Washington, D. C, '51-53. — Agent Am. Col'n Soc, '53-56. — South Braintree, Ms., '56-60. — w.c. and occ. sup., res. South Abington, Ms., '60-. Now sup. Rindgc, N. IT. Charles Selden Sherman, N. Y. Y. C. 1835. — Ordained 30 Nov. 1838.- Missionary, Syria and Jerusalem, '38-'42. — — New Britain, Ct., '45-49. — Naugatuck, Ct., '49-'G9. — ay.c. Naugatuck, Ct., '69-. ♦Reuben E. Taylor, Ga. i\^./. C — Ordained 24 Sept. 1840. Presb. ch., Carbondale, Pa., '40-'. . " Died early." ♦Timothy Alden Taylor, Ms. A.C. 1835. — Ordained 23 Jan. 1830. Slatersville, R. I., '39- ; died there, 2 March 1858, aged 48. Leander Thompson, Ms. A.C. 1835. — s.s. Granby, Ms., '38.— Ordained 30 Nov. 1838. Missionary, Syria, '39-43. — South ch.. South Hadley, Ms., '43-'50. — West Amesbury, Ms., '54-'67. — w.c, '67-'68. — s.s. Wolfeborough, N. IT., '68- 69. — s.s. North ch., Woburn, Ms., 69-. Eleazer W. True, N. Y. —. — Teacher, Adrian, ]\Iich.— (Said to have been Teacher, Henrietta, N. Y.) *Ed Richard Tucker, M.s. D. C. 1835.— Ordained 9 July 1841. Presb. ch.. Defiance, O., '40-63. — w.c. Newburyport, Ms., '63 until died there, 13 Jan. 1866, aged 50. 133 1838. William Waurex, Me. J3.C. — Ordained 14 Feb. 1840. Wind- ham, Me., '40-'49. — Upton, Ms., '49-'56. — Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Gorliaiii, Me., '5G-. Artemas Augustus Wood, d.d., Ms. A. C. 1831. — Ordained 19 Dec. 1838. West Springfield, Ms., '3S-'49. — Pearl st. Presb. ch., Kew York, '49-'o3. — Central Presb. cli., New York, '53-60. — Presb. eh., Geneva, N. Y., 'GO-. Charles Wilkes Wood, Ms. B.U. 1834. — Ordained 30 Oct. 1839. — Asliby, Ms., '39-'58. — Campello, North Bridgewater, Ms., '58-. Charles Abbot, M.D. (1), N. H. D.C. 1833. — Pliysician. IIexry Beldex (1), N. Y. U.C. 1835. — Union Tlieol. Sem., 1838. — Ordained 2 May 1839. Presb. ch., Marlborough, N. Y., '39-40. — s.s. New Windsor, N. Y., '41. — s.s. Washingtonville, N. Y., '41- '44. — Cong, ch., Boonton, N. J., '44-46. — Blooming Grove, N. Y., '46-'52. — Free Cong, ch., New York, '52-56. — City Missionary, Brooldyn, N. Y., '56-66. — w.c. New Providence, N. J., '66-68. — Parkville, L. I., '6S-. *Benjamin Burge (1), N. II. D.C. 1835. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ordained 1 July 1840. Enfield, N. H., '40-48. — Died, at Enfield, N. II., 3 Sept. 1S48, aged 36. *Stephex Chase (2), N. H. D.C. 1832. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Va. and Md., (two years). — Prin. Acad., Gorham, Me., '. .-'. . ; South Berwick, Me., '..-'.. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '38; Prof. Math., '38-; died, at Hanover, N. H., 7 Jan. 1851, aged 37. *James Clark (1), N. 11. D.C. 1834 —Prin. Acad., Savannah, Ga., '36-; died there, 31 July 1837, aged 27. Sereno Dickinson Clark (1), Ms. A.C. 1835. — Ordained llJune 1840. Aslifield, Ms., '40-'51. — Lee, Ms., '51-52. — Sunderland, Ms., '53_'G4.— Sec. Cong. Board ofPub., Boston, Ms., '64-'G8. — Province- town, Ms., 'G9-. Alfred Emerson (2), Ms. Y. C. 1834. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '37-'40. — Ordained 15 Oct. 1845. South Reading, now Wakefield, Ms., '45-'53. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., West. Res. Coll., '53-56.— South Berwick, Me., '57-58. — First ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '58- JosEPii W. Faulkner (1), Ms. — . — Not ordained. — Res. AVor- ccster, Ms. Joseph Steele GALrAGiiEu (1), N. Y. — . — Assist. Astron., U. S. Gov't, '18-20.— Second Lieut., Artill., U. S. A., '20-30; First Lieut., '30-'36. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '3G-'3 7. — Ordained 15 Oct. 1837. Second Presb. cli., Orange, N. J., '37-'49. Also, Chaplain, Fort Columbus, '42-'43. — Gen. Agent Union Theol. Sem., 'u2-'G3 ; Gen. Agent and Treas., 'C3-. Stepiiex Skwall NoiiTOx Greeley (1), N. IL D. C. 1835. — Gil- manton Theol. Sent., 1838. — Ordained 31 Jan. 1839. Gilmanton, N. H., '39-42. — New Market, N. H., '42-47. — s.s. Chicopee, Ms., '4 7-'51. — Great Barrington, Ms., '52-'5G. — Grand llapids, Mich., '57_'G2. — Oswego, N. Y., 'GG-. *Charles Howe Greexleae (2), Ms. D.C. 1832. — Not ordained. — Died, at Brooklyn, N. Y., 18 May 1838, aged 31. Samuel Hunt (1), Ms. A.C. 1832. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1833. — Ordained 17 July 1839. Natick, Ms., '39-50. — Franklin, Ms., '50-'G5. — Am. Miss. Ass'n, N. Y., 'G5-'G7. — Charles Davis Jacksox, d.d. (2), jNIs. D.C. 1833. — Ordained deacon, Episc, . . May 1811 ; priest, 5 March 1842. — St. Luke's ch., Rossville, Staten Island, N. Y., '43-47. — St#Peter's ch., Westchester, N.Y., '47-. *WiLLARD JoxES (1), N. H. D.C. 1835. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1838. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., '38-'39. — Ordained 4 July 1S39. Mission- ary, Persia, •39-'45. — s.s. Northfield, Ms., '4G-'50. — s.s. North Orange, Ms., '50-'52. — s.s. Middlefielu, Ct., '53-'54.— Central Falls, R. L, '55-59. — Northfield, Ms., '59-; died there, 21 Nov. 18G1, aged 52. *Nathaxiel Abbot Keyes (1), N. H. D.C. 1835. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ordained 9 Aug. 1839. — Missionary, Beirut and Jeru- salem, '40-'44. — s.s. Charlemont, Ms., '45-'4G. — s.s. South Royalston, Ms., '46-'47. — German Ref. ch., Lancaster, Pa., '47-'. . — Cong, ch., Princeton, 111., '5G-'57. — Died, at Princeton, 111., 30 March 1857, aged 48. Harvey Dexxisox KiTCHEL, D.D. (1), N. Y. M.C. 1835. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '3G-'37. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1838. — Ordained 20 Feb. 1839. Thomaston, Ct., '39-'49. — First Cong, ch., Detroit, Mich., '49_'64. — s.s. Plymouth ch., Chicago, 111., 'G4-'66. — Pres. Mid. Coll., Middlebury, Vt., '66-. Charles Kittredge (1), Ms. D.C. 1834. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1838.— Ordained 27 March 1839. Columbia, Ct., '39-'41. — s.s. North Canaan, Ct., '42-'44. — Presb. ch., Parma and Greece, N. Y., s.s. '44-'45 ; p. '45-'55. — Teacher and occ. pr.. West Greece, N. Y., '55-. 135 1838. E'leazkr Jevvett Maksh (1), Vt. M.C. 1833.— Teacher, Concord, Ms.,'36-'37; Thetford, Vt., '37-'40 ; Milton, Ms., '40-'45 ; Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '45-4 7; Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '47-'.. — Edmund McKinney (1), Pa. AVash. C. 1835. — Princeton Theol. Sen)., '30-'3 7. — Ordained Missionary, Omaha Indians, ('47)-'56. — Teacher, Diinlapville, Ind., '57-'59. — s.s. Presb. ch., IMontgomery, O., 'G0-'61. — Chapkin, U. S. A., '(J2-'G4. — Agent, C'hirksville, Tenn., '(J5-. BuRTis Cunningham Megie (1), N. Y, U.N. Y. 1835. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '3G- 37. — Union Theol. Seiu., 1838.— Ordained, Presb., 31 Oct. 1838. s.s. New Paltz, N. Y., '38-39. — s.s. and p., Dover, N. J., '39-. <^ James Nichols (2-j-), Ms. U. C. 1835. — Tutor, Union Coll., '38- '39; Assist. Prof. Anc. Lang., '39-'41. — Prin. Fern. Acad., Utica, N. Y., '41-'. .— Ordained 1845. Presb. ch., Oneida, N. Y., '45-'49, — Prin. Synod. Acad., Geneseo, N. Y., '50-'58. — Chaplain Western House of Refuge, Kochester, N. Y., '59-'. . — Chaplain 108th 'N. Y. Vols., '62-'. . — Died, at Rochester, N. Y., 31 Jan. 1864, aged 52. Geouge Cotton Partridge (1), Ms. A. C. 1833. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '36-38. — Ordained 21 Nov. 1839. Nantucket, Ms., '3.9-'41. — Briinfield, Ms., '42-'4 7. — Greenfield, Ms., '48-'54. — — s.s. Batavia, 111., '60-'6G. — w.c. Batavia, 111., 'G6-. Isaac Pollard (1), Ms. —. — (From Boston, Ms.) James Rosamond (1), S. C. Mi.U. 1833. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '35-37. — Ordained — Teacher, West Point, Miss. — s.s. Presb. ch., Columbus, Miss. — Teacher, Kosciusko, Miss., '53-'54, and s.s. '55. — Teacher, Starkville, Miss., '56. — Teacher and s.s.. West Point, Miss., ('58). — s.s. Union, Ala., '60-('62). — Fayetteville, Ala., ('64). — (In list of" Presb. Ch. in the U. S.," '66, without P. O. address.) George Sheldon, d.d. (1), Ms. W.C. 1835. — Prin. Sem., Orange- burg, S. C, '37-40. — Ordained 13 June 1841. Presb. ch., Summer- ville, S. C, '41-48. — Dis. Sup't, Am. Bi))le Soc, Princeton, N. J., ■■18-. Samuel IIdwaud Siiki-ley (1), Ms. B.C. 1833. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1838. — Ordained 31 Oct. 1838. New Gloucester, Me., '38-47. — Prin. Acad., North Yarmouth, Me., '47-'50. — Assoc. Sup't, Fem. Sem., Steubenville, O., '50-'52. — Propr. and Prin. Fem. Sem., Blairsville, Pa., and occ. jn-., '52-'G5 ; Prin. Classical and Eng. Acad., 'G5-. 1838. 1839. EnwARD JosiAii Stearns (1), Ms. H. C. 1833. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, — (Prof. Mod. Lang., St. John's Coll., Md. — Now res. Baltimore, Md.) *Calei{ Strong (1), Ms. Y. C. 1835. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1838. — Ordained — Am. Presb. ch., Montreal, C. E. — Died, 184 7, aged .. Thomas Bknedict Sturges (1), Ct. Y. C, 1835. — Theol. Dep , Yale Coll., 1838. — Ordained 8 June 1842. Greenfield Hill, Ct., '42-'67. — w.c. Greenfield, Ct., '67-. *IIoMER Taylor (2+), N.II. D.C. 1834. — Died, at Andover, Ms., ■while a member of the Seminary, 1 Aug. 1838, aged 29. Allen Hayden Weld (2), Vt. Y. C. 1834. — Not ordained.— Teacher and Author. (Teacher, West Lebanon, N. H., in '55. Now Teacher and Farmer, River Falls, Wis.) 1839. David Andrews, Ms. A. C. 183G. — Ordained 29 Jan. 1840. Pep- perell, Ms., *40-'49. — s.s. Tiverton, R. L, '51-'57. — occ. sup., Minn., '57-'Gl. — w.c. Winona, Minn., 'G1-. Daniel Hutchinson Babcock, Ohio. W.R. C. 1836. — Ordained 7 Nov. 1839. Eastham, Ms., '39-'40. — s.s. West Yarmouth, ]\fc., '40- '41. — Cohasset, Ms., '42-46. — s.s. Salem, N. H., '47-49. — s.s. Har- risville, N. H., '50. — Littleton, Ms., '51-53. — Manomet, Plymouth, Ms., '53-59. — s.s. Shirley, Ms., '60-63. — s.s. First ch., Berkley, Ms., '64-'66. — s.s. North Gray, Vt., '67-'69. — s.s. East Falmouth, Ms., '69-. *Seth Warriner Banister, Ms. A. C. 1835. — Ordained 2 June 1841. Hinsdale, Ms., '4 1-'46. — Carlisle, Ms., '4 7-'52.— Lyndon, Vt., '53-54. — First ch., Ware, Ms., '55-57. —Mail agent, Ms., '57 until died, at Newton, Ms., 5 Oct. 1861, aged 50. Timothy Green Brainerd, Vt. Y. C. 1830. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1840. Presb. ch., Londonderry, N.IL, '4 0-'55. — Halifax, Ms., '55- '65. — Av.c. '65-'67; Grinncll, lo., '67-. *Amos Bullard, Ms. A. C. 1833. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '35-37. — Prin. Acad., Leicester, Ms., '38-'. . — Ordained 26 Oct. 1843. Barre, Ms., '43-; died there, 21 Aug. 1850, aged 44. *Josiah Leonard Case, N. I''. U.C. 1836. — Ordained 17 Oct. 1839. Kingston, N. H., '39-; died there, 15 Nov. 1839, aged 31. 1839. Jacob Ciiapman, N. H. D. C. 1835. — Teacher, Bridgeton, Me., '39-'41. — s.s. Pelham, N. H., '41-'42. — s.s. Kingston, N. H., '42-'43. — H. M., Pa., '43-45. — Ordained 23 June 1845. Home Missionary. Teacher to Germans, Myerstown, Pa., '45-'47. — Prof., Franklin Coll., Pa., '47-'51. — Prin. Acad., Harrisburg, Pa., '5 1-'5 2. — Marshall, 111., '52-'64. — s.s. Onarga, 111., '65. — Dcerfield, N. H., '66-. *JoHN Edward Farwell, Ms. A. C. 1836.— Ordained 30 Oct. 1839. — occ. pr., '39-'43. — Rochester, N. H., '43-'52. — s.s. Pelham, N. H., etc., '52-58. — Died, at Fitchburg, Ms., 24 Dec. 1858, aged 49. *NATnANiEL Breed Fox, N. H. A. C. 1835. — s.s. Dracut, Ms., '39- '40. — Ordained 25 Aug. 1841. Granby, C. E., s.s. '40-'41 ; p. '41-'44. — City Missionary, Worcester, Ms., '45-' . , — — Died, at Ab- ington, Ct., 11 Dec. 1848, aged 36. *Charles Alonzo Gager, Ct. Y.C. 1835. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '37-'39.— Not ordained. — Died, at Cairo, Egypt, 16 Nov. 1841, aged 27. *Wayne Gridley, N.Y. Ham. C. 1836. — Ordained 25 Sept. 1839. Clinton, N. Y., s.s. '39-'40; p. '40-; died there, 23 Nov. 1846, aged 85. Joseph Haven, D.D., Ms. A.C. 1835.— Ordained 6 Nov. 1839. Ash- land, Ms., '39-46.— Harvard ch., Brookline, Ms., '46-'50. — Prof. Moral Phil, and Met., Amh. Coll., '50-'58. — Prof. Syst. Theol., Chi- caaro Theol. Sem., '58-. Henry Hurlburt, N. Y. Gen. C. — Ordained — . —s.s. Rutland, Vt., '47-'48.— George Leeds, d.d., Ms. A.C. 1835. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 1839 ; priest, 9 March 1841. — Utica, N.Y. — St. Peter's ch., Salem, Ms., '53-'60. — St. Peter's ch., Philadelphia, Pa. — Grace ch., Baltimore, Md., '. .-. James Hervey Merrill, N. H. D. C. 1834. — Teacher Acad., Fryeburg, Me., '35-37.— Ordained 26 Nov. 1839. Montague, Ms., '39-'55. — West ch., Andover, Ms., '56-. *WiLLiAM Page, N. II. —.— Ordained 4 Nov. 1840. s.s. Dracut, Ms., '40-'42. — Hudson, N. IL, '42-'52. — Salem, N. H., '52-'58. —s.s. Bath, N.H., '58-'60. — w.c. Atkinson, N. IL, '60 until died there, 18 Oct. 1861, aged 53. JosiAH Peabody, Ms. D.C. 1836. — Ordained 25 Sei5t. 1839. ]\Iis- sionary, Erzrum and Constantinople, '41-'60. — — s.s. Po- .pionnock, Ct., '65-'68. — s.s. Nortii Stamford, Ct., '68- 18,39. Samukl Lklaxd Rockwood, IVIs, A. C. 183G. — Ordained 11 March 1840. Hanson, Ms., '40-*58. — North Weymoutli, Ms., "58-. *AsHLEY Samson, Vt. M.C. 183(;. — Ordained — Agent Mass. S. S. Soc, in Mo., '39-; died, at Fayette, Mo., 19 Oct. 1840, aged 31. CiiAULES Emery Stevens, N. II. D. C. 1835. — Not ordained. — Prin. Acad., Worthington, Ms. ; Fitchburg, Ms.; Prin. High School, Barre, Ms. — Editor N. H. Statesman, Concord, N. H., in '46. — Editor P«/no<, Barre, Ms., '49-52. — Editor Z)a% Trariscript, Wor- cester, Ms., '52. — Assist. Editor Mass. Colonial Records, Boston, Ms., '53-'54. — Literary reader and editor for Gould and Lincoln, Boston, Ms., '55-58. — Assist, Reg. of Probate and Insolv., for Worcester Co., Worcester, Ms., '59- James Andrews Blin Stone, d.d., Vt. M.C. 1834. — Ordained, Bapt., 13 Nov. 1839. Gloucester, Ms., '3 9-'41. — Kalamazoo, Mich., and Prin. of Branch of State Univ., '43-'49. — Prof. Syst. Tlieol. and Bib. Int., Theol. Inst., Kalamazoo, Mich., '49-. Charles William Treadwell, Ms. A. C. 1836. — Ordained.. 1841. s.s. Presb. ch., Moreau, N. Y., '41-'51. — s.s. Plessis and Theresa, N. Y., '51-'63. — s.s. Wheatland, lo., '64-. Thomas Wright, Vt. W.C. 1835. — Ordained .. Aug. 1840. Presb. ch., Wolcott, N. Y., '40-56. — Agent, Ypsilanti, Mich., '58-59.— s.s. Fentonville, Mich., '60-'64. — Sup't Missions, Am. S. S. Union, for Mich., res. Fentonville, '64-. *Jeremiah Smith Young, N. Y. —.— Ordained 20 Nov. 1839. First ch., Dover, N. H., '39-43. — s.s. North Andover, Ms., '43-44. — Agent Steam Mill, Portsmouth, N. 11., '. .-('50). — Manuf'r, Ballard Vale, Ms. — Gen. Agent and Treas. Pacific Mills, Lawrence, Ms. — Died, at Fall River, Ms., 26 April 1861, aged 51. Charles Chamberlain (1), Ms. B.U. 1836. — Union Theol. Sem., 1839. — H.M., Ohio and Ind., '3 9-'4 1. — Ordained 8 July 1842. Berkley, Ms., '42-44. — s.s. Freetown, Ms., '45-47. — s.s. Mendon, Ms., '4 7-'50. — Auburn, Ms., '50-'53. — First ch., Ashford, Ct., '53-'57. — Eastford, Ct., '58-67. — s.s. Oxford, Ct., '67-'69. — s.s. Redding, Ct., '69-. *JoHN Orr Chandler (1), N. H. D.C. 1836. —Not ordained.— Died, at Matanzas, Cuba, 23 June 1839, aged 23. 139 1830. *NeheMiaii Cogswell Coffin (1), N. II. D. C. 183G. — Lane Theol. Setn., 1841. — Ordained 10 Sept. 1843. s.s. Presb. ch., Fearing, O., '42-'45. — s.s. Bethel and Bremen, O., '45-'4G. — s.s. Presb. ch., Heb- ron, O., '4(J-'51. — Teacher, Granville Fem. Coll., O., '51-52. — s.s. Second Presb. ch., Piqua, O., '52-'60. — w.c. Sandusky, O., '60-'61 ; Marblehead, O., 'CI until died there, 9 Jan. 18G8, aged 52. *JonN A. Collins (2-f), Vt. il/.C — Agent Anti-slavery Soc., etc. — Died, 1857, aged .. *Elbridge Gerry Cutler (1), Me. iJ. C. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1839. — s.s. Phipsburg, Me., '40-'41.— Ordained 15 Jan. 1842. Belfast, Me., '42-; died, at Reading, Pa., 28 April 1846, aged . . Ebenezer Porter Dyer (1), Ms. B.U. 1833. — Prin. Acad., Stowe, Ms., '3 7-'38.— Ordained 25 Sept. 1839. Stowe, Ms., '39- '46. — City Missionary, Boston, Ms., '46-'47. — Hinghara, Ms., s.s. '47-'49; p. '49-'63. — s.s. North Somerville, Ms., '64-'6 7. — Shrews- bury, Ms., 'G7-. William Davis Ely (1), Ct. Y. C. 1836. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1839. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '39-'42. — Lawyer, Hartford, Ct., '43-'5G ; Providence, II. I., '5G-. Thomas Parsons Emerson (1), Me. B.C. 1836. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1840. — Ordained Home Missionary, Marlon, lo., '40-'41 ; Wapsipinicon rivei-, lo., '41-'42. — — s.s. Presb. ch., Riley Creek, O., ('51)-'53. — H. M., Portageville, O., '54-'56.— H. M., McComb, O., '57-'G2. — s.s. Kalida, O., '63-64. — s.s. Ma- homet, 111., '65-. Alonzo Kimball (1), N. Y. U. C. 1836.- (Said to be of Lee, Ms., in '50.) William Harris Latham, m.d. (1), N. IL D. C. 183G. — Not or- dained. — Physician, Indianapolis, Ind. Parker Pillsbury (1), N. H. — . — Anti-slavery lecturer. — Now res. Concord, N. II. Samuel Rowley Thrall (2+), Vt. M.C. 1835. — s.s. Perkinsville and Wells River, Vt., '39-'42. — Ordained 13 April 1842. Wells River, Vt., '42-47. — s.s. Hubbardston, Vt., '48-52. — s.s. Cuttings- ville, Vt., '52-'53. — s.s. Wethersfield, 111., '54-'55. — s.s. Tremont, 111., '55-'57. — s.s. Bristol, 111., '57-'59. — s.s. Rockport and Summer Ilill, 111., '59-'65. — La Harpe, 111., 'G5-'69. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Galesburg, 111., 'G9-. ♦Wellington Hart Tyler (1-f), Pa. A. C. 1831. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Mercer Co., Ky., '32-'34. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '34-'3G. — 140 1830. 1840. Prill. Acad., INIanlius, N. Y., '37-'38. — rriii. S. C. Fein. Coll. Inst., Columbia, S. C, '40. — Prin. Young Ladies' Inst., Pittsfield, Ms., '41- '53. — Prin. Fem. Sem., Cincinnati, O., 'G2. — Died, on voyage to Labrador, 19 Aug. 18G3, aged 51. 18^0.' *Samuel Phillips Abuott, Me. B.C. 1836. — Ordained 15 July 1841. Houlton, Me., '41-44. — Teacher, Farniington, Me., '. .- ; died there, 29 June 1849, aged 34. John Laxgdon AsiiBY, N. IL A.C. 1837. — Ordained 7 July 1841. York, Me., '41-'49.— Saccarappa, Me., '51-63. — Clerk, U. S. Trea- sury Dep't, AVashington, D. C, '63-. *WiLLiAM Bates, Yt. M.C. 1837. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1845. North- bridge, Ms., '45-58. — First eh., Falmouth, Ms., '58-; died there, 9 Sept. 1859, aged 42. *Samuel Beaxe, N. IL D.C. 1836. — Ordained 7 July 1841. Great Falls, N. H., '41-'44. — s.s. Little Compton, R. L, '45-'46 ; p. '46-'57. — Prin. Fem. Sem., Beloit, Wis., '5 7-'60. — Norton, Ms., '60-; died there, 8 May 1865, aged 53. Joel Blackmer, Vt. D. C. 1834. — (Ordained?) —s.s. South Wey- mouth, Ms., (one year). — Teacher, Ridgebury, N. Y., '43-'45; New- York, '45-' . . ; Prin. Clinton Place Inst., New York, '. .-'. . — Clerk, New York Custom House, '. .-. (?) *James Boutwell, N. H. D.C. 1834. — Ordained 4 Nov. 1841. Brentwood, N. H., '41-'52. — Sanbornton, N. H., '52- ; died there, 21 April 1865, aged 50. *James Churchill Bryant, N. IL A.C. 1836. — Ordained 28 Oct. 1 840. Littleton, Ms., '40-45. — Missionary, South* Africa, '46- ; died there, 23 Dec. 1850, aged 38. *RuFUS F. BuEL, N. Y. —.— Ordained, Bapt., 23 Jan. 1841. Mis- sionary, Greece, '41-'55. — Teacher, Providence, R. I., '55-'64. — In service of U. S. Chr. Com., '64. — Officer of Internal Revenue, Wash- ington, D. C, "65-; died there, 20 Feb. 1866, aged 53. James Davie Butler, ll.d,, Vt. M.C. 1836. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '37-'38. — In Europe and Asia, '42-43. — Prof. Lang, and Eng. Lit., Norwich Univ., Vt., '45-'4 7. — Ordained 14 Oct. 1847. Wells River, Vt.,'47-'50. — South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., '51-'52. — — First Cong, ch., Cincinnati, O., '52-'55. — Prof. Ancient Lang., " 141 1840. Wabash Coll., Crawfordsville, Ind., '55-58. — Prof. Ancient Lang., Wisconsin State Univ., Madison, Wis., '58-'G 7. — Lecturer and occ. pr., Madison, Wis., '67-. Henry Callaiiax, Ms. U.C. 1836. — Ordained — Niagara Falls, N. Y., ('45)-'49. — Presb. ch., Oxford, N. Y., '51-'61. — w.c, now res. Fi-anklin, N. Y., '61-. *Abel a. Case, Ohio. Ken. C. — (Was in St. Johnsbury, Vt., in '41. Was Teacher, Greenup, Ky. ; died , aged . .) JosiAH Clark, Ms. Y\ C. 1833. — Not ordained. — Prin. Acad., Leicester, Ms., '41-'49; Prin. Williston Sem., Easthampton, Ms., '49- '63; Teacher, Northampton, Ms., '63-. *JoEL Lyman Dickinson, Ms. A. C. 1837. — s.s. Chicopee, Ms., '42. — s.s. South Hadley, Ms., '42. — s.s. Northborough, Ms., '42-'43. — Or- dained 28 Feb. 1844. Northfield, Ct., '44-'51. — Plainville, Ct., s.s. '51-52; p. '52-58. — w.c. Plainville, Ct., '58 until died there, 13 July 1867, aged 55. Thomas Power Field, d.d., Ms. A.C. 1834. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '37-39. — Ordained 8 Oct. 1840. South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., '40-'50.— Second Presb. ch., Troy, N. Y., '50-'53.— Prof. Rhet., Orat., and Eng. Lit., Amh. Coll., '53-'56. — First ch.. New London, Ct., '56-. Franklin Davenport Harris, Pa. P.U. 1837. — Ordained .. Oct. 1840. Home Missionary, Central Pa., '40-'51. — — Presb. ch., Bristol, Pa., '5 1-'6 0. — Port Byron, N.Y., '61-'6 7. — Woodbury, N.J., '67-. Morris Holman, Ms. A.C. 1837. — H.M., Farmington Falls and Chesterville, Me., '40-'. . — Res. Bangor, Me., '. .-'43. — Ordained 15 Jan. 1 845. York, Me., s.s. '43-45 ; p. '45-'58. — s.s. Kennebunkport, Me., '5 8-' 6 3.-^ s.s. Deering, N. H., '65-. *William Bradford Homer, Ms. A. C. 1836. — Ordained 11 Nov. 1840. South Berwick, Me., '40-; died there, 22 March 1841, aged 24. *Charles Coffin Jewett, Ms. B.U. 1835.- Not ordained. — Prof Mod. Lang., Brown Univ., '43-48; also. Librarian, '42-48. — Li- brarian, Smithsonian Inst., Washington, D. C, '48-55. — Connected with City Library, Boston, Ms., '55-'5 7 ; Superintendent, '57-; died, at Braintree, Ms., 9 Jan. 1868, aged 51. Gideon Southward Johnson, Ms. D. C. 1835. — Ordained .. Oct. 1841. Home Missionary, Lucas and Fulton Counties, O., '41-'51. — 143 1840. Sewavtl and Pecatonica, '51-'55. — w.c. since '55, now Postmastci', Hale, 111. James Tomb McCollom, N. IL D. C. 1835. — Ordained 25 June 1841. Pittston, Me., '41-'44.— Great Falls, N. II., '44-'54. — Brad- ford, Ms., '54-'G5. — First Trln. cli., Medtbrd, Ms., 'Go-. JosiAH Wheklock Peet, 111. M.C. 183G. — Ordained 15 Dec. 1841. Gardiner, Me., '41-48. — Prin. Mt. Hope Sem., Fall River, Ms., in '51. (Perhaps s.s. Fontanelle, lo., in '69.) *Samuel Peirce, Ms. D. C. 1835.— Ordained 19 April 1843. At- kinson, N. H., '43-; died there, 27 March 1844, aged 27, Jonas De Forest Richards, Vt. D. C 183G. — Ordained 26 May 1841. Charlestown, N. H., '41-'51. — Chester, Vt., '53-'57. — s.s. Weathersfield, Vt., '5 7-'G2. — w.c. Weathersfield, Vt., 'G2-'. . — In Ala., in '69. *George Phillips Smith, Ms. A.C. 1835. — Ordained 17 June 1841. Winchester, Ms., '41-45. — First ch., Worcester, Ms., '45-; died, at Salem, Ms., 3 Sept. 1852, aged 38. Aldace Walker, d.d., Vt. D. C. 1837.— Ordained 30 Dec. 1840. West Rutland, Vt., '40-'G2. — Wallingford, Vt., s.s. '62-'69 ; p. '69-. Leonard Hemenway Wheeler, Ms. M.C. 1837. — Ordained 5 May 1841. Missionary, Ojibwa Indians, La Pointe, Wis., '41-'44 ; Oeenah, '44-66. — w.c. Beloit, Wis., 'G6-. Daniel Wight, Ms. H.C. 1837.— Ordained 28 Sept. 1842. North Scituate, Ms., '42-58. — s.s. Boylston, Ms., '59-'61. — Missionary, A. B. C. F. M., Seneca Indians, '62-63.— Second ch., Ashburnham, Ms., s.s. '63-'64 ; p. '64-. Worcester Willey, N. H, W.C. 1835. — Teacher, Plymouth, N. H. — s.s. Moultonborough, N. H. — Ordained 3 Oct. 1844. Mis- sionary, Cherokee Indians, '44-. (IMissIon suspended during the late war, but resumed since.) *Thomas Bailey (1), R. L Y. C. 1836. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '38-'39. — Ordained —s.s. Presb. ch., Coldspring, N. Y. — Died, at Washington, D. C, 15 July 1850, aged 40. Sylvanus Bates (1), Vt. M.C. 1837. — Notordained. — Prin. Acad., Royalton, Vt., (six years). — Teacher, La Grange, Ga. — *Charles Colesworth Pinckney Burnap (2+), N. H. A. C. 1836. — Died, at , while a member of the Seminary, 30 Dec. 1838, aged 26. 143 184.0. JosiAH Gardner Davis, d.d. (1), Ms. Y. C. 1836. — Union Theol. Sem., 1841. — Ordained 22 May 1844. Amherst, N. H., '44-. Edmund Fowler Dickinson (1+), Ms. U.C. 1837. — Union Theol. Sem., 1840.— Ordained 17 May 1843. s.s. Conneaut, O., '43-54.— — City Miss'y, Chicago, 111., '54-. Charles Backus McLean (1), Ct. Y. C. 1836. — Union Theol. Sem., '38-'39. — Ordained 7 Feb. 1844. Collinsville, Ct., '44-'66.— w.c. Wethersfield, Ct., 'G6-. *Alexander Montgomery (1), N. Y. A. C. 1837. — Union Theol. Sem., '38-39. — Ordained .. Aug. 1839.— Presb. eh., Maysville, N. Y., '40-42. — — s.s. Beaver Dam, Wis., '45-'50. — Gen. Agent Am. Tract Soc.,for Northern 111., etc., Chicago, 111., '50-'57. — Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., for the Northwest, Beloit, Wis., '56-'57.— w.c. '57 until died, at Beloit, Wis., 19 Feb. 1859, aged 50. Joseph Peckham (1—), Ms. A. C. 1837. — Ordained 30 Nov. 1842. Kingston, Ms., '42-'56, — w.c. Minnesota, '56-'58. — s.s. Chiltonville, Ms., '58-59. — s.s. Kingston, Ms., '59-. PiiiLO Columbus Pettibone (2+), N. Y. O.I. 1837.— Ordained 8 Jan. 1841. Presb. ch., Mercer, Pa., '41-44.- s.s. Trim Cong, ch., Fitchburg, Ms., '44-45. — Stockholm, N. Y., '45-56. — s.s. Burling- ton, Wis., '56-63. — Agent Beloit Coll., Beloit, Wis., '63-. Charles Chauncy Shackford (1), N. II. II. C. 1835. — Union Theol. Sem., '37-'39.— Ordained 19 May 1841. Ilawes place Cong. (Unit'n) ch., South Boston, Ms., '41-43. —w.c. Burlington, lo., '43- '46. — Lynn, Ms., '46-64. — Teacher, Boston, Ms., '61-. Res. Bos- ton, since '65. *EzRA C. Smith (2), N. H. —. — Not ordained. — Died, near Ska- neateles, N. Y., 25 July 1844, aged 34. Henry John Van Lennep, d.d. (1), Asia Minor. A.C. 1837. — Ordained .. Sept. 1839. Missionary, Smyrna, '39-'69 ; now in U. S. Robert Ransom Wells (1), N. Y. M.C. 1836. — Theol. Sem., Alleghany City, .... — Ordained South Bend, Ind., ('46)-'47. — — Prin. Acad., Belvidere, N. J., '. .-'53. — Prin. Acad., Shippensburg, Pa., '54-'56. — Teacher, Govanstown, Md., '57- '59. — Teacher, Baltimore, Md., '60-. Alpiionso Wood (1), N. H. D. C. 1834. — Teacher, Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N.H., '34-'49. — Pres. and Prof., Ohio Fern. Coll., '51-57. Also, occ. pr., '46-53. — Prof., Terre Haute Fem. Coll., '57-'60. — Prin. Clinton Fem. Sem., Brooklyn, N. Y., '60-65.— Trav- elling, '65-66. — Author. — Res. West Farms, N.Y., '67-. 144 1841. 18 41. ♦Robert Atkinson, N. Y. — . — (From New York city.) — X(jt ordained. — Died, 1842, agod . . William Metcalfe Bikchard, Ct. Y. C. 1837. — s.s. Littleton, N. H., '42. — Ordained 25 Oct. 1843. Bozrah, Ct., '43-'48. — s.s. Eastford, Ct., '52-53. — s.s. Hebron, Ct., '53-54. — Broad Brook, East Windsor, Ct., '54-'58. — s.s. Agawara, Ms., '60-'63. — Voluntown and Sterling, Ct., '64-. *JosHUA Rogers Brown, Ct. Y.C. — Ordained 21 JNIay 1845. Goshen, Ct., '45-'52. — East Longnieadow, Ms., '54-; died there, 7 Sept. 1858, aged 46. Joseph Andrew Canfield, Ct. — . — s.s. Bellville, N. I''., '41-42. — Ordained 17 Sept. 1845. Presb. eh., Chaumont, 'N.Y., s.s. (with Dexter), '4 2-'45 ; p. '45-'63. — Chaplain, State Prison, Dannemora, N. 1^, '63-69. — s.s. Cong, ch., Antwerp, N. 1^, '60-. Lewis Franklin Clark, Ms. A. C. 1837. — Ordained 1 June 1842. Whitinsville, Xorthbridge, Ms., '42-. Theodore Jarvis Clark, Ms. W.C. 1836. — Ordained 11 Oct. 1842. Village ch., Cummington, Ms., '42-'59. — s.s. Bernardston, Ms., '59-61. — Ashfield, Ms., '62-'65. — s.s. Xortlifield, INIs., '65-. . George Washington Cleaveland, Ms. B.C. 1837. — Ordained 27 Sept. 1843. s.s. Presb. ch., Waterford, Pa., '43-'49. — Harbor Creek (P. O., Moreheadville), Pa., s.s. '49-'53 ; p. '53-. *David Coggin, Ms. D. C. 1836.— Ordained 11 :\Lay 1842. West- hampton, Ms., '42-; died there, 28 April 1852, aged 35. *WiLLiAM Hunter Conkey, Vt. M. C. 1837. — — Died, at New Haven, Yt., 8 March 1847, aged . . Moses Kimball Cross, Ms. A.C. 1838. — Ordained 2 Feb. 1842. Palmer, Ms., '42-49. — First ch., South Deerfield, Ms., '50-54, — s.s. Tipton, lo., '55-'65. — s.s. "Washington, lo., '65-'67. — s.s. Waverley, lo., '67-. Samuel Chenery Damon, d.d., Ms. A.C. 1836. — Ordained 15 Sept. 1841. Seamen's Chaplain, Honolulu, H. L, '41-. George Thurlow Dole, .Ms. Y.C. 1838. — Ordained 6 Oct. 1842. Washington st. ch., Beverly, Ms., '42-'51. — North Woburn, Ms., '52- '55. — s.s. Lanesborough, Ms., '5C-'63. — s.s. Curtisville, Stockbridge, Ms., '64-. 19 145 1841. *IsAAC Groot Duryee, K. Y. U.C. 1838.— Ordained 1 3 July 1842. Ref. (Dutcli) ch., Fallsburg, N. Y., '42-'51. — Glenliam, N. Y., '51-52. — Second Ref. (Dutch) ch., Schenectady, N. Y., '52-'58. — Port Jackson, N. Y., '59-'62. — Chaplain 31st N. Y. Vols., '62-'66. — Died, 1866, aged 56. *TnOMAS Abbott Farley, N. H. A. C. 1838. — Not ordained. — Died, at Ilollis, N. H., 1841, aged 28. Luther Farxham, N. H. D. C. 1837.— Ordained 20 Nov. 1844. Northfield, Ms., '44-45. — Res. Boston, Ms., '45 until present time. Ass't Editor Christian Alliance, and correspondent, '45-'47. — s.s. Marshfield, Ms., '48-49. — s.s. Concord, Ms. — s.s. Tiverton, R. L, '60-61. — s.s. Lynnfield, Ms. — s.s. First ch.. West Newbury, Ms.— • s.s. East Marshfield, Ms., '65-'66. — s.s. Concord, Ms., '66. — s.s. Bur- lington, Ms., '66-67. — Sec. Southern Aid Soc, Boston, Ms., '55-61. — Sec. Gen. Theol. Library, Boston, Ms., '62-. Also, s.s. First ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '69-. *David GiBBS, Scotland. D. C. 1838. — Ordained 27 Sept. 1842. s.s. Russelltown, C. E., '41-'45. — Granby, C. E., '45-; died there, 16 March 1848, aged 39. Mark Gould, Me. B.C. 1837. — Prin. Fern. Sem., Georgetown, O.,. '42-'43. — — Instructor, Central Coll., O., '46. — s.s. Hunting- ton, O., '47-'48. — s.s. Wadsworth, O., '48-'49. — Ordained 8 Oct. 1851. Andover, Me., '51-58. — s.s. Standish, Me., '58-62. — s.s. West Minot and Monmouth, Me., '63-64. — s.s. Chichester, N. H., '64-. Henry Laurens Hammond, Mich. O. C. 1838. — Ordained 8 Dec. 1841. Home Missionary. — s.s. Kingston, Ms., '41-'42. — s.s. Homer, Mich., '42-44. — First Cong, ch., Detroit, Mich., '44-47. — s.s. Mor- risville, N. Y., '4 8-' 51. — Grand Rapids, Mich., '51-'56. — Editor Congregational Herald, Chicago, 111., '57-'Gl. — s.s. Princeton, 111., '61-'62. — Treas. Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., '62-. James Holmes, N. H. D. C. 1838.— Ordained 22 June 1842. Presb. ch., Watertown, O., '42-46. — Cong, ch., Auburn, N. H., s.s. '46-49 ; p. '49-69. — s.s. Bennington, N. H., '69-. *Benjamin Franklin Hosford, Vt. D. C. 1838. — Ordained 21 May 1845. Centre ch., Haverhill, Ms., '45-'63. — w.c. Haverhill, Ms., '63 until died there, 10 Aug. 1864, aged 46. *JoHN Humphrey, Ms. A.C. 1835. — Tutor, Amh. CoU., '37-'39.— Ordained 30 Nov. 1842. Winthrop ch., Charlestown, Ms., '42-47,- Presb. ch., Binghamton, N. Y., '-i9-'54. — Appointed Prof. Moral Phil., Ham. Coll., '54-; died, at Pittsfield, Ms., 22 Dec. 1854, aged 37. 146 1841. Isaac Jennixgs, Ct. Y. C. 1837. — Ordained 7 June 1843. Akron, O., '43-4 7. — First cb., Stamford, Ct., '4 7-'53. — First cli., Benning- ton, Vt., '53-. James Robertson Reiser, Va. P. C. 1838. — Ordained, Luth., 3 May 1842. New Germantown, N.Y., '42-48. — Sclioliarie, N. Y., '49_'56. — Gen. Agent Am. Tr. Soc., Plainfield, N. J., '56-'58. — Get- tysburg, Pa., '58-'Gl. — Dixon, 111., '61-'64. — Dis. Sec. Am. S. S. Union, for N. J., 'G4-'67. — s.s. Presb. cli., Theresa, N. Y., '67-'69.— w.c. Ream's Station, Dinwiddle Co., Va., '69-. Charles Kellogg, N. Y". U.N. Y^ 1839. — Ordained 10 Nov. 1841. Home IVIissionary. s.s. Richmond, Mich., '41-46. — s.s. Almont, Micli., '46-'56. — In business, Detroit, Mich., '57-. (?) Hexry Kixgsley, Vt. M. C. 1838. — Not ordained. — s.s. Sudbury, Vt., '41-'42.— (Dentist, Middlebury, Vt., in '59.) (?) Thomas Laurie, d.d., Scotland. 111. C. 1838. — Ordained 6 March 1842. Missionaiy, Nestorians, '42-46. — First ch., South Hadley, Ms., '48-'51.— South ch., West Roxbury, Ms., '51-'67. — w.c. West Roxbury, also in Europe, etc., '67-'69. — Pilgrim ch., Providence, R.I., '69-. *RoBERT CoiT Learned, Ct. Y. C. 1837.— Ordained 23 Sept. 1843. Twinsburg, O., '43-'46.— Canterbury, Ct., '4 7-'58.— Berlin, Ct., '5 8-'61. — Plymouth, Ct., '61-'65. — w.c. Plymouth, Ct., '65 until died there, 19 April 1867, aged 49. *JoHN King Lord, N. H. D.C. 1836. — Ordained 3 Nov. 1841. Hartford, Vt., '41-47. — First Cong, ch., Cincinnati, O., '47-; died there, 13 July 1849, aged 30. George Lyman, Ms. A. C. 1837. — Ordained 12 Nov. 1851. Sutton, Ms., '51-67. — w.c. '67-69. — South Amherst, Ms., '69-. Anson McLouD, Ct. Y. C. 1838. — Ordained 8 Dec. 1841. Tops- field, Ms., '41-69. — s.s. Madison, N. Y., '70-. William MuRDOCK, JNIs. A. C. 1837. — Ordained 1 Dec. 1841. Can- dia, N. H., '41-'53. — w.c. '53-'57. — s.s. Boylston, Ms., '57-'59. — s.s. Centre Harbor, N. H., '61. — w.c. West Boylston, Ms., '61-. Charles Peabody, Ms. W.C. 1838. — Ordained 8 Dec. 1841. Biddeford, Me., '41-43. — s.s. Barrington, R. L, '43-46. — Ashford, Ct., '46-50. — s.s. Windsor, Ms., '50-54. — s.s. North Pownal, Vt., '54-57. — Biddeford, Me., '57-'G6. — s.s. Eliot, Me., '66-69. — s.s. Epsom, N.H., '69-. Aaron Gaylord Pease, Vt. U.Vt. 1837. — Ordained 21 June 1842. — Pittsford, Vt., '42-'45'. — s.s. Poultney and Royalton, Vt., r84i. '45-47. — Waterbury, Vt., s.s. '47-'49 ; p. '49-53. — Norwich, Vt, s.s. '53-'55; p. '55-57. — Teacher, Family School, Norwich, Vt., '58-'60. — w.c. '60-'64.