Q Q 2 a < (A z Ll Z i u H ui >- n z h. U) a. < i < cr j >■ >• < u m < p Q 3 I Id 111 I 5 m j -J id h N H I 2 H lil I Ll h Z k. (0 5 ui ■ id u z E a. > Se SI; * X^- OF ■-.«.«*£ APR 25 1934 PSALMS V$$MM RENDERED INTO ENGLISH VERSE OF VARIOUS MEASURES, DIVIDED ACCORDING TO THEIR MUSICAL CADENCES. AND COMPRISED IN THEIR OWN IJMTTS : IX WHICH THEIR RESPONSIVE LINES AM KEPT UNBROKEN, THE DEVOUT AND KXAf.THI SENTIM1.NTS W1IB WHICH THEY EYKKY- WHERE ABOUND. EXPHBSKD IN THEIR OWN FAMILIAR AXD APPROPRIATE LANGUAGE, AND THE GRAPHIC DUGERY, BY WHICH THEY ARE RENDERED TTVID, PRESERVED ENTIRE. BY ABXER JO.NES, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC. NEW YORK: MASON BROTHERS. 23 PARK ROW, 1854. I Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S5-L by ABNER JONES. In the Gerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. TO THE CHRISTIAN PUBLIC. You will expect the Author, in ; eration and use a new metrical Pfcvid, to justify hia undertaking by worthy and attainable forth the particulars in which he has aimed to excel other similar works already in your This will be done iu few v. The objects were, to render the whole Book of Psalms, into easy an urious measures, evenly rhymed. with uniform accent, divided according to their musical ca- s, and comprised in their own limits : in which their :ure in responsive lines should be kept tut aud exalted sentiments with which they everyw . their own familiar ai propriate language, and the graj hie imagery by which they are rendered "ved entire. With what degree of fidelity to the 01 a rk has been executed as regards their language, structure.au 1 im- and with what degree of ability the Author has been impart a lyrical t<>ue to his verse, are left I minating publi mind that the leading object has been, distinctly to | their marked features, without either magnifying them, and also remembering that it is less difficult 1 a handsome picture than a correct portrait. Assi luous at- tention has been given to the construction of the - meters, especially those requiring from six to nine ponding sounds in the same stanza, to render their m smooth and graceful, the rhymes connecting them, harmo- nious and effective, and the accentuation by which they are measured, invariably uniform and appropriate, nev. mitting it to contravene the regular rhythmical accent of the m The titles of the Psalms have been regarded as insej from the sacred text, and too weighty in their import omitted in this work. They are vi great utility to the - as they point out with precision in the few* character of the pieces over which they were set : and al- though some of the technical terms employed in tin involved in doubt, their sense in general, is obvious. have been taken from an able and lucid translation Psalms by Prof. J. A. Alexander, of the Princeton Theological Seminary, to which the Author has made many Btai conform ; - 3 unting for any apparent discrepan tweeu them and the English Bible. TO THE CHRISTIAN PUBLIC The division of the Psalms into subjects according to their musical cadences, forms a new and prominent feature of this work not found in previous versions. This bas cost much labor and study in analysing the several Psalms concerning their distinct musical bearings, varying shades of expression, regular marked phrases and well defined numbers, which if fully explained with other kindred subjects, would require more room than can here be devoted for this purpose, and must necessariljr be deferred for another time and place, if such am exposition should seem to be demanded. Suffice it now to say. that each Psalm has been rendered into from one to four different meters, and the division of the subjects made alike in all ; and with but few exceptions are ex- pressed in the same number of lines. Hence the singer having obtained the proper expression to one of the ver- sions, will readily apply it to the rest : and the omission of one or more stanzas in the performance is only leaving out one or more of the subjects which, by this arrangement, will prove to be of the least detriment. It may be remarked also, that the present plan of rendering the most useful Psalms into double, triple and quadruple versions, has proportion- ably increased the metrical numbers contained in this work, b. is confidently hoped will render it more pleasing to the general reader, and tend greatly to enhance its usefulness. F< r while the lengthy and sedate numbers may perhaps be fitly chosen when a full congregation, choir and organ are to sustain the music, those meters that more readily adapt themselves to simpler strains and tunes of easier execution, which may be effectively sustained with less effort and by weaker voices, will be found more appropriate for the use of the family, social circle and the lecture room, where, after all. a large proportion of the singing is done. The comprising of the versions within the limits of the Hebrew text, constitutes another prominent and useful trait of this work which has not been aimed at. certainly not at- tained in former versions. Many noble Psalms which have heretofore been rendered so prolix and unwieldy as never to be sung in public worship except in parts and parcels, have here been kept within their own proper bounds and thus made available for use. Indeed this was a necessary part of the plan in the undertaking, otherwise the structure of the Psalms would be broken by their being improperly extended, their language enfeebled by the use of weak connectives in filling up the space, their imagery scattered, and their origi- nal design thwarted if not wholly turned aside. The following comparisons, which few perhaps may have the means at hand, or the opportunity to make, will set this subject in its true light, and with some allowance for slight errors in the computations, are respectfully submitted. TO THE CHRISTIAN PUBLIC. The Book of Psaln •■• Dr. Kenni Bible, contains 5280 lines : 5278 lines : and a< Bible, al ich Psalm in this WOI ■ - is. (li.i mafc - - Dr. Wai lected to versify about 9600 lines. exccedin.: by 21 1 ■ Ihe 119th Psalm contains 352 lines, which are divi the Hebrewalphabet into 22 equal parts of 16 lines each. In the pn sent art of 16 lines is rendered into 4 stanza- ud m. the original. rendered each part of 16 lines, u lines, increasing their original number I Brady render ing '■'>- lines, doubling tbeiroriginal number : Dr. Wat1 •■I have collected and disposed of the most useful ve\ this Psalm uu ler 18 differ* at heads armed a divine song upon each of them. But tl i some degree of connection.' 7 This shows he did not prefc 1 upon it 41- lines. exeeedLn_- _inal numkr. It is admitted that almost every verse of this fruitful and highly devotional Psalm, so constructed words of instruction and comfort in ail the walks and cir- cumstances of iife. as also many of the verses cont i other parts of the I > a sacred song. But it i- denied, that when the Psalms are thus rendered or tvhen from otiOO to 4U00 lines ar_- to their number, they can in the nature of the case, answer the great design for which they were originally intended. They were specially, though not solely, ad ar- ranged under the guidance of the Holy Spirit for the pur- I -ta*e of the church in ail ayes, with distinctive saai face regarding th<-ir adaptation to music, and trans? into the dialects of . original lan- guage in which they were written and t which they were sun,- would have been preserved together. They were | try particular as a - end. and were tilled with imperishable and inexhaustible subjects which will be of increasing interest forever, the more they are contemplated and understood. Nothing can be added to them for the better, and uothiug taken from them without detriment : they are right ; and that metrical version of them, that is made with the greatest fidelity to the divine original, will eventually win the general favor. TO THE CHRISTIAN PUBLIC. The preparation of this volume has occupied the fixed at- tention, anxious thought, and leisure hours of the Author for more than twenty years. Perhaps a sketch of its origia and progress may be naturally expected and not wholly with- out interest. The germ from whence it sprang has been of slow growth, and, as now appears to him in a survey of the past, was implanted in his younger days by his admiration of the Psalms, love of sacred music, and early induction into tht art ; il was nurtured for considerable time by the active part he was soon called upon to take as leader and teacher, when as yet no such task had entered his thought or proposed itself to his imagination. But how mysteriou> and inscrutable are the Providences of God, who sees the end from the beginning ! Not in its hitherto smooth channel was his course of life destined to run : for by rapidly repeated strokes of family bereavement he was strangely torn from his settlings and un- expected!; placet! in a new sphere of notion. Here his whole attention was turned for many years to the cultivation and practice of Psalmody, and with flattering success. His mind however was brought into more immediate contact with this subject in 1S32-3 while engaged in compiling and setting to music 1240 pieces of sacred poetry. During the progress of that work he had ample opportunity of comparing the several versions of the Psalms in common use with each other and with the sacred text from whence they were derived. From that view his convictions became deep and lasting, that a wide field still remained unoccupied for a new and greatly improved metrical version of the Psalms for practi- cal purposes. Impelled by the interest thus excited and loTe of study, he applied himself for a while to the original Hebrew, not indeed expecting to become master of that beautiful and comprehensive language, but in order to read with the more profit the translations made of the Psalms by eminent Poetors and their commentaries thereon, several of which he had already gathered around him. Considerable time was here spent in the study and comparison of these elaborate works and in the search for others that should treat more specially upon the musical bearings of the Psalms and of the proper rules by which they should be versified. But the quite confiicting views- advanced upon these and kindred topics by different writers, so far as created of. rather served to darken than elucidate the subject ; as adopting either of them would lead to very opposite results. But turning his attention to a closer examination of the Psalms themselves, in regard to these particulars, he soon discovered that the key to the whole matter lay in a right division of their subjects, and that this had already been done by the sacred pencil with perfect accuracy, and had in general been made sufficiently plain to be readily followed. Taking then TO THE CHRISTIAN PUBLIC. the Psalms for his model, to bo implicitly copied, the work solved upon and the labor commenced and carried for- ward as opportunity offered. The Author has never at any time felt bo great an an\i"*y to get the work completed, as he has to do it wtU : and after it was put very nearly into its present Bhape in all of its essential parts, not willing to confide solely in his own judgment, it was submitted to the careful inspection and criticism of an able linguist and ac- complished Bcholar,Prof. J. Holmes Agnew; in conferring with whom he has taken great pleasure and received much benefit. But as the path that led to the undertaking was made by an unseen Hand through the furnace of affliction, so has its progress been marked by adversities and trials. In conse- quence of the genera] commercial revulsions of 183T- S . he suffered heavy losses and was plunged into embarrassments. The angel of death has summoned away his two surviving daughters, on whom he had bestowed a father's affection, and had but too fondly hoped they would be spared to smooth and soften his declining years. Yet the same Hand that has afflicted and bereaved, has also supported and defended him, and brought him by ways he had not known. It is consol- ing to remember, that all these things have taken place and been ordered by God in his infinite wisdom, whose mercy and goodness are unfailing, and whose glory will never end. May He, who is wont to choose the weak things of this World to confound the mighty, and things that are not, to bring to naught those that are, whose blessing maketh rich and addeth no sorrow, grant his kind benediction to accom- pany this humble effort, and all the praise shall be to his holy name for ever— Amen. THE AUTHOR. A TABLE OF TITLES TO TEE PSA TATS. Psalms 1, 2. 10, 37, 43. 71. 91. 03. 94. 95. 96. 97. 99. 104, 105, 10G, 107. 111. 112, 113. 114. 115,116, 117. 118, 119, 135, 136. 137. 146. 147. 14S, 149. and 150. have no titles. But Psalms 1 and 2 may be regarded as a preface, or in a musical sense, a prelude to the -whole ; which according to c will give then to David as author, his name standing the next. Psalm 10 may he viewed as belonging to 9. the two forming a pair or double Psalm : 33 as bel<>n^ine to 32 in the same manner : 37 to 36. in which the wicked delineated in the former are put in contrast with the righteous in the hitter. Psalm 43 forms an appendix to 42 : 71 an amplifica- tion to 70, and 91 to that of 90. Psalm 93 may be consi- dered as a closing piece to 92 or as an introduction to 94 : it may have been placed there for both purposes. Psalms 95 and 96, 97 and 98, 99 and 100, may be regarded as pairs. Psalm 104 beginning like 103, seems naturally enough to be an enlargement of the same subject. Psalms 3. 4. 5. 6. 8, 9. 11. 12. 13,15, 20, 21. 24. and 61, are en- titled. A Psalm of David: 19. 22. 23. 29, 31. 38. 39. 4u. 41. 51, 54. 55, 62, 63, 64. 65, 101. 108. 109, 110. 139! 140. 141. and 138 are entitled A Psalm bv David ; 14. 25, 26. 27, 28. 32, 34. 35, 38. 41. 52, 53. 54, 55. 57, 58. 59. 60. 69, 70. 103. 138, and 144, are entitled by David, the word psalm or song being under- stood : 7 Shiggaion of David : 16 Michtam of David : IS and 36 by a Servant of Jehovah, by David : 17 and 86 A Prayer, by David, and 144 Maschil, by David, a Prayer : and 30 A Psalm a Son? of Dedication for the House, bv David : 68 by David.— A Psalm of Praise : 145 Praise bv David : 122. 124'. 131 and 133 a Song of the Ascents, by David : 38 and 70. To remind: 57 Destroy not : 60 a Mystery — To be learnt. By David. Psalm 72 is entitled bv Solomon : 127 a Song of the Ascents. By Solomon : 88 by Heman the Ezrahite : 89 Maschil.— By Ethan the Ezrahite : 90 bv Moses the man of God. Psalms 50. 73. 74. 75. '76. 77, 78, 79, 80, 81. 82 and 83, bear the name of Asaph, either as author or chief singer, most likely the former, as 75. 76. SO and 81 are inscribed to the chief musician, and 77 to the chief musician over the choir of Jeduthun. 50, 73, 79 and 82, are entitled a Psalm, by Asaph : 83 a Song — A Psalm by Asaph : 75 and 76 a Psalm by Asaph : 78 by Asaph — A Psalm : a Song : 74 and 78 Maschil— By Asaph : 71 on the Gittith, by Asaph : 80 as to lilies — A Testimonv — Bv Asaph — A Psalm. Psalms 42. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48, 49. S4. 85. 87 and 88 are in- scribed to or for the Sons of Korah : of which 42. 44. 45, 46.47 and 49 are to the chief musician. To the Sons of Korah : Mas- chil is affixed to 42 and 44 : Upon lilies. Maschil — A of the Beloved, to 45 : Upon Akimoth, a Song, to 46 :On the Gittith, to 84 : a Ps.— A Song, to 87, and a Sonz.a Ps. to 88. TABLE OF TITLES. Some of the lenses which the tpchnic.il terms employed in the till - eonrey, are the fol- lowing : At.-mith -larrin. The self-destruction of the wicked — or death of the sinner. Pb. 9. Al-tashheth. Destroy not. Ps. 67, 58, 69 ai Jeihtiun. One of the chief- md, meaning probably a family of singers of that name. Pa, 39.02 and 77. HlHALATH. The subject of the Psalm concerning the wicked. Ps. 53: Concerning afflicti M .\-« iiil. An instructive or didactic poem. Ps. 32. 42, 44. 45, 52, 63, 74. 78, 79 and 142. Mu -ht-vm. To hide— a mystery or secret. Ps. 16. oK. NlHELOm Flutes or wind instrument-. (H. Ainsworth, 1496.) More probably it relates to the subject of th • to the lots or destinies of the righteous and the wicked. Ps. 5. On the Hind of the Morning. Hind — a poetical figure for suffering innocence — morning — relief after long distress. Shiggaion. "Wandering or error. Ps. 9. Sons of Korau. These were a family of Levitical singers. Song of ti; Set over Psalms from 120 to" 134 inclusive — sung during the periodical joumeyings of the Jews to Jerusalem at the times of their great festivals. To OR FOR the Chief MrsiCiAX. This inscription show! that the Psalms over which it is placed were intended for permanent public use. and not merelv private purposes. Pa 4. 5. 6. B. 9, 11. 12. 13. 14. In 19, 20, 21, 22. 31. 30. 3'.'. 40. 41. 44. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56, 57. 58, 59. 60. 01. 02. 44. 65. 66, L09, 139 and 140. To the Sons of Korah is added to the Chief Musician, in Ps. 42, 44, 45. 46. 47 and 49. With or on Stringed Instruments. Ps. 46. 54. 55. 61. 67. 76 Upon Aeamoth. Virgins or young women — denoting soprano or female voices. P-. 46. Upon the Eighth. From the plaintive tone of the Psalms, it would seem to imply in a subdued voice, perhaps an octave below the usual pitch. Ps. 6 and 12. Upon the GrrriTH. An instrument of music or style of song borrowed from Gath. Ps. 8. 81 and 84. Upon Jonath-elem-rehokim. Jonath — a dove, an emblem of suffering innocence — elem — silent, uncomplaining — reho- kim — distant, or foreign. Ps. 56. Upon Lilies. An instrument of peculiar loveliness : or relating to a subject of which the lily is a fitting poetical emblem: as song of the beloved Ps. 45; or to delightful consolations and deliverances expected or hoped for. Ps. 69 ; or Lily of Testimony — beauty of the divine law, Ps. 60 and 80. TABLE OF VERSIONS A>~D METERS. Psalms 1. 15. 23. 29. S4. 92. and 117 have 4 versions on each. Psalms 6, 8. 19. 32, 39. 47. 66. 90. 95. 96, 97. 98, 100, 103. 111. 116. 121. 122. 133. 1:34. 137, 141. 145. 146. 147. 148 and 150 have 3 versions on each. Psalms 2. 3. 4. 5. 9, 11, 13, 16, 17. 20. 21. 24. 26, 27. 33, 34. 36. 37. 42. 45. 46. 48. 51, 57, 6L 62. 63. 65. 67. 72. 76. 80, 81. 82. 85. 86. 91. 93, 99, 101, 102. 104. 110, 112. 113. 118. 119. 125. 126, 127. 128. 130, 131. 132. 13S. 139, 142. 143. 144 and 149 have 2 versions on each! Psalms 7. 10. 12. 14. IS. 22. 25. 28. 30, 31, 35, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44. 49. 50. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 58. 59. 60.64. 68, 69. 70, 71. 73'. 74. 75. 77. 78, 79. 83, 87i 88, 89, 94, 105, 106! 107. 108, 109, 114, 115. 120, 123. 124. 129. 135,136and 140 have hut 1 ver- sion on each. These taken together make 286 versions, and including the two on the 37th and 119th Psalms, make 334 pieces, which are rendered into meters as follows : 24 are in Long Meter: 10 are in Long Meter 6 lines : 23 are in Long Meter. Douhle : 4 are in Long Meter Triple : 27 are in Com- mon Meter : 14 are in Common Meter 6 linos : 44 are in Common Meter, Douhle : 3 are in Common Meter Triple : 1 is in Common Meter Quadruple : 2 are in Long Meter Halle- lujah : 4 are in Common Meter Hallelujah : 6 are in Short Meter Hallelujah : 3 are in Hallelujah Meter : 9 are in Com mon Particular Meter : 1 is in Short Particular Meter. The Meters represented by figures below, like those above, are some in single, some in six lines, some in double, and some in triple stanzas. IS are in 7s & 6s, beginning on the I note — and 12 in 7s i: 6s. beginning on the vnaccenied .1 are in 8a 8c 7s. beginning on the accented note — and 54 in 8s & 7s. beginning on the unaccented note. 4 are in 7s 7 are in 8s : 5 are in lis k 8s : 1 is in 8s & lis : 5 are in 12a & lis : 1 is in lis ; and 2 are in 6s & 4s. ADW8HSHHNT. _reat variety of meters into which the been rendered, embracing several for which there is no suit ems to- require that the Bock should contain and cany with it. ient number of tu:. a ney. Other sirous ill be subjected to the delay awl exj - obtaining the proper music through other channele rs and leader- neces- fxU into the too common practice tune: -ty diverse and opposite, which niciou tune thus use-1 is soon destroyed and the sol seated inevitably brought to a eomrarxi level, ai a time their power over the feeiings. A new and much im- proved music type had been prepared at considerable extra expen=e specially for thus ther with the •?rthey were nearly ready for the fire, this providence has delayed the appearance oi ij the music, which otherwise would have appeared * volume, put into an Octavo form, may be embraced in abv i I allowing one half the space for the mu- sic, which would irive a tune for every piece. Ample room would then remain in the same without making it more ' han an ordinary singing book. f< of five or six hundred of the best hymns in the language. But to do this Uonal time, labor, and e *nd is left to the indications of Providence THE PSALMS OF DAVID. J H L. M. 6 line?. OW blest is he in heart and hand. Who does not walk with impious feet, Nor in the way of sinners stand. Nor with the scoffer take his seat : But in God'> law is his delight, His meditation day and night. 2 ll» j shall be like the tree well set, Where living waters course below ; Whose boughs their timely fruit b Whose leaves perpetual verdure show : His daily work s And springs with joy that never ends. 3 Not so ungodly men are found, But like the chaff before the wind. Nor cau in judgment ^tand their ground, Nor with the saints a dwelling find : God knows the way the just are led ; The way shall perish sinners tread. 2 2 PSALMS. 1 S. M. EL 1 "DLEST man that neither does D In impious counsel walk, Nor stand where sinners choose. Nor sit where scoffers mock: But on the Lord delights to wait, And in his word to meditate. 2 He like a tree shall spring, Set in a watered glade ; Whose boughs their clusters bring. Whose leaf shall never fade : Good shall attend his work below. Nor any end his blessings know. 3 Not so the wicked race. Like winnowed chaff they fly. Nor can the judgment face. Nor dwell with saints on high : God knows the way the righteous go ; The sinner's way shall end in woe. 1 7> cV 6s D. 1 AH! happy man, that neither VJ Walks on with impious feet, Nor stands with sinners either, Nor takes the scoffer's seat : But on the Lord is waiting. To learn his holy law ; Its precepts meditating. With sweet and reverend awe. 2 He's like the tree that's planted, Where waters glide serene : Whose fruit is timely granted, Whose leaf is ever green ; The work his hands are doing, Prosperity attends j PSALMS. The way he is pursuing IIa< joy th.it never ends. 3 But wicked men resemble The chaff by tempests fanned ; They shall in judgment tremble, Nor with the righteous stand ; The way the upright cherish Is known and loved of God; The crooked way shall perish That is by sinners trod. 1 8s & 7s D. 1 TTOW blest is he who walketh free, _tl When impious counsel offers : Nor stands on ground by Burners found. Nor takes the seat v\' scoffers : But to God's law he turns with awe. To scan its holy pag Where, day and night, some new delight His warmest thought engages. 2 His thrift shall be like yonder tree That's planted by a river: Whose verdant shoots yield plenteous fruits, Whose leaves are fresh forever : What he shall do will prosper, too, A kindly care attending : His way is right, and grows more bright : His blessings have no ending. 3 Not so the vain, nor men profane, Who winnowed chaff resemble : Nor can they meet the judgment-seat. Nor with the saints assemble. God loves the .fust who in him trust : He knows the way they cherish : But sinners choose what they will lose ; Their way and hope shall perish. PSALMS. Is & 6s D. 1 "\T7"HY do nations rage with heat. u The- peoples vainly ris Kings of earth for counsel meet. The rulers plans devise ? All against Jehovah speak, Of his Anointed say : " Come, their bands asunder break, And cast their cords away l" 2 He derides, who sits on high. And laughs at their designs ; Then in anger will reply. And terrify their minds : " Though your hearts my power disdain, And rise against my will ; Yet I 've set my King to reign Upon my holy hill." 3 Thus Jehovah said to me ; His edict I avow : " I 've this day begotten thee, My only Son art thou ? Go. possess the realms abroad, In answer to thy prayer ; Crush them with an iron rod, Like potters' shivered ware. 7 ' 4 Kings and judges, now be wise, And serve the Lord with fear, Kiss the Son, with trembling rise, Lest he in wrath appear ; Then you '11 perish from the way, His anger soon will flame : Blest are all. and only they, Whose trust is in his, name. Is & 6s D. 1 TTFHY all this rage of nations, > V The peoples' vain surmise ? PSALMS. 5 Kings meet for consultations. The rulers Bchen king. - Christ, proud v. sunder breaJ We '11 east away their cor - 2 He lai ides; He will in wrath reprove them. . their hearts •• Your plans axe all st my will : For I my King b .ill." '6 Hear ye the edict rai Jehovah said to me : •• Tiii- day am I thy Father. : and thou .-halt in] The ends of earth abr . save them by thy merit. Or break them with thy r 4 Let pri] o learning. Be to hi- - on : Lei kincrs and judges turning. With tre. Son : Lest by the way His wrath will soon be stirred : How blest are all who cherish A hope upon his word. 3 C. M. II. A Psalm of David, in his fleeing from the face of Absalom his - 1 TTOW are my troublers multiplied, I! What numbers seek my bloc 6 PSALMS. How many say with lips of pride, "No help has he in God ;" And thou a shield around me spread, My honor, that lifts up my head. 2 Jehovah's name will I invoke, Who hears from Zion's hill ; I have lain down, and slept, and woke, His care sustains me still : I will not fear ten thousand foes, With whom they now my path enclose. 3 Rise up, and save me, oh my God! My foes have felt thy stroke ; Their cheeks are smitten by thy rod, Their impious teeth are broke. Salvation does to God belong, Thy blessing be thine Israel's song. 3 lis & 8s. 1 TEHOYAH, how many would make me a prey, J What numbers are seeking my blood ! Jehovah, how many who scornfully say, " No help shall he find in his God ;" And ever about me thy shield thou dost spread, Thy name is my glory, that lifts up my head. 2 Jehovah will I as my helper invoke, From Zion he hears. me complain ; I 've lain myself down, and have slept and awoke ; His favor my hope will sustain : Ten thousand of foes shall not make me afraid, Ten thousand around me in battle arrayed. 3 Oh, rise up and save me, Jehovah, my God! My enemies quailed at thy stroke ; The jaws of the sinner are smote by thy rod, The teeth of the wicked are broke. Salvation and honor belong to the Lord, Thy blessing be Israel's eternal reward. PSALMS. 1 4 C. M. D. I instruments. A Psalm ol David. 1 AH righteous God ! to whom I coine, \J Hear when I call to thee ; Thou hast in pressures made me room, Bow dowu again to me. How long will you. ye sons of men. Mine honor turn to shame? H<»v, giit in things so vain. And : ame? 2 Know ye the Lord has Bet apart The godly for his own : He will send answers to my heart, What time I seek his throne. Then rage no more, from sin for^ Muse in your heart by night : Pay vows to God. and trust his care. And in hi> praise delight. 3 Lord, many ask where trood is found : Thy light to us impart : More than in times their fruits abound, Hast thou rejoiced my heart. I will in peace lie down and sleep, And take my needful For thou alone wilt safely keep. And make me ever blest. '0 8s & 7s I>. H thou, my God ! whose truth I laud, When I am calling, heed me : Bow thy kind ear : in mercy hear : Thou hast from pressures freed me. Oh sons of men ! how long complain, My highest honor shan How long delight, in burning Your - ever firami i PSALMS. 2 Know that the Lord for his regard, The godly has selected ; He from on high will hear my cry, And I shall be protected. Dread every ill, by night be still, Say inly with reflection ; Pay vows to God, his glories laud, And trust in his protection. 3 Lord, many say, " Who '11 good display V Grant us thy light unceasing : More joy from thee has gladdened me, Than times their corn 's increasing ; Mine eyes I Tl close in sweet repose, And sleep in peace most surely ; For thou, oh Lord, my only guard, Wilt make me dwell securely. 5 C. M. H. For the Chief Musician on Xehiloth. A Psalm of Davie. 1 pERCEIVE my thought and all I say, _L My gracious God and King ; And hearken when, at dawn of day, My early vows I bring : I will look up with steadfast eyes. And thou shalt hear my longing cries. 2 For truly thou art not a God Whom evil doth delight : No men of insolence and blood Shall stand before thy sight : The false and proud wilt thou expel, With thee no vicious one can dwell. 3 But in thy house will I appear, In thine abundant grace : And there will worship in thy fear. Towards thy holy place : Thy perfect way to me disclose, For I have manv artful foes. PSALMS. 4 For in their mouth is nothing true. And they a1 heart are wrong : Their throat 's a grave laid i And smooth they make their tongue : They have against thy law rebelled Let them in their own plans be quelled. 5 Lei all with shouts their joys pro Who trust in thee, oh Lord! Let all that love thy gracious name. Have gladness in thj Thy favors to the just abound, And like a shield enclose them round. ; s. \\. ii. 1 ^\["V gracious God arid King, JH. My words and musings weigh: a urd th<- vows 1 bring, When dawns the opening day : I'll lift mine eyes, and to thine ear Will send my cries, and thou shalt hear. 2 Tor thou art not a God Whom evil doth deligl No men of vice or blood Shall stand before thy sight: Thou dost despise iniquity. None loving lies can dwell with thee. 3 But in thy courts of grace. My worship shall be paid : There will 1 seek thy face, And look to thee for aid : Thy way disclose, and make it straight, For many foes around me wait. 4 Their mouth retains no truth. Their throat "s an open grave: Their tongues are keen and smo And treacherous hearts they have : 10 PSALMS. Condemn them all. their plans defeat. And make them fall I iceit. 5 Let all who love the Lord. With -hunts their joy Let all who trust thy word. Exulting praise thy name : Thy kind esteem shall be I And compass them as with a shield. 6 C. M. D. Chief Musician, with stringed instruments, upon the eighth. A Psalm of David. 1 "HEBL'KE me not in anger. Lord. XL' Nor chasten, though displeas But healing grace to me afford. For I'm with anguish seized. My flesh and soul with ten i How long are thy delays? Oh! save me for thy mercy's sake. And nil my heart with prai 2 For who shall thank thee in the gra In death thy name make known? Oh! come and show thy power to save ; I 'm weary with my groan. By night I make my bed to swim. My couch with tears o'erflows : From daily grief my sight is dim. Because of all my f< 3 Let evil doers from me fly, Nor tempt me to despair : The Lord has heard my weeping cry. And will receive my prayer, vah heard my humble call, And he will hear again : My foes in sudden shame shall fall. And seek relief in vain. PSALMS- 11 6 7s & 6s I). 1 T)EBUKE me not in anger, XL Nov in thy wrath chastise; I'm filled with pain and languor, In mercy hear my cries. But thou, how long. Jehovah? Return, thy help proclaim ; Oh ! do not give me over, But save me for thy name. 2 Who in the grave can bless thee. In death thy name adore? With anguish I address thee. With groans thy help implore: My sight is dim with sighing. My pillow swims in V For all my foes are trying To fill my heart with fears, 3 Away, ye evil doers ! The Lord has heard my cries r His help my hope secures, And peace and joy supplies : Jehovah heard my calling, And he will always hear ; My foes will soon be falling. In sudden shame and fear. 6 8s & Is D. 1 TX anger hot rebuke me not, _L Xor chasten with displeasure : In mercy speak, for I am weak, My griefs exceeding measure : My bones are vexed, my heart perplexed, And woe has whelmed me over ; How long delay? save me. I pray, For thy name's sake, Jehovah! 1 2 PSALMS. 2 For who in death can raise his breath, And from the grave adore thee ? I 'm tired with moans, and weak with groans, Oh ! when wilt thou restore me ? I drench my bed with tears I shed, Which are like rivers flowing 5 My vision fails, my spirit quails, My foes are bolder growing. 3 From me depart, nor tempt my heart, Ye seed of evil doers ! The Lord on high has heard my cry, And speedy help insures. Jehovah, heard, and peace conferred, And will attend my calling : My foes with shame shall suffer blame ; When not aware, be falling. 7 C. M. D. Shiggaion of David, that he sang to Jehovah because of thf words of Cush the Benjamite. 1 AH God! on thee my hopes depend, \J Save me from all my foes ; Lest they my soul like lions rend, When none can interpose. If wrong within my hands be found, Or my returns unjust, The foe may smite me to the ground, Mine honor to the dust. 2 Awake and make thine anger known, To judgment rise for me : Let gathered nations round thy throne Thy truth and justice see. Let innocence my cause defend, Thou Judge of all the earth ! Let mischiefs of the wicked end, Establish men of worth. PSALMS. 13 3 On God is ray defense and stay. Who fcriea the heart and reins : While sinners tempt him every day. His truth the just sustains. If Burners will not be restored, If they will not repent. Lord will whet his glittering sword. His bow is ready bent. 4 The wicked travails sore with sin, And falsehood is his child ; He digs a pit and falls therein, By his own works beguiled. His crimes shall come upon his pate, His head shall bear his wrongs ; Jehovah just. Most High and great. "Will I exalt in songs. 8 L. ML D. Io the Chief Musician, apon the Gittith. A Psalm of David. 1 AH Lord, our Lord, through nature's frame \J How brightly shines thy glorious name ! Above the heavens thy splendor raise, And fill creation with thy praise : From babes hast thou established power, Whose mouths untaught thy works adore, That infant lips might interpose To silence thy malignant foes. 2 Since heaven thy forming hands arrayed The moon and stars in beauty made : Oh ! why should man thy memory share, His son secure thy constant care ? Next in the scale to angels made. With honor thou hast crowned his head ; Sole monarch of the earth he stands. And rules the creatures of thy hands. 14 PSALMS. 3 All sheep and oxen, flocks and herds, All beasts and cattle, fowls and birds ; The fishes which the waters keep, And everything that cleaves the deep. Oh Lord, our Lord, in all the world How glorious is thy name unfurled ; Thy splendor gilds creation's frame, Let heaven and earth exalt thy name. 8 C. M. D. 1 AH Lord, our Lord, in all the earth \J How glorious is thy name ! Set thy transcendent power and worth Above the starry frame : Thou hast established strength and skill From infant lips to flow, That sucklings might avengers still, And calm the raging foe. 2 Since heaven on high thy hands have wrought, The moon and stars so fair, Oh ! why should man engage thy thought, The son of man thy care ? But just below the angels made, With power and glory crowned ; All things beneath his feet are laid, The spacious earth around. 2 The flocks and herds, and folds of sheep, The fowls that wing the air ; The fishes dwelling in the deep, And all things passing there. Oh Lord, our Governor and King, All nature speaks thy fame ! Let worlds above thy splendor sing, The earth thy glorious name. ILMS. 15 8 Ss & 7 I). 1 All Lord, our Lord, thy name adored, V / All Dstnre tells in story : Who* - rise above the skies, T<» man:' ry : Yet babes dost thou with Btrength endow, Their mouth with wisdom filling : To interpose, and calm thy foes. The bold avenger stilling. 2 Since heaven on high, the starry sky. Thy fingers made so splendid. Why is thy mind toward man inclined, His bod by thee attended? Him thou hast made but just a grade Is standing : With honor crowned, the earth around Assigned for his commanding. :] All flocks and herds, all fowls and birds, 1 tf every class and motion : The fish that keep beneath the deep, And ail that pass the ocean. Oh Lord our King, while everything Shines brightly with thy splendor, Let earth proclaim thy glorious name, The heavens their praises render. 9 K M. D. To the Cine: 1 1 :,iuth-labben. A Psalm of David. 1 "WITH all my heart will I record W Thy works of wonder, mighty Lord. ; With joyful song thy praise proclaim, And celebrate thy glorious name. My tots turn back with sore dismay. And from thy presence fade away : 16 PSALMS. For thou who sittest judging right. Hast plead my cause with truth and might. 2 The nations thy rebukes have taught. And wicked realms to ruin broi: _ The raging foe hast thou destroyed. And made his place and memory void. The Lord forever will remain. And on his throne of justice reign : Will judge all peopl ad lands. And give the world his right commands. 3 The Lord will be a refuge high. To which the soul distressed may fly : Who know thy name, in thee will trust. For thou wilt ne'er forsake the just. Exult in song- to Zio::"s Kii _. His great exploits and wonders sing : For guiltless blood he bears in mind. The sufferer's prayer will answers find. 4 Save me from all malicious spite. And raise me from the shades of nigh That all thy praise I may recount. Salvation sing on Zion's mount. - in their pits are laid, Their feet are caught in snares they made ; The Lord i- known by right that stai The wicked fall by their own hands. 5 The wicked back to hell shall turn. And nations that Jehovah spurn : The needy shall not hope in vain. Nor I _ in in their pain. Lord! rise to judge and humble pride, Make fear in haughty heart- abide : Let peoples know, the earth abroad. That they are men and thou art God. PSALMS. It 9 C. M. D. 1 WITH all my heart, Almighty Lord, W Will I thy wonders tell ; With joyful song thy truth record, And on thy praises dwell. My foes turn back, with fear restrained, And perish from thy Bight ; My cause and claim hast thou maintained. Who sittest judging right. 2 The nations thy rebukes have quelled, And wicked realms destroyed; The raging foe from earth expelled, His name and place made void. Jehovah will forever reign. His throne of judgment stands; And he shall rule the earth and main, And judge all tribes and lands. 3 The Lord will shelter souls opprest, In trouble will be kind ; Who know thy name, in thee will rest, Who seek thy help, shall find. Sing praise aloud to Zion's God, His works of truth declare ; Who in avenging guiltless blood, Regards the sufferer's prayer. 4 Save me from all malicious hate, From death lift up my soul ; That still my song in Zion's gate My Saviour may extol. The nations in their pits are thrown, Are caught in their own snares ; The Lord by his just work is known. But sinners fall by theirs. 5 The wicked shall to hell turn back, With realms that slight the Lord ; 2 " 18 PSALMS. The needy shall not always lack. The poor have no reward. Lord! rise, the pride of man restrain, Send fear and truth abroad : Let nations know they are but men, And thou the only God. 10 C. M. D. w In times of trouble hide ; When tyrants catch the poor by fraud. And sufferers burn in pride I They boast of wealth, and winning still, Bless God in proud disdain : They disregard thy sovereign will, Nor thee their thoughts retain. 