COLLECTION OF PURITAN AND ENGLISH THEOLOGICAL LITERATURE ¢ LIBRARY OF THE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY PRINCETON, NEW JERSEY [SHAKESPEARE (WILLIAM).] Latimer (BisHop HuGH). Certayn Godly Sermons, made uppon the lords Prayer, preached by the right reuerende father, and constant martyr of Christ, Master Hughe Latymer, before the — ryght honorable and vertuous Lady Katherine, Duches of Suffolke, in the yeare of our Lorde, 1555. . . BLAcK LETTER. Title within woodcut border. Small 4to, old half calf and mottled boards (worn, small tear in title repaired, last leaf of text supplied in old manuscript on vellum). Imprinted at London by John Day, 1562 THIS VERY INTERESTING Copy BELONGED TO JAMES BOSWELL, JR., THE SHAKES- PEAREAN EDITOR. His signature, “‘ James Boswell 1803,’’ appears on the inside cover, and he has noted on the fly-leaf that he purchased it in ‘‘ Martin Bru’s Sale.” Latimer’s ‘‘Sermons”’ are referred to by Dr. Furness in his edition of ‘‘As You Like It,”’ and also in ‘‘Shakespeare’s England,”’ Vol. I, pages 55, 59-61, 71, 363, and 507; Vol. II, pages 186 and 475. © a eT ad Oo’ i i Assi y = EE all —* — — — — —— GODLY’ a NY , Sermons, made vppon the fords } CHIE oe eS {| yD2aper, preached by the tight reuerende Father, and conſtant martp2 of Chak, Maſter Ipughe Latpimer,befoze the ryght honora⸗ ble, and vertuous Lady Ratherine, “VN Duches of Suffolke,in the IS SPs peare % — 1o2d¢. . : * | whereunto are anneved certaine other ters mons , preached bp the fapde reuerende Father, in Lincolnehive, which were gathered, and collec= NS ted by Auguftine Wernher, a ſeruaunt of bis, B though not ſo perfectly as they were vtte⸗ 32— renzpet fapebtully ¢ truly, to the fingus — lev commoditie æ profpt of the chuueẽ Nee reader, fapchfullp perufed ¢ alow⸗ ed According to thozder appoin⸗ fed in the Muecnes Maie⸗ fies Iniunctions. EBepent, repent: for the kingdom oF Hodi is * hande. ¶ Imprinted at Lodon by John Dap, dwelling ouer Alderſgate. ¶ Cumgratia & priuilegio Re « Sic Maicitatis,per feptens nium, * * 1 6 2. — * VW PEL Wig da Yi —— Al MG: A ae RHA Le KS fy <2 Vey LUT; ht t 8 9 ———< ° WGutmarke bere, Scriptureipeaketh not of impenitent Chrit ite ſynners, Chriſte ſuſtred not fo2 them, bts deathe remedieth ri not for not thetr ſynnes. Foꝛ they be the bondmen of the deutt and finnecs, his ſlaues, and therfore Chriſtes benefptes pertayne not bu to then. itis a wonderfull faying that Satnet John hathe. Beholde the lambe of © D D that taketh away the fynnes of the wo2lde. Lhe deuyll ſayth vnto me:thou arta finner, No, fapth Satuct John, the lambe of God.hath taken awap: Hebt.4 thy ſynnes. Item Habentes igitur pontificem maguil, qui pe: Chritis an netrauit coclos,lefum filium Dei, accedamus cum fiducia,ad: ee : thronum gratiz,veconfequamer mifericordiam. Oe thers Pe foze hauing a great bighe preiſte, whiche hathe palſed thas rough the beauens cuen Fetus the fonne of D D, let os With boldeneſſe gee bute the feate of his grace that we map: obtapne mercpe.. Ditisa comfortable thing that we haue Efas3 aan aceeffe bnto Gon:G lay faith, in huore eius-fanati fumus: Che paine of our punnifhinent was lade vppon hym, and ~ : With bis feipes ave we healed. Further inthe netve tetas A&.co ‘ment we reade, Huic omnes Prophetzreftimonium perhi- Allthe pro bent,remi(sionem peccatorum aceipere per nomen eius om phetesteiti nes quicredunt in eum. Gute the fame beare all Pꝛophetes Ate witneffe, thatall they do receaue foꝛgeueneſſe of ſynnes by wan: his name, which beleue on him. Now pon fee how ye be res medied from pour ſynnes, you heare holve you ſhall wyth⸗ ſtande the deupll when be well wythdrawe peu front prav⸗ er: Lette bs therfore not giue ouer paper, but fick onto it, lette vs rather beleue Chꝛiſte our Sautaur, then the deuill,: whiche wasalparat the beginning. Bou knoins now howe voumap pꝛeuent bpm, how pou map puthyat of,and auoid bis temptationnss.. 1 Joba, 3. i _, Where M. Dodot Latymer. Fol. Chere is one other addicton afore we conte fo the peticts ‘ons, whiche doths muche contirme ourefaith, andincreafe Vvharthefe the fame, Quicsincoslis, which art in heauen. Theſe wor⸗ woordes vyhich arte ja heaurno bes puta diuerſitye bet mene the heauenlyp father, and sure ‘tentpozall fathers, here be ſome temporall fathers which each ys would fapue Gelpe their chtlozen, but thep can not,they bec net able to beipe them. Agayne there bee forte fathers whts che are ryche and myght belpe their children, but they be fo vnnaturall thep wyll net beipe thent. wut sure heauenlye Father, in that we call hym Father, we learne that be wyl belpe,that be beareth a fatherlpe lone totvardes 3s. 'n hea- uen, bere tue learne that bets able to helpe bs, to geue bs al good thynges neceſſarye to foule and bodye:and is mightye to defende vs from all pllandperpll. Soitappeareth that he is a Father whiche will help, and that be beyng celeleſti⸗ all, whyche is able to helpe vs. Therfore we mave baue a boldeneſſe and confidence, that be mape helpe vs, and that he tupll helpe bs, tohere and whenfoeuer we call. be fapth: Colum & terram impleo, % fpll heauen and earthe. And as gapne Colum mihi fedes eft, & rerta fcabellum pedum me- vorum, Beauen ts my feate,and the earth is mp footeſtoole. Hie 23. Ela.66, Where tue fee that he ts a mighty 6 OD, that be ts in hea⸗ uen and earthe with bis power and might. gn heauen be fs apparantly, where face to face be ſheweth himlelfontobis Angels and Haines. In earth he isnot fo apparantly, but darkelye and obfcurelpe be erhibiteth himfeife vnto vs: foz “gure coꝛrupte andfeble flefhe coulde notbeare bys mates vvhy oa Hye: et be fplleth the earth, that isto fape,beruleth and je nor appa gouerneth the ſame, ordering all things accoding Onto hts cancly vpõ $oill and pleaſure Therefoꝛe we mufteltearne to perſuade carthe. our felues,and vndoutedlye beleue that be ts able to helpe: anid that he beareth a good and fatherly wpll toardes ts, that be will not forgette bs. Thertore the king and prophet Dauid fapth, Dominus'dé celo prefpexir, The Lorde bath feene doune from heauen. Ss farreas the earthe ts trom | ‘eaten, vet G DD Ioketh doune, he ſeeih all thpuges, be Peal ss. is in euerve comer. We fapetherthe Wee hathe loo⸗ rites — hed daune not the Saynttes. Ho, he ſayeth notte. Fo2 3... tall the Sainttes haue not fo Marpe epes co fee doune fest cuen. $4. beauen — / ok Gene. God at thecrye of Abels bloade. 2. Para loha. 22, An other commodi* tie of this Worde Fa ther. Certaine Sermons made by heauen: thep be fpurre! dlynde , and fande blpnd, they cart - not (ce fo farre, noz haue not fo long eares to.beare. aAnd therefore our petition and prayer fhoifioe bee vnto bpm, whyche wyll beare,and can beare. Foꝛ tt fs the Lowe that looketh Downe. Weis here in earth (as J toloe pou) berpe darkely, buthetsinheauen mofe manifellelp: where he theweth him felfe. bute ts angels and fapntes face to face. 4 Whe reade in Scripture that Abels bloode dydde crie vnto God: where tt appeareth that he canbeare, pea not onelp heare, but alfo fee and feele. for he feeth ouer all thpnges, io that the leaft thought of our beartes is not hydde frome bynt. Wherfore ponderand confpder thefe wordes well, for they fortifie oure fapthe.. Wie call hym Father, to put our felues tn remembraunce of bis good wylle to wardes bs. eauenly, we calle bps {tgnifping bis mpgbte and power that be maye bealpe anddoo all thpnges accordynge to bis wyll and pleafure. So ftappereth motte manifettely , that there lacketh neither good will nor power in hym. There was ones a prophete whiche whan be twas yll intreated of kpng Joas, ſayde: Dominus videat & requuat, The Lode. - look¢ bppon it, and require it. There bee many menne in Cnglande and other tobere els, whiche cave notfo2 Gods pea thep be cleane without God, whych ſaye im their hear⸗ ‘tes, Nubes latibulum cius nec — confidetat, & circa cat dines cœli ambulat, Tuſhe the cloudes cover bpm that be tap notfe, and he dwelleth aboue in heuen. Butas Jtoid pou before, Abels blood may certifie bs of bis preſent know ledge. Let bstherfoze take ede that we doo nothyng that: myghtditpleate bis matettics netther openly nor ſecretely. Fo2beis eucry there, and nothyng can be bya feom ‘ear, ; Videt & requirer, He feeth it; and will puntfhett. -. Further this worde notonely aptandconuent: ent fo2 bs to ftrengthen oure faith withali (as J tolde pou) but alfo it moueth Sod the fooner.te heare bs when we call him bp that nante Father. For be percetuing sur confidence. in him, can not choſe but thew hym lyke a Father. So that this word Father is moſt mete to moue god to pitie, and to graunt oure requeſtes. Certaine it is, and pꝛoued by holx Scripture, that God hath a fatherly ana lourng atfection telnars ae -M.DodtorLatymer, Fol.s. foivarbes vs, farre paſſyng the loue of bodilpe parentes ta their childzen.3ea as far as beauen and carthis a fonder, The loue fs far bys loue {8 wardg mankynd ercedeth the loue of nate of god to- ‘tal parentes to theys child2en, which loue is (ct sut by the —— Moutheof hys holpe Prophete Elay Wihere he ſaveth: vv vcacst ‘Num obliuioni tradet muliet infantem ſaum, quo minus mi- oue of pa. ſereatut filii vteri fui ? ſi eſto obliuiſcatut lle: ego tamen tui tentes to non obliuiſcar Wyila wyle forget the chyld of ber womb, therrown and the fonne whome the bathe boane 2 and though fhe dog children. fozgette bym,pet wyll not ¥ fezgette thee. ere are ſhew⸗ {a.49¢ ed the affections and balpeakcableloue, whiche © D D beareth to warde vs. Hhe ſaveth: Nunquid poteſt mulicr? Maye a woman:? be fpeaketh of the woman, meanpng ths man foo: but becaule women mole conmenlp are moze als fected towardes thep2 Childzen then menbee,therefoze be nameth the woman. Andit is a berpe vnnaturall woman that hateth ber chelde o2aeglecteth the fame. Wut D lore what craftesand conuctaunces vſeth the deupll aboade 5 - that be can bꝛyng bis matters fo to pale, that fone omen > fettea fpde not alonelp all motherly affections, but alfa all naturall humanitye,in ſe muche that they kpll thep2 owne children, their owne bloud, and fleſhe. Iwas a late credibly intfoꝛmed of a pꝛieſte whiche had ta- 4 ptieſte xKen in hande to be a middewyfe: O what anabbominable ? — thyng ts this: but what folo wed: he oꝛdered the matter fo, °'"**: thyhat the pooze innocente was loſte in the meane ſeaſon· Suche thynges the deuyll canne beynge to paſſe, but what then? God fapeth. Though a woman doe forgette her chyl⸗ deen, though theykyiltheym, pet wyll Inot forgette thee laveth the Lorde G DD alnightpe, Lruthettisthere bee - ſome women berpe Onnaturall and vnkynde, whiche hall . io recetue theit punifbements of G DD foztt. wsutforall. that we oughte to beware and not beleue puerpe tale tolde bnto-bs,and fo rafgelpe tudge, F knowe what JImeane. There bathe benc alate (uche tales (pzeade abzsade, and - moſt tutruly,fuch falle tatetellers thal hauca a greusous pu⸗ niſchement of the Lerde whan be hall come to retwarde. eue rpeane according bntobisnefertes. = Herc Jhaue occaſion to tell voua ſtoꝛpe b eche baype WEB. + Ceraine Sermons wade by — acd at Cambridge. Papier Bylney (or rather Saint Wyle pep that fuffred death fo2 Gods mode fake) the fame Wile Zilcey eves Hep was theinkrumente wherby God caficd mete know⸗ gods anſted Ledge, for J — — hint, ee to che a that —* | meariocce Jonge that Jhaue in the woora ofẽ © OD. Foꝛ Ilpas as mer *Y oobũinate a papiſte as anye was in Cnglande , in fo muche -) tKat then 3 Thoulve bee made Wacheler of Diuinitie, mp whole oration went again Philip Selanchton, ¢agapnk his opinions. Wilnep heard me at that tyme, and perceinsd that J twas elous without knswlage, andbe cameto we ~ afterivarbe in my fubdie, and defired me for Gods fake ta Lacymer is heare bis confeltion, Jdyd fo. And to fay the truthe, bp bis conucrtec” confettion J learned moze than afoze in many peares. So Bilneys trom that tyme forwarde J began to ſmell the word of god, felsion, ~ and fo2foke the fehole doctoꝛs and {uch foolrfes. Pow after Bilncys ex: ¥ had ben acquainted with him, J tent with bym to difite erciſe the pꝛiſoners in the towee at Cambridge, fo2 be Mas ever vilityng priſoners and ſicke folke. So tue wente togither, and exhorted them as well as Wwe were able to Boo, montug them to pacfence,and to acknowlage their faultes, Among other pat(oners there was a woman iwhyche was accuſed that the had killed her owne chiloe, whiche acte the platnes lp and ſtedfaſtly denped, and coulde not be brꝛought to con⸗ leſſe the acte, whyche denveng gaue vs occaſion to ſearche fo2 the mattier, and ſo we dydde. And at the lengthe wee founde that her buf bande louct ber not, And therefore be foughte meanes to make Her out of thetivate. he matter Iwas thus, £ te 's Note this Acbyine of hers had ber ficke by the (pare of a vcare, and lutoric. fo Decaped, agit were ina conſumption: At the lengihe t dyed in harueſt tyine. She wente tober neyghboures an’ other frendes fo deſpre their healpe, to prepare the chpive fo the burpall, ’ut there was ne body at howe’; eucry man was in the ficlde. Whe woman ina heauyneſſe and trau⸗ bie of ſpirite, wente to beeyng ber ſelte alone prepared the chelae to the burpall : ber huſ bande compnge home, not hauynge greatelouc towardes ber, accufed ber of the murther, and fo the was taken and beoughtte Cambaidge: But as farretoorth as Jcoulde learne, thzough earneſt tns quifitior doo —ñ— M. Doctor Latymer. Fol.4: quifition Ithougbte in mrp confcfence the fvoman was not gilty, all the circumſtances well confpdered. Jmmediatelp He mea- after thys J was talled fp pocache before the kpng, whyche ocrh bing was mp firlks fermon that ¥ made before bis mateftps ,and Heary the {tas done at Myndſore: where his matelkpe after the fers mon was Done Did ino familfarlp talke with me tna gals lerpe. Nowe, when J ſawe mp tyme, J knecied Detwne before hys Datellye openyng the whole matter, and afters warde moſte humblye deſpred his Baiekkpe to pardone that womanne. 302 J thoughtc tn mp conſcience fee was net giltps: elles ¥ wouide not forall the woꝛlde (ewe fozamuriherer. The kyng moſte gractoufelp hearde mp humble requeſte, tn fa muche that J hada pardon redye fo2 ber at mp retourne home warde. In the meane ſcaſon that ſame woman was deltuered ofa chplde in the toure at Cambridge , whole Godfather J twas 5. and mpypftrefle Latymer tg Cheeke was godmother. Wut ail that tpme Jhidde my par godfather don, and tolde her nethyng of tf, onelp erboztpng ber ta # a childe tonfelle the trueth· At the lengthe the tyme came whan 7 fhe looked fo {uffre, J came as J was wonte to dove, foo” difiructe her, the made greate mone to ine, and moſte cars 0. one vellipe requyred me, that % would fynde the meanes that of the fuie: the myghte bee purifyed afore her fufferpnge . 302 thee ces ofigno⸗ thoughte fhe ſhoulde haue bene damned pf the thoulde sance fuffer without purification. Gibere mayſter Wilney anBo Itolde her that that that latwc fas made Onto the Jebbes, - andnot vnto $s, and that women lyeng in chplabende bee not vncleane afore God, neither is purification dled to that. end that it ſhould clenfe from (inne, but rather a ciuile and politike law made fo2 natural honeflte fake: fignifieng that a woman before the time of ber purification, that is to laps. aslongas the is agrene woman, is not mete to do fuck acts” &$ other women,no2 to haue cõpanie with ber bulband, f92. it is againſt natural honeſtie, and again thecimon wealth, te that ende purification is kepte and bled, not to makea a fuperttition oꝛ holyneſſe of tt,as.fome doo, whyche thynke v0.6 zere that they maye not fetche nepther fpre neg any thynge (9 one otiier 2 that baufe where there is a greene woman: tobiche opini⸗ fruite ofige en is exxonious and wicked. Foꝛ women (as J lapse sozance. - ~ Aorta Certa'ne Sermonsmede by. Thus haib atoze, be ag well in the fanour ol god afoze they be purities | eos ght » #8 after, So ne trauatled wich this woman tpl tue baoughe double del, Her toa good trade, and at thelengte chewed ber the kyngs ucranceat pardon and let her go. onctyme. & Whis tale ¥ tolde pou by this occafion;that though forte . The purpos women bee berpe bDnnaturall,and forgette thety chplazen, al pet when we beare anp bodye forepoate, toe fhould notbe * to battpe in beleuynge the tale, but rather fufpenide ours ' {udgementes till we know the truth. And againe we ſhall marke bereby the great loue and los uyng kyndnes of G DD ourleutngfather. Cabo ſheweth bintlelfe fo loutng buto bs, that notwithſtandyng women . forget fometpmes thetr olone naturail childzen, vet he wyll not fo2rgettebs,be twill heare vs, wyan weeall bppon hym⸗ Mat.7.. #8 be fapeth by the Cuangeli Mathew. Alke and it halbe a.7- genenbnte pou: Seeke and pe thall fonde:knocke and it albe opened vnto pou. ec. Then he commeth and bringeth -Afimili- in a pety ſimilitude, ſaving: Is ther any md amongeſt pou; ade... fubtch if bts ſon atke becad, tpl offer bint a tones pf ve then — Cum fitis malt, bepng enpll; can geue pour Chyldren goon’ . The mea.. -gfftes ¢c. In thefe woordes where be fapeth: Cuimfitis mali® ame inbiche beeupll , he geueth bs oure atone proper name, be’ | des,Cam f Pavnteth bs out, be pincheth vs, he cntteth of our comes; be tismali, , plucketh doun our ſtomacks. And bere welerne to acknow ~ Jege our felues to be tuicked,€ to knotve him to be the tele {pring ¢ fountain of al goodnes,and pᷣ al qood things come «Of hint. Therfoze let euerve man thinke lowly of himſelfe, ‘Humble bimlelfe,and call vpon god, whichis redpe to geus vs, not onelp bead and drinke/ or other neceflartes;but the holpe ghoſte:to whome will be geue the bolpe ghoſte, to logs bes and ladies ? fo gentilmen o2 gentilwomen· No not fo, he ts not ruled by affections, be bath not refpecte vnto per⸗ ſonages. Poſcentibus (ſayeth be,) vnto thoſe whiche call vp⸗ “pon bynt,bepng viche 02 poo2e,lo2des' 62 kingbtes,beggers ? ‘depeche, be ts redy to geue vnto them whanne thep comets | Godse Witt,’ Aud thps is a greate comfoate vnts thote whycbe bee ) ——— pdoꝛe and myſerable tn this woꝛlde Foꝛ they maye be aſſu⸗ refpede of ted of the helpe of @ DD, vea arid as boldely goe vnto him⸗ — and deſyre his helpe, as the greateſt kyng in earthe. ut M.Doctor Latymer. Foul.7. But we ntutte afke, we mult inquyre lor it: he would haue ~ 2 03 to bee importuae, to be earneſt and dtligent in defiting, than we fyallreceiue than we come with a good fapth and He thatwvil confidence. To whom (hall wecallsnot dito the Sapntes, recene at pofcentibus illum (fapeth he) thole that call vpon him thalbe sods bande Hearde therfore Wwe ought to conte to him onelp,and not vn⸗ 2°Y Tis mufte afge to bps Sapntes, vvith faith. Wut one worde (3 {che we muſt needes conſyder. vve mute Nofter,oure be fapeth not my, but our. wherfore ſayeth he, pray io god OUIFELHIS toe our teacherh bs to cantoder that the Fas 0"1y- ‘ ther of heauen is a common father, a3 tell nip neiabbourg M2tSv* istobe lear . Father as niyne, as wellthe poore mannes Father asthe aq by this rpche,fo that he ts nota pecultar father, buta Father to the vyordeour. bole churche and congregation, to all the fapthfull, be thep neuer ſo poore, ſo Dele, fo foule,and defppled, pet he ts their father as wellas myne: and therfore Jſhoulde not delpple them, but cofpder that God ts their father as well as myne. Were map we perceiue what communton is betwene bs, fo that when ¥ pape, J pap not fo2 my felfe alone, but fo2 all the reſte: Agayne, when they pape, thep prape not fo2 thentfelues onely, but fo2me:for Chik bath fo framed this praper, that Jmuſte needes include my neighbour in tt. Cherfore all thole which pray this prayer thep pay as wel Chriftvvold fo2 ute as fo2 them felues, whiche ts a great comfort toeues oe On: ry faithfull heart, whan be confidercth that all the churche : ; mon to vs peapeth fo2 hym. Foꝛ amongeſt ſuche a great numbꝛe there all. be fanre which be good, and whole prayer God will heare. As it appeared by Abꝛahams paper, whiche prayer was fo Gene.18. effectusus, that God woulde Hane pardoned. Sodome and Gomorre tf he night haue founde but tenne good perfons 4425, therin. Uyke wyſe Satnct Paulein hhipwracke prefernen his companie by his prater. Sa thatitisa greate comfo2te ynto vs to kno we that all good and fapihfull perſons pray fo2bs. There be ſome learned men whiche gather’ oute of ſcripture that the paper of faincte Stephen was the occaz AQ? . fisn of the conuerfion of Saint Paule. Saint Chrpfottom — fapth, that that prayer that J make kor my felfets the bel, |.” o> be and is of moze cfficacie than that whicheis made tn come liked inthis mon. Which faping J lyke nef very well. Fo2 our faufour pointe. was ~ Certaine Sermons made by fuas betfer learned than fainct Cheyſoſtome. Be tanght-be to p2ape in common fo2 all:therfoꝛe we ought to folo w him and fo be glad to pray one fo2 an oher. Foꝛ we baue a coms Aprauerte mon ſayeng amongell bs: Mho fo euer loucth me, loueth loueme my hounde. So who fo ever loucth God, willoue bis neigh - louemy 02, which{s made after the image of God. hounde. — Qnd here fs to be noted that payer hath ene propzetic bes fezeall other good tyorkes: fo2 with my almes J bealpe but The Pro-.. One 02 tive at anes, hut with my faithful praver Jheip all. praicr, 4 Defive God tocdfort al men lining, but {pecially domefti- cos fidei,thofe inhich be of $ hauſhold of god. et we ought fo p2ap With all our beartes fo2 the other inbich beleue not, that dod wil turne ther heartes and renew them with bis {pirite:pea our paper reacheth fo far, that our bery capitall ‘a nen ennemie oughte notte bee omitted. ere pou fee what cae. atvercellent thyng prayer ts, whanne tt proceedeth frome pcaiet a faithfull beart, it booth farr patie all the good wozkes that men can Doo, . Pow fo make an ende, we are moniſched here of charitie, and taught, that God fs not onlp a patuate father, buta coz mon Father onto the whole worlde, vnto all fatthfull, bee thep neuer fo pooze and miferable in this worlde, vet he ts their Father. Where we map learne humilitie and. lotys lyneffe, {pectallp great and riche men hall learne bere, not WV hatit js £9 be loftte,o2 to defpife the poaꝛe. £02 whan pe deſpiſe the todefpife pooe mypferable manne, whome delpyie pes ye deſpyſe hepoore. hym whyche called G DD bis father as tell as pou: and peraduenture moꝛe acceptable and moꝛe regarded In bis ſyghte than you bee. Whole pꝛoude perfones mape learne bere toleauctheir ſtubborneſſe and loftyneſſe. Wut there beagreat meyny tobych lyttle regarde this: they thynke theim ſelues better than other men be, and fo defpife and contemne the poore: info muche that thep wyll not heare . pose mennes caules, 102 defende theym from Weng and Aleffon for Oppreſſion of the rvche aud myghtie. Suche proude menne hemthar deſppſe thelosdes prayer, they thouldebee as carefull fo3 { ohe aloft. their beethzenas fo2 theymſelues. And ſuche humilitie, ſuche leue and carefulneſſe towardes our neyghbours wee learne bythis woorde Dur. Wherefore J delyze pou on gods M.DoctorLatymer; BSE crea Goddes bebalfe, lette bs caſt away all diſdainfulneſſe, all peoudenelic, peandall bybble bable. Lette bs pay this prayer with vndetſtandyng and gveate deliberation , not folowyng the trade of ntonkerpe, whiche was without all. deuotion and vnderſtandyng. Where be but felve whiche can faye frome the bottome of their heartes, Our Father, ; alpttle numbre · Petther the Lukes netther the Jetwes, ewe 102 pet the impenitent fpnners cant call God theps Fathers char may Therelore {tis but dayne babblynge what fo euer thep cail godFa pape: © DDheareth them not, he wyll notreceaue thepz theris bur papers, She prontple of hearynge is made bute theym ſwal. onely whyche bee fapthfall and belecue tn God, whych ens Beuour them ſelues to lxue accozdpng vnto bis conmiauns dementes. Fo2 Scripture fapthe ; Oculi Domini ſupet iu- ftos, Whe eyes of the Lorde are ouer therpghtuoufe, and pſal.ʒ3. bis eaves open Onto thepr pavers . Wut who are thole ; ryghtuous? euerp penptente fynner that ts fozpe from the bottome of bis bearte fo2 bis wyckedneſſe, and beleuceth that ODD wyl faageue hym his ſynnes, for hts fonne our faufor Jeſus Chriftes fake. This is called in Scripture a fut man, that indeuoreth hym felf te leaue all wickednes. In ſuche forte Peter and Paule were iuſte, becauſe they VVbat it is Dudrepente and beleued in Chriſte, and ſo endeuored thems to be ĩaſt. felues to liue accoꝛding vnto Gods lawes. Therfoze like as they were made tuft befoꝛe god, ſo may we foo, fo2 we haue even the felf fame pꝛomiſe. et bs therfore folow their ens ſample,/ let bs foꝛſake allfinnes and wickedneſſe: than god will beare cur praters.fo2 Scripture faithe, Dominus facie quicquid volunt timenteseum, & clamorem eorum exau- dit ac {cruat eos, The Lode fulfplieth the deſpre of theim that feare hym, be alfo wyll beare thep2 crpe , and-bealpe theym. In an other place be faptie s: Si manferitis in fer- mone meo, & verba mea cuftodiueritis quicquid volucritis petentes accipictis, $f peabpdein nie, and my woordes as byde in pou, athe that pe will, and (t hall be done fo2pou, -: $0 tue fee, that the pomites pertain only to the faithful,to yy)... thofe which endeuor themfelues to lpue accordyng-to GODS be yvho.ce will § plelure, which can berdtent to leus their wickednes Ges vvill Baa kecaxe. Pſal.iaſ. ⸗* Certame Sermons made b/ and folo we godlyneſſe, thoſe God twill heave at all tymes, eS whanſoeuer they thall call bpon hym. — 8— Remembꝛee now what J hane fago. Kemembre wat is ment by this worde Dur, namely that it admonyſheth bs of loue and charitie, it teacheth bs to be ware of ſtubbur ·⸗ nelle and proudneſſe,conſyderyng that God loued as well the begger as the rpche man:fo2 be regatdeth no perfones. | Agayne, that ts to bee vnderſtand by this woorde Father, — namelp that be beareth a good wyll tolvardes bs, that he ts redy and willyng to bealpe bs. Heauenly, that admoniſheth " bs of His potencte and abilitte,that be fs ruler ouer al thine ges. This J fap remembee and folowe if, then we thall res " ceyue all thynges neceſſary fo2 this lpfe, and fynallp euer⸗ laſtyng top andfelicitic. Amen, Let bs pap. Dur father. — ¶ The ſecond ſermon vpon the Lozdes pꝛaver made by maifter Latymer. Vek JANCTIFICETVR nomentuum. dale Vier —* oe thy name. —— fewe words contain By WAY the firſte petition of the Loꝛdes pꝛayer, the os : (aN if )) Pp peaper, th eH of thts petition, but rather an introduction vn to theſe petitions and they bec ithe apeface, o2learnedens trance to the matter,that the petitions mighte.bee the ſoo⸗ ner and With moze fauoure hearde. Foꝛ oure Sautour’ bees pugea perfecte fcholemapfter as a learned and an erperte orator, teacheth bs, howe we Moulde begynne our prayer, ther wordes which go before this, be no parte — that tue might be ſpedily hearve, and howe to gette fauour — at gods hande. I haue a maner of teaching which is very tedious to them arte more fis proftable that bee learned. Jam wonte ener to repete thofe thynges thea plece whiche Jhaue faped before, which repetitions are nothing fan. plealaunte to the learned, but it is no matter, J care not fo2 Fauication them, feke moze the pofite of thoſe whiche be tqnezant, ise «bing than to pleafelearned men. Thertore J often times repete ‘chers’ ee. fuche thinges whiche bee nedefull fo2 them to knowe, for J oxghtchief Would fpeake fo that they might be edifted wel. lycofete. I (pake Come thinges this day in thecSmendation of thig paper M. Dodor Latymer; Fol. graper. And firſt ¥ told pou that tt was our Sauioꝛs otyne making and handinozks, which is a perfecte (cholemaifter putin authozttte be God the heuenly father himſelf, which fatth: Hic eft flius meus dſſectus, in quo mihi bene cõplacuũ Ma 17. eſt ipſũ audite, This is my wel beloued ſonne, in whome J haue pleaſure, heare hym. This prayerisa perfect prayer, The lordes An Abridgemente and compendisus Summe of all other praicris pꝛayers. Where fs nothing that we haue nede ot, neither to tke ſũmeof “ur ſoules 02 bodies, but tt is conteined in Comeof theſe pes lorber tittds, no2 nothing that qed promiſeth in bis word to geug °*'S** “bs, but (tis expreſſed tn one of thefe. vii. petitions. aie Ichewed pou this dave why we call God Father, namely viv vve becaufe be beareth aloupng and fatherly hearte towardes call god fe bs. It is a ſweete wooꝛde Father, anda wooꝛde that pleas ther. i -feth © DD muche, whan tt ts fpoken with a faithful beart, ‘Apbiche aboue all thpnges God requyzcth. This woorde To cat god Father, moueth Goddes affcctten in a mance tolwardes our father, bs, fo that be bearpnge the wooꝛde Father , canne mot is profica chooſe but ſhe we hymſelfe a Father in deede. So that it is ble fot v⸗ a wooꝛde profptabls to vs in goddes bebalfe, and agayne ‘V° vreis. foꝛ oure owne ſelues. Foꝛ tt moueth GDH to pitte, and alſo helpeth our faith: So that wee doubte not, but that we (hall fynde hein a Father, whpche wyll graunte oure — requeſtes and petitions made vnto hym in the name of Chritke. Powe what craftes and conueyaunces the dee upll bfeth to withdrawe andlette bs from paper, J tolde you fo daye afoze noone. Ff pou erercife pzapers pou fall fynde the temptations of the deupll, fo2 be ſſeapeth not ; be ener intendeth to withdrawe bs from paper. Wut Jtolde VVich faich pou What remedpe pou hall vſe agapnite hynt, bolwe pow ve muſt thall firpue agapnite bym , namely with Fapthe, beles Sshres- urng that cure Sautour hath taken atvape our fpnnes,fe 52" °"* that thep can not burte bs. Foz thep bee ne finnes in the. chrit hath fight of @& DD:fo2 be hath taken alway botbe the giltineHe cascna- ef finnes,and the paines and puniſhemeutes which folet vray oure fpnnes. Chak bath veferucd that thofe whiche belecue in —— hym chall be quite from all thep2 (pnnes. Theſe beneſites . af Chꝛiſte are ſette oute in Scripture in many places⸗ aes finacs. ’ — C theſe ae dehy i Certaine Sermens ma att the - emul fighteagap: shetebe the ——— int holy > fo. gale. deuill, and bis illu frapde of helps water > It is deuiil ts not afray n, tt is he that vanqui⸗ Thedinel pou the teem the bictozte over bpm, urtber m epi apiene ecole tes head, andnotholy water. F tisns ar ofholy vra Heth the ſerpen Father. bis tuill and fatherly affec Cand ter. that we call ppm spit Heauenly Father, bis miqy : we call hym bs. So that icant Ab tencte ts erpounded vnto vs. des sluer, bis omnips upng and kynde toteardes” “ u per ercepue that bets! — is able to helpe, able * the beareth a goon well, ſpirituall and tems seer APA pacha 8 fronte all oure ennemies fyiri —— vvilling — fo defende efore lette bs put our truſte and ot aie Yet able to als porall. her ſpapre of his healpe, ſeyng Ys Vs. 1; lette bs not deſpar BS, and than fo migh⸗ ble kpnve, and gentill to “bibs — This affection VVehave | he, that be hath all thonges in motherly affections, acct: any SE pose ie pote a Wwomanne whrche sd difpeiro etn be Rep hie Gay — haue kyiled ber pila * ‘nitty as a sbie ed aAaC CUA good mapfter pa yd Fea fhe: and vail ee ‘ata we coulde brynge —— fe ftve before ee eons: stber felfe co ee vamaeD tf fhe that purifteation ts Zane Bil her purtfication . — eh foz-naturall — i UtCi panv F mee — 20 and wyle ſhoulde nat et if B08 (87 thes fake 5 tha and. net to that ende per traitail together afo3s that tpnte , 02 there isnothpnge that iM Fe ſhoulde cloanfe fronte — Fé in beauen no? te oar pours { krome ſpnune, n fy Chit ce. Ouely che ——— the bloede ef onre & le ep ster ber bilo — —— faupng cara woman La: ivi gf Cot mpanps coxbprige bn Cond cen So2Yaute ce e toorchẽ chyldren ac hea⸗ Chrift clen hande, and bryngyng anne fhe be made an fern as fo Goddes Jriunction: Petre buf that G DD bathe’ ws, kat then woman 5 — pote ody againie La feos 3 ao? theym comn commaunded Het fo aue, thynkyng ——— 30 opintons that women oan , ivenge in chylde⸗ ignot fiane felues onte of the fauoure c loe pou botke that it1s no ; % J ſpake fi Dave, and fo e manne and· vce * afore ODD: onelp 2 — :fo2 a man mave a may ilelcae — take heede and ble then i ſpnne M.Dodor Latymer. Fol.t0 Un Beadly Lith bis oinn inife, fhe contrary to Gods ordre vvith/ his mypfote ber. Further you haue beard how f good Wil of god ovyne wife, towards vs is ſett aut byshis owe Father, and his po: wer and omutpatencte bp this woorde Heavenly. wut J Toral ged would haue you to confider well this woorde Ourc. Fo2 it heaipech vs is a great helpe buto vs, and ſtrengtheth mache our fatthe, muche. to that we may be aſſured, that euery good ima in the whole woꝛld wil pray for bs and with vs, whiles we haut one fas ther, and one maner of paper. And this woo de Our, put⸗ teth ve in remembrance that we bee bretherne in Chriſte: where we be admoniſhed to deſpiſe no man, be be neuer fo rs) miſerable 03 pooze,fo2 we haue all one Father, which hath ee made bs all of one mettallof earth. So thatthe byghrile 2. ai made prince in the world is made as wel of earth, as the pooꝛeſt, cfene mas. and fs fal turne into the fame again as well as the poozett cr. f fhepard. Wet thele proude perfons marke this well, which ‘be euer ready fo deſpiſe euery man. Suche proude perſons fay neuer the Lordes paper with good mynde: pea God ts wot their Father. Foꝛ be abhogreth all pꝛodnes, therfore .,. fuche fubbozne felotves whan they wril praye, they ould not fap, Dur father which art tn beauen, but rather, Dure is in hell, father whiche art in belle. Gon ts their Father, asconcers nyng their fubfaunce, for be geueth them ſoules and bes Bies ; but they make thetnt felues the membzes of the des * upll, contrarpe vnto goddes will and pleafurc. Therefore ſette alpde all arrogancte and pꝛoudeneſſe. Uvkewyſe all ſuperſtitious and hypocriticall babblpng , fp cakpng many in wordes tolittel purpoſe.As J heard fave of fomelalupers, Supcttie wiich babble and prate, and pꝛetende a great diligence and 55 J earnelte delyre to detende the peo mannes caufe, but in thepz heartes they bee falfe, chey (eeke monepe, and nde tothe pta⸗ thynge elles, fo that thepr hartes and mouthe difagree, tinge of a Lette 65-(3 fave) not folowe fuche Lawyers, lette bs * ilfe aduow wetmakeatheive of holpnede with muche babblynge: fog [°° * G DD hathe no pleature init, therefore awaye wttbit: O°" rea not alone with this, but {with all that mave lette bs in gute paper, fette tt afpde, and comme reucrentely to : talke with G DD, like as whan pou qo te the communion ' Cc. ff. pou : \ Certaine Sermons made by Aare com pou muff be prepared vnto ft, pou mall be in charitie with Teen ke ce Pout neigbboꝛ: fo lie wyſe than peu well talke With god, prayvre and prar fo bpm, pou mutte be pXpared, muthepre Pere poumay perceine, that all thofe perfons that wyil paced. not be cosrected fo2 their faultes, that can not beate godly admonitions, they talke neucr with God to bis pleafure, | What ma. thep be notrvled bp Gods fpirite,and fo not mete fez hym. nerofper il rebellis’ gerfoncg,all bloodthtritte perfons : all coues ite , tous perfor s all lecherous perfons, all lpars,dzonkarbs, wullooe andfuch lyke, be notin the cale to talke With Gov, GMD heare, wyll not beare thent, be can net abide them: they tipnke bes fore bis face,as long as they come before him with fuch abs hominabte (pnnes, not intending toleaue them. Remem⸗ One praicr ber no we what a doctrine is conteined in this preface, _yvith vader weigh tt, kor it ts better to fap it fententioully one time than fanding is fo runne it ouer an hundzeth tymes With humblynge and better ther mumbling. creat ose te * | ——— Nowe whan we haue began as we oughte te doo, what fhall we befp2e? San@ificeturnomen tuum, Palowed be thy namie, Shp name Father, be halotved,be fanctificd, be ma. qnified. Wai bat ts this? et bat ment our (autor than be cde mandeth bs that Wwe hall defire that Gods name bre halos Wwed? There is a great numbze of pcople which (prke theſe woordes With their mouthe, but not with thepr bea: tes, Mufculus contrarie to that fapeng: Quicquid petimus,aidenter petae | mus, tanquam cupientes haber, But they laye ft withoute knowledge, therfore ther faye it mot, ve oporter, as thep chemea dughte to doo. Why nante,we require net that his name nine ofthe Mave bee halowed in hym, fo; thisisallrcadp tone tithe fecoad peri Out oure prayer but toe Oclire that he twyll geue bs grac ‘gon, = andaffpfte bs, thit Weinall ourcdoopnges thozough out our Ipfe map Tanctifie Bis name. “ | And bere we are admonyſhed agapne of love and charfe tie: Foꝛ whan we faye, Palowedbe thp name, wee afke in all mennes names, tobere twee maye perceaue that Communton and felowfhpppe is betiveene the fapthe « full flocke of © DD. Fe} encrp fapthfull manne and woman requireth, that the whele Churche maye balowe — and M. Doctor Latymer and fanctifie Gods woꝛde. What is it to be halowed⸗ Wis deſire that the name of God may be reueled, opened, mani⸗ - felted and credited thorobʒ out all the qwold.Wbhatisgods yy)... name? mary all that ts fpoken of bpm in holye Scripture . owe of - that ts bis is called clemens, gracious, mifericors, god is. . * gnercifull.iuftus, rightuous, puniens iniquitatem, apunts Exo.9. ſher of wickedneſſe, verax, trug, ompipotens, almpahtie, Zack.g. longanimis long (uffrpng,pattenf, fortis, hartie, ignis cons Rom.;. fumens, aconfumpngfpec, Rex omnis terre, the kyng o Hicre. 10. = gerp wholeerth, iadex, a fudge, faluator, a a Sautoꝛ. Theſe lofu.4. and fuche Ipke are the names of God. Now whan J make Deur 4. my petition vnto hym, faping: Balowedbee thy name: J Pfal.49. Delp2e that bis name may be reveled, that we map knolwe Ne,o. what Scripture fpeaketh of hym, and fo beleuc that fame, Exod. 2, and liue after it. ¥ doo natdefp2e that bis nae be halowed Hie. 50. ~ pf bynt felfe;fo2it nedeth not: be isbholy alreadie. Wut J Gene.18,.' deſyzre that be wyll geue bs bis Sptrite, that tye maye ex⸗ Exod. 15. pꝛeſſe hym tn all our doings and conuerlations ; fo vᷣ tt may bial i8s. ~ appere by our dedes that god is euen ſuche one in dede as Pfal.7. * fertpture doth repo2t hym. We are tried many tymes tobe- Pfal. 46. * ther hts name be halowed amongeſt bs 02 no: he fendeth bs Eſa i⸗. ‘trouble and aduerfities to prone vs whether we will haloty VV harper his name 02 ne, but be findeth bs cleane contrarie. Foꝛ font fon they - of bs whan We bein trouble doo runne byther and thpther oh to forcerers and wiſſardes to geat remedye: ſome agapne aodsname ſwoare and curſe, but ſuche felotves halow not the name of ~ God, Wut god ts Vindex feucrus, afharpe puniſher, be will 5,55. 5. - = punithe ſynne, and thoſe whiche blaſpheme bis holy name. — Jheard of late that there be ſomewicked perſons (deſpt⸗ “fers of God and his benefites) whiche fate, It is no matter what fo euer we do we be baptifed, tie can not be damned: Foal thole that be baptiled,and be called chꝛaiſtians thaibe ‘faued. This is afalfe ¢ totchedopinton. And J allure pou, To bebap “that fuche which beare the name of chziffiang and be baptt: tifed and fed, but folow not gods comandementes, that fuchfelowes Send (Jape) be Worle then the Durkes and heathen · 3Forthe matdemeé Turkes and heathen haue made no promife vnto Chrifieta istobce , ſerue hint. hele felotwes haue made promiſe tn Waptifme vorfethen Citi. to aTurhe, . “ Certaine Sermons made by to kepe Chriſtes rule, which thing they bes not · And thers fore thep be worſe than the Gurkes. Fo2 they breake their promife mabe before God and — Bgregation. And therfore ſuche chriſtians be moſte wicked perinred perſons, and not enely be perinred, but they go about to make Gon aiper ſo muche as lieth in theim. There be lome-agapne, Thefefel which whan they be in trouble chepcall vpon God, but he Jowvesbe cometh not bye by mpnding fo prone their pactence, They to haſty percetuing that be cõmeth notat p ſirſt call, geue cuer by € byothep will no moze call Spon hym. Do they beleue no we thinke pesto they ſanctifie gods hoĩr aame: God premiſech Mat.7. in his holy word, Omnis qui pet, Cuery one that calleth, ida that deſprech helpe of me, ſhall haue it. liem. Inuoca mein Pſal 45. die tribulationis, & exaudiam te,& glorifcabis me, Call v⸗ pon me in the Bap of trouble, and J will bere thee, and thon Cor io. Malt pꝛaiſe me. Like tiie faint Paul ſaith: Fidelis eft deus. J gui non patietur vos tentari, ſapra id quod poteftis, <5 OD is fatthefull, tobiche wille not (ufire ponte be tempted as ‘ bouc it that pe be able. Potne whan ine geue euce prayer, —* seve _, being introuble,do tee fanctifie the nameof Gonz Ho no, caer bie We flander and blafpheme bis holy name, we makebym a is to wate Lparasinuchas lieth in b3. 302 be. faith Eripiam te, J will _ gada lyar. Deltuerthe,¥ will belpe thee. Me wille calle no more: for Pial.49 {ye fap, he will nothelpe. So weniake him and his worde alpar. Wherfoze god faith to Boles anD Garon, Quandoe Nume.zo quidem non credidiftis mihi, vt ſanctificatetis me coram fie liis Lirzel,nonintroducetis ceetum iſtum in terrõ g dedveis. WBecauſe pe beleucd me not, to fanctifie me in the fighte of the childacnof Iſraell, therefo2e pou ſhall not bryng thts congregation into thelande whiche Jhaue geuen theim. Where it appereth what tt is to hale Gods nae, that ſs VVbksat it is to heleue his woꝛdes, to ſhew our ſelues that bets true in it halowy Hig goopuges and fapinges. We fapthe further, A cerrore. omni eius neformidetis neq; animo frangamini, quin potius Do-. ea minuw exercituum ipfum fandificate, Feare them not, nets: E(ig, ther beafratye of thent, but fanctifie the Lozne of hoeſtes. “ ageve pou (ee tubat is to fanctifie bis name, thatis, to bes le ue chatall thynges be true that be ſpoken of hym, thatis, ts bes M.VoSorLatymer. Fol.ts o beleue that our ennemies be notable to go further thant ft pleafeth god. Ayd ſo did the Apoſtles whan they ſuffered The Apo fo2 gods ſake, they beleuc that god wold do with them ac⸗ ſtles and cozdpng fa his woorde and pꝛomiſe. And fo they ſanctified aerate, god, that is,thep declared with their actes and dedes, that ods name @odisatrucandfatthfull goo. This bpd the martp2s of god. This did pong men which would not worſhip ‘the Idol fet bp by the king,z therfore were caſt into the bur hing ouen, to which pain thet wer willing to go. tue know (faid thep) that god is able fo belyc ¢ defend bs whan it plea feth bint, So mute we likewile offre oure felues vnto the _ by what meanes: netther may we appopnt hpmanpytymes 5. aooiat vbut onely fanctéfie bis name, thatis,tocall vppon hym fo2 god the Deliverance, not doutpng but whan it is te bts honoꝛ our maner and profite to be delincred, that he wyll healpe. wut pf be belpe vvay hoxvx not, but let bs ſuttre deathe, happye ace we, 303 than we fe! Ball be delyuered fromall trouble. And fo theſe thze pong men Por fancitacd the nantes of god, thep beleued that god was a hel⸗ To ſuſfe per:and ſo according fo their belefe be holpe thent, mecuats death is ro loufip ſhewing bis power, and defending them from the pos be deliue wer of the fire. In (uch wiſe did Achto2 that goodman wha ‘<4 — Wolofernes that ſturdy capitain made great bragges what or? yy he ould doo, and bow be would handle the Jewes. This farcfe Achtoꝛ knowyng god, and beleupng hym to be the ruler o⸗ cods name uer heauen and earthe, ſtepte fortvarde, jand fapoe to Be⸗ lofernes: If this people haue done wickednes in the fight: Iuditb. 4, of their © DD, than let bs go bp againſt thenr, but if this: peopie haue not diſpleaſed their Ged, we thall not bee able: Dani. 4. to withſtand them, far Good ſhall defend them, Bere thisa⸗ pr... 1, chioꝛ Hewed himſelf ta beleue that which was {pokeof gad . 4, 9 fn ſcripture, namely p god wold be a deluerer Edcfenderof © thoſe which beleue in him. Wit torꝛal Phe ſuffreth, being be fore a gret mighty captain, hewas now hãdled like a bile beaſt, but what thãchappy ar thoſe that ſucfre for gods fake: The prophet fart; Comenda domino wid tua, & ipſe faciet. | C. tif. Commit Certaine Sermons * by Committe thy wayre vnto the lorde and he ſhall being ft ta. paſſe, that ts to fape: whan thou art in trquble call vpon the lo2d,belenc in him: and tf tt be goed fo3 thee he will deliuer thee: ſs to ſanctifie gods name is to beleue in him. Tndith did. aby Judith that yoos godly and bolp woman fanctifien “ fanaifie the nanre of the lord. Fo2 he and ber people beyng in great gods name diſtreſſe and miſeries, fhe putte bec bope in God, the faſted ludith 13 and prayed deuoutly, and afterward being moued o2 mont: ſhed bp a (ecrete admonition, was not afratde to put her (elf in great daunger. In fo much that ſhe toke fn hand, bepng a woman, to kpll the greate capitayne (of whom all men weer Indith g afrarde) Holofernes: (J fay) the was not afrayde of hym. Thekldery Itrowe fhe rebuketh the prieſtes which would appoint god did wicked atpme,as who faye, be (halbe nowmozemp G DD, except ly in apoin He come by that tyme, whiche was berpe wickedlye Done of © Hag goda them. JFo2 Wwe oughte to bee at bis pleafare , whanfoener , and whatſoeuer be wil Boz with bs, we ought to be content Wwithall, 39f we were earnell and zelouſe as toe thould be; D howe hottie we woulde bee in promoting Gods honanr, - and fanctifpeng bps name: ive woulde no2coulde not fufe fer that any bodye ſhaulde goe abouts to diſhoneſt the holve name of G D D. Wut we be verye colde, we care notforhis honour: we oughtetobee pacientetn cure stone quarell, whan any bodye doth bs wꝛong, we ought to beare and fo22 In godsqua beare tt:but in gods bebalfe, we oughte to be hotte and ear⸗ rel * ey nett te defende bis honor as much as lyeth in bs to Doe. Wut re tto be it is cleane contrarpe with bs} for(noureowne quarell we. out · ‘He as hotte as coalea: Wut in gods caule,fo2 bishenour,we care not, we regarde it as notbyng, wheras (t oughte motte aboucalltobeeregarbed. Foꝛ G O D he is iuſte, righti⸗ oufe,fapthfullandkynde , and therfo2e we oughte to take Tobe va his parte. Wut nothing maketh moze fo2 the fanctifieng of © fallto'G ſanci 4 hk — we receiuet at his handes. And this halowing ſtandeth in all things $ map make fo? the furtherance of goddes honor. To beare goddes worde, 4 gods holye name, than to bee thankefull fo2 ſuche giltes,as aud highlye to eſteeme the ſame, that is a halowyng ef god⸗ bes name. Bowe halowe nowe thoſe the name of G —* whic M.Doctor Latymer. Fol.iʒ. which refule to heare the woꝛd of God, 02 foꝛ lacke of pꝛea⸗ chers can not hegre it,and howe can they beleue when they heare tt not· Cherfore they that do ſomwhat for the furthe⸗ sucheas rance of learnyng,fo2matnteinpng of (choles and ſcholers, maiorayne thepfanctifp gods holy name: As fo2 thofe preachers which !sarning ka haue be in my time,thep go away. How thal now this office ov" S945 of preching,} office of faluation, bol thal tt be maintetned, e ercept there be made fome proutfionforthelame: Bere J could fap mache agapnit thofe vehiche let that office, which withdraw the goodes tuber with (choles ſholde be mayntei⸗ med, t take tf to thefelues, but my audience ts nat therafter. This office of preaching 1s ᷣ office of faluation,fo2f. aul .Cor.x ſaveth: Viſum elt deo pezttultitiam predicationis taluos fa- The office cere credentes. It hath pleafed God to fauethe beleuers bp of faluatio. the koolyſhnes of pꝛeachyng: how can thep then beleue, but by and thorough the office of pacachpngt preachers ar Chri⸗ ſees vicares, legarione fungentur pro Deo, they are Chꝛiſts autbafavours. Saint Paulefapth. Euangelium eft poten» Preachers tia dei ad falurem omnicredenti, The gofpell is the power ere Chrifts of god vnts faluation fo2 cuery beleuer,it isthe mighty ins icares and ſtrument of Go. - — WMhan Wwe laye, Halo wed bee thy name: we deſpre Gon that be thoꝛough bis goodneſſe wyll remoue and put awax all thyngs that may lette and ſtoppe the honor of his name. ‘Wut J feare me there be manye whiche woulde not that it fhould be ſor Ae deſere bere that God wyll remoueall (ne Fidelity, we require that all witchecraftes be remoued, that art magike and foscerie be pulled sut,nigromancy taken a: - wayrs:and ſo nothing lefte but his bolye worde, wherewyth we may daily praiſe the name of God, Foꝛ Jſfeare me there sorcerers’, bea great meany in Englande tobich ble luche forcertes to dithonor the bifvono of God and they? oivne damnation. de rez the pame quire bere further thatall hereſy, all poperpe maybe abolt⸗ of god. qhedand ertinguifhed. Further we require here that al wie... Hed liufng map be amended and refermed. Pert we requirs. — that all magiitrates mape de their dueties. Finallye we ree - guirethat euerp ma in bis vocation may do the work tohers -. unto god bathcallen bint. There be many bocations.:: - dours, © Certa'ne Sermons msde by Themast The Bagiltrates vocation is to fee that the common rates ol gyeith be twel ordered/ to (ce that the {cholegbemainteined, "to fee that the vniuerſities be well farnithed, fo {ee that tas fice be erccnted, that the wicked be punted, and the good rewarded: In ſumma, to kepe cuerpe one tit good oder. his is their buetpe.. Further we pape that the prieſtes, For church the {pivitualtpe, 02 the churcheimen, (as thep call them) doe men, their Duties, fs preache goddes worde, to line godly andto gtue a geod enſample by their conucrfation: cls they doe as gaint the bonour of G DD, and thetr owne honeſty. Uyke⸗ For feruan Wile we pape that ſeruauntes map Doe thetr dueties. For ss. ss to bee aferuaunte is an honeſt efkate, and muche commens . Dedin Scriptuce,and Scripture fpeaketh much to the cons * foate of then, And trueclp thole that lpue tn the feare of god, (confpbering that they ſerue not only thetr carnal maiſters, Scruantes but God hymſelfe,)chey be tna good caſe:but thep map not thatferuc hee eye ſeruauntes. Saincte Paule noteth this fault, and not hf vaeh ‘ fapeth, that thep (al not be murmurers, no2 frowarde an⸗ ore a ſwerers. Saincte Paule woulde banc them to lyue fo, that ‘sale. thep mape o2nate and fanctifpe the nante of God. Fo2 that feruaunte that dothe the thping whereunto bets called, he dothe adorne his eftate: that ſeruaunte ts agood goſpeller {hat wyll not be an eye ſeruaunt. There be ſome ſeruaun⸗ tes whiche doc their dueties as longe as their maiſter is in _ fpabt:but as ſoone as thetr maiſter ts gone, they playe the lubbers. Unts fach felowes Jſay be ware;fo2rthbough peur -bodelp maiſter fee pou nat, pet pour great maiſter god ſeeth you,and wyll puntihe you. Quod agis,toro pe Aore agito, Colof; What thoutoek, doe tt fromthe bottome of thy bearte, The aon Wwith a geod inpll, coe not awaye intth the deutls Pater no Paterno -Mtev as ſome Doe, doe all thinges tuith agood mynde. Fo2 F fter, “fell pou, pou bec not forgotten tn Scripture, vou are muche ce ad ar commended in the ſame. &. Paule ſpeaketh very boneuras — — Llp of pou, faving, Domino Chriſto feruitis, pou ſerue the : {cripture. lord Chriſt:it becrommeth not you to put a Difference tohat Coloſ. 3, bulines powbe commanded to do. Fo2 whatſoeuer ithe, ds This is a it wa Food wil and it is gods ferutce. Therfore pou dughts be vndetſtã todo it in reſpect p god wold haue pou todo fo, for am no nig2¢ M.Dé@orLatymer. Fol.142 ) graze atfured in mp preaching, that Jſerue god, than the fer ed of a8 want is in doing (uch bufines as be ts commraunded to dee, pinay 4 | fkouring the cavklittcks,p2 whatſoeuer it be. Therfore fe2 lye, 8 gods fake confider the matter. Some of pou think, if Chriſtt were here, vou would go with him and ſerue hint. gtelpou vo whan pou folot pour feruice, and do fuch thinges as pour matifer and maiſtreſſe (hail commande pou, pou ferue hym as wel as tf be were bere bodily. be ts not here bedilp now; but bis woe is here, Domino Chiifto ferurtis fapth Saint Paule, vou ſerue the lode Chꝛiſte Therſore I velpre pou tn goddes behalfe to walke vprightly, and godly. Conſpder wat god fapeth Unto pou, Male dictus quifacit opus domi- nineghigenter, Curico be he that toth the worke of the 1020 .3:., 482 negligently. Chis ſcripture pertepneib to pou as welas to 5 me. £02 wha pe da pour bifines negligently pou be curled beefoe the face of ed. Therfore eenſider the goodneſſe of lise God, that be woulde haue pou as well ſaued as poure mats.) pore fiers. Qureive me thinkcthitis a great benefite ef God, to oc a fruit, - be a ſeruant. Foꝛ thoſe that kepe boules, mul make a count ‘ afore god fo2 their fanilpe,thep mut watche and {ce , that all thinges bee well. But a feruaunt when be can diſcerne tobat Fandeth wtih qoddes conunaundeimentes,and what ig again it, itis proughe fo2 hym:but he muſt knowe that be ought not to obey his mailer o2 maſtreſſe wha thet wold commaunde him to doe againſt god,in fuchacafehe mapre 49 5 fuſe ¢ withſtand them. Foꝛ it is wꝛiten, we muſt moze obey 4 feryane nto ged, then man: ne ſhold not do againſt god 5 to pleaſe way vrith pur ntatiers. Again matters ⁊ miſtreſſes,are boud to conſi⸗ ſtaad his ber their ducties,to pap vnto thetr ſeruants their wages; € aly — meat and drinke conuement. Fo? it is a greate ſinne to de⸗ 788 fraud 9 laborer of his wages: fo2 itis waite, pᷣ cryx of pᷣ labo⸗ ty bur nor rers thal come befoze-) lord, it is a great faut afore god to de io refuting feaud the: but ther be fom ſeruãts which be fo ticked p thet co futfer ag wil cõplain wout a caufe, wha thep cannofbaue p that thep — it ‘Wold haue, nor beareal p rule théfelues. Wut Jſave, it is ap great thing fo2 a maifter to defraud bis ferudt:¢ agatn p [ev perch ofmage « vat which hath bis whole Mages, doth but half his woke ters and 9218 a Muggatd, that fame fellow I ſay is a thefe afoze eee — Certaine Sormans. made by Fo2rlpke as the matter oughte to pay the whole wages, fe likelutfe the ſeruaunt ought to do his whole woꝛꝛe. Here Jmight haue occalion to ſpew hothe man and wyfe ought to liue together, how thet oůght to be faithtul louinz and friendly one fo the other:how the man ought not fo de⸗ ſpiſe the {ypfe,confpdering that fhe is partaker With bint of euerlaſting lyfe. Dherfoze the ma ought cohabitur, to dinel With ber, which ts a greate thing. Agayne, lee bow the wor man oughte to bebauc ber (elfe towardes ber bulband, bot faithfull (he oughte to be. pow whan they both pelde their VVhofo dueties the one to the other, then thep fanctifte the name ot doth vvalk godbut when they doe contrary to their callpng,then thep inhiscal flaunder the holy name of ged. Therfore leteucry man and ling, ſancti woman toalke in thetr bocations. Fieth the Me multe havea good and earneſt mynde and wyll fe fanctifp the name of God, ſor that perſon that ppaaveth and. Mname of d. fie thac Defp2eth of God that bis name maye bee halowed, andpet vvill fanGi path wo will no2 plefure to do tt tn Dede, this ts not the right fiegoddes fanctifieng of the name of god: &. Peter teacheth bs howe. Bame, mult we ſhall fanctifie gods name faying, Conuerlationem inter: haueanecar nettdeaice gentes habenresbonam,bauea good holp conuerfatisus _therto, liue bprightlpe tn pour callpng, fo that pour lyghte maye fe -> {hpne befo2e men that thep map (ee pour good twozkes, and » fe glozifp god. | . 3 wyll trouble pou nelonger, it is better a littell tet -Afhort fe? percetued and boone atvape, then a greate deale bearde and fonvvell Lette bebpnde. Confider wherfore ovr ſauiour commaũdeth dearned. ~ 08 to call god our Father,tha afterward wap this,vs hich are ~ heauen. Than come to the petition, halovved bethy name, wavre andconfider this. Foꝛ nowe is the tyme Wherein the -name of god {hold be halowed. F02 itis a pitiful! thing to fe. what rule and dominion pf deutl beareth, howe ſhameleſſe Re men be: howthe name of god ts beoughtin derifion. Ther⸗ ‘vvord mutt fore let bs faye from the bottom of our bearte Sanctificerur, bevvegh halowed, that is to fape,lo20 God thorough thy qoodnes tes ed. maoue all wickednes, gine bs grace tolfuebvprightipe. And. ſo confider euerye worde/ for tt is better one woorde ſpoken Wwith good affection then an bund2ed withoute it. Aet Jdoe not M. Doétor Latymer. Fol.13. sot fay this to lette pou from faping the whole Pater noftcr, but % fap one woede well fapd,ts better thena great manp sis: Kede thozougheut a's the Scripture,and pe fhall fpnde caichfalme that all faithfull men haue made, but ſhoꝛte papers, Abꝛa⸗ make ſhort ham Iſaat, Jacob, Dauid, Ezechias, dur fantour himſelt in praiets. the garden ſayth, Pacer, fi pofsibile eff trã ſcat à me calix te, Mat.26, Father if it be poſſible let this cuppe paflefromme. Thys Was but a ſhorte praper. So liketwife fainct Stephen fapth; Act. 7. Pater,ignotce illis quia neſciunt quid faciunt. The publicane praping in the temple made but a ſhoꝛte prayer faping, pro- pitius efto mihi peccatori, i020 be merrifull vnto me a ſyn⸗ wer. So the theefe hanging bpon the croffe fapeth, Domi- ne Memento mei cum veneris in regnam tuum, Loꝛd remem Lu. 23, ber me whan thou commeſt tn thy kinadome:bere was not ve much bablpng: But J fpeake not this to diſſuade pou from fonge praper, whan the (pirtte and the affections doc ſerue: fe2 our fautour himſelfe fpente a whole nighte fn paaper, Sancificetur, alowed be thp name, that ts to {ape lorde res —— moue alpape thp diſhonor, remoue alway fin, moue thé § be ° 7" CPO fn autho2itpe to Do their dueties:moue the man and wife to |) ;, peutid Nue rightly,moue feruantes to da well. And fo tt hould be a great griefe vnto bs whan we ſhoulde ſee any body diſho⸗ no2 the name of Gad, in ſo muche that we ſhould crye cut, our Father alowed be thy name. This onc thing beare as {way with pou aboue all others:confpder that when we wil * *<° re come to god and talke with hint, we muſte be penitent fpne <1 cpece ners, we mutt abboore ſynne, purpoſe to leaue thent,and to i: may beit lyue vprightly, whiche graunte bs god the Father, Sonne ticken and bolp ghoſte. Amen. memon The third Sermon vpon the Lordes pꝛarer made bp M.Latymer. Docviat regnum tuum. Shp kingdom come. This ry. Wye, is the ſeconde petition of the loꝛdes pꝛaier. Jtruſte 2 Y. pou baue not fozgotten peur, 2. leflons befoe rez text Soe bearfed vnto pou. Fvatte the beginning of the lor⸗ -, Bes paper, what a treafure of Doctrine is contayned in ence i 2 4 J - Certaine Sermonsmade by Afhort re eye insti Out what ft figniticth, Father, tobatit meanethy herfallof any than this additiõ vvhich arcin heauen, Bow mang thi: thatis ges {sto be noted by eucry one of #ole wozdes:and truũ — alſo pou haue remembꝛed the contentes of the firſt petition ii, fermon ;, Sandtificetur nemen tuum, Halowed bee thy name, Bere J folde pom wherein ſtandeth the bolines of his name/e what it utcaneth namely werequypze vᷣ his namemay be fanctifies fu bs, that is tofay, we requyꝛe that all oure connerfati ons’ _ mape be ta the bonour of Ged: which foloweth whan we tue deuodur out felues todoe bis pleafure, whan we beare bys worde with great diligence,and earnteſt reuerence, and ſo walke tn the wozkes of sur vocation euerr man whereun⸗ fo God hath appointed him. And becauſe the worde of God ts the inltrumente and fountapne ofall good tbhtnges, tue pape ts qod for the continuance of his worde, that be wyll fende godly and well learned mien amongeſt bs, which map be able to declare bs bis will and pleafare. So that ive may glo2ifpe hym in the bonour of our bilitation, eben god thal bifite bs, and rewarde enery one accozding vnto his deſert. Vvemat Due thing wemel well confider and not forget it, name⸗ notforger lye that our (autour teacheth bs to pape and defire of Gow chat vve arc that big name may bee halowed. Cai bere be papnteth bs tz able todo dur owne colour,and would haue vs tesonfciic oure otuns — imperloctions, that ive be not hable to doe any thyng accdr⸗ cording ro DENT to gods twill ercepte we rece tue it firſt at his handes. godsvwll. Hberfoze he teacheth bs to prape, that gov twill make vs a⸗ ble fo do. alétbinges acceding to bis will and plea ſure. VVe praye Aducniat regnum tuum. This is our requeſt. Thy kingtons not for our come:ᷣ father tue befeche let thy Kingdom come to bs. Here fclucsa (ye prape p the kingdom of god come not toone onelp, butte fone. ‘gs al. 0p then F fap this prater, ¥ require gov thathe til ict his kingdom come (3 pou,as tell as to ine. Again when — p2ay,pon pap as well fo2 me as fo2 pour owne ſelues. Let thy kingdome come. sou muſte vnderſtande that te fpealie properly, theſe wordes are not to bee vnderſtande of VVhat kiag goddes inkeriour kyngdome, of bis carthipe kbyngdome, as domeitis thanah it did hange vpon our petitions, fe that be could not that yw praye ror, Bet AneEs and ruler ouerthecarthe , excepte we — fo3 put” ‘ M.DoorLatymer. Fol.ic. Bynt. 0, ive prare not for his inferfour kingdom fo come, : fo2 it ts come alreadpesbe ruleth and gouerneth all thinges: Ezech,2¢ He ts called in (cttpture Rex regum/ Whe king abate al Rw't, Tim. 6, ges, Dominus dominantium, the lord aboue al lorꝛdes, thers fo2e be reuleth and gouerneth all thinges, according ts bis Will and pleature,as feripture faith, Voluntati eins quis refi _p oy 4, ſtet who twill withſtand bis will. So our ſauioꝛ repoꝛteth fateng Pater meus operatut vfq,mo b do. Op Father worketh hitherto ¢ JIwoꝛke alfo, that wer °° is Ret} her he worketh the workes of gouernaunce. For at the firk beginning be dtd create all thinges. But he lefte them not ſs.He alitteth them, he ruleth the accordyng fo dts toil. Therkore our ſauioꝛ doth not teach bs to pꝛay fo2 bts world lp kingdome to conte. Fo2 be ruleth alreadpe as lowe kyng peaandall thekpnges and rulers tule bp bint, (by bis per⸗ MiMi on)as Scripture witneſſeth: per me Reges 'regnant. Praueet: Toorough ute, that is, by mp permiſlion kynges vo reigtie? 8 J would wiſhe of god that all kynges and potentates in the e for - world would confider this weil, and fo endeusꝛ themſelues wioges and fo vſe their power fo the bore and glory of god, and not to ralers. ꝓꝛeſume in their ſtrength. Forthis is agood monitisn for them, when god ſaith: per me tegesregnant , Thordugh me kynges Ds reigne:pet thep bee ſo onder gods rule, that thep cannethynke nothing 192 d0anp thing tuithoute Goddes Prouscal permiſſion. Foz it is written: Cor regis in manu domini 8 —— ie quo vult vertirillud. The heart of the king fst the band of (55 for tub the lord, and be turneth the ame whether ſoeuer it pleaſeth acs. Hit, This is good to be conſidered, and ſpecially ſubiectes ſhoulde marke thts texte Well, whan the rulers bee harde, and oppreſſe the people, thinke euer: Cor regis in manu domint The kynges beartetgin the gonernaunce ef © D D.Bet whan thou art ledde ta prifen,confpper that the goucrnoures bearteisin the bande of the Uoꝛde. Ther fore pelde obedrence/ make thy mone vnto G D Dy and be | topll belpe, andcannebelpe. Surelpe Ithynke therebee no place in {cripture moze pleataunte than thps. be heart of the kynge is in the hande oẽ OD. Fozit maketh bs fare, that no man caune hurte bs wethoute the: canes ~ehil 3G! 0 — a j ® VO BN i ey Certaine Sermons made by of god our heauenly father. Foz all thofe greate rulers that. baue bene from the beginning of the wozlde till now, bane | bene (et bp bp the appointments of god, and he palled thens doune when it pleaſed him. ° at tees —— There haue bene principallye foure monarchies in the 7 woꝛld, the fir were the Babilonians, which bad great and satke many nations vnderneth them: which tras geds ozdinancs verid, andpleafure,fozbe ſuffred thent ſo to do. After thofe came the Perfians, which were qreate rulers and mightpe kynges,as (t appeareth bp ſtoꝛies waitten oc learned men at that tyme. hen came the Greekes and toke the dominion fren the Perltans,and ruled themlelucs fo a twbyle, tell they were _ plucked donne. er Atthelatke came the Komatnes with thetr empire, which The ctuic thalbe the tatt:and therfoze tt is a token thatthe ende of the oar WOldig not farre of. wut therfore were thofe mighty pos chies vvere tentates plucked Dounezmary fos wickedness fake. Lhe Ba pulled bilonians, Perfians and @recians (and a good parte of the dounc, Romaines) tere cake doune fo2 wickedneſſe fake. what were thetr dainges: they would not erccute iuſtice: the mas giſtrates were wicked, loftp,and bigh mynded. Whe (ubtece tes taking enfample of thetr magiftrates, were wicked tod, and fe yozthy to be puniſhed together. Therfore the wyſe⸗ Eccle.3. dome of gad fapeth, Vidi tub folein loco iuditii impieraté & in locoiuftitiz iniquitatẽ, in p place where pooꝛe rien ought to be herd, there Jhaue (ene impiety, Jhaue lene oppzefid €ertorcts this Jhaue (enc. wea ¢ in p place of tuftice, there Jhaue fene bearing and bolffrpng. So fo2 thefe caules fake thefe great emperours wer deſtroted:ſo thal ive tf we folote their wicked enfamples. Clap that beartpe Pꝛophet confire seth thefame,fapingsE xpectaui ve facerẽt iuditium,& ecce iniquitas,ex pectaui vt faccrent infticiam & ecee clamor. J lee ked that thep fhoulde crecute (uftice, defende the good, and The cry of punith the pll:but there was nothing but crping. This isa the people Steate matter (Clamor populi,) the crye of the people:whan isagrear Cubtectes be oppreſſed fo that thep crpe vnto god fo deliue⸗ mater. fance,truelp god will beare them, be twill belpe and pitas - tent, M. Do Yor Laty mer. pO Fokege them. But it is to be pitied, that the deuill beareth ſo muche rule, and fo muche preuaileth bothe tn maieſtrates and ſub⸗ fectes, tn fo much@that he heareth almoftc all the rule, not that be ought to do fo. Foꝛ Gorbe ts the laufull ruler of the worlde, brits hym tye ofve obedience: but the deuyll ts an ofurper, becommeth to bis dominien bp crafte and ſubtil⸗ tie, and fo maketh hymſelfe the great ruler oner the worlde. - gpotwe, be beepige the greate ruler twoulde haue all the other rulers to goe after bynr, and foloive bis enſaumple, Wwhyche commonly bappenethfo. Fo2pou knowe there is a common fapeng Siwilis ſimili gauder, UL pke to lvke: thers fore be vſeth all homely trickes to make all rulers te goe after bpm: pea be intendeth to inueigle euen berp kynges, andto make theim negligent in their buſyneſſe and office. Therefore fuche kynges and-potentates were pulled dolun, betaufe thep foloived the inftructions of the deupll. Wut oure Sauiour fpeaketh not of fuche worldley kyngdo⸗ ines, whan be teacheth bs to faye : Thy kyngdome come, The dewild is not the right lorde otthe woilde. Likerolike thatis viur- pers, delite tofolow . the great vfarper 38° thaa, Foꝛ thele worldly kyn gdomes bꝛyng bs not to perfect feli⸗ citfe, thep be full of all maner of calantities and myferies, deathe, perditions, and diſtructions. Therefore the kings dom p be fpeaketh of, is a {pirituall kyngdome : a kingdom {where God only bearety the rule,€ not the deutl. This king: Dome is fpoken of euerx where in Scripture , and was res ueledlong agoe. and dayly God bathe bis pecachers, tubich bryng vs to knolwlesge of this kyngvom. Nowe twe pap bere that that keugdome of od may bee tncreafed, fo2 itis @odsfelotyhypppe, thepare Goddes fubiectes that dwelle in that kpngdome , whiche kyngedome doothe conſyſte in - cightuoulnede and tufkice, and it deixuereth from all cata: mities and nuferics, from death and all perill. And in this petition we pap that God wyll ſende te to bs bis [ptrite, whiche ts the leader onto this kyngdome, €al thofe which lacke ths {pirite , fhall neuer come to god, Fozlain-te Paulefapthe, .Quilpiritum Chnfi non ha- t, non cl ciusy Wiho ſo eucr hath not the ſpirite of Chak be pertapneth not vnto hym: Lykewpie oure Sauyeute fapih, Regnum dei iutia nos ef The kyngdome of God is | iD within God atl beateth rule in his kinydome. Gods king. dome dais, r uerethvs Bly all mi fiery. Rom, 8. L117. Certaine Sermons made by the Cuangelifte fayeth + Loquebatur lllis de regno Dei, Chit he talked with theint of the kyngdome of. DD, Marke taught not Here he taught them of the kyngrome of God: be tanghte see ere theint nothpnge of the kyngdome of this toglde . #02 be world. fapth, ſtandyng before Pylate, Regnum meum non eſt de loh.8, ho¢mundo, Mp kyngdome ts not of this worlde. Wereigs } neth bp faith thozough bts boly ghoſte, in all thofe which pertain vnto hym. Be ts not an earthly keng as the Jewes hope to haue their PeMas. Wherfo2re whan J fele ſuch mes —— tions within me than is it tyme to call vpon God : foz ſuche dye niged motions tore of the deutll, therfore J muſt t unne to Goo; forrefkue. fapeng > Thy kpngdont come molle leupng father : healpe . ive thou, fyght thou fo2 me agaynſt my eneintes, ſutkre me not to be taken priſoner: lette not my ennemies hane the victs⸗ rie ounce me, So we multe call vpon god without tterimfs | fier. F023 pou map be Cure, we chall neuer bee toithout bats > faile @frauatle, and we are not able to withllande our ad⸗ uwer larle bp oure ofone potver. Therlore it is mot nevefull bwꝛ vs te call and crpe vnto hym for helpe : Ge ben we doo fo, than we Chall haue grace to withitande the deuyll. * Prover 2: he can not, neither ts beable to ſtriue with Ged fo2 all bis Noné can trafte, Foz Scripture tapth 3 Non eft confiliam contra ‘dos preaaie a tinum, Ho wiſedome no craft can preuayle agapnife the gaint god. oꝛrde: ee will healpe anddelpuer vs whan be teeth bis na Foꝛ commonly the ature of Cod ts to healpe whan mans belpe ts paſt: whan the deupll thpnketh himſelfe cocklure, than D D commety and ſubuerteth his wyc⸗ Red intentes, as it appeared in our (autour bymfelfe . F093 he, when the denpll had brꝛought the Jeboes te ſuche a madnes ‘that they wente and crucified bpm What this’ was Doone, The deuits the deuyll triamtphed and made metry: he thought hymtelte tina phe i, tive mough of hym. Wut tohat was the ende of it? bis trl rurnedig MIMPHYHg-Lwas turned to his ofene deltruction Fo2 Chatke détrudion hangyng vppon the Croffe, dyd by bis deathe teftrope the ‘potver of the deuyll. So tee fee hole’ G DD futtereth “the detipll “fora indple, and then when he leeth his tyne, be ‘eonminéth tiyth bps atatious helppng Hande. Wut as tole ‘pou before, the diucll hath manp inuentions, many impedi⸗ mentes M. Dodor Latymer. Fol.r9 mentes and lettes wherewith be trappeth ba. Foꝛ twe fre there bee a great many gofpellers tubiche begunne very well and godipe, but Rowe thamolie parte of thepnt become am⸗ hiciaus and couctous perfonnes ; all the worlde ts full of fuche ſello wes. But what than? Bo wyll preſerue hyvs kpngdome: he wil Wwraſtle wyth the deuylles kyngdome,; and fo ſhall preuayle and pull it downe to the bottome . Wherfore all thoſe whi⸗ che bee in the kpngdome of GDD mut wealſtle, firpue and figite with the dtuell:not as the carnall gofpellers toe, whi⸗ che commonly begyn wel at the fyatte, but note hauyng reſt and franquillitic,and al things goyng with them, thep leaue the Golpell , and fette thep2 myndes bpon thys naughtye worlde. Wherfore tt ts good and necdefull fo2 bs to hauc af: flictions and erercifes,fo2 as ſainct Auguſtine fayeth. San- guis Chriftianorum eft veluti femen fructuũ Euagelicorum. Foꝛ Wwhan one,ts hanged here, and another ponder, then God goeth a ſowyng of bisfeede . Foꝛ lyke as the come that fs into the grounde,rpleth vppe agapne,and is multiplied; vouen ſo the bloude of one of thoſe whyche fuffre fo2 Goddes woordes fake, furreth vppe a greate manye: and bhappye ts be fo whome it is geuen to (uffre fo3 Goddes holpe woordes fake, For it ts the greateſt paomotton that a man canne haue in thys worlde, to dpe fo3 Goddes fake, 02 to be deſpyſed and contemned for bys fake. Foꝛ thep fhalbce well rewarded fo2 thep2 paynes and laboures. Merces veftra multa eft in ceelis. Poure relwarde,fapeth our Sauiour, thalbe great in heauen. Further whan we ſaye. Aducniatregnum tuum. Thy kyngdome come, we defp2e of GD D that there map come more AND more to the knowledge of Goddes worde. And les cundartlye we deſypre of G@ D D to bapnge thole whiche bee come alreadye , to the perfecte knotulcdge of bys woorde, andſo to kepe them in it Mill to the berpe ende,fo2 not he that beginneth, but be that endureth thalbe ſaued. This kpngdome of © O Dts double, Regnum ‘gratiz, ®numglorie . The kyngdome of: grace and the kyng⸗ dome of glo2pe,honour ioye and felicitpe. As lounge as we be in this ‘ouaipeaa be in the kingdome of grace: tuban we are > oD. ff gone Anote for gofpellers, Carnal gof pellers.” The bleud of chrift:as is the feede ofthe frui- © cesofthe ~* gofpell, To dye for Chriftis | the greateft promotid, Mat, Se Hethat en dureth fhal be faued. Math; Xe The bing- domeof godis dow bie. Certaine Sermons made by gone, thar we thall come to the kyngdome of glorie. For as long as we ‘be here god ſheweth himſelfe gute bs by grace: beafcertainety hs thorough his fywite, of bis fanoure, and fo he reigneth within bs by grace. Mut whan we bee ones gone, than we tall fee hym face to face, which we cannet as longas we be heres Forhe ecibiteth hymſelf vnto ts not ſo painly as be Doth onto bis angels which be with hym tir The — the kyngdome of glorie. Wherfore whan we fay, Thy kings aii dome come, we defire of God that he will belpe bs to this Peed perfecte. kingdome, that he twill deliner bs out of this trows sus worlde⸗And geue bs euerlaſting reſt. 4 feare there be a great numbre in England which if thet knew what they ment in (peabing theſe ordes, Dip hinge dome conte, thep wold neuer fay them. For they ar fo geuen to the world, and fo fet their mynde vpon it, that they could be content that there hould neuer be any ende of it. Such worldlings whan they fap theſe words, Thy kyngdom com, Vvorldlin they prare againſthem ſelues. Foꝛ they deſyre god to fake’ ge⸗prar a them out of this world ſpedily, € pet they bane ail their de⸗ Saw ng Lite util. Therlore fuche worlolyngs wran they’ fay, Thy bey fay SS come, either —* mocke —— 7 03: * es be twill not ‘be Petite, Quicquid petimus'; -ardenter etd VVe mufte MUS,tanquam cupientes habere, L rite bs peaye hartily vnto bedeGrous int, defirous to haue the thing wherkore we prax· Vut the to haucthat enflomable impenitent ſynner, can not fay, from the bottowe vve pray oof bis beart, this paater. Foꝛ be would haue no snide of this. for. worldly Ipfe, be would haue bis heauen here. Such felowies are not mete to fap, hp kyngdom conte : fo2 when they do, _ they pray again thent {clues . Therlore none can fap-this petitionbut fuche as be a werie of this worlde. Buch faith⸗ Vvecano: Full folbe woulde haue hym to comme ſpedilp, and make an praye truly ende of their miſeries. It is with the Chriſtians Ipke as it va uae ne {gin a realme, where there is aconfulon , and 119 good o r⸗ vveryor Det, thole wyyche are “good, Wwouldetapne | haue a parlias this vvorld ment. ust orthan jan they thpnke it thalbe — With them fie t M. Dodor Latymer: tral all thynges chall be well anended. Sommetlmes fhe rountelles be geo Red, aiid fo thep begyn to wp out as faſt as thep dyd before. SSOTELHTS the councels be taught, than the wooU gsood people ceteth ont, auth ie Shee bee ncuer at reſte. Wut there is cue parliament that till remedy all the matters,be thep neuer feighieop auto Sm this —— be fufficient forall realmes of the whelle woꝛlde, which ts the latte bay. GA bere our fauto2 hymſelſfe uf the contlitutions lxke not. the Wic⸗ A paris meutrhae yvilreme die all mat ters. Iwill bears the rule, there fhall-be nothing Doone antifte J warrant pou : but eueryp ene as he hath deſerued, ſo he thal haue, The wicked hall hauc helle, the good thail poſſeſſe heauen. Nowe this ts the thing that we pꝛay fo2, whan We fap, Dip kpngvonre come. And trulp the faithfull penitent finners,d00 deſpre that parliament, euen from the botome of theyz heartes. Foꝛ they know that therin reformations of all thynges ſhall be had, they knowe that tt ſhall be well with theym in that daye. And therefore thcp faye front the bottome of their heartes, Thy kyngdom come. Weep know that there fhall bea great difference betweene that parltas ment that Chak Hall keeps, andthe parliamentes of this worlde. For in this wold this ts the commonruig, Quo {celeratior,co fortunatior, the moe wicked, the better luck. WP hiche isa wenderfull thynge to conſyder howe it com⸗ meth to paſſe, that fo2 the molt part wicked bodies haue the betklucke they ave in wealth and health: in fo muche that a man maye ntuche meruayle at it, as Eſdras, Dawid, and other doo: {pecially confidering that God curſeth theim in his latwes, and theeatnety thent that they fhall haue none oi bis benefites. Sinon aud:eris vocem Domini, maledi- cus in agro, If thou toplte not beare the voyce of the Lose thy GMD, thou thalte be curfed in the fielde.?c. Theie bes the wordes of God whyche be ſpeaketh agapnd the wycked; and tt mul nedes be fo; but pet ine fee by experience daxety the contrary. WW herior toot) God ſuſtre the wicked io tithe uerte bis ordre: the o23eris, that thofe inbiche tone weite, tall receaue good thynges at woddes bande, they (yall us Di. blewiva Vy Thefaith | fulland pe nitent ſin vers make! this petitiõ from the ibottome of the:r hear ES. The more vvicked che more lucky ‘God cur, lerh the c -edand 1 yerthoey haueihe seit PICS ofeeilah.g this vroclds Certaine Sermons made by bleten, and all thynges thall goe welle with thet. Holpe, howe chaunceth it, that tue ſee dayly the wycked to be bleſ⸗ led of God, to haue and poſſeſſe ys benefites, and the good: to bee curfed 7 whyche ts a wonderfull thyng. | Onecare ODD the almpgbtic, whyche is moſte trewe, pea the: whygod teuthe tt felfe, doothe it not Without a cauſe. One caule ts, geucih che that tf is his pleafure to ſhewe bis benefites as welle vnto biefsinges the wycked as to the good. Foꝛ he letteth theim haue thep2 ofthis” paltyme bere, as ft is weitten: Solem faum oriti fini ſupet worldte _, iutos & iniuftos, e letteth bis Sunne thyneas well quer Mat thewreked as ouer the good. And Itelle you this ts for Another toe ererepleof thofe , whyche ferueG DD with godlye caufe. lpuyngithep are prompſed, that it tall go wel with them, and pet haue thep all the yll. This maketh thepnr to thinke that there is an other worlde, wherein they thall be retpats- ped: And fo geucth them occafion to hawke and hunte fo2 _ the other worlde, where as otherwyſe they woulde forgette:’ GOD, if they thoulve hauc all thynges accordyng to their: heartes deſpre, as the wycked haue, twhpche in verye deede Doo forgette God, theyp2 mynde beepag fo occupped {ith o- _ ther bufpnette, that they can haue no lepfure to inquire fo2 Athyrde God oꝛ his kyngdome. Agapne. be fuiireth them to turne caufe. his oder, to the utente that they may be bꝛou ghte to Kes pen tice when they fee his great goodneſſe ſhewed vnto them in that not withſtandyng all their tupckeanede be ſuffereth thein fo enioy the geod thynges of the worlde. And fo bp his benelites be wold geue then occaf-on to leaue firme and tutes keonele. ds &. Paul faith Ve dei boniras read peenitentia ' adducic, The goodnes of qodallurcth ba to amendment of our lpfe. but whan they ball not amende, then Cumulant ſi⸗ biipfisiram in dicire they heape op to thẽſelues the watt: of god in the dap of wrath. ay pou haue hearoe the caules, wheriore rod fuffereth the Wicked to tnispe bis apftes. ut ¥ would well and des Gods jue ſite pou moſte heartely fo2 goddes ſake, to conſyder that the meat Chali iudgement of G D HD at the latter daye ſhalbee ryghte, ac⸗ berighta cordyng brite iuſtice. Jt wyll then appeare who hathe bene ous. good oꝛ badde. And thys is the onelye comeforte of all chei⸗ ſtian M.DeGorLatymer, Fol. ar. fian people, that they know that they thalbe delfuered front all thep3 tvoublegand berations, Lette bs therefoze haue a The com- Delpre that this dape mapgconte quicklpe : lette bs haſten *— of all @ DD fortwarde: Lette bs crye vnto hym dave and nyght: 4295 - Adueniat regnum tuum, moffe mercifull father, thy kyng⸗ dome come, Saincte Paule fapeth, Non veniatdamnifivee éa · niat defectio. The Lode wyll not come tpll the ſwaruyng ——— front fapthe commeth, whrche thyng ts alread ye done and, pat: Antich tf is kno wẽ thozoughout al the woꝛld. Mher⸗· fore the Bape fs not farre of. Lette bs beware, foꝛit wyell worlde. one dape fall bppon oure heades. Saincte Peter fapeth. Finis omnium appropinquagt, he ende ofall thinges dra⸗ weth very nere. Ff, peter ſayd fo at his tyme, bow muche moꝛe hall we (ape (or For it is alonge tyme fence Saincte ‘deter {pake theſe woordes. Whe worlde was ordeyned to endure(as all learned men affirme and prouc ft with ferips Thetyme ture) (pre thouſande peare, Howe of that number there bee 3 * pale fyue thouſande fyftie tina, fo that there ts no moꝛe left but foure hund2¢d and fo2tp efghte. And furthermore thole Daves ſhalbee fhostencd,it hall not bee full fre thoufande peare, Nam abbreuiabuntur-dies propter electos, te dayes Bi j ** chalbee chortened foz the electes fake. · Therkore all thoſe er ··8X cellent learned nen, which withoute doute God hath ſente ſor che cho into this world tn theſe latter dayes to giue the wold war ſens Gee. nyng: all thoſe men doe gather oute of Scripture that the Jaſte dape can not be farre of, And this fs moſte certapn and fare, that ipbanfoeucr be commeth, be cometh not to time⸗ dpe, fo2all thynges, whiche dughte to come beefore are paſt nowe. So that if he come this nyght, 02 to moꝛowe, be coz meth not to carly, Therfore good people let ts make ready | towardes his commyng. And though he commeth not at this tyme, pet let bo make ready. For we are not fure whan wwe ſhalbe called to wake acconr:t befoze the L020, All good and godly people fence the world began endeuored themiciues to make ready towardes this dap Wut D Lorde hobe Wweet⸗ hed and milerable, pea and howe caveleffe tue be. Therfore it wyll be lyke as be fapthe, Cum dixerint pax & tranquilli- _ tas, WMhan they fape, all thyng is Well and quiete, Tunc re⸗ = pentts eho’ Certaine Sermons made by pentiaus fuperuenictillis interitus fhan they thalbe ſodenlye taken and perithe,lpke ag Diuesepulo, that rpche glutten bpd: Be cate and Danke, he builded a new Barne,fo2 the olde twas to little fo2 by. Dhan he fapde to hymſelfe. Howe mp ſoule, Nowe be mery and take thy pleaſure:ſor thou hatte ris J— ches moughe fo2 mary peares, But what ſayde God z what rable prt fapde berStulte, hac node. Thou foole, this. nighte thep topll fion for ple fetehe thy foule from thee: whoſe thall thofe riches bee. ther, fare in this Wwhichethou hake heaped bppes And ſo thall all thofe.bee taz life. “Ken and trapped lpke this epulo, whiche twill not make redy, which rifule the warnynges of God:they Mhalbe taken ſo ſo⸗ denlye to thei euerlaſteng woo. Foꝛ Scripture geveth war⸗ The latdai nyng vnto euery one, ſaveng: Sicutin diebus Noeh.&c· Aike fhalbe like ag tn the days of och, they will eate and dꝛvnke, and mary. i ‘le €¢. To cate and to dzinke, and marye fs godlye and lawfull: oa" hut to bo tt otherwiſe then god hath commaũded, tt is wicked and damnable. Ws eate without thankſgeuyng, or to cate ei⸗ Heeareth ther mans.flethe,o2to.plape the glutton, moze than fuftifeth othern ens Nature, this is wycked. Item to marpe bppon other reſpectes Ae(hehat ther gon hath appointed ¢ expreſſed indis mofle bolp latues, oppreffe o- ther mento Maintaine OMNES, Pariage ts honozable amongelt all men, but to mar⸗ his ovvne- pe fo2 wantonnes fake that ts wycked.Viderunt fli Dei fli delicious as hominu, Whe fonnes of God ſawe the daughters of men, — This did Hoeh rebuke in his time, but they laughed at tthe Bea ie pꝛepared the arke,and wente tnte-ttat the lengths the fonde thecood . fell vppon thep2 heades, Sicutin dicbus Loth. Qs in the daps men,and of Loti), Gat hat did they: logreſſus es aduena. Thou art tome the childré Hither a ſtranger,regardyng nothyng gots word which eas ofmen the ghetyed vnto them thazough that good man Loth, thee were wised. Wicked, Whosmongers,Drunkardes, couctoufe perfons, But Wwhat folotyeth: Tat hat folotueth (FJ faye?) confpder the ende. | The fy2e from heauen fell vpon them fodenly and conſumed Wve are vot them al, Arnos non ſumꝰ in tenebris-Iwe be not in darkenes, indarknes. te haue te worde of God, we know tubat ts hts wll. Ther fozcleit bs watche, for be wil come like a thefe tn the night, happy are locif be thall fpnde bs watchyng. | his is the effects of this petition, wherein tue defire that gop is wicked and damnable, Els Honorabile coniugium inter M. Doctor Latymer. Fol.22 god wyll fende dolvne fapthe Front heauen, that he Will con ⸗ 5 hed tinue in me my fajth and eucrp mans, ſo that we map be rea ie is pets dpe ta goe With hin wharghis kyngdome thall come, ; Now as pertayne fo this kyngdome of god thall , hate one pꝛopertye amongelt other thinges. They Mal bane | nercby an earneſt mynde and ſtedtalt purpofe to leaue ſynne, acco? ve maye deng fo S.paules ſayeng: Ne regnet igitur peccatuim in ve~ snovy oure firo mortali corpore, Wet not ſinne therfoze reign in pour ſelaes to ap. mo tal bodies. Goddeg kingdome thall refgne in bs and not a fie Deuilles. Therlore when the deurll tem pteth thee, wyth oo 8 ¶and bint, geue not ouer lette him not haue the victorye: as ; Foz att enfanple. tH ben thou feet a a faire woman, an pil de⸗ Gog wilt fire rpfeth bp tn thy barte towardes ber, this lute ts of (he rclpe whe deupll call therfore fo2 helpe, let him not occupy thy bearie, vee call. then farelp god wil belpe: Foꝛ be bath pꝛomiſed. Nulla con- demnatio is qui ſunt in Chrifto. There ts no condemnation fofuche as are (1 Chrilke Jeſu, Calhen wo doe not allowe ſynne 192 agree bute it. Therfore diſpoſe poure felues fo to ue accordyng Dato his twill: whych can and totl pacferue bs from the deuril, and brynge bs tuto his kyngdome. whyebe gear Vs god the Father, god the Sonne aud god the holy ghoſte. Amen. | The fourth Sermon of M.Latymer made vpon fhe Lowes prayers =m Tat voluntas tua,)thy topl be done, After thys fezme oure fautour a perfecte’ (cholematfer taugsbte Chattten people to prape. Dur fa⸗ Chritisa ther whrch arte tn heauen, thy wyll be done. perfede Gnd here he teatheth bs tive thynges as he. cholemai- drd afore in the other petitions, Fyelt he teas "4 a. chet vs fo vnderſtande what we bee of oure ſelues name⸗ eh, oe — Ipe nothyng at all’, notable to doe anve thyng pleaſaunte wee things: _ Duty god: and ſo he plucketh ts tetone, cutteth of oure com in this peti bes, bꝛyngeth bs lowe, whiche elles woulde be'proube , as ion, , Heugy we could do ſomewhat/ vᷣ toc cãnot bo tn sn te t “Ss — g ; ~ 7 Certaine Sermons madeby | Merites theſe merites mongers doe, which eſteme themſelues after. wongets. they merites, thpnke themſelues perfecte: in ſo muche that thep2 workes ſhall not onelye helpe themſelues, but alſo os thers: therlore thep take tn hande to (ell theym for money. Theſe felowes knowe not themſelues, and therfore they doe contrary vnto this petition. Mhere oure ſauiour teacheth os. that we can do nothyng of our {elues. hey (contrary to that To knowe Petition) wyll doc all thynges alone, and with their merites oure felue: bꝛyng to paſſe all matters. 3 ut our fautour contrary to that is the firt. feacheth vs tluo thynges in thys petition. Fyrſte be panel And whet gojune our ſtomackes, and teacheth bs to knd we oure felucs,. wre fald) Beconoarely Ve ewe vs WHat Wwe Wall Boc, namtelpe,call sess“ Hyon god. oure heavenly father that he wyl belpe bs, that we may be able to doe his wyll. For of oure olone felues we are. not able fo doe anything acceptable bnto hym. And thys is a good doctrpne whyche admoniſheth ts to gene all parte vn⸗ to God, and not fo aſcribe it to our owne felucs. For fo dydde Paulegaue faincte Paule when he fapde, omnia poflum in eo quicom- li the fortat me. Zain able to doe all thpnges that pertayne to Gong prae © des honour and glozpe;thozough bpm that firengthneth me;: i be fapde not, thorough myne owne felf:but thorough G Dep. whyche helpeth me, And here appeareth the ryght humiltas tion, and lowlynes, whyche cure ſautour teacheth bs in thys petition. Fo2 he woulde Hane bs to know our olune impoflte bilitpe and vnableneſſe to Doe any thpng. And than agapn be would haue vs to callfo2 apde and belpe to God, therefor he teacheth bs fo fay, Aducniat regnumtuum, Thy kyngdome rome. So that thoughe tue bee not able tho2zough oure otone ſelues todo any thyng, pet toban we call bpon bpm, be wyll belpe. For Chak knewe bis fathers wyll and louing: affectt: ons folvardes bs:he knewe that be twoulde belpe bs. For he was a perfecte ſcholemaiſter, els he would not haue comma ded bs to pra ve: Fiat voluntas tua. Thy Wwyll bee done. Here “oh Ae we mull vnderſtand that the wyll of qod ts to bee confpdered maitbe con tet tuo fortes. Firſt, as it ts omnipotent, vnſercheable, and fidered af. that can not be knolwen onto bs. Noboe we do not peape that tertvvo for hys wyll fo confpdered be done. For his wyll fo conſidered ts t.s, and cucr ſhalbe fulfplled, though tue would fay nap to vide vate Drisiden sed Pb 3 nothing M. Doctor Latymer. Fol. a; nothyng either in heauen or in carth is able to tyithttand bis Wille. Ta herforg it were but folpe for bs ‘to pꝛave to haue it fulfilled otherivife thew tr,thetv therebp that we gene suse content to bys wyll, whyche is to bs buifearchecbie. But there is an other ‘confpderation.of Gods wyll, and in Phat confids ration, we and all fatthfull chatkians deſire that it maye bre Done, And fe confpdered, it is called a reacted, man feftcd, and deelared Inillaii it (s Operted vnto bs in the Bible itt the neve and olde tellament. Where G OD hathe reueled a certapne twille , therefoze Ine prape that it maye bee Dose, and falfplicd of 08. This wyll was opened by Gods wilj Holes, and-the holye pꝛophetes:and afterivarde'bp our Har was ope four hinilelfe and bis apoſtles, twhich be lefte behynde hym "4 by Mo to that ende, that thep ould inftructe the worlde and teache | — = them bis wyil:which Apottles have done accordvng to they? — maſſters commaundement. Foꝛ they not onelye ſpake tt, but che Apo- alfo weote it, to that ende that it old remayn to the worldes tes. ende. And truelpe we are muche bounde to god, that he hathe fet out this his wyll in our naturall mother tongue, In Eng uche (J fap) Sothat pou may not onelp beare st, but alſo reds bleſing tt pour ſelues which thyng is a great comforte to enerp-chet: of cod. ſtian hearte. Foꝛ notoe pou can no moze bee decetued, as por - haue bene in tymes palte. whan ive did beare vou in hande that poperye was the worde of God: which falſhode we could not haue broughte to pate, pf the wooꝛde of Gad, the Bible, had bene abzoad in the conmon tongue. Fᷣor then pou might hae. haue percetued pour ſelues, our fal(hede and blyndnes. This ceive i rhas ¥ (peake to that ende, to moue pou to thankfulnes totwardes have Bible Hynt, whiche fo touinglp prouideth all thynges necellarye to iheit mo vure faluation, - thertégues Powe to the matter, almlghtye Gon faye) fettesutebys twill by Poles and his Prophetes,and thys will ts conteined ‘ in certayne lawes, whiche laiocs god commaundeth that we Mould kepe euer befoze our eyes, and looke vpon them, asin ⸗ he law of ‘aglaffe, and fo learne to order oure lyues atcordyng vnto the zod mutt be A Ve . Arid ti caſe that a man ſbharue from the ſame, and fo — | fall into the daunger of damnation, Godreucled further bys wyu Help to reme dy the matter; namelx by — — it the Miya din’ Certame Sermens-madeby tapthe. wo that wholoeuer from the bottour of hys heart is goddes wll. So that wemaye be able to beare-all tribulatts ‘ONS ANd afflictions willyngly and paciétly fe2 bis fake. This fs the fomple meanyng of this petition, when tue faye, Thy vvill be done 3 vill goe alittle further, and hewe pou fome _ what moꝛe of tt, pet F entende not to tarplong, fo2 J ant not berp wel at eaſe this mornvng, therlore J yl make it ſhort. J baue fapde nowe manp times, andz {ay it pet agayne, VVe mufte Quod petimus atdenter petamus tanquam cupienres habere, eee corte, Woattocuer. tne delxre of god, let bs defire it from: the botonte RENNES oF dux hearts:but J feare me, there be many tobich faye thys +; apaater and pet cannot tel what they ſaye or at the leak. their hearts ar contrary diſpoſed vnto (t. Such people exhort om gods behalfto conſider their ducties to conſider that gad wol WNho theymot bemocked withal, he toil not be derided. Me laughe gov erin |, to ſeorne when awe fay one thing with cnr monthe, ¢ thynke an other thing with our herts. Take this for an enfaple. Dur xcbels which refeabsut ti.vere ago tit Noꝛthlolke x Deuon⸗ A¶yiere they conlidered not this —————— — Uppes M. Door Latymer. 3 Fol.a4 lippes onelp, but riot with their heartes. Almighty god hath The rebels reneled oe willas —— magiſtrates, how be til haue — thent to be honouted and oheped. hey were vtterly bent ay)... eck gaint (t,he reueled this toil in many places of the feripturesicd God to but fpectally by ſ. Peter wher he fatthsSubdite eſtote niwis ſhoxne. hutanz creature that is thus muche to fap in effect, Bee ye: ſubiect fo all the common lawes made by men of authority, by the kinges maieſtie and bis moſt honorable councel, o2 by a tommon parlfament,be fubiecte bute them, obey them fate eth god. And bere is but one erception,thatis, againſte god. eather lawes ave made againtt min and his woorde⸗ twen There isno ee be content tn fuer whatſoeuer god chall laye vppon me, yet Jmayve not obey their wickd lawes toda them· Onely tt ſuche a caſe,men mare refuſe ta ober els tn all the other matters we oughte to obey. What lawes Caeucr they make as concernyng outewarde thinges ius ought to obey, and in no wiſe to rebeil although thep be neuer ſo hard,noiſome and hurtfull:our duetpe is to obey, * commit all the maters bute god, not douting but pᷣ god wilt God vyyll puniſh them when they do contrary te thetr office ¢.calipngspunif he SU berfore tary till gop correct thent, we may nottakebpobs princes. to reforne them. 03 it is no partof our duety.t᷑ the rebels (4 fav) bad confidered this, thike pou thep wold haue prefer⸗ re their swt wil afore gods {ile a2 doing as thep did hep praied againk thefelues, But J thinke pᷣ tgnoraunce was a Jonoranse’ great canfe of tt,tealy ¥ thinke fthishad bene opened vnto isthecante thé they boold neuer bane take fuch an enterpate inbadsand of rebelho here tue bane occaſiõ to cõſider ho much we be boũdẽ vnto god phe openeth vnts vs his woꝛrd ſo plainip,s¢techeth vs ſo truly, boty boe huld behaue our ſelues towards pᷣ magiſtra⸗ tes ¢ their lawes:but foꝛ al vᷣ Jſear there be fom of bs which litle regard their lawes ¢ ſtatutes, ſuch deſpiſers of magiſtra tes when they prav, they paape agaynſte themfelnes, There bec laives made of dyete, howe we ſhall feede cure badies, what meate all tymes, and thys laine: ts Mavs ~ Certa'ne Sermons’ made by ‘mane tw — Iſuppoſe)foꝛ vitailes fake, that fish might Abttinen: { he vttered as wel as other meate. Mowe as long as it goeth from Aclh. ty in poilicre, we oughte fokcepe tt. IWhécfoze all, ercepte thofe that-be diſpenſed with al, as ficke, impotent perfong, — women with chplde,o2 olde folkes,o2 licenfed perfons,all the. reſte oughte to: hue in an ordinary obedience to thoſe lawes. and not doe agaynſte the fame in any wyſe. Where bee lawes Alaw for made of apparell how tue ſhall couer our nature. Is there not appatell. many which goe otherwyſe then god and the magiſtrates com maunde them to goz There ts made a latve fo2 ganung, bole we thall recreate onre bodies: ( Foꝛ we muſt haue fome recre/ Alawfor ation becauſe of the tucakenes of oure nature.) In that laine. gamiog. “ fye be inhibited cardyng, dicyng, tablyng, and boulpng, and Fach manner of games, which are erpreffed in toe fame acter, | POU Map reade tt,and pou ought to reade it, and to know the acts. Foꝛ how can pou kepe them iwben pou know thent not, “All febic@s Cuerpe fapthfull ſubiecte tuill wot diſdayne to reade the artes ought ro - aura the kpnges matetttes peccedpnges, fo that be map kno readeor = {uhatts allotucd 03 forbidden in the fameactes. And F my. {elf heare their pepe the actes, for tis mete fo forbs todo. ow agapne this - ety {8 a greatematter that God is fo kynde toardes bs, that be Lawes, _ Difoapneth not to reuele bis twill, that oder tue chall bepe in our Dpet,'n ourrefrefying and garments. Therfore ft is moſt mete fo2 vs fo live in fublection,and not to prefer oure obvne aes: wypll before gons wyll. Foꝛ when J doe ſtubburnely againk biG n> thofe acts {ct out bp.ournatural kyng and bis mot honorable garnit poli’ ‘counfellers, than % pacfer mp boyll afore Coddes will, and fo ticallivves ſinne pamnably. ahete thynges oughte well to be noted: faz istodoea {fis wot a trifling matter, there hangeth damnation 02 falua: ike gods fron “pon it. Therfore (as Jſayde befoze)it 1s good to knobo “the laiges, and J call bun a good man, and her a a good womã that are contente to be ruled by the latues,and fo declare thei ſubiection and obcorence tuto G DD andthe magiſtrates. There be ſome men that ape, when the kynges maielty him ſelfe commaundeth me to do ſo, then J wyll do it, not afore, Sacteas 7,115 is a wycked ſapeng, and damnable. For ioe maye not ſo mauhon be ercuſed. Scripture ts playne in it and Heweih ts that we tie vader dughte ta obey his officers hauyng authozittefrom tie king, . as M. Door Lary mer. Fo! ag. x8 jel as vnto the kyng binfelfe. Therfore this excuſe wyll not nascar not ſerue afore © lette the magiſtrates tabe heede to theiPoffice and dueties. Foꝛ the magiſtrates, “maps not doe all thynges ãccordyng to theirpleaftires and myndes, thep haue authozitve of GOD to do well, and wot harme:ts ebdifie and net to deſtroy:to panith the wicked € ob: tinate, and to comfort thoſe wh ch liue wel and godly, to de⸗ fende theſame from weong and inturies of the wycked. So it appeareth that euery one in his order in bis degree and cal⸗ Ayng oagit to do the toll of god, and not our obbne wyll and pleaſure. Thys ts oure duetye, happy are we tf we Deo it in deede. D that men in authortpe woulde conſider whereunto God, hath ordeined them. Sainct Paule ſayeth, Whe magi⸗ Arate is Vicor ad itam, He ts Gods oꝛrdinarie miniſter to pus niſche malefactors and vll doers, ged fapeth, Mibi vindictam ego retribuam, J {will auenge my ſeike ſayeth God, ant fo be Rothe by hs magiſtrates. Foꝛ that ts his ogdinarp wap wher _ by be puniſheth nalefactezs . Wut magiffrates muffle take heede thep goe no further then god allotucth thentto bor: ef 3 . they do, they themſclucs ſhalbe punithed. As there be many enſamples in Scripture whereby appearcth how greuoufipe gor hath puniſhed wicked magiftrates. In ſumma. f. Peter giueth a rule not onelye bute the magiſtrates, but alſo bute the Cublectes, faping: Hæc eſt voluntas Dei, vt obturetis os ad uctfariorum bene agendo, it is the {upll of god (fapth peter) that pou with pour good godlp and honeſt ronuerfation fhall Aoppe the mouthe of pour aduerfarics. What called ſ. Peter well doyng· Well daing is to liue accoding to goddes lawes and commaundementes. Gods commaundement is that we ſhall obey magiſtrates:therfsꝛe thoſe which diſcbey and traf greſſe the lawes of the magiſtrates they doe not accordyng to gods wil and pleaſure:they doo but mocke god, they ſtop not the mouthe of the aducrfaries(as S. peter would haue them fodo2)but they geue rather occafion vnto the wicked to fans der and blaſpheme the bolye worde of God. S. Peter woulde haue bs to flop their mouthe with well dooinges. Many wen whan thep bauc bene reproued of preachers becaule of thers é Wicked liuyng, they haue gaat about to oe thep2 eer princes mult bee a= beyed as welas pri® ces, The ofices of maielra tes, LetteMa- . ontrates marie this The men. thes of the aduerfaries mute bee ftopt. Vvickeddo. ers wane flop pr pre chers mou. thes. Certaine Sermons made by wich flaunderous viordes, this ſtepping is an pll Roppine.f | Peter woulde haue bs to Koppe with wel domg. Pole will magiftrates not be fpoken pil of and repKued of preachers? et then do well. Likewiſe fapto S. Paule of the ſubiectes Vis non timere poteftatem benefac & habebis laudem.@ault thaw not fear the higher polver-d0 welt thou ſhalt be rommẽ bed. How euẽ as (tis With the tempoꝛal ſword, fo ts it with the ſpirituall. There be ſome men which cannot away with⸗ ail pf they bee rebuked + they cannot beare when the peas oacher fpcaketh againſt their wickednes, vnto them J fay: Vis * 4 * Kloppc the preac hes 9 Mankynde is aeds lie tenacini Vp- pon eatthe. non timere predicatore benefac, wil! pou not bee rebuked of the pacacher-the ds wel, leaue of pour couctoufnes, pour ant vition, pour prefulnes, bengeaunce,and nialice, pour techerp “dud fylthmes, pour bloudheading and ſuch hike ſinnes, leaue them, amend pour lpfe,o2 elles the pꝛeacher accoꝛdyng to bis mouthe. “> office will rebuke and repꝛoue pou,be pou neuer fogreat lor⸗ des 02 Ladies: He typll rubbe pou on tl Ile. #02 a good and godly preacher can do ng lefie ſeing goo Dithonoured, per ceiuing bint to be blafphemed bis wil to be neglected and not executed of them that ought withall their ſtudy and indeuent « to appipe them ſelues that bis twill mighte be done. Forhe is Wel wostbhp, he ts the lod, he created heauen andearthe,and is therfoze tie right natural lode ouer it. But fo2 al thatthe Deutl is lord more thar he is, not hy righto2 inheritance, but by conquett, bp vſurpation.he ts an viurper. God(as IJ ſayde befoge)is the natural ¢ laufull love duer the carths, becauſe be made itspet tt pleated bis diuine matettpe to make nate — “Hynde, a5 pe would fap lieletenant over it, ſo that mankynde Mould beare the rule ouer the whole earth. Therfore G ID fatd vnto bint: ruler quer it. Item replete terra & {ubticite illam. Alforeplenithe the earth and ſubdue ſit. ere Adam and his wife and ſo alhis poſteritie were by gon sade rulers ouer the erth, as gods high debitics o2 his liete tenantes. So as concerning gods oꝛenance mankpnde- as the lawkull inheritour of this kingdome. But now comtmeth in the deuyll with bis crafty conueiaunces and with bis falfe futtelties:he inueigled (ya. the woman,andattermarte the — man perſnadyn them te tranſgreſſe gods holy commaunde mentes M. Doae or Latymer. Fol, 24, mentes:with which fe doyng they loft the kaudur of god, and thep2 diguities:and fo the deuyll thorꝛough bis felfelpes ſub⸗ The deuill fitnten temicife as an Ufisper 62 ronquerouriand ſo He is a baa vlor · poſſeſſoꝛ, non perfas, fed nefas not lanfuily, but wrongfully. °* hough be did fay ts our ſauioar ſhewyng him all the king domes of the woꝛld, Cuicung; volo do illa,¥ may give then fo whom ſoeuer J twill. We Ipetlyfalfelp,god toill Deftrop bint The dealt at the length fo2 al bis futteltics and Ipes, they ſhall not ſaue Bink him. Yet fo2 all that,be ts a great ruler, Foꝛ this ts moſt cerze,) | deuil fain and true, a great manp moze do the Will of the Denil, thã ereatte’ - _ of god, whatſoeuer they babble with their mouthes, loke bp ruler, and ¢ pon their workes, and pou ſhall fynde it ſo. Foꝛ all proude baik many perſons all ambitious perfons, (which be euer tlymyng bp, {tue bym. and pet neuer bee ivell)all fuche doe not the wyll of god, and therfoze pertayne not to bis kingdome:all p2efull rebelitous perfons,albquareliers and wꝛanglers, all bloudſheders, Dee VV ho fo're the twill sf the deuul, and not goddes wyll. Goo fayeth: Mihi ocgeth bis vindictam egoretribuam: | Jwill auenge my ſelle, whiche be oe Pye oa bothe thorough the magilkrate; and whan the magiftrate ts vil of the ' facke, he doth it hintelfe. Nowe thofe prefull malitious per-‘diuell. fons that bate their neighbors, they do net the iil of gods but «Gf the deuril.aAlſo thefe ſuttell, deceitful perfons, which haue no conſcience te detraude and beguile their neighboures that cave not for breaking their pꝛomiſes, noꝛ are not afbanted te vtter falfe ware, they pertaine al ta the deuil. Item thefe that fupli not make reftitution of gooddes pil gotten, they ſerue Heth the deupll: Scripture ſayth: Qui peccat ex diabolo elt. Who — foewer ſinneth is of the Deupll, whicke fs a very harde toe ferwethe fo be ſpoken of the bolp ghoſte, and afeatefull woꝛde. able to diue li mutt © Withdraw bs from fprine, tf ive had anye feare of god in oure ceſtore thin heartes. Amongetl thofe mape be noumbred all dlouthtull — xerlons, whlche wyll not trauavle fo2 they2 Ipupnges,thep sturdy beg * the wyll of the deuyll. O D byddeth bs to gette ars doe oure lyuyng with labour:they wyll not labour 5 but goe raz fers thedi | y ther absute a beggyng, and ſpoyle the verye poore ana vel nedye. Wherefore fuche valiauut beggers are theues befoꝛe | G OD. Some of thefe valiaunt lubbars, when they came to mr boule J wmmenen wyth them, burthenyng them wyth the Certaine —— made by The beg- due franfaretion of goddes lawes. Is this not a great labour gers ſe ye that fess la bour, (fay thep)to runne front one toune to an other to getie oure meate: thynke fue labour as barre as other men do. In fuch tutfe thep goe aboute te ercuſe thetr bnlatufull beggerye and titeferpe but fuche pale lubbars are much decerued. For thep _ confider not that {uch labour is not allotved of god. We mutt Theues fay thatchey Is bour. Drunkards Lecherous perſons. God hathe fewe {cr wantes. A Symili tude caken of the Re- : belles. Math. x. Howe Chritt fen- dech not peace buta fwworde. abour ſo as map ſtande with godlynes, accordyng te vys aps | piontment: cls theues, which rob in the night tyme, do they x not labour:ye ſometimes they labour with great cave,perpll, . and daunger of their liues. Is it therfore godlp, becauſe tt isa. labour Nono, we muſt labour as god hath apointed bs cue⸗ rpe man in bys eſtate. Further thefedunkardes whiche az bufe the giftes of you. Item theſe lecherers and whooremon⸗ gers, that fue in adulterp: hele violators of holy matrimo™- nye which live not accozayng vnts goddes lawes· Item thele ſweartrs, forſwearers, lyars, all thofe do net the twill ofgod. Therkoꝛre it ts to be lamented of eucrp chatter bearte, when thep (ee howe manye ſeruauntes the seul bathe, and god ſo tewerWut all thole which ſerue tye deuill are rebels agapne Eod.God twas their loꝛde, they ſwarue from him: thorough — wicked lyuing, and fo become ſeruantes ofthe deuyll here’ faze thoſe chriſtian people that haue a deſyre to liue after god⸗ des will and commaundementes, they line amongell thẽ wie ked cucn as it were amongeſt the rebels. They that dwelled int Moathfolke o2 Deuonchiere at the tyme of rebellion, they... wich were Faithfull to their king and papnce, he we thinks — pou they were intreated full miſerably gov kno weth: either they were conſtrayned fo helpe their Wicked purpoſes, oꝛ els thep muſte ſucfre all calamities which coulde be deuiſed. E⸗ nen fo ſhall all thoſe be intreated which intende to liue tell, aecordyng fo gods commaundementes. Foꝛthe rebells that is, the wicked which haue forſaken their loꝛde god, and tab en the deuill to be ruler over them, they ſhall cempell trent to fo⸗ low/, oꝛ els to ſucfer al calamittes and miſeries. And fo ſhalbe verified the ſaping of aur ſauiour Chriſte. Non ve ni vt mitta pacem fed gladiũ. Jam not come (fapth he)to ſend peacevut the: ſword. which is in Dede a ſtrange ſaying, but tt hathe his: vnderſtandyng: god is a god of peace and concoꝛd be * Tits | M.Dodor Larymer. their wickednes then to agree bute them. And therfore thys Doctrine is called a {editions doctrine: but wo are thoſe r⸗· Fol.a7. Orifice and concorde + but when be cannot have peace, by fhe reaſon of ths Deuyll,than be will bane the ſworde: that is ta *) fay, god loueth bhitpe,be ould haue bs all agree together: “but becauſe of the tuicked toe cannot. Wherfoze be wyl rather haue bs to chufe the ſworde, that 19, to frpus and wſthſtande Heiles? enen they them felues which call this Doctrine feditis pell fediti- ous:they themfelucs(¥ fape) are traitours again @ DD. ous ac trai OU herfoze our ſauiour ſeeyng be can haue no peace with the os. wicked, be wyll baue bs rather to withſtande thep2 wicked⸗ Ged wilhis flock fecre- nefle, and fo bung them te reformation: and this is the cauſe ated from wherlore be will haue his locke feqregated from the wicked. che wicked . Cyerfore let os pꝛaye vnto god sure heauenly father, Frac 3* voluncas tua, Thy wyll bee Boone. This is the prayer of all chriſtian people, whiche haue a wyll to Boe goddes wyll:but thoſe impenitent ſinners whiche are not pet wery oftheir fins nes, do neuer praye, foꝛ though they fap the wordes, pet it ts to no purpole, they fape them without vnderſtandyng, theres : « fozert is but lpplabo2, tt is no paper, itis but the devils fers hs devil erued by nice, Foꝛ a man tape ferue the deuill with fapeng the Pater (isthe noiter, wher be fapety if adefpled mynde. Let vs therftore pater ne feck ‘Hyver our ſelues fo that we maye ſaye it worthely as it ought — to be. iLet bs lape away al wickednes and yll liuyng, fo that we may fap from thebottome of sur heart, Our father vvhich arte in heauen, Thy vvill be done. And fo 310 Sufanna that godlp woman: So didladp Judith: Sodio Nucene Eſther. 1. a. So d10 all good fainetes of gad. And though this paafer twas — mot nade at that tyme, by thereafon thep were a great while as afore Chruffes commyng:) pet thep badthis prayer in effecte. of Chrift v Foꝛ they belencd inalnightye god:they beleucd in Abyabas fed this pe- mies (edz, which was promiſed:which faith fteodetheominas *CO% good ſtede, ard they were as tell ſaued thoꝛough that ſame delief as we no w thoꝛough cur beliefe. For it ts no deſterence betweene their beliefe and oures, but this: hep beleued in he diffe. rence be- twene the Chiilſt whith twas to come, and we beleuc in Chik, Wie 's fkers comt already. Hol their belefeferucd then as tucll-agours fichand - ired nofurther at theit dothe bs, Fo; at that time Codrequ te * E. ni. hands Certaine Sermons made by handes, than was opened vnto them: we bane fn sar tyme a furcher and moze perfect kn ↄ w ledge of Chriſt then they had. Pow Suſanna ta che iudges(he fame twicked men) came Brito Jer, and moned ber with fearefull theratninges to doe their willes, that is, to finne aga:ntt godin doyng that filthy acte oflecherye: (fa: the fame tucked Judges bare a wicked damnable love towardes her: )thinke pou net the reſorted bit to. gode Pes pes, without doute, Ke ſaid thele wordes in effect, | Pater noſter, Fiac voluntas tua. Dur father, thy wyll be done, Su(anna de and not the willotths wicked men. Therfore the putting her fired Ss hope and tru in god, bauing arefpecte that bis will mighte pods will Be Done and not the deuils Will, god, whiche is euer true, dyd Gediscacn Not fapleher,fo2r pou know how the twas deliucred thozough ing ponge Danicll. his ts tuzittento our inffraction: Foꝛ he is now the felfe ſame god that be was at tyme:he ts as mightye aa he twas, he is as ready as be twas, the twas fn anguithe anv great diltreſſe, ſhe fought to halow bis hely narnte: therfore be ‘Din helpe ber, be fuffered her notte perifhe. So certainlye be til do Ditto bs too. Therfore whã tue bein trouble iet bs har low bis name, and then We thall fynde bis helpe lxke as Su⸗ ſanne DID. — ST BAe Judith 4 In ſuch wile did Judith whan the twas pꝛouoked of Bolas cage ™” fernestodo wickedly. She fought rather to ſanctitye goddes name of AME, fo doc his till, then the wil of he deuill, therfore God oiandto gaue her fuch a tciũphaat victoꝛy. So did queene Weller, wha iswoll. Daman that witkedfcilow had power ouer her: fhe commits Pererfor fen all the mtatter vnto god, with faſtyng and praier. But &, —— *Peter what did be Parp be forgate his Pater noſter, lorꝛ whe "» there cane buta fooltthe wenche aſkyng him: arte not thou a Gallilean:art not thou ene of this new lerningzart not thoa agofpeller: what did Petershe was gone quite:he denied it, be forgate bis Pater nofter. 402 tf be had had grace te conſi⸗ per that he ought rather to ſuffer death than te forſake biama ſter Chef, then be tpould baue faid, Patcr nofter. Fiat volun | tas rua:Our father, Thy vvill be done. 3 ant redy to fufter fo2 Chtiſt loo· Op fake wohatſoeuer thou thait dap vpon me. but be did net fo ked on Pe- he foꝛgotte himiclfe. Mt hat did our ſauisur: he tarned backe ter. . andlooked vpon hint. Pappp twas eter that our fauieur los | ked | M-Do der Larymer. o Fol.a%. | berd vpon him againe, idr it was agracoustoker. . Tuts for Judas that fallg man that traitour, toꝛgotte this fame pett —— _ fien,and remained fc inbiserrour ſtill to che ende. Suretys sion. de twas a ſorowfull and a heauy man in fo much thathe made ladas vvas relitution. ie was much better thana great many of bs be, becer thea which whan they haue iniuried and weenged pooze men, wil fons aa -amake no refitution. tell pou truth, Judas was much bets “ON ter than fuchs feilotves be. Poenitentia duclus ſayth the terts 11.4 6. ) but he lacked faith. And fo betweene Peter and bint, whiche pe wer both tive foz0{vfull mé,this was h Difference, Peter bad wwen: Pe~ | faith, Judas lacked it:vet be was ercedpng (oz0lvfull fo2 His cerandig.. wickednes, in ſomuch that be went and hanged bimfclf, thers das. | fase he foꝛgate this petition. So likewiſe all voluntarie ſyn⸗ ners,all vnrepentant ſynners, none of them all faith this pes titiomas thep.ought to do:they fay it not worthily noz pofis tably. 402 they baue no wyll tadoo.bis twill, thep2 twill ts fs d0 their ofon fill and pleafure. Hut aboue al things thele queſtmongers had nede to take bene: fo2 there all thynges ge~ Queftmos eth bpathe. They had necde te faye: Dur father, thy topll be cers mutt "Boone. $03 thep fhalbe moued fo doo this end that whiche is marke esis. againſte God. They muſte iudge by their othe, accozdpng to confcience, giltic oꝛ not giltie. Mhan bets giltic, in what cafe are thofe which fay not giltie 7 Scripture Boothe ſhewe What a thing it ts, whan a man fs anralefacto2,and the queſt mongers iuſtifie hym, and prenounce him not guitic,fapings Ec quiiuftificatimpium,& qui condemnat iuftum,ambo ab- hominabiles coram domino, $e that iufiifieth the wicked, and be that condentety the tuff man, thep are both abbomt- nable befaze the loꝛd. Cat ho is abjountnable-be that doth not the will of god, the toil of god fs that the wicked Mold be pus Marke thie \ / niſhed. Imp felfdid ones know where there asa ma att piroric. _ ofan other man inan anger, it tas done openly, the mans queller was tak? ¢ putin patton, Sute was made to § queſt⸗ ~mtongers(fo2 tf was a riche man that had dene p act.) Atthe length cucrp man had a croune fo2 His good till: and ſo this a gonten - . Open mankiller was pronounced not giltic. Le, they folBe foutes for ’ - theit foules vnto the dent! ſfor· v.chillings. For iwbich faules v, Lhulings - Chis ſuftred deth. And J dars — except hep amide *picce. | } ẽ. liti. be Fat os — Certaine Sermons mide by be loꝛrve fo? their fauttes;thep Mhalbe damned (11 Bell: ‘wosl8e Without ende. They had cleane forgotten this petition, Thy - wvill be done’ Foꝛ thep did the wyl of the deuyll. It had bens a good dede te cut oftheir craunes by their neckesto the ene ſample of all other, Lherfore(S fape)thefe quellmongers bad neede to fape: Our father which artin heauen;Thy vvillbee done $02 truely it is maruel p this realme fpnketh not doun to Hell hedlong, what periuries, ſwearing, curſyng is euerye where in cucryp comer? Therfore J fave) we had nede to prar Tolofelife earneſtly, that gods will maye be done And we Mould be con isto findit. tent to lofe dure lpues for rightuouſnes ſake. 02 hep p lofeth his lpfe fo2 becauſe be wil not agree to the Dif’snoz nf god, be ſeketh that qovs twill map be done. Happy is that man, for he loab loked Fpndeth bis lyfe, he lofeth tt not. Foꝛ Chalk wylbe his keper. thorovrhis Joab that greateand baliaunte capitaine;be kneiy tell ps fogers. nough when Dautd fent vnto hym geod Girias, with letters: he knew J fave) that the kpnges toll teas agamntt gods twill, — pet he looked thorough his kyngers, he wynked at it, he wold ch aplaines Yather do the wicked wyll of thekyng, than the tortkof Cod. abourthe ~~ OF fuche fellotwes there be a great number, tebiche care woe | OS fo2 the honour and wyll of ged. hele charlapnes aboutthe ~ king and great men, had neete to fap: Fiat volunras tua,Our — father. Thy vvill be done, but they are terre Noy ant —— thep winke commonly at all matters be they neuer fo babte. Wyep be Capellaniad manus. Whey wyll not arpucte mene dum de peecato.tiep Bare not rebuke tte world of ſinne:trtex pare tot doe as the prophete contmaund ty onto then to doe, whan be faith: Audiane montes iuditia dow ini, let the hilles heare the tud gementes of the lode. though the ‘fmoke, ashe faith: Tage montes & fumigabũt.Tauche the billes and they {will fmake. Pea and though thep ſmoke £, pet iirpke thf; (pare | thimot tel th? thep2 faults. ut great mẽ tãndt ſuccer that, to be forebuked, their chapleins muſte be taught a difcretion, if orale they wiell go fo to wurke· They fape commonly magiftrates gilt hess fhould bebrought sut ofeftimation. pfthep Houlte be bande maykepe Ledfo; 28,7 wll tel pou tbat pou thal bo fo kepe pour e⸗ themfelues | ſtimation andxredite:do Well, handle bprightlp and. mndiſte⸗ sin eftimatiO rentlx al matters, defend the peasle from opp efids,do-pour effice =. } 4 M.Dogtor Latymer. J Fol.a9 | Betice'as trod hathapottited you todo, twhart pon bo fo(3 tvar rant pou) pou fhgll keepe pour eſtimation and credite. And gy warrant pou againe,the yreacher will not trike nor cat pou {mith his ſworde, but rather poaiſe von and commende pour weldoings. Cls whan vou do nought and wickedlp, oppreſſe the pooze,and gene falſe iudgements:ohan pou do fo;thatts : nogodlp preacher that will holo his peace, and net frikepon ‘7 * good With his (wo2de,that pou ſmoke againe. Wut it is commens ‘lp as the feripture fapth, Laodatarimpius in defideriis'animz ſu e AThe wicked is praiſed in the defpres of his wickednes. Chaplaines topll not doe their dueties, they twill not draive their finowes, vut rather flatter,thep toil vſe diſcretion: But what hall folow⸗·Mary they thal haue gods curſe bpon their {hall get by their flatterings, ~~ heades fo2 thep2 labaursthis chalbe al their gaines that ther preacher mult {trike with bis {vvorde. - Chaphaimes vvil.not ig theit due t:es, An odther (cetpture faith: Qui po ‘eftatem exércenthi benef | ‘cia vocantur. The greateand mighty men be called benetac⸗ fours, weldoers, but of wyom be they called for Bary of flat ‘pleafures of men. terers, of thoſe which ſeke not to do the wyll of God, but the .John Waptiſt that hardy knight, and ercelttent preacher ot god, be Maid this petitio right tnith a goon faftl. Our father ‘Thy vvill be done: Therfore be tucnt to the king; faying: No licet tibi. Sprit is not lanful foꝛ thee todo fo. Sec what bold nes He hade how hoate a fomacke in gods quarcil to defende gods honoꝛ ¢ gloꝛy? But our chapicins what de thep nowe a dais:Mary they winke attt,thep wyl not diſpleaſe: fo2 they ſeeke lrumges they ſeke benefices, therfore they be not Wor⸗ lithp to be gods officers. Eſaias that faithful mitniſter of qod, hois a good plain flow betelleth them the plain; ſaying: Argentum tuum verfum ef in ſcornam, principes tui infide'es focii furum) Thy filuer is turned to dzoſſe,thy prin⸗ ces are vnfaithfull, and felowes is no flatterer, hetelleth them truth. Thr princes (aid besare bribetakers e¢,, peteei ſubuerters of iuſſice. This Eſay did:foz he had reſpecteto ued chinoes gods word/he perceiued things amiſſe, he kne w that it was aod. |, bis parte to admoniſh,to cut them Ww bis ſwo:d. WMould god our preachers would be ſo ſeruent to ppomote the Hons 2 and glozp Flatterers call men of mighr bene faCtours, | lohn Bap tift {aid this Pctitiona” right. Chaplains vvinke, E fay is 2 a . ‘plane fel iow. ,@85 ea tae Certaine Sermonsmadeby Glory of god, to admonich the great andthe ſmalto de the tort ofche lo2D.% pray gadthep map be as ferucpt as our fautonr {was whan be (ard to his diſciples Meus cibuseitivefaciam vo luntatem pattis mei qui ein colo. Sy meat is to to the {wil Thehunger af my father which is in beaut (thatis to fap) pou are 110 moꝛe shatreea. Sefiraus to eate pour meate when pou be a bongry,then Zant chersChold fo do my fathers wil which is in heauen. Wy what occaſiõ our have, = (aston ſaith theft words pou thal percetne whã vou conſider the circumſtances, 7 pap vou reade the chapter (tts the.:¢ 0f pha John. The Kozy ts this. te fendeth his diftiples to a toune to ‘Chrifthad Dpe meate(where ftappearcth that our fautour bad: menep:) meny. after theindeparture be ſetteth Gin doune, which was a token * that he was a weary, and J warrant pou be bad neuer a cuſ⸗ ſhyne to lay vnder bint. Now as he was ſyttyng ſo, there com meth a womã out of the toune to fetch water:he deſyzed her to geue him drinke· She made anſwer: wil you drink vᷣ me whi che am a Samaritain: So they tet foꝛward in their talk:at vᷣ degth be bad her go cal her bul bad, ſhe made anſoer, J haus 110 hu(bid,p ſaieſt wel ſaid nur ſauior, for} hak had 5. ¢ this p Pp batt now, {8 not thy huſbãd:⁊ fo hereucled himſelf vnts her. Some nen peradnenture wyll fap: what meaneth thisthat Thecaufe our ſauiour talketh alone with this woman. Anſwer, his bur why Chrid militx and gentilnes is ſhewed herein. For he was contents talked· vich to talk with ber, beyng alone, and to teach ber the way to bea thevvoman uen Agayne ſome men may [carne here not to be fo haſtye in alone, their iudgementes: that when they fee tivo perfens talke tes ss other to fufpect then. Foꝛ in fo Dopng thep mighte ſuſpecte 2), Surfaute2 bimfelf.Ztis not geod, it is again the toil of gos Rafhiadze tg iudge ratgely,% know What Janeane. Iknow tubat onbap went yy tales beab30a9,batIcan do no more butte geue pou war ning. Pots vᷣ woman went her wapinto p city making much ‘adse how fhe had found the Betiah,h ſauior of the twopldsirs fomuch pa great many of the Camaritaines caine oute vnto a hint. Now as pᷣ woman Wwas gone, ph difciples deſired bint te -Ghrite; Ale he made th? anſwer. Ego aliũ cibum habeo, J haue other meat: thã they thought ſome body had bꝛought him fom meat dohisfa atplength he breaketh ont ¢ faith. Hic eſt cibas meus ve facia theis vvsll. voluntatẽpatri: mei quod miſit me, Fant as deſirous to do my i fathers * M.Dodor Latymers’ Fol. e fathers wil, as you be of meate £2 rinke. let vs nolo for gods ſake be ſo def: roug to do the wil of god, as we be to meat and drinke, leths indeuor our ſglues to kepe his latves ¢ commaũ annent,then wohatſoeuer tue Hall defpre of hin be pl gene it vnto bs, we hal haus it. Me rede ofter tines in ſcripturt that our fanioz was preaching according Onto his Yocation,F would eutrp mã Wold go fo diligẽtly about his huſines: The i ’ prieltes fo gots their bookes, not tofpen their times fothante Ale Cos ſo. fully in hauking, hũting, ãkeping of alehouſcs, il they would — go to their bookes, in fo doing they ſhuld do the will oef God ꝛ: | but the molſt part of thẽ do thetreton wil thep take their ples ſure, Sut god wil Lid thẽ out at leat; he wil mete with them when he ſeeth bis time Mira tile whe eur ſauidur was vee ching, his mother cam vnto Hin, very deſitrous to ſpeake with Ourlady bint, in fo much that He made meanes to ſpeake with him, in vas terrapting bis fermion, whithe was not good mancr, Ther⸗ coat pric faze after f, Augultine andl Hieromes mynde, ſhe was pric⸗ —— hed a litle with bain glory, he wold haue ben kne wen to be i ge his mother, els fhe wold not haue ben fo ſpeake with him. And here pou map percefue p we gaue her to much thin King ber to be without any fparklect ſinnes, which was. to much forme mã boone inte this told is without ſinne, ſaue Cont oily. Theſche ledoctors fave Me was arrogant. Due came t told our fauto2 as be Iwas teaching: Swithy mother is Here, wold (peak w thee, he made anſwer ike ashe did wha be was butsz. pere oldsoporter me eſſe fo he fafeth wow free ching out his habs who ts mp matijersg facit volũtatẽ patris 7 sisi! mei g eft in colts. hey doth p iwil of mp father p ts in beaut, 8 Lucas faith, qui audieverba dei & facit iſtud, be vᷣ heareth 9 ftes moiker word of gon t doth it. Wark this wel be fatth ÿᷣ doth it:let vß doriet vs not onlpbe hearers, but doers, then Wwe ſhalbe aecoz Ding to bis pꝛomiſe bis brethern, ¢ hittern, we mult heare his Wwo20 Do it. Forteuly if Pary his mether had not beard his ,,. — $579 € beleucdté, {he aula neuer haue bene ſaued. For che V {nag not faued becauſe ſhe was his naturall mother but be⸗ caufe rhe rauſe ſhe belcued in hi, becaute Heivas his ſpirttual mother. beleued in Remembre therfore pull vᷣ do bis wil. are bis kinſtolke· Wut Chriſt. remebert in an — be faith. Nõ om̃es qui ip mihi OMIRe Cestaine Sermons made by — domine introibant, pot all that ſaie, Loꝛd, xord⸗ fyall entre into the kingtome of heauen:hexe pou ſee thatthe: matter ſtandeth not in faping but in Doing, vo bis tell, and than reſorte bute him and then thalt be we icome. We rede in Luke: wher aur; fanies ſaid, feruus qui nofcit, voluntatem domini; & non facit,vapulabit multis,that ſeruant that ina vvemute wetbthe lnplhof higmaifler and doth it not thall be beater, “frtknow Withntanye Mrypts: He that xᷣnoweth net chalbee beaten, sndtben fo DUt net fo murh.Gae mut firl know € than to it is a goon the viliog thing to know; butt is a heindus thyng to-knoly and not to ged, do:it ts a great (presto faunter gods word with ticked lf upyng, as itis cammenly ſene amongelt men. Wot this fault . fit benet amended fhall bauc greuous puniſh ment. “Sow fome men will fale, ſceing it is ſo, that thele iobich Brot godes worde and donot thefame,thalbe beten with ma VVilfull ig np ſtrypes,then JIwyll keepe me frem it,and fo when. J ans notance ex damned FZ hall haucthe ealyer punifhinent. No no mp friend cafeth nor ignorantia noo excufatprefertim yoluntaria,& affectata, wil ful ignorance ercuſeth not. To faye,z twill net beare ft,fo3 J entend to do as it ſhall pleafe me, this ſs not ignozancpe bꝛo⸗⸗ ther, but rather contumtacy,o2 deſpiſing of gods woꝛd. Theſe whiche would fapne-knotve,but cannot fo2 that they bane ne teacher;they thalbe excuſed ſome what.foꝛthey thall baue eae fier payne thautheather haue, as. he ſaith: Væ tubs Chorazia guia fi imSodoma,meanpng-that the Sodomites fhall hang eafier iudgement tha the other. But as fo2 thole which refute to beare whan thep might beare,thep are in an vll cafe, + thal The very i _ bepunithed with vnſpeakable pens, Gnd J tel pou the berp gant ny ©. tgnoaunt man ts not all erculed,foz ſo fatth god by bys pres ao-excufed Phet, Sinonannunciaueris vt conuertatur-a viz fua mala,im- piusin iniquitate {ua morietur: the ticked ſaith he,morieturs be thall dfe, though be bath bad neuer warning bcfo2e, 0 ing {ce that ignorancy ercufeth not:but the ignoꝛant are the leſſe puniſhed:becauſe of their iqnozancye,as there bec degrees in bel, one fhalbe puniſhed moze greuouſly then the other acco2 Ding to thep2 delertes. here be fome men in Cngland whi ccho ſav, ro; (fap thep)z toil net heare none of them all, tpll ~ they agreeamongefte theym (clues. Suche ſellowes mt Ni — tha M. Doctor Latymetr. Fal . qhall neuer come tothe gofpell. Foꝛ there wilbe contentions as long as the deuyll fs alyue:he cannot fuffer gods tuo we to Defpifers be (predabjoade. Therſforehe dothe and wyll no tyl the worl⸗ of goddes des ende, what he can fo lette the woꝛde of god:then it ts lpke . ° otdes that thofe fellotues fhall neuer come to heare gods worde, and therfoze worthely be damned as delpifers of Gods mole ho⸗ Spe worde. Further this petition hath an addition Quemadmodum in colo, as it ts in heauen, the toziters make tive maner of hea⸗ yo me uens,a ſpirituall heauen, a tempozall heauen.The ſpiritu⸗ ner of hea all heauen is where gods {willis fullp done, where the aun⸗ vens. gels be, which do the twill and pleature of god without dilati⸗ an. Polw whan we fay, As it ts in heauen, we prꝛaye god that The mea we inap do bts wil as the angels do. Cufamples..ning ofthis fn Scripture we haue many whieh teache bs the diligent fers. peution. nice which the angels do vnto the Hozbe,- * Bahan kpng Dauid fell in a pzeluimption; fe that he conts maunded His capitaine Joab to noumber bis people; whyche Toab dydde thing was agaynt the Lord, and Joab did naughtily in obei⸗ naughte ia png the kyng in fuch things, but be went and numbed eight obeying 10 hundred thoufande,and fyue hund2cd thoufande men,ableto |, yoge com ſyght, beſyde women and children. Foꝛ this act God was ans maunded, | gry with Dautd, and lent his Prophete which told him that God woulde plage hym, and bad him to chufe whether he Wold hauc. bit. peres hunger, o2 that his enemies fhonld pes uayle agapnt bint th2e monthes leng,o2 to haue. tif. bats pe⸗ Rilence. He made anfwer,faping. It is better to fall inte the . handes of god, then of men:and fo chofe peſtilence. After that within thace dapes there died thee {core and ten thoufand. This fovets a greate declaration howe angrye GDH is - Iyith finne. Howe Daud that good king ſeyng the plague-of od oucr the people, fapd bute god: Hod, it ts not they that’ haue finned, it is F my ielf,pumifh ine elet them alone: This . exiple- was a good mynde in Dauld:there be but fetwe kyages noW tobe folo that weld ds ſo. Now at the length god was moued with pi⸗ wed of ꝛu tpe,and fapde vnto the angel, Suffiicir, contine manum, tt is mene indugh, leaue of:by and by the plague come, Wa kere pow fee » pow redpe the aungels of © DD bee to doe the Lozdes coms maun⸗ Certgine Sermonsmadeby mãdemẽt. After that Dauid was minded to bethankfull vn fo god, offer a great facrifice vnto bin, ¢ fo remone pᷣ wrath of god. And therfore be made {ute to one of his fublects foꝛcer fain groũds to.butld an altar bpo:y fame ma twas willing ta An exiple geuett vnto f king freely, But Dawid wold not take it at his forkingsto andes. there kings mat learne p,tt is not lauful fo2 thenrto tolovr. take a Way other mennes landes,to their owne ble; This good kig Dautd wold not take it whe it was ofired nto bint He did notas Achab o wicked mã, which did Naboth weõgin faking away bis binpard againt bis wil. an ether enſãple wherin apereth how diligétly. p angels do gods cõmãdemeẽts Senacherib king of b Alizias bauig a capitan called Rhap⸗ fac’ which capitaine afters be bad beſieged Hieruſalẽ, ſpake blafphento? woꝛds againt god p almighty, ſayẽg to p Jewes Think pou p.pour god is able to help you⸗ oꝛ to defed pou frõ -Anetherex my hãd? Pow ECsechias p good kyng bering {uch blaſphemo⸗ ample fcr words fo be (poke agaift god, fel to praier, deſired god fo2aide Kiegs fent kor the prophet Clat,e at ken himtcou (el, Theñd was gen. BR! fent bis angels which killed ans Clrerv.¢, B.thoulad of § aſ⸗ Yo ae firlas (none night: p king bim felf (cat efcaped, ¢ with great The corpo PASC § feare gat him home. Were pou ſee tohat a god our ged rallheauca whole wil we ought todo Therfore let bs endeusr our ſel⸗ doth gods ues fo Do his full ¢ pleafure:¢ whan we ar not able to do it cas commande we be not in dede)let vs call onto him fo2belpeand apde, peat The other heaué ts called a coꝛpoꝛal heut, where p fon € the moone € the farrs ar, which heauẽ doth gods cõmandemẽt to. As it appereth in bokes of Joſue, p kings:bow f fon ſtode at ᷣ cõmandemẽt of god, Itẽ, how p hadow went back ward lixke as Job faith, Precepifti ſoli & no oritur, Thou gaueſt cõ mãdement to ᷣ ſun, € it aroſe not: therloꝛe at cõ mandement of god thei kepe their ordinaric courſe, as god hath cõmanded them in p lirſt beginning. Itẽ, the raine,p ſnowe, come at his ——— tõmandemẽts:in ſũma, nothing rebelleth in his eſtate wherin it was ſet at vᷣ fir but Ban: vᷣ man will not be ruled by him, 3all other things be obedieut: rain cometh tuba god wil haue it pat efnoiwat bis tine. Me rede in Achabs time that Clias p pre - phete font pᷣ raine fo2.tit.pere,¢. vi.monthes,foꝛ to punts, ‘the people, wherot ſolowed a great dearth. Afterward at — — i a | , gue aa * .Dodor Latymer. Fol quelt of the ſame Elias, god ſent raine, whiche tempered the groũd to bring frutes. Ithink there be ſome Elias abꝛoade at If vve doo cthis time, which ſtoppeth the raine, we haue not had rayne a gods vrille good tubple. Therlore lette bs pape to God that we maye *'< aa po his wil, and than we thal haue al things neceffary to foule hinges ne € bodp. #02 what vas this Cliaszobnoxi? affeAib’, afinfull cefatie, - mã bone € cocefued in ſin: pet god ſeing his confidẽte graũted aa his requeſts. Fo2 he was ama p feared pᷣ loꝛd.e truſted in hin therfore god loued him ¢ heard is paler. Therfore ( J fap) let bs do as he did, tha god wil heare our praters:but we are fleth ly; {ue are carnal, we do ca nothig perfeetlp as ive ought to do {wbherfore we haue nede to fay Wf Augulline, Dike facy preci cae mufte pis.& precipe quod uis. Loꝛd do thou win me what ᷓ cOntatt oho: he cd. deft; e then cõmaũd what p wilt. Foꝛ we of our ovon firegth€ mandechys pꝓower are not able to bo his commaũdemẽts:but lack ourfa to doo. uio? wil fupply Ww bis Fulfillig, ¢ wo bis perfectnes be wil take away our imperkectnes. Now fince we haue ſpokẽ muche of pater Z wil defire pou let bs prap togethers ¢ fo make an end but pou muſt pray Ww a penitent heart. · Foꝛ god til notheare Gog he ⸗ pᷣ praler p procedeth frsm an (mpenitent heartsitts abomina⸗ seth not in ble in bis ſight. Jdeſire pou to fap after me, Dur father.gc, penite nie fynnerss ARE , ue . ‘ The.y.fermon vpon the Lordes praier made bp maiſter Hugh Latymer,.. Anẽ noſtrũ quotidianũ da nobis hodie, Bite vs this dap Pair Daily bead. This is a very good pater it a boopthole fay no moꝛe at one tinte but y:fo2 as we ſee our nese, {5 vve fhold Ine yall pray, whan toe fee qoddes name to be diſhonoured, prayefor blafpbented and yl ſpokẽ of then a mã, a fatthfull ind Mould ‘bof thyn fap. Dur father which art in heaucn, halotued be thy name. 33par bs Mahan wee (ee the deuill reigne, and all. the worlde folowe . bis kingdonte,then ive mape faye: Our father vvhiche art in hee beauen,thy kingdome coms, aa han tue {ee that the worlde folotocth ber ewne de{poes and luftes, aud not goddes twpll and bis commanrtdementes,ano tt grecucth vs to fee thys, Wwe beforpe fo2 tt, toe (hall make oure mone buts god fozit, Aaplirg: Dure father whiche art ta heauen Fiat voluntas kb: ny Certaine Sermons madeby Why Wyl be done, when ine lacie neceſſaries Co2 the mainte/ nance of this lyle, euery things Sere, then tue may fay, Dae One of the Father which art in heauen, gine bs this day.our dayly bread. feChorepra Mherfereas we lee caufe,fo we fyould pray. And itis bettee | — to fap one of theſe ſhoꝛt pꝛavers with a good fapthe, then the coe tha the Whole plalter withont fapth, whole pfal -. 2Bv this nowe that ¥ baue cerwith- tbe conunon opinion and eltimatton tubiche the people haue out. Had of this paper (the lordes pater J faye) is farre from that hat (t is in deede. Foꝛ it was eſtemed fo2 nothing , fo2 wha we bes difpofed to deſpiſe a man, and call hint an igno:aunte This sraier: foole, we fapshe can not fay hfs Pater nofter, and fo tue made ig be fo ittalighte matter,as though euery man knew tt. ut J tell ig 7* you it is a great matter, tt conteineth waightie thynyges, ifit ~~ “be waped to-the very bottame, as a learned man coulde dees de, ) mess but as foz nte, thatthat Jhaue learned out of the holy ſcrip⸗ ture and learned mens bookes, which expounde the ſame. J Wyil ſhewe vnto pou, but Jentende to be ſhort: Jhaue bene _ Berplong befeze in the other petitions which ſome thyng crs pounde thofe that foloiv, therfore Jwill net tarpefolong fa. them ag J haue tone inthe other. Ae EGSeue bs this day our daplp bꝛead: Euery {yso2deis te be Bread doch Confidered: fo2 they haue theic tmpsztance. This word bread © fignific all ‘fignifieth all maner of faftinance fo2 the pꝛcſeruation of this maacr fait Iife:all thinges tebereby man fhouldelpue, ave tontaxned it Rance. this word Breade. — We Pou mulrememb2¢ what J fapd by that petition Gales toed be thp ame. here we praye bnto govthat he toil gtue ‘05 grace to lpne fo, that ine map with allour conucrfations, and doinges halow and fanctifp him, according as bis worde telleth bs. owe foraſmuche as the pꝛeachynge ef goddes woꝛde fs motte mecedary to bꝛing bs into this balolwing, tue pꝛay in fe fame petition fe2 the office af preaching. Forꝛthe Godename fanctityeng of the name of god can not be,ercept the office of fanGifes PrAchpig be mayntepned, and his woorde be preached anv exrept prea knowen, therfore in the fame petttion whan J fap Sanctifice- chinybe tur, Halowed be thy name, J pave that bis worde may bee maintained ſpꝛeade abgaade, and knowen, thozough whiche gp ary i ’ . ; 3 > anckt⸗ fapde, pou maye perceiue that M.Do Gor Latymer. pi Fol.33. fanetify ing. g. So —* in this petition, Geue vs this daye oar dailye ‘The mex ‘bread, we praye fo2 all thofgthyn ges which be neceflarp ana ting of this * requiffite to the fultinarice of our foules.and bodics. Pow the Peuttens firt and principall thing that we haue nede of tn this lpfe,ts | the magiſtrates, without a magifrate we orld never live. fell and quietly. Than it ts necefarp and motte nedefull to prape vnto god fo2 thent, that the people map haue reſt, and applp their bufines,enerp man in bis callyng, the huſband⸗ man in tilleng and plotuing, the artificer in bis bufines. Foꝛ _ pou mull euer confider, that tubere warre ts, there be all diſ⸗ commodities, no man can doe bis duetie atcoꝛdeng vnto His callyng, as ttappeareth now in Germany, the Cinperour € the Frenche king being at controuerfp:¥ warrant pou there _ ts litle refie,o2 quictnes. Therſore inthis petition we pzaye Onto god fo2 our magiſtrates that thep nrap rule and gouern this realnre well and godly , and kepe bs from tnuaficns of ~ alicautes and fraungers and to execute tuftice, end punifh malefacteurs:¢ this ts forequifite that Wwe cannot line with⸗ out it. Therfoꝛe whan we fap, Geue bs this dape our tayes fa this peti ipe Beane: we prave fer the Binge bis cotmnfellours and ail 13 bis oficers:but nat every man that ſateth theſe wordes, braid ali bis - derſtãdeth ſo much. Foꝛ itis obfcurelp included, ſo that none officers, percefucit but thofe indich varnedlp and diligently cenſyder the fame. But S. Paule he cxpreſſeth it with moze wordes playnelye, ſaring: Jexhorte pou te make {uppltcations end papers foy all men, but fpectalip pro regibus & quiin fublis mitate couſtituti fun: fo2 the Kings and fo2 thefe i bich be ae | ' loft, bbheretor vt placidam & quieram vitam agamos,that ive +. pray for “map line gedly and guietipe, in all Ponefpe and goelpines. ois is co And whan J pay fos them ZF pap formy ſelte. For J pave. prarfor our fez thei thatthep map rule, ſo that Zand all men may tyre flues alſo. quietly and at rei. Amd to this ende tue deſore 4 quiste tpfe, si we tuay the better {crue god, beare his woꝛde, anb lxus er it. For in the rebelles tyne J prape you tehat gablines was Mewed amongel them; thex went lo farre (az 1¢ was telte) = teat thep defilca other mennes wyues: what govkines sh | * . this - Geod men canac lacke no fo ravv anog sebelles, God refpe @ecth no perfons. The educa - tion of chil aren, Cettaihe Sermons made Jig ; fhisz In h wyat eſllate thinke pou were thoſe fatthfall lubiectes Ww dich at the ſame tyme were amengell thentzthep had ſorow inough Jwarraunte pou. So it af geareth, that where warre eye is righte godlineſſe banifhed and gene. Therlore to pay fo2 a quict tpfc, that 1s as muche as to pay fora godlye lyfe, that we map ferne god in our calling, and get our iputie ges vprightly. So tt appeareth that praying fo3 bia ac is as much as to pape fo2 our felucs, They that be childzen,and lyue vnder fhe rule of they? pa⸗ rentes, oꝛ haue tutoꝛs, they prare in this petition for thep2 pa rentes, and tutors. Foꝛ they be necedary fo2 thep2 bꝛynging bp. And god will accept their peaver as well as thepes which be of age. fo2 god bath no refpecte of perfons:he is as redye to heare the pongelt as the olde. Therfore let them be baanght bp in godlives, let them know god. Let parentes and tutes do their Ducties to bayng theym by fo, that as foone as thep2 age ſ crueth, thep nap talk and fauour god:let them feare gon in the beginning, and fo they thall do alfo tuban they be gle, - sBecaule J (pease hercof Daphans,F ſhall exhorte pou tabe ZL Religious /™ hoetes are netpalled, done. pitiful bute them, kor itis a thyng that pleated 903,08 S · Ja⸗ mes witneſſeth, faping: Relizio pura.