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Heard, J. B. b. 1828.
The tripartite nature of mar
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In preparing a Second Edition for the Press, I have
given the work a thorough revision, and corrected
several errors which had escaped my attention when
the First Edition was preparing for the Press.
I desire to thank my critics in general for their en¬
couraging remarks on this attempt to trace out the
bearings of that important distinction between the
psychical and pneumatical natures, which seem to me
to be the key to many theological questions still under
controversy. I have been charged with inconsistency
in describing the conscience as the dead or dormant
pneuma in the unregenerate. If dead, my critics say,
it is not dormant; and, if dormant, not dead. But I
do not consider dead and dormant to be logical contra¬
dictories, the one excluding the other. I can conceive
the conscience to be dead as to its higher or spiritual
functions, properly so called ; while, at the same time,
it is only dormant as the rule of right and wrong be¬
tween man and man. Death and sleep are only differ-
Preface to Second Edition.
ences of degree—in the one, there is the suspension
of sense; in the other, of all the functions of life.
Were the conscience wholly dead, then, as it seems to
me, there could be no awaking it out of sleep. Men
would be beyond the reach of redemption, as we have
reason to suppose the devils are. On the other hand,
were the conscience awake and active, men would not
be in a fallen state at all, and the new birth would be
identical with the birth of the flesh. Truth lies in a
golden mean between these two extremes, to which
the theories of Augustine and Pelagius incline. From
attending to this distinction between Psyche and
Pneuma, the Greek fathers seem to me to have reached
that golden mean, which was lost in Latin theology
generally, and which even the Reformers, Lutheran and
Calvinist, alike failed to reach. If I have succeeded
in pointing out the true Eireniken to the free-will
controversies which have died out in our day from
sheer exhaustion of the subject, I shall only feel that I
have acted on Bishop Butler’s wise suggestion, “that
it is not at all incredible that a book which has been
so long in the possession of mankind should contain
many truths as yet undiscovered, and that the whole
scheme of Scripture is only to be understood by
thoughtful men tracing out obscure hints, as it were,
dropped us accidentally.”
A very few words will explain the object and scope
of the following treatise. It is the attempt to weave
into one connected whole those passages scattered up
and down the Word of God which speak of human
nature as consisting of three parts—spirit, soul, and
body. The distinction between soul and body is
obvious, and is as old as philosophy itself. But what
of the distinction between soul and spirit ? It is this
which distinguishes Christian psychology from that of
the schools. The Pneuma is that part of man which
is made in the image of God—it is the conscience, or
faculty of God-consciousness which has been depraved
by the fall, and which is dormant, though not quite
dead. The pneuma in the psychical or natural man
has some little sense of the law of God, but no real
love for Himself, and therefore it drives man from
God, instead of drawing him to God.*
* A remark of Auberlen (Bei Jesus ist nienjals von einem Gewissen die
Rede, weil er den Geist als Kraft besitzst, v. Grist, Herzog’s Encyclopadie,
vol. iv. p. 733) suggested to the writer the true theory of what the Pneuma
is at present in fallen human nature. He stood long in doubt whether to
vili Preface .
Thus the psychology of the schools is radically dif¬
ferent from that of Scripture; yet to this day divines
treat the distinction of soul and spirit as if it were only
a verbal one, and speak of mortal body and immortal
soul in phrases which are unconsciously borrowed from
Plato rather than from St Paul. That philosophy
should be content with a division of human nature into
two parts only, “ the reasonable soul and human flesh
subsisting,” is neither strange nor inconsistent. The
wonder rather would have been if the Pneuma had
been detected by those old Greeks who, with all their
wisdom, knew not God, and therefore knew not of a
dormant faculty of God-consciousness which exists
only as a bare capacity for good, not as an active
energy or habit in man until he is born from above.
Thus the trichotomy of human nature into spirit, soul,
and body is part of that “hidden wisdom which eye
had not seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man con¬
ceived” till it was taught us by God in his Word.
The Bible which contains the only sound system of
theology, is also the teacher of the only sound system
of psychology. Yet divines have paid too little
attention to the psychology of the Bible, and in
consequence obscurities, if not positive errors, have
describe it as dead altogether or as dormant only. Now he sees that what the
moralist describes as conscience is the same as the Pneuma of Scripture, with
this important difference, however, that the unconverted conscience is only
conscious of the law of God, not of the gracious character of the Lawgiver,
and when sincere, is an “excusing or accusing conscience,” not an approving.
It is only when the conscience is quickened and converted, and when perfect
love has cast out fear, that the Spirit beareth witness with our spirit that we
are the sons of God (Rom. viii. 16).
Preface .
crept into theology, which can only be cleared up by
bringing the light of Biblical psychology to bear on
This was attempted in the early Church, but only
carried out with very indifferent success. The Greek
Fathers, generally speaking, understood the psycho¬
logy of Scripture aright: but unfortunately confound¬
ing the Platonic Logos or Nous with the Pneuma of
the New Testament, they either distinguished the
pneumatical and psychical as the intellectual and the
carnal man respectively (which was the root error of
the Gnostics), or confounded in a semi-pantheistic way
the human Pneuma with the divine, which, in the case
of Origen and Apollinaris, led to distinct heresies, which
the Church afterwards formally condemned. The
consequence of this was, that in the reaction against
these errors the Latin Church generally, as guided by
Augustine and Jerome, rejected altogether the distinc¬
tion between Psyche and Pneuma, for which the Latin
tongue was not flexible enough to find equivalents, and
so the usual dichotomy of man into body and soul only
became the prevailing view throughout the West.
A proof, by the way, that the Athanasian creed was
of Latin origin is seen in this, that no Greek writer
would have made a dogmatic statement of the union
of the two natures in one person in such terms as these:
“Perfectus Deus perfectus homo, ex anima rational!
et humana carne subsistens.” The expression furnishes
not only documentary evidence as to the probable date
and authority of the creed itself, but also proves the
complete oblivion into which the Pauline distinction of
Preface .
Psyche and Pneuma had fallen. In plucking up the
tares of Origen and other gnostic errors, the Latin
Fathers had plucked up the wheat as well.
As Augustine reigned as a Church teacher without
a rival not only up to, but even two centuries after the
Reformation, it is not surprising that the true psychology
of Scripture was not discovered even by Melancthon,
whose Liber de Anima , printed in 1552, is not only
scholastic in form, but also dichotomist in spirit, and
throws no real light on the great doctrines of original
sin and the new birth, to which the distinction of
Pneuma and Psyche is in truth the only key.
Real Biblical criticism, which may be said to have
begun with Bengel, 1750, has at last ascertained and
set on the sure foundation of a comparative study of
proof passages the true psychology of the New Testa¬
A number of recent writers, principally German,
have caught the true meaning of the distinction between
Pneuma and Psyche. Roos, Schubert, Olshausen,
Beck, Haussman, Oehler, Hofmann, Meyer, Goschel,
Von Rudloff, a general in the Prussian army (it is only
in Prussia that generals handle points in speculative
theology), and lastly, Delitzsch, have discussed the
trichotomy of spirit, soul, and body with varying
degrees of ability and success. In this country Bishop
Ellicott is, so far as we are aware, the only divine who
has given the subject more than a passing notice. A
valuable sermon on the threefold nature of man, in the
Destiny of the Creature , contains some sound and sug¬
gestive hints on which a correct system of Christian
psychology may be built up. Dean Alford has also
some good remarks on the distinction in his Notes to
the New Testament; and several writers in critical and
theological reviews, both English and German, have
thrown out a few scattered hints which show that they
have caught the distinction, though they do not, in
most cases, carry it out correctly into details. They
generally either follow Philo in classifying the Psyche
under the three principles—the nutritive, the emotional,
and the rational, as subdivisions of it—or they confound
the Psyche with the animal life, from which it is dis¬
tinct, and then interpolate a third faculty called Nous,
distinct and intermediate between Psyche and Pneuma.
Now the key to Christian psychology seems to be to
take Aristotle’s psychology as far as it goes, and at the
point where Aristotle’s draft of the psychical man stops,
to begin with that of Scripture.
We shall gather in this way that there are two
parts of human nature, the body and psyche, or sense
and intellect, of which Aristotle knew as much as we
do, and a third faculty, the pneuma of St Paul, which
lies wholly beyond the psychical man’s horizon, and
of which all that we know is to be gathered from one
book—the Bible. Thus, of the three forms of con¬
sciousness,—sense-, self-, and God-consciousness,
Philosophy can tell us of the two former, Revelation
alone discovers to us the existence of the third and
highest. The organ of Godxonsciousness, or the
pneuma and its function , or the life of God in the
awakened spirit, are thus made known to us in God’s
word, and there only. If man’s existence were bounded
by time, and the Being of God were only one of
many hypotheses to account for the existence of mat¬
ter, then Aristotle’s treatise, De Anima, would pro¬
bably be a complete, as it is undoubtedly a correct
draft of human nature as far as it goes. It is exactly
where the psychology of the Schools stops that Chris¬
tian psychology takes up the account of man’s origin,
and of the end and aim of his existence. Till we
clearly understand wherein the image of God in man
consists, we shall miss the meaning of the distinction
between Psyche and Pneuma, and our criticisms will
be verbal only, not piercing, as the Word of God is
said to do, to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit,
and (or, as if) of the joint and marrow.
That this has not been done in any thoroughgoing
way before is our excuse for venturing into print.
Scattered hints have been thrown out by modern ex¬
positors of Scripture, interpreting such passages as i
Cor. ii. 14, 1 Thess. v. 23, Heb. iv. 12, but the full
inferences which flow from these psychological hints
of God’s word have never, so far as we are aware,
been fully traced out. German divines, who have
traced out in detail the distinction between Psyche
and Pneuma, have not built on it any formal argu¬
ment ; 1, for the nature of original sin; 2, for the
new birth; 3, for consciousness in the intermediate
state; and 4, for the nature of the pneumatical or
resurrection body. Even Delitzsch, with much that
is most valuable and suggestive, has treated the ques¬
tion as one of pure psychology, rather than as one
which is the key to four of the cardinal doctrines of
theology. Thus the distinction between applied and
pure mechanics exactly expresses the distinction be¬
tween the present work and Delitzscli’s Psychologie,
to which we desire here once for all to express our
deep and constant obligations.*
The present writer felt that if the distinction were
Scriptural at all, it was much more than a mere verbal
distinction, and he has endeavoured to use it to clear
up what previously seemed to him to be unexplained,
in our popular evangelical theology, i.e., how, on the
one hand, man’s intellect is alive and interested in the
works of God, but dead or indifferent to his person
and character. There must be some stupendous fault
in human nature to account for this, of which of coui se
the psychology of Aristotle would take no notice, but
which the Bible would explain, and which, when
rightly understood, would throw light on the doctiine
of original sin and of the new birth. The wntei has
thus used the Scripture trichotomy of spirit, soul, and
body to interpret and explain, doctrines which must
remain dogmas until internal experience comes to con¬
firm external authority, and we feel that they are not
* Messrs Clark will confer a benefit on English Theology by a translation
of Delitzsch’s Psychologie, which we are glad to see is promised to the readers
of Clark’s Theological Library. The writer will bfe well rewarded if the
present work draws attention to Delitzsch’s work, which is by far the most
learned which Germany has yet produced on the subject. For non-theolo-
gical readers we should particularly recommend Schubert’s Geschichte der Seele,
or General von Rudloff’s Die Lehre non Menschen. It is only in Germany that
military men write at all on such subjects, and write as if theology and not
tactics had been their profession in life.
only theologically but also psychologically true as well.
If the psychology of Scripture thus recommends its
theology, it is only another instance of the old re¬
mark, that the obscurities of the Bible arise from our
viewing its truths from one side only. We must
walk about Jerusalem and mark well her bulwarks,
and tell the towers thereof,” if we would see how
“ s ^ le beautiful for situation, and the joy of the
whole earth.” There is nothing, it has been said,
makes success like success. It is much more correct
to say that nothing serves the truth so much as truth.
Separate fragments of truth, when they are found to
piece in together, give us that sense of conviction
which nothing can afterwards shake. So it was that
the discovery of the telescope set at rest the Coperni-
can theory, which, however mathematically true and
undeniable, wanted this optical confirmation, to over¬
turn the prejudice of the senses and the partiality of
human nature for old opinions. We thus look for¬
ward to Christian Psychology, setting the old truths
of theology in a new light, by which the cavils of the
mere psychical man at the new birth will be seen to
be only cavils, the objections of a blind man to the
laws of light, or a deaf man to the laws of sound.
The theology of the Bible tells us of the f unction of
spiritual-mindedness; its psychology tells us of the
organ itself. The one thus explains the other, and in
the mouth of two witnesses every word is established.
If the writer has thus succeeded in underpropping our
current evangelical theology with a sound psycholo-
gical principle, on which to explain the doctrines of
original sin, the new birth, consciousness in the Inter¬
mediate state, and the spiritual body, his studies will
not have been undertaken in vain, and he will bless
God for enabling him to direct others to a solution
which has cleared up some of the difficulties of belief
to his own mind.
Psychology and Ethics are the two sciences to which the
Bible lays peculiar claim, ....
The tripartite nature of man marked out in Scripture, . 4
Why the distinction of Psyche and Pneuma was not attended
to by the Latin Fathers, . • • • 7
Abuses of the distinction by mystics and others led to its rejec¬
tion in toto, .
The psychology of Scripture throws light on its theology, . 13
Function and organ are correlative terms ; hence the Bible,
which teaches us the function of spiritual wickedness, also
tells us of the organ which discharges that function, . 20
The Being of a God, our accountability to Him, and our
existence after death are the three postulates of all re¬
ligion, •
How far natural religion can prove these postulates trye, . 24
Natural religion transforms the spiritual instinct that theie is
an existence after death into the doctrine of the natural im¬
mortality of the soul,
The confusion between the spiritual instinct and the logical
argument which is supposed to underprop it cleared up, . 35
Gen. ii. 7 implies rather than asserts the trichotomy.
The material cause, . the dust of the earth.
The formal cause, . the breath of lives.
The final cause, . man became a living soul, . 40
The psyche or living soul is thus the union point of two op¬
posite natures, flesh and spirit, as water is the identity of
two gases, . . . . . .46
5 1
Heb. iv. 12 teaches us how to discern between soul and
The heart, not the brain, was supposed to be the centre of
thought and feeling, .....
But the psyche is not localised in any single organ, but is dif¬
fused through the whole body. Thus the Scriptural
account of the psyche as the totality of man’s natural life
exactly agrees with that of Aristotle,
Co?i tents.
Too great stress is not to be laid on the distinction between
Ruach and Nephesh in the Old Testament, . . 66
So with the teaching of our Lord, till the Holy Ghost was
given, the doctrine of the human Pneuma lies in the back¬
ground, . . . . . .69
1 Thes. v. 23 considered, . . . *73
Heb. iv. 12, . . . . .76
1 Cor. ii. 11-14, . . . . .81
James iii. 15 and Jude. v. 19 compared, . . .88
Result of a comparison of those five passages of the New
Testament. Where Aristotle’s psychology leaves off,
Scripture takes up its account of the nature of man. Thus
the silence of Aristotle as to the existence of the Pneuma
is negative evidence of the strongest kind,
Mansel and Maurice’ controversies as to the existence of a
religious instinct in man, ....
Religious functions suggest some corresponding organ : this is
the Pneuma, .....
The distinction of spirit, soul, and body does not imply three
separate natures in man,
Scripture psychology distinct alike from materialism and
spiritualism, ....
Tertullian’s divide et opera tested, .
ri 5
I2 5
xx Content s.
Man’s nature is not complete unless as the union of spirit,
soul, and body; hence the need of the resurrection of the
body, . . • • • • • 1 3 °
This doctrine the test of the difference between philosophy and
revealed religion, . . • • • 1 3 1
Homo imago Trinitatis : how far the analogy sound, . 138
The mystics attempt to transcend creationism—Pantheistic
results of all theosophy—Hegel, . . • *45
The old distinctions between reason and instinct are giving
way before the attacks of modern physiology, . • 149
The real distinction between man and the brute lies in the will
or moral character more than in the intellect, . • 1 5 5
Conscience, or God-consciousness, is the true differentia
between man and the brute, . . . .157
Conscience identified with the Pneuma in fallen man, . 159
Adam’s nature before the fall, innocent, and with a capacity
of becoming holy, . . . . .162
Contents .
The Pneuma in man is the regulative faculty : this has been
deadened by the fall, . . . • .169
The nature of original sin privative only, not positive. The
other theory would make God the author of evil, . 183
History of the Controversy—Tertullian—Augustine—the
Schoolmen—the Reformers—Modern German Divines, 189
The traducian theory true of the descent of body and soul—
For the quickening of the Pneuma, the creationist theory pre¬
ferable, . • - • • *94
The distinction of per afflatum and per spirltum illustrates the
nature of the Pneuma before and after conversion, . 197
Men are born into the world with a living body and soul, but
with a dormant spirit, . • • .201
The witness of conscience is not spiritual life, but prepares the
way for it, . • • • .207
The nature of the new birth explained, . . .210
The relation of regeneration to sanctification : the one is the
act, the other the habit, . • • .217
The moralist throws on the psychologist the onus prohandi
that death is extinction of man,
22 I
Superstition, philosophy, and revelation, all three agree in teach¬
ing that man exists after death, but here their agreement ends, 222
The superstitious theory of disembodied ghosts, The philoso¬
phic theory of the Immortality of the Psyche, . 224
I. The metaphysical proof for Immortality of the soul con¬
sidered, . • . . . 23 1
II. The ontological proof, . . . .237
III. The teleological proof, . . . .241
The Pneuma, not the Psyche, the true source of man’s immor¬
tality, ...... 249
The hereafter, as well as the welfare of mankind, results from
the n^eritorious work of Christ, . . .250
Three theories as to the immortalily of the soul, . .252
Degrees of punishment will be proportioned to degrees of
wickedness—carnal, psychical, and pneumatical, . .258
Consciousness during intermediate state held by the Reformers, 261
The dependence of the soul on the body would favour the
theory of the sleep of the soul. But, on the other hand,
Scripture asserts that if absent from the body we are present
with the Lord, ..... 263
The distinction between soul and spirit clears up this contra¬
diction between reason and revelation, . .268
The contrast between the intermediate and the final state has
been generally lost sight of since the Reformation, . 273
Bishop Butler anticipated that, by use of the inductive method,
discoveries would be made in the Book of Revelation, the
same as in the book of nature, . . .277
The scriptural distinction between Hades and Heaven pointed
out by Lange and others, . . . 279
The intermediate state one of progression in holiness. Isaac
Taylor’s theory on this subject, . . . 288
The intermediate state is the Sabbath-day ; the resurrection,
the Easter morning, .
The resurrection body is said to be a pneumatical body,
Buffon’s definition of man as an intelligence using organs more
applicable to man hereafter than at present,
Bichat’s distinction of the nutritive and sensitive life,
The nutritive life, or the flesh, will not rise with the resurrec¬
tion body, ......
The transformation of insects teaches the right doctrine of re¬
surrection, ......
This analogy was misunderstood by the ancients,
Bonnet’s Palingenesie suggests the true theory of the spiritual
body, ......
Error of Swedenborg and his school on this subject.
Mediaeval doctrine of resurrection of the flesh,
Scripture account of resurrection midway between these two
extremes, ......
3 2 3
3 2 3
Eight points established from Scripture.
1. Man a tripartite nature,
2. With two tendencies, flesh and spirit.
3. The fall deadened the spirit.
4. The Pneuma in fallen man is conscience.
5. The new birth is the quickening of that Pneuma.
6. Man’s immortality not in the Psyche, but in the Pneuma.
7. Consciousness of the spirit-soul in the intermediate state.
8. The resurrection is the transformation from a psychical to a
pneumatical body.
Concluding reflections. Theological torpor arising from not apply¬
ing the inductive method to Scripture. The method of authority
still in force even in Reformed churches.
The Tripartite Nature of Mail.
SYCHOLOGY and Ethics are the two sub¬
jects on which the Bible may be expected
to speak with authority. However distinct
the orbits of reason and faith may be, they intersect
each other at least at two points. Self-knowledge,
and the knowledge of our duty, are the two sciences
which descend from heaven, or of which a revelation
from heaven must determine at least the outlines.
Psychology and ethics must be Christian, if Christianity
is to exist at all. Whatever may be said of its rela¬
tion to other sciences, the Bible will fall behind the
age, and lose the allegiance of the educated classes, if
it cannot maintain its supremacy in the department of
the mental and moral sciences. These it claims by
right as its own. It professes to be a revelation of
the character of God ; from the nature of the case,
it must also be a revelation of the character of man.
Beholding, as in a glass, his natural face, however he
may go away and straightway forget it, man sees in
the Scripture his real nature, its present corruption,
The Case Stated.
and capabilities of future glory. Whatever may be
said about leaving the physical sciences to take their
own course, unfettered by traditional interpretations of
the word of God, the same cannot be said of the moral
sciences. There must surely be some point where we
must take our stand in conceding to the demands of
free inquiry. That point seems to be where, to use
Locke’s phrase, the eye attempts to turn in on itself
and exercise that introspection which, according to
Bacon, and the Positive school which exaggerates his
axioms, is a non-natural effort of thought. We shall
not stop here to discuss this point with the Positivists.
But while we do not admit that the highest end of
man is, by the exercise of his outward faculties, to
mould external nature to his convenience and use, it
cannot be denied that in this direction his faculties
work most readily and with most success. When he
turns his powers of observation in on himself, he seems
to work awkwardly and under restraint. The mind
upon matter works more readily, but is somewhat de¬
based thereby. As Shakespeare spoke of himself:—
« Thence comes it that my name receives a brand,
And almost thence my nature is subdued
To that it works in, like the dyer’s hand.”
So it is when the mind, forgetting her high design, and
taking to work in clay, has become of the earth earthy.
But, on the other hand, no sooner does she turn in on
herself, and attempt the higher task of introspection,
than she finds herself lost in the dark, and deafened
with a din of controversy, on words without meaning.
The Case Stated.
From Zeno of Elea to Hegel, subjective logic has been
a mighty maze, but without a plan; a labyrinth with-
out an Ariadne’s thread; a riddle, with no CEdipus
to answer it. The explanation of man’s inability to
know himself is acknowledged in the gnome:—
“ E ccelo descendit yvujOi ffsaurov.”
But this is only half the truth. Heaven must not only
bid us know ourselves, but also teach us the way by
which to do it.
Thus, however it may fare with the other natural
sciences, psychology and ethics are the two depart¬
ments of human knowledge which Revelation claims as
its own. It can never give up its right to regulate these.
It must tell us of our nature as made in the image
of God ; that is the task of Christian psychology. It
must point out the duties of such a Godlike nature;
that is the task of Christian ethics.
We are not without a system of Christian ethics.
The writings of Chalmers and Vinet, Wardlaw and
Wayland, Harless and Rothe have established the de¬
pendence of morality upon religion in a way which
could not have been anticipated a century ago. The
Christian code of ethics is not treated as obsolete,
as Bishop Butler declared it was by the polite world
of his day. But we are as yet very far from recognis¬
ing a scheme of Christian psychology distinct from the
psychology of the schools, in the same sense that the
ethics of the Bible is distinct from the ethics of India
and Greece. To this day divines accept the distribu¬
tion of the mind which the reigning philosophy, what-
The Case Stated.
ever it be, lays down, and work upon it, quite uncon¬
scious that it may be wholly subversive of what the
Bible teaches of the inner nature of man. The old
scholastic division of the mind into memory, intelli¬
gence, and will—
“ Memoria, intelligenzia, e voluntade.”
—Dante Purg. xxv. 85.—
which we find in Dante, and traces of which appear in
Bacon’s division of the sciences into history, poetry,
and philosophy, lasted until the time of Descartes.
Then arose the new school of dichotomists, who re¬
peated the Cartesian formula of mind and body,
reason and instinct, until it has stamped itself into our
theology, as well as into all other modes of thought.
The controversy between those who took reason for a
faculty sui generis , and those who made it only a modi¬
fication of instinct, has lasted down to our own day.
There have been almost endless refinements and dis¬
tinctions from Locke’s reflection and Leibnitz’s monads,
down to Kant’s analytic and synthetic faculty, and
Coleridge’s repeated distinction between reason and
understanding, the Vernunft and Verstand of Schelling.
All the while we have scarcely taken the trouble to
ask whether the Bible might not throw light on this
and similar questions. Men have persisted in disput¬
ing on a point which had been settled beforehand, if
they had only thought of consulting the oracles of God.
When it is said that man was created “ in the image
and after the likeness of God,” these two expressions
might have suggested—the one, that essential part of
The Case Stated.
man which sin has not quite effaced; the other (like¬
ness, bfjjoiuxug in the LXX.) that moral resemblance
which sin has destroyed. And again, the New Testa¬
ment distinction between Psyche and Pneuma might
have set, we should have supposed, almost every
thinker on the right track for a true theory of human
nature. The tripartite nature of man, which heathen
philosophers had guessed at, but never truly discovered,
was as clearly intimated in Scripture as any other fact
connected with human nature. We can only attri¬
bute the adherence of divines to the old psychology
of body and soul partly to timidity, and partly to not
seeing clearly how much a defective psychology affected
their conclusions in theology.
We do not mean to imply that the trichotomy of
man, as made up of body, soul, and spirit, was not
traced out by the early Greek fathers. The distinction
of Psyche and Pneuma,* on which the doctrine of the
trichotomy chiefly rests, was caught by the Greek
fathers, but in most cases they founded no teaching on
it; and as the only fathers who did so, Origen and
* It is only what we might expect., that the distinction of Psyche and
Pneuma was caught by the Greek, but lost or neglected by the Latin fathers.
The Latin language wanted the precision of the Greek, and spiritus and anima
never acquired the same precision of meaning as Pneuma and Psyche.
Irenseus, Justin Martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Didymus of Alex¬
andria, Gregory of Nyssa, and Basil of Csesarea, all note the distinction of
soul and spirit, and designate the spirit as that which bears the truest image
of God. With the error of Apollinaris, who denied to Christ a human
Pneuma, the reaction came, and the trichotomy fell into disfavour, and was
neglected even in the East. In the West it cannot be said to have ever re¬
ceived the attention it deserved. Tertullian opposed it from the first, and
Augustine thought it safest to neglect it .—See Bishop Ellicott's Destiny oj the
Creature , p. X 17 •
The Case Stated.
Apollinaris, fell into error on the subject, we hardly
wonder that Augustine thought it safer to pass it by
as an unprofitable distinction : Origen, by holding that
the spirit of man was unitibtKrw tw yiioovuv, impassive
of evil, led the way to a theory of the purgation of evil
by punishment, which must result in the salvation of
all; Apollinaris, by denying to Christ a human Pneuma,
and declaring that the Holy Spirit in His case supplied
the place of the third part of our nature, thus im¬
paired his humanity. Thus the doctrine of the Pneuma
fell into undeserved reproach, and at last was quite
lost sight of.
But it might have been otherwise. To take one
instance only out of many. If Augustine, the autho¬
rity and the oracle—not only of his own age, but of
the whole western Church down to our day, had
adopted the trichotomy, instead of the prevailing di¬
chotomy of body and soul, which is still the popular
conception of man’s nature, how much smoother would
have been the course of theology, how much less dis¬
turbed by a controversy in which we now see that
both sides were right in what they affirmed, and
wrong only in what they denied. Pelagius asserted,
and Augustine denied the reality of human goodness,
till, heated by controversy, the one bordered on deny¬
ing the fall, and certainly quite frittered away its mean¬
ing ; while the other went so far as to call the virtues
of the heathen “ splendid vices,” and in his greatest
work, “The City of God,” fell into a narrow and
half-Manichean conception Qf the world as divided into
two cities, owning allegiance to two distinct rulers,
The Case Stated.
God and the devil, and ending, of course, in an eter¬
nal separation at the last day. Had Augustine only
adopted from the Greek the distinction of Pneuma
and Psyche, and bent the still living Latin tongue to
the exact use of spiritus and anima, as geist and seele
are distinguished in German, or as esprit and time
originally were in French, or as spirit and soul might
be even still in English—what clouds of controversy
which have troubled the Church for the last fourteen
centuries might be rolled away! Had Augustine but
recognised the trichotomy, and taught that the Ruach ,
or pneuma or spiritus— i.e., the inspired and Godlike
part of man, was deadened by the fall, and that in that
state of spiritual injury a propagation of soul and body
from Adam to his posterity must ex traduce carry with
it a defective, and hence a diseased constitution, his
refutation of Pelagius would have been sufficiently
convincing, without hurrying him into an exaggeration
in the opposite extreme, in which moralists who oppose
theology have not failed to see the weakness, and to
profit by it.
This is only one instance of several which we shall
point out in the course of the following inquiry, of the
solution which a sound psychology offers to a sound
system of theology. Error latet in generalibus. Theo-
logy borrows its axioms or first laws of thought from
the reigning school of philosophy, often quite uncon¬
scious that they are so borrowed, and then finds, to its
dismay, errors in the conclusion which it did not sus¬
pect in the premises. It is not till the wedge of gold
or the Babylonian garment has been found in the floor
The Case Stated.
of the tent, that we acknowledge that the difficulties
which emerge in theology are difficulties brought in by
ourselves from philosophy. Even still, though systematic
divinity is on the decline, divines are a great deal too
facile in admitting as axioms certain philosophical
theories, which have come dowm by tradition from
heathen schools of thought. There is something in
Tertullian’s rough saying, Quid philosophus ac Chris-
tianus , though he was by no means consistent with his
own principle. For instance, the prevailing dichotomy
of body and soul rests on the old Protagorean system
of couples of logical antitheses and opposites. Thus,
mind and matter, finite and infinite, hot and cold, wet
and dry, light and dark, &c., were supposed to be
entities co-eternal with God. These co-eternal entities,
out of which Plato’s Trinity of God, matter, and ideas
is constructed, was rejected, of course, by Christian
divines. But a substratum of error remained untaken
away. They still held by the old categories of matter
and mind, and supposed man to be made up of two
parts, the reasonable soul and human flesh. The
division has come down unchallenged to our day, and
little modified even by those who recognise the tri¬
chotomy of Scripture. Divines, in general, if they
assign any meaning at all to the Pneuma, describe it
as a kind of sub-division of the Psyche, like Aristotle’s
division of the soul into the fi'tpog aXoyov, and that Xoyov
t'/pv xi igtZg. If the Pneuma is only a class under the
Psyche, not an original part by itself, no wonder that
practical men pass the subject by as a needless refine¬
ment, illustrative of Greek subtlety, but not of any use
The Case Stated .
to explain certain obscure and apparently irreconcil¬
able mysteries of the kingdom of grace. The Bible
speaks of man as wholly corrupt, yet recognises traces
of natural goodness, and that among the heathen (Phil,
iv. 8, Rom. ii. 14). The Bible again speaks of our
being born from above, yet speaks of putting off the
old man and putting on the new, as if the new creature
in Christ Jesus were not the creation of a new, but the
restoration of the old. The Bible again speaks of
death as a sleep, and that the dead praise not God,
neither they that go down into silence. Yet it also
teaches us that blessed are the dead which die in the
Lord; for though they rest from their labours, their
works do follow them.” And again, that though
u absent from the body, we are present with the
Lord.” Now the popular dichotomy, as we shall see,
is unavailing against those who maintain the sleep of
the soul, and the only clue to this contradiction lies in
the distinction between psychical and pneumatical life.
So again the Bible tells us that we shall at the last day
be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven,
and which the apostle elsewhere calls a pneumatical
body. But if the pneuma is only a faculty of the soul,
the spiritual soul, as contrasted with the merely intel¬
lectual soul, such an expression as the spiritual body is
almost unmeaning, and divines are driven to hold a
doctrine of the resurrection of the flesh which is no¬
where taught in Scripture. If the mortal, animal
body, and the immortal or rational soul, are the two
integral parts of human nature, then, as we shall see,
the resurrection of the body is a doctrine not only diffi-
The Case Stated.
cult in itself, but also unworthy of the place which it
holds in the Christian scheme. If at death the spirit
rises to a higher state of being on quitting this tremb¬
ling house of clay, is it after the analogy of God’s
other dealings that He should degrade it again by putting
it, as He did once, and for a little time r/, Heb.
ii. 9), in a tenement lower than that of angels ?
These are some of the difficulties of belief of which
the prevailing division of man into body and soul offers
no solution but which at once explain themselves on the
other theory of the trichotomy. On these questions, we
are at the present moment brought to the point
where Copernicus stood when he found the diffi¬
culties of the Ptolemean theory insuperable, and
was thus driven to conclude that these errors in
detail implied an error somewhere of first principles.
He threw out the hypothesis which has since won its
way to general acceptance. In the present case, how¬
ever, it may be said, hypotheses non jingo. Ours is only
a return to the true and Scriptural account of man’s
nature, which later theories have obscured, and which
fell into undeserved reproach in early times, from its
supposed connection with the Apollinarian error as to
the person of our Lord.
u No difficulty emerges in theology which has not
previously emerged in philosophy,” such is Sir W.
Hamilton’s celebrated maxim. The difficulties of
theology will, if traced to their source, be generally
run home to some conception current in the schools of
philosophy. Thus it happens that the Bible is made
responsible for difficulties which are not of its own
making. Its doctrines are objected to, when in truth
The Case Stated.
it is our point of view which is at fault. Change
the point of view, and the objections will generally, if
not in every case, disappear. So it is, we are sure,
with the difficulties of belief relative to original sin
and the new birth.* They are solved by a single
text rightly understood (Jude 19). We thus appeal
from the Bible as seen in the light of the schools to
the Bible as seen in its own light. If we take one
part of God’s Word without the other, we must
expect to fall into error. But we must only blame
ourselves for the result.
Thus the purpose of the following inquiry is prac¬
tical and apologetic, not speculative and critical only.
If the distinction of Psyche and Pneuma were merely
verbal, it would be a nice refinement of language, but
no more. Since it was regarded in this light by Ter-
tullian,-f* he very naturally rejected it with that rough,
* The author of The Difficulties of Belief, the Rev. T. R. Bilks, has with
great ability endeavoured to rectify some of these misconceptions by which
the Bible is made accountable for the injudicious reasonings of some of its
friends and apologists. Mr Birks controverts certain crude notions of God’s
omnipotence or sovereignty, and of his permission of evil when He might have
prevented it. He also correctly marks the difference between sin in man and
angels, on account of man being in the flesh. The one was culpa and the
other crimen , The one, therefore, entailed the sentence of temporal death
only ; the other of eternal. He rejects the notion of a covenant between
God and Adam, in which Adam contracted with God on behalf of all his
posterity; and thus sweeping away most of the figments of our modern
Augustinian theology, if he does not allay doubt, he alleviates, at least, some
of the difficulties of belief. The line of inquiry that we shall pursue is along
the same path as that traced by Mr Birks; and we take the sagacious hints
which he has thrown out as finger-posts on the road to a higher theology, in
which our differences shall disappear when truths are seen in the light of God,
who is love.
f Tertullian, in his treatise on the Soul (De Anima, ch. x.) opposes the idea
of any absolute division between the soul and spirit. Denique si separas
The Case Stated .
practical good sense which distinguished the Latin
mind from the Greek. In this he was followed by
Augustine ; and it is needless to add that the authority
of Augustine decided the course of the western Church
in rejecting the distinction as mystical, and tending to
deprave the doctrine of man’s fall and corruption. It
must be admitted that Augustine and his followers
have had some reason for their suspicions. With
scarcely an exception, those who have followed Origen
in his theory of the Pneuma as the divine element in
man, have inclined to the notion that this divine and
inner light is itself “impassive of evil.” They have
thus failed to see the meaning either of original sin or
of the capability of spiritual wickedness, which is the
same as the sin against the Holy Ghost. The Cam¬
bridge school of Platonists of the 17th century, and
the followers of Fox and Barclay, also caught the dis¬
tinction of Psyche and Pneuma; but as their theories
clearly tended in the direction of Origenism, their
opinions led to no sound conclusions, and were rejected
by the majority of their countrymen. The some may
be said of the new school of Platonising divines, of
whom Mr Maurice and Robertson of Brighton are the
foremost names. Those who, to uphold the distinct
spiritum et animam separa et opera; agant in discrete) aliquid ambo, seorsum
anima seorsum spiritus, * * Si enim duo sunt anima et spiritus dividipossunt
ut divisione eorum alterius discedentis alterius immanentis mortis et vitas
concursus eveneat. Yet this latter supposition, which Tertullian excludes as
absurd, is the very one on which Scripture founds the idea of spiritual death :
“She that liveth in pleasure is dead while she liveth” (i Tim. v. 6 ). Men
are dead in trespasses and sins when the psychical life is there, but the
pneumatical not yet awakened. It is only just to Tertullian, however, to
admit that he afterwards compares the Psyche and the Pneuma to the female
and the male, and adds, 0 beatum connubium si non admiserit adulterium (De
Anima, 41 ).
The Case Stated.
nature of the Pneuma or divine image in man, reject
or obscure the doctrine of original sin, must not be
surprised if an invincible prejudice is still felt against a
theory which seems to lead to such conclusions.
The image of God in man has been defaced in one
part of our nature, the Psyche, and altogether effaced in
the other, the Pneuma. All that remains is the feeble
flutter of a conscience witnessing for God, and that
not by approving, but by accusing and excusing our
thoughts. This is all that remains of that inner light
of which so much has been written by the mystics and
neo-Platonists of this and the 17th century. The
Pueuma in fallen human nature is as a bruised reed
and as smoking flax, which God will not quench, but
which must be kindled by a flame from heaven if it is
to give us any light. As soon as it can be seen that
the distinction between Psyche and Pneuma, so far
from making void the doctrine of original sin, actually
confirms and explains it, the objections to it will, we
should hope, disappear, and the Scripture trichotomy
of spirit, soul, and body be accepted as the only true
Thus the object of our present inquiry is practical
and not speculative only. It is the test of the truth
of a theory when it clears up difficulties which were
before irreconcileable. Thus, when Galileo turned
his glass to the skies, and pointed out the moons of
Jupiter revolving round the planet, he set the question
at rest between Copernicus and Ptolemy. The Cop-
ernican theory was no longer a hypothesis, but a truth,
Difficulties which were inexplicable under the Ptole-
The Case Stated.
mean astronomy, vanished at once in the light of the
new theory. It was a revolution, doubtless, in all the
accustomed modes of thought; it required men to give
up certain traditional views, which rested, as they sup¬
posed, on the authority of the Bible. But as soon as
this sacrifice to truth was made, the rest was easy.
It is difficult to find truth in the first instance, not
because she loves to conceal herself, but because we
look for her in the wrong direction. But when found,
she is always seen to be self-consistent, simple, and
easy of comprehension. In buying truth, as in the
case of other less precious commodities, the first cost
is the greatest 5 when that is paid, truth is her own
reward, and repays the purchaser many times over.
So it is when we apply one Scripture truth to solve
another. Looked at apart, the doctrines of original sin
and the new birth seem the hardest, if not the most
repulsive, of dogmas. No truths are more undeniably
part of God’s word, and no truths have been more
often rejected and explained away than these. How
comes this ? It is easy to set it down to the hardness
of the natural heart; and certainly we are far from
excusing men’s rejection of these dogmas. But may
there not be a fault in our part ? May they not be so
irrationally explained as to provoke this revolt of rea¬
son ? If orthodoxy has not thus often produced
heterodoxy, Church history has been written to very
little purpose. Divines should begin to suspect that
it is the point of view at which they put the inquirer
which leads him to reject salvation. Like Balak, they
lead Balaam only to “ see the utmost part of them, and
Ibe Case Stated,
l 5
not to see them alland, instead of cursing our ene¬
mies, the freethinker ends in blessing them altogether.