2 Thy judgments are above their sight, they puff at all their foes : They think to stand by their own might. They dread no future woes. Their mouth is full of all deceit. Their tongue with all that 's vile ; They lurk the innocent to meet, And sufferers to beguile, 3 They hide like lions in their den, Their net the weak infolds ; Their strong ones catch unwary men, Nor think that God beholds. Rise up. Jehovah, lift thy rod ! Let sufferers now be spared ; Why have the proud contemned God, And thy just vengeance dared ? 4 Let them not say thou wilt not heed ; Thou dost behold, oh Lord ! Thy hand shall give a righteous meed, For all their wrongs reward. PSALMS. 19 On thee will suffering souls confide, Who art t<> orphans kind : Break thou the arm of tyrant pride. Till thou no Bin shalt find. 5 Lord, thou art King for evermore ! Proud nations disappear : When humble souls thy help implore. Thou wilt incline thine ear : Thou wilt thy people's cause maintain. Who still on thee rely : N shall oppressors Longer reign And thy groat name defy. 11 c. M. D. To the Cliief Musician. A Psalm of David. 1 ri OD is my refuge, strength and rest : VT Why tell my soul with pride. •• Flee like a bird and seek your nest. On yonder mountain hide '. For lo ! the wicked bend the bow. And fix the poisoned dart : They aim to lay the godly low. And men upright in heart. 2 Since now a pillar scarce remains. What have the righteous done? God in his holy temple reigns. In heaven has set his throne. He sees the aved me from my em : From foes for me too strong. He spread his sheltering wings around. And constant succor gave : He set my feet on open ground. Because he loves 6 He did my righteousness reward. As in his paths I fan For I have truly served the Lord, Nor guilty left my God. His judgments I have kept in sight, Abstained from my offense : And as my heart has been upright, I find the recompense. 7*"The kind thy kindness shall secure. The true thy truth shall crown ; With all the pure wilt thou be pur day shall utter speech, And night to night declare. There is no formal language used, N<>r any vocal Bounds : Their words are through the world diffused, Their earth surrounds. 2 A tent in them he gave the sun. Who comes in bridegroom cheer ; And like _ a race to run, Exults in hi- cai The heavens are by his circuit spanned, A- on his courses roll : His light is shed on every land, His heat from pole to pole. S^The law of God. complete and pure, The soul with health snppli His words of truth are very sure, And make the simple wise. His statute- are in wisdom made, And yield the heart delight : His high commands injustice laid, Illuminate the sight. 4 The fear of God is pure and clean, Enduring end! His judgments all in truth are seen, And holy are his ways. Above fine gold when well refined, Are they in value placed : 32 PSALMS. And more invite and please the mind, Than honey does the taste. 5 In keeping them is great reward, They warn me how to live ; But who can know his errors, Lord ? My secret faults forgive. Let no presumptuous sin control, Then shall I be upright : Accept these wishes of my soul, My Saviour, in thy sight. 19 L. M. D. 1 fTlHE heavens declare the praise of God, X The skies show forth his work abroad : And day to day shall utter speech, And night to night divinely teach. No form of language strikes the ear, No vocal sound is there to hear : Their words through all the world are gone. Their line is round creation drawn. 2 In them he gave the sun his place, And he appears in bridal grace, When from his chamber forth he hies, In giant strength to course the skies. His goings through the heavens extend, His circuits reach their utmost end ; His rays light up the world complete, And naught is hidden from his heat. 3^fThe law of God is pure in plan, And renovates the soul of man ; His words of truth, without disguise, Have power to make the simple wise. His statutes are conceived in right, And yield the heart a sweet delight ; His just commands with clearness shine, And beam with rays of light divine. PSALMS. 33 4 The fear of God is clean and pure. And shall from age to age endure : Hfe judgments strike the wondering view As holy, wise, and jnsl and true : Their priceless worth cannot be told, Their value is above fine gold: Their sweetness, too, does far excel The purest honey from the cell. 5 In keeping them is great reward : But who can know his errors, Lord? Thy precepts teach me how to live : Do thou my secret guilt forgive. Keep me from all presumptuous Bin, Then shall I be upright and clean : And l»'t my words and thoughts accord "With thee, my Saviour, strength and Lord. 19 8a & 7> P. 1 rPHE heavens applaud their Maker. God. X The skies show forth his glory : While day to day repeats the Lay, And night to night the story. No voice is heard, no uttered word,. Nor formal language sounding : Words they declare are everywhere. Their line the earth surrounding. 2 He set the sun. in them to run. Who comes with bridal gra W Tien forth he hies along the skies. And like a giant races. His circuits hound the heavens around. With every land and nation: His smiling ray lights up the day. And warms the whole creation. 3*[God's perfect law the soul can draw, Its course from folly turning ; 3 34 PSALMS. His words are pure and very sure, And give the simple learning ; His statutes right the heart delight, With joy the spirits brighten ; His wise commands, pure from his hands, The eyes of man enlighten. 4 God's fear is clean, and shall be seen From age to age for ever ; His judgments, too. are just and true, And righteous altogether : Their worth untold exceeds fine gold, And even stores of money ; They are more sweet than choicest meat Than combs of dropping honey. 5 Who keep them, Lord, find much reward, They form my plan of living ; Oh ! keep my soul from sin's control, My hidden ones forgiving. That I upright before thy sight, In wishes, words, behavior, May ever be beloved by thee, Oh Lord ! my strength and Saviour. 20 L. M. D. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. 1 TEHOVAH hear thee when in woe, J The name of Jacob's God defend ; From Zion strength and help bestow, And from his temple succor send. May he thine offerings bear in mind, His favor for thy gifts impart, Fulfill the things thou hast designed, And grant the wishes of thy heart. 2 Jehovah will our cause maintain, His holy name our banner bears : We will exulting bless his name, For he shall answer all thy prayers. PSALMS. 35 In his salvation we rejoice, By i i he will stand : Will answer when b With saving strength from 3 While some in chariots trust the m And others on their si We will remember and will Jehovah's name, our God Most High. For they brought down in ruin fall. While we have stood upright by him: The king shall hear us when we call. Jehovah save and still redeem. 20 7 & 1 111" AY Jacob's God defend thee, Jli. And hear thee in disti Froi - :nd thee, And all thy wrongs redress ; Remember thy oblati Thine offerings made by fire ; Fulfill thine expectations. And grant thy heart's desire. 2 We will display our banners, His holy name they I Our lips shall shout hosas .11 hear thy prayer : We know I inted He will for ever stand : For him he has appointed. The strength of his right hand. 3 While some their chariots number, And on tb rely, always will remember The name of God on high : For they are bowed and falling, But on our feet we stand : The king shall hear our calling, Jehovah help command. - -- ' L J- 36 PSALMS. 21 L. M. 6 lines. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm of David. 1 fTHHE king shall laud Jehovah's might, JL In thy salvation much delight : With his desire hast thou complied. His lips' request hast ne r er denied : For thou wilt gifts of good unfold. And crown his head with finest gold. 2 He prays for life, when endless days And robes of state thy love displays : For thou wilt fill with joy his breast. Make him a blessing ever ble.-t : The king thy truth and grace has proved. And trusting thee shall ne'er be moved. 3 Thy hand shall find out all thy foes. Thy right hand them with fire enclose : Their fruit from earth shall be destroyed. Their seed become extinct and void : Such mischiefs they against thee planned. As were above their feeble hand. 4 For thou shalt turn them back apace. And aim thy bow against their face : Be thou exalted on thy throne. Jehovah, make thy power be known : So will we glory in thy might. And sing thy praise with new delight. 21 C. M. D. 1 rpHE king shall glory and rejoice, JL Jehovah I in thy might : In thy salvation lift his voice In songs of sweet delight. His prayers have ready answers found. And all his lips have told : His life thy choicest gifts have crowned. His head with finest gold. rSALMS. 37 2 His day* were made of endless length, When just for life he prayed : And glory, majesty and strength, Hast thou upon him laid : A blessing made and ever blest, And gladdened by thy face; The king unmoved in thee shall rest. Still trusting in thy grace. 3 Thy hand shall find out all thy foes, Who hate thy gracious name : Thy right hand shall their way enclose With swift consuming flame; Their offspring shall thy wrath pursue, Their seed from earth devour: Such evil things they sought to do, As were above their power. 4 For thou wilt fill them with dismay. Confusion and disgrace : And on thy strings wilt thou display Thine arrows for their face. Be thou exalted in thy might, Jehovah, God alone! So in thy power shall we delight, In songs address thy throne. 22 L. M. D. To the Chief Musician. On the hind of the morning A Psalm by I>;\vid. 1 111" Y God, my God. why thus forsake. JjJL Why stand afar, nor pity take? Oh! why regardless of my care, My words of agonizing prayer? Thou dost not hear my cries by day. Nor when by night I weep and pray: But thou art holy, and dost dwell. Shrined in the praise of Israel. 38 PSALMS. 2 Our fathers trusted in thy name, Nor was their hope exposed to shame ; But 1 7 m a worm, and not a man, Despised of all the scoffing clan. All who behold derision make, Shoot out the lip, the head they shake : " He trusted in his God to save. Let him deliver from the grave. 77 3^[From thee my being I possessed, In thee I hoped when on the breast ; And on thy care at birth was thrown, And thou hast been my God alone : Draw near to help, for helpers fail. And Bashaivs bulls my peace assail ; They gape on me, and rave and roar, Like lions ready to devour. 4 Like water poured, my joints relax. My heart dissolves like melting wax 5 My strength is like a potsherd dried, And to my jaws my tongue is tied : Down to the dust of death I 'm bowed, Abhorrent dogs about me crowd : While evil-doers round me meet, They pierce my hands, and pierce my feci. 5 I 'm so reduced I tell my bones, While sinners gaze and mock my groans ; My garments off from me they tear. And by the lot my vesture share. Oh! thou, my strength, draw near to me, From dogs and swords thy darling free, Save me from lions by thy word, From unicorns have 1 been heard. 6^1*1 will to brethren speak thy name. With saints assembled sing thy fame ; PSALMS. 39 Lei Israel's eons his glories land, Ye aeed of Jacob, bless your God; For he has not despised nor left The sufferer when of help bereft : Nor turned from him his lace nor word, But in his crying kindly heard. 7 With all the church I "11 praise the Lord, And in his house my vows record: The meek shall eat and sate the soul, "Who seek him shall his name extol ; The earth shall turn to God again, ' The nations hail his blissful reign ; For all the world is his alone. And over all he sets his throne. S The rich and great to him shall bend, The poor and famished near their end ; Posterity shall serve the Lord. With songs his righteousness record : To distant times and later days. Relate his wondrous deeds with praise ; From age to age shall tidings run. This is the thing that God hath dene. 23 L. M. A Psalm by David. 1 rPHE Lord, my Shepherd, deigns to grant JL That I shall never suffer want : He lays me down in pastures green. And leads where waters glide serene. 2 He doth in love my soul reclaim. And guides me right, to praise his name ; Thy presence, rod and staff, my aid, Shall calm my fears in death's dark shade. 3 Thy hand my table well supplies, In sight of all my enemies ; 40 PSALMS. My head thy fresh anointing shows, My cup with blessings overflows. 4 The goodness which such grace displays. Will surely prosper all my days ; And to his temple will I come. And find a sweet and happy home. 23 C. M. 1 rpHE Lord, my Shepherd, will provide. JL In want I shall not go ; He makes me in green fields abide, Where living waters flow. 2 For his name's sake my soul he cheers, My paths in truth has laid ; Thy rod and staff shall calm my fears, In passing death's dark shade. 3 Thy bounteous hands my table spread, In sight of all my foes ; Thy holy oil anoints my head, My cup of joy overflows. 4 Such favor from my Saviour, God, Will surely crown my days ; And I shall come to his abode, And ever sing his praise. 23 8s & ?s. 1 npHE Lord makes grants for all my wants, JL And he, my Shepherd, feeds me ; He gives repose, where pasture grows, And by still waters leads me. 2 For his own praise, he guides my ways, And to refresh, is near me ; In death's dark shade, thou art my aid, Thy rod and staff shall cheer me. PSALMS. 41 3 My foes can see rich gifts from thee, My daily food bestowing ; And on my head fresh oil is shed, My cap i> overflowing. 4 Such goodness is a pledge of his, That he will leave me never ; And I shall come and make my home In his own house forever. 23 7s & 6s. 1 "jl/TY Shepherd is Jehovah. 1VL I shall not suffer need ; He folds and guides me over A rich, well watered mead. 2 His name's sake doth restore me, And lead in paths of right ; Thy rod and staff before me Shall make death's valley bright. 3 My bread thou hast appointed, In sight of all my foes ; My head with oil anointed, And my cup overflows. 4 Such truth and mercy surely, Will gladden all my days ; And in his house securely, I '11 ever speak his praise. 24 L. M. 6 lines. By David. A Psalm. 1 "HARTII. with her stores of wealth, is God's, Jlj The world, with her vast progenies ; He settled it above the floods And founded shores around the seas. Who shall ascend the hill of God, And dwell in his divine abode ? 42 PSALMS. 2 He that is pure in heart and hand. Who swears not false, and is not Tain : He shall before his Maker stand. And full salvation shall obtain. These are the seekers of thy face. The sons of Jacob are the race. 3 Lift up your heads, ye heavenly gates, Give way. ye everlasting doors ; For you the King of glory waits. To enter with triumphant powers. "Who is this mighty, glorious King. Whose praise with such applause ye sing? 4 He is Jehovah, strong in might. Who conquered death, and hell, and sin ; Lift up your heads, ye gates of light, Ye heavenly doors, receive him in. Who is this King of glory ? who ? That sin, and death, and hell overthrew? 5 God over all. of boundless sway, Jehovah, God of Hosts, renowned ; He rises to the realms of day. The King of endless glory crowned. 24 12s & lis. 1 npHE earth with her fullness belongs to Je- _L hovah, The world with her tenants and mighty in- crease ; He gathered the floods and established it over, And founded the shores that encompass the seas. But who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord, And who in his temple receive the reward ? 2 The clean and the pure shall obtain his salvation ; Who sweareth not falsely , whose heart is not vain ; PSALMS. 43 Tills man shall receive the divine approbation, And with his Redeemer in glory shall Tii «e are the descendants, who seek thee to land. rue Beed of Jaco up your heads, oh ye gates high and hoary I Ye do< oity open again : tproaching with laurel? of glory. 3 from the conquest in triumph to _ of such gloir and might. g with so much 4 Jehovah the highest in glory excelling. Jehovah who conquered, Bin, death and the tomb : Th.ii lift up your heads, oh ye gates of his dwelling! Ye doors of eternity welcome him home. But who is this powerful, conquering King. Wh< and whose praise with such transport ye sing? 5 J hovab of armies, the great and the glorious. Jehovah, almighty to save and redeem : O'er gin, death and hell, he is coming victorious. King of all glory, whose reign is supreme. 25 T< & 6a D. By David. 1 T ORD. I lift my soul to thee. JJ My God, my trust, and stay : Let not shame be cast on me. give my foes the sway. Keep thy people from disgrace. Who love thy holy L. U PSALMS. Let the wicked hide their face, Who sin without a cause. 2 Teach to me thy path and way, Thy truth to me impart ; Thee I seek through all the day, For thou my Saviour art. Gall thy tender love to mind. Forgive my sins of youth ; Think of me as thou art kind, A God of grace and truth. 3^[God is good and just besides, He '11 hear when sinners pray ; He the meek in judgment guides, And shows their feet his way. All who on his covenant wait. Shall learn his paths are kind ; Though my sins be very great They will a pardon find. 4 He will guide his fearers well. Their way will choose and bless ; They at ease in good shall dwell, Their seed the land possess : Friendship he will keep with those, "Who in his fear remain : He to them his covenant shows, And makes their duty plain. o*[Lord, on thee, mine eyes are set, With pure and strong desire ; Thou wilt pluck me from the net, And from the sinking mire. Turn in mercy to my soul. My troubles are enlarged ; Let thy love my heart console, With burdens all discharged. PSALMS. 4o 6 See my grief, forgive my sin, My raging foes restrain : Lei my sonl the victorj win, Nor let me hope in vain : God. my trust. I wait for thee, Thy justice is Bupreme : Israel from his troubles p. And from all woes redeem. ?6 T< & 6s P. By Darid. 1 TXTDGE and try my way. oh Lord ! J For truth lias been my guide : I have trusted in thy word. And therefore shall not slide: Still I would be proved by thee. My reins and heart assay : Well do I thy mercy - My feet have kept thy way. 2 With the false I will not sit. Nor impious councils meet : Neither join the hypocrite. Nor him that loves deceit. Innocent shall be my hand-. When I tread thy court : There to praise thy wise commands, Thy wondrous works report. 3 I have loved thy house, my God, The place thy glory shares j Keep my life from men of blood, Nor join my soul with theirs : Bribes and mischiefs fill theirliands. In mine shall truth be found ; Public praise thy grace demands, I stand on even ground. 46 PSALMS. 26 7s P. 1 T ORI), in whom my hopes confide, Jj Prove my heart and try my way ; Snrely I shall never slide, While I make thy arm my stay. Still I would by thee be proved, Search my reins, assay my mind ; From thy truth 1 7 ve not been moved, Well I see that thou art kind. 2 Not with sinners will I sit, Nor in impious councils meet ; Neither join the hypocrite, Nor with such as work deceit. When I tread thy holy court, Innocence shall wash my hands ; All thy wonders to report, With thy works and just commands. 3 Lord, I love thy blest abode, There thine honor dwells secure ; Keep my life from men of blood, Keep my soul from men impure ; Bribes and mischiefs fill their hands, Pure and clean shall mine be found • All my praise thy grace demands, Firm I stand on even ground. 27 C. M. D. By David. 1 rjlHE Lord, my Saviour, is my light, JL And whom have I to dread? The Lord is of my life the might, And shall I be afraid ? When dinners to devour me rose, They fell in sore surprise ; I will not fear a host of foes, Nor war, if it should rise. PSALMS. 47 2 One thing- I ask and seek from God. In his own house to dwell : His truth and beauty there to laud, And to inquire his will. There on a rock shall I re] Iu dark and gloomy days : Thus lifted up above my foes, I '11 sing glad songs of praise. 3 Lord, hear and answer when I speak, Do not in anger hide : Thy Spirit said, "my presence seek." ••I will." my heart replied. Thy gracious help have I received. Put not away my hope : When of my parent- I *m bereaved, The Lord will take me up, •4 Oh! lead me in a level way. Restrain my cruel foes: Let nut their malice gain the sway. Who falsely will depose. I should have perished, if reward Hail not seemed sure to me : Wait thou with firmness for the Lord, Wait thou, he '11 strengthen thee. 27 8s D. 1 rpHE Lord is my Saviour and light. JL And whom have I reason to dread? The Lord of my life is the might. Shall anything make me afraid ? When foes to devour me drew near. They stumbled and fell in surprise ; A host shall not waken my fear. Nor war, if against me it rise. 2 One thing will I seek from the Lord, That I in his house may abide ; 48 PSALMS. To study his beautiful word, And in bis pavilion to hide. I there on a rock shall repose, In gloomy and perilous days : Thus lifted high over my foes, My sacrifice still shall be praise. 3 Lord, answer my cries unto thee, And turn not in anger aside ; "My face," when thou saidest, " seek ye," "I will," from my heart I replied. By thee may I never be left, For thou art my Saviour and hope 5 Of father and mother bereft, The Lord will the orphan take up. 4 Oh ! lead me and make my path plain, And curb the proud will of my foes, Who, if they a victory gain, Against me will falsely depose. I M fainted unless a reward, In life I believed I should see ; With courage then wait for the Lord, Wait patient, and he '11 strengthen thee. 28 Ts & 6s D. By David. 1 T ORD, my Rock, regard my cries, JJ And not in silence sit ; Lest I fall, no more to rise, Into the gloomy pit. Hear when I before thee stand, To supplicate thy love 5 Hear when I lift up my hand, Towards thy throne above. 2 Draw me not with men away, Who work deceit and sin ; PSALMS. 49 Flattering still, in all they say. While mischief lurks within. Give to them their cnp of woe, The evils they have wrought : Let them by experience know, The troubles they have brought. 3 Those that ne'er regard the Lord, Nor doings of his hand ; He will give an ill reward. Nor build them in the land. God my supplications heard. And blessed be my shield; I have trusted in his word. And he has help revealed. 4 Now the praises of my God, Shall tune my heart and tongue ; While I spread his name abroad. In loud and joyful song. Thou art Israel's confidence. And thine anointed's prop; Feed thine own inheritance, And ever lift them up. 29 IK A Psalm of David. 1 A SSIGN to Jehovah, ye men of great power, XjL Dominion and glory and strength evermore; Assign to Jehovah the praise due his name. And come to his courts and hi- greatness proclaim. 2 The voice of Jehovah is heard on the flood, In thunders proclaiming the powerful God : The voice of Jehovah sounds over the Invested with spl sudor and full majesty. 50 PSALMS. 3 The voice of Jehovah the cedar breaks down, The tallest ones growing on Lebanon's crown ; The voice of Jehovah has made Sirion To leap like a calf or a young unicorn. 4. The voice of Jehovah divideth the flame, The deserts of Kadesh will shake at his name : The voice of Jehovah the forest lays bare, The temple of nature his glories declare. 5 Jehovah sat glorious, enthroned on the flood, Jehovah is King, to eternity God ; Jehovah his people with strength shall increase, And bless them forever and ever with peace. 29 L. M. 1 TTE mighty, to the Lord assign JL Dominion, glory, power divine ; Due praises to his name address, Exalt him in his holiness. 2 His voice is high above the flood, And loud proclaims the powerful God ; His voice is heard from pole to pole, When o'er the deep his thunders roll. 3 His voice the towering cedar breaks, And Lebanon's high summit shakes ; His voice made oaks in Sirion To skip like to a unicorn. 4 His voice divides the lightning's flame. And Kadesh trembles at his name ; His voice the mountain forest bares, The earth, his temple,- praise declares. 5 His throne was spread upon the flood, And he shall reign the King and God ; His people's strength will he increase, And bless them evermore, with peace. PSALMS, 51 29 8a & U i g 1 1V E the Lord, ye men of station, Give the Lord renown and power: Give the Lord dne adoration, In his court? his name adore. 2 On the deep bis voice is glorious, Lond his mighty thunders roll : On the sea his voice victorious Shakes the earth from pole to pole. 3 Lo! his voice the cedar breaketh, ring high in Lebanon : Like a unicorn he maketh Them to hap in Sirion. 4 Flames of fire his voice divideth. s at his rod : - ideth, Earth, his temple, honors God. 5 Throned he sits upon the wai Oh ! let men his name adore : Strength he givea his sens and daughters Joy and peace for evermore. 29 7 1 "\""E men of birth, in all the earth. 1 Confess the great Jehovah : Come to his courts and make reports, And talk his glories over. 2 His voice aloud, as from a cloud, In pealing thunders breaking; Majestic rolls around the j The wide creation shaking. 3 His voice he sends, the cedar bends, The largest trees are broken ; 52 PSALMS. In Lebanon and Sirion, They frightened calves betoken. 4 His voice in twain cuts lightning's chain. Shakes wilds of Kadesh, hoary ; He shields the roe, lays forests low. His temple all says, " glory. " 5 On deeps unknown he spreads his throne, His kingdom faileth never ; His flock with peace will he increase. Give Zion strength forever. 30 C. P. M. A Psalm. A Song of Dedication for the House, by David. 1 rpHE Lord I will with songs extol, JL For he has lifted up my soul, And all my foes repelled : He healed me when to him I prayed, He brought me from the gloomy shade. And has my life upheld. 2 Ye saints, make music to his name, With thanks his holiness proclaim, How short his anger burns ! His favor springs with life and light. Though weeping may endure a night, The morn with joy returns. 3 The Lord's kind favor I had proved, And vainly thought should ne'er be moved, My mountain strong he made ; But when he hid his smiling face, My soul was filled with sore distress, For mercy then I prayed. 4 AVilt thou have profit by mv blood If I should die, Almighty God ? Shall dust thy truth declare ? PSALMS. 53 In mercy chase my fears away, Be thou my helper and my stay, And answer thou my prayer. 5 For sackcloth thou hast clothed with praise, My moanings turned to joyful lays. With gladness tuned my tongue : That I may sound abroad thy fame, And ever thank and bless thy name. In sweet melodious song. 31 ta & 6s. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm by Dayid. 1 T ORD, I put my trust in thee. Jj Preserve my hope from shame : Bow thy gracious ear to me. And save me for thy name. Be my refuge, rock and tower, A house where I may hide ; Since my fortress is thy power, My feet to safety guide. 2 Draw me from the secret net, Which they have laid for me ; Life and spirit I commit, Oh ! thou, my strength, to thee, God of truth, by thee redeemed, I trust thy kind behest ; Vanities, by them esteemed, And idols I detest. 3 Glad will I thy mercy tell. For thou hast seen my state ; Made me room wherein to dwell, Nor left me in the strait. Grant, in mercy, sweet relief, My life consumes within ; 54 PSALMS. All my years are spent with grief Beneath a load of sin. 4^jTrom my foes came my disgrace. My neighbors greatly jeered : Those who met me turned their face And friends my presence feared. I became forgot, as dead, Or vessel cast away: Then were many slanders spread. On every side dismay. 5 While they plotted for my blood. I trusted thy commands : Said to thee. " Thou art my God." •• My times are in thy hands.' 3 Set me free from all my f< Who persecute my soul : Let thy justice interpose. And all their rage control. 6*yMake thy face on me to shine. And save me for thy name : Since I trust thy care divine. Preserve my hope from shame. Let the wicked hide their face. Their lips to silence come : Those who seek for my disgrace. By lies and frauds, strike dumb. 7 Oh ! to those who thee have sought. How great thy love has been : Which thy grace and truth have wrought. Before the sons of men. Them in secret thou wilt hide. From pri le and plots and wrongs ; In thy presence they abide. Secure from strife of tongues. PSALMS. 55 8 Blest bo God, who round me made A city's fortress wall : u I 'm cut off, ,J I rashly said, But thou hast heard my call. God the faithful saint will guide, The proud in full reward : He will strength for you provide, All ye who trust the Lord. 32 C. M. 6 lines. By David. Maschil. 1 TTOW blest the man whom God forgives, JJL And hides his guilt and shame ; How blest the man forever lives, He charges not with blame ; His heart made pure, his peace secure, Through his Redeemer's name. 2 My bones waxed old through tears I shed. While silent I remained : Thy hand was heavy on my head. And drought my spirit drained : When I confessed I had transgressed, Thy pardon I obtained. 3 For this the godly shall implore, While mercy may be found : Though troubled waters rise and roar, They stand on solid ground 5 My hiding place is thy free grace, And songs of help resound. -£ I '11 teach to thee my perfect rule. And guide thee with my hand : Be thou not like a horse or mule, Who nothing understand : Whose mouth the rein and bit restrain, To keep them in command. 'H 56 PSALMS. 5 The proud shall many sorrows prove, For evil is their choice ; But in Jehovah's saving love, The righteous shall rejoice ; Ye saints be glad, with joy be clad, In shouts lift up your voice. 32 S. M. H. OW blest the man forgiven, Whose sin is covered o'er ; To whom the Lord of heaven Imputes his guilt no more : How happy he, made pure within, Whose heart is free from every sin. 2 While I concealed my guilt, I roared through all the day ; Thy heavy hand I felt, With drought I pined away ; But I confessed, with lips unfeigned, And peace and rest I soon obtained. 3 For this the saints shall pray, When mercy may be found ; Though floods surround their way, They stand on solid ground : Thou art my tower and hiding place, 1 7 11 sing thy power and saving grace. 4 1 7 11 teach thee from on high The way thy feet should go j 1 7 11 guide thee with mine eye, And my salvation show : But be not vain, like horse or mule, That bit and rein can only rule. 5 Though sorrows fill the cup Of all ungodly men ; PSALMS. 57 Who in Jehovah hope. His mercy shall sustain ; Ye saints rejoice, with loud acclaim, And lift your voice, to praise his name. 32 8s & 7s 6 lines. 1 TTTHAT bliss of mind the pardoned find, VV Whose guilt receives a cover ; What joy he wins, who has no sins Imputed by Jehovah : His heart is pure, his peace secure, While endless years roll over. 2 While I delayed, my bones decayed, With summer's drought I panted ; Thy pressing hand I could not stand, Despair my spirit haunted ; I did confess my sinfulness: My God a pardon granted. 3 This godly men shall seek for when Thy mercy free is flowing : They safely dwell, though waters swell, And howling storms are blowing : Thou art my tower, I '11 sing thy power. Thy great salvation showing. 4 My perfect way will I display. Mine eye shall give direction ; Be not a "fool like horse or mule, Who ever need correction : That bit and rein must needs restrain, To keep them in subjection. 5 Much grief and woe the wicked know, From which they ne ? er recover ; But they have joys, which naught destroys, Who love and trust Jehovah : His goodness praise, through all your days, His grace when time is over. 58 PSALMS. 33 C. M. D. 1 TjlXULT, ye righteous, in the Lord, JCi His praise becometh you ; "Wake up ten strings, the harp and chord, With songs sublime and new ; His word is truth, aloud proclaim, And justice his delight ; His mercy fills creation's frame, And all his work is right. 2 His word the heavens' high arches reared, His breath their hosts arrayed, A storehouse for the sea prepared, And deep on deep has laid. Let earth adore the Mighty One, Her sons his power so vast ; When he said, " Be," the work was done, Commanded, all stood fast. 3 His Spirit quells the nations' rage. The peoples' plans makes vain ; His counsels stand from age to age, And his designs remain. That nation is divinely blest, Whose God Jehovah is ; His chosen heritage and rest, To be forever his. 4 His eye from heaven the earth beholds, And gazes on mankind ; Their hearts alike his Spirit moulds, Their works he keeps in mind. No king is rescued by a host, Nor mighty man by force ; A steed can none for safety boast, Nor trust the warlike horse. 5 He looks on those with kind esteem, Who on his grace rely, PSALMS. 59 Ami will their soul from death redeem, In famine, food supply. He is our j<»y. our help and shield. [o him will we confide : Lord, may thy mercy be revealed, As we in hope abide. 33 D. 1 AH ye righteous ! rejoice in the Lord. \J For his praises become the upright ; g aloud with a grateful accord. Tune the harp to new songs of delight. Sound the truth of his works and his word. e his wisdom and power are revealed : Make Ills love ^i^ true justice be heard. All the earth with his g ss i.-> tilled. 2 By his order the heavens were made. By his breath the bright hosts of the sky; II" the deeps in a storehouse has laid. Where he heapeth the waters on high ; the earth fear the glorious One, Her inhabitants fall at his feet ; For he spake, and at once it was done. lie commanded, and all was complete. 3 lie the plans of the nations makes vain, Quells the peoples' loud clamor and rage ; But his counsels forever remain. And his thoughts to eternity's age. Happy nation, whose God is the Lord, And the people he chose for his own : His inheritance he will regard. And he never will leave them alone. •4 From the heavens he looks on mankind. From his dwelling the peoples he heeds : He is forming their hearts to his mind. And attending to all of their deeds. 60 PSALMS. By an army no king shall be freed, Nor a hero, by might or by force ; It is vain to depend on a steed, Or to trust in the power of the horse. 5 But Jehovah, the just will esteem, On the faithful he fixes his eye ; From destruction their soul to redeem, And in famine their bread to supply. We will wait for Jehovah, our shield, For his name and his help we have tried ; Let thy mercy to us be revealed, Just as we in thy truth shall confide. 34 C. M. 6 lines. By David, in his changing his reason before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he went. 1 rpHE Lord I will at all times bless, JL His praise shall tune my voice ; My soul shall boast his righteousness, The humble will rejoice ; Come help me laud our gracious God, And make the happy choice. 2 His mercy all my fears relieved, In answer to my prayers ; They looked to him and light received, And no reproach was theirs : This poor man's cry was heard on high, And he was saved from cares. 3 His angels spread their tents above, And near the saints abide ; Come taste the sweetness of his love. And in his name confide : Young lions may in want decay ; Who seek him are supplied. 4*|fCome, children, hearken to my ways, I '11 teach his fear to you ; PSALMS. 61 What man desires a length of clays, And would be prospered I Thy lips restrain, from guile refrain, Do good, and peace pursue. 4 His ears to all the just are bowed. His eyes to them inclined : His face is set Against the proud, To east their name behind : But he is near the crushed to cheer, The broken heart to bind. 6 The just are saved from many woes, No broken bones have they : But sin the sinner overthrows. And gloomy is his way : Who God esteem, will he redeem, Nor guilt upon them lay. S4 8s & 7s. 'A LWAYS will I bless Jehovah. Thus my tongue will I employ ; I will boast in him moreover. This will give the humble joy ; Join with me his name to laud. Let us magnify our God. 2 When I sought him. sorely frightened, He relieved my anxious cares; They looked up and were enlightened. No reproach nor shame was theirs ; This poor man for help applied. Neither was his suit denied. 3 Round the just to guard their station, His kind angels pitch their tents : Come and taste of his salvation. Fear and love him all his saints: Lions lack and suffer need ; All his fearers he will feed. 62 PSALMS. ^Children, hearken to my story, I will teach his fear to you ; Would you live long lives of glory? Keep your lips to what is true ; Turn from ill. and good pursue, Seek for peace, and love it too. 5 God with love the just is viewing, He will hear them when they pray ; But the men of evil doing. Will his anger put away ; He the broken heart will bind. Contrite souls his help shall find. 6 Safety for the just is spoken, Though they have full many woes ; Not a bone of theirs is broken, Sin the sinner overthrows ; Desolate shall they remain, Saints redeemed in glory reign. 35 C. M. D. 1 T ORD, strive with them that take the field, _IJ Contend with them that fight ; Gird on thy buckler, spread the shield, And vindicate my right. Draw out the spear, and stop their way, Who seek to shed my blood ; And to my soul in mercy say, ' ; Iam thy Saviour, God." 2 Let them in shame be cast behind, Who strive for my defeat : Make them like chaff before the wind, Their host let angels meet : Drive them in darkness through the snares, They causeless for me laid, PSALMS. 63 Make them to fall at unaware.-, Into the pit they made. 3 Then shall my lips thy praise prolong For thy great grace to me ; And all my powers shall raise the song, •• Lord, who ts like to th- • : dost with strength uphold the weak, From him that is too strong; dost with favor shield the meek :ul from wrong. inst me stood, Though I was clear from guile; . il for my good, And did :. spoil When sickness and distress were theirs, Ify soul with fasting mourned ; r for them in prayers, Into my breast returned. 5 For them in sackcloth I did bend, For them warm tears I shed : Ai though irefi of dearest friend, Or for a mother dead. Yet in my halting they made sport, Assembled abjects vile : They gnashed, and tore, and made report ; I knew it not the while. G^THow long wilt thou look on, oh Lord! From ruin save my soul ; Then shall my thanks exalt thy word, With crowds thy name extol. Let not my foes exult in wron g>, In falsehoods, taunts and strife; Save from their sneers and vaunting tongues, Eiceful life. 64 PSALMS. 7 u Our eyes have seen, aha!'' they cried. Lord, thou this thing hast known ; Rouse up thyself against their pride, Ascend thy righteous throne. Judge me in truth before the proud, Is all that I desire ; Let them not say, and shout aloud, " We slew him in our ire.' 7 8 Clothe them who boast in robes of shame, And humble men of pride ; Let those who love my cause exclaim, " May God be magnified \ n Let them with shouts their joys express, And never ceasing praise ; Then will I tell thy righteousness, Thy glory all my days. 36 L. M. D. To the Chief Musician. Bv a Servant of Jehovah. Br David. 1 rpHE sinner's work my judgment tells, JL No fear of God before him dwells ; His eyes a vain self-flattery blinds, He thinks not God his doing minds. His words are couched in fraud and lies, His heart has ceased from all that "s wise ; He plans new mischiefs on his bed, Nor hates the evils he should dread. 2 Oh Lord ! thy mercy is on high, Thy faithfulness transcends the sky ; Like mountains great thy righteousness, Thy judgments deep and measureless. How excellent thy love, oh God ! Thou dost preserve the world abroad ; And therefore men shall flee for aid. Beneath thy wings' protecting shade. PSALMS. 