& ce’, It is a connnon {peache amongeé the: cople and muche bs fen, that they faye,all religious houſes ate pulled doune, wht che is a bere penifh Caping, and iret true,fo2 thei are not pul led doune. That wan and Hat woman that live together goo ly and quietlyp, doin g the woorkes of thei vocation, and feare God, heare his woorde, and keepe tt: that faite tg à religious houſe, that is that houſe that plcaſeth god. Fa; religien,purs True Reli- ‘gion. | : religion (% fay) faveth not in wearing of a menke⸗ coule, but in rightuo uſneſſe tuftice and weld oings, and as fainct Fares faith in viſiting tye Orphans and widowes, that lacke thep3 hafbandes, Orphaus that lacke thep2 paventes to helpe tyent wobeu they bee paoze,to ſpeake for the 1 whan thep be oppret fed, herein andeth true religron, ods religion ( JI fap:) The ather whiche was vſed was an vnreligious lyfe, vea rather ay hypocriſye. Shere ts a texte in Scripture Jneuer reade it but J. remember theſe religious houles. Eitque rect a homini vie, M Dodor Latywmer. Fol. 34. wia, cuius tamen poſtrewum iter eſt ad morter, Therets a Ptoa. way » Wwhiche wate ſeemed to men to bee geod, iwhete ende is eternal perditionavban the ende is naught, all is naught. So were thele monkes bens, thefe religious houſes. here were many people, {pecially topdelves, which would geuc o⸗ 91 uct houſekepyng, and goe to ſuche bouſes, whan thet might oper. haue doone muche good in mainteynvng of fernauntes, 213 che 2s dyd releupng of pooze people, but they tuent their wayes. Ahat bj ether li - madneſſe was that: Agapne , bolve muche caufe tote vinges in haue to thanke G DD, that we knowe what is tretwe res abbeys· ligion, that G DD hath reucled vnto bs the deceiptfulneile ef thofe Monkes, whyche hadde a goodly ſhewe before the worlde of great holyneſſe, but thep were naughte within. Therefore Scripture fapeth , Quod excelſum eft homini- bus , abhominabile eft coram Deo, That whiche ts brably - efferned befoze tien, is abhominable before GID. heres Pep fore that mart and woman that Ipue in the feave of God, ate io lyuein suche better thantheir houles tuere, the feareof ¥ redde ones a ttorie of a holy man, fonte fap it was ſalntt God tha to - Gnthonie twhiche had been a long (cafon inthe twylternetic, ¢ + Merk eatyng no2 drynkyng notbyng, but breadde and Iwater 3 at the length be thoughte hym felfe fo holpe, that there chhould beens bodye Ipke tuto hym · Thercfore be deſyred of Cod fo knowe whoe choulde bec his fellowe in heauen. G D H made hym aunlwerc, and commaunded hym to goe to A⸗ A Cobbler lerandzia, there he oulde fynde a Cobbler whyche ould thalbefainr -bee bys fellotve in beauen . Nowe he fuente thyther, arid *athovies _ foug st hym out, and felle in acquatntannce toith hrin, ana {eve in tarved with hym ty2¢ 02 foure daxes to (ee bis conuerſation. In the mornyug bis topfe and he peaped together, than they. piers mare weute tothep2 buſynelle, bs in bis Mhoppe , and ſhe about teas. ~ _ ber houſwylerxe. At dynner tyme thep hadde breadde and cheeſe, bberewyth they were welle contente, and tecke it thankelully. Thepr chplozen were well taugbt to feare @DD, and to lage theya Pater nofler , and the Crede, and the tenne Commaundementes , and fo be frente hys tyme indcopnge brs ductic trefuclp, J fvatraunt you he dyd not ſo many falfe Auches as cshlers tos ne e a Darts. so Fett Saint Such {cho- lers hoafes berelizious fi hoafcs, Man anl wife praye eue fot an other. Som alovve ‘no fingle * byfe. God vvylle indge adal - terersand wvhore ke- | pers. Laue lyfe is better than mariage. ~ Certaine Sermons made by 8. Anthony perceiuing that, came to knoboledge of bimtele, i and lapa away all pride and pꝛeſumption. Sy this enfample you may learne that boned conugefation atid godly liningis much regarded before god, in fo much that thts poore cobler, doyng bis ducty diligently twas made . Anthontes fellow. * itappeareth that te bee not deſtituted of religious bons es: thoſe which apply their bufines bprightlp and bere god⸗ J worde, they thalbe ſ. Anthones felatwes, that is to fap, ee they ſhalbe numbred amonget the children of gos, Further in this petition the man and tuyie pape one fox tycother. Foꝛ one ts a helpe vnto the other, and ſo neceſ⸗ ſarye the one to the other. Therſore they praye one fo2 the o ther that god will (pare them their liues,to liue together quit etly and godly, acco2ding to bis ordinaunce and inſtitution:* tyis ig goad ¢ necdefal. As fo2 fuch as be not maried, pou yal know that ¥ do not fo much pꝛaiſe mariage, p J Mould think that ſin gle lyfe is naught:as J have beara fone which Mp ll {cante allowe fingle life. Thep thinke in their beartes that aill thoe which be not maried be nought, therfoze they haue a common faping amongelt them? cethate(fap thep) thepbe made of fuck metall as we be made of, thinking thentto bee - naught in their ltuftig, which ſuſpicions ar damnable afoze god.Foꝛ we know not what giftes god bath geuen onto the- a therfozs We cannot {with good confctence condemn thet 3 iudge them. Truth it fs mariage, is good anv honozable as mongeſt all men, as ſ. Paule witneiteth( & adulteros & for- nicatotes iudicauit dominus, And the loꝛd (hal and wil tudge that is,condemne adulterers, and twho:emongers, but net thofe tubiche line tn ſingle lyfe: when thou liueſt in lechery, O arte a whoꝛe 02 tuho2emonger, then thou thalte be dame ned:but whan thou liueſt godly and bonefilp in fingle lifesit 18 well ¢ allowable afoꝛe god: yea and better then martage. ~ F2f, Baule faith, Volo uos abſq; lollicitudine eſſe, J fill hauc pou te be without carefulneffe, that is vnmaried, and hetweth the comodities ,faping, They that be vnmaried fet their myendes bpon god, how to pleafe him, andto lineafter bis cOntandementes. Bat as for the ofber, the manfscares — full howe to pleate his toife,andagaine, the woman howto . pleat hex * the other. Therfor : M.Do Ges Latyrret. Tol.2¢ pleafe bys tupfe,and agayn the woman how fo pleafe ber bal bande: and this ——— faping of the one as well as of ¥ will wiſhe you not to condemne fingle ipfe, but take one with thother, Ipkeas faint Paule teacheth vs:not fo ertolic the one that wwe ſhoulde condemne the other, Foꝛ ſainct Paule prarfeth as well fingle life as mariage, pea Saint Paule and moꝛe to.Foꝛ thole that bee (ingle haue moze liberties to praife pape and fo ferue god,then the other, fo2 thep that be marſed toue life ar baue muche trouble and afflictions in their bodies. This J bouc man {pcake becaufle 7 beare that ſome there bee Whiche cendemne 25° — fingle lpfe:9 would haue them to knowe that matrimenve ts ~ good, godlye, and allowable vnto all wen, pet fo2 al that, the fingule life ought not to be defpifed,o2 contenmed, fepng that Scripture alloweth it : pea and he affirmieth that it is better than matrimany if it be cleane without finite and offence. Further tus prap here in this petition fo2 geod feruantes, yy. 5.40 that god will fend vnto bs good faithful and truſty feruantes for — 2 fo2 they are neceſſarye fo2 this bodelye lyfe that our buſineſſe andcreefer . may be done, and Chote whiche line in ſingle lyfe hauc moze vances. nede of good truſtye ſeruauntes, than thole whiche are mari⸗ ed. Dhole tubich are ntarted cant better ouerlee their ſeruann⸗ ‘tes. Foꝛ whan tye man ts fromt home at the leaſt the wyle o⸗ uerſesth them aud kepety thent in good oder. Fos Jtell pou Seruauntes feruauntes muſt be ouerfene and looked to, pfthep be not o⸗ mut bee os uerfene what be theyrit is a great gifte of god to haue a good ‘erfeenc. © feruaunt. Foꝛt the molt part of (eruantes are but eye ſeruan⸗ tes:whan their matter is gon, they leaue of from their laboz and play the Quggardes, but ſuch feruauntes do contrary vn⸗ fo gods commaundement, and hal be damned (1 hel for their flouthfulnes, ercept they repente. Dherfo2e(F fap) thofe that be vnmaried haue more neve of good feruauntes, than thofe “which be maried,foz one of them at the leatt may alwwayes 0° “uerfee the fanily. Foꝛ as Jtolde pou befoze, the mot part of ſeruãts be epe feruants, they be nothing whan thep be not 9: uerſene. here was orice a felowe afked a philofopher a que⸗ ſt õ faying, quomodo ſaginatur eqaus, holb is an boote made Tewaſers fat,the philofopber made anſwer faying:oculo dii,tmith bys F. itt. maiſters farte. ‘Certaine Sermons made by maitters eye:not meaning that the horſe ſhould bee fed with his matters cie, but that the maiſter ſhuld ouerſee the horſe € take bede to the hol keper, that p fe hors miſcht be fuel fen. For whan a man rideth by the way aͤnd comueth to His Inne and giucth vnto the bottler bis horſe to walke, and fo he himſelte fitteth at table and maketh geod chere ¢ forgetteth bis hole, the hoſtler commeth and faith, Syr how much becad thall J geue vnto pour horſe⸗ be faity h geue hint ii. d. JI warrant you this horſe chall neuer be fat. Therfore a man mᷣould not faye to the hoſtler, qo geue him: but be fhoulde fee himſelfe that the horſe haue it. gn likemaner thole that haue fernants muſt nat only commaund thent what thep ſhall do, but they muſt {ce that it be done:they multe bee pefent, o2els it hall wes uer be doone. Due sther man alked that ſame phrlofepher this quettion faping: what dounge is it that maketha mas ‘The foore lande mot fruitefull in bringyng forth much come? Barry, flepsofthe fatd he, Veltigia domini, the otuners feotheps:not meantug owaerdo that the maifter ſhould come and walke vppe and doune and dongethe treade the ground, bat be would haue bpm ta come and ouer lands, fee the ſernauntes tilling of the grounde, commaunding the to do itdiligently, and fo toloke himſelf vpon their worko: this thalbe the be& donge(layeth the philoſopher.) Theretore neuer tral ſeruauntes except pou map be aſſured of their di⸗ ligence: Foz Itell pou truclp, J canne come no where but J beare maillers complainyng of their ſeruants. Jthinke ve⸗ relp they feare not God, they conſider not their dueties. wel Jwroll burthen them with this one texte of Scripture, and than go forward in my matters, the pꝛophet Jeremy ſaieth. Maledictus qui facit opus domini neglivec ter, arother tran Neglizécter gation hath fraudulenter but tt is one in eect, Curſed bebe yes — faith the prophet Jeremy that doth the worke ofthe load nes Si, -Sligetly'a; fraudulently take which zou ttle a It is no light matter that god pronounceth them to be cur⸗ ‘fed, But what is curſed: what is it: Curſed ts as muchto fap ag tt fhal not go tel with then, they thal baue no lucke, my face (halbc again them. Is not this agreat thyng? Trueiy conlider it as pou lyſte, but it is no light matter to he curſed of Sap, twyicd ruleth heauen and. erth. And though the Pꝛs⸗ phete Jere. 48 M DodorT atymer. ~ Fol.ze phete cpeaketh thefe wordes of warriours goyng to warre petit may beſpoken of all ſerunauntes, vea of all eſtates, but fpeciallp of (cruantes. #02. %. Paule faith Domino Chrifto ſetuitis you feruauntes (faith be) pou ferue the lord Chriſte, it is his werke. Dhan whan ttis thelordes worke take hede bow pou do tt:fozcurfed ts be that doth it negligently. But iwhere ts fuche aleruant as Jacob tas to Laban: hetv pain full nas he-bow tarefull fo2 bis maiſters profitesinfo wach that whan ſomewhat perifoed, he reſtored it agarne of bps owe. And where is ſuche a ſeruaunt as Cleasar waste A⸗ Seeraants feructhe lord Ching. Tacob was a painfulfer vant, Eleazar A- byaham bis maiſter: what a iorꝛney had besbotwe carefutl be yy hames Was, and whan be came to bts tomepes ende, he woulde ſeruant. neither eate no2 drynke afoze he had done his matfiers mefs fage, fo p al bis mpude was geuenonly to ſerue bis matfer, aud fo Doaccodpny to his comnianndementes: Fn (o much that be woulde neither cate nor drynke toll he had done acs cordyng to his maifters wyll. Buch lyke to our ſauiors fay⸗ png: Cibus meus eft vt faciam voluntatem eius qui mifit me. This is my meate, to do the will of him that fent ine. Z pray: * pou feruatttes marke this Cleasar well,confider all thecir- cumſtances cf his diligent and faithfall {eruice, and folotve tels if pou folow it not, pou rede it to v”our owne condem⸗ wation. tke wile confider the true ſeruice whiche Joſephe (that godly pong man)did vnto bis matter Potipbar, liefe⸗ tenaunt of the towꝛe bel faithfully he ſerued without any guile e2 fraudc, therfore god promoted hym fo, that be was made aftertwardes the ruler ouer all Egipt. | Likewiſe conſider how fatthfull Daniell was in ſerupng kyng Darius. Alack; that pou ſeruauntes be ſo fubburne VP Hearted and wyl nat confider this, pow fuill not remember that pour feruice ts the luazke xf the lord, pou toil not conti der that the curſe of g63 hangeth vpon pour heades fo2 pour floutpfulnes ¢ neglagẽce. Lake hede therfore ⁊ loke to pour Duties. Now further whoſoeuer pzateth this pater forth a good faithful bert, as be ought to d0: he prartth for al plough men € bul bandimeé: that God toil paofper ¢ encreale their la⸗ boz,forercept be geue thencreale, al their labo? ¢ tranattis lof, Thertore itis nedefull to pray fo theirs that God map F.ini. ſende Potiphar wasliefetes nact of the toure in Ee ipt. De Danielfer ucdking Darius. Certaine Sermons made by This Dik, fend his benediction by thetr labour, fo2 foithoute coꝛne and a —— ſuch maner of ſuſtinance we cannot liue. And in shat prayer we include all artificers:fo2 thoꝛoegh their labors god giueth bs many commoditics which we could not lacke. We praye alſo for wholſome ayre. Item Whe praye for ſea⸗ fonable we -ther, wyan we haue to muche rayne we praye ſor fayze weather:agayne when we lack rayne we prap that god {wil fend rayne. And in that prater ive pray for our cattel, that: god wil preſerue the to our vfe,front al diſeaſes: for without cattcll we can notliue, Wwe can not till the ground no2 haue meate, therefore we melude them in ou re praier to. sabes So pou fee that this prayer contarnethinnumerable thins ges. For Wwe pape forall fuche thynges as bee erpedient and. _ necdefull fo2 the preferuation of this life. dnd not alone this, but we hane bere good doctrine and admonitions befpres. | F 02 here we be admoniſhed of the liberality of gos our bea gate This petiti- uenly father, which be ſheweth dayly cuer vs. Foꝛ 0ur fauts: ondoothe guy knowyng the liberalttye of god our beauenlp father com Are 7 maundeth bs to pap, pf be Iusuld not gine bs the thyngs we ait jibera alke. Chattt ould not have commaunded bs to prape, phe * lities had bon an vll wyl agamſt bs. Chak wold not haue fent bs fo hint, ut our {autour knowyng bis liberal beart towards vs,commaundeth vs to pape and delpze all thinges at bys handes. Hire wee And here we bee ad: monilhed of oure eflate and condicion, leasne that What we be, namely beggers. For we af ke bread, of whom? weare beg marry of god. Ul hat are tue than? Barrpe beggers, the grea gcse \y telt lozdes and ladies in England are but beggers afore god, “7. Sepng then-that we allare but beggers, why thould we the diſdayne and deſpyſe poore mens Lette bs therefore conſider that we be but beggars: let vs pull doune our ſtomackes, for 1.Cot 4. if tue conſider the matter well, we are lyke as they bee, alo re god:foꝛr ſainct Paule fapth, Quid habes quod non accepifti?. The riche MAhat halt thou that thou haſt not recetucd of god? hou art “mdisabeg- buta beggar whatſoouer thou art:and though there be ſome ger before perp riche and haue great abundance,of whom haue they ite God of god. What faieth he, that rpche mans He faith. Dur father . — art in heauen. Giue bs this dap our dayly bꝛeade:then he M .DodtorL atymer. Fol.33 he is a begger afore god as well as the pooꝛeſt man, Further how continueth te rpebe man in bis richesztwbo made hym riche: Marry god.Foꝛ tt is.ppꝛitten, benedictio dei facitdinis Proyer to ten p bleſſinges of god maketh rpch,ercept god bleſſe, it ſtan Geds bier. Deth to no effecte:fo2 it is tu2ittet .comedent & non fatura- ſioginaketh bancur thep (hall cate but pet neuerbe fatiffped . Cate ag riche. ‘ much as pou wyl ercept god fede pou, pou fhall neuer beful, So likewilſe as ryche as a man is, pet he cannot augment bis riches, nor kepe that be hath ercept god be with bint, ercepte be blexe him: therkore let bs not be proude fo2 tue be beggers thebeftofts, 163 fi Note here that our fauiour bidveth bs to fap, Vs; this Vs: lappeth in al other men with mp paper, Fozcucry one of bs prapeth fo2 an other, twhen 9 fap. Ctue bs this dap our dap: ip b2cad.y prape not fe2 my felfe onelp (pF J afke as he byd⸗ deth m¢)but % pap fo2 all other. Mherfore fap J not, Dure father giue me this Dap my daylye beade? for becauſe god ts not my godalone, be is a common god, And here we be adino niſhed to be frendipe,loutng and charitable one fo an other, fo2 what god geueth, Jcan not fape thisis my one: but Zz v⸗ muſt ſay this is ours. Foꝛ the rpche man can not ſaye:this is fayette | mine alone, god hath geuen it onto me fo2 my own vſe. M02 is myic pet hath the posse nian anp fitel vnto take it alway from ovvnetoda hint. Po, the poore man maye not do fo, fo2 when he doth fo, doo wvith it be ts a theife afore god and man, but pet the pooze man bathe hat. vill titell to ithe rpche mans good, (o that the rpchentan oughte ta let the poo2e man haue part of hisriches,to helpe and to com fozt dim withal. Therfore when god fendeth vnto me much, it is not myne but Oures, tf is not geuen vnto me alone, but 4 mutt belpemp poore neighbours withal. ut bere J mus. afke pou rpche men a queſtion, howe chaunceth tt you haue pour riches: we haue thé of god,pou wyll (ape. Wutby what oo. nce meanes haue pou thézby praier pou wil ſay: we pape f02 the piers held vnto god, and be giucth bs the fame. Gerp well. Wut F pray uch men ca pou tel me, What do-other me which are not rychesprape they goodcs. not as Wel as pou dozpes pou muff fap, fo2 pou cannot Denyse it. Thẽ it a careth $ pou baue pour riches not thoꝛough pour obon peaters onlp but other me help pou to pray fo2 the. Fe Q3 Certaine Sermons mede by they fay afivel Dur father, geue bs this day cur Dailp bread AS pou doo:and peraduenture they be better than pou be,and - (30d beareth their paper feoner then pours, And ſo it appe⸗ reth moſte manifeltlp that pou obtaine pourvicheile of ged, not onlp thzeugh pour otone pater but though other mens - . to. Other men help pou to get them at gods Hand, tha ft foles iveth that ſeyng pou get not pour richeffe alone tho20f pour | rine prayer, but though the pooze mansp2ater: if is mete $ ‘ve poore ma fhold haue part of them, ¢ pou ought toreleuc bis neceflitie € ponertic, wut what meaneth Govby thisinz equalitie that be gtueth to ſomme an. 100. pounde, vnto this . Theriche mat. ſooo. pound vnto this mania a maner nothing atall, maaisgods WMyhat meaneth be by thisinequalitie 2 Here he meaneth tealurcr. that the riche ought to diltribute bis tiches abrode amongett the poore, for the riche man is but goddes officer, gods treas fazer, be ought to diftribute thentaccordpng vnto bis Hovde gods commandement. If exerp man were riche than noma » wold do any Ching:therfeze god maketh ſome rich and fome God fédeth pooꝛe. Againe that the riche may haue where to erercile his thepooreto eyavitie, God made ſome riche and fame poore: the poore he theryches tendeth vnto the riche fo Defire ne him ingods name belpe € aide. Therkore pou riche nen whan there cometh a poore mã vnto pou, deſiryng pour helpe, think none othertuile but goa bath {st btm tuto pou,¢ remembꝛe that thy riches be not thy otune, bat thou art but a fuard ouer them. Jf thou writ not do tt, tha cometh in ſ. John which ſaith: He vᷣ hath p ſubſtãce of this world, ¢ tecth his bꝛother lacke ¢ helpeth himnot, hoo remaineth the loue of god in himẽ he ſpeaketh not of them yp: haue it not/ but of them p haue it that fare man loueth not god ,(fbebelpnothis neighbor hauing wherwith to doit. ae fay This is a fore € hard word:There ke many which fap: with cod, their mouth, tbey lone qed: Aud il a man ſhold al Ke bere this bf multitude whether they love God oꝛ no:they wold fap ves/ god forbid els. But if pou conſider their vnmercifulnes Ox Se to the posze, pou thal ſee as faint John faid, the lene of gad 77 is net witbin the. Therkore you rich mẽ euer cõſider of wh howfe, vou bane vour it a thoufandli. pet pou fetch it ont of this petition. Fo2 this petits, Geue vs this dap our dailp. bꝛead, 15 gods ſtorehsuſe, gods treafure houſe:here licty all . M.Do Gar Latymer. _ Fol.38 bis ppoutfien,¢ here you fetche if, wut ener haue in remem⸗ — bance,that this {sa comon pater, a pooze ma pꝛateth afinel as thou, € peraduenture god fendeth this riches vnto thee for another mans papers fake, which prateth fo2 thee., whole praier is ntoze cffectuall than thin otune. And therefore pou _ ought to be thankful bute other mew, which pray fo2 pou on to god thelpe pou toobtepne paurriches. Againe, this pes tition is a remedy agaynſt this wicked carefulneſſe of men, Whan thei (eke how to liue, and how to get thete liuings, tn ſuch·Wiſe, like as ik there were no god at all, And than there be fonte which wil notlabo2 as god hath apointed vnto the: but rather geue then to falſehode to ſel faife ware, ¢ decere their neighbo2s,02 to ſtele other més chepe oꝛ conies. hole felotves av far wide, let tht cont to gods treaſor boule, pts to fay, let thes com to 70d, ¢ call bpon him with a good faithe, ſaring: Dur father geue bs this dap our Datly bread, truly god wil heare them. Fo2 this is p only remedy that we haue here tn early, fo came to bfs treafo2 houfe,¢ fetche there fuch things as Wwe lack, Confider this word daily, God pronuleth bs to fede bs daily. Ff pe beleuc this, why ble pe tha kalſhod and Deecite? Dherfore good people leauc pour falfhode, get pou rather to this treafure boute,then pou imap be fure of a liuxng:for god hath determined vnto him de fi ring bis belpe, thet ſchalbe holpẽ, god wil not ſorget the. But > A remedy againttwic ked careful NeSe God premi- ſeth tofeda vs dayly. our tnbelefe is fo great, we will not com vnto him, we will | rather go about to get our lining with falfhed, than deſire p bs like as it did vpon p Sodomites, onelyp fo2 our falſhodes fake... J twill fell pou of fom which are pzactifed in my con- trp uber Idwel. But ¥ wil nottel (tyou to teche pou to do ‘Plame, dut rather to abhor it. Foz thole which bie fach de⸗ ceitfulnes thalbe damned world Wout end except thet repẽt J haue knowe fom p had abarantcow, they wold fain haue had a great deale of money for her, therfore they go € takea | calfe of an ether coW,% put it to thisbaratn cov,¢ focomts | pmarket, prꝛetẽding p this cow bath bꝛought p calf¢ fo thep = fame of bi. D what falthod ts bled in Englãd, yea in p bole woꝛrld:e It were not meruatle if the fire from heauen fel vpß A falfprae tife much v fed among the men of thecohtrey | —* Bad their barant cow 6.09,9,8,deres tha thep- (hold haue don Certa'ne Sermons made by els. sxe man iubyeh baught the cotve commeth home, per⸗ aduenturs be bath a many of childzert, and hath no moꝛre cats tell but this cotve, and thinketh be fgall haue fome mylke for bis chylozen: but whan all thynges commeth to paffe, this ts a barrant cowe, and fo this poo2e man fs decciued. The other fellow whyche folde the colve, thynketh bpm ſelſe a iolx fes low, anda tuple marchaunt, and he is called one that cart make {hpfte fo2 bymlelfe, But J tell thee, who lo eucr thou - arte, doo fo tf thou luff;thou thalt doo it of this pꝛice: thou —alte got to the diuell: and there be hanged on the fp2p gaz The rewat lowes worlde without ende : and thou arte as berp athefe as de — {whan thou takeſt a mas purſe front him going by the way,€ eves. ig Hou ſinnell as vocl againſt this commandement, Non factes damnatica furta, Zhou fhalt do no theft. But thele felotves commonly except the: Which ofe ſuche deceiptfulneſſe and quyles,can ſpeake fo fpne repent. . fy, thata nian would thpnke butter hold (rant melte in therr mouthes. An otbet Itell you one other kalſehode: Iknobo that fonte bufbands sooo), men go-to the market with a quartet of cozne: Nolue si" Anould fapne fell deere the worſt as well as the bet, therfox they ble this policies they go and put a firike of fine malte oz cone tw the bottome of the facke, than thep put. ft. ſtrike of the worſt that thep bad: than a geod ſtrike aloft in the ſackes mouth, and fo they conte to the market.’ Nowe there cometh a bpar, aking, Sp2 ts this qood malt 2 J warrant you fatth be, there ts no better fn this toipne + and fo he felleth all His malt o2 come fo2 the bef, whan there be but. it. ſtrikes of the bet in bis facke. The man that bycth it, thpnketh be bathe good malte,be contmeth home: Mhan be puttety the malt . gutof the facke , the ſtryke whyche was tn the bottome coz uereth the pil ntalte whyche twas in the mpodes , and fo the “good man thall neuer percepne the fraude, tyll he commeth to the occuppeng of the coꝛne: thother man that foldc tt, tas The ae keth this fo2 a pollicie, but it ts a thefte afoze God, and he is fharhe'*™' pounde to make rectitution of ſo muche as thoſe tive firps felleuyl for Kes whoche were naught, twere folde to decre, fo muche he good oughte to reſtore, 82 elles be thall neuer comune to heauen, pl OD D bee trewe in hts woe, Icouid UW. Docdor Latymer. Folia Feould tell you of ene other falthode,tioto they make wull to way muche,but J wyll not tell it pou. wf you learne todos thofe faifhodes whereot F haue tolde-pou now, then take the fanfe With it, namely that pou thal neuer fee the bliffe of beas nen, bit be damned worlde without ende with the dentll and all his aungels. Now go to tohan ft pleate pow) vſe falthove. Wut F pape pou therfore till pou decefae pour neighbour {obant pou ought te loue as well as ponr obone feife 2 conſi⸗ ber the mater good people What a dangerous thing it is to fal inp hands of the ener linpng Codsleaue falfhode,abbozre it, _ be true ¢ katthtull in pour calipng, Querite regnum dei & iu ftitiam cius & cetera omnia adiicicatur vobis. Scke the king dome of God and tye rightuouſnes therof: than all thinges ng cedaty fo2 pos, fall conte onto psu vnloeked fo, Therloꝛre itt this petition note fyrſt gods goodnes how gẽ⸗ til he is CowWardes vs in ſo muche that be woulde baue bs to. come Dito him and fake of hym all thpnges. When agapnes note what we bee, namely beagers, for we begge of him, wht. ty — —————— 3 ta leaue Toutes And proudenes, and fo God weld _ haue vs to com to him forall thin g8e3. PHote fubat fg Our; namelpe that one poapeti fo an other * and that this flozehoute is common vnto all men. Hote agapue what ine bee whan we bee lalte, namely the chiudren of the deuill and enemies vnto god. There be ſome men whicd would haue this petition not fo “‘tntpo3te 02 contayne thefe bodely thinges,as thinges whiche ‘be to byle te bz defy zed at gods hand: Therfore thep erpound ft altogether ſpiritually, ef thyngs pertaining onto the foule ‘onelyp, which spinton truly Jdo not greatly Ipke. Forꝛ hal J frat god fo2. my fonle,and thal Inot traf bint fe2 my bodv: Thertore ¥ take tt that all thynges nece@arpe to foule and bodye are contapned in this petition:and tue oughte to ſeeke ‘all thpnges neceflarpe to outs bodelye foode onelye in thys ‘ Ko2ehoule.. - The mynd of fome ler ned men, But pou mufle not take my ſayinges after ſuche forteas | though pou ould do nothyng but fit and prape:and pet pou ‘ fhould haue pour dinner and fapper made redy fo2 you. Ho not em pou maſt labour,pou mutt bo the woſke of pour Pocation . Céttaine Setmensmadeby © pecation. Querite regnum dei, ſeeke the kingtent of heauen The waye pou muſt ſette thole tine thinges together, workes and paps tobefure gr, He that is true in bis vocation, doth accocdyng as god tyile of lyuinge. jeth him te do, and then pray theyonto god:that mae: moma may be afured of their lpaing,as fure(Z fap)as ged is Gad. As {a2 the dede god of bis exxedyng mereye and ifs bevalitis fpndeth them, and ſometymes thep fare better thes the good man doth:but.fo2 ali. p,the wicked ma hath euer an pli confcicnce, be poth wꝛong vnts ged, he is an blurper, be bath no right vnto it:the good and coodly man be bath right vnto tt, fo2 be connneth bp it lawfully, by bis paper and tras The couc tail. Hut thefe coustoule men, thinke pe, fay they this pats © eousman = gt bith afaithfull hearte: Dur father whiche arte in heauen, dothe but Gene bs this dap our daply bead: Thinke ve thei fay tt frou mocke S°° fhe bottome of thep2 hearies: 20 nesthep do but mocke go, * wh. tbep laughe hym to ſco me, when they fay theſe worres. Foz they bane their baead, thep2fpluer and golde in thep2 coffers, in thetr ches, i their bagges oꝛ bougets, therloꝛe thep have no ſausur of god, elles they would ſhew them ſelues libe rall vnto their poore neighbours, they woulde open their cheſtes 8nd baggesjand lap out and belpe their baethern in Chriſte. Ther be as pet but {cogners, they (aye this paaper likeas-the ap Turke might fap tt. ; a Conlider thts wowde Giue, Certainly we mult labour,pet - at | ‘Wve muff not fe magnifie our labor as though tue gat our Ife ? ning bpit, Foꝛ labour as long as thou wilte, thou thalt haue pꝛotite bp tt.ercepte the loꝛde increaſe thy labour. Shere tig fo2e we muſte thanks. him fo2 (t, be dothe it, he geucth it: to whome: laboranti,& pofcerti, vnto bun that laboꝛeth and prapth:that man that ts ſo diſpoſed thal notlack;as be faith, dabit {pitirum fan@um-pofcentibus illum, pe twill geue the holy ghoſte, vnto them that deſire the fame. oben we muſte alke:fo; be geueth not te ſſluggardes. In dede they haus bis benefits:they liue wealthilyx:but as Jtolde pou befoze, thep Mat. haue it with an yll confcience not laufully. Therfore Chak Gutvvarde. faith. Solem ſaũ oriti ſinit ſupet iuſſos et iniuſtos Itẽ, Nemo thinges ¶ ſcit an odie vel amore fit dignꝰ. We camnottell outwardlye fhewnot. bp thele worldly things vohich be in ÿ fauour of god ¢ _ | be M. Doctor Latymer. F.J.40 " BE not: fo: thep be common vnto good and bande. But the who arein Wicked haue it nod with a good confcience Whe vpright go od ce fa man hath dts lining the2ough bis labour and faithful prater, °°" ’ Rewware that pou truf not in pour labour,as though pe gotte pour lyuing bp tt:fo2 as ſaintt Paule faith. Qui plantar nie * hil eft;neq; qui rigat, {ed quidatincrementum deus. pete. 1 Cor.ʒ. ther be that planteth ts ought,noz be that watereth, but god that * the encreaſe:Excepte God gene the encreaſe all our labour ts left. They that bee the chilozen of this worlde, VVhatthey ———— perſons, extorſioners, oppꝛeſſoures, caterpyl⸗ betharcom fers, dfurers) thinks pou they come to goddes ſtorehouſe: Pa re th i ho, they doc not, thep hane not the vnderſtanding of it,thep: “POs cannst tell what tf meaneth. Foz theplooke net ta get thep2 ipaynges at gods ſtorehouſe, but rather thep thinke to gette it With deceipt and faltho3, with oppreſſions, and wrong do⸗ enges. fo: they thinke that-al thinges be lauful vnto them, therfore theythinke that theagh thep take other mtens goods thorugh facteitie and craftes, tt is no ſynne. isut I felt pou, Thote thynges wych we bye or getie with our labouro2 are aen vs bp inheritaunce 02 other waves, thoſe thinges bee bit the law, which maketh meum and tua mypne and hence. How allthings gottẽ otherwiſe are not ouresias thole thin ys tobich be gotten by evatty conuciaunces by guile and fraude, bp robbery and ſtealing, by extortion and eppzefion, 7 bp handemakyns, (92 bows (ecuer pou conte bp it,belpde the Godha- right way)it ts notpours in ſo much that psamay not giue it tcchalines ” for go38 fake,fo2 god hatcth it. But por will fap: what ſhall of ™Gouk Luc do {with the good gotten bp enlaufull mcanes? Warpe yo °° tell thee, make reſtitution, which ts the onetp way vᷣ pleaſeth god. O lor what bꝛtberp ſalſhod, deceiums, falſe getting of goods ts in Englãd: Ind pet for al) kee heare nothing of res ftitutib, which fs a nriferable thig, % tel pou none of the wht che baue take thety neighbors good frb hint by any maner of Anue falfhov, none of thẽ ( fat) thaibe ſaued except they make reſti 42— tution, either in atiect,o2 ettect: in effect, toben thepbee able, og,” in affecte, whanther bee notable tins ple, Czechiell fapethe , Siimpius egeric peenitentiam, & rapinam reds diderit, WMhan the vngodlye doth repent, and reſtozeth oh 9 good Eache is an exãple for all bribers te folowe, Certaine Sermonsmadeby gos gotten iy2bgfullp and vnlautully. Foꝛ vnlawtul goad. ought to be reſtored agayne: witheut reſtitution loke not foz faluation. Alſo this ts a true fentgce vſed of ſ. Auguſtin. Non remittitur peceatum, niſi reſtituatut ablatum, Kobberp,faller bose, 03 otherwiſe yll gotten goodes, can not be foꝛgiuen of. ed, ercept tt bereitozed agapn Zacheus that good publicas that cõmon offfcer, be gaue a goed cnfample vnto al bapbers. and extorſioners, J (would they all would folowe his enſam⸗ ple, he exerciſed not open robberpes be killed to man by the waye:but with craftes and ſattelties be decetued the pooze. Wben the pooze men came to hint; be bad them to come as - Sapne an other daye, and ſo delayed the time, til at the length Bribersvvil mor reade the 'fecond leſſon. Bribers go. to bedde in the dcuyls mame. It is nore neugh to. be ſorie. he weried poore wien, t fo gate ſonte what of them. Suche fee lowes are now in our time berp good chepe:but thet {oil not learne the ſecond leſſon. They haue red the firftlefon, how Zache was a ba betaker, but they will not reade the {econde,, they ſaye A. but they wyll not (ape B. WMhat ts the feconde leſſon: Si quem defraudaui reddam-quadruplum.: yr. z hauc becetucdanp matt, J wil efor tf foure folde. But we mape argue that thep bee not ſuche fſelobbes as Zache Was, fo; we here nothvngof reftitution, {hep lacke tight repentace.. 3tis a wonderkul thing to ſee p chien people willine infuch an eltate, wherein thep know themſelues to be Damncd:fo2 wha thep go to bed they ga itt the name of the deuyll. In fumma, whatlſo euer they do, they bo itin his nants, becauſe thep bee out of the fauour ef god. God loueth theim not: therefore (J ~ fap)it is to be lamented, that tue bere nothing of reſtitutton. &. Paule fapeth. Qui furabatur non am plius furetur, he that fale, let him Teale no moꝛe.which wordes teache bs, that be which bath ſtolne 02 decetucd, aud krepeth it, be is a Crenges thefe,fo long till be reſto ꝛe againt the thing takes, and halt looke fo3 no reritifion of hts ſynnes at gods bande, till be bath reſtored againe fuche goodes. Where be ſome which fay repentance o2 contrition wil ſerue {tis exsug) whan J am forte fo21t. Thoſe felofwes cannot tell what repentance meanct). Loke bpon Zacheus, be dyd repent, bat reftitution bp and by folotuend. So let vs te teo:let vs lius —— and godly:and when wo bans tone amiſſs oꝛ de⸗ M. Do Q6r¥ atynter. °° To! 41 ordeceiued any badp, lett bs mabe aif : an alter bes ware of fuch finngs,oFfuche deccitfvtnette, sut'tather let bs call vpon (Sod, and refost to pis Kozebsnfe, ard la bor fa:thful ip and truely fo2 our linings. Wiho fo euer ts ſo diſpoſed, him god twill kauor, and he thal lacke nothing : as fo2 thother fins y —— penitent duggardes, they be dévourtrs and Leer pers of Fels oois vifcs, gtftes,« therfore halbe puntſhed wesld without ene in euer⸗ lating fire. Remembee this word Dur w hat it meaneth F told pou. And here J haue cecafion to fpeake of the proprie⸗ fies of things:fox J feare tf J fhold leue it fo, fort of you wold reeoꝛt me wrongkully, and affirme, that all things fhould be cher; comon. J fay not fo. Certamn itis,$ God hath ozbeined pro⸗ — priettes of things, ſo that that tobichets myne, ſe not thine: thinges, and what thou batt J can not take frout thee. Ff all thynges Mere common, there could be no theft, fo this cOmendemet Non facies furtum, hou halt not ſteale, wer in vain, butit py. har {3 not ſo. The latnes of the realms make meam gtuum,mYpit hathchings and thine. If J bane things by thole laines, tha % hauethent by thelaves fell. but this pou mult not forget that fyaal faith Sicis ne- of Bis con, - cefsiratibus ſanctorum communicantes; Relteue the necetty “°! iL hath tie of thofe which haue nede. Thinges ate not £0 como, that another ma map take my good from me,fo2 this is theft:but they are ſo common that we oughte fo diftribute them tnto the pooze, to helpe them € to comfort them with it: toe ought one te belp an other: fo; this is a ſtading fentence:; Quihabue rit (ubftantia huius mundi, 8 viderit fratré ſuũ necefsiratera 1 Tohes, babere & elaufetit vifteza {ua ab co ,quomedo chariras Dei manetineo? Be phath the fubttance of this world, ⁊ thal {ee bis brother to bauenede,e ſhutteth bp hts entier affection &O. byt, how divelleth the lone of God in him⸗ There Was a certain maner vt hautng things in cõmon fi fhe time of ths apoftles. 02 for goodie as Bernabas twas) . folde their landes and poſeſſions and brougbte the money 7,0 ue nto the apotiles, but that toas Doone fos this cauſe cher was hycke Ax a Great meny of chriſten people at that time intreatet very til, pointes had in fo much that they left atl ey oddes. Nobw fuch folk cam things in vnto the apoftels fo2 ain ¢ he ot berfore thole which were someon. — ment, leing the pouertie of their b qe went ¢ folo : that Ananias and Saphi ga bis viifs Jt is good tere wile, Learne to bevvate of Salfehod; win * Ananias vyas pani. fhed for kis lye. VVe maye net dooe what wee lt vvirh ousgoodes Certaine Sermonsmade by that chat chey bad, € fpente the maney.amtongelte fuch poore which were neboly made chriſtians. Amonglother whiche Aglothetr goods, there was one Ananlas xæ Zaphira bis wile tivo verr futtle perſous:they welit and fold their good to, but thei plaid a wiſe part, thep wold not ſtãd in Banger of the ler fing of al their gosodes:Thertore thet agreed together, ¢ toke the one part fr} the money, # laid it vp:with thother part. thet came to Peter, affirming that te bee the fubole money, 303 thep thougbtin thetr beartes like as al bnfaithful men doo. Ge can not tell how long Hisreligion Hal. abide:it is good tebe wile, kepe ſomwhat it fore, what (ocuer thal happẽ. Motu Peter knotuing by the holy ghokk cheir alſhoode, firk, fieto him With one word, and after ber too: which in dede is a feareful enſample, wherby We ſhold be moniſhed to beware of lies and falſehade. Forꝛ though god puniſh the not by and by as he did this Anantas, pet be hall fpnde thee, furelpe be will not fozget the. Therfore lerne here to take bede of fal Hod and beware of lies. Foz this Auantas,this wilful Ana⸗ nlas J fay, becauſe of this twrifull Me, went to hell with bis wile: and there (halbe puntthed ino2id imithoutende. thers © pou fee What a greuous thyng it is to make a lye: This a⸗ nanlas neded net to fell bis landes, he had na fuch cõmande went: but ſeyng be did ſo, then came and brought but halfe the price miaking a pretence as thoughs be hat beugkt all, fo that be was puniſhed ſõ greuoullp. D what lpes ar wade. now adays in England hert and therein the markets,truly. . it is a pitifull thing that we notgpiag confine it. This .one enfample of Anantas and Saphira, their punithement is a ble to condén the whole world. 90 haut Lard now how me: bad things fu cõmen in > fir charch:but ſ. Paul be techeth bs bolw things ought to be in cõmon ambget-b: faping, Si tis nece(siratibus ſanctorũ communicates, help the neceffity ofthofe which be psore..Dure good is not fo ours, that he: map do with it what vs diſteth, but we ought to affributeit- vnto thent which bane necde. Qo man(as J told you beſore) sugbhtto take away my good from me: but J ought to diſtri⸗ bute § that ¥ map (pare,and helpe the pooze wal, Comuni- cazesnece(sicatibus faith ſ.Paul:diſtribute the bato } poore let tye lacke nothing, but bets them toith Mach things as pou i M.Co Gor Latymer. Fol. 4% mar ſpare. Foꝛ fo it is weiitẽ, Cui plus datum eft, plus requi- returabiflo, be that hath much muff make accontpt fo2 much aid tf be bane not (pent it wel, be mutt make the heuier ace compte: But ¥ fpeake not this to lette poore folkes from: lay hour, fo2 we muffe labour,and do the woꝛkes of our becatts He rhae hath rench on euery one in bis calling, fo2 ſo it is inziften, Laborcs mae fhail aun. nuum tuarum manducabis & bene tibicrit, ¢ alte rate thy hand labsur, and it thal go wel with thee: that fs to ſay, eue⸗ rp man Mal work fo2 bis lpuing,¢ thal not be a duggard;as a great many beseuerp man fhall labour and prꝛay, than gob Iwill fend hint bis lyuing: ſ. Paule faith: Qui non Jaborat,nd comedat , He thatlaboureth not, let him not cate. Wheres foze thoſe libbers fobich will not labour, and mightlabeur itis a good thyng to punt) them accozding vnto the kings moſt godlye ſtatutes.Foꝛ god bimlelfe faith, In fudore vul tus tui vefceris pane tuo in the ſweate of thy face thou ſhalte vate thy bread, Than commeth tn ſ. aule which fatth. Ma- gis autem laboret ve det indigentibus, fet him labodur the fozer that he may haue wherwith to help the poore,¢ Chak him, ſelt faith. Melius cit daresg accipere, it is better to gine than to take. Se Chꝛiſte ð all bis apotfles, pen the whole ſcripture admoniſcheth Os cuer of our neighbo2 to take bebe of bim, fe be pitiful vnto him:but god kno weth, there be a great many which care little fo2 tbeir neighbors hep do like as Caine pid, whan god afked him, Cain, where ts thy brother Abell? inbat? (faith heyam 3 my brethers keper2 So thefe rich krãk⸗ lings the fe conetonfe feloves, they ſcrape al things to thert | ‘felues,they tbinke thep ſhould care fo2 19 body sls , but foz themſelues:god connnaundeth the psoze man to labo: the fo rer, to end ihat he may be able to belpe bis posze netghbaz holy much moꝛe ought the riche to be liberall vnto them? But peu will faye, bere is a maruallous doctrine, whycbe | commmaundeth nothing but Geue, Geue, tf S thall folowe this doctrine, % thall gene fo muche , bat’ at the lengthe J fyall have nothyng lefte fo2 my felfe. hele be wordes of tnfivelitye, be that ſpeaketh ſuche woo des is a fapthlefe wmanne. And 3 praye xou tell ine haue pe bearde of any man that came to pouertye, becauſe be gaue vnts the poor? haue {vverefor muchs. Lubbers that vvylle not laber, ¥Vemutfte Isbourthed - vve meye haue vyher © vvithtore Jeue the poore, — Couetove menne al€ hke vate - Ciia, Goue sexe iss merual leus docs trinetothe couetouſe man. | Certaine Sermonsmadeby | No man co have ton herd tell of fucha cies Qo, Jam ſure poubauenot, — and Jdare lay my ben to pleage ſor it, pnp ma liuing hath helping the come, oꝛ fhall bereatter come to ponerte becauſe he hath ben liar:he pꝛomiſeth 0s in bis ward p toe Mall haue the moze bp geuing tothe nedie. Dherioce p way to getis, to ſcatter that Genidg is that pou haue. Geuze typos thal gain Sf poual me how thal gainyog, if 3 getricges7¥ make ) this anfwer: Scatter p that thou halk: wegeneas fg) geuing/ ts gaming. But pou muſt take hede = ſcatter tt ac welhold:, conpng dito gas tual ¢ plelure:y ts ,toxelieuc,} pooze wal, to ſcater ttantangi the dock of Coz, tvs focuer geneth (os chal farely gala. ſfoꝛ Cost faith, Date, dabicur yobiz,gius € it ſhalbe geuẽ vnto vou. Dabitur, tt ſhalbe giuen vnto pou. This ts a ſwete woꝛd, tus cant well away with that: but bow fhall we conte by {tz Date, geue. This ts the wayto get,tores leue the poze. Therlore this is a falle and twiched prspohition oo? fo thtukethat vojth geupng vnto the, pooze ine ſhall come to Loth,was.a —— [bata geuer was Loth, that good mar: cant beta large geuer ; fariuch p be fat by bis booze watching whã anp body wit by . the way that bo might cal bin, ¢ releue bis neceſſitie. hate | came he to.pauertic? Mo no, be dicdagreat riche ma. Ther⸗ Abraham foelet vs folow p onfaple, of Loth.¢-Ab2aha: let vs be libe⸗ vyasalibe- cal,¢ than we ſhal augment out flock, Ioꝛ this is a moll cera rall maka fain ¢ truc.{yo20, Dare & dabitar vobis,geue,¢ ttihalbe giuẽ ~ fo, ! vnto pou.but ive beleue it not, we can not awai twith tt. The niolt part of bs are moꝛe geuen to take frõ the pooze,thatarer VVeed not lieue their pouertic. Ther be fo carcful ſor their childee v thei avvay with canot fell whã they be wel, thet purchate this honfes bouss this werde Hut what faith the pꝛophet⸗· Vie quircoungiusdomu domul geve. {yg he vnto pou paapne joule to houſe, p curicof god hangeth ge Maer pout heads.Chꝛiſt ſaith, Qui diligic partẽ vel matrẽ vel . fc the- Flos pl? gq me,n6 eft me dign’ He vᷣ loueth bts father: 02 mor cid he Edet,erchilort more thã mie he is not neete for men Thertore Ghilderne’ tate woch (orape € gather euer fo2 their childee stn harden mote’ than feaon forget the pooze, ubout God wold hau celenem jthote god” Ff —— childꝛen more then gods cõmandementes. | * Foꝛ pouertis thong) geuinge Ho, no, he was a great riche neat Abꝛahã, p father ot al beleuers, what a liberal man washe in * os -M.Do@orLatymer. Fol. 43 - F02 thete chilozer mutt bee fette by, and the poste miſtrable people ts forgotten inthe meane feafon, Where ts acommon Heppy is \7 fapengy amongtt the worldings, Pappy is that childe whoſe the childe_¥. ~ father goth to the deuil: but this is ã woaldly happinette, The Whe’ F- ſame is feone whã the chilve can begin Wwith.ti. hundzed posto wher as bis father began with nothing, it is a wicked happy⸗⸗ nefie tf the father gate thoſe goodes wyckedly. And thece is no doubt but many a father gothe fo the deupll fo bis childes fake, tn that he neglected gods conmandentent, ſcraped fo2 bis child, and forgat to relicue Sis pooꝛe miſerable neighbor. Wie haue in Sccipture, Qui miferctur pauperis, foeneratur Deo, GU bo fo euer hath pitte oucr the pooze, be lendeth onto god bpon vflurte, that is to fay, Cod twill geue it onto him az gaine with increafe:this ts alanfull and godly vſurſe. Godly and Certain tt is,that vfurte was allowed by the lawes of this | atall vfa~ realme, pet it ſolowed not that burp twas godly, nor allowed ‘YS before god. Foꝛ it fs nota goed argument/ to fap if is forbid. den fo take.r. lof the hüdred, ergs 3 may fake fine. Like as a thele can not fay, tt is ſoꝛbiddẽ in platy to ſteale. xtii.d. ob, Nogoodar ergo Jmay ſꝛ.tii.d.oꝛiſ.d. Ao no, this reafoning phar be- Will not ſerue afore god. Foꝛ though the lawe of thig realme ‘8°: bangeth him not, if be fleale. itff.d. pet for al-that be ts athefe before god, aid thalbe hanged on the fy2p galowes in belle, | So be that occupteth vſarie though bp the lawes of this res alme, he myght doo it without puniſhment (fo2 the lawes ar not ſopꝛeciſe) vet fo2 all that he dothe wickedly in the ſight vf allaſu | God. Foꝛ vſurie ts wicked before god, be it ſmal o2 Great: ike te aud ; “as theft ts wicked. ut Jwil tel pou holy pou thalbebfurers — — to get muche gayne : Geuc tt pte the pooꝛe, than God wyll a: geue ft to the with gain, geue. xx. d. and thou ſhalt haue.xl 3. , Food ie It chall come againe (thou thalt not lofe it) oꝛ els'Godts not .o4 wecan God. What nedeth tt to vſe ſuche veceitiulnete € falſhode to ootlofour getrichelle: Take a lauful wap to get them, that (s,to ſcatter alacs. ~ ihis abrode that thou haſt, tha thou thalt haue it again with Fo i Ag great gains, quadcupla, 4. times faith {eripture. Mow Gods — 2 woꝛrdſaith that A hal haue again that which Zlatd out wrth 3.2 — vſurie, with gain. sit true that god ſatthe⸗ ves,than let me way toga not think that qeuing bite the poore doth dimintſh nip ſtock whan god fatth the contrarie, namely that it ſhall increaſe: " ©. ttt. cls Certaine Sermons made by cls fue make Goda lar. $52 if ¥ belene not his fapiys,tha by mpite infidelitie Jmake bim a lyar, as puch as is in me. Therfoꝛe learne here teconunpi vſuxie, and ſpeciallly poo A leffs for Teche men, pou mulſt learne this Leflon well, forof vou itis riche men. Weitten. Tahsfoeucr bath muche, muſte make accompt fez snach: and pou baue much, notte that end, to do with it what pou lutte, but pou muſte (pende tt as Ged appoimteth vou in bis {023 fo Do, Foꝛ no rich man can fay before god, thia is my olunc. Qo, be ts but an officer over it,an almence — gods treaſurer. Dur ſauioꝛ faith, Oninis qui reliquerit agra &c.centuplum accipicr, Myho ſoeuer Hall leaue bis fielte, Mail receiue it agayne an hundred folde. As tf J thould bes exramined now of the papiſtes, tf they (gould afke me, bes ‘lene pou in the maſſe:? Jſay No, according vnto gods woꝛd and mp conſcience, it is naught, it is but deceiptfulneſſe, it The mafle (g the deuxls doctrine. Now Jmuſt go to pꝛiſon, Jleaue al —— thynges behynde me, wife and children, good and land, and SS: all nip frendes.: Jleaue them for Chriſtes ſake, tn bis quas rel. Ghat faith our fauio2 vnto ft, Cenruplum accipier, J fhall haue an hundred tymes fo much. Polw though thisbe ſpolken tn {uch wiſe, pet it map be vnderſtanden of almes gis ning to. Farthat mã o2 womã that can findin their hertes fo; gods fake te leaue.x.s.oa.x.di.thev thal haue an hundred “fold agatn in this lyfe, in the world to conte life euerlaſting. If this twill nat moue our bertes, than they are nroze than Scone and ſonie andétintte, then our dansnatten 1s fulk and wel deler⸗ Fwucher. B62, 303 to gene almes it is ike as whan aman cometh one tes. —s-—s Heo He, deſireth an emptie purſe of me: Jlend hint the purs Ae cometh by and bp and b2ingeth it full of monep, ẽ geueth it me: So that J haue now my purſe again, ¢ the money te. | Seitiste geue almes, we lend an emptie purfe, and take A good fi vs fal purſe fo2 it. Therſore let bs perſuade our felues in vur miltade. heartes, that to gene for govs fake, ts 110 |.offc bute bs ‘but ‘rent gaine. And trulp the posze man doth moze for the rich Sears anye man tt faking thinges of bint, than the riche doothe fo2the riche man pooze in geuin g them. Forte rich giueth but nlp worldlyx willbcleue gooos but the posse geaeth bint by the promiſe of god al Feit chis. Atie. Quotidiand, welearne to caſte awapeall any Tare⸗ Harn vs WM. Dodor Latymer. Fol.4 carefulneſſe, and to conte fo this ſtorehguſe of ged, Where by thall have all thyrgs competent both for our ſoules end bes dies. Further in this petigicn ve defire that qod will fecde vve ‘prays not onely our bodies but alſo sur foules:arid fe we pzaye fez forthe cice: the sffice of preaching. #02 Ipkeas the bodp mull be fetde daily with meate: fo the foule rcquireth her meate, whichis the worꝛd of god. Therfore we pray here fez all the clergies that thep may doo their dueties, and fede bs with the worde of godaccozbing to their calling. Polve J hane treublea pou long, therfo2e J will make an end: Jdeſire vou remem⸗ b3¢ to reſort to this ſorehouſe: whatſoe uer pe have nede of, come bither, bere are all things neceſſarie fo2 pour foule and body, only defire then. Wut pou haue hearde hobb pou mus be apparelied, pou muſt labo: and do your dueties, and than conte € pou Mhall find all things neceffarte fo2 you: And ſpe⸗ ciallp now at this time let bs refost Ditta god, fo2 it is a great drought, as we thinke, and we had neve of rain. Let bs ther fore refozt vnto our loving father, twhich pronufeth,that wha , Wwe call vpon him t:th a fatthfull beart, be wil beare vs. Let bs therfore defire him to rule matter fo, that toe may haue our bovilp fullenance. we haue the enfaple of Clias, whofe praicr god heard:therfoze let bs pray this pater , which our ſautor and redemer Jeſus Chik himſelf taught vs, faping; Mur father which art in Amen. ‘ vpon the Lordes praier made bp mayſter hugh Latpmer. T remitte nobis debira noftra ficut & nos re a. eda) mittinus debironbus noftris, And faageue my Nk Sag bs our trefpaftes as. tur forgene theim that ES ee va trefpaffe againflebs. This ts a bery good NY NS peaper ff it be faid in fatthe with the hele bert. There was neuer none that otd fay ft — with the heart, but be had koꝛgeut nes, and his treſpaſſes, and al bis fumes were pardoned ¢ taken front Hint. As touching } foꝛmer petitions, J told pou p many thin ges Wer cõteimed in the, which you may perceue partly bp vᷣ vᷣ Jhaue fard,¢ partly by gatherĩgs ¢ ctectures. Truly ther {8 a great doctrin init, pet we thik it to be but alight mattec © itt to Bis YVhae ap- parell they muite haue ther vwvalle comme to Gods ftore oufe, ‘ God heard Elias ptaier Neuer mz - fard this praiervvith his hearte, but he had forgeucpes Certaine Sermons made by — — te Brest & — the lordes paper but it is a great diorama vee ond fore 9 would haue vou to marke tt well. But tpectally keepe m xour remembraunce how our ſauiour teacheth vs to know praiet. the liberalitie of god, hobo god. hath determined: to belpe vs, in fo much that we fhall lacke nothyng, ik we come to bts trea⸗ fo2 houfe, where ts locked vp all thenges neceflarye foz oure foules and bodies. Further conlider bp the came petition that we be but begs © whebetor Lers all together. For the beite of bs hath neede to fay daply vsisbuta Dur father, giue bs this day our daply brꝛeade. J would theſe begger, pꝛoude and lofty fellowes would confider this; namelye that thep be but beggers as. Paule fapth, Quid habes,quod nd accepifti? tubat haue ve p pou haue not goten with begging. | Vet moſte aboue all. thinges, J would haue vou to conſider this woorde Our,foꝛ in that wogꝛd ar conteyned great miſte⸗ ries, and much learintiter. all thole that pray this paper (that is fo fave,all Chriſten people)belpe mete get mp lpupngat - | gods hand:and therfore (as Jtolde you befo2e)thep oughte ta Fitcy man VF partakers of my ſubſtance, ſeeyng thep belpe to get mp Ips pels pch ro UPN; at goddes hande:for whan they faye Our, they include gecothers, Me intheir prapers. iywog, Agapue con(tder the remedy againt carefulnes, which is. to trufte in god, to bange bppon Dput,to come to his treaſure haule, and then to lakour,and to do the workes of our tocatt on:then bndoutedlp God wyll prouide forbs, we fyall not lacke. Therfore learne to truſt vpon the logde, and leaue this Wicked carefulnies, wherof our ſauiour mon ſheth bs, Specially J wold haue pou to conſider what a wicked opt: nid this ts,tofantalp p geumg te the pooze is a diminiſhing pf sur goods. J tolde pou of late of the poprieties of thenges Hovy men how things be curs, and how thet be not ours:al thole thine haue pro exes tnbich we haue eyther by labour o2 bp tnberitance,o2 els Snes ‘0 by giftes or els by bping, all thofe thyngs tobich we bans bp we" fache teties be oure ofone: but pet not fo, that we map ſpend them accordyng to our owne pleaſure. Whey be ours vpon p condicton that toc thall fpende them te the honor of gob, and releuing of our neighbors. And here Jſpake of relitucron, be we boe ought fo make amendes bitte that man, whome we haue _ M. Doctor Latymer. kol. haue deceiued, 02 taken good wrongtully krom him. her be ſome men which thinke there is no other thefte but onely ta⸗ king purles and killing men by the tape, or fealpng other mens Gand; Thole mew are Much deceiued: For there be Va-' ria genera fattiya greate number of tienes, Gatbat was thys but a thect whan Clay fatth, principes tut infideles focii fu⸗ rum, Thy princes are infidels and are compantons with thes ues. This was a theft; but tf was net a common theft, tt was a lordly theftesthep coulde tell hotve to weary men, and fo to take bapbes of then. Sich Aone was Zachet, he robbed not mẽ bp the high way, but he was an opprefter, ¢ forced. mei to pay moꝛe than thep ought to pay:which bis fo doyng, was as Wwella thefte,as ik he had robbed men bp the bighe ware. There be many which kolow Zachee in his plies, but there be but fewe, oꝛ none at all, which will foloty him in bis good nes, Si quem defraudaui reddam quadruplum,39f J haue de⸗ cerued any man, I woell pay it agayne foure folde. J would: wilhe that al bathers ar falfe tollers ‘hiould folotue bis en⸗ ſample. But J tell pou without rettitution, there is nofalna tion. This fs a certayn fentence, allowed and approued, firſt bythe bolp (cripture. Secundarily by all the Baters thates uer wrote vpon feripture, pea the bery ſcholedoctors, as bad as they were)ver they neuer contrarted in that, but ſaid Re- ftitutronis famæ acrerum ſunt opera debita, Wile oughte to make reſtitution ofa mãs good name, and of his goods take from Hint wrongkully: that ts to fay, toban ine bane ſſaunde⸗ red any bodp, we oughie to make hint amendes. Item whan we haue taken any mannes god wzongfully, we oughte ta make hym amẽds, els we thal nenct be faucd,fo2 god abhor⸗ reth nte,and al things that J do,av abbominatile befo2e hym. Rewitte who is in this world whieh hath not neve to fay, Loꝛd forgeue mero ma lining, nor neuer was· nor fyalbe, (gut fattiog only excepted) be was ago? immacular? an vnde filed labe, J remeber a verſe which q lerned almoſt 40. veres aga, which ts thie, Sæpe ptæcot morté, mortemq; deptecor idem. pap many times fo2 deth to come:and again J pap that he ſhall not cont. This verfe put diuerſitie in Precor and deprecot, Precor,is when J wold kame haue a thing , depre- cor ‘Princes cõ· panions of theucs, Few folovy Zache in this point, Reftitution is allovved of all yvri- ters. VVe™ praie for fomne thynges to receiue thé And fer = ther fome eek, Certaine sermons made by ere pray to cor,(g bhan J would audide it. the as Clias the prophete bee delice gohan Jesabel han killed the pophetes of the lod, lias bees chem, UNG ina bole in the mounte,defp2d of get to dye, and this is ptecor.froty deprecor fs his cotcratium, when Jwoulde as uoyde the thyng then 3 vſe deprecor. Moly in the loꝛds pꝛai⸗ Nove we *riill hither we haue bene tn precor that ts to fay, we haue comme tode delpzed thynges at gods hande. Pow commeth deprecor,s% fregodto deſyre bint now to remoue (uch thinges tubiche map doo me takethings harme, as {inne whiche dothe harme, therfore J would bane fomys. Hint to take alway my treſpaſſes. Pow who is in the woꝛlde @2 cuer hath bene, which bath not nede to fay this deprecor, to defire. god fe take from him ſinnes, to forgeue him bis treſf paſſes. Truly wo faint in heauẽ, be they as holy as ewer thep Will, pet thep haue haa necde of this deprecor, thep bane had neede to fay, lod ſorꝛgiue bs surtrefpatics. Nowe pou ake Ourcood Wherein Mandeth our rightuouſnes⸗ Kufiwer. In that that, nesftidech god forgiueth vnto vs our vnrightuouſnes. Whereis fans ingods _ Deth our goodnes:In that that god taketh alway oure pines, goodnes, ſo that aur gsodnes Landeth in bts goodnes. | In the other petition we deſyre al things neceſſary fo2 our . Bobilp life,as long as we be bere in this wo2ld, Vnulquilg, c-. . nimtempus certum habe: prc dgfnitum a domino. Foꝛ euery man hath a certain time apointed him of god,and god hideth . $ lane tyme from vs:foꝛ ſome dic in pong age, ſome in oide J— Age, accoꝛding as it pleaſeth him:he bathe not maniſfeſted ta hidektvom 09 the tpnic, becanle he would hane bs at all times redy:els veour late ( Iknew the tite, J would preſume bpon it,and fo hould day. be woꝛſe.But be wauld have bs redy at al timesand theres foze be bideth the tyme of our death from bs. And it is a com mon fapiig: there do come as many ſkinnes of calues to the . market as 30 of bulles op kyen. but of that tue may be fare there ſhall not fall one heare from our bead without hts til, Godhath ¢€ we thal not die before vᷣ time that god bath apointed vnto pete elie vs, which ts acomfoztable thing, fpectallp in time of ficknes “hog our 93 warrs.Foꝛ there be manx men which are afraid to go te ' + that,§ todo the hig ſeruice, foꝛ they feare cuer they ſhalbee ' (lain. Itẽ Vicars ¢ perfons be atratd when there commeth a ſicknes in p toune therfeze they wer wont cõmonly fo gette them⸗ M.Doéor Latymer. * Fol.a¢ thẽſelues out of $ toay,¢ feo a feper thither, tobleb nid nothig els bat rob and ſpaile thé: which doings of the bicar was Da» nable,fo2 it was a diffidencas a ntiftrut in god. Therfoꝛe pe An zdmoni Bicares, perfons, 02 eurates, what nante fo euer pou beare, siento co wha there cometh anp fickues tn pour toune, leaue nat pour. **'*s- flock wᷣout a patts3, but comfoꝛt th? in their diſtreſſe, and bes leue certainly vᷣ with pour wel doinges pon cannot ſhoꝛrten your liues. Like wiſe thou fublect, whan p art conumaunded by the king 92 bis officers,to goto Wwar,te fight again the A manean kings enemies, go wa good heart and courage:uotdonting Act fhoré but p ged twill preſerue thee, and that cant not thozte thy his * by life w weldoing. Peraduẽture god hath apointed theeto dps *“" °OPS there,o2 to be fain: happy art thou when than oiekin gods © quarel. #02 ts fight againſt the kings enentics,betng called © bitta it by tye maziffeates,tt is gods feruicc: therfore when thou dieft in that (erdice twith.a good faith, bappy arte thon. There be fome which fap, whan their fricndes ave dain in battail; D tf he had taried at home, be ſhoulde not haue loſte bis life:thele fapings are nought. Foꝛ god hath apatntes te uerp man his tine. To go to war in prelumptiaaines vᷣout ait oinarpealling, ſuch going to war Jallow not: but whi P art called, go in frame of f.1o20,and be wel aſſured in thy Heart, that thon canſt not Hozten thy lyfe with wel doing. ‘Remittefargeue bs, Bere we fur fo our pardon:and fo we * acknowledge suv lelues tobe offenders. For the vngilty ne⸗ —— beth wo pardon · This pardon eꝛ remittien of linnes is fone “P°°™ teſſary, oᷣ no man can be ſaued Wout it. Thertoꝛe of remiſſis ſtãdeth the chriſtian mans lyfe: for fo ſayth Dauid:Beati quo ram remiffz fant iniquitates & quora recta fat peccata abe is bleed of god: Parry he iubote in(quttios are forginen,e: whoſe ſynnes ar couered. We ſayth not:bleſſed be thep whte Fhey thar she haue neuer finned. F 02 where dweil fuch feltowwes, whi. the nener firmed? Barry no where,they are not to be gotten. fe Pere tye Prophet fignified-thatall we be ſinners: fa⸗ he fais. eth, quorum peccata (ut remifla, whale ſinnts are pardoned: ai | bere we begainted out in dur colors, els we would be, p20ud,¢ fo he faith ta p gofpel: Cam fitis mali, here beges het vs pur obon title and name calling bs Wicked ve “ih ty The — of Chriftis fafficiente for the fine nes of all the yvosld, Certaine Sermons made by here is netther man nor waman that can fay they haue ra, fine, fo2 ive be al fitters, But hobo can we bide our ſinnes⸗ Parte the blood of our faufo2 Jelus Chait hineth ourfinnes and walheth thent away. And Gough one man had tone all the fuquloes fyimes, fens Adams time, pet be map be reme⸗ died bp the blood of Zelus Chott: if he beleue tn him, be thal He clenfed trom all’ his finns: Wherfore all our comfort is in hyn, tn bis lode and kyndneſte. F 02 Sainct Paule fatther: _ Charitas opezit multitudinem | peccatorum, So dooth in dede the loue of our Santo Jeſu Chriſt: His loue to bardes bs, ccguereth and taketh away all our ſinnẽes: in ſo much that the @ur nature is to cloke finne. Pfal. 71. VVho it is that is blef- ma. almighty God thall uot tondemne vᷣs nor the demi ſhal not pꝛeuaile agatntt bs. Dur nature Gener to hide ſinne, and fo cloke ſynne: but this is a wicked hidyng, and this hiding wil not ferue. Videt & requirer,be feeth.s —— and he {ill puniſhe thent, therlore our hiding Wa not ſerue vs, But if you be difpofed to hide pour (pnnes, J will tell you bowe pou Mall hive their. Firſte acknowleage theim, and thar belene fir our fantoz Cheitt, put hinr in trot withall: he will jacific hts father, kor to that ende he came into the woride, to uefprmers. This is the rights twaye to bide ſinnes, netto go and ertule theit,o2 to make them no ſpnnes + Jong, the Prep et faith: Bearus vit cui dominus non imputat iniqui⸗ taterh, Bleſſed ts that man to whom the Wore intputeth not bis fines: Be ſaith iit, Bleſſed is be that dyd newer ſinne: » but bleficn t8 he; to tubous finne is not imputed, Guid fa here (11 this petition tue praye fo) remittion of oure kimes tebich fs To requifite fo the beginnpng of the ſpiritu⸗ aill fife’that no nan can come therto,ercept be pray ſoꝛ remiſ⸗ | Gorn of bis fies, tohich fandeth tn Chall our. redemer: be The vvaye to cometo redemptio, tpathen and clenled our fins, by hym we chalbe cleans: | "ae holw hall ue come'to Cheitt hotw shall we haue hymn⸗ % heare that he ts beneficiall,as {cripture {vitnelicth, Copioſa eft apud Detim rédemptio, Where is full and plentuous tes demption by hint. ut howe fhall J get that 2 How thall. I cone vnto it⸗ Wary bp faith : Faith is the bande twherwwith — tue receauc his benetites therfore we muſt nedes haue faithe But — we obteine rat 7 Faithe in deede eT . € — M.Doctor Latymer. Fol.a Chꝛriſte/ and Chrifke boingeth remilſion of ſinnes, but howe fyal tue obtain fath· Anſwere S: Paukteacheth bs this, ſay⸗ ing, Fides ‘ex audits, Faithe commeth bp hearpng of goddes fyo2de, Then ff we will come to faith, we muſt beare goddes ipozde: pf ive muſt heare gods woꝛd, than we muſt bane pea chers which be able to fell bs gods worde. And fa ifappercth ~ Phat inthis petition we pap fo2 preachers:we pray vnto god that be foil fend men amongeſt bs;whichmave teache bs the {way of euerlaſting life. Truly itis a pitifull thing to fee ſcho des fe neglected, fcholers not mainteined,cuerp true chriſtian ought fo lament the ſame. but bane good hope, ſynce God hath done greater thinges in faking alvay and ertirping out ali poperp, that he dull fend bs arenedy foz this matter to. I Hope he wil put inte ———— hearte, to conſider thoſe thinges:fo2 by this octite of preacipng GOD ſendeth faith. his office ts the office of ſaluation:foꝛ it hath pleated Cos, per ftultitiaar predicationisifaluos facerecredentes, bp ithe foolifhnes of preaching to faue the beleuers. So(% fape) we pray fo2 this office whiche bingeth faithe:faithe bꝛingeth to Chꝛiſt, Chik bꝛingeth remiſſion of ſinnes, remiſion of (pre ‘Nes bingety euerlaſting life, Othis is a gorlp pater, whiche we ought at all tymes fo fay, fo2 we ſinne dayly therfore tue bad neve to fay daily, for⸗ Heuc bs our trefpaiies and as Dauid faith, Ne intres tn iudi ciumicum ferdo tuo; lod enter not into iudgement with ar feruant;fo2 {ve be not able to abyde bys tudgentent,ifit wer not fo2 this pardon, which we haue in our fauiour Feluc glk Me ſhold al periſh eternally. Faꝛ wen this woꝛde Remitte, {vas fpoken with a good faithe, and tyith a penitent heavte, there was never man but be twas beard. Sf qudas(that-trap- tour)bad fapn ft With a cood faith, tt ſhould bane ſaued hynm: but be fozgot that pointe; be was taught tin Dede, our ſaui⸗ our himfelfe taught bym to praye fo, but be forgot it agavne. Peter he remembꝛed that pointe, be cryved Remitte, 1020 fo3- giue me and fo he obteyned bis pardon, and fo (hall we do:fo2 ine be euer in that cafe, that we haue nede pee Remutte' lord ſoꝛgiue vs farivecuer do amyſſe. Bat here is one addition, one banger. eo gee Scholesar: neglected, Faith come meth by © preaching. Pfal. 142, Tadas mighthane bene faued iF ie had . faiterhis | Flaisr With a goed faa. the. ~ Bs | Certaine Sermons made by ( that teefpatte againſte bs. What meaneth this: In dede it Our forge- ving other deferueth not forge wenefle ar Gods hand Treafoa a: ganite Chriift. ſoundeth after the words, as though we might 02 oul’ me rite remiſſion of our ſinnes with aur forgeuing:as fo2 an en⸗ ſample. Chat nian hath done vnto mea foule turne, he hath wronged merat the length be acknowledgeth bis folpe; ‘ans commeth to nteyand delpreth me te forgiueẽ him, Jſorgeue hym. Do Inow in forgeuing my neighbour bis finnes whts che be bath Done again me, ve IJ (ap) delerue oꝛmerite at gobs hande forgeurenes of mp stone ſypnnes: Eo, no,god fos - b:d:fo2 pi this ſhold bee fo the fare wel Chzilte, it taketh hint cleane away, tt diminiſheth his hono2, and ft fs very treator Wwrsughteagainie Chik. This bath bene in tomes pale taught openly in the pulpets,¢ in the {choles but it ipas bere treaſon againt Chit, foꝛ in him onelp,and in nothping cls, neither tr beaucn 102 in carthe, is ourrenififon:tnto hynt onelp pertapneth thys-bono2. Foꝛ remiſſion of ſinnes, wher⸗ in conſiſteth euerlaſting llfe,is (uch a treafuve, that paſſeth all mens doynges, it mult not be sur merites that thal ferne but his:he ts our comfoat,tt ts the matefty of Chꝛiſte andhis bloudſhedding that cleanſeth vs front eur ſinnes. Therfore “fwhofocuer ts mynded contrarie bute this he robbeth Chik of bis niattfipe: FaQus eft reus leſæ maichatis,and fo caſteth . himlelf into euerlaſtyng vagers Foz though the woꝛkes whi che we Bo be good outwardly, and god be pleafed \o the, pet Oure doin- ges are all vnperfest 5 = thep be not pertectsfor toc beleue vnperfectlywe loue vnper fectly, we (utter buperfectly notas we ought to de, ¢ fo al thi ges that we d0 ar Done imperfectly. Wut our fantorj be bath fo remedied the matter, and taken alway oure vnperfectnes fc, thatthep be counted nolve before God moſte perfecte and holp, notfoꝛ our owne fake, but fo2 bis fake:and though thep VWVe come co verfekie nefle by Ghrut. canne not gette heauen. Therlore lette euery mando fell, be not perfect, pet they be taken fo2 perfect: And ſo we come fo perfectnes by bpm. So pon fee as touching our faluacion we mug not go to working, to thinke to get euerlaſting lyfe -. Avith ours olpnie doingea. Qo, thts were to denye Chifte. ‘palaaclon, and remillien of finnes, ts bis gifte,- bis owne and free gyfte. As touchyng cure geod woorkes whychs ie toe, D D wyli retwarde theym in heauen, butther 32 t M.DodorLatymer, ie ks Folge cr tsarobbing of Chile. ari WA hat hall tue learne nowe bp this addition, where we faye. As we faꝛgeue theym that treſpaſſe againſte bs,¥ tell pou this addittan is putte vnto it, not without greate cauſe, fo2 our ſauioꝛ beyng a wiſe and perfect ſcholemaiſter would ſpeake no woordes in vayne. This addicion is putte vnto ¢) .-4. it, as to bee a certayne and fure token bute vs, whether we (peak have the true fatth (n our beartes 02 no. Foꝛ fatth, the righte vo vvordes: faithe J (aye, cõſiſteth not inthe knotwlengs of the ſtoꝛies,to in vaine. bilewe the ſtorſes woitten tithe new and olde teſtamẽt, thas. is. not the lpuely faith, whiche bꝛingeth faluation with her. Fo; the deuill binsfelfe beleucth the ſtories, and pet is and The grey fhalbe damned world without end. Therfore we muſt haue belencth the right faith, the liuelp faith, the faith that beingeth faluas the kyſto⸗ tien, indiche conſiſteth in belening that Chatits vied fo3 mp “+ ſynnes fake. Mith ſuche a faith F dꝛaw bint tniome, With all bis benefites.3 null not fande in generalities,as to bes leue p Chil ſuſſred vnder Poncius pilate,but Jmuſt be: The true leue that that was done fo2 my fake, to redeme with bis pal belele. fion my finnes,and-al thep23 which beleus and truſt in him, pf Jbeleue fo, then J Mall not be deceiued. Sut this faith is abharde.thing tobe bad, and many ainan thinketh bimfelfe to baue that faith, when he hath nothing lefic. Therfore J wyll tell pou bo pou fhall prouc tubetber-vou baue f right. faithe oꝛ no, lef pou be deceiued with a phantaſye sf faith,- as mtanp be, therfore prone thp felfe.on this wiſe, bere ts a- mã tybich bath Done ine wrõg bath take abay my liuing 03:. my good name⸗ he bath Matidred me/ oꝛ otheriwife burt me. Hobwe at thelengthe be cennneth onto me, and acknowle⸗ geth bis fautes and trefpatics,¢ deſireth mets fozgeue him: f 4 solv feele my felferedpe ¢ wylling te fergeue hym fra: $bottome of urp beart,al thynges that be hath doneagainſt me, thei ¥ may be aTured that Jhaue vᷣ lvuely farth:pea, J Learne re may be aſſured p god will forgene ate my ſinnes for Chalke knovre a bis ſonnes fake: but whã my neighboz cometh vnto me coms: ‘ively faith fefling bis foly,ede firing ſorgeuenes:it I tha be ſturdy ana pꝛoude ‘Eke more Se the ‘feoner fan * ey te * Certaine Sermons wade by — my hearte ts fipntye,and my flomatke bente againſt hint, in fomuche that J refufe bis requefl, and haue an appes tite to bec auenged bppon him:it J haue ſuche a ſturdye thos) macke, then Jmaye pronounce againſt my ſelfe, that haue not that liuely fatth in Chaiſt, which clenſeth my ſinnes. It is afure token that Jam not of the nũber of the childzen of god. as long as Jabyde in this ſturdines. Where is no good body but he ts Mahverede2 iniuried bp’ one mean or other, commonly it is fene,p thole which line moſt godly, bane in this world the greateſt rebukes, thep are ſſaum Ded ¢ hackbitten, ¢ divers waies Hered of the wicked. Ther⸗ fore thou( whoſoeuer thou art) that ſuffereſt ſuch Wionges, cfs - ther in thy good and ſubſtance 02 in thy good name ¢ fame ‘ee amine thy felf, go into thp beart,and (Fthou canſt fpndin thp . Beart to korgeue all thy enemies what ſoeuer they haue done Heb. 10. Deut. 32 1. 10h. 4. Loue hothe Or aeithet. againſt thee, than thou maieſt be ſure that thou art one of the flock of god: pet thou mut beware(as J ſaid befo2c) that thou: thinke not to gst heauen by fuch remitting of tyy neighbors pl doynges. Wut by fuch ſoargeuyng, eꝛ not fo2zgeuyng,thon fhalt knowe whether thou baue faith o2 no. Wherefore pf wei. haue a rebellious ſtomacke and a fipntpehearteagaintoute — neighbour, fo that tue are ntpnded to auenge our (clues bp him, and fo take vpon bs gods office, which fapeth: Mihi vine” dictam ego retribuam velde bute me the vengeaunce, and J {gall recompence thent(as JItolde pou) ive be not of the flocke of Chak. Fo2 it is wꝛitten.Si quis dixcrit quoniam diligo de um & odio habet fratrem ſuum, mendax eft, whoſoeuer faith A loue god, and hatety bis bz sother, that man o Wwomanis a ⸗ ipec, For it is mpoſſible fo2 me to laue god ehate mp neigh bour, And aur fautour faith, Si orauetitis remittite, tuba pou » twill pray, fozgeue firk, els itts to no purpole, pou gette nes tyyng by pour paper. Like wiſe toe fee tn (he parable of that king tebich calle his ſeruauntes to make an accompte, anv pap thetr dettes:where be remitteth one of them a great ſum of money. Roly that fame felloty,twhom the lod pardoned, woente out aud foke one of bis felotw feruauntes bp the necke, and handles hint motte cruelly, fapeng:giue nie mp moner. He hav forgotten belike that bis loyd had forgiuen him. Ho M. Dodot Latymer. Fol.49 » Srolv the other fernants, fepng his cruelnes, came vnto the “hyng,and told birg how that man vſed himſelte fe cruelly to bis felow: The lo2d calted him again, ¢ after great rebukes raſte him in patfon, there to lpe tpll he had pated the: teak far- “thing. Gpon that our fautour faith Sic & pater meus cœleſtis facie vobis fi non remiferitis vnufquifa; fratri ſuo de cordi- bus veftris, bus will my heauenly father alfo to buts pou, yec pe fa2geue not every one bis biother euen from pour bears ‘it’s. Therfore let vs take hede by that wicked feruant which wouldse not forgeue bis feloive ſeruaunt when he deſpred af him forgeuenes, ſaving:patientiam habe in me,& omnizred dam tibi,hane pactence with mc. faith he, and 3 twill pay thee all my dettes. Wut we can not fap fo vnto god, we mull ones ‘Ape call fo2 pardon. A ; There be many folke which tobanthep ke ficke they fap: O vᷣ J mighte liuebut one pere longer, fo make amendes for mp finnes, tobich faping ts very noughte, and vngodly. Foꝛ we Mat.18. A naughty faying. Chriftmutt ‘ave not able fo make amendes fo} our ſynnes: only Chꝛriſt, be ſatiſtye ‘4s the lambeof god which taketh atuap our ſynnes. Therforꝛe whan tue be ficke we Hould fap: 102d god, Why iwilbe bone, {f J can do any thing to thy honour and glo2pe, Lord, fufter me to line lon ger, but thy wilbe done. As hoz fati{faction, we ‘can not do the ieaſte piece of it. ou have heard nowe howe we ought to be willing to loꝛ⸗ geue our neighbours their finnes, which ts a very token that woe be chtlozen of god; te this oure faufouralfo erhozteth 03, ‘faping: Si fracer wus babet aliquid aduerfa te, relinque &c-3l ‘thou offereſt therfoze thy gift before the aultare,and there ree memðꝛeſt that thy brother hath ſome what againſt thee, leaue ‘thou thy gifte there before the aultare,and qo lirſt, and be res tonciled vnto thp bother, Leaue tt there (fatty our fautour) pf ‘Loy brother baus any thing againt thee: go not about to facet fice tome, but firke aboue all thitiges goe andreconcile thy elf onto thy bzother. Dn Cuche wiſe faint Paule alſo exhor⸗ ‘teth bs, faptng: Volo viros orare abſq; ira & difceptatione, J wold haue men to pray without angre ¢ difteptation. Where ‘be many wranglers and braulers now a days, whiche to not well: thex Hath tucll knowe that thep be not inthe fauour of *. 3 B God Only Mat.5. ' Reconcilia tien mult firltbe had ?. Povrerge wen to the miniſter. Certaine Sermons made by od, (fod is diſpleaſed veith chem det vs therfore giue v $ sag feluss to praier,{o that wemaylone god and our neighbour. It is a Very it pit so aoa forgine bs our treſpaſ fes as we foagiue them (hat treſpaſſe agaꝛnſt os. But there be pevaauenture ſome of pou, tobicy toil fav. The prieſt can abfolue me, and ſorgeue me mp ſinnes. pz ¥ tel thee, the pꝛieſt 02 miniſter(cai bint iebat pow word) be bath potecr enue vnto him krom one faniour,to ablolue in ſuche toile as be is tommaunded by Gin but Ithinke mniſters be not qreatip — troubled theretwith:fo2 tye people feke thes carnal lchertits, wiich in dede is not tvel,¢a thing vohich mlliketh gan. F 02 J would haus them that are greeued in conſcience, to goe to fonts godly man which ts able to minſter gots i320, 5 there to fetch his abſelucion, ik he canne not be fatiltied wate pub⸗ ike ſermon, ft wer truly a thing which wold do much good. Buͤt to fap the truty,there is a great faulte in the peftes for ‘they (fo2 the moſt part)be vnlearned:⁊ wicked: ⁊ ſecke rather meanes ⁊ wates to wickednesthan to gedlines. but a godly minilter, vohich is iuſtruct in te begat of god, can c map abs ſolue in opẽ preaching net of his abn⸗ authorꝛity, batin ihe The abſolu tion thit Latymect might piue The maner of biading name of god:foꝛ god ſaith:b go Ci quidsleo iniquirates, Zam de (faith goo) that clenſe thp ſinnes. Wut J map abfolue par as an officer of Chi, in the op? pulpet in this wiſe. Gs mas ny as conſfeſſe their ſinnes onto god, acknowleging themſel⸗ ues to beſinners,t beleue p our ſauror thorough bis paſſion hat) takẽ atoay their fins, ¢ have an eacneit purpoſe to lcaue ſin, as many (3 fap)as be (3 aſtecti mcd, Ego abſoluo vos. Jas an officer of Chꝛiſt, as his treſurer, abſolue pou in his name. Chis ts the avfeluciony ¥ ca make by gods woꝛd.Agam, as many As wil awd in defence eẽ their wickednes twill not ac⸗ hnotwleage them, nor purpoſe to leaue them, and ſo haue ns⸗ faith in aur ſauiour to be ſaued bp btm thorough bis merite: to them Jſays Epo ligo vos. J bynde pou:and Idout not but thep ſhalbe baunde in heauen. Foꝛ they be the children ofthe Deupl as long as they be in ſuch bnbelief and purpoſeto fim Pere pau lee haw, and in tubat wile,a preacher map abſolut SLPNIs bat he cannot Dett of felowſhipor worldiy reſpecti No in no weſc;he maſt do it accazdoag as Chriſte hath coms madun⸗ M.Do Aor Latymer. Fol. maunded bint. Pfgod nobbe cemmaund fo forgtue bint, qui peccat contra’ me ehat ſinneth againt ine, bow muche moze muſt J be reconciled to hit, whome J have otfended: JImuſt go Ditto him, and defire him to forgeue me, thu acknolws ledge mp fault, ſo humble my ſelt before him. Bere a man mighte aſke a queſtion, ſaping: Us bat pfa man haue offen⸗ ded me greuouily, and bathe hurte ine tn my good, e2 laun⸗ dered me, and fs ſtun dy in tt, ſandeth in dekenee of himſelf ang bis owne wickedneſſe, be wyll not acknowledge hymſelfe; call J tforgeue hym? Aunſwere. Foꝛſolhe G O D hrmlelle dothe not ſo, be forgeueth not ſynnes, cxcepte the finner acs knowledge himſell, conteſſe his wickednes, and erp him mer epe. Mowe Jam ſure, god requireth ns more at out handes, than he doth himſelfe. Therſfore JWwil fap this:vyſf thy neigh⸗ bour,oꝛ any nian bath done againſt thee, and will not cone keſſe his faultes, but toickedlyp oefendeth the fame, ¥ fo2 mp oa vene Difcharge muſte putte abaye allrancour and malpce oute of inp bearte, and bee redpe as farre ſosrthe as Jam ae ble, to helpe hym: pf Jdoo ſo, Jam diſcharged afore god, but fo is not he. For truely that ſturdye fellow ſhall makes heaup counte afore the rightuous iudge. Bere Jhaue occaſion ta ſpeake agaynſt the Nouatians, whiche denye remiſſion of ſynnes:theyr optttion is, that be Wwhpcbe commeth onte to Chriſt, and haty receiued the help ghoe; and afttr that,fpnneth agayne , he Hall neuer come fo Chive agapne-, bis tonnes Hall netier bee forgeutn hym: tobiche opinwon is moſte errcnious and tepcked: pea and cleane agavnife Scripture. Fo2 pf it ſhould be fo, there Mhould ne bsbypbe ſaued: fo2 there is no man but be ſynneth Baylpe.% tald ysuhowe pou Houlde vnderſtende thofe ting places of Scripture, which ſeeme to bre verye harde, Non ch factificrem. &c. Qs concerning the in againſt the bolp ghoſt we cãnot iudge alorehãd, but after J know now p Judashan ſinned again § bolp ghoſt, alſo Hero, Pharao, ẽ one Fracif cas Spera, whith mã had ſorſake popery.¢ dene very beldlyx in gods quarel:at the lengtuhe vas complained of, the holy ghoſft moued him in his havtte Mek vnto tt,s not to forſake gods word:he contrary to that admonitien of the holy ghoſt Man is not bounde ta, forgive ghe impeniseag TheNoua tians Opis niog, Hille ented 5 4 - Cerstaine Sermonsmade by ‘A remedy oe the word ef god, ¢ fo finally died in defperation: hint J — he Map pꝛonoũce te haue finned ) in againtsp bolp ghoft. wut holy giot, Swil ete pou — fox ¶ azaitt p bolp ghott. atk re : : sete 3 alcertain pou, p pou milſiõ of fin utp F fun not again tye * grote $0}, gratia cxuperat fu ptapecca tũ fp mercy of god far ercedety out fins. Jhaue heard tel of font which whã ther (aid this petitid, they perceiued p they afked | of god forgeuenes, icke as thep thifeiues fosgene their neigh . bors, ¢again perceiuing themfelues fobnapt to forgiue thew - neighboss fautes,came top point,p they would not ſay thig ; Someleane pꝛaier at al:but toke sur ladies plalter in hand and ſuch fools oucthis pe. ries, thinking they mighte than doe vnto thelr neighbour a4 a· uuoe. toule turne With a better-comfctence, than tf they Moulde tape . this petitiom tor here they wiſhe thenifelues the vengeaunte of yon vpon theic beades, if they beare grudge in their: hearts. - and fay this petition. utd tus wilbe right chziftians, let bs fet afpde all batered and malice, let bs liue gooly and. korgeue gut enemp:ſo that we may front the bottom of our heart fap, Dut father which art in beauct,fergine bs our teefpattes.¢¢ Where be fom when thei lav, Forgeue vs one treſpaſſes they think $ god wil forgeue culpa oily, led nõ pena, gilfines,€ nat § pain: & therfore thep beleue theg thal go mto purgatas vp € therto be clenſed fd their ſinnes, which thing ts nat fo ther belpers which teach ſuch doctrine. Fo: gob ſorgiueth bs bath Pp paint the giltines of ſinnes. Like as tt ay pered in Da auld, Wwe be repẽted, Matha {aid vnto piat abitulic dis iniqui’ raré cua, p (03d (Caith be)harh takt away thy twickedues. sSut thep toil fap: god tokeatoay tye guimes of jis fins batnatp: | pain fo; he pumſhed him alter war d. Sir, omit vnberſtand Thecanle ᷣgod puniſhed hint, but wot tej end that be old make ſatit why — factio amẽds for-bis ſins:but foꝛa warning ged wold gene: Repeal st) Hun a Cave,therefore he panties him. So liketoile whotoes finners, uer is avepentat ſinner, as Dauid was, t beleuech in Chak, be is cleane pana & a culpa, both from the payin and gilti⸗ nes of his ſinnes:yet god pimiſcheth ſonnes, to mate bs tores member and to beware of ſynnes. How to make ant ende:you haue hearde how needefultete. fo2 03 to crye vnto god, ftoꝛ ſoꝛgiuenes of our ſinnes: where pour | M.Codoi Letyrer. Fol. Ari . pot haue beard wherein forgeucnes of our ſynnes ttanteth,, namely (ri Chiifathe fonne of the lxvuing god: Agayne J told pou bol pou thouls conte tg Chk, nanrely by faith,¢ farthe contmeth tho2oug) hearyng the worde of aod. - Remember ther this additiõ, As we forgiue thentthat frets pas againſt vs:which isa fure token wherby we map know whether ive haue the true faith in Chriſt 02 10. And bere you | Acarne that ff is agood thpng to baue an enemy,fo2 we mare | vlſe him to our great commodity, thozough bint o2 by bint we snap pꝛoue our felucs tobetber we haue the true faithozno. | ow Z hall defire pou pet agapne,to prape vnto almigh- tye godthat he twill ſende fuche water, wherby the fruites of the fielbe may increale,fo2 we thynke we haue neede of ratty, Let bs therfoze call bpor hint, which knoweth what ts bette fo3 bs. Therfoꝛe fap with me the lordes pater as he himlt so 7 taught bs. Dar father iwbich.¢c, che biifermon vpon the Hordes price made by the rightereucrend Father tn God, M. Doctour Latpmer, Te] Tne nos inducas i in tentationé sfed li many ee} beta nos A malo. Jn the petition afore vwvyere tuclap, Fowtue bs eur trefs P~ ee, pales: there we fetche remedies faz “il (tunes paite , foꝛ we muſte needes i bane foꝛgeuenes, ine can not remedp — the matter of oure ſelues, our ſynnes mulle be remedied by parton, bp res —— —— | mifftor: other rightuouſnes we bane — — — net but foxgenpng ofour vnrightu⸗ ase, our goodnes ſtandeth in ſorgeuing ofour vlnes. All mankynd muſt crye, Pardon, and acknowledge themſelues to be ſinaers, exxeyt our ſauiour, which was cleane witboute ſpot ot ſinne. Therfoꝛe wha we feele our ſinnes, we muſt wa > penitẽt heart reſort hither ¢ fap: Dur father which art in heuẽ forgiue bs our trefpaltes as tee forgeue them that treſpas as gaint vs. Bark wel * addition(as we foꝛgeue them pᷣ treſ .tit. nafie) Al man- kynd muff © cre pardd. 4 Certalae, Sermons made By. : pate) fo our faufour putteth p fame vnto it, not to that enn 9 wat we choulde merite anye thing by it: bnt rather te prous The ftore- horfe of re ration. He that re- tarne:hrto fin’ loferh his former forgluenes our fayth, whether toe be of the faithful focke of god, oꝛ 110, For the vighte faith abideth not tu that man, that ts diſpoſed purpofely to ſin, to bate his euẽ chꝛiſtiã, oꝛ to do other maner of ſinnes. Fo whoſodeuer purpolcly finneth contra con(cien tiam,ayaintt bis cõſcience/ he hath lot holy ghoctthe remiſ ſiõ of Ginnes,¢ finally Chat himſelf. But wha Wwe ar fallé fo. we mull fetche them again at gods band bp this pater, whi⸗ che isa ſtorehouſe,here toc thal fond remiſſion of our ſinnes. Aud though tor. be riſen weer “fo well, pet oben tue fall as gain, when we ſinne again, what remedy than: Mhat auai ſoth it me te be rifen once, and fall by ¢ bp into the ſelf fame ſinne agaimne: wyhich is a renouation ofthecther finnes. Foz fy sefoeucr hath done wickedly anactagain® qon, ¢ afters {yard is for fo2 it,crieth god mercp,t Lo.cdineth to foꝛgeue⸗ 1129 ofthe ſame ſinne, bat bp ¢ bp willingly ¢ inittinglp beth the {elf fante fin againsberenovateth bp fo Bayngal thefe ſin nes which before tinies were forgiven bint. Taq hich thing as pearcti) by. the lord fat toke rekening of bis (eruante, bere be found one which ought hima great ſumme of monep, the — i920 pitied hint and remitted bintal the vets. Nobo thatfame - man afterivard ſhewed himicif vnthankfull € wicked, thers fore the loꝛd called bint, and calte him into priſon, therete — . ipetill be bad paied the vttermoſt faribing, notwithllanding that he had forgeuen bist alore. sc. So fue fee that the gpltines ofthe cormer ſinnes turne as gayne, whan ine da the fame ſynnes again. Seing then that itis fo daungerous a thing to fall into ſinne againe, than e had neve to haue ſome remedy, ſome belpe, that we miabt a⸗ uside finne, aria not falltherto agaur. Therfore here toletus fz eth this petition, Leave bs not into temmtation, : Wore lve hanea remedype, bere tue velyregad that be twill pꝛeſerue bs from falling inte inne. Mur ſauioꝛ (thatloning « {cyolematter) knew wherof ive had nede, therſore he teacher) bs fo beg a preſeruatſon of god, that ive fall not. Leade vs not . ecathat isto ſay, ord gon, lease bs not infs trial, for we fat ſons bee ueccome, but preſerue hs, fufter vs not to ſinne again, let bs not fal,holp bs v ſinne get not the victory ouer ‘M.DoGorLatymer. Fol. és hs, Gnd this is a neceſſary pꝛaier: for what (sitthativeca | bos Mathing at all but fin, ¢ therfore we haue neve toprape . . 1f8 765, p He totl prcievae gn kere os inthe right war, ſo | our enemye the demil fs an euguict ſpirit, euer eing in the Inap, ſeking occalion bol to bꝛing te to vngedltnes. Doers fore it appereth how much we haue neve of the be tp of Ged: fo2 the Deutl is au cid cnemie,« felt of aveatantiquity, b¢ * papi bath noured this fine thoufand and sz.peres,inwplenteace ort⸗ be hath learned al artes ¢ cunninges, be ts a grest pact! if r there is no lutteltp, but ve kno weth toe ſame. Ake og ait ac AY fificer (hat is cunning ¢ expert in his craft g kuotucth holy to, — gs (0 worke, hobo ta 39 bis buſines the redieſt wap: ſo the ve ugil knoweth ail waits how to tempt - to geue vs an os uerthrow:in ſo much that we can beginne ner do nothing, hut he ts at our heeles, and worketh fome milchief, whether toe be in proiperitp 62 aduerlitte, Whether we be in helth or ſicknes life o2 death be kaoweth how to ble the ſame ts bys purpoſe. As fozan enfaumple: WMhan aman ts riche and.of. Richeffe. “ ‘Great ſubſtance, he bp € bp fetteth vpon bint with bis crafts, heh al to bing him te miſchiet. And fo be moucth him to Defprle and contemne God, ta imakedis riches bis god.2ca be. - cay pat fucks pride into the ryche mans bearte, that be thins, keth himſelfe able to bꝛyng all things to paſſe, and ſo begin⸗ neth to oppreſſe his neighbor \5 bis riches. But god by his ho ip word warneth vs,z armeth bs againſt fach crafts ¢ ſuttel ae: ties of p Denil faping: Diuitiz fi affiuat nolite cor apponere, Pſaliaa Af viches come vpõ vou, ſet not pour hearts vpõ thẽ.Le com maũdeth bs not to caſt the away, but not to fet our herts vpõ thé as wicked ten do. Foꝛ to be rich is a gift of god, If riches be vightlp vſed: but ᷣ pv Deutl is fo wily, he ſturreth bp richmẽ⸗ nes hearts to abuſe to. Again, whã a mã falleth {nto pouer⸗ ty,fo vᷣ be lacketh thigs neceſſary to hᷣ ſuſtẽtatiõ of this bodi⸗ Ip life:loe § deuil is euẽ redy at had to take ocaſiõ by vᷣ pouer⸗ ty,te baing bint ta miſchief.Foꝛ be wil moue ¢ ftirre bp. the. heart of v¶ mã, vᷣ is in poverty, not to laboꝛ ⁊ calling bpd god but rather to ſtealyng ¢ robbyng,notiwithianting that God fo2biddeth ſuch ſinnes in bts lawes, 02 els at the leat be will bring him to vſe decepte and falthode with his neigbbor, ine tending that war to bzing bint to euerlaſtyng dellruction. B.4. Further Pouertie, Certaine Sermons madcby | “Further whan a man is in honor and dfonity,and in great . fttimatis,th's ſerpent fepeth not, but ts reap to gene bint an Honout⸗ The deuill jis anolde doctor. Ignominie Touche. Aproverbe tthe de⸗ wils inuea byng. The devil: : infpicatioa : ouert iow. For though honor be good vnto the whiche come laufully b» it, thoug) it be a gift of god, pet the deapll wyll mo ue $ that mans heart, which bath bonour,te abute hts hoe 02,52 he toil make him lofty, and high mypnded,and kyll bis - bearte full of ainbittons, fo that be tall haue a deſpre ever to “cone bigher and highersand all thofe whiche will withſtand him, they ſhalbe hated, or pl intreated at his hand: andat the length be thal be fo peitaren Ww this anrbition, p be teal forget all humanitye and god. NCS, & confequently: fall in the feare⸗ “fal handes of god, ſuch a ſelobo is the deuill that old Boctour. It it commeth to paffe that a man Fall inte open | ignomtilitp and fhante, fo that he ſhail hee nothyng tegarded befeze the worlde:then the deutll is at bande, mouing and ſtyrryng bis - «: 3f be be pong ana luſty, the deutl toll put in bis heart, r fay Sig heart to prkeſomnes, and at the len 3th to defperation. to btn: WA hat-thou act in thy foures man,take-thy ptefure, anake merp with thy conrpanions, remember the old proucrb | porta faits, old deu ls:which pꝛouerb in berp pede ts naught and decettfull,and fhe deuils obbn inuention, which woulde haue parentes negligent in beinging bp thew chridrẽ tn good nes:he would rather ſet them to be bꝛought bp m ylnes, and wickednes, therfore be found out ſuch a pscucrbd,to make the cavelette fo2 their chilasén. But as J (atd.afoze) this prouerbe 4s nought:foꝛ looke comntenly tobere childrẽ are brought bp 4n tofckednes, thet wilbe wicked al their liues after:¢ therfow we may fay thas, yong diuel, old diuel, pong faints, etd farts: tes. Quo femel imbuta eft recens feruabit odorem tefta d:u. The erthen pot toil long ſauor of that licoure that is kirſt put -‘{nto it. and bere appereth how the deuill can vſe the pouth of a pourrg man to bts deſtruction, in exhoꝛting him to foloww p fonde luftes of that age. Likewiſe whan a man commethte. ‘age, that olve ferpent till not leaue bint, but is ener ſtyrring him front one nufchtefe vnto thother, front one wickednes te another: commonlye be moueth olnefolkes to auatice and couetoufnes:fo; then old folk wil conmnoniy fap, by p infpira - ‘tion of the deuil. ‘Gate itis time, foz me to lap bp,to * in uore M. Doctor Latymer. Fol. 493 ftoxe ſomewhat fo: me, J map baue wherbo to line tuba’ J Mhalbeaccippeilst fo vnder this colour they fet al thep2 bears tes € myndes onelp byon tis worlde, forgetting their poore neighbo2, which god would haue relieued by them. Wut(as J tolde pou befoze)this is the deuils innention ¢ ſuttelty, which blyndeth their eies fo,¢ twithozatucth thefr hearts fo far from god chat itis ſcant poſſihle fo2 fome to be bꝛought again: fo3 thee haue (et al their bartes and phantafies in Tach wife bpen theix gosds, that they cannot fuffer any body to occuppe their 70035, 102 thep theaſelues vſe it not:to the verifiyng of thys tommon ſentence. Auarus caret quod habet, æ que ac quod nõ habet, the couetuous man lacketh as wel thoſe thinges which he hath as thoſe things which he bath not.Solike wiſe whan ive be in helth, zä deuil moueth bs to al wickednes ⁊ naughti messto horedom, lechery,theft, and other hoꝛrible fautes, put fix cleans out of our mynd the remembrance of god and bis "— fudgomentes, tn fo much that we forget that me thall dpe, Agaxne, than we be in ficknes, be goeth about lpke a Ips Onto moue and ſturre bs fo fimpatiency and murmurpng a⸗ gainſt god:o2 cls be maketh our ſynnes ſo horrible befoze bs that we fall into dDefperation. Andfo tt appeareth that there 4s nothing either fo high 02 fo lowe; fo greatoꝛ ſmal, but the The cõmo d.tie of co- uctoufnes, Health, © Sicknefle. - deuill can ble that ſelfe fame thing,as.a weapen to fighte as The deuilf gaint vs witball lpke as With a foorde· Therfore our faut: sour, knowyng the craftes ¢ futteltiesof our enemy the deuyl how be gocth absut dap and night wout intermilſſion to (eke our deſtruction teacheth bs bere to crp: vnto god our heauen ly father fo2 aid € belpe,fo2 a ſubſidie againk this ftrong and mighty enemy, again p prince of this world, as faint Paul diſoained net ta call bimt,fo; be knewe bis potwer and fiittic sonuctaunces. belpke ſ. Paule had ſome erperience of bint. ‘Hereby thts petitiõ wha we fay, Leave bs not into tepta- tion, we learne to kno our ofon impoſſibilitie and infirmi⸗ tie, namely that we bee not able of eur otnie felues to with: Mand this great and mightye enempe the dell . Therfore is able to make wea poas of eche thing here wo refozte to god, defpring him to belpe and defend tS, Thi⸗ peti- twhole potucr pafleth the Urength of the deuill. So it appea- eth this is a mol necdcfull petition,fo2 toban the sil | BB e ¢ t10 js molt uedefull, et ⸗ ed 'Certaine Sermons made by © buſy about tg, and moucth bs to doo againd god his holy, VVe cã not be withou: fyone- lawes, and cõmandementes, euer we ſhould haue in remem⸗ brace whither to go, namely to god, akno wlẽging our weak⸗ nes that tue be not withtand zᷣ enemie. Therlore we ought euer fo fap, Dur Father inbies art in beauen, Leads. vs not into. temptation. This petition Gleade bs not into fentatfon)the meaning of it is, Almighty God tue defire thy. holy maieſtie fo2 to and by ¢. with vs with thy holy ſpirit, fo that tentation ouercome bs not, but that ve thꝛ ough thp. goodies and helpe, may vanquiſhe aud get the victory ouer it, lor it is not in our power to do ft, thou D god, mull deig¢e bs to ſtriue and fight. It is with this petition, Leabe bs not into temptation, euen as much ag faint Paule faith, Nere- gnet igitur peccatum inveitro mortali corpore, Het not Tye veigne in pour coꝛruptible body, faith &. Paule, be doth not require that tye. fhall haue na ſenne, for that is impoſũble vnto bs, but berequireth that toe be not ſeruants bute fin, that tue giue not place vnto if, that ſinne rule not in vs. And this is a contintendeinent, Wwe are commanded to forfake and -hatelpnne , fo that it may haue no power ouer bs. Powe woe Mhali turne this conumaundement inte a paper, and des fire of god that he twill keepe bs, that be wyll not leade bs inte tentation, that is to fap,that be wyli not (uffre {inne to ‘haue toe rule and geuernance ouer vs, and fo Wwe thall faye ‘With the Prophet, Domine dirige greflus meos, Loꝛde rule and gouerne thou mein the right wate, and fo we Hal turne Goddes commaundemente into a prater, te defire of hym helpe to do bis wyll and pleafure. like as. Auguſtine faith, Da quod iubes,etiube quod vis, Giue that thou commaun⸗ Defl,and then commaunze that thou wilte. As who ſaye, if thou wilte commaund onely, and not giue, than we thalbee loſte, we thall perity Wherfore we multe deſyre him to rule and gouerne all our thoughtes, woꝛdes, actesand deedes, ſo that no ſinnes beare rule tn vs:we mutt require him to put bis helping band to os, that tc may overcome temptation, and tot tentptation vs. This Z would bane pou to conſider, that cuetpy moꝛning whan vou rife from pour bed, pou wold (ape thele wozdes with a Faithfull hearte and earneſt mpnde ‘s, domine % * "M.De@orLl atymeri > 3 Fol. 5. 54 Domine greffas meos dirige ne dominétur peccatumin meo morrali corporesLo2d rule and gouern me fe,o2der my tals fo,that firme vette not the yictorve of nte, that ſinne rule me not, but lette thy bolp ghott inbabite my hearte. and {pectals ipivgan any ma gocth about a dangerous bufines; lef hym exer fap:domine ditige greflus meos, Woe rile thou nie, ~ kepe meta thy culty. 0 this is the fit point, which pow hail note in this petition, namely, toturne the commraundes mentes of god info a pꝛaier‚ he commandeth vs to leaue ſin⸗ nies, fo ausyde thent, to bate thent,te kepe our heart cleans A good © mornyng pray CL. frontthem: then letie bs turne bis commannbdeiment into a - | prayer artd [ap,dLoz leade bs not into tentptation, that is to fay, Lob kepe bs that the deuill pꝛeuail not agatnt bs, that wickednes gette ust the victory ouer bs. you thall not thinke that it is an pl'thing tobe tempted, to fal (nto temptations.Ho foꝛ it is a good thing, and ſcrip⸗ fure commendeth it, and we Halbe rewarded fo2 it. For S, James ſulẽth, Beatus vir qui luflertrentationem, Bleſſed is that man that ſuffreth temptations pacientip Bieuted ishe at ſuffreth,not be that fololectiy, not he that isles by thẽ/ and folsweth the motions thersf. The deuill moueth me to do this thing andthat, wich is agatnt god, to cẽ mit whor⸗ pore, 02 lecherye, oꝛ fach lyxke thynzes. Now this isa good thing:fo2 pf Jwithſtand his mottons, and moze regard god tha bis fuggéttions, happy wn Bl, € 3 halbe rewarded fo2 it in beauzm Some thinke that Satnet Paule wold haue bert Ttisa blefi | fednes to endure ten tation, without fuche temptations, but © DD woulbist graunte His requeffe. Suificic tibi gratia mea, Paule; becontent Paule to haue my fausur. $02 temptations be a declarahs sf gods . fataur and myghte:toꝛ though we be moſte weake and feas ‘dle, pet tao2ough oure weakenes © D Devanquiſheth the greate firengthe and myghte of the deuyll. And afterb arde hje pꝛomiſeth bs that we hal haue Coronam vitæ, the croune of lyte, that ts te fape tue ſhalbee rewarded in eucrlatipng Teurstids . declare gods fauog..: ipfe:, To behome did DD promiſe Coronsm vitz,ever laſtyng ipfes Marye diligentibus fe,fapeth ſaſnet James, bar ta the chat lone him, not vnto than loue thẽſelues ¢ folote oe agectiene. diligentibus fe, (tig an Am ——— Pe ND lames. ie ‘Certaine Setindns made by | “The veote pes therfore Eralmus turneth it into latin with fuch {vo3085 of miſchief A quibus dilectus eft Deus, non diligentibus fe, Pot they Tearne a- gaink who wet hould she. God temp. teth vs for our profite Pfal. 25. that loue thent felues, but they of whome god ts beloued: fog felfe loue is the reote of all mifchiefe and wicke dneſſe. _ Bere pou may percefue who are thoſe whiche loue HDD, namely they that fight agatnt temptations and aſſaultes of the deuill. Foꝛ this life is a warfare,as &. Fob faith, Militia eft. vita hominis faperterram, The life of man is but a war⸗ fare : not that we ſhould feabt and b2aule one with an other. No not fo, but we {hold fight againk theſe Jebulptes that are Within bs. We map not fyght one With an other, to auenge our (elues,and to fatiffie our p2efulnes:but we (hold fyght a⸗ gainſt the pll motions which rife bp tn our hearts againſt the laiveof God. Bherfo re remembꝛe that our life sa Warfare, Jet bs be contented to be tempted. There be fone whanthep fall (nto temptations, thep be fo p2kefont that they geue place they wyll fight no moze, Agayn, there be fore fo twerp 5 that + thep ryd thent ſelues out of this life, but this is net well done: - thep doo Not after faint James mynde, for be ſaith: Wleſſed is be that ſutkreth temptation, and taketh it paciétiys Nob it be be bleffed that fuftreth tentattd,thar it folotvet, that be that curfeth murmureth again& Ged, beyng tempted , that that man is curfed in the ſyght of God, and fo hall net enioy co⸗ ronam vitæ, euerlaſtyng lyfe. Further it ts a neceſſary thyng to be tempted of Ged: ios. how thold we know whether we haue the loue of God in our heartes 02 10,¢rcept tue be trped , ercept God tempt ¢ pious vs · Therfoꝛe the pꝛophete Daud fapth ; Proba me Domine & tenta me, Loꝛde (fapth be) pꝛoue me and tentpt nie, This propbete knew that to be tempted of Godisa goad thynge. Foꝛ temptations miniſter to bs occafion fo runne to godand to begge bis belpe. Therſoꝛe Dauid was defirens to haue fone thing: wherby be mighte evercife bis faith. For ther fs nothing ſo dangerous (1 the world, as fo be without trouble Without temptation: fo2looke when we be beſte at eaſe, whã all thinges go with bs accozding vnto our bill and pleaſure, focn Wwe ar commenlye moſt fartheſt offrom God. Foꝛ oure nature is ſo feble that we can not beare tranquilitie, {we fa2s ‘oy os ' M.Dodgor Latymer. Fo).s5 gette god by and bp: therfore tue chould fap, proba me 2.030 pꝛroue and tempome. Ihaue red ones a ſtorie oa good bichop, wyſch rode by the Ao hiſt ory - {pape, and was werie, being pet far of frõ any toun: therfoze of4 biſ hep fepng a faire houſe, a great mans boufe, be went thither and inas verte well and honorably recetued:there was great pres parations made fo2 him, and a great banket,all thinge was plentte. hen the man of the boule, (et out bis prolperitic, and told the biſhoy tbat richeffe be bad, in what honour and . Dignities he was, hotv many faire chtloren be bad, tubata bertuoule wife god had pꝛouided fo2 bpm, fo that be hadde no lacke of any mancr of thing, be bad no trouble no2 berations, neither inward no2 outward. Nol this holy man bering the good effate of that man, called one of bis feruantes,and cons manded bint to make ready the bozfes:fo2 the biſhop thought that God twas not in that houſe, becaufe there twas no tempta tion there: be toke his leaue and went his twats. Pow whan he came ative o2 thee mile of, beremembzed hfs boke which he had left bebpnde him: he (ent bis man back again to fetche that booke, and whan the feruant came again, the boule as ſonkẽ, and al that was init. ere it appereth,that itis a good thyng to have temptation. This man thought bimfelfa ioly ‘felotv, becaufe all thinges tuent with bim: But be knebo not &. James leſſon: Beatus gu: {uffert ventationem, Wet bs thers fore learne here, not to be yatcſom whan God lateth bis croſſe bpen vs.Let vs not deſpaire, but call vpon hym: let bs think we be ordeined vnto it, Fo2 freely we fhall never haue done? ine fhail haue one beratton 93 otber, as long as-Wwe be in this Wwoꝛrld. But we haue a areat comfort, which is this: Fidelis «ft deus qui non ſinit nos tentari ſupra quam ferre poſſumus. If we myſtruſt God, than we make him a lyar: foz God full not ſuffre vs to be tẽpted further tha we ſhalbe able fo beare: € again be wil reward ts ive ſhal haue corona vitæ, euerla⸗ Hing life. If we cõſider this, poder tt in our barts, wherfore Mold toe be troubicdsict cuerp man whan be is in trouble, call vpon God with a faithfalland penitc ute beart: Lord lct ame not be tempted further then thou fhalt make me able to heave, Andthts ts thoffice of eneric chriſten man:and loke fo3.. % Certaine Sermons made by : ne better chere as leng as thou art in this world:but tronble » VVe Chall, and berations thou ſhalt baue V (que ad ſatieratem thp belite neuer lack full. And therfore our fanicur bepyg vpon the mount Oli⸗ temp Caci- ous uete, knowyng what ſhuld come vpon bynt,and how bis di⸗ ſciples wold forſake him, and miſtruſt hint, taught thewto fight againſt tẽtation, faping:Vigilace & orate, As who fap, % tell pou what pou thall dons reſoꝛt to God, feke comfort at bint, cal vpon him in mp name,and this fhalbe the way bow to efcape tentations without pour perill and lofle. Now lett , bs folow that rule tobiche onr Santour geueth vnto bis diſe⸗ VVhattea.- tatiou is, T wo ma- Ner of ten- tatioas. ciples. Let vs watch and pray, that ts to fay, let bs be erneſt and feruent in calling vpon hym, and in deſpryng bis beips And no doute he will oꝛder the matter ſo with bs, that tere tation thall not hurt vs, but fhall berather a furtherance, and not an intpedintent fe euerlaſtyng tiple. Andthisis our onelp remedic to fetche Delpe at bis bandes, Let bs therfore watche and pap, lette not temptations.beare rule in vs, 9: gouerue bs. | its Nobe peradnenture there be ſome amorigit the fanozant bilearned fort, which wyll fay onto me : veufpeake much of temptations: % pave pou tell bs, howe fhall tue knowe Wwhait tue be tempted 2 Anfiwere. Mhan pou feele in youre felues (in pour beartes) ſome concupiſcence 02 luſt towar⸗ des any thing that ts agaynf the laiv of god, rile bp in pour bertes, that ſame is a tempteng. Foꝛ atl maner of Ell mos fions to wyckedneſſe are temptatior's, And we be tempted moſt commonly two maner of ipates, A dextris & à finittris, on the right band, and on thelefte hand. Mhenſoeuer we be in honours, wealth, and prsſperityes,then we be temps ted on the righte bands. Wut when foe bee in open ſhame, outela wes, 02 in greate crtreeme pouertye and penurtes, then that ts oti the left bande, Where hath bene many that Wwenne they haue ben tempted a finiftris,on the left hande, that is, with aduerfities and al kynde of mpleries, thep haue bere hardye, and motte godlye haue ſuffered (uch calamp⸗ ties,‚gruyng GOD thankes ampyddes all their troubles: and there hathe bene manx whrche haue kozitten moſt —9*— Axe > § M.DodorLatymer, — Fol.s6 Ipe bookes in the tyme of theit temptations and miferies. Some alfo there were bohiche ſtoode heartilye, and godlye fuftcred tentptations,aslongas they were in trouble: but after warde when thep caute to refte,thep could wot ſtande fo well as before tn their trouble: pea the moſte parte gor, and take vat a nebo leſſõ of diſcretion, to flatter thetmfelues ¢ the woꝛld withatl:and fo thep verify that ſaving: Honores mu- tanec mores. Forzibey can fynde in their beartes fo appoue that thing tote tusich before tune thep reproued. Gfoze time _ thev fought the hendur of © OD:inow they fecke their own gicfure. Likeas the rich man tid, fapitigs Anima nunc ede, dibe Kc But it feloisezh, Stulte, Thou foole. Therfore lette wien beware of the right hande, kor they are gone by and by; except god with bis ſprrite illuminate thep2 beartes. J wold ſuch men would begynne to fap with Dauid, Proba me do- mine, Lord proue me, fpurve nie forwarde, fende me ſome⸗ what that J fo:getic not thee. So it appereth, that a Chriſtẽ amasipfe ts a frpfe,a a warrefare: but tee {yall ouercome all Our enemies, yet not by aur oon power, but thozough god, Which ts able to defende bs. . Truth it isthat god tempteth. Almightye qod tempteth {0 our commodities,to doce bs geen Withall:the deuil temps teth to cur euerlaſtyng deſtruction· God tempteth ts for ers -ercpfe ſake,that we ſhould not be flonthfull,therfo2: he pao ueth bs dinerflp, We had nede afte to fap this prapsr, 102d leabde bs notinto temptation, wa Wve ryſe vp in a moꝛning 22 whatſeeuer ive te; wyan wefeclethe deuyll bulp abeute ‘Lo; we ſhoulde call vpon god. CThe diligence ofthe deuili held make Bs watchful, he Ave cofiver with what erneſt mynd he appheth bis buſines. for be feepeth riot; he lumbzeth not, be mpndeth bys owne buſyncſſe, bets carefull: aud bathe mynde of bys matters. 450 twhat endeisbe ſo diltgyente , feckpng and fearchyng dpkeabuntcr’? Marre to take vs at a pauntage. Saincte Peter calleth hym a roꝛyeng Lyon: Wwhere is expreſſed bys power: foꝛ pou knolve the yen isthe Pꝛynce ol al ather beafes. Cucumit he goeth aboute . Wereis bys VVald ged this yvere | priptedin | all menneg hearre&. God end’: the de uill don temps. {> diucrs, eudes. bil. a? t : < Certaine Sermons made by The deuils diligẽte.Nõ eſt poteſtas &c. There fs no potver to be likened: o wer is pothing veithout gods per- mifsjon. Our ene- mies aie Many. Vfethe {word of the ſpitite. onto bis power:vet our hope fs in god, fo as ſtrong as he is sure hope fs in god, he cannot hurte or ſiay ds without the permiſſion of god. therfore let-bs Keſort vnto god, and Defire bint that he tupll able bs to fight again him. . Further bis wilines is expreſſed by this worde, ferpent:he is of a ſwitt nature, be hath ſuch compaſſes, (uch fetches, that be paſſeth all thinges in the worid. Again conſider how long be bathe beut a peracticioner: pou mufte confiver what Satan ts, what erperitce he hath, fo } fue are not able to match with bint. D how feruentlte oughte we to crye vnto god, confines ring what danger and peril we be in:and not onlpe fo2 our felues we oughte to pray, but alfo fo2 al other,fo2 ve ought fo loue our neighbour as our felues. : Seing then that tue hane fuch anenemy, refill, fo2 fo (tts nedefull:fo2 ¥ think that new tn this hall,amongſt this audt ence, there be manie thoufand deutiles, which go about to let bs of the hearyng of the woꝛdof god, te make bardnesin our hearts ¢ to ſturre bp fuch like miſthtefe within vs. But what remedy: Reſiſtite, withſtand, withſtand bis mottos, and this muft be Done at the firſt. For as ſtrong as he is, whan be is refitted at the firſte, he is the weakeſt:but pf tue fuffer bim ta. - come into our hearts, thaw be cannot be drꝛiuen cut, without great labour and trauaile. As fo2 an enſample, J fee a fape woman, J like her berp wel, J with in my heart to haue ber. Now tuithfand,; thisis a temptation. bal F foloie my affec tions? f20,10;call to rememb2aunce tobat the dewil fs: calk god to rementbaunce and bis lawes, conſider what be bath comntanded thee:fap vnto god: L020 [rade bs not into tentps fation, but deliuer bs from eupll. Fo2 Itell the, iuben bets entred once, it wilbee hard to get hym ont agatne: therfore fuffer hint not te long, giue him no manfion in thy beart, but frike hint With the worde of god, and he is gone, he wil net ah (de. Another enfample, Where is aman that bath done me song, taken atwat mypliuing,o2 burt me of imp good name: the deuill ticreth me againk bim,to acquite bint, to dee him an other fouleturne, to auenge ny (elf bpon bint. Mow wha, there rile bppe ſuch mations in my bearte, J mulle pi mu M. Dodor ——— Fol.<9 “api tievie, 3 mult conlider what god faith: Mibi vindidã bet me haue the vengeaunce. Lꝑo tett duam, J tpl puniſhe ‘Dim foꝛ bis pil dsynges. In ſoche wiſe we muſte fighte with the denit * Satan, we mulſt kill pint wth ths worde of god, Refiltite, a+ mauttbe kil “Wap thou Satan. thou mrouch me totbhat, wich cov forbids led. _ Beth, od well deſende me: Jwill not ſpeake pl of myne igh⸗ Wboar I wyll do him no harme:ſo vat mul fiabte with hym. And further remember what &.Waule faith: Ff thy eneniys “hee hungrye, lette bin bane nteate:this is the ſhrꝛoude turne that ſcripture allaweth bs to Doe fc onre enemies, and ſo we Chall cal hoate coales vpon his head:which tsa Me taphoꝛi⸗ callipecve:that pe may vnderſtand it, take an cnfaple. This man hath done barme vnto thee, make him warme with· thy ¥ — beare patiẽtly — done vnto thee by —* huntelf,and ſay:what aman am J⸗ This man hath euer ben head, frendlp and good vnto merhe bath boon patiently al my wic⸗ kednes, truely Fant muche bound vnto hint: J twill leaue of ' frown my wrong Doings, J wil no mozetrouble hym. And fo pou fee p this ts the way to make our enemy good,to bayng hym to reformation. wWut there be fome, that tuben.they bee burte,toep wyll doe a foule turne agapne: but this ts not as © D D woulve haue it. Sainct Paule commaundeth vs to. poure hoate coales vppon our enemics heade that ts to faye, pf be burte thee, doe yym good, make bim amends with wel⸗ Doping, geue him meate and drynke, whereby fs vnderſtande all thonges: when be bathe neede of councell, belpe byt, 92. whatſoeuer it fs, that he bathe neede of, lette hym haue ft, ‘Aud thys ts the righte way fo refoꝛme our cuentic,fo amend hym, and bryng hyÿm te goodneſſe. Foꝛ ſo Saincte Paule commaũdeth vs, ſayving: Noli vinci à malo, be not ouercome He that te⸗ aot the wicked. Foꝛ tohen Jam aboute to doe my enemye a uengerh is “fonleturne, then he hathe gotten the victorre ouer me, bee ouercome. “hath made me as wycked as be hymſelte ts. wut we oughte fo ouercome the pil, with goodnes, Wwe ſhould onercome our. enemy with weil doyng. my * “re Jwas in Cambzidge, alter gure" es fatarfanne wd f Ront. 12, An hiftory ofa Londe ner, Dofour €olerte fho dhave benburned The zeale of a papiſt. Certaine Sermons made by. von a lecture there Jheard him: and in erpounding the Cpls Me to the Rontains, comming fo that place where S. Pault fayti, that we fhall onercome oux enemy with weldoing,and fo heave bpbaate coales vpõ bis head. Motu in erpounding of that place, be brought tn an enſample: ſaying, that be-knetwe in London a great riche merchaunte, whiche merchant hada very pooze neighbour, pet fo2 all bis pouertye, be loued hym berp well, and lente bint money at his neede, and lette him to come to his table whanſoeuer he would. It inas euen at that time, when Doctour Colet was in trouble, and whould haue bene burnt, vf DD hadnot turned the kinges hearte to: the contrarpe. Nowe the richeman beganne ts-bea ſcripture man be beganne to ſmell the gofpell, the poore man was a papiſte Till. It channced on a tyme, when the riche manne. talked of the gofpeli ſittyng at bys table, where be reproued poperp, and (uche kpndeof thinges: the poore man beyng then pefente, toke a greate diſpleaſure agatufle the riches man: infomuche , that be wouilde come no more to bis’ boufe, be woulde borow no money of him, as be eas wonte to do before tymes:vea and conceiued ſuche hatered and ma⸗ lice againſt him that be went and accuſed bpm before the bis fhops, Now the rvch man, not knowyng atv fuch diſpleſure, otfcod-straity tines to talke with him: ¢ to fet him at quiet it woulde not bee, tbe pooꝛe man had ſuche a ſtomacke, that he woulde not voucheſate to ſpeake with hym: pfhe mette the: rpche man in the ſtreete, he woulde goe out of his waye. One tyme tt happened that he mette bin ſa in a narrobe ſtreete that he couldenotauopde but come ncere him:wet fo: all that thys pooꝛe manne had ſache a ſtomacke againſte the: ryche man J faye, that he was mynded te gee foↄ warde, and not to ſpeake wyth hym·. The ryche man perceiuyng thats: catcheth hyn. by.the hande, and aſked hym faxing: Heigh⸗ bour, what is come into pour bearte, to take ſuche diſpiea⸗ ſure wyth me? what haue Jdone agaynſte vou⸗ tell me and J twill bec redye at all tymes to make pou amendes. Finallpe; he ſpake fo gentelpe, ſo charitablye , fo loupnias ‘ ipe, and kriendlye, that tt wꝛoughte ſo in the pooze mannes hearte, that.bp and bp be fell downe Gppon bps knees : and M.Dodor Latymer. ‘and afked hym forgenenes:the rpche man forgaue bint, and ſo toke him agapy to hfs fauour, ⁊ thep loued as well as ever thep did afore. Pany one wguld haue aid; fet bint in the face kes, lette hym haue becad of affliction, ard water of tribulaz tion:but this man did not fo. And bere you fee an enfample - ofthe practtfeof gods woꝛd:in (uch forte that pooze man beaz ryng greate hatered and ntalice agaynſt the rpche man, was vwvꝛought thoꝛough the lenitie and meekenes-of the rpche niart “ Frout his errour and tutckednes,to the kuswledge of goddes worde. J would pou {would confiderthis enſample Welland fo owe it. | : Leade bs not into temptation. Certain it {s,that cuſtoma⸗ ble finners,baue but {mall temptations:fo2 the deutll Ictteth “thent alone, becaufe they be bis already, be bath them in bens dage, they be hts daues. But whan there ts anp good nian as Hode) that intendeth to leaue fpn ¢ tuickednes,and abhorreth the ſame: ma thalbc tempted, the deuyl goeth eboute to vſe all meanes to deſtroye that man,and to lette hym of bis for⸗ wardnes. Wherefoze all thoſe which haue fuche temptations, refoste hither fo2 apde and belpe 5 and withſtande betymes: fo2 3 tell thee, pftvou withſtandeſt and fighteſt agaynſt hym betymes, certaynely thou thalt fynde him moll weake: but pf thou ſucfreſt hym to enter into thy bearte, and Hall a de⸗ lyte tn bis motions, Tunc actum eſt, then thou art vndoone, then be bath gotten the victory ouer the. And here it is te bec noted, that the deuyll bath no further power thai G D D wyllallowe hym, the deapll can goe no further ther god perintitech bym to doe:which thing hail ſtrengthen oure faithe, in fo muche that we ſhalbee Cure to o⸗ wercomte hym. hoa" aay Saincte Paule that excellent inſtrument of G DD laps eth: Qui volunt ditefcere, incident in moultas tentationes, SLyep that go about to get riches thep fhall fall in many tep⸗ tations:in which 190205 . Paule doeth teach ts to beware, Foꝛ When we qo about to fet our myndes vpon ths wold; ꝑpon rpches; then the deuill wyll haue a fiyng at bs. Doers fore lette bs not lette oure heartes vppon the rpches of this worlde, but rather lette bs labour fo2 ae lvupige 3 a 26 : J. en Accuſtoma ble finners are not much temp d. o nm The defires of riches is dangerous 5 i “ 1.Tim.c. Prouer, 30 Thereote of al euill. An exam. pie. good, thep woulde lpuc godlxe and vprightelye. Certaine Serraons made by then lette bs vſe praversthen we may be certayne of ourtys ning. Though we have not riches, ret a men map liue with⸗ ‘put great ryches: Habentes vidam & veftirum.&c. Than {we bane meate and drynke, andclothing, let vs be content, let Os not gape fo riches: fo2 J teil pou, itis a daungerous - thyng to haue riches:and thep that baueriches, mul makea great accompt fo2 thent:rea, andthe moſt part of the rich mẽ bie their riches fo naughtely, and fo wickedly, that they hall — not be able ta make an acompt fo2 thet. and fo pou map pers re(ue how the deuill vſeth the good creatures of god, te oure- own deſtructiõ.foꝛ riches. are 7903 creatures of god, but pow . fee datly Hoty men abufe them, how they fet thew beartes be - port thenr:forgetting god and their ofvn ſaluation. Wherfore (as J ſaid befoze) let not this affects take place in pourbars. tes, to be rpche:labour foz thy lpuing,and pape to god:then he fil fend thee thinges nece@arp:though be ſende not areat riches, pet thou muſt be cotent withall: for it is better tobaue | a fuffictent lyuing,then fo haue great riches. Sherfore Baz lomon that wiſe king deſired of god that be fwould ſend hint - nepther tomuch,n02 to little:not to much, leak be ſhuld fall. tuto proudeneffe, and fo deſpiſe God: Hot tolitie, leaſte he fhould fall to ſtealyng. and fo tranfgreffe the law of Gov. ‘Sed libera nesa malo, But delyuer vs frome euyll. his eupll, the wifters take itfo2 the diuch:fs2the deuili is theins ſtrument of all vl:lpke as god is the fountain of al goodnes, fo the deuill is the ogginall roote of all wickednes. Therfore when ine fay, Delpucr vs from cull, wedefire Cod that he. wyll delyuer vs from the deutll,and all bys craftes, futtels S ties, and inuentions, where Myth be Intend th to burte ts. Gnd toe of our owne ſelues know not that wight ict 22 flop bs from euerlaſtyng ipfe : therefore we deſpee bun that be . will delyuer bs from all pil: thatistefape 5 that be teat — ſende Os nothing that mighte bee a lette o2 impediment onto — bs, 03 Keepe vs front encriaftpnafeltcitpe .. Qs ſor anen⸗ faumple + There bee manpstwhiche whan they bee ficke, they defpre ef ODD, fo haue thep2 bealthe,fo2 they thinke rfthep mighte haue their bealthe , they woulde doe muche Nowe | M.Do@or Latymer. ; Fol.¢a : Pol gor ſendeth them their helth, but thep by andby forget all thetr pꝛomiſes made vnto god befoze,and fal ditto al twice kednes. and horrible finhies So that it bad ben a thouſand tt mes better. fo thent to hauẽ bene ſicke Fpl, then to haue their bealily. 02 whanne ttzeys were tn ficknes, and afiliction,thep “galled vppon god, thep feared him: bat note they care not fo2 Hii, then deſpiſe and mocke him. Pot therfoze leak any fuch thing ſhouide haopen vnto bs, tee deſpre bint to delyuer te front euill:that is to ſay, to ſende ts ſuch thinges which map be a furtherance vnto vs to eternall felicitie, and take awaye Auch thinges which might leade bs from the fame. here be ſome which thinke it is a gay thing to auofde po- ~gertp,to be in wealth, and to line pleafauntlp: pet fometpmes ive fe that fuch an eafp lyfe geueth vs occafion fo committe all wickednes:and fo is an inſtrument of our damnation. Polve “therfaze whan we fap this pater, we require god, that be wil “be our louyng father, and giue bs fuch thinges which may be a furtherance to our faluacion,and take alway thoſe thpnges Which nay let bs from the fame. Now pou haue hearde the Lowes pater, which (3 (ag Jtold ‘pou)the abridgement of al other praters,¢ it is the ſtoꝛe boule “of god. #02 bere we fhall fpnde all thinges neceſſary both ſor ‘our ſoules and bodies, Therſoꝛe J defire pou molt hartelye to reſorte bither fo this ſtoꝛehouſe of Cod, feeke here what you lacke, and no doute pow thall fynde thinges neceſſary fo2 pou wealthe. | Bn the gofsel of Mathew there be added thee wordes:quia tuum eft tegnum, & potentia, & gloria in fecula feculorum. kor thyne isthe kingdome, the potver, and the gloape worlde without ende. Ainen. hele wordes arc added, not withoute ‘caufe:fo3 like as tue fap, in $ beginning: Dur father, fienifi- ‘eng that be toil fulfill our requette: fo at the ende fue conclude: faving: thine ts the power tc. fignifierng that be is able to belp Os in our diſtreſſe and to graũt our requeſts. And though theſe ‘be great thyngs, pet we nede not fo difpaire, but conſider that He is 1020 ouer heauen and carth that he ts able fo do fo2 va, ⁊ that he wil do ſo, being our father, and being lord and king o⸗ wer all hinges. ZH hevfoze let ts often refeste hither, aud call * J.iii bron To line pie fantly is dangerous Thelordes .. praleris gods ftoree houfe, Nore this reafen,and be not effé ded atihé rat vfeto ende the Lords prai- er fo. Certaine Sermons made by vpon bint With this prayer, in our Chꝛiſtes nante: fo2 he lo/ Marh.3, ety Chꝛiſt and all thoſe which are in Chat, fo2 fo be ſaith: Hic eft filius meus dilectus in quo mihi bene complacité ef, This is my welbeloued fon, in who FZ haue pleafure. See ing then that god hath pleafure in him, be hath pleafure in p pair that be hath made: ¢ ſo when we fay.this pater in bis name With a faithful penitent heart, it is not podible but be - Wil heare 03 and graunt bs our requeſts. And truly it is the greateſt comfort in the world, to talke with god,tocall vpon him in this pꝛater, that Chri buntelf bath taught vs:foꝛ tt taketh away the bitternes of all afflictions. Thorow prater we recefue the holy ghoſt, which ſtregthneth and comforteth bs at all tymes, in all trouble and perill. Quia tuum eſt xegnum, & potentia, & gloria:Foꝛ thyne is kingdome, the power, and the glorre. The kingdom of god is generall thoꝛoughout al the world: hHeauen and earth are vnder his dominion. As ſoꝛ the other kynges they are kings Kincesace. in Dede, but to godward thep be bat Deputies, but etticers:he hurgods only is theright king, onto bint onelp muſt and thal ail creae deputies, fures in heauen and carth obep, and knecle befors bis mates ftic. Therfore haue euer thisin pour hearts, what troublee calamities fo euer ſhall fal Dpon pou fo2 gods woꝛds fake: it pou be put in priſõ, oꝛ lofe pour goods, euer fap in peur bear tes, Tuum eft regnam, 11620 god thou enly art ruler and go⸗ nernour, thou only cant and will helpe and deliuer bs from altrouble, whan it plealeth theesfo3 thou art the king to wha ai things obey. Foꝛ(as ¥ faid befose)all thother kings reign by bint, and thorough him, as ſcripture witneſſeth: perme - Prouer.8, xeges regnant,thoꝛough me kings ſaythis poayer wi gaodd faith and penitent beart,is a facrificium laudis,a facets - The facri fige of thankes geuing. Ce were wontte haue facriiciane ficeofthe mille, the facrifice of the maſſe, which was the moſt hearible mafle, pixtenenty, that could be neuifed,fo2 tt nas again the digs nitpo. Chzitt,€ bis palio:but this ſacrifice of thakefgeuing eurtp one ae make that calieth with a faithful heart, vpon gan in che name 2 COAT. Therlore let bs atal times wont Stermicon offer vnts 609 the facrifice ofthankeigeuing:y is to fay, let bs atal times bxon DIM, t glozitye bis wane 2* —J bps Ma — — M. Door Latywer. Fol.és inal out liuings:whã te go to bedward let vs cal Oph him, whan tee rife,lette bs do like wiſe. Item whan ine go fo our. ~ Meate and drinke, let bs not go bute it Like ſwine and beaſts: but.let bs rentember god and be thankful vnto him fo2 al bis gifts. ut aboue al thitigs wenn fee, that we bauea penis tent heart, els it is fo ne purpolesfag it is twaiften:No cft {pe ciofa laus in ore peccatoris, gen Stl! not be praiſed of a wic⸗ ked matt. Therlore let bs repent from the bottom of our bars tes:let bsfodfake al wickednes/ fo that Ine map fay this prat: Ecelefiss er fo fhe Gono? of god, andour commodities. Andas J tolde VVe may ‘vou befozs, we may fap this peater tabele,o2 by parts,accogs ſay this ding as ive Thali fee occaſion. F032 When We {ez gods name — a peer may fay: Dur father, balewyen be thy name, ‘ bent ive (ce the Denil rule, tue map fay, Dar father, hp kingdom conte: teben we fee the worlde inclpned fo wicked⸗ nes, Wwe may fap, Dur father, thy til be done. Item wha we | lacke neceſſary thinges,cither fo2 our bodies oꝛ foules, we ntay fap: Dur father which art in heauen, zeue bs this days | our dayly bꝛead. Item whe J feele mp finnes, and they trou⸗ ble ite, and greus me, than 3 may fap: Dur father tobhich art | in heauen, forgiue vs our treſpaſſes. Finally whan we toll be preſerued from all teiptations, , ; that they hal not haue the bictozpe ouer bs, 1102 that the de⸗ uil hal not deuoure ds, tue iaplap: Dur father which art tit heauen, leade bs not fata temptation, but delxuer bs front wutli: Fo2 thine fs the kingdont, the polwer,and. —— e⸗ i wer and euer, woꝛld inithout end, Sunen, Mere ¶ Here endeth the ſermons vpon the Lordes pꝓaier made by the right reuerend father in god, Mai ſter Doctour Latymer, before the righte vertuous dst, ; aand honoꝛable Lady Katherine Duchelle o sore « nfpuftolke,at Gꝛymitoꝛpe,the vereo f — our Loꝛd. NGG Re —— me —— Berecram Heluetium: J—— ian +a GS eer g Cy Pee ee = eur Certayn other Sermons prea⸗ chea by the right reuerende father in God, maſter ,Hugh Latvmer tn Lincolneſhyre, the pere of our Lord.i553. Collected and gathered bp Augultine Wernherrean Bele uctian : and albeit not fo fally and perfectly gathered ag they were vttered: pet neuertheles truly, to the firs. guler co moditie and p2ofite of the fintple ignes, Fant, who with feruentscle and diligent ree. deng, deſpre to be better taugyt s PUL euteee Thelirke Sermon, .- ay PNG Imilefactunreft regnum cœlorũ oe bomini regi qui fecit nuptias filio fuo, The /\y—~ But the cauſe which lettes bs from the celebratpng of the Lords ſupper, is this:ive baue no mynde 02 purpole to leave ſinne, and wie⸗ Rednes! which maketh-bs rot to come to this ſupper, becauſe ive be not redp nor meete to recetue tt. But J require pou fit gods bebalfe lean pour witkedneſſe, that pemape recetuc ft worthely according to bis inſtitution. Foꝛ this fupper ts 022 deyned, as Jtold vou before, fo2 our fake, to onr profites and commodities: fo2 pf ive were perfect, we ould not nsde this outivard facrament; but oure fanfour knoiwpng our weake⸗ nes and lkorgetkulnes, ordeyned this fupper, to the augmen⸗ For a re. fern apece we fhould have come municants 3* The cauſe why wee haue no mynde to com tothe cOmunion, tation ofour faith: And to put bs in remembraunce of his bes | Nefites. But we will rot come: there conte rio moze af ones, but fuche as gene the holy loues, from houſe to boule, whiche folow rather the cuſtome than any thyng els. Dur fantoure CHE fapth in the gofpell of faint John, Ego fim panis*vi- nus, qui de cœlo defcendi, Zant the liuyng bueate, whiche tame downe front beauen, Thereldre who locuer feedeth of our ſauiour Chriſt, ve ſhall not periſhedeathe Mall not prez uarle agavnſt him, his foule Hailcepartaut of his body, pet death thal not get the bictogte ouer bpin ¢ hethal net be dam⸗ ned:he that cometh fo that martates fo chat banket, deathee fhalbe vnto hind bet aw entt Gee, oꝛa dooꝛe to cuertaſting He ‘Panis quem ¢ 20 dabo caro mea eh Whe Have that ¥ Will Ceuc,ts my fleſhe byhich J wii Gene ſor the life of the tuorld, As many ag twill fede vpon bim, hall attame fo everlating Ipfettbep Hal! neuer dte,thep hall preuayle agavn& desthe: deach — nef burt them, becante be bath lott bis rengthe ‘éf we noid confider this, no doubt toe would be moze defy: ‘Tous (o come to the cemmumnten than we be: fee would aot. be ſo cold, ine wold be content to leaue Buy naughte lpuing, ‘and come to fhe Lowes table. Moly pe hane heard tohat Hall be the chictekk diſhe at this Malagdes Men come tothe com> munion of cuftome, lohn.6, VVhofoea teth Chie tes ficfhe fhall-ner . penfbes * Death hath lofte his * {ting -! °° Certaine Sermons made by mariage, namely the bony and blood of Chk. Wut nowe ‘The diacr- tie of di- Pheaviie are aithis fupper. there be other diſhes, whiche be fequeles oꝛchangynges on⸗ wherwith the chief othe 1s paudred:that is,renttfion of ſyn⸗ es, Item the holy gok which ruleth and gouerneth our hers tes: Item the ureritesof Chriſt, whiche are made ours; foz whan ine fere bpon this dithe worthilx, tan we fhall haue re milſſion of oar ſynnes, we ſhall xeceiue the-holp ghott : ate ali the merites of Chait areours, his falfpiling of the la , tg ourg,and fo Ine be {ultifies before God:and finally atiayn Rom.8. to euerlaſting life, As many therfore as fede worthilꝑ of this deſche, thalt haue all thefe thenges witht, andan the ende eucrlattyngcinfe. &. Paule farthe: Qui —— luo non pepercit. ſed pro nobis omnibus tradidicillum, quomo- donon etiam cunrillo omniano dis donabit? He twhichépas - ¥ed not hig stune fon, but gaue hym fo2 bs all ; bow thall be The como dities that © ‘come of cõ manica-- ting aright mot with hym goue vs all things alſo Therſore they that be in Chꝛrilt, ave partakers of allhis merites and benefites of euerlaſting like, wof altelicitie He that hath Chzlt, hath al things that are Chꝛiſts: Be ts our pzeferuation from damna ticube ts our contfo2t,be is our belpe,curremedic, Ta ban Wo fede byon hym, than we ſhall haue remiſſion of our ſyn⸗ Math 8. 4 geacra'l proclamatt en... Nothing is fv hormbls asilinng, nes:the ſame remiſſion of fines is toe. greateſt and moft cos foztable thing that can be tn the worid. D what acdfortable thing ts this, whan Chait faithe : Remiceunturcibi peccata, Thy ſinnes ar foꝛgeuen vnto the. And this is a ſtanding fens tence;it was not ſpoken oncly to that ſame man, bot itisa ‘ generall proclamation bnto al-bs : all and euery one that bes leueth in hym, ſhall baue forgeueneſſe of their fins. Ano tits pꝓꝛoclamatiõ is cried out daily by bis miniſters ¢ preachers: which proclamation is the word of grace, pᷣ woꝛde of cõtoꝛt -€ confolation. Foꝛ like as ſynne is the not tearefulleſt ¢ the moſte hom:blei thyng in heauen and in earth: So the moſte comtortableſt theng ts the remedy agaynſt ſynne: which re⸗ medy isdeclared £ officer vnto vs in this word of grace; ¢the _-polver fo diſtribute this remedy againg finnes, be bath geuẽ vnto his miniſters, twhtcl be gods treafozers, diſtributers of fhe 1020 of god: fo2 now be fpeaketh by me,he calicth pou to this wedding by me, being buta pooze man, pet be hath (ent tints me fo M. Doctor Latymer. Fol. é4 mre to call por. “And though be betheantho? of the word:vet he will haue men to be called thaough bis- miniſters to that: 11020. Wherfere let bs geue credite- vnto the miniſter whan be fpeaketh gods worde, vba rather let bs crevite God whan he {peaketh by bis miniſters and offteth bs remiſſion of our finnesby his woorde. Foꝛ there is nofinne ſo great inthis: {world but it is pardonableaslongas we be in this worlde, € call fo2 mercie: fo2 bere is the tyme of mercie, bere we map: com fo foꝛgeuenes of our finnes. but ifive ones die in finne € fwickednes, fo that tue be Damned,let bs not looke ſor remiſ⸗ fion afterwardes: fo2 the fate after thts liſe is vnchangeable: butaslong as we be bere, we map erie foꝛ merty. Wherefore: let bs not Ot faire let bs amend our lues, and crie vnto god: forforgeuenes of our finnes:and than no doubt tue thall obs tain remiſſion. ff we call tutth a faithfull heart vpon Ht, fo ſo he hath promiſed onto vs in bis molt bolp boorde. The holy fcripturc maketh mention of alinne agapnt the 7120.4 bol gy fan not Hetowgenc neither inthis Wold Gn roring 1031 nthe’ wond fo cont: And thismaketh many mé vnquiet che holy, fit their heartes zcouſciences:foꝛ foine there:be which eucy be ghoites afratde leat they haue comtitedthat fame finne agapnt the ,, holp gol, which ts irremiſſible. Therſore fom fap, Fcannoe - tel whether J haue ſinned againſt the holyx ghoſte or not:if I haue cõmitted that ſinne, know J ſhalbe damned. But tel. vou wyat ve thal do, deſpatre not of the mercy of goa, korit ig immeaſurable. Ican not denye but there is a fin againſt the! y VVe can holy ghoſt which is irremiſſible, but we can ndt judge of if) not indge afore Gand, we can rot tell hich man hath edmitted p inne whohah). dr not,as long as he is alpuesbut whan bets ones gone, tha fiancd — F can tudge whether he innedvagam the holy ghoſt or not. 2gaintt che As now 4 can tadee that Mev; Saul,anegudas, andtuch. holy I ghoft. _ like, thataicd ixfiines ‘and wickednes, didde committe this: ſyn agamdſt the bolp ghoct: fo: they were wicked € continues in their wickednes Hil to the berp ende, they made an end in thetr wickednes: but toe cannot iudge whether one of bs fin this ſinne again the boty ghoſt or not; fo2 though aman be wicked at this tihte;petbe map repent ¢ leue bis wickednes, se morow, and fo not commit that ſyn agaiuſt the holy a — J Dus ei Certatne Sermons made by ‘Our laulsur Chrilt pronoinced againk the ſcribes and pha⸗ rſſeis,that they had committed that fonne againte the hoiys Chrite ¶ gholl: becauſe be knew their knetw that thei woid -knevve the ftillabibe in their wickedneſſe, to (ye very end of their lines. heattssof ~s5ut wecan not prꝛonounce this ſentence againſte any man, rhe phatl: fo? we know not the beartesof men 3 be that fpunea nate, ( peraduenture Mall be turned to moꝛowoe, and leans, bis fous Chrits pro MES ANT ſo be faned. Further, the pro nyſes of Chriſt dur mites are (autour are generall, they pertapne to all mankynd:he made , geacrall, a generall proclamatioit, fayenge: Qui creditin me, habet _vitam-eternam, WA hofe euer beleueth in me, hathe eucrlas ſtens lyfe. Lpketwrfe fainct Paule fapthes Gratia exuperat {uprapeccatums; The graceand mercies of God ercedeth fae our ſynnes. Dherforelet bs euer thynke and beleue that the ‘grace of God his-mercpe and goodneſſe ercedeth our ſinnes. It⸗ conſider what Chꝛiſt faith with bis owne mouth: Venite Math: ad me omnes qui laboratis.&c.Come to me all pe that laboz Chit cal- are laden, € ¥% willeaſe pou. Mark bere be fapth:Comeall Jech ail voz” pes wherfore than ſhould any bony: deſpaire, or Mut out him to hia · ¶ . felf from theſe promiſes of Chott which be general and per⸗ tain to the hole wold: $02 be faith, Come all vnto me, And then agatne-be faith, Refocillabo vos, Jwill refreſche pouy pou fhall be cafed from the burthens of pour finnes, Ther⸗ foze as 3 fapde before, be that is blafphemous and obſtinate Wwicked, and abydeth in his wickedneſſe ſtyl to the berp ends he ſynneth againt the holy ghoſt, as ↄ. Auguſtine and all —— other godly weiters doo affirine’: but he that leaueth bis wic⸗ nadia A kednelſe and {prines, is-contentto amende his lpfe,and than totheende’ beleuyng in Chalk; feketh faluatton and euerlaſtyng life bp. is to fyone hym: no doubt thatman aytvonid who ſoeuer they be, thalbe Pie the Nowe pou know ata great feaſt whart there is — ade⸗ licate dyner, and the quelke fare well: at the end of the diner The late Chey haue bellaciarcertain ſubtilties, cuſtardes {ipete,¢ Delfr courte at “th cate —— ian we conse to this Diner, fo this weddyng. is fe aft, a nd. M. Do Gor Latymer. Pol.e7 and feede bpon Chri, and take his ſauſes bohich be bath pres pared fo2 bs: at the ende commeth the ſweete meate, what ts “that 2 Pary remiſſton of ſyunes and euerlaſtyng lyfe , fuche toy that no tonge can erpreiic, 192 heart can thynke: tubiche ©00 bath peepared fo: all them that cone tothis diner, and fede vppon bis ſonne, and tafte of his ſauſes. And this is the end ofthis banker. Chis banket.o2 mariage diner was made “at the berp beginnyng of the world, God made this mariage in paradile, ¢ called the bole werlde tuto tt, ping: Semen * raulietis conteret caput ferpenzis, The feete of the tuoman ideas A ‘thal vanquiſhe he head of the ſerpent: this toss the firſt cals radice, P iyng. And this calling ode vnto the farthiul in as good ſtede This marie as it doth vnto b3,tyhich haue a moze manpłeſt callyng. oe Afterivarde, aluuightle Godcallea agarn with thele wor⸗ ay braham bes, ſpeakyng to Abraham, Ego ero Deus tuus & feminss | biddé rai poftre, F twill be thy Gov, and thy (eedes of thee, Motwe to this ma what ts if to be our God: Bary to be our defender, our com⸗ riage. . - “foater, curdelpucrer and Heiper: whe was Ababanis ſede? Pary Chꝛilt the fonne of God, he twas Abꝛahams feeve : in hym and thorough hym, all the worlde fhailbe bleed, all that beleue in bynt,al that come to this dyner and fede vpon hym. After that, all the pꝛophetes their onely intent twas to call the people ta thts iucddpig. Nowe after the trime was expired, which God had apainied, he faid: Venice, parata ſunt omnia ,Come,all thinges are ready. But who arethefecals . . ders: The fil was Zohn Waptize, whyche not onely cals Ioho Bap- Aed with bis mouthe, but alfo fyetved with bis fynger; that poimted meate whyche GOD had prepared for the whole worlde. PO an He fapth: Ecce agnus Dei qui tollit peccatamundi, Lo the his Gooer, Lambe ofS DD that taketh away the ſynnes of the wezld, — AItem, Coat hym ſelfe called, ſavinge: Venitead me om⸗· Math.xi. nes qui labotatis, Comme to me all pe'that tcauaple and las boure, and J wyll refrelihe pou. Lykewiſe the Apokles cryed and calles all the twhole tuszide , as it is weitten: Exiuit fonus eotum per vniuerfam terram’, Theyz founde is gone thorough cut all the worlde. Wut J praye pou what thankes hadde they for theyrcallynge; fo2 they? labour?’ ‘Mary this, John Baptiſte was headed: Challe teas — — eli ft. cifco | Certaine Sermons made by whet — effied, the Apoſtles were killed, this teas thetr refarde for wardthat their favours. So all the preachers thali loske for tone other the; maue whica be the callers Of thefe ſauſes:their office is, Arguere mundum de peccaro, oftnegeits to rebuke the worid of ſynne, whiche no double fs a thanks. Preach ng eg o¢cupatton. Vt audiant montestuditia domini, What the: . — hngh hilles, that is, greate peinces and lordes may heare the: core iudgementes of the Lorde :they multe (pare no bodye, they mut rebake high and low whan they doo amiſſe, thep muſt ſtryke theim woith the ſwoorde of Goddes woorde: which na doubte is a thankleſſe ocupation: petit muſte be Dooue,fo3: GOD twill haue it ſo. There be many men wyich ve not fo cruell as to perſecute or fo kyl the pꝛeachers of Gods woꝛde:but whan they be cal⸗ led to fede vpon Chꝛiſt, to come to this banket, to leaue their Theexce wicked liuings, thaw thep begin to make their excuſes, as it festhae aAppeered here in this gofpell : Where the fpr Lapd, I hanes fuch vie to baught a ferme, and J mu nedes go and ſee it, Jprave thee take #9 haue me ercuſes. An other ſavd: J have bought fue poke of, leayether dren, and J gor to prone thepin, 7 pap thee haue me ercue: wickedacs fed. The thirde ſayde, F haue marieda twpfe, and therfore. Ican uot comme :and.tyele Mere their ercufes. Bou mufte: take hede that pou myſtake not this tert:fo2 after poutipard, Tete hede letter, it ſemeth as though no buf bandman, na byer og fels, yevnder der, nor marped man, tall enter into the kyngdom of ods, ghis atigkt. Therſore ve muſte take heede, that pe vnderſtande it aright. Foꝛtobea huſbandmanne/ to bee a byer or feller, to bee a “marped manne, is a good thynge, and allo wed of G D D3. ‘but the abate of fuche thynges is reproued: buf bandmannes. and maryed man euerp one in his. callpnge, mape ble and- doo the woorkes ot bis calipnges the bal bande manne map: goc to ploughe: thep mape bpe and ſell. Item, menne may, marye, but they map not ſette thep2 heartes vpon it. The huſ bandman mare aot fo applye bis huſbandrye, to ſette aſpde the hearynge of the woorde of © MD: fo2 whanne be doothe fo, he ſenneth damnably: foꝛ he moꝛe regardeth bis huſbandrye, than GDD and his woorde: He hathe au Luſte and pleaſure in his huſ bandere, whrche pleaſure ts, naught, rewarde: fo2 110 doubt they muſt he ſuffrers, thep mut take, * av M.Do Sor Latymer. Fol. naught. As there be many haf bandmẽ, which teil not come te feruice, they make their evcufes that they haue other bus fineile, but this excuſyng tg naught ; fo2 cõmonly they go ae bout wicked matters, and pet the p wold ercufle them (if, te inake them ſelſfes fauitietle,o2 at the lcaſt wap, they will dts mintſhe their fautes. Mhich thing it felftsa great wirkeds nes? (odo wickedly, ẽ than defend chat fame wickedneſſe:t neglect and deſpiſe Gods two2d,¢ tha toercufe fuck doings, hike as thefe meu do bere in this gefpell. The huſbanbman faith, % bane boughta ferme, therfore bane me excuſed: thos ther faith, 3 haue bought fue poake of oven, J pꝛay the haus me excuſed: Now whã he cometh to the maricd man: that faine feloty faith not, haue me ercufed,as the other fap, but be onely faith, Icanm not come. Wt bere itis ta be noted, that the affections of carnallluftes ¢ concupifcence are the ſtron⸗ Wufbaa- dry muſt not hold vg fiom ged, Themaried _ man faith geſt aboue all the other : fo2 there be ſome men wohyche fet al “he can not their beartes vpon voluptuouſnes:they regard nothing ele, ¢ come, neyther God nos his word: And therfore this maried man faith: Ican not come: bicaufe bis affections are moꝛe flronge and moze behement tha the ether mens were: but what ihall bee theiv rewarde whyche refule to comes Whe houſefather fapth : ¥ fap vnto pou, that none of thofe nten Wuhiche tere bydden, fhalltafof mp ſupper. Mith theſe wordes Chak our fautor teacheth vs, that all thofe that loue better world⸗ lp thynges than GDD and his {uo2de, ſhall bee ſhutte out from bis ſupper, that is ta ſay, from euerlaſtyng top and fes Hicifte :fo2 1tisa great matter to defppfe Gods iwoozde, 02 the mymſter of the ſame: forthe office of pꝛeachynge is the Officeof faluation, it bathe tuarrantes in Scripture, it is grounded vpon Gods worde. Sainct Paule tothe Boma tes maketh a gradationof ſuche ples, Omnis quicuag; in- uocauerit nomen domini ſaluabitur, quomodo ergo inuocas bunrin quem no crediderunt,aut quo modo credent ei quem mon audicranc:? Gat ts to fap, tbo ſoeuer yall cal on the name of the Lord fhalbe ſaued:but boty thal they cail vpon hym, tn whom thep beleue not? how thal thep belene on him of whom they bauc not heres VBow hal thei heare without a pꝛecher: And how thal they pꝛsacd except thep be ſet⸗ St the K.illi. length The re- vvarde of them th. refufer comic, Saint Paws les gradati cn, Rom.1. The com mendation O che of fice of prea chin. lona 3. g.Pet.r., The vvorld iudgeththe wverd of godro bee fyalith Batt Certaine Sermons — by length be concludeth ſapeng, Sites ex auditu faith commeth. bp hearyng: where pe wap pt ercetue how necefarpea a thvng it is,to heare gods woꝛd, and hopeneedetulla thing it isto haue preachers, which may —— s th? worde of god:far bp — Jwe muſt come to fateh, thorough faithe we mud bee ruſtitied. Gud therfore Chriſte ſateth himſefe: Qui eredit in me, habet vitam xternam, ye that beleueth tn me hath euerla tong lpfc. Mhen toc Heare Gods worde by the preacher, and beleur — ſame, then we ſhall be faued:fos f Paule fapeth, Buangelium eft potenta det adfalutem omni credenti, the. gofpel is the power of god bute faluation,to all that beleac: the gafpel preached ts gods power to the fatuation of all bes leuers:this is a greate commendation of this office of pꝛea⸗ chyong, therfore we sugyt not to deſpiſe it, oꝛ litle regarde it: for it fs gots intrument whereby be worketh faith in oure heartes. Dur Sauiour faith te Picodeme: Nii quis renatus fuerit,ercept a man be boꝛne a new/, he can not ſce the kings dome of god. ut howcommeth this regenetation: by beas ryng and beleapng of the worde of god:fo2 fo faith f peter - Renati non ex ſemine mortali corrupubili, we are borne a ne we, not of moptall fecde,butotinmmo:tal by the tyo2d oF - ov. Likeivife iaule ſaxth in another place: Vilum eft deo per falritiam predicationts faluos facere credentes , It pleas - fed god ta ſaue the beleuers thorough the fooliſhnes of preas - chyng. But peraduenture pou wel fap. Wi bate hall a prea⸗ cher teach fooliſhnes⸗· No not fe,the preacher when he s | right preacver, be prcacgeth not fooltijnes, but be prcacheth the word of godzbut ttts taker fo2 fooliſhnes the woride e⸗ ſtemeth tt for a teifpil: but boty focuer the wold efiemeth it, S. Paule fageth that gov wilt ſaue hys thorough it, a- Here Jmyghte take orcafion to inueigh agaynſte thoſe WwWhichoe litte regarde the office of pꝛeachyng which are wont Dauid tra XBeid not his fue vvittes to ſay, what nede we ſuch pꝛechmas euery caps Baue J not Tyue wyttes, JIknow as tell what is good oryll, as he doth that pꝛeacheth.BSut Jtel thee my friende:be not to haſty, fo⸗ whãthou haf nothyng to follow but thy fone wyttes, thou Tyalte goe to the deuvlt wyth them: Dauid that: holpe Pro⸗ phete ſaide not fe, be truſted not his fiue wittes, but he ſadd Lucer: M.Doétor Latymer, Fo! 69 Lucerna pedibus mejs verbum tuum domine, Loꝛd thy word is a candell bute my feete:bere we learne not to deſpiſe the worde of god, but highly tp cllemett,andreucrentlyto heare it:fo2 vᷣ holp dap is oꝛdeinẽd, t apointed to none other thing, but pᷣ we ſhould at that day, beare ths word of god, ¢ crereple our felues in al godlines:but there be fome which think that this dap ts o2depned only fo2 feaſtyng, deinking, oꝛ gaming, 02 fuch fooliſhnes, but thep be much decefued: this dape was apointed of god, that we Mould heare hts worde, and learne his latucs,and fo ſerue him:but FJ dare fap, the deupll hatht (The riche vfe of the \holy daies. wo dapes fo muche feruice as vpon ſondayes 02 holpe dapes, | {which fondales are apointed to prcachingjand to heare gods. molſt help wo rde: therfore god faith not only in his commaũ dements that we fhall ab&apne from working; but be fapth, fanctificabis thou thalt balow:fotbat bolpdap keping ts nos thing els, but to abfcin fromm good workes, and fo do better SInozkes, that ts fo come fogether,and celebate the commu⸗ nion together, and bifite the ficke bodies ,thele are holy. dats workes: And foz that ende god commaunded bs,to abſtayne rd bodily works, p we mightbe moze mete apt to do thoſe workes, which be bath apointed vnto bs; namely tofede our Holydaies vvockes. a foules With bis worde, to remember hfs benefites,¢ to geue bint thankes,and to cal Spon him. So that the holy dap map be called a mariage daye wherein we are maried vnto god, which day ts berp nedeful to be kept. Che fooliſhe commen a people,tiinketh it to be a belly cherre day, and ſo thep make ita furfatting daye:there isno wickednes, no rebellion, ns decherp, but ſhe bath mot commonly ber beginning vpõ the holp dap. Tic read a How mthe 1s. chaptter of the booke of $- Mumbers, That there was a felow wohich gathered Kicks bps the Sabboch dap he was a deſpiſer of gods ordinances and lawes: ke as they that nobo a dayes, qo about other bus All mif chiefbegin ; acchenthe - boly dates. Name.ig. fines, whan they Mould heare the worde o God, and come fo the common prayer, whiche felotwes trueipe bane nede of fauce;to be made more luſtier to come andfede vpon Chak than thep be. Now Moſes andthe people conſulted with the — lord, what thep ſhould do, boi theuſhouid punt that felow which bad ſo tranſgreſſed the Sabgth day:he ſhall ope fayth eit 9B. God vvil pu nithoae day. Hie.17. Plagues cheeatened to fuchas profauethe saborh. The faboth day is gods plowiag day. Certaine Sermons inde by god.which thing ts an enſample fo2 bs ts take hede, that fue tranlgrelſe not the lat ofthe Sabboth dapsfozthongh con punith 0s not bp and by, as this man was puniſhed, pet be is the bery (elf fame god, that be was befoꝛe:and wil puntſh one Dap eptier bere,o2 els in theother worlde: where the pus nifhinent ſhalbe euerlaſting. Likewiſe in the 17.chapfter of the prophet Hieremyp, yod threateneth bis fearefull twzath € anger vnto thofe which do p2ofane bis fabboth day. Again be promiſeth bis fauour,and all profperity to. them that will kepe the belp dayes, layeng: painces and kynges thal go thos rough thy gates,thatts te fay:theu fhalt be in p2olperity ta Wealth and greate eflimation amongef thy weighbours. Qs gayn, pf pe tot! not kepe my fabboth dap, J with kypndellia fpre in pour gates ;thatts to faye: J will defrep pou, F wp bꝛyng pou to naught, and burne pour cities Lith fice, Theſe wordes pertain as well Dnto bs at this tyme,jas they pertat⸗ ned to them at their tyme:for god hateth the oufbatlows ug of the Haboth, as wel noſw as then:for be fz and rematneth fil the old gad:he toil haus vs to kepe his Saboth,as well now as then:foz vpon the Saboth day goddes fede plough goeth: ‘that ts to fay, p miniſteryx of bts woꝛd ts crecuted, forthe mi⸗ niftrpng of ods worde is gods piaugh. Now bpon fondates god fendeth bis hufbandmen to come and tyll, be (endeth bis callers,fo conte and cal to the wedding, to bydde the geſtes, thatis,alkt the world to come to that ſupper. Dherfo2e forthe renerence of gov confider theſe things, conſider who calleth, namely god:confiber agate who be the gefles,all pe. hers fore J cal pou in gods name com to this fupper, halow p faa boty dap:that iz,00 pour. boly day work, com tothis fuppers for this Dap eas appointed of gad to that end that bis: wow ould be taught and heard: preferre not pour olune befines therfozs betaze the bearing ofthe trode of god. Remember the fazy of thatman which gathered fickes spon the holye Dap: aid was putts death by thecanfente of gods where god fhelocd himfelte nota cruelhgod) but be wonlde ocue a war⸗ nyng bitte the whole worlde bythat wan twat alt — ſould kepe holyvfhis Saboth dav· Fett eth * almighty euerliurug gov gene, vs grace toline * this M. Dogtor Latymer. g) Folge this miſerable woꝛlde, that we mape at the ende come tothe great: Sabboth dap, tubers there ſhalbe euerlaſteng ioye and gladnes, Amer. "The feconde Sermon of Mailter atpiners, Math.5. confediffer.