Let us take him up to the top of the high mountain,
let him see not a part only, but the whole of God’s
plan spread out before him, and it will be strange if
he does not end in blessing those whom God has bles¬
sed, and cursing those whom God has cursed, and not
the contrary, as at present.
Our purpose will be gained in this treatise, if we
can induce our reader to change his point of view, and
adopt the Scripture account of man’s tripartite nature,
instead of the dual conception still'common. Original
sin will then be seen in a new light not as a hard and
forbidding dogma, but as the simple and only way of
accounting for the fact of evil abounding. If man was
by his original nature only psychical, with a capacity,
however, for becoming spiritual, then it is self-evident
that when man fell he forfeited that capacity, and be¬
came, first, earthly, then psychical, and finally, devilish,
or devil-inspired, since from the nature of the case of the
Pneuma, it is no longer led of God, it is given over to
the inspiration of the wicked one, James iii. 15. Now,
like produces like, fallen man could only transmit to
his posterity the nature which he had. Being psychi¬
cal himself, and having not the spirit (Jude 19), how
could the child rise above the level of the parent, for
if we can speak of any tendency in human nature, it is
to degenerate, not to improve, when left to itself?
Thus from this point of view the difficulty is to see
how it could be otherwise. Original sin, or the trans¬
mission of evil ex traduce , so far from being a terrible
The Case Stated.
decree, or an inscrutable mystery, which led the ortho¬
dox in the sixth century* to think that celibacy was the
blessed state, as not continuing the propagation of evil,
is seen to be the fault and corruption of our nature.
It is a fault and corruption arising entirely from the
privation of the Pneuma, not from the transmission by
propagation of some peculiar and positive germ and
orinciple of evil. The crude and contradictory theo¬
ries of Traducianism and Creationism, between which
Augustine wavered so long, inclining only to the latter
doubtfully, and as a choice of difficulties, would never
have been heard of. The birth of a soul is a mystery,
and so is the birth of an insect. Till we can solve the
mystery of life in its lowest form, we need not contend
about the mode in which its higher forms come into
being. The simple truth with regard to all birth from
man to the worm is this, that although God has entered
into his Sabbath of creation (Heb. vi. 4), it is not a Sab¬
bath of inactivity, but of active care and Providence
(John v. 17), “My Father worketh hitherto, and I
work,” i.e.j on the Sabbath-day, and in the way that
God works during the Sabbath of creation.
Thus the question on which Creationists and Tra-
ducianists have disputed so long, disappears from the
point of view of the trichotomy. The question really
turned not on the physiological question whether the
soul is born, which none would deny who did not take
the Hindu theory of pre-existence, but on the question
of the transmission of evil. Thus the dispute about
* For illustrations see Milman’s History of Latin Christianity, particularly
the epithalamium of Gregory the Great on the marriage of a noble Roman
The Case Stated.
J 7
Creationism and Traducianism was really a dispute on
the nature of original or birth sin. It was a corollary
from the doctrine of original sin, that the soul was
transmitted with the body, and it is a proof of Augus¬
tine’s candour that although Traducianism told directly
in favour of his argument,'and notwithstanding that Pe-
lagius was a decided Creationist, yet he rejected the
Traducianist theory on account of its seeming to lead
to conclusions even more objectionable than Pelagian-
ism. We shall afterwards see that neither hypothesis
is necessary on that view of original sin which the dis¬
tinction between Pneuma and Psyche opens up to us.
It is not the least merit of this, the account of the tri¬
partite nature of man, that it allays those controversies
which the other theory only created.
Lastly, there is a practical use of a sound system of
Christian Psychology, which our preachers and apolo¬
gists would do well not to overlook. All evangelical
Christians turn to the 3d of St John as the proof pas¬
sage of the doctrine of the new birth. They maintain,
and rightly as we think, that such words as these are
not to be explained away into duly receiving any ex¬
ternal rite, however solemn. Experimental religion
is either a delusion all through, or there are some
of the baptized who are born again of the Spirit, and
others who are not. We are not here showing reasons
for believing the interpretation of the new birth com¬
monly held by Evangelical Christians to be the correct
one. We here accept these reasons as sufficient, and
express our hearty agreement with them. We believe
x8 The Case Stated .
that a change must pass over men before they can en¬
ter the kingdom of heaven—that which is born of the
flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit, is
But what the evangelical argument wants, is a psy¬
chological ground on which to rest this theological
truth. Evangelical divines rightly maintain that we
must be born again, but this does not meet Nicode-
mus’ difficulty. WLat is that part of our composite
nature which is born again or born from above?
Clearly not the body ; that view carries absurdity with
it; can a man enter his mother’s womb a second time
and be born ? Is it then the soul or Psyche ? But the
soul cannot be born a second time any more than the
body, hence they conclude that the second birth means
a new direction to the affections, desires, and tastes,
or a new will or power to turn to God. The new
birth is thus rather a renovation of the old, than the
birth of something new. The new man is nothing
but the old man renewed in the spirit of his mind.
That there is«a renewal of the old we do most readily
admit, but that this is equivalent to the new birth, and
not the effect of it, we never can allow. Regeneration
by itself is one thing, the effects of it is another. It is
very true, that it is not necessary to know the laws of
the wind, whence it cometh or whither it goeth, in
order to know its force, or to judge of it by its effects.
So the Lord does not give Nicodemus a psychological
account of the difference between psyche and pneuma,
which Nicodemus in all probability would not have
understood, but passes on to a description of the new
The Case Stated.
l 9
birth, instead of defining it by itself. It is the same
with the majority of our evangelical teachers, they
describe the results of the new birth correctly, and
well. Newton’s Cardiphonia, Romaine’s Letters,
Wesley, and Toplady’s Sermons are instances of this.
But what the logical differentia between a converted
and an unconverted man is, they fail to tell us. They
are like Meno in Plato’s dialogue, who when asked to
define what virtue is in itself, described instead a list
of particular virtues. It is then, at this point that a
correct, i.e., a Scriptural Psychology comes to help
out a correct, i.e. a Scriptural Theology. Our prea¬
chers, to use an illustration from physiology, seem to
understand the function of spiritual-mindedness, but
not to have discovered the organ which discharges that
function. Now, what should we think of a physiolo¬
gist who, after discovering a new function in the hu¬
man body, never took the trouble to describe its pro¬
per and peculiar organ. Function and organ are cor¬
relative terms in physiology ; they must be also in
psychology. It is consistent enough in those who
have no sense of a personal God, to deny a peculiar
organ of God-consciousness in man. Thus an Aris¬
totle summing up his account of the Psyche as the
entelechy, or sum total of human activity, is consistent
enough. He had no consciousness of a peculiar func¬
tion, and therefore may be excused for not suspecting
that there was any such organ as the Pneuma, in man.
It is our knowledge of the function that sets us on the
track to discover its peculiar organ; and here let us
remark, that it is the glory of the Scriptures to have
Ihe Case Stated.
revealed both to us. Had the mental analysis of
Aristotle pierced so deep as to the dividing asunder of
soul and spirit, had he then discovered the spirit lying
in embryo underneath the psyche, as Schwammerdamm
dissected the cocoon to find the butterfly, it would
have been a barren discovery. Knowing nothing of
the mind of God, what would such a discovery of an
organ of God-consciousness have led him on to ? He
might have fallen into a vein of mysticism like the later
Platonists, but the discovery would have been of as
little use as a telescope to a blind man, or a trumpet
to one born deaf.
On the other hand, had the Scriptures, which de¬
scribe the function of spiritual mindedness, not told us
also of its appropriate organ the Pneuma, we might have
been fairly puzzled. It is true that if we go to the
Old Testament to look for proof passages on the sub¬
ject we are disappointed. But we forget that the
knowledge of ourselves, and of the nature of God go
on proportionately together in the Scriptures. When
the function was but feebly exercised, the organ itself
was only slightly mentioned. There are rudimentary
organs, for instance, in the body of a child, which
come into use only when he attains manhood. So
with the Spirit. It is in proportion as men by attain¬
ing to spiritual manhood, and having their senses exer¬
cised by reason of use, to discern good and evil, that
they learn what is the organ which discharges that
function of spiritual mindedness. We see only half
the glory of God’s word if we suppose that the same
organ can discharge two different functions, serve i.e . 7
The Case Stated.
2 I
as the intellectual instrument or the unawakened psy¬
che, and also as the instrument of religious conscious¬
ness when the spirit is awakened and turned to God.
Conversion is a truth, but is only fully understood in
all its bearings when we see that it is the wakening up
of what was previously dormant, the divine part in
man now turned to its proper use to witness for Him,
to worship him in the beauty of holiness, (not the
holiness of beauty, as Laud misread the text), and to
delight in him at all times. It is one thing, for instance,
to know the functions of the hand, another thing to
describe the organ itself, as Sir C. Bell has done. For
all purposes of saving knowledge it is enough to ex¬
perience the spiritual mind as contrasted with the car¬
nal. But if knowledge is excellent at all, it is surely
desirable that those who, as spiritual anatomists, de¬
scribe the functions of the new nature should go on to
understand and observe the organ by itself. A smith
or a carpenter know very well what they can do with
their thumb and fore-finger, but a knowledge of the
anatomy of the hand greatly enlarges our conceptions
of the wisdom of the great Contriver, and enables us
to refer each of these many functions to its proper and
peculiar organ. Adaptation is seen in the fitting of
every instrument to its own work. Now we only
half admire the work of God in conversion if we do
not see the organ out of which the quickening Spirit,
the Lord and giver of life, draws such wonderful func-
- tions. It is not the psyche that prays, though we
cannot, it is true, pray without a certain discharge of
intellectual force, which is psychical only. Just in the
Ihe Case Stated.
same way it is not the brain that thinks, though we
cannot think without the healthy exercise of the brain.
In all God’s works, the bringing in of the higher form
of life does not suspend the action of the lower—the
lower still co-operates with it. Thus the body serves
the soul or psyche, and the soul the spirit. But as
we do not confound body and mind, so we must not
confound soul and spirit, as if they were all one, be¬
cause their union is essential to life. Like the woman
and the man, the one is not without the other “in the
These are some of the reasons for which we think
the application of Scripture Psychology to illustrate
Theology both practicable and profitable. If the dis¬
tinction of spirit, soul and body helps to set forth and
to simplify the doctrines of original sin, the new birth,
the intermediate state and the spiritual body we shall
not have pursued our inquiry in vain.
There are three postulates, the Being of a God, our
accountability to Him, and the immortality of the soul,
on the certainty of which every other doctrine of
religion is assumed to rest. These three postulates
extended and applied make up what is generally called
Natural Religion. It would be beside our purpose
here to dispute the justice of the term Natural Religion,
or to inquire how far, and to what extent since the fall
man can of himself turn to God, can fear and serve
Him here, and hope to see Him hereafter. We must
however, in limine protest against the so-called system
of natural religion. Though man may, by his unaided
reason, spell out one or even two of these truths singly,
yet he certainly cannot put them together, he certainly
cannot reach even that elementary stage of faith spoken
of in Heb. xi. 6, “For he that cometh to God must
believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them
that diligently seek Him.” Even though he may rise
above and reject the idols of the theatre and the tribe,
he certainly cannot break away from the idols of the
den: those false conceptions of God which we must
form to ourselves in our own fallen and corrupt hearts.
The philosopher may have purified his mind from the
corrupting conceptions of the popular idolatry, but
24 Biblical Psychology.
u unless above himself he can exalt himself,” an attempt .
which carries a contradiction on its very face, he must
still fashion a God to himself after his likeness and after
his image. There must be moral likeness between
the worshipper and the Being worshipped. Man’s
powers of abstraction are very great, but he is wholly
unable to choose all the good and refuse all the evil in
his own heart, to draw out the precious from the vile,
and rejecting all baser metal, cast the pure gold only
into the furnace, that thereout may come a God worthy
to be loved with all our mind and heart, and soul, and
strength. To test how far man’s powers of abstraction
go in this direction, we must transport ourselves outside
the pale of Christendom altogether; we must not take
account of what so-called Theists have taught, who
have borrowed without acknowledgment the light of the
knowledge of God revealed in the Old and New Testa¬
ment Scripture. It is from the philosophers of Greece,
Rome, and China, the only teachers of whose wisdom
we have any authentic account, that we shall learn how
far man’s unassisted powers can attain to the knowledge
of God. The result of a careful comparison appears
to be this, that the wiser heathen could see the folly
of the popular religion, and there stood still, rejecting
superstition, but having nothing to put in its stead.
Or if they advanced beyond this they draw out their
conceptions of the divine so far as to personify a Great
Intelligence, who was either the soul of the world, or
the great over-soul, according as their views leaned to
Pantheism or not. Thus they either contentedly
adopted Atheism, or worshipped an abstraction, an
idol of the den, called the Supreme Mind.
and Philosophic Views of the Soul. 25
Thus, as the first postulate of Natural Religion, the
Being of God, was never distinctly understood, it is
not likely that the second or third were so apprehended
that men could put the three together and act upon
them. As the knowledge of God never rose beyond
an abstraction formed out of a single attribute, so the
sense of duty to Him was vague and indefinite, and
vaguest of all, the sense of a hereafter, in which he
should live unto Him. It is on this point that we wish
to inquire what the heathen really thought, and how
far the popular view of the evidence from natural
religion of the immortality of the soul is supported by
The traditions of all nations agree in this, that the
expectations of man are not bounded by the grave. It
would be almost superfluous to quote authorities on
such a well-worn subject. The Sheol of the Hebrews,
the Amenthes of the Egyptians, the Hades, Erebus,
and Tartarus of the Greeks, the Patala of the Hindus,
the Dowzank of the Persians, all point to the same
truth, that man does not wholly die. Not to speak
of such word-quibbles as the immortality of the race,
which is only what man has in common with all organic
life, the immortality of the individual was the point of
conjecture which they wrestled with, like Jacob with
the angel till the breaking of the day, unwilling to let
it go, yet unable to wring from it a definite meaning.
They sat before the grave, like the women who
watched at the holy sepulchre, unable to roll away the
stone, for it was very great, yet unwilling to think that
behind the stone lay only dust and corruption. Christ,
Biblical Psychology
it is true, has brought life and immortality to light by
the gospel, but there were watchers before the dawn,
those who wished for the world’s Easter-day before
the day had fully come. Now men cannot look for a
thing without forming some conception as to how it
is to be brought about. Hope will have its forecasts,
though they often prove fallacious. But as even a
mistaken hope is better than none at all, we must think
with respect even of the Indian’s dream of heaven in
some happy hunting ground, or the Egyptian hope of
the resurrection of mummies, after a general conflagra¬
tion at the end of a great cycle.
In early and simple times, before the distinction be¬
tween matter and spirit had been sharply marked off,
the notion was that the ghost of the man, his spirit or
glassy essence, survived the death of the body, or the
animal part. But the nature of soul and body was not
contrasted as in later times. Just as the latest con¬
jecture of advanced thinkers in Germany is to a theory
of their unity, so the starting point of all speculation
appears to have been this. So true is it that speculation
runs the great circle round, only, like the ancient mar¬
iner of Coleridge, to see the kirk upon the hill from
which he set out.*
* See the Psychological theory of Fichte, the younger, translated and
edited by Mr Morrell, under the title of “Contributions to Mental Philo¬
sophy, by Immanuel Hermann Fichte,” London, Longmans, i860. Klenke
has also built up a theory of correspondence between mind and body, on what
may be called a system of organic psychology. Bacon seems to have thrown
out a hint in that direction, when he says in the De Aug. “ that unto all this
knowledge of concordance between the mind and the body, that part of the
inquiry is the most necessary which considereth of the seats and domiciles which
the several faculties do take and occupy.”
and Philosophic Views of the Soul. 27
In Homer, the soul goes to Hades whether the
body is cast to the dogs or honourably interred. So
far there is separation between the two; but the non¬
mortal part is only a shadow of the mortal. Life in
the shades is only a cold and colourless copy of the
•picture of life upon earth. Ghosts are little else than
bloodless bodies : their time is spent in useless reveries
upon the past. “ The blessed ” is a phrase which we
are so accustomed to apply to the dead, that it is well
to remember that the thought of death being a state of
blessedness was one which a heathen could not con¬
ceive. Even Achilles in the Elysian Fields declares
that the life of the meanest drudge on earth is prefer¬
able to the very highest of the unsubstantial rewards
of the under world.
The late Archbishop Whately has, we think, gone
too far in inferring, that because the conceptions of the
heathen of the soul’s separate existence were thus
vague and unsubstantial, that therefore they had little
or no belief in the doctrine at all.* We think this is
inferring too much. They knew nothing of the modus
by which the soul could exist separate from the body,
and therefore used vague and contradictory language
on the subject. Just as a modern divine might speak
of angels as incorporeal substances, and then inconsis¬
tently speak of a dead child as laid upon the lap of an
angel. It would not be fair to infer from this that he
did not believe in the existence of angels, but only that
Novalis says, “that we touch heaven when we lay our hand on a human
body.” Alas, sometimes the converse is nearer the mark. Sometimes our
bodies are the temples of the Holy Ghost, but more often the house where the
unclean spirit enters in to dwell there.
* Whately’s Essays on Peculiarities of Christian Religion, Essay I.
Biblical Psychology
his notions of their nature were obscure, and that from
the poverty of language he was obliged to use expres¬
sions which we know to be inapplicable. In the same
way we ought to infer, not that the heathen assigned
to the souls of the deceased a kind of shadowy exist¬
ence corresponding to their own indistinct conceptions
—a sort of intermediate condition between being and
not being, resembling our recollections of a dream or a
fancy, an intermediate state between the vivid impres¬
sion produced by a real present object and no impres¬
sion at all. We should rather say, that they held, as
we do, the soul to be the man, the centre of person¬
ality, but that they were at a greater loss even than
we are to conceive of the man acting and thinking
■ without the proper organs of thought and action—
brain, blood, pulse, and nerve. We are no better off
in this respect than they are, as every reader of Bishop
Butler’s first chapter of the Analogy knows already—
and they are no worse off than we. When a Chris¬
tian poet, such as Dante or Milton, has to describe
the under world and its inhabitants, he has only the
tongues of men with which to describe the operations
of angels. He may excel, as Milton does, in idealising
the subject, or come short in this, as Dante, but what
he gains in one direction he loses in another. Mil¬
ton’s under world is less fabulous than that of Dante,
but it is not near so vivid. What Milton imagined
Dante imaged forth — the first was a cartoon, but
the other a statue hewed from the living stone.
We should say then that in the age of Homer the
existence of the soul after death was believed in as
and Philosophic Views of the Soul. 29
firmly as in later times; but as language had not at-
attained the same philosophical precision, the mode of
its existence was spoken of under certain corporeal
emblems which gave a confused impression as to its
existence at all. The picture was blurred and the
light crossed; but as far as it went it was a true ex¬
pression of one of our deepest convictions, that man
does not wholly die when the body dies. Those who
infer, as Archbishop Whately does, that the obscurity
of the notions of the heathen with regard to the life
hereafter implies their unbelief of the fact itself, forget
the distinction between faith and knowledge. Know¬
ledge is of things we see. The conviction even
of an apostle in the truth of a life to come must stop
short of positive knowledge. There is a “great gulf
fixed ” for us as well as for them; so that we too, as
well as the heathen, must walk by faith, and not by
sight. Our faith, it is true, is grounded on a fact—
the resurrection of Christ from the dead; consequently
it is a good hope which maketh not ashamed. Never¬
theless, it is faith, not certainty; hope, not sight; for
what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for ?
Existence after death is the postulate, then, of
natural religion, which has never been quite effaced
from the mind of man, notwithstanding his fall and
lapse into idolatry. This is that innate truth, as some
would call it—the spiritual instinct, as we prefer to
describe it—which has never been killed, but which
gropes for its end as bees do to build cells and make
honey, whatever the obstacles we may put in their
way. All theories among the heathen as to the nature
30 Biblical Psychology
of the life to come fall under two divisions, according
as they date before or after the rise of philosophy.
Before the age of speculation men believed in a future
life, but described it under the fables of the poets.
They described the soul, as we have seen before, as a
kind of bloodless body, a ghost that flitted bat-like
through the shades of sunny memories, and lived on
the Elysian fields as old pensioners do with us, shoulder¬
ing their crutches, and showing how fields were won.
But with the age of speculation the belief in a future
state was moulded by the distinction which now ob¬
tained between mind and matter. Man’s nature was
made up of two parts—one animal, the other spiritual;
one obeying instinct, and the other reason; one
earthly, and the other God like; one mortal, and the
other immortal. The immortality of the soul was
accepted as an axiom as undeniable as the mortality of
the body. Either man perishes altogether with the
brutes that perish (for the Buddhist theory of trans¬
migrations or incarnations never really took hold of
the western mind), or he lives beyond the grave in
that part of his nature which is inherently immortal.
Speculation had no sooner forged this distinction be¬
tween mind and matter than the whole theory of the
immortality of the soul was hammered out at once
and on the same anvil. Modern metaphysicians have
added nothing to the argument for the immortality of
the soul. As a principle of unity it was indiscerptible
and indestructible ; as a principle of motion, it was in¬
capable of rest; as a vital principle, it was incapable
of annihilation; as a self-conscious principle, it was
and Philosophic Views of the Soul. 31
incapable of oblivion. Descartes, Addison, Mendels¬
sohn, and Bishop Butler have dressed up these a
priori proofs in their own words, but they are already
as well expressed in the Phcedo of Plato. It is singu¬
lar that a theory which has received such universal
assent has been so little improved by the ages of
speculation which have turned it over and over. In
the pages of a popular manual like Dick’s u philosophy
of the future state ” it comes out substantially the
same argument as when hammered for the first time
on the anvil of the Socratic dialogue. Kant was cer¬
tainly not the first to point out the fallacy of the
popular Platonic argument; but since Kant’s cele¬
brated Critique it is now admitted by all who think on
the subject that between the belief of the non-mor¬
tality of the soul and the philosophical proof of its im¬
mortality there is a wide gulf which the a priori argu¬
ments of the Phmdo fail to bridge over. Augustine’s
distinction between the holiness of the creature and
the Creator may be applied to these arguments for our
immortality. Of the creature it is true that it may
attain to the state posse non peccare , and so posse non
mori; but to God alone does it inherently belong both
non posse peccare and non posse mori. The God that
cannot lie is the God that cannot die; for all others,
from the angel of the presence down to the babe
born to-day, God is their life, and God is their
light. He alone is the fountain of life as well as of
Thus, as the instinct or moral sense of existence
after death took one shape when handled by the poets,
2 2 Biblical Psychology.
so it took another from the philosophers. Supersti¬
tion encrusted it with fables, and speculation set it up
on the treacherous foundations of certain a priori prin¬
ciples The modern world has outgrown these super¬
stitious fables. With the exception of those who cling
to the old pagan notion of purgatory, in which Virgil,
not Paul, is fitly chosen as Dante’s guide, our age be¬
lieves in a life to come on different grounds from those
on which the ancients supposed that the hollow parts of
the earth were full of the ghosts of men, as the graves
were of their bodies. But the religious and spiritual
instinct has not discharged itself of the speculative ele¬
ment in the.same way that it has of the supeistitious.
To this day the majority of divines, consciously or not,
underprop their argument for existence after death
(the instinct of which we admit) by a scholastic argu¬
ment of the soul’s immortality. The first chapter of
Bishop Butler’s great work might be cut out as we
conceive, leaving the rest of the Analogy only stronger
for the rejection of this its weakest point. Yet to this
day divines commend this attempt to lay the founda¬
tions of revealed religion deep in the solid rock of first
truths and self-evident principles. “ For,” they say,
u ^ t h e foundations be removed, what shall the right¬
eous do ?” If men doubt the immortality of the soul,
there is nothing before us but materialism, nihilism, or
what not. So divines reason, forgetting that the
dilemma is of their own making. They have made
natural religion the base of revealed, and the super¬
structure must stand or fall with its foundations. But
the fault is not in the Bible, but in its advocates.
and Philosophic Views of the Soul. 33
They have assumed two philosophical antinomies,
spiritualism and materialism, and challenged every be¬
liever in the Bible to take his side for the one and
against the other. Undoubtedly, as St. Paul before
the council took sides with the Pharisees against the
Sadducees, the Scripture doctrine of the life to come
is nearer to the spiritualist than to the materialist side
of the controversy. But, properly speaking, the Bi¬
ble sides with neither, but takes a line of its own, in
which existence after death depends not on our pos¬
sessing any inherently immortal principle, but on God
being a living God, and on the truth that all who live
(as God said of Abraham to Moses in the bush, four
hundred years after his body had seen corruption),
live unto God. Our blessed Lord, in refuting the
Sadducees, would have used the common argument of
Plato and Butler if He had countenanced its truth. It
was readier and more obvious to common apprehension
than the other, grounded on a verbal criticism of the
expression “I am ” in the Book of Exodus. But he
passed it by as inconclusive, as either proving too much
or nothing at all, and took his stand on the ground
which is everywhere appealed too in the Bible, that
God is life, and the promise, As I live, ye shall live
The doctrine of the immortality of the soul grows,
as we have seen, out of the instinct of its non-mortality.
The latter statement by no means sustains the weight
of the former. It is one thing to deny materialism, ano¬
ther thing to affirm spiritualism fit is one thing to stand
34 Biblical Psychology ,
on the instinct non omnis moriar , another thing to say, that
the part which does not die possesses a principle of unity,
life, and consciousness, and is thus inherently immortal
In the case of Plato such an argument was not only
allowable, it was virtuous and praiseworthy. Reason¬
ing in the night of nature, being, as other Gentiles
without God and without hope^ it was noble to choose
the better part; to say of man, “He thinks he was
not born to die.” It was heroic to look death in the
face and say, “Oh, death, thou art but a birth, the
second birth of the immortal soul.” Plato knew not,
as we do, that death is the wages of sin. Dissolution
must either be a law or a penalty ; and those who saw
the law of dissolution obtaining everywhere else, could
not help conceiving of it as a law in the case of man.
“ Omnia mors poscit, lex est, non poena perire.
But we are taught differently. We know that death
is a penalty, and not a law, in the case of man, and
therefore the arguments which Plato used to prove the
natural immortality of the soul cannot be used by us,
who view death and life in a different light. We
have no right, moreover, to take just so much of Pla¬
to’s argument as suits our purpose, and reject the rest.
We cannot say that it is a self-evident truth that there
is a deathless principle in man, but that we learn from
the Bible that this deathless principle is separated from
the body as the wages of sin. This is the “ one foot
on land one foot on sea” kind of argument which is
popularised in tracts, sermons, and bodies of divinity
too numerous to mention. It is this amalgam of Plato
and Paul which passes for Christian spiritualism, and
and Philosophic Views of the Soul. 35
is the received and so-called orthodox psychology of
the age. Before we can lay the foundations of a
true scriptural psychology, this pretended spiritualism
must be cleared away. The confusion in the popular
mind between the instinct for a future life grounded
on the great spiritual truth that “it is appointed unto
men once to die, and after death the judgment,” and
the argument for the soul one and indivisible, must be
cleared up. The only first truths or axioms we recog¬
nise are these, that there is a God, that there is a
judgment to come, and that the need of this judgment
to come is a moral instinct as real and deep as the
need of righteousness, temperance, or any other in¬
stinct of our moral nature.
We are not, then, to look for the foundations of a
sound and Scriptural system of psychology in the dog¬
ma of the soul’s natural immortality as taught in the
schools of philosophy. Superstition and speculation
have both, out of the instinct of a future life, constructed
a theory of their own, in which all that is true is the
voice of conscience commending the truth that it is
appointed unto man once to die, and after death
the judgment. We find no more support for Chris¬
tian psychology in the reasonings of the philosopher
than in the fancies of the poet. Not knowing
that the sting of death is sin, how could Plato under¬
stand either the true significance of death, or wherein
eternal life really consists ? Yet the Platonic theory
of the immortality of the soul is regarded as a founda¬
tion truth essential to Christianity itself by those who
would reject with horror the Platonic theory of pre-
^6 Biblical Psychology ,
existence, or the Platonic dogma of the inherent evil
of matter, out of which most of the errors of the Alex¬
andrian school arise. As with the idea of God the
philosopher only exchanged the idols of the theatre for
the idols of the cave, and rejecting Polytheism fell into
Pantheism; so with regard to the soul, in rejecting
the materialism of earlier times, he fell into a spiritual¬
ism quite as wide of the mark. In Homer’s age, the
ghost of a man was the breath which went out of his
body, and so was little more than a mateiial emana¬
tion from the same. But philosophy in later times
went into the other extreme,—the soul was the man,
the body was only the house of clay that contained it.
The metaphor from a house to its inhabitants, or a
ship to its crew, or a pitcher to the water in it, were
marked out with such detail by the Neo-Platomsts m
particular, that by some it was taught to be a misfor¬
tune that man had a body at all. The fall consisted in
being clothed upon with flesh. Redemption was no¬
thing else than the shaking off this mortal coil. So
far were these spiritualist notions carried, that the eai ly
Church looked upon Platonism, not as a useful ally,
but as a dreaded rival, the fountain-head of all the
Gnostic heresies which arose to vex the Church. The
natural immortality of the soul, so far from being ac¬
cepted as an outwork to Scripture truth, was opposed
as a rival theory to the Christian doctrine of the re¬
surrection of the body. In Augustine’s time the re¬
conciliation between the two began to appear. But
the writers of the first four centuries, with hardly an
exception, regard the two theories as antagonist, and
and Philosophic Views of the Soul. 37
sought not to reconcile, but to replace the Platonic
doctrine of the soul’s natural immortality with the
Christian doctrine of the resurrection of the body.
But with change of times there came a change of
opinions. The prevalent tendency of modern error,
at least until our own day, was towards a blank and
dreary materialism. Hence it was that Christian ad¬
vocates were glad to furbish up weapons that had
once been used against themselves. The immortality
of the soul was the strong point of spiritualism which
the Church now thought she could turn in her
favour. We see this alliance between spiritualism
and Christianity consummated and carried to its highest
point in Bishop Butler, not only in his theory of the
supremacy of conscience, but especially in his argu¬
ment for the existence of an indestructible principle in
man. We see what services spiritualism could render
to the cause of truth. Let us not be ungenerous, or
deny that in routing materialism out of the field, we
are thankful for help from the opposite quarter. But
all such alliances are dangerous, and the price which
the Christian advocate has to pay is to find himself
held responsible for a philosophy in addition to his
creed. He is not as free as before to go direct to the
lively oracles, and seek truth at first hand, from the
fountain-head. He must search the Scriptures for
proof texts, rather than bring his mind to read text
and context together. These are some of the many
evils which alliances of this kind bring with them.
What tradition is to the Church of Rome, that natural
religion is to many of our reformed divines, a top load
Biblical Psychology .
enough to sink itself and Scripture. Christian Psy¬
chology will never deserve its name until it cuts itself
off from entangling alliances with the schools, as
Christian ethics have done. As Wardlaw and Chal¬
mers cleared up the confusion between natural virtue
and Christian holiness, as if they were only different
names for the same thing, so we wish to point out
that the Psychology of the Bible is something distinct
from that of the schools, and that whatever points it
may have in common with spiritualism, it has points in
common no less with materialism, and is itself, when
rightly understood, a third theory of human nature
distinct from both, and with as little real affinity with
the one as with the other.
It has been often remarked that Scripture does not
teach us either the nature of God or of ourselves, as
books of systematic divinity do. As its teaching on
other truths is at u sundry times and divers manners,”
so with regard to this truth. It is for the divine to
collect these intimations, and put them together into
some system or other. According as he does this
faithfully or not does he acquit himself of the task
which he has taken in hand.
We have only another caution to make before en¬
tering on our task: it is that revelation being a pro¬
gressive manifestation of the truth of God, the dis¬
covery of man’s nature must be also progressive.
Further, if there be some correspondence between the
trichotomy of man’s nature, spirit, soul, and body, and
the Persons of the Triune Jehovah, it is only what we
might expect, that the same air of enigma that hangs
over the one should also hang over the other. Till
the Spirit was given we are not to expect the nature
of man’s spirit to be more than alluded to. As the
distinct personality of the Holy Spirit is implied but
not expressed in the Old Testament, so the distinction
40 The Creation of Man.
between the Psyche and Pneuma is latent there also.
We should feel it to be a difficulty if the tripartite
nature of man were described as such in those books
of the Bible which only contain implied hints of the
plurality of persons in the Godhead. All we shall see
of the subject will confirm this view of the harmonious
way in which doctrines and duties, the nature of God
and the nature of man, are unfolded together.
Consistent with the foregoing remark the account
of the creation of man (Gen. ii. 7) rather implies than
asserts the trichotomy of spirit, soul, and body. It is
by the light of later Scriptures that we see that the
breath of lives there refers not to the animal and
psychical part only, but to a pneumatical as well.
Passing over the account of man in Gen. i. 26, which
rather describes what man was intended to be, than
what he actually is, his office more than his nature,
his place in the cosmos than the elements out of which
he was formed, we turn to the second of the two
narratives. We would further premise that the second
in order is the first in human interest. Chapter i. re¬
fers indeed rather to man’s dignity as the headstone of
the temple of Creation—chapter ii. to the nature of
man, and the mode of his creation. Chapter i. is
theological, chapter ii. anthropological,—for the psy¬
chology of man we must address ourselves therefore
to the second of the two accounts of his formation.
We read Gen. ii. 7. “ And the Lord God formed
man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his
nostrils the breath of lives, and man became a living
soul.” The narrative here points out two distinct
Ihe Creation of Man. 41
sources from whence man was taken. 1. Of the dust
of the ground, fashioned by the hand of God, as the
potter fashions the clay (W). 2. Of the breath of
lives breathed into his nostrils by the creative spiiit of
God. Three points here arrest our attention, and
suggest the true key to the threefold nature of man.
A. The material cause. The Lord God took of
the dust of the ground.
B. The formal cause. He breathed into his nostrils
the breath of lives.
C. The final cause. And so man became a living
A. As to the material cause there can be little dis¬
pute. Man is made of the dust of the ground—this is the
base or ultimate elements of his animal nature. Hence
in all probability the name given to man, Adam from
Adamah, to indicate that the first man was of the earth
earthy. The other derivations of 1. On ac¬
count of the red colour of his skin, (comp. Joseph.
Antiq. i. 1,5), in the same way as the Chinese represent
man as kneaded of yellow earth, and the red Indians
of red clay; and 2. Adam as if for tn equivalent to
with a reference to his being made in the image of
God ; or 3. for D*i blood, are all fanciful and far-fetched.
The inspired historian has pledged us to one deri¬
vation, and to that we must adhere. Adam is IP
nnnsn" dust of the earth. Hence the penalty of death
is this, that dust he is, and unto dust he must return.
He had chosen to indulge the animal part of his nature,
to hearken to the voice of his wife, and through her to
follow instinct and not reason, hence he is condemned
The Creation of Man.
to share the fate of the animal. Dust he is, and unto
dust he must return. Dissolution is the law of all
organic being. We have no reason to suppose the
animal world before the fall to have been any excep-
tion to this law. The exception only began with
man. He would have been translated had he con¬
tinued sinless. He would not have seen death, but
have been changed in a moment, in the twinkling of
an eye, even as Eve was taken from his side during
the deep sleep into which he was cast by God. He
would have passed away in a trance, in which there
would have been neither pain nor penalty; mortality
would have been swallowed up of life, and the cor¬
ruptible would have put on incorruption. But with
his transgression Adam had to take the physical as
well as the spiritual consequences of sin. His animal
nature was degraded to the condition of the rest of the
animal world, and from the day that he ate of the
forbidden fruit, dying, he began to die, until he re¬
turned to the earth out of which he was first taken.
So much for the first or material part of man.
B. Next we read of the formal and efficient cause
of man. The Lord God breathed into his nostrils
the breath of lives. We speak of the formal and
efficient cause in one, not because we wish to con¬
found the agent with the instrument, but because
the instrument is in this case of the same nature as
the agent. The Lord God is the efficient cause—
doubtless the Holy Spirit, the Lord and giver of
life. But the instrument He uses is the breath of
lives. It is clear that the breath is here of the same
The Creation of Man.
nature as the Being who breathes it. Holy Scrip¬
ture is everywhere careful not to confound creation
with emanation. Unlike all other cosmogonies, in
the Mosaic the heavens and the earth are made by the
word of the Lord. He spake and they were made ;
He commanded, and they stood fast. When we speak
of creation out of nothing, we use a verbal contradic¬
tion to express a mystery which is only to be under¬
stood by faith. It is better expressed in the words of
the apostle (Heb. xi. 3) that “ the things which are
seen, are not made of the things which do appear.
So when we read of the formation of the animal part
of man, no expression is used which would counte¬
nance the thought of any community of nature be¬
tween the creature and the Creator. But when we
are told of that part of man’s nature in which he is
the image and likeness of God, as there is a higher
nature communicated, so it is conveyed in a different
way. The spirit of man is not a mere act of crea¬
tion, but rather an act of pro-creation. “ For we are
also his offspring.” It is not as in the Chaldean myth
that a drop of the Divine blood is mixed with clay of
the ground, but the breath of God breathes into man
that rational and moral nature which makes us in a sense
partakers of the very nature of God himself. The plural
form, “ breath of lives,” may or may not, refer to the
twofold division into the intellectual and active powers,
or the natural and moral as generally adopted by
psychologists. Some consider it only the pluralis
dignitatis , as the tree of life is also called the etz chayim ,
and there are several instances in which the plural
44 The Creation of Man.
form is used where we should use the singular. Or
the plural form may refer to the truth that the spi¬
ritual life which was breathed into man’s nostrils was
a life which he had in common with God, and which is
the life of God in the soul. The spirit of man is the
candle of the Lord. Bishop Sanderson* explains con-
scientia as the knowledge of good and evil which we
have in common with God. In this sense the breath
of lives may be used in the plural to convey the deep
truth that the spirit’s life never can be solitary. While
with regard to all other created spirits we can lead
a self-contained life, we cannot live out of God’s pre¬
sence. He is ever present to the spirit, even as the
world of nature lives in Him. He is the Father of
spirits, and more than this, our spirits, individual
though they be, and immortal as they may become,
live unto Him. In a much deeper and more intimate
sense than in the case of our animal life, He is the
spring and support of all spiritual life. Our spirits
live, and move, and have their being in Him: our
bodies rather live and move through Him. To our
spirits He is eternally present. As the Psalmist says,
we cannot flee from His presence, even if we take the
wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost parts
of the earth. But more than this, if we go into the
depths of our own self-consciousness, if we say, perad-
venture there the darkness shall cover me, still we
shall find that the darkness is no darkness to Him.
He sees us from within, not from without, as others
do. Man looks upon the outward appearance, and
* See “ Sanderson de Obligatione Conscientiae,” Whewell’s edit.
The Creation of Man.
judges of the thoughts by the words and actions.
Nor is he always unjust in this kind of judgment.