65 3 Thy house their wants shall satisfy. Thy pleasures' stream their drink supply; We find the well <>t' life with thee, Ami in thy Light, new Light shall see. Fur all their future wants provide, And save me from the foot of pride ; The men who work deceit and i Are fallen down no more to rise. 36 C. M. D. 1 rpHE sinner's way my heart assures. _L No fear of God hat His eyes self-flattery obscures, He thinks not God will see. He turns from what is good and wise. His words are full of guile : His thoughts by night new ills devise. His heart hates nothing vile. 2 Oh Lord ! in heaven thy mercy dwells. Thy truth transcends the clouds ; Thy righteousness is like the hills, A deep thy judgments shrouds. Thou dost preserve all living things, How excellent thy grace ! And hence beneath thy shady wings, Shall men their refuge place. 3 Thy house shall satisfy their need, Thy stream their drink shall be : The springs of life from thee proceed, And in thy light we see. Who know thy name with mercies crown, Save me from all the vain ; The wicked now are fallen down. And shall not rise a^ain. 66 PSALMS. 37 C. M. D. 1 T^RET not though wealth the wicked crown, _L Nor let the proud disturb ; For they like grass are soon cut down, And wither as an herb. Trust in Jehovah and do good, In him delighting still ; Dwell in the land, make truth thy food, And he shall grant thy will. 2 Thy work upon Jehovah lay, And he will do it soon ; Thy righteousness will make as day, Thy judgment as the noon. Bow silent to Jehovah's will, Wait patient for his time ; Fret not thyself at prospering ill, When one succeeds by crime. 3 Cease from all anger, rage and wrath, Nor to do evil fret ; For sinners perish in their path, The meek the land shall get. Soon shall the wicked fail and cease, And shall no more be found ; Then shall the humble dwell in peace, With joy abundant crowned. 37 (Verse 12.) C. M. D. 1 rPHE wicked plot and gnash and foam, JL And righteous men deride ; Jehovah knows their day will come, And laughs to see their pride. They draw the sword and bend the bow, The suffering poor to take ; Their sword into their heart shall go, Their bows to pieces break. PSALMS. 07 2 The little that the just secure, Exceeds what sinners gain : For wicked arms shall not endure, The righteous strong remain. The upright lasting good may claim. Their days Jehovah knows : In evil times he frees from shame; In famine, bread bestows. 3 The wicked perish in their way-. And are to ruin brought : As fat of lambs in smoke d< Their glory comes to naught The wicked pay no lender's hand. The righteous give o'erjoyed : Those blest of God possess the land, Those cursed, by him destroyed. 37 (Verse 23.) C. M. D. 1 nnHE Lord will make the righteous stand JL His way he loves to crown ; Though falling, holds him by the hand, Nor lets his steps go down. From youth to age I have not found The righteous left in need ; And what he lends the poor around, Are treasures for his seed. 2 Depart from evil and do right. And ever dwell secure : The Lord in judgment takes delight. Nor will forsake the pure. The just enduring riches seek. And make the truth their guide ; Their lips of heavenly wisdom speak. Their steps shall never slide. '6 The wicked would the righteous slay. And watch and wait for them ; 68 PSALMS. The Lord will not leave them their prey, Nor when they "re judged, condemn. Wait thou Jehovah's helping hand, And own his way and reign ; And he will raise thee in the land To see the wicked slain. 37 (Verse 35.) C. M. D. 1 T - VE seen a wicked man of dread. JL With growing power and pride ; And like a native tree were spread His branches far and wide. Yet very soon he passed away, And vanished from the ground ; For him I sought with strict survey. And he could not be found. 2 But mark with care the perfect man, Behold his blest decease ; And then the upright closely scan, The end to him is peace. The rebels who at mercy scoff, Will surely be destroyed ; The wicked shall be all cut off, Their counsels all be void. 3 The great salvation of the just, Is wholly from the Lord ; In trouble he becomes their trust, Their strength and sure reward. Jehovah will sustain their hope, From death their souls redeem ; Above the wicked lift them up, Because they trust in him. 37 Ts & 6s D. 1 "DRET not at evil-doers, Jj Nor be at pride dismayed, PSALMS. 69 Like grass before the mowers And like the herb they fade. Do good and trust Jehovah. Thy mouth with virtue till : Delight in him. moreover. And he shall grant thy wilL 2 Leave all to his upright- And help will he display : Will make thy truth as bright: Thy justice as the day: Let hope thy patience nourish, And rest in him the while. Fear not though sinners flourish. And prosper through their guile. 3 No wrath nor anger cherish. And not in evil stand : For soon shall sinners perish, The meek possess the land. Ere long shall all transgression And all the wicked cease ; The humble have possession And dwell in p-.-rfect peace. 37 (Vewel20 Ts & 6s. D. 1 rpHE proud are plots pursuing, _L The righteous man to slay : The Lord derides their doing, And sees their coming day ; Against the poor and needy, They draw the spear and bow : These shall be broken speedy, And give their hearts the blow. 2 The good man's small possession Outweighs the sinner's gold ; 70 PSALMS. They fail through their transgression. The just will God uphold. He knows their day and da And they have naught to dread ; To them is shame a stranger, In famine they are fed. 3 The just the poor will cherish. The proud no loans repay : Because the wicked perish, Like fat in smoke decay. Those cursed of Jehovah Shall die in wicked! p as ; His blest ones shall, moreover, The land at last possess. 37 (Verse 23.) 7.S & 6s D. 1 rpHE Lord a good man guideth. _1_ And in his way delights : And though hi^ footstep slideth His hand the falling rights : From youth to age in living. I Ye seen the righteous fed : His liberal hands are giving, His seed are blest with bread. 2 The Lord in truth takes pleasure, Live right and dwell secure ; The righteous are his treasure, The wicked sha'n't endure : The upright good inherit. Their wealth shall ne'er depart ; They speak of wisdom's merit. And truth their lips impart. 3 The Lord the just delivers. From watching foes redeems ; Nor leaves them to deceivers, Nor when they 're judged, condemns: PSALMS. n Wait always for Jehovah. The leadings of his hand: Ho will throw sinners over, And give to thee the land. 37 (Vene350 "~ & t,s D. 1 T 'YE Been the wicked flourish, J_ And rise in power and pride: Like trees which waters nourish, ad out his branches wide : But soon he passed forever, And vanished from the ground : I Bought his place, but never A trace of him was found. 2 But mark the perfect duly. Behold his blest dec--.. And scan the upright truly, The end to him is peace. And now receive instruction, The wicked fail at last, And rebels to destruction Together shall be cast. 3 The strength and great salvation Of saints, is from the Lord : His hand allots their station, And gives a sure reward: The just will he deliver. And from the proud redeem ; Preserve and keep them ever, Because they trust in him. 38 ts & 6s D. A Psalm by David. To remind. 1 T ORD. not in anger chasten, Jj Nor chide me in thine ire, Thy hands upon me fasten, thv arrows burn like fire : 72 PSALMS. Because of thy displeasure, No soundness I retain : My guilt has such a measure No rest I find from pain. 2 My sins above me rising. Are more than I can bear ; My folly seems surprising, I am bowed down with care : My sores have grown offensive. I am with anguish seized ; My wounds are so extensive. That I am all diseased. 3 I'm feeble and sore broken, With groans disquieted ; My prayer to thee is spoken. My sighing is not hid: My light is fast expiring. My strength is nearly gone ; My lovers are retiring. My neighbors are withdrawn. 4 They who my life are seeking, In ambush for me lay ; Are mischiefs ever speaking, Deceits through all the day : Like one who has no hearing, From words I stood aloof; Like one that 's dumb appearing, Whose lips give no reproof. 5 Because for thee I waited, Oh God ! and thou wilt save ; My foes will be elated, If help in vain I crave. I now am near to falling, With heavy sorrows bent ; PSALMS. 73 My sins to mind recalling, With weeping I repent. 6 My deadly foes are living. Are many and have might; For good are evil giving. Since I pursue the right. Oh God ! uphold my standing, Nor far from me depart : Salvation now commanding. Make haste and cheer my heart. 39 L. M. D. For the Chief Musician. For Jeduthun. A Psalm by David. 1 T OXCE resolved to heed my way. X With bit and curb my mouth to stay ; And thus my tongue from bid restrain, While sinners near me should remain. I turned to silent solitude. And even held my peace from good ; Till kindling thoughts my bosom burned, And then to prayer my silence turned. 2 Jehcvah. make me know mine end, The date to which my days extend ; Teach me the weakness of my frame, That I may learn how frail I am. A span will measure all my years, My life as naught to thee appears ; And all that dying man can boast. Is empty vanity at most. 3 His fruitless walk is fraught with pain, For all his noise and toil is vain ; His wealth heaped up through years of care, Is gathered by some unknown heir: And now what wait I for. oh Lord! My trust is only in thy word j T4 PSALMS. Set all my guilt and sins aside, Nor let the fool my hope deride. 4 In silence I receive thy stroke, Oh ! heal the heart thy rod has broke ; Thy just rebukes our strength consume, And lay our beauty in the tomb. Behold my tears and hear my prayer, A stranger, as my fathers were ; Oh ! spare me and my strength restore, Ere I go hence to be no more. 39 C. M. D. 1 T ONCE resolved my mouth to curb. JL And make my tongue obey; When sinners should my peace disturb, The more to heed my way. My heart to silent musings turned, My peace from good I held ; Till kindling thoughts my bosom burned, And pain my tongue impelled. 2 Lord, make me well to know my end, My days, to number them ; That I may fully comprehend How poor and frail I am. Behold my years are but a span, As naught to thee my age ; How vain a breath is dying man, In life's best heritage. 3 His walk is all a fleeting show, And all his noise is vain ; His wealth heaped up through weal and woe, He knows not who will gain. And now what wait I for, oh Lord ! My hope is in thy name ; A freedom from my sins afford, Nor let the foolish shame. PSALMS. TT) 4 hi silence I will ki>> thy rod : Remove from me thy stroke; Oar youth and beauty, gracious God, some at thy rebuke, rang* r I sojourn with thee, As did my sirea before : ! spare, and give new strength to rac. Eire I am seen no more. 39 Ts & 6s I). 1 T THOUGHT my mouth to bridle, J_ And make my tongue obey : Lest something vain or idle. The wicked hear me say. To silent musings turning, I did from good fortx ar : Till thoughts my bosom burning, My voice broke out in prayer. 2 Teach me my end. Jehovah. The measure of my day> : What time they will be over. How soon frail life decays ; A span completes the story. My age is naught with thee ; For man. in all his glory. I- like to vanity. '.) Mere show his walks and pleasures, His visions turn to gloom ; Ilf heaps up golden treasures, But cannot tell for whom. For what am I awaiting? My trust is in thy name ; Forgive the sins I *m hating. And save my hope from shame. 4 Thy blow my strength consumeth, Remove thy stroke away ; 76 PSALMS. When man thy justice doometh, His beauty will decay : Like all my sires before me, A stranger here I roam ; Oh ! hear, and yet restore me, Ere thou command me home. 40 L. H. M. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. 1 TpOR God I waited calm in mind, _L And he to hear my cry inclined : He raised me from a horrid pit, From deep and miry clay ; And on a rock has made me sit, And showed my feet the way. 2 He filled my mouth with praise to God, New songs his holy name to laud ; And many seeing this shall fear, And in his grace confide ; How blest are all who trust him here, And shun deceit and pride. 3 Thy wondrous works are manifold, Thy thoughts of love can ne'er be told, Nor ever reckoned up to thee, For numbers they transcend ; And thou mine ears hast bored for me, My will to thine shall bend. 4 Burnt offerings thou hast not desired, Nor sacrifice of man required ; I come, as written in thy book, To do thy will, my God ; I love into thy law to look, And spread its truths abroad. 5 Thy great salvation I have shown, Thy righteousness and love made known ; PSALMS. 77 Thou knowest I have naught concealed, Nor have my lips refrained ; Now let thy goodness be revealed, And I shall be sustained. 6 For countless evils round me spread, More sins than hairs upon my head ; Be pleased to haste and save me, Lord, My heart is in a strait ; Make foes ashamed for their reward, My haters desolate. 7 Who seek thee shall their joy proclaim, Who love salvation laud thy name: Although I am in need and poor, The Lord attends my way ; Thy speedy help let me secure ; My God, do not delay. 41 L. M. 6 lines. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. 1 "DLEST is the man who helps the poor, J3 He shall in trouble help secure ; God will preserve and keep his life, Shield him from enemies and strife ; He will in sickness make his bed, Hold up and soothe his languid head. 2 Lord. I have sinned, my guilt I feel, Show mercy and my spirit heal ; Thus do my vaunting foes exclaim, 11 When shall he perish, root and name V* They come as spies to where I dwell, Then go abroad and falsehoods tell. 3 Who hate me whisper hurtful lies, " Now he is down and shall not rise ; M " Some foul disease upon him preys;" " Which soon will end his mortal days ; n 'A' 78 PSALMS. Yea, one I fed and loved with zeal, Has lifted up his impious heel. •1 Thy power shall raise me up, oh Lord ! Their evil doings to reward ; They shall be filled with sore disgrace Whilst 1 'vc been set before thy face ; Let Israel's God, Jehovah, reign, Him ever praise — Amen, Amen ! 42 S. P. M. To the Chief Musician. Maschil. To the Sons of Korali. S pants the hunted hart for streams, So pants my soul for thy bright beams, Thou living God ! My spirit thirsts to taste thy grace, Oh ! when shall I behold thy face, In thine abode ? 2 For tears have been my daily bread, While taunting foes to me have said, " Where is thy God ? " These things my memory will employ, When going to thy house with joy, Among the crowd. 3 Why thus art thou cast down, my soul ? Why thus let grief my heart control ? Wait thou for God ; For I shall yet exalt his grace, The great salvations of his face With gladness laud. 4 While thus my soul is much cast down. From Jordan's banks and Hermon's crown, I'll think of God: Deep calls to deep, and waters roar, And all thy billows on me pour Their angry flood. PSALMS. 79 5 His mercy God commands by day. By night will bear me sing and pray; My Rock I'll land: Why go I mourning pierced with pain. While foes are Baying with disdain, -Where is thy God?" 6 Why thus, my Boul, art thou cast down? Why this disquiet at their frown ? Hope thou in God : For I shall yet exalt his grace, The great salvations of my face With gladness land. IS 8s & ts. 1 \ S pants the hind a stream to find XL When by the archer heated : I pant for Gcd, for thine abode, When shall 1 there be seated? 2 "Where is thy God?*' they say abroad. My tears as bread I ni eating : When we with song thy temple throng. These things my thoughts are meeting. 3 Why thus, my soul, let grief control. Cast down in sorrow bending? Wait thou for God. yet shall I laud Salvations of his sending. 4 From Jordan's banks I '11 render thanks, From Her mon's hill adore thee : Though deep on deep in fury sweep. And all thy waves run o'er me. 5 My God. to thee, my prayer shall be, My daily praise forever ; Why left to mourn? why pierced with scorn? In hearing, " Where 's thy Saviour? n 80 PSALMS. 6 Why thus, my soul, let grief control, Cast down in sorrow living? Hope thou in God, I yet shall laud The help he will be giving. 43 8s & 7s. 1 T ORD, by thy laws, plead thou my cause Jj With an ungodly nation ; My strength art thou, why leave me now To mourn my foes' oppression ? 2 Send truth and light to guide me right, And lead to Zion's mountain ; With harps I '11 raise, my God, thy praise, Of all my joys the fountain. 3 My soul, why down ? why fear their frown ? My heart, why is thy sadness ? Hope thou in God, yet shall I laud His helps with joy and gladness. 44 L. M. 6 lines. To the Chief Musician. To the Sons of Korah. Maschil. 1 AH God! thy work in days of old, VJ Our fathers in our ears have told ; When nations crushed before them fled, And they were planted in their stead : Thy light, thine arm and own right hand, And not their sword possessed the land. 2 Oh God ! our King, for Jacob fight, Through thee we '11 put our foes to flight : We will not trust our bow nor sword, For thou dost save and help afford : In thee we 've gloried all our days, And will thy name for ever praise. 3 But thou hast even shamed our boasts, Nor wilt go forth among our hosts ; PSALMS. 81 In flight dost thou make us recoil. And Ehey who hate ua take the spoil : Like sheep for meal we 're Bold and slain. Nor does onr price increase thy gain. L Our name at home a by-word goes. f and jeer among our foes ; We thus are brought to sore disgrace. Confusion overspreads our face : From bold avengers boasting loud. From slanders uttered by the proud. > Yet we. by all these ills beset. Thy name nor covenant e'er forget : Nor have our feet turned back- or strayed. When cast in pits and death's dark shade : Should we from God to idols go. Shall he who tries the heart not know? ! For all the day for thee we 're killed. And deemed as sheep for slaughter held: Awake! wilt thou forget us. Lord? Arise! and timely help afford; Bowed to the dust, no more forsake, Redeem us for thy mercy's sake. 45 c. M. D. To the Chief Musician. Upon lilies. To the Sons of Kcrah. Masehil. A Song of the beloved. THE King inspires the willing muse, The song my tongue shall pen ; Thy lips are tilled with heavenly dews, More fair art thou than men. Most mighty Prince, ride forth in might. Gird on thy royal sword : For sake of truth and humble right, Terrific be thy word. 6 82 PSALMS. 2 The sharpened arrows from thy hands, Shall put thy foes to flight ; Oh God ! thy throne forever stands, Thy sceptered realm is right ; Thou hast loved truth and equity, But evil hast abhorred ; Hence God, thy God, anointed thee, Above thy fellows, Lord. 3 Thy garments yield from every fold, Fresh odors of delight ; The queen, arrayed in Ophir's gold, Is stationed at thy right. Oh daughter ! leave thy father's house, And seek thy Lord's esteem ; Now let the King desire thy vows And bow thyself to him. 4 The rich to thee with gifts shall come, Her presents Tyre unfold ; The King's fair daughter shines at home, Her raiment is fine gold. Her fair companions' robes are wrought With various works combined ; And these with joy and gladness brought, Shall his blest palace find. 5 Instead of sires thy children take, As men of power and worth ; And kings and princes of them make, To rule in all the earth. Thy name shall be remembered long, Thy love through endless days ; And nations wake the lasting song To thine eternal praise. 45 H. M. 'T HE King inspires my thought, The song my tongue shall pen ; PSALMS. 83 Thy lips with grace are fraught. More fair art thou than men. Gird mi thy .-word. Ride forth in might; With fear adored, For truth and right. 2 Sharp arrows from thy hand. Shall put thy foea to flight : Oh God! thy throne shall stand. Thy - realm is right: Truth hast thou loved. But sin abhorred : Thy God approved. And crowned thee Lord. I Thy roue from every fold, Yiel • delight : The queen, arrayed in gold. Is stationed at thy right : Oh dan gh t e r ! come . Seek hi- esteem; Forget thy hoi And bow to him. 4 Her gifts shall Tyrus bring, Her wealth to thee unfold; The daughter of the King Is clothed in finest gold : Her bridesmaids, too. Are thither brought ; Whose robes are new. With needles wrought. 5 Thy sons as yet unborn. id of sires shall reign ; Them with a crown adorn. To rule the wide domain : 84 PSALMS. Thy works and ways Shall long endure ; And endless praise Thy name secure. 46 C. M. B. To the Chief Musician. To the Sons of Korah. Upon Aiamoth. A Song. 1 f] OD is our strength and safe retreat, VT In straits a present aid ; Though earth were moved beneath our feet, We will not be afraid : Though mountains from their bases hurled, Rush down the roaring tide : Though rising billows shake the world, We will in peace abide. 2 There is a pure and crystal flood, Whence joy spontaneous glides ; Where in the city of our God, The Highest One abides. He shakes the earth through all her coasts, And scatters allied powers ; We have with us the Lord of hosts, And Jacob's Rock is ours. 3 He makes the earth look dark and drear, With famine, plague and war ; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear, And burns the blood-stained car. " Cease then, and know that I am God ; Earth shall exalt me thus ; " Our shield the help of Jacob laud, Immanuel, God with us. 46 L. M. D. 1 /"I OD is our strength and present aid, VT When troubles rise or foes invade ; PSALMS. 85 He has a rock of refbge proved, We will not fear though earth be moved. Though mountains from U leap, Down to the dark unfathomed d( Though troubled waters swell the tide, We will In perfect peace abide, 1 There is a fount whose streams abroad Make -ity of our ' And in her midst Jehovah reig early help her peace maintain?. When nation- raged and powers rebelled, Ireadful voice their fury quelled; We have with us the Lord of hoc And Jacob's God defends our cc 3 H a the earth afar. With famine, pestilence and war: He break- the bow and cuts the spear. And burn- the chariot in the fire. -•Leave off, and know that I am God : I '11 be exalted earth abroad : " We have with us the King of kings, And Jacob's God our safety brings. 47 L. M. To the Chief Musician. To the Sons of Korah. A Psalm. 1 AH ! all ye nations, shout and sing. vJ With holy transport clap your hands ; For God. the great and sovereign King, Rules all the world by his commands. 2 He will subdue the peoples' rage, Opposing powers shall be removed ; He will select our heritage. The pride of Jacob whom he loved. 3 God is gone up with loud acclaim, With shouts of joy and trumpets' sound; , 86 PSALMS. Sing praise, sing praises to his name, In strains sublime, with awe profound. 4 Oh! sing his praise with sacred mirth. His power and truth and love make known ; For God is King of all the earth, And sits upon his holy throne. 5 Let kings and peoples all unite, And raise to Abraham's God their song ; He is exalted high in might. To him the shields of earth belong. 47 C. M. 1 AH! all ye peoples, clap the hand, \J To God with triumph sing : He reigns supreme in every land, The universal King. 2 He will subdue opposing powers, From rebel nations save ; TVill choose the heritage for ours, His love to Jacob gave. 3 God is gone up with shouts of joy, With trumpets' glad acclaim : Let all the lands their tongues employ, And echo back his name. 4 Sing praise, sing praise with triumph high, Lift up exalted strains : He sits enthroned above the sky. And over all he reigns. 5 Let kings and peoples blend their lays, As round his throne they throng ; And Abraham's God exalt and praise. To whom earth's shields belong. PSALMS. 81 47 8s & 1b. 1 T1LAP your hands with adoration, \J Sing to God your loudest lays; King of every land and nation, "Worthy of immortal praise. 2 He will have the realms subjected. All opposing powers removed ; He for us the lot selected. Pride of Jacob whom he loved. 3 God ascends with acclamation. Angels hail their glorious King ; Shout his name with adoration. Everlasting praises sing. 4 Sing his praise with understanding. Make his truth and love be known : God, the King, the world commanding, Over all exalts his throne. 5 Kings and peoples honors yielding. Raise to him their loudest song : Abraham's God the scepter's wielding. He to whom earth's shields belong. 48 8s & 7s P. A Psalm. A Song. To the Sons of Korah. 1 riREAT and glorious is Jehovah. VT Whom unceasing anthems laud ; Greatly praised Mount Zion over, Holy city of our God : Beautiful for elevation. Fair upon her northern sides : Joy of every land and nation. Where the mighty King resides. 2 God is known as her defender, Kings who met, passed off with dread ; 88 PSALMS. Terror-struck to see her splendor, They in painful travail fled. Ships of Tarshish thou hast broken, Eastern winds have swept oar coasts ; We have seen what once was spoken In thy city, Lord of hosts. 3 God will make her stand forever, She is built upon his word ; We have thought upon thy favor, In thy holy temple, Lord. Earth shall learn thy name and glory, Praise the right that fills thy hands ; Let Mount Zion sing thy story, Judah's daughters, thy commands. 4 W r alk about the hill of Zion, Count her bulwarks and supports ; Mark her ramparts, gates of iron, Palaces and sacred courts : Then make known by your behavior, Tell your children yet to come ; God is our almighty Saviour, Even our eternal home. 48 C. P. M. 1 ri REAT is the Lord, and greatly praised, vX On Zion's mount in beauty raised, The city of our God ; Joy of the wide and spacious earth, Fair on her borders, towards the north, The King's divine abode. 2 God, in her towers, a help is near, Kings met, and saw, and fled in fear, They travailed with their pain ; Thy winds the ships of Tarshish break, Thus have we heard and seen the like, Oh Lord ! where thou dost reign. PSALMS. 89 3 God will secure and make her stand, Truth, power and rijrht are in bis hand, Which earth shall hear and own ; Let Zion in his name rejoi Let Judah's daughters lift their voice, For judgments thou hast shown. 4 Walk out on Zion's holy ground. Mark well her towers and bulwarks round, Then tell to all to come : This God forever is our God, Our guide to death and safe abode, And our eternal home, 49 C. P. M. To the Chief Musician. To the Sons of Korah. A Ps.\lm. 1 AH! all ye peoples, lend an ear. \J Let high and Low together hear. Of every tribe and tonj True wisdom shall my heart inspire, I '11 utter sayings on the lyre, Well suited to be sung. 2 Why should I fear the evil day. When treacherous foes surround my way. Who on their wealth depend ! Not one of them his life can save, Nor buy a ransom from the grave, For brother or for friend. 3 No price can stay the vital breath. Wise men and fools shall meet in death, And leave their riches here : They think their dwellings long shall stand, They write their names on house and land. And think the title clear. 4 Though men on earth can not abide. Yet others in their words confide, And walk the path again ; , 90 PSALMS. They drive like sheep and reach the tomb, Where all their beauty shall consume : The righteous o'er them reign. 5 God will from death my soul redeem, For 1 shall be preserved by him. And he has power to save : ir not when one grows rich or great, For all his glory and estate Shall leave him at the grave. G Ho : 11 bless his soul through all his days. Good done thyself will others praise : Yet he who knows not right, Just like a beast in death expires. He shall go down as did his sir- 9, And never see the light. 60 C. M. T. A Psalm. By Asaph. 1 HP HE mighty God, Jehovah, speaks. _L And calls the east and west ; His glory out of Zion breaks. The beautiful and blest. In storms of fire shall God appear, Nor silent will abide ; And summons heaven and earth to hear. His people judged and tried. My saints assemble round the throne. Who for my covenant vow: His righteousness shall all make known, For God is judging now. 2 " My people hear, and I will speak, Thy God will give advice : Not your burnt-otferings I seek, Nor daily sacrifice : I ask no bullock from thy fields, Nor kid, nor goat of thine ; PSALMS. 91 The cattle on a thousand hills, And all the flocks are mine. The beasts and fowls are known to me, For all belong to God : I \i not. if hungry, tell it thee, Nor taste of iiesh and blood. " To God your vows with homage pay. And render thank? to me: And call for help in trouble's day, And I '11 deliver thee. But why should wicked lips relate My statutes to mankind. Since you my wise instructions hate, And cast my words behind ? Your mouth and tongue are tilled with guile, Your heart with theft and lust : Your mother's son your lies revile. Your brother's bosom thrust. •• These things were done — I held my peace. And I was deemed like you ; I '11 set your sins before your face, And will reprove you. too. Consider this with daily care, Forgetters of your God ; Lest 1 should you in pieces tear. For none can stay my rod. Who render praise before my sight, Shall ever honor me : Who order all their ways aright. Shall God's salvation see." 51 C. M. D. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm. By David. When Nathan the Prophet came unto him, as he had come unto Bathsheba. '0'! God ! as thou art ever kind, Let me thy pity win ; 92 PSALMS. Thy tender mercies call to mind. And so blot out my sin. Wash off the guilt that cleaves to me, And cleanse away its stain ; My sins which I confess to thee, Before mine eyes remain. 2 I Ve done the evil in thy sight, Against thy love and fear ; In speaking, therefore, thou art right, In judging thou art clear. Behold, I was conceived in sin, In guilt drew vital air ; But truth hast thou desired within, And wilt give knowledge there. 3 Oh ! wash me whiter than the snow, "With hyssop purge my soul ; Bid gladness through my spirits flow. My broken bones make whole. From all my failings hide thy face, Nor let my faults be seen ; An upright spirit in me place, A heart entirely clean. 4 Take not thy Spirit from my heart, Nor cast me from thy sight ; Salvation ? s joy again impart, Uphold me with thy might. Redeem me from the guilt of blood, My tongue shall sound thy fame ; Then siuners will return to God, Transgressors seek thy name. 5 Lord, open thou my lips to sing, My mouth will show thy praise ; Thou lovest not burnt-oftering, Else should thine altars blaze. LM& 93 An humble, broken, willing heart, l< Grod'fl own sacrifice : The tears that from contrition start The Lord will not despise. 6 In thy good pleasure Zion cheer, And hear hf-v when she calls: Jerusalem to thee is dear, And thou wilt build her walls. Then whole burnt-offerings shall be paid. Our righteous sacri:. D bollocks oil thine -altars laid, Shall holy incense ri 51 L. M. D 1 AH God! as thou art good and kind. \J Let me thy tender mercies find; Oh ! think of thine abundant grace, So my revolts and crii Oh ! cleanse me till no guilt remain, And wash away its odious stain : For my transgressions I have told, My sin with pain and grief behold. 2 To thee I Ye sinned, and thee alone, And in thine eyes the evil done ; -hall thy words in truth app- Thy speaking right, thy judging clear. Behold, how vile I am within, I was conceived and born in sin ; Thou hast desired a perfect heart, And inward wisdom wilt impart. '6 Lord, thou wilt wash me white as snow, And purge me clean with fa With gladness thou wilt tune my voice, And make my broken bones rejoice. 94 PSALMS. From all my sins turn off thine eyes, And blot out my iniquities ; Form me a heart entirely pure, My spirit fix in thee secure. 4 Take not thy Spirit from my heart, Nor from thy presence let me part ; Thy saving joy restore again, A willing mind in me sustain. Save me from blood, my Saviour, God, Thy righteousness my tongue shall laud : Then sinners shall to thee return, Transgressors seek thy way to learn. 5 Lord, open thou my lips for praise, My mouth shall show thy wondrous ways; Burnt-oifering thou dost not desire, Else should thine altars blaze with fire. Oh God ! there is a sacrifice, An offering thou wilt not despise ; Thou wilt accept the broken heart, And grace to humble souls impart. G Do thou to Zion still be kind, Let her thy wonted favor find ; Jerusalem wilt thou defend, Her walls build up and far extend : Then shalt thou in her gifts delight, Her offerings brought to thee in right ; Then shall our grateful vows be paid, With bullocks on thine altars laid. 52 C. M. D. To the Chief Musician. Maschil. By David. 1 AH! mighty man, why boast of wrong? VJ Almighty grace abounds ; Thy wicked and deceitful tongue, Like whetted razor wounds. PSALMS. 95 Thou bast loved evil more than good, And falsehood more than truth : Thou ha-t in quailing mischiefs stood, ►ying from thy youth. 2 God shall destroy thy power and pride, Root thee from life and home ; Juavid. A Secret. When he fled from before Saul in the cave. 1 AH God ! be merciful to me. U My only refuge is in thee ; Beneath thy wings my soul shall hide, Till these calamities subside. 2 My prayer shall rise above the storm, To God, who does all things perform : His truth my raging foes shall still, And save me from reproach and ill. 3 When fiery lions round me roared. Whose teeth were spears, their tongue a sword ; They soon were helpless victims laid, In that deep pit for me they made. 4: Be high above the heavens, oh God ! Thy glory o'er the earth abroad : My heart is fixed, is fixed for praise. My song shall laud thy works and ways. 5 Awake my glory, speak his name, My lute and harp to sound his fame ; Among the nations I will sing. And tell the wonders of my King. 6 Oh God ! thy truth transcends the skies, Beyond the clouds thy mercies rise ; Above the heavens exalt thy throne, Thy glory through the world be shown. 57 C. M. 1 AH God ! thy mercy show to me, U My soul on thee I cast ; Beneath thy wings my rest shall be, Till all this rage is past. 2 My God. who all things well performs, From heaven will mercy send : PSALMS. 101 And save me from devouring storms, From shame and foes defend. 3 My foes who round like lions roared, With fire and fury fraught : Who?** teeth were spears, their tongue a sword, In their own snares are caught. 4 Be thou exalted high, oh God ! The earth and heavens above : My heart is fixed thy name to laud, Thy mercy, truth and love. 5 Awake, my harp, my lute, my tongue, My early song to raise ; I will through all the lands prolong Memorials of thy praise. 6 Oh God ! beyond these lower skies, Thy truth and mercy go ; Above the heavens exalted rise, In glory shine below. 58 L. M. To the Chief Musician. Al-tashheth. By David. Mlchtam. 1 A RE ye indeed as men struck dumb, IJl When ye to justice ought to come? Ye still your hearts to evil lay. The outrage of your hands ye weigh. 2 The wicked are from birth estranged. And from the womb to liars changed; Their taint like serpent-poison harms, Like adder deaf they hear no charms. 3 Oh God ! their teeth crush out and take, The grinders of young lions break; Let them like waters go their way. Their broken arrows bend to slay. 4 Let them like snails dissolve from sight, Like embryos never see the light ; 102 PSALMS. Before your pots can foci the thorn, Away on whirlwinds they are borne. 5 The just shall bathe their steps in blood, And greet the vengeance of their God : There 's fruit alone to righteous worth ; There is a God who rules the earth. 59 Is & 6s D. To the Chief Musician. Al-tashheth. By David. Mich tn in When Saul sent, and they watched the house t<»Ki!l him. 1 /"I IYE me rescue from my foes, VT Who seek my life, oh God ! Save me from the rage of those, Who love deceit and blood. This I ask, for they are strong, Who for my soul combine ; Not because I 'm in the wrong, And not for faults of mine. 2 Wake, Jehovah, God of hosts, Thou God of Israel ; Hush the nations in their boasts, The traitors' fury quell. They at evening come in hordes, Like dogs that howl for prey : From their mouths they pour out swords For "Who shall see?' ? they say. 3 Thou the nations wilt deride. And they shall feel thy rod ; They have strength, but I confide And put my trust in God. Thou, my Tower, wilt cast them down Thy mercy toward me set ; Scatter them before thy frown, Slay not, lest we forget. 4 Let them fall by lies and fraud, Their words with Lin abound ,* PSALMS. 103 all the earth ar them then returi Log find to 5 In the morning I will bl< thy grace ; My high and lofty place. From thee my W •ruth and !' I will thy praises sing. 60 C. M. 10 li To the Chief Musician. On the Lfly of Testimony. Learnt. When he con -aim and Aram Zobah, arvl Joab retorn We thousand men. 1 rpHV wrath has scattered us, oh G JL Thy face again reveal : Our land is riven by thy rod. Her trembling breaches heal. Thy people's heart ha-t thou dismayed. With anguish filled their wine; But on a banner hast displayed Thy truth and love divine : With thy right hand our help command, On thy beloved shine. 2 Our God in holy vision spake, •Who s ith joy we hail : 14 1 will a line through Shechem make, And measure Succoth's vale; Manasseh's mine and Giiead. My law shall Judah mete ; 104 PSALMS. On Ephraim will I rest my head, In Moab wash my feet : At Edom too, will cast my shoe, With shouts Philistia greet." 3 Who will direct to Edom's coast, Her city strongly barred? Lord, wilt not thou lead on our host, Who showed us things so hard? Oh ! give us rescue from our woes, The help of man is vain ; In God we shall tread down our foes, Our strength will he sustain ; His sovereign frown casts nations down, We shall the victory gain. 61 C. M. 6 lines. To the Chief Musician. Of David. On stringed instrument 1 AH God of mercy ! hear my prayer, VJ Regard my cries in need ; From ends of earth o'erwhelmed in care, I will for succor plead ; High to the Rock no storm can shock, My footsteps thou wilt lead. 2 Thou art a shelter from my foes, A tower of strength to me ; Beneath thy wings will I repose, Thy tent my rest shall be ; My vows are heard, their lot 's conferred, Who fearing trust in thee. 3 Thy mercies will the king sustain, Thy truth his years prolong ; He shall before thee ever reign, For thou wilt make him strong ; While day by day my vows I pay, Thy name shall be my song. PSALMS. 105 61 8s & 1b. 1 TTEAR, oh God ! my supplications, JjL Kindly hearken to my prayer; Wandering far in distant nations, I will seek thee in despair : To the Rock of safety lead Which is high above my head. 2 Thou hast been my lofty tower. Where no dart the foe can fling; I '11 abide beneath thy power. Trust the covert of thy wing : Thou hast kept my vows in mind, With thy sons my lot combined. 3 Thou wilt spare the king forever, He before thee shall remain : Truth and mercy failing never, Shall preserve his gentle reign : So my daily vows I '11 bring, Thine eternal praises sing. 62 C. M. D. To the Chief Musician over Jeduthun. A Psalm by I -avid. 1 AN God alone my soul depends, U My Rock and Saviour proved ; I cannot fall while he defends, Nor while he aids be moved. Till when for murder will ye all Against one man engage, Who now is like a bending wall, A broken fence or hedge. 2 They would his lofty standing spoil, In falsehood take delight : They bless with words as soft as oil, To hide their inward spite. ] 06 PSALMS. On God. my Rock and refuge proved, My soul alone depends ; While he sustains I sha' n't be moved, Nor fall while he defends. 3 In God your trust at all times place. To him your praises yield ; Pour out your heart before his face. Our Saviour. help and shield. Man is a show that only fails, His sons a falsity ; And laid together in the scales. Are less than vanity. 