— Member Vt. Legisl., '64-'G5. — Sup't Vt. Keform School, '65-'69. — w.c. llutland, Vt., '69- Whitman Peck, Ct. Y. C. 1838.— Ordained 27 Feb. 1844. Geneva, N. Y., '44-'49. — s.s. North Branford, Ct., '51-'55.— Teacher, Fish- kill, N. Y., '55-'58 ; New Haven, Ct., '58-. Emery Moulton Porter, Ms. H.C. 1838.— Ordained deacon, Episc, 19 June 1842 ; priest, 8 Nov. 1843.— St. Paul's ch., Bradley- ville, and Trinity ch., Milton, both in St. Michael's parish, Litchfield, Ct., '42-'44. — Christ ch., Lonsdale, K. I, '45-'48. — Church of the Ascension, Fall Eiver, Ms., '49-'63. — Temp, sup., R. I. (Agent Prot. Episc. Freedmen's Comm'n, R.L, '65), res. Providence, R. L, '63-'70; Lonsdale, KL, '70- Renssellaer David Ciiaxceford Robbixs, Vt. M. C. 1835.— Not ordained. — Res. Lie, Theol. Sem., Andover, Ms., '41-44 ; Ass't Librarian, ('4 5) -'4 8. — Prof. Lang., Mid. Coll., '48-. George Berkley Ro well, N.H. A. C. 1837. — Ordained 22 Oct. 1841, Missionary, Kauai, one of the Hawaiian Islands, '4 2-'64 ; p. native ch., Kauai, '64-. Richard Thurston Searle, Ms. U. C. 1835.— Ordained 8 May 1845. Middleton, Ms., '45-'47. — Henniker, N. H, '47-'50. — s.s. Marblehead, Ms., '51. — New Marlborough, Ms., '52-62. — s.s. Har- winton, Ct., '64-'65. — s.s. Thomaston, Ct., '65-'66. — Presb. ch., Liverpool, N. Y,, '66-'68.— Cong, ch., Thetford, Vt., '68-. *Rasselas Lowe Sears, N. Y. U.C. 1838.— Prin. Acad., Marshall, Mich., '41-42. — Ordained .. Oct. 1842. Home Missionary, Presb. chhs., Lima and Greenfield, Lid., '42-; died, at Lima, Ind., 11 May 1844, aged 33. *WiLLiAM Henry Sheldon, Ms. Y.C. 1837. — Not ordained. — Died, at Southampton, Ms., 7 Sept. 1841, aged 25. John Curtis Smith, Vt. M.C. 1838.— Ordained 29 Sept. 1841. Missionary, Ceylon, '41-. *Elijah Withington Tucker, Ms. B.U. 1838. — Ordained 15 Sept. 1841. South Newmarket, N. H., '41-'45.— Chatham, Ms., '46-'52. — s.s. Essex, Ct., '52-'53.— Goshen, Ct., '53-'58. — s.s. Pres- ton, Ct., '58-'65. — s.s. Northfield, Ct., '65-; died there, 6 July 1866, aged 56. *Thomas E. Turner, N.Y. O.L 1838. — Not ordained. — Prin. Acad., Dundee, N. Y. ; Byron, 111. ; Quasqueton, lo., '. .-; died there, about 1860. 148 1841. AVxLLiAM Walker, Yt. A. C. 1838. — Ordained 1841. Mis- sionary, Gaboon, Africa, '41-. William Walter AVoodwortii, Ct. Y. C. 1838. — Ordained C July 1842. Berlin, Ct., '42-52. — Waterbury, Ct., '52-'58. — s.s. Mansfield, O., '59-'G0. — s.s. Olivet ch., Springfield, Ms., 'Gl. — s.s. Plymouth, Ms., 'G2-'G4. — s.s. Painesville, O., '6.'). — Belchertown, Ms., 'CG-' 70. Edwin Swift Wright, d.d., Vt. U.C. 1838. — Ordained 7 Jan. 1846. Acworth, N. H., '4G-'55. — s.s. Second Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '55-'5G. — Fredouia, N. Y., '56-. Ephraim William Allen (1), Ms. A.C. 1838. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1841. — Ordained 17 May 1843. North Reading, Ms., '43-'52. — Howard st. ch., Salem, Ms., '52-'5 7. — South Berwick, Me., •58-'66. — West ch., Haverhill, Ms., 'G7-. James Birney (1—), N. Y. Mi. U. 1840. — Res. Bay City, Mich. Erasmus Irvin Carpenter (1), Vt. U.Vt. 1837. — Ordained 12 Dec. 1842. Littleton, N. H., '42-'57. — Barre, Vt., '57-'67. — .s.s. Berlin, Vt., '67-'69. — Agent Vt. Bible Soc, Berlin, Vt., 'G9-. *WiLLiAM Rogers Chapman (1), Me. D.C. 1837. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1841. — Ordained 8 Sept. 1841. Garden st. ch., Boston, Ms. ; in 1844, by union. Green st. ch., Boston, Ms., '41-4 7. — Eighth St. ch.. New York city, '4 7-'49. — Presb. ch., Aurora, N. Y., '50-54. — s.s. Hanover, Ms., '54- ; died there, 25 Oct. 1855, aged 43. Rufus Wheelwright Clark, d.d. (1), Ms. Y. C. 1838. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1841.— Ordained 7 Jan. 1842. Second Presb. ch., Washington, D.C, '42. — Cong, ch., Portsmouth, N. H., '42-51.— Maverick ch.. East Boston, Ms., '51-57. — South ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '57-'G3. — First Ref. (Dutch) ch., Albany, N. Y., '. .-. *Hercules Rice Dunham (1), N. Y. U. C. 1838. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1841.— Ordained 11 Jan. 1843. Presb. ch., Cortland- ville, N. Y., '43-'56.— Galena, 111., '57- ; died, 1857, aged, . . ♦Andrew Seymour Flower (1+), N.Y. M.C. 1838. — Teacher, Evergreen, Ala., '39-'41 ; Mannlngham, Ala., '41-'42 ; Allenton, Ala., '42-('44).— (Lawyer, Mansfield, La., in 1852. — Died, 1858.) Eden Burroughs Foster, d.d. (1+), N. H. D.C. 1837. — Or- dained 11 Aug. 1841. Henniker, N. H., '41-'47. — Pelham, N. H., '48-'53. — John st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '53-'61. — West Springfield, Ms., '6l-'66. — John st. ch., Lowell, Ms., 'G6-. 149 1841. 1842. *Benjamix Griswold (14-), Vt. D.C. 1837. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1841. — Ordained 2 Sept. 1841. Missionary, Cape Palmas, Africa, '41-'43; Gaboon, '43-; died there, 14 July 1844, aged 32. Leonard Hawes (2), Me. B.C. 183C. — Not ordained. — (From Weld, Me. In Collinsville, Ct., in '57 ?) RoswELL DwiGHT HiTCHCOCK, D.D. (1), Me. A. C. 1836. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '39-'42.— Ordained 19 Nov. 1845. First ch., Exeter, N. H., '45-'53. — Prof. Nat. and Rev. Rel., Bowd. Coll., '52-'55.— Prof Eccl. Hist., Union Tlieol. Sem., New York, '55-. *Samuel S. Leighton (2), Ms. U. C. 1838. — Ordained 25 Aug. 1841. Bapt. ch., Andover, Ms., '41-'.. (Bow, N.H., in '52; West Londonderry, N. H., in '54.) — Teacher, West Townsend, Ms., '. .- ; died there, , aged . . *Henry Lorenzo Low (1), N. H. D. C. 1836. — Tutor, Hobart Coll., Geneva, N. Y., '39-'43. — Teacher, Milwaukee, Wis., (one year). — Prof Latin and Greek, Hobart Coll., Geneva, N. Y., (one year). — Student in Europe, (two years). — Ordained deacon, Episc, 1847 ; priest, — St. Andrew's ch., Hopkinton, N. H., '50-; died, at Somerville, ]\Is., 26 AjotI 1852, aged 30. Robert McMath (1), Mich. U.C. 1838. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1841. — H. M., Lodi, Mich., '41-42. — Ordained 1 June 1843. Farming- ton, Mich., s.s. '42-'43; p. '43-'45. — s.s. Presb. and Cong, chhs., Salem, Mich., '45-'46. — s.s. Presb. ch., Three Rivei-s, Mich., '46-49. — s.s. Otsego, Mich., '50-'51. — s.s. Millport, N. Y., '52-55. — s.s. Hector, N. Y., '55-56.— s.s. West Dresden, N. Y., '58-59. — w.c. Webster, N. Y., '59-68. — s.s. Ontario, N. Y., res. Webster, 'G8-. Thomas Plummer (2), Ms. A. C. 1838. — Not ordained. — (From Newburyport, Ms.) — Said to res. Philadelphia, Pa. Joseph Parrish Thompson, d.d., ll.d. (1 — ), Pa. Y. C. 1838. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '39-'40. — Ordained- 28 Oct. 1840. Chapel St. ch.. New Haven, Ct., '40-'45. — Tabernacle ch., New York, '45-. 1842. George Washington Ash, Vt. A. C. 1839. — Ordained 25 Oct. 1843. Westmoreland, N. H., '43-'46. — s.s. Salisbury, N.H., '47.— Teacher, in Flemingsburg, Ky., Lexington, Ky., Grenada, Miss., Can- ton, Miss., Liberty, Mo., and Louisiana, Mo., and occ. pr., '47-'57. — Prin. High School, Warsaw, 111., '57-'58. — s.s. Presb. ch., Louisiana, 150 1842. Mo. (and Ellington three years), 'o9-'65. — s.s. Young America, 111., '65-'67. — -vv.c. Young America, III., '67-'69. — Prin. Washington Sem., Belvidere, 111., '69-. *James Henry Baxcroft, Ms. A. C. 1839. — Not ordained. — Died, at Boston, Ms., 25 Aug. 1844, aged 25. Samuel Colcord Bartlett, d.d., N. H. D. C. 18.36. — Ordained 2 Aug, 1843. Monson, Ms., '43-'46. — Prof. Intel. Phil., Western Res. Coll., '46-52. — Franklin st. ch., Manchester, N. H., '52-57.— New Eng. ch., Chicago, 111., '57-'59. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., '58-. Edwin Elisha Bliss, Ms. A. C. 1837.— Ordained 9 Feb. 1843. Missionary, Smyrna, etc., and Constantinople, '43-. Edward Phelps Blodgett, Ms. A. C. 1838. — Ordained 5 Sept. 1843. Greenwich, Ms., '43-. WiLLARD Brigham, Ms. W.C. 1838. — Ordained 24 May 1843. North Wardsboro', Vt., '43-55. — Ashfield, Ms., '56-63. — Wendell, Ms., '64-'67. — S.S. South Wellfleet, Ms., '67-'69.— Franklin Butler, Vt. U. Vt. 1836. — Ordained 18 Jan. 1843. Windsor, Vt., '43-58. — Agent Am. Col'n Soc, Windsor, Vt., '58-67. — Editor Vermont Chronicle, '66- Also, Chaplain Vt. State Prison, '65-. Calvin Chapman, Me. B.C. 1839. — Ordained 8 Dec. 1842. Ep- ping, N. H., '42-45. — Saccarappa, Me., '45-49. — Lakeville, Ms., '51-57. — Foxcroft, Me., '59-62. — Standish, Me., '63-66. — s.s. Island Pond, Vt., '67. — s.s. Mannsville, N. Y., '6 7-'69. — s.s. Kan- kakee, 111., '69-. Nelson Clark, Vt. D. C. 1838. — Tutor, Western Res. Coll., '39. — Ordained 16 July 1844. Randolph, Vt., '44-'46. — s.s. Charlton, Ms., '46-49. — Quincy, Ms., '50-58. — s.s. Tiverton, R. I., '58-66.- s.s. Somerset, Ms., '66-. Daniel Emerson, Ms. W. R. C. 1839. — s.s. Newton Falls, 0., '42- '43. — Ordained 1 June 1844. Home Missionary, s.s. Copley, O., '44-45.- s.s. Presb. ch., Brownstown, Mch., '46-48. — Flat Rock, Mich., '48-49. — s.s. Springfield, Mo., '49-'50. — Teacher, West Ely, Mo., '51-52. — s.s. West Ely, Mo., '53. — Hannibal, Mo., '54- '55.— Asa Farwell, Vt. M. C. 1838. — Prin. Abbott Acad., Andover, . Ms., '42-'53. — Ordained 21 April 1853. West Haverhill, Ms., '53- '66. — s.s. Bentonsport, lo., '66-. 1842. *Alonzo Hayes, N. II. D. C. 1 839. — Ordained 24 May 1843. West Barnstable, Ms., '43-'50. — Dublin, N. H., '51-'53. — w.c. '53 until died, at Hall's Cross Roads, Va., 15 July 1858, aged 47. Robert Stevens Hitchcock, Ms. A. C. 1837. — Ordained 19 July 1843. North ch., New Bedford, Ms., '43-'4G. — Maverick cli., East Boston, Ms., '46-'50. — Fifth Presb. ch., Baltimore, Md., '54-'58.— Teacher, Baltimore, Md., '58-'61. — Chaplain U.S. Vols., '62-'64.— Teacher, Frankfort, Ky., 'OS-. John Sumner Kidder, N. H. A. C. 1839. — s.s. Canton, Ms., '42- '43. — Ordained 12 Sept. 1843. Home Missionary, s.s. Schoolcraft, Mich., '43-47. — s.s. Leoni, Mich., '47-'48. — s.s. Wayne, Mich, '49- '51. — s.s. Litchfield, Mich., '51-'55. — s.s. Eaton Rapids, Mich, '55- '59. — s.s. Windsor, Mich., '59-'fi4. — s.s. W^ayland, Mich., '64-'67.— s.s. Rockford, Mich, 'G7-'G9. — s.s. Rochester, Mich., '69-. Charles Lord, Ms. A. C. 1838.— Ordained 20 Oct. 1848. Home Missionary, Mo., '43-46. — Madison, AVis., s.s. '46-'51 ; p. '51-'54. — Second ch., Whately, Ms., '55-'59. — Buckland, Ms., 'GO-. Asa Mann, Ms. A. C. 1838. — Ordained 19 June 1844. Hardwick, Ms., '44-'51.— Second ch., E.xeter, N. H., '51-'58. — s.s. Wellfleet, Ms., '62. — s.s. Granville, Ms., '63. — s.s. Springfield, Vt., '64-'65. — Bath, N. H., s.s. '66-'G7 ; p. 'G7-. Anson Hall Parmelee, Vt. M.C. 1839. — General Agent Am. Tr. Soc, N. C, S. C, and Ga., '4 2-'4 5.— Ordained 1846. Presb. ch., Addison, N. Y., s.s. '4.5-46; p. '46-55. — Livonia, N.Y., ■55-'69. — s.s. Seneca Castle, N. Y., res. Geneva, '69-. *WiLLiAM Augustus Peabody, Ms. A. C. 1835. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '38-'40. — Ordained 2 March 1843. East Randolph, Ms., '43- '49. — Prof. Latin and Mod. Lang., Amh. Coll., '49-; died there, 27 Feb. 1850, aged 34. Timothy Emerson Ranney, Vt. M.C. 1839. — s.s. Barnet, Vt., '43. — Ordained 1 May 1844. Missionary, Pawnee Indians, '44-46 ; Cherokees, '46-'60. — s.s. Oxford, Me., '62-63. — w.c. St. Johnsbury, Vt., '63-'66. — s.s. West Charlestown, Vt., '66-'67. — s.s. Holland, Vt., '67-. Henry Hamilton Saunderson, N. H. — . — Ordained 20 April 1848, Ludlow, Vt., '48-'53. — s.s. Wallingford, Vt., '53-62. — s.s. Ludlow, Vt., '62-'64. — s.s. Charlestown, N. H., '64-. Luther Hovey Sheldon, Ms. ,M.C. 1839.— Ordained 1 Aug. 1844. Townsend, Ms., '44-56. — Westboro', Ms., '56-67. — Sup't State Reform School, Jamesburg, N. J., '67-. 152 1842. Jksse Gkorge Davis Stearns, N. II. A. C. 1831!. — Oriluined 10 May 1843. Billerica, Ms., '-IS-'G?. — s.s. Ck-arwatcr, IMinn., 'GS-. Alfred Stevens, Yt. D. C. 1839. — Ordained 23 Feb. 1813. West Westminster, Vt., '43-. *Samuel Mellen Stone, N. H. D.C. 1839. — s.s. Newfield, Me., '42-'44.— s.s. West Hartford, Vt., '•45-'46. — Ordained 15 Oct. 1840. Chester, Vt., '46-'51. — s.s. Nelson, N. H., '52. — w.c. '52 until died, at Lebanon, N. H., 21 April 1853, aged 41. Timothy Pwight Porter Stone, Ms. A. C. 1834. — Prin. Abbott Acad. Andover, ]\Is., '39-42. — Ordained 1 March 1843. Holliston, Ms., '43-49. — Teacher and Chap. State Reform School, Westboro', Ms., '49-'50. — Prin. Conn. Normal School, '53-56. — Prin. Sem., Norwich, Ct., '5G-'59. Also, s.s. Bozrah, Ct., '56-'57 ; s.s. Fitchville, Ct., '57-59.- Amesbmy Mill^, IVIs., '59-62.— Prin. Lafiiyette Sem., Ind., '62-'64.— Third ch., Marblehead, Ms., '64-'67.— Stow, Assa- bet, Ms., '67-. Eliphalet Young Swift, Vt. M.C. 1839. — Agent Am. Tr. Soc, '42-'44. — Ordained . . Jan. 1844. Second ch., Chillicothe, O., '44- '45. — Northami^ton, Ms., '45-51. — South Hadley, Ms., '52-57.— Clinton, N. Y., '58-'(i 2. —Williamsburg, Ms., '62-'C8. — Denmark, lo., '68-. LoTiiHOP Taylok, Ms. M.C. 1838. — Ordained 1G May 1843. Wins- low ch., Taunton, Ms., '43-'45. — Springfield, Vt., '45-'51. — Fran- cestown, N.IL, '51-'57. — Bloomington, III., '57-'61. — s.s. Madison, AVis., '61-'64. — Farmington, III, '64-. *Samuel Austin Taylor, Ms. A. C. 1837. — Ordained, Episc, .. Missionary, Constantinople. — Died, at Worcester, Ms., . . 184 7, aged 29. *Lutiier Town-send, N. II. D. C. 1839.— Ordained 5 March 1845. Troy, N. H., '44-'60. — s.s. Loudon, N. H., '60-61. — w.c. '61 until died, at FitzwIUiam, N. H., 2 March 1862, aged 48. WiNTiiROP Faulkner W^iieeler, Ms. A. C. 1839. — Ordained.. Jan. 1844. Home Missionary, s.s. Presb. chhs., Ionia and Otisco, Mich., '43-44. — s.s. Grand Haven and Muskegan, Mich., '44-'45. — s.s. Byron and Shiawasse, Mich., '45-'46. — w.c. Ms., '46-'48. — s.s. Cong, ch., West Gloucester, Ms., '48-'49. — w.c. since '49, now res. Westford, Ms. W^illiam James White, Ms. W.C. 1839. — Ordained. 20 Sept. 1842. Home Missionary, Chateaugay, Canada, '42-'.. — s.s. Lubec, etc., Me., '45-'. . — s.s. Fairfex and Fletcher, Vt., '47-'49. — 20 153 1842. *Charles Whiting, N. H. D.C. 1839.— Ordained 11 Jan. 1843. Wilton, N. H., '43-50 ; s.s. '50-'.51 . — s.s. Fayetteville, Vt., '51- ; died there, 5 May 1855, aged 41. Lyman Whiting, D.D., Ms. — . — Ordained 11 Jan. 1843. Brook- field, Ms., '43-47. — Lawrence st. eh., Lawrence, Ms., '47-'50. — s.s. Central eh., Lawrence, Ms., '50. — South ch., Reading, Ms., '50-'5d. — Portsmouth, N. II., '55-'58. — s.s. Brooklyn, N. Y., '58-59. — High St. ch.. Providence, R. I., '59-'64. — Dubuque, lo., '64-69. — Janes- ville. Wis., '69-. Ben.iamin Franklin Atkins (1), Ms. 11. C. 1838. — Not ordained. — (From Boston, Ms.) Cyrus Baldwin (1—), N- 11. D.C. 1839. — Not ordained. — Prin. Acad., Thetford, Vt., '40. — Teacher, Acad., Meriden, N. H., '40-'55. — Prin. Union Acad., Palmyra, N. Y., '55-57.— -Merchant, Provi- dence, R. L, '57-'. . — In Freehold, N. J., in '69. David McGee Bardwell (2), Ms. W. C. 1839. — Ordained . . Home Missionary, Ontario and Greenfield, Ind., '45-'48. — s.s. Sharon, Mich., '50-'51. — s.s. Grass Lake, Mich. — Michigan City, Ind., '54-59. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Wis., '59-65. — s.s. Markesan, Wis., '65-'69. — w.c. Markesan, Wis., '69-. Hiram Bingham (1-f), Vt. M.C. 1839. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1842. — Ordained Portsmouth, O. — Prof. Chem., Min., and Geol., Marietta Coll., '46-'49. — s.s. Presb. ch., Watertown, O., '50.— AVindham, O., '51-'54. — occ. sup., Windham, O., '54-. Darius Richmond Brewer (1 — ), Ms. II. C. 1838. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 6 Nov. 1842; priest, 14 Feb. 1844.— St. Peter's ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., '42-44. — Temp, charge of Ascension ch., Fall River, Ms., '44. — St. Paul's ch.. Concord, N. H., '44-'46. — Trinity ch., Newport, R. I., '46-55. — Emanuel ch., Newport, R. I., '55-'58. —St. Paul's ch., Yonkers, N. Y., '58-'66. — Church of the Reforma- tion, Brooklyn, N. Y., '66-. *JonN Sumner Brown (2+), Ms. D.C. 1836. — Not ordained.— Died, at Newburyport, Ms., 13 Jan. 1842, aged 25. Charles Clement (]), Ms. — . — (From Newburyport, Ms.) *James Kelsey Colby (1), N. IL D.C. 1838. — Not ordained.— Teacher, Chester, Vt., '41 ; New Ipswich, N. H., '42-'43 ; Prin. Acad., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '43-; died there, 13 Aug. 1866, aged 54. 154 1842. Elisha AVooduridge Cook (1—), Ct. Y.C. 1837. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 18^5. — Ordained 18 Nov. 1846. Haddam, Ct., '46-'52. — Haydenville, M?., '54-'58. — Townsend, iSh., 'o8-'59. — Hopkinton, N. H.,' '61-'6o. — s.s. Ripon, Wis., '65-'G8. — H. M., Yankton, Dak. Ter., '68. — s.s. Stoekbridge, Wis., '68.— H.M., North Platte, '69.— H.M., Cheyenne, Wyo., '69. — s.s. New Li.-bon, Wis., '70- Daxiel Gokdox Estes, d.d. (1), Ms. I'.C. 1839. — General Theol. Sem., New Y'ork, 1844. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 12 July 1844; priest, 30 July 1845. — St. James's ch., Amesbury, Ms., '44-'51. — ch., St. Louis, Mo., 'i>l-'57. — St. James's ch., Amesbury, Ms., '57-. Nathaniel T. Fay (1), Me. C.U. 1839. — Ordained, Presb., . . 1843. Cong, ch., Montgomery, O., '43-. Also, s.s. half time, Scott, O., '42-. JrsTix Field (1), Ms. A. C. 1835. — Ordained deacon, Episc.,.. ; priest, — w.c. Boston Highlands, Ms., '43- '45. _St. Paul's ch., Stoekbridge, Ms., '46-'50. — St. James's ch., Great Barrington, Ms., '50-52. — Grace ch., Medford, Ms., '52-62. — Trinity ch., Lenox, Ms., '62-. Samuel Hexry Galpix (1 — ), Ct. Y.C. 1835. — Not ordained. — Now Clerk, in one of the Dep'ts, Washington, D. C. *WiLLiAM AVhitaker Hartwell (1—), Va. Mar.C. 1839. — Died, 1840, aged .. James Whelpley HicKOK (1 — ), Yt. U.Vt. 1837. — Not oi-dained. — Lawyer, Burlington, Yt., in '54. ♦Dudley Leavitt (2+), N. H. D. C. 1839. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 7 Jan. 1842, aged . . William Herbert Norris (1), D. C. Y. C. 1839. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, 13 Feb. 1842. — Carlisle, Pa. — Philadelphia, Pa. — "SVoodbury, N. J., '55-. Daxiel Warren Poor, d.d. (2), Ceylon. A. C. 1837. — Ordained 1 March 1843. Central ch., Fairhaven, Ms., '43-'50. — High st. Presb. ch., Newark, N. J., '51-69. — Oakland, Cal., '69-. *Kinne Prescott (1— ), Vt. M.C. 1839.— Not ordained. — Li West Indies, '. .-'. . — Merchant, Rupert, Yt., '41 until died there, 1846, aged 31. Edward Augustus Renouf (2), ;Ms. H. C. 1838. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 6 Nov. 1842; priest, 12 Nov. 1845. — H. M., Bayou Tcche, etc.. La., '43. — Trinity ch., Lowville, N. Y., '43-53. — Assist " 155 1842. Min., St. Stephen's ch., Boston, Ms., '54:-'55. — Assist. Min., St. Mark's ch., Boston, Ms., '57-59. — St. James's ch., Keene, N. H., '59-'C8. — St. Peter's ch., Drewsville, N. H., '68-. Daniel Rice, d.d. (1), Ms. A. C. 1837. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1842. — Ordained 6 April 1842. First Presb. ch., Troy, O., '42-'55. — w.c. Troy, N. Y., '55-'57. — Prof. Belles Let., Western Fern. Sem., Oxford, O., '57. — s.s. Eighth Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '58. — Second Presb. ch., Lafayette, Ind., '58-. *MyRON Webb Safford (1), Vt. M. C. 1839. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1842. — Teacher and preacher, Flemingsbnrg, Ky., (two years). — Lid., ' . . - ; died 1862, aged . . *Joseph Couch Smith (2), Me. B. C. 1838. — DIv. Sch., Cambridge, Ms., — Ordained 12 July 1843. Unit'n ch., Groton, Ms., '43-51. — Unit'n ch., Newton, Ms., '53-57. — Died, at the Sandwich Islands, 29 Dec. 1857, aged 38. *Davii> Tappan Stoddard (1+), Ms. Y. C. 1838. — Tutor, Mar- shall Coll., Pa., '38-'3 9.— Tutor, Yale Coll., '40-'42. — TheoL Dep., Yale Coll., 1842. — Ordained 27 Jan. 1843. Missionary, Oroomiah, '43-; died there, 22 Jan. 1857, aged 39. William Bowman Stone (1—), Ms. A.C. 1839. — Ordained 23 Feb. 1842. Gardner, Ms., '42-'50. — w.c, now res. West Brookfield, Ms., '50-. James Tufts (1), Vt. Y. C. 1838. — Ordained ..Sept. 1844.— — Teacher, Castleton, Vt., '4G-'47. — Sup't Schools, Wind- ham Co., Vt., '48-'50. — Teacher, Northampton, Ms., '51-52. — Prin. Acad., Monson, Ms., '52-'59 ; Teacher Private School for Boys, '59-. *William Warner (2-f), Vt. M.C. 1837. — Not ordained.— Treas. Univ. Vt., '43-49.- Treas. Vt. Central E. R. — Kes. Detroit, Mich., '55 until died, at Quincy, 111., 26 July 1868, aged 51. Edward Abiel Washburn, d.d. (1), Ms. H.C. 1838.-:- Ordained deacon, Episc, 1844 ; priest, 1845. — St. Paul's ch., Newburyport, Ms., '44-51. — St. John's ch., Hartford, Ct., and Prof. Church Polity, Berkeley Div. School, Middletown, Ct., '53-'62.— St. Mark's ch., Philadeliihia, Pa., 'G2-'65. — Calvary ch.. New York, 'GB-. Samuel Weld (1), Ms. II. C. 1838. — Not ordained. — (From Rox- bury, 'Ms.). 1843 1843. Ephkaim Adams, N. II. D.C. 1839. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1843. Home Missionary, Mt. Pleasant, lo., '43-'44. — Davenport, Jo., s.s. '44-'4 7 ; p. '47-'55. — Agent Iowa Coll., '55-56. — Agent Western Coll. Soc, '5G-'5 7. — Docorali, lo., '5 7-. Hakvey Adams, N. H. U.Vt. 1839. — Ordained 27 Sept. 1843. Home Missionary. Farmington, lo., s.s. '43-'45 ; p. '45-'59 ; s.s. '59- '60. —s.s. Council Bluffs, lo., '60-'G3. — Farmington, Ic, '63-'66. — s.s. New Hampton, lo., 'GG-. Ebexezer Alden, Ms. A. C. 1839. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1843. Home Missionary, s.s. Tipton, lo., '43-48. — East Marsbfield, Ms., 'pO-. Joseph Bartlett, N. H. D. C. 1835. — Ordained 7 Oct. 1847. Bux- ton, Me., '47-'67. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '67-68. — s.s. South New- market, N. H., '69-. Clinton Clark, Ms. A. C. 1835. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '37-41.— Ordained 26 Feb. 1845. Pompey, N.Y., '45-'48. — Prin. Acad., Onondaga Valley, N.Y., '48-'49. — Kidgefield, Ct., '50-'64. — s.s. Middlebury, Ct., '65-. Thomas Allen Gale, Ms. A.C. 1838.— Ordained Home Missionary, Perrysburgh, N.Y., '44-'45. — s.s. Collins, N. Y., '45-'50. — s.s. Sheridan, N. Y., '50-51. — Carroll, N. Y., '51-'53. — s.s. Eandolph, Pa., '54-56. — s.s. Riceville, Pa., '56-'60. — w.c. Rice- ville, Pa., '. .-. Amos Delos Gridley, N. Y. Ham. C. 1839. — Ordained 11 June 1846.— (Prof. Latin and Mod. Lang., Amh. Coll., '4 7-'49, by ap- pointment, but not serving.) Presb. ch., Waterville, N. Y.. '4 7-'50. — w.c. Clinton, N. Y., '50- Lemuel Grosvenor, Ms. M. C. 1835. — Ordained 1845. Presb. eh., Rock Hill, Mo., '45-'46. — Collinsville, 111., '. .-'50. — s.s. Jerseyville, 111., '51-55. — s.s. Woodstock, Ct., '55-60. — (w.c. Pom- fret, Ct., in '64.) William Blankenship Hammond, Ms. A.C. 1840. — Ordained 5 June 1844. Canton, Ms., '44^'49, — South Braintree, Ms., '49-56.— Agent Mass. S. S. Soc, Iowa, '56. — s.s. Morrisville, N. Y., '56-'63. — s.s. Lenox, N. Y., '64-. James Jeremiah Hill, Me. B.C. 1838. — Ordained 30 April 1844. Home Missionary, s.s, Jacksonville, Jo., '43-46. — Garnavillo, lo., '46-'49.— Albany, HI., '49-'53. — s.s. Savanna, 111., '53-'55. — s.s. 157 1843.. Wapello, lo., '55-57. — s.s. Glencoe, MIn., '57-59. — s.s. Butlerville, etc., lo., '59-'. . — Genoa Bluffs, lo., '62-'64. — Fayette, Ic, '64-'67. — Agent Am. Miss. Assoc., Fayette, lo., '67-. *HoRACE HuTCHixsox, Ms. A. C. 1839. — Ordained 27 Sept. 1843. Home Missionary, s.s. Burlington, To., '43- ; died thei-e, 7 March 1840, aged 29. Horace James, Ms. Y.C. 1840.— Ordained 1 Nov. 1843, AVren- tham, Ms., '43-52. — First, ch., Worcester, Ms., '53-63. — Chap. 25th Mass. Vols., '61-'04. — Captain and A. Q. M., U. S. Vols., '64-'66.— First ch., Lowell, Ms., '67-. Also, one of prop'rs, and assoc. editor, CongregationaUst, 'G 7-. Elijah Kellogg, Me. B.C. 1840. — Ordained 18 June 1844. Harps- -vveU, Me., '44-'54. — s.s. Mariners' ch., Boston, Ms., '55-'66. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '67-'. . — Res. Harpswell, Me.,' 68-. Daniel Lane, Me. B.C. 1838. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1843. Home Missionary. Keosauqua, lo., s.s. '43-'50 ; p. '50-'53. — Prin. Prep. Dep't, Iowa Coll., '53-'55 ; Prof. Moral Phil, and Met., '55-'58. — Teacher, Davenport, lo., '58-'62. — s.s. Eddyville, To., '62-'66. — s.s. Belle Plain, To., '66-. Horatio Merrill, Me. D. C. 1840. — Ordained 7 May 1845. First ch., West Newbury, Ms., '45-'47. — Prin. Washington State School, Md., '47-48. — Prof. Lang., Yarmouth Inst., Me., '48-49.— s.s. Bloomfield, Me., '49-'50. — s.s. New Gloucester, Me., '50-'5-l. — w.c. Portland, Me., '54-57. — Salisbury, N. H., '58-63. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '63-'. . ; Cambridge, Ms., '. .-. *Erastus Riplev, Ct. U. C. 1840. — Ordained 3 April 1845. Home Missionary, s.s. Bentonsport, lo., '44-'48. — Prof Anc. Lang., Iowa Coll., '48-'58. — Teacher, New Britain, Ct., '61-'65 ; Somers, Ct., '65- ; died there, 21 Feb. 1870, aged 54. Alden Burril Eobbins, Ms. A. C. 1839.— Ordained 2 7 Sept. 1843. Muscatine, To., '43-. Edward RoBiE, Me. B.C. 1840. — Univ. Halle, Ger., '43-'45 ; Univ. Berlin, '45-46. — Teacher, Sem., Gorham, Me., '46-'48. — Assist. Inst. Hebrew, Andover Theol. Sem., '48-'52 ; also. Assist. Librarian, '48- '51. — Ordained 25 Feb. 1852. Greenland, N. H., '52-. William Salter, d.d., N.Y. U.N. Y. 1840. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1843. Home Missionary, s.s. Makoqueta, lo., '43-'46. — Burlington, lo., '46-. Peter D. SciiORY, Switzerland. N. J.C. 1840. — Ordained 1843. German Ref ch., New Holland and New Providence, Pa., 158 1843. '43-'48. — Mt. Bethel, Pa., '49-'54. — Lancaster, O., '5G-'62. — Lan- caster, O., w.c. in '65. William Greenough Thayer Shedd, D.D., N. Y. U.Vt. 1839. — Ordained 4 Jan. 1844. Brandon, Vt., '44-45. — Prof. Eng. Lit., Univ. Vt., '45-'52. — Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Theol., Auburn Tlieol. Sem., '52-'53. — Prof. Eccl. Hist., and Lect. on Past. Theol., Andover Theol. Sem., '53-'C2. — Brick Presb. ch., New York, 'G2-'G3. — Prof. Bib. Lit., Union Theol. Sem., New York, '63-. *Benjamix Adams Spaulding, Ms. H. C. 1840. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1843. Home' Missionary, Wapello Co., lo., '43-45. — Ottumwa, lo. (and s.s. Agency City, '45-'49), s.s. '45-'51 ; p. '51-'63. — s.s. Eau Claire, Wis., '63-'64. — w.c. '64-'66. — Sup't Schools, Wapello Co., lo., '66-; died, at Ottumwa, lo., 31 March 1867, aged 52. *Ebenezer Harvey Squier, Vt. M.C. 1838. — Ordained 4 Feb. 1846. Hartland, Vt., '44-'52. — Lewis, N.Y., '52-'54. — s.s. Wey- bridge, Vt., '54-58. — s.s. Highgate, Vt., '58-'64. — w.c. Middlebury, Vt., '64-'65. — Presb. ch., Scipio, N. Y., '66-; died there, 4 March 1870, aged 61. Josiah Howe Stearxs, N. H. D. C. 1843. — Ordained 6 Nov. 1844. Dennysville, Me., '44-'57. — s.s. Epping, N. H., '57-. *JoHN Herrick Stratton, Ms. A. C. 1840. — s.s. Pittston, Me., '44-48. — s.s. Erving, Ms. '49-'50. — w.c. Erving, INIs., '50 until died there, 26 April 1851, aged 37. *LoREN Thayer, Ms. D.C. 1840. —Ordained 5 Nov. 1845. Presb. ch., Windham, N. H., '45-66. — w.c. Windham, N. H., '66 lintil died there, 19 Sept. 1869, aged 54. Edwin Bela Turner, 111. 111. C. 1 840. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1843. Home Missionary, s.s. Cascade, lo., '43-47. — s.s. Colesburg, lo., '4 7-'.54. — Morris, III., s.s. '54-55; p. '55-64. — Agent. Am. H. M. Soc, Hannibal, Mo., '64-. *George Stayley Van Cleef, N. Y. C.C. 1837. — Not ordained. — s.s. Sandy Hill, N. Y., '45. — s.s. Bridport, Vt., '46. — — Died, at New York, 26 Nov. 1863, aged 46. Frederic Vinton, Ms. A. C. 1837. — Not ordained. — Res. St. Louis, Mo., occ. pr., '43-'45. — Res. Nantucket, Ms., '45-47 ; Teacher, '46-'47. — Prin. High School, Eastport, Me., '47-'48, and '49-'51.— Res. Boston, Ms., '48-49. — Res. St. Louis, Mo., Librarian, '51-'55.— Teacher, South Boston, Ms., '56 ; Portland, Me., '56. — Assistant, Public Library, Boston, Ms., '5 7-'65. — Assistant Libr., Library of Congress, Washington, D. C, '65-. Augustus Wing, Vt. A. C. 1839. — (From Rochester, Vt.) 159 1843. *Samukl Badgek, m.d. (1+), N. II. D. C. 1840. — Not ordained. — Physician. — Died, at Kingston, N. II., 14 June 1848, aged 34. *Sel\vyn Bapson BoAVMAX (1+), N. H. D. C. 1840. — Not ordained., — Died, at West Chester, N. Y., 3 Jan. 1843, aged 23. Sylyanus Bunton, m.d. (1), N. H. D. C 1840. — Not ordained. — Physician, Baltimore, Md., '..-'46; Manchester, N. H., '46-. Also, Surgeon, 7th N. H. Vols., 'C4--'f!.5. Perkins Kirkland Clark (1 — ), Ms. Y. C. 1838. — Theol. Dep., . Yale Coll., 1843. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '42-'45.— Ordained 26 Aug. 1846. Chester Village, s.s. '46-'48 ; p. '48-52. — Hinsdale, Ms., '52- '59. — South Deerfield, Ms., '59-65.- Mittineague, Ms., '66-. Sumner Clark (1—), Ms. A. C. 1840. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1843. — Ordained 1 Jan. 1845. — s.s. Unity, Me., '44-'50. — s.s. Pittston, Me., '50-51. — s.s. North Marshfield, Ms., '51-53. —s.s. Eastford, Ct., '55-5 7. — s.s. Wolfeboro', N. H., '57-59. — s.s. Rochester, Ms., '60-61.- w.c. South Natick, Ms., '61-64. — s.s. South Franklin, Ms., '64-'65. — s.s. Wolfeboro', N. II., '65-'68. — s.s. Eastford, Ct., '68-. George Francis Cushmax, d.d. (1 — ), Ms. A. C. 1840. — Teacher, '43-49. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 13 May 1849; priest, 29 May 1850.— St. John's ch. in the Wilderness, Ala., '49-51. — Trinity ch., Pawtucket, R. I., '51-53. — St. Luke's ch., Cahawba, Ala., '53-'. . — Church of the Redeemer, Princeton, 111.; '69-. Hexry Bond Elliott (1), N. Y. U.N.Y. 1840. — Union Theol. Sem., 1843. — Ordained . . June 1843. — s.s. Alexandria, N. J., '44. — Waterbury, Ct., '45-'51. — s.s. Springfield, Ms., '52-'54. — s.s. Brook- lyn, N. Y., '54. — Stamford, Ct., '55-'5 7. — Columbus, O., '58-'60.— s.s. Poughkeepsie, N. Y., '65. — s.s. New Canaan, Ct., '66-. *George Farrar (1), Ms. A. C. 1839. — Lawyer, Charlestown, Ms. — Died, 1851, aged 33. Charles Graxgeu (2), Ms. — . — Ordained 5 Nov. 1843. Home Missionary, Washington and Crawfordsville, lo., '43-'46. — ^ s.s. Ore- gon, lo., '46-('47).— *HoRACE Hall (1), N. H. D. C. 1839.— Prin. Acad., South Berwick, Me., '41-; died there, 27 Feb. 1842, aged 23. Edwix Haravood, d.d. (2), Pa. U. P. 1840. — Gen. Theol. Sem., New York, 1844. — Ordained deacon, Episc, .. June 1844; priest, .. Sept. 1846. — Oyster Bay, L. L '44-'46. — East Chester, N. Y., '46-47. — St. James's ch., Hamilton Square, N.Y., '47-50. — Church of the Incarnation, New York, '50-'54. — Prof. Berkeley Div. School, Middlctown, Ct., '54-'59. — Trinity ch.. New Haven, Ct., '59-. IGO 1843. George Bakek Jewktt (1+), Ms. A. C. 1840. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '42-44. — Teacher, '45-49. — Prof. Latin and Mod. Lang., Amh. Coll., '50-55. — Ordained 1855. First ch., Nashua, N. H., '55-56. — w.c. Salem. Ms., '5(5-. John Laavkkn-ce (1), Vt. —. — Teacher, Acad., Westfield, Ms., '42-43 ; Classical School, Springfield, Ms., '43-'45 ; Prin. Acad., Lyn- don, Vt., '46-'4 7.^— Ordained 3 Aug. 1848.— s.s. Hookset, N. H., '48._s.s. Salem, N. H., '49-52. — Carlisle, Ms., '53-59. — s.s. Salem, N. H., '59-'62. — Wilmington, Ms., occ. pr., '62-'63.--s.s. Wilton, Me., '63-'66. — H.M., Franklin Co., res. AVilton, Me., '66-'68. — w.c. AVilton, Me., '68-'69; Reading, Ms., 'G9-. Daniel Leeds (1—), Ms. A. C. 1837.— Daniel Gregory Mason (1), Ms. Mar. C. 1840. — (From Boston, Ms.) *Ben.jamix Mead (2), Me. B.C. 1838. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1843. — Died, at Newfield, Me., 1845, aged 32. Samuel John Mills Merwin (2), Ct. Y.C. 1839. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1844. Ordained 18 Dec. 1844. — Southport, Ct., '44-59. — South Hadley Falls, Ms., '60-'6 7. — Wilton, Ct., '68-. Ariel Ebenezer Parish Perkins (1), Ms. A. C. 1840. — Ordained 18 Sept. 1844. Phillipston, Ms., '44-'55.— W^are, Ms., '55-. William Porter (1), Ms. W.C. 1839. — Union Theol. Sem., 1843. — Res. Florida and Georgia, '43-'50. — Ordained 25 Aug. 1847. — Teacher, Marietta Coll., '50-52. — Prof. Math, and Latin, Beloit Coll., '52-. LuBiN Burton Rockwood (1), N. H. D.C. 1839. — Union Theol. Sem., 1843. — Ordained, Presb., 18 April 1845. Finan. Agent Union Theol. Sem., '43-'50. — Rocky Hill, Ct.. '50-'59. — Dis. Sec. Am. (N.Y.) Tract Soc, Boston, Ms., '59-. *George Washington Sill (1 — ), Ct. Y.C. 1838. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, 1845. — Prof., Kemper Coll., '42-'45. Also, chhs. Hannibal and Palmyra, Mo., '..-'45. — Holly Springs, Miss., and Prin. Fem. Sem. there, '45-'. . — Trinity ch.. Pass Christian, Miss., and Assoc. Prin. Trinity Fem. Sem., '. .-'60. — w.c. La., '61-'65. — Teacher, Trinity Sem., Pass Christian, Miss., '65. — w.c. Pass Christian, Miss., '05 until died there, 22 Aug. 1866, aged 54. Thomas Harvey Sklntner, Jr., d.d. (1), N.Y. U.N.Y. 1840.— Union Theol. Sem., 1843. — Ordained 8 Dec. 1843. Presb. ch., Pat- terson, N. J., '43-'46. — West Presb. ch.. New York, '46-55. — Honesdale, Pa., '56-'59. — Ref. ^Dutch) ch., Staten Island, N.Y., '59-'68. — Presb. ch.. Fort Wayne* Ind., '68-. 21 161 1843. 1844. *James Allen Taylor (2), Vt. A.C. 1839. — Notordained. — Died, at ,2 Oct. 1842, aged 27. Hiram Wason (1—), N.H. A. C. 1838. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1843. — Ordained .. Jan. 1845. Home Missionary, s.s. Presb. cli., Vevay, Ind., '43-'57. — s.s. West Creek, Ind., 'o7-'64. — occ. sup., West Creek, Ind., 'C4-. 