But God sees from within. He tries the reins, and
understands our thoughts long ago. He foresees, as
we cannot, what our conduct will be, for he sees the
germ of murder in hatred, or of adultery in a lasci¬
vious eye. Thus the life of our spirit is a double life
in a sense which would abundantly justify the plural
We pass by as frivolous the explanation that the
breath of lives refers to the fact, that as man has
two nostrils, it was a divided or a double breath. It
is nothing to the point through which of the organs
of sense the first inspiring breath of God passed.
The nostrils are referred to as the organs through
which we draw in natural breath, and therefore in
man “ a being breathing thoughtful breath,” the
breath of God’s Spirit, which is the higher life of man,
passed in at the same channel, and doubtless at the
same moment, as the natural breath. Had God made
man with an animal life only, there would have been
some Divine afflatus, doubtless, to animate the clay,
for even of the lower world, it is said, “Thou takest
away their breath, and they die.” But since man,
though veiled in flesh, was made a spiritual being, a
higher or spiritual life was conveyed at the same
time as the lower and through the same channel, the
nostrils ; but lest we should ever confound the two
together, it is said that “ the Lord God breathed into
man’s nostrils.” We gather from this expression of
dignity that the creation of his spirit was not some
4 6
The Creation of Man ♦
new transformation of matter, as when the earth
brought forth abundantly cattle and creeping things,
but was an emanation direct from God Himself.
C. And man became a living soul. This is the
third and final cause of man’s nature. God having
given him an animal life out of the dust of the ground,
and a spiritual life by emanation from Himself, the
soul, or tertium quid of body and spirit, is next re¬
ferred to. “ So man became a living soul.”* He
awoke, as Moses was said to have died on Pisgah,
beneath the kiss of God. The general expression,
Nephesh Chayah , a living soul, which is applied to the
animal creation as well as to man, well expresses the
nature of man’s soul at present, midway between
matter and spirit—a little lower than the angels, a
little higher than the brute. The popular view of
this expression, man became a living soul, is clearly
incorrect. It is an instance of the loose and unsatis¬
factory views of psychology for which our popular
commentators are mainly responsible. So far from
the expression Nephesh Chayah indicating any differ¬
ence between man and the brutes, it would rather,
taken by itself, suggest a community of nature. Of
the lower creation spoken of in chap, i., it is said that
they became living souls, and the Hebrew Nephesh,
instead of suggesting any idea of immateriality, much
* Kai i'ytveTo 6 (LvOpuriros els \f/vxv v pwcrai'— So the LXX. and so St Paul
i Cor. xv. 45. The force of eis is local. The LXX. rightly rendering the
Heb. by eis, which implies that the soul is the meeting point of two
opposite natures, the flesh and the spirit. Here also remark the contrast be¬
tween the first and seeond Adam—the soul is the terminus ad quern in the
one case, the spirit in the other.
The Creation of Man.
less immortality, is the general expression used for all
animal life. It is used indifferently of man and beast,
each after its kind. The one after death going up¬
ward, and the other downward; but taken by itself
Nephesh is perfectly general; it is the anima , not the
animus of the Latins, the individual, as contrasted
with the species, whether that individual possess a
reasonable soul, or a soul capable of instinct only.*
It is in this indeterminateness of the expression,
a living soul, that we see the accuracy of Bible Psy¬
chology, and get a clue for all our after inquiries.
The soul, which we may here provisionally describe
as the ego, or the nexus between matter and mind—
is the meeting point between the higher and the
lower natures in man. It is referred to in Gen. ii. 7,
in such terms that we cannot fail to see that an exact
system of psychology is here alluded to. Whatever
allowance may be made for the loose and popular ex¬
pressions of the Bible with regard to astronomy and
the positive sciences generally, we neither expect nor
desire such indulgence to be extended to its use of
psychological terms. For the Bible does profess to
teach us, if not the details, at least the main outlines
of a true psychology. It lays down for our instruc¬
tion the two natures of man—the animal and the
spiritual, and then describes Nephesh as the union
* Individual and person are very often loosely used as synonyms, whereas
individual is opposed to species, person to nature. Each animal per se is an
ens individuum, and has an identity as such—but it has not personality. Man
alone is ‘‘person and nature,” as the Germans say—person as to his higher
nature as to his lower or animal life. Inattention to this distinction lies at
the root of the old controversy as to the nature of man between the spiritual¬
ists and the sensualists.
^3 ^he Creation of Man.
point between the two. Man became a living soul,
in the sense that his Nephesh or self is the meeting
point, or tertium quid of these two natures, body and
Thus the narrative in Genesis stands out distinct
and contrasted, as well from spiritualist as from ma¬
terialist theories of human nature. Considering the
temptation that there is to adopt one of the two con¬
flicting psychological theories, and to take sides either
with the idealists or the sensualists, it deserves to
rank with other proofs of the inspiration of Scripture,
that it should have described the constitution of man
in a way which all our later investigations tend to
confirm the truth of. We may amplify and illustrate
the psychology of Gen. 11. 7, but here is substantially,
and in the fewest possible words, all that we know of
the sources of man’s nature and their union-point, the
soul. To write the history of the soul would be to
write a history of philosophy. For this word is the
standard around which the battle has raged from the
dawn of speculation down to our day. From Con¬
fucius to Comte, and from the Elean school of Zeno
to Hegel, the controversy has been waged, and is no
nearer a settlement, as far as physicians and metaphy¬
sicians are concerned, in our day, than when it first
broke out. But those who have no wish to take a
side, and who only search for truth, no matter where
it comes from, are drawing nearer every day to the
settlement which Moses pointed out centuries before
the schools began to dispute. They see that in the soul
of man the animal and the spirit meet and combine in
The Creation of Man.
a union so intimate, that after their union their sepa¬
rate existence may be said to be destroyed. Just as
oxygen and hydrogen gas, when uniting in certain
fixed proportions, lose all the properties of gas and
become water, a substance which seems to have little
or nothing in common with its two constituent ele¬
ments, so the animal and the spirit, combined in cer¬
tain proportions, as definite as those of oxygen and
hydrogen, though not as easily described by numerical
ratios, produce a third, and apparently distinct nature,
which we call the soul.*
* Goschel sets out, in his short and most suggestive treatise on Psychology, by
setting forth this unity of two natures in one person—body and spirit merging
in the personal soul, as the true idea of man. It is sin, therefore, which in
this sense has created the dualism in human nature by which we speak of the
flesh and the spirit as contrary the one to the other. This view is undeniably
true.—See Goschel zur Lehr von dem Menschen.
the relation of body to soul in
The relation between body and soul, and spirit, is
implied rather than asserted in Scripture. We are
not told in the language of the schools that reason is the
governing principle, and sense the subject, 01 that the
will as the middle point between the two is bound, to
follow reason, and to resist the motions of appetite.
The scholastic method is not the scriptural, but the
two are not therefore opposed. It is possible to draw
out a right theory of the relation of the animal to the
spiritual and rational nature in man, from the teaching
of Scripture, and to throw it into a scheme like that
of Aristotle, if desirable.
The first point to be ascertained is the connection
which Scripture points out between soul and body.
What light does the physiology of the Bible throw
upon its psychology. We set out with disclaiming to
find any intimation of a knowledge of the truths of
modern physiology in the Bible. It is not necessary
to suppose that Moses or Solomon were inspired to
anticipate the discoveries of Hervey and Bell, any more
than of Newton or Lyell. The three great discoveries
which have rewarded modern anatomy, are the circula¬
tion of the blood, the brain as the organ of thought,
The Relation of Soul to Body , etc . 51
and the nervous system as the organ of feeling and
motion. There is no trace of these to be found in
the Hebrew Scriptures, as there is certainly none in
the writings of Aristotle, or of any physiologist of his
school. The truth so obvious to us, that the brain is
the centre of sentient and rational life, was not even
suspected until the age of the Ptolemies.* Plato, it is
true, has a conjecture in the right direction, but it was
only a lucky guess, and does not deserve to be accre¬
dited as a fact of discovery. He considers that God
and matter are the archetypes, and that the first form
which matter assumes is triangular. Out of these
triangles are composed four elements, and from these
four elements, with an addition of a quintessence, the
soul, man is formed. He considers the spinal marrow
to be the part first formed, that the marrow then covers
itself with bones, and these bones with flesh. The
soul he lodges in the brain, which he calls the con¬
tinuation of the spinal marrow, and the ligaments by
which the latter is held in its place, he looks on as the
bonds connecting mind with matter. But this theory
of the brain as the seat of the soul was only a guess
unsupported by a single experiment, and so physiolo¬
gists return to the old opinion that the heart was the
centre of life, that the nerves conducted to it, and that
by the heart we felt, perceived, and reasoned. Aris-
* In this he was preceded by Pythagoras, who was the first who isolated
the vovs in the brain. Alcmazon, his pupil, considered the brain as the organ
as well of perception as of thought. In like manner the younger Hippocratic
school and most of the Alexandrian physicians. It is somewhat remarkable
that the book of Daniel (v. ii., 28 iv., 2, 7, 10, vii , 1, 15) considers the head
as the seat of visions. Delitzsch rightly notices that in this book is the only
trace of the reference of spiritual-psychical events to the head.
^2 yhe Relation of
totle clung to the opinion that the brain is a mere
excrescence of the spinal marrow, adapted by its usual
coldness and moisture to allay the fire at the heart,
and it was not until the Alexandrian physicians,
Erasistratus and Herophilus, by dissecting the bodies
of criminals given for examination in the medical
schools, overturned the old opinion that the heart was
the seat of the soul. But language does not advance
with the advance of scientific ideas. To this day the
heart is popularly supposed to be the centre of feeling,
though not of thought. We speak of a large heart
and a feeling heart, of the heart bleeding and so on.
The head and the heart are indeed contrasted to this
day, as if the one were the seat of intelligence, the
other of feeling. By and bye we shall give up the
absurdity of bleeding hearts with its accompanying
jingle of cupid’s darts, but our language at present is
in the transition state, and if the transfer of the capital
of Mansoul from the middle of the body to the crown
is not complete, it is at least going on. We know
that it is an accommodation to prejudice to speak of
the heart as in any sense the organ of perception and
As the heart, then, and not the brain was supposed
to be the centre of thought and feeling, we find in
Scripture expressions used of the heart which we
should apply now to the head. Not only do we read
of a broken and a contrite heart, a clean heart, an
honest and a good heart, an evil and a hard heart, a
gross and a fat heart, expressions in which the heart
is spoken of as the seat of the moral affections: it is
Soul to Body in Scripture . 53
also spoken of as the seat of the intellectual acts as
well. God opens a man’s eyes, not as we should say
to pour knowledge into his head, but into his heart.
Solomon is given wisdom and largeness of heart, the
disciples are fools and slow of heart. When we should
speak of sluggish brains, the Hebrews spoke of a slow
heart, when we should speak of a man taking a thing
into his head, they speak of laying it to heart. It is
needless to multiply instances of this, which any Eng¬
lish reader can do for himself, but it is worthy of notice
that while there are hundreds of passages in which the
heart is said to be the seat of certain internal and
mental acts of thought and feeling, we have not been
able to find a single instance of the head being more
than the summit of the body in the external sense only.*
In Scripture the head is thus contrasted with the feet,
but not with the heart. From the crown of the head
to the sole of the foot, the whole body is diseased
according to Isaiah, but the fountain of the disease is
in the heart, from whence, as our Lord teaches, pro¬
ceed evil thoughts, &c. Blessings rest, it is true, upon
the head of the just, but this is because the blessings
come down from above, and fall first on the head. It
is like the anointing oil which descends from the head
even to the skirts of Aaron’s clothing. The head is
the summit of man’s external and bodily form, but it
is not the capital or seat of empire. Nothing goes
* Einhorn, quoted by Delitzsch, rightly remarks on the distinction between
the use of the head and the heart in the Old Testament. “ The head is to the
external appearance what the heart is to the internal agency of the soul, and
only on this view is a prominent position given to it in the biblical point of
The Relation of
into the head and nothing comes out of it. The in¬
ference so obvious to us that as the chief senses, sight,
hearing, smell, taste, were all clustered round the
brain, and in close communication with it, the brain
and not the heart must be the centre of thought, does
not seem to have occurred to the ancients. Misled by
a false analogy between warmth and intelligence, they
assumed that the cold white and grey matter of the
brain could not be the instrument of thought, and they
therefore placed the seat of the soul, and the centre
of the nervous system, at the fountain-head of the
blood, for the blood was the life, and where the life
was warmest, there the seat of the soul undoubtedly
must be.
But while the Hebrews thus made a twofold error
with regard to the heart, not assigning to it its true
function, and assigning to it others which do not belong
to it, it would be wrong to suppose that they material¬
ised the soul as the modern phrenological school do.
The soul inhabited the heart, but it was not a function
of the heart; as intellect and feeling are functions of
the brain among modern physiologists, whose views
incline to materialism. The inhabitant of the house
was not confounded with the house itself. While not
going as far as the later Platonists, who not only dis¬
tinguished soul from body, but spoke of the union of
spirit with flesh, as an imprisonment, a disgrace, and
the punishment of sins perhaps committed in a pre¬
existent state, they certainly did not localize the soul
so exclusively in the heart, as the new school of
physiology do in the brain. The heart was the chief
Soul to Body in Scripture ,
but not the only centre. Generally the reins and the
bowels are referred to, the one as the seat of moral
reflection, or as we should say, of conscience, the other
of affection. Bowels of mercies is a Hebraism found
in the New Testament, and exactly corresponding to
/3 c%o 5 dogfc weight of glory, or x dp/e sitfvn. As m
the two latter expressions the East and West combine
their form of expression, and pile up weight upon
glory, peace upon grace—so in the phrase bowels of
mercies, the mercy and the organ whose function it is
to express feeling, are both spoken of to show how
entire and deep the affection was. It was a mercy
which went through and through a man s nature, an
affection which indeed affected not the mind only, but
as all deep affections do, the body as well, of him who
felt it.
The reins or kidneys, in the same way, are spoken
of as the seat of reflection, as the bowels are of affec¬
tion. God tries the reins, chastens the reins, sends
his arrows of conviction into the reins (Lam. iii. 13)*
The reins are coupled with the heart as the seat of
secret thoughts, which God is entreated to examine
and try. To sum all up, as the physiology of the
Bible is that of the age when it was written, in
all these passages in which psychology touches upon
physiology, we find that those organs of the body are
spoken of as the organs of thought and feeling which
are directly sympathetic with thought and feeling.
The heart, the liver, and the diaphragm are organs so
sympathetic with our emotions that it requires more
knowledge of anatomy than the ancients possessed,
56 The Relation of
not to go a step farther, and make them the very
centres from which these affections flowed. When a
tale of shame and suffering causes the heart to beat
and the colour in consequence to mount up into the
cheek, it is difficult to resist the impression that the
heart is bleeding, because the feeling soul is beating
its pulsations thus. The fancy of Shakespeare that
the blood of Julius rushed out of doors to see if Brutus
so unkindly knocked or no, is only a poetic way of
expressing the general fact that the heart is the foun¬
tain and the blood the river of life, and that, “ like the
ebb and flow of the Euripus,” the tides of feeling flow
to and from the heart.
Thus, while Scripture assumes the connection be¬
tween mind and body, it is everywhere silent as to the
nature of that connection. It distinguishes certain
chief organs which the soul plays upon, as a musician
on a harp, lute, or lyre; but it nowhere touches the
question which of these is the chief instrument, or
whether he could discourse music without any instru¬
ment at all. The Hebrews probably inclined to the
opinion that the soul was diffused through the body,
and that the whole body was an organ of intelligence,
and was not localised in some one organ, as modern
physiologists too much incline to think.* There is a
sense in which the whole body may be said to be
employed, although it may conduct its principal opera¬
tions through one or two particular organs, just as the
entire temple was holy, although the Deity was sup-
* This is expressed in the language of the old dogmatists “ Anima in toto
corpore tota et in singulis simul corporis partibus tota.”
Soul to Body in Scripture.
posed to manifest his immediate presence in the Holy
of Holies. That our bodies are to be the temples of
the Holy Ghost is the argument used by the apostle
to urge sanctification of our entire nature. But such
an argument would be inapplicable unless in a sense
the soul inhabited the whole body, and that the out¬
ward form was penetrated through and through by
the inward essence. The doctrine of correspondence,
which has been pressed by certain mystics to an
unwarrantable length, has at least this measure of
truth, that the outward is more than a veil or covering
for the inward. There is a harmony between body
and mind which was felt long before phrenology,
cheiromancy, and other pretended explanations of it
were ever thought of. The rudest tribes, as well as
children, and even animals, are physiognomists to this
extent at least, that they can judge very well who are
their friends. The play of the involuntaiy muscles,
which betray our secret sympathies and antipathies,
can be read by those who have very little power of
observation. The connection, indeed, between mind
and body is deeper than we have yet been able to
trace. It is marked out in the well-known lines of
“ For nature, crescent, does not grow alone
In thews and bulk ; but, as this temple waxes,
The inward service of the mind and soul
Grows wide withal.”
This harmony between the outer and the inner man,
the interdependence of sense on thought and thought on
sense, is the point on which our soundest physiologists
The Relation of
are advancing every day. Discarding the old material¬
ism which made thought a secretion of the brain or
blood, and the old spiritualism which taught that the
spirit of man was probably that of some fallen dmmon
imprisoned for a while in flesh, we are advancing in
the right direction when we maintain the separate
existence of the mind and body, and yet regard the
former as perfectly pervading the latter, nay, as being
the formative principle by which it is constructed and
adapted to our nature and use.*
The goal to which modern research is tending is the
point where the old dualism between mind and body
will not disappear, but be seen to combine with some
higher law of unity that we have not as yet grasped.
Physiology and psychology will not then stand con¬
trasted as they do now, but rather appear as the study
of the same thing in its outward and inward aspect.
The resurrection of the body, which at present is a
stumbling-block to the spiritualists and foolishness to
materialists, will then be found to be the wisdom of
God as well as the power of God, and the Scripture
intimations of the unity of man’s true nature in one
person be abundantly vindicated.
Thus, according to Scripture, the body was not so
much the slave of the soul, or its prison-house, as
philosophy, with its dualistic view of body and mind,
has constantly taught. The relation of the two may
be described as sacramental; the body was the out-
* For the theory of the soul as the formative principle of the body, v. Con¬
tributions to Mental Philosophy, by Immanuel Hermann Fichte ; Preface by
J. D. Morell.
Soul to Body in Scripture.
ward and visible sign of the inward and spiritual mind.
The mind was not seated in one part of the body, but
in the whole; did not employ one class of organs only,
but all. Hence the well-known Hebraism, “ All my
bones shall praise theeand the other expression,
Naphshi, which we render as My soul, but which might
be better expressed Myself. The entire nature of the
mind breathing through the entire body.* Thus the
Nephesh, which is exactly equivalent to Aristotle’s use
of 'I'vxv, is not the mind , or soul, or spirit; but the
man who thinks, wills, and acts. It was as foreign to
Hebrew psychology as it is to modern views to suppose
the mind thinking or willing without the body. Hence
it was that all who clung to the belief in an existence
after death, as they could not conceive of a pure dis¬
embodied spirit, supposed that death only destroyed the
outer frame-work of flesh, and that there was an inner
and ethereal body by which the soul continued to live
* Whether under Aristotle’s i/jvxv is included what we call the thinking
principle, or the soul, properly so called, does not admit of a doubt. He dis¬
tinguishes, indeed, thinking from sensation, and assigns it as a mark peculiar
to the highest class of animals, man. He further argues that the reflective
faculty is not the sensitive faculty in a state of repose. He says that the vovs,
or intellect, is that part of the soul by which it both knows and reflects. But
whether this vovs exists after separation from the body, he nowhere decides.
Respecting mind and the speculative faculty, he says nothing as yet is evident
(ovdbv irw
s avpoeirov, a light unap¬
proachable, which no man hath seen or can see.
Mystics like Bohmen and Baadai speak of nature as
grounded on God, not m the sense that all would ad¬
mit, but as if there were in the being of God a blind
instinct or impulse which lay at the basis of all exist¬
ence,* and which, when overcome and possessed by
the ideal or free principle, as we see it is in the case
of man, advances to a higher state of spiritual existence.
God is thus the pattern of all things. Nature lies un¬
conscious in God 5 creation is its evolution out of Him,
and it attains to a sense of separate consciousness and
distinct personality in man, the crowning work of
creation and the image of God. Such are the steps
by which Mysticism passes into Pantheism, and a
Scriptural truth that man is made in the image of God
is degraded into the dangerous notion that God is the
image of man. This pantheistic unification of God
and man does not stop here. It goes on to confound
God and nature together. Nature, as well as man, is
the image of the invisible God. xhe piototype of all
things that we see, its idea in the Platonic sense, exists
in God, so that creation is only evolution, the emana¬
tion of what existed already immanently in God.
There is no safegaurd against errors like these but
in returning to sound and Scriptural views of Creation-
* See a letter of Jos. Fr. Molitor on Bohmen’s notion of Nature in God
quoted by Delitszch, p. 53. Psychologie, 2d Ed.
146 Analogies from the
ism. As the tap root of Pantheism lies in the relation
of man to God, we can only destroy Pantheism by
clearly distinguishing the creationist from the emana¬
tion conception in Genesis ii. 7 * Man as to body and
soul is but a work of God: it is only the spirit, or
conscience towards God which is a breath of God, an
emanation from Him. We do not care to say with
the Alexandrian school that man’s body and soul have
been created, not so much after the image of God
himself as after the image of the Logos,* and is thus
an image after an image. We lose the significance
of the incarnation (exsvcossii Lavrov, Phil. ii. 8) if we think
of any likeness or oneness of nature between us and
Christ before He took our nature upon Him at His
birth. It is sounder and safer to speak both of the
animal and intellectual natures in man as created by
the word of God. With man’s spirit the case is dif¬
ferent. Here we rise above the ordinary conception
of creation, and think of it as a procession from God.
Not as the Pattern of one Person in particular of the
blessed Trinity, but as coming from the Father, by the
Son, through the Holy Spirit.
The conclusion, then, we come to is, that the mystery
of the Trinity stands by itself, and is not to be brought
in to explain either how man consists of three natures
in one, or of the relation of those natures to each other.
Theosophy, or the attempt to define the inner nature
of God, from conceptions taken from the nature of
man, is not so innocent as it seems. Anthropomorph¬
ism is idolatry in its earlier stages,—Theosophy is
* Vide Hagenbach History of Dogmas.
Doctrine of the Trinity.
idolatry in its more cultured stage. But idolatry is
equally hateful to God whenever or however indulged
in. The Supreme Being is God and not man, and
however He may be pleased in creation to impart some
of his nature to man by breathing into his nostrils the
quickening spirit, and however in grace to take our
nature upon Him, and to partake of flesh and blood,
this, so far from countenancing presumptuous analogies
from the trichotomy to the Trinity, directly forbids it
—as teaching us that any community of nature which
we have with Him is all of His own good will—who
formed us to be his creatures and spiritual offspring,
and who has redeemed us, that we might not fail of
this end of our being.
The old psychology was content to rest the difference
between man and the lower animals on his possessing
a soul or thinking principle. That distinction can be
maintained no longer. "We must take higher ground,
and seek elsewhere than in the distinction between
reason and instinct for the secret of man’s superiority
to the brute, or we shall have to give it up altogether,
and submit to the teaching of those who hold the
development theory, and that man is an improved
The distinction between reason and instinct was the
starting-point of the Cartesian philosophy. On the
assumed validity of this distinction, modern psychology
has built its house on what, we fear, must turn out to
be a foundation of sand.
If, on closer inquiry, psychologists are now pre¬
pared to admit that many of those processes that we
call reasonable in man are really instinctive, and that
many of the so-called instinctive acts of the lower
creation are based on processes undistinguishable from
reason, we shall be forced to choose some other
Phe Pneuma , JS/Laii s Distinctive Pacuity. 149
ground on which to rest man s acknowledged supre¬
Science is effacing some of the old landmarks
between reason and instinct- on which the Cartesian
school relied, and the rest are held on very doubtful
authority. Spiritual philosophy has hitherto thought
herself safe behind the outwork of reason. She will
have to retreat to her citadel if she would hold out
against the assault of naturalism. It is here, there¬
fore, that Christian spiritualism comes to reinforce
psychology, by pointing out a difference, not of de¬
gree only, but of kind, between animal and human
intelligences. The Pneuma, or conscience toward
God, is the differentia of man, his title to immoitality,
his distinguishing mark from all the lower creation.
Not only are the anatomical differences between
man and the ape disappearing under modern research,
but even the differences between the volume and
structure of the brain, on which Professor Owen took
his stand a few years ago, are not substantiated by
modern physiologists. It is only by difference in
degree that Professor Owen is able to establish the
existence of his sub-class of Archencephala, to which
position he assigns man. It will be admitted that
these differences in degree, when many and various,
are tantamount to a difference in kind. But if the
intellectual nature of man admits of almost infinite
degrees, from the genius of Pascal and Newton to the
mind of an idiot who suns himself under the wall of
the asylum which shelters him, it is impossible to deny
that some animals are intelligent agents, as much above
1^-0 The Ptieuma ,
idiots and infants as they are below Newton and
Pascal. Man both sinks and soars as the brute can¬
not, but his intelligence is only a power of generalising
from particulars, in which he leaves the brute far
behind; but if this were all, the Indian’s hope of his
faithful dog bearing him company to heaven, would
not be so unfounded as we commonly take it to be.
Professor Agassiz, as quoted by Sir C. Lyell, con¬
fesses that he cannot say in what the mental faculties
of a child differ from those of a young chimpanzee.
“ The range of the passions of animals is as extensive
as that of the human mind, and I am at a loss to per¬
ceive a difference of kind between them, however
much they may differ in degree and in the manner in
which they are expressed. The gradations of the
moral faculties among the higher animals and man are,
moreover, so imperceptible, that to deny to the first a
certain sense of responsibility and consciousness would
certainly be an exaggeration of the difference between
animals and man. There exists, besides, as much
individuality within the respective capabilities among
animals as among man, as every sportsman, or every
keeper of menageries, or every farmer and shepherd
can testify, who has had a large experience with wild
or tamed or domesticated animals. This argues strongly
in favour of the existence in every animal of an imma¬
terial principle similar to that which, by its excellence
and superior endowments, places man so much above
animals. Yet the principle exists unquestionably; and
whether it be called soul, instinct, or reason, it pre¬
sents, on the whole range of organised beings, a series
Man s Distinctive Faculty. 151
of phenomena closely linked together, and upon it are
based not only the higher manifestations of the mind,
but the very permanence of the specific differences
which characterise every organ. Most of the aigu-
ments of philosophy in favour of the immortality of
man apply equally to the permanency of this piinciple
in other living beings.”''"
Again, M. Quatrefages, as quoted by Sir C. Lyell,
observes, that the moral and religious aie the only two
attributes not common to man and brutes 5 tmd that it
is on the possession of these that he would lest the
distinction of man from the brutes.
As to his organization, he observes, we find in the
mammalia nearly absolute identity of anatomical stiuc-
ture, bone for bone, muscle for muscle, neive foi nci ve,
similar organs performing like functions. It is not by
a vertical position on his feet, or the os sublime of
Ovid, which he shares with the penguin ; nor by his
mental faculties, which, though more developed, are
fundamentally the same as those of animals; nor by
his powers of perception, with memory and a cei tain
amount of reason ; nor by articulate speech, which
he shares with birds and some mammalia, and by which
they express ideas comprehended not only by indi¬
viduals of their own species, but often by man ; nor is
it by the faculties of the heart, such as love and hatred,
which are also shared by quadrupeds and birds; but
it is by something completely foreign to the mere
animal, and belonging exclusively to man, that we must
* Fid. Lyell’s “ Antiquity of Man,” p. 493.
1^2 The Pneuma,
establish a separate kingdom for him. These dis¬
tinguishing characters, he goes on to say, are the
abstract notion of good and evil, right and wrong,
virtue and vice, or the moral faculty and a belief in a
world beyond ours, and in certain mysterious beings or
a Being of a higher nature than ours, whom we
ought to fear or revere: in other words, the religious
The very term, u pure reason,’’ which has come
into use since the time of Kant, implies that psycho¬
logy has had to give up the old ground on which it
took its stand, and to fall back on a fresh distinction
and a new refinement in order to maintain the superi¬
ority of man to the brute, without appealing to the
Book which settles the question, by telling us that
man was made after the image and likeness of God.
There are so many operations of the higher mammalia
which refuse to be classed under the name of instincts,
that we are fain to speak of the “ half-reasoning ele¬
phant,” and to admit the faithful dog as fit company
for man almost to the portal of the sky. Where are
we to part company, where are we to draw the divid¬
ing line between man and brute? Nowhere that we
can see short of the point where man is endowed with
the high gift of knowing God, of feeling his accounta¬
bility to Him, of enjoying communion with Him.
Kant’s psychology is grounded on the distinction
between reason and understanding. The one, ver-
nunft or reason, is proper and peculiar to man; the
other, verstcind. or understanding, he has in common
with the animals, though in a higher degree, and
Mans Distinctive Faculty. i 53
capable of much more extended exercise. By the one,
man reasons a priori by analogies of his own mental
judgments; by the other a posteriori by observation
and comparison of things outside him. Thus there are
two classes of judgments, analytical and synthetical,*
growing out of the reason and understanding severally;
and the transcendental method which Kant and his
followers attempted, with what success we do not here
venture to say, is nothing else than the effort to raise
the pure reason above all those disturbing data which
are derived from the understanding, and to set it to
work in vacuo in its own upper region of thought.
No one will deny that there are wide fields of thought
outside, or rather above all test of experience. Mathe¬
matical reasoning is nothing else than the deduction of
the necessary laws of thought about numbei. The
superior certainty in which mathematical excel moral
and other sciences, arises from this, that the proofs are
so many deductions from within. So long as we keep
to our own laws of thought, which is the sphere of
pure mathematics, so long our proofs will be as un¬
erring as they are self-evident. It is only when we
bring in some fact from experience that there is room
for error. Hence, as soon as we apply mathematics to
shipbuilding, to the science of projectiles, astronomy,
and so forth, its character for superior certainty dis-
* We do not forget that according to Kant there are a priori judgments
which are synthetical and not analytical, only, or explicative Mathematical
lodgments, he says, are synthetical, not as commonly supposed to be analytical.
Thft . 4 - 7 = 12 is not to shewa mere analytical proposition, but a new judg¬
ment not contained in the simple ideas of 5 and 7 . Still, for practical purposes,
it is correct enough to say that analytical and synthetical judgments belong to
the reason and understanding respectively.
The Pneuma ,
appears, and there are as keen disputes between rival
shipbuilders, cannon founders, and astronomers, as
between jurists, divines, and economists. That ele¬
ment of certainty which has given to mathematics the
name of science par excellence is the pure reason which,
we agree with Kant, is distinctive of man from the brute.
But we think that Kant has greatly exaggerated the
powers of pure reason, and extended their range. So
far from accepting his phrase, a transcendental logic,
we think his whole scheme of pure reason, with its
transcendental dialectic, its antinomies, and so forth,
to be so much piling up of clouds. It is mere posture
making to draw out a succession of quiddities which
we call ideas of pure thought, and to contrast, as Kant
attempts to do, our ideas derived from within with
conceptions from without. As we cannot make one
hair white or black, so we are reasoning too fast if we
affirm with Kant that 5 + 7 = 12 is an a priori
synthetical judgment, since the very data themselves
on which we found our judgment arise from sense-
perception. It is true that reason gives laws of
thought to the understanding, but the understanding
again supplies reason with its materials for thought, so
that the benefits are reciprocal, and the mind is unable
to say how much she owes to thought, and how much
to things. 11 The laws of thought ” is a much less
objectionable expression than “ the logic of pure
reason.’’ To the former, as traced out by Archbishop
Thompson and others, we see no objection ; on the
contrary, it is important to take our stand against the
school of sensation, on the ground that there are
Mans Distinctive faculty. 155
certain truths a priori of all experience, forms into
which we lay the knowledge we acquire through sense-
perception, as bees first prepare the cells in which they
lay their honey. But it is another thing to make out of
these inert and abstract forms active principles. They
are conditions of the thinkable rathei than thoughts
properly so called. The very antinomies, of which
Kant makes such account, are only intelligible when
stated in terms derived from experience. Like the
cells to which we have already compared them, they
are shaped on one invariable pattern. The highest
acts of pure reason, as well as those of blind instinct,
have this mark of necessity in common. It is humiliat¬
ing to our boasted ascendency, that we can only take
out of our thoughts what we have put in from with¬
out. The cells of the bee are always hexagons; in
this respect there are no degrees of excellence wheie
all are perfect. The quality of the honey depends
upon the flowers which the bees have sipped. . So of
reason and understanding. Admitting the distinction
as more than a verbal one, still the difference between
man and the brute, and between one man and the
other, is less in the reasoning process itself than in the
vigour of mind and powers of concentration and ab¬
straction which one man possesses ovei another.
To what, then, are we to look as distinguishing
man from the brute, if not to the necessary laws of
thought ? Partly, as Archbishop Sumner pointed out,
in his Records of Creation, to the power of progres¬
sive and improvable reason, but principally to the
power of will. By will we understand not the meie
The Pneuma ,
arbitrium , or power of selection only, which even
Buridanus’ ass, between two bundles of hay, must
possess, but that of selection with approval , or con¬
science, that the thing selected is good or evil, true or
false, right or wrong. Thus the tree of the know¬
ledge of good and evil, beside which the two first
human beings were placed, not to tempt but to test
them for spiritual existence, is the real criterion
between man and the brute. So far from that proba¬
tion of Adam appearing a difficulty, as it is to those
who ask the question why God exposed our first
parents to a temptation which he knew they could not
withstand, we rather regard it the other way. With¬
out some such probation, it would be impossible for
man at all to exercise the spiritual faculty of knowing
and serving God. In this test of obedience lay the
real superiority of Adam over every other living
creature. Thus the contingency to evil could have
been avoided only in one way, by denying to man the
pneumatical faculty altogether ; freedom to choose the
good and to refuse the evil, is involved in the very
definition of what a spirit is.
Man might have been innocent on lower terms, but
it would have been the innocence of the idiot or the
infant, who knows neither good nor evil. There is no
scaling a height without passing along the brink of
deep precipices; so it was that with a possibility of
failure man was permitted to make the attempt to rise
from the animal to the spiritual, and to become in
effect, as he was in idea, the image of God upon
earth. Under that attempt he failed; and where
Man s Distinctive Faculty.
Adam failed, all his posterity fail also. But though
man has fallen, conscience nevertheless remains as the
distinguishing faculty of man ; the mark of his superi¬
ority lies in his sense of moral accountability to an un¬
seen but righteous Judge. He is more excellent than
the brute in other respects, but in one he stands out
unique and peculiar. His thoughts “ the meanwhile
accuse and excuse one another.” He has a conscience
which tells him of God and a hereafter. This con¬
science fails, it is true, to answer its proper end. It
does not raise him up to enjoy communion with God.
It crouches in the lower region of fear, where super¬
stitions batten on their prey, and false religions tor¬
ment without appeasing the conscience. It cannot
soar to the higher regions, where perfect love casteth
out fear, where faith and hope exercise themselves in
view of a glorious hereafter. But it is nevertheless a
testimony to what God intended us to be.
We are thus brought to the point where we are
able to decide what it is of the Pneuma, or God-con¬
sciousness, which remains in the psychical or fallen
man in his unregenerate state. Conscience, and not
pure reason, is the distinguishing mark between man
and the brute.* Were man to lose this accusing and
* It may seem fighting for a shadow when we distinguish between the
practical reason or conscience of Kant and Coleridge, and the Pneuma properly
so called. Kant, we allow, comes very near the mark in his distinction
between the speculative and practical reason, the former of which is dialectical,
the latter intuitive only. Still there is a distinction. Kant’s practical reason
or conscience is not a spiritual faculty, properly so called. Duty, not devotion,
is its proper sphere—its range is ethical not religious—its last word is the
categorical imperative of the Stoic, not the cry of the Psalmist, “Oh God,
thou art my God, early will I seek thee.” This is why, while admitting
Coleridge’s favourite distinction between understanding and reason to be a valid
Ihe Pneuma ,
excusing faculty, he would soon lose self-consciousness
as well, and sink quite to the level of the brute.
“ Mere fellowship of sluggish moods ;
Or, in his coarsest satyr shape,
Had bruised the herb or crushed the grape,
Or basked and battened in the woods.”
There is a point where it is conceivable that man
could have sunk beyond the reach of the redemption
which is in Christ Jesus. As the sin of the angels,
being spiritual wickedness, a sin from within, excludes
the thought of their recovery; so were man, in the
other extreme, to lose the last spark of God-conscious¬
ness remaining in the witness of conscience, he would
then be in the state of those whom St. Jude describes
as twice dead.
Thus it is important to see where to draw the line
when we say that man is fallen, and that the spirit is
dead in trespasses and sins. The spirit is dead as to
all higher exercises of faith, hope, and charity ; but
not so dead as to have lost all fear of God, all sense of
dependence on Him, or all sense that his law is the
supreme standard of right. Were man to lose this
remains of the spirit which we call conscience, then he
would have no sin, farther than a dog can do evil by
snatching a bone, regardless of the beating which it
knows is in store for it. So our Lord says to the
Pharisees, “If ye were blind, ye should have no sin ;
but now ye say we see, therefore your sin remaineth.’’
one, we class both reason and understanding as sub-divisions of the same gene¬
ral faculty of the Psyche, while we reserve conscience, or the moral and spiritual
element in man, as the distinct or third element in human nature, to which
exclusively we give the name of Pneuma,
Mans Distinctive Faculty. 159
Thus we identify conscience with the remains of
the Pneuma in fallen man. What confirms this view
of the case is the remarkable fact that we nowhere in
the gospels read of the conscience of the Lord Jesus
Christ. We should be loth to say with Apollinaris
that this arises from the Holy Spirit in his case being
the substitute for the human Pneuma. Since Christ
was perfect man, he took all three parts of our nature,
spirit, soul, and body. But then He took them in
all their perfection, and that without any spot of sin,
original or actual. Hence the human Pneuma in
Christ was a perfect Pneuma, not that feeble semi-
animate conscience which stirs, and only stirs, in our
present fallen nature. Christ appealed to the con¬
sciences of men ; he convinced their consciences ; and
on one occasion, condemned by their conscience, a
whole assembly went out from his presence one by
one* But in the case of Him who always lived in
unbroken communion with God, the expression con¬
science would be quite inadequate to express that full
intercourse of his spirit with that of his Father in
heaven. Such exercises of prayer as his, such nights
of rapt enjoyment of God, and of ecstacy of spiritual
worship are, in comparison with the stirrings of God-
consciousness in us, what sunlight is to the smoking
wick of an expiring candle. If conscience were an
integral part of sinless human nature, we should read
of it in Christ. But supposing it to be the remains
* See Auberlen’s very suggestive remarks on this apparent absence of con¬
science in Christ in an article in Herzog’s Cyclopadie.—sub. voce Geist.
Vol. iv. p. 733.
7he Pneuma.
of a nobler faculty, which has been injured past
human recovery, then we can see why it is that while
we read of the spirit of Christ, of his being troubled
in spirit, and knowing in his spirit, we do not read o
the conscience of Christ. Conscience and the law of,
God are correlative terms; and as the holy Christ
lived above the law, so he lived above the level of con¬
science. The lower in his case was taken up into the
higher. Instead of legal obedience, he delighted in
the law of God; instead of obeying the voice of con¬
science, he was led up of the Spirit. God’s Spirit
dwelled in his Spirit in a union as deep. and mystical
as that of the Persons of the Blessed Trinity.