4 Rob not the poor, nor trust in wrongs, Nor growing riches love ; Two things I Ye heard — all power belongs To God who rules above ; And mercy too, Almighty Lord, From thee alone proceeds j For thou wilt every man reward According to his deeds. 62 Is & 6s D. 1 TN silent adoration JL I have God's favor proved ; My Rock, defense, salvation, I shall not much be moved. How long will you combining, On one for ruin fall, Who ? s like a fence inclining, And bending like a wall ? 2 His glory to demolish, In falsehood they delight ; Their words with blessings polish To hide their inward spite. On God, with resignation, I hope and rest secure ; 10T My uvatlon. My refuge ever - 3 Ti ader, His name at all times laud : will to his ur out your heart to God. [low vain is man appearing. II" ay; All on the balance bearing Are less than vanity. Nor tin-' wrongs, .'jvah teaches : Thai God belongs : nder, - : Foi g to their <1 63 M. D. a by David, when he was in the wilderness of Judah, . my God. to thee betimes. Ufa - I look : I thirst and taint in burning clime-s. Where is no cooling I . Oh ! . ~hing hour Within thy courts of grace : To feel as I have felt thy power, And see thy smiling face. 2 My constant praise thy love deman ■Tear than lit'.- to me ; I daily will I lift my L In grateful thee: And while my lips thy name extol, Thy mercies to the 1- t; Th- :.t to my soul Exc feast " nil G VJ Wi 108 PSALMS. 3 1 7 11 meditate on thee by night, Thy wings are round me spread ; Thy past protection brings delight And comfort to my bed. Thine own right hand upholds my days, My soul cleaves after thee ; Thy name shall ever have the praise For all thy grace to me. 4 Who seek to have my soul outpoured, Shall go to depths beneath ; They shall be given to the sword, A prey for jackal's teeth. So shall the king rejoice in God, And in his care repose ; Who vow to him shall shout aloud, And lying lips shall close. 63 C. P. M. 1 1\/TY God, I seek thy help betimes, ItJL I thirst and faint in weary climes, Where ; s no refreshing rain ; I long to see thy smiling face, And feel thy power and quickening grace. Within thy courts again. 2 Above my life thy love I prize, With heart and hands and lifted eyes, Thy name will I extol ; My tongue shall bless thee all my days, The sweet remembrance of thy praise Shall satisfy my soul. 3 The thought of thee upon my bed, To feel thy wings around me spread, Inspire me with delight ; My soul shall follow hard for thee, Because thou art a help for me, I '11 praise thy saving might. PSALMS. 109 4 The sword shall all my fa And jackals find them for a prey, I shall with peace be blessed : So shall the king rejoice in God, Who vow to him shall about aloud, And falsehood be suppressed. 64 L. M. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm by David. 1 AH God ! my voice of woe attend, \J From fear of foes my life defend ; Hide me from plotters near my path, From rage and tumult fraught with wrath. 2 They whet their tongues to cut like swords, Their arrows siring with bitter words ; They lie in wait to shoot the just, Nor fear the God the righteous trust. 3 They make themselves in evil bold. They think no eyes their plots behold ; Their search for mischief does not sleep. Their inward thought is dark and deep. 4 But God his arrow now prepare. And suddenly the wounds are theirs ; Cast down by their own tongues are they, All gazing at them flee away. 5 All men pronounce it work of God, And greatly tremble at his rod : Who trust in him shall glory then, And upright lips sh?ll say, Amen! 65 0. It H. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm. By David. A Song. 1 T) RAISE waits for thee on Zion ? s hill, _L Oh ! thou that nearest prayer ; Thy people shall the vow fulfill In grateful offerings there. 110 PSALMS. Our sins too heavy on us lay, But thou wilt purge our guilt away. 2 Blest is the man whom thou wilt choose. And bring to thine abode ; There shall we get refreshing views, And ever dwell with God. Our prayers shall fearful answers find, Oh God! in righteousness designed. 3 Thou confidence of every land, Of every isle and sea ; Who set the mountains by thy hand, The hills by thy decree : Who dost control the restless main, And make the peoples' tumult vain. 4 Thy dreadful signs and wonders done, Through earth are feared and praised ; From rising to the setting sun, Are shouts of gladness raised : Thy visits all the lands regale, Oh God ! thy river cannot fail. 5 Thou dost with showers enrich the earth. Make soft the furrowed fields ; When fruits and flowers spring forth to birth, And joy begirts the hills. Thou hast the year with goodness crowned, Thy paths drop fatness all around. 6 There bleating flocks the hills adorn, And clothe the pastures green ; While growing fields of bending corn, Enrobe the vales between : They shout in sweet harmonious lays, They sing thine undissembled praise. PSALMS. i IV 1 pRAISE : ZIob X < )h ! thou that h< i All flesh thy help relj And nil shall s< lay : 15 ii t thou nritfa grace Will •J How happy in thy t> Who By great and fearful things, To prayer and - . Thy truth :,'>pe of nat" sea; Who hast 1 c.tions Blade sure by tl Who dost control the o The roaring l»illo-A-s still : J tost calm the lond commotion And curb I s 3 wilL 4 Thou out the war nations fear thy \ Thou dost make both tfa • morning And evening b i Thy kindly Throughout all nat Thy river throng in springs of wealth overflows. 5 Thou dost send down (he showers. Which fertilise the ground ; 112 PSALMS. Earth springs with fruits and flowers, The hills with joy resound. Thou dost the seavsons ever With love and mercy crown ; Thy goodness faileth never, Thy paths drop fatness down. 6 There hills with pasture springing, Are clothed with bleating flocks: Rich grain the valleys bringing, Are robed with yellow shocks : They lift on high their voices. In sweet harmonious lays : And everything rejoices To utter forth thy praise. 66 C. M. 6 lines. To the Chief Musician. A Song. A Psalm. 1 A LL lands to God in shouts of praise, JjL His honored name repeat ; Thy fearful deeds and grand displays Shall make thy foes submit ; All mortal tongues in joyful songs Shall worship at thy feet. 2 Go, see the works for Israel wrought By his almighty hand ; They through the sea with joy were brought On dry and solid land : Earth 's in his sight, he rules by might, No rebel can withstand. 3 Bless God, all men inspired with breath, And make his praise be heard ; He keeps our soul alive from death, Our feet from being stirred : He sets us clear, when woe is near, So faithful is his word. PSALMS. 115 4 For thou hast pressed our loins with woe. Our souls as silver tried : Caused us into the Del to go, - at our head to ride : Through fiery seas, to homes of ease. I last brought 08 to abide. 5^1 '11 come with thanks to thine abode. My offerings shall be paid. Which in distress my lips avowed, My mouth the promise made : He-goats and rams, with kids and lambs. On blazing altars laid. 6 Come, hear, ye fearers of my God, His doings to my soul : To him my mouth cried out aloud. My tongue would fain extol : He ne'er attends, if wicked ends Or guile the heart control. 7 But truly God has heard me pray. And set my spirit free ; lie neither turned my prayer away. Nor his rich grace from me : Blest be my God. whom I will laud To all eternity. 66 C. P. M. 1 A LL lands in joyful songs unite, ±\. And say to God. thy deeds of might Shall make thy foes submit : All peoples shall in loud acclaim Sing forth the honors of thy name. And worship at thy feet. 2 Go, see the works performed by God, When Israel passed the parted flood, Ou dry and solid land : 8 114 PSALMS. All things lie naked to his sight, He rules by his resistless might. None can his power withstand, 3 Oh ! bless our God. exalt bis word. Let now the voice of praise be heard, The spacious earth around ; He still renews our fleeting breath, He keeps our soul alive from death, Our feet on even ground. 4 For thou hast pressure on us laid, Our souls as silver hast assayed, In snares let us be caught: Hast at our head let tyrants ride, Through fire and water been our guide. And now to plenty brought. 5^[I '11 come with offerings to thy house, And pay to thee my uttered vows, Which in distress I spoke ; Thy name with gladness I will praise, Thine altars shall with fatlings blaze, With rams and bullocks smoke. 6 Come, all ye fearers of my God, And hear my lips his wonders laud. Which for my soul were done ; Cries filled my mouth and praise my tongue : He hears not if the heart be wTong, No mercy then is won. 7 But surely God my voice has heard, He has in truth his grace conferred, His name will I extol ; Blest be my God for faithful care, Who has not put away my prayer, Nor mercy from my soul. PSALMS. 115 G3 ^< A U. 1 II TAKE a joyful noise, ye nation-. jL Say to Grod, how great art thou! Through thy dreadful operations, shall thy foes in terror how- All the world Bhall Bing acclaim. Shout the honors of thy name. 2 Go. behold hi? work? of wond [srael saw his mighty hand : When he reft the sea asunder, They walked through on solid land : Earth lies naked to his Bight, None may dare resist his might. 3 Bles^ our God in loudest chor Make the voice of praise be heard: Soul in life he holdeth for as, . - through his word ; Keeps our foot from being moved. When by sorest trials pro? 4 For as silver thou hast tried us. Pressure on our loins hast laid ; Caused insnaring foes to guide us. Riding proudly at our head : Through the fire and through the flood, Brought us to a rich abode. o^To thy house with songs of gladness, Will I come and offerings make. Which my lips avowed in Badness, Which my mouth in trouble spake : Bullocks, failings, goats and lambs, Incense from the blood of rams. 6 Hear me tell, who love my Saviour, What he "s done to save my soul ; With my mouth I sought his favor. Whom my tongue would fain extol : 116 PSALMS. If I have an ill design, God will not his ear incline. 7 But my God has surely heard me. Has attended to my voice ; Blest be God whose mercies gird me, In his name will I rejoice : Who has not my prayer denied, Nor his grace for which I cried. 67 ts. 6 lines. To the Chief Musician. With stringed instruments. A Psalm. A Song. 1 ri OD be merciful and bless, IX Cause his face on us to shine ; Earth to know thy righteousness, Saving grace and way divine : All the lands thy name shall laud, All acknowledge thou art God. 2 Nations shall be glad in thee, Triumph in thy reign of might ; Thou shalt judge in equity, Rule and guide the peoples right : All with thanks thy name shall laud, All acknowledge thou art God. 3 God on us will blessings pour, Land with produce shall abound ; God, our God, whom we adore, Shall be feared the earth around : All shall sing in loud acclaim, Hallelujah to his name. 67 8s & Ts. 6 lines. 1 ri OD, in mercy send salvation, VT Make his face on us to shine ; Show thy way to every nation, Show the earth thy health divine : PSALMS. HJ All • shall own, i art God. and thou alone. 2 Realms shall joy in thy direction, Triumph in urj Pol : Tbon to them shall give protection, and role the wh< ike shall praise thy nan Thou art God, shall all pro • u? will gil 9 ing, Land shall yield abundant store; God. our God. the world confessing, Shall with fear his name adore : All T earth Rhall 68 0. M. D. 1 Al'li Grod shall rise, his I / in airy Hi. Or melt lik . perish from his - Then shall the ,'r.i. His] forth afar : And celebrate his mighty name. Who rides on high as Jan. 2 Wi With thai him bend ; her of the fail; . The wide. He makes the 1 hain : But am Inl on. ' r I! what t*n loud Thy ward led ; 118 PSALMS. Earth shook, the heavens with thunders bowed, This Sinai feared thy tread. Thy gifts to strengthen Israel. Were showered upon the land ; Thy famished flock shall safely dwell Beneath thy sheltering hand. 4 Jehovah has the news declared, The tidings many spread ; By those at home the spoil was shared, And kings of armies fled. Now may ye dwell in peace and love. And none shall trouble you ; With golden feathers like the dove, And wings of silvery hue. o^fWhen God Almighty scatters kings, And sets us clear from foes, Our land with dazzling luster springs. Like Zalmon white with snows. High peaks of Bashan, mounts of Go 3 Why envious watch his hill? He chose it for his own abode, And there will ever dwell. .6 On God, by thousands, chariots wa"' And angels speed them on ; iike Sinai's mount is Zion's gate And thou up high hast gone. Captivity hast thou confined, The spoil brought back again ; ;Hast taken gifts among mankind, That Jah might dwell with men. r^Blest be the Lord who help bestows, Who ever breaks our peace ; From God, our God, salvation flows, Who can from death release. Sure God will wound the wicked head, On rebels vengeance heap, 118 Will bring From Bashan an 8 Hl< foes shall by thy foot be eras Thy dogs shall lick their bl< The} roud in Zion hu- The goings of my God. Round those who sang and led in song. The damsels timbrels pla;. ye great assembled throng. Who Israel's fountain made. ! * S< Naphtali and Zebnlon, With royal Jndafa stand : With them is little Benjamin. ited heart and hand. < >h God! thy help has ma«l And thou our fortress be : That kings Jerusalem may throng With presents brought to thee. 10 Drr mong the reeds away, Drive hulls and calves afar : Bid lawless tribes their tribute | And scatter men of war. From Egypt princes then shall i Shall come from distant lands : And Ethiopia lift her eyes. And stretch to God her hands. DOXOLOGT. ll*Xet God with anthems be extolled. By earth's adoring crowds : One riding through the heavens of < I Whose strength is in the clouds. Let Israel in his praise delight. So terrible abroad : Who gives his people force and i Forever blest be God. 120 PSALMS. 69 Is & 6s P. To the Giief Musician upon lilies. By Pavid. 1 OAYE me from the waves, oh God! lo Which break into my soul j Deep and miry is the flood, And high the billows roll. Worn with cries my sight has fled, My throat is dried and sore ; Than the hairs upon my head, My causeless foes are more. 2 Strong my false accusers be, I took not, yet I paid ; All my faults are known to thee, And bare my sins are laid. God of hosts, preserve the meek, From blushing at my wound ; Who the God of Israel seek, Let not my shame confound. 3 For thy sake reproach I bear, I am for thee reviled ; Mother's children strangers are, By brethren I ? m exiled. I 'm consumed of holy zeal, Who scorn thee scorn my name ; While I did in sackcloth kneel, A by-word I became. 4^[They belie me in the gate, I am the drunkards' song ; Still on thee for help I wait, Let not the time be long. Save me in thy truth, my God, And lift me from the mire : Save me from the yawning flood, And from my haters- ire. PSALMS, ] L >1 Llowed up. Nor lei ' Hear, for thoa art all my I bound thy mercy kno 1 to help, m; ttrol, Nor from thy servant hide : Draw thou near, red* em my bouI, L si foes my fall deride. 6 Thou hast all my tr wn, 11 isi Be< d their Blai Fool reproach on me is thrown, My heart is sick and broke. All my comforters retreat, I 'in left alone to -ink : Gall they gai e me for my . And vinegar to drink. their table be a snare, And traps id : glare, Their loins with tro il Let thine anger on them wait, Thy wrath their recompen Let their home be desolate, ae dwelling in thei 8 They thy wounded ones contemn, Thy smitt- Sin to Bin, add thou to th< Nor give thy righteous Blot them out from all that live. Nor write them in thy book; They t<> none will pity gii Nor .-hall for mercy 9^fPoor and Borrowful I am. Oh God! £ high; 122 PSALMS. Then my songs shall bless thy name, Thy goodness magnify. This will better please the Lord Than bullocks hoofed and horned ; They shall live who seek his word. The meek with grace adorned. 10 God will hear the poor that cry, Nor prisoners'" prayer despise ; Heaven and earth, and sea and sky, In joyful concert rise : God will Judah's cities build, Sustain his Zion well ; All his sons and lovers shield, And bring them there to dwell. 70 C. M. 6 lines. To the Chief Musician. By David. To remind. 1 AH God ! for me thy care exert, \J Jehovah, haste to aid ; Let those be shamed who seek my hurt, And make my soul afraid ; Who say, " Aha ! v turn back afar, And let them be dismayed. 2 Let all who love and seek thy way, With joy in thee confide ; Who love thy great salvation say, Let God be magnified ! I 'm grieved and poor ; quick help secure, My helper thou and guide. 71 C. M. 6 lines. ^H Lord ! in thee I put my trust, Let me from shame be clear ; Draw nigh to save as thou art just, To me incline thine ear ; Be thou my home where I may come, My rock of refuge near. '0' PSALMS. 123 me from wicked men, my God ! Who would my life consume: Thou art the One L always laud. Who brought me from the womb ; Hast held mo up. sustained my hope. Ami oft dispersed my gloom. o Thou art a tower of strength to me, Which many wondering own : F'lled i.^ my mouth with praise to thee. For daily mercies shown : When age at length shall waste my strength. Oh ! leave me not alone. 4 For they who seek to shed my blood, B [her are combined : They say that I am left of God. ; can no helper find : (>h God ! be near, in haste appear. And grant me succor kind. 5TSoon shall my foes in shame be clad. My haughty troublers cease ; Oh God ! I 11 hope and always add. My praise to thee increase ; Thy faithfulness can none express, Thy righteousness and peace. I Tl show thy mighty deeds of truth. And mention none but thine ; For thou hast taught me from my youth. Thy word and works divine ; To tell their sum to all to come. Preserve this life o\' mine. 7 Who has like thee such great things wrought': How righteous is thy reign ! Those down to deep distresses brought, Thou wilt revive again : 1 24 PSALMS. Thou wilt increase my joy and peace, My comfort still sustain. S Thy truth niy tuneful lyre shall tell. In songs of" loud acclaim ; Thou Holy One of Israel, My lips shall praise thy name : My ransomed soul thy help extol, Which brought my foes to shame. 72 C. M. D. By Solomon. 1 (XH God ! thy judgments give the king, VJ His son thy truth and might : He shall thy poor to safety bring. Thy people guide with right. Then shall the mountains peace bestow. The hills with justice teem ; He shall oppressors overthrow. The sous of need redeem. 2 They shall thy name for ever fear. While sun and moon are known : He shall like fruitful showers appear. On meadows newly mown. Then shall the righteous sprout and grow. His days shall peace attend : From sea to sea his rule >hall go. And through the earth extend. 3 To him shall crouch the savage wilds. His foes in dust shall bend; From Seba, Tarshish and the Isles, The rulers otferings send. All peoples shall his service own, To him all kings bow down ; For he shall hear the needy groan, With help the helpless crown. PSALMS. 125 i He shall tli. 1 poor from rage redeem, Relief to sufferers give ; Their blood shall precious be to him. And they for him shall live : They shall the gold of Sheba pay. To spread abroad his lame : They shall uot cease for him to pray. With blessings laud his name. 5 On mountain tops the waving corn As Lebanon shall sound ; Fresh bloom the city shall adorn, And like the grass abound. His name shall be for evermore. And like the sun shall Maze : All men his blessings Bhall adore, And Mess him with their praise. G Oh! bless the name of Israel's God, And Jacob's mighty K His glories let all peoples laud. II is matchless wonders sing. To him be endless honors done, Around the earth and main ! So ends the prayer- on, Amen, the long Amen! ! T< & 6s D. 1 pLOTHE the king with truth, oh God! \J His son with righteous:! - : He shall judge the poor abroad. Thy people will redtt 38, Down the mountains peace shall flow, The hills with justice stream: He shall tyrants overthrow, Tie 1 needy soul redeem. 2 While the sun and moon remain, Thy name shall they revere j 126 PSALMS. He shall come like showers of rain, The new mown lands to cheer. In his days shall peace abound. The righteous sprout and grow : He shall rule the earth around. Nor end his kingdom know. 3 They shall crouch in savage wilds, His foes, in dust, shall lack ; Seba, Tarshish and the Isles, Oblations shall send back. Kings and nations everywhere Shall serve him and attend ; For he will the needy spare. And him that has no friend. 4 He will give the mourner rest. The poor from rage redeem ; He will rescue souls opprest, Their blood is dear to him : They shall live and offerings pay. From Sheba's golden store ; They shall bless him all the day. For his success implore. 5 On the mountain tops the corn As Lebanon shall bend ; Bloom the city shall adorn, And like the grass extend. Ever shall his name endure, His glory like the sun ; Men shall lind his blessing sure, And bless the Blessed One. 6 Praise with songs the Lord our God, And Israel's mighty King : Let the earth his goodness laud, His matchless wonders sing : PSALMS. 12" Let his glory far extend, The world exalt his reign; Thus the prayers of David end. Amen, the loud Amen ! 73 C. M. D. A l'-;ilm. By Asaph. 1 pOI) is to [srael only kind, VT T\v pure his merciea own : Yet wen- my feet almost inclined, My >t'.'])- had well nigh gone : For I w: the vain Stretch wide their wicked hands; They long in p «ce and strength remain. In death are free from ban 2 They a; with toils and cart--. Nor _ Like other men : Hence robes of violence are theirs, And pride their necks enchain. Their out with fatness still. Their heart flows out with guile ; Th'.-y sp ak oppressive words of ill, And wickedly revile. 3 They set their mouth in high disdain, Their tongue to rule the earth ; Full cup- of woe my people drain, While they behold their mirth. And can it be Jehovah - Does God the Highest know? Lo ! sinners live secure at ease, And prosper here below. 4: Then I in vain clean hands display, My heart with truth adorn; For I am smitten all the day, And chastened every morn. . 128 PSALMS. If I declare my sore complaints, Anil these misgivings speak, Then shall I falsely treat the saints, And sin against the meek. 5 While pondering how to solve the sum, My eyes were sorely pained ; Till to the house of God I come, I will observe their end. Down swiftly from their slippery steep, They plunge no more to rise ; Brought in a moment to the deep, They perish with surprise. G Gone like a dream when one awakes, Their image God will scorn ; How brutish were my sad mistakes ! My heart with grief is torn. Still thou hast held me by the hand, Art with me in my need ; Thy counsel shall my heart command, My feet to glory lead. 7 Whom have I in the heavens but thee ? On earth besides desire ? God will my strength and portion be. When flesh and heart expire. For all have perished shunning God, And all in future will ; His near approach to me is good, To trust and praise him still. 74 C. P. M. Maschil. By Asaph. 1 "WHY hast thou cast us off, oh God? VV Why smokes the fury of thy rod Against thy pastured fold ? PSALMS. 129 Think of thy purchase long esteemed, Thi .'1. Thia Mount, thy rest of old. 2 Lift up tb; Me. Thy courts have foea with Me Perpetual rains made : Th< Ivea to pl< laid. hammer they employi Till all th- The buildi Tin;- spurned, And all thin'- holy altar.- burned, thy nam*.'. 4 We have no seer nor any sign. who the future can divine, Till when shall foes presume! Shall rebels still reviling stand? Draw from thy bosom thy right Land, And all the proud consume. Bong, who art of old. Thy work- of might all men behold. Thy strength lias burst the - Thou hast the heads of dragons broke, Leviathan for food bast took To feed the savj 6 Thou hast divided fount and fl< Streams hast thou turn< i and dried, oh The day and night designed : Thou hast prepai ght and sun, Taught every season when to run, The bounds of earth defined. 7 Think how the f Think how their li}» i >ur God, Thy covenant regard : 9 130 PSALMS. Give not thy tender turtle-dove, Give not the poor who trust thy love, To cruelty so hard. 8 Let not th' oppressed return in shame, Let sufferers praise and bless thy name, And recompense the proud ; Plead thine own cause before our eyes, Hear how the foe thy power defies, Their tumult grows more loud. 75 C. P. M. To the Oiief Musician. Al-tashheth. A Psalm by Asaph A Song. 1 "\T7"E render thanks to thee, oh God ! VV Thy presence near and wonder3 laud, For they declare thy reign ; For judgment will I set the time, Though earth and men are spent in crime, The pillars I sustain. 2 Let boasters cease their words of scorn, Let not the proud lift up the horn, And let them end their grudge ; Not from the east, the west nor south, "Will justice to the world come forth, For God himself is judge. 3 He puts one down, another up, For in his hand there is a cup, The wine whereof is red ; He pours from thence the mixture forth, And all the wicked of the earth Shall on its lees be fed. 4 But I shall sing the praise of God, His help to Jacob ever laud, And sound abroad his name ; PSALMS. 181 All righteous horns will I i All wi - in proud r Cut o ?,; S. M. H. Tu the Giief Musician. On stringed instrument 1 TN Jndafa God is known. JL II • 'a _: in Israel : I em stands his throne. Be will in Zion dwell : He there alarmed the mighty :• .!• and Low, 2 More excellent art tl Than hills We saw tl bow, tneath thy r Their mighty bands, crushed in a heap. None found their hand-, they slept thei] 3 Oh Ood! thy just r Brought horse and chariot down : -hall not fear thy str< Who stand before thy frown? Earth paused in fear -.rose. Hifl own to clear from all their foes. ■i Man'- wrath shall bow to Thou shalt the remnant gird: Pay vows with reverence a? Bring presents long deferred : Fear him. ye king-, who holds your breath. And princes brings to dust and death. 76 B& & lis. 1 TN Jnda Jehovah is known, J. His name is in Israel great ; 132 PSALMS. In Salem he set up his throne, In Zion he 's dwelling in state : And there did he shatter the darts of the bow. The buckler and battle, the sword and the foe. 2 More safety in thee can be found. Than in the strong mountains of prey ; Thy foes were all swept to the ground. The stout-hearted melted away. Oh God ! the rebuke of thy thundering breath Threw horses and chariots to sleep and to death. 3 Jehovah, thou art to be feared, For who can thine anger withstand? Thy judgments from heaven were heard. Earth paused and was still at thy hand : "When God to do justice in grandeur arose, To save all the humble of earth from their foes. 4 Man's wrath to thy praise shall redound, The residue thou shalt restrain ; Bring presents with reverence profound. Pay vows and acknowledge his reign : Who down to destruction the potentate brings Who is to be feared and exalted by kings. 77 C. M. 6 lines. To the Chief Musician over the choir of Jcduthun. By Asapli A Psalm. 1 rpO God I raised my voice in prayer, JL Until his car inclined ; My anxious soul was near despair, And would no comfort find ; On him I thought, which trouble brought, And overwhelmed my mind. 2 For God my waking eyes held fast, My tongue from speaking stilled ; Then days of old and years long past, My mind with visions thrilled ; PSALMS. 133 My heart inquiries filled. 3 Has God hlfl mercy all withdrawn! ivor T implore ? grace like his enti Bis promise ei nil Will wrath inclose his help from those Who still his name adore ? 4 From God my long distress proce< I 'm weak and thou art kind : My tongue shall celebrate thy deeds. Tie- wondei gned : Thy works of old will 1 untold. Thy doings call to mind. " ■ • >h God ! thy way by truth is known, I who can vie with thee? Thy strength hast thou to Israel shown. Which all the nation- - ph led and Jacob led. d and set them fir ! the waters saw thy power. leep in terror curled : While rushing clouds poured ont a shower, Thy thunders far were hurled : Earth stood amazed, thy lightnings blazed. And tired the trembling world. 7 I Thy paths are overspread : Thy led in mystery, In depths thy :"■ ad : By Mom-' and by Aaron's hand. Thy flock by thee were led. 78 L. M. D. Ifaschfl. By Asaph. 1 "|\f Y people, hearken to my law. 1VL And hear my words with reverend awe ; 134 PSALMS. My mouth on parables shall dwell, And ancient riddles will I tell : The things our sirea to us have told. We will not from their sons withhold ; But have succeeding ages taught The works of wonder God has wrought. 2 For he a law in Jacob made. A statute Israel obeyed. Which children should from fathers learn. And teach again to theirs in turn ; That they in God their hop- might Bet, And ne'er his word and works forget r Not like their sires of stubborn mind, Whose spirit from their God declined. 3 The sons of Ephraim. armed with bows, Turned back the day when battle ros They broke the covenant of their God, Nor in his holy statutes trod: They soon forgot his works of might, His wonders done before their sight : The marvels to their fathers shown. In Egypt and the field of Zoan. 4 He piled the waters in a heap. "While they passed through the parted deep ; He led them with a cloud by day. With fire by night lit up their way : He smote the rocks along their road. Whence cooling streams like rivers f. As from the deep their drink supplied, Their burning thirst was satisfied. 5TfThey still rebelled against his hand, Provoked him in the desert land : They tempted God most High and just. By asking meat to sate their lust. PSALMS. 135 - name, and ! He smote the rock and brought the tide. Can he both meat and bread provid- 6 The Lord was angry when he heard. red; I not believed. • Though he had "p^n^ I i high door?. And from the clouds soppli Had rained them manna down t . corn of he their meat. 7 But though they ate of angels* bread, foil by him were fed : rn wind to : them through the ski When flesh like dust rained on the ground, re found : " them what they v. ished acquire, They . ir desire. -till their ued. t the meat they chewed, The wrat] em fell, And slew the youth Bir $ their God they grieved. ghty works believed : And hence their days to grief he doomed. Th th sorrow were consumed. 9*~What time they fell beneath his rod. They turned and early sou eh t for God : They called their Rock and help to mind. kind. But still their lips vain flatl A:. • a they lied: Their hearts in him were not cool N r steadfast in his cove:. 136 PSALMS. 10 They often grieved and vexed their God, While through the desert land they trod ; But he. with kind design to save. Destroyed them not. but oft forgave ; And often turned his wrath away, Nor let his anger gain the sway : For he remembered they were vain, Like wind that cometh not rt gain. ll*[fThey tempted God and backward run, Set bounds to Israel's Holy One ; His mighty hand they did not heed, Which had their necks from bondage freed ; His awful signs in Egypt shown. His wonders in the field of Zoan : Where he their rivers turned to blood, So none could drink the crimson flood. 12 He divers swarms of flies employed, And frogs by which they were destroyed ; He gave to worms their olive oil, To locusts all their care and toil ; He dried their sycamores with frost, Their vines by storms of hail were lost ; He gave their cattle to the blast, And on their flocks hot thunders cast. 13 He gave his wrathful anger vent, By evil angels trouble sent ; He gave their soul to pests and death, Sent forth upon his burning breath. He then their first-born overthrew, The chief and strength of Ham he slew ; But led his people forth like sheep, His flock through deserts and the deep. 14 He set them clear from all their woes, But in the sea o'erwhelmed their foes ; He brought them near the promised land, This mountain purchased by his hand : PSALMS. 137 Ho east the heathen from their tents, Pot Israel's own inheritance; He did the land by lot divide, And lot his people there abide. l.-> € "Th«\v yet resist and tempt their God, Nor in his righteous statutes trod: But like their sires unfaithful proi i i, And like a broken bow were moved. They stirred his wrath on places high, Their idols waked his jealous eye : When God observed their foul reward, His people were by him abhorred. li> He left his rest in Shilofa then. His tent prepared to be with men: He let his strength to exil< And left his glory with the foe : He gave his people to the sword. His wrath upon his flock was poured : Their youth were burned and maids not wed, No widows mourned when priests lay dead. 17 But God awoke from Bleep at length. And like a giant flush in strength. He smote his i'ov> along their rear. And put them in perpetual fear : The house of Ephraim did not choose, The tent of Joseph did refuse : But royal Judah was approved, The Mount of Ziou which he loved. 18 His sanctuary high he made. Like earth's foundations firmly laid ; He chose his servant. David, bold, And drew him from a shepherd's fold: He brought him Jacob to sustain. And over his own flock to reign : Who Israel with uprightness With skillful hands to glory led. 138 79 PSALMS. C. P. M. A Psalm. By Asaph. 1 AH God! the heathen tribes have come \J And wasted thy Jerusalem. Thy holy courts defiled ; Thy saints to feed the beasts are given, Thy servants for the fowls of heaven, In heaps of ruin piled. 2 Their blood has flowed a purple wave, There 's none to bury in the grave, And we are put to shame ; How long shall we be thus abhorred? How long wilt thou be jealous, Lord, And let thine anger flame ? 3 Pour out thy wrath on heathen lands, Who have not known thy wise commando. Nor sought thy gracious aid ; For they have Jacob overpowered. They have his heritage devoured, His home in ruins laid. 4 Call not our former sins to mind, Let us thy tender mercies find, For we are brought full low ; Purge out our guilt for thy name's sake, For thy great glory pity take, And help on us bestow. 5 Why should they ask, " Where is their God?" Let him be known avenging blood, Now in thy people's sight ; Oh ! let the prisoner's sigh ascend, Those doomed to die do thou defend With thine own arm of might. 6 Give to thy foes seven-fold reward. Who have reproached thy name, oh Lord ! And still contemn thy ways ; psalms. tSg shall thy goodness be extolled, And we, thy Hock and pastured fold, Will give thee endless praise. 80 C. M. D. To the Chief liosician. As to lilies. ATe.stimonv. Bv A A Psalm. 1 n REAT Shepherd of thine Israel, hear, VT Who Joseph safely led : Bright from the cherubim appear. Thy radiance on as shed. Give Ephraim strength, Manasseh might. And aid to Benjamin : Oh ! bring us back and show us light. That we salvation win. 1 Oh God of hosts ! how long wilt thou Be angry at our prayers '.' Our bread is mixed with weeping now. Our drink made up of tears. We are a strife to neighbors made, mock us with disdain ; Oh! bring us back and light the shade. That we salvation gain. 2 From Egypt thou a vine in bloom Transplanted with thy hand ; - out to give it room. Its roots have filled the land. . hills were covered by its ^hade, Th ..■ trees : • to the rivers spread, the seas. 4 W:iy ha-t thou torn away its h< pluck itsfrui Wild beasts feed on its foliage, Wild boars consume its roots. , 140 PSALMS. Oh God! revisit this dry land, From heaven behold this vine ; One set and nurtured by thy hand, And rendered doubly thine. 5 They perish at thy dread rebuke, And burn beneath thy frown ; Oh ! to that man and champion look, On thy right hand set down. When quickened we will not decline. Thy favor shall be craved ; Turn us and cause thy face to shine, And then we shall be saved. 80 8s D. 1 p REAT Shepherd of Israel, give ear, vT Thou leader for Joseph of old : Shine forth on the cherubim clear, That we may thy glory behold. Manasseh and Ephraim sustain, Give Benjamin strength he has craved : Oh ! turn and restore us again, Shine on us and Ave shall be saved. 2 Oh Lord! shall it ever be said To prayer thou hast shut up thine ears? With grief thou hast mingled our bread, We drink in full measure our tears. Our foes are insulting and proud, Our neighbors contentious and vain ; Restore us and break the dark cloud, Salvation we then shall obtain. 3 From Egypt a vine thou hast brought, Turned nations from where it should stand ; Hast planted and room for it wrought, Its roots have run through the whole land. She grew over tall cedar trees, Her shadow on mountain tops laid j PSALMS 141 Her branches went out to the Beas, Her boughs to the rivers were spread. 4 Why bust thou her hedges broke down. That Btrangers are plucking her fruits; Wild b< asts are destroying her crown. Wild loar- are devouring her roots. Return and iv\ isit this laud. Look down on this vine from thy throne : On-' planted and reared by thy hand. strengthened and called for thine own 5 B ihold how it burns in thy Bight, down by the Btroke of thy rod; the man at thy right, Exalted and mighty in God. When quickened we firm -hall remain, Thy favor shall only he craved ; Oh! turn and restore us again, Shine on lis and we shall be saved. 81 L. M. T. To the Chief Musician. On the Gittith. By Asaph. 1 rjlO God, our strength, exult and sing. JL And shout aloud to Jacob's King; The lute and harp and timbrel chime, And chant a Psalm in notes sublime; And let the trumpets' lofty lay Announce afar our festal day; A law the God of Jacob m A statute Israel obeyed : To Joseph for a witness -rut. When lie from heathen Egypt went ; And where I heard, in that strange land. A speech I could not understand. 2 "I loosed his hands with baskets prest, And gave his burdened shoulder rest; I answered from the thunder-cloud. At Meribah his spirit bowed. 142 PSALMS. Oh ! let ray people lend an ear, Let Israel my judgment hear ; No idol god shall rest with thee, And thou shalt worship only me ; I am the Lord thy God indeed, I have your necks from bondage freed ; Your mouth to me but open wide, Your wants shall all be satisfied. 3 •• But Jacob would not hear my voice, And I was none of Israel's choice ; I gave them to their lusts a prey, And let them walk their chosen way : Oh ! that my people had but heard. That Israel had obeyed my word $ I should have soon subdued their foes, With mine own hand have healed their woes ; My havers I should have secured, While they should always have endured ; With finest wheat have made their bread, And from the rock with honey fed." 81 C. M. T. 1 T IFT up the shout to God our King, JJ The strength of Jacob praise ; With lute and harp and timbrel sing, In sweet melodious lays ; And with the trump announce aloud Our solemn festal day ; Such was the law of Jacob's God, That Israel did obey ; Ordained in Joseph for a sign On leaving Egypt's land ; Whose language I could not define, Nor symbols understand. 2 " His hands from baskets I set free, His shoulder from the load ; PSALMS. 143 At Meribah I tested thee, And answered from the cloud; Oh brae! ! need my protest now, And lei my people hear ; Thou shall not to an idol how. Nor heathen god revere : I am the Lord thy God alone. Who thee from bondage freed : With opeo month your wants make known. And I '11 supply yonr need. 3 •• Bnt Israel's sons would not obey, My people wonld not hear: ■ them to their lusts a prey, To their own mad career: Oh! that they had obeyed my laws. Their feet my way pursued : I should aed their cause, And all thei They should a lasting peace have had. I should my foes have stilled : "With finest wheat have made their bread. Their mouth with honey filled." 82 C. ML A Psalm. By Aa»] b. 1 ri 01) stands gislators meet, VT And judge and jury vie Th»*n how can they indulge deceit. And wick 2 Judge well the weak and fatherless, Do justice to the poor : Rid those whom tyrant hands oppress, The needy Bet secure. 