1844. Homer Henry Benson, Vt. U.Vt. 1838. — Ordained 13 Feb. 1845. Home Missionary. Presb. ch., Geneva, Wis., s.s. '44-46 ; p. '46-'54. — Ai^pleton, Wis., '54-'58. — Waupun, AVis., '58-'60. — Mineral Point, Wis., 'G0-'G3.— Chaplain 10th Wis. Vols., '63-'64.— Agent N. W. Freedmen's Aid Com., '65-'G6. — Agent Am. Miss. Ass'n, Beloit, Wis., '66-. John Jay Butler, d.d.. Me. B.C. 1837. — Ordained, Free Bapt., 28 Jan. 1846. Prof. Chr. Theol., Theol. Sem., Whitestown, N. Y., '44-'54. — Prof. Chr. Theol., Theol. Inst., New Hampton, N. H., '54-, Erastus Baldwin Claggett, N. H. — . — Ordained 30 Sept. 1846. Lyndeboro', N. H., '46- *David Burt Colton, Ms. Y. C. 1841. — Teacher, Elizabethtown, N. J., '48-'51. — In office of Sprlngjield Republican. — Died, at Long- meadow, Ms., 16 Sept. 1853, aged 32. George Cook, N.H. A.C. 1841. — Not ordained. — Prof. Math., Dallas Coll. Institute, Selma, Ala., '44-'49.— In business, '50-'56.— Now res. Keene, N. H. Henry Martyn Dexter, D.D., Ms. Y. C 1840. — Ordained 9 Nov. 1844. Franklin st. ch., Manchester, N. H., '44-49. — Berkeley st. ch., Boston, Ms., '49-'67. — Editor Congrec/afionalist, Boston, Ms., '67-. Joseph Myron Rensselaer Eaton, Ms. A.C. 1811. — Ordained 9 Jan. 1845. Clinton, Ms., '4.5-'4 7. — Shirley, Ms., '47-50.- Hen- niker, N. H.; '51-68. — Res. West Springfield, Ms., '68-; now sup. Second ch., Medfield, Ms. *JoEL Sumner Everett, Vt. A.C. 1840. — Ordained 1844. Missionary, Smyrna, '45-'4 7; Constantinople, '4 7-; died tluM-e, 8 March 1856, aged 42. *Alfred Hawes, Ms. B.U. 1841.— Ordained 1844. Home Missionary. Presb. ch., Marion, Ind., '44-; died there, 31 Aug. 1854, aced 36. 1844. *Noi{MAN IIazen, Vt. D.C. 1840. — s.s. Ludlow, Vt., '4 5-4 (J. — Or- dained 24 March 1847. First cli., Koyalston, Ms., '47-; died there, 13 Feb. 1852, aged 37. John PiXKEHTOX Hum niRKV, N. H. D.C. 1839. — s.s. Shirley, Ms., '45-'46. — Ordained 3 Feb. 1847. Winchester, N. H., '47-'67,— Third eh., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '68-. Reubex Saffokd Kexdall, 111. 111. C. 1839. — Ordained 24 Dec. 1845. Machias, Me., '35-'46. — Prof. Greek and Latin, 111. Coll., '47-'52. — Middlebmy, Vt., '53-'56. — Lenox, Ms., '59-'G5. — w.c. Newton Centre, Ms., '65-67. — Vernon, Ct., '67-. SiMEOX Miller, Ms. A. C. 1840. — Ordained 7 May 1846. First ch.^ Holyoke, Ms., '46-. David PiXKERTOX, N. H. D.C. 1841. — Ordained 1 Feb. 1845. Home Missionary. Elk Horn, Wis., '44-47. — Salem, etc.. Wis., '47-'51. — Presb. ch., Somers, AVis., '51-53. — Two Rivers, etc., Wis., '53-57. — s.s. Oakfield, W^is., '57-60. — w.c. Waupun, Wis., '60- Abi.iaii Stowell, Ms. — . — Ordained 18 Sept. 1844. Home Mis- sionary, Washington Co., Me., '44-'46. — Perry, Me., '46-'50. — s.s. Gardner, Ms., '51-'57. — s.s. Gill, Ms., '58-'65. — s.s. Erving, Ms., '65- '68. — s.s. Petersham, Ms., '68-. Francis Vergxies Texney, Ms. A.C. 1841. — Ordained 7 Aug. 1845. South Braintree, Ms., '45-'48. — By field, Ms., '50-'5 7. — Man- chester, Ms., '58-'69. — Saugus, Ms., '69-. Leonard Texxey, N. H. D.C. 1840.— Ordained 19 April 1845. Jaffrey, N. H., '45-'57. — Thetford, Vt., '57-'66. — Prin. Ladies' Sem., Gorham, Me., '66-67. — Barre, Vt., '67-. Richard Tolmax, Ms. A.C. 1839. — Ordained 17 Sept. 1845. Third ch., Danvers, Ms., '45-48. — South Dennis, Ms., '49-'52. — Tewksbury, Ms., '52-. RoLLiN DiARCA Hemexway Allex (1), Vt. M.C. 1841. — TheoL Dep., Yale Coll., 1845. — Teacher, Tolland, Ct., Geneseo, Riga, N. Y., Terryville, Ct., '45-'51.— William Stinson Blaxchard (1+), Mc. B.C. 1840. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1845. — Ordained 1848. — — Prof. Anc. Lang. and Hist., Cleveland Univ., O. — — s.s. Mendota, 111., '60-'61. — w.c. Chicago, 111. — • Jacksox Joxes Bushnell (1), Ct. Y.C. 1841. — Not ordained.— Tutor, West. Res. Coll., '42-'44. — Agent West. Res. Coll., and AA'est. 1844. Coll. Soc, '44-'48. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Beloit Coll., '48-'57. — In business, '5 7-'G3. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Beloit Coll., '63-. *ALENr>ER OsMYN Clapp (2), N. Y. A. C. 1837. — Not ordained. — Died, at Northampton, Ms., 3 March 18t)7, aged 55. Thornton Washington Clapp (2+), Ms. W. C. 1835. — Prof. Math., Washington Coll., INliss. — Lawyer, Miss. — John Langdon Dudley (1), N. H. A. C. 1844. — Ordained 11 June 1847 — Middletown, Ct., '54-'(58. — Milwaukee, AVis., 'G8-. Charles Hammond (1), Ct. Y. C. 1839. — Ordained 9 Oct. 1855. — Prin. Acad., Monson, Ms., '3y-'41. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1844. — occ. pr., '44-45. — Prin. Acad., Monson, Ms., '45-52. — Prin. Lawrence Acad., Groton, Ms., '52-'63. — Prin! Acad., Monson, Ms., '(d3-. Joseph Edward Hood (1+), Ms. D. C. 1841. — Not ordained. — Editor Essex Transcript, Amesbury, Ms., '42; People's Advocate, Hanover, Ms., '43 ; Granite Freeman, and Independent Democrat, Con- cord, N. H., '45-'48. — Telegraph Sup't, Springfield, Ms., and Boston, Ms., '49-'54. — Assoc' Editor Springfield Republican, Ms., '54-. *James Jackson (2+), N. H. D. C. 1841. — Episc. Theol. Sem., near Alexandria, Va., 1844. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 14 July 1844. — Christ ch., Savannah, Ga., '44. — Assist. Min., St. John's ch.. Savan- nah, Ga., '44-; drowned, in Savannah river, 19 March 1845,- aged 30. Joseph Leland Lord (1), N. H. D. C. 1839. — Not ordained. — Lawyer, Bath, Me. ; Boston, Ms. ; Saxonville, Ms. George Frederic Magoun, d.d. (1), Me. B.C. 1841. — Ordained . . Feb. 1848. Home Missionary. — s.s. Shullsburg, Wis., '47-'48.— Second Presb. ch.. Galena, 111., '48-'51. — s.s. Cong, ch., Davenport, lo., '55-56; p. '56-60. — Lyons, lo., '60-64. — Pres. Iowa Coll., Grinnell, lo., '65-. Henry Child Morse (1—), N. Y. Y. C. 1839. — Ordained 1844. Home Missionary, s.s. Presb. ch., Lima, Ind., '44-'4 7.- — On- tario, Ind., '47-48. — Cong, ch., Union City, Mich., '48-'51. — w.c. Union City, Mich., '51-. Albert Paine (1), Ct. Y. C. 1841. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1845. — Ordained 7 Sept. 1848. West Amesbury, Ms., '48-'54. — North Adams, Ms., '56-'62. — Hospital Chaplain, U. S. A., '62-'. . — Charles Richards (1), Ct. W. C. 1841.— Union Theol. Sem., 1844. — Ordained 25 May 1847. Presb. ch., Lakeville, N. Y., s.s. '45-'47 ; 161 1844. 1845. p. 'IT-'ia. — s.s. Hector, N. Y., 'iU-'ul. — s.s. Kciibselaerville, N. Y., 'al-'oT). — s.s. Monroeville, O., '55-'t)8. — s.s. Pardeeville and AVyo- cena, Wis., '68-. *David Cochran Scohky (1 — ), jNIs. D. C. 183y. — ^Not ordaiued. — Teacher, High School, Lowell, Ms., '. .-'. . — Died, at Lowell, Ms., 1 March 1850, aged 3.j. Edmund Fauwell Slaftek (2+), Vt. D. C. 1840. — Ordained dea- con, Episc, 12 July 1844 ; priest, 30 July 1845. — St. Peter's eh., Canibridgeport, Ms., '44-'46. — St. John's ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '46-53. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, res. Boston, Ms., '53- Jeremy Webster Tuck (1—), N. H. A.C. 1840.— Theol. Inst. Conn., 1843. — Ordained 6 Sept. 1843. Ludlow, Ms., '43-60. — s.s. First ch., Palmer, Ms., '60-66. — Jewett City, Ct., '66-. John B. Van Dyck, m.d. (1), N. Y. U.C. 1841. — Physician, Coxsackie, N. Y., in '54. *Joiin Adam Walker (1), Ms. W.C. 1840. — Union Theol. Sem., '43-'44, and '45-'46. — Tutor, Will. Coll., '44-'45. — Lawyer, Lenox, Ms., '48-53 ; Pittsfield, Ms., '53- ; died there, 1864, aged 43. John Webster, m.d. (1), N. H, D.C. 1841. — Not ordained. — Phy- sician, Providence, R. I. ; Chicago, 111. ; Gibson's Station, Ind. 1845. Laukkns Armsby, Ms. A.C. 1842. — Ordained 27 May 1846. Chester, N. H., '46-56. — Faribaidt, Minn., '56-64. — Candia, N. H., '66-. JosiAH WoLCOTT Brown, Ms. — . — Ordained 5 Aug. 1846. Home Missionary, Oswego, 111., '46-48. — w.c. '48-53. — s.s. North Ash- burnham, Ms., '53-'54. — w.c. Manchester, Vt., '54-'69 ; Westborough, Ms., '69- Daniel Reed Cady, N. Y. W.C. 1838. — Ordained 27 Oct. 1845. Rutland, Ms., '45-'4U. — Westboro', Ms., '49-56. — West Cambridge (now Arlington), Ms., '56-. Alexander HuNTJNGTON Clapr, d.d., Ms. Y.C. 1842. — Ordained 14 Oct. 1846. Central ch., Brattleboro', Vt., '46-'53. — Beneficent ch., Providence, R. I., '55-'65. — Sec. Am. H. M. Soc, New York, '65-. Lucius Quinctius Curtis, Ct. W.C. 1835. — Ordained 6 July 1846. Woodbury, Ct., '46-'54.— Colchester, Ct., '56-'68.— s.s. Ripon, AVis., '69-. 1845 NoADiAH Smith Dickinson, Ms. A. C. 1841. — Ordained 27 May 1847. — Wendell, Ms., '47-'52. — Chatham, Ms., '52-'58. — Foxboro', Ms., 'SS-'GO.- Da viD DiMoNi), N. n. D. C. 1842. — Ordained 12 April 1846. Home Missionary. St. Charles, Mo., '45-46. — s.s. Presb. ch., Troy, Mo., '46-'50. — s.s. CoUinsville, 111., '51-'54. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Webster Coll., '55-'58. — s.s. Rock Hill, Mo., '58-'59. — s.s. Brighton, 111., '60-'65. — s.s. Anna, 111., '66-. William Plumer Eastman, N. H. D. C. 1842. — Ordained .... Home Missionary. New Comerstown, O., '45-'46. — Union, O., '47-'. . — Chillicothe, O. (?) William Tappan Eustis, Jr., Ms. Y. C. 1841. — Ordained « April 1846. AVinchester, Ms., '46-48.— Chapel st. ch.. New Haven, Ct., '48-69. — Memorial ch., Springfield, Ms., '69-. Samuel Bacon Fairbank, 111. 111. Coll. 1842. — Ordained 1845. Missionary, Mahrattas, Western Hindostan, '46-. George Ford, Ms. H.C. 1842. — Ordained 7 Oct. 1846. Mission- ary, Madura District, Southern India, '46-53. — East Falmouth, Ms., '56-'62. — Tolland, Ms., '63-69. — Missionary, Seneca Indians, Catta- raugus, N. Y., '69-. John Harper Garman, Ms. — . — s.s. Baldwin, Me., '46-'4 7. — Oi'- dained 3 Nov. 1847. Limlngton, Me., '47-'55. — Scarboro', Me., '55-'60. — -Lebanon, Me., '60-65. — s.s. North Orange, Ms., '66-. Joshua Sanders Gay, Ms. A.C. 1841.— Ordained 27 Jan. 1848. Andover, Me., '48-'50; s.s. '50-'51. — Pittston, Me., '52-54. — s.s. Stoddard, N. H., '54-'57. — s.s. Chichester, N. H., '5 7-'63. — s.s. By- field, Ms., '66-69. — w.c. Byfield, Ms., '69-70. — s.s. Brookfield, Vt., '70-. John Putnam Gulliver, d.d., Ms. Y. C. 1840. — Ordained 1 Oct. 1846. Broadway st. ch., Norwich, Ct., '46-'65. — New England ch., Chicago, 111., '65-68. — Pres. Knox Coll., 111., '68-. Allen Hazen, Vt. D.C. 1842. — Ordained 1 July 1846. Missionary, Mahrattas, Western Hindostan, '46-. James Herrick, Vt. W.C. 1841. — Ordained 10 Oct. 1845. Mis- sionary, Madura District, Southern Hindostan, '45-. James Mason Hoppin, R. I. Y. C. 1840. — Ordained 27 March 1850, Crombie st. ch., Salem, Ms., '50-59. — Prof. Hom. and Past. Charge, Yale Coll., '61-. William Asa Keith, Me. AV. C. 1841. — s.s. Presb. ch., Shelby ville, Mo., '45-46. — Ordained .. May 184 7. s.s. Cong, ch., Maquoketa, 166 1845. lo., '4G-'48. — Tii)ton, lo., '48-53. — s.s. Decorali, lo., '54-'r)7. — s.s. Brookfield, lo., '57-'66. — (Was in Wilmington, Ms., in '67.) John Henry Martyn Leland, Ms. A. C. 1840. — Ordained 13 Oct. 1847. South Royalston, Ms., '4 7-'49.— Bethel, Me., '50-53. — s.s. Fli-st ch.. Palmer, Ms., '55-'58. — w.c. Amherst, Ms., '58-, William Miller, Ms. A.C. 1842. — Ordained 1 Oct. 1845. Hali- fax, Vt., '45-'47.— Gill, ]\Is., s.s. '47-'48 ; p. '4 9-'50. — Teacher, North Brookfield, Ms., '50-54. — Sterling, Ms., '55-58. — occ. sup., '58-65. — s.s. Petersham, Ms., '65-67. — s.s. Mt. Carmel, Ct., '67-69. — s.s. Killingworth, Ct., '69-. William Porter, N. H. D.C. 1840. — Ordained . . April 1846. Home ISIissionary. — Presb. chhs., Waterloo, etc.. Mo., '45-'46. — Des Moines, Mo., '46-'48. — s.s. Alexandria, Mo., '47-'51. — s.s. St. Francisville, Mo., '51-'54.— s.s. Port Byron, III., '54-'60.— Granville, 111., '60-'65. — Res. Webster, Mo., since '65, now Editor Journal of Agriciclture, St. Louis, ]Mo. Charles Smith, Ms. A.C. 1841. — Ordained 10 Oct. 1847. Warren, Ms., '47-52. — South ch., Andover, Ms., '52-53. — Shawmut ch., Boston, Ms., '53-'58. — s.s. Oak Place ch., Boston, Ms., '60-61.— South ch., Andover, Ms., '61-. Samuel eloNES Spalding, d.d., N. H. D.C. 1842. — Ordained 26 Oct. 1846. Rollinsford, N. H., '46-'51. — Whitefield ch., Newbury- port, Ms., '51-. Richard Salter Storrs, Jr., d.d., Ms. A.C. 1839. — Ordained 22 Oct. 1845, Harvard ch., Brookline, Ms., '45-46. — Ch. of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, N. Y., '46-, William Wakefield, Ms. A.C. 1839.— Ordained 17 July 1846. McConnelsville, O., '45-'52. — s.s. Madison, O., '52-'55. — Harmar, O., '55-. Edward Webb, England. — . — Ordained 23 Oct. 1845. Mission- ary, Madura District, Southern Hindostan, '45-'64. — s.s. Presb. ch., Darby, Pa., '6 5-' 6 6. — Glasgow, Del, '66-. Moses Hemmexway Wells, N. H. D.C. 1839. — Ordained 19 Oct. 1845. Pittsfield, N. H., '45-'53. — Teacher, South Berwick, Me., '53-55. — Hinsdale, N. H., '56-65. — s.s. Lyndon, Vt., '66-. Royal Gould Wilder, N. Y. M.C. 1840. — Ordained Missionary, A. B. C. F. M., Mahratta Country, '46-'57; of a Soc. in Ct., and now of Presb. Board, Kolapur, ISIahratta Country, '58-. 167 1845. Rowland Ayrks (1), Ms. A.C. 1841. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '44-'46. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 184 7. — Ordained 12 Jan. 1848. Fii-st ch., Hadley, Ms., '48-. Samuel Brace (1+), Ct. Y. C. 1841. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '44-'4 8. — Teacher, Pittsfield, Ms., '48-'51. — In business, Pittsfield, Ms., '51-54; Nbav Britain, Ct., '54-'(i:i ; Ncav Haven. Ct., '6.S-. *MosES Parmelee Case (1—), Vt. U.Vt. 1839. — (Ordained?) — Teacher, High School, Newburyport, Ms., (seven years). — Died, at Pepperell, Ms., 18 Dec. 1859, aged 40. Luther Clapp (2+), Ms. W.C. 1841.- Ordained 5 Oct. 1845. WauvFatosa, Wis., s.s. '45-'48 ; p. '48-. Also, Editor Wisconsin Puri- tan, '63-67. William Coffin (1+), HI- HI- C. 1841.— (From Jacksonville, 111.) Azakiah Eldridge, D.D. (1), Ms. Y.C. 1841. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1845. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '45-'47. — Ordained 15 Sept. 1847. North Cong, ch., New Bedford, Ms., '47-55. — Fort st. Presb. ch., Detroit, Mich., '59-'65. — American Chapel, Paris, France, '66-'68. — Sec. Evang. Alliance, New York, '70-. Joseph Emerson (2), Ms. Y.C. 1841. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '44-'48. — Ordained 22 Feb. 1860. — Prof. Anc. Lang., Beloit Coll., '48-'5C ; Prof. Greek, '56-. George Rigor Entler (1—), Va. W.C. 1842. — Bangor Theol. Sem., '43-45, — Ordained 6 Aug. 1845. Presb. ch., Hillsdale, N. Y., '45-'46. — Cong, ch., Windsor, Ms., s.s. '46-47 ; p. '47-'50. — Agent A. B. C. F. M., in Western Ms., '50. — w.c. Pittsfield, Ms., '50-52. — s.s. Harford and Preble, N.Y., '52-'57. — s.s. Riverhead, L. I., '57-'61. —s.s. Meredith, N. Y., '61-'66.— Stud. Conip. Philol., Univ. Berlin, Prussia, '66-67. — Teacher German, Franklin, N. Y., '67-69, and s.s. Westbrook, N.Y., '68-69. — Prof. German, Delaware Lit. Inst., Franklin, N.Y., '69-. William Hinman Gilbert (1+), Ct. Y.C. 1841. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1843. — s.s. First ch., Haddam, Ct., '45-'46. — Ordained 21 Oct. 1846. Westminster, Vt., '46-'51. — Ashfield, Ms., '51-'55.— Granby, Ct., '56-65. Also, Agent Am. Bible Soc, '64-. Res. Brat- tleboro', Vt., '66-'69; Berlin, Ct., '69-'70 ; Hartford, Ct., '70-. Joel Grant (1), Ct. Y.C. 1838. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1845. Home Missionary, s.s. Lockport, 111., '45-47. — West Avon, Ct., '48-52. — Lockport, 111., '52-58. — s.s. Bristol, 111., '59-60. — s.s. Lockport. 111., '60-'6]. — Chaplain 12th 111. Vols., and (succ.) 113th U. S. C. T., '6i-'66. — s.s. Colebrook, Ct., '6 7-'68. — s.s. Bristol. 111., '68-. 168 1845. Charlks Henky Hall, D.I). (1), G;i. Y. C. 1.S42. — Ordained dea- con, Episc, 24 Aug. 1844; priest, 12 Nov. 1845. — St. John's ch., Huntington, L. I., '45-'47. — West Point, N. Y., '4 7-'48.— John's Island, S. C, '48-57. — Ch. of the Epiphany, Washington, D. C, '57_'Ga. — Ch. of the Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, N.Y., '69-. Marcus R. Kp:ep (1), Can. East. —. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1846. — Ordained 4 Jan. 1847. Home IMissionary, Fort Kent, etc., '46-'48 ; Burlington and Passadumkeag, Me., '48-'52 ; Aroostook Co., Me., '52; No. 11 and vie. Me. (Ashland, Me.), '52-67. — Ordained dea- con, Episc, — Charles French Low (2), N. H. D. C. 1842. — Not ordained. — Private, 9th U. S. Inf , Mexican War, '46-47 ; Second Lieut., '47-'48. — Lawyer, Jamestown, Cal. (?) Jabez Baldwin Lyman (1), Ms. A. C. 1841. — Not ordained. — Teacher of French and German, Amh. Coll., '48-'49. — (Said to have been in Abbeville, S. C.) DwiGHT Whitney Marsh (1), Ms. W. C. 1842.— Union Theol. Sem., 1849. — Ordained 2 Oct. 1849. Missionary, Mosul, Eastern Turkey, '50-62. — Prin. Young Ladies' Sem., Rochester, N.Y., '63- '67. — s.s. Godfrey, 111., 'G7-'6 8. — Prin. Young Ladies' Sem., Roch- ester, N. Y., '68-'69. — w.c. Whitney's Point., N. Y., '69-. Enos Janes Montague (2), Ms. W.C. 1841. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1845. — Ordained 14 May 1846. Home Missionary. — Oconomowoc, AVis., '46-. George Washington Porter, d.d. (1), Ms. Halle, and Witt., Ger., 1844. — Ordained deacon, Episc, -8 Sept. 1846; priest, 2 Oct. 1847. — St. Mary's ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '46-'53. — St. Andrew's ch., Schoharie, N. Y., and (Founder and) head of Wainwright Inst., Middleburgh, N. Y., '53-57. — Christ ch., Morehouse, N. Y., '57-64. — St. Michael's ch., Brattleboro', Vt., '64-65. — St. Peter's ch., Drewsville, N. IL, '6 7-'68. — Trinity ch., Woburn, Ms., '68-. George Richards (1), Ct. Y. C. 1840. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1845. — Ordained 8 Oct. 1845. Central ch., Boston, Ms., '45-59. — s.s. Litchfield, Ct., '61-65. — First ch., Bridgeport, Ct., '66-. William Ward AVhipple (1), Ms. A. C. 1841. — Ordained 8 Nov. 1846. Home Missionary, Presb. chhs., Monticello, etc., IVIo., '45-46. — La Grange, Mo., '49-61. — s.s. Cong, ch., Griggsville, 111., '61-65. — s.s. Presb. ch., Clayton, 111., '66-. Moses Eaton Wilson (2), N.Y. Ham. C. 1842. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1845. — H.M., Burlington, Me., '44-'45. — Ordained 184G George Henry Atkinson, d.d., Vt. D. C. 1S48. — Ordained 24 Feb. 1847. Oregon City, Or., s.s. '47-'53; p. '53-'(io. — Portland, Or., '65-. James Munroe Bailey, N. H. D. C. 1843. — Ordained . . Feb. 1847. Free Will Bapt. ch., West Buxton, Me., '47-'y5. — Casco St., Port- land, Me., '55-56. — Saco, Me., '56-59. — Manchester, N. H., '59- '62.— Great Falls, N. H., '62-'66. — Prof. Sac. Lit. and Horn., Theol. School, New Hampton, N. H., '66-. *Eliphalet Birchard, Ct. H. C. 1843. — Not ordained. — s.s. Line- brook, Ms., '49-'50. — s.s. Andover, Ct., '53-'54. — Died, at Lebanon, Ct., 20 Sept. 1854, aged 42. Timothy Farrar Clary, N. H. D. C. 1841.— Ordained 12 Dec. 1849. Thetford, Vt., '49-'56. — Ashland, Ms., '56-59.- Wareham, Ms., '59-67. — Av.c. Wareham, Ms., '67-. Charles Cummings, N. H. D.C. 1842. — Not ordained. — Prin. Acad., Abington, Ms., '44-'45 ; Prin. High School, Medford,Ms., '46-. Daniel Taggart Fiskb, d.d., Ms. A.C.I 842. — Ordained 18 Aug. 1847. Belleville ch., Newburyport, Ms., '47-. James Fletcher, Ms. D.C. 1843. — s.s. Kingston, N. H., '46-48. — Res. Lie, Andover, Ms., '48-49. — Ordained 20 June 1849. Maple St. ch., Dan vers, Ms., '49-64. — Prin. Holton High School, Danvers, Ms., '64-. Daniel Little Furber, N. H. D.C. 1843.— Ordained 1 Dec. 1847. First ch., Newton Centre, Ms., '4 7-. David Garland, Me. A. C. 1843. — Ordained l.j Aug. 1849. Sec- ond ch., Bethel, 'Me., '49-. Lewis Grout, Vt. Y. C. 1842. — Ordained 8 Oct. 1846. Mission- ary, to the Zulus, South Africa, '46-'62. — s.s. Saxton's Klver, Vt., '62-63. — Feeding Hills, Agawain, Ms., '63-65. — Agent Am. Miss. Ass'n, for N. H. and Vt., res. West Brattleboro', Vt., '65-. Edwin llrTHVEX Hodgman, Me. D.C. 1843. — Ordained 17 JNIay 1849. s.s. East Orford, N. H., '48-'50. — Lunenburg, Ms., s.s. '51-'52 ; p. '52-55. — Lynnfield Centre, Ms., '56-58. —s.s. Westford, Ms., '59- '64. — Res. Westford, Ms., '64 to date. s.s. Chelmsford, Ms., '67-69. — Agent of Home for Destitute Children, Burlington, Vt., '69. — s.s. West Clielmsfbrd, Ms., '69-. John Summers Holmes, Ms. — . — Not ordained. — Lawyer, Bos- ton, Ms. 170 i84(;. WirxiAM Hayes Lord, d.d., N. II. I). C. 1832. — Ordained 20 Sept. 1847. Montpelier,Vt., '47-. Horace Lyman, Ms. W.C. 1842. — Ordained Home Missionary. — Portland, Or., '48-'.54. — Dalles, Or., '54-'57. — Prof. Math., Pacific Univ., Forest Grove, Or., '.57-. *Philip Stodard Myers, N. Y. U. C. 1843. — Not ordained. — s.s. Presb. ch., Warsaw, N. Y.. '4C-'47. — Died, at Coxsackie, N. Y., 22 Aug. 1847, aged 27. William Aaron Patten, N. H. D. C. 1843. — s.s. Colebrook, N. H., '47. — s.s. Hinsdale and Chesterfield, N. H., '4 7-'50. — Ordained 18 .Tidy 18o0. Deerfield, N. H., '50-'.54. — s.s. York, Me., '.55-'58.— s.s. Maquoketa, lo., 'o8-'.59. — s.s. Grass Valley, Cal., '.59. — s.s. San Francisco, Cal., 'GO-'Ul. — occ. pr., 'Gl-'64. — Chaplain 32d Maine Vols., '(54. — s.s. Stellapolis, lo., '65-'69. — w.c. Williamsburg, Ic, '69-. Francis Greenleaf Pratt, Ms. A. C. 1840. — Ordained 19 Oct. 1849. Winthrop ch.. South Maiden (now Everett), ]\Is., '49-'57. — s.s. Peacedale, R. I., '58. — w.c. Middleboro', Ms., '58-. *CoRTLANDT WiLKiNS Shattuck, Ms. D. C. 1840. — Not Ordained. — s.s. Bethesda ch., Charlestown, Ms., '46-'4 7. — Died, at Groton, Ms., 12 Oct. 1847, aged 31. Henry Bagg Smith, Ms. A.C. 1843. — Ordained 22 July 1847. Granville, Ms., '47-51. — Abington, Ct., '52-63. — Burlington, Ct., '64-67. —Newtown, Ct., '67-. *Leonard Swain, D.D., N. Y. D. C. 1841. — Ordained 24 June 1847. Pearl st. ch., Nashua, N. H., '47-52. — Central ch.. Providence, R. I., '52-; died there, 14 July 1869, aged 48. James Bradford Richmond Walker, Ms. B. U. 1841. — Or- dained 27 Oct. 1847. Bucksport, Me., '47-53. — Second ch., Hol- yoke, Ms., '55-64. — w.c. Hartford, Ct., .'64-67. — p.e. First ch., Winsted, Ct.. '67-'69. — In lit. pursuits, Hartford, Ct., '69-. Henry Lewis Bullen (1+), Ms. D.C. 1842. — Teacher, Sher- born, Ms., '42 ; West Newbury, Ms., '43 ; Eatonton, Ga., '44-45 ; Macon, Ga., '46; HoUiston, Ms., '47-49. — Ordained 7 May 1850. s.s. Port Byron, 111., '50. — Prof Math, and Nat. Phil., Iowa Coll., '51-58. — Durant, lo., '60-67. — w.c. Durant, lo., '67-. Oramel Wellington Cooley (1), ]\Is. W.C. 1841. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1846. — Ordained 4 May 1848, Dover, Ms., s.s, '47-'48; 171 1840. p. '48-50. — s.s. Presb. cli., Granville, 111., '52-53. — s.s. Cong. ch., Fox Lake, Wis., '54-'56. — s.s. Newport, Wis., '5C-'58. — s.s. Nora, 111., '59_'6i._s.s. Lanark, 111., '62-'G.3. — s.s. Henry, 111., '63-'64. — s.s- Glenwood, lo., '6.5-'68. — w.c, now res. Glenwood, lo., '68-. Isaac Mills Ely (1), N. Y. Y. C. 1843. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1846. — Ordained !) Feb. 1861. — — s.s. Chenango Forks, N.Y., '66.— Caleb Emkry (2-f), Me. D.C. 1842. — Not ordained.- Sub-Master, Latin School, Boston, Ms., '50-". . ; Prin. Fern. School,'..-'..; Prin. High School, Charlestown, Ms., '. . -. Samuel Ware Fisher (2+), Ms. W.C. 1841.— Not ordained. — Now res. Huntington, Ms. Mills Bordwell Gelston (1), Ct. Y.C. 1843. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1846.— Ordained 1847. Home Missionary, s.s. Presb. ch., Albion, Mich., '46-51; p. '51-55. — s.s. Naples, N. Y., '55-. BuRDETT Hart (1), Ct. Y.C. 1842.- Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1846. — Ordained 1 Oct. 1846. Fairhaven, Ct., '46-'60. — In business, Philadelphia, Pa., '60-. Charles Goddard Hazeltixe (2), Pa. AY.C. 1839. — Not or- dained.— Teacher, Millville, N. Y., '40-42; Westborough, Ms., '43- '46; Willlamstown, Ms., '46-49; Prin. Fem. Sem., Cherry Valley, N. Y., '49-'61 ; Prin. Fem. Sem., Morrlstown, N. J., '62-. *JosiAH Torrey King (1—), Ms. Y.C. 1843. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1846.— Not ordained. — H. M., String Prairie, 111., '4 7-'48. — s.s. East St. Johnsbury, Vt., '49-; died there, 7 Oct. 1849, aged 30. Edward Duffield Neill (1 — ), Pa. A. C. 1842. — Ordained.. Home Missionary, Elizabeth, 111., '47-'49. — s.s. Presb. ch., St. Paul, Minn., '49-'60. — Chaplain , '61-'63. — w.c. AVashlngton, D. C, '63-. (In Dublin, Ireland, in '69.) *CnARLES Symmons Putnam (1), Ms. U.Vt. 1838. — Episc.Theol. Sem., Va., — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, . . — Woodbury, Ct. — Derby, Ct. — Warehouse Point, Ct. — WalHngford, Ct. — Church of the Redeemer, Brooklyn, N.Y. — Died, at Hanover, N. H., 19 Jan. 1860, aged 42. Philip Titcomb (1), Ms. Y.C. 1843. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1846. — Ordained 7 April 1847. Home Missionary, Presb. ch., Hillsdale, Mich., '46-48. — s.s. Cherryfield, Me., '48-'51. — s.s. Dexter, Me., '52-54. — Kennebunkport, Me., '5.'')-'64. — s.s. Limerick, ]Me., '65-'68. — s.s. Plympton, Ms., '69-. 172 1840. 1847. David Torrey, d.d. (1—), Pa. A.C 1843.— Union Theol. Sem., 184G. — Tutor, Auih. Coll., '4G-'47. — Ordained 29 Jan. 1850. Prcsb. ch., Delhi, N. Y., '50-60. — Ithaca, N. Y., '60-65. — Ann Arbor, Mich., p.e., '66-'6 7. — w.c, now res. Honesdale, Pa., 6 7-. David Turner (2), N. H. D.C. 1S41. — Not ordained. — Prin. Class, and Eng. School, Richmond, Va., '42-'68. — Prin. Acad., Thetford, Vt., '69-. Francis Brown Wheeler, d.d. (1+), Vt. U.Vt. 1842. — Ordained 29 May 1850. Brandon, Vt., '50-'54. — Saco, Me., '54-59. — Presb. ch., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., '59- JoHN WiCKES (1), N. Y. Y.C. 1S43. — Ordained 6 Dec. 1848. Canaan Four Corners, N. Y., '48-56. — s.s. Brighton, N. Y., '56-62. — s.s. Presb. ch., Attica, N. Y., '64-. 1847. Isaac Grout Bliss, Ms. A. C. 1844.— Ordained 4 May 1847. Mis- sionary, Smyrna and Erzriim, '4 7-'51. — ^ w.c. '51-'54. — s.s. South- bridge, Ms. — s.s. Boylston Centre, Ms.. ■54-'5G. — Agent Am. Bible Soc, Turkey, '57-. Lucius Manlius Boltwood, ISIs. A.C. 1843. — Not ordained. — Res. Amherst, Ms., '4 7-'52. — Librarian, Amh. Coll., '52-63. Ako, Postmaster, Amherst, Ms., '61-65, — Ass't Librarian, Library of Con- gress, Washington, D.C, '67-68. — Librarian, Young Men's Inst., Hartford, Ct., '68-. *Enoch Haskin Caswell, Vt. M. C. 1843.— Ordained 28 June 1848. Salisbury, N. H., '48-'49. — s.s. Stockbridge, Vt., '49-'51. — s.s. Barnet, Vt., '51-53. — — s.s. Loudon, N. H., '56-'57. — s.s. Hookset, N. H., '57-'59. — Teacher, Bristol, N. H., '60-'61. — s.s. Bennington, N. H., '61-; died there, 11 Nov. 1863, aged 45. Edward Warren Clark, Ms. D.C. 1844.— Ordained 1 Jan. 1850. Bethesda ch., Reading, Ms., '50-53. — w.c. '53-57. — Anburndale, Ms., '57-'61. — Chap. 47th Mass. Vols., '63-'64.— Clareraont, N. II., '64-. *CHRiSTOPnER MiNTA CoRDLEY, Eng. W. R. C. 1844. — Ordained 15 Sept. 1849. Hopkinton, N. II., '49-52. — First ch.. West Ran- dolph, Ms., '52-'57. — West Brookfield, Ms., '59-'62.— Central ch., Lawrence, Ms., '62-; died there, 26 June 1866, aged 45. Christopher Cushing, Ms. Y.C. 1844. — Ordained 27 Feb. 1849. Edwards ch., Boston, Ms., '49-51. — North Brookfield, Ms., '51-'68, — Sec. Am, Cong, Un., Boston, Ms., '6 7-. 173 184 i^SAMUEL Bering Dexter, Ms. H.C. 1843.— Ordained 2 Dec. 1847. Second cli., Exeter, N. H,, '47-; died, at Boston Higlilands, Ms., 20 April 1850, aged 24. Walter Price Doe, N. Y. U. C. 1844. — Ordained 11 Nov. 1847. s.s. Greenville, R. I., '47-'49. — s.s.' Ref. (Dutch) ch.^ Gansevoort, L. I., '51-'53. — s.s. Cong, ch., Mendon, Ms. — s.s. West Stockbridge, Ms., '5.5-56. —s.s. Moreau, N. Y., '56-57. — s.s. Rehoboth, Ms., '57- "59. — w.c. Providence, R. I., '59-. Jonathan Edwards, Ms. Y.C. 1840. — Ordained 7 Sept. 1848. First ch., Woburn, Ms., '48-'56. — Plymouth ch., Rochester, N. Y., '56-'62. — First ch., Dedham, Ms., '63-. Solomon Payson Fay, Ms. Mar.C. 1844.— Ordained 6 Sept. 1849. Hampton, N. H., '49-'54. — Dayton, O., '54-'59. — Agent Am. Tr. Soc, Boston, Ms., '60-'61. — First ch., Fall River, Ms., '61-63.— s.s. Salem st. ch., Boston, Ms., '63-'65. — Hammond st. ch., Bangor, Me., '66-. Amos Jones, Ms. D.C. 1844. — Ordained, Presb., . . April 1849. Home Missionary, s.s. Presb. ch., Danville, Ind., '48-'52. — s.s. Willi amsjiort, Ind., '53-'56. — s.s. Presb. ch., Delphi, Ind., '58-. James Howard Means, Ms. H.C. 1843. — Ordained 13 July 1848. Second ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '48-. Francis Horace Muzzy, Vt. D.C. 1842. — Home Missionary, Dixfield, Me., '47-'48. — Ordained 8 June 1850. Salem Presb. ch.. Portage, O., '48-'52. — s.s. Cong, ch., Milton, O., '53-57. — w.c. South Paris, Me., '5 7-. «^Francis Parker, Ms. H. C. 1845. — Not ordained. — Died, at Ath- ens, Greece, 14 Aug. 1849, aged 26. Royal Parkinson, N. H. D.C. 1842.— Ordained 18 Oct. 1848. Cape Elizabeth, Me., s.s. '4 7-'48; p. '48-'51. — s.s. Windham, Vt., '5.2-'55. — West Falmouth, Me., '55-'5 7. — s.s. Sandwich, N. H., '58- '61. — s.s. Queechy, Hartford, Vt., '61-'63. — s.s. Randolph, Vt, '63-'64. — Chap. 23d U. S. C. T., '64-'65. — s.s. North Brookfield, Vt., '65-'66. — s.s. Milton, Vt., '66-'68. — Temple, N. II., s.s. '69-'70 ; p. '70-. *Alfred Reynolds, N. H. D.C. 1844. — Not ordained. — Res. Derry, N. IL, '47 until died there, 25 March 1861, aged 49. Augustus Smith, Ct. Y.C. 1842. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Manchester, Ct., '4 7-48. — s.s. Bethany, Ct., '48. — s.s. New Hart- ford, Ct., '49-'51. — Res. Washington. Ct, '5I-, 174 *JoHX McClaky Stkklk, N. H. D.C. 1811. — Onhiiued 14 Aug. 1847. Wiiioliester, Ms., '47-'51. — Strathaiu, N. H., '5;5-'55. — Col- umbus, O., '55-; died, at New York, 7 April 1857, aged 34. Joseph Richakdson Whittemore, N. H. A. C. 1843. — s.s. Bridge- water and Holderuess, N. H., '49-50. — Ordained 30 Jan. 1850. s.s. Dracut Centre, Ms., '50-'51. — s.s. Strathani, N. II., '51-52. — Book- seller, Chillicothe, O., '53-68 ; Milwaukee, AVis., '68-. Thomas Wilson, Ms. D.C. 1844. — Ordained 1 March 1848. Sec- ond ch., Palmer, Ms., '48-53. — Westford, Ms., '53-'56. — vStoughton, Ms., '56-. *JosEPH Augustus Adams (1), N. H. W.U. 1842.— Ordained, Meth., 1847. — Walpole, Ms., '47-'48. — Watertown, Ms., '48-'50. — Common st. ch., Lynn, Ms., '50-'52. — Saugus, Ms., '52-'53. — Boston, lis., '53-56.- Salem, Ms., '56-57. — Melrose, Ms.,'57-'59. — Went to California, for health, '59, and died, at San Francisco, Cal., 27 Aug. 1860, aged 42. Samuel Valentine Blakesley (1), Ohio. W. R. C. 1844. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '45-46. — Ordained 24 March 1849. Home Mis- sionary, s.s. Lenox, O., '47-'. ; — H. M., mining regions, Cal., '49-'50. — s.s. Hampden, O., '51-'52. — Missionary to Chinese, San Francisco, Cal., '52-55. — Editor Pacijic, San Francisco, Cal., '55 until date (less three yeai-s, teacher at Folsom and s.s. Lockeford). *Richakds Cushman (1), Ms. B.U. 1844.— Ordained Missionary, For. Ev. Soc, Hayti, '47-; died there, 7 June 1849, aged 30. Lewis Green (1), Ms. A. C. 1844. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '46-47. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 1 March 1848; priest, 12 Oct. 1849.— Trinity ch.. Van Deusenville, Great Barrington, Ms., '48-'61. — Christ ch., Ilarwinton, Ct., '61-'62. — St. John's ch.. North Adams, Ms., '64. — St. John's ch., Ashfield, Ms., '64-. William De Loss Love (1), Ct. Ham. C. 1843. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 184 7. — Ordained 5 April 1848. Howe st. ch., New Haven, Ct., '48-'52. — Second ch., Berlin, Ct., '53-'57. — Sj)ring st. ch., Milwaukee, Wis., '58-. James Roe Mekshon (1), Ky. Y.C. 1844. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1847.— Ordained . . April 1848. Durham Centre, Ct., '48-'50. — s.s. Ansonia, Ct., '50-'51. — s.s. Colebrook and Middletield, Ct., '51-'52. — s.s. Marion, lo., '52-'54. — w.c. Newton, lo., '54-. Now Pres. Missouri Valley, St. Paul, and Chicago R. R. Co. 1847. 1848. Henry Swain Paijkek (2), jNIs. D.C. 1843. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Pinkerton Acad., Deny, N. H., '46-47; Wayland, Ms.. '47-'..; Greenville, Ct., '..-'51; Boys' School, Thompson, Ct., '51- '64. — Fanner, Shopierc, Wis., '64-. Gb;oRGK Slocum Foluer Savage (1 — ), Ct. Y.C. 1844. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1847. — Ordained 28 Sept. 1847. St. Charles, 111., '47-'61. — Sec. Western Agency Am. Tr. Soc. (Boston), Chicago, 111., '61-. Joseph Wallace Tarletun (1), Ms. D.C. 1842. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1847. — — Ordained 5 Dec. 1850. s.s. Hookset, N.H., '50-53. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '53-'57. — s.s. North Chelsea, Ms., '57-58.- Res. AVaverley, Ms., Evangelist, '58-. Jeremiah Taylor, d.d. (1), Ms. A. C. 1843. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1847. — Ordained 27 Oct. 1847. Wenham, Ms., '47-'56.— First ch., Middletown, Ct., '5.G-'68. — West Killingly, Ct., '69-. Douglass Kellogc; Turner (1), Ct. Y.C. 1843. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '45-'46. — Ordained 18 April 1848. Presb. ch., Hartsville, Pa., '4S-. Martin Kellogg AViiittlesey (1), Ct. Y.C. 1844. — Theol, Dep., Yale Coll., 1847. — Ordained 10 Jan. 1849. First ch., Ottawa, 111., s.s. '48-49 ; p. '49-. 1848. Edmund Kimisall Alden, d.d., Ms. A. C. 1844. — Ordained 2 Jan. 1850. First ch., Yarmouth, Me., '50-'54. — Lenox, Ms., '54-59.