As conscience, then, or God-consciousness, is the
differentia between man and brute, so, on the other
hand, it is the germ of that glorious faculty which,
when quickened by God the Holy Spirit, renews us
in the image of God. Thus all men have a Pneuma,
but none are pneumatical save they who are led
by the Spirit of God. And, again, when conscience
is raised from a mere dormant capacity to become an
active habit, it not only witnesses for God, but also
delights in Him, serves Him, and longs to know Him
more perfectly.
We have seen that neither soul nor spirit are distinct
monads, but that man himself in his totality of body,
soul, and spirit, is the monad or centre of force. His
nature or law of existence is to unite body, soul, and
spirit in one complex whole, a Gordian knot which
may be cut by sin and death, but which cannot be
untied. Any theories of human nature which fail to
realise this, either by confounding or dividing the
tripartite nature of man, come short of the Christian
doctrine on this subject. Man is incomplete unless
sanctified wholly, spirit, soul, and body, unto the
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.*
* Dr Arnold has well expressed the nature of man as three aspects of the
one individual man. The following extract from one of his sermons will
illustrate this:—“Thus, then, when this threefold division of our nature is
mentioned, the term body expresses those appetites which we have in common
with the brates ; the term soul denotes our moral and intellectual faculties,
directed only towards objects of the world, and not exalted by the hope of
immortality; and the term spirit takes these same faculties when directed
towards God and heavenly things, and from the purity, the greatness and the
perfect goodness of Him who is their object, transformed into the same image,
from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord.”
* * * * * *
“ It may be observed further, although the term ‘ soul ’ includes both our
moral and intellectual nature, so far as it regards this life only, yet it appears
in a particular manner to express the latter. Indeed, if we set aside our
relation to God as His creatures, if we dissolve the community or covenant
subsisting between Him and ourselves, it seems as if the faculties of the
162 The State of the Pneuma
We have now to consider the historical relation of
the three parts of man’s nature to each othei, as we
have before considered their ideal. To use a distinc¬
tion of M. Cousin, that which is logically prior is
chronologically posterior and vice versa. In the idea
of man, spirit appears first, then soul, then body. But
in man as he is and was created from the beginning
we observe the reverse order. The animal life is the
first to manifest itself, then the rational, and last of all
the spiritual or divine life in man. To use the words
of the Apostle, “Howbeit that was not fiist which
was spiritual, but that which was natural, and after¬
wards that which was spiritual.' *
The first pair were created, as we have reason to
suppose, adults in stature and intellect, but infants in ■:
spiritual growth and experience. On the former
understanding rose at once in our estimation, and the intellect or mind
assumed a place above the moral virtues. When God is regarded solely as
the Supreme Being , His infinite wisdom may naturally appear to us His most
peculiar attribute. And thus Aristotle urges this exercise of our contem¬
plative understanding as the means by which we may most resemble God
from intellect, or that which has most kindred with the divine nature.
Whereas, St. John, accustomed to look upon God as he is related to us, con¬
siders his essential attribute to be love, and directs us therefore to seek to
become one with God by cultivating our affections. In speaking of the
soul, therefore, as distinguished from the spirit, although both terms include
our moral and intellectual nature, yet in the first, intellect or reason is the
predominant idea, while in the second, though knowledge is not excluded,
the principal idea is of charity or love.”—See Sermon XXVI. of Dr T.
Arnold’s Sermons, 3d edition, London, 1832.
* Coleridge has set out with the distinction of prudential, moral, and
spiritual as the starting point of his inquiries in his Aids to Reflection. If
we substitute instinctive for prudential the division substantially agrees with
ours. Prudential falls in more with the intellect or psychical man, and so is
hardly distinguishable from the moral, whereas our instincts spring from the
lower or sensitive life. Self-preservation is of the animal, but prudence or pro¬
vidence of the rational nature.
Since the Fall. 163
assertion we need not waste inquiry. The institution
of marriage in Eden proves that man did not begin his
days in immature childhood. Whether his intellectual
powers were as developed as his animal, whether
Aristotle was as inferior to Adam as the Academy was
to Eden, is an inquiry which we may also pass by as
more curious than profitable.^ But on this we may lest
with some degree of confidence, that the pneuma in
Adam was given in its rudimentary or infant stage of
growth, and that he was placed in Eden foi that very
purpose, that he should grow in grace and in the
knowledge of God, as he had no need to grow in
bodily stature, or possibly even in intellectual power.
Irenceus has noticed this distinction between the
creation of man as physically and psychically an
adult, but in spirit an infant. Man, he said, was
created in an infantile state of mind, though in the
image of God. He was like a child who is unable
at first to eat strong meat, but must have his senses
exercised by reason of use. Christ alone, he says,
has led us up by the gift of the Holy Spirit to that
higher state of being in which we can see God.
The first life in man was per afflatum , not per
spiritum , a distinction which he grounds on this, that
the Lord breathed on his disciples after his lesui-
rection, but when the Holy Ghost was not as yet
* See South’s discourse on the image of God in man. “ An Aristotle was
but the rubbish of an Adam, and Athens but the rudiments of paradise.
South traces the image of God in three parts of man, but they are the under¬
standing, the will, and the passions or affections. This corresponds to the
Platonic trichotomy but not to the Pauline, as we have already seen.
164 The State of the Pneuma
given. This afflatus, or breathing, on man at crea¬
tion, was that partial gift of the Spirit which did not
long remain with man: it is (-rpoexaipog) for a season
only, and does not enable us to see God; while the
gift of the Holy Ghost is indwelling and ever dwel¬
ling (uwotov). (See Irenseus, b. iv. 38, vi. 36, Ed.
Of the second righteous Adam, the Lord from
heaven, we read that He increased in wisdom and in
stature, and in favour with God and man. The
intellectual and physical growth are referred to in
the first clause, the spiritual or moral (for they
are two sides of the same thing) is referred to in
the second. Thus, the trichotomy of man is here
distinctly referred to, and in the case of the holy
child Jesus, spirit, soul, and body, all harmoniously
grow and unfold as bud, blossom, and fruit do in
the living tree. We reject instinctively, in His case,
the thought of anything prodigious or premature in
the development of his faculties. We think of the
Blessed Spirit indwelling in Him (given, it is true,
without measure), but still proportionate to His
capacities and powers. As the intellect and stature
were that of a child, so the spiritual receptivity.
The Pneuma in Him was beyond that of other
ordinary children, but not disproportionate with
what would have been the case had Adam reached
the standard he was intended to attain to, and as a
spiritual nature, and now adopted Son of God, had
* On the Psychology of Irenseus, see an interesting article in the Studien
und Kritiken for 1863.
Since the Fall. 165
begotten a son in that likeness, and after that image.*
Christ, the second Adam, is rather thus the pattern
of what Adam’s children would have been, had he
not sinned, than of what Adam was, when first
made and put into paradise. The distinction is im¬
portant, as it enables us to see what man has lost by
the fall. He has lost the power of propagating a
spiritual progeny ex ti~aduce. That which is born
of the flesh is flesh. Cain and Abel inherited the
whole nature of their parents, the animal body, the
intellectual soul, but not the Divine Pneuma.
Whether that could ever have passed down ex
traduce may seem an inquiry on which we are
reasoning without data. But not altogether so.
The capacity or receptivity of spiritual influences
was created with the first Adam, and the baie
capacity as an integral part of mans natuie could
not be destroyed by the fall. As a dead organ, a
rudimentary organ, without corresponding functions
(as physiologists speak of the mammae in males, 01
the toes in a horse’s hoof, or the teeth in a whale s
jaws), so the spiritual capacity has passed down from
Adam through all his posterity. But as they aie
f The Apollinarian theory, that the indwelling Spirit in Christ was the
substitute for the human pneuma, not only derogates from his perfect man¬
hood, but also tends to throw confusion on the whole subject of the relation
of the human spirit to the divine. Apollinaris’ error was twofold—first, in
adopting the Platonic trichotomy in which Ao'yos or NoDs, the pure and im¬
personal Reason was the sovereign part—secondly, in substituting the thiid 1 ei-
son of the Blessed Trinity for the human Nous in the man Christ Jesus. The
Apollinarian error on this subject was, as we have seen, one of the reasons why
the trichotomy was looked on with suspicion. It has been inconsiderately
adopted by V. Rudloff as the right theory of the human nature of Christ. See
his JLehre •vom Menschen , p. m, 2d ed.
166 "The State of the Pneuma
born in sin and shaped in iniquity, the defect becomes
apparent, as soon as the intellectual nature begins to
stir itself, and the motions of sin are felt in the animal
nature. Then the want of the regulative or divine
faculty in man is felt. Reason begins to put itself
forth, and we watch the pretty blossoms of intellect,
first in the retentive memory, and after awhile in the
ripening of judgment. But where is the u residue of
the Spirit ?” Where is God s monitor and witness in
man ? God has not quite left Himself without wit¬
ness, but it is generally an accusing, not a comforting,
voice within. Conscientia, or the knowledge which
we have of ourselves and our conduct, the eye of God
in the soul, seldom sees much to approve, but much
to disapprove of.* The passions begin to break out
in our animal nature, and we give way to them. Rea¬
son, like Eli, shakes its head at these follies of our
youth, but we pay reason no more respect than the
wicked sons of Eli did their father’s remonstrance.
Conscience, or the dormant pneuma, which still wit¬
nesses for God, mourns over these things in secret,
but it cannot alter them. The government is not in
* Les moralistes ont beaucoup parle des joies d’une bonne conscience ils ont
trop meconnu ses peines. Je dis les peines d’une conscience droite. Le devoir
est un maitre exigeant. La conscience devient plus delicate a mesure qu’elle
se purifie, ce que semblait licite, ne le paraft plus: le scrupule est la bizarre
aux yeux du monde angoissant pour celui qui la porte en son sein. On gravit
peniblement la montagne, et a mesure qu’on avance le sommet semble reculer,
et defier les atteintes du voyageur. Quelles sources de douleurs, douleurs
saintes sans doute, mille fois preferable aux plaisirs de la vie, mais douleurs enfin.
Oh le douleur tout seul sans explication, sans experance, sans avenir. Le de¬
voir est un noble maitre mais c’est un maitre dont le joug est dur, et le fardeau
pesant.—Naville du Vie Eternelle, Disc. i.
Since-the Fall. 1 &7
As hands. It is young and immature it has the autho¬
rity, but not the power to enforce its authority, and
so the character is formed, and a bias to evil of some
Snd or other grows when young which nothing will
ever afterwards break down ; till mighty sovereign
grace stirs our stagnant being to the depths and be¬
ginning with awakening the pneuma, makes all things
This we take to be a fair account of man s condi¬
tion since the fall. Thus the defect of good in every
man, as naturally born into the world, turns the char¬
acter to evil. Original or birth sin is thus not so
much our fault, crimen ; it is rather our misfortune,
culpa. But whether our fault or our misfortune only,
the consequences are equally the same. Man is b°rn
into the world incapable of attaining the true ideal of
human nature, as in the case of the only one of woman
born who was born without sin.
Thus Adam differs from his posterity in these two
respects He was born innocent, and also endowed
with inherent capacities for becoming spiritual: we
are neither innocent by birth nor capable of becoming
spiritual by our innate powers. The first Adam was
innocent; we are not. By innocent we mean that
negative kind of goodness which is distinct from ho 1-
ness, in that it lacks the sense of the presence of Go .
A lamb is innocent, for instance; it fulfils all the ends
of its nature, and in the right order and way. It is
not, like a venomous beast, the minister of evil to any.
It does not taste happiness at the expense of any ot er
_its gain is no other animal’s loss. Now Adam might
168 The State of the Pnenma
have been formed for innocence of this kind, and with
no higher end in view. His innocence would then
have been the perfection of an animal and intellectual
nature, body and psyche, well strung and attuned,
capable of large generalizations and lofty ideals, mak¬
ing immense acquisitions of knowledge, beaming with
benevolence, but with nothing entitling him to immor¬
tality. He might, in that case, have lived a Goethe
kind of existence, as an intellectualist and an art wor¬
shipper, and died with perhaps the same exclamation
on his lips, u More light, more light.’’ He would have
answered the end of his existence, and reached his
ideal, but that would have been not a little lower, or
for a little time lower than the angels, but altogether,
and for ever, lower than they.
This would have been the innocence of Adam had
he been created psychical only, and with no pneumati-
cal capacity. But we are not born innocent as he
was. Our rational and animal natures do not work
harmoniously, but in discord. Not only does the flesh
lust against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh,
but also our understanding and our appetites draw in
opposite directions, so that we cannot do the things
that we would. A state of innocence in which the
intellect has the mastery of the passions is more
imaginary than real. It may be so with a few studi¬
ous men, and a smaller list still of passionless poets
like Wordsworth, of whom Hazlitt the critic, says,
that he seemed to have lived in a world in which there
was no marrying nor giving in marriage. We see an
approach to this ideal state, though, as we cannot read
Since the Fall. 169
their inner lives, we cannot say how much of mannerism
and the desire of applause was concealed behind so
much simplicity. We can judge none but ourselves,
but of this we may be sure, that as man is not leason
and desire only, but conscience and will as well, he
cannot satisfy his nature merely by restraining, his
passions and indulging his intellect. He has instincts
after God which nothing but God can satisfy, and these
cravings of conscience must either be fed with the clay
of superstition or the true bread which cometli down
from heaven.
This leads us to the second distinction between us
and Adam. We are neither born innocent as he was,
nor capable of becoming pneumatical through the
native powers of the pneuma. This was Adam s glori¬
ous privilege, the excellence in which he came forth
with his Maker’s image stamped upon him. . When
God breathed into his nostrils the breath of lives,. he
was given that which we called the -pneuma , 01 spirit,
the conscientia or consciousness common between him
and God. Bishop Sanderson’s explanation of consci¬
ence, as that which is common to us and God, may
seem fanciful ; but we think it explains the use of the
plural lives. The knowledge of good and evil is our
life, and it is God’s life. As rational beings, we know
the relationship of things to each other; as moral
beings, we know their relation to ourselves. Thus
moral-consciousness is so much more divine than the
critical faculty that it is God’s life within us, as reason
is not. Sceptics, like Hume, can with some good show
of reason deny that we have any proper idea of causa-
170 The *SAz/ the Pnouma
tion, and hence of a great first cause. But we fall
back from our intellectual to our moral intuitions, and
here, as Kant admits in his celebrated critique of Hume,
the appeal is unanswerable. The moral-consciousness
is the God-consciousness in man; and here, however
he may hide himself in the trees of the garden, how¬
ever he may sophisticate his mind with intellectual
doubts and say,
“ Drunk with the wine of life, and blind with leaves
He stole in Eden to adorn his brow ;
I cannot see my God: the soul deceives.”*
still the voice of the Lord God will penetrate into the
conscience, and make itself heard, in the cool of the
day. It is a strong confirmation of this that the age
of the greatest intellectual scepticism was one of the
deepest sense of a spiritual void, produced in and
through an accusing conscience. In Tacitus’ age, men
believed nothing about the old gods of Rome; but
they could not disbelieve in the furies which tormented
a Nero. Men lose all other belief in God but as an
avenging Deity ; but when they part with this then
it is time to call in the sword of God, and save the
world by destroying it.
But in Adam’s case this conscience was not, as it is
toned down by modern moralists, a bare knowledge of
good and evil, and their consequences for good and
evil on ourselves. It was the knowledge of good as
godly, and of evil as ungodly. Hence the temptation
* Quoted from some remarkable sonnets by the late Dr. S. Browne of
Since the Fall. * 7 *
of Satan lay in this, that he urged Adam not only to
know the distinction of good and evil; but to know
it as gods, i.e., in a god-like not in a creaturely way.
This was to transcend the limits of the creature. To
us, as to angels, God creates good and evil by the de¬
cision of his will, this way or that, as He divides the
light from the darkness. We will have nothing to say
to such logical quibbles as these, that a thing is com¬
manded because right—not right because commanded.
Distinctions between positive and moral precepts may
have a certain relative use in the schools, but they are
not as deep as they are subtle. They seem to over¬
look the gulf fixed between the finite and the infinite;
and that “his thoughts are not as our thoughts, or his
ways as our ways.” Thus while with God a thing is
right because He wills it, with all his creatures the
converse is to be the rule, we are to will it because it
is right. The rightness of a thing is not affirmed by
our wills, as Jacobi, Fichte, and the egoist school
wildly talk. In this pride of will there is something
not only of the old stoic, but also of the old serpent.
Men are to be as gods, by affirming that what they
will is right, because they will it. Quicquid vult valde
vult. This is a sign of a strong character doubtless,
but it may be strong for evil as well as for good. . It
is as true of Satan bound with chains of everlasting
darkness, as the Angel of the Presence, whose delight
it is to do the will of God continually.
The discipline, then, man was put under in Eden
was not merely to choose the good, and refuse the
evil, to make reason the sovereign, and appetite the
17 2 The State of the Pneuma
servant; it was also to know good and evil, to know
that the essence of goodness consisted in obedience
to God’s rule as such ; and that the root of sin is dis¬
obedience or self-will. H upagria eerh q &vo,ula. i John
iii. 4, “ Sin is the transgression of the law.”
This was the root of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, the reason why God planted it in para¬
dise, and tried man by it, before he could have right
to the tree of life. Moralists and divines have often
mistaken the meaning of these two trees, and so mis¬
read the whole purpose of God in making man. Mo¬
ralists have made the one tree a criterion of only the
lesser and lower part of our duty, our duty to our¬
selves, and have overlooked its higher end as awaken¬
ing the spirit in man with the sense of duty to God.
What God has commanded is right, because commanded.
The command not to eat is arbitrary—be it so—the
command of a superior, who is the Father of spirits,
must be arbitrary, or how else are we to learn that
right and wrong turn in this very point of agreement
to his will or not? But as moralists come short of ex¬
plaining the purpose of the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, so divines mislead us as to the- meaning
of the tree of life. Instead of seeing that the only
approach to the one tree is by the other, /.., that
through the disciplining of the spirit, and its becoming
godlike and godly, we obtain right to the tree of life ;
they separate between the two trees, as the mystics
on the other hand have confounded the two together.
They place man’s immortality in a metaphysical and
ontological necessity, not in a moral and spiritual like-
T 73
Since the fall.
ness to God. They read between the lines of the
verse, “ lest he should eat of it and live for ever,” a
thought written as if with invisible ink, that man was
already immortal by nature, and now only lost an im¬
mortality of happiness. Man cannot, they say, eat of
the tree of life and live for ever in paradise; but he
has already a deathless principle in him by which he
must live for ever in misery.
When we turn from systems of theology to the
fountain head of Scripture, we collect that Adam was
not created innocent and holy, but innocent and cap¬
able of becoming holy; not holy and immortal, but
capable of becoming holy by not eating of the one
tree in the garden, and so of attaining immortality by
having right to eat of the other tree. He was inno¬
cent because he had a well-balanced nature, in which
the passions had not got the mastery over reason, as
they now have; but he was not created holy. We
cannot indeed conceive of holiness as a thing created
out of hand. “Perfect through suffering” seems to
be the law of sonship. Angels have their trials, man
his. The image of God, if it is to become an active
habit, not a mere dormant capacity, must be put into
the fire to be purified there seven times.* Inattention
to this distinction between innocence and holiness,
which is the same as the distinction between the
psyche and the pneuma, has led to strange misrepre¬
sentations of the nature of Adam’s probation, and the
* See a thoughtful treatise by Mr Birks on the Difficulties of Belief; a
book which, if more widely known and read in certain religious circles, would
help to cure us of our indolent acquiescence in stereotyped modes of thought.
174 The State of the Pneuma
effect of his fall on us. Adam, with perfect powers
of self-command, innocent of concupiscence, or the
motions of sin in his members, was in a condition to
be led up of the spirit to be tempted of the devil.
Unlike the second Adam, the nature of his temptation
was much less sore, as his strength was less. Instead
of a wilderness it was in a garden' instead of at the end
of a forty days’ fast, the tempter came to him when the
calls of hunger could not have added a sting to the
prompting of lust. Now, had Adam been holy, in
the sense that his spirit was, sanctified by the Spirit of
God, he would have spurned this whisper of lust; the
sophistry of Satan would not have deluded him as to
his knowledge of good and evil as God ; he would
have said, like Joseph,—how can I do this great wick¬
edness and sin against God? But not being holy,
having only the germ of holiness, he was blinded by
Satan. First the woman through lust, and then the
man through pride, were in the transgression. Flat¬
tered and fooled by Satan, who was a liar fiom the
beginning, they took of the tree and did eat. That
instant the spark of the divine image in man was
quenched. Fie had the knowledge now of good and
evil, but it was not as God, but as without God. As
he found his spirit empty of God, so he knew himself
to be naked of his former innocence. The greater
loss brought with it the less. Privation of holiness
brought with it the loss of innocence. The spirit had
lost its hold on God, and so the soul rebelled against
the spirit, and the body against the soul.
Such was Adam’s state from the time that he fell.
Since the Tall.
x 75
The spirit now, instead of going on to know God and
so attain the proper end of man, viz., to enjoy God,
and to be happy with Him for ever, fell back into a
dead reception of divine impressions. The motions
of the Spirit were no longer felt, or felt only as the
voice of conscience reproving him for what he had
left undone. Man tries to satisfy that conscience,
and quiet the witness within, by external religious
duties. The more sharply the stings of conscience
are felt, the more he tries by superstitious services,
fasts, penances, and such like austerities, to say peace,
when there is no peace. He scourges his back for
the sin of his soul; he makes long prayers; and the
farther he strays from God, the more ascetic and severe
his religion becomes. Superstition and spiritual¬
mindedness are contrary to each other, and the more
man loses of the one, the more he vainly tries to make
it up by the other. Thus to measure the depth of
man’s fall, we should pass the religions of human na¬
ture in review, from China to Mexico ; from the first
act of idolatry, on the plains of Babel, to the last de¬
cree of the Church of Rome—the dogma of the Im¬
maculate Conception. In all this descent, we see no
power of self-recovery; no sign of improvement with
the advance of enlightenment. No one will deny
that in all superstition there is ignorance; but we
may dispel the ignorance and not cure the supersti¬
tion. The truth is, that conscience or the half-dead¬
ened spirit will assert its claims to be heard. It will
witness for God, and man fearing to come to God,
uses religion as a contrivance for keeping on terms
176 Tbe State oj the Pneuma
with God, while we continue to live at a distance from
Such are the effects of the fall on human nature.
Body, soul and spirit, are all affected by it, but in very
different proportions. It has impaired our animal and
intellectual powers—to what extent, it is impossible to
say, as we have not the means of comparison—and
the case of the Lord Jesus Christ, for obvious reasons,
cannot be pressed too far into such an argument as
this. But the ruin is complete in the crowning part
of human nature—the spirit.* Hence it is that man
cannot now develop himself as God intended he should;
body, soul, and spirit, unfolding harmoniously together,
and the lower being always subservient to the higher.
For want of a spiritual mind, the intellect is proud,
knowing nothing, but doting upon questions and strifes
of words, and the animal part, over which reason, now
itself a rebel, has lost its proper authority, breaks out
into excesses, which bring with them their own punish-
* Dr. Manning, in one of his Oxford Sermons, has very eloquently de¬
scribed this defect of the pneuma which marks the psychical man. Great
as the knowledge is, that some men void of God’s presence have attained in
natural, and human, and even revealed truths, yet there is something percepti¬
bly wanting in them. They amaze us with the light of their speculations,
and then astonish us with a pur-blind ignorance of some self-evident and vital
axiom of truth. There is evidently some stupendious breach in their intellec¬
tual system ; some want of continuity in its perceptions; or some faculty
related to particular kinds of truth wholly wanting. And this is in fact the
true solution.” That faculty which Dr. Manning truly says is wanting in
fallen human nature is the pneuma; and thus it is that the psychical man
understands not the things of the Spirit of God, because they are pneumati¬
cally discerned. The spiritual organ, in consequence of the fall, cannot dis¬
charge its function ; hence a state of disease is set up in our inner constitution,
which must affect every other organ of mind, as well as that where the seat of
the disease lies.
Since the Fall.
ment. That this state of anarchy does not go the
lengths which it did in the antediluvian world, is owing
to other causes than those which are under the control
of human nature. God’s restraining grace has never
been withdrawn ; and he has never left himself with¬
out a witness within, as well as a protest without.
Under such conditions then as these, men are born,
live, and die. As like produces like, we each come
into the world possessed of exactly those qualities
and capacities of mind, as well as of body, which our
parents are able to transmit. It was always intended
' that the order of manifestation should be from the lower
to the higher ; hence there is no direct proof of the fall,
in the fact that the animal nature is the first to appear,
then the rational, and last of all the moral or spiritual.
But the effect of the fall is seen in this, that at the
time when we should expect to find the higher con¬
trolling the lower, we miss it. As the tares did not
appear till the wheat had begun to grow, so man’s un¬
spirituality is not seen till the intellectual and animal
powers have begun to put themselves forth. Then
we see with surprise that the young nature, like a wild
vine, instead of training upward, trails along the earth.
We look for grapes, but behold wild grapes ; for
judgment, but behold oppression; for righteousness,
but behold a cry. Now we discover what man ought
to be, from seeing what he is not. We learn the
nature of the spirit by its defect. This negative proof
is perhaps the most convincing of any. While our
survey of these texts, which point out the distinction
between the psyche and pneuma, leads us some way
The State of the Pneuma
on our inquiry, and the well-known distinction between
the intellectual and moral faculties, helps us still far¬
ther on the road, the decisive proof awaits us at this
point. We have found that the pneuma is an essential
ingredient in man, when we see that for want of it he
fails of the proper end of his being.
This would itself be a sufficient testimony on which
to rest our case; but we have a yet strongei one.
Plutarch, in his treatise on false and true religion,
balances the question between atheism and superstition,
as to which is the greatest plague to man. It seems
to him a choice of evils, and he is unable to decide
which is the greatest. He wishes to recommend
cheerful piety as the happy mean between these fatal
extremes, but feels that this is not to be expected of
human nature as he met with it. What is this but an un¬
conscious testimony to the extent and natuie of the fall ?
Cheerful piety would be the natural outcome of human
nature if men increased in wisdom as in stature, in
favour with God as with man. That there is no such
golden mean is the proof we desire for the defect of
the Pneuma which we call original sin.
Long and learned controversies have arisen on the
nature of this defect in man. Pelagius and Augustine
are at the head of two schools which, with all the in¬
tervening shades of semi-Pelagianism, divide the Chris¬
tian Church to this day.”* No fresh light can be
thrown on this dispute from the ground of experience
or Scripture. The passages that have a meaning either
* Pid. Mozley’s Augustinian Doctrine of Predestination.
Since the Fall.
i 79
way have been sifted again and again. The appeal to
experience about the innocence of childhood, and that
men are naturally good till the effect of bad example
has begun to tell, has been advanced and refuted over
and over again. Experiments even have been tried
whether, by removing the external excitements to evil,
we could cause it to die a natural death. Dreamers
like Owen and St Simon have tried to cure the world
of sin, as high farming does the land of weeds. But
the result is always the same. We find mankind
making endless advances in knowledge, but brought
to a stand-still in moral goodness and spiritual-minded-
ness. Mr Buckle makes a great parade of this fact,
as if it told in favour of the Positive theory, the very
contrary being the case. The inference we draw from
this fact is indeed the opposite to his. So far from
glorying in our shame and boasting of such advanced
knowledge, while the nobler part of man is torpid or
dead, we lament that it is so, while we thank God
that we know the cause. The fall is the key to all
man’s after history. The sin of Adam, or what is
called original sin, accounts for what would otherwise
be inexplicable.
But if man were not created at first as body, soul,
and spirit, original sin, which is the key to all the
mysteries of his present existence, would be the
hardest and most contradictory of all dogmas. Sup¬
pose man a bipartite nature only of body and soul,
appetite and intellect, is it conceivable that the taint
of Adam’s transgression could pass down as a virus
(for this is the way it is sometimes expressed)
180 The State of the Pneuma
through six or seven thousand years ? To the third
or fourth generations a physical taint or peculiarity
will continue, and then it dies out. If original sin
were something positive, and which passed down as
unsound states of the body are transmitted until
either the taint is worn out or it wears out the race
that suffer from it, we do not see how we can avoid
the conclusion that God, who is the author of nature,
must be also the author of sin. Augustine’s reply to
this objection is verbal only. “Both,” he says,. “ are
propagated together, nature and the depiavity of
nature, one of which is good, and the other evil ■
the first is derived from the bounty of our Creator,
the latter must be attributed to our original condem¬
nation. The first has its source in the good pleasure
of God, the latter in the perverse will of the first
man. That exhibits God as the framer of his crea¬
tures, this as the punisher of disobedience. Finally,
the same Christ, from the creation of our nature,
is the Maker of man ; but, for the healing of the
disease of this nature, became man.” The dogma
that original sin was something positive, not priva¬
tive only, was pushed to its extreme conclusions by
Flaccius Illyricus—that it corrupted the nature of
the soul. This was resisted by orthodox Lutheran
divines as an error in the other extreme ; but we do
not see on what principle they can draw the line where
they do, and speak of a birth-taint as affecting the
inner power of the mind. If the whole nature is
born with us at our birth, and education be only
the unfolding of our innate powers, we do not see
Since the Fall. 181
how a taint ex traduce is to stop short at the rational
powers and not to affect them. Probably those who
opposed the Flaccians held the creationist theory of
the soul, and so desired to remove the appearance of
God in any way being the author of evil. But for
our part, we cannot see any middle course between
the privative and positive theory of the transmission
of evil. Original sin is, we admit, an ambiguous
expression. What divines really mean to teach is,
the origin of sin and the transmission of evil in man.
What they wish to deny is, that each man is the
origin of evil to himself, a position which ought to
be as simple and self-evident as that man is not the
author of his own being, or self-contained and inde¬
pendent, as the Stoics boasted to be. It is a matter
of fact that as men come into the world by me¬
diate descent from Adam, not by an immediate act of
God’s creative will, so they come into the world with
infirmities and under disabilities, which, if it does
not remove responsibility, restricts it. Of the evil
that men do, and of which their conscience condemns
them, all must acknowledge that part of it is our own
fault, and part of it our misfortune. “I was born
frail, I have become foul; 1 would not make the
one my excuse for the other. For what is my fault,
I deserve to suffer; but for what is my misfortune,
I am distressed. O God, undertake for me. This
is the voice of conscience when true to herself on the
subject of this mystery ; and if divines had kept to
this, the doctrine of original sin would never have
raised the strife which it has. But urged on by con-
18 2 State of the Pnenma
troversy and the love of system, the fact of expe¬
rience was turned into a dogma, and two new theories
of evil were rolled into one, to give the dogma a
more imposing and logical form. ' The one was the
theory of concupiscence, that it has the nature of sin.
Divines very properly shrank from saying that it is
quite the same as sin. Lust, when it is conceived,
bringeth forth sin ; but it is only when desire has
been impregnated by the will, that sin, properly so
called—sin, i.e. as the transgression of the law—is
produced. Hence the Church of Rome, with its
quantitative views of sin, says that of all sins original
sin is the least. To express how light original sin is,
as compared with actual, the limbus infantum to which
all unbaptized infants were supposed to go, seemed
little more than an exclusion out of heaven, without
any suffering or misery, like a state of sleep or inac¬
tivity. The other theory is that of imputed guilt.
Either, it is said, we existed federally in our father
Adam, and so his act became ours, or our wills were
bound up in some mysterious way in his, so that his
guilt could be justly transmitted to us as well as his
nature. Of course, imputed righteousness and im¬
puted guilt are correlative ; they stand and fall to¬
gether. The same controversy which suggested the
one suggested the other also. Now as we do not
see ground in the New Testament for the distinction
between imputed and inherent righteousness, on which
the Reformers laid such stress, so the distinction be¬
tween original and actual guilt looks like a scho¬
lasticism. There is a deeper truth which embraces
i Since the Fall.
i8 3
both inherent and imputed righteousness, viz., that
we are in our regenerate nature mystically one with
the Lord_the seed of divine life in our spirits,
which cannot sin, being taken from Christ, as Eve
was taken from the side of Adam. Hobbes theory
of the Leviathan is an immoral exaggeration of a
deep spiritual truth, viz., that humanity is a mighty
unit; Adam and his posterity are one, as a river
at its mouth is the same as at its souice. If this be
so, we see that original sin is not so many successive
acts of birth-sin, a supposition which Aquinas rightly
rejected; nor is it again even a habit or taint, as he
supposed, passing down, as concupiscence, fiom parent
to child ; much less is it the fictitious transfei of the
guilt of Adam to his innocent and unborn posterity.
a As I live, saith the Lord, ye shall no more use this
proverb, The fathers have eaten soui gtapes, and the
children’s teeth are set on edge,” should have put di¬
vines on their guard against this foiensic theoi^, which
is indeed most unforensic, for what court of law ever
held a man accountable for other than his own acts ?
We must clear away all these theological phrases to
get at the Scriptural truth underneath. The defini¬
tion in the Augustan Confession, which is cleaiei and
shorter than our ninth article, shows how r fai we hold
with it, and what we think to be an aftergrowth of
theology. 11 Peccatum originis habet privationem ori-
ginalis justifies et cum hoc inordinatam dispositionem par-
tium anima , unde non est privatio , sed quidam habitus
corruptus .” Original sin consists in the want of ori¬
ginal righteousness, and in an inordinate disposition
184 The State of the Pneuma
of the faculties of the soul, so that it is not merely a
privation, but a certain corrupt habit. This definition
has the great merit of being precise and put in the
fewest possible words. It defines original sin as a
corrupt habit as well as a privation. We are far
from denying the fact of a corrupt habit. Men are
born with this tendency to evil. u As soon as they
are born they go astray and speak lies/’ But we do
not think Aquinas’ distinction between habits sound
or satisfactory. In one sense he says original sin is a
habit, in another not; just as we speak of health as a
good habit of the body, and sickness as the contrary ;
to us it seems much simpler to explain the corrupt
habit which no one denies, not as a distinct fact, but
as to the effect of the privation of original righteous¬
ness. To our mind the negative or privative idea of
birth-sin is quite sufficient to explain the facts of the
case, and by the law of parsimony we should never
import more into the cause than the effect requires.
The babe is born very good, as we should not hesitate
to say, both as to his animal and intellectual faculties,
but with a fatal defect which mars all the rest. Just
as if a ship were launched complete in every respect,
but unprovided with a rudder. The defect would be
fatal to her making a safe or successful voyage, but it
would be strange, when she struck on the first rock
that lay in her course, if fault were found with her
timbers or iron work for not resisting the shock. The
fault lies with the regulative faculty in man. But one
defect will mar the perfection of the whole in any
nature whose perfection consists in the constitution of
Since the Fall.
18 5
parts. Bishop Butler, and also Chalmers, have very
truly pointed out that this constitution of paits making
up a balance of forces in man’s inner natuie. If
man, then, be a constitution of body, soul, and spirit,
is it conceivable that the constitution can work when
the sovereign power is dead or disabled ? The loss
of the one must lead to the destruction of all the rest.
But this is only saying that birth-sin is privative, not
positive. To test our view of the case we maintain
that were the pneuma in any man quickened from the
earliest dawn of infancy, were he effectually sanctified
by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit from the fiist
moment that appetite began to stir and intellect to
dawn, it is not conceivable that such a man could sin,
nor even could have concupiscence in the sense that
St James speaks of lust, for every act of appetite or
intellect could be prevented as well as followed by a
spiritual motion. He would live in the light of God s
countenance, and sin would be as foreign to his nature
as to that of the Holy Son of God Himself, when He
took our nature of spirit, soul, and body upon Him.
Thus a sound system of psychology solves one of
the most vexed questions in theology, on which divines
have differed for fourteen centuries, and on which
hardly two men hold quite the same shade of doctiine.
God withdrew from Adam the presence of his Holy
Spirit, and thus the pneuma fell back into a dim and
depraved state of conscience toward God. We need
not suppose more than this fatal defect allowed to
continue, and Adam to propagate a race under the
unspiritual condition into which he had fallen, and we
186 The State of the Ptieuma.
have enough to account for the condition of man as
we see him to this day. Original sin is thus a priva¬
tion, judicial we admit; but a privation only of origi¬
nal righteousness, or the image of God in every man.
Given this one fact, that man was intended to become
spiritual and has failed of this end, and all that divines
call original sin is easily explicable. To conclude, we
do not see any account of original sin, from a dichoto-
mist point of view, which does not make more difficul¬
ties than it solves. The trichotomy of man, and the
present defect of the governing part in man, is the
true origin of evil. We dare not attempt a Theo-
dicee of evil in general; but this we can say, that the
privation of grace, which we call original sin, is con¬
sistent not only with the character of God, but also
explains the defect of that special religious faculty in
man, which is called the spirit, and which Scripture
distinguishes from the soul. That man born into the
world with a defective and dormant pneuma should
not decline to evil would indeed suppose a continued
miracle on God’s part, in comparison with which the
ordinary doctrines of grace are easy of belief. Ihe
theory we advocate meets the two tests of truth : it
is simple, and it is self-consistent. No other theory
accounts for the hereditary depravity of the human
race so well as this; but for defect of the regulative
or sovereign pneuma, body and soul fall away into
evil as soon as we begin to act and think.
In discussing the subject of original sin, we purposely
passed over the question of creationism and traducian-
ism, which at once occurs as calling for some settlement
when we consider the transmission of evil from Adam
to his posterity. The derivation of sin with the race
from a single pair, obviously suggests the question
whether at every birth the entire nature of the child
is transmitted from the parents {ex traduce , the phrase
was first used by Tertullian), or whether the soul and
its powers came from God by a special act of cieation.
Thus, as a corollary from the doctrine of original sin,
the question of creationism and traducianism comes up
for settlement. "We shall endeavour to show that the
distinction of psyche and pneuma, which is the key to
the question of original or birth-sin, also solves the
creationist controversy, on which divines are still
The history of the question is briefly as follows:
In the east, Origen and his school seem to have held
a theory of the pre-existence of souls, which is nothing
188 Traducianism and Creationism ♦
else than the Platonic argument for knowledge,
founded on memory, as is seen in the Meno. Accord¬
ing to Origen, God created spirits at first, one by one,
and all perfect. Some of these kept their first estate ;
some fell and were degraded into the class of demons,
and others, who had sinned less, into the condition of
men. This extreme theory of creationism was con¬
demned at the council of Constantinople. The ortho¬
dox theory was then declared to be that of partial
creationism; that the body and psyche came from the
parents, but the spirit by a special creation from God.
If the trichotomy of spirit, soul, and body had been
upheld by the Church, this division would have satis¬
fied every candid mind, and the question would pro¬
bably have been forgotten long ago.