3 They will not know nor understand. The way is dark they take : While ti the earth command, Its very pillar- .-hake. 144 TSALMS. 4 Though high in station, power and birth, They must to death resign ; Oh God ! arise, and judge the earth, For all the world is thine. 82 L. M. 1 r\ OD stands where princely rulers meet, IX Among the judges takes his seat ; How long Avill they give wrong awards, Excusing wickedness and frauds ? 2 Go. judge the weak and fatherless, And give the sufferer quick redress ; From wicked hands the poor discharge, And set the injured one at large. 3 They will not understand or know, The way is dark their footsteps go ; While they as gods are in command, The pillars tremble through the land. 4 They reign as gods for God Most High, Yet they like other men shall die ; Rise up and judge the earth, oh God ! For all are thine the world abroad. 83 C. M. D. A Song. A Psalm. By Asaph. 1 IVTO more thy cheering voice restrain, IN Nor hold thy peace, oh God ! Thy haters lift the head to reign, Thy foes exult aloud. With crafty counsel they intrigue Thy hidden ones to quell ; And ratify an impious league To blot out Israel. 2 With hearty zeal their scheme is tried, With Edom, Ishmael stands ; With Moab, Hagar is allied, With Gebal, Ammon bands : PSALMS. 145 With re found, Philistia joins the plot : With all are Tyre and Asher bound. To li ilp the sons of Lot. 3 Lik<- Midean and Jabin quell, Lik- 1 Sisera, confound : Who Lb the vale of Kishon fell. rdure on the ground : Their noble ones, like Zeeb make. Their chiefs lik" Oreb -lay ; Like Zebah and Zalmunnah take, And till them with dismay. 4 Who Leagued to take and ever own The pasture-grounds of God : Let them like whirling chaff be blown. And scattered far abroad : As fires set mountains in a blaze, And flames lay forests bare. So let thy storms their heart- amaze, Thy dreadful 1 ire. 6 Let sore contempt their boastings hush. And men will seek thy name : They shall in lasting terror blush, And perish in their shame: And all shall know that thou alone. Jehovah, art Most High; That thou hast set thj righteous throne ve the earth and sky. 8i L. M. D. To the Chief Musician. On the Gittith. For the Sons of Korah. 1 TTOW lovely is thy blest abode, JTjL Oh thou, the ever living God ! I long and faint thy courts to see. My flesh and heart cry out for thee. 10 146 PSALMS. The swallow there has found a home, Where she to lay her young may come ; And there the sparrow rests her wing, Oh Lord of hosts, my God, my King ! 2 How blest who there may spend their day.% And still renew glad songs of praise ; How blest whose strength and hope thou art, Who have highways within their heart : While through the vale of tears they go, They make fresh springs of water flow ; With growing strength their path is trod To Zion's hill and Zion's God. 3 Oh God of Jacob ! bow thine ear ; Oh God ! our Shield, in mercy hear ; Thine own Anointed now behold ; Give me a place within thy fold : For one sweet day in thine abode Exceeds a thousand spent abroad ; I ? d rather at the door look in, Than dwell among the tents of sin. 4 For God, our Sun and constant Shield, Will grace bestow and glory yield ; No good will he withhold from them Who walk upright and honor him. Oh ! happy man, forever blest, Whose hope alone on thee shall rest ; He will thy name and goodness laud, Oh Lord of hosts, my King, my God ! 84 C. M. D. ] TTOW dear thy dwellings are to me. II Oh thou, the living God ! My flesh and heart cry out for thee, I long for thine abode. The swallow broods her young at home, The sparrow rests her wing ; PSALMS. 147 And even to thine altars come, Oh Lord of hosts, my K; 2 How bl re with thee remain. And still renew thy pi How blest who strength from thee obtain, Wl ire clear hi e They make the thirsty land a well, While Baca's vale is trod : They go from strength to strength and dwell In ZioD with tl 3 Oh God of Jacob! rich in g\\ Our Shield and Helper hear : Look on thine own Anoint ed's face, Bow down a gracious ear : For better than a thousand days ie thy courts within: I \1 rather through her portals gaze. Than dwell in tents of sin. 4 For God. our Sun and heavenly Shield. Will _ glory give! by him shall be withheld. >m those who rightly live. Ill- peace and joy and strength shall bo Perpetual in their growth : Wh -nlv placed in thee, Oh God of Sabaoth ! 84 H. It 'H OW comely are thy tents, Oh thou, the living God! Fur tl. it faints. I long for thine abode : Yes, swallows bring And rear their young, Thy courts among, My God. my King! US PSALMS. 2 Blest men who there remain, And still renew thy praise ; Blest men thon wilt sustain. Whose hearts an- clear highways: They make a rill Through Baca flow. While on they go To Zion's hill. 3 Our Shield and Jacob's God, See thine Anointed's face ; One day in thine abode, A thousand will replace 5 Let me look in But through the door, I '11 love it more Than tents of sin. 4 For God. our Sun and Shield, Will grace and glory give ; Xo good shall bo withheld. From those who rightly live : How blest is he. Oh God. most high, Whose hopes rely Alone on thee. S4 7^ i 6s D. 1 TJOW beautiful thv dwelling. II Oh thou, the living God! My flesh and spirit failing, Cry out for thine abode : Herself the sparrow shell The swallow broods at home : Yes. even to thine altars. My King, my God! they come. 2 How blest who there may lengthen A life of holy }■: PSALMS. 149 How blest whom thou wilt strengthen, Whose hearts are clear highways : While passing Baca's valley, They make the land to flow; With strength on strength they rally. To God in Zion go. o Oh God! our Shield, Defender, Who Jacob ne'er forsook : down and answers render, On thine Anointed look : Than thousand days goes farther ( me spent thy courts within ; I \1 choose the threshold rather Than dwell in tents of sin. ! < Mir Sun and Shield. Jehovah, Will grace and glory give : No good withholds moreover, >m those who rightly live ; His bliss shall fail him never. Whose heart sincerely boasts, His trust in thee forever, Jehovah, God of ho- 85 12s & lis. To the Chief Musician. To the Sons of Korah. A Psalm. 1 TEHOVAH ! thy favor shone forth in its beauty, i) When Jacob was from his captivity freed ; Thy hand covered up his remissness in duty. Thy mercy forgave him his every misdeed: Thy wrath and thine anger were r > r away turned. Thyself from the fury that hotly had burned. 2 So turn and reclaim us. oh God of salvation! And cause thy fierce anger and fury to Shall thy hot displeasure and dread indignation. For ever and ever against us increase? 150 PSALMS. Wilt thou not return and revive us again. That we thine own people rejoice in thy reign? 3 Come, let us attend to the words of Jehovah, Whose favor, salvation and help we implore ; His saints shall have peace when from sin they recover, Provided they turn unto folly no more. His people who fear him have help nigh at hand, That glory and honor may dwell in the land. 4 Now mercy and truth are together united, And justice and peace are embracing in love ; While truth springing up from the earth is delighted, And righteousness looks with a smile from above. Our land an abundance of increase shall yield, His truth go before him, our leader and shield. 85 CM. H. 1 T\7"HEN Jacob out of exile came, \ V Thy favor knew no bound ; Thy pity covered all his shame, His sins a pardon found : Thy kind compassion stayed the rod, Thy wrath was turned to love, oh God ! 2 So turn to us and us return, And let thine anger cease ; Shall thy fierce wrath for ever burn? Shall we no more have peace? Oh! come, revive us yet again, That we may glory in thy reign. 3 Come let us hear what God will speak, Whose mercy we implore ; His peace and love shall crown the meek, But let them sin no more : His fearers only help command, That glory may adorn the land. 1SALMS. 151 Now truth and mercy can unite, And peace with righteous! ifresh with fruits of right, Prom heaveo looks faithful our land shall Btores of good bestow, Bis si pa shall truth before him show. 86 7^ & 6s D. A Prayer. By David. 1 T ORD, I am poor and needy, 1 J Unto my prayer incline ; i >h ! grant me succor speedy, ml that 's thine. Bear thou my daily crying, [n mercy let me live ; On thee am I relj illing to forgive. 2 Lord, hear my supplication, it thy feet I fall ; Thou only hast salvation, K«>r this, on thee I call : jods are like Jehovah, Nor any works like thine. All men the wide world over Shall own thy power divine. 3 The wonders thou art doing, A living (rod proclaim : Thy way keep me pursuing, My heart to fear thy name. I 11 honor, thank and laud thee. Thy mercy ever tell : Thy love was great toward me. That freed my soul from hell. 4 On me the proud would trample. Who never fear thy rod ; Thy truthful care is ample, Long-suffering is God. i 152 PSALMS. Oh ! come and give a token, Thy handmaid's son to save ; Foes shamed shall hear it spoken, The Lord deliverance gave. 88 8s & 7s D. 1 T)OVT down thine ear, oh Lord ! and hear, AJ For I am poor and needy ; My soul is thine, and thou art mine, Oh ! give me succor speedy. Rejoice my soul, for thy control, I daily have relied on • So good to all who on^thee call, And ever free to pardon. 2 Hear thou my prayer, relieve my care, And grant my supplication ; In trouble's day to thee I '11 pray, For thou wilt send salvation. No gods that be, are like to thee, No works like thine, Jehovah ; All men shall raise to thee their praise, All things creation over. 3 For thou alone hast wonders shown, A God supreme declaring ; Guide me thy way, 1 '11 truth obey, Thy grace my heart preparing. Thy name, my God, with thanks I '11 laud, i '11 honor thee forever ; From death indeed, my soul was freed, By thine abounding favor. i Who fear not God, who thirst for blood. My life in dust would trample ; Still thou art kind, of gracious mind, Thy truth and mercy ample. Oh ! turn and save, thy strength I crave, Thy handmaid's son deliver ; LMS. Thoa ? M off Korah. A I ' \T Bis r »lm t] Th- E $ things in I >ld, Thy ' I Babylon and from Tyre. And All " In th is man and that shall Zion hear. Was now is r mount : In ant. Who sing and pipe shall raise •• In ill my springs." 8 7^ & 6fl D. i By Heman the Efcrafc 1 All God of my salvati U I Ve daily ci my Bnpplk Incline thine ear to me. For ills my My life draws ::• ar tl 154 PSALMS. I 'm reckoned with the dying. No strength of man I have. 2 As with the dead I slumber, The slain in death's cold shade ; Whom thou dost not remember, In deeps and darkness laid. With anger thou dost grieve me, And press me with thy waves ; Dost cause my friends to leave me, Shut up in dismal caves. 3 I mourn in my affliction, With lifted hands and eyes ; Wilt thou give death restriction, Bid praise from specters rise ? Oh ! shall the grave thy favor, The dark thy wonders know ? Destruction speak a Saviour, Where men forget below? 4 My morning prayer shall greet thee. As I have daily cried ; Oh ! why dost thou not meet me, Wilt thou thy presence hide ? From youth I Ve been in. sorrow And ready to depart ; My soul thy terrors harrow, Distract my troubled heart. 5 Thy pressing wrath annoyed me, Deep billows on me lay ; Thy terrors have destroyed me, Like waves through all the day. My soul deep waters cover, My heart is sore dismayed ; For thou hast friend and lover, Afar in darkness laid. PSA] 89 A. D. I5y Ethan the ICzrahite. 1 "\J"V Bong ahalJ JH. . a Ms truth make known : His lis throne. My . I avid, I hu . whom in covenant Thy Beed with honors -hall be crow;. And wield 2 n thy wonders shall record. • truth decla For who on high is like the Lord. What angel can with him com].-.: seraphs fear afar. who round him I Who La so great and true as thou? 3 T: - a thou dost restrain, The rising billows \]. dm : Hli- An I a ith thy strong arm. The world's foundations thou I The heavens aloft in - _ : The north and south thy hands have made, By Taboi mg. 1 Almighty p igh thou dost tLy dwelling place : throne in truth and ji bands, And II •-. blest wh . -'-und. And walk beneath thy Bmil Thy right i ound, Thy name their glory all tile day. 5TOur God his favors will disp Our horn of strength to glory bring ; 156 PSALMS. Jehovah is our sure defense. And Israel's Holy One. our King. For in a vision thou hast said. Thy holy prophet heard it then : •• Help on the mighty I have laid, One chosen from the sons of men. 6 •• On David I have fixed my sight, And be mine own Anointed is ; My holy arm shall give him might. My hand shall ever be with his. I '11 smite his foes before his face. And plague the wicked who revolt ; My righteousness with him I place, My name his kingdom shall exalt. 7 " His hand shall stretch across the sea, His right hand far beyond the flood; MyFather, be shall say to me. My Rock, my Saviour and my God. My first-born shall be higher, too, Than kings that earthly thrones command : My mercy will I keep in view. My covenant with him shall stand. 8 •• His seed forever shall remain, Hia throne to an eternal day : But should his sons my laws disdain. My just commandments disobey ; I then in hand my rod will take. Their backs shall feel the heavy stroke : Yet wholly I will not forsake. Xor change the thing my lips have spoke. 9^f ,; To David by myself I swore. My word is sure. I will not lie ; His seed shall reign for evermore. While sun and moon shall course the sky : h And yet thine anger has destroyed, And cast thine own Anointed down ; PSALMS. IM Bia r. m • uant hast thou made v< And id the dust profaned his crown. 10 1 1 pn away. Bia stronges have come to naught; ?p >ilers on him | •light. Hia sword in battle la repelled, For thou dost not help him to stand; Hi< foes in triumph arc a] And1 it 8 - I their right hand 11 11 his glory thus cast down, A i d aud be swept at his word, While besi thousand shall fall : Thou shait only behold the proud sinners' reward, But the ill snail not reach thee at all. tovah, my refuge, is made thine abode. Sine Jehovah, Mosl High, is thy home. There shall nothing of evil around thee corrode, Not a plague to thy dwelling shall come. He shall gi lis angelic bands, Who are daily attending his throne; y -hull h».-ar thee up safely in their ready hands, thy foot should be dashed on a stone. ■i Tin >u -halt lion and adder and dragon tread down, : Bhalt make the young lion comply : •• For his true love to me 1 will rescue and crown. For regarding my name Bet him high, lb.- -hall call upon me. and 1 11 answer his cry, I will save him with honor from woe : An abundance of days shall his soul satisfy. My -alvation to him will I show." 91 L. M. D. 1 TTE that with God in secret hides. JjL Safe underneath his shade abides ; lie i- my God, my trust, my tower, 3 the fortress of my power : He -hall secure thee from the snare, Keep far from thee the poisonous He sfa ill '. : - ings around thee spread. Gird thee with truth and shield thy head. i terror -halt thou fear by night, . the light; Xo pest< that in the darkness run, Nbi at noon-day's sun: 11 162 PSALMS. Though at thy side ten thousand fall, No harm shall come to thee at all ; Thine eyes shall only see the Lord Give to the wicked their reward. 3 Since in Jehovah, God, mine aid, Thou hast thy refuge surely made ; No evil near thy tent shall come. No plague invade thy peaceful home. He shall in safety keep thy days. His angels charge to guard thy ways ; Their hands shall bear thee up unknown, Lest thy foot dash against a stone. 4 Thou shalt tramp down the adder's head. On lion, beast and dragon tread ; ; - For his true love and trust in me, He shall on high his safety see. He shall have answers to his prayer, And I will honor him and spare ; Long life shall satisfy his soul, And my salvation crown the whole.'*' 92 L. M. 6 lines. A Psalm. A Song. For the Sabbath-day. OW good thy mercies to record, 1 TJOW H In . grateful songs. Almighty Lord : Thy watchful care by morning light, Thy never failing truth by night : From decachord to sound acclaim, With lyre and harp to sing thy name. 2 For thou hast made thy works my joy, Thy doings shall my praise employ; How great the wonders thou ha-st wrought ! Thy counsels are a deep of thought! Which brutish men can not discern, And fools will neither know nor learn. UiMS. 163 3 Though Burners thrive and prosper here, And wicked men like grass app They only spring for death a prey, . bood shall flee and fade away : For they will not thy name adore, Most High and blest tor evermore. 4 Lord, in thy strength, exalt my horn, And with fresh oil my head adorn : Then foes turned hack mine eye shall cheer, Their ruin shall salute mine ear ; For righteous men shall grow like palms, Like lofty cedars stretch their arms. 5 Those planted in the courts of God Shall flourish in his blest abode : They shall in age with fruit abound, And ever blooming shall be found : To show that God, my Rock of might. In all his dealings is upright. 92 C. M. 6 lines. 1 TTOW sweet to wake the grateful lay, _El_ Thy mercies to record : Thy constant care and love by day, thy truth by night, oh Lord ! On lyre proclaim and sound thy name. On harp and decachord. 2 Thy works inspire my chief delight, thy doings joy bestow; Thy works are high above my sight, thy thoughts a deep below : "Which brutish men have not the ken, Nor fools a heart to know. 3 Though sinners spring like grass and grow, They o ily bloom to die : " 164 PSALMS. Thy foes far off from thee shall go. And perish from thine eye ; For thy great name is still the same, Jehovah is most High. 4 Lord, in thy strength, my horn exalt. Fresh oil upon me shed ; Till I shall hear of no revolt, Nor see a foe to dread ; Just men, like palms, shall stretch their arms, Like cedars lift the head. 5 Those plants within thy temple found, Shall grow and flourish long ; They shall in age with fruit abound, Their faith and hope be strong ; Thus bring to light, my Kock is right, In Him is nothing wrong. 92 8s. 6 lines. 1 TT is good to give thanks to the Lord, _L And to sing to thy name with delight ; In the morning thy mercies record, In the evening thy favors recite : With the lute and the harp and the voice, To adore thee, exult and rejoice. 2 Through the works of thy hands I am glad, I will triumph in them evermore : Thou with greatness and splendor art clad, Thy designs are too deep to explore : But the brutish to these things are blind, And the foolish for them have no mind. 3 AYhen the wicked appear in full bloom, When like grass evil doers arise ; It is only that death may consume ; They shall perish and flee from thine eyes : PSALMS. 165 For Jehovah they will not adore, Who is High over all evermore. •i While my horn is exalted by thee. And my head with fresh oil is perfumed : My desire on my foes shall 1 Bee, And shall hear that they all are consumed: For the righteous shall grow like the palm. Like the cedar shall lift up the arm. 5 For the plants that thy temple surround, In the courts of Jehovah shall grow ; Shall in age with fresh clusters abound. And the truth of thy faithfulness show : They will prove that my Rock is supreme. And" has nothing unrighteous in him. 92 Bs & Ts. G lines. 1 TTOW good to sing. Almighty King, XI Thy name with praises blessing: Thy love by light, thy truth by night. Our warmest thoughts possessing: With decachord, to thee, oh Lord! The solemn sounds addressing. 2 Thy works of might are my delight. Triumphant joy bestowing : Thy works are high, thy counsels lie Beyond our depth of going : Which brutish men have not the ken, Nor fools a heart for knowing. 3 Though sinners grow like grass below, Their time will soon be over; Thy foes shall flee in fear of thee. Shall fall and not recover : For thy great name is still the same, Thou ever art Jehovah. 166 PSALMS. 4 While on my head fresh oil is shed, My horn thy strength sustaining ; Mine eyes shall see insurgents flee, Mine ears hear of their waning : Just men, like palms, shall stretch their arms, The height of cedars gaining. 5 Those plants around thy dwelling found, Shall flourish in thy temple ; In age shall shoot and bring forth fruit. And set a good example : Shall bring to light my Rock is right, His truth and justice ample. 93 L. M. 1 TEHOVAH reigns enthroned with light, J Jehovah girds himself with might : The moveless world was based by thee, Thy throne is from eternity. 2 The floods have raised their voice on high ; The floods will raise their crashing cry ; Than all the billows when they roar, Jehovah's majesty is more. 3 Jehovah's word is very sure. Jehovalrs statutes shall endure ; And holiness shall long become Thy loved abode, Jerusalem. 93 C. M. 1 TEHOVAH reigns with strength arrayed, J And clothes himself with might ; The moveless world by thee was made, Thy throne was ever bright. The floods their ceaseless tumult keep, The waves lift up and roar ; Than all the billows of the deep Jehovah's strength is more. thy promis length of d M C P M. 1 riK U i And ose the proud : How long shall wicked nun pre* Their tmptons tongues 1 sail, An! ist aloud? , ra they d> A:. . "". SB, - : They say thou wilt not see them, Lord, Thai _ rd. But when will 3 Shall he not see, who forms Shall he not hear his chosen cry. Who plan:- the listening ear': 11 he not know, who shapes the bra 11 chide, who does all nati :i thoughts are clear ! 1 in love rebuke, h him in thy law to look. That he may rest the while : Till • past, And till the pit be dug at last. For all the proud and vile. 1 never will his church forsake. ' truth partake. ' e upright lead : the proud. For me resist the wick I for the righ:eous plead? 168 PSALMS. 6 Had not Jehovah helped me on, Then I to silence should have gone ; He holds my slipping feet ; Thy words of grace my cares control, Thy tender love shall cheer my soul, With thoughts divinely sweet. 7 Shall thrones have fellowship with God, Whose laws condemn the guiltless blood And make all justice void ? God is my Rock and sure defense ; He '11 bring on them the recompense, And they shall be destroyed. 95 L. M. 1 flOME let us to Jehovah sing, \J The Rock of our salvation bless ; Our thanks before his presence bring, With songs of joy his name address. 2 Jehovah is a mighty God, A King above all idols crowned ; His are the depths of earth abroad, And his the strength of hills around. 3 He made the sea that owns his will, He made the land and solid shore 7 * Come, let us bow and humbly kneel, The Lord, our Maker, to adore. 4 He is our God, and we his sheep, The people whom his pastures feed ; He will defend and safely keep If ye to-day his voice will heed. 5 •• Hard not your heart like Meribah, As Massah in the desert land ; Your fathers proved and tempted Jah, And saw the doings of my hand. G " Full forty years with them I bore, They grieved my Spirit from their breast ; PSALMS. "When I at length in anger swore aid not enter to my ri -•.."' 95 C. M. 1 T ET Sound through the world. Jehovah reigns. Whose arm the universe sustains; From heaven and earth and field and flood, Lei Bhouts of joy ascend to God. ti Lei loud and long hosannas rise, From all who dwell below the skii - ; He conies to judge the earth and main. Be comes in peace and truth to reign. IMS C. M. 1 AH! sing a new and joyful song vJ To our almighty Ford : From day to day with thankful tongue. 2 1U< glory through the nations spread. Ilis wonders all around : He is to be adored with dread. Above all idols crowned. 3 For all the idol gods are naught, The heavens Jehovah made : His dwelling is with beauty fraught. With majesty arrayed. 4 Let families of nations sing. His glorious strength declare; Take to his courts an offering, And bow with trembling there. 5 Say through the lands. Jehovah reigns. Who built the world of yore ; Let heaven rejoice, earth lift her .-trains. The sea with fullness roar. 6 Let fields exult before his sight. The trees on hill and plain ; He comes to judge the world with right, He comes in truth to reign. 172 PSALMS. 90 8a & 7 1 T ET mortals raise new songs of praise Jj To him who rules creation ; From day to day his deeds display. And tell of his salvation. 2 His glory show to all below, His wonders oft repeated : He "s praised and feared, and much revered, Above all gods is seated. 3 For idols all to nothing fall, The heavens Jehovah founded : His dwelling-place is decked with grace, With glorious strength surrounded. -i Let every tribe to him ascribe. All honor, power and blessing ; With gifts resort into his court. All praise to him addressing. 5 Send forth the strains. Jehovah reigns, And rules the earth he founded : Let heaven rejoice, earth lift her voice, His praise afar be sounded. G Let fields and trees, the deeps and seas, Proclaim the joyful story, He comes again, he comes to reign In Godlike pomp and glory. 97 L. 11 6 lines. 1 T ET earth be glad. Jehovah reigns. JU The isles exult in joyful strains : His throne is based in truth and right. Though veiled in clouds from mortal sight: His word like fire before him goes, And burns to death his haughty foes. J-MS. 173 2 His bolts of thunder, swiftly hurled. Are heard with awe through all the world : .tx have melted down, And shook with terror at his frown: The heavens his truth And teach his name to all 3 Let idol worship fall in shame. Let gods on high adore his nan Lei Zi< id ice. I Judah's daughters join their voice : - of judgment he has shown. Who sets above the earth his throne. 4 Let saints he saves ail guile d< Whom he redeems and mat For them are sown the seeds of . Aud gladness for the heart upright : Rejoice, ye righteous, in the L With thanks his holiness record. >? S. M. II. 1 T>EJOICE, Jehovah n - ±1 The islands shall be dad: His righteous throne remains. Although in darkness clad : His fiery breath before him _ i And burns to death his haughty foes. 2 His flashing lightnings blaze. His mighty thunders roar : Earth shrinks in dread amaze. Her Maker to adore : The heavens of old his truth declare. And men behold his glory there. 3 Let idols fall in shame. j lore our King : Let Zion chant his name. Let Judah's daughters sing : 114 PSALMS. With holy mirth his deeds made known, Who o r er the earth exalts his throne. 4 Saints saved by him alone, Should hate all evil things : Light for the just is sown. Joy for the upright springs : Rejoice in God, your Saviour bless, And ever laud his holiness. 97 12s & lis. 1 rpiIE earth shall rejoice in the reign of Messiah, JL The islands shall hear of his name and be glad ; His throne the wide world for its truth shall ad- mire, Though now in thick darkness his dwelling is clad : A fire all consuming proceeds from his breath. Which burns his proud foes to destruction and death. 2 The voice of his thunders shakes all the creation, The blaze of his lightnings shines over the flood j The earth bows with wonder and dread adoration. The mountains melt down at the presence of God: The heavens in splendor his glory make known, And have to all nations his righteousness shown. 3 Let those who seek idols with shame be con- founded, False gods of the peoples bow down to our King; Let Zion rejoice in his wisdom unbounded, And Judah's fair daughters his excellence 6ing ; Because of his judgments and wonders made known, For high over all he exalte th his throne. PSALMS. ITT, mo his favor to glory is briu _ _ evil, and i _!it : igfat sown for the righteous to fullm I grow in the heart thai '.^ aprigbl : % in yoar Saviour and K [is holiness eyer with gratitud< L. M. safan. 1 AH! sing io \J What marvels to the Lord belong; His own right hand and arm of m Have put his rebel foes to flight 2 He hath hie known, Hi- righl An : For Israel kept his truth in mind. Revealed salvation to mankind. 3 Shout to Jehovah, all the earth, Burst forth in so Make music with the harp With trump and cornet hail the 4 Let sea and laud his nam-' a - clap their hands and roar : hallelujahs swell the sti He comes in ri_ C. M. 1 AH! sing in new and joyful str vJ T: hath done : His own right b His holv arm hath won. 176 PSALMS. 2 He made his great salvation known, His righteousness and grace ; He bore the love to Israel shown, For all the human race. 3 Shout forth his praise the earth around. With harp and timbrel sing ; Loud let the trump and cornet sound, Before the Lord the King. 4 Let joy go up from isle and sea, Let rivers clap their hands * He comes to reign in equity, And give his just commands. 98 8s k Ts. 1 "IVTEW anthems sing to Christ our King, J_M And chant his works of splendor ; His own right palm and holy arm, Have made his foes surrender. 2 He deigned to show r to all below, His truth and great salvation ; He gave his word, that Israel heard, To every land and nation. 3 Loud songs employ to tell your joy, With harps lift up your voices ; Let trumpets ring, the Lord is King, While every heart rejoices. 4 Let seas and lands clap their glad hands, And tell the joyful story ; He comes again in right to reign, With Godlike pomp and glory. 99 C. M. 6 lines. 1 TEHOVAII reigns in power supreme, tJ Let nations trembling hear ; He sits between the cherubim, Let earth be moved with fear : PSALMS. n 1 ; He r 8 Zion'a might ; all lands unite, His holy name revere. •J The King in judgment takes delight, His strength loves truth alone; In equity has founded right, In Jacob justice done : The Lord our God exalt and laud. His holiness make known. '.) When Moses cried and Samuel prayed. When Aaron was his priest : Jehovah, heard the vows they mad". And granted their request : When from the cloud he spake aloud. They kept his high behest. -I In answering them, oh Lord our God! A God, forgiving -till : Th" dreadful veng< ance of thy rod. Had oft to curb their will : The Lord our God exalt and laud. And worship at his hill. 99 S. M. IT. 1 TEHOYAH reigns alone. t) Let men bow trembling down : Bright cherubs guard his throne, Earth quake- beneath his frown : He \s Zion's strength, to be adored. All shall at length, say. holy Lord. 2 The King's strength judgment loves, His justice all shall see ; His work in Jacob pr< His truth and equity : Exalt and bless the Lord our God, His holiness proclaim abroad. 11 178 PSALMS. 3 When Moses smote the rock. When Aaron was his priest : When Samuel fed his flock. He granted their request : When from the cloud his voice was heard, His people vowed and kept his word 4 What time, oh Lord our God ! Thy mercy answered them. They often felt thy rod. Rebellions to condemn : Exalt his name on Zion's hill. He is the same, he "s holy still. 100 L. M. A Psalm. For thanksgiving. 1 T ET all the earth with one accord. JJ Lift up their voices to the Lord : Serve him with joy and sweet delight, And come with songs before his sight. 2 Know ye the Lord alone is God. We are his work and him should laud ; He made us for his eho>en seed, We are the flock his pastures feed. 3 Oh ! enter then his gates with praise, Loud in his courts hosannas raise ; Eor he is good, his mercy sure. His truth forever shall endure. 100 C. M. 1 T ET earth with shouts address the Lord, I i And serve him with delight ; Sound forth his praise with sweet accord, With songs approach his sight. 2 Know ye the Lord is God of old, From whom we all proceed ; PSALM& 179 He made us people of hi? fold, The shf'p hia pas 3 Then crowd with praise hia temple gate, I 10 his courts adore ; For £<><>(l ifi he, hia mercy crreat, Hia truth for evermore. too 1 \ LL peoples, yoor voice? unite, J\. The i hovah make known . Serve him wit: g delight. With ; ! to hia throne. 2 Know ye that Jehovah is ( - Oar Maker, oar Shepherd and Rock; He made us his name to applaud. He made as hia people and flock. 3 Oh! en* - with acclaim. Hia courts with the thanks he demands : His mercy is ever the - His truth to eternity stands. 101 L. M. Eyl'av::. A Ftehn. 1 AH Lord! to thee my praise I bring, VJ Of mercy and of judgment sing ; In wisdom will I walk at home. When wilt thou to my dwelling come? 2 I will not set mine eye- to wr Reproach shall not to me belong ; The crooked shall from me depart, The hard, unfeeling, evil heart. 3 I will no secret slanderer spare. And haughty looks I will not bear; The faithful in my sicrht shall be; The true shall dwell in peace with me. 180 PSALMS. 4 Deceivers will I turn away. Nor in my house shall liars stay ; The wicked will I thus reward. And clear the city of the Lord. 101 C. M. 1 T ORD, I with truth and mercy come, JJ And raise my song to thee ; Discreetly will I walk at home, When wilt thou visit me ? 2 No wicked scheme shall lure my eyes, No wrong to me shall cling ; The crooked way will I despise, Nor do an evil thing. 3 The haughty eye will I rebuke, The slanderer destroy ; But on the faithful will 1 look, The true of heart employ. 4 Not in my house shall liars dwell, Deceit will I reward : The wicked from the land expel, And citv of the Lord. 102 C. M. D. A Prayer. By a Sufferer, when he is troubled, and before Jehovah pours out his complaint. 1 T ORD, hear the cries I send to thee, JJ And help without delay ; Hide not thy smiling face from me, When I in trouble pray. For now my days consume like smoke, Like burning coals I waste ; My heart is dried like grass and broke, And food I cannot taste. 2 By reason of my ceaseless groan. My flesh and bones do cleave ; PSALMS. 1S1 And like an owl I watch alone. tateless dove I grieve. My rorn in mad careers, And wake my constant dread; My drink is mingled with my tears. And my bread. 3 For thoa hast raised and east me down. Thine anger makes me pine : Like grass I fade beneath thy frown. Like shadows I decline. But thou, Ji hovah, .-halt endure. Anil thy memorial stand : Thy love for Zion is secure. Her set time is at hand. 4 Thy servants count her ruins dear. Her dust and stones regard; For nations shall thy name revere, And king- thy splendor, Lord. Jehovah will his Zion build ; In glory will ai The destitute and needy shield. And not their prayer despis . 5 This shall through unboi That they Jehovah own : Who bends to loose from death the bound. And hear the prisoners* groan : That Zion may declare his name. Jerusalem his ways : Till kingdoms hearing of his fame. Shall come and give him praise. G*~My r still in anger bnrn : Be does not repay our pride. Nor give as we return. 1 i ' _ ae Hi- mighty grace exi Far as east is from the w He puts away our faults. 186 PSALMS. 4 Those he loves who fear his name, As lathers do their trust ; For he knows our feeble frame, Remembers we are dust. Man'< short days are like the grass, And like the fields his bloom ; Soon before a breath they pass, So soon does he consume. 5 But the mercy of the Lord Is for his fearers sure ; Sons of sons shall find his word And promises endure ; Who respect his holy law, And valk in all his ways ; Keep his covenant with awe. And give to him their days. 6 God in heaven has fixed his throne, His kingdom ruleth all ; Angels make his glory known, Who hear and do his call : Praise him. mighty hosts on high. Who execute his word ; Praise him through the earth and sky. My soul, adore the Lord. 103 & D. 1 AH! bless, my soul, my heart extol, \J That holy name. Jehovah ; Let all within, his praise begin, And count his mercies over : Who pardons free, and healeth thee, Diseased by sin*s seduction ; Who guides thy ways and crowns thy days, And keeps thee from destruction. 2 Who gives thee food and all thy good. Thy youthful strength renewing ; PSALMS. 181 Who hoars the prayer of all in care, Their tyrant foes subduing. He showed his ways in Moses' days. To Israel, acts of favor : His wrath is slow, his mercies flow, He is a gracious Saviour. j He neither will keep anger still, Nor chide us unregarded : He lias nor dealt like to our guilt, Xor has our sins rewarded. High as the skies his mercies rise, To all who are his lovers: Far as the sun his journeys run. So deep OUT crimes he covers. 4 He feels the care kind fathers bear. To us his pity showing : He knows our frame, from whence we came. And whither we are going. Man's days while here, like grass appear. Like morning flowers his blooming : Oi\s passing breath consigns to death. His life from earth consuming. 5 Yet will the Lord his own reward, d grace upon them ever; To sons of sons his mercy runs, His promise fails them never: Who keep with awe his holy law. His covenant ensealing; They shall be blest, in him shall rest, And find his faithful dealing. G He fixed his throne in heaven alone. His kingdom rules creation : Ye angels all. before him fall. In holy adoration : Bless him. ye hosts, throughout his coasts. His wide dominion over : J 88 PSALMS. Let everything his glories sing, My soul, bless thou Jehovah. 104 L. M. D. 1 AH! bless, my soul, Jehovah's name, \J My tongue his majesty proclaim, Who makes of light his shining robe, And curtains over all the globe ; Who rides aloft on clouds and storms, His spacious halls of water forms ; Who on the wind his message sends, And makes the fire work out his ends. 2 He set the earth upon its base. And fixed it moveless in its place ; He overspread it with the flood, Above the hills the waters stood 5 They fled in haste at thy rebuke, The mountains for the vales forsook ; Thy well-appointed bounds they know, Nor shall again the world o'erflow. 3 He sendeth springs among the hills. Meandering through the vales in rills $ Where every beast may water take, Wild asses, too, their thirsting slake : Birds dwell on branchy trees above, And utter forth their notes of love 5 Fresh streams are from his chambers poured The earth is with his products stored. 4^[He makes the grass for cattle grow, And herb for man to till and sow ; For strengthening bread and cheering wine. And oil to make his face to shine. He planted trees and cedars fair, In Lebanon, where birds repair ; Storks dwell in fir-trees, conies hide In rocky hills, where goats abide. PSALMS. l-o 5 Be made the moon for seasons run. Bis time of Betting knows the sun; Be spreads out darkness for the night, When beasts are roving with d< Li| Young lions roaring Beek for pi And God their booty does purvey ; At dawn in dens they tak And man to daily labor goes, ('.•"How manifold thy works, oh I How wise and vast and rich and _ Here are the wide and mighty - Where countless beings swim al There numerous fleets in splendor glide; Leviathan plays in the ti< All these rely upon thy care. Their food in season to prepare. 7 They gather what thy ha Their mouth with food thy bounty tills: Thy face thou hidest. they 're in dread. Their breath thou tak*_-st. they are dead : Thy quickening Spirit gives them birth. Thou dost renew the face of earth : His glory is to endless day-. His works with gladness he sun 8 Earth trembles at his angry look. And at his touch the mountains smoke : I '11 sing to him through all my days. While I exist my God I '11 praie His name shall till my Boul with His works my sweetest thoughts employ; When sinner^ die and are no more. My soul Jehovah shall adore. Halkdujah ! 104 8s & 7 s D. '0 II ! bless, my soul, my lips extol, The greatness of Jehovah, 190 PSALMS. Who makes of light his robe of might, And curtains heaven over ; Who with the flood frames his abode. On clouds and storms is riding ; Who makes the winds do his designs. And flaming fire his bidding. 2 He made and cast earth's bases fast. With floods the mountains vested: Thy voice they heard, with terror stirred. Away they quickly hasted : Down to dark caves they rolled their waYetj Where thou hadst fixed their borders : Their bounds they know, nor shall o'crfiow Thine own appointed orders. 