&c. Chen Felus ſaw the people be twent bp into a mountaine, and than be was lette dotwne, his difciples cante vnto him, and ke opened bis mouthe, and faughte thent faping: Bleſſed are the pooze tn ſpirite. Merely beloued in curfautour Chriſt, JIhaus to tel pou at this prefent tyme of acertatne poigrimage, which mape bee talled the chriſten mans pylgrimage: but pe ſhall not thinke that J wy! (peke of the poptth pilgrimage, whiche we were wontto vſe in times pal, in running biter ¢ thither to M. John Sbome,o2 to our lady of Malſingham.Ho no, J Wil not ſpeak of fuch fooleries, but J wil fpeake of fuch a pylgri nage, wich our ſauiour Chik himielf taughte bs ; bepng here preſent w bs, with bis olyne month. Thertoꝛe wholoes ner wil come fo thecternal felicity mut gothat ptlgrimage, els he (hal neuer attaine thervnto. Cum vidiffet autem ture bas, Gal hen he (aly the people, It apeared by thend efthe 4. of Math. that our ſauiour had walked thozoughout all Galt ice, ¢ had Don many miracles: (o that the fame of bint wet tho roughout al the coũtrey: And there gathered a great nũber of people together to bere him:he ſeyng the people how hungry they were, conucted hintlelfe into a bighen place: ¢ bis diſci⸗ ples came bitohim, and $e taught thent, butnot only p oils ciples but alſo the whole people.foꝛ uke ſaith: docebat aus diéte populo he preached vᷣpeople hering tt. Itẽ, & turba ad⸗ View autem leſus turbas afcendit in montem & cum mirabicor fip do@rinailli?,and p peaple meruatled becauſe of hig doctrine:hobo couldtyer niarueltf they had: mot beard tts So it appeareth that Chꝛicte made bts fermon not ouelps: to his diſciples, but alfote the iobole people, pet ſpeciallye be» Aneceflary pilgrimage taughthis diſciples, ta thatend thatthep might teach afters: — wardes to sthers,for be taught them {uch doctrin whiche he would haus taught al the whole worlde, therfore be fo dtit> gently taugdte thent.fo2 though he made many ——— thee Certaine Sermons made by — there. fi.fermons, the ore in Mathew, and the other in Iohn ought to be regarded moffeaboue all othere: fo2 they cons ‘mealevliee teyne the ſumme of a ch2ifttan mans Ipfe. Nowe our ſaui⸗ in sh $ contei our fepng them ſo bungry, that dothe he? Che C uange⸗ e Uff ſaith: Aperuit os ſuum, he opened bis mouth and taught achritians them: Dure faufour dypd not onely fende out bts apofties to pꝛeache and teache the people, butalfo he opened bis ofone * uth, and taught the people b's owne felfe. Which acte of ourfantor, ts tothe repꝛoch of cur loꝛdlyx prelates: which in a maner Difoaine to preache theym (clues, in thetr olene perſons, but they thynke tf to be ynough to haue one oꝛ toa pertainyng vnto them, tobiche preache in thet trioces , thep them ſelues beyng occupted in worldly bafpneiie: our Sas utour dyd not ſo, he opened bis olune mouthe, and taughte the people. Certainly this enſample of cur Sautour ought better to. be conlidered of our prelates than tt is: ſoꝛ thep be not better than Chk was. Chrilt hath Cent them, and giuẽ vnto them a Commiſlſion to pꝛeache: whe rfore diſdain they than to open their mouth, and teache the people z feing that “our faufour hym felf taught : boty will thep be evenfed wha they fhall make accompt faz their opnges : What hall be their reward fo3 their Mouthfulnette 2 Pe doubt euerlaſting damnation bangeth ouer their heaves, Motive our ſauiour openyng his mouthe, what taught he. thent = Wary be taught them a pilgremage, the chriſten mãs pilgremage: And this isa geod and truc pilqremage that be: taught, fortbis pilorcmage ſtandeth notin runnyng hither: and thither: Po vio, this ts aright pligremage, but thereis : range geare in it: pea ſuch geare, that pig Mould fap it of: my owne head, pou would not belene wie, pou wold fape J ‘pes fo2 it agreeth not tuith oure mother twitte , toecan not compaſſe thts geare with eur naturall tuft: therfo2e we muſt conſider toe foeaketh it, andfo captivate cure reafon and witte, to the wiſedom of God. pot Chak the cternallforw of God, he teacheth vs this pilgremage: Of wich god the ; father. him felfe ſaythe: Hic eft-Glias meus dilectus,in quo» miht bene complacitum eftjipfum audite t his is any well beloved ii in he am aH beare bpit, * thanu « “M.D6RorLatymier? | Fol.zr chan that the almightye ged commaunded vs to heare hym, fue ought not to regarde his doctrine litle, to eftcente and bas Ve mot Dut ſauis ur ſayth Beati paupetis Weller be the pooze, this — miles. ſauiour fapeth Bleſſed are the poore: uke hath iro moze but thefe wordes, Bathe abdeth Spirrcu tn H ſpirit. Theſe ditt. miles,o2 dats ioꝛneys, map be called Par⸗doxa that ts to fay, fice'of preaching, as tuber be compared the kingdom of heas The King ru left — — 4 Certains Sermons made by Euangelizandum pau peribust miſit me, He hathe ſente me fo preachs the Golpell winta the pore, becaute the pooze hath moꝛe pleafure in it: theriche moen cõmonly regard ft foz noe thing: therfore (tis a wanderkul thing that ſuch terrible thin⸗ Tes ave weitten of rich men, and pet we ſeke al to be riche, € Ieis met eal them bleſſed ¢ happy that be ſo. ut pe herd Hpon fondap css cs laf was, howe that thele riche fermers made their erculess tehrous, {BED Would not conte to the banquet, which God bad.prepas tobe rich red ſor them, becaule theicxicheile apdletic them.:-thererog é rpihetle are called thornes in ſcripture. As tor an enſampie There be tio wais to a toion,the one ts playn and ſtraight, thother ts full of thornes. Nowe be that goeth the plain wap Agood & ſhall fooner come to bis iorneys ende,than be that goeth the milttude thorny wap: go ft is moꝛe eaſper without ryches to come to 5 one hauen thai with riches: but dur nature is fo corꝛrupt that ive ned. euer defire that thing that may do bs harme. Jwyll wot fap Marke &utmenmap baucriches, € many geod men bane bad great this you richeſſe, petriches mut be bad cum tremore, With feare : fog riche men jt (g a Dangerous thing to haue them: they be but burthens, thep that haue them be but bailittes and felwardes ouer the, they mutt make accompte fo2 thent, And therefore aboue all thyngesrpche men mul haue infcethe memoꝛie this ſcrip⸗ ture: Diuitiz fi affluent nolite cor apponcre,, Mhan riches come Dypon pou, ſet not pour barfes bpow them: ble them. fo The ende ſuch ende as God hath appointed: with pour copie belpe the ee I {opic.of the pooze miſerable people: and this is our duetie vento ge to d5. $02 be thathath riches and belpeth.not the pore with⸗ There be all, but layeth thea bp foꝛ him ſelf: he is a thefe befo2e god, theues though he do come rightly and iullely by bis goodes: for be cats Se, both not his ductic:he botthdraweth that fromthe poore that des trulp, Bettaiiteth onto thent.foz god requireth of the riche to releue "and belpe tye pooze with bis richette: when be noine doth it not, the weiters call him a thete. Here ve ſe what a burthen {tts to haue riches, therfore let bs not be fo gredy ouer them: yeharfort and When We haue them, lette bs rememb2e.that ive bee but ofpoore gods ſtuardes and diſtributers of bis-treafures. beblefled . 33qumulk mark here, thatour ſauioꝛ whan be fatth,. Biet⸗ (cd be che poore: he commnedeth not the friers pouertt sthat fae | M.Dodor Latymer Fol. 72 ſame wilfull pouertie: but-tf pou be come to porertic fo2 con⸗ fetinz of Chr, than thou art bleed. Againe, fam aryche man, the fire cometi) ¢ taketh alway mp riches. As Job was a rich nan,but what hapned: hts enemp came ¢ tokealvay : ‘aitogither: (elle map this dap be rich, and to mio20 we may’ ‘be beggers:for the riches be chaceable bnto bs, but net vnto god:foꝛ God knoweth what to whõ he wil mene thé? o2 take: them alvap again. Poly wban | come to pouertie by chaces : fo. that god ſendeth pouertie vnto me:thã Jam bleed whay take pouertie wel vartyautgrudging. And therforehe added Spisicu, in {pirite pits, to take (t in good part with a faithful) wert knowing that god fendety p fame onto vs: fo that wha We conte to pouertie bp fushe chaunces, oꝛ by perfecutionss .. fo that J -catte not awaye my goodes wilfully as: the fryers”: . widpadicd was aicaning ofriches deuiſed by cheir owon min des: butels he that doehe his vuſines accordyng vnto his cal King, and thai god endueth him with pouertie, ict bi take it with ioy and gladnes:for theſe bleſſings which Cheiſt pos —— miled bate os here in this gofpel chall lightopon him ther oy is a. foe take it fo, that pouertie is a bleiſyng whan fhe. is takett 5 )-(cing with agaithialihert, ells in dede it is to no purpoſe, except it and how pꝛocede out of faith. Be not egre therſorꝛe to haue viches/ and aor. wyhen pe haue them that god ſendeth then; fet not to muchs by them. For Cheiſt ſaith:it is bard foꝛ a rich man to conte te heauen, ſpeaking of thoſe vohich fet their herts vpon riches x. wyich men in vene be bety idol aters: ſoꝛ they put their hope Novy tich crud and contidẽce in them fotbat wbhatfoiener thal happẽ sg ‘they thpnke they wil efcape, hauyng mouep; & fo thep make : money their gady which ts amok icked and abhomtnable ching inthe ightof p Loꝛd. Foꝛ god Wold haue vs to. hang Spon hym, to truſt tn byms be Wwe poore o2riche +s If we be riche, we ſhuid not ſet one hearts vpon riches:if we be poore Ins ſhould comfoat out ſelues with this Scripture, Non eſt inopia timentibus eum They that feare hym thal not lacke.: Hob the ſeconde myle oꝛ days ioꝛney in this pilgremage is this: Beati quilogent, quoniam ipſi conſolabuntur, Bleſ· —— fen are thet that mourne, for ther ſhal haue comfort. weafter ney or. aur reafon eſteme the bappy oᷣcan make merp in this — mile. 5334 Cortaine Sermont mide by but our ſauiour contrary wiſe pꝛonounceth then bletted that mourne and wepe in this. worlde: We ſeeke all to be in that: caſe that we might laughe and be merp; fo; we thinke that to be a great bleſſednes:but sur ſauiour pronounceth them bleſ⸗ fed that wepe. And therfore ſcripture ſaith, Melius eſt ire ad domum luctus, quam ad domum conuiuifjatts better to goe fo the mournyng houſe, thaw te the houſe of banquetting:ſo⸗ be that goeth to ſicke folkes,it thalbce.a good admonition; it {hall make hym to. con fiver: the fragilitte: and weakenes ‘of mankyndoe, and ſo tyre hym vppe tantake redye, and not to ſet much by this world.S. Paule ſpeaketh of to manner of ſorowfulnes/the one is worldly, ᷣ other is ghoſtlv, the world lye ſorowfulnes is withoute faithe:as the wicked whan they vVhat weepe thepare ſorewefull:vet this comſort of tehtch Chriſte mourning here ſpeakethis not promſed vntothem Claw wepte whau itis that Jacob begiled ham, but his weping twas without faith. gras — lye happye are thole that haue muche occaſion to weepe and Son. ed waile:for Vexatiodat intellectum vbexatſon and trouble mas keth vs to know our ſelſes, and techeth vs to leaue ſinne and wickednes. There be many which be in great nulerics, thut | Hut of thett houfes;o2 inſyckenes. oꝛ other troublertha vx Hall tomfostthemnicines with this blefpng; which Ch dur fas uiour promiſed vnto them namely thep albe fure thet thep fhail bauc comfo2t,and retiefe of thew mifertés, forbe will not fuficr them to befurther fenipted then thep Malbee ablé to bearcsand thew in the ende they ſchall Bane euerlaſting 66) foot. It is a notable anſwer that abrꝛaham maketh to the rich⸗ man, when be lap in hellity tyre, My ſonne (faith be) Rece pi⸗ fti bona in vita thou batt receined thy good dayes tn thplptes -tpme, note thou ſhalt be puniſhed: Wut Lazarus hathe had Vve mut miſertes, and calamities:and therefoze be hall beecomſfortes 8 frome goin. So toe muſt learne to be contente to qed fro m wweping Ch cad to laughong, front ſorowe toete rnallceliccty: but vxe munue tirlt ſutker bere, we may not go froi the one kelicity tothe es ene felic: therstherefose ſ. ierome ſaith, that he is adelicate ſouldieur eiecoan that wyll not ſuffer ſometymes miſeries and calamities. other. Cherkoꝛe let bs be content withit let vs beare them Withee fartbfall heart elswe haltnot attaino o apis — 3 tte J M Deer Larymer, > Fol. 93° the miferies that the gadlefe haue,operantur martem,the p worke their atone deſtruction, and euerlaſlyng perditionsfes they can not beare them as ahey ought to doe:the murmure The diuer and crpe outagaynite god:but the godly whan be isin miſe⸗ fries of vies he taketh greate profite by tt, for milerles dꝛrue by to 7m leaue ſynne and wickeones:and to repent fo2 that which be rb bathe done agapnite god. here pou mare perceive no we that thep that wyll haue comfozte muſte goe to that pylgrimage, they mul tatte miſeries, and fo at Fhe ende they tall Vang iz) uerlaſtyng comfoste,, 2. - 2; ' - Dhe thirdemileo2 tapes —— is this. Beati mites $ quo pp eres niam inketitabunt tecram, Bleſſed be the meeke lor thep foal —* inherite the land. This meekenes is ſuch a thing p wholoe⸗ dais ious uer bath ber, can be quiet in al thinges:be that bath ber wyl acy. not auenge hymſelte. Wut pe mutt know there bee tivo mas ner of vengeance. here is a priuate bengeance,€ thereisa * publique bengeance, the publique bengeaunce is alloted of God: the patuate is forbiaden,fo2 god ſayeth to euery pꝛiuate " mat, Mihi vindictamego retribuam, Let me hauet tie bens geaunce,and J wrllrewarde ft, Whar anye mandotheme Wwꝛonge, J thall 52 may not auenge me, nor pet defpze in mp bearte to be auenged bpon hym⸗ Jbeyng a patuate man and “nota magiſtrate. But there is a publike bengeaunce, thatts “the magiftrates,thcp mutt fee that wongdoers be puntthed, 75 ma: “And rewarded accordyng to their mifbebaucours . But Iger of rev mape tot avenge my felfe. Foꝛ Jam bleed tohen mp good véges,the ‘fs taken from me iw20ngfullp,and Z take it tell. For Cheiſt oo : lanfat “fapeth in heritabunt terram; thep (hall inbertte the lande., be et big “that fo2 goddes fake leaucth bys lande,o2 bis goondes: he jsutau, ſhall inberite the lande:ſo be thall with leuyng the lande tne herite the lande + but what hall 3 dos when my good is ta⸗ ken from mez Aunſwere; goe to goddes promiſes, whyche vve mun are Centuplum accipiet , be hall receiue it agayn hundreth goo togod tolde. The publike vengeauuce is committed vnto the magi⸗ des pro- trates, God.commaundeth vnto theim to pumtche the tranſ⸗ mils. reſſoures:and again the lalbeeaker or miſdoer ought ta · ber. and Latter the puniſhment gohiche the magiſtrates hall aed — ning: ‘faz (ott is wgitten, Auteres —* emedio bo * pul Rares, ma Certaine Sermons made by puli. you halt take awaye the pll front amongelt the peor ple. So pe heare how that ue maye not auenge cure felues iwhen anye man doeth bs wrong! pet fo; al that,this taketh: not awap the liberty ofthe vſe of the law foꝛ a chꝛiſtian man mape qo to the law, and (eke remedy, pet toe mul take hede that fue go not to auenge oure felues vppon our nefahbour;: With a bengeable hearte: nor pet ſhould we not go with a cor uetouſe hearte,to gette ought of our neighbour: elles it (s . — chtiſten laaful to vſe the law whã tt is done with a charitable heart. 3 out beach of mp fapth to godward:but — * go to the how: © Pulfition in diſpeire of God/ then this goyng were a wicked govpng.So Flay, when tue til go tothe lati; ine mule bes ware that it be done charitably, net with a vengeable mynd: fo: whoſoeuee ſeketh to be auenged be ſhall not be bleſſed of god. Agayne whoſoeuer fuffcet) teLonge at hys neighbours hande, and taketh tf willyngly, be chalbe bleiſed of god. Theeatis An enla nple we haue in Joſeph/ his brethren ſolde hem pleof fo amd handled him mot craelly and tprannoullp, what dio he? feph to be he toke it fopllpngly without any reuengement : what ded folowred god2@ary he fultilled his pꝛomiſe inberitabuntterram they ofvs. thal inherite the lande. Therlo re be made him lorde over al Cgipt, this did qos, ard fo he wyll do vnto bs:butour heart — is ſo porſoned With the poifon ofmaliee, that we thynke we Thoulde be vndone, when we Hould not auenge our felues, buttbep that haue the (plrite of god, and to whom theſe biel: {pages pertapne,thep wylbe charitable, and pet vſethe law when neceffitie tall veq upze fo, but they well doe it weth a gobdlpe mende. * Terram, they (hallinberite the lander fome erbounde the ‘Lande fo2 eternall lyfe, but it nrave bee vnderllanded of thys Wworlde f0:fo2 thep that be pactent and beare and fatter, God wyll rewarde thent here in this world and ponder to. Adip ye haue hearde what we thal hauc when we be meeke ſpiri⸗ fedilet bs therfore ſet aſide altſtubburnes al vengeante ba- 9 ‘trod and malice ore againlt another ſo that tio map dota The + ehat'Tatd tubied Cho promi ed’ tis, Buati Giri efarianti8e Titi diisior. ‘tat iaftitia quoniaés ple — — bee they thae acy. bart 2 M.DoforLatymer, Fol.s4 hungre tthurl after rightuoufiies,fo2 they thalbe fatiffied, hele wordes be expounded diverflpstt may be vnderſtãded fo, Wleſſed be they that bugiger and thurft that fs to fap,that haue fo yreat deſyze to rightuouſnes, as bungrp man bath to bis meate and dapnke. Some erpounde tt of the iuſtice of * the (oule:fo2 the faithfull be cuer bungry 5 ‘they ever thpnke - thep be not tell, they be ſore bebind the hande:and fo do not p bppocrites, fos thep hane opera fupercrogationis thei haue upoen fo much that thep are able to (cll brite other men to:¢ baynge tes baue them to heauen: But J will erpound thefe wordes fo. Ther ** that hunger,be thep that fufter wꝛong: toꝛ when a man ſut/ O° 7 fereth wong and tniurics, be bungreth and thiriteth tobane {uffice,to-come to his right:fo2 it isa common faping,amone | 3 -gett the people Whe lay is ended as the ma is frended. POW . 24:4 10 he that is ſo iniured and wꝛonged and hath a godlye hunger cdifiing, aud thurſt to rightuouſnes, he ſhalbe ſatiſſied in this worid, and isther ‘and in the worlde to come be thal haue euerlaſtyng liſe. En⸗ fore tolle ſamples we haue in (cripture.. Joſeph whan be was ſolde to zante . Potiphar that great man, be twas a fapze poung ff now bis matters Potiphars tyite Aepng bis beantp,ca€ her -loue bpon hym, in fe much that be could be no tubere but the _ ‘cane after him: but Joſephe fcarpng Ged refuted ber, and would not committe {with ber the filthpe acte oflecherpe. : Wat bat fols weth, the wente by and by and made an onte crye -€accufed bpm, as thougbe be would bane rauiſhed her· o at the length Joſeph was cak into prifon, where be hungerd €thorf after-rightuoufnes, after iuftice,p (s be twas defire? Lofcph ha . to bane bis right:yetfo2 al § be toke p mater tel ¢ godlysbe 8°" af dir ‘fought not fo2 vengeance: we in our own kolichnes ¢ mother coa ‘ Inittes eſteeme them bleſſed, that can bfethe matter fo; that the lain may go with thent,that thep map bane theouer han: * thep are. calicd bleſſed which beare the ſwinge, which are not ~evercifed with trouble. remember Ired once a Hore ofa/a hitory - bitbop which came toa rich mans boule; where he had good fa bit. - chere and the. goodman in the hauſe ſhewed hym all bis tps fhop. · ches and profpertties, bis goodly wife ¢ bisfatre childzensft . oy ſummathey lacked nothing atall, be himſelfe hadde neuer bene fickesthe bithoppe hearyng that thought inbps nipnde) «<=: pit ZL, it. no Cettaine Sermons made by ‘fo doute god is nothere: and fo counmaunded his fernaunte fo make redp tye horſes, and bp and by wente hts way. when he came a little far of fromt the houſe, be ſendeth bts ma back aza‘n to fetch a booke, which was forgotten bebynde, toben- the ſer ant came the houle was funke. Ho we fee that world⸗ iy proſperitx maketh vs to forget god, and in the ende to bee damned xacoh that holp tran when he ſerued Laban bis vn cle and father in laiwe, what wronges had he: bot bninfte: ⸗ Ipe delte Lavan with bins No dont he had great hunger and tharkeafter rightuouſnes:thetfore Gad fattfited bys appe- facob thir tite,fo2 hebleted hym, and en tiched bym wonderkullye; a fed fier gafitite Labansmpnde. · There be felw of fache ferua — HCE. would folloty the enfantple of Jacob. This J ſpeake to make rightuoul gin a papes as Jacob boas: and though bebada ticked mats fter,pet be ferucd hym truely: Jwouĩde initheall feruauntes. me. roupatient in tribulation,and te fp2re bp in poua hunger ~~ -qxib thurtkatter rightuoufnes, pou heare botve Fofephe was - vlelled tt bearyng godly the miurles which that —— wo⸗ — Bidbhtobiw:. © Dauid hot Dautdalfa D twhat good rerute dydde he vnts *4 te modal after spauile? yet Saule wente aboute to deltrove bpm, thynke'ye ‘ighteour Mot Daud huugred and thirſtedafter rightuonfenes ? Ho. 5. Doute he dydde, pet he might haue auenged hinilelfe, bathe wold wotsfo2 he had this meekenes of which Cheriſt ourfaute our fpeaketh here, Aad fo confequently inherite the land ac⸗ coroens vnto bis promiſc. keklee “ol veati miter. ſracs quoniam ipſe miſeriebraem —** iile or quentur, Bleſſed be the nrercifull fo2 they hall obtapne mer: ene isut epg: Jwell not tarve longeheventspou knowe whrche bee. the workes of mercye. J tas hangty laveth Chritte, 3 was ‘naked: Mathew 25. Dhereisa ghoſtely mercy: whiche ts,to admoniſch thein that bee in erroures: to bꝛynge thepnr to the xrghte wayre. Item to koegeue thenrthat doe me wong? this. . is a mercye, anda needetull morcve: and therefore they that wylbee cruel here, lo that they wyll not lorgeue vn⸗ ototheps neyghboures they? taultes lette thepnt not locke ats fon mertpe at — — xFoꝛr fhe muſte bee mer talaa cxyłull, lauynge, and —B———————— our neighbour when, , _ sath M.Do@orLatymer. — Fol.7s whan we bolll obtain mercy at gods hands. Wut this ſemeth mercy muh now as though mtalefactozs ought net to be put fo deaths be⸗ cauſe god requireth mertyes Syꝛ peut mule vnderſtand that be merciful gor requireth priuate mereype, fo that patuate menone ſhall ‘forgene bute theother:but (tis an other matter tuith the ma⸗ giltrates, the kyng and all other magiitrates are goddes oftis r ; \ cers, they muff do accoꝛdyng as god requireth them to to. he Aauh: Auferes mala ¢ medio populi,nec mifereberis ci, thou falt take alvay, thou fhalte reote out the pll, (them that bee. “gtalefactours)fromamongefl the people:and hee not mer⸗ aycoitrats cy vnto them. Bere tere a place to intreat of miniſtring of may nor * fuflice,tfthe audience were thereafter: how tuftices of peace {bew mere ‘and other magifirates dught not to be. bolfterers andibearers yin iudae ‘With wickednes, but punth the malefacteurs accozdpng to their seferts:V x qui iuftificatis impium, wo be vnto pou that tuffifpe the wicked:to iuſtifye the wicked, ts not to puniſhe bo abominabiles coram domino, hethattultifieth the topes ‘Ked, and hs that condemmeth the tufte,thep are bothe wicked and abominable beſore the 103d. So that magifrates ought “fo punity finne and wyckednes, but pꝛiuate men, one ought to ſhew mercy vnto another:that is, he ought to forgeue tobe any man bathe done hint bas ne:and fo be hall haue mercy at gods bande. . —D——— Beate mundi corde quoniam ipfe videbunt deum, Bleſſed be the cleane of beart:fo2 they thall fee god. By theſe words ment. - the m: Et qui inftificar impium & que condemnatiaftum am Aleffon for iuſtices. we may percetue that we fhall not looke to ſee god, to ſee our The ſixt felicity, whan ive be impure of hearte. Me can not come fo “that inſpeakable top and felicity which god hath prepared for his, except We be cleane in our bearts:therfoze Dauid know “png that leſſon, ſaith vnto god; Cor mundum crea in me de- us, O god make cleane my hearte within me. Wut pe wyll Aſxke howe thall cur heartes be purified and cleanſed. Aun⸗ mile ordats iouraey. f Iwer, Fide purificantur corda,thazaugh fatthethe heartes of Eaithe puri menne ninffe be cleanfed. They that heare God des wos 2he and beleue that fame to be true,and lyue after tt, thepzibears tes thaibee purified, and (o thep thal fee G DD. — Where be tive manner of feepngof G MD M:aslengeas = . L.iii. fos eth the maz ty N Certzine Sermons made By " agilds fene we bee here, Wwe muite fee hom by laythe, in beleupnge in faah shee hym: vonder Wwe fall fez byin face to face holvebets , there. thisiife fare bezleue here, and fee there. gn afoitappeareth,that he. facecoface that woll not beare goddes tyo20, and.beleue. the fame, that bps beacte map becienfed, he thal not ſee god. Beati pacifice quoniam. ipfe filti Def vocabuntur, Bleſ⸗ The ſtu?ch fcdbe. the peacemakers, ioꝛ they ſhalbe called the chplazen of mile ordais Gor, Were is an other tourney. Where ts a law in Deute, . iouzacy. where god fapeth: Now erit fufurro nee calamniator in popu. lo. Where halt not beea daunderer o2 th: fperer amongeſt pou whiche are my people. Wut ¥ tell pou thys lave ts not hieptesfo2 there bee a greate number of thofe, whyche {peake fap2e weth thep2 tongues, agthoughe theo-wouide creepe whifprrers into a mans boſome, "bat bebpnde hys backe o2 before ether be pecee men thep betrape hym, they lye vppon hym and doe ali thep breakers. canne to bryng hpi out of eftimation: theſe wh: ifperess bee, — peacebꝛeakers, and not peatemakers:fo; the dincl bapngeth his pakke coca, fuche fclloines, thers be manp.. ſache in Cnglande whiche fell fale tales of others, topos. mote themfelucs Wwithall:thele be the chlozcn of the diucil, and uo doute the druill hath manychildren in the worlde. The hĩdor % Woll Melee pou an enlau mple: There teas ene Deeg J⸗ SE Der. Teh Duitteus,a ſeruaunte of Baule the'bynge . be was princeps Idonuce, pattorum, the maifter ouer bisheardemen. Fhan Tauid i.Reg. 22. flpeng fort Spaute,came te the pricfte, Akeueleh, terp. buns shi, Toads grpe and Wwerps,and therfore deiprcd ſome meate, tie Pet hauyng none atherb? ead: but paa:s propofiuons, the holve bead: of that he gaue,Dauty and aficr that he cane him the ſwoꝛde of Goliath, wyome Dauid hadte kylled before. Holy , thps.Doeg bepage tyere at that fyuiz, lwha! doeth be? ipke + a whiſperer 62 utanplea‘er goeth to Baulethe kyngeend. * tolde prsipain: 3 the pstette bad refreched Dauid an bysiours | tip, and had. geuen bitte bpm the ſworde of oltath: SAule - hearyng that, beange in a greate fury, fente for atl the prie⸗ Sesanrthep: wyfcs and theyr chyldzen and flew them all. _ Docewis Thrs Deeg nowe that wislperer was not a peace maber, apsace- -bufapeace o2eaker: and therelore nota chylde of G Dh, breakee. Sut oft3e diuell. J caulag teli pou of ſone other Dorges. of ; other — Me DoAor Litymet: | +" Fol. 96 ether twhifperers, fer Jhaue knotwen ſome in my tyme but all fuche are the chy lozen of the deuill, thep are not Eoddes children: for Chriſte our{guioure called thoſe Goddes chy le Buen, that are peacemakers,not them that eutte thetr neigh⸗ boures thoate. Sceyng nowe that it ts ſo good a thrnge'te be a peacemakerslette all them that bein (upericritpe inde- — hourthemfelies to be peacemakers: let the andlordes Hew 2 1.75 Ge thefelues to be peacemakers, when they bere of contentions |aadclords Sy tndfo2 them ¢ Here theps matters, and make hym that ts faultye to bee puniſhed, arid fe let them be peacemakers:but there be fome gentlemen tit) England, which thinke themſelues bosne to nothyng clics but te haue good cheere in thys worlde: to go a haukynge ‘and buntpng : J would tithe they woulde indeuour them felues rather to bee peacemakers, to. counfaple and healpe Ales for. podre men,and tohen they heare of any difcozd to be betwene 4! gélemé. neighbours and nefghbours to fetthem together at vnitye: this woulde bee rather thep2 exerciſe than banquettpng and ſpending the tyme tn vayne: But they wyll faye, it isa great payne and labour to meddle in matters, to be a peacemaker. &p2 pou mufke confider that itis a greate matter to bese -ghplae of God: And therfore Wwe ought to be contente to take paynes to be peacemakers, that-tve map be the chyldren of god. But in matters of religion we muff take heede that we haue ſuch a peace which may Kande with god and bis woꝛd: fo2 itis better to haue no peace atall, then to haue it wyth the loffe of gods worde. In the tyme of the fire ‘attitles there Peaccin po tp: tbut be would | petie is nor 7 the right vnitte. Saint } or ape ẽth: Sitis vnanimes,beof one mynde: but he addeth Secuns rath Jefum Chaitunr, accordyng te Jeſus Chpifte,that is, accoꝛdyng fo geds holy word, els it were better warre thar peace: we oughte neucr regard tity fo much that we wold ‘g2 thould forſake gods tezde fo? ber fake; when Wwe were in peace, popery tye agreed Wweliberaufe we were in the kingdom of fhe Didell, we tere in blyndnes. In Turk wwe beate not of anp orltention amongel 1he,fo2 religions fake. The sews e ue ta Difccntionamsae tt the, L. titi, bipnbes Be notde. cenmed by the faire f{hevvof peace, VVe may notlofe truth for psace. The eight | mile ordais ipurney, A gueftms. germay be nappy · Aa itineral vvherin the way to hea nen is fet forth plain ly &> a. Certaine Sermons made by bipndenette han the rebelles were Op in Norttolke and. Deuonhhire, they agreed ail, there was uo diſſencion: but. their peace was not Secundum Iefum Ch riftum,accozdpnge- to Felus Chriſt. Therfore &. Hilurte bath a preatie ſaping: Speciofum quidem nomen eit pacis & palchra opinio vnita- tis-fed quis dubitat eam ſolam vnicamEcclefix pacem effe. que Chrifti ett, It is goodly woꝛd peace, and a faire thing | Anitie: but who doutes but thiste bethe onely ryght peace Hyt the churche, which peace ts after Chit, acco 2bpitg te bis - loue aud charities. but fo. thatit mape ſtande with goolines, | Foꝛ peace oughte wot to be redeemed iaQura vericatis, with loffe of the truthe:that we wold (eke peace ſo much, that fue - | ould lofe the truthe of. Gods woꝛde. Beati qui perfecutio- nem patiuntur propter iuſtitiam, Bleſſed be thep thatfuter. pertecution fo2 rightuouſnes ſake: foꝛ theirs ts.ths kyngdom of. heauen. This is the laſt iourncyx, whan ue, be deman⸗ Ded of our faith, and examined, and atterwarde be fo2ced te ~ beleus as they wyl, whan we come to that. popnte: Bleſſed are tue whan we ſuckre rather all extremtties than forſake thetruth, pea we ſhall eſteme it to bea great bleſſednes wha - Wwe bs in fuche trouble, And not onely thts, but vho ſocuer ſutkreth anx thing ſor any maner of rightuouſnes fake: bleſ⸗ ſed is he, the quefimanger deyng oͤprichtiy his duetie in of chargpng of bis conſcience: nots he ſhal haue diſpleaſure, happe ts he:and he thal haue his rewarde of Cov. Beati cum maledix exint vobis homines & dice. Bleſſed are pe whan men ſpeake vil of yous, Gaudete quoniam merces ‘Weltta multa eft, 8c, We mexie becauſe pour reward is great in heauen. Nowe pe haue heard bohiche ts the way to hea⸗ uen, Bhat maner a pylgremage Ive muſt goe: Namely firt bp ſpirituall pouertie, bp hunger and cthirſt after rightuouſ⸗ ag, by mekenes and lenitie, by wepyng and waylyng, by pitie andanercpfulness Item we muſte haue a cleane hert: Item we muſt be peace makers + Item we mulſſe ſuttre tris. bulation eae a Ahan Gall the ende bee, Merces véftra cru malta in i calis, pounrelparde ſhalbe great ti beas uen. Merces fois wadroe Sooners toons iw fhouloe ag ; Pt hy ot merite / J M.Dodor Latymer. Fol. 77 merite fomtobat bp our owne woorkes:for reward and mes rite are coꝛreſpondent, one foloweth the other: tuban Jhaue merited, than J ought to baue my retard, But we hall not thynke fo:fo2 pe mull vnderſtande, that all our workes are imperlect: we can not Doo them fo perfectelp asthe lative res quireth, becauſe of our fleſhe tobich ever letteth bs. Mher⸗ forcis the kyngdomeof god called than a rewarde: becauſe it is merited by Chꝛiſt:foꝛ as fouchpng our faluation andes Chria hath ternall ipfe, tt mutt be merited, but not by our ofne wor⸗ merited for kes, but onely bp the nterites of our faulo2 Chꝛiſt. Therfore vs. beleuc in hym, tru in bint: it is be that merited beausn fo2 , vs:vet fo2 all that cnet nian fhall be rewarded fo2 his good Wworkes in euerlaſtyng lyfe : but not with euerlattpne Ipfe. FOIE is Wwaltten, Vita eterna donum Dei, be Tartatine ; Ipfets a gift of god. Sherfore fue (huld not eſteme our wor⸗ kes fo perfect as though Ive fhould o2coulde merite heauen . by them: pet god hath fuch pleafures in fuche twoskes which lve doo with afaithfull heart:that be peomifeth to rewarde thẽ in euerlaſting ipfe. Now to make anend, I defire pou in gods bebalfe,remébze this pilgremage which J haue taught pou, fet not lyght by it:fo2 itis our faufo2s owne doctrine 5 be with bis owne mouth taught bs this pilgremage: whan iy? will now folowe hym, and doo accordyng as be teacheth bs, than ail thefe blefpngs,of Which mencion is made, thal. lyght vpon vs:and in the ende we ſhall obteyns eucrlafing. ~ Ufe. which graunt both pou aid me, God the father though. * onely ſonne our ſauior Jeſus Chꝛiſte. Amen. Cte tira Sermon of maſter Latymers. | Epheſ.cꝛ cap. E cxtero Fratres,confortamini in Domino, &e: an potentia virtutis ius, indaite vos- armaturam a9} || Dei, Dp bretherne be ſſrong tw the Lorde, and. PSS thozcugh the power of bis mpghte, put on all = thearmour of G DD, that pe maps ſtande aa geen all the aſſaultes of * deuxll. Foz wee weaſtie — againſt Pauices- keth mutter of goddes people. lob. 7. VVe may notlooke forioye here and heafe to. A fimili. tude, The firfte pointe ofa Chrutian fouldiour, eee | ta, Certaine Sermons sale by againt blood and flethe, but againt rule, again potver, a gaink woaldly rulers. Sanit Paule thatelect inſtrumeate of God, taketh) muſter of gods Warriors : andteacketh chats few people to warre,telleth them plainclyp that thep muſt be warrioꝛs, as itis wꝛitten in the boke of Job: Miliuactt vice hominis fuperterram, The life of amaw osteoma tenothing ells but a twarfare,tt ts nothing but a continwall battailyng €lvarring. Pot vere long agee Jentreated of a ptigremage ¥F told pou ath tyme of p herp godly egoklp p:lgrentage, ¢ fucha pilgremage, tobich all faints whilſt they were in his Wwozld walked: they went al to ¥ pilgremace:but itis a hard pilgremage,an vneaſy way to walke: but we mul nedes go tt, there is no reme die, either wemuſt go that peinful pilgres mage/ oꝛ elsneuer go to heauen:foꝛ we may not go fro toy fo fop and pleafurc, but from ſoꝛobo and miſerie to felicitie : pe map notlookete haue here qeod cheere, and poder euerla⸗ lating life: fo2 me may not looks fo2 topand ioly cheere a€ bothe ſydes. We haue 19 ſuch promile of Chꝛiſt dur ſauioꝛ: he promiſed vnto bs that we ſhould be ſuſferers here tn this Wwo2ld, and than in the world te come we thal baue lifeeuces — latting : therfoze lett bs be content, fo3 though it bea harde iorney, pet there halbe a good endof it. Like as whan a mã goeth a great iournep, and laboreth very fore, butin the end he cometh to geod chere, than all bis labour ts foꝛgotten: Oo we ſhall come at the end to that felteitie whiche no eies hath ſene, no cares bathe heardenoꝛ bart percetued, whiche Gad bath prepared fo2 hts elect. Now bere in this epiſtle S.Waule telleth bs of a certapne iwarfare: he taketh muſtre, not only of the Epheſiãs, to who this epiſtle is ty2ttten, but allo of bs which be chriſttans: foz all that is required of thent is required of be. The firs point that pertaineth to this wartare tg fo be ſtrong and bardpe : ¢ this ts acomanventent,as who fap, pou that be chriſtiãs that be baptifed in his name,that loke to be faved thozow Cheiſt, Jcõmand pow beſtrong/ pe map nothe weaklynges: foꝛ pe muſt fight bard, therets neither man wse2 Woman but they mut kyght, thep mull conte to that battatle, and we may nots be Wweaklings, becaule we bane afrong cntimye: nowe be ae hs that —* M.Doddor Latymer. _ Fol.78 that hatha trong and mighty enemie, ought not to be toeak and fearfull. Foꝛ if be be, be ſhalbe ſoone ouercome and base quiſhed. Thertore faint Paule woulde haue bs ftrong, that we map beable to fightaqhint that fearefull enemie the Des uill. Wut fo2 all that faint Paule told not haue vs to Land ‘ to our obne ſtrength, to think te vanquiſh this mighty ene⸗ mie by our olvne polwer oꝛmight: Mo not fo, foz When we put oure hope in our obone firength, we thal foone be ouer⸗ cone, be thall hane the victozfe by and by ; we fall put oure hope truſte and confidence in god, and truſte thozoly Chat our ſauioꝛ to ouerconte this ennemie. Me maye not doo as ene Afar d{d, whom bis father fendeth foosth with a compas ny of mento warfare, geuyng bint goodand holfom leſſons and inſtructions that be fhould put bis hope and truſt tn god at all tines, then be ſhould haue lucke: Aiar anſweted and ſayd vnto his father, It is nota great matter to get the bics torte Sith the belpe af god, pea the fearefullef anv weakeſt mat can get the victerie whan god helpeth hym: But 7 toll gett the victorie with my olone ſtrengthe without the belpe * of god,¥ am able to fight:ſuch blaſphemies Hake this Arar, But we hall not doo ſo, as be dydde ,.trufiang in sur -olpne Crength : fo2 tear we d00, we (yall conie to Hezt, we fhal lofe the bicto2te,fo our eternall deſtructtion. B. parle farth: VVemnft nottroftin ourowne ftreogth. The blaf- phemy of Aiax. Confottamiai in domino, Weſſtrong tn the 1620; Wwe mo€ ; be ſſtrong bp a berewed ſrength: for we of our obone ſelues are te ucake anb febie : Therfore lette Os learne where we fhcli-fctehe avr Ercnsth, nameiy (rem aboue: fo2 we haue it not of our obneſclues. soiwe be ſayetha Put on all the hermips of Godryou know that whã a mai goth towarre, x andis harneſſed all about, except at one place: Iſ his cne my ſpie tis bare plese, be weundeth bpm as ſcone as though he had no harne Le at all ; therfore &. Paule cõmanded ds, that Ape fhati haue the whole armure, nothyng lackyng; fo2 we Map not To With preces, hauing one thyng, andlackpng the ather. Foꝛ whan we be wounded Wwe ſhal do but iiie gsod after. Mherfore doth S.wWaule requtre (uch Krength ¢ ſuch ‘Soespons, a teacheth hs to fight -Anfiver: to p end that we Map quencys ¢ pulldolune p deutll,p we mar Cringe againe Bn Oui ſtrẽgih Is from aq boue VVemutt iackeno parce of are mour, The caufe vvhy Saine Pau! wold H2uevs oe fo Certaine Sermons made by . oe tobe ar · hym, left peraduenture be onercome vs and being bs nda , red and ger of our fonles:fo2 ve know, in battall as long asa maftas Wweapones. ‘seth be ts well, be bath bope to efcqne : but as fooneas be is botutt, then be is in teopardy of bts Ipfe. So likewiſe as long as tue and and fightagatnt the dincil, te are tel, but wha {ne fall then we ave indanger,lelt he get the bicfoxpouer bs’ therfo2e he would haue vs to fland agaynſte the aſſaultes of the diuell. Pow pou muff confider tobat maner an enemy be | is that fighteth again vs:and firſt confider his power:ſcrip⸗ Iob.Aa1. ture faith Non eſt poteſtas, there is no power in earth, whi⸗ che map be compared vnto hys ppwer. Nobwe that ſtronge felow ts gods enemy and oures/ therfore ſ. Paule biddeth bs to be ſtrong ¢ armed round absut:but fo de on dur obbn bare — neis, that ive may not:but we muſt do on the armour of god: ae’ wych be hath apointen fo2 vs: therlo re Ine mutt not learn oF se vurthar the deuill to fight, be Mall not teache bs to battatl:fo2 tf tere wemuite likeas whan we wou agatutt the Scottes, and hadde put on. none other harnels but as thep apointed vnto vs. Ic doute Vve may pt ive were in that cafe, thep woulde appoint ſu i | : oth wea. | £02 09, that thep might get the bicfo2p,. and geue bs an oners — throwe . Ho whan we houde fyghte againũ the diuel, and deull vvll Had none other weapons, but as he appointed vnto vs. pa appoint ys. doute he would ſoone geue bs an ouerthꝛobp:foꝛ he woulde appoint weapons wherwith we could not ouercome him and withſtand his power. r.Peter.5, Further the diligence of the deurllis expreſſed and decla⸗ vnto bs by the mouth of S. weter whichs fareth; he goeth as bout lyke a roryng lyon, fecktng whom be map dewoureshe : The deuill vVſeth al craftes and deceytes, he compalleth the matter hither : appliechhis and thither: tpl at the tength be boingeth bis matters to pales matrers, fozbetsno fluggard,no feeper noznegligtt:but be applicth 7 | bis matters and bufinedies to the vtiermoſt. Now that he is Gene.;, lauttle, it apprareth tn bolp ſcripture. lor fo it ts written: Ser- pens erat calidior cæteris animalibus,the ſerpent was wiſer then the other beaſtes were. ere apeared his wyttes, ſuttel —J ne a ties and craftes, cuer that-be hath bad a great and long tyme lovexeraife £9 exercyſe hymſelt toithall be bath bas fpne thoulande fpue % hundred and, 53. peres,fuch along tyme be hath had to - | ; cy Ks ee ext : oy dsaymble ‘la cœleſtibus in — * — one ' " oules FON ‘ - + ) M. Do Aor Latymet: Fol: i foules ave called Volucres coli,the foules of the heaurn,tint Palm, | is in the partes of the ayꝛe, here amongeſt vs. So the diucil is here amongett vs (nthe milddeſt parte of the aire, redy cuce to mone hs again ged: w Nloeuer he can eſpye bis time, be The devill fpareth not, be lofety no tpine. Gs fo2 an enfample, when the lechk a0 ‘ -peutis perceine one to be giuente ſwearing and curling: thet“ ener miniſter maticrs Bite bpm, toretapne hym in bis curs fig, € to pricke him foztward: tebe thep perceiue one to be ge “ nen te proudeties,thep ever inoue bis heart to go fostwarn tit $ ſame: tobe thep fee 02 perceiue anpman gens to carding 02 Diciiig,02 (0 [echerp,o2 to other maner of wickednes: He Mee? peth not, bets ever redp at had:fo2 be hath a thouſãd wats to hurt bs, and to bring bs to miſchief:in fo much p we ate not able to Lande againt hint, ben we haue not gods weapõs wherewith we may ſtrike him. Therfore ſ. Paule faith, that we mul fightagainf rulers, he deſctibeth vnto bs the great power that the diuel bath:fo2 what is mightier then rulers 7,1... and pofentates beztherfoze fo the entent that we might per end pine “eine bis mighty power be named bim by that nante, to that Paule ge. * “endeto make bs earneſt to put on the arntours,and take the ueth fuck “Wweapons tobich god bath appointed fo2 vs:els we thal ſoone °2mcs to haue an ouerthrow:if we will take ſuch weapons as the tes the diuell. uill chall apoint vs, as be bath Done tit times pall. Foz hat Atrut and confidence haue we had tn holy water, and bolpe The wea, bzead: Item in ringing of holy belles, and ſuch foolerieszbut Fes it was good (poste fo2 the diuell:he couldlaughe ana be me⸗ ys viehaue rvye at our foolifhnes:pea,and order the matter fo, to kepe vs vs vie. tit the ſame errour. #02 we read tn Movies, that at ſomtimes the diuel toc tatwap froin fome men, becauſe of the holy wa ‘fer,as though that bolp water bad fuch ſtrength and pober The furrel- * ‘thathe could not abide it. D crafep deuil:he went away, not cic of rhe coꝛ feare of the bolp water, but becauſe be would mayntaine devil. men inerrour and fooliffnes. And no doute it was the des uils teaching, the bfing of this holye water. It was not long ago, fence % being with one of mp neighbours that was fick, ‘there came in an old woman: Gud when he fain the mã ſore A good me fick, He afked whether there tere no bolp tater fo be gots dicine fora tenzfee bere the foolitynes of the people, whiche amiddes in “cke man. , J P the — allel Certaine Sermons made by . — — thde light of gods moſt help word, will foloww fach phantaſies ebeluſtons of the delhi pe kaow whan there was a foot o afcareful wether, tha weriny p help belles: p holy belsthep | YD £33: m beles. agamdtthe aeupl! (02 that he myghte be put away thoroughe tyeyr fourdinoe doute we would ſoone baniſh bint oute ofall England. Fa; Itheynke pl all the belles in England chould bee rongen together at a certayne boure, Ithynue there would oe almoſte na place, but ſome belles might be Hearse ere, And fc the diuel ould hauc no abpaing piace in Eng fan) pi ringing of belles would ſerue:but it is not that that: wyll ferucayaind the diuellipet we bane beleued ſuch teole⸗ The deuil Tesi trmes paſt, but it was but mockeng: tt was the teae taucheys SPPUT Cee deuill Awd no dout Wwe Loere in a mſerable caſe rohice:ho wyan we learned of thedeupll to fight agamſt tye Deupll, ly bsues. And Holomuchare tye bound to God, that he bath deliuered bs froin thet groſſe ignozances, and bath taught bs boty we. ſhould fightand preuaile agavnſt this enemie. wetitisa pix vVe deſite tikall thing to ſe that there befor amongeſt vs, which wold fooleries taine haue the old.faoiries again:they are awery of the woꝛd move fas gf God, thep can notatoay twit) tsthey woulde rather haue i hela g haue their crofpugss, and fettyng bp of cantles, and fuche Ag aultory, foolries then the weeꝛd of Dan. F was ones calied to sue of, my kinffolge ; it was at that tymme Wuhan 3 had taken tegree at- Cans loge, and was made maiſter of art, J teas called( J fp).to one of my kynſtolke, which was very ficke, and died immediatly after mp comming. Mov there was en oldcous fon of myne, which after the nian was dead gaue me a waxe candle in my hand, and cõmaunted me to make ccttain croſ⸗ fes ouer him that was dead:foꝛ he thought the teat! ſyauld runne alvap by and by. Mow F toke toe candell, but Icould not crofe bint as-the would bane me to doo fora badnenee - — ſcene it afort. Moke he perteiueng that J coulde not deo it witha greate anger tooke the candell out of mp gande, faps wmerhal enz: It is pitie that thy father ſpendeth fo much menep ops goacfolés pom thee, and fo fhe toeke the candle, and crofled and bleſſed buichsle. him, fo that he was (nveingugy, Ho doubt fhe thought ye the = J M. Dodor Latymet. rol.ꝰꝛ * the deulll could have no polwer agatutt him. This ¢ ford ike: things wer nothing but illufiens of pᷣ deuil:yet fo2 al that we putour truſt fo in thent, p fas thought we could not be ſaued without fuch tyyngs. Wut noty let bs geue god moſt beartis “ £hankes, that he hath deliuered bs From ſuch Mares and illu⸗ lions of thedenypi: ¢ let ts endeuoꝛ our (clues moſt earneſtly to heare gobs moll Solp word e fo live ater if. Mowe to the armoꝛs, here is the armoꝛ of gods teching fo2 man € oma. Ahen a man ſhall goe to battaile, commonly be bathe a great girdle with an aporne of maile goyng vpon his knees, than he bath a bet plate:than for the nether parte be bathe bigh ſhoen:and than he muſt haue a bucklar to keepe of bis enemies Erokes:tha be muſte haue a falette wherewith hts head may be ſaued: And furallp he muſt haue a ſwooꝛde to fight tuithall,and to burt bis ennemp, Theſe are the wea⸗ pons that cõmonly men ble whan they go to warre:of fuche wiſe S. Paul wold haue bs to be prepared. Wherfoze wwholo euer wil go to this fpiritual war, ¢ fightagaint deuyll, be mutt haue fuch wepõs, truth, iuſtice, redy to here gods tus2d faith, faluation tt gots woꝛd. They vᷣ be-armed in fucly wiſe p deuill can nothyng do again then. Asit appered-tn the — bolp man Biob, whome the deuyll coulde not tempt further than he had leaue of God. Wibherbp we gather, that whã Wwe Lande to gods armour, the fall be able to quenche the alfaultes of thts old ſerpent the drutl. pow the firk point of this armoꝛ fs truth veritie: front which truth the deuill is fallen, be and all his com⸗pany. Fo2 itts wꝛitẽ, in veritate non ſtetit, he abode not in the truth, He tras fu the truth, but he ſel krom it, he remained trot in it +802 with lieng e falfhode he decelued sur grãdmother Cue wha he deſited her to eate wt p foꝛbidden fruit:aifirmyng € mol ſurely pꝛomiſing vnto “her (x hec huſband Adam) that they ſhold be gods after thep had eaten of theapple, which was a fals lie. Therfoꝛre it is wWlttẽ of Hint, Mendax ct, & ei? rei pater, He is a liar, and a father of vᷣ ſame. D that all tars fold cõſider that an hor⸗ ‘thle thing it ts in p face of god to tell faiſe tales, they bau tauſe to be wery of thep2 eſtate: for the deuil is thetr father, and thep be bis childꝛen. Truly it is an pil fauozed thing to bz M.· li. pica i, 23) ae a 4 The partes ‘ofarmour and weap? lob vras wel armed Vyith lying. the deun > decciued man, The deuil is fathery lyers, i. J — Certaine Sermons made by \ bethechploe of the deutl:fo2 the deuil geucth an yll rewarde to bis chilozen, euerlaſtyng perdition is their tnheritace, wht... che they thal baue of their fathey,. Cum mendaciam loquitur Many fore ex propiis loquitut, then be (peaketha tte, he ſpeaketh of bis _ fentences olui,fo2he hinfelf is nothing els butfalfhod. Dthercbema.. — again iy rp fore fentences tn {cripture againſt lpers,andfaistaletels — oP lers. Dauid faith, serdes omnes quiloquitur mendatia, thou ile deſtroy al them that (peake lpes. Therfore &. Paule erhoztety 0s. to this truth, to leaue lyes and falſhode.he ſaith Fpheſ.4. Depolito mendacto.verizatem loquimini quiſq́; cum proxi. ~ mo (uo, Set afpoe all lyes, and ſpeake thetruthe cucrve one faith bis neighbour. Jpꝛay god tue map learnethts lefon of © %. Paule, and folowe ft, and paactife tt:fo2 no doute ine bse | fill of lpes. Confider and examine all eſtates, and pe thall fpnde all their doinges furntthed with lyes: Go fpak to ment... of occupations, conſider thew liues and conucrfations, there . is ina maner nothyng with the butlping. Goto men of aus thority, go to latuters,pou thall fynde ſtuffe mough: For it is ſene now a dapes that children leorne pretelye of their pa ⸗ All eſtates Tentesto lpesfo2 the parentes are not athamed to lye in ppe ⸗ arefullof ſente of their childꝛen. The craſtes man o2 merchaunte man lyeng. teacheth bis prentiſe to lye, t to vtter his wares with lying _ ſoꝛſwearing.· In ſumma there fs aimoſt nothing amõgeſt vs but lies,¢ therfoꝛe parents ⁊ maſters are in great tanger of eternal Danation,fo2 thep care not howe they bung vp they⸗ Norethiso Pouth in godlines op other wayes:they care not fo it. hers yetathers fore Jerhorzt pou in gods bebali,confiver ths matter, pe pas - andmo- — gents: ſuffer not pour childꝛen o lye o2 tell falfetaies: tober... thers. = pe here oncof your childee to make alye,take hun bp ¢ geus hint 3.03 4..qo0d ſtripes, ⁊ tel him $ tt ts nought:⁊ when be maketh an other (pe, gene him 65. oꝛ 8. Aripes, and am ſure ! yen pou ſecue him ſo, be wil leave ttiforttisaconund faps - Amedicine eng: Vexatio datintcileto corꝛrectiõ geueth vnderſtanding. tomake Wat we ſee no wa dais p parents rewice wha ther chi dee cã aa miake apzetp lic:thep fay,be wilbe a prctp witty fclow.beca cane 'y'8 make a pitty lie:ſo much is p werd of god regarded ambgett Likemat=r $s, Ha likewiſe prentiſes can doe nothing batlpe: and the —— Seman. etter be canne lye, the more is be regacded efvis, mater, 9 * “sat ey J M.DodorDarymers > Fol. 83 : ‘and thentoze acceptable; and therfore there twas neuer ſuche ‘falfebode as therois note: forthe pouthis ſo baought opin - lyes and falfebod: ( Foꝛ tue daily what falttod is abroade, how euerp man deceiueth his neighbor There boyl no ists tiing ſerue now adays, euery man worketh craftily with hrs meighboꝛ. In the olde tyme there were ſome folkes not aha med to preache in the open pulpit vnto the peopl: helw long ‘aman thouldlpe in purgatozte. How to defende their lyes, ‘thep fapd it was Doon to a good purpole, to make the people -afraide to beware of ſynne and wyckednes· But what ſaieth ‘God bythe prophete, Nunquid eget dominus mendatio, ve Gad nee- ‘pro illo loquaminimendacium? Pathe the Lorde neede of i cape Apes, that pe Will goand make lyes in his name⸗· You maye CTS percetuenoly how neceMaric a thing tt is to be in the truthe | to be vpright in our dealyngs. Fo2 S. Paul requireth truth not only in iudgements, that tudges thal iudge accordyng fo iy ‘equitte and confcicnce, but alfo be requireth that fue be true — ee fall our conuerſations and doyngs, wo des AND dedes. AND bees ae ig To THAT him lelfe required the fame of bs tu the... of Wath. their con, Sit fermo vefter eft eſt non non,let pour fapings be pea pea, ucrfations. no 10+ be (aith tho times pea yea, to ſignifie bute bs, that Math. 5. it thalbe with bs fo, that toban we fap pea with our tongue, vwhyChrit thaw it fhalbe tw the beart pea too. Agayite whan we ſay No ſaide yea {with our tongue,that the beart be ſo to:therfoze be faith tive YS2> 977. tymes vpea pea, no nosto fignifte that the bearteand monte “7! hall go together. And therfore it appeareth that we be tn a pitifull cafe,farre from that that god wold haue bs to be.Foꝛ there bz ſom that be fo bled tolpes, that thep can do nothing els. And as the common fapeng is, Alte ts the better tuba A proverb. ft conreth in theft mouth. Weill, J will (hel vouan enſam⸗ Ses · ple; which thalbe inough tofeare bs from lyeng. In the pote beh mitiue church; whan there was but few twhich belewed and fo 4) Hers a monglt them there was agreat menp ofpooze people:thers woe. |, fore thep that were rich vſed to fell thetr qosds, and brought the money to the apoftles,f6 that ende that the pooze might hee velitued, Where twas ſome that did ſuch thynges ſimply and vprightly with a good heart. Mow there was a certaine Ancnias man called Ananias,and bis fife called Sapdiva,thep were ‘V°S3 car ats nal chriſtiã - P. ttf, : chat - Certaine Sermons. made by: . f < ehilttians, but they ſought nothyng but worldly thinges, as VVonld to ſome of vs do now adaves:they thought it ſhould bea world godihis lykingdome:as there be many gofpellers now adayes, whe —J———— plane by the gofpel; but th: | Fragrear packernrents. otw this man Wit bis twife.feepng other (etl number of 0 cir cued neat they mould get a good name too: thex V5. woent and ſolde their landess pet thep were aicapd to bapnge: all the ntonep to the Apoſtles, miſtruſtyng leſt this religion. Mould wot (dure long: therfore thep thought it wiſdome ta. Kepefome kepe ſomwhat iw Goze, when necedhity hold require. Ciel, what fora thep go and bryng aparte of the moneyto eters and the os foals day “ther parte they keptfos themſe lues, affirming to eter that | it was the whole njonep. Now Peter bauing knowledge bp . the holyx ghoſt of this falſchode, ſaid onto hum then he came. with themaneysCur Satanimpleuitcortuym ye mentireris fpiritui ancto, How chaũced it thatthe dinel hath filled thy. _ beart,that thou ſhouldeſt ipe onto the boly, ghot-twasitt not - thy ofereqood: And thou commeſt and ſayeſt it is all, whan {twas but a parte: dlon hominibus, thou bak notiprd tute | Kigiibie men, but vnto god. Gi bat fololwethz Ananias hearpng that - example. by andby fell doune and died ont of handesfothat &.yoter - forlyersto Billed him with bis wordes. After thathis wife came g toide takeheed the fame tale, and receiucd lpke reward fo2berlye, Pow y . bys: = poap pen tobe bath ſuch a fiynty.and ſtony hearte that world not beafrapde to make lyes: But what meaneth tt that god punicheth not lpes ſo openly now as he did than⸗ Aunſwere That god punicheth not lpes now, he dothe not becauſe be bath a delite in lyes, more at this tpmethe be had at theſam Thecanfe tyme,/ lor he is an immutable vnchangeablegod. e taryvech why codpu: and puniſheth not by aad by, becauſe je woulbe haue vs to eifhethact repent and leaue: pure wickedness iyes and⸗ kalſehode: pf we * a wyll not repente; then be willcome one daye and make an as * entde with vs, and reward bs accogding onto ourdeferuing, *And this is commöly our nature, that when We haue made one lve, ine muſt make twenty other to defende that one. CThis ts nowe the fpette armour that we ſhoulde haue, — * BP: — —* tide — of . vine | * M. Dodot Vatymer.~ kya) Fol.84 lyinges, and agapnite thofe that vle lxing There be ſome that make a defẽce betwene a geſting lye ahd an earneſtelye: stig But A teil vou, it is good ta abſtayne from theinubothe, fog | — god is the truthe, whenne Wwe lorſake the truthe we foetake oy | God. Now the ſeconde weapon is to be Juſte, to giueeu·⸗⸗ rre man that which we obbe vnto hymtto the kyng that inhi the pertameth vnto hyin, to oure landelozdes what iue owe Sena ae * onto thepmt,to oure curate o2 perfor, what pertameth vnts c ey sand though thecuratebe vnlearned and notable to doe keththac _ * duetye, vet we map not withdrawe from hym of private nothing ie. authoꝛitye that thynge whichis apointed ontobymby com⸗ © eulll tpée mon authorttpe, Mo not fo;tue oughte to lotte hym haue bis — asad durtye; but when he is naught 07 vnapt to be in the place of Fn acirate;than we may complayne to the ogdinarpand deſire vv. may aAbetter koꝛ hym.So likewiſe beetwene maried folkes ;there noi requite qhalbe iultice, that isto fape,they hall de their duetics, the wrog with man ſhall leue bis totfe, hall honour her⸗ Mall notbeetigas yerong,, rous,but admonitheberloutngly:Agaphe the wyſe ſhalbe obedient louyng and kynde to wardes her huſband, wot p2os usskyng him to anger, with plland naughtye wordes: Furs luſtice biaz ther the parents onghttove wuitice towãrdes theyr children, (teal. | to being them vnpe in godlines and vertuestocozrecte thertt hc) cuicy when they do naught: likewiſe the chilozen ought to be obes onc toan dient vnto their pareits; and be willing fo do accoꝛding tus other. 3 to their commaundentent. Item the maiflersoughte to doo Juſtice bute thep2 feruaantes,tolet thom haue thetr mente and drinke,and thep2 wages: agayne the ſeruaunt ought td be diligent in their matters butines,te do them truely, not to be epe feruantes. Likewile the (ubiectes ought to be obe⸗ dient to their king and magiſtrate:agayne the kynge ought to do iuſtice, to (ce that iuſtite haue place:fFSlnally one neigh bo ure ougteto haue Jalice with another: that is,to geue bem/, what pertayneth vnto hym: not to deceiue hym fe anye thpnge, but to loue him, and to make muche of hym: when ioe do fo, thenare for fure we haue the ſeconde part of sl thisarniour of G O D+ Thirdely, tue mulle bee ſhoed, —— ome * —* tapes we muſte bee redy to: 0S. fit. JP Sue hl bears: We The thirde ourfhaes thatis are dines to hearethe vvorde of ged. € 01 Certaine Sexmons made By. re RN ee sents gods Help word, we muſt haue good aftectiis to heave gods worde, and we muſt be redye to make proutfion forthe furthevaunce of the pꝛeachynge of gods holy worde, as farre forthe as we be able to do. Spourall thefe tbat baue fuche lus ſtes and deſpres fo gods worde. Item all thofe that ‘are cons tenttomapnetapne theoffice of preachyvng, to fynde ſcholers to {chole,all thefe bane their, battailpng fyoen; Anbiel saint: 7 * required of them. The buck ler of fait Now whan we be thozd, we muſt haue a bycithar * ‘that is. fapty ana this mutt bea right faith,a faith accordyng bate. goddes werde:for the Turkes haue thep2 fapth;fo lxbe wiſe the Jewes Hane thep2fapthe. Item the falle Chriſftians haue thepzfapth, but thep haue not the right fayth, not that fapthe: -) gf ip) ‘ch @aincte Paule fpeaketh bere, but they hauerideny. VVhothey be e that haue this buckler. |: mendacé,a falfe faith,a deceiuable fait’), fo2 tt is not groun⸗ ded in gods {yo2d: therfore the right faith cã not be gottẽ er⸗ cept by goddes worde And the worde worketh not; bath ne: commodities, ercepte it be taken withfapthe. Qo we map trye our ſelues whether tue haue this fapthe o2 not, pf tue ye fn ſynne and wickednes, care not fo2 gods woꝛde andhishos- © lyecommaundements; but lpuc onely accordyng to our ius. ſtes a apetites;tha we haue not this faith:whẽ we be ſſouth⸗ . fal wha we be whoꝛemõgers, {wearers o vnmerciful vnto⸗ the poore, thẽ we haue wot this fatth,aslogas we be in ſuch The hel - metof ſal⸗ Batien. cufbomablefiuies, but if we heare gods. won, beleue a be cõ⸗ tẽt to liue after it leaue our ſinnes tinquuties;tha we have: that fapthof which . Paule ſpeaketh bere then we ſhalbee able to quenche thefrery arrowes of the deuyll. So ve haue Hearde what the armour ef godis, namelpe trathe, Juſtice, readines to heare gods worde, and faith: but this fapth wuſt not be onely in our mouthstwour tongue; but it muſt bee in oure handes:that ts to fap, vre muſte not onelye talke of the. —— alfa ive mul folo we it in our conuerſations and upnges. Now than Wwe mull haue a helmeta falet,that is ſaluatiõ: Whatlocuer we do we mutt contiver, whether rt may: further. oelet bs of our faluation, wohen it map let thee of thpfaluatt, on andedue it, whe it may farther thee, th? do it:ſo theeughout ali. ‘vf V M. Doctor Latymer. Fo}. 85 all our lyues tue mutt haus a refpect whether oure doynges map fande with our faluation 02 not. SIONEE —— CA ban toe are now meng armed reunde about, fo that our enemy cannot barte vs, than we muſt haue a ſwoꝛde in our handes to fight Withall,and to ouercome our ghoſtly ene mp. what maner of ſworde is this: Bary it is gods worde; it is a (pirituall ſword, which all people oughte to haue. were pe bere that all meimand women ought to bavetyat ſwoꝛde, thatis the worde of god, Wwherivith thep map fight agapnite the dcuill. Pow F pray pou, bow could the lap people haue VVe may that ſworde, bow could thep fpghte with the deupll, when al not lack . thpnges were in Latine,fo that thep couloe not bnderitana ‘bs ſwoe it: Dherfore how needefull tt is for euery man tobaue gods Wwo2d2, it appeareth bere:fo2 only with the woꝛde of God we: mut fight againſt the deupll, which deuyll entendeth daplp: todo bs mifchicf: bow could now the vnlerned fight againſt bint twhanalkthpngs twere in latine, ſo that thep might not: conte to the birderflandpng of gods worde. Therfore let bs. Only gods’ geue god moit harty thankes that we haue gods woꝛde, and wordeis’ let vs thankfully vſe the famesfoz only with gods woꝛd we ovr weapõ thal auoyde and chaſe the diuel, and with nothyng els. Our: pasty the Sauioure when he was tempted; tobat were his eapons “°” inberewith he foughte,nothyng els but goddes word. WA ban the veutll tempted him, he euer ſayeth: Scriptum eh: {fis wꝛitten:whan the deuyll Would hauc bpm to caſte hym fcife Doune fromthe temple; he ſaide vnto hym:Sctiptum eff Chriſt ouer non tentabis dominum Deum tuum, It is waꝛitten: Thou roa (alte not tempt thy lorde god, thatis to fay, we map not put oh his od fo do that thing miraculoullp wher tt may be done other yyeapon, wapes. Agapn, vponthemountatne whan the deuyll wold haus hym to worſhip hint, be ſaid Scripram eft, It is waiter,’ _thau fhalt hono2 thy god onely. So ipketutfe we multe haue “Gods ſworde to fyghte inith the deuill:and to withſtande his temptations and aſſaultes:as hen the deuyll moueth mei to cõmit adpiterp, Jmuſt tfight againſt bun with tie word oF God: Scriprum ef, if is wattten;thon thalt not commit ad⸗ ulteryx: Thou deuiik thon thalt not be able to bring me vnto⸗ dt, fo da againſt mp logde God. Solikewile tuben the a t rays UPE Certaine Sermons made by Say the aflmenets ine to make lyes, Jmulſt confoũd him with gods iis F woꝛrd..Paule ſaith:Veritatẽ loquimini quifq;cum proxi⸗ deal, ‘™mofuo — truth every oue with bis rieighbour: as Te te there is a common faping amongelt bs, Say the truthe and’ chamse the diuel, fo euerpone, man eivoman mull fighte as gapnfl the bpuel. But he preachers, we haue a greater and higher degree, ine are magifirates, we haue the ſpirituall ſworde of gedjira higher degree then the conunon peoples’ fue mult rebuke other nien,and (pares man: ouroficets to teach enery nian the way fo heaven. And whoſoeuer wyll not foloiv, but liueth ſtil in inne and wicke dnes: him ought we to firpke € not tofpare:like as John Waptiſt vid Whe be ſaid, tothe great and proude- king Berode, non licet tibi, Ste — it becõmeth not thee to do fo. So tue preachers muſt ble gods - Therhath WOLD te Hroprecttd of other mens ſins:we map noth ⸗ aucoritie rers orclawbackes:other people vᷣ haue not this vocatis may toftrike erhort euery ore his.netghbour;to leaue ſinnes:but voe haue vrich che the ſword, we are auctoriſed to ſiryke them vuth gods vuord. fworde © of “ow the lat part of this armour is praper,and J warrant gods word sot it is not left cut: fo2 tt 1s the —— — ecial wea⸗ pon, wherwith to ſtryke anqu ‘Gnd we be weake.and feele our * not able to withſtãd our enemp, we muff fall to prayer, which ts a ſure remedye to deſyre god fo help fo2 bis own (ake, and fo2 Chriſtes fake, fo2 bis peoniife fake:fo2 he were not god pf he ſhold not kepe bis promiſes therfore Chulcdinaundeth vs to pap alwais when Wwe bans nede,and no dont there is neuer a tyme but “ tue haue nevesepther for sure felucs, 02 els fo2 oure neigh⸗ Bours: therfoze to pray we haue neve and Wwe thal ouercome the deuill with fatthful prayer. Foꝛ prayer ts the principall Prayeris weapon, wherwith we mulſt fight againk the diuel. Iſpake the priaci· Of fatthful prater:toꝛ tn times paſte we toke bibling babling pall weapo foꝛ pꝛaier, wha it was —— thei Paulad⸗ deth Spiritu in ſpirit. ie muk pray in ſpirit with a penitẽt beartifo2 there fs no ma that hath an vl conſcience that doch p2av tn ſpirit:he pᷣ is tobozemdger oꝛ a ſwearer a carder oꝛ dicer/ a dꝛonkard oꝛ ſuche like; that prateth/ his praier hathe | no effect ag long as he ts in pargoteorhnniesbe tan not pap whan M. Doctor Latymer. _ Fol. &¢ tobe becan tot pray the be fs vnarmed, he hath not thefe wea ponsof which ſ. Paul fpeaketh here:but he p bath a penitent heart, is cdtent to leaue bis finnes ¢ wickednes, that fame is be whoſe praters thalbe beard. And whan we prave we MAY The myad not do it waueringle o2 raſhly wont confiderattd, our mouth: mot pray fpeaking, + the beart being occupied with otbermatters, we if vve fhal- map not da forive mud pray toith great earneſt ⁊ feruẽtues. be beard. Atthe lak when be hath (et out the properties of patcrs, the be faith fozal fatnts. Here pe map cofider that whe we know not feripture how blynd wwebe,¢ haus ben in times pall, Fo2 we thought oulp thofe to be faints ¢ helpsthat be gone out of this world, butitis notforal thep-that-beleue in our fauicur Ghz, thateal vpon his name,aud looke to be ſaued by hints 4p chrinias thoſe ſame be gots faints. al faithful Chꝛiſts people that bes: are faints, lene inbim,arefaintsandboly, . - Pol when be bath done and (et oute all his mynde, at the, lak be commeth and defireth thent to pꝛaye fo2 bint: but for caiot Paul whate Mot to get a fat benefice 02 a biſhopꝛike. No no faint did sot hac. qaule was nota hunter of benefices: He faith, prays. that J for benefi- map haue vtterance and boldnes ts (peake. And this was rer cec · uiſite fo bis ocice:ſoꝛ though a preacher be wel learned, but petlacketh that boldenes, is faint hearted,truely he hall dee, butditle good forall his learning: when he feareth men moe then god, he ts nothyng to be regarded Therfore this is the thyng that, Paule ſo muche de ſireth, to haue boldenes toe fpeake:fo2 when a prechers mouth is ſtopped ſo that he dare int hop not rebuke ſynne and witkednes, no doute he is not meete red fouldi- fo2 this office. Nobo like as faint Paule requiredthe Epheſi ouris noe ans to pray fo2 him that he may baue biterance;foa this was mete ro be moſt neceſſary for his office: Soleteucrp one pꝛay Onto gov, aptes reas € deſpre other topzayforbpnt,thathe may doe the workes et bys vocation - Asfo2an enſaumple when, he is a marved mart, lette hrin pꝛaxe vnto God that he maye loue bis wife, cheriſhe ber honour ber, and beare vaith her inſirmities. All eſtates So lykewiſe let all faithful ſeruantes call vpon God, that have needo they map doe the ductpeftheps vocation. Solpkeivpte let, ‘° *Y- magiſtrates bee fernente in prayer:Foꝛ no doute thep hauc neede, to they haue a greate charge committed — Prayeris no wille vroike. Certaine Sermons made by of sf 600, therfore thep bate the more nedest the help ef gode ped let euery good fubiect prape bute God fo? the magittrar fes, that thep may doo their dueties accordyng vnto goddes will and cõmandement. dad no doͤute thys is a good pꝛaver, whan one Fatthfull man pꝛayeth fo2 thotber: Cuch pꝛaver thal’ not bein vaine, Good till heare it, and graunte fuche fatths full prapers, Where bee manp menne tn the worlde whiche thpnke that peaper is a will ozke, fo that thep may doo ff, 62 ontitte it:but it fs not (o,thep be much decepued. Foꝛ tt is as neceſſarie fo? me whan 3 am tn tribulation to call vppon (Gad, and J ought to doo it as nell vnder the payne of Dams ation, as well as Jam bound fo kepe any of his comman⸗ dementes. By the vertuc of this commaundentente, Show {halt not feale, J map not take alway other mes goods. So bp tbis contmandement, Thou ſhalt not comptadulterte,g map not defile an other mans tuife.! So by the bertue of this commandement, Inuoca me in die tribulationis, € Call bpon Tris dam- nablenot me inthe tyme of trouble, J oughte and am bounde vnder the pattie of damnation to refort vnto god,to call Spon him, topray va- ‘fOfeke atde and belpe by bim, at his hands. Foꝛ this as tell te Godin troudle, Althis god grated for; his proms fake. ods commatindement as thother is: Lherfore F delpre pou moſte earnefly, fet not lyght by praver:remembꝛe that itis the commandement of god. And again (tis the onelp fape, Vitimum refugiam, the only belpe to come to'god, and deſire bis belpe in Chriltes name. fo bp praice Peter bepng tn pat for was deliuered. Lyke wiſe Moplſes by the efficacy of his bs peaper tent though the redde fea, be and all bis people.S0 was Grechias the kyng delpucred front bis ſickneſſe, bp bis paper. Item Clias the prophete Kopped the raine alonge tyme, and than bp praters bee boughte raine againe: It J Mould go thoretp all the fortes, which het bs the eſticacie of pꝛaeers Ihould never: haue done ? forno dout faithtull paper faileth neuer:it bath euer remedied all matiers. Fo2 tt bought to pale that whan god would deftrove the Iſrae⸗ lites, be coulde not becaufe of Poles papers: Moles letted god of His purgofe. And no dont god ſoueth tobe letted: fo2 god loueth hot to puniſh o2 deltroy the} people, atid therfore bp a prophete God complamed that there’ twas founde nota good a4 I. D M.Doddor Latymer. _ Fol. 87 . good man, qui poneret fetanquam murus, which night ſette bymlelflpke as a ſtronge walle before the people:p 1s to fap, . Ipbied wer fo ernett in prater,that God could not puniſh the - people. How pehaue heard how that prayer is a commaun⸗ Dement. we hall in euerp diftreile poape bnto Cod, faieng; Loꝛd God thou artmercifal, then knoweſt my weakenes, - Inbich bak promiſed to help: therfo2e fo2 thy fonnes fake, for thy nterctes fake,fo2 thy goodnes ſake, for thy trucths fake, belpe me and delpuer me ont of mp diffreile,fozgiue me mp | fynnes. Surely whofoeuer prapeth fo inftantlp, he ſhall bee VVe wut heard:but opottet {emper orare,tue muſt paape at al tymes, Pray arall Without intermifion, when we goe ts bed, when we ryſe in S* themoning, when Wwe goabout our buſynes, 02 tobsn tue are one bozfe back, euer praye: for a fhozte prater is able to _ bypng a greate thing to pale, as itapperedin the publican, Luke.ib. which fapd only, Propitius eſto mibi peccatori, Loꝛd be mer⸗ * fhorte : cifail vnto me a ſenner. Wherfore Chattt fateth: Vvigilate & ENN 136 orate ne intretis in tentationem, watch and pray, left pe enter b ß into temptation, that is, leit pou be ouerrome i tb tt. soo remenrber what J haue ſayd vnto pou, cdfpder what an ennemye we haue, what power be bathe, what erperic ence and praciile. Agapne howe weake be is vohen Chꝛiſte is Wit) OS: Remember the armour, tructh,iuficc,louc tathe- berpng of yous word, fatih, faluation; euer conſider whecher pour dsinges be to the let of pour faluationornet.- Remem⸗ ber tise ſoorde, though pe haucit not in ſo highe degree as We haue it, which map ſirike kuges Ae peat fee — they fran Ivete the ty020 of god, as ttappecedin Cla twbis · — che fivakethe kyng Achab Item, Iohn Baptiſt ſtroke that kings, ſturdye king Herode: Bi chey bande bene fatnite hearted they fhould not haue done lo. ut ſpecrally ZF would have vou o remember praier, whan ye be wanpanguitje and troudic, aAan caon not fell how torclicuc peur felucs,cunne to God. Howe thee that Hall and wyll reqardethararmody of qod taught bs by the apotle . Waule, the deuill no doute Halle · nerf not preevaple agaynſte theym « Therefore pi we woulde put on this armour we ſhoulde come to ſuche a practtie: of si, that the diuell Gould. be afcaga tocome at vs, xe and a ! — A fermon mad: at Scam ford. ThePhasi Certaine Sermons made by © Ge commeth be thall foone be caſt of and auopbed. - The cl⸗ mighty god which raleth heauen and carth With his infinite potver geue bs luche ſirength to banguily the deutl, and all hys might. Amen. The fourth Sermon of Maiſter Doctor Zatpmer. biltp.3, y, hon thé, which walke cucn fo,a5 pe haue bs foz at Feniample:toꝛmany walk, of obo J haue fold pou ae nes | often:and nots fell pou weping, that they are the cieinties of the croſſe of Chꝛiſt. skis. This ts the Epiſtle which is red thts day in the churcke,-€ conteineth many geod things. Andthis Dap tivo pere, F ents treated of the gofpell of this dav, at ↄAtamſoꝛd. And ſuch mar ters as Jhad ta hand wer gathered of a diligent perſon, and pul tt pꝛynte. The Goſpel was this: Geue nto Celar, that thing that pertatneth vnto Ceſar, and tute god that thing, that pertaineth vnto god: J will reherſe in felve words that which J fapd at the ſame tine. J Whe Phariſees and Scribes aſked Ch dur ſautor whe ther thep ſhould geue tribute bute Ceſar oꝛ not: fo2 it tried thent that thep thould pap tribute 5 they thoughte it to beea great feruitudesbut they afked Chil thisqueftten of a mil cheuous mpnde,fntendyng to take him in his words: but he. difapotnted the pretitp, aſking whofe vmage the money bare fers are dſa they aunſwered, the Eniperors:then our fauto2 faith, Gtue pounted, Thislefoa ding bite the order,as thempero2 had agreed with the, that focrioze vnto the emperour that that pertapnets tuto bynt, and vnto god that twbich pevtatneth onto god . They ſpake nothing of god, but onelp of the tribute, but our Saufour in bic anſwer telleth them and all the world their ducttes: pet he docth it with tarke and coucred wordes:they confeſſed that the mage has theempsros, and ſo conſtquently ſubiecte bute him: then our ſautsur commaunded them fo pap accode⸗ isocnen co was cheir Ductp feds. Dur ſauiour hereferred them to their \s zclasto lalues, fiqnifieng that they ought to sbep the lawes tv their the kevves common Wealth, and ſo ought we to do too.ſoꝛ our ſauioꝛ in bis Retherne be folotvers together sfme, andlooke’ - <) uitude. Conhdes therfore who (peaketh thele words, who is M. Dodor Latymer. Fo}. 8$ bis anfwer teacheth natonly them but ts alfo:fo2 like as i¢ twas with the Jewes, ſo is it with vs,here in Cngland. Dur ſoueraigne lord the king, when be lacketh anye thing to the defence of his realm, ft is Neſented in the parliament, there {s required fuch things as be neceſſary fo2 the kines attairs. How looke whatſoeuer is graunted vnto bis maieſty bp the parliament, the tobole realme is bound tn conſcience to pap it euerx man as it is required of him:and that is our Due br fo.the king, namely to gene a do our duties in all thinges tos wardes our foueraign lord the king:as far forth asit ts not The prince again god, we muſt obey him € do his requetts. Wutnoty me! bco, ye twil fap, this ts a great bondage, anda heaup pokeanbfer O¢! vs:ſecondariiy what te content. Vath done forbs that biddeth vs to ober, no donte we ſhalbe At well content withall. But there be agreat manye of vs whi⸗ che cõſider not that, but rather deceine the king, oꝛ lorꝛſwere thentlelues,o2 els rebell againt the king: inbich thinges tte boute diſpleaſe god mol highly and qreusailye. An other thing ts that ſhould moue bs to beare this burthen willing⸗ ly, which is, bis pꝛomiſe. Foꝛ tuboloencr will be contente to pap bis duety truly and bprightly,as be onghte to doe, that Hethatpai Matt (hall fauc neuertheles in fulfilling the commaunde⸗ ethhis duc ment of god. fos fo faith god:if thou ſhalt berken diligentlpe | * fhal vnto the voice of tye Lord, thou ſhalt be bleſſed in the tour, thelefe. 81d bletled in the fielos ec. So that pf we Do according ashe Deut, 28 Willeth bs to do, tf we giue vnto the king p whichpertaineth vnto the king, Notout he ſhalbe bleſſed, we ſhall haue nes uertheles, foꝛ gods bleſſing twill light vpon ds. Bat there be a great many amongeft bs, which do not beleue thole thyn⸗ ges to be true,thep beleue not the pꝛomiſes of gon: ¢ fo thep make god alpar:fo2 Quinon credit deo facit deum menda., -cem, He that beleucth not god, maketh god alyar. ‘ow pl VVefhall thos willnot moue bs to doo our duties namely that Chak eacreale Hath deltucred bs fromthe great burthen ofourfinnes,lette — vs be moued at lealt tapes with bis pꝛomiſes: namely that —— — chall increaſe our goods, in doping oure dueties vnto the > kypnge. il This litle ¥theught good to fay, and fo to put youtnres membzaunce of ſuch things as 7 haue fapd at that tpme,fo2 - pl this tuere well confidered, we would be wyllinge to tee Godloucth gr duties, and fo pleafe gon twfthal:fo2 god loueth a cheres acnercfal! Full obeyer, one that with a good will is redy to do fuch thin⸗ obs) wes as he appointeth hint. | ; How let bs turne to the Epiſtle. Brethren be folowers, together of me, and loke on them that walke,cuen ſo, as pe haue bs fozan enfaniple. Theſe are maruclous woꝛdes of &. Paule, which feme outwardlie to be arcogantly ſpoken: pf ane man ould fap fo at thys thing, we Would thinks him Ais, ‘fo *⸗ 4” houres in a Daye, Jam not bounde in conſcience to follovwe M.Doctor Latymer. ol.s8 fo ‘bea very arrogant felow. but pemufte fee that ye righte vnderſtande 2. Paule: fo2 be {pake thefe wordes not of an arrogant mpndesfoal pe pt confider with whom be han to ꝰ aule⸗ - Do,namely with falle apoltles whiche didde corrupte goddes ,“O%"C* molſte holpe worde, the golpel which be bad preached befos. gaptbue And fo the fame falle Pꝛophetes didde muche harme : foꝛ a ar not vo; great number of people pid credite themt,and folowed theyr doctryne:which thinges greeued faint Paule berp foze:ther “foe he admoniſhed them, as tubo fay, pe baue pecachers as mongeſt pourz would not haue you to folowe them: folowe “gather me, and them that walke lpkeas Ido. This Was not arrogantly ſpoken, but rather louingly, to kepe them from error.he ſaith the fame to the Co2.11. Cap. faping, te pe the fFolowers of me:but there be addeth,as J am the folotwer of Chꝛiſt:ſo put the fame wordes hither, fet thent together and then all is well. Foꝛ 4% tell pou tt {s adaungerous thyng f0 7, je adan foloty men, ¢ we ate not bounde to folowe them further the cerous ~ they folow Chꝛiſt:we ought not to liue att ter ap Baint,no? ching ro - after &,Paule 02 Weter,no3 after Warp p mother of Chik folew mE to folo wihem J fay vniuerſally we ar net bound (o to do, for ther did many thinges ample. Therſore let vs folowe them as they folow Chꝛiſt:foꝛ our faufour Chik geueth vs a ge⸗ nerall rule and warnyng ſaring: WMhatſoeuer they teache you de it, but after their woꝛkes do pe not, and he addeth ſit⸗ tyng in Moſes cheare,that is to fap tube thep teach the truth “fo that we oughte to folows then that teache the truthe: but ase Whan they do nought we ould not foloty them:therfoze be 55 ,y long faith tn another place, Niſi abundauerit veſſ ra iuilitia, E £2 men areto “cept pour rightuouſnes be moꝛe than the Scribes and pha: = foley wifeis pe hall not enter into the kingdome of heauen. This ed he ſpeaketh of the clergy men, geuing bs warnyng not to do as they did: we muſt haus fuch a rightuoulnes as map fand before god: ive ave not appointed to folol ſainctes:as when. ©: JI here this ſaincte hath prayed fo manye pſalmes, fo manye VVe are not boud ta be fain hym · te be bis. ape,and to doo a3; be bpd, my vocatlon wernaen es apes. ; ——— . ⏑— 2 Macha — is a place in che 2. Mathai. Cha, whereive. — 23 i2, H ertaine Sermons made by holy that Judas WMachabeus that heartye capitaſne rennet certain moneyto Jeruſalem, to make a facrtfice fo2 the Dead.’ Pow Judas opr ths: batit folotecth nol, that tue are bound in conſcience to da the leke, as the papiſtes wzich bp and by conclude vxon it. Judas did this, ¢ he was a godlye man, er⸗ Tadas Ma gg tye ald da it tooi ine (Hold folov bis cnifaimele and factis nee fice foꝛ the dead. Nego argumentam, it is a naughtyc argue be foloy mente , to conclude vpon that thing which he did de uoutlp, ha’ el. upg mot gods wozde:he DID te, erga tt was well Done. For ive are ot bounde fo folowe them in theyr doynges. For pF Warp) the mother of Ch2itke houlde haue done fo newhat diſagreeyn g from gods worde, we (ould not fols wy her, wht che in dede hath had her faultes,as faincte Auguſtyne plain⸗ Ipe affirmeth in the 3. treatiſe vpon John: where the moued Chꝛiſte to do a myracle when their wyne was lacking at the mariage? {py jen our ſauidur called her Mulier, woman, what haue 7 to 09 with theeras who fap, to do myracles is nip fas thers ake, and he knoweth the teme vohen this bed to bee done:wyat haue pou to doe with tf: where Chryſoſtome and —— Augultyne plainlx affirme, that Bary was ſome what arro⸗ aa gant, Solikewile itappeared inthe Cuangeliſt Bathetys arrogant: Iwhere he inerrupten g bis Zermon, deſpred to {peake With. Hint, and a felow tolde hin when he was teachpag the peos ple, faving: Thy mother fs bere and would {peake ith thee he aunſwered and ſayd, who is my nvothersa2 (yer, 02 bya» ther? and ſtretched ante His hand, ſaying: whoſodeuer oath the wyril of tp father which is in heauen, he ts my mother, filer and brother. So lykewiſe wyhen be was bat twelue rere of age, his mother and father ſeekyng hym, he ſayde, Nefcitis® know pe not that J muſt be fir bulines.of my father? Poty ‘tall thefe places as the weyters ape, daſſa ef humanity; ſhe Yath ſhewed her frayle nature: hall tue.go now and followe ala·4. her⸗ 0 19, we mave not do fo. S. Paule teacheth vs howe we ſh all folo ty them, and in bat thynges, Bonum eſt emu - ari in bono fempec, Ff fs good alwapes to be leruent, aid ta “ foloty fn good thinges ther it is not ſuch a good argument, at > Such ama doth it, ergo it is good thon ge No not laswe nme - eft gpod? ‘folgetoa do foal eer Map llande With our boeatis, . wher⸗ — Vem M. Door Latymers Fol. 50 wherunto god hathcalled ts: fo2 inher we leaue our vocati⸗ bic — Bn whereunto god bath appoinied ts,10 dout we do naught and damnablyi Gs fo2 an cxſample. Dur (autour faſted 4-c. nable. Dals € 40. nighfes without any maner of (ulinance: Orga tue thal da ſo (99,n0,becaufe we are not able ta do fo too, {we ſhould kpllourfelucs:liketutle Males that help prophete of god kilicd an Coiptian tobich was a wycked and naughtye man:ergo J hall go aid will ponder fypcked man to? 20,¥ mtay not 00 ſo, foꝛ it isagapnite my callyng, Fy am nomagte irate, theris2¢e Jmay not do it:as fo2 Boles be bad a lpectal infpiration of god. Phenees that godly man killed Zambri € Cosbe, Wwhicy iver occupied together in § actof fasnicatio: phenees selous man cante and killed them bothe at ones whiche his doyng pleafed god very·wel. Now pe map make fuch ait argumẽt, Phenees did fo, and pleaſed god tn bis dos pliges,erge we may doo ſo too:when we fee any man diſho⸗ nor god, we map goe and kyll hym by and by. This ts nota good arguitient:fo2as Jſayde befoze, we muſt fake heede ta our callyng, to oure office. his Phenees had a (pectall lys cẽce to do fo , we may not fololy his enfample. Ababa was agood and helpe man, be was redpeto kyll bps fonneand burne him wyth ſyre:whiche Dopnges pleated god wonders inellsafterwarde there were many which would foloive the aban enfaumple of Abꝛaham, and burnite they: chilozen, but they 12°! 0° Did ercedpng pl,and dod was angry With ther fo2 fo DOING? one thar therfore we mutt folotwe thep2 snfample fo far forth as max cod wil ſtand with ovr vocation, leth ys to Further Joleph and Mary they were maried folke, but ¢o. / they evercifed not the acteof generation, pf we weuld now - follotwe the enfaumple of Parpe and Jofephe, and inbibite | ‘onto mavied folkes the acte of generation ; thys were naughte and again the q2der of G D =D: for Mary and Jo⸗ ſeph hav a ſpecial calling, and gifte of god to abſtaine: but yf Ave hauing 10 (uche calling o2fuche giftes as thep baue had Foes ue Moulde folow their enlample we fhouldgotothe deuil at * i length, fognot doing accogding buts our calling. @oftaps peaveth pattly that cOuerfatios 0 ala of faints. Jacoby Maud, Salomoother sone t ® % Num. $e Certaine Sermons made by 4 bolb men haue bad mary wlues, ergo we map haue manre to: Pot fo, they had afpecialllpcence and p2erogatine, wht, VVemult chee haus not. Thertore take tis fora furerule, webaue - falowsd sete foloty the ſayntes in their vocatid, but fue muſt foloy. in oure vocation god in our bocatio,fo3 lpke as they folowed rod in their tos asthe fain cation and callpng, fo we muff folloiy god in sure bocation: Cesdidin hut when ive. wil go about to kolow god in their callyng, and sheyrs. foxfake our lone callpng, then no dout we thal do noughte. Whis J hauc laid to that ende that pe might vnderſtande the wordes of &. Paule, where he faith, be folowers of me:ther fore Jhewed pou how farre fo2th tus ought to foloty the en⸗ ſample of the ſayntes. Foꝛr manp walue of whom J haue tolde pou otten⸗ and. now tell pou weping, that they are the enemies of thecrofe of Chriſt.S. Paule {peaketh of the falfe prophetes/ be ſateth they twalke. By thts word walke, fs ſignicied our-conuerfatt on andlpupng. fo2 thar we till fignifye any man to liue ivickedlp, we may erprelle tt with theſe wordes, be walketh Inickedly. How if there were many it & Paules tire; WHE che did walke wickedly, thinke pets the matter any thpnge-. Apo. 2> amended noly at oure tyme: Jthynke nothing at all:for we rede in the 20. Chap.of apoca.that Satan halbelofe in the. lafle dapes, that is to fay, god will ſuffer hint to exerciſe hysß Sathan is traltes, his blaſphemous wicked mynde, which be beareth as loſe now gainſte god: and truely when a man conſidereth the ſtate of the whole world in euerp countrep it appeare — no leſſe but oͤthe deuil is leulesio2 what rebellions, wohat crucities, what Tduetouſnes, what hatered and malice ig antongell men? Zit. fo much that a man would thinke the whole world to be full pfdentls.therfo2re toben there wer many at &. Paules typing, it muſt nedes folot that there be moze how: fo2 noe ts the. Defecttow. and ſweruyng from the truth. Di which J haue told you often,and now tel pou weping. Saine Pani ſ · Paul was a good mã aharty ¢ arveatnell mã in gods caufe vas avve De {yas a weeper, he wet a pilgrimage wherof told pou: the per, lalſt tims:it was a griefe to him to fee the diſhonsꝛ of god am . gel them, which be bad inſtructed in the word of god:he was {op to fee the people ee and feduced with falle doctrines bas; \ i M.Dodtor Latymer. Fol.or ~ hut fuche chinges greue not bs: though ged be diſhonoured wwe care not fo2 it:but uhen toe bane loffe of cure goods, and ‘futtapn certain demages, then Ive cant wepe from the bottont _ of eur heartes, and be mofftozotwful:but when we beare that god fs diſhenoured, that lechery 1s committed, 02 other hor⸗ rible ſinnes Done, that greeueth bs not, then we iveepe not: @fottappeareth mol maniłeſtly that we bauc mot the hcarte of &. Paule, we are not ſo myndcd. — Hovw peraduenturte ſome body night fay that S. Paule bab ſlandred theſe men in weityng fo ſharplye agaimnct them, and in callyng thent the enemies of the croſſe of Chꝛiſte: but it is not fo , be ſſaundereth them not. In the Cpiſtle to Timo ‘the be named ſome by their names Philetum, and Hyneneũ. you mult confider that Saint Paule did well in repꝛonyng chem openlye:ſor a man maye ſometimes tell an other mans fanites;fozupt euery tellyng is llaundererng. Aben a man Vee vvepe notas 8. Paul did. 2. Tim.2 rp laundering when % reberle befoze other men the faults of V Vhac mp neighbour with a malicious Gomacke:¥ bate him,¢ ther ‘fore J make bim to be knowen, Jparnte bum oute in bys cor ‘lours,and ſometymes J fap moze bp him then é am able: to ne, this is llaunderyng: but when a man telleth an otber mans faultes with a good mynde to his refozmation,that ts not flanderpig. As we redea ſtore of S. Bernhard, whether (tbe true other not, tt is 10 matter, take it fo2 an enfaumple, and learne thereby what is daunder,and what is not, Saint Berneharde was a goodly bprighte younge man and well fanoured, became ata tpme with bis company toan pnne, where be faricd all nighte. And becauſe be was a faire man, the woman in the houſe caſſe her eyes vppon bpm: vefiring in her heart to haue carnal company with him, and therfore after fapper the apointed a chamberfoꝛ bim alone; to that end that the might cone vnto btm afterwarde, and ſo the didde: fo2 whan cuerpe bodpe twas at reſte the came vnto hys bedde intendynge to lpe wyth bpm: -Saincte Berneharde perceps urnge that, tryed out with a loude vorce, Fᷣutes, Futes, thee ues, theues: bys fellowes hearyng oer ea 7. K. iii. m A fable of §.Bern- hard and his heftes : GertaineSermons made by- cs atkpugtobat the matter was: he tolde them that there Wwas athesfe there : nowe they thoughte-he hadde dzeanted, wente to bedde agapne: As ſoone as thep tere gone, bp and. bp the Wornan came agaptie, ther je cryed againe. So in the mo rnyng faincte Berneharde woulde not tarye long in that houſe aid as thep were in the way, be tolde te his fellowes “how that the boman hadde come vnto him, deſpring th ent to take hede an other tyme of that womã, foꝛ te: has a naugh⸗ tp tpontan, Ge would haue ſtolen fron bint the help ghotte, the remiſſion of his ſinnes, and all gaodnesi fo if he thoulae haut folowed ber 5 The Hhaulve bane robbed hum ct all Gee thynges:ot ſuch a fatyien we may tel other mens faultes· _ For fatnet Berneharde tolvett to that ende to gene the’ aad nyng to fake hede of p¶ womã. Potwlhis was not landc ting and ſo likeife S. Baule here laundereth tent not, but ſet them out in their coloursjto admonilh bs to betware of thew - And (ope dught to Do; when we know a maa that ſs wicked and wil not leane his wickcdnes after Due adnronitiow! Qe. doute it is a good thyng to geue Onto other men warnyvng oF ſlach aman, that they maye take heede af him: as to2 an en⸗ Theues fantple. There be a company ortheeues ſwome together to feoructo be true one to theother, and notte diſcloſcone another. How be crus, Jam amongelt thenr: and atter lome milc hiete daneg am tay Rev and tondemned by the law to be hanged Shag not vit tloͤſe now my tompanpand geue vats the magiltrates war⸗ | nyng of them? pes J ould thinke that man that is in ſuche acaſe, dath well to diſcioſe his company fos tt pertalneth to & Hood ende, aiid is acharitable deede els Hisiconizanp map doe muche harme atore they be kne wen· Oo douis at mart 4 sae ſhoalde doe well’,and Icthynke he dughte to DAS TH’. aa * Zwoalde G O Dethat all theeues ĩin Cuglande were fa | perſuaded in theyr heartes, ‘that whenr one were taken that he chould diſcloſe his feldwes teo Ed doute toe Mould haue better relic, theeugs would wot ſa much tro able die: common wenhe as ther doy — 320523 —————— ceepynge. It greeued —*— pase verye ſore chat Chꝛittia — * teaticep chorough a Yee Au | oe SEE Sie | ae YG 3 RI igtoy.. ad 4 ve M.Do@okatymets on) 0. > Fol, 53 Hayton 5 J woulde Wyſhe that there, sail ſuche a fer a uente seale now tit bs, a5 asin hym then: but it is not ſe we haue no care forthe fenles of Chaifttan people 3. ne — moſte manyfeſtly by thoſe vnpreachyng p 2 pt thep hadde ſuche an earneſt mynde fo the. flocke 9 cot Ag Saincte Paule hadde, no doute, thep woulde Vnprea-). | ‘fo fiouthfullin dopng of thep2 bueties: ching pre, butt * eke fache an eacneté as fainete yaule bad,furh an 3 waa earneſt scale they lacke: They are the enemy of the crofle of |.<, alc. Chryſte. Amanimay be an enemy of the croſſe of Chꝛiſte lithe pa ‘tho manner of wayes. All the pavifles in Cnglande and pittesin “fpectallpe the tpiritualt men,be the enempes ofthe crote of “2s!2n4 Chriketwo maner of wayes . Fyzlte when be isa ryghte VF oS papilte geuch to monkerpe, J warrant you he ts in this o⸗ Chriftee *” pinion, that tupth bys olune workes be Doth merite remiſſi ⸗ on otf hys ſynnes, and fattifieth the laity thozough and by bis olnne workes/ and fothinketh himſelfe to bee ſaued euerla⸗ fipngl pe. This & the option ofall papyſtes. And thys doce trpne was taughte in tymes pate in (cholesand tithe pulse pettes. Potwe all thele that be in fuchean opinions they be the enemiesof the crete of Chaifte, of bis paſſion and bloude fhedpng: fozthep thynkein themſelues Chaitte needeth not fedve and fothepdelppfe bis bitter paſſion: theyx doc not conlidercure bp2th, fenne, and the corruption of eur nature noꝛ pet doe they kuowe the quantitye ef our actuall ſynnes⸗ howe many tyutes we fall in ſynnes, oz howe muche oure one power is diminiſhed nor what power e might the de⸗ _ uyll hath: they conſider not ſuche chynges, but thynke theme ſelues able with thep2 tyne workes to enter into the kyng⸗ dome oat God. And thertore Itell pausthisisthe verxrllous voctryne that canne be deuxſed. Forall faythefult andtrug Cbeiſftians beleue onelye in bys deathe, theplong to beesas re thd ued thareughe bis paſſion/ and bloudeſhedrug thysisall =: rot thep2 comfoate: thep knowe an? motleniatly beleues that Chiiſt fulfpiled thelawe. And that bisfulfplipnge is theirs fo thatthey attribute vnto Chziktbe.getipna emnariting se — euerlaſting lefe. And fait foloweth that thet preg sage = ‘ Pits3: ++ BG 5%, | gt 107 Ceri. ine Sermons mide by 3 the remiſſion of ſynnes, the getting of eucrlatting life, tute. theſelues 02 their woꝛks, they denie Ch, thep blafpseme- and d efpife Him: Foꝛ, foꝛ What other cauſe did Chꝛiſt conte, butonelyp to take alpap our fynnes bp his pation, and ſo de⸗ ltuet vs froine the power of the deutile But thele merites Merite mongers Hane fo many good workes, that thep be able to felf mons cts. chem fo2 money, and fo to bapng other men to heauen to by. their qood workes:which no Doubtis the greatelt contempt ol the pation af Chꝛiſt that can be deuiſed. Foꝛ Ctl ones lp and no man els merited remifion, (ufification, and eters , Will not beleue tt, ſhall not haue tt: fo2 tt isno moze but ber pe Hall felicitie fo2 as many as will beleue the fame : thep that. : : leue and bane. Fo; Chꝛiſt ſhed as much blood for Judas as⸗ Inaslac pe dyd for Peter. peter beleuedit, and thertore be Was far ked bel ef aid ther * —— — ned. Judas would not beteue,and therfoje he was condem⸗ fore could Med, the taulte bepng in hym onelp, in no body ells, Wut to . not befa. fap 02 to beleue that we ould be faued by the law, thisis a » ued, great diſhonoring of Chriſtes paſſion: fo2 the laive &ruedts an other purpofe, it bringeth bs to the knowlege of our ſin⸗ “a nes, and ſo to Chꝛiſt:ſoꝛ han we be come through the late - to the knowlege of cur fons, when we perceiue our filtbines then Wwe be redy to come to Chriſt and fetch remiſſion of our ſynnes athys hanves. Wut the Papilſtes fetch the remiſſion of their ſynnes/ notin the pation of Cha, but in their o n doings: thep thinke to come to heavens by their own works; which is naught. Le muſt do good wozkes, we mud ende⸗ tour our felues to lpue accozvng to the comutandementes: - DF God: pet fo2 all that we muſt not truk in our doypnges. Foꝛ though we doo the vttermoſt, pet is ital buperfect, wha VVe mat Ve examine thent bp the rigor of thelaty, tobich lain feruety: . work bur 0 brvng bs to the knowlege efour ſiunes, and fo to Costs not truit and bp Chik we (hall cout to the qaietnes of our confetence, inow = But to train our goon toszkes is nothing bata robbing | workess BF Cheilt, Of bis glorie andmalettie. Mherfar itis not moze necclſſarte te Doo good woꝛkes, than tt ts to belpare howe te: etteme thent, Therlore take heede good chriſten people, der p not Chile, put not pour hope in youre doopnges:fo2 tf BRO pe thall. repent: - An M. DoctoLaty mer. Fol, 92 An other denxinge of Chik isthys maſmonging: foz al? thofe that be maſſemongers be deniers of Chriſte, which bes lene 02 trate inthe ſacritice of the mae, and (eke remiſſion Mafems of thepr ſinnes therin:fo2 this opinion hath done berp much ——— harme, and brought innumerable ſoules tothe pytte of bells ~ forthep beleued the male to be a ſacrifice ſor the dead and Its upnge: and this opiifor bath gotten all theſe abbepesand ehauntrics, almoſt the halfe parte cfall Cngland: andthep , Mould haue gotten atoze pethep had not bene retrained by yj: are certapne lawes. Foꝛ what would folkes tot Do to cafe them no cof ro felues fromthe burthen of thep2 fines? Wut it was afalle foc bis eafment,a deceitful thing: Therfore bow much ar toe bound ſoule. vnto god which bath delpuered vs front tbyps bendage;from | i tots heuye poke of poperp, which woulde baue thurſt bs ta cuerlaſting damnation. Fo2 now we knolw the berpe ape howe we ſhalbee deituered, we knowe that Chale is offer red once fo2 bs: And that this one offring re nedieth all the - ſennes of the whoie worlde, for be was Agnus occilus abo⸗ Apoc.i3 - tigine mundi e was the lambe which was billed from the ! beginning of the worlde, What is tolaperali tyey that beles qed tn him fence Ada was created thep were faued bp him. sUbep that beleued tn Abꝛahames (eede, it was as good vn⸗ to them, and ſtoode them in as geod cfferte,asit Dathe tnto | bs now at this dap. So that bis oblation is of ſuche efficacye that it purifieth and-taketh awap all the ſynnes of the tubole - wold. They now that wpl be content toleaue theps(pntul . Apfe, wattle with ſinne, and then beleue nour fanto: Chat . thep ſhalbee partakers of eucrlafipng felintpe . KHere ve mave perceiue that Chaifte hathe manpe. ennemies in the Whole woride, he bathe many that ſſaunder bun, that din? opriſte niſh bys qlozpe:namelpe all the yavrites thattruffe tn thett pathos pipne merites 02 fecke remiſſion oftheir finnes bp the facets ny enc fice ofthe mate: all thefe nowe are eviemtes tothe croſſe of mcs. CH, Jn ſumma al thole that (eke remiſſion of their finnes other wapes then in che patton of Chute, they be:traitours toGod, and fhalbce Dainned worlde withoute ende, vnleſſe thep repent. But here multe ſaie ſome things bnto pou, ~ and J (peake it to the fatilticnge of foment pou:Foꝛ X r nk 4 - Spesge: - Ceriaine Serm. gas wade by * be many which will reaſor ybere cane thep thinke it to be no matter though the curate: e erronidus and. naught in + his doctrpnesthep care not forp:fa2 they wyll fap, wil bere mm hym, and doe accozspng as. hecommaunodeth vnto me to Does when be teacheth talſe doctryne and leadeth me the onge ivapshe ſhall mabe anſwer ſor me before gon: bis.fa der⸗ trine thalldo me no harme though J folovo the ſame. Thys Not the is a naughty reafon and contrarpe fo Chriſtes dur ſauiduts yee Doctrine,fo2 fo be fapeth:pf the bipnde leave thebenbesthe ane but (All fall bothe into the pptte.,, Parke here, he faicth not the heandhis leader fhall fallinto the pptte, but chey fhail fail both, ** lea⸗ fclovves Det Ebathatisled, the blynd curate and his blynd pariſhners togethet. and ſo it was at, Paules iyme, not onelp the leaders, the falfe teachers, wentto the deupll, but alfe. thep that folowed thep2 falfe doctrine. And thexeſsꝛe 2. Paule ts fo carnel in admoniſhyng them to beware and take. hede to themfelues, | pea with weepyng eves be, deſyreth them to refute the falfe Excchi; prophetes. So lpketuife God bimielfe geueth vs warnynge che 3in the z. Chapter of the prophet Czechiel ſateng:vf 3 fap bie to thee concernyng the vngodix man, that(witbout dont) be nuff ope, and thou geueſt not hym warning, nor fpeakett bra to. him that he map turne from bis eutll way, and fo tolpnes thei ſhall the fame vngodly man dic in bis olvne vnrightu⸗ ouſnes:but his bloud wyll Jrequyꝛre of thy. handes. Again inthe z3. Chap. be ſatety. Then J fendea ſworde vppona Ezec 33. land, pf the people of the landtake aman of thepecountrep, ~ andiet bint to be they twatcheman: thefame mat when be feeth the ſword come bpon the Lande, tall blow the trompet and warne the peoplesif a man nowe heare the nople of the trompet, and Wil not be warned, and the fined come ¢ take bpm aware, hys bloude ſhalbee vpon bis clune heade: foz be hearde the ſounde ofthe trompet and toould not take heede Only he therfoze bis blond be spon him: but pf be wyll recepue ware vig recei UPN He thal ſaue hysilpfe. Aqayne, pf the Awatcheman {eer ucth war eth. the ſworde come ard ſhebo it not tolth the trompette, fo ning Chai that the people ta not warned: pithe ſworde come then and betalfe. taise any manne from abla then 9 the peers tae 5 M Doftor Latymer. Fol.o4 ofthe watchmans handes. In thele places of Scripture tt appeareth molle manifeltly, that notonely the naughty cuz rate fall qo to the deupll, but alfoall thole that foloine bys naughtye doctryne. Whe w&ken thall dye in his: wickeones: fo? thoughe God doe require the bloude of the parifyners at | the curates hands, pet foz'all that they ſhalbe damned in the | is vee meane ſeaſon. Wut Ipꝛave pou be not offended with mie, 60us to whan Itell you one thprige manve tymes, for Ido it to that 45 ae ende that pe intght perce(ue what daunger itis to haue an pil race, carate:this radsont) me to put you miannye: temes in remem⸗ byaunce of tA ALE FJwyll tel sti newer potty ‘fore of. ® Fever to refreſ pot withalt: & limitoure ofthe graye fryers in the tyme of An hiftory His limitation: prcached. manye tymes/ and hadde but one ofa friar Sermowatall trmes: Wl yiche Sermon twas of the tenne limitor, co mmaundenentes And becauſe this frpar hadde preached thys ſermon ſo efter: duc that hearde it beſore told the friars Eruaunte that his maiſter was called, friar John tencom⸗ maundement; wherkoze the ſer naunte hewed the fryar hys maiſter thereof, and ad ayſed him to preach of ſome other mas ters:foꝛ tf greeued the feruaunte ta here bis maiſter deryded. oly the tryar made anfwere 5 ſayeng: Welphe thew thots kanlte the rres maundements dwell, eying thou haſt beard them ſo mana time wes ſaid the ſeruaunt, J warraunt pou; letie nie heare them (ach the matiler:then he beganne; pride to uetoumneſſe/ lexherye, and ſo numbeed the deadly ſinnes; forthe ten com aundements. Aud ſo there be many at this tine, whiche be werxe of the oide goſpel:they mould faynt som e be Heare Gitte newethynges thep thinke themſelues ſo per⸗ wery be! tecte in the dide when rheybe no moret kilfult thentbis fers fre the? unte was in hys tenne comtinaundemetttes-« Whertereg MN! (ape bee Hot ‘offended: with mec; whenne tell you ene © “a ; thynge tede'o? thes tyxmesoc. And ſpectaliye marke thys 4 Inch thae the parihenersare not exrcuſed before G O· D Minn: “and blyndenelte af the petettes top © wD Apee rity 3 toplbucquireteeblouve ofthepeds, * plede the curates Hanve 5 and the people chalbee withoute Blaine? a HGP ſo/ Bat the wycked Hall pertihe — * “vy 2* CertaineSermons made by his wickednes, fo that the blynde people and the blynde cre - gate hall go ts hell together. twould tithe that all Eng⸗ fgoad land were perfuaded fo:faz the moſte part of the people thinks themelues to be excuſed by thett curates . But itis not ſo: a ſor pf there bee any man wicked becauſe his curate teacheth hym not, bis blond (halbe required at the curates hands: pet fo} all that the parityner thall goc to the diuell withall: that thalbe bis end. Dherfoze beware of that opinton,thinke not . ‘fo beercufed by pour curate.fo2 when pe do, pe Do Not Wells and fo pou Mall repente tithe ende. S. Paule therfore ts fo diligent to geue bs warnyng of the falfe prophetes, leſte we (ould be deceiued bp thent. In an other place S.BWaule cont pareth thelr doctrine bute a (ycknes, which ts is called a can⸗ Falfedoc Bets which fickencs when the once beginneth at a place of the teine com VODpe,ercepte it be withltanden, wyll runne oucr.the whole pared to body, and fo atthe length kil: ſo it is with this falfe doctrine, canter, Now J mol anſwer vnto pow to an obiection, oꝛ doute, that a obꝛe peraduenture ſome of you may banc: pou will thinke when douse We heare what ts the nature of kalſe dactrine,pe will thinue I fap: Alas what ts done with our graũdfathers:no donut thep arelof euerlaſtyngly if this doctrine bee true: fo2 after pour faping they haue bad the falfe doctryne: therſore thex be dam tted;fo: the nature of falfc poctrpne is to condemne. Suche doutes ſome till make; pea and there bee fome whiche nna wilſe wil recetue Pgofpel,and ponly fo thys opintons fake: fo2 thep thinke that whan thep thauld receiue the gofpel, tt Were in as much asta thynke they? forefathers be damned. Pow to this obiection oꝛ dautefulnes J will make you aun⸗ —— ſwere. It is with the talſe doctrpnelike as it is with fpre: thar the nature of ſyre is to burne and conſume all that which is Sion. lapedintye ſyxre, that may be burned. So the nature of falſe Tne fgre Doctrine is to condemne/to bꝛing to euerlaſting damnation, burneth thatts the nature of thefalle doctrine. Wut pet foꝛ all. that “eh thaughe the natureofthe fyre beto burne and confume all coi, thinges,petthere hath bene many thynges inthe tyre thts che haue not bene burned no2 conſumed, as the butbe which appeared Lito Doles, he burned tn the fy2e, and yet he wag Rot confurred, ly jet loas the canes Mary. gods power. Me R rede ~ M:Dodor Latymer. Fol. 95 rede allo in the 3. Chap.of Daniell, bow that Nabuchadeno/ ser, the king caufed a golden (mage to be made: And fo called Danie.?, all bis lorꝛdes and his peopis to come and woꝛſhip bis Idole which he had {et bp, theeatning further that whoſoeuer wold not fail doune and worſhip the fatd poole, ſhould be caftein a hote ouen. Moww thers were theeepoung men, Sydzach, Wes fach,and Abdenago, which refuled to worſhtp the {aid poole, faienge, D Pabuchadonoser; tue ought net to confente vnto thee in this matter: fo2 iobpzour god whom we ferue ts able to kepe bs from the bote burnpng ouen,and can righte well delyuer 0s outeofthp handes:and thoughe be till not, pet fhalte thou know that we till not ferue thp gods, nor doe as ny reuerẽce to that pmage which thou haſt {et bp, hen was sSrabuchadonoser erceding full of indignation againk thent, and commaunded by and by that the suen ſhould be mane fe uen tymes boter than it was wonte to bee, and ſpake vnto the ſtrongeſt men that were in bis hoſte, co bynde Sydrach, MVelach and Aboenago,and ca them in the burnyng ouen. So thefe menne were bounde tntheire coates, hoſen, thoes, vᷣ thetrother garments, and callin to an hote burning ouen, fo the hinges conimaundement teas fc ſtrayght, and the o⸗ nen teas erceding bote, and thele thace men Spd2ach, Pes ‘fach,and Abdenago fell dounein the hote burning oven, bes png fat bound. hen Pabuchadonoser the king meruepled ‘aud fede bp in all batt andfpake vnto hts councell, faping, DID pe not caſt thefe three meninto the fperz thepanfWwered, | fateng:pea D king: he anſwered and fapd,lo fo2 al that, 7 do Godfaf ¢ ſce fowꝛe men gopng lofe in the myddeſt ofthe ſyre, and nos. — inate thyng corrupte, and the fourth is lke the ſonne of ODD tO fyréro do Tooke vpen. ere tn this Lore pou fe thatthough the native of the fire \ the ſame. fo2 nota heare of their heade periſhed but rather * Ris nator re the fpze byake oute and conſumed them that put them inthe” “auenifo the fp2¢ of his nature woulde haue confumed them, ‘yet thozot the power of god the ffrength of the fyre was bas quifhed and the menne tuere preſerued from tt. Euen fo ts it with the poperte, with the falle doctrpne, the nature ofitis te , Coys isto conſume, vet thefe thee men here not conſumed wyth Certaine Sermons made by conſume, fo cosrupt and barns fo euerlaſtyng footw: pet let Godhath 93 hope that our fozefathers were not damned: fo3 goo hath vrayes many Ways to preferne them from perlhiug, ve a in thelat ie houre of death gad can worke with bis holy ghoſt, andteach them to knot Chzif his ſonne fo2 thep2 ſauior, though they were taught other wares beſore: pet god can preſerue theym from the poyſon of the falſe voctrpne, J tpi tyelve you a nes Reo 1! fable fo2p done in kyng Achabs tyme, weitten in the 3.boke 3-6-1" of tho kynges 18. Chap. at the tyme when Achab that topes ked kyng and bis tuife Jezabel, moze wickeder then ber bul bande, when they bavthe rule, they aboliſhed the woꝛde of god cieanc, and (et bp falfe doctryne, killed the truc pꝛorhets of god:in (9 much that Elias faith vnto god with cryeng and Great lamentations, fapeng: Lord the cpildgen of Iſrael haue fo;faken thp couenaunte , bꝛoken doune thyne altags, and Mapie thy prophetes with the fivozde: And Jonly am lefte, | and they feke my life to take it away. Here itappereth, that the pulpets at that tyme were occupied wich falle teachers, Avith falfe religton ipke as it was in the tyme of.orr. forefas thers:in fo much that Cltas crieth out and faity plainly, that Godhad there were left no moze but he onelp.ibut what faith gede ⸗ “ih Ei, Wane Lette me ſeuen thoulande which haus not bowed thetr astyme. Enees vnto Waal: when Clias thought that there was leite more bui be only,then god. ſhewed hym a great manp tabich Avere lett, and not infected tuith the popfcat of the falfe doc⸗ frpne. Therfore lpks as god could preſerue a greate number of the Siraelites at the fanie tyme, ſo be could peeferue cure forcfathers front the poyſon of poperpe which was taught af | that tyme:tor the Lorde knoweth whyche ere bes. Item, Tohn.6. Chꝛiũe hymſelfe fapeth, Quos mihi dedit Patzr , Poman ſhall take thele from me whiche my father bath geuen vnto me, that (s to fay tohich ave o2depned fo euerlaſting lyfe. +» Nonsepellet dominus plebem {uam, & hareditatem fu- Pfal.94. am non relinquer, the Lorde wyll not cafte alway bys pegs ple, and bps inheritaunce be woll not ſorſake:therfore lette bz hope that thaughe the doctryne at that tyme was falle and poyſoned, pet forall that God hathe had his: he hathe bad ſceuen thouſand, that is to ſay, a great number anne , | them . M. Doctor Latymer. ' Fol.o¢ theim, whyche toke no harme bp the falſe doetryne, for he wonderkully preſerued them: lyke as be dydde in the greate dearthe when all thpngts tyere ſo dere, whenne the ryche Cod cave frankelinges would not fell thep2 corne in the markets, chen Pir at that time, the poore was wondertu lye preferaed of GOD: jrdisary fo2 after mans reaſon thep-could notipuc. pet god prefered meanes. themrin fo muche that theyr chylden Were as fat and as wel ipspitg, as pi thep badben gentilmens children. Solpke as god could preferue the pooze with his chplazen in that great derthe, fo he could pꝛeſerue our forefathers from euerlaſting perdition thoughe they lacked the focteof thep2 foules, pet be tould fede thei inwardlp with the boly ghoſt. Wut now pe woilliapsfeepng then that God can ſaus men an ocher and bryng thent to euerlaſting lyfe, twithoute the onutivarde obiecion hearpug of the woorde of S0d,then wee haue no necde to heave the {n92d of © DD, luc ede notto haue preachers amon geſt bs, Fozlpke as be bath preferued thein,; fo be twill preferue bs to, without the bearinge of gods woꝛde. This An aun- is afolitye reaſon: ¥ witl aunſwere pouthis. Ftopll make Getto pot tips argument: God can andts ableto preſerue thynas t —*— front ſyre, ſo that they thal net burne oꝛ conſume: and there fore Jwoell qo ſet mp houſe atpre, and it halbee preferued, Oꝛ this:god pꝛeſerued theſe thace men from fyre fo that thet toke no harme, ergo Jwyll goe and cae inp ſelſe into the foz¢ aid J (hall take no harmeris this naive a good reafon? No 19, fo2 theſe three men had their vocation to goe in the {pac they were catte tn by violence: fo if god. well haue thee to goe {ute the fyre bp biolence fo2 bys tudes fake: then go With a good wyll, and nodoute cither he wil preſerue thee ‘as be dyd them, or els he will take thee oute of thys myſera;· ble lpfe to ceuerlaſtyng felicitic: but to cafe mp {cife into the fyere with cute-anpe callynge 9 wate not: fo2 it is wꝛitten: ee ‘Non tentabisdominum deum tuum, Thou halt not tempte Math. 4⸗ ‘the Lord thy God. “go lykewyſe in cure tyne G D D hath ſente light into “the worlde, be bathe opencd the gates of beauen buts vs be hys wordes, whyche worde He opened vnto bs by ” —— his ottiters, by bps preachers:chal we note deſpiſe the pacas Hoste 60 PAGE OF TI) 6 a2 le Jatt Shy GEDEIR a ee St aes — e , ae a Certaine Sermons made by cherszfgall ive refule to beare gods woꝛrd,to learne the yap _ Ve may to bheauenzand require him to fane bs tuithout his woꝛde pe © ria 110,f02 when we doc fo, we tempte god, and ſhalbee damned the mean woride without ende. 57 — | Eis much J thought goon to fay againſt the ſuggeſſion 4 of the deutll when be putteth thee in mynd faping: (thy fore fathers ave Damned) that thou mighteſt learn not to diſpeire of they2 faluation:and pet not be to carefull , fo2 they bane thep2 parte: tue muſt not make an accompt fo3 their doings; euerp one mut make anſwer fo2 himſelſe. ſor when thep be banned they can not be bought agayne with our fo20twfuls nes: let vs rather indeuour our feiues to beare gods woꝛde diligently, and learne the way of faluation,{o that toben we : fhalbe called, toe may be fureof it. ured as Darcare POW thele fal le preachers of which fant Dante (peaketh fulnescan bere, are enenttes vnto the croſſe of Chꝛiſt.wbat thalbe thete not briog ende: Pary pervition, deſtruction, and euerlaſtyng damnati ——— On, WMWhoſe god is their belly. The falſe preachers preache ofhell, onely pleaſaunt thinges, and fo get great re wardes, and are The ende Able to liue wealthely in this world a to make good chere. J ofthe fals fear nte there be many of theſe belly goods tn p world, which preachers pꝛeache pleaſaunt thinges to get qo gap and trick Preachers gy themfelues:they care fe? no moꝛe, thep tudp.and do what ‘ pe 5° — thep can to buckle the golpel ¢ the world together, to ietgoe ig and the deupl at one table, they be golpellers no longer - till thep get riches: when they baue that thatthep {ecke fo, thep care fozno moe: than the golpell ts gone quite out of thep2 bartes,and thep2 glorve ts to they ſhame: tt fs a ſhort glorye and a longe ſchame, that they thall haue: fo2 in theo> ther worlde, Erunt ad ſatietatem vifionis omni carni,all the worlde ſhall laughe bpon thenr to their fame; whiche are worldlye mynded. Is there wot moze that be worldly myn⸗ bed then that bee godlye mpnded? A thinke S. Paule fpake ‘Landes, thinke pe not that fuch doſnges ſautred faminbatot | Muagldlye thynges? ut FX will vefpes them to take heoe.fo2 fi ie * ſaint “a nee *« M.Do@orLatyirer, > Fol,99 S So Paule faith here, thatall they that be tuosldlpe nipndca, . ar enemies of the crofeof Chill: fo3 thep make they? belltes tobe thep2 govs. Wherfoze,theyp thall recctue their punyſh⸗ sat et ment for thep2 Wicked doings, What hal that bezmaric euer c prea· laſting patne st helliſhe fire tyozld without ende, without a⸗ chers. ap Delinevance from the ſame, this is theix rewarde. WBut what hall become of Saint Paule and all true peas: “¢hers: be ſaith: But our conuerſation ts in heauen. What was Saincte Paule in heauen whau he ſpake theſe woor / The re- des? No, he was here on earthe: but whan we walke the ·vaid of ~ pilgremage of Wwhiche ¥% told pou the laf day, Gods pilgres, so mageꝛ:than our conuerlation is in beauen, that ts conforma, J gas vble onto gods keauenly wil: and ged ſeeth them and wil res ward them. whan ive will do the workes of eur bocatton, € wꝛalſtle with ſynne and wickednes, andliue after gods twill yy),,, it and pleafare ; who foeuer doth fo, that mand2 woman bath isto baue his conuerfation in heauen. From tobence We long fo2 the our con- auioꝛ, euen the lo2d Jeſus Chk. &. Paule looked fo2 hym verſatioa to tone front heauen. what is be not bere all reabp2 Chris" heauea bere with bs alredy to our comfoꝛt, by bis (pirite and power a3 to be our helper, and to woꝛke with hts ſacramentes, to Bes fend bs from danger and perill,fo be ts with bs in earth:but bith} be is not here bodily. $02 be afcended into beauen, and fits ©°"" "8 teth at the right hand of god the almightie: from thers ſhall caety. become to fudge the quick and the dead: all good men ¢ Woe ‘men long for hym. And no doubte be will come, and berpe Moꝛtely: and wyll take accompt of euery one nf vs:therfo2e as all the writers monyſhe bs:lette bs neuer forget this day which ine call the domes dap. Sainct Hierome fapthe, that de euer thoughte be hearde the trompette. Powe ther that “banein confideration this dap, and make themſelues reads “tt ts atopfull thyng bnto theym : but they that be cuſtoma⸗ ‘dle ſenners, wyll not leaue their wickedneſſe, fuche as bee 1. sce ſwearers, 02 adulterers, 02 tdolaters, and Doo credite popes Fe chat rie: vnto theym this dave thall beea fearefull dave: tt thatl vererrib'e bee a heauy commyng nto theym. Satucte Paule telleth co fonic, what good cherethey ſhall haue, namely euerlaſtyng dams · nation, bepng the ennemie of Chrille, theyr glorve ſhall O tourue — Certaine Sermonsmade by aes turne to thelt eternall thame, So pon fee that all the worlde may be deuided in tips partes:namelp into the faithfulland vntaithfull. Pow S.pPaule farhe,that be looketh fe? this- Sauiour, wich hall channge our bile bodies accordeng te wornyng:wyerbe he is able alls to ſubdue all things onto | hem (clf. Ae haue a fratle body, modtall, fabtectto all ins Ourgroffe ; fiemities and miſerles: it isa groſſe body but fo2 all that it oly taal {hall rife agalne, and ſhall be chaunged. Zt is moꝛtall now, ged. {t hall be immoꝛtall ther: tt is paſſible not, it ſhall be ime patible that + itis grote not, tt (hall be teurned toagilitte that: itis coꝛrupt now, {t Halbe iucorrupt ther. It is Igno⸗ nrinious nowe, it all be glorious than, like vnto his body. $21) bohan ft ch ube fo ity cur bodies: ve maye bee ſure it fHailbe fo with our foules too : fo: that felrcttie that we Malt haue, that God bath lapd bp fo2 bs, paſſeth al mens though» HT Sey BOB what (ope thep fhall have that be comtent toleane theft: - ofheiuen ſynnes, andlpac godly. And thefethpuges Chak our laui⸗ Poi all’ gut ſhall bꝛyng to pale bp bis infinite potyer,. 8 > nennes =~ aly to make avs ende, for Gods fake marke thefe lefons: choughts. well: fo3 this is a very good pece of (eripture, wycrin Paul ſheweth both wapes > F thinke if were better for bstolpue — fo ,that we may attaine fo tits feltcttic, wyich ts prepares fox bs itt heauen, rather tan to foloty our carnal deſres and lu⸗ es, Foꝛ whan we leaue our twicked fe, € credite the word of God, and haue a deliteiwmit > Hodout it hall bepng bs in the ed to this. ſaluation, of tubich faint aul (peaketh here, Wuthow Kall tt go with the other whyche well not heare Mark.o. Jods woꝛde, nor leaue theit tofckeores 2 Marie Vermis co- gunnon morietur WZ yep? woo? ne ‘fhall not dpe. By theſe woꝛrdes of Chr, ts erpreledthe great payne and forcing that the wecked (hall haue: therfore faith ſcriptute, Mors Pal 34. peccatorum pefsima, The death of the ſynners is the ok ‘The vvic theng that can happen Onto the. MWhat meaneth he by that? ke] Chal- He ſignifieth vnto vs, that the wicked be nat enougs putts ase ie is ‘fh2d here sit ſchall bee woorſe with them after their deathe. andhenfe $29 thatitthall bea chaunge, thep that haue pleaſure here, £0. and lyue accordeng to their defpzes,thep Malt coaeto airs Spi —— theother worlde. Againe, ther that haue attlicti⸗ on⸗ woꝛlde without ende. Amen. AM. Doctot Latymer. Fol.98 5 ons here, they Mall come pander to the perpetual fabboth, ; where there is uo maner of miferics , but a perpetuali lau⸗ deng and pratfong of G DD. Ho whome twith the ſenne ‘and the baly ghoſt, be all honour and glozie,noive Aud cucs » The fyfth Sermon of maifter af Doctour Latyniers. 4 Matth.ix. Luc & Matc.g. tao Wile be fpake vnto them this, Behold there Sita al Came a cectainruler, and woꝛſhipped hurt, ZAG Gi faping:utp Daughter ts euen not difeaten, —— but ceme ano lave thy band vppon ber,and {2a Bl he thalllpue. Gnd Zelus arofe, andfolas Seo a wontan which was difeatcd with an illue . af bloud tivelfe peres, cant behind dim gc. This is a notable Worle, and much comfoꝛt we thall fpnde in it: pf we twill cons ſider and wape it, fotth all the circumſtaunces. The Cuan: gelilſt Darc fapth, the rulars name was Fairus, he twas ar Officer : ſomme thynke that be tas a reaver of {cripture, as there tere at that tyme:oꝛ perchance be was ſuch an officer as we cal churchivardés, which is a great office in the great The chu chevvar- _ sities: Church wardés can bryng much matters to paflesfuch 5... may a great officer be thas. Fo3 though y Jewes bada laty, that do much, they ſhould make no facrtfices no. where bat at Jeruſalem, Apbere the temple was gal the ceremonies: pet for all p thep Had int cuery to wne their churches 62 (pnagoges:ltke as we ‘bane churches here in Crigland,cdimonly eucrp towne bath Achurch. And thts woꝛd Church fonttines it fignifieth the ‘congregation : the people that is gathered together: fomty- mes it {ignificth the place where the people come together, The ching continens procontento, owe our ſautour commyng to chat con- Caperniay n, tobere that great man divelled, which was {uch teinethfor _ Btolwne as 15 zifotwe 02 Couentreis. Zatrus.conmeth onto bebe we him in all hak, and lalleth dowwne before bim: Ec pr ecabatur te jned. i fnultam, atid maketh greate fate vnto byut, that he woulde Dh come . ke | Ceriaine Sermons made by corte to his houte and heale his doughter, which was ſpcke. Ho doubt he had heard what maner a man our ſauto as 3-. and wherkore be was come into this worlde namely to ſaue fonuers bathe in ſoules and bodies: and be bad hearde allo. the generall proclamations weitten in the:ri.chap. of Path. Mah 1 {yhere our fautour faith : Come tuto me all pe that laboure -- ridings and are laden, and J toll cafe pou, This proclamation thts. poaree Jairas had bearde, and belenedit. And therefore be cometh, proclama £0 Chit: He dyd not as a great many of vs do, which whan tioa, «= Sue be in trouble, oz ficknes,o; lofe any thing: we xunne bis “ther and thither to to wyſſardes o2{azcerers, theme tee tall: ‘fyple men tw jan there tsno man fo Fooltiye and pnbe as. ‘tyep be:fo2 the deutll leadeth them accoꝛdyng vnto bis twill ‘and pleafure:and pet tog runne after them ſekyng apde and. . ‘comfort at their bandes. But this good man dyd not fo: be - knety that god had forbidden to runt wyſſards. Wut what Tairus run doothe he 2 Pary He commeth to Chill, our ſauior, with a. neth not godd ſtrong and biifained faith. Foꝛ (as Jtolde pou befoze) rowntches he han hearde before of Chrtft,of his proclamation, twhiche — moued hym nowe tn his diſtreſſe to come brite hun. Snd ne. - Boubt he had a good fubffanctall faithe, as it appered by bis behautors; pet be had not ſo goada faitheas the Centurion . ; pita had, which fent a meſſage onto hym, taping: Lord, fay but ticfarh’ one OH, and Mp ſeruant thalbe wge This was a wen⸗ then Iai- ‘pers Great katth:in ſomuche that Chul faith: Non reperitas · rus. tem dem in llrael J haue not foũd ſueh afarth val Iſtael. Math, 8. But though this Zairus had not ſo good a faith as the Cen⸗ ‘turton bad:pet be bath had luche one vohlch leadeth by to Chzilk. We commeth to Chrke, he beleeueth that Cb ate able to. helpe bpnt; mrp accozdpng panto bts belefe, it he ap neth vnto hyn. #orhis doughter tas healed, as pe heare afteriuacde : And ſo — hpi is kulfplled the Strt⸗ pture. Credidé proprer qaod loquutus fum, Jhaue beleued Jairashad and therefore J have (poker. For Tooke what manne ‘ agood uer bath a good fapthe, he wll not dolde bis gent be tl faiths . fyeake, he well calle fo2 bealpeathis hatides : Jo? pF this Jatrus Hadde ‘not hadde a good faythe ‘He thoulde Hot bane Humbled byntielfe fo muche, to falle downe —— uths M.DoorLatymer, Fol,gor * fach a pooꝛe man as our faufour {yas Some wold haue had reſpect to their honors: They would haue thonght tt ſkorne to fall Dounce befoze fuch a ppoze man as our fautour was:oꝛ els be would haue bene afraide of the people that were pes ſent, to hoite2 him fo highly, andto confeſſe hym to be a bels per. And no doubt,that Jairus was in greate danger of bis. Upfe:fo2 Chal was not beloued amongelt the Jewes, there ſcoꝛe tt was a great matter fo2 this Jairus to honor Chik fo openty before all the multitude. Gnd no doubtif be bad not “had fo good, ſtrong, and earneſt faith, be twold not baue Done as he did, but be bad a good ſtrong fatthe ; therfore be was “prot afratoe of any thing in the worlde. HNow pe hail learne of this Jairus, firſt by bis enfample # to go to Cheiſt, in all diſtreſſes to (eke belpe by hym: And als irus isto fo pe yall marke andoblerue bis greate and fatherlpe lowes be tolow that be bath towardes bis Daughter: fo2 be maketh greate cdin two fute to Chꝛiſt fo2 her, whiche ſignifieth that be bath a greate thynges. and earneſt loue towardes her. The ſame fatherly affection and loue of the parentes folvards their childzen, fs the good gift of od: And god hath planted the fame in their hertes: And this (pectally, for two reſpectes. F pr, fo2 the childzens Cake ; fo2 it is an trkefome thyng to bryng bp children: and ‘mot only that, but alfo it isa chargeable thitig to kepe thents © and to waite vpon thent:and peeferue them from all peril: it god bad not planted fuch loue inthe parentes Geartes , in Bede it were impoſſible to doo fo muche fo2 theint: but Gov bath planted fuche lone in their heartes, whiche loue taketh The com- ‘@lvay all irkfommes of all labour and payne. fo2 What fs wmoditicof ebplde whan it is lett alone z what can it do· Wolw is it able ‘folpue? An other cauſe is, toberfoze god bath planter ſuch “°° done in the parentes hearts tolvards their childꝛen: that we sight lerne by tt, what affections be beareth tolvards bs. fo; “though the louc of parentes towardes their childzsen bee berp great:vet the loue of god towards bs fs greater:pea his loue yy... towardes vs, palleth farre all fatherly loue, which they haue bo chofé ‘tolvardes their chilozen. And though Chal anlp be the bes children ry natural forme of god:yet with bis deathe aud paſſion be of god. Hath merited that we be the chofenchildzen of god, Foꝛ son ae 93 ia PS D. ti. Certaine Sermonsmade by “are, fo; our fake bath beſtowed bis enely natural forme; trite the: Death, to the ende that ine (would be mabe thozough bin, his choſen childꝛen. How therfore alpthat beleue in Chk, and: traft thorow his pafſion te Se ſaued: all they are the chilogé : of gov: And god ioustd them moꝛe {han any naturall father: loueth bis childe. Foꝛ Coe lous of God totvardes bs ts nose - erntilt, and more vehement tolvards bs, than is the fatherlp: loue tatwarbes his natural. childe:which topng thall comfore: - vs in all our diſtreſe: tn what perill o2 danger focuer Wwe be, | ine ſhall beleue that god is our father. And therfoze we fhall come dito hint in the name of Chott bis naturall fone our Sauiour: therfore we nede not to delpatre in any maner of - thinges:but rather what foener tue baue in band, lst os run . to bint, which beareth fuch a fatherly affection towardes bs, Our paren moꝛe a great Dele than our naturall fathers and mothers can tesca not doo. As for oure carnalloꝛ tempozali fathers andmotbers, - lo tl a H fometpntes they be drinaturall, fo that thep twill not bealpe wre doch, Sete children in their diftrette:fouretines agapne they wold Bee" arne helpe, but they ar net ableto belpe thent. But our bes ueitlp Father, be ts laapng and Lynde tawurdes bs, ſo that he will belpe. And then agayn be is mightie,betsalmightp, | he can and map helpe:fo that there lacketh netther geod till in bym, neither power. Lherioze let bs not diſpeyre, but ra⸗ ther come vnto hym in ali tribulation, and no doubt tue ſhal be eafed bp Sim. Foꝛ certaine (tts, thatthe almpgbtpe God- - hath greater affection towards bs,than our naturall fathers: and mothers can haue. Andthts appeareth by that that be hath geuen bis natural foie (the higheſt treafure that ener. be bad in heauen or in earth) fo2 vs,euen vnto the deathein· bis bytter paſſion. Further in the prophets eutry vohere be fettety out his great loue which be bath to wards vs, ſaying: Nunguid poteſt mulier oblivifci. & c. Can a woman fogette her ownechild which he bath boon {nto this woꝛlde pea and: though ſhe doo forget the fame: pet twpil not Jſorget the. Fe {a vare thprg whan the deutil fo mucbe preuatlet) in pac rentes, (hata mother Hold weglect ozfosget her own child: pet faith God, though it were ſo that he woulde ſoꝛget hert child, pet toil not Jfoꝛget thee, whã thou beleueſt in my ſon Cheiſt. Foꝛthe deuyll can nat pzeuaile agaynſt me, though be page. . Efsy. 45 9 M.Doaor Latymer. d he preuail againſt womẽ, fe that ſomtimes thep forget their ew childzen, oꝛ kil thẽ, vet thal be not pꝛeuatle againſt mo: fo J ant mightier than be ts. Further bis lone which be bea reth towards 05, is erprefedin p.7. cap. of Pat. Wwber Chak faith: 3s there any man among pou, which it his fonne aſk bꝛead, wil be offer him a ſtone⸗oꝛ if He aſketh fiſhe, wil be ols fer him a ſerpent⸗ If ye than beyng euil, can geue pour chils daen geod gifts, belo much moze fal pour father which ts in heuen geue goed things (f pe afke them ef him: As tubo fay: though pou be eupll, pet whan pour childzen told haue any thing that might burt the: pet pou bepng fathers ¢ mothers bo geue them good things, which hal not hurt them. Powe fapth he:ſeyng pe, whole nature fs pll,coprupt, ard poiſoned with wickednes (fo; ther ts no faint in beuen, neither Be ter oꝛ Paul, but whan thep were here, thetr nature was coꝛ rupt and geuen to wickedneffe, and (o they mygbt be called Math, Fe The faine tes inher uen vvere euell yvhe they were y!) can gine good gifts vnto pour childꝛen, hobb much moꝛe ch islife wyll God which is the fountaine of all goodnes, geue you god thynges whan pe deſire them of bpm 2 bere pe mape learne now that tielouesf God tolwards mankpnd paſſeth - all naturall loue:and that be is redp to gtue vnto cuery one that commeth to him foꝛ belpe, pea the verye holy ghoſte be worll gene vs whan ive woll deſyre ft. Now to the matter : Wis Jairus is a good and louyng fa ther towards bis child: be cometh ¢ deftveth help ot Chit: p bis Daugbter may be beled: 4 conetous ma wold Hane paſſed _ on, be wold not bane take fo much pain as to com te Chak ⁊ delire bis help. Therfore by this Jatrus we may lern to haut a good faith folpards god, ¢€ aright natural loue to wards our childꝛen. But it is a cofeztable thing to confider this fatherlp aſtection of god towardes bs:if we wold wel cõſider f fame, it old ſtirr bp achildly loue in our harts tatvards him, fo p Wwe wold be content to be ordered by hint, eruled acozding to hjis pleafure: like asa good ⁊ godly child ts cõtent tobe ruled by bis father ¢ mother, ¢ wil in no wile 20 again them : fe ine (hold: be obediẽt vnto god, hke as f child ts vnto bis pas rẽts. Wutye wil ſay, Jpꝛay pou tell bs what is the wil ot gode Anſwere. The general will of God is erpzeledinthe : ters D. tit, The conf deration of gods louc vYOr keth obe- ience to hisyvill » Ceriaine Sermons made by fert commaundementes:there tue thall fynde what we hall doe and what we fhallleaue vndone. ut there is a fpectall wyll of god, whiche is eueryx mans callyng:foꝛ ft fs the will € pleafure of god p euery one fhall do accoꝛdyng vnto his cal ot be evecuted, that the wycked be punithed, and the good be re Inarded. Item, that the good and godlye lawes be mayntay⸗ ned and evecuted:and moſt (peciallp that the word of god be taught, thatthe people be not ignoꝛuant in that: and thys is the till of god: ty yen the magiſtrates do fo when thep ens deuor themfelues that gods honor aid gle2p be fet abzoade, ; and wyckednes bee abolifhed, then thep do accozdpng bute ~ thep2callpng. So liketwile the callyng ofthe fubtectes ts to . bee obediente vnto the magiſtrates: not torebell agaynſte thet: fo2 when thep do,thep ſtriue againſt G D D bins. felfe, and fhalbeeipunithedofhint. Item the maried man oughte to doe his duetye towardes his tupfe , that is the well of © DD, tolouc bis wpe, to proupde fo2 ber ¢c. Lypkeivile the woman oughte to dee her Duetve to wardes ber hbufbande in obeying hym in all thpnges that be not ac gaint god. Foꝛ (he nap not obep ber bul baa in wicked thin ges, which be again gou:but els there is no erception, but obey the muſt.Foꝛ ſo tt is wꝛitẽ, ſo faith god vnto ber: In ſo⸗ raly (halte thou bꝛing teorthe thp child2en, awd thy luk tall _ Gene.3.. pertayne vnto thy huſband, and be all baue the rule of the - Now wyhen the boo man doth fc, then He voth accordyng vn⸗ te her callyng. Further, nialers ought to do they? dueties towards theit ſeruauntes, and houſeholde:to inſtruct them in gods word: to let them haue thep3 meate and drynke. Lyke wiſe, ſeruan ⸗ tes oughteto obey thepz maiſters, with al hũblenes,to ferue then borightlpe, and diligentlpe: accozdpngas god willethß them to bo. Hoty this is the ſpecial wyll of god, namely that eucry oneſhal do acca2dpng vnto bis callyng, as god twilleth - Godsfa. him ta do. Moly fo fulfoll thys twyll of god, we Mould be mos gherly af. UCD bY the greatlousand fatherly affections, which godbsa feGion eth tovardes va:this loue ſhould moue bs to obep him:like 121 An — 6 god mM Do GorLatymer. ‘ Folizos as the good chylde obeyeth bis father and mother, Hob tommeth another matter; fo2 as oure faufour twas ſhoula goyng to the houſe, twheretbys pounge mayde lape fycke; Movers therecontmety a gaod favthfuil woman, creepyng thozough °°? the people:fo2 cure faniour twas toſſed and tozmopled in the unr mtultitade:fo2 pe muſt bnderftande, that thys Zairus was a great mana nian of great eſtimatiõ:therfore the people bea ring that bis daughter was ſycke, oꝛ dead, caine Duto hym to go with the corſe. | , Bis Fas Here J mul take occalion to (peake fometwhat: there bee py buriég laity, now A Dats, berp haſty to burp their frendes: pea fonts of men “N\/ PX tpines befoze they be well dead. F beard fap ones, thata pong ſcarſe woman was ſicke, and fell in a founde: her frendes tobpche 4°44 Were with ber, by and by made her redye to be buried : and {oben thep tent with the cole, and tere commyng {nto the church parde,the corſe ſtirred:and the vicar conmmaunded the pᷣ bare ber,to {et her dounc,and fo finally the womã recoues red, J fell this tale,to the ende to qeue you warnyng, not to” be to batty with fick folkes. Jhaue red in S. Auguiline,that there twas once aman which lap 7. dapes ſpecheleſſe, neither ſeerng, nor bearing, no2 pet recetupng any ſuſtinaunce, exe cept fonte lycour, whiche thep pouredin hys thoate with a quill. Now that fame man aftcr feuen dapes ſpake agapne, 4 manly. ANd the fick word P he fpake was this:wat ts the clocke he eth 7-4 thought be badipen but alitleiy ple. Nob vf his frédes-hay ‘7 AA ben ſo haſty ith bint, be ſhould hauc ben buried before that tyeme. Dherfore Jadmonich pou, be not to haſty with deade cozfes:as long as they bee warme, kepe thein tn the beds fog when a man ts dead in Dede, he wll foone be cold, TWhen our fauiour was goyng amongelt this great mule fitude to Jairus houſe: there conuncth a woman thoough - the people, deſirous to touche bis carment. The Cuangeliſt —* Mare fetterh out thts orp moze plainiy thẽ Wathetwduth, Math. 5. he faith: Chere was a certapne woman which had bene difea fed ofan plac. 12 peres, and badde ſuſtred many thpnges, of | manp philitfons:and bad (pent all that he bad,and felte no. amendment at all:but rather twas woꝛſe and worſe. Mhan ihe bad hearde of Feius, the came tn the pzraſe of tye — 2 Puc a —— Certaine Sermons made by bebyride hint, and touched Sys garmentifo) he ſaid, yf J one. " ip map touchelp bemme of bps clothes, Jſhalbe tobole. Wht Irie an Woman was Micke of a fhamefall oifeale, and bad bene fick yrcefowe Of {f.12.peres. Pafla ect multa, He bad ſuffred much [orci by thing a (t. 402 no Bout whoſoeuer bath sdoe With philitios, be mak Fee, | bee a ſutkerer: itis an prkefome thyng to goe to phifike: A man mo receiue many bitter medicines and potions. Ther fore Barks (aith: She ſuſtred much, they bad put ber to areat payne:and fhe bad beſto wed all ber fublaunce vpon thent, and twas neuer the better, but rather the wore. Be⸗ lyke the hadde bene a woman of great ryches, of greate Tubs fances,els (ye ſheld not baue bene able to wage phifitions fo long. This place of {cripture repꝛoueth not phificicns, as though phifike were 2 fuperflucus thyng,and not neceflarp becaule this tuontan was not healed: As when pe woulde reaſon of this maner: A batzfhall ¥ go to phifike - No that Jworll not:fo2 J reave (n (cripture, that a woman (pente all ber good bpon phifittons,and pet was neuer the better. But thys terte maketh ito moze agaynſte phifike, then thps tert doth agaynt labour, where (eter faith; Pertotam noctem labot auimus, & nihil cepimas, we haue laboured the whole Hight, awd baue gotten nothyng. How a raſhe feloin.tvil fap what: hath S. Peter laboured al nyght, and cought nothings then % wyll not labour at all: Foꝛ J hall get nothyng with nip fabour:but this is a foliſhe reaſonyng. For thoughe the woman {pent ali spon philittens, and pet twas not bealeds: Aad though Peter laboured all nyght, and catched nothing, ptt fo2 all that we are allawed to ble phifike,and commaun⸗ ded to labour. Fo2 fo faith ſcripture: Honora medicum prop V¥e mug tet acceſsitatem, Honour the phiſition fo2 nedeg (ake, Item, labour 2deo eft omnis medel a, from God is all curesand the hygh⸗ aedmay e& bath created § medicpne, af ine knew the vertue ofenerp viephiie Berbe, we myghte be-oure owne philitions : but we know cherm not, therefore God bathe oꝛdexned, that fome ſhoulde geue theymſelues to the knowledge of fuchethpnges 5. and , then teache others. 4. Re.