Unfortunately for the cause of truth and peace, the
Latin Church, partly from the poverty of the language,
partly for want of ability to deal with points of divinity
more speculative than practical, rejected the distinction
of psyche and pneuma, and the result soon was seen
in the first Latin writer who approached the question
of the transmission of evil. Tertullian, in his treatise
De Anima, decided that body and soul came ex traduce
—God deputing to the parents a kind of quasi-creative
power of the soul. This, like Descartes’ theory of
occasionalism, to account for the action of the mind
on the body, only made the difficulty greater than it
found it. If the parent creates the soul by a kind of
deputed power, the soul clearly comes, like the body,
ex traduce , and that this was Tertullian’s real opinion
there can be no reasonable doubt. Duas species con-
'Traducianism and Creationism. 189
fitemur seminis corporalem et animalem indiscretas
tamen vindicamus et hoc modo contemporales ejus-
demque momenti * According to Jerome, who was a
creationist, the Western Church, for the first four cen¬
turies, generally adopted Tertullian’s view oftraducian-
ism. Augustine, however, took the side of creation¬
ism. The other theory offered such an obvious account
of the transmission of original sin that it is no small
mark of Augustine’s candour that he declined to take
advantage of it, even though Pelagius was a creationist.
Augustine’s decision in favour of creationism set the
question at rest for centuries. The traducianist theory
fell in consequence under a cloud, and was almost re¬
puted a heresy in the middle ages. Peter Lombard’s
distinction is only verbal: “ Creando infundit infun-
dendo creat.” The creation of the soul by infusion is
still creation; and this account of the question the
Roman Catholic Church has pronounced to be the
orthodox one. In the Lutheran Church, on the other
hand, traducianism was adopted as the only account of
the transmission of evil, and as Delitzsch observes in
the seventeenth century, there was scarcely a Lutheran
divine who did not oppose creationism as either semi-
Pelagian, or as a Romish error.
Of modern psychologists, Delitzsch is a Traducianist,
while J. H. Fichte takes the other side, though with a
theory of the pre-existence of souls, which is Platonic,
but not Christian. Frohshammer (Ueber den Ur-
sprung der menschlichen Seele) takes the side of
Traducianism, which he calls Generationismus. Lange,
* Tertullian De Anima, chap. xix.
190 'Traducianism and Creationism .
on the other hand, objects that pure Traducianism
would reduce man to the condition of a brute. The
true Tradux of the human race is, he says, the word
“ Let us make man,” not “ let the earth bring forth.”
Martensen, in his Dogmatik, sets out with the premiss
that human beings without any varied and inner
individuality would only be a mere repetition of the
race, and he comes to the conclusion that men are both
born and created. There is, he says, a truth of Trad¬
ucianism that men are not mere units, but links in a
living chain. The truth, on the other hand, of crea¬
tionism is this, that the general productivity “of nature,
through which the human race propagates itself, is the
organ and occasion of an individualising work of crea¬
tive activity, so that in the existence of every man there
is a new revelation of the will of God which has made
man in his image. Every man, he says, is born, and
so comes under the law of Traducianism, Ps. 51.
Every man is created, and so comes under the law of
Creationism. Ps. 139.”*
Schubert, on the other hand, sets out with the in¬
cautious assertion that a being who is to have an exist¬
ence for eternity cannot have had a beginning in time.
The spirit, therefore, is pre-existent in a certain sense :
as the air exists before the lungs which inhales it, so
the spirit before the soul which it vitalises and gives
personality to. The spirit enters the soul, and wraps
it more closely round within than the body does
without. The spirit has an eternal origin; it has
existed a parte ante in God, and shall exist for eternity
* See Martensen’s Dogmatik.
7 raducianism and Creationism. 191
a parte post before Him. The soul which man has in
common with the brute would perish with the body,
but for the spirit. It is the spirit which sustains the
soul’s consciousness after death, and supported by it,
it arrests that dissolution to which it would otherwise
Such is a brief account of the leading theories on
the subject. It is clear that divines are as far off agree¬
ment as ever, and that some of the later theories of
pre-existence are as strange and mystical as those of
Origen and Plato. May not the relation of psyche
and pneuma help to throw light on this, as on the pre¬
vious question, of original sin ? The view we have
taken above is, that Adam was created with a “living
soul,” and with a capacity of becoming a quickened
spirit. But when Adam fell, he not only lost the
pneumatical faculty for himself, but also the power of
transmitting it to his posterity. He had become carnal-
minded, and alienated from the life of God, through the
ignorance which was in him. The soul, now enslaved
in sin, could only “ gender to bondage.” That which
was born of the flesh is flesh. "We are thus on the
side of Traducianism, so far as to hold that body and
psyche, or the sum total of the powers of the natural
man, are transmitted by generation. As to the
pneuma , or divine image in man, that we consider to
be dormant since the fall. The capacity is, we admit,
transmitted, but it is a dead capacity—it is an organ
which never attains to its proper function in the unre¬
generate, and though, as conscience, it witnesses for
* See Schubert’s Lehrbuch der Menschen and Seelenkunde.
ig 2 Traducianlsm and Creationism.
God, accuses or else excuses, still it never leads us to
any spiritual exercise, properly so called. The race
of Adam transmit the pneumatical nature from one to
the other, as the exiled race of Stuarts handed down,
for three generations, their pretensions to the crown
of England.
Eor our part we see no need of the creationist hypo¬
thesis on account of the supposed dignity and immate¬
riality of the soul. That the thinking principle is
immaterial is rather a self-evident truth than an impor¬
tant principle charged with the consequences which
Descartes and his school attached to it. Granting that
man is material as to his body, and non-material as to the
soul or reason, it is as difficult to understand the trans¬
mission through generations of physical as of mental
or moral qualities. To suppose that the body comes
ex traduce , but the soul by a fresh creation of God
(for this is all that Creatonists ask for, they do not ob¬
ject to the animal part of man descending by propaga¬
tion) is to distinguish, where Scripture does not, be¬
tween matter and spirit or reason on the half-heathen
“Nec deus intersit nisi dignus vinaice nodus
The birth of a soul, these Cartesianists would say, is
worthy to call out God into a fresh act of creation,
which the birth of a mere animal frame would no£,
But such conceptions of God’s interference with the
ordinary course of affairs on great occasions, but not
on little, carry their own refutation with them. They
rest on a fundamental mistake as to the present nature
Traducianism and Creationism . 193
of man. God has been pleased to make man for a
little while, and in a little degree (both senses are here
applicable), lower than the angels. The birth of an
angel is, we admit, an original act of creation, the same
as when God said, Let light be, and light was. The
angelic nature is not successive as one of a race, but
single. Men, on the other handj are first separated
from their mother’s womb, and then called by God’s
grace. First the animal, then the intellectual individu¬
ality, and, last of all, if at all, the spiritual. The
truth is, that we learn our intellectual individuality
through our animal. We grow into our sense of per¬
sonality by the aid of the body, and those acts of sen¬
sation and perception which are preconscious. The
body, as experiment has proved, cannot for a while
localize its sensations; it learns to transform its sen¬
sations, which are passive, into perceptions, which are
active, and so memory and judgment (psychical faculties,
as all would allow), grow out of and wait upon the
exercise of the animal. The use of the body to teach
the mind the sense of personality is nowhere better de¬
scribed than in Tennyson’s lines,—
“ The baby, new to earth and sky,
What time his tender palm is pressed
Against the circle of the breast,
Has never thought that this is I,
But as he grows he gathers much,
And learns the use of ‘ I ’ and ‘ me,’
And finds I am not what I see,
And other from the things I touch ;
Traducianism and Creationism .
So rounds he to a separate mind,
From whence clear memory may begin,
As thro’ the frame that binds him in,
His isolation grows defined.”
This, then, being the case, we do not see why either
reason or religion requires us to sever, as the Creation¬
ists do, between body and soul, as if the dignity of the
soul required some special act of interposition on
God’s part. Two errors seem to lurk in such a
supposition as this—one is, that all lower lives are left
to the operation of what are called natural and neces¬
sary laws; the other is, that God at the creation o
each fresh soul breaks in on that Sabbath which He
has entered into at the close of His six days work
Our Lord tells us that God’s Sabbath is not one of
inactivity (John v. 17). God works hitherto or up to
the present day. This He does by upholding all
things by the word of His power, by giving to all hie
and breath, and all things. But this creatio continua
is very different from the distinct act of creating an in¬
dividual soul, which is the Creationist hypothesis. So
difficult, indeed, is this hypothesis, that those who
espouse it, as J. E. Fichte and Schubert, fall back on
a theory of the pre-existence of souls in God , which is
not only mystical, but self-contradictory. For, if they
exist in God, they are not created, but proceed fiom
Him. We do not object to the distinction of Irenaeus
between the afflatus of Christ and the inspiration of
the Holy Spirit. The soul or rational part may be
given at birth per afflatum , and the pneumatical part
Traducianism and Creationism. 195
be quickened at regeneration per spiritum. This may
be so. If any, as Fichte, object to the higher powers,
as of the pure reason, descending by generation from
father to son, we shall not seriously differ with them.
Embryology, even in the lower forms of life, is beset
with mysteries, but when we rise to man it is better
to be silent on the question, whether the genius of a
Newton or a Pascal comes by descent from their
parents or was a new and original gift imparted to
them by God. It is a question on which thoughtful
minds have been long divided, one on which neither
psychology nor physiology throws the least light at
present From a large induction of instances it cer¬
tainly seems as if the mothers of great men have gene¬
rally been women of character, if not of rare and ori¬
ginal genius. Whether the explanation of this fact be
some physiological law which embryology, a science
still in its infancy, has not been able to detect, we can¬
not say. We only notice the fact, without attempting
to found any inference on it. So far at least as we can
see at present, there are examples either of hereditary
genius, as in the Sheridan family, the Coleridge, the
Herschells ; or conversely, of hereditary dullness in
some of our old families, where “ the tenth transmitter
of a foolish race” has passed into a proverb. These
examples go to confirm the Traducian hypothesis. We
do not know why the mothers of great men generally
belie Pope’s account that u most women have no char¬
acter at all.” But the fact is so, and cannot be over¬
looked in an inquiry like the present. Martensen is
doubtless right in saying there is a truth in Tra-
ig 6 Traducianism and Creationism.
ducianism, and also a truth in Creationism. The
truth of the former is, that men are not units, but
part of a race. Humanity is a great tree, of which
each generation is a foliage, each individual a single
leaf. The illustration is as old as Homer, and a great
deal more graceful than Hobbes’ monster man, the
Leviathan. On the other hand, Creationism repre¬
sents a truth, that each man is an ens individuum with
a sense of personality and responsibility which we carry
with us into the future world.
u This use may be in blood and breath,
Which else were fruitless of their due,—
Had man to learn himself anew,
Beyond the second birth of death.”
The distinction between psyche and pneuma seems
to reconcile these two aspects of truth, and to solve
the question between Creationism and Traducianism.
So far as the animal and intellectual nature of man is
concerned, we are quite on the side or Traducianism.
But there is another part in man’s nature in which
personality resides. Our knowledge may belong to
us like our rank, riches, and other things, which are
outside the kernel and centre of our being. . But
the conscience, the hidden man of the heart, this is the
true centre of man’s being, and this organ or faculty
is that which Scripture distinguishes from the nephesh
or psyche. The ruach, or the pneuma, is that which
comes from God, and is of God. Its etymology im¬
plies an inspiration or afflatus ; it is “the candle of the
Lord,” in the spirit of man. And we admit that the
fraducianism and Creationism . 197
Traducian hypothesis does not account for the trans¬
mission of this pneuma from father to son. For the
pneumatical part of the tripartite nature of man, we
revert to the Creationist theory.
But do we then hold, as Barclay and Fox, as well
as the Cambridge school of Platonists, that this pneu¬
matical faculty is born with every man naturally born
of Adam? We have already disclaimed agreement
with the school of the Neo-Platonists. We do not
understand their favourite text, “ That is the true
light which lightetli every man that cometh into the
world,” to apply at all to the doctrine in question.
Their theory of the inner light is mystical, and not
borne out by missionary experience. But like all theo¬
ries, it rests on a truth which its opponents would do
well to admit, if they would hold their own against the
new school of Origenists. To explain the truth, of
which the u inner light ” theory is an exaggeration,
we fall back upon Irenaeus’ distinction between per
ajjlatum and per spiritum. The pneuma of all men
comes from God at birth, by a general Creationist
power, such as that which the risen Saviour breathed
on his disciples. But the pneuma is quickened in the
regenerate to a higher and divine life, by a special Cre¬
ationist power, such as the descent of the Holy Spirit
at Pentecost, when it sat upon each of them. The first
birth of the pneuma is general; the second, or new
birth, is particular. The one is in all men, yea, in the
very reprobate; for if they had no inner light, they
would have no sin. Sin|and light; law and transgres¬
sion, being always reciprocal ideas. The other is that
198 Traducianism and Creationism.
inner light of a man who doeth truth and cometh to
the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that
they are wrought in God. The spirit, per afflatum ,
goes no farther than conscience, which the Apostle
(Rom. ii.) describes as doing for the Gentile what the
written law did for the Jew. The abuse of the written
and unwritten law are the same in both cases. Jew
and Gentile alike took the law, whether written within
or without, as a means of justification, and flattered
themselves that they kept the law, when they kept
only certain traditions and customs, to which they had
lowered the standard of the law’s demands. The
inner light, then, or the light of conscience, never
leads men to Christ; not through defect of the light,
but because it is not fairly used. Where it is fairly
used, when men, casting aside Pharisaism and for¬
malism of all kinds, become conscientious and scrupu¬
lous in the deep sense of the word, then they are
already beginning to be led of the Spirit of God.
They may not know it; like unconverted Saul, they
may little suspect what they are being led on to.
The violent prejudice, for instance, of certain conscien¬
tious formalists, against what they call evangelicalism,
is a case like that of Saul. Their conscience is pricked
—the law is doing its work, convincing them of sin; and
though they are far from knowing the joy and peace
in believing which they may afterwards attain to, they
are, nevertheless, not far from the kingdom of heaven.
That no flesh should glory in His presence, Zacchmus
the publican, and Paul the Pharisee, are both called,
one in one way, and the other in another. But in
Traducianism and Creationism. 199
both cases alike, the spirit or conscience was stirred up
to higher conscientiousness; and out of this deeper
sense of right and wrong, with a corresponding
sense of defect, there grew the convictions of sin,
righteousness, and judgment, which are the unening
marks of a man being regenerate and born anew of
the Spirit.
To trace the connection between the pneuma, per
afflatum , in the unregenerate, and that, per spiritual ,
in the regenerate, is a subject worthy of a sepaiate
treatise. We only here give an outline of the chief
points of correspondence. When we speak of the
new birth, we do not mean that the human pneuma
begins to exist then for the first time, for that would
amount to a dichotomist view of fallen human nature,
which we are far from agreeing with. But we mean
that the pneuma in man is now quickened and acted
upon by the divine pneuma—the third person of the
Blessed Trinity. The pneuma, or conscience, works
in the man who is not yet regenerate. His state befoie
conversion, and when pricked by God’s law, is as when
an ox is pricked by a goad. It struggles for a time
against these convictions of sin, and learns to its sorrow
that it is hard to kick against these pricks. It knows
the law of God and fears its threatenings ; but it does
not delight in God, or love Him, or hold fellowship with
Him, or tell Him all its wants, sins, and sorrows; in
fine, it does not demean itself as a reconciled child with
a father, who loves us too dearly to be indulgent
who is too true not to chide us when we forget Him.
Thus as the Traducianist hypothesis is the only one
200 Traducianism and Creationism.
which accounts for the facts of body and soul, so the
Creationist explains the spirit’s existence, either as the
unenlightened natural conscience, or as the awakened
and converted pneuma. If the pneuma were not an
integral and original part of man’s nature, the doctrine
of the indwelling of the Holy Ghost would be utterly
unmeaning. They are consistent who to deny the one,
deny the other as well.
But to believe in the personal indwelling of the
Holy Ghost in the hearts of the regenerate people of
God, and not to see that such a doctrine of theology
requires a special doctrine of psychology, on which to
rest its credibility, would argue very little discernment
in those who professed it. The spirit in man presup¬
poses that there is a spirit in God, or else how could
the heathen ever say,—“ for we are also his offspring ? ’
On the other hand, the truth that the Spirit is shed abroad
among men would be unaccountable, except in the lower
sense of his dwelling corporately through the Church,
and in her sacraments, unless we saw that this special
function presupposes a special organ in man. The
adaptation of means to ends, and of parts to each
other, is always seen in whatever comes from God.
Hence a spiritual theology must require a spiritual
psychology, as certainly as the eye is adapted to light,
or the lungs to inhale air.
The mystery of human nature seems to lie in this,
that men are born into the world with a living body
and soul, but with a dead or dormant spirit. How else
are we to reconcile the Scripture statement, that men
are by nature dead in trespasses and sins, with the fact
that the intellectual and sensitive powers, though im¬
paired, are not destroyed by the fall ? But for the
distinction between psyche and pneuma, we should
either have to understand the expression, “dead in
trespasses and sins,” as merely figurative, or else we
must contradict the facts of experience, and speak of
the psyche as born naturally dead as well as the spirit.
According to the popular account of the mattei, the
unregenerate man is said to be made up of two paits,
a living body and a dead soul. To quote from an able
address by Dr Simpson of Edinburgh, entitled “.Dead
in Trespasses and Sins: ”—“ While unbelievers in Christ,
people are not what they seem to be. They are in¬
deed hideous and loathsome in the eye of God, for
with all their efforts to hide it from themselves and
others, they are carrying about in ^connection with
202 Conversion to God Explained.
their living bodies, 'dead souls. They remind us of
the fearful punishment described by Virgil as in¬
flicted by the mythical Mezentis, king of the Tyr¬
rhenians, when he bound dead corpses to living men,
and the living moved about with the dead, decom¬
posing bodies tied to them, face to face, and hands
to hands. In God’s holy sight the soul of every un- ,
believing man, however moral, and good, and virtuous,
and excellent, and exemplary in the estimation of the
world that man may be, is dead, dead in trespasses
and sins.”
Now, if for soul, in the above passage, we read
spirit, the language is both true to Scripture and
consistent with the facts of the case. It is hardly
correct to say that the psyche of an Aristotle or a
Laplace was dead, their intellect was as serene, their
moral nature as sweet and amiable as that of many
whose spirits are quickened by the divine spirit.
We do not, of course, imply that sin has worked
no damage on the pure reason, or that the standard
of moral good and evil has not been grievously
lowered by the fall. But these are the indirect and
secondary results of the fall—they do not touch the
root of the evil, or describe what the loss is by itself.
The loss lies in this, that man, with all his natural
powers, cannot find out God, and, what is stranger
still, does not even desire to do so. His nature is
“psychical, having not the Spirit.” He is “dead
in trespasses and sins,” in the sense that while his
interest is keen and his ability great towards the
things of time and sense, he is apathetic to the
Conversion to God Explained
things which are unseen and eternal. The state of
spiritual death is the more awful because it is con¬
joined with moral and intellectual life. Were the
soul dead as well as the spirit, then there would be
nothing surprising that there should be no life to
God within. But that man should be alive to any-
‘ thing else, and dead only to God and the things of
God—this is indeed that living death, that Mezen-
thian union which Dr Simpson describes with practi¬
cal truth, though not with psychological accuracy.*
The pneuma in the unregenerate man is, as we
have seen before, a dead or dormant capacity. We
leave it open to question whether it is more correct to
describe it as dead or dormant. If dormant only,
it is dormant in the sense that it will never awake
of itself till Christ awaken it; if dead, it is dead in
the sense that Lazarus was when Christ said, “ our
brother Lazarus sleepeth, but I go to awake him
out of sleep.” If there is any life at all in the un¬
regenerate pneuma, it is the life of the embryo, which
» No one has better argued for the depravity of man from his general
goodness than Dr Chalmers. The argument is a great advance on the illus¬
trations of the corruption of nature adduced by the old school of divines.
Nothing could be weaker than some of these—thus the crying of an infant
in pain; the passion of a young child which is a compound of weakness,
ignorance, and fear, and quite as instinctive as its loud cries of joy ; the
brutality of savages, who are only full grown children: these were the proofs
of original sin to which divines appealed. The argument was as inconclu¬
sive as King James’ attempt to discover whether Hebrew was the primeval
tongue, by exposing two infants on an island—an experiment, by the way,
as old as Herodotus—or again, in the case of the wild boy Peter of the woods,
who was intrusted by Queen Caroline to Dr Arbuthnot, “ for the purpose of
investigating his theory of innate ideas.” When great truths are propped
up by irrelevant or insufficient arguments, we cannot complain if the cause
suffers with its advocates. No chain is stronger than its -weakest point.
204 Conversion to God Explained.
stirs, but cannot act or think for itself. There are
the motions of conscience, feeble, few, and incon¬
stant—the witness for God, which excuses and
accuses, but which never discharges its right func¬
tions as it was intended to do, viz., of bringing us
into communion with God, and judging all our con¬
duct in the light of his countenance. So fallen is
man, that instead of the Spirit witnessing with our
spirit that we are the sons of God, all that remains
to us is a feeble and accusing witness of the? law of
God. Conscience does not testify of the person of
God, but only of His law. As in a dream, confused
recollections start up of scenes and persons which we
once knew, but all so broken and disturbed, that we
cannot say what it is that is recalled to us, so of the
stirrings of the pneuma in the unregenerate man.
At times something flits before him to make him
feel that he is not what he ought to be. A word
from the pulpit, a death-bed warning, the example
of one who has passed through the great change,
and to whom old things are passed away, all things
are become new, when these things rise before the
unregenerate mind there is a stirring of conscience to
which, better than anything else, may be applied the
words of the poet,—
“ Blank misgivings of a creature,
Moving about in worlds not realized,
High instincts before which our mortal nature
Hid tremble, like a guilty thing surprised.”
That conscience is the fallen Pneuma, u trembling
Conversion to God Explained. 205
like a guilty thing surprised,” has been understood
by our poets better than our philosophers. “ That
conscience doth make cowards of us all,” is that pro¬
found view of the fall, and the witness within to it,
which makes the psychology of Shakespeare as true
to life as that of the schools is false. There are
several passages in which conscience is described as
a troublesome witness for God’s law. So Gobbo , in
the “Merchant of Venice,’’ supposes a dialogue
between conscience and the fiend, which is as true
as it is humorous. So the Murderer , in “ Richard
III.,” speaks of conscience as a dangerous thing :—
“ I’ll not meddle with it; it makes a man a coward :
Tis a blushing, shameful spirit, that mutinies in a man’s
But this witness of conscience is not real spiritual
life, though it wears the appearance of it, and some¬
times deceives the inexperienced. As the babe
leaped in the womb as soon as the sound of the
salutation of the mother of the Lord reached the
ears of Elizabeth, so there may be stirrings of con¬
science, strivings of the Spirit with our spirit, which
may or may not afterwards come to the birth, and
result in spiritual life. Sensibility is not spiritual¬
mindedness ; it may be its precursor, one of those
marks of a gracious Spirit which we are not to slight.
But the real birth of the spirit is determined by
other and more unmistakable signs. Both in Herod
and Felix there was much religious sensibility. The
readiness of Saul to fall in with religious emotions,
when prevalent, gave rise to the proverb in Israel,
206 Conversion to God Explained.
u Is Saul also among the prophets?” Yet none of
these men ever felt the great change, or were
awakened in any saving sense. The Word of God,
which is quick and powerful, is said to pierce to the
dividing asunder of soul and spirit. As we have
explained this above, it pierces not only into the soul,
the seat of the emotions and mere intellectual notions,
but also down into the spirit, where the conscience
lies sleeping and unalarmed, and where the will, the
master principle of all, is at present at enmity with
God, though we know it not. When a man’s spirit
is acted upon by the quickening Spirit, and is really
regenerated of the Holy Ghost, the sure and certain
mark of that work of grace begun is a sensitiveness
to sin and a fear of offending God, not so much for
fear of the consequences as because we learn to hate
sin even as God hates it. “ Oh ye that love the
Lord, see that ye hate the thing which is evil.” In
this one clause, the two tendencies which mark the
regenerate mind are linked together, as they are in
experience. The love of God and hatred of sin are
inseparable, and when they are found together, as
they invariably are in the case of the really awakened,
there we may pronounce with the greatest confidence
that a work of grace has begun. There may be much
or little intellectual insight into the plan of salvation as
such; there may be more or less of assurance, as there
is much or little of a present personal sense of accept¬
ance. These will differ with the nature of the teach¬
ing which we receive, with our constitution of mind
and previous habits. In the case of those who enjoy a
Conversion to God Explained. 207
free and full gospel preached, there will not be much
“ tarrying at the place of the breaking forth of the
womb.” As the terms of salvation are stated to be,
“Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt
be saved,” so their acceptance of these terms will be
prompt and joyful. They will not pass, like Wesley
and Whitfield at Oxford, through a long and dreary
time of probation, proving themselves with the law
as to whether they are worthy to accept the gospel.
It is our happy privilege to live in an age of religious
light, when such experiences as those of the early
Methodists ought to be exceedingly rare. But with
all this difference in our favour, the new birth is the
Ibb J
same mighty and marked change as it ever was. It
is the awakening of the pneuma to conscious life and
activity, the conscience turning to God, instead of
away from Him.
This is at first a painful process. Spiritual, like
natural birth, is not passed through without throes and
birth pangs; indeed, it is the symptom in both cases
of a healthy birth, that it shall be a painful one. Con¬
science has hitherto turned us away from God instead
of to God: is it likely that it can be given a change
of direction without a wrench of our previous habits,
the pang of separation from old associations and old
habits of thought ? Hence it is that the later in life
the new birth occurs, and the more confirmed in world¬
liness the character has become, the more painful is
the change. It is as if in the case of the new birth
those sorrows are multiplied which were the curse
upon woman in consequence of her fall. Conscience
208 Conversion to God Explained.
in the unawakened man keeps him as far as it can at
a distance from God. It witnesses to the holiness of
God and approves His law as holy, and just, and good.
But conscience, until convinced of sin, does not use the
law lawfully. It lowers the standard of God’s require¬
ments, and accepts partial as a composition for entire
obedience, for which there is no warrant in the Word
of God, but quite the contrary. Thus it is by playing
us false, and saying peace, peace, when there is no
peace, that our conscience keeps us at a distance from
God, and God at a distance from us. But when the
time of spiritual awakening comes, conscience cannot
play off these little deceptions on us any longei ; it
would act like the unjust steward if it could: it would
keep up the deception: to the demands of the law on
its debtors it would say, “ take up thy bill and write
fifty” or “write fourscore.” This is how the un¬
awakened conscience would act. But the awakened
conscience, the spirit or pneuma as we must now call
it, so soon as it is quickened by the Holy Ghost, will
not palter with itself any longer. God requires of us
an hundred measures of wheat, an hundied measures
of oil, and now He shall have full measure and full
weight if we break for it or have to go to piison.
Instead of the pitiful evasions and compromises with
which a deceiving heart puts off the day of settlement,
conscience now brings out its ledger and day-book, and
tells the account with God as it really stands. Before
men are awakened they are continually setting one good
deed done against some good deed left undone. The
Italian brigand will set up a cross over the spot where
Conversion to God Explained 209
he has hurled a traveller over the precipice, and pay
for a mass for his soul out of the plunder to which he
has helped himself. The Pharisee will pay tithe of
mint, anise, and cummin, while he neglects the
weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and
truth. The writings of the prophets are one long
protest against this abuse of the law. This is why
our Lord so continually warned His followers against
the leaven of the scribes and Pharisees, which was
hypocrisy. His reproof of them was for the very
thing that they had made the law void through their
The first mark, then, of an awakened conscience is
this, that it will not allow the demands of the law to
be disposed of by evasions like these. Instead of
treating the ceremonial law as a set off to the moral,
it sees that the latter is, of the two, the most impor¬
tant—that “to obey is better than sacrifice, and to
hearken than the fat of rams.” Brought to this convic¬
tion, it cannot regard with its former complacency those
breaches of the moral law which once were indulgently
passed over. A great change comes over its view of
the law of God. The commandment which was or¬
dained unto life it finds to be unto death. It is drawn
by a fatal attraction towards that very law which only
discovers our sin, and, through the commandment,
makes that sin to appear exceeding sinful. Then
a horrible dread begins to overwhelm the spirit. We
were alive once without the law,—alive, that is in the
lower sense of the word,—living a natural life in the
flesh, feeling no great attraction to God, on the one
Conversion to God Explained.
hand, but, on the other hand, feeling no great dread
of sin or fear of displeasing Him. Now this state of
insensibility is over. We can deceive. ourselves no
longer, either as to the necessity of strict and entire
obedience, or as to the reality in us of an evil heart of
sin and unbelief. Thus the spirit, on its first awaken¬
ing, is drawn by two opposite attractions—one towards,
the other averse from God. Plato, in the opening of
the Republic, describes the strange fascination with
which we cannot turn away our eyes from some object
we most loathe to see. So it is that we are at one and
the same time drawn to God by a desire after holi¬
ness, yet driven from Him by a sense of indwelling
sin. 5 Peter cast himself on his knees before Jesus, and
uttered the prayer which was the farthest from his
real desires, Depart from me, for I am a sinful man,
O Lord. Legion, in the same way, prayed Jesus for
relief, and then broke out in the opposite strain,
“What have we to do with Thee, Jesus, thou Son of
the Most High God?” This explains that strange
phenomenon of a double consciousness in the awakened
conscience. The Ego is at one time the will identified
with the law of God, and then, again, with the law of
sin that is in our members. Those commentators have
misunderstood the seventh chapter of the Romans who
refer the Ego, or will, the centre of the man, to either of
these* personalizations, the law or the flesh exclusively.
* We have intentionally passed by the question of the relation of the will
to the Psyche in the unregenerate, and to the Psyche-Pneuma in the regene¬
rate, lest we should seem to countenance a tetrachotomy of body, soul, spirit,
and'will, or the Ego acting in and through the three natures. Psychologists
21 I
Conversion to God Explained.
The truth is, that it wavers between the two, and the
very meaning of the conflict consists in this. Were
our identity connected exclusively with either the
higher or lower nature, there might be war, but it
would not be civil war. It would be the invasion of
our nature, and its possession by some other foreign
power. We should not then be responsible as we are,
and the conflict would assume a totally different aspect.
But as the Apostle describes it, and as the experience
of all truly awakened Christians bears him out, the
conflict arises out of this very duality of our nature in
flesh and spirit, and the long hesitation of the Ego or
will to which of the two to yield itself.
When the new or pneumatical nature begins to stir
under the old or psychical nature, it asserts its rights,
and claims our whole being, spirit, soul, and body as
the temple of the living God.
The conflict, properly so called, begins then, so soon
as we first begin to waver in our wills whether to yield
subjection to the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ
are divided as to the nature of the will—on the one hand, there are those
who call it a self-determining power, that “innate intellectual energy which,
unfolding itself from all the other forces of the mind, like a flower from its
petals, radiates through the whole sphere of our vitality,”—on the other hand,
the school of sensation confound will with desire, and deny any previous de¬
termination of the will. The truth seems to lie between the two, man is both
“Nature and Person,” as the Germans say, midway between the animal, who
has no self-determination, and the angel, which has, and whose will is free for
good or evil in the fullest extent. Thus, it is said of Adam, he was made a
living Psyche, not, as the angels, a living Pneuma. Were man a free will, in
the full sense of the word, probably there would have been no possibility of his
redemption ; but as the evil came from without, so the remedy. The will,
then, is seated in the Psyche, and according as the will is drawn up to the
spirit or down to the flesh, so we become pneumatical or carnal, and our char¬
acter is formed in time for eternity.
Conversion to God Explained*
Jesus, or to the law of sin and flesh. But unaided
and alone the psyche cannot begin this conflict that
we speak of between the lower and the higher parts
of our nature. We do not read in Scripture, nor do
we find in experience, that reason and the flesh are
contrary to each other, as the flesh and the spirit are.
Reason, or the psyche, is, it is true, superior to the
flesh; but it is not the rightful master within us—it
is not the lord of every motion there, because it is not
the faculty which brings us into relationship with God,
the true Lord of our being. But on the other hand,
if our nature were entirely pneumatical, in the sense
that the Second Adam was made a quickening Spirit,
there could be no conflict. In that case we should
instinctively yield our members as instruments of righte¬
ousness unto God. The pneuma would direct the
psyche, and the psyche our carnal appetites. There
would not be a single motion of sinful desire. It
would be as in a well-ordered city, where a single con¬
stable with his truncheon can keep the peace of the
streets, because the whole power of the law is behind
him to enforce his orders. But such is not the state
which man is in at present. He begins life with a
dormant pneuma, and therefore with desires which
have become exorbitant, and with a reason unable to
control them. For a time he patches up a kind of
hollow truce between desire and reason, the flesh and
the psyche, and thus the apostle tells us that he was
alive once, i.e n led a contented psychical life once,
without the law. But by and by the pneuma, or con¬
science towards God, is quickened and begins to behave
Conversion to God Explained. 213
itself, “like a guilty thing surprised.” It discovers the
exceeding holiness of God, and its desires after holiness
are as vast as the law’s demands are great. It puts
the flesh and the reason upon obeying God’s law, and
the flesh and reason kick against these restraints, re¬
fuse to meet its demands, and thus the conflict begins.
Between the desires after God of the spirit, and the
desires of the self-indulgent flesh, the weak psyche, or
natural reason, is divided and distracted. At times it
yields to the flesh, and then at better moments it falls
in with the spirit. But the conflict is too sore for it
to endure long, and at last it cries out in despair,
u Oh, wretched man that 1 am, who shall deliver me
from the body of this death?”
This cry of despair is the critical moment of our
existence. It is not the exact moment of the quicken¬
ing of the pneuma, for the pneuma is quickened, as
we think, as soon as it is convinced of sin by the law;
but it is the moment of its coming forth to self-con¬
sciousness and God-consciousness, the moment of its
effectual conversion to God. On the subject of con¬
version, we may here remark there are two opinions,
each true from the point of view of those who hold
them. There are those who think that a man is con¬
verted even while he is under a mere legal experience,
and before he has found joy and peace in believing.
There are others who will not allow that a man is con¬
verted until he is able to say, “There is, therefore, now
no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.”
Both these two views have a measure of truth in them.
It is easy to see that there is a common ground on
214 Conversion to God Explained.
which we may agree with both. On the one hand, we
hold that the pneuma is already alive in those who are
drawn to the law of God by a secret attraction, and
who, in desiring to keep it, only discover the strength
of indwelling sin. But still they are not yet con¬
verted, in the sense that the pneuma is acknowledged
to be the master principle, and that they yield their
members as instruments of righteousness unto God.
The spirit has the right, but not as yet the might,
within. Hence it is that there is a state of conflict
within ; and that in one sense they are, and in another
sense are not, to be classed as converted men.
But the work of grace, blessedjjoe God, does not
stop here. We are not to read the seventh chapter
of Romans without going on to read the eighth. If
in the one chapter we read of the conflict between
the law and the flesh, in the other we read that there
is no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus;
and, as the apostle goes on to show, who walk not
after the flesh, but after the spirit. It is the work of
Christ on the cross which’destroys the enmity which
exists between the higher and the lower parts of our
nature. The flesh lusteth against the spirit, and the
spirit against the flesh; and the result in the case of
a newly awakened man, whose experience is only legal,
is, that he is brought to a stand-still. He finds his will
paralysed, because it is drawn in contrary directions.
The flesh and the spirit distract him, so that (or in
order that, ha m) he cannot do the things that he
would. (Gal. v. 17.)
This conflict is God’s appointed way of bringing the
Conversion to God Explained. 215
will out of the bondage of corruption into the glorious
liberty of the children of God. The work of Christ,
when applied by faith, appeases the voice of an accus¬
ing conscience, and assists the halting will to remove
the last hindrance which stands between us and our
return to God. The flesh is already condemned in
the death of Christ; and we are given strength to arm
ourselves with the like mind. That He paid the debt
that was due by us is only a part of the work of
Christ. On this single view of the atonement too
many rest, and hence with such a defective view we
need not be surprised that there is so little powei, and
life, and love in their religion. The doctrine which is
according to godliness is this, that Christ died for our
sins to enable us to die unto sin, and to rise again unto
In dying He condemned sm in the flesh, that the
righteousness of the law may be fulfilled in us, who
walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit. Those
who do not grasp the distinction between the psyche
and pneuma fail to make clear to themselves, 01 at least
to make clear to others, the connection between the
justifying and sanctifying grace of Christ. Being
justified freely, /.., forgiven freely, by his blood,
preachers tell us that we ought to give ourselves to
Him who so freely gave himself for us. Gratitude
is thus called in as the motive which is to constrain us
to live no longer to ourselves, but to Him who loved
us, and gave himself for us. I do not overlook the
importance of pressing this consideration. I do not
make little of gratitude as a constraining motive. But,
2 i 6 Conversion to God Explained.
judging human nature by what we know it to be, I do
not think that God would have intrusted the sanctifi¬
cation of his people to a single motive, however strong.
Besides, the force of gratitude, or the remembrance of
a past benefit, is apt to decline as time goes on. Old
impressions of forgiven sin, the remembrance of a
transaction once accomplished on Calvary, and once
applied by faith to our conscience, is in danger of be¬
coming dim, and at last fading away altogether. In
this case of trusting to gratitude only, which is the one
which the Apostle Peter contemplates, a man will
forget that he has been purged from his old sins (2
Peter i. 9), and is in danger of lapsing into antinomian
security. Thus it is that antinomianism is the bane
attendant on so much of our popular preaching. The
so-called forensic theology, taken by itself, must inevi¬
tably degenerate to this. Even in Luther’s life-time
the evil had already begun, and in the generation after
Luther 'popular Lutheranism was as dead in notional
theology as Rome in ceremonial. Spener in his day
called the pulpit one of the four dumb idols set up in
the churches of Germany. This defect in the popular
doctrine of justification by faith is not to be met, as
Bishop Bull and his school thought, by preaching
faith and works as contrasted with preaching salvation
by faith only. St. James, misunderstood, is sometimes
set up to counteract the errors of St. Paul, misunder¬
stood ; and the result is only a darkening of counsel
by words without knowledge. The remedy for these
mistakes of doctrine must be sought in a deeper study
of the plan of salvation. The adaptation of the atone-
Conversion to God Explained. 217
ment to meet all the wants of the case will then be
fully seen; and we shall see in the work of Christ all
the wisdom of God, and the power of God unto sal¬
The application of the atonement as a sanctifying
power is on this wise. There is in the regenerate
pneuma a striving after holiness, as well as a thirst
after God. The spirit, when quickened, is that seed
of God which is said by one apostle to be incorrupt¬
ible (1 Peter i. 23), and by another that it cannot
sin (1 John iii. 9). It is the image of God in man,
which, though dormant, and, in consequence of the
fall, unable to become quickened of itself, is never¬
theless there, as a hvmfug or capacity, if not an svtpyeia
or active habit, and which we could not lose altogether
without losing with it the nature of man. When the
Holy Spirit of God quickens this spirit in man, and
draws its desires upwards to Him, then the conflict
which we have before described begins. Evangelical
preachers who describe human nature as made up of
two parts only, body and soul, and who say, correctly
enough, that the soul, as well as the body, is
desperately wicked, are therefore in this dilemma—
how can a good thing come out of an evil ? u Can a
leopard change his spots, or an Ethiopian his skin ? ”
The psyche or heart of man, the fountain of his
natural life, is poisoned and impure, can it send forth
out of the same place sweet water and bitter ? Hence
from not reserving a nidus in human nature in which
the Divine Spirit can descend and purify all from
within, these accounts of Christian sanctification are
218 Conversion to God Explained.
often most lame and inconsistent. At one time they
say that the heart is desperately wicked, and remains
so, yea, even in the regenerate; while at another, men
are said to be led of the Spirit of God, and to walk
not after the flesh but after the Spirit. How a heart
that is desperately wicked can yet obey godly motions
is as unexplained as how a deaf man can hear, or a
lame man walk. Let but the distinction between
psyche and pneuma be seen, and all is clear and con¬
sistent. The psyche is like the flesh, prone to evil,
and remains so, yea, even in the regenerate. But the
pneuma or godlike in man is not prone to evil—in¬
deed it cannot sin.* Its tendency is naturally upward
to God, as the tendency of body and soul is outward
and earthward. Regeneration, then, is the quicken¬
ing of this pneuma, and sanctification is the carrying
on of that which conversion began. Sanctification is
regeneration continued, as regeneration is sanctification
begun. The pneuma, when first quickened, is barely
able to show its existence. It is far from able to assert
the mastery which it has by right over soul and body.