3 He sends through hills the gushing rills. Which down the vales are flowing; Wild asses there for drink repair, And every beast is going: Birds dwell at ease on branchy trees, And tune their notes of pleasure ; On earth he pours from his high stores. And fills it with his treasure. 4^[He cattle feeds from grassy meads, The herb man tills bestowing : Whence oil is had. sustaining bread, And cheering wine is flowing. Birds rest at ease on cedar trees, In Lebanon he planted : Firs shield the storks, the conies rocks. The hills by goats are haunted. 5 He taught the sun when day is done. And made the moon for seasons ; He hides the light and it is night. "When beasts move forth from prisons : Young lions roar, for prey explore, And seek from God their booty; PSALMS. 191 Light strikes the glens, they hie to dens, And man to daily duty. i* Thy works all told, how manifold! How vast and wis.' and gracious! Her countless host the sea can boast, So deep and wide and spacious ; There sports thy elan. Leviathan, There splendid fleets are sailing ; These lift their eyes for fresh supplies, To thee in stores unfailing. 7 What thou dost give they eat. and live; Thy hands all creatures cherish : Thou dost hold back, in dread they lack ; Dost take their breath, they perish. Thy Spirit blows and life bestowB, The face of earth renewing ; Let him have praise through endless days. Rejoice in all his doing. 8 Soon at his stroke the mountains smoke, Earth trembles at his seeing; Through life I Tl laud and sing to God, 1 '11 praise him while I 've being. Joy to my heart shall he impart. My warmest thoughts possessing ; When sinners doomed are all consumed. My soul shall give him blessing. Hallelujah! 105 L. M. T. 1 1TTITII thanks invoke Jehovah's name, \ 1 His deeds through all the world proclaim ; In lofty psalms exalt his praise, And talk of all hi> works and ways; Let all who love his name rejoice, And glory in their happy choice ; L92 PSALMS. His saving strength betimes implore. And seek his presence evermore ; His matchless doings bear in mind, The judgments by his lips defined ; Ye seed of Abraham, his sons, Ye heirs of Jacob, chosen ones. 2 Jehovah is our God alone, His judgments through the earth are known ; His words to endless years endure, His covenant shall stand secure ; The one to Abraham revealed, To Isaac with an oath was sealed, Its confirmation Jacob saw. For Israel's everlasting law. That Canaan's land and residence, Should be their own inheritance ; When they were strangers in it. too, And were but small and very few. 3 "When they through nations passed along. He suffered none to do them wrong ; "When they from land to land removed, Their kings for them were oft reproved ; •• Touch not my own Anointed's arm, Nor do my prophets any harm : " He through the land a famine spread, And brake the staff of all their bread : When Joseph for a slave was sold, Before them sent a leader bold, Whose feet were hurt with heavy chains, Whose soul was tried and pierced with pains 4 Then God the king with dreams infused. Who soon the Hebrew captive loosed ; And made him lord of all the land, To give his senators command : So Israel down to Egypt came. And Jacob dwelt awhile in Ham ; PSALMS. 193 He there increased and made them rise, And tower above their enemies; Whose hearts he made sore hatred feel, And subtly with his people deal : When he to serve him Moses Bends, And Aaron chose to work his ends. 5T[They showed the words and signs of God, His wonder.- spread through Ham abroad : He all tie 1 land in darkness held, Still they against his word rebelled; lb' turned their waters into blood, And slew the fishes in the flood ; Then frogs came np from all their springs Into the chambers of their kings; He .-pake, and Hies came forth by hosts, And lice through their devoted coasts; lb' gave for rain fierce storms of hail, Ami lire that kindled with the gale. G He smote their vines and sycamores, And shattered trees along their shores; 1! -aid. and elouds of locusts came. And worms that numbers cannot name, Whose teeth consumed their tender shoots, Devoured the choicest of their fruits: He smote their first-born sons at length. Their brightest hopes of joy and strength; Then brought his people forth with gold. Not one was feeble, young or old ; When they were gone was Egypt glad. Whose fear had made them sorely .-ad. 7 He spread a cloud above their head, Which through the night a radiance shed; He sent them quails, for which they cried, With bread of heaven their mouth supplied; He opened rocks and waters flowed, Like rivers ran along their road : 13 I 194 PSALMS. He kept his covenant in mind, With Abraham, his servant, signed ; He to his seed the vow fulfilled, And gave them lands by nations tilled : He brought them up with joy and praise, That they might serve him all their days. Hallelujah ! 108 L. M. 6 Hues. Hallelujah ! 1 AH! render thanks and bless the Lord, \J His ceaseless love and truth record ; "Who shall announce his grand display What tongue shall utter all his praise ? How blest who in the truth delight, And always practice what is right. 2 Remember me with that regard, Thou bearest to thy chosen. Lord ; That in their good I may rejoice, And in their gladness join my voice ; That when they triumph in their King, I may thy great salvation sing. 3*![We, like our fathers, have declined, We have a stiff, rebellious mind ; Thy works in Egypt they knew not, Thy tender mercies were forgot ; And they provoked their helper, God, When they beside the Red Sea stood. 4 He saved them for bis name alone, To make his might and glory known ; At his rebuke the Red Sea dried, And they walked through the parted tide ; He saved them from their hating foes, On whom he let the waters close. 5 They then believed and sang his praise, But soon forgot his works and ways : PSALMS. 195 They waited not for his command, Hut lusted in that desert land : Their bold request he deigned to grant, But left their soul to pine in want. G They envied Moses in their tents. And* Aaron, chief among the saints: The opening earth quelled Dathan's boast. And swallowed up Abiram's host : When kindling fire upon them came. And whelmed the wicked in the flame. 7^ They then a calf in Horeb ma And to the molten image prayed : They changed the glory of their Into an ox that does but graze : Thus they forgot their Saviour. I His works in Egypt and the flood. 8 Then God arose to strike them dead. But Moses for the people plead : For him his anger was restrained. Yet still they murmured and complained ; Their hearts the promised land despised. Nor would they heed when God advised. 9 He therefore lifted up his hand To leave them in that desert land : Their children through the earth disperse. And let them go from had to worse ; They were by Baal-peor led. And ate the offerings of the dead. 10 Their daring crimes God's wrath awoke. He sent the plague which on them broke ; Then Phinehas rose and judgment made. And thus at once the pest was stayed ; Which for his credit shall redound, While age to age in turn moves round. 196 PSALMS. liyTheir God in Meribah they dared, When Moses in their chastening shared ; For they his spirit did provoke, Till with his lips rash words were spoke : They joined with heathen in the way. Whom God commanded them to slay. 12 They soon by idols were enticed. Their sons and daughters sacrificed ; Whose guiltless blood in torrents flowed. While they to fiends in worship bowed ; They were by their own works defiled. By their misdeeds and lust beguiled. 13 All this yet more displeased the Lord. And he his heritage abhorred ; He gave his people to their foes. Their haters ruled them as they chose : They were subjected to their hands. Who laid upon them hard commands. 14 He gave them rescue oftentimes. When they provoked him with their crimes He oft, when they were brought full low. Bowed kindly to their cry of woe ; He kept his covenant love in mind. And made their cruel captors kind. Doxology. 15 Save us, Jehovah, God our King ! Thy people from the nations bring ; Then we thy name with thanks will praise, And glory in thy works and ways : Let endless blessings crown thy reign, — Let all the peoples say — Amen. Hallelujah ! 107 C. M. Q. 1 r\ IVE thanks for blessings to the Lord, VX Whose mercy ever flows : PSALMS. 197 •horn bis truth and grace record. Whom he redeemed from : From north and south, from east and west. He brought them by his hand- : They found no city where to They trod through desert Lands; When faint from thirst and lack of bread. EUfi ready car inclined : Their feet In his right way were led. That they a home might find: Let men with thank- his name extol, His wonders great and good; IF- satisfies the craving soul. The hungry tills with food. 2^| Who in the shades of darkness dwell. Bound in afflictions bands, Who >\'M against his words rebel, Contemn his high commands, 11 leaves to pine in woe and care. Till they are near the grave, When to his ear they send their prayer. And he appears to .-are : He brings them out from death's dark shade, ties all their inward pains; vers bonds upon them laid. And breaks their heavy chains : Let men with thank- his love repay. These wonders of his ha:, He takes the gates of brass away. And cuts the iron bands. * is, by their folly and deceit. In sorrow spend their breath : Their soul abhors the finest meat. And they draw near to death : Then for Jehovah's help they cry. When overwhelmed with tn 198 PSALMS. He deigns to bear them from on high. And sends them quick relief: He sheds a healthful influence round. Their follies he foregoes ; He sends them balm for every wound, And cordial for their woes : Let men with thanks his wonders praise. His truth and love record ; Let them with loudest anthems raise Their honors to the Lord. 41fWho sail in ships and cross the flood. In waters business keep, They see the mighty works of God. His wonders in the deep; He bids the storm and tempest rise, Which lift the roaring waves : Their trembling bark ascends the skies, Then to the depths it staves ; They, struck with dread, like drunkards reel Confounded. God implore ; He bids the angry storm be still, They gladly reach the shore : Let men with thanks exalt the Lord, His wondrous works and ways : Let them with saints his love record, With elders shout his praise. 5*[He turns the streams to solid ground, For sin the fields lays bare ; He makes the barren lands abound, And brings the famished there ; They build them towns and dwell in peace, Plant vineyards, till and sow : They multiply, their flocks increase. Who once were brought so low: He pours contempt on prince and chief, Their wav his counsels block : PSALMS. 199 He sets tho poor on high from grief, And makes them like a flock: Joy to the just his dealing brings, Gaill shall her plea forego; Win- 11 -can these things, Jehovah's mercy know. 108 C. M. 10 lines. 5. A Psalm. By David. 1 f\ll God ! my heart is fixed for praise, \J My lips thy name to sing ; Wake late and harp, my early lays Shall through the nations ring: Up to the clouds, beyond the sky, Thy truth and mercy - Be tie hi above the heavens on high, Thy glory great below ; Hear thou our prayer, thy faithful care To thy beloved show. ! Our God in holy vision spake. Whose words with joy we hail ; •• I will a line through Shechem make, And measure Succoth's vale; Manasseh 's mine, and Gilead, My law shall Judah mete ; On Bphraim will I rest my head, In Moabwash my feet : At Edom, too, will east my shoe, With shout- Philistia greet." 5 Who will conduct to Edom's coaf To cities Btrongly built : Oh God ! wilt thou not lead our host. Who casl us off for guilt ? e n- deliverance from our woes. The help of man is vain ; Through God we shall subdue our foes, And safety shall obtain ; 200 PSALMS. His sovereign frown strikes armies down, And we the victory gain. 109 L. M. D. To the Chief Musician. By David. A Psalm. 1 TTOLD not thy peace, Almighty God ! JLL Thou whom my warmest praises laud ; For lips of guile foul slanders frame, Which lying tongues aloud proclaim : For all their spite there is no cause, Save my attachment to thy laws ; For good they render evil deeds, And while I pray their work proceeds. 2 Him shall a wicked one command. And on his right shall Satan stand ; When judged he shall no mercy win. His very prayer become a sin : On earth his days shall soon be told, His office shall another hold ; His children shall be fatherless. His wife in widowed loneliness. 3 His offspring shall be vagrants led, In desolations beg their bread ; Extortioners shall catch bis wealth, His labor go by foreign stealth ; No mercy shall on him descend. None to his orphans shall extend ; His progeny shall be destroyed, Their name become extinct and void. 4 His father's sin shall come to mind, His mother's shall no pardon find ; Their guilt shall rise to their disgrace, That God may blot them from the race : Because the poor he never spared, Nor for the hurt and smitten cared ; Kept from the blessing he abhorred, The curse he loved is his reward. PSALMS. 201 5 He clad himself with cursing, too, Which shall like oil his bonefl imbue ; He shall in lasting shame be clothed, And even by himself be loathed. Hut let my bouI thy grace receive, With good my needy heart relieve ; My spirit moans her grievons wound, In Bore affliction I am bound. G My days are like a shadow lost. And like the locust I am t< - My knees are weak through fasting prayer. My flesh declines from grief and care : For I 'm reproached and scorned by them. They shake the head, my words contemn : Jehovah, help and rescue me. Afl thou hast mercy ever free. 7 Make them to know this is thy hand, That I am saved by thy command : If they will curse the shame be theirs. Yet biess thou me. and hear my prayers : While they are mantled in their shame, I shall with crowds adore thy name : For thou the needy wilt console. None shall condemn or hurt his soul. 110 L. M. 6 lines. By David. A P^alm. 1 TEHOVAII thus addressed my Lord, J " Sit down at my right hand, adored. Till thy rebellious foes I take. And them for thee a footstool make : Thy rod of strength from Zion g Rule thou among thy haughty foes. 2 " Thy people shall with love obey, And gladly hail thy glorious day ; With holiness themselves adorn. And greet thee from the womb of morn ; I PSALMS. Because thou hast thy youthful dew Distilling blessings ever new. '•Jehovah by kimself hath sworn. Nor from his oath will e'er be borne ; Thou art a priest for evermore. And like Melchizedek before : On thy right hand shall he remain Till all opposing powers are slain. •• He shall the heads of kingdoms wound And strew with dead the lands around ; His banner shall be wide unfurled. For he shall rule and judge the world : Shalldrink the brook along the way. And lift the head in endless sway." 110 C. M. 6 lines. JEHOVAH to my Sovereign said, •• Sit thou at my right hand. Until I have thy footstool made Of all that dare withstand : From Zion, Go 1 shall send thy rod. Thy haughty foes command. •'■ Thy people shall themselves adorn. And thy first call obey : Shall gr^et thee from the womb of morn, And hail thy rising day : Thy youthful 'dew shall gladness strew Along thy glorious way. "Jehovah by himself has swore.: The oath he will not break : Thou art a priest for evermore. And like Melchizedek : And he shall stand at thy right hand A recompense to make. PSALMS. 4 " The chiefs of kingdoms he shall wound. I till the tombs with dead : .1 stretch his realm 1 1 1 »_* earth around. is triumph led : i the way his thirst allay. And he shall lilt the head.'* 1 Ill L M. Hallelujah! 1 \ITITB all my heart I '11 thank the Lord. \ i Among the saints his praise record : eat, and sought by all on his name desire to call. 2 Bis deeds in honored greatness .-oar. His rectitude is evermore : }[[< works were made to bear in mind. And show that he is good and kind. Furnishes his fearers food. And ever makes his covenant good; His power was to his people shown. To make the heathen lauds their own. 4 His work in truth and judgment stands. Upright and wise are his commands ; His words are fixed and very sure. And long his precepts shall endure. mption to his people came, And holy is his reverend name : His fear directs to wisdom's ways. Lience to his endless praise. Ill C. It Hallelujah! 1 \ M< >X(r the saints my heartfelt praise Jx Shall thank and bless the Lord: His lasting deeds and grand displays just with joy record. 204 PSALMS. 2 His works of might with splendor wrought, 111 rectitude designed. Were made to wake our active thought. And show that he is kind. 3 His fearers by his care are fed, Secure his covenant stands ; His power shone bright which Israel led, To give them heathen lands. -1 His works in truth and judgment shine, His holy precepts sure ; They show an excellence divine, And ever shall endure. 5 He sends redemption from our sins, And holy are his ways : True wisdom with his fear begins, And gives him endless praise. Ill 8s & 7s. Hallelujah ! 1 "|\.f*Y song shall laud the works of God ItJL In holy convocation, Sought out by all who on him call For themes of adoration. 2 His deeds of fame all honor claim, And righteous is his dealing ; His works wire wrought to fix our thought, And show his kindly feeling. 3 He gives the meat his children eat, Fulfills his obligations : He showed his might in Israel's sight To give them heathen nations. 4 His words are pure and very sure, His statutes failing never; His works all told, are manifold, And stand in truth forever. 'H PSALMS. 5 He hath redeemed his own esteemed. U\< fear is righl beginning; Who learn his ways and endless praise, Are lasting glory winning. 112 C. M. Hallelujah! ( >\V happy he who fears the Lord, And j«»ys in hia commands ; His seed shall have a rich reward, Be mighty in the lands. 2 His house with growing wealth shail His righte Lure : Light shall in darkness meet his eyes; His heart is kind and pure. 3 lie lends the poor with liberal hand And with discretion U Firm on the truth he safely stands. His name to memory _ •i He shall remain unmoved and blest, Nor evil tiding- dread : His heart with God in peace shall rest, Until his foes are dead. 5 His bounty has the poor relieved, II- shall be lifted high: Proud men shall see it and be grieved. Shall gnash and fret and die. 112 8s & fa Hallelujah ! 1 TT"II AT joy of mind that man shall find H Who greatly fears Jehovah ; His seed on earth shall rise in worth. Be blest when life is over. I 206 PSALMS. 2 His house shall grow where wealth shall flow, His righteousness is ever ; Through clouds which rise, light meets his eyes, His kindness faileth never. 3 He condescends, to some he lends. And lives with due discretion : His deeds enrolled shall be extolled, And rise above oppression. 4 He shall not dread ill tidings spread, ^ His trust is in Jehovah : He shall be blest with fearless rest, His foes shall triumph over. 5 His righteous fame shall raise his name, As he the poor did cherish ; Proud men shall see. and fretted be, Shall gnash and melt and perish. 113 C. M. 6 lines. Hallelujah! 1 AH! praise, ye servants of the Lord, \J His great and glorious name ; Let him with honors be adored, Throughout this earthly frame ; Let him be blest from east to v. From age to age the same. 2 High over all the world abroad Shines forth his matchless worth ; Who is there like the Lord our God. Who rules the heavens and earth, Who deigns to view what angels do. And men of meaner birth? 3 He lifts the poor from menial toil, The needy from the ground ; Pours on his head anointing oil, With nobles has him crowned ; PSALMS. 201 lie giveth son? to barren ones, With j<»y their homes resound. Hallelujah! 113 8s. & 7s. 6 lines. Hallelujah! 1 All: ye servants of Jehovah, VJ Praise him and his grace adore : sed be his name moreover. Now, henceforth, for evermore: a- rolls the eircling sun Honors shall to him be done. 2 Hi _:S o'er every nation. Far his glory shines abroad, Throned upon the highest station : is like the Lord our God: One whose deep and piercing view. a what men and angels do? 3 lie lifts up the poor from troubles, From the dust the needy brings; aim high among the nobles. . kings j barren one prepares, .h,y that comes from smiling heirs. Hallelujah.' 114 L. M. 1 "\TTHEN Israel from Egypt came, \ » When Jacob left the land of Ham. Then Judah was his sole domain. And there Jehovah held his reign. 2 T tw his work and fled, And Jordan started back with dread ; The mountain- skipped about like rams. The little hills like playful lambs. 11 * 208 PSALMS. 3 What made old Jordan turn aback. The waters leave their wonted track? What made the lofty mountains leap, The little hills like playful sheep 'r ■4 Let all the earth with reverence awed, Bow trembling down to Jacob's God, Who made the rock a standing pool, The flint to stream with waters cool. 115 C. M. D. 1 T ORD. not to us, nor to our name, JU But glory all be thine : Thy truth our thanks shall ever claim, Thy mercy, praise divine : Oh ! wherefore should the nations say, •• And where is now their God?" His high commands creation sway. In heaven is his abode. 2 Their idols wrought of molten gold, Have mouths that cannot speak : Have eyes that can no light behold, And ears no sounds can wake : TJieir feet nor hands they cannot move, Xor mutter through their throat : Like them their makers always prove, And all who trust them dote. 3 Oh Israel ! trust thou the Lord, He is their help and shield ; Oh house of Aaron ! trust his word, Thy help is there revealed : All ye his fearers trust in him, Their refuge ever kind ; He will his chosen ones redeem. And keep his own in mind. 4 He both the small and great secures, Whose hopes on him are laid ; PSALMS. 209 He will add more to you and yours. Who heaven and earth has made: His are the heavens, stretched high abroad. The earth lie gave to man: Now hence forever bless our God, For none in silence can. Hallelujah! 16 C. M. D. 1 T^IIE Lord I love and will esteem, J_ For he has heard my prayer : 1 therefore will give thanks to him, While he my fife shall spar-'. The pangs of death upon me came. The -rave beset me round: My soul I s raght his name. And ready succor found. 2 The Lord is gracious, just and kind, And pity loves to show ; In him the simple safety find, lb' saved me when brought low: Return, my soul, to God, thy r< st, med from death and f< - : He set my falling footsteps fast. And kept my eyes from tears. 3 My walk in life -hall be with God By faith in him I speak : I said in fear and trouble bowed, Mankind are false and weak. What just requitals can I make. Which all his favor- claim t I will the cup of take, And call upon his name. 4 The portion of thy saints be mine. Whose death is dear to thee ; I 210 PSALMS. Thy handmaid's son is wholly thine, Whom thou from bonds dost free : Among them will I pay my vows, With thanks address thy name ;/ Within thy courts and in thy house, Thy loved Jerusalem. Hallelujah I 116 L. M. D. 1 mHE Lord I love, for he will bear, JL And to my prayer has lent his ear : My thanks to him 1 mean to give, And on him call while I shall live : The bands of death and pangs of hell, With mighty sorrow- on me fell : His name for help my soul besought. And he salvation quickly brought. 2 The Lord is gracious, just and good, The simple are preserved by God ; The Lord delights to pity show. He rescued me when very low : My soul, return to God thy rest, For he redeems and makes thee blest ; My feet from falling thou hast kept, Mine eyes from tears in anguish wept. 3 My walk in life shall please the Lord. My soul believes and trusts his word ; Mankind are false, in fear I said, The time I these afflictions had. What shall I render to my God, For all his benefits bestowed ? I '11 drink of his salvation's cup. And call on him who lifts me up. 4 Among thy saints will I appear. Whose death to thee is counted dear \ Thy handmaid's son is wholly thine, For thou hast loosed these bonds of mine : 'I PSALMS. 211 With praise I will frequent thy house, With nil thy people pay my vows ; In thine own courts will thank thy name, Thv well beloved Jerusalem. Hallelujah ! 116 8s & Is D. LOVE the Lord, for ho has heard My voice and supplication : Whate'er befall on him I '11 call, While I can seek Balvation : The pangs of hell upon me fell, And death my spirit haunted : I cried to him, my bouI red And soon my prayer was granted. 2 The Lord is kind, of tender mind. The poor by him are cberis] Bis grace to i Or else my bouI had perished : My heart to rest, return, be blest. My feet he saved from falling ; Mine eyes from tear-, my soul from fear-. And death so much appalling. 3 The Lord I '11 praise through all my days. 1 >p<^ak in him believing : Mankind are false, but he exalts. My fears and grief relieving : How shall I. Lord, thy love reward, Thy benefits so gracious ? I '11 join my voice where saints rejoice. Whose death to thee is precious. 4 Thy grace hath won thy handmaid's son. Hath loosed my bonds forei I '11 pay my vows within thy house. And leave thy service never : With thanks thy name will I proclaim, In songs of adoration : 212 PSALMS. To thee will come, Jerusalem, And tell his great salvation. Hallelujah ! 117 L. M. 1 T ET all mankind their Maker laud, JLi All peoples render thanks to God, For great his mercy is and sure, And ever shall his truth endure. Hallelujah ! 117 C. M. 1 AH! all ye nations, praise the Lord. \J All peoples,laud his name : His mighty grace and truth record. For evermore the same. Hallelujah ! 117 8s & Is. 1 T)RAISE Jehovah, all ye nations. JL Laud him all ye tribes and lands. For his grace and great salvations ; Ever firm his promise stands. Hallelujah 1 117 8s & Is. 1 A LL peoples laud and praise our God. j\_ From every land and nation ; His truth endures, his grace secures A free and full salvation. Hallelujah! 118 8s & Ts D 1 /~i I YE thanks and laud our gracious God, VT His mercy is forever : Let Israel his goodness tell, His mercy failing never : Let Aaron's house unite their vows, His mercv is attending ; PSALMS. 21 r Who fear hifl nam-? show forth the same, do ending. 2 When Borely tried to him I cried. I he eame quickly to me : With : r I will not fear The harm that man can do me : lie with r •) meet my foes. Away shall they be driven : id in war is better far Than can by man be given. 3 On him to lean will better screen. Than nobles in their stations : He brought me through, my foes he slew When all the nations : When they combined against me joined. In blood I deeply drenched them : Lik^ bees 1 -ame. but in his name. Like fire of thorns I quenched them. 4 Sore thrust they all to make me fall. And God upheld my station : He is my strength and is at length My song and great salvation. Just men shall joy and shouts employ. And triumph when assaulted : I Lb my tower, his arm of power And right hand is exalted. I from death. I "11 spend my In telling of Jehovah : The- a sts when he con He 1 1 • me over : Ope wide his gates where Jah aw The praise the righteous render: He heard my prayer, I '11 thank him there. My S 1 defender. 6 That -tone refused has now been used As head of all the building : 2U PSALMS. This God hath done, the holy One, And wonder it is yielding. This day he made our praise be paid, With joy and loud hosanna : Save now. oh Lord ! success award, Spread over us thy banner. 7 Him we proclaim, who in God's name. Shall come and never falter ; Light springs divine, with cords confine The victim for the altar : Thou art my God. whom I will laud. Exalted high forever : Oh ! bless his name, his grace proclaim, His mercy failing never. IIS 8s & Ts D. 'B For his mercy has no end ; Israel count his favors over. His unfailing grace commend : Let the house of Aaron ever. Show his kindness and esteem ; Say his mercy faileth never. Xe who put your trust in him. 2 When I called in woe he heard me, When in trouble helped me through ; He with strength delights to gird me, I '11 not fear what man can do : He my aiders well sustaineth, I shall see my foes destroyed : Trust in him much more availeth Thau all help by man employed. 3 Better trust in his salvation Than iu help which nobles show ; When pursued by every nation, In his name I laid them low : PSALMS. 215 When th«"'ir ranks were round me foi i they fell in sore amaze : When like bees around me Bwarming, i I quenched them like a bl 4 Rushing on with indignation, i repelled the impious throng; ition, He's and pong. ill triumph when shall through their dwellings run : God's right hand is much exall His right arm hath wonders done. 5 I shall live as God dec And his praise shall tune my breath ; Though he chastens, ne'er consigns me To the dark abode of death. d now his gates before me. In them will I thank the Lord : There the righteous will ad There thy help will I record. the stone, by all rejected. Of the corner made the head : Thu- it was by God elected, Marvelous it is indeed. be much elated. On this day Jehovah i Thus to happy times translated, May thy goodness be displayed. 7 Blest, who comes God's truth declaring. From his house we '11 bless thy name : God to ns new light i- bearing; For the altar bind the lamb. God! my God ! ver Lou lend; Oh! give thanks and praise Jehovah. For his mercy has no end. 216 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 1.) C M. 1 TTOW blest the perfect in the way, JlL Who keep Jehovah's word ; How blest who his commands obey, And wholly seek the Lord. 2 Who also do no evil deed, But walk in all his ways : AYho still to keep thy charge proceed, Thy precepts all their days. 3 Oh ! could my modes of life be framed Thy statutes to observe ; Then should I never be ashamed. Nor from thy mandates swerve. 4 While learning thy right judgments, Lor My praise will they awake ; I am resolved to keep thy word, But thou must not forsake. 119 (Verse 1.) 8s & Is D. 1 TTOW blest are they who keep the way JJL Nor truthful bounds pass over : How blest are souls thy law controls, Who wholly seek Jehovah. Their cautious feet shun all deceit, But in thy ways are moving ; They understand thy wise command, And always are improving. 2 Oh ! that my ways, through all my days Were in thy paths directed : Shame shall not rise, when in my eyes. Thy statutes are respected. When I, oh Lord ! have learned thy word Shall praise be corresponding; Then shall thy law be kept with awe ; Oh ! leave me not desponding. PSALMS. -217 119 (Verse 9.) C. M. 1 TT () ^ can a youth his way make pure, il And keep it by th y w 1 1 rd I me in thy commands be sure: My heart 1 L r iv-- the Lord. 2 I Ve hi< gs in my bn That I stray do! from I Jehovah, thou art ever bl Thy statutes teach to me. 3 Thy judgments shall my lips employ, Which thine own month hath told; Thy testimonies give more than earth with all her gold. ■i Thy precepts will I keep in mind. And on thy paths will look : Thy ied, I '11 ne'er forget thy 119 (Verse v - & T< D. ^l T ORD. how shall youth learn heav' Jj Thy si them ponder : Which I to find give heart and mind. Oh ! let me never wander. Thy word within, to keep from sin. 1 sacredly have hidden ; Oh blessed Lord ! teach me thy word. And what is there forbidden. 2 Thy works lips have told. The words thy spirit teaches : Thy way I love, thy law above All earthly good and riches. Thy precepts still my thoughts shall fill. Thy statu* • - Thy words and ways shall wake my prai><\ And ne selected. 218 PSALMS. 119 C. M. 1 AH ! grant thy servant life from then, VJ I '11 keep thy word with awe , And open thou mine eyes i The wonders in thy law. 2 I am a stranger here below, Hide not thy wise commands : My soul breaks forth, and longs to know The judgments of thy hands. 3 Proud men accursed are scourged by thee. Who thy commandments hs Roll off contempt and shame from me, For on thy law I wait. 4 While princes vent at me their spile. I on thy statutes muse : Thy testimonies my delight. As counselors I use. 119 (Verse 17.) s > & Is D. 1 T^HAT I. oh Lord ! may learn thy word. J_ Keep me from making blunders : Unveil inj sight to see aright Thy law with all its wonders. 1 feel my birth is strange to earth, Hide not thy sacred treasures : My soul aspires with strong desires. And breaks to taste their pleasures. 2 Thou hast dispersed proud men accursed. Who thy commands derided : - From all contempt my soul exempt. Thy word- my feet have guided. Thy statutes brought that peace I sought. When princes uttered railing : Thy words are right, and my delight, My counselors unfailing. PSALMS. -219 119 (Vera. 25.) C. M. 1 "A TV soul is cleaving to the ground, _J1 Thy word shall make me live : My ways 1 Ve told and answers found, To me thy statutes give. li Thy wonders shall employ my thought. (Mi! make me -know thy way.-: My soul to sore affliction brought. Thy word alone can raise. Fhe way o\' lies make me refuse. To loi •• thy law BO kind : The way of truth I always choose. Thy judgments keep in mind. 4 Thy just commandments have I done, Bid shame from me depart : Thy way with joy my feet shall run, Thou wilt enlarge my heart. 119 ^> & Ts D. 1 "\ TY spirit clings to earthly things. JjL "With promised grace restore me : Teach me thy word, thine ears, oh Lord : Have heard my lips adore thee. Thy statutes show, that I may know. And talk of all their beaut Give strength and skill to do thy will, And tit me for my duties. 2 Thy law divine around me twine. Remove the way of lying: I chose thy truth in early youth. To keep it have been trying. I *ve set my hand- to thy commands. Let shame forego her char. I Tl run thy ways, as heavenly rays, My heart with zeal enlarg 220 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 33.) C. M. [ ! guide me in thy statutes. Lord, ] AH! g U I'll keep them to the end ; Oh ! make me understand thy word, To which my heart I bend. 2 Thy just commands are joys of mine, In them my path make pla;n ; My heart to all thy words incline, And not to earthly gain. 3 Let not mine eyes deceits behold, Thy ways I wish to see ; Thy word unto thy servants told, Do thou make good to me. 4 Turn that disgrace I dread away, For good thy judgments are ; I long thy precepts to obey. With truth my strength repair. 119 (Verse 33.) 8s & 7s D. 1 npEACH me. oh Lord ! thy way and word, _L I would that bliss inherit : Help me fulfill thy law and will, My warmest love they merit. Make me pursue thy jjrecepts. too, In which are all my pleasures ; My spirit draw to keep thy law, And not to earthly treasures. 2 Turn off mine eyes from vanities, And be my zeal promoted ; Thy word of grace around me place, I am to thee devoted. Let fear of shame yield up her claim, Right judgment thou dost measure ; Thy precepts show I We longed to know, And grant me thy good pleasure. PSALMS. 221 119 (Veraett.) C. M. 1 T OKI), let thy mercies come to me, 1j Thy promised help afford : Th» i n shall revilera hear and rfely trust thy word 2 Not from my mouth thy promise take. Thy judgments I observe : Thy holy law J will n<»t break, Nor ever from it swerve. 3 I Tl walk at large and be at rest, And still thy p k : Thy words to kings will I attest, Nor be ashamed to speak. 4 I Tl take delight in thy commands, Which fill my heart with joy : 1 Tl to thy statutes raise my hands. Which shall my thoughts employ. 119 (Verse 41.) s< & fg D. 1 AH Lord! befriend, salvation send. U Thy promised aid afford me : That 1 may tell, reproach to quell, Thy word I trust restored me. Thy truth, my stay, take not away. N<>r from my mouth dissever; So shall thy law be kept with awe. Forever, and forever. 2 My walk shall -how while here below, I am thy precepts seeking : To kings i shall thy statutes tell, Nor be ashamed for speaking. Thy word excites my chief delights, Thy law my highest pleasures : I Tl lift my hand- to thy commands, And hold them as my treasures. 222 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 49.) C. M. 1 T ORD, keep thy promises in mind, Jj Which thou hast made my hope : This comfort I in suffering find, Thy word my life holds up. 2 Not from thy law do I depart. Though scorned by lips of pride ; Thy judgments have consoled my heart, Which in my thoughts abide. 3 Rage seized on me that wicked men Thy holy law forego : Songs have thy statutes for me been In my sojourns below. 4 Thy name I call to mind by night. Thy law my thought employs : Thy precepts have I kept in sight, Which yield me heavenly joys. 119 (Verse 49.) Ss & Ts D. 1 T ORD. bear in mind thy promise kind, JJ Whence all my hopes I borrow : Thy gracious word has joy conferred, And comfort in my sorrow. Not from thy law do I withdraw. Though all the proud deride me ; Thy works of old. by memory told, To consolation guide me. 2 Thy law they break, thy word forsake. And this my heart amazes : Thy word of truth from early youth. Has waked my warmest praises. Thy name by night brings new delight, I keep thy law before me : Thy precepts gave this joy I have, For which I will adore thee. PSALMS 22c 1 19 (Verse C. M. 1 TEHOVAH, thou my portion art. t) Thy word my heritage : Thy favor Bought with all my heart. Do thou to me 2 My wandering footsteps I butt Ami turned them to thy word : I hastened on and ne'er delayed To keep thy statutes. Lord. 3 The bands of sinners round me came. But to thy law L stood ; At midnight will I thank thy name. Thy judgments ar 4 1 am in spirit linked to all Who fear and honor thee; Thy mercy tills this earthly ball, thy stat nu's teach to me. 119 (Verse 57.) 8s & Ts D. 1 T 'VE promised. Lord. I M keep thy word. _L Thou art my only portion : Oh! grant me grace to win the race. I 've sought with warm devotion. Those ways I viewed my feet pursued. And to thy laws I turned them : I ne'er delayed, hut haste I made To thy commands and learned them. 2 Thy law is not by me forgot. Though wicked men distress me : Thy righteous ways shall have my praise, At midnight I will bless thee. Thy friend- are mine, thy law divine Cements the best relation ; Oh! teach me still, thy word and will, Thy mercy fills creation. 224 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 65.) C. M. 1 p 00D hast thou done thy servant, Lord, IX Things promised I receive : Teach me right judgment by thy word, Thy precepts I believe. 2 I strayed till by thy rod subdued. But now thy sayings heed : How good art thon. and doing good. Thy statutes make me read. 3 Proud men have forged a lie of me. Thy precepts are my might : As fat as grease in heart they 1*?. Thy law is my delight. •i Good for my soul has suffering wrought. Thy statutes to unfold : The words thy gracious mouth has taught Exceed all stores of gold. 119 (Verse 65.) 8s & Ts I>. 1 AH Lord! I find thy dealings kind, \J As promised to thy servant : Thy perfect way to me display. My faith and hope are fervent. I strayed before, but chastened sore, I keep thy word with duty : Thy work- and ways surpass all praise. Thy law has matchless beauty. 2 I am belied by lips of pride. But keep thy precepts wholly : Their stores increase, but I have peace From thy commandments solely. Thy chasteiiings taught what long I 'd sought, thy statutes to the letter ; Than stores of gold, ten thousand fold, Thy words to me are better. PSALMS. 225 119 C. M. 1 r rilV hands have made and lashioned me. J_ I would thy precepts gain: Thy fearers will rejo thy words my hope Bostain. 2 Thou hast afflicted me in love, Thy judgments all are right : Oh ! let thy work of mercy prove To be for my delight. ;; That I may live compassion show. Thy precepts are my joy : Give shame to quell my wr Thy words my thought- employ. 4 Turn those to me who fear the Lord. And thy commandments know : My heart make perfect in thy word. That I may shame foi 119 (Verse 73.) 