ꝛ0 We ſreade in the 4.. Keaum.20.wben Csechias the king ‘Was ſycke, god fendeth Clay the Prophete vnto hem, Lays eng: WA. Doctor Latymer. + Fol.1oz enge:diſpone domui tux quia moricris , Putte thp houſe in an oder, fo2 theu thalt dpe: but here note by the waxe, that god required the king to {et his thinges in an ozder, to make hfs tetament, fo tor (hall foiotve thps enfample. Abe we percepue that god wyll call bs oute of thislpfe, we ſhall oꝛ ⸗· Ber all thynges fo, that there be no Aryles afteroure depar⸗ ture, that men may knowe tobat euerpe body ſhall haue. Ve mot Fo that whych twas ſaid to Ezechia, is ſald to euery one of t ines bs:fo} god loueth not ſtryfes noꝛ contentions: be is a god Of 4-.4- fe | britpe and concozde:therfoze to auopde all contentions, tue yye dye. ought to fet cur thynges in good oder, Poly although God fendeth Clap thither to tell him that be thall dpe, pet tt was not fuch a ſtraight fentence,that tt fhould be done out of had, . bpand bp:but rather god would moue bpm bp this meflage that Eſay brought, to make {ute fo2 longer lyfe. Uyke as he fendeth Jonas to Piniue, with affraight commaundement: gy ihreat⸗ whereby god woulde moue them to make ſute and mone to nyng god - byt, and fo to leaus their ſinnes, and wycked lyfe Pow E⸗ myadeth sechtasbearpng (uch a meflage of the Prophet, whãt did hes ee Parr he fell to praper,rebearfpng owe beneficial god hay (°7°FS bere bute hym, faping: 9 beleche the now, D load, remem⸗ . ber how Jhaue walked befo2e thee in truth and with a per⸗ fect beart,and haue done that which is good in thp ſight: and Hezechia Wept berp ſore:e fo god {endeth the pacphet vnto hym againe, pꝛomiſyng hym, that be Houldlpue vet. 5. peas res moꝛe. Mow did he nothing els after thatibe had thts por inife of god? Pes, he bled phiſike, he toke aluntpe offpggess | and lapde it bppon the fore: Ipke as we in ficknes tyme, laye Ezechias platters vpon (t,o pe fee by the enfaple of Besekta, that (t «fed phis is lautullł to ble phifike. but nowy at oure tyne, phifike ts a Ake. remedy prepared onlp fo2 riche folkes, notfo2 pooze: fo2 the’ poore mants not ableto wage the phiticion, G OD tn deds hathe made phifike,fo2 rpebe and poore: but phiſitions nowe A dares ſeeke onelpe thep: olune profites, batue to gette mes ney, not bot they myght doe goob vnto theyp2 pooze neygh⸗ bour. Aherby it appcareth, that they be for the moſte parte without charity; And fo confequently not the chplozen i an ñ CertaineSermons madebx and no doute but the heauy indgement of god hangeth ouer thep2 heades: fo2 they ave commonly all welthy and redyt _ purchate lands, but to helpe thep2 pooze neighbour that thet res : can not Bet but god wil finde the oute cue day J doute not. ¥Ve may We mult beware whan we go to philike, that we trutknes mot feats to muche in phifitions,and forget Cod in the meane ſeaſon. tomuch Like as kyng Afa dyd, which had a diſeaſe tn bis fete:andts co pmutk€ much reproucd bycante he foughte not the Lode + be trutlen *. Lat. is not in god but rather in phifitions:foz Scripture ſaithe: In pis ſicknes be fought not the Lorde, but phiſitions. Jknewe ones a great ryche man, anda couctous felotye, be bad purchafed about an hundzed pound: that fame ſtoute man came ones fo London, where be fell ficke, as Toute as be was; And in his (ycknes whan he was erhozted to beare a, it well, ſubmit hymſelt vnto gov: Be cried odut w bogrible —— a ſwearyngs, Sbal J ape, thall J dies phifitions, phifitions, wilinoe all phifittons. As well as he loued his good (which was bis ſticketo Od) pet he could fynde in his hart} to (pende it vpon phifitts beitovy ons: t but in theende be died Iyke abeall without any repens hismoney tante. This mannolve abuled the phifittons : for wemape — | Ip Phi: hfe phifike, but we mutt not truſt in phifike,as Ala the kyng * dyd, and that wicked man, of whome Itolde pou: tue maye ble gods prouiſions and remedies; whiche be bath lefte foz bs: pet fo2 all that fue maye not truſte in them. —— Now fo the purpoſe:This woman had {pent all ber good that phig. ANd Was neuer the better: Mell, that the phifitions coulde cion, not doo, Chriſt our (autour dyd it, and on this wile: Where could nor Wasa great multitude of people about Chak, they preaſed do. vpon hint: Now the woman commeth among the peafe of the people to bin, defirpnge to touche only the. hemme of hys garment:fo2 the beleued that Chzitt was fuch a health, full man, that the hold be found as foone as the might touch bpm: which cante to pate fo as the belened, Foꝛ as foone as fhe had touched him, ber tue twas Nopped, and ber ficknes gone quiteandcleane. She was a fhamefa woman, the The vvo Was not fo bolde as to ſpeake fo oure fautoz : but Hhecometh man ftale bebpnode bis backe, and ftealeth as it were, ber bealth . But her helth Wwhat doth our fautourzbe would not (uffer ber to be J ut M Door Lity net” ~ Fol .103 bit lueth to his difeigles, quis me rerigitripho bathe fouched - mp clotheszhts difciples made anfiner, faping:thon feck the people thautt thee, Falke thou, tho touched me? And he loo Red round about for tofe her p had done this thong, ut the woman fearpng and trentblpng;tnolupng what was done ; Iithin her; came and fell Doune befoze him, and toloe hint al the truth, No ont thfs oman was aſhamed to cenfeiſe bee filthy ſickenes, before the whole multitude: iButiobat then, Chk told bane it fo. Jperceiue fatth Chak that bertue ts gone ont of meshe faith not my cloke, or mp veſtement hath Donea worke:but be fateth , Scio virtutem ex me exiuifle,¥ knotue, bertue fs gore out of me. Therfore we thall notbee The vertu fo faoltth to thynk that our ſautsrs hemme had made the wo wene nor nia toholesbut rather ber good faith and truſt which fhe bap our of the in our Ciuionr, Wile mul not do as the folth blinde papiſtes ve — do, which impute great holines vnto the belfextent of our fa? Cc), ic. Mour, So pe fee that this oma was made Whole bp Chak thdrough bin, bp his tinpne potver . dnd fo is berifyed this wich ſcripture ſꝛith that which is impoſſible vnto ma, ts poſſible vnto god.Phiſitions hap orfpetred ofthat womã, it paſted their cunnyng to heipe her: but our ſauiour he decla⸗ ted his diuyne power, and bealed hee out of band; the doyng nothyng but touchyng· the hemme of his veſtement. So god can helpe when men cannot. Anenfample we haue in fertps ture, when the people of Iſraell goyng ont-ef Egipte, came Thar whi vnto the red fee, they had great bylics of both fpdes. Pharao che is im- the kyng of Egipt ſolowed with al bis bok at thep2 backes: : reo fea was afore thent, fo that there was nothyng after mãs pols sible with man ae {sible ‘reafon, but to perich: what doth god? Mary he deuided by bis |, gous inkinite potser, the rtd ſca, and deliuered them cut of al dan⸗ ger. So it avpeared, that god fs ‘able to defend bis people that beieue in hym, ertraodinarily. 2 phetuife in the wyldernes thep had no come no2 any thing to cate,there was no o2dina rp inay to line, what doth god: be taketh an ertraozdinarpe. way:he fendeth anna front heaven. fo we fee that be ts a» ble to belpe bs fupernaturallp:butpet fos muſt take Heese, vite mun and nat tempte God: we multe ole all ſuche meanes ashe oorrempe bath apointed to ſuſtayne this lpfc,els we chouid tempt god, god, Wish - Certaine Sermons made by gWÜich foꝛbidden. So lykewiſe toe reade, that {oben as wid was in the wyldernes, and Saule hadde compaſſed hym rounde about:ſo that be aftern mes ludgement could not ertape: what doth god⸗ ary he ſcndeth the Philiſtines inte Rega; bland of Sale, wich when Saule hearde of, be tent back, aid left Daupd, So bp that meanes god delluered his faiths . Full ſernaunt Dauid, out of the handes of thts crucll manne Saule, ay By thele enſamples we nap learne to put oure truſt and Hope fn God, in all maner of troubles, lyke as this woman did hers:the beleued in dur ſauior, and therfore ſhe was hea⸗ This veo led · All England, vea all the weride may take this woman maa may £65 a ſcholemailtreſſe, to learn bp ber to truſt in Chꝛiſt: and bee a = Co fee helpe at hts handes. fchole mi Agapne, by thys woman you may learne, that god ſome / 9 A _ tpnics bypageth fome lowe, and bumbieth them to thatende “won €a promote thent,and to bꝛyng them alofte : As tn thys wo⸗ man: the twas ficke 12. veres,and bered withſuch an yrke ſom fickenes, but at the length (he was healed and not only that, but alfo cralted:foz Chote called her bis daughter, whiche was the greatef promotion that could be. &o lpketwife Jo⸗ ſeph was in great mtlery,folde into Cgipt, andaftertwarde . caſte tuto pꝛiſon:here be lay a great while: be was greatlp pie ee humbled, but what was the ende of tte Bary be was a ruler ofmer hz ouer all Egipt:this was agreate promotion. So lykewyſe bledtob. auld twas humblen made an outlawe, an out caſte, durſte exalted. not ſhew himſelfe: but in the ende he was made kynge ouer ail gurp, beyng at the kyrſt but a ſhephard, ane afterivard an putla we, but in theende be twas made kyng. So this coma thougd (hc. teas lowe and loth to conte her filthy diſeaſe, pet he was well promoted, aftcr ſhe had confetti, the tas Anate bis daughter, which was a great pꝛomotiõ.But mark that Che faith not to ber, my hemme hath healed thee: but VVe wold he ſaith, thy tatty hath bolpé thee, Beraduéture tf we had this meke hemme, wẽ old make a great matter of it: which thing wer Chatte * but foolecptict bs ble pꝛater, which bath a pꝛomiſe: ſoꝛ ged Hee oe if promiſed when ine prav onto bint, ioe thalbe heard: tober wee hadi: We Bday w ate beart,as Ae woniã did, which beleued that M.DoGorLatymer. — rOol.i04 vᷣ Chrilt told helpe her: And kor this tatthe fake, the was fo’ highly commended of Chaifl,and al the people were edifyed by ber enſample. But {peclally Jairus,thatgreat ma,whole daughter tay ficke, be bad canfe to ſtrengthen bis faith by p en lample of this woman:which woman belened the word of Hod, therfore Me cante vnto Chꝛiſt. So let bs do too, tet be" flap our ſelues bpon gods woꝛd.Chꝛiſt faith: Venire ad me omnes, Come pe alito mesiet bs foloiwe this woꝛde, anv let Che faith bs come vnto hym:fo2 thisfaith p hath gods woꝛde fsa trae thathath faith: but p faith which bath not gods tp020,{s a lieng faith, —— a falle faith. As § Turkes and Jewes,thep bane a faith, but firh, thtir faith is not grounded in gods word:⁊ therfore it is alps eng faith, becaufe tf hath not the worde of god. scrfore like ag the docryne is nothing, beingeth no profits, witheute the word of god:ſo the woꝛd af ged Haingety no commodities er: fept faith be there, ercept it be belenedzelsitis to no purpole Neither But this woman beleucd the worde of god, fhe belcucd that doch fark Ghat was conre te heate the fick of foules and bodies: ther⸗ availvvich foze aeco:dyng vnto ber beltefe, it happened tuto her:and no © Te doute fhe isa fapntin heanen:fo; Wwe rede not that hefellafs ye. terward fro Chul. So tue learne bp this woman to haue @ thoat good talthin Chak, we muſt not runchither ¢ thither-to feke faub. p bein. #20, Wwe matt beleue tn bit, in all our diſtreſſes come vnto hint, (eke helpe ¢ cdfort by him. Acts our (anto2 after p he had healed this moma, be gocth to-this areat mas houfe, : wich bad called him to make fot bis Daughters whẽ be cons J meth nere vnto f houſe, there cometh one of Jatrꝰ ſeruãts fag ; tig: thy danghter ts dead fhe ts gone:trouble p maſter nolo, ger for al helpe fs paſſed. 1s, this bad bene encugqh to beng Satyr? out of his faith:hearing phis daughter was dead alredp if was a great tẽptatiõ Gute Hror. But here pe map learne, p ieh? pe ge by p way ¢ ye haue occatd fa De a good dede, do its folowe the cnfample of Ch2ite, fas be teas qoing to J airus houfe, gin the way be did this good dete, fn healpng that Die vye mov feafed woman:geuyng onts bs anenfamplsthat we ſhould icf none intermitte no occafion, but whenſoeuer we bane opoztant o eaten 4 tye fo Doe good, we ſhall do it. Andbere toe learne ans *° voroos ther thyng in our fautour, namely that there ts no — of perone —*2 Bag — — — CertaineSermons made by — with bint, he regardeth not the outwarde thetweof men lohether they bee poore or ryche, but as Saincte Peter . fapth, In all people, be that fear th Godand. worketh sighs tuoulies, be is accepted onto hint. Foꝛ Chrid refuled no ma neither rich nor pooze. ut we feet ey that be poaze arconts monip pll handled in this worlde, no man: regardeth them, cuerp man defpifeth them. Againe we rede euery there that The riche fhe rpebe and greate men are pli fpoken of in Scripture, po- menne tentespotentertormentapatientur. thy mightye men fhall acceuill mightilp fuffer papnes tn bell: pet this {cripture pifaloweth cera oF 92 vep2oueth not great men and niightyerulers, but it {pear vase |? Rethagaintt thofe which abute their power where wyth gon ; bathe enducd them, oppeeſſe other pooze men, do the wꝛong and miuries. Foꝛ commonly it is fene, that they that-be rich. Chrige ateloftpe and ſtoute, and abuſe their riches 02 thep2 polvery hachnore £02 NG doute riches may be vſed to good purpofes. Wut oure Hect to fautour be hath no reſpecte to perſons, whether thei be pooye the perfos oꝛ riche:foꝛ bere Luc (ce holy be helpeth ſpeſt the poore womã and notyts gopng to helpe the richeman too, tovaple bp. bis — | daughter which was dead and redy to be buryed. . Further we learne bere by tots Jairus to be conſtaunt and ſtedfaſt in our faith, not to be moued vᷣ euere wind: fo2 there was mas ny thinges which might haue mouedthis Jalrus to miſtruſt our fautour, and torunne front him. Fick bys feruant that Nothinge came and told bym,thp daughter is gone, which was a great fhouid dif diſcomfort: foꝛ as long as the was vet alyvue he hadde a goon courage hope, but when he bearde that ſhe was gone, it diſcouraged re hym very ſore. Secondarily the preparattd which Was made fo2 ber to bee buried, fo2 all the people were come now to go with the corſe which was a great difconifozt bute hvm alſo. Thirdlye the wordes of our fautour moſt aboue all thynges diſcomforted hym, when our ſauiour faith, ſhe is not deade but the ſleepeth:by theſe woꝛdes Jairus might haue concei⸗ ued an pll opinion in hym, faying: Mhat: he thynketh that foe ſſepeth:no if it were fo,% coula rayſe her vp my (cif. DEF fuch wyſe this Zairus was tempted. Potn when thep came nere Unto the boule, there was a greate number sf people woich tei oure faufour to ſcoꝛne, when he ſayd that he dept. » M.Dodor Latymer.. .¢ Aept: here we may lern to be conte, though ine be di ſpiſed and not ſet by in this wold: fepng that our ſauiour biuniclfe was of ſuch wyle deſpiſed Idoute not but J bane ben laugh £0 to (carne tuben Jhaue preached, that the way to gette ris thes 1s, to geue alway to the pooze this that we hanes They haue called me olde dotyng foole:but whatthens we muſt be content te be deſptſed with Cheriſte bere in this woelde, that we map be gloztfped with him im ypvonder worlde. Here is made mention of mpntirels,no dout they haue their The rſe of ood vſe to make folkemtery,and to dꝛiue alway phantafies, — at that tyme they vſed minſtrels to their burials, as we bfe vclles bere bels. Now cur ſauiour ſeeing the peoplethat was come to go with the cozfe,and the pppers and nunfrels reby, be contoꝛted Jatrunt, which no daut was ingreat anguiſh:ther foze Chik faith vnto him: Noli timere, tantom crede, feare not, but onelp beeleue:continue onely in thy faith towardes me, and ail thinges thaibe well. Qolw lyke as he faith to Fat- rus, fo he faith to bs too,tn what perpl oꝛ tribulation ſoeuer ‘tue be, we ſhould not faynte, we fhuld not feare, but belene, be wyll regarde our fatthas mucheas be regarded the fapth of Zairus. And Wwe Hall attapneto ſuch an ende as he did:fo2 . pe mutt confider thatthe almighty god doth fometpmes put . - of the fulfilling of bis promt{es,and belpeth not by and bp: The caufe but wherfore dothe be fo2 Warp fo2 his obbne glories fake, vhs god foz if we hold baue by and by that thing tobicbe we delxre, ianarech then peraduenture toe ſhould attribute it nto our obvn ſel⸗ ins ns 28, not Onto god: therfore tt commeth not by and by; that oy and by, we may after wardes when tee haue it, be the moze thanke: ful fo2 bts helpe. Therſore let bs continue in prayer, and. in faith,anbd no doute he will helpe when it ts the verye tyme. Expectadominum fapth Dauid, tarp fo; the Loꝛde, Venret & non wyil come and not tarp:and when be cont meth, be woll fete all thrnges in good azder. Potwve be ſap⸗ eth tothe people, Quid ploratis, what treepe yes Bou muſte ch 9 con vnderſtand that our (autour condemneth not all manner of democeh Wweeppng, but onelpe that whych is without hope: of vohy⸗ eo: all © che Sapnct Pault tpeaketh:canquam qui {pem non habeor, * epiug. ‘as thep that haue no hope:but charitably wepyng isalomed oN P yea : Certaine Sermons made by per eqn naunded, foer &. Paule faleth; Flere cum flentibus weepe withthem that wepe,be ſorowfull with them thathe - ſoro wlull: pet do it meaſurably ss becommeth chriſtians. In the time of pepery, betoꝛe the goſpel came amongeſt bs, “Ine went fo buriales, with tveppiig and wailing as then “The mean is bette 113 all rhefe chyages. jold Repea meureinal that the holy Patriarch ate fo2 his wife Sa . ra. &0 likewiſe did Joſeph, for bis father Jacob: therefore to - wepe charitably ant. meaſurably ts not pli, bat good, and als loined in gods werde. Soliketuile in the ne w tedamét wha ° that-ho!lp man S. Stephen was Coned te death, the tert faith. vᷣ the-church,fecesunt planctum maguum they made a great , lamétation ẽ weping ouer fim. Bere Imight haue occaſion to tae again thoaſe — which fe ſoue forgette their Mearied p-rfones petfoden-- a fi urgereb stage tiwelne monthes — no bout nas ant = theirma: fa F kes, maT 2 ber — Poy when our laureur was come to the houle, he cutkred fe man to go in with hym, bat Peter James and ohn anv . tye kather and mother of the cheldalthes Ser hethzunt out, and toke the mayde by the hande, ſaving tebita cumi,thatis tofap, Maide,y fap vnto thee arpleeQnoberipietee cante ar gayne, and he arsſeſtrapghte wares inbatigall we learne heres mary weſhal learn here that ourfautourdineucrcom | deth, that he is the. low ouer deth; pie hah the victore ouer Deshe o- him.Secundaritꝑ torlearnehore,p cur (aweuris berie gop benbaoagbecauſe he cs amaundech Beaty 322 teli geudeath ts Sook baiGod gy arrogante and fubburnefeloty, that beauillobe: alone. | ppe but onolp@ad. Mole he abepehour frutour,: ther sis if appearerh thats is lorde ouer deathe. Be —————— * B24 — ars M.Do2or Latymer. Fol.t0e fay vnto thee, avife:sby and bp the was pericctip hole:for he eate,ta ſignifie f he was right whole. bere our ſautor Getw ed hymſell to be herp god; efo the iord duer death, falfiiing thefapiny of Paul, Eto morstua,d more, D doth, Thal be thy death: this is now acomfaztable thing that we mowe⸗ that Chriſt bat) onercone death, and not for himſelt but ſor vs, fopour fake. Sothat vhen wie beleue in Chriſte, death fhati not hurte vs:ſor fe path lof his rength and powwer: tt fo much thatitis no meas a dcath, but rather afleepes to all The refar then that be faithfattanv feare goo. FProm which ſlepe thep — MHalliple to euerlaſting lyfe. Alto the wicked trulx thal wiles yo oe ‘bat they halbrpicts their damnation: fs that it were better zoca and ſoꝛ ther neuer to ryſe. badde. "Shere be two kinde of people tabiche Mill Hot fleepe:the | “Gir bethe children whiche weve awd greue when they fhall , goe to bedde, for becauſe they knowe not the commodityes ‘that be tn the depe, they knoww not thatthe flepe refrethetha Tyvo ſor⸗ mannes body, and maketh him to rozget ail the labours twbhie *¢* af peo⸗ ‘che he hath had belore:this the children knowe not, therfore hese — “thep go with an pil wyll to bedde. The other be drꝛunkardes, ‘inbiche bee giuen fo greate dꝛainking, they care not thoughs ‘they beall nighte atit, and commonly the fieepe dothe them harme, foꝛ he maketh them heauy foꝛbeades. So like wyſe there be two kynde of men that feareth death, which deathe in bery Bede cught not to be feared: fo3 be fs the beſte philitte on that cuer was, he deliuereth at aclappe from all miſertes and difeates: therfore he ought not to be fearcd; but as ZF told pou tive kynde of men there be that feare hym; the child 21, that ts to fap they that are childiſh to godwarde, that are tg noraunt in ſcripture that knowe not what -greate treafures ine thal receiue at goddes handes after this itfe, but thep are all whollie {ct and bent vpon this woꝛlde: and thefe are ths — childꝛenthat will net goe to bed, that is to fape-that feare deathe that are lothe to goe cute of this world. Theocher be drunkardes, pᷣ be cuſtomable ſinners, vᷣ wyll not améd their liues, o ave dꝛunkẽ oꝛ dꝛduned in ſins € wickednes, } regard finne nothing, they are not wery ot it. the as it is waitten ert preceiees m mediũ nee venitcoten:. the ſinner " p(t. fa remed chefe tven forts Certaine Sectrone mede by ow com neth in the middeſt of his ſinne, thenne he careth na moꝛe fo2 it, he deſpiſeth tt, be ts not forp for it: tobatremedp ' wate: Bary this, thep that be in caſe as chyldren be, that isto ‘fapithep that be ignoaunte,let thent gette knowledge, lette | cf peo vi@ then indeuour themſelues to vnderſtand gods holye worde, Wwherin is fette out his will, what he ould baue bs to does — Now when they haue beard godves worde and beleued that ſame: 10 Doute all the feare of death totibe bantijed € gone quite away. Foꝛ thep ifall fende in gods worde, that deathe hath lofe sis frength that he can not hurte any moꝛe. Like⸗ forte thep that be dꝛonkardes, that is to fp, that be cuſto nas ble ſinners, let them repent pcre there the toute of grace is, lette theyn amende their lyues, bee ſorve fo2 that they bane Done: and take hede hence forwarde, and beleue in Chriſte, to bee faued bp and thoꝛoughe bis patton. Foz Itell pot drunkardes, you cuſtomable fpnners,as longe as pou lye in finite and wickedneſſe, and haue a Delpte in them: fo lenge pou are not inthe fauoureofG D iD, pou ſtenke befo bys face:fo2 wennuite wꝛaſtle wyth fine > ne mute hate. _ Chrilt hath kil. Jed our death. forit2, nat agece bitte it: wen ye Doe fo,then pe oughte not to bes afrapde of deatyesfarthe deathe of Chak our ſauiour hath kylled cur death, fo that he canst hurte vs. Notwith⸗ ſtandyng seath hath dttter potions:but mbat thenc as ſoone as he hath done bis office, we ar at liberty; and haue eſcaped all perill. Acleirbly J {poll atke here a qreatclearklp queſtion, where yas the queftio 2. foule now after it went oute ofthis pong mavdez it was not in heauen noꝛ in hel,nam iainfernonon eft redemptio,there . tS no reventption in Hell, where was it then: in purgatozspe2 fo the papiſtes haus reaſoned, tt was not th bell nor in hra⸗ Het, ergo it was in purgatogp:tobich no doute ts a vaine fo2 Nh arquimit. ow F wil make a clearkelp anfwer vnto my Aclearkly queſtiõ: t fuch an anfwer that it p bitbop of Romewoldhaue aualwer- gone no further, we thald hane bene tuehenougs : there wold not oe fach errors ¢ fooleriesinreligid,as there bath ony — isthis J ca not tel buat to yere ‘M.Do@orLatymer, °° Fol 187 at me:becaufe (cripture telleth me not tobere fHefras. Now pe haue heard that our fautour fs the 1020 ouer death and fo confequently berp spn: d:becauſe he raiſed bp this pong woman which was dead. at peraduenture pe will fape, tt is no great matter that be raiſed vp mapden whiche was. dead:for tue reade of Clifa the prophete, that be ratſed bpa pong man from death. Anfiver,trath tf is, he rayſed him bp, ‘but not by bis ofpne power, not in hys owne nanie, but bp ‘the potwer of god: be dyd it not bp himſelfe. but Chriſt our fas uiour, he raiſed bp Lazarus, and this pong mapd by bis own diuyne poiver: he wing bimlelf to be berp god, and the fonne _ ofthe father eternall:therfoze be faith, Ego fum reſurrectio Chrift rai- &€ vita, Jam the refurrection and the life: This was his doc: ay — the trine: Mow fo pꝛoue that doctrine to be true, he did myzacles |) by bis otone diuyne power, chewyng bymfelfe to bee verre over, god:ſo did not the prophetes, they tere goddes feruauntes, gaods tihiifiers: but thep were not gods themfelues, nerther did they any thing in theyr o one name. Seow ta make an end let bs remember what ue haue herd, dette bs take pevathat we be not cuſtomable ſinners:but ras ther let vs ſtryue with finne,fo2 Zz tell pou, there be but ſew OF thole that{pende all theyr tyme inthe pleafures of the ‘flethe, that (pede well at theend: therfore let bs take heede, Pimurtherer bpd the croſſe he (ped wel: but what then, let vs not prefume totary in wyckednes ſtyll, to the lak poprite of out lpfe:let bs leaue wickednes, and frpuc with cur lleſhly -affections:than Wwe fhall-attapne in the ende to that felicity, _ Apbich god bath prepared fo2 al them that love him: to tubone amt p lonne and holy gholt, be all hono2 and glorr. Amen. > Phe vi'Setindn preached by Mailter | _. ‘DoctozLatpmer. . Reom.ʒ. 7 (s ‘Mle nothing to any man but this, that pe loue one a⸗ * Nother:fo2 be that loneth another fulfilleth the lawe. TFoꝛ this commtaundentent thou fhalenot commit abs, o ultery, thou thalt not Kpll, thou Galt not Meale, thon alte’ uot beare fale witnes, thou Malt not lutte, and ſo fozthe: pe = Peelit. there Certaine Sermonsmade by there bee any other cõmaundement it is al compzehended in Adetrhat this ſavmg·ac · ae Big ; * cauncuer. 99 forthe firſt parte of this — haue ſpoken of it be a! paid elore. for &. Paule entreateth st loue, and J tolde pou bow that loucis athing whiche tue owe one to another, and ive are meter quitte of this dette, we canne neuer diſcharge our ſelues of it:forꝛas long as we liue we are in that dette. I will not tarpe naive to intreate of it: fo2 Jtolde ysu ſence J came into thistountrey certapne ſpeciall properties of ahxs done. Therfore J twtil oneiy ocfire pouto confder,thatthys - Loucis doue is thelpaerpeof Chriſt, theychat haue this liuery be bis Chrites ſeruantes. Againe theythat haue tt adt, be the ſeruants of p - lyuery. diuel: for Chriſt faith, dp. that they thal know p ve be mp di John. 13 ciples, pf pe lene one anothersthep that beare pil toll hatred and malice tothey? neighbours bee the dyuelles ſeruantes. And wyat ſoeuer ſuch men do, that hate theyre neighbours: pleaſeth not god, god abhorred it,they and all theyr· doyngs 4.Cor. 33 ſtinke before him. Foꝛ pf e Loulð go about to facrificeand: Offer vnto god a great part of our ſubſtance, pf we lack loue it is all to no purpoſe, be abhorreth al our bopngs: therefore oure fanfour geueth bs warnyng that we halt knowe that eur doynges pleale not gov fuze we are out of charity ith: our neyghbour, haue greued or iniured bum: thele be bis ta, _ Maths. des:Therſore if thou offceſt thy gitte at tye aitare, ana there: : yemembpet that thy bother hat) ought againſt thee, diane. there tp oſtering, before the altare, and go thp way firſt and be reconciled to thp botocr,and.th2 come andoffer toy gift, fo2 certainettis, that when we be withoute loue and chari⸗ tie, we pleafe not godat all,netther w,facrifices o any mas: ‘mer of thin zes: therfo2e Jdeſpre pou call to remembsaunce what Z fapsdvat the fame tyine when J entreatep * e:for Atellpou god twill not be mockedrit is net pnsugh to pre⸗ VVe mut tenda lous and charity, With our mouth,and to ſpeke faire, loue with AND in dur hearts to hate our neighbor: thists nought, we - chewhole {auld notonip ſpeake well by. sure neighbaur, but alfo Wes ~beart. Gould lose him in Bede, we Monto telp hin in his nede, we fyould forgone him with all our heartes wien he hath Done aap tang again baifn wre never Oslpep ana help BU, tiede + pay M.Do@orLatymet, ” Fol tot HOt being able, the my loue is not perfect: forthe right loue ſheweth berfelfe, by the outward workes. lpke as &. James “faith: Sheto me thy Faith bp thp workes. So J fay vnto vou, Loremul gew pour loue bp pour tworkesi Motw to the other matters, “5 Che CThis alfo weknow the feald how § it is tyme that wefhold |, +h, “now awake out ot ſlepe:foꝛ mol is cur faluation never, thã j4-ob.2, Wwhen ine beleued. Whe night fs paſſed the dap ts cone npe, ‘let bs therfoze caf alway the dedes of darkencs: and lette bs puton the armour of light, let vs walke honcſtly as tt. were tt the dap light, not in eatyng and drinking, neither in. chant ‘bering and wantonnes, neither ti ſtryke and enuyeng, but ‘put pe on the lord Jeſus Chl, and make not pzouiſion faz othe feth,to fulfill the luſtes of it, : Pere S.Wanle requireth agreate thing of os, namelyp Wwe fhould awake froin ſſepe: be argueth of the circumſtaun⸗ ces of the time. but thatfiepe of which be ſpeaketh isfpectally wa⸗ a (ptrituall depe;the lepe of the foule:pet we may learne by .. oe go. this tert pte much luggi hues of the body ts naught and Wie ves forbid ked,to {ped p good time which god hath geuen bs to Do good dco. fit, to ſpend tt F fap in ſſeping:foꝛ we oughte to kepe a mea⸗ fureas wel in llepyng asin cating & drinkyng: and We picte God a5 well in ſlepyng our naturall fleepeas in eating and | deinking:but we mutt (ce that we kepeameafure, that Wwe Mecafure’ giue our felacs not to much ſſuggiſhnes. For like as we mai mutt be not abufe meat ¢ drink, lo be map not abuſe fleping, fo turn — all our natural flepe into ſinggichnes. Wut S. Paule fpeaketh o 6es· here fpectailp cf the depe of the foule,thatis of finue € tite kednes, which are called in {cripture Gepe oxdarkencssfront which fiepe 2. Paule would haue bs to rife. Foꝛ our ſaluati on is come nerer, ho chaticeth tt pS. Paul faith vᷣ our ſal⸗ uatiõ is come nerersbo fe not betcue nobo as the pꝛophetes and patriackes didzand how ts thei our faluation conte ne⸗ te ‘Yerzpou muſt vnderſtãd ᷣ there-be tivo tines fro pbheginnig —— £ firſt time was fromthe beginning of the world, til Chriſt, * till to hys commyng. The other tputedts ſence he cams: ſorꝛ whenne became he wroughte the worke of oure falunitd,€ the cade. taugut va the way to beaut, ſuſfred that patiefo;bstubicbe =. tue ſhoid haue ſuifred in Hel world without end,¢ role agai ~ from tie death declaring Rs refurrecttd Onto his diſciples, ; Pettis and CertaineSermons made hy and lo altended tntobeauen, where be fitteth at the 2 ight Hard of gov his Father: where be with bis interceffion a 03, iy pich beleuc in bing.bis pation, and al big a ; vite: 0 that all that beleue in hym thall be quite from they | finass. Foꝛ bis paſtion ts profitable onelp vnto theym that beleue:notwithſtandyng that bis deathe might be Cuffictent forall tye wyole world:vet ſor al that no man (hal enfop that. faite benefit, but only they that beleuc in him, that put their Chrites hope, truſt, and contidence in hym. Nobo therfore &. Paul de an Pro faith, Our faluatton is come nerersbecaule Chriſt ts cont als tharbe Vebyse maketh interceſſion fo2 bs. Ail thep that were before leas wot. his commeng, as the patriarches and pꝛophets, and al other ‘ Faithfull thep beleued that be hould come, but fo bo not toes - tue beleue that be ts conve alredy, and bath fulfiiled all thins ges. Whe Jewes wyich ave at our time beleue that he thall come, but they tarie in vaine: their faith ts a deceitful faith, becaufe tt is againk gods worde: fo2 Chr is not to be loo⸗ hed for to come againe and fuftre. Ho not fo, but be wil come Chrite Adaine fo iudge bathe the quicke and the dead. Dur ſauiour vvasreue- CHAE was reveled long befoze he came ta ſuffre. Firſte in led'oag paradiſc, when God {pake of the womans (ede, faith: Contes before he get caput ferpentis, 2 he fene of the woman thail bꝛeake the came · ferpentes head, And this was a ps glad tidyngs : fog the ferpenthad deceued Adam and Eue, brought thers from . their felicitic,to te yich they were created 3 fo that Adan and... Eue could nat hea'pe them felucs, noꝛ amende the matter. * Nobo than conteth God with bts gofpell, and pomilety that - peeach:d there chall owe be born of a woman, vohich ſhall quathe the, inpacadite ſerpentes head:and this was a goſpell. And no dout as mas Ny as dyd beleue theſe wordes, and did put theyr hope tn the . ſede of the woman, and beleued to bee deliuered from theyr ſynnes thorow that ſede:as many J fay, a3 beleued fo, were faued,as Hoth, Enoch, and other good and godly mẽ, which wer at that time:but there was nota great numbꝛe of hole: | The mot Foꝛ the moſt parc cuer was the wart. Further, this goſpel pactaree WAS reueled dato Abraham, when God dpd promife hym, uerthe ‘Taping: ludemineruo benedicénturomnesgentes , In the yvorte, * all nations pall be bleftedsfo that it appered,that = M DoGorLaty rer Fol 109 out Chrite; we are vnder the curfeof God, And agapne by Chk we haus the benediction of God. Upkewtle this gofpeil was opened Unto Dauid, and al the Help prophetes: They ſpake of this gofpell, and taught the people te locke fo2 theit fautour? but their ſavings and pꝛophecies teas ſom what darke and obſcure. Now when he came and dwelte as The pro- mong os, aud ſhewed vs the tyay to heauen: with bis obon Phetes ſay mouth he taught bs thts gofpel, and ſutfred bis painful pale Soa fion fo; bs:this was a moꝛe ciecrer reuelation, than the p02 oifcure. poets had, Wherfore CHF our (auto? faith to bis difciples: Happie arethe eles which fec theſe thinges that pe (eesfo2 J Maik 13, tell pou, that many prophets and kynges baue defired fo ſe thofe thinges which pe ſee, and hauc not ſeene them; And to Beare thole thynges which ye heare, bane not heard them. Mut twherfore were they called bleed - that they falve hym? ro fee than if the bleſſednes ſtandeth in the outwarde ſceyng. than Chott m Adam and Cue, andailthe prophets were not bleſſed, but beti biel curſed:if the bleſſednes fandeth tn the bodily fight,than the fed. brute beattes were bleſſed which fate him: the affe whervpon be rode was bleſſed, pea bis bery cnmemie Annas and Cape phas,ant Pylate, and other thatconfented tuto bts deathe Were bleed, But it is not fo, pe muſt vnderſtande that ours ſauiour in that maner of (peaking putteth onlp a difference betwene the fpines. Fovat that tyme whan be teas bere in earth, be was more clerer revele3 tha afore, whã be was onlp pꝛomiſed to come. Mhen be spd myracles, cal out deupls, — healed the ficke,it was a moze clerer revelation: than oben God faid, Semen mulicris conteret caput lerpentis, The fede of the woman thal! bicake the bead of the ferpent. When John Waptill pointed andihewed hem with his fynger, tt could better be vnderſtande then the prophecies tubich were fyokenof bint: Wherfore this blefetnes whereof Cheriſte ſpeaketb, and faint Paule(whan be farth) What our faluatis The diffe on fs. come nerer, muſt be vnderſtand of the diuerſity of the rence of tyme: fo2- Chait was clever reveled fn the end of the worlde hee jue than before, Wut as touching the bleGeones which wehane Ch bo Choke ste was alike at al times, fo2 it ood Adam tas yo: dince good ſtead te belene ths fyrſt ppomyeſe which god made: vn⸗ Oy rcucied — Cerraine Sermons made by. fo hint, and he was as Well ſaued by it in beleuing Chrille {hold come,as te be, Wwhich-beleue that be is conte, and bath fuftred fo; bs. Sa likewiſe the ppophetes are ſaued in beties upng that he (ould come, and fuffer,and deliuer mankinte - by bis moſt painful death. Sut now fence be is come in dede and hath ouercome the dDenill ¢redemed our ſinnes, ſuſfered the papnes, not fo2 bis otune fake, but fo2 oure fakes: forbe Chrit had him ſelſe had no ſinne at all, be (uffredtodcliner bs frome - no fya,bur cuerlafing damnation, he toke our ſynnes and gauebs bis tokcour rightuouſnes. ow fence that al thele thinges are done and ye ty fulfilled therfore faith Waule; Propiuseft falus nunc, quam hus achty tunc cum credebatur, Dur faluation ts come never now, thé oufoes, when tue beleued: taking occaſien of the time, to mone bs te vife krom dur fleepe,as tuba fay, Chit fs come now, be ath ~~ fulfilled al things, of which thinges p pꝛophetes bane {poke | now therfore ariſe fro pour fins. The fame fepeof which &, Jeisafpiri Baul ſpeaketh here, ts the ſſepe of (puja ſpreitual ſſepe, not a taal ilcepe naturall fiepe of the bodie: as fo3 the naturall flepe it is law⸗ a ot fall fo2 bs to llepe and to take our reſte, when wedo tt meas kechae futably,not to much letting aſide our buſines:wherunto god : ' Hath called vs, and do nothing but piap the ſſluggardes:whẽ ine do fo, then We do naught and finneagain® god. Ther⸗ fore we muſt abbake from the ſyntull ſſepe, wwe mud ſet aſide ſlouthfulnes with all other vyces and ſinnes. But J prape VWhat fin POU what is (yng thinke there be many bohich can commit Ay fine, and do wickedly: but J think there be but fetu of thofe which kno vo what ts ſin. Therſore Iwil tel vow tobat fs fins al that pᷣ ts done againſt the lawes of god, cõtrary to bis wit Tvvo ma. ahd piclure, that ts firme and wickednes. Nobo there be tee neroflaw maner of lawes. There be general lawes pertaining to enes cs,gene- ryman and woman, andthere bee (peciall lawes:the genes —* aa rall lawes are compeehendedin tic ten commandementes, CH” which ten commaundementes are comprehended tn the las ives of loue. Thou fhalt loue good veith al thy And thy neighbour as top felfe,thele be generall laives. ed Now then there be ſpecial lawes which teach bs how eucryp nian and woman ſhall llue in their callyng, whereunto god baty called them. cle latues teach how magiſftrates hall do M:DodorLatymer: 02 ~~ Fol.nre do their ducty, erecute iuſtice, puniſh the wicked, defend the goon, to ſee that the common tuelth bee well ordred, and gor nerned, that the people lpuc godly euery ma in bis calling. - Soipketutle martes folke haue their fpociall callpng and. lanes. There is appointed in fcripture how the man ſhall . nourity bis wife tale her with allemtp.andfrendelinessthe: woman liketurfe fhalliobeyp ber bufbund, be louing ¢ kynde to wardes hint; So makers ought to de atco2ding vnto their callyng, thatts to rule theit boule well and godly,te (ee that: their ſeruauntes be tell occupied, and to let thent haue thetr meate and drenke and ages. So feruauntes haue theyz lawes:that is to obep their maiſters, to do diligently all bu⸗No obedi fines whatſoeuer their maſters cohmmaund vnto them, fo far enee a- as itis not againſ god. Foꝛ when a maiſter wal commaund sen’ ged vnto his ſeruaunts fo do ſuch thinges whiche are agaynſte god, then the ſeruaunt ought not to obep te do thoſe things. NHou whelseucr tranſgreſſeth theſe lalpesepther-the wes neralilatnes,o2 the fyeciall la wes, be ſinneth:and that whi⸗ cho is done contrary to thefe Lawes ,is fpnne. al ben pe will knobwo now whether pe haue finned 02 not, fee and confiber, :oaine to thefe lawes, and thei ae into thy heart, and confider thy lye? erent -uprg, bai thou hal (pent al thy dayes: yen thou doeſt fo, Su no doute thou fhaltfinde innunterable ſinnes tone-agains thele lawes:cor the lat of god is a glaſſe whexuꝛ a wan may 5, . prr fee bis ſpottes and ſuthines:therfore when we ſee thems det. i, sokin va abhoꝛre then and leauc them:let bs be ſory fog that which gliado. {s pated, andlet bs take a good purpole toleaue all ſinnes, from bentefazmard. And this is it S.paule faith, let vs avife from the flepe of ſinne and wickednes, for ourfaluation: ts come nerersour ſauiourche is clerelp opened dito bs, be, hath faffred fo: vs alredy, and fulfplied the latwe to the vtter moſte: and fo by bys fulfpliing taken alwaps.tkecurfe of. thelatwe, 2 Pras Shs fas ae * tae But there be tivo maner of finnes thereigadcadlye ſin, Tyvo ma- andaventall ſinne:that is ſinnes that bee pardonable ang et cf fas firines that be not pardonable. Nsboe hobe ſhall we knee. Wbyhrehe bee veniall ſynnes, 02 whythe bee not 2,602 ft is good to kuowe thepm; and ſo to keepe v3. ——— Gils 314 | hd ee J———— CeriaineSermonsmadeby __ when te wyl know which be deadly finnes 02 not:you muſt trltvnderltand that there betwo maner of men, when JIſar men, J vnderſtand women too,that fs all mankynde, and fo dothe (cripture too, vuderandtirg the women teo, by thys worde men:tor els we ſhould not fynde in (cripture,thatiwe ſhould baptiſe wonten,fo2 the ſcripture ſaith: Baptizate eos, baptife them, he ſpeaketh in the maſculine gender onely. J⸗ tem Nifi quis renatus fuerit ex {piritu &aqua, Except a man be borne agatne thorough ſpirite and water:here is made ne mention of women pet they be vnderſtanded in tt to:for the ſaluation and euerlaſting life, pertatneth as well vnto faith⸗ full women as if Doth vnto faithfull men:for be (uffered ag Wwell forthe women, as be did fo: the men. God twoulde haue The vrord them both to be faued, the men andthe women. Hope lee man figni that this worde men fignifieth 02 contepneth both the ſexes, fiech boch (the men and the wemen)at ſometimes, not alwates:But ¥ manand fay there be two maner of men, fome there be $ be not tufts Vroman. fied, not regenerate, nor retin the fate of faluation, thatte fo fay, not gods ſeruants:they lacke the renouation oꝛrege⸗ iteration, thep be wat come yet to Chall. pote thele perfens that bee not come yet to Chriſte, o2 pf they were come te ie il — Challe, be fallen agayne from bim: and fo loſte theyr iuſtii thar cation(ãs there be many of bs, Which when we fall fillings deadly. Iptn to fin againſt coniciente,twe lofe the fauour of god, ‘our: Norvvith- ſaluation, and finallp the holy ghoſt) al they now that be out ftanding of the faudur of god and are not ſorve fortt, {inne greeueth ue thent not; thep purpote to go foꝛrwarde tn (t,all thoſe that in⸗ of icovvn tend not to leauc their fines are ont of the fau03 of god:and nature 0 all their workes whatſloeuer they do, be deadly finnes: fo3: isdead- aglongas thep be in purpole to ſinne, theyfinne deadly in —— _ all their doynges. Therlkore when We wyll ſpeake of the di⸗ ucrlitie ok ſynnes, we mult ſpeake of thole that be favtheful, thucereay fHat be regenerated and made newe, and cleene from theit finnevn- fines thorough Chriſt. How this Jſavy:Jhaue veniall fins perdona nes and deadlye finnes, which be ventall ſynnes? ECuerye F ey (prt p is cOmitted again aod not wittinaly,not willynglp/ fede the Mot tonſenting onto tt, thole be veniallifinnes? As fo an en⸗ ‘goipel, lample, Jſee a faire Woman Jam moued in mp heart * ig M.Doctor Latymer. = >| with her, to commit the acte oflecherp with her, ſuch though tes rife out of mp heart:but Iconſent not vnto them, J with fandthele pll motions, 3 folotw the enfample ofthat godlye pong man Joſeph: Fz confider in what eſtate Jam, namelpa temple of god, and that Jould loſe the holy ghoſ:on ſuche wile J withltand mp pli luſtes and appetites:vet this mots in my heart ts ſinne, this vll luſt whiche riſeth vp:but it is a veniall finite, it is nota moꝛtall finne,becaule J confent not vnto it, J twithand itsand uch veniall ſinnes the tuſt man Prou.24 committeth dailp. Foꝛ ſcripture fatth,fepries cadiriuftus,the rightuouſe man falleth 7.tpmes,thatis oftentimes: fo2 bis Wwo2kes are not fa perfectasthep ought to be. Foꝛ Jpꝛave pou, wo is be that loucth bis neighbour & perfectly and bes hementlpas he ought to do? Mow this imperfection ts finne but itis aventall firme, not a moꝛtall: therefoze be that fees eth his imperfections feelcth the pil motions in his hearte, y, are Dut fofetveth thent not, confenteth not vnto wyckedneſſe to pha! any Doo then thele be venial fines, which hall not be imputed inthar vnto Os fo our Dalmation. So all the yll thoughtes that ryſe ve doit ‘bp in our heartes are beniall as long as wecon“ent not onto | ** TPE thent, to fulfpll them with the deede: J put the cafe, Jofephe 2. Had not refitted the temptations of bis mailers wyfe, but comic had folowed ber, and fulfitled the acte of iccherpe wyth ber, ofgod had wared the matter aſter wozldlye facion: thinking, g rade ia Haue mp mifſiteſſe fauour alreatye, and ſo by that meaney cbut. Mall haue mp mailers fauour to,no boty knowyng of it. Now when he had done fo, this acte had ben a Deadly ſinne. fo2 any acte that is Done agaynſte the law cf god willynglye ‘and wittine |p 1s a dedlp (inne. And that mano2 oma that fomnrufieth h che an acte loſeth the holye ghoſt andtie rer oooh milſien of finnes, and fo becommeth the chulde of the diuell, she ac: fo- being before the childe ef god. Foꝛ a regent rate mana twos | ve cor. man that beleueth, ought to haue domimn on cure finne, but {es the as foone as ſinne hath rule ouer him he is gone: foꝛ the lear O of deth hym to delectation ot it, and from de lectacien to conſen {ing,and fo frem conſenting to the acte tt ſelſe. Heiv be that auellia is led ſo wich finrte;be ts tr ibe ſtate of dan nation,and ſyn⸗ fn. ‘Seth damnably: Gnd (ope map percelue tobich be wy that J——— — {ung And foisa Certaine Sermons madeby i fire Deadly, and fobatts the Deadly ſin, namely that he ſin⸗ neth dDeadlp that wittingly falleth in finne: therfore tt is a pe. rilous thing tobe in ſuch an eſtate, to be in the fate of dam ⸗ nation andeuctlatpng perdittonslet bs folow therfosethis geod warnyng tebich &. Paule geueth ts bere, let bs ryſe froin the fiepe of fine, let vs take a hearty purpoĩe to leaue all wickednes. ut may we bo (oz Dap we rple from fianez _y PES P ive may:foꝛ god hath pꝛouided a remedy ſor vs, what Meafure fs that? Mary penaunce, we muſſt haue the faite of penance; char chat! aadrife bp inithall:ans this penance ts luche a falue that it a — healeth all forces: pf aman bane done all the worldes ſynne, hence, /¥St when be taketh this latte of penance in his hand, thatis God vieth {0 fap toben bets ſory fo2 it, and intendeth fo leaue them, no bue one doute he may recouer:and god is that ſame phiſttion which faluc for dſethbut one maner ef ſalueto all mance of ſores. * (ores. We reade inthe gatpel'of Luke:that when quate had done c. x iii. anotable murther, and had mingied the bloude of certaine JZewes with their obbne facrifices, Now ſome came and fold Chꝛiſte what Pilate had Done. Oure ſauiout maketh them ait hon anfinere, ſaveng: 9 tell pou ercepte pe repent, pe Mal al likes — wile fo pertth. as wie fap, whatloeuer Pilate hath done, ſee pou that pe ds penaunce,andamend pour naughty lpupnges oꝛels ve fhall all be deſtroyed. This was a good quippp that he geucth onto the Jewes, tohiche were rẽde to — Offer mens faultcs, but of theire ovvn faultes they made n⸗ Qureng. Mentlon:as it is dur nature,to bee mozeredier to rep2eue os tureisro ther mens fauites then dur obon: bat our ſauior he cõmaun⸗ ſee ocher beth them to looke heme;to fee te thelelucs.and this penãce meas fu (g pᷣ chietelt thing in al o ſcripture John Baptiſt whe he bes ⸗ —— gait to preach bis fermi was poœnitentiã agite do penance, ſo awne, Ubelwife Chꝛiſt faith , pœnitentiã agite & credite Euangelio, Vvhac re. BOE penaunce and beleue thegofpcil. wut feberin ſtandeth pentance the right penance, and ingat is penaunce 7 anſwer, penance tse, - {S turning from ſynne vnto god,a waking vppe from this — Gepeof Mich H. Paui {peaketi bere. Hut wherin conſiſteth this penance: Whe right penance conſiſtoth in tbree points, Thetis is contrition, that is,3 muſta cknowledge my ſelfe that Z baue tranſgreſed gods moſt bolp lawes ¢ commaund ay mentes » Mi Dogor Latymer. |.” Fol.112 snentes; 3 mutt confelle my felfe tobe faultve and apitpe, a Rereice mufie be ſorve foꝛ tt, abbozre my ſelfe and my wickeonefe, pga When J am nowe in that cafe; then J thall fee nothing bat ..s, mast belle and euerlaſtyng damnation before me, as long as % looks vpon mp felfeand vpon the lat of god. Fo2 the laive of God bohen it is pecarbeo:bsyngeth vs to theikwetwledae rhe kvve of ouve fpnnes:s Foꝛ it is lxke as a glaſſe whiche ſheweth of God is an ————— ——— e firines in our beartes, 2 !ock)og nt we map nottarp here oncly inthe laty and oure felues: glaſſe. Foꝛ it we do, Wwe Mall come to deſperation. Mherfore p firſt pointe is to acknowledge cur ſinnes, and to bee ſoꝛye fo2 the ſame:but as J {ato befoꝛe, we muſt not tary here:foꝛ Judas was come fo darrt. he bad this poynte: he was no deute a co⸗ itt met robofull man asanp can be in the worid. But it was tone ict, core purpoſe, he was loft fo al gis fozofvfulnes:therfozewe muſt repenace bane att other pointe.tvbatis that: Bary fatthe, belicfe: ine mutt beleue Ch, we muſt know thatour fautour is come into this worlde fo ſaue ſynners: therefoje he is called Je⸗ ſus, becauie be ſhall ſaue his peoplefrome theyꝛ ſynnes: As Vach!. <2 thrangellof God hymſeife wytneſſeth. And this faith muſt The deviil not be onely a gencrall faith/bat it muſt be afveciall tatth: doche be- for thedenpibbpmfel€ hath a.generallfapthe, be beleueth Be mo that pil is come into this World, and bath made a recone 1S cihation betwene Gad and man:he knoweth thatibere Gal yycitde, beremiſtion of oure ſennes, but. be beiccaeth not that he {pall haue parte of tt, that his wickedne de thall-bee forge: . uen vnts hym, tes be belencth not: betathbutagencrall... , faiths but3 fap, chat eucry of snes vs muſt bane aipeciall © f faith: 3 mukk beleue foamy felfexthat bis blood was ſued ſor - mã meq mutt beiews that nben Conk faith: Cente to we all ye a ibe thatlabsucandare iaden, and J Soubcate pou. ere Jmuſt be fused, beleue that Chriſt talleth me vnto hem, that J foutd.came voſt bane ‘and receyue euerlaſtyng ipioat his handea: TAith ſuch * ae J Special fay J va apply his pation tnieme. In that prarer·te that our Saniour made tohcn be was goyng to bis beathe, he ſayth: JIpraynot fo; chem alone; faith he; but ſor them als ſo wohich hal selene time through their preching, that they al war begne,as thou faiber actin me,g Jin thee z and ay | — æau oã Ceriaine Sermons wade by theyallo may be one in vs. So that Chik prateth for vs as * well as for bis apoſtles it we becleue in hym:und ſo Chꝛi⸗ Chritpra' es pꝛaier and cur believe ce the falue bite cur fous edforvs. les, Therfore Foughte to beleue, and fo thozough faithe apply Chriſtes merttes vnto me: feꝛ God requireth a {pes ciall taith of euerie one oſ ds,as tell as be didde of Dau d, when the prophet Pathan came vnto bim,and ſaid: Abftulic dominusipeccatuni tuum, he Lowe hath taken awaye thp ivickednes, which words of the prophet Dautd be beleued: € fo according brite bis belief it hapried nto bint. Fer Dauyd ‘had not ſuch a contrition oꝛ penaunce a3 Judas bad: for Ju⸗ ...... Bagth Dede had a contricion he twas (o2pe fo2 bis finnes, but imu and Without fatth. Dauid twas ſorye fo? bis fines, but he ioyned ludssdid faith vnto it: be beleued ſtedfaſtly without all douting that both repét god would be merciful vnto him: Abt ulit dominus, toe lod ‘hath taken atwape thp ſinnes, and god required of him that he (hold beleue theſe words. Mow like as herequired of Da ‘utd to belene-bis woꝛds:ſo alſo he requireth of bs fo; that re i 2 fhoulde beelcue hit. for likeas Daud was remedied thos ⸗ rough bis faithe in GOD:ſo fhall we be remedied to, fire beleue as be did:and god twill bee as glad ef bs eben weres pente and leaue oure ſinnes, as be was of Dauid, and will The F Fe ° alfo ive ſhould be partakers of the merites of Chl. So pe - veasnce, Baue beard nowe thele tivo popntes whiche pertayne to the The fecod Light penance: the firſt is contrition, Inbew Wwe ackno wledge paecorcf dur ſennes, be ſoꝛy fo2 them they qrene tsberp fare. Whe Penance. ſecond pointe ts fatth, oben we beleue that god wilbe merci, full tute vs, and thozough bfs fonne forgcue Os our wicked nes, € not impute the ſame to oure cternaldefiructisn, But pet there is another point left behind, which is this:p Imuſt haue an carne purpofe to leaue finne,¢ foauotde al wicked nes as far fasth as Jam able to do: J mull wꝛaſtle w fin: J muſtnot fuffer p dinel to haue the bicto2p ower me though be be bery futtle and crafty, pet JImuſt withſtand bint: J mute diſalowe bis inſtinctions, and ſuggeſtions, J mullte not ſuftfer ſynne to beare rule ower me: fo: no doute yf we wyll fygbt and ſtriue, ve map bane the bictozpe ouer this ſerpent: ſoꝛ Chak our fautour he bath pꝛomiſed vnto bs his helpe cd, A lort: M Dodot Latymer. Fol 133 fost: therfo2e f. James faith, Refiltice diabolo & fugtet à vo- bis, withſtand the dtuel, and be thal fipe fro you. Fo at bys tirũ coming bets very eake, fo } wear able tf we wiltake VE way hede ¢fight, to onercome bym:but if tue lutter him to enter cit, ones to polſſeſſe our hearts, then be is very frig: fo that be w Greatlabour can ſcante be baoughtout agapne. Foꝛ beens | treth firk bp pll thoughtes: ther when be bath call bs tn pit - thoughtes, pf ive borthſtand not by and by, then foloweth de ‘Tectation: pf ive fuffer that, then commeth confentpng, and ‘fo from confentpng to the berpe acte: and afteriwarde front one miſchiefe bite another: therfore it is a common faying, rece the principiis obſta, reſiſt the beginninges: for when we Cutter deuill-ar ‘Hom once to enter,nodout it is aperplons thing, we are the ihe ſicſte. “dn teoperdpe of euerlaſting death, So pe haue bearde note tuberin ſſandeth right penaunce: for we mul knowe and acknowledge our finnes, be foie “fo3 them, and lament them in our heartes. When the fecond point is faith: we muſt beleue that Chak wilbe merciful tr tdo bs, and foꝛgeue bs our finnes not impute them vnto vs. Thirdelye we mul haue an earneſt purpoſe to leaue all fins ‘MES and wickednes, and no more commit the fame, And thé euer be perfuadsd in thy heart, p they that haue a good till and an earneff minde to leane fprine, that god twtll frengthe them, be tuil belpe them, ut and (five bp and bp at the firk dappe giue place onto the diuel, and folow bis mifchenous | : fuggettions:then we mate be fure,that we highlye diſpleaſe ‘god our heauenly father, twben we fozfake him fo ſoone. Wherfore S. Paule Cateth; Ne regnet igitut peccatum in vee Rem firo morrali’ corpore,let ſynne not beare rule it pour moꝛ⸗ Nom· 6. . “tall bodies: be not led with ſynne: but fight agapnite it, whẽ had do ſo, it ts impoſſible but we thall baue belpe at goddes Ade. — As touchinge confelion,7 tell pou that thep thatcan bee content with the generall abfolution which euerye miniſter of gods worde, qeucth in his ſermons, when be pronoũceth, that ail that be fozpe fo2 their finnes;and beleue in Chꝛiſte, ſeeke helpe and remedy by him, and aftertwarde intend ta as mende theyr liues, and auoide ſinne and wickednes:al po J RQ that Certaine Sermons made by that be fo mynded Hall haue remiſſion of their fiimes, pote (Jſaxp)thee that can be content with this general abfointts, it is Wwelisbut thep that are wot fafifcied w it, they map go to The vſe of ſome godlp learned miniſter whiche is able to tnffructe and: absicut n conforte them with the worde of god,to miniſter that fame: coalelsis 5 ace chent to thelr comtentatlon and quieting of thetr contci⸗ ences. As foz fatiffaction oꝛ abfolution foꝛ our ſinnes there is Waite bũt in Chill, foe cam not make amends foo our fines, hetrne HME srelp by beleuyng in him which (uttered ſor vs. Foꝛ he 56 hathe made the mendes fo2 all oure ſinnes, bp bis paypnefall. forGoaes, padion and bloud ſhedyng: And berein ſtandeth our abſolutt O92 rent Mion of our ſins,namely when ine beleue in Bim, and looke to be faued thorough bis Death, none other fatifiac. fisnare ue able to make. But F fell pou that pfanp manne: hath ſtolen or perloyned away ſomwhat front bis neighbo?, that man oꝛ woman ought toinake refitutton and amends.) | Gud this rellitution is ſo neceſſary that Wwe (hail not ioke fos! . forgeuenes of our ſinnes at Chriſtes hand, ercept this reſtt⸗ tutiombe made fy2, elles the fatiffaction of Chk wyll not; ſerue vs:foꝛ god bol haue bs to relo22 oma ke amends vnto sur neighbour, whom we bane hurte, decetucd,o2 haue in a⸗ ip manner of wayes taken from him wꝛongfullx, his goods. whatſfoeuer tt be... This mat Wvtbis now that x hane latd ye may perceiue what ma⸗ bevndere ner ot ſſepyng is this of which S. Paul (peaketh here, name ftand con- lye the flepe of ſinne. Gi ben we lyue and ſpend ourtime i: ditionally wickednes than we ſſepe that deadly flepe, which baingeth e⸗ thacis,if ternalldamnation with him:and agayne, pe baue heard boty: wee beable vou ſhall rpfe bp from that Meve, boty pe hall fight and wra file with ſynne, nat fatter ber ts be the ruler oner peu: let v⸗ therfore begen euennow while god geucth bs fo geod and conuenient a time, tet Os tarp no louger,let bs afvake front. this Deadly ficepe of frit may wei be called a Deadly ficepe: fo3 this flepe of ſin bringeth eternal deth and euerlaſting vat: nes aid fozcives: ict bs therisze rile toa godly life and cons tinue in the ſame til fo thend. hele thinges S. Paul {peas Reth generally to al men, and againd al maner of fins: but now be cometh to ſpecialties. And ſirſt be cheweth * * al: ' M.Doétor Latymer. Fol.trg hall not do, theivatterivarde he telleth ts that foe tall do, Not in eatyng and drinking, neither in chanibering and wã⸗ : tomes neither in Arite any enuping. Jmaruel that the Cus vai gliſh ts fo tranllated in eatyng and drinking: the latine Ex⸗ asire ampler hath, Non in commefsationibus, that is to ſay, not in us. to much eatyng and drinkyng: foꝛ no dout god alloweth eas tpg and drinking, ſo that it be Done meaſurably and thanks fally.3u the heginning of ibe worlde, befoze god puniſhed the worlde wyth the foude, when mankynd ‘and beaſtes, faue onelpe Hoah that geod father. In the bes ginning (J faye) mankinde eate nochyng, but herbes, and rootes, and falettes,and fuche geare as thep could gette: but Mans dies after the floude god gaue vnto mankynde libertpe to cate all tc fore the manner ef cleane beaſtes, all thinges that hadde lpfe, bee it feet. | fpheo2 fete. And this was done fo2thys cauſe, that the ‘earth: was nat fofcymbde 192 broughte not forthe fo bols fome berbes after the floude,as fhe Did before the floud: ther fore God allowed onto man all maner of meatebec it fpthe Ths r= or flefhe: pet it muſte bee done meafurablye: Wut feepng F |?) c baue occaſion te ſpeake of eatyng, 3 wyl entreate fometwbat ic 10 fede of it, and fell pon what liberties we bane hy gods woꝛde. on tleſbe. Truely we be allowed by goddes worde to cateall manner of nteate be it fpthe or hethe, that be eatable. Wut ye muſt bn derſtand that there be certaine hedges, ouer which we ought not fs leape, but rather kepe our felues wythin thefe fame hedges. Now the fyrſt hedge is this,Carnem cum fanguine ;, ies ne comederitis, pe fyall not cate the ficthe with the blond, thar we that is to fay, we hall not eate rawe Get: fo2 vf we ſhoulde may nor be allowed to eate rawe fled, it thould engender im bea cers leas ouer. fapn cruelnes:ſo that at the length onc ſhould cate another, aud fo all the teziters expounde this placesfo that God ſor⸗ biddeth bere, that mankynde o2 mannes flethe may not bee eaten. Wereade in the bookes of the kynges, and fe likes wyſe tit Joſephus, that-certapne women bad caten thep2 obne chpldzen , at the teme when Aerufalent was belies ged: whrche thynge no doute dyſpleaſed G DD, and thep dyd naughtelye in fodopng . Fozmankynde maye not bee eaten : therefore the fyalte hedge (5, that we mule abſtayne — Qeil. from Certaine Sermonsmade by frontraty fleſhe: and fc ike wiſe from mans fleche, one map —— foe map thed bloude of priuate ftrate may Chedbloud hath the ſword committed vnto bpm from god, hemay Her. . bloud when be feeth. caufe toby, be may take atwap the tutes kedfrom amongeſt the pcople and puniſh bim accogdpng bi. - to bis doyng oꝛ defernyng. How Will pe fay,Z perceino whe - Another Jeate, not raw fleth o> mas deh, the Z mapeateal manerot . hedoe for ‘Heth 02 fpth, bowſoeuer Ican get ft. But Jtel thee nip fried catyog. not (o,pou may not eate pour neighbors ſhepe, or ſteale his Exod, zo fithes out of bis poole €eate thé, pe may not doe fo:for.there - is a hedge made fo2 vᷣ.god faith, Non facies furca, thou thalt bono theft. bere Jam hedged in, fo that Imay noteatemp: . neighbors meate, but it muſt be my otvn meat, 3 muk baue gotten it bprightly,o2 els by bring, oꝛ cis by inbcritance,o3. els that it be geuen vnta me:Jmavꝛ not ſtsale tt frd my neigh bour:when Jlepe ouer this hedge then I ſynne damnably. Nobw then pe wil ſay, ſo it be my oiune then J map cate of it as mucheas J Will, No not ſo,there is an other hedge: /¶ Nap not commit gluttony with my olunemeatc, foꝛ fo it is Athirde Weitten, Attendite vobis a crapula & ebrietate, take heede of hedge for gluttony e dronkennes. Bere isa hedge, tue may not eate to atyog. much:fo2 wh? we do; tue diſpleaſe qodbighly.Soyeley we map not eate of our oivite Neate as. muchas we Would, but rather we muſt kepea meafure,foritisagreatfynts abule |. 02 waſte the. giftes of god, aud to play the glutton with it. authoꝛity, a manmay not kill another:but the magiſtrate he Whẽ one man cõſumeth as much Wweldferuc3.024.pisaw abhominable thing befoze god:foꝛ God geueth vs bis creas tures not to abuſe them, but to vſe thei to our neceflity and. nede: let cuerpone therfore haue a meaſure, and let 10 mar Allmens abale thegiftes of god, Due manſomtimes eateth moze tha | eatingis another, Weare notallalpke:but forall that eoughtallta~ bot alike hope bs within this hedge, that ts to take nomoze then (atte ceth our wature:forthep that abule the giftes of god, no dout thep greatly difpleate god bp ſo doyng. For (t is an pllfaucie - red theng toyen a man eateth or dzinketh to much at atime. Somtimes in deve it hapneth that a man drrnketh to much, Bab euery good and gaol man fupll take Deeds to — q wher f M, Doaor Latymer, Fol rs when he dnte hathe taken to muche he wyll boware afters 4 good ward. Lille reade in ſcripture of Poah that geod man which P22 vs"! Loas the fpr‘ chat plated opnepardes after she fowd:he twas — ones dronken, before be knew the ſtrength and the nature of iopyc:a) fo lap in his tenfe vncouered:now onc of hfs fone mnes Inhofe name nas Cham, ſeeyng bis Cather lping naked wente and tolde bis brethren ofit, and ſo mabea mocking Genel. ix ftocke of bis father. Therefore poah when be aroſe and bas diſgeſted his wyne, and kno wyng what bis fonne bad dene bute hym, curſed him:but Wwe rede not that Noah was dron⸗ ken afterward any tyme more. Therſore tf pe haue ben dron hen at any tpine,take heede hence korwarde, and leaue of, az bafe not the good creatures of God, Pow then pe wyll fay, yi Z take them incafurably then Jmare cate all manner of 4 fourtie meate at all tymes and euery tobere: HGo not fo, there is an hedee for other hedge bebpnde,pe muſte haue a reſpecte to pour owne catyng Ge conſcience, and to pour neighbours. Foꝛ Jmay eate wo mas ner ot meate againſt my confctence,nicither mape Jeatemy meate in preſence of mp neighbour, whereby he mighte bee offenbed:fo2 Jougbt to haue reſpecte vnto hum,as &.yBaul 2m. xun playnly ſceweth, ſaymg: Iknow andam aſſured bp the lord Jeſus, that there is nothyng vncleane oftt ſelfe, but vn⸗ to hym that tudgeth tt to bce common, to hym it ts com mon:;:vf thy beother bee greued {with thy meate, nove wal⸗ keſt thou not charitablye, oefrope not him veith thy meate ſoꝛ whom Ch oped: As for an eta phe Se ben Seal" 0 conte into the Poth countrep, where thep bee not taughte, . ei Ieee Deal for my cages on afipoap o2fo2 fet, | — ier : fo ould settrope bynt faz. WwhonrC hk otd (utter. Dherfore J mul beware that J ofr fend no mans confctence, but rather tranayle with him kirſt chninare and thewe him the truth: wien Feng is taught and di ynde are Knoweth the truthe,and wyll not belene tf, but wyll abyde fe bee by bis olde mumplimus, then J maye cate, not regartpng PS P- him; for he is ant obſtinate ſelowe, he wyll not beleue goddes worde Andthouahe be be offended with me/ vet ff is but pharifatcall offence, Ipke asthe wWharifees were offended . re aii Sautoures the faulte was net in rote Tr .ttt, we Certaine Sermons méde by but in chemlelues. So ¶ Iſaye) Jmuſt havea refpectete mp neighbo2s conſcience, and then to mp obrne conſcience. us Thefife pet there is another hedge behpabe, tyat is ciuyli lawes, the hedze for “2°S" ag muche as we ought te obey them as well as gods lawcs and commsaundementes. Row xij, S Pauie Calth, iet euerr loule labmit himſelt vnto the aus toꝛity of the higher power: for there is no power but it is of god:the powers that be, are oꝛdeyned of god:whoſoeuer ther foxerefifteti the power, reſiſteththe oꝛdinaunce Cf God: but they that reſiſt chall receiue te themſelues Damnation. Now therfore we dwell in a realme, there tt hath plealed the kin: gts mã elty to make an acte,that all 618 (aviectes fhall abe apite from ſieſhe bpen fridayes and faturdapes, and other’ kyngs ſtatutes and oꝛdnaunct s which are gods lawes: fo2 Dapes Wicd are erp {it the acte; bivfe inbichelawe ine - sucht to obey, and that fo2 conicience fake,ercept we hauea — prꝛiutledge oꝛ be excepted by the ſame lawe. And althoughe hech no {ettpture commaundeth me not to abſſarne from fief vpon lawe ia ft pdapesand faturdapes:pet fo2 all that, (cepng there ts act thee poin Uplliaiy and oꝛoinaunce mabe bp the kpuges maieſtyre, and: tes, bis mot honorable counſeil, we ought te cbep all their oꝛde⸗ nances, ercept thep be agatnt god. Whele be the hedges wherein wemuſt keepe sure felues, Therkore Fodelpre peu in gods bebalfe,canfiver what Z baue - ſaid vnto pou, how pe ſhall ogder pour (cife,bolw pe ſhal not: gate raly fie), pts, pe ſhal not be cruel toboards pour neigh⸗ bour. Item,vou hail rot feale pour meate from yournsigh _ bo2, but let it be pour own meate, and then ve hall take of it.” — moeaſurably. Item, pe ſhal not offende pour neighbours cons. ſcience. Item, pe thal kepe pou within the lawes of pᷣrealm. Nob to the matter agayn.S. Waule faith we ſhall take hede efto muche eatyng andaztnking . dnd Z bane fhelved pon how pe Halliepe pou within the hedges which are appoin⸗ ted in gods lawes: tet vs therfoze take heede now, and.tct ts He thar "le Oppe frout the fleepe of ſynne:whatſoeuer ioc haue Done will noe befoze, fet bs rple bp noly, whple we hauc tpimescuerpe man syfefrome goe in ts bys olune Hearte,and there when be ſyndeth anxe #7 Fall ghpug ameſſe, leite bear rple Oppe from thatAecpe, and tas > —* M.Do Gor Larymer. Fol.vé rye not in it: pf thou remayne lying, thou chalte repente tt es 7°? —* uerlaſtyngly: Neither in ckamberyng and wantannes. — 4 —3 Weware of . Paules nettes and Nons. Foꝛ when he fafety Non, be cannot ntake it peat pt Wwe do contrarpe vn⸗ to iis fapinges, we allrepentett. Beware therefojecf chambering. twhatis this: Parpe be vnderſtandeth by this vebat cha waorde chamberpng , allmanner of wantonneſſe. J kop beryng is: not tarye longe in rebearfpirg them, let euerp man and wo⸗ ntan gee into bis owne conſcience, andlette them confioce that God requireth honeſtye in all thpnges. Satucte Paule vſeth this vorde chamberyng: fez when folkes wylbe warns ton, they gette themfeluce in comers: but fo? allthat God he feet) them: he wyll kende thent oute one dap, thep canne ‘Mot hyde themſelues from his face. 3 wyll (peake no furs ther of it, koꝛ with bonefp no man can ſpeake of fuch vile bts ces, and 4. Paule commaundeth bs that tue thal not (peake any bile wordes:therfore bythis woorde chamberpnge, vn⸗ derſtand the circumſtances of whaꝛedome and lecherye, and filthy liuyng, whiche S. Paule foꝛbiddeth here,and would haue that ne bodpe ſhoulde giue occaſion vnto tho other cauy bite: to fuchefilthines . Meither in firifenozenuping . Enuyse cech — isa foule and abjominable vyce, whiche vyce dothe moꝛe envious. harme vnto hym that enureth another,then vnto hin tobe wolt. che is enuyped. Lpnge Saule be hadde this ſpirite of enuye: therefore he Re:xviii hadbe neuer reſte tape nor nyghte, he could not abpde tober anpe man (pake well of Dawid: and this (pirite ofenuping {5 moꝛe Directelp again charitype then anye other fynne ts. . Foꝛ ſaincte Paule fayeth, Charitas non inurdec, charity en⸗· = i, ufeth not:therfore take it fo,that be that enupeth another,($ une childe wochploecFG DD: Ailbys tworkes whatſoeuer be dos of gea. eth are thedeuplles feruyce: be pleaſeth DD wyth noe thpnge aslonge as he is an enuious perſon. WMho woulde beefo madde nowe, as to bee in ſuche an eftaie ? that be woulde ſuffer the Deupll to beare fomuche tule ouer him⸗ No wile noꝛ godly man wilbe tn this eſtate. P02 it fs an pil edate to be out of the fauont of god, to bee without remiſ⸗ Qliti. lion 8 * Lf — — * Certaine Seim ons madeb by flan of ſynne. Therfore tebefoener ts a enuious mar, tet Dia rote vp from that Uepe, leſte be be taken fodenly a0 Vuhir we De damned euerlaſtinglp. Chol nor 522 ve haue Heard what ie all not do: we Hallnotte. . doo, much eate ad drynke, and ſo abuſe the apftes of God, we ſhall wot haze pleaſure in chamberyng, that is in wanton⸗ nes: Neither hall we be enuious pertons.fo2 tnben tue beg, Wwe be out of charitye and fo be out af the ſauour of god. Vrhat all Nawe foloweth (oat inc fhouite doe. But put vpe on the men hold [929 Jeſus Chriſte: Guery man and waman ought to put ow, doo. Chiifte, and all they that haue that apparel on they? backes, they are well, notheng canne hurte them, neither peate noz colde:noꝛ Lope, no rapne. Here Jmight haue occaſion te ſpeake againſt this erceffe : of apparell, which fs vſed now euery where, Which thyngis. . Difalloiyed tn (criptare. here be fom that wrloeconfosma ble onto others, they wyll do a3 other doe, but thep conſider Vee Chord not with themſelues wyether other do tell a2 not, there bse. — — lawes made and certapue ſtatutes, hobo euery one in bps es totacym Hate halbe appavarled bag Gad knoweth the ſtatutes are that R not putin erecution. S. Paule be commaundeth vs to put well. on Chiiſte, to leaue theſe gaꝛgeous apparels: ye that is dees ked with Corl he ts welse firſt we be deckte with Chriſt in our Baptiſme, where ive promiſe to forſake toe deuxl tity. all his workes. Moly when tye kepotjis promiſe and leauc wyeckednes:and da that Which Contour ſauidur requretz of vs, then fs bee decked with him, then we hauethe wed⸗ dyng garment:and thaugh tue be very poore, and haue buta ruſſet coate, pet we are wel whan we are decked with hym. There be a great many iy Ache goe verp qaye in veluet and atti, but fo all that Iteare they Sane not Cook Bponthe, . Keck BES all tazp: 992789.43 arpareil, Ffap not.this co condemne andriche rexche men or their vicjesifo2 no Vout posze and reche mape maye bec haue C3ike vpon them, ik they wyll felvte him and ipue as -~ clad vich he com aundeth them to liue For tf ive haue Chute vpon Chri. Hg, we woll nat make prouiſioũ faz the fleſhe, we wil not fet our hearts byon theſe worldlye trifles, to get riches to cherif® - this bode withall. As tos reade of the rich man in the goſpell, whiche M DoGorLetymetans + | Forge fodich thought be had inaughfor mary peres he had pulled doune his cid barnes, and bad let vp new ones which were Luc. xii. bygger then the other, and when all thynges were redy ats ter bps mynde and pleafure, then be ſayd to hymſelfe: foule thou va much good laped bppe faz many peres, take thyne eaſe, cate, dopnke, and bemerp. Wut tobat ſa ieth gov vnto hym⸗ Thou foale, (ſayeth god) this nighte they will fetch az way thy foule againe front thee. then wyeſe thall theſe thine ges be whiche thou halk proupded? Ho if ts with him that ga therety riches to htinfelfe, and ts not riche tomarve qed. J ‘Appl! not faye other wiſe but man nap make prouiſion for ‘Dis boule, ¢ ought to make theiame, but to make fuch proui⸗ ſion to (ette afvde goddes inozd¢ and ſeruyng of bint, this ts. naught: to (et the bearte fo Oven the riches, as though there were no heauen 1102 hell:how can Wwe be fo foslrih to fette fo much by this woꝛldekunowyng thatit hall endure buta Me tle whyle. Fo; we knowe bp {tripture, and all learned men. affprme the ſame, thatthe worlde was made ta endure (pre — thouſand pers, Mow of thefelpre thouſande, be pat already· con‘ec- tine M.D. FF. ¢ vet thts tnve twsich ts left halbe toate UT Ue nedfo2 the electes ſake:as Chriſt himſelfe witnelleth: hers 4.136 at fore let vs rememober that the time is verye horte, let bs usr hind | die to amende oar lines, lette vs not be ſo carefull fo2 thys - worlde forte ende of it no voutis at handesanathough the , General! dave conte net by and by, pet ourende till mot bee Vath. 242 farre of, death Dll conte one dape and ſtrype vs oute of oure Curdeach coate, he twill take bis pleaſure of bs. It is amaruelonfe 12> fare ‘thing to fee, ther be fame which haue lined in this worꝛld go O* O25. yeres and vet thep lacke tyme, when Deathe commeth yep be not redye. Wut Jwyll requypze pou fo2z goddes fake, ryſe Gove from pour figeve sf ſynne and wyckedneſſe, make pour (elfe reape. (et all chvnges in aire ver, fo that ve mate be redee vhenſeeuer deathe hall come and fetche pou: fo3 dye we multe, there is no remedye we muſte leaue one Dave this worldefor ive ave not created of god, to that ens that we Hould abide here alwayes.· ; Theretoze lette os repente betyme of ow fopcken life, 92 ODD Will not the deathe ofa ſynner, but rather 1 .. a | Certaine Sermons madeby hall tourne front bis wickedneſſe, and lpue, Viuo ego, nolo . mortem peccatoris,fed ve conuertatur,& viuat, As trulp as Exechiel ¥ line (faith © DD)F will not the deathof afpnner, but raz xviii Ee that he (hal turne front bis wickednes, and {pue. Thefe are moſt comfortable woꝛdes:foꝛ nol ive may be fure, that whan Wwe will leaus dur finnes and wyckedneſſe, and turne vnto hym with all our beartes earnefily : then be will turne hym felfe onto vs: and twill hee bym ſciſe a lauynge fas ther. And Co the intent that we (ould beleue this, he ſwea⸗ reth an othe : we ought to beleue God without an othe : yet he ſweareth to make bs moze furer. Wa bat til be haue bs ta - do? Mary to rife bp krom this flepe of ſinne, to leane wicked⸗ nes, to foꝛſake al-hatred ¢ malice, that lve bane bad towardes our neighbors, to turn from enuteng, from fealing, emake reſtttution:from ſlouthfulnes to diligẽce ¢ painfulnes, front gluttonie and drꝛonkenneſſe to ſoberneſſe ¢ abſtinence, from chamberyng ¢ filthy lining to an honeſt and puretife. And fo ſinally fro all kyndes of vices,to vertue ¢ godlpnes. Ano what ſoeuer bath-ben in tymes pall, be forp for tt, cepe god mercy, and beleue in Chi, and ryſe bp from fepe: doono Maze wickedlpe, but lyue as ged would haue thee to liue. Nobo FZ wyll bryng in here a notable ſentence, and a com⸗ foztable ſayeng:and then Jwill make an ende. luſtitia iuſti non liberabit ipſum: in quacunq; die peccauerit, & impietas Exec. ævii impii non noccbit ei,in quacunq; dic conuerſus fuerit ab ĩm- pietate (ua, The rightuouſnes of the rightuous ſhallnot ſaue rine hym, tubanfocuer bs turneth awap vnfaithfully. dgapn,the Fo have of Wickednes of the ticked (hall nat bert hym. whanfocuer be Eby tarneth front bis vngodlines: And the rightuouſnes of the rightuous ſhall not ſaue him when ſoeuer be ſinneth. If J fay onto the rightuous that be thal ſurely liue, and fo be tras ſteth to Kis own rightuouſnes, and doth finne, than hall bis Difaire tightuouties be ne moze thought bpon: but in the wicked⸗ nat of mer NES that He hath dove, be hall die. Agatn, tf ¥ fay vnto the cy. if chou picked, thou ſhalt ſurely die: and fo be turne froin bis {pus Fepent. nes, and dothe the thyng that fslaufuliandrpght: than be thal furely liue: that (5 to fay, al bis hits which be hath done befoze, (hal wot burt hime. Here pe beare what promiſes * hat tay M.DoGor Latymer. Fol.ris Bath nade vs whã tos wil rife frd the fepe of our fing, ¢ lene the affectids of the ſleſh, t do fuch things as be bath apointed vnto vs in his laws:it we do ſo,thã we thal ſurely line ¢ not die?} ts to fay, tue ſhall attam after this corpoꝛal life to cuer lafting lifeswhich grant be god the father, fon, ¢ poly ghoſt. Amen. The vii. Sermon made by Maiſter D. Latymer. Math.4. — os Fefus walked bp the fea of Galilep,be fat tivo 5 PAlbitherne Simon whiche was called Weter, and ' SA Wy and 2civ his brother, cating anctte inte the fea,foz mte,anD z wyll makeyou fithers of mien: thep fratght way. left their nettes; and foloived hpi. c. . This is the goſpell whiche ts redinthe churche thisdayps- Quod tt ſheweth bato bs boty our ſauiur called foareperfos- —— to bis company, namelpe Peter, and Andre, James, and “a Robs, tohiche were all fithers by their occupation, this Mags i their gencral bocation: bat now Chꝛiſte sure autour called The'Apo- thes to a moꝛe fpectall bocation. They were fiſhers ſtyll, Ales hi but thep fithed no moze fo (ube inthe water, butthepmutte {hed after fithe fo2 men, with the net todich was prepared to this. purse ——— polſe namely with the gofpellsfozthe goſpel ts the net wher⸗ — With the Apoſtles fiſhed alter they came to Chriſt:but ſpeci⸗ ee ally after bis departeng out of this trod, then toep-ivent ¢€: fished theougbout the whole world:and of thele fifbers was: ſyoken a great whiie ago bp the prophet, for fottisitoettten> : Ecce ego mittam pifcatores multos,dicit dominus; & pifcas Hiere. avã bunturcos,& pofthac mittam cis venatores multos,& vena bunrar eos deomni monte, & de omni colle,& de cauernis petrarum Behold ſaith the led F intl ſend dut many fithers: to take them and after that tol Iſend bunters to bit them put from ai mountatnes and Hils,¢oute off caues of Zone. - By thefe words god fiqutfied by bis prophets, hotw thole ft- thers, that ts, the apoſtles fhould preach f goſpel and take tbe: people therew, pis, al thep p fyold beleue:and fo bꝛing them $e. God. ois cominonly (cere that fpthers and panters be, F is" Certaine Sermons madeby ° a paintull people bothe, they ſpare no inion — their game, becaule they bee fo deſirous and fo gredye ouer Vyky — thee game, that they cave not fo2 papites.: Thertore our ſa⸗ Chriltcal utoꝛ chofe fiſhers, becauſe of thei pzeprelics, that thet hoi Jed She's be paintull ana fpave no labour, and than that they doulds: files, - he gredyto catch men, and to take them with the net of gens worde, to tourne the people from wicekednes bute God. Pe fee bp daily erpericnce, what pain fithers aud hunters take, bolwe the fitver watcheth dap and nigit at bis net, and is e⸗ ner redy fo fake all fu ch kyſhes that he can get, that comets his way. So likewile } hunter runneth hither € thither atter his game, leapeth ouer hedges, and crepeth thozeugh rough buſhes : and all this labor be eſtemeth for nothyng/ becauſe be is fo deſirous fo obtapue bis pꝛay, and catch bis veneſon. ’ wheoffice So all gure prelates, byſhops, and curates, perfons, and of preiats, bicars ſheuld be fo papnfull,fo gredy in caſtyng their netts, thatiste fav,in pocachpng Gods worde, in ſhewyng vnto the people the wap to euerlaſtyng lyfe 5 in erhortyng theim fo leaue their ſynnes and wickednes. his ought to bs bene © oF them:toꝛ therevnto thep bee called of God, ſuch a charge they haue. Wut the moſte parte of them fet nowa days aſide this fpihyngithey put alway fis nef, thep take other bulps ie séhet toil rather be Curucps 3s 02 recctuers 02 clar 2 ad pre, es {ithe Kitchyn that to cat out this net: they bane the lie lates, uingot fpfhers, but they fpihe not, chex are other wates oc⸗ ) /copied:but it Hole not be to, God til plage, moſt betnonfs. ip punith thei fo2 fo doyng. They ſhalbe calledto make acs compe one dap, wohere they ſhall not be able fo nrake anſwer fo2 their miſbehauioꝛs, for not caſtyng ont this net of gods wodrde, fo2 ſuſferynge the people to goe to thedyuell, and thep calbthem not agaonet thep admonyſhe them not:their periſhyng greueth then not: but the dape twill come when vvacd that Loe? Mall revent froin the bottome of thep2 hertes: but that fuche pre. it will beetolate; then they ſhall receyue thep2 well deſer⸗ laces (hal! ued punyſchhemente for thep2 negligencye and ſlouthful⸗ kaue. neſſe: fo2 takynge theyr dyuynge of the people , and nef teachyn g thent . Gye. Cuangelittes {peake Byuerflp of the | Alung of insta {it men, Deter, Ahopelw, James, and John. i Par hewe M.Dodtor Latymer, Fol it⸗ Pathe faith that Jeſus called them, and they immediatly left their netts, and folotved him. Luke faith, that our ſauio⸗ ſtood bp f lake of Genesareth,t there be ſaw two thips ſtan⸗ Ding bp tie lake (pde,and he entred in oneof theſe hyppes, Wwyhjich was Peters. And delpred him thathe would thruſt it alitle from the land, and (o be taught the people, ¢ after that when be had made an end of (peaking, be fatd to Simon pe ter, cat out thy net in the deepe,and Simon anſwered, we haue laboured all night and baue takes nothing. Peuerthes lefte at thy conmmaundentent J twill lofe fozth the nette: and when ther had cak it out, they incloſed a great multitude of fithes: Mow Peter ſeing ſuch a multitude of fiſhes, was be⸗ ronde himſelf, and fell doune at Jeſus knees, faping: Lowe go from me, fo2 Jam a ſyntull man:fo2 be twas. aſtoned, and al that were with him, at the dJzaught of the fithes, whiche thop had taken. and ther was alfo James and John the fons nes of Zebedei. And Jeſus faide vnto Peter:feare not, from hencefo rth thoa ſh utecatche men,and they brought the hip pesto lande and fofoxe al, €folo wed yt. So pe beare how Luke devcribeth this Cosy, in what maner of wayes Chꝛiſte called them:and though be make no mention of Andzelw, pet it was lpke thathe was amongelt thepin too; with. peter John and James. Whe Cuãgeliſt John in the firk chapiter deſcribeth this matter ofan other maner of paps, but it per teineth all to an ende, and to one effect:fo2 (t was moſt like, p they Were called kirſt to come in acquaintance with Chak andaftertwardes to be bis diſciples: and fo fn the ende to bee bis apoftles, whithe ſhoulde teache and inftructe. tbe whole worlde. | - Sohn the Cuangelitt fateth,that Andecine was a difcipls of John Baptiſte: and tohew be had ſeene his maker pointe Chꝛiſt with bis finger, faping: Ecce agnus dei quitollit pecs cata mundi, Lo the lamb of god that taketh away the finns of the wo2lde. (hep vſed tw the latwe to offer lambes fo2 the pacifping of god. Now John called Chik the righte lambe Which hould take-atoay in Bede all the ſinnes of the world.) Now then Ande hearde wherunto Chil was come, be fozfoke his maitker John, and came to Chꝛiſte, and fell in 8 quain Math, 4. Ichn.x, Certaine Sermons made by quaintance with hym, atked bint where he divelled sano kin⸗ dyeng bis bother Simon Peter, betolde hym of Chik, and brought hym to him: beboughte hym not to John, but fe Chr: And fo ſhould we do toc, we ſhould bryng to Cheiſt AS many as tue coulde, With good exhortations and admonts tions. Poly Chott ſeing Weter,fatd onto hint, hou art Sf mon the ſenne of Jonas, thou (halt be called Cephas, which is bp tuterp2etation a fone, fignifpeng that peter houlde bea ſtedfaſte feloive not waueryng dither and thither, Sc re | fee holy diuerſſye the Cuangeliftes ſpeake of the callyng of The Apes thefe foure Apoſtles, wWeter, Andelve, James and Zohn: files vere —— —— they were called moze then one — dyuers ty- iuere cate Seat e fo corte (acquaintance with hym, than mes called afte rivarde to bee bps bifciples,anv to at the latte to beehys poftics and feachers of the inhole told. For te reade tt the gofpell of . Luke:that oure fanfoure tuhen be woulde _ ,, ehufe apeftles tobiche ſhoulde teache others , he continueda ain this whole nighte in prayer, defpsyng godto geue bin worthy vole oe men Which he might fende. Wibere we haue a good monitts Pig: en, how carefull thep fhould be that ought to chufe men and fet them in offices: bow thep ſhouid call bpon god, that thep Might haue worthy mer. Foz if appeared by oure Sautour, that be was berpelothe to baue vnworꝛthy men, in fo mucke that he ceaſſed not all night to crxe vnto Dod, that be might haue tnooethy men, whiche he might fende,andluche men as mighte beable to tell the truth:¢ when they haue done, to ſtand vnto it. Foꝛ when a pacacher preacheth the truthe, but afterwarde is fearefull,and dare not ſtande vnto it, is ae frapd of men:this preacher ſhall 0s but littel good, 92 when he preacheth the truthe, and is a wycked lyner, after thathe hath done, this man thall do but little good, be ſhall not edie Acood fpe,but rather deſtroxe, wien bis wordes are good, and bys vith and lpupng contrarp vnto the fame: Therfore 3 would wiſhe of pioktable @ QD D that all they that ſhoulde chuſe officers, woulde geue thepmilelues moſte earneſtlye to prayer: deſererng god that thep maye chuſe fuche men ag mave doe good in the com mon wealthe, amonge ſt theflocke of God: Gnd J tyoulde lupibe, that there houlde be nonce other octicers but (ache 68 f 4 ~ M.Dodor Latymer. Folio bee called therevnto latofallpe : foꝛno man oughte to fecke. foꝛ promotions, to bearerule,to be an officer: but we fhould tarpe cure bocatfon tpil God dyd call bs: twe hould haue a callyng of god. butitis to be lamented boty inoꝛdinatelpall thpnges bec done, Foꝛ Ifeare me that there bathe benebut:A laméra- verre fewe officesin Englande, butthep haue bene cpther le ihyog boughte 02 folve : fo2 4 bane-hearde.f : aman etpines, that. fone payed greate ſammes of money fo2 they2 offices +. No —— — me, that theſe men entende to — fhe commõ wealth, which bye theyr offices, Foꝛ theyx intend fo gette that moner agapne which thep haue layed out, and afterivarde to ſcrape fo2 purchaſyng. Wut ſuche ambitious men thatofterthemfelues,thep ould be refuſed, thep ſhold Ambiti- not be fuffered tolpu2 ina common tocalthe:fo2 thep be ams * rH bitfous and couctous, Gite reade that. Jetro Moyſes father °° in lawe gaue vnto Dopfes counfell to chuſe men to offices: and that ſame counſell that Jetro gaue was Goddes coun⸗ ſell: Gov ſpake by the mouth of Jetro. Mole what ſaieth Jetro, 02 Hod by Fetro: what manner of men thoulde he. - chute to offices to ferue the common tuelthe Thou ſhalt {eke 2@ put, faith getro amon geit all the people men of actinity, ana Exod æxiii ſuch as feare God, true men, hating couetsuſnes, and make them heades auer the people. ec, Jetro Would not bane bint ta take thofe whicht offer theym (clues; 02 tebiche bye their: offices With money and faire ſpeakynge: Mond, be woulds. none cf that geare, be would not hane ſuche felowes. ut ¥ pray pou, howe mawy officers are fought cut now adays: Officers 2 thpune but berpfetve, the motte parte offer thepin ſelues {hou!d be. before thep be calicd, butit thauld not bee fo: Fudices of °'S'™ peace; Herices and other officers thep Houlde bes dughte out, thep ould be calied therduto; thep Gould not come bes foze they be fent fo2, Howe when thep de fought out, maner of wen Mould they bee 2 Mary men ofadtuitic, that. {3 to fay, nen of knawlege ¢ Onderffanding:ivhich be able ts. execute } office, ¢ fuch a3 feare god:foꝛ no Dout be mul haus. the feare of god in bis heart p ſhalbe an officer,c2 els be tall. _ neuer tuell erecute bis office: be ſhall foone be coꝛrupte with giftes opretwardes, Further he mul. bea truc maw, ſuche a, ; nue. Certaine Sermons madeby oe whom a man maye trult bp his wordes:he muſt bee his wordes mailſter, he may not be a diſſembler,a lpar 02 a falſe dealer. And laofall, be muſt he a hater of couetouſnes, he mutt fir be a man of actiuttpeand knowledge, aman that feareth god, a true man, and a man which bateth couetuoufs Aw officer nes: he muff onely not bee couetous, but he mull bee a hater muſt hate gfcouctoufnes, Now twhen he muſt hate couetouſnes, thaw couctoul fe malt nedes be far of from that foule vice of couetoulnes, * and immoderate deſpre to haue goods, This isthe duetye of euery officer: fo be ſhalbe diſpoſed before he be admitted there Onto, but whether thep be fo 02 not, let other iudgerit fs fone “by datlp erpertence tbat thep be a great part of them: 7 fear Fetrowold Ute that pf Jetro ſhould fee them, they dopnges would mife nocalory lekebpni:be would fap, thele are not fuch men as FJ bane ap ourefi. ~ pointed, but it is no matter though Jetro fee thent- not; gov cers, iy them, which lupll rewarde them accogdpug to: their deſertes. And lo likewile they that be of the [ptritualtp, the cleargy Cleargy | ten, thep muff not runne themfelues thep mutt tarp til thep men mufl be called; thet mot not flatter fo: benefices:¢ therfoꝛe p king, “lpi nef, his Mok honoꝛable coũſel muſt take bede,¢ not fet bp thoſe ces. | Which cal themfelues:fo2-no doute they that call themfelues Auintende not fo Boe good, no2 fo pofite the people, butonelpe ' they (eke to feede themfelues, and to fpil their cofters: and fe liketwife al patrons that baue to giue benefices, thep ould fake bede and beware of fuche felowes, which {eke fo2 benes _ ftces, which conte themfelues before thep be called. fo2 fuch felowes intende not to fede the people, with the holſome doc Marke . trpncofthe worde of god: but rather thep {tke to be ſedde of thisye | thepeople,to haue thetr eale, for that thep looke foa:pfthep that be pas were mynded fo do geod vnto the people of qod,thep would trones. | farp tpll god fhould cal them,andthen when thep be called, bo their Ducties: but fo runne Without the callyng of god, fs a mantfel token that thep bane an other reſpecte, that thep are worldly nipnded, and therfore god coplapned by the poor Hiere, 23 phet, faping: Mule curcebant quos ego non mitrebam, there were many of thofe that ran befoze J fent them, tobich Iver - Wot Cent bp me. Dhertore Jwyll delpze patrons to take bede ; vpon M Dodot Latywer. Fol rar Hpow what man er of men they befowe theps bemetyces: for tbat be pa it isa great charge, a great burthen befoze Dvd to bee apa- — tron, Foꝛ every patron, bohan be dothe not diligentlx ende charge ro 02 bin felfe to place a gooð and godly man in bis benefice, bea pᷣatrõ Awhich is in bis hands:but is ſloutheful, and careth not what Mark this mianer of man he taketh, o2 cls ts conetous,and will haue it "et bic himſelte: and bire a ſir John Lack latin, which Mall fap fers PATON*” ce: fo that the people thalbe nothing edified: no doubt that ° “Patron tall make anſwere before God,fo2 not dopng of bis dutie. And loke how many · ſoeuer perifh in that fame pari} becauſe of lacke of teachyng, the patrone ts giltie of thepm: and he muff make anſwere fo: them before god, Therfoꝛe te appereth moſt manifeſtly, that patris may not feloiy frends Mhips,o2 other affectids:butthep muſt (ee that gods bono? be promoted, that thep place fuch men as map be able to teache andiniructthe people. Now to the matter : hele men, Peter, Andzelv, James - and John, thep were called from catcbynge of fithes, tothe a). 6 catching of nen:thep hada callpng,thep ran not before they aorbefore Wer called. But wo do not ſo, Wwe oꝛder the mater as though chcy were God falwe bs not: and no dout there be ſome that thynke in celled. their bearts : whate thall 3 tarpe till god call mez thet pers aduenture J hall never be called: and fo Z fhall neuer get any thpng. But thelc be vnfaythſull men, thep confpoer not that Godlceth bs cuerpe twhere: In what corner foeuer we be, god fecth bs, and can fetch bs tober tt pleafeth bim: that We fhould be offpcers, 02 be curates, oꝛ ſuch lyke thynges. SUberfoze thou runner,tarp, til thou art called,runne not bes ;,1,, Bap. foze the time. John Baptiſt that holp man, be wold not take ria fied vpon him,to conte before be as hidden: Adi here Wwas he? forno be- Marpe in the wildernes: be made no fute, J warrant pou, 2c fo2 ante oftpce,be tarped till god called bint, Fo2 Luke faith: the word of the Loꝛd came onto John, beyng in the wylder⸗ nes. It is no maruell that god fetched him out of the wilder⸗ neſe:for there is no coꝛnar in the whole tworlde where anye man can hyde hymſelfe from bps preſence:therfoꝛe when be well haue aman, becancall bpm, thoughe bebebpoinecoge | nars:fozthe prophet ſaieth, Deus in altis habitat, fed humilia Pfa, m3 R re{picit, — Certaine Sermonemede by refpicir,Govdivellethaloft , but vet he ſeeth thote thynges wyich be here inthe lowe pattes of the carthe: be dwelleth in heauen, but fo2 ail that, be oyerfeeth all the whele carthr, and what therein is. Foꝛ thoughe we torre caſte doune in a deepe ppt,o2 dongeon, as Hieremythe prophet was: pet fos bs all that he can fee vse woll wat forgette bs:fo2 be locketh - Meee ve doune vpon thofe hinges that be belotue. Therfore lette no gis. man ne thynke in his heart, mule put my felfe fortvarde, J mute feeke fo hopnge nip ſelſe alofte . HNo ns, conſider rather , that God ſeeketh thee, that be can bꝛrng thee alotte when tt pleaſet yhim, when it tote the Fartherace ef bis glo⸗ rpe,and to the faluation of thy ſoule. John Baptiſt made no fute fo: that office rately to be a preacher, and to baptyſe p peoplespet fo: all that god fought hym oute, god called hym thereunto, god would have him in Chis office of pꝛeachyng: So ipkewife Joſephe when he was in Exppte, ſolde of bys divine brethren, where be ferued wit) a great man, a greate Officer he tuas, Potiphar was bis name: Pots twhen be haa Gene 39.bene a wyhple with bint, bis miſtreſſe percetupyg bis beauty, cat her loue vpon him, and would haue hym to be naught With her: but Zoſeph beyng a man that feaved god, weld net foloty ber, but rather withſtoode her beaſtly luſtes, ranne his wares, andlefte bis clake behynde hym. Andis afterwaide Cod fawe thoꝛough falfe accufattons, be was cal inte pꝛiſon. Thynke — in pe now that qos fate hym wotzyes pes, be fate him, though the prifon ‘he was in the Darke p2plansvet $e fal blu. For thet fees med Hint good, he brought him ont agayne ofthe priſon, and made him lorzde and ruler over ali Egiptithough be lapin a don yeow, tongs he could make no ſute for his office, pet god wea it pleaſed hint could call him therunto. Sherfozelet bs - learne bere, by the enſaumple of this good Joſephe: lette vs learne J (ape, that when tuebee meete, and that Ded wyll haue bs to beare offices, be wyll call bs thereunto by labp⸗ full meanes, by bys magifrates: be wyll mot forgette bs: fo2 he feeth b3 in euery corner, he can pycke vs dute when it {3 bps wyll and yleafure, 3 Paples that greate fviende of God,’ wyat teas! s occu⸗ xauon 4 ; : F M.DoSorLatymer. Fol. " Hons Mary be twas a thepharde, be kepte bis fathers (n lawe ene. z. | Mheeperand though he twas tna greate wyldernelle⸗ tobere ae there was no body aboute bym,pet it ple aſed G D toca 5, -.4F° bem, and fo make hym a captapne over bis people Iſraell. , And thys Poles twas very lothe to goto take {uch a greate charge bpon hym:yet at thelength be Bent, becauſe it was a toe callpng of god. Therfore let bs folow this enfaumple of - Popfes,ict vs not take in bande anp office,creept we be cals ~~ — fed thereunto of @ DD, exrcepte we baue a lawtull callpng. | Oure Hawiour commaundeth his difctples,and alfo vs‚ that 1. * we hall prave bute God, that be wyll ſende labourers in⸗ —9*— fo bis harueſt:that is fo ſaxe, that be wyll fende preachers. WMhereby it apptareth, that our Sauiour woulde that no perlon ſhoulde take vpon hym that office, ercepte be be fent " of god, except god call hym thereunto, pnge Saule thoughe be was a wycked man in hys ende, pet he twas made a greate kinge of god: fo2 what was bps father: Ho berpe great man F fell pou,and Saule bis r , Sonne toonte to (eke bys fathers aſſes, and ſo by chaunce bes cauſe he could not ſynde the alles be came tothe Prꝛophete Samuell, whiche by and by, before be Departed from bynt, annoynted hym to be kpng ouer Iſrael, God. commandyng hym ſo to doe. How thys Saule the ſonne of Cis, he ſeketh not ſforite, it came neuer in hys hearte to thynke that be Saule Mould bee kyng: in ſo muche that he hydeth hymſelfe when ought ei Samuell would proclaime bim king, before the whole cons\o °° woae mregation: pet fozall that, becoulde not byte bimfelfe fo, 5° but G D D lppeth hym oute, and fo ftnallp bought bint tothe kyngdome. a Bere pe fee motte mantfellys that iohan God wyll Have a theng te be Doone, be can ſynde ſuche meanes, herby it muſte needes bee Doone, pea contrarie fo our expectation. Wherfore Houldsoiwe any of bs goabout to thank them nes into offices wythoute the callyng of G O De And no Donte thep that dooe {c,thep theive the ym ſel ues to haue nofapthe in © DD at all., they truſte not O DD, they thenke thex Gall baynge all maticrs to paſſe by KR. it, therr — — wer Certaire Sermons made by cade De tbheyz ote power and wyttes: but itts feene that ſuche Dauidwas (elawes {pede cuer pil, that wyll take in bande to exalt thent a Chepard. felues without anp laufull callgng.Dauid that godlye man &€ holy prophet of god, what was he? Darp a keper of ſhepe: be thought not that be fhould be king, till be teas called ther unto of god.But % pray pou What was Jonas the Prophet? was he nat in the bottome of the great fea, in the bellpe ofa great and bosrible whale?what bapned onto bypmfalve not God hemexes, pes, be ſaw hym, be bad not forgotten hym:he Jonas vva: Called hym out again:and fo ſẽdeth him to Pintucto preach found our Bats thent,and teache them penaunce,toleaue they? ſynful life. Pow god would haue hym to that office, therfore be cal fed hym, and was able ta do it, though be lay euen inthe ho. rible fithes bellp. Now therfore lette bs tell confider this, that when god {wil haue a mai ta beare an office be can and. to fetch bint, whercfoener be bee: and that man that: is fo called of god to any office, no doute god wil work with hyem: be wyl proſper al! his doings, be will defend bun front. all bis enentics, be well notlet hun periſche. Wutand pfane God vvyll man take tn bande an office whereunto be is not calledine: puaiſhe dout that man thal have no good lucke, god twill rot profper the ambi- hym. And not onely that, but be twill extremely puntihe that: cous: manne that toil take in hande an off.ce Whereunto be is not called of god: tobich ſeeketh promotions, oꝛ goeth aboutete. Sani xii pꝛomote himfelfe. As we hauc amcrample (nthe bokeotp - sem xy1. Qumbers, that when Corah, Dathan, and Adprant, would. net be contente with thetr vocation wherunto thet were cal⸗ ledof G DD, but woulde clome higherrand promote them⸗ —— ſelues:what hapned? The grounde claue aſender, and ſwa⸗ ble lowed them bp, With wife and children and al that thep bad: ples this {vas their ende,this rewarde they bad foꝛ their ambitis on. Thereby ſit appeareth, that © DD Appl that euerps” eReg 6. manne ſhall keepe hymlellke tn bis bocationstil be be farther: called of god. Me reade farther in the baokes of the kinges, fhat wyen Dauyd would bryng in the arke o G D D inta-. his citxe, as they were going with it, there was one Oza by name:he feareng leaſte the arke ſhoulde fall, becaule the NFER: \ ni Mark the . M Do@orLatymer. © Fol 123 oxen ſtumbled, Went and helde tt op with bis handes: which was againk his vocation: fo2 be tas not appointed thervn⸗ fo: fo2 it was toe office of fhe Leuites to kepe the Arle, no body els ſhould come nere vnto tt: Pow what hapned: God ſfroke hym by and by to Death: becaule he toke vpon him an odfice, vnto which be was not calied: pet after mans reaſon, this Dsa had done a good worke, in keepyng the arke frome falling: but tbat then? God will that his order ſhalbe kept, WwWoich be hath appointed tn bis worde. Further Wwe reade in the Wible of a kyng which was calles VUzia, which woulde 2.Par, 6 take bpon bint the office of a prieſte, fo offer tncenfes vnto the Loꝛde, wherbdnto be was not calied of god;but would de {tof his owne beluntarie till, ould promote himſelfe to othe sffice of the bigh potett, beyng not called of god therbn⸗ to. But that folowed: Bowe (ped be 2 what rewarde bag heſorſo dooyng? Ahbileũ be twas pet aboute tt, the Lorde ſmote hym by and by with leproſie: and fo this greate kypnge endured a lep2eall the days of his lifſe. Theſe be enſamples nowe which (Hould make bs afrayde, tf foe bad any feare of @od in our heartes, to pꝛomote sur felues. And toe ſhoulde _ learne bere to beware of that peftilent popfon of ambitions shed iy dich popfoit, (which ambition J (ap) bathe be the caule of feo. the periſheng of many a mar: fo2 this ambition is the moſt echef perillous thyng that can bee in the world +fora an ambitious ambition, man fs able to fubucre ¢ diſfutbe a whole cõmon wealth: As it molſt plainip appered by the Rhodians, which Khodians at our tyme wer verx myghtie, and of great eſtimation tho⸗ rough all the woꝛlde. Pow tobat twas their deſtruction: Das ep ambition: through ambition. this myghtie plande of the Rhodes was loll, ¢ came into the hanos of the Lurks. $92 ambition © the Chronicle hetveth,that befoze their deftruction , Whats lo% rhe ‘all thpnges were wel pet, the qrandmaifter of Rhodes died. Khodes. Kow there twas one called Andꝛew admirall, a Portingale be deſpred to be grandmaifter : be was an ambitious man, ‘be went about to promote hymſelte, before be was called of - 90d? Wut fo3 ali that, he mpiled bis purpoſe, (othat he twas nat chofen : Foꝛ there was one choſen whon ther cai wht lip de Vruere, guut a ain this Andrewe, bocaule be R. ttl. couldg God defe: Certaine Sermons madeby coulde not bavwx bis parpoſe to pale, he fendeth letters to toe great Turke, ſignikxing that then he woulde come, he woulde hel p hint te get the plang, which afterivarde be dide bat pet it ceſt hint his lpfe, fo. bis teeafon was efpped,and ſo he recetucd a reward accoꝛding bitte bis deinges. | So pe maye perceue by this enſample which mas Dore in our tinte, bow vngraciouſe a thinge this antbition ts: forne Dout where there ts ambition, there fs dfutfion, where there {3 dimſion, there fſoloweth defolation,and fo finally deſtruc⸗ tlom: euen accodinge vnto cure Santours, faping: Cues rye kingdome deuided agapn fe it felfe, fall bee bought to | nouyxol,andeueryp city a2 baaleseulrcd agapn Tic felfe, Hat not ſtande. Fc. Taell Andrew, Peter, James, and Zohn, were not ambitts ouſe, they taried theft callinge: fo J woulde wicſh that cucrp man would folow their enſamples:and tarp fos their vocati on:and wot thruſt themſelues in, till they bee called of God. Foꝛ no dout vocation bathe no fellowe,fo2 he that commeth bp the calling of god to an office, he map be fare that his ads deth them werfaries (hall not preuaile agaynſt him, as longeas be doth | _ tharheca leth to of e. “he twas feat from god inte thts orld, to teary vs the way to Luc. 4. ' the off ce of hig calling. dn enſample we haue in our fauter heauen. Howein what perpl ¢ danger was Heras long as he was here: when be began to pꝛeach at Masareth amongeſt bps kpnfislkes, be diſpleaſed them fo that they went €toke bynt,and were mynded to caf him headlong from the rock; wherupon thelr cities wers builded:but when tt ca ne to the potute, be went away front amongeſt che, becauſe bis houre twig not conte vet:he had nat pet fulfilled o3 erecuted that of fice whereunto goo bath ſent him. OSo likewiſe we reads by the Cuangelifte Sohn, thatthe loh,to 8. Jcwes many a tyme tobe bppe ſtenes to fone hym, but thep Loulde nat. And hawe mano tymes lente they their menne to take bpm, pet fo2 all that thep couide not pꝛeuayle agapnite bpm: Am thele tyyn ges are not beritten fos Chriſtes fake, butfo3 our fase,tyat wꝛ (auld learaetherbp, that when ine ba dfligently our-office werunto god bath called bs,then no Baste gure enemees Hall as little preuszlgazarat vs * gape —— Andfirk we muk walk in the generaĩ bocattd, M. Dodtor Latymer. Fol.i24 ther preuayled agaynte Chriſte: for ad wylbe as caretal £02 vs as he was fo2 Chrꝛyſt. And thys appeareth mol mang feffip in the Apotle Paules% pray vou in what danger and peril twas bezbotw mighty and ſtrong enemies bad be, whl⸗ chetoke tt baud torpa hem out of the waperpet foz all that god Delivered hint: wyerfs2e7 Warp becauſe Paule was cals iar led, and ozdepned of godte that octice: and thereta;e god ener)? St Deltucred Him out of al troubles ,becaule Pauldidac coꝛding ten ac ine vnto bis callyng. red, Peter, when herod that tirant had killed James with the ſword, and cake him tuto priſon, ſo thathe thought be ſhoid dye by and by, pet god deltucred him woundertullte: and ne dout this ts not wWaptten fo2 eters fake, but alfe to our cos fo >t:fo that tue ſhalbe fure,that inhen tue folleive our bocas The ecanfe _ tion, beinge latofullpe come by tt, God tupll apde and alps es in all our troubles: whatſoeuer ſhall happen brits bs, be wilbe prefent and belpe 3. Therſore take this fo2 a certain rule:that no man with folowyng of bis bocation, and doyng bis duetv thall Hooter his lpfesfo2 (tis not the foloboyng of No moive’ qur bocation that chal ſhorten our life. orté hys THe reade in the gofpell that when Chik fateth vnte his if by do- bifctples,let bs go bp into Jury agapne: his diſciples made "s hisda- aunſwer vnto hym, faping: Mailter the Jewes fought lately ,’S Labs fo fone thee, and tilt thou go thither agayne: Jeſus anſwe⸗ red, are there noti2 .boures of the dap-pf aman walketh in the dap, he Lumbleth not:but tf aman walketh tu the night be ſtumbletb, becauſe there fs no light fn hym. UH ith thele woordes our Sauiour fignifieth, that be that walketh in the dape, that is to faye, he that walketh truelye and vprightlye in bps bocation whereunto God bathe calicd - bpm, that manne Hall net famble, he thall not ſhorten bys ipfe,tpilthe rtt.boure commeth: that ts te faye, tyll tt plea: feth @ DD fo take hym oute of thys twolde: be ſhalbe ſure that he (all not ſhorten bys lpfe in doing that thynge which god hath apopnted hym te do. 7 prap god gine vnto vs fuch hearts that ive may be content to line in our callpng,¢ not te erie Wea Stee AnD a4 Certaine Sermons made by ° The com and after p wyen God calleth ba,leaue the generall callyng 2 modities rherave aad folow the fpectall : tf tue would walke fo, we fhould be -- Chali havc Stare p our ene nie Marts not preugel again bs: And though byvval- {ue Dpe,pet our death ſhalbe nothyng els, but anentraunce. ‘ Kingin oz tate euerlaſteng life. Again, we thalbe fure,that tf toe will calling. Fyloty our vocatiõs, we (hal lacke nothpng, we thal banc al thyngs necefarp to our bodtlp ſuſtenãce. And this appereth. by nrany enfanples:ivgen our fautonr fendsth out thoſe 70. men belore him to preache the gofpell,baupng nontoneptw their puries wo; any thpng wherupon to line: whan thep — came home again, be afkedthem., lobether they bad lacked ang thing: thep ſard Qo. Foꝛ they dyd as Chriſte had com> manded vnto then: therefore thep lacked nothing: And ſo ft foloiucth, that they that will folotwe their bocations fyall lacke nothyng. . lacobfole Jacob p bolp patriarke bad a vocatiõ te go (nto Meſopota⸗ veed his YO mia: fg) hig father and mother commanded bint to do fo: bes cation in fiping {ro taule thet keares leat C fait bts brother Melo haue kild hur. Eau, ~ srowe toben he hrentethyptyer, be confelled thar he dad nov thing but a fave vpon bis backe: but fſolowyng bis calling’ | God brought bint againe with greate Denes of ail mance -- of cattell. Theſe thynges. are weitten fo2 our fake, to make’ bs luſtie to foloiweoure bacation, and to doo ag we are aps pointed of Godte doo. Furtyer; toben the peogic of Zivach were in the wildernes, they had a vocation: for Gov comes: maunded Poles to bꝛyng theym dout of Egypte: Mowebs bought them in the wildernes, where there was no coͤne M02 anp thing to liue pons twat Doth Godehe ſendeth then bzead from heuenrather thenthat thep ſhold lacke,and was - ter out of therocke ..And this is torttten-toour inffructton. Math. 4. Deute.8. of the moutheof G DD, Foꝛ whan fo euer a man apply, eth that vocation, wyyche G DD bathappopntedfozbyms - No doubtebe thall not bee oilappointed of lpuing, be (yall -_ bane inoughe.. Therſfore oure Sautour Chꝛiſte (atthe Querite primo regnum Det, & iytitiameius , & cetera Math. 6. omnia adiicientur vobis, feeke fpete the kengedom⸗ et 4 SC herefoze God fayth: Nonfolo pane, San hailnotipue . by. b2eade onelp, but by euery woorde that procedeth onte - 4 ~, + the lorde, they ſhall notcome-fo any poverty, Qlacke whata ,, M.DoforLatymer, > Fol, 19 of god and bis rightuonfaes,and all the other thynges abe. be miniffred bits pou; That ts to fap; let bs liue qodlpas he: ‘ hath appoinsed vnto vs:as ſor other thynges, iata fuper do’. Peter.s. minum curam &{ipfesfacier, Caſte thy care vppon the loꝛde, and be wyl make it, he will fyniſh all thynges, tor he is able to mabke a good ende of all matters:therfore ſapeth the Pꝛo⸗ phete: Timete do atnum omnes ſancti eius.feare the lojd all pe his fapntes, Non eft inopia timentibus eum, they that fear Pfaln.14 Co diſtruſt pytifall theng is it, that tue wril wot beeleue thefe fatherly ofoodis somites which god hath made vnto bs tn his worde: what co make a great ſynne ts it te miftrut gods pꝛomiſes:foꝛ to miſtruſt hima lyes bis pꝛomiſes ts as inucve as fo make bpm alpar, when we wyll not beleue him:euery man bath bis vocation, as thefe . men bere were fpihers; fo euerp man bath bis faculty wher⸗ in he was brought vpꝛbut and pithere come aſpectall vora⸗ fton, then ive mutt leaue that vocation whiche tee haue bad before, and applye that wyereunto we be called ſpecially, as thele apodles did:they were fiſhers, but as ſone as thet were. called to another vocation, they lefte thep2 fiſhings.but euer remember that when we haue a vocation we regard moſt as. boue all the ſpeciall poyntes in the ſame, and {ee that we do. thein rather than the acciventes, ag As fo2 an enſample, vnto greate men gob alloiseth hun⸗ tyng and haukyng at ſometymes: but it ts not their chiefeſt —— duety wherunto God hathe called them: ſor he woulde mot i yng is that thep thoulde geue tzemſelues onslpe to haukyng end »octhe Huntpitg, and {odo notheng elles: So not lo, but rather thet chief point oughte to conſider the chtefe® poynte then the accidentes: of SIE 7 haukyng and huntyng ts butan acceffarpe thynge, but the > 9 chickeſt thong to vohiche God hath oadayned them, is to exe⸗ cute Juſlice, to fee that the honaur and glorye of god, bee fet abjoabe,tys isthe chiefeſt poynte in they: callpng,and not haukyng and huntpug;whiche is but an accidente. So lyke⸗ wylſe a ſeruyng man mape dle ſhootyng or other paſtemes: ays but pf a feruvng manne would: doe nothyngelles butte: thaote, fettpng afpde hys mayſters bulpnes,th ps manne ne Route oulde not doe well:foz a lerupng mang — apes, Cettaine Sermons made by Coa ae warte Spon bis mayſter:and though be may ſydote ſomety⸗ 7 Wmes , vet hts ſpectall and chiefeſt duetꝑe is to feruehys mais mids office ſter in bys buſines. Math zdDur lautour wente snes abrdade, and by the waye as he fwent, bs ſayde to sue, Folow me:the fſelow made anſwere, faping, let me fyrſte burp my father:dur ſauiour five vnto hym agapn,let the dead burp their dead, and come thon ¢fg lofy me.Wwhere our ſauior teacheth bs, thal twhen we haue a ſpectall vacatien, Wwe Hal! forfake the generail: fo2 to burpe | fatherand mother is a godlp deede, kaꝛ god conimaunded ta One fpeci. hanour father and nisiber:pet tuber we haue ſuch a (peciell ali vocatio Callpng as this man had, we mult leave al other vocations: mukbec fo2 our ſauiour woldrather baue poead to burp the dead, the felowed. that thts man thoulde forſake 02 fet afpde bis vocation. ut Sur (piritualtis what doe they: Bary PR Wo ridly bufinedes fom be clearkes of the kitchine, ſurueig⸗ ¥ e bers,o2 receiucrs: which no Doute is wicked, and thep mufte eh ind make a braup accompte fo: it.Foꝛ thetr (pecial callpng is to alty. fifbe,to preache the woꝛde of God, and to bryng the people front ignorance Onto the knowledge of gods word, thistbep ought fo do. Abaya the Patriarke hadde a vocation wher. Abraham Sodcalled bynt oute or bps countree,this was a vocation. did foloyy BO likewtfe when cod commaundeth him to offer bis fone Tus calling be Mas redy and wyllyng to doe (t:fo2 becaule god had com⸗ maunded hym,bemade no ercules, but wente and felowed his vocation moſt diligently anv earnefilp. Wut this J weld haue pou to note wel, that they that haucbut general vocati Themin ong,may nat folety thoſe bohich haue ſpecial vocations. Qs t hac bache thé we inoid feloiv the enfample of Ababa, & e map not. As see yng U2ab4 Gad a ſpecial vocatton of god to offer bis fon:therfo2e may nerf, C06P that afterward folaiven the enſample of Sbyabam and. lovy hisex Dutned their children, they did naughtly: fo2 they bad no cõ⸗ ampicthat maundement of god to de fo. Phinees that godly ma, feepng had a {pci one of the great men of Iſrael do wickedly with a naugbtpe. al vocaus. womã, tnent thither and killed there both, while thep wer. pet doyng the act of lecherye. Molen fo doyng, be pleaſed 793, ad is dighly commended of cod fo2 it: fal foe wow for. lot the enfantple of Phinees: hhal we kil a man bp and bp. Goon when M. Dodor Latymer. {oben he doth wickedly: Ho not fo, ue haue no ſuch commah Dement of god as Phmees had:foe he bad a ſpecial callyng, a Namc. a⸗ Cerete inſpiration of god to do ſuch a thing: we which haue no ſuch calling may not folowe hym, foꝛ we ought to kyl no body, fhe magiſtrates ſhall redzefle all matters. 3 So to preache gods worde it tsa goodthpng,and god wil haue p there ſhalbe ſome vohich ſhall doe it: but fo2 all that a man map not take vpon Hint to pꝛcache gods worde ercepte be becailtd vnto it:when be doth tt. be doth not tell, though he haue learnpitg and wiſedome to bea preacher, pet fo all that he ought not to come hymſelfe without any lautull cals lyng: for tt was no Doute a good thyng to kepe the arke front fallyng, vet fo: all that Dsa was ſtriken to dcathe, becaule be toke tn band to medle with it without any comintffion, _ Wiehauea generall vacation which is thie/in fudore vul- a tustiivefceris panc tuo. In the ſweate of thy face thou fhalt Gene, 3s gate thy bead, tyl thou be turned agatn into tye ground,out of which thow waſt taken. This tert doth charge al bs ta las ‘boar, riche ant poo ne man ercepted, Sut be muff labours. ‘that labour which god hath aypointed fo2 hym to bo; fo2 goo lodueth not Moutdfuines be wyll auc bs to labour, to do our huſfines:and vpon the holy dap be toil haue bs to ceate from bodvely labour, but fo2 al p be wpl wot haue bs ta be pole, but ‘to heave bis word, to bifite ſycke felkes and priſoners, theſe Holy dais ave holy days woke, which qod requireth of bs:therfoze we workes. tap not be let of thole workes With bodcly labour: we mut ‘fet afide bodely labor, fede ourfoules bpd (odais,tn berpng of gods moſt jalp Wwa2d,¢ in receiuing bts holy ſacraments. Ho J fay, labo2 is cõmaũded vnto 03, Unto eucry one,nomad ercepted. Al Adames childꝛẽ av boũd to labo}. Foꝛ p nbiche All Adams ‘Was ſaid bute Ada, ts fatd like weſe vnto Bs fo,¢ our ſauiour children himſelf teacheth bs tolabo: whe be faith to Weter, ducin al- Mull lebor ‘ti lead thp boate inte 9 deze, & relaxarete ad capiurã, a {ped “UC#-5> but thy net to catch. Bere Chak cẽmaunded Peter to vo hts Duty, te fololw bis occupatiõ· Mow be vᷣ cõmaũded Peter fay . tagcat ontthp net: becomandeth alfo bs,cucrp one tn his e⸗ “ftate to do § bufines of his callina,he wil bane p farmer tofs dow bis trade, to till the ground,to (aive, tc. pet itis 9— — genet Certaine Sermons made by geueth the increale of the labour. Foꝛ we may not thinke as though tue by our labour may get ſomewhat: Mo not (o, He Labouris muſt fabozin deve, but we mup2ap bint to fend the increſe; Fic ordina Fg except be blefie our labour,tio doute we thal labour al in y vat 1. he osdinarp wap wherby god fendeth bs our foode vieliue, (Slabour,pet fo? al that we mutt not fet our Hearts vpõ our labs2,1102 truſt therin, but only bang vpon god:it is wetter, Prouc to Egeftaté operatur manus remifia,a band that will not labour (faith ſcripture) tall come to pourrtpe. That is te ſay, that man o2 vᷣ woman that twit! notiabo2, wel not do the worke of ' Godwill bis bocatié, thal not pꝛoſper in this wold: bata diliget bao, encreafe aman that til labo2,alintightp god tuilfend bint increfe, be oar labour ſhall haueinough. So that certain it ts, that we muſt laboꝛ: 2. The! 3 for . Paule fatet), qui nen laborat,non manduccr, he that . ; laboureth not, let bint not cate. Jwold forthe that this coms maundement of ſ. Paule were keptin Cngland, that theſe idle lubbars that wil not labo2,that they ſhould not eate nei ther: Foꝛ ns doute tf they were ſerued ſo, it woulde make them to apply tbeir bodies to a better ble then thet to, Saint Paul in the 2. Theſ.Vltimo faith: we haue berd fay, vᷣ there ar ſome which walke amongeſt pou mordinatelye:vorking not at al, but beyng buſy bodies. be that are ſuch we com⸗ maund texhort, by our loꝛd Jeſu Chal, that thep worke w Two thin quietnes ¢ cat their otun bead. In theſe woꝛds we mai nets Bc nated tina things, firl that euery one of vs ought to labo2,¢ do the i: evvords otfice of his calling. Sccundarilp Wwe maye note bere, thata a Aptecher precher map ſpeke by berefap:as S. paul doth bere. J ſpake may {peak vnto pou ſynce Icame into thys countrey by bere fay. Forg by herelay heard fay, that there were fome homelve theeues, fome pyes : kers tn this tvo2 cule, whiche no Donte is a miſera⸗ ble thynge, that in fuch a boule thynges ſhoulde be ſo appur⸗ loyned alvape: therefore Jexhoꝛted pou at the fame tyme te beware of it, and fo make reftitutton. Nobo fence there Were fonte of pou which were offendrd with me, becauſe 4 fpake ‘by beare fap, thei (aid Jſſaũdred § boule tn (peaking fc. But % tell pou, that Jſlaundered no bodye at thattyme. % fpake but onelp to the amendment of the giltie: and therfore the gpitiche mult geue leaus vnto the peeacher, to repꝛoue fon : and M.DoSorLatymer, roli⸗ and wickednes. For the preacher whan he reproueth ſyn, he ſclandereth not the geltleſſe: but be ſeketh onelv the amen · dement ot the gritiẽ. Therfore God ſayth by the paophete : ſay. ay. Annuncia populo ſcelera illorum, Shewe vnto the people their ſennes: therfore when ſuche a thynge is ſpoken, they that be giltleſſe chould be content, whan ſinne and wicked ⸗ Rud a gald nes is repzoued. Shere tsa common fapeng, that wha a/rer'® #94 horle is rubde onthe galle,be wil kicke: whan a ntancattety oo done amongeſt dogges he that is hitte twill crie: Ho tt is {with tuche felotvestoo : belpke they be giltie, becauſe they, canine nat ſuſtre to beeagapne fapd. Frememb3e the Psor phete Cfate in what manner of wile be reproued the ſpu⸗ ap.u. nes of the people, fapenge: Argentuoi tuum verfumeftin © Hong —— ſiluer is turned into Dole. So no doubt the falle of the monep bath been here in Englande the vndoing of many mets tr vinum caum mixté eft aqua, And thy wine ts ntpitgled twit) water. Were the Prophete ſpeaketh genes rally. And be goeth foo sth, fayeng :. Principes cui. &c. Thy polices ave wicked, and companions of theeues, thep lous re wardes all together : as fo2 the fatherlestiey belpe thens _ Motte right:neither till theplette the widowes cauſe come before the. Theſe be fore 0208, (poken generally againſt al ppꝛinces:where J doubt not but there were ſom good amor gett them: pet fo2 all that the prophet ſlaundereth them nots fo2 he fpeaketh not againſt the good, but againt the wicked, 4 creat be meaneth not the gutleſſe. For fuche a maner of ſpeakyng oumber is is bfed tn the (crivture, to (peake by the vniuerſall:meaning ment vvhe a great numb2e, but pet not allionly thofe that be giltie:ther i fF cane foze fuchs mantr of ſpeakyng is no Mander. Thertore Jſavd Ys at the fame tvine,as S. Paule faith to the Theſſalonians, J heare fap, that there be fome amongeil pou that tuili not fa, bout : So 7 (ated, Jheare fay, that there be fone amongeſt pou, which are geuen to pickpng and ſtealyng: and fo 7 thes ined pou the danger of it, and tolde pou holy pou ſhold make reftitutis fecretip tuithout anpopen ſhame:for it is no ame to fozfake ſinne, andto conte to godlynes. Foꝛ no oui rellts . eats tution mut be made eyther in effect,o2 affect: That is to ſar oftyro fee ‘Ween thouart able then thou muſt make (tin sifecte, aoe ea : . txhyon Certaine Sermons made by how arf not able, then thou muſt be ſorie fo2 it in thy bearte; ‘and aſke god forgiuenes. This Itolde pou at the fame time there J Aaundered no bodye: therfore Jwoulde wiſhe that pe woulde exppunde my werdes holy forwardes, bettir then pebaue hitherto. Nowe to the matter adarne When aman ceuide al ke this quetion, faping:ve are all bounde to luozke, for cur. Ips. upnges: but ¥ pape pon bp ebome cenuneth the gayne of pure we2kes- iho geueth the increaſe of ite There bee fome people whiche thenke, that they breng all thnges to pale bp thep2laberrsthey thynke thep gette theyr ltuinges wyth thep owne handworke. Some agapue there be, lwbich think Some thatthe encreale of ther? labour cemmeth be the diuell, that think that he inereafeth and bleſſeth theyr labours · But thpnke pe that thein en· anp boty top! faye fo, that bis ancreafe commeih by the dps tes oe cll? No Jwarraunt pou, they wll not faye fo, wyth thep2 thedeuil] mouth:vet foz all that,their. conuerfattonand lpaing thetys eth (tte be fo in dede with them. Foꝛ all they that liue of v⸗ furpe,they haue thepr gaynes by the diuell. So ixke wiſe all thep that fell fale wares oꝛ ſellby falfe wayght, oꝛ vſe anye maner offalthode,thep be tn the deuylles ſeruite, they haue his tinerp: therkore they ſeke ali thep2 gapnes at his handes, ‘thozough falfe anv dcceptiuil dealyng. And lo it appeareth - that the Dinel! is the intreaſe of thep2 gapnes. And no dente the diucll taketh vpon hym to be the lorde ouer all thynges Math « fn carth:as tt plapnelp appeareth by the gofpell of Sathelv, * where be toke in hande to tempte Ch2the cure fautour,and broughte hym bpon a high bpil, where be Heiued vnto hym all the kyngdomes of the woꝛld, ſaxving: Hæc omnia dabo u- bi, fi ptoſtratus adoraucris me, Al theſe things Jwil geue bit fo thee, pf thou wilt faldsun ¢ wopfhip me. iby thele words —— it appeareth, that the diuell beareth himſelfe in hande to be nce lorde and ruler ouer the whole worlde: but in veryx Deeve be veorthea hath not fo mucheas a gooſe fether by righte. @ndpet | fo2 all goof fe. that, he hath manp children bere vpon earth, tabich bange v⸗ thes. port dem, and fecke they2 incrcaſs by bpm thorough falſhode and deceite. Wherefore fuche twwozlvipnges baue a common faping amongelt them, they fp when a man wylbe a ie . mu “he : M Dodor Litymer. «> Fol.138 | mulfe feite his foule behinde the doore:that isto fapshe mult vſe falſhode and deceit, And therfore %feare me theve be mar ny thouſandes firthe worlde tobich ſet thep2 foules behynde Mony fer the dores. Themerchaunte commonly in euerr citye dothe er ae trachs his prentife to fell talſe wares. Sothatainan tape x. fay to all cittes'as Clap {apt fo Wierufalent: Argentum tu- Play.1. un verfum eft in fcoriam ,thp ſiluer is turned fn droge 5 thy {ware is falfe, thou batt a delite in falfhode and decette , thor getiet thy goed per fas & nefas bp lauful and vnlauful mea nes: ut the increaſe that the godipe man bath, comnreth of god, as the ſcripture ſaith: Benedidio dei facie divitem, Lhe bleſſyng of gon maketh reche. Nobo there be fome that weil fay, tf the bleſſeng or theincreaſe come nat of mp labo2,then Jwrll not labour at all. J wyll tarp tyll god ſendeth me my foode, to) be ig able to fede mie without my labor o2 travel, No, we mul ladour, fod ſo are fue commauntded fo doe, but We mufk looke fo2 the increaſe at gous handestipke as Peter - dyd, he laboured the tobole upg st, pet he toke notheng at all tell Chunk came. And pet this is not acertainerale,be that much labozeth (hall have much. J? 93 though a mawdabour muche, pet fo2 all that he tall baue no moze then ged bathe appovnted hem te haue: for euen as it pleaſeth ODD, fohe . ſhall haue, Nam domini eft terra & plenitudo eius, Foꝛ the Pſalm.xiiii earths is tie Lordes and all that is therein sand when foe He that haue muche, then toe areaccountable ſor muche. 02 no besh eae doute tue muſt make a reckenrng foz that which toe receine Coot for at gods handes. GGA much, - Shove to make an ende, Ideltre ponlette bs confideroure> generall bocation, that ts to fap lette bs labour, euerpe ome in that eſtate wherein G D DW hathe ſette hym, and as fe3- “ths increaſe, lette vs looke fo2 ttat geddes handes:and lette vs bee contente with that tubiche G O D Thal ſende vs ⸗ Foꝛ he kno weth what is bede for vs, pt wt haue Vctum _. &vetitum itteafeand drynke, and clothyng, iette vs bee * tontente topthall .. Foꝛ wecanne not tell wyenne goed “Manne deathe Wyll conmme and make an ende of ail tos Bethe. Foz happie thail be be, fobont the 020 when he ce⸗ mesh, Mall fprde tell occupied tiv his vocation. * Prouer.x. 2,Cot. 5. Certaine Sermonemade by and pf ive haue {peciall bocations,let bs fet aſyde the ge⸗ nerall,and apply the {pecfall poyntes of our vocation rather then the accidentes:and let bs labour in our callpng,and pet } f tot thynke to get anp thynge bp it, but rather traf in Goo, and feke the increaſe at his handes:let bs looke fo2 bis benes — diction, then it hall go well with vs: but aboue all thinges betuarcof fal(hode,fo2 with falſhod tuc ferue the deuyl. But i Itoſde pou befoze,3 teare me the deutll hatha great nunt er ot eruauntes tn England. Whe almighty god graunt bs graceto line fo berein thys - worlde, and to applp our bufines in fuch wile, that be mape be glozifped amongeſt bs: fo that we maye finallpe come. ta that felicitp which be bath poeparedfogbs. Amen. - The viii.Sermon made by Maifter Doctoꝛ Latpnter, Luke.2 g Nd there fhalbee fignes in the Sonne anv ‘i tithe Boone, andin the Starres, €in the Y, carth, the people fhalbe at thetr wyts ende, tho2ough difpatr, the fea and the water hal x roare, and mens hearts fyall faple them-foz feare,and forlokyng after thoſe things bohi⸗ che ſhall come on the earth. Foꝛ the powers of heauen ſhall 5 —8* moue, and ther ſhall thep ſee the Sonne of man come tna cloud with power and great glory:when theſe thyngs begin to come to paſſe:then loke vppe and lift Dp pour heades, ſor pour redemption draweth nere. Whis Gofpell is red this day in the churthe, anv it halbee fo2 our leſſon: St is taken oute of the 21. cap. of Luke: andit inaketh mention of the gloꝛious cemming of sure Santour Chꝛiſte,how and tn what mancr of foonte be (hall come: foz as the feripture witneſſeth, we thall al conte befoze the tudge Ment of Chl, and there recetue cuery one accoꝛding bute bis defertessafter bis workes be ſhalbe rewarded of Chriſte, which ſhalbe at that time their iudge:and there ſhalbe ſignes and M DodorLatyner! — Fol 128 And tokens before bis glo:ious and fearefall comming. Foꝛ then be thall · come to tudgemente:bis lirſte commypng inte. this worlde twas to Cutter bis payne full paffion,and fo delys er mankpnode onte of the bandage and Dominton of the de⸗ uyll. ut when hecommeth agapne, he well come of an o⸗ thee maner of wyle, then be did the firſte tyme. For be wyll come with great power and mysbte with the hoalke of heap 1: is cer. uen, with all the aungelles of god, and fo ſytte at the audite * rt and fudge all menne. Andthisis moſte certayne that be hoe grein wyll cote, but we cannot tell when oꝛ at what tyme bys co nmyng halbce. Foꝛ the day of bis commyng fs hydden from BS, fotyat ende that we ſhoulde be redpeat all tpines. Wherefore J oelpre poufoz govdes fake make pou redye, put not of pour preparation, Fo; ſeeyng that we be certayn that danger and perpil challcome spon bs, all thep that bee Wwoeſe and qodlve wyll prepare themſelues, leak they be ta⸗ +, | ase? ken ſodenly vnwares 02 vnre ady· And therefore F fay, this —— Bay is hydden from vs,te theeintente that ive cuer ſhould be day of © Yeadpe. Foꝛr pf we houlde knowe the dape 02 the boure at iudgemene ~ What tyme be Woulde come: No dante we would bee raves —* frona lee, tae woulde take oure pleature as longeas we mygbdt, “* tpll at fuche tyme as we fhoulde departe, Aid therkore leaſte ive (houlde bee made careleſſe, this dap is hpdden front te. F 03 the Aungelles of ODD thepmielues knowe not the rhe'and boure oꝛ momente of thps greate and fearefulidare. Pepe 15 rand ther dydde Chriſte bpmfelfe knowe it, as be was man: but noc chae ashe is God, he knoweth all thynges 5 nothpug canne bee sry. hydde from bym: as be ſayeth hymſelte, Pater commonftrat loha.g. - mihiomnia, The father ſheweth me all thynges: therefoze bys knowledge is infinite , eiles he were not verye Gor, But as concernyng bys manhode, he knewe not that tyme: —fo2 be Wasa berpe naturall man (fone excepte d:) theres forclpkeas he was contente to (uffer heate and celte, to bee wearye and bunarye, Ipkeas he twas contente to ſuffer i oF Cache thpnges! fo be was contente,as toncernyng bis mans beade to be ignoraunte of that dave. He bad peerecte Races know⸗ ledge to dove bps fathers com nudio co inſtructe vs and — sand brine ãche bs the Wape to eauen: buttt ta Ths Cigale Vee 6: Certaine Sermons made by oft, to tell bs the boure oft this dap, tofell ba of tt anpe thynge, as concernpng tohen it thyng bute man,fe farre forte be was contente to be. igne⸗ raunt, lyke as be dit ſuffer other thenges. 3 topll racher ſpend the tyme in exbortyng pon to make te - Dpcagaint that dap,to prepare pourlelues, thencurtonfips recyte o2 expound thefpgues thereof » wiyshe Shall 598 bee fore this fearefuildap.. Andthere ſ halbe fygnesinthe Sonne and Moone: mhere be fome learned men which erpounde thofe tokens ofthe der Teuctid of Jeruſalem:but that ts not the matter, pf thet bane | gone beefore the deftruction.of Jeruſalem: then theyx bane gone befo2e the enve of the twozld,¢ fo admoniſh bs to make readee· to leaue ſynne, leaſt we be taken with tt. As touchyng the Jeboes, our ſauiour Chꝛiſte wept outr them, and thzeatened.thent, what ſhould come dpon chem be Thecau- caule they diſppſed hem, and woulde not recerue gods: help fes of the worꝛde, and leaue thep2 fpnnesilpkeas we doe, whiche take dota guy pleafare,care litle fo2 hym 02 bis woꝛdawe cannot fatter, « of lerula- Jem. ae sure faultes are told bs, le vepyne and gradge at it, ipke as $ Aclwes dyd. Therfore our fauiour knowypng what baa ihe fhould fs be dettroped, that one fone thould not be left vpon Citic leru another: and foit came to pale accordyng vnto hys worde. falsm,. fo? Witus the Conne-of Veſpaſian, which was: Emperor at ; that tyme, deffroped, that fame city Jeruſalem otterly,.lpks afourtpe peres.afterthe death ofoure fautour Chꝛiſte. But lwherefoze were becaule thep woulde not beleue the faptuges ef cur ſauiour Chit: thep woulde take thep2 pleafurcs, they tusuld folowe thep2 forefathers (as our papittes are wonte to fap.) Ta ben they cannot defende them A nore for felfes: with Scripture, then. they wyll defende them felfes papites. {niththeignorauncpe of thep2 forefathers: muche lpke vnto the Ic wes, which coulde not alway With the doctryne of our Sautour, becaufe {twas difagrepng from the cuſtomes and traditions of their fazefathers. But what hapnede theps des Fuction fell vpon them before they percelued it, ¢ * fhoulde bee. For as farre forth as ignorancye tsa parnefuii de. Mould contre bpon then, wept ouer the citp,pophecying p it - ape. Sheatbekeknineiet — M DoMorLatymer. / Fol tz0 fie ott parte of thent Tull nuferably god ery and not only that, -but as the ſtoree dothe hewe, thep that were lefte and not broughte te oe ftructson, were ſo Dylpe handled, and Thyreie fo defpifedamonget all menne, that thitty were ſolde foza Sh * xenre: and fo by that meanes thep were ſrattered thooughs tree ett ali the worlde: and in euery countreyp where they came, | they wece made Manes and Tributaries: and halbe fo tits the ende of the worlde. for Scripture fateth:Hierufalemcals, — cabitur à gentibus , donec implebuntar tempore gentium, Ukẽ.ꝛJ. yHhjieruſalem thalbcetroden vnder the feete, tyll the tpmes ofthe gentiles befulfpiled. %5y this pzopbhecpe ts ſignifi⸗ ed, that the Jewes neuer (hall come together agapne, to Y babite Jerufalem and Jurye, andfo beare rule there, they “pie done; fo2 bp this woorde(calcabitur) fs fignitied Stetbalbee inhabited tt Malbee vnder the domi⸗ Vhoe b genteles · Nowe whiche are gentiles⸗· anſwere, .. Pople inthe whole world are gentiles, be it whatſde⸗ tiles, vr sercept the Jewes:all other are gentiles: We @ mẽ ave tentiles, fo likewiſe the Frenchmẽ. Dutch⸗ 3 d other nattons,all are gentiles: Nolwthe Pꝛophet f eth, that ata em {hall not bee inhabited Donccimple- binturtempora gentium , tyll the tymes of the gentyles bee falfplled,that is to fay, tpil ali thep are tome inte the woꝛld . Webich are appointed of god to come:that is to fap; thep (yal neuer come toxether-agapn, tpll tothe ende “of the worlde. Wherefore: becaule they were ſtyfnecked that they woulte not beeruled bp goddes moſte holye woorde, but deſpiſed it, and lyued according vnto they? oune phantaſies and vani⸗ ties. Lyxke as tue doe nowe adayes, the moſte part of bs. Wherefore we maye recken that tt thall goe with bs one Dap dpke ast twente withthem, whyche are made nowe cuter cakes of the whole woꝛlde: euerye manne deſpiſeth theym, and regardeth theym kor nothyng ; for thep haue no bor minion moze, no kpnge nozruler, nocities noe pollicye. Like He — And thoughe Jeruſalem bee builded agayne/vet the me hineats ewes Hhall.haue ft no moze, thep Hall neuer baue dos minion ouer if, but the gentyles, they chall haue it: it yeh & li. fhalbe ued Certaine ———— by valbe in they? handes: And thls is the meanpng of this p20. phecpe' againi the Jewes, and thys God hath performed bie The caufe dhertor kor the Jewes have many tymes attempted to builoe Ierees can tt Agapne, pet foz all that they were not able to brynge ft to: sothaue patte: foz goddes woꝛde wyll net noz can not bee falfifpen,, letulalew fo2 the wrathe of @ DD hangeth oppon thep2 heades, beer cauſe of they: wyckedneſſe wherewyth thep bane prouoked @od. Further pou muſte vnderſtande thatnotonely Jewes woere at Ferufalent, but thep were (cattered thozcughout alk the wozlde: {n.euerp cauntrey were ſome, and toerfo2ethep- were not ail deſtropyed when Jeruſalem was deftroped: but: for ail that thep were curled in the fight of god: fo that thep: ſhould not inhabite any moze that citye. Wle reade in ſtories, that inthe days of she mperour a⸗ drian, the Jewes gathered themſelues to; ant of at cis. ties a wonderfull number of men,al the ge eat be gotten, to the intente that thep mio oe prife, gapne, which Jeruſalem was at ———— handes:and therfore thep made acca rep . itagapne, bat what dothe the —— ther a great and ſtronge hoſte and made a —* and in the ende ſcattered them: fo that they were withoute m hope afterwarde fo reconer that citye agape: after tatlpche: thynges,the Emperour made a‘proclamation that not one Jewe ſhoulde come into the citpe nepther to Hye or to fell. pea and further moze, to the intente that thep theuloe bee’ wythouteanp hope of reconerpe,bechaunged the name of. the-citpe,andealledit Glia... So that by tts ttozpert moſte manifeflpe appeareth that the worde of GMD cannot bee falfified bp anpe manncs power oz cunnpnae: fo2 thoughe they baddea ſtronge and mighty hoaſte: pet for allthat God whrche (3 the ruler of all thenges confomndes them, ſo that fhep coulde bꝛernge nothyng to paſſe after thep2 mpndes, as: thep woulde haue ft: but rather were baniſhed further front: the citye: fo2 thep were in worſe cafe after thys fightyng, then thep hadde bene before, for they had an accelle onto: the: ety Aen set alterward thep loſte. HOWL " * atter: a: M.DoforLatymer. .., Fol yr ” After that in Julianus the Emperors tyme, fehich Em⸗ —— peront was an Apoftata,fo2 be bad bene a Theittian and af °° “ros “ter became to be Emperop,pefortoke the chattian fateh anv — al goodnes and gedlines:arts not onlp that but be did al that be conla to vanquiſhe and pul doune Cheiffes truc religion: and therefore be went about te ſette vppe the zewes agapn, and gaue them liberties to gather tseufelues togcther, and fo returne agapne to Jeraſalem:and not onelpe gaue them this liberty, but alfo be bolpe them with al maner of thpng, that thep might bing te paſſe their purpoſe: ¢ fo vpon that fie Jewes gathered themlelucs together in an infinite nus ber of people, and went te Jeruſalem: and ſs began to make Preparations fo2 the butlapng of tbe temple, and fo finallpe layed the foundation. The Kove faith, that this hoſte of the ewes was a wonderfull rpche hoſte:ſfoꝛ their mattockes, € {pades,and > other inſtruments, which they occupied to the buildyng of the temple, were made offpne (pluer. So thele Jewes hadde the Emperoures fauour,bis aise and healpe, they were rpche and able to fet bp their kingdome agapne; and fo fallifpe the worde of god after mans reaſon: ſor thex lacked no worldly thynges. ul what dotbe ad? when — ſaw that ns man would withſtand them, to verify bis woed he fendeth a wynde, a ſtrong hurlyng wynd, whiche blue a: God can {way all their prowtfions, whiche as made fo; the buildyug |" wh - of the temple,all the ſande and mszter and ſuch lxke things, * '"’ whiche men vlſe in Cache butldinges : and after that, there caine Cuch an earthquake, that thep tere almoſt ont of their Wittes. And this was not tnoueh, but there caine allo tyre ¢ burned bp all their workes:and ſo finally they wer ſcattered agapie one from another, So by theſe ſtories, tt manifeſtlye Appeareth, that no mans power (sable to Land againkycd, 63 to difapoint bint of his purpoles:fo2 Chꝛiſte our Sauidur bad tolse thent, that thep Mouide neuer come to their rule as ayn. And Co bis wordes are verifier tpil this day and Wall We be ſtyll to the worldes ende:fo2 be fapth, Calum & terra pe- Math. Ye, ribunt verba autem meum nen peribit, heuen and earth fall periihe but mp worde chall endure fo euer · A man booulde grme that there were vothpng fo darable as heauenẽ lit, * y Certaine Setmans made by #3: et fox atl that, they hall rather perſſh, then that the tro: of qod thauldbefalfified. And thisappeared inthe Selves, ~ Spbich though they had the ald g belp ofthis great empero2,¢ the mighty power of this world: pet fo2 al that thep brought nothing to pate at all,fo2 qod was able to confounde them? - “and fo wa doute be forll confound all bis eneinics,tpll thend ~ of the world:for be ts as able ta bertfp his wordes noe as he was then. J woulde haue poute conſider well thecanfes.. - wherkore they were caſte abayxe from God, and were made a mockyng ſtocke vnto the whole worlde. wherfore Jſare? — Warpe for their wicked and ſynfull lvves. Seyng then that _. fhep were cat out of thep2lante, it halbe meete fo2 bs to he take heede, Foꝛ no Donte this ts witen,fo2 our (nffruction, to gene Os warnyng, as the Epiſtle which ts red of thts bap erhozteth bs. Now god hath fulfiiled his word as touchong “p defiruction of Jeruſalem:he hath made true bis worde of wath, thynke pe not p bz topl fulfpl bys worde of mercp to⸗ pes ro doute pe mave bee fare of it,that be todiche promiſed that pf ive beleeue in Chriſt, we ſhalbe ſaued:he wyil as wel Godwvill xxecute and bꝛyng to palls that wooꝛde, as be hathe bꝛougtt performe fo patie the worde of his wꝛathe and indignation ouer the his pto- Jewes. Whe temple whiche was at Jeruſalem twas called: meilte the tentple of ged, the people was goddes people, but whan they woulde notcome brits hym, and lyue accogdpng as be_ woulde haue themto hyue, he calle them atwap, and btterlpe deſtroyed thepr dominons and kengdomes, and made tyhem ‘flaues and bondmen fo2 euer. And no doute this is weytten ifg2 our inſtruction and warnyng: kor nd doute when tue: fo⸗ low them in theyr wyeckednes, defople gods worde, regarde it as nothyng/ but lyue rather according vnto our phantaſies and appetites, than after bis pase: Mo Donte we ſhall re⸗ ceyue lyke re ward with the. And though god tary long, pet - ries it ſchalbe to our greater deftruction: for bistomzantinity and - * saith LOSE tarreng for our anendentent, thal increaſeaugment. rent ma. am make greater our punichhmentes and damnation, But keth ie gre pF ive weyll leaue fonne and wyckednes, and ſtudye to lpue | fee acca3png Ditto bys wyll and commaundementes. 0 doufs $2 Wolk falipll bps pronstles-whichs bebathe made vnto jr * ———— Godis fi ft Vy almighty. M.Do@or Latymer: Fo!.; 32 odreuerlaſtyng lpfe:fo2 ive haue bis tuarraunt in Scripture, therefoze we oughte not to Donte of it.fo2 fo be fatth: Sic deus | dilexit mundum, &0 entferly bath God loued the world that 9 be ſent bis onelpe begotten fonne to that ende, that alt that | ohn. 3. beleue tn hym, Gold not perithe, but banc lpfe euerlaſtyng. This is no we a comfoztable thynge anda greate pꝛomiſe, whiche GMD maketh buto the whole wozlde. Andns dout be is as able to fulfpll that promiſe ef grace,as be was able to fultpil bys wꝛathfull worde agaynſte the Jewes. : So lyketwife be fateth; Viuo ego dicit domin® nolo mortem, Execs xviii peccateris fed ve conuextatur & viuat , As truely as lpue (fateth the Loꝛde god) J wyll not the deathe ofa fynner, but rather that he thallturneandipue . 3tisnotbispleafure ( when we be damned, therfore be Civearcth an oth: we ought Fis caufe to beleue hyn without an othe: pet to fattfipe oure myvndes God and to the intente that ive ſhouide beleeue hym, and bee the: better allured of his good wil towardes bs, he ſweareth this othe. Now therfore pf wewyll ſolow hym andleaue our wic ked lpupng,conuerte and turne our ſelfes vnto hym, be foap fo2 that tobich is paſte, intende te amend our lyfe now ſor⸗ Yard: pf we do fo,no doute ive thal lpue w hym euerlaſting⸗ Ip, Wold without ende. Therkore let euery one of bs go in tobps obone heart, and when be fpndeth that be bath brne a wycked man, an prefull man, a couetuous 03 a fisuthefull nianilette hym repente and bee ſorye forit. And take a good purpole to leaue that fame fpnne, wherein be bath lpen bes fore. Lette $s not doc as the Jewes dydde, which were ſtyſ⸗ necked, thep woulde mot leaue thep2 ſynnes, they hadde & , pleafure in the fame, they woulde faloive they? olde tradici / The re- ons refuſyng the worde of G MDD: therefore they2 deſtruc⸗ — = tion came worthelye Oppon thernt. And therefore (3 fave) oociea lette bs not followe them, leaſte we receyxue ſuche a reward as they hadde, leaſte enerlatpng-vettruction come vpon vs, and ſo we be caſte oute of the fauour of god, and finally loſte Wworlde without ende. si - And there chalbes lignes in the Sunne and in the Boone €iuthe Starres, ¢€in the earth. There be ſome which think 2 there chalbe great Ccliplesagaing EAEHECAL INTUTE X eR Be BS Certtaine Sermons made by! . peknats that there bath bene great thvnges fene (nthe Ele⸗ ‘ ment diuers tymes. Mometpmes men Haue fene arpnge ae har kane Vout Ce Sunne: ſomtimes taerehath bene (ene thace lonnes benienc, Ai ones: ans ſuch like thinges, bath bene fene tn tymes pats whleh 19 Tout femifies that this frarefull day is nottar of; in which Chit toll come with hfs heauenly hoſte, to iudge and rewarde cucry ony of vs, accozdynge Ontobis deſertes. And the people halbe at their wittes end though difpatre, men (haibe wonderkfull fearefullsther (hail. pyre awape for feare:and no Dout thefe Malbe good men, WwitchTyalbe thus - troubled, with ſacht a fesre of this Daye: for pou knowe fhe ‘ foorinipn yes care mot fo2 that day:vxca they will (cant beleus Good me HUI Mere chal be fachy a yap, that there halbe another world Chall: S2ateye leak way, thep would not wyche that there ſhold be by. mour an other insztoc:therfazethep chalbe zodly men which thal’. nyoyfore be ſo Hied, fo be tokens bite the worlde. And no Doute there — the hath bere bere tt England many already, which haue bene ence... fo ered snd tormoyled with ach feare. That fame maiſter Byelner whlch was burnte here in England,fo3 gods woꝛde lake, was induteb and perſueded bp bis friendes to beare æ fagotts at the ty ne hen the Cardinall was aloft, and bare the ſwynge Moly tw)? that Came wwplney cam te Cabpidge Rilney Menz, a whole pere after be was in (uch an anguith and a⸗ bare ofa SONY, fo that nothyng did him good, neither eatyng nor drin gore, king, 102 any other communication of gods worde. For he thaught that all the whole ſcriptures were againit bint, ava. founded Co bis condemnation, So that JImanp a tyme com⸗ moned with bin (fo2 J twas fannliarly acquainted with him) Wut all thenges whatfecuer any man coulde-allege to his contiorte; ſeemed vnto hym to make againſte him: vet forall —* that alter wardes be came againe, god indued hin with ſuch at firength and perfectnes of faith, that se not onelye confeſed bis fateh, the goſpell of our Sauteur Jeſus Chriſte: butalfo . {uffered bis bodpe to be burnte fo; that fame Goſpels fake; Martin Lo 29) we nolw peeache in Englande. Dartne' Lather that Kuso L* Sooupertel tntieinnét of goo, tyzough fobs ged bath: dpened the horros the Ut 4 tof bis bolp 030 vnto the nozldswhicl-ias alton at of zhe end tpmie Hye fired ners, and neglected : He cada “i ag Hi ; sas. M. Doctor Latymer. * Fol. izʒ. that be hath bene ſemetymes in ſuch an agony ofthe ſpirite, that he felte nothyng but trembling and fearefulnes. And / nip ſelf kno tis 02 threeat this preſent houre, which be in this cafe. Wut astoncernyng the bngodlp,thep fay, Pax& tuta omnia all thynges are tell With them, they care fo2 ng defore th: moze bat for this wezlde. Wpke as in the lioude tyme, they food men were careleTe at all, thep thougdtall things were cockfure, |". “*°" Fpll at tach tye tober the loud tell Opon their beaves.cnD ſo itis at this tome with the vngodlye too: thep care not fe2 this day of iudgement, it greeueth them nat, ttilit fall vpon thep2 bertes one day. i, Regii, ik; Bt ts Cara in ſcripture, that god leadeth (nto bell,anvbsine 8" '* Seth vp agapne:and ſo it is with fuch fearefoll men: fo2 god both cat the: into bell, he hideth bimlelfe from them: but at (fhe length be bringeth then out agape, and Tablitheth thé with acon Fant fapth:fo that they map be fure of thetr falua : tion and euerlaſteng lxfe. Iknew ones a woman, that was aided. 17. pore in ſuch an ererciſe and feave, but at the length he res id — cousred agayne, and god endued Her witha ftrong and ſted⸗ cace, laſt fatth in the ende. Therlore no dout theſe be warnynges Wwherwith the al nighty God warneth vs to make readp as gaint that horrible and feareſull day, which dap no doute is nat farre of. #02 the woꝛlde was oꝛdeyned of god to endure, | (as ſcripture and ail lerned men agree) (pre thoufand peres? Nob of this number are gone ſyue thoufand fpue hundzed | = that there ts lett onelp foure hundred and fiftp lacking oF the f twoꝛ Qua this fs buta little tyme:and pet this tynte ſhalbee orld. Foztened as ſcripture plainly witne Heth fo2 the elects fake. So that peraduenture tt may come in mip Bapes,as old as J am:oꝛ in oure childzens dapes. herefore let vs begynne ta firpuc and tight be tpmes topth ſynne: let bs not fet all oure heartes and myndes vppon (his olde: fo3 no deubte thys Daye whenſsener pt ſhall come, wyibe wonderkull fearefull The ale * vnto all mankynde, and ſpeciallye bute the wycked. Where compared Toil be great alterations at that date, there wil be burly bur⸗ roa mank ip:like as ye ſe in aman bohan he dieth, iobat deforitie aps deathe, Pereth, how be ſtretcheth out all his membres: what atin» = Sing ——— that ail bis body — dut ot trame: So will — Certaine Sermons madeby fopll {tbe at thts fearefull hoꝛrible bay: there Soplbe fuck ale terations of the earth, and the element, they topll looſe thepz former nature and be endued with an other nature. And then hal thep fee the Sonne of man come in a cloude : with power and great glory. Certain if is,that be thal come to iudge, but we can not teli the trme When be wyll come: therefosefeepna that be wyl conte, lette bs make redye, leit he findebs vnprepared. And take this fo2arule,that as he = « Thell. 