It is like an infant on the throne, unable to choose his
* When we say that the spirit cannot sin, we are far from over-looking
the possibility of the spirit becoming devil-possessed (Sat^oi'iwSyj, James
iii. 15). We are far from agreeing with Origen’s theory of the spirit,
which lies at the root of all our modern universalism, that the spirit or
divine part in man is impassive of evil ( aveiribeKTOv rCov %ei pbvuv rb Trvevixa.
rod avdpuixov). Still the case of spiritual wickedness, the climax of which
is the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost, happily for the salvation of the
mass of mankind, is an exceptional state. It is true of the majority that the
tendency of their pneuma is to God ; but they are unable to break the chains
of evil habit with which they are tied and bound, till the Holy Spirit brings
Conversion to God Explained 219
own advisers, while his guardians use his name for their
own advantage. The advance of sanctification is
marked by a growth of the pneuma. It begins to
assert its supremacy, and to compel the psychical and
animal parts of our nature to know their place, and
own their subjection to it as the governor supreme
under God. The more sanctification advances, the more
marked is the supremacy of the pneuma. At last it
comes of age, and on attaining its majority the inferior
faculties in human nature own their subjection to it,
and yield a cheerful obedience to it as their natural
protector, as well as their lawful superior. Thus it
is that the character is formed for God, and the man
becomes pneumatical in the full sense of the word. It
is not at once on our believing in Christ, and tasting
his forgiving mercy, that we become pneumatical.
The pneuma may be quickened, but it may not yet be
the master faculty in human nature. So it was with
the Corinthians, who by their party spirit and sensual
practices were, in the judgment of the apostle, still
carnal. No censure could be so severe, no language
so cutting as this. Here are men, spiritual by pio-
fession, who are still carnal ' kya.Mn ou^/ A%«/« was
not a more cutting reproach to the Greek warriors
before Troy. It is sinful of course in natural men to
follow their natural inclinations ; for though an uncon¬
verted man has not the pneuma with which to rule
psyche, yet he has the psyche which ought to govern
the flesh, but fails to do so. But this is doubly sinful
in spiritual men, who not only have the spirit, but
who know that the spirit ought to rule the soul as well
as the soul to rule the flesh.
220 Conversion to God Explained.
Where this mastery of the spirit over the soul,
and the soul over the body is complete, there sancti¬
fication is complete also. The apostle prays that
this may be the case with his Thessalonian converts,
i Thess. v. 23. But we are not to infer because this
is the aim of sanctification, that it is ever attained on
this side of the grave. The apostle disclaims this
state of entire sanctification even for himself. “Not
as though I had already attained, either were already
perfect” (Phil. iii. 12). It was the ideal state that
he followed after, as the sculptor tries to hammer
out of the marble the ideal that dwells in his mind,
and will not come out of the stone at his bidding.
So Michel Angelo felt, and expressed in one of his
sonnets, that the more the marble wastes, the more the
statue grows.*'
The vile shall day by day
Fall, like superfluous flesh, away.
In the same way it is, that as the external man
perishes, so the inward is renewed day by day. As
in the process of petrifaction, for every particle of
wood washed away by the dropping well, another
particle of stone is deposited in its place ; so our
sanctification goes on by a minute molecular change
of the heart from stone to flesh, a process of depetri¬
faction as it might be called. Little by little the
flesh gives way to the spirit, and more and more the
spirit becomes accustomed to claim and enforce obedi¬
ence. We do not say that the conflict will ever
* See Life of Michel Angelo by Grimm, Miss Bunnett’s Translation.
Conversion to God Explained. 221
cease on this side the grave. The will, related as
it is to the psyche or soul, will sometimes turn to the
flesh; and if we are not on our guard, and prayerful
as well as watchful, we shall be surprised into sin,
and find ourselves, like Samson, quickly hurried from
the arms of Delilah to the prison-house of the Phili¬
stines. But so long as we are true to our Nazarite
vow; so long as we keep the secret of our strength,
and do not presume on our past prowess, we are
safe. The Lord will not forsake those that depend
upon Him. At times we may be cast down, but
we shall not be destroyed. The spirit, like Samson’s
hair, will quickly grow again, and we shall shake
our invincible locks again, and do more in the strength
of the Lord than we ever have done before. Such is
the teaching of Scripture with regard to the Christian’s
sanctification. Thus it is that a sound psychology and
a sound theology establish and confirm each other.
On this distinction between psyche and pneuma, rests
the true doctrine of sanctification. It is an error to
build again the things which we destroyed, and to try
to save ourselves in gratitude for Christ’s love in so
freely saving us; but sanctification, rightly understood,
is the working out of what is begun at our conversion
—the seminal principle is then quickened, it grows
and asserts its presence, and by asserting its mastery
over the lower parts of our nature, restores the true
harmony of man’s constitution, as spirit, soul, and body,
which has been overturned by the fall.
When man has breathed his last breath, and sighed
his last sigh ; when the muscles begin to stiffen with
the rigor mortis , and the eye is glazed, and the pulse
still, and the heart ceases to beat—for “the pitcher
is broken at the fountain, and the wheel bioken at
the cistern,”—we say that the man is dead. The
physician and the physiologist carries his description
a little further ; he can describe how the vital func¬
tions cease, one after the other, and in what order.
It is a moot point, whether the last pulse, or the last
breath, or even the last sense of excitibility to muscular
contraction, is the final and supreme moment when
physiology is to pronounce that the man is dead.
But at the point when the physiologist closes the
inquiry, the moralist may take it up. Is the man
truly dead, or is he only sleeping ? He is dead, the
physiologist says, because life, which is the sum total of
all those powers which resist dissolution, has ceased ;
the higher law by which certain chemical affinities
are arrested in living organic bodies is broken; and
The Natural Immortality . 223
now the lower law, by which the particles of matter
seek their natural affinity, resumes its reign. Thus,
as life is an instance of a higher law by which
chemical affinity is suspended, death is a return to
the lower law. All organic matter comes out of in¬
organic, and returns to it. This self-assertion of the
higher law is life, this mastery of the lower law is
This is all the account that physiology can give of
death. As far as appearances go, death is an entire
dissolution, disintegration, and annihilation of man.
Immortality is a dream or desire projected into fact or
logical quibble.
« Thou makest thine appeal to me,
I bring to life, I bring to death,
The spirit does but mean the breath.”
We may project our desires forward, and delude
ourselves into mistaken memories for hopes. In that
sense we may speak of the immortality of fame, we may
say that Ctesar, Alexander, or Napoleon are not dead
because they live in our thoughts, and will live in his¬
tory so long as the world lasts. Or again, we may
cheat ourselves with a quibble that though the indivi¬
dual should perish, the race is immortal. But that is
saying nothing more of man than of any of the other
mammalia which now inhabit the earth, and even this
immortality of the species will not stand the test of
“ So careful of the type, but no,
From scarped cliff and quarried stone,
She cries a thousand types are gone,
I care for nothing ; all shall go.”
224 The Natural Immortality
But here the moralist has a right to be heard.
He says that it is very true that as far as appear¬
ances go, death is the end of man’s existence. But
may we not be reasoning too fast, and coming to
conclusions for which we have no data ? We give
up the body to the physiologist, death is the end of
the outer man; but suppose there be an inner man,
how can you assert that this inner moral nature is
destroyed by death as the outer case that contains it
is ? May not the reverse be the fact, and that the
death of the outer is the birth of the inner man; he
is set free then from this body of corruption and
passes into a world of light. Eastern spiritualism
says that we are born when we die, and die when we
are born. "Western physiology says the very opposite.
Who will pronounce that the East is wrong and the
West right ?
Thus the moralist throws back upon the phy¬
siologist the onus probandi , that death is the end of
each man’s separate existence. It may be so, but
he has not proved it. As far as the body goes,
appearances are certainly in his favour; but from
all we know of mind and its operations, there are
certain appearances of which physiology takes no
account, and which we choose to set on the other
side as evidences that man does not wholly die. It
is in this sense that the first chapter of Bishop
Butler’s Analogy is to be understood. As proofs of
our existence after death, the arguments there ad¬
duced are merely verbal, and such as would satisfy
no reasoner, much less one so exact and severe as
Oj the Psyche.
the author of the Analogy. But as presumptions
against materialism they are quite strong enough for
his purpose. They throw back upon the atheist the
burden of proof, that when a man’s brains are out it
is all over with him. Till this is settled demonstra¬
tively the Bishop will hold with the immense majority
of mankind, that death is not an eternal sleep, and that
there is every likelihood that our real existence, so far
from being destroyed by death, only then enters upon
a new and higher state of being.
Thus the question of existence after death has
reached this stage, that there are certain appear¬
ances against it, but on the other hand certain deep
instincts for it. All that physiology can tell us bears
against the notion of our existence after death, but
all our moral convictions bear the other way, and
between these conflicting presumptions, the prajudicia
of two opposite schools of thought, the judgment, if
candid, cries a halt, and like Paul and his shipmates
with anchors out but breakers ahead, wishes for the
But let sceptics say what they will, contented ignor¬
ance is, of all states of mind, the most painful to the
majority of mankind. To sit on the tongue of the
balance, and weigh the objections on either side, with¬
out perceiving the scales incline either way by a hair’s
breadth, may suit some peculiar tempers, in whom the
speculative faculty has entirely overpowered the prac¬
tical. But mankind in general will never long continue
in such a state of mind as this. It will have some
solution of this mystery, whether true or false ; it will
226 The Natural Immortality
set up some guide, and accept his teaching as the truth
on this question.
Superstition, philosophy, and the Revelation of
Jesus Christ, all come forward to assure us of man’s
existence after death. Their witness agrees in con¬
demning the materialist theory, that death is the anni¬
hilation of man as well as of brute. But it agrees in
little else. The three witnesses give a conflicting
account of the mode of our existence aftei death. They
may, therefore, all three be false—but it is certain
they cannot be all equally true witnesses to a fact in
which their witness agrees not together.
Of the superstitious theory of the soul’s existence
after death we need not say much here. It forms the
groundwork of all systems of priestcraft everywhere.
Under a thousand fanciful aspects we find the old
thought recurring, that the ghost of a dead man is that
part which survives the body. Reluctantly it disen¬
gages itself from the body. Virgil describes Camilla
extricating herself from her corpse after the spear of
Aruns has given her a death-wound,—
“ Turn frigida toto
Paulatim exsolvit se corpore.”
For awhile it hovers over the place of the dead, wait¬
ing till the body has received decent burial, it then
passes across some fabled river to an under-world of
gloom and shadow, where it leads a vague and dream¬
like existence, pleasurable or painful according as its
deeds in the body were good or wicked. In these
superstitious theories of existence after death, there is
Of the Psyche. 227
generally only the faintest degree of moral sentiment.
The rewards and punishments are sensual only, and
dealt out capriciously, and with little regard to char¬
acter. A hero, for instance, or the offspring of the
union of a mortal with an immortal, is deified after
death, and passes, not to the under-world at all, but
to the upper world of the Gods. The crimes, more¬
over, which call for deep and eternal punishment are
crimes generally of sacrilege, which the priestly order
were interested to punish and repress, or incestuous
acts committed under the leading of destiny or blind
passion. We may dismiss these superstitious testi¬
monies to man’s existence after death. Like the
religions of which they formed the chief support
they are dying out under the light of common day.
The only one of them which has any seeming vitality
lives because it is a monstrous after-birth of Chris¬
tian and pagan thought, endued with all the vitality
of the one and the sensuousness of the other. Yet,
even the Romish dogma of purgatory, cannot survive
the advance of sound views on psychology and phy¬
siology. It lives on human ignorance as the parasite
on the decay of the tree. Heaven and hell, it has been
said, are as much a part of the Italian’s geography
as the Adriatic and the Apennines: the Queen of
Heaven looks on the streets as clear as the morning-
star, and the souls in purgatory are more readily pre¬
sent to conception than the political prisoners immured
in the dungeons of Venice.*
A state of mind like this will not last much longer.
* Quoted from Alger’s History of Doctrine of Future I.ife, p. 427.
The Natural Immortality
We need not trouble ourselves about such spectres
as these. As the poet of hell said of a similar
“Non ragioniam di lor ma guarda e passa.”
The next theory of existence after death is that of
philosophy. By a natural confusion of thought, the
instinct or voice of universal conscience, which whis¬
pers that man is not mortal as the brutes, is elevated
into a declaration that he is immortal. Thus the -posse
non mori is transposed to mean non posse niori. The
voice of conscience, which is the voice of God in the
world, says everywhere,—
“ Thou madest man, he knows not why,
He thinks he was not made to die.”
But the postulate or presumption is not strong
enough to support our hopes of existence hereafter,
and so philosophy comes forward to underprop it with
its proofs and analogies. There are certain anticipa¬
tions of immortality, presages of a life beyond the
grave. Philosophy offers her method to turn these
anticipations into arguments, these presages into proofs.
Proof is too often the finding reasons for what we
have already decided to hold, and as the majority of
mankind have rejected (and rightly), the materialist
version of death, reason is set to the task of justifying
the convictions of conscience, and finding proof that
man does not die when his brains are out.
Unfortunately reason does not begin the inquiry at
Of the Psyche. 229
the right point, but takes up the argument at a middle
point in human history, instead of at the beginning.
Philosophy sets out with assuming the fact that all
men die, instead of asking the question why men die.
It assumes death to be a normal stage in man’s develop¬
ment, instead of a disease and disturbance of the right
course of nature. Now, as in all cases of analysis,
until we get to the ultimate facts of the case, our
analysis will be faulty; the unresolved quantity in
the problem will come out unresolved in the solution.
Death is not an ultimate fact in human nature; it is
not the law it is assumed to be. “ He thinks he was
not made to die ” is a true deliverance of conscience;
but there are two explanations of this complex pheno¬
menon—the fact of death, and our fear of it. The
one explanation of death is that of Scripture, that
death is penal; the other, that of philosophy, that it
is a process to a higher life. Which are we to accept?
The two are not to be reconciled; they exclude each
other. We do not blame philosophy (pre-Christian,
we mean) for thinking that death was normal. What
else could the mind conclude about a fact to which
there was not a single exception ? The Greeks knew
nothing of the story of man’s fall and his loss of im¬
mortality in Eden ; and finding men mortal, they were
obliged to feign an immortality, and build up a fiction
(a noble one, we admit, like a Grecian temple,
beautiful in its very ruins) of the immortality of the
Psyche, and its deliverance by death out of the body,
in which it was imprisoned as a butterfly in its
230 The Natural Immortality
The mistake of Greek thinkers was the most
natural one in the world ; so natural that they are to
be excused, nay honoured, for holding to it. But for
us to repeat their error is to betray wilful prejudice,
the same as if chemists persisted in speaking of phlo¬
giston after Lavoisier had taught the theory of com¬
bustion. Till the middle of last century, it was quite
as reasonable to say that a candle burned because it
gave oft an unknown x (we will call it phlogiston), as
because it consumed an unknown y (we will call it
oxygen). The one hypothesis was as good as the
other, quoad hypothesis, i.e., as a provisional theory to
account for the facts of the case. Without these
hypotheses or landing-places, the heights of discovery
would never have been scaled to this day. But when
that which is perfect is come, that which is in part
must be done away. The phlogiston hypothesis re¬
tires on the discovery of oxygen. The one was only
an opinion , the other is a fact; and when opinions and
facts come into collision, there is but one conclusion in
any mind where truth retains her supremacy.
So with philosophic theories of existence after death.
Till life and immortality had been brought to light by
the gospel, it would have been reasonable to argue, as
the philosophers did, that the soul does not die be¬
cause it cannot die. As there was no external evidence
for existence after death, they had to fall back on in¬
ternal. The immortality of the soul was the phlogiston
hypothesis which accounted very plausibly for the con¬
tradiction between man’s inner aspirations and the
humiliating fact of his early and untimely death. But
Of the Psyche.
the resurrection of Christ as the firstfruits from the
dead is a fact in these moral speculations the same as
the discovery of oxygen in the speculations of chemists.
It is not only a fact in itself, but one irreconcileable
with all previous hypotheses. Which are we to em¬
brace ? Either man is non-mortal because he is im¬
mortal, or he is non-mortal because “ the hour is
coming when all that are in the graves shall hear the
voice of the Son of God, and shall come forth: they
that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and
they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of
We will now proceed to consider the proofs* with
which philosophy seeks to build up the presumption
that the dissolution of the body is not the entire death
of man. These proofs may be classified under the
three following heads :—the Metaphysical, the Onto¬
logical, and the Teleological.
A. The metaphysical proof rests on the assumption
that man is a being of two natures ; the one of which
* Kant’s Kritik, of which the following is only an expansion, ought to have
set at rest the popular way of speaking of the soul’s natural immortality.
Here is philosophy throwing up the tables, after passing in review, one by
one, the usual arguments by which it is attempted to roll away the stone from
the door of the sepulchre. Whatever may be thought of the constructive
part of Kant’s Kritik, the destructive is positively unanswerable. Yet in this
country at least, to judge from recent editors of Bishop Butler, Kants
criticism of the usual philosophic proofs of the soul s immortality is almost un
known. It is a curious instance of that habit of mind which the late Arch-
bishop Whately called proof-proof. An argument is demolished, as we think ;
but we turn our backs, and it starts up again as lively as ever, proving what a
little hold logic has over men’s convictions when their wishes go in the other
direction. To reason from our wishes is very illogical, but it is very natura
and very human.
232 The Natural Immortality
we call the body, and the other the soul. The one is
compounded, and the other uncompounded. What¬
ever is made up of parts is capable of dissolution ; but
that which is indiscerptible is also indestructible.
The soul is such a unit. Immutability is an essential
property of the soul, as cold is of snow. This argu¬
ment, which every reader of Plato’s Phaedo is
thoroughly familiar with, has come down to modern
times, and still plays its part in modern metaphysics.
The schoolmen relied upon it as their strong point.
It was elaborated by Descartes, whose whole philo¬
sophy rests on the assumption of the essential distinction
between the animal and the intellectual soul. Brutes,
he thought, were mere machines; their existence a
kind of waking dream. Consciousness, so for from
being a mode of existence, as with later metaphysicians,
was with him the condition of existence. Cogito ergo
sum is a noble but fallacious attempt to rest the soul
on itself. “ O set me on the rock that is higher than
I,” is the exclamation of the Psalmist; to which
spiritualizing philosophers return the answer that the
soul is itself a rock. Maximus Tyrius argues the im¬
mortality of the soul from the duration of knowledge
and memory. # The body, he says, can no more re¬
tain the impressions made on it than a piece of melting
wax can the stamp of the seal. He therefore compares
the soul to a rock standing out of the sea. The same
comparison of a rock, engraven with certain characters,
and washed by the waves beneath, is used of conscience
* Vide Diss. xxviii., p. 292. Ed. Davis.
Of the Psyche.
by an eloquent but superficial French moralist. The
comparison in the case of conscience, Bishop Fitzgerald
well remarks, might gain something in correctness if
we imagine the inscription traced upon a softer sub¬
stance. “For the stormy waves of passion not only
conceal, while they prevail, the sacred character ol
virtue, but as billow after billow passes over the
tablet, they tend to obliterate the lines.’ The same
may be said of Maximus Tyrius’ comparison of the
soul to a rock breasting the waves. The duration of
knowledge and memory are like the rock which resists
a wave for centuries, but is worn away at last. Our
sensations, even that of light, will not live for ever on
memory. Milton, for instance, who wrote the Paiadise
Lost a little while after he had lost the use of his
sight, had lost (as critics have often remarked) the
sense of colour when a few years after he wrote the
Paradise Regained. Colour-blindness had become a
mental as well as a physical affliction, and this is one
of the causes of the falling off of the latter poem.
If memory thus fails us during our lifetime, to lest
our immortality on the ineffaceable nature of mental
impressions is to rest our hopes on a broken reed.
The Cartesian theory, that thought being the in¬
separable quality of soul, the extinction of a think¬
ing being is a logical contradiction, was carried a
step farther by Mendelssohn. He argued that no
time could occur between the moment preceding the
soul’s extinction and that in which it ceased to exist;
and that as we cannot conceive of such an interval
between thought and consciousness, consciousness
234 The Natural Immortality
must be an attribute of thought inherent to and in¬
separable from it. But Kant easily disposed of these
kind of subtleties. He showed that while the soul
could not cease to exist by any diminution of its ex¬
tensive quality, that the argument, from its simplicity,
did not exclude its extinction through the gradual
weakening of its forces and the successive relaxation
of its intensive quantity. For even memory has
always a degree which may be indefinitely decreased
—so of self consciousness, and so of all the other
faculties. Hence there is nothing to prevent a simple
substance from being resolved into several simple
substances, and several simple substances from flowing
together into one, which would contain within itself
the degree of the reality of all the preceding sub¬
stances together.
Thus the metaphysical proof of the soul’s im¬
mortality rests on two assumptions, which are not
only without proof, but also contrary to all experi¬
ence. It is assumed, in the first place, that body
and mind are distinct and divisible parts of human
nature; and, secondly , that of these parts one is com¬
pounded and dissoluble, the other uncompounded
and indissoluble. To the first assumption modern
physiology has advanced a decided negative. Crude
as the theories of the French school of last century,
that the brain secretes thought as the liver secretes
bile, they were not more wide of the mark than
the Cartesian theory that the soul is in the body as
an oak in a flower-pot. We have not yet reached
the point when we can say what the connection be-
Of the Psyche.
tween the two is; but all advance is in the direction
of a fusion of physiology and psychology in one,
when we shall neither speak of the body without
the mind, nor of the mind without the body. When
two gases uniting in definite proportions combine
into a new substance with distinct properties of its
own, unlike those of the gases when separate, we
call this tertium quid by a name of its own. For
all practical purposes water is still an element. It
is not a fusion or mixture, as of water with wine,
much less of one floating on the other, as of oil on
water; but it is a union in which the very substance
itself of oxygen and hydrogen, and not the phenomena
only, are absorbed into a new substance, with new and
distinct phenomena of its own, which we call water.
So in the union of mind and matter in the formation
of man. Man is not a mixture of mind and matter,
much less an immortal mind in a mortal bodybut he
is the identity of two distinct substances which lose
their identity in giving him his.
Man, and not mind by itself, is thus the true
monad. We may analyse the constituent elements of
which he is composed, but our analysis does not war¬
rant us to say that the essential property of man
resides either in body or mind, or to suppose that
man could exist as pure mind without body, any more
than as body without mind. All analogy goes to
infer that dissolution of unity is entire destruction.
That the life lies in the nexus. In the case of these
Siamese twins the ligature that binds the two together
is situated, it is said, in a mam artery; so that
236 The Natural Immortality
separation would be fatal, and the death of the one
must lead to that of the other. So it seems to be
with mind and body in man. They have been joined
together by no freak of nature, but by the appoint¬
ment of God. Just as water is the substance, and
oxygen and hydrogen only the elements,—elements
incapable of any separate existence of their own,—
and passing into fresh combinations, when the union
in which they are held is dissolved. So of mind and
matter, the elements of man. For aught we know to
the contrary, the one element might pass away to
form fresh combinations of mind, as the other element,
matter, certainly passes away to form fresh combin¬
But mind, it is said, is not compounded, and is
therefore not dissoluble. We have already con¬
sidered Kant’s reply to this objection, that the soul
may decay from loss of intensive as well as of exten¬
sive force. Assuming it to be indivisible, it is a
long step from this to assert that it is indestructible.
Plato begs the question when he argues that every
body is destroyed by its own kindred evil, and that
sin is the kindred evil of the soul. But that, as sin
does not destroy the springs of being, the soul can
continue to exist whatever evil passions it may fall
a prey to. Such a theory of evil might be held by a
Greek whose notion of sin was only superficial, though
Aristotle rightly recognised that depravity as cpdagrixri
tuv ag%wt', destructive of the nature of that which it
However small the beginnings of evil may be, we
2 37
Of the Psyche.
know that it works through and through our nature
like corruption, “ mining all unseen.” To suppose that
evil is not corrosive of the very nature of the soul,
when it has entered in and been taken up into it, is
to incline to, or even to go as far as, the Manichean
conception of evil, and hold with the Persian philo¬
sophy, that there is an eternal principle of evil as well
as an eternal principle of good, and that the conflicts
between the two in both necessary and eternal.
Thus, the two assumptions, on which the meta¬
physical proof of the soul’s immortality rest, crumble
away under the touch of inquiry. We may distin¬
guish, but we cannot divide soul and body, nor can we
say of the soul that it is a unit in itself, and therefore
indivisible and indestructible. Had man no better
ground than this on which to rest his hopes for here¬
after, he would have little hope in death, and the dis¬
coveries of modern physiology of the relation between
mind and brain would fill him with the gloomy fear
that the mind was but a certain harmony of brain,
which could not outlast the conditions that produced it.
B. The ontological proof is the celebrated one of
Anselm applied to the soul. We have an idea of in¬
finite holiness, goodness, and truth, and as holiness,
goodness, and truth in us are not substances, but only
qualities of beings, who are finitely holy, good, and true;
so they must be qualities of a Being who is infinitely
holy, good, and true. The argument from the idea
of a thing to the fact itself, is one of very dubious
validity. We know too little of the necessary laws
of thought to be able to assert in any particular case,
238 The Natural Immortality
that a thing must be so because it is inconceivable
otherwise. Three centuries have swept away a whole
world of self-evident truths, and set up their inconceiv¬
able opposites in their room. It was inconceivable
that our head should point at night where our feet
had pointed at noon. It was inconceivable that the
world should roll through space at a velocity greater
than that of a cannon ball, and that we should not be
whirled off by centrifugal force. It was inconceivable
to Voltaire that the wonders of the Bible, its miracles,
types, and prophecies, should have been wrought for
the benefit of an obscure race in a corner of the world.
The question of probability before proof has been
worked out with great ingenuity by many able
thinkers, and the conclusion they come to is this, that
except a few laws of thought connected with the pro¬
perties of number, the metaphysical law of identity
and difference, and the moral law that we are bound
to obey conscience, we know of nothing which may
not have been otherwise than it is. There are many
truths which undoubtedly seem necessary or first truths,
but when tested we find they are contingent and
relative. They depend on some appointment higher
than their own, they are conditioned by other causes
more remote than they.
The ontological proof, if worth anything, would bear
to be tested by an appeal to experience. Necessary
laws are always universal. Cicero lays this down as a
test of a law of nature, that it has the consent of all
nations.* But so far from all men everywhere having
* Tusc. Ques. i. 13. Omni autem in re consensus omnium gentium lex
naturae putanda est. So Origen de Princ. ii. 11, iii. 1, 13, 122.
2 39
Of the Psyche.
this sense of the immortality of the soul, opinion has
been always divided on this subject, and some have
held that the soul dies with the body, others that it
survives indeed, but passes into animal forms, and, as
the vital principle, thus runs the circle round of ani¬
mated nature: it is only a very few of the better sort
of philosophers who have distinctly held to personal
immortality. The consensus gentium , whatever it is
worth in itself, is against the argument, that the soul’s
immortality is part of our conception of it, as extension
is our conception of body. If the voice of human
nature everywhere gave response that it was so, then
we should attach great weight to such a testimony.
But is it so ? Does not an appeal to history decide
against it ? We do not deny an element of truth in
this ontological proof. Conscience whispers of a here¬
after—her voice goes as far as to testify that it is ap¬
pointed unto men once to die, and after death the judg¬
ment. But a hereafter is one thought, eternity another.
The possibility that I shall not die with the brutes is
different from the impossibility of my dying at all.
The one is a genuine voice of conscience, the other is
only a philosopheme founded upon it, though appa¬
rently as stable as the foundation on which it rests.
But the foundation is not to be confounded with the
Kant’s test of the ontological proof is decisive of its
worthlessness. For a man to think that he has a hun¬
dred dollars is surely not the same as actually to possess
them. The ontologist says in reply, that we could
never think of a hundred dollars, unless dollars really
existed. But if so, he is only reasoning in a circle,
240 The Natural Immortality
that the idea proves the fact, as well as the fact sug¬
gests the idea. There must be some objective reality
to account for the subjective conviction. If we were
to admit reasoning like this, it is impossible to say
where we should stop. It is but one step from this
to say, they exist because we think of them; It is
easy to see that the ontological proof found favour with
Spinoza and Hegel. Spinoza advancing on the Car¬
tesian notion of thought as the condition of being,
identified the two as the essential qualities of substance.
It is substance which is, and substance which thinks.
Substance is thinking being, and outside of thought
there is no existence at all. Descartes said, Cogito
ergo sum. Spinoza went a step farther and said of the
universe, Est ergo cogitat. Pantheism was thus the
inevitable conclusion of reasoning in this vicious circle
from thought to things. Hegel went, if possible,
further. With him substance is not the identity of
thought and existence, but existence is rather a quality
of thought. His system, under another name, is the
barest phenomenology. Man, as with Protagoras of
old, is the measure of all things. The identity of the
Ego and non-Ego is thought, but it is thought which
thus identifies the non-Ego: things exist because
they exist in thought. Outside this there is no
criterion of truth. Truth is what each man troweth
of things; and as men have the idea of the absolute
and infinite, the absolute and infinite exist. But as
the idea is impersonal, so it has no existence outside
the thinking subject. This school of ontology can
never produce anything higher than the idea of the
infinite, which is very far short of proving our personal
Of the Psyche. 241
immortality. The ontological proof, like the meta¬
physical, is valuable only for its negative results. Its
positive results are nil. It is a fair presumption before
proof that man is capable of immortality because he
can rise to the conception of it, but for any further
demonstrative force it is valueless. If the reason from
our wishes is worth anything, the believers in Nirwana
outnumber those who believe in heaven and hell in the
proportion of live to two.
C. The teleological proof is the one which is least
logical, and yet the most satisfactory of the three.
The argument for a future life from the inequalities of
the present, would of itself be insufficient to convince
any acute thinker. Because there are wrongs on this
side of the grave, to suppose there must be another
life beyond the grave to redress these wrongs would
be to assume too much. How do we know that they
will be redressed there ? If there are inequalities and
anomalies in this life, why not in the next ? It is like
the pre-existence hypothesis to account for the origin
of evil. The difficulty is only pushed back or pushed
forward : it is not really solved in either case. Why
was evil permitted in a former state of being ? we ask
in the one case. Are we sure that all wrongs will be
redressed in a future state of being ? we ask in the
other case. But the real force of the teleological
proof lies in this, that God is a righteous ruler, and
that He must enter into judgment, and render to every
man according to his deeds. At present his judgment
tarries ; and men, if they were wise, would feel that
this long-suffering of God is salvation. But that He
0 .
242 The Natural Immortality
has appointed a day in which He will judge the world
in righteousness is a truth which conscience at once
accepts, though it could not say beforehand that it
must be so. The person of the Judge, and the nature
of the award, we can only learn by positive revelation ,
but unless we sophisticate our conscience, and drug it
with excuses, we must feel that there is a day of judg¬
ment for men, and that, if for no other reason, there
must be an existence, after death in order that there
may be an award to all.
The teleological proof thus rests for its support on
the character of God. We see no good reason why
the inequalities of life should be redressed except this,
that God is a God who hateth iniquity, and will by
no means clear the guilty. Lax or Epicurean views
of his moral attributes would leave us with the im¬
pression that as there is evil unredressed in this life, so
there will be in the next. Eut a sound view of
God’s moral attributes leads us on to hold that full re¬
tribution and reward must attend on vice and virtue, if
not in this world, then certainly in the next. If for no
other reason therefore, there must be a future life,
in order that God may so vindicate his holy abhor¬
rence of sin. This is the proof which has commended
itself as most convincing to thinkers of the most oppo¬
site schools of thought—Athenagoras and Raimond de
Sebunde, Mendelssohn and Goschel.* But at most it
* Vid. Athenagoras “De Resurrectione Mortuorum,” xix., xx.; Mendels¬
sohn’s “Phoedo,” 201 ; Goschel, p. 32. The authorities are quoted at length
by Schultz, “ Die Voraussetzungen der Christlichen Lehre von der Unster-
blichkeit,” p. 46.
OJ the Psyche. 243
only proves an existence after death, not that this
existence is either final or endless. It argues with
great plausibility that as we see no settlement made
with wickedness here, there must be some settlement
made hereafter. But whether that settlement is to be
a final one, it does not presume to say. Proof it is
none; but it furnishes a strong presumption in favour
of the proof which revelation brings, that all men shall
rise to give an account of the deeds done in their
bodies. It is the voice of conscience within witnessing
to that truth which it cannot by itself establish, but
which, when once brought in, it goes far to confirm.
Thus, to sum up these three proofs, the metaphy¬
sical, the ontological, and the teleological, are unsatis¬
factory, chiefly because they attempt too much. If
put out of their place, and raised into independent
proofs, they only arouse criticism, and excite the
scepticism they are intended to lay. Their logical
value is little; but we should err in the other
extreme if we were to reject them as altogether
worthless. The sense of a hereafter awaiting us
after death is as strong as any moral instinct in human
nature. Like other instincts of the lower creation,
it works blindly, not knowing its own end and aim,
but none the less true for the purpose for which it
was implanted. The real base on which this instinct
of immortality rests, and without which it would
soon fade out and disappear, is the continuity of
moral character, and the consequent necessity for a
world beyond the present, in which the character
here formed for good or evil, may receive the full
244 Natural Immortality.
fruition of that for which it has been preparing itself
in time. c
We should describe these so-called proofs of our
immortality as intimations more than arguments.
They are presages rather than proofs, and belong to
the poet more even than to the philosopher. Words¬
worth, in that noble ode in which these intimations
are described, with lyric grace and almost prophetic
fire has carried the proof, if proof it can be called,
from the dignity of man to the point where it breaks
down with its own weight. Man is made for immor¬
tality, and a voice within whispers that it must be so.
He comes from God, and goes to God.
« Our birth is but a sleep and forgetting ;
The soul that rises with us, our life’s star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar.”
But this argument for our immortality from our
pre-existence, leads to conclusions which the poet
himself would reject, if he really considered the
consequences of his own theory. It would lead
either to the Brahminical theory of transmigrations of
being, or the Buddhist notion of a final absorption in
the ocean of universal spirit, in which there is no more
being, because there is no more birth.
Thus, the argument for man’s natural immortality
is no sooner put into a logical form, than it leads to
a paralogism. We prove too much. These pre¬
sages of a life beyond the present, carry us back as
well as forward. In the hands of ' a poet like
Of the Psyche.
Wordsworth, or a poetical philosopher like Plato,
they make out a case for pre-existence, on which we
can say nothing more than this, that anyone who
can stake his hopes of existence hereafter, on any thing
so shadowy as this theory of pre-existence, must be
one who confounds memories with hopes, and fancies
with facts. Taken as a whole, these presages of
immortality, which we call the ontological, cosmo¬
logical, and teleological, are enough to excite a surmise,
but not to establish a proof. They bring reason, like
the women, early to the tomb of Jesus, but they are
unable to roll away the stone, much less to bring the
dead to life.
“ God is a spirit.” u He alone has immortality.
Is there any connection between these two declara¬
tions as to the nature of God? Do we see any re¬
lation between his essence as a spirit, and his attribute
as the Being who was, and is, and is to come. We
think there is. The little we know of spirit as
opposed to matter amounts to this, that whereas
material existences depend each on the other, and the
higher the organism the more dependent it is on all
lower organisms for support; with spirit the very con¬
verse is the case. Spirit is not supported by, but
sustains all existences lower than itself. Unlike the
atoms of matter, which are in continual flux, the
mineral passing into the plant, and the plant into the
animal, spirit is self-contained. It does not draw its
springs of being from without, but from within ; and
when it goes out in action, does so rather for the good
of others than for its own. Forasmuch as we are the
offspring of God, we are dimly conscious of having
Final Rewards and Punishments. 247
something akin to this essential property of spirit in
our spirits. It does not come into distinct conscious¬
ness in many cases, but in so far as it exists at all it is
an intimation to us of a Being who is pure spirit, and
who in the fullest sense of the word is self-contained,
and therefore eternal.
If God, then, is immortal because He is a Spirit,
we have not far to look for the true ground of man s
immortality. We are made in Gods image, and we
have seen that this image of God is not to be sought
in the animal or even in the intellectual part of our
nature, but in the moral or spiritual. It is only in so
far as man is a spirit that we can see any ground for
supposing that he is made to exist for ever, and to
enjoy the favour of God. But man is not a pure
spirit. We cannot say this even of angels. The im¬
mortality, then, of men or of angels seems to depend
upon their continuing in the image of God. Once that
they lose this they lose with it that eternal life, which
seems to consist in the knowledge of God. Their
existence does not instantly end with the extinction of
spiritual life; but the conditions of immortality are
gone, and they exist only for such time as God is
pleased that they shall live, as monuments of his wrath,
and warnings to those who have not sinned.
As we know so little of the nature of angels, it is
safer to confine our reflections on this subject to the
case of men. Of the immortality of man we may
collect this from Scripture that it springs from his
being given a spirit made in the image of God; but
that when he lost that image and became dead in
248 Final Rewards and Punishments.
trespasses and sins, then he fell under the law of
mortality of the lower animals, and from the day
that he sinned came under the sentence of death.
“ Death passed over all, for that all have sinned.”
Man chose to follow the lower instincts rather than
the higher. He indulged his intellect at the. expense
of his spirit; and the flesh at the expense of his in¬
tellect. The psyche rebelled against the pneuma when
Adam saw that it was a tree to make men wise; the
sarx or fleshly desire rebelled against the psyche when
the woman saw that it was pleasant to the eye, and
good for food: and the result was anarchy. The con¬
stitution of human nature was broken up. Man had
made the fatal and final choice—for a mesa of pottage
he had sold his birthright—like the base Indian, he
had thrown a pearl away richer than all his tribe.
But the choice was irrevocable ; his destiny was fixed;
dying, he must die. For himself and his posterity
Adam had chosen the animal instead of the spiritual
nature, and he had now to live the animal life, and, like
the animal, to fall back upon the law of decay and dis¬
solution. He had sown to the flesh, and must of the
flesh reap corruption. Hence it was that from the
day that he sinned, the sentence began to take effect
.—dying, thou shalt die. Thus the death was in the
same order as the sin. First there was the death of
the spirit, then of the soul or intellect, and lastly of
the body itself. The instant that Adam sinned his
spirit died; for what is death but the higher sinking
into subjection to the lower? When we speak of the
animal dying, we mean that the power which arrests
Final Rewards and Punishments. 249
chemical action fails, and the organic sinks into the
inorganic. So when we say that the spnit dies, we
mean that the higher or pneumatical nature falls under
the law of the psychical, and shares its fate. The
higher nature thus is subdued by the lower, and if
there is no property of inherent immortality in the in¬
tellect more than in the body of man, it is cleai that
with the death of the spirit the only spark of immor¬
tality in man died, and the reign of death began with
the reign of sin.