8s & ts D. 1 rilVL me a mind thy truth to tin-]. VT Oh! thou, whose hands have made me Who worship thee will gladly see I have in faith obeyed thee. All thou dost do is ju>t and true. In love am I corrected ; Let comfort flow from tears of woe. To cheer a heart dejected. 2 That mercy give on which I live. Thy words of love delight me : Let all have shame who slanders frame. Thy laws to love excite me. Turn all to me who honor thee. Whose feet on truth are grounded; Make me to stand on thy command. That I be not confounded. 15 226 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 81.) C. M. 1 ~nOR thy salvation faints my soul, Jj With thine own words regale ; When will thy grace my heart console ? Mine eyes in waiting fail. 2 I 'm like a bottle in the smoke, Yet still thy statutes praise ; When shall my troublers feel thy stroke ? How many are my days? 3 Proud men with snares my life dist/ess, Thy law they will not have ; All thy commands are faithfulness , From false accusers save. 4 They quite destroyed me in the land, But to thy words I hold ; Thy quickening grace for me command, I '11 keep what thou hast told. 119 (Verse 81.) 8s & 7 s D. WAIT, oh Lord! for thine own word, And faint for thy salvation ; My sight decays in seeking rays Of promised consolation. With grief I : m choked like bottles smoked, But still thy words remember ; Jehovah, rise ! my foes surprise ; My days before me number. The proud prepared to have me snared, By means the most unlawful ; But help thou me ! thy servant free From schemes that are so awful. I ' ve not forsook thy holy book, Although most sorely stricken ; That I may still obey thy will, My heart in mercy quicken. 'i PSALMS. 281 0. M. 1 rpiIY word in heaven is settled, Lord, X And evermore shall last : Thy faithfulness shall earth record. Which fixed by thee stands fast 2 They stand to show thy judgments right, Thy servants all abide : Had not thy law been my delight I should with grief have died. 3 Thy precepts I will ne'er forget, By which thou quickenest me : For them my heart is fully set, I "m thine, and saved by thee. 4 Proud ones to Blay me do intend. Yet through thy word I stand: I 've seen in man perfection end, But wide is thy command. 19 (Verse 89.) Ss & 7- R 1 "OOREVER, Lord, remains thy word, J: In heaven's high habitations : on thy commands all nature stands. Thy truth, all generations. They have remained as when ordained. Thy law by all is cherished : Unless thy word had joy conferred. I should in grief have perched. 2 Thy precept- shall within me dwell, With them dost thou restore me : I 've sought thy ways, accept my praise, I 'm thine aud will adore thee. The wicked wait to seal my fate, Thy word is my protection; Thy law. oh God ! is very broad, But men have not perfection. 228 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 97.; C. M. 1 TTOW in thy law my pleasure grow?, XL To which my thoughts incline ! It makes me wiser than my foes. For it is always mine. 2 From meditating in thy word, My teachers I exceed ; Than ancient men in skill preferred, So much thy ways I heed. 3 From evil paths my feet refrain, That I may keep thy word ; Nor from thy judgments far remain, For thou dost guide me, Lord. 4 How sweet thy sayings to my mouth, Like honey to my tongue ; Thy precepts make me learn true worth, And hate the path of wrong. 119 (Verse 97.) 8s & Ts D. 1 AH God ! above, thy law I love, VJ And daily on it ponder : My knowledge goes beyond my foes, Since ne'er from it I wander. I study more in sacred lore, My teachers thus excelling ; The ancients find themselves behind, For on thy word I 'm dwelling. 2 I 've turned my feet from all deceit, So far thy truth has brought me ; I 've kept in view thy judgments, too, For these thy lips have taught me. Thy words are sweet beyond my meat. Than honey more delicious ; From thy command I understand, And hate whate'er is vicious. PS VLMS. 220 119 (Ver.se 105.) C. ML 1 rPHY word 's a liixht to show my way. 1 A lamp my feet to guide; I We sworn thy precepts to obey, And will the oath abide. 2 Grant me the quickenings of thy word. Afflicted much and weak : Teach me thy righteous statutes, Lord, pt the praise I speak. 3 My soul as in my hand I lay. Thy law is ne'er forgot : Nor from thy precepts do I stray. When sinners for me plot. 4 Thy testimonies ever mine, With joy do I attend : And to thy statutes still incline. To keep them to the end. 119 v 7> D. 1 rpHY word *s a light before my sight, J_ A lamp my footsteps guiding : I Ye sworn thy ways shall be my pra:>". The oath shall be abiding. Oh! cheer me. Lord, by thy good word, For I am much afflicted : Instruct me now. accept my vow. Thy love i< not restricted. 2 Thy law is uot by me forgot. Yet I have constant terror ; Because a snare the proud prepare. Though I am not in error. Thy word -hall be a rest for me, A joy that naught shall sever : My heart and mind I have inclined To k-^ep thy statutes ever. 230 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 113.) C. M. 1 rpHY law I love and waverers hate. J_ Oh Lord! my rest and shield : For thine own promises I wait. Till help shall be revealed. 2 To me thy just commandments give. From evil doers save : Hold thou me up and I shall live. And shame shall never have. 3 I "m safe, if thou sustain my cause. Thy statutes much I prize : Thou hatest those who break thy laws, For their deceits are lies. 4 Like dross thou dost the wicked make, I hence thy laws revere ; For dread of thee my flesh doth shake. And I thy judgments fear. 119 (Verse 113.) 8s & T.S I). 1 TTAIN thoughts I hate, but love to wait l Upon thy law. Jehovah : Thy word 's my hope, thy name my prop. My hiding-place and cover. From me depart, ye proud of heart, My God I now am serving ; Uphold me, Lord, teach me thy word, My hope from shame preserving. 2 Safe shall I be. upheld by thee, Thy statutes still regarding; Proud men thy frown hath trodden down. For falsehood and defrauding. Thy law. my stay, shall put away The proud that dross resemble : Thy truth surveyed makes me afraid. And I before thee tremble. PSALMS. 231 119 r C M. i and justice I have stood. 1 TN ri { 1 Let Let not the proud op] To m - good, Do thou my v. 2 Mi r thy salvation wait. And for thy righteous word : Grant me thy mercy whicl I thy pure statute?. Lord. 3 Thy testimonies let me know. And wise thy servant make : Lor' do, d they thy statutes break. ine gold thy right comn I ever Thy word my I demands. And false! *pise. 119 8s & 7a D. 1 T 'VE justly done by every one. JL Save me from all oppression : A surety 1 to me. Give not the proud possession. - grow blind thy truth to find, And fail for thy salvation : Thy statu! - 1 let me k thy peace and consolation. 2 Thy servant teach, help him to n ; The | ken : 'T is time for thee to do and For men thy law have broken. Thy words I: Beyond all earthly I Thy | lust I call, -. 232 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 129.) C. M. 1 rpHY testimonies wondrous are. X To which my soul would rifi Thy words in opening light inspire, And make the simple wise. 2 For thy commands I long and pant, My mouth would praise thy name ; Turn thou to me and favors grant. Which all thy followers claim. 3 My steps establish by thy word, And give no sin the sway : Redeem me from oppression, Lord, And I will keep thy way. 4 Thy beauty to thy servant show, thy statutes teach with awe ; Streams from my ^y^< in torrents flow. For they keep not thy law. 119 8s & ta D. 1 TJWV wonderful thy perfect rule ! JUL To which I am aspiring : Thy words a.- light pervade the sight, The heart with truth inspiring. For thy commands with lifted hands, And open mouth I panted ; Oh give me. Lord I the same reward, That "s to thy children granted. 2 Keep thou my soul from Bin's control, In truth my footsteps order ; Let none oppress, thy righteousness I seek for my rewarder. Make thy face shine to gladden mine, Thy still revealing : Men break thy laws, which is the cause. Tears down my cheeks are stealing. PSALMS. 233 119 (Vers,!:;:.) P. M 2 TEHOVAH, thou art just and true ? tl Thy judgments righteousn And great 's thy faithful.: 2 Because my foes forget thy word, L am consumed of zeal : Thy servant loves thy Bayings, Lord. Such pureuesa they r< 3 Though I am little and despis My heart thy word retains : Thy righteousness is well devised. Thy law in truth remains. 4 In thy commandments I delig Whate'er may trouble give; Thy testimonies all are ri_ they teach me how to live. 119 (VerselST.) Ss & 7> D. 1 T^IIY judgments shine with truth divine JL Upright art thou. Jehovah : Thy works declare thy faithful care. the wide creation o \ Since foes forget ti; yet, My holy zeal consum- e Thy word is sure and very pure. Which still with light illumes me. 2 Thy precepts are my constant care, Though I am small and friendl* - - ; Thy law is truth, well loved from youth. Thy righteousness isei Thy works are right and my delight, Though seized with pain and anguish ; Thy favor give, on which I live. Thy justice cannot languish. 10 234 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 145.) C. M. 1 T ORD. thee I Beek with all my heart. Jj Thy statutes I obey : Hear thou, and quickening grace impart, And I will keep thy way. 2 I come to thee at early dawn. For thy direction. Lord : Mine eyes before the light are drawn, To look into thy word. Hear thou, in mercy, when I speak. In judgment quicken me : Those loving crime my ruin seek. And they are far from thee. •i But thou art ever near to save, Thy words in truth abound : From thy commands this faith I have. "Which thou of old didst found. 119 (Verse 145.) 8> & 7s D. 1 TJEAR me, oh Lord! I '11 keep thy word. JLl My soul for help is calling : Thy truth shall be extolled by me If thou prevent my falling. Up to the skies I raised mine e Before the dawn I sought thee : Thy blessed word new hopes conferral, And peace and comfort brought me. 2 Still hear my prayer, in faithful care "With truth and judgment cheer me : For near they draw who shun thy law. Nor in their mischiefs fear thee. But thou, oh Lord ! art near to guard. Thy laws on truth are grounded : Long have I known thy spotless throne On righteousness i s founded. IMS. 2;;;> 119 C. M. 1 T ORD, see my sufferings and relieve, Jj I ne'er forget thy word; From strifes redeem, with which I gric I quickening <>rd. 2 Far from salvation - and, Thy word they will not seek; But many favors Gil thy hand. To me in mercy speak. 3 While many toes foul schemes d From thee I do not swerve : I 'ni grieved t<> see proud traitors rise. Who ne'er thy law observe. 4 See how thy word- my heart delight. And daily strengthen me : Thy word has truth to give it might. All truth proceeds 1'rom thee. 119 (Verse 153.) S> ^ ?S D. 1 IVTOT from thy law do I withdraw : i\ Consider my afflic Plead thou lor me, i trust in thee. Fuliill thine own predictions. Far from thy word are sinners, Lord. And far from thy salvation; Great grace is thine, with beams divine Restore my consolation. 2 When foes combined I ne'er declined,. Nor from thy precepts stumbled : They ne'er believe nor truth receive. Which oft my soul has humbled. Think how thy ways I love and praise. And quicken me in duty : From first to last thy word stands fast, Thy works have endless beauty. 236 PSALMS. 119 (Verse 161.) C. M. 1 T ORD, for thy words I stand in awe, JLi While princes still revile ; Such pleasure from thy sayings draw, As one who finds much spoil. 2 My hate of falsehood I proclaim, Thy law I love and own ; Seven times a day I laud thy name, For thy right judgments shown. 3 Much peace have those who love thy law, No stumbling-blocks have they ; From thy salvation hope I draw, And thy commands obey. 4 Thy testimonies please my soul, Which are observed by me ; Thy precepts shall my heart control, My ways are known to thee. 119 (Verse 161.) 83 & ilS D. 1 TN awe I stand of thy command, JL When princes causeless smite me ; Like joy from spoil, worth years of toil, Thy words of truth delight me. With hate to lies, which I despise, Thy law commands my feelings ; Seven times a day with joyful lay I praise thy righteous dealings. 2 Great peace they draw who love thy law. And nothing shall offend them ; Thy precepts, Lord, have I adored. With pleasing hope attend them. I love thy word, thy works have stirred My spirit to adore thee ; With holy awe I keep thy law. My ways are all before thee. PSALMS. 237 119 C. It 1 T OKI), let my cry to thee come near, JJ Thy word to understand : Do thou my supplication bear. And promised help command. 2 When thou to me thy statutes teach, My lips shall utter pr Then shall my tongue be filled with speech To tell thy righteous way-. 3 Let thine own hand due help afl Thy precepts are my choice: I long for thy salvation, Lord. And in thy la 4 My soul let live and thanks repay. Thy judgments granl I wander like a sheep astray, S< ik one who seeks for thee. 119 (Verse 169.) 8s & Is IV 1 AH! let my cries, Jehovah, rise, U For promised understanding; OhJ let my groan come near thy throne. Thy promised help commanding. My lip- Bhal] praise thy works and n When taught by thy good Spirit; My tongue proclaim thy word and name, My highest love they merit. tretch out thy hand, help me to stand. Thy statute- are endearing; Still new delights thy law excites, I long for thine appearing. My soul let live and praises give, Let truth prevent my falli Like sheep astray 1 've Lost my way. ^eek one who knows thy calling] 038 PSALMS. 120 C. M. A Song of the Ascents. 1 TEHOVAH's help I sought in grief, tJ Jehovah heard my prayer ; From lying lips afford relief, From tongues deceitful spare. 2 What will restrain thy fraudful tongue? Thy lips from gnile deter? Sharp arrows by a warrior flung. With coals of juniper. 3 Alas for me that I reside Where Mesech still frequents ; My grief is sore that I abide In Kedars treacherous tents. 4 My soul has dwelt too long with those Who peace and truth abhor ; Whenever concord I propose, They gird themselves for war. 121 L. M. A Song of the Ascents. 1 rilO yonder hills I lift mine eyes, JL Where all my help and succor lies ; The Lord is my perpetual aid, Whose hands the heavens and earth have made. 2 His watchful eye shall be thy care, And save thy foot from every snare ; Behold his eyes, that Israel keep, Shall never slumber, never sleep. 3 The Lord himself shall be thine aid, And on thy right a constaut shade ; No burning sun by day shall smite, No chilling moon, nor damps by night. 4 The Lord thy spirit shall befriend, Thy soul from every ill defend ; PSALMS, 239 In safety thou shalt go and come, Ami reach thy sweet eternal home. 121 C. 11 1 rpo yonder hills I raise my sight, X Where all my succor lies : My help is in that arm of might, Which made the earth and - 2 He shall thy soul in Bafety keep, Thy foot from every snare ; His eyes shall .-lumber not, nor sleep, While Israel needs his care. '6 His arm shall ever be thy stay, A -hade upon thy right : The sun shall neither smite by day. Nor changing moon by night. 4 Thy head from evil he shall screen. Thy soul preserve in peace ; Thy going out and coming in, Till time and nature cease. 121 7 1 T LIFT mine eyes to yonder skies, JL The hills of my salvation ; Thence comes my aid, from God who made The great and wide creation. 2 lie will not sleep, bnt safely keep, And all thy footsteps nnmber : Lo! Israel's guard, the mighty Lord, Shall neither sleep nor slumber. 3 II" is thine aid, bis hand thy shade : Thy keeper is Jehovah ; No sunbeam bright, nor moon shall smite, While days and nights pass over. 4 He shall befriend, thy soul defend, Forsake and leave thee never; When thou .-halt roam or rest at home. From this time forth forever. 240 PSAL11S. 122 L. M. A Song of the Ascents. By David. 1 "TTTITH joy I hear their lips proclaim, \ V " We will the house of God attend ; :J Oh thou, beloved Jerusalem ! Our feet within thy portals stand. 2 Jerusalem is built complete. One city blending with accord ; Where all the tribes of Israel meet To render thanks and praise the Lord. 3 There thrones for judgments long have stood Where David and his house shall reign ; Pray for her peace and seek her good, Who love her weal are sure of gain. 4 May peace within thy sacred walls, And joy about thy rampiers dwell ; For our own God, who hears thy calls, For friends and brethren, fare thee well. 122 C. M. 1 AH! how their voice my heart elates, \J " We will to Zion come ;" Our feet are standing in thy gates, Beloved Jerusalem I 2 Thou compact city of our God, In splendor built afar ; Where Israel's tribes go up to laud And render thanks to Jah. 3 For there set thrones for judgment stand, Where David's house shall reign ; Who seek her peace shall good command, Who love her, peace obtain. 4 May peace surround thy blest abode, In thee may gladness dwell ; For brethren, Mends, and for our God. My soul shall wish thee well. LMS. 241 122 8s & Tb. 1 TT () ^ glad I am to hear from them. JlL " We '11 praise in Zion render;" Jerusalem ! Into . _ >f splendor. 2 Blesi i friends repair, And Lira All . I their Saviour, God, In love each other greeting. 3 There David's throne in glory shone, And there his Son is reigning; Pray for hi ar increase, Who love her weal are gaining. 4 Peace to her halls, joy to her wall?, i • -ikI her; For friends 1 love, for God above. May happiness attend her. 123 4> A Song of the Ascents. 1 rpo thee we lift our ey », JL Enthroned above the skies, Oh God of heaven ! command, A< maids for orders stand. We wait thy helping hand. Till mercy ? s given. 2 Have pity on us, Lord, Thy gracious aid afford, With scorn we 're bowed: Our soul contempt receives, ho are at ease, from the proud. 16 242 PSALMS. 124 C. M. D. A Song of the Ascents. By David. 1 TTAD not Jehovah rescue brought, JjL May Israel now depos Had not Jehovah for us fought, When men against us rose : Then had we all been swallowed whole, Whelmed in a watery grave : Proud billows had gone o'er our soul. Their wrath's resistless wave. 2 Blest be the Lord, whose power deterred Their teeth from prey so rare : Our soul escaping like a bird That flies the fowler's snare : Now we are safe from every harm, Their trap- in ruins laid : Our help is in his mighty arm. Which heaven and earth has made. 125 L. M. G lines. A ^ong of the Ascents. 1 "TTrHO in the Lord their hopes confide, >V Firm like Mount Zion shall abide'; Like mountains round Jerusalem. So shall his arm encompass them : Their lot no rod of pride commands, Lest they to evil put their hands. 2 Thy mercies to the good impart. Help such as are upright in heart ; Those who to evil turn their feet, Lead forth with such as work deceit: That peace thine Israel attend, And happiness that ne'er shall end. 125 12s & lis. 6 lines. 1 mHEY that trust in Jehovah shall be like JL Mount Zion. PSALMS. 24.°) Which cannot be moved, but shall ever abide : For liis arm is around them, which they can rely on, Like mountains and hills which Jerusalem hide : For the rod of the proud on their lot shall not stand, -: the righteous to evil should put forth their hand. 2 Oh Jehovah ! do good to the pure and the kindly. To all who are honest in word and in deed ; Aa for those who are crooked and turn aside blindly, With doers of evil thy justice shall lead : That the tiock who adore thee, thy true Israel, From henceforth forever, may quietly dwell. 126 C. M. P. A Song of the Ascents. 1 TXTHEN captive Zion God restored. \V We were like men that dream; Our mouth with shouts of joy adored, Our tongue prolonged the theme : '• Great things for them the Lord hath done," The wondering heathen cried : " Gi\at things for us the Lord hath Avon." Our joyful lips replied. 2 Lord, make thy captive flock to flow. Like southern streams that sweep: They who with bitter weeping sow. With joy the harvest reap : He that with tears bedews the field, While there the seed he leaves : Shall gladdened see the harvest yield, And come with golden she;. 244 PSALMS. 126 12s & lis. 1 "XTrHEN Jehovah returned the poor captives VV of Zion, We were struck with great rapture, like men in a dream ; Then the mouth shouted forth what the heart could rely on, And the tongue in sweet melody chanted the theme : " Mighty things," said the heathen, " for them hath God wrought." " Mighty things," we responded, ;; which glad- • ness hath brought.*' 2 Like the streams of the south over barren lands sweeping, Oh Jehovah ! thy captives do thou turn again ; They that sow in deep sorrow have joy in the reaping, Gather harvests of pleasure from tears and from pain : He that goeth forth weeping on seed which he leaves, Shall return with rejoicing, well laden with sheaves. 127 C. M. A Song of the Ascents. By Solomon. 1 TTNLESS the Lord the dwelling build, U The workmen make no gain ; Unless the Lord the city shield, The watchmen wake in vain. 2 In vain ye take the morning air, And midnight vigils keep ; In vain ye eat the bread of care : He gives his chosen sleep. 245 Are gifts of love and tr Like arrows in a hand of i., trildren born in youth. 4 That man is in a happy state, - • quiver thus is filled : Their voice is heard within the gate. And all his foes are stilled. 127 8a & la 1 TTAIN the workman's undertaking > W the Lord refuse to build : Vain the watchman's nightly waking If x. "Id. in the early utow, And your midni _ Vain ye eat the bread of sorrow, loved one si 3 L< - love bestowi they of grace and truth : Like the shafts the warrior throweth, I he children born in youth. 4 Happy is the man whose quiver, ; th such munitions fill* Sure his gate will they deliver, When they speak his foes are still 128 C. M. A Song of the Accents. 1 TT ( ^ West the man that fears the Lord, JjL Who walks in all his ways : Thou shalt enjoy a rich reward. And pro-pt.r all thy days. 2 Thy wife shall flourish like a vine side thy vails ; 246 PSALMS. Thy children shall like olives shine. And grace thy festive halls. 3 These blessings shall the man attend Who loves and fears the Lord : They shall from Zion's Mount descend, And be thy sure reward. 4 Thou shalt Jerusalem behold. With lasting good secured ; Thy children's children in its fold. And Israel's peace insured. 128 L. M. 1 "DLEST is the man that fears the Lord, _D Who walks according to his word : Thy hands shall fill thy mouth with I Thy feet in prosperous paths be led. 2 Thy wife shall flourish like a vino. Whose tendrils to thy walls entwine : Thy children round thy table seen, Shall vie with olives fresh and green. 3 These blessings shall the man reward Who greatly fears and loves the Lord : They shall from Zion's Mount descend. And kindle joys that never end. 4 Thou shalt behold in days to coine, The welfare of Jerusalem ; Thy children's children thou shalt greet, And Israel's peace shall see complete. 1-29 C. M. D. A Son 2 of the Ascents. •o FT from my youth, let Israel say. Have they my peace assailed : Oft from my youth beset my way. Bat they have not prevailed. PSALMS. 24*1 Long furrows on my back they ploughed. cry reins were gored : Our righteous God dispersed the proud. inder cut their cord. I Who Zion hate shall be dismayed, Turned back and overthrown ; Like grass on house tops, which will fade Before it can be mown. Where not a reaper fills hie hand, bosom, binding sheaves ; None passing say, " God bless your land." And none his blessing leaves. 130 c. M. A Song of the Ascents. 1 "HI ROM depths of trouble hear my cries. J] And help for me command : If thou dost mark iniquities, Jehovah, who shall stand ? 2 For there are pardons with the Lord, That men thy name may fear ; I wait for thee and trust thy word, My soul seeks comfort here. 3 As thos^ who watch for break of day Grow eager for its dawn ; So wait I more intent than they To see thy smile put on. 4 Let Israel trust Jehovah's love. Which flows an endless stream : Who sends salvation from above, His people to redeem. 130 8s 1 Tj^ROM the depths I have sent up my cries, J} Hear the voice of my calling, oh Lord 1 Should offenses be marked by thine eyes, Who is he shall abide the reward ? 248 PSALMS. 2 For with thee is forgiveness and grace, That the pardoned thy name may revere j Lo ! my hope on thy promise I place, I will wait till thy help shall appear. 3 As the watchmen look out for the day, Are impatiently passing the night ; So I wait more intently than they, More intent for thy sweet cheering light. 4 In Jehovah let Israel hope, There 's redemption and mercy with him ; Great enough in its fullness and scope, All his people to cleanse and redeem. 131 L M. A Song of the Ascents. By David. 1 fXII Lord ! I We not a haughty mind, \J Nor eyes to lofty things inclined ; I meddle not with matters high, Nor into wonders seek to pry. 2 My heart I Ve surely reconciled, My whole behavior has been mild ; Contented like a babe I rest, When weaned from the mother's breast. 3 Let Israel firmly trust the Lord, And place their hope upon his word ; His truth and mercy still adore, From now, henceforth, for evermore. 131 C. M. \ (XII Lord ! I 've not a haughty heart, U Nor have I lofty eyes ; In things too great I take no part, Nor would to mysteries rise. 2 My heart I 've surely reconciled, In quiet peace I rest ; As when a weaned submissive child, Leans on the mother's breast. PSALMS. 249 3 Let Israel only trust the Lord, His truth and grace adore : And place their hope upon bis word, Henceforth for evermore. 132 L. M. T. A Song of the Ascents. 1 JEHOVAH, think what I>a\ id bore, u When he in great affiicl And made a vow to thee ••I will not rest upon my bed, Nor give my weary eyes r< Nor let my slumbering eyelids close. Until I find a tit abode For Jacob's great and mighty God :" We heard the ark in Ephraih stood. We found it in the fields of wood : Now let us to his courts repair, And bow in adoration there. 2 Arise into thy rest, oh Lord ! Thine ark of strength to as afford : Thy priests with righteousness array. Thy saints make glad through all the day : Thy servant. David, fill with gi Nor turn from thine Anoinn d's face : His kingdom by thy strength sustain. And let his seed in glory reign : For thou hast sworn, nor wilt repent. If they will keep thy covenant : And will to thy just statutes yield. The scepter they shall ever wield. 3 " The hill of Zion "s mine abode, It is the chosen rest of God : I have desired and loved it well, And here I will forever dwell : Her table shall my favor spread. And satisfy her poor with bread j 250 PSALMS. Her priests in full salvation deck, Her saints their joy with shouts shall speak j The horn of David there shall grow, His lamp ordained shall brightly glow ; His foes shall all to shame be led, The crown shall flourish on his head." 132 8s & 7s T. 1 T ORD, with love remember David, JJ Keep in mind his pious care ; How with honor he behaved, When to Jacob's God he sware ; *' Home and bed I leave behind me, Slumber shall not close my eyes ; Till a dwelling I shall find thee, Where to rest below the skies : " We, at Ephrath, of it hearing, Found it in the fields of wood ; Let us in his courts appearing. Bow in grateful praise to God. 2 Rise into thy habitation, Lord, and bring thine ark of might ; Robe thy priests in full salvation, Fill thy people with delight : David, by thyself anointed, Craves thy favor for his own ; Grant his seed the thing appointed, Let his Son possess the throne : Thou hast sworn, who turnest never, If his seed thy fear retain, Keep thy law and covenant ever. Then they shall before thee reign. 3 " Zion, chosen by my favor, Is the place of mine abode : This shall be my rest forever. Here 's the dwelling of your God : PSALMS. 251 I will bless her habitation, Fill her poor with Hying bread ; Clothe her priests with full salvation,. Make my saints and people glad : Light shall rise for mine Anointed, David's horn shall flourish there; Shame is for his foes appointed, He alone the crown shall wear.' 7 133 L. M. A Son s ' of the Ascents. By David. 1 TT () W comely is the sight of friends, _TL Whos.* hearts a perfect union blends, Where unity of love combines Their expectations and designs. 2 'T is like the precious ointment shed On holy Aaron's sacred head. Which gently flowing from his crown, Ran over all his raiment down. 3 *T is like the dew from Hermon's hill. Which on Mount Zion doth distill. Where heavenly blessings long descend, With life and love that never end. 133 C. M. 1 TTO^ v ' good and comely is the sight, XI How pleasant to behold. Where Christian brethren all unite. And sweet communion hold. 2 'T is like the precious ointment shed On Aaron's sacred crown. Whose rich perfume ran from his head, O'er all his raiment down. 3 'T is like the dew from Hermon's hill, On Zion that descends. Where God commands his blessing still And life that never ends. 252 PSALMS. 13b 8s & Is. 1 TTOW good to see dear friends agree, _H And dwell in perfect union, Where mind with mind is sweetly twined In bonds of full communion. 2 Like ointment shed on Aaron's head, A rich perfume bestowing, Which from his crown ran trickling down. O'er all his raiment flowing. 3 *T is like the dew from Hermon, too, On Zion's Mount descending, Where God above, commands his love, With life and bliss unending. 134 C. M. D. A Song of the Ascents. 1 TO! bless Jehovah, men of God, Jj Who tread his courts by night : Lift up your hands in his abode, And praise him with delight : Oh ! may Jehovah, in his love, From Zion blessings send : Who made the earth and heavens above, His people will defend. 134 7s & 6s D. 1 "DEHOLD! and bless Jehovah, _D Ye servants of our God ; Recount his mercies over, By night in his abode : Lift up with adoration Your hands, and on him call : He will, who made creation, From Zion bless us all. PSALMS. 253 134 8s & 7s D. 1 AH! ye men who serve Jehovah] U Standing in hie courts by night : There recount his favors over, Raise your hands before his sight : Praise his truth, that ye rely on, Praise him fur his glorious worth: God will bh'ss you out of Ziou. God who made the heavens and earth. 135 8s & Is. 6 line?. Hallelujah 1 1 T)RAISE. ye servants of Jehovah. _L Praise him and his goodness laud ; Daily count his mercies over, In the temples of our God : Hallelujahs to our King. Pleasant is it thus to sing. 2 Jacob 's his peculiar treasure, Israel he calls his own ; Nothing can his greatness measure, O'er all gods he plants his throne : Heaven and earth, and skies and seas, Wait his mandates and decrees. 3 Vapors, lightnings, winds and thunders. Go and come at his behest, Who to Egypt showed his wonders, Smote her first-born, man and beast : Pharaoh saw. and all his hosts. Dreadful tokens on their coasts. 4 Who destroyed great kings and nations, Sihon of the Amori; Og. that was a prince of Bashan's, With the heathen Canaanites: When their land by full bequest, He in Israel did invest. 254 PSALMS. 5 Lord, thy name endures all ages. Thy memorial never ends ; God his people kindly judges. God compassionates his friends : Nations bow to gods of gold. Idols which their fingers mold. 6 Mouths have they that make no speeches. Ears that hear no suppliant's call : Eyes, no vision ever reaches, Neither do they breathe at all : They that idols make or trust. Perish with them in the dust. 7 House of Israel, bless Jehovah! House of Aaron, bless the Lord! House of Levi, bless him ever ! All his fearers shall accord. Zion, bless and sound his name, Dwelling in Jerusalem. Hallelujah! 136 lis & 8s. 6 lilies. 1 /~1 IYE thanks to Jehorah with notes of acclaim, VT For his mercy endureth forever : Give thanks to the God of ail gods that have name. For his mercy endureth forever : Give thanks to the Lord of all lords that have fame, For his mercy endureth forever. 2 To him who is doing great wonders alone, For his mercy endureth forever : In wisdom made heaven the place of his throne, For his mercy endureth forever : And stretched out the earth upon waters unknown, For his mercy endureth forever. PSALMS. 255 3 To him that created great lights in array, For his mercy endureth forever: The bright smiling sun to rule over the day, For hi- mercy endureth forever: The moon and the stars over night to bear sway. For his mercy endureth forever. 4 To him that the first-born of Egypt struck dead. For his mercy endureth ferever : That forth from among them bis own people led. For his mercy endureth forever : With an out-stretching arm and a hand of great dread. For his mercy endureth forever. 5 To him that the Red Sea in parts did divide. For his mercy endureth forever : Led Israel through it in triumph beside. For his mercy endureth forever : But Pharaoh o'erwhelmed with his host in the tide. For his mercy endureth forever. 6 To him that led Israel in wilds with renown, For his mercy endureth forever : That conquered great kings by the wrath of his frown. For his mercy endureth forever : And smote famous kings and their thrones crumbled down, For his mercy endureth forever. 7 That Sihon, the king of the Amorites, slew, For his mercy endureth forever : That Og. King of Ba^han, completely o'erthrew, For his mercy endureth forever : And gave up their land for an heritage, too, For his mercy endureth forever. 8 That gave it to Israel, his servant elate, For his mercy endureth forever : 256 PSALMS. That thought of us kindly in our low estate, For his mercy endureth forever : And saved and redeemed us from foes that were great, For his mercy endureth forever. 9 To God. the great Father of earth and the skies, For his mercy endureth forever : Who nurtures all flesh with abundant supplies. For his mercy endureth forever : Let loudest thanksgivings unceasing arise, For his mercy endureth forever. 137 C. M. D. IAN willow trees our harps we hung, VJ Where Babel's rivers wind. There sat and wept, with sorrows wrung, When Zion came to mind : For those who carried us away. Still wasting us with wrongs, Came asking for a mirthful lay, From one of Zion's songs. 2 How shall we sing with due acclaim, While slaves in this strange land ? If I forget Jerusalem, Let skill forsake my hand : If I do not remember thee. Above my chiefest joy, My tongue may cleave and silent be, Nor tuneful notes employ. 3 Lord, in Jerusalem's sad day, Mind well how Edom cried, " Her bases raze and tear away. That none may here abide : " Thou. Babylonia, shalt atone, For ruin waits thy sons : He will be blest that on a stone Shall dash thy little ones. PSALMS. 257 137 Us & 8s D. 1 T)Y the rivers of Babylon there we sat down. J) And we wept over Zion's sad theme; We had hung ap our harps on the willows up- iwn That were Bhading the banks of the Btream: For the men who had carried us captive away. Who were wasting ufl still with their wrongs , With a rudeness demanded our mirth in a lay. Saying. •• Sing one of Zion's glad B01 _ 2 Oh! but how shall we sing with ourwont- el aim. "While enslaved in a strange foreign land? Oh Jerusalem! if I forget thy dear name. Let the cunning forsake my right hand: Let my tongue to the roof of my mouth ever cleave. Oh Jerusalem ! lovely to me. When the chief of my joy I shall cease to receive In my fond recollections of thee. 3 Oh Jehovah ! remember Jerusalem's day, Keep in mind how the Edomites cried. " Raze the whole of her bases and tear them away. Take the people all captive l>< i >ide : " Lonely daughter of Babylon, thou shalt atone. There is punishment waiting thy And the man will be blest that against the rude stone Dashes down thy beloved l^tle ones. 137 7s & 6s P. 1 WHERE Babel rolls her billows, Vl Loved Zion came to mind We hung our harps on will< And there to weep reclined : 17 258 PSALMS. For they who did exile us, Still wasting us with wrongs, Came saying, to revile us, " Sing one of Zion's songs." 2 Are they a song expecting, From slaves whom they subject ? Jerusalem forgetting. Let my right hand forget : If I do not remember Thy name with constant joy, My tongue in silence slumber, Nor tuneful notes employ. 3 Jehovah ! think how Edom, In Salenrs hapless day, Declared against her freedom, And tore her base away : Oh Babel's lonely daughter ! Who art to be o'erthrown ; Blest man who turns to slaughter, Thy sons against a stone. 138 C. M. 6 lines. By David. 1 T ET mortals hear my heartfelt song, JJ The gods thy lasting fame ; Thy truth and mercy shall my tongue Within thy courts proclaim ; For thou, oh Lord ! hast set thy word, High over all thy name. 2 What time I called, my prayer was heard, My soul new strength acquired : When kings shall hear and learn the word, By thine own mouth inspired, Their lips shall praise thy works and ways, So great and much admired. PSALMS. 3 For God is high, yet reea the m Afar the haughty kn Thou wilt revive me, though I 'm weak, And walk through griefs and w< AVilt save me well, thy right hand qu The wrath of all my foes. 4 Lord, thou wilt finish thy designs, And wise are thy comma' Thy mercies are eternal ml And here my safety Btan I Oh! then receive and never leave The work of thine own ha 138 L. WL H. 1 'piIEE will I thank with all my heart. JL Before the gods my praise i:< While in thy courts, my lips, oh L Thy truth and grace proclaim : For thou hast magnified thy word. High over all thy name. 2 What time I called, thy help appecr. And strength from thee my spiril When kings shall hear and learn thy ways, And words thy mouth has! irlorious works their lips shall praif thy grace with songs invoke. 3 For God is high, yet sees the low. And from afar the proud doth know : Though perils now surround my path, Thou wilt my foes subdue : Wilt stretch thy hand upon their wrath. Thy right hand save me. too. 4 Lord carry out thy kind designs. Thy mercies are eternal ml\ Thy promise thou wilt never hreak, Here all my safety stands : 260 PSALMS. Nor will thy truth and love forsake The offspring of thy hands. 139 L. M. T. To the Chief Musician. By David. A Psalm. 1 T ORD. thou hast searched and fully known Jj My rising up and sitting down ; Thou dost afar my thoughts attest. And every feeling of my breast : Thou art acquainted with my ways, My path and bed thine eye surveys ; Nor in my tongue a word can dwell, But thou dost mark and know it well : Thou dost beset me all around, And on my head thy hand is found : Such wondrous knowledge is sublime, And high above where I can climb. 2 Oh ! where can I thy presence shun ? And whither from thy Spirit run ! Thou art in heaven, if there 1 7 m led ; In hell, if there I make my bed ; Should I on wings of daybreak flee, And dwell beyond the utmost sea. There sha*ll thy hand direct my way, Thy right hand hold me where I stray : Should I in darkness seek to hide, And in the deepest shade abide, There brightness shall envelop me ; Alike are day and night to thee. 3 For thou my reins hast always had, And in the womb my covering made ; For all my powers I "11 thee extol, Thy works are wondrous knows my soul : Not hidden was my shape from thee, My unformed substance thou didst see ; Long ere on earth my place I took, My days were written in thy book. PSALMS. 261 How sweet thy thoughts to me, oh God! J low precious ami divinely good; More than the sand their numbers When I awake I 'm still with thee. 4 Thou surely wilt the wicked slay: Ye men of blond, gel hence, away! They Bpeak of thee for wicked gain, And dan 1 to take thy name in vain: Do not I hate thy foes, oh Lord. And grieve to see them break thy word? I truly hate all foes of thine, And count them enemies of mine : rch me, oh God ! and know my heart, And try my bouI in every part: if I have an evil way. Ami lead me to eternal day. 139 C. ML T. 1 T ORD. thou hast searched and known me well, I J My rising and my rest : Thou dost afar discern and tell The thought within my breast : Thou art acquainted with my ways, Dost sift my path and lair : Nor in my tongue a word d< But thou dost know it there : Thou dost beset me all around. And oa me place thy hand : Such knowledge is too deep to sound. Too high to understand. 