4. findeth bs, fo be fhalindge bs. Sainte Paule to the Theſſa⸗ _ dontans: toben be (peaketh of the reſurrection of the good fapeth, that at the fame day the trompet thall blowe, and all hall rple which dyed ſynce the woride beganne, than thep p The ma- fhalbefounde alpus bpon the earth thal be chaunged fodelp, nae -of our and fhalbe rapte bp into the ap2e,and fo meete Chriſt our fa Aion, wloz. All thoſe (J fap) that be content to frpue and tight with xrnne, that wyll not be ruled bp (pune. Theſe (3 fap) thall of fuche wiſe be taken bp in the apze and meete with Chote, The inte and ſo thall come doun with bint againe:but as fo2 the other Fhalcome ſort which be Wicked, and haue a delyte in wickednes, twill vvith not leaue tt, butrather goe ſorwardes in all mifchicte, thep Chrit to thalbelefte bpon thecarth tutth the deuylles, vntill they bee udgethe funged: andafter that they haue receiucd thep2 fentence, Value ‘they thall qo to bell with the diuell, and all bis aungelles , and there be puniſhed fo2 they? finnes inbellth fire, world Without end,fo2 fo it ts Wwaittcw, Vermis corum nomoritur, hep? wore dieth net. The Sunne (halbe darkened and the Moene Hall not geue ber light:pe (hall not take thefe woordes fo, as thoughethe Sunnie and Moone Hold be obfcured o2 darkened, their light bepug taken From then. wut it is te be vnderſtand, that tho raough the baightnes of bis gloape they thall be obfcured and This inte: parkened. The Sunne no doute wyll ſhyne, but her lighte aa hall not be fene, becaule of the bapghtnes ef bis gloapeslpke north, 89 when ype fette a burnyng candell it the Sunne the candel meanynoe burneth in deede, but her lighte ts not ſeene, becauſe of the ofthe ” bapabdtires of the ſunne. So it wilbeat that tyne, with the place. Sunne:foꝛ though tye be the bapabteff and cleareſt creature aboue all ethers, pet foz al that Chriks with bis aloes au | ately M.Doétor Latymer, " Fol.134 maleſtie wil obfcure ber:fo2 bis light that he ſhal bꝛing wilh hym, (hall be fo bꝛyght, that the other ſhall not be ſene. And this bys commypng fhalbejuonderfull confortable and toy⸗ full onto them which are pꝛepared o2 chofen to euerlaſtyng Ipfe : Gnto them (J fp) that be content toleane their finnes and wickednes here tn this worlde, and lyue confozmable to god and his halp woorde: whiche are not paoude 92 flonte; « not couetous, oꝛ ꝛ whoꝛemongoers:oꝛ if thep Hane ben fo, thep will leaue if,and deo no moze fo: thep ave ſorie fo2 tt, frame ‘ the bottont of their hertes, Item thep that forfake ail maner of falfchod, of flouthiulies,and all maner of vices, as glut, tonte, lecherie ſwearing. hep (3 fap) that bee contente to wraſtle withſinne, thep fhall retopce at that tyme and bee merie beyonde all meaſure. And this is the thyng wherefore all godly and faithfull people praie in this petition, Adueni⸗ atregnum tuum, hp kingdomecome: they defire of God the almightte, that his kingdome (that ts to faye) the laſte Dap may cote, that thep map be ones deliuered frome thep3 finnes,and live wits bim eucrlattyngly worid withont en’, The ence Gis for the other part. this thalbe a heauy and feareful. comp aes fale nipiig vnto them, that intend notte leaue they; fines e tutes ctetaul. kedneſſe: but rather wyll take their pleafures. bere tn this. worlde: it haltee a hepnous ſentence bute thenr, teben be fhall fap vnto them: lte maledictrinignem aternum, Go ys curfed into euerlaſtyng fire, which is prepared fo2 the deutit andall bis aungels, gette pou hence front me:for pe myghte haue ben faned; but pe would not:pe deſpiſed my words and cominaundementesipe regarded nore pour olyne pleafarey . thai that whythe Jhadde commaunded pou. Henſe thers fore gette pou benceto thedeupll andall bys aungelies; after whe ſe wyll and commaundementes pe hauc lyued, his rewarde therfore pe all haue. OF ſuche mantr Chak our Sauſour wyll talke with the Atre ond vngodly, and in the end ſend them te cuerlaſtyng damnati al! ſhalbo OM. And this ſhalbe an heauie burthen foꝛ them:and thaugh CPS™ at theycancloke aid bide their ſynnes in thts worlde, pet fo? al that god will open their wickednes andfilthyltupng at that - wap uberealthe Wwozlde hall know it, and where they os . HEE Mat, xx¥, Certaine Sermons madeby —— able ta hyde themſelues 03 theyr ſennes. This dave wylbe lyke bate a parliament:pe kuotue when thenges are The eade amyſſe in a realm, oꝛ out of oꝛder, all they that be good bears Dhami ay * fed, that loue godlynes, they fo. a parliament: thefe men, Wouldefayne haue that all toe rulers of the realme thoulog : come tegecher, and bring all thinges tt good oder agapne, Foꝛr pe know that pacliamentes are kept onlp for bis purz pole, that tionzes ivbich be amyſſe maye be amended: and ſo tt wyll be at this lat dap atthis general parliament, were god himlelfc inith all bis heauenly power wylbe prefent, ¢ ouerſee al thinges, and beare all caufes, fo that nothing thal efcape hym: kor than all thefe thinges which the deuill bath brought oute of e2der, thep Hall be amended:and the deupll fal not be able afterwards to corrupt thentany further, but ail thinges MHalbe wel fo2 euer:Let bs therfaze euce haue in fret remembrance this day,that tt wplbea beup dap vnts them that be wycked: And agayn, a (opful pleafant dap tute them p haue no delite in wickednes. Therfore Chik faith, — —— Erigite capita veltra. Gal ban pe (ee theſe thinges, than holde gainfulico UP Pout heades,that is to faye, be merpe and retoyce: fo2 pe the god‘. knot when we be merilp diſpoſed we holde vp sur beades, Luc.xxi, and laughe. So Chꝛiſte bpsocth bs to holde vppe cure bea des; that is to Cape, tobe merp: foꝛ our redemption is come necre. So Chaiike cemforteth bs , andmaketh vs to holde vppe oure beades fo) oure reventption is come nerer then ft was before. Mhat:hathe be not redeemed bs before bp bis Beath and pation belly chaunceth it then that our redempti on ts coms nerer: Maryx Chꝛiſte bathe redemed bs befaze ta deede by bis beath and paſſton: pet it appeareth not vnto bs inte tt is that thalbee faucd 02 vaninew? fo? wo [ee the good and the bad beace both the name of Chriſtiãs: geod and bad, fatthfuil and wnfatthfull,ace baptiſed tn the name of Chait: “-- > falpketuile focp gee to the communion, fo that there ts ne greate differciice Here tn this woplde betwene the electe and vesrcoate:fa3 the very vntaithtull geue almes, and doe {uch outbarde actes which (conte buto bs. tobee good, ¢ be Bone Init) a good bearts, when tt is notheng ielle. So that J fap, we can not tell as long as ive be here in this world nh be slect M.Dodor Latymer; Fol. 2135 electe and wohich not: but at the lat pay; than it chal appeare who is be that ſhalbee ſaued, and agayne, tubo ſhalbee dam⸗ ned. And therfore Chriſte⸗ſayeth, our redemption daalreth necte,that ts to faye, tt fhall appeare vnto the whole veorid, that we be the chplozen of god. Therkort his commyng wyll hea glad and ioefull commpng vnto the faythfull ; fo2 they 7 he mea- Syalbe the chplozen of god, thep thalbe delinered andryode?}"s ae out ofall mifertes and calamities-ut the vnaithfull all os. Cailto defperation at that dap:thep that take thep2 pleafures here,thep that remember not this dap, they ſhalbee contents ned with the irrefragible and bucbangeable (udacmente of god, Sndthep hall uct necd2 anp men ef latue,to goatoute ” fo defende 02 dilcerne the - fhatl not be froubicdat that day tn Defendypng of ot st ve cauſes:but rather they the mſelues thalbc calicd {6 m1 Wy Chall accoinpt fo2 the p2doprgqes: and there they ſhalbee Tab ged, (6 —— thatthep thatl ot be able to ſpeake any thynge againſte it: bed vith fo2 thep2 olune heartes, and confciences ſhall and wyll cos ott er més- demne then. And though this great and generall day come ——— at Hot {nour tyme, vet letie bs confider that we chall dye: and bhe © de. that toe haue but a ſhorte tyme to lyue here in this worlde. And as we dye fo we hall rife agayne. If we dpe tithe Fate of damnation. tue hail rifein that fame effatesagatne pf we dye in the fate of ſaluation, Wwe thal rife agayne in thatfame eftate,and come te euerlaſtyng feitcitye, bothe foule and bos Die. For (five dpe now tu the fate of faluation,then at p lak generalday of iudgement we thal beare this fovful fentence pꝛocedinge out of the mouth of our fantour Chait, when be. There is Avil faye. Venite beni di&i parris mei pofsidere regnum para. 6O Pulga tum vobis ab exordiomunds, Come pe bleficd of my father, ‘o poſſeſſe that kpnadome vohiche ts prepared fo2 pou fren the the beginnyng of the worlde. Andthoughe we have muche miferp bere in thps wolbe,thougte tt goeth harde with vs, though we mute byte tn the brydell: vet for al that, we mul be contente,fo2 tue ſhalbe (ure of cur delinerance, we fhalbs ſure that our faluation is not farre of. And no tout they that: wyll wraſtle woyth ſynne ſtryue and fight with rt, thep ſhall Hane the aſſiſlaunce of god, he will helpe them: he boyll oo rd ah of Math. 25. Certuine Sermonsmade by a — — them, he wyll frengthen them, fo that they thalbe a⸗ Chall ish 8 - ble to tue vprightiye: and thoughe they chall notbe able te helpc. fulfpll the lawes of god to the vtrermoſt: pet foꝛ al that, gov twill take thep2 doings in geod parte, for Chriſtes bis fonnes fake: in whoſe name all fapthefull people dothe their geod. woꝛrkes, and fo fo2 bys lake thep be acceptable bute god:and in the ende they halbe deliuered outfall miferies: and trow bles, aud come to the bliſſe of euerlaſting top andfelicityp. 2 pray god that we mar be of the nũber of thoſe, which {halk bere thts tofful ¢ ntoft comfortable votce of Chait our ſauio⸗ Wwhen he wil fap, Venite benedicti patris, Caine pe bleed of my father, poſſeſſe the kingdom which is pꝛepared foz pou be fore § foũdatiõ of the tuosld was layed. There be a great nũ⸗ ber amõgelſt § chꝛiſtian people, which tn p loꝛds pater, whe. thep pap (thy kingdom come) pray that this day may come, but pet fo: all that, they are dꝛoboned in the world:they ſaye the woordes with thepzipppes, but they cannot tell what is ea the meanpng of itsthep ſpeake it onely with thep2 tongue, norknovy Which faping in Dede ts to no purpole. Wut that man oꝛ wor - -whatchey Man that fateth thefe woordes (thy kingdome come) Inpth a: : afkein fapthfull beart, no doute be defpzeth in berpdede- that Gon — Prayer. wyll comme fo fudgement, and amend all thynges in thi¢ wold, fo pul doune Satan, that old ſerpent vnder our fete, . Wut there be a great namberof bs tubich be mot redye. Some haue liued in this worlde so. peres, font 6o. pet fo2 al that thep be nothpng prepared to wardes his commpng:thep: thinke euer se wil notcome pet: but J tell pou, that though h is generall cõmyng be not pet: pet fe2 al that be wyll come. He vvill one dap and take bs out of this worlde: and nodouteashe — * fyndeth vs, ſo ive fhall haue:yf he fynde vs redy, and fn the. deth Pate of falnation,no doute ie thalbe ſaued for ener woribe without ende. Agapn, pf be fynde bs in the fate of damna⸗ tion, we ſhalbe damned world without ende: there is no res | medyp, after ive be ones paſt this worldeno penance wil Help a thar, nor nothing that man is able to do ſor· vs. Therfoꝛe itis meete for euerx one of bs to take heede betymes: leths not tarp fo long with our amendement, Leak peraduenture ine ſhall com to ihort: ſoꝛ no dout we ſhalbe rewarded accoz⸗ burs vnto our deſertes. But M.Do&orLatymer) Fol.336 But there be foute(and hath bene a greate number of bs) which haue trufted in maſſes and pilgrimages, in letting bp candels and fuch like looltſhnes:but Itel vpou, al this geare tii not help, it is to no purpoſe:loz tf al vᷣ maſſes which wer fatdin all Chꝛiſtendome fence the mafle beganne:ifall thefe mafles (3 fay) were beſtawed bpon one man, to b2png hym out of the ſtate of damnation, {tivere allto no purpofe, and ‘te noeftect. Lherfoze let Ss not putour hope ¢ truflin ſuche +1... ſooleries:foꝛ tf we d0,n0 doute we {hall Beceius our ſelues. is bur a Again ther be fonr-people tobtch difterre ¢ delay thetr amẽ d⸗ foolesic. mentes of lyte, tyll (uch tome as they ſhall bye: thenne thep take in hande toleaue fin, when they are not abie to de anp moꝛe:They wil take their pleiures as long as thei beable to haue it:thep thinke it be tyme enough to repente at the laſte youre, when they thall depart, and fozfake this wazlde, | Suche people dothe very naughtely,and no doute they be in - “adaungerous eftate:fo2 they are not fure whether they thall haue at thatfame late tyme, grace,o2 not; ta repente and bee ſorre forthey2 fynnes. . Weraduenture their heartes rhe fareft fhalbe ſo hardened infpnne and wyckednes, that thep hall vvaic. not be able torepent, oꝛ be fozpe fo2 thep2faultes . There⸗ fore the bette and furell nape isto repent betermes, iwhyle ine haue tyme, and to be foap fo2 our wyckednes;, and to take an earneſt mynd and purpofe to leane fprine: when ine d0 fo, . then no doute tue fhalbec taken bp with Chriſte, and dwell with him in heauen everlatingly, tn great bonor and glozp ; Cor, 2; where we thal haue fuch tops twbich no fenge cã expreſſe, no eies hath ſene, noꝛ eaves bath heard p ineſtimable felicities € treſures which god hath laid bp for his faithful. andipke as dur pleafuge & toy Malbe ineſtimable, if we repet betyines..€ leue fins: fo likewiſe the paines of tie that totl not leaue ſin, but ever go forward in vᷣſame, chalbe ineſtimable ¢ intollera ble to,their pain ſhalbe intollerable, ⁊ yet thei (al beare the. Therkore ict euery man take bede hot he ſpẽdeth his time, ‘Hoty be taketh bis plefare inthis world, for likeas p general. oy, end, gret Dav.thalbe vncertaĩ, ſo alfo our particuler tap: tober toe chatbe va Mal depart this world thalbe bncertain, peraduẽture fome of cercayne. Safalnicte mioz0lw oꝛ p next Bapstherfoze it Halbe ge £ «ECE. = Certaine Sermons made by nreceffarpe fo2 bs to make ready, lette toe be taker foneinly vnwares. And then thall they fee the fore of man come in atioude with power and great glory. Saincte Paule to —R the Thelſſalonians ſetteth out the commypng of Chꝛiſte and a4 our reſurrection:but he (peaketh in the fame place onelp of therpfonge st the goodand fapthfull that tall bee ſaued. Gut the helpe Scripture in other places wytnewkleth , that the wycked hall ryſe to, and hall recepue their fentente of Chꝛiſt, and fo go to bell, where they thaibe punithed world Without enve. Pole S. Paules wordes be thele. This ſaye t.Thef 4, Wwe vnto pou it the word of the Loꝛd:that we which Mal liue and (hall remapn in the comyng of the lo2d, ſhalnot come be fore them which fepe. Foꝛ the lode himſelf hall deſcend frõ heauen with a ſhoute, and the voyce of the Archaungell and _ trompe of god, and the deade in Chik thallarple firſt: then {we wyhich hall lyue, euen we whiche ſhall remayne, chalbee caught bp with ther alfo in the cloudes to meete the Lorde in the ayre, and fo ſhall we euer be iwith the 102d. therfore comfort pour (clues one another with theſe wordes. ie - SBp thele wordes of ſ. Paule tt appereth, that they hich died in the beginning of the world thalbe as focne by Chak ye. RR as they which thalbe altuc bere at the time of bis commpng. choughrche Jwould haue you to note tuell the maner of fpeaking whi⸗ latt dayes C82 &.Paule vſeth be ſpeaketh like as if thelat dap houid might com Have bene come in bis tyme. Pow when S. Paule thought ta his dais that thts Dap fhould Hane bene come in bis tpmesbow much moꝛe thal Wwe thynke that tt halbe in our tpmes Fo2 no Vout be twill come, and ttis nolonge thereunto, as it appeareth by all ſcriptures whiche make mention of this dape: It wyll come, but ft hall come ſodenly, vnwares, asa theefe tn the night. For a theefe when be intendetharobberp,torobbe a mans boule, to bꝛeake bppe bis chefles, and take alvay bys Thelate goods, he geueth hym not warnyng, be letteth not the goon day compa manne of the boule knoe, at what time be entendethte ed (22 comerbut rather be cntendeth to {pte fuchea tyme, thatne caccls man qhalke ware ok dym. So no dante this latte dape wyll come one day ſodenly Spon our heades, before we bee wae J | M.DoétorLatyrer, Fol 137 Bit likeas the fp2¢ fell doune from beauen bpon the Sodo⸗ mites vnloked fozthep thought that all thpnges were well, hereloꝛe thep toke theyr picafures,tyll at fuche tyme when r ‘the fpze fell doune front beauen and buried thent bp al, With , allthep2fubffance and goods. . $9 lpketnife as tt hapned bitte the firſt world, whych wold Hot amende their liues, but folowed they? carnal luſtes, and . appetites, god lent the fone vppon their heades, and fo des - Groped them altogether. Therkoze let os take bede leak thts great dap do fall vpon b3,lpke as she floud and the kyre fel be pon the firſt worlde, and vpon the Scdoinites, — $. Saint tiereme that holy man weiteth in a place, that be jo. -4¢., “‘thougbteuer be berd this truntpet of god and the archangell theenic, — Blot. Jwould wyche that tue wold folowe the enfaumple of + Hierome in that poynte, that tre would be fo fearefull leaſt ‘this bay come bpon bs vnwares. And be ſhewed them a ſimilitude, bebo'de the ſygge tree, ‘and all the trees, whan they ſhute forth their buddes, ve fee ‘and know of pour own felfes ÿᷣ ſammer is tha neere at: bad. So when pelec the tokẽs which thal go before this feareful bap, it is tyme to make redye. Wut bere a man night afkea queſtion, ſaving: Jpray pou wherin ſtandeth this prepara⸗ fionzhatu hall JImake me redper Aboute this matter bathe ben great firpfe: fee there bath ben an infinite number, and “there be ſome pet at this tyme, which thinke that this readi⸗ nes Fandeth in maſſes, in letting bp candels,in going of pil, grintage, and tn fuche lpke geare:thep thought to bee made redye totwardes that day:and ſo to be made woathy to and befo3e the fonne of man,that is before sur fautour Chaifte. » Wut 3% tell pou this was notte right way to make ready. Chꝛiſt our ſauior he ſheweth bs bow we thal make redy our felues, faping. Dake beede te pour feluesleade atany time pour hearts be ouertome With furfapting and drꝛonkenneſſe and cares ef this worlde,and fo this daye come vppon pou bnwares: foras a ſnare {hall it come vppon ail theym that Divell vpon the face of the whole world. Watch pe therfore =. tontitiuallp,aud pepe, that ye may eſcaec all thole thyngs that Mali comes and that pou mag si; befoze the fonneof =~ | man. The right v¥aye to make rea- die facthe bait day, Our allo - Cettaine Serrons madcby man. Here Chk he weth wherin this preparation ſtandeth namely in kepyng oar ſelues from ſuperfluous eatyng and: drinkyng, and in watching and paqving. For bow commeth it to paſſe that the whole world ts fo deceitful and falſe:· Se⸗ cauſe enerp man would fayne fare weli, euery one lonesd to haue geod nteate and drzyvnke, and to go gaplye. And: when thep baue not wher with to get fuche thpnges,then thep fall to pyckyng, ⁊ ſtealyng, and te falſhode:and fo decepue theps neighbo2s. But qur ſautor he geucth bs inarning $ we thal eate and. dzrnke mealurablp,¢ foberlp,cuerp one accoging: to bis eftate and meaſure. Fusthertec ought not to be care⸗ Fullfs2 this lyſe, we ſyould labour and doe our buſines dili⸗ gentlp,cucrponstithat eſtate, ti which god hath fet bpm, and let bs truſt god, which no Doute wil fende bs increaſe of our.labour. Therſore Cok addeth, ſapning:Vigilate & o⸗ rate, watch and pꝛay, as wholap, be euer in a redines leaſt pe be taken vnwares:but thoſe ſſluggardes whichs ſpende their tyme vainly in eatyng, and dꝛzinking, and Aeping, they plete; Not god.farꝛ he conimaundeth ts to watch, to be myndfull ta take heede to our {elfes lef the deuyll,dꝛ the worlde, or our sinne-feth, get the bictozp ouer bs. Wile are allowed ta take: - pur natural flecpe, ſor itis as neceflarpfo2 0s as meate and : wance at Oopnketand we pleafe god as wel in that wwe pleaſe godchan hym when tue take our foode. but ive mule take heede, that. we doe it accordyng ashe bath appointed bs: for ipke as be: Hathe not odepned meate anddzpake,te jende vᷣ we ſhould play the glutton with tt:fe lpkewile the Acepets not odes . - des, A forme ned, that tue ſhould geaccure felfes to ſſluggiſhnes, oꝛ ouer⸗· much ſleepena:foꝛ no doute bohenne wee do fo, we thall diſ⸗ pleaſe god moſt highly. for Chꝛiſt (aith not in vavne, match and pꝛaye. He would haue vs ta br voatchers, to haue at all tymes in remembraunce his commyng:and to geue sur ſel⸗ fes to praper to that ende, that we map be able to ſtande bes fore byt at this greate and fearefuldape. Meaning that toe fhoulde not true in our felfes but call onts God,:faping: | Loꝛde godalmighty thou haſte pꝛomiſed to come and ſudge of prayerthe quicke and the Dearie beſeche thee geut bs thp grace $ holye ghoſt, that tus mage line fo accordeng bute thy holxe coms M.DodorLatymer. Fol.iʒg rommaundementes + that wher thon commeſt, thou haves naot canle te beſtowe thy fcarefullanger, but rather thy lo- urng kendnes and mercwe vpon bs. Ho likewile When we go to bed, we hold delpze yop that we flepe not inthe Acpe of - Fpnne,and wickednes:but rather that tye may leane then, © and folowe bis wyll and pleafure, that ive bee noticed pth ‘ the befires of this wicked worlde. Such an earneſt mpnd he _ fhoniv haue totvardes hym, fo watchfull we thould be, fo2 J tell pon (tis nota tryfell matter, (tis not a mony matter: fe2 our eternall faluation,and our damnation bangeth vpon tt. -Dur nature fs todo all thynges that ts poſſible foꝛ bs,to get ' fpluer and golde:how much moꝛe then Mould tus endenour our felfes to make redy totvardes this day, when ft (yall not ‘be a monye matter, buta foule matter:fo2 at that day it till appeare mol manifeltipe, tubo they are, that-fhall enfop es uerlaſtyng lyfe:and who thalbe thoufkinto bel: Now as long as ive be in this worlde, we bans all one bapttime, we goall to the lordes fupper, we beare al the names of chaifians:but p45 then itwyll appeare who are the right chaiftians, and agate ccs cano: who arethe Hypocrites oꝛ diſſemblers. be wen Wel J pap god graunte bs ſuch hearts,that we may locke eſpied in diligently about bs;¢ make redpe again bisteareful ¢ tops thisyvorld “ful commyprg:fearefull to them that delpte tn (pn € wicked⸗ “pes, and wil not leaue them:¢ ioxful vnto them that repent, fo2fake their finnes, and beleue in him:which no Bout wll come in great hono2 € glo2p,¢ wil make al bis falthfull like vnto him:and will ſlay bute them that bee chofen to euerla⸗ Ging life, Venite benedictti patris mei, Come pe bleſſed of mp ‘father; poſſeſſe that kyngdome which is prepared for voufrõ P beginningot the world. Again to p totcked which wil not line accozding vnto bis wil € pleafure, but folot their own ‘Appetites,he wil fay, Ite maledicti in ignem zternum, Go pe curſed in to euerlaſting fy2e. D tobat a horrible thing twill ‘this bezte depart cd bim which fs the fountain of al goodnes L€ metcp, wout whd is no confolation,;cofozt,n02 tell, but eter nal foroty ¢ euerlaſting deth⸗ſoꝛ gods fake, F require pou let ‘hs cõſider this,p tue may be amõgect thoſe which thal heare ‘Venite,Cometo me:that we may be amõgeſt thes which hal ei! T.ii. enidye — 2* Certa‘ne Sermons madehy 3 atl eafope eternal Ipfe. And no doutt tue chalbe amengeit The con- them it fue wilbe content to leaue {pune and fopckeones, € © mcliye rpue tity ttandlet it not hant che rule and gouernannce methof OUer vs:when bwe haue done auy man fo20ng,02 bane taken. leauing his gad Fram hym tw20ngfully,tf we bs content torefogze tt- fiance. agapne:foꝛ nodoutereftitution mutt bc nade, as Jtold pou many.a tyme befoz¢, Reflicutionis fama & rerum ſunt opera. debita Keitution of a mans good oꝛ his naine muſt necoes bee made: fo2 tn that poputeagree all the wapters newe and | olde :thepfap that reftitutions muffle needes be mabe eyther tieffect,o3 affect. Foꝛ this tea Cure probation, that thts mã 0} woman fs not right fozp for bis finnes, and wickednts,.. that-ig net contenteto ntake reſt tation when be bath taker. alvap thynges Onlaufuilp againſt conftience from Ses neigh. hour, Thertore he that ts content ta leaue his (anes, and to niake reſtitution of fuch thyn ges which be bath taken abbae Ww 01 sfullp from his netghbour: heweth hymſelfe to bee - Derye penitent man. So likcinife they that line in ſobernes abuſe nat the gpftes of god, but ble theym with thaukes ges stated, A g. Item he that liueth chafelp kepeth hemſeltfe fram fele thines and whan he leeleth that he hath not the apf of cha⸗ of ftitp, anarpeth in the fcave of god, accozayng vnto Hys orde⸗ nance, maketh redy for that daye:and as concernpng roung folkes,al pᷣ wꝛyters agree, that with a meane diligence pong - folke may liue chaſte, when they be well gouerned and ruled and kept krom ydelnes: then it is no great matter forthem to lyue chaſte, as long as they be in gro wyng; but ſuch voung perfons mull beware aboue ali thynges of fouie and futhye talkes:fo2if is as O. Paule ſapeth: Cotrumpunt bonos mo· res colloquia praua foule and tuthy talkes Uchrov good ma ners, good brrngyng vprand then again young folkes muſt Sobtietie beware of ouer muche eatyng and drinking, for S. Hierem ſaith: be that ts a great dꝛynker of wyne, ſapth be: Jwill ne⸗ uer beleue ÿ he is a chaſte man:therfoꝛe lecpong bnmarped - the diuei! Colke beware of drrnkyng, and then agatnesftilenes.: fe2 - Hdicnes is adore for, ro come ia bohen the diuell kyndeth them pole,ttis Doone with the ym, ate theby ave Tose duercome. Therfore let them euer bee twell agcupted tpl they come to age, and then let them bee maryed... Baus — M. Door Latymer: Fol.135 “fit the 1020 : fo2 the ſcripture moſt highly. pꝛaſſeth mariage. &.paule faith: Honorabile coniugium inter omnes, Parts ” age ts honoꝛable amõgeſt all né, Further, let bs take! hede of (wearpng. Foꝛ we map not Pincare at al,and tue may ſwere ~ By nothing, but by god, bp tohont we may not fivear, ercept it be a great brgent caule,ercept 7 be called thereunto bp a magiſtrate:and when J ant called fo, then Jmuſt ſweare bp no body els, faue onely bp god. Wherfore they that are fo v⸗ * (ed to ſwearing, do bery naught: ¢ no dout gods bengeaunce — hangeth ouer thep2 heades.for certapn it is,that be which ig be from Agteat fiverer,ts allo a qret Iyer. But as 3 fatd befoze, thep oY bur god $ wel leaue (uch wickednes, and wil liue confozmable bute 5° y gods tyo2d, and then belene in Chik our autour, tru and 2.4 ise . Beleue to be cleanfed from their fyns, thorough bis deth and go toge- paſſion:no doute thep thal Here this iopful ſentence of Chalk thes, our fauto2, Com to me pe bleſſed of my father, poſſeſſe ¢ pking doin iubich is prepared for pou fri the beginning of p woꝛld. Wie eleme it to bea great thpng to haue a kingdom in this _ fold, to bea ruler,to be a lofte and beare the ſwynge: how much moze then ſhoulde we regarde this kpngdome, tobiche Chꝛiſt our autour offreth tuto os, which kingdom wilbe ais euerlaſting kingdome, where there fhalbe no end of (op and felicitpeztherfoze allthep that twill be content to folowe our fautozs feppes,to ſutter with bim bere in this twoglte , and beare the croſſe after bpm, thep thall reigne with him (nes uerlaſting glorr and honour. which grant bs god the * ſonne and bole ghoſt. Anten. “Theix.Sermon made by Maifter Daoctoꝛ Latymer. = Math... Luke.7. When Jobn bepng in patton heard the works of Chit he fent tivo of bis difciples, and faid vnto bim, art thou be Fee {hall come,o2 doe we loke fo2 another: Jeſus anſwe red and ſaid ditto thent,goe and Helv Zohn agarne, * ve haue ‘heard and ſeene. €Cy Certaine Sermons madeby. —-« Mig is red inthe churche this day, and it hall ſerue vs this day for our leſſon. Jt beginneth this, when Joby beyng in pryſon hearde the workes of Chriſt:and here ts to bee bad in conſideration, of wyome he bad heard thefe wonderfull tuazkes which our (as ufour d{0,fo2 be could not heare ft without a teller, fom boty tolde bimofit. The Euangeliſt Luke tn the 7. cap. doth Luke. 7. ſhew, how and bp whom John Waptik beard ſuch thinges, Johas dif which our fautour Chr did:namely bp hys own difciples, edd oa Foꝛ then sar (autour had raiſed bppe the widowes fonnes workes of Which Wis deadat Paine, the diſtiples of Joon came bp and. Coit, By, vnto John thep2 mailer, and tolde hym all thengs:naine: ipe how Chit ratled bp that faine young man, whiche bad bene dead already. And thys is a thynge to be meruatled at, that John had fo much libertpe:that bys dtlciples could conte at hym, and ſpeake with bym: Herode the kyug bepng a crue ell man,a beathen kyng, a mifcreaunte,a man of vnbeliefe: No doute it is a greate matter that bis diſciples coulde haue libertye to ſpeake with him: for a man would thynke that no⸗ man ſhoulde haue bene permitted to come nerve bpnt. Foꝛ ¶ knowe that in chriſtian reales, fome beyng caſte into popes. fort ſor the truthesſ ake, for gods wordes fake, haue not bene (uttred, that their kfrendes thould haue conte nere vnto them: The hea’ and here it appeareth make manifeſtly that chriſtian princes chenrvlets haue ſome tymes moze cruellye and extremely vſed goddes preachers, then the gentiles, 5 heathen vſed theyr pacachers the chrintclerite vnto them framtdDod fo teache theym, thep were more —— fteaigatlpe holdem and more extremely handeled then John Wis: D3 we reare lpkeinife of S Paule which was call in⸗ fo pꝛiſon at Rome by that wacked and eruell tyraunt tie e: perdur Nero:whiche Emperour though be wasacruell ty> raunt, a wycked man, and a venemous perfecutour of gods | church, and his holy woꝛrde:vet faz all that, Paule had liber⸗ tie to ſpeake with euery one that would conte vnto hint, and comune with bint. So that there came vnto him, which wold AG. xxviii and thet might ſpeake with hint what they wold:for ſ. Luke ſaith in the laſt chapter of the acts theſe woꝛdes: And Paul dwelt twa peres ful in bis loogpng,€ receiued all that came i M.Doétor Latymer. Fol.t46 in vnto hint, preaching the kingdõ of god, and teachingthoſe thinges which concerne the loꝛd Jeſus with all confidẽce, no ma ſorbidding bin. ere by. theſe words we map perceiue, vᷣ Paule had liberty to fay bis npnde,and to commune w hys frends, $e was not ſo fraightip kept. But we fee ¢ baue had erpertence, that preachers whiche profeſſe that fame worde, which aul tanght,are moze ſtraightly handled in chriſtian realins, then in times pall thep wer, When p rulers € princes A note for were not chriſtians:chriſten princes be moze earneſt to extin chrittiare Gath gods word and his true religion the the heathen were, “** lw dich knew mot 03 would not know god. Bat no pe might af ke what maner of workes were thefe which oure fautour Had done tn the prefence of Johns diſctples, which by andbp afterinard wẽt and told their maiſter of it, what ſpecial thins Ses had our ſauioꝛ wꝛoughte. Anfiver; Lake the Cuangeliſt : cheweth a geet ¢ merueldus act which Chait our fautoz baa Loke.7e done immediatly as Johns difciples came Onto him. Lhe fo ty is this:when Ch went into a citp which fs called Pain and many of bis oifciples folowpng bim, and muche people: when be twas come nie tothe gate of the city, beholde, there nas A ded mã caried out which was p only fon of bis mother € he Was a iyidely,¢ much people of p city wẽt w her:⁊ bere pou map note by the way, vᷣ thele citiſens bad their burping Serial! place Wout the city, which no doutis a laudable thing:and g "nee Do much maruel p Londan being forich acitp bath notabus Fiey place Wwithout:fo2 10 doutitis an dnwholfome thing | to burp tvithin p city, (pecially at (uch a tine when there be great Tickneites,,f that marip die together, 4 think berelp p Manytake many ama taketh bis deth in Paules charchparde: € toys F their gach {peak of auc bene there Ut ia Paules One momingste heare-p fermons, haue felt Tach an pl fauo cherche red bn Wholfd fauo2,that J Iwas the worl fo2 fa geet while yarde. alter, And 7 think —— tt be the cccalion of much fick Nes € difeafes:therfoze the citifens of Nain hada good and laudable cuſſome to bury the cozfes Wout p city, which enſã ple we map folo. Pelv wohẽ our ſauioꝛ fatw thts coꝛſe, the Widow, Which was now a miſerable ¢ ſorowſul oma , fo3 qhe had loft firk ber bulband,¢ afterward ber fon, in who he oS itl, bad Certaine Sermonsm ade by : had all ber hope and comfozt in ths world, hym the had Lote a —— nowe:therfore the twas ſorowfull, and not without cauſe: dovres, Jout what Doth our fautoure Dery be comforten her, ſaving Chri is lord ouer death, - hege not, bere map al widowes, witch are deſtitute of cont forte in this worlde, here (J fap) thep may learne to trutte in Chꝛiſte, and to ſeeke apde and helpe by hint. Fo2n0 doute, like as be hath comforted this miſerable intbotwe : ſo he wll. comfozt and belpe all them that call bpon hint, in their nede and neceility. Foꝛ bis hand is not abbjeulated, 92 bis power diminiſhed: he ts as ſtrong, as rpche,¢as mighty as euer be Iwas: therfore let wydowes learn bere fo ſeeke apde and help by dim. How, tober be bad comfozted ber with bis words, be cate npe, and touched the coffpnesand they that bare the cof Fone Kode ſtyll. and he (aid, Adolefcens,tibi dico furge,pong- matt, J fay vnto thee, aryxſe. And be that twas dead fate bppes. and began to (peake. Potw bpon this there went fuche a ru⸗ mour thorꝛoughout all the countreps, fo thateuerp ma mers uciled at tf. And Johns diſciples went to thep2 matter ¢ told: bint of it, what wonderfull thynges be dyd. ote bere, that when tue heare, ÿ our (autour fs a doer of fuch wonderful ſu pernatural woꝛks, it ſhalbe a wonderous great comfoꝛt bata bs. Foꝛ by this bis dede tt appeared manilſeſtly, that he is a maiſter ouer deathe:and athe potver to commaunde him: ſo that death is in his dominion. o3,to-ratle a man bp, whont death hath devoured already, is as muche,as to contmaunds Death. Wut Z tell pou, death is fuch an arrogant fellow, and fo p2oude, pea and of fo.great mighteftrength, that he wyll | gene no man place, noꝛ ſubmit bintfelf to any man,faue ons _ Ipe- brite god; onto hin be mull obey and humble bimfelfbe- fore his diuyne malettp, And therfoze it appeareth here, that our faufour — god, becaule Deathe, that toutet | : Ls ; ys Saintlcrnetienten: twhiche isa mot comfortable thing hue to 05, which beleue tn fuchea fautoure, which bath power o⸗ ‘wer Beathe. And therfoze, pf be bath potwer ouer death, the Wwe ſhalbes fure, that death (hall o2 can not burte b3, whyche beleue tr hym: fo2 when we beleenc in him, be is able to de Aende Gs from deathe, hell, and deupll, So that they Hal - — M:Doéor Latymer. Fol.141 beable, with all the ye myghte o2 power, to hurte bs , 02 doe L - paany nii{ehtefe: but we thall have lpfeenerlatpng., Foꝛr loha. ai. be faith, Qui credit in me,& fi mortuus fuerit,viuer, He that beleucth in me, and though he dpe, pet he thall line: that (s fofape, though be departe oute of this naturall bovelp lpfe: pet fo: all that, be (hall lyue, euerlaſtingly with me, woꝛrlde ” {without ende. This is nol an ercedpng contfoste,to all chet Mian people:fo2 they may be afured, that toben they beleue in Cheitte, when ChetKe taketh thep2 partes, there halbee nothyng, nepther in heauen, nor in earth, that thalbec able fo hurte thent, 02 lette theym of thep2 faluation : and fo toe learne by thys tusnderfull myracle, which our ſauior did be⸗ fore all the multitude, that be proved bimlelftobe berp god, andone that bath power ouer death. Ah But peradnenture pe wyll fape. Qo, {t foloweth not:he tion, rapfed bppe the deade, Ergo be ts berp god, foꝛ we reade in the olde teftamente that Citas, and Eliſa, (thee holpe Pꝛo⸗ phetes of God)dypd fuche two 2kes too;thep raiſed bp the dead as well as he:and pet fo3 all that,thep tocre not goddes:but fpnfull nicn as we be: though they bad fuche a fpeciall gyſte of god, pet thep tucre not goddes,no2 pet toke byon thentts be goddes. - Moths queftion,o2 obfection,z wyll aunfinerebereat> © ter,ano if Jkorget it not. Jn the meane feafon, Jwyll move an other queſtion, which is this. Mhat ſhoulde moue Johns Anfverby Difciples:to come and tell bint the miracles which Chz our an other fauio2 dpd-thpnke ve thep came with a good Wwoll to ſette out ſueſtios. Chattke, andtomagnifpe hes doynges: oꝛcame they with an pli wyll, with an enuious hearte, whiche they beare tos wardes ChiftezAunfivere.. They came iopthanpll wyil, .. wypth an enuious hearte, whiche thep bare agaynſte Chaifte: - a8 ttappeareth motte mantfcfilpe, bp the circumſtaunces bes pnge well confidered, Foꝛ pe multe vnderſtande, that John hadde verye muche adoe,to bꝛynge his difciples to Chriſte: ther thoughte that Chriſte and bps doynges, bys conucrfas tion, Were nothyngs in compariſon of Joh. Foꝛ Johns Trapghte ipfe, whiche beled in the wylderneffe, madefuche. — aſhewe and dute warde gliſteryng, that oure Zauiour was vegas... Certaine Sermons madeby tegarded fo: nothyng, in compariſon of bpm. Foꝛ onr farita our lev net fo harde and ſtraight a lpfe,as John did: he eate and drunke, and woulde come tqnens tables, when be was bidden:be wonld kepe company with euery bodp,rpche, and pooꝛe:whoſoeuer receiued hym:and woulde beicue in bpm: but John was in the wyldernes,outof the companype of all tien. Therkoze the diſciples of Zohn, they much moreregars - bev John their maiſter, then Chil their fautour. And theres Fohns dif foze thep euer lap bpon John, in erbostypng hym, vo he would ciples = take vpon him to be Chꝛiſt, and the {autour of the tpozlde, — And when they had beardof any miracles, that Chꝛiſte hav Chrif, Ddonerthep by and by came vnto they? matfer,and told hym of it diſdatntully:as who fay, thug and thus, we baue beara that Chak bath done:wherfore ſheweſt not thow thy felfe to: wherflore workeſt notas well myracles as Chat doth, eue⸗ rp man (peaketh of hym:do thou ſomwhat too, that the peos ple may know thee to be a great manas well as Cot. Ws reade tn the gofpell of Mathew, that Johns diſciples came once fo Chꝛiſt, and quarelled with hym, ſaving: Cur nos & pharifxi iciunamus frequenter,difcipuli autem tui non ieiu- nat? Wit berfoze fal we, andthe pharilecs, fo many atpmes, but thy otfciples faſt notat al·⸗ They thoughtin thep2 one optifons, that Johns lyfe was a great deale moze fo be efkes med then Chiftes, becauſe Johns lpfe twas moze painfall,in the outivard ſhew of the Wold: therfore tt qreued them that Chart hold be moze eſtemed then John. So p we may pers ceiue bp Johns difctples,that they Had a good zeale, Sed non tobas af ſEcuadum ſcientiam, but not accoꝛdyng vnto knowledge. ciples dy Fortis a quod thing, fo2a (eruauntto love is maiſter:but naught. Johns difciples did naughtinthat thep enuied Chelle , and wente aboute fo fp2re bppe thep2 maiffer to take bpon him tobe Chꝛiſte. Mowe John, entending fe coꝛrecte and amend thep2 falſe opiniow, which they hadde in Cis, and tn hyn (fo2 they regarded bint to muche, and Chriſte whithe was to John plai bee motte regarded, him eſtemed thep fo2 nothinge,tn compa ech a wifee Ufon of John: therfore John, that good and fatthfull mar, part. fepng the ignorauncy of bps dtfciples,playeti.a wyſe part, Foz bearpng them talke ofthe wonderfull workes, wf * 7 pat Math. ix. __ \MDoétorLatymer. Fol,t42_ Chr our ſauiour dyd, he fendeth them vnto Chattte: with thys queltion: Art thou be that tall come, 02 (hall we looke for ano ther⸗ We den tue loke onelp pportthe outivard ſhew of theſe wor⸗ des, a man might thinke, that John hymtelfe, was doutetull {whether Chriſt were the ſauiour of the world or not, becauſe - be fendeth bis diſciples to aſke (uco a quefion of hym. But pe mull vnderſtand, that it was not done fo3 Johns fake, to afke fuch a queſtion butrathcrfo2 bisdiltiples ſake. Foꝛ John thought that this hould be the tay, to bipnis them ta & good trade, namely tated thent to Chit. Fo2 as fo2 John , 2 pit ſelfe, be douted not, he knew that Chill was the ſauto cncyve of the world, he knew it(Z fap) whiles be was pet in bys mo Chiittia thers wombe. Foꝛ ine rede in the goſpell of Luke: that after hsmo- | pᷣa an gel carte onto Parp,and-broughe her ſuch tings, the ber⸗ . arofe and went thorough the mountaynes, and came to Fes YO rafalent,to Elisabeth ber cofpnesand as (he falutedber, the Cuangelif fatth, ſaliit infans,in veero fuo,the infant, which {nas John, lept in His mothers belly:So that John beyng in bis mothers bellp pet, knew Chak which ſhould be born ont of the virgin Bary. Atter that we rede inthe 3. of Mathelvs when John (hold baptife Chak, he ſaid vnto Chek, F go po tius, Jhaue moze neve te be baptiſsd of thee, the thou of nte. So that itmantfeltly appeareth;p John douted not of Chꝛiſt but knew moſte certainly, that he as the eternal fon of god € {ye redemer which yas promiled bite the fathers, to come {nto the woꝛlde. Foꝛ it was told Hint, front aboue, that vpon whomſoeuer he ſhould fee the holy ghoſte com myng downe from heauen viũblie, that fante was he, whiche afterwarde happened:for John after that he bad baptiſed hym, ſawe the holye ghoſte conte doune in a forte ofa doue: further John eeee hym with bps finger, ſavinge: Ecce agnus dei qui tollit peccata mundi See tie lambe of God, whiche taketh lohka. ã. a wap the ſynnes of the world.So ( Iſapit ts moſt entdent,. that John hymſelfe douted not:fo2 be kne w it aſſuredly, that Chꝛiſte was the ſauiour, but he did it onelye to remedye the Boutes of bps difcpples. Hovwe when Johns ct Sas ciples Math. 3, Certdine Sermons made by. ciples came fo Chit, they dpdthep2 siete Cantus Pek ti ille,qui venturus eſt, an alium expectamus? Arte thou be that Chrite fhall come,og thal tue looke for another· Nhat doth Chait: peered be made not anfivere with worles, but with the dedes be jedes, Mabe not muche adoo, in ſettyng oute himlelte, with greate wordes: but be ſhewed himſelfe to bs Chriſt in dede. Foꝛ be doth uch miracles, whiche no man els could do,but onlp be iwhich was bothe berp god and man, J tvould tolthe of god, that toe ine uld doe fo to:that tober ine bee afked a queftion, © ~Yobether toe bee Chriſtians, tobether we baue the goſpell, ~ the ttue word of god, oꝛ not, % would wyſhe( J faye) that-we coulde ſhewe our faith bp our woꝛkes and godly connerfatis ons:lyke as be ſhewed hymſelfe to be Chriſt, bp bis acts and ; dedes:but % tell pou, we be farre other wiſe:our acts and des VVe theyy des diſagree farre fram our profetion. Foꝛ tue are ticked, notoure We care not for gods latvs, noꝛ bis wo2ds: we pꝛofeſſe w our faithby mouth that we be the haters of fpnnes:but onr conuerſation ourvvorks ſheweth, that we loue finnie,that we foloty the fame, that tye haue a delite in it. So it appeareth, that our wo2des and dees des agree not: we haue gods holp worde tn our mouthe, but ive kolo w p wil ¢ pleafure of the dtucl inour outward cõuer fattd € liuing. But Chath be did not fo: fo2 be ſhewed himſelt by bis outivard works ¢conuerfatton, p be was berp Chꝛiſt P ſautoꝛ of p told. So Ine ſhold do to: we ſhould liue fo bps tightly, fo godly, that euerp one might know bs by our oute {yard cd ouerfatio,to be berp chriftias. MWe ſhold ſo hate ¢ abs hozt fins, pno ma iuſtly might oꝛ could difaloty our doings. Tee rvor- But what maner of works doth Chat, wherbp be ſheweth Kes wher bimtelt to be p very Pellias ¢ fautoz of § world: cat" healeth al maner of difeated folks, blind, § lame, lepzes,¢ * al other, which told come vnto him.¢ defire belp at bps ban des. And finally, be prechedjthe gofpel, this topful tidings biz fo the pooze:bnto the Chat preched the gofpel: ut J pap pou, howe chauncend it,that be fapth:Pauperes Buagelrzatur. © MH he pooze recetue the goſpelr anſwer: becaule the moſt part of therpch menin this woztd,vefpile ¢ conteme the gofpelt: thet eeme (t fo2 notbig: why: wherfore deſpiſe thet p goſpel⸗ Bec aule thep put they hope, truſte, and confidcice in et riches M.Doctor Latymer. Fol.i43 ryches. $02 the mike parte ofthe rpcheinen in this worlde, (¥ will not (ap all)do epther put thep2 hope in teps rpchee; Te av orels they come nanghtely bytheir riches:o2 els thep keepe es — ftpll, thex heape them bp together:or els thex (pende theat pemne the pl. So that tt is a berp rate theng to f, nde a godlp rich mans goſpell. for conionly they are geuen to gather and to make bearec, | ‘and fa forgettic poore inthe meane (eafon, who they ought forelicfc:n2 els when the p(pende them, thep (pente theym naughtclp, not as god hath appointed tite them, (namelpe to helpe thetr pooze anducedp neighbour: )butrather de ble them to erceffe, wantonnes and pleafurc. Therfore Chalke faith: The poore recepuc the cofpell, ſorthey are moſt mecte ch, pacre * foerunts, they are all comfortleſſe in this wold, and fo mo are mon meete terceepuc the goſpell. meee. Che prophetes long aforchand hande propbhected of there cose be - fworkes, whicke Cheitt when be Goulde come ſhotiide dor, 3 ‘Po! Foꝛ fo itis written. God commeth dis otone ſelte, and well delxuer you, then ſhall the epes of the blynde be lightened, and the cares of the deate opened, then ſhall che lame man — leape as an harte, and the domme mannes tongue ſhal geue·33. thankes. $n the wyldernes alſo there ſhalbe welſpringes. Chyis texte of the Pꝛophet wetneſſeth that Chriſte ts berpe Eyles ‘god:fo2 he hath vone fuchtokens and mpzacies,of which the elz· m pꝛophoet fpeaketh. Mow in the fame prophet tt is further wet: ten, how that Chak Hold preache the golpell vnto the pooze comſoꝛtles people, for fo he ſaith. Whe (pirite of the lo2d god is bpon me: fo: the lo2de hath annointed me,to preache qood - thynges brite the pooze, that Imight bynd bp the wounded heartes, that J mpaht preache veliucraunce to the captrue ‘and open the priſon to them thatare bounde;that JImyghte ‘Declare the acceptable pere of the lode. - Pere the prophet prophecied that when Chul hold come: Mould pꝛeache the goſpell vnto the poore:and therfore now ny wien the difciples of Zon came vnto hym, demandyng oF ore sua hym, whether he were Chriſte or not, he aunſwered by bys crer form | Waorkes. Lvke as be ſayeth in an other placein the goſpel to him, ‘the harileis. Zhe wozks twdich J 00, beare — ‘oh ’ 5 9... Ioko. xx- Cettaine Sermons made by as who fap ¥ proue my felfe that ¥ ant; by my workes: A⸗ gain be fatth, if 3 not do the works of my father, beleue nie Hot. 0 that moũe maniteſtly be proucth bimfelfe to be that prophet, whiche was (poker of before bp the prophetes and other holy men of god. John the Cuangeliftin his gofpel fat eth:and many other fignes trulp bid Jeſus inthe prefence of bis diſciples, whiche are not weitten inthis beokethele are {written that pe might beleue, that Jeſus is Chik the fonne of G D D, and that tn beleuing pe mighte baue life thas A comfor'ygugh bis name. This ts a very notable faping and moſte ay — comcoꝛtable to all troubled conſciences, Jeſus bath done ma An hiſto rie. ny thinges which ar not written, but thefeare wattten that — ine fhoulde beleuc hint to be Chriſt:that that Jeſus, Garies fone that teas boone at Bethleem, and nouriſhed at NPaza⸗ reth, that be is the faufour ef mankpnde: and ſo in beleuing in hem, we ſhal haue life cucrlafipng. Sothat there was nes ver none that beleued in Chall, which was loſt; but all bele uers were faued: therfose it ts not to be douted, but Pf ys {wil beleuc, Wwe thalbe faucd to. Wie redetnabooke tybichis . antituled Vitæ patrum,theipfes of the fathers, in that fame booke, werede that there was onesagreat bolyman, (as be feemed'to all the world)woꝛthy te be taken vp into heauen: How that mã had many difciples,and at a tyme he fel ſyck: And in bis ſicknes he fel in great agony of bis conſcience: in fo much that be could not tel in the worlde what to do. Moty bis difciples ſtandyng about bim,and ſeyng him inthis cafe - they faid vnto him: berrchaunceth it that pe are fo troublen father-fo2 certainly there was nobody fo goon a liuer, ſo ho ly, as pe haue be: therfore pou haue not nede to ſeare, ſfo:no ‘Dont but pou {hal come to heauen. Theold father made thent anſwer again, faping, though Jhaue Kued vprightly, pet fo2 al that it wil not belp me, % lack fome thing petiand fo be did in Dede. fo2 certatnlicif be haa foloives the counſel of bis ails ciples,¢ bad put bis truft in his godly conuerſatton,no dout VVe mutt Ge Hould haue bene gone to the deuil. For though te ar cis hot put maunded fo do good workes/⁊ tue ought to do thẽ:vet for al trafte ia that, we muſt beware bot we do them:wohen we do them to kes. Pendto be faued by them, then we do them not as toe on M.Doétor Laty mer. ; Fol,t4 4 to do:then we thank Chrilt aut of bis ſeate and mately. F029. fra Dene’ god fe Doi is merited, butnot by bs. Chuthe ingbont ct henen ſor vs, through his moll pain fuldeath € paffion: There hath beie many perfectmeamog. te ptt lined —* at * vprꝛightly,as concer: ning theit dutward conuerſation, but fo2 al that ihey wente tothe diuel in the end, becauſe they knely not Chꝛii.for fo. fSith feripture, wosfocuer beleucth not in the fon, be ts iud⸗ ged alredp. Therlore let. os lern toknow Chꝛiit, ¢ to beleus: in himtfoꝛ knowledge mult goc before the beleuc, we muſte firt heare qzᷣ woꝛd of god ¢ know tt: And afterivard we mut. beleue the ſame, then Wwe mu®in2altle and firine 13 finne ¢ ivickednes as much as itis patible fo vs: and fo line well. and godly, t do abinanerof ges) iwo2ks, which qod hath cõ⸗ maũded bs in his-hoip lawes:⁊ then we ſhalbe rewarded in euerlaſting life, but not voᷣ eueclaſting life:fo2 pᷣe uerlaſtiũg lifes a aift of god trec gift, qeur — bite. men-th20ugh Chꝛiſt. Now whe p oilciples of John were come to Chzif, ¢. had done thep2 arrant, bad afsed him whether be wer Chik —— 03 not:our fauto2 ſaid vnta thẽ: Go ¢ ſhew John again what. TP... pe haue beard ¢ ferese bere we may learn by the way, what: s¢ god. a paciẽt ma our faufo2 Chꝛiſt was, which could fo welbeare, ~ wᷣ the groſenes of Johns diſciples: fo3 they had beard before, manp times of John, thepr mailer} Chak tag the faute2 ~ ofthe worlde, pet thep could not beleue it:and ſo with thep2. - bibelefe thet came to Chart, which refuleothe not ne2 pet re... uiled th?, but entreating the moſt louingly ¢ gently, beareth. - With their weakenes:leauing 03 an enfaple to do fo to. Fo. - ive may learne bere by bis enſample, not to be haſty, butte in cxam- beare with our neighbess,thougsthep-be uot by and bp ag le ef beas - thiein inc wold bane them fo .be:pet ine ſhord notby and byreu lg Chnitte. thent,c2 banithe thent ont Stour companpes as oblitiatefes ower, but rathce-bearetwith their Mocakenes likeas Chowk = beareth with the difetples of Zohn. he ues OW to nip queflion which J moucd before:how could the cre pro iworkes whiche cur Sauto2 pd in railing bp the dead, Holy wii fed be. could they prove him to be pᷣ ſauior of the wo2ld which was fore. ꝓꝛemiſed of God by bis holy pꝛophets, when ofder bolp uh 3 E39 “ t P { J Certaine ——— — * thefame workes as well as he⸗ And this mult be aun Cwered to, we may hane no doutes in that matter:fo⸗ when tue doute whether be be the bpry autour ornot, then we tat, donne tye foundation of our fapth,and fo bapnigecur eles, ta the verp pytte of hell, Theretoꝛe this halbe mp antwwere: Elias and Chifaraifed bp dead bovies, to proue bp fuche myzacles that thep were the right minifters of the lyutug god:and that thep2 doctrine twas the true doctryne, And the Hetpe worde of god:to that end dyd they thep2 miracles: but they never fatd we be Chriſtes, o we be the fonnes of God, pea and herp gods. No no, thep nener toke vpon them ſuche thonges: But our fautour when be dpb the fame workes, he toke bpon hym to be Chꝛiſte, to be the (autour of the wold, | to be fhe naturall fonne of god, and fo tothe confirmeationof - Tohn.¢, ·ſuch bis fapinges,be dpd ſuch workes: therefore be fateth J aint the bead of lite: Item Ego fum reſurrectio & vita, Jam the refurrectton and the Ipfe. tent Ego fam via veritas &Vi< ta, Jam the nape, the truth, anv thetife, pea and whenhe taikeo Wwith the woman at the well, fhe fatd vnto hym:hen John, 4, tbe Bellas commeth he ſhall teache bs all thynges. Then 4he faith vnto her: Yam be that ſpeaketh onto thee: Zam that ſame Meas whiche was tocome,and paonufed of God, J ant be, M Further, be sith Venice ad me omnes quilaboratis, Come ath.xi. ¢9 neal pe that labout and are laden,and J tut! cals you. Se. it appeareth that Chik ts toe very fautour of the wold, bes caufe be dyd the dedes of our ſauiour:and then again betoke — bron hym to be he tn dede,andopenlpconfeledit. Further the tine giueth it that Cho fhoulde come, for fo it was prop vecied ef the good Holpe father and patriarke Gene. 49 Jacob, when he bleſſed bis fonnes, be ſaid: The ſcepter thal — z not departe from Juda, and a law geuer from betivene bys tcete, vntill Schilo come: and bute hym chall the gatheryng ad tout feleity, ofthe people be, Now at that tyme tuhen our fantour toas come, the ſcepter ivas taken front Juda:fo2 all Jurye was vnder the domini on ot the Ro mapnes, therfoze Schila muſt needes come. So it appe reth that be the reafon of the tyme, Chait muſte neces des John ri. M. Door Laty mer. Fo! rag. “Bes come at the Came feafon. So lyke boiſe Daniell (1x bts vi⸗ ‘fton chewed, that after oz. wekes thould Chalk be Gain, gt: ef ‘Hall bauc no pleafure in Im.·So pe fee that by the reals of p ‘time he muft nedes be the right fauio3 of al’ mankint, agatn Chik raiſed bppe the dead, and bealed the ſicke in bis obun Chritis ‘Maine, by bis oiwitantbositp: So did not the prophets o2 the Provctthe ‘apottles: foz thep did it not in their ofun ftrength, but by the Scab ‘help of god. S. Veter rarfed bp Dorkas p good gedip womã icon. “but not bp bis own power:but Chꝛiſt eur faniour be did all things, taaquã authoritaré habés, as he that bad authoꝛitye. -Adolefcés tibi dico, urge, pong man, 3 fape bate thee ariſe. So bis works which be dtd by bis own diupne pelver, peeve ‘bint to be berp god, and p (ante fanio2, which was pꝛomiſed vnto the world. POW hen our ſauioꝛ had told the diſciyles of John bis wor : ‘kes and miracles which be did, be addeth a pactp clauſe, and ; geueth them a goodly priuy —— tbeatus qui nõ ——— uerit offenſos in me, And bleſſed is he that is not otfẽded by putes 7 “me: bere be toucheth them, he rubbeth thé at the gall he did rubd on not meane Joh, fo: John was not offẽeded:but he did mean the gallos the thefelues: fo2 thep were offended becaule of bts familfar “and meane conuerſation. Wut pe will fap, bot.can ama be burt bp hint, from iwbont commeth no burt at alls arp J tel “pou, Johns bifciples were hurte of Chil, and pet the faulte ‘vas not tn Chat but in them: Chai lpucd a common Ipfe, : “be twas a good familiar man,be eate and dranke as other tid be cante to mens tables when be twas called:in fom ſome called hym a glofer:therfoze the difciples of Zohn, fees pris bis (pimple life, were offended With him. Wut J praye “pou ould Chit bane foofaken bis maner of lining, and fos. lob the Ipfe of John, becaule fome were offended With him: No not fo. ¥t Was (candalum acceptum & non datum, thep foke offences thentfetucs, be gaue the none:he did according anofenes bnto bys calling, as be twas appointed of bis father. ere F caken and baue occafion to {peak of offences. Scandalum is flativer, but sotgeuca, tt bath an other fignification 1 vs:it is taken foꝛ an offtce 02 “hurt, pe may define it fo, An offence is, when J fap 62 dee ary thing gveat 02 ſmal, oꝛ fpeak anp tue2d wherby my neighko2 G is Cerraine Sermons made by: _ fs made the woꝛrſe: but this-offencets of tino maner of twats, ea is firſt when Jde fell, and an other man is offended with mp- Shey ſor weil dowigesstints is Scandalé chee taketh offence, J. i geue him none, again Scandalũ dathis,when Jdo wickedly: € twith utp yll enſample burt mp neigbbor, thts ts offence ges tien, There vere many at our fauiozs time which were offés Math xy, 060 Wb himt,becaufe be preched p 1030 of god, ¢ rebuked fins: “ bat Chait faith, Sinice illos Ist the alone,care not fo2 thé,let. them be offended as long as thep toil, we may not leaue the peachpng of the.truth,fo2 offences fake; becaufemy neighs - bo? can not away With it. Qo not fo, let vs ſay the truth, hae upng acalling,asin dede euery man hath a calling, ¢€ mole:, Pecially prechers: Tile rede in thegofpel of Zohn, when our: ſauioʒ Catth ditto bis diſciples, ts pother people; Nifi come. deritis,ercept-pe cate the ficty of p fon of ma, pe thal bane na: life in pow. Wp thefe fapings of Chak, wer many offeded ys Hint, in ſo much vᷣ the greteſt nũber went (rd him ¢ korſoke bt thep could not abide bint. Motw was Chait to be blamed fo⸗ pzbecaufe be ſaid for No 119, fo2 be ſaid nothing but p truth. So liketwife § preacher when be faith the truth, fs not to be: blanted though ſome be offended id hint, at ben Moles came into Egipt tobat (rconuentences hapned becaule of bis cons: ming. in fomuch p almoſt p whole lad perithed: pas ye faul type? No, foꝛ he did nothing bat § which god cõmaũded him, but the Egiptiãs, they wer obſtinate, thei wold not obey the Agood bdiceofgod:tyerfore Doles hurt them not,but they hurt the: ching mat felues Ww thetr (infidelity and obſtinate heart. So pe fee,p we not belef may mot leaue f truth to be vnſpaken 02 an honeſt deve to be vadone. pndone, becante ſom wilbe oſfended wit. As foran enfaple, ; bere isa prieſt which percetaeth by himlelt § be bath not the , gift of chatity:s tosrfoze wold fain marp, but be is afraide p ſom of his pariſhners halo be offended wᷣ it, w bis mariage: | wow hal he leaue bis mariage becauſe (om wilbe offeded wᷣ | Bim? Qo p $e Hal nat, let p prieſt inſtruct bis parithuers,ted thẽ ont of f wordot god, it is as lauful foꝛ him to mary, as wel as for another mã after p he hath taught thes they tol. mot beleue him a2 refuſe his dactrine let him mary, care not loꝛ their oſfences. J told pou belozc.p there be tino maner.oF mites: 8; ſcandalũ datũ, & ſcandalu accepti, ſcandalũ dati is, . - Sphem M.DoGorLatymer. ‘ Fo!.z2 ¢ when J offend mp neighbor bp arp wickednes, by my ontrae gious ⁊ inoꝛdinate living: candaliaccepri, when be is offee Ded 1h me we J doa sogp dede:but fo2 al p we ought not to leaus au honeſt act.becanl: of an othcr mas offences. Wut J ‘tel pou, itisa perilons thing, € a beinous fin to do fuch a thig laverby inp neighbor halbe made 7 woale, by my wicked ent "rot osm fample. As we haue an enfampte of Jeroboamwhich ottẽded feoaea al 3fcael,foz be ment 4 fet, op tine golden calues, by tobiche * 2! act be gaue occaſion to the ingale people to cõmit idolatry as gant god:and this teas a heynous bogrible ſin:for cf it cart Wwonderkul mifchtef atter. So likewiſe we rede of a great ma - th isriptuce, which is called Zambri, which gaue an plenfas ple in cõmitting lecherp openly 15 a whoꝛe, who Phinees ᷣ godly nia killed: fo2-bis actoflecherp was a ſtõbling block ta ai » people of #lracl. ao ve ſee pᷣ ſcẽdalũ datũ, is a bicked act which Ido, wherby mp neighbor is made p twozle. Therfore Jpꝛap voutoꝛ gods fake, beware of ſuch offences: fo2 fo tt ig Math,zvili {ypit2 inp gofpel of Mat. V x hoi p qua {candala veniunt, we : ‘he vnto p ma o2 wamã by tod offéces come. Therfoꝛe Flap det bs beware,let ts kepe our ſelfes win § bedges of gods ho ; ly word, ſa pall our doinges may,beagreable Onto pfamers § ri ‘th? if thé toe agre v6 gods iv030,f world wil nedes beoften For bed wᷣ bs, let bs not care fo2 p,fo2 they burt not bs but thefel 20: for of. fes. Let bs therfoze take good bede to our ſelſes Aeſt we do a⸗ feace, np thing twherby our neighbor night be offended. fo2 cur fa $103 faith fohofocuer deth offed one of theſe litte ones, which beleue in me, tt wer better tor hint p a milffone Wer baged az bout bis neck, ¢ that he wer dzꝛouned in f Depeof p fea. Wher foze let parents-take bede how they (peake in the preſence of thep2 litle children, ¢ matters cughbte to take beede boty thep gine enfaples vnto their fernats. Fo2 there be fom maſters € parents p wil (peak fo lecheroufip € filthy before their chtld2e r ſcruãts, vᷣ it is out of meaſure: ¢ not onelp p, but thet. will alſo ſweare in the preſence of their childꝛen, pea thep will teache them to fiveate. Dur Saufour how earneſtly he course maunded vste beware of ſweryng, therfore parentes ought €o take heede, and ſpeciallye fuche as bee rulers ouer hou⸗ ſes, oꝛ be otticers:vf they de fineare,all the boufebolde will fwere to, fo2 it is commonlie fene ore ſeruant — TH. - t S Eertaine Sermons made by pice the bebaufours of his maiſter, when they be yll, but the * uauntes ave not fo haſty to foloiv thetr maiſters in goodnes. not haity gandthls wearyng ts fo conte in J vſe, that we can faye nos fo folovve toy at all, but toc muk ſwearẽ theruũto: by god, 02 bp mp. good en- 1f9,03 tach Ips geate:but there be ſome hich when therx fample. He repzebended becaule of thep2 ſwearyng they twill fap sme wil wot belewe me evcept J Ciwere, which is a token that thex haue bene great lpers. For euery true man istobee beleucd without ſwearyng:and therfore take this ſor a certain rules . that when a man ts not aſhamed/⸗ or hath nota conſcience to breake this law of gov,» ts to ſweare, he wil not beatjanted ; neither haue any conſciẽte ta lie,to do agai p cOmandemets ; Swering fo? becauſe ſwering ts as wel forbidden as lying, lying, as . eos 3 Cwering:therfore be $ maketh no conicitce in the one, wpll - Bor make leſſe conſcience in theother. Jmy felf bane bad fomtype . nies in vſage to lap in my carne mattersspea bp & Maryse - and {uch lpke thern ges, which in dede 1s naught. Fo2 We ars © comaunded notte {were Therfore wobe onto the that. — fivereth, that offend their neighbors 02 thetr childzen bp ſwe⸗ ring, 92 other wickednes. Fo2 tt were better thata a milſtone wer hanged about our neck then to offend.anp body: that is - to fay, be were better to be killed bodely, ‘to (utter ertreeme - ‘ — punichment bovely , fo2 they that offende,thep bee kt lers gẽ * fone off w sett neighbors. Wat we are faulty the mot part of vs, two ded. maner of wais:firſt we wilbe offended when there is no of⸗ fence geuen, and again Wwe wil be bold fo do ÿᷣ thing wherbe pur neighbour may be iuſtly offended. But be p is a charita⸗ ble man, wil not be ligntly offeocd:fo2.certatnlp it is a great faulte to be rachly offended, And to iudge our neighbors do⸗ ings fo be naught and wicked, alsꝛe weknow the truth of § . matter: a3 we cannot {ee the heartes of men. Wherforeas long as p thing (3 not openly ticked, let vs not be offended. Again, tthe thyng bee neceſſary ¢ qood,tet os not feare oſfẽ ces: pet we muſt take beede we walk charitably. de haue _ altbertyp tthe gofpel, pet we maf take hede that Wwe ble that. 1.Cor.6 fame liberty aright, accordyng vnto the rule of charity:foꝛ ſ. Paule laith, o pnia mihi licẽt ſed non omnia conducũt, All: hings ace allowed bitte me, but not al things perlit. * CALS. M Docdtor Latymer. Fol 147 Deare with bin, that is weake in falth: As for an enfaumple, we map cate Meth bpon frpdapes bp gods {wo2d, if there twer nota law made by the king age bis moſt bonozable councel: nough that it behaued not bymts weare ſuche Fyne geare: but howe cure cleargye men were then,and with what cons {cience Jcanne not tells buty canne tell that it beeboucth Mot vnto theym to weare ſuche delicate thynges. Saincte Peter dothe difalloty gargeouſnes in women, howe muche moze then in menne: for a man woulde thynke that women ſhoulde aus moze libertpes in ſuche tryfles, Hut holye Scripture diſalloweth tt: and not onelpe in wo⸗ Man veaeest men, but alſo in men. fo2 be nameth women,becanfe they ys are mto22 geuen ta that banitye then mene bee, 02 Serips che svorde ture vſeth fometpmes by this worde women, to vnderſtand vvomã and mientoo. And agayne bp the woorde met’, tt vnderſtan⸗ contra. beth women to0,.3F92 elles we Haulde not fende inal (crips ture that women Meulde beebaptifed.. ere were a good place to ſpeake againſte cure clears | gyee menne, whiche goe ſo gallauntlpe nolwe adapes . Ff bearefape, that fortine of theym weare beluette fhooes, | and beluet ſſyppers:ſuch felotwes are moꝛe meete todaunce | the moꝛrice Daunce, then to bee admitted to preache. Jpraye God amende fuche wogldelpe feloiwes, for elles thex bee Hi geato. meste to be preachers. Howe FJ twpli make an ende, as concernyng offer ces: peraduenture pe topli fape hoboe chaunceth it that God fuffercth ſuche offences tn the twowloe? Aunftweres Inſcrutabilia ſunt iudita alufsimi, The iudgementes of che Rom xi moſt higheſt are inſcrutable, god can Sic them to good purpo ſes:therfoꝛe bg fapth, Neccile eit vt ſcandala veniant, the pe Rp Neca! i Mee wpil. —— —— — —— wyll ſay:whr ſhould we then be damned —— J offences are nedefull· Anſwer. WNhen Wwe do yl, we chal ree cefue our reward fo2 our plnegsfo2 it is no thanks fo bs he god can vſe thent to good purpofes, we ought tobe punithea inben Wwe do naught. Dherfore the bell (s to beware and take heede of offences, ¢ all other bngodlines and liue vpꝛightlye in the feare of god. So that we map inherite the lyſe cuerlas Hing which be hath prepared fo2 bs from the begins ⸗ nyng of the world, whiche graunte bs god the father, god the Sonne,and God the boly ghoft,one god and thzec per - fons, now and cuer worlde Mnithoutende, Amen. FINIS. SSERMONS PREA- | ched by the ryght Reuerende father in God andconttant Batic of ? Jeſus Chitte , Maiſter Hugh Latimer,ag i, Well (uch as in tomes palt baue bene printed, as certapne other commpnag to our handes oflate, whych were pet neuer {et forth in print. Fatthfuilp perufed ¢€ allowed accoza dyng to the order appopnted in the Quenes Maiellics ; Iniunctions. * — ⸗ (pia ages } fo fhe~ Yen Vr — —6 ih te Lie SO BA YS — i a | Vy 2 é et 2 = ‘ Hee 3 fy 7 if : 8 — —— x LY Bass ute naa LEE N es —* a8 Ky os ti d, ae } 22 At’ Sf? ae » tvs fermon Ad clerum. 3 ps fourth fermon vpon the plough Hys.7.ſermons before kyng Coward, Pye ena bps fermon at Stamfo2de. . oa meat bps latt fermon before kyng Edward. {cy ))) bys, 7.fermons bpon the Loꝛdes paper. : ibys other.9.fermons bpon certapne Goſpels and Epiltles. F —8* W ¶ Impꝛinted at London by John Dap, dwelling ouer Alperfgate, ec ia & priuilegioRegie Mie- —— at Ango,! 5 62, RAN ae — SRE yan VS ‘ aS . ANN 8 B sy BS = x = COE ASS Hayy Hae . —— = =i — Yi —— J —* ~~ * iy = “ebusts 9 a ee at £44 J. ak diate ———— PRB TIT LE ‘past Bie anh i aide! S ahaa eal gui 4 if aye | ie ai ap te ee —— itd — —— 34 STAI oy OY ites “avi dsivolie€ Ot gE eNTR & uh oe Se Ses ge 1h OL MIE — BONS eps wt Sede ner " gawale ag] royd noes Ad BE Sshauldo gna — 3 ede a tranny oie na petal eee “quent ae > yaubeid wows Walede sragniy ase k Ne att aaa aL Serres ay ay ———— Bett! Lela fale — Ota 0 a4 oh wren ae sai > Cia inde etd nogun Ets comigqeteD. PR stately % a | ceeded ed — oko galiainy 2 simry od ere tc eee $d: ? te ga! aye ; i $m The Sermon that the Reuerende “Fold x Father ia Chrift Hugh Latimer Bithop of worcefter, “made ta the Clergye, inthe Conuctation, before the - 1) Q3aritament began, the.9.dap of June, the. 8. pearcofthe raygne of our Soucrapguc 102d King Penrpe the. biti, . .. §20% tranflated ont of latin into Engliſh,to thintent "that thingeswel {apd to a fcwe,mape be vnder⸗ . and of imanp,and do good toal them that ~ 96) Belpre to vnderſtand the truth, Nliii huius ſeculi. & c. — Luer6. — — ethꝛen ve be come together this st = FR loavcas far as J perceine)to heare * 9 2) ||'be come together to intreate of — “Jd thinges that motte appertapne to VA lithe common wealth. 2 his beyng us , pelooke( Fan aftured ) te — —— commaun \\( a | makeasa preface , this er: SSAA SAY hontatton (albeit J am vnlearned and Duivorthy Much thynges as Talbe muche meete for thys pour anembie · therfore not onely very defirous to obep the commaundement ofour primate, but alfo right greatlye co: ueting fo ferues fatiffp all pour erpectacion : lo, bzicfely and as plapneas F can , topl {peake of matters, both woorthy to sie beaveiin pour Congregation and alfo of fuch as beſt thall beconre myne office inthis place. hat J mave doo thys the more commodiouſly, J haue taken, that notable fentence, in {Which our 102d was not afrayd to pronounce: Che children Of this warldte be muche moꝛe prudent and politicke , than the chplosen of lyght in they: generacion. Pepther Iwol be alrayde truſtinge that be wil ayde and guyde me to vſe thys ſentence, as a ground and foundation ofalfuch thinges, as hereafter JMall ſpoake of. oy “Powe Iluppole that pou fee rpght tel, beyng men of fuch {earning for what purpafe the Lord ſayde thys anothat ye okerbt, haue no nede to be holpe toithany part ol my labourinthys’ AY, thing, oh. { ‘ls no LY tf holpẽ with any pact: penta labour in thing. But pet, ifve wyl — aa wyll wade ſomew deeper inthis matter,and as ipahas IJcan fetch it fram the fyrt original beginning. for vndoutedly ve map much mar⸗ uaplat this faping, ifpe wel ponder both what ts favde’, and who ſayth tt. Define nie Arik theſe thee thynges , what pru⸗ dence is, what the world, what lyght, and whe be the Chyl⸗ aren of the {ord who of the lpght fee that they fignifve it ſcripture. Jmaruail it by ¢ by peala Sf thatthe fe ge the world chould be wiſer then the Chiloeenofthelyah cont (ittinbat nigher the matter, thus the Low ——— € Chere was a certayne ryche man that vat he The. Sefmou. of, -< iT the 8 Stewarde hrch was accuted vnto neat that Had diſtipated and waſted bis goodee. This rycl man calieD his Steward to hymn and ſayde: O {5 thisthat J beare oftheesCome,make ine rompt ofthyp Ketoard yp: Thou mayveſt no ive beate thys office. Bꝛethꝛenbecauſe theſe {wmr008 are fofpoken in parable, aud are fo mapped in wrynkels, that pet they ſeeme to baue and finilituac of a thing done in dede, ana lyke an hy⸗ | ——— much pro Stable to-tary ſomwhat in them. Ane hough we map berchaunce fpude inoue bavtes. to bes. lous at that is there {poker fa be. frue: pet J doubt whether woe may abyde it, hat thefewerdes of Chritt do pertain vn⸗ to vs, and abmontty ns of our duty whych do and lpus after, fuche forf,as though Chriſt when. be foake anv thing had as the tyme ſerued hym, ſerued his turne, anduotregaraenthe, i) tpniethat came after. bpat, —— —— os — ‘matters.ofours,as fomeof the Philoſophers tiouabt,tobich, 3 fain, that Gop walked bp and downe in heauen,and thinketh, neuer a deale of our aftatres. But ip good brethre, erre noat you fo, ſtycke wo yee to ſuch vour imaginacions. f02 lfpe in fardip behold th mers —— in yvour my ad after.erplicate-andopen > ve hall fee-our - ape — d in thele — all mAs i Hot apa Sabet os betta pallet; ~ Bithop Latimer) Folʒ. bs al thinges abundantly. It ts be, of whofe hand , we recep ued both ourl pues, ¢ other thinges neceflarp fo2 fhe confer? uation ofthe fame. Gibat man bath any thing J pave pou, — but he bath received tt ochis plentyfulnes? To be tort, it is be, that openeth bis hand,and filicth al beaſtes with bis ble’ : ſyng, and not onely gyueth vnto bs, in moſt ample wyſe bis bendiction. Neyther bis treaſure can be ſpent, how much ſo Chꝛittes euer he lache aut. how much fo ener we take ot him, his trea |e cg ſure tarieth ſtill euer taken, neuer ſpent. trea — Weis allo the good manofthehoute,the church ishis hout· not ve ſpe holde, whichought with al dilygẽce to be fed iwith his word and bisfacramentes, Theſe be hts goodes moſt precious, the Difpenfation and adminiſtration wherof,be wold Byſhops € —— Curates ſhuld haue. Mhich thingſ. Paule afirmeth, faving: The oice Tet men eeeme vo, as the mintiters of Cheitt , and difpen’ OF Aini⸗ foursof Gods mifferies. But J pray vou tubatis to be loo⸗ fers. ken for ina difpenfour? Chis furelp, that be be found favthfut and that be truely oifpente ¢lape out the goodes of the 1020, that be gyue meate in tyme giue it J fave, not fel it : meate A fave, ¢ not povion. forthe one doth intoricate andfleathe Bark ma⸗ eater, the other feedeth and nourvcheth him. finally let hyjm er perfow not lack and diſferre the doing ot his oſfice, but let byarde bis dutie whan tyme is, and neede requireth it. This ts alſo fo belooked for, that hs be one, wyom Gon hath called, and put it office, and mot one that cometh vncald, vnſent for, nat anothat ol bym ſelte prelumeth to take honour vpon bym. A .itj. Mhat AB t } TheSermonof' | © @A hat ts fo be looked fo22Sureiy, Wal this the quired in a good Diniker it is uch lyghter to req —5353— all in euery one,then to finde oF an tobere — al. Myho isa true and a farthfull ſtewarde: He ts true, be ts fapthful that copreth no newe mony, but taketh tt —— A fapthfull icp of the Lood man ot the boute,and neither chanacth tt, ne Steward. cnnncth it,after itistaken ta bpnr te fyend, but fpennethes ucn the fclfe fame that be bad of his 3a and foendethit as his odes commaumdement ts, nepther to bisotvne auaun⸗ tage btterpng it, nor as thelewoc ſeruaunt Bpd, hyding thin the grounde. Brethren it a favthfull Leward oughte foro, 3 as haue apd, J prape pou ponder and eranipne this tweil, Pp tobether our 18pfthopes and Abbotes Pꝛelates and Curates haue bene hitherto —— ſtewardes or no: Ponder, whe⸗ ther yet manvofthébe, as they ſhould be oꝛ no. Co veto;tel ‘meno, as pour confedince leaveth pou tovillet patle to Connterfat fpeake of manp other was there: not fame, that defpifing the tersofgods mony ofthe Lod, ascopper,and not currannt,epthe rcoined cppns. neve them felues, or els vttred abꝛode newely covned of 99 (mingling {t(as tancrners do; which boewe and btterthe ‘cud ana good both ina potte fomtune in the ſtede of Gods woord blowing out the dꝛecames of men? dtibile thep thus preached to the people, the redemptiõ that cometh bp Chriſtes deathto serie onely thew that died before his comming, that were in the time of the olde teſtament, and that now fince: redemptiõ and forgrueneſſe ofſynnes purchaſed by money and ther; fome tyme eyther adulterating the word of God or els ſed ofmen is of efficacy. and not reden ption pirchaten bp : A pinot Yt Conk Dhep haue a wonderfulprety example to verſwade ur gator. thisthinge of a certayne maried wom) Which whan her huſrand was in purgatory, inthatfprp horuate that bath bur ned awap fomany of our pens,patd bee huſbandes rantone, Sorte anti of duetyclaimed hym to be fette at lpberty:Taibilethep * thus preached to the pesple,thatdead tmagesc which at the Deady a. firk,as Ithinke, were fet bp onely to, repreſent thinges ale aes. fontnot oneip ought to be couered with golds but alſo aught of al eptifutiand chaiten pronte,pea in this ſcarſenes and ut: MOG INO penurpofal: thinges, to be cladde ——— ei — Bifhop Latimer” = Fol.æ. beſpde allthis,thep are to bg lighted with ware candelles, both within the church and Bitgout the church,vea at nowe baves, a6 Who ſhould fay, bere no col can be to great, were asin the meane time, weſe Chutes faithtul ¢ liuely ymages bought with wa leſſe price, tha with his moſt precious blowd, alas.alas,to bean hũgred, a thuril,a cold, and to Ipe in darae⸗ tes, wꝛapped in al wretchedneſſe, pea to Ive there, vntil death take atvap thev2miferics: dathite they prcachen, thefe bavls tworkes; that come but ofour ohn deuation , although ther penotfoncceflarpe,asthe woorkes ofmercye and the pies Mil vorzkk ceptes of Gad,vetthey ſavd x in the vulpit chat wyl worzes were more vrincipall morececeltent x plavnly to vtter vohat they meane mere acceptable to Odd, then woHukes of mercy: asthougve now mans inuentions ¢ fanfies, could pleafe Dod better then gods: preceptes,or ſtraunge thinges better the bis owne:vohile they thus preached thatina fruite, moꝛe deuo⸗ tion cãmeth afthe beholding ofan mage though tt be but a Pacer nofter tohple,then ts gottẽ bp reding ¢ contemplation tt fcripture though pe rede and contemplate therin fene veares (pace. finally, wile they preached thus, foules tormented in purgitew,to bane moſt nede ofourbelpe,e that thep care haue no ayd bat of bsin thts world, ofthe which twa , if the pone be not falfe, pst at the leaſt itis aurbiguens, bucertapne, doubteful xt hercore rahly ¢ arragantly with fache boldnes alfit med inthe audiẽce of people,thother by al mens opiniõs ts manifeſtiv falſe. Ilette paſſe ta ſoeake of much other ſuch lvke countrefayte doctrine , which hath ber blaſted x blowen out byſome forthe ſpace of ſiii.haures together· Be thele ths chriftian and diuine miſteries and not rather the dꝛcames of men? Beſtheſe the faithful aifpentersof Gans miſteries avy nat rather falſo diſſipato ars of thé: o bom god neuer vut in vẽ fice butcather the Oiuelſet tyꝛemouera miſerable familp, quer an dole myſerablvororedano intreated· tzaſzpy were vᷣ people, iſſuch vꝛeached ſldom And vet it iz t onder ts ſe cheſe in their generation, to be much msa:e prudent ana volv⸗ tine thenthe favth fal miniſters ave in their generatiõ, wo yite chev go about aore pudentloto ſtabliſh mens dꝛeames ,.th2 thele do,to hald bp Gods comaunoementes. Thusit coms Pua a Aly. meth — More bappf if thet prea: ched neuer. Goo ts re: ny to chive. The Sermon of meth f pale, that workes lucratine, wiltworkes més fancies reign ¢ chriſtian works, neceflary works, fruitful workes, be trode vnder the fote. Thus the batl,is much better fet out by euill men, then is the good, by good men:becaule theeupl be moze tuple, then be the good in theyr generatio. Theſe be the falle Stetwardes, whom al good ¢ faithful men enerp dap ac? cule vnto the rich maiſter of the houtold, not without great heauines,p thep watt bis goodes, whom be alfoone dap wyl tal to him, tt fap fo them as be did to his ſteward, whe he fad: twhat ts this that J heave of the Here Gov partly wond2eth at our ingratitude ¢ perfidte partiv chydeth bs forthent , and being both ful of wonder e redp to chide, afketh bs , what ts this,p 3 bear of pou? As though be Huld fap onto vs, all good mẽ tial places,complain of pou,accufe pour auarice,pour ex actions, pour tirany. Thei haue required in pou a lig feafon, epet require diligence a ſincerity. comaunded pou vᷣ withal im uſtry ¢labour, pe thould fede mp theepe:ve earneſtly fade pour felucs,from dap fo day, wallowing in delites epdtenes. Jcõmaunded pou, te teach mp cõmaundementes, € not pour fanfics, that pe fhouta fecke mp glorve ¢ mp bauntage : por teache pour obvne traditions, ⁊ ſeke pour owne glory ¢ profit. Vou preach berp (cloom,¢ whan vedo preach , pedo nothing but cumber them that preach trulp,as much as licth inpou, that ft were much better, ſuch not to preach at al tha fo pernt ctoully to preach. Db, what 3 bear of pon: Pou that oughtte be my pcachers. Mhat other thong do pou, tha apty al pour ſtudy dyther,to bring al ny preachers to enuve , fame, cone tempt,vea more tha this, pe pul them into perils, into priſõs gas mucheas in pou ipeth, fo crucloeathrs . To be thorte,¥ would, that Chriſten people ſhouid heare my doctrine,and at their cõuenient leature, rede tt alfo,as manp as would: pour care ts not, that al men map heare it, butal pour care is, that no lap matt do reve it. Surely being afravyd / leaſt they, by the reding ould vnderſtand it, t vnderſtanding, learnto rebuke our ſſouthtulnes. This is pour generation, this ts pour diſpe· lation this ts vour wiſdom. In this generation, tn this diſpẽ⸗ fation, pou be mot politike, moſt witty. Theſe be the thongs that J bearcof pour demeanour, wiſhed to heare better re: port of you. anc pe thus deceiued e: oy banc pe rather de⸗ chugs — — Bifhop Latimer’ . Fol.5, ‘eetucd pour felues?Waber J had but one boufe,that is to fav, the church, this fo derely beloued of me , that for the loue of ber, 3 put mp felfe forth to bisflapne,t to Heo my bloude:this Church at mp departure, J comitted onto pour charge, tobe fed, to be nourithed,¢€ to be made much of. Cy pleafure was, ye Huld occupy myp place, mp deſyre was, ve chuld bauc ton tyke loue to thys Church, lyke fatherlp affection, as J bpd. J mabe pou mp Gicars, pea tn matters of moſte impoꝛtaunce. Forthus 3 taught openty: he that Houloe beare pou, toute y 1p,» heare me: be p fhould defpife pou, houlde defpile me. J qaue mt pou alfo kepes, not carthipe kepes, but heauenipe , J lefte mp ath.rot. gondes,p J hauc euermoꝛe moft hyghly eftemed that is, mp “<= - wow ¢ facraments,to be difpenfed of you. hele benefites , gaue pou,#d0 pou giue me theſe thanks? Can pe find in pour dartes,thus to abufe mrp godnes, mp benignity, my gẽtilnes? Haue pe thus deceiued me?po no, ve haue not decepued me, butpour felues. Sp giftes ¢ benefites tolvard pou fall be to pour Greater Dampnation . Becauſe ve haue contentpnedthe lenity ¢clemecp of the matter of the houfe, pe hauc right wel beferucd to abide the rigour ¢ ſeuerity of p iudge.Come forth the, tet bs fe accomptof pour Kelwardihip. An hoꝛible ¢ fear ful fentence. Be map haue no lõger mp gades in pour hands. A boice to wepe at, and to make men tremble. Pou fe brethrẽ ou fe,to what cupt,the euel ſtewardes muſt come to. Pour . bour ts papd fo2 tf pe can fo take hede, that no fuch fentence be {poken to pou, Pap, we mu all take hede, leſt thele thret⸗ ninges one dap take place in bs. Wut leſt the lẽgth of mp fers maon offend pou to {020,39 wyl leaue the reft of the Parable, and fake me fo the handling of the end of it,that is, J tui des clare pou ,botw the chilozen of this told be moze witty, craf ty and (ubtite,then are the chilazen of the lightin their gene: 1 yke, # ration. WMWhich fentence, would Cod it lay in my pore tonge, is fo erplicate with fuch light of woꝛdes, that J might feme ra: thet to haue painted it before pour eves,thente haue fpoken it:and that pou might rather feme,to fe the thing, théto bere it But ¥ confefle plainelp,this thing to be far aboue mp po⸗ wer. Therlore this beng only ieft tome, J with fo2 p Jhaus not, gam (orp, that p is not in me which I wold fo gtadip haue Chat is, power fo to handle the thing that 3 haue in * The Sermon of ~ thatal p 3 fav, may furn to the glow of goy,yrurfante helt, — €the rdifieng ofchriſtes body: wo hertore J pray voual topꝛay with me bits Goo, a that in yok peticiõ pou defire, that thecc tino things he vonchiafeto grañt 28, tirtt a mouth fay. me te fpeake rpgbtly nert, eares for vou, pin bearing me, pe maye wo thyn. take posit at my hand:¢ that thismiay com to ciect, vax thal gests bee pofire bint, bite tha one Patter Chriftbar we Houldprav, grapes ſor · faving euen the lame — * zie * —— — nofler. Cherny AUNTIE: ig iE gracious ſoneraigne ow p hing, chiefe ¢ fisezenu —— ch— FUE , €fo2 tieanalt excellent, qracious, pertui Rady Queene Jane, bis moſt lawcul wyfe, ¢ for all his me - ther ther be ofthe clergp or laity, Whether they beat the nobi lity,03 cls other bis geacesfabiets: tot forgettin fe, being Departed out ofthis tran ites bite cot theitlabourstn aoa Beacenecedarp,pe ſhal fap mae an er * noe VWFilii buius ſeculi — ——— es past wrilt in thts faving, to — Anelle ofhys,and dyd not allswethe fraud and 7’ tility ofotber: neyther to 1s glad, that it was in Dene “SSS x72 is behad fap), but com plamed rather, that tt houid be fo:as manp men fpeake manythinges, not chatthe⸗ oug tp beta, ,butp they are wont to belo. Pay, this greued Chutt at the childꝛen of this world, fauld be of moze policy, then ' the children oflyaht, which thing was trac in Chriſtes tine, And wolwin our tomeismol€ true . Who ts fo blynd, but be ſeeth thisclerelp ercept perchance there be any, that can not diſcerne the chilozen ofthe world, from the childꝛen of lyght⸗ The chilaren of the world, consepue ¢ bring forth more dru⸗ dently, and thinges concerucd and bꝛought forth, they ron! rych aid conferuc with much more polycy,then de the chude oxrlyght. Gai bich thing is as —— agit ſemeth abſurde to be herd. whan pe heare the chilten of the ae , Bou buverhar the wazld,as a father. Fos the worid is . r gt many yO i a 7 Bifhop Latimer? Fol.6, ‘Bian chetoacn not bp fir creation and worke but bp tml - tation and loue He is nat onipa father, but aiſo the fonne of another father. Itye know ice bis father, by and by pe thal know bis chüdren. fas be that bath the Dpuelto his tather. 5 alibi he mulſt nedes have diuellych chitteen. Whe epuciitenotonclp Prince of taken fos father, but. aifo for poince of the tworld , that is , of the woride, tonzidip folke. It tsepther all one thing,o2 cis not much dif: the dyuel. ferent,to fav, chilnzen ofthe worid, and children of the diuel; according to that, pChutk (apn to the Jewes, ve are of pour John. tor father the dpuel: where as vndoubtedly be fpake to chideen of this world. ow (cing the Diuel ishoth author and ruicr ofthe darkenes, in the which the childrẽ of this woꝛld Wwalke, nz to fap better, iwdoer they moztally bate both the iight,¢al- fo the childeẽ of light. And bereof tt cimeth, that the childzé of light never or berp (eldome,lacke perfecutionin this world, vnto which the chplozen of the world, that is of the deuil baiien geth the. And ther ts no man but be feeth that thefe vſe much Fy more policy in procuring the burt ¢damage of the good, than thofe in defending them {clues . Therefore beethien , gather pou theadifpoficione ſtudy of the children, by the diſpoſſition ¢ Rudy of the fathers.Ve know this ts a pwuerb much vſed:an _Suilcrote an cutl egge. Thẽ the chudꝛẽ of this world thatare A pettilent “Ruowe to haucho euil a father, p world foeuila granofather, “| Fo eM -“thedivel canot chute but be euy Surely the firft bead of their betigree. aunceſtie was p deceitful (erpent the dpuell, a moniker mon⸗ frous aboueal monſters. I canot wholy expꝛeſſe hym, 3 wot not that to cal hint, but a certaine thing altogether made of — the hatred of Sod, of miftrul in God, otixings deceites per: I detcrtptte uries diſcordes mandanghters,¢ to fav at one worn, athing dnotthe di⸗e ” coficrcte,beapen bp,¢ mate ofal ninde of mifchief. But what uel · the diuel meane to go about to deſcriue particularly fhe ov els nature; tober no reafon, to po wer of inans mynde cat Teomprehend it. This alonly F can fap groflye eas ina tum, of the which ali we Cour burtis the moꝛe) haueerpertence, the dyuel fo bea inking fentine of al bices,a fonie filthve chanel nafal mifchices,¢that thts tuo2ld his ſonne, euen a child mete to have fuch a parent,ts not much bnitke bis father. yen this dyuell beyng fucheone ascan neuer be tulpke | Dumbelio:LantCnupe, bis twelbelourd Leman be beaat the | rae, ~ —2 TheSermon of Wwbꝛld, t after left it with Diſcord at nours. Mhich world, af ter that it cante fo mans Late, ban of many Concubines, uta | She Bs | yy Sonnes. He wis fo fecund avather,€ had gotten fo many thersofthe -piorenoflady Pride dame Glottonp, matres Auarice, las WHS chil oy Lechery,€ Of dame Subtilty:that now hard and ſcant, ve Dee ap fynde any comer, any kinde of Ipfe, where manpe of hys chyldren be not. In court,in coules,in clopiters, in rotchets, be thep neuer ſo whpte,pea, where hall ve not ſfynde them? How be tt,thep that be fecular ⁊ laye men, arenot by and by chyldren ofthe world, ne thep chplozen of lyght that are cal- ted (piritual,and of the Clergy. ono, Aspe mape ſynde a⸗ mong the Laity many chyidren of lyght, ſo among the Clers spc howe ntuch fo ener we arrogate theſe balp titles tute bs, SMath.b. and thinke them anelp attributed to bs: Vos eſtis lux mundi,pe _ culinm Chriſti. &c. Be are the lyghtafthe worlde, the choſen {.eter.. people of Chyi,a kingly pꝛieſt hode,an holy nacton, efuche- - ees other:)Pe thal finde many chyldzen of the world, becauſe iit al places the world getteth many chydꝛen.Among the Lape people, the woꝛld ceafeth not to bring to pafle, that as thep be called worldip, fo they are worldiy in Dede, driven hedlong bp - worldly deſyres, in ſo much that they map right wel feme to haue take as wel the maners,as the name of their father.dn ' the Clergve,the two2 {be alfo hath learned atwap , to makeot ! rate # there aifo to fozme tyo2id= | we den tuber with areat —— avnes e crafty con aeur oF rteligiont erly detire to hyde ¢cloke the name ———— ofr w lb, ther eke amed oftheic father, - aſhamedot souich oo execrate ¢ detelk the iwartoc beta theit father ectheryinip des ¥ out iaro fignes, but in hart € warke thep \ col € Rite hint, + in al theit liues declare them felucs to be bis bhãbes inſomuch that in al worldly povntes , they far pale ¢ ſarm ount thofe, that thep cal Scculars, tap men, menofthe 409310. Lhe chide fo diligentip folotwcth the Keps of hys fa: ther, neuer detkitute of the apoe of bis grandfather. Theſe be our holy holy men, that fap thep are dead to the world, whan no mẽ be more liuely in worldly thyngs, then ſome of thé be. But tet them be in profeſſion x name, mol fartheſt from the woꝛld, moſt alienate fron it, vea fo far that thep map ſeeme to hausno occupping,no kinred, no affinity , notbyng yoo ke A Bifhop Latimer, Fol, with it wet in their ipfe ¢ dedes they ſchew them ſelues no baz ſtardes but right begotten chi den of the vV wipch Wo bb tong Hite by bys deare wile dan Hipocrify, €fince bath bꝛought them bp emuttipited them to moze then a good nranp,cncrealed, them tomuch,to much, al be tt they fincare by. ai be Saintes tthe Saints to,that thep know not their father noꝛ mother; nepther the tuazid, no2 Bipocriſye, as in dede they canfemble coiffombic aithings, wohich thing thepanightiearne wonderful wel of theit parentes. 3 (peake not ofai religtrousmen,but oſ thoſe that the worid bath fat Knitathts gyrdel euen in the mydſt oftheye reiigion,thatis, of manp,¢mo then many. for Ifear leaſt in al oꝛders of me, thebetter Smut ſaye the greater part of them, be out of 92- Der,# chiltacotthe world. Danv of thele myght femme ingtate andwnkinde chilozen that wil no better. akns wledge and re cognife thep2 parentes in wordes # outward pretence; but ab⸗ renouncet.cak them of;asthough they bates them as dogs and ſerpents. Bowbeit they in this wyſe, are mote gratefull tothev2parentes becauſe thep be molt lyke them, fo ipucipe repreſenting them incountenannee,¢ conditions , that thep, The lyuclp parentesfeme in them to be yong again;foras muchas they pmagesot enenfavione ethinke an other, · They wew them ſelues to be the wo;lo, asfoberastemperate;as Curius the Romain tas, ¢ lpue e⸗ uery day as though at their lyfe were a theouing time. bep beivke their piety m as mucheas they in kolowyng _ them, ſeme g make men, beleue they bate the. Thus Grand⸗ father deuil father world,¢ mother hipocriſy, haue bꝛought them bp. hus goon obedient ſonnes haue borne away their parents eõmaundements. neither theſe be ſolitary, bowrely © gious how mocking, boty munking. J wold ſay: ſoeuer thep be O pe wil laythis to my charge, that Movachus ¢ Solitarius Kiguifieth abone· Igraunt this to be fo, vet theſe be ſo ſolitary that they be not atone; but accompanied with great flocks of Fraternities. And Jmaruel tf ther be nota great fort of Bi⸗ fhops¢ prelates, thatare bꝛethꝛen germain vnto theſe c as a great ſort fo euen as vight borue· worſdes childreẽ by as god title asthep Aut becauſe S-canat ſpeake ofal, whe F fav pre late; vnderſtad biſhops.Abbots, Pꝛioꝛa, archdecos deanes, sicisd ; and a — — TheSermonof © m̃dd other ofſuch fort, thatare now called fo thos Conuoca⸗ fisit,as Tlie, to intreate ped edd mat of (uch matters as both appertayne to the glow of Chuk , and tothe wealthy of the people of England. KUhich thyng J pray Oodthep do as earneſtly as they oughtto do. Wut it is to be feared , leaſt as Lyght bath many her Chplozen here , fo the worlde bath kdi ſent ſome ol hys whelps hither. Amonges the which J know Pen oft: her can be no concord no? vnity alben thep bein one piace uers opini⸗ iy one congregation, F know there can be no agreement bes De ant tivene thefe tino jaslongas they haue mindes ſo vnlyke, and work whe ¢ contrary affections, iud gemen tes fo biterlpe diuers in aũ they be to / gopntes. But tthe chvlovent of thps woride be epther moin gether. onbre oꝛ more prudent then the Chploren of Upgbt, what then auavleth bs to haue this Conuocation? band if not bene better we had not benecalicd together at al? for as the chil⸗ deen Of this worlde be cupll,fo the bꝛeede and bryng foorthe thynges euvl, and pet there be mo of them in all places, 03 at thetealk thep be more politike ; than the chyldren oflpabtin thep2 generation. and here ¥ fpeake of the generation, whee bp they do engender and not of that iwherby they are engen⸗ bred, becaule it uld be to long to intreate how the children of lyght are ingerid2ed | and howe they come tn at the doore: and how the childeen of fhe worlde be engendred, and come fran ofber wap. Botw be tf, Ithinke al pou that be bere wer Hot ingendred after one generation neyther that pe al came Wordl by pour pꝛomocions after one maner· God graunt that pe, Adlye gendred woridiy do not ingender woridix: Andasnowe J — much paſſe not how pe were engendred or by what meanes a ingen tye were promoted to tholediqnitics, that pe note occupy : fo der worldli f¢ he honk, good, and profitable that pe in thps pout Cor fulfation hal do and ingender. The ende obpour Conuoca⸗ tion chall chew what ve haue done, the fruite that Hall come of vour conſultacion, ſhall Hhewe what generation pe be of. fo what haue ve done hytherto J pray pou, peares and m0? What haue ve engendd? what haue ve bꝛought forth? wyat fruite is come of pour long and great aſſemble. WMhat one thyng, that the people of England Hath beene the better ofan heare: 0} vou pour felucsjevther moꝛe — Bifhop Latimer. Fol.s. beſore God oꝛ better diſcharged toward the peopic, commit⸗ ted vnto pour cure: for that the people fs better learned and | taught now, then thep were i tine paſt, to whether of theſe estobemade bp pou, but by pro: | 53 fay ,befolde abpode,and_ edve for the inftruction of the 3 Fam bolde With pou, bit Jtpeake latyn and notenglvth,to the clergic, not to the lattie, 3 fprake to you being prefent,¢ not bebynd pour bac- xy ating kes · Cod is my wytnes, 9 ſpeake what fo eucr is fpoken, Of tpraketh jg the good wyll that 3 beare pou, Codis mp wytnes, which ting. knoweth mp hart,and. compeliecth me to fave, that J fape. How F pray pott;a Con bis name, what dyd pou fo great fathers, fo many ,fo long a feafon, fo oft affentbled together: Ua hat went pou about:what would pe have brought to pas Twoo no⸗ fino thynges taken away: The one,that pe Ciobtch 3 beard) bio actes. burned a dead man: the other, that pectubich J felt) went as “~~~ bout fo burne one beyng alpue . By, becauſe be dyd, Fran not fel how, in bys telament withfand pour pofit:in other. popntes,as Jhaue beard,a berp good man,repod2ted to be ok att honeit lyſe, whyle be lyued, ful of good workes, good both to the Clergy, and alſo to the Laitp, this other, which truly never hurt anyof you ve would haue raked tn the coales, be cafe he would not ſubſcribe to certapne Articles, that tooks alpap fhe ſupremacy of the png. ake awap thefe two no ble actes and there is nothvng els left’; that pe went about, | that Iknow faupng that 3 now remember, that ſome what ve attempted again Cratimus ,allbe itas pet nothyng is coin folight.27c haue ott fit incontultactd, but tobat haue pe poniee haus had many thynges it deliberation , but what ane ts put fo! herby cpther Chriſte ts more glozificd, o⸗ § Chhittes people made more holper?9 appeie to pour own» ———— —— TheSermon of theed Were wo hildeen of light, no childꝛen of God amonges pou, which etting the world a Fhe woauld fudp to: miu⸗ fate the alow of God ;annthicby hewe them ſeltes chiar: oflyght: Ithynke not ſo certainely Ithinke not fo. Go cor⸗ bpd, that all vou: which were gathered together vnder tie: —— tout bechilmen ofthe worlde. Cher why: ppened this? Wiby Jpꝛay vou⸗ perchaunce epther bycante, pi — 5 — ꝛen ot the woride weremoinnombae , inthys pour. congregation; as it oft bappencth,os atthe left of nope policy than the childꝛen ot lyght in thetr generations TDher by it might very foone be brought to paſſe that thoſe were au more ſtronger in gendryng the euil fhan thefe in producing p good. The chiloren of light banc policy, butit islike fhe poz Childꝛen of * of fhe ferpent,¢ istopned with douuiſh ſymplicitie They Cpe. ivghts polie incendze nothing but fimply;fapthfully,ana playniv, euen (a poing al that they do. And therfore they may with mese faz citity be combzed in theps ingending,and be the moze ready * to take inturies. But the children ofthis ivorld,baue worldlp . policy, forelp crafte lyonlyke cruelty, potwer fo do burt, more then evther Afpiso: Baſiliſcus ingendaing ¢ doing althings fradulently,decertiully ,avlefullp. TMhich as. emboothes c fuch ſturdy and ſtout hunters, being full of fimulation and diſſimulation, before the Lord, deceiue the chilogen of lyght, aiid combeethem eaſely· hunters go not forth in euery mag, fvabt, but da ther affairesclofelp and with. vſe of gyle and. necelte, ware euery Dap morecraftier thenother. Whe. chloe of this woꝛide by lxke craſty hunters, they be miſnamed chile nen ofipgbte,foras muchasthep to bate lyabte, ¢ fo fo do the workes of darknes:. Ff they were the children o ivgbt,thep would not loue xarknes. It is no meruayle that, thep go aboute to keepe other in darknes seeing they bee in, darkenes from top to tor ouertubelmed with darknes dar⸗ ker thant is the darknes of bell, datherfox it is wellbone, nt. aU orders of men, but in efpeciall in the oer of prelates , fa. put adifference betivene children of light, and childꝛen ofthe. §g02ldj becaufe great decevtcariteth in taking the ore forthe, “ ather. Greatimpotture conmeth, when ther that. the conta. St ee a light, go aboutte take £ omg Bifhop Latimer? Fol.3; ehollgbtiat athe twoald. wut thete be GANG Kiiotien , wot bp the dtuerfitpe gf myndes sand alfa theic armours . 03 tobercas the chilozen ok lyght are thus minded, that they feke thep2 aduerfartesheaith, welth, and profite, with loſſe of thete plone commodities ,¢ ofte tymes with ieoperdy of their tifes The chilpren of the world, cotrarp wife, haue fuch Lomakes, that they wyllſoner fe them dean, that ooth them good , ther ſuſteyne auy loſſe of temporal thinges . The armour of the childꝛen efipabt are firſt the word of God, which they suer fet forth ,and with all diligence put it abrod, that as much as du thent Ipeth, it map being forth fruite:atter this, pacience € praper, with the which inal anuerfities the Loꝛd comſoꝛteth _ thenr.Dtber thinges thep commit to God, vnto whom ther feaue al reuen gemẽet. The armour sfthe childrẽ of the world, Armour of are ſomtyme fraudes and deceptes,fomtpmelvesand mony: Worlds chil By the fy2,thep make they: dreames, they: traditions: by peen. the fecond, thep Lablith and confirme their dꝛeames, be thep neuer fo abſurde, neuer fo againt& ſcripture, honeſtve, reaſon. Audifany man reſylt them, euen with theſe weapons thev pꝛacure to ſſea hym. Thus they bought Chꝛiſtes death, tha verplpgbtit (clfe:¢ obſcured him after bisdeath. Thust bev Armour of the childꝛe oflpgbt. brecuerpy davethe childꝛen oflyght, andobfcure them, and . fhal fo 00, vntil the world be at amend. So that it mape be ge ner true,» Chriſt fata, The chilozen of the world be * * hele worldlynges pul downe the lyuely favth , and ful confivence that mẽ haue in Chriſte, and fet op an other faith, - anotherconfivence , of thep2 stone making:the children of chele thinges thep defend with toth e nayle. They can fcarfe | Epght contrary. Whete worldlynges tet Ivttel by uch workes as @od hath prepared for our faluation, but they extol, tradis tions ¢ workes of they: aw ne inuention:the ‘chiloren of lighe contrary. The woridlynges, if they {pie profite, gapnes,lucre | in any thing, beit neuer fuch a tryfle, be it neuer fo pernici⸗ ous, they preach it tothe people,cifthey preach atanp time),e | Difallows the abufes of thefe,al be it thep be intolerable, leak | —— 7 the abule,thep lofe part of they· ponte che chyldꝛen atthe light, contrarye put al thinges in their degre, “78 dpek dighes nort,next, the wot loweſs. hep extol thinges * *w neceflary fat featkes _ @ banquets Thynges engendred at Rome. Whe conte cometh to late,'p fons be gone be: bpm fo2e wyth the foute. The Sermon of necellarie. clpistid and cémannded of Eod · hep pal voted wylworkes fepned by — them in then: place. The bufesofal thing they ernettly rebuke. wut vet thele chinges be fo Done on both partics, and fo they both do genre, that chilozen of the warts thew them felfe wler then the chüdren of lyght, and that fraudes and oeceites,lves,and mony, fenta euermore to haue the bpper hand. J holo my peace, JIWyl not fave, how fat featkes and ioly bankettes be toip inſtrumentes ta fet foorth woꝛldiy matters withal. Heyther the children of the worid, be onelp wyſer, than the chtinzen of iv abt, but are alfo ſome of thenr, among thein felfe, such wiſer then the oz ther in thep2 generation. fo: at be tt,as touching the end ,the gencration of thent all, is one: pet in this fame generation, fome of thent haue more craftily ingendzed, then the otherot their fclowes. for what a thing was that that once every hũ⸗ Dict vere, was brought forth in Kone, ofthe children of this world ad With how much policy it was made , pe heard at Paulescroie, in the beginning ofthe lake parliament. How fore bought forth Canonations,fome Crpectations fome pluraltties, and vnions, fome tot quots , and diſpenſations forme pardons,and thefeof wonderful varitie fome Statios naries ſome Jubilaries, fome Wocularics for Dꝛinkers fome manuarics for handlers of religues fome pedaries fod pile rimes ſome oſcularies for kiflers:fonte of them ingendꝛed nite, ſome other ſuch fetures; ano euery one in that he was de⸗ lyuered of, was excellent, politike, wile, pea fo wife, that with their wiſedome they had almoſt made all the told fooles: But pet they that begot and bꝛought forth that ourold anci⸗ ent purgato2y picke pourie, that that was livaged and couled witha francifcans cowle/ put vpon a dead mans back, to the fourth part of his ſynnes that that was btterly fo be fpoplen, and of none other, but ofour moſt prudent Low Pope, and of as ofte as hym Ipited: that fatis factory, that myſſal, that fcalarp:thop, 3 fav, that were the wife fathersand genitours of this purgatozp, fucre in my mind, the wylſelt of al they? gee ‘neratton:and fo far paſſe both the childzen of light, and alle the ref of theirrompany, that thep both are but fooles , ifps compare them with thele.3¢ was a pleaſaunt fiction and the » Bifhop Latimer. -; che beginning fo profitable to the fepners of it, that almott, J - pare boldly (ay, there hath bene no einperour,that bath gotte moze,by tares and tallages oldhem that were alpue, the thele the very and right begotten ſonnes of the world got by bead Purgatc⸗ mens tributes and gyſtes. Jf there be ſome in England, that the — wold this ſweting of tic world fo be with no leſſe policy kept of wots g tpl, than it was dorne and beoughe forth in vome, tubo the pore canaccufe Chk of lieng? Ho no,as tt bath ben ener true, fo CMS it thal be, that the chilbzen of the world, be much wofer , not only in making their thinges, but alfo in conferuing them. wot not bat it is, but ſomewhat it ts, 3 wot, that fom men be fo loth to fe the abuſe ofthis monſter, purgatozte , which abufe ts moze then abbominable. As who ſhould fap, ther ts none abulſe in it,o2 els as though ther can be none in it. They sap feme hartilp to loue the old thing, that thus earneſtly et deudur then to reffore hym his olde nares. They would not det an heare by the name but fo2 the thing Shep be not fo tg noanteno they be craftp)but p thep know, tithe namerome agapne,the thing twill come after. herby it arpieth , that fome nen make thep3 crakes , that theyc maugre ofal mens | Beades) bane found purgatory. J can nottel, whatis found. Fynders of This, to ppap fo dead folkes, this ts not fouttd,fo2 it was ne⸗ thinges nog mer loſt. how can that be found, that was not lof D tubtpl lof, finders, that can find thingescand Gon wplercthep be loft. = * Foꝛ that coulpth delpuerance, their fcalarie lofinges’, ther popal fpolfations,and other ſuch their figmentes , thep can _ motipnd,thep cannot find. Po theſe be fololk , as they them felfes araunt,that though they feke them neuer ſo diligently pet they thal not find them, ercept perchance, they hope to fe them come in agayn with their names. And that then money gathering map returne agapne,and deceite walke a boute p countep,and fo ftabloty they: kingdom inal kingdoms. wet i {0 what end this chiding betwene the childyen of the tort, € _ the chilpzen of lyght, wylcome:onely he knoweth, that once halindge them both. lan Naow to make halk,and to come ſomwhat nygher the end, $0 peo good brethren and fathers, for the loue of God go pa 9, aad fepug toeare bere allembleo , let bs doo fome thyng, —i —e 3 ue ow oe Beet | The Sermon of © , qoherby we tay be knowen to be the children of Ipaht / Let bs do ſomwhat tet wwe, which, hitherto hatte ben iudged chile dren ve the worid, ſeme even ſtyl to be ſo All men cal bs poe ~ lates, then ſeing tue be in countel,let bs fo order our felfes , p | be Ar: ches, Bichops ci Ceremo⸗ nies. Holydaies. The bap ts as we be prelates in Honour and dignity, fo tue maye be prez lates:in holynes beneuolence, diligence, ẽ ſincerity. All men knotue,that we bebere gathered,and with mo feruent de {pre they anbeale, breath, and gape for the fruit ofonr conuo· cationt,as our actes thal be,fo thep hal name vs, ſo that note tt lyeth in bs, whether we wil be calied chiforen ofthe world, 02 children oflight. WMherſore lpite bp pour heaves, brethren and loke about With pour eves, ſpye what thinges are to be reformed in the church of England. Is it fo hard, ts itſo great a matter fo? pou, to fe many abuſes in the clergy, manp inthe laity? Wibatis done in thearches? pothing to be amended? WMhat do they there?Do they cucrmoze rpo the Ly nigh tes and matters, oꝛ combee and ruffle them ? Doe thep euer⸗ moꝛe correct bice,o2 elles defend it, fomtime being well cor rected in other plates: how many fentences be gpuenthere fu time, asthep ought to be:? Itmenſay trath, hote many with out bpbes? D2 ifall thinges be wel done there, what do men byſhops Contifto2tes? Sbal you ofter fc the puniſhmentes igned bp the lawes executed, or els mony redemptios bſed in their tede? bow thinke pou by the Ceremonies , that are in Cngland,ofte tines with ne litle offence of weake cont cfenices contempned: more oftener with ſuperſtition fodefp= fed, and ſo depꝛaued, that pou mapedoubte , tobether tt ters better,fome of them fo tarp ſtyll, oꝛ btterlp to take them a⸗ way? haue not our forefathers complapned of the nombre of ceremonies, of the ſuperſtition, and eftimation of them⸗ Do pe fe nothing in our holy paves? of the which very feto were made at the fyrſt, and thep to fet forth godnes, bertue € honeſtie: Wut itheng,infome places, there is neyther meane nor meafure in making newe hoiy dapes:as who chouid fap, this one thing is feruing of ©od,to make thislatwe , that no - man map woorke. Wut what doth the people on thefe halp holye yf we dayes: Doo thep gyue them ſelle to godipnes , 02 els vngod⸗ be holx. — Ipnestiove pe nothing bꝛethꝛen⸗ Jf pou le not, ea. Bifhop Latimer; Fol, @odfeeth all the whole holve dapes, fo be pent niferablya {nr dronkennes, in gloſſing jn rife, inenupe , daunting, ‘dicing, ydelnes and glottonpe . We teeth al this, and thoeates th puniſhment fori. He leet tf, which neither ts becepuea fri ſeeing, 102 decepucth when he thaeatencth. Thus men ferue the Diuel,for God ts not thus ſerued, al be it ye ſay, po ferue god. M0 the dtuel bath —— done vnto hym on onc holy day theron many working daies et al theſe abu⸗ tes be tomy — as no — is he that ts not orp, to fe ite oma Iroc ontce Of Good prelates,fo conſut Dpon ters,and fo ſeke ſome remedy fo2 them? Be fhall fe my bee cthien, ye chal fence, tobat wyl come of this our wynking. Tahat thinke pe oftheſe images that are had more the thevs felolwes in reputation‘that are gone vnto, ith ſuch labout and wermes Of the body, frequẽted with fach our coſt, fought out and difited with ſuch confinence? Mhat fap ve bp theſe te sages, that are fo famous ſo noble, fo noted, being of thent fo many and fo dvaers in England: Do you thynke, that this pocferring of picture te picture, image to image,is the rights vᷣſe, and not rather the abuſe of pmages?ibut pou wyll faye fo me, why make pe al thefe interrogatios?And why tn thele pour demaundes 00 pou let and withdraw the goed deuotiõ of the people? Be net al thinges wel don, that are done with good intent, whan they be profitable ta bs? So furely couce touſnes both thinketh andipeaketh . Wer it not better fo2 vs moꝛe for eſtemation, moꝛe meeter fos men in our places , to cut away a peceofthisonr pꝛofyt, it we wyl not cut aways al, then to wynke at ſuch vngodlynes, and fo long fo ivinke for alpttel lucre, ſpeciallyitfit be vngodlyneſſe and alſo fears vnto pon vngodlynes? Dhele be two thinges , fo oft fo ſeke Mere images, and ſometyme to bifite the relikes of ſaintes. And vet as in thoſe, there maye be much vngodlynes com⸗ wmitted,ſo there may here ſom ſuperititi abe hyo tf that fortes — Bit. «thay ip holp dapes,tptch and weithy perfons to fotwe inde. ficates and men fhat 03 | _ facke neceffarp meate an fo3 : | — — Images Relykes oF vSayntes Pigges ba- nes hondu⸗ 6D, - TheSermonof © | ; time we chaunce fo, vilit pygges bones, in ſteede of favntes relpques,asin tyme pat it pati chauncedc J bad almott fapd) in Eugland. When this istogreara blindnes a darkeneſſe to fenfible, that theſe ſhoauld be fo comensed tn ſermons, ofſome wen, ¢ preached,to be don after fuch maner, as though thep could not be euil done, wohich not withanding are fuch,that nepther Good 1192 man conunaundeth them to bedon. Ho, ra⸗ ther, men commaunded thein either not to be done at all , 03 els more flowlyer ¢ ſeldomer to be don:foꝛ as much as out aücetours madethis conſtitution. Ve commaunde the Prieftes —ghat they oft admonifrthe peoplesandin ail ae the -makenovowes,but after long deliberation, confe nt of their huf= ‘bandes;and counfell of the Prieft. Che church of Englãd tn time pak made this conttitution. & hat ſaboe they that made this decre? They ſawe the infollerable abuſes of Smages . They ſawe the perpls,that might. enſue, of going on pilgremage. They fatwe,the fuperttitious difference that men made be- twene image and image . Surely ſomwhat they fawe. The conttitution is ſo made, that in maner it taketh alway alfuch pugrimages. fo2 it fo plucketh atvay theabule ofthem, that it leaueth eyther none, orels ſeldome vſe of them . for ther that reſtreine making bolwes,for going of pilgrimage, re⸗ freincalfo pilgrimage. Seing that for the mofk parte , tt ts fene, that fein go on pilgremage, but vowe makers, and fuch ‘as bhp promiſe bynde them felfe to go. And when, J pray pou Thoutd a mans wife go on pilaremage tf he went not, bef Me had wel debated the matter with her felfc, and obteined the conſent of her huſband, being a wyſe man,and were alſo counſelled by alearncd Prieſt ſo to do⸗ Mhen ſhould fhe go farreof , fo theſe famous 3mages? for this the common people of Englandthinke ta be.goingoen pilgremage, fo go to ſom dead and notable image out of totwne,that is tofap far from thev2 boule. HNow tf pour forcfathers made this cont: fution,aud pet thereby dyd nothing , the nbufes euerp daye moꝛe t more encreaſed, what ts left fo2 you to dor Beetherne and fathers, ifve purpofe to ds any thing, what Hould pe for Zuglyng ner do, then to take vtterly away theſe deceptful and tugling vmages. Anages oz els tye know anyether meane,to put alwap a lies skins buted — Bifhop Latimer, - Fol,re, bufes, to hewe it, if pe intend to remoue abufes. Me thinkeit . Mould be grateful and pleaFant to pou to marke the erneſt mynd of pour foretathers,and foloke vpon their deltre wher they ſaye in theyr conttitutton , We commaund you , and not, we counfel you. Bow haue we ben folong acold,folong flacke in fetting forth fo holſom a precepte ofthe church of Englãd, where loc be fo hot in all thinges, that baue any gaynes in them,allbe it they benepther cominaunded bs, ita: pet gy⸗ uen vs by counteli: as though we bad leaner, the abuleot thinges chould tarp ſtyll then it taken away, lofeour profit. To let paſſe the ſolempne and noaurn al bacchanals, the pre⸗ ſcript mp2acies , that are done vpon certayne dayes tn the GUelte parte of Cngland, who Hath not hard? Ithinke, ve haue heard, of faite Bleſis hart, which is at Maluerne, and ofſaynt Algars bones, how long they deluded the people? J aut afrayd, to the loſſe ofmanp ſoules. Wherby men maye wel coniecture,that al aboute in this reatme,therets plenty of fuch iuglinge deceites. And pet hytherto pe haue fought ne remedy. But cuen Eplithe myſerable people ts ſuffered, to take the falfe mpracies for thetruc,andto Ive ſtyll a ſſepe in al kynde of ſuporſtition. Gon haue mercy vpon ds. Lalt ofal,how thinke pou of matrimony⸗ Is al tell bere? TAhat of baptifine-Sbhall we euermoꝛe in miniſtring of tt, fpeakelatine,and not eng vche cather, thatthe peoplemape OWetbhatishippanddone? Ahat thinke pe of theſe mafle prettes and of the Datics’ thens (clues? Wi bat fay pez Be aithings bere fo without abue ‘Tes, that nothing ought to be amended? Pour forefathers ſawe ſomwhat, which made this confFitution, again the bee Hality, anid fale of Dalles, that vider paineofirfsending, 19 Pilell chuld ſel his ſaving oftricennals oꝛ annals. Ab ut aw they that made this conſtitution: WMWhat Prieſtes ſaw there what maner of maſſes ſawe they, trow v2? But at the laſt, what becã OF fo God a conſtitution? God haue mercy bpo bs. AE there be nothing to be amended abrod, cõcerning p who'e, iet euery one of bs make one better. 2 ther be neither abrod noꝛ at home any thing to be amended, x redreſſed: Dy lores be ve ot ged chete, be mecp:¢at thelealt beranfewwe haue ngs thing elsto do, tet ————— —— tap be oe £. i 3 ‘ bi. = c Aiglils and nyght wat chynges. Patrimoni ~ The — of diet bs fal fo ſome pleafaunt communicator, after let ds Be Home, euen as qed as we came hother, thatis right begots ten thildren of the worid, ⁊ vtterly wordivnges And whie we lyue here, let bs al make bone chere.forafter this tife, there is {mall pleafure , lyttel myrthe forbs to bope foz, if now there be nothing to be chaunged in our facion⸗. Let bs aBeter. 4- fap,notas Saint jeter dyd? Dur end approcheth nigh , this Sath· 24. Inke, . isan heauy hearing:but tet vs ſay, as tie euil ſeruaunt ‘fad: It wyl be fong ere mp maiſter come. This is pleafant . Let vs beate onr frloives.i. ct Ys cate tdopnike With dꝛonkerds. Surely as oftas weds not take away the abuſe of thinges, fo oſte we beate our felows.As oftas we gyue not the peor ic their true fore; fo oft we beate our felotves.As oft as we fet them dye in fuperttition, fo oft we beate the. To be Hort, as oft as we blind, lead thent bide, fo off tue beate and gre⸗ poufip frike our keiowes cihen tor Walter in plefures and forines, then we eate and d2inke with Dunkards. Wut God wyl come, Cad wyl cont, be wyllnot tarp longe alway . be svi come vpon fuch a dap, as ine noting loke for hym: and at fuch boure,as Wwe know not. Be wyl come,ana cut bs in “peeces. He wi reivard vs, as be doth the hipocrites. He toil fet bs, tobsre wapling thalbe mp brethren , where gnathing sae ae tet bere be the ende ofour — on. © on r Teta hae ao D ercelted t yi: rit i a bat bane twe bronght forth at the talk: Berebyerhen —— wbhat puniſment ts pꝛauided fo: pou, pfpe be worloivnges. I pe wi not thus be bered, be nof ve the chil: perenof the worid. Jf pe wyl not be the chilmen ofthe world be not ſtryken tovth the lone of two2d!p thpnges , leane not —— Afve wyllnot ove cternalipe, live not teasialpe. goto mp bꝛothers go te; F fav againe,¢ once agape, aut anges aug gor a, any; Ge aE , of Maifter Latimer: — fife of CH26ff, feke in pour confultations,fuch thinges as per: tayne te Cheiſt, and bung Sth at the lal, fowhat, that map pleaſe Chu. Feede pe tenderlp with ail diligence, the flock of Chriſt. Pꝛeach trucip the word of God. Loue the Ipght, walke in the ipght:and fo be pe the chilozen of iyght, whyle pe are in this wa2'd, that pe map thine in the worid, that is to come, bright as the fonne, with the father,the ſonne, and the holy ghott,to whom be al! boneur, pratle and gloꝛp. Amen. CA notable fermon of the reuerend fa- ‘Cher Haiſter Hugh Latimer, preached inthe Shꝛzoudes at Poules churche in London , on [8 af mi day of January. Anno.r5 48. | — Quccunque ſcriꝑta ſunt ad noſtram doctrinam — ccripta ſunt· Roma xii — MEK pre 1 things whiehare weitten are weittẽ tkor our Whe re 35 erudition and knowledge. Al thinges that ars of theſe fers boke of the bolp (cripture,are writtẽ to be our plough, ara doctrine. J told pou in mp fyrſt fermon, bono: Not petcong — — rable aubiére, that J purpofed to declare vnto to our ‘pou.ff.thinges. The one that fede Hould be ſowen in Gods bandeq field, in gons plough land. And the other wha ſhuld be the {os wers. That ts to fap, what doctrine is to be tanght in chriſtes church ¢ congregacion , ¢ what men ſhould be theteachers@ preachers of it. The fir part Jhaue told pouin p.3.fermons patl,in which Jhaue aflated to fet furth mp plongh,to prong bat Icould do. And now FJ altel you, who be p piotwers, fo2 Gods word fs a ſeede fo be ſowen in Gods field that isthe fapthful congregacton,and the preacher ts the ſower. Ano tt isinthe wofpe'l: Exiuit qui feminat feminere fermen fuum .198 that ſoweth the bnfbandman, the ploughman went forth te ſow bis fede, fo that a preacher is reſembled tog ploughman, asitisin another place: Vemo advota cratro manu, et a tered refpiciens aptus eft regno Dei. RO man that putteth bts hand ta He laugh ano Loker bac, bape she kingnome 070, AY written in gods boke, tx the wpbicboke inthe mons of H * a 3 The fourth Sermon. ee. Chat is to fav let no preacher be negligent in doyng hys of ⸗· A place of fice-Al be it this is one of the places that hath bene rackey,As Kcripture 3 tolopouofrackyng fcriptures. and J haue bene one atthe “cicken 03 my lelt, that bath rackeo tt, J cry God mercy for tf, amd haue supfunaers Bete oneofthent thathauc beleued and haue erpounded it fang. gainl religious perfons,p would forſake theyr over, which - thep ban profeſſed, wouide go outof they: clopiter , va here⸗ asin dede it toucheth not Monkery, nor maketh anpe thyng at al fo2 any fuch matter. But itis directly ſpoken of diligent The rvabt pꝛeachyng of the word of God. Foz pꝛeachyng ofthe Goſpell en, OE ets is one of Gods ploughe workes , and the Drea —— om of this 9ds plough men. Ve may not beoſffeñed teyth mw mille pe aA fhat J compare preachyng to thelabour and works xlace· of ploughvug,¢ the preacher to a plowman . Benripe not be offended wyth toys my ſimilitude, for 4 bawe bene ſclaunde⸗ red ofſome perſons for fuch thinges. Jt hath bencfaid of mes | ey Latimer nap aster hym 9 wl neuer beleue pint, wot ' 4 luc, iio: neuet ft ap t9 be conipa: {apd thus:as toe faitron bag that bath bene ful offatrow., 03 rep toa faf bath bad faftron tit , doth euer aſfter ſauout and ſmel ofths frombag. fwete faftron thatit contapneth : foour bleflen Ladye whych % conceiued and bare Chriſte tt ber toombe , dyd ener after res fembie the maners and bertues ofthat precious babe whych fe bare.And what had our bleſſed Lady bene the worle for | thps’o2 what dionour twas thys to our bleſſed Lady· But as peeachers muſt be wares circumfped that they geue noft “any iu occaſion to be (claundered,¢ pl fp ofbythe hea⸗ Simllitu⸗ rers:ſo muſt not the Auditours be offended wythout cauſe. bes bien in 402 heauen is in the gofpel lykened toa multerde fere . It is the Golpel contpared alfo to a pecce of leauen, as Chel faith, that atthe ook” dat day ESD Se CERN Ey en ep 2 — he | Seems thep2 butpnes, therfore great chould be ea ofMaifter Latimer? Fol.14, , Y Sania: inbat neragation is thys to heauen:· Pe may notthen a C3 fay he otended wyth mp fimilituae , for becaulé 4 ipken . “preaching toa plotemans{dbour , ea prelate toa plowuriian. But now pou wyl aſtze me whom ¥F cal a poelat. A prelateis that man, whatlbeuer he be, that hath a flock to be taught of Lhe deſert⸗ D Hpi, at Tptrifual charac tt f ful ptton ofa congredation, ¢ woarocncr Ke be that hath cure offoule And prelate. tuclinap the Pooeacher ethe Plowman be pened together. Bow the Fit tor thep2 labour of al ſeaſons of the pee. Fo2 ther is no preacher is tymeafthe peare,in which the plotonian hath not fore fue? ykened to” cial worke fo do, as tn my coũtryin Leceſter fire, the plow p plowmã. Man Hath a tyme to tet th and teakey bis plough,eather tpmes fo2 of ber neceſſary woꝛkes fo bedone . And then they alfo may be lykened together for the diuerſity of workes, and variety of offices that they hauc toda, foras the plowman ‘fv ſetteth forth bis plough,« then tylleth bys tande,¢ bea, keth it tn furrowes,+ fomtime rpdgeth it bp agayne. And at another tyme harroweth it,¢ clotteth it,efomtime dongeth The Pye⸗ it,ebedacth tt, diggeth it, wedeth it, purgeth and maketh it jarehath cleane:ſo the prelat,the preacher bath manp diuers offices £0 pany oftis bo. He hath irl a buf worke to bopng bys Parifhners to ppg ryght fapth,as Paul calleth it. And not a ſwaruing faith, but ote the toa favth that embraccth Chall, ¢ truiieth te bis merptes, a properties yuelye fapth,a iulifieng fapth, a faythe that maketh aman ofa ryght regia lopthout relpedt oases As pehaue tt verye fy th Apel declared ¢ let foath inthe Homily. He bath then a bulve Lhe firtke. wozke 4 fave,to bꝛyng bys flocketoa ryght fayth , ¢ then to conte them tn the fame fayth. pow caltpng them dotone The taing with the law, and wyth threatninges of God for ſinne Pow Frareth, rydgyong them bp agapne with the Gofvel,¢ with the promt: fes Of Oods tauour, pow wedhig the, by tellyng them they? The gofpel faulics,¢ maspng them forfake ſynne. Now clottyng them, cpfo.teth, by breaking they: ſtony hartes,t by makyng théfapple har: ©“ fed, makvng them to hauc hartes of flety,p ts oft hartes , ¢ apt fo: doctrine to enter in. Polv teaching to know god right {y,¢ to know theyr duty to Dod ¢ to thep2 neighbours. How erbosting thent when they know thep2 duty, that they do If, Ebe diligent init:fo that they haue a continual woꝛke to do. » The fourth Sermon hep bane reat labours,¢ therfore they ought fo hats Cot ges choulde pulnges Je ep Map comma nlptecde Det ifs AE, W P: Sf the woodeot God onto the people tscall Meate.Sccipture calleth it meat not Kratwbertes, that com but onte a peare § a rare ome te ie. but itis mate itt ro Dainties.& be people mutk haue meate p mut | be amat F continual, and daply qenen bnto them fo teede fT. Harty make a ttratwbery of it minifring tf b z: avth: Ours putas eft feruus pruden y prudens et fidelas 2 4 i rempore. TAs thinke pou is a wvfes a faithful feruaunt-be p geueth meate int due tyme. So that he muſt af all tomes cone uenient preache oiligentip. Wherefore fapth be : Mabe trows pots a faithfalferuaunt? be fpeaketh tt as though tt werea gare thing fo finde fuch a one,¢ as though he fh onla fap: ther be but a fetv of them fo finde in the worid. And howe fewe of them ther be throughout this realm that gene meate to theit Mocke as they fhould do:the Gifitours can beſt tel . To few, €o few, the moze ts the pity,¢ neuer fo few as nolw . yp thys then it appeareth that a prelate,o2 any that bath cure offout, anuf diligently and ſubſtancially woꝛke ¢ labour. Therefore faith Baule to Timothe: Qus eps/copatum defiderat , hic bonum opus defiderat. Be that delireth to haue the office of a Withop, 82 a prelate, that mandefiretha good woorke. Then ifit 000 woꝛke, if is woke. Pecan make bot a worke afit. It is Gods woꝛke, Gods plough , ¢ that plough God woulde haue fpl gopng.Suche then as loyter tlpue polelpe, are not good prelates 0; Dinikers.And offuchasde not preach ¢ teache, @102 do not their duties, Sod faith by bis prophet Jeremy: Me bedictusqui facit opus det frauduenter.Outlfully oꝛ deceitfully, fome bokes haue negligenter negligently o2 fackly. bo ma trv fach prelates, bolo many fuch biffops, Lo for thy mers cp, ate there no in England? And what thal wen this cafe do? Shal we contpanp twith them? O Loꝛd for thy mercy thal We not conrpany with them?D i020 whither thal tue flee frõ them? But curled be be that doth the woorke of God negli⸗ gentlyor gyletullx. fore word for them that are negligent in difcharging thetr office,o2 haue done tt fraudulentipe , for. Mat is the thong that maketh the people yt, eu ofMaifter Latimer, Fol,1g. But feue it muſt be that Chott faith: Muleiẽ fine vocati,panci Path, yeti, _ ‘wero electt, Banpare called, but ſew are choſ haue ~ ? ~ giv occatio bp the wap, fonfinbat to fap vnto pou, pea,fo2 the place that 3 alleged vnto you before out of Jeremy the.43. Chapter.And it was fpoken ofa fpirttuall worke af God, a workethat was cõmaunded fo bo done, ⁊ it was of heoding bloud, cofoctroping the Cities of Moab. fo2 (faith be) cur: fen bebe that keepeth backe bys ſwoorde from heddyng of bloud.As Saule when be kept backe the ſwoord from ed⸗ dyng ot bloud at what time be was lent agaynſt Amalech, twas refuſed of God for beyng diſobedient to Gods cõmaun⸗ dementes in that he ſpared Agag the kyng. So that, that place of the Peopbet was ſpoken of them that went to the deftrucion of the Cittes of Moab , amonge the whych there twas one called febo, whych was much reproned for idola⸗ trp ſuperſticion pꝛide, auarice cruelty, tiranny , € fo2 hard, nes ot hart, and for thefe ſynnes twas plaged of God and de- prays LErnied. ow what thal we fay of thele rich citisensofLons Anadmont don: Wibat hal FJ fav of them? hal J caltbem proude men cton fo ae. of London, malicious men of London, merciles men of Lõ⸗ don. — hort? Ho, no, Jmayp not fay ſo,they wyl be offended with me than Vet mult J tpeake. fo2 ts there not raygning in Lone don,as much pride as much couetouſnes, as much cruelty, as much opp2eflion,as much fupertlicion,as was in spebo? Pes FZ thpnke,and much moze to. Therſore F fay, repent D London, repent, repent. Thou beareft thy faultes told thee, amende them, amende thent . Ithynke tf Hebo had had the prcachyng that thou hatt,thep would haue converted . And An admom pou rulers ⁊ officers, be wiſe and circumſpect, loke fo pour cion tothe tefles( quoth be nap butterfites . 202d wha bo there was fo2 that word And pet would Cod they wer no wroſe then Wutterflics. Butterflies do but theps nature, the 1Butterflp ts not couctous , ts not greedp of other mens goodes,is not fylofenupe shatred , (snot malicious, ts hog . cruel, The fourth Sermon erucl isnot merciles. The WButterfipe glorveth notin ber own dedes, nor preferreth the tradicions of men before Gods word, it cõmitteth not idolatri‚nor worſhippeth falſe Gods. But London can Not abide to be rebuked ſuch is the nature ; ofan. Iftheybe pricked thep wyl Bick . Hf they be rubbed Galen: bai= gy the gue they wyl wynce. Wat pet thep wyl not amende arde woll ghey: fanites,thep wel not bevl ſpoken of. wut how thall F wynche. ¢peake tucllofthem?4fpou could be content to recepneand folow the woerd of Ood and fauour good prcachers , if por contd beareto be tolde of your faultes , if pou could amend when vou heare of them:it you would be glad to refourme that isa myſſe:yf FZ might fe any fach inclinacion in you, that pou would feaue fo be merepies and beginto be charitable, 3% would then hope welof pou, ¥ would then ſpeake wel of pou. Woe enpis Wut Loudon twas neuer ſo plas tt ts nowy. In tymes pall, sare now men were ful ofpity and compaſſion, but now therets no pis London ty, fo: in London their bother thal die in the ſtretes for roid, be fhallveficke at theyr dose betwene ſtock and ſtock. Ican⸗ not tell what to cal jt,and perith ther fox huget = there any ntoze bmmercifulnes in Peboz¥ thinke not In tymes The relicte pat wher any ryche man dyed tt London,they were wont of pmefco: to help the psore Scholarsof the vniuerſitxes with erhtbp= ders, bp the ‘cow. Chen any man dped, ther would bequeth great ſums evch it La Ofmonp totwarve the relifeof the poore. tahen J was afco- Don is gon. lerin Chambridge my fell, J heard erp good report of ons = dott, and knew many that had relicte of the rich men of Lon port, but now Jcan beare no fuch gad report, and pet Jens quire of it,and herken fo2 it, but now charitie ts waren cole, Charitte ig Mone helpeth the ſcholer, nor pet the poore. And in thofe dates ‘tnaren cola. What pid they whẽ ther helped the (cholers? Mary they mats fr Loner teined € gaue thentliuinges that were very papiſtes and pros -feffen the Popes doctrine, enow thatthe knotwleog of Gods word ts brought to lyght, and many earncitip ſtudy and las THe moueth bour fo fet tt forth, now almoff no man helpeth fo maintayn chem. Oh London London, repent repent, for J thinke Gop repontaiice: is moze diſpleaſed with London, then encr be twas with the bperample Citp of Nebo. Kepẽt therfore repent London,€ remembꝛe p ef acho, the famegedlincth now p punted Hebo, euen p ſame gone ofMaifter Latimer,, Wore other, ¢ he wil punt fon as wel now, as he did ther, 8 he wil punith ᷣ iniquity o@Londoas twel,as bedinthe ofpe . bo.dimend therfore.And ve that be prelates, loke weltoponr An admoni it pꝛelating ts pie. Clon to pres : fet pour plow be doing. ec Lords lates tode ¥ fav p pus likeloiterers, lwke wel to pour ofice, pplow is their office pour office ¢ charge. Ifpou liue tole ¢ loiter, you do not pour duty, pou folow not pour vocation let pour plow therfore be goyng and not ceale, that the ground map bꝛyng forth fruit. Wut now methinketh J hearconc fap onto me:wot yve what Ananfixer you ſay: Is it a worke? Is it a labour:howe then bath it hap⸗ to a priuve penened, that tue haue had fo many hundred veares, ſo many obiection. vnpreaching prelates, lordyng loyterecs and pole miniſters: Be would haue me here to make aunſwer, and to ſhewe the cauſe therof. Hay, thys land ts not foꝛ me to ploughe , itis to fonp,to thoonp,to hard foꝛ ne fo plough. They bane fo mas · ny thynges that make for them,fo manye thynges tolap ior thent (elues, that it (s not fo my weake teame ta plow their. | ae They baue to lap fo2 the felues,long cuftomes , ceremantes,| gq tweaks and authozitve , placing in Parliament,and manve thynges teame. moꝛe.And 3 feare me this land is not pet rppe to be plowed. Foꝛ as the ſaving is: It lacketh wetheryng: This geare lac: keth wethering at leaſt waye it is not for me to plough · for | what tal Jlooke for amonge thornes, but prickyng ¢ ſcrat⸗ chyng⸗: Mhat among ones, but ſtumblyng? Vhat CI had | almoit ſavd) among Serpentes but ſtinging: But this much preachũ st at be 202s, wi * erate 01 — not feeming fas thes eifate.cchus “rng. cant by loading loiterers. Thus crept tn dnp2cachig plats, Eſo haue thep long continued. fo2 how many vnlearned por: lates baue we now at this dap ⸗ And no maruel.fo2 (fp plow ‘men that now be, were madedo2de3,thep tuould cleane giue quer ploughpng, they would teauc of they2 labour ,¢falto to: The necefs bing outright,¢ let p platve Land. And then both plowes not fitve of the walkyng, nothing chauld bain the comon weale — plough. — 93 2¢ preachy ẽe teach The fourth $ ermon 2 eerér ſince fhe Pꝛelates wer made Lowes € Nobles He plongh fanveth, therets no tworkvaone , the people ſterue. Ther hake, they Dart. thep carde ther dice, they pattinte in ere prelacpes Wit ie aunte gentlenten, with their baun- Ag minions, and with their frecze copanions, fo that ploug- ing ts fet ã Vde. And bp fhe lording and loptring, preaching and ploughing is cleane gon. And thusif the ploughnien of the countrp, were as neg tiger in they) office, as by lates be, “Wwe fould not long lpueto2 lackeof {ulfenaunce . And as tf “te neceſſarv fo2 to haue this ploughpng fo: the tattentacio of the body: fo muſt we haue allo the other fos the fatiffaction of An apt f= thefoule, or elles tow can not tyne long golly. Foras the bos militude· by Wwalketh and conſumeth alway fostack of bovily meats: ſo both thefoule pyite alway fo: default of gofflp meate. But Two kyn⸗ there be twa kindesofinclofing to let or hvnder both thele des of inclo pug. — H3ck Gol pellers. kindes of ploughyng. The oneis an incloſing fo let o: hyn⸗ dert he bodily ploughyng, and the other fo let or binder the poly dap ploughing, p church ploughing The bodily plough ing,istaken in and enclofeo thoꝛow ſin gular contonity . Foz what man iwil let go 03 diminiſh bis priuate contnrodttp , fo9 & commune welthrand tobe wyl fulleine anp damage for the refpect ofa publique commodity:The other plough alfe no man is diligent fo fet foꝛwarde, nor no man woell herken fo it. But fo hynder and let it, almens eares ar open, pea anda great many ofthis kind of ploughmien which are berv bufp, and would ſeme fo be berp good workmen. Ifeare me fone be rather macke gofpellers the faithful ppoughmen. Iknowe manvany felfe that profelle the goſpel, and liue nothing there after.4 know thent,and bane bene conuerfant with_fome of thet Iknow them,and J ſpeake tt with an beaup heart, ther is aslitle charity and good liuing in then, as in anp a2 ther, according to that which Chik ſayd in the Goſpelto the great numbꝛe of people that ſolowed hym, as though they had had an carnel scale fo bis doctrine, wher asin Dede ther had it not. Von guia vidiſt is figna,fed quiacomedsftis de pantbus.. Bz folow mecſaieth heynot becaule pe hauefene the fignes¢ miracles that J baue dott, but becanle pe haue eatẽ the bread, and refreched pout bodyes. Tereſfoye poy foloiy me , fo that | | A thinke ; of Maifter Latimer: Fol. Ithinke tatty one now a daves profeiſeth the Coſpel for the tiuinge fake, not for the loue thep beare fo Gods tor . wut thep that tot! be true piougianen mult worke fapth fully for . Gods fake, ios the edifivng of theyr bꝛethꝛen Ani as diligent peas the huſband man piougheth for the fuitentacion of the bod p:fo diligently mut the prelates ¢ miniſters jabour for the feding of the foute:both the ploughes mui fil be doing, x ‘as mol neeeftarp fos man.and therefore are magittrates “he dutve ordeined, but that the traquility of the commune wea e mave : Pag: be confirmes,limuting both ploughes. But now forthe fauit “tates. of onpeaching Beelates, me thinke J could geile what might be ſayd for ercuſing of then. Chev are fo troubled with lord⸗ Ip lining , they befo placed in valacies couched in courtes, , suteipng in they: rentes, dauncing tn their domintons, bur- Dened Wwith anthalages , pamperingof their paunches like a | Monke that maketh bis Jubilis, mounching in their maun⸗ gers, and mottling in thep2 Sap manours and man ſyans, and (o troubled with lopteryng in theyꝛ Lordihippes, that they can not attend it. They are otherwiſe occupied, ſom in the dings matters ſome ate Ambaſſadours, ſome of the pꝛiuvye Anpreach: ⸗ councel,ſome to furniſh the courte,fome are Loꝛdes of the ing pꝛelats Parliament ,fonre are Brefiventes, and fome Comptroilers ercufen. ofmvntes. Wel, wel. Is this their duety: Is this their office: = Asthis their calling:hould we haue miniſters sf the church fo be comptrollers ofthe mpntes? Js this ameete office fora pꝛieſt that bath cure of ſoules: Is this his charg: would hers aſke one queſtion: 7 would fayne know who cõptrolleth the. deuil at home at big partl p ti ) ẽ is myght no: leaue the nice of preaching fo be Deacons, hall one leaue tt for minting? 3 can not tel pou, but Mp the faving is, that (ice Riettes haue bene mynters mony 5 fae bath — utte then it teas before.4 nd thep fave that the e- Pueties, ui of mon bath made al things dearer. Anoin this be- balfe J mutt (peake fo Cngland. Heare my coũtry England, as Paule ſayd in bis firſt epiſtle to the Coz. bi. Chapter. fo2 Paule was no ſitting Byſhop, but a walking ¢ a preaching Byſhop. whe be went from them he lefte there bebiny ugh going ſtyl, fo2 be wzot me theme — Wats ent The fourth Sermon them fo2 going fo law and pleading thers caufes befoxe Wea : then Judges. 3s there (ſayth bepotterly among pou no iwifs man,to bean arbitratour tn niatters of iungement 7 What? not one ofallthat can iudge betwene brother and brothers - Wut one brother go to lawe with an other, and that vnder heathen Judges? Con/titute contemptos qui funt in ecclefia. &c. Che bring: ing bp of Gentlemẽ. Appovnte them Judges that are moſt abiect, and oplein the — congregact, which be fpeaketh in rebuking them, for ( faith he) Ad erubefcentiam veſtram dico. Iſpeake it to pour fhame. So England J {peake it to thy thame . 3s there neuer a no⸗ ble manto bea Lorde Prefident , but it muſte be a prelate? As there neuer a wyſe man in the realme tobea Comptro⸗ fer ofthe Pint J ſpeake it to pour fhame, Iſpeake ft to pour thame. Ifthere be neuer a wile nian, make a Water bearer, a Winker, a Cobler,a faue,a page, Comptroler of the Dint. Wake a meane getileman, a Orame,a Beman make a poro baggar Lord preſident. hus J {peak not that J would haus it (0, but to pour ſhame. Ifthere be neuer a gentilman mete novable to be 102d prefident. fo2 vohy are not the noble ment and pong gentlemen of England, fo bought bp in know⸗ ledge of god and tn learning that they map be able to erecute offices inthe commune tocale: The king bath a great many of wardes, and Itrow ther isa court of wards, why ts there not afcoole fo2 the wardes, as wel as ther is a court fo2 theps jandes? Uiby are they not fet inſchooles, where thep maps jearne?D2 why are they not fent to the Gniuerfitpes , that thep map be able fo ferue the king when thep come to age: Vc the wardes ¢ pong gentlemen were wel brought bp in lear⸗ ning and in the knotwledge of Gad, they tpoutd not whẽ thep Why noble men be not made Lord Pꝛeſidents. come to age ſo much geue them feluesto other vanities. And ffthe Nobility be well trayned in godly learning, the people {would folow p fame traine.fo2 truly, the noble men be, ſuch wyl the people be.A nd nol the onely caufe, why nos ble men be not made Lord preſidentes, is becaufe thep bane not bene brought bp in learning. Therſfore fo2 theloue of god appoint teachers and ſchole maifters, pou that baue charg of pouth,¢ geue the teachers ſtipẽds woꝛthy thep2 paines p thep may boing them bp in Grãmer, in Loatke, in sett of Maifter Latimer. Fol.18, —— ẽciuil law and in that which J cannot leaue nfpoken of, the word of God hankes be vnto gon the no⸗ bility othertaple ts very well brought bp in learning ¢ Gods ipnes,to the great top and comfozt of Cngland,fo that there fs now god hope in the pouth, that we hal another dap haus a floꝛiſhing common wealth, conſideryng theyr godly educa⸗ cion.Vea, and there be all ready noble men ynough, though not fo many as J would wyſh able to be Loꝛd Prefiventes, € wyyle men inough, for the mynt. And as vnmete a thing it is fo: Bichoppes to be Loꝛd prefinétes oꝛ prieſtes to be minters, asit was for the Coꝛthinthians to plead matters of variaũce befoxc heathen Judges. It is alfo a ſclaũder to the noble men as though they lacked topfedome,and learnpng to be able tor ſuch offices, oꝛ elles were no men of confctence , 02 els wers not mete to be truſted, and able fo2 (uch offices. Anda pres fate bath a charge and cure stheriwile, and therefore be cane | not difcharge bis bucty,and be a Loꝛd prefident to.foꝛ a pꝛe⸗ Q infk fipentthip requiteth a whole man,anda Wothop can not be to Deny hing tivo men.d wpthop hath his office, a flack to teach , to loke to offices, vnto, and therefor be cannot meddle wyth an other office, ~~ ~~ tobich atone requireth a vhole man. be thoula therfore geug tt oucr to whomi itis mete , and labour in his owne bufines, as Paule wepteth to the Lhekalonions . Let euery man do bis otone bufines,¢ folotw bis calling. iLet the Pꝛieſt preach,¢ the noble men handle the tẽporal matters. Moles was a mers uatlous man, a good mat. Poles was a tuonderful felowe, € pid bis duty being a maried ma, Wwe lack (uch as Doles was. Wel, J wold al men woldloke to their duty, as Ged hath cal Jed thens,¢ then Wwe ould haue a forhing Chrittian comorn Saeale.And now ¥ would afke a ſtraunge queltion . Wibo is * the molt diligentelt Byſhop and prelate inal Engiand , that Whe mofke adeth all the reft in doing his office· can tell, for J Knots \Diligentett im {who it fs, 4 know hym wel. But note FI thinke J fe pou, preacher ty Lifining and harkening,that 3 Hould name bom. Where! Cnglano, fs one. that paſſeth all the other,andis the moſt diligent pre- we, iatc —7 in al ae era wil ve — {who tt is? fol tel pou. Ht is p deuil. He ts the moſt diigẽt preacher o . uit of bis dioces he is neuer frobiscure,( i An va Aother, he is neuer o ores, be / The fourth Sermon a petal neuer fina hym vnoccupyed, be is ener in bis parity, Hote wher the Dyuel dwelleth. We are moꝛre ready to doo our olor inuen⸗ cions, then ods com: maunde⸗ mentes. he keepeth reſidence at al tymes, ye thal neuer fynd hym out _ ofthe wap:call for byt when pou wyl, he is euer at home, the diligente® preacher in all the realme,bets ever at bis plough:io lowing naz lopterpng can hynder hym be iseuer applivng bis buſynes, ve jal neuer fond him idle J twarrant pou.and bis office ts to bynder religion, to mayntayne fuper fiction, to fet bp Foolatry,tateach al inde ofpoperp .be fs ready as cant be wyched, for fo fet forth bis plough , to deuyſe as many wayes as can be to defaceandobfcure Gos glory. duhere the Deuvlis reſydent and bath bis plough going: there alway with bokes,ano vp With candelies, atwap wrth Vybles and bp with beades,atway with the light ofthe gol’ pel and bp wich thelighte ofcandelles, pea at mone dapes. Ahere the Deutl is refioent,that he may prenaple, bp wit ai fuperiticion and Jdolatrp,fenfing , painting of Images, | candels,palmes,atihes, holy water and neiy ferutce of mens: fnucnting,as though man could inuent a better waye to ho⸗ nour God with, ther God hym elfe hath appopnted.Dotone with Chriltes crofle, bp with purgatory picke » Op we bym, the popih Purgatory J meare —— — the naked, the pore and impotent, bp with decking of Ima⸗ ges and gay garniſhing of focks and ones. Up with mans tradictonsand his lawes, dotune with Gods tradicions and bis mot holy word. Dotune with the old honour deive to goo and bp teith the neto Gods honour:let alt thinges be don in latine. Shere mull be nothing but fatine, not as much as. Memento homo quod cints es ,et in cinerem reuerteris: Remember matt that thou art aſſhes, and into afiges thou thalt return. Which be the wordes that the miniſter fpeaketh to the ig⸗ noraunte people, when be geueth thé afthes bpon aſchewent⸗ pape , but if mult be ſpoken tn latin. Gods word map in no wyſe be franflated info Cuglith. Dh that our peelates would bee as ditigent to ſowe the corne of gwd doctrine as Sathan is, to ſow cockel x darnel And this isthe Deueliſh plough: ing, the which worketh to have thinges in latine , and lefe _ feth the frutefultedtiicacion . But bere fome manne wplt .Gape fo me:whatlir. are pelo pring of the Deuiſe a : ‘of Maifter Latimer; Fol.1¢, dat pe knoty al this to be true:Trulv J knot hin to well, and banc obepea him alittleto much in cõdiſcending to font folies.And Jknow him as ather men do, vea, that bets euer sccupied and cuer buſy in falowing his glam. Iknowo by 2* Peter which ſayth of hym. Szext leo xugiens circuit quærens quem deuoret, he goeth about like a raaring lion ſektug wyom be maydeuour· J would haue this tert wel vewed and exami⸗ ned every wordofit.Crcuie, he goeth about in euery comer ofbisdioces. be goetb on viſitacion davly. be leaueth na place ofbiscure vnuiſited. be walketh raund about from lace to place,andceafeth not. Ficut leo, as a Lvon that ts Strongly bodily, and proudly, Lately and ficrcelp with haut Jakes, with bis pꝛowd countenauntes, withbis tately brag⸗ Ginges : rugiens,rearpng, for he letteth not Mip any sccafionw - tofpeakeo2 to rsare out when be feeth bys tyme . Quercus, be -gorth about ſeking and not feping,as our Byſhops ds, but be ſeketh oiligentip, be ſearcheth diligentiy al comers, where asbe map bauchts pap. Be roueth abrode in euery place of his dioces be ſtandeth wot ſtyll, be ts neuer at reſt, but ever in Hand with bis plough thatit mave go faꝛew ard. Wut there was newer fuck a preacher in England as be ts. WMho ts able to telbis dylygent p:eaching? which euery dave and cuerp houre laboaeth to fowe rocket and darnei, that be may bring ‘gut of forme and out cfeltinacion and roume, thinſtitution of the 1 orbs fupperand Chriſtes croffe,for there he lof bis cxight,ſaꝛ Chꝛiſt fapo : Nunc iudicium eft mundi, princeps ſecu- A huius eüicietur foras Et ficut exaleauit Mofes ferpentem in de- ſerto, ita exaltari — hominis. Et cum exa'tatus fuero, a terra, vmnia eraham ad meibfum . Powe is the iudgement oF this world.and the Prince ofthis woꝛld thal be caſt out. And ms Wales ova ty vo the ſerpent inthe woldernes, ſo nine the ſonne af man belyft vp. And wyen Wihal be lyſt vp front the earth. Jwyl drawe allthynges vnto my (elfe. for the ace upl was dyſappovnted of his purpole,forbethougital to be hisown. — he Rab orice baught Chik ta the croſſe, alcocke fure. — ote a tott wel Waigd. Zia uttherelotte he all hys rerygwng, for Chziſte ſavder earia traban ad meipſum, J vopil dzaroe all thonges to lt, she The mark that the dy⸗ nel fhoteth at. ; The fourth Sermon telfe . We meaneth dꝛawyng of mannesfoule foo ſaluacion. Andthathe ſayde bee woulde doo : Per femetip/um , by hys owne felfe,not by anp other bodves Sacrifice . Be ment by bys olone facrpfice sw the crofle, where be offered him felfe fo2 the redemption of mankynde, and not thefacrificeofthe Salle to be offered by an other. fo2 who can offer hym, but hym ſelfe? he was both the Dftererand the offerpng. And thysis the pricke thys isthe marcke at the whych the De- hooteth to cuacuate the crode of Chul, and tomvnete the inftitucion of the Lovdes Supper, the whych althoughe hecan not beng fo pafle: pet be goeth about by bis ſſeigch⸗ tes and ſubtyle meanes,to fraltrate the fame , and thefe fpf tene bundzeth peares be bath bene adwer ,onelve purpo⸗ ſyng fo cuacuate Chriſtes death , and to make tt of ſmall sfficacieand bertue. for whereas Chriſte, accoroyng as the serpent was lyfte bp tn Loplocrnes : fo woulde he hym ſelte to bee exalted that thereby as manye as ttuited in hynt Mould haue faluacion. Wut the Deuyl would none ofthat. hep would haue bs faucd by a dayly oblacion propitiaterp, by a facrifice expiatory, oꝛ remiffory. ow pfIthould preach inthe country among the vnlearned, F would tel what pro⸗ piciatoꝛy, expiatoꝛy and remiſſoꝛy ts: but bere is a learned au ditory, pet for them that be vnlearned Jwilexrpound it. Pro⸗ ꝓiciatoꝛy,expiatoꝛy, remiſſoꝛy,oꝛ fatiffactory, for theplignifty alonething ineffect, andisnothing els but a thing wbherbp toobtepne remiſſion offonnes, and to haue faluacton. And this way the Deupt! vſed to enacuate the death of Chritk;that {we myght haue afiaunce in other thynges, as in the dayly facrifice of the pꝛieſte, where as Chriſte would haue bs to trult in bis oneip facrifice.0 he was: Agnus occiſus ab ori⸗ gine mundi, the lambe that bath ben fain front the beginning of the lucid, aud therfore be ts called , tape facrificium’, atone tinual ſacriſice, and not forthe continuaunce ofthe Matte, as the Blaunchers haue blaunched tt; and wrelted tt, And as J mp felfe dyd once myllake it. Wut Paule faythe + Per fez metipſum purgatio facta by him felfe and bp nonesther, Chait made purgatjonand fatiffadion for the whote werloe, Would Chak thys wozde chy hymielfey had beene better Hii eae or: werghed of Maifter Latimer) / Fol.20, werghed and looked vpon, and 2 fanctificationem , to make them boly, forbe is uge /acrificium , a continual facrifice, in eifedt, fruite and operationgthat lyke as thep whyche fayng the Serpent hange vppe tn the deferte , were put in remem⸗ “baaunce of C hrtltes deathe , intwhom as manye ag beleucd were ſaued:ſo al men that truſted tn the death of Chak Hal The ble of the baafen be faued,as wel thep that were betore, as they that came al Serpent, ter . Foꝛ be as a continual! Sacrifice,as J fapoe in eſtecte, frutte, operacion and though be bad trom the be- gynnyng ofthe world, and continually ould to the worlds ende, bang ſtyll on the croffe,and be is as freſhe hangyug on the croffe notwe, to them that beleue and truſt in hym: as be was foftene hundreth vearesa go, when be was cructficd. Then let ds tru vpon bys onelpe death, and looke for none other facrifice propitiatorp,then the fame bloudpe Sacrifice, the tpuely facvtfice,and not the dev Sacrifice, but a bloudpe | Sacrifice. for Chri hym telfe favde + confummatum eft It ts ‘ 2 perfedly fintthen. 