— Phillips ch., South Boston, Ms., '59-. Alanson Darius Barber, N. Y. U. Vt. 1845. — Ordained 17 Jan. 1849. Home Missionary, s.s. Peru, N. Y., '49-'52. — Williston, Vt., '52-'60. — w.c. Williston, Vt., '60-'66. — s.s. Willsborough, N.Y., '66-. Joseph Van Horn Barks, Ohio. Mar. C. 1845. — Ordained Home Missionary, Presb. ch., Warsaw, Mo., '48-('60). — s.s. Presb. ch., Troy, Mo., ('65-67). — (Drojiped from Presb. Minutes.) Joseph LamsOxX Bennett, Ms. A. C. 1845. — Ordained 1 Oct. 1848. Home Missionary, Hannibal, Mo., '48-'51. — East Cambridge, Ms., '52-57. — Lockport, N. 1^, '58-. Henry Bushnell, Ohio. Mar. C. 1845. — Ordained Home Missionary. — s.s. Presb. ch., Lexington, O., '50-52. — Marys- ville, O., '52-'56. — Teacher, Central College, O., '60-66. — w.c. Columbus, O., '66-'68 ; McMincville, Or., '68-. 176 1848. Anson Clauk, Us. W. C. 1815. — Ordained 10 Jan. 1849. s.s. Brookfield, Wis., '-IS-'oG. — s.s. Hartford, Wis., '56-'ti7. — s.s. West Salem, Wis., '67-. *JoHN TowNSEND CoiT, N. Y. Y. C. 1844. — Univ. Halle, Ger., '49-51. — Ordained — s.s. St. Peter's Presb. ch., Rochester, N. Y., '53-54. — Albion, N. Y., '55-60.— St. Peter's ch., Rochester, N. Y., '60-; died, at Albion, N. Y., 23 Jan. 1863, aged 38. *WiLLiAM Upson Colt, Ct. Trin.C. 1844. — Not ordained. — Died, at East Medway, Ms., . . Sept. 1848, aged . . Joshua Cooke, N. Y. — . — Ordained Home Mission- ary. — ... — Presb. ch., St. Catherine's, C. W., '51-'56. — s.s. Lewiston, N. Y., '57-6 7. — s.s. Marshalltown, lo., '67-68. — s.s. Adel, lo., '68-. Ebenezer Cutler, d.d., Yt. U.Yt. 1845. — Ordained 6 March 1850. St. Albans, 'Vt., '50-'55. — Union ch., Worcester, Ms., '55-. Artemas Dean, N. Y. A. C. 1842. — Ordained 5 Feb. 1849. John- son, Vt., '49-'51. — Newbury, Vt., '51-'57. — Greenfield, Ms., '61-'66. — Westborough, Ms., '67-69. — w.c. Westboroiigh, Ms., '69-. ♦Thomas Edwin Foster, Ms. Y. C. 1840. —Not ordained. — Died, at Andover, Ms., 17 March 1851, aged 30. Timothy Seymour Goodman, Ohio. Mar. C. 1845. — Ordained.. — — s.s. Reynoldsburgh, O., '51. — John Wheeler Harding, Ms. Y.C. 1845. — Ordained 1 Jan. 1850. Longmeadow, Ms., '50-. William Ireland, England. 111. C. 1845. — Ordained 22 Sept. 1848. Missionary, South Africa, '48-. *JoHN Jackson, Ms. Y.C. 1844. — Not ordained. — Assist. Sec. Boston Board of Trade. — Died, at Otsego, IMich., 27 Jan. 1869, aged 51. *Thomas Kennedy, Md. Y. C. 1845. — Not ordained. — Died, at Baltimore, Md., 8 Sept. 1849, aged 27. Orpheus Thomas Lanphfar, Vt. U.Vt. 1845. — Ordained 25 Oct. 1849. Derby, Vt., '49-'55. — High st. ch., Lowell, Ms., '55-'56.— Second ch., Exeter, N. H., '58-'64. — College st. ch., New Haven, Ct., '64-'67.— Dane st. ch., Beverly, Ms., '67-. *Plixh:s Moody, Ms. A.C. 1845. — Not ordained. — Died, at Kirt- land, O., 6 April 1858, aged 36. *Geokge Harrison Newhall, Ms. A.C. 1845. — Ordained 18 Sept. 1850. Walpole, Ms., '50-; died there, 24 Aug. 1853, aged 27. 1848. Joseph Thomas Noye.s, ]\Is. A. C. 1 Mo. — Ordained '20 Sept. 1848. Missionary, Ceylon, '48-53 ; Ma0-';")]. — Ordained 27 April 1852. Gilinanton Centre, N. II., 'r>2-'G0. — Farmington, N. II., 'G0-'G9.— Princeton, Ms., 'G!)-. James Carteu Sea<;rave, Ms. B. U. 184.5. — Ordained 3 Dec. IS.'il. Fifth Cong, ch., Providence, R. I., '.'il-'.'JS. — llocliester, N. II., s.s. '.')3-'54; p. '54-'u6. — s.s. Scotland, Bridgewatcr, Ms., '57-65. — s.s. Wcntwortli, N. II., 'G5-. *AMimosE Smith, N. II. D. C. 1 845. — Ordained t) July 1 850. Nortli- field, Vt., '50-'53. — Boscawcn, N. II., '53-; died there, 3 Oct. 1862, aged 42. Bernhard Steinthal, N. Y. Oldenburg, Ger., 1835. — — Missionary to Jews and Germans, Philadelphia, Pa. — William Gardner Tuttle, Ms. A. C. 184G. — Ordained 16 April 1851. Harrisville, N. II., '51-'G0. — First ch.. Ware, Ms., 'G1-. Isaac Cusiiing White, Ms. O. C. 1845. — Ordained 23 Oct. 1850. North Abington, Ms., '50-'G0. — s.s. Nantucket, Ms., '61-'G2. — lies. Boston Highlands, Ms., occ. sup., '62-'65. — s.s. Newmarket, N. IT., '65-. LvMAN White, N. H. D. C. 1846. — Ordained 23 Oct. 1849. Ep- ping, N. H., s.s. '49-'54 ; p. '54-55. — Easton, Ms., '55-62. — Phillijis- ton, Ms., '63-. Philo Beckwith Wilcox, N. Y. U.Vt. 1845. — Ordained 14 May 1851. East and West Bridgewater, Ms., '51-'G0. — s.s. First ch., Norway, Me., '60-'65. — s.s. Otisfield, Me., '65-. Rensselaer Winchell, Mo. 111. C. 1845. — Ordained Home Missionary, Presb. ch., Tully, Mo., '49-51.^ — s.s. Cong, ch., ' Warren, lo., '53-'54. — w.c. Dalton, N. H. (?) William Woodruff Atwater (1), Ct. Y.C. 1846. — Theol.Dep., Yale Coll., 1850. — Ordained 3 Dec. 1850. Home Missionary, s.s. Lima, Mich., '50-52.— s.s. Niles, Mich., '53-54. — s.s. Elkhart, Ind., '56-59. — Prosiiect, Ct., '60-'65. — s.s. West Avon, Ct., 'C,5-'G8.— w.c. Plain ville, Ct., 'G8-. Nathaniel PiiHDY Bailey (1), N. Y. Y.C. 1846. — TheoL Dep., Yale Coll., 1849. — Ordained 7 Nov. 1849. Akron, O., '49-'56.— Painesville, O., s.s. '56-'57; p. '57-'64. — Editor 7V/er/m/>//, Paines- ville, O., 'G4-. 181 1849. 1850. Lorenzo Prentick Blood (1+), ]\Is. A. C. 184(1. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Shrewsbury, N.Y., '48-'49 ; Upper Marlboro', Md., '50-'51 ; Pepperell, Ms., ';')2-'.'53 ; Marblchead, Ms., '54 ; South Braintree, Ms., '.i.5-'. . ; Baltimore, Md., '58-'. . ; Acad., Pembroke, N. H. (res. Pep- perell, Ms.), '. .-. Joseph Franklin Griggs (1), Ms. Y. C. 184G. — Not ordained. — Prof. Gi-eek, Univ. West. Penn. — George Edwards Hill (2), Ms. Y. C. 1846. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1849. — s.s. Durham Centre, Ct., '50-'5fl. — Ordained 5 June 1851. Manchester, Ct., '51-53. — Sheffield, Ms., '55-'G3. — Saxon- ville, Ms., 'G3-'70. — Southport, Ct., '70-. IssACiiAR Lefavour (1), Ms. A. C. 1842. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Beverly, Ms., '47-'54 ; Ipswich (res. Beverly), Ms., '54-. Edwin Gaylord Moore (2), N. Y. Mar. C. 1846. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1 850. — Ordained 21 Nov. 1852. Third Presb. ch., Chicago, 111., '52-'54. — s.s. Willoughby, O., '55-'56. — s.s. Geneseo, N. Y., '57-60. — s.s. Chillicothe, O., '62. — s.s. Wilmington, 111., '62-'66. — s.s. Gardner, 111., '67-'69. — w.c. Joliet, III, '69-. Charles Smith (1), N. Y. — . — (From Hudson, N. Y.) Charles Hooper Trask (2), I\Is. Y.C. 1846. — Not ordained. — Merchant, New York. Charles Braman White, m.d. (1), la. Wab. C. 1846. — Physician, New Orleans, La., in '56. 1850. George Moulton Adams, Me. B.C. 1844. — Ordained. 18 Sept. 1 851 . Conway, Ms., '51-'63. — North ch., Portsmouth, N. H., '63-. WfLLiAM James Alger, N. Y. U. C. 1 846. — Ordained 4 Feb. 1 852. Ellsworth, Ct., '52-53. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 25 Jan. 1854; priest, 13 Dec. 1854. — St. John's ch., Eichfield Springs, N. Y., '54- '55. — Zion ch., Morris, N. J., '55-'58.— St. Paul's ch., Paris, N. Y., '58-'68. — Christ ch., Biddeford, Me., '68-. Richard Salter Billings, N. Y. A.C. 1847. — Ordained 6 June 1855. Shelburnc, Ms., '55-'70. — w.c. New London, Ct., '70-. William Bird, Ct. D. C. 1844. — Ordained 15 Nov. 1852. Mission- ary, Syria, '53-. SwiKT Byington, Ct. Y.C. 1847. — Ordained 17 Nov. 1852. West Brookfield,Ms.,'52-'58. — s.s. North Avenue ch., Cambridge, Ms., '59. 18-2 i8r)0. — s.s. North AVul)urii, Ms., '(;i-'G2. — s.s. Old South cli., Uostou, My., '62-63. — Stonchain, Ms., '64-. INIosES McLellan Colbuun, Vt. U. Vt. l.S44. — OnhiiiuMl 12 June 1851. Pacific cli., New Bedford, Ms., '51-'52. — South Dedhani, INIs., '52-'66. — Waukegan, 111., 'GG-. Henry CuMMiNGS, Ms. A. C. 1847. — Ordained 16 July 1801. New- port, N. H., '51-'66. — Rutland, Ms., '66-. *Ly]man Cutler, Ms. D. C. 1847. — Ordained 22 Jan. 1851. Pep- perell, Ms., '51-53. — Eliot ch., Newton, Ms., '54-; died there, 28 April 1855, aged 28. Clark Ela Fekrin, Vt. U. Yt. 1845. — Ordained 9 Dec. 1851. Barton, Vt., '51-54. — Ilinesburg, Vt., '56-. Charles Henry Gates, Ms. A. C. 1847. — s.s. Nottingham, N. H., '50-'51. — Ordained . . Sept. 1851. Home Missionary, s.s. Fairfield, lo., '51-56. — Washington, Ic, '56-62.— Oskaloosa, lo., '62-68.— s.s. Buxton, Me., '68-. *WiLLiAM DoRUs Hitchcock, Vt. U.Vt. 1847. — Ordained 22 Oet. 1851. Clinton, Ms., '51-53. — First ch., Exeter, N. H., '53-; died there, 23 Nov. 1854, aged 30. Ben.iamin JuDKiNri, Ms. H.C. 1848. — Ordained 1 April 1851. Nantucket, Ms., '51-55. — Somerville, Ms., '56-58. — Presb. cii., AUentown, Pa., '59-'62. — Cong, ch., Clinton, Ms., '62-'67. — Keokuk, lo., '68-. John Tallmadge Marsh, N. Y. Y. C. 1845. — Ordained 14 Sept. 1853. Peoria, 111., '53-'55. — s.s. Le Claire, lo., '5.5-56. — s.s. Fort Howard, Wis., '56-'58. — s.s. Sheboygan Falls, Wis., '58-'60. — s.s. Hartland, AVis., '60-62. — s.s. New Lisbon, Wis., '62-63. — Private, 1st Ohio Light Artillery, '63-66. — s.s. Harpersfield, N. Y., '67-. Abel Kixgman Packard, Ms. A. C. 1845. — Ordained 16 Dec. 1851. First ch., Yarmouth, Ms., '51-'59. — s.s. St. Anthony, Minn., '59-'60.— Anoka, Minn., '60-. *Charles IIenky Peirce, Ms. O. C. 1845. — Ordained 9 Oct. 1850. West ch., Andover, Ms., '50-55.^ — s.s. Kewanee, etc.. 111., '55-'61. — Millbury, Ms., '61-; died there, 5 Oct. 1865, aged 43. *Ali5ert Perry, N. H. — . — Ordained 8 Jan. 1851. Stougliton, Ms., '51-55. — w.c. New I^jswich, N. II., '55 until died there, 17 June 1862, aged 41. *Tim<)THy Stowe, Ms. A. C. 1847. — Ordained 11 April 1854. Pacific eh.. New Bedford, Ms., '54-; died there (of disease contracted while in service of U. S. Chr. Com., '65), 12 Aug. 1866, aged 41. 183 1850. 1851. John Riddm.: Urrox, N. II. A.C. 1847. — H.M., Alexander and Cooijer, Me., '51. — Ordained 22 Apinl 1851. Home Missionary, Tivoli, etc., lo., '51-53. — s.s. Inland, etc., lo., '53-55. — s.s. Warren, Vt., '56. — s.s. Wolf Creek, etc., lo., '57-'59. — Monona, lo., '60-'69.— II. M., Okoboji, Dickinson Co., lo., 'C9-. Joshua Wyman Wellman, D.D., N. II. D.C. 184G.— Ordained 18 June 1851. Derry, N. H., '51-'5(j. — Eliot ch., Newton, Ms., '56-. *T. P. Calhoun (2), Tenn. Mi. U. 1844. — Killed, at St. Cloud, Minn., 20 Feb. 1859, aged . . Wakren Fales Draper (1), Ms. A.C. 1847. — Not ordained. — Publisher, Andover, Ms. Henry Luther Edwards (2), Ms. A.C. 1847. — Tutor, Audi. Coll., '49-'52. — Ordained 1 2 July 1857. South Abington, Ms., '57- '68. — s.s. North Middleborougli, Ms., '68-. *DoNATUS Merrill (1), N. II. B.C. 1846. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1850. — H.M., Me., '50-'51; Arcadia, Mo., '51-52.— Ordained 20 July 1853. s.s. Woodburn, III., '52-; died there, 17 Aug. 1853, aged 29. Charles Temple (1), Malta. A.C. 1845. — Bangor Thcol. Sem., 1,S50. _ Ordained — II. M., Milo and Sebec, Me., '50. — H. M., Unity, Me., '50-52. — s.s. Verniontville, Mich., '54-62. — Otsego, Mich., '62-'65. — Teacher, Otsego, Mich., '65-. *Ambrose Tower Tillson (2+), Ms. W.C. 1845. — Died, at Cum- niington, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 6 March 1850, aged 28. 1851. George Athearn Adams, Ohio. O.C. 1847.— Ordained 19 Dec. 1852. .s.s. Presb. ch., Rockville, Ind., '52-55. — s.s. Willoughby, O., '55_'5G. — s.s. Perrysburg, O. (Cliaplain 11th Ohio Vol. Cav., '63- '64), '57-. Thomas Eliakim Bliss, INIs. U. C. 1848. — Ordained 2 June 1852. North Middleboro', Ms., '52-55. — Blackstone, Ms., '55-'61. — s.s. Hancock, Mich., '62-63. — Exploring Agent Am. II. M. Soc, Mo., '63-'64. — Un. ch., Memphis, Tenn., '64-'70. — *Thomas Scott Bradley, Ms. AV. C. 1848. — s.s. Lanesborough, Ms., '51-52. — s.s. Cornwall, Ct., '52. — Ordained 6 July 1853. Wil- ton, Ct., '53-'5 7. — Teacher, South Norwalk, Ct., '58-'61. — New Lebanon, N. Y., '61-; Captain 1st N. Y. Sharpshooters, '62- ; died, at rhiladeli)liia, Pa., 28 June lS6;i, aged 38. 184 i8r)i. Justin Edwards Burrank, N. IL D.C. lSt8. — Ordained 13 April 1858. s.s. Carimona, INIInn., '57-'G2. — Preston, Minn. — Union, Minn. — Editor, Preston, Minn., ('06). — s.s. Quincy, Minn., '69-. David Burt, Ms. O.C. 1848. — Ordained 5 Nov. 1851. Raymond, N. H., '51-55. — Rutland, Ms., '56-57, — s.s. Winona, Minn., '58-66. — Freednien's Bureau, Nashville, Tenn., '66-'. . — s.s. New Braintree, Ms., '70-. LuciAN West Chaney, Vt. U.Vt. 1844.— Ordained .. Jan. 1852. s.s. Hevelton, N. Y., '52-'58, and Rensselaer Falls, N. Y., '55-'58. — s.s. Pulaski, N. Y., '58-'64. — s.s. Rutland, N. Y., '64-. Samuel Emersox, Ms. Y.C. 1848. — s.s. Enfield, N. H., '51. — Genesee, Wis., '53-54. — w.c. '54-55. — Teacher, Flushinj^, L. I., '55. — w.c. '55-'56. — Missionary Am. S. S. Un., Va., '50. — Teacher, near Natural Bridge, Va., '56-57; Pocahontas, Va., '57-58; "in various places," '58-'0G. — Res. New York. GeorCxE Park Fisher, d.d., Ms. B.U. 1847. — Ordained 24 Oct. 1854. Prof. Div., Yale Coll., '54-'61 ; Prof. Eccl. Hist., '61-. William Brooks Greene, Ms. Y^ C. 1845. — Ordained 15 Nov. 1855. Waterville, Me., '55-58. — s.s. Needham, Ms., '59-. *Henry Hamilton Hadley, N. Y. Y.C. 1847. — Not ordained.— Tutor, Yale Coll., '51-'52. — Res. Student, New Haven, '55-'58. — Inst'r Sac. Lit., Un. Theol. Sem., '58-'62. — Prof. Hebrew, Yale Coll., '61 -'6 2. — Prof. Hebrew, Union Theol. Sem., New York, '02-; died, at Washington, D. C, in service of San. Com., 1 Aug. 1864, aged 38. John Gardner Hale, Vt. U.Vt. 1845. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1852. Home Missionary. — Grass Valley, Cal., '53-'57. — s.s. Lyndon, Vt., '57-'59. — East Poultney, Vt , '60-69.- s.s. Chester, Vt., '69-. George William Harlan, 111. 111. C. 1846. — s.s. Presb. ch., Car- rolton. Mo., '52-53. — s.s. Brazeau, Mo., '53-54. — Ordained, Presb., 20 ApHl 1856. Home Missionary, s.s. Osceola, Mo., '54-58. — Teacher, Osceola, Mo., '58-59 ; Pleasant Hill, Mo., '60-03 ; Elm- wood, Mo., '65-'08. — S.S. Farmington, Mo., '65-. Charles Hutchinson, Vt. D.C. 1848. — Home Missionary, Edin- burgh, Ind., '51-53. — Ordained 14 May 1854. Third Presb. ch., New Albany, Ind., s.s. '53-'54 ; p. '54-. Nathaniel Alden Hyde, Ct. Y.C. 1847. — s.s. Central Village, Plainfield, Ct., '51-52. — s.s. Rockville, Ct., '52-53. — Assist. Sec. Children's Aid Soc, N. Y., '54-'56. — s.s. Deep River, Ct., '57. — Or- dained — s.s. Columbus, O., '57-'58. — Plymouth ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '58-'67. — Agent Am. H. M. Soc, Indianapolis, Ind., '67-. 24 185 1851. Israel Hall Levings, N. Y. U.Vt. 1848.— — s.s. Madrid, N. Y., 'G5-'06. — s.s. Miltou and Georgia, Vt., '67-68. — Edavard Goddard Mixer, Ms. H.C. 1847. — Ordained 12 Feb. 1852. Prairie du Sac, Wis., '51-'54. — s.s. Geneva, Wis., '55-'56.— White Water, Wis., '58- 06.- InsfrRhet. and Eng. Lit., Beloit Coll., Wis., '66-'6 7. — s.s. Presb. ch., Geneva, Wis., '6 7-. *Daniel Temple NoYES, Ms. Y.C. 1847. — Ordained 16 Feb. 1853. Village ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '53-'55. — s.s. Prairie du Sac, Wis., '55-'58. — s.s. Spring Green, Wis., '58-61. — Lieut. 6th Wis. Battery, '61-; killed in action, at Corinth, Miss., 4 Oct. 1862, aged 38. George Piersox, m.d.. 111. lU.C. 1848. — Ordained 9 Nov. 1851. Missionary, Choctaws, '52-'55; Strong's Island, Micronesia, '55-'57; Ebon, Covell's Island, '57-'60. — Presb. eh., Brooklyn, Cal., s.s. '62- '66; p. '66-. Hexry Martyx Storrs, d.d., Ms. A.C. 1846. — Ordained 15 Jan. 1852. Lawrence st. ch., Lawrence, Ms., '52-'55. — First Cong, ch., Cincinnati, O., '55-67. — South ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '67-. Edwin Teele, Ms. H. C. 1848. — Ordained 20 Oct. 1852. Mission- ary, Fairfield, Cherokee Country, '52-'54. — w.c. '54-'61. — s.s. Bristol Centre, Minn., '61-63. — s.s. Saratoga, lo., '63-64. — w.c. Bristol Centre, Minn., '64-69. — Prin. Select School, Florence, lo. (P.O. Granger, Minn.), '69-. James Aikman Veale, la. Wab.C. 1847. — Ordained . . April 1856. s.s. Presb. chhs., Pisgah and Concord, Ind., '55-'59. — s.s. Huntington, Ind., '59-65. — s.s. White Lake, Mich., '65-67. — av.c. Huntington, Ind,, '67-'69. — s.s. Topeka, Kan., '69-. *Luther Rice White, Ms. A.C. 1848. — Ordained Home Missionary, Le Claire, lo., '51-'55. — Teacher, Port Byron, 111. — Brighton, lo., '57-; died there, 30 May 1858, aged 42. Henry Wickes, N. Y. Mar.C. 1848. — Ordained 16 June 1852. Princeton, Ms., '52-'55. — Guilford, Ct., '56-58. — Deep River, Ct., '58-. Giles BucKixGiiAM WiLLCOX, Ct. Y.C. 1848. — Ordained 15 June 1 853. Fitchburg, Ms., '53-56. — First ch., Lawrence, Ms., '56-59. — Second ch.. New London, Ct., '59-'69. — Jersey City, N. J., '69-. *Frederick Humphrey Brewster (1), ISIkh. W.C. 1846. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1851. — Ordained Missionary, Canton, China, '52-; died there, 29 Jan. 1853, aged 30. 18G 1851. 1852. luA Cask (1), N. II. A. C. 1848. — Ordained 30 Nov. 1852. Orford, N. II., '52-54. — — s.s. Croydon, N. II., '57-'58,— William Mellex Citamuerlaix, m.d. (l-j-), N. II. D. C. 1815. — Not ordained. — Physician, Astoria, N. Y., '53-'59 ; New York, '59-. Charles Wiiitefield Homer (2+), Ms. H.C. 1847. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 30 Sept. 1851 ; priest, 1 Nov. 1852. — Grace eh., New Bedford, Ms., '52-'54. — H.M., Newark, N. Y. — St. John's ch., Low- ell, ]\Is. — Chaplain IGth Mass. Vols., 'C3. — St. Janies's ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., '. .-. *Leonard Humphrey (1), Ms. A.C. 184G. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Anili. Coll., '49-50. — Died, at Weymouth, Ms., 30 Nov. 1850, aged 27. Thomas Coltox Parmelee Hyde (2), Ms. W.C. 1848. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1855. — Not ordained. — Res. Bolton, Ct. Samuel Fisher Miller (1), INIs. A.C. 1848. — Not ordained. — (Res. Waukegan, 111., in '57. — Teacher, Acad., Lake Forest, 111., '59-62.) —Prof. Math., Agricult. Coll., Amherst, Ms., '. .-. Charles Frederick Mussey (1), O. D. C. 1848. — Union Theol. Sem., 1852. — Ordained, Presb., 20 March 1854. s.s. McConnelsville, O., '54-'55. —Presb. ch., AVestfield, N. Y., '55-'61. — Batavia, N. Y., '62-. *Horace Norton (2), O. Mar.C. 1847. — Tutor, Marietta Coll., '51-'53. — H. M., Bloomington, Kan. — Died, , aged . . *Edward F. Ross (1-f), N. Y. U.C. 1848. — Union Theol. Sem., 1851. — Ordained 26 Sept. 1851. Morrisania, N. Y., '51-54.- w.c. *54 until died, at Pleasant Valley, N. Y., 22 Feb. 1855, aged 29. Albert Tolmax (2), Ms. A.C. 1845. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '48-'50. — Teacher, Maplewood Young Ladies' Inst., Pittsfield, Ms., '51-'55 ; Lanesborough, Ms., '55-'68 ; Prin. High School, Pittsfield, Ms., '68-. Raxsom Bethune Welch, d.d. (2), N. Y. U.C. 1846. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1852. — Ordained 1854. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Gilboa, N.Y., '54-'. . — CatskiU, N.Y., '..-'.. — Prof. Logic, Rhet., and Eng. Lit., Union Coll., 'GG-. 18 5 2. Hexry Allex, N. II. D.C. 1840.— Ordained 30 Sept. 1852. Way- land, Ms., '52-'57.— James Joshua Blatsdell, N. II. D.C. 1846. — Ordained .. Feb. 1853. Third Presb. ch., Cincinnati, O., '53-'59. — Prof. Rhet. and 187 1852. Eng. Lit., Beloit Coll., Wis., '59-'G4 ; Prof. Mental and Moral Phil., '64-. Edmuxd Harvey Blanchard, Vt. M. C. 1848. — s.s. Epsom, N. II., and other places. — Ordained 25 April 1860. Warwick, Ms., '60- '69. — George Nye BoARDMAN, D.D., Vt. M. C. 1847. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1854. Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. Coll., '53-'59. — Presb. ch., Binghamton, N. Y., '59- Henry Kinsman Craig, Me. B. C. 1844. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '47- '49. — Ordained 21 Jan. 1855. Bocksport, Me., '55-66. — s.s. Lake City, Minn., '67. — s.s. Norton, Ms., '68-. Obed Dickinson, Mich. Mar.C. 1849. — Ordained 2 Sept. 1852. Home Missionary. — Salem, Or., '53-'67. — w.c. Salem, Or., '67-. Wilson Amos Farnsworth, Vt. M.C. 1848. — Ordained 21 Oct. 1852. Missionary, Armenians of Western Turkey, '52-. Charles Patterson Felcii, Mich. U.M. 1849. — s.s. Iloulton, Me., '53-54. — Ordained .. April 1857. Amboy, 111., '57-59. — Naperville, 111., '60-64. — s.s. Presb. ch., Lacon, 111., '64-65. — Dan- ville, 111., '66-68. — w.c. Aurora, 111., '68-. Simon James Humphrey, N. H. B.C. 1848. — s.s. Central ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '52-53. — Ordained 8 June 1854. Second Presb. ch., Newark, O., '54-60. — First Cong, ch., Beloit, Wis., '61-64.- Dis. Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Chicago, 111., '64-. Sylvanus Cobb Kendall, Ms. A. C. 1849. — Ordained 29 March 1854. Webster, Ms., '54-'57. — Milford, N. II., '58-'60. — Webster, Ms., '60-'68. — Milford, Ms., '68-. Cephas Augustus Leach, Vt. M.C. 1846. — s.s. Granby, Ms., '53. — s.s. Detroit, Mich., '54. — Ordained 7 Jan. 1855. s.s. Presb. ch., Carlinville, 111., '54-56. — s.s. Cong, ch., Payson, 111., '56-66. — s.s. Brimfield, 111., '66-68. — Now in Europe. John Quincy Peabody, Ms. A.C. 1848. — H.M., Sedgwick, Me., '53. — s.s. North Beverly, Ms., '53-'55. — s.s. Topsham, Me., '55-'56. — Ordained 17 Dec. 1856. Fryeburg, Me., '56-'59. — w.c. Ipswich, Ms., '59-. *JosEPii Dexter Poland, Ms. A.C. 1849. — Not ordained. — Died, at North Brookfield, Ms., 1 Aug. 1853, aged 24. Alonzo Hall Quint, D.D., N. H. D.C. 1846. — Res. Lie, Andovcr, Ms., '52-53. — Ordained 27 Dec. 1853. Central ch., Jamaica Plain, Ms., '53-'63.— Chaplain 2d Mass. Vol. Inf., '61~'64. — North ch., New Bedford, Ms., '64-. Also, one of Editors of Congrerjational Quarterly^ '59-. 188 1852. William Ladd Ropes, Ms. II. C. 184G. — Ordained 14 Sq)t. 1853. Wrentliam, Ms., '53-'C2. — s.s. Crombie st. cli., Salem, res. Cambiidge, Ms., '62-63. — s.s. South Hadley, Ms., and Windsor Locks, Ct., '65- '66. — Librarian, Andover Tlieol. Seui., '6G-. Edwin Smith Skinxeu, N.Y. O.C. 1859. — Ordained 19 May 1853. South Wilbraham, Ms., '53-'55. — In business, Ms., and Chi- cago, 111., '55-69. — Finan. Sec. Lake Forest Univ., 111., 69-. *James Wuigiit StonT':, N. H. D. C. 1845. — Not ordained. — Teacher. Died, at Fitzwilliam, N. II., 15 Dec. 1854, aged 40. Samuel Howe Tolmax, N. II. D. C. 1848. — City Missionary, Batli, Me., '54-56. — Ordained 14 Aug. 185G. Wilmington, Ms., '56-. ♦Augustus Walker, Ms. Y.C. 1849. — Ordained 13 Oct. 1852. Missionary, Turkey, '52-; died, at Diarbekir, 13 Sept. 18G6, aged 44. Warhex Wiever Wixciiester, ]\Is. M. C. 1847. — Ordained 23 March 1854. Clinton, Ms., '54-'G2. — IIosp. Chap., U.S. A.,'62-'G5. — Bridport, Vt., '67-. Edwin Augustus Buck (1), Me. Y.C. 1849.— Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852. — s.s. Pownal, Me., '52. — Ordained 31 May 1854. First ch., Bethel, Me., '54-'58. — SlatersviUe, R. I., '59-'G7. — Sab. School Missionary, Fall River, Ms., '6 7-. Nathaniel George Clark, d.d. (2), Vt. U.Vt. 1845. — Tutor, Univ. Yt., '49-50. — Auburn TheoL Sem., 1852. — Ordained . . Oct. 1857. — Prof. Eng. Lit., Univ. Vt., '52-'57; Prof. Eng. Lit. and Latin, '5 7-63.— Prof. Logic, Rhet., and Eng. Lit., Union Coll., '63- 'GG. — Sec. A. B. C. F. M., Boston, Ms., 'GG-. Jonx Russell Herrick, d.d. (2), Vt. U.Vt. 1847. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1852. — Ordained 21 June 1854. s.s. Malonc, N. Y., '54-'G7. — Prof Syst. Theol., Bangor Tlieol. Sem., 'G7-. *Philii> IIexry Ireland (2+), England. 111. C. 1847.— Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 8 Sept. 1851, aged 27. *Joux IIalx Newtox (1— ), Ct. W.U. 1847. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '49. — Law student, '50-52. — s.s. Middle Haddam, Ct, '55. — Ordained — w.c. Middletown, Ct., '56 until died there, 15 Aug. 1863, aged 37. Hexry Thayer Niles (2), N.Y. D.C. 1847. — Not ordained.- Teacher, Wrentliam, Ms., ('53)-'. . — Lawyer, New York. — Prof. Greek, Urbanna Univ., O., '55-'58. — Lawyer, Urbanna, O., '58-. 1852. 1853. Eli Bhown Smith (2), Ky. Mar.C. 1848. — Ordained 1852. Presb. fli., Paris, Ky., '52-'54. — Connersville, Ind., '54-'57. — Beth- esda, Miss., '57-'58. — Louisiana, Mo., '58-'61. — Vincennes, Ind., s.s. 'Gl-'62; p. '62-'(5G. — s.s.' Elizabetlitown, Ky., 'G6-'68. — s.s. Smyrna, Ind., res. Wheatland, Ind., 'G8-. George LuoiX(iT()N Weed (2+), Ark. Mar. C. 1849. — Not or- dained. — — Teacher, or Sup't, Ohio Inst'n for Deaf and Dnnib, Columbus, O., '63-'GG. — City Missionary, Ann Arbor, Mich., '. .-. *LuTiiER Baker Whittemoke (1), N. H. D.C. 1849. — Not or- dained. — Teacher, Kimball Union Acad., Meriden, N. H. — Res. Bridgewater, N. H., '. .-'58 — s.s. Orfordville, N. H., '58-; died there, 28 Dec. 1861, aged 38. 18 5 3. Charles Augustus Aiken, ph.d., d.d., Ms. D.C. 184G. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '48-49. — Univ. Berlin, and Halle, Ger., '..-'. .— Ordained 19 Oct. 1854. Yarmouth, Me., '54-'59.— Prof. Latin, Dart. Coll., '59-'66. — Prof. Latin, N.J. Coll., 'GG-'G9. — Pres. Union Coll., Schenectady, N. Y., '69-. GeorCxE Esdras Allex, Ms. B.U. 1850. — Ordained 20 May 1858. Second ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., '58-'Gl. — w.c, now Chelsea, Ms., '61-. Joseph Avery Bent, Vt. M. C. 1845. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '49-50. — Ordained 1 Nov. 1854. Cornwall, Vt., '54-'56. — s.s. and Teacher, Hoyleton, 111., '56-'G5. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil., Wheaton Coll., 111., '65-. Shearjasiiub Bourne, Ct. Y. C. 1849. — Ordained 6 Dec. 1854. Flushing, L. I., '54-59. — w.c. New York, '59-62. — Harlem, N. Y., s.s. '62-65 ; p. '65-. David Bremner, N. H. D.C. 1850.— Ordained 2 May 1855. Rock- port, Ms., '55-'63.— Chap. Mass. House of Reps., '64. — Third ch., Plymouth, Ms., '64-68. — w.c. Bo.xford, Ms., '68-. William Cowper Dickinson, Ms. A. C. 1848. — Tutor, Amli. Coll., '51-52. — Ordained 12 April 1854. Middleboro', Ms., '54-56. —s.s. Hanover St. Presb. ch., Wilmington, Del., '56. — s.s. Gloucester, Ms., '56-57. — Kenosha, Wis., '58-59. — Presb. ch.. Lake Forest, 111., '59-67. Also, Prof Lang., Lake Forest Univ., '59-63. — s.s. Calvary Presb. ch., Chicago, 111., '68. — Cong, and Presb. ch., Battle Creek, Mich., '70-. 190 *Oliver DniON, Ms. W. C. 1810. — Not ordained. — s.s. Keosauqua, Id., '53-54. — w.c. '54 until died, at New London, Ct., 22 Aug. 1855, aged 37. ♦Joseph Payson Duummond, INIe. B.C. 1843. — Teacher, Gorham Acad., Me., '. .-'. . ; riiillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '48-49. — s.s. West Cambridge (now Arlington), Ms. — Ordained 2 Jan. 1856. West Newton, Ms., '56-57. — Died, at Bristol, Me., 23 Nov. 1857, aged 33. RoswELL Foster, N. H. D. C. 1849. — Ordained 14 March 1855. Waltham, Ms., '55-56. — Westhampton, Ms., '5C-'59. — South ch., PIttsfield, Ms., '59-'60. — Second cli., Chicopee, Ms., s.s. '60-'G3 ; p. '63-'67.— s.s. Nebraska City, Neb., 'G7-. Edmund Young Gakrette, Ct. A. C. 1850. — Ordained 12 April 1854. Foxborough, Ms., '54-57. — First ch., Millbury, Ms., '57-'G9. — Plymouth ch., Pittsburg, Pa., 'C9-. Richard Glkason Greene, N. Y. Y.C. — s.s. Springfield, O., '53- '54. — s.s. Eastern Cong, ch.. New York, '54-'56. — Ordained 25 June 1856. Adrian, Mich., '56-57. — East Cambridge, Ms., '58- '60. — Brighton, Ms., '60-'62. — s.s. Bedford ch., Brooklyn, N. Y., 'C2-'65.— s.s. Orange, N. J., '65-'G6. — North ch., Springfield, Ms., '66-. Joseph Beckford Johnson, Ms. — . — Ordained 4 Jan. 1855. Plymouth, Ms., '55-'57. — South Reading (now Wakefield), I\Is., '57-62. — s.s. Neponset, Boston, Ms., '62-'64. — Uxbridge, Ms., '64- '68. — In business, Boston Highlands, Ms., '68-. Charles Dexter Lothrop, Ms. A.C. 1849. — s.s. Sterling, Ms., '53-54. — Ordained 14 Dec. 1854. East Attleborough, Ms., '54-'5G. — s.s. South ch., North Bridge water, Ms., '57. — s.s. Globe Village, Ms., '57. — s.s. Raynhani, Ms., '57-58. — s.s. First ch., Berkley, Ms., '58-'60. — s.s. Somerset, Ms., 'GO-'Gl. — w.c. and occ. sup., Norton, Ms., '61-65; Amherst, Ms., 'G5-. Jacob Merrill Manning, d.d., N. Y. A.C 1850. — Ordained 3 Jan. 1854. Mystic ch., Medford, Ms., '54-57. — Assoc, pas.. Old South ch., Boston, Ms., '57-. Also, Lecturer on the Relations of Christianity to Popular Lifidelity, Andover Tlieol. Sem., 'G6-. Thomas Morong, Ala. A.C. 1848.— Ordained 12 April 1854. Pepperell, Ms., '54-55. — Iowa City, To., '56-58. — s.s. Webster, Ms., '59. — Globe Village, Southbridge, Ms., '60-'. .— Lanesville, Ms., '64- '68. — South ch., Ipswich, Ms., '68-. Henry Johnson Patrick, ISIs. A.C. 1848. — Ordained 16 Nov. 1854. Bedford, Ms., '54-'60. — West Newton, Ms., '60-. 191 1853. John Bulkley Perky, Ms. U.Yt. 1847. — s.s. Presb. ch., Sandlake, N. Y., '54.— s.s. Hinesburgh, Vt., '54-'r)5. — Ordained 12 Dec. 1855. Swanton, Vt., '55-'66. Also, U. S. Chr. Com., Va., '65, and Chaplain 10th Vt. Vols., '65. — S.S. Wilmington, Vt., '66-67. — University Lecturer on Geology, Harv. Coll., and Assist, in Dep. of Palaeontol- ogy, '68-. Also, Lecturer on Geol., Univ. Vt., '69-. Elias Huxtixgtox Richardsox, N. H. D. C. 1850. — Ordained 18 May 1854. Goffstown, N. H., •54-'56. — First ch., Dover, N. H., '56- '64. — Richmond st. ch.. Providence, R. I., '64-67. — First ch.. West- field, Ms., '6 7-. William True Sleeper, Me. U. Vt. 1850. — Ordained 29 June 1854. City Missionary, Worcester, Ms., '54-56. — Chap. State Ref. School, AVestboro', Ms., '56-'60. — s.s. Sherman Mills, Me., '60-. Franklin Tuxbury, N. H. — . — s.s. and p.e. First ch., West New- bury, Ms., '54-'55. — s.s. Shelburne Falls, Ms., '55. — s.s. Charleston, S. C, '55-'56. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '56-'57. — Ordained 15 July 1857. Russell ch., Hadley, Ms., '57-'62. — Res. Exeter, N. IL, occ. pr., '6 2-'65. — Brandon, Vt., '65-. *Granvillk Wardwell, N. H. D.C. 1848. — Ordained 1853. Kalamazoo, Mich., '53-'55. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '55-'57. — s.s. Kennebuuk, Me., '57-'58. — Died, at Westminster, Vt., 24 June 1858, aged 38. John Willard, Ct. Y. C. 1849. — Ordained 25 Jan. 1855. Fair- haven, Ms., '55-'6 7. — w.c. Hartford, Ct, '6 7-. *Enoch Charles Augustus Woods, N. H. D.C. 1850. — Ordained 19 Oct. 1853. Home Missionary, Wajiello, lo., '53-; died there, 4 Nov. 1854, aged 30. George Bent (2), Vt. K. C. 1849. — s.s. Dundee, 111., '53-'55.— Agent Am. Bible Soc, Minn., '55. — Ordained 20 Oct. 1856. s.s. Anoka, Minn., '55-'57. — s.s. Lansing, O., '58-'60. — Burr Oak, lo., '60-'70.— ♦Nathaniel Hooper Broughton (1), Ms. A. C. 1847. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ordained Home Missionary, Tenn., '. .-'. . — North Yarmouth, Me., '60-'61. — s.s. East Bridgewatcr, Ms., '61-; died there, 2 June 1866, aged 40. Edward P. Clisuee (1), O. O. C. 1849.— Ordained 18 Feb. 1857. s.s. Berea, O., '56-'62. — s.s. Lenox, O., '62-'65. — s.s. Jefferson, O., '65-'66. — S.S. Sinclearville, N. Y., •G7-'68. — s.s. Randolph, N.Y., '68-. 192 1853. IIknry KiXGMAX Edsox (1), .Ms. A. C. 1844. — Not ordained. — s.s. Westhampton, Ms., '.')2. — Priii. Acad., Denmark, lo. (and occ. pr.), '52-. *Samuel Fisk (2), INIs. A.C. 1848. — Tutor, Amb. Coll., '52-'55.— In Enrope, '55-'o6. — Ordained 3 June 1857. Madison, Ct., '57 until death. Also, Second Lieut., Fii-st Lieut., Captain, 14th Conn. Vols., '62-; died (of wounds received in battle of Chancellorsville), at Fredericksburg, Va., 22 May 1864, aged 35. George Henry Gould (1), Ms. A.C. 1850. — Union Thcol. Sem., 1853. — s.s. Waukegan, Wis., '53. ■ — s.s. Kenosha, Wis., '54. — Evang., '55-56. — In Europe, '57. — Evang., '58-'62. — Ordained 13 Nov. 1862. — s.s. Olivet ch., Springfield, jVls., '63-'(;4. — First ch., Hart- ford, Ct., '64-. *James Barber Howard (1—), Ms. W. C. 1849. — Not ordained. — — Died 1856, aged 29. Henry Smith Huntington (1 — ), N. Y. N.J. C. 1850. — Prince- ton Theol. Sem., 1853. — Ordained — Caldwell, N. Y., ('62).- ♦Joseph Hurlbut (1), Ct. Y. C. 1849. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '52-54. — Died, at Paris, France, 4 July 1855, aged 27. William Augustus McCorkle (1), Ga. Wab.C. 1850. — Tutor, Wab. Coll., '51-'52. — Lane Theol. Sem., '52. — Ordained .. June 1852. Preslj. ch., Attica, Lid., '52-54. — Agent Am. Tr. Soc, '54- '55. — H. M., Superior, Wis., '56-'58. — Marshall, Mich., '58-'63.— w.c. Detroit, Mich., '64-65. — First Presb. ch., Detroit, Mich., '65-. George Jarvis Means (2+), Me. B.C. 184*7. — Missionary Am. S. S. Un., Tenn., '53-'56. — Agent Am. S. S. Un., Rochester, N. Y., '56-58. — Ordained 25 Oct. 1859. Perry Centre, N.Y., s.s. '58-59 ; p. '59-'63. — Howell's, N. Y., '63-. James Browning Miles (1—), Ms. Y. C 1849. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '52-54. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1854. — Ordained 2 Jan. 1855. First ch., Charlestown, ^Is., '55-. AVilliam Bainbridge PvXCe (1—), Ms. W.C. 1844. — Not or- dained. — *Fr.\ncis N. Shaw (1), Ms. iY.F.C. — Union Theol. Sem., '51.— Died, , aged . . — (From Foxborough, Ms.) Charles Strong Smith (1), Vt. U.Vt. 1848. —Theol. List. Conn., 1853. — s.s. New Preston, Ct., '53-'55. — Ordained 14 Nov. 1855. s.s. New Road, N. Y., '55-'57. — s.s. Waitsfield, Vt., '57-'58. — s.s. Hard- wick, Vt., '58. — w.c. '58-'63. — Sec. Vt. Dom. Miss. Soc, Montpelier, ■ Vt., '63-. 25 193 1853. 1854. Alvan Hyde Washburn (1), O. Mar. C. 18 iG. — Tutor, Mar. Coll., '4 7-49.— Prin. Acad., Leicester, Ms. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, — — Christ ch., Hyde Tark, Ms., ('65).— Grace ch., Cleveland, O., ('08)-. Wellington W. AVells (1), O. Mar. C. 1850. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1853. —s.s. Georgetown, O., '53-54. — Ordained 25 Jan. 1855. Presb. ch., Monticello, 111., '54-'55. — w.c. '50-58. — s.s. Wenona, 111., '66-'07. — s.s. Vandalia, 111., 'C7-'G8. — s.s. AValtliam, 111., '08-. 1854. William Fisher Avery, Ms. A.C. 1850. — Ordained 20 June 1855. Sparta, Wis., '55-'58. — s.s. (successively) Tomali, Leon, and Angelo, Wis., '..