2 Where can I shun thy face sublime, And from thy Spirit i Thou art in heaven, if there I climb: In hell, if there I sle Though on the wings of morn I speed. And dwell bevond the sea, 262 PSALMS. There shall thy hand my footsteps lead, Thy right have hold of me : Though in the deepest shade I stray, Thy presence makes it bright ; Since even darkness and the day Are equal in thy sight. 3 For in the womb thou didst invest, My reins thou dost control ; Thy name for all my powers be blest, So wondrous to my soul : Thou didst upon my substance look, Unfashioned in the earth ; And wrote my history in thy book Before I had my birth. How precious are thy thoughts to me, Their sum exceeds the sand ; When I awake I 7 m still with thee, Supported by thy hand. 4 Thou surely wilt the wicked slay : Depart, ye bloody men ! They speak against thy word and way, And take thy name in vain : Do not I hate thy foes, oh Lord, And grieve to see them rise ? They truly are by me abhorred, And counted enemies : Search me, oh God! and know my heart, My thought and spirit try ; See if I • m wrong in any part, And lead my way on high. 140 8s & ts. 6 lines. To the Chief Musician. A Psalm. By David. 1 T ORD, from evil men deliver, JJ Save me from their violence ; Who imagine mischiefs ever, Seek to give or take offense : LMS. 363 Sharp their ton. penis' are ; • lipe they bear. 2 Lord, thy shield around me throwing, from the bloody man. Who would overthrow my going, Proud ooea join the wicked plan: • path I have to tread - and snares their hands have spread. 3 Lo] | v snpplicati Oh my God ! to thee I pray : salvation, Shielding me in battle's day: Further not their vile assault, salt 4 Lord, of peace and truth the lover. rt conspire : Soon shall I ot recover. Into ruing tire : Mischiefs which their lips have sought. ■;i their heads be brought. 5 Give no evil speaker standing, if violence For the poor thy help commanding. Pity to the sufferer show : Upright men thy name shall laud. Only such shall dwell with I L. M. A Psalm. By P.- ORD. hear and answer when I pray I me help without delay : Oh! let : a< incens - sacrifice. 'L 2 Set thou before my mouth a guard, From every sin my lips retard : 264 PSALMS. Keep me from men who work deceit, Nor let me of their dainties eat. 3 Let righteous men in mercy smite. In their reproof I shall delight : It will not break or bruise my head. But prove like oil upon it shed. 4 When they are pressed with troubles round, Their judges cast on stony ground ; They then shall hear my kind address, The sweetness of my words confess. 5 Our scattered bones in graves we leave. Like furrows deep that ploughmen cleave ; In thee, Jehovah, is my trust. My soul wilt thou preserve from dust. 6 Keep me from snares my foes have laid, From nets by evil doers made ; Make them in their own traps to fall. While safely I escape withal. 141 8s & Is. 1 T ORD. answer me. what time to thee JJ I send my supplications : Oh ! let my cries as incense rise. My gifts like eve's oblations. 2 Set thou a guard before me. Lord, My mouth and lips securing ; Oh ! give me not the sinner's lot Nor feasts of his procuring. S Let just men smite, it will delight. And let the saints reprove me ; Like ointment shed upon my head. 'T will neither wound nor move me. 4 When they have care I '11 make my prayer, And in their woes be present : Their judges thrown against a stone, Shall say my words are pleasant. PSALMS. 265 Our bones we leave, as ploughmen cleave. Around the graves decaying; Save mi' from dust, in thee 1 trust. I for thy help am praying. Keep me from snares their art prepares, From nets the proud are shaping There let them fall, whilst I withal, In triumph am escaping. 1 7^ & 6s. 1 T ORD. accept the sacrifice Jj My hands present to thee ; Let my prayer like incense rise. And haste with help to me. 2 Guard my month, my lips restrain. My words from all deceit : Lead me not with workers vain. Nor let me taste their meat. 3 Let the just in mercy smite, It will not bruise my head : Their reproof shall give del Like oil upon it shed. 4 When r. are overthr* And on the rocks descend : They my kindness then will own. And to my words attend. 5 Like the earth by furrows bn Our bones descend the grave; God, my trust, to thee I look. My life and soul to save C Keep me from the gins they set. From snare- the wicked shape; Let them fall in their own net. Whilst I w ithal escape. 266 PSALMS. 142 8s. Maschil. By David, when he was in the cave. A Prayer. 1 rjlO Jehovah I cried for relief, X To Jehovah I sent up my prayer ; I disclosed all my trouble and grief. I unbosomed my sorrow and care. 2 When my spirit was sinking with dread. Then thou knewest the path which I made j In the way that I now have to tread. Wily snares have been privily laid. 3 When I looked on my right and beheld. There were none that with me would condole ; All supporters and refuges failed. There was no man that cared for my soul. 4 To Jehovah, I said in my cry, My defender and portion in life. Save from foes that are stronger than I. I am greatly reduced by their strife. 5 Bring my soul from this horrible place. Out of prison thy name to adore : For the righteous my hand will embrace. When I get the kind help I implore. 142 8s & 7s. 'If SEXT my cries to yonder skies. ~ called on God, my Saviour ; I poured my fears into his ears, My trouble and behavior. 2 The way I went, with sorrow spent, Thou knewest how to spare me : And in that path, my foes in wrath. Have placed a net to snare me. 3 I turned my sight toward my right, But none were comfort bearing ; PSALMS. 261 All refuge failed, my spirit quailed, No man for me was caring. 4 To thee I cried, tli rough life my guide, A refnge now I *m needing ; Trod down in woes, by haughty foes, Whose strength is mine exceeding. 5 That I may praise thy works and ways, My soul bring out of prison ; Just men will see, and flock to me, And have a happy season. 143 L. M. D A Psaltn. By David. i T ORD. hear when I for mercy plead, Jj In faithful truth an answer speed ; To judgment enter not with me, ice none that live are just with thee : For haughty foes beset me round. Who crush my life into the ground; Thus overwhelmed in lonely gloom, I dwell like those within the tomb. 2 Thy works of wonder I behold, And call to mind the days of old ; Up to thy throne I stretch my hands. And thirst for thee like weary lands: Send answers quickly, lest I fail, Confounded sink in death's dark vale ; Thy mercy in the morning show, The way of safety let me know. me from foes of haughty pride. With thee for safety let me hide; Teach me. my God, to do thy will, Let thy _;.<>d Spirit guide me still: For thy name's sake my spirit cheer, My soul from all distress set clear; Thou wilt in mercy quell my foes, And give thy servant sweet repose. 268 PSALMS. 143 8s & 7s D. 1 T ORD, before thy throne I venture, JLi Hear in faithful truth ray prayer ; Not to judgment with me enter. None that live can answer there ; For the foe my life impelling. Hath consigned me to the tomb ; There, in desolation dwelling, I am overwhelmed with gloom. 2 Days of old my mind are thronging, Wonders which thy hands have wrought ; While for thee my soul is longing. Like the earth for rain in drought : Hear me quickly, lest I perish, Leave me not to death and woe ; Let thy love my spirit cherish, And the way of safety show. 3 After thee my soul aspiring, Would beneath thy shadow hide ; Thy good Spirit's aid acquiring, In thy will shall I abide : For thy glory make me fervent, In thy mercy cheer my soul ; Since, indeed, I am thy servant, All my vexing foes control. 144 8s & Is D. By David. 1 C\ OD be blest, my great defender, IX God, my strength, my Rock, my shield : Who makes peoples to surrender, Arms me for the battle-field : What is man to thee, Jehovah ? Why dost thou regard his son ? Like a cloud his days pass over ; Man and vanity are one. PSALMS. 209 2 Bow thy heaven?, and touch the mountains, their smoke ascend on high : • forth lightnings from their fountains, 1 lift me from the waters. Kid the land from for "Who debate tli" vainee Whose right hand is one of lies. 3 N loration, On ten strings, I '11 play the Lord; He who giTeth B i .ion tea David from the s* Kid th»- land from -•<:!- of Strang from men of foreign I Whose vile mouth is fraught with dangers, Whose right hand is full of bril 4 That our sons like ti : »"ing. That our daughter- rise like tow< Thai our Fast increasing flocks be ours: d strong, a None that wish an ill reward: - ^uch a nation. Blest, whose Saviour is the Lord. 144 L. M. I). 1 "OLEST be the Lord, wl itfa might X) My arm- for war. my hands for fight : My goodness, fortress, K<><-k and shield, Who makes the haughty ]>■ Jehovah, what is man to " Or all his growing progeny? His days like | lows run. And man and vanity are one. 2 Bow down thy heavens and touch the <~-arth: And smoke and fire shall i^.-ue forth ■ 270 PSALMS. Send arrows out. let lightnings fly, Until the wicked flee or die. But send and draw me from the wave. From children strange, defend and save. Whose mouth is filled with all things vile. Whose right hand is a hand of guile. 2 Oh God ! to thee, who saveth kings, New songs I '11 chant, and sound ten strings ; One who his favor doth afford In ridding David from the sword : But rid our land from children strange. Whose mouth speaks falsehood and revenge : And keep us clear from alien tribes, Whose right hand is a hand of bribes. 3 That our young sons like trees be grown. Our daughters like a polished stone ; Our barns be filled with every store, Our flocks increased by thousands more ; Our oxen be for labor strong, None going out or in for wrong : Oh : happy laud, with such reward, Whose God and guardian is the Lord. 145 C. ML D. Praise. By David. 1 mHEE will I bless, my God and King 1 J_ Thy name will I extol ; Day after day thy praises sing, While endless ages roll : Thy greatness can no searching reach, And lasting is thy praise ; Age shall to age thy doings teach, And sound thy grand displays. 2 Thy glory shall employ my tongue, thy majesty and might ; PSALMS. 271 All men shall raise to thee their song. Thy fearful •!• eds re Thy memory shall inspire their mind, ir lips thy truth to show : Thou art so gracious, just and kind. To wrath and anger slow. 3 How good an thou the earth abroad. Thy d r all : All inder thanks to God. Thy aaints upon thee call ; They utter forth thy glorious reign. Thy righteous deeds commend ; Thy kingdom ever shall remain, Thy rule shall never end. i""« tod lifts the feeble when they fall And makes the helpless stand : He sends -applies of meat to all Who wait upon his hand : He sends content to all that live. His treasure ne r er decays : His works abundant mercy give. And righteous are his ways. 5 He "> ever nigh to answer prayer For all who seek aright ; He will fulfill their whole desire, Who in his truth delight : He safely keeps hi< fear ts, too, But will I stroy : Oh! let all flesh the theme pursue. My mouth it shall employ. 143 & 7< D 1 'TlHEE will I sin_r. my God and King! J_ And bl • forei er : From day to day t!i - pay. My praise shall languish never : 2^2 PSALMS. Most highly raised, as greatly praised, Unsearchable in glory ; Race shall to race thy doings trace, And tell thine acts in story. 2 Thy works and ways shall wake my praise, Their majesty and splendor ; Thy deeds of might shall men excite Their highest praise to render : Their song shall bless thy righteousness, Thy goodness, great and spacious ; Thy wrath is slow, thy mercies flow, And thou art kind and gracious. 3 How good to all thy mercies fall, And shine creation over ; Thy creatures raise to thee their praise, But saints shall bless Jehovah : Thy lasting name shall they proclaim, Thy glory to the nations ; Thy kingdom will all ages fill, Thy reign all generations. 4^[God lifts up all who faint or fall, Brings back the lost to reason ; All lift their eyes for fresh supplies, He gives their meat in season : All living things draw from his springs, Content and fullness solely ; Right are the ways that he displays, And all his works are holy. 5 He \s very near, their cry to hear Who truly seek his favor ; He grants their claim who fear his name And deigns to be their Saviour ; He overthrows his haughty foes, Forsakes his people never : I *11 speak his praise, let after days Exalt his name forever. LMS. 5 L. M. P. 1 fTlHEE I'll exalt, my I Thy name r sing : '. prolong. Thy i Thy 2 .ore. Bja id. mighty act- abn 2 Th% honored majesty supr n recount to end] will on tby _ kg s dwell, tell ; For I »t, thine anger slow. 3 II- 1 kind art thou to nil, Thy i creation fall : All things Thy name the sai will declare thy Thy a of men : Thy reign nrom _ And thy dominion never ei 4TfG r he feeble crown, ts up all the bowed down : All »n him for i In time he gives them food to eat : - And every living thing supplies : How righl Wha 5 Nigh is Jehovah nnl do in truth upon Lira call ; 2U PSALMS. He to his fearers grants tbeir will, He hears their cry and saves from ill ; He keeps his lovers in their joys. And all the wicked he destroys : His praise my mouth shall still proclaim. All flesh shall bless his holv name. 146 L. M. D. Hallelujah ! 1 AH! bless Jehovah, thou my soul. U Him while I live will I extol ; While I exist I will my God "With songs and music ever laud. Trust not in princes, sons of men. For help in them has never been : Their breath goes forth, and dust are they. Their counsels perish in a day. 2 Blest man whose help is Jacob's aid. Whose hope on God is surely laid. Who made the heavens and earth and deep, And will his promise ever keep : Who gives the poor and hungry bread. And frees the bound and captive led ; Who gives to those oppressed their right. And opens eyes deprived of sight. 3 Who raises up the bowed down. And does with love the righteous crown ; Who helps the widow in her need. And does her orphan children feed ; Who does the strangers well preserve. But makes the sinners' way to swerve : Thy God. oh Zion ! still remains. From age to age Jehovah reigns. ^ Hallelujah ! PSALM& 2T5 146 C. M. D. Hallelujah ! 1 AH! thou, my soul. Jehovah laud, \J I '11 praise him while I live ; While I have being to my God Will songs and music give. Not sons of men nor princes trust. To whom there is n<> stay : They lose their breath and turn to dust. Their counsels pa-s away. 2 Blest man. whose hope on God is laid. On Jacob's Rock secure : Who heaven and earth and all things made, Whose promises endure : Who judgment gives for those oppre— And sets the captive free : Who lifts the fallen and distressed. And makes the blind to see. 3 Who fills the hungry in their needs. And does the strangers crown : Who orphans and the widow feeds. But casts the wicked down : Who loves the righteous to sustain. And all who him adore : Thy God. oh Zion! long shall reign. Jehovah evermore. Hallelujah! 146 8s & 7s D. Hallelujah ! 1 pRAISE God ? my soul, him I *11 extol, _L Till death seals up this portal : Then will I laud and bless my God In songs that are immortal. Put not your trust in sons of dust, Nor help from princes cherish : 276 PSALMS. They lose their breath, sink down in death, That day their counsels perish. 2 How blest is he, whose hope shall be In God, who faileth never ; Who heaven arrayed, and all things made, And keepeth truth forever : Who justice sends, the wronged defends, From bonds the captive freeing ; Who gives their bread, in hunger led, And opes blind eyes to seeing. 3 Who lifts up those bowed down in woes, And in the just takes pleasure ; Who deigns to bless the fatherless, And fills the widow's treasure ; Who finds their home, who strangers roam, But gives the wicked over : Oh Zion ! laud thy living God, Forever reigns Jehovah. Hallelujah ! 146 8s & la D. Hallelujah ! 1 AH! my soul, exalt Jehovah, \J I will bless him all my days ; Laud him when this life is over, In immortal songs of praise : Not the help of princes cherish, Make not sons of men your stay j Soon they lose their breath and perish, When their counsels pass away. 2 Happy man, whose hope elated, Still on Jacob's God depends ; Who the world and all created, Whom eternal truth attends : Who the captive prisoner looseth, Gives to those oppressed their right ; For the hungry bread diffuse th, And restores the blind to sight. PSALMS. 277 3 Who lift? up the bowed from danger, Lores the righteous everywhere ; Who the widow, orphan, stranger. Well preserves and makes his care: Who will cast the wicked over, And his fearers will sustain ; Zion ! praise thy God, Jehovah, He for evermore shall reign. Hallelujah ! 147 C. M. 6 lines. Hallelujah ! 1 TJOW good and comely is acclaim, JLL When we our God adore ; He comes to build Jerusalem, His outcasts to restore : Hearts broke be binds, their wounded minds He heals of pain3 they bore. 2 The stars are numbered in his sight, And each he calls by name ; His understanding's infinite, His power and grace the same : The meek he crowns, while from his frowns The wicked sink to shame. 3 Oh ! sing with harps his praise aloud, To God lift up the strain. Who spreads aloft the vapory cloud And waters earth with rain : Who clothes the fields and distant hills With waving grass and grain. 4 He deigns the hungry beast to feed, And hears young ravens cry : Yet neither minds the fleetest steed. Nor man of stature high ; But will esteem those fearing him, Who on his grace rely. 278 PSALMS. 5^f Jerusalem ! send up thy strains, Oh Zion ! praise thy God ; For he thy gates with strength sustains, Sends peace through thine abode ; Thy sons has he made blest in thee. And finest wheat bestowed. 6 How swift his powerful word goes forth ! Who can his cold oppose ? "With flakes like wool he strews the earth, His frost like ashes sows ; He sends his word, soft winds are stirred, And trickling water flows. 7 He made his word to Jacob known, To Israel his commands, Which were not to the nations shown Nor any other lands ; His holy word they have not heard, Nor judgments of his hands. Hallelujah ! 147 8s & 7s. 6 lines. Hallelujah ! 1 TTOW good to laud our gracious God, XI While lofty anthems singing; He comes to claim Jerusalem. His captives with him bringing ; He heals and binds their wounded minds, And sounds of joy are ringing. 2 His eyes behold the stars of gold, Their names and numbers telling He 's great in might, and infinite, His power all powers excelling ; He lifts the weak and crowns the meek, Casts down the proud rebelling. 3 Let timbrels ring, with gladness sing To God, the great Jehovah, PSALMS. :d plain, Froi: high that fa with corn •' orn. ; Vi:h grass the mountains c 4 He gives the meat which wild And hear? young rav< ed the fleel rength rely But takes delight in hearts upright That trust his grace undying. '* ' him: Thy God exalt, oh Zion! Thy children blest, in quiet He mak - ron; He gives thee peace with much incr- A d 1 plenty to rely on. high commands run through the I His cold is all- He sprinkles snows and fa ws, Lit- wool the earth bestrewing; He makes - - : >,w. All nature's wing. 7 He showed his law. which Jacob saw. To Israel, his salvation: He wrote commands, with his own hands. To wake their admiration : Which were not known, nor have been ~. To any other nation. Hallelujah I 147 Bfi & to 6 li Hallelujah ! 1 "HRAISE our God. his wonder- singing, _L Praise is comely with acclaim ; He Lb Israel's exiles bringing, He builds up Jerusalem : Broken hearts he h - with balm their wounded minds. 280 PSALMS. 2 He the stars by name commanding. Tells their number and their date ; Infinite in understanding. Powerful and immensely great : He lifts up the meek to crowns, Sinks the wicked by his frowns. 3 Bless our God, the great Jehovah, Sing with harps the loudest strain, Who with clouds the heavens spreads over, Waters earth with showers of rain ; Who with grass and bending corn Does the distant fields adorn, 4 He feeds cattle from his treasure, Hears young ravens when they cry ; Yet in steeds he takes no pleasure, Nor in men of stature high, But regards with kind esteem Those who fear and trust in him. S^fZion ! let the song be lengthened, Him Jerusalem adore ! He thy gates and bars hath strengthened, Can thy children wish for more ? He thy peace has made complete. Filled thy stores with finest wheat. 6 Very swift his order runneth ; Who before his cold can stand ? Dew to hoary frost he turneth. Snow like wool strews o'er the land : When he calls the mild wind blows. Then the water freely flows. 7 He gave Jacob inspiration, Israel his just commands ; He has not to any nation Sent such favors from his hands : Judgments which to them were shown, Other peoples have not known. Hallelujah ! PSALMS. 148 7s D. Hallelujah ! 1 pRAISE the Lord from worlds of light, JL Praise him from the towering height; Praise him, angels in your songs, Praise him. all ye holy throngs : Praise him, sun and moon that beam, Praise him, all ye stars that gleam; Praise him. heavens of heavens on high, Praise him. clouds that through them fly. 2 Let them praise Jehovah's name, For by his command they came: He ha"th fixed them ever fast. His decree cannot be past: Praise Jehovah from below. Dragons, depths, and streams that flow; Vapor, snow, hail, fire and storm, Winds that do his word perform. 3 Mountains, hills, and cedars fair. Fruitful trees that clusters bear ; Beast and cattle, creeping thing. Feathered fowl with airy wing: Kings and peoples that obey, Chiefs and judges bearing sway, Youthful men and blooming maids, Children, too. and hoary heads. 4 Let their praise to him be sent, Who alone is excellent ; For his glory beams with love. Over earth and heaven above : He his people's horn hath raised. Which by all the Baints is praised; Even too by Israel, Who so near their Maker dwell. Hallelujah! 282 PSALMS. 148 8s & Is D. Hallelujah! 1 T)RAISE the Lord from realms of glory, X Praise him from the lofty height ; Praise him, angels, high and hoary. Praise him, all ye armies bright : Praise him, sun and moon of splendor, Praise him, stars from pole to pole : Heavens of heavens, your praises render And ye clouds that through them roll. 2 Let them praise the great Jehovah, They by his command were made ; Bounds he gave they ne'er pass over, Firm decrees by all obeyed : Praise the Lord from earth and ocean, Dragons, depths, and rolling seas ; Vapor, fire, and storms in motion, Working out his vast decrees. 3 Lofty cedars, hills and mountains, Beast and cattle, creeping thing. Fruitful trees and gushing fountains, Feathered fowl with airy wing : Kings and all whom empire ladens, Chiefs and judges, old and gray, Youthful men and blooming maidens, Tender babes of yesterday. 4 Let them praise his name most glorious, Who is excellent alone ; Over earth and heaven victorious, Shines his bright exalted throne : He a mighty horn hath given, Which the saints with love adore ; Which is praised by Israel even, Seated near him evermore. Hallelujah! PSALMS. 283 i II. M. Hallelujah 1 1 "jHROM heaven give praise to God, Jl And from the lofty height ; Him let all angels laud. And all his armies bright : Sun. moon and stars. Exalt his love : Ye heavens and spheres. And clouds above. 2 Let them his name adore, They rose at his command * He fixed them evermore, And his decree shall stand : Let depths below Exalt the Lord ; Wind, fire and siiow r That do his word. 3 All hills. your tribute bring. Fruit trees and cedars fair; Beast, cattle, creeping thing. And fowl that cuts the air ; Kings, judges, all. Young men and maids. With children small, And hoary heads. 4 Let these his praise make known, His excellence and love : Who Beta his glorious throne O'er earth and heaven above : Their horn he raised. Which saints esteem ; By Israel praised, So near to him.* Hallelujah ! 284 PSALMS. 149 C. M. Hallelujah ! 1 T ET saints with their assembled voice JJ New songs of glory sing ; Let Israel in his God rejoice, And Zion in her King. 2 Let them his name in music speak, With harp and timbrel praise $ He loves to beautify the meek, His own to honor raise. 3 Let saints exult in glorious joy. Sing loud of peace restored ; Let God's high praise their mouth employ, Their hand a two-edged sword. 4 To recompense the heathen lands, Opposing powers restrain ; To lay their kings in iron bands, Their honored ones enchain. 5 To execute for all their wrongs, The judgment written down ; This honor to the saints belongs, And they shall wear the crown. Hallelujah ! 149 8s & 7s. Hallelujah ! 1 T ET new songs of praise be paid him, Jj Saints in full assembly sing : Israel joy in God that made him, Zion, in her mighty King. 2 Let them give him adoration. Sing and harp his saving love ; Pleased he gives the just salvation, Beautifies the meek above. 3 Let the saints exult in glory. Sing aloud of peace restored ; PSALM >. 285 God's high praise be all their story, In their hand a two-edged sword. 4 Haughty realms to scourge and chasten. Heathen kingdoms to restrain : Their proud kintrs with tetters fasten. And their noble ones to chain. 5 These the judgments long recorded, They shall execute on them; This is to the saints awarded, Honored with a diadem. Hallelujah! 150 L ML Hallelujah I 1 pRAISE God in Zion, his delight. jL In heaven his firmament of might ; Praise him for mighty wonders shown. His plenitude of greatness own. 2 Praise him with trumps of loud acclaim. With harp and lyre pronounce his name ; Praise him with timbrel, pipe and strings, With deeper tones the organ brings. 3 Praise him with cymbals in the chime, With cymbals sounding notes sublime 5 Oh! let all breath unite to laud. And render ceaseless praise to God. Hallelujah! 150 C. M. Hallelujah! 1 "HRAISE God in his own courts below, _L And in the heavens above ; His mighty acts with praises show, His greatness, truth and love. 2 Praise him with notes the trumpet flings, With harp and lyre rejoice ; Praise him with timbrel, pipe and strings, With organs lift the voice. 286 PSALMS. 3 Praise him with cymbals' sounding lays, With cymbals heard afar ; Oh ! let all breath the chorus raise, And render thanks to Jah. Hallelujah! 150 8s & Ts. Hallelujah! 1 AH! praise our God in his abode, \J Praise him in worlds of brightness j Praise him for might, his deeds recite, Praise him for noble greatness. 2 Sound forth his praise on trumpets' lays, With harp and lyre adore him ; Praise him on strings, while timbrel rings, With organs sing before him. 3 Loud cymbals chime in notes sublime, Spread joy the wide world over ; Each one that hath the power of breath Give thanks and praise Jehovah. Hallelujah ! Boxology. C. M. PRAISE Father, Son and Holy Ghost, One God for evermore : Praise him above, ye heavenly host ; His name let earth adore. Hallelujah ! Boxology. L. M. LET Father, Son and Spirit be Adored through all eternity ; Let heaven and earth unite to laud The One, eternal, triune God. Hallelujah! TABLE OF FIRST LINES. A Paga All lands in joyful songs unite 113 All lands t«> God in shouts of praise 112 All peoples laud and praise our God '212 All peoples, your voices unite 179 Always will I bless Jehovah 61 Anion-,' the saints my heartfelt praise 20o Are ye indeed as men struck dumb 101 - the hind a stream to find 79 As pants the haunted hart for streams 78 Assign to Jehovah, ye men of great power 49 B Behold and bless Jehovah 252 Bless Jehovah ! oh my soul 185 the Lord, who girds with might 269 he man that fears the Lord 246 Blest is the man who helps the poor 77 Blest man that neither does 2 Bow down thine car. oh Lord ! and hear 152 By the rivers of Babylon there we >at down _57 C Clap your hands with adoration 87 Clothe tJi<- king with truth, oh God ! 1:5 Gome, all It irmonious tongues, and sing 1 7 i Come, let us sing to Christ our King I6fl Come, let us to Jehovah sing If s Earth with her stores of wealth is God's 41 Eternal God .' our safe abode 158 Exult, ye righteous, in the Lord 58 F For God I waited calm in mind 76 Fools in their hearts have always saiJ 22 Fools say in heart there is no God 95 For thy salvation faints my soul 2£fi For ever. Lord, remains thy word 288 INDEX. r»go Fret not though wealth the wicked crown 66 Fret not at evil doers 6S From depths of trouble hear my cries 247 From the depths I have sent up my cries 247 From heaven give praise to God 283 G Give me rescue from my foes 102 Give me a mind thy truth to find 225 Give thanks to Jehovah with notes of acclaim 254 Give thanks and laud our gracious God 212 Give thanks for blessings to the Lord 106 Give the Lord, ye men of station 51 God is my refuge, strength and rest 10 God is our strength and safe retreat 84 God is our strength and present aid 84 God founded in the holy hills 153 God be blest, my great defender 268 God of truth, bow down thine ear 07 God be merciful and bless 116 God, in mercy send salvation 116 God is cO Israel only kind 127 God stands where legislatures meet 143 God stands where princely rulers meet 144 Good hast thou done thy servant Lord 224 Great Shepherd of thine Israel, hear 130 Great Shepherd of Israel, give ear 140 Great God to whom the right belongs 167 Great is the Lord, and greatly praised 85 Great and glorious is Jehovah 87 H Had not Jehovah rescue brought 242 Hea r thou my cries, Jehovah 182 Hear, oh God" J my supplications 105 Hear me, oh Lord i I'll keep thy word 234 He that with God in secret hides 161 He that dwells in the covert of God the Most High. 160 How are my troublers multiplied 5 How beautiful thy dwelling 148 How blest are they who keep the way 210 How blest is he in heart and hand 1 How blest is he who waLketh free 3 How blest the man forgiven 56 How blest the man that fears the Lord 245 How blest the man whom God forgives 55 How blest the perfect in the way 216 How can a youth his way make pure 217 INDEX 289 How comely are thy tents 147 How eomely i- the -;L r ht of friends Icar thy dwellings are to me 140 I I am t" hear from them "-41 I and comely is acclaim 277 ad comely La the Bight . How good thy mercies to record 162 Bowgo< 1 to land oar gracious God 178 i r friends agree 252 165 How happy he who fears the Lord - How in thy law my pleasure grows 228 How long wilt thou forget me, Lord 21 How long wilt thou forget me How Lovely La thy blest abode 145 Holl not thy peace. Almighty God ! 200 How sweet to wake the grateful lay 163 How wonderful thy perfect rule I I lift mine eyes to yonder skies ! 1 love the Lord, for he has heard 211 In anger hot r€-huke me not 11 In awe I stand of thy command S In Judah God is known 131 In Judah Jehovah is known 131 • stood 231 In silent adoration 106 I once resolved my mouth to curb 74 I once resolved to heed my way 73 ■ my cries to yonder skies 266 I thought my mouth to bridle 70 It is good to give thanks to the Lord 164 I '%<- justly done by every one I 've promised, Lord, 1 M keep thy won: __ I 've seen a wicked man of dread CS I 've seen the wicked nourish 71 I wait, oh Lord ! for thine own word - J Jehovah, hear thee when in woe 34 Jehovah, how many would make me a prey 6 Jehovah reigns alone 177 Jehovah reigns enthroned with light 166 Jehovah reigns in power supreme 176 Jehovah reigns with strength arrayed 166 Jehovah's help I sought in grief 238 Jehovah, strength of all my power 2t 13 290 INDEX. P&ge Jehovah, think what David bore 249 Jehovah, thou art just and true 233 Jehovah, thou my portion art 223 Jehovah thus addressed my Lord 201 Jehovah, thy favor shone forth in its beauty 149 Jehovah to my Sovereign said 202 Judge and try my way. oh Lord 4o L Let all mankind their Maker laud 212 Let all the earth with one accord 178 Let earth be glad. Jehovah reigns 172 Let earth with shouts address the Lord 178 Let mortals hear my heartfelt song : . 258 Let mortals raise new songs of praise 172 Let new songs of praise be paid him 284 Let Saints with their assembled voice 284 Let us with songs address the Lord 369 Tift up the shout to God our King 142 Lo ! bless Jehovah, men of God 252 Lord, accept the sacrifice 265 Lord, answer me what time to thee . . , 264 Lord, bear in mind thy promise kind ! Lord, before thy throne I venture Lord, by thy laws plead thou my cause 80 Lord, for thy words I stand in awe 236 Lord, from evil men deliver 262 Lord, hear and answer when I pray 263 Lord, hear a prayer from lips not feigned 27 Lord, hear the cries 1 send to thee 180 Lord, hear the right for which I plead. 26 Lord, hear when I for mercy plead 267 Lord, how shall youth learn heavenly trujh 217 Lord, I am poor and needy 151 Lord! I lift my soul to thee 43 Lord, in whom my hopes confide 46 Lord^ I put my trust in thee 53 Lord, I with truth and mercy come 180 Lord, keep thy promises in mind 222 Lord, let my cry come near to thee 237 Lord, let thy mercies come to me -21 Lord, my Rock, regard my cries 48 Lord, not in anger chasten 71 Lord, not to us nor to our name 208 Lord, see my sufferings and relieve 235 Lordj strive with them that take the field 62 Lord, thee I seek with all my heart 234 Lord, the pure and godly cease 20 INDEX. 291 Pape Ix>rd. thou art our secure abode 157 ^ord. thou hast searched and fully known Lefrd, Thou hast searched and known me well.. . Lord, what man shall reach thy temple 24 Lord, who shall in thy hill abide 23 I/ml. who shall reach thy holy hill Ix>rd. with love remember David M Make a joyful noise, ye nations 118 My God, I seek thy help betimes 10S My (tck! : my God ! why thus forsake 37 •as God and Kimr 9 May Jabot s God defend thee 35 . . hearken to my law # 133 ge is Jehovah 20 My Shepherd i< Jehovah 41 shall bless Jehovah's love g shall laud the works of God 204 My soul is cleaving to the ground 219 g to earthly things 219 X Xew anthems sin^ to Christ our King: 176 No more thy cheering voice restrain 144 Not from thy law do I withdraw 23o Oft from my youth let Israel say 246 Oh ! all ye nations, praise the Lord 212 Oh ! all ye nations, shout and sinj 85 Oh ! all ye peoples, clap the hand 86 Oh ! all ye peoples, lend an ear 89 Oh ! bless Jehovah thou my soul 274 Oh ! bless, my soul. Jehovah's name 188 Oh ! bless my soul ! my heart extol Oh bless my soul my lips extol 189 on thee my hopes depend 12 my trust, preserve, defend H Oh God ! my Saviour all divine M Oh God ! thy work in days of old 80 Oh God ! as thou art good and kind 93 as thou art ever kind 91 above, thy law I love 22S Oh God, my God, to thee betimes ... 107 Oh God ! my voice of woe attend 109 Oh God ! for me thy care exert 122 Oh God I the heathen tribes have come . . . . 13S 292 INDEX. Page Oh God ! thy judgments give the King 124 Oh God ! preserve me by thy name 96 Oh God I be merciful to me 100 Oh God ! thy mercy show to me 300 Oh God of mercy ! hear my prayer 104 Oh God of my salvation ! 153 Oh God ! our sure unfailing home ] 59 Oh God I my heart is fixed for praise 199 Oh ! grant thy servant life from thee 21 8 Oh ! guide me in thy statutes Lord 220 Oh ! happy man that neither 2 Oh how their voice my heart elates 240 Oh Jehovah ! what man to thy hill shall ascend. . . 24 Oh ! Lord to thee my praise I bring 179 Oh Lord, our Lord, in aD the earth 14 Oh Lord, our Lord, through nature's frame 13 Oh Lord, our Lord, thy name adored 15 Oh Lord befriend, salvation send 221 Oh Lord ! I find thy dealings kind 224 Oh Lord ! in thee 1 put my trust 122 Oh Lord I I 've not a haughty heart 248 Oh Lord I I 've not a haughty mind 248 Oh let my cries Jehovah rise 237 Oh my soul ■ Jehovah bless 183 Oh ! mighty man, why boast of wrong t 94 Oh my soul, exalt Jehovah 276 Oh ! praise our God in his abode 286 Oh ! praise, ye servants of the Lord 206 Oh righteous God ! to whom I come 7 Oh ! render thanks and bless the Lord 194 Oh ! sing a new and joyful song 171 Oh ! sing in new and joyful song 175 Oh I sing in new and joyful strains 175 Oh thou my God ! whose truth I laud 7 Oh ! thou my soul Jehovah laud 275 Oh ye righteous rejoice in the Lord 59 Oh ! ye servants of Jehovah 207 Oh ! ye men who serve Jehovah 253 On God alone my soul depends 105 On willow trees our harps we hung 256 Our God shall rise, his foes retire 117 P Perceive my thought and all I say 8 Praise God, my soul, him I '11 extol 275 Praise God in Zion his delight 285 Praise God in his own courts below. 285 Praise Jehovah all ye nations 212 ' INDEX. 293 Prai.-*? our God his wonders winging S Praise the Lord from realms of glory 282 Prai-e the Lord from worlds of li^rht 281 Praise waits for thee on Zion's hill • waits for thee in Zion ill • >f Jehovah S R Rebuke me not in anger, Lord M Rebuke me not in anger 11 Rejoice. Jehovah reigns 17o Render thanks and bless Jehovah 214 S Save me from foes, oh God ! 98 Save me from the waves, oh God ! 120 T Teach me oh I>ord ! thy way and word 220 The heavens their Maker's glory teach 31 The heavens declare the praise of God 32 The heavens applaud their Maker God 33 The earth with her fullness belongs to Jehovah 42 The Lord a good man guideth TO The earth shall rejoice in the reign of Messiah 174 The Lord I love and will esteem 209 The Lord I love for he will hear 210 The Lord is ray Saviour and light 47 The Lord I will at all times bless 60 The I»rd I will with songs extol 52 The Lord makes grants for all ray wants The Lord, my Saviour, is my light 46 The Lord, my Shepherd, deigns to grant 39 The Lord, my Shepherd, will provide 40 The Lord will make the righteous stand 67 The King inspires my thought 82 The King inspires the willing muse SI The King shall laud Jehovah's might The King shall glory and rejoice 36 The mighty God, Jehovah, speaks 90 The proud are plots pursuing The sinners way my hea The sinner's work my judgment tells 64 The wicked plot and gnash and foam 66 Thee will I thank with all mv heart £59 Thee will I bless my God and King . Thee will I sing my God and Kiug 271 Thee I '11 exalt, my God and King 2 : 294 INDEX. They that trust in Jehovah shall be like Mount Zion 242 Thy hands have made and fashioned me 225 Thy judgments shine with truth divine 233 Thy la w I love and waverers hate 230 That J, oh Lord ! may keep thy word 218 Thy testimonies wondrous are 232 Thy word in heaven is settled, Lord 227 Thy word 's a light before mj sight 229 Thy word 'a a light to show my way 229 Thy wrath has scattered us, oh God 103 To God I raised my voice in prayer 132 To God, our strength, exult and sing 141 To Jehovafc I cried for relief 266 To thee we lift our eyes 241 To yonder hills I lift mine eyes To yonder hills I raise my sight 239 D Unless the Lord the dwelling build 244 V Tain the workman's undertaking 245 Tain thoughts I hate, but love to wait W We render thanks to thee, oh God 130 What bliss of mind the pardoned find ">7 What joy of mind that man shall find 205 When captive Zion God restored 243 When Israel from Egypt came 207 When Jacob out of exile came 150 When Jehovah returned the poor captives of Zion. . 244 Where Babel rolls her billows 257 Who in the Lord their hopes confide 242 Why all this rage of nations 4 Whv do nations rage with heat 4 Why hast thou cast us off, oh God 12S Why wilt thou stand afar, oh Lord 18 With all my heart. Almighty Lord 17 With all my heart I '11 thank the Lord 203 With all my heart will I record 15 With joy I hear their lips proclaim 240 With thanks invoke Jehovah's name 191 Y Ye men of birth in all the earth 51 Ye mighty, to the Lord assign 50 Jr?Cj