3 haue takenat my Fathershande the di penfation of redeempng mankpnoe . J bane weought mans redemiption,and haue difpatchea the matter. cu by then mine gle ye hym:· why de pe diuide hym? why make pouofbynt mo /accifices then one: Paule fapth: Pa/cha noſtrum immolatus et chreftas , Chritke our paſſeouer ts offered vppe, ſo that the thyng ts done, and Chriſte bath done it , and be bathe done it femel, once foꝛ al. And it was a bloudpe Sacrifice , not a dpe Sacrifice. | WMibp then, itis wot the Pate that auayleth oꝛ profiteth foꝛ the qupcke and the deade ? Mo woorth the, D Dyuell, we wooꝛthe thee, that bak pꝛeuayled ſo farre and fo longe , that batt made Cugland to woorthty falfe Gods, forfaking Chak -thep2 30202. Gio woorth thee Dinel, tos woodeth thee Deuil ann al thy Angels.3f Chriſt by bis death deatveth althinges ‘fo bpm felfe , and draweth all men to falnacion , and to hea⸗ uenly bliſſe that truſt in him: Then the Prieſts at the Palle, at the popyſhe Maſſe cJ —— ——— Chu dꝛaweth alt, but landes and goodes from the ryghte Heres? The Prielkes drawe goodes and rpchelle , bene fices _anotions tothe eles, ano in he abel in they b * acri⸗ Prieſts doo pain font, thyns- | _\ The fourth Sermon frerffice, thep drꝛaw to the Diuel. Wut Chit it ts that date ety foules vnto hym bp bps bloudye Sacrifice. UWibat haue ine to do then, but epulars in domme , ta cate inthe Lowe at dps Supper. . : 4 wi bat other ferutce haue we fo do to hym: and what o⸗ ther facrifice haue we to offer , but the moꝛtiũcation of our fiche 7 Mhat other oblacton haue toceta make , butofo: 2 that purpole, te make bs beſeue in other vayne things by bps pardon3,as to haue remiſſion of ſynnes, for paving on baloived beades, fo2 doynkyng ofthe bakehouſe bole , asa The Bake Channon of Maltam A bbevoncetola me, that when ſo e⸗ ef Waltã. uer they put thep2 losucs of bread inte tht ouen, as many as AG — Of pe part on bole, ſhould haue pardon fez — J it. A mad thyngto Feuc parvet toa bole . hen ps " Alerannersho\p water, to halow2d belles, palmes, candels, afbes,and what not? And of thefe thynges euerpe sne bath taken alv 1p forme part of Chriſtes fandiication . Cuerp one hath robbes fome part of Chꝛiſtes paſſion and croffe, ebath mingicd Cheriſtes death and bath bene made to be propitia⸗ top and fatiffadte2p,and to put away ſinne. Vea and Alexan⸗ ders bolp water pet at thys dav remapneth in England, and ts bfcd fora remedy agaynſt ſpirites, and to chafe away Der upls,vea and J woulde thys haa bene the woorke. Jwoulde tbs were the woorit. wut wo wooꝛth thee, D Deupll, that balk preuavled to euacuate Chriſtes crofle,and tomingle the ores Supper. Where be the Italian Byſhops deuiles, anv the Dpuel bath poycked at thps marke,to frultrate the crofle of Chil. be hot at thys markelong before Chriſte came, be thette at thys prvcke foure thouſande peares before Cheitt Qanged ont the Crafe,o; (uftered bys pallon, P sii paige } Se efMaifter Latimer, Fol,2;, Foꝛ the bꝛaſen Serpent , was tet bp in the wyldernes to put men in rememboaunce ofl brittes commyng , that lpke as” thep tubich beheld the boafen Serpent were healed of there bodelp difeales: fo they that loked ſpirituallye vpon Ch2ifte that twas fo come, inbpm ſhoulde be faued fpirituallpe from the Diuel. The Serpent twas fet bpin memorye of Chꝛiſt to come, but the Diuel founde meanes to Teale awaye the mee mor of Chailtes commpng, and brought the peopie to wor⸗ {hpp the Serpent ſelfe, and to ferrce hym, to honour him, and to offer fo hym, to wa2hyppe hym, and to make an Idole of bynt.And this was done by the market men that J teloe pou 3 of.And the Clarke of the market dyd it forthelucre and ad: Whe clarke nauntage of bys Papiter,that thereby bys honsur myghte ofthe mars. ent reat efor bp Chailkesteath be coul haue but ſmal worid ket, Ip aduauntage.a ndeuen now fo hath be cerfapn blaunchers ionapng fo the market,te tet and ſtoppe the light of the Gof: pel,and fo hynder the Kynges procecdpnges in ſettyng forth the woord and glory of God. dnd when the kynges Daielkp . topth the aduife of hys honourable Connfavie goeth absute to pꝛomote Cods word, and to fet an order in matters of res ligion, there fal not lackeblaunchers that wy! fape: Astor ssaqchers Images where as they haue bene bfen to be fenced , and ———— haue candels offered bite thent, none be fo folyſh to doo it to the ſtock or ſtone or to the Image ſelte but it is doneto God and bps honour aha FJmage.And though thep ſhoulds abufe it, theſe blaunchers top! be ready to wobpiper the kyng in the eare, and to tel hym that thys abuſe ts but a final mate ter.And that the fante, with alother like abulesin the church may berefourmed eafety.3t ts but a Iptie abufec fay they and it ey hs ‘ighaiimsabieidlat — — taken tn hand at the fyrſte fo feare of trouble , 02 further ineonueniences The peepee not beate fobapne alteractons : an infurrecs es fede tion may be made after ſodayne mutacion,whpch mapbete = the great harme and loſſe of the Realme. Therfore al chings thal be tel, but not ont of hand, for feare ofturther buſynes. ‘ Pope be the blaunchers that hitherto haue ſtopped the word ef Gon , and hyndered the true ſettyng forthe of the ſame bere be feimanyp put otfes, fo many put byes’, — cae : pectee, Ther haue bene hlaun⸗ chexs itpl. Deputies ( ‘ThefourthSermon fpectes, and confidrartions of woꝛldly wifhome. Ind 7 pout Mot but there were blaunchers inche olde time, to whyſper it the careof good Rynge Csechpas, for the mapntenaunce of Idolatrye done to the bꝛaſen Serpent, aſwell as therebath bene nowe of fate, and be nolw that can blaunche the abuſe of Images and other lyke thynges. Wnt good png ⸗— woulde not bee fo blynded, be was lyke fo Apollos, feruent inf{pirite . He woulde geue no eare fo the Blaunchers, be Was not moued wyth the worldly refpedes , wrth thefe pru⸗ bent confidserations, woth thefe policies , be feared not inſur⸗ rections of the people. He feared not leaſt bis people woulde not beare the glospeof Gop : but be ( tupthout anve of thefe reſpectes or polpcies,o2 confiderations , likea gad kynge foa Goddes fake, and fo: confcience fakeybp ¢ bp plucked dovens the bzafen ferpente,and deſtroyed it vtterlye , and beate tt fo auder.e out of bande, dyd calke Dolwne all Images, he de⸗ roped at Idolatrie, and clerelp opd ertirpate al ſuperſticion. He woulde not heare thefe blaunchers and wordly wyſe men but with out delaye, foloweth gods cauſe and deſtroyeth all Idolatrie out of hande. Thus dyd god kinge Csechias, for be was lyke Apollo, ferucnt in ſpirite, and diligente to ppoomots Goddes gloꝛie.And god hope ther ts that tt Hall be lxkewvyſs bere in Englande, fo3 the kynges Saieſtye is fo bꝛoughte bp in knowledge, vertue,and godlyneſſe, that it is notte be mips ſtruſted, but that we hal baue al thynges well, and that the glozpe of Dan hall be ſpread absode,throughoutall partes of ‘the realme,pf the relates wil diligently apply their plough and be preachers, rather then Lobes. Wut our blaurtchers, . Apbicd twyl be Aordes and no labourers, when they are coms maunded to go and be reſident vpon their cures,and preacha. in theyꝛ bhenikices they would ſa. Tuhat, Jhaue let a deputie there, Jhaue a deputie that lo⸗ Sp bichops: Kot tuoti ta mv locke, the whiche thall oifcharge mp dutie. A deputicc quod he)F ioked fos that worde allthis whple.ans what a deputie mufk be be, trowe pe? Cuen oneltke bint (elf, he muſte be a Cannonilt,that is to ſave, one that is beought. vp in the ſtudve of the Popes lawes and decres.Dne that wil fet faogth papiſtrie as tuellas peut felfe woyll do, and one pin ; alte VAN ofMaifter Latimer, Fol,z2, woyl mayntayne al fuperficfon,and Idolatrye. And one that wyll nothing at ali,o3 els perp weakely refilt the Deuils plough,pea bappy it is tfhetake not part wyth the Deupt, ¢ where be fhould be an enemy to bpm, (tis wel if he take not the Deutles part agaynſt Chriſt. But in the meane time the cay epee aſures. They are £0208 and noe labo: i 4 rent at bis plough. iseis no bn p ti er cre Dis cute, but a — ough man, fo that among al the prelates, and among T al the packe of them that haue cure fe 2 the — mony. vc he pplyeth bis buſynes. Therfoze pe vnprea⸗ Tatimers ching pꝛelates, tearne ofthe Deuil fo be diligent in doing of monep. pour office. Learne ofthe Denfl.dud ifpou wyl not tearng ~~“ "- 4 of God 103 geod men: for fhamelearne ofthe Deuvl, ad ery: befcentiam veftram dico.3 ſpeake tt fo3 pour thame. Ifyou wil not learne of God noꝛ od man to be diligent in pour office, learne ofthe Denil. Howbeit there ts now berp gwd hopg that the kinges matetty , being by the belpe of god gos — uernaunce of bis molt honourable sounfatlours, be tg | trained ¢ bꝛought bp in learning and knowledge of Gods 07d, wil ſhortly proutde a remedy and ſet an order herein which thing that it mayſso be ict bs praye for hym · Pape fo2 hym god people, prave for hym pe haue great caule , and needs: fo prape foa — reg — ig — —* he 7 —— Hcl i ER TT TA — ‘at — * Sea Houser ie ead 6 Gi pia — — ——— iy Baa ap tree upnlise ato aaa * J oH * ke ARES se wt ; ew: wn 47 {s Shiite in ted gnuth trie? erred seo at) a SE tee 8 Gens syed? ih ati baat gion sai gerne star f CHa ath — — ed — — 1) AY * fi or) — THE SEVEN SER- mons of the reuerend father, M. a] Hughe Latimer, whiche he peeached 1) befoze our late fouerapne Loꝛde of famous memoꝛry king Coward the Prea⸗ ching place, inthe Palace at WMeſtmin⸗ ſter, in the yeare of our Loꝛde.u 5 49. the fir Sernicn the. vili. of Marche. toberunto are added ather two Ser- mons, afivel that be preached atStamfo2d, ag alfo the laſt that be made befo2e the latekpng Coward, whiche be called bys vitimum vale, C Impꝛinted at Lodon by John Day, divelling ouer Alderſgate. ¶ Cumgratia & priuilegioRes, gig Maicftatis,per fepren- —nei B — A A — Se YY YZ a Wr EGE —— id = D> \y VAY i f> her — — — a 7 @ — > at : * 2 > H a q — — 4 — — — * ALIL. — —— *8 ——— repel —— : — — —9— i rls IFLA — — sift t ae Pre ia oe." > ete wy ee 14 a) OBS seth os hy —J ueh guibgramtn a) ute TUS GAG! ha wahids: te ee 9) — 45) eet rs ge Y J—— — HAR —— on CrGCaaM | — Th ee A a ag Tap ba et eA * fi daabe rath 1607 Web ve — toe Sa gt Cea ibe aE : he ep gly Nadas bk ‘ ie lay any ene a * ——— ———— — —9 Hite J iar of wigs Hina —— — — 4 —— ae i vs nog defpre a ſtraunger to bekpnge querbs. Letbsno_ Pous treature oo 90 Dell tobe bankers, butlet bs envenout fo walte “ozdinatly and plapnly,atter the wozde of Sod. J © cof, M, Lattimer? 26 Let vs foloty Daniell, let bs not ſeke poeath ofont moſt - noble anarightfullkpng, our obone bother, both by natts uytic,and Goodly religion. Let bs pray fo2 his good fate, that be lpue longe amonge bs. Db what a plage were tt, that a ſtraũg hing ofa fraung land, and of a fraunge religion ſhould raygne ouer bs, jolt Wi bere now we be gouerned in the true religio,bethould A ſtraunger erti*p and plucke alway all togetber,and then plantagain would routont allabbomination,and poperp, Good kepe fuche a iyng fro Ui sodioncs . $s. Wdell,the kings grace hath fitters,mp Lady Wary,and pinocrisp, my Ladp Clisabeth, which by ſucceſſion and courte are in: heritoures to the crolwne: Who if they ould marp, with . firaungers, what thould enſue:God kno weth. ut God graunt if they fo doa: Wwherbp traunge religion Cometh in, that they neuer come vnto courfpng no2tucceding. Ther⸗ fo2e fo anotd this plage,let bs amend ont pues and puta Inay all pride, whiche doth D2olwne men tn this realme at thefe dayes, allcouetoufnes wherin the magiftrates and rich tren of this realme are ouerwhelmed, all lecherp and other exceſſiue vices, proucking Gods wath were be not mercifull,cuen to taite from bs our naturall hing and deig lo2b, pea, and to plage bs With a frang king for our vnre⸗ hey ations — - pentaunt heart. herfoze(if as pe faye pe loue the yng) God or the amend pour lives,and then pe malbe a meane that God kyng will a- fhall iend him belong to raigne cuer bs,fo2 vndoubtedlye Mn? ther fine finnes prousue much gods iy2ath ſeripture faptiy;Dabo 22 PS bi regem in furore meo, That is:$ til geue the a kinge inmp Wath. Now Webhauca lalvful king,a godlp kinge,neuers theles pet many eutlsdorapgne.Long time the miniſters appoynted, haue ſtudied to amend, and redres al euils, lõg time befo2e this great labour.bath bene aboute this mat- fer, great crakes bath bene made that all houlve be tell, But when all came to all fo2 all their boſtes, little o2 nos thing was done in home thete words of Bozace mat wet be verified fapinge. Parturiunt montes,nafcetur ridiculus mus, caer The inountaynies ſweileth vp, the poore mouſe ts brought eracite. out,long before this time, many hath tak’ in hãd tobinge © 9 many things vnto palle,but finally theyze worꝛkes cane) Hato (mall ettect and profit, hc aN fol . prep foz hys ipfe, et + The fyrft fermon Kowe J heare fayall things are ended after a Godly mas her, 02 els ſhortly thalbe. Make haf, make batt, and iet bs, learne to conuert, to repent,anwamend pour lyues. If we bo not, J feare, I feare, lett fo2 our finnes and bnthankful The Pope nes. an Hipocrit Hall raign ouer bs. ong Wwe baue ben ſer bath iongraigs Uaunts and in bondage, ferupng the ope tn Cgipt. Goo heb, bath geuen 0s a delinerer,a naturall kpng. Let bs ſeke no Loa cubtent ürauger of another nation, no bipocrite which thal being ; * Ut agapne all papiſtrie, bipocricie,and Idolatry.ꝓo diabo⸗ licall miniſter whiche fhall maintain all deuelith woꝛkes dct bsnomoze and euil crercifes, But let bs pap that God maintain and fraunaer continue our mof excellent Kong bere p2etent,’trut inbes Let bs pray fo Vitour of this ourrealme, both by natiuttic,and alfo bpthe our kyng. ſpeciall giftand o2dinanuce of Sod. He doth bs rectifpe in the libertic of the Sofpell,tn that therfoze let bs fand. State ergo en libertate, qua Chriftus nos teberauit, Stand ye int the libertic, wherwith Chat bath made bs free. Jn Chai tes libertie we thall ſtand, If Wwe fo lpue that lue profyt. It We caſt alway ail evili,fraud and deceyt, with iache other bices,contrary to Gods word. And in fo doing Wwe thal not onelp prolong and maintain our moft noble kynges dayes in profperitie: but alfo we thal pzofper our olune lyues, to dpue not onely p2ofperonfiy, but alfo goodly. — f In any wyſe, let no fuch a wone prepare vnto bpm felf een many hoꝛſſes.⁊c.In (peakpng theſe wozdes, pe Hall vnder On, fand,that J do not entend to (peake againk the firength, polifpe and p2outfion of a kpng, but againſt ercefte,¢ vain truft that hinges bane in them (elues, moze then in the liz uing Sod the authour of all goodnes, and geuer of all bic fo2p. Bary ho2les are requilite foz akpng, but be map not ercede in thent,no2 triumphein them, mozethenis nedes full,fo2 the heceffarp affap2es and defence. of the reales what meaneth it, that Sood hath to do with the kyngs ſta⸗ blezbut onlp be would be maſter of his horſſes, the Srrips Plaun. H+ ture fapeth, In altis habitat, He diwelleth on bhpe, it folows eth .Humiliare/picit. He loketh on low thinges, pea, vpon Godis graund the kinges fables,and bpon all the offices in bis houle. _ mater inthe God is great grand mapiter of the kinges houle,and twill. binges houle ate accompt of euery one that beareth tule therin, * @al,b.a, -. 9 of M, Lattimer. 27 exrecuting oftheir offices, Whether they haue tuſtly and truly ſerued the king in theyr offices 02 no. ea gon loketh vpon thetinge hiuu ſelfe f he worke well or not. Cuery king is fubieet vnto god, añd al other men are ſubiects bu to king. $n a king god requireth fapth,not exceſſe of hoz fes. Hozles foꝛ a hing be good and neceflary, if they be tel bien. Hut holes are not to be preferred aboue poꝛe men. I was ones offended with the hinges horſes, and therfo2e. tote occafion to fpeake in the prefence ofthe kinges maz ieſty that deade is, whan A bbeies lode. Abbeis were ordei ned fo2 the cõfort of the pooze, Hi berfo2e F fapd it was not e np were at p time)the lining of poore me therby minithed €take a inap: but afteripard a certain noble ma [aid to me What bak thou to do With the kinges holes: 4 anfiwered, and fatd, Iſpake my confcience as gods word Directed me. Ie fayd horſes be the maintenances and part of a hinges honour, and alfo of bis realme,Wwherefo2e in fpeakinge a⸗ gapnt them pe are agatnt the kinges honour. Ji aunlive- . red. God teacheth what honour is decent for the king and In aunſwer de fo2 allother men accoꝛdinge vnto their bocations, God az claring the true popnteth cuery Hing a ſucũcient lining for bis fateand de — ota gree both by landes and other cultomes. And itis lawtull voᷣns fo2 eueryking to enioy the fame goodes and poſſeſſions. But to ertozt and tatic alway the righte of the poore, is a⸗ gapnſt the honour of the king. and poudomoue the hinge todo after that manner,then pou fpeake agaynſte the ho⸗ nour of the king. For J full certifp pou,ertoztioners,vior lent opp2effers,in groſſers of tenamẽts and lãds, thꝛough ge nercriperh whoſe couetuſnes, billages decay and fall down, the kings the vithonorg leig people fo2 lack Of futten ace ave famiſhed and decaped. of a bing Ihep be thofe which fpeake a gayntte the bonoure of the apy and king. Good requireth in the king and al magiſtrats a good 49 bart,to walk directly in bis wayes.And in all firbiects,an obeniéce de we vnto a King. Cherfore Jpray god both the god requirett: king and alfo we bis people may endeuer diligently to sood hert. walue in his wayes, to his great honour and our poftie. Let him not prepare vnto him felfeto many wines. ec. All The. itt. parte though wereade heave thatthe kings amongh the —* of his fermets. » . a i — yore The fytſt ſermon Rinses of the had liberty to take moꝛe wiues then one; we map not thers A fece 02? 8 foze attempt to walk in ogdinatly and to’ thinke that ine tohauc mo may take alſo many wiues. “ast haa wiues then F 02 chꝛiſt hath fo2 bidden this onto bs Chꝛiſtians. and | Hes iet bs not impute finne vnto the Jewes becauſe chey haa many wiues.For thep had adifpenfation fo to do. Chriſte limiteth vnto bs one wife OR ESS eee a man to rule one wife rightip,and o2dinatlyp. For a wos man is frayle and p2tcliue vnto all curls; Twomanisa _ bery weake beffel,and map fone deceive a man,and bing him bnto euil Dany eramples tye haue in holy ſcripture. One ait is “qoam had but one twifc.called Cue,anvbow fone bathe enicd. bought him to content tite enill,and to tome to deurit Agod!p woma tien, Hol did wicked Jeſabell peruerte kinge Hachays is to bechofé. hart from god and abgodlines, and finaly Onto de uens Jtis a very bara thing fo2 a man to rule well one Woman - Vherfore let cur king, what time his grace hhalbe fo ming ded to take a wife, choſe him one which is of gov, that iss twbich is of the houthold of fayth. Pea let alleftates bens leſſe circumfpect in chofing ber, taking great deliberacion and then thep thallnot neede diuorſements, and fuch mil ~*~ cheues to the euil erample and {launder of our realm.And Toue Which that fhe be fuch one as the kinge can finde in: bis hearte to: * godl is to loue and leade bis lifein pure and chaſt efpoufage, and ihe bee ei ee? hall be be the moze prone andredy to aduarice gods giorr iy thinges in =PUNITH anDertirpe,the great lecherp vſed in this realme, mariage, Therfoꝛ ine ought to make a continuall pzaper vnto god, fo2to graunt our kinges grace (uch a mate as may knitte bis beart and heres, accozdingto gods oꝛdinance andlalw, and not toconfidet and cleaucoonelp toa politike matter 02 coniunction, fo2 the ————— uer⸗ ty and defence of contriesſettinge apart the inſtitution ⁊ oꝛdinance of god. THe bane now a prety little ſchiuling, in deede a verp prety One. J haus but one F th oe (3 amp oF tru fome will take them. Cie finesof the fi J can not fe. Wuctherin is printed a fine (entence: that iss pez? VDinor domini fons vite vel fapientie: The ſeare ofthe Loꝛd is Pꝛouer.xbi. the rountapne of life 02 Wicedome 3 WOuld gor bi fom ! Thefyrft Sermon. ” 28 tente were alwwayes printed in the bart of the king in chor; | fing bis wife, and in al bis officers, Foꝛ like as the feare of, ad God is fons fapiencie oꝛ vite,fg theforgetting of govis fom .clce cu⸗ fiulticie the fountatne of folihjnes 02 of death, although it — be neuer fo politike.ſor vpon ſuch politilic matters death gery neath. noth enfue and folow. All their deuortementes and other i like conditions to the greate difpleafare af all mighty gon Which euils J feareine,is much vſed at thefe dayes in the mariage of noble mens children, for topning lands to lave, poſſeſſions to poſſeſſions, neither the vertuous education, no2 lining being regarded, but in the infacp fuch martages: be made,to the difpleafure of god and beach ofefpoutfals.: Letthe king therfoze chofe vnto hima godly twife,toberbp bethall the better live chaſt, and in fo living, allgodlines hall encreafe and rightivifenes be mapntepned. Pocwith faving, J know here after,fome wil come and nioue vour ‘ grate tolwardes wantonnes, and to the inclination of the : , . flefy and bapne affectios. But J would pour — Mould A notable hitto . beare in memo2y,an hifto2p of a good king called Lewes, te ofa French fhat traneled to wardes the bolpland (which wasagreate bens⸗ matter in thofe dapes)and bp the tway fickned, being long: abfent from bis Wife. dnd bpon this matter the phiſitians She goon conn Didagre,that tt was fozlack of a boman.And did confuit cellot behops. with the bithops therin, who didconclude that becauſe of the diſtance ofits tite (being in an other contry) he chould take a wench. This goon ipnge hearyng theyr couctn (pow fold notaffent there buto,but fapd, bebadratherbefpck euen vnto death, then be would bꝛeak bys efpoufals. Wo a e —W Heuertheleile ifthe kyng thoulde haue contented to they2 conciufpon,and accomplpiyed the fame, ifhebaonotrbaae fed well, they woulde haue excuſed the matter, asZbane hard of two thathaue conſulted together, and accozdpnge — tothe aduiſe of bisfrend,the one of them t20ughte where the ſucceſſion was not good. Lhe other tmputed a pece of reproche to him fo2 bys ſuch countel geuen. He ereuled the matter fayinge: that he gaue hym none other councell, but it it had bene bys caufe, be woulde haue dane iphelvite. So Ichxnke the bithops woulde haue excuſed the mats — * J fer, Eee ' * ihe The firft fermon; ~ : ; fer, (f the kyng fhould bane repzoned thentfo2thep2conns Mote. fel. fi do not reade that the king dyd rebuke them fo2 theyr of ebuntel; butif he bad, Sinoty what wold haue bene thepe aaurnſwer. Chey would haue fapoe, Wwe geue pou no wore. 7ouncel,then tee wold bane folotves our felues, if ive bad Mc hinge kea⸗ ben in like cafe. Wel fir,thys bing did wel, and hadde the ving Gov auop⸗ fear of God before his eies. He wold not altiin by wal- ded euyll. kes, where ate many balkes. Amongit many balkinges, is muche fomblinge,and by ſtom blinge tt chaunceth manpe tymes to fal dotwn to the grounde. And therfo2e,let bs not take anp byWwalkes,but let Gods worde direct bs, lette bs not Wwalke after,no2 leane to our olum fudgements and p20. eedinges of our fo2fatbers,no2 feke not what thepd t What they ſhuld bane done, of which thing ſcripture admo Hithethbs, taping: Me iclinemus preceptis & traditionibus pa Dentpiia rum neg factamus ꝙ videtur rectum us oculis noſtris Let bs not inclyne our felues vnto the poccepts and traditions of our | + fathers,nozlet bs do that ſeemeth righte in oure cies. But furelp; we wil net erchange dure fathers dainges and tra⸗ pitpons ith {eripture, but chefelp lean vnto them and to they p2eltription,and do that femeth good in oureotone - | _ .epes, But ſurely thatis going dofen the ladder ; Ocala celt + yey as it was made by the Pope came te bea mafle 5 but that is a falfelanderto binge mento heauen. The true ladder to bring a man to heauen is the knowlesge and folowpng: of ſcrypture. Let the kyng therfoze chute a inife which fear. reth Sod,let him not ſeke a proud; wanton, and one ful of — Se io ag of rpch treafures ana woridiv pompe. De thal not muiltiplye chelermon. onto hint {elf to much golde and ſpiuer. Is there to murhe tthynke you foza hing? God doth alow much vnto akynge, A ʒynge may and itis erpedpent that he thould have much, foz be hathe de eopentta eet great erpenutes,and manp gccalvons tofpend much forthe — great, 4 (‘é NCO AND (uetp Of his realme and ſubiettes. Andnecels ; ſary tt is that a king baue a treafure albaies in a readines fo2 that,and fuch otber affay2es,as be daily in bis handes. The which trefure.tftt be not ſucticient, he may latofullpe and With a fafecon(ctence, take tarts of bis fubiects. Foꝛ ft Iver not mete, the trefure ould be in the tubtectes purſes Johan the mong Mould be occupled, noz it were not ai Thefyrit Sermon. 23 theni felurs,to the lack therof;it might caufe both {t, € all qherett that they haue, thula not tong be theirs. AND 1010) ‘6 ote whan the anecellaty and erpedtent oration, iristuarranted by Gods tyne: hathe to Ino2d to take of the (ubiects. But if there be fufficient trea much ochis coa fures, and the burdening of fubiects be fo2 a vain thing, fo biens. that be wil require thus much,o2 fo much of bis tubicctes, (twhich perchance are ingreat neceſſity, and penury.) Che thps couctous tntent, and the requeſt therofistomuche, yho a wae hich God torbyddeth the king here tn this place of ferpps inisto ee ture to haue.Wut who thal fe this to much;o2 tel the. kinge sQoncthar be of this to much. hinke pou any of theſtyngs preuy cham feruants to the ber? Po. Foꝛ fear of loſſe of fauer.Shall any of bis ſwoꝛne Fhe an eves chaplains: No. Whey be of the clanffct,and kepe clofe (uch cannot feto 5 matters. but the king him ſelf muſt le this to much. ¢ that much. Gal be vo by no means {ith the cozpozal cies: Wherforc, Dviriteal eves He mufte haue a paire of fpectacles, whiche y all baue tive frith > chaise efeat fightes in them, that is,that one is faith, notafeatos ——“ aith, which al latt but a whyle, but a faith, which is continuing in God. Whe fecond clear fighte ts charitpe, Wwhich is feruent totvardes bps chriſten brꝛother. By thent tivo, mutt the kyng fee euer whan be bathto muche, But The firft fermon; that evebeeze wont fog revez rh : Diher mans Beat Lozane Okthis tomn- pound 5 met 8 mth commett 5th $ monfierous che commit ag atid pogtentious dearth is mabe by man nates piandtirg ald ay iar Gap Doth fend 0st entifally ‘thetoutes arth mersis ; Fu ly, contrarpe t onto oure dei ertes. ot withRausynge to » such; ele rich men haue,cauleth ſuch dearth,that pore micit( Wich liue of thep2labo2)tannot withthe fweat of thep2face haue a living, all kinde of victuals is ſo dear, pigacs, gele,Capons, Chickens, cages tc. Theſe thynges Gar ans coue⸗ {ith other are fo vnreaſonablye enbanfed. And I thpucke us men· —. Herely,that ifit this continuc: ive fal at length becofrap ned to papfo2 a pigge a pound. J Wwyl tel pou my Loedes Thys to much maiiters, this ts not fo2 the kinges honoure:vet fome wyll donate ponsut fap. kno weil thou what belongeth onto. thekinges bes? better then we Janſweare, that the trae bono2 of a hin is moft perfectly mentioned and painted forth th a tures, of tobich,if pe be iqnozant,fozlacke of time that pe cannot read tt,albeit,that pour counfatl be neuer fo poly- tike, pet is it not fo2 the kings honour. Mhat hys honour Bdefcriptyon meaneth pe cannot tell. It ĩs the hinges honoure that bys ponoie. ges tubiectes be led inthe true religion. That all bys peclates. and eleargy be fet about thep2 worne in preaching and fur dying, and not to be interrupted front their charge. ity it favo inttue re ts the Kynges hono2 that the common wealth be auaunted that the dearth of theſe fo2fatve thynges be peouided fo2,¢ the commodities of thys realme fo employed, as it maye ape a Be te to the ſettyng bys fabicetes on foogkesandkeping thens Shy fommanre From idieneite · And herein veaticth the kynges hono⸗e and hxys oifiee.So Doing his accoinpt before Gov ſhalbe alobb⸗ yirdiye the ed, and rewarded. Furthermoze,tf the kynges honoure as —— ſome men ſay)ſtandeth in the greate multitude of people. — of * Then there qrafiers,inclofers,and rentrearers,are hynde⸗ peobie «ters of —— hone2. For where as haue bewa greate aioe Many of houſhold ers and Inbabitauntes, there is now b his to muche AMhepbeatd and’ fo they binder the kynges bonour at ian even ittatt ofall. Dp o2ves and maptters, Si fap alfc “thatal tach i" Bet arp elena ——— iubich are againg the uinges bone (asa yp of M,Latimers 2) 30 apart declared before) and as far as yee cai — —“ tend plainly, to make the vomanry ſlauery, and the cler mãuery · Foꝛ Tact workes ageal Tingular; priuate weaſthe and conmmodity, We of the cleargpe had to much, but that — had = is taken.alvape, and Nolue we haue to litle, But for mye . — pinne part, Jhaue no cauſe to complain,fo2 J thanke Soo and the kynge · J haue {uftpcient , and Goo ts my iudge J came not to craue of any ma,anp thing, but Z knoly them | that haue to litle, Where lieth a great matter bp thee ap yy example of propetations, great refoꝛmation ts to be hadde in thent.y tye clergy. Know Wwherisa great market tolun 6 diuers hameletse inhabitants, wher do rife perelp of their tabours to the ba here lue of L. pound, and the bicar that feructh (being fo great a Ras —— but rit. 02 rit. markes by peare,fo that of thys penlpon be ts not able to bie him bokes, nor gene his neigh hoz dzinke,al the great gain goeth another way. Mp father * a? oman and bad no landes of bys ofvn, onlp he had Bn example of ound by pere at the Oetermoofte, and the vomanty. Had: wa * fo2 a imnze0 Cpe,aid mp Mother milked rrr. kyne · he was able and did finde the kyng a harneffe, with bimlelfe, and bis horſe, whyle he came to the place that be racine receiue re wages. Ican vememb2e, that g . : Kept me to (chole,o2 els J happe not bene able te * —* preached before the hinges maieſty now. be ma my ſyſters wyth b.pounde, 02 rr.nobles a piece, fo that be heought them bp in god lineſſe and fear of God. be kepte hoſpitality fo2 his poze neighboures. And fome almeffe be gaue te the poze, and al thys dyd he ofthe fatd farm. Where Hethat notv bath it, payeth roi.pound bp pere 02 mo2e,and ig not able to do any thing fo2 bis prince, fo2 him felfe, nor foz bis children, oꝛ geue a cup of dink to the poze. Thus al thenhanſyng € reating goth to pour priuate commodity € fwelth.So vᷣ where pe hada fingle to much, pou haue that: éfinsthe fame,pe haue enbanted the rent,€ fo haueencre⸗ fedan other to niche. So tole pe haue double tomuche, Mo preachyng which ts to to much. but let the precher preach tilbis tig © can * thys — * ———— ngis amended⸗ Te haue good | Gili, atutes Thefyrf Sermon: .. mampe ſtatutes ſtatutes made fo2 the common wealth as touching comme dbut ſmai help. ners, enclofers,many metings and feflions, but in the end of the matter, there commeth nothing fozthe. Well, wells The denyll is thysis one thing J wil fap onto pou, from whence it come authoure oft0 meth J knolw,cucn from thedeutl. J know bis intet in tt. much· F 02 1f pe baing it to paſte, that the pomancy be not abie to put their fonnes to {chole(as indede vniuerſities do won⸗ odecapcof deroufly decap al redp)and that they be not able to marrpe ————— thep2 daughters to the auoidynge of whoredome, J fay pe ZSDaiuatpon re⸗ plucke ſaluation from the people,and btterlp deſtroye the Teth in chem. realme. For bp pomans fonnes,the faith of Choifte is, and — rgd bath bene maintapned chiefipe. Is this realme taughte bp Gon | vich mens fonnes?Qo,no,read the cheonicles pe thall finde 0D. ens lonne; ſomtime nobie menues ſonnes, whych haue bene bnpeen’ ching bithops and —— pe thal ſynde none of them catned men, But verilp,thep that thouloe looke ta the ree Buotable thing delle of thefe thinges,be the greateit — them. In thys realme are a great many of folkes, and amongeſt ma⸗ ny, Iknowe but one of tender zeale, at the motyon of bis poze tenauntes, bath let dobvn bis landes to the old rentes fo2 their relief. Foꝛ gods loue,letnot him be a Phenix, let bim not. be alone, let bim not be an bermite clofedina wal ſome good matnfoloty bim,and do as be geueth example. Surueyers be Suruepers there be, that gredely gozge bp their couctous handmakers. goodes, handmakers J meane, (honet men J touche not) but al uch as furucy they make bp their mouthes, but the commens be btterlye vndone by them. bole bitter crpe The crpedtthe alcending bp to the eares of the Sod of Sabaoth, the gre⸗ ee dp pit of hel burning fire(iwithout great repentance)do ta ry and loke fo2 them. A redzelle God graunt, For ſurelye, furelp, but that two thinges do comfozte me, J would def- pair of the redaeffe in thefe matters. Dne ts, that the tings maieſty when be commeth to age: wil lea redreſſe of thefe things fo out of frame. Geuing erample bp letting dolun bis olvn lands firſt, and then enioyn bis fubiects to folo him. Whe fecond hope J hauets, J beleve that the generall accompting day is at hand, the deeadful dap of iudgemẽt J mean, Which hal make an end of all thefecalamityes and miferies. #02 as the {eriptures be. Cn dixerint pax pax, thé they thal (ap peace, peace: Omuiatura,all thenges ave Cures ofM,Latimer, 31 CThen is the dap at hand,a merp dap J fay, fo2 al fuch as do in thig fold ſtudy to ferne ¢ pleafe Sod, and continue in his fatth, fear ¢ loue:and a qeadful horible daye fo2 thent that decline from God, walkinge in thetic olune wares, to ~ fobome as it ts Lo2ptten in the rrb.of Mathew is fatd : Lee eye reward maleditti in ignem eternum. Go pe curſed into eueriaſting pu of wicked mers nyſhment. dAher thalbe twatlinge and gnathing of teethe. Hut onto thother he thal fay: enice benedict. Come ye biel gy bleſle ot fen chilozent of my Father, pollelte pe the kingdome prepa⸗ the goviy, red fo2 pou from the beginnyng of the world, of the which Govmakebvs al partaters. Ameit. it CThefecond Sermon of Maiſterlzughe Lati- ~~ ner, which be preached befoze King Edward. mig yy Vecunquefcripta funt:adnoftram doftrinam. &c. ; yy). Al thpnges that are w2ptten in Gods boke, in the holy bible, they were weytten before Y our time, but pet to cõtynue from age fo age as long as the world doth ſtand. LF In this boke is contained doctryne fo2 all eſtates,euen fo2 Kinges. 4 King berein may learne howe to In gods ooke guid bimfelf, told pou in my laſt ſermon, much of the du- i cotamed doc ty ofa ting 2nd there is one place bebind pet,and it folow tryne foz al e⸗ ethin the tert. Poftquam autem federit in folio regni ſui. &c. tates. And when the — is ſet in the ſcate of his kingdome, he fhalwryte him out aboke,and take a copye of the prieſtes or Deut. xbii Leuites,He fhall haue the boke with him,and why?to reade in it al the daies of hislife,to learn to fear god, and learne hys lawes,and other things,asit foloweth in thetext with the aps purtenances and hangings on, that he turn not fromGod,ne ther to the right hand,nor to the left.Andwherforefhallhe - do thiszthat he may liue long,heand his children, hitherto gocth the tert. hat ¥ map declare this the better to the e⸗ bifping of pour fouls ¢ the glo2zp of Gon, F thal delpze pou te pap ec.Ec pofiqua.ce. Hefoze J enter into thys place (right honozable audiéce)to furnthh tt accozdingly, whiche by p grace of god Ji thal do at lefure, J wold repete p place *f twas in dad, ¢ furnith it w an hiſtoꝛy 02 tivo, which J left out in my lat fermd, 7 was in a mattercdcerning p ſturdi⸗ nes of the Zelues,a froward and ſtifnecked kind of people, | C, litt. much ipke ‘The fyrftSermon. > Che ltiknecked lite our Crglity mer now a dapes; that in the: — Jewes € oure ofa king take vpon themto beak laboes, to go by wais. Engiph wer Fo whe Gor had promiled them aking, When it came’ - compared toge⸗ thers to the popntthep refuſed him. Theſe men walked by wal⸗ kes, and the faying is, many bywalkes, many balkes, maz’ aEngivſhe ny balkes much ſtumbling, and wher much tumbling is, a engie there is fometine afal, botu be it ther mer fomre good wal sopfe called an hers among them, that walked in the kynges bighe w old faid fa, o2dinarily, opright{p,riain Dunia ape,and fo2t * — ——— — hew pou aw Hilto2p —* is wertten in the third of the kinges. King Bautd being jn bys chyldhode, an old man, in hys omit — fecond childhode, for al olde men are twiſe children, as the * P2ouerbe is.Fenex bis puer. An old man,tivife a child,ithap pened pth him, as it doth oftentimes, when ticked men ofa kinges childhode take occafpon of euyll. his king Dautd being weak of nature and fmpotent,- in fo much that whe be was coucred with clothes, be could take no beate, was counfailed of bys feruauntes to tahea fair poung matd to unouriſhe bim, and to kepe him warme in bps body, Iſuppoſe ſhe was his wyfe. Ho bo be it be bad: no bodilye companye with her, and wel he myghte be hys Wife. For though the ſcripture dothe fap. Non cognouit eam, We knelve her not, he had no carnall copulation with her, pet it fapth not: Non duxit eam vxorem. He marped ber not, Aud J cannot thinke that typng Dauid would haue her to warme bys bofome in bed, ercept tye had bene bys wpe, hauing a difpenfation of Gov to haue as manye wyues as Adonias iti, of DE Would. For god had difpented with them to haue many. kpngsthe firg wiues WMell:what happenedto kinge Dauid in his child⸗ hode, by the childe of the deuil· ↄe thal bear. Linge auto had a proud fonne, whofe name twas Aoonias , a man full’ ofambition,defpzous of honoure,alwapes climpnae stlpe npg. How, whiles the tinte was of bys fathers childhod, be woulde depofe bys father, not knowinger of bis fathers mynde, ſaying. Ego regnabo. J wil raign, J wil be kynge, be Iwas a ſtout ſtomacked childe, a bywalker, ofan ambitious. mpnde,he woulde not conſent to hys fathers frendes, but. gat hyma charret, and menne to run befoze it, and ther Of maifter Latimar, : 32 other adherentes to help him forward, worldly Wife men, . fucheas bad ben befo2e of bis fathers counfatles greatmen " an the worlde, and fome no dout of tt, cameof good wyll thinking no barine,fo2 toep ould not thinke; thathe aid _ At Without bis fathers will, bautng ſuch greate men to fet bim fozthe;fo2 euery man tan not baue acceffe at all times | to the king,to know bis pleafure; well, algates be would be king. be makes a great feat, and thether be called Joab the ringleader of his fathers armie, a worldiy wiſe man,a , Soab captain by walker, that would not walke the hinges hye way, and ate army, one Abiathar the high prieſt · For it ts maruaple if any mi⸗ chief be in hand, if a Pꝛieit be not atone erde Orit, thep ~ toke bim as hing, andcried, Yzuat Kex Adonzas. Gd fauc hing Adonias, Dautd fuffred al thys,and let bint alone, fo2 be was in bis childhod a bedred man, Hat fee hobb God o2 dered the matter. pathan the Prophet and Sadoc a ick: and Hanatab,and Crethptes, and Phelethites the ikinges garde, they were not called to the feaſt. Theſe Were good nien,and would not walke bywapes, therfoze it was follp to bꝛeake the matter to them, they Were not called to counſell. Therfore Mathan whẽ be hard of this, be Wethſabe, Salomons mother,and fapth. Beare pe not holy Adonias the fone of Ageth,vatye . neth king, Dauid not knolving 2 And he bad. hee put the. - Hing in mind of bis oth that he ſware that her fonne Sa⸗ lomon ould be king after him, this as wife counfaple: according to the pꝛouerbe. Quz vadit plane, vadit ſane. He that walueth in fhe hye plainiwap, walketh fafelp: ebb Upon this the vente and bake the matter te Dauid, and — deſired him to ſhew who ſhould raygne after hint in Hie⸗ ruſalem, adding that il loonias were king, che and ber ſon after his death ſhould be deſtroyedſaying: Vos eramuspecea tores. Wie thalbe finners, toe ſhalbe taken for traytors, for thoughe we ment no Darme, but walked vprightly, pet bez caufe we went not the by way pith hym, be bepng in aus thoꝛitie wyll dettrop bs. and bp and by commeth itn patha,. and taketh ber tale bp the ende and cheweth hym how a ⸗· Was faluted iwn g and chat he had bid to dinner the bpmiges feruantes, all ſauyng hym and Sadoc and sage 3 ‘ The fecond Sermon, | fab anv all hfs brethren the Kyngs fonnes ſaue Salomon. . Binge Dauid remembgpng hymlelfe, (wore, as fure as God lpucth, Salomon mp fonne fhal raygne after me and — by and by commaunded Qathan‘and Sadoc and bys garde the Cerites and Phelites, to take Salomon bys fonneand ſet hym bppon bis mule, andanopnte bpm Kyng. And fo thep did cryving. uat Salomon Rex. Thus was Salomon theoned, by the aduife and till of bis father,and though be were a childe,yet inas bis {will te be obeyed and fulfplted, and they ought to baue inowen bis pleature. he oi of the Wi bylle this was a doing there was fuche a ioye and outs peopic fox their CCP of the people,foz thep2 new kyng, and blowing of tront newking, pettes,that Joab and the other company bepng in theyr io iptic,and kepyng good cheare-ibearde tt, and ſodaynly aſ⸗ ked tubatis this ado ? nd when they percepued, that Sar lonton, bp the aduiſe of bis father vas annopnted kyng, by and by there was all Whitht,allthep2 good chere was don, and all that were with Adonias, ivent alvay, and let hym raygne alone:if be would, and whye He Walked a by war aNd God would not profperiit. ; Sod will not worke with priuate authoritie, noꝛ with pes ers any thing done inoadinatlp. Ta ben Adonias falw this that ric anv tn 02. De Wag left alone, be toke fatctuary,and belo by the bons binate Doings. of theauitar,and {ware that he would not departe thence, . fill Salomon would ſweare that he Mould not leafe bys ‘pte. ere is to be noted the. notable ſentence, and greate mercy of kyng Salomon. | Salamonis Let him(fatth be)oaer him felfeipte aquyet man, and suesepfull there fhall not one bear fall from bys bead. Sed fzinuentum fuertt,malum in eo Hut if there Hall beanp euptl found in hym, if be bathe gone about any mifchpef, he thatl aye fo2 it. Upon this be was bought into Salomon, andas the boke fapth, be did homage onto him, and Salomon fayde to him, Vade iz domum tuam. Het thee into thy houle, by lpke he meant to warde, and thete to fee bis tuearing, as if be thould fap, chebo thy ſelfe — tryeth without gall of ambicton,to be a quyet ſubiect, and J init erate ftom pardo thee fo2 this time. But J wil fee the wearing of the, Pe. Here lve map fee the wonderfull great mercy af fanaa 02 Of maifter Latimor, fo this noto2poustreafon, that Adonias had committed, it was a playne matter,fo2 be fuftrea.him felfe to be called kpng,tt bung not of Oebement fulpition o2 contecture nog fequell 02 confequent, pet notivithitanding Salomon fo2 | that paefent,forgaue bim,faping J wil not fo2get it btter, iy, but J Will kepe tt in fulpece, I will take no aduauntage of thee at this time. Chis Adonias and Abfolon were bez then,and came both of a ſtraung mother, and Abſolõ likes {wife was a traptour and made an infurrection againt bis father. @etware therfore thele mothers, and let kings take hede howe they maty,in what houles,in what tayth. For fraunge bringing op baingeth Mraunge maners. Polve — of what geueth Dauid an exhortation to Salomon, and teacheth ig, — hpi the dutie ofa king, and geueth him a leſſon, as it fo- loweth at large in the boke,and be that lift to reade it, may fe it there at full. But what doth Adonias all this whple? Ie muk pet clime again, the galtof ambition was not out Adoniag. of bis bart. he will now mary Abifaak the pong Queene ſchrinks inthe — that warmed king Bauides bofome,as J told pou, € com: —— meth me to Bethſabe, deſiering her to bea meaneto Sa⸗ the wearing, lomon ber fonne that be might obtapne bis purpofe. Gnd — bapngeth me out acouple. oflpes ataclappe,andcomimnits — teth me tivo bnilatovfull actes. 302 ould baue ben king without bis fathers.confente, and nolv be Wilt marye: - bis fathers tuyfe,and the. ti. lies are thefe. F yet, ſayd be to. fi Sethſabe, chou tinotwelk that the kyngoom belongeth to ig me, for Jam the elder. Chekingdom was mine; he typed Adoniasa ttars. falfely,it was none of his. Then ſayd be alithe eyes of J = racll were caſt bpon me,that isto ſap:all Iſrall confented- = to it,and there be lped falfipe, F 02 Hathan, Sadoc,and o⸗ ther wyſe men, neuer agreed fo tt. Bere was a great enters pꝛiſe of Adonias:he will be climbing ſtill. Well Wethfabe uvent at his requeſt to ber fanne Salomon, and afked a⸗ boune, and be graunted ber what (ocuer the did afte. pote wirthſtanding be brake his pzomis afterward ¢ that rights when Well; kor all promiflesare not to be kept, {pecially ff theptesmapnotipe that Adonias woulde haue marge: the,yonge Queene J peel ect: Abifaatss — The ſecond Sermon, one ie Ghifaak, nay then let him be hing fo, ſayde he. J percepue - now that be is anaughtp man, a peoud barted felloty, the gall of ambition ts not pet out of bis bart, and ſo cOmaunz Aponias putto Ded him fo be put to death. Thus was Adonias put to ere- Peath. , tution, where as if be bad kept bis houfe and not beoke his - Bbisehas pepo iniunction, he mighte haue liued Mill. Abiathar, tobat|bes Cov and made la came Of him? Che king (becaufle he bad ſerued bis father be guondam, fo2e bin) would not put him fo death, but made bimas tt UWBngit were a quondam. Gecauſe thou batt ben with mp rather (fapa aan Dinvett carp the ark befo2e him, J will not kill thee. But J wil promiſe thee, thou ſhalt neuer minifter as nuy moꝛe.ade in agrum tuum Get thee to thy land, and liue _, there. ¢ greatmatter of pitie € compaſſion, fo God graũt bs all fuche mercy. And bere was the ende of Clies ſtocke, according to the peontife and theeatning of God. As fo2 the Phelethites we doo not read that thep were punifhen, Mary, Semey tranfgrefled bie Jniunction: fo2 be kept not bts boufe, but Went out of ierulalé te {eke tuo feruatits of bis, that bad run from bint: and when tt came to Salo⸗ mons care, itcof him his lpfe. 7 haucript the matter now to the p ill, and baue:tolde pou of playne walners, and of y walkers,and bolwa kpng tn hischildhod isa hinge, as was vut well, as in any other age. Ue readein ſcripture of ſuch as ii. peares olp were but rit.o2 vitt.peares olde,and yet the woꝛd of the bo. Sohenhewas ly Hho called them kings, faping: Cepzt reguare he began. —— to raygne, oꝛ be began to be hing. dere is of bywalkers. | —— was This hittery tuoulde be rementbecd, the prouerbe is: Felix Dit, quem faciunt aliena pertcula cautum. happp is he that can bes iiuieking. xxii. ware bp an other mans ieoperdy. Foꝛ tf we offend not as other doo, it ts net oure olune delertes. Jf wefall not, itis (ods pꝛeſeruation. We areall offenders. Foꝛ ether we may D0,02 haue don, 02 fhalldoo(ercept God peelerue bs ) as euill as the woꝛſt of them. Ipꝛaye God tye may all az mend and repent. Sut we Will all amend now Itruſt. We mute nedes a mende our lpues cuerp ‘man. kings He The holy Communton isat hand, andtoe may nat res Drenperthep cerue it vnwworthely. WWiell,te returne tomy biſterre· are kinges. Kyng Dauid (Jſay)was a king tn his lecond childhod. aAnd fo, pong kinges thoughe they bee Chilozen; ——— URS, ings — PROSE of .M, Lattimer.” $4 ‘nings not wiſthttanding, and though tt be boritten in ſcrip⸗ ~tuve:Ve tibi O terra vbipuer ef Rex, Mo to thee,D Lande, Wwyhere the king ts a childe: it foloweth in an other place. - ‘Beata terra vbi rex nobilis Bleſſed is the land, where there fs a noble kyng. Where hinges be no banketers, no plaperss ‘and there they fpend not rheir time in bauking and buns ill ſar Tuch, this gear ommended > d Protectouts and my toad , THe comune Quill not tary, it is bur my Le2 of Canterburies doing: Chek D,betinolweth not ssonit hove of it. Fela mercp,Hotw Iplic at men fo p Jelwes ayes. gil euer fubburn ſtifnecked, and walking in bye wayes. Pea, Enalith mer. 4 thinke no Jewe wouide at at any tyme faye: this geare Worle then the Wwill not tatp.g neuer heard nor red atanptime that thep ewes. ſayd. Theſe lawes were made in ſuch a kinges dayes, Whe ‘be was but achild. Let bs alter them. D Loꝛde Wwhat pys tie is this,that we ſhould be worſe then the Jewes⸗ Bleiſed be the lande ſaith the worde of Sod, where the xKing is noble. Mhat people are they that fay, the keng is ~-buta childe: haue not wea noble kpnge 7 Mas there euer Kynge ſo noble7fo Godly⸗ brought bp Wwithfonoble coun: ⸗ ſellours:ſo ercelient,¢ well learned Scholemaiſters: wil aa Ps be tell you this, and J (peake it cuenas J thinke. His mater wrewe and fipe bathe moze Sodlyp wit and vnderſtanding, mozelears snp party rez ning and knowledge at thisage, then rp. of bis pangent- port of 29.24 fo28,that ¥ could name,bad at any tyme of theirlpfe. —— Itoide pou in my lat termon ot minitters, of the kings cao mau⸗ people, and bad. occaſion to Hew pou, bow fow noble men RES were good preachers, and J left outean hiſtorr then which FJ will now teil pou. ‘. There wasaithop of NOpnehefer in hing enrp the The hiſt ory of bi.dapes, whiche king was buta chypide,and pet were there abihopof ‘Many good Xctes made it bys chilochod,and Jdo not read ——— : that they were broken. This Byſhop was a greate man yi tome, ‘boone, ¢ did beate fuche a ftroke that he was able to fhoul- Der the Lorde Protectour, MWell,it chaunced that thelow = Protectour and he felloute,and the Gyſhop would a BR ‘ notheng Thefecondfermon — naothing af all with Hitt, but played me the Satrapa,fo that the Regent of Fraunce was fayne to ve fent fo2, from be- — pond the leas, to fet them at one,and to go betwene them, * F 02 the GSiſhop twas as able at utcadye to buccle with the - Lode P2otectonre,as he was with bpm. Was not this a good pꝛelate:he ſhould bane ben athome a preaching tn bys Dioces in a waniant. This Pꝛotector The goon WAS fo noble and Godly a man that he was called of euery avon, matt the good Duke Wumfrey.e kept ſuch a houſe, as ne uer was kept ſince in England, without anpenbaanipng © of rentes.% Warrant pou,e2 anp fuche matter. And the bts fhop fo2 Landing ſo fttflp by the matter, and bearpng vp eo * the cei of our — the holy — bs re ian ẽdinall at Calice,and thyther the bpthop of Kome fent int oom hun betters 5 carpinals hat. in eny balfer,and. e proud prelates, Theſe & attes neutr bought good info Cngland. | Uppon this the bithop goeth me fo the queene Rather vin the hinges wyfe, a p2ond woman anda ſtout, and pers ſwaded ber, that if the Duke Were in ſuche authoritie fpll, and lypued,the people would bono2 bint, moze the thep did the King. And the king ſht ulonot be fet by, and ſo betwene Dake Bam- them, J can not tell how it came to pas, but at Sente Ed⸗ krer Smothercd. mundsbury in a parliamẽt, the good Duue Lumfrey was mothered. $3 Sut now to returne fo my ferf,and to make further re hearlall of the fame,the matter beginneth thus. Et poft qua erotic Office Of ederit Rex. Gnd when the king is fet in the feat of bis kings hota. bom, what thall be do? hall be daunce, and dally bantet? hauke and bunte? Qo forſoth [p2. Foꝛ as God fet an order in the hinges fable as J tolde pou in my lalte Sermoit, fo Iwill be appoint what paſtime a king thal haue. WA bat mut he doo then ? be mutt bea ſtudent. he muſte werite Sods booke him felfe. Mot thinking becaufe he fs a a -- Reng, be bath licence to doo tbat be will,as thefe worldlyx +1.) flatterers are wont to fap.ea, trouble not pour felf fir,pe map hauke and bunt, ¢take poure pleafure. as fo2 the quis asf ding of pour kingdom and people,let bs. alone with it. * Tbele flattering clawbacks av oziginal rotes sa — 168M Lattimer. chiet. and peta — map take hfs paſtime in hauking o 2abings pain Hunting 02 fuche tyke pleatures Suthe mut blethemfo, recreation when heis wer, of waightye affapres, that be << ee at — ‘may Feturneto them the moze luſtye:and this is called pas. ime with good company. He mutt waite out a boke hym i felfe.e (peaketh of opting becaule patting was notbs he king mu sate fed at that time.And thall the king w2ite it out him felfe? ite the booke He meaneth he hall (ce it waitten,t rather eben he Ghoul’ oft cutere.tias be Without it, wapte it him felf.gefus mercy is God ſo cha ſelle. ry with a King to haue him well bought op € infiructed2 D ea forſoth.Foꝛ ifthe ting be fell s2dered, therealmeis Wwellozdered. Where Hall be haue a copte of this boke? of the Leuites.Qnd why? Secauſe tt hall be a true copte,not falfifpen. Moyſes left the boke in an olde cheff, and the Lee uites bad it in hepyng. And becaufe there ould be no eve reur,no addition,no2 taking alway front it, be biddeth hint fetche the copy of the Leuites. And was not here a greate miracle of God, holy this boke was preferued: Ft had lain bid many peates and the Jewes knew not of it. Therfore at length wher thep bad found tt and knew it:they lamen⸗ ted fo2 they? fgnozaunce, that had ſo long bene withoute if,andrent their clothes,repenting they2 vnfaythfulneſſe. : Gnd the holp bible Gods boke, that we haue among vs, it ordi wlan bath ben preſerued hytherto by wonderfull miracle of 90 path ben preiee though the kepers of tt were neuer fo malitious. Fite e⸗ nev hitherto-bp ner fyth the bithop of Rome was firke in authoritie, thep 3 & wonderfulmé haue gone aboute to deſtroye it,but God worketh wonder tacle. fully, be bath paeferned it mauger thep2 beartes,and pet ar _ > fe bntbankfull that we can not confider it. JWil tell pou, what a bithop of this realine fapde once to me, he (ent for me andimernapled that J would not confent to fuch tradi⸗ fions,as were then ſet out. And Jaunſwered him, that K woulde be ruled bp Sons boke, and rather then I woulde 22 oy o> Diffent one tote frõ it, would be toane with Wild horſſes. 9 And Ichaunced in aur cõmunication, to name the Loꝛdes ſupper. Tuſh faith the biſhop. Myhat do pe call the Lordes Dark a lerned ſupper· What new terme ts that? There Kode by him a Preiate. _ Dubber, one doctour Dubber he dubbed him by and by and: lard oat this terme was ſeldome red in the LL ak - The fecondfermon , Haules And J made anſwer, that F world rather tolo Paule in afar toby bipng bis termes, thea them, though thep had ali the doce tours on thep2 fpde. da bp, fayd ee biſhop, cã not Wwe with, out {criptures order the peoples howe did they befoze the — ————— ſcripture twas fiſt tu2ptté and copied out? But God know/ thepeople mi- CD, full fll pet ould they haue ordered them. For ſeyng ght not de oꝛ⸗ that hauing it,they bane decepucd vs, in what cafe ould - — withoute we haue ben now without itzBut thankes be to God,that crpturts by fo wonderfull a myracle bath preſerued the boke Mill. | Jt folotveth in the tert. Habebit fecum, oc, Be hall haue it Thebyblemutt with him in his progreffe, he mutt haue a man to carpet, * aioe that when he is hauñyng and bunting o2 in any pattime, effe and paz “tape allvates commune with them ſhall reade in pine, if not once a peare, fo2 a time,o2 fo2 bis recreation, whebe- is Weary of haukyng 02 bunting, but cunctis diebus vite ſuæ All the dates of bis life. Where ar thoſe woridlyngs nolw? hele bledder puffed bp wyly men· Mo woeth them that euer they tere about anp King. Hut hol thal beread this. How homely LOKe,as the Homilies are read Some call them homies, ehey handie the AND in Dede fo they map be well called, fo2 they are homel the gobipe 02 handled. 302 though the patel reave them nenee fo fuel mplice, yet ifthe parith lite themnot, there is tuche talking and | babling tn the churche, that nothing can be beard : Aun pe | the parpth be good, and the priek nought, be Will fo hacke it, and chop (t,that it were as good fo2 them to be without. .. {t,f02 anp word that thalbe vnderſtand. And pet (the more · pitte)this is futtred of pour graces bifhops tn their dioces 8 requuett to bnpuniſhed. But ¥ wil bea futer to pour grace,that pe wil thekingcs S°UC POUL Hithops charge ere they goo home, vpon they⸗ grace, allegiaunce,to loke better to thep3 flocke, and to fee youre maieſties intunctions betterkept,¢ fend pour bvifitours in Hegiigent bi⸗ theirtailes. And ifthey be found negligẽt or fautye in their: Wops. deutpes,oute With thẽ. Jrequire it in Gods bebalfe, make. them —— all the packe of them.Gut peraduenture pe will fap. Where ſhall tue haue any to put in theyr role: mes? In dede Jwere a prefumptuous felloiv to mo ue: ‘pour grace to put them oute, tf there wer not other to pat: in thep2 places. Sut youre maieſtie bathe diners of youre: ebaplayprics, well learned men, and of good siete * ye t The fyrft Sermon, 36 pet pe hane ſome that be baode inoughe, bangers on of the court, J meane not thole. Wut if pour maieities chaplains wangergotthe anc mp 1020 Protectors be yor able to furntthe their pla- courte, : ces, there is in this realm,thankes be to God, a great fight . of lap men, wel learned in the (criptures, and of vertuoug and godly conuerfation, better icarned then a great ſyghte of bs, ofthe clearcy. Ican name a numbꝛe of them that are able, and would be glad(% Dare fap)to minyſter the function ifthep be cal- led to it. 4 moue it of conſcience fo poure grace, let them be : called to tt ogderly,let them haue inſtitution, and geue thẽ nen tay: > the names of the clergy. Imeane not the name onlpe, but sen to —* let them do the function of a biſhop, and liue of the fame, the rowines of Not asit ts in many places, that onc thuld haue the name, dihovs, and bitt. otber the paofpt. #02 What an enozmity is this in ofa Pꝛouoſtihip and a Deanrpe,and a Perſonage: But J _.. wil tel pou what is lyke to come of (t.4t toil being the cler all a gp ſhortly into a berp rence map not fo2gette bere mp tought inta Scala celi that J {poke of tn inp laf ſermon. J Will repeat it Mauer. now again ,defpaing pour grace in gods bebalf that pe twit remembre it. Lhe byſhop of Rome hada Scaleceli,buthys - was a Dalle matter. This Scala celi,is the true ladder that beyngeth a man to heauen,the toppe of the ladder 02 fyrſte greeſe, is this. AMobo fo euercalleth vpon the name of the Lod, fyalbe faued. The ſecond ſtep. hoboe thal they call vppon hym, in eheScatacee whome they haue no beleue? Whe third ſtayr is this. How fi and bis. v. hal thep beleue in him, of home they neuer hearde· The . fourth fep.bolv thal they bear without a preacher 2 ow — the nether end of the ladder ſhall they preache,c re cepte they be fente? Chys is the foote of the ladder, fo that we may goo backward now, and bie the ſchole argument. A primo ad vitimum. Late alway preaching, take alway ſal⸗ uation. but J feare one thiug,andit is, leaſt fo2atatetpof The teare is a litle mony,you wil putin chauntry prieſtes to faue thep2 pat fort igang penfpons. But J til tel pou, Cheifke boughte ſoules with airedp, = ‘bys blond, and wil pe fel them fo2 gold maser woulde * Ps — aa . — — The firft fermon; Not that pe ſhoulde doo with chauntrype Prieſtes, as ve did wyth the Abbottes, when abbeyes were putte doone. For when their enormities Were fyrſt redde tn the parliament Pew bilhops houle,thep were fo great and abbominable, that ther was ‘ofold abbots, nothinge but Downe wyth them. Wut wythin a whyle af⸗ ter, the fame Abbottes were made Sithoppes As there be ſome of them peta liue to faue and redeme their penfions, D Loadeithinke pe that Godis a folezand teeth tt notPand ff be fc it, Wil be not puniſh tt2 and (o nol fo2 fafety of mo nye, J would not that pe ould put inchauntrype prieſtes. Ji (peake not now againſt fuch chauntryp prieſtes as are az ble to pecache, but thofe that are not able, J twill not haue them put in, fo2 if pe deo this, ve thal anſwer fo2 tt. It ts in the tert,thata king ought to feare Bod, be hall haue — — — —— his Hanne —* by world lp policy, fo2 woꝛldly policy feareth not God. Take hede of pine Pregl thefe claubackes,thele benemous people that toil come to you,tha kolowe like Gnatoes and Parafites,if pow folowe them, pou are oute of pour boke. If it be not accoꝛ⸗ Ding to Sods worde that thep counfaile pou, doo tt not fos Smielkealtes any woꝛrldly poticp,fo2 then pe feare not God. It foloweth Op ſlatterers. in the tert, / non elenetur cor eius. Chat he be not proude as boue his beeth2en. A kypnge mute not be peoude , fo2 Gos myght haue made hym a ſhephearde, when be made hym a kynge, and done hym no wonge. Where be many exam ples of pꝛoude kpnges in (cripture.AsPharas that Would 597 Exod not heave the meſſage of God. Herode atſo, that put Jhon dit,vitt, — WBaptifte to deathe, and woulde not beare byur, be tolve bint, that it vas not lawfull fo2 him to mary his bothers —— wyfe. Jeroboam alſo was a pꝛoude kynge. An other kyng rit, there was that toozthipped ſtraunge Gods and Idols, of thofe men whome be bad overcome befoze in battatl: Ann Wwhen a Prophet told hint of (t:Wa hat ſayd he. Who made pou one of my councel: Theſe Were proud kinges. their ex⸗ amples are not to be folowed. But uberefoze hall akpnge feare God, and tourn net⸗ ther to the ryght bande,no2 to the lefte. Uherefore hall be do all this: velongo tempore vegnet ipfeer £47 cius, What be may raigne longsbe and his chilnzen- tte | member The fyrft Sermon, 3 member this J befech pour graces And when thele flatte- | — ce all come and clalve ‘pou by the back anb fap. | | » Strtrouble not youre felfe. What ſhoulde pou fludpe Such an aun⸗ Why Hould pou do this orthatẽ Pour grace map anſwer conti cane them thus,and fap. Uthat ſirra: ¶ perceiue pou ave wery His combe. of bs,and our pofterityp. Both not God fay tn fuch a place. What a hinge Hhould weite out a boke of gods lawe, and reade it⸗· Lerne to feare@od.and toby? Chat he and hys, might reign long, Jperceyue now thou art a traytorꝛ · Tel him this tale once,and J warrant you he wil come Acharme to no moze to vou neither be,nozanp other atter uch a ſort. NVaee And thus ſhall poure grace d2iue theſe flatterers and ‘ —— alway, And J am afrayed J haue troubled yuus ‘to ong. ; ‘ 4B fy ha ES PE Therlorc Sf ioill furniſh the tert now with an hiſtory 02 two,and then J twill leaue pou to od. e hauc hearde how aking ought to palethe time. be mutt read the bole of God, and it ts not inongh fo2 him tojreade, buthe muſt be acquanted With all (cripture, be muk tudp,andbe we pꝛay: tnd ho lw thall be do both theſe.. He maye learne at Salomon, God fpake vnto Saloz iii,oening.tiie sons tuben he was made a kyng, and Sande hym alle of tiof Chzonis . hyym Whathe Woulde,and be thoulde haue it. Bake thy pez cles: i.b i tition, ſayde God, and thou fhalteebtapne., Powe marke Salomons paper: Domine,o Domine deus fapaehe: D Loꝛd Salomon is a - God, itis thou that bat caufed me to rapgne, and hatte (et Pzcfivent of pa me in my fathers feate, for tha God onlpe doef mate ver for binges, kynges. Thus thoulde kyngs prayſe Sod, and thanke gov ‘as Salomon dyd.WBut what was bis petition: Lorde, fayd he: Da mihi cor docile.he aſked a docpble heart, a wiſe hart, , and wyſedome to gooin;and te goo oute, that ts to begyn —— all myne affap2es well, and to bring them to good ecfect t * Purpote, that Jmay learne to guide and gouerne my peo⸗ ple. Mhen be hadde made bys petition, it pleafed god wel ‘that Salomon aſked wiſdom, neither rytcheſſe nor long lite, a therfoꝛe god made him thisanfiver. Becauſe ðᷣ hatte choſen wiſdõ aboue al things. Jwil gene thee it, and thou atouloagal oot sogued ts oF eth) goo Malt ve the a ee road The firft fermon, the wylſeſt kinge that euer was befo2e thee, and fo be twas, : fy and the wiſeſt in ali kindes of knowledge that ener was Caper mul be (9tbe.And thoughe he dyd nofaike ritchetle, pet Gop gaue couples toge⸗ hym both richele and honour, mtoze then eucr anpe ot bys ther. aunceto2s bad. Oo pour grace mutt learn botv tone, of Sa laomon.e mutt make pour petition,now fudp,nowpay. They multe be poked together, and thps is cailed patipme With good company. b ati hep ree Qolw when Sod had geuen Salomon wiſdome, he fen€ him bn and by occafpon to occuppe bis wit. 3402 God gaue neuer a gifte, but be fent occafpon at one time o2an other Gon minifrcth to ſhew tt to Gods glozp. Asif be ſente richeſſe, he fendeth Feuetien, pooze men to bebealped topth it · But nowe mutt men o¢e r rupy thep? goodes otherinife. hep will not looke on the pooze, they mufte healpe their chilozen,and purchafe thent moze land then cuer they? grandfathers bad before thent. Sut J hall tell pou what Chikte fapd. He that loueth bis chploe better then me, is not worthye to be my difciple: B cannot ſee how pe thal ſtand before Good at thelater Dape, {oben thys fentence thalbe lapd againit pou. But to returne to mp purpoſe there wer tivo poe wo· | met came befoze Salomon to complaine. They were tla. tit,ofkpnge tit, barlottes, and dwelled together in one houſe, and tt chaun⸗ ced wythin tivo dayes they chiloed bothe. The one of thee —— women bychaunce in the nyghte, bad killed ber childe, and G rtoo hrioy tote paiuelpe and went to the other woman, and tooke ber ¢ogalonon, liue chile alvaye,and lefte ber dead chploe in bys place. — - Upon that they came bothe before Salomon to haue the matter iudged, whole the chilve twas. And the one ſayd: it ts mp chplde. Maye fapeth the other, itis. mine. So there was pea and nape betwene them, and thep healde bp the | matter with ſkoldynge after a Womanltke fathion, At the : Tengibe Salonion repeated they2 tale as a goon tudge ous ght to do, and fad to the one woman. Thou ſayeit p child is thyne,pea fapde the. dnd thou fapett, tt is thine to the other. 7iell, fetche me a ſwearde, ſayde he. For there was no Wwape nowe to trpe, whypche was the true mother, but by naturall inclination.qnd ſo he ſayde to one of bys fers Haunts. F etch me a ſweard and deuyde the chiloe — em. ofM,Latimer,) 33 chem. Whenthe mother of the childe that accuſed thother bearde him faye fo. Hayefor Goddes fake fapde ſhe/ lette her haue the whole childe,agd kpll itnot. ape, quodthe other, nepther thine noz mine, bet let it be deuided. When fapoe Salomon. Seue this woman the childe , this is the mother of the childe. Ghat come of this: Audinct omues Iſ⸗ rael. Mhen all Iſraell heard of thys iudgemeut, they fear red the king. Jt is wiſdome and godly kno wledge that cau wiſdome cau⸗ {eth a bing to be feared. One word note here fo2 gods fake ſetha kyngete and J Wil trouble you no longer. Gould Salomon being veteared. fo noble a king bear tivo pooze women: They were pore, for as the (cripture ſaithe. They were together alone in a bhoute,thep bad not fo much as one feruant betwene them bothe. Woulde kynge Salomon, J faye, bear them in bys olwne perſon: xea fozfothe. And pet J beare of many mat- ters befoze my Loꝛd Peotectour, and mp Lorde Chaunces ¢ loute that can not be heard. J mutt defy2e mp Loz protec Frm 10. toures graceto heare mein thys matter , that pour grace gectourc, = Wwoulde beare pooze mennes (utes pout (elfe. Put them to none other to beare,let them not be delaped, Whe ſayinge is now, that money is beard euery where, if he be ryche, be fhall foone haue an ende of bis matter. Other are faine to goo home wyth weping teares,fo2 any helpe thep can ob- taine at anye iudges hand. bear mennes futes lfe3. Irequire you in Soddes behalf,and put it not tothe hea⸗ ring of there beluct cotes,thele bpfuippes. Pow a manne cilet cotes can (katie kno w them from an auncient knight of the con ayy ypipppes tp. } can not. go to mp boue fo2 poze folks come vnto me, Maitter Latia Defiring me that J twill fpeake that their matters mape be mer troubica hard · trouble mp Lord of Caunterbury, and being at bys — tee Houle now and then J walke in the garden lokinge in mp mens lutes· booke,as 3 can doo but litle good at it. But fome thinge J - muff neades doo fo ſatiſty this place. fam no foner in the Garden and hauered a while, but bp andby commeth ther fomeanco2 othertinocking at the gate. ttnone cometh my man and faith Sir, there tg-one at the gate woulde. (peake {opth pou. WH hen 4 come ther, then ts it fome one 02 other that defp2eth me that J Wil (peake that bis matter mpght he Dard, and that be bath lain this long at greatcofiesand | lit, charges, - ne The thyrd Sermon: charges, and canne not once haue bys matter come to the bearpnge, but amonge all other, one fpectalipe uoued tie at thys time to (peake. This tgis fp2. i Thegenticwo A gentlelwoman came tome anv tole me, that a great mans coplaint. man kepeth cerfapne landes of bers from ber, and wyll be her tenaunte in the (pite of ber tethe. dnd that in a whole tloclue monthe,the coulde not gette but one daye fo2 the hearynge of her matter, and the fame dape when the mats Sash aoe ches ter ſhoulde be bearde, the greate manne broughte on bps siers that ferue (Pde a greate fyghte of lawyers for bys counfaile, the gens Sober thep haue Cletpoman hadde but one man oflaip:and the greate man enoſt mony.· hates him fo,that becan not tel what to d0,fo that when the matter came to the popnte,the tudge was a meane to the gentle woman, that the woulde let the greate manne haue a quietneſſe in her lande. J befeeche pour grace that ve Iwill looke to thefe matters.dseare them pour felfe, Ucive pour iudges: And heare pooze mennes caules. And pou poude tudges harken what God fapsth in bys holye bootie: Audite illos,ita paruum vt magnum. ear them fayeth be, the fall as well as the greate, the poore as wel as the ryche. Kegarde no perfon,feare no manne. WAbpe? Qua’ domini iudicium ef, The iudgement is Goddes. Parke thys fayinge, thou pꝛoude iudge. The Beuill will bapnge thys fentence at the dape of Dome, Well wyll be full of theele tudges, tf thep repente not and amende. They are Worle Juktke, xviii. then the wicked tudge that Chaitte ſpeaketh of, that neps ther feared Sod, i102 the worlde. ‘ Where was a certaine wyddowe thativas a futer toa ~ fudge,ana the mette bpm in euerpe corner of the fireate, crpitige:$ pape pou heare me, Pbeteeche pou heare me, FA aſke nothing but right. ? deli _ ofM,Latimer. 49 2 hearde faye, that when a futer came fo one of them, be fapde: Ta bhat felowe ts it that geueth thefe folke counfatle to be ſo impoztunatezbe waulde be puniſhed and commits ted to warde. Darpe ſyr, puñyſhe me then, it is euen J that gaue them counfell,Z would gladly be punitged tn ſuche a ‘caule, And tf pe amend not, F twill caule them to crye cute bpon pou ſtill:euen aslongeas J live. J Will do it indede, ’ but J baue troubled pou longe, ts $ began with this fen- tence, Quecunque feripta ſunt. c. Do will J end no wwe wyth thys terte. Beati qui audiunt verbum Dei , & cuftodiuntils lud:Gleſſed are thep that heare the woorde of God and tes peth it. There was an other fute,and J bad almooſte for⸗ gotten it. Shere is a pooꝛe woman that lpeth inthe Fleate, and can not come by anye meanes that the can make to her an⸗ The poore wo⸗ man lpinge iz fiver,and woulde faine be bailled, offeringe to put in ſure · the Fiete, tyes worth a thoufand paund,and pet the cannot be hard. Me thpntie this ts. areafonable caufe,it ts great pitpe that fuche thynges fhoulde fo be. $ beleeche God, that be wyll graunte that all that is amie mape be amended, that we may beare bis woorde and keepe it, that we maye come to the eternal bliffe,to the whiche bliſſ J beſeche God to bing both vou and me. Amen. ¶ The thyzde Sermon of Maiſter Hughe Las _ tpmer, whyreche be preached befo2e the kynge; wythin hys graces Palapce at Wiekminker, the rrit, dave OF Marche, | 4 Veeunque feripta funt , ad noftram doctrinam KON feripta funt. Gil thynges that are t2ptten, are wertten to be pur doctrine. All thynges that be weytten in goddes holpe bookie, the y byisle, were weytten to be sure doctrin long and fo fo2th to the worldes end. pe chall haue in remembraunce, mot benigne and gra- befoze our time, to feruc from tyme to time, * 2 precher hat _ tious audience,that a preacher hathe two offices, and the * #2 ae i) one to be vſed ogderly after an other. | F.ttit, che . The thyrd Sermon? | & To teach She kprlte is Exhortati per ſanam doctrinam. To teache frac. true voctrpne, doctryne ie ſhall bane alſo occaſyon oftentymes to bie an other, and that ĩs.Coptradicentes conuiveere, i, To cofute To reprehend, to conuince,to confute gainfapers and fpur ainfapers and ners againſt the truth. Mhyryou wil fape, wil anye bodye Harners a= gaine fap true doctrine, and found doctrines Gil, tet a pre tal cher be fire, that bis doctrine betruc , anditisnot to be thought,that anp body wil gain fap it. Jf S. Paul had not foꝛſene that there tyuld be gainfapers,be bad not neade to haue appopnted the confutation of gaine fayinge. Das Hꝛeachers hac ther euer pet prechers,but ther ler gainfapers: that fpur ue euer hadd ned:that winſt:chat whimpered againſt him: that blaſphe⸗ — — med, that gapnefaped it Mhen Doles came to Cgipte we · vu. viu. ix. round docirin, he bad Pharao to gaine ſaye him. Jeremye was the minyſter of the true word of Gov, he bad gainfap- ers the prieſtes, and the falfe Prophets. Ely bad al Baals ii king.xviii prteſtes fuppozted bp Jefabel to fpeake again. bim. Jhon Gaptiſt and our {autour Jeſus Chzifte, had the Pbarileis, Actes.xxviii the Scribes,and the prieſtes gain layers to them. The Ae poſtles, bad gain fapersalfo,fo2 it was fatd to DS. Paul at Ronte: Notum eft nobis quod vhique fette huic contradicitur. : __ We know that every man doth gaine fap this icarnpnge, Eufebius de te* Geter the Apofties time the truthe Wwas gaine faped wyth poribus, Hy ftoria eccle- SP2UNtes,a8 Pero.Parentius,Bomicianus, and fuche istics, like, and alſo by the doctrine of wicked beretikes. Jn the po | Antonius sa⸗ pylſhe mafle tyme, there was no gapn fapinge, all thpnges | bellicus. cemed to be in peace, in aconco2de,ina quyet agtemente. | Werwere then So longeas we had tn adozation,iravmiratpon, the Dor | Peace So pptbe mafie,tue Were then iythoute gapntap nge, Gebat | at nebate with Was that’s he fame that Chriſte fpeaketh of · Cum fortis Gon, _armatuscuftodierit atrium. &c, When Sathan the Beupll hathe the guidinge of the houſe, be tepeth al in peace that ts in bys polefipon: whan Sathan ruleth, and beareth do⸗ minion in open religyon, as be did lopth bs when we pera ched pardon natters,purgatorp matiers, and pilgrimage inatters,all was quiet. be ts Ware tnough,be is wilye, and circumſpect fo2 ſtirring bp any (edition, Wben he keepeth his territoer alligin peace, 4 \ Of maifter Latimor, 4.0 Hf there were anp man that preached in England in tines paſt, in the popes times(as peraduenture there was sth 03 tii) ftrapght wates be was take —— in the head with . the title ofan heretique. Men h rellgion it af — ip ———— afelv Jwarrant pou. be buſyeth pont felfe there With no The dent? diſtention· For be bath there dominion inthe open KRely⸗ erased no Dif= ‘gion,and neadeth not to trouble him ſelfe any further. pga in Cur - Che Jewes lyke ronnagates where fo euer thep diwell)fo2 they be diſperſt and be tributarpes tn all contrepes where thep enbabite) loke wheather pe heare of any berefpes az —— mong themzut when fortis ſuperuenerit, when one ſtron⸗ sewer, ger then the Deuill, cometh in place, tobich is oure Sauy- our Jeſus Chapf,and reucleth his word, then the deuil roa enthene reth,then be bettirreth him, then be rayſeth piuerfitie of o- aay —— pinions to ſclaunder gods word. And it euer cõcoꝛd ſhould him and plaieth haue ben in religion. Mhen ſhould it haue ben but then bs parte, Chak was herezpe find fault with preachers, € fay, they 38 ors caule ſedition. WMe are noted fo be rath, ¢ bndiferet in oUre.caute offedicio,. peeaching. wet as diſcrete as Chit was there twas diuer⸗ The.xvi. ot fitie,pea, What he was binvfelf. Foꝛ when be aſked what With Darks. men called bint. His Apoſtles anſwered him. Some faye, bis Lube, ix. poware John Gaptiſt, fom fap, poware helias, and fome . fape,pou are one of the prophets,and'thele were thep that fpake bet of him. Foꝛ fome fapoe,be tuas a Samaritane. that be bad a deupll Within him, a gloſſer, a drincker, a pot companion. Chere Has neuer jorophet to be compared to There was ne Him, and pet was there never more diffention then when ucr ſo great ow be was and preached him felf, It it were contrarped ther, ha — Will pe thintic tt wall not be contrarped nsw, when chart: aye, pe tie is fo cold and tniquitte fo ffronge? Thus thefe backeby- - ters,¢€ claunderers mutt be —— Saint Paule fatd; bere all be intractabiles. that twi and whine, Aniloqui, bapn {peakers. 3 02 the which * Paule appointeth the preacher to ſtoptheir mouthes € itis a preachers office to be a mouth ſtopper. B preachers of This dap J muſt ſomwhat dotn the fecond ottyce, J mutt fee's to bea- be againg (aper,and J mull top theyr mouthes, — horver⸗ ti, Timo, itt, — The fecond Sermon; “i fefell,and confute that they fpeake ſclaunderouſly of me? There be fome gatnefaiers gainfapers,fo2 there be fome fclaunderous pesple, bapne fpeakers,€ zutractabiles tobicke B ie nedes ſpeake againi.dut firk J Will mate a ſhort ehetlall to put pou tn memogy of that, that 3 fpake in mp lat Sermon. and that done, J totll confute one that (claws. bereth me. For one there is that J muſt nedes aunſwer on to,fo2 be (claundzeth me fo2 my preachring befoze-p hinges miatefite.Z bere be fome to blame, that when a peeacher is lueary, pet they twill haue him ſpeake all at once. ge mull tary til pe beare moze. Ye muff not be offended till ye here the reſt. bere all and then iudge all, Mhat pear bery baftte, berp quick With pour preachers 7But before Ji enter further into this matter J thall deſier pou to pay. €c ‘ Fett of all as touching mp firk fermen, J twillrunnei€t che Epiloge, duer cnz/orie, rppping alitle the matter. ¥ bought in an bis oꝛ reh exſall of ſtoꝛie of the Bible, erctting mp audience to belware of by the fir ſermon walkings,to walke ozdinatly,platnly,the kings bigh wap - € agve to that, which andeth with the oder ofa Realm. Iſhewed pou how we were onder the blefling of God, for our king ts Nobilis, Iſhewed pou toe haue a noble tinge, Crue inheritour to the crolune ith out doubte. J ſhewed " furthernioze of bis godlp education. He bath fuche ſchole⸗ Che kines mtallers as can not be gotten in allthe Kealme againe. — Scholematcrs Wberfore we may be {ure that ood bleſſed this realm, all though be curſſed the realme, whoſe ruler is a child, vnder Wwhome the officers be climing,and —— funeng. (erate ching,anbd (craping, and boluptecufly fet on banketyng € Th e counſayu fo2 the maintenannce of their bolupteoufnes,go bp walks of Englande And althoughb be be pong be hath as good, and as fagea- on eo on counfaple,as cucr vas in Cnglande, whiche we map well: thrprapie, q KNOlwe by their godly procedinges, and letting fourthe of \. the word of God: Cherefo2e let bs not be tuorle ¢ then the PEPE A viffe necked Jewes. gn king Joftas time, (who being pong Cee ceaie ae gid alter,chaunge and cearect wonderfully thereligion (tt gandbkmg JoWas Neuer heard in Jewer that the people repyned 02 ſaid, thasiniiainpe Che king is a child. Chis geare twill not lat long. It ts but Mote >, one'o2 tive mens dotnges. Jt will not butfo2 atpme. The wing knoweth tt not. Mo worth that ener fuche book | ere | OfmaifterLatimor, 44 {were borne. Take hede left fo2 our rebellion God take bis blefing a way from bs.¥% entred into the place of the Kings hat is paflime, Itoide you howweche mul palle his tyme in rea- ay ircerine ee dinge the booke of God (fo2 thatis the hinges paſtime bp time, Gods appotutmente)in the whiche boke he ſhall learne to sue feare God. Db howe carefull God ts to fet in am oder all godis caretu thinges that belonge fo a king in his chaumber, in bis faz fora winges, bleinbistreafareboufe. | houle. Thele peuilh people in thys realme haue nothing but the kinge, the king in their mouthes, when it maketh fo2 their The king is in purpoſe. As there was a docto2 that peeached, the kinges euery mannes matettpe bathe bis holp water, he crepeth to the crofic, and —* ae it then they baue nothing but the kinge the tinge in their ztheir mouthes. Theſe be mp good people that muſte haue their mouthes ſtopte, but ifa man tell thent of the kinges p2o- feadinges, nol thep haue thetr thifts, and their putots fa. qitres ene cae ing, we may not go befoze a lal, Wwe may bꝛeake no order. offes, hele be wicked preachers, their mouths nut be Topt, thele be the gainfaters. in other thing thereisthatZ tolde a +506 mullt pou of Neelenetur cor regis.oe, Whe king muſt tot be proud not be proude, guer bis brꝛethꝛen. He muſt order his people with bzother- lp loue and charitie.bere J brought ineramples of pꝛoud ji; x ines of kynges. It ts a great pride in hings and maieſtrates when pine in aking, they will not beare, 102 be confozmable to the found doec⸗ trine of God. Ft isan other kind of pride in kinges when thep thine them (clues fo bigh,fo lofty, that thep difaapne and think it not fo2 their bonour to beare pooꝛe mens cau fes themfelues. They haue claubackes that fay bnto then. — What ſir: what nede pou ts trouble pours ſelfe? take vou gaye fae pour pleafure, bunt hauke, daunce, and dally, let bs a lone: docter picke Wwe Iwill gouerne and o2der the commune weale matters Mote and hys Wwelpnough. eo worth them, they haue ben the root of al Gr paces miſchiet and deftruction tn this realme. A king onght not counteu, only fo2 ta reade and udp, but alfe to praye. Let bimbo- a king mutte row example at Srlomon, who pleafen Sod highly with * —— * bis peticion,deſiring no worldly things, but wiſdõ whiche — god did not onlp graũt him, but becauſe be afhed Wwiſdõ, he gaue him many mo things.2s riches, bonoure ¢ {uch like, Dalomon pray Db how tt pleatco Hod that he ated wiſdome — nee ely e bad. - Thefecond Sermon? be bad genet hint this wiſdom be fent bint alfo occafisn to bfe p fame by a couple of ſtrũpets. bere J told an exãple of . amceke hing, who,fo continued.bntill became tnto the cõ⸗ Salomonhard pany of fraunge women. be beard them not by meanes, - the caules and 92 by any other, but in bis olune perio, ¢ I think berelp the complaintes _ naturall mother bad neuer bad ber olune chiloe if be bad — not herd the cauſe him ſelf. Chey were Meritri/es, Hooꝛes al . though fome ercufeth the matter, and fay they were but } tipplers,fuche as kepealeboules. Wut it is but folp to ers | “Tule them, feing the Jelwes Were fuche,and not vnlike, bue they pad their ſtewes and the maintenaunce of who2dome ; as thep bad of other dices. One thinge J mult here defier ay, Latimers pou tv reform mp 1.0208, You haue put dotwne the felves. — — But J peay pou what is the matter a mendede what a bays — leth that?pe haue but chaunged the place, and not takẽt whorzdom. F obo d the ſcripture fapth. Domini eft terra et plenitudo eins. Zhe earth andthe lande ts the Lowdes. Ui hat place thoulde be then within a chriſtian realme left, fo2 to diſſonour God. J mul nedes Hew pou fuch newes as Z here. For thoughe _ Flee tt not my (elf,notivithianding it cometh fatter to me then J would With. J doo as S.paule doth to the Corin⸗ thians Auditur interuus fluprum. Chere ts (uch a wo2d0m a2 mong pou as is notamong the gentils.So likewiſe. Audis tur. 3% bere fay that there is ſuche whoꝛdom in England as an the Coꝛin⸗ Neuer was fene the lpke. Hechargedall the Cozinthians. thians charged fo2 one mannes offence faping. Chey were all gtitp fo2 one | they mans mans finne, tithep woulde not cozrect and redreſſe tt, but Wink at it.Lo,bere map pou {ee bolw that one mans finne poluted all Co2inth.@ litle leauen as S.j5aule fapeth,co2s rupteth a greate deale of dough. This 195 Communicare alie- nis peccatis,to be partaker of other mẽ fines J abduertife you in gods name loke to it. Ihere fap,there is now moze whos. MBHore whordõ dom in London,then ther was on the bancke. Theſe ——— be the ne wes I haue fo tell pou. Fteare chey bettue. Be eutyedanke, ought to beare of ft, and redres it. J here ofit, €as Paule fapth. Aligua ex parte credo. There ts mo2e open whordom moꝛe ued whordõ thé euer twas before. Fo2 gods fake let it be loked bps. Jt is pour office fo fee vnto it. ow to mp contfutacion. There ~ of M, Lattimer. 43 DS Where fs a certain man that ſhortly after mp firt fermon, beingiaſked (fhe bad ben at the fermon that dape,anflwerd vea: J pray you fayd be holy liked you bimemaryp fayd be es ten as J liked him altvayes, a (edicious fellow. Db Lone pone that re he pinched me there in dede. Pay be had rather ATU BIE at ported 9).1a- me, Yet J comfort my te tha dite hint felfe — — Yas noted to be a ſtutrer bp of the peopleagaing them Cyn ses no perour,and twas contented to be called (edictous, It be cõ· ten fo2 a fentets meth me to take it in good worth, Jam not better then he ous ſtirrer of Was · In the kinges dayes that dead is,a meany of bs were the veople. called together befoze him to fap oure mindesin certapne matters. jn the end, one lineleth me dolwne,¢ acculeth me bow WM. Las gf fenicion,that J had preached ſedicious doctrpne. A bea: ber was aca uy falutation,and a bard point of fuch a mans dopng, as if eurrtpe, tile Should name hym, ve would not think tt. Whe king tur⸗ F ‘ned fo me and fapd. GA bat fap pou to that firs When Jkne ted do wne, and turned me fir! to myne accufer, and requi- ‘ved hint, Sir what forme of peeaching would pou appopnt ‘me to paeache befo2e a kpnge? Would pou haue me fo2 to preache nothing as concerning a ting, in the kings fermo? Haue pou any comiffion toa point me twbhat Iſhal pꝛeach⸗ Seſides this, Jaſked him divers other queftions,¢ be wold: make no anfiver to none of thé all. be bad nothing to ſay. Then J turned me to the kinge,and fubmitted my felfe to: ‘bis Grate and fapde, J neuer thought my felf worthy, nor @ neuer fuied:to be a preacher before poure Grace. but Fi was called to it, and would be willing (if pou miflike me) gig aunſwer to geue place tomy betters. Jfo2F graunt there be a greate tothekpng,. Meany mt02¢ worthy of theroume then Zam. Andifit be | pour graces pleafure fo to alloty'thé for preachers, ¥ could becontente to beare their bookes after them. Gut (f poure: Srace allow me fora preacher.F would deſyre pour grace to geue me leaue to diſcharge my conſciẽte. Geue me leaue to frame my doctrine accoging to mine audiẽce. Ihad ber a very dolt to haue preached bogvders ofpourrealm, Byzeacher as Vpꝛeache before pour grare · And thank almightye —J— bak Sod whiche hathe alwaies bew remedy, that my fainges and to the pers: were well accepted of the kinge, for like a gratious Lorde fons, be turned into a nother communtcation, — 7 F i cr i) _ The thirde fermou ferfpture fapeth. Cor Regis in manu domini, the Lode direcs ted the Kings bart.Certain of my frends came fo me With teares in their eyes, and told me, they loked J Mould haue \~ ben inthe tolver thefame night. Thus haue J euer moze ben burdened with the worde of (edition, J baue offended God grevuoully, tranſgreſſing bis law, and but fo2 this te- medy and bis mercy, J Would not loke fo be faued. As fo2 ; fedicion, foz ought that 7 tnoive, me thinkes, J Hould not nede Chrifte, ik J might fo fape. But if J be cleare in any MD .Latimer thing,Z am cleare in this. So farre as “fl know mine olvne —— vord hart, there ts uo man further from ſediciou then J. wbhiche orledicicn.· 3 haue declared inall my dotnges, and pet it bathe ben es uer lapd to me. Another time, when J gaue ouer mpne of Fyce,¥ thould baue recepueda certayne dutie that they call a Pentecofall,it came to the fiime of fiftye and fpue pond, A let mp comntiffary to gather it,but be could not be ful: fered. F02 it was faid a fedicion hould rife bponit.. Thus thep burdened me eucr With fedicion, So this gen⸗ tilman commeth bp now With fedicion. dnd wot pe what, : 4 chaunced in my lak Sermon to (peake a mery worde of DE the newe the new thilling (to refreth my audito2y) bolv J was lpke (pling. fo put alway my nely fhilling fo2 an olde grote, J Iwas bere | in noted to fpeake fedfciouflp. pet Icomſort my felf in one thing, that Jam not alone and that Jhaue a fellowe. F592 it is, Conſolatio miſerorum. It is the comtoꝛt of the wꝛetched fo haue companye. When J was in trouble, it was obiec⸗ 29 .ALatimet ted and ſayde vnto me that J was fingular, that no matt notes ofa fyng thought as J thought, that Iloued a ſingularitie in. abthat guiaritic, J did», and that Itooke alway, contrary to the king,and the Wwhole parliamente,and that J Was tranailed with them, thathad better iwittes then Z,that J was contrary to them al, Bary fir this fas ſoꝛe thunderbolts.7 thoughtitamitk ſome thing to be alone, and to have no fellow. Ithoughte it was poſſible it might not be true that they toloeme. In the. bil.of John the prieſtes fent oute certapn of the Jewes to bring Chit vnto them violentlye. When they came tne - tothe femple and bearde bint peeache,thep were fo moued >», Suith bis preaching, that thep returned home agayne, ana faye to them that fent them, Nunquam fic locutus eft homo) —* 4a oF #6. ‘of ,.M, Lattimer. bie homo. There was never man (pake like this man. Then aunfivered the Pharples: Num et vos feducti eflis? GU hat pe beainfick foles, ve hoddy pecks. Pe doddy poules, ed gli omy ye buddes,doo ve beleue himZare pon feouced altar Nunguis “FROM "ex Princepibus credit in eum! Did pe fe any great man, 02 anp great officer fake his partroo pe {ee anp boddy folloty him, but beggerly filhers,and fuche as haue nothing to take tor Nanquis ex Pharifets?Do pe fee any holy man? any perfecte manꝰ any learned man tate bis parte? Turba que ignorat le- gem execrabilis eſt. This lapy people ts accuriſed, it is they that knot not the lay, that takes his part, and none ells. alo here the Pbartles had nothing to choke p people, with Te bichons cat , all,but fgnozaunce. zoey Did ag oure bithops of Gngland, irene | Who vpbrarded the people allvayes with tqno2aitce there they werethe “they bere the caule of it thenilelues. here tere fapth S , aule of it them “Poni. Waite ex pranciprbus que crediderunt in eum. Dany of the nes chief menne beleued tn bint, and that was contrary to the Pbarifeis {aptng, Db then bp litte they belped him, he was not alone. So thought J there'be moze of mine opinion a Latimer then J thought J was not alone. Jhaue now gotten one path gotten Es felofy mo2e, a companion of (edition, and wot pe who is fap the provbet myfelow⸗Eſay the P2ophet, F (pake but ofa litle preaty tbe bis compa Hhilling. But he (peaketh to hieruſalem after an other fort" and twas (o bold to meddle with their coin. hou proude, thou couetous, thou hautie citie of Hieruſalem. Arzentum Warke welt tuum verſum eft inſcoriam. {hy ſiluer is turned into, whats —— into teſtionsꝰ Fcoriam, into dꝛoſſe. Ab ſedicious wꝛetche, with the pet what had be to doo with the minte: WMhy ſhoulde not be of the minte.. . baue left that matter to fome matter of policie fo reppoue⸗ | Thy filuer fs droſſe/ it is notfine, it is sounterfait, thy fil uer ig turned. thou haddeſt good fplucr. What pertapned that to Cfap. Mary he eſpied a pece of diuinitie in that poli Cie, be theeateneth them Goddes vengeaunce fo2 it, AC wo canter He wente to the roote of the matter, fobpch was couetouſ⸗ why money in nes. be efpyed tua popntes init,that epther it came ofcos Clotes time uetoutnes, whyche became hym to reproue; 2 els that it staal baloz tended to the hurte of the poore people, forthe noughty⸗ ed nes of the ſiluer was the occaſyon of dearthe of all thinges in the Kealme. bOAIWOO TG MG? EN Be i Mae . The thirde fermon He imputeth (t fo them as a creat crime. He may be calles a matter of fedtcton in Dede. Was not this a ſedicious bars lot to tell them this to their beadeszta their facee | his ſedicious man goth alfo forth, faping : Lanum tuum fay medleth ixcuum eff aqua. Thy wpne is mingicd tuith water. bere E lay medleth oie With vintners. be medeleth with binteners, be like there were bruers in thofe daics,as there be nove. It had ben good fo2 our miſ⸗ fal pꝛieſtes to haue diwellcd in that contrey,fo2 thep might haue ben fare co haue bad their wine tocll mingled With yeaa water.3 rememb2e bole Scrupulous J was in my time of Germutadseobe biindnes and (gnerauncie, when J ſhouid fay male, Jhaue he was amafic Putin Wwater toile or thriſe fo2 fapling, in fo much when J faper. haue beri at mp Memento, J haue hada grudg in mp cons ſxence, fearing that 3 had not put in water pnoughe. And that lubiche ts bere fpoken of wine, be meaneth it ofal arts A in the ctite, of all kindes of faculties, for they baue all their boi —— medles and minglings. That he ſpeaketh of one thing, be ment itofmo, meaneth generally of all. J mutt tell pou moze newes pet. “- 3 bere fay there is acertain conning come bp in mizing Cioth — of wares. Dow fay pou, were it no wonder to heare that are become po: Cloth makers thould becom poticaries. yea and as Jheare ticaries. ſay, in fuche a place, whereas they haue profeſſed the Gale peli,and the worde of Cod moſt carneftly of along tpme. Se how bufie the Deuill ts to ſclaunder the woꝛd of God? Thus the pore qofpell goeth to wrack. Af bis cloth be. rbttt Vardes long, be twill fet him on arack, € firetch him oute A prety kinde With ropes,an’ racke him till the ſenewes ſhrinck a gaine, of multiplying, Whiles be hathe brought him to.rrbvit. pardes. When they bane bought him to that perfectiõ, they haue a prety feat badie odio to thick him again. Be makes mea poluther fo2 it, ¢ plats the, POW" rhe poticarp, they call ft floke pouther thep dao fo in torpo⸗ vate it to the cloth, that it ts wonderfull to confider, trulp a goodlpinucntion. Db that fo roodly wittes thould be ſo ilapplied, they may well deceiue the people but thep can not deceiue God. hep, were wont to make beds of flocks € it was a good bed to. Now they haue turned their flocks into pouther to play the falfe theues with it.O ticked di- well what can be not inuent to blafpheme Gods wo2ne? - hele mixtures come of couctoutnes. Chey ar plain thee : iy’ eg Oe Taine. Se 44 Mo woꝛth that thefc fockes Mould fo flaunder the word of Sod. As he faid to the Jewes, thy wine is mingled With eyeremigeres Watcr,fo mpghte he baue ſgyde tods of thys lande. Thy andmutipiy= tlothe is mingled wyth locke pouder.e goeth pet on. ings are chert ./ his fevitious man rep2oueth this honourable citye, and —S fapeth: Pranctpes cui infideles, Thou lande of Jerufalem, thy magifirates,thy tudges are bnfaithful,they kepe no touch thep wil talke of manp gap things, thep will pretend thys and that; but thep tepe no peomife. hep be worſe the bn- - faithful, bewas not aftaid to cal the officers bnfaithfull. Ex focy furum, Felotwes of theues: for theueiand theues . felolwves, be all of one ſoꝛt. They were Wont to faye. Ake Efaycaneth — wnp felolw if J be a thefe. be calleth princes theues?W hat? the magiſtrates Princes theues: M hat a (editions harlot was this /was vntaythtui and ‘he Wo2tbp to hue in acommon Wwealthe that woulde call Geneee of princes on thts Wife, fellotves of theues⸗ ad they a ſtan⸗ 3 Ding at fhoters htl,oz Stangat bole to take a purfe. aa by? bid thep and bp the high ap (ide Did thep rob? 02 beats open anp mannes boule 02 dooꝛe: Po, no. What isa groſſe kind of theuing. They were princes, they had a pryncelye hinde of theuing. Omnes diligunt munera. Whey alloue bat- —— bes. @zibery is ã princelye kinde of theuinge. Chey will be yonges. wie waged by the rich, cither to gene fentence againt the poze, rpis akynd of | o2to put of the poze mans cauſes. This is the noble thefte theurnge. | © of p2inces, ¢ of magiſtrates. They are bꝛibetakers. Pow a dates thep cal them gentie retuardes:let them leaue thep2 Bribes haue colouring, and call them by their-chaiftian name Gribes. gotten a new Omnes diliguut munera. Ql the princes, all the tunges, all the name. prietts,al p rulers are bꝛibers. UDbat? were all the magt- firates in Jerufalem,all bribe takers,none good: Qo dout there were fome good. Thys woorde omnes, figniticth the mooſt patt,and fo there be fone good J doubte not of it, in Cngland. Wut pet we be farre worſe then thofe ſtifnecked r Jewes. F 02 we read of none of them that winſed, no2 tics we are worſe ked again Eſais preching, 02 fatd that be twas a (editious then the tithes felol. It bevoucth the magiftrates to be increnite, € ther: bed Jewes. fo2e it might feme that Clap twas to blame to {peak opely againt the magiffrates. It is berpe {ure that they that be good wil beare,t not (purne at the preachers, they that be i Gei. faultp — The thyrd Sermon. —— taulty they mutt amende, € neyther ſpurn nor wynſe noz So it farith b whine. be that findeth him ſelt touched or galled, he decla Bgallcd hoyle, reth him felfnot to be vpꝛighte. Wo woꝛthe theie grftes, 0 —- thep ſubuert iuſtice eucep where. Sequuntur retributiones. - hey folow baibes. Somiwhat was geuen to them before and thep muſte neades geue ſomewhat a gaine, fo2 gifte Silke gakkewas Gaffe was a good — gifte gaffe led them clene frõ @ good fellow, iuſtice. Thep fololw gittes. : : _ A good fellow on a time bad an other of bis frends to a breakfaſt, and ſaid: If pou wil come, yvou thal Ut tucleome, but Ji tel pou afore hand, vou ſhal haue but fleder fare,one A good fellowe diſh and that is al, what is that faid he? 4 pudding and no-z erro atid thing els. Mary faid he, vqu can not pleafe me better, of al pudding, meats, that is fo2 mine own Fath peu mae baaly mie cou about the tolun with a pudding. Theſe bribing mateftra- Rhepfolow _tes-attd tudges fololw attics fatter then the felow wouide _ bubes as fatte, Polo the pudding. Nisa) jetta as the feliowe . Jam content to beare the title of ſedition wyth Clapes bid thepoding, Whankes be fo God, ¥ am not alone, Jaminno fingulas - ritp. This fame man that laid fevition thus to my charge, was affied an other time, whether be wereat the Sermon . atPaules croffe, be anfiwered that be was there, and being —— aſked what newes there. Harp quod he wonderful newes, hcehps Dute Wwe were there cleaneabfolued, mp Dule andall bad fall had fulidbfoly- Abfolution,pe may fee by this,that be was ſuch a one that tion at Paules rode on a Dulce, and that he was a gentleman. Fn dede his Crone, mule was Wwifer then he, kor J dare faye, the Dule neuer aundered the preacher. at an brbapppec te had this Dule to carp (uch an Alle bppon his backe. J as | thete at the Terman mp telfe-4n the shoe of bys Teeman, be ; gaue a generallatfolutton , and as farre as remember thefe,o2 fuche other lpke woo2des , but at the leafte Zant fure,thys was bis meaninge,as manye as Doo knowleage Che mechers POUL felues to be fpnners,and confelle the fame, ¢ ſtande ®wo2des inhys Not In defence of it,and bartely abboareth it, and will bes ‘abfolution, leue in the death of Chzitte,and be confozmable therbnto, Mule, Ego abfoluo vos,quod he. Mowe fatthe this gentleman, bis mule twas abſolued. Che pecher abſolued but fuch as wer. ſorr, ¢ did repent Se lide then che dio repent her a . Ps - ofM, Latimer? 45 bps mule twas wiler then be a greate deale. Iſpeake not of Wwozldip wiſdome, for therin be ts to wiſe, pea bets fo wile that wife men metuatl, bots be came truly by y tenth part of that be bath. Wut in wiſdome whiche conitherh In rebus che miſrepor⸗ det; In rebus falutis,in godlp matters,and appertaininge to ter of 29. Latt put faluation,in this wiſdom he is as blind asa beatle., jos word Tanquam equus @ Mulus,in quibus no eft intellettus.Ltke ho2 only wi ae fes and mules, that baue no vnderſtanding. $F it wer true ãs bunde as a that the mule repented ber of ber fumbling, J thinke the betel. was better abfolued then be. ¥ p2ay Sod Lop his mouth, - . o2eis to open it,to fpeake better,and moze to bis glozpe: x charitable _- Au other man quichned with a two2d ¥ (pake (as be ſayde wih, oppeobzioully againg the nobility, that their childzen dpa not {etfo2th Gods word, but were vnpreaching paclates) Tenner enain? Iwas offended wyth me. Idyd not meane fo, but that fome tye cared mẽ of noble menneschildzen bad fetfo2th Gods woord, holw be thefedaps,had: it the poore mennes fonnes haue doone it alwapes fo2 the Faye —— Wot part.jobannes Alaſco twas here a great learned mas teiofone and as thep fay a noble man in bis country, and is gon bis: : {yap again, if it be fo2 lack of iutertainmet, the moe pity. 9 Z wold with fuch men as be to be tn the realin,for'p realm foes tos they {huld profper in receiuing of the. Qui vos recipit, me recipit. mot parthaue GQ bo recetueth pou receiueth me (fain Chriſt⁊ it ſhuld be cucr traueied a fo2 the kings bono2 to receiue them and kepe thé. J beard rai ed : fay mafter Belancton, that great ciarin chuld come hither. cons mare, F wold With hy, fuch as he isto haue CC.poũd a pers. iohan. Alafco! The king Mould neuer want it in bis coffers at the peres end. Chereis pet among bs tt. great learned men, Petrus -, ; ——— Vartir a Bernard Ochin which haue a C.markes a pece. ie torehe king: 4 Wonlde the kynge woulde beſto we a thouſande pound tobdcbeneficpad - on that ſoat. toward the ter. Pow F wil tomy place again. In the latter. ende of mp ned.· fermion, F erbo2ted iudges to bear the ſmal as well as the great.Iuſte quod infiumeft mut not onlye doo Petrus mare inflice, but doit inftlpe. Bou mufte obferuc all circumltan⸗ C2 Deine —— muſt geue iuurce, and minilter iuſte iudgemente h tyme. Fo the delaying of matters of the pore follic,ts as fine full betoze the face of Boras Wong iudgement. Zy ak see epee Got. Irxeherſed The thyrd Sermon; | * Che parable of J reherſed here a parable of a wicked iudge, which fo2 ims a wecked iudg yo rtunitics fake hard the pooze, © Pere ts a comfortable place, fo2 al pou that erp out and are oppreſſed. Foꝛ vou haue not a Wicked iudge, but a mercifull iudge to call vnto:Jam not note fo full of foliſh pity, but $ can confider wel inoughe,that fome of you complaine withoute a cauſe. They wepe, thep wayle, they mourne,$ am fure fome not wythoute ataufe. J opp not bere reproue all fudges,and fpnde faulte wyth all. I Some as pap thinke we haue fome as painful magifirates,aseuer tag fulmagiftrates jn Cngland:but J wil not (iveare they be all ſo: and thep tn England 45 that be not of the bet, muſte becontent te be taughte, and JT coovietfon Not difoaine to berepzehenden. Bauid faveth. Lrudimink fo fucheas are qui iudicatis terram.$ referre tt to pour confcicnce. Hos qui ix magitrats but dicatis terram. Pe that be iudges on the earthe, whether pe noue otthe belt haue heard poze mennes caules with erpedition o2 no:it pe 2 haue not,then erudimini,be contét to be touched, to be told. pou widowes, yvou Daphanes, pou pooꝛe people, here is a confoztable place fo2 pou . Thoughe thele iudges of the woꝛld iil not bear pou,there is one Wil be contente pth pour impoztunity,be toil remeady pou, ifyou come aftera ryght fort vnto him. Ve fap. Che tudge doth blame pou foz pour impoztunity,it is irckeſom vnto him. he entredinta this parable to teach pou to beimpoztune in pour petitio. Non defatigarz. Not to be wery. Bere he teacheth pau, bole How veri a to come to God in aduerfity,and by what meanes, whyche —— rez is by pꝛaver.I do not ſpeake of the merite of Chꝛiſt: fo2 be foztetogodin fapth:Egofum via,fiam the way, Quz credit in me , habet vi- abuctlitys 24m æternam. Who (o beleneth in me, bath euerlaſtinge life. | But when Wwe are come to Chriſt, what is our Wapto ree medy aduerſity!in anguiſhr in tréibulations/in our neceflie ties:in our iniuries? he waye is ppayer. We are taughte by thecommaundentent of God. Inuoca me in die tribulatio-~ nis & ego ertpiam te. hou widowe, thou oꝛphane, thou fa- therleſſe chploe , Jſpeake ta thee that bafte no frendes te healpe thee,call bppon me inthe dape of thy tribulatpon, call bppon me, Ego ertpiam te, J Wwyll plucke thee alpape , J wyll deliver thee, J twill take thee abaye, J twpll relieue thee, thou ſhalt haue thp hartes deſyre. » tsk oe ete Thethyrd Sermon, — 46 Here is the promile,here is the comforte. Glorificabss me. SLhanke me,accept me fo2 the autho2 of it,and thanke not this creature 02 that fo2 it, ere is the iudge of all iudges/ come vnto him, and be wil beare pou, Fo2 be fapeth: Quee- guid petieritis patrem in nomine meo. &c. Ghat fo ever pe alit my father in mp name, ſhall be geuen pou thozoughe mp merites. ou milerable people that are wzongedin the Wwo2lde,afke of mp father tn pour diſtreſſes, but put me ar Theozder oF foze,lolie you come not with bragges of your olone me our orapce and rites, but come in imp name,and bp mp merite. be bathe ating, not the prop2ety of this fout iudge,be wil bear pour im⸗ poztunatencie,he wil not be angrp at pour crpinge and calling. The Prophet fapeth: Speranerunt in te patres noſtri & exandinifti illos. Thou Sod, thou God, oure fathers dyd cry bponthee, and thou hardeſt them. Arte not thou oure God as wel as theirs: There is nothing moze plefant to —— God, then fo2 to put him in remembraunce of bys good · Wbat God neiſe chewed vnto our foꝛefathers. It ts a pleaſant POW gon Sonera: to tel God of the benefites that be hath done before oute jy deutes. ‘ time.Go te Poples, who bad the guiding of Soddes peo- ple, fe hobo be bled prayer as an inftrument to be deliue⸗ cries beh: red cut of aduerfity, when be had great rough mountains Aver ant On euery fide of him, and befoze him the red fea, Pharaos ticument in ad— Hott bebind him,pearill of death round about him. Ta bat uerſity. did he: deſpaired herno. GU bether wente be? ise repayred to God With this prayer, and ſaid nothinge. wet wyth a great ardency of pearfed Gods cares. Pow help or never good 1.02d,no help, but in thy hand quod hee. Thoughe he neuer moued bis lippes, pet the ſcrxppture fapeth: be crpedoute,and the Lord hearde him, and ſard: guid clamas ad me: Mhy crieſt thou out ſo loude? The peo⸗ J—— ple hard him fay nothing, and pet God fayd. Mhye cryeſt xod sii,” thou outeStraightwaies be firoke the water with bys. wie rod, and deuided it, and it Mode vp iiketive walles on ei⸗ ther five, betwenep which gons people patted, ¢thepers, fecuto2zs were dro ned. Ioſue was in anguilh.and like di gotiewasin ſtreiſe at Jericho, that true captaine, } faithfull iudge, no ſnguiſh and dit fololverof retvibutions,no beibetakershe twas no money tteſſe and pra⸗ ton GON Meee ses 55 Gattiy oy man ho 2% SLR at The thirde fermon, who made bis petition to almighty Godto ſhebbe him the taufe of bis wꝛath toward him, wien his armpe was plas ged atter the taking of zerichg. So be obtained bis praver Foꝛ Achans and learned, chat fo2 one mannes fault, ail the reaſte were couctoutnelle punifyed. Foꝛ Achans couctoulnes many a thoufand wer aan rig in agony, ana fear of death, who bid bis mony, as he thous Folue, vit ght froin god. ut god faty it wel noughe, and broughte tttolighte. This Acan nasa bylwalker. Weil,tt came to pate, when Joſua hnewe ft, ſtraight waies be purged the army, and tooke alway Malum ae Ifrae/,that ts wickedneſſe Joſue put B= from the people. Foꝛ Joſua callen hym before the people, sighed death. gndfapde,De gloriem Deo, geue papleta god, tell trouthe Zoſue vii. man, and forth With he tolde it. Ana then beand all bps bouflefuffered deathe. A goodlpe enfample fo2 ail Dagys firates to folloive. ere was the erecution of a true indge, aralrr, be was no gyfte taker, be was no wincker, be Was no bp Walter. Alſo when the Afirians with an innumerable po wer of men in Jofapbates tyme oucrfloived the lande of Iſraell. Jofaphat that good kynge goeth me ftrait ta god, and made bys prayer. Non eft en noſtra fortitudine, (ſayd be) buze populo refiflere,it is not in oure ſtrengthe, O Lode, to refpite this people,and after bis payer god deliuered bim, and at the fame time x · M. Were deſtroxed.So pe miferable. people,pou muſt goo to god in anguiſhes, and make pour paper to hym. . . MWanpdecin Arme your felues with prayer in pour aduerfities . Bae topzaye,but ny beginte pray,andfodenlp catt alway paper, the deupll fei perteuee putteth fuche fantaſyes in thep2 beades, as thoughe ov “ ee. could not entend them, oꝛ had ſomewh at eis to doo. Wut pou mut be impoꝛtune and not wearpy/, noe caſte ae Wap paper. May pou muſt caf alvap fpnne, God wil bear pinyin day pour peaper,albett,pou be finners,% fend poua iudge that * Wil be glad to bear pou.ou that are oppꝛeſſed, J fpeak to - pou. Cheifte in this parable dothe papnte the geod wrll of for bia sebeeh god tolwarde pou, miferable people, be that is not receps ipeth, 2 ned, let him not defpatr, no2 thinke that god bad forſaken a him. Foꝛ god tarieth til be feeth a time, and better can doo all thinges fo2 vs,then we oure felues canne wyſhe. Chere was a wicked iudge, tt. Ta bat meanesh it that —— r9 . Thethyrd Sermon, 47 rolweth this parable rather of a wicked Judge , then of a good? Be like good tudges were rare at that time, trolwe pe the deuil bathe bene a {lene eucr fences No,no.He ts as bufpe as euer be was. The common manner of a wycked Checommon fudge is, neither to fear God no2 man. He cdfidereth what hegre awit aman be fs,and therfoze be careth not fo2 man, becaute vbed iudge. of bis p2tde. ise loketh bie ouer the poze, be will be bad in admiration, in adozation. be femeth to be in a potection. Wel, Hall he efcaper iso, bo, ef Deus in celo. There is a god in heauen,be accepteth no perfons, be will punyſhe thent. here was a pore woman came to this tudge, and fapde: Vindica me de aduerfarto, &e that mine aduerfarpe do me no - wrong · be would not heare ber, but done ber of. She had no money to wage epther him , either them that were ar Whether chri⸗ Hout him. Did this woman twel to be avenged of ber aduer Man propte farp: may chriſtian people feke bengauuce? bei o2bd (ap- —— to be eth: Mihi vindictam et ego retribuam. Gahen pe reueuge. pe fake mine offpce vppon pou. This is to be vnderſtaude of pꝛiuate bengaunce. Zt is latwfull fo2 Gooddes flocke to ble meanes fo put alwape w2onges,to refozte to tudges, to re⸗ quire to bane fentence geuen of right. Saynte Paule ſent fo Lifias the tribune,to bane this ordinary remedy,¢ chit Actes. xxii alfo (aid. St wale locutus fum.e€c, If J haue ſpokẽ cull rebuke me. Chet here. anſwered fo2 him elf. Pote here myp Loꝛds qyath.xxvi. and matters tubat cafe po 2c widowes € oꝛphanes bein, J Wil tel pou my lode fudges, if pe cOfider this matter well, pe huld be moze afraid of the poze idol, then of a noble ama Wal the frends ¢ power that be can make. ut nowa Dats the tudges be a fraid to bear a poze ma againſt p rich, info much they intl ether paonotice agatt him, 02 fo driue Ge mene of of the poze mas fute, that be thal not be able to go tho20W nowa nates in ‘Wit. Whe greatelt man in arealm canot fo hurt a iudge as bearpngethe the poze widolv, fuch a chꝛeud turn ſhe cãdo him. And with Pe agaynit what armoaJ pꝛay pour She ca bing the iudges (hin ouer errch. bisears, € neuer lap hãds bpon bint. And how is that La⸗ thrime miferoris de[cedut ad maxilas. Lhe tears of the pore fal POwGodtens Dolun bps their chekes, & aſcẽdũt adcelũ, go bp to heauẽ ⁊ — * tty foꝛ vẽgãce befoꝛe god, the iunge of wido wes, the father caufeotthewp of widowes ¢ caphanes. poze prople be cppreſſed euen bp dow ¢ the poe dalues.Ve is qui cõdũt leges iniquas. Wo worth te them that anna @.itit, make The thirde fermonj © — malie euill lawes agaynſte the pooꝛe, what ſhalbe to chem that binder and marre good lalwes? Quid facietis in die vlti⸗ onis. Wat will ye Boo inthadape of greate bengautire; when God thal dilit pouzhe fapth, he wyll hear the tears. of po22 Women, when be goeth on vifitation . For thep2 fake be Wil burt the tudge,be be neutrfobigh,Deustranf — fert regna. He Wil fo2 idolves fakes chang reaims, baing: Carnbit thé into teptation, pluck the tudges (king ouer their hens: ambiles. aãbiles as a great Cmperoz,fuche another as our ma- fer ts, be bad many Lod deputies, lord preſidentes ¢ lieue tenãts vnder him. Zt is a great while a goo ſyth Jred the hiſtorv. It chaced he bad onder him in one of his domini⸗ ons a baiber,a gifttaker,a gratifier of rich men, he folow An olde ſoth ep gifts,asfatt as be p fololwed the pudding,a hãdmaker poe nat ene in his office, to make bis fonne a great man, as thold ſay⸗ - onect the ne- ing is. Wappy is the chilo, whole father goth tothe Denil: Sock Fl fear me The crp of the poze wido w came to themperos eare,and: petit is one o cauſed him to flap the iudge quick, and laid bis (hin in bis: Vhetiong ebait oftudgement,thatal iudges, that huid geue tudger fudge was fla: Met aftertward, ſhuld fit in the fame (hin. Surely tt was a pedquick, goodly fpgne,a goodly monument, the fign of the iudges iat py ala fkin, J pray God we mare onceletheligneofthefkpnin: vray haue fach CUGIANS. We wil fap petadurture that thisis crucllp ¢ or incozruptibie charita biy ſpoken, no no, J doo tt charitabipefozaloucZ, - iudges which bear to my country. God ſaveth. Ego viſttabo. J will viſytẽe. Zyunot delerue Son hath it. bilitatios. Lhe firkis when be reucleth bys: Godhath tio 10070 bp prechers,¢ where the fyatk is accepted, the fecond: bifitations, cometh not.The fecond vifitatton is bengante. be went: a bifitation, when he bꝛoughte the iudges ſkin over hys cares, $f bis tuo2d be deſpiſed, he cometh with bis ſecõd bt: fitation w bengance, Moe preached gods word an C.peres Hoe weached g nas aught to fkozn,¢ called ant old doting fole,becanfe fc: ’ they would not accept this firk viſitation, Sod vifiten the ~~ fecdd time be poured do n hours of rain, til al the worl — woas droned.Loth was a bilitoz of Sodome € Gomoꝛre. ene xix · ¶ hut becaufe they regarded not bis preaching, God viſyted ttthem the fecond time,and brent them al bp with brimſton, Cv, dis ſauing Loth. Doles came fir abifitation ints Cappte we X Sods woꝛd, and becau fe they would not heare hym, God. vilited them agarne, and drowned them in the vende Sea, on ming call thep2 hoagaes to the Wyne trough. Come fothp mins : * Jof,.M, Latimer. 48 G DD likewple with his kirſte viſitation biſited the Il⸗ raelites by bis pophets, but becaufe thep wold not beare | his Prophetes, be bifiten them the ſecond tyme, and diſper fed themin Aſtiria and Babilon. John Gaptiſt litetwife . - ) and our Sautour Chik biſited them, afterward declaring. to thei Goddes will:and becaufe they deſpyſed thele vy⸗ Gerinanpmade fitours, be dettroped Wierufalemby Titus and Tefpatia-eeryor rane nus. Germany was bifited. rr. peates With Soddes word, but they did not earneſtly embrace it, and in lyfe folowe if, but made a mingle mangle and a botchpotch of it ep fapin my countrey, gle mangle come pp2, come pp2, euenlothep made mingle Couetouſnes niangie of it, “hep could clatter and p2ate of the Gofpell, “lobed bndera vbur toben al commeth ta all,they topned popery fo with ft, — relx⸗ that thep marde all together, they ſcratched and ſcraped al the liuinges of the churche, and onder acoloure of religy⸗ on,furned it to thep2 olone proper gaine and lucre. Gon {ez pig that thep would net come vnto bis worde, now be bis fiteth themin the feconde time of bis viſitacion with his - Inzath. $02 the taking awaye of Goddes worde, is a mani⸗ fett token af bis wath. Me haue now a fyrſt bifitatton in England let vs belware of thefecond. Me haue theminie Kracion of bis worde, Wwe are pet well, but the boule is not — — cleane ſwept vet. God bath ſent bs a noble ting in this his Sodly aduer⸗ bifitacid,Iet bs not proucke him agatnt bs, let bs beware tiſementes. let bs not diſpleaſe him. let bs net be vnthankfull, and vn⸗ _ kind let bs beware of byplualtipng € contemnpng of Gods: wond, let bs pray diligttly fo2 our bing, let bs recepue With. all obedience and paper the word of God. 7 A woꝛd 02 tina. Moe and Icommit vou to God. F willswonth veu ofa. thing,% beare fay ve walke in ordinately, ve talke onfeme- lp otherivates then it berommeth Cbh2ittian ſubiectes. Ve take bpon you to Judge the tudgements of Judges. ¥ Will not make the king a Pope, fo2 {he Hope will haue all thinges that be doth, taken fo2 an Article of our fapth.. 3 Will not fay but that the Kynge, and bis councell map. erre, the Parliamente houfes, bathe the highe aud lowe: may ctte.Z pap daply that they may not erte, Thethirdefermon — Let os tearne Ht becommeth bs what loeuer they decree to fande vnts | sucbutytos if and recepue it obedtently, as far forth as (tis not mante — \ i ‘3 > es Se —— fai fhe laboring. felE wiched and directly againtk the worde of Sad. Ztpere ⸗ the lawes and 2 ordinaunces of taineth vnto bs fo think the bef, though we can not reder Shereaime, a cauſe fo2 pooing ofeueryp thing. Foꝛ Charitas omnia credit, omnia fperat, Charitte doth beleue and trutt all things. We oughtto expoũd to the beit all things,although we can not velde a reaſon. Therfore 3 erhozte pou, good people, pro⸗ nouncein good parte all the factes and dedes of the magiz ffrates and iudges.Charitie iudgeth the beſt of all menne, and ſpecially of magiftrates S. Paule fapth, Notite iudicare ante tempus donec Dominus aduenerit. Judge not before the time of the Loads comming. Prauum cor hominis. Mans hart is vnſerchable, it is aragged pece of wozke, no man knoly 2 eth bis olune bart, and therfoze Dauid peapeth and ſayeth @falinet, Ab occultis meis munda me, Deliuer mefrom mp vnknowen faultes. Jam a further offever then ¥ can ſee. A man hale be blinded itt loue of binvfelf,¢ cannot fee fo muche in bynt felfe as in ether men: let bs not therfore tudge tutges. We are comptable to God,and fo bethey. Let them alone, they haue their countes to make. Ff we haue charitie in bs, we ſhall do this. Foꝛ Charitas operatur, Charitie worketh. WA bat worketh it· mary Omnia credere,omnia ſperare. To ate Ho cept all thiugs in goed part. Nolitetudicare ante tempus, - ehutt is knowe Judge not befoze the Lozdescomming. Jn this we learne yer} to know Antich2if, whiche doothe eleuate him felfe in the churche, and fudgeth at bis pleafure, befoze the time. bys canontsations and fudging of men befo2e the Lords iudg⸗ ment,be a manifelt token of Antichriſt. How can be tnoly Saincteszbe knoweth not his olone hart, and be can not linowe them by mp2acles. 02 fome miracle workers hall to to the deuili. J will tell pou what J remembz2ed pelter- — night in np bed. 4 meruaplous tale to percepue,bolve ins ſcrutable a mans bart is. Jwas once at Drfo2 (for J bad what he faine occafpon to come that way, when J twas in my office) they favyarsonce tolde me tt was a gainer way, and afapzer way, and by that HDehrve, occafion J lay there a night. Geing there, Jharde ofan ex 3 ecution that was done bppon one that fuffered fo2 treaſũ. It was as (pe knolve)a daungerous worlde:foz i | | pone : ‘of . M. Latimer-. 49 -) fonecottamanbislpfefozatwozdefpeaking. = Icannot tell what the matter was, but the fudge fet ft ſo dut that the man was condemned. The. xii men cante in, and faid giltye, and vpon that, be was iudged to be hanged, . Daaluen,¢ quartred, When the rope Was about bis necke, — no man could perſſwade bim that be was tn any faulie,and ſode there a great While in the pootefation of bis innocent cp. They hanged bim and cut hin Bolune fomivhat to fone ; atoze be was tleane dead:then they drew him to the fy2e,¢ — * be reuiued, and then he comming to bis remembraunce, tõ⸗ not contes poue felted bis faulte and ſaid he was giltye. D a wonderfull ex: taultes. aurple:it map well be ſayd: Pranum cor hominis et infcrutabile Acrabbed peace of work and vnſercheable. Ff wil leue bere,. fo2 J think pou kno w bat J meane well inough. J ſhall not nede fo applic this erample any further. as BF began e⸗ wer With this faping. Quecungue ſeripta ſunt, line atrouant€ fo Jhaue a commune place to the ende,if mp memogay faple me, Beatz qui audiunt verbum dei-et cnftodiunt illud, Hleſſed be they that beare the word of God, ¢ kepe it. It mutt be kepte. in memorie, in lhuing,¢in our ciuctfation. And if we fo d05. Wwe fhalcometo p bleſſednes, which god prepared fo2 bs tha: rolv bys fon Jeſu Cheiſt, to the which he being bs al. Amẽ. The fourth Serinon of Maſter Hugh Latimer whiche be preached before Kyng Edwarde, the. rrir.dap: of Parche, - . : Ecunque ſcripta ſunt ad noſtram doctrinam: ſcupta ſunt. All thinges that are waitten, ar £\ NS trttten to be our doctrine. The parable that’ a Z| VF toke to begin with (mow hono2able audi⸗ | ence)is Witte inthe. xviii.chapter of Saint 74 Luke, and there fs acertaine remnaunt of it titpe there was Wwidolv that required tuftice at his bands> | but be would not beare ber, but put ber of,and delaped the: matter: In pocefle the Judge feing her tmpoztunttic, faid,,. though J feare neither Sod nor man, pet fo2 the importu⸗ nitie Of the oman, J Wil heare her, leat the raile bps pre So ane on The fourthe fermon _ «ae € moleft me with erclamations,¢oute cries J fvilibears ber matter. 3 will make an end of tt. Our SautourChpitte - added moze vntothis and ſayde. Audite quid iudex dicat, Gee Bear you fatd Chill, what the Wicked tudge fap. 2nd thal Not God renenge his elect, that cipe bpon him daye night? Although be tarp ¢ differre thent, 3 fay bnto pou, be Wil res uenge then,¢ that Qoztly. Sut when the fo of man Hall come,fhall befinde faith tn the earthz That 3 map haue grace fo to open the remnaunte of this parable,that tt map be to the glozy of God,and edifping of youre foules, 9 thal delier pou te pape. gn the which pate cree. Jſhewed pou the lat pape (molt honourable Audis . ence the caufe tubp our Sauiour Chꝛiſt,rather vſed the ers Why Chritte Ample of a wicked Judge the of a good. And the caule was fen the eramalo2 that in thofe dates there was greate plentye of wicked ye of a wicked. Judges, ſo that he might borow an erample among them udge. dell inough. Foꝛ there was much ſcarcitie of good iudges. J bid excuſe the widdowe alfo, fozcomming tothe Judge obo * aduerſarre, becauſe ſhe dtd tt not of malice: the „did it nef fo2 appetite of bengeance. | palatine And J told pou that it was good and latofull,fo2 bos touched and po nett vertuons foltie,foz goddes people, to ble the lawes of foe af bes the realme, as an ordinary help againtt their aduerfartes, cyꝛro lermon. “and ought to take them as Goddes holy o2dinarinces,fo2 the remedies of their iniurpes and Ww2onges, when they _ ate difrefled. So that they do0 tt charitably, lovingly, uot He meaneth of malice, not bengeablie;notcouctouflp, that Bnabap-- ould haue tolde pou bere of a certaine fecte of bez tiſtes. for thys ritikes that ſpeake againtt this o2der and doctrine, thep potent, Leni Will haue no magiſtrates nor Judges ontheearth. pernicpoug cry, Pete Z baue to tell pou, what J hard of late by the res roures. dation ofa credible perſon, and a woꝛhipfull manne, ofa | - | tolone tn this Kealme of Cugland,that bathe aboue 2. E | Dowwe sof ey — — opinioninit, ashelapoe. Deuiilistohin DVlo bulp the Deuyll is nolo fo hynder the woorde coms der the worde myng oute,and fo lclaunderthe Gofpell. =. Gegope 2% [ure arguinente amd an euident demonttration,that the e+ Ipghte of Soddes worde fs abzooe, and that thysisa true Doctrine that lucare taughte nobbe: elfe be woulde not vp io, * rore and y ‘# : Ok maifter Latimer, ere: rore and ftirre aboute as he dothe when he hath thebpper The denits hande ie will kepe bis potlefiion quietly as he did in the Sw Gurmrg is popity dapes, when be baraa rule of ſupꝛemacye in peace- ument that able puſſeſſion. Pf be reigned now in open religtoit, in ope thts doctryne is Doctrine as be did then, be woulde not ſtirre bperronious 4% © | -ppinions,be would baue kept vs Without contentiõ, with⸗ out diffention. There is no fuche diuerfitie of opintons az ⸗ mong the Curkes,no2 among the Jewes. And why? Foz there be rargneth peaceably tn the bole religion. Chattte fayth. Cum fortis armatus cuftodierit atrium, Ge. When the ffrong armed man kepeth bis boule, thofe thingcs that be hath in poſſeſſion, are in a qupetnes, be dooth eniope thent peaceablp. Sed cum fortior eo fupernenertt, But when a {trons ger then he commeth bpon him, when the light of Boddes © Wodd ts once reueled,then be is bulp, then be rozes then be fpftes abzode,and ſtyrreth bp erronious opinids, to ſclaũ⸗ Der Goddes word. And this is an argument that tue haue. yo ~~ the true doctrine. JF befeche Godcontinew bs and kepe bs in it. Che deutl declareth the fame, ¢ therfore be rozes thus and goeth about to fit bp thefe wanton headdesandbufp bapnes. And will pou kno we where this totwne is: J twill not fell pou directly. f Will put pou to mule a little. J wilt otter the matter by circumloqution, Where is it?7a bere. the bithsp of the dioces is an vnpꝛeaching prelate. Who ts. that? Jf there be but one fuche in all England, tt is egſy to. gee. And if there wer no mo but one,pet tt were fo many. by one, tnd if there be moe, they haue the more to aũſwer _ £02, that thep (utter in this realme an vnpꝛeachyng prealate pnrefozmed, J remember wel What .S. Paule fayeth toa bithop. And though he fyatie it fo Cimothe bepng a bifhop,, pet ji map fay tt now to the magittrates,fo2 all ts one cafe, alis onematter. Non comunicalas peccatis akenis. Thou thalt not be partatier of other mens faults. Lay not thp handes vathelp bpd any, be not haſtye in matipng of Curates,in re cepuing mento haue cure of Soules, that are not worthye ofthe office, that epther can not 02 will not do thep2 dutie. Doo tt not. Mhye:Quia communicabis peccates alienis. Chou thalt be partaker of other mettnes (pnnes, Pow me thpnte it nedes nat to be partatier of other mennes fpn es & t.-Timoth, by Ag The fourth Sermof? i we thall find inough of oure tone. And what is Communts care peccatis alienis. Do be partaker of other mennes entls, tf this be not,to make vnpreaching p2ealats, and to fufter them to continue iil in their bnpeaching pꝛelacyve⸗ F Af the kyng and bis councell ſhould fuffcr cutll Judges state ee ot this Realme to take ber bes, to Defcate iuttice and ſucter and not winke, the Great to quergoo the pooze, and ſhould loke thzoughe and leaue lo⸗ his fpngers, and winke at it,fhould not the king be partas king ae - ker of their noughtines And tubps Is be not ſupreme bea theit ENCES · oF the churche Ptubatz ts the fupzemacie a dignitie and no⸗ thing elszis it not comptables9 thinkeit wilbe a charges 2B dignitic with able dignitic when accompte thalbe afked of it. Oh what a achatrge · ¶ vauntage bathe the Deuill ? what entrye bathe the wolfe when the thepacde tendeth not bis flocke; and leades them i. Timoth.v not to good pafture?S, Paule dothe faye. Quebene præ ſunt , prafoyteri duplict honore digni funt, What ts this preeferJtis - as much fo fay as to take charge ¢ cure offoules, wefayile — coer?” eft, be is (et oucr the flock. ie bath taken charge vppon Pc * te. him. And What is. Bene preefe? To diſcharge the cure. To * rule Wuell,to feede the flocke with pure food,and good eram ple of ipfe, Wel ther, Que bene prafunt duplicéhonore digni fut roe douse hep that difcharge thep2 cure Well,are worthy doublebo — _ Bichonoute Tour Wbat ts this Double honour’ Lhe firk is to be reue⸗ renfed, to be bad in eftimation and reputacté With the peo⸗ ple, and to be regarded as good paſtours. # nother honour is, to haue all things neceffary to2 their fate, miniftred oa to themt. Chis is the double honour that they ought to haue ut prefunt Bene, that difcharge the cure, tfthep do it, Bene. he Chere Wasa mery monk in Cambeioge tu the Collenge monke of Cam Chat J Was in, and it chauncedagreate company cf vs to bꝛidge. be together, entending to make good cheare, and to be me sii , rpe(as {cholers will be mery when they are difpofedy Gne _ of the company bought cut this fentence. Net melins quam | batari et facere bene. There is nothing better then to be nierp and to doo wel. 9 bengeaunce of that Bene (quod Bonk) IJwould that Bene had ben banithes beyond the fea: € that Bene were out, it Were Well. F02 Z coulde be merpe; andy _ could Doo, but J loue not to doo well. That, Bene marres al together. I woulde Bene were oute,qued the mery — 1 02 Of maifter Latimer, Br foz it impoꝛteth many thingesto lpue well, to diſcharge ‘the dede it were better fo2 them if it were oute. And tt were as Good to be out as to be ordered asitis. It Will be a heuy Bene, to fome of them, when thep thall come to their accompt. ut perauenture you willfape, MWhat and they paeache not at al? yet pre/unt. Are they not wor⸗ thy double honourzts tt not an bonozable oder thep be ine where the preg Map an hoarible miſorder, itis an horroꝛ rather then an ho cherdoth not — our,and horrible rather, then honourable,if the preacher 6 Dutr> there. be nought,and doo not bys dutie. Und thus goo thele prez ponozabie, but lateBavoutéts Weeltle fos Honour that the Deuyll may hogribic, take bps pleafure in (claunderpng the realme, and that it mavre be reported abode that we beede herefics amonge our felues. Zt is to be thought that foine of them woulde haue it fo,to being in poperp agapne, This 3 feare me is theyr entent, and tt halbe blowẽ The cntentecg abrode to our holy father of Romes eares, anv he Mhall (ed vnpreaching. } fozth bys thonderboltes bppon thefe boutes, and all thys brelates. Doths come to patie thozolv thep2 vnpreachyng pclacye. . Arethep not worthy double honour’? Pay rather double diſſhonour, not to be regarded, not tobe eſtemed amonge the people, and to haue no lpuing at their bandes? For as good peeachers be woethy double honour-fo bnpeecaching peelats be woꝛthy double diihonour. They mutt beatthetr, doublets. But nolw thele.ii.dithonours what be they: —seronacuence — Mur Hauiour Chritte doth ſhew. Sz /alinfatnatus fuerit ad gparh,v, miheil vltra valet niſi ve proijeiatur foras. Jf the faltbevnfaucs = rpe, it is good fo2 no thing, butte be call out andtroden.ot men . WBy this falte,is bnderitande B2eachers, and fuch as haue cure of foules. What be they worthy then’ Where⸗ fore ſerue then: Foz nothing els but to be caſt oute. Make them quondams,out With them, caſt thé aut of thepz Office, what ſhould they doo with cure that wil not loke to thei’ dn other diſhonour ts thts 2 conculcentur ab hominiz bus. To be troden onder mennes feete,not to be regarded, not to be eltemed : They be at their doublets Hill, S.wBaule in bis eptftie;qualifieth a Siſhop, and fapth that be mutte be. Aptus ad docendum, ad refellendum apte, Lo teache andte confute all maner of falfe doctrine. Dut what thalla me gt doo With aptenes, tt he dao not vſe it⸗ bifhopan- grie wiih M. Latimer. The bifhops anſwere to bis chaplapns qDzreachers are ods inſtru⸗ Mgntse : : The fourth Sermon, be It ivere as good fo2 bs to be with out it. A bithoprame ta ine the lait dap, and twas angry with me for a certarn Ser⸗ mon that J made in this place, bis chaplayn hadcomplats nedagaint me, becaufle J bad ſpoken again bnpeachpng prelates. Pave quod the bifhop, be made ſo indiffcrente a Sermon the kirſt day, that J thought be wouide marreall the fecond day. be wil haue cuerp man a quõdam as he is, As fo2 mp quondamthip 7 thank Godthat be gaue me the grace to come by it, by ſo honeſt a meanes as I did. F thak bint fo2 mpne obbdne quondamchip, and as fo2 them, yll not haue them made quondams, tf thep diſcharge their of: Fice. J would haue them doo their dutic. J Would haue ns m102¢ quondams as God healpe me. J olve them no other malice then this,and that is none at all. . This bithop anſwered bis chaplapne:twel(fapes he) tel % did wiſely to day, fo2 as J was going tobis Sermon, J rememb2en me that J had neither fain male, no2 mattés. , Gnd homeward F gate as fal as J could, and F% thank gos J baue fatd both, and let his bnfrutefull Sermon atone. Unfruitefull fapeth one,an other fayeth {edicionfe. Well, onfruitfuill is the bett, and whether it be Dntrutifull o2n0, 3 tan not tell, it lpeth not in me to make tt fruitefull. And God Wo2ke notin pour hartes, my preaching can ooo pou but little good. J ant Gooddes infrument but fo2 atpme. — Zt is be that mutt geue theencreafe, andyet p2eaching is neceſſarye. Foꝛ take alway pꝛeaching, and take a wap fale uation.¥ tould pou of Scala celiand J made it a preaching matter, not a maſſyng matter.Chrift is the paeacher of all peeachers, the patroneand the ereniplar,that al preachers ought to folotv. Foꝛ it was he bp Whom the father of hea⸗ uen fapd, Hic eft filius meus dilectus,ipfum andite. This ismp Thre partes welbeloued fonne,beare bith, Cuen be when be was bere of Chutes doc On the carthe,as wyfely, as learnedly, as circumſpectly as trinc feilin vn⸗ he preached, pet bis fede fel in thee parts, fo that the fourth fruitful gro part onclyp was fruitefull. And if be had no better luck that was peeacher of all preachers, what thall we looke fo2? — Vet was there no lacke in bym, but in the ground: And fe © now there tg no fault in preachpng:the lacke is in the peo⸗ ple that haue ſtonx bartes,and thozny hartes. ae SKI: Ibetech —S of Maiſter Latimer, Fol.§2. Ibeteth Cov to amend thẽ. And as for thefe folke that facake agaviit me J neuer joke fo haue they: god word as long as FZ iue. Vet wyl Iſpeake of their wickeones, as tong as J fyalbe permitted to ſpeake as long as Jlyue, Jwilbe an ene: mip to tt. Po preachers can pallet oucr wyth ſilence. Ft ts eoiginall rote of al myſchiſe. As for me Jowe them no o⸗ tier vl wyl, but J pzay God amendthenr, when it pleatcth hym . Pow tothe parable. What dyd the wycked Junge in ende ofthe tale? he loue of Ooo moued hym not, the lawe of God was thys,and tt ts weit in the fork of Deuteronomy: andite eos heave them. Theſe two wordes wil be heauy words to uycketgudges another dap. But fome cf thent peraduen⸗ fure wyl ſav: Jwyl beare fuch as wyll geue bribes,and thoſe that wyl do me gwd tournes.Nay, ve be hedged out ofthat li⸗ petty. We lapth 2a paruum ve magnum . The ſmall as well as great. Be mult do iuſtum, deale iuſtlye, miniſter iuſtice, and that to at men,and pou mull do tt iaſte, in tyme conuentent, fopthout any oelapes,o2 d2tuing of, wyth erpedition. diel, 3 ſay, neyther thisialy, no2 the woꝛd and commaundement of God moued thys wycked Judae,no2 the miſery of thys wa: dow 1103 the vpryghtnes of her caufe, nor the wꝛonge whych _ fhe take, mated bpm: but to auopde impoztunitp,¢clamour, to beat and erclamacion, be gaue her the hearyng, be gaue ber finall ſentence, and fo the bad her requeſt. : : Thys place of iudgement it bath beene euer vnperfect, it was newer fenethat al Judges did their outy that thep would heare the ſmall as well as the great. J wyll not prouc this by the wytnes of anv priuate mateltrate, but by p wiſeſt kinges - fapinge that euer twas : vedz fub fole (ſayth Salama) 22 loco ĩuſticie, mpietatem, et in loco equitatis iniquitatem. Shauc {ene vnder the ſunne, that is fo fape,ouer all, in cucrp place wher right iudaement fhould haue bene, wickednes, as iho Would fap bribestaking, defcating of tultice,apprefting ofthe poore. Wen fent awave with weepyng teares , wythout anve hea- ring of their caufes,and tn p place of equitye fapth he, a Daue feneiniquitte. so equitie, 9 tufkice,afore wo d for Saloms to pꝛonounce brriverfallpe, cenerallpe . And if Salomon faid ‘A thet is a matter init. Jwene 7 it not onely ſor hvs a ts Bf — plone \ Juſtice muũ be mt niſtred w= out delaies. wahat mo ——— tohe the & Sara It complaint of pines AUsuvges haus not ‘pone thevs 7 putpeat al tymes. Mhat Sas {oman dyd fein bps - tyme inuge ges. J The fourth Sermon . owne time but he fate it both in thofe that were before bint, and alfs that ivere ta come after bint. Qolv comes Eſap aia he affir meth the ſame, (peaking ofthe iudgemẽts done tit bys tyme in the cõmon place, astt might be Ciiettmuntker Dall, the Gylde all,the Judges Wall, the Bretor houſe. Call it what vow trl. in the open piace. for Judges at that tyne Judges ſat caccordyng fo the mance lat in the gates ofthe Citve in the in gates hye way.A goodly and godly order for to (pt, fo that the pase ofthe cit in people may eaſely conse to them. But what favth Clay that the bpe Wal fenitious fellowe be ſayth of bys Countrp this : expettani ve faceret indicium , & fecit sniquitatem . J looked the Jurges Gould dw theyr duty, and F fale them twerke iniquity. Ther was bribes walkyng, moneyr makpng , makyng of handes ssribesand (quod the Pꝛophet oꝛ rather almighty Sod by the Prophet) Hpibers. fuchistheic partialitv,affedion,and batbes . hep be fuche money ntakers, inhauncers, and promoters of them ſelues. Eſay knew this bp the crving ofthe people ecce clamor populs ſavyth be. And thoughe fome among them be vnreaſonable The teares peoplecas many be now adaves)vet no doubt of it,fome cry⸗ aftbeopprc ed not without a cauſe. And why? heir matters arenot fed, erp for heard, they are fayne to go home with weepyng teares, that bengeatice fall downe by their checkes , and afcende bp to beauen, and ta God. crp for bengeaunce.uct Judges looke about thent , for fares : ip God tupl reacnge bys elect one dap. din — - And ſurely me think, ika Judge would follow but a world An aduer⸗ ty reafort,and wep the matter politikiy, without theſe eram tifment te plesoffcripturc,be Mould feare more the burt that mapebe pur Judges done bint by a pore widdow, or a miferable man, then bp the r greateft Gentleman of them al. God hath pulled the Juages ſkyns ouer their heads, forthe pwre mans fake. Bea the poe widdow may do hym more burt terth ber poore Pater nofter The wyd⸗ Inder mouth, then anp other weapon. And with tivo o: thee vowes wea wordes ſhal boing hint downe fo the ground, and deſtroy bis gon. iollity, awd canfe bint fo loſe moze in one dap , then be gat in ret feuctt peares . foꝛ God loplirenenge thefe milerable falkes that cau not belpe them felues. He fapth : ego in die niftatios nis.eore . Inthe bap of viſitacion J wyil reuenge them. Aiz non ulciſcetur anima meat hall not my foule be ceuengen? As a7. > of Maifter Latimer, Fol.5?, who ſhould ſay: Jmuſt needes take thetr part : Veniens ueni⸗ am et non tardabo. Pes, though J tary,andthongh J ſeeme to lynger neuer folong,pet J Loyl comeat the length, and that ſhortly. And if God ſpake this, he wyll perfourmie bps pro⸗ mile. be bath fo: their ſakes (as J told pou) pulled the ſtyn be ouer the Judges cares ere this. kyng Dauid truſted ſome in Dauid was bisoldage,that oto him no very good ſeruice. How, ifinthe deceyued in people of God , there were ſome folkes that feltob:ybyng, puttig tru then what was there among the beathen?Abfalon Dauids in his Jud⸗ ſonne wasa bvivatker,and made difturbaunce among the ges, whe be people inbps fathers tome. And though he were a wycked wared olde man, and a bywalker, vet ſome there were in that time that ppm felfe. were good, and walked bprightly. Iſpeake notthis agavn Abſolon the Judges feate . J {peake not asthougbeall Judges were was a bp nought, and as thoughe J dpd not hold with theJudges, ma⸗ walker. leſtrates, and officers , asthe Anabaptiſtes thefe falſe bere. rikesdo. Sut Jiudge them honourable neceſſary, and Gods Judges ard ordinaunce. Iſpeake tt as ſcripture ſpeaketh, to geue a Canae⸗ honorable, ac, and a warning to al Maieſtrates, to cauſe them to looke neceſſary, a fo their offices. Foꝛ the deupi the great magiſtrate, ts verye Gods oꝛdi⸗ bufp now, be is euer doing, be neuer ceafeth to ga aboute to naunces cõ ‘make them like him felfe. The prouerb ts Stmile gaudet fimilt — Lyke would haue like. Itthe Judge be good and vpright, be theiroffices wyll aſſaye to deceaue hym, eyther bp the ſubtile ſuggeſtion ofcraftye Lawyers, or els bp falſe wytneſſe, and ſubtyle vt⸗ The craſt teryng afa wong matter. be goeth abaut as muche as he ofthe deuil can to coꝛrupt the men offalo,to make them fal to bꝛibery, aa to lap burdenson ꝛoore mens backes, and to make them fal to periurp,and to bꝛyng into the place of tudgement all coꝛ⸗ ruption, iniquitie, and intptetpe, IJ haue (poken thus much,to occafion al Judgesand Paz | giftrates to looke to thetr oſfices. They bad nexde to loke as _ bout them.Thys geare moued Saint Chriſoſtome to ſpeake ‘otablé thys fententence: Miror fi aliquis rectorum poteft faluari. J a —— maruaviecſayd thys Doctour ifanvot theſe Rulers or great 2 —* - Pagilkrates cant be faucd . ʒe ſpake tt not for the unpomibt: MS 9 by litveofthe thyng ( God fopbpa thatal! the Dagittrates an. ſoltome. Sepia node ceapenypeet itn the Wittens. r- mwe Spat. 4. The fourth Sermon ' Db that a man myght haue the contemplacion of bel, that fhe Deuvl would alow a man to loke into bel,to fre the ate ofit,as he hewed al the worlde when he tempted Chriſte in the wyldernes. Commonſtrat illi omnia regna mundi, he ſhewed hym al the kyngdomes ofthe wasld, and at theyr iollityx, and told hym that be would geue hym al, ik he would knele down and worlhyp hym. He lyed ivie a faulle harlot, he coulde not gyue them, he was not able to giue ſo mach asa Goſe wing, for thep werẽ none of bys fo giue. The other that be pranuted. _ them bnte:bad moze ryght to them then be. But J lape ikone Anpꝛeach⸗ ing prclats are vo the | diuel in bel @ bꝛybynge Judges are wyth them f32 cõpany. Ape turnetb to hys foz⸗ mer mater WMhy the Judge was forced then to contefle ps fautes. wereadmitted to view hell thus, and beholde it thorowelye, the deuil wold ſay:On ponder fide ars puniſhed vnpꝛeaching prelates. Jthinke a man ſhould ſe as far asa a kenning and ſe nothing but birprcaching Pꝛelates. be myght oke as farre as Calice J warrant pou.dnod than tfhe would go on p other’ ſide, and thels there that brꝛibyng Judges were, J thinke be fhould fe fo many, that ther teerefcant roume f2 anv other. Dur 1020 amendit. Wel to our matter. his Junge F {peaks of, ſayd:Though F feare nepther God, norman .