The objection to this view, which confines the
immortality of man to the possession of the spiiit, is this
_that it appears to exclude the necessity foi any
future state of rewards and punishments. How, it
will be said, can we reconcile this with the teaching of
Scripture, that the wages of sin is death, not the
death, i.e., of the body only in this life, but of body
and soul in hell hereafter ? To this we answer that
the popular view of the punishment of Adam s sin is
founded on a misconception of the reason which Scrip¬
ture gives for an existence after death, and of rewards
and punishments in a higher state of being. If we
might conjecture on such a subject without committing
the folly of arraigning the wisdom and goodness of
God, we should say that had there been no provision
made for putting away Adam’s sin, the sentence of
death passed on Adam would have been instantly and
exactly enforced. Dying, he would have died. In
the day that he sinned his spirit or immortal part died,
and soul and body would have followed a few years
after, by that law of dissolution which is common to all
250 Final Rewards and Punishments.
animal life, and which he was only exempted from in
so far as he was a spirit, and continued to live in the
image of God. Thus the penalty on Adam’s sin was
death, or gradual and entire extinction, as life was
withdrawn successively from spirit, soul, and body.
If we take our Lord’s words,* in their plain and
natural meaning, all life beyond the grave, as well as
all judgment, either to life eternal or to death eternal,
comes from Him as the Son of man. He has life in
Himself; this life is given to Him in virtue of His in¬
carnation. He is the quickening Spirit as the first
Adam was the living soul. He not only executes the
judgment, because he is the Son of man, but He even
called men from their graves. All who are sleeping
in their graves, the dead of all time, from the first day
to the last, are to hear that voice, and come forth, they
that have done good unto the resurrection of life,
and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of
The plain meeting of this passage is this, that the
hereafter of the whole human race is bound up with
the person and work of Christ, not merely, as we
commonly think, the happiness or misery of the human
race. He is the resurrection and the life—the two
words are not tautologous. He both raises men and
judges them—the being of all, and not only the well¬
being of the saved, results from his Incarnation. We
are not going beyond the sense of this and many
other Scriptures when we say that if Christ were not
raised, death would most probably have been what the
* John v. 25-29.
Final Rewards and Punishments. 251
ungodly and impenitent would wish it to be, an eternal
sleep. The life to come and the judgment to come
are both from Him who, for this end, both died and
rose, and revived, that he might be the Lord both of
the dead and of the living.
Thus heaven and hell, and the fearful alternative
awaiting every human being, in the one or in the
other, are both the result of Christ’s work. It is not
enough to say, that hell was prepared for the sin of
Adam, and that Christ’s work has opened heaven to
all believers. It is more consonant with Scripture to
say, that both heaven and hell, the life eternal of the
one and the second death of the other, are the lesults
of that meritorious work of Christ. If we had sinned
only after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, and
no provision of mercy had been made in Christ, the
hereafter of man would have been better for some and
worse for others than it now can be. It is agreeable
to all we know of God’s character, that to whom little
is given of him little will be required, and to whom
much is given, of him more will be required. The
higher the gift the greater the penalty consequent on
its abuse. Pleasures and pains are co-extensive,
rights and duties are co-relative, d he animal suffers
less, because it enjoys less than man, and man, when
endowed with higher sensibilities of goodness, becomes
capable of greater misery for a loss of goodness, and
the sense of wickedness becomes part of his being.
Thus the question of the final state of mankind
turns on the point, whether they are in Christ or not.
As to the case of those whose spirit is renewed by
252 Final Rewards and Punishments.
the Divine Spirit, the language of Scripture is clear
and explicit. They have eternal life begun already,
for u he that believeth on the Son hath everlasting
life,” and with it they have the pledge that He. that
raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken
their mortal bodies by His Spirit which dwelleth in
But what of those who are not in Christ; who are
not renewed or quickened by the quickening Spirit ?
It is a solemn question, and one not to be lightly
answered. It is easy to make confident assertions on
such a subject, but confident assertions are no sign of
deep conviction. Besides, as Archer Butlei has well
observed,_“ Our liability to error is extreme when
we become immersed in the holy obscurity of jhe
cloud, over the mercy-seat of the divine mysteries.
We would then at once dismiss, in limine , all those
popular theories of the life everlasting, which as they
rest on the old dichotomy of soul and body, do not
throw any real light on the mystery of evil. The
question of the duration of future punishment has
generally turned on the natural immortality of the soul,
and thus three opinions have grown up, each of which
has found its advocate.
They are these : 1. The usual orthodox opinion
that the soul is naturally immortal, and hence that a
life everlasting must await all alike, either in heaven
or in hell—in happiness or in misery : 2. The opinion
that the soul is naturally mortal as well as the body;
hence, if it is raised at all, it is raised to receive a
finite punishment for a finite sin, which is to end in de-
Final Rewards and Punishments. 253
struction or annihilation. This view was held by
Socinus and Crellius, and afterwards by Locke, Di T.
Burnet, and the Latitudinarians generally. The late
Archbishop Whately adopted it in his scripture revel¬
ations of a future state. Mr Litton, in his recent
work on “ Life and Death,” and an increasing number
of writers, who shrink from Universalism, but see no
ground in Scripture for the common opinion of the
soul’s immortality, take this view: 3. There is the
theory of Dodwell, which is a compound of the two
preceding. According to Dodwell, the soul is natur¬
ally mortal, but actually immortalised by the waters of
baptism, either to everlasting happiness or misery.
Many Lutheran divines have held a similar opinion,
with this only difference, that the bread and wine of
the other sacrament is supposed to convey the immor¬
talising virtue, instead of the waters of baptism. Of
these Sacramentalists we need say little for or against.
Their theory is a compromise between two contra¬
dictory views, and, like other cases of compromise,
satisfies neither party. It takes, moreover, a shallow
and external view of the work of grace. It falls
under the reproach of superstition, as it tends to con¬
found the accident with the essence of salvation. The
life eternal which comes from feeding on Christ by
faith, should not be confounded with the bodily act of
eating bread and drinking wine in remembrance of
Him. To confound in this way mind with matter, the
spirit with the letter, the essence with the form, is
mysticism in philosophy, and superstition in religion.
Dodwell’s paradox probably never convinced a single
254 Final Rewards and Punishments.
individual, who has read that strange farrago of mis¬
applied learning; so we need not take up space by
confuting it.
Thus the question of the life everlasting has been
hitherto discussed on the narrow grounds of the natural
mortality or non-mortality of the soul. Three opinions,
we have seen, have been held on the subject: but,
from their defective psychology, none of them seem to
us to throw much real light on the question. The
truth is, that the soul is neither mortal nor immortal,
and as long as we keep to the grounds of dichotomy,
we cannot go farther than the words of Justin Martyr,
in his dialogue with Trypho, “The souls* of good
men, who are worthy of God, die no more, but the
souls of the unjust are punished as long as they exist,
and God will have them suffer.”
But when we take into account that besides a soul
or thinking principle there is in every man a spirit, a
God-consciousness, a faculty endowed with almost in¬
finite capacities for good or evil, an organ or instru¬
ment either for God or Satan to work upon, and so of
being inspired either with “airs from heaven or blasts
from hell,” the question becomes awfully deepened and
* This much controverted passage is found in Justin Martyr’s Dialog,
cum Tryphone ch. 9. Ed. Otto. It is quoted by Dodwell, Burnet, and
others, in favour of their view of the mortality of the soul, but it fairly may
be taken to mean no more than this, that the existence of the wicked in the
place of punishment depends on the appointment of God, not on the neces¬
sary immortality of the soul. Irenseus has the same view, “ Perseverant
autem quoad usque est deus et esse et perseverare voluerit,” (1. ii. c. 34).
The stress of the early apologists was against Platonism, and we must bear
this in mind in quoting their words against the natural immortality of the
Final Rewards and Punishments. 255
solemnised. Viewing man as a spiritual being we see
that he has within himself heights and depths of hap¬
piness and misery, which we can only catch glimpses
of here, but which we shall explore hereafter. We
carry within us unrealized heavens and hells, of which
the majority of us are as little conscious as men are of
the subterranean fires beneath their feet. It would be
a relief to us to believe, if we could, that this dormant
pneuma will never be aroused in the finally lost. For
then, though there is a natural shrinking from bare
annihilation, and we are loth to believe that even sin
can cause God to undo his own work, and consign back
to unconsciousness any who have breathed the breath
of thoughtful life, still it would be far less terrible to
think of such fallen spirits becoming as the untimely
fruit of a woman, or as corn blasted before it be
grown up.
But we cannot think of the pneuma, even in the
unregenerate, remaining as a bare potentiality, unde¬
veloped in the adult as much as in the babe unborn.
Such a view as this would never explain the case of
those who resist the Holy Ghost, who quench the Spirit,
who do despite to the Spirit of Grace, who are not
only earthly and psychical, but even devilish or devil-
inspired ; who yield their spirits to Satan—who sell
themselves to work wickedness—who call evil good,
and good evil—who put sweet for bitter, and bitter
for sweet—who put light for darkness, and darkness
for light—who, knowing the judgment of God, not
only do these things, but have pleasure in them that
do them. Such are said to “treasure up to themselves
256 Final Rewards and Punishments.
wrath against the day of wrath. To such there is
“no more place of repentance, but a certain fearful
looking for of judgment.” Of one such it is said, that
u i t W ould have been good for him if he had never
been born.” To these blasphemers of the Holy
Ghost, the Saviour says, there is repentance neither in
this life nor in that which is to come. He calls them
serpents, a generation of vipers, and exclaims, “how
can ye escape the judgment of hell?” The punish¬
ment of mere privation may apply, as Augustin thought,
to unbaptized infants, or with good Dr Watts we may
suppose that the souls of little children may be anni¬
hilated. But *what of those who have exercised the
pneuma, and have thereby resisted the Holy Ghost,
and heaped to themselves wrath against the day of
wrath ?
We are here shut in to the fearful conclusion, that
there are some who are vessels of wrath fitted for de¬
struction, as there are others who are vessels of mercy.
Certainly with some, if not with all, theii day of giace
is closed in time, and their probation is ended in this
life, by their treading under foot the Son of God and
doing despite to the Spirit of Grace. Universalism
seems to shut its eyes to all those passages which
speak of spiritual wickedness as distinct from mere
fleshly or psychical sins. But the distinction is Scrip¬
tural. As there are three natures in man, so there
are three degrees of sin. It seems to deepen in malig¬
nity as it rises from sins of the flesh to sins of tempei
and intellect, reaching at last devilish sins. Thus the
climax is reached, and a seal set upon the character,
Final Rewards and Punishments. 257
when men attain to spiritual wickedness, when they
call evil good and good evil, and when they speak a
lie, not from infirmity, as Peter, or cowardice, as Jacob,
but as Satan, who speaks of his own, for he is a liar,
and the father of it.
Now, the duration of punishment, and the malig¬
nity of evil, must bear some proportion to each other.*
“ Whatever else we can say of the unseen world, we
may assume this as an axiom, that the unhappiness of
the wicked will last as long as their wickedness lasts.
W e cannot suppose to find in the next world any ex¬
ception to the rule that sin and misery go together.
If, then, the misery of the wicked be not eternal, it
must be terminated either by their reformation, or
their annihilation. Now, I think it is the first only of
these suppositions that needs to be discussed on this
If Dr Salmon had noticed the distinction between
carnal, psychical, and spiritual wickedness, growing out
of the threefold nature of man, he would have seen
that while it is undeniably true that men’s misery will
last as long as their wickedness, there must be three
different degrees of misery corresponding to these three
degrees of wickedness. The earthly, the psychical,
the devilish, are all punished with everlasting destruc¬
tion from the presence of the Lord, but may it not be
with few stripes in one case, and with many stripes in
the other.
* Quoted from Dr Salmon’s Sermon on the place in preaching which the
Doctrine of the Eternity of Future Punishments ought to hold. Dublin :
Hodges and Smith. 1865.
25B Final Rewards and Punishments.
We are far from saying that the distinction of spirit,
soul, and body warrants us in affirming that there will
be three circles in hell for carnal, psychical, and pneu-
matical sin respectively. But at least it suggests some
middle truth between the Augustinian theory of a
massa perditionis , the undistinguishable misery of all
out of Christ, and the universalist doctrine that all
punishment is remedial, and after a certain baptism of
fire purified souls will return back to the bosom of the
universal parent. On such a subject we agree with
Bengel, that the doctrine of final retribution is not one
fit for discussion.* But this at least we may affirm,
that the judgment of God will be according to truth,
and there will be love as well as justice and truth seen
in the final sentence, “ Depart ye cursed into the place
prepared for the devil and his angels.
Christian Psychology may not be able to explain
Christian eschatology, but it raises at least a higher
issue than the old one, as to the natural immortality
of the soul, on which the question was supposed to
turn till the true nature of the spirit and of spiritual
wickedness was seen from Scripture. Whether the
devil and his angels are immortal, and whether all who
go to the place prepared for the devil and his angels,
* Bengel adds, “that the word aubvtos has two significations, is undeniable,
and thus the Scriptural expressions KoXaals aiuvios and far) aiwvLos (everlasting
punishment and everlasting life, Matt. xxv. 46), seem to have unequal' mean¬
ing. Considering,” he adds, “all that we experience, and that is revealed to us
respecting the divine mercy we may fairly believe that there is an economy
for the poor ignorant heathen apart from that with which we are concerned.
St. Paul does not undertake to give any final decision about them, “ what have
I to do with them that are without” (1 Cor. v. 12 ).—See Bengel's Life and
Writings, English translation, p. 376.
Final Rewards and Punishments. 259
like the children of the resurrection, “cannot die,”
lies beyond the horizon to which Scripture bounds our
view. There are some who think that as evil carries
in itself the seeds of its own destruction, even spiritual
wickedness will not exist for ever, but will end, not
with the reformation but the extinction of those who
only live to defy God, and gnaw their tongues with
pain. He must reign, we read, till He hath put all
enemies under His feet, and the last enemy that shall
be destroyed is death. This may, of course, only
mean that the enemies put under His feet will exist
for ever, broken but still defiant, crushed but still
rebels. But it may also mean that the enmity itself
shall cease because the enemy is brought to a perpetual
end; it may mean that evil will end at last with the ex¬
istence of the evil one, and that death itself shall die.
Thus the second death may mean not life in death,
but the “death of death, and hell’s destruction,” when
all that shall remain of the old enemy will be the
ashes in the valley of Hinnom, to remind the dwellers
in the new Jerusalem of the long conflict between good
and evil, and of the final and glorious triumph. There
is again, the other view, in which eternal punishment
is understood to mean everlasting. We are told, that
“ the smoke of the torment ” of the lost shall go up
for ever and ever, even as the smoke of the incense of
praise will ascend for ever, from those who stand be¬
fore the throne, and who worship in the heavenly
temple. However terrible this view appears, it is
certain that the judgments of God will be according to
truth. All we wish here to impress is, that everlast-
260 Final Rewards and Punishments.
ing punishment, as well as everlasting life, loses its
full depth of meaning unless we grasp the distinction
between spirit and soul. Spiritual wickedness is that
which makes us children of the devil (hanwi&hs, James
hi. 15), or devil-inspired. To this fearful climax the
psychical man is always tending, though it is as im¬
possible to say when he has reached it as it is to define
what the sin against the Holy Ghost may be. Certain
it is that as flesh and spirit are the two poles of man’s
existence, so we begin in the flesh, and our characters
are formed for heaven or hell, according as the spirit
is quickened by God’s Spirit, or hardened by rejecting
its gracious influences. In this, as in other respects,
psychology throws light upon theology; the distinc¬
tion between flesh and spirit teaches us that there is a
distinction in wickedness here, and leads us theiefore
to believe that in the government of a righteous God
there will be a distinction in punishment hereafter.
When the Reformed Churches rejected the Romish
doctrine of purgatory as a fond thing vainly invented,
and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture, the
question of the intermediate state at once pre¬
sented itself in a new light. Is it a state of entire
consciousness, or is it one of blissful expectation on
the one hand, and of a certain fearful looking for of
judgment on the other ? On the one hand, a sect
arose, called, in the jargon of that age, the Psycho-
pannuchists, which taught that the soul, when sepa¬
rated from the body, subsided into entire uncon¬
sciousness (navvvX'ia,, hence the name).* One of
Calvin’s earliest controversial labours was a reply to
these opinions, in which he maintained the view held
by the Reformers generally, and which the compilers
* The Psycho-pannuchists, or Thnetopsychists, as they were called, among
whom Petrus Pomponatius, 1515, was the most distinguished name, were con¬
demned by Leo X. in a bull dated 1513. This opinion of the soul’s sleep
seems to have come from the East through Averroes, and was condemned in
the Council of Lyons, 1274; that of Ferrara, 1438 ; and of Florence, 1439.
At the time of the Reformation it was adopted by Socinus and his followers.
The Anabaptists, or Katabaptists as Calvin called them, also took the same
view of the soul in the intermediate state. The Arminian party also
inclined to the same opinion. For the literature of the subject, see an article
by Goschel in Herzog’s Cyclopedie-Seelenschlaf.
On the Intermediate State.
of our Liturgy undoubtedly held. The prayer in the
Funeral service beginning, “Almighty God, with
whom do live the spirits of them that depart hence
in the Lord, and with whom the souls of the faithful
after they are delivered from the burden of the flesh,
are m joy and felicity, was introduced intentionally,
no doubt, to controvert the opinion that the inter¬
mediate state was one of entire unconsciousness. The
40th of the forty-two Articles of 1852 also contains
the following:—“The souls of them that depart this
life do neither die with their bodies nor sleep idly.
They which say that the souls of such as depart
hence do sleep, being without any sense, feeling, or
perceiving, until the day of judgment, 01 affirm that
the soul dies with the body, and at the last day
shall be raised up with the same, do utterly dissent
from the right belief declared to us in Holy Scrip¬
ture.” This article, it is true, was erased by Arch¬
bishop Parker in 1559 ? does not foim one of the
articles of belief as finally revised and subscribed by
the clergy in 1562 5 but we are not to infer fiom this
that any difference of opinion on the natuie of the
intermediate state had arisen during the time between
the two revisions which the articles underwent. The
orthodox doctrine has remained substantially the
same, although the Church has abstained fiom any
definite censure of those who hold the contrary view.
The notion that the intermediate state was one of
entire unconsciousness was held by Socinus and his
school, and in later times generally by those who
belonged to the Latitudinarian party. Blackburne,
On the Intermediate State. 263
last century, wrote a treatise on “ The Controversy
concerning an Intermediate State, and of the Separ¬
ate Existence of the Soul between Death and the
General Resurrection,” in which he maintained the
opinion that the disembodied soul passes the interval
in entire unconsciousness. Bishop Law, of Carlisle,
maintained the same view which has been held in
our own day by Archbishop Whately and others.
It was the subject of a curious controversy in which
Coward, Dr Thomas Burnet, Dodwell, Pitts, and a
number of other writers, whose names are now
forgotten, opposed the popular view of the soul’s
immateriality and natural immortality, and were
answered by Dr Samuel Clarke, Norris, Whitby,
Earberry, and others. The preponderance of opinion
has remained, however, on the side of those who
maintained the opinion of the soul’s natural immor¬
tality. We may set out with saying that we agree
with that opinion, though not with the grounds on
which it is established. On the other hand, we differ
with those who maintain that the disembodied soul
sleeps, though on the grounds of the common dicho¬
tomy, we should say, that they have the best of the
argument. We have now to examine the grounds on
which the question has been argued, and to point out
that the distinction between Psyche and Pneuma cuts
the knot of a controversy which no amount of argu¬
ment can otherwise untie.
On the grounds of the common dichotomy of man
into body and soul, we do not see how we could differ
with those who hold that the intermediate state is one
264 ^he Intermediate State.
of entire unconsciousness. Man goes to the grave, and
there, as it seems even from Scripture, “ all his thoughts
perish.” There is no more remembrance there either
of his love or his hate. The existence of the soul or
rational principle seems, so far as our observation
reaches, to be so dependent on the activity and health
of the brain that the physical and the intellectual vary
in direct proportion. The decline of the one is the
signal for the decline of the other. Any injury to the
brain affects our powers of thought. Memory, judg¬
ment, affection, will-i-all our intellectual, together with
all our active powers, decline with the decline of the
brain’s vitality. There is no fact better attested than
this. There must be an end of all inductive inquiry,
before we can shake the testimony of the physiologists,
that mind, however separable in idea from the organ
that it uses, is yet as dependent on that organ for its
power of exerting itself, as the steam is on the boiler
in which it is generated. If, on the other hand, dead
matter, when unensouled with some vital principle to
act as the centre of force, is inert and powerless —vis
ingeni expers / so, on the other hand, disembodied mind
would evaporate, so to speak, as steam when not com¬
pressed ; the resistance in both cases being the condi¬
tion though not the cause of the force.
“ As through the frame that binds us in
Our isolation grows defined.”
If the dichotomy were a complete account of the
powers of man, we should incline, without hesitation,
The Intermediate State. 265
to the side of those who say that during the interme¬
diate state the sonl sleeps on in a dreamless sleep
our life, like a vapour, has passed away, with the de¬
struction of the machine which contained it, and tlnough
which it exerted that subtle force of volition and
thought which we call mind.
But, on the other hand, the Scriptures do not assume
that man ceases to exist, the instant that his brain has
ceased to act. There are many passages which assert
the contrary. Death, though it is sometimes spoken
of as a sleep, is never described as a state of entire
unconsciousness, as the psychopannuchists maintain.
Not to rest on such expressions as those, that he was
u gathered to his fathers,”* or “I shall go to him, but
he shall not return to me,”—the meaning of wdiich is
equivocal, our Lord in the parable of Dives and
Lazarus plainly teaches that immediately after death
there is a discrimination between souls, and that the
rich man in hades lifted up his eyes, being in toiments,
and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
Now, however much we may allow for what is called
drapery, or, in plain words, accommodation to Jewish
conceptions in this description of hades, with its two
abodes adjoining each other, and only divided by a
deep impassable chasm, we cannot allow, consistently
* The expression, “ He was gathered to his fathers ”—unlike the classic
phrase “ He has joined the majority ”—ol ir\eloves — ad f lures penetra-vit Plautus
—implies something more than dissolution, for God was the God of Abiaham,
Isaac, and Jacob, in a deep and peculiar sense ; hence whatever might be said
of the majority or mass of the dead, the patriarchs were with God, and there¬
fore in joy and felicity, as our Lord taught the Sadducees by the word of God
to Moses in the bush.
The Intermediate State.
with reverence for our Lord’s character, that there is
any description here contrary to the real state of the
case. If the state of the dead until the resurrection
morning be one of entire unconsciousness, our Lord’s
parable is worse than unmeaning. It is untrue in a
sense which we forbear here to characterize. Nor is
this the only decisive statement of Scripture. Our
Lord’s promise to the dying thief, “ this day shalt thou
be with me in paradise,” would be worse than unmean¬
ing if the dying man were to lapse that instant into
unconsciousness, and continue in that state till the
moment of the general awakening. The apostle Paul,
moreover, puts the contrast between being absent from
the body and present with the Lord in a light which
will bear no other interpretation than this, that though
he did not desire to be unclothed, i.e., to enter upon
the disembodied state, and would rather be of those
who are alive and remain to the coming of the Lord,
that so mortality might be swallowed up of life ; yet
that he would accept the disembodied state as the less
of two evils, or, rather, as the greater of two gains,
and would desire not to be at home in the body, see¬
ing that thus he was absent from the Lord. If the
choice lay between body and soul living without the
Lord, or soul and spirit with the Lord, he would will¬
ingly choose the latter, and consent to be Qxdriwsai) an
exile from his home in the flesh, that so in the spirit
he might enjoy the full communion of his exalted Head.
Why should he be willing rather to be absent from
the body, and to accept such a certain privation as that,
unless that there was a presence which more than com-
The Intermediate State. 267
pensated for the loss of sense perception and bodily
consciousness ? If the state of death were a state ol
entire unconsciousness, the Apostle could never have
chosen it as the better of two alternatives. In a lower
degree he already enjoyed his Lord’s presence, and
unless he were to pass into a state in which he would
enjoy it in a much more perfect way, he could never
have thought death the less of the two evils. If to
him to live was Christ—to die was gain. But where
would the gain be if he lost one kind of consciousness,
and did not presently enter into a higher ? We do
not press into the argument the expression found in
the Book of Revelations, of the souls beneath the altar
crying out, “how long?” though the fair meaning of
such language would imply that the waiting saints, in
the intermediate state, are not unconscious of the lapse
of time, and feel some of the same impatience as the
church on earth, that the Lord delays his coming.
Whatever view we take of the passage, it seems at
least irreconcilable with the view of death as a state of
dreamless sleep.*
We arrive, then, at this conclusion, that while all
observation of the connection between soul and body
inclines us to agree with the Psychopannuchist, the in-
* But Rev. xiv. 13 is at least decisive. Here it is said that hencefoith (air
&Ptl) either, i.e., from the moment the voice spake, or now in prospect, i.e.,
of the harvest of the earth in salvation, and the vintage of the earth in judg¬
ment, proclaim this truth as if with a voice from heaven, that the dead in
Christ are blessed—blessed in a twofold way. 1. In that they rest from toil,
k6itos- 2. That they do not rest from that which is their proper service for
they rest not day nor night, saying, Holy, Holy, Holy. This seems to deter¬
mine the nature of the intermediate state; there is no bodily toil, k6itos, hut
there is the highest spiritual activity, Hpxov-
The liitermediate State .
timations of Scripture are so strong on the other side,
that an irreconcilable opposition between reason and
revelation here occurs, which cannot be got over on
the ordinary supposition of the dichotomy of human
nature. To resolve this contradiction, and reconcile
the two voices of God, in his word and in his works,
we must fall back on the trichotomy, or the distinction
between soul and spirit, as well as between body and
soul. We have described the three parts of mans
nature, as three kinds or degrees of consciousness.
There is sense-consciousness, or the animal body ; self-
consciousness, or the rational soul; God-consciousness,
or the spirit. We have also seen that it is conceivable,
that any two of these forms of consciousness could
exist without the presence and co-operation of the re¬
maining third ; the first and second without the third ;
or the second and third without the first. As two
chords in music will make a harmony, but not less than
two, so either the animal and rational, or the rational
and spiritual, will combine to sustain what we call life
or consciousness in man. The loss of one will deprive
him of part of his powers, and this is the first death.
It is an instance of the first death when Adam trans¬
gressed, and, in consequence, the Spirit, or God-con¬
sciousness, died in man, leaving only the animal and
rational life remaining. In this sense we are born into
the world, dead in one sense, though alive in a lower
sense. Conversely, we can understand that though
the body dies, yet, if the union of spirit and soul is
still undissolved, there is ground for supposing that
consciousness will survive this first death. We have
The Intermediate State. 269
only another instance, though a reverse one, of the
first death, in the suspension of the animal life, which
is the lowest of the three essential elements of human
nature. The second death is, we suppose, when the
capability of receiving spiritual life is at an end, and
when there shall be no more place found for repent¬
ance. In that case, which Scripture speaks of as
following, not as preceding the day of the general
judgment, the final state of the lost will be sealed
for ever* On this distinction, then, between the first
and second death, we ground our views of the nature
of the intermediate state. Man, in passing out of the
body, becomes “unclothed,” but does not, therefore,
pass away into entire insensibility. On the contrary,
by being deprived of sense-consciousness, he is thrown
in on himself, and so during the intermediate state,
attains to a higher consciousness than before, of things
unseen and eternal. Self-consciousness, and God-
consciousness, the one the function of the pure reason,
and the other of the spirit, are now exercised in a
greater degree than ever. While present with the
* This view differs in one respect from the common one. The received
view of that of Augustine (de Civ. Dei xxi. ch. 5). Non enim nulla sed
sempiterna mors erit quando nec vivere anima poterit Deum non habendo,
nec doloribus corporis carere moriendo. Prima mors animam nolentem pellit
e corpore, secunda mors animam nolentem tenet in corpore. Both deaths, he
adds, have this in common, that the soul suffers from the body that which it
most dreads. Aug. seems to conceive that the immortality of the souls of the
wicked arose from their being joined to immortal bodies of flesh; but while
Scripture tells us of the resurrection of all from their graves (John v. 27), and
of the glorification of the bodies of believers (1 Cor. xv. 44, Phil. iii. 21), it is
silent as to the state into which the unregenerate shall rise, for 2 Cor. v. 10 is
not decisive on this subject.
270 The Intermediate State.
body we are absent from the Lord. If even the
Apostle Paul, who lived in the Spirit, and walked in
the Spirit, felt this, how much more must we feel it.
Even the most advanced saints feel that sense-consci¬
ousness distracts and diverts them from the inner and
hidden life. Not to speak of the lust of the flesh,
there is the lust of the eye, which continually draws
us away from commuion with God. The body, or
rather the flesh, (for that is the term Scripture uses
to describe it in our present fallen condition,) lusteth
against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh.
The demands of the body are so incessant; its desires
so many and various, and call for such attention the
preparation of our food—the care of our health—the
provision for our families, that the spirit’s life is but a
feeble one at best. The body clearly must die if the
spirit would live.
This, then, is the use of the intermediate state;
this the compensation to which the spiritual look with
such joy and hope, and the unspiritual with such dread
and dismay. At the moment of death, the tie which
connects us with sense and sense-perception is snapped,
and the higher kind of consciousness begins, unbroken
by the calls of our animal life. It is this which makes
up the real dread of dying to the natural or psychical
man. At present, the psyche or reasonable soul is
diverted or amused with a thousand distractions. Art,
science, and the pleasures of sense, all keep him busy
and 'amused. He is seldom or ever driven in on
himself. He can always fly from his own thoughts,
to find occupation, either in criticising the thoughts of
The Intermediate State. 271
others, or in mixing with the crowd in the common
haunts of men. The unspiritual or merely psychical
man is never so little at home as when at home. He
does not like to exercise .the higher powers of the
psyche, and rise to self-consciousness, for that would
suggest the sense of God-consciousness, and of the
pneuma, which he has deadened and dulled by an out¬
ward worldly life.
But at death this state of self-deception must end.
Then sense-consciousness ceases at once, and self and
God-consciousness begin together. An accusing con¬
science is that which men are seldom long troubled
with on this side the grave. There are a hundred
ways of lulling or amusing the psyche, so long as we
are in the body. While the union of body and soul
lasts, the soul does not miss its true partner the spirit.
But when all animal enjoyment is at an end, and reason
must betake herself within to chew the cud of sweet
and bitter memories, then the dreadful discovery will
break in on natural men, of a higher consciousness,
which they have studiedly, and all their life long
neglected. Then prayer and meditation on God’s
word, and self-examination, and all those other spiritual
exercises which they evaded*so easily, will press in on
them with all their terrible reality. We dare not
carry this thought farther than God’s word has ex¬
pressly revealed to us. Whether any who have not
wilfully resisted the strivings of God’s Spirit, and done
despite to the Spirit of Grace will be given to know
Christ in the intermediate state, is a question which it
is better not to approach. Secret things belong unto
2^2 SShe Intermediate State.
the Lord. The question whether few shall be saved
is one which the Lord refused to answer. In nothing
do we see the contrast between the inspired and apo¬
cryphal books so much as in the proneness of the latter
to fall into disquis tions on this subject, on which the
canonical books maintain a solemn silence. There is
one passage which certainly seems an exception, and
which, as such, has raised more discussion than any other
in Holy Writ, i Peter iii., and iv. 6, would certainly
seem to connect Christ’s descent into the under woild
with the salvation of some who have never heaid the
gospel preached, when in the flesh. The testimony of
the early church is uniform as to one part of Christ s
work in Hades. That he there proclaimed his redemp¬
tion to the waiting spirits of the patriarchs and fathers
of the Jewish Church who had died in faith, not
having received the promise, is a truth on which they
are very nearly agreed. The unanimity indeed of the
early church in holding this opinion has been one of the
strongest arguments alleged by the Romish Chuich in
favour of purgatory. The limbus patrum , and the
limbus infantum were held long before the mediaeval
church had formulated the doctrine of purgatory, with
its ascending spirals, as described by Dante. It was
but carrying this notion of limbus patrum one step
farther, to assert that the intermediate state was a
place of washing and purification for all who died
after, as well as for those who died before the work of
Christ. Such hold did this notion of a place of puri¬
fication take on the mind of the middle ages, that it
practically overshadowed their conceptions alike of
Ihe Intermediate State. 273
heaven and hell. With indistinct notions of the work
of Christ’s redemption, and untaught in the great
doctrine of justification by faith, it was natural that
heaven and hell should sink into the background, and
their notions of the hereafter cluster around the one
thought of a place of purgatory. Hell might be the
place reserved for unbaptized infidels, and heaven for
eminent and miracle-working saints. But for the great
majority of the baptized, reason seemed to call for
some middle place of purgation. And so what reason
called for the doctors and schoolmen were not slow to
find warrant for in revelation.
The Reformation swept away this fond superstition
of penances, pardons, and indulgences, which had
grown out of the belief in purgatory, as the tares
from seed sown in the night. But as in every case of
reaction the reformers did not see that in plucking up
tlTe tares they were in danger of rooting up the wheat
also. They dispelled the delusion, about a place of
purgation for sins not atoned for by penance on earth;
but they also lost with it all sense of the contrast be¬
tween the intermediate and the state of final blessed¬
ness. .
Sudden death was sudden glory,
“ Swift as the eagle cuts the air,
We’ll mount aloft to Thine abode,”
is the common conception to this day of the passage
of the spirit after death into the presence of God A
* It was the same in the Lutheran Church as with ourselves. While Luther
held the opinion that the intermediate state was one of progressive holiness, a
state—to use his own words—“der zunehmender Liebe ; ” this view was
274 Intermediate State.
So much was this the case, that the doctrine of the
resurrection of the body, to a great extent, lost the
importance which it holds in the New Testament
Though not denied, it became a difficulty instead of
an evidence for the truth of the Christian religion.
Those who held advanced views went so far as to
deny it; for it was impossible to see any reconcile¬
ment between the philosophic notion of the immor¬
tality of the soul and the apostle s teaching with
respect to the resurrection of the body. Such a re¬
turn to what seemed materialism was abhorrent to
the notions of the platonising divines of last century,
who either explained away the doctrine of the re-
* surrection of the body altogether, or held it as a mere
dogma, a thing apart, which did not enter in any
living way into their belief.
The intermediate state is one of those lost truths
of the Bible which it is to the credit of our age that
it has rediscovered, and restored it to its right im¬
portance. We do not of course understand this
subject in all its bearings, and never shall on this side
the grave. Whether salvation is reached foith to
any there, who have never heard the gospel here,
is a matter of private opinion, in which we may in¬
dulge the hope, without committing ourselves to any
strong statement on either side. Pope Gregory
had set his heart on the thought that the Emperor
gradually dropped by his followers, and the doctrine of immediate glory and
condemnation took its place. So B. Lorcher, in his “ Sammlung von
Abhandlungen iiber den Zustand der Seelen nach dem Tode,” speaks of the
soul springing from the mouth straight into heaven, “Vom Mund auf, zum
Himmel fahren.”
The Intermediate State. 275
Trajan might be a favoured exception to the general
doom which awaits the heathen. Reasoning there¬
fore by his wishes, he had a vision at last that
his prayer was heard, and the soul of Trajan given
to him at his intercession. In an age when prayers
for the dead were believed to be availing, instances
of these exceptions were not uncommon. Virgil was
—it maestro —the guide of Dante, not only through
the gloomy circles of hell only, but also through the
upward spirals of purgatory. It was difficult for a
good schoolman to believe in the eternal perdition of
Aristotle, without whom orthodoxy itself could not
sustain its ground. Socrates, the great example of
a pre-Christian martyr, and Plutarch, the lover of
good men, the panegyrist of whatsoever is lovely and
of good report, must be instances of souls included
within some general amnesty. So reasoned the more
charitable divines of the middle ages, and we, at least
in our zeal for truth, need not fall behind them in
charity. It may be—and it is a mystery probably as
much hidden to us as the salvation of the Gentiles
was hidden to the Jews—that God has purposes of
mercy in store for those who have not wilfully
hardened their hearts and sinned against the Holy
Ghost by stiffing the pneuma within them. We are
not to argue, from our ignorance of the plan of this
future salvation, to its impossibility. This was the
mistake of the Jews of old with regard to the election
of the Gentiles. They claimed to be the elect. They
held God bound by His word, and when they went so
far as to do evil that good might come, and fell into
2 y6 The Intermediate State.
an immoral predestinarianism, declaring that God could
not cast off those whom he had foreknown, we feel
with the apostle that their damnation was just. May
we not reason in the same presumptuous way ? We
do know that for us, “ now is the accepted time, now
is the day of salvation.” We are also told that for
those who wilfully reject Christ theie remaineth no
more offering for sin, but a certain fearful looking for
of judgment. But where our duty ends theie the
silence of scripture begins, and we are left to our own
conjecture as to the want of universality in revelation,
on which nothing better or wiser can be written than
the words of Bishop Butler.
Having spoken of the gradual and slow progress
of discovery in the useful arts of life, and the fact
that many of the most valuable remedies existing in
nature have been unknown to mankind for ages, are
known but to a few now, and that probably many
valuable ones are not known yet, he adds that,* “not
only is this the case, but often the remedies are so
unskilfully applied as to produce new diseases, and
with the Tightest application the success of them is
often doubtful. Many persons who labour under
diseases for which there are known natural remedies
are not so happy as to be always, if ever, in the way
of them. In a word, the remedies which nature has
provided for diseases are neither certain, perfect, nor
universal.” The inference from this is of course
obvious, that the objections which lie against the
* See Analogy, Part II., chap. 3.
The Intermediate State. 277
want of universality in the one case are paralleled by
like objections in the other case.
Bishop Butler is far too acute not to have antici¬
pated the usual objection which has been urged again
and again to the Analogy, viz., that Revelation as a
redemptive system, instead of repeating the difficul¬
ties of natural religion should meet and relieve them.
His answer to this is that as discoveries in nature are
made by little degrees and by slow advances, so it
may be with the scheme of redemption. Men aie
impatient and for precipitating things, but the Authoi
of nature appears deliberate throughout his opeiations,
accomplishing his natural ends by slow successive steps.
This being the case the fault lies with those who
reason from our knowledge of a part to a knowledge
of the whole. Christianity is, as he is careful to
remind us, a scheme imperfectly comprehended.
“ Our present state may possibly be the consequence
of something past which we are wholly ignorant of,
or it has a reference to something to come, of which
we know scarce any more than is necessary to piactice.
It would have been well for the cause of truth
and charity if divines had been contented with this
“learned ignorance,”
Nescire velle quoe magister maximus
Docere non vult, erudita inscitia est.
We should be content then to judge those that are
within, and to leave to God’s secret councils his mode
of judgment of those that are without. Every where
we see in nature the gifts of God showered down
278 The Intermediate State.
without partiality, the sun and the rain given equally
to the just and to the unjust, yet we also see priority
and even preference, some greater some less, some
invited to sit down in the highest place, and some
compelled to take the lowest room. May there not
be the same distinction in the kingdom of grace ?
