•FKEBLE's Christian Year, a facsimile re- production of the first form of Keble's Christian Tfcar, in the Autfcfor's handwriting, cr. 8vo, mjorocco cloth, anticfie, dull gilt edges; with a' preface and a collat&n of the variations between tie original and t«t published editions, 18mo,j liiip cloth, 2 vols^V. ^i^ y /\\]r^ , 7 - Srp-prp^sg%''Sl%' a few copies got/outf d 1 t-i FROM THE LIBRARY OF REV. LOUIS FITZGERALD BENSON, D. D. BEQUEATHED BY HIM TO THE LIBRARY OF PRINCETON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY Division CZ C^l^ Section J L/L/^U ENT, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1927. NOTES OX SALES. KEBLE'S "CHRISTIAN YEAR." No book has been more talked and written about during the last few weeks than the Rev. John Keble's " Christian Year," of which the first edition appeared a century ago. In a letter to The Times of January 15, the Bishop of Winchester wrote of the instantaneous success of this remarkable book, which went through ninety-five editions before the author's death in 1866: "Since then it lias been constantly reprinted, and, what- ever may be its merits or otherwise from a literary point of view, it is now a household word, or a household book, wherever the English language is Spoken." As an Anglican production '' The Christian Year" was dealt with at some length in The Times of June 25 last, and the celebration of the centenary of the book at Hursley, Hants, on June 21 was reported in The Times of the follow- ing day. There are various bibliographical points in connexion with this popular book which are worth noting. As a " best seller " during an author's lifetime it probably has no rival. Of Bunyan's "Pilgrim's Progress," which at once suggests itself in this connexion, eleven editions appeared during the author's lifetime — certainly a '* record " up to that date: In totally diffeient lines of literature there are other books, such as Defoe's " Robinson Crusoe " and Swift's " Gulliver's Travels," which ran into many editions during the lifetime of the respective authors, but "The Christian Year," with its ninety- five editions in thirty-nine years is probably a world's '" record." The first edition is not a par- ticularly rare book, nor is it one which commands a big price ; in the original boards it sells for a few pounds only, and rarely exceeds 65, unless the copy has some association interest. In April, l ( .»_' l. .i presentation copy inscribed " William Firth from his affectionate friend the writer," and finely bound in blu<> morocco, sold for £10 at Sotheby'8, and that would seem to be the highest price so far realized. An admirable facsimile of the first edition in two volumes was published in 1897, and may often be picked up for a few shillings. Tin' first American edition Was published at Philadelphia in Is.: I. There is one very important and interesting phase in the history of this book which does not seem to have been touched upon in the recent cen- tenary celebrations. In the autumn of 187 7 the late Mr. Elliot Stock, the publisher, who had made successes with his facsimiles of " The Pilgrim's Progress,*' " The Temple," "Paradise Lost," "The Compleat Angler." and other books, announced a facsimile of "The First Draft of the Christian Year" in the author's handwriting, with a preface and introduction containing variations from the published text, and hymns not published before. The announcement in the Athcnwum provoked a protest from the Keble family, which was followed by a defence from the anonymous editor of the facsimile. An injunction was applied for " to re- strain the publication by photography or otherwise of any facsimile copy of the author's original manuscript of the 'Christian Year'"; and. follow- ing an adjournment. " the defendant submitted to a perpetual injunction with costs." (Keble v. Stock. The Tiwcs Law Reports, 187 7, December 1 and 15.) Although no " definite reasons were reported in the case of Keble r. Stock they were probably to the effect that the sale of the facsimile of the original manuscript would interfere with the sale of the printed edition, and in this matter the owners of the copyright as well as the publishers of the printed book doubtless acted in conjunction. The facsimile of " The Christian Year " therefore was never published and the whole impression de* stroyed. But at least two copies got into circula- tion and found their way into private libraries, and now another, in some mysterious way, has