-'.. — Chaplain, State Almshouse, Monson, Ms., '. . -'. . — occ. sup., '. . -'. . — Teacher, Huntington Hill, J\Is., '. . -. Ariel Anson Baker, Yt. U.Vt. 1851. — Ordained 30 Aug. 1854. Petaluina, Cal., '54-57. — Cornwall, Vt., '58-'e5. — s.s. East Con- cord, N. H., '60-'07. — ss. Manchester, lo., '07-'C9. — s.s. Ames, lo., '09-. *Warren Bigelow, Vt. M.C. 1851.— Ordained 14 Nov. 1854. Home Missionary. — s.s. Black River Falls, Wis., '54-'02. — Mazcppa, Minn., '62-; died there, 31 Oct. 1800, aged 44. . Edward Bingham Chamberlin, Vt. U.Vt. 1848. — Ordained 12 March 1850. First Presb. ch., Plattsburg, N. Y., '50-'58. — Cong, ch., Shoreham,Vt., '59-'63. — s.s. Essex, Vt., '63-'65. — s.s. Westford, Vt., 'G5-'G8. — South Wilbraham, Ms., '09-. Henry Maktyn Chapin, Vt. D. C. 1850.— Ordained 14 March 1855. Ceresco, Wis., '55-56. — s.s. Springvale, Wis., '57. — s.s. Grand- ville. Wis., '58.— s.s. Green Lake, Wis., '59-00. — Agent Brock- way Coll., '01. — s.s. Markcsan, Wis., 'C2-'05. — w.c. Markesan,Wis., '(;5_'G6. — s.s. Green Lake, Wis., '00-'09. — s.s. Markesan, Wis., '69-. Joseph Collie, Wis. Bel. C. 1851. — Ordained 9 April 1855. Delavan, Wis., '55-. Isaac Newton Cundall, Ct. A.C. 1851. — Ordained 5 Sept. 1854. Rosendide, Wis., '54-'64. — Snp't Schools of Fond da Lac Co., Rosendale, Wis., '04-'08. — Snp't Soldiers' Orphan Asylum, Madison, Wis., '68-69. — s.s. Plymouth ch., Burlingtonj Wis., 'G9-. James McLaren Breed Dwight, Ct. Y.C. 1840. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '49-53. — Not ordained. — Lawyer, New Haven, Ct., '54-. 194 1854. Stki'FIKN Fknx, Ct. Y.C. 18Ht. — Orihiined Ki Nov. 185 1. Torring- fbrtL Ct., '54-'57.— South Cornwall, Ct., 'D9-'G7. — AVatcTtown, Ct., '(J8-. Elias Bkkwster liii.r.AiU), Ct. Y.C. 1848. — Ordained 15 May 1855. Iladlymc, Ct., '55-'., 111. B. U. 1850. — Inst'r in Gi-eek, Brown Univ.*, Providence, R. I., '51-'52. — Ordained 24 Oct. 1854. South Dan vers (now Peabody), Ms., '54-'Gl. — Prospect st. ch., Cam- brldgeport, Ms., 'G1-'G5. — Brick Presb. ch.. New York, 'G5-. Stepiiex Denison Peet, 111. Bel.C. 1851.— Ordained .. Feb. 1855. — s.s. Genesee, Wis., '55-'57. — s.s. New London, Wis., '5 7-'59. — s.s. Fox Lake, Wis., 'G0-'G3. — s.s. Racine, Wis., '64-'G5. — s.s. Elkhorn, Wis., 'G5-'G6. — s.s. New Oregon, lo., 'GG-'G8. — s.s. Chatham, O., 'G9-. Ira Fayette Pettiboxk, 111. U. C. 1849. — Ordained 28 Feb. 1855. Missionary, Western Turkey, 'oi"}-. Jeke:miaii Fames Raxkix, o.d., Vt. M. C. 1848. — Ordained 27 Feb. 1855. St. Albans, Vt., '55-'G2. — Appleton st. ch., Lowell, Ms., 'G2-'G4. — Winthrop ch., Charlestown, Ms., '64-'G9. — First ch., Wasli- ington, I). C, p.e. 'G9-'70; p. '70-. Augustine Root, Ms. — . — s.s. Erving, IVIs., '54-55. — s.s. Presb. ch., Orwell. Pa., '55-'5G. — s.s. Cong, ch., Altona, 111., '56-57. — s.s. Raymond, Wis., '57. — Ordained 20 May 1858. Lakeville, Ms., '58- 'GO. — s.s. North Rochester, Ms., 'GO. — s.s. Petersham, Ms., 'CI. — s.s. 19,) 1854. Daniclsonville, C't., 'G2. — ]Mi?siunary Am. Miss. Ass'u, Port lloyal, S. C, and Sup't Plantations (U. S.), 'G2-'G3. — Agent lor Freedmen, '63-65. — Freedmen's Un. Com., '65-66. — p.e. Riverliead, L. I., 'G6- '67. — w.c. and occ. pi-., Belchertown, Ms., 'G7-. Charles Comfort Tiffany, Md. Dick. C. 1850. — Ordained 15 July 1857. Derby, Ct., '57-'G3. — Ordained deacon, Ejjisc, 22 July 186G ; priest, 4 Nov. 1866. — St. James's ch., Fordham, N. Y., '. .-. Charles Cutler Torrey, Vt. U. Vt. 1849. — Ordained 7 Sept. 1855. Missionary, Choctaw Indians, '55-'5G ; Clierokees, '5G-'GI. — s.s. Georgia, \t., 'G1-'G2. — s.s. Waterford, Vt., '62-64. — Chester, Yt., '64-'G5. — s.s. "\^'est Randolph, Yt., '65-'G 7. — w.c. Boston, Ms., 'G7-'G8. — Georgia,A^t., '68-. James Gardiner Yose, Ms. Y. C. 1851.— Ordained 20 Oct. 1857. Prof. Rhet., Orat., and Eng. Lit., Amh. Coll., '56-65. — s.s. Second' ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., '. .-'. . — Bencf. ch.. Providence, R. I., '65-. Leonard Woolsey Bacon (2), Ct. Y.C. 1850. — Ordained 16 Oct. 1856. Litchfield, Ct., '56-'G0. — s.s. Stamford, Ct., 'G2-'G5. — New Eng. ch., Brooklyn, N.Y., 'G5-'70.— Albert Graham Beebee (1+), N.Y. A.C. 1850. — Union Theol. Sem., 1854.— Ordained, Presb., 20 Jmie 1854. Missionary, Aintab, Syria, '54-'55 ; INIarash, Turkey, '55-'59. — Presb. ch.. Pleasant Mount and Unionville, Pa., '60-'G2. — s.s. Hancock, N. Y., '62-'G3. — Manito- woc, Wis., '64-'G5. — s.s. Geneva, 111., '65-66. — w.c. Geneva, III, and Lombard, 111., '(;6-'70. — s.s. Austin, Ill.,^'70-. *Arnold Welles Brown (1—), Ms. H.C. 1851. — Died (killed by Railway accident), at Newton, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 21 Jan, 1852, aged 25. Joseph Warren Picivering Carter (2), N. H. D. C. 1840. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Winchester, Ms. ; Portsmouth, N. II. ; Port- land, Me., (five years in all). — In business, Portsmouth, N. II. Walter Frkar (1), N.Y. Y. C. 1851. — Union Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ordained . . Oct. 1855. s.s. Presb. ch., Iowa City, Cal., '55-'56.— s.s. Placerville, Cal., '5 7-'Gl. —s.s. Cong, ch., Grass Yalley, Cal., '62- '64. — Santa Cruz, Cah, 'G4-. Thomas Nelson Haskell (1), O. U.M. 1851.— Union Tiieol. Sem., 1854. — Ordained 7 Feb. 1855. Western Presb. ch., Wash- ington, D. C, '54-'58. — Maverick Cong, ch.. East Boston, Ms., '58- 'G2. — Presb. ch., East Boston, Ms., '62-67. — Prof., Madison Univ., Wis., '67-'68. — New Eng. Cong, cli., Aurora, 111., '68-. 1854. 1855. Martin- KkllogCx (1), Ct. Y. C. 1850. — Union Theul. Sem., 1854. — Ordained 2 Oct. 1855. s.s. Sliasta, Cal., '55-57. — Grass Yalloy, Cal, '57-'5a. — Prof. Latin, Cal. Coll., Oakland, Cal., '60-'69; Prof., Univ. Cal., 'G9-. Isaac Guay Ogden (1), N. Y. AV. C. 1849. — Tutor, Lafayette Coll., '. .-'..- Ordained, Presb., 26 Jan. 1858. — s.s. Presl). cli., Port- ville, N.Y., '59-'G8. — p.e. Almond, N.Y., '. .-. John L. Thomas Phillips (1-|-)) Ms. W.C. 1847. — Not ordained. — Teaclier, Williston Sem., Easthampton, Ms., '53-'57. — Prof. Greek, Williams Coll.,Williamstown, IVIs., '57-'G8. — Res. Ballston Spa, N.Y., '08-. 'Nkwtox Hexky Rosskter (2+), IMs. W.C. 1849. — Died, at Great Barrington, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 20 Deo. 185.3, aged 23. .JoTiiAM Bradbury Sewall (1), Ms. B.C. 1848. — Tutor, Bowd. Coll., '51 -'5 2. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1854. — Ordained 7 Feb. 1855. Central cli., Lynn, Ms., '54-'()5. — Prof. Anc. Lang, and Lit., Bowd. Coll., Brunswiek, Me., 'G5-. William Sewall (1), Ms. H.C. 1849. — Ordained 2 May 1855. s.s. Lunenburg, Yt., '55-'G5. — Norwich, Yt., s.s. 'G5-'C6 ; j). 'GG-. .James Barlow Simmons (1), N.Y. B.U. 1851. — Ordained 1854. Third Bapt. ch.. Providence, R. I., '54-'. . — Lidianapolis, Ind., '..-'. .— Philadelphia, Pa., '..-'. . — See. Am. Bapt. li. M. Soc., Xew York, "... 1855. Frederic Randoh'ii Abue, Ms. Y.C. 1848. — Ordained 3 Sept. 1857. First eh., Abington, ]\Is.. '57 . Edward Aikkx, m.d., Yt. !).('. 1851. — Ordained 7 Sept. 1855. Missionary, Beirut, etc., Syria, '55-'58. — Yale Med. Coll., 18G1. — Physieian, Fitzwilliam, N. H., '61-05; Amherst, N. IL, '65-. Also, Prof. Mat. Med., and Therap., N. E. Fem. Med. Coll., '(!4-. Orson Parda Allen, N.Y. A. C. 1852. — Ordained G Sept. 1855. Missionary, Smyrna and Trebizond, '55-'57 ; Harpoot, on the Euphrates, '57-'G9. Now in U. S. George Nelson Antiioay, R. L B.U. 1.S50. — Ordained 3 Oct. 1855. Great Falls, N. H., '55-'G0. — Marll)oro', Ms., '60-69.— Peabody, Ms., 'G9-. Herman Norton Barnum, N.Y. A. C. ]8.")2. — Ordained . . .... .... Missionary, Ilarpoot, etc., on the Euplnates, '. .-. 1855. John Bascom, N. Y. W. C. 1849. — Tutor, AVilliams Coll., '52-';33. — Ordained 15 Dec. 1859. — Prof. Rliet., Will. Coll., '55-. Also, s.s. Nortli Pownal, Vt., '50-64. Elisiia Dickinsox Bates, R. I. — . — s.s. West Newbury, Ms., '56-5 7. — Ordained 8 Jan. 1857. Soutbborough, Ms., '57. — s.s. Ref. (Dutch) ch., Gilboa, N. Y., '50-'6O. — s.s. Stuyvesant Falls, N.Y., "61-'62. — Student at Law, De Witt, lo., and admitted to bar, '63. — s.s. Pleasant Plains, N. Y., '64-65. — In business, Peekskill, N. Y. Gkokge Lewis Beckek, Wis. A. C. 1852. — Ordained — s.s. First cb., Sanford, Me., '56-'57. — s.s. Powliattan, Kan., '..-'60. — w.c. Powbattan, Kan., '. .-. (?) Daniel Bliss, d.d., Obio. A.C. 1852.— Ordained 18 Oct. 1855 — Missionary, Syria, '58-'62. — Pres. Syria Coll., Beirut, '64-. Samuel Ward Boardman, Vt. M. C. 1851. — Ordained 16 April 1857. Norwicb, Vt.,'57-'59. — Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Mid. Coll., '59-61. — Second Presb. cb.. Auburn, N.Y., '62-. Lucius Delison Ciiai'in, Pa. A.C. 1851. — Ordained Presb. cb., Ann Arbor, Micb., '57-'. . — Prof. Mental and :\Ioral Pbil., Univ. IVIicb., '. .-'68. —East Bloomfield, N. Y., '68-. 'John Colby, Me. D. C. 1852. — Ordained 31 Oct. 1855. Hamilton, N. H., '55-'63. — Soutbboro', Ms., s s. '64-65 ; p. '65-. Pkescott Fay, Ms. A. C. 1851.— Ordained 27 Feb. 1856. Lan- caster, N. H., '56-'65. — s.s. Rocbester, N. H., '60-'6 7. — New Ipswich, N. H., '6 7-69. — s.s. Minneapolis, Minn., '69-. Davis Foster, N. H. D. C. 1849. — Ordained 1 Nov. 1855. West Newbury, Ms., '55-'68. — North Winchendon, Ms., '68-. William Grassie, Ms. A.C. 1852. — Ordained 3 Oct. 1855. Presb. cb., Wattsburg, Pa., '55-'63. — Edinboro', Pa., '63-. *Erskine Joel IIawes, Ct. Y.C. 1851. — Ordained 19 Jan. 1858. Plymouth, Ct., '58-; died there, 8 July 1860, aged 32. George Gushing Knai-p, Vt. M.C. 1852. — Ordained 7 Sept. 1855. Missionary, Diarbekir, '56-'58 ; Bitlis, Eastern Turkey, '58-. *Alfred Lawton, R.I. B.U. 1851. --Not ordained. — s.s. Brouidine, N. H., '55-; died there, 30 Aug. 1855, aged 28. Julius Yale Leonard, N.Y. Y.C. 1851. — Ordained 14 June 1857. Missionary, Caesarea, Cappadocia, '57-'60; INIarsovan, Western Tur- key, '60-. Now in U. S. *WiLnrR FiSK LooMis, Ct. W.U. 1851. — Ordained 15 April 1856. Sbelburne Falls, Ms., '56- ; died, in service of Chr. Com., at Nash- ville, Tenn., 10 Jan. 1864, aged 35. 1855. Caleb Spencer Mahsh, N. II. D. C. 1 S41». — Ordaine.l (i N..v. 1 «r.(i. First ch., Burlington, Vt.,'5r.-'(j0. — — Presb. oh., ILiverstraw, N. Y., '. .-'68. — Now in Europe. George Mooar, d.d., :Ms. W.C. is.",]. — Ordained 10 Oct. lS5r,. South fh., Amlovor, ]\Is., 'o5-'Cl. — Oakland, Cal., 'til-. Masox :M(><)RE, X.Y. A.C. 18r)2. — Ordained 3 Dec. 18(57. s.s. Lee, N. II., '..-'.. — ♦John Safford Parsons, Ms. Y.C. 1852. — NotordaIne9. — s.s. Cumberland Centre, Me., '70-. Edward Tayson Tiiwing, Ms. II. C. 1855. — Ordained 22 Sept. 1858. St. Lawrence st. cb., Portland, Me., '58-'G2. — Quincy, Ms., 'G2-'G7. — w.c. 'G7-'G9. — s.s. Second cli., Westbrook, Me., '69-. Joseph Torrey, Vt. U.Yt. 1852. — s.s. Sherbrooke, C. E., '58-'59. — Ordained 30 May 18G0. East Hard wick, Vt., '60-. Alexander Stevenson Twombly, Ms. Y. C. 1854. — Ordained 10 Feb. 1859. Presb. cli., Cherry Valley, N. Y., '59-'G2.— State st. ch., Albany, N. Y., 'G2-'G7. — First Presb. ch., Stamford, Ct., '68-. Nathaniel Lord Upham, N. H. D.C. 1853. — Ordained 10 March 1859. Manchester, Vt., '59-62. — s.s-. Presb. ch., Flemington, N. J., '62-'63.— Chaplain 35th N. J. Vols., 'G3-'. . — Reaville, N. J., '. .-. George Thomas Washburn, Ms. W.C. 1855. — Ordained 24 March 1859. Missionary, Madura District, Southern India, 'GO-. Henry Willard, N. Y. D.C. 1851. — Ordained 20 Oct. 1858. Home Missionary. — s.s. Monroeville, O., '58-59. — s.s. Zumbrota, Minn., '59-'G;5. — s.s. Plainview, Minn., 'G3-. John Henry Anketell (1), Ct. Y. C. 1855. — Univ. Halle, Ger., '57-58. — Thcol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1859. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 29 Dec. 1859; priest, 22 Dec. 18C0. — Christ ch., Eastport, Me., 'GO. — St. Luke's ch., Darien, Ct., 'Gl.— St. Paul's ch., Windham, Ct., 'G2-'64. — St. James's ch., Winsted, Ct., 'G5. — Assist. Min. Trinity ch., Newport, R. I., 'G6. — Holy Trinity, St. Anthony's Falls, Minn., '67. — St. Paul's ch., Havana, N. Y., 'G7-'G8. Also, Prof. Lang., Ma- sonic School, Havana, N. Y., 'G 7-'G8. — Founder and fu-st rector, St. John's American ch., Dresden, Saxonv, 'G9. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., '69-. Lucius Erastus Bauxakd (1+), Vt. U.Vt. 1853. — Auburn Thcol. Sem., 1858. — Ordained —s.s. Waukegan, 111., 'G0-('G2). — s.s. Georgia, Vt., ('63).— * Warren Brooks (1+), Ms. II. C. 1855. — Not ordained. — Died, at Townsend, Ms., while a moniber of tlie Seminary, 4 Feb. 185 7, aged 28. 27 209 1858. 1859. Edmund Woodward Bkown (1), N. Y. Y.C. 1855. — Union Theol. Sem., 1858. — s.s. Cornwall, Ct., '58.^s.s. Second Presb. ch., Alex- andria, Va., '58-59. — Ordained . . Jan. 1860. s.s. Presb. cb., West Dresden, Va., '59-'65. — Presbyterial Missionary, '65. — Synodal Missionary, '65-'66. — In Europe, '66-'67. — s.s. Cartbage, N. Y., '67- '69. — s-.s. Nortb Bergen, N. Y., '69-. Smith Norton (1+), Me. O.C. 1855. — Ordained 22 Feb. 1859. s.s. Granville, III, '59-'. . — s.s. Churcbville, N. Y., '61-63. — s.s. Augusta, Micb., '65-66. — Micbigan City, Ind., '66-'.. — s.s. East Concord, N. H., '69. — s.s. Baraboo, Wis., '69-. Alpheus Justus Pike (2), Ms. D. C. 1855.— s.s. Pomfret, Vt.— Ordained 9 Marcb 1859. Marlborougb, Ct., '59-'67. — s.s. Sauk Centre, Minn., '68-. Charles Augustus Young (1), N. H. D. C. 1853. — Teacber, Pbillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '54-'55. — Not ordained. — Prof. Matb. and Nat. Pbil., Western Res. Coll., '56-'60. — Prof. Matb. and Nat. Pbil., Dart. Coll., '66-. 1859. Solon Albee, N. H. M. C. 1851. — Not ordained. — Tutor, La- fayette Coll., '52-'54.— Tutor, Mid. CoU., '55.— Teacber, Burr and Burton Sem., Mancbester, Vt., '60-'62; Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '63-64 ; Burr and Burton Sem., JMancbester, Vt, '64-66. — Prof. Latin, Mid. Coll., '66-. William Frederick Arms, Ct. Y.C. 1853. — Ordained 26 Jan. 1860. Missionary, European Turkey, '60-62. — Newtown, Ct., '63- '64. — s.s. Green wicb, Ct., '64-66. — Presb. cb., Nicbolson, Pa., '67-. Franklin Deming Ayer, Vt. D.C. 1856. — s.s. Dracut, Ms., '59- '60. — Ordained 1 May 1861. Milford, N. H., '61-'67. — First cb.. Concord, N.H., '67-. Benjamin Braman, Ms. B. U. 1854. — s.s. Sbutesbury, Ms., '60.— Prin. Acad., Westport, Ms., '62-'. .— Augustus Chandler, Ct. W. C. 1855. — s.s. Nortb Woodstock, Ct., '59_'60. — Ordained 12 Sept. 1860. s.s. Saxton's River, Vt., '60-'61.— s.s. Lempster, N. H., '61-64. — Strafford, Vt., '64-6 7. — Dummerston, Vt., '67-'69.— i^JoiiN Henry Dodge, Ms. A. C. 1 856. — Ordained 21 Sept. 1859. Missionary, Mendi, Africa, '59-'61. — s.s. Wendell, Ms., '61-; died tbere, 18 June 1863, aged 35. 210 1859. George Dustan, N.H. D.C 1852. — Ordained 19 Oct. 1859. Peterboro', N. H., '59-. Elijah Stites FAiRCiiiLn, N.J. N. J. C. 1856. — Ordained 1 1 Jan. 18G0. Morrisania, N.Y., '00-'61.— Natiiaxiel Porter Gilbert, Vt. U.Vt. 1854. — Ordained 18 July 1860. Missionary Am. and For. Chr. Un., Chili, S. A., '60-. *Zenas Goss, Vt. D.C. 1856.— Ordained 11 Jan. 1860. Missionary, Central Turkey, '60-; died, at Marash, 28 Aug. 1864, aged 31. Austin Hazen, Vt. U.Vt. 1855.— Ordained 29 March 1860. Nor- wich, Vt., '59-64. — s.s. Jericho Centre, Vt., '64-. George Frederick IIerrick, Vt. U.Vt. 1856. — Ordained 7 Sept. 1859. Missionary, Constantinople, '59-. Henry Lynes Hubbell, Ct. Y.C. 1854. — Res. Lie, Andover, Ms., '59-'61. — Ordained 24 April 1861. First ch., Amherst, Ms., '61- '65. — — w.c. Ann Arbor, Mich., '. .-. Calvin Butler IIulbert, Vt. D.C. 1853. — Ordained 20 Oct. 1859. New Haven, Vt., '59~'69. — Belleville av. ch., Newark, N. J., '70-. Abbott Eliot Kittredge, Ms. AV. C. 1854. — Ordained 14 Sept. 1859. Winthrop ch., Charlestown, Ms., '59-64. — Eleventh Presb. ch., New York, '65-. Benjamin Labaree, Jr., Tenn. ]\I. C. 1854. — Ordained 13 June 1860. Missionary, Persia, '60-. John William Lane, N.H. A. C. 1856. — Ordained 17 Oct. 1860. AVhatcly, Ms., '60-. William AVallace Livingston, C. E. U.Vt. 1856. — Ordained 27 April 1860. Missionary, Sivas, Western Turkey, '60-. James McLean, Scot. AV. C. 1856. — Ordained 30 Aug. 1859 Thomaston, Me., '59-'61. — South Dennis, Ms., '61-'62. — Milwaukee, AA^is., '62-65. — s.s. Berlin, AA^is., '65-66. — s.s. Menasha, AVis., '66- '70. — s.s. Hampton, N. H., '70-. Charles Tenney Melvin, N.H. D. C. 1856. — Ordained 18 Oct. 1859. First Presb. ch., Columbus, AVis., s.s. '59-60; p. '60-63. — s.s. Cong, ch.. Elk Grove, AA^is., '64-65. — Sun Prairie, AVis., s.s. '66- 'G7; p. '67-. Charles Ray Palmer, Ct. Y.C. 1855. — Ordained 29 Aug. 1860. Tabernacle ch., Salem, IMs., 60-. 211 1859. Albeet Bkadstreet Peabody, Ms. — . — Ordained 24 INIay 1860. East Longmeadow, Ms., '60-'67. — s.s. Seabrook and Hampton Falls, N. II., '67-'69.— Stratham, N. H., '69-. Daniel Phillii>s, Wales. A.C. 1856. — Ordained 20 Feb. 1861. Sparta, Wis., s.s. '60-61 ; jj. '61-62. — s.s. Orange, Ms., '62-65.— s.s. Groton Junction, Ms., '66-'69. — w.c. Detroit, Mich., '..-'..— North Chelmsford, Ms., '70-. Hexry Jackson Richardsox, Ms. A.C. 1855. — Ordained 6 Sept. 1860. Lincoln, Ms., '60-. George Washington Sargent, N. II. D. C. 1856. — Ordained 21 Dec. 1859. Raymond, N. H., '59-65. — John Eliot ch., South Natick, Ms., '65-67. — s.s. Racine, Wis., '67-69. — s.s. Negaunee, Mich., '69-70. — Menasha, Wis., '70-. *David Coit Scudder, Ms. W.C. 1855. — Ordained 25 Feb. 1861. Missionary, Periacnlum, Madura District, Southern Hindostan, '61-; drowned, in river near Periaculum, 19 Nov. 1862, aged 27. John Haskell Shedd, Ohio. Mar. C. 1856. — Ordained 3 Aug. 1859. Missionary to the Nostorians, Persia, '59-. Edward Alfred Smith, Ct. Y. C. 1856. — Univ. Gottingen, '60 ; Halle, '61-62. — — Ordained 13 Nov. 1865. s.s. Second ch., Chester, Ms., '65-. Moses Smith, Ct. Y.C. 1852. — Ordained 22 Sept. 1859. Plain- ville, Ct., '59-69. Also, private, 8th Conn. Vols., '63 ; Chaplain, '63- '65. — Leavitt st. ch., Chicago, 111., s.s. '69-70; p. '70-. Julian MoNSON Sturtevant, Jr., 111. 111. C. 1854. — s.s. Jackson- ville, 111., '59-'60. — Ordained 5 July 1860. Hannibal, Mo., '60-'69. — s.s. New Eng. ch.. New Yoi'k, '69-'70. — First ch., Ottawa, 111., '70-. *Amherst Lord Thompson, N. Y. A.C. 1856. — s.s. Ansonia, Ct., '59-'60. — Ordained 2 Feb. 1860. Missionary, Oroomiah, Persia, '60-; died there, 25 Aug. 1860, aged 24. *JoHN Winn Underhill, Ms. A.C. 1854. — Ordained 5 Oct. 1859. North Amherst, Ms., '59-; died there, 17 Oct. 1862, aged 33. William Hayes Ward, Ms. A.C. 1856. — Tutor, Bel. Coll., '5 7- '58. — Ordained 8 Jan. 1860. Oskaloosa, Kan., s.s. '59-'60 ; p. '60- '61. — Teacher, Easthampton, Ms., '61; Free Acad., Utica, N. Y., '62-'65. — Prof. Latin and Nat. Scl., Ripon Coll., Wis,, '65-67.— Assoc. Ed. fiv/ependcnt, New York, '68-. 212 1859. Pi>iXY Fisic AVarxer, N. Y. Y. C. 18.J.J. — Ordained ;;1 Oct. 18(50. First ch., Stonington, Ct., ':>9-'(i3. — s.s. Clinton, Wis., 'dl-'Od. — s.s. Como, 111., '(iO-'GO. — s.s. Aledo, 111., 'G9-. •^Thomas Lyfoud Ambrose (1), N. H. B.C. 185C— Ordainod 21 July 1858. Missionary, Persia, '.58-' ti 2.— Chaplain 12tli N. II. Vols., 'G2-; died of wounds, at Fortress Monroe, A^a., 19 Aug. 18()4, aged 3.5. Charles Montgomery Barnes (2), 111. K.C. 185G. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 18,59. — Ordained 16 Sept. 1859. Lamoille, 111., '59-'C0. — Neponset, 111., 'G1-'G4. — Chaplain 93d 111. Vols., 'fi4-'6o. — Ply- mouth, 111., 'G7-. *JoSEPH Bloojier (1), Pa. A. C. 185G. — Not ordained. — s.s. Mc- Gregor, lo., '5 7- ; died there, 21 Feb. 1858, aged 28. Isaac Bridgman (1—), N. H. D.C. 185G. — Not ordained.— Teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms'., '57; MunroeAcad., Elbrldgo, N.l''., '59-'Gl ; Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., 'Gl-'GG; Syracuse, N.Y"., 'G7-. Edward Pay'sox Crowell (1+), Ms. A. C. 1853. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '55-56. — Not ordained. — Prof. Latin, Amh. Coll., '58- AsA Severance Fisk (1 — ), O. A. C. 1855. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '57. — Tutor, Amh. Coll., '57-59.— Ordained 6 June 1860. St. Paul, Minn., s.s. '59-60 ; p. '60-62.— Chaplain 4th Minn. Vols., '62-65, and Sup't Frecdmen, '63-65.^ — Second ch., EockvilIe,Ct., '65-. Stephen Sargeant Morrill (2), Vt. D. C. 1855. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1859. — Ordained 12 May 1859. Maiden, 111., '59-'G4 ; Hospital Chaplain, U. S. A., '62-'65. — s.s. Hillsboro' Bridge, N. H., 'G5-'68. — s.s. Henniker, N.H., '69-. Elisha MuLFORD (1+), Pa. l^C. 1855. — Ordained deacon, Episc, .. March 1859; priest, — Darien, Ct., '61. — South Orange, N. J., '61-'. . — w.c. Montrose, Pa., '. .-. Robert Samuel (2), Scot. D. C. 1856. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1859. — Ordained 3 Nov. 1859. s.s. New Rutland and Nebra'ska, 111., '59-'60. — s.s. Wataga, 111., '60-'61. — w.c. '61-63. — s.s. West Y^ar- mouth, Ms., '63-65. — s.s. West Ilawley, Ms., '65-. AzPvO Andrew Smith (1—), Vt. U.Vt. 1856. — Teacher, Burling- ton, Vt., '57; Franklin, N. H., '5 7-' ..— Ordained 11 Feb. 1864. Lowell and W^estfie]d, Vt., 'G4-. Joseph Morgan • Smith (2-f), N. II. Y^C. 1854. — Ordained 2 Aug. 1860. s.s. AVest Avon, Ct., '59-'G3. — s.s. Grand Rapids, Mich., '63-. 213 1859. 1860. Edward Alexander Strong (1 — ), Ms. A. C. 1855. — Not or- dained. — In business, Boston, Ms., '57-. 1860. Henry Mills Alden, Vt. W. C. 185 7. — Not ordained. — Ees. Me- tuclien, N. J., Editor of Harper's Magazine, New York. Samuel RALrn Asbury, Eng. L.U. 1852. — Ordained 3 July 1861, in England. Missionary, India, '61-'G4. — s.s. Gill, Ms., '65-67.— Since '68, translator Lange's Com. on Jeremiah, res. Andover, Ms. George Ingersoll Bard, Vt. U. Vt. 1857. — Ordained 17 Oct. 1860. Lower AVaterford, Vt., '60-66. — Diinbarton, N. H., '66-. James Atwood Bates, Ms. A.C. 1856. — Ordained 19 Sept. 1860. Missionary, Ceylon, '61-'63; released, '65. — s.s. Huntington, Ms., '66-'67. — Belpre, O., '67-. George Augustus Beckwith, Ct. A.C. 1857. — Ordained 20 May 1862. Manhattan, Kan., '62-67. — s.s. Olathe, Kan., '67-. George Street Biscoe, Ms. A.C. 1857. — Ordained 25 Oct. 1861. Cottage Grove, Minn., '61-'67. — s.s. Tipton, lo., '68-. John Quincy Bittinger, Pa. D. C. 185 7. — Ordained 25 Oct. 1860. Central ch., Yarmouth, Me., '60-'64.— St. Albans, Vt., '64-'67.— s.s. Broadway ch., Norwich, Ct., '67-68. — s.s. Hartland, Vt., '69-. Joseph Boardman, Ms. A.C. 1855. — Ordained 20 March 1861. s.s. Pownal, Me., '60-65. — Hopkinton, Ms., '65-68. — s.s. Chilton- ville, Ms., '69-'70. — w.c. Hopkinton, Ms., '70-. AVilliam Otis Carr, N. H. A.C. 1857. — Ordained 13 Feb. 1861. s.s. Barnstead, N. IL, '61-. William Crawford, Ms. A.C. 1857. — Ordained 2 May 1861. Home Misssionary. s.s. Clear Water, Minn., '60-'62. — s.s. Danvers Centre, Ms., '62-'63. — s.s. Central City, Col., '63-'68. — Presb. ch., Green Bay, Wis., '69-. Temple Cutler, Ms. Mar. C. 1857. — Ordained 20 Feb. 1861. Skowhegan, Me., '6l-'68. — Athol, Ms., '68-. Alonzo Taylor Deming, Vt. M. C. 1854. — Ordained 10 June 1863. s.s. Bridgewater, Vt., *60-'63. — s.s. Bridport, Vt, '63-'64.— s.s. Franklin, Vt., '64-'66. — Swanton, Vt., '66-68. — s.s. Post Mills, Thctford, Vt., 68-. John Webster Dodge, Ms. A.C. 185 7.- Ordained 6 Dec. 1860. Gardiner, Me., '60-63. — Hampton, N. IL, '65-'68. — First ch., Yar- mouth, Me., '68-. 214 1860 Lewis Francis, Vt. U.Vt. 185C. — Ordained 18 Feb. 18G3. s.s. Colchester, Vt., '63-'G4. — Castleton, Vt., 'U-. Simeon Gilbert, N. Y. U.Vt. 1854. — Ordained .. Feb. 18(J3. Hopkinton, N. Y., s.s. '61-'63; p. 'G3-'65. — s.s. Chateaugay, N. Y., '65-'G7. — s.s. Ames, lo., '68-69. — s.s. Lyndon, 111., 'C9-. Edward Nichols Goddard, N. H. D. C. 1856. — H. M., North Hyde Park and Eden, Vt., 'GO-'Gl. — H. M., Morristown, Vt., '61.— H. M., Presb. ch., Markesan, Wis., '61-'62. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 3 May 1863; priest, 11 Dec. 1863. — Trinity ch., Windham, N. Y., '63-65. — Missionary, Otsego Co., N. Y., '65-67. — Assistant to the Bishop of Montana in missionary inspection, '67. — Helena, Mont., '68-'69. — Virginia, Mont., '69-. John Ellsworth Goodrich, Ms. U.Vt. 1853. — Ordained 17 May 18G4. Chaplain 1st Vt. Cav., '64-'G5. — s.s. Richmond, Vt., '67-'G8. — Sup't Schools, Burlington, Vt., 'G8-. John Smedes Hanna, N. Y. — . — Ordained, Presb., 3 Sept. 1862. — s.s. Cong, ch., Richford, N.Y., '63-'C4. — s.s. Presb. ch., Great Bend, Pa.,'64-'65. — s.s. Gloucester City, N.Y., '6G-'G7. — s.s. Anderson, Ind., '67-'68. — s.s. Erie st. mission ch., Chicago, 111., '68-'G9. — Editor of Masonic Magazine, Chicago, 111., 'G9-. Henry Chapman Hitchcock, Ohio. O. C. 185G. — Ordained 12 Dec. 1860. s.s. North and South Amherst, O., 'G0-'G9. — Kenosha, Wis., '69-. Frank Howe Johnson, Ms. H. C. 185G. — Ordained 15 Oct. 1861. Hamilton, Ms., '61-'G4. — w.c. Andover, Ms., '67- *James McHosE, 111. Y.C. 1855.— Ordained Home Missionary, Brownsville, Minn., '60-; died, at Red W^ing, Minn., 18 July 1861, aged 3G. Peter Mc Vicar, Wis. Bel.C. 1856.— Ordained 29 May 18G1. Topeka, Kan., 'G1-'G6. — State Sup't of Schools, Topeka, Kan., 'G6-. Charles Edward Milliken, N. H. D. C. 1857. — Ordained 28 Sept. 1860. Littleton, N. H., '60-. EldridgeMix, Ohio. W. C. 1854.— Ordained 6 Dec. 1860. Assist- ant, West Presb. ch.. New York, '60-'Gl. — First Cong, ch., Burling- ton, Vt., '62-67. — First Presb. ch.. Orange, N. J., '67-. Bennett Hubbard Nash, N. Y. H. C. 1856. — Not ordained. — — Inst'r Ital. and Span., Harv. Coll., '66-. Res. Boston, Ms. Abel Hastings Ross, Ms. O.C. 1857.— Ordained 17 Oct. 1861, Boylston, Ms., '61-'GC.— Springfield, O., '66-. 215 1860. NoRMAX Seaver, D.D., Ms. W. C. 1854.— Ordained 29 Aug 18C0. First ch., Rutland, Vt., 'C0-'(!8. — First FrosL. cli., Brooklyn, N. Y., 'C8-. ^ Oscar Moses Smith, N. Y. Y. C. 1 85.0. — Ordained 25 Feb. 1863. s.s. Centre, Wis., 'U2-'G4. — s.s. Milton, Wis., 'G4-'GG. — s.s. Java, N.Y., 'GC-'G7. — s.s. Strykersvillc, N. Y., '(u-'G!). — s.s. Monticello, JNIinn., 'G9-. Henry Augustus Stevens, INIs. A. C. 1857.— Ordained 12 Sept. 1861. Melrose, Ms., '61-68. — First ch., North Bridgewater, Ms., '68-. Chauncey Boardman Thomas, Ms. A. C. 1855. — Ordained 28 Jan. 1862. Hospital Chaplain, Alexandria, Va., 'G2-'G3 ; New Or- leans, La., '63-66. — s.s. Salem ch., Chicago, 111., 'GG-'68. — s.s. Peru, 111., 'G9-. Charles Wheeler ThompoON, Vt. U. Vt. 1855. — Tutor, Univ. Vt., '56-57. — s.s. St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt., '61. — s.s. Prairie du Sac, Wis., '61-'62. — s.s. Northfield, Vt., '63. — Temp. Prof. Latin, Univ. Vt., 'G3-'G7. — Ordnined 1 July 18(;9. Danville, Vt., 'G9-. *Edward Payson Walker, Ohio. Mar.C. 1856. — Notordaincd. — Tutor, Mar. Coll., '56-'57; Prof. Rhct. and Fng. Lit., 'fJO-; died, at Athens, O., 27 Dec. 18G1, aged 27. Henry Dwioht Wood worth, Ms. A. C. 1855. — Prof. Math., Paducah Coll., Ky., '55-'5G. — Ordained 12 Sept. 1860. Union ch., East and West Bridgewater, Ms.. '60-62. — s.s. Wellesley, Ms., '63- '65.— City Missionary, Boston, Ms., '66-'G7. — Westford, Ms., '67-'69. — Rehoboth, Ms., '69-. Richard Ridgely Bird (1), INIe. D. C. 1857. — Notordaincd. — Res. Bunker Hill, 111. Richard Crittenden (2—), N. Y. O.C. 1856. — Theol.Dep., Yale Coll., '59-'60. — Ordained 1 Aug. I860. North Guilford, Ct., '60-'64. — Missionary Am. S. S. Un., Towanda, Pa., '64- Leonard Zenas Ferris (1), N.Y. D.C. 1856. — Ordained 30 Nov. 1865. Pittsfield, N. IL, 'G5-'70. — s.s. South Lawrence, Ms., '70-. Alva Lillie Frisbie (2— ), N.Y. A.C. 185 7.— Ordained 22 March 1860. Ansonia, Ct., '60-'G5. — First <-h., Danbury, Ct., 'C5-. Charles Hardon (1), Ms. A.C. 1855. — Teacher, Delaware Lit. Inst., Franklin, N.Y., '55-62 ; Prep. Dep't, Urbanna Univ., O., '62-'64. — Ordained, New Jerusalem Church, 4 Dec. 1864. New Church, 21G 18(;0. 18G1. Urbanna, O., '63-'G(J. — St. Louis, Mo., 'GG-'G7. — Mansfield and Foxborougli, Ms., '67-'68. — Missionary of New Church Association, for Ms., res. Lowell, Ms., '68-. William Dodge Hekhick (2+), Ms. A. C. 1857.— Ordained 18 Jan. 18G0. Redding,, Ct., '(30-64. — First oh., Gardner, Ms., '64-67. — North ch., North Amherst, Ms., '67-. Chester Case Humphrey (1), Iowa. lo.C. 1857. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1861. — Ordained 21 July 1861. s.s. Austin, Minn., '61-63.— s.s. Cass, To., '63-67. — s.s. Amity, lo., '68-6;). — w.c. Tipton, lo., '69-. David Sumner Johnson (1), N.Y. W.C. 1857. — Ordained . . Oct. 1860. Presb. eh., Waverly, N. Y., '60-'66. — Hyde Park, 111., '66-. Charles Artemas Kent (2), N.Y. U.Vt. 1856. — Not ordained. — Lawyer, Detroit, Mich., '59-. Also, Prof: Law, Univ. Mich., '68-. Starr Hoyt Nichols (2), Ct. Y.C. 1854. — Ordained 1860. — s.s. Mansfield, O., '61-62. — s.s. New Eng. ch., Chicago, 111., '62-65. — Vine St. ch., Cincinnati. O., '65-. Samuel Scoville (1), Ct. Y. C. 1857. — Ordained .. Sept. 1861. s.s. Norwich, N.Y., '61-. Laurenus Clark Seelye (1), Ct. U.C. 1857. — Ordained 20 Jan. 1863. North ch., Springfield, Ms., '63-'65. — Prof. Eng. Lit., Amh. Coll., '65-. Charles Stork (2), Md. W.C. 1857. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Newberry Coll., S. C, '59-'60. — Ordained, Luth., 1861. s.s. St. James's ch., Philadelphia, Pa., '61-'62. — St. Clark's ch., Balti- more, Md., assoc. p., '62-'65 ; p. '65-. Moses Coit Tyler (1), Mich. Y. C. 185 7. — Ordained 24 Aug. 1859. Owego, N.Y., '59-('60). ^ First ch., Poughkeepsie, N. Y., '61-62. — Prof. Rhet, and Eng. Lit., Univ. Mich., Ann Arbor, Mich., '67-. George Washburn (1), Ms. A.C. 1855. — Ordained 29 July 1863. Missionary, Constantinople, '58-'68. — Prof., Robert Coll., Constan- tinople, '68-. 1861. ♦Charles Frederick Abbott, Ohio. M. C. 1858. — Ordained 2 Jan. 1862. s.s. Bristol, N. H., '61-; died there, 20 Sept. 1866, aged 34. 28 217 1 8 G 1 . LuciEN Harpkr Adams, N. H. D. C. 1858. — Ordained 28 Oct. 1862. • Petersham, Ms., 'G2-'65. — Missionary, Aintab, etc, '65-67; Adana, '67-. Walter Scott Alexander, Ct. — . — Ordained 22 Nov. 1861. Pomfret, Ct., '61-'66. — First Presb. ch., Racine, Wis., '66-. William Macleod Barbour, Scot. O. C. 1859. — Ordained 2 Oct. 1861. South Danvers (now Peabody), Ms., '61-68.— Prof. Sac. Rhet. and Past. Duties, Bangor Theol. Sem., '68- Alanson. Saltmarsh Barton, Vt. M.C. 1857. — Ordained 29 Oct. 1862. — — s.s. Georgia, Vt., '64-66. — s.s. Saxton's River, Vt., '66-6 7.- Townshend East, Vt., '67-69. — w.c. Towns- hend East, Vt., '69-. Joseph Perry Bixby, Ct. W. C. 1858. — s.s. Milford, Ms., '61-'62. — Ordained 30 April 1862. Oak place ch., Boston, Ms., '62-'64.— First Presb. ch., Boston, Ms., '64-66. — s.s. Cong, ch.. South Dedham, Ms., '66-. Daniel Jay Bliss, Ms. A. C. 1858. — Private, 34th Mass. Vols., '..-'.. — — Ordained 9 Dec. 1868. Holland, Ms., '68-. *Andrew Josiah Clapp, Ms. A. C. 1858. — Ordained 19 Feb. 1862. s.s. Shutesbury, Ms., '62-; died there, 13 Sept. 1863, aged 30. *George Henry Clark, Vt. U.Vt. 1856. — Ordained 15 Jan. 1862. First ch., St. Johnsbury, Vt., '62-; died, at Georgia, Vt., 25 April 1865, aged 30. Isaac Clark, Ct. Y.C. 1856. — Ordained 12 Nov. 1861. Presb. ch., Elmira, N.Y., '61-'68. — First Cong, ch., Aurora, 111., '6S-. Joseph Bourne Clark, Ms. A. C. 1858.— Ordained 10 Sept. 1861. First ch. Yarmouth, Ms., '61-'68. — Newtonville, Ms., '68-. Calvin Cutler, Ms. D. C. 1856. — Ordained 12 March 1862. New Ipswich, N. H., '62-67. — Auburndale, Ms., '67-. Perley B. Davis, N. H. —. — Ordained 29 Jan. 1862. Sharon, Ms., '62-'67. — Hyde Park, Ms., '67-. Henry Anderson Dickinson, Ms. Y.C. 1855. — s.s. Wellesley, Ms., '61-'63. — Ordained .16 Oct. 1863. s.s. Vermillionville, 111., '63-'65. — w.c. '65-'6 7. — Chester Centre, Ms., '67-. Lucius Root Eastman, Jr., Ms. A. C. 1857. — Ordained 1 May 1862. South ch., Bralntrec, Me., '62-65.— Second ch., Holyoke, Ms., '65-67. — Franklin st. ch., East Somervlllc, Ms., '67-. 218 18G1. Alfred Augustus Ellsworth, Me. A. C. 1858. — Ordained 4 Sept. 18G2. Milford, Ms., '62-'G5. — s.s. Newbern, N. C, '6G-'C8.— Weymouth Landing, Ms., 'G8-. RuFUS Emersox, Ms. A. C. 1858. — Ordained 7 Jan. 1863. Wiltcn, Me., 'G3. — s.s. Grafton, Vt., 'G3-'67. — s.s. Wilmington, Vt, '67-'G8. — s.s. Chestnut st. ch., Lynn, Ms., 'G8-'70.— Stepiiex Harris, N. IL A.C. 1858. — Ordained 24 Oct. 18G1. Windham, Vt., 'Gl-'GO. — s.s. West Suffield, Ct., '69-. Edgar Laixg Heermaxce, N. Y. Y. C. 1858. — Ordained 12 Nov. 1861. Eef. (Dutch) ch., Castleton, N. Y., '61-'69. — w.c. New Haven, Ct., '69-. Philander H. Hollister, Ct. — .• — Ordained 31 Dec 1862. Brookfield, Ct., '62. — s.s. Stanwich, Ct., 'G6. — s.s Kenosha, Wis., '67-'68. — s.s. Hancock, Mich., '68-. Edward Paysox Hooker, Yt. M. C. 1855. — Ordained 13 Nov. 1861. Mystic ch., Medford, Ms., '61-69. — s.s. Fairhaven, Vt., '70-. Fraxklix Chappell Joxes, Ct. Y. C. 1857. — Ordained 4 Feb. 1863. Franklin, Ct., '63-. William Royal Joyslix, N. H. D. C. 1856. — s.s. Bath, N. H., '63. — Ordained 3 Feb. 18G4. Berlin, Vt., '64-'G5. — s.s. East Burke, Vt., '65-'68. — s.s. Wcnham, Ms., '68-70.— John Codman Labaree, Vt. M. C. 1856. — Ordained 4 Feb. 1863. s.s. Sterling, Ms., '63-65. — First ch., Randolph, Ms., '65-. Edward B. Mason, Ohio. F.C. 1858. — Ordained 2 Feb. 1862. Ravenna, O., s.s. '61-63 ; p. '63-. Alexander McKenzie, Ms. H. C. 1859. — Ordained 28 Aug. 1861. South ch., Augusta, Me., '61-'6 7. — First ch., Cambridge, Ms., 'G7-. John William Miller, 111. lU.C. 1858. — Ordained 26 May 1863. s.s. Prescott, Wis., '62-'65. — 'S.s. Hammond, Wis., '65-. Thomas Nichols, N.Y. N.J.C. 1856. — Ordained 11 March 1863. Presb. ch., Chester, N. Y., '63-. *Peter Nutting, Me. — . — Not ordained. — Died, at Westford,Vt., 17 July 1862, aged 34. Frederick AVebster Osborne,. N.Y. Y. C. 1855. — Not ordained. — s.s. Wolcottville, Ct., '62-'63. — Teacher, New York, '63-'64 ; Hartford, Ct., '64-. 