¢c. And dyd be thinke thus? Js it the maner of ticked Judges fo confelle, they? faultes, nap be thought notfo. Andaman baacometa . hym, and called hym wycked, be woulde forth wyth haue cas maunded hym to warde, be woulde haue defended hym felfe - ſtoutly. It was God that ſpake in his conſcience.God puteth hym to vtter ſuche thynges as be ſawe in his harte. and were hyd to hym ſelfe. And ther be lyke thinges tn the ſcripture, as Dixit infipiens in corde ſuo: non est deus TShe vnwyſe man ſayd in hys hart, there is no God.And vet it he ſhoulde haue beeng aſked the queſtion, he would haue denyed it. Eſay the Prophet ſayth alſo:Mendatio protecti ſumus, we ar defended with lves We haue putour tru in lyes. And in another place he latth:ambulabo in prauitate cordis mei,¥ wyvl Wwalkein the wyckednes of my dttereth what tpeth — tn bys bart, not knowen fo hym felfe, butte God. Ft was not - Jeremy de for nought that Jeremy defcribeth mas hart in biscoulours. feriven the Parnum cor hominis et inſerutabile. The hart o€manis nough: part of mã. ty, a crooked €frotvard peece of worke Let euerp man hums - Zeremi a7. . >= 5——— > m of Maifter Latimet. Fol. Mhenñ fhe people to whom be had preached, had faye many aule durtẽ thinges in bia contmvenbatio pet be durſt not tulifp hym —— . felfe, Baul would not pꝛayſe hym felfe, to bys owne tutkifiz bimfelfe. prefunt that diſcharged bis cure, and ‘vet be thought that ther might beafarther thing in hym ſelle, then be ſawe in hym mv labour. Iſmelled ſome folkes that were greeued iuyth me The truth for it becauſe J {peake agaynit temerarious iudgement. gets hatred, «ung thé that bein authority but to pray for the. It becometh say rach “ — * —— The foutth Sermon doinges, vnlelle theyr dedes beapenly and appararitiy wyr Charvty ken. Tharity requireth thetamp, fox charity iudgeth no man ee ; but wel oteuery body. And thus ive mape trye whether we baage of q dilciples,toz they areknowen by that baoge . be that is his aoe oe bifcip'e, bath the worke af charity in bis beat. It is a fooze Chꝛiſten thp taping ofa clarke, Charitas ſi eft operatur ſi non operatur, non off Zi there be charity it worketh omn⸗ credere omnia fpes vare To beleue al thinges, to hope alt, tofape the belt of the maieſtrates, and not to ſtande tothe defending of a wicked matter. J toil go farder with pou note. Jwas trauatica in P Towoer my tcl fe teith the kinges commaundement,and the counfaple and there twas for Robert Cunttable, the Lowe tullp,the Low Darſy. And the Low Darly, was teilyng me Spa tbe ie faptbtult fexuice that be had. Dam the ihinges mately Agi DAE spat yeadis.And 3 had fenensp Soucraign Lew in the fpeli fo lapd ta Crspa hedand F hav fone bis erace com agapnl ts , J wouid praiker 13 Dane labteo from mv bortte ¢taken mptivor bp the point: ner lB ann peloedit iatabysgraceshandes. Mary quod 3) but in Tower. shomeaneteaton pe plaveo not the parte of a fapthfull tubs tecte in boloing with the people ina commotion ¢ a dectur⸗ The COM> Haace.3t hath benthe catkotal traitours to pꝛetend nething | mune cal 5 caput thedsinaes perton,they neuer pretend the matter ta’ Ofal.ttay-. the king, but to other. Subiects may not refit any magiftra: fes,no2 ought to do nothing contrary to the Hinges lawes. The office any therefore thele wordes, the King and fo fourth ,are of ats DACY OF maii effect.3 heard ance a aie of a thing that twas done af. fubtectes. Drforn ry -pearesz G9, € the like bath ben fice in thts realme Athins > — ag ¥ wasenfannen of crepible: perſons e fome of them that: hapned at Zwie be⸗ ipue vet. There was a prieſt that was rabbenofa | Orford· greatſum of maney, and there attacheo forthe tue Ame robberp and ta be bꝛiefe were condemnedẽ bought ta. roubed ofa the place of erccution.Lhe fp2it man, when be was bpon the. Sreate ſum ladder denied § matter vtterly,¢ toke bys death vpau it » be: o mony. neuer cofented to the robberp of the prelf, nor ener knew of, | _ +) tf, Ahen be was dead, the fecond felon cometh emaketh bis, pꝛoteſtation t acknoweledged the faut, ſaving· chat a mongo⸗ ther greuous offences 2 he dad done he was accellary to this: —— J ade Ge robbery a er? as; ~ of Maiftet Latimer: Fol.55, robbery, and ſayth be, J bad my part of it, Jery God mercy, ſo had thys feloww that oped before me bys parte . Pow wha can tudge tobether this felow oped inel 03 no? Wiha can iudge a mans heart: he one denied the matter,and the tother con’ It is hard feficnit,thereisno iuaging of fuch matters. I bane beara 3¢ bard muuch wickeones of thysman,and J thought oft, Jeſu, what to Judge a wil worth, what wri bethe end ofthys man . When J was mans hart wyththe Byſhop of Chicheſtre in beard (FJ twas not ſo wrth the bit: bpin, but my frends might come to me, and talke wyth me e biſho §n 1s defirous to heare of erecution donecas there twas euery befurre iueke,fome in one place of the City o2 ather )fo2 there wag DEM the thre wekes feftions at Netwgate,and fourthniaht Scaions ag A font of the Parthaifey,and fo tourth. was defirous tay ta heare te wer ne⸗ oferecution,by caufe J laked that mp vart ſhould baue bene ner diugẽt therein, Ioked euery day to be called to it my felfe. Among ſynce. alother 3 beard ot a wanton woman, a naughty ipuer.q The whore {who2e,a vapne body twas ied from sdelugate tothe place of Vnutted erecution fora certapne robbery that dhe had committed, and robbery.» fhe hada wycked communication bp the wap . ere J wpll W- Lati⸗ fake occaſion to moue pour grace that ſuch men as thall be Met erhor⸗ put to death map bane learned men to geuethem inftruction teth p kite and erboztacion. set ges aqrace,p - faz the reucrence of Ged when they be put to erecution,let learned me them baue inftructours,foz many of thenvare caft away fos might be as lack ofinftruction,¢ die miſerably for lack of geod preaching pomted to Thys woman (5 fap) as He went by the wave,hav wanton fuch as hal ana folyſh talke,as thys,that pf god feiowes had kept touch {nfter gare wyth ber the bad not bene at thys tyme inthat cafe. Chriſt conuict pers fapth: Memores efote vxoris Loth. Remember Lothes twpfe. ſons. be was a woman that would not be content with her gon Lots wyſe Kate, but wꝛeſtled With Oods calling, ¢fhe was for that canfe is our exam furned into afalt fone,t therefore the {cripture doth name ple fo con her as anerample fo2 bs to take hede by. Ve Hal ſe alſo in the tent our ſel fecond Chapter, bow vᷣ Cod alinightp (pared not a nomber of ues wrth His Aungels, which bad ſynned agapnt him to make them our fate. erantples to bs to beware by. He Drowned the tobole world The wore Gxt the time of Hoe and deſtroyed forſinne p CitiesofSovom b2otwned, © Gomoꝛ.And whr: fecit os *7 iis qui impi foreut acturi SODDE OO wt tii He xxo beent. To What end the pa- rable of the wycked Judge fen deth. To whom in diſtreſſe € oppreſtion we ſhal re⸗ tate. Anargu⸗ ment from tbe leſſe fo the moe. The foutth Sermon He made them an example to them that would da wyckedty i tyme to come. Sf God would not ſpare them, thinke pe he wyll fauour bs? Iwoill go ona woꝛde oꝛ tivo, in the applicatiõ ofthe parable and then 4 wyl make an ende. To whatend, and to what purpafe, brought Chik this parable of p wicked Judge? The endets,that we ſhoulde be continually in poater. Poeaver is neuer interrupte but by Wwyckednes. Wee mule therfore walke orderly, vpꝛyghtly, calling bpon God in all our troubles, and aduerſityes, and fo2 thys purpofe there is not a moꝛe comfortable leſſon inal p fcripture, thẽ here now tn the lappynge bp of the matter . Therefore J wyll open it vnto vou. Vou myferable people, ifther be any here a mogek pou, that are oppꝛeſſed wyth great men and can get no belpe, Jſpeake for pour comfort, Jwyllopen vnto pou , whyther pe thatl reforte, oben pe be itt any diltres . Hys good wyl is redy,alivaves at bande, when fo ever we hall call for it. And therfore be calles vs to hym felfe . We thall not doubt if we come to bint .Warke what be fapeth to caufe bs beleue that our prapers thalbe beara: Ez dens non faciet vindictam, be rea⸗ fons after thys fathion: Wyl not ODD ¢ fapth be) reuenge bps electe,andhearethem ? fepng the topcked Judge hearde the wydowe: be femeth to go plainely to worcke, be willeth 0s fo pray to God,annd fo none but fo god. We haue a maner of reaſonynge in the ſcooles, and tt ts called 4 minore ad mains From the leſſe to the more, and that mape be vſed here. Whe indge Iwas a firant,a a wycked man, Gon is a patron,a deferer father vnto bs. Ifthe tudge then, being a tirant would heare the poe tuidotv, much moze gon wilheare bs inal diſtreſſes be being a father onto vs, he wll heare bs fooner, then the other bepnge no father hauyng no fatherly affection. Hors ouer, Cod ts naturally merciful. he Judge twas cruel, and pet be bealpen the wyddo we, much ninie then wil God helpe bs at our neede. be fapth bp the opprelled : Cum ipfo fumin eribulatione. am with bum in bis trouble . His tributationis myne. Jam touched with thts trouble. If p Judge the being a cruell manne bearde the wyddow, muche more GDD wil bealpe bs, bepng touched wyth our affliction. fFurthermore thys Audge gaue the wyddowe no commandement to ronte to hym of Maifter Latimer, — Fol.56. fo him, we haue a commaunvement to reſorte to God ſor he we haue a ſayth:Inuoca me in die tribulationis, call vpon me in the dap of comaunds, thy tribulactons, which is as well a comaundement as Non sone to re: Juraberis thou thalt not ſteale. he that fpake the one, ſpake foztto Gon the other,and what foeuer hebe that isin trouble,andeatleth “~~~ tof bpon God, bicaketh bys commaundement . Wake heede therfore, the Judge bpd not promile the wyddow belpe , Gov pomiled bs belpe, € wyl be not perfourme it? e tpl, be wil. The Judgec Iſay) did not promile the widdow belp God wil geue bs both hearyng ¢ helpyng. Be hath promiſed tt bs with a double othe, Amen, amen, ſayth be, verely, verely, he doubles At. Quecunque pe cieritis. Gc. What ſo euer ve ſhall aſke tn mp name,pe chal haue it. And thoughe be put of ſome ſynner for a tyme, and fudfer bint to byte on the bridle,to proue bim ( fo2 there be many begynners, but few continuers tm paper ) pet we map not thinke that he bath forgotten bs,¢ wyl not belpe bs.Ventens veniet non tardabit, Gaben the beipe is moſt nede⸗ ful then he wyl come and not tary. be knoweth teben it Hal be beſt fo bs fo haue helpe though betarve , be wyl come af the laſt. J worl trouble pou but balfe a quarter of an boure, in the application of the parable,and fo commit pou fo God. hopes Ghat Hould if meane that Goa would haue vs ſo diligent gahp God and earneit in paper? Bath be ſuch pleaſure in our workes: wouid haue Panp talke ot praver and make tt a lyplabourpng. Praying vs to be dili ts not bablyng, noꝛ pꝛaying ts not monkerp. It is fo milera⸗ gent ¢ ears bie folkethat are oppreiſed, a comfort, folace,anda remedye. neſt in pai⸗ Mut what maketh our praver fo be acceptable fo Cod? It li⸗ gy, F eth notin our power, wee multe haue tt by another meane. Remember what God ſayd of his forme: Hic eff filins mens diz lectus, in quo mibi bene complacui. Thys ts mp deare fonne, in hom Joelvte , He hath pleafureinnothpng butin bym. corps pay w ain Sed sek that our prayer pleateth Sode Out praper ig ag prayer plealeth God, becaule Chait plealeth God. Ahen we ceptable to | prave, luce come bnto hym, inthe confidenceotChriltes mes enn veg and thus offeryng bp out prapers,thep hall be Heards ~~ ~ “for C boiltes fake. Pea, Cyt ipl offer them bp for bs , that offered bp once bys: Sacrifice to Gon , whyche was acceptae Wye, nno pe tbat conmnesh topty any’ ocher meane then tps, | Thefourth Sermon » Gon knoweth hym not . Thys ts not the Pital ſacriſice the pPopvibe Sacriitce to Cande at the aultar, and offer bp Chak agayne . Dute vpon it that euer it was vſed. Jwyl not faye nape, but that pe thal fynde in the olde Doctours thys wore Sacrificinm , but there is one generall folutton fo2 allthe doc⸗ ‘fours that Saint Auguſtin heweth bs. Whe ſigne ot a thing One ſoluci⸗ bath oftentimes the name of the ching that it ſigniteth. As ClOMUCY’ the Supper of the 1023 1s the Sacrament ofan other thyag, ꝑn tor al. isa commemoꝛation ofhys death which ſattered oncefo; vs, and becauſe it isa gue of Chꝛiſtes offering bp, therefore be beares the name therot. And thys Sacrifice a woman ca offer as wel as a aan. Vea, a pore woman in the belfry bath. as good authoꝛitie fo citer by this facrifice,as bath the bifop in bps poneificatibus tarth hys mpter on bys heade, bis ringes on bps fyngers, and Sandales on bps feete. And whoſoeuer cometh afatng the father remedy in bps wecedity for Chriftes _ fapeth, fayeth, We are vndone fo2 lacke of fapeth. Chk na⸗ —— meth fayth bere, faythe ts altogether. When — of Fapth tsa Th this @reat fate woman,and the bath euer a great conipanpe and trapneas- §q dutches bout ber(asa noble Cleat ou) it to Gane. .) Fprtte he bate Sen — — - 22 ofMaifter Latimer, © Fol.57, : not, the re is not Lady fayth . This Gentleman Uther is called Agnitio peccatorum, knopledge of ſynne, when we en⸗ ter into our hart, and acknowledge sur faultes, and ſtande not about to defend them. ise ts none of theſe wynckers be kyckes not when he heares bps faulte. Now as the Oentle- nian Uther goeth before ber, fo he bath atrapne that com- meth bebinte her and pet thaughe they come bebinde, thep be al of favthes contpanpe , thep arc all with ber,as Chꝛiſte when be counterfaited a State goyng fo hieruſalem, fame {went before him, and fonte after vet ail were of hys compa- np.20 al thefe tuapte vpon Ffavth, the bath a great tratne af⸗ tet ber befnes her Gentleman Uber ,ber whole houſholde, and thote be the woorkes of our vocation, when euerpe man confidereth what vocation be ts in, what callpng bets in, and doth the workes of the ſame, as to be good to his neighbour, © Ti 36 J Thys ts the trayne that foloweth Ladye fapth , as for an erample:c fapthful Judge hath fyrſte an heauye reckonpng of hys fault, repenting him felfe of hys wyckednes, and then forfaketh bis iniquitic, bis impietpe,feareth no man, walkes Kknowlege of fpnis gẽ⸗ tlemãvſher Ladye Fapth. vpryght, and be that doth not thus, bath net Ladye faythe, but rather a boldnes ofſynne, cabufing of Chriſtes paſſion. Ladye Fapth ts nener wythout ber Gentleman Uiher , no2 wythout ber trapne, fhe ls no Anckres, He divels uot alone, fhe ls never a potuate woman , hets neuer alone. Gund pet manp there be that boat themfelues that they haue fayth, and that when Chik thall some ,thev hall do well inough. spay, nap; thele that be faythſul Hal be fo felwe, that Chriſte Lady Fatth ts no Ane: kres. thal fcarce feethem « Manve there bee that runneth ( favthe | Hapnt Paule) but there ts but ene that recepueth the re⸗ warde . Itihall be wyth the multitude toben Chriſte hall come, asit was inthe tyme of foe, ana as it was inthe tyme ofiot. Pit) ween? « In the tyme of Hoe thep were eatyng and drynkvng, buplapng and plantyng,and fodapnely the water came bps pon them, and dꝛowned them In the tyme of Lot alfo, thew were atyng and deynckyng. zc. And fodapnive the fone canme Deno SE m and denoured theym. an — ot The fift Sermon And note we are eating and drinking. Where twas tener fuch buploing then,as is now, plantong,no2 marving. And thus ft halbe euen whẽ Chukk thal come, atiuogcinent.Js eating and drincking and maripng,repzoucd in ſcripture: Is it not? Spay de reproueth not al bind ofeating ⁊ drinking, be muſt beother wyſe onderfanded. If the (cripture be not truely erpounded, whatis moꝛe errsnious:And though there be ca- Ahat sit layninges offome eating o2 drinking in the fcripture, pet he. Cong ¢ drin⸗ ryeaketh notas though al were nought. They mape be well: Kingis alo osyeven, thep are Godsallotwannce,but toeate and dryncke rot to at as they vyd in Noes tyme, and asthep dvd tn Lathes tyne: § diſcom⸗ Thys cating and Dunking,and marving ts{pokenagaynt. mended. To gate and drinke in the forgetfulnes of Gods commaun⸗ dement, bolupfuouly in exceſſe and glotonnte, thys kinde of Ahat kind cating any aeinking ts nought when it is not done moderat⸗ Of marying fy ſoberix and with al circumfpection.And liketwile to mar⸗ reproued ry Foy Heth lp lull, and for their otwne fantaly. There wasne- | Avorthely. ver fuch matcipng in Cugiand as is now 3 beace telot tea: Zotealing oF ting of waraesto matpt wards, nay Kind oF Meal, but itis not the warded, itisthe landes tha rather of ¢hop teeale.Anpfemethere bethat Rupt Bp micpagests ger landes. ther not forany ioue a? Gonlines tn the pactves,butto gette An other frrendchyp and make them Erongin the realme, to encreate Kinde ol ma their polfetions and to foyne land to land. And other there tage. bethat enuegle mennes daughters, inthe contentpt of theyr The tues’ fathers and go about fo marcy them wythout they: con: lers of més tent Thys marripngts bngedly.And manp parentes cons Daughters rayne theyr formes atid daughters fo marry where they ate Noted. one not, and fame are beate and compulfed. And they The parets that marry thus, marcy in a forgetfuines and obliuioumes which fore* ne@ons commaundementes But as in the tyme of Poo fe their chil: toyenty actap fell in they? botomes:fo Mall it be with bs at Deen C6 MAL the latter nape when Chriſt Hall conte. Wie bane as iptie» ty whõ thet confcience as maye be, and when be hall come , be thall loue not. iacke Ladye fapth , well ts them that thalbeof that iptie, A daye wyl gocke, that thalbelet on the right hand rc· x cometal J haue tronbicd pou long, partely being out of mp mat⸗ war lor al. ter, partelpebetiigg iH. Mut hoe dy wpll wake = * —N ofMaifterLatimer> -. Fol.s8. Jbegan with thys tert Quecunque feripta funt.etc. DO wyll J ende now fo2 myne olune cafe, as an old truant with thys fentence. Beati qui audiunt verdum dei, ct c. Bleſſed are thep — that heare the word of God, and kepeth it. fold vou inthe begining ofthis parable of Bene, Nil melius quam letari et fa- , Dur blefz cere, £3 had cealed there, ali had ben well(quodthe merpe® ‘tes cone Bonke fo bieiledare they that heare the word of God. ut Meafthe what folowscth:and kepe tt. Dur bleſſednes commech ofthe kepyng. keping. It banges alton the ende of the tale, in crediting and Uh aflenting to the tyo20,and followpna ofit.And thus we thal —— hore, and at the length we Mall come to the bleſſyng that never thal haue ende , which God graunt both pou andine. Amen... C¶The kykt Sermon of Maytter Hugh Latimer, whych be preached before Kyng Cds ae Ne ati ta ae 7 | , (x Quccunque {cripta funt , ad noftram doctris nam {criptafunt, Rom.xiiii. MK" FoF Al thingesthat are wptten , they are writen | 3 1} to be our doctrine. WMhat doctrine ts wrytten o CAAA itz vs tn the parable of the Judge, and the wid TRY KC oowe,3 baue openedit to voucmolt honoꝛable POSS) Or audience) Somthing as concerning the Juoge —Iwoulde wylhe and prave,that it myght bes iptle better kepte in memoꝛrye, that tn the ſeate of Juſtyce, no moꝛe iniquitie and vnryghtouſnes myght ravgne Setter a Kittle well kept, then a greate deale forgotten, J would the Judges would take forth theyr leſſon, that there myghte be Let bp pt No mo e fwiquitpe bled nor bovbe taking, for tf there thallbe £93 thrs· brybing, ther know the perptofit, they knotw what thai fe: : Joie. F would alfo thep thouldtake an eraple ofthys Judge that dydſaye, not that that he thought hym ſelfe, but our faz: nioure Chik puttes him to fap that thing, that was hid vn⸗ to hym celte. Wiberioze J would pe aula kepe in — — * 5 : } 9 i — “The fift Sermon . how vnſearcheable mans harte is. Jwould pe fhould remẽ⸗ bre the fal of the Angles, and beware therby, the fall of the olde world, and beware therbp,the fail of SZodom awe Go⸗ moꝛra, and beware therby· The falofLothes wyfe and be⸗ The argu⸗ ware therby. Jwould not that miſerable folke thould forget ment ofthe the arguinent ofthe ticked Judge, to induce them fo praier, Wiciep ina: Which argument is this. Ifthe Judge being a tyrant, a cru⸗ ge ſchoulde induce BS ta prayer. What map - ell mata wycked man, which dpd notcal her to byt, made * her no promiſe notin berping naz belpyng of ber cauſe, vet in theend of the matter for the importunities ke dvd. belpe per:muchntore almighty od which tsa father who beas reth a fatherlye affection, as the father doeth to the chile, andisnatarallp merciful, and calleth vs to hym wyth bys pꝛomiſe that be wyl heare them that cal vpon hym, that be . in diftres and burdened iwithaduerfity. Remember this.Vor know where to haue pour remedy. Vou bp pour paver can be weaught sorte greateeffpcacy,and pour praver wyth teares tean in⸗ bp praper. frument of great efficacp . It can boypnge many thinges te aathat ma⸗ palſe· But what thing ts that that maketh our paper accep: keth sure pripers ac: table to Godeis tt our babling: No, no, It is not our babling no2 our long praper. Chere is an other thing the tt. The digs npty and worthynes of our wordes, is ofno fuch vertue. for ceptable to si ctocuerreforteth nto God, not in the ronfwence of bps God. dwne merites, but in the fure truſt of the deſeruing of our Saurour Jeſus Chriſt, ¢ in bis paſſion. WMhoſoeuer doth ine Dur paier uocat the father of beaucn, in the truft of Chꝛiſtes merites, efeth gad ro? chriſtes fake. which offerpng is the mo comfortable and acceptable offee rpng fa p father. WMhoſoeuer F fap offereth bp Chik which is a perfectoftervng, becan not be denved the thing he des ſyreth, ſo thatit be exopcdient, for hym to haue it. It is not the bablingof our lyppes, noꝛ dignity ofour wordes but pᷣ paier ofthe beart, ts the oſteryng that pleafeth,thoralethe onely meanes of bps ſonne.foꝛ our praver proftteth vs bicaule toc offer Chri to bis father. Mhoſoeuer reforteth to God with out Chill, be recorteth in bayne. Dur praver pleateth , bes Faith ts al. caufe of Jefus Chuk,whons we offer . So that itis fapth, * larth, faith isthe matter. It is no prater that is without faith - - fiioe! of Maifter Latimer. Nye ol-5. ts but alippelabouring , and mockery without fayth. It is : butalptte bablpng. a {peake alfo oflackcof favtb and vpon Cõieaures that alſo Japa, theend ofthe world ts neare at hand » Fe2 of the ende therets lacke of favth note . Alfo the defection ts come and Of p wozld. ſwaruing fri the faith. Antichriſt rhe man offonne the ſoune ofiniquitvy is rencied, p latter datis at hand. Let bs not think byscoming ts farre of. But when fo euer be cometh he hall fynde iniquity inough, let hym come when he wyl. What is As muche nolwe behinde!: we be cating and drincking as they were in vyckednes Hocestyme, and mariyng J thinke as wyekedipas euer was. vſed in our Ge be building, purchaſing, planting in the contempt of tyme, ase @ods word. He may come ſhortely when he wl, for thereis uer was tr fo much mifchife and ſwaruing from the faythẽ rayning now the tyme of in out dapes)as euer asin anp age It is gad warning to oe. bs al fo make ready againſt bis cõming. This lytle rehearſal Jhaue made ofthe thinges Iſpake in my lak fecmon. JIwyl Walker Las now for thysdap refourne fa mp queftion € diſſolue it, whe: timer tetur ther Gods people map be gouerned bpa gouernour that beas nethto hys teth the name ofa king 03 ho. The Jewes had a laws) whe former que ~ ther ſhould haue a kyng thev ſhould haue hym accordyng to Mion, eto p the election of God, be would not leaue theelectionof aking diſſolucion to theyrowne bꝛaynes. here be fom buſy brapnes, wanton of the fame wyttes, v fay, the name ofa king is an odious names twrieth Tether this tert ofthe ſcripture:where Oodfemethto beangry edi Oods pro- plefed with the Sfcaclites for aking aking expounding it ber ple map be rp euil and odiouſſy. As who would ſaye Thing were an o⸗ gouerned dious thinge. Icomming riding in my waye, and calling to bya kynge remembraunce wherefore Jwas ſent, that Jmuſt pꝛeache, oꝛ no. and preach before the Ringes Maieſty: J thought it mete to i.Keg. vig. frame my preaching according toa king . Muſvng ofthys, Jremembꝛed mv felfe of a bake that came from Carcdinatt ‘Dur prea Poole, Matter Poole the Kinges traytor, which he fentto ching mul the Kinges Paieſty J neucr remember that man methink, be accordig but Iremember hin wyth a beauy hart,a wpttp man a to p perſõs Jeatned ntait,a mano anoble haute tain tauace phat ibe before whõ ‘bad tarped in the Keame, and would haue conformed bym we preacy: — felfe to the ikpnges proceedinges , FI heard fave , and I be- deus tt berely,that be bad bette Byſhop of Parke at this —* — — - T he fift Sermon. — To bea bidden bp, be would haue done much godin that part ofthe Realme. for thofe guarters haue all wayes had Great nede of a fearned man, and a preaching prelat.a thing fo be ntuche lamented that ſuche a man Mhoulve take fuche a wap. J heare fap he readeth much Savnt Jeromes workes,€ is wel (enetn then. But J would he would folow faynte Jee rout, where be erpoundeth this place of cripture.Exete de il sanroia ca (A bopule meus. Almighty Godfapth: Get vou front if, get pou Route iS ca Frame Rome, hecalsit,the purple whonre of Wabtlon.At hav led of Je bene mow commendable to go fron tt , then fo come tot. roi B BU’ WAbat bys fayinges be in hys boke, 4 donot wel remember, ple whoore 4, in the facthe® end afinp memory · He declareth hym felt of Wabilon in it,to haue a corrupt iudgment Jhaue buta glommering se teans Olle, petit generally Iremember thefcope ofit.· He goeth a= a The bout to diſl wade the king fra his fupremicy . In hy⸗ perfiva?. oy fate OF gions he ts bery homely, verp quicke ¢ tharpe with the ing the baoke, as thefe Cardinals wyl take wel bpon them he ayth that a tape {0 Ring ts an odisus word, toucheathe place holy God twas ‘. wade gTended with the Iſraelites for cailing for a Ryng· Verve Dre at tabtly be femeth to fet forth the title ofa king.As thouah be Vs ſupꝛe⸗ fhontd mean: what isa ih ing? Mhat houtd'a King take bps macy. on bpm to redrelſe matters of religion: Jt pertavncth to out Holy father of Rome. A Hing ts a name and atptie rather fuffered of Cod as an cuplthpna,théealowenasa gwd thing. Calling this to remembyaciceit wasan occation that 3 foake altogether before. Pot J wyl anfwer fo thps. for the awl ince J mult fontewwhat ryppo the eychte chapter of thefpall booke ofthe k inges. Ano that J y2 com fo the opening ofthis matter J mutt begyn at _ P chapter.2 bat the bnlernencatthough 3 amfure, bere bea great many wei learned)mapy the better com fo the i Keg. rbig vnderſtanding ofthe matter:Factam eff cum ſenuiſſet Samuel fecit filios fuos tudtces populo. &c. It cam to pafle when Samu⸗ Suche ag Pll was Krpcken in age, be made his fonnes Iunges our IC vieonlaw rel. DF Samuel, mpabte fetche a proceſſe a far of, ofthe ful diudrce⸗ Ho2ve OF Elcana , tho twas hys Father,anp who was bps mentes. Pother-Cleana bys father had tia topnes, Anna and phe: ; nenna, and dyd not put them abay, as men do note a Daves. Here of Maifter Latimer, Fol,60; There wãs debate betwene theſe tina wynes. Phenenna inp Doing of ſacrifite embꝛavded Anya by cauſe fhe was barren, and not fruitſul. Imyght take bere occafion to entreat of the duty betwene manne and wyſe, inbich is a holp relygyon, but not religioullp kepte. ut J wyll not enter into that matter at thys tyne. Well, tn procefle of tvine, God made Anna fruitful thorow her deuout praver.Sbe brought forth Samuel, who bp the ordinaunce of Gon, was made the hygh prieſt . father Samuel a god man,a fingular example, andfingular patcon, aman alonc,fetvefuch men as father Samurl was To be fhorfe be Was now come fo age, be was an old man an impo fent man,not able to go front place fo place to niiniffer iuſtice, be elected and chofe tiva fuffragans,tive coadiufours,fivo co⸗ helpers, 3 mean not hallowers of belles, 102 Chriitiners of belles(that isa popich futraganthypybe made them to healy hym to diſcharge bis office, he chofe bps tivo formes rather the other, becaule be knew them fo be wel bought by in vertu, € learning. Jt was wet fo2 any carnallaecion, be cared not fos bps renowne,orreueneives, but he appoynted the for the eaſe ofthe people, the one for to fupply bys place in Bethſabe, and the other ta Bethlem. As we bane noe tn England, for the wealth of the Realme,tivs Lopes prelidentes . Hurely , it is wel Done, and a Goodip order, J would there were a third in an other place. for the eafe of bys people , gad father Samuell, and fo diſcharge bys offpce in places where be coula notcome hym felfc,befet bys tive Connesin office with bim,as bis fut: €ragapnes,and as bys Coadintours.isere J mighttake occa: fien fo treate what olve and impotent Byſhoppes ſhould do what old preachers fhould do when they come fo tnvpotency, to io yne with them preachers preachers, mot Belhalowers, and fodepart, parte of theyr lyuing wth them. Imyght haue dilated this matter at large. But Jam honeſtely preuented of thps commune place,¢ J am bery glad of it .It was very well hbandeled the laſt Sondav. They that twp! not fo theoffice fake. receyue other, regard moꝛe the flefe then the flock. father Sa⸗ muel regarded not bys reaenetecs. Dur 03d gyue the grace to beaffectenas be was, and to foloww . hough Iſaye that 3 would typi} mo 102d prefidentes. J meane not that J woulo haue prelates Xezo3 baatipentessn that Ln) — 950 Pde So Sg pie | Anes oF HS ren made fruttul and mother to Samuel. Santuel be png aged choſe tohim two Suitra ganes,fo af HE hym tt bys oifice. Why he chole bys own.2.fons ~ rather then anv otber. sSanmel tẽ dred peate ef bis peple A third lord Pꝛeſident woulde doe impotent € old biſhops fhould do. Ther ar to many ſuch fiele feders. Amen⸗ The fift Sermon | “@.tatimer Nould be 02d paetvoentes.As tonching that, Sapam mins ® onld nog and conſciente the lak yeare· And although it is — haur Bpe is not ment that they ſhould be Low preſidentes the ccpcee ops pre: Pꝛrebedentthiv tsa ciuyl office, ⁊ it canne uot be that one maw lats owe ſhall diſcharge both wel. It foloweth in thetert Non ambudaue? preftcates 78" fuii eaus on uits emus coe dps fons walked notin bis teaics, - € be office beare ts the mater,bere pe fe the godnes of Hamuel, hoe, whe ofaprefinet D& Was tot able to take the paynes hym ſelfe fez they: otune: Opp tsact eale, be appoynted them Judges nere vnto them,ag it. were in wiiotice, tbe further partes of bis Realme, ta bane Jullicr cpebtiy mis Lhe wor'd nifvered. Wut what falowed?: hough Samuel her god, ebis: wu corrupt chilozen welinought dp,loic what the world can do· ah crake and beceine t world. Qi bom Mal not this woꝛlde coorupt and deceane at 0202 tre he CH tyme o2 there Samuel thought bys fons houid have pro⸗ fare. uch iwel, but pet Samuels ſonnes waiked not nt thevz Fathers She fonig Wave. be-what then: Is the fonne altoayes bound to walke: notalivaics @ the fathers war: Ho ye mull not take tt fora generall rulew hounre ta Al fomnes are not to be blamed, for net walkiug in they2 fac waln i the thers waves. Csechiag dvr not folow the Reppes ofhys father, sathers Abas,and was wel alowed init . Jofias the betk king that e⸗ iuaipes. ver was in Jewry, reſourmed bis fathers wapes, who walken. 4Reg.ig. ot worldly polpcp.31 bps youth, be toke aluapall Svolatry ,€ 4.Reg. 22. purdged bys ticalme ofit,aub fet a gmp order in albis omic: nions, treftied twpth Idolatry. Aud although bps father ox {He wasbut bys grand father Sanafles(tt makes no matter whether ) ree epabt pears pentes hym in the ende,be bad no tyme to refourm thinges,he otoetwhebe lelt it to bys ſonne to bedone.Zofasbeqameand made anats beqanne to frracionin bys chyldhood, he tourned al bpfpdotwne , be tuania rapane. fucter no Svolatrp to and. Therfore, pou muk not take tt faz: a gencral rule, the for muſt cuer walke in bis fathers mates. Wee are Bere Jwyl renew, that which Jſayd before of the Kevfnecken- - mone pf: 2*tes,the rebelipoute people ¢ that ts theyr tptte) thep neuer, nechen mor (@85e lo rebelltouflye,as to fape, they would not recepue anp robelliots alferacton,tvl thep2 i ing came to age. Buch tele tue Eng fFuroter thé lpi mencifthere be anv fach in Cugland) map be athamen, 3): the Fetes. wonder lopth what confience folke cau beare fuck things. and: aris ts 10 alowe it. This Joſlas made an notable alteracion,.ann theres rule to rece fore take tf not fo2.a gencratl rule, that the forme ihataltuayeg: en vpon. walke in bps fathers wapes .Cbinke not becaule be wae fate a ee go be — ———— of Maifter Latimer, Fol,6r, 30 | anbattel,that Cod teas dtfpleated wyth dym . For herein Goo FAs As qhewed bis godnes to bint wondertulv who would not {ater tail of a2 hym tofe the captiuity that be whuld bring bpon the Iraelites ae⸗ He wold nothin to haue plight, the fecipig,ethe brhobdingst — ce bys plage, he ſuctered him to be taken a map before, aud fo be |. ; at Spa, flame of the ing of Cgipt. eiberfore a tif man mult be glad —— when he is taken fram miſery, uſtus i morte preoceupatus fuerit green in retrigerio erst, Sf a (uk man be prevented with death , it Ball 4S Be be to bys tcliefe. Be muſtthynke that be ts one of thofe, whom the worldis not worthy to bauc, tt came of a ſingular godneſſe of Cod, feat be was bp death 2eipueres from the ſyght of that i ‘Taptinity. Therſore take it not for a gencral rule, that the fons be alwayes bound to walke in the Fathers weaves. Nolste in pre ceptis patrum ueflrorum incedere. Mal ke not in the cemmaunde⸗ mentesofpout fathers. foo fo itis {apd in att other place of {cripture It is ſpoken fe the repꝛoch of Samuels fonnes that they walked not in his iwap, for be was a god man. wonder⸗ full thpizg that thefe children being ſo well bought bp fhould fo fal ebe coprupt.3fthe deuyll tan preuaple and bath power Authority agapnil thent ,that had ſo Godly education, what bauntage ard office hath be at them that be boought bp in iniquity and couetoufnes? trieth what At ts a Pꝛduerbe that magiftratus virum commonftrat . Difpre ¥ a man is. autbouty cheweth what aman is.a man knoweth not bpm This bath felfz,tpl be be tryed. Dany ther be that being wyth cut office, bene oſten can rebuke nvagiftrates,and fpndefante wyth men that be in tymes bets office and preeminence. After when it cometh to their chaunce fied giene to come to office them felucs,then they hauctaken onta new in prechers Leffiowt, cum effem perunlus fapiebam ve paruulus. GAben J was. before they a chploe,¥ faucred asa chine . They wvllpoothen, as other wer Byſys menne doo, they arecome tos haue erperience, foo be prac: pes oꝛ bene tiftoners. ; ficed. i. ae ttatoe chyld iscucr beſt taught, ſor he that ſtandes vpe Doo as the rycht in o tyce he is the eiio ¶ . Samuel! would neuer haue mole dog thought that bus ſonnes ſhould bane ben ſo coꝛrupted. Ft ts a the feinelt perillous thyng, a daungexous Cate to bea Judge. They felte thal wader the fmaker of this world, a perillous thing. Andtherfore Chri⸗ at thent. folton fayth.Miror ſa aliquis vectorum faluabitur .3 maruaple She fate (fapeth beythat anv ruler canne be ſaued· FF the perill were of a Surge weil confidercd, mien would not be fo deſirous as thep be: is daunge J.ij. The rous. wide ‘The fift Sermon The world the world hath many ſubtil Meightes:, ttisa erally thing and berp deceitful, acowupter,and tubo istt whont the {00210 doth not corrupt and bind at one tyme or other 2 Gahat was the wap they walked Dectinanernus poft auaritiam. That is one. hep ſtauped after gapnes, turned afide after tucre. They call wathat folowed Acceperunt munera. They toke rewardes , gpl them re⸗tes, bꝛybes( J Hould cal thenv)fo2 that ts thep2 right name. ver wardes uerterunt iudicium. They turned Juſtice vpſedovon.Either they but bꝛybes would gene wesng iudgement, or els put of x delay pore mens. they are. matters. Theſe were thep2 wayes, here isthe Deuilles genea⸗ Tho deuels logye. Agradacion of the Deuilles making. Whis,/cala inferni. genealogy The ladder of hel. told pou before of/cala celi. The ladocr of the ladder heauen, J would pon ſhould not forget it. he ſteppes therot ofhel. are let koꝛth in the tenth to p Komains. The fyatk ts preaching, reaching then hearing,then beleuing, and la ofal Saluacion Scala cel Hearing isapreachinge matter Itell pou, and nota mallpng matter, WBeleuyng Gods infrument of faluacton , is preaching.were I moue pow efalyation. my Lordes, not te be greedye and outragiouſe in enbaunfpng, and ravfing of pour rentes, to the minithone ofthe office offal, She usp uacion. It would pyty a mang beart to heare that,that J heare of diuinity ofthe Lateo Cambrge WHat is in Drfo. FJ can not tel. decayed in Where be few do Ludp diuinity, butlo many as of heceihity Cambjzige.. mult furnvh the Colleoges. for thev2Tinmacs be fo fmal, and bictapics fo bere, that thep tarcp not there, but go other where to feheliuingesandfo they go about. Mowe there be a felve Enalyl gentplmen and thep Tudy a litle diuinitic . Alas what is that? diuuuty. tt tuil com fo paſſe that we thal baue nothing but a ivtle Gna: Arceafo: pty dtuinity,that toll boing the Realme into a berp barbarouſ⸗ nable re⸗ nes, and biter decay of learnyng, St ts not that ttups,that wyll queſt. kepe out the fupremacp of the Byſhopot Rome . bere J wit make afupplpcation,that pe wouid beſtow fo much tathe fine | ding ofſcholers ofgod wyttes, of pore mens formes, to erer⸗ Mhere bp cyfe the office ofſaluacion, in reliuing of ſcholers, as pe were pou we wont to beſtow in pilgrimage matters,intrentals,in mafles, may be in pardons, tit purgatory nratters. Pe beſtowedthat lyberalip, fisiueur bountefullp, but thys twas not wel (pent. You bad aseale,bug gens well mot fecundum fcientiav mot according to knowledge. You map ana pleafe beſure il voun beſtow, pour gods on this tlle, vethal beſfo w it Sod well. welto Rapport ¢ bpbold gods wozd, wherin ve thal pleate Gov. sity di vequita: of Maifter Latimer. Fol,6z, They thay haue leaſt nede ·haue molt help. to take bꝛybes, and peruert iuſtice. Ifa iudge chould afke me ð The wab⸗ ment.2bere lac 12 fe Mhere was with inthete.rrr.pearesa certapn , ſodaynly nas attached had fo pꝛyſon, (ndvted, condempited | ¢ there were certayne learned men that bifited ber in the potfon. Db IF Would pe would refert to Prifons . A ciniendablethinee fit a chriſten Realme, 7 would wyſhe there were Curates for ——— e Curat of Pewsate,the Curat P of the flete,and J would haue them well waged fos theyz la: bour.At is a holy dap woꝛcke fo vyſet the prifaners, for thep be kept from fermons. Chere was that reforted to thys woman, who, when the came to priſon, was all on her beades, and 192 thing els, a popiſh woman, and fauered not of Jeſu Chul. In proces the was fo applped that the tatken Quam firauis ef? domi: nus. Sheba ſuch a ſauisur, ſuch a fwetenes and felyng that the thought it longe to the dap oferecufion. She was wyth Chriſt already, as touching fapth.Sbe bad fuch a deſyre that fhe fapd wyth ſaynt Paule, Cupio diffoluc et effe cum chrifto. J defpre fo be rp, and to be with Chik. Che woordot God had ſo wrought fiber. Uiben fhe was brought to puniſhment, the deſyred to confeſſe hp: faulte, fhe toke of her death that the was atitictte in that thong ſhe ſuffered fo — ber tepahbourstwoula haue 419. \ borne way DOWN , tothe deud a A tiburn tte pit fo2 babe takers and peruerters of iudgmẽt. was inpꝛiſõ ete Th ſhould be curates of 2tfons. Abolp dap worketo vpſit the pꝛiſoners. The wo⸗ man trur⸗ ried from papiſtry bp the diligẽt reſort of . learnedfte: quenting the priſon. A rich mar chaunt cat ints the Ca fel Aungel The fift Sermon borne her wytnes in the fame. Sbe was alwwayes an honet ct: uell woman, ber neyghbours would haue gone on ber. purga⸗ cio a great way. They wouldenedes haue ber confeſſe then ſayth ſhe. ant not gylty, would pe haue me to make me gilfp, where 4 ant not? Vet far althys,the was a trefpatler, he had don aA great offence. But before J go forward with this, Jmuſt firf tei pou a tale. Z heard a god whyle ago ,a tale of onecZ ſawe the man that tole me the tale net longago in thys audi⸗ tor. be bath traueiled in mo countries then one. Betold mo that there was once a pretour in Rome, L020 Dapr of Rome, a Kych man sne ofthe riche marchauntes tn al the Cpty, ¢ ſodaynely be was call in the caſtle dungel. It was heard. of ».¢ cuerp malt, whifpered in anothers care, Mhat hath be done? ath he killed any man? spo. bath he medled with Alam, our holy fathers marchaundice: s30. Hath be counterfapted sur holy fathers Bulles? Qo. for thele were bye treaſons Dus A Gentiles man of a leng noſe. The cysne ofthe Jud⸗ gesſkyn· A man mai anſwer fſor bimfelfe , ¢ yet baue weong, a be abfent,+ pet haue right. ty roboned an other in the eave and ſavid: Erat Dives. be was a rych man. A great fault. here was a godly prap fox that help father. It was in Pope Julius tyme, be Wasa great warri⸗ our. Thys prape would helpe hym to maintayne bys warres, a iolly pꝛaye foꝛ our help father.So thys woman was Des. She was a rych woman,the had her landes by the Shiriffes nofe. He was a Gentelman of along noſe. Such a cup, ſuch a couer.She voould not depart from her obne. Thys Shyriſfe was a couetuouſe man, a woꝛidly man. The Judge at the en⸗ panelyng ofthe queſt, bad bys graue lokes, and charged them wyth thys. It was the K inges matter, toke well vpon tt. ibe it makes for theyr purpoſe,they haue the King p Hing in theyrz mouthes. (el, ſomewhat there was there was walkyng of angelles betwene them. J wonld wiſh that offuch a Judge in Englãd now, we might have plain hanged vp. It wer a godly figne p ſigne ofthe dares hin. It Houlde be Lots wyle, to alt Judges that ould folotw after. By thys pe map percetue, tt ts poſſible for a man fo anfwere fo3 bpm (elfe amd be arrained at the barre,and neuertheles to baue wrong. Vea, ve thall haue tt in fourme oftate and pet haue wꝛongto. So tt ts pollible in a cate, fora man that bath in bis abfence atamtement,to baue ryght, and no wꝛong. J wyl not fape nape, bat it isa goa laos fora man fo anſwere for bpm (elfe, this ts reafonable , alow⸗ able and god. And pet fuch an vrgent caufe map be, ſuche a ree faect to conrmune tycalth , that aman map vightly becom: of Maifter Lachmer, | Fol.6}. deined in bys abſence. here be (uch cauſes thata man mave fn bps abſence be —— not ofte, except they be ſuch caſes that the reaſan ofthe genẽral lae maye be kepte Jam pꝛousked of fone fo condempne thys lawe, but Fant not able, fo tt be but fo2 a tine, and vpon wayghty confiveractens., fo v it be vſed rarely, ſeldomly, for anopding atitrabaunce in the | cammune wealth, ſuch an epiky an’ moderacton mave be v⸗ (ed in it. And neuertheles it is bery mete and requiſite that a: nik man fhould anfivere fo> hym felfe. Ge mak ciffoer the groan Tde reals of thelaw:fo;R ato legis, anima legis , the reafonof the lawe ig of vᷣ law ts thefouleofthelawe. Wiby-Wwhat isthe reafonandende of the the foule of lave: It is thys,that no man ſhould be inlured. A man may in the lawe bis attayntment haue no moze wrong done hym, then tf he anſwered faa hym felfe.Ab then Jam not ableto fave, that jin no wiſe an arrainement map be tourned into attaintement. man map haue wrong and that open iudgement)t in foome oflaiwe, and pet alowed to anfiver for hpnsfelfe , and euen fo is poMble be mape haue ryghte, though be neuer anfivere foo hym felfe.3 foptnot faye but that the parliament boules both Bowe ie’ hye and lowe nape etre, and pet thep maye do well, and chet: wink take fen (abiectes mut take al thinges tothe bef , and erpounde f doinges theyr dsinges wel, al though they car not veld, a reafon fori, ofthe par ercept their ppoceedinges be mantfeftly wycked. fo2 though ijament. — thep can not attapne to fe for what purpofe things be bon, itis no god reaſõ that they becalled eucldontherfore.Andisthisa gn vntrue odargument,be is net alowed to anſaere for hym Celfe in argument. psplace 02) place, twbere be wyll apoint : Ergo, he is not a: {otwed to anſwer for bint (elfc? 20. be might haue anfiwered p beſt be could fo: hint (elf before a great many, bauc had mo to {fhe had required thẽ. Vea, * twas comaũded vpon bis allegiace te ſpeake fos himſelf fo makeanfiver, but be wold not, nedes he wold com out to tuagement.¢ appointed p place him ſelfe. a mau p anſwers for binielfat p bar; is not alotwed bis man of law fa anflwer fo2 btin but he muſt anſwer bint ſelk. Pet inthe Paritament,althaugh be werenotther him felfe,anp frend he fre liberty had, had liberty to anfwer for him, frank, and fre , J know of is grauntco the oly manner · The tenoure ofthe weittes isthis.Guervman tofpeake in fo fpake the bette he knoweth of bys confcience, for the Uim= the arliaz prs seis hangar cue theteetheat se rohas; vo: Mend Haut R— tty, “” ghere Paul was a felved toan fiver fe: bi: M. Lati⸗ mer likned to doctour Shaw. One fac ci feflen ofthe Admiral be woulde not yauep king The fourfh Sermon here wer in the Parliament inbothe boules , a great many. learned men, confcionable mer, toile men. When that mart was attaintes ther,and thep bad liberty, ther to fap nap, to bis» attapntmentifthep would.Surs ¥ ant the moſt allowen it, a2 els it couid not haue gone foꝛwarde. Theſe premilles conſide· red, Iwould hane pou fo beare ſuche bart , as it berommeth Chꝛiſten ſubiectes. JI knot what men fap of me wel inough, x could purge mp ſoife. There ts that prouskes me to ſpeake a⸗ gaint this law ot attaintment, they fap Jam not indifferent. Surely Jwould haue it to be done rarely vpon ſome great ree fpect to the cõmon wealth, for auoiding of greater tumult and peril. Satut Paule was alloted fo anfiwer for hym felfe, tf Lt. fas the tribune bad not pluc him atwap from ſhewyng of bys. matter,ithad coſt hym bys ipfe . WMhere be was ſaued by the Magiltrate, being but a pꝛiuate man. Cav pe not allowe that ſome thyns be done as toel fo3fauing ofthe Magiſtrates life: It behoues them of the Parliameét to loke wel vpon the mats ter. And 3 fos my part thinke not but thep dyd iuel;els J Hula not peld the duty ofa fubtet.Sometiken mets Docto Shao that preached at Pauls croule, that king Edwards ſonnes wer Wafkardes.An eaſy matter for one of the counfel to do as dace four Sbhalv dyd. Me thynke pou being the kynges feruaunt € bis officer, ſhould thinke better on the Kyng ebps Counkll, though 3 were lyght ofbeliefe . Jf be had beenea true manta. bys mayſter, be would neuer baue (poker it. he Counfaple nedes not my Ive, for the defence of that , that thep doo . Ican beare it of mp felfe. Concerning my felfe,that whyche F baue fpoken, bath done ſome gon. Pou topt fap this: the Paritamet boule are wiſer then J ant,pou mightleaue them to p defence of thent felues. Although the sien ofthe Parliament houle ca. defend them ſelues, vet haue J fpoken this ofa good seale,and a good groũd, 7 take God to witnes. Wie therfore pour iud ge⸗ nent e languages as (t becdmeth Chꝛiſtian fubtectes. FJ tupit now leaue the honourable counfav! ts anſwer for them ſelues. He conferted one fact, he woulde bane had the gauernaunce of the Rynges Maieſty. And wot you why? Beſayd be would: not in his minoꝛity bane hint bꝛought bpitkea Marde. Zany fure be bath bene bꝛought bp fo godiy, with ſuche Occolemay⸗ ——— ag r se” . y then, of Maifter Latimer, Fol,64., per fhent,as neuer none did. toot not what he tent by bys tought bp bringing bp likea Warde, brings be wold bane hint mot fo 20 like a tard tobis booke,¢learne as be doth. Now woo lwoosthe him, pet 3 in bis mina Wil not fay fo neither, but FJ pray Gad amend hint, or els Cod rity, fend him Mort lyfe that wond haue mpfouerapgnenot tobe ynges brought bp in learning s would plucke hym from his booke. qoute bee Jaduertiſe thee therefore my frilsie ſubitec, vſe thy tong bet· jearyen. fer,and erpound wel he doinges ofthe Vagiſtrates How to the purpoſe ſor theſe thonges let me of mp matter. Some ſay Preachers Hould not medle with ſuch matters, but nid not our ſauisur Jeſus Chik meole with matters of indge ment, oben be fpake of the wicked Fudge, to leaue erample fe bs that ſolow, to do the ſame: Ve fe bere that Lady Couctoul- nes is a fruitful woman, euer chyldyng, e euer bꝛynging forth ber fruites. It ts a truefaping , radix omnium malorum auaritia Couetouſnes is the roote of al wickednes. Dne wyl tape per⸗ aducnture pou (peake vnſemely, z inconnentently , fo to be a+ gaint the officers, fo2 toking of rewardes in doing pleafures. Heb byeth - Pe conũder not the matter tothe bottom . Their offices be — nut bought fo? Great ſums, now how ſhuld they receiue their mo⸗ feltberafter ney againe,but by baibing pe wold bane them orvone.5omer" e⸗ of them gaue.C C.pound, fome.b.C.pound,fome.y. 0. poũd. And bow Hal thep gather vp this money agapne , but by hel⸗ ping them felnes in their office. And ts it fo trot ve: Are ciuyl offices bought for monp?L 02d Cod, tobe would haue thought piilet bs not be fo haſty to credite tf. fo3 then we have the old proueth ,omuia venalia Rome, althinges are fold for money at Home, ¢Kome is come home toour otone doores. Ff they bie, they muſt nedes fel, for tt is wittely fpoken:Vendere inre poteſt, emerat ille prins he mayelatofulipe fellit, be bought tt before. God forfend that euer anpfuch enozmitp chuld be in Englãd, that ciutl offices ould be bought a fold, tober as wen ſhould banc them giuen them fo2 their worthines. J woldthe kinges Bete men maieſty fuld ſeke thorow bis realme ſor mete men ¢ able mẽ able ¢ wor worthy to be in office, yea ¢ giue théliberally fos their paines, rhito be put erather gene them monep to take the office in band,thé they troffice. te geue mony fo? it. bis bying ofoffices is amaking of bꝛy⸗ It ts a bꝛi⸗ bery, itis an enductng ¢enfozfing,¢ compelling of men to bet berp tobpe betp, Poly ſeripture qualifieth the officers , ¢fheweth tohat offices, Boar Laby rouge touſnes is a chylopng woman. The fift Sermon maner of men they ſhould be ¢ of inhat qualities, Vives fortes Some tranflacios haus viros fapientes.p Engliſe tranflation hath it serpy well. Penofactwuitpethat haue Gomakes to 30 thep? office, they muff not be milkſops, noꝛ vohite liuered knit ghtes, thep muſt be wile, harty, hardy, men ofa ges fomack Secondarely, be quattfieth them mw the feare of God. be faite thep muſt be comentis deam, fearing Ood.fo3 (fhe fear Ood,be chalbe no briber,nopernerter ofiudgement, faithiul.2hirdip they mutt be chofe officers in guibus eff ueritas, in wha ts trath iu of it he ſay it, it Salbe don. Forthiv, gaz ederunt axaritiam, hating ng for muctou(nes,far {rant it. He toil met conte nere tt batetd it, binces O° It is not he p wil an office. Caith thete qualt> MIONEP. fies gods wiſdom wala banc magiſtrats to be qualified. This cometh frõ the deuils canſiſtoꝛy to pay.b.C. ti. for one office. It they pap fo much, it muſt nedes folow p they take botbes,p they be bzibetakers. Such as be mete to bear office, feke them Godly and out hire them, geue them cOpetent ¢ liberal fees that thet thal meete men not neve ta takeatty —— ifpe be atelling ciu offices, foraffices, pearas thev which tel their benefices,¢ fo we thal hausomuia Moulde bee aalia althings bought for monp.% mat wel the grou gapes foughtout, not < deuours bs, how beit we ought not te maruel , furelp it @ liberally? jg § great lenity of Gon p ſuffers tt. Db Losd in what cafe ar feed. we It the great men tit Turky Houta vie in their religion of Sellyng Of apahomet,to felas aur patrons comonty fel benefices here (p offices,t fel office of preaching, the office offaluacton) it fhula be taken as Ting of bene an intollerable thing the Turk wold not fufter itin bis cont ficestsall mon twelth.atrons be charged to fe p office don, eof fo ſeke one. . aglucreta gavn by bis patronſhip.Ther was a patrõ in Eng⸗ The Turk qanoc wher it was)p bad a benefice fallen into bishand,ar a | woulde not god brother of mine cam vnto him ¢ bought him. xxx. apls in fuffer that ã nith,¢ gaue them bis man to cacy them to bis mayſter· It ie Webs. Ikebe gaue one to bis md for bislabgur, fo make bp ogame | The patros ¢ fo ther was.xxxi. This man cõmeth tobis maker tpzeléten — dutye in bez him 1h the dich of avels, faping:Sp2 ſuch a man hath fent you — Coleinge of a pith of fruit, x defireth vou fo be good vnto bint fo> fuch a be⸗ dis benefice nefice. uth tut quoth he)this ts no aple mater, J til none : of his apels, Jhaue as god asthefecopashebathandin mine | A dayntye Sw orchard· The man cans fo the prieE agapue, ẽ tolde hvᷣm dif} of apis by jat bis maiſter ſad. Then quod the porſeſt deſire hym vet toe prowe one of the foꝛ mp fake, be Hall fre them muiche better | then thev lqise for. He cut one oẽthem, x faundex.peces ofaaty | ofMaifter Latimer, _ Fol.6§, | fit. Paryquodhe,thisisa goon apple. A he prfel ſtandyng naot far of bearing what the qentlema ſaid, cried out ¢anfinz- _ ted, they ar al one aples Iwaroãt pou ſyr thet grew alonone sty | ftee,¢ banc al one tall. @iel,be is a godfelotw, let him baucit 9 gratt ge quod p patron.éc.Get pou a craft of this tre,z J warrant you guideto art _ tt al Land pou tn better Ken thenal S.paulslearning. Wel - benefice lef patrons take heede, fo thep hall anſwer fo2 al the ſoules p with all: ‘3 perith thꝛough their defaut. Ther is a faping p ther bea great 13003th és many in Cngland p fay ther is no foule, p beleuenotin h im paste mortality of mans foule,» thinke tt ts not eternal , but Ikea oe, bea pogs foul, y thinke ther isnetther beauen nor bel. Ph Lowe, + apc * wiat a watahty matter is this· dihat a lamentable thingin 3 futh ‘a a Chriſten comon welth: Jcãnot tel what thep fav but J perz he Ab e ceine bp theit workes h thep think fo,o2e1s they would neuer oo p boas they do.Theſe ſeilers ofoftices fyelw,) they beleue that tal Be * ‘ther is neither bel nop heauen. It is taken for a laughing mat oa * ter, wel, J wil go on.How fo the chapter. Lhe children of Iſ⸗ Soules. rael cam fo Samuel ¢ ſaid:Fenui/ſti, thou art growen into age geue vs a king. Thy fons walk not in thy waies. W hat a he⸗ —*29 — uines was this to father Samuels hart,to heare p hys ſonnes as ue (t06 he bad fo twel brought op)thulo warue fro his wayes p Mthe } a be had talked in. father Samuel goeth to God ts knowe hig UNS — bys Wwil'z pleafure in this matter.Gon anfiwered: let them bane a ORS from hing. Theihaue not cafe the awai but me,p J muld not raign bis wares. zuer them. This is their ground that fap a kyng ts an odious i Sam. * rhing.e not acceptable betore v face of God. hus thet force ¢ A place —* violẽt this place to make fo: their purpofe, tuber no ſuch thing lented ¢ wi . is ment. Sabet p Iſraelitesc faith Cone teſtiſy to thea kings ced to ſerus autoatty,¢ what a king is,¢ what a king wilde. It wyi not for other - perfivade thei, wil not bear thébereafter,toben thep tal purpete,the erp bnto me.3 mutt needes rontes v the Jewes trefpatteda: tt Was euer gaint Ooo in afking a kyng: but bere te the matter, in what nent. thing their offence ode whither ablolutelp mafking aking, Uibereine 93 in any other citcitance.3t was ina civehtance. het tata intet of the not,afke bs a kyng of Gop : but make bea kyng totudee bs, Lewes dyd asal other nactons haue. Shey wouide haueakpna sf they; conte. nione fivinge,andof theys olonelection , as though they pase The tetwes not Of Gon, In a nother poynt ther was prtde . They woulde offended in be ivke the tbeathen,and tudges vnder kpnges as thep were. thee things sUbirolp, they offended Cad becaufe thep afked a kyng to the iniNtY g weongotf ged father Samuel to deyoſe hun, fo tbys The fift Sermon’ — A conipari⸗ was a wꝛong taward Samuel · It was not with fattiellans fon betwen bys children Ophenes and Phintes,tpke as with Elye and bis Samuel € childꝛen They tere cruel whocvyth bokes taking the fefy out hisfones ,€ ofthe pottes tuben that faccifice was o fered to God, bꝛougbt p Clyandbis Peopleinto a contentstof Gods woꝛd. They were techerers. fonnes. . “bepzfprne were manyleſtly and nofertoulp knoiwen : but Giys fones theyr Father Ely knowing and bearing of it dyd blame the, but suerleache: nothing to the purpofe,be dyd not earneſtlv and ſubſtancially rers emani cballiſe thent,and therfore be was iusly depoſed of Gon. Zhe fe offepers nnes ol Samuels Sonnes tecre not knowen. they were not fo notorious, tubersfore it was not rw father Samuel asit was Samucis W2th Ctvs, bys fonnes fautes were tabing of bribes, and per⸗ fornes wer Uctting ofiudgementes. Ve know that betberp ts a ſecret faut, bribers and and therfore it was not kno wen. It was done onder a coloure pevucrter g aida pretence ofiuflice, bidly ana couertly done. Therſore be- of udameẽt CAUCE it Lod in byvbes tt was not like in Samuel as in Elp. It is a daunger ous thyng to be in office foꝛ qui actingit picem coin⸗ SBpbes are quinabitur ab ea. He that medleth wyth pitch is lyke to be ſpot⸗ Lvkte pitche. ted withtt. Bꝛibes may be allembled to pitch, for euen as pitch * doth polute thep2 handes that medle with tt : fo bꝛybes wyll bꝛyng pou fa peruerting oftutpce. Beware of pptch, vou tuds 3 ges ofthe world, bꝛybes wyl make pou peruert iuſtice Githy, Anaticen 22" woel fap. Me touch none. Ho mary. But my Pilſtres your nglice . wele bath a fpite finger the touchethit fo3 pou, or els pou haus — OF a feruaunt a Maneribus be wyll ſay, vf vou wyll come ta mp — ers Pailter and offer hym a pokeoforen,pou thal {pede neuer the vbzibes. sy nile, but J thincke mp Baker wyl take none, when be bath o fered them to the Maiſter, then commes a nother (eruantee faves: Jf pou well bꝛing them tothe Clarke of the kitchen vou Mal be remẽbꝛed the better. This tsa frierly faſſis that wil res A frierly fa copne no mony in theyz hands but wyi haue it put vpon theps ion in re geues. A godly rag ofpspithercligts Whey be iyke gray triers fufing Of they Wwyl not be ſeneto receyue ne bꝛybes them felues, but baue bepbes ,& other torecepue for thẽ Though Samuels fons wer priuv bei⸗ goodly rag bers ¢ kept the thing berpclofe,vet p cry of p people brought it ef popich re fo Samuel. St was a hid kind offi. fo; mẽ inthis poynt wold ligion. face it € bꝛace it, x make a Mew of vpꝛight Dealing, whe they be’ moſt gilty. Heuertheles this geare cant eut. Oh wicked fons p brought bath their father to depoſicion, e thé ſelues to an 3 of Maifter Latimer. Fol.67. mabe Samuel heard of their fault , he went tibt about to er, cuſe their fautes.i5e would not beare with his fos; be would ae naot communicare peccatis alien? be partaker with his fornes'of Samuek feces, be faideego fenuisecce fli mei vobifenm june .Astonéashe Would not Heard ot it be deliuered histones to the people to be puttithen, be partakes We went not about to errute thent,n03 faid not:thisis the fire of his fenes time, bear twith thenr, but prefenten them by by to se people Hens. ſaying: No bere they be, take them do with them according to their delertes. Db, J told ther wer no more bearersof other mens (ons, then this god father Samet was.F beard of late - ofa notable bonthed. Aadio faith Saul, ¢fo do F. F know it not, but J heare of it. Ther was a fearcher in London, whych erccuting bis office oifpleated amarchaunt man, infomuch, that toben be twas doing dis office, they wer at words, the mar chant mat threatned hint, the fearcher ſaid, the king fhuld wot lofe bis cuſtome. The marchant goes me home etharpss bys wodkntfe,¢ comes againe¢ knockes hint on the bead ¢ kyls hym. They that tolde me the tale, fape it is topnekes af,thep lake thovsle their Gngers ¢ wil not fe if. Mhether it be taken bp with a pardon 02 00,37 canot fel, but this 4am fure , etf pe beate with fuch matters, the diuct hal beare pou alway fo bel. Blodſhed ¢ murder would haue no bearing . Jt is a haynous thing bloudſhedding ¢efveciallp voluntary murder , ¢ preten⸗ feo murder. for in Punrery Gos faith , it poluteth the whole oudihed realme. Poluitur ila terrae. et hon poteſt ex piari fine fanguine. B ‘pete Che lad canot be pureed nor cienſed again til his biid be theo han pA Spin p ſhed it. Ht ts the otice of a bing to lee ſuche murderers punt © : nr riot fhed with death non fruftre geſtat cladin. Ghat wilpou makes aa ne of akintg/be beareth afivearde before bim, nota Pecockes fe: 98 chal: _ ther.3 go not about to Uyz pou now te cruelty, but Iſpeake a wy igh ng. 7) gainſt bearing of blodſhed. a his bearing mull belmked bpd. ....- In certain caules of murther, fuch great circumſtaũces map be, that the king mat pardon a murther. But tf A wer worthy fo. be of counfail ,o2 if 3 wer afked myne.aduile , Jwould not haue the Ring fo pardon a vslũtary murther,a pretenfed.mur ther.3 can tel where one man ſtew an other in fotwnthyp ,¢ | was attached vpon the fame, ry .men wer impanelsd the ma _ vdad frendes the Sbriue laboured thebench, the.xij. men Each asit e aid, except be would difburs.ry. crowses thep oo — | The fift Sermon Sarde him sity. Meanes wer lound that the.rif.cretetes was pata, She quek comes in ¢fates not gilty. Hero was not gilte ig $02.79.crolones. This fs bearitey,e ſome ofthe bench wer bas goat ged, thet wer wel ferued. Chis makes menbold te do murder ¢ Gaughter. ce Hould ceferuc murdering tyl we come fo ome ‘enenties,¢ the kyng bpd bs fight. ibe that woulde beſtur hym thet, were a prety felow im Dede. Crowes? Aftheu crates Shauing OF ince shauen to the Hhoulders, they wer ferued well pnougy « 4 cronnes. wher Woman was got With child , € teas a dat _ the matter, ¢ went into afeceet place, wher he bad ne womẽ Whe hils:. at her trauel,¢ was deliuered ofthree chddenata birth. abe rp ata wo⸗ werouns their neckes,¢ caſt them into a water, ¢fo kvlde hee man. childꝛen. Sodaynly the was gaunt agayne, eer neyghbours fafpeding the matter cauſed ber te be eramined, € fhe graun⸗ ted al. Afterward fhe was rained at the bar fo2 it,¢ diſpatched efouns nat qity,tirough bearing oftriendes ¢ bribpng of p Judge. Weber at the ſame Sellions another pare womã was banged far Kealing a few rags of a hedge,p wer not wortha | crowne. Ther was a certapne gentiema,s profeſſour ofthe he hitte: woorde ot Godc he (ped newer the better fos p, ve may befure) ofa Ge: who was accufed for murthering ofa ma, wherupon be was fila. cat tno priſon And by chatice ashe was in priton one of bis OS frendes cans vnto hin for to viſit hint, abe declared ta his fred p be was neuer giltyin the murtheringof the ma . So be weet bis waies, the gentleman was arained ¢condentpred , €ashe went fo his execution, be ſaw bis frendes ſeruaut ¢ apd onto bint: Cõmend me to thy maker, « J pray the tel him, Lamp ſame man Gi!, 7 was when be was to me. And ikthou tarve a a L thi Wwaple,p halt fe medic. her was late made for this wis par — Do pon, but it could net be gotten. eltke the Shrines oꝛ ſome o⸗ xritt may do er bare kins no good lup!. ut he died for it. And afterwara — * Jbeing in the Tower, haums leaue to com tothe Rieutenãts ina diere. table, Abeard hime fay that ther twas a ma hanged afterward, bematyelp & Killed thefante mart, fo7 whom this Oentieman * to bang by 22 [930 what beartiig, olitering ofnaughty mat: — —— Fersis this ina Chyitten realm? 4 defice pour Daielkp to reme . : otro be the matter, «God graunt you to fe redres in thys reaum in u Apotro | sur oluit perfor. Although nw Lor Protedar , 7 dout not,« phe to the che relt of the counlſail do in the mean wdtie, al p licth mtheut rg fop res ) to reves . of Maifter Latimer? Fol.68, torches things Jwould tach ashe rulers noble men z maſ⸗ dres ollear tiers ſhuld beat this point rw their ſeruaunts to certify tye on ae bol? this (ort: Iſfany man go about to do pou wꝛong wyl do mp feringe of bell co hetp you in pour right.1Butifp bꝛeake thelay, pthait naughty haue iuſtice· Jf pe wil be maquellers,mursercrs,¢tran(arel i fours, looke for no bearing at mp handes. A ſtraunge thyng. govlp ad: Githat nede we in the bengeaunce to burden our ſelues wyth ettitfrnent other més fons: lZaue ive not (pus ynowe of surolwi? WMhat fo. noble nede haue Ito burden my felfroother mens ſyns: haue bur, men aud dens ¢.y.heapes of fons: Dnebeapeof knoboen ſyns anether maiiters of vnknowen ins. 5 had nedeto fap: Ab occultis meis munda me but 3 feare domine, D lord deliver me frõ my hidden emp vnknowẽ fins. 116 it ig ta Thẽ fF beare wo other mens fine, I mull fap:Deliverme frõ coniy ito ba my other mens fons. A ſtraunge faving: from nw other mens folotued. ſyns. Mho beareth wyth other: folkesoffences, be commnicat -~ ——-~-- teth bo other folkes ſyns. Men hauc fins inough of their olwn, although they bear note bolſter op offer mew in their nough⸗ tines, thps bearing, this boittering ¢labpns thorow their ſin⸗ Sers,is nanght. Wibat p favz bap ſhuld Icoꝛ ant elsyencreafe my burden. Dp other mens ſynnes forgeue me Diowe. A Craunge language, they haue hyd fons of they2 own prouah, although they bear not yo giltines ofother mens fons. Oh fa⸗ ther Samuel woula net beare bys stone founes:. ise offerd bis, oka fons to puniſhmẽt, fad: Ecce fily met vobiſcum funt, euew at the fyrſt tome be ſaid:Ao, bere they be, Idiſcharge mv ſeit ¢ fake the vnto pou,¢as for my part.prefofh loqui coram domiv: no et Christo eius. Jam here redy te anfwer fo2 felfe mp before: the Lord ¢€ bis anointed. Bebols hsre J am, recorde of me bez fore the Loꝛd trum cuiuſquam boners cre. Myhether J hans! taken anp mans Oxe, anp mans Aiſe oꝛ whether Jhaue don any man Bong, orhurt anv nia;07 taken anv bribes at any mans hand. Acan cũmend the Engliſh tranilatts p doth inter⸗ preate muners baibes, not giftes. They anſwered: nay iorſooth weknow no ſuch things in vou. ceſtis ff mibideus faith besos is witnes, Onod nihil inuenieritis in mann mee , That vou haus found naught in my hands. felv (uch Samuels are in Englãd norinthe wails. WMyy dyd Damuelthis? mary to purge ban ſelle he was enforgced to it ſor he was wrongfully depoſed. Ba kh ———— — The fift Sermon’ | _ effended Mot Godin atking ofa king, but for aſting fora king to the wꝛonging € Depofition of,go0b father Samuel. Flatter Samuels death the people had afked of God a kyng they baa not faulted, but itis no ſmal fant to put an innocent ont of bis office.tking Dauid likewiſe cõmaunded bis people to be nom⸗ bred, €therivith oFendes God greuouilx. Mhy: myght he not xuow the number of bis people:Pes tt was wet the nũbꝛvug of the people that offenden God fora king maysnumber bps penple. But he dio tt ofa pride, ofan ciation of mynde, not ace cording fo Gods osbinaunce; but as hauing a truſt in p waber of bis men this offended God. Lykewyſs the Jewes alacda bing, ¢therivith they oſfended not God, but thep afken him os fuch circum Taunces, that God was oſfended with then. It is no ſmal fault to puta inf man ont ofbise fice, eto depoſe bint vnworthely.· To chuſe a kvng a a Sy oꝛdinaunceof Gad, is a caſting a av of God, enot afa kong. Theriore dout not but the title ofa king is a lawcul thing, is a lawſull tpile, as ofather Pagttrates. Oneiy let the kings take hede v they do as it becometh kinges tad0, that thep do their office tcl. It isa great thinge,a chargeablething.ilet them beware p ther DO not communscare peccatis alienis that they beare not wyth o. ther mens fautes,fo> they thal gene a ſtrait account feral that: periſheth thorow their negligence. We percetue now what thys tert meaneth. It ts weitten in the tall of Judicum: In die⸗ bus illis non erat vex in lſrael, In thoſe daies there was no kong: én Iſcael euery man did that which ſemed rightin hys ownt eves. en wer then allowed to do what they wold. Mhhen me stay be alowed fo do what ther wyi, then tt is gud to bane ne hing at at. Here is wonderful matter p vnpꝛeaching prelate fhuld be ſuffred ſo long. Thei can alleda for them ſelues. vx. C peres: This white the realnt bad ben as god to bane no king. Aikewiſe thele bꝛibing Judges hath ben fattred of a tog time, Ethen it was Quaſi non fuiffer re xin Anglia. To ſuſfer thys is as much to fap:theris no king in England. It is the dutv ofa — — ee “OFM Latymer, Fol. ¢9 "The fyxte Sermon of Maiſter Hugh Latypmer, Mbiche be preached ber foze &. Cdlvard, the rit. day of Apꝛill. Ae V ecunque feripta funt ad noftramdodtrinam ferip- | ez Dra (unt. Al things that ave weitten, they ar weitẽ te 4 FF be sur doctrine. Mhat doctrine fs weiten £02 bs in oe § 8. Chap. of the kyꝛſt booke of the kynges, J dpade ‘partelp ſhewe vnto pou (molt honourable audience)this dap ſennight, ofthat good ma n father Samuel, that goodiudge Poly good aman be was, what helpers, and coadtutours, he. toke onto bint,to haue his office well diſcharged. J told pou -alfo af the wyckednes of bys fonnes, howe thep toke brybes, ‘and lpued wickedly, and by that meanes, bꝛought both thep2 ‘father, and themfelues to depofitton. And bow the people did ‘Offende Godin afking akpng tn father Samuels tprte. And boiv father Samael twas put from bis office, Moho deferned ft not. Jopened fo pou alfo,bolw father Samuel clesresbynt Telfe, that be kneive not the fautes of bys fonnes:be was no. ‘dearer with bys fonnes, be was loy fo2 ft, when be beard tt: but be would not beare with them tn their wickednes, Filit ‘mei vobifcum funt,mp fonnes are with pou faith be. Do vb | them according to their defertes, J wil not maintain chen, noꝛr beare with them, After that be cleares himſelf at the kin ges fecte,that the people bad nothing to burthen hym wyth all ,nepther money, nor money to ath, In treating of p part, 3 chaunced to ſhewe pou, what Jhearde ofa man that ras ‘flapne.and J beare fap tt was not well taken, Forſoth J ens tende not to empayre any mans eſtimation or bonekly,¢ thep that enforce it te that, enforce it not to mp meaning, J ſayd FZ beard, but of fuch athpnge,and toke sccafion by that, that 3 heard, to ſpeake againk p thpng, that 7 knely to be naught that no man ould beare with any man fo pᷣ maintenarice of poliitarp and pꝛepenſed murder. And J beare fay ſynce, the ‘man was other wiſe an honeſt man, and thep that fpake fog him, are honeſt men. Jam inclinable inoughe to credite tt, 3 fpake not becaule Jwould haue —9— mannes honeſtee im⸗ D K paired, _ The fixte Sermon. The press | le dyd, tubo hearyng Idid as Saincte Paule | anv. 23. Onelp J ay there fhoulve bee co Arde, chee ass Corinthians, waren foste onto then sats oiler: occalyo of age ong them, be fet fozt i ned bybea mpfgz3er am by etcafion af hearyng be fet f myght not: . in- ‘ yotta * Aorde Cie ueyea me dottryne of the li pou, Kee it fo iy20te inftfach ſame doctryne Ite as Paule ty2 gainffuc ye lacked that ntiong amonge then, either i daa yo no ſuch contentios dthẽſelues, it was neith the peoole ans ba d they had not miſordre he matter lap in that, are infec of, We it fo. tthat Paule fade. Die: fet ont tye good ted vvith: of, 102 O11, to that. eld take occaſion to true that J as Paul ca BY Sit hearing he wel : altirme it to bee ith | that Op So Jdid not kbearing wi *5 otrene· 0,3 0 u, to beware of my thei.x. ai and tra ke it to aduertiſe pou, aothing enforced a ay beard, 3 (pake : r. Jwold hanes ing. Ido Why M, wal gn ta py ——— J— pra pee — lle chaunce m booke:JIſtu Acdibis know, what pera in ſcripture, in gods 2.394 example: not ſtudy. Jam a ſcholer aurder fs befoze god. 5 dro fap mp Mudy. at boluntarp murder and J weth —— ees zi and pur. {hall fa ortunitie and place, weapõ €. char le. yard lacking ep alon F pacpare mp weapõ. nto⸗ —* nas e, in —* tps — bane — ae —— roedly. Ganother tyms, 3 five evic together, L bint, Voluntary-{¢ again 4 feke him, we m is, a ſo foꝛth to kt der’ gyarpes bpitt, 3 , better ther bis, andanger. —— ** — ates ok pAddr once; i is * ly. This call J volunta veat ſin, and therfo. f this. Omne kya. daweracshiet ic eae learke woiteth of this. risa neth Aw, law ¥ ca Eber what a great clear § fit voluntariai nõ firp in, at p. Jremeber tiũ, vt nif ſi fit be not vo⸗ =m tyme ‘ ; i abs adeo elt pai fg voluntarv, that it it — ſin, . "pec finn (faith be) prnetsno actual fin, . — thas a not be called — —— all knowe rae : tances. c . f wow c duntary, tt ¢ J woulde sft cann ot bee here. t baluntarpe, is done, is Done, f ceeps The {pani jfit be nd e enterthat thatt : il the kenge is m atdthat faultes and tep ne, Oodis mercifail,tl e of repentaunces Faith, called backe agay dante, thys ts the plac repente, Andlet men. falljbere toe map voence,tt is tolate then to freates —— Asabho- fghew we are gone hence, ß——— fach mate ores be content ibe ley beare 9 a no mans vrhore: But ſure tiisap tz hearde lap, J wou dome «fe ter.5 folbe pou jobat beat ia London houciky . — of M Latymet. | Fol.zo @teeer ~ vras vpon honeſty empayred by my tellyng. Jheard ſaye lence ol ano? oe honey ther murder, that a Spanyarde ould kp at Englyſhman Letvs⸗ and ronne him thozough wh his ſworde:they lap he was a feare the ‘tall man. Wut ¥ here it not, that the Spanparde was hanged oee and loꝛ bys laboure . It Jhadde, J woulve haue tolde pout fo, Fore, Whey fell out as the tale gocth aboute atehsoze. D 1020 chartheg. what whozedome ts Bled now a dayes. As Ahere by theres theristo lation of honeſt men, which tel ff wot after a woꝛldlyx ſort, as foole atele though they retopced at (t,but beautlp with beaupe hearts. enh sat ‘how God is dithonoured bp whozedaine in this citp of Lone vi rie ia don. Aea the bancke, when it Loode, was neuer fo common, London Fit be true that ts tole, tt ts Meruall that it Both not finke, priutesed and that the earth gapeth not and fivallotueth it vp. It is wõ where verlull that the city of London Doth Custer (uch Lobozedome *vhoreds is haunted bnpuniched. God hath ſutffced long of his great lenitie, mers, tee, and benignitie, but he wil puniſh tharplyat the length, otace tf we do nat repent. Where ts fone place in Londow,asthep of licenti: ‘fap: Immunitie, impunitie, what holo Jcal itza pꝛiutleged ousliber- · ‘place fo2 whoꝛedomẽ. Whe 1.029 Mayre hath nothyng to dee Sota ‘there, the thirittes, thep can nt medle with it. And the quefé oe they do not enguircof tt,and there men Do bꝛyng their who⸗ shooriag res:yea, other mens wyues, and there is mo refoꝛmaciõ of if, vas woe Where ts fuche vicpng houſes alfa, thep fap,as hath not to be the ‘bene wonte fo be, wbere pong Gentlemen dyſe alway thep2il*< rae th2ifte,and where dyſeng is,thete ave other folyes allo. Fo2 |. .a 6 ‘the loue of God let remedy bs bad, let bs wꝛaſtle and ſtryue she pa- againſt ſynne. Henne of England in tyes pall, when thep Rime isto Would exercyſethemſelues (for we muſt nedes haue fome re 22yafelk © orenr creacion, cur bodies can not endure without fome evercpfe) 5 ther were wonte to go abroad tn the ſieldes a gootyng, but nou it is turned ints gloſſing, qalling and whoꝛimg Win the shooti ug vbouſe.The artof Hocting bath bew tn times paſt much eſte⸗ bach bene med fin this realin, it is a giftef ged p he hath geue bs to ers ſet by in cel al other nations wal, tt bath bene gods inſtrument where J, horivg ° cwoulde belo litle elteemed. J deftve pou my Lordes, euen % cbeketies tt, The fixte Sermon Ss lias the hogoure,*and glorpe of God, andentenve to re⸗ . moue his indignatton, let there be ent fourth font pꝛoclama tion, ſome ſharpe proclamation. to the Julkices of peace, Foz. thep do not their Ouetp. Juſtices naw be na iuſtices, there be ‘Maly good acfes made foz this matter alredp. Charge them vpõ thetr allegtance, that this finguler beneftt of gov map be practiſed, and that tt be not turned nto boiling, glofing, © M L.fa . Inhoapng within the tounss:fo2 thep be negligent in erecus th:r spines thefe Lawes of tyootyng. In mp tyme, my posse father: Le * was a3 Diligent fo teache me to Hooce as to learn me Any OF - feate of pike other men did thep2 children. Be: - fhooting tauzgt ime how-to 2a w, botw to lap my bodye in mp botwe, ina long: and not to. dꝛaw With ſtrength of armes as other nacions do, bows. hut with Ereagty of che bodpe, J had iny bo wes bought mes. accoꝛdina Comp age and Erength:as J encrealen in them, ſo mip bobes were made bpgger,€ bigger, for men ſhall neuer fhate wel, except they be bought vp inst. It is a goodly act, a wholſome kind of exerciſe, ẽ much commended in phiſike. Shooting Marcilius Phicinus in his booke de teiplicivitaſit is a great —— ae Wile ſince J red him now) but Jremember he coammendeth cilius Pai tHis kende oferercife,and faity, thatit.w2eitelety agaynſte cinus. manyx kindes af diſeaſes. In the reuerente of god, let it be cõ tinued. Let a proclamation go fozth,charging the iuſtices of° peace, toat they (ee lich acts and ſtatutes ke pt,as Wer made fo? this purpofe. ¥ wil tomy matter. Zintend this day to in⸗ treat of a pece of icrtpture, writen in the beginning of the v⸗ cap.of Luke. ¥ ant occaſioned to take this place by a boke ltt: Regnold fo the Bynges Maieſtie that deade is,bp Maiſter Pole. It is oole the a texte, that be doeth greatelye abuſe, foꝛ the ſupꝛe macye. Cardinal qʒe rackes it and violentes it, to ſerue forthe maintenanco of the bithap of Rome. And as he did enforce thother place,. that Jentreated of late, fo dyd be intorce thvs alfo,to ſerue bis mater. The Earp ts this. Dur Santour Chꝛiſt was conte nob to the bancke of the water of Genesareth. Whe people: _ sfas fate were conts fo Fim, t ſlacked about him, to bere him pꝛeache. -aSimoas 20 Jeius toke a baste that was Landing at the poole,té. were, Was Simons hate, and went into ft. And ſitting in the boote be preached fo them that were on the bancke. Ano —— & of M.Latymer. > Fol-71 - had preached and taught then, be fpake to Symon, and ban him launche ont further ints the depe,and loufe bys neties, to catche fyxſhe. Gnd Spmonmande aunfivere, ano ſayde: Waker, we haue laboured al night, but we caught nothing: bow beitat thy commaundement, becaule thou byddeſt vs, we topll go fo it agapne. 4 nd fo thep did, and caught a great dꝛaught,a miraculous draught , fo much that the net bake, € they called to they? felowes that were by, for thcy bad tive boatesto come to helpe them, and thep came anv fylled botbe their boates fo full, that they were nighe bzounynge. Thys 18 the fe2p. What J may declare this terte fo, that it mape be ‘tothe honor of god, and edification of your foules and myne both. Jchall deſyre you to helpe me with pour prayer, in the ‘wheed. €C. factum cL aurem, (falth the tert) Cum turbai irrueretin eũ. tie Sainct Luke telles the ltorie, and ft caine to paſſe, when the people preafed bpd him, fo that be was in perill to be caſt ins to the pond, they rathed fo faft bpen bint, ¢ made fitch thaong ‘to bint. A wonderous thyng, what a defire the people bad in 7, iii. thofe days to here our Saufour Chꝛiſt preache:and the cauſe map be gathered of the later end of the chapter that went bes faze. Dar ſauioꝛ Chr had preched onto thent,¢ healed the . Acke folkes of {uch difeates ¢ maladies as thep had:and thers foze the people would bane retamed him ſtill. Wut be made them anſwere, and (apd: Et aliis ciuitatibus oportet me evan gelizareregnii dei, nã in hoc miffus fa, J muſt preach pking — dom of goo to otber cities alfo, Imuſt ſhew thent my fathers will: fo2 4 came fo: that purpofe. J was fent to pꝛeache the ‘ i020 of God. Dur Sauioꝛ Chꝛiſt fayd, how he mull notta 4. vam. rp in one place : fo2 be twas fent top woꝛld topreache cuerp pic of where. Is it nota meruatlous thpng, that our vnpꝛeachyng Chnit for, pꝛelates can rede this place, t pet prꝛeache no moze than thep. 7 vnpte Bo. Jmeruail that thep can go quietly to bed, and ſe how be he ing Ee allureth thew with bis erample,to be dtligent tn thefr office Go Sayis Here is a godly lefon alfo, how our ſauioꝛ Chꝛiſt dedfront our che glozie. It thele ambitious perfons, that climbe to bonoꝛ by fied'fom’ bytwalkes inordinatly, wold confider this example of Jeſu⸗ glory. * — — chold come to more wis a thei eres 4 | 4 tt, t Dee The fixte Seanion made they (eke hondur byſuch by walkes,they come ta. confufiens oe bono; folotocth them chat fle from it. Durfauios Chie gat sae ° bin awar carly in the morning a went bnto the wildernes. them that 32 Would thep would folow thigerample of Chꝛiſte,and net flee fs ix. ſeeke honour by fuch bpivalkes as thep Do. But what md.the people: tober be bad bis.bynilelfe,they finelled bim oute te the wyld ernes,and came vnto him bp fieckes, andfoleines The com- him a great nombꝛe. ut where rebe pouthat a great num⸗ moa peo- ber of Scribes and Pharifees, and. Biſhops folloived. bynt. fy ga Chere ts a dactez that wꝛiteth of this place, bis name ts doc⸗ ie in she 103 Gorwha, Hpcholas Gorrham, J knew him to be a ſchole wvildernes DOCtO2 a great while ago, but Jnener knew him to be anne andfolove terpzeter of fcripture til nai ot late:he faith thassmaior des edhim rh wotio in laicis vetulis qua in clericis.&c. Whereis moze dee yeah {2 wotion faith bein lape folke,qnd olde , toiues theſe lymyle Scrikerthe COKE, the vulgar people, then inp clerkes: they be better ate Pharifees fected to the word of gad, then thoſe that be of the cleargy. J nor the bi meruail nat at the fentence, but Jmeruail to find ſuch a ſen fhoppes. tance in fuch a docto2. Ff ¥ hold fay fo mud), tt wold be faid tome, that it is an eutl birde that defiles bis otune neſt, an’ “Nemo leditur nifi 4 (plo, There is no man burt, hut of bys sion (elf. here tas derified the faping of our (autor CHE. twbich be fpake in another. plac~, Vbicunque fucrit cadauer, ibi congtegabũtar aquilz, Xherſoeuer a dead carion is ,thle ther wil the Cgles gather. Dur fauio2 Chꝛiſt compares ire felf te a Dead carcton:fo2 inbere the carrion is,there will the Egles be,¢ thaugh tt be an euil ſmel to vs, and Minkes in a EAritt co. MANS role, pet it ts a ſwete ſmel to the Cgles,they wil feeks - pares him ft out, $0 the people fought.out Chꝛiſt, thep ſmelt bis ſauor felfcros be twas alivete ſmel to thé. els Odot vitæ ad uira,the imel deadcasti gf liſe to life. Thei flockevabout him likt Egles. Chꝛiſt was — the caccton,¢ the people were the Egles. Ther had no pleae fare toheare the Scribes, and the Phariſees, thex Lanke tr thelr noſe, thetic doctrine was bifaucszy,(t was of Lolfones, ThePhari ef decimationsa, oſ Anets (eade, and Cummyn and fuch gers : se aa Where twas na comſodt in it fo3. Core conſciẽces, there was ne void ofre- COCoLAttS ſa waunded foules, thers Was no remedy fo; fins, medyfor 88 Wag in Chaiſtes dectrine. His dectrxne ceaſed the burden ; Sane. of; hy MiLatyrer, ©” Folys of ð fonlesit was ſwete to the common peopie,¢ foicer to the (bes. Zt twas (uch cdfo2t¢ pleafurctotbem, pthrpcame | ocking- about him: tuberfoze came’ they⸗ Vt audirét verbum dei, it wasa good coming. hep came to bere f e020 of god. It as not to be thonght that thep came all of one mpnde to Gere q woꝛde of god, It ts Itkelp that info great a multitude vy, can faut came of curiofitic,to hereſom nouvelles, ¢ fom came [mel oor be fa- ling a fivete fano3,to haue confolattd ⁊ cõfoꝛt of gods fWo28s ued with- fo3 we cãnot be faucd Without bering of the wo2d. It isa ne out hea ceffary toay to faluati. alecan not be ſaued without faith "BSF he and faith commeth by bearing of the woꝛd. Fides cx auditr, ,., And how Hal they heare without a preachtre J tell pou tt is The foore the footefeps of § lander of heaucnjof our faluation. There feppes of mutt be preachers ff ioe loke to be faucd.% tolde poof thys she ladder gradation befoze inthe tenth tothe Romapnes. Confiver it falas ‘Wel. J had rather pe (hold come ofa naughtp mpnd,to beare ‘the word of god, fo: noueltie, 02 f03 curiofitie to beare fonie patime, then to be alvay. ¥ bad rather pe ſhould come as the pei " tale is, by $ gentlewoman of London, One of ber neighbors |. hem | met ber in the ſtreate, and faid mifices, tobether go pe: Warp ro refore laid the, ¥ am gopngte f. Thomas of Acres to the Sermon, cothches | — Guld not Mepe al this lak night 3 am going nolw thether,¥ rg of fer | neuerfapled of aqaod nap there. Ind fo J had rather pe Hold Tors not So anappyng to p fermis,tha not to goe at all. Foꝛ voᷣ what ding the mynd ſoeuer pe come,though pe come fo2 an pll purpole,pet pucctecé peraduenture pe may chaunce to be cought c2 pe go.the pzea heit com cher map chance ta catche pou on bps hoke. tiatherthen pe wiog is {hold not come at al. ¥ vould haue potrcome of curtofitie,as tats Ad S. Auguftine came to heare S.Ambzolc. Wiben &. Augue . 4 Mine came to Pillane, (be telles the oꝛy himéclf,in tYeende tine came of bts boke of confelltots)be tuas bery defirons to beare . of curiog Ambꝛoſe, not ſoꝛ any loue he had to the octrine vᷣ be taught tue co Mil but to bere his cloquécestwhether it was fo great,as p fpech fn" was, and as the bꝛute tent. Wel, befoze be departed . Ant, o bof caught hint on bis boke, and conugrted him fo, thathe s. supa. betame of a Maniche, and of a Platoniſt a good chꝛiſten, & finckee befender of Cheiſtes religion,end of the faith aftcrivard. Se ame ofa J wold bane pou to cometo fermons:it (s declared in many — ae j K.illi. wo. slats as The fist Sermon made Rik mo places of ſcripture, hoo neceffary preachyng 18,06 thist _ Enangeiium ef potentia Dei,adfalutemomnicieden The pre pecaching of the gofpeli;ts the potucr of Cod to everpinan sichince Cat dothe beleur, He meanes gods worde aprned, itis th the office Mrument,and the thong wherby we are faned, Weare, cfprea beivare, pe dininifhe not this office:for if pe Boo, pedecap|e chyog- goas power to al.thatdo beleue. Chat faith cõſonant te the. fame, Niſi quis renatus fucrit ¢ fupernis, no poteſt videreres ~ VVhatis is thisregeneratton 2 It is not to be chꝛiſtened tn water (ag. theſe five brandes cxpound it) and nothing els. how is itto bee borne Be expouuded then⸗ Saint peter heweth, What ane-place oſ fcS aboue. OScripture declateth another. It is the circũſtance, and cols One place lation of places, tbat make (ertpture plain. Regeneremur aus. of ſcip gem, (faith &. weter)and tue be bone agaut. ow; Nonez - oe — femine morta!i,fed immortal: Not by amaptal fede, but by pik an immoꝛtall. Mhat is this immoꝛtall fede 2 p fermoné dei. Hovwy ne viventis, By the word of theliuing God, bp the word of god, — pꝛeached and ope ned. Thus cometh in aut view birth. Gere- — — office of , Bou map fe how necellary this Office is fo our faluatio. This Pea ace $8 the thing that the Deuill wraltleth mole again®. Zt bath. faluation ben all bis ſtudie to decate this office. He woꝛketh againtk it: ~ The dew! as much as be can, be bath preuatled to much,to much in it. is diligent He hath fet bp a Mate of vnpꝛeaching prelacie inthis realat | to decaye thig, bit. C.pere: A fate of bnpzeaching prelacte. Pebhath, preaching mane pupseching prelates:he bath Miccd bp bp heapes to pec: fecute this office in p title of berefp: Be hato irredbp % mar · leſtrates to perfecute it in p title of (edition. And be hath Mire. red Op the people to perfecute it with erprebations ¢ (clenpes rous two des: as by the name ofng llerming, Grange preas ching:and with (mp ropztattons be bath turned poeachingin. — to priuate mates. 3f a prick (hold saueleft male vndoneon afondayp within thele x. peres, all England (hold hane wõ⸗ Dred at it: but thep might baue left of the ſermon.xx.ſondays Note * eneuer bane ben blamed. And thas by theſe impropriations sk ve pꝛiuate Dalles were fet vp, and prepariag of gods word tro’ ment of ast vnder kote. Wut hat sath be now? what doth he now⸗ th cprelts, — beſtures cir chiidzen at the febote te to BE him fill, CA pat de deuill ts this 2 be prouides & greãt toile bettas * fo2 the tyme that isto coms. Ips Hath brought bp now of late the mo monſtrous pnd of cos uetouſnes that euer twas beard of. te hath inuented fee fers The fee meng olf benefices,and all to decay this office of preaching: frmynge info much that whan anp mart hereafter thall baue a benes of bene- fice, bentay go where be till, for any houle he thall baue to 7 Bivell vpon, oꝛ any glebe lande to Keepe holpitalitie with⸗ all:but be muſt take bp a chamber in an alcboufe,¢ there fit “€ play at the tables al the dap. A goodly curate. be bath cars The deui} ed alfo through this monfrous kpnde of conctoulnes, par...) ., trons to fel their benefices. Pea what doth be moꝛe: Be gets the yniver tes him to the vniuerſitie, and cauſeth great men, and efqut frie totes ers to ſende their ſonnes thither, € put oute pooze ſcholars che. * that hould be diuines: fortheir parentes entende notthey "t's? MMalbe preachers: but that they map haue a (helv of lerning. Wut (t were to long to Declare vnto pou, What diſceit € meas nes the deuill hath found to decay the office of faluation,this office of regeneration. But toretourne tomp matter. Whe people came to bere the word of god:thei heard him With ſi⸗ ience. J rsmembze now a faping of S. Chryſoſtom, and pers aduenture it might come hereafter in better place: but pet J Iwill take tt, woiles tt cometh to mpnd. The faping ts thts. Er loquentem cum audierit in filentio,{eriem locutionis n õ _ interrupentes, Thei herd hint (fatth he) in ſilence, not inters rupting the ogder of hts preching. be meanes,thep herd him The myf gutetlp, without any houeltng of fete, 07 walking bp and Onset ot botwne. Surely tt ts an pl miſorder f folk (halbe walking op. and jams @dotun in the lermon time(as J haue fene in this place thts o'ers. Lent: € there ſhalbe fuch huſſyng ⁊ buſſin Ad the preachers To whae eare, that it maketh hym oftentpntes to forget bis matter. cade the O let bs confider the kpngs maieſties goodnes: This place — was prepared ſor bankettyng of the body: and bis maieſtie ccan bath made tt a place fo2 the cõſoꝛt of the foule,2 tobaue the banketin £11923 of god preched in tt, ſhewing herby, that be wold haue place. al bis ſubiects at it, it it might be poſible. Cõlider = the. 3 pnges. The fizte Sermon made — kenges Malellve bath done fo; pou, beallotoehgenailie — beare with hym. Coſider where pe be, Firk pe onght te haue a reuerẽce to gods woꝛd:and though ft be preacher bp poore men, pet it is the fame woꝛde that our fautourlpake.Conlie ber alfo the pefence of the kpnges maieſty, gondesbigh bye = 5 care (earth, hauyng a refpecte te bis perfonage,pesughtie = haue renerence to ft, t confider that bets gods high miniſter, € pet allotveth pou al to be partakers teith bim,ofthbebering ». sf geds tyo2d. This benefit of bis, wold be thankfully take; and it wold be highlp eſtemed. Heare in filence as Chrꝛiſoſts lateth, ff map chaunce that ſome in the company mape fall licke, oꝛ be diſeaſed. Jf there be any fuche, let them go aways vith ſilence, let them leaue thetrfalutations till thsicome in the courte, let them depart with ſilence. J toskeoccafion-of © Chꝛiſoſtomes woꝛdes ta admoniſh powofthisthyig., Ct hat ſhould be the cauſe, that our Sauiour Chꝛiſte wente into the boate the {eripture callethit. Nauis-0} navicula, But VVhy tt was no thip,{t was a fithers boate, thep-were not able to Chrifte haue a hippe. Ua bhat thould be the caufe, why he would not vould ra ſtand on the banck and preach there, but be deſired peter to ther goin dzawe the boate fometvbat from the fhoze into the middes —— of the water, what ſhold be the cqufez One caufewas, ſo⸗ vpon the De might lit there more commodiouſlx, then on the bancke, land ortke an olber caufe was, fo3 that he teas ipke to be thruſt into the banke. pond ofthe people that came bute bpm. Cai by-our fantonre Anan =z might haue withſtand them, he was fireng inoughte shee: baue kept himſelte from thr2uſtyng into the water. Be was reais che cronger then thet al,and if be bad lifted ke mught bane fand figureis on the water, as woll as be walked on the water: truthit ts, eafleianc fomight he haue tone in deve, Wut as it was ſemetime hes pophora. pleafure to ſhewe the potecr of bis GCodhead, ſo he teclared Sod muſt potye the intirmity and imbecility of bis manhcade. Were be ae rs geueth vs an example tbat we thal do, we muſt not tempte aivvemay SOD-by any mtracies,fo long as we map walke bp opdmmarp worke by WAl8.AS our ſauioꝛ Cbꝛiſt, when the diuell bad hym on the erdinary top of the temple, ¢ wold haue had him call himelfocinn, be meancs. sabe bint this anfiver. Non tentabis dominum dcum tuum, W jou (halt net temps thy lozd god, ag if he hold banc fain, Seyal ity - ws — by M.Latymer. Fol.74 | $os may not tempte gen at atl. It (s no tyn e nobo to hein a 13 np miracles: there fs an other * — —* ges. Thus he ded te thet vs ail erampie, that we mufie not Ve wot tentpte God, except tt bee in extreeme neceititye, and when °°) °F foe caunot other wares remede the matter,to leave ft all to Fy God, elles tue map not tempt the mateftpe of bis deitie. Wee chnite ware temptyng of Gode wel, be commes to Spmans beate, came into and lubp rather to Spmons boate then another, Jwell any Smo"? ſwere, as J fpnde inexperience in my felfe.. 3 came bytber 0°26," te bap from Lambeth ina tobirep,and when 4 cameto take sy my boate, the tater men came aboute me (as the mancr is) ct By : and be wold daue me, and be wouldtane me. Itoke one ot them. Qoty pe well alke ms toby; Icame in that boate, rae eher then in another, beecaule J tooulde goe into that, that Iſee Land nexte me, it ſtoode moꝛe commodioullpe foꝛ mes And fo did Chriſte by Stmonsbeate. It ſtoode neerer foz bynt, be fato a better ſeate in it. Agood natural reaſen. ow come the pappfes,and they toillmake a mifterpe of it,they A ſimplo foyll ppcke out the ſupremacy of the Wiſhop of Rome in pe macerthat ters boate. We map make auegs ries vnough of euery place tasdcc in (cetpture: but fucelp, it multe neeves bec a (purple matter reo that fanveth on fo toekea grounde. Wut ye thal fee further. \voacd.. We delpred peter to thꝛuſte out hisboate from the hore. He” defied bynt. Here was a good leſſon, toꝛ f beſhop of ones — and all bis colledge.of Cardinalles,te learne humilitye and: gentlener.Rogabaceum He delired hint, it was gétly DONE A good of bpitt, without any aufteritic, but with all vrbanitre, mild leilon of nes and fottencs,andhumility. gtbat an example is this, humilicie » that be geueth then berezbut they ſpye it not they can fener thing but the fupzentacpe-of the biſhop of Rome. A wonder yous thing, what fight thep bane. They fee nothing but the fupremacp of the Withop of Rome. lmperabatis ouibus meis Howethe faith Czechiel Cũ auaritia, & auſteritato, & diſperſę ſunt abf- gl * que pattore.3ebaue roled my thepe,and commanded them sadraigne. taite great lezdlines,ankerity;and potoer:and thus pe bane ouer the bifperfey my thepe abroad t wy · Chere twas no hepberd; people. thep bat wanted one a great While. Rome hath bone many a dandoed peres Wont agood hephsrd. They wold not leara Sa = ig The ſixte Sermon — to rule them gẽtly, khey had rule ouer ther: but it as ttth curſings, exxõmunications, with great auſteritie, and thun⸗ derboltes, and the deaill anfall,to mainteyn their vnprea⸗ ching pꝛelacie. J beleche God open their etes, that they map . fe the truth, and not be blynded with thole things,» tomar The prea- can ſe but they, Ht foloweth in the tert, Sedens docebat de cher vfeth haat, He taught ſettynge · Preachers belikeswerefittersin to ſitte. thoſe daps,as tt is waiten in an other place, Sedent in cathes dra Milos, hep fptinthechapze of Mopfes. = = J would our pcachers auld preache fittpng or ſtandyng, ; one luape,o2 other. Ft was a goodly pulpptte that cure Sa⸗ ere wlour Chatie had gotten bpm bere: An olvetotten boate, yc people AUD pet be preached his fegpers will, his fathers meſſage more tha dut of thys pulppt. be cared not fo the pulpyt, fo he mighte she pulpir BO the people good, Ju decde it is to bee commended fo2 the The werd pꝛeac her to ſtand, oꝛ fit,as.the place ts, but J tweld not haue of ge tt fo fuperticioudp eſtemed, but thata good pꝛe acher map de “preiehea Hate the woꝛrd of gon fitting on a hoꝛſe, oꝛ pacching Mm atte inany co- And pet tf this Honlde bee donc, the vnpreaching prelates nenicat, would laugh it to ſcoꝛne. And though it be good to haue the place pulpit fette dp inchurches, that the people maye refozt tht where it, therspet Jwould not haue tt fo fuperttinoutp vſed, but that maye bee in a pꝛophane place the woꝛde of God might be preached fom tyemes, and Z weald not haue the people offended tupthall, no moꝛe then they be with oar Sautour Chriſtes preachyng out of a boate. And pet to haue pulpettes in churches it is bs rp fuel donc to haue thent,but they woul be occupted: for tt isa bain thing to baue them as thep fad in many churches. — Jheard ofa Wiſhop of Englande that wente on viſitation tale and Gand as it was the cuſtome) then the Bichoppe chould come trucof a, ANd berunge tuto the tolwn,the great belies clapper wasfat bifhop co Len Down, the tpall was broken, fo that the wWithop conid not yncon vi; be rung into the toune. Shere was a great matter made of Mation, thys, and the chiete of the parpihe tere much blamed fo2 tts - in the bilitation. The bithoppe was fomewhat quicke ytd theym, and ſygnikyed that be was mache offended . They | wade theyz aunſweres, and excuſed themſelues, as well as they could, it was achaunce ſerrebenvrcr an — ofM.Latymet.) Fol. 7g and fe coul de not get ft mended by and by, we muſttarye tyll we canne bane it done: It thal be amended as ſhortelye : asinap be. Among the other, there was one wyler then the Thepulpit reft,¢ be commes me to the Biſhop, Wbp mp lord, faith be, ne ” Dot! pour lordſhyp make lo greate a matter of the bell, that ““??°* faicketh bps clapperzbere isa bell (fapetly he)and poynted to f pulpit, $ bath lacked a clapper this 20.peres, Wie haue a perfon that fettcth ont of this benefice fpftpe pounde euerye pere,but we neuer ſee hym. Jwarrant pou the Biſhop was an vnpreachyng prelate. He couloe finde faute with the bel, _ that waited a clapper toring him nto the toon, bat be could mot find anx faut with the perſon that preached not at bis be nefice. Cuer this office of preaching bath ben leſt regarded, ft hath cant bad che name of gods feruice. hep multe ong Salva felta dies, about toe churche, that no man was the bets ter fo2it, butts Hetve theps gap coates,andgarmentes. J » came once my ſelte toa place, ritpng on a foanep homeward | from London, and 9 fente worde ouer night into ths taune, that Jwould preach there tithe moaning, bicaule tt was bo lyday, and me thougbielt was an holydayes woske. The churche ſtode in my way, and J toke my ho;fe, and itp come panp, and wente thither, J thought J ould haue founde a great company inthe churche, and when Jcame there, toe- churche doꝛe twas fate locked. 4 tarted there balfe an bower and inaze,at lait the kepe was found,and one of the parpihe commes fo me mtd (apes. Sp2 this is a buſy day with 03,1082 chin an canne not heare pou, {tis Kobin hoodes dape. Whe pavyihe , 52. are gone abzoate to gather fo Robyn hoode, Jpꝛay pou let vyold noe thent not. Z was fapne thereto qeue place to Robi hooves.ceye M. Ithought my rochet ſhoulde have bene regarded , though y Latymez Where notsbut it would not ſerue, it was fame to geue place —— to Robin hoodes men. muss It is no laughyng matter mp frends, it is a wepyng mate ter, a heauye matter, a heauy matter vnder the precence ſor gatheryng for Kobyn hoode,a traytour, and a theefe, to put suta pꝛeacher,to haue bys office leſſe eſtemed, to preicr Ro⸗ byn hoede before the miniſtracion of Goddes wo2de,and all this hath come of vnpꝛeachyng prelates, Thys realme se Sodo foo les iachriik mas, Len Thefixte Serinon berte pl pronfded fo}, that it bath had fuch corrupt fudgentene tes in it, to prefer Robin hoode to goddes Wwozde. ofthe Wis thoppes had bene preachers, thire ſhoulde neuer haue bens. | _ any luch thing:but we haue a goon bope of better. We haue Sosebi- hana geod beginning, | befeche God to continue tt. Wut J a stale: teil pou, ttistarre wyde, that the people haue ſuche tudges — thie people Mentes the Byſhoppes they couldedanghe at it. Ua hat was to coucian that to them: they would haue them continue intheps igno⸗ “in igno- raunte ſtyll, and themfelues in vnpꝛeaching prclacv. Mell raaceitill, (peting, fptting. Be fate Doune and taught. Whe terte dothe —— , tell os that he taught, but it doth not tel vs what be taught. ge Wete a Wapitt J coulde tell twhat he layde. Jwonide in forapa- the Popes (uogemente thelve what be taughte. Foꝛ the Bi⸗ pift to ſhappe oẽ Kame hathetwicrinio pectorisfui, the: true vn⸗ unde perttandpng offcripturesspf be call a counſayle, the coll edge sous" Y of Cardinals, he hath authozity to determine the Supper dt fhieg, te Lozde,as he ded atthe countaile of Florence. And pope, ‘Alcolas,and wWihoppe Lanfranke tall come and erponud, this place and fay, that our Sauiour Chꝛiſt, fatd thus. peter, , do meane this bp (ptting mn thy boate, that thou halt go te, Kome, and be Byſhoppe there fpue and thoentp peres, after, moene aſcenſion. And ali thy ſucceſſours ſhalbe rulers of the, Herein vntuerlſal churche after thee. ere wouldve F-place alfo holye noughe v- {yater,and holy brerade, and all vnworitten verities, if toere. Ponsthing 9 papiſt, and that Scripture is notto be erpounded by anpe painate interpectation, but bp our holy father,and bys Cals ledae of Cardinalles. This is a great deale better place thes. duc in altuw. But tebat was Cirifkes fernionzit map ſoone _ be gatyered what it was. be ts alwayes lyke hymſelfe. bps . fps feracon was pœaitentiam agite Do penaunce pour lpr ger ‘ upitg is naughte, repente. Agapne at asareth, when be red. brates tthe temple and preached remilſion of fpnnes,andbealpng. Atertof MS twoundedconfeiences 4 and in the longe Sermon in the one Disa: mounte, be was alteapes lpke himſelfe, he neuer diſſented fus.Rikel’ from himſelfe. D there is a woriter bath a tolteterte heres, amoak of any gis name is Dpantfins: Ichaunced to meete wyth bys, ae char booke in my Lorde of Caunterburtes ltbarpe 3 be twas a ' Ponke of the Charterboule, F weruaple to fond (uch a reas ; , ee ; crite of M.Larymer, Fol: 74 ‘Pence in Chat anthour. wi bat taughte Chin this fermonz: Mary laveth he, it is not weitten. And he addeth moze buto it, Euigeliftztantum ſcripſerunt de fermonibus & miraculis. | 'Chrifti,quantum cognouerunt infpirante deo fufticere ad æ- t *dificationem ecelc fiz ad confirimationem fide1,& ad ſalutem ‘animarum? $f {strue;tt {s not weitten. All his miracles wer Mot weitten, fo neither were al bis fermons weiten:yet ſor al “that, the Cuangelifies dpd werte fo much as was neceſſary. CTher tuzote fo much of the myracles and Sermons of Chꝛiſt theeng. - ‘as they knewe by gods inſpiration to be (ufficient forthe e⸗ lifh ofthe Difping of the churche, the confirmatton of ourefaithe, aid 'atine texe the health of our foules. $f this be true as it is in dene, wher belore. ‘bee vnbeitten verities? Imerunayle not at thefentence, but to fynde it in ſuch an authour. Jeſus what authorityxe be gps ues to goddes woorde. Wut God woulde that fuche menne Mould be wetneſſe with the auctority of hfs. booke, wyl they nyll they · Now to dav towardes an ende. It foloweth tn the terte, ducin altum, Here commeth in the fupremacpe of the 5ifhop of Rome. When our Sautour Chriſt had madre an ende of his Sermon, and had fed thetr foules, be proutded fo2thep2 bodies. F pet he beganie with the foule. Chatites. worde is the foode of if. Pow hegoeth tothe bodys, be bathe charge of them both:we muſt commit the fedyng of the ba» - Dye and of the foule to him. Mel⸗he faith to Peter, duc inal Chriſt pro tam, Launche into the depth, put forth thy boate farther tits vides —* to the depe of the tater: Lote pour nettes nowe Fpihe . Ag SPC {who ould fay, pour foules are notv fedde, J hanetangbdte «. che ‘pou mp Doctrine, nol Jwyl confirme tt with amypacie. Lo foule. fie bere ts duc in alti here weter was made a great man, fap Chriftcon the Papyſtes, and alkhis ſucceſſours ater bym .. And thys * his is decined of theſe few wwordes,Launche into thedepe. and OT their arguinente fs this:he ſpake to Peter onip,and be fpake oj...’ fo hym in the ſynguler number, ergo be gaue him ſuch a pꝛe vpõ vvhat eminence aboue the reſt. A goodly argument, J wene it bea vveake ſillogiſmus, in qué terra pontus, Jltl make a like argumẽt: — Dur Sautour Chrik ſaid ta Judas, inven he was about to oh betray him, quod facis fac citiꝰ Noin inhé he (pase to Peter fainrand ‘there Were none of bis dt{ctplesbpjbut James ẽ John, but = febleare : } . wen gument. he toe. - The fixte Sermon. wohen he (pake fo Judas ‘they were all prefent. Wel he ſaid vnto hint, quodfacis fac citius, Speve thy bafines, that thon hat in thp bead, do it. be gaue Sint here a ſecret montiton, $ be knew what be intẽded, tf Judas had had grace to hane ta Agood ken ttandrepented. be ſpake tn the finguler number to bint = jon sing ergo be gaue him fom preeminence. Weltke be made him a lelocoe Cardinal, and it mighte full tell be,fo3 thep haue lollowed cardinals, Judas euer fence, Here is as good a ground fo2 the Colledge | of Cardinals, as the other fs ſor § fupzemicte of f Withop of Rome. Dur Mautour Chek (ap they) fpake onely fo Peter fos preeminence, becaufe be was chief of the Apoltelles,and pou can ſhew none other canfe, ergo thts is the cauſe whphe ſpake to him in the fpnguler number. J dare fape there is ne uer a wheriman at WMeſtminſter bapoge, but becan anſwer fo this,¢ gene a naturall reafon of t¢. he knotweth that one mar is able to ſhoue the boate, but one-man twas not able to caf out the nets:and therefore be faid inthe plural number, laxate retia. Lofe your nettes: and be faide inthe ſynguler VVhy number to Peter, launch out the bote, whpzbecaule he twas parite able to Do it. But he fpake the other tn the plurall number, the plural Becaute be nas not able to conucy the boate, andcattout the number nettes to. One man conld not do (t. This would the whirrp andvvhy” man fap, and that With better reafon, then to make fuch amet inthe fia- ſtery of it,as no man can {pie but thep. And the cauſe whp be arn ¶ fake to al, was to fhew'p be wil haue al chzié mé to Work — “" fo) their liuing. It is be $ ſendes foodeboth foꝛ the body, and foode and ſoule, but he wyll not ſende tt, without labour. Be wil haue lying all thas ften people to labour fo2 (t,be wyll ble our labour as vvithout a meane wherby be fendeth oure foode. his was a wonde⸗ about. rous mpzacle of our Santor Chik, and did it not only toal i Iwaps feale,thep haue a fealinge time. (Foꝛ Jhaue bearve cee Pooze nten complapne,that thep haue bene put of from tyne , to tyme of {caling, tyll all thep2 monp there (pent,¢ as thep fealed, Yaue times tofeale in, fo. ourgauiour Chꝛiſt bad bis —— | eh caling * by VLatymeée. Fol7z ſealyng. Mhen be was hrre in earth, with hfs Apoſiles, and in the tyme of the pꝛimitine churche, Chriltes Decitpne fas Afuffisicnily ſealed already mh ſeales of his con mabyng⸗ what Houls our feales dor WI hat neve wwe to feale bis ſralte this a confirmed doctrine alredy. © Luther, toben he cams inio the tools firk, and difputed again the vecretaies, ths Clementines, Aexand ines, Crirauacantines, wat a doe ‘had he⸗· But pe wall ſaye peraburnture be teas becepredin ſome toenges, J wyl not take Dron re to defend him tn alk points. ¥ totl not fans te it, thar ai that he wrote was true, “a thinke be wold not ſo himſelt. Fo thereis noman but he. Map erve. He carte to further ¢ further knotwledge(but lures dpe be was a coodlp tnframent) wel ¥ fap phen be preched to fir, they cailed Opon hint to do mtrarles they wer wrought deo myra- before ¢ fo we nede io vo no inpracies, In dede tobe the por cles. Pith prelates preached felt they bad nede of miracles, ethe / — deuu wrought fore in § preaching of purgatory. wut what ns Hind of miracles thefe were, all Cnglant doth knew, butit .,. papi- foil not know. A wonderfol thing, thatthe peaple wyll come ites had. tinue in their blindnes and ignorance ſtil. Me haue greate Vvbae pro btilitie of the miracles of our ſauidur Jeſus Chk. He doth Bt le fignifp vnts bs bp this wo dertul worke, that he is Lo2as chia, wel of fhe water as ofthe 140. 4 geod comfort foꝛ thoſe that cies. be on the tater. when they be tn any tempeſt o2 daunger to call vpon dim. The fith here came at bis commaundement, ere we map learne,thatall thpnyes tn the water ave ſub⸗ fecte fa Chꝛiſt. Beter aid, Sp2,toc bane laboured all night, and haue not caught one finne, bot be it at pour worde we 4, pe, wyll to it a frethe. Wp this ic appeareth thatthe came, the..d oayns lurve, the teucnucs that tne get, muſt not be imputed te our matic nor faboursive tray not ſay, grmercy latonr, itis not eur labog >< impu⸗ Atis our fautour Chk that fendeth ts lyuina: pet muſt we pee Be ‘Jabour, fo: he that fat to Wetcr labour, and be that bad the VS fithers labour, biddes all menne ta labour in thetr bultnes, @ bere be ſome people paicribe thriv zarnes, their encreaſe, gotten by any facultp,to the dent!’ Is there any trobee pein England would fay for Potil anp man would come to as grguyg ——— naoöther ~ The fixte Sermon-made nother, and fo gat hys lyning by the diuell, he would fallsut with him. There is not a man in England that ſo ſaieth, pet: VVho get tg there ſome that thinke it. Fog all that get tt With talfebps: bye l tug ¢ Cclipny, with.circumnention, with bfarp, impoſtures, th: —* Mitte wares, falſe wav gdtes, decexuing their lordes and mai ſters, all thaſe, that get their goods on this fathion; what dee they thinke, bat that the peutli ſendes them gaines € riches.» Fazthep bee ins (beyng bulatofullp qotten,) wat is this to. fay, but that the dtucilts anthour of their gaines, when thei. be fo gotten? #02 cod inhibites thet Deus non volens ini- quitatem tucs, 00 tupll neiniquitie, Theſe folke are greats ip deceiued. Where be fame agayn mpute all te (herr labors Some I " and inozkes. Pea, on the holy dap, they cannot finde in their P ysl ee beartes to cone tothe Temple, tothe bleſſed communisn, Freirlabor {VER Mul be workeng at home. Wbek: are wide again on the. other ſide. And font there be p Churke,tf thep wozke nothing - atal,they (gal baue (neugh:thep wit haue no goed erercife,. but gape aud thinks that god toil {end meate into their mou yemna thes,and thefe are far wide sibep mul worke: be badthe fps: vrorse. ſhers worke. Dur fautour CH bad peter worb¢ be thats faid ſo to them, (apes the fame to vs, euery man in bis atte, Benedictio dei facit diuitem. Hye bleſſpng of god maketh a: nian ryche. He lettes his fonne ſhyne vppon the wycked, aſ⸗ well as voõ the goodehe ſendes riches both to good and bad. But this bleſſyng turnes to them into a maletiction, anda, curie,it encceaſeth their damnation. Saint Paule wꝛityng tothe Dhelaloatansdpd put du order howe. every manne; fhould wazke in bis vecatien. Cum eflemus apud vos,ho = precipicbamus vobis, vt ſi quis nollet operari,1snec edate Wi gen J was among pou (faits be) Jmade thiz ordinance: hat whoaſoeuer woyuld not do the ty92k of his vocation, Hata. haue no teat. At were a geod oadſinance in acom noa weale that excrp man ſhould be (et on vorke, euery man tn bis vo⸗ tation, det htt bane no meate. Pow be faith furthermore. Audiuimus guofdam inter-ves verſantes inordimatt, nihil o- peris facientes here faye there is fome amongel you, that. — inordmatelr. Ahat {s that word fuopbinateciy eydellps geupng, by MiLatymer, Folyg geuyng chẽtelues to no occupation ſoꝛ their hpning. vrioſe -agenres, Cavionsnte tt, gent to curiofitie, to fearching what Curious Stcher wen do. Saint Paulegaterh, be heard ſay, he could not 7°" tel whether tt incre fo oꝛno. But be toke occaſien of hearing ſaye, to ſette out good and wholſom doctrine. His avté qui ſunt eiuſmodi precipimus, & obſecramus. Veconr maunds and deſire pou for the reuerence of god, (fthere be any ſucde, that thep twill do the workes ot ther vecaticn, and go quiet⸗ lp to their occupation, and ſoeate their olone bꝛead: ele it is not their odene, it ts ciber mens meate. Dur ſauiour Chak beſfore be began bis pꝛeachyng,; lxued of his occupacion, be Chrift la was a carpenter, and gat his lpuing with greate labour. bowed. Mberfoze let no man diſdain, sꝛ think ſkorn fo feloty. him, An a meane lining, a meane vocatian, oꝛ a common callpng and oxcupaiion. Foꝛ as he bleſſed oure nature with taking vpoa him the ſhape of man, ſo tn bis doyng be bleſſed ell oc⸗ cupations and artes, This is a notable example fo fignifp,p be abhorres al ydlenes. Mhen be was a Carpenter, thenbe Wente, and bid the worke of bis calling, and when be was a Preacher, he did the workes of thatcallpng. Be was no vn⸗ preacying prelate. The biſhop af Rome hold baue learned that a: him. And thele gainers with fale arts wbat be theye⸗ Thepy are neuer content with that they baue, though tt bee ‘Heuer fo much. And they that are true dealers, are fatiffted With that that god fendes, though (t be neuer fe litle. Que ft? magnus pietas, cum animo {ua forte contento, Godlines is great gain, itis lucre freugh, tt ts vãtage inongh,te be cõtẽt ‘yo that, that god fends. The fattiful can not lack, p tnfatths fulis cuer lacking, though be baue neuer fo muche. F wril now make an cut. Labores manu’ tuarũ.Let bs allaboure, Chek teachst bs ta labootyea the bifbop of Rome himfelf, be teacheth him to labo⸗, rather the tobe hed of p church. Lect vs put cur truſt in god, Labores manuti tuarũ. Calt thy care bpd pᷣloꝛd,ẽ⁊ he wil noꝛiſh thee ¢ fecde thee. Agatn f p poopbet faith, Nunqua vidi mt derelitu nec ſewẽ cius querés peng. J neuer (aly the rightusus wã forſaken, nor bis ſede to (che bis bead. Fl tg infidelity, tnhdclitp that marries ai tegether. aL. tf. A ell el yt The fixte Seraton made Well tory terte, Labores manuum tuatrum quia Manduca bis, bearas es & benetibi erit. Wecauſe thou eateſt thy labors: ofthp hawdes,that,that God ſendes the of thy labour Eue⸗ rp man muſt labour, pea though bebe a king, vet be muſt las boursfo2 JIknawe noman bath a greater labour then a king. Wyat is his labours To ſtudy godsbooke, to fee that there be 10 vnz reaching prelates twhisrealnie, no? bribyng iud⸗ ges,ta fe fo all eſtates,to pꝛouide forthe poore,te fee vitatles good chepe. Is not this a labaꝛ trowe perthus if p doeſt labo: . exertiſyng v workes of thy becattom,> eateſt the meate that Prouiton $20 fendes the, ¢ the ft foloiveth Beatuses. (hou art ablets bothe fo, fed man in Sods favour, Et bene ribi erst. And ft thal go well the bodye iwfth the in this world, both in body and foule,fo2 Good pros andthe pfdes for both. bol thalttheu prouide fo? thy foulezgu here foule, ſermons.How fos the bodys Labour in thy-vocation, € then fyall (t be well With the, both here andin the woride to conte, through the faith and merites ofoure Sauiour Actus Chriſte Lo whome with the father and the ; holy ghoſte be praplefo2euci and | ever world without end. Amen. sh L. itt, Lhe The feuenth Ser mon made The ſeuenth Sermon of Maifter Huth Latymer which he prea⸗ —9 ched before king Edward, the.19,dap of Aprill. , Vecunque {cripta ſunt ad noſtrã doctrinam fcripta fant, All thinges that bec weitten, they bee inaittent: Sto be our doctrine. By occaſten cf this text(meſt bs norable audtence) 3 haus tualked this Lente the bo ab field of (cripture and vſed inp Itbertp, andintreated of fuch Jthought mete fo: (his audttorr· Jhaue had adoe With many eflates, cueit with the higheſt ofall. ¥ bane entreated of the duety hinges, of the duety of magiffrates, e Allar fin. tudges,of the ducty of prelates,andalotuing p that ts good: ners and and diſallawyng the contrary. hau taught that tee areal — ne finners:%.thinke there is nome of bs al neither preacher, 103. thatisbert DeAter, but we map be amended, amd redzelle our lpucs: ike may vvell max all fay,pea allthe packe ofs, Peccauimus cum pattie beamen- bus noftris, Me haue offended.and ſynned wit) our forefas ded. thers. In —— offendimasomnets, Where ts none of bs: all, but we haue in fond2pe thinges grenoullpe offended. almightpe Gop, ¥ bere entreated of manp fautes and rebu ked manye kindes of ines. Jintende to. daye bp goddes ‘The reme grace, to (yeine you the remedye of fine. Whe bee tu the: PKK" glace ofrepentance nowis toe time to call foz mercy, whi⸗ ics we be tr this.wo2ld: we be all ſinners, euen tie bet of bs: all, Dherfore it is good to here the remedy of ſin. This bape: fs commonly called good friday, altjough everp dap oughte to be with vs good friday, Berthis bap wear accuſtomed ſpe cially to bane aconmemoꝛatiõ and resnembzance of the pals fion of our ſauioꝛ Jeſu Chu, This dap we vane ti mtemo2v: bis bitter pation and death, which is theremedp of our fpr. Therkoꝛe J entend toentreat ofa piece ofa Koay af his pals. ſion. J antnotadle toentreate of all. Chat gmap do, that p: better, and that it may be to the honor of ged athe edificatis af pour ſoules and myne both, Jſhall deſire you to pꝛ te ta 9 | Are: a3 SY ‘by M.Latymer. ‘An this prayer % Will deſyre pou to remembze fhe foules Departed, with latides and praife to almightte God, thathe uchfafe to. aſſiſt them at the boure of their, deathe: In fo doyng, vou thalbe put in rentebjance to pay fo2 pour ſelues, that it may pleaſe god to aſſiſt and comſoꝛt pou inthe Agonies and papnes of deathe. | Math, 26. Whe place that Jwyll intreate of, isthe. rrbi. Chaps * yi ‘ter of Sainct Pathetv. iow beit,as J intreate ot tt, will * ‘bool parte of Sainct Barke, and Sain-t Luke: fo2 thep bane fom what, that fainct Mathew hath not:andefpectalip Luke. The texte is, Tunc cum venifict lefus in villam, que dicitur Gethfemani , than toben Jeſuscame-ſome haue in villam, ſome in agrum,fome in predium, ut it is atl one < Mat hen Chik cante into a grange,tnto a picce of lande, inte afteldesit makes no matter, calle tt what xe will: At what ‘tome be bad come into an honeſt mans boule, and there ea⸗ ' ten bts pafcal lambe, and tnffituted and celebꝛated the Loꝛ⸗ — es (upper, and fet forth the bleſſed communion:then when jo. neces ‘this was donc, be teke bis waye to the place, Where be oor fare knew Fudas Would cone. F¥ttwas.a folitarie place. and thps lowe his ther he went with bis eleuen apoffies. Foꝛ Judas p tweltth boſi nes. was aboute bis bulxneſſe, be as occugted about his mar- ipa —* chandife,and was prouidyng among the by ops and prie ·¶ nee Aes/to come with an imbuſhement of Jewes, to take oure vwvithosre fauto2 Jeſu Chriſt. Aad then he was com into thts frelae she gardẽ oꝛ graunge, this village, oꝛ ferme place, hiche twas callca ?PPC'2- Gethfeinani:there was a garden faith Luke, into the which INS he goeth,t leaues. vitt.of bis difcipies without: \otpbe tthe ah while Appotited them what thep ſhould doo. We faith, Sedete hic, he vvente donec vada illucg& oré, Sit pou here, whiles Igo ponder E °° Pay. pap. We fold them that he went to pray, to month the tbat * fclucary they fhuld do to fall to pzaper as be div. He left them there, ¢ 7" 6° toke no moꝛe with hint, but iif. Peter, Fames, ¢Zobn: to priyer. teacd bs p a (olitarie place is mete fo3 payer. Then whe te a notable was com into this garden, capit expaucicere, be begen to tré place to bie, in ſomuch be fait, Triftis eft zia mea vſq; ad moitẽ Pp — fonie ts beouie and penfine,eucn onto death. This isa tar J... nc, table place,¢ one of the molſt efperial € chefeſt of all that be ttt cur vs , . Liiti. be The fixte Sermon made 4 the ffory of the pation of Chriſt. Bere is aur remedie. Bere we muſt bane in confideration,all his dooynges ges, foꝛ our learnyng, foꝛ ourssdification, foꝛ our comtoꝛte and tonſolation. F part of all, he fet bis thre diſciples that he toke with bint Chri did in an drder, and tolde them what thep ſhould doo, fayenges appoint aig cheee hiciples 0 aa oF ‘er. Hisdoc- sours are to be cite- aed, Sedete hic, & vigilate mecũ & orate Sit here, and paap that: pe enter not into temptation. but of that J tutll cntreate afs terward. How when he was in the garden, Cœpit ex pauef- {cere, He began. to be heauy,penfiue,beau'e hearted. J lpke Hot D2 genes playing with this woꝛde Cæpitgit was a pers fect beaupneffe: it was fuche a one as twas neuer feene the the greater, it was not onelp the beginning of a ſoꝛowe. Theſe dectours, we baue great caule to thank Ged fo them but pet J would not haue them alwais to be allowed. Whey baue handled many pointes of our fatth berp godly: and we. map haue a great Kap inthe in many thinges:ine mpgbt not. toe! lacke them:but pet J mould not haue men to be ſworne to them ,and ſo addict asto take band ouer bead what ſoeuer thep fay, tt toere a great inconuenience fo to doo. Weil, let: bs go fozward. be toke Peter, James,and Zohn, into this: gardeyn. And why dpd he take them With hym, rather than: other? Warp thofe that be bad taken befoꝛe,to whom be bad: reueled in the bye, the tranffiguration and declaration of bis deitie, to.fee the reaciatton of the maieſtie of bis Gods bead : nowe inthe garden be reueled te the fame the infire mitie of Sis manbove:becaufe they had taſted of the ſweete, $e wouldthep ſhould taſt alſo of the ſobre. be tooke thefe With bym at bothe tymes: tortwo orthre 1s inough to bears Witnefe. And be began tebe heauy in bismpnde. Hewas. Greatly dered within bomfelfeshe twas (o2¢ afflicted, it was. a great heutneſſe:he bad ben heaup manp tymes befoze,and: be bad fuffred great afflicttonsin bis foule,as fez the blynd⸗ wes of the Jewes: and be was like to fuffer mo panges of paine inbis bodp. wut this pang tas greater than anp he guer fuffced: pea tt was a greater toznet bato hym, J think: a greater papne than whan be was banged on the — aw: ~ ‘| * by M.Latymer. oe ae ‘Phat the fawer nailes were knocked and driuẽ through bis: hands and fete, than towbar the arp cro wue of thornes was thput on head. This was the heuines and penfiuenes of bis bearte,the agonie of the Spivite. And as toe foule ts moe precious than the bodye: euen fo tsths paynes of the foulc moe greuous thane the paines of the bodye : Ther⸗ _ foe there isan other which wꝛiteth, Horror mortis grauior - Spfa morte, The hoꝛroꝛ and vgſomnes of death ts fozer thar death it (elf. This is the moſt greuous pain that euer Chꝛiſt Suffered, euen this pange, that be (uffred in the gardeyn. Zt {s the moſte notable place one of them in the whole ſtore of the paffion, when be fapd, Anima mea triſtis eſt, vſq; ad mor tem, My foule is beaupto death. And Ci cepi fet expauefee- re, And whan he began to quiuer,to (hake. he greuouſnes of it ts declareo bp bés prayer thathe made, Pater, fi pofsibile eit. &c. Father, if it be potible,atway with this cup, ryd me ef it. He vnderſtode bp this cup his paines of death. Foꝛ be Bnet well (nsugh.that bis paffion was at bande , that Jus Bas Was conte vpon bin with the Jewes to take hym. Wher was offred bute hym nowe the image of death, the image, the fence, the felpig of bell:fo; death and bell go bothe tages ther. J twill entreate of this tmage of bell which is deathe. SLruelp no man can ſhewe it perfectly, pet J will doo the bet Ican,to make pou vnderſtãd the greuous panges that out fauiur Chik was in, when be was in the gardein: as mans potver is not able to beare it,fo no mans tongue ts as ble to expꝛeſſe it. Painters paint dcath lpke aman: without ſkin, and a body hauing nothing but bones. And belle they painte with bozrible famesof bꝛennyng fyre: thep bungle Painccrs fomelwhat at it, they come nothyng nere it. But thisis no a bur bun. true paintpng: Ho paintercan paint bell, vnleſſe he could >~ paint the toꝛment and condemnation both of bodp ¢ foule, the pofefionand baupng of all infelicitic. This ts bell, this fs the image of death, this ts bell,fuch an euil fauo2ed face, ſuch an vgſom countenance, fuche an hoꝛrible bifage our fas utour Chꝛiſt ſaw of death and hell in the gardetn . Where ts: sto pleafure in beholdyng of it, but moze pain than any tong ⸗an tell. Death and bell coke vnto them this euill haar, * The ſeuenth Sérmion nade face of ſin, and through finne. This ſinue is fo bygbly hatet of God that be doth pronotice it worthy to be puntihed with lackeof all felicitie, with the felpng of tnfelicitie. Death and bell be not snly the wages, the reward, the ſtipend of finnes but thep ave bzought inte the world bp fin, Per peccatũ mors. faith >. Paule thoough finne death entred tito the worlde. Males Hheweth the firk coming in of tt (nto the worid: wher as our firt father Adam twas fet at lfbortietolpue fo2 euer: pet God inhibityng htm from eatyng of the apple,foid bint, ‘Mf thou medle with this frute,thou and al thy poferitte foal Fall tuto neceſſitie of death, fro euer liuing, Morte morieris, thou and all thy poſteritie ſhalbe ſubiect to Death: bere came in Death and bell. Stane was their mother. Wherefoze thep muf jaue fuch an image as their mother fine Would geue them. An vgſome thyng ¢ an horrible image muſt it nedes be that ts brought in bp ſuch a theng fo hated of Dod: pea The exz, 69/3 face ot death shell is fo terribie, that ſuche as bath ben — a. Wicked men, had rather be hanged than abide it. As Achito⸗ a he, phell that trattour to Daud lpke an ambitious tweiche, hich ha tought ty haue come to higher pꝛomotion:and therfo2e con a hyn fired with Abſalon againit pis mater Dauid. be, whan be “ie. Faw his counfaile toke no place, goes and banges bimtelie, in contemplation of thts sutl fauoured face of death. Judas alſs whan be came wit bulihementes to take bis mayſter Chi in beholdyng this bszrible face, hanged hym felfe. . Pea the elect people of Gar, the faithfull hauxng the behol⸗ Ding of this face, (though God hath always preferacd them ſuche a goss God he ts to them that beleue in hem, that be woll not fuffer theym to bee tempted aboue that,that they Toh cure Hane ben able to beare:) pet fo2 all that, there is nothynge fedthe dai ¢hat they complapne moze ſoꝛe than of this hoꝛroꝛ of Death. — GSo to Job, wat ſayth be 2 Pereat dies in quo natus ſum, ſu- he did in. (pendium elegit anima mea, M15 worthe the day that J was vvardly be Boze ttt, my Toule would be Hanged : fapeng in bis panges holde che almoffe be wyſt not tbat. This was tyban with the cpe of ee the, of his confcieuce,and the inward man, he beheld the horror of ees ea and bell, not on aig bodily * that he rate * en by M.Latymer. widely, 2B.) when he bad byles, botches, blaynes, and ſcabbes, he fats fered theym pacientelp : be caulde (ape then; Si bona fulce- pi, de manu Domini, &c. A$ ive haue recepued gevd thyn⸗ VVby lob “ges of G DD, why ſhoulde we not tuffer Ipkewple euill. 25 1° It twas not fo2 any ſuche thyng, that be was fo Hered: but fee the ſyght of this face of death and bell, was offered to hym folpuelyp, that he woulde baue been out of this worlde. It was this enill fauoured faceof death that To troubled hym. Kynge Dautd allo ſayde in contemplation of this vgiome “face, Laboraui in gemitu meo, J baue ben fore vered with ſighyng and mournynge. Turbatus ef afuroreoculusmeus ‘Pine epe bath bene greatly troubled in iy rage. A ltrange David fea “thynge, when be hadde to kyghte with Goliath that men: eae, ſtrous gyaunt, who teas ableto haue eaten hym, be coulde che mon. abyde hym, and was nothpnge afrapde. And nolwe what troas was a tooo tke tubat erclantations makes: be at the ſyghte of mene fea “Death? Jonas likelorle was bold ynough to bpd the chipmen — ‘cat hym into the fea, be bad not petiene thatface ¢ vtſage: ‘but when be was in the whales bealy, aud bad there the bes the (ca, Holapna of it; what terrozanddiffvefe above be 2 Esechiag but he fea whan be ſawe Senacherib beltegyng his cite on euerp ſide ced death, “met violently, was nothpng aftapde of the great hoſte and — myghty army that was lyke to deſtroye hym out of hande, migh “pet be was afrayde of death· Mhan the prophet came vnto cy army of “bpm, and ſayd: Difpone domui tug,moste morieris,& non Sennache viues, It ſtroke hym fo to the beart that be fella a weppug. @ db, burhe 3.020, what an ho20) twas this· There be ſome weiters that ate dethy ‘fapes, thatpeter,Zantes,and John, were in this felyng at. 77 the fante tyme:and that Peter, when be ſaid, | xia me Do- mine,quia homo peccator fum, bid fal fom partofit:be was Little Bile fo aftonithed, be wyſte not what to faye. Zt tas mot Longe wey the “that they were in this anguiſhe, fome fapes longer , ſowme bieited *fhozter:but Chak was readie to comfort thent, and ſayd to.caryr of “peter, Netimeas, Be not afrapd. A frende of myne told me sed had ‘pf acertapne woman, that was eyghtene peares together )*7o" in it. Iknewe aman my felfe Wilrey, little Wilnep, that acres in. bleſſed marty; of God, wohat tyme be bad. borne bis fagatt, his mynd: The fixte Sermon madé and was come agayne to Cambꝛidge, bad ſucbe cenflpet“y within bpmfelfe , beholdynge this ymage of deathe, hat bys friendes were a frapde talette hym be alone: thep tvere fapne to bee with bim dape and uighte, andcomfozted hym as thep coulde, but no comfoztes woulde ferue. As fo2 the comſoꝛtable places of Scripture to bꝛeng then onte byt, (twas as though a man woulde rune byt thozoughe the Bylney] batt twith a ſworde:yet afterivard fo; al this be was reuiued toke hys AnD toke bis deathe pacientlp,and died well agatnt the ty⸗ death pa- rannicall fea of Rome. Wo twill be to that bithop,that had sicoly. ¢he eramtination of hym, (f be repented not. Bere is a gooy leffon fo2 pou mp frendes: Hf ever pe come in Danger, in Dus fake. safes. It was bis bery frendes, that bought Wylnepto it. Wy this it map ſomewhat appere what our faniour Chriſte {uffered:be dothe not difenrble tt hymſelte, when be fapthe, .. Pe foule ts heauy to death: he was in ſo fore an agonie, that , thereifuer out of hym, as J (hall entreate anone, dꝛoppes of blood: dn vgſome thing furelp . which bis fact ¢ Dede thes weth bs, what horrible patnes he was in fo2 our fakes. Wut Anavn- Lou twtl fay, how can this bez It were polpble that Je fach rwertoan Other,as be great Cinners fhauld fuffre fuch affliction. The obieion Senne of Gad, what our fauiour Chꝛiſt:neuer finned, howe cécerning can this and that be thold be this bandledzhe neuer defers Chriftes yen it, Darpy twill tell pow, bow we muff confider our fants 2 hapa our Chit tive ways, one way in bis mahod, an other in bis menting. godhed.Som places of (cripture mull be referred to bis deity Chrit uf €fomto bis humanitie. Jn his godhed he Cuffrednothing: but fredno- now he made him felf void of his deity, as ſcripture faith, Ca thiagin eſſet informa. det exinaniuic feipfum, Tal beras be was itt the ame forme of God, be emptied himlelt of tthe did hide it, ¢ blen bimlell as though be bad mot bad tf, be would not belpe —* cuts > -by,M.Latymer. Fol. 83 ſelte wyth hes Godboade, he humbled hinrfelfe foythiall o⸗ bedience buts deathe, euen tothe deathe of the croſſe: thys Anas in that he was man, be tgoke vppon hym our ſpnnes, 5 oure ſynnes, not the woꝛke of ſenne · Imeane not fo, not op. oe to docit, not to commytte tt, buttopurgeit, to cleanfeit, Sie eto beave the ſtypende of tt: andtoat waye be was the greate fynces, ſenner of the worlde, be bare all the ſynne of the woride on » VAY Bis backe, he would become detter fo2 it. : —— Howeto ſuctayne and ſuccer the doldures of deathe, is Poe not to ſynne: but he came into this woꝛide, pth hys paſſi⸗ c vxhole on to purge our ſynnes. Nowe thys that he (uttered in the vvoside. Gardyne is one of the bittereſt peeces of all bys paſtxon: btiſts ſuf thys feare of veatve, twas toe bptterelt papue that euer he a··· ong bode, dewe to ſynne, which he neuer byd, but became detter °, vvas one forbs. Silthps ve ſuſfered (9203, thps be dydde to fatifipe of the bit fo2 cure ſynnes — — as pf Joughte another ccreit pie · man thoenty tooulande poundes,and MHauloe paxe ttout of ccs ofall Hanve, orelles gee to toe ounqeon of Ludgate ? and When radia Am Gopng to prplon, one of mp friendes ould come, and... yyhar afge, whether goeth thps manne: And after be hadde beard chu did theimatter, ſhoulde ſaye, lette me aunſwere fo2 hym, foil for vs bya beecome furetpe for hym. 3aea,% wl! paye ail for hpi, ſimilitude Suche a parte played our Sauiout Chꝛyſte with vs. athe: hadde not fuffered thys, J fo2 my parte fhoulve haue ſuf⸗ fered, acea2dpug to the grauttte and quaniitte ef mp ſynnes, Danination. 3°02 the greater fhe ſynne is, the greater is the — puniſhement in bell. He ſuctered for pou andine, in ſuche a degree as ts dewe fo all the ſynnes of she hole woꝛlde. It sihe Apas as pf you wouide ymagine, that one man had commit⸗ paiue. tedall the fpnnes ſence Adam, you may bee furs, be ſhoulde bee punithed with the fame bezrour of deathe , in ſuche a fozie,as allmen in the worde ſhoulde haue ſuffered. Fapne and put caſe oure Sauiour Chꝛiſte, bad committed all the ſynnes of ibe worlde: allthat J for my parte haue done, all that poufo2 pour part haue Done and that any man els hath done: pf he bad done ali thpshpmfcife, bys agonye that be fuffercd houlde hauebene no greater nor emia S31 Lt} hi AY The fixte Sermon made then it was. This that he luckred tu the gardyne was a pow His fate. tlon J ſar of bts paſion, and one of the bitteceſt partes of ft. rinviathe Andthis he ſuffered for ourſpnnes, and not for anyſynnes gatléveas that he had committed bimlelfe:foz all we ſhoulde haue fal . bitter and fered eucrp man accoꝛding to bis own vefertes: © We full. | Thrs he dydde cl bps goodneſſe, parielp ta purge and Chit leanſe oure ſynnes, partlve/ becauſe he woulde taſte, and ferelfnch feele cure miſeries, Quo poſſet fuccurrerenobis; That he paynesin ſhoulde the rather helpe and relieue vs:and partlye he futtes the gardé Yedts gene vs erample to behaue our ſelues as he dydde. ree He Dpd not ſucter, to diſcharge vs cleans from death, to kepe holic vs Cleane from it, notte taſte of it. Pay,nay,pou multe not ve(omface take tt ſo. Ae ſhallhaue the beholdyng of thys vgſome face ofdeach, euerpe one of bs, we thal feele itour fclues.39 et our Sauts our Chie dyd ſuſfer, to the entente,te ſygnifye to vs, that beiene in Jeſus Chie, twe fhall oucrcome deathe. F faye, tt chall not pꝛeuaile againſte vs. WMherfoꝛe ehenfoeuer tt Scag chaunceth thee inp frende,to bane the taſteng of thys death, ake pie ‘that thau haite bee temoted with thys horrour of deathe, vehen the Wat is to be done then⸗ when ſo euer thou feeleſt thy ſoule horrour of Beanpe to deathe, make baffle, andrefo:te to thys gardyne, death co. and wwpth thisfapth thou ſhaltouercome thps terrour when an ft commeth. Db if Masa greuous thing that Chu ſuffred — rar Deve. Dh the greatnes of his dolour that he ſufred tn the gar feredfuch den partly to make ameds fo2 cur ſins, and partly to deliver pain inthe vs from Death, not (o,that we ould not dpe bodilp, but that gacden, this death ould be a way to a better life,and fo deſtroy and oneccome bell. Dar Sauieure Chu hada gardpne, but be Had ltile pleafurc in 1.3990 bane many goodlp garvpnes,¥ Wwould pow wold inthe middes of them coufider what agonp A medita; gut ſauidur Chꝛiſt ſuſfced in his gardpnes A geodly medita⸗ tionforv» tion ta bane in pour gardynesy It (yall occaſion pou to des dracs, : Lightno fartherin vanities, but corenientber what be lutte⸗ M2 ( 7 | red by M.Latymer. ~ * Fol: 4+ red fod pou. Itmay dꝛawe pou from ſynne· It is a good mo nument,a good ſygne,a good monicion to conſider howe he behaued him ſelte in this gardene, WMoll he fateth to his diſciples. Sitte here and praye wyth me. We wente a lyttle weap, of, as tt were a ones caſte frous them, and falles to big prater,and faiths Pater fi pofst- hile cfttranfeat ame caltx ifte. Father it it be poſſible, A⸗ wape with thys bytter cuppe,thys eutragiouspapne. wet after hecagrectes hum felfe,and (apes: Vctuntamen non ſicut eg» volo,{ed ficut tu vis, Pot mp wyll but thp trill bee done: D father. Here ts a good meditation fo; Chaiken menne/ af all tymes, and not onely vpon good Frpdap: Lette good fri⸗ Every day bap bee euery daye toa Chꝛiſtian man to knolwe, fo ble bys fhold bee paſſidn to that ende aud purpofe,not to reade ths. ſtory, but gocd ſri. to take the frutte of it. 130 — Some menne pf thep hadde bene in thysagony, would haue runne theymſelues thozcugbe with thep2 ſwordes aS. samuel. Saule dyd, ſome woulde haue hanged themſelues, as Achps xvin. _ topbel did, Let bs not folloty theſe men, they be no examples fo2 bs, but lette bs folowe Chaphe, whiche in bys agonye reſortedto hys father with pis prayer: This muk be our pas trone to worke by. Bere Imighte dilate the matter as tous VVe mutt chpitge praying to ainctes, Pere tye mayelearne not to ecay oaod prape to.sapuctes, Chꝛiſte byddes V5, Ora patrein qui eſt in ae Es cœlis. Pape to thy father thatisinbeanen; to the creatoz, . — and not to anye creature. And therefoꝛe abbaye with theſe ae uouries: Lette God alone bee oureaustozpe , what haue ine to doeto runne hither or thither, but onelye to the far ther of heauen: Jwyll not tarpe ta ſpe ake of this matrer, Mar Haulour Chꝛiſt lette his diſciyles m an oder, and cont maunded then to watche aud praye ſaxing: Vagilare & o- rate. Matche and peapesinhsrts Colo they watche € prav, he VVhy the- fapeth bp and by, Ne intretis in rentationem , That pe enter iſciples⸗ notintotemptaiion . Bebpddes then not prap that they “YOCOM beenottempted , fo2thatis as muchetofape, as te pape MO that we ſhoulde be cut of thys worlde. Whereis no wman in — toys wozlde without teptation. Ju the the time of pꝛoſpertty· — *BS- The fixteSermonmade - es ave tempted to wantonnes· pleaſures, and all lpghtues: fe in tyme of aduerhitieto diſparre in goodes goounes, Temp⸗ — tation nener cates, There ina ditference betwene beynge ~ being tem teinpted and entryng tate temptation. He bpodes therefore pied and not fo prape that thep be not tempted, but that thep enter not ectring in into temtptation, As bec cempteais no euyll thingzg. o tempta- Foꝛ what ts itens moze Chen When the Hehe, the Dpuel, ‘on. and the worlde dathe folicite and mauve bs againt god. Ta geue place to thele ſuggeſtions, and to pelos our fels ues, and (utter vs to be ouercome of theym, thys is fo en⸗ fer into tetptation. Mure Hautour Cheiſte kaewe that they houlde bee qrenoullp tempted, and therefore be gaue thepin warnynge, that toep houlde nat geue placeto temps —— tatian, noꝛ deſpavze at his deathe· nd pf they channced te Ales etorſake hym, or to runne aware, in cale ther tripped 52 ſwar⸗ varied Wed, pettocomeagarne. oftheyr · Wut our Sautour Thꝛitte dyd not enely commannde hys temptatiõ. Diſciples to pap, but felldoiune vpon bps knees flat vpon Chat dy ' the ground and pated biurlelfe, faying: Pacer ſi eri porely — Mis eranfcat A mecalix ifte, Father, deliuer me of this pange ans soay. wapne that J am in, thys dutragious payne, this vod, Fa⸗ ther, came euen from the bowels of hys hearte, whenne he made ys mone,as who ſhould fap, Father ryd me, Jam in ſuche payne that Jcan be in no greater⸗ Thou arte my Fas” ther, Jam thy ſonne, Can the father korſake bps Sonne fir Cache anguiſh Thus be made bys mone. Father, take atvap- this Dozrour of death from me,rpd me of tops payne, ſuffer me noi to be taken when Judas comes, fuffer me not to bee bagep othe crofe,fuffer not mp hãds to be perced wnatles nor mp arte with the hharpe (peare. A wonderfull thynge, that be haulde ſo oft tel bis diſcyples of tt before, andnows when be commeth fo the popnte,te defpze to be rydde of ttas thoughe be woulde haue benc difobediente te the wyll of bys father. Alo ꝛe he faped, be came to (uffer, and now be fapes away with this cup, Cibo woulde haue thought p ener this geare ſhould haue come out of Chriftes mouths Mhar a cafe is. tise Mhat huld a man (ap:vou nuk vnderſtande tien ; Chꝛiſte As The ſeuenth Sermon; on Chꝛiſt foke vpon bint our infirmities , of the whyche thes Chit tobe bo Was one, to be ſoꝛy at death. Among the ſtipends of ſinne vada oure this was one,totrimble at thy croue, this is a punithmet Coin fozourfpnne. sf A— It goeth otherwayes wyth vs, then with Cheiſt, if we were in like caſe, and in lite agony, almoſt we wold curſe Sod, oꝛ rather with that there wer no God. his that he faid, was not of that fozte,tt was referringe the mater ta the wil of bis father :but we ſeke by al means be itrpabt, be it wong of our olone nature to be rid out of payne,be pefpzed it conditionally,as it might Maid, with bis fathers wil adding A verantamen to it. So bis requeſt was to thelv the infirmity of man, bereis nowe an eraniple what we thal doo, when Wwe are in lyke cafe . ie neuer deferucd tt, fee haue· Be hada Ueruntamen, and notwithtandpnge, — - detbs haue ſo to, we muftebaueancuerthelete, thy well be Doone and not mine. Geue me grace to be contente to ſubmit my wil onto thine. bis fact teacheth bs what to do This ts our furgerp,our philtke, when we be in ago- acorn ene - ‘ny, and rechen vpon it frends, we thal conte to ff, ue hal pyink ae fele it,at one time 02 an other. 7 bat does he nob! what thoutd vile, caine to palle nolv, when be bad hard no voyce:hys father was Dome. He refoztes to bis frends, feking ſome coms fort at their bands. fetng be bad none at bys Fathers bad, becomes to bis difciples, and finds them a flepe, be {patie vnto Peter aud fapd. Gh Peter art thou a flepe Peter be foze bad bzagged foutly,as though be Wold haue killed 2 Sod bane mercy vpon bis foule.2nd now when be ſhuld haue comtorted Lhzift, be was aflepe, not once buffe,noz — , 7 baffe to bi,not a tyo20, be was fain to fay fo bis difciples. ~~ Vigilate et orate. Match and pray, thelpiritets readpe, but ‘the fet ts weake, he bad neuer a word of them agapne. = | Mheyp might at the leak haue laid. Db fir remember pour felf,are pou not Cheifkzcame not pou into thys old, to tedeme fin’be a goodchear, be a good cofo2t, thys ſoꝛs we wil not help pou; céfort pour felf by pour obbn preaching, poubaue faid: Oportet filium hominis pati. Pou haue not de⸗ fernedianp thing, it is not pour fauite. Jin dede if they had don this with him, they had plaide a frendlpe parte a : re 2 ® ¢ i. im⸗ ie - The feuenth Sermon? | ‘ dim, but they gaue him not fo muche as one comfortab wWoꝛd. Wie run to ourtrends in our diſtreſſes € agonies,as though Wwe bad al our truſt ¢confidence in them, hedid not ſo, be refogted to them, but trufted not in the; we will run to our frends € come no moze to God, be returned againe. GA batrithal we not refoat to our frends in time of neade: € We fhall finde frolv pe Wwe thal not finde thẽ a ſlepe: Pes J Warrant pon, one Frendes fle € Loben we nead their help mot, we thall not haue it. Sut ping, what thal we do, when Wwe thal finde lack tn them: we wilt erp cut bpon them, bpbatd thent,chide, bzaul, fume, chafe € backbite them. Wut Chri did not fo,be ercufed his freds faping:Vigilate & orate,fpiritus quidem promptus eft , caro auté infirma. Do(quoth he) watch and p2ay,z fe wel the ſpirit is reop, but the fieth is weak. What meaneth this: ſurely itis a cofoztable place. Foz aslongeas we liue in this worlde, when tue be at the bet, we bane no moze but Promptitudi⸗ ne /piritus cũ infirmitace carnis, he readineſſe of the {piryte With chinfirmity of the eth. She berp faintes of god ſaid: Roma. vii. Lelle ade/? mibi,my will ts good, but $ ant not able to per= fo2m ft, J haue ben with fome,and fain thep would, faine thep would, there was redinelfe of (pirit, butit would not be. It greued the that thep could not take thinges, as thep How the Mel huld do. The ſfleſh refyeth the twozk of the holy ghoſte in ee with a dur harts. and lets tt lets it. We haue to pay ener ta gods verto bev Oh prarer, prayer, that it might be vſed in this realm.fas ai it ought to be of al men,¢ {pecially of magiftrates, of count _ ~ fatlers,of great rulers,to paay,to pzay,that it told plete God to put godly polictes in their harts. Cal fo2 aſſiſtans. , Hhaue hard fay, when that good Nuene that is gone had ordeined tn Her boule, dallp pꝛayer bothe before none, eats ter none, the Aomtrall gettes him oute of the wape,litte’d moule digging tn thearth.ibe fhalbe Lottes wyſe to me as long as ¥ liue. ibe was J hard fap a couctous man, a couce tous man in deede,Z wonldethere were no moe in Eng⸗ lande. Be twas J hearde fape an ambitions man. Iwoulde ther wer no mo fn Englãd. be was F bard fay aleditions mau, a contemner of common praper, J wold there were no mo ft Cngland, wel be ts gon⸗· J wold he had left none behinde him. A Remember ofM, Latimer? 