On the one hand the manifestation of the goodness
and long-suffering of God to all, but on the other
hand a difference of degree. That God’s judgments
are a great deep who can doubt who has ever seriously
thought of God’s dealings with himself? On the
subject of preference without partiality we cannot do
better than again refer to the words of Bishop Butler.
“Nor is there,”* he says, “anything shocking in
all this, or which would seem to bear hard upon the
moral administration in nature, if we could really
keep in mind that every one shall be dealt equitably
with,^instead of forgetting this or explaining it away
after it is acknowledged in words. All shadow of
injustice, and indeed all harsh appearances in this
various economy of providence would be lost, if we
would keep in mind that every merciful allowance
shall be made, and no more required of any one
than what might have been equitably expected of
him from the circumstances in which he was placed,
and not what might have been expected had he been
placed in other circumstances; or in scripture language,
“ that every one shall be accepted according to what
he hath and not according to what he hath not.” This,
however, doth not by any means imply that all per-
* See Analogy, Part II., chap. 6.
The Intermediate State. 2 79
sons’ conditions here is equally advantageous here
with regard to the future. And providence design¬
ing to place some in greater darkness with regard
to religious knowledge is no more a reason why they
should not endeavour to get out of that darkness,
and others to bring them out of it, than why ignor¬
ant and slow people in matter of other knowledge
should not endeavour to learn, or should not be in-
structed.” . ,
But while we are content to take our stand with
regard to the hereafter on the safe ground that it
doth not yet appear what we shall be, we are not. to
overlook the possibility of light unexpectedly breaking
in on us on these subjects even before their accomplish¬
ment through the careful and diligent study of God s
word As the prophecies with regard to the millen¬
nium, the restoration of Israel, the life from the dead
of the heathen world, through the gathering m of the
Tews, and the personal reign of Christ with the first
resurrection of his beheaded martyrs, are understood
in our day even before their fulfilment, by those who
are diligent in comparing scripture with scripture;
may it not be, that with regard to the intermediate
state and the purposes of God with regard to those
who die either in infancy, or who as idiots and savages
are only children of an older growth, that our error
may arise from our knowing “neither the Scriptures
nor the power of God." It has been assumed far too
hastily that because the Bible has been m the hands
of men for nearly two thousand years, there can be
nothing new to be discovered there, and so the dictum
The Intermediate State .
admitted both by friends and foes has been that theo¬
logy at least is not one of the Inductive Sciences.
The fact is that theology is stationary, but the fault is
not with the Bible but with us, its interpreters.
Bishop Butler, with his usual acuteness, has pointed
this out—that the methods of study, whether of the
book of nature or Revelation, must be the same, and
that if we have not made discoveries in the one case
as well as in the other, it must arise from the same
causes. u The hindrances, -too, of natural and of
supernatural light and knowledge have been of the
same kind. And it is owned the whole scheme of
Scripture is not yet understood: so if it ever come to
be understood before the restitution of all things, and
without miraculous interpositions, it must be in the same
way that natural knowledge is come at, by the continu¬
ance and progress of learning and liberty, and by parti¬
cular persons attending to comparing and pursuing inti¬
mations scattered up and down it which are overlooked
and disregarded by the generality of the world. For
this is the way in which all improvements are made, by
thoughtful jnen tracing out obscure hints, as it were
dropped us by nature accidentally, or which seem to
come into our minds by chance. Nor is it at all in¬
credible that a book which has been so long in the
possession of mankind should contain many truths, as
yet undiscovered.”
That the intermediate state may be the scene of a
display of the riches of God’s long-suffering and grace
as far transcending any we know of at present as this
dispensation transcends that of Judaism is an opinion
of some, on which possibly the well-known passages
The Intermediate State.
(1 Peter iii. 18, iv. 6) are intended some day or other
to throw light. For eighteen centuries these two
passages have been considered by divines of all schools
without their coming to any agreement as to their
meaning. In the one passage it is said that Christ
was put to death in the flesh but quickened in the
Spirit, which means either that the Holy Spirit, who
quickened Him, had preached before in the days of
Noah to the antediluvian world, or that He (Christ)
though dead in the flesh died not in the Pneuma,
which could not die, but which then descended into
Hades or the underworld, and there preached or pro¬
claimed his gospel to the inhabitants of the underworld
of whom the multitude who were disobedient in the
days of Noah, are mentioned as examples of a class.
The second passage asserts that the gospel is preached
to them that are dead, either, as many interpreters
say, to men who are figuratively dead, /.., in tres¬
passes and sins, which would be here not only a truism
but also unmeaning, or that the gospel is preached to
those who are literally dead in the flesh, and departed
to the underworld of spirits, in order that at the judg¬
ment of the last day they may be judged according to
men in the flesh, i.e., acording to the same principle of
judgment, viz., whether they refused or accepted
Christ. In this view of the case there will be equality
in God’s dealings with all, and whether in the body or
out of the body the probation of men will, may turn on
the same principle, viz., whether they “did truth and
came to the light,” or whether they “loved darkness
rather than light because their deeds were evil.”
Of the meaning of these two passages and the in-
The Intermediate State.
ferences we are entitled to build on them, there has
been an infinite variety of opinion. First, there are
those who deny any reference whatever to Christ’s de¬
scent to Hades, and maintain as Augustine, Aquinas,
Hammond, Leighton, and others, that the preaching of
the Spirit was that by Noah, a preacher of righteous¬
ness. Again, even of those who understand the pas¬
sage literally of our Lord’s descent into Hades, some,
as Hollaz, understand the preaching to mean a concio
danmatoria , a sentence, i.e., of judgment upon those
who are already in prison reserved to the judgment of
the last day. Of this we need only say that it is a
sense of the word xripUasiv, never elsewhere used in the
New Testament, and evidently resorted to here as a
critical expedient to get over a theological difficulty.
Several of the fathers again, as Irenaeus, Tertullian,
and Hippolytus, and Zwingle, and Calvin, among the
Reformers, limit this preaching to the spirits of the
patriarchs of the Old Testament Church, who were
waiting in Hades for the announcement of a coming
deliverance. This is the origin of the doctrine of that
limbus patrum , of which the schoolmen made one of
the many mansions of the underworld. Suarez, Estius,
Bellarmine, and Luther, as well as Bengel, assume that
the words refers, not to all unbelievers of Noah’s time,
but only to those who repented at the last moment
when the flood was upon them, an interpretation which
leaves the difficulty just where it found it, and only
piles up one hypothesis upon another. Lastly, there
is the view of Athanasius and Ambrose, to which Cal¬
vin appears to have inclined in his Institutes, that the
The Intermediate State. 283
preaching was of two kinds, a saving message to the
waiting saints, and a message of judgment to those who
were condemned already and kept in prison until the
sentence of the last day.
As it is clearly impossible either to add a new inter¬
pretation to the many here referred to, or to weave
any consistent teaching out of such a conflict of opinion,
we must either despair of finding any meaning at all
in the apostle’s words, or remember Bishop Butlei s
hint, that it is not at all incredible that a book which
has been so long in the possession of mankind should
contain many truths as yet undiscovered. The re¬
marks of Lange on this passage are worth translating,
as they suggest the view now taken by most orthodox
commentators in Germany, and to which also Dean
Alford gives his adhesion “ Holy Scripture nowhere
asserts the eternal condemnation of those who have
died either as heathen or as not having heard the gos¬
pel. It rather implies in many passages that repent¬
ance is possible even beyond the grave, and distinctly
declares that the final decision is made, not at the
moment of death, but at the last day (see Acts vii. 3 1 5
2 Tim. i. 12, 18; 1 John iv. 17). In this passage,
however, as in 1 Pet. iii. 195 St Peter distinctly
teaches that God’s way of salvation does not end with
this life ; and that to those who have departed this life
without hearing of Christ, such a proclamation or
preaching shall be made hereafter. There is no sup¬
port, however, from this passage for the theory eithei
of the restitution of all, and the salvation of the devil
and his angels and all wicked men alike; nor for the
284 7 he Intermediate State.
doctrine of a purifying fire, on which the Roman
Catholic Church rests her theory that all souls which
are not made perfect here will be purified by suffering
It is at this point of the argument that the tricho¬
tomy of man into body, soul, and spirit throws light on
what is otherwise an inexplicable mystery. As man
is at present, he is born into the world with a strong
animal nature, with a weak rational, and with a spiritual
nature that hardly, if at all, asserts its existence.
Is this the right order of things ? Is this the balance
of power as God intended it to be ? Or is it not
rather a proof that an enemy has done this ? Man,
wounded and half dead, lies at the roadside, a fit case
for the compassion of the good Samaritan, but in no
condition to rise and recover himself by the aid of any
remaining strength that he has left. This being the
case, it is misleading to speak of the present being a
state of probation in the strict sense of the word. We
do not test an instrument till all its parts are in work¬
ing order. Till the balance is restored, and, in the
language of the South, “ human nature is set on its
legs again,” we cannot say that probation, properly so
called, begins. With the passions strong and the
judgment weak, what hope is there for man if left to
himself? To suppose that he can return to God of
himself, while the spirit is so disordered that it feebly,
if at all, testifies even of the being of God, is to sup¬
pose that a child turned adrift in an open boat could
safely cross the Atlantic. One of two ways only are
* Fid. Lange’s Biblewerk, x Pet. iv. 6.
I he Intermediate State. 285
open by which the probation of man is possible. We
incline to the belief that God will employ both, one
in one case, and the other in another. Either God
may give his grace now while man is in the flesh, and,
by quickening the spirit, as well as training the rational
soul, may so far restore the balance as that the flesh
shall be subdued to the spirit, and we, who brought
forth fruit only unto death, may now bring forth fruit
unto life. Or, when the body is laid at rest in the
grave, and the spirit has returned to Him that gave it,
He may be pleased to quicken that spirit by his Spirit,
either to everlasting life or to everlasting death, at the
judgment of the last day, according as the awakened spirit
is turned to Christ or away from Him. Sanctification
consists principally in subjecting the lower parts of our
nature to the higher. In the case of those who are
called in time, their discipline will be so much more
complete as they have learned to keep their body in
subjection to the soul, and the soul, in its turn, to the
spirit. The former of these two branches of sanctifi¬
cation will be wanting to those who are called late.
Something analogous to this occurs in time in the case
of late conversions. Those who at the eleventh hour,
in old age or on a death-bed, repent and turn to
Christ, miss much preparatory discipline, which the
deeply-taught child of God would not be without. Yet
we never doubt that they are finally saved, though we
say that their cup of glory, though full, will not be so
great as that of those who have known and served
Christ during a long life. As there are many man¬
sions, so we doubtless believe that there are degrees of
Ihe Intermediate State.
blessedness. "What is to forbid the C3.ll at the eleventh
hour being understood of those whose discipline begins
too late to subject the body to the soul, but not too
late to subject the soul to the spirit, and the spirit to
God ? The essential part of sanctification lies in the
fact of this subjection, not in the degree to which it is
carried out. Even the most advanced Christians are
very imperfectly sanctified in time, and to the last cry
out on account of the motions of sin which stir in their
carnal natures. How often the most watchful saint is
overtaken in a fault, surprised by temptation, and finds
that sin revives, and he dies. He does not, theiefoie,
give up the conflict. He knows that for this sin he
has an advocate with the Father, and he also feels
another advocate pleading within him with groanings
which cannot be uttered. Thus forgiven the guilt of
sin by the one advocate, and encouraged against an
accusing conscience by the other advocate, he renews
the strife, and at last is made more than conqueror
through Him that loved him. But even this advanced
and experienced saint is only saved by hope. He still
groans within himself, waiting for the adoption, to wit,
the redemption of the body. He feels that, so long
as soul and spirit are joined to this body of corruption,
his sanctification must be incomplete, and that he is not
yet one of the spirits of just men made perfect.
Thus it looks forward to the intermediate state as
the time when God will perfect that which is lacking.
Not in purgatorial fires—quite the contrary—but
under the sunshine of God’s love, his spirit shall then
grow in increased likeness to the Father of spirits.
I he Intermediate State. 287
Thus, as the spirit grows in likeness to God, so it will
grow in strength and mastery over the rational soul.
Rationalism, as well as animalism, is one of the tenden¬
cies of our present fallen nature. Sins of the intellect
and sins of sense are among the corruptions that re¬
main even in the regenerate. Of the two, the former
are not so easily overcome as the latter. It is easier
even to subject the body to the soul than the soul to
the spirit. This higher discipline, then, probably
awaits us in the intermediate state. Then relieved
altogether from the conflict with the lower or animal
nature, the spirit can give its whole undivided strength
to subdue the soul. To bring not our animal desires
only, but every thought, into subjection to the mind
of Christ, is the idea of sanctification not attainable
here. By and by it will be possible. The blissful
and unbroken communion with Christ which the spirit
will enjoy during the interval between death and the
resurrection may be intended to procure us advances in
holiness which are impossible in our present low con¬
dition of being. The wonder is that creatures with
capacities so little above the brute can be sanctified at
all while in such bodies of corruption as those we now
possess. But after death these unfavourable con¬
ditions will be withdrawn, and then our advances in
holiness will be proportionately rapid. In the light of
Christ’s countenance, every mist of doubt and pre¬
judice will be lifted off, as the fog before the rising
sun. Things now difficult and contradictory will then
seem plain and perspicuous. Order will reign in our
moral nature, and our faculties will fall into their right
The Intermediate State.
places, without much marshalling on our part. Our
affections will not then be heated by fancy, nor our
judgment warped by prejudice. Reason will not then
stagger as now under a load of self-made difficulties
about the character and purposes of God. We shall
not be enslaved by the systems of men, or afraid of
looking a question in the face for fear of some awk¬
ward conclusion which does not comport with ortho¬
doxy. The opinion of the religious world will then
trouble us as little as that of any other mere secular
society. We shall see all things in the light of God’s
love, and so, in the words of a Moravian poet, make
one thing of all theology.
The late Isaac Taylor,* in his “ Physical Theory of
a Future Life,” handled the subject of the intermediate
state with much originality and freshness of view. The
principal point which he made out was that, connected
as our emotions are with the physical system, it
would be impossible to know God as He is without
the emotions undergoing a preparatory training out
of the body. To see God as He is would rather dis¬
tract us and drive us mad in such weak and excitable
frames as our present mortal bodies. Our nervous
system, as strung at present, would not bear the strain,
for no man can see God and live. Thus the Apostle
* See Tsaac Taylor’s “ Physical Theory of Another Life.” His argument
was almost exclusively directed to the one point of the emotions, and the un¬
conscious control which the will exertsover them at present. If with our present
emotional system, which is principally, if not exclusively, physical, we were
to behold the glory of God and divine things, the mind would be thrown off
its balance. But there are other uses of the intermediate state besides this
suspense of the excito-motor system, and it is to these other uses that we call at¬
tention in the text.
'The Intermediate State. 289
Paul, when caught up to the third heaven, saw things
which it is not possible (sgoi/, 2 Cor. xii. 4) for a man to
utter; and this strain on the nervous system was pro¬
bably connected with, if not the direct cause of, the
thorn in the flesh which left him a shattered broken
man. St John, too, fell as dead when he beheld the
glory of Christ in the vision in Patmos. Such being the
case, there is need of a state in which, the excito-motor
system being set at rest, the emotions may be exer¬
cised at first without tearing to pieces the framework
of flesh in which they are now contained. Thus the
intermediate state is, as Isaac Taylor conceives it, a
preparation for a state in which we shall know God
through the organs of sense-perception in a way that
we cannot bear to do now.
To this view of the subject we have no objection
whatever; on the contrary, we think it as probable
as any conjecture on a subject so remote from present
interests. But the view we here commend is less
speculative and more practical. The intermediate
state will doubtless be a preparation for a higher state
of being, and one of its uses will be to inure the spirit
to assert its mastery over the lower or emotional
nature, so that when clothed upon with a spiritual
body, all danger of a revolt of the lower against the
higher nature, like that which occurred with oar first
parents, will be excluded. But while this is so, we
think it even more important to see that a discipline
will be completed there, which is here only begun in
certain cases, and in others not attempted at all. If
man were only body and soul, then there would be no
'The Intermediate State.
room for this discipline, when the soul is separated
from the body. The disembodied soul would have
little else to do than to drink deep of the knowledge
of God, and bask itself in the eternal sunshine of his
love. This is nearly the sum total of what is usually
thought to be the occupation of those who are absent
from the body, and present with the Lord. They see
his countenance and are satisfied therewith. But we
can conceive of some discipline, probation, or piepaia-
tion, whatever we choose to call it, superadded to
this state of blissful rest. The distinction of soul and
spirit implies self-consciousness as well as God-con¬
sciousness | introspection as well as intuition , and a
growth in holiness proportionate to our growth in the
likeness of God. If we might distinguish holiness
from heavenly-mindedness, we should say that the
latter is the exercise of the spirit, the former of the
soul. As the spirit governs the soul, so heavenly-
mindedness produces holiness. The one is the painter s
eye, the other the painter’s hand. Without looking
long the artist would never get the ideal stamped on the
brain ; and, without handling the palette and brush,
he could never succeed in transferring that conception
to the canvass. u Mere in the body pent, we are like
artists whose conceptions are poor, and their execution
poorer still. We want, in the first instance, the con-
ceptive faculty raised, and, in the next, the cunning of
hand, to translate our thoughts into action. But this
we never can attain to while this muddy vesture of
decay wraps us in. Our spirits seldom rise at all, and
then not for more than a moment or two, to the state
The hitermedicite State.
of silent ecstacy when we hold real communion with
God. These Tabor glimpses of God and Christ are
too transitory to enable us to shew more than a
shadowy reflection in our own life, of the unseen
beauty of holiness. Like Moses coming down from
the mount, though our faces shine, yet it is with a
passing brightness. It dies away in the light of com¬
mon day. Neither heavenly-mindedness nor holiness,
neither the contemplative nor the active side of Chris¬
tian character, ever attain to their full growth in the
unfriendly soil of our present animal nature. The
fault is inseparable from our present condition of
being; a fallen world and a treacherous evil heart are
not friendly to the development of the inner and higher
I life in man.
But, let the conditions of our moral and spiritual
existence be altered in this one important respect;
let the attractions which draw us to earth disappear
altogether, and those which draw us to God be not
only strengthened, but actually replace them, and
then our growth in holiness and heavenly-minded-
ness will be as sudden as if we were transformed in
a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. We need
not suppose that in the intermediate state, we shall
climb up the way of holiness step by step, with many
a stumble, and many a relapse, as the Christian pilgrim
now does. One moment of the presence of Christ will
do more to ripen our character than years of self-disci¬
pline here on earth. We believe in cases of sudden
conversion on earth, there are transformations of
character even here, wrought by one look of faith at
The Intermediate State.
the cross of Christ. But this is nothing to the sudden¬
ness with which our whole soul shall be melted and
fused into the mould of holiness, when the full blaze of
Christ’s love breaks in at once on the departed spirit,
and when found in the spiritual image of Christ, we
shall also rapidly grow into his moral likeness.
The author of “The Religion of Common Life,”*
very truly said, that the fret and care of life in its round
of common duties and worldly occupations were the
very means wisely made use of by our Heavenly
Father to sanctify us, his children. He compared them
to the weights of a clock, which, so far from impeding
its movements, are actually the source of its movement.
This may be very true, though the illustration is more
ingenious than solid. The weights of a clock are its
forces ; they are to a clock what the elastic force of a
steel mainspring is to a watch, or the expansive force
of steam in a boiler. Now no one will say that the
duties and troubles of life are the mainspring or motive
power of the divine life in the soul. There is a need
he for them, no doubt, and it is certain that, so long as
we are in the body, we cannot do without them. But
we must not make them the efficient instrument of our
sanctification; they are its condition, not its cause.
The true and only cause of sanctification is the pre¬
sence of the Holy Ghost, the sanctifier, in our hearts,
taking of the things of Christ, and shewing them unto
us. All other discipline, however providential and
necessary, is only to keep down the undergrowth of
* See Dr. Caird’s Sermon, preached before the Queen.
The Intermediate State. 293
earthly-mindedness. The body is thus kept under by
the care of providing for our daily bread or by those
public and professional engagements and duties of life,
which, however little profitable to holiness in them¬
selves, are necessary as means to keep the body under-
But when the body itself is laid aside in the grave
there will be no need then of counterpoises to the over¬
whelming attraction of earthly things. When the
weights which draw us to pleasure and self-indulgence
will be gone, then those other weights made up of the
cares and duties of life will be taken off, and it will be
seen that the soul only wanted the one to right the
balance which the other had unduly disturbed. There
is nothing sanctifying per se in the occupations of life
—quite the contrary—though we admit that with
animal natures such as ours to keep in check, the dis¬
cipline of worldly duty cannot be dispensed with. Still
we must not confound, as Mr. Caird seems to have
done, the sanctifying Agent himself with the discipline
he at present makes use of. It is very natural for us
to say, because we see human nature sanctified under
circumstances like the present, that these conditions are
indispensable, and that men could not be sanctified
unless under precisely the same conditions, i. e ., by the
flesh striving against the spirit, and the spirit against
the flesh. We can only repeat, that the conditions of
an experiment are not the same as the cause, and that
we can conceive the same experiment carried out under
much more favourable conditions. Let the body be
disposed of in the grave, and the spirit brought into
the presence of God with the reasonable soul sub-
294 77 ? Intermediate State
dued so far as to obey its godly motions, in this case
sanctification will be both rapid and complete. The
likeness of God in the spirit, and his image in the soul
will then be so much more perfect on account of the
disturbing element brought in by animal nature being
laid at rest in the grave.
This is the use then of the intermediate state in the
case of believers. When man was made of body, soul,
and spirit, the lower was intended to serve the higher.
But ever since the entrance of sin it has been other¬
wise. God has then brought in death to right the
balance which sin has disturbed. Through sin the
spirit dies, the body or the flesh reigns, and the soul
serves the body ; all is thus confusion and wrong.
Death then comes in as a stage in the redemptive work
for those who are saved. In death the body dies, the
spirit lives, and the soul serves not the body, but the
spirit. Thus the right order returns. The balance is
restored, and all traces of the former anarchy are re¬
moved. The spirit during the interval is so deeply
settled in its allegiance to God, and the soul brought
under subjection to the spirit, that when at the resur¬
rection morning we are given a new and incorruptible
body there will no longer be any danger of a disturb¬
ance, the balance will be righted for ever, and through
the ages of eternity we shall perfect holiness in the fear
of the Lord.
We have seen that the use of the intermediate state
was to carry on, out of the body, that work of sanc¬
tification which is begun, but never reaches completion,
in the body. It is the opposite thus to the state of the
carnal mind into.which we enter at our biith : it com¬
pensates its defects. In the one the body lives and
reigns, the soul lives and serves, and the spirit sleeps.
In the other the spirit lives and [reigns, the soul lives
and serves—but serves its rightful master, the higher,
not the lower principle—and the body sleeps. Phy¬
sical death is thus a stage in the work of redemption,
not as we sometimes hear it described, its full triumph.
It is only when this corruptible body shall have put on
incorruption, and this mortal have put on immoitahty,
that shall be brought to pass the saying that is written,
“ Death is swallowed up in victory.” Sanctification,
or the conflict of the spirit against the flesh, is begun
the moment the pneuma is awakened; but it is never
complete until the flesh is dead in fact, as it is alieady
dead in idea. Death is thus a stage in our sanctifica¬
tion, the midway passage between grace and gloiy.
2g6 The Resurrection Body.
This is why sanctification and death are so constantly
associated in St. Paul’s Epistles. “Ye are dead, and
your life is hid with Christ in God.” Baptism is both
death and burial. “We are buried with Christ by
baptism unto death.” “ He that is dead is freed from
sin.” Man’s redemption, thus including in that term
not only the forgiveness of sins, but also renewal in the
image of God, is never complete on this side the grave.
While this body of sin lives we are only saved by hope,
and groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption,
to wit, the redemption of the body. But as soon as
the body, and with it all carnal lusts and affections, are
laid in the grave, that instant our redemption is com¬
plete, and we enter on a state of sinless perfection,
which is unattainable so long as we are in the flesh.
The state of death is thus seen to be the only saving
antidote from the poison of sin. As sin reigned unto
death, so death now reigns unto holiness. In the one
case, man was in a state of outward life, and inward
death. Now, he is in the state of outward death, but
of inward life. The intermediate state is the sabbatiz-
ing of the people of God (Heb. iv. 6), the compensa¬
tion for a lifelong conflict with indwelling sin. Now
our life is all outward—then it will be all inward. We
groan now because the senses are so strong, and the
spirit life so weak. It will be a glorious retribution to
lay the senses by for a little, and enjoy a life that is
inward only.
This is why the intermediate state is described as a
state of rest. As a compensation for the over activity
of the body, and the distraction of earthly cares and
The 'Resurrection Body. 297
duties, we shall be given a season when we rest from
these labours , while our works do follow us. The x 6 mg
and the sgyov in this passage in Rev. xiv. 13, are per¬
haps thus distinguished: the one refers to flesh and
its busy-bodiness about what is, after all, nothing at
all, a xoTog, in which it is all toil and no result, the
other to that svsgyzia of the spirit, which results in a
egyov, something definite, real, and enduring. Thus as
Noah was given his name, with reference doubtless to
that rest from the toil and moil of a wicked world
which the waters of Noah brought with them, so death
shall be a rest or a comfort to us from all the work
and toil of our hands. Death is the needful antidote
of that worldly-mindedness which is the peculiar bane
of life. “So he giveth his beloved sleep,” that they
may not for ever eat of the bread of carefulness. Re¬
demption from sin will never be entire till we lay down
the burdens of daily life which the entrance of sin has
laid on us.
Thus far we see the need of the intermediate state.
It is the sabbath of man’s existence, without which his
week day of life on earth would be miserably incom¬
plete. But the Sabbath being past, the first day of
the week, the Easter-day of a new creation, must begin
to dawn. On the Sabbath, the activity of man is
turned into a new direction, and the body rests, that
the spirit may bestir itself. But the Sabbath is the
last day of the old week, not the first day of the new.
The resurrection morning will bring in a new order of
things. As with Christ the first fruits, so with us his
people. He was put to death in the flesh, and
298 The Resurrection Body.
quickened in the spirit, and in that spirit passed into
the intermediatede state. But to be made like his
brethren in all things, He rose again on Easter morning
in the completeness of human nature, body, soul, and
spirit. He is thus the first fruits of them that sleep.
All his people, without exception, are either one or
two removes behind Him in the process by which
mortality is swallowed up of life. We who are in the
body are two removes behind Him, these in the inter¬
mediate state are only one. But none as yet, not even
Moses and Elias, have yet put on the resurrection
body. They are only conformable to his death, but
have not yet attained to the resurrection from the dead.
The nature of the resurrection body has not been
revealed to us. It doth not yet appear what we shall
be. All we know is, that our present bodies of
humiliation shall be changed, to be made like unto his
glorious body. Farther than this we cannot go—we
know u that we shall be like him, for we shall see him
as he is.” It does not throw the least light on this
mystery to speculate on the nature of the Lord’s re¬
surrection body. It is only obscurumper obscurius. Of
the two, indeed, it is less mysterious to think of the
nature of our resurrection body. We know, at least,
that we shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more—
that we shall neither marry nor be given in marriage—
that it will not be a body of flesh and blood, and that it
will be subject to none of the present laws of pain, decay,
and death. But in the case of the Lord’s resurrection
body there is this added difficulty, that it was the same
body, i.e., of the same identical particles of matter
with the body laid in the sepulchre, and yet transfigured
The Resurrection Body. 299
and spiritualized, in some way which is at piesent
inconceivable to us. In the case of our bodies of flesh
and blood which are laid in the grave, and see conup-
tion, they are like the seed which dies in the ground,
and never reappears at all, but sends up instead that
which is to the old body what the shoot is to the root
buried beneath the earth. We have thus an analogy
to help us to conceive of the nature of our resunection
bodies. There is not any identity of particles in our
case as in the case of the Lord s body. Thus, of the
two, the resurrection of Christ is much more unintelli¬
gible to reason even than ours. We have analogies
for the one, but none for the other. The apostle was
able to rebuke the folly of the Corinthian sceptics by
the comparison of the seed corn. u Thou fool, that
which thou sowest is not quickened except it die.
But how could he have confuted a questioner who
asked for an explanation of how Christ rose from the
dead, not as the revivification only of a dead man,* but
as the type of those who shall be changed in a moment,
in the twinkling of an eye. If the alchemist s dream
* Christ’s resurrection has been said to have been both a revival and z. resur¬
rection. The distinction is founded on Rom. xiv. 9 ; but as the reading is
doubtful—the best MSS. omitting ica 1 avearr] —nothing certain should be
founded on it. That our Lord’s was a revival as well as a resurrection is probable
from the nature of the case, for, 1. it was not possible that He should be
holden of death. 2. His body, after his resurrection, was identical in matter,
as well as in form, with the body in which He suffered. Less evidence than
this failed to satisfy Thomas. 3. Unless He had taken the very body which
death had destroyed He could not be said to have destroyed death by dying.
A glorified body only veiled for a time under a mantle of flesh, wou d not
satisfy the conditions of his meritorious death. Hence we conclude that in
his case it was both a revival and a resurrection ; but the higher truth whic
is to reconcile these two views, we do not see.
300 The Resurrection Body .
of the transmutation of metals were to become a reality
of modern science—if the chemist who can reduce a
diamond to carbon could raise the carbon back again
to the diamond, we should then have an analogy on
which to ground our conceptions of the change which
the Lord’s body underwent in the grave. The Lord’s
resurrection then is a pledge that we shall rise; but it
is more than a pledge, it actually prefigures the nature
of the resurrection of those who are alive at the last
day, and are changed in a moment of time. A change
it will be in both cases, not a mere re-collection of
particles and revivification of them. The vision of
Ezekiel is thus quite inapplicable to the resurrection of
the body. It was meant to teach a different truth,
the national restoration of Israel, and when applied to
illustrate another subject, loses its peculiar beauty, and
only misleads us, by suggesting another class of con¬
ceptions. In the vision of Ezekiel there is a re-collec¬
tion of particles, it is a revival like that of Lazarus,
or Jairus’ daughter. Divines, in many cases, have not
paid sufficient attention to this distinction. Hence the
common objection of infidels of the old school falls
pointless against the right view of the resurrection of
the body. If it were the resurrection of relics ; if the
sea were to give up its dead in the sense that we have
seen depicted in an old picture, in which great fishes,
like Jonah’s whales, are swimming up with the heads
and arms of those who perished in the sea centuries
ago, then, indeed, the miracle of the resurrection
would not only be stupendous, but out of harmony
with all the other miracles and works of God. But
3 QI
The Resurrection Body.
the resurrection is more than a revivification, it is a
new creation. God, in the new creation, uses up the
particles of the old; but so we see it has been in all
the advances of life on the world, of which geology
tells such a wondrous tale. We have every day an
instance of something analogous to it, for creation is
continuous, not occasional. The plant, in its lowest
form, rises out of the rock or mould, animal life follows
on the vegetable, and the forms of one rise step by
step with the forms of the other, so that we can
measure exactly how many steps we have risen in the
scale of organic life in the plant world, by comparing
what corresponding stage we have reached in the
animal world. In man, we have reached the top of
the scale, so far as we know at present. But why
should we assume that the upward growth is abruptly
to end here ? If the next step in the ascent should be
the new heavens and the new earth, with man in his
resurrection body as its occupant, why should it, in
this point of view, seem a thing incredible, that God
should raise the dead ?
The resurrection body is said in Scripture to be a
spiritual body. The expression, if it does not clear up
the difficulty, throws light at least on one corner of it.
It teaches us that the spirit will be so supreme in the
new nature of man, that man may be described or de¬
fined by it, as in logic each species is by its differentia.
When we speak of man’s body now, we think of a
framework of flesh and blood, strung together with
sinews, muscles, and nerves, and served by certain
special organs, that we call organs of sense. There
302 Bhe Resurrection Body.
have been many definitions of man. He has been
called by BufFon, an intelligence using organs—that
is to say too much for him. He has been defined as
a cooking animal, a two-legged animal without feathers,
that is to say too little for him. The one definition
rather describes what man will be, the other what he
is ; the one exalts him before his time, the other keeps
him down at the same low state in which he begins
But while we object to call man as he is at present,
an intelligence using organs, we think it an excellent
definition of what we conceive a spiritual body to be.
God is a pure intelligence, as far as we can see. He
is alone in this, as in his other attributes. He is the
only intelligence that knows without any helps to
knowledge, and to whom all things are naked and open,
not by sight, but by insight, for all things live to Him,
and in beholding them, he only beholds Himself as in
a mirror. The creature can only know by observing,
and we can observe only by the aid of instruments.
We do not deny the possibility of pure thought, or
pure reason, though the logic of pure reason, we take
to be a contradiction, ex vi terminis. Logic being the
discourse of reason, or the application of thought to
things, transcendent logic is like Socrates slung in a
basket—something neither of the earth nor the
heavens. Pure thought, or the mind using organs of
its own, is conceivable. But in that case the mind
cannot travel out of itself. It is in a charmed circle,
and has no test of truth but the agreement of its own
thoughts one with another. But as soon as an intelli-
I he Resurrection Body.
gence wishes to perceive anything outside itself, it must
use organs suitable to that perception. To each special
perception there is, as far as we know at present, a
special organ. The eye can only see; and again, it
cannot choose but see, i.e., it is the alone organ of
sight, and it can discharge this function only. The
organ is unique, and its function is uniform. So again
with the other special senses. Thus, as knowledge is
of two kinds, internal and external, an intelligence that
wishes to know must use two classes of organs—the
laws of thought, or thought organs, as we may call
them, to arrive at internal knowledge ; and organs of
sense-perception, to attain to any knowledge of the
external world. Cut off either of these two sources
of knowledge, and man at once ceases to be an intelli¬
gence in the full sense of the word. Deprive him of
the gateways of knowledge which open inward, let him
have no sense of the laws of thought and self-consci¬
ousness, and he becomes at once an animal, as very
young children and idiots are. Deprive him again of
the gateways of knowledge which open outward, and
man is cut off at once from the external world, and
“ for the face of nature, presented only with a univer¬
sal blank.”
We do not stop here to discuss which of the two
losses would be the greater. Such discussions are idle,
and rest on wrong assunptions on both sides. The
fact is that man’s nature is incomplete without the two
gateways of knowledge—the one opening inward, the
other outward. Now in death, as we have described
it in the previous chapter, one gateway is closed, and
304 The Resurrection Body .
not the other. The lines of “In Memoriam,” though
enigmatic in themselves, probably describe this :—
“ How fares it with the happy dead ?
For here the man is more and more,
But he forgets the days before :
God shuts the doorway of the head.”
The doorway of the head, that opens outward, is
closed. Hence the intermediate state is one of uncon¬
sciousness of the external world. Without the organs
of sense-perception, it is impossible to conceive of im¬
pressions from without entering the mind, or that we
can hold communion with any of the works of God.
It is the use of the intermediate state, as we have seen
in the previous chapter, that man should be cut off for
a while from intercourse with the external world, to
spend a Sabbath in silent communion alone with God.
The balance between our outer and our inner life will
thus be righted, and that tendency to look to the
things which are seen and temporal, which is very im¬
perfectly overcome here even in the regenerate, will
be then subdued. As Christ must reign till He hath
put all enemies under his feet, so the carnal mind,
which is the enemy with which the believer struggles
to the very brink of the grave, will then finally and for
ever be put under. During the intermediate state,
reason will get the victory over desire, and faith over
reason. It will then become our settled habit of mind
to look to the things which are unseen and eternal.
As death will be swallowed up in victory at the resur¬
rection morning, so the nature of the first Adam,
which was of the earth earthy, will be swallowed up
The Resurrection Body. 305
in that of the Second Adam. At our baptism we
profess to put on Christ, and to make no provision for
the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof; but the carnal
nature remains, yea, even in the regenerate, mortified,
but not yet quite dead ; cast down, but not destroyed,
till the moment of death, when the balance is righted
in an instant, and the spiritual nature becomes at once
and for ever supreme.
But sanctification being completed by dissolving
the present adulterous union which obtains between
the desires of the flesh and the mind,* the plan of
salvation would not be complete if, after the destruc¬
tion of the flesh through death, a new union of spirit,
soul, and body were not formed by God, even as the
world, which was once destroyed by water, and will
yet be destroyed by fire, was baptized unto death and
renewed thereby. Hence it is that the resurrection
of the body was reserved as the crowning mystery
of the Christian dispensation. Existence after death
the philosopher could anticipate; the immortality of
the rational and moral part of man seemed to him
more than a surmise. Mind was an uncreated thing,
a spark of the divine and eternal Nous ; hence the
expectation which all looked for except those whose
wicked lives led them to wish that death might be
an eternal sleep.f But the resurrection of the body
* “O beatum connubium si non admiserit adulterium.”— Tertull. de Anima.
+ Cicero’s well known words—“O proeclaram diem cum ad illiud divinum
animornm concilium csetumque proficiscar, cumque ex hac turba et collu-
vione discedam”—shew that the idea of future existence rested on that of
the immortality of mind. It was a mistake, but at least a generous and a
noble one. It is spirit, or the image of God reflected in us, which alone will
^o 6 The Resurrection Body ♦
lay altogether out of the horizon of the wisest
thinkers of the ancient world. We do not say that
in Egypt the belief in existence after death was
not mixed up with certain crude conceptions of the
revivification of the flesh, and that this belief led to
the practice of embalming the dead. But in India,
and afterwards in Greece, this notion that the spiiit
or ghost could only exist in the same body it once
had tenanted was rejected, and they held that the
ghost hovered over the place where the corpse lay
till it was decently buried or burned, and then reluc¬
tantly took an eternal leave of the body, and w'ent to
the world of shades. The two expressions used of
David, that “ he was gathered to his fathers,” and
u saw corruption,” express all that was known of
the hereafter of man till the resurrection of Christ
had rolled away the stone from the door of the
sepulchre. He was “ gathered to his fathers” ex¬
presses what was thought of the state of the soul;
he “ saw corruption,” what was known to become of
the body. The soul might live on, but that the
body should rise again seemed to them more than
improbable; it was impossible. Death was not the
end of the whole of man, but it was the end of a
principal part. Body and soul then parted, like the
Israelites and Egyptians at the brink of the Red
Sea_to see each other again no more. Death
might be a deliverance from the burden of the flesh,
enable us to say, “Thou wilt not leave my soul in Hades, neither wilt thou
suffer thine holy one to see corruption.” “ Blessed are the pure in heart, for
they shall see God ”
The Resurrection Body . 307
the terminus of all man’s hopes and fears ; but they
could not look on it as a stage in the work of re¬
demption, a discipline preparatory to a yet higher
state of being. It was enough for the saints of the
Old Testament if they could look down into the
grave and feel that even in Hades they should not
be cut off from His presence, which is better than
life itself. We can look farther on, and see beyond
this sheol or paradise a state of existence awaiting
us, when body, soul, and spirit, all purified, and all
perfected, shall be united together, to be for ever
with the Lord, and in the midst of his works.*
As death is the deliverance from the burden of
the flesh, we see that the resurrection must imply
some great and corresponding change in the nature
of the body. At present, body and flesh,