been discovered in a bundle of derelict books. T4iere is no copy in the British Museum, where there is. however, a copy of the matter written and printed to accompany the facsimile ; it ex- tends to forty-five pages, and was made up into pamphlet form in a much smaller size than the facsimile, in which it was loosely inserted and of which it did not form an integral part. No copy of the facsimile itself is recorded as having been sold at auction in Book Prices Current since it was started in 1887, and it is unknown to London book- sellers. The facsimile of the manuscript makes a sub- stantial volume of 183 pages, and it is excellently done, for Keble's writing was beautifully clear and distinct. The two copies which got out may have had the prefatory matter, which is absent in the third copy which lias just come to light, and which is bound in the old style of covers Which Mr. Stock affected in his iacsimiles. Tin' title-page, or what serves the same purpose, is a fac- simile of Keble's own writing: " MSS. Verses, Chiefly 6n Sacred Subjects. 1822." This manuscript IS the Original, at any rate the earliest attainable. form in which the poems exist. Besides the poems included in "The Christian Year'* there are at the end of the hook a number of occasional pieces by tic author interspersed with others fyy the author's friends, and all these arc indicated in the intro- ductory matter. All are in Keble's autograph : il with the initials G. .F. ('.. and the d ' two sonnets, XII. and XIII.. initialled S. T. and dated respectively 1820 and 1822. and verses en- titled '"The Communion of Saints" with the same initials; and verses "For an Evening Hymn" initialled T. A. These, according to the editor of the facsimile of the manuscript. " could not be omitted if a complete facsimile was to be issued of the MS. hook as it stands, and they have at least this connexion with Mr. Keble, that their position in the book is due to his selection." From what has been said it will be seen that the first edition of Keble's ''Christian Year" has its bibliographical as well as its devotional side ; and it will not have been out of place to set out some of these ' ; points " during the centenary of the publication of this widely popular book. AUGUST 18, 1927. THE FACSIMILE EDITION OF THE " CHRISTIAN YEAR."' Sir, — With your permission I will place on record some additional facts relating to this edition which may be regarded as a literary curiosity. The first edition of Keble's " Christian Year " was published in 1827, and the author died in 1866 ; the copyright expired in 1873. A facsimile edition of the author's handwriting was announced by Elliot Stock in 1ST 7, but was withdrawn after the issue of a perpetual injunction. Your correspondent [The Times Literary Supplement, July 14) surmises, probably correctly, that the owners of the copyright and the publishers of the printed editions were instigated to combined action by the fear that the <>f the facsimile would interfere with that of the printed book. It seems that Keble transcribed with his own hand certain copies of the " Christian Year,"' in IB22, which he presented to his friends, One copy found it< way to Mi-. Stock through the hands Mr. J. Herbert Williams. M.A.. of Magdalen roll,.-,., Oxford, who became the anonymous editor of the [mile edition, and published a preface, also anonymous, in separate binding, with a collation «»f the variation- between the original and the printed work. It appears that " a new copyright was in- volved for every word of hitherto unpublished variation introduced ; and when the case came into Court it was settled between the parties, Stock undertaking to issue no more." The fact that the British Museum has only the preface tells its own tale. Three copies of the facsimile were known to your former correspondent, and a fourth lies before me as I write. The only other copy of which I have knowledge belonged to the late Lord Chief Justice Coleridge. This may be identical with one of the three above-mentioned. I am. Sir, yours faithfully, GEORGE C. PEACHEY. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 http://archive.org/details/mssverflyOOkebl John Keble Mss. Verses chiefly on Sacred Subjects x APR 241936 1822 /S22 . \)o\( J. ///Z^/l /Zeyc face**** &- fe*£ 4*v<£. a£L 4^, u^6 ' s^Jt^J^L /±^J f^J£^ r ^) Jz+to c£+»u? 4s£ tfesuscK. . aa,A t*r& l^r^ ~ A*Jsu>) 6L*-f+~ J^^^l^ ^ J/a^n^^tf J y/ott. 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