219 1861. Joseph Woktiiy Pickett, Ohio. All. C. 1855. Y. C. 1858. — Or- dained 2 June 1862. s.s. Wentwortb, N. H., '61-63. — s.s. Mount Pleasant, lo., '63-'6!). — Agent Am. H. M. Soc., for Southern Iowa, res. Des Moines, '69-. GusTAVus DoRMAN PiKE, Ms. D. C. 1858. — Ordained 23 April 1862. Olive st. ch., Nashua, N. H., '62-65. — s.s. Easthamj^ton, Ct., '65-67. — Agent Am. Miss. Assoc'n, for N. Y., res. Brooklyn, N.Y., '67-. Charles Henry Pratt, N. Y. N.Y.C. 1856. — Ordained 20 Feb. 1863. s.s.. Lisbon, 111., '62-64. — s.s. Brookfield, Mo., '64-69. — w.c. Brooklyn, Mo., '69-. Daniel Warren Richardson, Ms. U. C. 1857. — Ordained 14 Aug. 1862. Dayville, Ct., '62-'66. — s.s. Auburn, Ms., '66-'69. — s.s. Easton, Ms., '69-. Daniel Foster Savage, Ms. — . — Ordained 16 Oct. 186L Home Missionary, s.s. Cedar Rapids, lo., '61-'62. — s.s. Cass, lo., '62-63. — s.s. Stacyville, lo., '63-64. — Teacher, or w.c, 'G4-'68.— s.s. Stoddard, N. H., '69-'70. — w.c. Stoddard, N. H., '70-. Samuel Bartlett Siierrill, N. Y. A. C. 1858. — Ordained 7 Feb. 1862. Presb. ch., Cato, N. Y., '62-'68. — s.s. Cong, ch., Bel- levue, O., '68-. George Burley Spalding, Vt. U.Vt. 1856. — Ordained 5 Oct. 1861. Vergennes, Vt., '61-'64. — North ch., Hartford, Ct., '64-'69. — First ch., Dover, N. H., '69-. Charles Langdon Tappax, N. H. A.C. 1858. — Ordained 28 Jan. 1864. s.s. Owatonna, Minn., '64-'66. — Editor Republican Journal, Owatonna, Minn., '67-68. — s.s. Brighton, 111., '68-70. — Temp. res. Sandwich, N. H., '70-. John Coleman Taylor, N. Y. U.C. 1858. — Ordained 11 Feb. 1862. Presb. ch., Sweden, N. Y., '62-65. — s.s. Corry, Pa., '65-67. — s.s. North ch., St. Louis, Mo., '67^ — Cong, ch., Groton, N. Y., s.s. '67-'69; p. '69-. *James Edavin Tower, Ms. A.C. 1858. — Not ordained. — s.s. North Brookfield, Ms., '62-; died, at Groton, Ms., 18 Aug. 1862, aged 28. John Whitehill, Ms. A.C. 1858.— Ordained U Dec. 1861. South Wilbraham, Ms., '61-'68. — s.s. West Attleborough, Ms., '69-. Jesse A. AVilkins, Ms. — . — (From Beverly, Ms.) 220 ,18G1. Albert Adams Youxg, N. H. D. C. 185G. — Ordained 20 Feb. 1863. S.S. Vershire, Vt., '62-63. — s.s. Lake Mills, Wis., '03. — s.s. Presb. ch., Oconto, Wis., '64-'66. — s.s. Cong, cli., Bloomington, Wis., •66-. r^EORGE Blagden BacOxV (1—), Ct. Y. C. 1856. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '58-'60. — Ordained 27 March 1861. Orange Valley, N.J., '61-. William Hexry Bowex (1), R. I. B. U. 1857. — Ordained 2 Nov. 1859. Free Bapt. ch., Blackstone, Ms., '59-62. — s.s. Olneyville, R. I, '63-64. — North Scituate, R.I., '64-68. — Lewiston, Me., '69-. William Lewis Bray (1), Wis. A. C. 1858.— Chicago Theol. Sem., 1861. — Ordained 8 Aug. 1861. First ch., Aurora, 111., '61- '67. — s.s. Hatfield, Ms., '68-69. — s.s. Newton, lo., '70-. *Samuel Watson Brown (2—), Ms. Y. C. 1850. — Ordained 31 Dec. 1861. s.s. South Coventry, Ct., '61-64.— Groton, Ct., '64-; died there, 9 Nov. 1866, aged 38. Samuel Russell Butler (1), Ms. W.C. 1858. — Ordained .... ]\Iissionary, Laln-ador. *Henry Martyn Frost (1), Yt. D. C. 1857. — Ordained deacon, Episc, . . April 1860 ; priest, — Chaplain 7th Vt. Vols. — St. Stephen's ch., Middlebury, Vt., '64. — w.c. '64 until died, at Thet- ford, Vt., 20 Feb. 1866, aged 30. Charles Henry' Hitchcock, pii.d. (2 — ), Ms. A.C. 1856. — Not ordained. — Lecturer on Zoology, Amh. Coll., '58-'64. — Prof. Geol. and Metall., Lafayette Coll., Pa., '66-'69.— Prof. Geol. and Min., Dart. Coll., '69-. Also, State (N. H.) Geologist, '68-. John Milton Holmes (2 — ), England. Y. C. 1857. — Ordained 23 May 1861. Jersey City, N. J., '61-'69. — w.c. Du Quoin, 111., '69-. Charles Hopkins (1), N.Y. Mad. U. 1858. — (From Rutland, N.Y.) Jesse Henry Jones (3—), Ms. H.C. 1856. — Ordained 19 May 1861.— Captain 60th N.Y. Vols., '61-65. — s.s. Antwerp, N.Y., •05_'69. — Natick, Ms., '69-. *Lewis Emmons Matson (3—), N.Y. Y.C. 1857.— Ordained 31 July 1861. Racine, Wis., '61-'64. — Madison, Wis., '64-'6G. — Ply- mouth ch., Chicago, 111., '66-; died, at Lyons, France, 21 June 1868, aged 28. 221 18.61. 1862. Frederick Alphonso Noble (2), Me. Y. C. 1858. — Lane Theol. Seui., 'GO-'Gl. — Ordained 16 July 18G2. Prcsb. ch., St. Paul, Minn., 'G2-'(i8. — Third cli., Pittsburg, Pa., 'GS-. Thomas Albert Perkl\s (1), N. Y. Y. C. 1858. — Not ordained. — Res. Brooklyn, N.Y. Charles Morgan Pierce (2), Ms. AV. C. 1857. — Tutor, Will. Coll., '60-'62. — Ordained 2 Sept. 1863. AVest Boxford, Ms., '63-'67. — Inst'r Math., Will. Coll., '67-'68. — Middlefield, Ms., '68-. Edward Clarke Porter (1), Ms. Y. C. 1858. — Instructor Met. and Eng. Lit., High School, Chicago, 111., 'G2-'66. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 10 March 1866; priest, 23 Sept. 1866. — Assist, niin. St. James's ch., Chicago, 111., '66-'G7. — St. Luke's ch., Racine, Wis., '67-. Thomas Roberts (1), Ohio. W.R.C. 185C. — Elizur V. Wolcott (1—), Ohio. Y. C. 1854. — Tutor, West. Res. Coll., '55-'58. — -Not ordained. — Fanner, Tallmadge, 0. Horace Bliss AVoodworth (1), N. H. D. C. 1854. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1861. — Ordained 27 Feb. 1862. Hebron, Ct., '62-'65.— Ellington, Ct., '65-'69. — Charles City, lo., '70-. William Burnet AVright (1+), Ohio. D. C. 1857. — Univ. Ber- lin, Prussia, 'GO; Univ. Hulle, '61. — Ordained 2 Dec. 1862. South ch., Chicago, III, '62-'G7. — Berkeley st. ch., Boston, Ms., '67-. 18G2. David Marks Bean, N.H. Y. C. 1858. — Ordained 23 July 1863. s.s. Groton Junction, Ms., '63-64.— South Maiden (now Everett), Ms., '64-'68. — AA^ebster, Ms., '68-. Edwin Spencer Beard, Ms. Y. C 1859. — Ordained 2 April 1863. s.s. Second Presb. ch., Easthampton, L. I., 'G3-'64. — Cong, ch., AA^'arrcn, Me., '64-. Horace Eli.jah Boardman, m.d., A't. M. C. 1857. — Ordained 15 July 1863. Home Missionary. — s.s. Fort Dodge, lo., '63-'G4. —s.s. Earlville, lo., '64-'65. — Physician, Appleton, AVis. ; Sun Prairie, AVis., '69-. Nathaniel Greene Bonney, Ms. B. U. 1856. — Ordained 26 May 1864. First ch., Peru, Ms., '64-'68. — s.s. Poquonnock, Ct., '68-. Thomas Mason Boss, Ct. A.C. 1859. — s.s. Jewett City, Ct.,'G2-'63. — s.s. Mystic Bridge, Ct., 'G3. — s.s. Norwich, Ct., '64. — s,s, Madison, Ct., '65. — Ordained 5 June 18GG. Lyons, lo., '66- 18G2. *Daniel Bowe, Ms. Y. C. 1859. — Not ordained. — Sup't Tlanta- tions, Port Royal, S. C, 'C2. — Died, at New York, 30 Oct. 18C2, aged 29. Henry James Bruce, Ms. A. C. 1859. — Ordained 11 Sept. 18C2. Missionary, Khokar, Mahratta Country, Western Ilindostan, 'G2-. Edward Chase, Me. U.C. 1859. — Ordained 8 April 18G3. s.s. Second ch., Falmouth, Me., '63-64. — s.s. Eastport, Me., '64. — s.s. South ch., Kennebunkport, Me., '65-'68. — Bedford, Ms., '69-. George Constantine, Greece. A. C. 1859. — Ordained 10 Sept. 1862. Missionary Am. and For. Chr. Un., Athens, Greece, '62-. Albert Henry Currier, Me. B.C. 1857. — Ordained 3 Dec. 1862. Ashland, Ms., '62-65. — Central ch., Lynn, ]\Is., '65-. Elljah Cutler, Me. W. C. 1856. — Ordained 9 Sept. 1863. Con- way, Ms., '63-68. — Res. Lie, Andover, Ms., '68-69. — s.s. Green- field, Ms., '69-. Daniel PI. Evans, Ohio. Mi.U. 1859. — Ordained, Presb., 16 April 1863. s.s. Presb. chhs., Blissfield and Palmyra, Mich,, '62-65. — Grand Haven, Mich., '65-69. — s.s. Pittsburg, Pa., '69. — p.e. Youngs- town, O., '70-. Gilbert Otis Fay, Ms. Y.C. 1859. — Not ordained. — Teacher, Ohio Deaf and Dumb Asylum, Columbus, O., '62-'66 ; Superinten- dent, '66-. William Gill, 111. 111. C. 1859. — Ordained 26 May 1863. River Falls, Wis., s.s. '62-'63 ; p. '63-. Henry Anthony Goodhue, Vt. D. C. 1857. — Ordained 20 May 1863. West Barnstable, Ms., s.s. '62-63 ; p. '63-. *HiRAM James Gordon, N. Y. U.C. 1858. — Tutor, Union Coll., '59-62.— Ordained Franklin st. Christian ch.. Fall River, Ms., '. .- ; died there, 1866, aged . . Charles Fowler Hand, Ct. W. C. 1859. — Not ordained. — In the army, '61-('64). — Res. Boston, Ms. Henry Charles Haskell, Ohio. W. C. 1859. — Ordained 13 Aug. 1862. Missionary, Sophia and Philippopolis, Turkey, '62-'63 ; Philip- popolls, '63-. George Wilson Howe, Ms. B.C. 1859. — s.s. Free Bapt. ch., Lowell, Ms., '63. — Ordained 12 Nov. 1863. Free Bapt. ch., West Buxton, Me., '63-'66. — Harrison, Me., '67-. 223 1862. James Alhert Howe, Ms. B.C. 1859. — Ordained , . Oct. 1862.. Free Bapt. cli., Blackstone, Ms., '62-'63.— Olneyville, R. I., '63-. Hexry Stroxg Huntington, Ohio. Y. C. 1857. — Ordained 31 Jan. 18G6. Warner, N. II., s.s. '63-'65 ; p. '66-. Enoch Place Ladd, N. H. D.C. 1858. — Ordained, Free Bapt, — Teacher, Sharon, Ms. James Axdeuson Laukie, 111. W. C. 1859. — s.s. Berlin, Wis., '. .- '. . — Ordained 18 Jan. ISfi.'). s.s. Presb. chhs., Lowville and Arling- ton (and Poynette, 'G7-'69). '(i4-'69. — s.s. Leroy, Minn., and Chester, lo., '69-. Charles Henry Leakoyd, JMs. H.C. 1858. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 10 July 1862; priest, 23 June 1863. — Assistant, Emmanuel ch., Boston, Ms., '62-'63. — Grace ch., Medford, Ms., '63-. - Charles Marsh Mead, PH.D., Vt. M. C. 1856. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '56-58. — Tutor, Mid. Coll., '59-60.— Univ. Halle, Ger., '63-64; Berlin, '64-66; Tiibingen, 1866. — Ordained 10 Aug. 1866. Prof. Hebrew, Theol. Sem., Andover, Ms., '66-. AViLLiAM Enos Boise Moore, Ms. A. C. 1858. — s.s. Tolland, Ms., '62-63. — s.s. Curtisville, Ms., '63-'64. — s.s. Montgomery, Ms., '64- '65.— Ordained 4 Oct. 1865. s.s. Huntington, Ms., '65-67. — Bolton, Ct., s.s. '6 7-'68; p. '68-. George Henry MoRSS, Ms. — . — Teacher, Choctaws, A. B. C. F. M., '57-'58. — Ordained 11 May 1864. Abington, Ct., '64-66. — s.s. Centreville, Ms., '66-'69. — s.s. Townsend, Ms., '69-. Cyrus Pearl Osborne, N. H. H.C. 1859. — U. S. Chr. Com., La., '62-63. — s.s. North Andover, Ms., '63-64. — s.s. Hopkinton, Ms., '64. — s.s. Shelburne Falls, Ms., '64-'65. — s.s. Pacific ch.. New Bedford, Ms., '65. — Ordained 2 Nov. 1865. Bristol, R. I., '65-' 70. — John Alsop Paine, N. Y. Ham.C. 1859. — — Ordained 29 May 1867. Prof. Nat. Science, Robert Coll., Constantinople, '67-'69. —Univ. Halle, Ger., and Tour in East, '69-'70. — w.c. Newark, N. J., '70-. Albert Reed, 111. 111. C. 1859. — Teacher Freedmen, Fortress Monroe. — Edward G. Thurker, Mich. U.M. 1857.— Ordained 22 Oct. 1862. Walpole, Ms., '62-'70. — p.e. Park Presb. ch., Syracuse, N. Y., '70-. Luther Tracy Townsend, N. H. D. C. 1859.— Adjutant 16th N. H. Vols., '62-63. — Ordained deacon, Meth., 10 April 1864; elder, 1 April 1866. — Watertown, Ms., '64-'66: — Maiden, Ms., '66- '6 7. — Auburndale, Ms., '67-68. — Bromfield st. ch., Boston, Ms., 224 i:8G2. 'C8-'70. — Prof. Ilobrew and Greek, Boston Theol. Sem., 'C7-'G8 ; Prof. History, 'C8-. AzEL AVashbuun AViLD, Vt. M.C. 1857. — Ordained 2(J Oct. 18C4. Greensboro', Vt., 'fi4-. B. Paukkk Davis (1), Ms. — . — (From Newbiiryport, Ms.) Edward Evekett Herrick (2), Vt. U. Vt. 185G. — Private, Second Lieut., First Lieut., 15th Vt. Vols., 'G2-'G3. — Ordained 24 Feb. 18G4. s.s. Rochester, Vt, 'G3-'GG. — s.s. Colchester, Vt., 'GG-'G9. — s.s. Wilmington, Vt., 'C9-. Charles Hosford, m.d. (1), Vt. D. C. 1859. — Not ordained. — Physician, Thompson, Ct. James Mascarexe Hubbard (2), Ms. Y. C. 1859. — Ordained 23 July 18G2. s.s. Gospel ch., Longwood, Brookllne, Ms., 'G2-'G3.— Middleton, Ms., s.s. 'G4-'G5 ; p. '65-'G8. — Grantville, Ms., 'G9-. Horatio Currex Lillie (I), N. Y. U.C. 1859. — (From Butter- nuts, N. Y.) *Walter McDuffie Potter (1+), Ms. B. U. 1859. — — Died, 18GG, aged . . James Augustus Sanderson (1—), Ms. D. C. 1859. — Berkeley Theol. School, Middletown, Ct., .... — Ordained deacon, Episc, . . ; priest, 15 June 1864. — Pittsfield, Ms., '. .-'G4. — Christ ch., Eastport, Me., 'G4-'. .— St. Paul's ch., Wicklbrd, R. L, '..-'..— PierrepoiVt Manor, N. Y., '. . -. William Clark Sanford (2+), Vt. U.Vt. 1854. — (From Or- well, Vt.) Henry Albert Schauffler (2), Turkey. W. C. 1859. — Prof., Robert Coll., Constantinople, 'G2-'G5. — Ordained 3 June 18G5. Mis- sionary, Constantinople, 'G5-. ♦Gardner Perry Stickney (2+), Ms. A.C. 1858. — Not ordained. — Died, at Urbanna, O., 29 March 1862, aged 26. Henry Ui-son (2), Ct. Y. C. 1859. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '6 1-'6 2.— Ordained 22 June 1862. Chaplain 13th Conn. Vols., 'G2-'G3. — New Preston, Ct., '63-. 29 225 1863. 18 6 3. Henry Fueeman Allen, Ms. H. C. 1860. — Ordained deacon, Episc., 20 May 18G3; priest, 13 March 1865.— St. Paul's ch., Stock- bridge, Ms., 'Go- John Otis Barrows, Ct. —. — Ordained 9 June 18G4. North Hampton, N.H., '6-l-'66. — First ch., Exeter, N. H., 'G6-'G9. — Mis- sionary, "Western Turkey, 'G9-. Samuel Lysander Bates, Yt. U. Vt. 1857. — Ordained 23 March 1864. Underliill, Vt., 'G4-. Moses Bradford Boardman, N. H. A.C. 1860. — Ordained 1 Oct. 1863. Lynnfield Centre, Ms., 'G3-. *Charles Henry Boyd, N. H. D. C. 1858. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., 'SO-'GO.- Ordained 4 May 1864. Stonington, Ct., '64-66. — Died, at Manchester, N. H., 5 Jan. 1866, aged 29. Henry Bullard, Mo. A. C. I860.— Ordained 1 Oct. 1863. Way- land, Ms., '63-'68. — Tresb. ch., St. Joseph, Mo., '68-. *WiLLiAM Wilberforce Ciiapin, Ct. AV. C. 1860. — Ordained 24 Sept. 1863. Missionary, Pimplus, Mahratta Country, AVestern Hin- dostan, '64-; died, at Ahmednuggur, 22 March 1865, aged 28. Henry Lincoln Chase, A^t. CU. 1857.— Ordained 17 July 1864. Carver, Ms., 'C4-'67. — s.s. Dyersville, lo., '67-. Edward Lord Clark, Ms. B.U. 1858.— Ordained 8 Aug. 1861. Chap. 12th Mass. Vols., '61-62. — First ch.. North Bridgewater, Ms., '63-'66. — North ch.. New Haven, Ct., '67-. HoLLis S. Clark, Ct. —.-Ordained 27 Oct. 1863. Raymond, AVis., 'G3-'65. — s.s. Presb. ch.. New Lisbon, AVis., '65-'66. — s.s. Cong, ch., Lisbon, 111., '67-68. — s.s. AA'illiamsburg, lo., '69-. JosiAH Taylor Closson, N. H. D.C. I860. — s.s. Orfordville, N.H., '63-64. — s.s. North Deer Isle, Me., '66-67. — s.s. Fayette, lo., '68-. George CuRTiss, Ct. A.C. 1860. — Ordained 28 Dec. 1865. Avon, Ct., '65-'68. — Harwinton, Ct., '69-. Samuel Dunham, Ct. Y.C. 18G0.— Ordained 4 Oct. 1864. AA^est Brookfield, Ms., s.s. '63-64; p. '64- *AViLLi AM Hale Dunning, Ms. H. C. 1 858. — Ordained 1 Feb. 1864. Rockport, Ms., '64-'67. — In Europe, '67-68. — w.c. '68 until died, at Faribault, Minn., 7 Feb. 1869, aced 33. 18G8. Albert Iha Dutton, Vt. M. C. 1858. — Ordained 11 Nov. 18G3. Shirley, M?., '63-'G9. — East Longmcadow, Ms., 'G9-. Fkank Haley, Ms. —. — Ordained 7 Oct. 18G3. Enfield, N. II., '63-'CG. — Cojicord, Ms., 'G7. — Missionary Am. Miss. Assoc., Macon, Ga., '67-68.— s.s. Boscawen, N. II., 'G9. — w.c. Wolfeborongh, N.H.,'G9-. George Hardy, Ms. D.C. 18C0. — Ordained 2 Sept. 1863. Home IMissionary. s.s. Ellenburgh Centre, N. Y., 'G3-'G7. — Potsdam Junction, N. Y., '67-. RoswELL Harius, Vt. INI. C. 1860. — Not Ordained. — Inst'r, Mid. Coll., (at different times) '62-'67. — Prin. Burr and Burton Sem., Manchester, Vt., 'G7-'68. — Prin. Castleton Sem., Castleton, Vt., '68- '69. — In business, and occ. pr., East Saginaw, IMich., '69-. William Skinner Hazen, Vt. U.Vt. 1858.— Ordained 12 Oct. 1864. Northfield, Vt., '64-. Lrcius Hopkins IIiggins, Ct. Y. C. 1860. — Ordained 21 June 1866. Lanark, III, '66-. James Wakeman Hubbell, Ct. Y. C. 1857. — Ordained 21 Sept. 1864. Milford, Ct., '64-'69. — College st. cli., New Haven, Ct., '69-. Fayette Hurd, Mich. U.M. 1859. — Ordained 1 Oct. 1863. Home Missionary. — s.s. Hancock, Mich., '63-'64. — s.s. Lansing, Mich., '64. — s.s. Memphis, Mich., '65-66. — s.s. Columbus, Mich., 'C5-'68. — s.s. Orford, lo., 'G8-. Natuan Bangs Knapp, N. Y. A. C. 1860. — Ordained 30 May 1865. s.s. Sandy Creek, N. Y., '64-'67. — Presb. ch., Sturgis, Mich., '67-'. . — s.s. Fentonville, Mich., '. .-. George PlOswell Leavitt, Ms. W.C. 1860. — Tutor, Williams Coll., '62-64. — Ordained 29 March 1865. Lancaster, Ms., '65-'70.— Stearns Chapel ch., Cambridgeport, I\Is., '70-. Alba Levi Parsons Loomis, Ct. Y. C. 1860. — s.s. South Coven- try, Ct., '63. — Missionary of First Presb. ch., Chicago, 111., '64. — Or- dained .. Aug. 1865. s.s. Presb. ch., Columbus, Wis., '65-'66. — s.s. Cong, ch., Fort Atkinson, Wis., '66-'68. — s.s. Elkhorn, Wis., '68-. Austin L. Park, Vt. —.— Ordained 2 Feb. 1864. Gardiner, Me., '64-. George Pierce, Ms. D.C. I860.— Ordained 14 Oct. 1863. Cen- tre ch., Dracut, Ms., '63-67. — Paterson, N. J., '67-. Theodore Strong Pond, N. Y. Ilara. C. 1860. — — In Europe, '65-66. — s.s. Williams' Bridge, N.Y., '66.— Ordained 29 227 186 D. Aug. 18G7. Middlefield, Ct., '67-'69. — Missionary, Mardin, Eastern Turkey, '69-. George Arden Eockwood, N. Y. M. C 1858. — U.S. Chr. Com., '63. — Ordained 16 Dec. 1863. Chai^lain 8th U. S. C. T., '63-'65.— s.s. Carthage, N. Y., '66-'69, and s.s. Deer River, N. Y., '66-'68.— p.e. Rensselaer Falls, N. Y., 'G9-. Lyman Sibley Rowland, Ms. A. C. 1858. — Tutor, Audi. Coll., '60-62.— Ordained 16 Nov. 1864. First eh., Bangor, Me., '64-67. — Prof. Rhet. and Eng. Lit., Beloit Coll., Wis., '68-. Milton Leonard Severance, Vt. M. C. 1859. — Ordained 17 Feb. 1864. Boscawen, N. H., '64-'67. — Orwell, Vt., '68-. George Edward Street, Ct. Y.C. 1858. — Ordained 6 Aprill864. Wiscasset, Me., s.s. '63-'64 ; p. '64-. AsHER Henry Wilcox, Ct. Y.C. 1859. — Tutor, Y^ale Coll., '63- '64. — s.s. Gardner, Ms., '65. — Ordained 27 June 1865. Preston, Ct., '65-'70-. Charles Henry Williaims, Ms. Y.C. 1858. — Ordained 25 July 1867. Grantville, Ms., '67-'68. — w.c. Boston, Ms., '68-. Edward Abbott (2), N. Y. U. N. Y. 1860. — U. S. San. Com., Army of Potomac, '62-63. — Ordained 28 July 1863. Chaplain City In- stitutions, Boston, Ms., '63-'65. — Stearns Chapel ch., Cambridgeport, Ms., '65-'69. — Assist. Editor Congregadonalist, Boston, Ms., '69- William Hooper Adams (1—), Ms. H. C. 1860. — Teacher in Georgia. — — Ordained — Prof, Theol. Sem. — Circular ch., Charleston, S. C, '. .-. Robert John Carpenter (2+), Canada. Y.C. 1859. — Not oi-- dained. — Now in business, London, England. Edward Taylor Fairbanks (2), Vt. Y.C. 1859. — s.s. Chester, Vt., '65-'66.— Ordained 1 Jan. 18G8. St. Johnsbury Centre, Vt., s.s. '66-'68; p. '68-. Edward Brown Furbish (2), Me. Y.C. 18(J0. — Ordained .. .... 1862. Chaplain 25tli Maine Vols., '62-'63. — — Presb. ch., New Hartford, N. Y., '. .-. Thomas Gordon Grassie (2), Ms. A.C. 1857. — Ordained 31 March 1863. Chaplain 108th N. Y. Vols., '63-64. — s.s. Richmond, Me., '65-67.— Methuen, Ms., '67-. 18G3. 18G4. *WiLLiAM Augustus IIaselton (1-f-), N. II. D. C. 1858. — Not or- dained. — Died, at Swissvale, Pa., 13 Aug. 18G4, aged 30. Jaiviks Hauohton (2+), Ms. H.C. 18G0. — In Europe, 'G3-'G5. — Ordained deacon, Episc., G March ISGG ; priest, 30 Oct. 18GG. — St. Thomas's ch., Hanover, N. H., '. . -. *Deakhorx Dudley Leavitx (2), N. H. D.C. 1859. — Not or- dained. — Went to California, for health, and died, at Sonora, Cal., 3 Nov. 1862, aged 30. *William Wisner Martin (1), N.J. Y.C. I860. — Union Theol. Sem., 1863. — Ordained, Presb., 28 June 18G3. Home Missionary, Sonora, Cal., 'G3-'64. — s.s. San Jose, Cal., 'G4-'65. — w.c. until died, at Brooklyn, N.Y., 16 Oct. 18G5, aged 28. Cyris Pickett (2), Ohio. All. C. 1850. — s.s. Cheshire, Ct. — Or- dained 28 Feb. 18G7. Enfield, Ct., '67-'70.— Jonathan Young Stanton (2+), Me. B.C. 1856. — Prin. Pin- kerton Acad., Derry, N. II. — Prof. Latin and Greek, Bates Coll., Lewiston, Me. John Marshall Thacher (1), Vt. U.Vt. 1859. — (From Bur- lington, Vt.) Arthur Martin Wheeler (1), Ct. Y"". C. 185 7. — Not ordained. — Tutor, Yale Coll., 'G1-'G4 ; Prof. History, '65-. 1864. *Thomas Allender, Ct. — . — Ordained 4 Jan. 186G. s.s. Assabet, Ms., 'G5-'66. — Westhampton, Ms., '6G-; died, at New London, Ct., 17 Sept. 1869, aged . . Silas Leroy Blake, Yt. M.C. 1859. — Ordained 7 Dec. 1865. Pepperell, Ms., '65-'G8.— South ch., Concord, N. H., '69-. Francis IIayden Boynton, Ms. A. C. 1861. — Ordained 19 Oct. 1864. Rehoboth, INIs., '64-67. —s.s. Freetown, Ms., '67-. *Thaddeus Howe Brown, Ms. Y.C. I860. — s.s. Pittsford,Vt., 'G5. — Ordained 1 1 April 1866. North Woodstock, Ct, '66- ; died there, 19 Oct. 1868, aged 30. Jay Chzbe, N. Y. U. C. 1861. — Ordained 5 April 1865. Second ch., Amherst, Ms., '65-'67. — s.s. St. vVnthony, Minn., '67-68. — In Europe, '68-'60. — occ. sup., Amherst, Ms., '69-. Gabriel Havens De Bevoise, N.Y. — . — Ordained 26 July 1865. Walpole, N. H., '65-'68. — First ch.. North Brookfield, Ms., '68-. 18G4. Daxiel Demsox, Ct. Y.C. 1860. — (From rortland, Ct.) Samuel Franklin French, N. II. D.C. I860. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1864. Hamilton, Ms., '64-. George Lerov Gleason, N. II. D.C. 1861.— Ordained 1 Feb. 1866. Bristol, Vt., s.s. (with Ferrisburgli, Vt.), '64-'66 ; p. '66-'67. — West IvLitlanil, Vt., '6 7-63. — Manchester, ]Ms., '69-. Chauncey Goodrich, Ms. W. C. 1861. — Ordained 21 Sept. 1864. Missionary, Peking, China, '65-. John AVilliam Haley, N. II. D.C. 1860. — Ordained, Christian, . . Sept. 1864. Chr. ch., Eastport, Mc, '64-'65. — Trof. INIet., Union Coll, Merom, Ind., '6.5. — Somerset, Ms., '66-69. —s.s. Cong, ch., Du.xbiiry, Ms., '69-. Benjamin Franklin Hamilton, jNIs. A. C. 1861. — Ordained 28 June 1865. North Andover, Ms., '65-. Henry Martyx Holmes, Ms. A. C. 1860. — Field Agent Chr. Com., Lower Department, Army of the Cumberland, '64-'65. — s.s. Lunenburg, Vt., '65-66. — Ordained 11 May 1866. —s.s. Ticon- deroga, N. Y., '66-6 7. — Sup't Children's Aid Soc, Brooklyn, N. Y., '(;7_'68. — s.s. Greenwich, N.Y., '68-69. — jxc. Benson, Vt., '69-. lloBERT Grosvenor Hutchixs, Ct. — . — s.s. Second ch., Fitch- burg, Ms., '64-'66. — Ordained 13 June 1866. Bedford ch., Brook- lyn, N. Y.,'66-. Josiah Eb\VARDS KiTTREDGE, N.J. Y.C. 1860. — Li Europe and the East, '66- 68. — Ordained 10 March 1869. Glastenbury, Ct., '69-. James Laird, Canada. O. C. 1861. — s.s. Jewetfc City, Ct., '64-65. — Ordained 15 March 1866. Guildhall, Vt., ■'66-'70. — Hollis, N. XL, '70-. *JoHN Hart Manning, Ms. —. — H. M., Chattanooga, Tenn., '65- '66. — Ordained 6 March 186 7. Brookline, N. H., '6 7--; died there, 19 Aug. 1868, aged 44. Edward Williams Mokley, Ms. W.C.I 860. — Not ordained. — — Prof. Nat. Hist, and Chem., West. Res. Coll., '. .-. Myron AsDRE^vs Munson, Ms. H.C. I860. — U. S. Chr. Com., '63. — Private, 60th Mass. Vols., '64. — Ordained 31 May 1866. Pitts- ford, Vt, s.s. '65-'66; p. '66-'69. — w.c. St. Paul, Minn., '70-. Henry Francis Clougii Nichols, Ms. W.C. 1859. — s.s. Box- boro', Ms. — Ordained — s.s. Norfolk, N. Y., '66-'67. — In business in Michigan. 230 1864. Edward Norton, Ms. D.C. 1861. — Ordained 28 Dec. 1804. INIon- tague, Ms., 'G4-. Benjamin Greely Page, N.H. D.C. 18G1.— Ordained 27 Sept. 1865. Lebanon, Me., '6.5-68. — s.s. Greenwood, Mo., '68- George Austin Pelton, Ms. Y.C. 1861.— Ordained 9 Aug. 1865. S.S. Franklin, Ms., '64-'G7. — s.s. Bethel, Ct., '6 7-'69.— Candor, N.Y., s.s. '69-'70; p. '70-. Ben.jamin Franklin Perivins, N. H. D.C. 1859.— Ordained 22 Nov. 1865. Home Missionary.- s.s. Mirabile, Mo., '66-69, and s.s. Kingston, Mo., '67-69. — s.s. Stowe, Yt., '69-. George AYhitefield Phillips, Ms. A. C. 1861. — Ordained 12 Oct. 1864. Haydenville, Ms., '64-'G8. — Columbus, O., '68-. Edward Griffin Porter, Ms. H.C. 1858. — In Europe and the East, '..-'..— Ordained 1 Oct. 18G8. Lexington, Ms., 'G8-. William Franklin Snow, Hawaiian Isl. H.C. 1861. — Ordained 6 Oct. 1862. Cliaplain 5th Mass. A^ols., '62-'G3. — s.s. Grass Yalley, Cal., '64-65. — Eliot ch., Lawrence, Ms., 'GG-. Edwin Alexander Spence, Mich. U.M. 1860. — U. S. Chr. Com., '64. — s.s. Belknap ch., Dover, N. H., '64-'65. — U. S. Chr. Com., '65. — Ordained 27 Sept. 1866. s.s. AVestford, Ms., '65-'G7. — w.c. 'G7-'G9. — s.s. Presb. ch., Wheatland, lo., res. Lyons, lo., '70-. Lyman Sargeant Watts, Yt. M.C. 1859. — Ordained 7 Feb. 1866. s.s. Dracut, Ms., '65-67. — s.s. Barnet, Yt., '6 7-. *Bradford I^OUNG Averell (2+), 111. W.C. 1855. — Prof. Rhet., Knox Coll. — Ordained — Presb. ch., Hyde Park, 111., '66. — Died, at Chicago, 111., . . July 186 7, aged 34. Henry Louis Baugher (1), Pa. P.C. 1857. — Ordained, Evan. Lutheran, 15 Sept. 1863. .s.s. Mission In Wheeling, Ya., '63-64. — Lutheran ch. of the Trin., Norristown, Pa., '64-'67. — In Europe, '67-68. — Mt. PIsgah ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '68-69. — Prof Greek, • Penn. Coll., Gettysburg, Pa., '69-. George Buckingham Beecher (2+), O. Y.C. 1861. — Ordained 1 Jan. 1866. Howe st. ch., New Haven, Ct., '66-'68.— George Sayles Bishop (1), N.Y. A.C. 1858. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1864. — Ordained . . June 1864. Second ' Presb. ch., Trenton, N. J., '64-66. — Calvary ch., Newburg, N.Y., '66-. 231 1864. 1865. *CnAitLEs Alfkkd Boies (1), N. H. Y. C. 18C0. — Died, at Keene, N. 11., while, a member of the Seminary, 14 May 18G3, aged 2a. Henry Edward Butler (1), Yt. U.Vt. 18G1. — Princeton Theol. "Scm., 1864. — Ordained 12 Jan. 18G5. Keeseville, N.Y., s.s. '64-'65; p. 'G5-. Douglas Cami-hell (1), N. 1^ U.C. 18G0. — Not ordained. — Cap- tain, 121st N. Y''. Vols., 'G2-'. . — Lawyer, New Y'ork. *Stepiien Goodhue Emerson (1), N. II. H.C. 18G1. — Private, 1st Mass. Vol.*., 'G2-; killed, at Chancellorsville, Va., 3 May 1863, aged 21. Vaola John IIartsiiorne (1—), N. 11. D.C. 1 860. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1864. — Ordained 16 Jan. 1865. Bethel ch., Portland, Me., '65-'66. — s.s. Enfield, N. H., '66-. Christopher Wilkinson Knauef (1), Pa. P. C. 1861.— Ordained deacon, Episc, 12 Nov. 1864 ; priest, 23 June 1865. — St. Paid's ch., Lock Haven, Pa., '64-'66. — St. ]\IIchael's ch., Trenton, N. J., '66-. Joseph Allen Leach (2+), Vt. A.C. 1861. — Ordained 23 Feb. 1864. Chaplain 19th U.S. C.T., '64-'..— — First ch., Keene, N.H., '6 7-'68. — Second ch., Keene, N. H., s.s. '68-69 ; p. '69-. Arthur Little (1), N. H. D.C. 1860. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '62-63. — Ordained 16 March 1863. Chaplain 1st Vt. Heavy Art'y, 'C3-'G5. — Presb. ch., Bedford, N. H., '65-'68. — Cong, ch., Fond du Lac, Wis., s.s. '68-'69 ; p. '69-. Nathaniel Migiiill (1+), Ms. A.C. I860.— Tutor, Amh. Coll., '64. — Ordained 29 Sept. 1864. East Cambridge, Ms., '64-'6 7. — Brattle- borough, Vt., '6 7-. Franklin Burroughs Norton (1), Pa. A.C. 1856. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1864.— Ordained 11 July 1864. s.s. Kenosha, Wis., '64-'66.— s.s. Janesville, AVis., '66-69. — s.s. Oshkosh, Wis., '69-. Francis Porter Woodbury (1), Ms. W. C. 1861. — Ordained 11 Jan. 1865. s.s. Olivet, Mich., and Prof Ilhet., Logic, and Eng. Lit., Olivet Coll., '64-'66. — Meriden, N. IT., '66-'67. — s.s. Flint, Mich., '67-. 18 6 5. William Penn Alcott, Ms. W. C. 1861. — Onlained 18 Feb. 1868. North Greenwich, Ct., '68-. Alexander ViETS Griswold Allen, Ms. K.C. 1862. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 5 July 1865; priest, 24 June 1866. — St. John's ch., iscry. LawrcMice, Ms., '6u-'G7. — Assist. Prof. Eccl. Ilist., Episc. Tlicol. School, Cambridge, Ms., '67-. Rowland Hussky Ali.ex, N. II. A. C. 18(i2. — Ordained 1 Nov. 1865. Canton, Ms., '65-'67.— w.c. Chelsea, Ms., '67-69. — Trinity Cong, ch., Nejionset, Boston, Ms., '70-. John- Rodxey Barxks, O. O.C. 1861. — Ordained 5 Oct. 1865. Central Village, Plainfield, Ct., '65-'67. — s.s. Rosemond, Ill.,'67-'69. — s.s. Tresb. ch., Collinsville, 111., '6D-. Pliny Steele Boyd, ^h. O.C. I860. — Ordained 5 Oct. 1865. Shelburne Falls, Ms., '65-'69. — Ridgefield, Ct., '69-. Albert Bkyant, Ms. A. C. 1862.— Ordained 20 Sept. 1865. Mis- sionary, Sivas, Asiatic Turkey, '65-68. — Everett, Ms., '69-. Austin Dodge, Ms. A. C. 1861.— Ordained 9 Oct. 1866. North ch., Winchendon, Ms., '6G-'67. — Union ch., Globe Village, Ms., '67-. Samuel Page Fowleu, Jr., Ms. A. C. 1861. — Sergeant 8th Mass. Vol. Militia, '62-63. — Teacher to Freedmen, '65. — Assist. Sup't, Freedmen's Bureau, '65-'66. — Res. Lie, Andover, Ms., '66-67. — Physician, California. George Dickinsox Goodrich, N. Y. W. C. 1857. — Ordained 12 Sept. 1865. Home Missionary. — s.s. Denver, Col., '65-67. — Res. Lie, Andover, Ms., '68-69. — w.c. Hartford, Ct., '69-. Stephex Kxowlton, Vt. M.C. 1857. — Ordained 2 Nov. 1865. West Medway, Ms., '65-. Joseph Browx Ladd, Ms. W.C. I860.— Ordained — s.s. Hebron, Minn., '66-67. — s.s. Woodland Mills, Minn., '67.— *SiLAS Harvey Mellis, N. Y. U.N.Y. 1862. — Ordained 17 Jan. 1866. Empire City, Col., '66-; died, at Central City, Col., 25 May 1866, aged 32. George Gardxer Phipps, ]\rs. A. C. 1862. — s.s. Ashland, Ms., '65-'6 7. — Ordained 23 Jan. 1868. Wellesley, Ms., '68-. Charles Herbert Richards, N. H. Y. C. 1860. — Ordained 16 July 1866. s.s. Kokorao, Ind., '66-67. —Madison, AVis., '67-. Nathax Thompsox, Ms. A.C. 1861. — Ordained 13 Sept. 1865. Home Missionary. — s.s. Boulder Valley, Col., '65-. Eugexe Hexry Titus, Ms. W.C. 1862. — Ordained 15 Feb. 1866. Dane st. ch., Beverly, Ms., '66-67. — First ch., Bethel, Me., s.s. '68- '69 ; p. '69-. 1865. 1860. Joseph Hopkins Twichell, Ct. Y. C. 1859. — Ordained 30 Jan. 1863. Chap. 71 St N.Y. State Vols., '01-04. — Asylum Hill cli., Hart- ford, Ct., '65-. Henry Beman Uxderwood, N.J. AV.C. 1802. — Ordained 19 Jan. 1806. s.s. Ringwood, 111., '0.5-*G7. — ^^?.s. East Longmcado\v,Ms., '67-'G8. — s.s. Marlborougli, N. H., '09. — s.s. Baxter Springs, Kan., '69-. James Wii.sox Ward, Jr., Ms. A. C. 1 800. — s.s. First eli.. West Newbury, Ms., '05-'00. — s.s. First ch., North Bridgewater, Ms., '66- '67. — Ordained 15 Oi't. 1808. s.s. Rochester, Ms., '08-. James Edwarb AVright, Ms. H. C. 1801. — In 44th Mass. Vols., '02-63. — s.s. North Christian ch., Eastport, Me., '05-00. — Ordained 24 July 1866. Christian ch., Jacksonville, 111., '00-'09. — s.s. First Ind. Rel. Soc, Montpelier, Vt., '00-. Henry Anstice, Jr. (1), N.Y. W. C. 1802. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 2 July 1865 ; priest, 21 Nov. 1805.— St. Barnabas's ch., Irv- iugton, N. J., '65-66. — St. Luke's ch., Rochester, N.Y., '60-. Solon Cop. p. (1), — . — Ordained Presb. ch., Oswego, N.Y"., '. .-'69. — ]\Iystic, Cong., ch., Medfbrd, Ms., '09-. Levi Wentwortii Stanton (1 — ), Me. B.C. 1855. — Not ordained. — Assoc. Prin. New Hampton Lit. Inst'n, N. H., '55-'50 ; Prin., '56- '57. — Prin. Brown High School, Newburyj^ort, Ms., '57-'60. — Teacher, Classical Dep't, Maine State Sem., now Bates Coll., '60-'03 ; Prof. Greek, Bates Coll., '0.3-'00. — Prin. Dummer Acad., Byfield, Ms., '06-. 1866. Frederick Baylies Allen, Ms. A.C. 1803. — s.s. Newport, R. I., '06-'G7. — Ordained 2 April 1808. Canandaigua, N. Y., 'OS-. Samuel Warren Dike, Ct. W. C, 1803.- s.s. Pomfret, Ct., '00- '0 7.— Ordained 3 Feb. 1809. AVest Randolph, Vt., '09-. Horace Dutton, Ms. Y, C. 1802. — s.s. First ch.. West Newbury, Ms., '66-'0 7.— Ordained 21 Jan. 1868. s.s. Wareham, Ms., '67-'08. — s.s. Eddyville, lo., '68-69. — s.s. Northborough, Ms., '70-. Melatiaii EvEP.KTT DwiGiiT, :m.d., ]\rs. N.Y. C. 1800. — Ordained 25 Feb. 1809. Onarga, 111., '09-. 234 18G6. AuDisox riNXEO FosTKit, Ms. AV. C. 1SC3.— Ordained 3 Oct. 1806. Applcton St. L-h., Lowell, Ms., 'GG-'G8. — occ. sup., 'G8-'70. — s.s. Du- buque, lo., '70-. (P. O. Springfield, Ms.) Elbiudge Gkrky, Vt. M. C. 18(;2. — Ordained 24 Sept. 18G8. — s.s. Oregon City, Or., '(i8-. Chau.ncI'Y Lewis IlAMLiix, O. AV. R. C. 18G3.— Ordained 2 July 18G7. s.s. Louisiana, ]\Io., 'GG-'G8. — s s. Brooklyn, O., 'G8-. William Stoxe HuBBELL, Ct. Y. C. 1858. — Andover Tlieol. Sem., '(;0-'G2. — rrivate, 25th Conn. Vols., Aug. 18C2; Seeond Lieut, 21st Conn. Vols., Dee. 'G2;* Keg'l Adj't; Capt. and A. A. G. ; Brevet- • Major; mustered out, July 18G5. — s.s. (assoe. minister) First eh., Braintree, Ms., 'GG-'G8.— Ordained 30 Jan. 18(18. South eh., AVest U:).\bury, ]Ms., 'fiS-. A.MKED Perky Johnsox, Ms. IL C. 18G1.— Ordained 18G7. s.s. Paola, Kan., 'G6-('G9). — s.s. AA'oodstock, 111., '70-. Nathaniel Texxey Kimball, Ms. D.C. 1861. — Res. Bradford, Ms. James Giuswold Meiikill, :Ms. A. C. 1SG3. — Ordained 20 Xov. 18G7. Home ]Missionary. s.s. ]\Iound City, Kan., 'G7-'G9. — s.s. Topeka, Kan., 'G9-'70. — Agent Am. IL M. Sue., lijr Kansas, '70-. John Hexuy Moi:ley, Ms. AA'.C. 18G3.— Ordained 2 Jan. 18G7. Home Missionary. s.s. Magnolia, lo., 'GG-'69. — s.s. Sioux City, lo., 'G9-. Behxard Paixe, JNIs. D. C. 18G3. — Onlainrd G June 18G7. Pacific eh.. New Bedford, Ms., 'GG-. Samuel B. Pettexgill, A"t. — . — Ordained (?). — s.s. Little Sioux, lo., 'G7-'G8. — w.c. Little Sioux, L)., 'GS-'. .— AA'illiam Hamilton Phipps, ]\L. A.C. 18G2. — Ordained 29 Aug. 18GG. Home Missionary. — s.s. Empire City, Co]., 'GG-'G9.— AViLLiAM Chckchiel Reei), Me. Y.C. 18G3. — s.s. AA^estbrook, Ct., 'G7-'G8. — Ordained 10 Feb. 1870. South Dennis, Ms., '70-. Alvaii Mills Richardsox, Ms. A.C. 18G2. — Ordained 14 Nov. 18G6. AA^est ch., Ipswich, Ms., 'GG-. FiiAXK HuxTixorox Sxow, IMs. W.C. 1SG2. — Not ordained. — Prof. Math, and Nat. Science, Kan. Univ., LaM-rence, Kan., 'GG-. Also, s.s. Kanwaka, Kan., '(iG-'(i7, and s.s. AA''akarusa, Kan., 'GG-'G8. Thomas W. Thompsox, Ms. D.C. 1859.— -Andover Theol. Sem., '59-'Gl. — Ordained 24 June ISG.S. Missionary, North China, 'G8-. AA'iLLiAM Jewett Tucker, N. II. D.C. 1861. — Ordained 24 Jan. 186 7. Franklin st. ch., Manchester, N. H., 'G7-. 235 18GG. 1807. Daniel Wixgate Waldron, Mo. B.C. 18G2. — s.s. South Brain- tree, Ms., 'G0-'G7. — Ordained 3 April 18G7. Ea?t Weyniouth, Ms., '67-. Jonx KiLiJOUKX Williams, Vt. M.C. 18G0.