93 berpou mp lordes, pou pray in pour houſes to the better moztificatié of pour fick. Remeber god muſt be hono2ed, F wil you to pay § ged Will continue his ſpirite in pou. F : do not put pou in cofozt, that if pe haue once the (pirite, pe we witleth hE cannot lofe tt. Ther be new ſpirits fart vp nowe of late,f to praver· + fay after tue haue recetued the ſpirite, we cannot fpnne.y & te ipl make but one argument. Saint Panl had bought p 82 SF Fs Salathiãs to the proteiion of the faith,¢ left them in that fate, thep had receiued the ſpirite once but thep fynned as Qain,as he tettificd of thes htm felf. He fapeth : Currebatisz dene. Ye were once in a ryght ſtate, and again; recepsftis /pie vith ex operibus legis, an ex iuſticia fiders Duce they had the ſpi⸗ rit by faith, but fall prophets came ( when he was gone frõ them)e¢ they pluckeu them clean alway from al that Paule had planted them in,and then faid Paul onto thé. O ſtulti Galathe quis vos fafcinauit? It this be true, we mape lofe the {pirit, that we have once poſſeſſed. It ts a fod thing, J wil not tary inft.wWut nowe to the pallpon again. Lh2itte had dene wyth bys father, ¢ felt no help, be had bene wyth bys frendes,and had no comfo2t, be bad prayed tinife, and was not bard, what nid he nolw did be geue praper ouer? no,be goeth againe to dis father, and fapeth the fame againe,fa- ghꝛitt continn ther ffit be poffible,aluape with this cup,bere is an eraple cpingzaper forbs, although we be not hard at thefirftetyme,thaliwe == geue Quer our praperznayp Wwe muff to it againe, we mule be infant in pꝛaver. He prayed thife and twas not harde, / Jet bs pay thꝛee ſcoꝛe times, foltes are berpe dull nowe a Dapes in prayer,to come to ſermons, to refort to common praper. ou houfkepers,¢ efpectallp great mẽ geue eraple per of prayer in pour houſes. Well, oid his father looke bpon Houte tepers him this fecond timezto,he wente to bis frendes agayne, *nd great mer thinking to finde fome comfort there, but he tindes thenta Hieoemeapers flepeagain, moze deper a ſlepe then cuer they wer. Chep2 . epes wer heauy with flepe. here was no cõfort at al,thep Wit not what to fay to him. 4 Wonderful thinge, bowe be - Was tofte from pofte to piller, one while to bis father,and tute af bis band,another tobile to bis trends, and - found to comfozt at them, footat them istather gauebin Joking. on, ah ane tuttred him to bite bpon the bridleatwbile. =... ‘cD es fe Almightye © a The feuenth ſermon. Almighty Gov bebelo this battail that be might enioys honoz and gloep, that in his name all knees thould bows Celeftinm,Terreftrium,et inferaorum, in heauen,carth ¢ belts Gon punithes bys that the father wold nothear bis oton ſonne was finin not bea: qn other puniſhment due to our ſinne. When we crye vn⸗ = otour $24 tq Hint, he wil not bear bs. The prophet Jeremye fapeths r Clamabunt ad me, & ego non exaudiam eos; Theſe be gereinies words/ here be threãtneth to puniſhe finne, with not hea⸗ ring their paapers,the prophet fapth: hep haue not har the feave of God before their epes, nor haue not regarded difcipline and cozvection. J neuer {alo furelpe fo litte diſ⸗ ciplineas is now a dais. Ben wil be mafters, they will be matters, no diſciples. Alas where is this difcipline now in Englande. The people regarde ‘no Diſcipline, thep be —— Wythout al order. Wyhere thep ſhould geue place, they wil honey. Mot fur one inch vea where magifirates hhuid deterune ~ | mnatters,theyp til beeake inte the place. befoze thep come, and at thep2 comming not mouc a Whit for them. Is this. diſcipline: Is thys good oꝛder? If a man fay any thing oie - to them, thep regard it not · They that be caled to anfiwer, Wil not anfwer ofrectlp, but {hoffe the matter oute. Den " the mo2ethep know, the woe they be, itis truel de. The more we /czencia inf/at, knowledge maketh 0s proud and cauleth 9 _ Snow thewors to forget all, and fet a way diſciplin. Surely, in Boperpe. we de. cther had a renereitce, but now webaue noneatal,snener. aw the line his Tame lac efeare of Ood,and dyſci⸗ Bu time ofpo- pline itt bs, twas one of the caufes that the father wold not pia b nnd bear bis fonne. This pain ſuffred our fauioz Chꝛiſt fo2 bs bat nowy none Who neuer deferued it. Db that it Mas, that he ſuttred in ‘tal, chys garden, till Judas came. The dolozs; the terrozs,the — oe hae ſorro wes that he (uffered, be vnſpeakable. He fuftred part Wyy chrill fur Loto make amends for our {tines,¢ partly to geue vs era fered fo fore in Ple, what we ſhould doo in like caſe. Mhat comes of thys che garden. gear in thend. Wel,nobo be prayeth again, be reſorteth to his father again.Angore correptus prolixzus arabat. He was in Crit praycd [Ozer pains, in moze anguiſh the euer be was,t therfore be thethird time prapeth loger, more ardétly, moze feruetlp, moze vchemẽt⸗ sine “nas lp the ener be did before. Db loꝛd, what a woderful thinge = is this, this bozroz ofdeath ts worſe — — gſome The feuenth Sermon, 93 He prapeth nol the third time, He did ft fo infkantlye , fo feruently, that tt bought ont a bloudy fweat,¢ (uch plety that it dꝛopped do bvn euen to the groũd. Where ifued out of bis peectous body d2ops of blud. WMhat a paine was he Dure ingraty⸗ in, when thefe bloudy dro ps fel fo aboundantipefro hym: ————— Set fozal chat, hobo bnthankful do Wwe thetve oure ſelues tolvard him that died onlp fo2 our fakes, ¢ fo2 the remedy cp fo; bg, of our finnes. Db what blaſphemy do we commit day bp day, What litle regard haue Wwe to bis bleſſed paſſton thus ss rcnempeg to fivear by gods bloud, by Chzifkes pallion. Wie haue no fwcaring mad thing in our patttine, but gods bloud, gods woundes. We our patties, continuallp blafpheme his paſſyon tn bauking, bunting, ailing € carding. Who wold think be ſhuld haue fuch ens nemies amõg thofe that profelle bis name. What became, of bis bloud that felnotwn trol ve⸗ was p bloud of — msde ght at it,vo no2th if. dai bat a do Was it fo bang this outeo the hinges bed. 2 bis great abbomination of the bloud of —— bales could not be taken a great while out ot hys minde. que, po that be of the court,¢ efpectallp pe fiyo2n chaplains eware of aleffon thata great man taught me at mp firk coming to the court be told me fo2 good Will, be thoughbte ft Wwel. He fapd vnto me· Aou must betware hotw fo ever pe 49. Latimers Do that pecotrary not the king, let bim bane bis faipngs, tauahe bm at folow bim,go with bint. Warp out bpon this counfel, thal his firt coms 3 fay,as be fapes’Sap pour cofcience.o2 els what a wom minge to the ihal ye fele gnatvinge, what aremozfe of conſcience tall court. ye hauc, when pe reméb2e bow pe baue ſlacked pour due · ty? Zt is a good wiſe verſe.Gutta cauat lapidem,non vi fed fez pe cadendo, The dzop ofratne maketh a hole in the fone, . —* not bp vioience, but by oft kalling. Aikewiſe a prince mutt Ps ee be turned not violently, but he muſt be wor by a litle and perfanen, a litle. be muk have bis duty told him, but it muſt be don but not violent Iwith humbleneffe, with requett of pardon, de els it wer a? lorced. daungerous thing. Unpreachinge prelates baue bene the caufe,that the bloud of ales did ſo long blinde the king. Wo worth that fuch an abbomtnable thing, fhoulve be in acheitten realme, but thankes be to God, tt was partlpe redzeffed in the hinges dayes that dead fs, aud much moze How. Sod graunt good Wwil,and ——— ag if ‘ 2 e > t re | Thefeuenth Sermons ; ther be any fach abomination behiade $ it wap btterlp be roted op. D hobo happy avé we, that a hath pleies alntigh ty Sod to vouchlate, iat hys ſonne thulo cweat bloud fo2 the redeming of our ipnnes,andagain bow onbappy are tue, tf tue wil not take it thankfully, that: twas redemed fo - painfully. dlas what hard hartes haue wwe. Dur fautoure » Chat neuer ſynned, and pet ſweat he blud fo2 our finnes shied we Will not once Water our eyes wyth a kebo tears. What Sinne is hor an horrible thing is linne? that nd other fhinge would re- rible, and MPs meny and pay the raunfome for it, but only the bloude ot pur fauiour Chik. Where was nothing to'pacifpe the far thers tw2ath again man, but fach anagony as be (uftred. al the paſſion of al the martyrs that euer were, all the ſa⸗ trifices of Patriarkes that euer were, al the gocd voorkes that cuer were done, were Hot able fo remedy sure ſynne, Wyat was the to matic fatt{faction fo2 our ſinnesnor anp thing belives, onip remeabpe but this ertreme pallidn and bloud heddinge ofaur mot fo; oure ſpnne. merciful ſauiour Chriltt. aN Eh nes But to daly toward an end, what became of this thee fold paaper,at the length, it pleafed God to hear his fines pꝛaver, and ſent him an.angell te cozrobozdte, to fret then, to comfozt him, hth nead no angels help t he had one Cyritte liſted to cafe him felf With his deitye. We was the lonne st recepued:comz od, What then?fo2 {o much as he luas man; he recepurds fot of thangel. comtoꝛt at the aungels band,as tt accordes to our infirmi⸗ txy· His obedience, bis continuance and (nfferinge,fe pleas fed the father of heauen, that fo2 bis formes fake, be be nee uer fo great a fitiner, leaning bis fine, and repentinge fog Motea confor the fante;he wil owe him fuch fauoure,as thoughe he had sable Pee Meucccontmittepanyfinne, | # Bie ess. lavinge. CThe father of heauen wil not utter him to be tempted st Supth this great horror of death and bel to the bttermoft, and aboue that he te able to bear, Lotte fo2 it my frendes, bp him and through btm, be thalbe able to overcome ft, tet Bieffon for bs. bs do As onre fauioure Chritt did/ and we al haue helpe in tyme of f€p- from aboue;tue thal haue angels help, if ve trutte in hpnt, ation. heauen and earth chall geue pp, rather then we thall lacke Helpeche ſareth he is. Adiator in wecefficacibus, av bealper in Gi ee N ra Gis ⏑—— * tpite ofM,; Latimer! ~ | 94. fyineofnedde res br SP Sear Myen theangell had comfogted hint, and when this hor⸗ to2 of death was gow, be wasdo ſtrong, that be oſfred hym felf to Judas, and fapd, J am be. To make an end, J prays pou take papnes,itis a dape of penaunce(as ind bie to fap) geue mic teue to make you wery this dap. Lhe Jewes had him fo Capphas and Annas,and there thep whipte him, €. he horror of bet bint,thep fet a crotone of ſharpe tho2ne pon bps head, deathe, and the and nailed him to a tree, pet allthis was not fo bitter, as — —— thys bozvo of death, and this agony, that be ſuffred tn the in tye garden garden, in ſuche a degree az is Bue toall the ſynnes of the excedech the oe -fyozld, and not fo one mannes ſynnes. Weil, this paſſyon ther pavnes. is out remeadye, tt is. the fatiffaction fo2 oure fpnnes. bys. fouledefeended to bel fo2 a time. Here is much adoa,thele - new d pilarting (pirites, fap Chriſte never deſcended inta bel nepther bodp nor foule. In ſkorn they iollafke, was be there, what did be there: what if we cannot tel what be did agapynt fuche there: The Crede goth no further, but fapth, be defcended as denpe that thither, what is, that to os if we cannot tell ſeing Wwe were alien tigi taught no farther. aul was taken bp inte the thirne bea- de ven, aſke like wiſe what he ſawe, when be wascarped thps ther,pou ſhal not finde in ſcripture what be ſae 02 what he did there, chal we not therfore beleue that he was ther. Theſe arrogant (pirires, ſpirites of baine gloꝛye, becrauſe they knolve not by any expeeſſe ſcripture, the order of hys Irrogant fpr doinges in bel, they Will not beleue that euer he deſcended tits ot vayne into bell. Jn deve thys article bath not fo full ſcripture, ſo ꝰt⸗ manyxe places and teſtimonies of ſcriptures as other haue, pet it hathe inough,(t hath tt.o2 iti.tertes, and ifithad but. one, one terte of ſcripture, is of as good and latful autho- ritye as a D.andof as certayne truth. Jt isnot tobe ways ed by the muttitude oftertes. — D—— Ibeleue as certainlye and verelye that thysrealme of Englande hathe as good authoꝛitye to heare Gods woꝛd, as anye natyon in allthe worlde, it maye be gathered bp fino terfes,one of them is thys. Ite in vniuerſum mundum, & predicate euangeliũ omni creature. Oa tuto the whole wozld,¢ peach p gofpel to alcreatures.Again,Dens yale omnes bois eeu CPISRN 99. iili. ' SBP faluos — fF Seek The feuenth fermon; Jaluos fieri. God wyll haue all men to be faued, he exceptes not the Cnglifh nen here, no2 pet erpzellp nameth them, and pet J as as fure,that thes Realme of Englaude, by this gathering, is allowed to hear Gods word, a8 though Chit had faped a thouland times, go preach to Englyſh men. J wyl that Cuglith men be faued. Betauſe this artt cle of bis deſcending into bel, cannot be gathered fo direct ly, fo necefarilp,fo foꝛmally thep do btterlp deny it. his article hath (cripturcs tivo 02 thze inough fo2 quiet minds. Curious bꝛay⸗ as fo2 curioule boaines,nothinge can content them. Thys nesare neuer thedeutls turring bp offuche (pirites of ſedityon,is an e⸗ content. uident argumente, that the lighte is come korthe, kor bys Wwo2d is abrode, when the deuil ruſheth, when be rozeth, An argumente when he tirreth bp ſuch buſy (pirttes,to ſclaunder tt. op — ——— entente is not to entreate of this matter at this time. gy ’ trutt the people twit not be carped alwape with thefencine arrogant ſpirites, J dout not, but good peachers twill las bour againt them. ut nol J wil fap a woꝛd, and bereits J protett firt of al not arrogantly to oetermin,and define tt, J wil contend wyth no man fo2it,% toil not baue it be pretudice to any body, but J offer it vnto pow te confider ¢ Wap it. here ve fonte great clavkes that take my parte, and J perceiue not what euill canne come of it,in fapinge, Bear — that our ſauiour Chriſt did not only, in ſoule deſtend ints nthe place, hei but alfo that be (uttered tn hel fuch patnes,as the dant ned {pirites did fuffer there. Surelpe,F beleue verelpe foz my part, that be fuffered the pains of bel pzopozctonablys. as it coavefpondes and anſwers to the whole ſynne of the Five, qnathing world. He wold not fufter only bodelyein the garden, and ofteethe.the pon thecroffe, but alloinbps foul, ben it was from the mune of con- bony, which was a paine due foz our finne. Some weyte fo mes, dbttrpnae and J canne belene it that he fuffercd in che verpe place, to bs the pains and Jcannot tell what it fs,cal it what pe wil, euen in the of hel. ſkalding houle,tn the vgſomneſſe of the place,in the p2e- ſence of the place,fuch pain as our capacitp can not attain vnto, itis fomivbat declared vnto bs, when we biter it bp thefe effectes, by fp2e.bp gnaſhynge of teth, by the worme that gnaweth on the conſcience. Mhat fe euer the pain ts, itis a great pain that be (uttered fo bs. “see po vat Stamford, [ of Flee nd inconvenience to faye, that Chk ſuttered in ſoule in beil. 3 fingularly conmmende the erceding great charitie of chattt, that fo2 our fates would fuffer in bei in bis foule. “gt fertes oute the vnſpeakeable hatved that God bathe to iinne. J percepue not that it doth derogate any thing from | - the dignitte of Chriſtes death, as in the garden, whe be ſut⸗ fered, it derogates nothing from that be fuffecd on the cros he peenttae Scripture (peaketh on this Ne ick credit in me,habet vi phꝛaſe and maa tam aternam. be that beleueth in mie, hath life enerlatting. Ori or poms Were he ſettes furth fayth as the caule of our tuflification, 5. +4 ye norco, in other places as high commendation is geuen to Wwo2ks, © and pet,ave the woꝛnes anp derogation from that digni⸗ tie of fapthe⸗ No. And againe ſcripture fapeth: Traditus ef propter peccata noftra et exuſcitatus propter inflificationem, &c. At attributeth bere oure inffification to his refurrection, € doth this derogate any thing from bis death not a whyt⸗ It is whole Chritte. That with bis natiuttic, what with Cyꝛiſte wꝛou⸗ his circumciſiõ, what with his ticarnation, and the whole ght our faiuae. proces of bys ipfe, with bis peeaching, what with big aſcen tion inal he , ding, velcending, what with bis deathe, it is all Chait that doinges. wo keth our faluatio. be fitteth on pright hand of pfather, € al fo2 bs.2lt this is the work of oure ſaluatiũ. J would be as lothe,to derogate any thing fro Chriſtes death, as p beſt of pou all. Yo bneftinably are we bound to bim 7 what thaks ought luc to gene him fo2 it· Me muſt haue this cõ· tinuallp in remembꝛaunce. Propter te mortitradimur tota die, Foꝛ the, we are in diyng continually. The life of a chriſten mat ts nothing but a readines to Dpe,and a remembatice of deathe. If this that 2 haue fpoken of Chriſtes Cufferpng in the gardeitie,and in hell, derogate any thing from Chats fies death and pallion,alWwape with it, beleue me not in this ifit doo not, it contmendes andfettes fourth perp well vn · to bs, the perfection of the fatiffaction that bitte made fo2 bs,and the woꝛke of redemption, not onelp before wit⸗ nes tn this worlde, but in bell in that bgfome place,where, — Anbether be (uffered, 02 wꝛaſtled With the ſpirites, 02 come fozted Abraham, Jfaac,* Jacob $ Will not oefier to knot, It pe like not that tubiche J haue fpoken of bts {ufferpng, ict it goo, JWill not ſtryue tn tt, J twill be preiudice tone hoby, *0 The ſcuenth Sermon bony urn it as ve liſt. Joon but occerat pots to conſider. Ye to like his ſoule dia ſomwhat the thee dares that bis boope lay in the graue. To ſar he (fered in hel {03 vs, derogats wes be Nothing from bis death, S02 all thinges that Chk did bes neficialito bs foe bis {uttering on thecroffe, and after, doo wozke oure inaltbisd002 ſaluation, af be. had not bene incarnate, bebad notdied, he Giese... seas beneficiathto bs twith althinges be vin. Cheitten peos a pedo plethould haue bis fuftering fo them in remem braunce. nis So (Let pourgardapnes moniſh pou, pour pleafaunt gardains what Chait fusecnd foe vouin the Gardaing,and what.cont moditie you haue by bis lufferyng, It ts bis Will pe ſhould ſo do0,be Would be bad in remenrbeaunce. Bir poure pleas fures With the remembaunce of his bitter paſſion. Whe ipbole paffion islatiffactiomfor oure finnes,: and not the bare death, conſidering it ſo nakedly by it felfe.2L be many of {peaking of (cripture, de to be conſidered. It attributer eb scote, Ste faluation, nplwe toone-thinge, noive toa nother that Che bielled cd Cheiſt did, where it sede igpertayned to alli Mure Hant- minions a re our Chꝛiſt hath left behind bim,arememb2aunce of bis pal —— ſion, che bleſſed communion, the celebration of the Lozdes on, fupperia lack ithath ben long abuled,as the facrifices: wer befoze,in the olde law. The Patriacks bled facrifice, in the fapth of the ſeade of the voman,Whiche thould bzeake the ferpents bead. The patriarks facrificed on hope/ and after warde the worke was eſtemed. Shere comes other after, and. they confiver not the fapthe of Abraham, and the patris arkes, but doo their facrifice accogding to their olvne imagi nacion, euen ſo came if fo pas With our bleſſed communia, —— In the primatiue church, in places, when their. friendes saya were dead, they died to come together to the holp conunue churche in the nion. Uhat⸗ẽto remedye them that were dead? No/no. receuing of the firalue,tt was not inſtituted fo2 no fuch purpofe. But then —— they would call to remembraunce goddes goodnes, and bis hevends Paltion that be fuffercd fo; vs wherein they cõtorted much their faith. Other came afterwarde ann fettes bp all thele kindes of maſſyng, all theſe kindes of intquitie. = — ———— Ci bat an abhomination ts ttzthe foulett that euer twas, fo hominatio that attribute to mans woꝛn our faluatid. Soo be thanked that cuer was. Ine baue this bleed communion ſettorth fo now, that we a 4* mare — — — 18 a rartt rſt M. Palimer 56 mayve — encreate an kortify our: wit J t that blei⸗ ſed celebration. If he be giltie ofthe bodye of Lhzifte, that ues tt vᷣnobrthelp, be fetcheth great comtorte at it, that rates tt worthely: be doth eale it wortelp, that doth vate it in fayth. $n taythẽ in what faythẽnot tong a goagreat ma, Fad in in audience. Ther bakible much of fapthe, will go hbo reat mã Aye With my whore albnight; and haue as goodafayth, as other thé thebott of thea neuer uel other, but the the whore mda wWhoemongers fapth. Ihie no fache faych that twill ferue, gers fapty. It is no babyug Judges, o2kattices fapthe, no rentraifers _ fayth;n0 wheremongers fapth,no leal mongers fayth, nor no feller of benetices fayeth, but the fapth tn the pattion of pute Sauieur Chztkke: Ge mu belene thatourSamour iy pt fete Kirt hath taken vs agame to.bisfauout;thathebachaee ipucred bs hts owne bode and bioud, to piead tuiththe des ·⸗· sual aiden vil; and bp merite oF his one paſſion, of his: ofone mere ..;, 92) liberalitie Chis ts the faythe J tell pou, that ive mut coms ie to the communion with aud nat theinbuzenrongers faith: Loke where remiſſien of ſin is, there is ackd wleding of ſin alfo. Fayth is a noble dutches ſhe bath euer ber llc Fapth is a nos biher ging — the coniellin ihnes; fe. ble shy the trapne atter her,the frutesof goodiwozhes the walkpng: ‘3 at ber gen⸗ xtapi teh usa gone ose al — ——— fot beidle, be will walke be widen bis bufines,hauetuer. her, é her traits the gentelman vſſher with pousSo if pe will rye faych re⸗ atter her, member this rule, conſider whether the trayne: be way⸗ ting bpon ber. $f you haue another fapth thé thts,a ohore The true trie mongers fayth, vou are ipke to go to the Scalding boule; of fapthe. and there pou thal bane five difhes Ineping And gnalbing: of tert), much good doo it pouspou fer pour’ fare.Jtye toplt betcue anda ge pour tinnes,. pouiba ; bean tommunton ofthe fitter pation. of Chait, wothelp- "Fh ame mori ae to euerlaſting life to the -tobtche. the : —* i of beaucn yi rou an⸗e. mee! Geyer ofthe ſeuen Sperimons,that 9s ol la bn ab —— ot wba UE tarpon saa : 1} BS fr Edwarde ptt wee 4 ‘ ote X 5* — — Sty Ga Pag asses ¶ A Sermon of Maſter Latimer,preached af ; | of Detober, & Anno.M,CCCCCL. * Reddite ergo quæ funt Cæſaris Cæſari, et quefuntdei,deo, Seue that that is Ceſars to Celar, and that that ts Gods to Sov, | ——-—, OHys doctrine is greuous,beup, and irkefont oe Ne to couctous bartes,rebellious and ſeditious AE ib y beartes.Gene,geuethep ca notalvape with 5 | [Q's tt, ttcannot fickein their mindes, noe fettle Zi : SN tit theit fomakes : thep would rather be tas OLS Vi king, fcraping,and catching,then geuing. Wut godly perfons twill wellaccept and take it,fo2 tt is to ¢ them a greate pleafure, Jope and comforte. Foꝛ the better Ebnitt came bnderftanding of this place;pe hall buderttande, Chzitte motto deliner SANte to being bs ont of bondage and to fet bs at libertpes from ciuil burs NOt from ciuill burthen, asfromobaping the magiftrates; den. from parng tare and tribute, but from a greater burthen, and a moze greuouſer burthen, the burthen of fin, the burs then not of the body but of the foule,to make bs free front. {t,and to redeme bs from the curfe and maledtction of the lawe, vnto the honourable fate of thechilozen of God, ‘@utas fo2 the ciuill burthens, be delpuered bs not frome them, but rather commaunded ts to pap them:geue,geue, fapth be to Cefar obedience, tribute, and all thinges delve ‘to Ceſar. Foꝛ the vnderſtanding of this tert, it hall bee nedefuil to confider the circumftance going befoze :Wwhiche thing dewly confidered, geucth a great lighte to all places of the ſcripture: who fpake thefe wo2des, fo Whom thep were fpotien, bpon what occafpon,and afoze whom. Cherfore J Will take the whole fragemente and heed, faker out of goddes boke fo2 the gofpell of this Dap, weyt⸗ ten in the goſpell of Mathew the. xxii. Chapper. Tanc abie= runt Phariſæi. Then went the Pbarifies and toke acountel, uke hath Obferuantes,marking, fpying,looking;tosting, Watching: like futtel, crafty € Meighticfelotues they toke a ‘councel ¢ fent tobim their atfciples, which ſhoulde fain the Gone fachee: lars tuk mé,godlp men, glad to learne bis doctrine. And Semis ag tycie ith them erodes feruaunts, to trap him in bis words:e they fapd te him : 9. we kno fe that tyou arte a true man,¢ teacheſt the ay of god, veritate, truly, ¢ carck fo2 no mas a4 eR es ss — ai ym 3 8) ap Stamford, A. 99 Foꝛ thou regardeſt not the perfonage of man. Tel bs ther fore; what thinties thou⸗· Is tt latwefull to geue Ceſar tri⸗ bute mony or no·This was thytr queſtion that they wold: ‘patie Inavles him with. gn aunſſwoering to this thep would ue caught bim by the fofe.Ibut Jeſus coguita malitia corn. aa hg there malice, thet wickednes, thetr vncharitable nes, be ſayd to them:bipocrits why do pe tempt merShelw nie a piece of the tribute mony. And thep brought him a pe* np. And fe fapd to.them:twbole image ts this,and. the thats ting? They aunſwered:Celars, He ſayd to them. Geue to Cefar that that belongeth to Ceſar, and to god that that is oddes. PACTS ORG BEI Raha HS eLbus pe map perceiuc,it was our faufoure Chriſte that. fpake thefe woredes, and they tuete fpoken vnto the Phari {cis that tempted him; Wut thep be a Doctrine vnto bs that ave chriſtes difctples. $02 whole: wordes Mould we delite to beare and learne, but the wordes and doctrine of our fa uidur chit And that | may at this time ſo declare thems - as map be fo2 gods. glory, pour edifping,andimy difcharge;. Ff pray pou all to belpe me with pourpeayers: © In the whiche For the vniuerſall charche of chꝛiſt thozolv the whole world. ec. 02 the poeferuation of ; our — — — the. vi. ſole ſupꝛeane head vnder Sood aud chriſt of the churches of England and eo! of Jreland. ac Secondly fos the kings moſt hono2able coũ⸗ — coli? Thirdlx Icammend puto pou the ſoules departed this 2 ipfe in the Fapth of Ch2itk that pe remember to geue lauds, prapte and thankes to Amightre Gon fo2 his greate goods nes and mercy Helwed vnto them in that great nedeẽ con⸗ flict againt the deutl and (inne. To geue them at the houre of death fayth in bis ſonnes death and pats, wherby they might conquere and ouerronte, and get the victorye. Geue thankes J faye for this, adding prayers and ſupplycations fo2 pour ſelues,that it map pleaſe God to geue you the like fapth and grace,to truf only vnto the death of his deare (05. as he gaue vnto them, Foꝛ as thep be gone; fo mutt we:⁊ the deuill wil be as ready to tempt vs as he Was then, ati. our finnes wil light as heuy dpa vs as theirs did bpon thẽ: And we ave as weake and vnable to ——— * —J— Pays : A Sermon preached — Pꝛraye therfore that we may haue grace fo die inthe fame fapth of Chꝛiſte as they id, and at the latter daye be raps fed with Abraham, Iſaac and Jacob, and be partakers with Chzittin the kingdome of heaucn:fo2 this and grace, let bs Tape the Lords praper. Tune abeuntes. Tunc, It hangeth ona tert befoꝛe. Cheiſte told them a fimilitude that the kingdã ef heauẽ is lpke to a king that made a bridale to bis fonnes he marped bis fonne,and fent his feruaunts out to bid hys geſtes. Well thep would not come although be bad made great poeparing and muche coſt foo them : ambicion,coue⸗ toufnes,and crueltie woulde not let then come. Shen he fent bis twarriours and deftroped themsand again fente os ther feruauntes to bidde geftes to bis bzidall, bande suer dead —— —— Ther did bis bioning, ¢ the boule Wãs full of gefes.Theking now would bely bis geftes-€ fpnding there one not cladde in mariyng garmentes, be ale &ed him:frend holvecamek thou here, not hauing a marts age garment· And commanded to bind hint hand ¢ fote,¢€ caft bint inte btter Darknes: there was Wwapling € grinding of teth.Foꝛ many becalled and fel be chofen. pow Chik erpoundeth this. Che kingoome of heauen is poeaching of — the Golpell, This mariage fs the topning of Chriſte € bys . churche, which was begoune bp Ch2itt heare in earth, and Bidders to the hall continue to the ende of the wold. Che binders of bys al, geltes are preachers, but bere are fo many lettes and hinde rances:couctis is alet,ambicion tsa let,cruciti¢ is the gree ‘fet let. Foꝛ thep bet bis feruaunts, bꝛaue thep2 heades,pea snurthered them, which bad them fo this bzidall. With this the King was angrp,and fent bis men of warre fo deftrop thofe buthankefull people Was he notangrye with couee touſnes and with ambition’? pes bets angrye with coves fous men, With ambitious men: Wut mofk of all with cruel ’ tie. Thisis an angreaboue communeanger, when men be not onlp onthanckefull, but alfo adde crucitic to perfecute the preachers, that commeth fo call bs to this mariage. This toucheth Good fo nigh, that he fapeth. Qué vos andit me ⸗udit. Chis crueltie the king would not leaue Dnpunithen, but {ent forth bis men of warre. They are called bis mẽ of Wwarre, his men,bis men,fo2 warres come at bis co *— F ement. at Stamfordes2? ? 388 dement. Titus and Tiefpafian ſent of God to punity thole rouctous Jelves,ambictous Jetwes,cruclt gelves'p Wwolde not credit Cheilt,no2 beleue the preaching of faluation. ° ‘pow in watre,labat parte fo cuer yet thebittarve, that ts The victory is Gods parte, that is Goos bok. pabuchodonslor was anes Gods. uill man,a Wicked man, pet Iwas he fent of Sod to puniſh ‘the ftabbarne and couctous Jeives fo2 eheivantbicion, and. crueltie and fo2faking gods mot bolp fyo20: 4nd he is cale led in fvipture Gods feruaunt. It is no good argumente. He hath the victore Ergo he is ã good man. Gut this is — vw goodargument. He bathe the victore, Ergo God was o * *® his five, and by bis puniſhed the contrarp parte. The prea⸗ ehers called good and bad. They can doo no moze but cally @od is be that mult bꝛinge in, God muſt open the hartes, asitis in the Actes of the Apoſtles. When Paule preached to the Women, there was a (tite woman Cuius cor deus aperu st, whofe hart God opened. Prone could openit hut Ger. ° Paulecould but only pꝛeache, Sov mutt work, God muſt bop the thing inwardly. But good and badcame. Therfore j the poeaching ts likned to a Fifhers net, that taketh good echortininenve: Fith and bad, and draweth all tothe thoare, In the whole ore net, multitude that poofette the Golpel,aibenotgood,alcats = | mot alway with the moatifping of they2flety,thep wil wish good will beave the name of Chriſtians, of gofpeliers, but todo the dedes they grudge thep repine,they ca not awaie With it. A monge the Apofies, all were not bene, nape, one was a deull,o among (o.great number of qofpellers Diners fortes fome ate tarde gofpellers, fom are dite gofpellers, fom pot of Golpeiierso.| Olpellers,allare wot good,al feke not amendment of life. aon commieth the king to {ee his geftes. And findeth one: not hauing the marfage garment,and ſayth ta him:Frẽde ' Hotucamett thou hither, and hat not the mariage garmet? Fapth isthe mariage garniente, not afapnedfapth with⸗ arye mariage out gosd liuing, but fapthe that worketh by loue. he was garments blamed becaufe be profeſſed one thing, and was in deve as nother. Ga bp aid be not blame the preachers: Where was no faulte in thent, they dtd thep2 dentics, they bad ne fura ther commaundemente but to call them ta the mariage. The garment be Gould haue pzouided hym (elfes ol i — erg eo. * = ‘4 = oe oe ee ee ry : € ‘ ¥ Yn eer ASermonpreached. Cheretore he quarrelleth nor with the preachers:-tohat Roth this felotue here: Mhy (uffered pe him to enterr ac kor they commiſſion extended no further but oniy to cail bint. Dany are grenedthat rhereis fo litell fruite of cheyr Peeaching, And wobhen as they are aſked· why deo pounot pꝛeache hauing fo great giftes geuen pou of H0n7Z would Preache fap they;but J fee fo litle frutte, fo litle amendmet Of lyfe,that it maketh me wery· A noughty aunfivere,a bes rpnoughtye anſwere. Thou arte troubled with that God hy ne gaue thee no charge of; and leaueſt vndone, that thouarte P * charged with. Gon commaundeth thee to paeache; andsé non locutus fuerts, Iſthou {peke not, tf thou warne not the Wicked that thep turn and amend,thep thal periſh in their tniquities. Senguinem autem eins de manu tna requiram, Thys terte nippeth, this pincheth, this toucheth the quicke. He ſhall dye in bis wickennes, but J twill require bis blaude at thy band; Berke wel to this, mark tt wel pe curates, F will aftic bis bloud at thy handé Ff you Doo not pour office, if pe — teache not vᷣ people, eivarn thé not, ou thal be damnedtoꝛ aeametovits. {If xou do vᷣout office,pou ar difcharged. 144 anim tua libes charge poure⸗ 74/7. Marne the therfoze to leue their wickednes, their cos tcifes, § uetife, their ambictd, their crueltpe, bnmercifulnes.¢c.and thou bak faued thine olvne foule. Foꝛ there tuas no quate tel with the peeachers;but be was caſt in p2ifon, wher wag weping and wailing, and grinding of teeth-thefe were bis delicates Mulei funt vocati, Many are called, but felv ar ches fen. Dothis parable now toineth this goſpel. Tunc Pharifes abeuntes, Phariſei was a fect of religion amonge the Jewes moſt erquifite,perfit,holpe,and learned, and wer reputed molſt godly men,cuen (uch as in holynes excelled all ofber, as oure Monkes were oflateamonge bs, and be pet in o⸗ ther places. Dhep were in Goddes bofome,cuen at heauen Abentine gates in the fight of f world: Wut in wardly ſuperſticious, channgen, Falned, bolotwbherted,ditimulers. Pol at thts time Pknoww none moze like them, the the bipocriticall holo barted pa- pittes. The name is changed, but the thing remapneth: Cherfoze thep map well be called by the name, that teepe thething. Theſe were enemies to Chriſt and his doctrine, Shep woulde be o2d2e0 by olde Wwonte, meet * thers: ‘ -atSramforde,-> 39 chers: and fo mainteyne their tradicions fet afpde the coms gnaundementes Of God, refuled Lheifle, and bis word · S. Luke hath ob/eruantes abſeruquntes, that ts watchers, tor ters, pies, muche like the obicruaunte frpers,the barefote ~ fryers, that tucre bere, whiche in dede were the Sifgop Of The pope ſpies Romes (pies, watching in euery conatrep, what Was fayd 02 don againſt hin. ie had tt bp and by, by eneo2 other of bis {pies,thep ver bis men all together, bis poftes to work againit the Regalitie. Ju the court, in toe noble mens bou- fes,at euery marchauntes boule, thoſe obferuauntes were {pping,toting,and lohing watching ¢ catching what thep might beare 02 fee againſt the fea of Rome. Cake hede of thefe obferuauntes, 20 bnderftande the worde obferuantes marke what the poet fayeth tn bis comedie. Obſerua Dauum, ~ Wake hede, beware and martte Dauum, fo2 they will be tire ring in euery totone,in euerygẽtelmans boufe, pea at their berp tables: tcl, be Wile, beware of hein. Ierant Contilin. ECThep toue a counfell,fome goonly thing, fome wayghty smatter,% am fure,that thefe bolp fathers confult bpon. It muſt nedes be fo2 the commune Wwealthe, and the profit of many, that thefe bolp fathers come together for. It was to ſnarle or trap bim in bis woꝛds. This was their deuice, this . was their counfell. Jo this ende thep gather fuche acompa sy of bolpfathers. Acouncell,a councell.Bonum eff concilium ſaid one. Pea marpe quod another : fed bonorum. A counceil is good, pea fir (fit be of good men. Foꝛ els whatis a coun⸗ ceil, ifit be Wicked, of wicked men? It they fay : Chis was done bp acounlelijoetermined fn a counfell, what is it the better,tf the councell be wickedꝰ Hicene councell was ga- thered of a great number of Biſhops and learned anen:ypet had not oneman ben, thep had determined contrarpe to gods woꝛd. hey wer minded,¢ erneftipe bent to make 4? — a decree that no peien chouid mary:but one oide man,¢ on Pets marped him felf, withſtode thatacte,eturncdthe councelg =~ minde:ſo that thep medled not with that decrec. 2nd why? moꝛe credencẽ is to be geuen to oneman having the bolpe., Tnn20 of ged fo2 him, then to r-thoufand without the word 3 it agree With Soddes worwe,itistoberecepucd-ifitas - gre notit is not to be receiucd though a coũcel xea though Nel. an anne ‘ A Sermon preached — am aungel krom heauen had determinedit. Touch it is that Chriſt qraunteth to a congregation gathered in bisname;: tobe amongs them,pea thoggh it be tit, There is as muche graunted to-fl.o2 three, as to ten thouſande, fo: ~~ thepcomein Chriſtes name. Wi duo vel tres congregati fant! in nomine meo, ibi ſum in medio eorum. In nomine meo, muche wickednes is don. In nomine domini, when they come toge⸗ ther, ſeking their olyn priuate luſt, pleaſures and ambicy⸗ ous deſires,it is notin 2m nomine domini, But to ſeeke Gods glow, Ch2ifkes gloꝛp, Chꝛiſtes true religion, that is in nome ae Chriſti,and then they ave to be bard. But what twas theſe mennes counfell ° Vt sllaqucarent eum in fermoné,. To {narle 02 tangle bintin bis wordes,tooters and wate chers fe cafche him tn his worde, that thep mighte enforce ~ fomtubat againſt him: Mon eft concilium aduerſus dominumt hele were wylp pres flepahtrechilozen, children of the two2lde,and crafteiy thep handled theirmattersy | oi tse _ Miferunt diſeipulos fuos cum Heredianis. Thepwoulduotgo themſelues, leſt ther might bauc bent kno wen, but heknew not their difciples as thep thoughte. And they uentnotas lone, but bad With thent erodes So bodiers, herodes fa⸗ uourers. Chis Herod was an Idumean, and thas appopnz ted bp the Romaines to gouerne theBe tied; and to gather © the tribute monep. Cherforw be was hated among ÿ Jewes € fo wer thofe that fauoured the Romaynes partjand inde dapne they were called Herodlangs. Molve Iwas ‘the tyme _ tome,that the bolp Patriarke pꝛophecied, that the Sceps Aagrementea: ter and kingdo me was remoued and Chriſt was borne. gaint God, This they chould haue marked, and recexued bie doctrine· But they wente aboute to deſt roye him, anv therfore thex brought the herodians with them, Berenowis an agre⸗ ment in wickednes betwene the Phariſeis and the herodi⸗ ans:agavnſte the truthe, agaynſte Chryſte againſt Goddes worde thep agree together, where as in dede neyther lo- ued other, but hated eche other as a toade. So, many no padapes of oure Phariſeis Papittes, in oeftroping the truth. thep agree tuonderg Well ¢ fobereas in popuate ——— “Pep hate one another as a toade. Tit: Shin ~~ Perecommes me noly thete bolp fathers from their ‘councel, t-atSeamforde; > too fontreell, and fende their Diſtiples with the herodians: anarke their bebantour,and marke Chriſtes bebauionre. They come lotvtyng and Wich lowe curtelpe, as thoughe they woulde sreape inte bis boſome: as fo2 Berods mens thep meddle not, bud ftande by to beare the taleas witneſ⸗ fes, and if be Mould (peake anp thinge amiſſe, be readye to lap handes bpon him. They wouide favnerit byntandde- Thus Fane Aixoy bim, but they would turne the enupe of the deed bon FIT Uc erode, fo that they woulde be feene fauteles. Jt had been yerfencc, moꝛe meete fo2 them to baue counceld holy to amend thetr fautes and to haue come to Cheyſte, to learne bis doctrines then to ſtudye maipcioufip to trappe bpm, ‘and to deſtrove hym. Mhat ſayde they? Magifler ſcim us quod verax es. &c. ~ | Mater toe know that thou arte a true manne, and tea⸗ chelt the ware of God trdlye,mafter Wwe knolve that thoi art Comme truthe,t thou telleſt the berp truth,and {pare sfozo manic, Chou arte plapne Tomme truth. Goodlye . Avozdes, but out of acancard fomacke and malicious hart. .. Smilyng (peakers crepe intoa mannes boſome, they loue and all teloue bin, they fauoure bis worse andcall hym Subtile fers Malter, and yet woulde gladly fec hint hanged. ‘+ pentes.; hele are in deede Bipocrites, one in bart and another in mouth, Ge knolwethatthouarteatrelymanne. .. _, At veam dei in veritate doces, pea thps ts Goddes wave staughtetrulve. Chere is Goddes waye and mannes Wap: » Dany teache mennes wape, but that ſhoulde not bee: we _ . Ahould tearne viam dei, Soddes waye, and that truly, with: »Sodlp Sermon, butat the lat they wil haue a blanched ale Blaunchers, mond claret Glo2p. Chey make g waie of Sod and mans wap togetbher,a “Mingle mangle as men ferue pigs in mp countrep. Chriſte ‘DIO Not fo.5e taught the wap Sr gon Tal —— poudering or blaũching.Theſe be thy properties of al trne preachers,that thefe confes to be ta Chriſte. It Was true e⸗ Mery orn that they ſpake. Eheiſte is our maſter appointed or god.he was true ¢ taught Gods ae ot mane ware .·.· — — ; : 2 “ H . ii. truly fae, SED ‘02 their olune A Sermon'preached — truly,not blaunching it with mannes doctrine, 0 mould we preachers be true men Pꝛeachers of Soddes waie, true ip truly, without regatd of perſon: That is foz no mannes pleafure cozvupting the t020,02 mingle mangle the woꝛd With mannes inuentions and traditions. od Were may patrons of benefices learne bpon what ma- ner a man thep ſhould beftotve their benefice. Upon a true mana teacher. ise map not be to lerne, and a fcholer wher he thould teache other, but one learned, hable to teache, has ble and well tilling to difcharge bis cure. Wat what doo Patrongofbe- VOU Patrons? Sell pour benefices,o2 geue them to pour fers nefices. uaunts fo2 their feruicte,fo2 keping of houndes,haukes,fo2 _ making of pour gardens. Chele patrons regard no foules, neither their owne, nor other mennes. what care thep for -- foules,fo they haue money,though they perith, though thep goto the Deuill⸗ NAhere as in dede the office of apatrone ‘ts to hauc.acare,a3seale,a bigilant eye fo2 foule healthe,< to proutde fo2 bis churches, that beis patron of, that the might betaughtin Gondes worde. Crulp many nowea bapes, firiue to be patrones of benefices,and go to thelay Who ſhould be patrone. And what ſtriue they fo2 think pez Cuen which of them Hall goo to the Deuilt fpr. Fo2 they regard not foule health no2 the office of preaching, the of- ‘fice of ſaluatiõ:where as in dete therfo2e are theppatrons . ‘te loke to it € to fe it be p2outden for. Son of his goodries'¢ Wierfore pas almighty power, might ordeyn otherwayes € meanes of srong °+ falnation: but this office of preaching ts it that God hathe pzdepned,as Saint Paule fapeth. Cure now cognouerit mundus ‘per [apientiam deum, placuit deo per flultitiam semi mos facere credentes, Ahere as the worlde ‘bp his re --hnetu-not Gon, it pleated Gon by folith preaching. to ſaue credentes,thofe that beleue, per Sultitiam praditacions, bꝑ ſoo ~~ lithnes of preaching, or foltth preaching, ic matteth no mat, ter. Not that it was folith in dede, but that the wiſeinen pf the worlde vid fo eſteme and take the preach ing-of the goſ⸗ pell, wheras in dede it is mot godly wyſdoame and the prea ching office,ts the office of ſaluation, and the only meanes he ottice ot that God hathe appointed to faluation. Credentes,' Thoſe ‘Galuacion, that beleue be laued bp this holy office of saa fa, r ded io Enh ‘ Te ae ee 7 ou —— atStamford, > © ior % would wich it were better loked Dito, and peouided fo2, ‘and that patrons and biſhops thould fee moze diligently to it, then bathe ben done afore Sime : JWwould aflie no moze diligence to this office of faluation,then met are wont to beftolve bpon thele worldly pleafures and luker 02 comma dities. Nay Wwoulde thep bettow but the halfe labour and papnes,and fome litell part of the erpences, tt Were fell. To confider what hath ben pluckt from Abbaies, collens ges, and chaiitries:(t is meruell no moze to be bellowed bp on this bolp office of faluation. It map Well be fapd by vs that the Loꝛde complayneth by bis Prophet. Domus mea deferta, vos feftinatis vnufqui/que in domum fuam, What is Chzittes boule but chꝛiſten foules: but Hho mas keth anp p2ouifion fo2 themtzeuerp man (crapeth and get, teth together kor this bodelp boule, but the foule health is Cowttenrines neglected, fcholes are not mafnteined, fcholers haue tot er ponte, hibition,the preaching office decayeth: men prouide lands and riches fo2 their childzen, but this moft neceffary office, thep fo2 the mot part, neglect. Verye few there be that bel peth poo2e fcolers, that fetteth their child2en to {cole to leatne the worde of God, and to makea p2ouifion fo2 the age to come. This notwithſtanding is the onlp waye fo fal uation, God twill not deuife any nel way as farre as J per ceiue, but ould baue bs to bfe this waye o2depned al rea dp. Chis preaching wap we oughfe to bfe, and not fo loke fo2 anp nel tay, this office of faluation we ought te main teptic,¢ not loke fo2 any other. Dp requeſt is that pe Would beſtow as much to the maintenaunce of this neceſſarie of- —— fice of ſaiuation as pe were wont to beilo boe in times pate no new ware. vppon Komiſh trifels and thinges of mannes tradicions. Kether doo J nobo (peake for mp ſelfe and mp couente, as the begging Friers were wonte to doo. J haue enough, F thanke God, and Ineade not to begge. Iwoulde euerpe preacher were as Well poutded as nip felfe chorow thys Realine,as in dede JIthyncke them as well worthre as my ſelf. tvith¢ J fape)pe would beſtobb as muche bppon thys acceflarp office of faluation, as in times patie pe bette wed MPilgrimage, in mages, in gildpng,painting,in Balles, N. iii. Diriges, Father Latte t8 wiſhe· A Sermon preached. Diriges. Trentauls,Chauntryes and ſuche vayne thinges of the Rompfhe Pharpleis and Papiſtes inuentpng. Ye woulde doo that withoute callpng,and fo thys wil pow Not be ready when pe be called. Ff ithee no betterin time wyat a charge 2 come, then hitherto loked vnto, then Englande will at — the laſte bee wayle it, Chik knew What a charge hangeth theott ce oepre bpon this neceſſary office of preaching the office of ſalua⸗ ching. tion,and therfore motte earneſtly applyed it hym ſelfe. And when be chofe bis twelue Apottles to fend them forth buto thps office, he fp2k peapedallthenighte. bebepng God almighty with the father, might haue geuen all gifts fitte fo2 this office, but to teache bs, be woulde fp2fke praie all nighte, ere is good matter for Willhops and patrons tolooke bpon, and not toregarde fo lytell whome thep Geue their benefpce bnto,02 whem they admit to cure the Hotethig pe {ules they haue charge of, Anatable example. Chaple gatrons, praped ail nighte, or he woulde fende them forthe, 02 be woulde put them in this preachig office, this mofte neceflas - rpe office af ſaluation.Foꝛ be falve that thep bad neade of greate seale to God, and to foulebealthe, that Hould take bppon them to keepe foules,and a boolde courage and ſpi⸗ tite that ould rebuke the worlde of thepz fpnne and wic⸗ kednes, Danp will chooſe nolwe fuche a Curate fez theiz foules as they map call foole,cather then one that hail ves buke their couctife, ambition, bumercifulnes, vncharita⸗ blenes, that thalbe (ober, dilcrite, apte to repꝛoue, ana te ſiſt the agapne fapers, with the worde of God. 153 i os hele bee the properties of cuerpe good preacher, to be ——— a true manne, to teache, not dꝛeames, noꝛ inuenctons of of menne,but viam deiin veritate, the wayent Sod trulye. Gnd not to regard the perfonage of manne. Pot to creepe into bis bofom, toclaive his bache, fo fape te the wicked be doothe Well, fo2 fylthre lukers fake, -.Qh thele flattes rers ho greater myſchyfe in the commune wealthe ther thefeflatterers. But who woulde haue diſcerned this but pure faufour Jeſus Chriſte: De (pred thenteut and knew all their malitious hartes, they onebaritable bartes,theys diſſimulyng heartes and faydes Wives ii Quid Stamford, roꝛ Quid me tentatis hypoeritæ. hHipocrites, hipocrites, isipocrites, one in harte, a nos ther tn mouthe fayre in preteace, but full of miſchief, and dake ons malicpous harted totthin. be fay bat was within. Hipocrites. Then haue at pe, J Hipocrites, thep put forth their ques ftion. Licet cenfum dare Cefarian non? 2 perfions queftion to anſwer fo. This twas the fruite of their counfeli, and thys was the fare laped fo2 bpm, what ſhoulde he doo nobbe: holde bys peacez Ghat haa ben afiaunder to bys doctryne. They woulde haue ſayde: loo, howe ignozaunt beis inthe lave that bathe no aunfwere to thys fpmple € plain queflion, Jf he affirme ¢€ bia pay the tribute, be thall incurre the batred of the people, ſeeme to to fpeake in the fauoure of the Rontapnes. It be woulde # camnscrons haue denved it. Chen had they that they foughte, — — he Herodians were readye to laye handes vpon hym, to haue hym to Bocardo, to priſon with him, a traptour that ſpeaketh againite Ceaſer, abay with this ſedicious felow. O VLorde what perillis it to haue to doo with theſe Hi⸗ pocrites? The coulde haue ſcaped thys ſnare, but Chryſte onely whiche isthe wiſdome of the father, and knew all theyr malicyouſnes andcraftpe {lepahtes? And as he ther by bis wyſdome ouercame them, ſo now doutles he geueth wiſdome to all bys, to fppe oute and beware of iheir ſutle gon genety craftes. Foꝛ fuche trapnes, trappes, (nates and futleties, wiſdome. - as thefe pharifes laped fo2 Chaptte, fuche haus oure Pba- rifatcall Papiſtes layed for Chꝛiſtes preachers. Gut he mec cyfullp cucr fulfplled bys. pꝛomiſe, daboos & fapientiam, cui non poflunt refiftere omnes aduerfarit veftri. 4 Wilicfapth Chap) geue mouthe and wiſdome, which all youre: aduerfarpes (hall not beable torefifte. They hall not be tounge tyed, thep haue thep2 aunſwere, pea fo wyle that thep2 aduerſaries ſhall not be hable to refitte. They maype tell opprelle it herein thps twozlde with pow er, but thep can not bee hable fo ouercome if with argues mentes of truthe,no, all the packe of aduerfarpes {with all theit (ubreltpes,fnares,and gpnines. They may raple bpow tt,asin manpe places leudfelotwes doo agapnite Prieſtes Marpages, sUePSIQURETLIASTD Bh Peres tere sean Ke Hp. iiii. That ‘A Sermon preached. Chat Dame bys twpfe, 8 riancof _. Dit they can not denycit by any icripture, but that the Opekese Mariage of Papetics is as geadand godly, as the mariage * — pfany other manne. Foꝛ tedlocke is honourable amonge all menne.And the weaned bedde ondefyled, . And to avopde foonication,let cuerpe man haue his olyne Iwyfe, Weill, let thet raple, let them doo what they canne agaynile the truth, Re/pice finem: marke the ende.Loke bpe pouthe ende. The ende is, all aduerfaries of the truth mut be confounded and come to noughte, nepther thall they be able to refit it. And thoughethe pooze Diſciples be trous bled, bered,and perfecuted, marke the ende. Che hiek promotion that Sod can beyng bys onto in this life is to fuffer foꝛ bis truth . And it is the greateſt fetting foorthe of bys worde, it is Sondes (cede: And one fuffering fo2 the truthe,turneth moze thei a thoufand Sermons, J Will fell you an example of thys, bow Sod geucth mouthe athe and wyſdome. aS ; * ine 3 Was once in eramination before fiue oꝛ fire Withops, where J had much turmopling-euerp weeke thriſe J came to examynations, and manp {nares and trappes were layd to get fome thyng. Polv Gov anoweth Jwas ignoraunt of thelaive, but that Sod gaue me anſwer and wiſdome what ¥ fhoulve (peake. At was Gor in deve, fo2 eile J had neuer efcaped them. At the laſt I was bzought fo2the to be erampned, ints a chamber banged with arras, wher Iwas befoze wonte to be eramypned, but now atthys tyme the chamber twas ſomewhat altered. J Foꝛ where as before there was wonte euer to bee a fyre fie the chrmnep, nowe the fyre was taken alvape, and an Ate race hangyng hanged ouer the chymney, and the table ſtode neare the chyninepes ende, fo that 3 fone betipene the Table and the chymneyes enae. Shere was amonge thefe OSihops thateramined me, one with whom’ I haue beet very fantpliar, and tooke bim fo2 my greate frenve, an Aged man, and be fatte nertethe table ende, © : Then amonge ail other quettpons,be put foorth ones & bery ſubtyll audcraftye one, andfuche one in Dede, ag F coulve not thyncke fo greate daunger tit, po n And when J Houlde make aunſwer, Ppeape you maptter Lattiner fapde he fpeake oute/ Jam berpe thicke of hea⸗ rynge, and here be manye that fptte farre of. J maruap- ded at thps,that J as bidden ſpeane oute , and began to mifdeme,and gaue an care to the chimney . And ſyr there J hearde a penne walkynge in the chimnep bebpnde the cloth. hey hadde appopnted one there to fy2pte al mpne aunfweres, fo2 they made ſure woorke that J thoulde not farte from them:there was no ſtartynge from them. God was my good Lorde, and gaue me aunfiveare, J coulde neuer elffe haue ſcaped it. The queftion was thys: Maptter Latimer, doo pou not thincke on pour conſcience that you bane bene fufpected of berefpe 2 A fubtile queſty⸗ A ſubtil queſti on,a berye fubtile queſtion. There was no holdynge of peace woulde ſerue. To holde my peace hadde beene to graunte my felfe fautye. To aunſwer, it was euerpe wap fuil of daunger. Out God whiche alwaye bathe geuen me aunſwer, healped me, o2 elffe F conloe never baue eſtaped it, and delpuercd me from thep2 handes. Manye one haue had the like gratious delinerance,and beene endued wyth gods wiſdom ¢ gods [pirit, which all their aduerfaries cart not be able to refitte, Ofexdite mihi numifma cenfus, Hhewe me fatd be a peny of the tribute mony. Chey layd Mares to. deſtroy them, but be ouerturneth the inthey2 olvn traps. — Qui comprebendit taftutos in fallacia eorum. he taketh the crat tp in their stun fubtile ginnes and fnares, but not malici⸗ ouflp to Deftrop thent,as they malttiouflp wold baue fene bim banged, but mercifulipe to tourne them frog: theyr Wicked imaginations, that thep mighte conſider that no wiſdome, no fubtile craftes,no2 Countell is agarnſte the: 102d, and fo repent and become new men. de slz obtulerunt illi denarium. And thep bought him a denarz,a peer of thep2 currant copne, that Was woth prof our bfual pence, ſuche another pece as out Teſtorne. And he fapa. Cuzase/t maga me & [nper [ereptior dicunt ei Cafans, whole Jmage ts thys, andftuperfeription 2 Chey ſaide Cealers, for notwe was Jewrve broughte onder the bondage of the Romains, and therfore bien thep the Romaine copne, that had vppon it both Ceaſars image,and Cealars fuperitriptions —- * Gene eche his Ws ASermon preached | Then aunflveared fetus, Reddite ergo quefuut Cafaris Cæ- farie que [unt dei Deo. Pape to Cealar that is due te Ceas far andto God that whichisGueto God. — | Waue not a mingle mangle of them , but geue ta Goo bys owne, geue to Cealar bis stone. To G D D gene thp foulc,thy fapthe, thy boore, thy obedient minde to keepe hys woorde andframe thy life there after ; To Ceafar geue tribute, Tare, Subſidie, and all other dueties pertete ninge to him, ag to haue hym in thy honoure and reue- renee, to obey bis tutte lawes and righte wiſe commanns dementes tC. | But becaufe the tyme ts patte , F topll beare make an ende fo2 thys kore noone,defiringe pou to p2ay to Sod fo2 bys bealpe, fo2 at after noone J purpofe te begin agayne at this texte, and to goo forthe as Sod thall geue me hys rate. : Nowe let bs al fay together the Loꝛdes prayer. Onre fas ther which art in heauen. & c. ¶ The reſydue of the Golpell, declared at after _ hone by maiſter Latimer, Reddire cafari quz funt Cæſaris, & que _ ; -f{unt,dei,Deo. | Elde to Cealar, that belongeth to Ceaſar andto God, that belongethto God , pe (YK cy Map percetue bp that Wwe haue ſarde, who ZY (aS (pake thete wordes, and bpon what occa é 9} {pon thep were (potien. Dure faupoure Chꝛiſt fpake them to the tempting Pha⸗ +... tifes , fo thecraftpe and ſubtile holowe arted Pharifes,twillinge them ts knowe their duetye by their olvn confeflion,and to geue to Cealar his dutye,and fo Sod his dutpe. Dur (autoure Chriſte (pake them. gIf he ſpake thei, we oughte fo regarde them. Regarde them Jᷣ fay and make muche of thein,fo2 thougbe thep were thew ſpoken to them, vet in them thep Were fpoken to all the- Woꝛld, J bfe tomakea rebearfall of that. J (patie before, but becante the time ts ſhorte, F will omit it. The feruvee oe; u of,M,Latimer. 104 mint be Done, and the dape goeth fate abbaye. Therfore ꝰ Wwil to my nratter, and leaue the reberfall. hele words be wordes of great impoꝛtaunce, and would lel be confide- red:fo2 he that doth this,recciueth greate benefites by if, but be that doth tt not incurreth great bammage and dan ger. The occafpon was acounfel taken amonge theſe hoz ip fathers to ſnarle Chriſt, good and charitabledede, pet wer thep holy men,bolpe fathers, full of charitpe bp to the harde cares. This they learned tn their councell, and thys nol thep fet on broche. but Chit nowe cauleth then. ta. They aunſwer niake anſwer fo their olun quettion,as be alfo did a lpttle theyz own ques before. When he was come bp inte Zerufalé,and had diz FL» uen out the biers and fellers in the temple. The Archpha⸗ tiles, prouincials and Abbots pharifeis, came ſtoutlye to. him as he twas preaching tn the Lemple, ahd ſaid to him: Qua authoritate iſta facis?aut quis dedit tibi iftam aut horitateme ap What authoꝛite dof thou thele things? who bath geuẽ thee this authozity? Me hane the rule of the people of god we baue geuen thee no ſuch authoritx. Abõderous things. Chik bad tekimonpe of his father « This is, my beloucd. fonne bear him. Ihon had boos him witneſſe, fapinge. Be⸗ bold the Lambe of God, that taketh alvayethe finnes of p Wold, bis workes and miracles wer teſtimonies that bys. doctrine Was of Gods Wwellsal this Wil not ruc. He mule: hauelicence of thele holvefathers, o2els all is nothpnge: Wwoeth, Chriſt anſwered not directipe to their queftyon, but afked them a nother queftion,¢ made thet geue anſwer a gainte them (clucs,¢ as it Were lth one wedge drrued out another. The baptifine of Zhen, Was it of Eod:oꝛ of man: WMas Zhon lent of Cod, bad he his authsaitp af god: 02 of man? bere he driueth them to confeſſe bis doctrin ta be of Gad. For Ihon whome theycould not denye to haue ben ſent from god, bare witnes that bis doctrin was truce It they had coñfeſted wold haue inferred, why be⸗ leuc pe him nots $i cher ſhoulde haue ſarde Ihon was not of god:thẽ wald al v people haue ben againſt them, pea in a horlye buripe haue ſtoned them, This thep conſydered wethin them ſelues, and yet therz malitious — — ‘A Sermon preached The Hharifes not bear it fo confes the truth,nay rather like wiſe gentle confeffe igno⸗ rancy. men thep anfivered. Ge know not, {we cannot tet. Theſe Arch Pharifes thought nothing might be done, 92 taughte Wwithoute their licerile, no2 otheriwtfe, but as thep pleafed to interp2eat. hep were like our religion ¢ clerz gy, that thought nothing mought be taughte, but as thep pleated. hep wold pay no tribute, tare no2 tribute. Chep had their Immunities, patucledges and graunts fromthe Romain bithop. And to maintain this, thep alledged ma- up fcriptures as thus, Nolite tangere Chriftos meos, whiche is touch not mine annopnted 02 confecrated people, whyche WwWordes the Lord (pake by the Iſraelites in Cagipte, war⸗ A good profe, Gene to one Cealar, ning King Pharao to leaue and ceafe from perfecutpng p Iſraelites, € it maketh as much fo2 our cleargpes immu⸗ nity, and poucth it as wel, as tf a man alledged, Quem ter ra pontus to pꝛoue that an Ape hath a tail. Well, thep an- fiveren, Cefaris, Lelars , thep conſfeſſed it was Lefars mos ny, and Lefars image and weytinge bpon it: heare Chriſte compelled thent to make ãſwer vnto their olune queſtion. And if enuy thould arife,to take it them (elf. Foꝛ thep com felled it to be Ceaſars. Then ſaide be. Seue to Ceſar that which is Ceafars,and to God thatis due toGod. Whys anſwer of Chriſt J woulde haue you all fo learne:geue to pour Cealer to pout hing,to our moſt noble king Edward our Ceafar, our king and magiffrate appopnted, and gee uen to bs of Sod, geue to him that twhiche is due to hym. Thys is a commaundentente of God, as are thefe: Thou {halt not murther, thou thalt not fteal,no2 beare falf wit⸗ nelle againt thy neighbo2s. dnd as thou art: bound vpon peacil of thy fouleto obey the other,fo bpon pearill of thy foule thou art bound to obey and kepe this. Loke wel bp- Geue, is an he on it, koʒ tt is bppon pearill of thp, qeue,genesa Up worde to Come, heauy woꝛd to a couetous hart,to a rebellious barte, thep would not hear Reddite 02 date,pap o2 geue, but take, catch kepe faſt. We areal bound to line in obedpence vnto oure hing onder bis tuft and rightwile laives and commaunde- ini ntes.Chatile came in dede to deliuer bs from burthens and bondage , but that was not from ciuill and polityke lalves and obedience, : bi $e at Stamford, - 108 e tame to deliner bs from the greateit bondage that | ve, from (inne and damnation. Whe beanies barthew that heme athe cant de is fpnne,and in compgrifon of ic ai other burthens Bing buroes ave but light and eaſy matters to beare. Thertore Cheitke caine to deliuer bs from that,and gaue bis body to. be torn vpon the croſſe fo2 that. peither could any work 02 lawe, oz fatrifice redeme bs from that; but Chat onipe.zZ neuer pꝛeached in Lincolne thire afoze,no2 came here afo2e, faue | onte luben J Went to take orders at Lincoln, which was a good while ago,therfo2e J can not fap much of Lyncolne . {hire,fo2 J know it not, but F dare fape, it incoin thire be — ag other plates that J know, this tert condemneth a great Lincoln Mire ‘manp of Lincolite ſhyre, and dziueth them do vn to bel for bꝛeakinge of this commanndement:Geueto Ceafar that wiche ig duc to Ceafer,and to God that twhiche is due to Gop, Whe office of a magittrateis grounded vpon Goddes Woꝛrd and is plainly deferibed of S. Paule, wrptinge vnto the Ronraines, where he ſheweth that all ſoules, that is to ſay all men ought to obep the magiftrates, fo2 they are 02 dained of God,and to relift them, is to reli agapni God. “F027 be is Sods minifter ordained to punifhe the wycked and to maintaine the good. da betioze Wwe ought to pap to him tribute cuſtome, Cares and other thinges. that he res quiret vpon vs as Chik fapeth bere, Kedate geue to Ce⸗ far. how much Wwe ſhuld geue,be defineth not, but leauech it to Ceaſars offpcers to Determine, and to bis counſellto appoynt. Chriſt was not the Cmperoures treafurer, thers aes fozebe medled not wyth that poynt,but left it the treaſu⸗ — pes rerto define and ocfermine. ibe went about another boca: turer, tion;ts pꝛeache vnto the people their duetye and to obep thep2 Princes, Hinges, Cimperoures and magifirates, anv. to bin them geue that the kynge requireth of them notte ‘appopnt a kyng what he ſhal require of then It is meete fo2euerp man to kepe bys olyne vocation, and diligentlye Malte in it, and With faithkulneſſe to fudpto be occupyed. in that God hathe called him vnto and not to be bufpe itt. that Sod hatbe not called hym wruto . Therefore fayeth. ‘Chzitke : geue to Cealar''; but Delappopnteth not howe muche, fo2 that ſhoulde bis trealurer kngive,and — arns — — —— — A Sermon preached — —— enough, that the people be _ Mot oppeefled wyth ornetefarpe burthens 5 nor thatthe ~ kyngestreafures be to fees Joben they ſhoulde be occupy⸗ eb, The kynge mufte haue bis treafures afoze bande, what Ehe tre chaunce fo euer come foodenty. Jt is no reafon when the tersbuctp, Ange Mould occupy bis treafure in maintenaunce of aco moi iwealive,in defence of acounttpe, in maintaininge of ‘bis Warres,that then his monye ſhould be in thy purie to - ſeke and vngathered· Nay he mult haue tt in a redineſſe, at hand, that it be notite ſeke. And he muſt haue as muche as is neceffarp for bim. Foꝛ ſo much is due to a king as is ne⸗ ceſſary, and fo much map be require by the law of God, and PBowemuche a take of bis commons is as necefarpe. Andthat mule not Hing may take, thou no2 ¥ that are fubiectes appopnt; but ——— Self muſt appoynt it, bis counſel muſt appoynt tt, we muſt geue it, toc mut papit,fo2 itis duc fo the: — vppon pe per ril of thp foule thou muſt pay it. And as be that taketbanp fippet or mycloke doth me Wong and is a the ele:ſo he that doth not pay te the king that is bis Due; Without fraude og guti, doth the king weong, and is in peril of bis foul fo2fe doing. Gel, marke it wel now, aud fe Whether thys bea nipping tert for couetous mé 02 no:Geue to Ceaſer, pᷣ fs duc to Ceafar. When the parliament, the highcourte of this reaime is gathered together.¢ there it is dete emyned _ that euery man thal pap a xv.part of his goods to vᷣ kyng: When commiſſiõs comefozth,¢ he that in ſighte of men tu acwwenty pond bis cattell,co2ne,fhepe , and other goons ts worth an. C. grenne fothe marke or an.€-pound, twill fet him felfeat x. pound, be wit eng. be worth no moze to the king but after x. pounde · Tell me now whether this be theft oꝛ no⸗ his cattel,coꝛne, ſhepe iw eucry mannes eves chalbe worth ũ. C. pound beſides other thinges, as mony and plate, and be wil mary bis daughter and giue With bertiti.o2 v. C.markes, and pet at the valus _tion be Wil be a re. pound man, doth be giue to Cefar that which is due fo CefareDoth be not rather rob the hinge of bis bound duety and debt that be ought to the king⸗· pes it is berp thefte,and thou mightet With as goed conſcience fale mp big 82 my tippet * me, as ſorvnivir nee eG 29.8 bis ev * silos: ‘ar Stamford, 1 06 withhold hb the Hing that which the parltamẽt hath tene °° bntotheking,tt ts thy bounde duety to pay bimtrutp that which ts qranuted fo2 itts oye pebt; and vpon perl of thy foule thou art oud to obey it. pra Jwill fap moze. If the king ſhould requite of the an vniuſte requeſt, pet arte thou bound to pay it, and not reſiſt nor Febell againſt the kinge· The king in dede is in pearil of his ſoule foꝛ afkinge of an Tye king map vniuſt requeſt, and Good will in his due time recken wyth bevnink,. hint kor it but thou muſt obey thy king, and not take vpon thee to iudge bint, God is the kynges tudge, and. doutlelſe Wil grevoullp puniſh him, if he do any ching dneighteonls ip. Dherfore pray thou fo2 thy hing, and pay bint his due⸗ tp, and diſo bey Hint not. And kitow this, that when fo ener there is anpe iniuſt exactisn laid vppon thee, it ts a plage andpanithinente kor thy fitine,as alother plages are, as gre huuger, dearth pettilenceand ſuch other. We merucl, ive ate plaged as we be, and Ithinke verely this vniuſt ¢ bnfaithful dealing With our princes, is one great cauſe of out plage:loke therfo2e euerpe man bpon his conſcyence. One caufe of : Pethal net be tudged bp Wozloly policy at the latter vaye,icucs, Sut by Gods Word. Sermo quemlocutus ſum vobis,ipfeindicabir ; vosin nouiſſimo die. Che Boord that J haus fpoken to vou, that chaliudge pou at the latter dap. Loke tel no oe eue⸗ rp matt vpon bis confciente, and ſee whether be haue done this commaundemente of Sod! geue to pour kinge, that which is duc to bim,and be that findeth him felfe gilty, let him amendin tine to come, This ts harde geare and ſore gear thou wyltſare geue geue, J haue wife and children and greate charge: tell J chall tell thee, it minttheth not ike ar thyttocke one farththge atthe pearesende; Warken what’! Gon fapthe: Ki audicritis verbemea, If pow Will heare iy ee Wwongdes fapth God and kepe that Icommaunde thee , ¥ coon | Iwpll blette thee and Sinon andierisis, 3f pe pl not Bear mp tyegocher wodordes, and do mp commaundements, thou thalt be cure Wig ſed ec. bat is blefing, not wagginge of the ſyngers, as pure bythoppes inere wWonte but it is· pl fauoure thee and entreate thy qoones, thy come, thy cattel,thy Dre, thp- Qhepejand in al thy buſyneſſe thou thaite — goo" ) | Se) * foparae * J aa 5 — — ee — —— and torward. And what is the curtte, but to be oute of@ondes fauoure, JI lopli empouerithe thee, thy cogne, thy cattle,thp Dre, thy hepe thal not prolper, what theu takett in band, ff hall not goo fozivarde. Thys was not taughte in tys mes pall, nen bad pilgrimages , Images, Palles, Tren⸗ tais ¢c.but Iwoulde haue pou muleof thefe two poynts, curſed, il thou bear not Gods word, cemmaunding thee to €: pap thy dutp to the hinge, and bleed if thou beare it and : — Of De? Koneit,f wouldve haue pouto mute of thele tuo thinges. i hat it hall not miniſh thy ttocke. Shel me one man in ali England that ts the pozer fo2 paying the king his du⸗ ty,fo2 being a true dealing mana good alines man éc. Many haue cone to pouertp bp difing,carding,riet, whore Dome and ſuch like. Wut never no man by truthe, nrercpe, alines,right dealing With the hing. In the cardinals time mẽ wer put to their othes to — at thep wer worſh. t wasa ſore thing, anda oF not fo befor lowed. D Forde What periurpe twas * Englande by that fwearinge, Lhincke this realme fareth the worſſe pet ſor that periury. Foꝛ doutleſſe many one willingly and wit⸗ tingly forꝛſware them feluesat that tine. Zt isa dear time thou wilt fap,and men baue much a de to liue, therſore it is a good pollicp to ſet my felfuruch leſſe then ¥ aur, well, thatis thp woridly pollicpe,and with it thou runneft inte the curfe of God fo2 bzeaking bis wo2be andconmmaundes ment: Geue to Ceaſar, that Which is due to Ceaſar. F wyl tel thee a good politcp to kepe thy focke, and fo maintain thine eftate,not a pollicp of the wozld, but of Gods woꝛd. and it is this. Quertte primum regnum dei, & tnflitiam eius & s golicve f0 bac omnia adicientarvobisfeke fyrſt the kingdome of God; ¢ doce He the rightuouſnelſe of it; and al there thinges ſchalbe piente⸗ pully geuẽ fo pou. Bot thou not beicue this to: be trueris ue bolot be man,an vntrue man, a diſſembler: The lies make him a true man, and we mate him a falſe te eis a frue man, and bis woꝛdes and promileare trae. Pap ive befalfe holow harted,and therfore tullly pu nitged. Foꝛ ff we wonid crevite bis wordes, it chuld ſvith · out dout be geuen ds aboundantly vpon heapes, pea more then tue couid deſyre. Ahen at Stamford, | Fol,107, When we play forthinges vnto almyghty God, what afisc ‘tec,00 tue afke forthwith at b acs chop our neceflaries? Rap Chit taught bs fpatk to poay: Dur father which art in hea⸗ nen, halowed by thy name,thy kingdom come, thy wyll be ‘pon in earth as it is in heauen 3c. Fprit we prape thele peti he reat goer of prarer. ‘be in ⸗ daſh, we wonuld baucour day 7BGeã he Frit chop, €fo tue haue that, toe force litle oF theotber. Wie wyl notfay in woes that we thinke God falle, but in dedes we playnly afficmett , for wæe truſt hym not, neyther beleue bis-promile when be byddeth vs, gyus geue J wyl bleſſe ye, I wyl make god mp woord. Pap nay, ‘$or wylſcrape and ſcraule, and catch and pul fo vs al that we map get. Ahi diuidunt fua, & ditiores frunt,alii rapiunt non ſua et femperin egeftate funt. Some men (faith Sal amonyoeutdes their atone gods, thep pay the kyng his dutp, euery man bis obon, giue almes,¢ pet are arbre richer, thep bane tough and enough. Dther,rob other men,cratch and ſcrape al that thep may come by neuer content, neuer inough, beape to heape, € —— they al way beggars.Qui benedicit impignabitur, he that blefleth thal bee fat and wealthy.· He that bleMeth(not wrth , 33* bys fingers but helping the pare people, be ſhall be blefed and euer haue inough, god wyll bleite hym, Ged {wl encreafe him. And in dede fo saght mento confer their giftesand gods tobe genen. v2 illorum copia, aliorum fuccurs Hote thes well. vat inopie. That their aboundaunce might ſuccour thẽ neceſ· Aty, pouerty, and myſery oftheyr pore neyghbours, and nol fo wat it, conſume in ryot and erceffe, but in dedes of mers cy, in dedes of charity and pity bpon the pore . Qui miferetur pauperis ,feneratur domino, He that bath mercy vpo the poore, he lendeth vpon dfarp vnto the 1020 . Thys is a god bfury, to make God thy debter. Many lendeth vpon woridly vſerp, wyich lurely is a bery wicked thing, and God forbpadeth tt. But this vlury God commaundeth and pꝛomyſeth to ſupply the lacke of it in thy cofers. he wyl be debter, be toplbe pap wiautter· Chou chalt not find thy ok enintiyen at & peat Lrarne fe fgend thp goods. Good vlu⸗ tye. · es ©.j. ce he Pini iter muttbe pꝛouided fop Lhe hry muffs ap⸗ “ {6 es The lag therfezemak apgopnt tbe minifters theit liumges bp bys awe, and that fring that the Bing ap⸗ point p cai⸗ popnteth,they mull cayme and pou mul papett te — bo hifters ly⸗ ueng. trvlp,fo2 tt is thers duty 2 if is thette to voitdeaw it o2 it fromm them. Fo2 Sen commaundeth routs obey pour bings lawes, and by the fainelatwcs the ing geueth the miniſter bps tithes andother dutxes, therſoꝛe Dpon peril of thy foule — perfor. donothing: Shai F pay hvm nip fithes that eath bs nd Ga ndꝛ noñe well do Pea J Gaye thou mule pavebpm bps dutp, thou art bound fo obrp thy Bing and to pap fo thy Curate p tithe that thou art comtmaunded, Sut fome wyl fay,our Cuz rate is naught,an Aſehead adodipeli,a lackelatin and cant He | at Stamford, —_- Fol,108,. find if he de ſuch a one, complaine fo the Byſhop Wie haue complained to the odinary,¢ bgis as negligent as he. Com⸗ plaine to the councel,{p2 f baue we done but na reniedp cart be bad. Ael 3 can tel where thou thalte contplapns . Come plain to 70d, be wylſurely heare the, be wyl remedy it. Chriſt Galo the peaslelping,tanquam ones non habentes paſtores. AS Mepe bauing no ſhepehard. hep had Byſhops, ſcrybes and Phariſes, curates in name a great many, vet were they tans uamoues non habentes paſtorem, AS ſheepe hauing no ſhepe⸗ Hoard, whatie that tefave? they had wo true teachers , they ‘had no preachers of fhe lawe of God to them. Wibat remedpe taught Cheiſt foꝛ it, withorawe theyrliuinges? ap. Make tu⸗ i mults2nay, but,rozare domtinxm meffis,prav ploxd of p harueſt Pap, pray. raver is the remedy that never fayleth, when al A meane to other fatleth thys neuer fapleth. Sher fore pray vnto God,and reforme ne he wolepther turne bis hart and make hii better eꝛ remoue bligent Cy him from thee and fenda better in bys place,osels take hym tates. away all to gether So wyl the Lord do forth anp other ops preilour of the pape, epther be wyll turne theyr bartes, and amake them befter,o2 els remone them and take them quite a way. Therſore ict men be pactent and {uffer, and prape onto @o0 fordelyusraunce from their troubles, and not thincke to remedy it tient (clues, but pape to Ood, and be wwviremedp it.Pꝛay J fap, and take pecience,and pou thal fe the 1020 wil in due tyme remedp it. here be many that turnethys terfe Many turn lene contrary. fo2 thep peld to Ceafar that which is Gods, thys tert. ‘and to God that which is Cealars. They haa mionep ough =~ to build Monaftaries, Chauntries, Dales, vere datos, Tren⸗ fals,to gild finages.€c. And all thys thep dpacfave theyto bo: ‘nour God wit. REESE They would worſhip God with copes, torches, tapers, cans Dels, €an hundred things nis that god never required attheir Hands.God requiretythe hartesto feare him x loue bint, and AWoudiouſſy to walk before him: Butthis inward ſeruice wx wil not giue him. Mav, ioe giue Ceaſar our heart, ¢ God our >" gutivard (erutce ,asalfuch do as haue recetued the Intetin. God chould polles dur whole heartes and tex ould molſt ‘Siopoully walke curp man in i aia | Bac ge TC a Bs 4 fee), Fast} The Sermon preached the word Of Cod, according tobis commaundementes , obey Che true ing our king, and ſuccouring the pore aud needy, as be hath. Gos fer: coummaunsed vs. And thys ts true Gods ferupec, ana the uice. thing that belongeth to God. Ifthys be true, whãt is be come of our forefathers: Janſwer, it is a vayne and vnpꝛoſitable queflid other it nedes not, oꝛit bates not. Mhat ſa euer thep- yd, let vs do wel. Let bs kepe Gods bidding. Gods conmaũ⸗ denientes, and then are we fafe . ben one dteth we muk hauc belles ryngyng, ſinging ano much a do. But to what purpoſe.Tholſe that dye in the fauour of God are well, tho that dye out ofthe faucur of God, thys cando them no god, vhiceciderit lignum ibi erat. Where the tree falleth , there it hall remaine. Study therfore to vue ui the fauour and grace. of God, in repentaunce, in amendement of Ipfe, and then dy⸗ the eft thou well. further to the queftion ofour forefathers . God — © knolweth hys etect,and diligentiy watcheth and kepeth them Fathers to gg that all thinges ſerue to theyz ſaluacyon The nature octyre Can. is fo been al that is laid in it, vet Gob kept the. iy. vong men in Wabilon, that they burnt not. And Woplesfawea buſh ow: fp2e, but it burnt not. 0 fale doctrine,es fre burneth, it cor⸗ rupieth. But God kept bis clect that they there not corrupte wich ft, but alwayes put their trutt inone ever lyuing Ood,. thoꝛowe the death of geſus Chriſte our Lowe. In Clias time Idolatry and ſuperſtition raigned, ſo that Elias favd , domine altaria tua fubuerterunt. md thep bane deſtroyed thyne al> tars,and Maine thy propbetes epreachers,and J am leſt alone · wut the Loꝛd anſwered hym, J haue referued to my felfe. bit. @.mert that haue not boned their knee to Waall.0 Godcã truft>referusd our forefathers, ta fo perilous times wine gra⸗ cioully then wecan think. Aet vs thank Con then forthe gra cious lighte of bps boord fent bnieds,and prap for our graci⸗ ous king and bps councel, that fet tt foorth vnto vs. And as for our forefathers ,fetng tue haue no charge giuen vsof G od, leaue theut,and comend them bitte gods mercy, who diſpoſed better for them then Wwe can wyſhe. But ſome wyl fave nol, tobat neede Wwe preachers then, God rani fue bys elect Sotte out preachers.A godly reafon. God can faue my lyfe with: acStamfords! —»- Folaog, trom durning (£3 wer in the fire, wal Jrun into dtehertore: Dvinary HON, mult Reps p Wap that sod Hath ordap1 meanc odinary meanes v Gad hath aligned, not feke new waies. —— be bz to Ceafar.And thys ſayd Chul by an Heathen king, a pale Tefar ions nym how much mow ought wets pave te our Cealar , our Beathen, therrampleofauantasand zaphira hys wyfe They pes ſo⸗· 6.2 deniy fo2 theyr lying and dillimulacis in the like matter, well vim on Cefari. We fannd this felow turking alpzp the Ad harts reabp to accufe,attirme:they wyl pet fallity ht | itis belt tofap nothing at al,nap not{o, dct vg (peake@ons «arue2% froth and lxue according to hys commanndement,betbalder posts And commaundentent, gyue to our Kinge our dutpes truly gyeth not we thal haue neuer the tele, it Halnot mini sur frock, a ‘our tocke. ntayne the neceflarp office offaluacion, pay to the he ge epee easy ts : — — a ——e e07,{0°F Theilatt Sermon _ and ſcooles.helpe the poore tuidetuesano fatherles chilnzert, tludy to do gad whple we bane tyme in tips preſent tpfe fo falthe Aeꝛrd in thys lyfe bleiſe vs and after thys lyte geue vo eternallite, through Jeſu Chriſt· To whom wyth the fas ther and the holy Gholt be al laude, and honour. Amen.· eruel not that J dfe atthe ſermons end to make pater, toꝛ Jdo it not of ſyngularyty, but when Jam at home, and - inthe country inbere 3 go,fometine when the pore people come and * me, J eet them myſelfe, or —* akon uaunt to appofe them of the Loses praper and thep anſwer font, 3 can inp latin pacer noffer:fame, 5 cant the old pater nofter ; —— — ſore al that canne it not may learne. Jvle before the Sermon and alter to ſay it. WMherfore now A beſech you let bs fap it together. Dur father wuhichart. ac. Amoſt kayth fullSermort preached bes oul “foze the Kings mot ercetlent Maietty, and his mott honorable Councel, in his Court at Wels · mintter by the reuerend father Paplter C10), Baghe Latimer, Gime Dos 231 214034 IOS OEM MD cles or ssi cir aes oh fT eH —,——— — beads ae ae —Axe hede and beware of couetouſnes, take — ES beware of couctoutnes,take hede ¢betwareoft couetouſnes And what and tf J thould fap: a0 ae Dake ! ; hours (fo33 kriotw = itwyltketotong, tn cate a be not comaunse —* Zaring Hoe 4H es: 3: Pe * hte Al ftcaunae <4 dtp >but thele wordes· abe bebe and beware of ‘oT Ceuctouthete.And pet as ſtraunge as it fs, it ould be ike ota. ‘the thas: for big onetoufites,itivould be thoughta ftraunge Sermon ‘alulngto faye nothpney els Cadets’ a> auaricia. ASewate Of the Serms of Jonas that he preached to p Mintattes, as tous - ehftagebe thosfnes, ano as touching the paucity op feloenes of 2 tarde: for bis Seritvon toas,. Ld bc quadvaginta dies 4 Sina Cee nalts Su 5 ln, — wees oa — —— Pee. o8 OV Es EB. eyIs gi Imn agg. at Stamford, 7 Grant place td place round aboute the Citp,and ſayd nothing -. gls,butther ——— deſtroy⸗ ed There is no great ods noꝛ difference at che leſt wyſe, inp number of worꝛds, no 103 petin the ſence or meaning betwen theſe two ſermons:There is vet forty daics,# Hiniue halbe deſtroied ¢thefe wordes p Jhaue taken tofpeake of this dap: Take hede ¢belware ofcourtoulnes, for Miniue Mould be. deſtroved forſyn got theyr ſyns Couetouſneiſe wasone,and | one ofthe greateſt, ſo pit is all one in effect. And as thep be ike conferning the ſhortnes, the paucity ofive2ds, p bieuttp Of {words,¢ alfo the mening ¢ purpoſe:So J wold thep might be ipke in frut enz0fit. £92 what cam of Jonaslermon-what twas thefcuit of tt? 4d predicactonem Ione crediderunt’ Deo: At & the preaching of Jonas they belencd God. ere was a great ’ * fruit frut,a great citect ought. Tlhat is p fame thevbeleurd god i — Shep beleued Gods Preacher, Gods Otticer, Gos wirinter Tort. Zonas, t were converted from thep fpr . hep beleued that ° Cas the peeacher (aid tfthep did not repent ¢ amend they life: the Cvtvs ſhoulde be defFroped within fourtp dapes. Thys was a gceat fruite,fo2 Jonas twas but one man, ¢ be pꝛea⸗ ched but one fermion, ¢€i¢ was buta hort fermon,neptheras.: touching the number oflvsds,¢ yet heturnedailthe tohole $e City great and final, rich ¢ pore, king tal. Wie be many prea | chers here in Cugiand,¢ we preach many long ſermaus, and yet the people wil not repét noe conuert. This was p frut,the Jonas fers effect ethe gad that — did, vᷣ — — City. at. bps preaching conuerte amended they eulllipuing and i penaiice in lakcioth. And pet bere inthys Sernion of Foz not cutts nasiswogceatcurisaftes,ma great clerklines,nogreatattee ous · tacion ot woꝛds noꝛ of painted cloquence,it was none other but Ad buc quadraginea dieser Nintue fubuertitur . Bet fortpe paves et Ninine /ubuertitar, and Niniue thal be deſtroved, tt Was to moc. Z bis was no great curious Sermon, but thys twas a nvpping Sermon, a pinching Sermon,a biting ſermõ st had a ful byte, tt asa nypping Sermons rough Serind, audaitharpe biting Sermon. Dos you wot here maruaple that thefe pintuttes caſt not Jonas in pꝛyſon, that they dw * net reuyle hym, and rebue bpm? silat pea ame! Ri rene s Cher — Si mon wasg arrlot The laft Sertrion * They did not reuile hin nor rebuke hint, but Cov gaue them grace to heare him, and fo conriert ¢ amend af this peaching A ſtraunge matter, ſo noble a Citpe to gyue place fo one mas Sermian.spome England cannot a byde thys geare , thep ca: Hiniue and hoe be content to heare Gods Miniſter ‘and bps threatnyng Englande foothepr fire: Ghaugh p Sernion be neuer fo good, though: compared. it be neuer fo true. It is a naughty feliowe,afedicious fellow, hemakethtranbicand rebellionin » Kealme , he lacketh diſ⸗ creſſion but the Hiniuites rebuken not Jonas that be tacked: dyſcreſſion, 02 that he (pake out of tyme, thathis Sermon was out of ſeaſon made: Butin England, if Gods Pꝛeacher, Gods miniſter be anye thing quicke, or doo ſpeake charpelve, then bets: a loolyſh fellow. he is ralh be lacketh difcretian, ' Noewaadales il they can not reproue the doctrin vᷣᷣ is preached, | thenthey wyll reproue the preacher that betacketh dete cons ideration afthe tpmes, and that he ts of learnyng futticient, but be wanteth diſcreſſion. Mhat a tyme ts this picked out fo : preache fuch thinges, be mould haue a retpect and # regarde - tothe tpme,and tothe fate of thinges and of the Common {weale, It retopceth me ſom times when my frende commeth- A figre of andtelleth me thatthep fynde taute wyth my dyſcreſſion fos true doctrin by lykelyhoodgthinke Nche dactrine ts true ſor it they could Fine kaut wyth the doctrine thep would net charge me with the lacke of piferetiton but they woulde charge me wyth my dorfrine,and not with the lacke ofpiferemion, 2 with p ined: ueniency of the tyme, Jwyll now atke voua queſtion: pap” _, pow lobe Houlde Zonas haue preacheo agapntt —— nes of Niniue; if prenetous men chouſd haue appoynted hint Wreachers his tyme? Iknow that preachers ought to haue a diſcrection miu cong. tthe preaching, e that they ought ta haue a conſideration bectymee ot vefpecte to the place e tothe tyme that be preacheth in as ple. | A mptelfetwpllay here that J tol not fap inthe countep foo nee no good. But what then? fon mulk be rebuked, ſinne muit be playnly ſpoken agaynſt. And when fhould Jonas haue prea ched agaynſt Niniue, it he choulde haue forborne for the res: fpectes of the tymes oꝛ the place o2 the ſtate ot thinges theres Fo what was Niniue, a noble a rptche anda twelthy Citpe. © Tahal is Lonvon to Nintue zipkea village as AMington up: rae A it mew. — — Me fucks ~ — of Maifter Latimer, Fol, tach a nother in compariſon of Wondon.Suchea Cytye wad ondõ bus Niniue it was theee daies touryp to go though eneryitrecte 4 pittance in - OF it and to-go but trom itreetẽ to ttreete There was noble comparito, men richmen, welthy men,ther was bicious men and cones toufmen, and men that gaue them ſelues toall voluptuous liking and to woridiynes o getting riches Was thisatine well chofen and diftrifely taken of Jonas,to come ¢ repeoue them ofthep fpnne,ta declare vnto thent the threatninacs of God, and fo tell theym of they. Couetouſnes, and to fap plates ly vnto them, that ercept thep repented € amended thep2 euyl tpupnge, ther ethep2 City Mould be deſtroyed of Gods hand Within rl. daves2A nd pet they hearde Jonas and gaue place to bis preaching. They hearoe the theeatningesof Godand feared bys: ſtroke and bengeaunte,and beleued God, that is, thep betened Gods Peeacher and Miniter, they beleucd that God would be trac of his word, that he ſpake bp the mouth of bis prophet , and ther vpon did pennaunce,to tourne a waye the wrath of God from them. WMell what thall toe ſay? wit fave thys and not (pare, C ht fapeth: Niniue thal! aryſe as Sapnit the Jewes at the laſt dap and beare wytneſſe agaynſte them, becauſe that thep bearing Gods theeatnpngesforton. > Ad predicationen Ione in cinere & facco egerant eee t pid penaunce at the preaching of Jonas in aſhes and fac * —— loth Niniue that (as the tert fapeth there)and J fap Niniue ſhal aryſe agaynſt ariſe agai® Gugland( thou Cngiand) Pintue thall arple agavnk Eng⸗ England. lande, becaute it wyllnot beleue God, 102 heare bis preachers thafcrp davlp nto them, no? amende theps Ipnes,efpecially they: Couetouſnes Couetouſneſſe is as great a ſynne nowwe, as it was then, and it is the ſame ſinne se phi bé wyll as fure ſtryke fo: ſinne nolw,as he avd then . Wut ah good God that would geue them a tyme of repentaunce after bis threatnyng. fpr to fe tobpther thep would amend 02 not o2 be would deſtroye then . For enen frout the begynnyngs of the world thep fell fo ſynne . Che fps age fran Adam ych was absnte two thouſande peares they fell euer to ſin thep had preachers Poe and Enoch ¢ other holye fathers: Aud in that tyme a great niultiplpcation Was that grew tw | five thouland peares, Foz that Zacriptuce wren Zbe —* ts. The lonns nf God and, Thelaft Sermon | | of Geb ſaw tho daughters of men that the wer fate, and thep” toke thent vyues from among alt that thep bad choſen This ists alonge matter tofpeake ocall.iSut what meaneth thys the ſonnes of God ſawe the daughters of men:who wer theſe fonnes of God? 3 Theſons ot God twee thofe that came ofthe gad mei, of | —— the good Preachers, otthe holy fathers p were Gods men, as they that came of Seth and Cnos,that were geod mien, ana of others. for cure grandmother Cue, when Capne had kyl? - led Abell,and then the bad a nother fone by Adan, who was called Seth. di bat did fhe? Sbe gaue thanks to od for him, and acknowledges thaf ad it was whyche had geuen hym bnito ber, for the favae: Dedie wih dens femen pro Abel quem oc⸗ esdet Cain. COM fato Hheybath genen me a nstherfeoein ene - of Abell whem Capne lewe. here is a long matter to talke on.Some wil ſay:was thisa naturall mother, twas thys nas turallp done fo puplity thefinne of ber otunfonne? What ne⸗ bed {he to ſpeake of that matter,e9 to make anve reberfall of that matter,to ope the finne of her fonne-iwhat neded fhe this to do? Pes , he was now a good woman , when the belened the ferpent ,fhe was not good. But now the bath repented Cre was a that deede, and had taken holoe of the promple of God , that Sav womã eher haul cone of hera (cede, that fhouloctread downeand deſtroye the beade of the Serpent. She had taken hola ofthis pꝛomiſe and was now agood Woman anda godlye woman, fhe opened the faute of her ſonne and bid it not. Here couldo WMho bee J fay fome what to them pf Jwould)that fpeske fo muchs nnes agaynſte me for my preachpnge bere the lak peare. utto -€he fo PIO e — returne to Guc,¢ declare that the ſonnesof God are to be vn⸗ berftanded thoſe p came of good men, as of Seth and Cnog,€ the (ame god partof generacion. And the Daughters of men areto be vnderttanded of them that came of Caine and of bis feede.And therfare our grandmother Eue bande beware of marying wyth Cainesflecde ,fo2 feare of fallpng from Cov fo wyckednes therbp. And here J would fay a thing to vout mrapettyp , I allfpeake (t of good wyll to pour hyghnes, J would 4 lust able ts do pour grace goodferupce in anything, ve chouloe be fure to haue it. 15ut J wyll fay thys: fos Gods pre: iyi, ; us © of Maifter Latimer, Fol.2- lone betware where pou marrpe, chuſe pour wyſe in a fayth⸗ full tocke. 15eware of thys wworply policy, marp in god, mary not for the great refpectof alpaunce , fo2 therofcommetb all thefe euvis of bꝛeakyng of wwedlocke, whych is amonge Prin⸗ ces and noble men. And bere J wouid be a Suter vnto pour Haieſtye, fo2 Jcomenoty ratherto bea Suter and a petici⸗ oner,then a Preacher, for Icome nolwe to take my leauc,and a attanene totakemp,Vicimum uale, at leaſt wiſe in thps place, fo Jhaue — mers not long to tyne, fo that 9 thinke J Hall neuer come herein ” —— to thys place againe and therefore J wyll aſke a peticion ot %***. pour hyghnes: foꝛthe loue of God take ander fo2 meryages bere ir Cngiande Foꝛ here is mariage for pleaſure, and voluptu⸗ bute fr duſnes and fox goodes , and fo that they mape topnelande to Abate tn land, and pollefionsto peſſeſſions they care for no moze here marliage. in Englande. And that is the canfe of fo muche adultrpe, and fo mache beeache of wedlocke in the noble men, andgentle = men, and fo muche deuorcynge. And it is not now intheno: © bie men onely, but itis come nobo tothe inferior fort. Cuerp - mat ithe baue but a final caufe , wyl caſt of his old tupfe and tase anclo?g,and wyl mary agapne at bys pleafure, and ther he manp that baue fo done. would therfore wyſh that there ‘Were a lawe prouided inthps bebatfe fo2 adulterers, and chat adultry fhoutde bee punyſhed wyth aeathe,andthatmyghte be a remedye forallthpsimatter. Where weulanotthen be fo This rems much aduitry, whordome and lecherp in England asther is. by din Cod Foꝛthe lone of God take heede to it,and ſe a remedy prouided geuile, ¥o2 1.3 woulde wyſhe that adultrp choulde be punpthed with neath. And that the woman bepnge an offender, ifber bul bande woulde bea futer for ber, the ſhoulde bee pardoned faz the fpalt tyme, but not for thefecond tine.Andthemanheing = ano Tenter choulde be pardoned, tf his wife be a futer for hing 8208 for the fps tyme, but not for the ſecond tyme, not it he offen ⸗;⸗·8 Itthys lawe were made, there vaouide not be fo ante adc thoes adultryenor lecherpe vſed in the ealme as ther i· Ae Foe truft once pet as old as Jam, to ſe the dq seamen a 3 i seh vt eet NS TORE MS GE kg al J Pa Ee Ld ' erp i rs is —— Sef ab matt but gland as ermoi {pine eran alaugh asthe on: oe Sod dan ynge re is a © ucotthe batt aw eae —— ſyn —— pus rap Como matter 2 and & p€ main —* oa a sang = —— — ant another —— me oven —— —* sa inberet ‘olupt —— it —— cae ap nfites £0 me nites ,a tone ouetoi as alo nh — ——— maint s and ether uſne ne⸗ aus : Yat the apnet to the » fa s fol No corres — — ha sts wa e wo en fi ult b —* the Sabie ce ee — rot bane uts ate ole fa and ith them to int ca cheife ane —— aus — nit apes. — w ues pel; itp, foo the replet ne. ãc —— of men after 0 ere Ot suites. hepop —* bps is mighty >» ther pi ed — 3 At oe —— eee. couetouſ⸗ men 2 re, bot * —* — —— ta nes, f02§ . — ncean ahd f fthe p20 dmen 2 hey nt replente | 3 ot Nhe —53 —— of me the abe them ; * they peaking of boop that abit {were bat —— Bi yioee cruelty of thps 3 were Giaun ivite, bp thers w . pat bony foster o stp athe re. Ff men of — ‘Caticto —— —* —— shed veal —* iner certapme —— — *3 —5 —————— e Gpa Sartre es i. vttern hat hee as oe pprettine tet cr men chil⸗ fpec chps: fl? ferlp to re couetoi ing ot ere t il⸗ ——— ce matit —— naan wena —— ore ey — ia res, fata ne recone ant fo calle en and fo es all bop pea the dto refi ares apis i swpthit —— 35 ea —— —— — r with * — ie xuerſal map o; but —* rotate —321* of Maifter Latimer? Fol.n2, Thys was preached by Hoeto them,and fo that God of bps goodnes, pactence andlong ſuſſeraunce, sane them a time to repent and amend after bis threatnings, becauſe thep ould fe thep2 euplaoinges,and retourne to Goo. Ho thep hadan bundpeth and.rr. peares to repent Thys peelwastaughen Moels to fcosne,thep iyke doddypoles laughed thys godive father to Aughed fo fcome. Wiel, pe thinke ipttle ofthe hiſtory, yxfye wyl knowe ſkorn. the meaning of it, it is great thew what anger Good bath ta to finne. But how long tyme batt thou England theu Eng⸗ land? Ican not tel, 3 God hath not reueaied it bnto me, if bee bad , fo God helpe me J woulde fell pou of it, wouldve _ not beafrapde, 102 {pare to tel it pou, fo2 the good wil J bear _ pou,but J can not tell howe long time pe haue,for God bath not spened it vnto me: Wut J can teil pou that thys lenitye, this long forbearing and holdyng of bis bande, prouokcth bs: fo repent and amend.and FJ can tell that whoſoeuer contem⸗ neth thisriches and treafure of Sods goodnes, of bis mercy, Opspacience long fuffering, hall hauethe moze greeusus. condempnacion.This F can teil well inough , Paule telleth te thys,and Jcan tell that ve haue tyme to repent as longe as pou lyue beare in thys worlde, but after thys tpfe Jcan make no warrant ofanye furder tyme to repent· Thereſore repent and amende whyle pe be here, ſor when pe are gone Hence, ve are palk that, ut how tong that thal be whether to aRepentice morrow o2 the nert dap, 02 rr.peare,o2 botw long, J cannot nuit hod tel. Wut it the meane time pe haue manp Jonalſes te tel pou thislife. of pour fautes , a to declare vnto pou Gods theeatninges, ex⸗ * ie cept pe repente and amend, therforets returne ta my matter’ 5 ; : Iſay as J (apd at the begynnyng: Videte et cauete ab anaritias. onatte Aaee fe tt. Fprit fe it and then amend tt . for I pomife pou Mnaues. great complayntes there is of tt , and muche crying out, and. much preaching, but none amendment that F fee. wut cavete | ab auaritia, beware of couetouſnes. And toby of conetouties? — Quia radix eft vmnium malorum anaritia et cupiditas. fior toue⸗ The rote touftes is the roote otal eupl,and ofal mifchiefe. Thys lay ⸗ ofal mile ing ot Paule tooke meatvap front the Golpel thatis read in hile = the Churche thys dave , it tooke me from the C pile, that J woulde pꝛeache bpon nepther of theny bothe at ¢ — a — ThelafttSermon . gan not tel what apices me. i5uttotelpou trp imperfectian: then Jwas appovnted to paeache bere , Yas newe conte out ofaficknes, wherof Ilooked to haue dyed a d weake twas. Bet neuertheles when J was appointed vnto it Itoke if vpon me, bate bett J repented afterward that J had Done. J was dilpleafed wyth mplelfe, 3 was teaſty as Jonas was when he fhould ge preache fo the spininites. Ciel, Jloked on the Gofpel that is red thys dape, tut it {ised ure mot, Sloken guthe Epiſtle: tuſhe J could not a wave wyth that neyther. And vet 3 remember J had pocached vpon thys epikle once afose Kyng henry the, diy. but new Jcould not frame voych tf, 1102 (f liked me not tit no ſauce. Wel, thys laying ofPaule cante tis mp mpnde, and at laſt I conſidered ana wayed the matter decgelpe , and then thought I thus with mp Life: Is. Couetouſnes theroote ofall miſchiefe , aud of al! eupli? them haue at toe roote ¢ down withal couctonlites . So thys place af Paule bꝛought me ta thys tert of Luke: Qceand bemare of Preachers couctoulies. A herfore pou Preachers out with yvout ſwordes GUE trike and ſtrike at the roote, ſpeake agavnſt conetouſnes, and crys I tho reote sul vpon it. Stand not tpckyag and toping at the baaunches _ * -"” gonat the bougbesc fo2 then there wil news boughes and braũ ches{owwig agape of thent but ſtrike at the roote , and feare. not thefe Giauntes of Cuglande, thefe qreatmen and menst polwer theſe men that are oppreſſours of tie poore. fearethe not, but ſtrike at the reste of alleupil , whych is myſcheuous couetouſnes.foꝛ couetouſnes ts the cauſe oi rebellion. Jbaue fora atten my logvke, but pet § can tumbleat a Silagiſme, and make an argumẽt ofit fo pꝛoue it bp, Couetouſnes ts the rote. of al euvl:Rebellion is ateutl,Ergo Conetouftesis the roots vcanfe ofrebellion.dand foit was in dede. Couetouſnes was thecaule De caule derebellion this lat Sommer jand both parties had couetouſ⸗ Of cebellion 126 35 well the Gentlemen asthe Commons . ’Woth parties han Couctoufites, fo2 both parties bad an insrdinate deſyre te haue that thep had not,and thatiscouctouftes an inoꝛdinate defpre fo Hane that one bath not. The Contmons wouldbang hadde frous the Gentlemen ſuche thynges as thep delpep. Whe Gentlemen would none sfit, and fo was there couetouſ⸗ ges on both Gace, The Commens thougye they bang — ‘ j _of Maifter Latimer? Fol.14.. the thynges that they inordinatly fought to bane But wohat then: thep mut not come to it that ape. Molve on the other fine the Gentlemen bad a defire to kepe that thep bad , andfo they rebelled to agaynſte the kynges commaundement; and. agapntt ſuche good oder as he and hys counfel woulde haue fet in the veatme. Andthus both parties had couctoufnes,and both parties dyd rebell. J hearde fave that there twas godlye ordinances deuiſed forthe redsefle of tt. Wut the Otauntes Che frow wouid none of it in no fauce.¥ remember mpne owne leite on oe Ss certapne Ciaunt, a great man ; whofatin commiftion about pe peda Fach matters. A nd toben fhe tounfenten fhoulabeyng in what ~"o-""° bad beene incloſed, befronmedand chafed and fonerelooked - and theeatencd the poore men, thatthep durſt not afke thepa ryght. Ired oflate tian Adof Parliment:and thys Ad made’ mencion ofan act that was made inkyng Henries daves( tha’ iy. 3 troy it was, vea and ſuch an other buſynes there was in kyng Edwardes tome the fecande allo.) In this parliment that 3 {peake of the Gentlemen and the Comons were at baz riaunce as they were now of late. And there the Gentlemen that wer Landloardes, would nedes haue away muche landes from they: tenauntes, and would needes haue an Ad of pare Aiment that it myght be law full fo: thea to encloſe and make: feucrali from they: tenauntes and front the Commonstuche porcions of thep2 landes as ther thought good, muche a dooe ee there was aboutthys Ad. At laſt it was concluded and graũ⸗· qn argu⸗ ted that they myght ſo do: Prꝛouided alwmay that they ſhoulde pent nets leaue ſuſficient to the tenaunt. Wet, tt was wel that thep woer be mac⸗ bounde fo leauefaficient forthevm. But who thouloe beethe poy, Judge fo lymite what was ſufficient fez thepm .D2twbowhall ~~~ nowe iudge what isfuficient? Wel J for mp part cannot tell iwhabisiy ficient . Wut me thought tt was well that thetens naunts and pooe commons {ould haue ſucticient· Foꝛ itthex Had ſuſticient ¢ thought I) they bad cauſe to be quiet. Aud thé ‘fell Ito make thys argument within mp felfe: if at that time it were put in theyr will and power, that thep myght enclofe, feat to the tennaunt that were ſufficicxt for hym, vftbep had it then in theyr polwer thought J that they upght thys aga, thep woulde leque no graze then faficent,; x & get ‘ - J | The laft Sermon. 3 Itchey left to the fenauntes and poore cammons tio friove fe thofe dayes but fultictent : then if they bad anpe more taken from them fince that tine, then had thep note not la ficient. Mate equa They in Ch2t are equal with vou. eres ofthe realm mul GD 4 nebes be. The podeeſt piooman is in Chriſt equall with the WOM. greateſt Prince that is. Let them therefore haue ſuſticient te m aintaine them, and to fynde them theyr neceſſaries. A plows Lande nf haue ſheepe, yea they muſt haue fecepe to dunge theyr graunde fo: beariuge ofcorne (foꝛ if they bane no ſhepe fo bealpe te fat fhe grounde, they ſhall haus but bare caꝛne The plow thy), whey muit bane fwyne fosthev2 foove to make thevs mas beNle veneryes oꝛr bacon of,theps bacon is they2 voniſon for thep all now haue bengum taum il thep get anp other bencion) ofthat bacon is theps neceflarp meate fo fede on, Wohych thev map not lacz. Chey mulk banc other catels as holes to 0a thew ploughe and for carlage of thinges to the markets, and bine for their neplkeand cheſe, whych they muſt lyue vpons pay thep: rentes. Theſe cattell muſt haue paſture whpch pal ture if they lacke, the reſt mut nedes faple them. And paſture thet can sot haue, ifthe lande be taken in ¢ incloſed from thẽ· Saas Jſavde) ther was in both partes rebellion. Therſore fo: Gods loue reſtore theyr ſufficient —— —— A goad re⸗ sare Boe ts the cafe of rebellis. But feandbeware ot coue⸗ gue. oulnele, for couctoufies is the canfe of rebellion. Wiel now, at “Werouctoutnes be the canfe of rebellion, then preaching again’ couetouſneſſe ts not the cauſe ofrebellion. Some fay that the » preaching now a daiesis the cauſe ofall ſedicion and rebellion, for ſince thys newe preaching? hath comein, there bath bene much ſedicion and therefore it mull nedes be that p preaching isthe caufe ofrebellion beare in Englande, ſoꝛſooath our pꝛea⸗ ching isthe cauſe ofrebelliow’, much like as Chriſt wars cauſe Pꝛeachinz ofthe deſtrucion of Jeruſalem.Foꝛ Clatth Chil) 57 non ueniffe 43 canfe of & locutufutffem eis, peccata non haberent. &c. JE J had not cons rebellion, favth Chrilyandfpolten fo them, they choulde haue no ſynne epee Sn toe preachers bane conte ¢fpoken fo voustwe bane dꝛawẽ ourſwerdes of Gods word, and ſtryken at the rootes ofal eutl to haue them cut dotwne, and if pe wyll not amende, tbat can we Do moꝛre. And pocachiag ts caule of ſedicion heare tn — ee if — of Maifter Latimer, Fol,1§, Land, much like as Ely was the cauſe of trouble tn Iſrael, for Hee Wasa preacher there, and dolde the people of all degre⸗ thep3faultes,and fo they wynched and kycked af hym, ane accufed hym to Achab the king, that be twasa fedicious fele low, and a troublens preacher and made much bp2o2ein the Realme.So the Ling lente for hym, and he twas brought ta - Achab the hing, who ſayd vnto hym: Art thoube that trou⸗ bleth al Iſrael:and Ctp anfwered and ſayd:naye, thou ethy Fathers boule are thep that trouble al Ffraell.Clp bad preas ched Gods word, be had playnly told the people of thep> eutll poinges, be had ſhewed them Gods threateninges: ( In gods bebalfe J (peake , there is neither singe nor Emperour, be they neuer in fo greate ottate, but thep are fubiecte to Coss tnd and therfore be was not afrayd to ſaye to Achab: it is The canfe thou and thy fathers boule that caufeth altthe trauble in Iſ⸗ of treuble. rael. Was not thys pꝛeſumptuouſly (poketoaking?iwas mot this a ſedicious feilou? Glas not thys fellowes pꝛeachyng a cauſe ofall the trouble in Iſrael?was be not worthy to be caſt lytle eaſe: Po, but be had vſed Goddes ſwords which is bis woord, and Done nothing els that was euill, but ftheicould not abide if be neuer diſobeied Achabs ſwoꝛd which was the regal power. Wut Achab diſobeyed hysſwerd, which twas the word of God.And therfore bp the puntfucent of gov much trouble arofe in the Realm forthe finnes of Achab and the people. But Gods preacher, Gods prophet teas not the caufeatthe trouble. he is it not wwe Preachersthat trouble England. but bere ts now an argument to pꝛoue the mater again the preachers. ere was meachingagainE couetout ⸗ Preaching — “nes al fhelatt peare in Lent and the nert fomer folowwen ree ASAE coe Hellion: Ero’ preaching agapn couetouſnes, was the caufe uetouſnes ofthe rebeilion.4 godly argainent.beare nowe J remem⸗ an argumoent ofmaifter Poꝛes, which be bringeth in a bake chat he made agaynſt Bilney and bere by the wap F woll tel pou a merp top. Maiſter Dore Was oncefent in com minon fiito ikent, fo help fo triout( it it might be) what was the cauſe of Goodwin ſandes and the ſhelfe that ſtopped bp Sandwich hauen Thyther commeth maiſter Moꝛe, and calleth the cons dgcnedis cuchas eroasreto· . of See The laſt Sermon’. . menthat cout of lykelyhod bef certyfp hym of that matter’ conferning the Lapping of Zanowich hauen. Among others: came in before hym an olde man witha wite dead, and one | that was thought to belptle lefie ten. an hundereth peares: loge. ben maker Moore ſaw thys aged. man, be thought it expedient ta beare hym fap bps mynd in thys mattercfor be⸗ ing fa olde 4 man. tt was. pheip that be knewe moſte of any man in that pꝛeſence aud company.) So Paiſter Pore cal Led this oldaged man onto hur, aid ſayd: father( ſayd hepfel. mie if ye can what is the caul of thys great arifing ofthe ſan⸗ des and thelues bere about thys hauen, the which ox it bp that no ſhippes can ariue bere - Peare the eldeſt manthat 4 _ sanefppe tral thys companp,fo that: ifany man can tell.a cauſe of it,pe of ipkelpbode can ſay mol tn it, oꝛ at lealtwyſe . . moge then any other man bere atfemblen. Bea. .forteoth, gan Parker (quad this old man)fo2 I am wel nighe an hundzeth veares old, and no man here in this. company any thing nere vnto nine age. oy Hye dees Well thencqued Baplter Hare) howe faye pou tn thys » matter? what thincke pe to be the cauſe of thele. helues and . fattes that Hoppe bp Sandiwiche bauen? forfoth hycquotl be) Jaman olde man , ia OER that Tentertan leeple is the canfe of Omdtoyn fandes.. Foz 3 am an ald man ſyr quod. The cauſe he)and g may remember the building af Center — — — and 4 may remember when there was no ſtepie at al there· as, Ano before that Centectan fErepte was in builoing thers: : was no maneraffpeaking of any flats o2 fands that apped -thebaucn,and therfore 3 thinke that Tenterton teple ig the | gauteofthe deſtroyng and decaping of Santwpch hauen And ) enenfota mp purpofeis Gans sword the, ca _of rebellpontas Tenterton ſteple waacaule that.Sanswich. paucitispecaped. reed. ey And ts not this a gape matter , that ſuche thoulde be _ taken fo2 great wyſe men,that wyll thus reaſan agaynſt the pzeacher of Bods woorde: But bere J woulds take an oc⸗ . kafion bp the weave of a digreſſion to ſpeake ſomewhat to mp _ Spiters the women fo d00 them Comegwoton, becaule Xt -Reoula anal fakes gab f Seanld bein, 4 tale me whreane sedis s a & oof Maifter Latimer: Fol,116; syale(at Wall wile bere of thys place) fer 3 think J hatlns gore come here. fo2 J think Jhaue not long to lyue. So that Fudge J take mp leaue now Ofthe court for ever, and thait no moze come tn thts place. Achab twas a Ringe, but Zelabel Jeſabeil, He was the perilous woman She would rule ber Hnfband the Bing fhe would beare a ſtrake in ai things,# he would oder matters as pleated be r,tfo ini! manp.wome do, ther wil cule their bufbandes,d0 al thinges after their olun qrindes. They do therin againt the order bp Cod appointed the. Chev breake thetr miũuction p Cod gaue vnto them.3ea, — scome to the lower fort, to meane mens wyues, they firuleand apparelthent lelues go2xgcoulip, and fome of thentfarreabone thep: begress , inbpther thep2 hufbande ‘iopitnos ng.dBat thep brake thep: miungien. and too, therin ‘contrarp te Bavs ordynaunce. God lapth : Subdita eris fubpos ‘teftate n ri. Zhou chalte be fublecte vnder the power sf thy hacband · Thou halte be fubtect . omen ate ſubiectes, pe Se fabtectesto pour huſpandes. — At the fyrlk the man andthe woman wer equall. tut after ‘that fhe bad geuen credit to theferpent,then tye had a iniunc⸗ flor fet vppon her: ubdita eris [ub poteftare uiri Chou ſhalte be abiert vnder the power of thy hufband.andasferone parte © “pf her imunction he taketh , ¢ the taketh one parte of ber pe⸗ naunce becauſe fhe cannot auopd tt: and that ts:20 dolore parts: Thou ſhalte bꝛing foorth childꝛen with payne and traueti. This part of theyꝛr intunction thep take, and petisthe fame fo Freuous, that Chsifolteme favth:tfit tere not for the ordi⸗ naunce of God which cannot be made fruftrate bp man, thep “ qpould nener come tott againe for ne worldly god. IBut Cod ‘Bath pꝛouided here in. Ano as Chꝛiſt fapeth in the Gofpel:) © Matter enm parit trifticiane habet ore. Whe Woman when he beareth Child hath ſorow, but afterward the remembeth Not the payne, becaute there tsa foule bꝛoughte feurth inte * the world. The Ie mans initic tion. b? Res “4 ete sit Gods oꝛdi⸗ naunce. spat agitisa parte of pour penaunce pe wemen ts tra⸗ “elt in bearing pour Chiloren:fo is tf a parte of poure pens m ance to be fubtectes vnto pour huſbandes, ye ave vnder⸗ enges vnderiynges, and mull begbepient. * Pt, But 2 = 2 r fu a. eyes ‘The faftSermon Hut this is now made a triſſe and afmall matter. And pet it ts a fad matter,a godlp matter, a goltly matter . Amatter of damypnacion andfaluacton . And Paule faithe that awoman Tiby Wo⸗ ought te haue a power on ber heade . Mhat is thyste haue a mien be cor power on ber head: It is a maner of {peaking of the (cripture, uered. and to haue her power on ber he ad, is to haue a ſygne and to⸗ ken ok power, whych is by couering of her heade, declaringe that thee bath a ſuperiour aboueber, by whom fheroughtto . be ruled andordered. for che is not immediately vnder God, gut mediatelp.fo2 bp their iniuncion the huſbãd ts thep2 bead. ender God and they fubtectes vnto thetr bufbandes. Wut this: power that fome of them haue fs diſgyſed geare and ftraunge: factons. They mult weare frenchhoodes, and J can not tell pou J, that to callit.dnd oben thep make thepm readpand rome to the coueryng of theya bead , they wplicaltandfape, geue me mp french bode,and geue me my Bonet o2 mp cap: and fo forth . 3 woulde wych that the women would calfthe couerpng of they2 beades by the termes of theferipture. As when He would haue ber cappe J twould He wouldfap: gene me mp polver, Jwoulde they woulde learne to (peake,as the . ‘bolpe ghotte fpcaketh , andcal it bp ſuche name as Sainte: Let WOME auie dothe. twoulde they Mould(asthep haue muche paves earne to ſynge) when they put on their cap, 3 would they would haue fpeake. —- ¢hys menitarton , J am nowe putting on my polver bpon nip: bead, Ifthcy had this thoughte inthep2 myndes, they would: not makefo muche pryckynge bp oftheym ſelues as they dooe note a Daves. But no bere isa bengeaunce deuil: we mule bane our potwer from Turkey of Veluet, and gap it muſt be. Far fet deare hought, and when it commeth itis afalle ligne Shad rather hauea true Englyche figne then a falfeNgne frõ Turky. Stisa falle figne toben it-couereth not thep2 heades as it fhonid do. for tf thep would Reepe tt onder the power as: they ought todo, there Houlde not any fuche Tuſſockes nor Tullsckes tuftes beſeene, as there be, noz fuche laping out of the beere aya tuftes. noꝛ bꝛaydynge to baue itopen. J would merueile of it how if fHoulde come fo be fo abufed and fo farreout of order , fauing: that 3 knoe byerperpence , that many wyl not bee ruled. bp shey; huſbandes, as thep ought to be. A bawe beue deſyred to of Maifter Latimer, Fol, exhort foine,and with fome J could do litle in that mattec. Ranve A⸗ But there be now many Adams that wil not diſpleaſe their Ams in § wiues but will in this bebalfelet them haue all they © world. myndes and do as them lieth. Andfome others againe ther be no w adaves that wyl defeudit ano fav tt map be fuffcred welinough becaule itis not expreſſed in ſcripture, noz (poker of bp name· Though we haue noterpretfe mencion tn ſcrip⸗ ture againſt ſuch laying out-of the heare tn Tuſſocks and Tulſtes: pet we haue in ſcripture erprefic mencion: De cortis crinibus, Of waithẽ heare, that is foꝛ the nonce forced to curtis. But of thefe fullocks that are layd out now a Dapes, there 6 fe #10 mencion made in ſcriptures becauſe thep tucre not vfed — — ft ſcripture time Ther were not vetcometobetofaroutot WY saa oder as to laye out {uch tuſſocks and tufftes, but J wyl tell —* thee , ifthou writ neseslaveit out; o2 if thou wylte nedes in ſeriptar. ewe thy beare and haue it fene: go and pote thp heade 03 Foundit, as men de, fo2 to what pufpole is it to pul it out fo, anid £0 lape it oute-fome doit fap thep of a fimplicitp. ome doit ofa pꝛyde. And ſome of other cauſes. Wut thep do ft be- cauſe they wyl be quarter matter with their bufbads, quar: alters: Pap, bal ifters pea foment them wyl be Ole mailters and rule the roa as p nfelues. Mnarter, thefe defenders of it will not haue teupl, becauſe it is halfe, and notſpoken ofin Scripture. But there be other thinges age’ whole mai upllãsthis, which are not ſpoken of in ſcripture expꝛeſſelp, ſters. but they are emploved in ſcripture, as well as though thep were there expreſſelyſpoken of. forthe Prophet Clap ſayth. Ve qui confurgitis mane ad comeſſandum, ad Ebrictatem fectandans et potanda i ad ueſperam, ut uino eftuetis . Wo vnto por that aryle early in the morning and go to apincking ontpil nyght, that pe may ſwymme in wine. This is the ſcripture agayvnſt banquetting and drꝛonken⸗ ties. But now thep banquit al nyght, and lye abed in the day tyme tel noone, and the ſcripture ſpeaketh nothing of that: Wut whenthen? the Deuyl bath bps purpoſe thys waye, as Suellas the other, he hath bis purpote as well by reuellynge and keping yllrule al npgbt, as by ryſing earely in the moga ning and banqueting all day · So the Deuil hath bis purpols - ‘both waves. Pe noble mẽ, ve great or wat not Grable J ‘Whe diuel bathe bys purcpoſe. The laſt Sermos pekepe: fo: Gods fale hears the coplaintes ano futes of the pare. Pap complaine agaunſt vou that pe lvea bed til. Diff, o2.t 82.p.0f the clock, 3 cannot tell what reuel pe baue over night, whether in banquetpng,o2 opeieg, 02 carding, 02 haw itis. But in the morning when pwre Suters come to pour houles pe cannot be fpoken withal. They are kept fonietines . without pour gates oꝛ if thep be tet inte the hal 03 ſome deter By Lope ta Agepe. chamber out commethone oxother. Sure, pe cannotipeake with mp 1.039 pet, my Lord is a lleepe or hebath hav bufines ofthe hinges al And thus pare Suters are dꝛiue⸗ of from dap todape that they cannot fpeake with pou in.tti. ay. tuit.daves, pea a whole monetd, what hal 3 fap moꝛe?vea a hole yeare ſome tpmes erre they canne come to pout fpeche, to be bard of pau . for Godsloue loke better tot, ſpeake wyth pore menne when they come to pour boules, and 5* poze ſuters, as in deedefome noble men do am would Chꝛitt that al ucbiemen wanide ſo do But ſoame do. J went one daye mp lelfe be tyme in the mornynge to a Zreat mannes houte,tofpeake with hym, in butbres that ¥ hadde of mine owne. And me thought was bp betimes, He prater ofa noble Oat. but when J came thyther the areat mar twas gonne fourth, aboute fuch beboucd bynt,e2- 3 came . hell, vet Choughte Dthpsis well , I whe thys weil, This matt doth fometpbat regard and confider hisotfice and duty. camec iate fo: mpne obane matter and laf mp tourney, my earelp rifing fo,and vet J was glad that 2 hap bene fo begpied . # Gods love folow thys example ve great men,and actieus the mwiorninges, the redy fo; men tofpeake with the and to dyi⸗ ges to bee zanſideren. 2* fi ical seb quare civat, tobe fpeaketh it, what be fpeaketb, to patch Setuters that refort vnto yon: But atl thes Ibeing to dyſproue thent that defend cuvl thinges,becaute thep: be ht erprelly (pokeu agavnſt in the teviptute . wut what farecth that?lnben the Dumll bath bys put poſe and is feruct-as tell sire ware as an other twapesthough tt be not erprelip fpoken agapnie in ſeripture, vet J reken plapnely inough emplotes in thefcripture. ut nowe tocome to mp matter acaine, Videte et cautte ab auaricia. Ote ant beware of couetoufies, ¢ A thalldefere pou to confiner.itti.thinges. Quis dicat quid dicat Seria Des . — a of Maifter Latimer! Fol, tobom be fpeaketh,¢ toborefore he fpeaketh it. As here Chute fpeaketh toa rich man agaynſt auarice.And why again ar uarife -twhat thalbe the cnde of Ml couetouſe perfons? eternal damnacion. Foz the couctous perfons (apth Panic) Hal wot poſſes ne enter into the kingoom of Goa .bere therefore J J thal deſyre pou fo idete-et cancte ab anaricta. Be, € beware of couetouſnes. ad Frrit who fpake theſe wordes: forſeth Chatite ſpake the, it Jhad ſpoken them of my ſelſfe, it bad bene litle worth. Buẽ Chul ſpake them, à vxon a god occaſiõ: The ſtoꝛy ts Duo liti⸗ gabaut inter fe, here were two at rife betwene them ſelues. Luc xii.and by this tt appeareth that Chik (pake them wel. Chꝛiſt (pake theſe 129s at that tyme, and now. be (peaketh them by bys preacher, iobom pe ought, to beleue and ſo it fs alone. Bat ot mie that occafion dyd be ſpeake it, there were? ii. brethren at ſtryfe together for Landes, welthy men as it appeareth and the ritch felow would not tarp till Chek bad ended bpsfermon:but interrupted it, and would nedes haue bis matter difpatched bp and bp. ibe was at Chꝛiſtes Sermõ. but pet be woulde not differ bts worldly cauſe tyll Chk hap made an end of bps Godly erbortacion. Thys was a thorny A the buother,he was a golpclier , be wasa carnal gofpeller Cas 5 see sanp be now adapes fora piece ofan Abbp, 03 fo2 a porcion js of chauntty lanos femwbhat bp ff and foferue bys co: — en smobity: be wwasa golpeller one ofthe neto beethzenfomtohat * PAPO. nv roid, fo p tt could not fake anp rote in this felow to bring fade. forth god fruit in him · And tet me tel you of the fd p Chri foasthen folwing.Ieare to mea whyle, cſeing that 4 come nol to take sine v/timum nale ofthis eee. me pactetip glue me leaue a litel tobile elet me “yd leans —— OT om MD pe faftSerep At the tyme toben thys fekiow interr ipted Cheittes ermon 8* * be was pꝛeachyng along: Srmon to hys Diſcyples and to the people beyng gathered together in a woumdertuli greate muititude as appeareth in the.rtt.C hapter of Saynte Tukes Cofpell , and there be fir of all taught bys Dilciples a goon leſſon, ſaving: Cayete nobis 2 farmento Phariſeorum. Bebare tt Leauen is anv wiſeclayth be) trom the leuen ofthe harifes . Cibatis brucrily ta: thys leuen ofthe Phariſes: eaucn ts fomtimes taken fo2 cor⸗ ken. rupt lyuyng, whych infecteth others by the euil crample ther of , and againſt ſuche coꝛrupt lining , Cods preacher muſte cep oute earnettive and neuer feafe till tt be rooted bp. Inthe. Citie of Corinth one bad matted his ſtepmother, hys fathers wyle. And be was a tolpe ſcllow a great riche man an alder? man of the City and therfsze they wincked at it they would not meble in the matter, ther had nothing fo bo with it and he was one ofthe headmen , offuche rule and anthovtty that they ourf not, manve of them. aout. >. Pante hearing of the matter, weit Dnto them , and in Gods bebalfe chargen them to do abbaye fuchcabbominacion from among then. Saynt - Paulie would not leaue them, till be had ercommunteated the Paule eth fopckeo doer offuche abbomtntacion . It we houide note er⸗ municateth communicate all fuche topcked duers,ther wonid be muche a as) po in England. Pe that are Pagettrates , ſhewe fauoure fo3 affectionto fuche, and wyllnot fuffer thep mave be rooted out 3 put fo ame. Db, bets fuche a mans feruannt, we may not do him any Hamme. Db, he is a fo the ching is not now anp thing looked vnto . Lecherp te bien thorowe out Cngland , e ſuche lechery as is vſed in none other place of the world. And pet if is made a matter otf ſpoꝛt, a of matter nd thing, clangbing matter, and a trpfic not to be patted on, no not to be refonrmen. | venue Ok But betware pe that are Wateltrates , theyr ſynne othe leauen pou all. Therelore fo3 Gods louc betware of thps tea: ven. Wiel, Jtrulte it wyll be one dap amended. F loke not to Kuclonag, evet J tru as ola as F ant) to line to long as to fee ILecherp punvſhed. J would wych that Bopresiatie werere: - ozed for punplhment of Lecherp,ans that the offenders thet ir moght be punyched according to the peleytpcton — nmercomnninit= dran cn : ers nor neuer dente anye 07 ware belt _ Bring into the Charche of Englande open Diſcipline of excommunicacion; that open fpnners mave bec ſtricken with all. Somtime Leauen is taken for corrupt Doctrine, and fo it is bere taken in this place when be faithe: Beware of the lea: uen of the Pharifeis. for Chul intendedto make hisdifciples | ceachersofall the world: aud therefore tobeiwareofcowupt ‘Pénsie dottrinc . And that that he faype to them, hefaythalfo to bs. Warrglers, ' - Kecelue ns corrupt doctrine , no mingle mangie Bet ther be *leaucners Leaueners pet ſtyll and mingle manglers , that bane ſowꝛed Chutes doctrine , with the leauen ofthe Pharifes . Pea and werethere ts anye peece ot Leauen, they wyll maintayne thatone peece, moze then all the doctryne of Chri and about that purpofe they occupy and beowe all theyr wittes. Thys twas the fir€ (eed . Whe fecandeleed was Nihil occultenm, quod non reuelabitur. herets nothing pꝛiuy 02 hinden that thal not be reucaled and opened: It parteyneth all to one purpofe , for there he tauavt bis difciples too beware of the leauen, tohich twas hyratriye declaryng onto then that bypocrifpe woulde Gods pei not be alwayes hydden but ſuche as were not fincere choulde verbo be knowen atthe lat dave andal that was taught choulde a ĩenath be knowen . Bt hath alſs an other meanyng for tt is Sod⸗ pouerbe There is nothyng fo pryuye but it chall be opened , at lea Te wyſe in the great daye of reconinge. Inthe neadfall Dave of genzrall accompt, tn the dave of reuclacion. all it be opentve Risiven what fo euer is Doone: be it : meerſe prrueiy doonee 33 car pats * Rhee cE Gi The laſt Fermon ‘Where tollowes that haue there fetches ¢ thelr fat copattes — to bꝛing things to their purpoles, vasoꝛk they neuer fo princip. pales. Neuer fo covertly: Pet at p lak dap, their doings thal beopenip PANES. reuealed.v/que ad facietacens nifionis fateth the Pꝛophet Clay) thatis,toll all the world fall fect, to the»? ame and contu⸗ {pon that are the doers ofit. As the Phꝛophete Jeremye faith: Jacut confundszur fur qut deprehenditur .&C- Cuen asa thefe that is taken twith the manner when be Kealeth: So ſhall ſynners be openlye contfounded,and theyr euill doinges opencd . ca and thoughe it be not knowen tn this world, pet tt halbe kno wen at the laſt dap te their banipnactons. In dade God baths veryfyed bys Pzꝛouerbe from time to tyme. Nothing ts ſo prez up the which challnot bercwealed.: pe jg og Cainesfalt WMhen Cavnzhadbollea bps brotherAbell : hethought coulde not be had conueied the matter ſo potuelpe andfo clofelve, thattt bebyd. ſhoulde neuer baue bene knowen nor haue come to light,bus . fir God knewe it well inough, and called vnto hint (apinges.. Capne wher is thy brother qbel-tut he thought beconlo haue begvica God to. And therefore he aunſwered. Jcan not tell, what(cquod Cain)am Iſet to kepe my brother? J cannot tell Wher bets. Bat at lal be was canfounded , and bis murther brought to lyght. And now all the world teadeth tt in the Bi⸗ Joſephes ble . Joſephes brethre har foloe him a wave: they tore bys. brꝛethꝛen mately cote and be ſprinckled if ower and ouer wyth blonde, . Wrought fe ther thougyte al was cocke lure, thep had conueped the matter ccetip. fofecretiy, that they thought al the wasloe couloe neuer haus Die efpicd it .. And pet outeitcame to they: greate benefite. And, nowoe itis knowen fo bs all as manve as can vead the Wyble. Dauid fawe a fayre oman wahe ber naked . Whoagh be ,..- twas itravght toe rauiſhed be was deans. gon by and wouid nedes haue ber. Be. font for ber. Bea he han gentlemen ot hys ' chanaber about. bya that went for bec by ana.ep and tet ber, Ana here haue an other ſate to pour bighnes. .. Gabe pats a + cometo age beware what perſons pe baueaboute vou. fort | pe befet on pleaſure, oꝛ oplpofeatolvantonnefte..... Be Hall haue minikerspnongh , tebe furctherersand tree. Dauids po ſtrumentes ofit . But Dauid bp bys wyſdome and pollicpe. Kee: thaughtla to bane cloned the matter , that ttspoulde Le oe y ~ Ce ha > erat 6, — i | of Maifter Latimer, / haue bene knowen. Be ſente ſor for ber bufbande Urtas , an’ thelwed bynt a Fayre —— ane loked merely on bins, and ent hym foorth to warrethat be myght doo bps pleafure wyth Werlabaafterwarde, and be thoughte he had ꝛoughte wonderous pꝛiuelv. Be thought al the matter cocke ſute. But the Prophet of Gad¢ Pathan > came and layde bysfauite plate before bys face,and who is nowe that knoweth it note a bopbin - Elyseus feruaunt Gtes,a brpbing brother, be cam couloura- aes 8 bly to Naaman the Sirian · he fained a tat ofhis Mayſter Cie vr . es all bapbers wyll do, and tolve hym that bis Mayſter neede ot thysandthat , andfookeof Paamancertayns thingsand bevbevit a waie to bis otune hehoofe fecretly, and thought that tt choulde neuer haue come oute, but Elizeus knewe it tucilinoughe. The ſeruaunt had bys botbes that be fought,pet was be ſericken with the lenre, a fo openly. hanted. Thinke on this ye that are bopbers when ve. goſecretly about ſuche thinges, baustivsin pour myndes when ve de: nife youre ſecreate fetches and conueiaunce, bois Etiʒeus ſer⸗ uaunte was ſerued and to be openly knowen. for Gods pro⸗ uerbe wyllbe true ther ts nothing hidden that will not bere: Gods p20 uealed. ibe that tooke the ſyluer daſen and elwer for abꝛybe, uerb wilbe thinketh that it wyl neuer come oute, but be maie now know true. that Iknowe it and 3 knowe it not alone,there be mo beſide me that zꝛnowe it . Oh bryher and baybery, be was neuer a good man that wyll ſo take bopbes . Noꝛr Ican neuer beleue that be that is a bepber ſhal be good Juſtice· It toy! neuer bee nery tit England tyll wee haue the ſainnes of fuche. for wat needeth bꝛybynge where menne doo thep: thinges vp⸗ rightly... a3 for men that are offpcers. and haue a matter of chargcin thers bandes. But noe wylplaye Saint Paule. And tranilate the thing on mp felfe · ¶ wiſ become the kings affycer fora whvle. Jhaue tolave out ſor the a inge twentye mner thoufanves poaides ..o3 a great fummesiohatfocucr ithec,wel 28 tel then 4 bauclavdettoute , and do bring in myne accompte, toy es of nit cene.tit, hameth markeste haugmp bils.warranted. opin” — ————— truly ane oprishtipytobar. thouls riche mc fo Hr He gee «pers to bane my qplletoareannten: (CA have bane ne woele. Gifice tculp, and do bpfag in a true accennStt. Jhaue done 54 ori,!o% ThelattSermion '"'> @herfore tyontd one great be geuen⸗ yea oñe gr rantitig of my bpls?zomel ve nothing in — Byls to be —9* ibes geuyng, ercept the byls be talſe? Po man * eranted —— warrantyng of bps bylles ertepte they be falfe Meare fuch practife hath bene in England, but —— — — ———— Beware of Gods pronerbe: there ts soi rs hydden that tall not be opened. ea even inthys be pasa ; pe be not thechildzen ofdampnacton. and here now Ftp to pou my makers Pinters, Augmentacioners , Recetuers, anecellar Surueiers and Auditours:¥ make a peticion vnto pou:F be- ? 2 fech pou al be gad tothe sing. we gad tothe king , We bath —— bene god fo pou therfore be god to hym, vea bee gend fo pour ovone ſoules Beare knowen well indugh gb what pe were, a> fore pe came to pauroffices and what landes pe hadde then, and what pe hauepurchateo fittce, and what buvloinges ve make dayly. Gell J pray you fo build, that the 4 mnges work⸗ mien nape be paved. They make thetr mone that thep can⸗ . wot gef no mony. Whe poore Labourers, Sah eee bala permen, Bowmakers, Arrotwmakers , Smithes, C ders, Souldters, andother craftes crve oute fo2 thep2dutpes. ~ ‘hep be vnpayed forme of them thre 02. iit, monethes : pea fame ofthent halfeapeare:veaand fome of them putte b bylles thys tpme.rit.monethes fo they? monve, aNd cann not be paved pet. 8 They crye oute for theyꝛ monye, (and as the Prophet — ——— erariorum aſſendit ad aures meas. The cry 0 4] workemanue corte b to ——— Oh for Gvdsiong ake oil — af * * tou hte inough where * inge lacke to nt that there aa foe fe wiry ~~ i not ae — heheh \elak oy of Maifter Latimer? | Folia. Whe halk time Ipꝛeached reſtitucion reſtitucioncquod fom) fohat mould he preach of reſtitucion let him preach of contriſ fion( quod thep)and let reftitucion alone. Wie canne neuer make reſtitucy on, ( Then fape Jif thou wilt not make reſti⸗ tucion , thou thalt go to the deuyl for it. pow chule the epther Fl chore fos reffitucton,o2 els endles dampnacion.i5ut now these betwo >| 8 maner of reftitutions,feetete refitucton,and open reftituci: diſcexuets· ~ gon tobither of both it be , fo that reſtitucion be made it ts all gwd inough.At my fpr preaching of reſtitucion, one ged mart toke remorce of confcience andacknowledged him ſelto to me, that he had deceyued the Kyng. And willing be twas to make reſtitucion, and fa the fir Lent came tomy bandes twenty paundes to be reſtored to the hinges vſe. JI was poo mifed.rr.-pound moze the ſame tent but it could not be made, fo that it came not. Wel. the nert Rent came thee hundreth ¢ twenty pounds more. J recepucd it mp feliz, and payd tt top ings Countel . So J was afked , twhat be was that thus made reſtitucion. Wut ſhauld Jhaue named bym 2 nap oer ould as ſone baue this wefaitof mine. Wel, now thisle ram one hund zeth ¢ fore (core potids x.s. which Jhaue payd and delpuered thys prefent dap to the i tnges counfaple. And fo thps matt bath made a Godiy rettitucton And fo¢ quod J fo a certaine noble man that is one afthe Binges Counfelit ‘guerp mar that hath beguiled the king fhoula make reſtituciõ after thps fort, it would cough the king-rr.@, pounds 9 think ‘(quod 3 pea that it wouldc quod the ather a whole. . D. Let not tha pounds. dtac alac, make refitucion for Gods fake, make re⸗ diuflstangh Mituctont,ve wyl cough in hel cls,that al the Dents there wil gt pour laugh at pour coughing: bere is no remedy but refkitucion ghpng, dpen nr ſecrete oꝛ els bel. Thys that J have now tole. yemof~ ~~ * twas a fecretrefitucton. Some eramples hath ben of open res ſtitucion, and glad map be be that God twas fo frendiy bnte hym fo bring Him vnto (tin thys wold. J am not a frayd to name bin. It Was Pater Sherinaton,an honeſt gentiiman and one that God loneth . He opentpe confe ed that be hav ‘Becepued the is ing, ¢ be made open reſtitucion· Db what art argument maye he haue againit the otuel whe be hal mous

Ques meconfti-_ tuit oblatorem? Maho made me an offerer: But when Chak fayo: Quis me conftituit iudicem aut diniforem fupervos? MDho bath made me a Fudge, o2 a deulder of landes among pour Cprittercfafen Cheiſt did refufe an other mansoftice,an office that he was another mans Not of his father deputed vnto. Chriſtes kiugdõ was a ſpi⸗ office rituall kingdom, ¢ bis office was a ſpiritual office ¢ he was a fpiritual tudg. And therfore tuben the woman take in ad ulteryp was bought befeze him, be refulrd not fo plape the iudge, but fatd: Quis te accufatPand he fapd agapyn Nemo dos mine. No man 1o2d(faith the)then faid he, Nec ego tecondeno. Noꝛ J codemne thee not.Vade et noli amplius peccare. Go thy Wwates,¢ fin no moze, Here he toke vpõhim his otune office eid his office,fo2 his office was to pꝛeach ¢ to bid finners a mẽd their euil lining, ¢ not to be a tẽpoꝛal iudge in tẽpoꝛal cauſes. And here is an other occaſiõ of a ſuit to pour high⸗ ‘of,M,Latimer. . 28° ‘neg, fo2 } punithmet of lechery · Foꝛ lecherp flolweth in Eng A nother fate. {40 like a Aoud. But now to make an end in tépozal cautes to the bing. he fatd. Quis me confiituit indicey.Ge.VDho made me aiudge of tépozall caufes among pou,¢ of tvozlolp matters:Thus cante this felow in bere with interrupting of Chaiftes fers mion,¢ recetued the anſwer which J baue rebearfed. Thou man thou felotv (quod be) fubo bathe made me a iudge,a- ‘mong pour And be faid vnto all the audience:Videte,et cane te ab auaricia. Hee and beware of couctoufies. Whye fo2 Que ‘anon in abundancia cuiuſquæm vita eius eff ex bisque poffidet, Fo2 no mannes life tandeth inthe babundaunce of the thpnges whyche be poſſeſſeth, we map, haue thpnges ne⸗ “ceMarpe,and we may haue habouudaunce of thinges, but the‘baboundance doth not make bs bleed. Ft isno good argumẽt. Quo plus quiſque habet, tanto beatus viuit. The moe riches that a man bath the moze happellp € the moze blif- fulipe belpueth. Fo2 a certapne greate man that bad purz chaſed much lands a thoufand marks by vere:oꝛ J wot not what, a greate pozcio be bad. And fo onthe way as he was Aterrible ex⸗ in big tourney towards London, 02 frõ London,be fel ficke ample. by the Wway.3t difeafe toke him, that be was conftrapned to lie bppon tt, And fo being in bis bed the difeate grety moze ‘€ ntoze, bpo hint, that be was by his frends, that wer about bint berp godly aduifed to loke to him (elf, € to mate him ready to god, fo2 there was non other likelphod but that be mulſt die Without remedpe. He cricd out, whatzthall Ii ope ‘(quod be)woundes, fides, bart thal ¥ dpe, t thus go fromp goods:go fet me fo philicion that map faue my lpfe, wounds and fides thall J thus die? Where lap he Hil in bis bed like a block With nothing but Wounds ¢€ {ines (hal Idye: With ina very litle While be died in dede,¢ the lay he like a block in Dede. Where was black go wnes, toaches,tapers ¢-ring- ing of belies, but what ts become of him, God knolveth € not J.Wut hereby this pe may perceiue that tt is not theba - boundaunce of riches that matieth a man to lide quictlpee bliffullp. But the quict life is in a mediocrite. Mediocres op- time yiunt. (fapth be)thep that are in a meane do liue beſt. Btruewes ‘And there ts a pooucrbe which fired many peres ago. Dzmiucrbe, | dium plustoto, be half fomtimes moze then the bole. The mieane Ipfe is the bel life,and the, moi quyct lpfc of all. as le A Sermon preachel : Hf a man ſhould fil him felfe bp to the throte, be — not tinde cafe in it, but diſpleaſure, and wyth the one halfe be myght ſatiſfy his greadye anpetite. So this great rycheſſe neuer maketh a mannes life quiet, but rather troublous - reuiember bere a faping of Salonton,and hys example. Coaceruaut mibi argentum & aurum, J gathered ſyluer and gold together (fapthe be) J pzouided me fingers,and wo⸗ men tobich could play om inftruments to wake men mirth and pattime, J gate me pPlalteries and ſonges of muficke €c.Gnd thus mp bart retopfed in all that J dtd . but what was the end of all thiseCux conertiffem mead omnia, when J confizered (faith Salomon)al the workes that my handes badw2ought c.loe,all was but banitpe and beratyon of minde,and nothing ofanpe balue vnder the ſunne. Ther⸗ fo2e leaue couetouſneſſe, fo2 belene me tf Phad an enemy. The fire thing that J Wold with to bun, ſhould be, that be mighte haue aboundaunce of richeſſe, fo2 fo Jam fure, be. Muld neuer be in quiet.’ ut think ye there be not many p - would be fo hurt But in this place of the gofpell. Chriſte ſpake € declared this vnquietneſſe and vncertẽty of great — xicheſſe, by a fimilitude ¢ parable of a great rich ma , whe Had mach land that bought fogth ali frutes plentifullp.' And he being in a pride of the matter,and muche vnquyet by reafon that be bad fo much, faid to him (eit: dabat thall ¥ do, becauſe Jhaue not roum inough wher to beftow mp frutes that haue growen bnte me of mp landes , B will thus do (faith be) # will pull done mp barnes,and buylde greater barnes,and J wyl fap to mp foule. Py foule thow balk much goodes layed bp in ſtore fo2 manye peares, take ‘thine cafe,cat,ozincke and be mery. Hut Pod faid to hint. Stultehac nocte amimam tuam repetunt abste., Thou foole, thou fole, this night will thep take thp foul! fro thee again. and the, whoſe thal thofe things be, which » bak prouiden Euen fo (tis with him(faith Chk) pb gathereth riches on to bint (elf, ¢ is not rich tolvard God ec. Gut pet: the couc- fous man can neuer be content.J talked one day wages tlema in a park,¢ the ma regarded not mi tal, but caſt his hed ¢ eie this and that tap, fo that J percetued be gaue no great eare fo — ipber J ſaw: JIheld my peace. * y — ‘gs: Sy he bees __ ASetmor preached. + ‘3 d “ getat,of (quod the gentleman)if this parke tyere ntine, # ——— * * ‘et bd would neuer defpze moze while J liued.F anfwered ¢ ſaid: Sir, and Whatif pe hav this Payke to;fo2 there was an o⸗ ther Partie euen harde bys this gentleman laughed at the * y the more be had, the more couetous be was to haue til J drovſye ts matter. And truely J thinke be was diſeaſed With drop⸗ 4 ‘nio2e € more. This was a farmer that hada farme bard bp Sentlemen. * it, d it he might haue bad this Parke to tt, be Mould neuer bane defired moze. Whis was a farmer not altogether fo couctous a man, as there be many now a daies, as fo2 one gẽñtleman to take par e farmes tn the countrpe toges ther in his bandes all at ones, And beare one fute moze to - Pout highnefe. Where lacketh one thinge in this realme, that it hath nede of,fo2 Sods fake matic fome promoters, Lacke of pꝛo⸗ here lacke poomoters,fuchas were in kinge Henrp the morers⸗· feucnthes dayes vour graundfather. Chere lacke mento omoie the hinges officers when they do amiffe,.and to — pꝛomote al offenders.% thinke there is great nead of ſuch men of godly diſcretion, wiſdom, e conſcience, to promote tranſgreſſors, as rentraifours, oppꝛeſſors of the poze,crto2 tioners, taibers, bferers . J here there be bferersin Eng⸗ lande, that Will take xl. in the hundreth· Wut J beare of no: pꝛomoters to put them vp. We reade not this couetous farmer ozlanded manne of the gofpel, bought come in the: | Markets to lay it bp in Moe, and then (elit agape. ‘But and if it pleate pour highneſſe· Hear fap that incug: lande, we haue lande Lordes(naye ſteppe Lordes mypght. ſaye)are become graſiers, and burgeſſes are become regra ters, and ſome Farmers, wil regrate and bie bp al the corn Begrateis ay that commeth to markets, and lape it bp tiv fto2e, and fell it againe at an higher patce, When they. fee their trme: J heard a marchaunt man fape that hebad trauatled all the . Dates of bis life,tn the trade of marchaundife, and had gots: fen iff. 02 iiii.thouſand poundes bp byinge and felling, but in cafe be might be licenfed 02 fuffered fe to doo, be woulde get a thouſand pound aypeare by only Sping ana fellpng of gtapne heave within thps realme. Pea and (as J hear fap) | Aldermeu are nolve adapes become Colliers . Whey be hit tdi oe e bothe Moodmongers and makers of cooles. J inoue ” — Had aimenden ff, Where cannot a pooze boop byeatacke of goles, butit mutte come thaꝛowe their handes . But thys ryche man thatthe Gofpell (peaketh oſf. was a couetouſe man od had geuen him plentye, but that made him not a good man. Zt ts another thing that maketh a good mane. Sod ſayeth: Sznon audierss vocem meam. Hf thou obep not Mp bopce ec. And therfore Wogldlp riches Do not declare p fauo2 02 diſfauoꝛ of God, Whe feripture faith: Nemofcitan — Sit amore dignus,an odio. God hath o2datned all thinges to be good. And the deutllabozeth to turn ai thinges to mans ee The deni is uil.SGod geueth men plentpe of richeſſe to erercife theyz Aotrary to god· faith and charitp,to confirm them that be good, to dealve them that be nought,and to being the te repentance: and the deutl wo2keth al together to the contrarp. And it isa old. prouerbe,the moze wicked the moze ſortunate. But vnquietnelſſe of this couctous rich man,declareth thungué, he: ie Kiches bainge etnes of the mind, that richelle baingeth With tt. F irk they — vnquietnes of are al in care bole to get richeſſe, € then are thepin moze mynde, care how to kepe it ſtil. Therfore the Mpoſtle faith. Quz vo- — — lunt diteſcere incidunt in tentationes varias. Thep that ſtudy to get great richeſſe, do fal into manye diuers temptatyons. But the rote of al euil is couetouſneſſe. What hal Idoo faith this riche man.) be atked bis olune brainleſſe heade «Fozithe Had afked of the {cripture,it wold haue told hint, it would — haue fatd vnto hym: Frange eſurienti panem tuum. we. Wea thy bzead vnto the hungry. Al the affection of mennowa — dats, is in buflding gap and fumptuous houſes, it is tn lets ting bp ¢ pulling dolon, ueuer bane thep done building. Hose thps Wut thend of al ſuch great ritcheſſe couctoulnes is this: te ſpoken. This night thou fole thy foule thalbe taken from thee. It _ isto be vnderſtand of al that rife vp from litle to much, as this ritch man that the gofpel ſpake of dtd. Ido not deſpiſe richefle, but J Iulth that men thuld baucritchefic,as Abas dam had, and ag Joſeph had. A man to baue ritches to help bis netghbo2,is a godly riches. Che worldlye richeſſe is to putal bts truſt ¢ confidenccin bis worldly richefle, that be map by them line bere gallantly,plefantipe, and voluptu⸗ — ouſlye· of M LATIMER. : elise Js ys Fedllye rechawie ¢ 2 fle, yee, Preps 24 ret Ged: lye —— uff bd @ Cipere are fai an froed —— ———— pranye, Le, ft td — Pee, . fue ld wel te —— ——— (| Pownce. Ke cs Whe Peek: toed lworliee VA⸗⸗ UP ERO NOUNS, who A gwen V huenclred poumcl lé (Pee focure ; of heer: aleyd * Lf Rome faye You; but tore dpa have Shey 5 Vhurvtred forunad 0S wha Kad how gulin hha Vhundred ( foccer eed *} ff Nhat Saylh Solemor, Cccledacriles U &stala enfer anuhad —— Gare —** det dete, Aa, —* Satth i and anotier — cm per- felior, rrcheite ecartled eps, are (heft logelier fo Fre owners Grn hari: for many -lymd gach picheste dre frorette and cong tape away pred eraddy. Such acne shal Someliam have a dor, saya he, fheat thal bea terye Ceggar, and lye alin sxlperre fren: MIrYe - govdiy rtehed, bhatone ma Shad gelite ana amuther come te adevoure ct! Vhere fore, pradele th CMe: of davireke,, shee ce ama beware of veleres - nedée, Socleve Gods woordes, porliey wyl hot deceeve yoru ror lye Hheavenamd artic shal perch, bec verlurmm ——— The werde cf lhe hora: abewlath amd. thituibeli pom ever: Ofhayd leavened. frye, [Poy Urdeasbore2d ——— ———— —— uniastercad Arylhe tt Corlaurre man adshed mre Meys question Liy at Shi evap bin, Co Pritts lye Wo, Vheal had Great prehesde Viterefore ted Me diets Hoot tend lhe pilefied, tide Fhe. — Ged tend thee aburd. Onee,udsct Faccoring be fa the raile of Ged correla and tHiidlye [be rete un cur Sarroer Iyer Ohrsate lo who uylte the Falher and Me Holy Ghosts be al horveur — and forge for iver ano_lver— Arynere. LINTIS. — ot Lenton ty Jet Day dwelling tvVor Materigate Came gre’ 1362, —se — a + * ee ae . oy oe ee — Se Ee G. A. Starr 228-C Halsey St. Princeton ~/ ). LATIMER, Hugh, bp. of Worcester, 14857-1555. CERTAYN GODLY SERMONS... London: John Day, 1562. [bound with | 27 SERMONS PREACHED BY... London: John Day, 1562. The S.T.C. treats these two items as one work, . entering them both under 27 SERMONS (S. P. C. 15276) « Although both were printed by Day in the same year they have separate titles, signatures and pagina- tion. Moreover, when found together they need not be bound in the order given by the S.T.C.: in addition to the present copy, the one used as the basis of University Microfilm #14997 has CERTAYN GODLY SERMONS bound before 27 SERMONS. In short, the two items included here are quite distinct, and the sequence in which they were bound was quite arbitrary. Together they constitute the most important | collection prior to 1571 of the works of this noted. English reformer. Latimer’ is perhaps best known today for his dying words, addressed to his fellow-_ martyr Ridley when the two of them were about to be burned at the stake: "Be of good comfort, Master Ridley," said Latimer; “we shall this day light such a candle, by God's grace, in England F as I trust shall never be put out." & ~ The present copy gains slight added interest = as having belonged to James Boswell Jr., the E Shakespeare editor and son of Johnson's biographer. » According to Lowndes, this copy was item 1308 at the sale of Boswell's library in May 1825; its subsequent provenance has not been traced. Title-page of first item neatly repaired; final leaf of secon item supplied in ms.