— Ordained 21 Nov. 186G. Bradford, Vt., 'G6-. Frank VV. Winslow, Pa. P.U. 18G3.— Ordained deacon, Episc, 1866 ; — w.e. Piiila lelphia, Pa. John Henry Dexisox (2), Ms. W. C. 18G2. — Missionary to Col- ored people, Hampton, Va., 'G6-'G7. — Ordained 30 Jan. 1870. South Williamstown, Ms., s.s. 'GS-'70; p. '70-. William D'Orville Doty (1), Ms. Ken. C. 18G2.— Ordained deacon, Episc, 20 June 1864; priest, 25 Jan. 1866. — Assist, rector Grace ch., Newton, Ms., '64. — Assist, rector St. Paul's ch., Boston, Ms., '66-67. — All Saints', Brooklyn, N. Y., '67-. Charles Tiiaddeus Haynes (1-f), Ms. A. C. 1862. — Not or- dained. — Teacher Lang, and higher Math., Townsend, Ms., '65-'G7. — Prin. High School, Edgartown, Ms., '68-'G 9. — Instructor, High- land Military Acad., Worcester, Ms., 'GO-. Daa^d S. Morgan (1), Ms. — .— Ordained 2G June 1867. Worth- ington, Ms., '67-69. — s.s. Pre.^b. ch., Montcllo, Wis., '69-. Zaccheus Test (1), Ind. Ilaverford C. 1851. — Prof., Friends' Coll., Richmond, Ind. 1867. Ephraim Eliphalet Pearson Auisott, N. H. D. C. 1863. — Or- dained 6 May 1868. Meriden, N. H., '68-. George Whitefield Andrews, Ohio. O. C. 1858. — Ordained 13 Nov. 1867. East Plampton, Ct., 'G7-. Cecil Franklin Patch Bancroft, N. II. D.C. 1860.- Ordained 1 May 1867. PrIn. Educational Institutions, Lookout Mountain, Chattanooga, Tenn., 'G7-. Lyman Horace Blake, Vt. M. C. 1863. — Ordained 14 Nov. 1867. River Point, R. I., '6 7-'69.— Rowley, Ms., 'GD-. Samuel Ingersoll Briant, ]\Is. U.Vt. 1863. — Ordained 22 April 1868. Sharon, Ms., '68-. 2.'5G 18G7. Geohge riiKLi\s Byixgtox, Vt. U.Vt. 18G3. — Ordained 11 Miirch 18(38. Blmisou, Vt., 'GS-'GO. — Wcstfoi'd, Vt., '70-. Jame.s A. Daly, C:d. C.ofCal. 18(10. — Ordained 17 .March 1868. — Stockton, Cal., '(J9-. Michael Axgelo Dougiieuty, X. Y. N.Y. C. 18G4. — Ordained.. Bapt. eh., Great Falls, N. II., ('(39)-. Ju.-^EiMi Emkky Fiske, Ms. II. C. 18fil. — Andover Theol. Sem., 'Gl-'G-_>.— Private, 43d Mass. Vols., 'G2 ; First Sergeant, '62-'63. Second Lieut., First Lieut., and Cajitain, 2d Mass. H. Art'y, 'G2- 'G.5. — lies. Grantville, Ms. Alfred Serexo Hudsox, Ms. W. C. 18G4. — Ordained ID Dec. 1867. Burlington, Ms., '6 7-. Joseph La.nmax, Ct. Y. C. 18G4.— Ordained 2 June 18G8. Presb. ch., AVindhani,N.II.,'G8-. Everett Edward Lewis, Ct. W.C. 18G2. — Ordained — Charles Myrox Palmer, N. IL D. C. 18G2. — Ordained 8 Dec. 18G8. Ilarrisville, N. H., s.s. 'G7-'G8 ; p. '68-. William Edwards Park, Ms. Y. C. 1861. — Ordained 13 Nov. 18G7. Central ch., Lawrence, Ms., 'C7-. William IIexry Savage, Ms. B.C. 1858. — Ordained 7 Nov. 1867. Holliston, Ms., '6 7-'G 9. — Jacksonville, 111., '70-. George White Sc(rrT, Pa. M. C. 1864. — Ordained 17 Sejit. 1868. Newport, N. H., '68-. Newmax Smyth, Ma. B.C. 18G3. — First Lieut., IGth Maine Vols., '64-'65. — Ordained 29 Jan. 1868. s.s. Harrison st. Chapel, now , Pilgrim ,ch.. Providence, R. I., '68. — In Europe, '68-'69. — First ch., Bangor, Me., '70-. Edward Pavsc.x Sprague, N.J. U. N. Y. 1864. — Ordained 29 April 18G8. Presb. ch., Salem, N. Y., 'G8-. Charles Burt ScMXER, Ms. Y. C. 1SG2. — Ordained 2 Jan. 18G8. Monson, Ms., '68-. IIexry Martyn Texxey, N. H. A.C 1864. — Ordained 21 Oct. 1868. Village ch., Dorchester, Boston, Ms., 'G8-. Joiix Low PuHiERs Trask, Ms. W.C. 1864. — Ordained 4 Dec. 1867. Second ch., Holyokc, Ms., '6 7-. George Willis Warrex, Ms. II. C. I860. — Prof. Bib. Exeg., Bap- tist Union Theol. Sem., Chicago, 111., 'G7-'69. — Now Teacher, Boston, Ms. 237. 1867. 1868. MosELEY Hooker Williams, Ct. Y. C. 1861. — Ordained 2G March 18G8. Second ch., Philadelphia, Pa., s.s. 'G7-'68; p. 'G8-'G9. — s.s. Grand av. Chapel, Brooklyn, N. Y., '69-. Lyman Walker WiNSLOw, Wis. Bel. C. 1863. — Ordained 11 Aug. 18G9. s.s. Ilvdesville, Cal, '60-. Alden Allen (1-f), N. Y. U.M. 1862.— John Perry Barrett (1), Ms. II. C. 1864. — Resides in Boston, Ms. Thomas Wetmore Bishop (1), Ms. H. C. 1863.— Emory G. Chaddock (1 — ), Mich. Hills. C. 1863. — Ordained .. May 1861. Freewill Bapt. ch., Girard, Mich., '61-'64. — Bangor Theol. Seni., 1866. — F, Bapt. ch., Lawrence, Ms., '66-'G9. — s.s. Cong, ch., Union City, Mich., '70-. Benjamin Ax».ier Dean (1+), Ms. A.C. 1862. — Ordained 20 July 1866. Siirewsbury, Ms., '66. — s.s. Zumbrota, Minn., 'G6-'67. — s.s. Monticello, Minn., 'G7-'69. — s.s. Garnavillo, Jo., '69-. Samuel Edwards Evans (2), Ms. H. C. 1863. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 186 7. — Ordained 18 April 186 7. — East Providence, R.L, '68-. Bradford Morton Ftllerton (1+), Ms. A.C. 1861. — Audover Theol. Sem., '61-'G2. — Teacher, Lexington, Ms., 'G6-'G7. — Ordained 12 Feb. 1868. Second ch., Palmer, IMs., '68-. Nathaniel Schuyler IMoore (2), N. Y. Y. C. 1861. — Andover Theol. Sem., '62-63. — s.s. Presb. ch.. Port Penn, Del., '68. — Or- dained 11 Nov. 1868.- s.s. Presb. ch , Westford, N. Y., '68-. Amos Skeele (1+), Ms. Ken. C. 1864. — Episc. Div.^Sch., Phila- delphia, Pa., '66-67. — Ordained deacon, Ei)isc., 21 June 1867; priest, 30 June 1868. — Church of the Saviour, Providence, R. I., '67-. 18G8. Edwin Augustus Adams, Ms. A.C. 1861. — Ordained 3 Sept. 1868. North Manchester, Ct., '68-. Thomas Earle Barr, N.J. A.C. 186.3. — Ordained 19 Jan. 1869. s.s. Eastport, Me., '68-. James Howard BAniiiTT, Ms. A.C. 1865. — Ordained 10 Sept. 1868. Waitsfield, Vt., '68-. 238 18G8. Albert Gallifoud Bale, Io. A. C. 180.-). — Ordained 3 Dec. 18G8. Melrose, Ms., '68-. Edward Totterson Bartlktt, Pa. U. P. 1SG5. — Ordained dea- con, Episc, 6 Aug. 18G9; priest, 13 March 1870. — Trinity Chapel, Sharon Springs, N. Y., '69-. Newton Tracy Blakeslee, O. W. R.C. 18G4. — Ordained 11 Nov. 1868. Atwater, 0., '68-70. — s.s. Union ch., Berlin, Wis., '70-. Addison Blanchard, Me. B.C. 1863. — Ordained 9 Sept. 1868. South Bridgton, Me., 'G8-. William Augustus Boswoutxi, O. Mar. C. 1863. — Albert Bowers, N. H. D. C. 1 863. — Ordained 28 Feb. 1869. Macon, Mo., s.s. '68-69 ; p. 'G9-. Ezra Brainerd, Yt. M. C. 1864. — Prof. Rhet., Eng. Lit,, and Eloc, Mid. Coll., Middlebmy, Yt., '68-. John Wesley Churchill, Yt. H. C. 1865.— Ordained 30 April 1869. Prof. Elocution, Theol. Seni., Andover, Ms., '68-. De Witt Scoville Clark, Ms. A. C. 1SG3.— Ordained 11 Nov. 1868. Clinton, Ms., '68-. BEN.JAMIN Drake Conkling, Ohio. Mar.C. 1865. — Ordained 23 Dec. 1868. Kent, O., '68-. Joseph Cook, N. Y. II. C. 18G5. — Temp, sup.. East Abington, Ms., Middlebury, Yt., Maiden, Ms., etc., 'G8-'70. Also, Res. Lie, Andover, Ms. —s.s. First ch., Lynn, Ms., '70-. James Wesley Cooper, Ct. 3'. C — Ordained 10 Sept. 1868. Rockport, Ms., '68-. Ethan Curtis, Ms. W.C. 1866. — Ordained 14 Oct. 18G8. Camden, N. Y., '68-. Marshall Munroe Cutter, Ms. H. C. 1864. — Ordained 29 Dee. 1868. Ashland, Ms., '68-. Charles Thomas Dering, N. Y. Ham-C. 18G4. — Ordained 9 March 1870. Rosemond, lll.,.s.s. 'G9-'70; p '70-. Henry Cary Dickinson, Wis. Bel. C. 1 863. — Ordained 4 Feb. 1869. Appleton, Wis., s.s. '68-69 ; p. 'G9-. James Gregory Dougherty, R. L B. U. 1865. — s.s. South Law- rence, Ms., 'G8-'69. — Ordained 3 June 1870. First ch., Cliillicothe, Mo., '70-. Ellis Richmond Drake, Ms. B.C. 1862. — Ordained 10 Nov. 1868. Wayland, Ms., '6 8-. 239 18G8. John Edgar, Pa. —.—Ordained 18G9. Presb. ch., Mount Joy, Pa., 'G9-. Hermann FiCKE, Germany. — . — Ordained 14 April 1870. German Cong, ch., Dubuque, lo., s.s. 'G8-'70 ; p. '70-. George Henry French, N. H. D. C. 18G3. — s.s. Auburn, Ms., 'C8-'G9. — Res. Lie., Andover, Ms., 'G9-. Sereno Dwight Gammell, Ms. A. C. ISG:.. — Ordained 9 Sept. 18G8. First ch., Boxford, Ms., 'G8-. Lewis Gregory, Ct. Y.C. 18G4. — Ordained 15 Oct. 18G8. West Amesbury, Ms., '68-. Thomas Lafon Gulick, Hawaiian Isl. W. C. 1865. — City Mis- sionary, New York, '68-'69. — s.s. Am. Presb. ch., Montreal, Que., '70. — Ordained, Evang., 15 May 1870.— AzEL Washburn Hazen, Vt. D. C. 1863. — Ordained 10 March 18G9. First ch., Middletown, Ct., '69-. Charles Lawrexce Hubbard, Yt. D. C. 1865. — Ordained 2 Sept. 18G8. Mcrrimp.ck, N. ?!., '68-. *Charles Edward Lane, N. H. A. C. 1865. — Not ordained. — Died, at Stratham, N. H., 1 7 Aug. 1868, aged 30. David Dana Marsh, Yt. D.C. 1865. — Ordained 16 Sept. 18G8. Memorial ch., Georgetown. M<., '68-. Henry Grimes Marshall, Ct. Y.C. I860. — s.s. Avon, Ct., '68-. Daniel Merriman, III. W.C. 1863. — Ordained ;^0 Sept. 1868. Broadway ch., Norwich, Ct., '6S-. Henry Pitt Page, N. H. D.C. 1861. — Ordained 10 Sept. 1868. Missionary, Western Turkey, '68-. Webster Patterson, Yt. D.C. 1865.— Ordained 28 April 1870. s.s. Chestnut St. ch., Lynn, Ms., '70-. Joseph Carlton Plumb, N. Y. — . — s.s. Fort Scott, Kan., '68-. John Phelps- Taylor, Ms. Y.C. 1862. — Ordained 12 Nov. 18G8. South ch., Middletown, Ct., '68-. Philander Thurston, Ms. A. C. 1865. — Ordained 19 Jan. 1869. s.s. EastMachias, Me., '68-'69. — Sudbury, Ms., '70-. Joseph AVari), R.L B.U. 1865. — Ordained 1869. Yank- ton, Dak., 'G9-. William Harrington Warren, Ms. H. C. 1865. — Ordained 7 Dec. 1869. Plymouth ch., St. Louis, Mo., '69-. 1868. 18G9. Henry Mitchell Whitney, ISIs. Y. C. 1864. — Ordained 12 May 1869. Geneva, 111., '69-. Will Converse Wood, Ms. II. C. 1860. — Ordained 15 Oct. 1868. Lanesville, Ms., 'G8-'70. — Myrox Samuel Dudley (2), Vt. W.C. 1863.— Joiix Irving Forbes (1+), Ta. U. P. 1861. — Episc. DIv. School, Philadelphia, Pa., 1868. — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, — Church of the Nativity, South Bethlehem, Pa., ('70)-. Holland Bard Fry (1), O. O. C. 1865. — s.s. Presb. ch.. Upper Sandusky, ()., ('69). — Ordained 5 Jan. 1870. Cong-, di., Carthage, Mo., '70-. James Hattrick Lee (1+), Ms. A. C. 1864. — Univ. Tubingen, Wurtemberg, '67-'68. — Episc. Theol. Sch., Cambridge, Ms., '68-'6 9. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 2 March 1869; priest, 30 Jan. 1870.— St. John's ch., Lawrence, Ms., '70- Samuel Wells Powell (1), Ms. — . — Chicago Theol. Seni., '67-'68. — Edward More Williams (1), 111. Y. C. 1864. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1868. — Ordained 25 Feb. 1869. s.s. Austin, Minn., '69-. 1869. Laban Wiieaton Allen, N. H. A. C. 1866. — Ordained 13 Oct. 1869. South Braintree, Ms., '69-. Samuel Bell, Ms. D. C. 1866.— Ordained 1 Sept. 1869. Groton Junction, Ms., '69-. James Brand, Que. Y.C. 1866. — Ordained 6 Oct. 1869. Maple st. ch., Danvers, Ms., "69-. Charles Sylvester Brooks, Ms. A. C. 1863. — Ordained 15 Sept. 1869. Tyngsborough, Ms., '69-. WiLLARD Deming Brown, Yt. M. C. 1 866. — S.S. Gilbertvillc, Ms., '69-. Leander Trowbridge Chaimberlain, Ms. Y.C. 1863. — Ordained 27 Oct. 1869. New England ch., Chicago, 111., '69-. 31 241 . 1869. David Augustus Easton, Ohio. B.C. 18C5.- — Ordained 29 Dec. 1869. Danbury, Ct., 'G9-. Ebenezer Nichols Ferxald, Me. A.C. 1SG2. — Ordained 12 Nov. 1869. First Freewill Bapt. eh., Wintlirop, Ms., '69-. LuciEN Haskell Fraiiv, N. II. D.C. 1866. — Ordained 7 Oct. 1869: Middleton, Ms., 'G9-. Daniel Crosby Greene, Ms. D.C. 1864. — Ordained 28 July 1869. Missionary, Japan, now res. Iliogo, '69-. George Harris, Jr., Me. A. C. 1866. — Ordained 6 Oct. 1869. Higli St. ch., Auburn, Mo., '6 9-, John Pease Harsen, N. Y. N.Y. C. 1864. — s.s. Prcsb. cli., Martins- burg, N. Y., '68. — Charles Elliott Hakwood, Ms. A.C. 1865. — s.s. East Machias, Me., '70-. George Alfred Hood, N.J. N.J. C. 1866. — Ordained 30 Sept. 1869. Sup't Freedmen, Savannah, Ga., '69-'70. — w.c. Chester, Pa., '70-. Edavard Seymour Huntress, N. II. W.C. — Ordained 3 Sept. 1869. ' s.s. Wareham, Ms., '69-. George Henry Ide, Vt. D.C. 1865. — Ordained 28 Oct. 1869. Ilopklnton, Ms., '69-. Henry Erastus Jeavett, Vt. A.C. — s.s. Redwood, Cal., '69-. EvARTS Bradford Kent, Vt. INI. C. 1865. — s.s. Sterling, Ms., '69-. George Trumbull Ladd, . Ohio. W.R.C. 1864. — Ordained 26 May 1870. s.s. Edinburg, O., '69-. Henry Marden, N. H. D:C. 1862.— Ordained 2 Sept. 1869. Mis- sionary, Aintab, Central Turkey, '69-. George Thomas Packard, Me. B.C. 186G. — Candidate for Orders In the Prot. Episc. Church, and now In charge of " The Chnpel of the Holy Trinity," New York. Leroy Matthew Pierce, Vt. M. C. 1866.- Ordained 4 Feb. 1870. s.s. Glenwood, Mo., 'G9-. Isaac Pxerson, Ct. Y. C. 1866. — s.s. Harwich Port, Ms., '69-'70.— Ordained 30 INIarch 1870. (Now under app. A. B. C. F. M., for North China.) James Powell, Eng. D.C. 18G6. — Ordained 24 Nov. 1869. North ch., Newburyport, Ms., '69-. 18G1). Cyrus Richardson, M^*. D. C. 18G4. — Ordained 30 Sept. 1809. riymoutli, N. II., 'GO-. William IIexry Rydku, Ohio. O. C. ISGt!. — Ordained 14 Dec 18(J9. Watertown, "^Vi^■., '(19-. Frank Dana Stediman Sargent, INIs. A.C. 18GG. — Ordained 20 Oct. 1869. Brookliue, N. II., 'G9-. Alvan FooTE SiiERKiLL, Que. McG. U. 18G4. — Ordained 5 Jan. 1870. First ch., Omaha City, Neb., s.s. '69-70 ; p. '70-. Samuel Bingham Shipman, Ohio. Mar. C. 18G4. — Ordained 13 Jan. 1870. Atwatcr, 0., '70-. Thomas Snell Smith, Ceylon. A.C. 18GG. — s.s. Charlemont, Ms., '70-. Henry Albert Stimson, N. Y. Y. C. 18G5. — Ordained 25 May 1870. Plymouth ch., Minneapolis, Minn., s.s. 'G9-'70 ; p. '70-. Charles Abraham Gardner Thurston, ]\Is. B. U. 18GG. — s.s. Bradford, N. H., '69-. James Augustus Towle, Ms. II. C. 18G0. — Res. Newton Centre, Ms. Henry Crosby Weston, Ms. A.C. 18GG. — Ordained 13 Oct. 18G9. North Bennington, Vt., 'G9-. Daniel McKay Breckenridge (1), O. INIar. C. 18G6. — Ordained 21 Sept. 1869. s.s. Clinton, Wis., '69-. William Merrick Bristoll (2), Ct. Y. C. 1860. — Not ordained. — Trof. Latin, Ripon Coll., Wis., 'G9-. Charles Chester Cragix (1-f), 111. B.U. 1863. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1869. — Ordained 16 Feb. 1870. Owatonna, Minn., '70-. Homer Taylor Fuller (1), N. II. D.C. 1864. — Union Theol. Sem., 1869. — Ordained 19 Jan. 1870. s.s. Peshtigo, Wis., '70-. Horace Sylvester Shapleigh (1+), Me. — . — Ordained 8 Dec. 1869. South Egremont, Ms., '69-. Edward Pay'SON Smith (1—), Ms. A.C. 186.5. — Teacher, Willis- ton Sem., Easthampton, Ms., 'G8-. Charles Augustus Towle (2), N. H. D.C. 1864. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1869.— Ordained 29 May 1869. Sandwich, 111., '69-. Samuel Henderson Virgin (2), Ms. H.C. — Ordained 27 Oct. 1868. Broadway ch., Somerville, Ms., '68-. 18G9. 1870. Martin Luther Williston (2), Ms. A. C. 18C4. — Union Theol. Sera., 1869. — Ordained 3 March 1870. Flushing, N. Y., '70-. SPECIAL COURSE. George Warrex Barber ('G7-'G9), Ms. A. C. 18G 7. — Home Mis- sionary, Greenville and vie, Me., '69-. Frank Gray Clark ('67-'69), Ms. A.C. 1862. — Ordained 2 Sept. 1869. City Missionary, Manchester, N. II., '69-. Thomas Albert Emerson ('67-69), Ms. Y. C. 1863. — Ordained 25 Nov. 1869. Wolfeborough, N. H., '69-. 1870. Amory Howe Bradford, N. Y. ILun.C. I.s6 7. — Horace Bumstead, Ms. Y''. C. 1863.^ Michael Burnham, Ms. A.C. 1867. — Charles Edwin Cooledge, Ms. A.C — Sidney Craavford, Ms. A.C. 1861.— Henry Morton Dexter, N. II. Y^C. 1867. — Albert Eli.tah Dunning, Ct. Y". C. 1867.— John Lewis Ewell, Ms. Y^C. 1865.— Jeremiah Ellsworth Fullerton, Me. B.C. 1865. — James Taylor Graves, Vt. Y.C. 1866.— Frederick Augustus Hand, Ms. W. C. 1867. — Edward Y^'oung Hincks, Me. Y^ C. 1866. — Francis Theodore Ingalls, Ms. AV. C. 1864.— John Henry Jones, Wales. W.R.C. 1867.— Lucian Dwight Meaks, Wis. Bel. C. 1862.— James Fiske Merriam, Ms. Y'. C. 1867. — Charles Henry Merrill, N. H. D. C 186 7. — Charles Langdon Mitchell, N. Y^ Y''. C. 1866. — Nathan Round Nichols, N. Y''. M.C. 1866. — George Lyman Njms, N. H. M. C. 1865. — George Herbert Palmer, !Ms. H. C. 1864. — 1870. Charles Ware Park, Ms. A.C. 18G7.— John Warren Partridge, Ms. Y.C. 1867.— Henry Dwight Porter, Wis. Bel.C. 1867.— Andrew Jackson Rogers, Ms. B.U. 1807.^ Charles McLellan Southgate, Micli. Y.C. 1866. Charles Edward Sumner, Ms. Y.C. 1863. — Thomas Rigney Willard, 111. K. C. 1866.— Arthur Brooks (1), Ms. H. C. 1867. — Episc. Div. Sch., Phil, Pa., 1870.— Theodore Lansing Day (2), Ms. Y.C. 1867. — Tutor, Yale Coll., '69-. Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '69-. Elijah Janes (1), Cal. Cal. C. 1865. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1870.— ^William Tilton Patterson (2), Ohio. Wg. C. 1867. — Died, at Andover, Ms., while a member of the Seminary, 2 July 1869, aged 29. John Carroll Proctor (1), Ms. D. C. 1864. — Teacher, Phillips Acad., Andover, Ms., '65-'6 7. — Tutor, Dart. Coll., '68-' 70; Prof. Greek, '70-. Arthur Henderson Smith (2), Ct. Bel.C. 1867. — Union Theol. Sem., 1870. — S.S. First Presb. eh., Ann Arbor, Mich., '70-. Edward Comfort Starr (1). Ct. Y.C. 1866. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1870.— Moses Buoss Thomas (1—), Pa. AV.C. 1867. — Union Theol. Sem., '68-'69. — Stud. Theol., Williamstown, Ms., '69-. Charles Russell Treat (2+), N.J. AV.C. 1863. — Andover Theol. Sem., '64-'66. — Prof. Physiology, Elocution, and Phys. Cul- ture, Williams Coll., '66-69. Also, s.s. Pownal, Vt., '67, and s.s. South Williamstovrn, Ms., '68. — Ordained 30 March 1870. Marl- borough, Ms., '70-. Thomas Jefferson A^olentine (1), 111. B.U. 1867. — Chicago Theol. Sem., 1870. — p.e. Champaign, 111., '70-. Charles Swan Walker (1), O. Y.C. 1867. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1870.— 245 1870. 1871. SPECIAL COURSE. Thomas Scott BuKNELL ('69-70), Ms. — . — Missionary Printer, JafFna, Ceylon, '49-'55. — Ordained 10 Sept. 1856. Missionary, Meliir, Madura District, South India, '56-69. — Still in the service of A. B. C. F. M. JoHx Walter Lees ('68-'70), Scot. — . — REMAINING CLASSES, 1871. Henry Tucker Arnold, R. I. B. U. Charles Dana Barrows, Me. D. C. 1864. Levi Gilbert Chase, N. H. D. C. 186-2. Charles Terry Collins, Ct. Y.C. 186 7. Ephraim Meacham Corey, Ont. Hills. C. 1868. Oliver Ponieroy Emerson, Hawaiian Isl. W. C. 1868. Austin Samuel Garver, Pa. P. C. Marquis Lafayette Gordon, Pa. Wg. C. 1868. George Anson Jackson, Ms. Soi.Dep., Y. C. 1868. George Whitefield Kinne, Ct. W. C. 1868. Burke Fay Leavitt, Ms. W. C. 1868. Stephen Morrell Newman, Me. B.C. 186 7. LeviRodgers, Vt. D. C. 1866. Charles Henry Rowley, N. Y. M. C. 1S68. Frederick Adolphus Schauffler, Turkey. W. C. 1867. Jesse Porter Sprowls, Pa. Wg. C. 1868. James Brainerd Taylor, Ms. H.C.I 86 7. Louis Bevier Voorhees, N.J. N.J. C. 1868. Jonathan AVadhanis, N. Y. W.C.I 86 7. Joel Fisk Whitney, N. Y. M. C. 1868. Henry Collins Wooilruli; N. Y. Y. C. 1868. Frederic Wyett Fairfield (1—), 111. O.C. 1868. — Chicago Theol. Sem., '70-. 246 1871. 1872. SPECIAL COURSE. Benjamin Stephen Adams ('69-.), Ms. — . William Redfield Stocking ('C9-.), Persia. W. C. Henry Laurens Talbot ('69-.), Me. — . Ludwig Wolfsen ('68-.), Denmark. — . — H. M., s.s. Biddeford, Me. '70-. Mitchell Carver True (1), Me. 1872. Hiram Payson Barnes, O. Ken. C. 1868. Thomas Rissel Beeber, Pa. P. C. 1869. Charles Henry Brooks, Que. McG. U. 1868. John Kittredge Browne, Ms. H. C. 1869. John Scott Copp, Me. Hills. C. 1869. Samuel Howard Dana, Me. Y.C. 1869.' Charles Fletcher Dole, Me. H. C. 1868. Archibald Duff, Scot. McG. U. 1864. William Wells Eaton, Ct. A. C. 1868. James Henry Ecob, N. Y. Ham. C. 1869. Omar White Folsom, N. H. D.C. 1869. Perley Morse Griffin, Ms. Washb. C. 1869. Edward Cleeves Hood, Pa. N.J. C. 1868. Thomas Melbourne May, Australia. — . Albert Weston Moore, Ms. D. C. 1864. Frederic Palmer, Ms. H.C. 1869. Moses Stuart Phelps, Ms. Y.C. 1869. Elihu Root, Ms. A. C. 1867. Stephen Gould Updyke, N.Y. Sci. Dep., Hills. C. 1869. William Haskell Woodwell, Ms. B.C. 1869. Lewis Emerson (1 — ), Ms. — . — UESIDENT STUDENTS/ 181C. Albert Hyde (1 — ). — (Nothing known of him but the entry of his name.) 181G. Nathan Shaw (1—), Ms. W. C. 1814. — Ordained 8 March 1820. West Stockbridge, Ms., '20-'22. — — North Stock- bridge, Ms., '27-'3]. — In business. West Stockbi'idge, Ms., '31-. 1810. Constant Southworth (1—), R.I. M.C. 1815. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1818. — Agent Bangor Theol. Sem., '18-'19. — Or- dained — Presb. ch., Canton, N. Y., '20-'36. — South Canton, N. Y., '. .-'. . — Colporteur, Ohio and Can. — (Said to have been Bible distributer. Fort Wayne, Ind., in '50. Was Colporteur in '54.) 1816. Leonard Withington, d.d. (1—), Ms. Y. C. 1814. — Or- dained 31 Oct. 1816. First eh., Newbury, Ms., '16-. 1818. Henry Wheeler (1 — ). — (Nothing known of him but the entry of his name.) 1821. «WiLLiAM Arms Chapin (1—), N. H. D.C. 1816. — Or- dained 25 Sept. 1826. Craftsbury, Vt., s.s. '22-'26 ; p. '26-'34. — Greensboro', Vt., s.s. '35-'41 ; p. '41-; died there, 27 Nov. 1850, aged 60. 1823. *David Brown (1), Cherokee. — . — In Foreign Mission School, Cornwall, Ct., '20-'22. — Returned to his nation, '24 ; was Sec. of Ind. government, and died, at Creek Path, Cherokee Nation, 14 Sept. 1829, aged . . 1825. *Daniel Newell (1+), — , — s.s. Brownfield, Me., '26- '27.— Ordained 24 Oct. 1827. Bridgton, Me., '27-'30. — s.s. Third Presb. ch., Utica, N. Y., '30. — Winfield, N.Y., '31-'. . — w.c. New York, ('34)-'41. — Editor Christian Family Magazine, New York, '41-'45. — — Died, at Utica, N. Y., 1850, aged . . ' Persons specially allowed the privileges of the Seminary, without being members of classes. The year given is that of the class with which they were last contemporary. Possibly some of the earliest were tcmpornrily connected with particular classes. 248 182G-1844. 182G. Em Nkwtox Sawtki.l, d.d. (1—), N. II. Greon.C. 1823. — Ordained 7 Oct. 1825. Home Missionary, '2.5-28. — Fir.st Presb. cli., Louisville, Ky., '29-30. — Second ch., Louisville, Ky., '30-'3G.— Seamen's Chaplain, Havre, France, '3G-'43 (in U. S., '40-'41). — Sec. For. Evang. Soc, '43-'50. — Prof., Fern. Sem., Cleveland, O., '50-'54. — Seamen's Chaplain, Havre, France, '54-'G4. — Cong, ch., Saratoga, N. Y., '65-'G8. — In Seamen's cause, Philadelphia, Pa., 'G8-'G9. — Finan. Sec. Lincoln Univ., Pa. (res. Saratoga Springs, N.Y.), 'GO-. 1826. Charles Albert Si'OONER (1—), Ms. U.C. 182G. — (Is an Episcopal clergyman, and Teacher at Norwich, Ct.) 1826. *Edward RoYALL Tyler (1—), Vt. Y.C. 1825. — Teacher, Cambridgeport, Ms., '25-'2G. — Andover Theol. Sem., '2G. — Or- dained 27 Dec. 1827. South ch., Middletown, Ct., '27-'32.— Cole- brook,Ct., '33-36. — Agent Am. Anti-Slavery Soc, '3G-'3 7. — Editor Conn. Observer, Hartford, Ct., '38-'42. — Proprietor and Editor, in whole or part, of New Englander, '43- ; died, at New Haiven, Ct., 28 Sept. 1848, aged 48. 1827. Euexezer Putney Salmon (1 — ), Ms. — . — Princeton Theol. Sera., 1831. — Ordained . . Oct. 1831. Home Missionary. — s.s. Eug- gles, O., '30-'31. — s.s. Ridgefield, O., '31-'33. — s.s. Greenfield, O., '32-'35. — s.s. Peru, O., '35-'39. — Fairfield, O., '39-'53. — Bronson, O., '53-'5G. — Plymouth, O., '5G-'60. — Allen's Grove, Wis., 'G0-'64. — s.s. Palmyra, Wis., 'G4-'G5. — s.s. Columbus, Wis., 'G5-'G7. — w.c. Beloit, Wis., 'G7-. 1827. George Palmer Williams, LL.D. (1—), Vt. U.Vt. 1825. — Tutor, Kenyon Coll., '28-'. .— Prof. Ancient Lang., Western Univ., Pa., '. .-'. . — Prof. Lang., Univ. Mich., '41 ; Prof. Math, and Nat. Phil, '41-47; Prof. Physics, '47-. Also, ordained, Episc, 24 Jan. 1847. — St. Andrew's ch., Ann Arbor, Mich., '50-'52. 1828. *Alexaxder Logan (1—), Pa. West. Univ., Pa — Princeton Theol. Sem., 182G. — Ordained 1828 or '29. — w.c. New York, '29-'31 ; Maysville, Ky. (perhaps H.M. or Agent), '31- '32. — s.s. Washington, Ky., '32- ; died (there ?), 1823, aged . . 1830. Abner Barrett (1 — ). — (Nothing more known.) 1830. Edward Jones (2), S. C. A. C. 1826. — Episc. Theol. School, Hartford, Ct., .... — Ordained deacon, Episc, ; priest, . . — Prin. Fourah Bay Christian Institution, Sierra Leone, (•56).- 1844. Daniel Garland Holmes (1—), NIL —. —Theol. Sem., Whitesboro', N. Y., 1846. — Ordained 20 Sept. 1846. F. Bapt. ch., Fairport, N. Y., '4 G-'4 7.— Walworth, N.Y., '47-'57. — City Mis- 32 249 1844-18G8. sionary, Buffalo, N. Y., '57-59. Also, s.s. West Falls, ]S\ Y., '58-60. — Fairport, N. Y., '60-'69. — s s. Prairie Centre, 111., '69-70. Also, Publisher Christian Freeman, Chicago, III., '09. — Sec. and Treas. F. W. Bapt. Missions, Dep't of the West, Chicago, 111., '69-. 1850. John Coombs (1—), Ms. — .— 1856. JoHx Singleton Copley Greene, m.d. (3), Ms. II. C. 1828. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 15 Jan. 1855; priest, 24 Feb. 1856. — Grace ch., Newton, Ms., '56-64. — Cor. Sec. Mass. Ch. Miss. Soc, '64-. Also, assist, rain., St. Paul's ch., Brookline, Ms., ('65)-. 1859. George Reid Ferguson (1), Ms. A. C. 1849.— Ordained, Presb., 5 Sept. 1860. s.s. Cong, ch., North East Centre (now re- moved to Millerton, North East), N.Y., '59-. 1859. Edward Brenton Otiieman (1—), Ms. W. U. 1854.— Ordained, Meth., — Hillside, N. Y., '60-'62. — West Harlem, N. Y., '62-'64. — St. Paul's, New York, '64-65. — Whitlock- ' ville, N.Y., '65-'67. — — Lenox, Ms., '69-. 1860. John Eaton (1+), N. H. D.C. 1854.— Ordained 5 Sept. 1861. Chaplain 27th Ohio Vols., '61-'. . — Colonel U. S. Vols., and Sup't Freedmen, Memphis, Tenn. — Comm'r of Freedmen's Bureau, D.C. — State Sup't of Public Instruction, Tenn., '68-70. — Sup't U. S. Bureau of Education, Washington, D. C, '70-. 1860. AViLLiAM Stratton Palmer (2—), N. H. D.C. 1853.— Or- dained 19 Feb. 1862. Wells River, Vt., '62-. 1864. Henry B. Ensworth (2), N. Y. —. — Ordained 18 Dec. 1867. Pittsburg, Pa., '67-68. — w.c. Philadelphia, Pa., '69-. 1864. George Lyman Locke (1), Ms. H.C. 1859. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 7 Nov. 1863; priest, 29 May 1865. — Assist, miix,, Grace ch., Boston, Ms., '63-'64. — Assist, min., Trinity ch., Boston, Ms., '64-'. .— St. Michael's ch., Bristol, R. L, '68-. 1868. William Wallace Silvester (1—), Ms. — . — Episc. Theol. Sch., Cambridge, Ms., 1868. — Ordained deacon, Episc, 16 April 1868 ; ^jriest, 13 April 1869. — Trinity ch., Norwich, Ct., '69-. 250 RESIDENT licentiates; 1812. *Daxiel Huntington, Ct. Y.C. 1807. 1815. Eleazkr Lord, ll.d., ... — . — 1819. *EiAAs Cornelius, d.d., N.Y. Y.C. 1813. 1819. ItORiNu Daniel Dewey, ... W. C. 1814. 1822. *James Delap Farnswortii, Ms. H.C. 1818. 1822. *JoEL Harvey Linsley, d.d., Vt. M.C. 1811. 1823. *AusTiN Dickinson, Ms. D. C. 1813. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '18. 1824. *George Dana BoARDMAN, Me. C.U. 1822. 1824. *Benjamin AVooDBURY, N. H. D.C. 1817. 1825. *Ed\vard Robinson, D.D., LL.D. (2), Ct. Ham.C. 181G. 1825. Isaac Willey, N. H. D.C. 1822. 182(5. *STEpnEN Crosby, Ct. U.C. 1814. 1827. Thomas A. Ogden, ... N.J.C. 1821. 1830. *Herman Hooker, D.D., A^t. M.C. 1825. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '27-'28. — Episc. Theol. Sem., Va., 1832. 1830. Barnas Sears, D.D., LL.D., Ms. B.U. 1825. — Newton Theol. Sem., 1828. 1830. *Setii Spencer AViiitman, Vt. Ham.C. 1825. 1831. John Trumbull Backt^s, d.d., Ct. C. C. 1827. — Princeton Theol. Sera., 1830, 1 This list includes only such persons as were specially admitted to the privileo;es of the Seminary. The year is that of the Cia-is with which the person was last contemporary. The place of Theological Education is given, when in a puhlic institution. No name found in the foregoing Catalogue is here given. 1831-1842. 1831. Joiix W. Cunningham, Teun. Wash. Coll., 'renti., — ^ Princeton Tlieol. Sem., 1829. 1831. Elliot Palmek, Ct. —. — Bangor Tlieol. Sem., 1829. 1831. Charles P. Russell, Ms. — . — 1833. William J. Keith, Tenn. — .■ — Southwestern Theol. Sem., Maryville, Tenn., .... 1834. *Lorenzo AVarkiner Pease, Ms. Ham. C. 1828. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1832. 1835. Leonid AS L. Smith, Va. H.-S.C — Union Tlieol. Sem., Va., '30-'31. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '31-'32. 1835. *Samuel Budd Swaim, d.d., N.J. B.U. 1830. — Newton Theol. Sem., 1832. 1835. Isaac Redington Worcester, m.d.,, Ms. — . — 1837. *JoHN VosE Beane (2), N. H. D.C. 1832. 1837. Nelson Bishop (3), Ct. —. —Bangor Theol. Sem., 182 7. 1837. Edward N. Harris (3), 1837. John Orcutt, N. H. — .— 1839. William Ives Budington, d.d., Ms. Y. C. 1834. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1838. 1839. LooMis Hoyt Pease, Ct. TF.C — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1838. 1840. Charles Adams, D.D., ... B.C. 1833. 1840. Stedman Wright Hanks, Ct. A. C. 1837. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1840. 1840. Hexry Neill, D.D., Pa. A. C. 1834.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1839. 1840. Moses Mighels Smart, Ms. C.U. 1836. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1839. 1841. Ephraim Chambers, Ms. — . — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1839. 1841. Ambrose Prentiss Merrill, Me. W.U. 1834. 1842. *Bex.iamin Smith Corbett, Ms. B.U. 1837. — Newton Theol. Sem., 1840. 1842. Zaciiariah Atwell Mudge, Me. — . — 1842. Austin Phelps, D.D., Ms. U.P. 183 7. — TheoL Dep., Yale Coll., '39. 1842. Joseph Addison Saxton, Ct. U.N. Y. 1835. — Union Theol. Sem., 1839. 252 1842-1849. 1842. H. Augustus WoomiAX, Ms. — .— 1844. *JosEPH Merriam Grout, Ms. Y.C. 1840. — Tlieol. Dop., Yale Coll., 1843. 1814. J. Wesley True, 1844. Cjiarles Willey, \t. — . — 1845. Edward Pratt, Ms. — . — Gilmantou Theol. Sem., 1844. 1845. Henry P. Tassey', 1846. William T. Brigos, Ms. O.I. 1844. — Tlicol. Dep., O.I., '44-45. 184G. Samuel Witt Eaton, Ms. Y.C. 1842. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1845. 184 7. James B. Harbison, Ky. Cr. C — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1846. 1 84 7. J. Merrill, — (Bangor Theol. Sem., 1844 ?) 1847. *SoLOMON DwiGirr Pitkin, Ms. A. C. 1843. — Union Theol. Sem., '43-'45. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1846. 1847. Cyrus Smith Richards, ll.d., Vt. D. C. 1835. 1547. W. W. Robinson, 184 7. Charles Noyes Todd, Ms. A. C. 1839. — Union Theol. Sem., 184G. 1818. *Samuel Hurlbut, Vt. M.C. 1839.— Union Theol. Sem., 1845. 1548. Jacob Marshall, Pa. — Newton Theol. Sem., '..-'. . 1848. Daniel Parker NoYES, Ms. Y. C. 1840. 1848. J. P. Pkrry, 1848. B. HoHANNES DER Saiiaky'AN, TurkcY. — . — Ordained, in Adabazar, Turkey, 1849. 1848. Edward Sweet, Ms. Y. C. 1844. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 184 7. 1848. Daniel Herbert Temple, Smyrna. A. C. 1843. — Bangor Theol. Sem., '44-'46. 1819. William Ely Boies, Ms. Y. C. 1844. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1848. 1849. EzEKiEL Do^v (2), N. H. — .— 1849. Henry Marty'n Goodwin, Ct. Y. C. 1840. — Union Theol. Sem., '43-'45. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1846. 25.3 1849-1853. 1849. *WiLLrAM Sidney HuGGiNS, Ct. Y.C. 1842. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1848. 1849. J. N. Jones, 1850. Hkxry Isaac Coe, lud. B. U. 184G. — Princeton Theol. Sem., '4 7-'49. 1850. Charles Eliphalet Lord, N. II. 1). C. 1838. — Union Theol. Sem., '39-'41. — Theol. Dep., Y:ile Coll., '41-'42. — Auburn Theol. Sem., 1848. 1850. Charles H. Marshall, N. H. Wab.C. 1844 — Lane Theol. Sem., 1848. 1850. *WrLLiAM C. Whitcomb (3), N. II. —.—Gilmanton Theol. Sem., 1847. 1851. Allyn Stanley Kellogg, Ct. W. C. 1846. — Theol. De])., Yale Coll., 1850. 1851. OPvLAndo Henry White, Ms. A. C. 1846. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1849. 1851. Eliphalet Whittlesey, Ct. Y. C. 1843. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1850. 1852. Franklin Holmes, Ms. Y. C. 1846. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1850. 1852. *Chesteu Newell Righter, N.J. Y. C. 1846. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1849. 1853. George F. Bacon (2), Ohio. U.N.Y. 1837. — Lane Theol. Sem., 1848. 1853. Simon Barrows, Ms. D.C 1842. — Union Theol. Sem., '42-'43. 1853. . Erastus Chester, ... W. B.C. 1848. 1853. Stephen Rollins Dennen, Me. C. U. 1849. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852. 1853. Franklin Woodbury FiSK, D.D., N.H. Y.C. 1849. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1852. 1853. L II. Northrop, N.Y. 1853. *Daniel Webster Pickard, Me. B. C. 1848. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852. 1853. Cornelius Reimensnyder, Ohio. — . — Lane Theol. Sem., 1845. 254 1853-1857. 1853. Alfrkd LoRiNG Skinnkr, Me. Y.C. 1S49. —Bangor Theol. Sem., 1852. 1853. JoHX Smith, 1853. D. Thompson, 1853. *JosEiMi BiNFORP Tufts, Ms. H.C. 1849. — Harvard DIv. School, 1852. 1854. William Barker Clarke, Ct. Y.C. 1849. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1853. 1855. Thomas S. Goonwix (2), — Theol. Dep., Ken. C, 1855. Charles Josiah IIutchins, Pa. Y'.C. 1849. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1853. 1855. Jacob Ide, Jr., Ms. A. C. 1848. 1855. Levi Gardner Marsh, N. Y. A. C. 1851. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1854. 1855. Hugh McLeod, R. I. A. C. 1851. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1854. 1855. Egbert Coffin Smyth, d.i>., Me. B.C. 1848. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1853. 1856. *Nathaniel Bailey Blanchard, Ms. A.C. 1853. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855. 1856. *Henri Byron Haskell, M.D., ... Med. School of Maine, 1855. 1856. Ebenezer S. Jordan, — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855. 1856. Theodore Thornton Munger, N.Y. Y.C. 1851. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1855. 1856. Johnson L. Tomlinson, Ct. — . — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1855. 1856. Findlay Wallace, Scotland. — . — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855. 1857. Amos Abbott, N. H. —.—Missionary of A. B. C. F. M., in India, '57-'69. .... Ebenezer Douglass, ... A.C. 1851. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855. Timothy DwiGHT, D.D., Ct. Y.C. 1849. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '51-'53. .... CuTHBERT H. Powell, N.Y. . . . . Andrew Jackson Willard, ... Y.C. 1853. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1856. 255 1858-18G5. 1858. *CnAKLES Brooks, Ms. Y. C. 1853. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '56-'57. 1858. Kinsley Twining, Ct. Y. C. 1853. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 185G. 1858. George Leon Walker, Vt. —. — Ordained, in Portland, Me., U Oct. 1858. 1859. Blackford CoNDiT, Ind. Wab. C. 1854.— Lane Theol. Sem., 1857. 1860. George A. Rogers, Ms. — . — Meth. Inst., 1860. J.A.Ross, ... Free Ch. Coll., ... . 1861. William Elliott Bassett, Ct. Y.C. 1850. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1854. 1861. Augustus Berry, N. H. — . — 1861. Francis Eugene Butler, Ms. Y.C. 1857. — Princeton Theol. Sem., 1860. 1861. Jacob B. Davis, N. H. — . — 1861. James PiLLSBURY Lane, N. H. A. C. 1857. 1861. A. B. Meservey, Me. — .— 1862. Edward Griffin Beckwitii (2), Ms. W. C. 1849. 1862. John McKiNLEY, Ms. —.— New Hampton Theol. Sem., ... . 1862. Daniel Augustus Miles, Ms. Y.C. 1858. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1861. 1862. Lorenzo J. White (2), lo. "O. C. 1851. — Theol. Dep., Oberlin Coll., 1854. 1863. Jonathan McDuffie Brewster, N. IL D.C. 1860. New Hampton Theol. Sem., 1862. 1863. Joseph Francis Dudley, N. H. D. C. 1858. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1862. 1863. Martin Nelson Root, m.d., Ms. A. C. 1849. 1864. Edward Payson Ingersoll, ll.b. (2), Ohio. W.C. 1855. 1865. Samuel Haven Hilliard, Ms. H.C. 1859.— Gen. Theol. Sem., New York, 1863. 1865. Henry M. Holliday, Ohio. — . — Lane Theol. Sem., '62-64. 1865. George Huntington, Ct. — . — s.s. Charles st. ch., Provi- dence, R.L, '65-'70. 18GG-1870. 1866. Wii.i.iAM Henry Bkakd, Ms. —. — Union Tlieol. Scni., 1805. 1866. William II. Dowden, Ms. —.— Ordained, in rdham, Ms., 5 Nov. 1863. 1866. Hugh Elder, Scot. U.Ed. — Cong. Theol. Hall, Edinburgli, Scot. 1860. Mason Noble, Jr., N. Y. W.C. 1862. — Union Theol. Sem., 1805. 1806. J. C. Phelps, S. C. — 1866. Benjamix A. Robie, Me. —. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1865. 180 7. Ephraim Flint (-2), Ms. W.C. 1851. 1867. James E. Hall, Ms. —. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1800. 1807. Edwix J. Hart (2), ... —. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1855. 1807. Leverett AViLSON Spring, Vi. W.C. 1863. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1806. 1867. William Augustus Thompson, Ct. D.C. 1860. — Theol. Inst. Conn., 1863. 1808. Amos Franklin SiiATTUCK (2), N. H. A. C. 1859. — Union Theol. Sem., 1802. 1809. Albion Henry Johnson, Me. B.C. 1801. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1864. 1869. Edward Ezra Lamb, Ms. O. AV. U. 1858. —Theol. Dep., O. W. U., 1858. 1869. Edward Newman Packard, Me. B.C. 1862. — Bangor Theol. Sem., 1866. 1870. John Francis Aiken, Ms. D.C. 1858. 1870. George Sherwood Dkkerman, Ct. Y. C. 1865. — Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., 1808. 1870. Theodore Constantine Pratt, Ms. A.C. 1870. William Henry Teel, N. Y. Ilam.C. 1863. — Union Theol. Sem., 1867. 3.3 257 ALPHABETICAL CATALOGUE/ Name. Year. Abbe, Frederic Randolph 1S55 t Abbot, Charles 183S Abbot, Epiiraim 181(» tt Abbott, Amos 185 7 Abbott, Charles Edward 183 7 Abbott, Cliarles Frederick 18G1 fAbbott, Edward ~ 1803 Abbott, Ephraiiu Eliphalet Pearson 186 7 fAbbott, Gorham Dummer 1831 fAbbott, Jacob IS-if) Abbott, John Stevens Cabot 1829 Abbott, Joseph 1830 Abbott, Samuel Phillips 1840 Abbott, Sereno Timothy 1836 Abell, James 1822 Abraham, Judah Isaac 1829 Adams, Azariah 1825 §11 Adams, Benjamin Stephen 1871 tt Adams, Charles 1840 f.-Vdams, Charles Baker 183 7 Adams, Darwin 1827 Adams, Edwin Augustus 1868 Adams, Eli 182 7 A lams, Ephraim 1843 f Adams, Freilerick Augustus 183 7 Adams, George Athearn 1851 Adams, George Eliasliib 1826 A lams, George Moultou 1850 Adams, Harvey f Adams, Henry f Adams, Jasper Adams, John Ripley Adams, Jonathan f Adams, Joseph Augustus Name. Year. Adams, Lucien Harper 1861 A.huns, Nehemiah 1829 Adams, Solomon 1823 f Adams, Weston Bela 1822 Adams, William 1S30 f Adams, William Boyd 1833 f Adams, William Hooper 1863 fAdger, James 1836 Aiken, Cliarles Augustus 1853 Aiken, Edward 1855 tt Aiken, John Francis 1870 Aiken, Samuel Clark 1817 f Aiknian, Alexander 1828 Albee, Solon 1859 Albro, John Adams 1827 Alcott, William Penn 1865 Alden, Ebenezer 1843 Alden, Edmund Kimball 1848 Alden, Ezra Judson 1850 Alden, Henry Mills - 18.60 Alden, Lucius 1825 f Alexander, Caleb 1848 Alexander, Walter Scott 1861 Alger, William James 1850 f Allen, Alden 1867 Allen, AlexanderVietsGriswold 1865 Allen, Cyrus Williams 1829 Allen, David Oliver 1827 f Allen, Diarca Howe 1834 1843 j f Allen, Ephraim Williams 1841 1831 I Allen, Frederick Baylies 1806 1819 Allen, (reorge Esdras 1853 1826 ! Allen, Harrison 1828 1815 Allen, Henry 1852 184 7 i Allen, Henry Freeman 1863 1 Marks prefixed to names denote as follows : \, Sjiccial Course ; \, Resident Students ; %%, Resident Licentiates ; ||, memhers of Classes yet remaining in the Seminary. Persons of either description, leaving the Seminary without com- pleting the course, have the mark t added to the descriptive mark of the Course ; f with no other mark, denotes persons not completing the Full Course. Those without mark are Graduates in the Full Course. The " year" denotes the year of graduation of the Class of which the person was a member, or with which he was last contemporary. 258 259 Name. Allen, John Wheelock Allen, Laban Wlieaton Allen, Orson Parda f Allen, Ilollin Diarcallemenway Allen, Rowland llussey fAllen, Solomon Metcalf Allen, Stephen Tliom^ison Allender, Thomas f Ambi-ose, Thomas Lyford Anderson, James Anderson, Rufiis Andrews, Uavid Andrews, George Whitefield jAndrus, Joseph Ra])hael f Anketell, John fAnstice, Henry Anthony, George Nelson Anthony, Julius C. Appleton, Samuel Gilman fApthorp, William Perkins Arms, Selah Root Arms, William Arms, William Frederick Armsby, Lauren II Arnold, Henry Tucker Asbury, Samuel Ralph Ash, George Wasiiington Ashhy, John Langdon f Atkins, Benjamin Franklin Atknison, George Henry f Atkinson, Kinsman Atkinson, Robert t Atwater, William Woodruff Atwood, Edward Suiuncjr f Austin, Samuel John fAverell, Bradford Young Avery, John H. Avery, William Fisher fAxtell, Henry Ayer, Franklin Deming •f Ayres, Rowland Babb, Thomas Earle Babbit, Calvin Washington Babbitt, James Howard Babcock, Daniel Hutchinson Babeock, Elisha Gulliver f Backus, John Chester jjBackus, John Trumbull flJacon, George Blagden JtBacon, George F. JBacon, Leonard f Bacon, Leonard Woolsey JBadger, Milton fBadger, Samuel Year. Namo. Year. 1837 Bailey, James Munroe 1846 18C9 fBailey, Nathaniel Purdy 1849 1855 fBailey, Rufus William 1818 1844 fBailey, Tiiomas 1840 18G5 Bailey, Winthrop 1810 181G Baird, John Gunn 1857 1837 Baker, Abijah Richardson 1835 18G4 Baker, Ariel Anson 1854 1S59 fBaker, Curtis Phelps 1825 1828 tBaker,John 1835 1822 Baker, Luke C. 1833 1839 Baker, Oliver 1834 186 7 Baker, Silas 1831 1816 Baldwin, Abram Elisha 1858 1858 Baldwin, Benson C. 1822 1865 Baldwin, Burr 1813 1855 fBaldwin, Cyrus 1842 1835 Baldwin, Elihu Whittlesey 1817 1834 Baldwin, Elijah 1815 1832 fBaldwin, John Abeel 1834 1821 Bale, Albert Galliford 1868 1833 Ballantine, Henry 1834 1859 Ballard, John 1834 1845 fBallard, Josiah 1837 IS 71 Bancroft, Cecil Franklin Patch 1867 1860 Bancroft, James Henry 1842 1842 Banister, Seth Warriner 1839 1840 Barber, AUinson Darius 1848 1842 § Barber, George Warren 1869 1846 f Barbour, Isaac Richmond 1822 1837 Barbour, Nelson 1834 1841 Barbour, William McLeod 1861 1849 Bard, George IngersoU 1860 1856 fBardwell, David McGee 1842 185 7 Bardwell, Horatio 1814 1864 Barker, Nathaniel 1825 183 7 Barker, William 1811 1854 Barks, Joseph Van Horn 1848 1830 fBarnard, Lucius Erastus 1858 1859 JBarnes, Charles Montgomery 1859 1845 Barnes, Edwin 1826 II Barnes, Hiram Payson Barnes, John Rodney 1872 1868 1865 1829 Barnum, Herman Norton 1855 1868 tBarr, Joseph Welch 1833 1839 JBarrett, Abner 1830 1828 fBarrett, John Perry 186 7 1834 t Barrett, Sanmel 1824 1831 ||Barrows, Charles Dana 1871 1861 Barrows, Homer 1834 1853 Barrows, John Otis 1863 1823 JJBarrows, Simon 1853 1854 fBartlett, Charles L. 1834 1827 Bartlett, Edward Totterson 1868 1843 Bartlett, Joseph 1843 260 Name. Tear. Bartlett, Samuel Colcord 1842 Bartley, John McClench 1830 B irton, Alanson Saltinarsh 18()1 fBirton, Frederick Augustus 183(i Barton, John 1822 Barton, Samuel Dickinson 1834 Bascom, John 1811 Bascom, John 185a Bascom, Riynolds 181!) JJBassett, William Elliott 18()1 Bitchelder, John 1830 B itcheliler, John Stockman 185G fHites, David 1811 Bites, Elisha Dickinson 1855 B ites, James 182(; B ites, James Atwood 1860 Bites, Philander 183 7 Bites, Samuel Lysander 18G3 fBates, Sylvanus 1840 Bites, William 1840 B itt, William -James 1858 fBaugher, Henry Louis 1861 Beach, Nathaniel 1836 Beaman, Charles C. 183 7 Beaman, Gamaliel Carter 1831 Bean, David Marks 1862 JfBeane, John Vose 183 7 Beane, Samuel 1840 Beard, El win Spencer 1862 Beard, Spencer Field 1827 ttBeard,Wdliam Henry 186C iBecker, Georixe Lewis 1855 HBeckwith, Edward Griffin 1862 Beckwith, (ieorge Augustus I860 Beckvvlth, (jreorge Cone 1826 fBeebe, Albert Graham 1854 Beebe, Hubbard 183 7 ||Beeber, Thomas Rissel 18 72 fBeecher, P^dward 182 7 fBeecher, George Buckingham 1864 fBeecher, James Chaplain 185 7 fBelden, Henry 183s Belden, Pomeroy 1836 Biilknap, Horace 1820 Bell, James M. 185 7 Bell, Samuel 1869 fBellows, Thomas 1831 •j-Beman. Samuel 1835 Benedict, Amzi 1818 Benjamin, Nathan 1834 f Benjamin, Theodore Hiram 1856 Bennett, Joseph 1821 Bennett, Joseph Lamson 1848 Benson, Homer Henry 1844 fBent, George 1853 Name. Year. Bent, Joseph Avery 1853 tJBerry, Augustus 18(il Bigelow, Asahel 1826 Bigelow, Jonathan 1820 Bigelow, Warren 1.S54 Bidings. Richard Salter 1850 Bingham, Hiram, sen. 1.S19 tBingham, Hiram 1842 I Bingham, Hiram, jun. 185 7 Bingham, Luther Goodyear 1825 tBirch. Robert 1837 Birchanl, Eliphalet 1846 Birchard, William Metcalfe 1841 Bird, Isaac 1820 fBinl, Richard Ridgely 1860 Bird, Thom|)son 1833 Bird, William 1S50 fBirney, James 1841 I5iscoe, George Street 1860 fBisliop, George Sayles 1864 ilBishop, Nelson 1837 t Bishop, Thomas Wetmore 186 7 Bittinger,, John Quincy 1860 Bittinger, Joseph Baugher 1849 Bixby, Joseph Perry _ 1861 fBlack, John H. 1829 Blackmer, Joel 1840 P)lag(len, George Washington 1826 fBlaisdale, Silas 1821 Blaisdell, Joshua James 1852 Blake, Lyman Horace 186 7 Blake, Silas Leroy 1864 Biakeslee, Newton Tracy 1868 flBlakesley, Samuel Valentine 1847 Blanchard, Addison 1868 Blanchard, Amos 1828 flManchard, Amos 1829 Bhinchanl. Edmund Harvey 1852 tBlaiicliard, Ira Henry Thomas 1821 fl^lanchard, Jonathan 1837 ilBlanchard, Nathaniel Bailey 1856 Blanchard, Silas INIorrison 1849 t Blanchard, William Stinson 1844 Bliss, Asher 1832 Bliss, Charles Robinson 1858 Bliss, Daniel 1855 Bliss, Daniel Jay 1861 Bliss, Edwin Elisha 1842 Bliss, Isaac Grout 1847 fBliss, Seth 1825 Bliss, Tiiomas Eliakim 1851 jBliss, Zenas 1835 Blodgett, Dan 1818 Blodgett, Edward Phelps 1842 Blodirett, Heman M. 1823 261 Name. Year. Blood, Daniel Cole 1.S31 fHlooil, Lorenzo Prentice l.SU) flMooiuer, Joseph 1.S5!) Boinlman, Ehlerivin Jederllali 1S2() JtBoanlnian, (Jeorjre Uana 1.S24 Boanlniaii, (ieorcre Nve 18r)-2 Boardiiian, Iloraee Elijah 1HG2 Boariiaian, Jolin ' l.S2() Boardnian, Joseph ISGO Boardnian, Moses Bradford liSG;} lioardinan, Samuel \\'ard 185;") Boardnian, Wdhani J. ISIS tr>()jrne, Horace Publius lS2;i JBoies, Charles Alfred ISIU ifBoies, William Ely 1S4H Boltwooil, Lucius Manllus 184 7 Bond, A! van 1818 Bonney. Nathaniel Greene 18G2 Booth,' Chauncey 181:^ Boss, Tliomis M;ison 18(32 Bosworth, William Augustus ISils B )urne, Shearjashuh ' lS5:i Boutelle, Asaph 1831 fHoutelle, James 18;?4 Boutelle, Thomas 1832 Bouton, Nathaniel 1824 Boutwell, James 1840 Boutwrll, William Thurston 1831 Bowe, Daniel 1862 fBowen, William Henry 1801 Bowers, Albert 18G8 fBowman, Selwyn Bapson 1843 Boyd, Charles llenry, 1803 Boyd, Pliny Steele ' 18G5 Bovnton, Francis ILiyden 18G4 tlJoynton, John 1828 Boynton, i^ucien Cyrus 1838 Boyter, Charles ' 1825 f Brace, Jonathan 1835 fBrace, Sannnd 1845 Brace, Samuel Williams 1818 Bradtbrd, Amory Howe 1870 fBradtbrd. Ebenezer Green 1831 Bra. Year. 1841 t Jackson, Henry 1821 1844 fJackson, James 1844 18.51 Jackson, John 1848 1852 Jackson, Samuel Cram 1826 1849 Jackson, William Chamberlain 1835 1816 James, Horace 1843 1833 Jameson, p:])hraim Orcntt 1858 1833 f Jameson, Thomas 1821 1838 fJanes, Elijah 1870 1824 Jefferds, Chester Daniel 1858 1812 Jennings, Isaac 1841 1830 fJennings, Preserved 1811 186.5 Jennison, Edwin 1830 1853 Jewett, Charles Coffin 1840 1862 Jewett, Daniel E. 1834 1849 t Jewett, (leorge Baker 1843 1833 Jewett, Henry Gushing 1827 1821 Jewett, Henry Erastus 1869 1869 Jewett, John Edward Bullard 1849 1822 Jewett, Leonard 1814 1863 Jewett, Milo Parker 1833 1838 Jewett, Spofford Dodge 1829 1855 Jewett, William Reed 1834 1822 Johnson, Albert Perry 1866 1853 JfJohnson, Albion Henry 1869 1848 Johnson, Amos Howe 1856 1831 fJohnson, David Sumner 1860 1855 Joiinson, Frank Howe 1860 1864 Johnson, Gideon Southward 1840 1851 Johnson, Joseph Beckford 1853 1843 fJohnson, Osgood 1856 1816 Jones, Amos 1847 1818 fJones, Charles Colcock 1830 1835 jjones, Edward 1830 1823 Jones, Ezra 1834 1816 f Jones, Franklin 1834 1851 Jones, Franklin Chappell 1861 1851 eJones, Henry 1824 1832 fJones, Jesse Henry 1861 Jones, John 1838 1869 Jones, John Henry 1870 1812 tt'Iones, J. N. 1849 1855 fJones, John Taylor 1830 1870 fJones, Marcus A. 1829 1826 fJones, Willard 1838 1864 fJones, William 1826 1836 jj Jordan, Ebenezer S. 1856 1852 fJordan, AVilliam Vaughan 1834 1848 Joyslin, William Royal 1861 1831 Judkins, Benjamin 1850 1823 Judson, Adoniram 1810 1836 Kaufman, Abram 1835 1838 Keeler. Seth Harrison 1829 1871 Keep, John 1853 271 Name. Year. tKeep, IMarcus K 1845 Kfiser, James Kobcrtsou 1 84 1 tKeith, Reuel 1818 Keith, William Asa 1845 ttKeith, William J. 1833 Kelley, George Washington 1833 Kelley, Henry Ti-ue 1 822 ifKellogg, Allyn Stanlev 1851 Kellogg, Charles " 1841 Kellogg, Khenezer 1815 Kellogg, Elijah 1843 tKellogg, Martin 1854 Kendall, John Ballard 1830 Kendall, Reuben SalTbrd 1844 Kendall, Sylvanus Cobb 1852 Kendrick, William Poole 1819 Kennedy, Thomas 1848 Kent, Brainerd 1828 Kent, Cephas Henry 1827 fKent, Charles Artenias 1860 Kent, Evarts Bradford 18G9 fKeyes, Nathaniel Abbot 1838 JKeyes, William L. 1832 Kidder, Corbin 1832 Kidder, John Sumner 1842 Kidder, Thomas 1834 fKimball, Alonzo 1839 JKimball, Caleb 1829 fKimball, Daniel 1834 Kimball, David 1821 Kimball, David Tenney 1834 fKimball, James 1819 Kimball, James 1823 Kimball, James Lawton 1828 Kimball, James Parker 1854 fKimball, John Wilson 1811 fKimball, Milton 1829 Kimball, Moses 1830 Kimball, Nathaniel Tenney 1866 Kimball, Peter ' 1826 Kimball, William 1816 King, (xeorge Porter 1823 King, Jonas 1819 fKing, Josiah Torrey 1846 Kingsljury, Addison 1828 Kingsbury, Cyrus 1815 Kingsbury, John Denison 1856 Kingsbury, Samuel 1825 Kingsley, Henrv 1811 IIKinne, Georce' Whitefield 1871 fKirkland, William 1822 fKitchel, Harvey Dennison 1838 Kittredge, Abbott Eliot 1859 fKittredge, Charles 1838 Kittredge, Charles Baker 1832 Name. Year. fKittredge, Hosea 1831 Kittredge, Josiah Edwards 1864 Kittredge, Solomon 1832 Knapp, George Gushing 1855 Knapp, Nathan Bangs 1863 fKnauir, Christopher Wilkinson 1864 Knowlton, Stephen 1865 Labaree, Benjamin, sen. 1831 Labaree, Benjamin, jun. 1859 Labaree, John Codman 1861 Ladd, Daniel 1835 Ladd, Enoch Place 1862 Ladd, George Trumbull 1869 Ladd, Joseph Brown 1865 Laine, Lewis Flanders 1834 Laird, James 1864 tJLamb, Edward Ezra 1869 Lamb, Henry J. 1831 jLamson, Samuel 1836 Lancaster, Daniel 1824 Landfear, Rodolphus 1824 Lane, Charles Edward 1868 Lane, Daniel 1843 fLane, David Tappan 1832 Lane, Freeman 1833 tJLane, James Pillsbury 1861 l>ane, John William 1859 Lanman, Joseph 1867 Lanphear, Orpheus Thomas 1848 f Earned, Sylvester 1816 f Latham, William Harris 1839 fLathrop, Eleazer 1820 f Latimer, Cortland Lucas 1835 Laurie, James Anderson 1862 Laurie, Thomas 1841 Lawrence, Edward Alexander 1838 f Lawrence, John 1843 Lawrence, John Jay 1834 Lawton, Alfred ' 1855 Leach, Cephas Augustus 1852 f Leach, Daniel 1834 Leach, Giles 1832 f Leach, Joseph Allen 1864 Learned, Robert Coit 1841 Learoyd, Charles Henry 1862 Leavenworth, Abner Johnson 1828 ||Leavitt, Burke Fay 1871 fLeavitt, Dearborn Dudley 1863 fLeavitt, Dudley " 1842 Leavitt, George Roswell 1863 fLeavitt, Jonathan 1828 fLee, James Hattrick 1868 Lee, Jonathan 1812 f Leeds, Daniel 1843 272 Name. Year. Leeds, George 1839 §Lees, John Walter 1870 fLefkvour, Issachar 1849 Leigh, Edwin 1S;38 jLeigliton, Samuel S. 1841 Jjeland, John Henry Martyn 1845 Leonard, Julius Yale ' 1855 Levings, Israel Hall 1851 Lewis, Everett Edward 186 7 Lewis, James Davis 18.32 fLibby, Elias Osgood 1856 tr.illie, Horatio Curren 1862 yLinsley, Joel Harvey 1822 t Little, Arthur 1864 Little, Charles Herbert 1830 Little, George Barker 1849 Little, Henry 1829 Little, Jacob • 1825 Little, Levi 185 7 Livingston, William Wallace 1859 JLocke, George Lyman 1864 Lockwood, Peter 1820 JLogan, Alexander 1828 fLong, Clement 1834 JLong, AValter Raleigh 1836 Loomis, Alba Levi Pai'sons 1863 fLoomis, Elias 1834 fLoomis, Harmon 1835 Loomis, Jacob Noble 1820 Loomis, Wilbur Fisk 1855 Lord, Charles 1842 ttLord, Charles Elij)lialet 1850 Lord, Chester 1834 ttLord, Eleazer 1815 Lord, John- 1837 Lord, John King 1841 fLord, Joseph Leland 1844 Lord, Nathan 1815 Lord, William Hayes 1846 Lord, William Henry 1837 Loring, Joseph 1833 Lothrop, Charles Dexter 1853 fLove, William De Loss 1847 Lovell, Alexander 1816 fLow, Charles French 1845 •j-Low, Henry Lorenzo 1841 Luce, Leonard 1828 fLuke, Frederick 1829 Lyman, David Beldcn 1831 Lyman, George 1841 Lyman, Giles 1831 Lyman, Henry 1832 Lyman, Horace 1846 fLyman, Jabez Baldwin 1845 JLyman, Timothy 1848 Name. Year. Lyon, Amzi B. 1857 fMackie, John Milton 1836 jMagoun, George Frederick 1844 Maiian, Asa 1827 fALUtbie, Ebenezer Davenport 1827 Maltby, Erastus 1824 Maltby, John 1825 Mann, Asa 1842 Manning, Jacob Merrill 1853 Manning, John Hart 1864 Manning, Stephen Noyes 1833 Mansfield, Daniel 1836 fManton, Daniel Eddy 1834 Marden, Henry 1869 fMarsh, Abram 1828 Marsh, Caleb Spencer 1855 Marsh, Cutting 1829 Marsh, David Dana 1868 fMarsh, Dwight Whitney 1845 fMarsh, Eleazer Jewett 1838 f. Marsh, Ezekiel 1834 fMarsh, Gilbert Hall 1833 Marsh, James 1822 Marsh, John Tallmadge 1850 Marsh, Joseph 1827 HMarsh, Levi Gardner 1855 Marsh, Samuel 1824 ^Marshall. Charles H. 1850 Marshall, Henry Grimes 1868 ^Marshall, Jacob 1848 f Marshall, Lyman 1856 fMartin, William Wisner 1863 fMarvin, Charles S. 1856 f Mason, Charles 1836 f Mason, Daniel Gregory 1843 j Mason, Edward B. ' 1861 Mason, Stei)hen 1815 , f Mather, Hiram Foot 1816 Mather, William Loomis 1831 If Mathews, Charles 1834 j fMatson, Lewis Emmons 18C1 i f Matthews, Leonard Salmon 1837 I Matthews, Lyman 1828 : f Mattocks, Samuel Bulkley 1824 j f Maxwell, Samuel 1832 fMaxwell, Solomon 1827 ||May, Thomas Melbourne 1872 I f Mayhew, Jeremiah 1811 fMcChesney, Joseph Hector 1855 I McClure, Alexander Wdsou 1 830 ; McCollom, James Tomb 1840 IfMcCorkle, William Augustus 1853 IfMcDonahl, Louis ' 1826 IfMcDougall, William 1824 273 Name. McEwen. James Frisbiu McGee, Jonathan MfCJinh-y, William A. McIIose, James Mclntire, James t^KKeen, Julm INIeKeiizie, Alexander ftMcKinU'v, Jolni fMelvinney, Edmund fMcLain, William AU-Lane, James AVoods fMcLean, Charles Backus AlelA'an, James fMcLellan, Henry Blake ItMcLeod, Hugh AIcLouil, Anson fMcMath, Robert M(r Vicar, Peter fMeacham, James Mead, Asa fMead, Benjamin Mead, Char'les -Marsh Mead, Hiram f Means, (ieorge Jarvis iVIeans, James Means, James Howard Means. John Oliver jMears, Lucian Dwight fMegie, Burtis Cunningham Aleigs, Benjamin Clark fMellen, (xeorge Frederick Mellis, Silas Harvey JNIellish, John Hyrcanus INIelvin, Charles Tenney Aleriam, Joseph Meriam, AVilliam Ward Merriam, James Fiske tMerriam, Silas jJMerrdl, Ambrose Prentiss Merrill, Charles Henry MniTill, David fMerrill. Donatus jMerrill, Enos Alt-rrill, Horatio ^Merrill, J. Merrill, James Qriswold Merrill, James Hervey Merrill, John Wesley Merriman, Daniel f Mershon, James Poe •j-Merwin, Samuel John Mills jJMeservev, A. B. fMighill, Nathaniel ffMiles, Daniel Augustus Miles, Edward Clarkson 35 Yfiir. ' All me. V.-iir. 1820 jMiles, James Browning 1853 1817 .Miller, Alpha 1818 1858 Miller, John William 1801 18Gi» fMiller, Samuel Fisher 1851 I8;i4 Miller, Simeon 1844 181G Miller, William 1845 18()1 fMillett, Stephen Caldwell 1833 18 (J 2 .Milliken. Ciiarles Edward I860 I8;jjs Mills, Caleb 1833 1834 Mills, Henry 1854 1835 jMills, Koswell 1S22 1840 Mills, Samuel John 1812 185!) Mills, Sanuiel Thomas 1810 1832 Miner, Edward Goddard 1851 1855 tMitchell, Alfi-ed 1812 1841 Mitchell, Charles Langdon 1870 1841 Mitchell, David Meaubec 1X14 i8(;o tMitchell, Edward W. 1834 1837 tMitchell, Elisha 1818 1821 tMitchell, John 1824 1843 Mitchell. William 1821 1862 Mix, Eldridge 1860 185 7 tMontague, Enos Janes 1845 1853 tMontgomery, Alexander 1840 1838 Mooar, George 1855 1847 Moody, Plinius 1848 184!) IIMoore, Albert Weston 1872 1870 JMoore, Amasa Corbin 1824 1838 •j-Moore, Edwin Gay lord 1849 1813 Moore, John 1857 1850 Moore, Mason 1855 1865 tMoore, Nathan Wheaton l.>^56 1854 JMoore, Nathaniel Schuyler 1867 1859 ^loore, William Enos Boise 1862 1822 tMorgan. David S. 1866 1858 .Morley, Edward Williams 1864 1870 Morley, John Henry 1866 1848 Morong, Thomas 1853 1841 Morrill, Cah in 1837 1870 .Morrill, John 1831 1825 tMorrill, Stephen Sargeant 1859 1850 Morse, Abner 1819 1813 Morse, Charles Fitch 1856 1843 Morse, Grosvenor Clark 1857 1847 tMorse, Henry Child 1844 1866 JMorse, Humphrey 1837 1839 Morse, Jason 1849 1837 Morse, Richard Cary 1817 1868 tMorse, Siaine. Vear. I Safford, Charles Gilman 1830 SafToni, George Bhigden 1856 t^iitlbrd, Myron Webb 1842 JJSahakyan, Hohannes dcr 1848 Salisbiiry, Simeon 1831 JSalmon, Ebenezer Putney 1827 {Salter, Charles Cotton ' 1857 Salter, William 1843 Samson, Ashley 1839 fSanuiel, Rol)ert 1859 fSanborn, Edwin David 1837 Sanborne, George Edward 1856 Sanderson, Alonzo 1837 fSanderson, James Augustus 1862 Sanfbrd, Baalis 1826 fSanford, David 1828 fSanfbrd, William Clark 1862 Sargent, Frank Dana Stedman 1869 Sargent, George ^^'^ashington 1859 Sargent, Roger Moses 1849 Saunderson, Henry Hamilton 184 2 Savage, Daniel Foster 1861 fSavage, (ieorge Slocum Folger 1847 Savage, AVilliam Henry 1867 JSawtell, Eli Newton 1826 Sawyer, Joseph 1819 tfSaxton, Joseph Addison 1842 fSayres, Theodore 1836 Scales, Jacob 1820 Scales, William 1837 ||Schauffler, Frederick Adolphus 1871 fSchauffler, Henry Albert 1862 Schauffler, Wdliam Gottlieb 1830 Schermerhorn, John F. 1812 Schneider, Benjamin 1833 Schory, Peter D. 1843 fScobey, David Cochran 1844 •fScofieid, Alanson 1833 Scott, George R. White 18G7 fScovel, Ezra 1-827 fScoville, Samuel 18G0 Scudder, David Coit 1859 Scudder, Evarts 1858 Seagrave, James Carter 184 9 Searle, Richard Thurston 1841 IJSears, Barnas 1830 Sears, Rasselas Lowe 1 84 1 Seaver, Norman 1800 fSeelye, Laurenus Clark 18G0 Selden, Sylvester 1810 fSessions, Alexander Joseph 1S35 Sessions, Horace 18.24 Sessions, Joseph Washburn 1832 Severance, Milton Leonard 1863 fSewall, Jotham Bradbury 1854 278 Name. Year. Naiuu. Year. fSewall, William 18o4 fSmith , Azro Andrew 1859 fShacktbrd, Charles Chauncy 1840 Smith, Buel Willoughby 1834 fSiiapleigh, Horace Sylvester 18G9 Smith, Charles 1845 JtShattuck, Amos P'ranklin 18G8 fSmith , Charles 1849 Shattuck, CortIan.lt Wilkins 1846 fSmith , Charles Strong 1853 fShaw, Edwin Watts 1855 Smith, Daniel 1813 fSiiaw, Francis N. 1853 Smith, David Marsh 1814 jSliaw, Nathan 1816 Smith, Edward Alfred 1859 Shaw, Robert 1825 Smith, Edward Parmelee 1855 Shedd, Henry 1829 fSmith , Edward Pavson 1869 Shedd, Jolni'lLiskell 1859 Smith, Eli 1826 Shedd, William 1823 fSmith , Eli Brown 1852 Shed '50-; died there, 1867, aged 70. 1825. Aaron B. Church and Moses B. Church. The middle name of each of these brothers was Billings. 1825. Moses Gill Grosvenor. s.s. Guilford, Vt., '63-65. — w.c. and occ. sup., Troy, 0., '65- 1825. Augustus Pomeroy was H. M., Mo., '25-'27. — Gallipolis, etc., 0., '27-'32. 1825. Joseph Clay SxiLEsf was ordained, Presb., in 1830. 1826. George Cone Beckwith was Sec. until died, at Boston, Ms., 12 May 1870, aged 70. He should be starred. 1826. Thomas Biggs was H. M., Bristol, Me., '49. — s.s. Lewis, N.Y., '49-'50. 1827, David Oliver Allen died 19 (not 17) July. 1827. Calvin Butler died in Nov. (not Dec). 1827. Thomas Russell Durfee was s.s. Callaway Co., Mo. He died 8 (not 15) July. 1828. Hubbard WiNSLOwf was temp. sup. (only) of Fiftieth st. ch.. New York, '61. 1829. Calvin Washington Babbitt should read Calvin Washington Babbit. 1829. George William Perkins! was ordained 30 May 1830. Am Presb. ch., Montreal, Que., s.s. '29-'30 ; p. '30-'39. His age at death was 52 (not 53). 1829. Asa Milton Trainj was of Theol. Dep., Yale Coll., '27-'28 (not grad. 1829). 286 1830. JoHJ^ Ballard Kendall. After Bethany, Ct., '34-36, Insert s.s. South Wilbraham, Ms., '37-'. . 1830. Leoxard Woods was ordained, Presb., 12 May 1831. 1831. William Gage, Edmund Garland, John Morrill, John Jason Owen, John Usher Parsons, and Simeon Salisbury, were ordained 7 Oct. (not 14, as erroneously given in Am.Quar. Beg.). 1831. Thaddeus Beman Hurlbut was ordained Presb. 1831. GoRHAM Dummer AnBOTTf was ordained, Presb., 25 Dec. 1837. 1832. Samuel Washburn was Agent Am. S. S. Un. (not in Mo.), '35-37. Agent for Evang. Soc, '42-'43. — Central ch.. Fall River, Ms., '44-'49. — occ. pr., '49-'51. Age at death was 46 (not 45). 1833. John Jay Slocumj was ordained 15 June 1834. 1834. John Chester Backusj grad. Princeton Theol. Sem., 1834. 1835. James Woods McLane died aged 62 (not 63). 1835. John FairchildI was ordained April 1841. For present service read: s.s. Marinette, Wis., '63-. 1836. Lucius Root Eastman. After graduation, substitute the fol- lowing: Ordained 24 Nov. 1837. Sharon, Ms., '37-'40. — s.s. First ch., Berkley, Ms., '40-'41. — s.s. Cornwall, Ct., '41-42. — s.s. Prov- incetown, Ms., '42-44. — s.s. Pelham, Ms., '45. — Pilgrim ch., Boston, Ms., '45-'46. — s.s. First ch., Berkley, Ms., '46-'48. — s.s. Trin. ch., Berkley, Ms., '48-'56. — s.s. Needham, Ms., '56-59. — s.s. Neponset, Boston, Ms., '59-'60. — s.s. Troy, N. IL, '60. — s.s. Hyde Park, Ms., '60-'61. — occ. sup., '61-'64. — pr. at Pilgrim Hall, Boston, Ms., '64-. 1836. Alfred Goldsmith f. w.c. Lunenburg, Ms., '69- 1836. John Milton MACKiEf resides at Great Barrington, Ms. 1837. Charles Cotesworth Beaman. Read: Ordained 20 June 1839. U. S. Chaplain, Hancock barracks. Me., '38-40, and s.s. Houlton, Me., '37-'40. — Agent Am. Tract Soc, Ct, '40-'41. — s.s. North Falmouth, Ms., '41-'44. — s.s. Edgartown, Ms., '44-'46. — Wellfleet, Ms., '46-'51. — s.s. Southborough, Ms., '52-'53. — s.s. North Scituate, R. L, '53-57. — s.s. Howard st. ch., Salem, Ms., '57-'64. — Res. Cambridge, Ms., occ. sup. (and Agent Mass. Temp. Alliance in '65), '64-'69. — s.s. Westford, Ct., '69-. 1837. William Henry Lord was Attorney-at-Law in Washington, D. C, from '60. 287 1837, Geouwe Fuaxklix Tewksbury should read (last two lines): s.s. Naples and Gasco, Me. (res. in Oxford), '65-'68, and s.s. Soutli Bridgton, Me., 'G7-'68. — s.s. Gorliam, N. H., '68-. 1837. Kinsman ArKiNSONf. After service at Ilubbanlstun, ]\Is., should read : Colporteur Ara. Tract Soc, N. E. Branch (res. Cam- bridge, Ms.), '5 7- 1837, Jesse Caswell f grad. Lane Theol. Sem., 1837, 1837, JosiAH Baktlett CLARKf grad. Lane Theol, Sem., 1837. 1839. Daniel Hutchinson Babcock was s.s. North Troy (not North Gray), Vt., '67-'69. 1839. Ashley Samson died aged 25 (not 31). 1840. JosiAH WiiERLOCK Peet was born in Vt. (not 111.). Was or- dained 12 Dec. 1840. Gardiner, Me., '40-48. — Prin. Mt. Hope Sem., Fall River, Ms., '49-'59. — Teacher, St. Lawrence Acad. (N. Y.?), (two years). — Prof., Yellow Springs Coll., lo., (five years). — s.s. Cong, chhs., Adair Co. (res. Fontanelle, lo.), '67-. 1840. Charles Colesworth Pinckney" BuRNAPf should read Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Burnap. 1841. Renssellaer David Chanceford Robbins was Librarian (not Assistant Lib'n) of Andover Theol. Sem., '44-'48. 1841. Ephraim William Allen! should read Ephraim Williams Allen. 1842. Willard Brigham. Add: s.s. WInchendon, Ms., '70-. 1842. Nelson Clark. Tutor, West. Res. Coll., '38-39. 1842. Timothy r)\viGHT Porter Stone should read, lu closing: Assabet, Stow, Ms., '67-'70. — w.c. Chelsea, Ms., '70-. 1842. David McGee Bardwellj was s.s. Salisbury, Vt., '42-'44. — s.s. South AYoodstock, Ct., '44-45. — Ordained 19 May 1845. Was s.s. (not p.) at Ontario, etc. s.s. Grass Lake, Mich., '48-'50. — Mich- igan City, Ind., '51-55. — w.c. '55-'59. Now w.c. New Provi- dence, N. J. 1843. Alden Burril Bobbins shoidd read Alden Burril Robbins, D.D. 1843. Edward Robie was Librarian (not Assistant LIb'n) of Andover Theol. Sem., '48-'51. 1844. Joseph Myron Rensselaer Eaton res. at West Fitchburg (not West Springfield), Ms. 1844. Reuben Safford Kendall was Tutor, Knox Coll., '40-'41. 288 1844. David Pinkekton was ordained 13 (not 1) Feb. AVas (<.s. Elk- horn, Wis., '44-46. AVas at Two Rivers, AA^is., '53-'oC. — s.s. AA' aupiin, etc., AVis., '56-57. w.c. AVaupun, AAHs., '60-68. — s.s. Green Castle, Id., '68-'70. — w.c. near Grinnell, lo., '70-. 1844. John Adam AValkerI should read John Adams AA''alker. 1845. John Harper Garman was born in N. H. (not Ms.), s.s. North Oi-ange, Ms., '65-. 1846. Oramel AVellington Cooleyj should read Orramel AVelling- ton Cooley. 1848. HoHANNES DER SahakyanJJ died.. April 1865. He should be starred. 1851. LuciAN AVest Chaney was ordained 29 Dec. 1852. s.s. Heu- velton, N.y., '52-'58. 1852. James Joshua Blaisdell should be Joshua James Blaisdell. AVas ordained 27 Feb. 1853. 1854. James Barlow Simmons! grad. at Newton Theol. Inst., 1854. Fill blanks, to read as follows : Third Bapt. ch., Providence, R. I., '54_'57._ First ch., Indianapolis, Ind., '5 7-'6 1 . — Fifth ch., Philadel- phia, Pa., '61-'67. — Cor. Sec. Am. Bapt. H. M. Soc, res. New York city, '67-. 1858. John Henry ANKEXELLf. The middle name should be erased. Page 6. List of Visitors, 1808. Rev. Timothy D wight, d.d., ll.d. His terra of ollice was closed by resignation in 1816 (not *1817). SUMMARIES SUMMARY OF GRADUATES. Whole No. Deceased. 1810 16 14 1840 28 12 11 7 7 41 46 15 12 11 10 42 33 7 13 14 10 43 30 7 14 17 16 44 18 4 15 17 10 45 28 16 9 5 46 21 4 17 20 16 47 20 6 18 17 13 48 28 8 19 20 16 49 28 6 Fii-st ten years, 148 117 Fourtli ten years, 280 69 1820 28 18 1850 19 5 21 30 15 51 24 4 22 28 21 52 20 3 23 24 13 53 23 4 24 33 17 54 23 1 25 32 15 55 29 4 26 26 13 56 25 1 27 33 18 57 29 1 28 20 10 58 31 3 29 34 8 59 34 5 Second ten years, 288 148 Fifth ten yeai-s. 257 31 1830 28 16 1860 33 2 31 45 18 61 43 5 32 29 11 62 33 2 33 23 7 03 34 3 34 37 15 64 29 3 35 37 12 65 20 1 36 13 4 66 23 37 '37 11 67 24 38 29 7 68 42 1 39 24 10 69 34 Third ten years, 302 111 Sixth ten years, 315 17 1870 28 Whole No. Deceased. Total, 1618 493 37 290 SUMMARY OF PERSONS NOT COMPLETING THE FULL COURSE 0*F STUDY. Year of Class. "Whole No. Deceased. 1810 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 First ten years, 1820 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1830 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 7 20 8 3 2 1 11 4 11 8 75 9 16 10 11 26 20 15 9 19 16 Second ten years, 151 Third ten yeai-s, 14 11 19 18 36 19 22 47 31 13 230 5 18 7 2 2 1 10 4 10 7 66 5 12 7 7 18 12 10 5 Year of Class. Whole No. Deceased. 1840 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Fourth ten years, 1850 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Fifth ten years, 1860 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 Sixth ten years, 1870 Total, 14 16 29 24 20 20 16 12 7 10 168 17 13 9 15 10 7 12 110 15 19 11 14 15 3 5 9 6 106 11 851 11 1 319 291 GENERAL SUMMARY. Graduates in tlie Full Course, Persons not completing the Full Course, Graduates in the Special Course, Members of Remaining Classes, Resident Students, Resident Licentiates, Total, " 2696 844 1 This column includes those whose decease is mentioned in the "Additions and Corrections." Probably some others, of whom no information has been procured, belong to this column. Whole No. 1 Deceased. 1618 493 851 319 5 48 26 5 148 27 INDEX. PAGE. Abbreviations, explanations of, . . . . .. • .14 Additions and Corrections, ........ 284 Alphabetical Catalogue of Students, .... 258 Assistant Instructors, list of, . '9 Classes, 1810-1872, lists of members of, 17 Colleges, abbreviations of names of, 15 Dates of Foundation, etc., ........ 2 Explanations, . . .12 Faculty, members of, ' . . . . 7 Lecturers, list of, ... . 9 Librarians, list of, 11 Presidents, list of, 7 Professors, list of, 7 Resident Licentiates, 1812-1870, list of, 251 Resident Students, 1816-1870, list of, 248 Special Course, first class in, . . 244 Summaries of Students, ......... 289 Teachers, list of, 10 Treasurers, list of, 5 Trustees, list of, 3 Visitors, list of, . . . . . . . . , . 6 Princeton Theological Seminary Libraries 1 1012 01217 0413 / «,v f^V:-^